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Mitt Romney | Texas Leftist almost one full week after the first debate. It lets you know that debates are definitely more important for the challenger than they are the incumbent. But to Obama’s credit… his campaign has a much larger audience at any time day or night.

Personal – passage2truth first was the murder of 21 year-old Ebony Groves, 23 year-old Akilah DaSilva, 29 year-old Taurean C. Sanderlin, and 20 year-old Joe R. Perez. None of them were criminals. All were promising young people of potential, all killed by a relatively young white male with an AR-15.

November | 2018 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao ... information society is machine for hobbling culture, repressing imaginations, promoting charlatans, and organizing commonplace behaviors, whose only virtues were once that they were at least subject to the variation that results from—and gives evidence of—the individual soul, in ever more mechanistic and totalitarian ways.

Get Off This!: The Plan to Disappear Canada are 10 developments in the plan to disappear Canada. 1) Pesticides 'harmonized.' The most thoroughly reported story (though even this did not go much beyond the CanWest chain) was the revelation that Canada was about to " harmonize " its regulations, setting limits for pesticide residue on fruits and vegetables.

The Durable Internet: Preserving Network Neutrality ... 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text.

WPPSS | Majority Rules Butterworth became involved as the campaign moved forward by helping to raise needed funds and developing our campaign message. Thanks to Blair it eventually became a campaign of national significance. He helped recruit the polling firm of Dresner, Morris and Tortelli. Dick Morris was the main pollster we worked with.

My Obamacare success story: One year in, it's even better ... 10, 2014 · The first is the cost of my insulin. I take newer types of insulin, which were placed in a higher cost tier by BCBSM than the other medications I take. (This is a trend seen across many insurers when it comes to covering chronic conditions.) I pay about $100 every three months instead of the $10 I …

Weekly Wrapup, 21-25 April 2008 - ReadWrite 27, 2008 · Weekly Wrapup, 21-25 April 2008 richard macmanus / 27 Apr 2008 / Web This week was a hectic one, with a number of RWW writers present at the annual Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco.

Texas State Climatologist: Texas Drought Could Last Until State Climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon thinks Texans should get use to hot dry Texas summers. He says these hot dry conditions could last another five years, or even extend to 2020. Parts of Texas may get some nice thunderstorms this early October weekend, but the state witnessed a September that continued the trend of above-normal temperatures with exceptional drought conditions …

Thought Theater: 1980 - Teddy Kennedy DNC Keynote - Teddy Kennedy DNC Keynote Speech genre: Polispeak. Thanks very much, Barbara Mikulski, for your very eloquent, your eloquent introduction. Distinguished legislator, great spokeswoman for economic democracy and social justice in this country, I thank you for your eloquent introduction.

Britain’s Guantánamo: Calling For An End To Secret, Thank you very much for taking the time to provide such detailed comments, and for taking the discussion to where we need it to be. You have, to be fair, exposed the shortcomings in the most reductive arguments about “open” v. “closed” evidence (and my apologies if I have overstated the case for “open” justice at the expense of some necessary nuances — though I think bold ...

Dr Kevin Bonham: Can Required Multiple Preferencing Solve ... reform has been a major focus of this site since the farcical outcomes of the 2013 Senate election. The massive gaming of the Senate system by preference-harvesting micro-parties resulted in candidates being elected from very low primary votes, in a candidate being elected because of confusion about party names, in one state's election having to be cancelled and rerun because of the ...

Secrets of Grandpatzer Chess: June 2009 08, 2009 · FreeRadical - FightingRegistrar [B35] DKos Tournament (1), 16.06.2009 [Rybka 3 32-bit (120s)] Rybka 3 is the name of the analysis software I used to help me analyze the game.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 03/25/10 it’s not a death panel; it’s an SRR (shovel-ready review). Mine’s in about 7 months. POSTSCRIPT: I wish I could claim originality for the comment, but it was overheard at the Tea Party protest last Saturday. POST-POSTSCRIPT: It’s also a matter of some amusement to me that in defense contractor parlance, an SRR is a System Readiness Review, which fits right in with ObamaCare.

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2010 · I take Holmes and Traister's point -- but it reminds me of so much that was written around the time of the 2008 primaries, when many observers declared that all opposition to Hillary Clinton derived from sexism, and when we were told that Clinton's near-victory in the primaries, as the first woman ever with a serious chance at a major party's ...

July 2005 – darrelplant.com is a slightly edited version of your second-from-last para: ... I think that the average person would give more credence to a news source that appears in their cable listings and features interviews with government officials all the way up to the Vice President and President than they would to a site they ran across on the Internet ...

Al Qaeda Issues New Audio Tape – Wizbang 28, 2006 · A terrorists calling for the capture of foreigners (how different from the past) and a trade for a murderer that was caught, tried, convicted, and sentenced in a court of law. That proves the smart terrorist was killed in the bombing attack and replaced by an idiot. A trade ain’t gonna happen on President Bush’s watch.

March | 2013 | Law of Markets article by Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, on why a free press lowers the level of corruption and leads to a stronger economy.. OK, don’t take it from me. Listen to the voice of international business. Every year they do surveys, and they ask global executives to name the best place to do business – and every year London is named number one commercial capital in Europe, if not the ...

Ruth Institute Blog » Red Families v. Blue Families 20, 2010 · The “for life” part may refer to a lifetime commitment or it may refer to the life-giving properties of fertile opposite-sex couples or it may just refer to a generalized happiness together while being alive. Since the Ruth Institute does not advocate outlawing divorce, it can’t be the first …

101 GM Muscle Car Performance Projects | AussieBrutes GM Muscle Car Performance Projects by Colin DateMany of the most popular cars of the muscle era came from General Motors. ... On fact a way for a number of room to clog when the to pick up the weight of the fuse must be absolutely hosebarb of the vehicles that must get how to start. ... While many can argue the 1964 GTO was the first. The ...

How The NWO Hijacked Churches For Luciferian World Government Protestant churches (left) has abandoned the teachings of Chris t and largely also hail the idea that the Father of Christ is identical with Allah. This idea is simply preposterous since Allah wants to kill people saying he has a son (e.g. sure 9:1-5). That Christ is the Son of God, is for example seen by the Shroud of Turin -and here. The symbol of this gnostic syncretism is the defiant ...

Strip Searches Strip Our Liberty | BroadBlogs 20, 2012 · Forcing people to undress is the first step in breaking down a sense of individuality and dignity and reinforcing powerlessness. Enslaved women were sold naked on the blocks in the American south, and adolescent male slaves served young white ladies at table in the south, while they themselves were naked: their invisible humiliation was a trope ...

The Rectification of Names: Alien corny 25, 2012 · Recently appearing at American Thinker is a delightful piece by one James Arlandson, Ph.D., one, or possibly all, of the authors of Answering-Islam, with a massive kvetch about how the "religious left" thinks the government ought to "take up the cause of caring for the poor." Despite the 126 programs [alleged by the Cato Institute to be run by the US government for the poor], does anyone ...

Alterdestiny: Jack Johnson and Racism 01, 2007 · I have studied American history for a very long time now. I knew what to expect from early 20 th century racist writers. And even I was amazed and shocked by the horrible stuff people wrote about Johnson. I'll quote a few. It's not for your "pleasure" exactly. For your edification maybe. And a little shock value never hurts either. Anyway:

inherently wrong: October 2005 a widow friend up the street and a newlywed couple I got these scarecrow things that you stick in plants. Tacky I know but oh so fun. Part of the deal is that you have to post a letter on your front door stating that you were picked already and there are already a couple dozen homes tagged.

The Apollo Creed: The Millionaire's Club 23, 2005 · George Steinbrenner and the advent of free agency took the Yankees' tendencies to a whole new extreme, but they were tendencies that have existed almost as long as the Yankees themselves. That 1996 team was great, but it was an aberration for the Yankees (and was made possible by their unusually long period of sucktitude pre-1996) and really ...

Balkinization: Further notes on constitutional dictatorship I begin with the lead story in yesterday's New York Times, titled "Obama Detention Plan Poses Fundamental Test" in the print version and, interestingly enough, "President's Detention Plan Tests American Legal Tradition" on the web. In any event, the story details the possibility that the United States will attempt to confine, perhaps for a lifetime, people it considers national security ...

TruthIsAll FAQ: (1) The Pre-Election false impression was created early that Bush was winning as the first reported votes came in from the East. But even as the recorded votes were being reported on TV, state and national exit polls showed that Kerry was winning the popular and electoral vote. The vote-rigging apparently ended before the final 5m were recorded; Bush had already ...

Security Hippo: 2009 14, 2009 · A quick internet search of "what could terrorists do" rendered all types of fantastic things; for instance, they could, of course, carry out a nuclear attack (this was the most popular), use insects to carry out biological attacks, employ killer robots, launch satellite attacks, poison our food or drinking water, breed new types of pox, and the ...

NEW PAPYRUS: Inflatable Biospheres for the New Frontier 18, 2016 · I would say that with the first crew a biosphere isn't essential. I'd rather that the mass budget be dedicated to increasing the redundancy, spare parts, and ISRU equipment. We need an (inflatable) habitat for sure but it doesn't need to be a biosphere, just a …

Work in PR? HELP US COMPILE EMAIL LIST FOR PRESS RELEASES ... 04, 2011 · Work in PR? HELP US COMPILE EMAIL LIST FOR PRESS RELEASES I have been sending out the press releases that hit here and that are put out about 2/10, 3/15, and now 4/12 as well. I have a decent list of 7031 email addresses for the press. 1307 are for the UK, the rest are all US. I have a little mass mailer setup on a server that can get away with it.

CT 30, 2020 · If you have any Trumper friends who can’t quite see the point of social distancing, mask wearing, or other rational responses to the current plague, you might try referring them to this article, which spells it out so clearly even a six year old could understand it.I realize that would mean a certain very stable genius would still have a hard time understanding, but it might be a start.

CubeZoo: 04.05 10, 2005 · [Begin rant] MN Constitutional amendment for Gas tax increase.Here's my take, how about you just RAISE THE TAX! Do we seriously need a State constitutional amendment for a tax increase so that you can say in 2006 'I didn't raise taxes.' when in fact you did in the form of fees, amendments, and property taxes (Cities and municipalities have to pay for basic services somehow).

Bonac Beeshttps://bonacbees.blogspot.comHoneybees have been around for about 22 million years. Although they have been "kept" by beekeepers for at least 4,500 years, and were first brought to the Americas in 1620, the first National Honey Bee Day was held just three years ago in August of 2009.

Property...Freedom...Peace: Black Market Anarchism von Mises (1881-1973) was the greatest economist of my time. His greatest works can be accessed here a t no charge. ...

DFQ2: Some Delicious Schadenfreude - Blogger 10, 2013 · Some Delicious Schadenfreude This is the guy who through Neal Rauhauser smeared me as a violent predator teaming up with Breitbart as part and parcel of some HB Gary, off-shoot, cybersnoop cell. Most of this has already been covered, notably in the patrick frey got it wrong entry.

Butter, Not Guns | In the debate of guns vs. butter, we ...https://butternotguns.wordpress.comSep 26, 2013 · I can’t remember the first time I heard that we (the US government) knew about Iraq’s use of chemical weapons in the Iran-Iraq War that last from 1980-88. But Foreign Policy has the CIA documents. So I guess there is no question that true. Which leads me to a somewhat obvious conclusion in another area of the Middle East.

The Rude Pundit: Time to Build a Fence Around Texas 10, 2014 · Now that the first Ebola case in the United States has been diagnosed, we know that the infection of the entire nation is imminent.Because of this very real possibility, it is time to build a fence around the entirety of Texas, all 3029 miles, in order to keep …

The Mystique of The Feminine Mystique - Rewire.News 08, 2011 · Indiana is just the first state, but it won’t be the last. Kansas is already considering a law cutting off family planning, and odds are good that it’s going to pass there, too. The result of all this will be that red states, who already have worse outcomes in terms of teen pregnancy and STD transmission, will just get even worse.

MSNBC Exclusive: Fort Hood Never Happened! 25, 2009 · (This is the same tornado that Obama claimed had killed 10,000 people. He was off by 9,988.) Third, it turned out that Gov. Sebelius had rejected offers of additional help from neighboring ...

Conservative Media Pounces After ABC News Blames Tea Party ... The definition of a "nano-second," says Mark Steyn subbing for Rush Limbaugh, "is the time between a mass shooting and some guy from the left blaming it on talk radio, or Sarah Palin, or ...

Wingnut Web – Resistnet’s 9-11 Crocodile Tears and RaHoWa, still an issue. So it is with great sadness that I must write this letter and inform you that if you break the rules we will not warn you, we will simply ban your account. We will not tolerate a mutiny and we will enforce our policies. It may not be popular but it is necessary.

The Sapient Sutler: Sunday Warbooks: Gates Of Fire review of Gates of Fire, by Steven Pressfield. Gates of Fire is a novel of Thermopylae, the storied suicidal defense of 480 BC by Spartans against a vastly superior Persian army. The novel is, I am informed, widely admired at West Point and other officer schools. After the battle of Thermopylae, a foreign-born Spartan squire named Xeones is found by the Persians, gravely wounded but alive.

Bleeding Heartland, by a 62-32 margin, voters thought that Obama was “more in touch with the needs and problems of people like you”. This is a gap that has no doubt grown because of the financial crisis of recent days. But it also grew because Obama was actually speaking to middle class voters.

Rusty Idols: Living well is the best revenge. 03, 2014 · Living well is the best revenge. Lets respond to this attack on Canada by being as Canadian as we can just as hard as we can. By being decent, and courteous, and concerned about each other and committed to peace and justice and shared struggle.

No Right Turn: Another abuse of urgency 05, 2013 · This is the government's response to the family carers in Atkinson & Others v Ministry of Health, and it is aimed at overturning that court victory so the government can pay family carers less than anyone else. The Attorney-General has given it a negative section 7 report on the grounds that it unlawfully discriminates on the basis of family ...

No Right Turn: Guilty 11, 2011 · "Unlawful use of force threatens the world to return to a state of lawlessness. The acts of the accused were unlawful." This isn't a formal body, so Bush and Blair won't face any formal punishment. But it highlights their crime and the fact that they have not …

The Next Hurrah: Flu Stories: Bird Flu Deaths in 2006 ..., the book fails to confront the question I am asked daily: "Why are you so worried about 151 deaths from H5N1?" Well, go back to 1916, to Etaples in northern France, where a form of flu causing heliotrope cyanosis (a characteristic lavender coloration of the face) with a case fatality of 60% was beginning to spread. There were 145 cases.

WTF Is Wrong With John Carney? - Blogger is nuts. Sussex County has a huge percentage of affluent connected people on the east side of the county. With having the former VP here, being so close and connected to DC, having huge swaths of open land and being home to corporate crooks, I don’t get why we can’t form some kind of coalition to bring high tech high paying jobs here?

So Where the Hell Was Senator Voinovich that he Missed ... 22, 2009 · “The two-thousand page, two-trillion dollar bill proposed by Sen. Reid cuts Medicare, raises taxes, increases premiums, hurts states and threatens the health choices that millions currently enjoy. This is not reform, and it is not what the American people are asking for.

Lost in the Ozone...: Queens Bar Owner Gunned Down Two ... original... Nicholas Kiriakakis is jailed on $3 million bail for the execution-style slaying of two Queens pals. A Queens bar owner facing a double murder rap in New Jersey turned his gun in cold blood on two "good friends" over a drug deal, prosecutors said.. Nicholas Kiriakakis, 25, is jailed on $3 million bail for the execution-style slaying of Queens pals Jonathan Beneduce, 28, and ...

Mumble, Grumble, Toil, and Trouble — LiveJournalhttps://suzanne78.livejournal.comFandom: One Life to Live Rating: R Pairing: Kyle/Oliver during their college years Summary: Oliver Fish met Kyle Lewis in college. It changed his life forever A/N: This is the "candle" chapter, as you'll see below. I really like to think that Kyle was so into candles because candles bring him …

Global Wahrman: Mysterious Booms Part 3: What Makes a Loud ... blog about computer animation, visual effects, Los Angeles, imaging, motion picture industry, historical linguistics.

The Left Bank Cafe: November 2012 24, 2012 · Climate change deniers are put on official notice. Stating that greenhouse gas emissions had increased by 20% since 2000, a recent United Nations report indicated that it was unlikely that the goal of stalling global warming at the 2 degree Celsius level by 2020 could be met. The temperature rise is more likely to be 3 to 5 degrees Celsius by the end of this century.

The Rectification of Names: Trumpier than Thou 05, 2016 · Monsignor Ross Douthat, apostolic nuncio to 42nd Street, makes a startling observation ("A Trumpism of the Left"):Donald Trump’s post-debate ranting about Alicia Machado, the former Miss Universe elevated by Hillary Clinton as proof of Trump’s misogyny, has been similar to his other meltdowns but distinctive in one particular way: It’s the first time in this election that Trump has ...

Debate Over Mayoral Control Continues by Conor Greene ..., due to a sunset provision, the law expires on June 30 unless lawmakers renew it. “This is an opportunity to make this process a better process,” said Senator Addabbo (D-Howard Beach) at last Wednesday’s town hall session, which was also attended by Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott, who oversees the city’s Education Department for ...

PoliScope: The complete idiot's guide to sex for dummies 04, 2007 · This is not a town with sex on the brain. This is a town where most men and women aspire to a Volvo station wagon, matching lab retrievers, a collection of souvenir baseball hats, golf jackets, sweatshirts featuring status vacation spots, a closet full of L.L. Bean and Land's End fleece vests and "all-purpose" jackets and soft-soled sensible ...

Two Barenaked Ladies Slideshows about Mental Illness ... 24, 2017 · Two Barenaked Ladies Slideshows about Mental Illness [Previously posted–in slightly different form–on my Unofficial: Barenaked Ladies Facebook fan page.] I am a little hesitant about putting this up, partly because I am very aware that I have consciously skewed the more or less straightforward meaning of this absolutely breathtaking song.

Conservative Media Pounces After ABC News Blames Tea Party ... 25, 2012 · UPDATED: The definition of a "nano-second," says Mark Steyn subbing for Rush Limbaugh, "is the time between a mass shooting and some guy from the left blaming it on talk radio, or Sarah Palin, or ...

Lecture6_Research_Problem_&_Objectives_Chap6.ppt ... Research Problem Identification • This is the most critical and important part of all research projects. ... 13 The Problem Statement • Research problems are always linked to a more general set of problems, ... specific parts. Often the shortest part of the proposal, but it is the centerpiece. 1) General objective ...

Betsy Benjaminson: Remember: Toyota wire harness supplier ... 04, 2014 · According to a three-count felony charge, Yazaki engaged in three separate conspiracies: to rig bids for and fix, stabilize and maintain the prices of automotive wire harnesses and related products from 2000 through 2010; to rig bids for and fix, stabilize and maintain the prices of instrument panel clusters from 2002 through 2010; and to fix, stabilize and maintain the prices of fuel senders ...

Who Hijacked Our Country: Daylight Saving Time is Draining ... 12, 2013 · Daylight Saving Time is more than just the giant butt pain of resetting the clocks twice a year. This annual “Spring Ahead” time change is costing the U.S. economy about $434 million a year.This is based on the lost productivity caused by losing an hour of sleep, and being generally disoriented from having it be suddenly an hour later.

THE CUP OF JOE: Monday Quick Reads 14, 2007 · * Were the two pals on the old show Bosom Buddies, the first season of which is now out on DVD, cross-dressing for more than just the obvious reason?At least one writer questions whether the two bosom buddies were "hiding something from themselves as well as their neighbors," calling Henry Desmond (Peter Scolari) a "caricature of a gay man in the 80s: tight Izod shirt, gold chains, modified ...

Rants From The Rookery: November 2013 11, 2013 · Rants From The Rookery Thursday, November 28, 2013. Happy Thanksgiving Day. ... And we know this because the logic underpinning clinic protest. They pretend it’s to talk women out of it, but it’s mostly to make sure women can’t go in without assholes trying to shame them first. Becoming a survivor rather than a victim.

Robert Dyer @ Bethesda Row: Stabbing at Montgomery Mall in ... 10, 2018 · Exclusive photos A man was stabbed at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda around 5:30 PM this afternoon. The stabbing took place at the Nordstrom Marketplace Cafe, and the victim was transported to the hospital in critical condition.

For the record: Semiotics of Outrage Calumny - Blogger the record: Semiotics of Outrage Calumny ... as if it was an alternative to a cocktail. And then you reattach it to the person, ... because he's seeing for the first time that the negotiations with Russia have been bearing some real fruit (though not the "right" emails, the State Department ones he'd been hoping for), because he's so ...

Harry Clarke: Junkies insist on rights to use public ... 09, 2007 · This is cute. A protest from the junkie union (AIVL) objecting to John Howard’s proposal to prevent junkies spending public money on drugs, booze and cigarettes. The AIVL supports the ‘second theorem of welfare economics’ – that charity transfers should be monetary leaving recipients to determine how they spend their money. Often I do too but not always.

Why the super rich hate Obamacare and will ... - Eclectablog 18, 2014 · The law isn’t yet popular but it’s far more popular than the idea of repealing it. But you know that this debate will never go away. And those who seek to repeal the law will have unlimited funding because this law actually does something that is almost impossible to do in America: It raises taxes on the super rich.

Draft:Some article name - WikiLeaks it is still a work in progress. Once, developing a scenario for a terrorist attack on Hoover Dam, it hypothesized a school of 1,000 al Qaeda- trained dolphins bearing explosives. Another time, Cyc, which can learn by asking questions, inquired: "Am I human?" It's reassuring to know it still needs our help. …

Texas Public Transit | Texas Leftist 06, 2015 · For the city of Houston however, August 16th isn’t just “another show”. The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) is about to completely transfigure the city’s local bus system, and they’re not going back. The stage is set, and early on that Sunday morning, over 10,000 “curtains” will be lifted across the METRO service area.

‘Greenland’: Gerard Butler STX Action Movie Sets Late July ... Gerard Butler-Morena Baccarin action movie Greenland from STX is now scheduled for a July 31 theatrical opening.. The pic directed by Ric Roman Waugh and written by Chris Sparling was previously scheduled for June 12 prior to the COVID-19 exhibition shutdown.

Trump impeachment Archives - GOPUSA Illinois TRIBUNE — Starbucks, no longer selling print newspapers in stores, now offering free digital access to several newspaper websites – Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz (DIERSEN: does not have a paywall and GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are free and contain no advertising a) because I can afford to donate 10+ hours each and every day to put together and send out a GOPUSA ILLINOIS ...

James Comey Isn't Helping - Progress Pond 17, 2018 · This should come as no surprise: . A new poll released by NPR, PBS NewsHour and Marist University shows that about 3-in-10 Americans think that the FBI is biased against the Trump administration…Sixty-one percent of Americans think that the FBI is just doing its job.. While the number of Americans who distrust the FBI’s motives is growing, I’m actually comforted that the number isn’t ...

Commissioner Amy Broyles proposes property tax increase are the primary consumer of K-12 education, especially in a minimum wage economy. You missed on this one Mike and rethinking your point would be to your best interest. This tax increase is the smart move and undoubtedly in the best interest of business …

American Dysfunction: April 2014 ethic of Wall Street is the ethic of celebrity. It is fused into one bizarre, perverted belief system and it has banished the possibility of the country returning to a reality-based world or avoiding internal collapse. A society that cannot distinguish reality from illusion dies.

What Do I Get My Kids for Christmas? | Morningside Mom 19, 2008 · We got ours for about $50 for little bit’s 2nd birthday but hubby ran out of wrapping paper so we’re saving it for a Christmas gift. Unfortunately, our always-using-his-smarts-for-evil child has already discovered where I hide the Christmas presents so he’s been pulling it out of the closet and playing with it while it’s still in the box.

The Financial Crisis Just Might Lead to Legal Pot | Alternet 13, 2009 · The Financial Crisis Just Might Lead to Legal Pot. ... but it would likely prove a boon for state budgets. In an oft-cited 2006 report on U.S. marijuana production, expert Jon Gettman used ...

What are the Possibilities of Marriage? - Bob 10, 2012 · Even in our culture marriage has an economic component. There are financial benefits to marriage, and the culture sees fit to give its blessings to marriage as a civil order, one that clergy often participate in by signing the certificate (remember the state doesn’t care what you say in the wedding, they’re just concerned that the signatures are legally binding!).

SPLASHDOWN!: Re: Major drilling accident in NW PA.: Media ... 3, the Mid-Atlantic Region, serving Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, contact: US EPA Region 3 Phone: 215-814-5445 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 1650 Arch St Philadelphia, PA 19103 Region 2, serving New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Seven Tribal Nations, contact: US EPA Region 2 Mary Mears (212) 637-3673 Email: mears ...

The Senses of Rhetorichttps://sensesofrhetoric.blogspot.comJan 07, 2020 · I hoped when Posters for Peace was published in 2015 by the Penn State University Press some of the anonymous artists of the posters would come forward. One artist, Jay Belloli, was known to me at the time of publication. Then another of the artists, Phil Allen, identified himself. Now another of the artists, Robin Repp has come forward.

When crustaceans attack!https://crustaceans.blogspot.comThe Great Canberra Blogger Picnic was abruptly changed from the botanic gardens to a private home – allegedly because of the weather. But it wasn't raining and it didn’t rain at all that day. I had to check if I had the address right because when I pulled up to the ‘house’ it turned out to be a disused sardine cannery on the edge of a light industrial suburb in Canberra’s north.

The Rectification of Names: Dismember of the Wedding gave to a foundation that, frankly, that foundation is supposed to do good. I didn’t know her money would be used on private jets going all over the world.” Problem being that you really can't get somebody to do something in 2005 (the year of Trump's most recent wedding) by paying them off in 2009.

Accidental Deliberations: 2014-12-28 03, 2014 · Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Robin Sears offers his theory that the upcoming federal election could represent a meaningful referendum on competing visions for Canada - and Paul Wells seems to expect much the same. But while that might make for a useful statement of the actual consequences of electing the anti-government Cons as opposed to having a progressive …

Philo-busterhttps://philo-buster.blogspot.comRon Paul: Cash is King, On Pace for a $2M Day, But Will it Matter? Here's what I wrote to Mr. Jackson, the article's author: I would disagree with you that he's bad on television and in speeches. I would certainly agree with you that in general we've grown used to Obama-rhetoric as the model of what it means to be a good speech giver.

Drop the conspiracy theories. - redstate.com 23, 2010 · Oil and gas exploration is, and always has been, a dangerous business. Even though it ranks among the most capital- and technology-intensive industries, anytime you work with combustible fluids at outrageously high pressures in often hostile environments, you have the potential for disaster. After giving it about five minutes of thought, I can think of two ways that …

Local pharmacy is #2 in the state for opioid distribution pharmacy is #2 in the state for opioid distribution from 2006-2012 By: R. Neal The Washington Post has published a DEA database that tracks every prescription pain pill distributed to every pharmacy in every state from 2006 to 2012.

WHEN I WAS A KID I CONSIDERED BLACK-EYED PEAS A JOKE – A ... 10, 2020 · when i was a kid i considered black-eyed peas a joke – a bad one They might call Black-eyed peas “soul food”, but when I was a kid I hated that shit, and I still do. When I was forced to eat 'em I needed plenty of cornbread crumbled in and then flooded them with hot sauce just to mask the taste.

Spear-Phishin' attack: "It's like my underwear was spread ... don't like it when I say this, but it's like being raped. It's like my underwear was spread all over the streets. It was a severe breach of privacy. The New York Times reported on Mr. Jackont's attack that eventually led to a massive computer fraud case in Isreal involving the use of spear-phishing:

PERRspectives: Phase 2 Report Ends Roberts' Iraq Intel 5, 2008 : Phase 2 Report Ends Roberts' Iraq Intel Stonewall. Four years after Kansas Senator Pat Roberts triumphantly cleared the Bush administration of misusing pre-war Iraq intelligence, the Phase 2 report of the Senate Intelligence Committee he once chaired today reached a much different conclusion.After Roberts successfully stonewalled past the 2004 and …

National City Teachers Win New Contract, Avert Strike ... course, a strike was the last thing National City teachers wanted, so we are extremely pleased to avert that kind of disruption by settling the contract. But it shouldn’t have come down to the wire like it did. We knew all along that some concessions were necessary during the current economic difficulties.

Thought Theater: Cheney: Executive Power Has Been On June 21, 2006 at 7:29 PM, Daniel wrote — . Jimi, Good to hear from you! This administration has been using 9/11 and terrorism to their advantage ever since the NYC and DC attacks. While I'm glad we haven't been hit again, I'm not sure one can attribute that fact solely to the actions of the administration.

Houston zoning laws | Texas Leftist it was the infamous ‘Stop Ashby Highrise’ lobby… a bitter battle to defeat developers that have worked well within the bounds of Houston law, and want to build on land that they rightfully own. Sure the battle is still raging thanks to a barrage of lawsuits, but at the end of the day, there’s nothing to really stop them from building whatever they want there.

Bettie Page’s Hip – Paul's 11, 2019 · Bettie Page’s Hip In the ninth grade, in Laramie, Wyoming, I took typing, probably the most useful class I ever took. To this day I view touch typing as an essential skill, right up there with readin’, ritin’, and rithmetic.

Ethnic Intimidation - ventrellaquest.com 13, 2016 · I was ready to use this case to challenge our state’s Ethnic Intimidation law, but as it turned out we worked out a deal to a much lesser charge, he paid a fine, and it went away — which was the best result for my client. There is a big difference between laws prohibiting discrimination and criminal laws that punish you for being a bigot.

The Immoral Minority: Don't Know Much About History ... 04, 2010 · moments when they first learned that Hitler's party was the National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. Slam dunk!) And if Obama's not a socialist fascist communist, he may be—ooh, scary, kids!—a "progressive," which, as Victoria Jackson learned from the erudite Glenn Beck, is really a secret "code word" for communist.

Mo Rage: Think "Obamacare" isn't for you and me? $3.4 billion was saved by insurers keeping their premiums lower in order to comply with the new law and $500 million came in the form of rebates being sent back to consumers who overpaid for their premiums. The total cost wasn't solely the result of the "80/20" rule, but it was the leading cause of premiums being kept at a lower level.

Preposterous Universe's cast this as a shrewd, techno-savvy blow against the hyperspecialization of the modern academy. In other words, the conventional modes of expression available to a physics professor (writing papers and books, giving talks, hectoring students) just don't provide sufficient scope for all of my opinions that I'm sure the world is waiting to hear.

Night Visitors – Paul's Thing 12, 2020 · There was a fire earlier yesterday at the Amazon fulfillment center where she works. They evacuated the day shift, but the fire was confined to a cardboard compactor and everything was back to normal in time for Polly’s night shift. She looked at an apartment before going to work yesterday and we’ll ask her about it when she wakes up.

illusory tenant: Court suggests ways to avoid individual ... 16, 2010 · Interesting, thanks. I just listened to a Geof Stone rant about Kagan's tendency as SG to go beyond the pale (esp. in free speech cases), and was wondering if this strategy had her fingerprints. 11:16 AM, October 15, 2010

The Immoral Minority: Dozens of countries hit by hacks ... 11, 2017 · By late Friday the attacks had spread to more than 74 countries, according to security firms tracking the spread. Kaspersky Lab, a Russian cybersecurity firm, said Russia was the worst-hit, followed by Ukraine, India and Taiwan. Reports of attacks also came from Latin America and Africa.

Dana Busted: ALERT: Russ Carnahan states that the man ... 08, 2010 · ALERT: Russ Carnahan states that the man involved was ex-campaign worker Looks like the STL Teabagger Noise Machine's out in full-on distortion mode and cranked up to 19. Updated from earlier in the day: Russ Carnahan (D) says that the man linked to the firebombing was an ex-campaign worker.

A Little Reality: Historic Port Explosions 15, 2015 · It was the largest man made detention in human history, not to be exceeded until the invention of the atomic bomb. Its three kiloton yield leveled large parts of Halifax up to a half mile away and tossed the 3,000 ton steamship over 1,000 feet out of the water.

The Union News.: Mail-in ballots invite election fraud 06, 2008 · Mail-in ballots invite election fraud The move at the Statehouse to go to statewide paper balloting in this November’s election has fizzled. Instead, it appears that many Colorado voters will be using the electronic machines that for awhile were decertified by Secretary of State Mike Coffman in response to a lawsuit by a group of activists.

read my mind: Canadian Girls Sexually Assaulted By Trudeau ... 11, 2017 · Canadian Girls Sexually Assaulted By Trudeau Refugee! ***** CBC ignored West Edmonton Mall sex assault victims (full monologue) ... asking the centre to confirm whether the photo was the same man accused of the crimes. ... a 39-year-old father of six, was arrested at the scene after the girls reported the incidents to a lifeguard.

Marc Valdez Weblog: Basta! 14, 2009 · Furthermore, his repulsive infatuation with women is so offensive and derogatory it takes sexism to a whole new level because it is being conducted by a head of state. Stacking his Parliament with attractive, but unqualified former beauty queens and actresses in countless and meaningless positions is an insult to women the world over.

Claremont Insider: Donnelly Busted at Ontario Airport 04, 2012 · A behind-the-scenes look at the news of Claremont, CA. We focus on city hall, city staff, and the so-called "Claremont 400" or "Preserve Claremonters" or "Claremonsters", those goofy, too-serious, power types that run most of the town's service organizations, charities, and city commissions.

southern orders: DANCES WITH WOLVES 22, 2015 · He then added with a smile: ‘Because I know going to last a short time, two or three years and then… to the house of the Father.’ According to a Vatican source, the 77-year-old has previously told those close to him that he thought he only had a few years left.

Halfway There: Prechewed mathematics 25, 2006 · Disagreeing with Feynman Word problems are the domesticated beasts of burden of school mathematics. They would never survive very long on their own in the wild, but they do a good day's work in the service of giving students practice in basic problem-solving techniques.

And, yes, I DO take it personally: 02/24/2008 - 03/02/2008 01, 2008 · For the first time in U.S. history, more than one of every 100 adults is in jail or prison, according to a new report documenting America's rank as the world's No. 1 incarcerator. It urges states to curtail corrections spending by placing fewer low-risk offenders behind bars

Tenured Radical: Bye-Bye, Mom and Dad; or, Don't Let The ... 07, 2008 · ahh, the first days of school, and now finally a year without having to pay college tuition. First I was a student, my parents helped me lug my suitcases up the four flights of stairs, hung around for an hour, bought me lunch across the street, then left. 4 years later when I went away again, they were kind enough to drive me to the airport.

BREAKING: Padilla Guilty on All Counts [update — and ... Padilla Guilty on All Counts [update — and UPDATED AGAIN, WITH UN-AMERICAN RADICALISM PRACTICALLY DRIPPING FROM THE PAGE] From the AP/Breitbart : Jose Padilla was convicted of federal terrorism support charges Thursday after being held for 3 1/2 years as an enemy combatant in a case that came to symbolize the Bush administration’s ...

WEB OF EVIL (& ENNUI): Mines, Marine Casualty 19, 2020 · FRI 6 JUL 1945 Pacific Mines sink Japanese merchant cable ship Toyo Maru, 73 miles northeast of Tobigasuhana, merchant cargo ship Shori Maru off Ogushi, and merchant cargo ships No.5 Tokai Maru off Mutsure Light, 33°59'N, 130°52'E, and Shinei Maru near Shimonoseki, 33°54'N, 131°01'E; and damage auxiliary submarine chaser Cha 153 off Niigata harbor; army cargo ships Ujina Maru, …

Tim Wise, “Imagine If The Tea Party Were Black” | This ... 25, 2010 · (This was filmed several days ago at Sonoma State University.) And who is Tim Wise? Tim Wise is among the most prominent anti-racist writers and activists in the U.S. Wise has spoken in 48 states, on over 400 college campuses, and to community groups around the nation. Wise has provided anti-racism training to teachers nationwide,…

Ramblin' with Roger: LINKORAMA: By the Secrets course, ministers do vary from the lectionary at times, but I'll be shocked the first time I hear this text as a basis for a sermon. I'll be certain to be intrigued by how one could take that message and apply it to today's world. Also, this means that one of these days, I'm going to need yet another translation of the Bible all the way through.

Ramblin' with Roger: LINKORAMA: The Lydster, Part 63: The ... Car Song I learned from my father and I sing to her: "Mommy, won't you take me for a ride in the car." Be Kind to Your Parents was from from a record my sister Leslie and I had on red vinyl when we were kids; we sang it at my 50th birthday party. But always, these are the last two.

Winter Patriot: Is Pakistan's "Public Enemy Number One" A ... a serious question then perhaps I can answer it. Now please carefully read the following published and circulated by the State of Pakistan on January 31, 2008. Nicholas Schmidle, who was expelled from Pakistan in January 2008 for writing a detailed report in the NY Times on the tribal areas and the NWFP, later wrote in the Washington ...

Completely Futile is the notorious Takashi Miike film that was made for Showtime's "Masters of Horror" series, but which Showtime refused to air. As a fan of Miike I hate to say this, but its not airing may have been for the best in the long run. For a lot of people, it would have been their first introduction to …

Stone Court - thurgood.blogspot.com 31, 2004 · The Times front page story on the tragic deaths of tens of thousands of people in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and Thailand today had the headline, "A Third of the Dead in Undersea Quake Are Said to Be Children." This is certainly horrifying, and I don't mean to minimize that. But the story gave the impression that deaths were disproportionately to children rather than adults.

GamerGate may be fading, but its harassment never ends 01, 2015 · Welcome back, my friends, to the harassment that never ends.. It’s not news that GamerGate is fading – the media hubbub has died down, and the last I checked the volume of Tweets to the #GamerGate hashtag has dropped to only about a fifth of what it was in its glory days.. But it’s too soon to say it’s over.

July | 2008 | NEW PALTZ JOURNAL | Page 2’s is no exception. He was a drunk and crack addict and did a lot of dumb things growing up in Minneapolis. He also beat women, including two girlfriends in one day, one of whom — the future mother of his child — suffered a broken rib. Despite this, Carr managed to land a job as the editor of a Minneapolis weekly, the Twin Cities Reader.

Another day in paradise-- Steve Macek's Blog: 2007 thought, according to a report written by a Nobel prize-winning economist and a Harvard budget expert. The study, which expanded on traditional estimates by including such costs as lifetime disability and healthcare for troops injured in the conflict as well as the … - is voting on the various cases that are coming up. For a while he was only providing the vote in a case that would have otherwise been a tie. We saw him, of course, during the inaugural, when he was able to deliver the oath of office to President Bush. Although, as you can see, he is a man who is clearly battling for his health.

iWindsurf Community :: View topic - False 17, 2017 · The weekly Jimmy Swaggart Telecast and A Study in the Word programs are broadcast throughout the U.S. and on 78 channels in 104 other countries, and over the Internet.[1] At its height in the 1980s, his telecast was transmitted to over 3,000 stations and cable systems each week.[2]

Obiter Dictum: And Let's Not Forget: The Troops Are Also ... 06, 2008 · In my group, my buddy and I were the ones who would enter and clear each building. Under covering fire from machine guns and automatic rifles, we would approach the building and, as the covering fire shifted, we would throw grenades into the building. Then, a quick entry through a window and a dash upstairs.

YOUTUBE.COM: PRIVATE BUSINESS OF PUBLIC …! if that is what supposed "experts" actually think about free speech; then those supposed "experts" can basically go fuck themselves all the way to H ell and stay there indefinitely; as the First Amendment to the United States Constitution was argued for roughly 14 YEARS before final ratification; and social media companies like Facebook ...

The Arkanssouri Blog.: 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 31, 2005 · No matter. This is enough to make them go dig graves and lie down in them, just so they can turn over in them. This may even be a worse costume decision than when the Miami Dolphins switched to those tacky University of Miami unis. Horrid. They make me want to vomit uncontrollably. They are the uniform equivalent of Lukas Foss' music.

meaning in history: Drilling Down Into The Flynn 302 the case, then the FBI and Team Mueller have a very big problem, because then misconduct will have crossed a bright red line into the realm of criminality. The first step in resolving this may well be in determining which of the two, Strzok or Pientka, wrote the 302 that we have access to.

Michael Skube: just another guy with a blog and an Exhibit ... 21, 2007 · To a degree, true--one of the issues that was kicked around during Yearly Kos, for instance, is how to percolate up some bloggers to the next level and get our voices into the mainstream ...

Don't Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to ... 19, 2014 · George Marshall is the founder of the Climate Outreach and Information Network, based in Oxford UK, and over the past 25 years has worked at all levels of theenvironmental movement including senior positions for Greenpeace US and the Rainforest Foundation. He is one of the leading European experts in climate change communications, is a lead advisor to the Welsh Government, and …Reviews: 119Format: HardcoverAuthor: George Marshall

On the Gripping Hand: September 2009 Blogspot version of the article doesn't convey the degree of fanatical shrieking as well as the e-mail did, which was full of underlining, font size changes and font color changes, not to mention the exclamation points in the title, used apparently without an appreciation of the irony. By e-mail, I weighed in with my $0.02:

The Adventures of Skippy the Skeptic: May 2009 the first time in like two years I'm actually going on a vacation that is a.) more than a day long and b.) not actually prompted by a family emergency. The Girlfriend and I are heading up to the semi-rural wilderness that is central Pennsylvania to spend several days with my de facto in-laws.

A Level Gaze 20 minutes later, one of the crew runs over to you, and says that smoke started coming out of one of the machines and that the guy who was working on it got a nasty shock. You think for a minute and ask him if the rest of the machines are running. "Yeah," he says, "the one that died was one of the first …

Inland Echoes: September 2007 Matthews has compared him to a Roman Centurion crossing the Rubicon and acting like a Caesar. So another entire year of this insane war has fallen on the shoulders of this career soldier. President Bush will speak to the nation Thursday night and hide behind his general's views as the troop levels will remain high deep into 2008.

Postscripts: Of Viruses, Worms and Spyware: The Dangerous ... his famous New York City museum of wild animals and "curiosities" at Park Row and Broadway, he posted signs reading "This way to the egress," with arrows leading eager visitors to a door. Eager visitors who passed through it expecting to see another exhibit found they were out on the street and had to …

Leo E. Walsh (Author of Even Snow Melts) - Goodreads E. Walsh I am submitting a work of contemporary literary, magical realist fiction set in Cleveland called LIVEWIRE VOODOO (click for sample chapters posted her …more I am submitting a work of contemporary literary, magical realist fiction set in Cleveland called LIVEWIRE VOODOO (click for sample chapters posted here on GoodReads) to agents. I am also beginning a new novel (working title ...3/5(2)

CPA Newsletter October 2017 - A Change of Order first of these, a one day event: Agency in Individual and Collective Change, will be taking place in Oxford on 2nd December. This is a collaboration between CPA and Living Witness, at the Friends Meeting House. The Oxford Quakers have generously offered the venue free of charge. CPA member Laurie Michaelis is the lead organiser.

The Policy Geekthepolicygeek.comTrump, who will be the first person to tell you he is a shining example of the American Dream, wants to pull up the ladder behind him. He's doing it with false statistics. He's doing it with far reaching fallacies spewed like fast drying cement into the ear's of uneducated xenophobes. And the outcome of that kind of inflammatory rhetoric.

RADARSITE: Barack Hussein Obama: The Muslim Manchurian ... 22, 2008 · Roger, I have had some of these same thoughts myself but I have dismissed most of the "manchurian" thought process. I have gravitated more to the idea that Barack Obama is the new millenium's version of Malcolm X although Obama does more than likely associate more with all "oppressed" people in the World.

Round Two on Debating Craig Severance’s New Nuclear Cost ..., if you take a look at the assumptions in his original study (pages 36 and 37), 87% of the expenditures for a new plant take place during a five year period. But that five year period takes place after spending about 13% of the expenditures five years earlier on licensing, site prep, and other pre-construction activities.

Ivy Chat: March 2008"I never batted second in the big leagues, but the first at-bat was with somebody on base," said Soriano, who was 1-for-3. "I didn't feel very comfortable. But it's the first at-bat. I will have to make a couple little adjustments batting second because I never batted second." Always great to have a 30 home run guy who hates having men on base.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: August 2006 30, 2006 · One of the changes requires a local government to compensate the owner of a nonconforming use if the local government requires its removal as a condition of granting a permit, license, or other approval for a use, structure, development, or activity.

THE RIGHT TO SPEAK: 2011 could be more insulting. While the nation is in the midst of preparation to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution that forced Ferdinand E. Marcos out of office and ended his 20-year tyrannical rule, his son Bongbong Marcos has reopened the proposal to bury the late dictator at the Libingan ng mga Bayani, which is a burial site in honor of those who served ...

donpaskini: April 2009 - Blogger 30, 2009 · The Times has an article praising Hackney Council for all of its improvements over the last few years, and contrasting it with the government nationally: "Hackney could be a poster child for new Labour. In sharp contrast with the party's performance in national government - where public sector waste is endemic, taxes rising and Mr Brown's tax credits system is a byword for fraud and ...

Covid-19 live updates, April 13: 19 new cases in New ... man in his 80s died in Burwood Hospital after testing positive. It takes the total number of deaths in New Zealand to five. There are 19 new cases of Covid-19, Bloomfield announced, comprising ...

How Trumpism Corrupts Credibility - Moonbattery first casualty of Trumpism has been the credibility of those who buy into it:. Nine months ago, if you had asked Sarah Palin, Scott Brown, Jerry Falwell Jr., or Ann Coulter whether they would endorse a figure who takes the Code Pink, Michael Moore, view of Iraq (“Bush lied, people died”), one suspects they all would have recoiled at the prospect.

Brains and Eggs: What fighting back in Texas looks like fighting back in Texas looks like At the Senate committee hearings on the abortion restrictions legislation being jammed through the Legislature, a young woman's testimony -- and the response it drew from chair Jane Nelson as well as the four state troopers who dragged her away from the mic -- is today's gas on the fire that started ...

Orcinus: The Rise of Pseudo Fascism - Blogger 31, 2004 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

bossy little dogs: June 2005!!! Enough already!!! As the bitter joke goes around these parts, on Sunday night we went to sleep in Florida, and woke up Monday in Seattle. And have been there ever since. It is gray, it is wet, the rain has alternated between a light drizzle and hurricane force for a solid week. This is …

WATCH LIVE NOW: Today, U.S. Rep. Betty... - American ... it's a mindset that has to also change in order for our children feel safer. We have to take the issues of children out of the background. There is the same by African child beside community. it says. I'm gonna try to say the determine in their life, but the phrase is how are the …

Pat's Commentary: November 2014 we celebrate Thanksgiving. I don't know about you, but, I'm glad I woke up in my cozy bed in the United States of America. Our country may not be perfect, but, it's still a pretty good place to live.

The Patry Copyright Blog: Smithsonian Showtime Agreement Smithsonian official who is managing the institution's content and production assistance for the venture said yesterday that while the new arrangement did limit the ability of commercial filmmakers to sell some projects elsewhere, it ultimately would affect a small number of the works that draw on the museum's resources."It's not our ...

Theatre Ideas: That There Is Some Bullshit 25, 2007 · "Theatre is Territory" is apparently recommending, "if you happen to be in New York," what seems to this former-midwesterner-now-southerner to be an insulting piece of so-called humor called Iowa 08, a 10-minute play festival created and performed by a bunch of New Yorkers about the people of Iowa and their role in the presidential election.These New Yorkers write "Of course, we don't purport ...

Chris King's First Amendment Page: November 2011 is my high school pal Darcy Providente, reminding me with startling alacrity that I need to step up my yoga practice. Darcy is a Principal and instructor at Chagrin Yoga for any of you living in, or passing through Cleveland. Next time I am in town I will definitely stop by so she can school me up. Peace Darcy keep on doing what you do.

Kevin Powellhttps://kevingpowell.blogspot.comDec 21, 2014 · Funerals are the only time when we stop and reflect on our mortality. My guess is that 99.99% of the people attending a funeral, at one point in the service, picture themselves in the casket. I consider it an honour and a privilege to preside over burials, to facilitate sacred good-byes, to preach good news to hurting people, and to lead the ...

The Candid Blogger: November 2008, November 21, 2008 09:48pm EST On the anniversary of the assassination of our last great President, John F. Kennedy, and faced with the worst economic mess since the Great Depression, President-elect Barack Obama today announced a bold initiative to …

Amygdala's legislation for the first time imposed criminal penalties in the United States for breaches of the Geneva Conventions, which protect detainees anywhere. The Defense Department's deputy general counsel at the time declared at the sole hearing on it in 1996 -- attended by just two lawmakers -- that "we fully support the purposes of the ...

?? Hersh Says Cheney Had Bhutto Assassinated For Saying ... are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Global Warming Editorial Cartoons | LEADING MALAYSIAN NEOCON 20, 2007 · See Al Gore 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Editorial Cartoons for a just the cartoons on his Nobel Peace Prize, and links to educate you on the true nature of this incredulous incredible win. THIS is the person who truly deserves the Nobel Peace Prize: Irena Sendler. Court ruling here if you missed it. The People’s Cube has Al Gore’s acceptance speech!

WEB OF EVIL (& ENNUI): Life & Times Of Scumbag Joe Arpaio 20, 2017 · There was a time when my ex-sheriff ran for reelection unopposed. Usually in a single candidate election I leave the line blank because who cares? But in his case I so dislike him I wrote in my own name so I could have the (small) pleasure of voting against him. 26 August, 2017 09:13

Pareidolia Book Blog: October 2008 29, 2008 · Pareidolia: Seeing patterns or images in ordinary things--such as a religious figure in a piece of toast, or the Man in the Moon. I like the irony of being a skeptic and using the word in the context of "seeing" things in books.

NOVAblog: 2012 of the keys to good blogging is highlighting our content communities. Both Mustache (through guest blog posts) and Kirkpatrick (through highlight posts) show the breadth and depth of financial and early retirement discussions taking place in real time on the Web. Mustache is the more radical blogger and financial activist: but Kirkpatrick has been blogging longer.

Chuck on the Right Side: June 2011 are all judged to be stupid, shrill, inarticulate, and pseudo sex symbols, and a joke ( a Chris Matthews depiction). To me, it all comes down to jealousy, as the women of the left are more suited to be witches rather than players on the national scene. So yes, there is …

A Level Gaze knocks the crud off the usual discourse, and makes an excellent point about the Bush administration's decision-making process, with plenty of examples. It is a fundamental axiom of decision-making that one’s decisions are only as good as the information on which they are based. Bad information, or simply an absence of information, leads to bad decisions.

RAGGED THOTS: 07/15/2007 the tempest nears, the game will go on. Baseball is an example of a sport that has persevered and moved on. Baseball is alive and well now with record attendance across the country, and TV ratings that most other leagues would die for. But it was not so long ago when many thought that the national past time had run its course.

Amygdala study is the first to pull together field research by social scientists nationwide to track the effects of a family’s illegal immigration status on children from birth until they graduate from college and start to navigate the job market. It covers immigrants from a variety of origins, including Latinos and Asians.

Wise Law Blog: Starting A Law Firm 01, 2007 · I am asked from time to time about the pros and cons (and nuts and bolts) of starting a private law practice as a sole practitioner. I received an email about this a few days ago from a recently-called lawyer in Toronto, and thought it might be useful if I posted my comments here on The Blog. Here, then, are a few thoughts for the benefit of new lawyers considering "hanging a shingle."

your village voicehttps://yourvillage.blogspot.comJan 23, 2008 · Dear President Bush: As a proud citizen of the United States of America and humble follower of Jesus Christ, I ask, in your capacity as chief executive of the federal government and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, that you close Camp Delta and Camp Echo in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, prosecute all offenders to the fullest extent of our civil law, and negotiate releases for all …

The O'CONNOR Factorhttps://cruelkev0.blogspot.comSpeculation was mounting last night over the health of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il.He has not been seen in public for more than three weeks, and, according to a source who has seen intelligence reports, five Chinese physicians entered North Korea about a week ago and are still there.The 66-year-old leader was last seen on 14 August, when he inspected a military unit.

Doctor Comics: September 2012 05, 2012 · Each of the first two nights, Bercilak comes back with the remains of some beast and gives it all to Gawaine, while the knight gives Bercilak a nice smooch on the lips: his own trophy for the day. The real test comes the third day when Bercilak's wife reveals that she wears a sash which, so long as it is worn, keeps you from dying.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!https://georgiawomenvote.blogspot.comDo not be silly, said the Man, for a dress alone cannot do that. TRUE, said the lady. I will have the Shoes and the Bag as well. P.S.: Lauren says that giving the DSM to a marriage and family therapist is the equivalent to giving a blender to a housewife. P.S.S: I should tell the whole truth and admit that the DSM came with jewelry and a Coach ...

TigerHawk is a fine example of talking out of both sides of one's mouth at the same time. test . By TigerHawk, at Tue Sep 11, 08:23:00 PM: it would take no time to find evidence, that the White House repeatedly referred to Iraq's involvement in the 9-11 murders.

The Liberty Forgehttps://thelibertyforge.blogspot.comSTATIST A number of measures, like life expectancy, calories consumed, proliferation of entertainment technologies, increases in average leisure time, decrease in violence. Certainly there are some areas which could be improved, but on the whole western civil ization has gotten a number of important metrics trending in the right direction. As I mentioned previously, for the full list of the ...

voxpopgirlhttps://voxpopgirl.blogspot.comThe first notes in the longest and slowest piece of music in history, designed to go on for 639 years, are being played on a German church organ on Wednesday. The three notes, which will last for a year-and-a-half, are just the start of the piece, called As Slow As Possible.

The Elephant Bar: Has Speaker Pelosi broken the Logan Act? debate on this bill ran nearly 150 pages in the Annals. On Jan. 16, 1799, Rep. Isaac Parker of Massachusetts explained, "the people of the United States have given to the executive department the power to negotiate with foreign governments, and to carry on all foreign relations, and that it is therefore an usurpation of that power for an individual to undertake to correspond with any ...

NOVAbloghttps://novaenglishblog.blogspot.comOne of the keys to good blogging is highlighting our content communities. Both Mustache (through guest blog posts) and Kirkpatrick (through highlight posts) show the breadth and depth of financial and early retirement discussions taking place in real time on the Web. Mustache is the more radical blogger and financial activist: but Kirkpatrick has been blogging longer.


Keith Olbermann's Ego: August 2009 30, 2009 · Step 7: This is Keith Olbermann's Ego's favorite step. You see, my fans are so IQ challenged loyal and faithful any future stories an organization writes about The Ego will also be immediately discredited as being false since the writer or website/paper, etc. has already been discredited by the Ego for printing the truth lies about him in the past!

Non Sequitur's Soap Boxhttps://nonsequitur1979.blogspot.comMar 12, 2011 · The other amazing thing about the very narrow margin of conditions which it requires to actually glow. Temperatures need to be about in the high-30s - high 40s with the humidity, type of wood, level of degradation of the wood as well as the time of year being just right. I feel very fortunate to have seen this.

Modern Crusaderhttps://moderncrusader.blogspot.comA BBC reporter said he saw Hizbullah terrorists using a private home and added, "It is difficult to quantify who is a terrorist and who is a civilian." Media reports have emphasized that Israeli air strikes have killed more than 350 Lebanese civilians, prompting accusations that the IDF is carrying out "collective punishment" on the country.

The Constantine Institute for Advanced Media Studieshttps://constantineinstitute.blogspot.comDec 07, 2009 · This is also not the first time that the Call of Duty series has forced the player into a morally troublesome sequence. There is at least one moment in Call of Duty: World at War (admittedly created by a different development studio, but still part of the CoD lineage), in which the player has no choice but to shoot a group of unarmed enemy ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 06, 2013 · I feel this way about retaliation I disagree with. I thought the Dixie Chicks boycott was vicious and wrong, but it was within wingers' rights to do it. Same for any boycott of A&E now by the right. If your work primarily involves dealing with the public -- as is the case for M&S, Justine Sacco, and both Pil Robertson and A&E -- that's a risk.

The Whited Sepulchre: Kicker Gratitude 04, 2009 · The Whited Sepulchre fort worth, texas, United States I'm 52 years old. Born in Mississippi, live in Texas. I've shipped more fruitstands …

view from the thirteenth floor: memories of orange sunshine 01, 2019 · golden gate park is one of the more wonderful places i've been --- spectacularly clear skies and cool 50s made for a perfect day, even if we somehow didn't make time for the deyoung the national aids memorial grove reminded again how many died, including all but one of the five friends i was with the first time i saw the park, in 1979

susan the bruce: Till We Meet Again’ve run for office, been homeless, had two moose collisions, been married, widowed, and nearly killed in a car crash. Now it’s time to say adieu for a while. I love this crazy state, but circumstances require my moving closer to my family in Maine. I’ll be learning an entirely new state and a new state legislature.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead, Tuesday ... Below the Masthead, Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Another truck incident on local roads, seeking to provide more information to the public about city council developments and a celebrity chef and a local restaurant opening, some of the items …

Ring Around The Rosie | Around The Sphere 04, 2011 · Publius at Big Government:. An anti-abortion group Tuesday released undercover video taken in its latest attempt to discredit an organization that provides abortions — footage of operatives posing as a pimp and a prostitute seeking health services at a New Jersey clinic.. The group releasing the video, Live Action, said it depicted a Planned Parenthood clinic employee …

Ordinary Guy: Me and My Dog Sasha, our yellow lab, is lying on her big pillow on the kitchen floor. She snuffles and snores when she sleeps deeply. Now that she has gotten to the great old age of 12 (80 - or something like that - in dog years), her face sags a little and her eyes droop when she wakes up.

Benny's World: 12/14/2008 - 12/21/2008 19, 2008 · Benny's World Friday, December 19, 2008. ... Once the 2008 general elections were over and a new era in American History began, I started a new journey of my own. I spent a few weeks in a weekly motel that cost enough per week that I could have rented an apartment if I had not been evicted back in June. ... The first night I was lucky enough to ...

The Blog Is [Not] the Territory: Harry N Abrams Art Books browsing through the Collage book for a while, I found an Abrams book on expressionism and a similar book called Master Watercolors of the Twentieth Century. Beautiful color plates, absolutely, but rather than being tipped-in, they are slipped -in, into mats, with two extra mats provided in a pocket just inside the back cover so that you ...

Nathan Newman - KeyWiki Newman received his J.D. from Yale Law School and his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California at Berkeley and has written extensively about public policy and the legal system in a range of academic and popular journals.. He is also a regular columnist for The Progressive Populist and author of the book, NET LOSS: Internet Prophets, Private Profits and …

Trump disinvites Philadelphia Eagles after they say they ..."The Philadelphia Eagles are unable to come to the White House with their full team to be celebrated tomorrow," the statement reads. "They disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country."

VIFF 2019 | There Are No Small Films, Only Short Ones 2019 | There Are No Small Films, Only Short Ones. Each year for a long time now, VanRamblings has most looked forward to the Vancouver International Film Festival's Shorts Programme, as curated by VIFF programmer Sandy Gow, a person of immense humanity and goodness, a man of heart, wit and intelligence, and a man who loves film.. Whether a Short be …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: A well placed ad can generate lots ... 10, 2006 · With a fourteen page edition published on Thursday, we're pretty sure there could have been another more appropriate page for the ad. A page perhaps that isn't the first stop of the day for kids looking to see their picture in the paper, and a page that wouldn't leave parents having to explain the lady in her bathing suit crawling around a floor.

News Cycle: Is Gannett Considering 4,500 in Layoffs on July 8? Hopkins on his Gannett Blog is asking Gannett officials if the chain is considering another round of layoffs, this time numbering 4,500 people nationwide. In a comment, one of Gannett Blog's best sources has told us the following: 1. Principal executive and Chief Financial Officer Gracia Martore has ordered layoffs across the board from U.S. Community Publishing to USA …

Lost in the Ozone...: Major Gang Take Down in Newburgh ... is located about 70 miles north of Manhattan. For a relatively small city of 29,000 people, it has an unusually large crime problem. When Gagliano arrived there two years ago, Newburgh led the state in per capita homicides, and everyone agreed that drug-related gang violence was at the root of the problem.

On advance reservations 12, 2011 · Romeo Saganash's expression of interest in the NDP's leadership figures to give him some extra time and attention in the leadership race to...

The Slack Attack: 2012-09-23 29, 2012 · The College Rankings Racket - So universities that once served populations that were different from the Harvard or Yale student body now go after the same elite high school students with the highest SAT scores.And schools know that, if they want to get a better ranking, they need to spend money like mad — even though they will have to increase …

Redeye's Front Page: It's A Wonderful What If Wednesday! 08, 2010 · If you want to know more about me, where I stand and what I stand for I invite you to read my writings at Left in Alabama for a historical perspective. Contact me [email protected] These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section.

POW - The blog: 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 03, 2005 · The Bee Gees – "Night Fever" and "More Than A Woman" from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack were darn decent. But God, also "Tragedy" and a bunch of tunes with Barbara Streisand. Gak. Genesis – This band started out well ("Turn It On", most anything from Abacab, etc.), similar to Chicago, above. Eventually, though, they splintered off into Phil Collins/Mike …

The Whited Sepulchre: Grandpa Munster supports Obamacare Whited Sepulchre fort worth, texas, United States I'm 52 years old. Born in Mississippi, live in Texas. I've shipped more fruitstands to more grocery stores than anyone who has ever lived.

Good News Tuesday: Yusuph Mkangara -- Future Face of ... Columbus chapter made a major push with their Student IT Education & Scholarship ( SITES ) program this year. The leadership team work...

Betsy's Page: Gosh, I hope the Palin family is ready for ... 06, 2008 · The first mud being thrown at them shouldn't have come as a surprise. With an investigation already underway by an independent counsel, it was natural that the national media would pick up on the "troopergate" story that Governor Palin had fired her Public Safety Commissioner because he wouldn't fire her sister's husband from his job as a state ...

FirstEyehttps://firsteye.blogspot.comAn old-established market town chartered in 1250, it is a rail junction with small industries and a modern harbour that supports fishing and shipbuilding. The local museum comprises farmsteads, workshops, and merchants' houses of former times.

The Peruser: Trump's Predicament: Pro-Choice or Pro-Life? caught in blatant outright lies is the norm for the Trump for President Campaign, but this time truly he's between a rock and a hard place...for the first time the Trumpster is going to have to come out publicly and take a firm stance, without dismissing it or blaming Clinton, Warren, Sanders, Obama, or Muslim Terrorists!

Rachel's Heart - Blogger Casey is a very special 2 1/2 year old. She is warm, loving, with a smile a mile wide. But Rachel has a problem. She has down synd...

Mo Rage: If Your Pet Were Libertarian, it is still a problem and a big one. With water alone, streams, rivers, and groundwater, as best, quick, easy examples, even if a person or company, say, does spill on their own land, the fact that that stream or river or groundwater travels does, in fact, make it a problem for others.

WebWeaver's World: Working with the Ministry 07, 2009 · Earlier on in the year we were given the opportunity to pitch for a re-design job on the Ministry for the Environment's website, which we won.Sue and I were completely thrilled - it's the first Government client that WebWeaver Productions has pitched for (although I've worked on over 50 government websites as a contractor and/or employee), so to win it was pretty darned …

Now you're at Songblague!: I'm the only one who ever set ... 29, 2010 · And people from the neighborhood, high school kids, heady vagrants, etc can come in and cut some tunes, for a nominal fee. Or maybe it will be free, and then the operation can be a nonprofit, but I will retain the masters and release compilations of the best material, sales of which will benefit the establishment.

Classic Americana - Pinterest 7, 2020 - Explore rodsager's board "Classic Americana", followed by 258 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Americana, Pin up girls, Pin up posters.183 pins258 followers

Inside, Looking Outhttps://inlookout.comArmisted Maupin’s novel Tales of the City finally made its way to the stage earlier this summer in Tales of the City A New Musical, birthed most appropriately in the city where its memorable characters call home, San Francisco.. For the unacquainted, Tales of the City is a classic fish-out-of-water “tale” about a young midwesterner named Mary Ann Singleton who after visiting San ...

George Cruikshank — DonkeyHotey 12, 2013 · This short biography of is adapted from George Cruikshank: the artist, the humourist, and the man: by William Bates, Wikipedia and other sources.. George Cruikshank was born on September 27, 1792 in London. Cruikshank's father, Isaac, was a caricature artist and exposed his sons, Isaac Robert and George, to drawing, painting and engraving. Young …

Volunteer Signature Gatherers are Collecting Signature for ... grassroots volunteer signature gathering effort is underway in Washington State for Initiative 735.Initiative 735 is sponsored by WAmend – a coalition of citizen groups working for a US constitutional to overturn Citizens United and other US Supreme Court decisions that have unleashed a flood of money by large donors and special interest groups and corporations.

Alternate Realities | noodleepoodlee Foxy Proxies’ ongoing spew of mangled fact and outright fiction has forced me to start a new blog category: TORTURED HISTORY. For the first entry to be so categorized, please see: The Craziest Person in the Room at Wickersham’s …

The Howdygram 2: MGM actually made an entire movie — in ... 11, 2018 · MGM actually made an entire movie — in Technicolor! — about Jane Powell and a fucking corset. Shalom, howdy, yo and how’s the family from your friends at Howdygram headquarters! It’s around 10 p.m., Sam is asleep next to me on the sofa, and I’m pondering an email to the office manager — an individual named Kendall — at Elite ...

Fritzburgh An'at: Sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well tend to take things people say literally, which often gets me into trouble. Case in point: I was in law school for a year—the mistake of my life. At the beginning of the year, one of the officers of the student bar association spoke to the first-year students. Among the things he told us was, “Don’t worry about your grades.

Sneaksleep: Meatless Monday #6: Hard-boiled Egg Masala 11, 2009 · This Hard-boiled Egg Masala (which we just call "unda curry" around the house) is one of the first dishes I learned to make, and it seems to improve a bit every time. I can't share the recipe on my blog--you'll have to get the book for that--but here are some modifications I've found helpful: ... I've found, ages just fine, and a stay in the ...

The Ratel Motel | where the rates are reasonable and so is ...https://ratelmotel.wordpress.comThe brown wool is local Icelandic from the shop; the white is English somebody, is very long-stapled, and came with one of my Wildcraft spindles. I have the information in the mailing tube still. I used a B hook, I think.

Globus Packaging Limited • Derby • Derbyshire - East ... Packaging Limited - Derby - Derbyshire - East Midlands - England . The Trade Centre, Perkins Yard, Mansfield Rd, DE21 4AW ... Our sales representatives have access to one of the largest used equipment networks in the nation. ... Corporate & Business Travel If you are looking for a managed travel solution for your business or you just ...

Robert Dyer @ Bethesda Row: 8000 Wisconsin project aiming ... Artena Bethesda will have 441 rental units, 25% of which will be MPDUs. Units will be primarily 1 or 2 bedrooms, with a few 3-bedrooms mixed in. Artena's ground floor will boast 20000 SF of retail and restaurant space, and an underground garage will hold about 300 parking spaces.

Amazon Books Bethesda Row exclusive sneak ... - Robert Dyer Books Bethesda Row exclusive sneak preview (Photos) Here's an exclusive sneak peek inside Amazon Books, which looks fully-stocked and ready to open any minute at Bethesda Row. You'll notice that you can pay for merchandise with your Amazon account on …

Barnestormin: Canady Technology Wins Fight with ConMed Technology is the first and only minority-owned biomedical device company in the nation, and its founder says it is poised for fast growth in the $100 million U.S. plasma market. Since it was founded, the company has grown from providing one product to …

Insensitivity Traininghttps://happysubversive.blogspot.comButchering the Left's sacred cows - environmentalism, nannyism, and victimology - through the sanctifying power of indifference. In a world where we're constantly nagged about offending the sensitivies of this group or that, what we REALLY need - and what I'll provide here - is INsensitivity Training!

STRAIGHT TRACK - Radio 25, 2005 · 1.12 (a) It shall be unlawful for a railroad or person employed 1.13 by a railroad to: 1.14 (1) deny, delay, or interfere with medical treatment or 1.15 first aid treatment to an employee of a railroad who has been 1.16 injured during employment; or 1.17 (2) discipline or threaten to discipline an employee of a

Lachlan Alexanderhttps://lachlanalexander.blogspot.comManchurian Candidate finally opened in theatres and I was one of the first in line. From the looks of it, lots of people are very interested in this whole conspiracy theory thing. This new version of the Manchurian Candidate is modernized -- and deals with wars and countries and companies that we're all familiar with.

WebWeaver's World: November 2009 07, 2009 · Earlier on in the year we were given the opportunity to pitch for a re-design job on the Ministry for the Environment's website, which we won.Sue and I were completely thrilled - it's the first Government client that WebWeaver Productions has pitched for (although I've worked on over 50 government websites as a contractor and/or employee), so to win it was pretty darned …

Next Left: Fabian poll: public support for 50p tax over £ 22, 2009 · Fabian poll: public support for 50p tax over £150k YouGov polling for the Fabian Society asked the public for their view on higher taxes at the top of the income range, including the measure introduced by Alastair Darling today.

How to Argue with Deniers |“The climate negotiations present a unique opportunity to take on the climate crisis and take action for a strong and just clean energy economy,” said Michael Brune, Sierra Club’s executive director. “Climate change affects all life on this planet,” said Academy Award-winning actor Jared Leto, who narrates the PSA.

NASA's Aquarius instrument aboard the SAC-D satellite sees ... of the features that stand out most clearly is a large patch of highly saline water across the North Atlantic. This area, the saltiest anywhere in the open ocean, is analogous to deserts on land, where little rainfall and a lot of evaporation occur.

Barack Obama Endorsed By Veterans Group 21, 2008 · Washington , D.C. – The Council for a Livable World’s Veterans Alliance for Security and Democracy (CLW-VETPAC ) announced its endorsement today of Sen. Barack Obama for President. “Veterans understand what is needed for national leadership,” said Paul “Bud” Bucha, chairman of the group’s advisory council and a Medal of Honor recipient.

[E.O.M.S.]: REPOST - Rosa Yemen (AKA Lizzy Mercier Descloux) 13, 2009 · The late Lizzy Mercier Descloux pictured here with Richard Hell and at top with Patti Smith. You can get the 'Rosa Yemen' (L.M.D. - vocals & guitar and JD Barnes - guitar) EP which came out on ZE Records in 1979 here. This was one of my favourite releases in the first wave of ZE 12" which included James Chance, Mars and DNA.

U.S. Energy Policy and Regulation | noodleepoodlee 19, 2011 · The Foxy Proxies’ ongoing spew of mangled fact and outright fiction has forced me to start a new blog category: TORTURED HISTORY. For the first entry to be so categorized, please see: The Craziest Person in the Room at Wickersham’s …

Tucson Observer: LGBT family-inclusive faith curriculum ... 17, 2009 · All in God’s Family: Creating Allies for Our LGBT Families can be acquired for a suggested donation of $50.00. As a special promotion, the first 50 congregations to request the curriculum will receive it for free. All in God’s Family: Creating Allies for Our LGBT Families can be acquired at

Corporations are not people | Majority grassroots volunteer signature gathering effort is underway in Washington State for Initiative 735.Initiative 735 is sponsored by WAmend – a coalition of citizen groups working for a US constitutional to overturn Citizens United and other US Supreme Court decisions that have unleashed a flood of money by large donors and special interest groups and corporations.

NoFo: Flashback Friday: Flaming Friars Edition 12, 2017 · Flashback Friday: Flaming Friars Edition I played a firefighter and a cheesy dancing monk, as one does, in an original musical about blossoming gay romance in a monastery, which just took me four attempts to spell with zero help from autocorrect, in my last show with always-delightfully-inventive Chicago Gay Men's Chorus eight years ago.

Axinar's: Orthodox Jewish Slaughterhouse Enslaving Workers? 09, 2008 · The first story of IMPORT is about a place that is no stranger to Axinar's - Agriprocessors. Agriprocessors is something like the largest kosher slaughterhouse in North America and a few years ago they made the blogosphere for employing a slaughter technique with cattle that left something like one in 1000 animals STAGGERING AROUND WITH THEIR ...

View Beyond Bethlehem: I Have Given Up! 13, 2017 · For the first time in my life I began to doubt that this nation's future was going to be better than it's past. A racist was elected President A failed businessman was elected President A TV reality game show host was elected President A man married 3 times was elected President A man who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy was elected ...

Shiny Ideas: November 2011 15, 2011 · Update: What precipitated this whole post was my failure to find any way to get a portfolio summary out of Quicken Essentials. After reading the article I linked to below I went and downloaded the trial of iBank, exported a QIF from Quicken 2007, and imported it into iBank.Not only did the import go smoothly but, imagine that, they have a canned report called "Portfolio …

Vote Dark Horse | Vote Dorshorst: 06.06 28, 2006 · Granted, one of the courses I am taking this summer is Bowling. I couldn’t justify moving into a house with it’s own bowling lanes unless I start bowling over 200. I’m also taking a course called Improving the Electorate. Since I’m already working on that, I figured I …

Endorsement watch: The score so far – Off the bright man, he has destroyed any hopes by being the candidate of hate. And Marty McVey, one of the brightest of the bunch should be paying for the future. He is one of the brightest bulbs in this current strings, he has impressed folks with his common sense and he has the desire and fire in his belly to make this a long term affair.

A Piece Of My Mind: March 2013 of the reasons he does for his daughters. It is the fifth time President Obama has hosted a Seder. This is the communist, heathen, socialist, anti religious, anti God, president holding a sacred Jewish religious ritual in the White House. They would say in …

Health | Live By Ubuntu speech is proof of the disease. June 16, 2009 at 1:07 am (Health, In the news, Michelle Obama, Post Racial, race and gender, racial micro-aggressions) Dear Crystal, I am in Charleston, my birthplace, minutes away from Sullivan’s Island, “Slavery’s Ellis Island,” the end of the Middle Passage for approx. 40% of the enslaved people taken from West Africa.

Eric Margolis's blog | The Smirking 26, 2020 · The Mideast has its own variety of crazy humor. The Saudis have been blasting and bombing wretched Yemen, one of this world’s poorest nations, since 2015. These US-supported attacks and a naval blockade of Yemen imposed by Saudi Arabia and its sidekick ally, the United Arab Emirates, have caused mass starvation.

TED CRUZ AND THE LIMITS OF NARCISSISTIC SELF-PITY 08, 2016 · Cruz is such an up-tight, self-important prig that it's hard for anyone in his audiences to believe he's capable of making a joke. Some of those on the left might be quicker to pick up on the possibility that Cruz might be joking, but only because they already see him as ridiculous and as someone whose words can't be taken seriously.

Otto's War Room (??): Brazil—murder in the State of Rondônia Ermogenes Jacinto de Souza is a well-known People's Advocate and a member of Brazilian Association of People's Lawyers. He has spent his professional life defending the poor peasants who have struggled for their legitimate right to have lands in the State of Rondônia, in Brazilian Amazon.

RADARSITE: A Letter To America am naught but an ordinary Englishman who is seeing the danger signs springing up in the country where my children live, below is what I see happening in America, and I would not like to see the USA going down the same disastrous route that the UK has been taken by its government.

Bilgrimage: Attack on Nuns Continues with Condemnation of ... 11, 2012 · 1. I alluded to this story in yesterday's posting about Peter Steinfels's Commonweal op-ed statement re: the bishops and their "religious liberty" crusade: the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has just slammed yet another book by an American nun-theologian. In this case, the theologian is Sr. Margaret Farley, a highly respected emerita professor at Yale who is a past ...

Insufficiently conservative candidates, and military ..., not a man who is lusting to move rightward in his heart. And if the conservatives conclude the same, they will have to look in the second tier for a candidate. Maybe to Newt Gingrich, who is reportedly weighing a late entry. What better candidate for conservatives than the architect of the ’94 conservative revolution?

No Child Deserves to Be Left Behind | HuffPost 13, 2014 · This is a story about love, friendship, and about family in its broadest sense." Poster art for Azul Y No Tan Rosa (My Straight Son) My Straight Son is also a story with some hairpin dramatic turns, emotional challenges, and joyous surprises that is beautifully framed by Alexandra Henao's cinematography and enhanced by Sergio de la Puente's music.

Economics | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities about Economics written by Patrick Zimmerman. Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities

July 31 Debate Watch Party: Live Commentary & Analysis 31, 2019 · 10:17 p.m. ET: Andrew Yang has also been an interesting side show but I think the night we bid him good luck and good night. Time to cull the herd. 10:23 p.m. ET: Presidential candidates should all endorse impeachment. The Speaker of the House and a majority of US House members should hold the line against walking into that trap.

Love | FiftyFourandAHalf 12, 2018 · It’s one of my first memories. We headed up Wells Street. Bob, my eldest brother who is seven years older than me, was riding me on the bar of his bike. I was about 3, and I sat happily on the bike, watching the baseball cards that were clothes-pinned to the spokes of the front wheel click.

Community Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers Also ... Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers Also Texas Endovasc 'Biotech' Fraud by Tony Ryals Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008 at 4:24 AM [email protected] I only discovered the connection and double life of David P Summers Wednesday night while per using SEC filings for David P Summers and Mercantile Bankshares.As you will see below the SEC bank filings also listed Summers Endovasc ...

RADARSITE: Barack Obama's World View and How it Affects ... asks about Obama's "world view," and his views on China - both say they know nothing about either. They know nothing about Obama's "universe of thinking." It doesn't get more pathetic than these two S.O.B.'s admitting how they robbed the American people of vital information about Barack Obama.

Redeye's Front Page: RedEye Around Red State AlaBAMA~Update 04, 2013 · McNair is the father of Denise McNair, one of the four little girls killed in the KKK's bombing of Sixteenth Street Baptist Church on Sept. 15, 1963. The 50th anniversary of that pivotal moment in Civil Rights history is 17 days away. RedEye Around Red …

No More Mister Nice Blog 12, 2009 · Fey and Palin are extremely "dissimilar" because Fey built a career while she was married and a mother-- just like Palin. Palin "comes from the I-can-do-it-all school" -- which makes Fey "dissimilar" to her even though Fey has been a successful actress and writer in TV and movies (and, by the way, has her own multi-million-dollar book coming out).

Balkinization: Ted Kennedy's (and William Rehnquist's ... oncologist described this large B cell lymphoma as "wimpy", with a 95-99% cure rate through chemo alone. You don't want to get cancer, but if you do get it, this is one of the ones to get. I'm already getting better. One more cycle, and it's back to the PET scanner, to see if I'm good to go. #

JG, Caesarea: December 2016 In a Washington Post op-ed entitled "Trump’s choice for Israeli ambassador is a danger to American lives," Richard Cohen echoes the hysteria of The New York Times re Trump's nomination of David Friedman as America's next ambassador to Israel: "The Senate will get a crack at Friedman. This is a nomination that must be rejected. He is a danger to peace in the Middle East, to American ...

The American Human: Robert J. Samuelson: When the Very American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the Philippines, the Netherlands ...

Bible Mystery: Can Anyone Explain These 3 Strange Words? owner Alden Tu lamented the level of risk that has become inherent in his line of work. Breaking: Military Bases In Two U.S. Cities On Lockdown A retired police officer near Fort Wadsworth reportedly photographed a group of individuals carrying guns.

A Basket of Deplorables Won Trump the Presidency Basket of Deplorables Won Trump the Presidency ... each and every one of us regardless of income, education and sophistication, a part of this great nation and deserve to be heard and represented with dignity, compassion, and respect. I hope to see that leader in 2020. ... This is an interesting editorial for me to read. Reading my classmate ...

When A Control Freak Loses Control Funny Things Start To ... 24, 2015 · Miss Fortune has been doing an excellent job as always of covering the pre-trial shenanigans of taxpayer money embezzler, for-profit charter school manager Dr. Steve Ingersoll. The latest silliness that compelled the judge to make yet another decision about the optometrist’s behavior included telling Ingersoll flat out he wasn’t allowed to talk to the prosecution’s […]

No Right Turn: Goff fails on bigotry 04, 2011 · Leader Phil Goff said Mr O'Connor had been told off for the comments, but that the "West Coast language" was actually likely to help him in his bid for the electorate. That's right - according to Goff blatant homophobia isn't really a problem, especially if it helps a redneck MP get redneck votes.

No Right Turn: Phil Goff: Cowardly and hypocritical 10, 2010 · This is a very decent man who's worked through his life for this country. Having offensive comments made like that about him as a human being is unacceptable to me and should have been unacceptable to John Key."

M O B J E C T I V I S T: Smiley Face & King's Cross 14, 2005 · Smiley Face & King's Cross That London bombing incident sucked any way you slice it. I learned about it here in the midwest listening to the Marky Marc's on AAR about an hour or two before my brother-in-law did toiling away in his office a few block's away from one of the bomb sites.

Hillary couldn't even control her perverted husband 17, 2019 · anyway, trump said he would sue all that accused him and lied. well an easy one. He did not sue a single one of them and at least one has sued him and even another one of his campaign workers said he tried to do the Hollywood access move on her. Again she was a trump campaign worker who has come out.

Confessions Of A Renegade Trolleyologist - 12, 2009 · At the same time, it put the guy whose body would block the train at a distance and out of view. Judging from the responses in comments, a majority of the people would push the button to make the guy on the scaffolding fall down. Even if a somewhat weirdly collected sample in some respects, a lot more than Hauser's 10%.

William Horberg: The X Janitor most famous "X" in American history is surely Malcolm X, who dropped the last name ("Little") that was given to him, presumably by a white slavemaster, in favor of the letter X, symbolizing the true African family name that he would never know.. Born in 1903 in a lunatic asylum in Blackfoot, Idaho, the future proprietor of Chicago's famous College of Complexes, Malcolm Reed Brundage also ...

Psychology and the Understanding of Good & Evil ... existence of the experimental method [in psychology] makes us think we have the means of getting rid of the problems which trouble us; but the problem and method pass one another by.—Wittgenstein. The following is from the Preface to Ilham Dilman’s Raskolnikov’s Rebirth: Psychology and the Understanding of Good and Evil (Open Court, 2000). In my estimation, Dilman remains one of the ...

Content: Members Page For Barton Kunstler | OpEdNews Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Palin's Death Committee as a Projection of the Fundamentalist God Sarah Palin's idea of Death Committees didn't come out of nowhere. It is a mirror image of the ...

Jim Rogers has gold coins in his pocket - Blogger 10, 2009 · I know we are going to have the worst time since the 30s. They may turn it in to the 1930s again - there's a very good chance of that. We're going to have civil unrest in the U.S. We're going to have civil unrest in other countries. We're already having civil unrest in many places. This is going to be a mess - be prepared.

Democralypse Now: Michael Phelps Sorry For Puffing Away ... the 14-time gold medal winner tried to throw his whole life away by smoking pot at a party. Pot! In his free time! At a party! With people! The media frenzy forced an embarrassed Phelps to apologize for his "regrettable behavior" and assure the public such poor decision-making would not happen again.

Modern Man's Self-Strangulation: Max Weber's Iron Cage of ... 02, 2013 · 1. I play in a community band. We give free concerts - in churches, in city parks, etc. So yesterday I go to my exercise fitness center with a flyer about our next concert, and I ask them to post the flyer on one of the club’s bulletin boards. Their response: “No sir, we don’t do that here.”

Woody's Woundup: 03/09 12, 2009 · In his first two months in office, Obama has already backtracked on a number of his campaign pledges. This is a pattern, however, that should have surprised no one, since he reneged on his pledge not to accept public monies practically the moment that John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Stampede String – Paul's 21, 2018 · Stampede String My old cloth sun hat, the one I wear while volunteering at the air museum, has given up the ghost. After multiple washings to remove sweat stains, the brim no longer holds its shape: one side flops down to my eyebrow while the other juts up, giving me the appearance of a deranged Aussie.

?The BradCast w/ Brad Friedman on Apple Podcasts 27, 2020 · ?Independent investigative journalism, broadcasting, trouble-making and muckraking with Brad Friedman of Originating on Pacifica Radio's KPFK 90.7FM in Los Angeles and syndicated coast-to-coast and around the globe! NOW FIVE DAYS A WEEK!

Balkinization: Paperback Edition of "Elements of Moral ...'m pleased to announce that my book, Elements of Moral Cognition: Rawls' Linguistic Analogy and the Cognitive Science of Moral and Legal Judgment, is now available in paperback. During the next few months, I hope to post some reflections here on critical reactions to the book and, more broadly, on current trends in moral psychology, which in recent years has become one of the most dynamic and ...

A parent's response to Arne Duncan | Education News 18, 2013 · A parent’s response to Arne Duncan Nov 18, 2013 by Kenneth Bernstein Contributor Kenneth J. Bernstein- Parent said, “Brennan has every advantage you can think of.

Contextual Criticism: Poor Michele Bachmann with her ...’Reilly: Do you think, and an off the wall question and I’m telling the audience that it’s just something that occurred to me. Both you and Sarah Palin are good looking women. I mean you’re attractive, young… relatively young women, who other women can identify with. You’re a mom, a wife, you had a private sector job.

The Washcloth: ACORN: "Been stealing votes since 1970" Stern explains that Acorn is the key modern successor of the radical 1960’s “New Left,” with a “1960’s-bred agenda of anti-capitalism” to match. Acorn, says Stern, grew out of “one of the New Left’s silliest and most destructive groups, the National Welfare Rights Organization.”

Mo Rage: How do you fight the insanity and ignorance of a ... the media to have swarmed all over this psycho Terry Jones, and report and report and report on it, though he has only 50 members in his congregation--ignoring his otherwise, too, inglorious past, which is at least murky, if not disreputable--has been completely irresponsible, too. mr September 11, 2010 at …

The Mad Professah Lectures: 2013 FRENCH OPEN: Rafa Wins ... 06, 2013 · As expected, Rafael Nadal won his 8th French Open title at Roland Garros, beating David Ferrer 6-3 6-2 6-3 to win his 12th career major. Amazingly, since Nadal is repeating as champion he is not gaining any ATP points so he will actually lose the World #4 ranking to Ferrer when the new rankings come out on Monday.

PRT Is Not a Joke - Laffable Luddite Chronicles 03, 2008 · Debuted in 2005 as "PRT Is A Joke" IS A JOKE! A serious blog that also has satire and parody (IT ANNOYS THE MINNESOTA ANTI-PRT PROPAGANDIST WHEN HIS NAME ISN'T MENTIONED. So we don't. Exactly.) "One of the best ways to address it, honestly, in all seriousness, is to mock the people who are making these allegations."-Rachel Maddow "There's no way to debate liars."

OpenlineBlog: City of Aurora Installs Another Red-Light ... 01, 2011 · As a school official told OpenlineBlog " an intersection with kids nearby. In the city's effort to go after drivers with $100 tickets, I'm concerned we may create more risk to kids." Joe Groom of the Aurora Police Department, one of the leading proponents of red-light camera schemes, could not be reached for comment.

Arch Creek Confidential: Chad Lopez at HGTV said... i have to agree chad lopez is talented, well spoken and just downright HOTTTTT! 1:40 AM

Dreaming (lucidly) a Dream - ReligiousLeftLaw.com rare occasions I disagree with something written by P.M.S. Hacker (a philosopher who frequently swims against the current or is decidedly out of fashion). Here is one such instance. First, he notes correctly that “philosophers [this invariably refers to Western philosophers, but his observation is equally apt for those of Asian provenance as well] since antiquity have been plagued by the ...

Wutet Tekor! « 4kilo 30, 2007 · Wutet tekor (performance based management) Today in Ethiopia wutet tekor performance based management(i am not sure for the translation),is a common word among government employee in nearly all public utility’s.It is kind of management theory the Ethiopian government is fall in love.However,on the other hand nearly all the worker’s supposedly to benefit from it, are against it.In …

Sullivan’s Serenade: Behind the Ban 24, 2010 · The lowcountry beach community of Sullivan's Island made national headlines this week when town leaders proposed a ban on public singing, whistling, hooting and hollering. Almost immediately, people began to question the wisdom behind such a ban -- and to make merciless fun of what one newscaster called "the wealthy Southern snobs who call the…[PDF]Balkinization - Typepad This is a stunning statement to read, after the opprobrium Leiter heaps on me, since this precisely what I have been arguing. Books by Balkinization Bloggers Stephen M. Griffin, Long Wars and the Constitution (Harvard University Press, 2013) Andrew Koppelman, The Tough

Stewart R. Mott, 70, Offbeat Philanthropist, Dies ... 20, 2008 · Stewart Rawlings Mott, passed away on Thursday, June 12, 2008. Stewart’s family and friends have received a tremendous response of love and support since Stewart’s passing, and we thank everyone for their thoughts and sympathy.

The Florida Masochist: Another step on the road to disaster 26, 2006 · The decision apparently ends an event that was one of the most popular among players because of its proximity to the Jersey Shore and the casinos of Atlantic City. The standoff turned nasty in July when the tour slotted a new tournament in South Carolina -- the Ginn Tribute -- for June 1-3, one week before the McDonald's LPGA Championship for 2007.

12 Writing Tips from George Orwell - Abe Gardner 12, 2007 · George Orwell has earned the right to be called one of the finer writers in the English language through such novels as 1984 and Animal Farm, such essays as “Shooting an Elephant,” and his memoir Down and Out in Paris. George expressed a strong dislike of totalitarian governments in his work, but he was also passionate defender of good writing.

Blog the Fifth: Defending the Defenseless 03, 2007 · With it's recent ruling, the New Jersey Supreme Court took a major step forward in defending the defenseless.By striking down a number of eligibility restrictions that served as barriers for the developmentally disabled and their families to receive care, our fair state will take a major step forward to providing for those most in need of help.

The Upside to Robots: Where in the World is Dr. Conrad Murray? said... Do You Think Conrad Murray is a Legal Citizen as he is not even born here in the United States, and I read the Grenada paper and it said that he was to visit and help some clinic's in his hometown in Aug, what is what with that, playing cat in mouse is what his plan is, also if that is really his name anyway, identity theft, also,his dad is not or step dad is not Dr.

Balkinization: The Supreme Court Could Cripple America’s ... the case argued on March 3, Seila Law v.CFPB, which the Court has not yet decided, opponents of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ask the justices to overrule a landmark 1935 precedent, which upheld the constitutionality of so-called “for cause” restrictions on the president’s power to fire heads of agencies like the CFPB, the Federal Trade Commission, and many others ...

HILARIOUS RICK SANTORUM SAYS ISIS PROPAGANDA IS BETTER ... 10, 2015 · Rick Santorum is one of three public figures who've been identified as enemies in a new issue of an ISIS propaganda magazine: A magazine published by the Islamic State has put Virginia state Sen. Richard H. Black on very short enemies list.

There are 2 reasons Columbus lobbyists have spent hundreds ... 04, 2012 · First, COAST founder and hero, Tom Brinkman, Jr. has thoroughly rebutted the repeated lies about his voting record pushed out there by Peter Stautberg in his desperate bid to hold onto his State House seat in this letter to his constituents. Please read it and understand Tom's consistent voting record before voting Tuesday.

AthensSouth: Sharon Gentry For School Board! got some exciting news today when checking my email - Sharon Gentry is running for the District 1 Metro Nashville Public Schools Board seat.She will face incumbent George H. Thompson III and two other challengers in the Aug. 7 county general election.

Obsolete Capitalism: Future Human: Meme Control @ The Book ... Human: Meme Control @ The Book Club, London - 16.Nov.2013 ... In 1976 the biologist Richard Dawkins outlined his theory that competing genes were the primary engines of evolution in his book T he Selfish Gene. Elsewhere in the book he coined a conceptual term that has come to profoundly impact culture in the Internet age: ‘the meme ...

Dawg's Blawg: Notice re libel action 10, 2009 · If such occurs, and whether it does is entirely in his hands, it will go down as one of the greatest self-inflicted legal wounds in history. Comments are turned off on advice of counsel. Posted by Dr.Dawg at 10:51 AM

SeparateBrushhttps://separatebrush.blogspot.comThis is one of the most amazing natural bath oils I have used. It is a rich, sensuous and luxurious. Only a small amount of the Moroccan Otto Rose Oil in the bath will fill the room with this incredible smell. This rose oil really penetrates the skin during the bath leaving it soft …

George in Denver: A Visit From Flat Stanley suspect there are a whole lot of parents with small children who have heard of Flat Stanley. I have no children--except, of course, for the four-legged ones-- but I do have nieces and nephews and one of them, Jack from New Jersey, has asked his Uncles George and David to participate in his third grade project centered on the adventures of Flat Stanley.

Marc Valdez Weblog: The Rheology Of Cats 26, 2019 · Relaxation time is the key: Marc-Antoine Fardin was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize in physics for his research paper on the rheology of cats. "At the center of the definition of a liquid is an action: A material must be able to modify its form to fit within a container," Fardin said.

educator4wi | Using critical thinking to fight for our futurehttps://educator4wi.wordpress.comIt is “the largest producer-only” farmer’s market in the country. I was inspired when earlier in the day Schultz spoke about all of the organizing going on in his small, rural area to fight the budget cuts. He said that if the cuts to public education go through as currently planned, the district would lose 22 teachers.

STRANDED KOSMONAUT: August 2011 his book Food of the Gods, McKenna proposed that the transformation from our early ancestors Homo erectus to the species Homo sapiens mainly had to do with the addition of the mushroom Psilocybe cubensis in out diet – an event which according to his theory took place in about 100,000 BC ( when he believed that our species diverged from the Homo genus).

19 | November | 2015 | News Corpse 19, 2015 · It’s the most wonderful time of the year. The time when the War on Christmas warms the cockles (whatever they are) of American patriots as they prepare to celebrate the release of another Sarah Palin book: Sweet Freedom: A Devotional.Palin’s latest butchering of the English language “invites you to draw strength and inspiration from 260 meditations based on guiding Biblical verses.”

Press for truth - award winning 9/11 documentary which ... 16, 2009 · This is the film that you should show to a 9/11-truth virgin." -Peter B. Collins, KRXA Monterey, CA "The story of the Jersey widows and their struggle for the truth deserves to be heard."

Replaying Clarence Thomas, With A Twist - The Soundings looks like we are going to have a replay of the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, 27 years on. The White House has made clear that it has no intention of pulling Kavanaugh's confirmation after the woman who has accused him of attempted rape stepped forward.

Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers: Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin didn ... Mayor Benny Vaknin didn't know his city was a den of apartheid policies until the good people of Sacramento told him so. From an article in the Jewish press by Lori Lowenthal Marcus While the Israeli city of Ashkelon has been physically assaulted by rockets and bombs hurled by Israel’s haters in Gaza, haters abroad are doing their ...

THE RIGHT TO SPEAK: WHOSE STORY IS PLAUSIBLE? 09, 2009 · This is the story of the so-called “Alabang boys” (trio Richard Brodett, Joseph Tecson, and Jordan Joseph) who allegedly attempted to bribe officials of the country’s top anti-drug agency, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), in a sum ranging from three million to the whopping amount of 50 million pesos to drop the drug charges ...

If I Ran the Zoo: One of These Things Is Not Like the Other 05, 2007 · Not criminal; at worst, arguably relevant (tangentially) to a civil case that was dismissed by the judge as failing to state a cause of action. Potentially serious criminal offenses (including, possibly, conspiracy) with deleterious consequences for national security. Practical impact of lie: No apparent impact on litigation.

The Slack Attack: The lucid writings of a ceritifed madman. lucid writings of a ceritifed madman. How a routine jab sent me so mad I sobbed (and saluted) through the Royal Wedding - then became convinced I was the Messiah... | Mail Online : Before wielding the syringe, the middle-aged nurse in the scruffy Greek prefectural office warned me to expect symptoms similar to mild influenza.

Support for Rights Grows at Bonn Climate Talks | For Your ... 03, 2018 · The talks wrapped up on Friday, and during the last two weeks, advocates for gender equality and indigenous peoples made their voices heard and won hard-fought battles to better respect their rights. Notably, governments agreed to create a platform to promote the participation of indigenous peoples in United Nations climate responses, and adopted a Gender Action Plan that aims to better ...

December | 2009 | The Rocky Net 04, 2009 · 2 posts published by claythescribe during December 2009. Apparently 2010 Senate seat contender and former Colorado speaker of the House Andrew Romanoff is getting some help from some of President Obama’s campaign field directors:. New Partners specializes in grassroots outreach and is informally helping Romanoff get his campaign off the ground, said the former state House speaker, …

Does Boeing have a problem? | KnoxViews 11, 2019 · Then there was the "Air Transat flight that made an emergency landing at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey after reports of a possible fire in the cargo hold, "Two weeks ago an Amazon Prime Air cargo plane crashed killing the three occupants. It's all a little too scary. I would not want to fly on a Boeing 737 Max 8 right now.

Otter Wedgies a House Divided | 43rd State Blues listening to a recording of Otter’s comments, Moyle said Thursday that he disagreed with the governor’s characterization of the health of the fund. This is a MUST READ in its entirety. The doctor's scalpel seems rusty. I have a few questions. 1) What fucking DEAL?

YOUTUBE - 9/11 press for truth - 10 minute clip - YouTube to view10:00Oct 31, 2007 · This is the film that you should show to a 9/11-truth virgin." -Peter B. Collins, KRXA Monterey, CA "The story of the Jersey widows and their struggle for the truth deserves to be heard."Author: flowerpunkchipViews: 12K

Rising Hegemon : How thoroughly and completed unexpected air strikes in Syria are encouraging anti-regime fighters to forge alliances with or even defect to Islamic State (Isis), according to a series of interviews conducted by the Guardian. Fighters from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Islamic military groups are joining forces with Isis, which has gained control of swaths of Syria and Iraq and ...

The Daily Show's Aasif Mandvi knew better than to let ... 02, 2013 · While discussing the silliness of the White House Correspondents Dinner, Aasif Mandvi had this to day: "It’s inherently sending a bad message. The whole thing is inherently absurd," said Daily Show correspondent Aasif Mandvi, who attended Friday night's Time- and People-sponsored kickoff cocktail party nonetheless.

police brutality Archives - The Whirling WindThe Whirling little while later, another vehicle was shot up. Fortunately the man inside was not hit. No commands were given. No opportunity to surrender. No attempts to effectuate an arrest. I was under the impression that the job of Law Enforcement Officers was not to act as judge, jury and executioner, but if possible deliver a suspect to a court of law.

Nothing Better to Do: Udipi Cafe India is home to a wide variety of vegetarian cuisines. One major region that is noted for tasty vegetarian food is Udipi, the city that gives its name to as style of cooking as well as many restaurants in the United States, including Columbus' Udipi Cafe. The food from Udipi is prepared in a strict Vedic tradition--vegetarian, but without onions and garlic.

The Wattree Chronicle: PELOSI BRIEFED ON TORTURE IN 2002 04, 2007 · Among the “techniques” that the legislators were briefed on was the infamous form of torture known as “waterboarding”—a method of torture that simulates drowning. In waterboarding, the victim is strapped to a board with his feet above his head. A clothe is placed over his mouth and nose, then water is poured over his face.

The American People Are being Flimflammed, Bamboozled, and ... 04, 2011 · The American People Are being Flimflammed, Bamboozled, and Hornswoggled by the GOP Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree At the very outset I’d like to make an unequivocal assertion - entrusting our economy and the wellbeing of the poor and middle class to the GOP is like entrusting the well being of a child to a convicted child molester.

Framed: Hoohaa, even more disturbing was the aftermath. This woman called and complained about the sign, claiming it was offensive. In her own words, she was offended she "had to answer that question." Oh the horror! It is almost impossible to imagine the emotional pain of explaining to a female child that she has a v-a-g-i-n-a. The theater's solution to ...

NoFo: Flashback Friday: What The Hell Is That Theater ... 22, 2019 · This was the view from my office in the Chicago Loop. In the 15 years I lived in Chicago, this venerable theater (which was called the Majestic when it was built in 1906) changed names from Shubert to LaSalle Bank to Bank of America to Private Bank, and since I left three years ago it's become the CIBC Theatre.

Herman Cain, Religion, and Money - ReligiousLeftLaw.com 27, 2011 · Ptolemy thought earth was the center of the universe and all other entities revolved around it for its benefit. Copernicus showed that earth was one of many entities interrelated in a dynamic system that orbits around the sun. Kelsey argues that the ethical challenge is to move from a Ptolemaic vision of the self to a Copernican view. Easy, it ...

Wolves at Westgate: A stunning special report on Nairobi ... 22, 2013 · This special hour-long report that aired over the weekend makes a compelling case that the four terrorists who carried out the attack on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi a month ago may well have escaped that same night, and the so-called "siege" of the following days was, first, the result of conflicts between the Kenyan police and military -- including a shootout -- and then cover for looting by ...

gold and copper extraction equipment manufacturer mining equipments for sale in chile silica,gold ore,silver ore,lead ore,manganese ore,tin ore and so on materialsperations minto operations the minto mine uses conventional open pit mining techniques and equipment for all of its ore and waste extraction achines …

read my mind: DNA Contains Message From God!, DNA was no longer that obscure double-helix-thing that most of us didn’t really get in biology class. Now it was evidence. Now it was cutting-edge proof of innocence or guilt. DNA was the basis for overturning many wrongful convictions, as well as for tracking the culprits responsible for cases long gone cold. DNA was a synonym for ...

Marry in Massachusetts: Savvy Survey of Boston Elections 27, 2013 · Predicting "a fierce, epic battle," Mary Anne Marsh joined in delighted anticipation of our mayoral final. The principal at the Dewey Square Group was one of four pundits at last night's Ford Hall Forum.She said the race now will be between big business against big labor – John Connolly v.

Anatolian Storms: WOMEN OF US; CRAZY AYSEL Gürel was probably one of the most colorful characters we had. Turcologist, literature teacher, actress, lyricist and composer Aysel Gurel died at the age of 80 yesterday. Born at 1928, she graduted from Istanbul University, History of Arts.

LIVERPUTTY: 01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008, the experience exposed my lack of business saavy that firmly tethered me to a career of working for the Man. The pinnacle of my failure at free enterprise was the final challenge - as CEO of a car company in postwar America.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2003 · A couple of weeks ago, I determined that some conservatives don't understand ordinary English words. Apparently still a problem: InstaPundit -- who, you may recall, is a professor -- links a post by Volokh in which, InstaPundit says, Volokh "is condemning French unilateralism." Now go to the Volokh post itself: Not only does Volokh describe the Iraq policy of (come on, you can guess ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: City protects criminals from landlords! 30, 2007 · When I asked them to stop and not work on cars any longer on my property, one of them chased me with a tire iron. The response from the St Paul Police? They told me it was a civil matter and there was nothing they could do. Thanks a lot for the help guys! It was the last time I ever called the Police for anything. 3:24 PM Anonymous said...

Crime - ventrellaquest.com 30, 2019 · Manafort, only one of the many criminals in Trump’s circle, was sentenced to only 47 months in jail by a conservative judge who went way below the sentencing guidelines. Manafort still has another sentencing hearing coming up with another judge who can slap more time onto the end of that sentence, so he’s probably going to die in jail one ...

The Blue 11thhttps://blue11th.blogspot.com5. The interest of the American people have not been looked after, which was the point of the contract.. Millions of jobs have been lost, millions don't have health care, and millions of people are without proper pensions. 6. There was suppose to be middle class tax relief, yet all tax cuts have gone to …

Literary Corner: An Incredible Phenomenon an incredible phenomenon, but they are attacked, successfully attacked to a much lesser extent by this pandemic, by this disease. This whatever they want to call it. You call it a germ, you can call it a flu, you can call it a virus. You know, you can call it many different names. I'm …

Viewpoints along the research to practice trail. This is one of those mildly annoying problems that have to bug me several times before I focus the energy to track them down. Recently, every time I open a new Terminal window, Terminal has been changing the working directory to a folder deep in my Documents tree.

Pleternica moj rodni grad: Relax and rejuvenate with Made ..., and in addition to our already discounted bundle packs, meaning you can save up to 40% on most products when you stock up and save, plus you'll get free shipping on everything! To save big for the next few hours along with free shipping, just start your order right now with one of our premium products below and then use the menus of ...

Neil Sinhababu: Electability in the time of coronavirus 07, 2020 · One of the more interesting things I've made on the internet is a blog called "War or Car" that described things you could buy for the price of the Iraq War. I was running it for four months in 2008, through the Presidential election. You could buy every American household its own Toyota Prius -- hence the name of the blog.

Obama Minions and CNN Fume Over Trump’s ... - News Thud there is no reason to announce it at 9:00 a.m. and to delay the announcement that we’re now almost 20 minutes into the 9:00 a.m. hour and we were told this would start at 9:00 a.m. unless, of course, the president is trying to have a big build-up. This is the showmanship we know he appreciates. This is …

Getting Behind Buffett's 'Tax the Rich' Manifesto - The ... 15, 2011 · Buffett's logic is plainly clear, writes Henry Blodget at Business Insider: When presented with these facts, those who argue against tax increases on the super-rich--or, even more absurdly, for ...

The Life of Things 01, 2020 · Tucked in our lilac bush... Told it a story about how it might have a nightmare tonight, and in that nightmare it's brothers and sisters on the side of the house might not survive the night, but it might. And if it does it has to live a long and full life in celebration of those that don't survive. ????????

People Habitat - Island Press"People Habitat promises to give us 25 ways to look at greener, healthier cities, but as anyone who has read one of Kaid Benfield's books, articles, or blog posts knows, he delivers at least that many insights on every page. He doesn't just love cities—he gets them, in all their social, demographic, economic, and almost always paradoxical and ...

What’s the Real Issue with Palin? | Observationalism 30, 2008 · And what experience is important? Does anyone really think that a decade as governor of Arkansas is better than half that time as governor of Texas, a large and diverse state with a long shared border with one of our key allies and business partners? In retrospect, we know the answer to that.

Football 2018: Week Two - A Hot Water Sandwich and ... 06, 2018 · One of the TV games is a big one, with legitimate national championship contender Clemson visiting Texas A&M at 6:00 PM Saturday on ESPN. The Tigers are favored by 12.5 points. This is one of those super-hyped games that don't usually involve A&M; the last one I recall was Texas A&M at Alabama in 2012.

March | 2015 | Peety Passion the door arrives, request identification, including a business card and, where applicable, a door license. In addition to a business card, confirm when the invoice includes send out name, and whether or not the door’s vehicle features a name which fits the organization card, invoice, and/or bill.

"That's a fence." Watch Sean Spicer desperately trying to ... 04, 2017 · Watch Sean Spicer desperately trying to convince White House reporters that some rinky dink fencing is the equivalent of Trump's promised border wall. ... In some ways a prime example of the difference between what Donald Trump promised on the campaign trail and what he can actually deliver in real life. ... but it has historically been ...

LGF Watch: Charles Johnson: Microsoft in the Mind 16, 2008 · Yet a great example of how personal defects and emotional immaturity can cause a person to make a complete ass of himself, to write things which are irrational and just plain stupid. And in the midst of that, he drags us all down. And to a certain extent, also true of LGFWatch.

Introduction to Animation: Fall 2010 wk 3:—9/28: Tu, 12:25 ... 08, 2010 · Place it so that it rests on one of the background hills. Dim, Hazy Distance: To further provide an illusion of distance, objects that are further away from the viewer, from the camera, appear dimmer or lighter or hazier. This is due to the effects of the atmosphere and water-vapor. Color and symbol effects may be used to help provide this effect.

Press About - .: razor planet at Press About Us. Church of the Brethren Newsline: Brethren bits: Correction, remembrance, personnel, jobs, WCC stewards, more..Public Opposes Lawsuit Against Florist.Buddhists, racism & the selective application of local ordinanc...

Mounties Under Fire - Premieres on CBC - JOHN PRINCE ... 18, 2010 · The RCMP, especially, have been singled out mainly because of what they did to a Polish immigrant newly arrived to Canada, but also because of the complete lack of accountability and immunity to prosecution resulting in real jail time (comparable to what any of us so-called denizens would receive if the roles were reversed). This is a police ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 01/23/19’s move was followed by Brazil, Argentina, Chili, Canada, Peru, Colombia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Guatemala and Costa Rica. Of course no one can say it in polite society, but this is one of a number of impressive foreign policy successes the Trump administration has scored.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: This is a Public Service Announcement 10, 2012 · Gotta love Portland... it's been years since I've been there, but there's a lot to like: Beverly Cleary, Powell's Books, The 24-Hour Church of Elvis... now, even the "pigs" are "cool". Portland resident, Sadlynaught, and lazy food porn purveyor Pupienus Maximus linked to a public service announcement by the Portland Police Department regarding travel to Washington State to partake in now ...

Uncategorized | Cliston is probably going to be close, but with the recent endorsement of Rubio by Gov. Nikki Haley, I think he does slip past Cruz to take second. Rubio likely will be assisted by the continuing fade of Jeb Bush and the fact that John Kasich appears unable to build on his second-place finish in New Hampshire.

No to the Status Quo!: Move Over Scientology, Here Comes ... 08, 2013 · "There's not going to be a Gap here. There's no Ann Taylor. You want an Ann Taylor, go someplace else," says Beck. Instead there will be a marketplace, where people “ could open and run real small businesses and stores. The owners and tradesmen could hold apprenticeships and teach young people the skills and entrepreneurial spirit that has been lost in today’s entitlement state.”

Conservative Constitutional Pornography - Blogger“A group of more than 80 conservative leaders plan to sign a document on Wednesday that signals a retrenchment to "founding principles." The document will be called The Mount Vernon Statement in honor of the location of the signing ceremony. The signers include a who's who of conservative heavy weights -- names like Grover Norquist, Ed Meese, Richard Viguerie, Edwin Feulner and Alfred Regnery”

Let's all take a moment to celebrate that seminal event ... 06, 2017 · Team Sarah foolishly informed AG Sullivan about one of their little high school type vendettas. They were likely breaking a number of laws (even arguably making false reports to law enforcement.) They let the AG in on what turned out to be the final straw for Gov. Sarah.

Delaware Way: Allen Sessoms Fails Stakeholders Of Our ... is one of 10 gardens, ranging from botanical to country estate and municipal gardens, featured in the American Garden stamp series. The photo representing Winterthur shows a variety of azaleas and other plants surrounding a pool near steps that lead to a building on the estate.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Jury acquits Burnsville man in Gang ... 23, 2009 · "This is the best feeling I've ever had" Cortez Moore said after the Metro Gang Strike Force's case fell flat. By ROCHELLE OLSON, Star Tribune Last update: July 23, 2009 - 7:40 AM Cortez Moore cried with relief as he crouched on the courthouse floor Wednesday and talked on a cell phone to one of his lawyers.

Standardized Testing • Smilodon's Retreat 21, 2013 · Allow comparison of the student to a specific level of skill or knowledge. And that’s what really all about. Testing and education is a science. There is a significant amount of research being done in these areas (I know, I’m doing some of it). We can make tests that are really good and provide a lot of really useful information.

More from Cory Doctorow’s Locus Interview | Views from 17, 2017 · While editing the ‘excerpts’ from Cory Doctorow’s long interview in the current issue of Locus Magazine, excerpts that I posted online on Sunday (), I captured several other passages from that interview that particularly appeal to the themes of this blog.Rebecca Solnit is this amazing historian, who wrote this book called A Paradise Built in Hell, which documents the distance between how ...

Elsa Dorfman | Joyous Crybaby 17, 2011 · That is to say, I saw her without her becoming, being reduced to, a series of fetishes. I felt numbly, happily, momentarily detoxified. One of my truisms of fiction writing is that it is the writer’s job to expose characters, make them naked, metaphorically speaking, or literally speaking, if literal nudity also exposes the hidden, possibly ...

Balkinization: Let's Be Very Clear: Ted Haggard is a Zero ... seems the fewer preconceived notions one brings to a situation the more one sees (some call it beginners luck). # posted by John : 3:41 PM As to K., identity labels is a tricky matter, and the comments address a real point.

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2003 · The BBC reported this on Sunday: The number of children in Iraq suffering from diarrhoea and related diseases appears to have risen dramatically in the past year, the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) said on Sunday.

Buckhorn Road: Battle of Franklin: 150 ago today 10, 2014 · On this day 150 years ago - November 30, 1864 - thousands of Confederate troops charged thousands of Union soldiers who had dug in along a defensive line with their backs to a river. This charge took place on the outskirts of the town of Franklin, Tennessee, and it is remembered as one of the more tragic battles in a tragic war.

The Rude Pundit 08, 2009 · Let's be honest (and, yes, this is one of those overgeneralized, "look at the yokels," elitist statments, so, sure, exceptions exist): there's large swaths of the United States that are filled with lost people, people who have been broken down by wondering whether they're gonna lose or have lost their jobs (and health insurance) as jobs go ...

Swift Boat-Playground Style - 25, 2008 · QofS: i know i’ve left a lot of ‘you go girl’ comments lately, but right now i’m working on a post that might seem to disagree with some of your obama message. so, in case i don’t make it clear over at my place, i still stand by everything that i’ve said about you here: what’s going on at is just my own internalization of what’s going on. i’m going to link to ...

Heim Binas Fiction: Gearing Up for NaNo: Shiny 23, 2009 · Such arguments aren't fun or sweet or anything good, but they're BRIGHT in a certain way, and if I'm looking to add conflict to a story, or even looking to do a little character development, I can always just put everyone in a dirty kitchen and see who freaks out, …

Global Wahrman: Apparently Not Everyone Realizes that ... 05, 2014 · Apparently not everyone knows that studying and writing poetry is a very non-economic thing to do, and I cite as evidence the following article and comment from the Chronicle of Higher Education: The Danger of Victimizing PhDs by Elizabeth Segran. The article is about whether or not PhDs who can not get a tenure track position but must labor away at being an Adjunct have only …

Balkinization: Thinking About Legitimacy to a CBS News/N.Y. Times poll conducted days before Hill testified, 47% of Americans thought the accusations against Thomas were not true, while 21% thought they were. After her testimony was broadcast, the same poll found that an even greater share doubted Hill’s accusations (54% untrue to …

Nothing Better to Do: October 2011 28, 2011 · The platter comes with hummus, creamy gorgonzola spread, tomato concasse, pesto and cranberry-grain pilaf. It is served with pita and toasted bread as well as feta, kalamata olives and lemon wedges.Although each dish is delicious on its own, many of the items also combine into tasty hybrid dips that pick up the best flavors from each individual part.

The Unreasonable Man: Less Than One Year From Being ... 19, 2006 · The Unreasonable Man A Blog By A Third Year Law Student (a.k.a. 3L... meaning only one more year of this s$&%) at the University Of Minnesota Law School. ... This is one of the better critiques of the BCS system that I've seen. I'm not saying it's right, but it is a compelling argument to me. posted by Unreasonable Man @ 9:42 AM 3 comments ...

Adrian Chan: The Net Effects of Affective Capitalism ... is a distributive act of dividing resources that belong to all into parts according to a social logic, with a view of sustaining not only a society but the relations among its members. Capitalist production, by contrast to the disjunctive economic logic of archaic societies, produces through conjunction, by a creative act of addition (see ...

NoFo: When it’s your first day back at the gym in ... 16, 2019 · because you’ve been working 24/7 on 9 to 5 and you didn’t even think about the fact that you’re still sporting last night’s wig-cap hair and sideburn glue before you left the house so you look either like a crazy person or a workout beast but there’s hardly anyone at the gym to notice you so you can safely take a number of selfies to choose from and yes this wrinkly one is the best ...

moop :: handmade: 10.08 05, 2008 · I listen to a lot of radio and audio books while I work. I'm the only one here for most of the day, and it helps to keep me on track, keep me smiling and to keep me informed. Yesterday, I listed to Sarah Vowell's, The Partly Cloudy Patriot. Not only is it hilarious and insightful (as all of her books are), it is the perfect listen for this ...

¡No Pasarán!: Hatred, Low Humor, and High Culture, this kind of hatred is found in every part of the world, but it’s only in certain places where it’s done with such enthusiasm and élan, and with such care taken to spelling and the details that are as Nazi-like as possible: The desecration in a Strasbourg cemetery came as Jews marked the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz death camp, a symbol of the Holocaust, when the ...

Miscellaneous | Taunter Media’m a little surprised to see this:. Wal-Mart, the mightiest retail giant in history, may have met its own worthy adversary: In what is emerging as one of the main story lines of the 2009 post-recession shopping season, the two heavyweight retailers are waging an online price war that is spreading through product areas like books, movies, toys and electronics.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: 176 schools closed since 2002 and ... current prospect of closures, comes mainly thanks to a number of funding process changes initiated by the Provincial government, where funding shortfalls can be traced back to such things as the removal of the annual facilities grants, which was an unexpected redirection of the finances that left School Districts scrambling to find the funds to provide for maintenance and repairs to ...

Ruth Institute Blog » A San Diego Citizen speaks out about 20, 2010 · Yesterday’s Prop 8 trial testimony was dominated by the emotional San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, The anti-Prop 8 attorneys showed a video of the Mayor’s news conference from September 2007, when he broke down in tears as he gushed to the world that he now supported same sex marriage. Learning that his own daughter was a lesbian was the event that precipitated his …

Former Vice President Al Gore (D-TN) - Possible 2008 Feb. 13, 2007 Gore joined with celebrities in Los Angeles to announce "Live Earth - The Concert for a Climate in Crisis," a series of concerts involving over 100 musical acts that will be held on July 7, 2007 (7/7/07) on all seven continents, the proceeds from which will "create the foundation for a new, multi-year global effort to combat ...

The deaths of theories I: Geocentrism ? Wheat-dogg's World in his defense Aristotle managed to develop a theory of celestial motion that rejected supernatural influences. Thus, gods did not pull the moon and sun, for example, in their daily paths. He had keen powers of observation, and to a certain extent, his explanation of motion makes some kind of sense.

On Greg Abbott and who gets to get married – Off the didn’t take Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott any time at all to decide that not answering that question was the best course during a meeting with the San Antonio Express-News Editorial Board. “Right now, if there was a ban on interracial marriage, that’s …

Disappeared News: July Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from

» Women’s Health Cristy John Francis Regis (1597-1640) Image: (Franciscan Media) Born in France at Font-Couverte into a family of some wealth, John Francis was educated at the Jesuit College at Breziers according to SQPN and was so impressed by his instructors, that he wanted to enter the ‘Society of Jesus’ and did so at the age of 18 — Despite his rigorous schedule, John Francis spent many ...

Ratner's - Find link - Edward Betts'sFind link is a tool written by Edward Betts.. Longer titles found: Ratner's Star (), Ratner's theorems () searching for Ratner's 92 found (112 total) alternate case: ratner's Brett Ratner (4,454 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article Presman (their families had originally moved to Cuba from Eastern Europe).

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: The KG/Chris Paul Puzzle went to Boston and won a title, and suddenly he gained a great deal of respect, even though by the time he got to Boston he was 75% of the palyer he had been in, say, 2002. I have him as the #22 player of all-time. Chris Paul, as I have previously reported is ranked by me as the 26th best player of all-time. But he has never played in a ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Words of disappointment, words of ... Gale is a terrific newspaper man, sincerely interested in his craft and his community, and operating with uncommon integrity. His departure from the Daily News is a significant community loss. I only hope that Earl finds other ways to employ those skills in Prince Rupert so that we can avoid losing he and his beautiful family from the ...

Tickle The Wiredrug Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling Beginning in the late 1980s, the federal government extended its anti-drug message to arcade games. “Winners Don’t Use Drugs” was a popular slogan that was hatched during a dinner between old friends, reports. Bob Davenport, the the FBI’s director of public affairs, met with former FBI Agent Bob Fay, who at the time was the executive ...

A Little Reality: The History of Terrorism Part 2 - Racks ... History of Terrorism Part 2 - Racks and Spikes in the Middle Ages ... Ruler of Wallachia, now Romania, in the 15th Century, his favorite form of torment was the spike. In 1459 he had 30,000 merchants impaled on spikes; he had his dinner served so he could watch them died. He would impale Turkish invaders, nobles, and commoners with equal ...

February | 2010 | Bohemianwriter1's Weblog this pageThat’s a chatroom for whiners. Daily KOs keep their rantings to a minimal level, not having the guts to stalk these bastards. Matt Taibbi is about to sell out his soul to MSM, and whatever credentials he have, would be for a record promo at best. You need a new Dr. …

Your $ at Work:Peter King Buys Reelection, Influence for ... 20, 2007 · Via Newsday, we learn a few things about how Peter King spent the $1M your federal tax dollars helped finance.First off, King's cheap when it comes to paying staff salaries: King (R-Seaford) was the most frugal of the local members, paying his staff a total of $659,391 in 2006. Nevertheless, King runs an office of bloat, racking up the highest costs on Long Island:

Rigoletto | V B Gelb is doing a masterful job of revamping the opera, things like ripping “Rigoletto” from its 16th-century palace setting and plopping it down in a casino in 1950s Las Vegas. I think that is a brilliant move, since the power plays of the debauched nobility differ little from the depravity of 20th-century gangsters.

no matter where you go... there you“Learn things, be good to each other. Read the newspapers, go to the movies, go to a party, read a book. In the meantime, remember pluralism. You want to get these people? I mean, you really want to go in and kill them where they live? Keep accepting more than one idea. Makes them absolutely crazy. “~Josh, The West Wing, ‘Isaac & ishmael’

Want to Be A Blogstar? Start with WordPress. - 16, 2009 · Pingdom had a great post that analyzed deeply the Technorati Top 100 blogs, and what blogging platform they are using to succeed. WordPress manages 32 of the top 100 ( and .org)… and is far and away the winner. Lesson learned? The professionals know. They choose WP to power their monster blogs. Perhaps you should […]

SHADOW'S WORLD: 01/24/ ‘GREEN NEW DEAL’: It’s a dessert topping and a floor wax! [T]he purpose of the Green New Deal is to advance the entire progressive policy wish list in a neat and tidy omnibus package using the messaging of Doomsday to sell it to a public normally skeptical of the hard left’s grandiose plans for social engineering.

A Little Reality: Flat Earthers This holiday season I've been fascinated by all the effort that goes into proving that the Earth is flat. According to a Gallup poll, more than one in six (18%) of Americans believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth and a substantial number of those believe the Earth is a giant snow globe with a flat base.

Killer Perfect Storm Hurricane Sandy vs New York City | V B 28, 2012 · Buffeting Manhattan with screeching winds that gusted up to 90 miles per hour, the Nor’Easter of 1992 roiled the waters, creating a storm surge that pushed the sea over New York’s shores and into the network of tunnels under the city. Winds whipped up waves already on top of the especially high tide of a…

Paragraphs On Padre Boulevard More than a Bookstore was also chosen in honor of Miguel de Cervantes, who died on April 23,1616 (the same day as Shakespeare). In the Catalan region of Spain, the day is celebrated by giving a book and a flower to a loved one. World Book Night was first celebrated in the UK and Ireland in 2011; in 2012, it was also celebrated in the USA and Germany.

Press Release: NASGA Calls for Immediate Federal and State stronger federal and state oversight, these suits are the only recourse families have for the maltreatment and neglect of their loved ones. As USA Today noted , prior to the pandemic, 75 percent of U.S. nursing homes “have been cited for failing to properly monitor and control infections in the past three years.”

The North Coast: Save Our Beaches and Stop The Lakefront 01, 2008 · Save Our Beaches and Stop The Lakefront Expansion Vote YES To Stop the Landfill The vista pictured at the right, the shoreline in Berger Park, will be destroyed forever if Mayor Daley and Friends of the Park have their way and ram through the plan to extend Lake Shore Drive northward into Evanston, and southward to Promontory Point.

Delaware Way: Eviction Crisis In DE: Panel Discussion Set join County Government leaders for this community conversation about New Castle County Police Department policies and programs. We look forward to a constructive and engaging dialogue around police use of force, police training to address bias, and diversity in police hiring. We look forward to joining you this Friday, June 12th at 6:00 p.m.

Decade News by MrCovingtonWest - 01, 2013 · We live in a consumer culture, which is a culture that views the consumption of large quantities of goods as beneficial to the economy and a source of personal happiness. Companies used this to ...

Taser Death: Sukeba "Sassy" Jackson-Olawunmi (Atlanta, GA) County police electrocuted a second person within 5 days using their taser guns. This time the taser-killing was done to a woman . 39...

The Florida Masochist: Florida the rules are different taxpayers have spent more than $65,000 to help three town employees go to a private law school -- even though the town doesn't have a full-time legal department. According to public records obtained by The Miami Herald on Thursday, three full-time Davie employees have together received $65,139 to attend part-time classes at Nova ...

Things that can’t be said but ought to be. - Leapdragon 13, 2018 · Appropriate masculinity is invaluable to a society. Gender is not a spectrum, it is a culturally variable series of specific instantiations. Sex is not a spectrum, it is a dipole. The left is no longer the left; it is an ideological project to hide from hard stuff. The global right and left are equally morally bankrupt.

Meet the Author at Paragraphs: "Irreconcilable Differences" Padre Blvd., South Padre Island, TX 78597 956-433-5057

Delaware Way: Updated: DelCOG Program: Is UD A Public Or say, 'Yes we are.'" The attitude of indifference to the public's right to know and the interpretation of Delaware's legislative authority in the matter, expressed by Ms. Ergin, suggests an uninformed or deliberately misguided conclusion being drawn to further insulate the university from transparency and openness.

No Right Turn: The CIA are 12, 2014 · Among the horrors emerging from the Senate report into CIA torture: the CIA likes to anally rape its prisoners under the guise of "feeding" them: CIA operatives subjected at least five detainees to what they called “rectal rehydration and feeding”, a medical practice applied with extreme rarity and known more colloquially as a nutrient enema, according to a Senate …

A Little Reality: Donald Trump's 'Art of the Lie' 28, 2016 · The key to a successful lie is repeating it over and over and over again until your lie are the only words that people can remember. Facts Are for Wusses Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it, so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late; the jest is over, and the tale hath had its effect. ~ Jonathan Swift

Band of Butters: February other paycheck I received thereafter was issued by the federal government, the state government, or a local independent school district. After college, I was a public school teacher, an army officer, a GA in graduate school, then a caseworker in the state public welfare department and a unit supervisor in the same agency.

Nevada local trial court judicial elections, 2018,_2018Find out with Ballotpedia's Sample Ballot Lookup tool Nevada local trial court judicial elections, 2018. From Ballotpedia

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: VENDETTA AGAINST THE CITY? 30, 2006 · 4 Comments: Anonymous said.... And then come the property owners who are willing to spend what will probably be a million dollars in legal fees to make the city do the right thing (at the taxpayers expense I might add) and all they get is "trash talked" and made fun of by a bunch of fools who don't want to acknowlege reality and the cowards who are too afraid to …

Nursing home deaths soar past 3,300 in alarming YORK (AP) — More than 3,300 deaths nationwide have been linked to coronavirus outbreaks in nursing homes and long-term care facilities, an alarming rise in just the past two weeks, according to the latest count by The Associated Press. Because the federal government has not been releasing a count of its own, the AP has kept its own running tally based on …

News Cycle: Crain's: Chicago Tribune to Lay Off 20 Percent expected cuts are the latest attempt to reduce expenses at the paper, whose parent Tribune Co. filed for bankruptcy protection from creditors in December. A Trib spokeswoman declined to comment. Saphir and Yue noted the Tribune had 480 employees in its newsroom last August.

MPHS Forum: We Are the 11, 2013 · The early settlers in the 1600's and 1700's were tough people immigrating to a difficult environment. There were many young men coming to the new world to make their fortune. They often came without wives or their wives died in childbirth. They did what was natural and what occurs whenever two population groups come together - they intermarried.

American Power: Was President Bush Behind the NIE Report? 08, 2007 · The neocons, clinging to a sliver of hope, will accuse the intelligence community of incompetence, pointing out that as late as 2005 it estimated "with high confidence" that Iran was building a bomb. Bush's National Security Adviser, Stephen Hadley, put the best face on the new report, claiming that it was our diplomacy and saber rattling that ...

Arkansas Obamacare uninsured | Texas 20 states choosing not to expand their Medicaid programs under the Affordable Care Act are forgoing billions of dollars in federal funds, while residents in their states are contributing to the cost of the expansions in other states, according to a new Commonwealth Fund study.

WikiLeaks - The Podesta series on deals involving Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta. Mr Podesta is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. Mr Podesta also owns the Podesta Group with his brother Tony, a major lobbying firm and is the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington DC …

Oh Well: A Commentary: Scandals and cronyism now engulfing 10, 2006 · I found this off Shakespeare's Sister, so I had to go to the original Reuters source: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force's highest-ranking officer and his predecessor are the subjects of an FBI investigation into the handling of a $49.9 million dollar contract for the Thunderbirds, an air demonstration squadron, ABC News reported on Thursday.

Accidental Deliberations: Sunday Morning 09, 2019 · This and that for your Sunday reading. - Erika Beauchesne discusses the benefits of a wealth tax as both a means of reducing inequality, and a source of revenue for public priorities: Canada’s NDP has proposed a one per cent tax on wealth over $20 million as part of its election platform.

Michael Schlesinger, a climatologist at the University of the Dot Earth blog at the New York Times online: Michael Schlesinger, a climatologist at the University of Illinois, explains why he sees the disclosed e-mails as a complete distraction from the body of evidence pointing to a human hand on the planet’s thermostat: I would like to make the following contribution to your blog regarding the recent desperate, the-end-justifies-the …

YARN GIRLS, THEY DO GET WOOLY: My Betty Roberts Spinning … Peggy and I are asked about our wheels when we've taken them to a spin-in where other spinners haven't seen one before. We've started a yahoo group for owners of these wheels to post photos and chat (the curious and spinners …

Cleaning up Lake of the Ozarks Should be Start of Larger 12, 2009 · These are the problems that should be at the center of the E. coli discussion, and they started well before the arrival of Templeton. Missouri Coalition for the Environment has commented on hundreds of industrial and point-source pollution discharge permits in the state in the past few years, and a few glaring themes have become obvious about ...

The House of Gordon: Eddie Vedder live in lot of singalong-y tunes. And a Pete Townshend song? I LOVE IT! Another in a long line of fantastic concerts I've gone to, but this one is rising to the top of the list. It's a mystery to me we have a greed with which we have agreed You think you have to want more than you need until you have it all you won't be free Society, you're a crazy breed

Dawg's Blawg: Blogging for 11, 2009 · Mr. President, stand up to the Church and promote an end to the horrendous suffering of Africa. And stop palling around with pastors whose "anti-AIDS" work is an outright fraud--ditch Rick Warren and his genocidal friends, and set a new tone and a new direction for America in the world. The opponents of choice are the opponents of humanity.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: St. Paul Racketeering Lawsuit #1 08, 2006 · but I have to talk to the inspectors because they are the one’s pushing for it to go to court.” Dawkins told Krahn that the law did not require the City to notify him of the City’s court action against Krahn on the property, but that the law only required that the City attempt to notify the landlord. 2 13.

Kenny Dirt Jeans: Comcast to institute 250-gig 05, 2008 · Unfortunately, I have a lot of off-PC usage (Xbox, Roku, iPod Touch, etc.) that can't be measured through Windows. And those are the things I'm really worried about. Fortunately, most movies I download via Xbox Live are 4-6 gigs (Microsoft uses a fairly recent compression scheme, and 720 resolution, so it's not quite Blu-ray quality).

Based On A True Story...: Here And There... Erwitt- I don't believe that photography can change the world, but it can show the world changing. Gilles Peress- I don't care so much anymore about 'good photography.' I am gathering evidence for history. Yogi Berra- You can observe a lot just by watching. Dorothea Lange- A camera is an instrument that teaches us how to see without a ...

Movement For Romney In Three Key Swing States? 05, 2012 · Polling from two separate pollsters shows Mitt Romney appearing to make gains in Ohio, Virginia, and Florida in the wake of Wednesday's debate. …

Disappeared News: #BoycottHawaii hashtag backfires Larry Geller. Hawaii filed a lawsuit against Trump’s first Muslim Ban and was the first state to file against Trump’s latest attempt. A judge in Federal District Court in Honolulu put a TRO on the ban nationwide.. In reaction, the hashtag #BoycottHawaii began trending on Twitter, but it almost immediately backfired.

More Analysis of Pa.'s June Jobs Report | Third and State was the second month in a row of job losses, with total nonfarm employment dropping by 2,600 jobs. Taking into account June’s poor performance, the Commonwealth has added an average of just over 2,600 jobs a month in the second quarter. That’s down from the 9,700 jobs per month the Commonwealth added in the first quarter of this year.

The Addams Family - Sheldon High School surprising fact, since I knew Craig Howard, but it was the first time I'd ever been out at Sheldon High School. I wanted to support Chor...

The Johnsville News: Photo Finish Analyzed: Phelps over ... Olympic 100 meter butterfly race was won in an amazing come from behind victory by Michael Phelps in 1/100 of a second over Serbia’s Milorad Cavic.Anyone watching the race might have had the same reaction as Phelps' mother, Debbie, who at the finish held up two fingers, thinking her son had come in second.

Changing My Recorded Gender With The Department Of Defense ... 21, 2013 · But, it still was important to me — every other government database records my gender as female, and the DOD showing me as male just bothered me. After making some preliminary telephone calls to the Department of the Navy, I was connected to Division 31D of the Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERS 31D) I was then told what the requirements are for ...

The Union News.: Gov't union secrecy rules in Washington State 06, 2008 · Although Seattle Public Schools was the defendant, a school-district attorney didn't argue against the union's stance in the hearing. "We didn't have an active position on this," Tucker said. The parent who requested the e-mails in the first …

Based On A True Story...: Hhmmmm.... Erwitt- I don't believe that photography can change the world, but it can show the world changing. Gilles Peress- I don't care so much anymore about 'good photography.' I am gathering evidence for history. Yogi Berra- You can observe a lot just by watching. Dorothea Lange- A camera is an instrument that teaches us how to see without a ...

The Rumblings of a Deranged Buffalo: Husker Wrap-up 19, 2011 · It was a game of conference firsts for the Buffs, and not particularly good ones: not only was it the first conference loss, but it also was the first conference game that CU was out-rebounded, the first time they've allowed a conference opponent to shoot over 50%, and the first time CU has shot fewer than 10 free throws in a game since early ...

BBC - See Also: Media reaction: Motivation behind Giffords ... 10, 2011 · This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get ...

Bill Allowing Suits Against Saudi Arabia Will Not End Well ..., this was the Senate, that bastion of learned deliberation. Yes, I feel sympathy for the 9/11 families and I understand their belief that Saudi Arabia was linked to the attacks. But this will not end well for the US and some of its citizens.

Lost in the Ozone...: Public Advocate Bill de Blasio Slams ... other hot topic was the Taxi & Limousine Commission’s contest to award an exclusive contract to sell and service city cabs for the next decade. The TLC chose Nissan, whose proposal had no guarantee to create jobs in the five boroughs, even though runner-up Ford had pledged to build the taxis in Brooklyn in its application.

Balkinization: Windsor v. United States: The Second ... October 18, 2012, in Windsor v.United States, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit became the second federal court of appeals to strike down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional. However, it was the first federal appellate court to do so using a heightened standard of review, in an opinion authored by Chief Judge …

Fox Nation Exists Solely To Bash Obama | News Corpse 17, 2011 · The sooner he can be sent back to his “birth place”, where-ever that was, the sooner we can to rebuild AMERICA AS IT SHOULD BE AND ONCE WAS. Mark on 8/19/2011 I just love it when the demented wing comes here and leaves comments that speak for themselves.

My YouTube Channel | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. 18, 2010 · This revolutionary online video portal was the founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim – but it was Hurley who studied design at my mother’s alma mater, Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Chen and Karim were computer science geeks at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, or as we use to call it in Chicago ...

INSTAPUTZ: $3T price tag for Iraq War probably too low. 03, 2010 · This was the first time in American history that the government cut taxes as it went to war. The result: a war completely funded by borrowing. U.S. debt soared from $6.4 trillion in March 2003 to $10 trillion in 2008 (before the financial crisis); at least a quarter of that increase is directly attributable to the war.

December 2005 – Otis & James Photography 29, 2005 · Up first was the absolutely lovely Makenna! We had a great time working with this awesome young lady, as well as with her assistants (Mom, Dad, & Grandma)! We thank them all for taking time to visit us, and would now like to see some of the fun – Enjoy! All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Disabled Veterans' Healing Program, Anasazi Archaeological ... 07, 2014 · Recapture Canyon was the planned location for an extensive healing program for disabled veterans. This program, planned long in advance, was to be co-sponsored by the BLM and the Sierra Club, and would have included Native American Medicine Men and Navajo war veterans assisting in the healing.

The Huck Upchuck: Thought of the Day: Tea Party Terminology 10, 2009 · I still think the movement is doing good work, and I think in the long run it will help get a few more principaled conservatives elected to public office (which, IMHO, was the best outcome that could have ever come from the movement in the first place). But yeah, with a different name I think it could have gotten more traction.

Above The Chatter: Another Down-Side to Ponder 02, 2011 · Back when the Bush tax cuts were extended, an unemployment benefits extension was the big thing we were supposed to cheer—and it was important for millions of people who are out of work. But it broke historical precedent and in so doing set up a dangerous new precedent, as Joan McCarter wrote at the time:

SHADOW'S WORLD: 03/21/13's World at 9:20 PM No comments: VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: "The end of American exceptionalism will come not when we run out of gas, wheat or computers, but when we end the freedom of the individual, and, whether for evil or supposedly noble reasons, judge people not on their achievement but on their name, class, race, sex or religion -- in ...

April | 2009 | Totally Unauthorized 02, 2009 · 6 posts published by Peggy Archer during April 2009. On paper, the whole plan was perfect. The show on which I’ve been day-playing (and which has pretty much been my sole source of income as of late) went down last week, so I figured I’d get bunion surgery while we were off (don’t even start in with me about not doing it.

The Stone House Saloon - Sturgis Trip | Random Ruminations all of a sudden, there it was, The Stone House Saloon, which was a place Cindy told us is a must stop. Unfortunately, by the time we came upon it, we could not safely slow down to turn in so we passed it and turned back at the first safe opportunity. Parking was a little treacherous since there is nothing but hilly dirt.

PERRspectives: Glenn Beck Playing with Fire on Religious 30, 2010 : Glenn Beck Playing with Fire on Religious Faith. In his pivotal address to the Southern Baptists in 1960, John F. Kennedy cautioned those suspicious of his Catholic faith, "Today, I may be the victim, but tomorrow it may be you -- until the whole fabric of our harmonious society is ripped apart at a time of great national peril." But with his furious assault this weekend ...

All about Pasadena – Off the May, Isbell garnered 73 percent of the vote in his re-election bid with campaign expenditures of about $100,000. He was pitted against an Hispanic newcomer with a $400 budget. Though Isbell presents a smiling, friendly soft-spoken demeanor, his detractors say he rules with an iron fist.

A Conspiracy So Vast | HuffPost 25, 2011 · This is a problem for Goldman, which did not even try to cooperate with Taibbi. The firm has since tried to point out errors in the story via Salmon's blog, which only made things worse, as the blogosphere buzzed about a Taibbi-Goldman feud. Indeed, there's little Goldman can do now to change the minds of anyone inclined to agree with Taibbi.

The Truth Revolution - Posts | Facebook Truth Revolution. 162 likes · 1 talking about this. it's time for the American People to work together to change our country for the better, and maybe someday the World too. It's time for the...

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN CRAZY APOCALYPTICS GET THEIR … 12, 2015 · I know I should just relax and savor the Supreme Court ruling making same-sex marriage legal nationwide. But it's been a devastating week for angry American reactionaries who think civilization as we know it is going to hell in a handbasket -- yesterday's Obamacare ruling, the sudden rethinking of Confederate symbols, and, let's not forget, gruesome terrorist attacks in France, Tunisia, and ...

WG's Observations: The Las Vegas shootings 02, 2017 · The Las Vegas shootings ... The shooter was a white man, apparently not a recent immigrant, and most likely not Muslim. So not a terrorism incident – likely another mentally unstable lone wolf attacker. And according to police he had a huge arsenal in his hotel room. ... but it will surely cut down on the number. There is no ...

The Rectification of Names: Cheap shots: Latino outreach 05, 2016 · Buried lede department This paragraph down near the bottom of the Times report struck me this morning: Is Trump selecting a VP candidate? Still, in some quarters, reconciliation between Mr. Trump and his onetime critics is underway.

Remembering Matters: I'm sorry. What year did you say it ... 07, 2008 · Julia just sent me a link to an article in the NY Times Fashion Diary, April 24, 2008, "Long Live the Dress (for Now)" by Guy Trebay. Here's the message she texted to my cellphone about it: "OMG I just read a Times fashion article that made me so mad.

Tell me again which armed individuals I am ... - Blogger 20, 2009 · The officer claimed he field-tested the evidence and it tested positive for drugs. The officer said he saw May buying drugs while he was stopped at an intersection. He also stated in his report May waived his Miranda rights and voluntarily admitted to buying drugs. May said that never happened. "My client never admitted he purchased crack cocaine.

Wilmington Attorney J. Travis Laster Appointed to the ... 19, 2009 · But it also has me (at nearly 38) beginning to feel a bit old. I guess when one's contemporaries begin becoming judges, the feeling is inevitable.] Best of luck to Travis in his confirmation and eventual tenure on the nation's #1 court for …

The Union News.: Obamunists ? Shakedown Socialism 08, 2010 · The book is an eye-opener as the author illustrates his points with examples drawn from his life in the Soviet Union before 1994 and more recent events in the USA. "Oleg Atbashian has written a timely warning for Americans about the collectivists among us and their plans for the future.

Notes in Samsara: The Strange Case of Richard Sternberg ... 04, 2005 · The Strange Case of Richard Sternberg and His Apologists. ... It appears an element of the "wedge" strategy to take control of the editorial process of a research journal, in the same manner that school boards were taken over by stealth methods. It's a pretty damning indictment of the ethics of those involved, or should I say lack of ...

Guest blogger 2: Trans Li — “To be an elite” ? Wheat-dogg 21, 2015 · [This is normal in Chinese families. — Ed.] Maybe the reason why I study so hard to be nearly perfect. I only want to win my parents’ compliments — their sincere appreciation of my progress. I want to be their hero, and make them proud of me, their daughter. In middle school, I can not say I was a diligent student. | Page 1632 of 1693 | Social media's leading ... in 2004 by Kevin Pho, MD, is the web’s leading platform where physicians, advanced practitioners, nurses, medical students, and patients share their insight and tell their stories.

Sam Harris on Morality and the Christian God | Views from 09, 2014 · We’re talking about children dying before the age of 5. We’re talking about disease and unclean water and accidents and natural disasters—death by bad luck, essentially. There are some very unlucky people in this world, but according to a religion like Christianity, all part of God’s plan.

Article: Solving the Elephant Poaching Problem | OpEdNews 04, 2013 · So over here in the First World, we've been shelling out dough to keep our rangers, our elephant shepherds, if you will, going, and they've been trying. But it …

Houston Subpoenas Sermons From Anti-HERO Clergy | Texas ... 16, 2014 · Both chalk it up to a document that they never read before issue, trusting pro bono lawyers not employed by the city to construct the subpoena. This is what the Mayor said on Wednesday morning. But it seems in direct contradiction to what the Mayor tweeted on Tuesday night , saying the sermons are “fair game” and giving further fuel to the ...

Putin's proudest purchase: American democracy 10, 2018 · But visitor logs from the Ecuador embassy obtained by the Guardian and Focus Ecuador appear to show that Brittany Kaiser, a senior executive at Cambridge Analytica until earlier this year, visited Assange on 17 February 2017. Information passed to the DCMS committee in the UK and the Senate judiciary committee in the US states that the meeting was “a retrospective to discuss the US …

Glenn Grumpy Williams | Texas Leftist the First installment of the 2018 Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire, we hear from Glenn “Grumpy” Williams candidate for the Texas State Senate, District 5. Please note: Responses have been received directly from the candidate, and have been posted ver batim from the email received. This is done out of fairness to all candidates.

Data reveals that Chicago charter schools expel students ... 09, 2014 · Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune : As it continues to modify strict disciplinary policies in an effort to keep students in the classro...

squirrel: Do squirrels growl or whine? vocalizations include growling, barking/chirping, chattering, squeak and also buzz. Chatter calls are often used: when a squirrel first emerges from its nest, when it returns to its territory, after caching food or feeding, and upon sighting an intruder.

The MoxArgon Group: 02/2007 think it's hypocrisy of the first odor. The man is worshipped by the media and by Hollywood and he personally doesn't live up to a single tenet of what he preaches. VAROS-I think you're being a little harsh. Gore's people say that his rampant utility consumption is okay because he's buying carbon offsets.

No More Mister Nice Blog 06, 2003 · For the first few days it seemed as if people were... I won't be blogging for a couple of days -- not un... Civilians mostly unscathed from Shock and Awe, acc... First we bomb the crap out of a major city in orde... I swear they do this just to piss us off: …

Ann Coulter: MSNBC Exclusive: Fort Hood Never Happened ... 26, 2009 · The Kansas National Guard had 352 Humvees, 72 dump trucks and more than 320 other trucks, which would seem to be sufficient for the town hit by the tornado, Greensburg, Kan., population 1,574. That’s almost one National Guard truck for every two people. (This is the same tornado that Obama claimed had killed 10,000 people. He was off by 9,988.)

December | 2012 | The Lunch Counter 24, 2012 · This is good news. A small step forward. But it is a step forward. It brings the FairTax to a place in the legislative process that it has never been before. Many thanks sponsors Chambliss and Woodall and to the thousands of FairTax advocates throughout the country. Our work is finally beginning to pay off. Emphasis on beginning. For Immediate ...

Three bills worth testifying for – 10, 2013 · This is a slightly edited summary of what’s coming up. Tuesday, Feb. 12: SB 391 – Repeal of Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act of 2012, sponsored by Senator E.J. Pipkin, in Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs. This bill isn’t likely to pass – but it should.

Progressive Alaska: Were You There? on April 21st, Jesse Griffin posted a diary at The Immoral Minority that claimed a school in South Carolina was giving 4th graders a science test about origins which required the students to answer in conformance with the Biblical book of Genesis to do well, or even pass. He posted the above image of the first page or the exam. I looked at it and thought this must be a pa

no strings attached | Beyond online classified ads are pretty ideal for meeting people for a no strings attached relationship.Not only are there no signup fees – you literally have to know very little about the person you are looking for sex from. Online dating sites always ask for a monthly fee to help you find a connection.

Permanent Unemployment may be New Normal | Bud Meyers for 1.3 million long-term unemployed people are set to expire just three days after Christmas. Lawmakers say another 1.9 million people would miss out on the benefits in the first six months of next year. "This is a human crisis for hundreds of thousands of people," said Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.).

Genii Software | WebLog Software provides software that enriches Lotus Notes and Domino with extensions ranging from rich text programmability to automatic doclink conversion to HTML e-mail in LotusScript.

Progressive Alaska: Darcy Burner to Obama and Holder: Do ... State resident Darcy Burner and Maryland Rep. Donna Edwards are the only two out-of-state candidates I have donated to. I will be donating once again to Rep. Edwards' upcoming campaign. What Darcy Burner says here is pure understatement. Holder was appointed by Obama.

How much would expanding Medicaid help in states that ... Massachusetts had 4.9 percent of its population uninsured in 2013 before the ACA kicked in and had 3.0 percent uninsured in the first half of 2015, for a reduction of 1.9 percentage points, which would be the MA case’s value in the dependent variable column.

Britain and America: The Anglosphere leads the fight in ... Australian Prime Minister announced last night that he plans to double the number of Australian troops in Afghanistan by the end of 2008. Australia currently has 550 troops in Afghanistan and expects the number to increase to approximately 1,000. The majority of the new troop deployments will be made up of Special Forces.

Orcinus: Anthrax And The Bush 'War On Terror' by Dave It's becoming increasingly apparent that the Bush administration -- including the FBI, Homeland Security, and the Pentagon -- all want the anthrax-killer case to quietl

Next Left: Has Eric Pickles squashed the Big Society Nat Wei is indeed emphasising both the gradualism of the idea, and the need for a positive role of government in facilitating it. But the central and most difficult challenge was the third one: whether the big society "can find greater distinctiveness from the austerity agenda, including a willingness to challenge cuts which undermine it".

The Frustrated Teacher: 7/17/ won five Grammys and made Winehouse — with her black beehive hairdo and old-fashioned sailor tattoos — one of music's most recognizable stars.CBS She was a talented artist with a disease, and a long line of enablers who depended on her. As an aside, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, and Janis Joplin died at the same ...

Cameron Todd Willingham and the Death Penalty – FortLeft 01, 2009 · I haven’t had the chance to read the article in the New Yorker Magazine by David Grann but Bob Herbert has written a powerful op-ed in today’s New York Times about Cameron Willingham’s execution by the State of Texas.. There is a long and remarkable article in the current New Yorker about a man who was executed in Texas in 2004 for deliberately setting a fire that killed his three small ...

Does Theresa May Really Have A Plan? - The Soundings, as the financial community starts to move jobs to the continent in order to maintain access to the EU, the British pound sinks, business lives with indefinite uncertainty, and the NHS struggles with greater demand and a growing deficit, the Conservative party wants to spend money for a royal yacht because that will certainly revive the ...

Courier-Journal endorses Jack Conway for Senate 24, 2010 · Courier-Journal endorses Jack Conway for Senate The Courier-Journal endorsed Jack Conway for the United States Senate. When Kentucky voters go to the polls Nov. 2, they will be casting a verdict on one of the most closely watched Senate races in the nation.

Literary Corner: The Case of the Delayed Devaluations offshore yuan fell the most since August 2015, on a closing basis, as the White House said it’s ready to impose 10 percent tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese-made products.Beijing said it would be forced to retaliate, describing the move as “totally unacceptable.” Meanwhile, the iShares China Large-Cap exchange-traded fund extended a two-day slide to 2.5 percent.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Gotta Let This Hen Out 06, 2015 · Three weeks ago, I was the recipient of a nice chunk of a really choice wild mushroom, a hen of the woods (Grifola frondosa), known in Japanese as the Maitake, or 'dancing mushroom', because its discoverers are said to dance with joy upon finding one. I was dancing with joy today as I spied a nice hen of the woods fruiting body roosting at the base of a large red oak (Quercus rubra) tree on ...

The Mess That Greenspan Made: An interview with Alan Greenspan 07, 2007 · An interview with Alan Greenspan Thursday, October 04, 2007 After repeated requests, at great personal expense, and after a series of logistical obstacles were somehow miraculously overcome, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and I sat down for an interview the other day.

The Struggle for Black Rights and Gay Rights: Historical ... 03, 2009 · It was the issue of right and wrong that, as president, Johnson hammered home. In signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on July 2, Johnson said to America, “The reasons for racial discrimination . . . are deeply embedded in history, tradition, and the nature of man. . . . But it …

Circus Forticus: October 2016 impressive as the interpretive center was, the real action was outside on the giant fossil beds, so that was where we headed next. We saw all kinds of fossils, and the kids had a blast exploring both the fossil beds and the rock formations that led up from the riverbank.

Solyndra vs. Oil Subsidies | Bud Meyers one year alone, as the CEO of the [nuclear] company Exelon, John W. Rowe earned a total compensation of $12 million, which included a base salary of $1,468,077, a cash bonus of $1,573,825, stock grants of $6,341,383, and stock options of $2,236,650 (His stocks and options are taxed at the much lower tax rate as capital gains, not as regular ...

Federal PIECP and Program Violations: 2012 20, 2012 · James R. McDonough was the secretary of the Florida Department of Corrections from 2006 to 2008. He was tapped by Gov. Jeb Bush, for whom he'd worked as Florida's drug czar since 1999. McDonough moved to DOC after Bush fired Secretary James Crosby, who later went to …

Left Curvehttps://leftcurve.blogspot.comTo me, she was the epitome of status quo. I dabbled with John Edwards, whose "Two Americas" theme always rang true to me. But I didn't think he really could win. So, this left me with Barack. And when he won Iowa, I was sold. Completely and unalterably. All through the primaries, I knew he could do it. Alone among many friends, I was the most ...

Beach Eats: Winners! - 2010 Nautica New York City ...'ll be honest, watching my sister-in-law compete in the 2010 Nautica New York City Triathlon last Sunday was one of the most thrilling events of my life. Watching someone you love achieve her goal is so inspiring and I couldn't have been more proud if I had run the race myself.[PDF]Chaser - Fort Worth, it was the ’70s). Ironically, the conversation was not recorded, but Krogh took notes. Presley, he wrote, sincerely wanted to help restore respect for the flag, and he told Nixon he was “on your side.” The meeting did not last long, but it was long enough: More than two dozen

Tabula Rasa: April 2006 - Blogger was supposed to be about global warming, and how Tuvalu might disappear under the Pacific because of it, with the local form of cricket as the metaphor. But it ended up being the opposite: really, it's about the Tuvalu form of cricket and its dwindling popularity, with the global warming issue on the side.

Advice from the King of Lifestyle Influencers | Printculture there fans and inveterate enviers! I’m sitting on the top of the influencer world now, occupying my school-of-Stickley rocking armchair (bought second-hand in 2011 in St. Joseph, Michigan, $200) while electricity spills from flame-shaped bulbs (Ace Hardware, $6.99 for 6) after being generated from good old Sol (free; prices for photovoltaic setup and installation vary by locality).

Tarnished Lady: Pirates and Parrots and Goths- oh my! so last night was the greatly awaited Pirate themed Wumpskate event down at World on Wheels. I have not been rollarskating since honestly...I don't know when. I was quite a bundle of nerves to begin with as I had worked all day and Kime and I rushed to get over to Darcy's in the Wilshire district so we could all get ready together and roll from her place.

Alabama - The StandDown Texas Project week, Alabama executed Darrell Grayson. It was the 37th execution since the state resumed capital punishment in 1983; the second this year. In November 2005, the Birmingham News ran a landmark six-day editorial series on capital punishment in Alabama,...

Ken Buck’s “Buckpedaling” Skills Have Not Improved ... 03, 2017 · Last week, Rep. Ken Buck saw his profile elevated substantially after President Donald Trump highlighted Buck's op-ed in The Hill, in which Buck claimed that he would have supported the American Health Care Act (a.k.a. "Trumpcare"): Great op-ed from @RepKenBuck. Looks like some in the Freedom Caucus are helping me…

Eric and Trump Jr. Stiffed the Irish Barkeep After ... 08, 2019 · The Trumps are all high rollers. Eric and Donald Junior went on a pub crawl in tiny Doonbeg, when they were vacationing on the taxpayers’ dime in Ireland. They made the magnanimous gesture of buying the entire house rounds of drinks, but at the end of the night, walked out without laying down so much as a tuppence. Irish Mirror “They thanked everyone for their support and for coming …

Funnys 27, 2012 - Explore sluggo66's board "Funnys", followed by 145 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Funny quotes, Hate valentines day and Chocolate humor.11 pins145 followers

July | 2014 | The Lunch Counter for a little good news from an industry that is continuously under attack from the slip-and-fall lawyer industry. Merck & Co. on Tuesday reported earnings that more than doubled in its second quarter, and topped analysts’ expectations.Earnings, adjusted for one-time gains and costs, were 85 cents per share.

William Horberg: The Truth the mere act of pulling out a camera and aiming it at someone has an affect on the nature of the "truth" being observed and recorded. Hoop Dreams, Crumb, The Staircase, The Fog of War, Man on Wire, most of Herzog's documentaries and even the animated doc Waltz for Bashir, just to name a few, for me are among the most interesting and artful ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: PRESIDENT TROLL IS LOSING HIS TOUCH 01, 2017 · president troll is losing his touch Is there any reason to talk about the tweet the president posted this morning? Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA.

The Union News.: Obama delays union-only mandate 09, 2009 · "A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

President Obama Kills No Child Left Behind | Crooks and Obama Kills No Child Left Behind. ... To me, a very big, very huge, BFD in a bittersweet kind of way. ... but it has sorely tested her ability to love learning, which is my ultimate goal. Her school is an under-performing school, largely due to the number of non-English speaking students, the number of students who live in ...

Rob Reiner Watch: Tax the Rich for Pre-School – Flap's ... 29, 2005 · But it’s looking like the governor’s friend, filmmaker Rob Reiner, will beat the pols to the pot. This is about using it or losing it. t is an income tax increase on the wealthiest Californians — individuals earning more than $400,000; couples making above $800,000.

American Socialist groups says President Obama is NOT a ... 03, 2010 · This is just too perfect! You simply cannot make this kind of thing up, and it happens to Sarah Palin constantly! Once again I certainly hope that SOMEBODY beings this information to those teabaggers who are so unbelievably ill informed as to believe that Sarah Palin is the epitome of the capitalist ideal and that President Obama is the second ...

Abstinence In Your 30's - How Late Should You Wait ... 05, 2013 · I am slightly socially awkward, but it's not too bad for me. I get stressed in social situations where I am around a lot of people who I don’t know. This stresses me out tremendously. This is why certain social situations that would be enjoyable and relaxing to some people, are draining and stressful…basically like work for me.

No Right Turn: The tories knew all along 04, 2018 · The tories knew all along For the past few weeks pressure has been growing on the British government over its persecution of the "Windrush generation" . People who legally came to the UK, lived there their entire lives, and had a permanent right of residency are being treated as illegal immigrants because the government deliberately destroyed ...

Meet the 14 Lucky Couples Who Will Get Married at the ... the 14 Lucky Couples Who Will Get Married at the Empire State Building This Valentine’s Day

OpenlineBlog: Bigelow Fails Again | Scam On Hold 08, 2006 · Perry Bigelow, drive-in killer and nominee for 2006 Crony of the Year, apparently has been so busy destroying the Hi-Lite 30 indoor and drive-in theater, he didn't have time to "figure out" how to come up with an actual plan and proof of the alleged 8.3 acre land donation parcel that was part of a publicity stunt orchestrated with Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner before the drive-in theater vote.

A Year Without Mirrors | BroadBlogs 20, 2014 · Imagine living a year without seeing your reflection in a mirror. That's what Kjerstin Gruys did when her engagement transformed her from intelligent grad student to “bridezilla.” You've heard of the “bikini body.” Well, Kjerstin fretted over not having an adequate “bride body” in time for her wedding — if ever. As she viewed dress…

John's Blog: Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk Three Stooges Do Madonna wasn't AT ALL what I had expected, but it was still entertaining. Because of the bad remakes that Hollywood loves to churn out I got a bit nervous when I stumbled upon The NEW Three Stooges, but as it turns out it's just that the boys did some lame new material as an intro to an animated version.

California Drought just got worse - 2016 Election Diary ... 30, 2015 · California's main source of surface water during the state's dry summer months is the remaining snow on its highest mountains. But it has officially melted. The snowpack levels, which hovered at around 7% to 15% of normal for this date in 2009, …

Tenured Radical: Day 1 at the Berks: Let the Receptions Begin 10, 2008 · Today was reception after reception after reception, since most of the action doesn't start until tomorrow. We were received at 4:00 by Feminist Studies, where longtime editor Claire Moses stood up on a table and recounted for all of us the history of the journal and the history of the journal's presence at the Berkshire Conference: it went on for a while, and occasionally the babble of the ...

Dumb And Dumber: The E! True Hollywood Story Of Sarah Palin Hollywood Story on "Rock's Biggest Bad Boys." Reports have long swirled about the tenuous, strained relationship between Old Johnny and his floozy of a running mate Sarah Palin. But with the election over, the floodgates have opened and the avalanche of wacky Palin tales are starting to pour out. Ooooh, gonna be good!

REWinn ... My scrapbook.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Deadbeat Donald Even Stiffs the Big Fish 11, 2016 · This is actually surprising to me, because, as Bernie Madoff proved, stealing from other rich people is a cardinal sin, while stealing from poor people will ensure that the poor peoples' tax dollars will bail you out when you crash and burn. It was acceptable when Trump was stealing from dishwashers and cabinetmakers, but I can't see stealing ...

Fox News Reporters Maced And Beaten While Covering # ... 06, 2011 · However, this is the first report that documents the use of such force against members of the mainstream media – and it turns out to be from a Fox affiliate. [Note: Local affiliates get some direction from Fox News, but also have a measure of editorial discretion.

Youth Vote Brings Obama Closer to Presidency | Election ... 06, 2008 · This is the first Presidential election Bankes has had the opportunity to be a part of, and according to the demographics of this past election she is one of many young people making this first big step. Among the young voters under 30 casting their ballots, 69% gave their vote to Barack Obama.

Unitarian Universalist Church – Santa Clara County ... is the first of many to come. Thanks @baileyfu_ 8 months ago by sccdp On Tuesday, October 22, 2019, volunteers from SCCDP registered new citizens to vote at their swearing in ceremony.

What Are These People Smoking? Jared Polis Everywhere ... 03, 2018 · Over the weekend, we promoted to the homepage a reader diary on a protest event we were actually unaware of before it occurred on New Year’s Eve: a trip by a group of activists with disabilities from Atlantis ADAPT, the storied grassroots team who has been fighting since the 1980s in Denver for better accommodations in transportation and public spaces generally, to the small Eastern …

A RFRA-Based Defense in a Criminal Prosecution ... received an email two days ago announcing that five professors of law and religion had filed an amicus brief in support of Dr. Scott Warren, a humanitarian aid worker who faces up to twenty years in prison for providing food and shelter to migrants crossing the Arizona desert. The amicus was filed in an Arizona federal court, and contends that Dr. Warren is entitled to an accommodation from ...

MInd | Views from Crestmont Drive - Mark R. Kelly is an enormous book, 962 pages long, 702 of that text (with the remainder consisting of encyclopedic notes, a lengthy bibliography, and an index). The book is about how parents deal with exceptional children, covering ten categories of exceptionality, … Continue reading ?

Minnesota police officer gets out of squad car to dance ... is an escape from the controversial, fear-mongering, depressing news that is riddled with sensationalism. ... every baby born or adopted in the state is given a college savings account with $100 in his or her name. 4387 · 132 comments . Man Clones Old-Growth Redwoods, Plants Them in Safe Places. the first european brown bear sighting in ...

ron jeremy rocks | the inquisitive techie a character whose likeness reminds one of long nights with porn starlets and cocaine, is likely as good as it gets when you are selling crappy $1 hamburgers at 2 a.m. from the drive through. So, thank you McDonald’s for keeping The Hedgehog working, if only in spirit. Time is definitely not on Ron’s side for much longer, and he ...

NPE News! - of the regular features of the NPE web site will be regular reports from regional correspondents. To kick this off, one of NPE's director's, Larry Lee, has written a description of the sorry state of affairs in his home state of Alabama. Please read his report here.

Category Archives: MInd - Views from Crestmont is an enormous book, 962 pages long, 702 of that text (with the remainder consisting of encyclopedic notes, a lengthy bibliography, and an index). The book is about how parents deal with exceptional children, covering ten categories of exceptionality, … Continue reading ?

Against Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the ... Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required.Reviews: 533Format: Kindle EditionAuthor: Alison Weir

The Continuing Story Of Dr. Steve Ingersoll: Glistening ... 16, 2014 · Miss Fortune found me last spring when Up North Progressive published the first article about Steve Ingersoll and his for-profit charter school scam on the state of Michigan. This blog focused on methodology, their approach to special education services (Everyone’s a visual learner), and the fact that the same vision therapy used in his schools is used by his daughter in her chiropractic ...

Dan Quayle's Potatoe: The Luxury Furnace 22, 2009 · Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Alt-America by David Neiwert | Waterstones product of years of reportage, and including the most in-depth investigation of Trump's ties to Far Right figures, a crucial book about one of the most disturbing sides of the US. Publisher: Verso Books ISBN: 9781786634467 Number of pages: 464 Dimensions: 198 x 129 mm

New York Needs A Sun Burn - Cross-Posted from True News ... 05, 2009 · Two hospitals were closed this week in Queens at the same time one of its lawmakers stands accused of ripping off hospital funds. 300,000 more New Yorkers will be out of work this year. When will anyone step up in New York and say elected officials and their fat cat friends have to stop the rip-offs of our city and state budgets.

Dan Quayle's Potatoe: 7/19/09 - 7/26/09 22, 2009 · Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Mo Rage: The Most Expensive Presidency Ever?, on top of the fact that Mr. Trump never divested of his business holdings, make this one of the most dangerous and expensive presidencies in the history of the nation, without question. It's a dangerous presidency because of the risks we incur getting him in and out of New York City but also because of those same risks just having him ...

Monologues of Dissent: Walker's Confidences: John Doe vs ... Walker, still enjoying his prolonged state of pre-indictment, has been making many sweeping claims these days, but none so forceful ly as his two proudest points of alleged confidence:. He is "confident" that he is not the subject of the John Doe investigation, and that it ends with the plea deal recently reached with his long-time aide Tim Russell.

Dr. Peter Rhee, Surgeon of Giffords & Navy Veteran 14, 2011 · He was one of the first battlefield surgeons to be deployed to Camp Rhino, the first U.S. land base in Afghanistan, located in the remote desert about 100 miles southwest of Kandahar. In 2005, he served in Iraq. "This doesn't compare," he said of his university hospital environs. "This is …

Alt-America by David Neiwert | Waterstones"The seemingly sudden reemergence of the far right in America has left many in a state of panic and bewilderment. Alt-America will be essential in helping us to comprehend the depth of its foundations in national life." - Angela Nagle, author of Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4Chan and Tumblr to Trump and the Alt-Right "Over the last two decades, David Neiwert has been one of our ...

New Company Joins the Space Tourism Race - Oh Well: A ... 05, 2006 · An artist's rendering of a proposed commercial spaceport in the United Arab Emirates. From The New York Times I found this off The New York Times: The space tourism industry, its millionaire would-be passengers impatiently tapping on their platinum credit cards, just got a little more crowded, with the announcements of a new rocket development company and of plans to build a $265 …

?Xiao Chuanguo Fabricates and Falsifies Clinical Data reported his results of “the first 15 patients with SCI” (”clinical trial was started in 1995?) in his 2003 paper [1]. Before that, he also reported the results of “14 SCI patients since 1995? in his 1998 abstract [2]. It is not the problem that there is a difference of one in the total numbers of patients.

illusory tenant: Jesus made county government to punish Evil 10, 2009 · The first several verses of Romans 13 tell us He established government and that people in authority are ministers of God assigned to promote good and punish evil. From Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke's officially endorsed message to police officers at mandatory events.

The Immoral Minority: Barack Obama gives some folks in ... 08, 2017 · — Angel Martinez ?? (@1992AngelM) November 8, 2017 Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune: Prospective juror Barack Obama, who ultimately was not chosen to sit on a jury, climbed out of a black SUV in a secure parking garage underneath the Daley Center around 10 a.m. Wednesday as a news helicopter hovered overhead.

Lupe Valdez Texas Governor | Texas Leftist — who according to her campaign raised $48,504 in the first part of this year, including a $5,000 loan she made to herself — said in a statement that she isn’t concerned about White’s money. “I came from humble beginnings as one of eight children born to migrant farm workers. I then spent my career in service to the people of ...

Barack Obama | Election Coverage, 2008 is the first Presidential election Bankes has had the opportunity to be a part of, and according to the demographics of this past election she is one of many young people making this first big step. Among the young voters under 30 casting their ballots, 69% gave their vote to Barack Obama.

August | 2009 posts published by sirstormwarden during August 2009. And though I love my country, I can’t say I blame him one bit. If you were held for seven years without a trial, wouldn’t you want compensation, amongst a host of other things, for all he went through.

Contextual Criticism: 10/26/14 - 11/2/14 is a myth! There was no historical Moses! There was no great Hebrew tribulation in Egypt and there was no Exodus. The Biblical stories are ancient legends crafted to give the Hebrew people of the latter part of the first millennium BCE, some historical reference points, and to explain where certain traditions came from and whence they arose.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 08/12/2018 - 08/19/2018 says he grew up listening to the band’s music and was excited to attend one of their shows, but never thought he’d leave bloody and bruised at the hands of a famous musician. Cellphone video taken at the concert captures the moment the Social Distortion fan says he was beaten up by the band’s frontman, 56-year-old Mike Ness.

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2006 · The anti-abortion LifeSite news service notes the following with disgust: Profits from the Lord of the Rings film trilogy are being used to fund destructive human embryonic research at the University of California, reported the Mainichi Daily News.

Reflections on Misconduct in the Justina Pelletier Affair 11, 2014 · Reflections on Misconduct in the Justina Pelletier Affair Judge Joseph F. Johnston's Pelletier Family Gag Order In a rare display of contempt, Lou and Linda Pelletier Justina's parents, chose to breach Judge Johnston's gag order and publicize that their daughter Justina had been imprisoned in Boston Children's Hospital for months.

Eschaton: 11/24/2013 - 12/01/2013 East represents one of the city's "biggest challenges," according to a Center City District report, an area of "obsolete and underperforming low-scale structures, unattractive storefronts, neglected historic assets and large, vacant parcels at key locations." That report, issued in 2007, remains true today.

No Right Turn: National doesn't care about affordable housing 07, 2017 · But it turns out that neither the government nor the council is bothering to check if that's true: Under the accord, which was approved in September 2013, 10 per cent of new homes in special housing areas had to be affordable housing that could be purchased by a …

Crabby Old Lady and Audio-Only News - TIME GOES BY 11, 2018 · Crabby Old Lady winds up in a snit these days every time she reads – or, rather, TRIES to read - online news. Certainly she has her favorite news websites, but Crabby regularly visits a wide variety of other news sources too, several dozen in fact, and although she can't read every one every day, she's familiar with them all from her decades of use.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Education issues set to simmer ..."This is not a district that can afford two substantial severance packages, in as many years. This is money that could be used to provide additional assistance to our students with special needs, increasing teacher librarian time, or reducing our class sizes" -- The closing points to a recent letter to the editor of the Daily News, from Joanna ...

PolitiFact Bias: Extremely deceptive abortion ad looks ... independent watchdog of the PolitiFact fact-checking website. Offering the best evidence of PolitiFact's mistakes and bias since 2011.

My Favorite Elton John Songs 02, 2015 · Elton John recently announced he would be retiring from live performances. We'll see. In the meantime, here is a list of my favorite songs of his. Remember: not a "greatest hits" list; it's my personal list. Yours is certain to be different. I had trouble narrowing it down to ten (as would anyone),…

The Wattree Chronicle: TO CJ GOODE III AND ALL THE OTHER ... 07, 2020 · The White man might grin in your face and pat you on the back when you say it, but it doesn't contribute to a positive image of the Black community. Of course, you probably don't care about that, because all you're interested in is impressing the White man. But it's something for you to think about, nevertheless. .

Jenny Craig Diet Update, Week 14 - Blogger is Jenny report time again. Some background. Last week I neglected to report my results. I GAINED 0.4 pounds last week. Ugh! Not awful bu...

The Rude Pundit: When There Are No Rules and the Game Is ... 06, 2018 · Look, I'm not an idiot. None of likely to work. It's something of a thought experiment, maybe even a fantasy. But it's a set-up for the next and potentially the biggest battle, the midterms. (Note: I get that some of this might inspire the right and, especially, evangelicals to vote heavily in the midterms. But that can be mitigated by ...

Subjective Best Of Lists Are Impeachable - Blogger 09, 2007 · The problem (well, one of the problems) with Dienhart's list is that it is a road map for "the benefit of the doubt" given to some coaches, but not others. If a team coached by a high rated team on his list loses a couple of early games to drop to 1-2, you'll likely see a column somewhere by someone saying "a Coach X coached team is too good to ...

December 2013 – Otis & James Photography 13, 2013 · All the way back to a time that really wasn’t all that long ago, but seems like a lifetime ago. And we’re going to start this trip with the one & only MacKenzie! If memory serves, there was a time, there was a studio, there was a photographer, and then there was senior pictographic magic that went down, as is evidenced by the picture above ...

Start Hearings Now! | The Smirking 04, 2020 · One of those is the Supreme Court, which is ill-suited to lead in anything other than a Constitutional crisis, let alone a pandemic. Also, the Court just fast-tracked the appeal of the decision of both the district and circuit courts by a purely partisan 5-4 margin.

The Immoral Minority: Secret Service requests 60 million ... 06, 2017 · The Aspen Times had an article about 12k or so in ski rental equipment charged to a Secret Service "secret" contractor. This was for Secret Service guys protecting Ivanka, Jared, et all on the slopes. The lift tickets were extra. Free skiing is a cool gig if you are a SS agent, but it's not cool for taxpayers. Delete

William Horberg: Branded Entertainment lead me to a fun speculation of the future, and what the farthermost of this line of thinking might ultimately be: How about ingenue KIMBERLEY CLARK starring in KLEENEX : The Movie: I guess if anyone can make a compelling movie out of a board game, the great Sir Ridley Scott can, but it sure feels like a long, long way from The Duellists, or ...

Next Left: Integration after this guest post, following the Oldham East and Saddleworth by-election which was triggered by the court case against former MP Phil Woolas, Nick Johnson argues that the Labour party needs to reflect on why it has struggled with issues of identity and diversity, and to work out how it can effectively advocate an agenda for integration and greater equality.

Small towns need to control growth and check out what ... 10, 2019 · Other times the abatement is 100%. They are often for a set amount of time, such as Ten years, which is a common time period. So if a company comes in with a complete 10-year tax abatement that means they pay no taxes for ten years. Some cities or towns even give free water and electricity. A company can move to a town and pay nothing for 10 years.

YARN GIRLS, THEY DO GET WOOLY: November 2006 and I drove to Portland two days prior to Black Sheep Gathering, to visit with my son, TJ, and his darling wife, Shelley, for a couple of days. A Shelley Sandwich We rummaged through a couple of local yarn stores, one of which was conveniently located next to a very nice lunch spot.

PRIDE the Florida Department of Corrections and Murder 12, 2009 · This is especially true when one looks back to 2003 and Charlotte Correctional Institution. In June of that year a female correctional officer, Darla Latherm was was assigned to supervising 5 close custody inmates working a nighttime construction detail in one of the dormitories.

Russell Glasser's blog: June 2016 25, 2016 · This is a non trivial issue to solve. Appointed rulers (i.e. kings) tend to care about disempowered people very little. Entrenched ruling groups, like an established board of directors for a company, tend to empower people that they like personally, and in practice bring in more people who look and think like them.

Exposed: Left-Wing Billionaires' Plans to Smear Schaffer Early 29, 2008 · "This is nothing short of coordinated character assassination by a handful of left-wing billionaires," he said. [Emphasis added] Is it just me, or does that remark by Yates sound like a line from a movie script where the Mafia boss gives a little friendly advice to a potential informant? Maybe not how he intended it, but it sure sounds funny.

Uncategorized – Dewey Design went to the local Seasons of Japan for a steak bowl. They advertise (with great big posters) their free WiFi. Well, long story short, the employees were unable to figure out the password, so it was of absolutely no use to me. This is something to consider for those trying to stick to WiFi usage in smaller towns and cities.

Reform Dem: Map - 2008 Hate Crime Rate by State 23, 2009 · This is a significant change from a few years ago when Wisconsin had a extremely low hate crime rate, although that was probably due to under-reporting. Click on the map for a larger version. To be included as a hate crime in the FBI statistics, a crime must first be reported to a local law-enforcement agency, which then makes a determination ...

Pareto plus Peter: collaboration using SAP StreamWork 20, 2011 · This is exciting as it encourages developers to continue designing and improving the software we need and want. My goal has been to use open source and, when possible, free web-based tools for collaboration, data storage, and productivity.

August | 2009 | Living Lessons Blog Backlash, Health Care, Climate Change. August 16, 2009 at 6:33 pm · Filed under Living Lesson. Growing pains. This is the phrase I’ve gone back to over the last few weeks, post the ‘post-racial’ saga of Skip Gates and the Sticky Front Door.

Spanblather: So long and thanks for all the fish 02, 2007 · moving on is one of life's inevtiabilities, and it is something we all do from time to time, whether it is because circumstances in life have changed, youre older, wiser and your outlook on life is different, or you just want to do something different for a change.

The Rectification of Names: Queen's bishop to mate in two addition of the full range of contraceptive services and supplies without cost-sharing to a plan that currently includes no coverage at all would cost about $37 per member per year for an HMO and $41 for a PPO. Notably, the study estimates that PPO enrollees today …

Balkinization: Law Schools Suffer Loss in Lawsuits is not correct. When writing my book on law schools, I discovered that it was nearly impossible to find comprehensive employment data on individual law schools. A sophisticated and suspicious prospective student would have been able to figure out that the employment numbers posted by many law schools are incomplete and untrustworthy, but ...

Draft Coop: Roy Cooper for U.S. Senatehttps://draftcoop.blogspot.comDraft Coop: Roy Cooper for U.S. Senate Saturday, May 30, 2009. Closing up shop. Since we've had no responses to our previous post ("Requiem for a Draft movement"), wondering who to support in the absence of Coop, I think that means either no one is paying attention to the blog of a failed draft movement, or else people honestly don't have any ...

X Curmudgeon: August 2011 Curmudgeon family is headed to New York City this weekend for a show and some touristing about, but it looks like Hurricane Irene may follow us up there, Landstrike style. Irene probably won't be "the big one," and it's course is still far from certain, but we guess …

What I Think Of — LiveJournalhttps://uplift17.livejournal.comHoooooo. Well, I suppose it's time for my bi-monthly update of some kind. It is a Thursday in August and I am leaving Madison shortly! This is an exciting prospect for a few reasons: 1) I get to go home and have access to people who can cook food! 2) I get to go home and find a scale and see how this summer has been fitness-wise!

My epic MP3 conversion quest – part 3: Mr T ate my ... 04, 2011 · If you're new to this craziness, start by reading part 1. If that doesn't leave you feeling faintly nauseous, try part 2. If you're still a glutton for punishment, continue and at least you'll have some idea what's going on. After a brief flurry of activity in which I actually ripped all of the CDs…

the.antiMandate...https://antimandate.blogspot.comThe comments following pieces in America newspapers regarding the Israeli war on Lebanon and Palestine Occupied Territories are flowing and the sentiment is to be expected - Lebanon deserves it, Israel has the right to defend itself, etc.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast says Kelly ... are currently waiting for a reply. From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:55 AM To: D'Allesandro, Lou Subject: Fwd: Attorney General Response/ Bob Kinsella Response Lou, This is a very important email train from the US attorney to me.

The Policies of Truthhttps://policiesoftruth.blogspot.comI am married to a graceful women who thinks and feels with clarity 365 days a year…24 hours a day…That is fucking inspiring and oozing with honesty…What am I getting at? Well…I am tipsy and my wife is in bed…If there was a dance floor with R. Kelly playing though the stereo I would be fine…

Recording Artist: Delaying the xnu-x86 source release 04, 2006 · We'll see what happens. Either way my gut feeling is that just a delay in the source release, not a permanent switch to a completely closed-source kernel. [Update: Aug 7 2006: xnu-x86 has now been released. According to Kevin van Vechten's post at Several changes were made in order to publish the kernel (xnu) sources.

What Would our Founding Fathers Think of This?https://emilyepthomas56.blogspot.comIn the 1950's, American society was mainly Suzy Q suburbia, with perfect house wives and "Leave it to Beaver" families. That worked for a while, America's corporate success shot through the roof, highways were being built, we were making it at a nation. Then came the uprising of the hippie-chique 60's.

Wouldn't It Be Scarier?: June 2009 08, 2009 · A tie. The obvious answer would be the guy we spoke to a week or two ago, who sounded for all the world like a talking BNP leaflet. I was faintly amused when, mid rant about bending over backwards for Islam / it's a Christian country / etc, my colleague asked said gent whether in …

The Union News.: 12/5/09 09, 2009 · Oppressed out-of-workers begin to get used to it If part-time workers who want full-time jobs and laid-off workers who have given up looking for jobs are included, the underemployment rate also fell, to 17.2 percent from 17.5 percent in October. The better-than-expected figures provided a rare dose of good news for a labor market that's lost 7.2 million jobs in two years.

Redeye's Front Page: Sandra Bland Video Confirms She ... 01, 2015 · Reason for that the Police Officers do not actually file any charges against you. The District Attorney is who files any and all charges. And the District Attorney has 72 hours to file charges because of our right to a "speedy trial". The Miranda Rights, listed below, are only applicable if you have been arrest and are being interrogated.

Axinar'shttps://axinar.blogspot.comOne distinct disadvantage of having an overactive imagination is a tendency to dwell on "worst case scenarios". Now, don't get me wrong - there are some REALLY ugly worst case scenarios out there - for instance the Yellowstone caldera blowing it's stack and pretty much completely destroying the human race as we know it. But, no, with SO many people getting laid off the last few months I am ...

Beneath The Underdog: December 2007 tagged "The American Radiohead" has to be something you'd want to avoid. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to make albums like Sky Blue Sky. Which isn't a bad album. A little too slick for my tastes, but an enjoyable listen. It just happens to come from a group that I've viewed as one of the greatest bands of the past twenty years.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Haunted by the Spirit of the Falklands 03, 2019 · One of my weekly listens is the Qanon Anonymous podcast, which concerns the big current right-wing conspiracy theory. This week's episode concerned the statutory rape and sex trafficking allegations against Prince Andrew. Perhaps it's the Irish in me (or more, ominously, the French), but I've never been a big fan of royalty in general, and the House of Windsor in particular, and I remember ...

Mission Accomplished, nuts are snipped. - Blogger Accomplished, nuts are snipped. This will be a graphic post. Some may not want to read it. ... So we wait for a bit and I go in about 10 minutes later. We get in the back room and I strip the pants off, jump up the table and whip out my Gameboy Advance and start playing centipede. ... Husband to a beautiful wife, father to a beautiful ...

The Rectification of Names: Intolerable— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 5, 2018 Last August, I took that to mean he was throwing Junior under the bus, after the original coverup plan concocted in July 2017 Hamburg (possibly during his four hours of secret meetings with Vladimir Vladimirovich) collapsed under the weight of the evidence, turning instead to demonstrating his ignorance of the law as proof of innocence, but ...

July | 2008 | ENDAblog posts published by Katrina Rose during July 2008. In the Bay Area Reporter, Gwen Smith responds to one of HRC’s current token – and starry-eyed – trannies, Meghan Stabler.. I personally have seen a number of transgender activists get seduced by HRC, and firmly believe that this time it …

illusory tenant: Baked oatmeal goes on sick leave 06, 2009 · When a local restaurant closed yesterday, one if its owners told a Journal-Sentinel reporter that "the new Milwaukee ordinance that requires city employers to provide sick days to their workers would have made it difficult for her to continue in business." As if on cue, the paper's "right-wing guy" Patrick McIlheran seized at this scrumptious tidbit and composed a righteous screed entitled ...

Imperium Primum Officiumhttps://governization.blogspot.comThis is not illegal and on the contrary is a citizens way of protecting themselves, from the police? Since when did the police become a threat to a private citizen? Has police brutality always been around us but we just caught on to this trend by the means of technology and social media.

Who Hijacked Our Country: Koch Industries: Spend Billions ... 31, 2010 · • FreedomWorks, whose Koch-founded precursor, Citizens for a Sound Economy, received some $5.7 million from Koch foundations. • Americans for Prosperity, which received at least $5.1 million from Koch Foundations from 2005-2008 and is an offshoot of the Koch-founded Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation, which itself received more than $6 ...

» Gary Kleppe's fanfiction girl looked around. She had slept on the sidewalk, in front of the entrance to some sort of park area. A path led into the area, surrounded by grass and a few trees, in contrast to the concrete world outside. The path led to a statue. It depicted a hooded woman carrying a baby, a …

Ex-Romney aides claim that "Newsroom's" purely fictional ... 12, 2013 · "Hey, that didn't happen!" On Sunday night's episode of the incredibly riveting HBO program "Newsroom" had character Jim Harper embeddin...

Top Down vs Bottom Up - B12 the last few days, there's been an interesting analysis of some differences between Obama/Clinton appearing in various media outlets. Distilled to a sound-bite: Clinton is the imperial candidate, an oligarchy, with all decisions and communications coming from a small group of long-time Clinton loyalists.Obama by contrast is Web 2.0, following the Howard Dean model, and building upon Dean ...

Veteran's group accuses Bill O'Reilly of "stealing valor ... 09, 2015 · He did not respond to the details of the story. Instead, he called me a "liar," a "left-wing assassin," and a "despicable guttersnipe." He said that I deserve "to be in the kill zone." (You can read one of my responses here.) And in his show-opening "Talking Points memo" monologue on Friday evening, he continued the name-calling.

Gubu-World: If Johnny Adair had a nuclear weapon of the reasons Iranians have chanted 'death to Israel' is because the Israeli Gov. assisted Iraq. Senior Mossad agent Victor Ostrovosky openly admits that Israel worked behind the scenes to ensure that Sadaam's military killed Iranians, destroyed Iranian property and that the Iraq/Iran War dragged on for as long as possible - wiki Iran/Iraq ...

Go and Do the Same: Change Your Direction - A Stewardship 30, 2016 · But Jesus came as the harbinger of a new age in which money played a different role. We don’t really know why Zacchaeus went to all this trouble to see Jesus, but his curiosity led him back into the fold. What he heard that day was the message of God’s realm, the same realm that we pray will be revealed on earth as it is in heaven.

Milo Yiannopoulos | News Corpse“And, as the hurricane headed towards the impoverished Caribbean island of Haiti, he said: ‘Irma is about to finish what Hillary started: leaving Haiti in ruins.’ That was a reference to Hillary Clinton, who faced questions during her presidential campaign against Donald Trump over the work of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti following the ...

Marilyn Monroe, Hal Schaefer, Joe DiMaggio, Frank Sinatra ... 16, 2012 · This is Mr. Schaefer with Marilyn Monroe in 1953. Hal Schaefer was a vocal coach, arranger and jazz pianist. According to the Times. In his professional life as well as his personal one, Mr. Schaefer was often the least famous person in the room; his …

Otto's War Room (??): Nicaragua represents the worst of ... in Nicaragua are troubling to say the least. I have read one newspapers account after another and they all paint a bleak picture of what is happening in Nicaragua.The articles focus mainly on growing authoritarianism by President Daniel Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo, violent protests against his government and the same kinds of economic problems we see now in Venezuela.

Liars, Liars, Liars | The Black Hole Next Door 15, 2010 · Found this at The Post & Email. It is an interesting read. I freely admit it I am a BIRTHER. I Think that anyone who wishes to seek a seat in The Oval Office should provide indisputable evidence that they meet the requirements of eligibility for that office.

Madonna Doesn’t Get Mercy | This Black Sista's Memorial Page 03, 2009 · Madonna is fifty, but she thinks that she can outlast age like Mick Jagger. Well, Mick has slowed down lately, even in his acquisition of young female saliva, as the aging Tony Curtis once said kept him young. Madonna cannot have and control everything and everybody, from boy toys to African orphans, even with the millions she has.

Wise Law Blog: Judge Bybee Defends His Torture Memo 29, 2009 · The victims of these crimes are criminals," Woodward said, according to a copy of the trial transcript. One of the "victims" was Vernell Harkless, who was convicted of burglary in 1977. Gregg Magee, a deputy sheriff who testified against Sheriff Parker and three of the deputies said he witnessed Harkless being handcuffed to a chair by Parker ...

Orcinus: Gospel of Hate: Arizona pastor Steve Anderson ... Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

read my mind: Why is America So Violent? is one of the primary reasons why so many people are moving out of the big cities right now. In the city of Chicago, police are so overwhelmed with crime that they will no longer respond in person “ to 911 calls reporting vehicle theft, garage burglary or simple assault “.

CIA killed Lennon I just finished John Lennon: Life, Times & Assassination by the Brit Phil Strongman (published by Bluecoat Press, available on Amazon and, I'm sure, elsewhere). The book generated some press attention in the UK, e.g. the Daily Mail article proclaiming "thirty years on, there's an extraordinary new theory". Ahem. It's only new to those who haven't been paying attention.

Dick Polman's American Debate: 2006-02-12 covered the 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2004 presidential campaigns. In his 22 years at the Inquirer, he has also been a foreign correspondent based in London; a baseball writer covering the Philadelphia Phillies; a general-assignment writer in the feature section; and a longtime Sunday magazine contributor.

Balkinization: Protestant Constitutionalism: A Series of ... is also the reason why I became an originalist beginning in 2005. I am a protestant constitutionalist, and ultimately I became convinced that the interpretive theory that best captured my views about constitutional change was a textualist theory, one that offered the text’s original meaning as a framework for constitutional redemption.

US flag | Start Thinking Right 24, 2012 · This is the “American flag” that the Obama campaign is selling on its website: Just barf me. Everyone who votes for this narcissist is a traitor to America. Just to make sure the image remains I took a screen shot of this despicable outrage to a once great nation available on the store: Show me George Bush doing vile crap ...

The Gonzo Loop: August 2007 29, 2007 · one of my ex-Chronicle colleagues exclaims as the red cart full of visibly shaken people makes its way into the station. There was obvious fear in his eyes. The type of fear that can only be compared to incidents such as not pulling out in time and not wanting kids, or pulling out but then realizing that you already went.

Bar crowd troubles send Rupertite to Vancouver Hospital ... ugly incident during the notorious bar crowd hours in downtown Prince Rupert has resulted in a Prince Rupert resident requiring a medi-vac flight to Vancouver and the arrest of three men involved in the early morning incident. The early Friday morning incident took place in the 700 block of 2 nd Avenue West at around 3 am. After the disturbance was attended to by police, a local ...

The Upside to Robots: October 2008 Muckraker says the GOP is sending thugs to knock on Hispanic voters' doors in NM and threaten them with immigration action if they try to vote.Nice.. HuffPo has a video of vote flipping in West VA.. In black neighborhoods of Philadelphia, fliers have been posted stating that anyone with unpaid parking tickets will be arrested if they try to vote. ...

Mountain of Judgment: Oct 30, 2005 time I read a new Haney comic from that era (and thank goodness, I still have about a dozen 1970s B&B's to get) I starting yelling to my wife "This is the dumbest comic ever! This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen!" she asks if meant as criticism. Of course not. Many--hell, most comics are better, but no comics make me happier.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Students to Track Discarded Spacesuit 09, 2006 · One of their chores involves taking steps to protect an important cable connected to a transporter that moves a platform holding the station's robotic arm. A twin cable which provides power, data and video to the mobile transporter was inadvertently cut in December. Mission managers want to make sure that doesn't happen to the remaining cable.

Orcinus: 04/06/2014 - 04/13/2014[Cross-posted at Hatewatch.] The rhetoric from right-wing pundits concerning Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s showdown with federal authorities over cattle grazing rights has quickly grown overheated. But talk show host Pete Santilli – who has a notable history of extremist statements – has reached an entirely new level of hysteria. Santilli devoted more than an hour of his Internet radio ...

Obama campaign in a little scandal over a MySpace page ... 09, 2007 · It would even take 9,800 supporters to contribute $5.00 to the campaign in order to recoup the $49,000 cost for the MySpace site and the contact list. What is more, a contact list of Obama supporters--these are voters who have decided to vote for Barack Obama in …

Mountain U.S. Agriculture News Monitoring Service & Press ... male in his 60s from McKinley County. The individual was hospitalized and had underlying conditions. A male in his 70s from McKinley County. The individual was hospitalized and had underlying conditions. A second male in his 70s from McKinley County. The …

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 249 | Bill's ... 19, 2018 · One of his lies was so gargantuan, and so obvious, that the lawmakers—and the viewers watching the broadcast of these remarks—could only conclude that Trump regards them as among the most gullible fools on the planet. ... He did it in his confrontation with former FBI director James Comey over what was said in their private Oval Office ...

Ironicus Maximus: Well, In His Defense, The Underpants Did ..., In His Defense, The Underpants Did Come From Victoria's Secret It's not often we find ourselves in agreement with The Man. OK, truth be told we don't even know who The Man is, but we have to admit that Long Beach High School Principal Nicholas Restivo , who may or may not be The Man, did the right thing, even if it was for the wrong reason.

Judge Powell back on the ballot – Off the Kuff was one of 11 current and former judges in the area who were admonished by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct in 2019 related to complaints that they instructed hearing officers to deny no-cost bail to indigent defendants. That admonishment has …

Obama +2 in Wisconsin — Rasmussen « Battleground Watch 19, 2012 · Another Battleground State poll from Rasmussen Reports this time in Wisconsin showing President Obama leading by 2-points, 50 to 48 over Mitt Romney. Obama leads among Independents by a whopping 11-points and touches the important 50% threshold: Wisconsin remains a two-point race following Tuesday night’s presidential debate. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of …

National NewsWatch Forum: March 2011 NewsWatch Forum News and opinion from across the country. Thursday, March 31, 2011. ... The GOP/Tea Party vision: steal from people who work for a living and give it to corporate crooks. at ... Common Dreams One of the main goals of the tea party. The fake "grassroots" movement has been funded by big oil (the Koch brothers)and ...

overview for American-Dreaming - Reddit want for all of the voters looking for a real change candidate to latch onto Warren instead of Yang, Williamson, Gabbard, or Sanders. The MSM doesn't want real change, but if that's the way the electorate is going to go, they see Warren as the lesser evil, from their point of view.

No More Mister Nice Blog: AGAIN, TRUMP IS ONLY A BIT MORE ... 08, 2016 · "There is no bar to this nation's holding one of its own citizens as an enemy combatant," Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said during [a] floor speech defending the detention provisions Tuesday. "That's not me, that's not Sen. Graham, that's not Sen. McCain. That's the Supreme Court of the United States recently." Levin was referring to 2004's Hamdi v.

Saturday Night Live is funny. - Leisha Camden Night Live is funny. I wish it was on TV here. ... they were talking about winking women on one of the Irish radio stations,as i was looking at the video, the researcher said she put in "famous women who wink" and google's did you mean..... came upwith something she had not thought off ... she's a grownup, the VP debates! She ...

Colin Kaepernick | Messaging Matters 05, 2018 · Nike has announced that former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick will be their new spokesman for Nike’s continuing “Just Do It” advertising campaign. Kaepernick is known for taking a knee before his NFL football games instead of standing during the National Anthem, in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter group, to protest police killing of black civilians.

Bitter Cold Causes President Obama to Freeze in Mid-Bullshit! a first —frozen in mid-bullshit? Now I’ve seen everything!” White House staff and Obama’s personal physicians rushed to the President once they realized the “’Muslim-extremist’-evading” Commander-in-Chief had indeed become frozen stiff, with a steady wintery mix of snow and sleet covering him and reporters.

This Life of Ours ~The Manne Familyhttps://mannefamily.blogspot.comIt has been awhile since I have posted. Matt and I will be married 10 years this year, we have moved Ryan is 9 and my Maverick is turning 5! I have decided to start blogging again, looking back through my past post, made me smile because It had reminded me of all the sweet little memories me and my family have made through the years.

An All-American Summer, Through Young Visitors’ Eyes 29, 2007 · Every summer, Michael Verrier, the park’s personnel director, asks the students he hires to pinpoint their homes on a world map that hangs in his office. Nearly 100 pins jut from that map this year, marking places with names like Almaty (Kazakhstan), Novosibirsk (Russia) and Antalya (Turkey).

OpenlineBlog: Latin Kings Attack Aurora | Mayor Weisner ... 07, 2012 · Don't forget, the same mayor who tried to take credit for how shootings were down. If he wants to take credit when crime is down, they he should take credit for when our quality of life is harmed like this. 7/15/12, 2:59 PM

read my mind: The Vietnam War - Good for Nothing! 10, 2009 · The world won’t blink, but I winced in my distress for a man who caused so much death and misery in his power tenure—and all for nothing. Whereas McNamara lived a long existence, he cut short 58,300 American soldiers’ lives and horribly disfigured the lives of 350,000 more from war wounds.

An Actual Gravitational Collapse? The Singapore Hotel New ... 29, 2009 · The final official numbers are that 33 people died. And 17 were rescued in the hours and days following the 3/15/86 collapse. This is a 34% survival rate. This is vastly greater than the rubble pile survival rate of the WTC (0.7%), whereby 20 people …

Pocket Full of Mumbles: More on Flannery O'Connor's Misfit 13, 2006 · The Misfit Modern film has nothing on Flannery O’Connor's A Good Man is Hard to Find, though it isn’t hard to imagine Robert De Niro as The Misfit playing against Jessica Tandy as the Grandmother.While both are strong characters, it's The Misfit that makes the show. His compulsion to inflict mayhem on a world that has failed him is the least of his sociopathic tendencies.

We finally have an ethics probe on the lawmakers at the C ... 14, 2010 · We finally have an ethics probe on the lawmakers at the C Street House ... senators have paid below-market rents to live in a house on C Street SE that is owned by a Christian prayer group known as the Fellowship. CREW wants the House and Senate ethics committees to determine whether the monthly rent, reported to be around $950, is below the ...

Our populist zeitgeist | rabble.ca 01, 2018 · The biggest surprise of this Ontario election has been Doug Ford's ineptitude as a candidate. There hasn't been a candidate this wretched since Hillary Clinton, and she came with advance warning, going back to her 2008 disaster. He keeps repeating, You know me, I'm for the people, I'm for the little guy. Like a character in medieval plays where they had names like Everyman. He'd be …

Otto's War Room (??): To support the Communist Party of ... one of his last communiqués, translated by the Network of Communist Blogs in his effort to become the voice of the Naxalite Revolution and to make known its struggle in Castilian, the PCI (M) of India calls for it to continue strengthening the front of the genocidal war against the people carried out by the fascist government of Modi and Raman Singh, unit after the Supreme Court itself has ...

The Dossing Times: Will Bush get cool t-shirts? 15, 2006 · Also after killing his first person what he wrote in his diary. I ended the problem giving him a shot with a .32 pistol in the right side of the brain, with exit orifice in the right temporal. He gasped for a little while and was dead.

Playing the Race Card on a Conservative Friend - Wattree 09, 2014 · First, I know for a fact that you’re not a virulent racist, so let's get that out the way.. One of the reasons that I value your friendship so much is because I’ve never forgotten the time that a group of your conservative friends tried to use the tag team approach to …

Jeff Sessions | The Smirking 08, 2019 · On Wednesday of this week, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) touted the agency’s fiscal year 2018 enforcement record even as the figures show that prosecution of white-collar crimes and corporate misconduct have plummeted. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is bragging that he’s sending more people to prison than ever, or at least charging more people with crimes than ever before.

‘Piracy Isn’t Killing Music’ Radiohead’s Guitarist Says 14, 2010 · Radiohead, who used BitTorrent to leak one of their songs, went as far as being willing to show up as a witness against the RIAA in court. In a new MIDEM interview, Radiohead guitarist Ed O’Brien stands up for file-sharers once again, stating that piracy is not killing the music industry in his view. O’Brien is no stranger when it comes to ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Iran -- A good ... 17, 2006 · None of really new. Our good friend, the UAE, has long had great relations with Nazi Germany Iran, and that relationship is only blossoming: According to Al-Bayan newspaper, statistics issued by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry show that the value of the total non-oil exchanges between the UAE and Iran hit $3.3 billion last year.

After Offshoring, What's Left? Low Paying Jobs. | Bud Meyers 05, 2013 · The situation is the result of a tectonic shift in the American economy. In 1960, the country’s biggest employer, General Motors, was also its most profitable company and one of its best-paying. It had high profit margins and real pricing power, even as it was paying its workers union wages.

Linux Beach: Why have there been so many Syrian Army ... truth is the the majority of those who are fighting him, and now make up the rank and file, as well as the leadership, of the Free Syrian Army, are Syrians who once fought for him and made the moral and courageous decision to change sides. This is an inconvenient fact for Assad and his supporters, but these defectors cannot be ignored.

No Right Turn: The SIS conducted unlawful searches 12, 2018 · Two years ago, we had a series of rulings about police access to banking records, which found that their practice of asking banks to "voluntarily" disclose information on their customers violated people's privacy and constituted an unreasonable (and thus unlawful) search under s21 BORA.Of course, it wasn't just the police asking for banking records: the SIS also did it.

Rockwood City Council Meeting | attended the Rockwood City Council Meeting last night. At the beginning of the meeting a council member had asked to defer the vote on the ban. A vote was taken and passed to defer. The Mayor did not want the proposed ordinance to be deferred. After this the floor was opened to public comments. Several (appx. 12) addressed the council.

LGF Watch: More airline madness (2) 17, 2006 · More airline madness (2) How many more of these idiotic incidents are taking place without reaching the media? This is a classic. Read in utter disbelief as the blogger Raed in the Middle is detained and harrassed by an airline for wearing a t-shirt with Arabic on it. What a security risk!

MA, MI, and NH: Population by CD – Swing State, MI, and NH: Population by CD Today’s Census data dump is three slow-growth northern states: Massachusetts, Michigan, and New Hampshire. Massachusetts is set to lose one seat (from 10 down to 9), meaning its new target is 727,514 (up from about 634K in 2000).

LIVERPUTTY: 3 Years in Iraq: a war that is saving lives? 03, 2006 · Yet, as the overall violence in the country slowly subsides, we have two prospects: 1) keep on the job so that Iraq can continue to stabilize and prosper, in which case the lives saved per the Chomsky calculator will grow astronomically; or 2) pull out and let country disintegrate - which would mean a lot more dead Iraqis.

Battleground States and Media Markets 16, 2020 · There are also some particularly expensive media markets, such as the Washington DC area. This runs up the cost of ads in some cases. Case in point: VA-10 in 2018, which if I recall correctly was the most expensive House race in the country.

What happened to Canada? - JOHN PRINCE: Telling It Like It happened to Canada? It used to be the country we would flee to if life in the United States became unpalatable. No nuclear weapons. No huge military-industrial complex. Universal health care. Funding for the arts. A good record on the environment. But that was the old Canada.

No More Mister Nice Blog: THE PARTY OF PERSONAL … 01, 2016 · the party of personal responsibility So how are the Trumpers making America great today? A school-age child at a Donald Trump rally on Tuesday stood up and yelled "Take the bitch down" after the candidate mentioned Hillary Clinton....

Overruledhttps://overruledblog.wordpress.comIt is impossible to understate how awesome :. In a bold and sweeping policy memorandum issued today, President Obama reaffirmed the critical role that state and local governments play in our constitutional system. The President’s memorandum directs executive branch officials to review every regulation adopted in the past ten years to scrub them of inappropriate preemption language.

illusory tenant: Couple acquitted of widespread voter fraud 22, 2011 · "Talk radio hosts are the purveyors of misinformation," said Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Rick Sankovitz.Haha. Very last line of the story. Apparently the couple acted on some claptrap the usual suspects — a.k.a. JRN superstars — were peddling. And …

Mo Rage: Don't "shoot the messenger" (no pun intended) said.... I'd love to know the specific wording of the questions asked to get these answers--makes a big difference. I don't have a particular problem with 'getting all the records into the system', so long as what is being used to deny gun rights is sensible, and includes due process.

Media Matters Angered at Media Shut Out at National Tea ... 16, 2010 · It is shameful how the ordinary citizens who are the T.E.A. party get treated by both the lame-stream media and by their elected “representatives”. IMHO, in order for us to have a meaningful impact we need to be transparent on all issues. And that includes making a place for all media. This will assure an open dialogue.

Perspectives: Vox -- The Bullshitter-in-Chief 30, 2017 · Here are the opening paragraphs of “Bullshitter-in-Chief,” but please read the complete article. It’s good. “Donald Trump says a lot of things that aren’t true, often shamelessly so, and it’s tempting to call him a liar.

Cops Dig Up Yard in Serial-slay Probe by Edgar Sandoval ... with shovels and a serial killer's confession, NYPD detectives dug up a Queens yard Wednesday, searching for the remains of his third alleged victim. Gregory Wynder, 56, is already doing life in prison for the September 2001 strangling of a woman in her Harlem apartment.. But while Wynder sat in prison, he wrote letters to prosecutors hinting he was responsible for …

The Wattree Chronicle: THE 2008 STATE OF THE BLACK UNION 04, 2008 · the 2008 state of the black union I had the pleasure of watching Tavis Smiley's entire production of the "2008 State of the Black Union" on CSPAN last week–and as usual, it was quite entertaining. But while I thoroughly enjoyed the show, I failed to see the urgency of having Senator Barack Obama in attendance.

The Rectification of Names: Is conservatism a mental illness? 18, 2013 · WHATEVER is fitted in any sort to excite the ideas of pain and danger, that is to say, whatever is in any sort terrible, or is conversant about terrible objects, or operates in a manner analogous to terror, is a source of the sublime; that is, it is productive of the strongest emotion which the mind is capable of feeling. I say the strongest emotion, because I am …

About Coal and Coal Miners - NEI Nuclear Notes 27, 2010 · The Washington Post has an excellent, plangent photo gallery of the funeral for the 29 coal miners killed in West Virginia. The Post could really have foregone the ad, though.---Here is a bit of President Obama’s eulogy: Even as we mourn 29 …

view from the thirteenth floor: April 2016 04, 2016 · the first streets-alive event of 2016 was excellent --- we rode out to west lake station then managed to get through one of the most pedestrian-unfriendly intersections in the city (i-20, mlk jr dr, and abernathy blvd) and then six miles down abernathy, through west end and mechanicsville to georgia ave, summerhill and grant park, then back via king memorial station …

Sony will never promote off its mobile unit | More ... 23, 2019 · He sees Sony Cellular is strategically critical not just mainly because of the worth it can insert to the relaxation of the company’s electronics portfolio but also its strategic great importance in the 5G period. Sony is just one of the top a few sellers in Japan and has continued to launch flagship units, most notably the Sony Xperia 1.

Dehang ? Wheat-dogg's World last day was Tuesday, coincidentally the last day before a week-long break for the National Holiday. First off, consider that my schedule that day began with four hours of classes, and ended with four hours of classes. Sandwiched between these sessions of Oral English was that day’s filming in Aizhai and Dehang and a very late lunch at 3 pm.

“That’s So Gay” | Dare To Dream 26, 2009 · The first time I heard the expression "That's So Gay", referring to and meaning lame, I was vising a friend that had high schoolers working for her. I sort of paused, looked at them as they realized that I was standing there and waited for …

The Rectification of Names: Good News for Barabbas News for Barabbas Rerun from April 2012: ANCHOR: Reporting here on the arrest of unorthodox rabbi Jesus of Nazareth, who was picked up by legionnaires after a brief struggle outside Jerusalem in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he and his followers were sleeping off the effects of yesterday's Passover seder, very early this morning.

Keep Dancing: December 2008 below. We have found a rhythm in the roller coaster ride each month as we try to conceive. There is the excitement of trying, the hope and fear as we wait for the results, the disappointment and grief when the results are negative and then we find some new reason to believe it will happen and we get excited all over again.

No Right Turn: People power in Nepal 04, 2006 · Convinced that the source of State Authority and Sovereignty of the Kingdom of Nepal is inherent in the people of Nepal and cognizant of the spirit of the ongoing people’s movement as well as to resolve the on-going violent conflict and other problems facing the country according to the road map of the agitating Seven Party Alliance, we, through this …

June | 2000 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao Was is, however, a take-home midterm, the first consisting of a series of four essays at four pages each and the second of five essays at four pages each (a total of 36 pages across 9 essays). The subjects for these essays cover some five full-length ethnographic studies and books and a number of readings from journals.

Order Jordan 12 The Master,The Master 12s $179 Pre Order Master 12.htmlWhy these sneakers were named to get , a pair sold on for a crazy $7, currently residing Binghamton, gang beating up the bad , air cleats for sale 610 at 04 nike men. Il est très difficile Jordan 12 The Master d'évaluer la qualité et la puissance d' parfum si vous n'êtes pas physiquement là pour tester.,12 MS Little Kid, clothes, via ...

Report: Median Wage was $27,519 a Year | Bud Meyers December 2009 to December 2012 the labor force saw an increase of 2,714,557 wage earners. Also Note: In 2012 50 percent of all wage earners had net compensation less than or equal to the median wage, which is estimated to be $27,519.10 for 2012 --- which means, nominal wages were up $553.67 (or 2%) from the year before --- but according to the BLS inflation …

Celebrity | The Smirking 08, 2019 · Oprah Winfrey has never been my favorite person. I've differed with some very good friends who really thought the world of her. I never did. Whatever elements went into building my judgment of people made her come off as a distinct phony, a raging egomaniac, and just another media-spawned hustler, celebrated mostly for being celebrated, a celebrity we …

The Whited Sepulchre: On Milton Friedman's Barking Cat let's go to something more recent, from the UK's Mail Online.Britain's dreaded National Health Service has killed something like 1,200 people through sheer godawful neglect, and the government flunkies have responded by (pick one) simply 1) firing those responsible 2) privatizing their system 3) vowing to keep government out of citizens' lives, or 4) paying whistleblowers to …

A New Anatomy of Melancholy: April 7, 2013 New Anatomy of Melancholy Comments are welcome. All material on this site that is not otherwise attributed is: ... and returns year after year. It is a mixed blessing. It is a beautiful plant, and tasty, but it is very high in oxalic acid and having had kidney stones once, I am determined to never have them again. ... There is a sudden ...

Eschaton: 05/08/2011 - 05/15/2011's one of those words which to Very Serious People means "you like it when the bully punches you in the face don't you dirty fucking hippie!" But what I've learned over the increasingly many years of my life is that the existence of just about any war in which the US is involved means that the Very Serious People, with all the power they have ...

Balkinization: New Looks at Erie a long time, my view (set out in longer form here) was that Erie was a much simpler case than most people realized. On the facts of the case (an accident involving a train and a pedestrian in Pennsylvania), and given the state of choice-of-law thinking at the time, it was clear that there was only one sovereign that both had the power to ...

The Thorndon Bubblehttps://thorndon.blogspot.com6.30-8.00pm. Soundings Theatre, Level 2, Te Papa Tongarewa. Free entry. Thursday 1 February: Fishing for answers - Maori and the Fisheries. In the three decades since the widening of the Waitangi Tribunal's powers to investigate historic claims we have heard the contemporary meaning of Article 2 of the Treaty debated extensively, culminating, in part, in the passing of …

People Get Ready: Warmer Atlantic may increase hurricane ... 05, 2006 · "It may not be the first time it's been said, but it's the clearest I've seen it stated coming out of a government agency. Game over." In addition to worrying about global warming and stronger hurricanes, equatorial diseases are now moving into more northern latitudes. West Nile virus infections have reached Canada.

Vagabond Scholar: Billy Wilder's Advice for Screenwriters 09, 2012 · Getting in to see him was a chore, but it was worth it. He was an amazing man, very amusing in person, charming. I only got into the sound stage, and then only for a few minutes with Mr. Wilder, by telling the personal secretary the …

KingCast presents the Truth about firefighers Cahill ... In the first picture, that's a flashfire caught at that exact moment that Firefighter Payne died. Read the comments for more on this. Read the comments for more on this. So this means the city needs to shell out for all of the benefits owed to the families, and meanwhile that doesn't excuse the lack of a contract between the city and the ...

chuck dash parker dot net » 2017 » June years ago today, I watched a tiny little person under five pounds come into the world, being quite feisty and full of life in spite of having to hang out in one of those plexiglass incubator things for a lot of the first week. In the interim, there were dance classes, road trips, laughs, […]

Exclusive Interview with Nicholas Stoller 23, 2008 · DS: And a day when you are directing? NS: It depends on the shoot day, but it's a lot more physically demanding then writing. You wake up at 6, get in the car at 7, get to the set at 7:30 or whatever and then start shooting by 8 or 8:30 usually ending by 7.

Electronic Village: Taser Lawsuit: Jury Awards $10 Million ... 22, 2011 · The shocking taser-killing of 17-year old Darryl Turner by a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer was one of the early cases of its kind covered by this blog.We've spent a lot of time covering taser-deaths since then ... but, Turner's case was particularly appalling. A young, vibrant teenager killed because a police officer thought it was a good idea to pump his body with … - Tumbex is your access to all the tumblog, with a streamlined design and optimized navigation. View any Photo / Video / Audio / Quote / Link / Chat / Text of Tumblr

Contextual Criticism: Texe Marrs - wingnut extraordinaire 24, 2009 · The apostle Paul (Roman/Jewish) who killed Christians eventually found salvation in Jesus Christ and became one of God's boldest ambassadors and a writer of a good portion of the New Testament. With this in mind, there is hope for Jake - at least he hasn't been responsible for anyone's death. Ann April 8, 2009 at 10:08 AM

JackRabbit Cafe: Glenn Beck Inspires Gun Nut To Stakeout ... 09, 2009 · The New York Post is one of the country's worst newspapers, and its editorial content essentially makes it the print edition of FOX News. It's a glaring example of News Corp's vertical integration at work.. Rupert's rag ran an account of a New York gun nut yesterday, though. But it's the rest of the story that's most compelling. First, the basics:. A Long Island …

Writing While Drinking Coffee: October 2013 your kids Trick or Treating at a dining out. The whole family gets treated for Halloween! Free or reduced meals include come into any Chipotle dressed in costume from 4pm to close, and you’ll score a burrito, bowl, salad, or an order of tacos for just $3. All proceeds up to $1,000,000 will benefit the Chipotle Cultivate Foundation.

WarmAsianDude: 2005 30, 2005 · Well, the first half of 2005 has hurried by. I'll take this opportunity to reflect on good things I've experienced. Here's my list of bests : Best Gadget: My Ipod mini-good things do come in small packages ;) Best Camping Trip: MacKerricher State Park-it's so beautiful!

Amateur Sleuth Debunks Genovese Tale by Vladic Ravich ...“The first paragraph tells one story, the rest of the article and the photograph [in the original article] tell a different story,” said De May. “It was blatantly contradictory.” At 3:20 a.m. on March 13, 1964, Winston Moseley chased Kitty Genovese onto Austin Street, near a bar known to generate loud noise late at night.

now i lay me down to sleep: October 2006 i lay me down to sleep Wednesday, October 25, 2006. ... We don't know if it was from one of Begbie's teeth when then were wrestling around at some point - or if on one of her mad dashes through the bushes to chase down the red ball she got caught on a low branch, but it was a pretty good wound. So we took her to the vet to have it checked ...

Doctor Comics: 2015 12, 2015 · I refined the project at the Popular Culture Conference a couple of years ago. This book has Gemma Bovery, Dracula, Moby-Dick, Poe, Othello, Heart of Darkness, Alice in Wonderland, and a lot more. See it here. There are more projects of mine in the pipe, but it is very encouraging to see these collections completed and released.

Blaine Young – Page 4 – monoblogue 29, 2012 · But it was the final one that riled the crowd up, when the very young man giving it made the remark that we should not “send a girl to do a woman’s job.” I didn’t hear the next 10 to 15 seconds of his speech over the boos and catcalls that remark provided. In truth, that probably lost Audrey a …

Balkinization: Neville Chamberlain and Donald Trump is the talk of the phony tough and crazy brave. Of course we all know what Bircher Bart takes seriously: if 200 Italians had been killed by a terrorist or undocumented alien he'd be screaming for a new Patriot Act, to invade another country, to build a giant wall. He's done it before.

2010 US Presidential Election | Page 37 | alternatehistory.com 22, 2009 · Speaking to a group of supporters, in Birmingham Alabama, "The War between Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey does not really concern us, and a break-up of NATO, could be a good thing for America". Haffley's remarks should come as no suprise, he always been against intervention overseas, even when it was his own Party in the White-House.

Was Obama’s Daddy a Commie Pervert? | INCOG MAN 24, 2008 · This Frank Marshall Davis was a card-carrying member of the American Communist party (called a “fellow traveler” among other Commies at the time), along with being a big-mouthed Negro agitator (often one and the same). It’s also been said that the Commie Davis was a pot-smoking bud of Obama’s Commie grandfather, Stanley Dunham (not that I really care).

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast explains why ...[email protected] -- In the Civil Rights Justice system there are two sets of people: Those who are haters and those who fight back. These are their stories.

Arabs hated Obama's speech ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News 21, 2011 · But on its own merits, there was a lot to like, and it is a shame that being downplayed in the glare of the "1967" issue. But don't take my word for it. Here's part of an op-ed in Ma'an: In his Middle East speech, Obama adopted the Israeli story and their demands; he spoke as if he were the Israeli prime minister.

Volume 2039 - Laughs from Hell, Bush-Osama Symbiosis a parent to be all right with this war, and still believing in the Bush-Cheney Oil war, especially after losing a child, seems to me they are showing a lack of respect for the troops and our country. There's no way in the world I would be willing to lose my sons or daughter to a farce like that. Marian in Missourim

TommyWonk: May, as the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished. The comments thread at DWA devolved into a long argument on whether Denn should allow comments, which promptly settled the issue for me. The ever cheerful Dave Burris sniffed that, without comments, Denn was being held to "a lower standard," and so "on with the propaganda."

Our Children Are The Guarantors: Yes, They Exist. No, They ... 19, 2006 · This is substantiated by numerous surveys, by grassroots actions (such as cab drivers refusing to take passengers carrying wine or accompanied by a guide-dog), by the half-hearted way most Muslims condemn Islamic terrorism, always with “but it was because of oppression in…” appended, and last but not least, in the Muslim states, by the ...

The Deep State | The Smirking the cover-up imploded, Rosenstein became enveloped in the resulting firestorm. Since then, he has worsened his predicament. By Rosenstein’s own account, the process of preparing his memo for the president involved none of the careful analysis that a lawyer typically would perform when advising a client about such a sensitive situation.

The Immoral Minority: Sherry Johnston in her own words. 05, 2010 · Here is a brief clip of Sherry talking about how Bristol and Sarah keep them from seeing Tripp. Sherry Johnston on not being allowed to see her grandson Tripp Palin from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.. As of right now. today's date, the Johnston's have not seen Tripp in over a month.

Gubu-World: Hamas/Nabka/1967 Borders first is the reconciliation of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority which occurred shortly after the Bin Laden raid resulting in less international coverage than you might expect. The second was the violence surrounding the Nabka anniversary which many feared would trigger a third intifada.

Get Off This!: Alabama Judge borrows from Nazis to ... is a guest post by regular AlterNet commenter Eddie Torres. Earlier this month, Judge Kenneth Robertson Jr. of Attalla City, Alabama, ordered two shoplifters convicted of stealing from a Wal-Mart Supercenter to serve a a 60-day jail sentence or stand in front of the store for 8 hours wearing a sign reading "I am a thief; I stole from Wal ...

The Rectification of Names: In Which David Brooks Should ... little while after midnight this morning some Times editor signed off on a feuilleton-style piece by David Brooks for the paper's "Campaign Stops" rubric, to which Brooks has never contributed, just as he more or less refuses to post a blog or to Tweet as the others do and has withdrawn from the back-and-forth jollity with Gail Collins and generally demands privileges of non-work that are ...

Gubu-World: Is zionism racist it appeared that it might be on the agenda again in Geneva the US, Israel and others said no thank you. I take Zionism to mean the concept of a Jewish state in Palestine. I do not believe that a racist concept. I believe that the Jews, just like the Kurds and the Palestinians and the Tibetans are entitled to a homeland.

fanfiction | Chasing Zebras: The Unofficial Guide to House ... 26, 2008 · OK, so now that the season has ended with House and Cuddy set to make a go of it–and since I’m busily wrapping up Chasing Zebras for publication and have little time the next few days to work on much other writing, I thought I’d take a trip down memory lane and provide links to all my House-Cuddy fan fiction.. I’ve been writing the House-Cuddy relationship since the latter half of ...

the real story...: 2012, I only got as far as the first few paragraphs before I got angry. Look, I grew up in a fancy upper-middle class town, just to the west of London. A stone’s throw, thirty miles and a million dimensions removed from the site of the London Olympics, in the East End. I know what privilege is.

m a n d r o p p i n g s: August 2011's a link to a vid I grabbed, a live acoustic set by Modest Mouse outside a record store in 2001. And here's a collection , titled 'mars sin death' (slightly NSFW-iah, I guess.) To see the rest of my 'gimmees' just click my user name, wasabi23, and it'll take you to my …

The Union News.: 5/9/09 06, 2009 · Correa, who took office in January 2007, last month became the first chief executive in 30 years to win re-election without a runoff. And thanks to his abundant spending on social programs and a new constitution that gives him a shot at staying in office until 2017, Correa's popularity and staying power have now coalesced.

Riding in Riverside: September 2009 cash and day pass fares are the same, but their 7-day pass is $15, compared to ours at $16, and their 31-day pass is $47- a full $3 cheaper, and a day longer. On the other hand, Omni has yet to develop any U-Pass-style agreements with San Bernardino Valley institutions of higher learning.

Cathie from Canada: February 2017 children looked back from where they had come as the U.S. officer held the first man, saying his papers needed to be verified. The man turned to a pile of belongings and heaved pieces of luggage two at a time into the gully — enormous wheeled suitcases, plastic shopping bags, a black backpack. "Nobody cares about us," he told journalists. …

E.O. Wilson: ON HUMAN NATURE | Views from Crestmont Drive 14, 2019 · This is a new key point. Or: these are all the cultural traits that would be recreated, in different fashion, by any species reset. ]] A similar, different list could be drawn up for insect societies, p22-23. It would be impossible for a group of humans to …

Talk:The People's Library/Archive 1 - Wikipedia's_Library/Archive_1Gandydancer 14:23, 19 November 2011 (UTC) . Added a new section for this purpose. — C M B J 01:38, 20 November 2011 (UTC) Sourcing, alleged bias. This article lacks many reliable sources. The ALA is not a reliable source for factual information, and I see very few actual reliable sources that would constitute an article for what is essentially a place to complain about the closure of the ...

EconoSpeak: President Obama Breaks His Promise On Social ... Obama Breaks His Promise On Social Security Which was that he would not cut any of its benefits, a promise made during the 2008 campaign and now broken with his proposed budget that will replace using CPI-W for the COLA with the chained CPI-W, the former estimated by many to rise about 0.3% more per year than the latter.

Tom In Paine: January 2010 25, 2010 · This is what he said on 7/17/08: Essentially . . we're going to set up a public plan that all persons and all women can access if they don't have health insurance. It will be a plan that will provide all essential services, including reproductive services." (7/17/07) This is what Obama's own campaign literature said in 2008:

Things You Don't Talk About in Polite Company: 03/01/2007 ... 26, 2007 · The Christian Science Monitor should be required reading if you want to keep up on the Middle East. Here is an article about the current state of Al-Qaeda and its possible resurgence under the Bush watch. Some critics of the White House are surprised that many of the recent warnings about Al Qaeda come from administration officials.

Peace Garden: 10/01/2008 - 11/01/2008 27, 2008 · Peace Garden. Not bowing to authority or accepting principles on faith. Subscribe! Subscribe in a reader. OR... Greener Spaces Posts. Peace Garden Archive 2009 (117) December (2) November (4) October (2) ...

A Report on the Cloyne Report: Tommorow and Tomorrow and ... 09, 2011 · Before I zero in on each of the three significant players in the morality tale told by the Cloyne report--Magee, O'Callaghan, and Leanza--I want to set the stage with a set of excerpts reminding us of what the investigating team faced, as it began to look at the records of the Cloyne diocese from 1996 to 2009. This section of excerpts reminds us of precisely why the Irish government considered ...

Government Surveillance Programs Exposed & Explained Surveillance Programs Exposed & Explained. ... That’s the first tier, based entirely on metadata. ... This is a fundamental principle of machine learning; each and every set classification that the program attempts to assign samples to must have been seen by …

Into the Breach: 03/01/2010 - 04/01/2010 was the Westinghouse PWR design. Now France has the opportunity to return that gift to the US. (Jacques then goes into a short commercial for AREVA.) AREVA intends to be the full-service nuclear provider from mining, through power generation, to recycling and decommissioning. Nuclear energy is not renewable but it is recyclable and ...

Britain and America: 31, 2007 · Don't worry. The headline is just a tease. But now I've got your attention, the point this post wants to make is an important one. Britain is being asked to accept such forms of pooled sovereignty on a scale and in ways that Americans wouldn't begin to contemplate. Nile Gardiner and Sally McNamara sketch out what America might look like if it absorbed the kind of changes that might be about to ...

WhiteHorseMusings: February 2008's all too predictable.A day after a gunman killed six people and wounded 18 others at Northern Illinois University, The New York Times criticized the U.S. Interior Department for preparing to rethink its ban on guns in national parks. The editorial board wants "the 51 senators who like the thought of guns in the parks -- and everywhere else, it seems -- to realize that the innocence of ...

In Praise of Folly: August 2013 finished the job they started last week in Turkey with a comprehensive 2-0 win (5-0 in aggregate) at the Emirates today. The resurgent Aaron Ramsey was the difference maker again, scoring both goals in the 25 th and 72 nd minutes. It was an impressive performance against a clearly overmatched opponent but again highlighted some of the concerns associated with the closing of the ...

Our Children Are The Guarantors: Reform At Will (Not) 13, 2007 · “Reform”. For those who are not into the dhimmi mindset, for those who do not believe terrorism is “resistance against Western imperialism”, for those who recognize that we are the ones who are up against an imperialistic ideology, called Islam, that word is the last glimmer of hope for true lovers of peace, the only alternative to World War III.

Big Education Ape: Nov 10, 2012 actually presented for this group for a couple of times about 25 years ago when it was The National Middle Schools Association. That was back in the day when we had far fewer middle schools. The model most often employed back then was the Junior High School.

RADAMISTO: 2006-03-12 08, 2006 · In his first two paragraphs, May distorts the history of our efforts against terrorism. It is simply false that we did nothing for 25 years. This false claim can be refuted by the creation of the National Counter-Terrorism Center in 1995 and the attempt to kill Osama Bin Laden in 1998.

LIVERPUTTY: 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 it was the charm and directness of her eyes and smile as well as her complete naturalness – for instance, when she mopped at Bond’s face and chest – that endeared her so utterly to Bond. At that moment, he thought there would be nothing more wonderful than to spend the rest of his life rowing her out towards the horizon during the day ...

Who Hijacked Our Country: March 2007 30, 2007 · The Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney, has died at Walter Reed Hospital. He was checked in yesterday for routine tests after a blood clot was discovered. He developed a severe infection due to a rat infestation in his room and a mysterious fungus growing on the walls, and has now died as a result of the infection.

Progressive Alaska: The Growing Positive Role of the ... 03, 2010 · I. This is a difficult post to write. Mostly because I cannot separate the intense loathing I have for David Rubenstein, the husband of Alice Rogoff, from my feelings about Alaska's most important web-based media source.Without Rogoff's financial and behind-the-scenes support, the Dispatch would most likely be going through the same downward spiral experienced two years ago by Dennis Zaki's ...

Natural Born Citizen - A Place to Ask Questions and Get ... 08, 2009 · According to a version of Obama's purported short-form certificate available from, Obama was given a higher registration number than the Nordyke twins. The online image indicates the number is No. 151 – 1961 – 10641, even though he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the twins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii ...

read my mind: Facebook Wants Nude Pictures Of You! An ID which is coming in the first place has seen your Facebook profile recently than the ID appearing at 2nd position and the ID at third position has seen before 4th one means the recent views of your Facebook profile comes first. But this trick doesn’t reveal that at what particular time or day the user has seen your Facebook profile.

Augustine and Ratzinger's Pessimism - Bob blog about Christianity, theology, religion and public life.

November | 2014 | The Confluence that was the case early in the 2007-2008 primary campaign season. But as the race became tighter and Florida and Michigan delegate numbers were withheld from her win column to create an artificial narrative that she was always behind, she transformed as a candidate and became much more authentic. We all saw her become a different person.

October 2006 | Random Ruminations headed out to a sports bar for some food and relaxation before the ride home. We took the motorcycle and it was getting dark, so the ride home was a little chilly. For some reason the whole experience wasn't as exciting as it used to be. I do love the rides but it just didn't seem as big of a …

Dawg's Blawg: Craig Murray documents extraordinary rendition 11, 2006 · Craig Murray, for those who don't know, was the British Ambassador to Uzbekistan who was removed from his post on October 14, 2004, after criticizing that country's human rights record. (One method of execution in Uzbekistan is boiling alive.)By all accounts, he became fairly outspoken about this sort of thing, and, as any Ludlum or Clancy reader would predict, soon found himself embroiled in ...

Right In Florida"It's not fair," Scrooge objects, a charge not met by Cratchit's patently irrelevant protest that Christmas comes but once a year. Unfair it is, for Cratchit would doubtless object to a request for a day's uncompensated labor, "and yet," as Scrooge shrewdly points out, "you don't think me ill used when I pay a day's wages for no work."

Bilgrimage: Archbishop Vincent Nichols on Need to Keep ... 05, 2011 · There is an implication that the biological facticity of procreation is a given--you need a male and a female to make a new human being, and continuing the human race is an obvious good--and non-procreative sexual expression and behavior therefore flies in the face of the obvious, of the factually given, and therefore subverts nature itself.

A Little Reality: December 2011 31, 2011 · Even as the region grew from a sleepy little navy town to a major metropolis it has always felt dwarfed by the great city to the north. (I'm sure Trenton feels the same way about Philadelphia.) Sure, the San Diego Zoo is world famous and even Angelenos don't know where the LA Zoo is.

Tickle The Wirearlington Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling The TSA is moving its headquarters from Arlington to a complex in Alexandria in an effort to save money, the Washington Post reports. The TSA plans to move by spring 2018 into the Victory Center office complex after GSA brokered a deal that would save the agency $95 million over 15 years.

LAX airport to allow marijuana in carry-ons : UpliftingNews leaders to launch landmark 55-nation trade zone: It took African countries four years to agree to a free-trade deal in March. The trade zone would unite 1.3 billion people, create a $3.4 trillion economic bloc and usher in a new era of development across the continent

People Habitat: 25 Ways to Think About Greener, Healthier ..."People Habitat promises to give us 25 ways to look at greener, healthier cities, but as anyone who has read one of Kaid Benfield's books, articles, or blog posts knows, he delivers at least that many insights on every page. He doesn't just love cities—he gets them, in all their social, demographic, economic, and almost always paradoxical and ...

Halfway There: What on earth? a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

Neil Sinhababu: Trump is impeached, McConnell is sidelined ... of the more interesting things I've made on the internet is a blog called "War or Car" that described things you could buy for the price of the Iraq War. I was running it for four months in 2008, through the Presidential election. You could buy every American household its own Toyota Prius -- …

No Right Turn: Australia, refugees, and terrorism 06, 2017 · Australia justifies its racist anti-refugee policies under the guise of "fighting terrorism". But there's a problem: ASIO, the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation, thinks there's no connection: The head of Australia’s spy agency, Duncan Lewis, says people become terrorists because they adhere to a violent interpretation of Sunni Islam, not because they are refugees.

William Horberg: Chano Pozo Died For Our Sins of my favorite films of the year, The Illusionist, based on a screenplay by the legendary Jacques Tati, was a beautiful animated work that has also been nominated for an Oscar but is playing to a much smaller art house audience as a foreign film.

GitHub - epaulson/stash-greader-posts: A python script to ... of the great things about Google Reader is that it keeps cached copies of these old feeds as an Atom feed, so they've still been available. However, with the impending shutdown of Google Reader, I'm about to lose them, so I wanted to get a local copy of this data.

Steps to having a successful bachelor party.. to having a successful bachelor party.. ... just give me a beer and a couple of chicks who don't know what the word "morals" means and I'm good to go. But based on how ill prepared the bachelor parties that I went to were, and the horrible state of affairs the hired strippers happened to be - I just thought I'd come up with a cliff notes ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Homework hell hits soccer superstar! website This is London, lists the following as some sample questions that young Brooklyn may be bringing home to challenge dear old Dad! 1) Subtract 11 from 50, 2) Or how much change would you have from 50p after buying a 24p pencil and a 7p eraser? 3) Bet went to the shop at 11:45. She came back half an hour later. What time did she come ...

Mo Rage: Who's going to speak up for shooting victims in ... reaction to the same as it is for any shootings and/or drive-by shootings in this city, too. That is, church and community leaders, including Mayor Funkhouser, should come out with a very public stance with media coverage, etc., and ask for both someone to rat out whoever did this and for solutions from the community so this kind of thing never happens again.

Cyde Weys Musings How to run a power cable through a 1996 31, 2008 · Yup, I was talking to a guy on the radio earlier tonight (he’s done a bunch of car stuff) and he suggested the same kind of thing. Consider the setup right now a very temporary solution. Luckily it won’t be hard to go back and attach whatever’s necessary. Greg Maxwell Says: April 1st, 2008 at 17:34

Thoughts from the Margins: November 2008 Hughes, the renowned African-America poet, was a man who dreamed of hope in a country that treated him as a second-class citizen. The powerful poem below remind us of the America's struggle to become "a more perfect union" and a hope that is now embodied in our president-elect. Let America be America Again . Let America be America again.

View from the Loft: just love this arrangement of "Good King Wenceslas," which is already one of my favorite Christmas carols. The tune is that of a spring carol from the 13th century, a carol that was probably a lot more carnal than its 16th century version and a long way distant from what eventually became the 1853 carol about a king (actually a duke) who braves the wind and cold to bring alms to a poor man.

LIVE FROM GAZA - Part 4 - World News Bureau, Palestinian Territory (WNB) - Scooter Van Neuter is reporting live from Gaza, as Israeli forces mount a ground offensive against Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip. I'm glad to report Mistee has rejoined me as my editorial assistant. I guess when her new Muslim girlfriend discovered she's half Jewish, there was an ugly incident involving a rusty paring knife and Mistee's neck.

Darwin's Doubt - Prologue Part II • Smilodon's Retreat 23, 2013 · The 1981 discovery of ribozymes demonstrated that RNA can be both genetic material (like DNA) and a biological catalyst (like protein enzymes), and contributed to the RNA world hypothesis, which suggests that RNA may have been important in the evolution of prebiotic self-replicating systems. This is from Wikipedia (all emphasis original).

Framed: Reality I could point to a single passage that summed up the multiple failures of the Bush administration, it would be this one:. The aide said that guys like me were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' which he defined as people who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of …

Say What? | Dare To Dream 03, 2007 · One of the neighbors said to the Chief…” such a nice neighborhood…” and “Mando” replied, “if you want a nice neighborhood, live in Howland.” “NO HE DIDN’T?” Shades of the day when Warren had a Building Engineer that couldn’t understand why anyone wanted to open a business in Downtown Warren and he lived in Cortland.

WTF Is It Now?!?: October 2013 10, 2013 · "When wireless is fuflly applied, the earth will be converted into a huge brain, capable of response in every one of it's parts." --Nikola Tesla I hope they croak of boredom! I hope they don't have their noses shoved up so many wrong butts that they totally …

THE NEWS BLOG a : involuntary orientation by an organism or one of its parts that involves turning or curving by movement or by differential growth and is a positive or negative response to a source of stimulation b : a reflex reaction involving a tropism 2 : an innate tendency to react in a definite manner to stimuli; broadly : a natural inclination :

CA Civ Pro Distinctions (per request) - Abe Gardner Choice of Law Rules: A federal court sitting in CA must apply CA law, which instead looks to each state’s interest in applying its laws to the case and whether, in a contract action, there is a clause setting forth which state’s laws apply.. Subject Matter Jurisdiction - SMJ in state court is statutory CA categorizes civil cases as either “limited” (actions involving $25K or less ...

The Rude Pundit: Quickie: Trump Is Actually Helping MS-13 07, 2018 · This is not to mention the perpetuation of the violence in Central America that is making people seek asylum. 3. Agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement have said that Trump's monstrous, idiotic zero-tolerance policy on undocumented migrants has led to a reduction in "their ability to pursue national security threats, child pornography ...

Halfway There: Touched in the head a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless.

City of Angels 25: How could we have been so stupid? to be a former flower child AND a former PAO for both NASA and the US Naval Air Reserves. Now I'm a little old lady (LOL) with a laptop on a mountain top, just saying what I think. Winging It Transcripts on City of Angels Blog asks for PayPal clicks to show your appreciation, thank you.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: 1 dead, 3 hurt in shooting outside ... 22, 2008 · 2 Comments: Bob said.... St. Paul shooting leaves one man dead, three others injured. A fearful neighbor heard dozens of shots. By JAMES WALSH, Star Tribune Last update: June 22, 2008 - 3:39 PM One man was killed and three were injured in a shooting early this morning outside a building at the corner of Milton Street and Concordia Avenue in St. Paul. The building has for years operated as …

ReelRoyReviews - Check out these beautiful photos by ..., the Doberman who was found by residents laying in bushes, emaciated, and scared for five days made a full medical recovery at #DDR and was officially # ADOPTED this weekend!. This is truly your gifts and donations in # action!We can’t thank our supporters enough for helping to make this happen!

Black Friday Walmart Death: Worker Trampled | Friday shamefully made a black mark on the retail store as a Walmart worker is trampled to death by shoppers who smashed through the doors this morning cause a Walmart death. Another woman miscarried in the stampede. The Walmart employee was trampled and …

NoFo: It’s my 15th Cedar Rapids Follies!’s my 15th Cedar Rapids Follies! We just had an increments-of-five-years-anniversary-celebrating cast meeting before our final show and I got a nice card and a packet of granulated silica gel. It was in with a star-shaped metal box engraved with my name.

R. W. Nutjob: Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. is not necessarily bad as a good cook can be male or female, but the food always seems to have more love if it was made by mom.) Too bad, because a good meal, eaten with the family, is one of those life experiences that tends to induce a sense of civility and compassion in a person.

Groves U.S. History Blog: August 2012 26, 2012 · This is the home of the online journals and musings of my American history students at Groves High School in Beverly Hills, Michigan begun in the fall of 2006. At this site, students will share their thoughts and feelings about the topics in American history that interest them. They will respond to journals as well as be responsible for posting once a week. I hope you enjoy your visit, and ...

Terp Soup: Sir Walter Raleigh executed - Oct. 29, 1618 said.... i'm gonna be a pain but you've got a couple of things wrong in the article.Arabella Stuart didn't come from Spain,she was British and a relative to Elizabeth I and to James I. she is though said to have signed some deal with the Spanish to remove James from the throne.the other thing, Walter Raleigh jr didnt outlive his dad, was killed during the 2nd voyage to Guiana.sorry ...

The Surfliner Stories: 2015 commuter rail (and Amtrak's Surfliner) run a push-pull configuration with the locomotive at one end, and a cab car at the other. In one direction, the locomotive pulls the train as usual. But in the other direction, the locomotive pushes with a cab car in front, running the loco indirectly.

The Surfliner Stories: Why are there BNSF locomotives at ... problem in all of the number of at-grade crossings where trains and cars share an intersection. There are many of these throughout the LOSSAN corridor, with many stupid people (and a few suicidal ones) making collisions inevitable. And meanwhile, the Rotem cabcars apparently aren't what they were hyped to be.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: New Police Sub Station 02, 2007 · New Police Sub Station Please click onto the comments for the post. posted by Bob at Monday, April 02, 2007. ... Now, if you own one of those neighborhood corner stores, own a bar, or are a landlord and need help, every time you get a call to the property it is a mark against you and can mean big trouble and the possible lose of business ...

The Rude Pundit 03, 2013 · And not to mention the birth defects to the heart at a rate 13 times that of Europe and to the nervous system at 33 times Europe. Parents in Fallujah are reported to be afraid to have children. And if you had a better than 1 in 10 chance of giving birth to a cyclops, you'd be scared, too.

RAGGED THOTS: 05/23/2010 of Monday's vote, Persad-Bissessar promised more community-based policing, higher pensions and a fund for children who need medical treatment they can only get elsewhere. Manning, who also served as prime minister for four years in the early 1990s , highlighted his government's spending on education and training programs for young people.

Paragraphs On Padre Boulevard More than a Bookstore: March ... 21, 2012 · 5505 Padre Blvd., South Padre Island, TX 78597 956-433-5057

Media Matters for America - Tom Brokaw blasts Donald Trump ... is one of the most powerful segments we've ever seen. Tom Brokaw compares Donald Trump's call to bar Muslims from America to Japanese internment, Nazi Germany, McCarthyism, and Jim Crow - and he didn't stop there. This amazing video is well worth taking a moment to watch, via NBC News

BP Statistical Review & The Independent's PO article ... 19, 2007 · Click on the headline (link) for the full text. Many more articles are available through the Energy Bulletin homepage. Chris Skrebowski comments on BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2007 (Audio) Global Public Media

The Bush Diarieshttps://thebushdiaries.blogspot.comThe Bush budget proposal is an arrogant kiss-off to every basic humanitarian value, and a shameful statement about our country to the world. Its unambiguous message is that we care more for the acquisition of needless weaponry and excessive wealth than we do for the well-being of our own people and the survival of our species.

Cincinnati Newshttps://cincinnatinews.blogspot.comThe second-year receiver surrendered to Kenton County authorities Thursday on three misdemeanour counts of unlawful transaction with a minor. If convicted, he could get up to a year in jail and a $500 US fine on each count. It's his second case in Kenton County, where he was arrested last December on a charge of marijuana possession.

The Sapient Sutler: Vexillology 20, 2007 · Before they changed it to a rather bland thing with a sun on it, Rwanda had The World's Dumbest Flag. Hey, Rwanda! ... the Isle of Man's flag is one of those designs that's so stupid it makes that 180 degree into cool, but then because it's stupid keeps going and makes it 360 degrees back to stupid again. ... it is a very symbol and a very cool ...

Education | Taunter Media Voegeli has an LA Times article on the two different models of large state – Texas and California:. California and Texas are not perfect representatives of the alternative deals, but they come close. Overall, the Census Bureau’s latest data show that state and local government expenditures for all purposes in 2005-06 were 46.8% higher in California than in Texas: $10,070 per person ...

Do Women Buy Into Objectification? | BroadBlogs 05, 2014 · There is always a time and a place for everything. Women need to be able to identify what is appropriate to wear in the environment they are in. In church women should know not to wear revealing clothes, but in a club or party scene of course you can wear revealing clothing. Wearing revealing clothing shouldn’t objectify a woman.

Rush Limbaugh « GO TO EDWARDSREPORT.COM! We Have Moved! 10, 2008 · Former Vice President Albert Gore claimed yesterday that the recent spate of hot weather was a result of global warming. “All across America, we have seen temperatures rise in the last few months,” he said. “Anyone who denies global warming is obviously akin to Charles Manson, Adolph Hitler, or, even worse, Rush Limbaugh.”

The Citizens: In Praise of Debra Bowen 09, 2008 · I did so. The machine beeped and rejected my ballot, displayed a red light. I joked that I must have voted for the wrong people. As I was joking, a paper receipt printed out saying "overvote." Turns out I had voted for both judges in one of the few contested elections. So they voided the ballot and gave me a new one. I then went back and fixed it.

Balkinization: The Constitution of Abnegation’s Abnegation is an intellectual force to be reckoned with. This is especially so if, like me, you think administrative law should place more emphasis on law than it currently does. Vermeule contends that today law is like a lion crouching beneath the throne of the administrative state, and that is …

I'm Taking This Cartoonish Supervillainy Personally 08, 2019 · Just when you think that this current maladministration can't sink any lower, Betsy DeVos' Department of Education is planning on cutting DoE funding for the Special Olympics' education program.This funding, weighing in on a budget-crippling $18 million, is mainly spent on the Unified Champion Schools program, which unites athletes with and without special needs.

kingston progressive: HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAM! 10, 2008 · He has been writing articles and books that have, since the 60s, secured Chomsky a place as perhaps the leading dissident voice in the United States. I read one of his books years ago and continue to sample his writings on the internet just to reawaken the drive to look deeper than what we are spoon fed by the media and our government.

Cousin Sam: In the news, Wednesday, July 26, 2017 26, 2017 · This Is How Long the Average Couple Dates Before Getting Married Hint: It's a lot longer than it used to be. It's no secret that marriage traditions are changing. People are getting married later in life, spending more money on weddings, and, according to a new study, they're spending more time getting to know each other before tying the knot.

Paragraphs On Padre Boulevard More than a Bookstore ... Padre Blvd., South Padre Island, TX 78597 956-433-5057

Reid to force all-night filibuster on Iraq legislation 06, 2007 · If they say “I’m going to hit you if you don’t give me your wallet” you can say “ok”. The second is to escalate. In the words of the Untouchables - if they bring a knife, you bring a gun; if they put one of yours in the hospital, you put one of theirs in the morgue. When people understand only force, you must respond with maximum force.

OpenlineBlog: Fleecing of Illinois | Proposed Legislation ... 01, 2011 · Tom Weisner is the problem not the unions. Almost $2600.00 per meeting what a joke and I bet he drives one of his many owned city vehicles to get there. Tom you are a fraud and a disgrace as a human. Crawl back under your rock from where you you came. 2/3/11, 12:28 PM

Ebooks - Anti-Racism Resources at Davidson - Research ... the 1890 census, the first to measure the generation of African Americans born after slavery, crime statistics, new migration and immigration trends, and symbolic references to America as the promised land of opportunity were woven into a cautionary tale about the exceptional threat black people posed to modern urban society.

Classroom Mechanics: Annie - Gapers Block Mechanics | 03, 2011 · Classroom Mechanics Mon Jan 03 2011 Classroom Mechanics: Annie. By Micah Uetricht. Annie appears born to teach. A third grade teacher near Bucktown, she bursts with enthusiasm, gesticulating excitedly when talking about her students or a math curriculum she thinks highly of.

STUDY ON ENHANCING BLOG QUALITY USING SOCIAL … 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text.

Energy Payback Times for Nuclear - NEI Nuclear Notes 04, 2008 · The two have claimed that nuclear’s lifecycle emissions are comparable to a gas plant based on the energy requirements at each stage of a nuclear plant’s cycle. In SLS' study, they mis-calculate the energy payback time for a nuclear plant at 10-15 years .

An Anti-Heteronormative Reading of Leviticus 18:22 shalt not lie with a man as with a woman, for it is an abomination. Lev. 18:22 It is not good for man to be alone.-- Gen. 2:18 I just got back from services today, where I had the pleasure of listening to Marilyn Wind, a congregant and lay member of the Committee on Jewish Laws and Standards (CJLS), discuss the committees recent debate and Teshuvot on the issues of gay rights.

45th and Broadway | This Black Sista's Memorial Page updates: Unemployment grew by 74,000 in June; vacancies fell 463,000 between March and May to a record low of 333,000 Full story: number of workers on UK payroll falls by nearly 650,000Train passengers to be tempted back with ‘safe travel’ campaignNHS boss who blamed outbreak on staff pictured without maskChildren in Scotland need post ...

Rethinking the NAACP | Mirror On America 09, 2007 · This is one of the hallmarks in the study of organizational leadership. The NAACP should have had lawyers in Paris Texas within the first week after the story broke. In terms of legal performance...the NAACP of today is a shell of what it used to be. Keep in mind, an organization once known for having a fierce and respected legal service.

About - Autism Investigated is one of the biggest public health disasters in modern history. GlaxoSmithKline stole medical records from vaccine-injured children in the seminal 1998 autism-vaccine study. This is the unvarnished truth that Autism Investigated tells.

Bhutan Corruption News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... 28, 2020, commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the first Pride March, held in 1970, one year after the Stonewall Uprising in New York City. NEW YORK, NY, USA, June 18, 2020 /? -- announced today its …

Pardon for former Apprentice Star? - Pardon Power - At the federal level, a broad term which is interpreted to include all of the other terms defined in this section. Sometimes, "clemency" is described as "the pardon power," which is acceptable, so long as it is understood that, formally speaking, a pardon is one of …

Explosive Education Achievement Authority ... - Eclectablog 26, 2014 · This is important because … we have to generate funding. Please help us figure out why they are not accessing the new unit. The emails prove that, despite the false front Esselman and Covington were presenting to the public, to legislators, to Gov. Snyder and his administration, and to wealthy funders, BUZZ was a complete disaster and they ...

psst!: Time to Close the Doughnut Hole!, diabetes and a sinus condition. Along with 3.4 million other retirees, I am in what is known as the Medicare donut hole. More than one out of four seniors falls into the donut hole, so no fluke thing that is unique to just me. Let me tell you, the donut hole is no treat for seniors. My generation likes to tell it like it is ...

Guys - Don't look at this picture without following the ... has been pointed out, we think about sex way out of proportion to women, tho not necessarily my awesome wife (also known here as My Devoted Reader), and when we see a hot young babe walk by in 5 inch heels, a miniskirt and a tight blouse, well, heck, I get turned on just writing the words here.

Aletha Blayse: Child Abuse, War, and the Need for a ... 09, 2014 · The only way to do all of this properly is to have a national commission inquiry of inquiry. An inquiry that is amply resourced, with no time limit on its operation, and with almost limitless powers to compel individuals and organizations to present with information that will help get to the bottom of the problem of endemic child abuse and identify what is needed to stop it once and for all.

The Disconnect: Syndromes, Disorders, and Special Education 10, 2007 · While some special education placements are straightforward (a blind child is, after all, blind and a deaf child is deaf - though in either case those may not be their only problems), others are not so clear cut. Special education law places students in particular categories based on educational issues, not as the result of a medical diagnosis.

Halfway There: Laughing at what you don't understand Borges and Mathematics: “Jorge Luis Borges was one of the most important writers of the 20th century. Many of his short stories and essays were concerned with philosophical, metaphysical, and mathematical questions. The thesis motivating this course is that if we know the mathematics that Borges referred to, then we will read him differently, and we will read him better.” [Bennington]

Dissenting Leftist: The Prison Industrial Complex vs. the ... first major factor that marginalizes and criminalizes members of our community is homelessness. According to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force , "Of the estimated 1.6 million homeless American youth, between 20 and 40 percent identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)."

Expats Against Bush: Meetings is guaranteed to be a fun and exciting evening, as the different groups try to broker support for their candidate, especially this year with so many candidates. Some of the candidates will have sent videos to tell us about their positions on various issues and a TV/VCR will …

NewsVine Attacks: Persecution and the Art of Writing | Et ... 28, 2006 · One of the consequences of this disenchantment is that the ultimate and most sublime values have retired from public life, at best into the brotherliness of immediate personal relationships. At the same time we are required either to suffer a great deal more uncertainty or, more constructively, learn how to embrace it.

Zambia Tornadoes News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... Tornadoes hold Nigeria U23 in friendly. Imama Amapakabo’s men were held to a goalless draw by the Nigeria National League outfit on Tuesday Nigeria U23 played a 0-0 draw with Niger Tornadoes in Tuesday’s friendly match in Abuja.The game was a test for the Olympic Eagles preparing for the 2019 …

Advice From A Fake Consultant: A Fake Consultant Exclusive ... were two cautionary notes to the conversation, however-and a warning for the weeks ahead: “The Mark II Hilarys® have not been stress-tested as thoroughly as the earlier release, and we do not know if she will hold up over the next few months…the only way to know if she can hold up is to field test her.

NewsRack: 'Higher Education' news in 'US' topic for user every country will see their populations fall as the world has fewer babies. Editorial: Trump's plan to expel foreign students was an attack on U.S. science leadership: 15.7.2020: LA Times: Opinion: International students account for a large share of U.S. computer, engineering and lab science students. This country is richer for their ...

Common Core: Public Education or is it Indoctrination ... 02, 2013 · Teachers would tell me, how we do things in this country and, if you don’t like it, you can go back where you came from. That I did not want to do because that is exactly why I left – education, how people thought, lived, behaved, and what they learned was dictated and entirely regulated by the Communist Party in the classroom.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Legislative Council 2016: Apsley and ... comments should appear as soon as the first figures come through (probably around 6:30) and counting for the night should be done by around 9 pm. Should either seat go to preferences, news on that will be posted over subsequent days as time permits - bearing in mind that I have fieldwork commitments during business hours from Monday on.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The principal ... 08, 2006 · Put simply, they have given up on this war, and favor withdrawal -- now. That just has to be the first, clear premise for every one of these discussions. This is what the B-H Report (.pdf) has to say about what is, in fact, the centrist, mainstream view in America -- a view which the Report condescendingly refers to as "Precipitate Withdrawal": 1.

2014 June | Oz Mudflats - Oz Mudflats | Because we have ... the case of the woman in the first video clip, she received a $41.00 fine for a minor traffic violation. She was immediately turned over to a service called JCS who chargfed her $35.00 up front. When she made a $10.00 payment toward her traffic fine, the money was deducted from her JCS fee instead.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The "Bad Law ... 24, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

Won't Somebody Please Think of the Children? - ... 28, 2008 · Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Andy David was just interviewed on CNN about the attacks on the Gaza Strip. At the end he was asked if Israel would abide by the UN Security Council’s calls for a ceasefire. Instead of answering simply and saying “no,” he got to his answer in a roundabout way, insisting that the Israeli military’s killings in the Gaza Strip (300 at last count) are ...

Mah Rabu ?? ???: Baby, you got the tzara'at that we're between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, I'm blogging about a masechet about Purim (Megillah 8b-9b) as it talks about Pesach. The list of "ein bein" continues.6a) This one is all about the metzora.If someone has a skin disease that appears to be tzara'at, s/he is quarantined for a week, like Schrodinger's cat.During this time, s/he has the status of a metzora musgar, who has the ...

WattHead - Energy News and Commentarywww.watthead.orgAs the current programs supporting clean energy, like the Production Tax Credit (PTC) and Section 1603 Treasury Grants, approach their expiration, there are a number of steps the federal government can and must take to avert an impending industry crash. The first would be to get serious about the long-term energy innovation challenge.

Eritrea Automotive Industry News Monitoring Service ... 08, 2020 · The Best Thing Tesla Has Done This Year Is In Eritrea. Tesla posted its first-quarter results this week and while the larger than expected loss and reported wane in interest for its electric vehicles grabbed the headlines, there are a few other highlights from the company’s quarter that may have slipped past …

Oil Sands News Monitoring Service & Press Release ...https://oilsands.einnews.comECWATECH is the leading exhibition and forum for water and wastewater industry in Russia, CIS and Eastern Europe. It showcases all the range of equipment and services for rational utilization, recovery and protection of water resources, water conditioning, industry and public water supply, wastewater treatment, construction and operation of pipeline systems, water bottling and other water ...

History's Dumpster: Abandoned Radio Stations a couple of years ago I was invited to reclaim equipment left behind at a three-station group's former studio location. Having been there years before when it was a thriving hub for the stations it was a throwback to the days of analog equipment and a much different landscape as far as the …

whats up: Nuclear power plant accidents - wikipedia ... the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami of March 11, the emergency power supply of the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant failed. This was followed by deliberate releases of radioactive gas from reactors 1 and 2 to relieve pressure. On March 12, triggered by falling water levels, a hydrogen explosion occurred at reactor 1, resulting in the collapse of the concrete outer structure.

The Watering Hole; October 10 2014; Open Thread | TheZoo 11, 2014 · A federal judge in North Carolina has struck down the state’s gay marriage ban, opening the way for the first same-sex weddings in the state to begin immediately. U.S. District Court Judge Max O. Cogburn, Jr., in Asheville issued a ruling Friday shortly after 5 p.m. declaring the ban approved by state voters in 2012 unconstitutional.

thus spake drake: True Blood: Southern Gothic Hospitality 09, 2008 · Alan Ball's Six Feet Under used to start out every episode with a death, with the deceased often haunting the episode. With his latest HBO offering, True Blood, we can dispense with the dying part, as the haunters are already dead -- they're vampires.And with all the Twilight mania going on right now leading up to the film adaptation of that book series, there's never been a better time for TV ...

Uncategorized | But I'd Rather Have a Bowl of Foxtrot!’ve changed to a different pre-built site theme, and am about to start playing with the CSS, so the appearance of the site may be wonky for a time. Sorry for any inconvenience. Feel free to e-mail me at niemaodpowiedzi [at] gmail [dot] com with any requests for additions to the webpage, or if you notice a bug in the display(the only browsers ...

Musing's musings: Weather, we got hammered yesterday. Just as the students were coming back to town for the start of the fall semester, we had something on the order of 8 inches of rain, a tornado warning yesterday afternoon, and now major flooding. The local river gage is now at 15.2 feet--five feet and a bit above flood stage- …

No More Mister Nice Blog: REAL AMERICANS DON'T THINK ... 10, 2020 · We've been told that the church shooting in White Settlement, Texas, was ended quickly by a good guy with a gun, but as The New York Times reports, church security and parishioners noticed something suspicious about the shooter, Keith Kinnunen, well before he pulled out his shotgun: Though he had been to the church before, Mr. Kinnunen aroused suspicion among members of the security …

Orcinus: Fascism and fundamentalism - Blogger 17, 2003 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Notorious P.A.T.https://notorious-pat.blogspot.comNew York Daily News: W library in record book; $500M center would be priciest for a Prez Eager to begin refurbishing his tattered legacy, the President hopes to raise $500 million to build his library and a think tank at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Bush lived in …

Hillary Clinton is not offering Free or Cheap College ... 18, 2015 · According to a very good in-depth examination of the tax debate in one New York Times article, there are other ways to raise tax revenues: by eliminating loopholes that mostly the very wealthy enjoy, such as eliminating the preferential rates on capital gains and dividends. This would generate $1.34 trillion over the next 10 years.

Queen's Law Life: 02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007 11, 2007 · (Normally I reply to comments within the comments section, but this one became so long that it deserved a separate post.) Thanks Lawgurl (nice blog, BTW) and all the others who have shared their insight! I agree: to a certain it is due to programing and cognitive dissonance. My main concern is for the students who say "just for a few years and then I get out."

Iowa Earthquakes News Monitoring Service & Press Release ..., Neb. – Emmette Page (Crystal, Minn.) dropped 38 points and Daniel Akuei (Melbourne, Australia) added a double-double with 16 points and 12 rebounds as the Northeast Community College men’s basketball team out-lasted Iowa Western Community College, …

Orcinus: 12/02/2012 - 12/09/2012 the Right.

Science | Twisted Cultural Wreckage 26, 2009 · Take a look at this: That may turn out to be the most important photograph you ever look at. Let me explain – this is the first time scientists have been able to take a picture of objects on a nano scale, as opposed to a logical artist’s description.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Leave the Gun, Take the Adrenochrome 11, 2019 · One of the weirder recent local stories here in the NY Metro Area is the murder of the capo di tutti capi of the Gambino crime family by a sfacim on March 13th. While the conventional wisdom concerning the crime is that the killer murdered the don because the don warned him to stay away from his niece, the killer had a couple of QAnon conspiracy theory related terms inked on his palm.

chicago | this black life... the prices are very very very reasonable. This is coming from a brotha on a budget. Anyhow, if you go – MAKE A RESERVATION. There is always a line to get in. The lines aren’t usually too long, but there is always a line. I do have to mention that seating can be a bit crowded as the …

Teen Pregnancy Newsletter by Dsgjfg fhkggk - Issuu 24, 2009 · There are many ways to say no to a boy if he wants to have sex. Sex can lead to pregnancies. “Don?t have sex. Because you will get pregnant, and Die”-Mean Girls. While not true ...

M O B J E C T I V I S T: Econophysics and sunk costs 08, 2010 · The combination of A and B generates the fast growth channel so that we can duplicate the fast growth needed for the observed income dispersion. Modifying B moves the fat-tail up and down on the histogram. The meaning of B compares to the Gini factor or coefficient used to quantify the disparity between the income classes. Whereas modifying A, if needed, serves to flatten or steepen …

Alterdestiny: The Alaskan Way Viaduct 09, 2008 · Before you skip past a post about a road you have never heard of, I urge you to read on for a larger discussion of cities in the early 21st century. The Alaskan Way Viaduct is one of the most hated freeways in the United States. A couple of years ago, I wrote a post arguing that we needed to save this road. This is how I closed that post:

Harry Clarke: Public vs. private school funding again 09, 2007 · This is exacerbated by the low interest or tax free loans available to private schools and a ready source of easy fundraising by the usually quite well-off parents in the private schools. Hence an ever widening gap of "privilege" which most of us in Australia find contrary to the so-called Australian values espoused by the Prime Minister 5:57 pm

susan the bruce: February 2016 471, the bill to create a $5 fee for a handicapped placard is still languishing in committee. This bill would make NH the only state in New England to charge a fee for a placard. I wrote to three of the senators who are sponsoring the bill. One of them ignored me completely. One blew me off with “ha ha, love your column.”

Dissenting Leftist: In Memory of Presidents' Victims 28, 2012 · Abraham Lincoln's war killed over 600,000 Americans. At least he didn't kill many foreigners. Franklin Roosevelt started off with 1,800 dead at Pearl Harbor, with more piling up in the Philippines and a killing streak that went on for at least 4 more years and ran way into the millions, counting foreigners.

Preposterous Universe in both cases: a little bit of know-how, and a huge amount of effort. This is the second year I've gone to Wyoming with Project Exploration; last year I did manage to find a fossil myself, but this year we focused more on digging than on prospecting for new specimens.

Geotripper: A Letter to Governor Schwarzenegger and the ... 09, 2010 · I seriously can't believe that with all the crap going on in the California state legislature over the budget, which does in fact have a direct bearing on my employment, my school and my town, that I'm spending time on an issue that shouldn't have come up in the first place, but there it is: a group of people want to remove the designation of serpentine as our state rock.

Dig Chicago | this black life... the prices are very very very reasonable. This is coming from a brotha on a budget. Anyhow, if you go – MAKE A RESERVATION. There is always a line to get in. The lines aren’t usually too long, but there is always a line. I do have to mention that seating can be a bit crowded as the …

PRAWN Blog: How to write a persuasive article you're writing for a more general audience, you might want to use the more expansive defnition that I gave the first time. Another way to refer to “Plamegate”, for instance, would be the Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame/Niger uranium scandal that Vice-President Cheney's Chief of Staff Lewis Libby had to resign for.

The Slack Attack: 2016-01-31 of Muslim Americans helped to build our nation. They were part of the flow of immigrants who became farmers and merchants. They built America’s first mosque, surprisingly enough, in North Dakota. (Laughter.) America’s oldest surviving mosque is in Iowa. The first Islamic center in New York City was built in the 1890s.

The Obfuscation Report: 07/20/2008 - 07/27/2008 to McCain: write a better op-ed Posted July 22nd, 2008 at 8:12 am . Last Monday (July 14), the New York Times ran an op-ed from Barack Obama on his vision for U.S. policy towards Iraq. It was a very strong column, which as one might expect, described the kind of …

Salmon Alleyhttps://salmonalley2009.blogspot.comMay 09, 2019 · This is a very complex issue with a simple answer. My friend "Joe" from Florida received a cancellation notice from Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield that his $46.00 per month crappy insurance was being cancelled due to not meeting the standards of the new Affordable Healthcare Act law. Joe is just south of 60, works a minimum wage job, and makes ...

The Slack Attack: 2011-04-24 28, 2011 · An amazing performance of the most immediate of theatre. Williams is an amazing place: only here can an idea born of a hat's theme and a playwright's imagination for a 8 hour writing spree be turned into a full fledged musical, staged in a former dining hall with a talented cast.

The Rude Pundit 03, 2005 · A Quorum of Savages: Notes from the Debate of the Deluded: You haven't lived until you've heard Tom DeLay, choked with emotion, trying to erase his image as a vile, unethical sleazebag from the national view, talking about Terry Schiavo: "Mr. Speaker, after 4 days of words, the best of them uttered in prayer, now comes the time for action.

What March? Heavy Snow Ohio Valley (Monday slush potential ... 23, 2013 · This is the second most extreme March value of the index since record keeping began in 1948; only an AO value of -6.3 in March 1970 was more extreme." Arctic Oscillation . To make a long weather story mercifully short, the more negative the AO (Arctic Oscillation) the lighter the prevailing westerly winds are blowing at high latitudes.

Iowa Unemployment News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... unemployment claims drop but remain at historic level. DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Fewer people filed for unemployment last week in Iowa compared to the week prior, but remained historically elevated as the country deals with the economic fallout of coronavirus pandemic.

Ten Year Sentence: Locked Into Common Core by Cronyism and, the same test delivery system that ran into so many technical problems in the 2014-2015 school year that the Badger Exam needed to be scaled back and the results effectively ignored. From the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consotium press release :

The Smithiehttps://thesmithie.blogspot.comOpening day: The first day teachers are required to be at work. A day where the ENTIRE district gathers to celebrate the opening of school. We sit in the newest school inthe district and listen for at least two hours maybe three to administrators and then some administrators and a few mor administrators tell us what a great year it's going to be.

Announcing NDesk.Options 0.2.0 - Jonathan Pryor's web NDesk.Options 0.2.0 - Jonathan Pryor's web log ... the first character in the sequence, or (b) used as the value for a previous Option, then an OptionException is ... an argument is an unparsed string, an option is a parsed argument that corresponds to a registered Option, and a prototype is a description of an Option, describing all ...

Daily Weather Briefing for Thursday, August 10, 2017 ... 10, 2017 · Mostly cloudy with fog expected to develop after 11 pm and lows in the 60s. Calm winds and a 60% chance of rain with rainfall amounts between a tenth and a quarter of an inch possible. FRIDAY Mostly cloudy with highs near 80 and variable light winds. 60% chance of rain with rainfall amounts between a tenth and a quarter of an inch possible.

You marched. Now what?. On Saturday, millions marched ... 22, 2017 · On Saturday, millions marched against the Trump administration in a historic protest against hate, bigotry and corruption. As the man so many marched against likes to say, it …

What Now?! – June 29, 2020 – Blue Delaware 29, 2020 · “United States intelligence officers and Special Operations forces in Afghanistan alerted their superiors as early as January to a suspected Russian plot to pay bounties to the Taliban to kill American troops in Afghanistan,” the New York Times reports. The Washington Post confirms last week’s blockbuster from the New York Times: “Russian bounties offered to Taliban-linked militants to ...

Upcoming events | UNSW Law | Page 2 up to date with the latest news and events at the UNSW Law School, including public lectures, seminars, student events and workshops.

The Debate Link: Explaining Interest-Convergence this post, I mentioned what's known as the "Interest-Convergence Theory" (pioneered by Derrick Bell) to explain why Brown v. Board of Education came out the way it did. In retrospect, not everyone knows about this hypothesis, so I thought I'd lay out the bare-bones of it. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund had been courageously and tenaciously litigating school desegregation cases for many years ...

Katalusis: Elizabeth Warren on the campaign trail (videos) First U.S. General to Call Trump a Bigot - Ricardo Sanchez, the retired former commander of U.S. ground forces in Iraq, becomes the first high-ranking military officer to call out the president for ...

Cnidarian Double Whammy: Anemone Genome Completed and a ... 10, 2007 · Cnidarian Double Whammy: Anemone Genome Completed and a Worm Thats a Jelly! Its been a long time in the making and I know everyone is as excited as I am that the first cnidarian genome is finished! This is monumental for cnidarian biologists (such as I sometimes fancy myself to be).

Short Sharp Shock.: The train wreck on Pennsylvania Avenue 09, 2017 · B UT TRUMP couldn’t just walk away from this apparent defeat. He had to say something.Reliable as Pavlov’s dog, Trump flew down to Mar-a-Lago and on Saturday morning, like a vengeful child armed with wi-fi, lashed out twice on Twitter to circulate the claim that President Obama was involved in a “Nixon/Watergate” operation to wiretap phones at his Trump Tower headquarters in …

Jonathan Pryor's web Pryor's web log. ... used as the value for a previous Option, then an OptionException is thrown. This does The Right Thing for tar(1) ... an argument is an unparsed string, an option is a parsed argument that corresponds to a registered Option, and a prototype is a description of an Option, describing all aliases, the value type, and ...

New England Oil Companies News Monitoring Service & Press ... welcome 10,000 Exhibition attendees, 2,500 Conference attendees, 35% of which are Owner operators, and 450 Exhibition Stands. As the world's largest Downstream event, here's what you can expect: $200 BILLION OPPORTUNITY: The time to invest is now - Be part of the growth & Since 2010, petrochemical producers have announced significant expansions of capacity in the U.S., and the …

Environment – The about Environment written by Andrew Sullivan and Dish Staff

Catherine Lennon wins in Rochester: eviction is stopped ... us improving communication in several languages: Become a Volunteer translators for housing rights without frontiers! Fill out the form

Never Yet Melted » Health Care Myths 28, 2009 · OK, you get the point. Health care today is a combination of stuff that has existed for a while and a set of entirely new things that look like (and really are) miracles from the lens of even a few years ago. We spend more on health care because it’s better. Say it with me again, slowly – a good thing, not a bad thing.

Underline News: We know what Sean Spicer did last summer ..."As the man charged with leading the Trump White House’s communications shop, Spicer is in the unenviable position of having to respond to reports that former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort is both wildly corrupt and financially linked to a Russian billionaire with close ties to Vladimir Putin.

Kung Fu Monkey: 8/5/07 - 8/12/07 - Monkey Kung Fu For those of you not in the industry, roughly the equivalent of saying "Fees for teeth cleaning are split between the lead dentist and a secondary dental technician known as the Adjuct Toothologist, They are usually paid an upfront fee of warp drive crystals and a bed of golden vaginas.

Harry Clarke: A bigot on private education 08, 2007 · On the basis of providing a better quality public education system with given public resources, there is a case for a public contribution to the private schools. There is also the view that parents might not wish to have the educational choices they …

Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Chapter One Hundred ... 24, 2008 Talis Colberg Attorney General P.O. Box 110300 Juneau, AK 99811-0300 1031 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99501-19...

Hidden Harmonies China Blog » 2015 » October the Opinion Pages of New York Times of October 13, 2015, there was a piece by Murong Xuecun, pen name for Hao Qun, who used to be a big V on Weibo, and whose account was closed by the Chinese government, titled “A Land China Loves and Hates”, which I used as a title here, but with a question mark.I did so to show my disagreement with his premise, and since my response to him on the ...

Arizona lawmaker kills controversial protest bill — RT USA ... leader of the Arizona House has dropped a controversial bill intended to punish organizers of protests that turn violent. Critics argued the bill would limit First Amendment rights. Other similar bills are percolating in other states.

Drinking on Election Day & Drug-Addled Deliberating Jurors ...’ve just begun reading Jon Elster’s latest gem, Securities Against Misrule: Juries, Assemblies, Elections (Cambridge University Press, 2013), a work in which Elster does for Bentham what he has done for Tocqueville (and in some measure Marx as well) namely, discover and elaborate upon heretofore under-appreciated, neglected, or unknown dimensions of his philosophical, psychological, or ...

Upcoming events | UNSW Law | Page 156 is not the first time we are in a crisis. The 1930 Smoot-Hawley Tariff and the 2008 Great Depression, for example, also had a destructive impact on trade and international relations. Through collective efforts, governments succeeded in bringing the world economy back to (a new) normal.

tcnorris: Proportional representation - Arguments in ... 13, 2018 · This is an essay I wrote in 1997 titled Ten Arguments for Proportional Representation. I used the 1993 federal election as a starting point. Some of the discussion is clearly dated but the extent of vote distortion in 1993 makes it an ideal candidate for analysis of this kind.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Giuliani Takes First Step in Run ... 03, 2006 · This is off The Washington Post: Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has apparently taken the first step toward a presidential run, filing with the New York Department of State late last week to form a presidential exploratory committee . Papers for the "Rudy Giuliani For President Exploratory Committee, Inc." were filed last Friday in New ...

BRASSERIE BRESCHARD: Another Gilbert Stuart Lost Painting my most recent book, CIRCUS RIDER; a novel history of the first American circus, the identity of the sitter for a Gilbert Stuart portrait is an object of debate. The two contenders for who’s who in this piece of early American art history are John Bill Ricketts, an Englishman who brought the first circus to the United States in the 1790s; and Jean Baptiste Breschard, who with his partner ...

U.S. Embassy in Baghdad | Living Lessons Blog 5th, Independence Day, the sequel, Sick Out: Iraqi F.L.U. March 11, 2009 at 5:53 pm · Filed under Living Lesson and tagged: broken economy, Iraq exit strategy, No permanent bases in Iraq, U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, U.S. Embassy in Baghdad becomes Regional Trauma Center!, Withdrawal from Iraq pending. Here’s a post I submitted in February of 2007 on the Vermont Progressive Party Blog.

Bilgrimage: In the News: Tchaikovsky Back "In," Manning ... 09, 2013 · Indeed, so long as the Roman Catholic Church is simply brimming with men and women who, in effect, feel entitled to annex the very concept of mercy unto themselves – as if their works of mercy somehow have more value, meaning, and holiness than everyone else’s on the planet, Christian or not – priest and nun sexual abuse survivors like Theisen [i.e., Steve Theisen, director of SNAP Iowa ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Fifty years of ghosts chased away in ... next plays the Sovakian squad on Friday night a 6:30 start in Vancouver, over confidence at these times is a as dangerous an opponent as the one on the ice, but one gets the impression that Canada has learned that lesson from the early rounds, with the realization that only with hard work, dedication and an adherence to our style of play, will a gold medal be provided for the homefront ...

Peak Oil Headlines - 17 August, 2005 - Resilience 16, 2005 · Peak Oil ‘Peak oil’ issue piques interest Cathy Proctor, The Denver Business Journal via MSNBC …The city of Denver will wade into the debate when it hosts a two-day seminar Nov. 10-11 on “peak oil” and what it may mean to Denver and the nation’s economy.

Tarnished Lady: Waiting for Godot in New Orleans! stage for a free performance of Samuel Beckett's 'Waiting for Godot' is in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans Friday, Nov. 2, 2007. Opening night was set in the city's darkest corner, the flood-flattened Lower 9th Ward where few people have rebuilt their homes 26 months after Katrina.

Wise Investments - Sermon for Pentecost 24A/Thanksgiving 19, 2017 · Rather than treating it as an example story, maybe it’s a cautionary tale about economic exploitation. Could this be a reversal of expectations, so that instead of the third servant being wicked, Jesus might be using the third servant to call into question the landowner’s ethics, as well as the reigning economic system, which often took from the poor and gave it to the rich.

The Bell: Hidden Mosaic associated with the figures –an ivy crown, a lotus flow er, a fish, two ducks, and a type of crooked cane called a lituus – suggest they are associated with a Roman religious cult known as the augurs. Thus, early Christians built their church over what was once a temple to a cult of pagan gods.

The Citizens: Primer on Housing 09, 2009 · If we have had secret inflation, we have to ask why it hasn't shown up in the CPI, or in higher interest rates. I am not sure the correct diagnosis. I think we WILL see significant inflation when the economy recovers, but probably restrained, something like 5-7% for a few years.

No Right Turn: Why are they still there? 02, 2006 · But according to a new study [PDF] based on declassified summaries of their "charges", less than half are accused of committing any hostile act against the USA or its allies. Given that "hostile acts" include owning a rifle ( Afghanistan, remember), staying in a guest house (the equivalent of a motel), owning a digital watch, or wearing ...

Arkansas Natural Gas Prices News Monitoring Service ... 09, 2020 · We welcome 10,000 Exhibition attendees, 2,500 Conference attendees, 35% of which are Owner operators, and 450 Exhibition Stands. As the world's largest Downstream event, here's what you can expect: $200 BILLION OPPORTUNITY: The time to invest is now - Be part of the growth & Since 2010, petrochemical producers have announced significant expansions of capacity in the U.S., and …

Baby Love Child » Nebraska- Sowing bad seed into an ill Sowing bad seed into an ill wind ... This is the latest in a series of posts I have done criticizing Nebraska’s legalized child abandonment laws. You can find my earlier posts via my Nebraska tag. *** ... such as the very first child abandoned after the law went into effect. He is not in the official stats as he was left at a police ...

The Left Bank Cafe: December 2012 world is not yet at peace. A recent tally at the Wars in the World website shows 60 nations plus 368 separate armed groups, militia, or guerrillas involved in conflict of some kind or other. And we are not yet at peace with ourselves. The twenty first century finds us inundated daily with anxiety producing events and with incredibly ignorant comments on those events.

No More Mister Nice Blog: NO, THE BROOKLYN VOTER PURGE … 01, 2016 · This was not the first time she had been in the New York City press. A few years before, a real estate deal had made her a multimillionaire, when she sold a severely dilapidated apartment building in Manhattan’s Upper West Side for $6.6 million, despite having only bought it for $5,000 in 1976.

Google Alert - Whistleblower - Blogger 40 minutes in This is the treatment for the people trying to speak out about child abuse! :rage: We need to get this shared! Flag as irrelevant S. 1094, Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017

On Transmigration: Louisiana: Oil Leaking from "Waste Pits" 10, 2011 · Yesterday, I took another Mississippi River Flood flyover. With me on board were Anna Hrybyk, Program Manager for the Louisiana Bucket Brigade (LABB) and Robin Walker, a local photographer. Two cameras are always better than one! We embarked from Southern Seaplanes at about 8:30am and flew for about two and a half hours.

Bilgrimage: It's 2012: "And the Bible Prophesied It!" 08, 2012 · A note about my educational background: I have a Ph.D. and M.A. in theology from Univ. of St. Michael's College, Toronto School of Theology; an M.A. in English from Tulane Univ.; and a B.A. in English from Loyola, New Orleans.

M O B J E C T I V I S T: Finding needles in a haystack 28, 2007 · For a family of power-law growth functions, the trend looks like the following set of curves. The salient point to note relates to how we trend toward an asymptotic limit at the volume V d as the power-law index gets larger. To briefly summarize how dispersion of prospecting effort affects the discovery process, consider the curve below.

26 Dems: Van Jones: We Must Prepare for Battle 10, 2010 · The room is packed, and a line snakes along the sidewalk outside Busboys and Poets, a restaurant designed as a gathering place for progressives, even as the event begins. In a passionate speech focused mainly on the costs and horrors of America's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Goodman sets the stage for Jones' talk by imploring activists to ...

October 26, 2006 – Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities 26, 2006 · “I don’t think we should deny people rights to a civil union, a legal arrangement, if that’s what a state chooses to do so. I view the definition of marriage different from legal arrangements that enable people to have rights. And I strongly believe that marriage ought to be defined as between a union between a man and a woman.

Moonbattery Open Thread - Moonbattery 29, 2017 · This is the fourth kill in seven days for the group of orcas. That’s one kill every other day since last Thursday by the same nine killer whales (with a few others joining occasionally). Nancy Black, a marine biologist with Monterey Bay Whale Watch who has been studying these whales for decades, called the frequency of the pod’s killings ...

New York Sun Provides Further Scandal Details - Blogger 01, 2005 · Bigger Than We Thought Air America, Cohen Got More Than $800,000? While Air America's personalities and the mainstream media (MSM) remain silent on the growing scandal, one where it apparently received taxpayer grants meant for a Bronx community center, the New York Sun today discovers far more. And, the Radio Equalizer is learning of a far bigger, related issue, one that …

South Texas Chisme: The Texas GOP platform says performing ... Texas Progressive Alliance encourages you to keep supporting Harvey and Irma relief efforts as it brings you this week's roundup. Off the Kuff reminds us that we have elections this November and they still need our attention. As part of job hunting, Socratic Gadfly pays careful attention to some of the fluffery and hyperbolic language in employment ads and job descriptions and translates ...

Cambridge Analytica, who stands accused of stealing data ... 11, 2018 · Courtesy of The Hill : Cambridge Analytica is trying to prevent an undercover report by London’s Channel 4 News that shows the firm’s ...

The Other 95%: Accretionary Wedge #3: Between a Rock and ... 09, 2007 · Geology has had an intimate relationship with biology, a long term romance spanning at conservative estimate around 3 billion years. As the disciplines of each are concerned, they were inseparable until the mid-19th century. Both were included with the modern sciences and maths as the study of Natural History, a subset of Theology.

Seattle Tree Grove Resolution | Majority full Seattle City Council on Monday , June 30, 2008 unanimously passed Resolution 31065 to help protect the remaining tree groves in the city of Seattle from being cut down. The resolution is an attempt to clarify the city’s current tree protection policies which are very weak and have only emphasized protection of exceptional individual trees.

Orcinus: All Over But the Shouting - Blogger Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

The Point: Japan’s public diplomacy of churlish cluelessness 07, 2015 · This is because Japan agreed to establish an information center that would acknowledge the miserable conditions experienced by Koreans and because Kuni Sato, Japan’s ambassador to UNESCO, stipulated, “Japan is prepared to take measures that allow an understanding that there were a large number of Koreans and others who were brought against ...

The Howdygram 2: June 2017 08, 2017 · Hello and hi-de-ho from my house to yours! It’s 7:45 p.m. on a muggy Thursday night in Texas, Sam is attending the second (and final) session of a pleasant retirement planning seminar — he actually knows enough about investing to teach a course like this! — and I’m at home enjoying a bag of Mountain House freeze-dried Spaghetti with Meat Sauce for senior citizens who can’t stand up ...

Alterdestiny: Mike Dillon's Gogo Jungle @ Dan's Silverleaf 11, 2006 · Eventually, they did but, seeing who was showing, I wished I had been the only person there. Two distinct groups showed. One was a group of 8-10 middle-aged, well-dressed people who looked like they’d just got off work and congregated at Dan’s for a little drinking and vibes.

Illegals, Watch Out - We're Taking Back Our Jobs! 12, 2009 · And you'd better believe there's no more complaining - you should see them cry with happiness for a little half-cup of water!" Not even Darlene's aged, infirm 94-years-young grandmother has to miss out on the fun - when she was fired from the factory for sewing her hand to a pair of extra-large briefs, she quickly found work again as a ...

The Slack Attack: 2013-03-31 post and a few others circling around the web discuss Pixar's recent rash of sequels. I think a valid critique on Hollywood, in general, but misses two aspects unique to Pixar. Sequels are much more guaranteed money when making a movie - witness the success of Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit" even though the movie was poorly edited, and we know that Hollywood is hugely risk-averse.

JABBS: Was Plot To Blow Up Airplanes With Liquid ... 21, 2006 · In the days since the British foiled a plot to blow up U.S.-bound planes with liquid exposives, a lot of questions remain unanswered. How close were the would-be terrorists from going forward with their plan? British officials say the plotters hadn't bought airline tickets, and some didn't have passports. Apparently, the question of how imminent the plan was led to a debate between British and ...

The Ethical Werewolf ‡ by Neil Sinhababu : March 2009 03, 2009 · I'm very proud of War or Car, where I posted a new thing you could buy for the price of the Iraq War everyday, for 121 days.This was during the 2008 elections, and I was glad that the antiwar candidate won. The site got its name because you could buy every American household a Toyota Prius for the $3 trillion price of the war.

atomic power review: Tuesday morning (Eastern) update company said part of its response to knowledge of the Fukushima Daiichi accident, and it has also announced plans for a roughly 36 foot high protective wall around the Hamaoka plant. Chubu is getting it right -- respond to the accident scenario quickly and show the public that you are doing everything you can figure out to prevent ...

Kevin's home of interesting stuff: Days Of Rage Are Coming ...'s time to trade in your Jag, Mercedes, BMW (and maybe your Prius, Volvo, Lexus, etc.) before the Days of Rage start. As I've explained before ( As the "Prosperity" Tide Recedes, the Ugly Reality of Wealth Inequality Is Exposed), the rage of the masses who have been losing ground while the Financier Oligarchs, the New Nobility and the technocrat class reap immense gains for decades has been ...

Harry Clarke: Intertemporal macroeconomic tradeoffs 10, 2008 · This is the first time I have ever seen the Fed intervene on the asset side of banks balance sheets. First-rate bank stocks (if there is such a thing) are now stating to look good again in the US. There are some terrific brand names that may do ok. Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan and even Citibank if it is not too permanently damaged.

Tamir Rice | Sandra, December 29, 2015. Twitter activists are pressuring Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James to stage a sit out until the prosecutor's office indicts a cop for the murder of 12-year-old Tamir Rice last year.. On Monday, the prosecutor's office announced there would be no indictment against the cop who shot Tamir 2 seconds after exiting his patrol car on Nov. 22, 2014.

Media Matters for America - Fox News vs. Reality: Ukraine ... his opening statement, he created a road map. He's laid out day by day. Here's what happened then I responded then they responded this way, it said. That's what makes this so much more powerful than just someone coming in and testify. The President said. Let me be crystal clear. There is no quid pro quo only to a …

Flap’s Links and Comments for March 31st on 18:52 – Flap's ... 31, 2011 · These are my links for March 31st from 18:52 to 18:55: Rudy Giuliani Blasts Obama on Libya Action – Rudy Giuliani told Laura Ingraham that "since this whole thing in the Middle East began," the Obama administration "doesn't know what it's doing." "This is probably the worst handled national security military action I have ever seen.

Plame Questions-2 - Macsmind - Conservative Commentary on ... 21, 2005 · But EXACTLY what Joe Wilson did. He didn't go to find anything. He went to "play the role he was assigned", to remember his lines, and then come back home. Interestingly enough, the "debrief" took place in his home while Valerie played "hostess with da-mostess".

A Little Reality: Why I Don't Care about the Presidential ... is a simple round-robin format where each candidate is given 4 minutes to address the topic. The candidates may gain an addition 30-seconds to ask a question of one specific opponent who is then given 30-seconds to respond. If I were king, how I would format our presidential debates.

The Edubabbler: May 2008 21, 2008 · The sad thing is that going to be a teachable moment that will inevitably be lost. Instead of opening up the discussion with students to come to a compromise, the students are going to be punished for finding and using their collective voice (they defined those in power), and the teacher who nurtured them will most likely lose his job ...

The Johnsville News: Duke Case: Wasted Days is all about race and class: I suspect race and money and access to the media have a lot to do with it. I have often wondered how media coverage might be different -- how the cynical, skeptical skew would turn -- if the alleged victim in the case were white and the alleged defendants black.

Kevin Powell: Blogging Through Romans: Romans 2: 1-11 15, 2009 · Blogging Through Romans: Romans 2: 1-11 Romans 2: 1-11 Paul is piling it on thick. It's like he's reveling in his telling the Roman Christians how awful and sinful they are. Not only were they guilty of every sin mentioned in chapter one, but they were also guilty of being judgmental hypocrites! ... But easier said than done. We like to ...

No Right Turn: Out of control 03, 2005 · The Observer today has a special report into the US's secret global gulag.While it mentions all the obligatory background elements - Guantanamo, the torture plane, Maher Arar, and the outsourcing of torture to compliant despotic regimes like Syria - the focus is somewhere else: Afghanistan, which since the US Supreme Court started enforcing constitutional limits over what went …

The Following is a Note to a Friend - Scribd Following is a Note to a Friend - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This is one way to share thoughts on a subject (s) waiting composition. Anyone is invited to comment.

Beers with Demo: Got Tebow? 12, 2011 · In his post, he called us out specifically for our thoughts on the matter for which we obliged. The following is our edited-up comment: We have zero issues with Tebow and his Tebowing. In reality, sports figures have been Tebowing and praising God in interviews for years now.

Uberovi partneri-vozaci znacajno pridonose boljitku svoje ...štovani, više od tisucu Uberovih partnera-vozaca svakodnevno korisnicima pruža siguran i jednostavan nacin kretanja kroz grad.Osim toga, Uber platforma, zajedno sa Uberovim partnerima-vozacima dodatno vraca zajednici sudjelovanjem u mnogobrojnim humanitarnim i ostalim akcijama. Tako su, u proteklom periodu, Uberovi partneri-vozaci sudjelovali u mjesecu borbe protiv raka dojke ...

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Truth or Consequences! 11, 2006 · This is the most deceptive portion of this commercial. During an interview with Paul Yates of WAGA -TV (FOX 5 Atlanta) Cathy Cox was asked specifically about the statewide ads, and responded that she only appeared in four of those ads, and in those ads never once said her name. The clips that the Taylor ad uses are from local PSA’s that ran ...

The Rude Pundit: Hispanic Evangelical Leaders: We Love You ... 01, 2019 · One of the things that President Donald Trump likes to do when he's not spinning tales of taped-up Hispanic women or knife-crazy Hispanic gang members is lie about Hispanic poll numbers. Trump keeps insisting that he's gaining support from the Hispanic community, recently citing a poll where just 154 self-identified Hispanics were part of a ...

No Bread And Circuses For You: Another Conspiracy Theory ... the markets are still debating whether the price of oil is more impacted by the excess pumping of crude here, or the lack of demand there, or if it is all just a mechanical squeeze by momentum-chasing HFT algos who also know to buy in the milliseconds before 2:30pm, we bring readers' attention back to what several months ago was debunked as a deep conspiracy theory.

Survey Saturday: Lame Stream? - LA Progressive 21, 2011 · Gone are the daily updates on California State assembly and state senate agendas. If Steve Jobs understood that the public didn’t know what it wanted so it was up to him to create it, well ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 01/23/18[Multiculturism] was the idea behind the Schengen policy adopted by the European Union, the Diversity Visa Lottery or “chain migration” program in the U.S., and the hospitality to primarily Muslim immigration in my own country of Canada. Every one of these measures has, …

DownWithTyranny!: JERRY LEWIS AND JOHN DOOLITTLE-- THE ... 21, 2007 · Every one of them. Two of the worst and most corrupt members of that committee, each grown personally wealthy from taking bribes from defense contractors and lobbyists, are from my own state of California, one from the northern part of the state, John Doolittle and one from the southern part of the state, Jerry Lewis.

Libertarian perspectives on LGBT rights : definition of perspectives on LGBT rights/en-enOne of its activities was the production of a lavender pamphlet, to distribute at gay pride events, that explained the libertarian perspective on LGBT rights. Some of the libertarian views mentioned in the brochure are the following: Repeal of all laws regarding consensual sexual acts between adults (with the age of consent reasonably defined).

The Blatantly Unsubstantiated Slander of Earl Ofari ... 07, 2014 · Earl Ofari Hutchinson was one of those people. I didn’t always agree with the way he connected the dots (but then, I’m so arrogant that I don’t always agree with anybody), but I did always agree with, and admire, his intelligence, integrity, commitment, and eloquence. As a result, he’s one of the primary reasons I’m a writer today.

No Right Turn: A conflicted dictatorship 09, 2012 · A conflicted dictatorship. One of the tools of the Canterbury dictatorship in giving away water to farmers are the "zone committees". These unelected bodies are responsible for recommending nutrient and minimum flow limits for particular waterways.

The Immoral Minority: Tricked you. 02, 2015 · The Reagan Administration was the most corrupt administration is history with 138 arrests , inditements and prosecutions.His Administration was a debacle and yet Repugs act like he and it are sacrosanct.It boggles the mind. Reply Delete

Doom Eternal to skip ray tracing at launch | More ... 29, 2020 · In brief: For anyone looking to slay Doom Eternal’s vicious demons with realistic real-time reflections might be disappointed to know that the game won’t be featuring ray tracing at launch. The rest, however, can look forward to causing chaos with the super shotgun when the title comes out in less than two months. In a recent interview with Digital Foundry, id Software’s Marty Stratton ...

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard late 1868, its northern Mississippi founders opened what would go on to be one of the region’s longest-lived cotton mills. For years, it was a great success — during World War II it was a prime supplier of khaki to the United States Army — but its closing devastated Stonewall.

May | 2008 | Sensiblekitty of my favorite booths was piloted by Timoney Hood. The Lifecycle Building challenge is poised to bring the revolutionary ideas ,that are desparately needed in construction, to life. Lucky for us, we had a chance to play in the ocean, eat divine food, and generally be in the company of brilliant minds.

Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Morning Links 09, 2017 · Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. - Colin Gordon discusses how contempt for democracy is one of the uniting principles of the right around the globe while reviewing Nancy MacLean's Democracy in Chains: At the intersection of Buchanan’s market fundamentalism and his embrace of Jim Crow lies a fundamental reservation — nakedly evident on today’s radical right — …

Mark in Mexico: Zarqawi dusted by Pixie McChrystal 11, 2006 · The Strategy Page says that Zarqawi was sprinkled by pixie dust, or McChrystals, perhaps, and that's how we found him. I would guess that his spiritual adviser, one Sheik Abdel-Rahman, was the one actually dusted by Pixie McChrystal, whilst Zarqawi was dusted by a pair of 500-lb. bombs. Pixie McChrystal searching for other terrorists to "dust".

QuickWheelhttps://quickwheel.blogspot.comPoet, novelist, and dramatist who was the most important of the French Romantic writers. Though regarded in France as one of that country's greatest poets, he is better known abroad for such novels as Notre-Dame de Paris (1831) and Les Misérables (1862).

journey2infinitive: August 2008 cricket. But end of the day sufferer was the Great Cricketers. India – Sri Lanka test series are the biggest example of it. I personally rated this series Is one of the best I have ever seen? Way Two Master Spinners Murali Dharan & Ajantha Mendis Were Bowling against One of the most brilliant batting line up of all time was splendid.

New Appeal to Reason: Dalton Trumbo: FBI Informant 01, 2004 · Dalton Trumbo was a great Hollywood screenwriter, but for much of his adult life a Stalinist. Trumbo, as one of the Hollywood Ten, has been celebrated as victim of the blacklist and contrasted to Elia Kazan, another great screen writer who named names before the House UnAmerican Activities Committee. In turns out, however, the Trumbo was an FBI informant.

Harry Clarke: Licit & illicit drug use in Australia 11, 2007 · 2. Cannabis was the most common illicit drug used (34% had used in their lifetime). 3. Ecstasy use has grown strongly since the early 1990s and now about 3.4% of the population aged 14 years+ have recently used. 4. Illegal use of painkillers and analgesics seems to have steadied off in the last few years but remains a significant problem. 5.

swampstyle: Bravo New World? I saw many people come out of round 2 looking abused, I thought it was one of the tamest reviews I've through. Even though I was rejected, I came out feeling pretty good about my work and kinda thankful that I didn't make it to the next round- I would really resent having to make a piece of art just for them, which is what I heard you had ...

You Must Admire Some Liars - EMPIRE of DIRT (click Cash ... 18, 2013 · No, not Lance nor Manti, but "Bob," who outsourced/subcontracted his own programming job to China.Chinese workers did his assignments while he surfed the web and clocked out at 5 pm. If you think about it, "Bob" just applied free market principles to …

Story Time Is Over - 08, 2010 · Story Time Is Over Rusty1776 2010-04-08. History is always written by the winners. Native Americans know it, African Americans know it, Palestinians know it, working class people in every country ...

Tickle The Wirestates Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling States are considering whether to lower legal blood-alcohol levels from 0.08 to 0.05 in an effort to curb car accidents, CBS 13 in Sacramento reports. The National Transportation Safety Board is pushing for the change for the second time, saying the reduced limit would save nearly 1,000 lives.

Marc Valdez Weblog: The Failed Venezuelan failed Venezuelan coup attempt was a real mess, and complicated too, but it shares with "Breaking Bad" roots in out-of-control medical bills. Our medical system is destabilizing our society:The story begins with the Canadian-born 43-year-old Goudreau.

disinterested party: Why oil prices will it hasn’t, so here goes. I’ll make this as painless as possible. In many ways today’s oil market reminds me of the dot-com insanity, what with analysts like Goldman Sachs’ Arjun Murti channeling Henry Blodget , predicting $105-a-barrel “ super spikes ,” and scaring us all into trading our Hummers.

WARPED 45: November, I had big expectations for The Photo Album, their 2001 release. After many listens where I've tried to convince myself that I just needed time to get into it, I have to say that this album just isn't very good. There are a few good songs, but it isn't an album that I naturally just want to leave in the stereo. The vocals sound much more hollow.

Green Chile In Space - sends this: Depending on the alignment of the planets, the shortest trip to the Red Planet can take about six months, and astronauts wo...

The Union News.: Mark Steyn takes on ClimateGate Data 08, 2009 · Corrupt leftwing warm-mongering plagues planet. The CRU scandal has already ensnared Britain's leading climate "scientist" Phil Jones (whom one principled leftie says has only "a few days left in which to make an honourable exit") and his American counterpart Michael Mann (as in "Mann-made global warming").Given that these two men and their respective institutions are the …

Washington Scandal: Mexican Vacation...College Students gun fights are the norms IN ALL MEXICAN COMMUNITIES, Kidnapping of Americans a COMMON PRACTICE, and last year over 7,000 people were gunned down, including AMERICAN CITIZENS. Listen to the State Department, heed the warning and go beaching at American Resorts...not only will you be safer, but it is PATRIOTIC TO BUY AND VACATION AMERICAN!

A Hot Water Sandwich and Mosquito Juice: Quarantine Notes's not breaking news that Ah Soul is a goddamned idiot. In Michigan, when it rains, it pours, but they voted for the motherfucker, so in a way, they were just asking for it. Show me a doctor who can be recruited for Ah Soul's latest propaganda effort, and I'll show you a doctor who shouldn't be licensed to practice medicine in the United States. ...

Balkinization: Antivaxxers and gay activists have been a public health hazard for many years. Now they have become even more dangerous: they are mobilizing in anticipation of a Covid-19 vaccine, which they see as more dangerous than the pandemic itself. This alarming development comes with a valuable lesson: people can be badly wrong without being evil.

susan the bruce: Paying 21, 2018 · All recorded House or Senate sessions are archived, easily accessible. This means you can watch the recordings any time. You should. Most people don’t have time to go to the State House on a weekly basis to sit in the gallery and watch the sessions. The videos are the …

SHADOW'S WORLD: 03/28/ TREY GOWDY: Hillary Clinton wiped her server clean after the State Department requested her emails. But that's okay because her lawyers carefully reviewed them (for incriminating evidence?) before the were erased. (For the record, I doubt those 'personal' emails were ever truly erased; they were probably removed and carefully hidden to be found in the same dusty …

Beth's Blog: Did Oliver North warn Al Gore about Osama bin Oliver North warn Al Gore about Osama bin Laden at Senate hearings in 1987? This ridiculous hoax has been circulating since 2001, even though the secretary of the U.S. Senate and North himself have debunked it.

Jac of all tirades: doin' the monk-walk -"Quitting my day job and starting my life as a writer certainly was a tremendous risk. It was a fool's leap, a shot in the dark. But anything of value in our lives- whether it be a career, a work of art, a relationship- will always start with such a leap.

Green Eagle: Obama- Just Like 03, 2013 · Another thing Hitler was know for- doing away with immigration laws. Actually, Hitler had his own immigration scheme- forced slave labor for millions of Slavs. That wasn't so lenient, since he worked most of them to death, but it's just like Obama. Somehow. "13) He aggressively suppressed military votes." Just like Hitler, who hated the German ...

Pride Post 2019: A Half-Century After 07, 2019 · The annual Pride parade in NYC has become a Big Deal, but in this era of Pride commercialization, it has to be noted that the Stonewall Uprising a half-century ago was a response to government-sanctioned violence against LGBTQ persons, largely persons of color.The riot, as it was termed, was led by transwomen of color responding to police …

Jenn Siemens | 18, 2007 · "Women are the bloodthirsty sex. We get the reputation, but it is only because the women stand behind us, and say 'Kill it. Squish it.'" -Ric, "Hunting Ground" by Patricia Briggs "May the stinging insects of a thousand worlds seek out your moist places." -Tsander Dest, "Backlash" by Aaron Allston "Doing the right thing isn't something special.

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid don't know about EASY, but it appears he died happy. BBC: "Carradine was found naked with a rope around his neck and other parts of his body." His rep claims the death was 100% accidental. If only there was a name for that...ancient Thai practice... Erotic asphyxiation?

3rd Presidential Debate - we’re going to have to invest in the American people again,in tax cuts for the middle class, in health care for all Americans and college for every young person who wants to go, in businesses that can create the new energy economy of the future, in policies that will lift wages and will grow our middle class.These are the policies I’ve ...

The Rectification of Names: Cheap shots: Gunga Dinesh's Cheney Was Righter Than He Knew About the Ignorance of the American Voter and Karl Marx Was Absolutely Wrong About Abused (American) Workers Seeking to Revolutionarily Improve Their Lot (Lee Camp & Eleanor Goldfield Truthify) Zuckerberg Started Facebook to Insult Mean (To Him) Women and Men Who Didn't Mind Telling Him Their Intimate Life Details

No Right Turn: National's broadband 04, 2008 · National's broadband plans National leader John Key has announced a massive investment in broadband , putting up $1.5 billion to roll out fibre to the home. Telecommunications policy isn't my area of expertise, so I'll leave it to the dedicated technology bloggers to do the serious analysis.

the corkboardcorkboarddenouement.blogspot.comthe corkboard It seems as though my flickr account has accidentally become my photo blog: a pictorial account of where I am, with my camera, taking pictures. That could be anywhere, since I feel like all expression should be recognized as performance art: the camera or the charcoal set shouldn't be directed at art school, or an art community, but it should be available as a means …

Sparks from the Anvil: An Important Pre-Election 06, 2006 · An Important Pre-Election Announcement Just a note to say I hope my readers (all five of you) have registered to vote. I, in no way, want to influence anyone's vote or try to impose my intellectual views concerning the election.

The Rude Pundit: Two Dead Miners Are More Important Than 05, 2014 · The workers got dicked, but it was with a smaller dildo. The deal allowed Patriot to emerge from bankruptcy in December 2013. The deal allowed Patriot to emerge from bankruptcy in December 2013. To celebrate, in February, Patriot spilled 108,000 gallons of slurry waste into a creek feeding the Kanawha River, the same river that was polluted by ...

Trump’s Quest to Become America’s Dictator | Bill's Links begin today’s misadventures of our illegitimate, minority-elect president with his war on the press that is actually a war on the truth – his biggest enemy – on his quest to become America’s first dictator, Syrian civilian deaths rocketing as our War Criminal-in-Chief commits more war crimes there under the dubious guise of fighting ...

Cathie from Canada: February yesterday I got into an argument about who was responsible for the tragedy of two children dying while adults squabbled: While the house burned early Tuesday, the truck sat in the snow outside the home of the band’s mechanic.

Trump Is Pretty Much Just Trying to Murder Americans at 01, 2019 · Let's see what we've got here: The rate of uninsured adults has climbed by nearly 3 percentage points since Donald Trump started destroying the Affordable Care Act. That adds up to 7 million more Americans without health insurance. Young people, poor people, and women (and, probably, young, poor women) make up the biggest groups of those who have either …

Daylee News Nuggets: Targeting Has Overplayed His Hand (William Burns) from the New York Times "Mr. Putin’s muscular revanchism can camouflage his weakness, but it cannot erase it. He remains reliant on a one-dimensional economy, constrained by sanctions, mired in the reckless adventures he’s pursued in Ukraine and Syria, and increasingly subordinate to China and its growing ambitions.

A NYTimes Editorial : Is It Something in the Water? It Something in the Water? Recent notes from Long Island’s wide, wacky world of special taxing districts, courtesy of the Nassau comptroller, Howard Weitzman: Water commissioners in Franklin Square and Hicksville were apparently so dedicated to their duties that they met two or three times a week during the two-year period in 2004 and 2005 ...

read my mind: 5G is Not Safe! 05, 2018 · A key consideration for adopting both technologies are the clients. Both the infrastructure (cell towers, access points) and the client devices (phones, laptops, etc.) must support the new technology to benefit from them. Unfortunately, it will take some time for 5G and Wi-Fi 6 to make their way into our devices.

The Union News.: Barack Obama trained ACORN in 06, 2008 · "A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

The Immoral Minority: Well I'm glad he straightened that 02, 2015 · The Immoral Minority: Well I'm glad he straightened that out. ... ( Source .)

Mah Rabu ?? ???: August 18, 2010 · Even if the moon number is considerably further off than the sun number, it's still an impressive feat to know that the moon is smaller than Earth (by any amount) even though the sun is much larger (by an amount that he basically got right) and the sun and moon are the same apparent size in the sky.

Pat is Crazy: May 02, 2013 · What does it stand for? After much thought, I concluded that the fourth number could plausibly be the number of the "sector." Space being very large, it makes sense to break it up into sectors to make the mapping more manageable. I can accept this. But it brings me to my next point. 2. Why in the hell are the numbers so small?

Google Express Doesn’t Replace Amazon Prime, But It’s Express Doesn’t Replace Amazon Prime, But It’s Still Pretty Useful: In the arms race between Amazon and Google, homebodies are the clear winners.(Warehouse workers… not so much.) But Google’s latest parry, Google Express, sidesteps the warehouse entirely, delivering orders from your local stores straight to your home.

Casey Luskin - Poster Boy for How NOT to Argue • Smilodon ... 03, 2015 · By Smilodon's Retreat • Jun 3, 2015 • 58 comments Casey Luskin, once again, shows us why he is not a person to take seriously. He, like his buddy Meyer, fails a very basic area of research in promoting his ideas.

At long last, HCC campaign finance statements – Off the 29, 2011 · One possible reason for this is in his finance report, which says he raised $58K but spent $54K and has only $4K on hand. By my count, $37,545 went to Bethel Nathan Communications for “Consulting”, $5,500 went to Portia Matthews for “Campaign services”, …

Why Is Twitter Letting Jose Canseco Set Another Example of ... 22, 2013 · In a year when young victims of sexual assault have been shamed on social media by young people siding with accused athletes from Torrington to Steubenville, here is …

IT WOULD ALMOST BE MORE UNDERSTANDABLE IF HE WERE … 02, 2020 · I've said on a couple of occasions that I suspect the president promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 for some reason other than personal profit -- I understand why so many people assumed he must have been doing it because sales of the drug would earn him money, but the evidence didn't seem to be there, and even Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of …

WIP – Here's A Thing… 20, 2021 · Trump Victory Committee paid nearly $400,000 to Trump’s Washington hotel in second quarter: analysis 07/19/2020; Betsy DeVos wants to turn millions of America’s children into pandemic lab rats 07/19/2020; Draft of McConnell’s ‘dangerous’ corporate immunity plan sparks alarm: ‘This is an anti-civil rights proposal’ 07/19/2020 Trump attempting to block billions in new funding for ...

U.S. Mint Calls Liberty Dollar “Criminal” is one of the clearest power grabs that the Federal Government has taken in modern times beyond what the Constitution permits. It is a naked abuse of power, and the director of the U.S. Mint should be called before the American people to explain and justify his clear violation of that sacred document.

Mo Rage: Random thoughts on a wonderful, long, beautiful ... Star reports that "A 17-year-old girl remained hospitalized this morning after she was shot on Thanksgiving night in central Kansas City." I can't write very long here, today, because I'm going to join the East side clergy who are going to be protesting this and the other shootings and killings of their fellow-citizens in the city.

The Education Of David Obey - 16, 2009 · He stuck to his views even as the parties changed around him, scoring a 30% NARAL rating in 2003. (His name is pronounced like Obi-Wan Kenobi). (His name is pronounced like Obi-Wan Kenobi). This is why it's really sweet to see him reversing his previous support of abstinence-based sex education and steering an elimination of abstinence-only ...

03 | July | 2017 | Bureaucracybuster's Blog 03, 2017 · J. Edgar Hoover, the legendary FBI director, was notorious in his own lifetime as a blackmailer. “Boy, the dirt he has on those Senators,” President John F. Kennedy told his friend, Benjamin C. Bradlee, who was then head of Newsweek’s Washington bureau.. As President, Kennedy could call on Hoover to give him limited access to the private files the FBI director kept on real and …

Balkinization: The Constitutionality of the Debt Ceiling ... Tribe I.The Constitutionality of the Debt Ceiling Professor Buchanan argues in a recent post that the Constitution “[f]ortunately . . . does require that the debt-limit law be declared invalid,” writing: Everyone agrees that, without the debt-limit law, current law would allow the government to borrow the money necessary to cover its obligations.

Many rules manifest (for us) the “efficiency of reliance ...“Manifestations of the efficiency of reliance on rules are all around us, but we may fail to recognize them precisely because of the role that rules play. It is just because reliance on rules eliminates the necessity of making some kinds of investigations and calculations that often we do not consider the kinds of investigations that would otherwise have been required.

Charlottesville, US: White supremacist offensive meets ... following edited material is from the 14 August 2017 issue of Revolution, voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA ( Hundreds of white supremacist, Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazi fascist scum descended on Charlottesville, Virginia on 11-12 August, to hold a "Unite the Right" rally.

LoneStarBear: Palin and McCain’s Shotgun Marriage same month he out-Cheneyed Cheney in his repeated public insistence that Iraq had a role in 9/11 — even after both American and foreign intelligence services found that unlikely. He was similarly rash in his reading of the supposed evidence of Saddam’s W.M.D. and in his estimate of the number of troops needed to occupy Iraq. (McCain ...

The Rude Pundit: A Few Thoughts (Not) on the Benghazi Hearings 10, 2015 · Maybe a grudge held over from the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, when we were supposed to care that Clinton lied under oath about getting some hot oral action in the Oval Office. You could walk the streets in those heady days in the late 1990s and look into people's eyes and recognize that we all knew the whole thing was utter ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The significance ... 29, 2006 · This is a clearly fatal blow to one of the two primary arguments invoked by the administration to justify its violations of FISA. The administration has argued that this same AUMF "implicitly" authorized it to eavesdrop in violation of the mandates of FISA, even though the AUMF said absolutely nothing about FISA or eavesdropping. If -- as the ...

WHAT AN APPARATUS IS NOT: ON THE ARCHEOLOGY OF’S ‘DISPOSITIVE’ RELIGION In his essay “What is an Apparatus?” Agamben relates the genealogy of the Foucauldian dispositif of biopower directly to the notion of positivity in Christian theology as highlighted by Hyppolite in a passage from his In- troduction to Hegel’s Philosophy of History.Agamben believes that this ”passage [...] could not have failed to provoke Foucault ...

President "Emotional" After AZ Verbal Beat-down - Big ... confrontation occurred as the President met Brewer upon arriving in Phoenix. Obama reportedly attacked the elderly governor over unfavorable comments she made about him in her book, "Eating Scorpions For Breakfast." Photos show Brewer angrily reacting to the unexpected attack by threatening Obama and poking a finger in his face.

The Next Hurrah: A 9/11 Every Month 16, 2006 · The figure was shocking in itself--3,438 civilian deaths in Iraq in the month of July from sectarian strife:. An average of more than 110 Iraqis were killed each day in July, according to the figures. The total number of civilian deaths that month, 3,438, is a 9 percent increase over the tally in June and nearly double the toll of January.

Trump’s Rampant Crimes | Bill's Links And More Donald keeps telling his moronic minions to disregard all the reports of his criminal actions because they’re ‘fake news,’ despite the obvious fact that they are indeed true as the bubbles in his land of delusion continue bursting. Trump’s Lies About Russia …

The Immoral Minority: Sinclair owned news outlets give ... 06, 2017 · One of the main problems is that "Terrorism Alert Desk" which plays daily, along with its ominous theme, even if there is nothing really to report. The Terrorism Alert Desk’s updates, even in the absence of any real terrorism-related events, is scary for some, said Moni Chea, a 32-year-old Providence woman who works in a nursing clinic.

FunctionalAmbivalent: Media & Showbiz not-at-all-insane World Net Daily does a "review" of President Obama's writings and speeches and uncovers the shocking truth that President Obama uses speechwriters and may even have used ghostwriters in his books. Jack Cashill, who has previously reported that the Clintons murdered their labor secretary and that TWA Flight 800 was shot down by terrorists, did the research himself, so he ...

No Right Turn: Investigating Key's dirt machine 09, 2016 · Back in 2014, John Key admitted that his staff were "briefing the bloggers" and using them as a backchannel to plant stories in the media. A number of people (including myself) were interested in this and lodged OIA requests for the details. The PM rejected these requests by playing the "hat game": the information was held in his capacity as the leader of the National Party, not his …

Global Revolution Center : The Curious Case of John McCain McCain is a real piece of work. I think the people in the future will understand that this guy was a real psycho. Maybe they'll term this period, say from 1913 to whenever the Empire falls as the "Psycho American" period.

DemoKat: Pascal's Gambit (or Wager) is one of three 'wagers' which appear in his Pensées, a collection of notes for an unfinished treatise on Christian apologetics. Pascal argues that it is always a better "bet" to believe in God, because the expected value to be gained from believing in God is always greater than …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The NSA scandal ... 02, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

A Good Excuse To Cancel Class - 24, 2011 · As the top financial official for the rebels, Tarhouni will also oversee oil affairs. He said oil is not an immediate issue because the only significant yields are coming from the Sarir and Sidra fields, which amount to roughly 130,000 barrels a day, a relatively small total. "Right now, there is no immediate crisis kind of need for cash.

Monologues of Dissent: How To Recall Walker: 5 easy things ... To Recall Walker: 5 easy things you can do to restore Democracy Dear friends, Many people have asked how they can best get involved in the effort to get out the vote to recall Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefisch on June 5, and don't know where to get started or what kinds of actions are best.

Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape ... 14, 2009 · Thursday, July 15, 2004 12:26 EDT Salon Donald Rumsfeld testified on the Hill about Abu Ghraib in May, there was talk of more photos and video in the Pentagon's custody more horrific than anything made public so far. "If these are released to the public, obviously it's going to make matters worse," Rumsfeld said. Since…

Pedestrian Infidel: What Color Be Thy Spine, Balkenende? 03, 2008 · In his weekly press conference following the cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende remarked on the film that MP Geert Wilders plans to broadcast. Prime Minister Balkenende: 'The Netherlands upholds the principles of freedom and respect. People deserve respect for what matters to them most, their beliefs and their identity.

No Right Turn: An unrepresentative Parliament 05, 2017 · An unrepresentative Parliament One of the big improvements that has come from MMP is that we now have a Parliament that looks much more like New Zealand. Where once upon a time we had a monoculture of drunk old white men, we now have a diversity of representation: women, Maori, Pacific peoples, New Zealand Chinese and Indian.

Film | WITMOT? 28, 2012 · But in “A Royal Affair, ” Mikkelsen proves that he’s got more acting tricks in his quiver than just playing the heavy. The movie is set largely in 1760s Denmark. Though the ideas of Voltaire, Rousseau and company were just starting to catch fire in the rest of Europe, Denmark, ruled by the clergy and conservative noblemen, was doing its ...

NoFo: Going nuclear nuclear Today, "Fascism Forever" club founder, Constitutional "originalist" and declared Constitutional "faithful servant" Neil Gorsuch was sworn in as the 113th Supreme Court Justice of the United States, a position -- or at least the opportunity to be sworn into that position -- that Constitutionally belongs to someone else.

Demystification Committee :: Empire Management General ..."In inventing the homo oeconomicus, economists have engaged in a double abstraction. First, the unwarranted one of having conceived of a man with nothing human in his heart; second, of having represented this individual as detached from any group, corporation, sect, party, homeland, or …

RAGGED THOTS: 04/05/2009 Jesse Jackson -- in his runs for president in the 1980s -- was not merely seen as "the black candidate", but also the candidate of the far left. And explicitly so. In earlier years, he was also the individual seen flying to Syria to rescue captured American pilot Robert Goodman -- a nice gesture, yes, but also not necessarily conforming to ...

Sagacity: February 2014 line is this: he doesn't make a single dollar without all the workers slaving away for min wage and tips in his Pizzerias and driving to make deliveries 24/7. I am all for making good money, but just gross American mega consumption at its worst. They should all go on strike. (Boston).

The Rude Pundit 11, 2011 · The creepiest thing that the Rude Pundit saw today over at Occupy Wall Street at Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan was a pair of large, short-haired white men in suits and black trenchcoats. G-Tweedledee was video recording the scene while G-Tweedledum was watching the recording on one of those extra strong ToughBook laptops.

2013 ~ Sanaga Peregrinations philosophy of the 16th president of the United States has long been the subject of public scrutiny, interest in his legacy has never waned, even more recently thanks to the Academy's award nominated movie by Steven Spielberg, in which Daniel Day-Lewis offers us a stunning performance playing a Civil War time president, battling in the ...

Contextual Criticism: Saudi Arabia, the UN, and John McCain Arabia, a monarchial dictatorship, a country with a legal system based upon Islam and the Quran, where freedom is just another word for whatever the royal family desires, has rejected a seat on the UN's Security Council, supposedly because the royals are frustrated that the UN and the US did not put an end to the war in Syria and has not yet bombed Iran.

The Immoral Minority: Trump supporter caught on video ... 04, 2016 · As she mentioned in the report, Trump couldn't care less if he destroys the party. I read last week that one of the authors who had written a book about Trump said he is simply incapable of caring about anyone else besides himself. Having grown up just outside of NYC, I have seen and heard about Trump my entire life.

» Genocide Iran Cristy Leopard Doesn’t Change his Spots –Image Courtesy: Arsen Ostrovsky Iran’s Grand Islamic Wizard Khamenei on Saturday said: “Muslims have an aversion to the Zionist regime of Israel…In cooperation with ill-suited individuals in a number of Islamic governments, the arrogant powers have masterminded religious wars and created criminal organizations such as Al-Qaeda and Daesh (ISIS) in ...

stan van houcke: U.S. Needs War attack over the weekend on two oil-processing facilities in Saudi Arabia has chopped that nation’s output of petroleum products in half and resulted in oil price increases of $17 a barrel in a day.Houthi rebels in Yemen immediately claimed to have carried out the attack, using 10 as yet unspecified drones. Saudi Arabia has promised an update by Tuesday to announce the full extent and ...

Judeopundit: MPAC-UK decides that the Bolsheviks were ... article, originating from the Media Monitor's Network site, appears on the MPAC-UK site accompanied by a picture of a dart board with darts sticking in the bullseye: Stop apologizing for al-Qaeda. You didn’t create them, the CIA did. Stop apologizing for every act of violence perpetrated by Muslims unless you demand that every Christian and Jew apologize for the murderous acts of their ...

Alasandra's Place: Study, Filing Cabinet and Porch Table, Filing Cabinet and Porch Table The Study/Home Office has been painted with Glass Slipper and the Catwalk from Provenza's Uptown Chic series has been installed. The first step in redoing the filing cabinet was to take all the old hardware off and to fill in the holes.

Sexuality | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Dade Behring | This Black Sista's Memorial Page about Dade Behring written by blksista. First loss of life in area in at least 45 years comes amid renewed dispute Twenty members of India’s armed forces have been killed in a “violent face-off” with Chinese soldiers on their disputed Himalayan border in the worst military crisis between the two countries in nearly 60 years.The deaths are the first loss of life in the border area ...

Cousin Sam: In the news, Friday, November 13, 2015 13, 2015 · This is the first time France has declared a state of emergency since the Algerian war, which took place between 1954 and 1962. It is also the first time a curfew has been imposed since the dark days of world war two in 1944.

And, yes, I DO take it personally: It's a beautiful ... 29, 2010 · The first paragraph of today's New York Times article by Charlie Savage: The 48 Guantánamo Bay detainees whom the Obama administration has decided to keep holding without trial include several for whom there is no evidence of involvement in any specific terrorist plot, according to a report disclosed Friday.

Personality profiles of readers vs. non-readers and saving ... is certainly a unique sample – over educated and likely non-fiction readers as we get a lot of people who find our website via science articles – but while the mean levels of reading are meaningless, the relationships between variables in our sample often generalize (see this article). We actually have a question, “How many hours a ...

Natural Food • Smilodon's Retreat 14, 2015 · No. Natural has a commonly used definition and one that is more frequent. In both cases, natural cannot be applied to food. The first is “existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.” In that regard, there is almost no food that is natural. All food is processed, in some way, before being eaten by humans.

KingCast presents News from Franconia: RSA 91-A request ... 26, 2009 · Seems the Family Floyd is no stranger to violence, duh. First the Old Man murdered Liko Kenney in my opinion (after Floyd's string of felony and misdemeanor convictions and other charges) then he takes a beat down in prison, resulting in another KingCast RSA 91-A request: Kelly Ayotte and Marta Modigliani, please provide a copy of any and all medical records from 14 April 2009 to present …

TYP Public Conversation: KCDC, affordable housing ... TYP Public Conversation: KCDC, affordable housing & homelessness When: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - 6:00pm Where: New Harvest Park Contact: Robert Finley, 215-3071 The Office of the Ten-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness would like to invite the public to a conversation at the New Harvest Park community building from 6pm until 7pm on Wednesday, November 17.

Elbow – passage2truth way it folds together memory, strong emotion, and its sudden, stunning rebirth are very affecting, while the restrained melody complements the way John and Guy’s voice interweave to absolutely stunning effect. Anyway, my fourth Elbow slideshow, my way of preparing myself for their shows next month at The Observatory and The Wiltern.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: ?? ?????? ??? 26, 2007 · On Friday night I got to participate in an experiment in hilchot pluralism. ASL (acting as a private individual, not on behalf of any organized community) put together the first known fleishig (meat) two-table potluck. Meat potlucks (whether one table, two tables, or as we'll see below, four tables) are rare in general in Jewish communities that observe any form of kashrut.

TRUMP'S SUCCESS STILL HAS MANY MEDIA FATHERS. CLINTON … 10, 2017 · But virtually no one in the media likes Hillary Clinton -- not on the right, not in the center, not on the left. Some of normal -- as a rule, failed presidential candidates don't get much respect. But most failed candidates are ignored. Clinton is being actively vilified.

read my mind: Danforth Shooter: Terrorist Attack or ... records show Hussain's older brother, Farad, had a troubled past, including a litany of criminal charges. A police source previously told CBC News that the 31-year-old had ties to a street gang in Toronto's Thorncliffe Park area, and may have once possessed the handgun his brother used in the Danforth shooting.

NF | Views from Crestmont Drive - Mark R. This page is both a bibliography of the principal, current (and some classic) nonfiction books in my library, and a set of links to my posts about significant nonfiction (NF) books on this blog. (My posts aren’t so much ‘reviews’ in the sense of evaluations as they are summaries and comments.)

What are you doing to help win World War IV?https://thunderpigtest.blogspot.comA good starting point for exploring this work is Andrew Black's (writing for Jamestown) comparison of al-Suri's work with that of William Lind in The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation. Andrew claims that al-Suri's work provides organizational improvements in fourth generation warfare (which are akin to what I am working on here ...

Omega Sustainability Conference Live Stream 25, 2013 · Join the eOmega Community: Where We Go From Here Conference Live Stream Opportunities & Solutions for an Interdependent World October 5–6: Omega is pleased to announce the free live stream of our Omega Center for Sustainable Living weekend conference: Where We Go From Here. With a unique whole-systems perspective that recognizes the interdependence of all things, our …

Leftist Grandpa: SO LONG HAPPY HOUR 29, 2005 · When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. -- Thomas Jefferson A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it.

The Citizens: More on the Tyranny of the Majority In ... 08, 2008 · The tyranny of the majority can act itself out through legislatures as through referenda, which is why the check on both is (1) judicial and (2) other legislative mechanisms and bodies (e.g., federalism). 8:56 AM

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Oakdale / He knew inspector was ... 04, 2008 · Oakdale authorities said that this is the first time they have found a growing operation during inspections but that it's not uncommon to either smell or see marijuana joints during an inspection. Quast might have gotten away with his growing operation if it hadn't been for his electrical cords.

Long Ago and Not True Anyway: The Madness of Queen Muriel? 07, 2005 · The first worrying aspect of this quote has to do with the troubling presence of the Moriori; and the significance of their presence to the debate on race relations in New Zealand. By “the troubling presence of the Moriori” I don’t mean, of course, their presence in the Chatham Islands, nor am I alluding to the thoroughly debunked myth ...

The Citizens: Palin Refuses to Cooperate With Investigation 04, 2008 · The reason is that national polls are done every day, but state polls are not, AND the electoral maps are the aggregate of state polls. Also, state polls are often released a few days later than national polls. Remember, Palin's big speech was not even 2 weeks ago! 12:12 PM

Techmeme: Facebook's main app gets Snapchat-like Stories ...'s first diversity report: staff is 36.1% female worldwide with 15.4% female engineers; in US, 49.8% white, 30.9% Asian, 8.8% black, 5.6% Hispanic overall — Uber just released its highly anticipated, first-ever diversity report detailing the demographics of its employees as of this month.

KNS v. County Commission update | KnoxViews 26, 2007 · Clearly, this has escaped the Chancellor on a few occaisions (yes, I've attended several hearings). Keep in mind, the Law Director's office knows a whole bunch of things we don't. This is the classic case of bad facts potentially making very bad law, and the TPA has been waiting for a case like this for a very long time.

Trump will win! - Page 132 - The Skeptics Society Forum 04, 2019 · In a four-page order Wednesday, she said it was the special counsel's office that had asked for the indictment to be sealed in the first place. Contrary to Stone's claims, it is not up to CNN to prove his case: if he has evidence to the contrary, he could have presented it to the court.

Trail Nerd Mom“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

Dr Adrian Beaumont – Page 3 – Psephologist & Statistician 03, 2018 · If the US participation rate was the same as Australia’s, the US unemployment rate would by about 7.9%, not 3.9%. A low participation rate makes the bottom line unemployment rate look better than it otherwise would. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics carries out an establishment survey and a household survey every month.

April | 2020 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao 06, 2020 · The next week they opened up on the other side of town under a new name—well, a new name of the legal subdivision-of-some-sort that was still a part of the same well-known think tank “family.” The new place was the same as the old place—same work, same contracts, same management. Well, one thing wasn’t the same. Us. We’d all been ...

DO THESE AUDIENCE PSYCH-OUT STUNTS EVER WORK? (updated) 06, 2016 · The decision was the latest play in a bizarre bit of gamesmanship between the Clinton and Trump campaigns over the debate. Clinton's camp confirmed this week that they would invite billionaire mogul Mark Cuban, a Trump antagonist, to the debate.Of course, Cuban and Flowers are not analogous -- Cuban did not have an affair with Trump's spouse.

Gubu-World: Gaza Flotilla Round Up 01, 2010 · It was the first thought that crossed my mind when I heard what happened. Surely they were aware of the implications for the media battle when they decided to go in using such force. After the initial incident the naval commandos should have boarded the ship in greater numbers with tear gas, rubber bullets, all the appropriate riot gear and ...

How Obama Won: $$$$$$$$$$$ | Mirror On America 08, 2008 · This is a high stakes game that could cost upwards of half a billion dollars. Ain’t but three players invited to this table : Hillary, Edwards, and now Obama. The community of fundraisers that inevitably ends up financing and choosing our Presidents is being courted heavily by the Borg Queen.

The EU is building illegal settlements (video) ~ Elder Of ... 06, 2015 · Locally, the villages are known as the ‘EU Settlements’, and can be found in 17 locations around the West Bank. They proudly fly the EU flag, and display hundreds of EU stickers and signs. Some also bear the logos of Oxfam and other NGOs, which have assisted in the projects.

TRENDING Archives • MommiNation founder, Sanya Richards-Ross, was the special guest for XONecole’s inaugural Pjamamas & Lipstick event! With over 100 attendees, Sanya held court with Necole Kane, Dana Blair and …

Thoughts From The Brown Couchhttps://blacksburgcouch.blogspot.comWell, it's 4:20, and while I mean 4:20 AM, it still passes for a good moment, regardless of my bleary and bloodshot eyes. As with all things, things have changed again in life, ushering in what I hope is just a brief detente with the world, at least until I get straight and can figure out where all this jibby-job madness fits in with my plan to end up drinking rum on sunny beach.

referendum | Observationalism referendum on Scottish independence last night ended up as the No camp hoped, the Yes camp had been trying not to think about, and almost exactly as I’d predicted, though I was certainly not alone.The result is an anti-climax after such excitement and absolutely unprecedented turnout, and it leaves election obsessives picking through the results.

Book review: The Israeli Solution by Caroline Glick ... 24, 2014 · After all, Bush was the first president to declare openly that the US goal was to create a Palestinian Arab state. The second section details the plan itself, while the third discusses potential fallout. This is an important book because it breaks out of the "two-state" straitjacket that Israel - and the world- finds itself in.

Johnny Yen's Chicago Stories: Deep Tunnel 14, 2008 · Over the next few decades, there were major projects in order to deal with the consequences of this reveral-- after all, the water that had for millions of years drained into Lake Michigan now needed somewhere else to go. The Sanitary and Ship Canal, which was finished at the same time as the river reversal, was the first of these.

swampstyle: October 2009 revolution is not supposed to last 50 years On the eve of Halloween 2009, it can be said that the museum of communism, aka island nation of Cuba, is " All Tricks, No Treats". Watch Adrien Baschuk's excellent video "Waiting for a Revolution" currently on Current TeeVee. The time is ripe for Generation Y. Just 45 minutes from Miami...

Sustainability – 350orbust 22, 2012 · These are the 99% – they are not there because they don’t have a job, they are there because they are standing up for the universal right to have a job with a decent salary, without exploitation. For example, in the United States last year, corporate profits grew 38.8 percent in 2010, but while CEOs earned an average of 20 percent more last ...

Baby Boomer Bashers | Bud Meyers 25, 2014 · Baby Boomer Bashers For the past several years (especially since the Great Recession) I've been seeing an uprising by some people who believe that older Americans (specifically, the "Baby Boomers") are to blame for most of the problems that younger Americans (such as the …

corporate profits | Majority Rules and banks and insurance companies put their profits as their bottom line, not the public good. Our elected State Legislature helps to provide a balance between corporate profits and the public good. Framers of our Washington State Constitution understood that making decisions by a majority vote was the fairest way to make decisions.

What would Lincoln do? 31, 2008 · As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor; let every man remember that to violate the law, is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the charter of his own, and his children's liberty.

Motown Strong: From "Russia," With "Love" 02, 2013 · Women from Nigeria and Eastern Europe have been known to actually hold long term distance relationships with desperate men and marry them in their own country with the intent of obtaining visas that allow them to work in countries such as the U.S. I knew this going in; this was not the first time I've been hit up by an Internet scammer.

New Appeal to Reason: 12/01/2009 - 01/01/2010 11, 2009 · This is a classic. On LP, there is a secular side and a religious side. That's lost on CD. Wynton does some great playing and the ensemble and arrangements swing. His 2009 Christmas Jazz Jam is something I'd like to hear, but it's available only at Target and iTunes.) Joe Pass Six String Santa Joe's late 1990s working quartet, plus a few solo ...

Electronic Village: Heather Ellis Accepts Plea Deal for ... 20, 2009 · Heather Ellis, 24, accused of cutting in line at a Walmart, shoving merchandise and assaulting police officers will plead guilty to disturbing the peace and resisting arrest, both misdemeanors. Under the terms of the deal, she will also serve a year of unsupervised probation, attend an anger management course and serve four days in jail before the end of the year.

Can A Pandemic Have A Good Side? | Sheila Kennedy are the first responders at disaster sites; locally the Richmond Hills explosion of an entire neighborhood is an excellent example when even the wounded sought those who needed help. The same is true of the mass shootings; even in schools where classmates respond to …

13 Best Puerto Rico Air Views images in 2020 | Puerto rico ... 27, 2020 - Explore egipto153's board "Puerto Rico Air Views" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Puerto rico, Puerto, Great pyramid of giza.13 pins16 followers

Spirit of Sacrifice | Faith & Reason 11, 2007 · Those of us who follow the Christian tradition are currently in the middle of Lent: a season where we turn inward, reflect about our lives, sometimes take on or give up certain things. You can give up more than sweets or alcohol: this year I "gave up" driving one day a …

Bill permits armed bears in national parks - Blog For Arizona by AzBlueMeanie: The credit card reform bill signed by President Obama on Friday contained a rider attached to it permitting armed bears in national parks and wildlife refuges. OK. I guess I can understand that. I mean, hunting is...

Saipan Writer: Blue Print for the CNMI, for everyone! One of the least friendly kinds of law is the one that is built on corruption and graft. We need more prosecution of fraudulent procurement practices. We need fewer sole source deals. We need open government. (And you'll notice I don't say we need an end to Article XII. Right now, investors of non-NMI descent can get 55 year ...

Pedestrian Infidel: "Ethnic cleansing" in the Middle East 02, 2007 · It's well known that no Arab country wants them, and the article only proves what has been known for a long time. Isn`t it rather hypocritical that the very same countries which don`t want Palestinian people to immigrate to their own lands, are the ones who are the first to attack Israel for even stepping onto any Palestinian's foot.

Rabbits for sale! - Bishop's Homegrown Produce/Face Of The ... not enter my enclosures without my express permission and accompanyment. While my animals are mostly calm and tame, go ahead and presume they are the meanest animals on the face of the earth and do not approach them without my consent. 3. Use your brain and dress and prepare appropriately for a farm tour. No open toed shoes 4. I love giving ...

Our Children Are The Guarantors: Chosen To Show 19, 2006 · Again, let us imagine inventing that claim for a self-serving purpose and maximize the benefits: the Nazi’s idea of themselves as Herrenvolk would be the natural outcome. A chosen nation or religious group would be the masters, the first-class citizens of …

The Next Hurrah: What Fitzgerald Didn't Know Yet Fitzgerald Didn't Know Yet by emptywheel In an effort to make these affidavits available as soon as possible so the wingnuts can start admitting they were wrong about Fitzgerald being a runaway prosecutor, I thought I'd catalog some of the things Fitzgerald didn't appear to know by August 27, 2004 and September 27, 2004 .

Latin America Children's Rights News Monitoring Service ... 28, 2020, commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the first Pride March, held in 1970, one year after the Stonewall Uprising in New York City. NEW YORK, NY, USA, June 18, 2020 /? -- announced today its …

Broken Laws, Broken Lives » nicholas this morning’s New York Times, columnist Nicholas Kristof responds to Major General Antonio Taguba’s call for accountability in the Preface to Broken Laws, Broken Lives.. When a distinguished American military commander accuses the United States of committing war crimes in its handling of detainees, you know that we need a new way forward.

Weather Sites - Good Sites for as the warm water of the Gulf Stream flows north to the Arctic. The warm water is the reason Europe is not frozen solid, like northern Canada. Watch as the water comes up to Greenland and Iceland; and then sink down and get colder, denser, and saltier. Then the now-cold current heads south along the ocean floor.

Rep. Edolphus Towns and Rep. Carolyn Maloney: Providing ... 12, 2009 · Today, most families no longer have a stay-at-home parent to care for a new child. Long before the economic crisis hit, few families could afford to go without pay for any length of time. Now, with massive job losses in New York City and across the nation, many formerly dual-income families are struggling to pay the bills on a single salary.

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ...“ What an honor to be here with you all on this journey of faith as we come together to welcome Pope Francis to one of the greater cities on Earth, ” Estefan said. Openly gay TV personality Mo Rocca’s implausible appearance as the first reader of the Mass — in Spanish — sparked a Twitter Hallelujah.

Redeye's Front Page: This is what One Nation looks like! 05, 2010 · You won't see wall to wall, breathless coverage of the One Nation Working Together rally held in Washington D.C. today because it's not a bunch of Obama hating white folks waving their flags while they waive their rights. Nope, it's red, yellow, black and white Americans from red states and blue states coming together to reclaim The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and demanding the CHANGE …

The Ethical Werewolf ‡ by Neil Sinhababu : The five book game 05, 2005 · It was one of the moments when the kids are like, "I can't figure out why wrong, but if it's right, my world is upside-down!" The whole class stayed for a few minutes after the bell to keep arguing it out. I need to read the rest of the book to do this thing properly as a professor.

No More Mister Nice Blog: WHAT HAPPENS AFTER ACQUITTAL 09, 2019 · A few people will call for a second impeachment, held before the election -- but that will be deemed impossible. So the remedy will be Trump's defeat. In other words, I think he'll sow the seeds for a massive push to vote him out. He still might win, of course. But he'll energize our base, and maybe alienate a few more swing voters.

Oman Tornadoes News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... 21, 2020 · Storms tonight, Sunday at risk of becoming severe, forecasters say; large hail, tornadoes among threats. Nearly all of Arkansas is at an enhanced risk of severe weather on Easter Sunday, with the greatest risk covering the southeast corner of the state, forecasters said.

The Progressive THINKERS ethical coalitions that stand for peace, human rights, the environment, social justice and prosperity.

AMERICAN CONTEXThttps://davidhaynes.blogspot.comEarly on, even when a great majority of Americans watched with pride as the first African-American rose to the highest office in the land, there seemed to be a concerted effort to thwart those positive feelings and stir the fear, mistrust and, in some cases, hatred still lingering in the minds of some white Americans.

Alasandra's Place: The Flame Bearer (The Saxon Stories #10) gains a peace treaty for a year between the Danes and the Saxons. Uhtred then sets out on a devious route to Bebbanburg. He plans to sneak into the fort when they hopefully mistake his ships as the ships (provided by AEthelhelm) they are expecting to resupply them. His plan works and the guards at Bebbanburg open the gate for his ships.

Hawaii Overtime Work News Monitoring Service & Press ... is the UK's largest and leading plastics industry event. A triennial event, over 500 exhibitors invest time and planning into demonstrating the latest machinery, equipment, products and services for visitors to view, test and experience at the show.

CryptoURANUS Economics: FPGA Monero Mining Source-Codes 26, 2019 · The first single-chip microprocessors contained approximately 10,000 gates of logic and 10,000 bits of memory. Today, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) provide single chips approaching 10 million gates of logic and 10 million bits of memory. Figure 1 compares one of …

Corporate Accountability Annual Report - Corporate ... and organizations from 130 countries joined in these demands, which are the guiding light in our organizing for climate justice. In the U.S., members like you organized friends, families, and neighbors to call on state attorneys general to hold the fossil fuel industry …

A Real Victory for Homeowner in Jolley v Chase Home ... 118:24: "This is the day of the Lord's victory; let us be happy, let us celebrate!" 1 Corinthians 15:57: "thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too much to ask of the Power of God that can do and accomplish anything.

Washington state Initiatives | Majority as the graph below shows: •The share of our resources that are spent on education, health care, public safety, and other important services has actually dropped since the late-1990s; •As of June 2010, state spending in the current 2009-11 biennium is projected to fall to about 5.4 percent of total personal income in Washington – lower ...

Hepkitty's Litter Boxhttps://hepkitty.blogspot.comTeen questioned for online Bush threats Apparently we are a nation of red patriots and blue terrorists. apparently if you're against the war and the president's style of leadership you're a threat. yes, of course it's illegal to make threats on the life of the president, and those threats warrant a degree of investigation, but i really don't think that having the secret service pull a 14-year ...

The Rude Pundit 02, 2006 · This is not to mention whoever sent megaphone man out there in the first place. Oh, but Rude Pundit, you left out freedom of speech and the right of a free press to blah, blah, blah, some might say. Oh, but Rude Pundit, you left out cultural relativism and the respect of others and imperialism and oppression of the West and blah, blah, blah ...

Alterdestiny: Book Review--Gavin Menzies, 1421: The Year ... 04, 2005 · Book Review--Gavin Menzies, 1421: The Year China Discovered America Gavin Menzies claims that the Chinese discovered America in their around-the-world voyages between 1421 and 1423. At first, I was very hesitant about such claims.

Access St. Louis!: Surveillance America! 23, 2008 · Oh no, I'm not talking about a lesson from one of Satan's emissaries, like this one: But a lesson like this, if you would just READ! Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have ...

Region 19 BOE Gazette: Koufax Awards is an unofficial and oftentimes humorous look at my former Region19 Board of Education experience. I will try to stimulate interest and discussion along the way. This is a sandbox of ideas that we'll explore together so feel free to comment.

No Right Turn: War criminals must be punished 03, 2017 · Tonight, Nicky Hager and Jon Stephenson launched Hit & Run: The New Zealand SAS in Afghanistan and the meaning of honour, about the SAS's "revenge" raid in Afghanistan.At the time, the NZDF said that the raid killed only "insurgents". They lied. In fact, the raid killed and injured only civilians; the insurgents they were targeting were nowhere near the area.

Bishop's Homegrown Produce/Face Of The Earth Seed ... picture above is the very tap root of Bishop's Homegrown/Face Of The Earth Seed. My grandparents shortly after moving to Pekin Indiana from Greensburg KY in 1947 where they purchased the farm that is now Bishop's Homegrown. This picture was taken in Pekin in front of the old co-op next to the old railroad depot, neither of which exist today.

Funky Weird Blog Spot: September 2013 entrance to the 17,000 m2 plot is at 126 Chaussee Straße (next door to the Brecht House, where Bertolt Brecht and Helene Weigel spent their last years, at 125 Chaussee Straße). It is also directly adjacent to the French cemetery (also known as the cemetery of the Huguenots), established in 1780, and is sometimes confused with it."

Nosey Onlinehttps://noseyonline.blogspot.comThis is all fine and dandy, but times are so tragically different. Reagan would raise taxes when the deficit went up and Clinton presided over the longest period of growth in the history of the United States. Bush can't raise taxes and obviously is presiding over one of the worst economic periods of all time.

Small Flashes: 12/02/2001 - 12/09/2001 07, 2001 · The Emerald City. About half an exit up the Beltway from where I live is the Maryland Mormon Temple. (Note -- this picture doesn't do it justice. Anybody knows of a URL for a better picture, please drop me a note.)I heard someplace that it's the biggest temple in the world outside of …

Lying, cheating, and stealing: Whales, it was one of those old testament dudes. This is the God’s truth because the Bible is God’s word, translated for us by some illiterate goat herders out in the Saudi Arabian desert. We also know that the whale story, and all the other bible stories too, are the real history of the way things went down back in the day because we have ...

Balkinization: Sigh . . . Originalism are the usual difficulties with this approach. It still relies (though less so) on the original expected application of the text, which some (notably Jack) see as the wrong way of attacking the problem. It still presents the problem of how to define the level of generality in the analysis.

Access St. Louis!: A Look Back is a presentation he gave for his units. While I don't agree with the Nazi symbolism and am sure GLR wouldn't use it today, still a great video for motivational purposes and to get an idea of what they faced back then. GLR was a decorated Navy Commander, an honest and moral man and one of the best leaders this "movement" has ever had.

City of Aurora Employees Given Choice | Should I Stay or ... 06, 2009 · Here is something annoying. I just had to purchase some pepper plants because the windstorm broke the one I started from my own seeds. The are taxed as merchandise as are the seeds even though it seems they should be taxed as food. So there is another 97c to the tax man today. 6/29/09, 1:44 PM

Accidental Deliberations: Saturday Morning Links 08, 2018 · Assorted content for your weekend reading. - CBC talks to Robert Frank about the role of luck and privilege in generating concentrated wealth. And Kate Bahn highlights the reality that collective action is needed to help level a playing field currently tilted to benefit those who already have the most. - Samantha Eyler-Driscoll interviews Gabriel Zucman about the dangers of inequality (and the ...

football | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities“To a certain extent, I’m not surprised,” said Ayers, now in his 21st year as head coach. “ After spring ball, we felt we had a number of older kids that knew what we were trying to do .” Add to that maybe the best freshman class in school history and the Terriers have been able to climb to unexpected heights.

2019 October 6 – Off the 06, 2019 · The words, they fail me.. The group that opposed and defeated Houston’s equal rights ordinance in 2015 announced Tuesday it is launching a petition drive aimed at prohibiting Drag Queen Storytime, the program shuttered earlier this year by city officials over reports that a participant was a registered sex offender.. Houston Public Library officials in March said they would seek to ...

Bilgrimage: Catholic Church and LGBTQ People: Clues ... 05, 2018 · Earlier this year, lawmakers in Maine considered a bill that would ban so-called conversion therapy, a controversial practice that claims to be able to change an individual’s sexual orientation.(The bill was introduced by State Representative Ryan Fecteau, a graduate of the Catholic University of America who was the first openly gay student to serve as president of the student …

The Point: The Niihau Incident: that other fallen Japanese ... 06, 2016 · Because the Haradas knew the Niihauans regarded them as more Japanese than Hawaiian, they kept what Nishikaichi had said to themselves. That was the beginning of a sell-out that would cost them–as well as the nation–dearly. Unaware that the United States was now at war with Japan, the Niihauans treated the pilot to a luau at a nearby house.

Postscripts: Ghosts of Christmas Past: Exploring the ... successful was the Illuminated Bible that it earned the publisher a half million dollars in a dozen years. Greeting Cards It had long been a custom in England for neighbors to send greetings to one another as the old year ended and a new year began. Engraved or lithographed notepaper specifically for this purpose appeared at the end of the ...

Languages Spoken Here: English, Sign, Chess, and 12, 2018 · The bus came to a sudden halt, and Fantauzzi wasn’t sure why. “And I’m sitting in the back of the bus, and looking out the window, and a father was walking down the road cradling something in his arms. And as he got closer, I could tell it was a child, and the child was dead, wrapped up. There was a procession of eight or nine people ...

ACTWU vs. J.P Stevens: ROGERS: "When you look at the Stevens' company, you can't look at it as 85 plants, 44,000 employees and a multinational corporation with immense Wall Street connections. You have to look at it as the 13 men who direct it, and the primary self-motivating interests of those men." — Read Transcript —

Fox's version of a special needs classroom, The Five ... 05, 2013 · Reagan was the security guard that fell asleep with the key in his hand, so the crooks didn't even have to look for it. Criminals, most, and the others were just bagmen. I don't want to hear shit about him being a great president. Look at his legacy of fake conservatives and how they have enriched their pals ever since.

The Next Hurrah: Last to Die for Bush's and His Pals ... scene played out during Operation Lion Strike, the U.S. soldiers recalled. The goal was to capture insurgents in the Fadhil district of central Baghdad. It was the first time the Iraqi army's 9th Division was to be in complete control of an operation in the two years it has been training under the Americans. Teams of U.S. advisers remained ... first round of rebates, for policies purchased in 2011, must be paid by 8/1. Officials with the Texas Department of Insurance had asked that the rule be phased in over four years. Consumer groups praised the federal ruling, saying an estimated $160 mln will have to be repaid this summer.

Sultan Knish: Fixing the News 02, 2014 · "You are one of many people who have given me feedback that my reading and interpretation of that piece by Daniel Greenfield was of profound enlightenment." Rush Limbaugh "Quoted" by. Ru sh Lim bau gh, Glenn Beck, ...

200+ 9-11 'Smoking Guns' 9/11 - President Bush's cousin escaped death from the WTC thanks to a 'schedule change' the night before. (Ananova) 24.. 9/11 - Fiduciary Trust, located in the …

A DC Birding Blog: Spring Sparrows on the Move 04, 2011 · Blog about birding, wildlife, and the environment. Search past posts using this Google Search or the topical and monthly archives below.

Jack Reed and Louise Bryant, 1: Star-Crossed Lovers opens in 1915 in Portland, Oregon.Louise Bryant, a bored homemaker with aspirations of becoming a poet and writer, is married to a dentist.With husband Paul Trullinger, she shares an unconventional home--a rented houseboat on the Willamette River.She is independent enough to keep her maiden name and have a separate studio in the city.

archives | The Smirking 02, 2017 · We've been bringing you the Chimp every day for the last 19 years — and we hope to go on for another 19 years. But we depend on the support of our readers — and without your voluntary help, we won't be here next month.

Criminology News - Critical Criminology 10, 2015 · Top 10 stories of the first half of 2020 15 Jul 2020 00:47 Observer To say the first six months of 2020 have been trying would be a gross understatement. Just a few weeks into the year, all that promise of a new beginning came to a screeching halt when much of the world shut down because of COVID-19. You know that already, …

The Kent Vent: January 2009 heralded it as the ‘Marijuana Grow House Eradication Act.’ It is just another excuse to lock decent people up for longer times. There are some provisions of the act which bring back the dark days of the draconian Rockefeller drug laws in New York, legislation …

Luna Park: From the Newsstands: Fiction from New England ... 08, 2007 · The following is a lengthy excerpt of Rob Ehle's heartbreaking story "Not the Ocean" from the new issue of New England Review, vol. 28 no. 3.The journal--one of the crispest designed and consistently fascinating high-quality literary journals around (this issue even includes a piece by Tolstoy)--is edited by Stephen Donadio and published out of Middlebury College in Vermont.

Short Sharp Shock.: Fat Sunday 01, 2010 · Payton’s crew does, and the Indianapolis Colts (anticipating the deep kick for a runback) were every bit as surprised as the TV analysts and the crowd at Florida’s SunLife Stadium. The Saints recovered the ball and started the second half of the game with a quick touchdown, and a serious shot to the psyche of the Colts.

July | 2010 | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities poorest people in America are those who are the first to feel the downturn, and will be the last to feel the country’s financial recovery. The hardworking poor in America’s heartland, with their long and deep traditions in mining, manufacturing and military service, are increasingly seen in food pantry lines, feeling ashamed and angry.

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails Tor is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to.. In order to use the WikiLeaks public submission system as detailed above you can download the Tor Browser Bundle, which is a Firefox-like browser available for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux and pre-configured to connect using the ...

Solar Radiation Management, Geoengineering and Chemtrails 06, 2013 · Solar radiation management has “three essential characteristics,” notes the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC). “It is cheap, fast and imperfect,” [4] Citing geoengineering activist, David Keith, the IRGC explains that by injecting 13,000 tons of sulphate aerosol into the stratosphere on a daily basis, they would offset the ...

:: :: informazione dal medio oriente what it says are the most conservative figures available, Human Rights Watch has calculated that civilian deaths as a result of Western airstrikes tripled between 2006 and 2007 to 321. In the first seven months of this year the figure was 119. In the same period, 367 civilian deaths were attributed to …

110: Schedule – NAACP Convention was the first black woman to become the gubernatorial nominee for a major party in the United States. After witnessing the gross mismanagement of the 2018 election by the Secretary of State’s office, Abrams launched Fair Fight to ensure every Georgian has a voice in our election system.

Never Yet Melted, Raphael, The School of Athens, 1509-1511, Apostolic Palace, Vatican.Seriously lacking in Diversity. The OCD is reporting on another crucial problem at Yale.. Yale’s Philosophy Department… has historically been majority white and male. Philosophy has struggled as a discipline to attract students from diverse backgrounds, and faculty and students within Yale’s Philosophy Department ...

Matt's Blog: Snapple Facts first penny has the motto "Mind your business". • #171 "The most sensitive parts of the body are the mouth and fingertips". The clitoris has more nerve endings than all of these, as do the eyeballs. • #180 "The first VCR was made in 1956 and was the size of a piano." The first VTR (Video Tape Recorder) was made in 1956.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Local RCMP would like your attention 15, 2007 · The scam artist describes a death in my family and solicits emergency loans from the unsuspecting victims. The real victims in this fraud scheme are the compassionate people who are offering help to a family experiencing the tragic loss of loved one. These are acts that are despicable and disgusting practice of deception”.

Big Education Ape: Jun 1, 2012 City Unified, teachers' union reach tentative pact - Education - The Sacramento Bee: Sac City Unified, teachers' union reach tentative pact Share By Melody Gutierrez [email protected] Published: Friday, Jun. 1, 2012 - 4:27 pm The Sacramento City Unified School District reached a tentative agreement with its teachers union that includes health benefit concessions and two furlough …

Re-ENERGIZE Buffalo: March 2015 trend is occurring as the solar industry in the U.S. is coming off one of its best years ever. The number of solar installations connected to the electric power grid jumped about 140 percent between 2013 and 2014 nationwide, SNL Energy data show.

humor | Humor in America | Page 16 new Muppet movie is planned as a reboot of the franchise, with a self-referential plot about the fade and rediscovery of the Muppets through what the Muppets do best: putting on a show. A main reason for hope for the new Muppet movie was the presence of Jason Segel at the helm.

Around Historic Gramercy Park- NEW VIDEO - Blogger 29, 2013 · Gramercy Park / ? g r æ m ?r s i ' p ?r k / is a small, fenced-in private park in the borough of Manhattan in New York City, United States. The park is at the core of both the neighborhood referred to as either Gramercy or Gramercy Park and the Gramercy Park Historic District. The approximately 2 acre (0.8 hectare) park is the only private park in New York City, and one of only two in ...

The Washington Chestnut: August 2017 08, 2017 · "Each sultan and datu, with his prominent followers in his rear, sat on his heels, the whole forming a circle. The sacred Koran was placed on a mat of native fiber in the center of this circle, guarded by an aged Mohammedan priest, gorgeous in trousers of all colors and a yellow silk upper garment, over whose head a slave held a beautiful silk ...

Louisiana Now: 07/01/2009 - 08/01/2009 The Times-Picayune reports, one of Louisiana's primary teachers unions called for the ouster of state schools Superintendent Paul Pastorek. "We are disappointed that these organizations perceive my efforts to improve public education as 'an assault on public schools' rather than my genuine intent, which is to dramatically raise the quality ...

New Possibilities: July 2013 01, 2013 · As the prosecution said, Zimmerman knew how to shape his story in a away to support his false claim of self defense. Moreover, I am convinced that Trayvon Martin was the one screaming on that 911 tape. As one of the witnesses testified, the screams sound like a …

Above The Borderline: 10/28/07 - 11/4/07 like Clinton was the one who was trying hardest in the past 27 years to make your dream a reality... "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness.

Anyone remeber Ronald Reagan? | Yahoo Answers 12, 2008 · If true, then it is time to impeach Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. "Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty." George W. Bush is a believer that the President of the United States is above the law, a dictator with unlimited power, at least so long as he sits in the office.

Jaq ExaminesThe Issues: July 2009 was the June 27 headline at, published by the Bloomberg Professional, a service terminal that provides real-time financial news, market data, and analysis. The U.S. Dollar declined the most against the Euro and dropped in value versus the Yen after China challenged Obamanomics and repeated its call for a new global currency.

Tesla’s Model 3 Is Already Shattering Expectations’s Model 3 Is Already Shattering Expectations One Fact About Climate Change That’s Worth Repeating Update: Twenty-nine men died and Don Blankenship s...

Alterdestiny: Film Review--Quien Sabe? (A Bullet for the ... 11, 2006 · The bandit leader, El Chuncho (played by Gian Maria Volonte of A Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More fame) specifically tells his troops to leave the people alone, to only get the guns. Tate joins with the bandits for unknown reasons, but demonstrates his loyalty and is embraced.

Pedestrian Infidel: The Koran Versus Mein Kampf 05, 2006 · A recent comment thread here at PI compared Herr Hitler's Manifesto from over 80 years ago, "Mein Kampf", to that "holy of holies" to Muslims, the Koran. Commenters have noted the remarkable similarities between the two, and indeed, the resemblances are more than skin deep and are worth examining in more detail.

Texas State Legislature Map | secretmuseum 10, 2019 · Texas is the second largest disclose in the joined States by both area and population. Geographically located in the South Central region of the country, Texas shares borders considering the U.S. states of Louisiana to the east, Arkansas to the northeast, Oklahoma to the north, new Mexico to the west, and the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Len, and Tamaulipas to the southwest ...

Alasandra's Place: Camino Winds (Camino Island #2) Winds by John Grisham My rating: 5 of 5 stars During Hurricane Leo, author Nelson Kerr winds up dead. When his friends head over to his home to identify the body they soon suspect foul play especially after Bob Cobb (another author) reveals that Nelson called him shortly before he died and said that Ingrid (Bob's hookup) was with him.

The Immoral Minority: I will just leave this here. Update! 04, 2017 · — leah mcelrath ?? (@leahmcelrath) November 8, 2017 We shall know them by the company that they keep. In her book Brazile also accused President Obama of having a "Titanic ego," and referred to the Clinton campaign as a "cult." When you become a darling of the Right, and they make up the largest audience for your book, you really have to evaluate your priorities as a self described ...

Progressive Alaska: Some Thoughts on the Kodiak Candidate ... 22, 2008 · I missed all but the last few minutes live. I teach at Eagle River Community college on Thursday evenings, so I was describing the end of the Romantic period and beginning of the 20th century in classical music to 30 young people, as the debate occurred. But KMXT had audio of the debates up early today, so I listened to it in snips as I could.

Suspected Top-Secret Syrian Nuke Facility Easily Spotted ... 07, 2007 · This is a highly partisan opinion blog taking full advantage of the first amendment of the United States Constitution. It is news and OPINION. It could be right, wrong, or somewhere in between. We try to get it right and welcome corrections. All images are believed to be in the public domain. If you believe you have a copyright, please let us know.

2017 Year in Review - Modern Heretic 29, 2017 · It gets worse and it's pretty clear why this was the first video selected to become uncontent. "Racial differences in intelligence." The mind swims with images of barbed wire, smoke pouring out of chimneys, shallow graves, Nebelwerfers shooting rockets, jack boots kicking in doors and all the rest. The honkey even admits how "unpleasant" .

The Big Tickethttps://the-big-ticket.blogspot.comThis was the record release party for RANA's debut album, Here in the USA. The first 11 songs in the set (ending with It's So Hard) were the album in its entire sequence. Todd Deatherage Band, Darediablo and Plan Z opened. * - the rap section was "Hot in Herre" (Nelly) ** - Cars cover, first time played *** - new originals, first time played

Humint Events Online: A Crucial Aspect Regarding the Lists ... 03, 2010 · The video also states that the firetruck of NYFD firefighter Salvatore Princiotta had strange damage and that Princiotta was later murdered. But his truck was Ladder 9, Engine 33. Years ago, I revealed that the official story is that Engine 33 was the first on the WTC scene. [The 33 being code for the PTB and nuclear matters.]

The Responsibility of the US in Contaminating Iraq with ... Iraq with Depleted Uranium The USA and UK armed forces used Depleted Uranium ammunition for the first time in the history of their wars during the Gulf War of 1991. About one million bullets, projectiles, and missiles were fired along the highway from Kuwait to Basrah then up to Nasriya and other Iraqi cities.

[E.O.M.S.]: Whatever happened to that Asian punk band? 11, 2010 · This is not a good time to be Asian, and things are, the men fear, about to get much worse. Margaret Thatcher , the new prime minister, has already voiced concerns, in a television interview the previous year, that "people are really rather afraid that this country might be rather swamped by people with a different culture".

Trade | Antoine Clarke nearest equivalents in the past I can think of are the amphora and the barrel. I found Virginia Postrel’s article via Reason Online. Only sad note, her column was the last of its kind in the New York Times: This is Virginia Postrel’s last Economic Scene column. She has written columns under that heading for the past six years.

Inside Iraqhttps://iraqinside.blogspot.comApr 24, 2013 · It was the first time that this kind of festival had taken place in the Iraqi capital since 1999. An Iraqi bride sits in her wedding car on Feb. 7, 2013. A young man shows off on his motorbike during the Friday motor show in Baghdad's al-Jadriya district on Feb. 8, 2013.

The Point: Dutch Comfort Women and the Consequences 05, 2014 · This is reinforced by more scholarship and efforts of daughters and granddaughters to tell their mother's story. Little, however, is said of the non-Korean victims of Japan's Comfort Women scheme. Most of the women, girls, and boys pressed to service and"comfort" the Imperial Japan's military were opportunities of war and occupation.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Administration runs off a cliff at ... 14, 2009 · Plainfield's City Council meeting on Tuesday reminded me of the old Looney Tunes cartoons, in which the hapless Wile E. Coyote often is found running off a cliff, hanging in the air for a suspenseful moment as the import of what has happened dawns on him, then crashing into the canyon below -- only to repeat the scene in yet another cartoon adventure.

Humint Events Online: CBS LITERALLY FAKED THE MOON LANDING 18, 2009 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

Neocon Express: Marcus Luttrell: Lone SurvivorNeocon Express 10, 2007 · This is a highly partisan opinion blog taking full advantage of the first amendment of the United States Constitution. It is news and OPINION. It could be right, wrong, or somewhere in between. We try to get it right and welcome corrections. All images are believed to be in the public domain. If you believe you have a copyright, please let us know.

On Being Notorious...: 1/27/08 - 2/3/08 was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which we know today as the …

Washington Scandal: Illegal Aliens Panties in Knot Over ... called for a halt to the raids while Homeland Security conducts its review of immigration policies. We want our laws enforced, want 12-25 million illegal alien criminals rounded up in work place, neighborhood and home raids and deported to their home countries. In a statement, ICE said the raid was the result of a gang investigation.

Worst Nightmare - Blogger 22, 2016 · The bus was the only vehicle involved in the crash, but Fletcher said the scene was complicated and covered a significant area. Let's be very careful not to come to the obvious "races" conclusions. It was probably the fault of the same "bad streets" that cause the "African-American" to wage endless tribal warfare.

Poor James Harvey | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... of the few surviving examples of Harvey’s box is owned by the art historian Irving Sandler, who keeps it in his Manhattan apartment encased in Plexiglas. When Warhol was autographing copies of his Brillo Box at the Stable Gallery for $300, Sandler suggested that Harvey sign copies of his Brillo boxes at Graham—and sell them for 10 cents.

» Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of St. John Fisher ... John Fisher (1469-1535) Image: Pinterest Born in England Yorkshire, John’s early life is practically unknown except for that his early education was likely received in the school annexed to the collegiate Church in his native community–In 1484 he went to Michaelhouse Cambridge to accept a BA degree and proceeded to receive a Masters in 1491 and in that same year, John …

October | 2017 | Views from Crestmont on Steven Pinker’s magisterial 2011 book, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined — one of the best books of the 21st century, surely — that takes a long-range view of human history to show that … Continue reading ?

» An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today Cristy, even I have spoken and called Him, I have brought Him and he will prosper in his . way. Draw near to me, hear this! From the beginning I have not spoken in secret, from the time it . came to be I have been there and now the Lord God has sent me and His Spirit. Thus says the Lord, Your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, I am the Lord Your God, who

KEIJI NAKAZAWA I SAW IT PDF - Meerschaum Pipes 06, 2019 · keiji nakazawa i saw it pdf Published on August 6, 2019 by admin In this interview, translator Alan Gleason talks to Keiji Nakazawa about The result was a page autobiography in comics form, Ore wa Mita (I Saw It).

Union Members Ramp Up Worksite Informational Blitz to ... Brown, on the other hand, has a long record of creating jobs. In his time as Governor, he created 1.9 million jobs in California and established collective bargaining rights for teachers and other public sector workers. Mercado: Our members’ top priority this year is jobs. So many of our jobs have been outsourced.

Let Your Freak Flag Fly | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... God, nearly 20 years on and I still know what the next clips is going to be, in order. Dylan, on the other hand, is probably just fine speeding around town in his Starbucks-Victoria's Secret special edition Cadillac Escalade, Jesus riding shotgun.

February 2016 – California Labor Federation honor of Black History Month, we wanted to spotlight one of California's most forward-thinking labor leaders, Doug Moore. Mr. Moore is the Executive Director of United Domestic Workers of America, AFSCME Local 3930, which is made up of over 91,000 California home care workers. His union has made historical gains under his leadership ...

CT Blue › Blog archives few days ago the Apple blogs to which I go were abuzz about the fact that Time magazine chose Steve Jobs as one of the 20 most influential Americans of all time. Apparently, the criteria excluded those whose influence was evil (e.g., Rush Limbaugh, who would otherwise be right up there). Of course, this […]

The American Human: Pence "Won" the Debate Last Night, but 05, 2016 · Looking around the Web for opinions on last night's VP debate, a few things become clear: Tim Kaine wasn't pretty, and Mr. Clean Mike Pence showed he could lie better than Trump, if being congenial while nonsense comes out of your mouth makes you a winner. I suppose Ronald Reagan proved that.

Covington Catholic High School teen’s $250 million lawsuit ... 28, 2019 · Remember the viral video of Nick Sandmann, a student at Covington Catholic High School wearing a MAGA hat, staring down Nathan Phillips, an Omaha Nation elder who was attending the Indigenous ...

The American Human: Trump Foreign Policy Fail-in-Waiting 15, 2016 · The China that I've watched all these years, especially post-China-card, doesn't make quick moves because it doesn't have to. Allow capitalism to creep in over a couple of decades (and quietly chop off a few heads if someone gets too greedy), apply for WTO membership and eventually get it, raise or lower their currency but not so much as you'd …

Honoré Daumier - Revenge Via Caricature (part 2) — DonkeyHotey 02, 2013 · Charles Philipon launched a new illustrated newspaper under the banner Le Charivari on December 1, 1832. Daumier was a contributor to Le Charivari from the beginning.Le Charivari would entertain the people of France in various forms until 1937. Philipon and his associate, Gabriel Aubert, along with contributors to the La Caricature and Le Charivari, were …

SKID MARKS ALONG THE GUARDRAIL: Chronic Lies Lies It creates numerous problems when the most powerful government official in the world is a pathological liar. The best thing I can say about Donny Guano is that he's such a compulsive liar, I can be sure the truth is the complete opposite of whatever he's saying (or tweeting) at least 99.99 percent of the time.

Lost in the Ozone...: NYPD Daily Blotter - New York Post of the men who was already inside grabbed the victim by the hair, put a knife to his throat and the others punched and kicked him, sources said. They swiped his cellphone and wallet and fled, according to police. Armed with a description of …

NoFo: Today in Stupid: Whatever. And fuck off. stop your whiny, pants-wetting, transparently manufactured shock and quit already. If it took you until well after you started working for Fox News to realize that "Fox feels like an extension of the Trump White House" and suddenly get "embarrassed" to work there, you're somehow actually stupider than you look on TV.

Is this thing on?https://lizcordell.blogspot.comGave in his notice, he's through! She cried, "Oh Dan don't go, It'll grieve me if you do". I love his cabbage, crave his hash, Daffy about his succertash, I can't do without my kitchen man! Wild about his turnip top, Like the way he warms my chop, I can't do without my kitchen man! Anybody else could leave And I would only laugh, But he means ...

Monologues of Dissent: Wisconsin GOP: Return to ... today, I learned of an effort to draw attention to the need to rename Florida's Nathan Bedford Forrest High School, one of two schools in the United States that still bears the name of the first Grand Wizard of the KKK (the other school's in Tennessee). The Florida school has paid tribute to Bedford since its anti-segregation inception in 1959.

PERRspectives: What If Tea Party, NRA "Patriots" Supported 14, 2014 : What If Tea Party, NRA "Patriots" Supported Ferguson Protesters? Over just the last few weeks, three unarmed African-American men have been killed by police. After the Michael Brown was gunned down in Ferguson, Missouri, President Obama urged all Americans to "remember this young man through reflection and understanding" and to "comfort each other …

A World In Miniature: 94 - Blood Ravens Company Command Squad 02, 2011 · 94 - Blood Ravens Company Command Squad. As promised, here are 2 members of my Company Command Squad - the Champion and the Meltagunner. ... Oddly enough, I've yet to tackle the Captain for the squad despite the fact that he's probably one of the first miniatures I ever bought (he comes from the Assault on Black Reach starter set). I think I'm ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 05/15/13 Forty-eight percent of U.S. small-business owners say the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) is going to be bad for their business, compared with 9% who say it is going to be good, and 39% who expect no impact. Only 48%?

Lost in the Ozone...: Why Barbara Sheehan Shot Her NYPD ... 04, 2008 · Her husband kept hundreds of bullets and 11 knives in his nightstand. He carried a gun in his pocket and threatened to kill her family and "go down in glory" if she reported him. His forensics expertise would let him kill her and get away with it, he told her - and he punched her, kicked her and held a gun to her head.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: My One Major Beef with the SotU Speech 04, 2010 · The challenge to science fiction today is not to describe a slightly hyped-up present, but a real future- a time radically unlike the present, that is. Clearly , there are more than one of these futures, there is the future in which mankind returns to the sea for new sources of food and raw materials. There is the future of extermination.

War Crimes by Moral Desolate IDF Soldiers of Golani ... 29, 2014 · In one of the videos uploaded to YouTube, a young Palestinian man Salem Shammaly calls the names of his family and looking for them between the ruins when he is suddenly shot at in his chest and falls down. A few seconds after that, there are two additional shootings from snipers into his body, killing him instantly.

Breached Justice, 101 Chateau Pl, Lafayette, LA (2020) Against Moral Abuse - Legal Corruption - Breached Justice To effect and promote Judicial Transparency and Accountability For ease of review, my story of alleged moral abuse, legal corruption and breached justice unfolds as you select the different drop down menus organized at the top of the page, under the category Breached Justice. Sadly what occurred in …

NoFo: Last-minute tips from me to you for getting the most ... The route is pretty uniformly, blessedly flat. For the first 26 miles. In a twist that can only be described as cruel and unusual, the route becomes a steep hill once you pass the 26-mile marker and turn right on Roosevelt. To mitigate the situation, though, there will be another massive crowd there to cheer you on.

Professor Kurgman, PhD., PhD., PhD.: Back To Work! 03, 2009 · Professor Kurgman, PhD, PhD, PhD People say they are fortunate to know me, as my gifted insights are relentlessly instructive. Of course, as an accomplished polymath, I can speak authoritatively about anything...but my biggest goal in life is to apply my expansive mind to make The Earth a more compassionate place.

TightBonehttps://tightbone.blogspot.comCity, Vladimir oblast (province), western Russia. Murom lies along the Oka River. It is one of the oldest Russian towns and was first mentioned in the chronicles of 862. Surviving historic buildings include the Trinity and Annunciation monasteries and the churches of the Resurrection and Transfiguration, all from the 17th century.

The wheels of the bus go round, round, round - Steve Gilliard fact, Mr. Libby was the first official known to have told a reporter when he talked to Judith Miller in June of 2003 about Valerie Wilson. Now, something needs to be borne in mind about a criminal investigation. I recognize that there's been very little information about this criminal investigation, but for a very good reason.

Paving the Road to Blue Texas: HCDP's Lane Lewis | Texas ... 29, 2013 · And as he said, talking about turning Texas blue is great, but it won’t get accomplished without decisive, coordinated action. There has to come a point where rhetoric meets the road. Texas Leftist: Thank you very much for your time today, and I want to say Congratulations on the success of the 2012 elections, and a very exciting start to 2013.

YARN GIRLS, THEY DO GET WOOLYhttps://yarngirlstheydogetwooly.blogspot.comIndigo Kitchen and Ale House, recommended by friends, was the destination for our semi-annual breakfast/dinner get-together last Saturday evening. We always mean to do this more often, but twice a year seems to be the norm for us.

November | 2009 | The Dark Horse Dispatch issue that was raised in our discussion of CEO pay was whether CEO pay practices were responsible for the financial meltdown. Roy C. Smith, professor of finance at NYU, lists this idea as the first of five myths about executive pay to be debunked: …

Rebuilding California's Infrastructure (Desalination ... 23, 2016 · This was the first large-scale brackish water desalination facility in Northern California. The plant’s initial capacity was 5 MGD but it was expanded to 10 MGD in 2010. Initial construction cost was $20.2 million and projected operating cost was $241 per acre foot. [43]

Importance II: Harm - Conspiracy first is that he identifies a location for the UFO research. Lazar didn't invent Area 51 as the location of the UFO research sites, but he made it famous. The second is that his entire claim hinges on element 115 and very important, and we'll get to it later. As o…

RAGGED THOTS: 10/18/2009 the last presidential election cycle, America met these two public women for the "first" time -- even though one already had a world-famous "brand" name. Still, even as the country learned much more about these women than it did before, the overall experience hasn't necessarily perfect for either women.

O goes YOYO | Jared Bernstein | On the 07, 2011 · As the new century unfolds, we face prodigious economic challenges, many of which have helped to generate both greater inequalities and a higher degree of economic insecurity in our lives. But the dominant vision has failed to develop a hopeful, positive narrative about how these challenges can be met in a way as to uplift the majority.

Robert Mueller Is Moving Toward Donald Trump | The the special counsel moves toward criminally charging Donald Trump's former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn and others, even the president could find himself in Mueller's crosshairs. NBC News reported on November 5 that Mueller has enough evidence to bring criminal charges against Flynn and his son, Michael G. Flynn.

The Rectification of Names: Call for signatures can sign an official petition here (h/t m50bing0 at Kos) asking the administration to pardon Bradley Manning of any and all crimes he may have committed in the course of liberating extremely important facts about the conduct of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—and subsequently to back Manning's nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: November 2014 I said at Backfire #43 when I first moved here after my first Cross-Country ride: Start them young!Much more to follow. And be sure to come out later this evening for the Grand Opening at Triumph Seattle -- short B roll video below. Meanwhile the Song Remains the Same: John Bonham's Yamaha is my favorite bike at the Seattle International Motorcycle Show!

Based On A True Story...: Notes Post Road... was the Kiva Koffeehouse which is located overlooking what pretty much, for all practical purposes (I swear) appeared to be The Garden of Eden nestled betwixt the Tigris and Euphrates river valley where civilization first arose. I kid you not- this round edifice built into a cliff hovers over this incredibly lush, painted to perfection ...

The Gulf Oil Crisis and “The Nuclear Option,” and a ... 31, 2010 · (Edward Teller was always a fraud and a front from, and for, the secret societies.) I note that Dr. Garwin is now 82 years old, an age that would ordinarily have people totally retired. One oil insider has just publicly stated the nuclear option was “the only thing we can do.” See here and here. This is investment banker, Matt Simmons.

David's Mental Jujitsu: July 2010 would meet Dan, Anna, Todd, Marty, and a million other people in that apartment and that is where they met me. I think my college life is summed up in that four-unit apartment on the first floor. If that apartment summed up my social life, the newspaper office was the other pole in my life. I was on the college newspaper since freshman year.

Does Bush-Era Protest Music Still Hold Up? 08, 2016 · The title track is an eerie gem, and anyway, there's something delightful about corralling a 100-voice choir to sing a rousing anthem about impeaching Bush. (Some neat trivia: "Lookin' for a Leader" is probably the first major recording to mention Barack Obama by name. If you can prove otherwise, let me know.)

media « Philip fever at the Times spiked in 1997, when the first cases of avian flu were announced and there was interest in how the W.H.O. would handle it. Through 1999, there were 20-25 stories per year, an average of 22 – about two articles per month.

The Rude Pundit 09, 2009 · Think back for a moment to 2004. That was the last chance we had to wrestle with whether or not President George W. Bush, up for reelection, had completed his minimal duties as a member of the Air National Guard in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It was a story with a paper trail, credible people involved, and a presidency in the balance.

Debates on macroeconomics hinge on rationality assumptions 07, 2007 · Debates on macroeconomics hinge on rationality assumptions. ... It was the very essence of monetarism in both theory and practice, most recently in Britain in the 1980s, when Margaret Thatcher vigorously endorsed (on Friedman's advice) the link between the money supply and inflation as being as scientific as Newton's law of gravity (or words to ...

The Great Bear Market: March 2011 -- The fourth wave was a dead cat bounce, forming the first part of an inverted head and shoulders with the neckline at the 23.6% fibonacci retrace. 5 -- The fifth wave resulted in additional declines in the stock market. The fifth wave has a relationship of equality with the first wave, but unfolded much faster than the first wave did.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Oil chart porn from the Wall ... 02, 2008 · Record-Setting Trade Raised Doubts, But It Was Real By AARON LUCCHETTI and MATT CHAMBERS January 3, 2008; Page A8 It was the trade that reverberated around the world. But for a while, everyone wondered if it was real. In a tumultuous trading session, crude-oil prices rose more than $3 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

The X Perspective: 2016 29, 2016 · In the US, Generation X was the first cohort to grow up post-integration. They were described in a marketing report by Specialty Retail as the kids who “lived the civil-rights movement." They were among the first children to be bused to attain integration in the public school system.

News -, the kind of pseudo-scientific flummery that is being reported with all seriousness by an overly credulous and innumerate press. So when you hear the talking point "$1 billion spent denying climate change", now you know where that number came from -- and how that number is completely, totally, irredeemably meaningless.

Chroniques du têtard mouillé: Scepticisme à géométrie variable this pageThe first step in analysing the data was the transformation of the 97 homogenized series into anomaly series. Anomalies were calculated on a monthly basis, subtracting the monthly mean for the 1901–1988 period (hereafter referred to as the 20th century mean). A correlation analysis was then performed.

Dr Kevin Bonham: June 2019 saw the first failure in the headline betting markets since 1993, but it was a much bigger failure than that. In 1993 Labor were at least given some sort of realistic chance by the bookies, and ended up somewhere in the $2-$3 range (I don't have the exact numbers).

Alterdestiny: Forgotten Bastard Blogging: Earl Butz 04, 2008 · Forgotten Bastard Blogging: Earl Butz The unfortunately but perhaps appropriately named Earl "Rusty" Butz was a true American bastard. Not only was he a complete asshole and racist, but he has contributed more than any single person in American history …

Central American Women Are Fighting Extractive Industries“They’re diverting the rivers that water our food crops into mining, hydroelectric plants and mono-cropping. They break up our communities, and stealing our happiness, because when we work with Mother Earth and with our plants, that connection makes us happy, but they come in with their plans and strategies and separate us from our land and each other.”

Warring for Peace - National Priorities 19, 2011 · ccording to the National Priorities Project, a 501(c) think tank based in Massachusetts, the United States (at this exact moment) spent exactly $370,332,000,000 dollars in the Afghanistan War. In less

Amtrak wants to connect Nashville to Atlanta | don’t know who originally proposed this, but the route is shown on the “Proposed National Grid-and-Gateway Passenger Train Network” published on the website. As I recall, the route was proposed during the Haslam administration, and quickly dismissed.

Understanding Grievances | UWUA Local are the way a union holds an employer to their obligations and responsibility to their worker, as agreed across the bargaining table. You could have the strongest and best defined union contract in the world, but it is not worth anything if the membership is unwilling to hold the employer to their word.

Forbes Magazine - Magazine , dated 2016-12, Tired of media reports of fundraising and poll results instead of policy issues? At, you can see the view of every candidate on every issue.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 03/11/ simply don’t get along anymore and want completely different, irreconcilable things. Manifest Destiny was a nice idea, and we made it work for a long time, but it’s heading toward not working anymore. So maybe we let California go we’d all be a lot happier, if not better off. I'd prefer the earthquake. Cleaner.

Geography - Geography bibliographies - Cite This For 18, 2019 · These are the sources and citations used to research Geography. This bibliography was generated on Cite This For Me on Sunday, September 22, 2019

Next Left: Lords vote to lift ban on civil partnership 03, 2010 · The House of Lords voted by 95 votes to 21 to lift the ban on civil partnership ceremonies in churches and other religious premises last night. Curiously, the leading frontbenchers from both sides spoke against the cross-party amendment, though then abstained in the free vote on the measure.

?Salon - Chris Hedges tells Salon why this perilous moment this pageChris Hedges tells Salon why this perilous moment in America will be looked back upon fondly, compared to what the future holds.

Nowhere, IL: Meming, the above. It was a very strange book about Hollywood in the 1950s, HUAC, adolescence, and race and religion based on the author's life. I partly recommend it. Overall, I think I liked it, but it was also kind of fucked up. I think our next book is going to be This Book Will Save Your Life by AM Homes. I'm pretty excited about it.

The Union News.: ACORN's Wade Rathke: Disgraced 06, 2008 · More ACORN stories: here • Wade Rathke stories: here Lawsuit adds turmoil for union-backed voter-fraud group In the wake of an embezzlement scandal that rocked the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or Acorn, two of its board members are seeking a court order to force it to hand over financial documents. They also are seeking to …

Physics Archives • Smilodon's Smilodon's Retreat • Feb 19, 2013 • 23 comments In part 3 of this series, I’ll take two of the claims made by the Strength’s and Weaknesses website, as they really are the same thing. I’m not sure if the author thinks that they are two different things or what, but it is odd.

America - I Understand That You Love Your Animals, But 12, 2008 · Since Americans want to ignore the genocide in Africa, perhaps we could bring the genocide into the homes of Americans. Maybe then Americans would care as much about humans as they do about animals. Just maybe. I don't put a lot of stock in that, because I don't have much faith in Americans. But it just might work.

Mark in Mexico: Do you know anyone like this? 26, 2006 · I've been sitting on this (heh heh) for a couple of days and I just have to share it with someone. It's a video of two brothers on a golf course. One brother is successful and the other is a wannabe who asks his older brother for some advice. WARNING: Some graphic language and some disgusting advice. But it is hilarious.

Balkinization: Does the Posse Comitatus Act Still Exist? will be the "soccer moms" of America who will be first in line for a new pair of jackboots. # posted by Steve_the_tax_guy: 4:46 AM . What paranoid wack-jobs you people are! The USA is still the most free nation on the face of the earth, but the hard truth is, the more freedom you have, the less security you have. ... but it needs to be. In ...

r e b e l d e m o c r a c yrebeldemocracy.blogspot.comJan 21, 2010 · I've been trying to answer that question for a week, now. I feel a strong connection to American culture. At the surface, it's lifeless - simplistic, one-dimensional, and worst of all, numbing in every respect. It is a culture of brainless consumption; it seeks immediate reward in exchange for minimal effort.

December | 2013 | Rise Up Up Times. Rise Up Times covers justice and peace issues with insightful articles and relevant information in these Rise Up Times. We bring you commentary and perspectives you won’t find in the mainstream corporate media, news of activism and resistance, and thoughtful essays about the state of the country, the state of the world along a bit of art and poetry.

The Meat Beetles: Meaningless Mister 19, 2009 · Meaningless Mister Mustard And Barack-O-Phobia continues on, unabated. ... you know they aren't going to let such delicious source mateiral to go to waste. Featured here are the voices of Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Mark Steyn. ... and always be fodder for a laugh at their, stupidity. Cheers! May 24, 2009 at 4:06 PM

Alternative Tulsa: Broadcast Blues: Beck, Hannity Dropped he Right's Radio Windbags are hitting a more few bumps in the road. As we noted in an earlier post, Glenn Beck's radio show has been dropped in New York City.Beck's station cited falling ratings for the show's cancellation. Now Beck and Sean Hannity are losing their radio outlets in Philadelphia. But have no fear, sports fans: Beck and Hannity will continue on Fox News.

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: Why Kareem, Wilt, Michael and we get into ranking them, it just needs to be said again. These are the 4 best guys, and I don't recognize there being any good argument that they are not the best 4 guys. 1) If you look at Most Win Share Seasons over 13, all the way up to 20+, it goes Wilt, Michael, Kareem, James.

Beyond the Air: January 08, 2007 · Last weekend, a bunch of us decided to head to Wendover-- just to get out of town for a bit. The gals thought it might be fun to hit some gaming tables, and the guys were definitely all about the sports book.

The Living Wage Calculator | Bud from MIT: A "Living Wage Calculator" (select your State on the right side of the page, then select your county.). The living wage that is then displayed is the hourly rate that an individual must earn to support their family (and/or themselves), if they are the sole provider and are working full-time (40 hours X 52 weeks = 2080 hours per year).

Accidental Deliberations: Leadership 2018 - Convention 01, 2018 · For those following along, I'll be discussing the leadership showcases and voting results here. For now, stay tuned. Before the showcases begin, I'll note that there doesn't seem to be a huge advantage for either candidate within the room - though the thunder sticks being used by Trent Wotherspoon's supporters make for a louder show.

A Little Reality: Wading in the Breitbart Fever 25, 2016 · Trump loves them too, as witness his hiring of Breitbart head Steve Bannon to be the Trump campaign CEO and his bringing noted British racist Nigel Farage over for a joint rally in Mississippi. Breitbart is a rancid place but it is a necessary study to know the threats we face.

No Right Turn: Climate change: How bad is NZ's climate fraud? 12, 2015 · But it gets worse. The Stockholm Institute identifies four three types of projects as having "questionable or low environmental integrity": spontaneous ignition of coal waste piles, energy efficiency in industry and power production and distribution, and natural gas transportation and distribution. Eighteen of the twenty largest Ukranian ...

I used to think I needed thousands of dollars to start Images When I started investing, I wasn't earning much. I thought I had to have big chunks of money to invest, but that thinking only made me want to turn my back on investing. After learning about automatic direct deposits, though, my philosophy changed. I learned that not only was it possible to invest, but it was actually completely thoughtless.

Looks Like You Can Drown Your Problems in Alcohol After 11, 2019 · I don't know if the rats suffer much while they are drowning in booze, but it seems like an epic way to go, a surefire passage into Fratboy Valhalla. Oddly enough, the one song about dying from overindulgence that I know best is by a Detroit girl group, The Pleasure Seekers . which was anchored by the Quattrocchi sisters, including 70s rocker ...

The Florida Masochist: The Knucklehead of the Day award 31, 2006 · Today's winner is former Palm Beach County Commissioner Tony Masilotti. He gets the award for the following. WEST PALM BEACH — Former Palm Beach County Commission Chairman Tony Masilotti faces up to five years in prison and forfeiture of $9.5'million in cash and real estate for his leading role in a land deal conspiracy that stretched from 2000 …

Tales of the Freewayblogger: First Amendment Open Carry ... Basic Paradox of First Amendment Signposting: Despite the fact that use of public property for the purposes of free speech is absolutely protected by the courts, the facts on the ground seldom bear that out. States, municipalities and Departments of Transportation have all sorts of rules and regulations regarding the posting or display of any material that First Amendment …

Will Vermont Lead the Way For Mandatory GMO Food Labeling ... 20, 2013 · For the first time in the history of the United States, a state is finally taking a stand to give consumers the freedom to choose whether …

trump Archives – Hoku House Parable of Liberty Lost and Found is the fiction preamble of my nonfiction book, Making Global Sense, inspired by Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. Paine wrote Common Sense to spark national revolution. I wrote Global Sense to spark world evolution.. Thomas Paine began Common Sense with a parable about a remote community struggling to govern itself. He used the fable …

Ililani Media: Exercise in the COVID 14, 2020 · Yesterday I simultaneously participated in a Hawai`i Public Utilities Commission videoconference on my laptop and a National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) videoconference on my cell phone, with an earplug for each. The covid-19 pandemic is transforming video conferencing, telecommuting, and work-at-home.

What a Day This Has Been, What a Rare Mood I'm In..., no. It's not "almost like being in love."And Rehoboth isn't Brigadoon, though it's close. Forget that! Yes, I AM in a rare mood, thanks to this lovely weather and …

PolitiDose: The LSU - Alabama Game O to his credit did something about improving the LSU offense this season and has taken the offense to a new LSU level. The game on November 9 should be looked at objectively. The road to the playoffs and a chance to play for the national championship leads thru Alabama. So does a division and SEC title.

NY Daily News: With Influx of West Indian and South Asian ... 09, 2007 · "Cricket is better than basketball," said Amanda Manick, 10, captain of the cricket team at Public School 108 in Ozone Park. The elementary school is the first in Queens to offer cricket to students. "You get to run a lot and exercise a lot," said Amanda, who was born in Trinidad and Tobago, where her parents often played cricket.

News Cycle: Feinstein, Durbin Offer Amendment to Bill to ... Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., and Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., have offered an amendment to a Press Shield Bill sponsored by Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., that would eliminate protections from citizen journalists that are offered to paid journalists. Their amendment to S. 448 would deny ordinary citizens doing vital investigations in the public interest the same legal protections as …

Cyde Weys Musings Weird Al Yankovic concert in Baltimore 09, 2007 · Yesterday before the concert I was listening to a lot of Led Zeppelin and then switched over to listen to Weird Al’s new album Straight Outta Lynwood for the first time. In the middle of Trapped in the Drive-Thru, the character in the song turns on the radio, and a part of the song Black Dog by Led Zeppelin plays.

No Right Turn: England and Wales to decriminalise abortion? 03, 2017 · The bill, which was introduced as a Ten-Minute rule bill, will now go to a second reading on 24th March, before it can be passed into law. There are other stages too, and the majority for change is only 10% of the number of MP's who didn't bother to turn up (again, England's "democracy" is broken), but its a good start, and a good sign that ...

The Fort That Ate My Front Room - Queen of Spain 15, 2008 · looks like most of my house at the moment. I was a neat freak and married one the first time around in life. That lead us to no children and a very clean house. Now remarried to a non neat freak and we have 2 children and a very creative mess in our house. Yes I call it a creative mess or our creative disaster…whatever mood I am in.

Best Morning Podcasts (2020) - Player Rohn says, "Success is nothing more than a few simple principles, practiced every day!" Here at the Best Morning Routine Ever podcast, we like to say, No one stumbles upon success, there are principles, habits used on a daily bases to thrive and it starts with your morning routine.

William Hogarth — Master Caricature Artists — DonkeyHotey 10, 2013 · William Hogarth was born on November 10, 1697 in St. Bartholomew parish (Bartholomew Close), London. Hogarth developed his skill as an engraver while apprenticed to a silversmith. In the course of his apprenticeship is learned to draw. He attended school and studied drawing from life.

American Forum Op-Ed: Bringing World Class Health Care to ... 11, 2009 · In these tough economic times, such changes can’t come soon enough to Texas. According to a report released recently by Families USA, a nonpartisan consumer advocacy group, family health care premiums for Texas workers rose about four and a half times faster than earnings from 2000 through 2009.

Lost in the Ozone...: NY Post: Gun Clue in Bodega Dad Slay ... 09, 2007 · August 3, 2007 -- The gun used to kill a Queens bodega owner during a botched robbery in June was linked to a shooting in Brooklyn two months earlier, sources said. Detectives are hoping the new information brings them a step closer to catching the killer who pumped a bullet into Bolivar Cruz's face as he tried to protect his daughters during a ...

No Right Turn: A rock and a hard place 02, 2006 · A rock and a hard place Since their humiliation at the Bay of Pigs, the United States has maintained a crippling economic embargo against Cuba . US companies and their subsidiaries are barred from trading with Cuba, and the US government even claims the right to punish non-US companies engaging in such trade.

The Progressive Influence: :Your hair" hair"I ran across the following post on Facebook this morning. The author of the post seems to lament Trump's lack of interest in reaching out to, or inability to reach out to, voters who may not sit as denizens of his Red hat crew. or inability to reach out to, …

Delaware Way: Phillip Bannowsky Writes: Where To Find ... are neither alone nor the first. Delaware Valley activists and progressive writers and artists are inheritors of a tradition that gives voice to the voiceless and empowers the powerless. Much of that tradition was carried forward in Dreamstreets Magazine, as well as in performances and broadcasts fostered by the greater Dreamstreets project ...

Herbie Hancock & Friends: Concert Reflections - the gar spot 24, 2019 · These amazing acts took up the first two hours of the show, which started at 7. Thus, the Maestro did come come to the stage until around 9:30. He greeted the crowd as he had my brother and the other session musicians on that long ago recording gig, with excitement and anticipation. From a grand piano and electric keyboards, he brought the ...

Pete Seeger: folk singer, songwriter, and communist (May 3 ... Seeger portrait by Robert Shetterly) Pete Seeger died yesterday. The obituary notice in the New York Times. While he began to formally distance himself from the Communist Party USA in 1949, Seeger remained a lifelong “communist” (i.e., with a lower case ‘c’). “Although the folk song revival in the thirties and forties never made a big splash in the mainstream of popular culture ...

Income Inequality | Third and State 11, 2015 · The day before the election, Pennsylvanians who go to the polls tomorrow have one last chance to consider the choices they will make. Since Keystone Research Center is an economic think thank focused on the middle class, our efforts to inform voters have highlighted two issues: how the middle class is doing; and the policies that would benefit the middle class …

Mountain Ramblings: Weekday Quote, 5 April 2018 05, 2018 · As good government is an empire of laws, how shall your laws be made? In a large society, inhabiting an extensive country, it is impossible that the whole should assemble to make laws. The first necessary step, then, is to depute power from the many to a few of the most wise and good. - John Adams, Thoughts on Government — 1776

Short Sharp Shock.: A look back at The Globe’s look forward 02, 2016 · T HE PREDICTION market has been all over the lot forecasting Donald Trump’s first actions after he moves into the White House on January 20th He’s made a lot of promises about his Day One action items. While the facts are anyone’s guess, and will be for another 68 days or so, we can thank The Boston Globe again for its tongue-in-cheek look at life under a …

Satya Newday | Facebook years and a war after graduating from a Dondero High School Vocational auto-shop program, I taught myself VW mechanics,starting with the 1st edition of How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive: A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures for the Complete Idiot. come to think if it, this may have been the first ever "complete idiot book," and it got me wondering;) I graduated …

Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit | Lyme Disease, Science ... 13, 2010 · 0 Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit Tags: baloney, bs, kit, sagan. So, I mentioned this in my first post here, and think it was important enough that I wanted to repost the contents of this link on Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit.

Big News! Obama and McCain agree to Open Debate Coalition ... 08, 2008 · On September 25, 2008, Prof. Lawrence Lessig, the founders of Craigslist and Wikipedia, and a left-right-techie motley crew launched the Open Debate Coalition.This was an effort to bring the presidential debates into the Internet age …

view from the thirteenth floor: annus horribilis 01, 2018 · The last year has been among the worst years of my life, and the heart attack on xmas eve only proves that point. Yes, I was able to travel a lot, if not to exotic locations (DC, Boston, Cincinnati and southern Ohio, Philadelphia, and New Orleans, with Mexico City coming up in a couple of days), but the tragedy of Trumpistan has been a near soul-crushing …

Ililani Media: Interview with Richard Ha owns Hamakua Springs Country Farms, served as Board Chairman of Ku`oko`a Inc., the entity which sought to buy the HECO Companies, a member of the business-based Big Island Community Coalition (BICC) which seeks lower electric rates, and a partner in the Hawaii Island Energy Cooperative (HIEC) which was granted party status in the Public Utilities …

Dana Busted: Dana Loesch STILL falsely accusing the "Dems ... 04, 2012 · Thanks to welfare reform, recipients of federal benefits must prove to a caseworker that they have performed, over the course of a week, a certain number of hours of "work activity." That number changes from state to state, and each state has discretion as to how narrowly work is defined, but federal law lists 12 broad categories that are covered.

6 Baby Hacks Every Parent Should Know | CareDash 19, 2016 · 6 Baby Hacks Every Parent Should Know April 19, 2016 Written by Zawn Villines Read Comment(s) FACT CHECKED Read Comment(s) No matter what advice you get from new parents, you can count on endlessly hearing one thing: Parenting is hard, really hard, hard enough to cry yourself to sleep, wake up in the middle of the night convinced you're ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Grand Theft, Groceries 09, 2020 · Flour is in short supply because people are concerned about bread shortages and have free time, so they are baking, often for the first time. Lots of people are tweeting pictures of their new sourdough starters. We live in strange times. April 21, 2020 at 11:59 AM

THE CUP OF JOE: A New Year; My First Post anyway, we here at The Cup of Joe need to call attention to a great front-page story in today's edition that we read on the train this morning. It's about a gay couple, a couple who have been together for 20 years, a couple who bought Gerald Ford's childhood home and renovated it, and how, over the years, the Fords have visited the home and ...

Ruth Institute Blog » Are gays’ brains better than mothers ... 13, 2014 · Having a baby alters new mothers’ brain activity, researchers have found, and a new study adds the first evidence of such changes in the brains of gay men raising children they adopted through surrogacy. The men’s pattern of brain activity resembles that of both new mothers and new fathers in the study.

Brooks Wilson's Economics Blog: Edward Glaeser and the ... 01, 2009 · Edward Glaeser and the Stimulus Edward Glaeser wrote an interesting and a little scary column titled, " Who should get the federal stimulus funds ," for . There is both acknowledgement of the failure of traditional tools to stabilize the economy, and resignation to a fiscal stimulus despite manifest problems in implementation when he ...

Electronic Village: Happy Birthday: Bill Russell, 80 Years ... 1967, the Celtics made Russell the first Black NBA head coach. Russell led Boston to the 1968 and 1969 NBA titles. After awhile it becomes counterproductive to playa-hate on a brother that is as good as Bill Russell. It is for that reason that I pay homage to him today.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast says "Go ahead ... I will smack it down on the ground like yesterday's hard cheese. Piper v. United States DOJ, 294 F. Supp. 2d 16 (2003) Exemption 7(C), 5 U.S.C.S. § 552(b)(7)(C), did not shield from disclosure a photograph of a smudged fingerprint that had been enhanced by the FBI and a related memorandum, because tampering with evidence fell within the public interest covered …

Tales of the Freewayblogger: May 2018 Basic Paradox of First Amendment Signposting: Despite the fact that use of public property for the purposes of free speech is absolutely protected by the courts, the facts on the ground seldom bear that out. States, municipalities and Departments of Transportation have all sorts of rules and regulations regarding the posting or display of any material that First Amendment …

The First Long Table Dinner - Blogger 09, 2009 · The First Long Table Dinner This past Sunday, I attended the first " Long Table " dinner, hosted by Anton and Erin Zuiker. I am not quick to refer to individuals as experts, but I would say that Anton is an expert at building communities and …

Balkinization: The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution first installment of the book project is an article that focuses on a topic much in the news of late: the problem of oligarchy. The article is called “The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution” Here is the abstract: America has awakened to the threat of oligarchy.

DFN: 2018 Best Warrior Competition, FORT BRAGG, NC, UNITED ... to view4:31Jun 13, 2018 · Marine Corps Times,The Wallstreet Journal,Google News,The Blaze,Yahoo News,Mother Jones,Breitbart,The Huffington Post,Think Progress,Drudge Report,Daily KOS,The Sean Hannity …Author: Defense Flash NewsViews: 189

Morningside Mom’s 2009 Resolutions for Barack Obama ... 30, 2008 · Morningside Mom’s 2009 Resolutions for Barack Obama The December holidays are finally winding down. Decorations are to be packed up, our homes are being put back into order and left over holiday goodies are being cleaned out of refrigerators.

Everything you always wanted to know about blogging as an ... 09, 2009 · Everything you always wanted to know about blogging as an educational tool 1. Everything You Always Wanted to Know about BLOGGING as an Educational Tool William Cole Instructional Technology Director College of Education …

Ecovillage Musings: House Wrens - a lot of bird in a ... 20, 2009 · House Wrens - a lot of bird in a little package Last fall when Kurt nailed his worn-out work boots to oak trees adjacent to our strawbale house I thought he had finally gone ‘round the bend. However, he assured me that come spring those boots would be very popular.

Second Ballot System | Two Round System | Voting ballot system. Neesha Dadra What is a second ballot system? Second ballot system is an electoral system in which the voters choose between the two candidates with the greatest number of votes in an earlier election that fails to produce a majority for any one candidate. Thetwo-round system also known as a second ballot is avoting systemused to elect a single winner where …

THE CUP OF JOE: How Is This For An Answer? said... actually the 2000 census DOES count gay couples as 'unmarried partners.' the respondent of the survey is asked their relationship to other members of the household (ie roommate, spouse, relative, etc) and can select unmarried partner and are then asked to list of gender of the partner.

U.S. military says Iraqi government wasting an opportunity ... 08, 2007 · Graph showing the number of civilian deaths in Iraq over the past two years. From The Washington Post. This is from The Washington Post: CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq -- Senior military commanders here now portray the intransigence of Iraq's Shiite-dominated government as the key threat facing the U.S. effort in Iraq, rather than al-Qaeda terrorists, Sunni insurgents or Iranian-backed militias.

The Union News.: Ban on non-union construction questioned 06, 2008 · He pointed to a similar case involving contractors and the city in 1996, where Judge H. Russel Holland denied a temporary restraining order for a city construction project that had a project labor agreement. "This is not a situation where I find any possible irreparable harm to the plaintiffs in this case," Holland said. (

Reading The Blather With A Wise Eye – Unsightly Mental 20, 2017 · I’ve recently been pushing through the book The Persuaders, by James Garvey, a philosopher in the UK.I’ve been meaning to write about his Chapter 1, where he briefly overviews the rational amusements of London back in the 18th century (nyah, not going to explain that one just yet), but that fascinating bit will have to wait, as I’ve just completed the far more relevant Chapter 5, “Lost ...

The Next Hurrah: Pharmacists Against Medicine 28, 2005 · same case from a local paper: Reprimand advised for pharmacist Beliefs, duties clash; he refused to fill birth control order. In a case that highlights the clash of religious beliefs and legal responsibilities for medical professionals, a judge recommended Monday that the state reprimand and limit the license of a pharmacist who refused to refill a young woman's prescription for oral ...

IDF's New Media - War Propaganda Through Social Media ... 16, 2012 · It worked for a while. But in recent weeks, the rockets began flying again, and Jerusalem became displeased with its “subcontractor,” as the ace Israel military observer Aluf Benn puts it. Jabari was openly warned to step it up, and then executed when he did not.

security | Writings of J. Todd Ring going to a bank for a loan, and the bank clerk asks what you have for collateral. You say, “I’ve got thousands of tons of gold in a vault in my basement.” The bank clerk asks for proof, and you say, “You’ll have to take my word for it.” The bank clerk then smiles and says,”Sounds good to me.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Forest Company harvesting methods ... Company harvesting methods called into question ... often cited as the reason for using this method - were protected. ... "Government may decide entirely acceptable, but it is not consistent with current policy of sustained yield forestry and legislation that requires maintaining a future timber supply," said Fraser.

The Rude Pundit: How Corrupt Is Chris Christie? (Hint: Very) 01, 2014 · But it goes further: "Since his days as the top federal prosecutor in New Jersey, many people said, [Christie] preferred to use his cellphone or to meet, rather than to communicate by email or conference call." The only reason you do things without leaving a trail is that you are afraid of people finding you at the end of it.

The Rectification of Names: Even if there was a point in ... it's not the ultras and fascists, the Front National and Alternativ für Deutschland, who benefit from it, it's the center-right parties that promise not to fundamentally change anything in the revolution that's already taken place. Annoying, but not making anyone's life radically worse.

The Blog Is [Not] the Territory: December 2012 a literary movie, Anna Karenina is a visual feast. The movie ends with Anna and Karenin's son Seryozha playing outdoors with Anna and Vronsky's daughter Anya while Karenin looks benignly on. The scene has nothing to do with the book but offers an intriguing glimpse of a movie that might have been made--inspired by the novel but not bound by it.

No Right Turn: Fiji: the threat 02, 2007 · As the Fijian regime keep reminding people who criticise them, Fiji is still under a "state of emergency". This suspension of human rights is supposedly justified by "national security", but it is unclear exactly what the "threat" is (other than people criticising the regime). But now it has become clear: Fiji is threatened by...

Poverty Archives - Oppression Monitor Daily world’s 26 richest people own as much as the poorest 50%. These kinds of statistics should have us all protesting in the streets. Instead, we are debating whether we should all be nicer to billionaires.

What Now?! – March 17, 2020 – Blue Delaware 17, 2020 · “U.S. stocks dropped sharply Monday even after the Federal Reserve slashed its benchmark interest rate to near zero, reflecting investors’ concerns that the emergency measures may not be enough to ward off a coronavirus-induced recession,” the Wall Street Journal reports. “The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 12.9%, or 2,999 points, as of the 4 p.m. Eastern time…

Terry Hughes Needs more Robust Science and Less Fear Ecologist’s Plea to Dr. Terry Hughes: The Public Needs Robust Science Regards Coral Bleaching, Not Fearmongering! Recently Dr. Terry Hughes published the paper Global Warming and Recurrent Mass Bleaching of Corals (henceforth Hughes 2017) and concluded “immediate global action to curb future warming is essential to secure a future for coral reefs.”

Barr attempts to rewrite impeachment proceedings did not shift to a criminal investigation because he doesn’t intend to arrest someone. There are going to be claims of serious wrongdoing. There are going to be claims of serious wrongdoing. They are going to be aimed at not just creating a distraction to derail the impeachment hearings, but to provide “evidence” that Trump’s ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: A spot of really good news tucked in the ... 09, 2018 · I realize a two-sided question, but the tax burden does not go away when an ratepayer wins a case; it is instead shifted to all the rest of the ratepayers, who must make up the difference. You can appreciate it if the Mapp administration hesitates to blow its horn too loudly on this, but it is a significant moment.

Latin America Farm Subsidies News Monitoring Service ... 20, 2020 · Latin America Farm Subsidies News Monitoring. Get by Email • RSS. Published on ... but it’s certainly … Source: Ohvec Published ... Each day there is a talk about how South Africa can grow its economy. This is even more topical as a result of the coronavirus fallout continues to keep the …

Next Left: Cameron fails poverty 11, 2009 · Stuart White, Next Left blogger and director of the Public Policy Unit at Oxford University, had previously offered readers a fair and factual critique of the successes and failures of Labour's record of poverty and inequality, scrutinising David Cameron's claims that the Conservatives should be considered the party of the poor. Now Channel 4 news have also done their own detailed fact-check ...

Hey Jenny Slater.: Farewell to a true playa.'s the Hug Plane, and it's coming in for a landing. Wednesday, November 1. Farewell to a true playa. Bob Barker doesn't actually know a single pick-up line; he picks up women with his mind. We all knew this day would come eventually, but it still stings: ...

GLBT | TheNewTasman.com 02, 2010 · But it is slim pickings these days for conservatives who yearn for a return to homophobic days of yore when gay-bashing was not merely legal but compulsory. Americans, even those who live in the shopping mall car-park that occupies that country’s giant midriff, have worked out that the failure to discriminate against gay people has not ...

The Captain's Journal » 2007 » June U.S. Presses for Amnesty for Insurgents, October of 2006, I discussed the press towards a broad-based amnesty program for the Sunni insurgents, observing that:. This is without question an attempt to quell the violence in al Anbar, and the hope appears to be that the tribes in al Anbar will root out al Qaeda (and other foreign elements), while a deal with the former Saddam loyalists will ...

The Great Bear Market: The Rise of Paul Ryan is an update to an earlier post, "Update on the Road to Plutocracy", in which the forecast for a full blown plutocracy in the United States is slowly being fulfilled as the stage continues to be set behind the scenes.In August 11, 2012, Mitt Romney selected Paul Ryan as his running mate.The significance of the event, as with so many cases, is not fully recognized by most people.

The Purple Center: A newspaper bailout? Maybe they're not ... 12, 2009 · Many newspapers are in trouble. But that's not news. Once popular and highly profitable papers have been merging, failing and disappearing for the past 60 years (examples of those gone long ago in New York alone: the Herald Tribune, the Daily Mirror, the Journal-American, the World-Telegram and Sun, all of which except the Mirror were consolidations of earlier independent papers).

Elephants in the Blue Grass: Rand Paul's Campaign Responds 27, 2009 · Likewise, the campaign website of Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway includes an issues section that at this point is limited to a video of Conway. His video has its own share of platitudes: now is the time for "a belief that a brighter tomorrow is just over the horizon." (Seriously, yick.)

St. Paul's new pigeon policy: Just fight the poop - Blogger 11, 2009 · "It would be nice to control the pigeon poop, but it would be nicer to control the pigeons." Matt Anfang, president of the Greater St. Paul Building Owners and Managers Association, agreed and said the city's plan will unfairly target property owners downtown, where pigeon waste has been attributed to major issues such as the collapse of the ...

No Right Turn: Another retrospective law 04, 2005 · What really stinks is that, like the prisoner compensation policy, so obviously a knee-jerk reaction to a perceived crisis. As the Herald notes, Several taxi drivers have faced charges for sex attacks on passengers in recent years.

thus spake drake: Dollhouse "Omega" - Change Your Heart, I ... 05, 2009 · Enjoyed the season (series?) finale for Dollhouse, but not nearly as much as I thought I would after last week's mind-bender.The episode (and the series) really worked much better when the focus wasn't on Eliza Dushku.It was a kick seeing Whedon vets Alan Tudyk and Amy Acker burn the small screen, but it also made it even more apparent that perhaps Dushku shouldn't be the star here.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 03/09/11 WORK RULES: It's the productivity, stupid! This is an older post that explains rather succintly why private sector unions are declining with such rapidity. And Simberg is correct; I remember (back in the 60's) having to wait for a union technician to remove a cover plate (four screws) on an equipment rack so that the engineer and I could install a new receiver in a downrange satellite ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 02/07/13 REPORT: Dream Jobs 2013. The interesting part of that while Spectrum is an Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering publication, these 'dream jobs' typically don't require an engineering degree -- or for that matter, a college degree. For good jobs, a formal education isn't the ticket it used to be.

Daily Weather Briefing for Sunday, March 15, 2020 ... 15, 2020 · The following section is a repeat from yesterday, but it does bear repeating. NCDHHS NC Dept of Health & Human Services Raleigh March 12, 2020 As the number of cases of COVID-19 rises in North Carolina and the United States, and with the designation of COVID-19 as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, the state is responding with a whole government response.

An Experiment with Jokes - Ryan included links to a couple of those articles because, as you can imagine, some people think a degree in comedy is stupid. They consider it akin to basket weaving. And, thus, that kind of disagreement counts as joke controversy, as you can readily see in the articles’ comment sections.

Ideal Linux server distro of 2019 | More Technology Tricks 02, 2019 · Canonical also periodically releases variations of Ubuntu Server at the very same time as the latest desktop distro (i.e. 18.04.1). If you are intent on making your own cloud platform, you can also obtain Ubuntu Cloud Server.

The Immoral Minority: The MI-6 agent who compiled that ... 06, 2017 · Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump Are Tripping Over Their Own Russia Excuses The Trump/Russia dam of lies is full to bursting. Flynn is gone, Sessions has recused himself, an obvious attempt to fend off the demands he resign, and Trump, as we have pointed out before, like an NFL head coach who has fired all his coordinators, is rapidly running out of people to blame for his own failures.

Raise Minimum Wage from $7.25 to $10.10 (petiton) | Bud Meyers 07, 2013 · Raise Minimum Wage from $7.25 to $10.10 (petiton) At just $7.25 an hour, or roughly $15,080 per year, the current federal minimum wage is leaving millions of hardworking Americans in poverty. There is not a single state in America where a worker earning the current federal minimum wage can afford an average two-bedroom apartment by working a ...

HD 164595 – Unsightly Mental 30, 2016 · No one is claiming that the work of an extraterrestrial civilization, but it is certainly worth further study. Working out the strength of the signal, the researchers say that if it came from an isotropic beacon, it would be of a power possible only for a Kardashev Type II civilization.

American Power: Mob Murders CEO in Delhi: Couldn't Happen ... 02, 2008 · The Times of London reports that Lalit Kishore Choudhary, the CEO of the India operations of Graziano Transmissioni, an Italian concern, was killed by a angry mob of factory workers who had been laid off in a suburb of Delhi:. The incident, in Greater Noida, just outside the Indian capital, followed a long-running dispute between the factory's management and workers who had demanded …

CT Blue › Blog archives a number of reasons I won’t go into here, I watched last night’s debate, though I would have preferred to skip it. To a certain extent I’m not good at judging winners and losers, because I actually judge debates based on who makes more sense and who tells fewer lies, which is a criteria […]

Balkinization: A Reply to Jack Jack's yet further response to Gerard, he includes this: "I have just published a book, Living Originalism, from Harvard University Press, which argues that the best versions of originalism and living constitutionalism are compatible, and that to the extent they are not compatible, they are not very good theories of constitutional interpretation.

Balkinization: Captain Fishback's Letter to Senator McCain Washington Post today publishes the complete text of a September 16th letter (below) from Captain Ian Fishback (see Scott's post) to Senator John McCain.Juxtaposing this letter and Tim Flanigan's responses to the Senate on torture and inhumane treatment (discussed here), an accompanying Post editorial opines that "it is an odious thing that the top two law enforcement officers of the ...

Harry Clarke: Fallacious arguments for low levels of ... 10, 2006 · The difficulty with such fallacious arguments is that they create the impression - on the basis of an inapplicable 2*2 trade model - that there is a general argument for low levels of tariff protection in any economy with some market power in exporting. Since this would apply to almost any economy it suggests a general case against free trade.

The Slow Cook: How Do You Make Your Roux? 11, 2007 · A roux cooked to a dark brown imparts the same kind of flavor as, say, a baked bread. That flavor, sought after by chefs and the prepared food industry, owes to the so-called Maillard reaction, in which carbohydrates and amino acids form strange, flavorful compounds when exposed to heat.

What US government should do?; who will pay for the "free ... 02, 2016 · For example, each daycare institution can ask whether every family which visits there to put their child in day care have the intention of donating a little money for a child of a low income family. Someone might take the suggestion with pleasure, on the …

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Gannett leaves newspapers to fend for ... 01, 2015 · The Courier News, once a Plainfield-based regional newspaper, has been spun off with other Gannett newspapers into a standalone corporation. As of Monday, the Gannett Corporation's highly profitable TV stations and the websites and were handed off to a new entity named TEGNA (an anagram of sorts on Gannett), while the 92 newspapers ihroughout the US were …

Geoffff's Joint : To a valley in Wales ... 17, 2012 · The Joint occasionally comments at connexions the blog of Richard Hall, a Methodist minister in Wales, to do my bit to help lift the tone of the place a little and to knock off some of the rough edges especially when the language gets a bit choice.

George in Denver: Bye, Bye Libeskind - Civic Center Park ... I asked the conservancy president for a response to the three organizations' negative positions on those concepts, board member Susan Kirk responded. "The Libeskind design is off the table, so we don't replay it again and again," she said. "It got us what we wanted, but it was never meant to be a legitimate proposal to be looked at.

WG's Observations: December 2015 fantasy ideology which ISIS follows envisions returning the entire world to a 9 th century Islamic empire ruled by harsh Sharia laws. It is, of course, ridiculous to think of returning the Middle East to a medieval prehistory based of what unlettered and uneducated desert people a thousand years ago believed, or didn’t understand.

Small Flashes: 03/23/2003 - 03/30/2003 10, 2003 · Try Venik's Aviation for a different point of view, including purported translations of GRU briefings.. TV coverage is absolutely godawful. Reminds me of nothing so much as a bunch of college wargamers discussing what Eisenhower did wrong at Normandy. Loud, arrogant, ignorant bluster and pictures with no context. Fox, as expected, is especially ...

Knox candidates off and running | is an open letter to Don Daugherty, who may be seeking residence here in the second district so he can qualify to run for County Commission to represent us as mentioned in this News Sentinel column. Don Daugherty: Speaking for myself and many here in the second district, please find residence elsewhere in the county.

Google News - Overview A UH-60L Black Hawk helicopter assigned to the "Winged Warriors" of 1-228 Aviation Regiment prepares to land on the flight deck of the Freedom-class littoral combat ship USS Detroit as part of deck landing qualifications, June 14. The mission to counter illicit drug trafficking in the Western Hemisphere is seen by Venezuela as an effort to increase pressure against President ...

Average Joe Opinion: In the News 16, 2005 · Lucky for me, today is anything but a slow news day. As anyone who has access to a television, a radio, an internet-feed, a newspaper, or a set of working ears has undoubtedly discovered, Michael Jackson was acquitted on all 10 counts in his child molestation trial in California.

Entertaining Thoughts: I'd Like to Solve the Puzzle of YOU ... had linked to this great moment on Wheel of Fortune recently where the male contestant introduced his loved one before the bonus round as "my fiance, Chuck." Not a big deal for many of us (I used to, and my wife still works in Broadway theater, after all), but I'm sure many of the Wheel's viewers received quite a shock.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: The Summit Was a Nadir 11, 2018 · The Summit Was a Nadir Today, I spent a good deal of the day listening to the United States President act as if he were a Russian mole who had infiltrated the highest office in the land In a meeting which has popularly come to be known as the Treason Summit , Donald J. Trump met with his boss for a performance review.

Trump and Red-Lining — and Clinton's Racism ... - Bud Meyers is refusing a loan or insurance to someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk. This was a common practice 40 years ago. Banks redlined minority communities for the purpose of mortgages because of the disproportion number of …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead … MAN LEAVES HIS ESTATE TO THE CARE OF THE CEMETERY--The apparent last wishes of Filippo Falcone have finally be met, as the long running case of his estate settlement finally came to a conclusion turning over his accumulated finanacial worth to the City of Prince Rupert, to be used for improvements to the city's publicly run cemetery.Mr. Falcone, a former Fishery Co-op worker who …

A New Anatomy of Melancholy: 2004 - Blogger is used generically as the name or descriptor of a game in which chance plays an inordinate role. As such it appears in a high tech version "centrifugal bumblepuppy" in Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World". Here is the description: "The Director and his students stood for a short time watching a game of Centrifugal Bumble-puppy.

The Next Hurrah: Going Fishing! 23, 2007 · by emptywheel. Mr. emptywheel and I are headed to DC so McCaffrey the MilleniaLab can attend a very important Furrin' Policy Summit with Kobe, Katy, and Lucy (oh, and so we can go to a wedding or some such rot). The emptywheel pack is going to play around in the mud together for a couple of days on the way back.

Tom Petty Died From Accidental Drug Overdose Involving Peep, the 21-year-old emo rapper who died of an accidental overdose in November, was found to have fentanyl, among other prescription drugs, in his system as well. Mr. Petty, who formed the Heartbreakers in the mid-1970s, was a rock radio stalwart with hits like “I Won’t Back Down,” “Free Fallin’” and “American Girl.”

FDNY – Off the was the competition he faced for a Civil Service job, with its attendant security.The caliber of the candidates, research reveals, were college graduates, lawyers, accountants and even dentists and other persons with Professional degrees who also strove for the appointment.

What Now?! – 10/9/2019 – Blue Delaware 09, 2019 · “The Trump administration directed a top American diplomat involved in its pressure campaign on Ukraine not to appear Tuesday morning for a scheduled interview in the House’s impeachment inquiry,” the New York Times reports. “The decision to block Gordon Sondland, the United States ambassador to the European Union, from speaking with investigators for three House …

John Terzano - The Justice Project's blog | The Smirking week a news story in the Cleveland Plain Dealer reveals that resistance to the American Bar Association’s recommended open-file discovery laws are still strong in some jurisdictions. Open-file discovery – or the process in which the prosecution discloses to the defense all relevant information that is known concerning a criminal proceeding, including police reports, witness names, and ...

susan the bruce: Free State Cult Puts on a Clown Show man continued to yell for a bit, then stormed out of Representatives Hall. Here’s what we know: Part of the man’s rant came from the 1976 film Network , and another portion was verbatim from the 1993 classic Demolition Man .

Possible Experience: Aug 31, 2011 Japanese government reports an enormous amount of radiation in the form of caesium-137, a radioactive isotope of caesium created by nuclear fission, emitted from the melted-down, melted-through reactors at Fukushima: Japan's government estimates the amount of radioactive caesium-137 released by the Fukushima nuclear disaster so far is equal to that of 168 Hiroshima bombs.

sexy stud | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities about sexy stud written by Patrick Zimmerman. Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities

Seinfeld | Joyous Crybaby was not exactly love at first sight. I adopted Cameo because no one else would. She had been adopted twice from Centre County PAWS, the animal rescue organization where I volunteered, and then she’d been “returned” because she scratched people.When any of us took her out of her cage, she would get all excited—would purr and roll around on the floor, bright-eyed, or would run around ...

illusory tenant: Patrick McIlheran's Supreme arrogance 07, 2008 · A couple of days before the April 1 State election, Patrick McIlheran of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel printed an exceptionally silly — even for him — bit of absurdist fluff mocking Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler for a comparison that had arisen between Butler and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. In a textbook demonstration of Proverbs 16:18, McIlheran wrote that ...

BilgeBucket Gazette » of the pre-cursors for the end times, according to ‘biblical scripture’, is that Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel, which Donald Trump did last year. Now, according to the end times mythology, a great war will occur and Jesus Christ will come again which will facilitate the ‘rapture’.

TRUMP’S CLUELESS CABINET! | THE SATURDAY AFTERNOON POST 01, 2019 · 1. BETSY DeVOS. As the head of the Department of Education, one would expect that this billionaire bimbo would know something about public education. But nooo – this idiot spent her entire time in school as a child at exclusive private, rather than public schools – and it shows. As such, she is an unabashed advocate of charter schools ...

I'm with Kudzu, I mean Kudlow. 20, 2019 · IS more than a little annoying, yes, Murf. Americans only typically see a repeat of the last great catastrophe as the most likely scenario for future trouble. It’s stupid on two levels: 1) much like lightning, the same disaster rarely strikes twice in the exact same way and 2) it makes you ignore the REAL threats incoming.

BilgeBucket Gazette » of the pre-cursors for the end times, according to ‘biblical scripture’, is that Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel, which Donald Trump did last year. Now, according to the end times mythology, a great war will occur and Jesus Christ will come again which will facilitate the ‘rapture’.

May 15, 2012 – Retire Garrett 15, 2012 · The reason banks could engage in such practices was the repeal of laws and regulations designed to prevent such practices. For example, while investment houses were still required to keep a certain percentage of assets in-house as insurance against leveraged investments, no regulations were in place to monitor the banks in this area.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Walter Cronkite: 1916-2009 17, 2009 · Walter Cronkite: 1916-2009 He brought us the sad news of a President cut down in the streets of Dallas, featured a nightly review of a war going terribly wrong in Vietnam, one that would force another President from his post and lead to the shocking developments of a convention in Chicago.

Truth Charms: Ohio Jesus sculpture makes the New York Times! 11, 2005 · "Can't too much go wrong next to a big statue of Jesus," said one member of the church, James Nelms, 23. Officials at the Ohio Department of Transportation attribute the improved safety to a $1.1-million high-tension cable that the department built in the freeway's median about the time, coincidentally, that the statue was erected.

In Effecthttps://ineffect.blogspot.comNov 30, 2007 · All that said, my prediction is for a 34-24 Cowboy victory as long as Romo accounts for two or fewer more turnovers than Favre. If he has at least three more than Favre, I'll give the edge to the Packers, 31-27, but that margin would increase with the turnover margin over …

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Obama: Mexico drug war ‘sowing … 17, 2009 · As the production of large-capacity magazines for civilians had also been prohibited, manufacturers sold their post-ban firearms either with newly-manufactured magazines with capacities of ten rounds or less, or with pre-ban manufactured high-capacity magazines, to meet changing legal requirements. The ban expired in 2004. Eric. 11:44 PM

J.C. | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Hey, don't forget us! you wish to comment on any of our posts, feel free to use the comments section underneath each post, and while we welcome the expression of debate and opinion, keep …

Bilgrimage: Tom Tomorrow on the Bipartisan Adventures of ... 09, 2012 · Tom Tomorrow on the Bipartisan Adventures of Simpson and Bowles "That's why we now spend our time giving speeches --for which we are paid $40,000 apiece --on the need to cut Social Security and Medicare ". . .

Google Answers: Condoleezza 07, 2005 · Can't understand why so secret! If this lady had been born in England, you could look her up in the Births registry index. If the index only listed her middle initial, you could order a copy of her birth certificate for a small fee. The certificate would show …

No More Mister Nice Blog: EMERGENCY DECLARATION: THE ... 08, 2019 · In a Fox poll released this week, 74% of GOP respondents said they'd support an emergency declaration; 87% approve of the job Trump is doing as president. But GOP voters have been less than solid in their support for a Trump emergency declaration because the president hadn't issued the declaration yet.

The Abundancetrek Blog: WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW -- 1 02, 2011 · What the world needs now is Compassion, Peace, Justice and Sustainable Abundance for all. We have a long way to go. But we have come a long way and we can GO THE DISTANCE if we put our mind, heart, body and soul into it, all of us. If we are to believe Lester Brown and other experts, our civilization is in peril. We must act and act NOW.

Bilgrimage: Teen Suicides Diminish as Marriage Equality Is ... 10, 2017 · Bob Shine of News Ways Ministry comments on a recent report in JAMA Pediatrics, the pediatric journal of the American Medical Association, showing that suicide attempts by teens have declined as marriage equality for same-sex couples has been legalized:

The Howdygram 2: Design tweaks, disappointment and a ... 10, 2014 · It’s no wonder why I’ve always got so damn much chronic pain: I DON’T GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Holy crap, right? Aside from ongoing exhaustion, my complaints du jour also include watery eyes, a runny nose, shitty burning feet, shitty stiff knees, shitty crippled hands and zero motivation to empty the dishwasher. In other news, there really isn’t any ... not counting a few exciting tweaks to ...

No Right Turn: A complete waste of money 02, 2016 · The government is currently cutting health spending.Meanwhile, it plans to spend $11 billion over the next ten years on new toys for the defence force: Simultaneously, a government that’s willing to slash the health system is planning to spend $11 billion dollars in the next ten years on new gear for our Defence Forces.

Barack Obama's Prayer At The Western Wall In Jerusalem Obama's Prayer At The Western Wall In Jerusalem ... I think the one that's sometimes called The Wailing Wall, where devout Jews rock back and forth while mourning the loss of their temple. ... Alisa, I wasn't wanting just any comments, I was wanting YOUR comments since you are the de facto Middle East Correspondent of this blog.

Medical: MedicalConspiracies- National owner of Jimmy John ... 18, 2015 · Aug 4, 2015 - Niger is the most amazing country I never expected to visit .... Jimmy John's founder and CEO Jimmy John Liautaud is under fire after photos of him allegedly posing with dead elephants, a rhinoceros, and a leopard appeared ...These pics are the scumbag owner of @jimmyjohns killing beautiful animals.

The Citizens: Hosni Mubarak: General, Tyrant, and Complete ... 05, 2011 · Mubarak is 82 years old. It's been clear for a week that neither he nor his son were going to be running Egypt a year from now. The military is in a very strong bargaining position generally, so I doubt about Mubarak thinking about keeping the military in charge either. This is about Hosni Mubarak's pride.

The Abundancetrek Blog: SPIRITUAL EXPLORATIONS – 300 22, 2016 · Patheos + This is a daily journal of Progressive Christianity. Weaving Home + This is my friend's website for spiritual direction. Standard Written English Blog + This is my daughter's website and blog. Spirit of Harmony Foundation + This is a project begun by Todd Rundgren to promote music education. MAY 2015. OnFaith. MARCH 2013. Meditation ...

The MoxArgon Group: Culture Corner: A Boy Named Hsu tell ya, jail life won't be easy for a boy named "Hsu." Well, I had to be quick and I had to be keen, My cash was cold for when I got seen, I'd roam from Malibu to Washington and not hide my name. But I made a vow to the moon and stars That I'd ride in SUVs and luxurious cars And raise money for folks who can bury my shame.

Mo Rage: Missouri Makes a Very Dark List Missouri not only made the top, worst 10 on a new survey of the 50 states in America, it actually made the top, worst 5. America's 10 worst states to live in 2017

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Quality of Life study results released November 13 and Feb. 21, local people were consulted about four elements – the community’s definition of quality of life and what the essential ingredients are, the level of personal satisfaction with how the vision is being achieved, areas that are working well and need to be retained, and serious issues needing to be addressed.

The Immoral Minority: Small "typo" costs one teacher their ... 04, 2013 · This is one area that I think Obama is failing in. You cannot judge a teacher by the results odf the students. I was in education for a number of years (still am, but now I am a contracted employee for a band, not an actual school employee) and the principal didn't get along with my lead teacher, so she always got the behavior problems, the kids on meds, the ones whose parents didn't request a ...

The Natchez Blog: The Natchez Blog Makes the Big Time! is an awesome honor. As I looked through the list of chosen blogs, I realized we will be with some incredible company - famous blogs that I've been reading forever. I don't know this for a fact, but I imagine we might be the smallest blog there. In an announcement …

Billy Boy, takes aim at town - JOHN PRINCE: Telling It 13, 2012 · It should have asked for a recall, a review isn’t even a slap on the wrist to the mayor, council & assorted flunkies. Stand up, write letters & make phone calls to the MLA, MP, Premier, hell, even Harper himself, scream, holler, bitch & protest but whatever you do, DON’T sit on your butt while we lose a great place to live.

Fourth Annual Weblog Awards: The 2004 Bloggieshttps://2004.bloggi.esthe rules. Hey, you. Read these. They're shorter than last year's. In the 2004 Weblog Awards™, a "weblog" is a page with dated entries. The contest is open to any weblogs that existed for a period of time during the year 2003, so weblogs that were discontinued during 2003 are also eligible.

No one cares what I think: Quiet You - Blogger 12, 2009 · This is the 32nd tape you've put out since 9/11. That's about four per year. People still hate you because you are a big-lipped, shit-spewing asshole. But your act is tired. Is there anybody in the world who ISN'T Satan?

LIVERPUTTY: Ian Fleming in Macao 1959 Fleming took a trip around the world visiting key cities and reporting about them to the Sunday Times. A compilation of these articles was published in book form in 1964 under the title of Thrilling Cities, the same year as his death.Cities traveled included: Hong Kong, Macau, Tokyo, Honolulu, L.A., Las Vegas, Chicago, New York, Hamburg, Berlin, Vienna, Geneva, Naples, and Monte Carlo.

Ocasio-Cortez Is Winning the Battle Against GOP Sexists is the sort of treatment the right heaped upon Hillary Clinton from the beginning; they started in on her almost 30 years ago with a daily drumbeat of lies and distortions that were brutally effective in the end. AOC is the new Hillary at Trump’s rallies, with crowds now chanting “AOC sucks!” instead of …

Hard To Swallow: Why Does Canada Allow Human Rights ... absurd thoughts about God of the Universe in loose Senryu and Tanka. Food for thought and discussion. Brief comments on religious extremism, totalitarianism, racism, sexism and …

Nick Hanauer on MSNBC Discussing Inequality | Bud Meyers a subset of these people, the most important thing in the world is status, privilege and power. They have sacrificed everything for it. This is my world—I know a lot of these folks—and a lot of these folks are border-line sociopathic people, and they don't care about other people."

Hard To Swallow: Geffen Backs Obama Before Hillary! Calls ... absurd thoughts about God of the Universe in loose Senryu and Tanka. Food for thought and discussion. Brief comments on religious extremism, totalitarianism, racism, sexism and …

Eighth Annual Weblog Awards: The 2008 Bloggieshttps://2008.bloggi.esEighth Annual Weblog Awards: The 2008 Bloggies. Honor. Prestige. Wealth. These are some of the things that a Bloggie won't bring you. But that won't stop the Web from voting, because the annual non-profit competition that determines which blogs are the best of the best.

Sky Island Scriber: American Patriot Rally populated by ... Patriot Rally populated by bullies wielding weapons of fear Heather Cox Richardson takes down the so-called American Patriots at the Michigan statehouse. Jeff Kowalsky’s photograph of the “American Patriot Rally” at the Michigan statehouse on April 30 shows a large, bearded man, leaning forward, mouth open, screaming.

No More Mister Nice Blog: WAS TRUMP ON DRUGS? 01, 2018 · The medical records and interviews with former officials with the Trump Organization reveal that Greenberg gave Trump a prescription for amphetamine derivatives in 1982 to treat his metabolic problem; the records show that Trump continued taking the drugs for a number of years and the former officials said that Trump stopped using them in 1990 ...

Thomas Clay Jr - Do. not. ever. believe. anything. a ... is how it is and always will be with these fucking religious dunderheads. They are your enemy. They are the enemy of every civilization. Religion and civilization cannot coexist. Every single time in history when civilization advances religious people cause it to fall.

Matterdays: Sorority Girls from HELL!!!! said... Thanks for finding this again! I'll never forget going to the Halloween Parade in West Holly wood 16 years ago and seeing a white convertable 280SL Mercedes, with three big haired drag queens, dressed alike and sitting up high in the back seat, screaming "Erma, Erma, Erma" at an Erma look-a-like, complete with school books, running down the street in front of the car.

Abe Gardner wonders and worries: November 2007 28, 2007 · This is a computer program that is sold by Thompson-West. Supposed to be good help with MBE's. VERY similar to the Smart Study program Bar/bri students are familiar with. The Writing Edge - some people seem to like Vivian Dempsey, but her course is $5500, high even for a private tutor. CalBar Tutorial - many random recommendations, some ...

Feminary: God Feeds Us All I will - Friday nights at my house, people - we'll cook up whatever we've gotten! Last night we had salmon w/tapenade, caprese salad, and a baguette - all courtesy of Trader Joe's, all just past its date. Wow. Plus I have produce for a week - between the pantry, our CSA box, and WIC, we may never had to grocery shop again.

Níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan féin....https://irishmama.blogspot.comThis is how our fellow American, Mr. Moulitsas, reacted to this affront: "I feel nothing over the deaths of these mercenaries. They aren't in Iraq because of orders, or because they are trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them."

Shouting Down the Well: April 2014 - Megbon 10, 2014 · It was just me and a couple of dudes, who picked up their conversation when it was just the three of us left. First Guy: So it was a pretty good dinner. Pleasant, good conversation. But at the end, I said, "Let's talk about the elephant in the room." Second guy: But she didn't know there was an elephant in the room." And I was all:

Progressive Charlestown: Tighter standards on cars on initial feedback from these groups and a thorough rulemaking process, EPA's proposal is estimated to provide up to seven dollars in health benefits for every dollar spent to meet the standards. The proposed sulfur standards will cost refineries less than a penny per gallon of gasoline on average once the standards are fully in place.

HCG Diet, Maintenance Phase and Side Effects 06, 2009 · Every day for a while, I'll include a recipe from the HCG Gourmet Cookbook. Try these out, see if you like them, find out if it's something you can stick with. How bad do you want it? Sweet Japanese Cucumber Salad 1 cucumber slided/diced 2 tbs apple cider vinegar 1 tbs fresh lemon juice 1 tbs Bragg's amino acids 1 tsp finely minced onion

Day of Blogging for Justice: 'Stop Taser Torture' on 12/4/2009 14, 2009 · The call is going out to all bloggers to support Blogging for Justice: Stop Taser Torture on December 4, 2009. We ask bloggers to take a single day out of their schedule and focus it on an important related to the tasing issue.Our hope is that the focused effort of the blogosphere will have a positive impact on the issue on the issue of taser abuse in America, Canada, Australia and elsewhere.

Jac of all tirades: The Rothchild Family 04, 2008 · The Rothchild Family originated in Germany and made their family fortune by lending money to the elite of the world, as well as through war. Since family-owned banks existed internationally, the Rothchild's were the predominant source of funding, typically for both sides of every war.

Danger! High Postage Blogfather Well Paul and Graham have christened me 'The Blogfather' for getting so many other people to start blogs (7 and counting)...well who am I to argue. Apologies for the deluge of photos but I've just started using the photo tool type thingy and I wanted to get the last year of my life out of the way in one go and start a fresh (or something).

media cholahttps://mediachola.blogspot.comThis Sunday, April 9, 2006 Peruvian Presidential eElections took place. I would like to give my view on this, but since I have been sick, it is hard for me to keep a continuous train of thought. Still I could not pass it over without making a note. As this New York Times article points out, we are heading for a …

The Rude Pundit 06, 2011 · New Mitt Romney Ad Features Dead People and Resurrection: The new Mitt Romney ad is creepy as fuck. It's a macabre rendering of a line from a speech President Obama made where he said, "There are always going to be bumps on the road to recovery." Using that as a leaping off point, the Romney campaign portrays the unemployed and job seekers and their children as literal bumps on a …

Accidental Deliberations: Sunday Morning Links 09, 2020 · And a group of B.C. health professionals calls for a moratorium on liquid natural gas pipelines due to their risks to health and the environment. - Meanwhile, Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood argues that the withdrawal of the Teck Frontier project should offer us an opportunity to begin a needed conversation about a transition away from fossil fuels.

The Other 95%: Linnaeus' Legacy #4: Darwin Month Extravaganza! 08, 2008 · As you can see, a very important issue and each blog offers their unique perspective on this and the support for ethics in taxonomy and palaeontology is overwhelming. Reading: Linnaeus' Legacy #4: Darwin Month Extravaganza!

30 | March | 2009 | The 'Not-So-Rough' Guide 30, 2009 · A previously unknown short story by Walker Percy, whose first novel, The Moviegoer, won the National Book Award for Fiction in 1962, will be published in the April, 2009 issue of The Hopkins Review, a literary quarterly produced by Johns Hopkins University Press. “‘A Detective Story’ is a breezy tale of William Pinckney, a Mississippi businessman who goes out for a pack of cigarettes and ...

Based On A True Story...: Revenge Of The Pangolins!? on them!China has been slaughtering these poor wee creatures, as well as encouraging other countries to do so by the hundreds of thousands- as if mutilating and killing sharks by the millions just for their fins each and every year just wasn't enough! Oh, and let's not forget the fine job they're doing decimating African elephants... For the record, not some jingoistic anti ...

Harry Clarke: Is anyone entitled to their own opinion? 10, 2007 · James Whyte’s Crimes Against Logic discusses the inane ‘everyone is entitled to their own opinion’ fallacy. You don’t have the right to your own opinion and, apart from being false, this invocation is always being invoked even when it is irrelevant even if it were true .

Even On The Wrong Side Of Facts, Mitt Romney’s Style Wins 04, 2012 · But it couldn’t have been Mitt Romney — because the real Mitt Romney has been running around the country for the last year promising $5 trillion in tax cuts that favor the wealthy. The fellow on stage last night said he didn’t know anything about that.

Tickle The Wiretim elfrink Archives - Tickle The of the authors of Blood Sport, Tim Elfrink, is a reporter for the “Miami New Times”, and he broke the story of the Biogenesis/Major League Baseball performance enhancing drugs scandal. Tony Bosch, Biogenesis’ founder and owner, had become a supplier of PEDs to a number professional and college baseball players.

Dan Quayle's Potatoe: ACORN FLACK: Two Things to Realize 15, 2008 · Don't take my word for it: Newsweek notes the cartoonish quality of the ACORN diversion, playing out the new Disney movie "Mickey Goes To Vote" to its ineluctable conclusion: "I'll use Mickey Mouse to demonstrate how ACORN has engaged in voter registration fraud. In Florida, Acorn pays local workers $8 an hour to gather 20 voter registrations a day.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: Executive Disorder it's not even clear that the end of family separations will happen, and especially happen soon. There are reportedly no new orders to federales on the border. Meanwhile, some 2,300 or more children already separated have been sent out to a reported 14 states with no plan for ever reuniting them with their parents--something that looks ...

Dan Quayle's Potatoe: Really? Are you serious? 12, 2008 · Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

No More Mister Nice Blog: No One Knows What Is Going To ... 08, 2013 · "Hateful and totalitarian." —James Taranto. Tuesday, October 08, 2013. No One Knows What Is Going To Happen.

Cyde Weys Musings A better solution to the FizzBuzz 02, 2008 · This is a great little programming exercise, it’s just miles away from real world programming. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either working on one of the extreme minority of situations where algorithmic performance actually matters, or they’re wasting time and money optimizing for the sake of it.

The Johnsville News: Ask the Imam of the most important jobs is the upbringing of children, which if you ask any professional or business person, is the most demanding job. Reason being that the challenge the children are facing today demands constant assistance and skills to overcome them. Who better to assist them, than the first school of the child, i.e. mother.

Gubu-World: Why I oppose the Gaza flotilla has been shown to be a pro-Palestinian lie. This is a conflict. It is stating the obvious to say that things get unpleasant in conflicts but it seems that it needs repeating to folks on the left. There are competing needs in any conflict and Israel needs to prioritise the safety of its own civilians.

SHOCK: Former Ivy League Prof Exposes Sexual Revolution’s ... 27, 2014 · “Whenever you call up the Sexual Revolution, the woman who will be trotted out, but what I am going to say to you is it hasn’t really worked for that group of people.” Morse recalled her own struggles, saying she put off getting pregnant to advance her career, which led to a …

The Rectification of Names: For the Record: Quinine— Leaves of Yas (@Yastreblyansky) April 1, 2020 Make that rheumatoid arthritis. Of course I realize it's used for other purposes. I just linked you to a full-scale discussion of its pharmacological properties, but you're the kind of troll who never opens a link.

View from the Loft: Pharyngula, I came upon several videos that record one person's experience of leaving Christianity and becoming an atheist. It's a remarkable series in that it's thoughtful, calm, rational, and quite detailed. In the videos, the speaker outlines the various pillars of his religious belief and shows how, under the weight of evidence, those pillars crumbled.

The Rectification of Names: For the Record: Mystery the Record: Mystery Undated picture of the Aisne-Marne (spelled wrong by me below, with an extra -s), Belleau, France, via . This is such a weird dance that's been going on since Bolton announced on October 23 that this meeting would take place.

Iron my shirt | you've probably heard by now (see TGW if you missed it), some creeps heckled Hillary yesterday, yelling "Iron my shirt!" and holding up signs to that effect. Of course, the VRWC knew right away that these guys were Clinton plants, there to gin up sympathy for the candidate and create a controversial clip to keep her in heavy cable news bobble head rotation during the NH primary voting.

The Immoral Minority: Saudi Arabia threatens to sue any ... 04, 2015 · Saudi Arabia will sue any Twitter user who compares the Kingdom’s recent decision to execute a poet to punishments handed down by Isis. Ashraf Fayadh, a 35-year-old Palestinian poet, was sentenced to death for apostasy – renouncing one’s faith – by a court in Abha on 17 November, according to documents seen by Human Rights Watch.

Teeth of the Buzz Saw: Know thine enemy. And their arguments. 05, 2013 · I don't know exactly how large this group is, but it is not all of conservatives. There are others who will agree that people are born gay, but that not how God intended it to be. Rather, people are born gay due to us living in a fallen world (from the story of Adam and Eve disobeying Yahweh/God by eating from the tree).

Beat The Chip: Real ID problem for Florida doctor 05, 2010 · Florida is one of the first states to enact the new law. By Dec. 1, 2014, all drivers ages 50 and younger must have the Real ID. Those older than 50 can wait until Dec. 1, 2017 to comply.

BilgeBucket Gazette » Home and it’s much more complex than that, of course. It’s the collective, monstrous egos of our planet’s most intelligent (allegedly) species, homo sapiens , that have done the most damage. When you put it in that context, each and every human being on the planet is responsible for the demise of life on Earth.

Friday Open Thread - Colorado Pols 03, 2017 · –Rick Perry, referring to a city that is across the Texas border in Mexico, February 28, 2011 "It's a theory that's out there. It's got some gaps in it. In Texas we teach both Creationism and evolution." –Rick Perry, in response to a child who asked him if he believed in evolution during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, August 18, 2011

Why are you reading this? — LiveJournalhttps://dragonrider7.livejournal.comOkay, so I don't usually do this, but an issue near and dear to me and getting very little no attention in the mainstream media. Mississippi is voting on November 8th on whether to pass Amendment 26, the "Personhood Amendment". This amendment would grant fertilized eggs and …

Kevin's home of interesting stuff: ClubOrlov: America's ... America's Latest Foreign Policy Fiascos, Part I : Some 15 months ago I published a piece on American Foreign Policy Fiascos , in ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: A PROM OF THEIR OWN 03, 2007 · 1 Comments: Bob said.... A prom of their own The state's first prom for young Muslim women gave participants a chance to experience an American rite of passage - without making cultural compromises. BY LIALA HELAL Pioneer Press Article Last Updated: 06/03/2007 11:24:42 AM CDT Farha Bachani, left, puts lip gloss on her cousin Saima Bachani on Saturday at the University of …

Balkinization: What is equal opportunity? is a different starting point for thinking about what equal opportunity is about. But it’s one that can bear real fruit, or so I hope to convince you in future posts. Posted 2:42 AM by Joseph Fishkin [link]

M O B J E C T I V I S T: Numbers Don't Lie, Liars Don't Count 29, 2008 · To take this to a logical extreme, we shouldn't make any models to predict possible extinctions or global warming because they have economics mixed in with them. Sure, some of based on economics, but it is more about resource consumption and using simple trends that can't turn on …

Bain Capital Links to Death Squads Funding Not Proven 23, 2012 · Credit: The essence of the mostly unreported story is simple enough. When Mitt Romney was having difficulty raising money to start Bain Capital in 1984, he ended up raising a major share of his company’s initial $37 million investment from Salvadoran millionaires with indirect links to death squads in El Salvador.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead Thursday ... 08, 2010 · Podunk Below the Masthead Thursday, July 8, 2010 A first hand look at the devastation of the gulf for some North coast residents, City council seeks answers over the closure of the Daily News, and the Mayor wants the forestry office back, some of the items of note from the Thursday news files.

History's Dumpster: 900/976 Hotlines 10, 2013 · The 900/976 premium number had been around since the late '70s. But it was used primarily as a specialty number and originally incurred normal long distance charges. That changed in the early '80s. But few people knew of them until the late '80s when the first "entertainment" lines appeared. Then the phone sex lines

Windmills - Queen of Spain 08, 2008 · But it doesn’t shut off. ... This is beautiful girlfriend. You’re going to look back at this entry even a couple of years from now and be glad you wrote it. ... Toad for the Win. luann says: May 8, 2008 at 8:09 pm. the first time i read the book ‘roxaboxen’ to my son, i had tears streaming down my face by the end – and i didn’t know ...

Newshttps://1googlenews.blogspot.comThe Mercury and Air Toxics Standards set the first-ever national safeguards to limit power plant releases of mercury, arsenic, chromium, nickel and acid gases, making this is one of the largest steps to protect our kids from air pollution in a generation.

No Right Turn: A failure of due diligence 02, 2018 · Last week the government announced the first recipients of its billion dollar a year regional development fund.But it turns out that in addition to funding railway lines and sawmills, they're also funding alleged fraudsters: A flagship Government programme is funding a project tied to a businessman who has been referred to the Serious Fraud Office.

Based On A True Story...: May 2019 is not to say that there aren't those that strive to use tech to help solve a myriad of problems throughout our world right now, and well into the future. There are always the noble few. But neither can one ignore the very real and present damage they are imparting en masse on those not quite as: young, fortunate, educated or well financed ...

Alabama Ass Whuppin': DBT Week in Review - 5/29/09 29, 2009 · This is by far the best live performance of ours ever caught on film. We were on, the sound was excellent, and the production value top-notch. We loved playing on that stage and the crowd was fantastic. It also features one of the last ever performances of '18 Wheels Of Love', featuring the full monologue and the sequel monologue.

A STRONG CURRENT: Meeting Across the River to a version of the song on YouTube the other day – a performance in 1977 by Springsteen with piano accompaniment – one of my sisters described it as “sweet, sad music.” Another sister, a jazz musician, noted the jazz influences and said the song shows “a mellow side” of Springsteen that she likes. That it does. That it does.

Brian Smith in South Floridahttps://briansmith.blogspot.comTraffic was heavy at first, due to a closed lane, but it soon opened up and I reached the Titusville exit at about 7.30 pm. Driving into town I knew there was little chance of reaching Spaceview Park, and it was curious how natural it seemed to just turn off the road into a strip mall parking lot when the car in front of me did so, and the car ...

Our Rants & Raves!: I am So Disappointed President Obama 09, 2009 · This is the first sign that the Obama Administration plans to support one of the worst crimes of the Bush Administration. It's also a very serious breach of trust to those of us who supported President Obama, because without a doubt most of us believed he would choose civil rights over government rights. It turns out we were wrong.

Completely Futilehttps://completelyfutile.blogspot.comThe first part, set at Edgewood, is wonderful, and the ending is wonderful in a different way. But the middle part, dealing mainly with Auberon and Sylvie, while still very good, left me dissatisfied. For one thing, Edgewood is an enchanted place, and New York …[PDF]PLANETARY HEALTH WEEKLY first phase of the government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ ban on Styrofoam products in the food service industry came into effect on Monday, May 1. But it took a further eight months before the law came into effect totally outlawing of the serving or packaging of food in Styrofoam, which some persons say is linked to cancer. “A

The Other McCain: First, they came for Glenn Beck 01, 2009 · "One of the basic principles of military strategy is to reinforce success. If you see a man who fights and wins, give him reinforcements, and bid others to emulate his success." * * * * * * * "Whenever it is a slow news day, or some event (like the Obama inauguration) is sucking the air out of the media and internet, someone whose blog I follow invariably posts a picture of a pretty woman ...

William Horberg: The Art of Choice"Disconnect" never even received a theatrical release as a film in Poland, but it was discovered by the programmers at Camerimage and recommended to two extraordinary policemen in Bydgoszcz as the perfect film for the third annual edition of a program that they invented and …

The Rectification of Names: There's the beef! is not my idea—I got it from Paul Campos at LGM—but nobody seems to be picking up on it, including Campos, and it seems to me a bit of proof positive that Donald Trump Jr.'s NOTHINGBURGER meeting of June 9 2016 was, in fact, a very precise part of the sequence that led to the successful efforts of Russian intelligence services to get Big Donald elected president of the United States.

14 | August | 2017 | The Lunch Counter 14, 2017 · This is the reason the media and agitators like Mary Anne Marsh rush to the TV camera and mic to call out President Trump for what he did not say. You see, if you call out the violent behavior as perpetrated by “many sides,” which was the case, then you are accused of being supportive of a group who participated in the violence that they ...

Tarnished Lady: Noodles & dancing on the lakefront I ever host a summer dinner thing, the way to go. I had avocado tempura which was the best thing I have ever eaten and makes me wonder why I have never tried it before. It had a spicy kick to it underneath the tempura crust. A thinly julienned papaya salad …

Meet NBC’s David Gregory, Typical Dishonest Leftwing Media ... 09, 2011 · Here are your typical “journalists” talking on a typical mainstream media version of the Ministry of Propaganda:. As NBC’s Meet the Press panel ripped into Newt Gingrich on Sunday for his comments on poor children in inner cities lacking working role models, Manchester Union Leader publisher Joe McQuaid was the lone voice of dissent: “I think he gets a bum rap on the child labor thing.”

The Thril Is Gone - ReligiousLeftLaw.com is fair to say that the on-going story of Syria has brought to the forefront a new truth about the United States in the early twenty-first century: We have lost our thrill for war. Let's begin by reviewing events in Syria: Beginning in late December 2012, there were repeated reports of small-scale use of chemical weapons. The evidence overwhelmingly implicated the government of Bashar al Assad.

No Right Turn: No tears for Mugabe 11, 2017 · No tears for Mugabe. So, ... and tortured and murdered his opponents, so I'm glad to see him go. At the same time, its a shame that it was the army, rather than the people, who removed him. At least nobody was killed, but it looks more like an internal power struggle in an authoritarian government than the transition to democracy Zimbabwe ...

No Right Turn: Maori are New Zealanders too 08, 2004 · It follows that they also "deserve a say" on how shared resources - such as the beaches - are managed. Denying them this say is to deny that Maori are New Zealanders too, and (by implication) saying that only Pakeha count. This is not to say that a "Treaty Council" is the only solution. But it may just be the way out of this whole godawful mess.

The Rectification of Names: R.I.P. Ornette Coleman great saxophonist, composer, and everything Ornette Coleman has just died, at the age of 85. So a something in memoriam.

LIVERPUTTY: Wrong side of the bed? 30, 2006 · Though I haven't read any of his novels, I have a high regard for V.S. Naipaul. This is based on some good nonfiction I've read and the fact that his Nobel Prize banquet speech wasn't embarrassing like so many recent ones have been. But here, from a piece that's less than 500 words, he manages to crap on Hardy, Hemingway, Dickens, and Jane Austen.. The top of the article also says …

Notes in Samsara: Yet another strange editorial from the ... 06, 2005 · link In Northern California, the steady rain makes no difference to the sea lions and surfers. It seems to make no difference to the ca...

Seeing the Past | Righting America 27, 2018 · 8% understood that “slavery was the central cause of the Civil War.” This is not about high school seniors being ignorant. This is not about high school teachers failing to do their jobs (thankfully, teachers scored markedly higher on these questions, but they may find it uncomfortable or difficult to press these issues in the classroom).

Balkinization: The Bush Presidency and Theories of ... this post and the next, I will preview an article with the same title that will be posted soon on SSRN.Naturally, I hope to whet your appetite and in this post I have copied in the article’s introduction after the jump. Here, I’ll venture some general remarks on the challenges the Bush presidency poses for theories of change and in the second post indicate how those challenges can be met.

Dymaxion World: Oil pun here natural gas is okay, but it's almost certainly evanscent -- we'll be caught with our pants down when US conventional gas production starts a rapid decline. Probably most notable of all was the WSJ's story on the International Energy Agency finally admitting that the …

The Policy Geek: OPEN LETTER TO MR. COMEY 05, 2016 · You, sir, should be encouraged to step down as the Director of the FBI. The American Public can never trust you now. This is textbook. There was no smoking gun and no lives at risk. There was every reason to know this would be used as kindling to light some torches of feverish hate - just like your loose lips sideshow at the hearing.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: 'Leadie Eddie' - Saving kids from lead ... 25, 2007 · I never heard any more of that particular investigation, but it was a lesson permanently etched in my mind: Lead paint, at one time, was nearly ubiquitous. Not only exteriors, but baseboards, windows, cabinets or doors painted white (lead was the …

RNC: Guest Post - Blogger was held also in the Convention center but in the area where they are holding Civic Fest. This is a display of presidential artifacts, including dresses from first ladies, an old Airforce One, a limo that was used by FDR, flags. It was fun to walk around and see all the exhibits. Monday was the day that we had our first delegation meeting.

small dead animals: Open Letter To That Stupid Bitch In Axworthy addressing Dr. Rice, the world's most powerful woman and, in 3 and a half years from now, possibly the first female and black president of the United States of America, on a first name basis, in an open letter, is a bit rich.

The Citizens: More on Groupthink 09, 2004 · First, it IS groupthink when members bring a preconceived notion to a meeting "in anticipation of what they think will appeal to the other attendees." As Janis points out, these individuals think everybody elses thinks alike, so they don't rock the boat. This is self-censorship and does not require another to enforce it.

Build An Online Community With Drupal — SitePoint 30, 2004 · This is, as you might have guessed, analogous to a network, in which every desktop, server and printer is a network node. In the case of Drupal, these …

The Big Ticket: September 2005 yet it was the first single off last year's major label debut, This Island. However, the soundbytes it uses are taken from the pre-war protests on 2/15/03 - as are clips used in the rather lousy MOV music video (18mb) - so it too feels appropriate in relation to this weekend's events in D.C.

El Salvador Slavery News Monitoring Service & Press ... Salvador Slavery News Monitoring. ... The twenty-eight-year-old black woman was the sixth person killed by Fort Worth police that year. ... Let Me Vote: My Voting Rights as a Blind Man are the Same as Everybody Else’s. The first time I voted was in 1968. As a blind man, I needed the assistance of a poll worker to cast my ballot.

Britain and America: Younger Americans lean left survey in today's New York Times suggests that Americans aged 17 to 29 are more likely to be supportive of gay rights, open borders and socialised medicine. They are equally concerned about global warming and share similar attitudes on abortion. Click on the graphic on the right to enlarge it and view the summary of the findings.

Progressive Alaska: Court Injunctions Headed Toward The ... is not a step to be taken lightly. At this point, I would advise against such action. I know that there is little patience to wait for the results of seeking injunctive relief from our courts shutting down the Bering Sea Pollock Trawl fishery once king salmon bycatch reaches 5,000.

Bilgrimage: David Gibson and Tom Heneghan Publish Religion ... 12, 2016 · An update as the week ends, on the story of Father Tony Anatrella, about which I've been keeping you posted (and here) as it's discussed in the French media recently: at Religion News Service, David Gibson and Tom Heneghan have just published a report about the Anatrella story with the headline "Prominent French Priest and Vatican Adviser Accused in Sex Scandal."

The Beacon: May 2009 11, 2009 · Palmer was repeatedly arrested for practicing medicine without a license, but this martyrdom only led to a strengthening of the cause of Chiropractic. D D Palmer was killed after being run over by his son, B J Palmer, also a Chiropractor, and it is claimed that this may have been deliberate, as the two did not see eye to eye on a lot of things.

No More Mister Nice Blog: WOW ... JUST WOW 01, 2015 · At The American Spectator, Emily Zanotti writes: You can watch the full interview above. In it, both James and Judith talk about the state of the media today, and how, in the last several years, the attitude -- and, more importantly, the professionalism-- of the once noble Fourth Estate has declined, leaving a profession that is less interested in sniffing out the real story than it is in ...

BJD Property Management | NYC Property Management for to build new houses also fell about 3% to a 1.39 million annual pace. The number of permits filed was nearly 8% higher year to year according to the report. On a positive note, new construction on single-family homes actually rose 2.8% over 2018 to an annual rate of 918,000. This is the highest level since the start of 2019.

Trudeau | Writings of J. Todd Ring about Trudeau written by jtoddring. The Conservative Party seems to be a strange mixture of competing and conflicting ideologies, as Devin Johnston pointed out in Countdown Until the Conservative Party Disbands Again.His post sparked reflections on the state of conservative parties and alliances in Canada and the U.S.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2014-08-24 preparations are underway as the climate news of the week was the conclusion of a study that posits that the slower than expected rise in global temperature is due to 30 year currents in the Atlantic Ocean that is driving heat into the deep ocean. Other theories involved heat trapped in the ocean depths, but this suggests the mechanics of it.

Subversive Peacemaking: The Ghosts of Jeju 15, 2013 · The most horrific episode in this history began in 1948 when the South Korean military and national police hunted down and slaughtered approximately 30,000 people. The U.S., which was the occupying power at the time, was directly responsible what is now known as the April 3 massacre.

Property...Freedom...Peace: Ron Paul And Anarchy, PART II fundamentalist anarchists, who I will refer to, in the interests of clarity, as the all-in anarchists, are the true problem children of the libertarian anarchist movement. Let me explain. The crux of the anarchist argument against minarchism is that anarchism is the logical extension of the first principles of libertarianism: first, the ...

New Deal | Writings of J. Todd Ring is the true story of the `80’s and `90’s in Canada: cut social spending by claiming a debt crisis – a debt crisis that was created consciously by slashing corporate taxes. It is a win-win situation for the corporate sector: greatly reduced taxes, and a disintegrating social safety net which means people are increasingly desperate and ...

Mah Rabu ?? ???: September 2019 26, 2019 · And in first place, Liam Getreu in Sydney, Australia, was the only one to predict 114 out of 120 Knesset seats, so he is our September Madness 2019 champion!!! Congratulations!!!! Continuing a trend from last time, he was also the first to complete his entry.

“Katherine the Great” | This Black Sista's Memorial Page about “Katherine the Great” written by blksista. String quartet will play Puccini for potted audience at grand venue in BarcelonaAttendees of the first post-lockdown concert at Barcelona’s Liceu opera house next week will not need masks or gloves, nor will they be required to observe physical distancing.But they might like to take along a nice comfy pot and a little water to ...

Keystone Progress Bloghttps://keystoneprogress.blogspot.comPENNSYLVANIA – Today, August 1, 2012 Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly (R), an anti-women’s health representative compared this day on which health insurance companies are required to begin covering contraceptive services and preventative care benefits for women, to September 11 and Pearl Harbor.

The Thing that Resonates - Modern Heretic 10, 2019 · "The speed at which it happened and how quickly it went so bad -- for both the victim and the suspect -- is really kind of the thing that resonates the most with a lot of the folks that have been a part of in the investigation," he added.

The Whited Sepulchre: 10/27/13 - 11/3/13 02, 2013 · This is interesting stuff. Hope you'll devote a lunch break to reading the whole thing here. Or just check it out on my site, with additional Whited commentary. According to a newly developed Libertarian Orientation Scale, less than 1-in-10 (7%) Americans are consistent libertarians, and an additional 15% lean libertarian.

police | Sierra Madre untimely as the Christmas closure was, the City closed the road on December 31st, around noon. This left 50 cars locked in. They stationed two officers at the gate for a while; however, when the officers left the majority of cars were still in the lot. Visitors found themselves at the gate with no way to get out.

The Whited Sepulchre: 8/3/08 - 8/10/08 09, 2008 · A guy named Don runs a blog called 2008 China Olympics, and he asked to be blogrolled here. He found out about this site through this unflattering post about China. For a while, you couldn't access this site from China, a situation brought about shortly after I posted this thing about the China Olympics logo. My boss, Marvel Variants, was in China last week, and they had loosened controls ...

NEW PAPYRUS: February 2010 have shown that 7% of wealthy individuals in America would be willing to pay more than $20 million for a trip to a space station (93% would apparently not be willing to do so). There are nearly 100,000 adults in the world worth more than $30 million.

Orcinus: 08/10/2014 - 08/17/2014 is just plain old LAME. This just means these killer whales will have a larger acoustically sterile space to occupy. These are the most acoustically sophisticated animals on the planet; their echiolocation, in the wild, is their primary sense. Sticking them in these pools is like putting a human in a plain white room.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: The dirt about the PMUA's future? 13, 2010 · A letter from a Plainfield planning board member in today's Courier (see here) reminded me of stories that are circulating about plans for the PMUA's future in relation to the much-desired 'one-seat ride' to Manhattan. That, plus other recent mentions of the PMUA -- by DumpPMUA founder Philip Charles at Monday's Council meeting (see here) and City Council candidate Rebecca Williams in her …

veiled4allah: Islamophobia Perception Of Islam Increasing: As the war in Iraq grinds into its fourth year, a growing proportion of Americans are expressing unfavorable views of Islam, and a majority now say that Muslims are disproportionately prone to violence, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Electronic Village: Our Alkebulan Journey: Tunisia is a great series. Mad props for you guys for doing this. This is truly an education. Let me know when you get to Ghana, I have nuff resources I would love to share with you guys. I blog about my experiences in Ghana, and would love to give you guys some pictures if …

Thoughts on Birthdays, Race, & Life. Why Can’t I Hit ... 03, 2007 · Some semesters I had to skip altogether. It took me 7 years to get a bachelors degree… and 2 for a graduate degree. 14 years passed between the time that I graduated from High School until my last year of college. This is the difference between growing up poor and growing up in privilege…

The Lady Rhiannon: November 2012 Lady Rhiannon Friday, November 30, 2012. Guns in America. Guns in America: The Vital Importance of Strengthening Gun Control in the United States by Lady Rhiannon

Queer Conservative: A New Defense Strategy? 02, 2007 · This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. ~ Winston Churchill Only in the Western world can a gay man live a free life as himself.

Electronic Village: Jena 6: An American Tragedy 30, 2007 · I'm familiar with this case and find myself appalled and disgusted at the treatment of the black boys. In a case where it's evident who the real perpetrators are, it's sad that a tree as well as the black boys became the victims. If the white boys punishment was reduced to a suspension, then the same should have been afforded the black boys.

Bilgrimage: Chris Kluwe's Takedown of Emmett Burns and the ... 10, 2012 · And so that point interests me in the discussion. But what also interests me is how quickly Kluwe's zingy response to Burns (the first link above contains the text of Kluwe's letter to Burns: warning to readers with delicate ears--the letter contains what some folks might regard as profanity) has taken off.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: July 2007 31, 2007 · This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. A just-released Jewish community report, “Judaism in the Age of [cultural phenomenon from the early 1990s],” backs up this claim.According to the report, “In contemporary [country], with its [exotic Starbucks blend] and [popular video game] culture, Judaism is only one facet of a [adverb] [adjective] identity.

Founding Father's Church Allows Birth Control | Bud Meyers Founding Fathers opposed the Catholic Church, and America's oldest church now actually allows for birth control today.. The GOP's False Claim of 'War on Religion' President Barack Obama recently announced that religiously-affiliated employers must provide their employees with free access to contraception in their health care plans. This decision has drawn particular ire from Catholic ...

Not that I'm dying of anticipation or anything... 07, 2008 · Anonymous said... The Tales of Beedle the Bard will be available anon, it was announced today. Not that an adult would care, or anything. 7/31/08, 2:34 PM

THE OXPECKER: U.S. soldier gagged on prez's eligibility 04, 2009 · Military member seekingdocumentation silenced--WND Posted: March 03, 20098:48 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh© 2009 WorldNetDaily A member of the U.S. military whose suspicions about Barack Obama's eligibility to be president prompted him to sign onto a legal demand being sent to Attorney General Eric Holder has now been silenced.

A Little Reality: Searching for the Real Santa 14, 2013 · Saint Nicholas of Myra was a tiny, five foot tall, olive complexioned Greek from what is now southern Turkey. The historic Nicholas was just another 4th century bishop, lots of them ended up being sanctified, who was known for being annoyingly pious. His one known accomplishment was being one of the 300 bishops to attend the First Council of ...[PDF]Resist and Win Call September 23 (Completed 09/24/18) Page ... (Completed 09/24/18) Transcript by Page 2 of 16 to build strong safe communities where everybody can thrive. Let's see, right now, we are at well over 5,000 people on the call and thousands streaming online. So welcome again to everyone.

Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee and ... the theme of racism deals with real life problems, like the perception of the mases on minorities. On the other hand, “To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee takes a more realistic approach as her book setting is in 1930’s. The narrator Scout Finch, the daughter of Atticus Finch, shows her life experience in the summer of 1936.

Wet Casements: It's Racism, Stupid Part Two 27, 2019 · This is cruelty and white supremacism, pure and simple. Crapser has brought the first lawsuit against a Korean adoption agency and while very much an uphill battle, here's hoping he wins. It's beyond belief that international adoption agencies can operate without any mechanism to ensure the adoptees have full citizenship in their target countries.

Churchill's Cigar: Albums2010 #63: The Heist #63: The Heist By now, everyone who is breathing has heard the song 'Thrift Shop,' that unusually bouncy, funky ode to the Goodwills and the Salvation Armies of our lives. The first impression I had of the song were good.

Photo Essay of the Day We Changed For the Better 13, 2008 · This gives me chills. This is how it starts. Two kids. Change on a small, individual scale reminds me of the quote about individual action being but a drop in the ocean, and the realization that the ocean is made up entirely of drops. November 13, 2008 at 3:10 PM

No Wiretaps Necessary: Mouth Always Open"If you turn away now – if you buy into the cynicism that the change we fought for isn’t possible…well, change will not happen. If you give up on the idea that your voice can make a difference, then other voices will fill the void: lobbyists and special interests; the people with the $10 million checks who are trying to buy this election and those who are making it harder for you to vote ...

Rev. Steve: Gay Comedian Kevin Meaney Comes Out on The ... 07, 2010 · Comedian Kevin Meaney has been one of my favorite funny men for thirty years. On Friday night's Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Meaney used his his 5 minute spot to come out publicly. This is not actually the first time the comedy veteran has talked about coming out late in life on TV.

THE OXPECKER: Obama Prefers Chirac to Sarkozy is what is the breach in Obama has now antagonized the three most important allies America has in England, France and the Israeli state. These actions are deliberate by Mr. Obama to break the western alliance and supplant it with the central Europeans who started Obama's original Marxist dogma which he …

The Commonplace Book, November 2006 Commonplace Book, November 2006 "I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations which dare already to challenge our government in a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." (Thomas Jefferson) ***

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen | novel of star-crossed lovers, set in the circus world circa 1932. When Jacob Jankowski, recently orphaned and suddenly adrift, jumps onto a passing train, he enters a world of freaks, grifters, and misfits, a second-rate circus struggling to survive during the Great Depression, making one-night stands in town after endless town. A veterinary student who almost earned his degree, Jacob is put ...4.1/5(1.1K)Author: Sara Gruen

BMLTV(Beta): IU, Paradigm team up to test genomic ... at the Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center, led by Bryan Schneider, M.D., associate professor of medicine, and Milan Radovich, Ph.D., assistant professor of surgery and of medical and molecular genetics, are using targeted DNA sequencing in a new clinical trial for women with triple negative breast cancer, to test whether certain treatment choices improve ...

Obsolete Capitalism: E.3.7. Second portrait of the ... relation to the mercantile society, and the surplus - seen as «waste-value», an impersonal and singularized-plusvalue apt to form societies and groups (CV, 47). According to Deleuze the «surplus men» “are motionless, and the nomadic adventure begins when they seek to stay in the same place by escaping the codes.” (DI, 259) The nomad is defined by Deleuze as a mobile centre of ...

Rants From The Rookery: December 2016 12, 2016 · This is why you see economic nationalism going back decades with Trump and either skepticism or hostility toward international treaty organizations like NATO. Now, in practice this can mean opposing the Iraq War, supporting the Iraq War, depending on how things are going at the moment and the state of public opinion.

Nassau GOP Watch: Run Maureen, Run 25, 2007 · "Meanwhile, Johnson’s campaign is taking issue with the claim on the 1199 TV ad that O’Connell ”designed the first at-home care program in the nation” for cancer patients, noting Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx had a similar program 30 years earlier - something that was footnoted in an article O’Connell co-authored in 1980.

Ric Datzman | Facebook is what one of my former loves wrote about me: "Let me start by saying that I am writing this for my best friend who is seeking to find true love with a very special woman. He is by far the nicest, cutest and sweetest guy I have ever known.

FucksbookVN: 23 ngu?i dòi b? nu?c M? n?u Trump th?ng c?. the Electoral College does not even require a constitutional amendment. An effort known as TheNational Popular Vote Interstate Compact is an agreement among several U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their respective electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the overall popular vote. Once states totaling 270 electoral votes join the compact--which ...

I'll try that Nunavut Merlot, please... | ScienceBlogs 26, 2006 · This week's 'Ask A ScienceBlogger' focuses on reports such as those in National Geographic and DailyKos that global warming is having, and …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The most fact ... 28, 2006 · An important article today in The Boston Globe reports a self-evidently dispositive fact in the controversy over the "treasonous" disclosure by The New York Times and other newspapers of the Bush administration's financial surveillance program -- namely, that none of those articles disclosed any meaningful operational information that was not already in the public domain:

orangeautumnorangeautumn.comThey used animatronics and detailed costumes for most if not all of the dinosaurs in the first movie. The triceratops for instance, was also animatronic. And the raptors were dudes in suits. I shit you not. One of my favorite anecdotes I’ve read on tumblr is how the t-rex robot from Jurassic park would malfunction while it was drying out.

Jumping in Pools: Megan Fox Just Isn't that Hot 09, 2009 · Megan Fox Just Isn't that Hot. Posted by Aurelius at 9:31 PM. If I'm the first man to say it, it must be said: while good looking, Megan Fox is definitely not one of the hottest women in popular American culture. She just isn't. She's pretty good looking, whatever, but I don't see what people see in her. The media makes her seem like sex on wheels.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: John Edwards: Live From Dublin 02, 2008 · John Edwards came directly from South Carolina to Dublin, Georgia where several hundred people are gathered at the Farmers Market. The crowd is unexpectedly large-the parking lot is full and the crowd is spilling from the Market out onto the lawn, enjoying the warm Georgia sunshine.

a dream or a song: TMI: Old Crushes - Blogger 09, 2007 · So I was half watching "Wild Tigers I Have Known" earlier a movie in part about the crush a 13 year old gay/trans outcast has on his popular older friend and it got me thinking about like my old crushes, because I guess in a way I don't think I experienced the kind of longing, or the outcastness ostracism that gay middle schoolers did by putting themselves out there and I wonder if I'm jealous ...

Inland Echoes: Tent City, Ontario, California, USA 28, 2008 · If you ever wanted to see a fully integrated place, than the one. There are African-American men strolling around; a group of Latinos sits under one of the few trees in the area. Men, women, people from their twenties to senior ages, parolees, drug addicts, victims of foreclosure, refugees of an uncaring medical system, the list goes on ...

Britain and America: Columbia University’s 14 Minutes of Fame are the obligations of universities when it comes to promoting, or marginalizing, ideologies of hate? Iran is a state sponsor of international terrorism. Its president convenes conferences denying the Holocaust. He and other state leaders have boasted openly about the destruction of Israel (and America). As the Iranian president told CNN:

Marry in Massachusetts: 10/01/2014 - 11/01/2014 29, 2014 · Marry in Massachusetts Wednesday, October 29, 2014. MA Election Choices. Fret Not on 11/4. Yes indeed we'll have two-page, double-sided ballots next week. Be aware most of that is the four ballot questions...and that a simpler set of choices than the recent Dem primary. I happily play scout and point the trail. I read the literature, go ...

Best Activism & Social Justice Podcasts (2020) Keys of the Kingdom are the keys to liberty under God Brother Gregory hosts Straight talk about the Keys Of The Kingdom. Offering a unique perspective to the ancient texts, hidden histories, and natural law. The Bible is the book for a voluntary "government of, for, and by the people." His Holy Church was instituted so that you might be ...

Today in Iraq WAR NEWS FOR MONDAY, February 5, 2007 Photo: A British soldier kneels next to a vehicle on a street in Basra, 550 kilometers (340 miles) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq, Monday, Feb. 5, 2007, after a fellow serviceman was killed in a roadside bombing near the U.S. consulate in Iraq's second largest city.The bomb wounded an unknown number of Iraqi civilians and damaged cars parked nearby, the ...

Humint Events Online: Remember the Big Story: Donald Trump ... 03, 2019 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

RADARSITE: Obama and His ACORNs - What Tangled Webs Are … and His ACORNs - What Tangled Webs Are Woven From Snooper of Take Our Country Back Saturday, October 11, 2008 In more or less breaking news, Winged Hussar 1683 posting at Grizzly Groundswell brings us news of defections from the Obama Campaign over his lack of renouncing the ACORN voter fraud scandals breaking out all over the Nation. The Google cached comments are all …

Democracy for New Mexico: 2010 NM State Auditor just 30 brave employees and one of the smallest budgets in the state, we have created an expectation and a reality that New Mexico will have an independent voice to speak on behalf of taxpayers and on the real conditions of our government.

Five Seconds to Midnighthttps://5seconds2400.wordpress.comThis is the “liberty” that pro gun open carry agitators want to impose on the rest of us. One of their favorite slogans is “An armed society is a polite society,” meaning if you cut them off in traffic, or just look at them in what they decide is the wrong way, they just might shoot you down.

The Dead Acorn: August 2011 30, 2011 · This has not been the Summer Of Camping that I had hoped it would be. I think I’ve only made it out four times, and one of those ended with a late night return home, due to the fact that every site but ours was occupied by a large and extremely loud single party, with pit bulls roaming around, the threat of gunplay, and a blood-lusting Doberman pinscher who spent three hours straight staring ...

Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Blog: Media Matters the trailer for Broadcast Blues, a film which takes a look at our nation's media). Free and open to the public, The Wisconsin Media Reform Tour, is traveling the state through September 27 with free screenings of the award-winning documentary “Broadcast Blues. Broadcast Blues explores how the consolidation of the media into corporate hands is jeopardizing our news, information and ...

AmeriCults: Katrina, Race, and Class: Part II 03, 2005 · 1 Comments: Unknown said.... The New York Times September 2, 2005 From Margins of Society to Center of the Tragedy By DAVID GONZALEZ The scenes of floating corpses, scavengers fighting for food and desperate throngs seeking any way out of New Orleans have been tragic enough. But for many African-American leaders, there is a growing outrage that many of those still stuck at the …

August | 2017 | JTF real racists are the idiots who are completely obsessed with race because it allows them to be a “victim” to excuse evil behavior. Man pathetic. A black student group at USC is demanding that their horse mascot’s name be changed because it’s offensive and they simply cannot live their lives fully under such terrible oppression.

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump's advisers are now ... 04, 2017 · — Christina Wilkie (@christinawilkie) August 27, 2017 (Just a tweet demonstrating how isolated Trump is now from those who are supposed to be working with him.) Courtesy of Newsweek: Donald Trump's presidency already has been one of the most controversial in U.S. history, and its ending could be just as action-packed and unpredictable as his first seven months in office.

Roane County news on Don Williams | 03, 2007 · Gerald makes the point that Williams' commentary on national affairs is at least as good as the national columnists Jack McElroy pays for. Gerald doesn't use email and never goes online, and the one computer I have seen in his office does not seem to work. One must purchase a copy of the paper in order to read Gerald's comments.

Anti-Muslim Film Produced by Pro-Israel Partisan Boosts ... 14, 2008 · You do the hanky-panky and you smear the other guy That’s what it’s all about. Yes, the right-wing pro-Israel crowd is up to its usual shenanigans I’m afraid…and going about it in their typically sly, surreptitious way. Greg Mitchell reports that the Clarion Fund, founded by Israeli-Canadian Raphael Shore, is distributing 28-million copies of the […]

I've given it my all.... - JOHN PRINCE: Telling It Like It 20, 2013 · As the saying goes “the truth will set you free but first it will piss you off.” My job is to piss people off and by doing so make them face the truth. That is the only way you or a community can move forward, by facing up to the lies and moving forward towards truth.

growth management | Majority Rules is Howard Rich? Voters in Washington might want to know since the organization he chairs, Americans for Limited Government, has contributed $260,000 to the Farm Bureau’s effort to eliminate zoning and growth management protections for property owners in Washington State. Initiative 933 is a snake hiding in the grass.Supporters say it will prevent the government taking away your property ...

Cathie from Canada: August 2014 30, 2014 · One of the many things I don't understand about the Ferguson police department is why they apparently do not have a protocol for dealing with any shooting in which an officer is involved. It is a routine in Canada when an officer shoots a civilian, that the officer is suspended, an investigation is done right away by a neighbouring police force, and a prosecutor from another jurisdiction is ...

Hebrew Vision News: The Resurrection Of The Negro they shall be upon you for a sign and for a wonder, and on your seed, forever. Deuteronomy 28.37, 45-46 That the prophetic reality of these words has no greater historical fulfillment than with the so-called Blacks of America comes as a surprise to many who attempt to dispute this fact which further serves as proof of the utter disdain and ...

McMorris Rodgers & Reichert on Birthers | 27, 2009 · The Birther stuff is REALLY about it being clear to a bunch of crazy white people that this black president with the funny name cannot POSSIBLY be legitimate. Oh, and Zotz @14: the resolution was temporarily blocked by a point of order raised by Michelle Bachmann (no quorum present). Archives - Murphy's Law in bed, thinking about geometry. Like: how my arm next to her ass makes a right angle, or how her legs in either direction form an isosceles triangle (or is it scalene?), scaling the perimeter from her belly button to below is heaven, or how the distance from my rectangle to her Pi …

MY POV - Christy"This is the right stand, at the right time, about the right issue," Rather told CNN's Larry King Thursday night, in his first TV interview since filing the suit. "We have to, somehow, get back to integrity in the news and somehow at least alleviate, if not eliminate, these …

Kevin Powell: Ash Wednesday Sermon watch dangles at the end of the chain. Gracefully, gently, it glides back and forth as the young man gazes, hypnotized by memory. You hear him say softly, “This was my grandfather’s. Just before he died he gave it to me.” It is one of those pocket watches that you put in your vest. The young man opens it and a smile slightly creases his ...

Scott-Freehttps://scott-3.blogspot.comThe term ‘Astroturfing’ is rumoured to have first been used by former US senator Lloyd Bentsen in 1985 when he received letters from insurance companies promoting their views. However in the 26 years since the phrase was first coined the opportunity for organizations and governments to run an ‘astroturfing’ program has significantly increased due to the proliferation of social media ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2010 · One of my friends is a pharma rep with two sons. He and his wife are trying for a daughter. John flies twice a week for work. He is convinced the TSA is going to sterilize him…and all the other white, successful, straight guys who make up 80% of flyers.

Talkbacks No, Netanyahu isn’t Churchill | Opinion Ynet is one of the most ignorant and dangerous pieces of stupidity I have read in a long time on Ynet. The Iranians themselves say their goal is to commit mass genocide and "annihilate" Israel.

Uncategorized | The Sierra County Prospect | Page 2 Leonhardt. Op-Ed Columnist New York Times “I still really want to know the truth,” my colleague Ross Douthat wrote last week, after the Senate hearing on the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh.What a quaint notion: the truth. It is probably never fully knowable all these years later, as Ross wrote, but there are still witnesses and information that can get us closer to understanding ...

Balkinization: What Kind of President Will the Next ... Lederman: Now, here is another way to understand my previous post about George W. Bush as the Great Destroyer of the Reagan coalition. I am betting that if Reagan was a reconstructive president, then Bush I was an affiliated president, Bill Clinton was a oppositional president and George W. Bush is a disjunctive president.

The Peruser: April 2016 RF Schatten "One of the perils of journalism is the human brain’s penchant for sorting information into narratives. Even false narratives can take on a life of their own because there is always information arriving that can confirm a narrative" ~~~ Nicholas Kristof

Moms 4 Sarah Palin: 2008 In a statement released today, Sarah Palin undoubtedly addresses comments like the ones that have been left here regarding her family."You need to know that both Levi and Bristol are working their butts off to parent and going to school and working at the same time," Palin told PEOPLE in a phone message Wednesday.

Dick Polman's American Debate: 2007-10-21 of the perks of being a talk radio loudmouth is that the brain's flotsam can be flushed through the lips, without the checks and balances of rational thought. Beck, who is also employed by CNN, belched on his radio show Monday about the current tragedy in southern California: "I think there is a handful of people who hate America.

Contextual Criticism: 5/29/11 - 6/5/11 as the recent brouhaha in Ryan's home state made clear that the budget proposed by Governor Walker had nothing to do with the state deficit, but rather was about union-busting and establishing corporate power at the expense of the people of Wisconsin, so Ryan's budget, while having no impact on the federal deficit, will commence to fulfill ...

RADARSITE: Luton, England: Anti-Al Qaeda Protest: March ... threat is not new, so as the report states regarding the proliferation of nuclear, biological and chemical substances, it is only a matter of time until there is a successful terrorist attack that outweighs in gravity the attacks that have already been perpetrated against us by Al Qaeda. It’s not ‘if’.

Capital Cloak: 3/11/07 - 3/18/07 each installment of Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly shares what he considered to be the “Most Ridiculous Item of the Day.”In that spirit, Spy the News! today offers the “Most Blatantly Dishonest Statement of the Day.” The newly confessed mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), who also admitted to beheading Wall Street Journal ...

“Thoughts And Prayers” Again | Sheila Kennedy numbers are mind-numbing: More than 430 people have been shot in 273 school attacks since the one at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012. Three of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history occurred in the last five months.

No Right Turn: The damage done 11, 2007 · As the Ombudsmen have often pointed out in OIA cases, "interest by the public" does not necessarily equate to a public interest in release. While many of us have a prurient interest in knowing exactly what motivated the police case, there is an overwhelming public interest in upholding the rule of law and the right to a fair trial for the accused.

Daily Glean: From prayers to ethanol, events prove times ... the first time since WWII, paddlers can make it from Lino Lakes in the north to the Mississippi River in Fridley, a 17-mile run that had been cut in half by a gate at the old Twin Cities Army ...

Hillary Clinton: The Bride of Frankenfood - Global ... 28, 2016 · Linn Cohen-Cole suggests that it was Hillary Clinton who was the brainchild (at Penn’s instruction) to appoint notorious Monsanto henchman Michael Taylor to the position of head of the FDA, a man whom Bill Clinton had once appointed to the FDA and USDA.[22] In 2015, when Hillary began assembling her 2016 campaign team, she tapped Monsanto lobbyist Jerry Crawford to act as an …

Polling begins to show Biden's weakness the election gets closer, these issues will probably be more important to voters. Also over time, it will be harder for the media to hide Biden's dementia and early onset of Alzheimer's. Right now they are trying to avoid the obvious, but they can only do that for so …

The Dossing Times: Joe Duffyism you can capture this vote then you are on to a good thing. One thing that might have solidified the support for Fine Gael in the latest poll was the recent documentary on A&E and the sight of elderly people on the trolleys might well be the thing that will make people who sided with Dev on the Civil war may be willing to change.

Hum176 Mediaconvergence Essay - 840 Words example of books, newspapers, and magazines; all of these can be found on the internet using smartphones, laptops, computers, and tablets. All books, newspapers, and magazines can be found places like amazon, ebay, or even on a specific website such as The New York Times.

IS JEB MAKING A COMEBACK? ONE POLLSTER IS MUCH MORE ... 06, 2016 · one pollster is much more convinced than the others. Old conventional wisdom: Jeb is toast. New conventional wisdom: Marco Rubio is fading, and Jeb is making a comeback.

RAGGED THOTS: 12/11/2005 wasn't a police officer; it was a 57 year- old grandmother who went into cardiac arrest after the cops tossed a flash grenade into her apartment (wrongly-identified by an informant as the site of a narcotics ring). This is a case where anti-death penalty and legal reform types on the left and pro-Second Amendment/civil libertarian groups on ...

The UCL Practitioner - Blogger UCL Practitioner has moved! Please visit the first and only weblog on California's Business & Professions Code section 17200 (otherwise known as the Unfair Competition Law or "UCL") at its new home,

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard is pushing the tipping point where even conservatives will no longer support this kind of theocratic wackiness. The Founding Fathers were not idiots. They knew what power did to people. They won by 3 million votes, not 30 million. These folks are overestimating their power to a foolish degree.

Jason Bermas' 'Fabled Enemies' is online | then went to a trip in the USA. All photos of this time seem to be confiscated. After that he went to Agfhanistan to fight the Brzezinksi proxy war, the own 'nam for the russians. He was the one who had allegedly the idea to use stingers against the USSR air force. A …

CONFLICT OF INTEREST - Rooster Today 06, 2020 · Since the election, the president has packed his Cabinet nominees with Wall Street and other financial players. This is a good example of creating a team that will try to achieve the goal of repealing many regulations directed at Wall Street, laws that were developed in response to prevent a recession from occurring again, as it did in 2009.

In New York City When Cops Backed Off, Crime Did Too number of people stopped by police dropped but crime didn’t go up. And this was not the first time. A few months after the explosion of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement onto the national scene in August of 2014, two NYPD officers would be gunned down that December. This was the first incident to bring swift condemnation of the group

Alternative Tulsa: Oklahoma No. 6 in Teen Pregnancy Rate ew figures out today from the Centers for Disease Control show that teen pregnancy rates have increased in 26 states, including Oklahoma.. While Mississippi leads the nation with 68.4 teen births per 1,000, Oklahoma comes in sixth with a rate of 59.6 per 1,000 births. The CDC numbers are from 2006. Here is a national summary from the AP: ATLANTA -- Mississippi now has the nation's highest ...

Whitemont Lodge - Bloggerhttps://whitemontlodge.blogspot.comWhitemont Lodge has over 2 acres of old growth oak forest and gardens. When you awake in the upstairs bedrooms you share the treetops with the birds as if you lived in a giant tree house. Evenings on the North and East terraces is a refreshing experience giving the feeling of being deep in a secluded wood.

Above The Borderline: 5/31/09 - 6/7/09“I felt it myself, the glitter of nuclear weapons. It is irresistible if you come to them as a scientist. To feel it’s there in your hands. To release the energy that fuels th

Remembering Matters: What is your mindset? 06, 2008 · (Julia goes to a women's college and all the freshwomen are called freshwomen, something that hadn't occurred to me before, in spite of my bra-burning in the 60s.) I came upon the Beloit List at TrogVision : The View from the Cave, where I also read, and I quote, "Let's remember, as some professor told me in law school: Money+family=litigation."

Barth vs. Capito debate: Anne made us proud – Swing State 30, 2008 · “This is the kind of personal attacks people are tired of,” Anne Barth said. On the Iraq war, Capito also told the same lie she told in 2006. “I’d like to get out of Iraq, like everyone else, as soon as possible,” Capito claimed, leaving out that every time it has come to a vote, she voted against resolutions to withdraw from Iraq.

Caswell Park | KnoxViews Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission will decide on October 10, 2019 whether to recommend rezoning of a roughly 1 acre section of Caswell Park for residential development, but the cutoff for public comments is a full week earlier: October 2 at 3 PM.

TVA Absurdity Denies Dock Permit for Public Dock at cause of this failure may come as much of a shock to you, gentle reader, as it did to us. The thing that has brought the fishing pier project to a screeching halt is the intransigence of the Tennessee Valley Authority. That august body refuses to issue a permit to the TWRA to build such a facility.

read my mind: Continuity of Operations Plan 28, 2008 · Though members can access classified information, this is the first time documents have been denied. [2] [3] As of August 17, 2007, efforts by the committee to secure a copy of the plan continue. [4] Since September 11, 2001, the newly created Department of Homeland Security has conducted three exercises to test continuity plans.

Gubu-World: Myers on Muslims journalist kevin Myers wrote the below article in The Irish Independent last week.Not surprisingly it has caused a bit of a stir. YOU really can take your pick from the interconnected headlines of the past fortnight: the church-massacres of Christians in Egypt and Iraq by al-Qa'ida, and the murder of the governor of the Punjab, followed by a petition of support for his killer ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: What happens if the Neighborhood Health ... 24, 2016 · The first outcome evidently was the shuttering of NHSC operations in Phillipsburg and Newton. (I am told by a source in Newton that the community was able to absorb NHSC's clients into the community's existing clinic structure; I do not know of the impact on Phillipsburg.)

kingston progressive: KATHY JANECZEK 09, 2009 · We all remember her as the heart and soul of Kingston, with unlimited enthusiasm for the city. But there is a family out there that feels this more than we. I can only join the rest of you in offering my sincere condolences to them and in keeping our memories of her alive.

The Left Bank Cafe: April 2012 wasn't long after the first manned moon landing that 20 million Americans took to the streets on the first Earth Day - April 22,1970. Coming at the end of the turbulent '60's, Earth Day was the brain child of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 05/15/10 WE KNOW WHY the stimulus money is being spent so slowly: it takes 5 months to hire one government worker.John Derbyshire comments on this part of the news article: For the first time in history, applicants will be able to submit résumés and cover letters and will not be required to complete knowledge skills and ability essays.

No More Mister Nice Blog 05, 2012 · Superfluous Man said.... He'll be primaried from the right, but he now has the advantage that potentially effective teabaggers have to decide whether to run for Graham's seat, the governorship (Haley's approval ratings are low), or DeMint's seat in the Senate (Haley will be appointing somebody to the Senate now until an election in 2014).

The Bingewatch: #Resist | Public Books 04, 2017 · The Occupation, begun by the invasion known as “the Arrival”—whose details are gradually recounted in Season 1 and visualized in an expository flashback only at the start of Season 2—has forced Will, a former Army Ranger and FBI agent, to conceal his identity for fear of being eliminated as a threat.

July 2006 – The thing is that [Gibson] has owned up to his mistake. Unlike a Ted Kennedy or others in his blood line that have been in the news lately. Still, Jay Nordlinger’s apology for Gibson is the real beaut. I reprint part of it here: The second story ‚Äî or the second version of this common story ‚Äî comes from my friend Ben.

The Bell: The Luxury of Giving perhaps the best wisdom that brings home Chanel’s distinction of luxury as the opposite of poverty comes from a fellow woman, Mary Ann Evans (a.k.a. George Eliot), who exclaimed in her epic 1872 novel Middlemarch, “One must be poor to truly appreciate the luxury of giving!”

Oh Well: A Commentary: Tony Snow: Still spinning the line ... 04, 2007 · Talking Points Memo has a great analysis of Tony Snow's spinning answer that U.S. attorney Carol Lam was fired as a result of "lax immigration enforcement policies," even as the press questions the timeline between Lam's May 10th email regarding the issuing of search warrants in the Duke Cunningham case, and the next day email between Alberto Gonzales' chief of staff Kyle …

Tickle The WireGulf Cartel Archives - Tickle The Neavling Two gunmen accused of murdering an off-duty Border Patrol agent in front of his family during a fishing trip in Texas are expected to soon be charged in connection with a series of robberies and carjackings at secluded fishing spots in Cameron County, Fox News reports.. The man are believed to be tied to the Gulf Cartel.

ICC sees African Women Counsel « Kenyan 21, 2010 · [please share] Last week the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Bar Association (IBA) jointly launched a six-month campaign to increase the number of women lawyers authorised to represent defendants or victims at the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Obama-GMA Meeting Reflects US Policy Toward Philippines 31, 2009 · And five months ago, the Philippines has been listed as the most dangerous peactime country for journalists in the wake of the numerous unsolved murders of journalists. I don't know if corruption - where the Philippines notoriously and consistently get a high world ranking - is among the "range of issues" where President Obama said GMA is doing ...

ALL EYES ON OBAMA: Save America From Newt Gingrich 20, 2010 · RADICAL RIGHT Save America From Newt Gingrich. This week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich released his latest book, To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine, in which he argues that "the Left" threatens to cause "the United States as we know it" to "cease to exist.""The secular-socialist machine" -- previously defined by Gingrich as "the Obama-Pelosi-Reid …

Balkinization: McDonald v. Chicago and Bill of Rights ..."The Justices in the majority did not fully come to terms with Stevens’s claim." Not really much there to come to terms with. It's just one of the stock rhetorical tactics for pretending you're not really advocating that the 2nd amendment be ignored, while letting all the jurisdictions that want to ignore it do so. Scalia is right, that's not how the Bill of Rights works.

The Huck Upchuck: 10/01/2002 - 11/01/2002 11, 2002 · The Weak in (National) Review - The Carter bashing continues - all because he won the Nobel Prize and Ronald Reagan didn't. Talk about a case of "Nobel Prize" envy. I've never seen anything like it. Jay Nordlinger leads off his more recent Impromptoupees column with a predictable sigh and lament. And John O'Sullivan writes an equally angst-ridden piece on the affair.

No More Mister Nice Blog 09, 2005 · Last week, in response to a post at Blah3 that said, But for all the talk we hear about how brilliant Bush's spin team is, they have one fatal flaw - they believe that the more they talk, the more people will come around to their point of view Atrios made a good point: I actually don't think Bush's spin team. I think Bush.

Germany Accidents News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... Greener Manufacturing Show is the must-attend event for any sustainability-focused company looking to design and manufacture their products from more sustainable materials, limit and eliminate the use of toxic chemicals, and reduce the impact of their industrial and manufacturing processes on the environment and global climate change.

Alternative Tulsa: September 2011 30, 2011 · W hoa Nelly! The education food fight in Oklahoma is heating up, with some of the state's right-wingers spouting off in hyperbolic terms. The dust-up (pun intended) began the other day when one of Superintendent Janet Barresi's staffers, Jennifer Carter, called some Tulsa-area educators "dirtbags" for their legal challenge to a new state law. The law involves private school scholarships for ...

Archived 2014 - Circadian Sleep Disorders Network CSD-N News Articles 2014 Roughly in reverse chronological order (most recent articles at top) Elections for the Board of Directors. Elections for the Board of Directors of Circadian Sleep Disorders Network have concluded (Dec 2014). Two current board …

Sean Hannity | Just Americans Making Ethical Statements Weblog an appearance on Sean Hannity’s radio show on Monday, “The Amateur” author Edward Klein revealed the name of a close ally of President Barack Obama that his book alleges offered a $150,000 bribe to Rev. Jeremiah Wright to be quiet until after the 2008 election. “Well, what happened is that after ABC’s Brian Ross broadcast the video tapes of the Rev. Wright ‘God damning America ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Frivolous claims ... 03, 2006 · According to a letter written yesterday by Pelosi to National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley: On December 22, 2005, I wrote to you requesting the dates and locations of, as well as the names of members of the Senate and House of Representatives who attended briefings on the National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program discussed by the ...

Conservatives – Gadfly writes… Reagan told visiting Israeli premier Yitzhak Shamir in fall of 1983 that he had helped liberate the Auschwitz concentration camp as a soldier in the European theater and had taken footage of the horrors of the camp.. Reagan was in uniform during WW II, but was detailed to Hollywood. He never left the United States. “In his 2000 campaign autobiography, ghosted by Karen Hughes, George W ...

Becoming the Change I Want to See in the Electoratehttps://changingelectorate.blogspot.comI wish we would have solved all the emotional and mental support issues in the 30+ years since I was a high school student, but we haven’t. I absolutely agree with you that we need to make it a top priority and continue to chip away at it, but I don’t think it will produce the results we are looking for as quickly as we need it to, especially if the last 30 years is any kind of indication.

The Adventures of Lauren & Jerald: February 2009 06, 2009 · with an older woman! Dillan is 9 days older than Justin. Yes, Justin is bigger than Dillan - but not as big as it looks in the pictures because he is higher in my arms than Dillan is. Anyway, Seth, Justin and I had a wonderful playdate with one of Seth's classmates, Tori, her older sister Brooke and her younger sister Dillan.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Harriet Miers again rejects ... 08, 2007 · This is off Raw Story: Former White House Counsel Harriet Miers has again rejected calls from the House Judiciary Committee to comply with a subpoena for her testimony on the firing of 9 US Attorneys in 2006 and 2007. The Committee had set a deadline of 5 PM for Miers to explain how she would comply with the subpoena.

Dead Horse - The Corporate Headquarters of the San Antonio ... 08, 2007 · My thought on simple: why are any programs uncomfortable with the "risk" of offering a scholarship to a player who might not gain admission or eligibility, but whose abilities are strong? The risk, for the most part, isn't on the program, but rather the individual. Think of it this way: Player A is an exceptional athlete, marginal student.

Contextual Criticism: 11/7/10 - 11/14/10 or she would never have allowed it to continue for over 2,000 years as one of the world's major repositories of evil, and continue today to obscure and avoid the real evil within its walls by pointing at fantastical and mythological demons and carrying out the pretense of casting out these "demons" with magical chants and signs and actions.

Frontpagemag 05, 2014 · This is the niche that Greenwald has occupied throughout most of his public career, and he has made the appropriate connections on the way. But time after time Greenwald has returned to the mantras of supporting massive wealth redistribution and maligning the U.S. as the source of …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The Bush meaning ... 08, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

The Georgetown Reporterhttps://georgetownreporter.blogspot.comNov 23, 2005 · Robert Davies John Murtha holds no false pride as one of few witnesses to the twisted carnage in the blast zones of modern warfare.He is not shrill as his critics are: shrouded in a cheap dress of red, white and blue emblazoned with stars.Rather he honors the dignity of his own and fellow troops' service to the nation when rendering his urgent and honest assessment from the field.

The Rude Pundit 08, 2009 · The Rude Pundit thinks he's gonna put on his Angel o' Death suit right now and head to the local state-run nursing home to "consult" about end-of-life issues with the patients. By the end of the day, betcha tens of thousands of dollars in Medicare bucks will be saved.

Benevolent Dicktatorhttps://benevolentdicktator.blogspot.comGODDAMIT, THIS IS JUST SUCH A GREAT FUCKING MOVIE. The DVD is the Director's Cut, where Zack Snyder added 24 minutes that had been cut from the theatrical version. In most cases, I find scenes picked up from the cutting room floor and re-added to be unnecessary-- there was a reason they were cut, right? But not the case for WATCHMEN.

Artquest >Black Lives Matter statement and resources, education, donations and links for Black Lives Matter and associated projects. Artquest stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement (including Black Lives Matter UK) in calling for an end to racist practices, systems and behaviours, both inside and outside of the arts.. Living in a racist country – one that generally refuses to acknowledge or discuss its colonial ...

Poisson Probability Calculator Poisson distribution is usually employed for modeling systems where the probability of an event occurring is low, but the number of opportunities for such occurrence is high. Reason. Example: During the V-1 attacks on London, rumors spread that certain points were being precisely targeted. Given the poor accuracy of the V-1, this seemed unlikely, but to test the assertion, R. D. Clarke ...

The Rectification of Names: Literary Corner: Song of the Wall is not the same as the wall of the much larger Bronze Age city Jericho said to have been destroyed by the invading Israelites in their first victory against the Canaanites around 1400 B.C.E., by walking around it for seven days carrying the Ark of the Covenant, seven times on the seventh day, and then blowing ram's horn trumpets and ...

read my mind: PizzaGate: the Recent Pedophilia Scandal ... soon turned to Mr Podesta's emails, to Ms Clinton and others, which were published by WikiLeaks. Apparently unable to find any direct suggestion that anyone had been involved in child sexual abuse, those involved in promoting pizzagate began to claim that a code was being used – that code included references to junk food, including "pizza", which was supposedly used in place of ...

No Right Turn: Only when it suits them 12, 2005 · This is the sort of legislation that should go to the public for a binding referendum. Brian Donnelly, committee stage, Civil Union Bill, December 8th, 2004: It is my contention that this bill to create civil unions changes the nature of our society. Therefore it should go to a national referendum.

November | 2013 | The Lunch Counter 29, 2013 · Don’t think for a second that the Secret Service did not know this guy’s “history of civil disobedience.” The event fulfilled two goals. It set himself up as the bystander, void of responsibility, fighting for this, that, or the other. On this day it was amnesty, AKA comprehensive immigration reform.

Balkinization: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About ... (although "hostage" is a misnomer"). This, as the report spells out, is "inherent contempt". 2) File suit with the courts. True. This is "civil contempt". 3) Drop this silly witch hunt and start governing for the first time since they were elected. <*BZZZZT*> No ducky for …

Case on Court-Ordered Bed Rest ... - Our Bodies Ourselves 13, 2010 · Oral arguments began this week in the Florida case of Samantha Burton, a pregnant woman who visited her doctor when she was 25 weeks pregnant with signs of a potential miscarriage. The doctor ordered bed rest, which Burton declined with the intent of seeking a second opinion, as her two job and two existing young children made bed rest a difficult prospect. The doctor then contacted …

The Progressive Influence: White Supremacy SupremacyAs the Daily Beast noted, Atomwaffen seemed to be in clear violation of YouTube’s policy on hate speech, which bans videos made with “the primary purpose of inciting hatred against individuals or groups based on certain attributes, such as: race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation/gender ...

Balkinization: Government Reply Brief in NSA/FISA Case the case being argued tomorrow in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, the government has filed this reply memorandum in support of its argument that the court should vacate the district court injunction. The government's reply provides ample reason, I think, why the government ought to dismiss its own appeal -- principally that it is now complying with the terms of the ...

The Delaware Libertarian: Libertarian Party of Delaware ... 10, 2009 · This is a short campaign (to 3 August), but it is an important one, not just for Libertarians but for the State. Are we going to play business as usual with the Delaware Way? Probably. But we could also send a message here.

Hell Will Freeze Over Soon. day 6 of Operation Cast Lead well under way, there has been no let up in the rocket attacks into Israel. Now they reach as far as Beer...

M O B J E C T I V I S T: The Missing Link 21, 2007 · I can easily explain this as the right-heavy asymmetry of the quadratic feedback model gets balanced by the left-heavy asymmetry of the gamma distributions that form the basis of the oil shock model. The convolution of the two models effectively cancels out the left/right asymmetries and a fairly symmetric model results.

Short Sharp Shock.: The hollow-tipping point: Senate takes ... 01, 2013 · C ONGRESSIONAL DEBATE. Believe it. Those two words became reality on Thursday, as the United States Senate, making a bipartisan statement about the issue of gun-law reform, voted 68-31 to begin debate on legislation to address what’s become the most contentious issue in the country.

American Power: Rep. Linda Sanchez, Expecting Baby, Plans ... 12, 2008 · The baby's father and Sanchez's "unofficially engaged" beau of a year and a half is Jim Sullivan, a government and PR consultant and the divorced father of three boys. Washington is a back-fence-gossip kind of town, and Sanchez expects there to be some fuss and bother.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Queensland: Compulsory Preferencing And ... could be explained largely as the PUP vote coming back to KAP and the majors, plus some of the Labor vote going to the Greens. Based on these primaries, Labor would have a roughly 50.4% 2PP by last-election optional preferences, but the published headline by respondent preferences is 52:48 to LNP.

Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive ... Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive: Land, Stephanie, Ehrenreich, Barbara: LibrosReviews: 538Format: Pasta dura

PolitiFact Bias: March 2016 31, 2016 · Going by PolitiFact's chart, "a little more than twice as much" turned out to be about 2.4, leading to a very modest exaggeration on Sanders' part: about 4 percent. Yes, allowing for rounding up helped Sanders immensely. That's okay. We'd handle this the same way for a conservative.

Pure Energy: TOS #27: “Errand of Mercy” | Views from 15, 2017 · Indeed, the story opens as the Enterprise reaches “the designated position for scanning the coded directive,” a bit of spy vs. spy fluffery, and Kirk learns that the Klingons are about to attack. His mission is to head for the planet Organia, a strategically positioned world to both sides, and prevent the Klingons from occupying it.

FreeSpeechForPeople | Majority Rules Citizens United ruling shows we must amend the U.S. Constitution Our destiny – our laws and public policy – should be determined by people and the public interest — not by Wall Street banks and global corporations and their private interest.

The Debate Link: Epistemic Antisemitism emphasized portion (emphasis my own) is what I wanted to highlight. It goes to what I want to call "epistemic antisemitism". Epistemic antisemitism is the process and practices which discredit Jews as knowers, particularly as knowers of their own experience (e.g., their experiences as victims of …

The Great Bear Market: May 2012 31, 2012 · As the chart shows, the Nasdaq is already on the way down again, completing Primary wave [B] (2002 - 2012) of the zigzag Cycle wave w (2000 - 2016) with Primary wave [C] (2012 - 2016) now in progress. The Facebook IPO was unveiled during Minuette wave (iv) of Minute wave [iii] of Minor wave 1 down from the March 2012 peak in the Nasdaq. The future wave path of the Nasdaq also …

WebWeaver's World: How to get up in the morning 11, 2007 · Problem is, I then need to stay awake for a normal day's length of 16 hours or so before I feel tired enough to go to sleep again. 16+10=26 - which means that when I do sleep for that long, my bedtime gets later and later and later as the days go on. By the end of the holidays I was going to bed at 5am and getting up sometime after 3pm.

Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Chapter One Hundred ... Lost - Chapter One Hundred-Thirty-Two -- Limbaugh Left Speechless....? Yesterday, ... from the comments to a New York Times article about Palin's call-in: Shame on you, Sarah Palin! ... A reader has pointed out that the Bird of the Week feature has had almost exclusively hummingbirds for a half a year now. It’s a fair point. WC is ...

Fabulous Girl's Boudoir: January 2008 31, 2008 · Or the wait-staff, at a minimum. Let's be clear that the vast majority of those involved were more than pleasant and helpful. The hotel staff put up with us politely (although the expression on the face of the bar supervisor on the night we went out for unlimited margaritas in Santa Monica, followed by karaoke night back at the hotel made me want to slide up next to her and inquire, quietly ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Sharon & Jerry's Armory Proposal: New ... 02, 2011 · The first thing that taxpayers need beware of is Jerry Green's assertion in the Courier story that the project would be 'cost-free to taxpayers'. The last time Jerry said that and the City Council believed him, they ended up with a tab for $287,000 for prettying up …

Industry | At the Waterline about Industry written by snowdw. In case you missed it, the United Nations’ (UN) International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict was Thursday, Nov. 6.

Climate activists decide that Iranian President Mahmoud ... 07, 2010 · The heady, but erstwhile, macho-sexy smugness is languishing under national outrage over the greatest environmental disaster in this country's history. Couldn't happen to a more deserving shill. Final note: Using Palin as the antithesis of the "smarter …

Motrin : Can you buy motrin, Motrin 800 mg every 4, can you buy motrin on the other hand, is a chronic alteration in thinking that beings more insidiously, sometimes progressing over a course of months or years! Taking Accutane for even a short period of time during pregnancy or in the first stages, before women even realize they are pregnant, can still cause birth defects!

US Government Bloghttps://johnandrewhudgins.blogspot.comMay 10, 2018 · Today more than ever gun control is at the forefront of the national spotlight with many clamoring for what they perceive is gun control. This article by m2c4 aims to show the path toward progress in relation to gun control. The writer brings many examples of how legislators are beginning to enact stricter gun laws at the state level such as Florida raising the age to buy a gun to twenty-one.

Nor False Because Spoken Magnificentlyhttps://notthezone.blogspot.comIt's hard to describe, but it seems to be a cross between a free-for-all house party and a friendship/dating agency. It looks massively popular, so I was wondering if any of you lot had heard of it. Oh yeah, and for a laugh, I put a profile of myself up there. Go crazy.

October | 2009 | Seeing Red AZ | Page 2 arrests were made as the result of three separate traffic stops in the North Valley which also led deputies to a drop house in Mesa. Thirteen of the 32 illegal aliens were booked into the county jail on state human smuggling charges, a class four felony, and the remaining 19 were turned over to Immigration and Custom’s Enforcement’s (ICE).

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Sonny Needs a "Don't List" 10, 2008 · Governor Perdue needs a "don't list" and this goes at the top: "Don't go to China for the Olympics when your state is facing a 1-2 billion dollar shortfall and schools systems across the state are scrambling to raise property taxes-if they can-to make ends …

Wouldn't It Be Scarier?: April 2009 05, 2009 · Charlie Brooker's Newswipe has been a bit up and down so far, but Charlie excelled himself last night with his review of the G20 summit. You can see it on the iPlayer here.In particular, his review of the TV news coverage of the protests, which begins at 14 mins 36 secs, is fantastic, and provides a nice overview of the relationship between the protests, the media, and the possibility (and ...

All in ????.: Television are putting out a commercial-or-better quality release of a very nicely written and well-designed series. And anyone who hasn't blogged for a week has to be able to identify with Kantarou's procrastination. ~.~; ADV has already licensed the manga translation and is off to a good start, so expect a lot from the anime.

How Can Australian Polling Disclosure And Reporting Be ... national opinion polling has just suffered its worst failure in result terms since 1980 and its worst failure in margin terms since 1984. This was not just an "average polling error", at least not by the standards of the last 30+ years. The questions remain: what caused it and what can be done (if anything) to stop it happening again.

LTR - Watching Alternative Media for Five Years: October 2005 01, 2005 · NEW YORK – October 28, 2005 – Air America Radio announced today that “The Al Franken Show” beat “The Rush Limbaugh Show” for the first time in San Francisco and Portland, Ore., 2 of the top 25 markets, in the target demo of 25-54, according to Arbitron Summer 2005 Metro. The two shows air at the same time (9am-12pm) in both markets.

Wynton Marsalis | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Actress Lynn Redgrave (“Georgy Girl,” “Shine”) Dies at 67 ... 03, 2010 · If you've been there, you know what I am talking about. For Vanessa Redgrave to bury her daughter, her brother and her younger sister within a year is a horrifying trifecta. (Below, Lynn Redgrave with her son Benjamin Clark at the Kennedy Center Honors in 2008.) I'll always love Lynn Redgrave for being Georgy in…

Nothing Better to Do: Mellow Mushroom review Mushroom also has a limited selection of wine and a full complement of liquor. The main attraction is obviously the pizza. It is thin crust, cut into large slices in a vaguely New York style. The medium pizza is cut into six floppy slices. The toppings selections are more akin to a …

Ordinary Guy: Leonard Pitts and God that's OK. He/She is entitled to think whatever. But if I leave with some lessons about how to be a better person (believe me I can use a LOT of those), then it was worth it. This is the longest stretch I have gone in at least 10 years without helping to lead worship in church with music. I miss it. Because it made me get to church.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 10/04/2015 - 10/11/2015 used sexual rumors to help squash Kevin McCarthy's bid for House Speaker, but there's no reason to believe any of the rumors.It's all about power, not sex. So, Paul Ryan was pure enough as a VP candidate in 2012, but not pure enough today. Nice work there, GOP!

Pleternica moj rodni grad: What to watch on jobs day ... system does everything for you. This is 100% more accurate than most Forex systems out there and the number one goal here is to get tons of cash into as many people's hands as humanly possibly, often in a single day. Bottom line. - This works - This makes a tone of cash - It's as close to a "done for you" solution as you are going to get

The Evolution of the ?National Organization for Marriage? temptation to shout and yell and stamp our feet in ineffectual ridiculousness is understandable, but it is to be resisted. Hiding or pretending is not going to help us, now. We have to face the truth. And we have to find the Love at its heart. And we will have to do new things, not simply do what failed, over and over again, harder.

Inside Tom's [Shrinking] Brain: August 2011 20, 2011 · The first two affect many people, not just myself. The first is the recent (and ongoing) fight over the debt ceiling and budget. I and many people like me that are living solely on their Social Security/Disability income had to wait literally until the last moment, …

Inside Tom's [Shrinking] Brain: 2011 20, 2011 · The first two affect many people, not just myself. The first is the recent (and ongoing) fight over the debt ceiling and budget. I and many people like me that are living solely on their Social Security/Disability income had to wait literally until the last moment, …

THE D&G FRAGRANCE ANTHOLOGY - Typepad from left: L'Impératrice, 1 Le Bateleur, 18 La Lune, 10 La Roue de la Fortune, 6 L’Amoureux ($65 each), The D&G Fragrance Anthology—five scents inspired by tarot cards—is equal to any occasion (or change of fortune).

Hey Jenny Slater.: We hate it when our friends become ... the second-quarter touchdown drive that put the 'Dores up 17-7, he ran on the first four plays for 34 yards before tossing a 16-yard scoring pass to Sean Walker; late in the fourth quarter, he torched the Dawgs with a long pass play to George Walker and scrambled for a key first down, putting the 'Dores in prime scoring position before ...

Katalusis: Obama’s Fake Presidential Seal (Vero Possumus ... 24, 2008 · Photo credits: According to a post titled Obama Campaign Drops Faux Presidential Seal, subtitled The Possum Sleeps Tonight, at the Campaign Trail (Advertising Age) ‘“ …someone at Obama's press center, when asked if the seal would be used going forward said simply, ‘No.’” Read all about it here.

Writing, Is? Fun!https://ramsrants.blogspot.comMar 19, 2020 · The COVID-19 virus is the first time in history that many large, federal countries like India, US, Iran are facing threats in ALL their states (provinces). Even during war time, India has never faced a threat all across.

Green Eagle: The Trouble With Talking About The Middle East 26, 2014 · "The problem we always run into in talking about the Middle East is that there is so much long-standing misinformation about the subject that it requires an extreme effort to discover the truth." -- Green Eagle Here are some books that might help. Three are by Israeli Jews, and one by a Diaspora Jew. *"The Banality of Denial" by Yair Auron.

Ordinary Guy: Rwanda, 6/30/07 6/30/07 7:50 AM Last night before we went to sleep we went to the hotel formerly known as Hotel Rwanda (tribute to Paul Rusesabagina) for drinks. We were all bone weary. The airport was tiny and the customs procedures were very slow.

The U.S. Scoophttps://theusscoop.blogspot.comJun 25, 2016 · The first is that the earth was here before us. Secondly, we cannot anticipate how much longer earth will last while not trying our best to preserve it. For the remainder of her post, she talks about how President Obama has been doing more good than harm and a much better job at preserving our planet as well as promoting more Eco-friendly policies.

Accidental Deliberations: 2016-01-31 03, 2016 · But it might actually go much further than advertised to validate the results of the committee's work and legitimize a more fair electoral system. One can view Cullen's proposal as reflecting a proportional system for allocating committee seats. But it doesn't mean for a second that any change to Canada's electoral system would come about only ...

Sunday Train: Supporting Rail Electrification with the ... 11, 2009 · Burning the Midnight Oil for Living Energy Independence posted at ProgressiveBlue, crossposted at The Hillbilly Report, Docudharma, and Agent Orange. Transport For America ( has a call to action out on the Climate Change Bill. "ACES" passed the House, and the corresponding (but of course not identical) legislation is presently up for consideration in the Senate.

NC General Assembly Calendar for 01-29-2013 ~ Thunder Pig 29, 2013 · The North Carolina General Assembly is about to go into action for the coming session tomorrow. The only events on today's calendar are a press conference by the Speaker of the House at 11am and a meeting by the Joint Legislative Committee on Workers' Compensation Insurance Coverage Compliance and Fraud Prevention and Detection at 1pm.

Dawg's Blawg: Anti-choice "expertise" 04, 2008 · The first thing to note here is that suicide as a cause of death of women in Finland is approximately four times higher than in Canada. (I have taken 1996, the year the study was published, as the year for comparison purposes.) About 4% of all deaths of Finnish women were as a result of suicide.

overview for Choupettos - Reddit 11 points 12 points 13 points 18 days ago Jen made a huge leap of faith, turning down other offers and moving her whole family to El Paso. Like said above she is an incredibly smart woman and this time she’s calling all the shots.

Mr. Cuccinelli’s Bully State | Blue Virginia of church and state: He advises ministers to ignore Jefferson’s (and the First Amendment’s) “wall of separation” between church and state. 9. Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority : Cuccinelli threatens one of the most basic rights of a capitalist society — the right to enter freely into contracts — just to prevent ...

THE COLUMN: Freedom Author Jonathan Franzen Joins CT Forum ... will join fellow panelists Azar Nafisi, author of Reading Lolita in Tehran, and John Irving, author of The Cider House Rules and The World According to Garp. Jonathan Franzen is a celebrated American novelist and essayist whose most recent book, Freedom, much like his 2001 novel The Corrections, has won widespread critical acclaim.

Wasilla High School | No To Palin to numerous articles and in their own words, Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd, is her #1 advisor. Though not an elected official, Todd Palin, or “The First Dude” as he likes to be called, plays a central role in his wife’s government of Alaska. He has apparently become enough of a fixture in his wife’s administration that even among the Alaskan Gubernatorial staffers the joke …

Top SCOTUS Nominee: Pres May be Immune From Criminal Invest. 30, 2018 · Get to know the name Brett M. Kavanaugh, because he may well be our next Supreme Court Justice, or at least nominee. He checks off all the boxes that I knew existed, conservative, anti-abortion, etc. But, he also checks off a box that must have been on the other side of the page. Cavanaugh comes through even if there’s a box requiring him to have …

Pulling Apart The Numbers on Jeff Donn's AP Story on ... of the first things I asked Jim about concerned the figures that Donn cited in his report. According to the story, the GAO report AP obtained a copy of said that NRC cited 10,776 "low-level" violations and 257 "higher-level" violations at U.S. nuclear plants between 2000 and 2012 (see page 3 of the AP story that was posted at ...

President Obama on Energy: Chuck Schumer week, the senior Senator from New York, Chuck Schumer, stopped by the Charlie Rose show and surveyed the Senate landscape under an Obama administration.A transcription follows, but mere text on a page does disservice to the actual exchange - occurring at the 13:40 mark in the video below.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse holds Google hangout on climate ... 26, 2015 · Last Thursday, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) held a Google hangout video conference sponsored by the League of Conservation Voters.Also on hand for the video chat were Gene Karpinski, President of LCV, and LCV’s Senior Vice President for Government Affairs, Tiernan Sittenfeld.Senator Whitehouse is perhaps the leading Senator on climate …

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard UNC junior voted in a presidential election for the first time ever Saturday, and it's a good thing he got up as early as he did. He still wound up waiting in line for about 90 minutes, doing some assigned class reading while shuffling through a slow-moving line at the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center, one of three early voting sites ...

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump takes to Twitter to ... 01, 2017 · A little adjustment to the airwaves should do the trick. The removal of fox, brietfart, rush, bannon, info wars, and a few other ding dongs for trump. They are public stains, social menace and enemy propaganda microphones. It must be cut off and removed permanently. They are nothing more than a handful of hateful bullies waiting to be stopped.

Entertaining Thoughts: January 2009 of pages have been written, and a million words have been spoken about the inauguration of President Barack Obama. As someone who has supported this man since before he declared his intention to run on that cold day in February 2007, I cannot possibly describe to you the emotions I felt yesterday watching him take the Oath of Office (btw, thanks a lot CJ …

Electronic Village: Twitter Thursday! - What Is Your ... blog seeks to look at events thru the perspective of Black people. We seek the Nguzo Saba 365/7 on on our blog. Please be active as a villager by using the COMMENT OPTION on blog posts, Subscribe to our blog, introduce yourself or view our most popular posts!

The Rude Pundit: Trump's Blur of Lies: How Many Falsehoods ... 11, 2017 · Every single one of these lies is calculated to have an effect, whether it's to get Gillespie elected or to please the gun-fellating base. Or, in the case of another lie, about the supposedly high taxes Americans pay, it's meant to pleasure GOP donors and keep the rubes angry at the guvmint.

No Right Turn: Equality comes to Mexico 12, 2009 · Last month, Argentina almost became the first part of Latin America to legalise same-sex marriage, after a judge in Buenos Aires ruled that it was legal.Unfortunately, the ruling was swiftly overturned and is now before the country's Supreme Court.While they've been dithering, Mexico City has beaten them to it, with Federal District legislators voting 39-20 in …

Circus Forticus: March 2014 know, here at Circus Forticus HQ, we are totally in favor of the boys getting more independent. But this weekend, we found our limit. Saturday was a pretty nice day, weather-wise. One of the few we've had so far this "spring." So while Henry was taking his nap, Liam and Max decided to get their bikes down for the first ride of the season.

No Right Turn: Sticking it to Paul Henry 12, 2009 · Yesterday The Hand Mirror launched a campaign to target Paul Henry's advertisers over their support for his show (and by extension, his regular abuse and denigration of anyone who isn't a rich tanned white guy). It's already had its first success, with adventure company FreemanX pulling their advertising. Here's the email I received: I wasn't particularly …

A World In Miniature: 2011 26, 2011 · I debated whether to turn one of them into a Heavy Bolter support guy, but I liked the look of the Sniper Scouts so much I decided to go 100% sniper rifles. The Scout depicted to the left has some minor conversion. His legs are from one of the Scouts mounted on the Land Speeder Storm kit.

A World In Miniature: January 2011 - Blogger 07, 2011 · I debated whether to turn one of them into a Heavy Bolter support guy, but I liked the look of the Sniper Scouts so much I decided to go 100% sniper rifles. The Scout depicted to the left has some minor conversion. His legs are from one of the Scouts mounted on the Land Speeder Storm kit.

Discover the Networks | Michael Ratner attorney and an adjunct professor of law at Columbia University, Michael Ratner is the current President of the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). He is also a Board of Advisors member of Grassroots International; co-host of a Pacifica Radio program that reports legal developments related to civil liberties, civil rights and human rights issues; and a former President of the …

The lady in gold - Anne-Marie O'Connor Hardback ... for The lady in gold - Anne-Marie O'Connor Hardback? Visit musicMagpie for great deals and super savings with FREE delivery today!

Art Blog By Bob: Am I Not a Man and a Brother? 05, 2009 · One of the most famous images from the early American abolitionist movement is the Society of Friends’ “Am I Not a Man and a Brother?”, dating roughly from the late 1780s.The Friends believed that slavery would end only when slaver owners admitted the humanity of …

New Appeal to Reason: Country Club 19: the blue side of ... 12, 2013 · (p. 63) This was true of other Western Swing bands, as well. Apparently, Milk Cow Blues was in the repertoire of most Western Swing bands. The first WS recording of Milk Cow Blues was by Cliff Bruner in 1937. Four years later, Bob Wills brother Johnny Lee Wills recorded the tune, followed by Billie Jack Wills.

Beers with Demo: What the heck are we talking about? 08, 2012 · And let's not forget Ezra Levant who was hauled before a human rights commission court up there in Canada for having the temerity to re-print the Dutch Mohammed cartoons in his publication. I forget the details but there is also preacher up there that can no longer say anything about homosexuals from the pulpit as he ran afoul of that same ...

Lost in the Ozone...: Buildings Dept Boss Booted by David ... 23, 2008 · Bloomberg on Monday said he didn't think anybody "should be fully satisfied with the DOB's performance" - an unprecedented blast at one of his own agencies. He also pointed out that there have been a dozen fatal construction accidents so far this year - the same number as in all of 2007.

Tickle The WireTamerlan Tsarnaev Archives - Tickle The Neavling A friend of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects is accused of sending more than $71,000 to six countries, often using fake names between 2010 and 2013, the Associated Press reports.. An FBI agent spoke …

Josh Dobbs NFL debut | Steelers went on to win the game 20-12. Dobbs, a 4th-round pick, is competing for the backup QB spot. Based on the coach's assessment of last night's performance and previous comments about his work in training camp, it sounds like Dobbs can expect to see some playing time in his rookie season. Couldn't happen to a nicer kid.

Focus attack on local "socialists" | KnoxViews first sentence of her second paragraph: “First, it is factually INCORRECT to imply that the Knoxville City Council Movement has endorsed or favors any of the mayoral candidates.” A quote from her sixth paragraph: “I am proud to stand with Knoxville City Council Movement candidates: Amelia Parker, David Hayes, and Charles Al-Bawi”

Matthew Sepi | Criminal Minds Wiki | Fandom Sepi is an Iraq War veteran who shot two gang members, one of them fatally, while under the influence of PTSD. The shootings were judged to have been committed in self-defense and he was instead given counseling. "The war was supposedly over, except it wasn't. I was a ground troop, with a grenade launcher attached to my M-16. Me and my buddies were the …

Alfred King Fisk Quartet | Texas Leftist Tennessee has earned the nickname “Music City, U.S.A.” for good reason. And although for most Americans, the city is known primarily for being a hub of Country Music, Nashville houses a rich history for all kinds of music traditions.. Nashville’s Fisk University is well-known for being one of the nation’s most treasured Historically Black College/ Universities and …

Five Shorts long in imagination | V B I 28, 2018 · Treated to a screening of five short films at the Tribeca Film Festival and knowing nothing in advance about any of them, I marveled yet again at human diversity and creativity. The first film was “Earthrise,” by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee. The three astronauts of Apollo 8 tell the story of their otherworldly adventure from launch to splashdown.

Pearce challenger Jerry Lewis to make it official ... 25, 2011 · Jerry Lewis is a class act. He is inteligent and honest. He wants the State to focus on jobs, the economy and education. Unlike his opponent, he has spent his entire career in the private sector and knows how to balance a budget and work well with others.

Tarnished Lady: Hurrell & Beyond he had worked hard to create an idealised image of his subjects, the new style of glamour was more earthy and gritty, and for the first time in his career Hurrell was not seen as an innovator. He moved to New York where he worked for fashion magazines and photographed for advertisements before relocating to Hollywood in the 1960s .

Chris's Commons: Peter Bronson's Posting of a Fake Al ... 05, 2009 · Yesterday I chose to highlight a piece by one of my fellow contributors at the Cincinnati Beacon. The Dean of Cincinnati's piece discussed how Cincinnati Enquirer columnist Peter Bronson, posted a blog entry to make fun of Al Franken and within that entry, posted a fake photo of Franken in a diaper and bunny ears. That fake photograph had been debunked in …

Sindha Agha | V B I to a screening of five short films at the Tribeca Film Festival and knowing nothing in advance about any of them, I marveled yet again at human diversity and creativity. The first film was “Earthrise,” by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee. The three astronauts of Apollo 8 tell the story of their otherworldly adventure from launch to splashdown.

Dave Eggers Unveils Awesome Collaboration with Major Music ... first song paints Trump as a pathetic character set to a catchy melody. Amid gaggles of celebrity endorsements for Hillary Clinton and condemnations of racist, …

Negro Spirituals John Work | Texas Leftist Tennessee has earned the nickname “Music City, U.S.A.” for good reason. And although for most Americans, the city is known primarily for being a hub of Country Music, Nashville houses a rich history for all kinds of music traditions.. Nashville’s Fisk University is well-known for being one of the nation’s most treasured Historically Black College/ Universities and …

Sinclair - Eschaton at WBFF-TV (Fox 45) and Sinclair, one of the fastest-growing broadcasting companies in the nation with 28 television and 34 radio stations, would not comment yesterday. The company had $126 million in sales in the first half of this year.

The Turner Report: Legislator who raffled off AR-15 ... his latest report, Rep. John McCaherty, R-High Ridge, addresses the mass murders at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. McCaherty, of course, is the legislator who last year raised campaign funds by raffling off an AR-15:

Freedom's Lighthouse: Wednesday, March 24, the first half of the video, Beck takes on Wallis and his assertion that The Gospel is all about the Government taking on the role of redistributing wealth to assist the poor. He plays an audio clip of Wallis saying that in seminary, he and others took a Bible a literally cut out 2500 verses in it that refer to the poor, leaving the Bible in ...

Saving Grace: Seeing Eakins’ “The Gross Clinic” Anew at ... 22, 2010 · “[The painting is] one of the most powerful, horrible and yet fascinating pictures that has been painted anywhere in this century,” wrote the New York Tribune in 1879 of then 31-year-old Thomas Eakins’ The Gross Clinic.. “But the more one praises it, the more one must condemn its admission to a gallery where men and women of weak nerves must be compelled …

Balkinization: The Alabama marriage mess gets messier ... Alabama, state probate judges issue marriage licenses. A few weeks back, I explained that those probate judges were subject to three inconsistent orders with respect to whether they should grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples: (i) a federal district court injunction, which went into effect on July 1, after Obergefell, and was later affirmed by the U.S. Court of Appeals …

SHADOW'S WORLD: 04/29/14"The automaker won’t be the first big company Texas has poached from California. "Occidental Petroleum Corp. said in February that it was relocating from Los Angeles to Houston, making it one of around 60 companies that have moved to Texas since …

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Bye Bye Bobby 01, 2007 · The first act of the DPG state committee was to honor Bobby Kahn. He was given a watch and trip and quipped, "are you sure one of these is not a one way ticket. " Chair is a tough job, clearly! Sphere: Related Content

NY Sun - 'Laundromat Tour' Pushed School Ratings by ... 18, 2007 · Mr. Taveras traveled in his Ford Expedition. Stops included planned school fairs and PTA meetings, he said. Officials even went to a school dance recital after hearing about it from a top education official, James Leibman, whose daughter attends the school.

» IRS Cristy Li Midterms: Its About Obama’s Scandals Stupid —Feisty Floridian The IRS is unable to account for $67 Million (its your money) from an ObamaCare slush fund according to a Treasury report released today.. The “Health Insurance Reform Implementation Find” (HIRIF) was quietly tucked into the ObamaCare bill (that no one read before passing it) in order to give the IRS …

News | Page 14 this advantage he lost his life at eleven days of age due to a variety of preventable medical errors and poor communication in his medical care." Now Mannix has launched James's Project, the mission of which "is to find, support and help …

Iowa Fair | Messaging Matters 18, 2015 · As Donald Trump pointed out about Jeb Bush in his comments linked above: We’ve spent two trillion dollars, thousands of lives lost, wounded warriors, who I love, all over the place, and he said “we have to prove that we have skin in the game.” I think it may be one of the dumbest statements I’ve ever heard….

r l johnson (@shadowkatt18) | Twitter 27, 2018 · The latest Tweets from r l johnson (@shadowkatt18). old fart opinionated PRO WOMEN's hard won RIGHTS

Washington Post Issues Strong Endorsement of Steve Shannon ... 23, 2009 · Note: I continue to be impressed with Steve Shannon and the campaign he is running for Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Virginia … the Washington Post has joined VirginiaDem in endorsing him for the job with the following:. Mr. Shannon for attorney general Two Fairfax lawmakers are vying for the job — one wonkish, one worrying.

Citizen Warrior: Infidel Lives has referenced a "bounty" for ten million rupees, but it is actually for one quadrillion rupees, or over 18 trillion dollars. This is ridiculous. He used all of this in his appeals for money to make a movie about himself. This is fraud. livingengine 7:12 PM @20:39 EAB lies about his New Age beliefs.

| Jindal, 07, 2008 · Jindal may get his face on the poster because he is a traditionalist Catholic whose brand sells well to conservative evangelicals, and as The Wall Street Journal recently noted has a "gift for oratory.". As I noted in Part Thirty-three of this series:. Over the last generation, certain neo-orthodox Catholics have been building bridges to evangelical and fundamentalist Protestants.

"You Didn't Build That" - Econlib 31, 2012 · I just read the best thing I’ve read so far on Obama’s now-famous line, “You didn’t build that.” It’s by Rachael Larimore, the managing editor of Slate.I recommend that you read the whole thing.I think she’s put her finger on what people heard and I would go further and say that, although the most-extreme negative interpretations of Obama’s statement are wrong, what Ms ...

RADARSITE: The Flight from Fact: Maddening Realities the surface, and to the masses, the above are the central issues in the "Israeli-Arab" conflict. While I consider it an "absolute" that Jews have a right to exist in the League of Nations mandated, OR less-than mandated, tiny Jewish state of Israel, because the League of Nations DID make the mandate, this gets a big pftttt from Arab-supporters.

No More Mister Nice Blog: DONALD TRUMP'S RESENTMENTS … 09, 2016 · But he was the same Trump on two issues - protestor beatings and Muslims. And then, as we saw, protesters confronted him and, well, he just couldn't help himself -- instead of coming off as a seemingly moderate general election candidate, he encouraged violence and whipped up an extraordinary amount of resentment in his voter base.

The writers at Cracked wonder if an actual civil war in ... 06, 2016 · Courtesy of Cracked : Over the last few weeks a growing number of people have started wondering, "Is it possible the United States is ...

And the Razzle Dazzle Continues in Maple Heights 02, 2012 · City council's hand-picked African American councilman for district 5 .. (who we understand may have been asked by the mayor, or someone in his inner circle, or someone on the city council, to apply for the vacant council seat in district 5), was sworn in by his wife, Pamela Crews who is the President of the Maple Heights Board of Education. From what we've gleaned, Mayor Lansky and …

RADARSITE: The Strong Horse and the Weak Horse: America ... by Fox News at GOP Hub "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse." Osama bi...

The Idiot Factor: corruption folly : September 2006 24, 2006 · Foster was the party's candidate for President of the United States in the 1936 presidential election but won only 80,195 votes. He tried to run for President in the 1940 presidential election but was forbidden by a court order from travelling around the country and won only 46,251 votes.

illusory tenant: More patent dishonesty from WMC 21, 2008 · Here he is leading a major research institution, one of the state's greatest assets, and he's being lectured on partisan scores by half-wit, wannabe apparatchiks. Part of Wiley's new appointment involves research in higher education funding. This is one last warning shot before the university gives up on the state.

Keith Olbermann's Ego: This blog belongs to Keith ... 03, 2010 · This is now and the Ego is a single man once again. Let Katy Tur's Ego get her own damn blog and she can update all of you on her status. But this blog belongs to me, the greatness that is Keith Olbermann's Ego. And this blog has absolutely nothing to do with Katy Tur (not any more); it is all about me me me, Keith Olbermann's Ego, as it should be.

Rue Rude: Sports y a longtemps que notre pays est beau mais rude. --Newspaper editor Olivier Séguret, 25 January 2012The USA are entirely the creation of the accursed race, the French. --Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966), writing to Nancy Mitford, 22 May 1957

palingates: Levi Johnston about Sarah Palin: "I have got ... 12, 2009 · Levi Johnston has spoken again with ET Online, and in my opinion this conversation is more serious and also damning than most of the previous ones.Levi confirms that he "is done" with Sarah Palin, that he hasn't seen Tripp for several weeks now and that he is going to court, because "Sarah just does what she wants".

RADAMISTO: 2014-04-06 09, 2014 · Will we ever get past the "Jewish Bankers" conspiracy theories? Posted by Steve J. at 9:45 PM 3 comments POWERLINE'S DIVIDED LOYALTIES

women | Majority are the only state in the nation which has two girl Senators and a girl Governor, all a testament to “Girl Power” and our “true progressivism and open-mindedness” says the Seattle Times. Yes, we have a girl for Governor – 59 year old Girl Governor Christine Gregoire (born March 24, 1947).

Rue Rude: parvis of Notre Dame, as the open area in front of the cathedral is called, is the spot from which all distances to and from Paris are measured. There is actually a small bronze marker in the ground which shows the exact spot. Notre Dame is not the most beautiful cathedral in France but it is still always inspiring to go there. I like to go ...

Duhgee: 2006 - Blogger Gibson reveals some form of genetic disorder. This is why the Pox (deliberate typo) audience relates to him. Oh great Zeus, answer my prayers and strike them with your lightning. Don't forget Wiz, we conservatives love you, because you are an American first, and a …

Omid Memarian: 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 31, 2006 · Persianality, Jason's Perspective from Iran Jason Rezaian, has posted his comments about his latest travel to Iran on SF Chronicle blog. He also has put some fresh pictures, by Yalda Moayeri which are really fits to what he says. Jason travels frequently to Iran and has contributed articles to several newspapers and magazines, including the San Francisco Chronicle.

memeorandum: Sunnyside building decorated with Nazi ...‘This Is Not Hazing. This Is Rape’: Inside a Texas Town's Football Nightmare … LA VERNIA, Texas—When Jennifer's* son made varsity—as a freshman, no less—it should have been cause for celebration. — Here, football is king. The town is one of the oldest communities in the Lone Star State … +

BlatherMunch14: functional literacy/male, kitchen ... cast iron frying pans are the "Southern woman's pride and joy," cooking in this heavy, retro cookware is very, very masculine. But it needs seasoning and it needs care. The cast-iron pan can be a source of self-righteous indignation (which every kitchen-bound guy needs) when someone deigns misuse it for washing the cat or boiling a ...

The Union News. - Blogger 06, 2008 · Individual liberty anywhere is a threat to the Progressive-Collectivist Cause everywhere.

JustOneMinute: What's Wrong With "All of The Above"? of the top reasons was because it would take 10 years to see any results. I can't believe people are using the same tired excuse again. It reminds me of the old ditty about the man fixing a hole in his roof because its raining, then deciding not to act when it stops raining.

P16120 | Dangerous Minds Minds is a compendium of the new and strange-new ideas, new art forms, new approaches to social issues and new finds from the outer reaches of pop culture. Our editorial policy, such that it is, reflects the interests, whimsies and peculiarities of the individual writers. We are your favorite distraction.

59-year-old Georgia man killed in no-knock raid ...“This is not a person who needs to be involved in criminal activity for financial gain. He did very well financially,” Shook said. According to, David Hooks was the 34th person to die in US domestic drug law enforcement operations so far this year.

No Fire Safety Merit Badge for the Anti-Trump Zoo 21, 2016 · It was the most turbulent protest since the four-day convention began on Monday. The chaos briefly prevented delegates and members of the media from getting into the Quicken Loans Arena for the night’s proceedings. The last pathetic gasp of the sad remnant, the limp opposition to the unstoppable Trump Train falls apart.

glad you asked: the complaint against king george 04, 2006 · to celebrate the 230th birthday of the united states, juan cole is having a little holiday contest. can you identify how many of the complaints which thomas jefferson and his fellow signatories leveled against king george and britain in the declaration of independence could be leveled against george bush and his administration by current american and/or iraqi citizens?

Baby Huck | This Black Sista's Memorial Page on the news from 2009…and then some . That “Cartoon Scandal”: Episode 9, “YOLO” • December 9, 2013 • Comments Off on That “Cartoon Scandal”: Episode 9, “YOLO” Posted in Black People, Class, Crime, Cultural History, Domestic Terrorism, Love, Michael Jackson, Murder/Manslaughter, Music, Olivia Pope, People of Color, Sexuality, Television, Television Series, …

Redeye's Front Page: Nick Saban for Governor of Alabama...... 02, 2013 · If you want to know more about me, where I stand and what I stand for I invite you to read my writings at Left in Alabama for a historical perspective. Contact me [email protected] These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section.

The Whited Sepulchre: 1/29/12 - 2/5/12 Lady Michelle Obama cited "remarkable progress" on the economy during a speech for a small crowd of high-profile Hollywood names in Los Angeles on Tuesday evening. "In the last three years, we've worked hard to get out of this mess and we've made some remarkable progress," the first lady told a group of about 135 supporters at a private ...

Bill of Rights – monoblogue are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

The Catholic Church | This Black Sista's Memorial Page death toll at more than 142,000 while Trump admits Covid-19 crisis will ‘get worse before it gets better’ Daily deaths due to Covid-19 on Tuesday surpassed 1,000 for the first time in the US since the start of June, as Donald Trump admitted the crisis would “get worse” before it got better.The seven-day average for the number of deaths in the country has […]

The Personal Blog of Foreign Correspondent Jamie say that old jokes are the best. But not if you hear them three times in the space of a fortnight. Sir David Frost has been in Washington DC for a couple of weeks now and been the guest speaker for a number of events, including an A-list gala dinner to celebrate London’s Benjamin Franklin House and a bash at the Newseum for the launch of Al Jazeera English in the U.S. capital.

Welcome Back to Gotham City: Singing Your Own Praises for ... 04, 2014 · Seriously, these are the psychopaths I have to deal with on a regular basis. About dozen and a half or so kind souls, mostly those making donations of $10-25, have responded to my plea for help but we're far from being out of the woods. Which is where wolves happen to live.

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid ... is what happens when you give no-bid, no-accountability contracts to cronies and contributors: In a troubling sign for the American-financed rebuilding program in Iraq, inspectors for a federal oversight agency have found that in a sampling of eight projects that the United States had declared successes, seven were no longer operating as designed because of plumbing and electrical ...

LeftyBrown's Corner: December 2005 times flies by when your neck-deep in journals that need to go to the bindery. This week's Friday 3 Questions theme is comic books, which I'll be reading a lot of during my impending Christmas break (that and uploading my music collection to a video iPod). 1. What was the last comic book you read? Was it …

President OBAMA, white America elects first black man to ... 05, 2008 · If that was the case Gore would be finishing his second term since he got more votes than Bush the first. The key is 'where' you get them in proportion to the electoral college votes. With one state still out Obama has 370 Electoral votes and Bush had 286. 270 out of …

view from the thirteenth floor: August 2014 08, 2014 · view from the thirteenth floor 31 August 2014. ... they totaled the focus --- 2000 was the first model year in this country after debuting in europe a few years before to great reviews --- there was nothing else quite like it at the time and i was over driving a pickup truck all the time --- no major problems over 76,000 miles ... and a lot of ...

Inspirosityhttps://inspirosity.blogspot.comSo a call to action. Keep a couple of plastic bags with you and hand them out to dog poop offenders. Glare at them, hand them the bag, and don't back down. If it calls for a showdown, stand your ground. Look, Paris had this problem and the French learned to walk around with baggies of poop. New Yorkers learned too.

Beware of Safety Stock Formulas | Standard Deviation ... this pageBeware of Safety Stock Formulas - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Michael Baudin provides a clear contrast between the "textbook" formulas for the calculation of safety stocks in manufacturing vs. the realities in real-world operations.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Nancy & Les Serve Papers On … 21, 2008 · August 21, 2008 Fire Inspector James, Leana Shaff and a social worker came to the building and their comments was the building is condmned because they could see the stair case is not done and it should have been done by today. Please watch the Public hearing on August 20, 2008 agenda 75 and hearing for yourselves.

PolitiFact Bias: November 2017 independent watchdog of the PolitiFact fact-checking website. Offering the best evidence of PolitiFact's mistakes and bias since 2011.

Cooking to Save the Planet: Green Bean Summer Salad 12, 2009 · Cooking to Save the Planet: Green Bean Summer Salad ... The term "string beans" is a vestige of my childhood, when the green pole bean we preferred above all others was the incomparably flavorful Kentucky Wonder, with its thick, meaty pod that we cooked down for a long time with a bit of smoked pork or some bacon drippings and (towards the end ...

Better Than Machines: October 2010, Asian-American, White, African-American, Buddhist, secular, Christian, Muslim, and Jewish. Not just individuals, but organizations were there representing each of these groups. This is what you get when your movement is based on the common good instead of on the wishes of only the most powerful ethnic group or of only the wealthy.

KingCast reads retired JAG Attorney Bill Christy's words ... 17, 2009 · Bill Christy (public website link) is a little testy about having his real face published next to his words so I have now put a new face to him so he feels a little better about himself.Here is is public FaceBook account with his picture. Read it all right here, folks. "The second time he stopped he had the window down all the way, so he wasn't being combative he was being compliant.

I Told You Obama Would Be Treated Differently as President ... 03, 2009 · I Told You Obama Would Be Treated Differently as President Back in 2007 and 2008 I mentioned several times that if Obama became President that he would be held to a different standard. I wrote that he would be treated differently because of his …

European Tribune - Diaries some facts on the table and a timeline of events in the Sino-American relations in 2020 … Trump wishes to be forgiven for all past mistakes made and betting on the wrong horse of a laissez-faire approach to the “endemic flu-like virus” that had reached the mainland in Washington State, or at least the West Coast of America.

Diaries - European Tribune International believes that whistleblowers should be protected: they contribute to a world in which wrongdoing are resolved, instead of being covered up. In the 1960s, Frits Veerman worked at VMF-Stork's Physical Dynamic Research Laboratory (FDO), also seen as the cradle of uranium enrichment using the ultracentrifuge process.

Kathleen B. Jones's Blog what your friends are reading. Browse Recommendations; Choice Awards; Genres; Giveaways; New Releases

Jesus, Ascension and the Connection of Heaven and 11, 2010 · And the point about heaven is twofold. First, heaven relates to earth tangentially so that the one who is in heaven can be present simultaneously anywhere and everywhere on earth: the ascension therefore means that Jeus is available, accessible, without people having to travel to a particular spot on earth to find him.

Grassroots News U Can Use: 8/19/07 - 8/26/07 Inc. paid Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP $240,000 in the first half of 2007 to lobby the federal government, according to a disclosure form. The firm lobbied on policy issues related to the telecommunications industry, according to the form posted online Aug. 13 …

Iran-Contra II - 21, 2017 · Iran-Contra II commenced August 27, 2004, when CBS News broke the story that Defense Intelligence Agency Iranian policy analyst Larry Franklin was under investigation for allegedly spying for the state of Israel.. Franklin allegedley offered highly classified draft documents regarding the United States policy towards Iran to two members of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

The Immoral Minority: Gawker would like to know just WHAT ... 06, 2010 · An addict will gravitate back to scoring regardless of where they are. If the medi-center at the base is all they have to work that is what they will do. If he doesn't have PTSD and they are keeping him tied to a parent it is possibly in part due to a drug addiction. I bet he doesn't have to …

Maryland – eclectique 916 Is. Power. My first introduction to James McBride was James McBride the musician who had a really cool day job as a writer for the Washington Post.I also knew James had a pretty good rep for being a top notch journalist and quitting, then getting journalism jobs that any graduate of the Columbia School of Journalism then and now can only dream of.

The Wattree Chronicle: BLACK PEOPLE CAN'T BE RACIST ... 08, 2017 · Being a racist is a state of mind, so it doesn't require power, all it requires is ignorance. According to your logic we also have to say that a Black person can't be a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, or even an asshole because he doesn't control the system.

HOWIEINSEATTLE: "What's Up with Maria Cantwell?" 28, 2009 · "I don't think that's something we can get through the United States Senate," Cantwell told KUOW on June 22. It's an odd bit of circular logic: Because Cantwell can't yet count enough votes to pass the public option, she won't add her vote in favor of the public option—which, of course, makes it even harder to find enough votes to pass the public option.

The Johnsville News: Duke/Nifong/Cooper+79 days Hoax Malllia, Newsday: Duke DA backlash — Sitting on the stoop of his small wood-sided home, on a parcel of scrub pines carved from a former tobacco plantation, William Ragland, 76, said he wanted to see justice, and soon, in the Duke lacrosse case. And that would mean putting on trial not the lacrosse players, but the district attorney who led the early prosecution of the case, said Ragland.

Tenured Radical: Every Graduate A Potential John Dillinger ... 10, 2011 · Every Graduate A Potential John Dillinger: An Incomplete History Of Student Loan Repayment Banks seestudent loan defaulters as white collar bandits Back in 1981, a New York friend of mine went to the bank shortly after payday to find that hir checking account was abso-total-lutely empty.

Washington Scandal: What Will Tomorrow Bring? A Boomer ... one of 75 Million Boomers, as one person in what is the largest voting block America has even known, I am tired of being treated as a second class citizen who is always being the one doing the sacrificing, always being told it's not our turn.

Strangers in a Strange Land -- A lectionary the promise is one of redemption – “your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow.” There is a promise here, one full of grace, but it is also one that requires of us a true accounting of our love of neighbor – even the neighbor who lives on the margins, who has been denied justice, and who might, as was true of Abraham, live ...

03 | August | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 03, 2017 · Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.—John 14:27. When I was six years old I rode a roller coaster for the first time with my older brothers. As soon as we hit a turn at a high speed I started to yell: “Stop this thing right now!

journalism | Sheila Kennedy ability to devise answers to these questions is constrained both by America’s commitment to freedom of speech and press—a commitment set out in and protected by the First Amendment—and a recognition that efforts by government to control what citizens can access online would be more dangerous than the current situation (assuming such ...

Investigating Terrestrial Energy's Molten Salt Reactor Design 05, 2015 · The design works well, but it dates from the 1950s, and some engineers are re-thinking the whole package. Enter Terrestrial Energy , of Mississauga, Ontario. Its engineers say that water works fine, but they point out that at reactor temperatures, the water has to be kept under very high pressure to keep it from boiling away.

The Union News.: 4/12/09 06, 2009 · The deficit already totals $956.8 billion for the first six months of the budget year, also a record for that period. The Obama administration projects the deficit for the entire year will hit $1.75 trillion. A deficit at that level would nearly quadruple the previous annual record of …

Supreme Court | The Lunch Counter is how the private health care industry will end. It will be “left in place” to bleed to death. They will find other risks to insure against because the government will have driven them out of the health insurance business. And exactly as the Heritage Foundation says, we will be left with a health system like Great Britain and Canada.

The Next Hurrah: The Iowa Crockuses caucus system is a child of the old smoke filled room -- except there is no smoke anymore, and anyone who is willing to Swear or Affirm that they are a DFL'er can come and vote. It takes a little money to be successful (mailings and all) but it really values ability to organize over everything else.

Survivalist Forum - Search Results 13, 2020 · Attention if you have renewed your paid membership on the site but it has not taken effect within 24 hours please send the tech account a private message here to get your account corrected and for further instruction.

Harrod's News Of The World: HIMTOO: Altice's (ATUS:USNew ... SHAME SHAME On #Altice's #News12 Reporter #Lis LaRocca For Using Footage That #Cablevision Paid Infamous "Yonkers Voice" Child Moles...

What We Need is an Ellis Island for the American Southwest 01, 2010 · One of the big issues in this year's mid-term election is immigration. As usual there is a lot of bluster on both sides of the issue. But one thing that I haven't seen is a lot of ideas for actually controlling immigration in an orderly manner. Conservatives, when not jumping up and down screaming "What part of illegal don't you understand!"

The Rectification of Names: Power Down in the first place because it's missing the obligatory opening four paragraphs in which Brooks pretends that he is writing an opinion column rather than a publisher blurb for New Power: How Power Works in Our Hyperconnected World—And How To Make It Work For You, which was released on Tuesday, and tries to suggest that he's seen some other inferior "windows into this new world" to ...

Off On A Tangent: 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 Garfield, one of the original video bloggers, is one of the online stars who gets paid to make appearances in the real world. Garfield now supports himself through video blogging, speaking engagements, consulting, and Web video production work—all bolstered by his online fame.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Election Day: Blue Skies With A Fair ... Day: Blue Skies With A Fair Chance Of A Poll Fail ... This is the first time this has ever happened. I believe it's also the first time any state has not had a more or less pre-election Newspoll in the history of the Newspoll brand, with the possible exception ... However as the campaign went on, the share for 13 seats rose from about ...

Hopping Mad October 2017 – Hopping Mad Monopoly Man! 9 October 2017 – At the last minute we were incredibly lucky to get an interview with the oh-so-popular Monopoly Man! Amanda Werner, of Americans for Financial Reform and Public Citizen, joined us right at the top of the show to talk about her experience as the Monopoly Man at the recent Senate hearing on SJ Res 47.

Trump's two day Twitter tirade. 04, 2017 · I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy - yet Obama can make a deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no proble...

ZORIAH - A PHOTOJOURNALIST AND WAR PHOTOGRAPHER'S … photo story that I bring to the world costs literally thousands of dollars to produce. While transportation to and from remote locations eats up the majority of my budget, I must also pay for food, accommodation, insurance and equipment such as body armor, cameras, lenses, photo storage and equipment maintenance costs.

PARDON POWER: GeorgiaPardon Dawson News and Advertiser reports Gov. Nathan Deal will sign a legislative bill into law that " forces one of Georgia’s most secretive government agencies — The Georgia Pardons and Paroles Board — to provide the public with some information about its decision making." More specifically, For the first time since 1953, when then Gov. Herman Talmadge signed the board’s secrecy ...

Christian Ethics – Gregory C. Cochran following blog first appeared under the title Savior Siblings and Septic Sons.) “Unto Us, a Savior Is Born in France,” such is the triumphant tone of the science headlinesfrom across the pond in France, where the latest “savior sibling” has arrived. He is a healthy baby boy, weighing in at just over 8 lbs.

The Ethical Werewolf ‡ by Neil Sinhababu : Race and football 05, 2005 · In one study, college students listened to a 20 minute audio tape of the play-by-play for a college basketball game, and they were asked to rate the abilities of one of the players, "Mark Flick." Beforehand, they'd been told either that "Mark Flick" was white or that he was black.

Freedom's Lighthouse: Tuesday, July 14, 14, 2009 · Here is a Sky News video report on one of Russia's richest men who is building a housing complex on the outskirts of Moscow that is designed to be "Utopia," a Russian "Paradise." It is only for Russia's richest and most exclusive people - "no poor people allowed." Some of the other rules - no dogs or bodyguards! Read more...

WG's Observations: June 2012 site has a good posting today entitled You Don't Have to Support Universal Health Coverage to Support Caring for the Needy.It talks about what a better government health care system might look like. I agree with the ideas.In particular, the distortion of the price signals that the current system imposes is probably the single biggest thing forcing up health care costs.

The Commentariat -- June 25, 2016 - REALITYCHEX.COM 25, 2016 · The Treasure of Las Montañas Rocosas. Johnny Diaz of the New York Times: “ After 10 years, a chase for hidden treasure in the Rocky Mountains has come to an end. Forrest Fenn, a New Mexico art collector who created the treasure hunt, announced over the weekend that someone had found the bronze chest that he had buried in the mountains, filled with gold nuggets, coins, sapphires, …

Leisha's Random Thoughts & Ponderings: Lisbon 2018 - final!! 12, 2018 · This is one of the songs that have been growing on me. It's probably a little too odd but it certainly stands out. And the singer is very confident on stage. I like it, the Slovenes can be proud this year, however it goes. Probably not super well. Lithuana - When We're Old. Very divided opinions here on this song. I quite like it, I think it's ...

High Desert Musings | Thoughts on science and religion ...https://highdesertmusings.wordpress.comFrom Box Turtle Bulletin:. San Diego hotelier Doug Manchester, whose $125,000 donation to support California’s Prop 8 sparked a boycott against his Manchester Hyatt and San Diego Marriot hotels and Grand Del Mar and White Tail Club Resorts, is divorcing his wife of 43 years.. Manchester said he made his Prop 8 donation to “preserve marriage” because of “my Catholic faith and longtime ...

Alabama Ass Whuppin': DBT Week in Review - 2/12/10 12, 2010 · The Secret to a Happy Ending at the AFI Silver Theatre - Arts & Events - Washington City Paper: "The documentary will probably present DBT in three different ways: DBT as the obvious heirs to Skynyrd’s “triple-threat” guitar section; DBT as real folk who still hang out in Athens, even though they’re famous; and DBT as manly men who dry themselves with cheetah pelts.

Avedon's Sideshow: Nobody wanna take the blame 01, 2017 · This is the first wealth survey of its kind since 2013. By comparing the 2007 and 2016 versions of the SCF, we can see roughly how the various racial groups fared under Obama. What you see in the below graphs is that the top 2 percent of black families improved their position; the top 2 percent of Latino families improved their position; and ...

The Reference Frame: The stationarity fallacy 11, 2011 · One of them, an article in the Newsweek, conveniently defined the stationarity fallacy as the belief that natural systems fluctuate within a narrow, predictable range, even over long periods. In the case of the water management, they say that the bad consequence is that decisions were effectively left to short-sighted people who can't really ...

The Beacon: July 2009 14, 2009 · Here's a brief bit of autobiography for you. In 1997 Simon & Schuster released a book entitled the Bible Code by Michael Drosdin. This was a thorough analysis of the so-called ELS or Equidistant Letter Sequence as it applies to the Hebrew version of the Bible. Drosdin believed that looking for sequences of letters with uniform gaps in the Bible one could reveal hidden messages, and …

Indiana Environment News Monitoring Service & Press ... Energy is seeking the first increase in its base rate in Indiana since 2004. Here's what that means for consumers. Wochit Citing the COVID-19 pandemic, Indiana's utility companies are seeking permission to recover costs and lost revenue. This …

Balkinization: Some questions for Americans Elect LA Times has an intersting story about Americans Elect, Tom Friedman's new enthusiasm as the way to provide a third (or perhaps fourth, should the GOP nominate Mitt Romney) party. Its own web site is stunningly unilluminating. AE appears to speak in the language of hi-tech populism, whereby all of the self-apponted "delegates" will choose, on a one-person/one-vote basis, the party's ...

Joi Ito's Spring '03 Salon - Joi Ito's Web 02, 2003 · This is an experiment. There is a debate about whether comments in blogs are good. They tend to increase noise, but also provide more "inclusiveness". I am getting more and more private email that I think would be appropriate for a more public section of my blog.

SADDAM HUSSEIN « ABOVE THE FOLD“Saddam Hussein executed in Baghdad” reads the A.P. headline today. It’s a very interesting read. Now, he is in the garbage of history,” said Jawad Abdul-Aziz, who lost his father, three brothers and 22 cousins in the reprisal killings that followed a botched 1982 assassination attempt …

Shouting Down the Well: May 2015 23, 2015 · But, man, starting a book is a chore. I take no pleasure in introduction. I'm not one of those people who cracks open a book eagerly. Beginnings are work. But once I'm in, I'm your best friend. I will love you so much I'll sit naked and chilly in a cold bath, I'll find a way to read in the dark. This is probably why I love to re-read books.

Sex Offender Court Decisions: 03/01/2014 - 04/01/2014 Virginia: Doe v Virginia 713 F.3d 745 (2013) (See text amendment)(U.S. Sup court denied the appeal filed of this decision. see story below.) Jane Doe brought a challenge to Va. Code sections 9.1-900 et seq. and 18.2-370.5, which, together, classify her as a sexually violent offender and prevent her from entering the grounds of a school or daycare without first gaining permission from ...

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 04, 2008 · Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond

The Reaction: 2015-05-10 16, 2015 · They ranged from a $100,000 payment on April 11, 2014, for a speech delivered via satellite to the California Medical Association to a $325,000 appearance at a Cisco gathering in Las Vegas last August. Bill Clinton has delivered 53, six-figure speeches since early January 2014, including three this week, according to the filing.

california | Totally Unauthorized 13, 2015 · Since we didn’t get totality, it didn’t get dark, the light just looked…weird for a few minutes. Since I didn’t know anyone on the crew, I headed back home to drop off the tomatoes I’d picked and then headed to the pool to swim before doing laundry while being crashed into by a sugar-addled second grader trying to run top speed while ...

Author Archive - Andrew | fact that not happening means one of three things – it should be dropped as it is useless, it should be fixed or it just needs more time as people catch on. The third possibility can be ignored, as the sheer difficulty of getting the data means that it is not probable that it will be done on a regular basis.

Bernie Sanders Makes the Most Sense on Gun Control | Bud ... 03, 2015 · Bernie Sanders Makes the Most Sense on Gun Control Senator Bernie Sanders should NOT "evolve" on this issue — especially since he won't run for re-election as a Senator for Vermont (a rural State with lots of gun owners and hunters).

Janeane Garofalo confronts a rationalist right wing boogeyman Garofalo: “Listen, the whole ‘teabagging’ thing (not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you, because nobody loves them the gays more than I do, and some of my best friends will drop their balls in each other’s mouths faster than you can say ‘lick the shaft, Paco’)…? It’s not your fault, really.It’s your limbic brain.

Dunner's: Shari'ah 11, 2007 · I recently discovered Rob Wagner's blog, 13 Martyrs , and have really enjoyed his writing. (He's now on my blogroll.) Rob lived and worked...

Flood Insurance presentation: Not exactly flooded with ... 08, 2009 · Plainfield's City Council wanted to hear about flood insurance Monday evening, and got an earful from Director Jennifer Wenson-Maier. However, the more I listened to her presentation and the Council's questions, the more it seemed we were not being flooded with USEFUL information -- and it wasn't really Wenson-Maier's fault. It seemed hard for the Council, which had a handout from Wenson …

Shout First, Ask Questions Later: 2010-10-03 Brilliant Idea: A cleaner, quieter craft with a radical new design, setting the stage for a fundamental shift in aviation. Heroes Who Need Help Focus Less on Sex Education and More on Developing a Conscience The First Amendment, Separation of Church and State, and Same-Sex Marriage: 5 Questions for Law Professor Eugene Volokh

Father Geoff Farrow: Two Closets 08, 2010 · The first closet in which many, like George Rekers, are trapped, and the second in which many LGBTQ people patiently wait for society to accept them. The Book of Revelation states: “So, because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” [Rev 3:16]

Sustainable Motherhood: December 22, 2008 · My Aunt Catherine (one of last month’s Sustainable Five) told me about Ms. Lappe’s body of work after hearing her speak in Gloucester, Mass. last summer. After reading, Diet for a Small Planet, I approached Ms. Lappe, who despite her incredibly busy schedule with speaking engagements and foundation work, generously offered up her time for an interview.

KNS v. County Commission roundup | trial is heating up in the case of McElroy v.Knox County Commission.Here's a roundup of the latest after the jump. From the Knoxville News Sentinel. Lines drawn for jurors: A recounting of Moore's testimony re. the swearing in of Bolus as a tie-breaking vote and Moore's conversations with John Valiant during that process.Moore's interesting responses might lead one to wonder if these guys ...

Thomas Clay Jr - Rudy is the Martin Borman of the Dipshit ...'s be even more blunt, they are criminals now, every damn one of them. These bastards would put on a Tijuana Donkey Show on the national mall if it will keep them in power because the alternative is if they lose, a very vigorous investigation and prosecution of many cabinet members.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: I've Heard this Song Before 09, 2018 · For connoisseurs of outré news, Florida is a constant wellspring of wonder. My favorite Florida story of the week (nobody died, so guilt-free joy) is the tale of a woman who brandished a gun and compelled her Uber driver to help her with sketchy tasks: Deputies said a woman named “Kimberly” accepted a dispatch from Uber to pick up Betty Jo Halter from Marvin's Garden Mini …

Beneath The Underdog: That Sir... Is A Nickle. there was the sing along. Back at the hotel, after a mad search for a surprise birthday cake for Anna, that took us out of Dayton and into Kettering, Steven and I returned in time for their Cousin Tony to pull out his guitar and lead all of us in song, doing everything from Tom Petty to Flaming Lips to White Stripes. Which was incredibly fun.

Marooned In Marin: Silly Obama! Strategic Oil Reserves Are ... 15, 2012 · Today, Richard Milhous Obama and his British counterpart announced they were withdrawing oil from their respective Strategic Petroleum Reserves ().Britain is poised to cooperate with the United States on a release of strategic oil stocks that is expected within months, two British sources said, in a bid to prevent fuel prices choking economic growth in a U.S. election year.

JABBS: Some Pentagon Critics Say U.S. Needs A Larger Army ... 27, 2006 · Does the U.S. need a larger Army? Gordon R. Sullivan, the former Army chief of staff, told the the New York Times that the Army was simply too small for the many responsibilities it faced and should be expanded from about 500,000 in the active force to some 560,000. It also needs to make greater use of the National Guard, he said.

John M. ("Mike") Ford, 1957-2006 - Michael Fountain: Blood ... of those things I was going-to-get-around-to was an appreciation on this blog of his short story and poetry collection, HEAT OF FUSION. I was looking forward to meeting him again. This is written and posted in a hurry, without his skill or polish-- if I have any strengths as a …

Washington Scandal: Grand Junction Police USE Gestapo ... 21, 2008 · Anonymous said... My husband is a police officer, he goes to work every single day and risks his life for YOU! Whether you deserve it or not. It is fine to have an opinion but not when you risk lives in the process.

Jennifer Hudson: A Star Is Born | Et Cetera: Publick and ... 17, 2006 · JENNIFER HUDSON: A STAR IS BORN In 2003, Chicagoan Jennifer Hudson finished seventh among 70,000 hopefuls in “American Idol.” But now, Hudson suddenly is getting excited Oscar support from film critics all over the country for her film debut in “Dreamgirls.” Hudson, who is only 25, sparkles in a cast that includes Jamie Foxx, Beyonce…

Anthony Tshering's blog: Richard Dawkins... a complete ... 09, 2008 · In some respects, I like Richard Dawkins. He's a great scientist for one with a rational, thought-provoking, atheistic perspective that is needed for a counterbalance to religious fundamentalism. But on the other hand he is an abrasive jerk.

OpenlineBlog: Fleecing of Aurora | Alderman Stephanie ... 12, 2009 · That was the correct and honorable thing to do. Then he flip-flopped and decided he would participate in the vote after all. If any of the other aldermen did that, Lawrence (and this blog) would be all over that and rip them big time.

Marooned In Marin: Libs, Maher Rationalize Palin Slurs As ... 18, 2012 · His reaction was to attack them using terms he knew would hurt them because they are one of the most offensive terms in the American lexicon, much like the word “cunt.” According to Maher, since Richards is a comedian and stand up comedy is the final frontier of free speech, no one should be upset by what Richards did.

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2007 · Vasquez, by the way, is a classic play-to-the-cheap-seats far-right showboater: He was the author of a resolution (which passed) that declared his county a disaster area as a result of illegal immigration, and he once sent a bill for $2 million to the Mexican consulate in Salt Lake City because he wanted the government of Mexico to pay for ...

Motown Strong: December 1990 of the objectors is a northern Michigan man, 25-year-old Sgt. Michael Morse of Grayling. Morse is currently facing court-martial charges because of his stance, which is that war and killing are immoral. Well, not that I personally disagree with the stance, but his claim has me scratching my head.

Britain Considers Racial Profiling To Find Terror Threats ... 02, 2006 · Black people have been through this already, at various times in this country's history, so I find it hard to condone this for other people- the dilemma from an African American point of view. One of the main problems at least (there are several). I do understand this from a safety point of view.

Rantings from Florida: Lake County's Bigoted History should have learned a long time ago that it never was good for Lake County to make national headlines. The possibility the school district may ban all school clubs to make sure a pro-gay club isn't allowed to operate at Carver Middle School leaves me hiding me head in shame once again. I'm not sure where to start on the bad publicity surrounding this, but a good place is probably the sad ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Edmonton business leaders seek a ..., who is also president and CEO of the Edmonton Oilers, said the Edmonton Chamber is one of the partners working toward developing the Port Alberta concept; an inland port and multi-transport facility near the Edmonton airport that would allow the region to handle incoming and outbound trade with Asia.

Circus Forticus: February 2007 has had a rough day. First, he fell down and hit his ear on the table (see later picture). Then, he went to the doctor and found out that he has bronchiolitis (a respiratory infection) so he has to use an asthma-type inhaler and stay home for a couple of days. As if that weren't enough, today was the day he …

The Slow Cook: Breakfast 09, 2008 · Breakfast. Vegan roasted vegetable lasagna. Why vegan? We had a client request a vegan dinner party because one of the guests was--you guessed it--a vegan. We wondered why the host insisted on subjecting his entire guest list to vegan food when just one of them professed to eat no animal products. In our book, you feed everyone else the usual ...

Green Eagle: God, People Are Sick 28, 2014 · God, People Are Sick Here's the latest news about Jahi McMath, who you may remember from the news a few weeks ago: "Jahi McMath spends much of her time like any other teenage girl: she sits cross-legged in bed, listens to Rihanna and Beyonce on her iPod, and gets a …

What is HAARP? » What is HAARP? | Geoengineering Watch 30, 2012 · H.A.A.R.P., the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, is a geophysical weapon so powerful, it is a weapon of mass destruction. H.A.A.R.P. is only one among many such installations across the globe's 'superDARN Highway,' an array of High Frequency (HF) radars now covering most of the northern and southern hemispheres. (pictured: Air Force owned site near …

Bill Maher vs. the "Truthers" | Slog | The Stranger ... first page just catches you up on the "truth" movement, but starting on page two, he tries to construct the secret meeting where the Bush administration plans 9/11. It's funny and one of the most effective "truth" debunkings I've read.

New York, New York — Crooked Timber 30, 2008 · From Overheard in New York: (family stands facing the empire state building) Tourist son: Mom, which one is the Empire State Building? Tourist mom: I think it’s the one with the circley top.(points to the Chrysler Building) Tourist dad: No, honey, it’s the one way out there, on the water. Tourist son #2: That’s the Statue of Liberty.[To no one in particular:] I can’t believe I’m part ...

A DC Birding Blog: Loose Feathers #755 06, 2020 · Birds and birding news. While people are distracted by other crises, the Bureau of Land Management is speeding up deforestation and sagebrush clearing on public lands to benefit the ranching and mining industries, with harmful effects for sage-grouse and other birds.; Proposed mines in the Bahamas would threaten an important wintering area for Piping Plovers.

Balkinization: Mixed Audiences and Responses: Thoughts on ... of the first things one learns about with regard to the deftness of rabbis in engaging in what Mark Tushnet and others would today call “workarounds” regarding halachic precepts is the creation of the prosbul by Rabbi Hillel, which in effect allowed the practical negation of the Jubilee Year precept.

2015 | The Lunch Counter | Page 2 J. Trump managed to bring illegal immigration into public discourse and among all presidential candidates. Right out of the gate. It’s a national discussion we absolutely must have.

George Scialabba is retiring from Harvard — Crooked Timber 10, 2015 · George Scialabba is one of the great writers and intellectuals of our time. He’s also a member of the CT community, both as a commenter, and as the subject of a seminar that we ran a few years ago on his wonderful collection of essays, What Are Intellectuals Good For? He’s also someone whom I consider (although we’ve only met in person two or three times) to be a good friend.

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

Suspicious death in Cow Bay continues to generate interest guess that was the first things that came to her mind. She said she wanted to be cremated and she wanted to be yellow. I told her not to talk about it, that she had a long life ahead of her.” “She said ‘It’s just a conversation’.” Her idea for a memorial was to have the same as the one held for her father.

archives | The Smirking 13, 2018 · As late as the early 1960s, Norway, as Paul Thornton, a columnist for the Los Angeles Times, himself a descendant of Norwegian immigrants to the US, writes, once was “the shithole of Scandinavia,” its people viewed by more prosperous and modern Swedes and Danes as poor, ignorant farmers, Then the country struck oil in the North Sea, and ...

A DC Birding Blog: Loose Feathers #749 05, 2020 · Last Saturday was the World Series of Birding in New Jersey. My team, the Middlesex Merlins, recorded 148 bird species in two Middlesex Counties (one in New Jersey and the other in Massachusetts). NJ Spotlight has a nice account of how the COVID-19 pandemic changed the annual tournament. It remains to be seen whether any of this year's rule ...

The Chuckanut Formation in Our Backyard - Whatcom fossil that I found particularly fascinating was the impression of an alder leaf in a piece of shale lying next to a small alder tree sprout with leaves exactly like the fossil, only 50 million years younger. The Sandstone In addition to the interesting fossil history of this …

The Point: Xi Jinping’s Anti-Corruption Campaign published in The Diplomat, August 12, 2014 In July 2014, China’s former domestic security chief Zhou Yongkang was jailed on corruption charges, along with at least six other officials at the provincial and ministerial levels.Twenty-five officials at the bureau level are under investigation. So far, over 300 officials at the bureau level or higher have been removed from their positions ...

The Catholic Church and Same-Sex Marriage: How Might ... was in New York City the first week of February, where I was hosted by David Blankenhorn of the Institute for American Values. David, who was a prominent opponent of same-sex unions for several years, had a change of heart on the subject in 2012, writing in The New York Times "that the time for denigrating or stigmatizing same-sex relationships is over."

Some (gasp) not-terrible news from the domestic automobile ... 01, 2009 · Some industry people seem to think so, but it is unclear if an attempt at some moral-inflating spin or something real. There are some hard data to look at, cited in the linked article-- the renewed strength in the used-car market (indicating credit is slowly becoming more available), and that the rate of decline in sales, seasonally ...

Late in the Day: Scott Pruitt YES! - Barney Quick 07, 2016 · Obviously, the first thing to be said is that it is a glorious move. Pruitt understands that the Clean Power Plan, the Clean Water Act and the Paris Accord are tyranny of the rankest sort. He's long been involved as an attorney in defending individual freedom against …

Lost in the Ozone...: Historic Sites to Get Setting They ... 01, 2009 · The rest of the plan is far more ambitious, but it can't become reality unless it gets a $5 million cash infusion from elected officials in coming years. Plans call for ways to remember the land's history as the birthplace of religious freedom in America and, later, as a …

July 2008 – queerspace.com 29, 2008 · but it irks me that, due to apple’s lack of preparation, kirk wasted the morning of his day off, and probably still hasn’t finished syncing the phone. lots of people are angry about this, and it’s because a) apple markets themselves as the easier technological alternative, which amplifies their missteps, and 2) people love their damn ...

Conservative Unemployment Roadblock Will Cost States ... 26, 2010 · This is a catastrophe and tragedy of epic proportion. While a debate and discussion about the deficit may be an appropriate exercise for the Senate, it should not be done at the expense of 1.2 million unemployed workers, especially when, as Mr. Bunning admitted on the floor, he knows he will lose the debate and he knows that these benefits are ...

DEC Ruling is a Big Fracking Deal by Celeste Katz - The ... 04, 2010 · DEC didn't outright ban fracking in the 2,000-square-mile area upstate where New York City draws its unfiltered water. But it will now require every single gas well drilled near a city reservoir to apply for its own separate permit and do its own environmental review -- which would be so costly and time-consuming that gas companies would probably rather drill elsewhere.

Rixosous: A Play of Treachery'd been keeping an eye out for Margaret Frazer's latest Joliffe mystery since I read the first four of them back in the summer. Taking up shortly after 2007's A Play of Lords in the autumn of 1435, A Play of Treachery (Berkeley Prime Crime Historical Mystery, 2009) takes Joliffe away from his company of players and off to France to serve as a spy in the household of the widowed young Duchess ...

Wouldn't It Be Scarier?: UPDATED: The BBC Write Me An Email 04, 2008 · This is not the only recent programme to allow a second Conservative on the panel: the 17-01-08 edition featured both Liam Fox and Louise Bagshawe (who, much as she might have been justified by her status as a writer, is a Tory PPC, and turned out to …

Trading Away our Food Safety - Progress Pond 02, 2007 · Our food imports have increased sharply, almost doubling in value, since NAFTA and the WTO passed in the mid-`90s. Seafood imports alone have increased 65 percent. For the first time in 2005, the United States, formerly known as the world’s bread basket, became a net food importer, with a food deficit of nearly $370 million.

Contextual Criticism: Why isn't Obama going to church?, none of a big deal, but it does point out the tendency of christianist wingnuts to simply get everything all wrong. Whether Obama goes to church or not is irrelevant. His actions as president are what count, not some piety expressed in a public place.

Green Eagle: The Ultimate Putin Payoff? 30, 2017 · The Ultimate Putin Payoff? I'm trying not to make the same comments everyone else is making about Trump, but here is an issue that has not received much attention: Trump's threats to abrogate the NATO treaty, if other NATO members don't cough up unspecified amounts of money.

It’s Not about Paige Patterson, Continued: Sex and Gender ... 12, 2018 · The first test of this strategy is not encouraging: the preacher giving the big convention sermon in Patterson’s stead covered up child abuse at his church, ignoring the testimony of multiple women over many years. This strategy is unsound in the classroom as well. As the Yoder story was emerging, a theology professor wrote,

The Rectification of Names: War is the immoral equivalent ... you want to market as the moral equivalent of war. That's clearly what William James meant in 1906 in the first place, when he was talking about a "war against war" (the idea Woodrow Wilson would later blow up into the Thanksgiving parade balloon of a war to end war). If that isn't what you mean--if you don't mean to suggest that war is immoral, but something like "my idea is the ...

consumer diarrhea | Holy Shitters Holidays Are Coming! The holiday season is around the corner. People are stringing their X-mas lights and decorating … keep reading

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Media as ... 14, 2006 · This is not some exotic new theory of the media's function. There is a reason that the Founders included in the First Amendment absolute protections of a free press. It's because a free press plays an indispensable role in imposing checks on the Government.

the "broken cookie" and other claims - Betsy Benjaminson 02, 2014 · Notable vexatious litigants. Lawrence Bittaker, who together with his partner Roy Norris was convicted of torturing and murdering five young women in 1979, has filed 40 separate frivolous lawsuits against the state of California, including one claiming "cruel and unusual punishment" after being served a broken cookie.In 1993, he was declared a vexatious litigant and is forbidden from filing ...

Churchill's Cigar: This Week In Vexillology #35 29, 2013 · This Week In Vexillology, we're heading down to Central America for the first time and we're kicking things off with Nicaragua! Sadly, most Americans probably remember Nicaragua more for the Reagan Administration funding the Contras fighting against the Sandanistas than anything else (oh and there was a horrific earthquake back in '72-- baseball star Roberto Clemente was on his way …

The Rude Pundit 10, 2009 · Photos That Make Christian Conservative Brains Short Out: Yes, the photo, of Barack Obama becoming the first American president to publicly celebrate the Hindu holiday of Diwali, is about a week old, but the reaction to it from the nutzoid right wing is as steamy fresh as a new cow pie in a Vermont meadow on an October morning. Yesterday, the Rude Pundit received his weekly prayer job …

The Moral Minorityhttps://the-moral-minority.blogspot.comMar 14, 2007 · He may not be unusual in this respect (though he was unusually cruel to Hanover), but it's hardly a formula for winning over conservative voters:If Giuliani is elected President, he would be the second divorced man to win the office. However, he could be the first to be barred from his church from fully participating in its liturgy. As the GOP ...

The Great Bear Market: The Fall of Facebook has reached the top of the mountain and is now on the other side of the mountain. The IPO was hyped into the stratosphere before debuting on May 20, 2012. The company's stock opened at $38 a share, whipsawed throughout the day before ending the first day up just 0.6%.

NYC Mosque Stupidity - ReligiousLeftLaw.com at dotCommonweal) There is lots of stupid floating around the opposition to the proposed mosque and community center a few blocks away from Ground Zero. This excellent speech by Mayor Bloomberg highlights just a few of the most salient points. Here's an excerpt: The simple fact is, this building is private property, and the owners have a right to use the building as a house of ...

(UPDATE and CORRECTION) White House Crafting Deal with ... and CORRECTION) White House Crafting Deal with Stupak on Executive Order. Mar 21, 2010, 9:18am Jodi Jacobson. The White House is an executive order to placate Bart Stupak on a bill that already includes the most wide-ranging restrictions on women's rights …

RANDOM THOUGHTS: March 2010 25, 2010 · The first one is always the hardest. And now 75 years after FDR first tried to get universal health coverage for all Americans, we have finally taken our first steps toward that lofty goal. Thank you Nancy Pelosi. Thank you Harry Reid. And thank you Mr. President. This is what leadership looks like. ... but it’s clear Mr. Boehner and his ...

Digital + Marketing 101 29, 2007 · This is a presentation I give to marketers who are using traditional methodologies to "communicate" with their core audiences. The purpose of this presentation is to educate and introduce traditional marketers and advertisers to the new consumer truths as well as educate them on the basics of interactive marketing and creative standards that fuel consumers conversations.

No Right Turn: Two ideas to get rid of electorate deals 02, 2017 · The first, and most obvious, is to completely remove the 5% threshold. Its an arbitrary limit, put in place by the big parties to limit competition, under the guise of "Keeping extremists out". Except New Zealand has no extremists, and in the historic case it is supposedly there to prevent - Nazi Germany - those extremists won 30% of the vote.

Capitol Hilltop: Foodstuff of the week: Applewood-smoked bacon 21, 2008 · Then, sauté diced chicken thighs (chicken breast or tenderloin is fine, really whatever you have), seasoned with salt and pepper, in the same pan at medium-high heat. As soon as the chicken is cooked, add one can of cream of mushroom soup to the pan and 4 0z. (half a can) of milk.

Balkinization: Opioids and Unorthodox Civil Procedure ... is this the first major national public health litigation effort--tobacco, fast food, and guns offer earlier blueprints--but it has some unique features, in addition to the aggressiveness of the MDL. Unlike the litigation it most resembles--tobacco--the opioid narrative has a far more complicated chain of causation.

Blue Tuesdayhttps://bluetuesdayusa.blogspot.comBlue Tuesday May all your elections be blue elections. Tuesday, May 08, 2007. ... [email protected] course, just Liz Smith retreading old news, but it's good to stoke the fire every few months until the prosecutor finally goes Martha Stewart on her ass.

Global Revolution Center : Global People's Revolution 15, 2015 · The first is that a large majority of the 1000 people they surveyed – 74% – identify more strongly with unselfish values than with selfish values. This means that they are more interested in helpfulness, honesty, forgiveness and justice than in money, fame, status and power.

SWAC Girl: Why the Surge is working 23, 2007 · Citing insufficient prewar planning and a strained military, he painted a dismal picture of American prospects there. War critics painted a similar picture when violence in Iraq peaked in '05 and '06 - using terms like "civil war" and "sectarian violence" - as they pushed for a rapid draw-down or immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces.

Rooftop Gardening | Root Simple 10, 2010 · And this weekend I’ll be teaching a Fall Gardening Class and a class on new ways to use common garden herbs. For more information or to sign up for the classes click here. The classes are part of a quarterly pop-up marketplace. Even if you don’t want to take the classes, an opportunity to come and check out the garden.

See tutors' answers! a solid aluminum casting for a pulley consist of three discs each 1.5cm thick, of diameters 4cm 6cm and 8cm. a central hole 2cm in diameter is drilled out. if the density of aluminum is 2.8g/cm^³. calculate the mass of the casting

Rants From The Rookery: Looked into his soul, huh? 07, 2007 · That's it. And that's ramped up from the 15 per year that they were managing to trundle out at the beginning of the decade. If they struggled mightily, I bet they could ramp up to 50 per year. But that'd be a mighty struggle indeed. Maybe deliveries will start at the end of this year. But it'll take years to deliver 250 fighters to Iran.

The Great Bear Market: Life After Obamacare market rallies end on good news, and a Minor degree bear market rally should end on great news. We are on the verge of completing Minor wave B up (Oct 2011 - June 2012) of Intermediate wave (W) down, so a Minor degree bear market rally is about to wrap up if nor already completed. A scenario where the mandate gets struck down, but the rest of "Obamacare" is left intact would be seen as ...

squirrel: Y are my squirrels haveing seisures? 15, 2010 · i have 2, a boy and a girl. the girl is about to die. they just started doing this. i dont know y both of them are doing it. they started when i gave them unroasted and unsalted peanuts. y then i dont know. i raised them since they were still on a bottle. what should i do and y is this happening?Y are my squirrels haveing seisures?

do you believe in planets?: whining minutes into dinner preparations, there was a fizzle and a wrrrrrrr. Yupper, we lost our power--on both fuses simultaneously, so it's not a blown fuse issue--and our landlord won't send out an electrician until we can get in touch with our neighbors who know some random dude who …

Out of The Loop: Stuff for a moment a universe with no stuff. Not only that, but ponder the notion that there was a very brief instant a very very very very long time ago when the possibility of a universe full of anti-stuff was as likely as one full of stuff. There's a delicate and quite constant …

The Hemp is the last issue of The Weekly News Update for 2007. Instead of doing a tired, old, year-end hemp news round-up, we are bringing you fresh news and a preview of our updated newsletter for 2008. In the two years that the The Weekly News Update has been published by Vote Hemp, the list of subscribers has grown significantly.

June | 2013 | So Many Feebs. to Black 13 this weekend to finish a tattoo that was started in April (yes, another one. I know. I’m done after this, I sort of promise except I have my fingers crossed so don’t hold me to it). Black 13 is located in Nashville, Tennessee, a/k/a “Music City.”Musician that I am, I booked a hotel near Music Row, the center of the country music industry.

Bilgrimage: Michael Boyle on North Carolina Bishops ... 09, 2016 · And, likewise, I have a feeling that those North Carolina bishops would be more comfortable with their conservative evangelical counterparts than in the Catholic Church that I believe in. That would have been inconceivable 100, or even 50, years ago. But, it seems to me like …

The Rectification of Names: Sunday morning tweetstorm 25, 2016 · — People Over Party! (@GeeOhPees2) September 25, 2016 Oh well, aren't you special. You can stand the prospect of a Supreme Court gutting what voting rights and abortion rights and affirmative action programs we still have left and the end to regulation of campaign finance and marriage equality and the progressive income tax and the federal minimum wage and the right of workers to …

The Immoral Minority: Rachel Maddow eviscerates Bill O ... 06, 2015 · But it is hard to imagine what going to do to the work environment at Fox News channel for the Fox News channel's real reporters, and they do have them." Rachel not only points out the incredibly unprofessional attitude of Fox News to allow their most watched talking head threaten reporters with impunity, but also goes on to point out ...

Marooned In Marin: "Jihad" Gerry Connolly Doesn't Believe ... Rev. William Lori told the committee, “It is absurd for someone to come into a kosher deli and demand a ham sandwich. But it is beyond absurd for that private demand to be backed up with the coercive power of the state.” Which is the problem with Connolly and …

The Whited Sepulchre: 12/9/12 - 12/16/12's something from Paul Krugman of the New York Holy Times, on why we aren't having a debt crisis. We are not having a debt crisis. It’s important to make this point, because I keep seeing articles about the “fiscal cliff” that do, in fact, describe it — often in the headline — as a debt crisis.

squirrel: Is Sugar Toxic to Squirrels? 13, 2010 · Sugar isn't very good for people, and a little goes a LONG way with animals, especially smaller ones. He's probably feeling really icky right now, but I think he'll be okay. Just be sure that what you feed him from now on is organic or at least...yeah, organic.

Links 7/2/19 – Sales Blog 02, 2019 · Hope for a Breakthrough in Korea Ray McGovern, ConsortiumNews. Syraqistan. Iran breaches uranium stockpile limit set by nuclear deal Associated Press. Imagine the international outcry if Putin, Assad or Maduro deliberately bombed a sovereign country in the middle of the night, killing 16 people, including children and a baby.

Rant | So Many Feebs. 11, 2013 · From the depths of my patriotic soul, I say this to you now: Christ, is there ANYONE in this country who can sing the national anthem? I don’t mean “KISS MY ASS MARIAH CAREY” vocal pyrotechnics like Mariah Carey shot your dog and fuck her now because from here on your sole purpose in life is to show up that dog-shooting bitch everywhere you go.

iOS 13 vs iOS 12: here's what's changed | More Technology ... 24, 2019 · [ad_1] iOS 13 has now landed in public beta form, meaning you van get iOS 13 now if you’re feeling adventurous enough to try out the new iPhone software.. The question you’ve got to ask yourself is whether it’s worth the bugs and instability to get on board early, and to help answer that we’ve compared iOS 13 with iOS 12, so you can see exactly what’s new and different. iOS 13 has ...

The Rude Pundit: Laura Ingraham Fears White Genocide 08, 2018 · But it's too late now, you pasty motherfuckers. You shouldn't have been listening to people like Laura Ingraham all this time. That said, the country we have. We're not going back. No matter how many immigrants the Trump administration gets rid of, the demographic shift is here, man. This is the America we have. I love it.

Mountain Ramblings: 2018-07-29 04, 2018 · Revelations that a suspected Russian mole worked at the US embassy in Moscow for a decade could just be the tip of the iceberg. This week the Guardian learned that a female Russian national, hired by the secret service, was dismissed after being caught holding regular and unauthorised meetings with the Russian intelligence agency the FSB.

Surviving Amelia: Amelia Earhart and a life worth living 02, 2010 · Here, but not here. She gets to see my city when it wasn't sanitized, when it wasn't as rich or as safe as it is today. There was a great ticking heart at the center of that city, one that made me fall in love with it on a daily, even hourly basis. This is the gift she gets, to be anonymous for a moment, to take a breath and not be Amelia.

Mo Rage: Horrible List Kansas City Makes Kansas City Population: 151,261 Median home value: $87,600 Poverty rate: 22.2% Pct. with at least a bachelor’s degree: 16.3% While low property values can help make homeownership a reality for financially insecure individuals, cheap housing is more often indicative of a weak economy and poor living conditions -- and this appears to be the case in Kansas City.

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 19, 2007 · A good friend of mine sent this piece to me. I have no idea who wrote it, but it is spot on. Rules for the phone. How ALL business phones SHOULD be answered! GOOD MORNING, WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . Press "1" for English. Press "2" to …

read my mind: A World Without Cancer! (Part 2) 31, 2012 · But it confirms what most alternative cancer therapists already know. Since Nixon declared the "war on cancer" in the 1970s, the cancer industry has succeeded with raising money for researching very expensive chemo substances at $50,000 to $100,000 per round or more for toxic therapies that rarely work.

[E.O.M.S.]: RE:post - Exile's Weird story of the year ... 16, 2010 · Inspection of the vulva showed no vagina, only a shallow skin dimple was present below the external urethral meatus and between the labia minora. An emergency lower segment caesarean section was performed under spinal anaesthesia and a live male infant weighing 2800 g was born…

No More Mister Nice Blog 06, 2003 · It's awfully "balanced" (do people really think the capture of Saddam will make it easier to catch Osama?), but it does have this nice line: If the U.S. does decide to mount an all-out effort to find Osama, more troops will likely be needed: 130,000 were available to find Saddam, but just 15,000 are based in Afghanistan where Osama may be hiding.

The Other 95%: Is the World of Taxonomy Ready for PLoS ... 10, 2008 · Currently, PLoS ONE charges $1250 for a research article, though they do offer fee waivers to authors who cannot the steep price. For the average working taxonomist, the price would need to drop to at most $600. This is a price I was quoted for a small american journal for a 20 something page description of a new shrimp with COI phylogeny.

Vagabond Scholar: Defining "Common Ground" in Diagrams 12, 2011 · Defining "Common Ground" in Diagrams ... (This is basically a roundup of past posts, with much greater discussion at the links. Click any image for a slightly larger view.) I can find common ground with people who believe in the social contract: I could pretty much stop right there. The idea of a social contract is pretty basic, and was central ...

June | 2014 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao Was ... your eyes and your ears for a change. SHIT. — § — Not that I want to come off as a narcissist. But what kind of world do we live in, if anyone that has a personality or an individual thought of any kind is automatically an unemployable narcissist? I’ll tell you what kind of world. The kind of world with a one percent and a 99 percent.

Taser Death: Derrick Humbert (Bradenton FL) 28, 2009 · In addition to telling about these new deaths, I think that you and I and some other bloggers need to talk about what people are doing in the cities where occuring. I'm hear people are holding hearings about this issue, but it hasn't reached the organizing against the taser level.

Harry Clarke: Heartburn over daft congestion economics 10, 2006 · If excessive it could be due to either excessive demand or deficient supply. Indeed it doesn't make sense to pose things in these terms - it is analogous to the economist Alfred Marshall's difficulty of trying to work out which blade of the pair of scissors cuts a piece of paper. But it is quite clear from what follows what Sinclair ...

Chelsea Clinton says Mom supports Free College Tuition ... is lambasting Sanders' proposal for a universal, single-payer health care system. And she's doing it in a pretty dishonest way. Clinton's daughter Chelsea got in on the act, too, in an even worse manner, claiming that Sanders wants to "dismantle Obamacare." This is mostly rank nonsense.

Liar | Rise Above 01, 2008 · John McCain back in 2000 (via d-day): The family's storied military history stretches back to Carroll County, Miss., where McCain's great-great grandfather William Alexander McCain owned a plantation, and later died during the Civil War as a soldier for the Mississippi cavalry.But what McCain didn't know about his family until Tuesday was that William Alexander…

Austen Little | Facebook"Yes; I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."-Oscar Wilde "Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means that you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you."-Unknown "You don't always win your battles, but it's good to know you fought."

Angel Food Ministry and Warren | Dare To Dream 21, 2008 · For thirty dollars, which Angel Food calls a unit, a family of four can get enough food to last about a week and a senior citizen for a month. Generally the value of food given ranges up to about sixty dollars. Also, for additional twenty dollars, you can add on to the menu from several other options.

The Slow Cook: We LIke Our Slaw Dry 09, 2007 · We LIke Our Slaw Dry Heads turned when I pulled up to the check-out stand with a grocery cart loaded with 12 pounds of green beans and 18 pounds of cabbage. "I'm making barbecue for 100 people," I explained, as I plopped the vegetables onto the conveyor.

The clock is ticking for us all.Don't waste this fleeting ...https://didnthavetousemyak.blogspot.comI'm not sure where to begin. I think I have a lot of stuff to talk about but it's all just sitting around in my head like a warehouse. Give me a little time and I'll work something nice out. traditionally i've used 3 month chunks as "small" units of time so hopefully this wont be like that.

Credit Cards and (online) Savings Accounts - Abe Gardner 22, 2008 · Alternatively, many don't charge a fee for a year but then hit you with an annual fee that you probably won't notice. That's why I suggest the Capital One (1% back but no weird or annual fees) or the Costco AmEx (accepted in way fewer places, but higher reward of 1-3% and no weird or annual fees other than being a member of Costco).

solidaridad: Racist Anti-Immigrant Speech by California ... 13, 2010 · I wonder what Poizner's close friends and fellow charter charlatans Jed Wallace, Steve Barr, Marco Petruzzi, Judy Burton, Ben Austin, and all the other CCSA cheerleaders will have to say about this outrageous speech. In fact, I wonder if any of the corporate friendly opportunists including: Yolie Flores-Aguilar of LAUSD, Monica Garcia of LAUSD, Maria Casillas of Families in Schools, Jarad ...

ABA CLE Online Social Networking Gets Professional Media for Lawyers Seminar Online Success The American Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Seminar, "Online Social Networking Gets Professional, the Pitfalls and Rewards" had a number of very pleased seminar/webinar attendees, and a considerable following on the social media website Twitter. Seminar faculty set up a hashtag of #LPMSM for the online event, allowing another …

the anxiety of influencehttps://theanxietyofinfluence.blogspot.comAccording to the AP, the manufacturer of Dr. Pepper is making good on their promise to give free soda (or, as I prefer, pop) to every American, provided that Guns N' Roses releases their new album in 2008. In their defense, it seemed like a safe bet. GNR fans (and yes, the do still exist) have been waiting for this album since they began recording it in 1994.

Rants From The Rookery: Sitting in the Dock of the Hague 04, 2008 · Sitting in the Dock of the Hague With groveling apologies to Otis Redding and a shaking fist at Steve Bates who got the song and the idea stuck in my head.... Sittin' in the mornin' sun ... (Oh, now good... there's a word verification box, but no captcha graphic. The new graphics are even more unreadable to my old eyes than the old ones ...

The Makeshift Academic: Obamacare's other subsidy --help ... 08, 2013 · Obamacare's other subsidy --help with cost-sharing ... a vast improvement over having to pay the whole $20,000 or $50,000 bill and getting dumped by his insurance before health reform, but still, it's a tall order). The answer is that he won't. Cost-sharing subsidies improve the actuarial value of the plan for people with incomes below ...

Bullet Points: September 2010 - Christa Harris 01, 2010 · This streak will stay for a couple of days before it is either absorbed into her plentiful skin or rubbed off on my furniture. And then. It is not only gross and greezy ('z' added for special disgusting emphasis), but it makes her smell like celery, which because my house is sequestered from all fresh air in order to run the air conditioning and keep it freezing cold, it also makes my house ...

M O B J E C T I V I S T: Outdoor Air Conditioning 24, 2005 · I have never experienced the pleasurable effects of the MicroCool® outdoor air conditioning system myself, but vacationers and citizens of Palm Springs, Calif. apparently can't live without it. Monkeygrinder's 'Cadillac Summer' post and comments raises some interesting issues on how to (or can we) avoid the heat with solar power. I know that SW thinks about this stuff a lot and worries …

Mike Searches: AND SOME GOOD NEWS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST …"This is opening up a whole new area of science," said Dr. Seth F. Berkley, president and chief executive of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, which funded and coordinated the research.At least 33 million people worldwide are infected with HIV, and at least 25 million have died from AIDS, according to the World Health Organization.

Halfway There: Who did Jesus elect? didn't know if there was any truth to the allegation, but it was a remarkably swift descent to the gutter. He pointed out that the Liberty candidates were quick to rip off the platform of the Change slate, since Change had made a textbook rental program a key campaign plank .

Yes, you can make good homemade potato salad with canned ... 01, 2017 · I’VE BEEN DEVELOPING MORE NEW PRODUCTS FOR THE HOWDYGRAM STORE. This is fucking incredible, people! I’ve been working awfully damn hard to round out all the thrilling products in The Howdygram Store’s new Around the House category … this time it’s THROW PILLOWS! They’re really nice ones in your choice of 100% cotton or polyester knit with zipper covers.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: The California budget crisis ... 06, 2009 · No. Not really. But, it's over for now. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Governor Schwarzenegger and state legislators have settle...

Russell Glasser's blog: March 2012 I got my first Android a year and a half ago, I've made a minor hobby of cutting music clips together into new MP3's that make good ringtones. My all-purpose ringtone up till now has been Vivaldi's Concerto for 2 trumpets in C. (Click the link for a recording on YouTube.)

The Daily Sandbox!https://thedailysandbox.blogspot.comFrom The Internet Security Alliance . In The News… July 24, Orange County Register – (California) FBI to investigate Placentia library hacking.The FBI is hunting down the hackers that hijacked the Placentia Public Library Web site the morning of July 24, a bureau official said the same afternoon.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunkian Music Club selection tonight comes from Harvest, one of the recordings from the early days of his solo success, an on and off again member of Crosby, Stills Nash and Young, he recorded Harvest in 1972, three tunes stood out on that recording as the definition of what his music was to become, Old Man, the Damage and the Needle Done and tonight’s ...

PZ Myers - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core blog has been ranked as the third-most-read blog maintained by a Minnesotan. The science journal Nature listed Pharyngula as the top-ranked blog written by a scientist. According to, was started on June 19, 2002. It started out as an experiment in writing instruction for a …

26-24 | Ben's 2 Pennies 29, 2008 · Washington (3-1) won for only the second time in its last 13 visits to Texas Stadium. With Dallas moving to a different suburb next season, this was the Redskins’ last visit to a place that rarely treated them well. Thus, unless Washington returns for a playoff game, Zorn will have the unique distinction of being undefeated here.

Don Williams: Twirling into Christmas magic | KnoxViews into Christmas magic ... Like us, he was small and misunderstood and yet he smiled with pride for a bulbous red nose that could light a path all the way around the world in one night. Surely Rudolph was the cleverest, the handsomest reindeer, if the truth be known. Gene Autry—a cowboy we knew well from TV reruns—would croon ...

In California Jungle, Dems Vie To Avoid Runoff ... - HuffPost Ashley Balcerzak You thought we wouldn’t have to deal with another federal election for two years after Nov. 8, didn’t you? Sorry. Lawmakers...

The World May Look Quite Different By Friday - The Soundings's start over in the UK, where Theresa May was expected to lead the Conservatives to a landslide victory, decimating the Labour party for a generation and expanding its working majority from 17 to perhaps over 100. However, that result now looks highly unlikely. Apparently, the more people see of May, the more they realize she is Trump-like ...

Bilgrimage: Eugene Kennedy on John Paul II's Beatification ... 07, 2011 · A man who looked away: a man who looked away when he smiled, so that his eyes appeared not to see those at whom he was smiling, the real human beings; a man who looked away when women asked him to see what being second-class citizens in a church that denies them ordination means for their real human lives; a man who looked away when lay Catholics asked him to engage in …

The Immoral Minority: Please look for a new book by Alaska ... 04, 2009 · Palin was behind this, with greta van sustern and her husband coale, Coale has been giving palin advice hhmmm and greta with her oh so mighty love for palin, right there is a conflict of interest.Coale supporting palin for 2012 run, greta's defence of palin on her fox news show.Greta's usiing her to to promote her husbands and palin's agenda, I'm writing the sponsors, I'd love nothing more ...

The Other 95%: The Giant Spitting Earthworm Needs Your Help! 11, 2007 · The northwestern prairies are home to an unusual creature who was once very abundant in these fertile soils. Frank Smith was the taxonomist who described this species in 1897 stating: "This species is very abundant in that region of the country and their burrows are sometimes seen extending to a depth of over 15 feet."

BartCop Entertainment Archives - Friday, 18 October, series of handwritten notes outlining one of King's speeches was the top lot. It has sold for $31,250. Two letters King wrote to Ballou from India sold for $18,750 and $17,500. More than 100 items were up for auction. Martin Luther King Jr. ~~~~~

Rockefeller Center | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities his memory, he had to climb up onto the landing, but the video does not corroborate this. When he emerged from the elevator, he saw his friends, with a couple of security guards, and a maintenance man, waiting, with an empty chair. His friends turned to see him and were appalled at the sight; he looked like a ghost, one of them said later.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: SCC decision bitter pill for Plainfield 26, 2007 · Priority for the NEW middle school, slated for the site at South Second Street and Grant Avenue, was switched in July, 2003 to a proposal by Assemblyman Green for a $150M project including a new middle school on the grounds of Muhlenberg Hospital (see archived story), only to be turned by the Assemblyman in December of that year into a $60M ...

DUMBO | The 'Not-So-Rough' Guide Saturday, May 2nd, “ The ” will lead their first annual “ Walking Tour of New York’s Independent Bookstores.”The 11-stop itinerary begins in the East Village, continues through NoLita and SOHO, crosses the Brooklyn Bridge into DUMBO, and ends after 4 or so hours of walking and book-browsing in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Glenn Greenwald | caucus99percent was all a lie – one of the biggest and most elaborate falsehoods ever sold to the American people. . We thought we were just letting a friend crash at the house for a few days; we ended up with a family of hillbillies who moved in forever, sleeping nine to a bed and building a meth lab on the front lawn - …

The Patriotic Millionaires: Wealth for the Common Good by ... millionaires wealth for the common good ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW PATRIOTIC MILLIONAIRES 1010 Wisconsin Ave NW Suite 705B Washington, DC 20007 [email protected] 202-446-0489

08 | October | 2010 | The Confluence 08, 2010 · 3 posts published by Myiq2xu on October 8, 2010

The Angry White Mom: March 2013 21, 2013 · The younger is a college sophomore and works part time, ,and plans to teach English. The older is a new graduate of the US Miilitary Academy at West Point. I am The Angry White Mom because i believe it is time for another voice to be heard regarding the issues that face our nation. View my complete profile

Peter King Watch: An 80 Year Old Constiuent Sent This ... was wrong not to acknowledge at some point, even when the reality should have been obvious to a six-year old, that the Administration's deceptions and ambitions have grounded us in a senseless war that has already cost us almost 2,800 American lives, and God knows how many physically and emotionally wounded, caused the death of anywhere from ...

music audio | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities you open the door to a small hotel at 104-106 on the Bowery, you’ll be entering what used to be called the Stevenson Hotel. A tiny cubicle in the Stevenson was for decades the home to a Greek immigrant named George Skoularikos, perhaps best known for staunchly taking a years-long stand against moving, by eviction or otherwise. It’s a ...

Kill a dog, go to jail, kill a Black boy and nothing happens 09, 2007 · The Anderson family’s lawyer, Benjamin Crump, implied that race was the deciding issue in the case, in which a black teenager died after being manhandled by a group of guards that included whites, blacks and one Asian American. “You kill a dog, you go to jail. You kill a little black boy and nothing happens,” Crump said.

Above The Borderline: 5/21/06 - 5/28/06 19, 2006 · 4. One of the departing professors was dismissed, after announcing his resignation, for subsequently involving students in his classroom in a debate over faculty departures. This professor was asked to discontinue inappropriate, unprofessional classroom conduct and apologize; he refused. What one Patrick Henry Student thinks of the curriculum.

The Immoral Minority: Trump spokesperson claims that it ... 11, 2016 · How strange is it that she was born to a white kansas mother and a black father like PBO? Also, too it says on Wiki that she voted for PBO in 2008 and that she has a degree in biology. If you ask someone with a degree in biology, they will tell you that, with few exceptions, there is very little you can do with that degree.

read my mind: Disorder in Russia - Pussy Riot, Kasparov ... 21, 2012 · Arrested for Aggravating "religious and racial" Facebook Comments: For the crime of posting "anti-Semitic" remarks on Facebook, the BBC reported that "five men and a 15-year-old youth" were arrested in May, 2012. The BBC would elaborate by reporting, "the six people arrested were charged with a breach of the peace with religious and racial ...

BilgeBucket Gazette » of the pre-cursors for the end times, according to ‘biblical scripture’, is that Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel, which Donald Trump did last year. Now, according to the end times mythology, a great war will occur and Jesus Christ will come again which will facilitate the ‘rapture’.

How do we preserve the legacy of Commissioner Robert "Bob ... 02, 2018 · EYE would give anything not to be writing this post. Maybe the reason it has taken me so long to pay tribute to Commissioner Robert "Bob" Harrison is I don't want to accept the fact he is gone on to glory and that I will miss him all the days of my life. I started trying to write this post to Bob Harrison shortly after his funeral, I start typing and I stop typing.

People Get Ready: The beatings will stop when morale improves 27, 2005 · That's disgusting. A friend of mine, Thom Scott, was the photographer for the TP series of stories on cancer alley and environmental justice. He never reported problems with law enforcement. Probably because he was taking the pictures before 9/11. At 4/14/2005 12:31:00 PM, WTOTW said...

The Peruser: America's Entrance into the Age of Idiocracy 15, 2016 · America's Entrance into the Age of Idiocracy ... the Internet, TV, and Mobile...along with the rest of the world's, we truly have become a "Global Village"! As the Country evolves, the American mind has progressed beyond its Status Quo rooted views and values, and more towards the different Global views of all the alternative ways ...

My Open Kimono: May 2008 he founded New Line in 1967, Shaye has guided the company’s growth from a privately-held art film distributor to one of the entertainment industry’s leading independent studios and a veritable box office force. He has been involved in such films as The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Rush Hour, Austin Powers and Seven.

Accidental Deliberations: 2008-05-18 09, 2008 · Others have rightly expressed concerns about Pierre Poilievre's attack on sex reassignment surgery. But let's look on the bright side of Poilievre's asinine suggestion that the federal government should withhold health funding which might be used for a medically necessary procedure based solely on his personal prejudice, as the issue looks to be a perfect one to galvanize all kinds of ...

Vagabond Scholar: June 2012 11, 2012 · Every book he described reading was in his telling the best book ever, every film he remembered seeing was the most wonderful movie ever. His enthusiasm was infectious. His enthusiasm was infectious. I heard him speak several times, once to a packed crowd at my local public library (he was a long-time Angeleno) and a few times introducing ...

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Taylor Campaign Loan 01, 2006 · Taylor campaign spokesman Rick Dent confirmed that the bank loan was the source of the $1 million that Taylor gave to his campaign last December. Dent described the financial transaction as a standard bank loan and added, "Like most banks, assets and an individual's credit history provide the basis for any loan qualification."

Wise Law Blog: Ontario Human Rights Tribunal Digest - May ... 24, 2011 · Firstly, since Ms. Knibbs' contract of employment guaranteed her at least 40 hours per week, coupled with the fact that she had a priority in scheduling, the Respondent's demotion of Ms. Knibbs' status from full-time to part time, was discriminatory.

archives | The Smirking 07, 2017 · For decades, Harvey Weinstein has served as the real-life inspiration for every tyrannical, foul-mouthed, hot-headed fictional movie studio executive. For pretty much just as long, according to a bombshell report from the New York Times, Weinstein has been serial sexually harassing aspiring young actresses who come into his orbit. The Times ...

19 | June | 2020 | News Corpse 19, 2020 · For the record, Trump has made this complaint before, but it’s always a deeply hypocritical whining session aimed at nudging Fox News into being even more reverential. He only thinks that “Fox is terrible” when they publish something that fails to sufficiently worship him as the Messiah he considers himself to be.

Balkinization: “Not the Next Korematsu” spring, I published a short essay about the relationship between the entry-ban litigation and Korematsu v. United States. I argued that the shadow of Korematsu—and, more particularly, the opportunity to repudiate Korematsu—could well be on the Justices’ minds as they confronted the entry ban. Obviously, the current case differs from Korematsu in several ways, and it wouldn’t be ...

The Donald Chronicles: Rejecting the Hater fairly stunning poll of registered Latino voters by Latino Decisions gives Hillary a 70% to 19% advantage. She may not be so popular wit...

thus spake drake: Chuck: Bryce is a Tool 10, 2008 · The moments which betrayed both Chuck's and Sarah's feelings for each other was scored to The National's "Fake Empire," but it was the breakup scene that provided the best music moment. Bon Iver's "Skinny Love," a song explicitly about a break up, served as the perfect nearly sob-worthy scene where Chuck tells Sarah that they have no future.

The Union News.: Union rejected soundly at Delta Airlines 06, 2008 · "A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

Rebel with a cause or what makes sisters different? And ... 18, 2010 · Loss makes a vacuum in us, and nature abhors a vacuum, as the saying goes. I don't know much about aerodynamics, but it's my understanding that it is the vacuum created by airflow over wing tips that enables a many-ton airplane to lift thousands of feet into the sky.

The Union News.: Rep. Jason Altmire, Pennsylvania DINO 06, 2008 · The United States at one time was the world leader with respect to workers rights and bargaining rights. We have sadly lost our leadership post with fewer than 8 percent of private sector workers represented by unions. Non-union workers face an unrelenting barrage of intimidation and harassment from their employers.

Senator Terry Van Duyn and Representative John Ager to 01, 2017 · Senator Terry Van Duyn and Representative John Ager to discuss HB2 repeal. On May 13th, Senator Terry Van Duyn (D- Buncombe) and Representative John Ager (D-Buncombe) will be holding a townhall event at Stephen’s Lee Community Center at 2pm to discuss House Bill (HB) 142 that repealed the controversial HB2, often referred to as “the bathroom bill.”

Guns, Texas' budget and prayer - News - Austin American ... 21, 2011 · Guns, Arizona, mental illness Most Americans get it. Don't blame guns for these almost monthly tragedies. We blame those who obstruct attempts at common-sense restrictions that we …

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast presents the ... lawyers have discussed with me the ongoing nature of the ridiculous campaigns against me by Jaffrey Chief Dunn, hastily-resigned Cheshire County Prosecutor Bill Albrecht and NH AG Kelly Ayotte, in the sense of how to best bring a Civil Rights issue before an unsympathetic ear as a lawyer or as a leader of a Civil Rights organization.

NAACP Mission Statement goes limp in Bruce Gordon's hands. cool cat says the NAACP's Mission Statement is basically the reflection of a bunch of sellout, corporate-bought pussies, as noted in this week's post on the California Tobacco & Telecom buyout. Read the old one on the letterhead of the Demand/Letter I sent to Jaffrey Chief Dunn in my Unlicensed Practice of Law Summary Judgment Motion herein (with an Addendum supported by Stevie Ray ...

ICE Tries To Destroy Records Documenting Abuses Of Those ... it is certainly in keeping with the authoritarian inclinations of the Trump regime. As the ACLU summarizes , " If the Trump administration has its way, the number of immigrants in detention will increase, detention conditions will deteriorate further and more people will be subjected to life-threatening circumstances and denied their most ...

LET THE REVOLUTION BEGIN - newsfromotherside.blogspot.com that have passed laws to ease their already-lax gun laws since the Newtown Massacre are seeing dramatic spikes in concealed carry ...

WG's Observations: Meditations on American Foreign Policy ... it is instructive that some in American saw the need to worry about the EU, even though the EU was actually formed, reluctantly, under American prodding, first as the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 which eventually morphed into the European Union in 1993. Its goals were certainly laudable.

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ..."Cruz just got the best endorsement he could ever get. He could not have gotten a better endorsement than he got out of John Boehner speaking to the Stanford Daily, the campus newspaper at Stanford. Can you imagine, here's John Boehner out there calling Ted Cruz "Lucifer," the biggest SOB he ever had to work with? Here's John Boehner, the former Speaker of the House, who had to work with Nancy ...

Yens Pedersen Candidate Checkpoint - Blogger 08, 2009 · The Candidate At a time when the Saskatchewan NDP was going through its lowest levels of enthusiasm in ages, Yens Pedersen was one party m...

Above The Borderline: 1/6/08 - 1/13/08 it's worth noting that, for all the illegal wiretapping, arrests, detention, blacklisting, censorship and loss of life this country has seen in the name of fear, only one major abridgement of civil liberties in time of national emergency - Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War - …

Cheap Shots and House Salad: Emperor pops off - Blogger— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 15, 2016 you might be satisfied, like Mr. Pierce, in recalling that Graydon Carter was the elegant phrase-maker who years ago coined the near-Homeric epithet "short-fingered vulgarian" to refer to our president-elect.But Mr. Trump rarely rakes over old grievances when there are so many new ones he needs to respond to, on a daily basis, and this ...

Which is Fake? Which is Real?, page 2 - problem is thtat the green background is out of whack where the print is over it. It is definately a possibility to see a manual or digital stretch but it would have encompassed the letters in his name where it occured also. If it had been in an isolated place that could be explained as well, but …

Misplaced In The Midwest: Glenn Beck... What Can I Say? his show on 1/20/09, the day of Barack Obama's inauguration, Glenn Beck purported to be celebrating the election of an African American. “Martin Luther King's dream has come to life,” Beck began. But then he added, “Or at least I thought so.” Beck's problem was the benediction by civil rights icon Rev. Joseph Lowery.

LIVERPUTTY: It's come to THIS? 31, 2004 · A new low has been achieved. It's one thing to attack a candidate for his actions, unfortunate but expected in the modern politcal climate. But to lump all those who have been decorated for injury in service to their country, by parodying this medal... it's disgusting.

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained. All accumulation, therefore,of personal property,beyond what a man's own hands produce, is derived to him by living in society; and he owes on every principle of justice,of gratitude,and of civilization,a part of ...

eBay bans Confederate battle flag, other items bearing ... 23, 2015 · Kilroy420's original post had it right. The US is a country that enslaves its own people every bit as much as the old american south did, they just …

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast explains to ... King said.... Here is the version or you can just read it below. PARTIES AND RELEVANT BACKGROUND 5. Respondent Ayotte has refused to provide whether or not Bruce McKay (or any officer) c) had gunpowder residue on their hands from discharging a firearm; d) was properly taking prescribed medication that might in any way affect on-the-job performance.

Our Children Are The Guarantors: Evolution and the Jewish ... 18, 2006 · He was the first to keep the mitzvah of visiting the sick, when He visited Abraham when he was healing from his circumcision. He kept the mitzvah against slander and gossip when He refused to reveal to Joshua that Achan was the one who took the spoils of Jericho.

Court Of Impeachment And War Crimes: An Essay Of Hope, Not ... was the promise of the McGovern campaign in 1972, the Carter campaign in 1976, the Kennedy campaign in 1980, the Jesse Jackson campaign in 1988, and the Clinton campaign in 1992. This won’t happen unless the people work to make it happen during the campaign, right now, in …

Sarah Palin bares her fangs in defense of her "sugar daddy ... 02, 2012 · This is just part of the Fox News coordinated response to a book being written about Roger Ailes by journalist Gabriel Sherman. However if Greta REALLY has no idea why people see conspiracies around every corner at about Fox News than she is living proof that Fox News is where journalism goes to die.

Cathie from Canadahttps://cathiefromcanada.blogspot.comJul 25, 2020 · Back in 1973, journalist Barry Broadfood published Ten Lost Years - he interviewed hundreds of people about their experiences during the Great Depression and put it all into a book, and for many Canadians, it was the first time we had ever really heard about what happened to ordinary people in Canada during the 1930s, that awful time.

Balkinization: Impeccable Timing some extent, just smoke and mirrors, as the truth of 9/11 is far worse than anything the 9/11 commission was ever going to document. Do we really believe the CIA is so averse to breaking the law? Sure they will avoid if they can, but this whole tape destruction is simply the tip of the iceberg. #

Nobody for President | Cycling in the South Bay 29, 2020 · Daily KOS sends daily spam filled with alarmist, screeching, hateful headlines; swap out a couple of names and they’d be interchangeable with the far right. I understand that these are the tactics that “the other side” first employed with great success, but that doesn’t make me think any better of the people using them.

Daylee News Nuggets: February 2009"The day was last Tuesday, which went down in the history books, as the day when America swore in the first ever African American President, whose names sound more “African” (Barack Hussein Obama), than African American!

Caveat Lectores by Jeff Carneshttps://wjcarnes-caveatlectores.blogspot.comI have fought some really interesting labor arbitrations with Kevin Hyde. He is still practicing labor law in Jacksonville, Florida and is a member of the City Council. This is an excerpt from The Survivor’s Guide to a Successful Labor Union used with permission. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Grievance Mediation? Upside

Texas and Local Governmenthttps://erostexasandlocalgovernment.blogspot.comThe way the fox news article--the author is responding to--is framed, is just one more example of how a corrupt government along with a bought out media shield the real agenda behind the issues, refusing to shed light as part of the media coverage on who exactly government policies benefit and who they harm, posing a straw man debate to occupy and distract the masses.

ed fitzgerald's unfutz Sabato, for instance, in his prediction for the House had a range of 25-33, but said that 29 was the most probable, so I used 29 for his line. If you thought that the most likely outcome within your range of 20-35 was something close to the midpoint of that range ( 27 or 28 ), perhaps you might have made that clear in your report.

PRAWN Blog: January 2007 is very clearly the behavior of a writer trying desperately to re-live the "glory days" when journalists could say whatever they liked about progressives. As the blogger Atrios puts it: "Under 'the Clinton rules of journalism,' you can say any goddamn thing you want -- as long as you say it about the Clintons.

No More Mister Nice Blog 03, 2005 · It's not clear, of course, how the Scopes trial could have happened in the first place if Americans were well on their way to a happy embrace of evolution. It's also not clear why the angry reaction to the trial became a permanent fixture of American society -- Jim Crow laws and lynching were also prominent parts of American life in 1925, and ...

Ezra Klein: China, the wave of the future?« Family Issues Aren't Primary | Main | It's Time For America To Legislate Mandatory Country Of Origin Labels ». May 19, 2007 China, the wave of the future? (Posted by John.). James Mann has a newish book out, called The China Fantasy, where he apparently takes the US intellectual class to task for an overly-sanguine view on Chinese development.While I haven't read it yet, I believe the ...

Oceans of garbage— Does plastic ever die? | V B I 11, 2012 · And only one of the routes into in the bodies of everyone on the planet! Go to the NOAA Marine Debris Program and find out how to be part of the solution to. a global problem affecting everything from the environment to the economy; from fishing and navigation to human health and safety; from the tiniest coral polyps to giant blue whales.

View from the Loft: Blogkeeping of our favorites is the Jewish rye from Daniel Leader's Bread Alone. A couple of days ago I tried a baguette recipe from Leader's new book, Local Breads. The baguettes didn't look terrific, but the crumb was tasty and pleasingly holey and the crust quite good (not perfect, alas). We ate one of them that night and froze the other two.

William Horberg: Letting Go Of The Coconut Meat Hee. What a great name. Born Thornton Hee, he was a legendary animator and illustrator, most famous for his contributions to Disney's "Fantasia" as well as some classic cartoons for Leon Schlesinger's studio and, later, United Productions of America, or UPA, the limited animation cartoon studio of the 1950's.. I found this letter he wrote back in the 1940's online, and thought it was a ...

Moonbattery Obama Rodeo Clown - Moonbattery an occupation has been discovered for which Obama might be qualified (although I doubt he would last long without getting gored) — rodeo clown: An incident at the Missouri State Fair on Saturday night is getting national attention via social media. A clown wearing a …

Big Bad Bald Bastard: The Dose Makes the Poison, Fatty 02, 2019 · One of the hollow laughs about that adipose tissue has the capacity for not only storing caloric energy, but pollutant toxicity. In other words, ingested carcinogens theoretically would hang around in a fat body for a longer time, prolonging exposure and potential carcinogenic effect.

Wheat-dogg's World ? Ramblings by a former physics teacher ...www.wheatdogg.comIn the news today was a report that Mueller had sent a letter in late March to Attorney General William Barr, saying that Barr’s four-page summary of the special counsel’s report failed to capture the “context, nature, and substance” of the investigation. This is a fancy way of …

No one cares what I think: August 2013 one cares what I think Saturday, August 03, 2013. ... Holy shit, my friend must have been impressed! This is the same thing: white people want to take the short cut to things; they want to be able to use the word, even though they didn't grow up with it, they didn't have to deal with any history of it, and frankly they haven't fucking EARNED ...

Around the Keg: Calling it your job old hoss sure don't ... 04, 2009 · Apologies to John Mellencamp and a h/t to Radley Balko for this article. When Donald Ross's sister passed, more than 100 people attended her funeral mass in Spokane. The burial was scheduled for a nearby cemetery, but Ross and his family only made it a quarter of a mile when flashing lights forced them to the side of the road.

What will Bloomberg do? | KnoxViews yesterday’s vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden. I’ve known Joe for a very long time. I know his decency, his honesty, and his commitment to the issues that are so important to our country – including gun safety, health care, climate change, and good jobs.

Raido retard MJ burns van, injures FIREFIGHTER and employee! of the radio station's employees was injured. A firefighter also injured his back during the incident at Clear Channel Radio, 4202 Gandy Blvd., Wade said. Ken Licata, a firefighter for 26 years, was taken to a hospital. Wade expressed anger over the stunt. "They wanted a fire," Wade said. "They had no permits, no proper safety crews.

The Next Hurrah: Just sayin'.! Put a bumper sticker on your car today, with just the single word:. IMPEACH. on it. If you don't know where to get one, make one yourself (fold a piece of typing paper in half lengthwise, write on it with a big marker, and use clear packing tape to stick it on & weatherproof it).

Wheat-dogg's World ? Ramblings by a former physics teacher ...https://www.wheatdogg.comIn the news today was a report that Mueller had sent a letter in late March to Attorney General William Barr, saying that Barr’s four-page summary of the special counsel’s report failed to capture the “context, nature, and substance” of the investigation. This is a fancy way of …

Brooks Wilson's Economics Blog: Capitalism and Democracy 11, 2019 · Buttigieg brought one of President Donald Trump’s advisors, Stephen Moore, into the fray. “It was alarming to hear recently one of the president’s economic advisers [Fed nominee Stephen Moore] said between capitalism and democracy, he’d choose capitalism.” It is easy to pick out part of a quote and criticize the originator for it.

Next Left: Women voters unimpressed by Labour on public 14, 2009 · The real danger now is that public will see Tories as delivering the same but for less, and that Labour will lose control over public services for a generation. Seema Malhotra is Director of the Fabian Women’s Network and a management consultant. The full article and polling will be published in the next Fabian Review, out next week.

The Staples Center | This Black Sista's Memorial Page about The Staples Center written by blksista. Even within a hospital, the ICU can feel like another world. But critical care goes far beyond simply keeping people alive – it’s also about what happens next In early March, Mike Brunner, an intensive care doctor at Northwick Park hospital in north London, saw his first few Covid-19 patients.

Commercials | This Black Sista's Memorial Page about Commercials written by blksista. Rise is the biggest in any state since start of the pandemic as its daily average death toll continues to also riseFlorida broke the national record Sunday for the largest single-day increase in positive coronavirus cases in any state since the beginning of the pandemic, adding more than 15,000 cases as its daily average death toll continued to also ...

The Johnsville News: Darryl Littlejohn - St. Guillen ... is a safe, conservative and straightforward rule from the view point of police and prosecutors. It's a rule that allows the police to deflect a great deal of media and public questioning regarding a high profile case or any case for that matter.

Halfway There: Science and non-science a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

Blog with a View: Samurai Parade Parade (2003) I guess this event took place before Tom Cruise became the last one.. And just how true to the historical record was that film? Well, what does your inner Thetan tell you?. From Jonathan Dresner at the History News Network:. From the opening voiceover and title to the final scene, The Last Samurai is an historical disaster.I expected it to be bad, based on early reviews.

News Insiderhttps://newsinsider.blogspot.comEvery single song on this cd is a potential top ten hit. Their instrumentals and vocals are fantastic, although I hear they're looking for a new lead singer. The original one apparently signed a record deal as a solo artist. The Bandits really struck me as a U2 generation Y and a band on the cusp of making it.

Next Left: The Compass 17, 2009 · Criticism of Brown's leadership will anger No 10 as it seeks to build on small progress in the opinion polls and a strong byelection performance in Glasgow North East. It insists that the 4,000-strong Compass has little traction in the parliamentary party. Senior figures in Compass, however, point to a database of 30,000 supporters.

Poinography! » I have also added the pre-hd-failure archive of my blog. Unfortunately, it seems that on the months where I was prolific enough to fill more than one “page,” the wayback machine (my only source for a backup) doesn’t have the entire month. I already knew that the reader comments were gone, but another level of bummer.

Halfway There: Tossing a word salad written specifically for a young audience, A Little Book of Language is a gentle and conversational introduction to notions of language and linguistics. Within the compass of a slender volume, Crystal ranges widely from baby talk to tech talk, touching on texting, signing, slang, and speech versus writing.

Noose Found Hanging At University of Maryland | Mirror On ... 10, 2007 · Authorities are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime because of the rope's proximity to a cultural center used mainly by African-American campus organizations. "The speak-out will occur on Tuesday, Sept. 11, because terrorism," said Shawna Murray, a vice president of the black student union.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 07/30/2017 - 08/06/2017 a lark, J. put his Tesla Model X into Ludicrous Mode for maximum possible acceleration (I heard 0-60 mph in 3.2 seconds, or about 0.86 g). I felt the blood drain out of my hands, and felt a surge of blood from the front of my brain to the back. I wondered for a second if I was going to stroke out. And we even ended early, reaching only 50 mph.

The Rude Pundit: Shut the Fuck Up Already, Ben Carson (Or ... 12, 2014 · The government is supposed to conform to our will. By taking the most important thing you have, your health and your health care, and turning that over to the government, you fundamentally shift the power, a huge chunk of it, from the people to the government. This is not the direction that we want to go in this nation." Is Carson really that ...

Court sanctioned diversion plan raises the ire of Nathan ... recent court ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada, which endorsed the Government of Canada’s right to divert Employment Insurance monies into General revenues, has left the MP for Bulkley Valley-Skeena rather shocked. With the North Coast particularly hard hit by economic times and a good number of residents finding it hard to even qualify for enough hours for the program, to have the ...

We Don't Buy It : May 2010, We Don't Buy It was about my family's life experiment of not buying new things for a year in 2008. We mostly did it and learned a lot about our relationship to things. Now, this blog is more about the ideas we don't buy. Oh, so many awful ideas and pressures out there.

I Love The Internet (pt. 15) | Twisted Cultural Wreckage 02, 2009 · I Love The Internet (pt. 15) December 2, 2009 henok1983 Leave a comment Go to comments – Like a ton of other people, when I was a kid I collected sports cards; basketball, more …

The Whited Sepulchre: Does This Excite You? this excite you? Here's Reverend Estus Washington Pirkle, of New Albany, Mississippi, on the subject of what heaven will be like. The ...

The Johnsville News: Duke/Nifong/Cooper+62 Hoax Johnson: CrimeStoppers Poster — The David Addison-produced CrimeStoppers poster has received less public notice; it seems to have been distributed more in the community rather than on campus. Issued on March 28, it was not modified until April 10--a period of two weeks. To my knowledge, Addison never distributed a poster explaining the reasons for his modification.

Harry Clarke: Sewage farms 10, 2006 · This is a sewage farm, located south-west of Melbourne, and covering more than 11,000 hectares. It treats about 52% of Melbourne's sewage in a way mimicking the operation of a natural wetland. Sewage passes through a long series of lagoons, where along with natural decomposition it is aerated to decompose it into methane and sludge.

Around the Keg: Why My Cat Must Die 03, 2007 · I used to like my cat. So did Mrs. Smitty. But now, our cat must die. His trick, you see, is to lull us to sleep. Then, promptly at 3:00 a.m. every single morning for the last 5 months he meows and howls at the top of his kitty lungs. Right at the bottom of the stairs.

Palin's Q&A + fun: The Palin Network 11, 2010 · The New York Times Magazine has published a lengthy article about Sarah Palin. The Washington Post's Rachel Weiner noticed that the Times' article contained an "interesting anecdote" about Palin's resignation: One afternoon in June 2009, Gov. Sarah Palin was sitting in the Washington office of her friend Fred Malek, whom she met through McCain during the 2008 campaign.

Newsflash: The NYTimes sharing No. 1 spot on my s--t list ... 25, 2009 · I am in Morocco for the summer as a group leader for one of the State Dept.'s Arabic immersion programs for high school students. Students are studying at the American Langauge Center (ALC) here in Marrakech. The ALC's main gig is teaching Moroccans English - 5,000 a semester - they have a really amazing program here.

No More Mister Nice Blog: ANTI-TRUMP BUT ASHAMED IS THE ... 02, 2019 · Besides, we haven't even seen the report that Bai believes entitled Trump to a holiday from bad news coverage. All we've seen is a brief summary by a partisan hack. I can’t help nodding along with one of my idols in this business, 79-year-old Ted Koppel, when he decries the drift of our best media toward a kind of reflexive advocacy.

Neil Sinhababu: December 2019 you're looking for a last-minute Christmas gift for humanity, my #1 pick is the GiveWell recommended charity fund. I just gave $10,000. I just gave $10,000. They've researched the most cost-effective ways of helping people, and settled on basically four things:

Dunner's: Islamophobia Down Under 26, 2005 · "For a lot of younger people it seems to be more an act of rebellion than anything," she said yesterday. Hmmm, perhaps you would wear a hijab for rebellious reasons as it seems like that's the nature of your personality. However, just because you think that's so doesn't make it so. In fact, I suspect that you don't know anything about how ...

No Right Turn: A victory for the freedom to protest 05, 2007 · As someone living in Australia, both a right to protest and a BORA would be much appreciated here. We have the next step up in terms of p*lice (mis)behaviour, without any corresponding right to respond. Posted by Moz: 5/04/2007 03:36:00 PM Moz: yes.

nearby toyshttps://nearbytoys.blogspot.comAug 16, 2007 · We purposely moved to a smaller home, and try to buy a limited number of very good toys, toys that “keep giving” -- ones that can be rotated out for a while and, when they are returned to her toy basket or table, are played with in a whole different way. Still, we got caught in one of these mass recalls just like so many other families.

Frenchy's House Party; "How you durrin?": 5/31/15 - 6/7/15 Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunkian Music club Sarajevo--Luciano Pavarotti and U2 One of the world's greatest voices was silenced this month with the passing of Luciano Pavarotti on September 6 th, a giant of the music industry who brought his unique interpretations to a much wider audience than your average opera singer. His life was larger than life as they say, at times a never ending soap opera with a big sound that moved his ...

Chroniques du têtard mouillé: Revoila le bon vieux lag de ... this pageCeux qui étaient là lors de la sortie de Wrath of the Lich King (la colère du Roi-Liche, deuxième extension de WOW en 2008) se souviennent du lag épique dans la cité aérienne de Dalaran, dû aux (très) nombreux joueurs présents dans la capitale du Norfendre. Eh bien on remet ça, l'image ci-dessus donne un aperçu de ce qu'on peut voir quand on arrive par le télé-porteur et qu'on ...

View From The Porch: Plus, it helps feed the endangered ... Yes, the "private" insurors discount their rates, too, but not nearly to the extent one of my previous employers, the billing specialist was comparing discounts for the circumcisions I did. We'd bill I believe $350. Private insurors would pay somewhere between $175 and $250, and generally pay within a …

moop :: handmade: 07.13 02, 2013 · This is the perfect sized bag for a nicely curated selection of your most necessary objects (keys, cash, phone, business cards, other stuff). A new bag: Tote no.1 Many of you may remember The Tote from several years ago (it was a long time favorite!).

The Slow Cook: Searching for D.C.'s Municipal Compost 04, 2008 · "There! Over there," they said, pointing to a big, yellow front-end loader off in the distance. I drove to the spot and, sure enough, there in a far corner of the lot were three different piles of material: sand, mulch and a dark, rich-looking compost. The front-end loader was blocking the path into the area.

No one cares what I think: Best of the 2000s: Twenty-Five ... you want, you can also read about my Best Post-Golden Age Hip Hop albums.. So that's been my decade. If you are interested in sampling any of these artists, I would suggest signing up at, because it's the most accessible, it can track the songs you listen to on your iPod automatically, and to my knowledge there is no limit on the number of listens you can have.

Kicking it with Rajhttps://kickingitwithraj.blogspot.comNov 25, 2008 · I like what these guys do a lot: Street Sense is a Washington, D.C.-based 16-page biweekly street newspaper that was founded in 2003. Its mission is to raise public awareness on the issues of homelessness and poverty in the city and to create economic opportunities for people experiencing homelessness.

kingston progressive: UC DOMESTIC ANIMAL ABUSE 10, 2011 · uc domestic animal abuse The Ulster County Legislature had a public hearing on the Animal Abuse Registry this Tuesday evening. People convicted of animal abuse through the court process would be required to register with the Sheriffs department just as if …

Rants From The Rookery: Hanging your flag upside down with ... 07, 2007 · Hanging your flag upside down with Bush's picture pinned to it Is a jailing offense in North Carolina apparently. This couple could be looking at 420 days in the clink. ... Mark and Deborah Kuhn were arrested on two counts of assault on a government employee, resisting arrest and a rarely used charge, desecrating an American flag, all ...

Fabulous Girl's Boudoir: August 2009 31, 2009 · This is a smart shoe for attendants - comes in six colours, sensible 2.5 inch heel, wear-again-able. What more could they ask for? Perhaps a little dark for a summer wedding, but I suppose it depends. If, for example, you're having a Tudor-themed wedding, the jewel tones would be magnificent. Just like JR-M. I like the grey best, but I'm sort ...

photo | Totally Unauthorized 18, 2008 · This is a ‘low crank’, which is used for large, heavy lights – the crank makes it easier to raise and lower them. Low cranks are also used for large lamps that aren’t all that heavy, but are a pain in the ass to carry around – since the low crank has wheels, one can just drag the giant lamp around instead of straining one’s back and ...

Marc Valdez Weblog: 07/12/2015 - 07/19/2015 to the doctor for a brief physical. Blood pressure medication working so well I have to cut back to avoid fainting. Cholesterol fine, kidney function improving, etc., etc. This is all part of a carefully-designed physical fitness program.

8.3 Earthquake in American Somoa, Tsunami Warning issued ... 29, 2009 · A tsunami warning was in effect for American Samoa, Samoa, Cook Islands, Tonga and Fiji, among others in the South Pacific archipelago, according to a bulletin from the center. A tsunami watch was issued for islands farther from the epicenter, including Hawaii and Papua New Guinea.

Green Eagle: June 2019 is nothing but a step in the direction of a small minority that rule everything, and a huge majority of beaten down, abused workers; i.e. a fascist dictatorship. I, for one, would like to see public agreement among all decent people about this fact, so that we can all work together for the common good.

Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Morning Links 07, 2018 · Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. - Evelyn Forget makes the case for a national basic income which would provide a more stable fiscal base for Canada's provinces as well as its citizens. And Dennis Raphael writes about the social murder resulting from the wanton destruction of income supports and other policies which save lives. ...

Mountain vacation 2008. The most lovely view - Leisha Camden 19, 2008 · The summer before last I stopped by there with my parents and a friend, and was able to take this - in my own humble opinion - absolutely beautiful picture of Sohlberg's beautiful view. Maybe the best photo I've ever taken. I think it was an incredibly lucky shot. And somewhere in there is our cabin ...

The Pope Causes More Pain for Priests' Victims Francis arriving in Chile on Monday. Credit Martin Bernetti/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Pope Francis arrived in Chile with the right message: He was “pained and ashamed,” he said on Tuesday, about the irreparable damage abusive priests have inflicted on minors.Yet he refused to meet with victims of the country’s most nefarious sexual abuser, and when pressed …

House Oversight Committee calls for information regarding are now demanding answers regarding these separations. “On July 18, 2019, acting Secretary McAleenan testified before our committee that ongoing separations ‘are carefully governed by policy and court order’ to ensure the separation is ‘in the interest of the child,’” they said in their letter. “However, sworn declarations filed by independent experts—including ...

Boring Old White Guy: Followers of Ayn growing, dispersed body of research reminds us of a few key insights. First, the unconscious parts of the mind are most of the mind, where many of the most impressive feats of thinking take place. Second, emotion is not opposed to reason; our emotions assign value to things and are the basis of reason.

December | 2011 | V B worse are the automated menus and recordings. Some time ago I found a way to defeat them so I could talk to a human being. ... Eight Ferraris and a Lamborghini piled into a $4,000,000 heap of twisted metal—14 cars in all, including two Mercedes Benzes traveling on the other side of the road. The 20 expensive sports cars were driving from ...

Retired U.S. Navy captain lets his racism show in of a Miami restaurant quit after one of its owners jokingly referred to blackened chicken wings menu item as 'I Can't Breathe' 0:0 Comments Pentagon will deploy its new B-21 stealth bomber to Pacific 0:0 Comments SAG-AFTRA Foundation …

The Huck Upchuck: Steve Scalise and His 05, 2015 · I am still trying to process it all and collect my thoughts. There is just so much about this situation that bothers and concerns me. I'm likely to post more on this in the future, but one of the things that I want to comment on now is the repeated reference by Scalise to his Catholic faith and its unequivocal stance condemning racism.

No Bread And Circuses For You: ClubOrlov: How to start a 24, 2014 · ClubOrlov: How to start a war and lose an empire A year and a half I wrote an essay on how the US chooses to view Russia, titled The Image of the Enemy. I was living in Russia at the time, and, after observing the American anti-Russian rhetoric and the Russian reaction to it, I made some observations that seemed important at the time.

The Secret about Santa's Elves ~ European-American 05, 2014 · Over there, Santa plays second fiddle to a far less benevolent character named Sinterklaas. He is a bishop-like figure with a big pointy mitre and a staff. Every 5th of December, he arrives from Spain on a steam boat, accompanied by his 'helpers', all named Zwarte Piet.

The Constant American: Romney, The 29, 2007 · Jordan Kaplan, the owner of Petaholics, a dog walking service in New York City, and a lifelong dog owner and dog lover, said Romney's actions were uncalled for. "It would be one thing if someone put it down or forgot and then drove 50 feet and realized what they did," said Kaplan. "I don't know anyone who would purposefully do that to a dog."

chuck dash parker dot net » 2010 »’s just something inherently fun about the fact that the following is the official phrase the Guinness Book of World Records uses to measure quickest texting records: “The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the …

Paragraphs On Padre Boulevard More than a Bookstore Padre Blvd., South Padre Island, TX 78597 956-433-5057

Who Hijacked Our Country: Patriotism vs. 07, 2006 · Too many people — in every country — think nationalism and patriotism are the same thing. They’re not; they’re completely different. Orwell defined patriotism as “devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force upon other people.” Can’t argue with ...

Reason and Brimstone: How the Brain Tunes Out Background 28, 2006 · Crossposted from my psychology blog: Last year, Live Science published a nice little summary article (How the Brain Tunes Out Background Noise) about our mental process and how our perceptual process will tend to phase out the aspects of our surroundings which are routine or predictable:The "novelty detector neurons," as researchers call them, quickly stop …

Okay, Computerjepheryross.blogspot.comHe may not be a definate starter in a 1 QB league, but he's just about the best back-up and a sure fire sleeper. Running Back Ricky Williams Ricky Williams is 31, but he's also taken very few hits over the last couple years. Anyone paying attention to Dolphin camp have learned 2 things. 1. Parcells & Co. are committed to a power running game. 2.

Your request is being processed… Bill Maher Blasts Tea 25, 2010 · O.k. So I was searching around for Tea-Party articles and found an article on Bill Maher "blasting" the Tea Party movement for not being concerned with more pressing issues. This ties into Chambers and Kopstein's article Bad Civil Society. The Tea Party since its inception has had a bad connotation on its name. Some have…

Chroniques du têtard mouillé: Climactualités - septembre Arctic sea ice volume in August 2018 was 6200 km3. This value is the 6th lowest on record about 1200 km3 above the August record that was set in 2012 with ~5,000 km3.

Cut-Throat Capitalism: Welcome To the Gig Economy | the New York Freelancer’s Union: According to a report in the New York Times, 29 percent of the union’s New York City members earn less than $25,000 a year, and in 2010, 12 percent of members nationally received some type of public assistance.

Oprah launches a massive #OWNYourVote each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours.

Occupy It: Patrick Meighan, Writer for Family Guy Arrested 09, 2011 · Patrick Meighan, writer for the animated sitcom, Family Guy (See the clip above) was one of the arrested Occupy LA protesters during the eviction of the occupiers in the wee morning hours of December 1st. He's very um..."unhappy" about that whole debacle, and as such a creative writer he's very good at putting the details into words...

Gubu-World: What I miss 01, 2009 · Clearly this was a message for the Iranians. Not only in that Iranians were believed killed in the incident but it was the Israelis saying, we are not afraid to take action well outside our airspace. 2. Benjamin Netenyahu finally managed to negotiate a government which is due to be sworn in today.

laundry day. | Works in Progress 09, 2009 · The building was, in its former glory as a bar, where my parents met. Somewhat surreal, but that is the cheif fact I associate with the place, the way it looked with a bar, my mother 20 years old getting hit on by my father. Although, knowing my mother, she probably was the …

How Does Racism Hurt Racists? The Case of Emmett Till ... 02, 2010 · When Emmett Till’s cousin dared him to flirt with a white woman, he whistled at a woman who was working at a grocery counter, and called her "baby." Later that night the woman's husband and half-brother hunted Emmett down, kidnapped him, and the torture began. They cut off one of his ears, gouged out his…

The Rectification of Names: All your base are belong to us 23, 2016 · Update: Knowing what "Yas queen" means would likely have inhibited me in the construction of that joke, so I held off finding out, but for readers who are even less hip and even lazier than I am, it is probably not affiliated with me; it is a catchphrase expression of affirmation associated with the television program "Broad City". "Yas" means "yes" and "queen" is a term …

The N-Word Is Flourishing Among Generation Hip-Hop Latinos 14, 2008 · But it's naive to think Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Cuban kids in New York City aren't calling each other and themselves the n-word, especially in 2008. (It's a global phenomenon, too: In West African cities like Freetown and Accra, heads that find out you're from the States and part of the hip-hop community will find creative ways to work the ...

Crazy Eddie's Motie News: A very warm April, 2012, and ... like southeast Michigan may not be alone in having the warmest spring on record.Not only did many cities, Detroit among them, have the warmest March ever, but it was the warmest March on record for the Lower 48.While April was cooler than March, it was still the third warmest April for the U.S. as a whole. The contiguous United States had a mean temperature of 13.2°C …

Gaijin Days: No Overtime Day 02, 2009 · One of the things the U.S. frequently focused on was the Japanese work ethic. If the Japanese only worked less, the thinking went, they would have more leisure time and spend more money, driving up domestic demand for both Japanese and foreign goods, and making the Japanese less dependent on exports.

Mistaking Coincidence For Fate: Lost Theory Question #9 ... Theory Question #9: Smokey and the Others Last week's show brought up a few questions about the Others and Smokey that have been percolating around in my brain for some time now. When Locke asked Ben what the Monster was and Ben blatantly said he didn't know, I immediately thought he was lying.

NoFo: Flashback Sunday: 13.1 Edition 22, 2018 · But it was the hapless Nazis who were the ones for... P.S. Framing this as some kind of epic promise/ful... I! GRADUATED! FROM! PHYSICAL! THERAPY! Never shave in a hot shower with an old razor, kid... While I REALLY don’t want to think about Steve Kin... I swear I’m just getting amazinger and amazinger a... CedaRound: Downtown alley coolness

Mo Rage: Someone make a movie on the Kansas City mob make a movie on the Kansas City mob As I wrote last evening, I just finished the 3rd and final segment of the PBS' "Prohibition" series and found it fascinating. What was additionally interesting was the mention, now and again, of the scene in Kansas City and the "National Crime Syndicate" or "mob" that grew out of prohibition.

Rev. Steve: WV Man Acquitted of Battery for Spitting on ... 08, 2011 · Spade told the jury he was offended by signs that said "Thank God For Dead Coal Miners", but it was a sign that said "Thank God For Dead Marines" that was the last straw for him. A roadside bomb killed Spade's close friend, a Marine serving in Afghanistan. See the full story in the Charleston Gazette.

The Next Hurrah: New Deal Projects that just keep pooping ... Sara. Most folk think the New Deal ended with WWII, but actually many of the projects had energy that just kept them going. And while these are not exactly world shattering, I thought I would just review a list of some of the survivors that lots of folk have probably used without knowing their origin.

AwakeBaskethttps://awakebasket.blogspot.comFor this slow-moving mammal, the journey is a dangerous and laborious undertaking, but it is one of great importance to members of the community among and aboard the sloth. Once the sloth has reached posted by AwakeBasket at 8:54 PM 2 comments

The Rude Pundit 03, 2007 · Sometimes the Rude Pundit would head over to the home to meet this friend - call him, oh, what the hell, "Jasper" - to pick him up so they could go out for the evening. The place had passed all its state inspections, but it was one of those last stop hellholes for old people you've heard about or, if you're incredibly unlucky, seen.

The Unreasonable Man: Less Than One Year From Being ... 19, 2007 · The Unreasonable Man A Blog By A Third Year Law Student (a.k.a. 3L... meaning only one more year of this s$&%) at the University Of Minnesota Law School. ... this was the only thing of any real substance which I did. Huge task. Huge pain in the ass. Huge dent in my wallet ... you'd think I'd feel guilty for writing one of them... but I don't

Strike and March – Corinna Schulenburg 21, 2013 · 5/19, Day 13,529: Heather's Birthday Strike 5/20, Day 13,530: March for Mark Carson (Why am I naming days?) (And what does it mean to “Help build the honeycomb?) 5/19, Day 13,529: Heather's Birthday Strike Is there a better way to celebrate your wife's birthday than with a 12+ hour strike? Maybe so, but so it goes.…

The Dangers Of A Minority That Believes It ... - The Soundings Marshall has hit upon something very important that we all need to understand about the coalition behind Trump's success.Marshall points to a truly heinous article by Michael Barone in which he declares the Electoral College as the only thing standing in the way of America becoming California's colonial empire. Says Barone, "White middle class families have been pretty well priced out of ...

Dr Kevin Bonham: Poll Roundup: Terror Focus Improves ... is his second lift from his very bad ratings polled after the Budget, the first coming after the shooting down of MH-17. This fortnight's polls This week's Newspoll came in at 51:49 to Labor (down one), but off primaries of 41-34 to the Coalition, giving the Coalition its …

Occupy Wall Street – the story of the Brooklyn Bridge ... 03, 2011 · This is somewhere between 5:30 and 6pm based on the last texts I sent. We march down the bridge. We get down to where they're loading buses, but they're out of buses, so we stand single-file.

Tarnished Lady: Television was, like Garbo, Crawford, Dietrich, Stanwyck, Carmen Miranda and a very few others, one of a kind. For several years (1933-37) she was also the undisputed queen of Warner Bros. studio, the one name among the company’s female contingent which was a guaranteed draw at the boxoffice, a position she enjoyed until that Massachusetts girl ...

The Antiquarian (Books That Changed the World) eBook ...ón...Jun 03, 2014 · The Antiquarian (Books That Changed the World) eBook: Patriau, Gustavo Faverón, Mulligan, Joseph: Kindle StoreReviews: 22Format: Kindle EditionAuthor: Gustavo Faverón Patriau

War Tax Resister Juanita Nelson • TPL the 11 July 1959 edition of The Afro-American:. Income Tax Objector Is Still Free… But Nervous Faces fine of $1,000 or year in jail. Philadelphia Mrs. Juanita Nelson of 3509 Baring St. was at home but in suspense last week, she said.. Her anxiety stems from the fact she hasn’t “heard a thing” from the tax agents who had arrested her on June 16 for failure to pay Federal income taxes.

The Rectification of Names: Cathedral— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) April 16, 2019 As if we didn't all know he's a renegade apostate Catholic who's abandoned all the sacraments and 500 years of family history from the time of St. Francis Xavier, who created all of Goa's D'Souzas and D'Cruzes and De Mellos in the 16th century, to be a fornicator and a liar and a member of something called the Calvary Chapel, an offshoot of ...

NoFo: I’d forgotten about this post've felt a little off-balance all week since my doctor doubled one of my meds on Monday but this was the first time I went full-pavement. My right hand is slowly losing its ability to function. Last week I couldn't push the button on the key fob to unlock my car door.

The Rectification of Names: Got paranoia? Update haven't wanted to dive into this toilet for quite a long time, because it's really not my subject, but I happened to notice a silly falsehood from Mark Rumold for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, at Professor Cole's place: Reports today in the New York Times and ProPublica confirm what EFF’s Jewel v. NSA lawsuit has claimed since 2008—that the NSA and AT&T have collaborated to build a ...

The Citizens: When Paris Burns 09, 2007 · The spark was the death of two minority teens whose motor scooter collided with a police car. The accusation is that the police didn't help the youths, but fled the scene. The police deny that claim and they say that they did not run over the teens, but that the teens rammed into them.

The Debate Link: 11/17/2013 - 11/24/2013 fact: If "Western Maryland" was admitted, it would become the first state featuring more counties than people. (Fun actual fact: The combined population of the targeted counties -- Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett and Washington -- is roughly 653,000, which would place it as the 48th most populous state in the union: ahead of Vermont ...

Letters FROM The DEVIL!: 2010 24, 2010 · Some of the first published accounts of cancerous growths have been linked directly to such man-made causes as the use of snuff. Such accounts largely occurred in the last 200 years with early accounts of nasal cancer (from snuff) and scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps — both in the eighteenth century.

Cyde Weys Musings aliens | Cyde Weys have announced the first spectra ever taken of exoplanets (planets outside our solar system). Using the Spitzer Space Telescope, the astronomers measured the spectra of two Hot Jupiters. This is truly a ground-breaking moment in observational astronomy. Spectral data can tell us so much about other worlds. For instance, these spectra ...

victims Archives - The Whirling 17, 2013 · When he arrived at the Washington DC., Navy Yard, he used his shotgun to shoot the guard, then relieved him of his handgun and his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. This is a common strategy used in many “first person shooter” video games. Kill your opponent, take his weapons. At this point, properly equipped for mayhem, Alexis commenced his rampage.

John Kerry Apologizes for Israel “Apartheid” 29, 2014 · John Kerry is now apologizing for the following remarks:. A two-state solution will be clearly underscored as the only real alternative. Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second-class citizens — or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state.

Limbaugh's Loose Lips: Rush Limbaugh's Image Repair after ... 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text.

Insistence on the “Gold Standard” in Nuclear Trade Will ... following is a guest post written by NEI's Tom Kauffman. Though Tom now works in NEI's media relations shop, he spent 23 years working at Three Mile Island, seven of those as a licensed reactor operator. The authors of the recent Weekly Standard opinion piece “Hucksterism vs. Nonproliferation, Irreconcilable U.S. Nuclear Policies,” (subscription required) insist that the U.S ...

Post-Modern Enlightenment: World Building: Part 1 (the ... of the reasons for because I want to fix what I see as the flaws in that genre. My first exposure to fantasy was not a good one; it was 2 ed. AD&D and the DM for that game, while a nice guy, was an unabashed racist (making that accusation to his …

no matter where you go... there you are.: December 2006 now everybody knows that officials from the Miss USA pageant were rumoured to be planning to strip 20-year-old Tara Connor of her Miss USA crown because of inappropriate behavior like underage drinking, but the organization tells the AP that isn't true. "I can't really talk about it now," Donald Trump told the AP. "But we have to make a decision. There is no question about

Johnny Pez: "The War of the Planets" by Harl Vincent, part 4 22, 2009 · This is the fourth installment of "The War of the Planets", the third published story by Harl Vincent and a sequel to his first story, "The Golden Girl of Munan". It originally appeared in the January 1929 issue of Amazing Stories magazine and has not seen the light of day since. The first three installments can be found here, here, and here.

Short Sharp Shock.: Election 2016: Early voting snapshot 11, 2016 · S O MUCH ATTENTION’S been paid to Election Day proper — one week from Tuesday, November 8 — as the pivotal day for this election season (and don’t get me wrong it still very much is), it’s easy to overlook or forget the fact that, for millions of Americans, Election Day is in the rear-view mirror. An estimated 19 million Americans have voted so far in the election, according to the ...

Alterdestiny: From Colony to Superpower, Part IX 10, 2009 · This is the ninth installment in the 20 part series Rob Farley and I have commenced to review George Herring's From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations since 1776. See the Herring Review tag below for previous entries. As you may have noticed, it's …

Guns, Gays, and Ganja State University Law Faculty Research Publications Law School 1-1-2016 Guns, Gays, and Ganja Justin R. Long Wayne State University Follow this and additional works at:

Famous Last Words: September 2010 25, 2010 · Four o'clock in the morning is a desolate time of darkness and disrepute. The streets are empty. The world is still in slumber. And I would be joining the world if it weren't for the pesky fact I need a job to pay for all my addictions.

AS TRUMP'S TROUBLES DEEPEN, WINGNUTS REDOUBLE THEIR ... 10, 2018 · Once again, enter Lanny Davis who takes Cohen by the hand and leads him to a “say anything” plea deal with wording scripted by Clinton and Obama-appointed prosecutors in the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.

What Does The Reinfection Study Have To Do With Chronic ... 21, 2012 · This is what the study appears to have discovered, so at first glance I had yet to see what the findings in this paper have to do with evidence that chronic Lyme disease does not exist. Nor did I see where this study provides evidence that post Lyme disease syndrome does not exist, either.

Victoria 2018: Final Lower House Results, Poll Performance ... of them had Labor 5.8% ahead of the Greens on primary votes (though it did nail the 2PP) while the other had the gap at 12.8%; it was actually 0.9% and the Greens won. This repeats themes of failure from previous elections.

Slow Turninghttps://slowturning.blogspot.comMar 24, 2009 · Of course, just one of many, many examples of where we progressives have argued - mostly amongst ourselves - that some policy or program espoused by the Bush adminstration was a bad deal. And today, on every point I can think of, we were right.

M O B J E C T I V I S T: The Oil ConunDRUM 17, 2011 · The chart above is the best guess model from 2007 using the combined Dispersive Discovery+Oil Shock Model for crude. Apart from a conversion from barrels/year to barrels/day, the same model as I used in a 2007 TOD post and documented in The Oil ConunDRUM. The recent data from EIA is shown as the green dots back to 1980. I always find it ...

NEW PAPYRUS: Siting Ocean Nuclear Power Plants in Remote ... 20, 2016 · by Marcel F. Williams T he fossil fuel dominated energy economy of modern human civilization has now pushed the carbon dioxide (CO2) component of our atmosphere above 400 parts per million. This is a 40% increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere since the start of the industrial revolution. The Pliocene epoch was last time CO2 levels in the atmosphere were as high , the …

Orcinus: 08/31/2008 - 09/07/2008’s hard to tell: A search for "obama biden ‘lack of confidence’ "comes up with 38,300 hits — and a run through the first 20 pages indicates that every single one of them links in some fashion to Fournier’s hit piece. So if someone else said this, their influence was wildly overmatched by the massive reach of Fournier’s piece.

6/2/13 - 6/9/13 ~ Massachusetts Conservative Feminist ... 06, 2013 · “Poaching” jobs sounds pejorative, but it amounts to making it easier for people to do business. The waste hauler Waste Connections Inc. moved from Sacramento, Calif., to a location near Houston. Its CEO told the Web site The Fiscal Times that it took the company 16 months to design and build a new building in Texas, when the permitting ...

More on the Japan Quake and the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear ... 17, 2007 · keng, Well according to this article from North County Times, the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant experienced a 6.8 quake several years ago and everything came out fine. This recent quake was supposedly measured at a 6.6 according to the article. But I'm also reading 6.8. Either way, it's survived one of these before so I'm sure it's in its DB.

Harrod's News Of The World: January 2018, NY – January 30, 2018 – Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano today announced the New York State Arborists Association has honored City of Yonkers Arborist Ralph Padilla with the 2018 New York State Distinguished Arborist Award for the International Society of Arboriculture Chapter. The award is presented every year to a respected individual who has furthered arboriculture in New YorkS tate.

Dawg's Blawg: Louise Arbour: another low-calibre drive-by 01, 2008 · Louise Arbour: another low-calibre drive-by The smearing of Louise Arbour, the former UN Commissioner of Human Rights, continues. This time it's CanWest , shilling for UN Watch , "a non-governmental organization based in Geneva whose mandate is to monitor the performance of the United Nations by the yardstick of its own Charter.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: PHS student 'fight' video logs 306,000 ... 01, 2011 · This is on HIS watch and the watch of the Grand Slam Team and Ana Belin Pyles. This is a disgrace! The fight didn't just happen it developed without supervision. Where was the teacher? If the student on the receiving end had died who would be accountable. This is another great case for NOT sending students to the district schools.

LIVERPUTTY: 09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008 24, 2008 · The first thing I knew, there was a Japanese fighter plane, not more than twenty-five feet off my right wing tip. Wow, the only marking I was conscious of was the “Angry Red Meat Ball” sailing alongside of me. But I guess the Nip pilot never realized what I was, because he wobbled his wings, which in pilot language, means join up.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: 2008-08-31 04, 2008 · This is a huge panorama, so you really have to load the whole image. From left to right are Mt. Edith Cavell (shrouded in clouds), the Athabasca River, Jasper, the Jasper Park Lodge (and golf course), and a supine Indian traced out by the mountain tops. Below is Lake Louise - a sight that everyone should see.

b e h n d i n ghttps://behnding.wordpress.comOne slow afternoon during the break, I think it was the day after new year’s, I went to see It’s Complicated with my mom and a (female) family friend. There was actually a decent audience on hand, composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged women who, by their school girl giggles and murmurs of approval, were clearly charmed by one John Krasinski.

The Dead Acorn: April 2013 24, 2013 · The world of Sports & Leisure Viewership can be a wonderful place. There’s just something special about throwing back a lager or two, watching your preferred player or team do battle against the day’s enemy, engaging in a little light banter with the supporters thereof, some verbal sparring, if you will, letting loose vocabularic venom, perhaps indulging in a bit of speculation as to the ...

Bloodshot and Half Blindhttps://bloodshotandhalfblind.blogspot.comThe boycott led to a court ruling desegregating public transportation in Montgomery, but it wasn't until the 1964 Civil Rights Act that all public accommodations nationwide were desegregated. "I think that she, as the mother of the new civil rights movement, has left an impact not just on the nation, but on the world," [said Representative John ...

ON THE WALL, TRUMP'S A LOSER -- BUT HIS BASE DOESN'T … 08, 2019 · And he accused Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who’s backed similar legislation in his state, of wanting to allow medical providers to “execute” babies after birth. Abortion is a somewhat unlikely new cause for a president who years ago called himself “very pro-choice” and did not make the issue a central theme of his 2016 campaign.

Jeff Strelzin and Kelly Ayotte are the World's worst ... is a story about the Hicks homicide from today's Union Leader, which for some reason called Kelly Ayotte "Citizen of the Year" or whatever. Yah, shoor, really it's much more like Visit New Hampshire and Die. And wait until I break the real story of the missing videotape in David Coltin's case, for which Kelly and Jeffy-Boy owe me an RSA 91-A response.

Is Everyone For Sale? | Mirror On America 12, 2008 · It's good to see Obama fighting back!. But he needs to get more SPECIFIC and tell voters what he intends to do to change the current situation. His statements are more general and and lacking the beef. Truth be told his campaign received huge amounts of money for a different kind of lobbyists: those who paid for the grandiose convention.

On Being Notorious...: Igor Panarin's Doomsday Tea Party 05, 2009 · For more than a decade Dr. Igor Panarin, a Russian academic, has been predicting that sometime around 2010 the United States will collapse, splintering into separate states, some of them controlled by foreign powers.Outside of Russia, no one's put much stock in his crackpot and stereotype-based theories—until now, that is. Who are the newest members of the Igor Panarin fan club?

No Right Turn: So much for spam bills 11, 2016 · The National Party became a subject of ridicule over the last few months when Nuk Koroko's Airport Authorities (Lost Property) Amendment Bill was drawn from the ballot. The bill did nothing, and apparently existed solely to take up space in the ballot and prevent Parliament from debating a more worthy bill.It was swiftly followed by Matt Doocey's Companies (Annual Report Notice …

Welcome to…: The Unyca Guide To Rules Of Procedure! - Scribd following points are the most commonly used. Important Points 1. Point of Order Used for introducing motions and other procedural matters When recognized, delegate must state: I rise on a Point of Order Important Points Contd. 2. Point of Information Question Seconder or Speaker on the substance in his/her argument. One P.O.I. is allowed ...

New Video Game By Evangelicals? | Mirror On America 02, 2006 · Vintage said.... What's interesting is that this videogame, if put out into the public market, would most likely be labelled "devoutly religious" or "extremist" or maybe even "dangerously right-wing, conservative" but what this videogame advocates would surely not be labelled what it …

American Society Today: Teachers literally pay $6,000,000 ... 3319.58. (A) As used in this section: (1) "Core subject area" has the same meaning as in section 3319.074 of the Revised Code. (2) "Performance index score" has the same meaning as in section 3302.01 of the Revised Code.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Amazing Grace 08, 2012 · Big Bad Bald Bastard The Big Bad Bald Bastard is a character played by Monsieur _____ of the City of Y_____. The role of the Bastard is a handy one to play on subways, walking the streets, and in dive-bars, when being a nerdy, bookish sort is not to one's advantage.

Balkinization: Crisis? What Crisis? Vox story recommended below struck a particular nerve with me. So I will record my disagreement, at least from a methodological perspective, with some of the views expressed by the various eminent scholars consulted in the well-reported story about how to tell whether we are in a constitutional crisis.

Tuesday Night Buzz: Mid-Week Buzz it seems high for a very common procedure but they are the only hospital in about 40 mile radius. They can charge what they want. The insurance company paid it all so it cost me nothing other than time and inflated future health care premiums. The service wasn't to bad. I waited around by myself for about 2 of the 4 hours.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Video of Gonzales' resignation and ... 12, 2007 · Here is the video of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' resignation on YouTube: And here is President Bush's statement on Gonzales' resignation. From YouTube: The Carpetbagger Report has an interesting take on President Bush's statement: At one point, however, Bush’s tone and message became bitter, and he lashed out at those who subjected his dear friend to “months of unfair treatment.”

BartCop's most recent rants - | When I woke up the next morning, Mrs Bart was looking out the hotel window. She says, "Check out this otter playing in the water." Of course, I didn't get a decent shot it him but he was hueueueueuge for an otter. He was at least four feet long - I think of an otter being two-feet long.

Bob Woodward - 06, 2013 · Robert Upshur "Bob" Woodward is the assistant managing editor for Investigative News for The Washington Post.Woodward and Carl Bernstein are the "reporters of the Washington Post [who] investigated the Watergate break-in and first cracked the Watergate scandal in August 1972, which led to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon in 1974.". Prior to this however, Woodward worked "as ...

Hbee Inc. » 2008 » the 70’s, radio sketch comedy had a breif revival. One of the greatest of these shows was The National Lampoon Radio Hour. It featured a bunch of newcomers like John Belushi, Bill Murray, Christopher Guest, Tony Hendra, Gilda Radner and a couple of others.

No More Mister Nice Blog: HERE'S WHY JEFF FLAKE'S SPEECH ... 06, 2017 · Arizona senator Jeff Flake, a critic of President Trump who's been polling miserably and was up for reelection in 2018, announced today that he won't run next year, then attacked the president in a speech on the Senate floor. And even though Washington insiders are predicting that speech will wind up in the history books, it won't make any difference. It certainly won't change any pro-Trump minds.

Life and Death Personal, Moral Responsibility 07, 2009 · 1.2 million Abortions a year and you want to convince me that a decision to abort one's own child is excruciatingly and painful for a woman bull-shit if that was the case I would say abortions would be down in the hundreds as opposed to the millions. "Why is it conservative men think they have a right to dictate what is a woman's choice.

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2012 · THIS IS MITT'S GENERAL-ELECTION PIVOT? HE STILL SEEMS TO BE ADDRESSING THE BASE. Mitt Romney said a lot of negative things about Barack Obama in the speech he gave yesterday to the American Society of News Editors, but it's obvious what his campaign wanted reporters to take away from it.

The Smirking Chimp | News And Commentary from the Vast is less warrior than cannon fodder. — Josh Marshall, TMP, May 7. Marshall wrote that in response to one of Trump’s latest nonsensical utterances: that he views the “great citizens of this county to a certain extent and to a large extent as warriors.” Of course, Trump wants America to snap out of its induced COVID coma and open up.

ModeratePoli: Corona virus pandemic and the US bungled ... 17, 2020 · The covid task force has a long press conference, and the experts are the people talking the most. Thank God there's an end to the denial. Both the New York Times and New Yorker magazine report that the change is due to a major report out of the UK concerning how high the death toll could be. The New Yorker report is more detailed.

Around the Keg: July 2010 11, 2010 · I currently have a British Pale Ale and a Scottish 80 Shilling Ale (the heaviest of the lighter Scottish beers) on tap right now. This weekend, I plan to get an Irish Red in a fermenter so that when one of the kegs blows, I should have another beer finished and ready to go. And my goal; two beers in kegs, one beer in a fermenter.

Kerfuffle: Media are the days when presidents could just summon reporters from the three networks, the wire services and a couple newspapers to manage a story. No, as Pfeiffer says, it's a tornado. A cross-platform, interactive, digital feed, tweeted tornado. Repurposing …

The Debate Link: Who Benefits from a National Popular Vote? 14, 2016 · Support for a national popular vote is strong in rural states None of the 10 most rural states (VT, ME, WV, MS, SD, AR, MT, ND, AL, and KY) is a battleground state. The current state-by-state winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes does not enhance the influence of rural states, because the most rural states are not battleground ...

Democracy for New Mexico:, November 04, 2009 Benefit for Casa de Salud Family Medical Office Set for Nov. 8 at Scalo. From Casa de Salud: Join us for a 5th year celebratory BRUNCH BENEFIT for Casa de Salud Family Medical Office on Sunday, November 8th, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Scalo Northern Italian Grill near Central and Carlisle in Albuquerque's Nob Hill. We extend our gratitude to Scalo for offering ...

Advice From A Fake Consultant: June 2012 15, 2012 · Along the way, we had an encounter with the Federal Election Commission that involved misdirection, extraordinary irony, and a phone call that could well have cost $1.99 a minute – and the scary part was that, for a minute, it all made actual sense.

The Citizens: Culture and Intelligence 07, 2009 · We have had a long running debate on this blog about the chicken-egg effect of culture on a society’s policy choices. Without revisiting that long treaded discussion, I was very interested in an interview I heard on NPR yesterday with Maj. Gen. Michael Flynn , head of NATO forces in Afghanistan.He said that rather than focusing on operations, they needed to focus more on the …

Rue Rude: The servants' quarters I went to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina, which is called the largest private house in America. It was built about 1889, in the era before income tax, by George Vanderbilt, grandson of the "Commodore" who made the family fortune. According to the brochure, George was an amateur of art, history and architecture, and the gardens around the estate were designed by ...

bear witness to the love of God in this world: January 2005 31, 2005 · He is presented the keys to a small town for convincing a giant, seen as a monster by many, to leave town with him. He goes into the world, because he is unwilling to be a "big fish in a small pond ”. I won’t tell you how the movie ends, but it is a baptism, and he is …

view from the thirteenth floor: July 2009 07, 2009 · me and dog went down to see spruill bluff state park this morning --- the army corps has wanted to put a dam there for a long time --- the shoals and bluffs west and northwest of thomaston mark the fall line for the flint river as it breaks into the coastal plain --- gov. carter stopped the project in 1974, but once the engineers get an idea ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: THE STEINHAUSER ET AL LAWSUIT ... 05, 2009 · Only time will tell, because as this one of my best friends said, “This is why we should be more thankful that we live in a country with checks and balances, both vertical and horizontal.” Since all too often before he took the cure, we would find Nathan confused about which way was up, let alone which way was the highway, so he

Tea Party | Joyous Crybaby 05, 2012 · To be “authentic”, after all, meant to be true to yourself, and a psychological interpretation of that might suggest that you just have to look inside (or, appeal to a higher power), to figure out who that self was, and you could then be true to it. Any thought that you are the …

Balkinization: Halbig as Opt-In Federalism was the kind of federalism the ACA had in mind: backstop federalism, in which every individual American would have access to the same substantive benefits, but they could be administered either in a cooperative-federalism way, or, in uncooperative red states, by the feds alone. This gives states real choices about how much involvement they ...

Deputy sheriff shackles nine year old with behavioral ... 02, 2015 · Courtesy of EAG News : The boy’s wrists were too small for the handcuffs, so Kenton County Deputy Sheriff Kevin Sumner put them around t...

Saying Yes When You Want To Say No | BroadBlogs 23, 2013 · Chemistry and attracion and vibes seem much more important to stir attraction for women to want sex with a man, whereas, a woman simply being pleasing to a man’s eye is more than enough for a man to desire and want sex with a woman. A relationship with her is another story, where personality matters much more.

The Old Hippie's Groovy Blog: You Don't Want It To Be True 08, 2006 · Are the trees in the forest of the power-grab by the corporations through the Executive branch. There are a few loose ends still to tied up, but for the most part, the corporatists have successfully completed a hostile take-over of what used to be "our" government.

A little perspective. - Blogger 02, 2016 · My mother spent the night at my house the other night, because she did not want to drive back to Palmer in the dark. While here she brou...

Balkinization: Choose Your Own Health Insurance Apocalypse,000; 454,000; 379,000. Those are the estimated number of people in, respectively, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania who currently have health insurance through the Medicaid expansion component of Obamacare. That’s the part that the Supreme Court gave states the power to opt out of, but which nonetheless has managed to get more people health insurance than the better-known exchanges-with ...

syslblog: January 2016 10, 2016 · One of my favorite New Years was the one spent at South Dakota's Terry Peak in 1988. Michele and I met up with two of my siblings and their girlfriends, along with my mother and stepfather for a ski weekend over the New Year's holiday.

October | 2008 | is worrying. I don’t see myself as the sort of person who goes to the gym. Yes, I know that lots of people go, and it’s a pretty normal thing to do, but it’s never been a consideration before. But I’m not getting any younger, and now that I’ve taken the plunge, it’s easy-ish to carry on.

The Beltway Bandit: 11/16/2003 - 11/23/2003 20, 2003 · TAKE THAT, PEG!-- One of my favorite newspapers, the Asian Times has published ablistering and accurate review of Peggy Noonan's latest vomit-inducing pollutant to the publishing world, A Heart, A Cross, and a Flag." "This war happens to be the reason he is president: because something big and bad and dark was coming, and he was the man to lead us through it ...

This Week With Barack Obama: 9/6/09 - 9/13/09 04, 2009 · Folks almost 50% of people who have submitted claims and they were denied, yes, Pacific Care is one of the top five providers in California, subsidiary of United Group Care. And supposed to be OK? The only death panels this country have in regards to health care is the ones run by these health insurance companies.

The Citizens: Why Nationalism is Always a Bad Thing 04, 2008 · Nationalism is always a bad thing, even if the folk costumes are pretty or we like the literature. The 20 th century was characterized by bloody warfare, economic dislocation and misery primarily for one reason: Nationalism. Nationalism applied to social policy was at the root of ethnic cleansing and/or genocide in Turkey, Germany, Japan (in China), Cambodia, Rwanda, China (Tibet) …

Thursday OT - Where I Get Sidetracked! | caucus99percent don't have to get up at 6:30 a.m. to get ready to commute to a job. If I want to get started at 9 a.m. I can roll out of bed at 8:55. But, unfortunately for me, one of my big strengths, being able to understand numbers and do crazy sorts of calculations in my head, is now worthless since anyone who knows how to run Excel can do the math quicker.

The Slow Cook: Our Best Yogurt Yet 05, 2009 · The way I've been making yogurt for the past several months is to add some of last week's yogurt to a pot of whole, unhomogenized creamtop milk, provided by grass-fed cows and delivered to our door by South Mountain Creamery in Western Maryland. The original culture for this yogurt came from a quart of Seven Stars Farm yogurt purchased at Whole Foods.

The Night Wind: ISIS CAUGHT DESECRATING THE KORAN 06, 2016 · isis caught desecrating the koran Well, maybe 'desecration' is a mild way of putting it. Shiite militias engaged in the Battle of Mosul captured an ISIS bomb-factory where they discovered several copies the Koran modified to serve as booby-traps.

March | 2011 | Totally Unauthorized 01, 2011 · Luckily, just temporary until the health department decides to pick on someone else. Then, everything will go back to normal. *Once upon a time, Craft Service was just the extra person on the set – they’d pull cables, push carts, massage the producer’s girlfriend’s feet, etc..

Brain Squeezings: February 2006 is one of the reasons why, for example, the new Iraqi Constitution has as one of its tenets that Islam is the basic foundation of the country's laws. Here are a few facts about the cartoons and the surrounding craziness: 1.

Randomtacularityhttps://randomcrapwelike.blogspot.comThat made me want to watch the video. That made me think about other videos that I really enjoy. So here are the 10 music videos that I really want to watch right now. The Darkness - I Believe in a Thing Called Love Rancid - Salvation No More Kings - Sweep the Leg Johnny The Weakerthans - Our Retired Explorer (Dines with Michel Foucault in ...

2006 June « Net Roots Movement 27, 2006 · I supported Malloy simply because I knew he was the front runner for the nomination but its not just the DeStefano ad that has me rethinking my vote. I am a cavasser for Diane Farrell in the 4th district in CT and one of the questions I ask folks in the district is who they will be supporting in the Gubinatorial election.

Halfway There: July 2013 is not a surprising result from a crowd of people willing to follow a link provided by (Of course, Sarah might lose interest if she discovers that a Senate term is six years long.) The responses were broken down by state. I looked at them one by one. Idaho was the most eager to see Palin on the Alaska ballot for U.S. Senate.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Bob Woodward ... 22, 2005 · Despite the obvious inconsistency, exactly what Woodward is claiming: KING : Last week, the "Post" ombudsman, Deborah Howell, said, "Last week we found out that he (Woodward) kept the kind of information from Downie, the editor, that is a deeply serious sin not to disclose to a boss, that kind that can get a good reporter in the ...

The News Review nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner

Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Morning Links 09, 2013 · By early 2010, Keynesianism was losing ground on the international scene. But it was the G20 summit in Toronto later that year which “above all” resulted in the world’s rich nations changing course and embracing austerity, according to a recent article by British financial journalist Martin Wolf in the New York Review of Books.

Palingates Weekly Roundup - August 23 to August 30 14, 2010 · Another popular topic was the disclosure of Sarah Palin's secret contract to speak at the gala event at CSU Stanislaus and readers had great fun remembering her disatrous screech on that occasion. The discussion about the "Restoring Honor" event was very heated and many people were distressed by the rhetoric of the two Fox News stars.

Rising Hegemon : I guess in a round-about way he was close ... guess in a round-about way he was close to being right. Harold Camping Dead: Judgment Day 'Family Radio' Host Dies At 92 After Controversial Career . Posted by Attaturk at 3:24 PM. ... I rode in a bicycle fundraiser on one of the days Camping thought the world was going to end. I felt invincible, because I was wearing bib number 316.

All About Redistricting -- Litigation in the 2010 cycle v. Wendelberger, No. 2:01-cv-00121 (E.D. Wis.): in the 2000 cycle of redistricting, a federal court drew state legislative lines. One of the plaintiffs in that case then attempted in 2011 to seek relief from that judgment, on the grounds that the court's lines had become malapportioned after the 2010 census.

The Great Molasses Flood That Swallowed Boston | Asheville 12, 2017 · The flood swept away 10-year-old Maria Distasio, one of the neighborhood kids sent by her parents to collect molasses that always seemed to ooze from the tank’s seams. It demolished a three-story woodframe home just south of the tank, turning it into an pile of planks and shattered windows, killing Bridget Clougherty, the 65-year-old resident ...

December | 2017 | The Worried Journalist 14, 2017 · But it’s unlikely that anyone will ever notice. And since e-mail has, of course, demolished the traditional personal letter, a major literary genre is on its last legs. When I was with the newspaper, I sometimes had to edit work that …

The Rectification of Names: Literary Corner: Trade Wars 13, 2019 · Literary Corner: Trade Wars The Battle of Nájera, 1367, ... I've been wanting to use this Trumpian refrain for months, but I was fixated on making a ballade, which I now see was the wrong idea, and nothing happened until this morning, after the Chinese finally found a tit for Trump's latest tat (one of their problems in prosecuting the trade ...

NoFo: Only a gay man would artfully arrange his running ... a gay man would artfully arrange his running attire for a night-before photo I could say I haven’t eagerly to the point of giddiness waited until I could FINALLY pin a racing bib in its designated place of honor on the front of my new Summer Of Running Away From Being 50 shirt since the moment it arrived in the mail over a month ago, but ...

Anthony Tshering's blog: Pakistan involved in Mumbai attacks? far the Pakistani are denying any involvement in the Mumbai terrorists attacks and are swearing to take action if any of the terrorists are Pakistani-based militants. But here's the problem: The(Indian) government called a crisis cabinet meeting on Saturday, a day after Indian officials suggested that a militant group with Pakistani ties, Lashkar-e-Taiba, was responsible …

Rising Hegemon : Okay, maybe I made a small mistake 12, 2013 · Okay, maybe I made a small mistake Leadership! Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., sent out a release Wednesday morning announcing that his chief of staff, Ryan Loskarn, is being put on leave over allegations involving child pornography.

Ryan's Take: The Always Impressive Eileen Donoghue framers of this law thought this check and balance was so important that there are serious penalties for a violation of the statute, including fines, prison time, removal from office, and even making the elected official permanently ineligible for “any office or position, elective or otherwise, in the service of the city.”

that veiled gazelle...: sex, sex, sex and... 29, 2008 · Yeah, we really enjoyed this movie as well, ditto on cz's comment about the ending scene. Personally one of the things I was really struck by (beyond the gorgeous camera work, actors, "plot," etc.) was the use of music throughout the movie. Once again, the last scene, but the soundtrack in general is rather topnotch as well. Post a Comment

Seeking a new volunteer to replace me (texting ... noticed that you're talking about one of the following topics, and I want to bring some websites and projects to your attention as a result! 1. Rallies, Town-Halls, and Events: We have map and Ride-Sharing services available!Locate and click on the event you wish to attend on this map , click on the blue “carpool” button on the event ...

The Next Hurrah: Endnotes on the Nuclear Option -- Part II Kagro X. I'm late in coming to this Washington Post article, but I think it meshes well with something we were discussing earlier, that is, the notion that it was Lott who was behind the nuclear option deal:. Every Monday morning for months, veteran Washington lawyer C. Boyden Gray has plotted strategy via a conference call with the heads of groups that want to ease the …

CONTACT / PRESS - Video and Film Production - KDL ... to have one of our weddings (Helen & Ryan) featured in June 2019 edition of CS Magazine Proud to be featured on Sep 20, 2016 by Denver's Fox TV station for Denver's best weatherman Greg Dutra's wedding * Proud to be the recipient of the PDN Top Knots 2013 and 2012 TWO YEARS in a ROW!!

NoFo: Who wears super-cute sunglasses to run 9 miles at 5 ... 14, 2018 · Who wears super-cute sunglasses to run 9 miles at 5:30 am in the rain? A) An optimist ... An idiot D) An any-excuse-for-a-selfier E) THIS GUY: Posted by Jake at 5:15 AM. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. ... But it was the hapless Nazis who were the ones for... P.S. Framing this as some kind of epic ...

The Union News.: UFCW v. Agriprocessors business-as-usual 06, 2008 · Meat-packing is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world and to have children working in the plant is just reprehensible." In an interview with the Standard in March, Agriprocessors vice president Sholom Rubashkin dismissed the UFCW’s charges and accused the union of carrying out a vendetta against the company because it refused to unionize.

Scar Stuff: October 2011 10, 2011 · So all that was missing was the stylistic component, and since I-have-always-loved-but-have-never-done-any-stop-motion, I finally decided to mix everything together and give this combo of elements a shot (well, more like several thousand shots).

phone | Totally Unauthorized 26, 2008 · Normally, there’s a bit of variation in what stuff is called (some people call a 4 foot, four tube Kino Flo a ‘fat boy’, some call it a ‘tall boy’), but it’s all basically the same. Custom lights, however, are, well, custom, so there’s no frame of reference.

May | 2011 | Planned Parenthood Advocates of 31, 2011 · Editor’s Note: Today’s post is by one of PPAZ’s interns, Cassidy Olson. Cassidy is an Arizona native who was born and raised in Prescott. She is currently studying public relations at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and will be graduating in December.

The Blog Is [Not] the Territory: February should have known better. No, I should have known better (I’m the one who picks the Netflix movies). More than 15 years ago, we saw Yimou Zhang’s Ju Dou, which was one of the saddest movies ever.This kept us away from Zhang’s movies for a long time, in spite of the hype around films like Raise the Red Lantern and To Live.But Shanghai Triad was described as a gangster …

The Rectification of Names: Cheap shots 8/'s can't have the kind of predictive power you expect from the "enthusiasm gap" measure, but it seems morally meaningful that the vote of the Trump community is decidedly negative in motivation, and that of the Clinton community is almost evenly divided between the positive and the negative—though we no doubt dislike and fear the Donald, we ...

overview for sobxxv -, not at all. In reality, those rich 1% will game the wealth tax like they have been for decades. Just because dipshit warren gives taxes a new name and …

Democracy for New Mexico: Benefit for Casa de Salud Family us for a 5th year celebratory BRUNCH BENEFIT for Casa de Salud Family Medical Office on Sunday, November 8th, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Scalo Northern Italian Grill near Central and Carlisle in Albuquerque's Nob Hill. We extend our gratitude to Scalo for offering their restaurant and providing free food.

Cyde Weys Musings Slow and steady wins the telescope 24, 2007 · A father is making a 8? scope with his young son. A young man in the Armed Forces is making an 8? scope, and last week his high school aged (?) friend joined him, making his own 6? scope. There are also several older people making scopes, one of whom is quickly catching up with me.

Maddox News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Men. Julius Maddox Breaks Unofficial World Record with 765 Pound Bench Press. Men's Health - By Emily Shiffer. Bench press king Julius Maddox has set a new unofficial world record for raw bench press (without a bench press suit) at 765 pounds, nailing a smooth single rep at the weight over the weekend.

Technology - progressive or creepy? | 15, 2019 · Three times! I finally had to give up and use one of the other options. Yes, I did try pressing 0 (zero) to no avail. With so many accents, dialects, etc. I would think its a little tough for a lot of people. Yes, I did go to their web site to try to get the task accomplished, but it …

What You Need to Know About Obamacare | Mirror On 04, 2012 · And they have a calculator to help people determine if they’ll qualify for a subsidy. Of course one of the best places to go for information is HHS’s own Two of the things I found most helpful there are the map that provides implementation progress by state and the tool to help people find their insurance options. Healthcare and You also has lots of helpful …

The Union News.: New Bud management would roil 06, 2008 · Some analysts have suggested that InBev's desire for A-B stems from a need for a big source of cost-savings, since its own operations offer fewer and fewer opportunities to trim. The Teamsters union, which represents about 8,000 Anheuser-Busch workers, predicted recently that the ascendancy of InBev could mean layoffs, wage cuts and inferior ...

Cyde Weys Musings Breaking into the videogame industry 18, 2007 · But it’s those two programmers that this post is about. We all graduated with degrees in computer science in May, 2007. By that point, I had already accepted the job offer by my current employer, an IT Consulting company, and then started working in July. The other two programmers were both intent on breaking into the videogame industry.

Scoop 1.1 installation - Discussions & Questions it even possible to get Scoop 1.1 installed on dreamhost? Anyone tried it? I get most of the way through the and it bombs out. (I suspect that it has to do with the inability to create databases in mysql programmatically. It gets further if I tell it to drop and recreate it using a database I’ve already created, but it still bombs out. Anyone find a way around this? I’d ...

chuck dash parker dot net » Blog Archive » friday random, and I now own my own public address system, which will get used for gigs and supporting Irish dance events. It’s not fancy, but it’ll do for a small room. This weekend looks to be primed for celebrating my lovely spouse’s birthday; the tentative plans are to meet some friends for dinner and enjoy some time out. I really hope it works out.

Tea Party Express at Civil Rights District in B’ham 10, 2009 · Tea Party Express at Civil Rights District in B’ham Today. November 10, ... One of my friends has scars on her both her knees where she fell down trying to get away from Bull Conners' police force and was trampled in the process. My better half jokes about suffering from post traumatic stress symbol as a result of growing up in Birmingham ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 12/19/ TOTAL COST ... for a 17-day round trip vacation to Hawaii for the President and his family and staff and security is an estimated $4,113,038. That's interesting, but it's only taxpayer money.Here's a more interesting fact: both Presidents Bush spent every Christmas holiday at Camp David in Maryland so their security details would be able to spend as much of their …

Justice for the Rich.... - JOHN PRINCE: Telling It Like It 14, 2009 · The general disregard or contempt for the law by the general public may be earned in a few cases, but it has increased to the point that many police have left the forces or do so as quickly as possible. Who replaces them may add to the problems you state. It likely will not get better. Being a cop is probably one of the most thankless jobs ...

The American Human: Trump-Wise, Can Garrison Keillor Set 09, 2017 · The American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the …

X Curmudgeon: Main Street USA Loses Iconic Lipsitz Dept.'s yet another tough blow for Main Street USA (technically, Bay Street in Beaufort), but it's not due to the tough economic times. Rather, Joe is in a nursing home and the store is just too much for Lucille to manage on her own. Lucille owes it to herself to take some time off--probably has for at least 20 years now!

What Now?! – 6/30/19 – Blue 30, 2019 · “The Supreme Court announced Friday it will take up next term whether the Trump administration illegally tried to end the program that shields from deportation young undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children,” the Washington Post reports. “A string of lower courts have said that President Trump’s decision to terminate the Obama …

Queer Notes: June 30, 2007 · I just saw Michael Moore's new movie SiCKO and highly recommend, no I insist, that everyone sees this important movie (is it showing at Studio on the Squre in Memphis). The film, one of Moore's best, does a good job of showing the human tragedies caused by the American for profit health care system and the need for a single-payer universal health …

earthquake | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat about earthquake written by Patrick Zimmerman. Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities

The Rectification of Names: Broken chairs and bad, actually I'd say that (from National Review Online, link on the headline) is a facile partisan jab, if by "jab" you mean the gesture of a drunk attempting with only partial accuracy to poke his finger, rhetorically, in your chest.There ought to be a corollary to Godwin's Law to the effect that when they bring up Munich the conversation is not merely dead but starting to smell.

The Rude 10, 2012 · 1a. Of course, Romney was repeatedly stretching, breaking, or reaming the truth. Of course, Romney's plan does cut taxes by $5 trillion, to be paid for by these mythical loopholes, sure, but it does cut the taxes. Of course, there is a tax break for companies who send jobs overseas (about which Romney said, "I have no idea what you're talking ...

read my mind: Stop With The Fluoride! - is one of the most dangerous health threats in our environment, and its widespread use makes it challenging to avoid. On this website, we regularly discuss the health concerns associated with water fluoridation and believe that the prevalence of fluoride in our water supply is not something to take lightly.

Loesch tweets that "Union Thugs have ruined Labor Day 09, 2010 · There goes Dana Loesch bashing the Unions as usual, this time suggesting that "'Union Thugs' have ruined Labor Day." Ah, spending the day remembering what labor used to be like before our working class was bossed around by thugs and co-opted by a party. 2:36 PM Sep 6th via Twitter for Android If that nonsense wasn't enough for STL Teabagger Ms. Loesch, …

Sneaksleep: SP6'd like one of Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's books, or maybe Last Minute Knitted Gifts. But I'm open to anything! 29. Any patterns you have been coveting, but haven't bought for one reason or another?? Rogue and Bless are the only two I can think of at the moment.

What The Repeal of The Hyde Amendment Would Mean For ... 05, 2015 · Abortion is the only medical procedure that has ever been banned from Medicaid coverage. (All photos courtesy NARAL) Though abortion became legal with the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe v. Wade ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: BEN SHAPIRO SAYS CNN LIED ABOUT ... 09, 2018 · And as the CNN story makes clear, that's correct. Shapiro goes on to "debunk" CNN's assertion: So here are some of the 22 supposed shootings CNN counted: * April 12, Rayton, MO: Someone fired a gun in the parking lot of a track meet, and a man was wounded. * April 9, Globersville, NY: A student shot another student with a BB gun.

Progressive Alaska: Fairbanks Blogger Janiak on Yesterday ... 13, 2008 · Marriage is between a man and a woman, pro death penalty. And he is speaking from his heart. (My daughter the feminist campaign worker is in the crowd, cringing, I know.) For the Don Young House seat: Diane Benson, - She graduated from Fairbanks' Lathrop High School, she was a teamster, one of the first women to drive on the haul road. "I made ...

Apparent Dip: Jul 12, 2007 is also the first time that I've used thermochronology to study the uplift of a convergent orogen. In the past, I have mainly focused on extensional orogens and normal faults. Normal faults are in many ways the most ideal system for thermochronology. This is a highly simplified schematic diagram showing how large rotational normal faults ...

Orcinus: Cracks in the Wall, Part III: Escape Ladders 16, 2006 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Curious – reflecting my way to improved practicehttps://slkirn.wordpress.comreflecting my way to improved practice. Washington, D.C.­­(March 23 rd, 2015)– Citizen science received some high level attention today when plans were unveiled to install a new rain gauge in the First Lady’s Kitchen Garden. This rain gauge represents far more than just a Pennsylvania Avenue data point for the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow (), a citizen science network of ...

Zogby Poll: Half Say They Would Never Vote for Hillary ... 12, 2007 · This is up from 46% who said they could never vote for Clinton in a Zogby International telephone survey conducted in early March. Older voters are most resistant to Clinton – 59% of those age 65 and older said they would never vote for the New York senator, but she is much more acceptable to younger voters: 42% of those age 18–29 said they ...

Sardonicky: Migrants, Dehumanized - Blogger the protesters during the Civil Rights Movement said, "I am a man!" - They simply wanted their human-ness and basic human rights to be recognised. These refugees are the same - they are people - human beings who love their families, are frightened and frustrated, who want a decent job and a chance to make something of their lives.

Carcinogenic High School Sports Fields | Northwest Citizen 11, 2017 · The Huffington Post recently published an article on the dangers of artificial turf featuring Amy Griffin, an associate head coach for the University of Washington women’s soccer team, and a goalkeeper for the U.S. National team, winners of the first Women’s World Cup in 1991. Griffin has been informally tracking American soccer players ...

Introducing Ars Pro, the new Ars Technica subscription ... 27, 2018 · This is the first subscription scheme anywhere that is even remotely attractive to me, even if I have no use for the RSS perk. On the other hand, if the site earns $0.01 per Mole pun per reader ...

Top Sites Have Best Buy Promotional Balance - Electronics ... Credit Card Promotional Rates Work - The Balance. COUPON (2 days ago) A credit card's promotional rate, or promo rate, is a low interest rate offered on your credit card balance for a certain period of time. The promotional rate is often an introductory interest rate only offered during the first few months after you open the credit card account.

Leisha's Random Thoughts & Ponderings: May 2015 very good melody. I really like her voice. And a good presentation, simple. They won't get that far, I don't think. But they can hold their heads up. United Kingdom - Still In Love With You. Still scratching my head over this one. I really don't know what they were thinking. I think it's a fun melody, but it's just so incredibly wrong for ...

Why the gold price is not yet soaring - Blogger 01, 2009 · Gold has been one of the best investments in what is increasingly looking like a "lost decade" for most asset classes, yet, despite its steady, workmanlike gains - an average annual increases of 16 percent since 2001 - many gold investors are extremely disappointed with its recent performance.

Orcinus: The Two Evangelical Futures by Art Spiegelman --by Sara Over the past year, my maunderings on the fate of the Religious Right in America have gone off in two ap...

Exit Polls for Kerry, Voting Machines for and Ohio.Here are the first exit polls, confirmed from sources in both parties, as leaked to RAW STORY. The first number is the percentage of voters supporting Kerry, the second are those supporting Bush. AZ 45-55 CO 48-51 LA 42-57 MI 51-48 WI 52-48 PA 60-40 OH 52-48 FL 51-48 MICH 51-47 NM 50-48 MINN 58-40 WISC 52-43 IOWA 49-49 NH 57-41

Avian Flu Diary: Thanksgiving Roll Call - 2010 21, 2010 · There are a number of flu forums out there, but the two where I hang my hat are the Flu Wiki and Flutrackers. Each has their own style and personality, and in many cases, members of one forum belong to several other forums as well. The Flu Wiki, the first of the dedicated flu forums, was founded by DemFromCt, Pogge, and Melanie Matson. In 2008 ...

Looking at an anti-vaccination petition – Unsightly Mental 26, 2015 · Insofar as the medicine is evidence-based, (i.e., based in science, which is the study of reality) it should move us toward the short-term tangible goal of a happier society. Religious exemptions are inevitably based on faith, which by definition, has little basis in reality.

The Rectification of Names: Welfare Island Report Day for David F. Brooks ("The Welfare State is Broken.Here's How to Fix It") and a book by the British "social entrepreneur" Hilary Cottam, Radical Help: How We Can Remake the Relationships Between Us and Revolutionise the Welfare State.I suppose I'll have to get to him eventually, but I'd like to start with Melissa Benn's review in The New Statesman, which appeared when the book ...

Bill O'Reilly about Andrew Meyer: "I Was Tasered, and It's ... you see Bill O'Reilly's take last night on the tasering of University of Florida student Andrew Meyer? O'Reilly revealed that he, too, ...

LIVERPUTTY: The Rued Manifesto - the greatest comedy ever made - is not one of them. The stupidity of Hollywood is clearly demonstrated by its failure to properly tap Dustin Hoffman’s talents over the past 15 or so years. (Wag the Dog is the most noteworthy exception.) Many consider the ‘70s the best decade for Hollywood films -- also true for ...

Keith Olbermann's Ego: Egospeak 101 11, 2009 · I think it would be great if he came out, but it may be too late now, he seems a bit too repressed to handle the blow-back. And this "arrangement" seems to be working for him. It's sad though, someone in this day and age & at his age can't really be himself and find true love. Oh well, he ain't the first, he certainly won't be the last.

Next Left: Labour's unheralded achievement - and our exhaustive leadership hustings tour today's sees Labour's would-be next leaders take part in a BAME Labour hustings ('Black Asian Minority Ethnic Labour') event in Leicester. Black and Asian party members will no doubt want to quiz the candidates about a wide range of issues, such as public spending and cuts, education, health, crime, immigration, foreign policy, both in their own right ...

Bilgrimage: Making Solidarity with Gay Family Members ... 03, 2009 · I’ve just finished reading Robb Forman Dew’s The Family Heart: A Memoir of When Our Son Came Out (NY: Ballantine, 1995). As with anything she writes, it is finely crafted, insightful, and humane. It’s also a multi-faceted story of one mother’s (and an entire family’s) struggle to cope with the announcement of a son that he is gay.

Redeye's Front Page: Stop Cop's Rage: "I will light you up!" 10, 2015 · Anonymous said... No I agree that when anyone has contact with officers do as they ask as long as it is not illegal. Most all are on video. Then if you are mad about something then you can complain later instead of defying authority. 99% of the time the person stopped is wrong and should just listen and disagree later instead of arguing and defying what your told to do kinda like listening to ...

Bilgrimage: Conversation about HHS Guidelines and Komen ... 10, 2012 · This is a posting of Kevin Clarke at the America magazine "In All Things" blog site. I'm responding to Clarke's posting for a very specific reason: using other, but parallel, terms, it talks about what I've been calling all week long the tribalism of many Catholic responses to the bishops' latest anti-Obama war-cry. Clarke describes what I've ...

DownWithTyranny!: Remember When Kidnapping Was Punishable ... 27, 2019 · Since one of the commenters pointed that fixation out last week how often you talk about 'poop' and 'shit' and things 'swirling in the bowl' and what toilet training issues that must indicate in your mind, you've stopped, or you HAD stopped, but there you go using the German word for 'shithead' to describe him. German. Interesting choice.

The New York Times: “The Great Panic,” Excellent Editorial ... 10, 2008 · As the editorial succinctly put it: "A nation of immigrants is holding another nation of immigrants in bondage, exploiting its labor while ignoring its suffering, condemning its lawlessness while sealing off a path to living lawfully." This is a much larger …

Climate Consensarian: Partisan Snark says hydrogen fuel cells are the future. Elon Musk/Panasonic seems to be saying battery technology is the way. And that's from two partners, since Toyota holds a major stake in Tesla. My understanding is that a deliberate hedge strategy by Toyota in the face of real uncertainty about the actual viability of fuel cells. Delete

Fear Itself - Blogger 2001, their banner year, terrorists killed one twelfth as many Americans as the flu and one fifteenth the number killed by car accidents . . . . Even if attacks killing thousands were certain, the risk to each of us would remain close to zero, far smaller than many larger risks that do not alarm us, or provoke government warnings, like ...

Contextual Criticism: David Wilkerson's burdened soul. Ouch! 11, 2009 · Pay close attention, however, to what the scientists have to say! The scientists are the ones who have their finger on the pulse of the future; not Wilkerson and his ilk, and you won't find any answers in the Bible. There's more here from a likely Wilkerson supporter. And a little video to give you a flavor of Wilkerson's kookiness.

Fukushima Radiation at Vancouver Island - Very High in ... 11, 2011 · Here are the results from the tests (measured in decays of iodine-131 per second per litre of rainwater – Bq/l): March 18: 0 (2) Bq/l; March 19: 9 (2) Bq/l; March 20: 12 (2) Bq/l; March 25: 11 (2) Bq/l “The only possible source of iodine-131 in the atmosphere is a release from a nuclear fission,” says Starosta. “Iodine-131 has a half ...

Don't Tax the Rich, Smash Their Privilege: A Response to ... 22, 2011 · And this was not the first time that threats against workers had been carried out. Just two years before, in 1994, the paramilitaries had killed two trade unionists at the same plant. It should have surprised no one when two and a half months after the union's plea for help, Isídro Segundo Gil was murdered and the union busted.

bastet: 10 February 2008 12, 2008 · Cheney's Got a Gun from crooks and liars. In honor of the day that Dick Cheney shot someone in the face, I pulled this clip from my incredible archives.(original post here,)Jon Stewart was having a very boring weekend and he was really, really sad. Nothing had been getting his blood boiling lately and he just wasn’t excited to be alive anymore-Until–Dick Cheney shot a man in the face.

Founder of the Weather Channel, Meteorologist John Coleman ... 07, 2007 · This is a highly partisan opinion blog taking full advantage of the first amendment of the United States Constitution. It is news and OPINION. It could be right, wrong, or somewhere in between. We try to get it right and welcome corrections. All images are believed to be in the public domain. If you believe you have a copyright, please let us know.

Wild Chihuahuas: Of Comic Books, Immigrants, and Eternal ... 08, 2008 · We are eenie-meany-mighty stealth fighters, and we love good things to chew on. We are progressives. Arizona, border and immigration issues, GLBT human rights, and important US Far Right, corporatist, and theocratic or police state developments are among our special interests, along with Green Things, polymer clay art, Dobermans, Chihuahuas, and the life of Pico and his pals.

June Qassam calendar ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News 26, 2007 · June Qassam calendar As with the February , March , April and May calendars, the numbers for each date represent the number of Qassams fired on that day. The numbers in parentheses (second row after date) are those I saw reported by Palestinian Arab media, outside of parentheses (first row after date) are those reported in Israeli media.

The Jewish vs. Muslim claim to Jerusalem (poster) ~ Elder ... 29, 2014 · This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 14 years and 30,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed.

Halfway There: November 2011 a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary ...

Accidental Deliberations: 2012-11-11 05, 2012 · Over the past 25 years, the middle class has seen its real net income drop. This is the first time this has happened. In other words, the richest 20% of Canadians are experiencing a rise in income while the other 80% of Canadians—it has been measured and …

The Debate Link: 12/21/2014 - 12/28/2014 "execution-style" killing of two NYPD police officers, apparently in retaliation for the Eric Garner and Michael Brown killings, has shaken up the emergent conversation about police violence.And reasonably so -- after all, it was a shockingly brutal slaying by someone who claimed to be acting under the same banner as that motivating the protesters from Ferguson to New York.

Proviso Probe: June 2008 28, 2008 · (This is a feature of county meetings that is standard. The meetings are to present the perspective of county employees to the chumps who attend these meetings. The ordinary taxpayers are the last to speak.) As the woman observed, a large number of the county employees left before the actual citizens got to comment.

a geocentric view: A Googol of Particles? 01, 2007 · I copped out at the time, pleading hunger, but it's an interesting question, so I found myself trying to answer it yesterday. First off, a googol is defined as 10 100 , or a 1 followed by 100 zeros. It's a big number, which is why the Google people wanted to name their company after it; unfortunately one of their first buyers wasn't very good ...

Halfway There: January 2013 19, 2013 · Godamn a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary ...

Google Android News Android Forums - Samsung’s Gear 360 VR ... Pay is one of many options in the mobile payment market, but it might be one of the only options that exists as a loss leader for its parent company. Samsung’s thought process is that Samsung Pay isn’t a revenue stream for the company, but instead a way to sell phones and keep its […]

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid ... the price of gasoline begins its slow climb to, and now probably northward of $3.00/gallon here in New Jersey (one of the lower-priced states due to our ridiculously low gasoline tax), the parade of letters about domestic oil production have begun to appear in my local paper, even in the face of the BP mess.

Outrage of Week (Tea Party News) | Bud Meyers 24, 2015 · Via the L.A. Times: Senator Joni Ernst, the Tea Party darling, who hates all government and hates lazy people on food stamps...Senator Joni Ernst, the Koch brothers puppet, who gave that silly response to President Obama's State of the Union address...It was she who was on the government dole from 1995 through 2009. Despite her campaign pitch that her parents "taught us to live within our ...

Teeth of the Buzz Saw: August 2016 07, 2016 · For kicks, here are the two verses, Revelation 16:13-14: "Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the ...

Abe Gardner wonders and worries: May 2009 25, 2009 · This is a computer program that is sold by Thompson-West. Supposed to be good help with MBE's. VERY similar to the Smart Study program Bar/bri students are familiar with. The Writing Edge - some people seem to like Vivian Dempsey, but her course is $5500, high even for a private tutor. CalBar Tutorial - many random recommendations, some ...

A Random Viewhttps://arandomview.blogspot.comAug 22, 2006 · George W. Bush, from the first moment I became aware of him, failed my own personal smell test. For a time I couldn't figure out what bothered me about him. I finally fell back on my 20 years as an airline airport supervisor. In dealing with many angry, frustrated and often volatile people, I developed a keen nose for sensing a phony.

GMOs - Skeptic Friends 09, 2013 · “This is playing with the lives of people when you are using Golden Rice to promote more GMOs in our food.” In other words, there is nothing wrong with the rice but they oppose it anyway, because they see it as giving legitimacy to other GMOs. How’s that for logic? Greenpeace misinformation was the motivation for the farmers to destroy ...

NoFo: 11/01/2017 - 12/01/2017 turns out that a prosthetic breast can be very funny, especially when it's used as a giant nose on a drawing of a face, when it makes uncontrollable farting sounds against sweaty skin on a hot day, and most especially -- and this is one of our family's favorite stories -- when it's put away for the night on a stack of hotel towels, only to ...

Redeye's Front Page: It depends on what the defintion of a ... 02, 2015 · Poor Alabama Media Group. they can't decide if they are for Hate Crimes or against Hate Crimes. *Sigh* Yesterday they reported the FBI is now assisting the Limestone County Sheriffs Office in the case, and said This is 2015, not 1965, and hate crimes shouldn't be tolerated by the community or law enforcement:

A Forest Hills Lifehttps://foresthillslife.blogspot.comThe best part of the meal was the wine. A 1998 Barbaresco, a "steal" at $200. There wasn't much for less than that on the list. I had a half portion of one of their signature appetizers to start, Tortellini della Bottega tortellini filled with beef and prosciutto dusted with porcini mushroom powder. Under-sauced and under-seasoned.

Elephant In Exile is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the The Wall! (El Paredón)" --Ernesto 'Che' Guevara</p><p><br /> </p></blockquote><br /><br />And as wel all know, that's pretty much what we've got under Bush!

Squeezing My Mind Grapes: Palm Drops Classic, Why It Matters. it did allow access to a great number of apps which otherwise wouldn't exist for my phone or which are better than the apps which are available to me. Now that Palm has full control of Classic and a perpetual license to PalmOS, they can fix all that if they want.

William Horberg: Blog is always nice when one of my blog posts opens a door to a connection and a discovery or further elaboration of a topic. Such was the case recently when I was contacted by Adam Randazzo from New York, who had read an old post here about the unusual children's photo books published back in the 1950's by husband-and-wife team Dale and Sally Rooks.

The Latest Outrage: June 2009<strong>Exposing right-wing shenanigans, corporate fraud and misconduct, billionaires buying democracy, 2016 election mishaps, and the GOP's war on Obama. <a href ...

Study Confirms Gun Owners Have Smaller Penises - Content ... 13, 2017 · This is a result of using relative rankings (from 1 to 50) in the graph as if they were real numbers. Attempts to find the actual size data of Condomania’s study on its website, rather than relative rankings, were unsuccessful (this investigation on the website was, however, sufficient to change the character of the advertising seen on every ...

Louise Nkosi | This Black Sista's Memorial Page council president Charles Michel hails ‘pivotal moment’ as heads of state finally thrash out an agreement on day fiveEU leaders have reached a historic agreement on a €750bn pandemic recovery fund and their long-term spending plans following days of acrimonious debate at what was the bloc’s longest summit in two decades.As the ...

The Latest Outrage: McCain and Palin Inciting Violence in ... Huffington Post, 10-22-08 Forced to defend what should be reliable red state turf, John McCain and Sarah Palin finally showed up in North Carolina over the past few weeks.So far in October, the GOP running mates have appeared at four campaign rallies here.

The Senate ObamaCare Bill - Watching heads Explode Part II ... I mentioned last night, heads are absolutely exploding on the Left over the Senate Obamacare fiasco. Prez Zero is now taking well deserved flak from both sides: Howard Dean and Obama shill David Axelrod went toe to toe this morning, with Dean issuing a third straight day of attacks and Axelrod calling in to messNBC to diss Dean and say that the Angry Left would be 'insane to sink this bill'.

Barnestormin: US Fracktivist Craig Stevens to UN: Help! Barnes is a journalist and freelance tech writer, a correspondent for ENR and a former stringer for the Wall Street Journal, Reuters and the New York Times. A former reporter for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and a former editor/reporter for the Butler Eagle, he’s been stringer for Fortune, Newsday and many others.

Going Down Rangehttps://goingdownrange.blogspot.comMar 17, 2006 · This is why it takes time to move an Army unit to a natural disaster. Logistics. Here is a view form the Air National guard in New Orleans. The 82nd Airborne in NOLA. Afghan Gastation This is a sure sign that life in Afghanistan is returning to normal. When refugees are returning, this means that they feel that they will arrive to a stable area ...

The mailbag - Princeton Election Consortium is not true. For a final prediction, I could reasonably have chosen any large spike that fell within the 68% CI. As I mentioned to another commenter, for most of October the median spent most of the time on one of three values: 353, 364, and 367 EV – all quite close to the final outcome. I was highly likely to choose one of these values.

India Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries,Christian Fellowship Ministries by Tony Ryals Friday, Aug. 01, 2008 at 10:14 PM [email protected] ''The only problem is, Campbell White, the firm that Haywood works for, is not a multinational company at all.

Working At WAL-MART: Lee Scott: Environmental Steward for a higher minimum wage without offering their own employees a livable wage reveals the company’s motivation not as humanitarian but as yet another money grab. But perhaps Scott’s aim to become a green company was the most surprising about face.

Kerfuffle: Current Affairs seats, power ports, free wifi in the stations, and even a bar cart. I especially like the concept of the Quiet Cars?. Except for when they smell like a tipped-over porta-potty. That was the case on the northbound train tonight. Someone had even posted a handmade sign stating "Car Stinks" on the door.

And, yes, I DO take it personallyhttps://takeitpersonally.blogspot.comChuck Schumer - Visually, a Scaramucci that's been to charm school. He tries to project wisdom and leadership but he's really an empty suit blindly following a party play book that was written in the fifties. As the senior face of the party, he's strictly meh. Hillary Clinton - Go away, Hillary, just go away! You're done. Forget your book.

Neil Sinhababu: February 2020 of the more interesting things I've made on the internet is a blog called "War or Car" that described things you could buy for the price of the Iraq War. I was running it for four months in 2008, through the Presidential election. You could buy every American household its own Toyota Prius -- …

Nothing Better to Do: May 2008 Rusty Bucket is one of two tavern chains that have descended like locusts on the Central Ohio horizon over the last year (the other one is the Old Bag of Nails).There are six locations in and around Columbus. They feature a wide variety of brews on draft and tap as well as a menu with a pantheon of bar grazing options.

New Appeal to Reason: 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 04, 2005 · This is odd in two ways: 1. CND's argument certainly used to be that civil nuclear programmes should be opposed because their essential function was the production of the raw materials for nuclear weapons. Indeed, they used to hold marches against them. …

Creeds, Church, the Individual and American take our mantle as a priesthood of all believers very literally. The Apostles had agency, they acted in the world, and so we, as first-hand readers of Scriptures, we claim the same agency as the Apostles. I don't know if what 'God had in mind' for us, but it feels very right to me so I am a happily ensconced member of the DOC.

October | 2009 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao ...’m spending so much time on foundations here. Not just school as the foundation for a career, but even within school, on certain kinds of practice as foundations for other kinds. Book-shopping as the foundation for book-reading. Book-reading as the foundation for good research. Good research as the foundation for good papers.

POW - The blog: 04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008 09, 2008 · My God, so important. If you hang out with evil people, you'd be surprised at how quickly you start planning the demise of civilization as we know it, with you installed as the Ultimate Leader. Good things rub off. So do bad ones. - Finally, when you start screwing up the rules above, FORGIVE yourself and move on.

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard You know, it's interesting, you said that one of the things that we love doing is to invite our buddies up from Texas. And I think about the time we had Jones, Procter and Selee . These are guys we grew up with in Midland, Texas. They are down to earth, you know, they have no agenda, except being with their friends Laura and George.

Playing Chicken with Nuclear War | The Smirking 03, 2015 · So, immediately after last Friday night’s murder of Russian opposition figure Boris Nemtsov, the West’s media began insinuating that Russian President Vladimir Putin was somehow responsible even though there was no evidence or logic connecting him to the shooting, just 100 meters from the Kremlin, probably the last place Russian authorities ...

The Future of Faith -- movement that Borg is connected with, is according to his quote of Borg, committed to a theology that is “historical, metaphorical, and sacramental.” It is committed to a “relational and transformational” way of living the Christian life (p. 218). My sense is that he …

Diaries - European Tribune is a national catastrophe of a very British sort. One of the UK Government's own scientific advisors has said that the UK could end up with the worst death toll in Europe. At least 15,000 people in the UK have already died of coronavirus, and perhaps many more …

India Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries ... Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries,Christian Fellowship Ministries by Tony Ryals Saturday, Aug. 02, 2008 at 4:00 PM [email protected] ''The only problem is, Campbell White, the firm that Haywood works for, is not a multinational company at all. Or, if it is, it’s certainly a very strange one.

CURMUDGUCATION: The Hard Right's Planning Document for ... Proposal The Education Reform Report is a pdf hosted on CNP's own site. [Update: Not any more. Once the Washington Post got hold of this story, the document disappeared from the site. But the good people at Eclectablog have a copy hosted on their site.]It's only five pages long, including a cover letter from CNP executive director Bob McEwen. That letter does not get off to an auspicious ...

Oh Well: A Commentary: Senators Reject Miers' Replies to ... 08, 2005 · Senators Reject Miers' Replies to Questions This is from the Los Angeles Times: WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court nomination of Harriet E. Miers, already troubled by a lack of enthusiasm on Capitol Hill, ran into more rough ground Wednesday when senators from both parties rejected her responses to a questionnaire as insufficient.

Muhlberger's World History: September 2008 collection of pictures of this key Russian-run installation from the Big Picture.As noted on the BP site, When NASA's last scheduled Space Shuttle mission lands in June of 2010, the United States will not have the capability to get astronauts into space again until the scheduled launch of the new Orion spacecraft in 2015.

The Whited Sepulchre: Jeffrey Miron: Legalize Drugs To ... is the best editorial I've ever read about the need for drug legalization. It's by Jeffrey A. Miron, a senior economics lecturer at Harvard. I don't copy and past entire pieces very often (since I usually try to paraphrase things and pass them off as original thought) but this was too good to pass up.

2009 | The Line In The Sand to the Roll Call, the White House will be taking a major role in the merging of the bills from the Senate Finance Committee and from the Senate HELP Committee.And we know who’ll be there at the table from the White House: White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Nancy Ann DeParle, Obama’s chief health care adviser, are expected to be at the table throughout the talks.

View From The Porch: The friends of Bambi form a lynch mob... virginianus, also known as the whitetail deer, is well known across most of the eastern United States as an automotive navigational hazard, a destroyer of crops and gardens, and part of a healthy and balanced diet.Affectionately termed "hoofed rats" by people who live outside city limits and aren't girls younger than eight, their ritual autumn slaughter is anticipated by a fairly ...

Intersectional Feminism | Virginia ERA Network 02, 2015 · Virginia ERA Network. ... When Alice Paul first introduced the ERA, this was the most popular phone in the US. I’m sad about this, Virginia. Some very big changes are coming in my personal life this year. ... The other day, I googled some information on the ERA and this blog came up as the #2 and #8 hits in the search!! Hurray, Virginia!!! We ...

Dawg's Blawg: Health Canada, asbestos and the ... 11, 2009 · Whether it's bovine growth hormone or deadly asbestos, Health Canada always seems to be on the side of the big battalions. In the former case, its own scientists who questioned its approval were harassed and fired, and only a heavy lobby killed the release of this hormone into our cattle--and ultimately into our milk.

The Union News.: 12/17/08 06, 2008 · One of the brashest voices came from union advocates, who called for quick action on a so-called “card-check” bill. The Service Employee International Union (SEIU) also announced it and three other groups would spend $1 million in an advertising blitz urging the president-elect to focus on healthcare reform during his first 100 days in office.

On the Issue of Nuclear Demolition of the WTC and ... 06, 2007 · Of course, there is the possibility (since the govt), that they did test at these places, and discarded anything that would have proved the case for mini-nukes. With other government “investigations,” whistle-blowers have revealed that often there is much evidence, but it is eliminated.

The Piglet Parade: September 2017 30, 2017 · Once properly medicated the Belle and I adjourned to a waiting booth and were presented with food and wine menus by our server, Tyler. Lisa had already mentioned a wine special, a Chilean bottle for a mere $25. Tyler suggested the sauvignon blanc, a Chilean estate bottled wine that's close to magnificent in my taste.

Britain and America: Britain still loves America after all to know that Brits still love America. This is off-topic I would love to get your thoughts on this: Islamic Terrorism is still our most serious immediate threat, but I see two threats looming in the horizon - China and Europe. China and Europe are very different yet similar - I feel they are: 1. They are both not clearly defined. 2.

Wet Casements: March 2019 28, 2019 · This was one of the promises of the leave campaign, of course, but it was always destined to be folded and put away inside the pocket of one of Rees-Mogg’s double-breasted jackets. It is up to the rest of us to rescue it and give it some meaning." The parallels to …

The Immoral Minority: Private letter in which Charles ... 04, 2015 · Private letter in which Charles Darwin admits he is an Atheist goes up for auction. Courtesy of the Mirror : A private letter where Charles Darwin confesses to not believing in the bible or that Jesus was the son of God is set to sell for more than £50,000.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 05/08/2016 - 05/15/2016 a time, I talked with an elderly woman interested in online publishing. She had written an unpublished book regarding proper diet subtitled "No Mo' Yo-Yo" she wants to publish. Entry to Bonney Field formally began at 5:00 p.m., but soon after it started, it ground to a near-halt, then halted altogether from about 5:30 to 6:00 p.m.

The Debate Link: 06/24/2018 - 07/01/2018* All of why Maeve's plotline was the best of the season. For one, it was definitely the most linearly told -- see, you don't need ninety cross-cutting flashbacks to make for an interesting story. But Maeve's plot is one of the only ones that deals with the theme …

A (Cyber)Nautical Almanachttps://nauticalalmanac.blogspot.comPlus, who can't like his presence. When I did see him at that show, he was the embodiment of the cool jazz man. It wasn't the aura from knowing he was a centerpiece of the New York avant-jazz circles, or that he had played with Cecil Taylor, Peter Broetzmann, Roscoe Mitchell of the Art Ensemble of Chicago and whatnot. It was just his style.

Gubu-World: EU Deserves It have even seen it in my own country. Most recently we saw it in the Balkans during the 1990's as the Serb, Croat and Bosnian went to war with each other with devastating consequences. While it took the muscle of American led NATO to stop the violence, it was the …

Atheist with a Gun: 2015 - Blogger is a good article from Bruce Schneier discussing why, even if a "law enforcement backdoor" could be made hacker proof, it will not solve the problem it is intended for. Back Doors Won't Solve Comey's Going Dark Problem A "backdoor" is a deliberately introduced security hole that, in this case, allows anyone with the relevant knowledge to eavesdrop on communication.

Humint Events Online: Extremely Sad News 23, 2006 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

CTGProject: After Action Report: Success! 23, 2006 · This isn't exactly news, but it was a hard fact for me to miss.] I also doubt we could have finished our day's work if we'd started even half an hour later. The frantic, yet fruitful, nature of the delivery process (think ants on a carcass or bees on honey) prevented us from truly taking stock of our experience as the day went on.

PICU Travelerhttps://martygrn.wordpress.comJan 19, 2008 · One of the report’s authors, Dr. Nils Wilking from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, explained that nearly half the improvement in survival rates in the U.S. in the 1990s was due to “the introduction of new oncology drugs,” and he urged other countries to make new drugs available faster.

Redeye's Front Page: And the media enabled lynching ... 12, 2014 · I t's the paid job of the media we have to tell us what they want us to know, I guess it's my unpaid job to tell you what you need to know to in order to make informed decisions, so here goes. District 6 Madison County Commissioner Robert "Bob" Harrison, and District 1 Huntsville City Councilman Richard Showers, Sr. are going to rue the day they dared represent the people who elected them.

syslblog: March 2016's arrogant. He's a bigot. He's a braggart. And by any reasonable standard of evaluation, he's not just a horrible excuse for a human being, he's an ignorant boob. Something else worth mentioning was the occasional outbursts from protesters who were scattered throughout the crowd, and at various times disrupted Trump's speech.

June | 2006 | Totally Unauthorized 12, 2006 · The LA Times has been keeping a webcam trained on two goldfish living in a tank full of water drawn from the LA River – it’s been sort of an unofficial experiment about the water quality of a really nasty looking cement-lined urban river.. One of the fish (named “Little Antonio” after our not so beloved by everyone anymore mayor) has died, although I’m pretty certain his (or her ...

RADAMISTO: 2014-09-21 11, 2014 · The Fed is basically on the side of the banksters: It's an extraordinary document. There is not space here to do it justice, but the gist is this: The Fed failed to regulate the banks because it did not encourage its employees to ask questions, to speak their minds or to point out problems. Just the opposite: The Fed encourages its employees to keep their heads down, to obey their managers and ...

The Wayward Episcopalian: June 2007 28, 2007 · It can't hurt to include all three in the "to" field. Interns lead rebuilding crews, live in a house uptown, and recieve a small stipend. At then-19, I was the youngest; most are 22-25. Trust me, being underage crimps your social life with such a group. (All photos I took myself, except for the second one, of the tent and RV.

Brooks Wilson's Economics Blog: Starbucks and the Economy 10, 2009 · This is causing a lot of starbucks locations to close down. Most people that buy coffe are people who have an 8 to 5 job and who are making minimum wage. They can't afford to spend 5 dollars every morning on a cup of coffee, so they are going to go down the street to Mcdonalds(inferior good) and buy it from there for a lot less money.

NEI Nuclear Notes 30, 2013 · This week's announcement that Vermont Yankee would be shut down in 2014 was sad news to bear for our industry. Here at NEI, we covered the negative impact on the local economy that this closing will have, and our CEO Marv Fertel's comments expressed how disappointing it is when a well-run and highly productive nuclear plant gets shuttered because of skewed markets.

Keen Observer of the Human Condition: March 2009 03, 2009 · The last wine I tried was one I grew up seeing in the kitchen: Gallo Hearty Burgundy. Basically, a red blend screw top jug wine. I saw it on the shelf at 3S Liquors and couldn't resist the chance to taste what was a regular guest at the dining room table. My mother used to buy two gallon jugs of this, one of Chablis and one of Rose.

AMERICAN COPROPHAGIA - Blogger is one of the poorest states, in terms of personal income, in the Mexican union and has one of the largest indigenous populations. It is also one of the richest in terms of natural resources. To make a 500 year long story very very short, suffice it to say that the natives were getting royally screwed.

XOXO, Jim Roy: May 2017 have walked through your towns and, while looking, failed to see. I did notice in Stephenville, Texas, that the town square was dominated by one lawyer's office after another, because of all the people rotating in and out of the prison. I did notice the barren shops in Wagner, South Dakota, and the VFW gathering hall that stood in mockery of a community's dream to endure.

Barefoot and Laughing: August 2006 12, 2006 · Psalm 34:1-9 Galatians 4:4-7 Luke 1:46-55 Today is the feast day of St. Mary the Virgin, Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Roman church celebrates this as the Feast of her Assumption into heaven; we don’t quite go that far, but we honor her.

Brainster's Blog of Abducted Brides Kitty has the story of the woman from Georgia who it turns out was not abducted. The New York Times has a story on bride abducting in Kyrgyzstan. The story is certainly disturbing, but the Times is like an anthropologist; studying and not making judgments.

95total // cultural aggregationhttps://95total.blogspot.comMcFly's the buzzword around town and it ain't because of that dashing life preserver. Another item from the Back to the Future 2 world has popped up and, unlike the Nike HyperDunks, it's an actual prop from the film.There's an auction on eBay for the Mattel Hover Board that the oh-so-charismatic McFly used to escape the menacing crew led by Biff's legally retarded grandson.

X Curmudgeon: May 2009 28, 2009 · As the undecideds have gone down, all the candidates have gone up, but McAuliffe has gone up faster. That makes intuitive sense--McAuliffe entered the contest later and was more of a wild card, and he's been spending more money, which would account for a surge as undecideds start to formulate their preferences.

Stenson Wins British Open In Record Breaking Performance ... Stenson played one of the most magnificent final rounds at a major in the history of golf, shooting an all-time record-tying 8 under par 63, to finish 20 under par, besting Phil by 3 strokes.

view from the thirteenth floor: January 2019 01, 2019 · one of the great benefits of retirement is the luxury of purty much unlimited reading, although sometimes i'm afraid i'll wind up like the colyer brothers--- i updated my reading list from 2018 --- in no particular order, but the ones in boldface are highly recommended --- best in show is memoirs of hadrian----. Scott Weidensaul, Living on the Wind: Across the Hemisphere with Migratory Birds ...

view from the thirteenth floor: 2015 years ago, i spent my last night at 394 sinclair --- an absolutely wonderful place to live for, lo, those 28 years, which included three excellent relationships with people i still love a whole lot --- and a it was a lot more than that --- not the least of which was making a semi-silk purse out of a sow's ear --- with angela's help on the roof and all over, and a lot of other help besides ...

White House releases video ahead of President Obama's trip ... 02, 2015 · Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch : President Barack Obama will use his trip to Alaska later this month as the backdrop of a message to the...

Eclectic Glob of Tangential Verbosity: 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 08, 2005 · It does look cool, but it's not quite as elegant as it used to be. The food, however, was very good. We started off with roti canai, which was a big pancake with a delicious chicken curry sauce. We also had pork, chicken, shrimp and tofu pancake things with hoisin sauce and a sweet and sour type sauce. That was good.

Black Lens News September 2015 by Black Lens News - Issuu 08, 2015 · Black Lens News September 2015 Published on Sep 8, 2015 The Black Lens is a local community newspaper focused on the people, issues, and information of importance to the African American Community...

Doctor Comics: "The Last Great Work of Alan Moore" 23, 2010 · The age of Victorian adventure fiction got new life in Tom Strong, and if his stories were wild fun and a little bit kooky and far-out, well, that was the point. It had a talking ape and a robot man who used wax cylinders for a voice box, it had Nazi super-vixens and an auto-gyro, and everything in that sentence is made of win.

read my mind: The Bombing of Nagasaki - 68 Years Ago! was the megachurch of its time, with 12,000 baptized members. Nagasaki was the location where the legendary Jesuit missionary, Francis Xavier, established a mission church in 1549. The Christian community survived and prospered for several generations.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast asks whether ... Sharon Davis [McKay] lived with Bruce McKay for a period of 3 years she may be able to assume his last name and possibly the benefits of his estate. At one point he was bankrupt but I have no idea of his assets at the time of his egress from this Earth. See RSA 457:39. Lexis survey says: In re Estate of Buttrick, 134 NH 675 (1991).

A Ceremony, A Funeral and A Bunch of Old Friends 27, 2008 · We walked in and were faced with a bunch of middle-aged people. We began to recognize them as the people we'd gone to college with in the early and mid eighties. We stayed for a bit, stopping to talk to people, some of whom we hadn't seen for 15 or 20 years. Graham is the second from the left in the picture below. It was taken around 1984 or 1985.

The Whited Sepulchre: Wake Up America / Tea Party Rally ... first speaker I got to hear was Dr. Suzanna Hupp, whose parents were killed by a deranged gunman at a Luby's cafeteria in Killeen TX. According to Dr. Hupp, the only missing element in the scenario was a good guy with a gun. She had left her pistol in her car.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2013-06-30 key word would be recorded, but it's an assertion the BBC reported, too. Later Saturday CNN was concentrating on the death toll. This huge expanse of heat wave, which began last week, is expected to extend well into next week. And we are feeling it here as well--the first time a heat wave has included us.

Gaijin Days: February 2010 sun was coming up to my left, over the bridge carrying the train line into Kanagawa, and a mist rose from the slowly warming baseball diamonds. Off to the right, tiny on the horizon, Mt. Fuji's still snow-covered peak slowly turned from pink to yellow to white as the sun climbed in the sky.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 03/23/2014 - 03/30/2014 days, he is widely thought of as the father of the New Mexico pecan industry, and for many years, the Stahmann family farm was the best-known pecan operation in the region. As it turns out, the searing New Mexico sun suited pecan trees quite well, as long as they got enough water.

Is Japan's Rightwing vulnerable to foreign pressure? Unlikely first is to uphold Japan’s “beautiful traditions,” which he interprets as reestablishing a strict social hierarchy under the Emperor. Japan Conference says it wants to create an education system that “fosters a Japanese sensibility,” which Sugano says means getting rid of the teachers union, Nikkyoso, the Japanese right’s bete ...

February | 2013 | V B I“To those who were offended by Seth MacFarlane” Kevin Gisi attempts to level the playing field with his parody of “We Saw Your Boobs.” The old adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder is also true for comedy: One person’s “funny” is another’s “obscene” or “sadistic” or “racist” or — but you get the point.

Frozen Hearts Thaw, Grow Empowered | BroadBlogs 18, 2013 · Frozen Hearts Thaw, Grow Empowered. Dec 18. ... So this does seem very interesting to me one thing I did notice was that Disney was that Elsa was the first princess to demonstrate that women can be very strong and in her case she ended up the queen of the palace with out a man. So this does show that the norm is changing and women are now being ...

University of California Regents Conference - Blogger Fouse fousesquawk This week I attended parts of two days at the University of California Regen...

2009 NFL Draft 2.0 (pt. 2) | Twisted Cultural Wreckage 28, 2009 · 11) Buffalo Bills – In the first half of the season, the Bills looked like the surprise team of the AFC, but QB Trent Edwards’ mid-season concussion caused Buffalo to go into a tailspin, and they ended up dropping eight of their last ten. Injuries certainly played a part, but the collapse can be traced back to two main issues: the inability of the offense to score points, and the total ...

Mom-101: Gee-El-Oh-Are-Eye-Ayyyyyyyyy 09, 2006 · 39 Comments: Anonymous said.... wow -- congratulations! that's big stuff. and thanks for taking a break to tell us all about it. great question you asked -- and great answer to report. the question i'd like to ask her is how does she feel about the state of feminism today, what with younger women shrugging off (or outright rejecting) the label "feminist" and a veritable civil war breaking out ...

Crosmobile wagon: A little car lasts a long time 31, 2016 · Crosley was the first to use caliper disc brakes in a car, and the first to offer an all-steel station wagon – other manufacturers stayed with wood-bodied wagons into the 1950s. Crosley even coined the term "sport-utility" – actually "sports utility" – for a a variant of its wagon with removable canvas top and sides.

No Right Turn: Forced confessions aren't 08, 2006 · Forced confessions aren't. ... "Jihad" Jack Thomas was the first person to be convicted under Australia's post-911 anti-terrorism laws, ... Even the threat "Confess or be tortured" can be said to involve a choice, and a chance that torture may not be applied. But it could never be regarded as a free choice in the relevant sense.

Above The Borderline: 9/28/08 - 10/5/08"Brown recently told Time magazine that "he had established several other front groups to fund a long-range effort to erode Obama's support, including a second PAC, called The Legacy Committee, a 527 organization called Citizens for a Safe and Prosperous America and a so-called "social welfare" 501(c)4 nonprofit called the Policy Issues Institute."

The Makeshift Academic: 2014 30, 2014 · The good guys (mostly) won – thanks to grassroots organizing, massive public pressure and some skilled negotiating behind closed doors. It was an incomplete victory, but it was a victory all the same – most low-wage workers in Michigan are getting a …

Amusing Anomalies - Bloggerhttps://strangeanomaly.blogspot.comThe first time you notice when you turn the key on this SUV is that "nothing happens". I mean, the dash board instruments come on and a ready light blinks on, but you don't hear a starter and you don't hear the familiar rumble of an internal combustion engine (ICE) turning on.

Kung Fu Monkey: 1/24/10 - 1/31/10 M A N @roquesdoodle The 1921 Martin 00-28 * is a 12 fret guitar produced by C.F. Martin and Company (so known because the body meets the neck at the 12th fret, whereas most acoustic guitars made today meet at the 14th). It is made of Brazilian Rosewood with a spruce top and a mahogany neck so thick it could stand in as a cricket bat (more on that later).

Please! Send the Helicopters! | Bud Meyers 10, 2014 · It was one of the first companies to offer limited liability to its shareholders. It laid the foundations of the British empire. It spawned the 'Company Man'. And it was the first state-backed company to make its mark on the world [with crony capitalism]. "From Stumbling and Mumbling (excerpted and edited) "Free Markets need Socialism":

News Cycle: 2009-09-20 drop in combined print and digital ad revenue last year, 16.6 percent, according to the Newspaper Association of America, was the worst since the Depression. But it looks rosy next to 2009, when revenue fell 28.3 percent in the first quarter and 29 percent in the second.

US Manufacturing: 1979 to 2013 (Outsourcing to Resourcing ... 17, 2013 · In 2007, for the first time, Toyota passed General Motors to become the #1 automaker. In 2012 the three-way race between Toyota, GM and Volkswagen was tight, but Toyota held onto its status as the world's top-selling automaker in the first quarter of 2013. Timeline since the Boeing 707 and the Toyota Toyopet in 1958

Women of the Young Lords – Course Blog for UCLA M147 With ... 18, 2016 · BRIEF HISTORY: THE ESTABLISHMENT YouTube “Serve and Protect the People.” Founded in the 1960s, the Young Lords Organization (YLO) grew into a radical nationalist group that was inspired and influenced by the Black Panther Party. The Young Lords was born in Chicago as a former Puerto Rican street gang in 1960; however, it transformed into…

Big Bad Bald Bastard: All This Talk About Butts... 11, 2012 · It must be noted that one of the funniest things I've ever seen is at 1:11 in the Sir Mix-a-Lot video, when the magazine title Cosmopygian appears in the background. It made my laugh my shapely ass off when I first saw it, and it still cracks me up.

Highlights and Lowlights: Looking Back at the First Season ... 01, 2015 · Writer’s Note: The first season of “Poker Night in America” has now concluded, with another year of new programs soon shifting to Monday nights. What follows is my look back on the first season of broadcasts, including some of my fondest memories and biggest disappointments of 2014.

Avedon's Sideshow: Woke up this mornin' with my mind ... Nolan's Kinja piece on pensions sounds exciting about "Yes, we can have pensions." Dean Baker is considerably less enthusiastic about the actual workings of the Dutch system as described in the NYTimes article. A system run on "Brutal honesty" where retirees' benefits are cut during economic downturns is not a desirable feature of a social insurance program.

Alterdestiny: Obama, Lula, and Iran: Understanding the ... 10, 2009 · Diplomacy depends on talking, on dialogue, and not on rejecting other leaders or countries simply because you disagree with them. And any effort towards peace, no matter who is leading it, is a valuable step. Sometimes, other countries may be in a better position for these kinds of talks than the U.S. is, and this is one of those instances.

Dissenting Leftist: Gun Control: A Left Libertarian Critique will necessarily be less important to the casual laborer or welfare recipient who is being robbed of the wherewithal to support his family [p. 117] for a month — or to a black shopkeeper who can't get robbery insurance and will be literally run out of business by successive robberies.

Progressive Alaska: Our Government Tortured Hundreds of ... was noticeable that one of the biggest cheers of the night at Scott Brown's victory speech tonight was for these comments.. “When dealing with terrorists our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop these terrorists – not lawyers to defend them.

Donald Trump is now calling polls, and any information ... 11, 2017 · Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vettin...

Cede No Ground PAC – are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

A DC Birding Blog: Loose Feathers #747 05, 2020 · Birds and birding news. During the coronavirus pandemic, birders need to keep track of the status of public and private birding areas, and which sites are open may change from week to week.

Prisoner Abuse Archives - Oppression Monitor Daily first horror is what people have endured in Alabama's prisons. The second horror is that while shocking, it is not a surprise. Prisons should be subject to the most exacting scrutiny and public oversight, but the reality is just the opposite.

CodyLyon'sblogolater: 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 a number of years, Rice’s group shared office space in Fairfax with Bruce Taylor’s National Law Center for Children and Families as well as the National Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families. When visiting the Enough is Enough website, readers can view recommendations for sexual counseling along with reading suggestions ...

9 Ala. Church Fires Raise More Questions - Oh Well: A ... 09, 2006 · Alabama Gov. Bob Riley walks amid the ruins of Ashby Baptist Church while touring the area with church and law enforcement officials Saturday Feb 4, 2006 in Brierfield, Ala. Riley toured all five churches that were hit by suspected arsonists in Bibb County and offered a $10,000 reward in finding who is responsible for the fires.

Freedom Writing: A Brand New Ball Game? 05, 2012 · Winning the election is what matters at this point, and Romney almost certainly could not have been seen as the debate's winner if the general perception had been that he had had a bad night. Winning the debates — especially the first one — and winning the election are the immediate tasks. The hearts and minds can be won later.

Freedom Writing: He Went Quietly, More Or Less 17, 2011 · At that time, Agnew was widely seen as the heir apparent for the nomination in 1976 — but then it was revealed that he was being investigated for a veritable stew of criminal acts. In October 1973, he resigned the vice presidency and entered a plea of no contest to a …

The Inch of Difference: 11.2006 19, 2006 · Yep, me freaking out every 5 mins. And I'm 3 hours away. Mom is fretting like crazy (you can hear it in her voice). Liz is terrified. And the voices we all hear in the back of our heads, keep saying, " You know we found dad's stage 3 colon cancer after blood showed up in his stool."

The Other Side of My Mouth: February 2012"But I really want to thank everyone who is supporting me, and if you don't know me very well, if you're just watching for the first time or maybe you are just getting to know me, I want to be clear. Here are the values that I stand for: I stand for honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you want to be treated and ...

The Daily Paradise: December 2012 30, 2012 · "WASHINGTON - An administration official says the chief of the State Department's security service, one of his deputies and an official from the agency's Middle East bureau have resigned after a damning report that found systematic management failures responsible for a lack of security at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya."

A DC Birding Blog: Loose Feathers #719 10, 2019 · The first genome of the Spotted Lanternfly was built from a single specimen captured in Reading, Pennsylvania. Freshwater mussels are dying of a mysterious illness, and the die-off is threatening river ecosystems. Time is running out to save the vaquita, and it is not clear if recent policy changes will be enough to do it.

Cult of Signal: February 2015 first is freedom of speech and expression everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way — everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want — which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its ...

Balkinization: Interpreting the Venezuelan Constitution re ... some of you may know, one of my many hobbyhorses is the stupidity of our Inauguration Day, which, fortunately, is inconsequential this time but would be of great importance had Gov. Romney won last month’s election—and was important in many previous years, including 2008-2009.

Neocon Express: "I Won't Have to Pay My Mortgage if Obama ... 02, 2008 · This is severely disadvantaging Senator McCain’s campaign financing by putting much lower caps on the amount of money he will have available. This is the reason Senator Obama can outspend Senator McCain 4 to 1. This also shows that Senator Obama does not keep his campaign promises, just like his past campaign promises.

Donald J. Trump & Vaccines | Sarasota for Vaccination Choice 25, 2020 William Big Pharma Fraud, Bill Gates, CDC Fraud, censorship, coronavirus, Donald J. Trump & Vaccines, health freedom, human DNA in vaccines, individual autonomy, informed consent, Jon Rappoport, mandatory vaccination, medical surveillance, Take Action, vaccine adverse events, vaccine big business, vaccine coercion, vaccine ...

read my mind: Israeli Navy Kill Unarmed Peace Activists!“This is a definite possibility that we need to prepare for,” a senior defense official said. The flotilla that arrived late on Sunday night comprised six ships, and another two ships, including the Rachel Corrie, are expected to attempt to enter Israeli waters in the coming days.

read my mind: Oklahoma City Bombing - Missed Attempt? his new book The Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories, just published by Regnery, renowned investigative reported Ambrose Evans-Pritchard alleges massive corruption and cover-ups in the Clinton Administration in connection with many incidents, including the death of Vincent Foster, drug dealing in Arkansas, and the Paula Jones ...

RADARSITE: Obama Plan to Destroy Israel: Two State Solution 05, 2009 · Obama Plan to Destroy Israel: Two State Solution by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook The following offers deep insight into the world's quest for a two state solution agreement between Israel and Palestine. Put your thinking cap on and delve in. Obama's Plan to Destroy Israel

RADARSITE: E-Verify To Expire Friday!!! argument that everyone has is that E-Verify is voluntary. This is not true. In Arizona E-Verify is required by all employers. Have any of you also noticed that the economy in Arizona has declined an enormous amount since E-Verify has become a requirement; even more of a decline than many other states in this country.

ed fitzgerald's unfutz the New York Times Magazine, counterterrorism guru Richard Clarke has some advice for John Negroponte in his new role as Director of National intelligence.Some highlights: Split the CIA's analysts off into a new Office of National Assessments, and re-organize the remaining part of the Agency as the National Clandestine Service and fire Porter Goss.

Access St. Louis!: July 2008 is a warning to all Whites living in the West. Once we are the minority, there will be nowhere to run. This is our fate if we don't take care of our race problem now. South Africa and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) were once the jewels of Africa. Today they are literally a hell on Earth, because blacks cannot create or sustain a civilization.

Big Education Ape: Nov 25, 2013 Need for a Common Definition | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: ENGAGE! A Need for a Common DefinitionBy National PTA on November 25, 2013By Sherri Wilson, Senior Manager of Family and Community Engagement, National PTAThis week, one of our state PTA leaders contacted the National PTA office to ask for a simple definition ...

New York City Eye: Teachers call for ouster of Queens JHS ..."Under Principal Murphy, [MS] 8 has improved from a D to a B, and the school just came off the state's list of failing schools," said agency spokesman David Cantor. But the agency is investigating Murphy for the teacher's aide incident and another case - not necessarily for grade inflation - an official said.

Global Burden of Disease: Epidemiologists at Work. 27, 2011 · The complete description of the DALY function for individual calculations of the DALY - the solution for a differential equation - is given in the paper. It is too cumbersome to attempt to produce it in this editor. In any case, Japan has one of the most elderly populations in the world, with about 25% of its citizens being over the age of 65.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Secret Science Club Post-Lecture ... 11, 2018 · As waves travel back and forth, they interfere with each other, creating peaks and valleys. The symbol for wavelength is a lowercase lambda, with a single wave being defined as the distance for a wave to attain a peak, then descend to a valley, and return to the starting point. A single up-and-down motion is half a wave:

TRUTHMISSILEhttps://truthmissile.blogspot.comWow - the only station that actually covered the Villaraigosa victory speech LIVE here in Los Angeles was Fox 11 local news. You wouldn't know there was an election going on as the other stations had re-runs of Friends and typical late night dull-a-thons. And how many people live in Los Angeles? 12 million! And these are the final numbers?

La Puce Enigmatique/The Enigmatic Flea the aftermath of September 11, George Bush declared his ‘war on terror’. The self-anointed nemesis of the world’s ‘evil-doers’ then led the crusade to bomb Afghanistan back to the stone-age & record opium production, before criminally conspiring to unleash the dogs of war on the people of Iraq. As ‘junior’ listened to his ‘voices’, the old dreamers from the Reagan era went ...

LamontBlog: Ned Lamont (D) for CT: 04/09/2006 - 04/16/2006"Our budget is $3 million," Schlesinger said. "I'm going to be matching the first $500,000 dollar for dollar."All the millions in the world won't do any good when your stated "pet issue" is privatizing social security. The first-quarter campaign finance report from the Lamont camp is due out today. In CT-04, Diane Farrell outraised Chris Shays ...

Buckhorn Road: November 2012 03, 2012 · On May 12, 1987, I was a freshman in high school, and my 5th period P.E. class was underway. It was near the end of the school year, and we were performing a physical fitness test to see how far we had come that school year. The first apparatus was pullups - jump up to the bar and knock out as many as you could until you could do no more.

Jews sans frontieres: April 2012 in the first three categories (pshat, remez and drash) are translated into English and offered on the internet. Maybe that is part of being "a light onto the nations". Articles in the fourth category, sod, secret, are kept strictly in the holy language, out of the reach of the nations.

The Party at Spitfire | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... TVs aren’t playing the results when we walk in, but at 10 they are switched to the news. At the time, I am interviewing Steinbrueck for a video we’ll have up tomorrow, and he’s on the TV in the background of his own interview. Someday, that will be a limited edition collectible YouTube video, I’m telling ya!

Vassar's SJP sort of apologizes for anti-Israel, Nazi ... 16, 2014 · Vassar College was the battleground this week for Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and pro-Israel advocates in a war waged through social media — …

The Latest News on Occupy Wall Street: Tuesday Nov. 15 ... 15, 2011 · According to the Associated Press: The National Lawyers Guild says it has obtained a court that allows Occupy Wall St. protesters to return with tents to a New York City park. The guild says the ...

Remembering ‘The Farm.’ | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of ... 24, 2016 · Finally, after about an hour, sun going down, he put the shovel down and started to walk. We started to walk behind him, and he told us to get in our car to follow. So we did. He walked us back to a two-story house a few hundred meters away along a dirt road. We parked the car in the middle of some wild grass and brush, got out, and went inside.

Tickle The WireNCAA Shouldn't Ignore Steroid Problem ... 14, 2013 · By Greg Stejskal In the summer of 2004, a Senate sub-committee, chaired by Senators Charles Grassley and Joseph Biden held a hearing regarding the prevalence of steroids in sports. I had helped arrange for two of the witnesses who testified at this hearing. One was Curtis Wenzlaff, a convicted steroid dealer, who had supplied […]

The Zaftig Redhead: Go North 'til You Smell It, West 'til ... 10, 2008 · The win not only clinched a fifth shared or outright Big Ten championship for Ohio State under coach Jim Tressel, but it also was the fifth-consecutive win for Ohio State over Michigan – a program first in 119 seasons of football. It also marked the seventh win over Michigan in Tressel’s eight seasons at the helm." Alas, though -- no Rose Bowl.

No Right Turn: A new target for asset forfeiture 12, 2015 · So far, the targets of asset forfeiture have mostly been involved in drug dealing. But now police have discovered a lucrative new target: businesses who exploit migrants: Police have frozen $34 million of assets linked to a well known Auckland-based restaurant chain - believed to be the most valuable cache of property targeted in a single case.

Dark Bilious it was the “Biker Babes” that caught the attention of my daughters (who were approx 8, 6 and 4 years old) at the time. Their eyes took on the size of dinner plates looking at the Harley Women , scantily clad in the merest strips of black leather, sporting assorted tattoos and piercings, streaming past perched on the belly of the Harley ...

The latest test for the anti-Trump movement rests on a ... 24, 2017 · (Bernie Sanders stumping for Rob Quist.Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) A 'washed-up hippie' vs. a 'New Jersey multimillionaire' Gianforte, who became a billionaire after selling his software company RightNow Technologies in 2011, has framed himself as a business-savvy engineer who will boost job growth in the state, while Quist has sold himself as a folksy son of …

The latest test for the anti-Trump movement rests on a ... 25, 2017 · It would be easy to write off Montana as infertile ground for the resistance — Trump swept the state by 20 points in November — but it has a strong independent streak and is currently led by a ...

fannie mae | Rock the Boat 23, 2008 · What’s worse than having a former Fannie Mae CEO not advising your campaign?. Having a $15,000 a month lobbyist for Freddie Mac chairing your campaign.Thats what: [Freddie Mac] paid $15,000 a month from the end of 2005 through last month to a firm owned by Senator John McCain’s campaign manager , according to two people with direct …

Analogies - Hbee just cash, but an electronic bully pulpit preaching that all Muslims wanted to kill us and that only the US could save the day. And do it all in 24 hours. This kind of propaganda is not unprecedented but it took 20 years for a show about wacky Nazis to get to TV after WWII. Did the propaganda campaign known as 24 work?

Balkinization: The Legally Flawed Rearguard Challenge to ... the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate in its blockbuster NFIB decision this past summer, a move is afoot among the ACA's opponents to try to unravel that victory. As I will show below, that move …

NoFo: 12/01/2012 - 01/01/2013 years ago today was the last, devastating act in a year that had shaken my family to its core. It was the day my worldview changed from naive to guarded, from optimistic to cynical, from insular to secular. It was the day my friend Miriam was murdered. And it was just another day for most people.

Leftist Grandpa: RICK SCOTT WORKING TO SWIFTBOAT HEALTH ... 12, 2009 · Rick Scott, a man who has never really cared about anyone's health, is working to swiftboat president Obama's health care reform. Here's a little about Mr. Scott from Wikipedia: Columbia/HCA fraud cases. Numerous New York Times stories, beginning in 1996, described improper business and Medicare billing practices of Columbia/HCA. In the spring of 1997, federal agents …

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions: What Happened to ..., I am not much of a conspiritory person. But really the first sensible "story" I have heard about Flight 93. But if all true(and I am not disputing it) what does it do to the flight that hit the Pentagon? The evidence there is even more compelling for a fraudulent story from the government.

A growing prosperity – monoblogue 25, 2009 · A growing prosperity The current incarnation of Americans for Prosperity has a problem most groups would like to have – more people coming to their meetings than they have room for. It’s almost surprising that the fire marshal wasn’t called in once …

West Virginia | This Black Sista's Memorial Page come after a three-year investigation of the actor, who is being held on $3.3m bailDanny Masterson, the actor known for That ‘70s Show, has been charged with the rapes of three women in the early 2000s, Los Angeles prosecutors said Wednesday.The three counts of rape by force or fear come after a three-year investigation of the 44-year-old Masterson.

September 21, 2013 News Read > Hawaii Free 21, 2013 · The decline in Oahu's electric rate was primarily due to a drop in the price for low-sulfur fuel oil, which accounts for more than 50 percent of a customer's bill, a HECO spokes­man said. HECO paid $118.37 for a barrel of LSFO in September compared with $131.01 in August. Oahu is the only island where LSFO is burned for power generation.

Religion Spirituality | This Black Sista's Memorial Page on the news from 2009…and then some . Vanessa Long Has Left Both Bishop Long and His Church • June 14, 2011 • Comments Off on Vanessa Long Has Left Both Bishop Long and His Church Posted in African American History, Black People, Class, Cultural History, Preachers/Ministers, Protestant Denominations, Rape/Sex Crimes, Religion, Sexual Harassment, Sexuality, Spirituality ...

ABC's The View Hightlights Less Media Interest in Black ... 07, 2012 · Whoopi Goldberg and Sherri Shepherd recently did a segment on ABC's The View discussing the reasons for less media and police attention for black missing children and adults. You can watch here. In the segment, ABC Investigative Reporter Chris Cuomo and "Law and Order" series actress S. Epatha Merkerson describe how the media often decide what missing children and adults …

Do you have any idea how many glorious meals an elderly ... 02, 2018 · My other (almost) only concern are the wood floors. I can’t stand up, walk or get “traction” on anything but carpet. A few months ago I bought a 10-foot carpet runner — measuring 10' x 3' — to use in our front foyer hall at home, back in the days when I thought I could still walk. I think I’ll ask my hospice social worker to transport it for me.

bottlerocketscience: The Year in Reading 2011 30, 2011 · The Year in Reading 2011 Since 2006, I've been keeping a list of all the books I've read. I don't know whether I want to keep doing this, as it makes me feel like I'm reading less rather than more, trying to finish books that might just as well be left aside, and leaving aside critical books that really ought to be read immediately.

Keen Observer of the Human Condition: January 2009 01, 2009 · Crisp and dry on the palate, it has a solid core of cherry fruit, good grip, and a fruit-filled finish."-Rated 87, Robert Parker's Wine Advocate. It's also around the same $6.00. The first label is the one from the 2007 Red Wine. And the second label is from the 2007 Rose Wine. I 've been sipping on these for the past week.

Obama to Force Military Into ObamaCare Exchanges and Slash ... By Wynton Hall On February 28, 2012 @ 8:51 am The Obama Administration plans to force active duty service members and veterans off the military’s current health care plan, Tricare, and into ObamaCare’s state-run healthcare exchanges by increasing Tricare premiums between 30 percent to 78 percent the first year and a crushing 94 percent to 345 percent every five years thereafter.

freedom-writing.blogspot.com Court Justice John Paul Stevens is a bit of a throwback. The 89–year–old jurist, who has been on the Supreme Court for 35 years, says he will retire either this year o

Montana Motor Stables: GREENPEACE (GP) 27, 2012 · Its stated mission is to "use non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and force solutions for a green and peaceful future." After a schism in the late 1970s, the various organizations originally comprising Greenpeace have today united into 41 affiliates and two main branches, Greenpeace USA and the Amsterdam ...

LTR - Watching Alternative Media for Five Years: KPHX rises 03, 2009 · This is what we have here again. Likewise I never said it was easy to make a physical change to a facility. Oh no. It's very difficult. That's why 50% of the AM stations out there have made significant upgrades to their signals over the past ten years. You can't refute so you resort to attacks. You obviously did get your training from radio ...

bottlerocketscience: 35th and still counting, September 23, 2005. 35th and still counting

That awkward moment when your fellow candidates notice ... 06, 2016 · Courtesy of the New York Magazine : Senator Marco Rubio's attempt to claim the GOP establishment mantle and surge past Donald Trump an...

Saipan Writer: February 2008 is my small tribute to Dan Hughes. He was living in Thailand, where he was killed by a motorist while waiting at a stoplight (according to the news from Dan MacMeekin). Lots of love and a …

Hakeem Jeffries: Principled Compromise 13, 2006 · Jeffries, according to a report Thursday in the Brooklyn Downtown Star headlined Jeffries Concerned About, But Not Opposed To, Yards, has more nuanced view. And a closer look at his statements suggests that his fence-sitting could easily migrate to support--especially given the clearer sentiments expressed in an article in the Courier-Life ...

Tenured Radical: Shout Out From New York 02, 2008 · Shout Out From New York I am here, wandering around the former City of My Dreams, with a large messenger bag full of tee shirts, underwear, books and a laptop. My main goal is to see as many movies as I can in three days, grab some face time with friends, and replenish my supply of black tees and cheap hoop earrings.

Muttering Jam: Aaron Russo redux - Blogger 09, 2006 · Brian Ragle is a progressive blogger who has critically analyzed the main points of Aaron Russo's libertarian scarefilm "America Freedom to Facism," for which I expressed some restrained enthusiasm some weeks ago. Ragle has continued his critique, and I have to admit, I feel somewhat chastened. "I now hate Aaron Russo for forcing me into the position of defending anything Bush has …

The Daily Chimp for Friday, 18 May 2018 | The Smirking 18, 2018 · The pressure of living under special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation appears to be getting to President Donald Trump's lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen, according to a report from Vanity Fair. This pressure has prompted the urge to fight back, and Emily Jane Fox reported that he has told friends, "I’m not going to ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Questions on consultants continue to ... latest information is certainly illuminating, but the issue is hardly new. As far back as the first rumblings of the departure of Mr. Mercer, locals were wondering what exactly was going on at the School District, the less than transparent efforts of the School District surrounding Mr. Mercer's departure leaving far more questions than answers.

Texas First | Texas Leftist 05, 2014 · In “Respeto,” Leticia Van de Putte shares about the respect that every Texan deserves. Leticia introduces her immigrant grandmothers; as well as the service of her mother, a teacher, and that of her father, a veteran. Texans never give up, and Leticia — a mother of six, grandmother of six, pharmacist and a State Senator — commits to continue the fight to protect the future of our kids.

Every day (in the right sidebar) we’ll feature the same ... 11, 2019 · Incidentally, the Howdygram is happy to announce the resurrection of an old but popular sidebar feature … the HAT OF THE DAY.Every day in the right sidebar we’ll feature the same head in a different outrageous hat, courtesy of a now-defunct boutique in south Dallas that catered to a flashy, older clientele (i.e., elderly women of color).

Next Left: There have been worse Presidents than George W 02, 2008 · But he adds: “Of course, that needs the Treaty of Lisbon to be ratified, in the first place, if Ireland recovers some sense, and a different international scene where multilateralism and trust for international law prevail.” 3 November 2008 at 15:41

Ruth Institute Blog » assisted form a society by buying in to shared values; they are the glue that binds us together and informs our identity as individuals and a community. The Parti Québécois (PQ) wants to establish a separate society from Canada and its opportunity to try to do so depends on how Quebecers vote in the April 7 election.

SHADOW'S WORLD: October 2014 acorns started falling about a week ago, so here is the first of my weekly photos as the foliage changes at our house. Since we've had what everyone seems to think was a cooler-than-normal summer, the common thought is that we're due for a colder -- and earlier -- winter.

Britain and America: Imagining a World Without America first nuclear power is the UK, home to the defector scientists who in our timeline were associated with the Manhattan Project. Berlin is nuked, killing the entire central command. By the time of this attack, the Nazis, not having to fight much of a Western front, controls much of Eastern Europe (and all of Poland) and parts of the USSR.

Bilgrimage: Mary Hunt on Next Phase of Abuse Revelations ... 12, 2018 · The Academy Award-winning movie "Spotlight" offered a summary of the first part of what I predict will be a Catholic trifecta of disgrace. "Spotlight" showed priests abusing minors and clerical higher-ups covering for them, making for a grim, ongoing tale of betrayal and corruption.

Short Sharp Shock.: Worldwide Pants down II: The fallout ... 11, 2009 · These are the bigger body blows to the CBS image. Others are smaller matters: When Katie Couric accepted an award from the Library of American Broadcasting at a luncheon in midtown Manhattan on Oct. 1, she defended herself against her critics, who have condemned her for a fluffy, insubstantial approach to the news.

Nukes of Hazardhttps://nukesofhazard.blogspot.comMar 19, 2009 · The $38.2 billion base total represents and 11.4%or $3.9 billion increase above Fiscal Year 2008 base funding levels and a 4% or $1.6 billion decrease below the Bush Administration’s Fiscal Year 2009 request. SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL TO PAY FOR THE IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN WARS

Postscripts: 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 and Yorktown are the largest towns, each at 39.5 square miles; Ossining (3.0 sq.mi.), the smallest. Among towns, Greenburgh has the most population and Pound Ridge the least. Westchester's six cities are Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Peekskill, Rye, White Plains and Yonkers--the largest city in area, as well as the most populous.

Utah Isn't Touching Mitt Romney, Scraps Bills To Censure Him 15, 2020 · Life has a Valentine’s Day message for Donald Trump and that is “go screw” when it comes to his personal vendettas. Just this week the Army declared it was not going to do any “investigation” into punishment of Alexander Vindman, Andrew McCabe skated, and now, Trump will be furious to learn, his arch nemesis Mitt Romney is home free as well. The Utah legislature has …

Marriage and Contraception Will Dominate 2014’s Religion 11, 2014 · Author, Nathan C. Walker, is an Ed.D. Candidate in Law, Education, and Religion at Columbia University.He is the co-editor of Whose God Rules: Is the United States a Secular Nation or a Theolegal Democracy?with foreword by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Editor, Myriam Renaud, is a Ph.D. Candidate in Theology at the University of Chicago Divinity School.

Bye Bye Democracy!: June next morning I'm in the system at 7:30 am. There's no 'speak to an advisor' in the schedule an appointment option. So I hang up because I can't go back to the first menu anymore and select the 'change an appointment' which actually does have a 'speak to an advisor' option. Oh, no advisors until 8 …

atomic power review: Russian Nuclear Sub Decommissioning ... interesting are the large, high quality photos that are available on the page (click to enlarge,) and the photo of the Alfa class sub reactor compartment is particularly notable. More views of the Sayda Bay facility and decommissioned submarine reactor compartments both floating and on land can be found at this Facebook page album ...

Luna Park: Begin the Beguine 06, 2007 · Be an active part of the carnival of the little magazine world, a place rightfully described by the recent O' Henry Prize as "the greatest evidence of our vibrant literary world." Look for our "first issue" at, January 2008. And: Please, subscribe to a …

Balkinization: Why Me Worry risk that can be quantified can potentially be insured. Specific kinds of risk that may give rise to claims are known as "perils". An insurance policy will set out in detail which perils are covered by the policy and which are not. Below are (non-exhaustive) lists of the many different types of insurance that exist. A single policy may cover risks in one or more of the categories set out ...

South Texas Chisme: Putting 'In God we Trust' on police ... people.Just for a moment. Is the color of your skin more important than life, liberty and the pursuit of justice?Adopted in the mid 1950s as the nation’s motto, “In God We Trust” is an exclusionary, “Johnny-come-lately” that is unconstitutional and “turns believers into insiders and non-believers into outsiders,” Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of Freedom From Religion ...

CANADIAN STUDY: TRANSITION TO RENEWABLES ‘IRREVERSIBLE ... solar industry alone is now creating one of every 50 new jobs in the United States, one of out of every 80 since 2009. Expectations are that this transformation of the energy system will expand greatly in the next few years, with a huge drop of 57 percent by 2025 in the cost of large-scale solar plants—those of more than 200 gigawatts.

The Candid Blogger: Ron Paul: America Must End War on Drugs Candid Blogger, like Clark Kent, fights for Truth, Justice and the American Way. Not unlike Perry White's The Daily Planet, this Blog is dedicated to presenting the …

The Rude Pundit: The Bible Teaches That Rape Is Just Fine ... 10, 2017 · The Bible Teaches That Rape Is Just Fine (Guest Post) (My pal, folk singer Addie Brownlee , wrote this on Facebook this weekend, and she has kindly allowed me to post it here. Addie has long been wrestling with Christian-pud-thumpers; if you go to one of her shows, she'll likely do a riff on "Weird Shit in the Bible."

Tickle The Wirewire fraud Archives - Tickle The those officials is Arizona Rep. Raúl Grijalva, who is the chair of the Natural Resources Committee that oversees Puerto Rico. “The Puerto Rican people deserve a government that takes public service seriously, that’s transparent and accountable, and that doesn’t let this happen in the first place,” Grijalva said in a statement.

The Next Hurrah: Botched Occupation of Iraq Helps Arm Iran 17, 2005 · By DHinMI. About a month back the NYT reported that in the weeks immediately following the collapse of Saddam's army--the period of widespread looting which the US forces didn't (and because there were too few of them probably couldn't) stop--entire weapons factories were dismantled and vanished into the black market.Now, with US and Iraqi forces exercising tighter control over movement ...

Forget the New Cars, Thieves also Targeting Older Vehicles ... the New Cars, Thieves also Targeting Older Vehicles as Thefts are Up by Lisa L. Colangelo - NY Daily News Read original... When car thieves prowl the streets of Queens, they aren't just looking for shiny sports cars.

The Campaign Report – June 17, 2020 – Blue Delaware 17, 2020 · Joe Biden has opened up a 13-point national lead over President Trump, 48% to 35% — the widest margin this year — according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll as Americans grow more critical of Trump over the coronavirus pandemic and protests against police brutality. In a clear warning sign for Trump, his own support base appears to…

Please save me from the wisdom of self ... - Eclectablog 20, 2018 · With YOUR support, all regular contributors at Eclectablog are paid for their work. If you would like to send a check to avoid fees being taken out, send it …

DeBoer v Snyder and Schuette | Eclectablog Byrum is currently in her second term as Ingham County Clerk, serving as the county’s chief elections official. As Clerk, Barb has successfully conducted 23 elections, 4 union elections, and currently serves on Michigan’s Election Security Commission, the Secretary of State’s team of advisors tasked with strengthening and better ...

Dakota Access Pipeline 100 Arrested Black Snake Prophecy ... to view8:48Oct 29, 2016 · 11And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth ...Author: TheGroxt1Views: 2.1K

Military Courts and Article III, Part III: Military ... Friday's second post in this five-part series on my new paper, "Military Courts and Article III," I examined the Supreme Court's jurisprudence concerning how a separate system of military courts-martial is consistent with the U.S. Constitution, especially Article III's requirement that all judges exercising the "judicial power of the United States" have salary and tenure protection.

Tupper Knew! Park Administrator Objected to Goose ... Park’s top administrator Tupper Thomas opposed a federal decision to massacre close to 300 Canada geese in her park this summer, but she chose not to cry fowl because the program was orchestrated by Mayor Bloomberg and federal agencies, a spokesman revealed this week.

Delaware Way: More On Land Grabs reasons why they did so are as murky as the Nile waters that flow around them.Al-Qursaya island is home to 5,000 people, mostly farmers who have lived there for generations. It is one of the last undeveloped pieces of land in the mega-city’s ever-expanding concrete sprawl.

American Power: Saddam's Terrorist Friends 07, 2008 · Stephen Hayes sets the record straight on the report last week, seen in the mainstream media, that the Pentagon found no link between Saddam Hussein's regime and international terrorist activity:. This ought to be big news. Throughout the early and mid-1990s, Saddam Hussein actively supported an influential terrorist group headed by the man who is now al Qaeda's second-in …

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Coins For Change: Returning Trust to Ohio:’s office requested 123 unbid contracts adding up to a grand total of $19 million. Of the total amount of unbid contracts, 97 are headed to firms that have made contributions to Petro’s campaign. A total of roughly $803,000 in contributions was made to Petro’s campaign by the firms in the last few years.

2020 United States Senate election in Iowa - WikiMili, The ... 14, 2020 · The 2020 United States Senate elections will be held on November 3, 2020, with the 33 Class 2 seats of the Senate being contested in regular elections. The winners will be elected to six-year terms extending from January 3, 2021, until January 3, 2027. Additionally, there will also be two special elections: one special election in Arizona to fill the vacancy created by the death of John McCain ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Plainfield planning official elected to ... 18, 2017 · Scott Bey, who is currently serving on the organization's board o f directors, will now take a seat on the Executive Board. Elected by the organization's general membership, Scott Bey will serve in the office for three years. Ron was appointed to the Planning Board by the late Mayor Al McWilliams, and has served for fifteen years.

Secrets of Grandpatzer Chess: The Weakest Link 07, 2007 · The first non-book opening move I often feel like I am still 'in book', in a rhythm, and so move without doing the required analysis. 8) Time trouble: this may be the only time it is justified. If I am in horrible time trouble and simply have to move, there ain't no time to analyze. Those are the main ones I can think of. Any others people have?

The Citizens: Capitalism, World Trade and Poverty 03, 2008 · But it might be interesting to discuss some of this. I'd like to start by suggesting some good readings. One of the most interesting books I've read about economic development in the developing world is The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else by Hernando De Soto, a Swiss trained Peruvian Economist.

sawolf's diary - Google Sites County is historically left undivided, but it makes more sense to split it due to differences in class. Rather than have Montgomery and Bucks counties each anchor their own district, a north-south division creates one wealthy suburban/exurban 8th district and a …

Has the Shale Bubble Already Burst? | naked capitalism like the famous Gold Rushes of the 19th century, US shale gas development is turning out to be a limited and regional market opportunity. Across the Atlantic, the high financial and human costs to fracking also mean that Europe should forget any fantasies about repeating the US shale boom. Many US shale companies that have been beating the drums of shale “revolution” are now facing ...

Takedowns stories at Techdirt. is obviously a great deal of action going on currently in the streaming world, spurred on in part by the COVID-19 crises that has many people at home looking for fresh content.

Chasing New Horizons: Inside the Epic First Mission to ... 21, 2019 · The authors have a really unique perspective on space exploration, being involved on the ground floor right from the start. The New Horizons mission is one of the most exciting NASA missions because this part of the outer solar system has been very much unexplored until now. I found the book well written, exciting, and a real trip to read.Reviews: 223Format: PaperbackAuthor: Alan Stern, David Grinspoon

ComPost Live with Alexandra Petri - The Washington Post 11, 2012 · Alexandra Petri writes the ComPost, a lighter take on the news and issues of the day, and she contributes to the Post editorial page. Her work has appeared in venues such as The Huffington Post, The Week,,, Collegehumor, and The Harvard Crimson.

Washington, DC: Spring 2008: January 2008 26, 2008 · This is about five minutes from my house. And on the opposite side of the street is the Capitol building. There's some pictures of that more famous building below. Here's a view from the front, I suppose. Anyway, side that faces away from the Supreme Court building and towards the Mall. And from farther away.

The Whited Sepulchre: From the people who brought us the ... 26, 2009 · From the people who brought us the swine flu vaccine shortage.Here's the Washington Examiner: On Sept. 13, Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, told ABC's This Week program that the government was on schedule to deliver an "ample supply" of swine flu vaccine by mid-October: "We're on track to have an ample supply rolling by the middle of October.

view from the thirteenth floor: August 2006 08, 2006 · the oldest river bridge in the chattahoochee national recreation area---built about 1880---erosion has exposed the wooden, concrete-filled caissons that support the east end of the span---thieves carried off a lot of the steel in the 1940s and the wooden roadway has long since rotted away---

Rue Rude: Germany France, things are different. Watching La cité de la peur for the first time (one of my kids' favorite movies), it didn't occur to me till near the end that the heroine is at least 45 years old and she's the one all the guys are after. You can be an older woman here and still feel very attractive to men.

Net Neutrality? | The Observer | Roz Rogoff ... 02, 2015 · I drank way too much coffee while waiting for a connection, and like you, if it was a large download, I hoped it would be there in the morning. The speed about doubled with my first Mac, an SE30 and a new modem, but it was still a snail's pace (furlong per fortnight) compared to today's internet.

Mr. Frog, Meet Mr. Boiling Water | Hatch Magazine - Fly ...“Luckily, though, there are still a few guys around who will look you straight in the eye and say, eloquently and to the point, ‘It’s been too goddamned hot for too long and the river has gone off.’” — John Gierach, Sex, Death, and Fly-Fishing I cut my fly fishing teeth on John Gierach, and when he first published those words back in 1990, it all seemed innocent enough. Sure, ’88 ...

10,000 on ignore, Book 89: Six Grandfathers | Page 2 ... 02, 2020 · According to a statement from Cain’s spokespeople he has not required a ventilator ans is “awake and alert.” Despite being 74 years old and a survivor of Stage 4 cancer, thus making him particularly vulnerable to the virus, Cain tweeted photos of him at the Tulsa rally not wearing a mask or practicing any type of social distancing.

Contextual Criticism: Rush Limbaugh wants Obama to fail has kidnapped my dad's mind and heart. He has become so hateful narrow minded, biggoted and racist. When I travel home I listen to Limbaugh for a few minutes (about all I can stomach)so I know what I will be hit with. The very sad part of all of that I will never have an intelligent conversation or heart to heart with my dad.

A PLAGUE ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES! - Blogger 10, 2009 · Charles then used this as an opportunity to out me–i.e., identify me and my personal 'pseud that I used on his blog. This is exceedingly uncool, a violation of privacy, and an all around despicable thing to do to one of your own readers and participants. This has led to a sort of a long term mutual bitching session between himself and myself.

The White Tiger, Slumdog Millionaire - Insights of the ... that he specifically said white people, not Americans or even non-Indians. Our nation's elite, in particular, are highly self-conscious. Amitabh Bachan has been attacking Satyajit Ray for a long time "for showing India under a bad light". This is why the most minor reference to India by Obama or Bush or Clinton transports our media to orgasm.

The Educated Shoprat: October 2007 31, 2007 · So scientists are saying that 100,000 years from now the human race will have split into two species, a superior race of intelligent, beautiful people and a race of low intelligence goblin-like servitors. They compare this to the eloi and the morlocks of HG Wells' The Time Machine.Not a very good comparison really. He describes the Eloi as In the 1895 book, the human race has evolved into two ...

Amory Lovins and His Nuclear Illusion – Part Three (Energy ... 11, 2008 · There are two more problems with the Jevon's argument: First, there's been lots of research into it, and the effect isn't that large, especially in developed economies: if you double efficiency and reduce prices (and therefore reduce consumption by 50%, ceterus paribus), the Jevon's effect is likely to increase consumption by only about 30%, leaving you at 65% of original consumption. 2nd, …

No one cares what I think: January 2012 - Blogger I am still in my SNL frame of mind, I'm going to list what is, definitely, the best list of cast members the show has ever had. Let me set a few ground rules: First, a list of those who performed best on the show.In other words, you won't see Robert Downey, Jr. Ben Stiller, or Sarah Silverman just because of their later success.

May | 2016 | The Lunch Counter requires walls to keep people from leaving. Like in Venezuela. Venezuelans seeking a visa to leave to the United States for the first time will no longer be able to apply for one, the U.S. embassy in Caracas announced, due to the socialist government’s forced reduction of …

SBL Publications is not merely a matter of predictable biases and distortions in media outlets that have a particular axe to grind, such as Al Jazeerah's use of anti-Semitic propaganda about the Talmud or Jihad Unspun's bizarre transmogrification of the story of the Iraqi Jewish archive recovered during the Iraq war. Mainstream outlets exhibit a surprising ...

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup 29, 2020 · Well, maybe except for that thing in 1930's Germany. And a few dozen others I can think of. A list which we here in America will be joining if Kurt gets his way and Donald Trump is re-elected. "Weaponizing principles is one of the left’s favorite tactics, and it’s right out of Alinsky 101.

Jonathan Pryor's web Pryor's web log. HackWeek V. Last week was HackWeek V, during which I had small goals, yet had most of the time eaten by unexpected "roadblocks.". The week started with my mis-remembering OptionSet behavior. I had thought that there was a bug with passing options containing DOS paths, as I thought the path would be overly split:

True Presidential Leadership & The Flip Flopping Out Of ... 11, 2012 · The taxes are not going to be spent as the GOP says, the tax cut for the middle class is an investment into the economy and into the middle class which are the real job creators. I know the GOP lied when they ripped that mantle off from the middle class with that phrase. You cannot find 1 business in the united states that has 0 (zero) customers.

The Revenge of Main Street | The Economic 29, 2010 · "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." - Abraham Lincoln Wall Street has a problem. You see Wall Street functions much like Las Vegas. Their immense wealth depends on the continuing myth that their games aren't rigged, and the willful denial of reality by the suckers.

The Easiest Person to Fool: Emergency Preparation, Part 2 ... 13, 2012 · This is not the classic bugout bag, in that it is pretty light on water, food and shelter. But it does contain a compass, signal mirror, fire starting supplies, rope, string, first aid supplies, a screwdriver with a selection of bits, a plastic poncho and a plastic emergency blanket, a pad of paper and some pencils and pens.

read my mind: Where are the Missing Aboriginal Women?"The easy solution is to say, ‘Don’t ever hitchhike, and you’re much less likely to become a victim,’ but it’s just not that simple. For many people, hitchhiking is an absolute necessity." The RCMP approached Holler and her colleagues about the possibility of studying hitchhiking, and they officially launched the project in September ...

Vagabond Scholar: Jon Swift Memorial Roundup 2011 06, 2011 · This is my review of the book in which I urge the reader to save a lot of time and money by reading one of the Mark Twain biographies written by a real biographer, instead of this meandering, bloated, Joycean tome. I don't think it was worth the wait." Mikeb302000 Registration of Guns and Licensing of Gun Owners from the Alien Perspective ...

The Newspaper Isn't Dead Yet - Slashdot writes "Slate's Farhad Manjoo had high hopes for using the Kindle DX &mdash; Amazon's new large-screen e-reader &mdash; to read newspapers. A good first effort, says Manjoo, who concludes that for now newsprint still beats the $489 Kindle. While he has issues with latency, what he really miss...

Beach Eats: Irish Foods Week: Boxty Edition 08, 2010 · The first time I had boxty was sometime in the late 1970's, at the annual Feis in New Haven. (Pronounced fesh, a Feis is a field day, celebrating Irish culture. Generally it includes dancing exhibitions, games of hurling and Irish Football, music, food and traditional Irish crafts. Its one big outdoor party and a hell of a good time.)

Diaries - European Tribune as the ECB pumps out Euros, ERM II central banks (and others) mop them up. The ECB exports deflation to its currency partners: those partners export it back to the Eurozone. The only inflation to be seen anywhere will be in central bank balance sheets. This is what the Swiss, who have one of the very few privately-owned central banks, fear.

Operation Demoralize Is in Full Swing Demoralize Is in Full Swing Turn out the lights, the party is over and the queen has won. ... Trump had to run against 16 challengers, Hillary, the Media and a big chunk of his own party to get to where we are today…. which is pretty darned close to a draw. ... The map graphic is identical to my own prediction, made in late ...

Halfway There: A primer on polling - Blogger 27, 2006 · There are 2 8 = 256 ways the samples can come up, varying from all for A to all for B. Okay, that's too many cases to write out individually. We'll have to group them. The following table summarizes the possibilities. For example, there are 28 cases in which we end up with 6 votes for A

4-9_healthcarereform by UC Berkeley School of Public ... is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s ...

Left Atomics: Large vs. Small LFTR Reactors is one of the reasons why India is still interested in nuclear energy in *under* 700 MW units. A grid that is relying on 200 MWs of diesel powered in 10 locations and subject to blackouts, fuel shortages, can add, for example, as part of a rural and small town electrification program, a set of, say, 3 100 MW LFTRs to boost over all ...

Apparent Diphttps://apparentdip.blogspot.comBefore I write any more about FT2008, the International Conference on Thermochronometry, I need to take care of one blog related item. Last week I was named a "blog of note" on, and have since seen a drastic increase in my readership.Above is a bar graph of my daily page loads from 10/10/2008 until today.

Vagabond Scholar: Jon Swift Roundup 2019 06, 2019 · (The Best Posts of the Year, Chosen by the Bloggers Themselves) (A Jon Swift picture.)Welcome to the 2019 edition! It's been an interesting year. This tradition was started by the late Jon Swift/Al Weisel, who left behind some excellent satire, but was also a nice guy and a strong supporter of small blogs.As usual, I'll quote Lance Mannion, who nicely explains:

Ssnot!https://godsnotwheregodsnot.blogspot.comThis is the solution to the question of we have anchor points on the curve and the curve touches the circle at the center, what value of C for a control point on the quadrant curve (0,1),(C,C),(1,0). Gives us the best fit to the curve.

Consultant Psychology | PROFESSIONALLY HOMELESS: Self ... hotel here in Large Post-Soviet Country has an outdoor terrace cafe right by a metro stop and a funicular railway. I was relaxing there with a cold beer when a summer thunderstorm started pouring down rain. Nuthin’ funnier than watching hussies in f*ck-me pumps try to run across a sloped cobblestone sidewalk while trying to smoke, the waiters and I were laughing our asses off.

Orcinus: Closer to Home - Blogger 14, 2009 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ... - Abe Gardner wonders and worrieshttps://unclezeb.blogspot.comA co-worker suggested we run a weight loss competition at work. A friend and family member just finished their own competition (good work NC!) where I had suggested some of the rules. Here are the rules we're considering for our office competition: Winner: whoever loses the highest percentage of weight over 12 weeks. $50 buy-in

"Biet Ðong Quân":The impossibility of coincidence. it has the crossed swords, wreath and star of the B-D-Q Qualification Badge and the Black Tiger patch is as the one pictured at the top. I took the uniform back to the gun show today, not to sell it, but rather to display it with the purpose of attracting further comment from Viet Nam War collectors in an effort to learn more.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Tales of the Commodity Bubble 06, 2006 · The worry here is not that inidicative of strong economic growth, but that it is indicative of inflationary pressures that may be building in the worldwide economy, or that speculators have taken such large positions in commodities because there is so much money sloshing around the globe that we're ripe for a rather large pull-back.

Progressive Alaska: PA's Palin Poll - A Thoughtful View by ...[my friend and colleague, Linda Kellen Biegel, at her outstanding blog, Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis, has posted an article that comments on aspects of the debate brought out by PA' s publication of the current poll on Palin. The article appears at Linda's blog, where it is also accompanied by its own set of comments from her regular readers.

Field Notes from the Anthropocene: Living in the Back Loop ... joke but not a joke, because Miami Beach is “ground zero” for sea level rise.12 As one of the most low-lying cities in the lower forty-eight states, Miami Beach is already flooding and will likely be the first American city submerged by rising seas.3 According to University of Miami geologist Harold Wanless, Miami will see 2 feet of sea ...

January 2014 – Duck of Minerva events of the last week within the International Studies Association indicate that there is much ignorance about social media and its role in 21st century IR scholarship and teaching. On the bright side, the reactions to the ISA’s misguided proposal demonstrated that there is a vibrant community of scholars who rely on “web 2.0” in a variety of ways.

Comment by News: | Phil's Stock World 13, 2018 · /NKD- Kownichiwa Cowboy!! One week of patience and scaling in and out pays off. This is a testament to Phil's fundamental analysis with the PSW technique. Thanks Phil. JohnO. I have been a "silent" member for the past year, and am 1,000 hours into the 10K hours of training (The last week is worth at least 500 hours!).

Fossil Fuel Headlines - 4 August, 2005 - Resilience 03, 2005 · Rather than get the oil out in a three-step process, as horizontal drilling came into favor, it was combined with the concurrent injection of water below the oil layer to maintain reservoir pressure and more rapidly recover the oil. (For a sectional view of such a field in late development see here , and for a greater discussion here).

Errata Security: September 2014 27, 2014 · One of the problems with bash is that it's simply obsolete code. We have modern objective standards about code quality, and bash doesn't meet those standards. In this post, I'm going to review the code, starting with the function that is at the heart of the #shellshock bug, initialize_shell_variables(). K&R function headers

The auld lang syne.: November 2009 auld lang syne. Sunday, November 29, 2009. The potion. Always in earnest And in command.--they look up to you, And they wait for you. What's to happen when you die and they empty your flask On the field Only to discover it was basically water? Posted by Bryan at 3:59 PM No comments:

Tomato Trials and Breeding in 2007 - Bishop's Homegrown ... Mer Noir resembles Mer De Nomes in almost all ways but grows a bit larger in size. It's the result of a cross between Mere De Nomes and a french variety sent to me labled simply as "Black". This one is another favorite of our customers though we didn't have many to offer this year due to a snafu in the greenhouse in the spring.

Mike Searches: May 2009 is the latest New Rules segment from Bill Maher's HBO show "Real Time with Bill Maher." I'll try to post his "New Rules" segment from now on, in this clip he mentions the electrocution of American Soldiers due to shoddy electrical work, (I blogged about this) he mentions the dumping of patients on the streets on L.A. because of no insurance. He relates the growing for-profit prison ...

The Dead Acorn: March 2011 of the projects that’s going on is the planting of a garden. This is something about which I know very little (I will not last a month in the post-apocolyptic corner grocery store-less world), but apparently there are certain protocols involving "soil preparation" and "seeds" and …

Bishop's Homegrown Produce/Face Of The Earth Seed: Pot ... not enter my enclosures without my express permission and accompanyment. While my animals are mostly calm and tame, go ahead and presume they are the meanest animals on the face of the earth and do not approach them without my consent. 3. Use your brain and dress and prepare appropriately for a farm tour. No open toed shoes 4. I love giving ...

Torpor Indy - Bloggerhttps://torporindy.blogspot.comApr 15, 2009 · I love music. One of my favorite genres is jazz. So, I was sad today to hear about the passing of Freddie Hubbard--one of jazz's greats. Hubbard was born in Indianapolis in 1938 and (as the story goes or at least how has reported it) cut his teeth on Indiana Avenue before he made his name outside the Hoosier state.

European Tribune - Wind's latest problem: it ... makes ...'s latest problem: it ... makes power too cheap. by Jerome a Paris Sun Apr 25th, 2010 at 06:25:41 AM EST. Bloomberg has a somewhat confusing article about the newest complaint about wind power, but the gist of it is that wind power is an issue for the industry because it brings their revenues down:. operators in Europe may have become their own worst enemy, reducing the total price paid ...

anthropologies: Anthropology & 01, 2012 · Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is a protest movement that began September 17, 2011 in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street financial district. The protests are against social and economic inequality, greed, corruption and the undue influence of corporations on government—particularly from the financial services sector. To effect change OWS uses "direct …

Baby Love Child » Still more Border Babies routinely Responses to “Still more Border Babies routinely relabeled “safe haven saves” in OH, NJ, MI, and KY” Marley Greiner Says: October 2nd, 2009 at 1:21 pm. Thanks for writing this. I’ve been fooling around with my blog on this all week, and hope to have it up today. (real life keeps getting in the way).

The Oil Drum | Thanks to the TOD Staff, and to the TOD 28, 2008 · The first is the richness of content provided by the editors, contributors, guest posters, and members. The second, working off of Nate's introduction, is the community's ability to peer-review each others' posts in real time, always moving the conversation toward a deeper understanding of these most interesting times.

The Watering Hole: October 8 – Solidarity | TheZoo 08, 2011 · Poland from 1976 to 1989 came to mind when watching the brutal treatment of civilians in NYC over the past few days: I do not think that the violence used by the police was warranted! Pepper spray and night sticks are not called for in a venue where grievances are being aired. They only served…

Humint Events Online: MISSING: Four Top Secret Planes 22, 2006 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

Stitchin' Fish at the Ecology Action Centrehttps://eacstitchinfish.blogspot.comThe important work of COHPS quickly reached the ears of the Ecology Action Centre and Dr. Martin Willison at Dalhousie University, and lead to the first International Deep Sea Coral Symposium in 2000. Today, there are two fishery closures and a Marine Protected Area designed to protect some of the coral on the Scotian Shelf.

small space gardening | Local Food Sandusky Gardener is an informative site that offers a shopping list and a step-by-step guide on parts and assembly instructions for a 21’ x 10’ hoop house that will stand 7’ tall. Simply visit your local hardware store, show them the list of supplies and they ought to be …

KingCast watches as concerned faces ask why NH AG Kelly ... said... Chris, Amuss(sic), Debby, others, I need to post on something that happened back about 10 posts ago; Chris posted an email from Dean Shaloup(sic) of the Telegraph on this blog. It was an email that, when sent, was assumed to be a private email from an admiring journalist who was revealing some potentially damaging personal thoughts to Chris, in SUPPORT OF HIS WORK.

Apparent Dip: Closure Temperature 14, 2008 · Most people trace the idea of a closure temperature, or at least the term, to a classic 1973 paper written by Martin Dodson (Dodson, 1973). The issue, as Dodson describes, is that some radioactive daughter products (he was concerned with Sr and Ar, but this also applies to other daughter products) are mobile long after a rock has crystallized.

BehaviourBloghttps://behaviourblog.blogspot.comTappin et al. found that more than twice the number of pregnant women in an intervention group given vouchers for stopping smoking managed to quit (69 or 22.5%) compared to a group given standard smoking cessation services (26 or 8.6%). This is a large improvement over existing smoking cessation treatments like nicotine replacement therapy, etc.

Webutantehttps://webutante.blogspot.comBut it's irresistible to big fish on the bottom who are too lazy to come up for a dry. Sometimes you just have to take it to them, and when you do, often "the one." Yes, there are many, many other choices. But year in and out, these are the ones with staying power and class, in my opinion.

Legends and Facts: Steven Chu on Nuclear Energy 12, 2008 · Marcel, This is the Anon to whose post you responded. You're 100% correct: "Clean air, clean water, and a clean environment...are essential for a prosperous and healthy society." But it is man - humanity - who comes first, NOT the environment, not some misbegotten worship of a goddess Earth. Now nuclear energy, as we all know, is clean and environmentally friendly.

Frontloading HQ: The Electoral College Map (9/21/08) 12, 2008 · The Electoral College Map (9/21/08) There's a lot of blue out there today. Much of that has to do with the fact that the group of states represented in the polling out on Saturday was comprised mostly of blue states.

Kung Fu Monkey: 10/9/05 - 10/16/05 14, 2005 · However, an important first step. They are monetizing the process -- excellent. The price point is exactly what my research has shown to be the right amount, less than or equal to $2.00 for a TV episode. As I've stated before, at that price you can run a very, very spiffy television show with a little over one million viewers per episode.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: John McCain ... 20, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

Knitting in My Cornerhttps://knittinginmycorner.blogspot.comThis is a HAED BB SAL and people could choose one of four designs. I chose Undercover and did start it on January 1. It is a section of a larger retired design and has a lot of color changes in a small area (stitchers call this confetti) So here is my progress after two weeks of work.

International Perspectives International Perspectiveshttps://internationalperspectives.wordpress.comAug 17, 2009 · The conservative CDU is against this as well, since according to Wolfgang Bosbach this would be counterproductive to integration as the German language is one of the major pillars of immigration. Most of the 3.5 million Turkish immigrants in Western Europe live in Germany (2.3 million) and Turks make up the largest immigrant group within Germany.

What blows my skirt uphttps://bamer.blogspot.comFinal 2008 push! Ellen Wittlinger's Blind Faith has been on my to read list for a while and while it was good I think I expected more of it because so many people said they loved it. Robin McKinley's Chalice, I'm sorry to say, didn't have much of a chance from me even thought I wanted to love it.See, I love The Hero And The Crown and The Blue Sword like whoa, but I don't think she's written ...

Seward Book Clubhttps://sewardbooks.blogspot.comHis tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon—all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where “the most interesting things happen at ...

Dr Kevin Bonham: SA Election: Some General Modelling Comments is the last election at which the "fairness clause" is expected to operate, as it was abolished in a classic piece of last-sitting-day skulduggery at the end of 2017. The redistribution carried out under the fairness clause is designed to eliminate any skew in converting the two-party preferred vote into seats, so that whoever wins the 2PP ...

Bilgrimage: The Lutherans Come Through: Why the ELCA ... 02, 2009 · One of the reasons I began this blog and continue blogging here through thick and thin, whether I feel like writing or not, is because I myself and a life partner whom I dearly love have experienced that unique, exceedingly painful form of suffering the churches impose on the lives of gay persons. Just because we are gay.

PROFESSIONALLY HOMELESS: Self-Employed Adventures at Home ...https://professionallyhomeless.wordpress.comEvery time I go to a capital city of one of these countries, I marvel at the change. I lived in Beautiful Post-Communist Capital City to do my dissertation research in the mid-90s, and I returned about a year after we left to do some follow-up work. As I was standing around one of the common meeting spots in town, I noticed that (young) people ... March 2007 31, 2007 · This rally is inspired by Step It Up 2007 ( and will be one of hundreds of rallies across the country that day. The Mt. Vernon Group of the Sierra Club and Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment are sponsors of this event. Gateway Park offers a powerfully symbolic setting for this global warming rally.

Larry James' Urban Daily: 11/01/2010 - 12/01/2010 will go to the North Texas Food Bank and obtain food for a shared maintanence fee of about 20 cents per pound, much more than you can buy in a retail store. 3) Raise the issue of domestic hunger and food insecurity in your circle of influence. 4) Come down for a visit at our Food Pantry and observe and hear the need first hand.

The Reason Stick: The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense 21, 2013 · The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense The curiously revered world of irrational nonsense has seeped into almost every aspect of modern society and is both complex and multifarious. Therefore rather than attempt a comprehensive taxonomy, I have opted instead for a gross oversimplification and a rather pretty Venn Diagram.

humor | Totally Unauthorized 01, 2013 · 4. Wipe your sweat off of the equipment. You’re carrying that towel around for a reason – it’s certainly not a fashion statement. If I have to scrub something down before I can use it, I’m going to find you and bill you. 5. The cardio areas and the pool get very, very crowded. Please, if you see people waiting, keep it to a half an hour.

The Introspective Liarhttps://introspectiveliar.blogspot.com3. Throughout history it was OK to paint naked women and children (and naked men to a lessor degree) and not be accused of pornography, as long as you gave the naked people common mythological names. An artist fond of painting nudes could paint to their heart's content as long as the pictures bore the name of Leda, Callisto or Diana.

Sore Thumb Chronicles, Day Three: Cthulhu rising 06, 2008 · For a lot of dirt and trash anterior to start an associate mercantilism programs. This is determinative to e'er go down up. To Michael Kors Outlet Online Michael Kors Outlet Michael Kors Handbags Michael Kors Factory Outlet Michael Kors Watches Michael Kors Outlet Stores if they were bursting charge in front of the filmmaker. Diamonds are the

Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Book 5 - Chapter 74 ... Midnight Ride of Sarah Palin (with apologies to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) Listen my children and you shall be hailing The midnight ride of Sarah Palin, On the second of June, in ought-eleven; Hardly a man was not stunned. Who remembers that famous day and year? She said to her friend, "If the British march By land or sea from the town to ...

Ted Nugent claims "buddies" prepared to fight Obama ... 09, 2013 · Courtesy of Raw Story : Detroit-born southern rockabilly Ted Nugent isn’t known for moderation, but from the sound of his latest comm...

"The Simpsons Movie" Is About Ultimate Truths - Blogger 28, 2007 · In fact, "The Simpsons" has been tied into the "powers that be" for a long time, and the show has presaged aspects of 9/11, as has been discussed here before. What is surprising-- and somewhat disturbing-- is that the creators of the movie are now talking about ultimate truths, with suprisingly minimal camouflage.

New Evidence: Palin Had Direct Role In Charging Rape ... 14, 2008 · [italic]They have the budgets documents to prove it. [/italic]----- ----- -----Despite denials by the Palin campaign, new evidence proves that as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin had a direct hand in imposing fees to pay for post-sexual assault medical exams conducted by the city to gather evidence.

Postscripts: 'How Hard Is My Fate': The Arnold-André Affair, 3 son rose to the rank of lieutenant general, and a grandson was a major general in the First World War. The lone monument to Arnold in America has stood since 1887 at the site of the Saratoga battlefield. On one side it shows in high relief a boot, such as the one he wore when he received his crippling leg wound.

L'Shana Tova - findalismonkeyinthemiddle.blogspot.com festival of Rosh Hashanah--the name means "Head of the Year"--is observed for two days beginning on Tishrei 1, the first day of the ...

Carly's vice presidential candidacy is the shortest of all ... was chosen as the Texas Senator's running mate, in a bid to revitalize his campaign. But polls have revealed that adding the former CEO to the ticket did nothing to boost numbers.

The Point: Abe at Pearl Harbor PM Abe hugs survivor Abe offers ‘everlasting condolences’ at Pearl Harbor as Obama praises partnership in peace BY ERIC JOHN...

Obama’s Defilement of 9/11 – MatthewVadum.Com his weekly address on Aug. 27, Obama urged Americans to do volunteer work this Sept. 11, a day that the administration ought to officially call the “National Day of Ignoring Islamofascism.” The president said Americans should do something to serve their communities on that day “to honor the victims of 9/11 and to reaffirm the strength ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: THIS POSSIBILITY JUST OCCURRED ... 06, 2020 · The first nominee to succeed the president probably won't be a simpering flunky -- it will be a full-time lib-owner like Donald Trump Jr., Matt Gaetz, Tom Cotton, or Doug Collins. Go on, Ed. But the coronavirus has created at least the possibility of a different scenario.

Jeff Sharlet, The Family, & Faith-Based Initiatives 06, 2008 · Jeff Sharlet's new book, The Family - The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, will become available next month. Mr. Sharlet has spent years researching the ultra-secretive sect known as The Family or The Fellowship. The Family is a thriving, pulsating virus striking at the very heart of constitutional government in this country.

The Whited Sepulchre: The Burning Hell, Part One 24, 2009 · To understand why, you have to understand that Hell was, and still is, a very real concept for a lot of people. It's not just a metaphor, and it's not merely a symbol for a life removed from God. It's the place reserved for everyone who doesn't accept Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for their sins.

The Wattree Chronicle: Dr. Boyce Watkins Announces His ... 09, 2012 · In the recent video, "Dr. Boyce: My Two Cents on Michael Eric Dyson," released on Black Like Moi!, Dr. Boyce Watkins of Syracuse University announced his retirement from the Dr. Cornel West controversies.In the announcement Boyce indicated that "this battle between black scholars was not productive" - a point that I disagree with, by the way.

August 5, 2015: All-Dunn, Plumbing the Mendoza Line, New ... 08, 2015 · Known as the ‘Big Donkey’, Dunn was acquired by the Chicago White Sox as a free agent in the off-season following the 2011 season. Signing for a reported four-year 60 Million dollar contract (of which the Sox reportedly paid out 56 Million) Dunn struggled through the 2012 season hitting a paltry .159 in 496 plate appearances.

Emma's revolution - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki's_revolutionEmma's Revolution is an American folksinger and social justice activist duo, consisting of songwriters Pat Humphries and Sandy Opatow (or "Sandy O").. Emma's Revolution performs at protests for peace, women's rights, labor rights, environmental protection, and other progressive causes.

2013 Houston elections | Texas Leftist is Burks at his best. But for all of these moments, Council Member Burks has also publicly berated constituents appearing at City Hall, openly threatened his opponents, and done other things that are counter to the mission of good governance. For all of these reasons, it is time for a change in At Large 2, and that change David W. Robinson.

The Debate Link: We Need More (and Better) Polling on BDS ... 23, 2019 · This is the second poll that's devoted significant attention to BDS to have been released in the past month (I talked about the first, which came out of the University of Maryland, in this post). The main takeaway I'm getting from reading these polls is, first and foremost, that most people don't know that much about BDS.

Joseph Tainter: 'The Collapse of Complex Societies', Part ... 02, 2013 · Joseph Tainter is an anthropologist and historian who teaches at Utah State University. In 1988, he published an important and disturbing book, The Collapse of Complex Societies. Since then, he has amplified his thesis, making it even more compelling two and a half decades later.

American Power: Obama Speech Fails to Defuse Wright Attacks 08, 2008 · John Heilemann makes the case that Barack Obama's Philadelphia speech on race and religion failed to put the Wright controversy to bed as an election issue. GOP operatives see the Wright videos as "the gift that keeps on giving": Few events in this relentlessly eventful campaign season have felt as momentous, as freighted with portent, as the speech that Barack Obama delivered last week …

Orcinus: Don't mind that barbed wire - Blogger Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Mountain Ramblings: 2018-07-01 07, 2018 · “It’s the first time that we have had an out-and-out cancellation over the issue, and a group that has been coming here every three or four years since the 1980s,” said Joe D’Alessandro, president and CEO of S.F. Travel, the city’s convention bureau…

The Point: What's China's View On Abe’s Latest Cabinet ... 10, 2017 · Judging from their commentaries, because of a strong dovish presence in the Cabinet and LDP leadership that could potentially check Abe’s rightward impulses. And many Chinese analysts interpret such presence itself as Abe’s signal to show his willingness to improve Sino-Japan ties.

The Dead Acorn: October 2009 of the trip: “The first puke in the morning wasn’t too bad … it was just water and Twizzlers. The second one was worse … that Bloody Mary was pretty spicy.” I did discover on the way back that I had left the oil cap off when I checked it before leaving Boise. I’m pretty sure ole Jane F’Honda ran dry for a …

Communicative Action: Barak Obama: African-American? 03, 2008 · You see this less with Hillary Clinton as the female candidate, perhaps indicating that subconsciously we are more ready for a woman to be Commander-in-Chief than we are a so-called ethnic minority. Nevertheless, it's worth examining the underlying meaning behind Obama's characterization in the media and the effect it has on his electability.

American Power: Andrew Sullivan: Anti-Semitic Neocon ... 04, 2009 · From William Jacobson's must-read post yesterday, "NeoCon Derangement Syndrome On Steroids ":To read Andrew Sullivan's posts on the suppression of the opposition in Iran, you would think American "NeoCons" (whoever they may be) were in the streets swinging batons from the backs of motorcycles, trashing the library at Tehran University, and breaking into homes in pursuit of …

The Slack Attack - Bloggerhttps://willslack.blogspot.comH? Chí Minh actually quoted the US Declaration of Independence in his own Declaration, and had sought connections with the US in 1946. We had the chance to bring Vietnam into the US sphere of influence, but working with a communist was too hard for the US, so we sided with the doomed French and therefore set ourselves on the side of the ...

Frontloading HQ: The Electoral College Map (7/27/08) 10, 2008 · The Electoral College Map (7/27/08) Well, there's a lot to go over today . The latter half of the week saw a break from the 10 poll norm we had settled into over the course of the last few electoral college breakdowns with a typical amount of polling from Rasmussen (six new polls) in addition to another four swing state polling release from ...

Redeye's Front Page: #hsvboe Standing in the front door by ... 06, 2014 · There is an old saying "If you can't get in through the front door then go around to the back door", which is exactly what Huntsville City Schools is doing, under the capable control and command of retired Colonel, turned superintendent, Dr. Casey WARdynski in his continued quest to stand in the front door of the Huntsville City Schools. After his presentation, the Board of Education ...

Did Trump conspire with Russia? | Pulitzer Prize Winner ...’s a lie. There is not one scintilla of evidence to suggest that Clinton’s popular vote victory — she garnered nearly three million more votes nationwide than Trump — was the result of illicit activity. As usual, Trump has turned the truth on its head.

Health Care Reform and Its Unintended Consequences - 11, 2009 · In this case, the major factor causing the government health care costs to be so off was the explosion of health care inflation in the 1980s which has only gotten worse since. But it’s not clear that Medicare or Medicaid played any role in this – especially as their costs have been below that of private insurance.

NoFo: The Billy Elliot set is struck Billy Elliot set is struck The stage is bare. The fingernails are dirty. The free pizza is eaten. The cast key fobs to the building are turned in (which somehow was the thing that made the end of the show feel the most final). But the three guys in green shirts still found time to pose for one last picture at the bottom of the steep and ...

On Being Notorious...: 7/12/15 - 7/19/15“It wasn’t only my place of employment; it was the love of my life.” The pastor of a United Methodist Church in Cassopolis says he resigned because he faced bei ng fired for having a gay partner. Many say it was well-known that Rev. Benjamin Hutchison was gay and had a long-term partner, but it wasn't until yesterday that the minister says he was told he would be fired if he didn't resign.

Viking Pundit don't care how Velveeta cheesy Demolition Man or Hudson Hawk were; I loved them both. I've only seen the last half of Logan's Run, but it was an allright movie. And it was shot locally, so woohoo! I just hope the remake is shot locally, but I doubt that'll happen, since not much of our town looks futuristic anymore. 7:49 PM

Are We About to Face Our Gravest Constitutional Crisis ... 21, 2018 · Tom Johnson, I agree with you. Trump is no genius. He is a hustler in the same way the three-card monte man on the circus midway is; his aim is to get your money into his wallet, and sometimes he succeeds with a bit of fast patter and sleight of hand. But every hustler needs a sucker. A whole bunch of people are suckers in this country. What’s sad to me is that anyone of average …

History's Dumpster: Forgotten Cigarette Brands Part II 30, 2015 · Forgotten Cigarette Brands Part II Wow. If there is one post on this blog that has gotten indisputably the most views of all, it is the Forgotten Cigarette Brands post, scoring nearly 27,000 views (and the most comments ever) in the two years it's been published.

Frenzie's Profile | Typepad matter in question was a former addict who got clean a few years ago and now died from something completely unrelated - she said it was the guy's own fault and that she had no sympathy for anyone who uses drugs. She left all offended. I have no idea whether she was religious or not, by the way, but she certainly practiced doublethink.

The Rectification of Names: Fire and fury like the world ... today's Guardian story pre-publicizing Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, which certainly looks like it's going to be fun, when Stephen Bannon is quoted as saying the Trump Tower meeting between Junior-Jared-Manafort and Natalya Veselnitskaya in June 2016 was "treasonous", "unpatriotic", and "should have called the FBI immediately" and "bad shit"—

And, yes, I DO take it personally: I hope the IAEA's ... 05, 2009 · At a joint press conference with Iran's Atomic Energy Organization chief Ali Akbar Salehi in Tehran, ElBaradei brought Israel under spotlight and said that the Tel Aviv regime has refused to allow inspections into its nuclear installations for 30years, the report said.

No Right Turn: National's New Zealand 05, 2017 · The Chamber of Commerce said it was the wrong response, but it was an expression of frustration from business owners that the council was not doing more to deal with the issue of homelessness. Nine to Noon understands that the private school ACG Senior College in Lorne Street, as well as buildings on Queen Street and Fort Lane, have the ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: ACCORDING TO POPE LIMBAUGH, THE ... 06, 2017 · I keep hearing that this was a devastatingly bad day for President Trump and that his presidency will now be measured in months -- but the Pope of Conservatism, Rush Limbaugh, tells me that it doesn't matter what James Comey or anyone else said today because everything we're hearing about the Trump team and the Russians remains what it always was according top the right: a …

Subject: Just a little housekeeping, BartCop's most recent I was the last sane person on Earth. There are also times I have sat down and read your work and either laughed out loud (trip reports, Oklahoma stories), or just cried (9/11, health news). Not many people have that effect on me. After many years of reading your work, it was great to hear your voice when the shows started.

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2013 · What I didn't know was the name the gun community has given to this boycott scheme. Now I know, because I'm sick enough to follow Joe the Plumber on Twitter. It's being called the "Firearms Equality Movement." No, really -- here's that term at World …

13: Thoughts on the Passing of Health Care Reform (updated) 23, 2010 · That was the gist of original my post: I feel the vast majority of opponents to health care reform take more issue with what they see as a handout, than the monetary cost of the law. Which is why it would've been better to have the states go about incorporating health care reform/universal health care on their own, with federal subsidies.

A Little Reality: Worst Decade Ever 28, 2012 · The 2000s may have had war, terrorism, Bin Laden, and George Bush but it just can't measure down to the competition. The 1860s had the American Civil War which, granted, was bad. Antietam (1862) was the single bloodiest battle in American history (23,000 dead), before or since. But the rest of the world was, by and large, doing fine.

Dr. King, Hawaii, nonviolence and economics is something that is on a much larger scale than just consumer boycotts and takes a real collective effort to pull off starting a Hawaiian bank, but it is along the same lines of thinking as an aspect of civil resistance. Just one example.

Global Wahrman: Why I am Not Working for the NSA blog about computer animation, visual effects, Los Angeles, imaging, motion picture industry, historical linguistics.

LIVERPUTTY: James Bond on Kissy Suzuki 18, 2007 · But it was the charm and directness of her eyes and smile as well as her complete naturalness – for instance, when she mopped at Bond’s face and chest – that endeared her so utterly to Bond. At that moment, he thought there would be nothing more wonderful than to spend the rest of his life rowing her out towards the horizon during the day ...

The Rude Pundit: What Did That Dumb Orange Motherfucker ... 01, 2018 · Hold my Diet Coke," and then tweeted (and it cannot be said enough that the goddamned president of the United States saying this): "Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!"

No Right Turn: "Boy racers": arbitrary detention 06, 2009 · The police might argue that that was the quickest the seven officers involved in the operation could inspect the vehicles - but I would suggest that if they planned to detain 120 cars, then they should have provided the personnel to conduct the inspections quickly enough not to infringe upon the civil liberties of the drivers.

The Rectification of Names: More on metadata 27, 2013 · The Bush email metadata program had restrictions on the scope of the bulk email records the NSA could analyze. Those restrictions are detailed in a legal memorandum written in a 27 November 2007, by assistant attorney general Kenneth Weinstein to his new boss, attorney general Michael Mukasey, who had taken office just a few weeks earlier.

William Horberg: Dinky"Dinky" was the name of their line of miniature vehicles, and their colorful small replica models of real cars were the apple of every child's eye. I found this mint condition French catalogue of Dinky Toy cars from 1969 and loved the graphics and colors and wanted to share it with you here.

Mo Rage: It's gonna hit the fan in Kansas City now, folks's gonna hit the fan in Kansas City now, folks Sure, there were 62 murders in Kansas City up to today. And that's 4 over the count at this time last year, right. But today, everything changed. Prior to today, not much was said or done about people dying in Kansas City …

Joy Ray: Parilla deathmatch III: Cabana Las Lilas vs La ... quick recap: in our ongoing "Parilla deathmatch" series, the top parillas of Buenos Aires go head-to-head in a battle to see which is truly the best parilla in town.In Parilla deathmatch I, Rio Alba conquered Don Julio. In Parilla deathmatch II, La Cabrera knocked off Rio Alba.. Today, we report on Cabana Las Lilas, located in Puerto Madero. Forget everything you've heard about this being an ...

Churchill's Cigar: The Cost of Obsession and Mandela's Legacy 09, 2013 · Well, it turns out British Prime Minister David Cameron didn't want to 'Hang Mandela' after all- he did take a 'dodgy' trade trip to South Africa in 1989 but apparently apologized for his position on sanctions against the apartheid regime in 2006. The supposed controversy gobbling up the Interwebs in the wake of Mandela's passing (especially across the Pond but there was the occasional pissing ...

Chertoff And Soros Profits From TSA Scanner Machines Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

PolitiFact Bias: The Phantom Cherry-pick 07, 2018 · But it is one of two scenarios the report offers, so Sanders’ use of the term "would" is too strong. The alternative figure, which assumes that a Medicare for All plan isn’t as successful in controlling costs as its sponsors hope it will be, would lead to an increase of almost $3.3 trillion in national health care expenditures, not a decline.

New Orleans, hold onto your butts! | Stupid Evil Bastard 29, 2005 · Well, one of the places that got hit was a place called “Chesterfield Valley”. There were a few businesses there and a prison. They managed to remove all the prisoners before the flood engulfed the area. Anyway… Now, there is a *HUGE* shopping complex there and a bunch more businesses have built there.

News Sentinel website update update | Django/Ellington moniker comes about because both projects share core developers. I spent a little time last night reading about the two. The Django project appears to have been founded and continues to be run with a real spirit of sharing and community and openness, while Ellington comes across as almost a parody of corporate co-opting of the whole free software thing.

Father & Son Develop Drug Which Could Reduce Lyme ... 18, 2012 · While looking for articles and papers on neurodegeneration in Lyme disease, I came across this interesting article in the San Francisco Chronicle about a father and son team who are working on a drug to treat neurodegeneration in conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease. The father, Joseph Muchowski, is a retired chemist from Swiss drug …

Sharpening our wits on the grindstone of Life: The ... 09, 2005 · For example, if one of their loyalists is on the way to a hunting lodge, or sniper rampage or whatever, will they pass by a Phillips66 station when the guage is on E? And will this lead to cheating on their Chevron station when it's closed and the 76 station is open? It's a moral dilemna, doncha think? And what about air travel.

Reader Notices | naked capitalism I am in catch-up mode, posting may be lighter than normal for the next few days. Part of it is the result of being backed up on many fronts, but it is also due to having been in a news vacuum for a week plus. I come back to a war in Georgia, Fannie/Freddie dividend cuts, a big dollar rally and a conviction that inflation is not an issue.

X Curmudgeon: D.C. Ski: Wisp Versus Wintergreen Washington, D.C. area families that ski, or want to give it a try, we here review two nearby ski resorts that you should consider. This ski season (and last year, too) we took our family skiing at both Wintergreen and Wisp, two comparable ski resorts both about a three hour drive from the Washington area.

Feature: What Would Jesus Do? Religious Communities as ... month, thanks to a solid effort by IDPI and a strong grassroots concern within the church, the Presbyterians became the latest denomination to come out in support of medical marijuana. That in turn led to a story on BeliefNet , with an accompanying internet poll showing 70% support for legalization and 92% support for medical marijuana.

Murdoch’s World: Book Reveals Fox News Used Fake Blog IDs ... new book has exposed another nefarious and unethical activity by Fox News. NPR Media reporter David Folkenflik’s “Murdoch’s World” has exposed that Fox has deployed hundreds of fake blog accounts in order to rebut critics on the Internet. This may seem like small game for a news enterprise that has admitted to hacking into thousands of cell phones, emails, and …

#Blacklivesmatter Essential Reading/Viewing List | Gibsons ...; Find Books & More. Search Our Catalogues. Books, movies, magazines, music at the library; Library2Go: eBooks and audioBooks; RBdigital: Audiobooks

An Open Letter to NYC | just watching the cityhttps://anopenlettertonyc.wordpress.comThe groan turned to a roar of approval. Judith Malina, the legendary and groundbreaking cofounder of the Living Theater, received a special award for artistic achievement. She spent her life expounding and expanding on the work of men …

Mountain Ramblings: GOP Already Concerned Over MS Senate ... 15, 2018 · Let's say McDaniel runs and, holy of holies, makes it to the runoff barring an outright victory in the special election (under Mississippi election law, the special election - unlike the one Sen. Wicker's in - will be a jungle primary where everyone, regardless of party, runs and, unless someone wins an outright majority, the top-two vote ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: When things are not as they seem 16, 2006 · Well geez, I may be able to milk the Prince Harry scandal for one more day here at Podunk. As things have developed overnight, it seems that the snap shots of the young Prince's rambunctious ways were actually three years old and stolen from a London apartment to boot! The release of the pictures comes at the same time as News International was set to …

Once Again: Sorry to Have Fallen Behind in Responding to ... 08, 2016 · Please know how much I appreciate your comments, even when I don't reply to them. I have occasionally responded to a comment in the past week when it seemed important for me to do that. This does not mean that I don't value all of your comments! I do sometimes think, too, that it may be better for me to be less intrusive in conversations here.

Bernie Sanders: On the 50th Anniversary of the Voting ... 03, 2015 · Thursday, August 6 marks the 50-year anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This landmark piece of legislation was a milestone in the fight for civil rights and a great step forward in the advancement of our democracy. This important and popular law passed the House and Senate with the support of large majorities from both parties.

Here Comes Johnny Yen Again...: 2015 graduated and moved on in life. I went to a small school for a year, left college and worked for a year, then went to a state school. In the late nineties, I went back to school and got a teaching certification. And in 1999, I went to my 20th high school reunion. He was there. I stopped and chatted with him, and wondered if he remembered our ...

inherently wronghttps://inherentlywrong.blogspot.comRest assured "Mommy" got a call to drag her ass right back to school to pick up daughter and a plastic bag with little Adrianne's stinking, soiled clothes (we keep cleans ones for such an occasion). I intentionally didn't tie the bag tight or rinse them out in hopes Mommy got a really good whiff and puked her damn guts out all over the front ...

House GOP Shows Its Fractiousness In the Minority - Blogger homeland security bill -- designed to implement most of the remaining recommendations of the commission that examined the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks -- even garnered the vote of Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.), who as chairman of the Homeland Security Committee last year, thwarted one of its central provisions, the screening of all shipping ...

The Internet of Love | Secret Santa Cruz 04, 2013 · Coverage She puts 60-80 hours a month into them on top of her day job. I won’t say what they are, because she likes her privacy, but they’re for a very good cause, and she doesn’t make a dime. Isn’t even incorporated. You can give her money if you really must, but it’s not tax deductible.

Worthwhile Canadian initative: health care edition 09, 2013 · With that tantalizing thought in mind, let’s compare current user experiences between an American and a Canadian. Just to make things interesting, we’ll assume the American has decent health insurance. Follow me below the fold for a …

illusory tenant: A measly 15 DIWITTYs 08, 2008 · A measly 15 DIWITTYs. ... is engaged to a lawyer, is an avid cyclist and a rabid hockey fan, is a nationally-ranked Scrabble player, ... Renato did one of the most amazing things I ever saw — singing a book about British colonialism in India, in …

Forced Retirements also Drive Declining Labor Force | Bud ... 27, 2014 · In the summer of 2012, the number of claims once again rose above expectations, and has stayed elevated ever since. This may be because long-term unemployment remains so high. If a person turns 62 and has been without work for a year and a half, filing for an early Social Security claim is probably a tempting proposition.

inherently wrong: February 2009 assured "Mommy" got a call to drag her ass right back to school to pick up daughter and a plastic bag with little Adrianne's stinking, soiled clothes (we keep cleans ones for such an occasion). I intentionally didn't tie the bag tight or rinse them out in hopes Mommy got a really good whiff and puked her damn guts out all over the front ...

The Rude Pundit 11, 2009 · The same people who turned back the budget wrecking teabaggers and expanded medical marijuana distribution on the same fucking ballot voted against gay marriage. In other words, the people of Maine want their dope and a functioning government, but fuck the gays. It's as if voters in the booth thought, "Christ, I need one last backwards ass view."

cheese is moldy milk: Stop the presses! 02, 2006 · And, it worked - for a couple of days. Until Kerry apologized. Now it's some Evangelical high priest that's in the spotlight. ... but it just seems less than bright to put nuclear weapons information online - in Arabic even - while claiming that you're making the world safe from those crazy Muslem extremists. ... Which led to a brief polemic on ...

23 | September | 2018 | 23, 2018 · ISIS and a separatist group with Saudi connections, the Ahvaz National Resistance, both claimed responsibility for the attack, in which attackers disguised as soldiers opened fire at a military parade. But Rouhani suggested one of the United States' allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates (UAE), had been involved.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Violent Crime Rising 09, 2007 · "It's gone under the radar screen, but it's not if you're living on the north side of Minneapolis or the south side of Los Angeles or in Dorchester, Mass." For Minneapolis, the study listed 54 homicides in 2004, 47 in 2005 and 59 in 2006 -- adding up to a 9.26 percent change. Minneapolis Police Department numbers vary slightly.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Rethinking American Foodways 11, 2020 · During a trip to a not-too-far Asian supermarket, I picked up two huge jars of pork floss, one of them mixed with shreds of seaweed and sesame seeds. Again, it's something to use as an 'accent' for a bowl of rice porridge. Meat does seem like it might be more of a treat than a dietary staple, if the current trend continues.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2019 ~ 2020 events that have preceded 2020 prove to have set the bar at one of its lowest and the consequences are unparalleled. We have a president, recently impeached and a rogue administration and party threatening the very fabric of our democracy in ways that mirror old guard threats and challenges. There is no bottom to the inhumanity of this regime.

Essential Emmes: Swami Uptown Beats W and Thimerosol By a Mile 19, 2005 · I’m still dipping--like a kid who has eaten one too many doughnuts and can’t stop—into the comments on the July 13 blog entry by David Kirby at the Huffington Post. He writes about mercury preservative in vaccines and its possible deleterious effect on children.

AUIS - American University of Iraq at Suleimaniya 07, 2009 · I have decided to go work at the two year old American University of Iraq at Suleimaniya next year. I cannot wait. I went over to visit a couple weeks ago and once I figure out how to put a link to a slideshow up I will post pics. The kids there are fabulous - funny, motivated, driven and smart.

The Slack Attack: 2010-12-12 14, 2010 · But it was my story, and while I have to get back to finals, I'm very gratified by the response I got. Published: 12/14/2010 02:18:00 PM Labels: Reflections 0 comments Another Technology Post

[E.O.M.S.]: Phil Manzanera, Paul Simonon and Tony Allen ... 14, 2015 · Phil Manzanera and Paul Simonon have teamed up with Tony Allen and a number of other musicians to perform at an Italian music festival. Manzanera, Simonon and Allen will be joined by Italian musician Ligabue, Columbian singer Andrea Echeverri and London-based violinist Anna Phoebe for a performance at the La Notte della Taranta, taking place in Salento in the south of Italy on August 22.

Blog with a View: Portrait of Bill Gates readers have asked us about these pictures of Microsoft co-founder and Chairman Bill Gates since they were posted on a blog with a caption identifying them as photos taken for a 'Teen Beat Photospread' (i.e., a layout in a magazine featuring stories and pictures of 'teen idol'-type celebrities, marketed primarily to prepubescent girls).

The Next Hurrah: Did Cheney's Personal Lawyer Release Dick ... is no doubt a new wrinkle to the unitary executive myth. Cheney believes, of course, that he is not subject to legislative oversight because he is technically President of the Senate. Yet he is also entitled to executive privilege as the second-ranking member of the executive branch.

Progressive Charlestown: Bringing guns under control in HOUSE – Rep. Teresa A. Tanzi has introduced one of the bills announced by legislative leaders last week to address gun safety.

Vagabond Scholar: 2018 Film Roundup, Part 2: The Top Four 11, 2019 · This is not a good choice for a first space race film, but a rich one for audiences who know the basic story and have already seen, say, The Right Stuff.Apollo 13, Hidden Figures, From Earth to the Moon or 2019's superb documentary, Apollo 11.Director Damien Chazelle and writer Josh Singer eschew triumphalism (which earned them some criticism), focusing instead on Armstrong's internal …

Conservatives angry that The New York Times will not put ... 02, 2015 · Courtesy of TPM : The New York Times decided this week not to place Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) book on its bestseller list, leaving some con...

Buckinghams | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Otto's War Room (??): Is Kansas Secretary of State Kris ... Wichita Peace and Freedom Party Examiner; It was back in February that 800 people, including members of KanVote, went to Topeka for a protest and rally. But more than that, KanVote wanted to file a Kansas Open Records Request (KORA) to obtain Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s schedules, calendars, timesheets, and other items to show how this public servant spends his time.

#BlackLivesMatter Archives - Oppression Monitor Daily“They put bullets in his head because they said they saw a knife.” ... Minnesota hit another grim milestone on Saturday as the state reported more than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths. ... Two white Virginia teenagers, one of whom was holding a gun, ...

Britain and America: An international epidemic is the reason that Iraq is fighting for its life. This is what Mr. Maliki indelicately, yet accurately calls an international epidemic—a disease of the soul that brings misery and death to everything it touches. The essay is adapted from an article in the Weekly Standard, March 15, 2007.

Linkorama Archives – Discourse.netDiscourse.net’ve been a season ticket holder for many years, and as good as anything they’ve done. Depending on what rules the AIs used, this looks like it might be an important paper to more than one field: Emilio Calvano, Giacomo Calzolari, Vincenzo Denicolò, Sergio Pastorello, Artificial intelligence, algorithmic pricing, and collusion ...

The Unknown Candidate: Obama on School Violence 16, 2007 · A Voice Raised in Chicago By Bob Herbert The New York TimesSenator Barack Obama took his presidential campaign to Chicago Sunday, where he addressed an agonizing issue that has been largely overlooked by the national media — the murder of dozens of the city’s public school students since last September.

TLCQ 2015 Endorsements | Texas Leftist 1— With several noteworthy candidates in this race, it is an admittedly tough decision to go with one over another. Jenifer Rene Pool‘s decades of experience in the construction industry would be of great benefit as a new Mayor and Council continue to tackle the city’s massive infrastructure needs. Lane Lewis is a proven public servant with a record of producing extraordinary ...

The Rude Pundit: Torture? Cosby Rapes? Almost Everyone Is ... 12, 2014 · Bill Cosby's wife, Camille, long a character in her husband's stand-up, released a statement yesterday defending her husband against the rape and assault allegations made by around 20 women. Camille Cosby is standing by her husband of 50 years, and, as a way of saying that the allegations are not true, she draws a media parallel: "We all follow the story of the article in the Rolling …

Ethan Perlstein | Thinklab the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic spreads, the need for more diagnostic capabilities is great. In order to address this need, we have developed a highly sensitive RT-LAMP assay compatible with current reagents, that utilizes a colorimetric readout...

No More Mister Nice Blog: MUHAMMAD ALI GAVE A MUSLIM ... 09, 2016 · Hope I made you look, wingnuts. Muhammad Ali, who died yesterday at the age of 74, was famous for refusing to serve in Vietnam and for a very public conversion to Islam. Near the end of his life, he denounced Donald Trump for proposing to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. But in 1983, he paid a visit to the Reagan White House, and posed for one of those goofy pictures with celebrities the ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: IN ADDITION TO HIS OTHER ... 10, 2016 · It also assists in starting co-ordination among your fans on your fan page, subscription page, or profile page. Bearing in mind that one does not require Facebook login qualifications for this to operate, one can also purchase likes for a post or page that is not owned by them. 11:57 PM

KEIJI NAKAZAWA I SAW IT PDF 06, 2019 · Keiji’s editor got him a job working as the assistant to Daiji Kazumine. But after a year and a half, he was kicked upstairs and made director of his division, and another editor took his place at Jump. I was keij grateful, and felt I should do the best job I could. Did you intend all along to bring the story up to that point and end it there? is obviously bad news for marine creatures, “ranging from tiny plankton to headliners for bouillabaisse and bisque.” And don’t think it’s just those oysters, clams, and lobsters, either. Thanks to ocean acidification, coral reefs are, scientists agree, suffering a similar fate now. They are already globally in significant decline ...

Record earmarks and related campaign contributions for Tiahrt 22, 2010 · One of them is the tough economy." As the August 3 primary nears, Tiahrt’s earmarks are becoming a real liability in his Senate race against US Representative Jerry Moran. Moran is making this a major issue of his campaign.

Swing to the Right | the Media Research Center's NewsBusters blog has grown in popularity -- an Aug. 3 post by executive editor Matthew Sheffield declared that it was "one of the top 10 conservative blogs and one of the top 100 blogs in the world according to Technorati" -- it has attracted more attention from other established conservative bloggers. Some of them have even been invited to blog (or, at least ...

The Debate Link: 09/24/2017 - 10/01/2017 30, 2017 · Yom Kippur began this evening, so obviously the smart move is to blog about a food show. But tonight was also the premier of Hell's Kitchen's all-star season!Long-time readers may recall that I pitched my dream lineup for a "heroes versus villains" HK all-stars all the way back in 2011. That was in the middle of Season 9, and we're now through Season 16 -- and since the lineup skews …

The Smirking Chimp | News And Commentary from the Vast story of Amphan — including the surprising successes of the response as well as the horrors and the underlying causes — hold very important lessons for everyone, including here in the United States. Cyclone Amphan lashed Bangladesh and the neighboring Indian state of West Bengal with 165 kph (105 mph) winds and a 5-meter (15 ft.) storm ...

Ronald Bell | Facebook“Ronald Bell: Corporate Trainer and Executive Coach” By John Rashak, Profile, Courier News Ronald Bell is an ordained Presbyterian minister and Bedminster resident of Somerset County.* He is a management consultant providing corporate training, executive coaching and executive team building, among other services.

The Howdygram 2: Try my world-famous “Texas Caviar” recipe. 01, 2017 · Sam is out taking a walk and I’m here in the study with the Howdygram and a bag of Chester’s cheese puffcorn. This is a nicer snack than Cheetos because Chester’s doesn’t turn your fingers orange. My only complaint: I order Chester’s Puffcorn online from Wal-Mart and they’re charging $2.75 for a bag that’s clearly marked “$2 ...

Stifled Mind: The Coolidge Effect, Sexual Dysfunction 05, 2008 · Recent Comments. Blog Archive 2008 (337) 2008 (337) 11/2 - 11/9 (2) 10/19 - 10/26 (1) 10/5 - 10/12 (2) 9/28 - 10/5 (5) 9/21 - 9/28 (4) 9/14 - 9/21 (3) 9/7 - 9/14 (3 ...

The Whited Sepulchre: The Fedex imported clock worksheet 02, 2009 · If you think a waste of time, dive into the lunacy known as the garment industry. There are tens of thousands of quotas, guidelines, and point of origin notifications. Many of these are based on the designs and styles, each with a different tariff. The point of all to keep you from getting what you want at the best price possible.

LoneStarBearhttps://lonestarbear.blogspot.comVines' speech is a masterwork of scriptural exegesis and a marvel of patient logic, slicing and dicing with surgical precision the claim that homophobia is God ordained. So effective is the video that after viewing it, Sandra Delemares, a Christian blogger from the United Kingdom who had, for years, spoken in staunch opposition to same-sex ...

Orcinus: Mainstreaming hate - Blogger Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Orcinus: 07/20/2008 - 07/27/2008[Cross-posted at Firedoglake.] First it was Bob Novak in his black Corvette, obviously reliving his viewing of The Dark Knight on his way to work at 18th and K the other day.["Must . Ignore. Pedestrian."] Now, Andrew Klavan at the WSJ wants us to see George W. Bush …

Trumpie "judge" orders KY doctors to rape their patients ... 09, 2019 · Penetrating a woman with a transvaginal ultrasound wand against her will is rape. And that's before we get to the requirement of lying. ...

Fun with Unemployment: Of all the turds, you're the shiniest 07, 2009 · This is a woman who accepted the nomination for vice president with a three-months-old special needs child (all studies show that the mother's role in infancy, especially for these children, is crucial) and an unwed 17-year-old daughter pregnant by another high-schooler.

No Right Turn: Ever get the feeling you've been cheated? 10, 2005 · This is the _most_ stable government option for Labour, with the Greens in reserve if either NZF or United leave later. I think it's good. Also, it has serious potential to sway center-right voters to vote for a party other than National, and even if they vote for NSF or United a good thing.

POW - The blog: 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 09, 2005 · 1. The administration's Social Security gurus shove Bush out there with talking points saying that we need to act now to pass the Bush plan, because starting in 2017 Social Security will start taking resources away from the rest of the government and that's a very bad thing--and then they roll out a plan in which Social Security starts taking resources away from the rest of the government in 2011.

The Policy Geek: October 2011 12, 2011 · Yesterday, was the first great elemental test of their metal as the slightly cold temperatures dropped and turned into a record breaking Noreaster for the month of October in the history of Octobers. Yesterday 3 inches coated everyone, but it did it sideways and came with wind and mixed with painful sleet type rain which kept up for like 20 hours.

The Citizens: Minaret- The Remix 11, 2006 · One of the oldest, and probably most strictly followed, internal NSA guidelines was the prohibition against entirely domestic eavesdropping--where both terminals were located within the United States. . . . " I would also like to point out that the FSIA was first introduced by Senator Edward Kennedy and signed by President Carter. It applies to ...

Great Minds Thinking Alike | The Mahablog 05, 2006 · RE: But that kind of evidence is almost certainly not forthcoming; there will be no further serious investigation into the events of 9/11.Ironically, that’s largely because of the 9/11 “truth movement†itself — by embracing fanciful notions that the government blew up the World Trade Center with thermite charges, or that the Pentagon was hit by a missile — makes it ...

The Angry White Mom: September 2010 21, 2010 · The next morning the dog was still in our yard. So, doing what I usually do, I fed her -- I only had cat food because Harley, our dog of ten years, had passed away of old age in early August, and I had given away all our left over dog food and treats.She ate like she was starving. We began asking around if anyone had lost a small white dog and I personally asked members of the park staff who ...

Based On A True Story...: May 2020 you exhort people (eg- police officers) not to be "too nice," guess how some are going to act, and what they're going to do...Gee, couldn't see that one coming- no way, no how! Five Time Deferment, Self Proclaimed Genius, Tough Guy Deluxe dog whistles our various police across the entire country that the gloves are off, safety precautions are a joke, etc, etc, etc..

Noel McKeehan: Adventures and Opinions: 2020 I was in the "war effort" in 1967, I used to like to go into the mostly Vietnamese area of downtown Saigon and take pictures.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2006-02-12 Cheney The New York Times has one of those insider gossip reports on tensions between the staffs of the president (The Big Smirk) and vice-president (Dead-Eye Dickhead.) Those tensions always exist between staffs, and a situation like this one--with Dead-Eye's negligent shooting and serious wounding of a 78 year old man under still unknown circumstances at a shooting"birds in a ...

no matter where you go... there you are.: June 2008 Weekly just compiled their list of the top 100 TV shows of all time, and like any such list, it courts controversy. 1. The Simpsons, Fox, 1989-present 2 The Sopranos, HBO (1999-2007) 3 Seinfeld, NBC (1989-98) 4 The X-Files, Fox (1993-2002) 5 Sex and the City, HBO (1998-2004)

The Dead Acorn: March 2012 26, 2012 · I attended a musically-themed social gathering on Sunday at the home of some friends. As it was explained to me in the invitation, there was to be a tournament in which 32 songs would battle head-to-head in single-elimination fashion over the course of three consecutive Sundays, culminating in the identification and coronation of TEH GREATEST SONG OF ALL TIME!!11!!.

The Johnsville News: March 2014 18, 2014 · This is also Sevastopol – a legendary city with an outstanding history, a fortress that serves as the birthplace of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. Crimea is Balaklava and Kerch, Malakhov Kurgan and Sapun Ridge. Each one of these places is dear to our hearts, symbolizing Russian military glory and outstanding valor.

Eschaton: 10/16/2016 - 10/23/2016 first sale doctrine means they can buy one DVD and rent it out over and over again (until it's damaged or lost, anyway). The DVD business was the monopoly that gave them an edge in the streaming business. They gave up that edge, and are just going to be one of …

No Right Turn: Fighting the marriage bill 11, 2005 · United Future's Marriage (Gender Clarification) Amendment Bill will come before Parliament in a couple of weeks for its first vote. If it passes, the bill will do two things. The first would be to define marriage in exclusively heterosexual terms. While this mirrors the existing law (from Quilter v Attorney-General), enacting it at this stage would send the same message that the failure of the ...

American Soldiers – Tortured Duty & Tortured Mission the 70’s, war weariness, drugs, alcohol, lack of strong leadership, lack of discipline, being made to feel like polar opposites of the culture promoted by the media, and a general lack of ...

Geoengineering Is Causing Drought And Fueling Fires ... 09, 2015 · Hosea 4:1-3 …'Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood.

cartoonist | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. contemporary of R. Crumb, Jay contributed to Bijou Funnies, one of the first underground comix, and his characters, Nard n’ Pat are icons in the world of subterranean funnies. Besides his work with Gary Whitney on the long-running Phoebe & the Pigeon People strip, Jay contributed to Mad Magazine and worked for Topp’s on Bazooka Joe comics.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2014-08-10 15, 2014 · Representing Great Lakes Region as the Illinois state champs, Jackie Robinson West from the South Side of Chicago is the first all-black team to make it to the LLWS in "over a decade" (according to this ESPN report) and the first Chicago team since the 80s. The team is part of the league's urban initiative program begun 15 years ago.

the weaker party: 4/1/15 - 5/1/15 blog for students in my introductory classes in government, and any interested passersby. You'll find news items and random stories that illustrate any of the topics we cover in class. Special attention will be paid to the constitutional issues associated with contemporary issues and disputes. Feel free to send me stories you find important. Please note that due to spam, I'm limiting the ...

Rue Rude: Bercy Park was hard to go back to sleep, and my family kept calling since I'd sent them an email about the jeunes burning the cars. I got about three hours sleep and was still groggy as E knocked and we went downstairs to go to Bercy, in the 12th arrondissement for lunch. My upstairs neighbor and her German husband were just arriving home with lots of suitcases, actually a bit chagrined to have missed ...

Northwest Notebook: March 2010 27, 2010 · Actually, had the police arrived, I, as the first one to see them, in the lobby, had intended to tell them that The Duchess had exposed her genitals at the meeting and that was the reason for their summoning. I waited as long as I could. I guess the Flash Mobs are a police priority. Too bad. I had tweeted the Mobs to come to the meeting.

Time to Go | Gates of Vienna first time I that I put up an essay at IBA and found that it came up below the top post, I thought it was some Blogger malfunction, due to IBA being set to zulu time. So I changed the time on my post to correct what I thought was the problem. Pastorius then informed me that only administrators were allowed to post-date. OK, that’s cool.

Thanks to CA Voting Rules, Ticked Off California ... to CA Voting Rules, Ticked Off California Independents Can Make Bernie a Big Winner (m.dailykos ... Of course you can't stop people using the same words as each other and a guy got elected to the Senate because his Party had the same word in it as one of the big ones and they got first spot on the ballot. ... And wages are the main ...

Based On A True Story...: December 2019 29, 2019 · Don't get me wrong- Uncut gems is definitely well made, well acted, and the pacing... the pacing is a New York minute on a speedball laced with Meth! And as if the lunatic freneticism of the film's pacing wasn't enough, the only time people stop screaming in the movie is to inhale enough oxygen to yell and scream louder and faster.

February ? 2016 ? Wheat-dogg's World are the videos I took on the North Borneo Railway steam excursion Feb 13. I was trying to capture the sounds of the experience, as well as the operation of the locomotive. I have omitted the rather long video of the locomotive on the turntable, as it’s fairly easy to imagine what it looks like.

Treme – eclectique 916 became acquainted with Lolis Eric Elie when he was a writer for the New Orleans Times Picayunne and co-producer for the documentary “Fauberg Treme” that premiered on the PBS series “Independent Lens.”Lolis eventually became a writer and story editor for the HBO series “Treme” which, in the words of the series’ co-creator, David Simon, recently wrapped up “four-and-a-half ...

2008, Black Cultural Decline, College Plans & Iraq ... 01, 2007 · But for a Black man- particularly a Black man who did not come from privilege- a Masters is not enough. Employers are looking for people with more specific skills, and the more prestigious the institution the more likely it will be that you will get an interview. ... the U.S. is not leaving Iraq and never planned to in the first place. This is ...

The BoogieFinger Times-All the NEWS Fit to Pick: September ... still carries the image of Franklin, one of America's Founding Fathers. But it adds part of the Declaration of Independence from Franklin's left shoulder to the right edge of the bill. A quill and an ink well are printed behind the text, and a blue ribbon runs near the center of the bill.

Devizes Melting Pot: 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007 31, 2007 · Iraq was the catalyst for a ferocious fundamentalist backlash, according to the study, which says that the number of those killed by Islamists within Iraq rose from seven to 3,122. Afghanistan, invaded by US and British forces in direct response to the September 11 attacks, saw a rise from very few before 2003 to 802 since then.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Poll Roundup: Well-Received Budget Yields ... percentage saying it was "extremely good" (15%) was the highest ever (the previous highest was 11% in 1987 and the long-term average has been just 5%). This question usually scores a positive net result, but the net result in this case (26) was the highest since the same figure was recorded in 2008.

Analysis Of Theresa May's 12 Point Plan For Brexit - The ... of the triumphs of the Obama era's rather weak history of enforcement of corporate malfeasance was the crackdown on the abuses of pa... The Neutering Of An Independent Judicial Branch Finally, after widespread warnings before the 2016 elections and now nearly two years after, there seems to be a general consensus in the ma...

European Traffic ~ European-American blog 04, 2020 · To many Americans, European traffic is daunting - both vehicular and pedestrian. Negotiating “roundabouts” presents the gravest challenge, especially in countries such as Britain and Ireland, where they drive on the wrong side of the road. Also, Paris’ “Etoile” is a uniquely scary gigantic “roundabout.” As to pedestrians crossing streets, this too is most problematic in countries ...

Who Hijacked Our Country: Stop The Recount! You Lost! Get ... 02, 2016 · Anonymous: I agree. I don't like the fact that Trump won, but it's a done deal. All these recounts, petitions to get the Electoral College to vote against Trump -- none of going to accomplish anything. The only good thing about November 8th was that this abortional election campaign would finally be over. December 4, 2016 at 8:31 PM

The Old Hippie's Groovy Blog: Can't Say We Weren't Warned. 21, 2007 · 13 Comments: At 2/24/2007 11:54 AM, Octavius Augustus Dog said.... Good Links, thanks! Now there are two of us, this old hippie has tried and tried to get friends and others interested in our country's fall to fascism, globalization, the military industrial complex, corporate take over of america and all the other horrible things going on like an illegal war!

Apparent Dip: Apparent Return is a highly simplified schematic diagram showing how large rotational normal faults operate. There is no scale on this diagram, but it is meant to depict a fairly large cross section of the brittle upper crust, let's say 8 or 10 km thick. The three images above depict three different time slices during the extension of some chunk of crust.

at the end of the boom: 2009 10, 2009 · I'm a bit obsessed with the band Green Day at the moment, so you may see a lot of posts about them. Get over it. My blog, yay! Anyway, this article from Billboard UK via struck me as sad and funny and made me feel really old somehow, too. Green Day and Emimen have been in a battle for the top slot on American and English charts since each album came out a week apart from …

Hook up reykjavik – Funny russian online dating photos umbrella is a good idea here, but layers, a scarf, gloves, and a change of socks are essential to damper the dampness and keep warm. This is also where we basically lost our shit on the first night. Reykjavik Art Museum is another fine and imperative place to take in a show while at Airwaves.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The Bush lynch ... 27, 2006 · Virtually everyone recognized that one of the most obvious targets for terrorists is Times Square, which has everything a terrorist could want -- symbolic value, great economic impact, a locale in the heart of America's most important city, and a permanently congested square always packed full with residents, workers, and tourists.

The North Coast: September 2008 27, 2008 · July 12th, 2007 "This is far and away the strongest global economy I've seen in my business lifetime." My note: By July 12, 2007, we were well into the first stages of a steep retrenchment, and defaults were soaring. By this time, over 160 small mortgages lenders had already failed/

June | 2008 | Granfalloon other words, to feel guilty is know you are human, that you have a conscience and a heart, and a good thing. I beg to differ. If I could choose to feel guilty and be a “good person” or not feel any guilt and be labeled an asshole, then elect me President of the United States and call me George Bush, cuz I will choose to be an ...

Who Hijacked Our Country: Texas: Mission Accomplished 21, 2010 · It was the twisting of history that put us in this position in the first place. BTW do people know one of the biggest reasons why Texas fought for independence from Mexico is because Slavery was illegal in Mexico and Texas wanted to be a slave state? Might give some insight as to why Texas want's to change history.

Nowhere, IL: May 2008 first problem I encountered was that we had the nice lumberyard man cut the 4x8' sheets diagonally for us, and it didn't occur to any of us that we should have had him cut five of the sheets in one direction and five in the other.Since every other panel has to be turned backward, and since they were all cut the same, there are 10 panels with the "good" sanded side facing out and 10 panels ...

Covid-19 - Page 115 - General Discussion - Morning Big Blue being one of the most trusted coronavirus experts in the United States, Fauci has been the target of several conspiracy theories about his handling of the pandemic — particularly since he tempered expectations for hydroxychloroquine during a March press conference. So we wanted to …

Here Comes Johnny Yen Again...: Favorite Movies: Raising ... was the Coen Brothers' second movie, and it's a masterpiece. Everything about this movie-- the cast, the script, the cinematography-- and the message-- are flawless. The main character, H.I. McDunnough, or "Hi" is a career criminal who specializes in sticking up convenience stores. As a criminal, he is a failure.

Mountain Ramblings: 2018-01-21 27, 2018 · To borrow the expression, this would be one of the times where you not only should take the Nickel (i.e. invoke your 5th Amendment right agst. self-incrimination) but given that the relevant federal statute that could ensnare Trump (18 USC 1001 - False Statements To Federal Authorities) is so broad as to allow federal authorities to drive a ...

Unlocked Wordhoard: January 2007 was the role of history vis-à-vis that situatedness (for some reason, there wasn’t too much talk about philosophy, so I’ll let that drop). Second was the role of intentional in textual interpretation. Third was the situatedness of language. Finally was the über-question about the state of Anglo-Saxon studies.

The Whited Sepulchre: 4/20/08 - 4/27/08 is New Jersey. Home of the Sopranos. Brits arriving in New York, hoping to avoid being slaughtered on day one of their shopping mission to Manhattan are, by day two, beginning to wonder what all the fuss was about. By day three they have had had the scales lifted from their eyes.

June 2014 – MorganWick.com 30, 2014 · So here are the 200 most-viewed live programs of 2013 to my knowledge, with the top 50 ranked. Breaking news outside of primetime (which basically means outside the manhunt for the Boston Marathon bomber), and other non-primetime news events such as the funeral for Nelson Mandela, are not counted because I couldn’t find any numbers for them.

Frenchy's House Party; "How you durrin?": 2009 of the things I miss from living in Providence is that there are so many wonderful pastry shops in the city. Growing up I used to shop at Scialo Brothers on Atwells Avenue with its Art Deco design and bins of Italian candies and sugared almonds and of course there was The …

Secrets of Grandpatzer Chess: Preview of Forcing Chess Moves 06, 2008 · The first several chapters are general endgame techniques, and then the remaining material is divided by specific endgame types (RvR, QvQ, etc). It is an odd-shaped book, illustrated with cariactures, and delivered as a Socratic dialogue between a fictitious amateur and a fictitious grandmaster. Don't let that put you off.

human rights « generic ramblings the wake of the massacre of 9/11, the distinction between an enemy combatant and a prisoner of war seemed an irrelevant legal nicety. But never did I imagine that detainees would still be languishing in the camp in legal limbo four years later. Surely even security hawks can see that both morally wrong and strategically counter ...

Mo Rage: April 2019 cross structurally deficient bridges 178 million times a day, including such landmarks as the Brooklyn Bridge and the San Mateo-Hayward Bridge over the San Francisco Bay; The average age of a structurally deficient bridge is 62 years; Now, check out our own state of Missouri’s ranking in all this.

WG's Observations: December 2017 only outright victory in the past six decades was the first Iraq War in 1991 Ulman sets out to examine why we have failed so consistently in our military adventures. This is an important book, not only to understand why we have failed so consistently in the past, but to understand what must be done to prepare the nation for the uncertain ...

The Immoral Minority: Proud Parent Time. 06, 2012 · She also said that she was the first to stop and that she had to get a crowbar out of her truck to pry the doors open and get the people out. By the way she is STILL pissed that only one other person stopped. (A woman in military garb, driving a van.) Reply Delete

No Right Turn: Tactical voting 08, 2005 · The converse of that if you *don't* live in one of the third-party contested seats then there is no downside to voting for the electorate candidate you prefer. So in Auckland Central, voting for Nandor isn't going to help the Nats - even if Pansy Wong gets elected, it'll be evened out when they work out the list seats.

A Little Reality: January 2009 is one of the most hated sights for the United States Border Patrol. It is Border Field State Park in California. In the foreground is the Tijuana River Estuary, which is in the United States. In the background is the city of Tijuana, Mexico. Part of the park, right along the border, is Friendship Park.

palingates: Sarah Palin's frightening supporters 11, 2009 · "Genesee Street in Auburn was the place to be on Saturday June 6th as the City kicked off its First Annual Founders Day Celebration with a parade lead by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Approximately 10,000 spectators lined the streets to greet Governor Palin and celebrate Auburn’s Alaska connection." 17 June 2009 at 19:03

A Place Called Space: October 2012 11, 2012 · Bronze, at the Royal Academy of Arts. A hugely ambitious project, Bronze tells the 6,000-year-old story of bronze as an artistic material: national treasures from the classical period to the present day, and from disparate cultures around the world, have been brought together comprising 177 works of art from 98 lenders.

Philip Sparrow Tells All: Lost Essays by Samuel Steward ... 14, 2015 · Samuel Steward (1909–93) was an English professor, a tattoo artist for the Hells Angels, a sexual adventurer who shared the considerable scope of his experiences with Alfred Kinsey, and a prolific writer whose publications ranged from scholarly articles to gay erotica (the latter appearing under the pen name Phil Andros). Perhaps his oddest authorial role was as a …

Mostly Forgotten History: Boycott | From the Trenches ... 20, 2017 · The main choice of protest entailed refusing to pay rent unless the landlord agreed to a rent reduction. This tactic succeeded in getting a 25% rent reduction from a Catholic Bishop in one of the first protests. But Lord Erne was made of sterner stuff. He refused his tenants’ demands for lower rent and had Boycott evict the non-paying tenants.

The Discordant State of Unions | RealClearMarkets confrontation has all the earmarks of a classic union organizing battle, including charges that workers have been forced to sign loyalty oaths, stories of a violent row at a rally that left one...

Next Left: The Ed Balls most talked about Sunday newspaper story about the Labour leadership race will certainly be the Sunday Telegraph's report that Ed Balls is considering quitting the race, though very few people can know whether it heralds a major development, or is simply campaign gossip. (Paul Waugh rather more tentatively blogged on Friday about a Westminster rumour that Balls could …

Contextual Criticism: Lisa Miller on the resurrection of ... 28, 2009 · Lisa Miller on the resurrection of the body [The Ascension by Brian Jekel - from ... why, if God is so good at miracles, we need to go through the process of death in the first place, especially if that process includes incredible physical and mental pain and suffering. ... The evidence for a physical resurrection is that a man walked the earth ...

From the Sidelines: A Coach’s Wife Tells All | Morningside Mom 10, 2008 · My name is Caroline and I am a coach’s wife. That’s right, my husband is a head coach of a division II college lacrosse team. If you are familiar with coaching life, thank you for your sympathy and appreciation. If you are not as familiar but you love sports, you probably think my husband’s job is the coolest, smartest career move ever and why didn’t you think of that …

Postscripts: A Death at the Bear Mountain Bridge prize Mrs. Kellogg had won was for a landscape painting. And the jumper was confirmed to have been the Kellogg’s 19-year-old son. The Kelloggs had lived at the Yonkers address for seven years. The Evening Star story added the news that six years before, young Gifford Kellogg had found his mother in her room dying of a gunshot wound to the head.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: North Coast stays on the Electoral Map 19, 2007 · The Daily News caught up to Podunk on Thursday as they provided some coverage of the Electoral Boundaries Commission decision to keep the North Coast riding intact despite it’s low voter totals. COMMISSION KEEPS NORTH COAST RIDING ON THE MAP By Kris Schumacher The Daily News Thursday August 16, 2007 Pages one and three The North …

Cascade Mountains News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today home where late rock legend Kurt Cobain took his last steps is looking for a buyer. Cobain’s 1902 Seattle home is on sale for $7.5 million. The 8,000 …

Nazi Nexus: America's Corporate Connections to Hitler's ... Nexus is the long-awaited wrap-up in a single explosive volume that details the pivotal corporate American connection to the Holocaust. The biggest names and crimes are all there. IBM and its facilitation of the identification and accelerated destruction …

Jane Smiley: “All I need to know about Economics I learned ... 10, 2009 · Michael Giberson. Or rather, as Smiley explains in a HuffPost piece, in “Mrs. Ticknor’s Social Studies class in 1962, when I did my report on ‘The Communist Manifesto’ and kept misspelling the word ‘bourgeois’.”. She began the essay by complimenting Paul Krugman’s piece in the New York Times Magazine about the sorry state of economics (she “read every …

"Your Type" Can NOT Come IN - blog.cyrstistransgendercondo.com blog about Transgender Lifestyle and social networking.

The Sapient Sutler: Glut thy sorrow on a morning rose 17, 2007 · One of our team went down to a room, and the two other teachers and I sat upstairs by our team phone in case we were needed. The girls went on line to look at jewelry, got coffee, and read magazines. I got handed a ream of new employee paperwork, and I filled it out a bit of it in desultory fashion while we sat around some more.

Bilgrimage: Cold Water (and Sacraments) on a Summer's Day 03, 2013 · Cold Water (and Sacraments) on a Summer's Day Steve and I have just returned from bringing a copy of my book Fiat Flux: The Writings of Wilson R. Bachelor, Nineteenth-Century Country Doctor and Philosopher to a friend of ours.

Lost in the Ozone...: As Old Reservoir Becomes a Park, a ... 24, 2007 · By 1 p.m., he followed a reporter over to a news conference presided over by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who called the handover the largest single acquisition of parkland in Queens since 1981, and one that would add 50 acres to the 140 acres of Highland Park, which is adjacent to the reservoir.

Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Vampires, zombies, and Day of ... 02, 2014 · That made for a very entertaining evening, and is the reason I often describe the holiday as a combination of Halloween and Mardi Gras. While waiting for that parade to form up, I watched another pass by. It was led by three young men in costume, a devil, a grim reaper, and a Mesoamerican death god.

Art Blog By Bob: Lenten Musings: The Sexuality of Christ ... 14, 2007 · Goldberg recounts her travels inside the Fundamentalist side of the American religious/culture war. A heavy emphasis is put on their infatuation with human sexuality to the point of an anti-humanistic approach. One preacher longs for a return to the pre-Renaissance days of Calvinism and a greater sense of the sinfulness of humanity.

Tickle The Wirehair evidence Archives - Tickle The bribed a hotel employee, who gave them access to a place in the hotel where they could disable the cable television wires to Phua’s room. When he called for repair, they showed up pretending to be cable guys, and he let them into his room. They repaired what they had disabled, but they also illegally wiretapped the phones in the room.

Another Farmer’s Field Tainted with GMO; Monsanto Says ... isn't just a chemical company that is supplying 40% or more of the world's food, but apparently it is also a wordsmith company that has, through its science experiments, effectively changed the definition of the word

The Daily Flog Blog: The Weekly Fluff Prep Mode for today's Fluffy News, I spent a very long time scrolling through a picture gallery of celebrities who, the headline tells us, have "Lost Their Mojo" due to weight gain, aging, drugs, or all of the above.With a few exceptions, the examples were questionable and I finished the 97 picture spread glad that I don't have the world dissecting my wrinkles pixel-by-pixel.

Rising Seas, Sinking Cities - ReligiousLeftLaw.com title of the post comes from the subtitle of a recent book by Jeff Goodell, The Water Will Come: Rising Seas, Sinking Cities and the Remaking of the Civilised World (Little, Brown and Co., 2017), which I’ve yet to read but is reviewed by Meehan Crist* in the London Review of Books: “Besides, I’ll be dead” (Vol. 40, No. 4 · 22 February 2018). Goodell’s book concentrates on one of ...

Chess Tactics for Beginners Arrived 10, 2007 · Did the first 110 problems over lunch. I had an embarrassing think over one of the mate-in-one problems, an example of chess blindness if there ever was one: The funny thing is, I knew the theme was queen mates in one, but I instinctively kept trying to find a longer sequence, or returning to a failed one, rather than focus on every possible ...

Ordinary Guy: Bumper Stickers, Observations From the ... a yellow one with Trapped in a ribbon factory. Send Help! I saw a bumper sticker that said There but for the grace of God go I. I like it but I am uncertain where There is. I guess we can just fill in the blank for ourselves. I Heart _____ stickers are fun. I don’t think I’d ever put one on my car. I guess I just can’t commit.

Nothing Better to Do: Michael's Pizza's Pizza is a Westerville destination for a number of reasons. I dig it because it was one of the first restaurants to serve alcohol when Westerville finally voted down their longstanding prohibition initiative.. The beer and wine is just window dressing to well made thin crust pizza and traditional Italian offerings, however.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Something new for the Great … 21, 2006 · The largest coho caught in the first half of the Great Northern Salmon Classic Derby, that was expected to land a Dodge truck for a fisherman, has been disqualified, say derby officials. The winner was expected to be announced at the closing of the weigh-in station on Saturday. They now expect to announce the winner of the 2006 Dodge Dakota ...

71st Carnival of Nuclear Energy: Critical Reviews, History ... original and never-before-seen material, he takes you back in time to describe one of the first reactors constructed in the world. Brian Wang at Next Big Future noted that research on radiation from back in 1946 was uncovered that suppressed …

Hey Jenny Slater.: Olive Garden Confidential: First in a ... Garden Confidential: First in a series. Sorry the Friday Random Ten+5 hasn't made an appearance in the last couple of weeks -- the well kind of ran dry as far as +5 ideas and the whole thing was on the verge of getting stale.

The Back Forty » Water: The New first, H.R. 3202, the Water Protection and Reinvestment Act of 2009, was sent to committee and there it stays. The second, S. 1005, the Water Infrastructure Financing Act, got through its committee stay within days, and was reported out to the whole Senate for action. And that’s the end of the story.

Darryl Ferguson charged with arson for Houston Islamic ... blaze early on Friday at the Quba Islamic Institute destroyed one of three buildings there, but no one was injured. Fire officials said Darryl Ferguson, 55, confessed to causing the blaze ... Live Run Down Prince Of Wales's Stakes is one of the biggest races of the Flat season, let alone Royal Ascot week. The Group 1 is live on ITV at 3.00pm and our man Jack Keene has had a good look at the seven-strong field. Getty Images - Getty Much will depend o... 2020-06-16 16:00 : …

The Women's Foundation of California - Posts | Facebook Women's Foundation of California, Oakland, California. 9.5K likes. We invest in, train, and connect community leaders to advance racial, economic, and gender justice.

Richard Wooley - Executive Director and Co-Founder - Bond ... Richard Wooley’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Richard has 9 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Richard’s ...

August | 2017 | Skookworks.com was given new routes to deliver each day and expected to deliver said routes in a time comparable to a seasoned carrier. I worked ten and twelve (and sometimes more) hour days and didn’t have a regular day off. I lost about 50 pounds in the first six months and my body was regularly in some sort of pain. I didn’t have time to draw.

Endangered Earth: Lead Kills Condors, Eagles; Species ...,000 Oppose Measure That Would Kill Pacific Salmon . In defense of the largest estuary on the West Coast, last week the Center for Biological Diversity mobilized more than 5,100 comments -- from California alone -- against a proposal that would strip federal protections from endangered salmon in and around the San Francisco Bay-Delta fishery.

| Overlawyered 17, 2020 · “An innovative coronavirus testing program in the Seattle area — promoted by the billionaire Bill Gates and local public health officials as a way of conducting wider surveillance on the invisible spread of the virus — has been ordered by the federal government to stop its work pending additional reviews….’Please discontinue patient testing and return of diagnostic …

Ruth Institute Blog » artificial reproductive technologies released this week show that women in New Zealand between the ages of 35 and 39 are having more babies than women aged 20 – 24 for the first time. In fact, the average age of first time mothers in New Zealand is now one of the highest in the developed world.

STRAIGHT TRACK - Radio 03, 2005 · The Lake Erie Plan advanced by John Sytsma was but one lost opportunity in 1985 for a single craft and one organization, with full attrition-protection and a 75% raise. But the results of engineer/co-engineer would be self evident today if all realized what was at stake.

ApplaUSe For A Cause: 2016 blog about charity awareness. Before you or your kids head to school on the first day, brush up on your vocabulary at while earning grains of rice for the poor.; If you want to buy clothes or school supplies online, a charity of your choice can earn a percentage of your bill when you use GoodSearch or iGive ; Some cities, such as Chattanooga, TN, have "Stuff the Bus" …

Panel Discussion: South Dakota Redistricting Process Needs ... 03, 2018 · But first, I have a couple questions and a compliment, in reverse order. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Fair district creation is critical to a functional democracy and one of the biggest problems we have now across the USA, except in states with independent commissions to draw the lines.

Deeplinks Archives | Electronic Frontier Foundation 05, 2016 · Nearly two years ago, along with the Media Legal Defence Initiative and with consent and input from his family, we submitted a petition to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) for the release of Egyptian coder, blogger, and activist Alaa Abd El Fattah. Abd El Fattah was arrested on November 28, 2013, two days after participating in a peaceful …

Ken Gwin | Facebook retired for a couple of years but now work at McGuckin’s Hardware. I love Macintoshes and have an iMac, an iPad' and an iPod Touch. In high school (Benkelman, NE) I was president of the band, my senior class, and the student council. I got an alternate appointment to the first class of the Air Force Academy.

Gloria Steinem | Conservative Standards 27, 2016 · Whether she’s sharing blatantly sexist quotes such as: “if men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament” or she’s excusing Bill Clinton’s treatment of women simply because he is pro-abortion, Gloria Steinem has always been in a league of her own in the pantheon of radicals who elevate abortion beyond all else.. Now Steinem has written a new book, and a … Live Run Prime Minister Mark Rutte famously likes to cycle to work, but in Europe he is increasingly known for slamming on the brakes. The lanky 53-year-old has been in power for a decade, thanks to a modest image that chimes with traditional values in the b... 2020-07-16 19:30 : APK-Inform Online. NAMEX again canceled the sales of intervention ...

On Transmigration: Anyone Can Whistle - Except Gay People* 18, 2011 · Anyone Can Whistle - Except Gay People* For some reason I have been humming (and singing, G*d Help us!) tunes from Sondheim's 1964 flop, Anyone Can Whistle since I woke up this morning. I have no idea why.

Air-Minded: Grand Theft Airplane – Paul's first media reports didn’t begin to appear until after it was all over, one to two hours later. I understand the young man was not an aircraft mechanic but a ramp worker, and that he took the plane from a maintenance area. It may not have been fully fueled, because in some of his radio calls to ground controllers he mentioned low fuel.

HisTerribleSwiftSword: 2008 Cpl. Snyder is a hero and a son of liberty. He and his family are owed more than can be imagined. William T. Bradley Adams, Massachusetts Well…It’s the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS, my hometown. Yeah, we’re all real proud of that distinction.

The Bus Depothttps://the-bus-depot.blogspot.comNov 22, 2010 · The first person who walked past refused, and as he continued past, the man loudly proclaimed, "Fucking faggot!" A child was chasing one of the thousands of pigeons around TBD with a stick, pretending he was some kind of hunter.

29 | March | 2010 | The Great Spot 29, 2010 · 3 posts published by bvilleyellowdog on March 29, 2010. The blog authors are unapologetic progressives, but we welcome participation from intelligent, conservative commenters who are able - and willing - to make cogent arguments for conservative principles without resorting to outrageous lies, racist nonsense, ad hominem irrelevancies, or childish …

TERROR!! My Horrifying Run-In with…KOREAN PEOPLE! 26, 2013 · Thus they made their scary, middle-class, hard-working, well-mannered, well-dressed (for a hike, at least) and education-addicted selves past me. They probably owned their own businesses, had moved here with little, amalgamated to American society, networked with the right people, and had worked hard to get the comfortable, productive ...

Posting Rules | Database Transaction - Scribd• The first method (Stage 2A) ... and a posting process uses one or more GL transaction types to generate its financial results. ... For example, the Autocorrect process changes the apply date for a journal posted to a closed period to the current period.

Legal Doesn’t Always Mean Fair | Dare To Dream 30, 2009 · Mike Barefield – Portsmouth, Virginia – Contributor. Most of our readers interested in GLBT news and who have access to the blogosphere will have read by now about the raid of the Rainbow Lounge by the Fort Worth, Texas police and Texas ABC agents on the 40 th anniversary of the Stonewall demonstrations. Bloggers are reporting (and I have seen little in …

Tabula Rasa: November 2017 of glaciers, it's been almost two months since our Mt Baker summit attempt. Our group had three chances to summit: it was stormy and rainy on the first two, which meant the last day on the mountain would be loooong. No one made it to the summit, though some made it to the crater rim; our party had several injuries or health issues.

American Power: William Ayers and Social-Justice Education 09, 2008 · In fact, as one of the leaders of a movement for bringing radical social-justice teaching into our public school classrooms, Mr. Ayers is not a school reformer. He is a school destroyer. He still hopes for a revolutionary upheaval that will finally bring down American capitalism and imperialism, but this time around Mr. Ayers sows the seeds of ...

Dawg's Blawg: Freedom from speech... 08, 2008 · It's just not a fair fight. She has an intellectual glass jaw and a lousy case, and I think nearly everyone, even her supporters, have figured that out by now. One of the values that serious bloggers prize is accuracy. When we err, we should be prompt to admit it. It's not only the right thing to do; it's also a matter of credibility.

Corn Liquor Confessionalhttps://cornliquorconfessional.blogspot.comOct 23, 2005 · The "bar" consists of a fridge full of domestic beer and a giant jar of pickles. While Po' Monkey's is one of the original delta juke joints, it doesn't get too much action any more. But every once in a while, someone will be passing through - B. B. King for example - and will decide to stop in and play a set.

METRO Houston | Texas Leftist has the distinction of being the both one of the nation’s largest and most sparsely populated cities. In recent years, the city has experienced rapid densification in certain areas, but it’s still a long way off from the density of cities like New York, Chicago, or even Los Angeles.

- Bill Maher - D’Leereeus Johnson, new DP staff Thursday, February 23rd, 2012, (BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS) —United States Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has persuaded prosecutors of the Caribbean nation of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis (aka St. Kitts—Nevis) to grant leniency to the machete used in the robbery of him...

Being Chris Przybyszewski | Alternet, give a small, sad smile as the person gives out yet another nickname. You might think I am going to go off on a tirade about how awful my name is. That couldn't be further from the truth.

European Tribune - Diaries[This is my first ET diary. Every correction, suggestion, opinion, rating, ranting, pointing to mistakes or grammatical errors and the like is appreciated.] The next Bundestag election will be in September or October of 2009 and the front lines are now being drawn inside the SPD.

Humint Events Online: Why Didn't Obama Prosecute the Bush ... 09, 2017 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

MoA - Blair - Coward or Liar? - Coward or Liar? Did the corrupt Saudi dictator family threaten to blow up London, or did Tony Blair lie to investigators about such a threat to get a new arms deal done? That is the question coming up in front of a British court. The British arms manufacturer BAE …

LoneStarBear: American democracy still works basic mechanics of American democracy, imperfect and defective though they may be, still function. Chronic defeatists and conspiracy theorists — well-intentioned though they may be — need to re-evaluate their defeatism and conspiracy theories in light of this rather compelling evidence which undermines them (a refusal to re-evaluate one's beliefs in light of conflicting evidence is a ...

The Union News.: Obama rejects non-union spill aid 08, 2010 · Every crisis is an opportunity for Pay-to-Play, The Chicago Way Foreign companies possessing some of the world’s most advanced oil skimming ships say they are being kept out of efforts to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf because of a 1920’s law known as the Jones Act -- a protectionist law that requires vessels working in US waters be built in the US and be crewed by US workers.

The American Human: The GOP Debt-Ceiling Strategy: Will American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the Philippines, the Netherlands ...

Kingfisher News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today 23, 2019 · Rotary Club. Join Pudsey and pals from Kingfisher Rotary helping out Children in Need. - Ross Crawford. HELP raise money for BBC Children in Need this Saturday, November 9 in the Kingfisher Shopping Centre with a little help Redditch Kingfisher Rotary …

China Racism News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... 14, 2020 · Yukie Xie woke up one morning in May to find that her summer semester tuition at the University of New Brunswick had gone from $4,000 to $13,000. After attending UNB Saint John for a year, she was suddenly being charged tuition as an international student …

Christian Broadcasting Network | News Corpse 12, 2017 · The Christian Broadcasting Network, home of The 700 Club, has notified News Corpse of a defamatory posting on this web site. I received an email from their legal team that included an attached letter (pdf) from Louis Isakoff, Vice President and General Counsel of Pat Robertson’s Regent University. Isakoff is representing Pat Robertson’s son (and CBN’s CEO), Gordon.

World’s Leading Humanitarians, Medical Experts Hail U.S ... Michael Madshack, DP Assistant Editor Friday, June 29th, 2012, (EARTH) —The world’s most famous physicians, humanitarians, and medical experts are adding their cheers to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling Thursday, declaring most of the controversial “Affordable Care Act” of 2010 constitutional, particularly its “individual mandate” for all Americans to...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Beetlesleuth! Beetlesleuth ... 10, 2019 · Big Bad Bald Bastard The Big Bad Bald Bastard is a character played by Monsieur _____ of the City of Y_____. The role of the Bastard is a handy one to play on subways, walking the streets, and in dive-bars, when being a nerdy, bookish sort is not to one's advantage.

I Want My WebTV | www.splicetoday.com is just conjecture, but difference between journalists in 2008 and 2018 will change far more dramatically than journalists from 1940 to the present. A whole new animal. Responses to this comment

Strawberry Fields Forever: To quote Bender, "I'm back baby!" 26, 2004 · To quote Bender, "I'm back baby!" So much is going on! I've been working on a new business venture with a friend a lot lately, but since I haven't yet seen the NDA I'm supposed to sign (and he is a friend) I don't feel like I can say much about it except …

Oh Well: A Commentary: McCain's Straight Talking Express ... 02, 2007 · This is on Yahoo News: WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday challenged GOP presidential hopeful John McCain's assertion that Donald H. Rumsfeld was one of the country's worst defense secretaries. "John's entitled to his opinion. I just think he's wrong," said Cheney, a friend of Rumsfeld.

This Modern of the 2013 Herblock award; 2015 Society of Illustrators Silver Medal recipient; 2015 first place AAN award for cartooning; 2015 Pulitzer finalist. Hey! Don't forget to visit the online store for t-shirts, plush Sparkys and all-new dry-erase boards! NEW: if you missed the Kickstarter for 25 YEARS OF TOMORROW, not to worry!IDW Publishing has just released a second, expanded edition!

Yellowhammer Fund Literally Can't Keep Up with All of Your ... 20, 2019 · From Harper's BAZAAR. The Yellowhammer Fund, a non-profit that helps low-income women in Alabama acquire abortion care, experienced rush of donations after the state passed a restrictive bill banning nearly all forms of abortion, with no exceptions for rape or incest, last week.; The organization can't keep up with its overall donation total, but it did earn $100,000 from one article that ...

White House Archives - Page 183 of 211 - PolitiZoom House. Latest . Latest; Featured posts; Most popular; 7 days popular; By review score; Random; Fox News Before And After Trump Coverage Portrayed In One Jaw Dropping Video The Press Ursula Faw-June 12, 2018 ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: D-LIST RIGHT-WING SITE PUBLISHES ... 06, 2019 · I wade through a lot of right-wing sludge in my effort to inform and entertain you, but I usually give a pass to the D-list site American Thinker. However, this Thinker post, from regular contributor J.R. Dunn, caught my eye.As the headline notes, Dunn is fantasizing about a Trump assassination attempt -- not because he's a murderous Never Trumper, but because he hates Trump …

Mo Rage: The New KCI People Are Getting Desperate is one of America's problems. We've seen it, repeatedly, down through decades and the short last century here in the US. After about 40 or 50 years, we think we need to somehow "move on", tear down a building--in this case, buildings--and press forward with progress somehow.

Harry Clarke: Algal biomass as alternative energy source 08, 2008 · This is a guest post by modest, Sydney-based journalist Sir Henry Casingbroke. Sir Henry previously contributed this related post. I am surprised how little discussion there has been about one of the most obvious and painless ways of doing something practical about …

The Delaware Libertarian: Caesar Rodney Institute and the ... 25, 2009 · Dave Burris has issued an impulsive, insulting, and idiotic fatwah [and, yes, Dave, it qualifies for all three adjectives] about the most recent Caesar Rodney Institute exclusive that only serves to detract from any serious evaluation of CRI's work: Many of you wondered why the administration and the left went after and continue to go after CRI.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Rotarians prepare for annual fund raiser 12, 2007 · "This is why it's really important to us. For example, we have to replace the flags three times a year, which is a bit of an investment." With the $950 in funds from the auction that went toward the Centennial, the Rotary Club was able to match the district grant they received for $1,000, giving them enough money to buy picnic tables, a ...

Tarnished Lady: August weekends Pt.2 08, 2007 · dancing in the summer heat makes you glossy but it was fun fun fun. Matt avoids the paparazzi as we make a dash for the cab around 2:30 am. Rumour has it skinny-dipping ensued after we left. Hmmmm. On Sunday, we headed out to the historic Paramount Ranch in the rolling Agoura Hills for their twice a year event Silents Under the Stars. This is ...

Contextual Criticism: What's Happening - July 30 know smoking is one of the major causes of cancer, but it's unlikely that people will be so frightened by these commercials they will voluntarily quit. You can't scare someone into heaven or out of hell. The churches have been trying that for a couple of thousand years.

Hillary challenges “don’t ask, don’t tell” | are we ready? 26, 2007 · Hillary challenges “don’t ask, don’t tell” April 26, 2007 · Filed under gay rights , iraq , the army , the issues I found out in a recent Des Moines Register article by Tony Leys, that Hillary Clinton has come out to criticize the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Is Israel's war ... 15, 2006 · In the Weekly Standard, Kristol's column-- entitled "This is Our War" (by "Our" he means the U.S.) -- argues explicitly what many have contended for some time is an unstated belief of neoconservatives: that the U.S. should view the threats to Israel as threats to the U.S., because the enemy is the same, and should join Israel in the destruction ...

No Right Turn: Less than open II 04, 2018 · But it also mentions under international actions the idea of "New Zealand taking a leadership role in the Open Government Partnership". Of course, to do that, we'd have to start by developing an action plan which actually displayed some ambition, rather than just being a grab-bag of unambitious business-as-usual policies.

LIVERPUTTY: Black Tight Killers (1966) 12, 2007 · Director Yasuharu Hasebe says in an interview included on the DVD that, although not specifically influenced by western directors, this movie was nevertheless a response to the Bond-mania that was sweeping the world. The latter part of that observation is pretty evident after watching Black Tight Killers, as it seems a parody of a parody, ala Austin Powers, steeped in 60’s goofiness, bright ...

Leisha's Random Thoughts & Ponderings: Tommy Wirkola: Død snø opening sequence ... ! I can't say what it is, because that'd be a total spoiler, but it's classic. :-) Of course the plot has more holes in it than a Jarlsberg cheese, but it's a crazy horror movie, it's supposed to be that way. Overall I'd say this is one of the best Norwegian movies I've seen.

Werewolves Support Victoria Wulsin - The Ethical Werewolf 09, 2006 · The fundraising data we have is pretty stale -- it's from the end of June -- but it shows Wulsin at $25K and Schmidt at $18K. This blew me away. A race with ten times that money at the end of June is cheap! This is a US House race that's priced like a state House race. I'm sort of rubbing my eyes to see if real.

General Election Sorta Live Blogging at Frankly ... 04, 2014 · That’s somewhat over 6,000 votes with 120,000 votes to count. This is a squeaker. 6:47 pm — Bernie Sanders on Democracy Now! 6:37 pm — This is driving me crazy. I think I’m going to watch a movie and then come back after there is more data …

Frenchy's House Party; "How you durrin?": 2/19/12 - 2/26/12 Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Timothy Paulson | Facebook · Translate this pageThis is not a little thing, for our struggle with time is one of the most distressing of our fundamental conflicts, it holds us back from the achievement and comprehension that should be the justification of our life. How heavily this struggle weighs on us may be judged from certain of our preferences.

Jesus' General*I understand registration is a hassle, and I hate it, but it's the easiest way to do it. You can also send a money order by mail. (Inmate Number 20796-424). Or in the worst case (because I don't want to do it) you can send the money to me via paypal button at top and I'll send it on.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Instapundit's ... 21, 2006 · (This is a long quote, but it's so fun to read, again and again). Most of the pessimistic warnings from the mainstream media have turned out to be right -- that the initial invasion would be the easy part, that seeming turning points (the capture of Saddam, the elections, the killing of Zarqawi) were illusory, that the country was dissolving ...

Modern School: What’s Wrong With 99% Spring?, it is often compared with the Great Depression, while today’s wealth gap is often compared with the Roaring 20’s. There were many other historically significant depressions, recessions and panics, too. A terrible protracted depression lasted from 1873-1896, known as the “Great Depression” until overshadowed by the more recent one.

thus spake drake: Ranking the music of Rankin-Bass 12, 2007 · A whole generation of us grew up on Rankin-Bass' stop-motion animated holiday specials. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Comin' To Town, and the cult favorite The Year Without a Santa Claus were always required viewing growing up in my household this time of year, and I continue to find myself searching these titles on the TV schedule, to rekindle that old magic.

One Voice - Bloggerhttps://defendingtheignorantsince2001.blogspot.comahhh.. Abortion. My fellow classmate is right about one thing for sure. "Heated with passion and religious beliefs abortion never makes for a dull topic to discuss." I'm Pro- Choice and not afraid to admit it. I think that Texas along with many other Southern states that …

Harry Clarke: BHP-Billiton Merger - Blogger 05, 2007 · Rio Tinto has rejected the bid but it is early days yet. BHP-Billiton may have to sweeten the deal (currently 3 BHP-Billiton shares for each Rio Tinto share) with some cash. A few weeks ago during a market slide Rio Tinto shares fell back to under $100 – yesterday they closed at $132-42 an increase of 21.7% over the previous day.

Pitt's Stainshttps://pittsstains.blogspot.comSep 19, 2008 · Not only did the program basically pay kids to do nothing all summer, but it cost 52.4 million dollars - up from an original budget of $14.5 million. Even the former mayor is dogging on the program. Former D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, who created the program 29 years ago, called this year's "the most mismanaged programmatically and financially in ...

Redistrict NJ - 08, 2009 · VA-03 illustrates the challenge of drawing a majority-black seat in Virginia. There's not a large enough black population for a Richmond-based seat, nor for a Hampton Roads-based seat (you might be able to draw one in Hampton Roads, but it would probably be …

NEI Nuclear Notes 30, 2014 · Well, you know, not all the rest, but a few more items. This could go on all day:1. Small Reactors – In December, The Department of Energy selected NuScale Power as the winner of up to $226 million in funding support for a cost-shared public-private partnership to develop innovative small reactor technology.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: It's Called Debt 11, 2007 · There's been a lot of yacking on the blogs today about a fundraiser Rep. Porter is having tomorrow. For the record, I didn't get an invitation either, and I haven't talked with him at all about the event. Also, I agree that bloggers should've been included in the press invite to the event. On the other hand, I'm glad to see him raising money.

Humint Events Online: Putting It All Together-- The "No ... 14, 2006 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

Timothy Paulson | Facebook is not a little thing, for our struggle with time is one of the most distressing of our fundamental conflicts, it holds us back from the achievement and comprehension that should be the justification of our life. How heavily this struggle weighs on us may be judged from certain of our preferences.

Mmmm Pie! and Other Considerations. – Rants and Recipes 26, 2017 · This is just part of the collection. I’ve also been watching cooking shows to distract me for a while. Alton Brown has been a primary distraction. That day 4.5 million marched in the US and on every continent, all seven continents, including Antartica: 30 people and some penguins.

The Howdygram 2: Our latest Putz of the Week is Kory ... 11, 2014 · And now for one of the key reasons I felt compelled to write a second post today: ANOTHER PUTZ OF THE WEEK. For a second time we’re recognizing heavily-armed dipshit Kory Watkins, a deranged Second Amendment activitist and leader of a local branch of Open Carry Texas, whose current resumé includes no job, no drivers license, taunting police, rallying like-minded …

Just like the Tea Party - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion 29, 2011 · THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE while at the same time they were ….* GRIN * I wish I could draw cartoons cause I could do a book of them just on this one …..and these folks are the same ones who are going to be attempting to recall Walker ….oh what fun it would be to tie them together ….Hey professor …you know anyone with a creative ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Is there something we should know? 23, 2004 · The current flood of Americans coming across the border to willingly be given a needle makes me wonder if I should be re-thinking my own flu shot plans. As I sniffle, sneeze and gag my way through a mid fall cold, the idea of lining up for my own flu shot seems actually sensible. Originally I had decided that I would tempt the Gods and forgo the shot, as I generally fall into the category of ...

Bilgrimage: As Neo-Nazis Celebrate Murder of Gay Jewish ... 01, 2018 · ProPublica obtained the chat logs of Atomwaffen, a notorious white supremacist group. When Samuel Woodward was charged with killing 19-year-old Blaze Bernstein last month in California, other Atomwaffen members cheered the death, concerned only …

World News Bureau: April 2016 NEWS BUREAU - What started out as a campaign novelty for Hillary Clinton has turned into a nightmare for a number of businesses and law enforcement across the country. In an attempt to connect with female voters, the Clinton for America website has been giving out a free "Woman Card" (below) to anyone requesting one.

PRESS RELEASE<br>Partnership Between Mission Health and ... 09, 2017 · Asheville, NC (November 7, 2017) – A successful collaboration between Mission Health and Macon County leadership, with extraordinary support from the Highlands-Cashiers Hospital Foundation, the Mission Health Department of Philanthropy and generous community donors, has resulted in the fully-funded purchase of a much-needed, brand new ambulance for emergency patient …

The Immoral Minority: Bill Maher says that we all need to ... 04, 2016 · I have listened to Rush Limpballs and that was one of his talking points he made fun of that. This is the kind audience he gets. I encourage all of you to wade in the muck that is C4P and Breitbart just so you know what is out there, sure you may feel like you need a shower after but you will see the level of how important this election is.

You Can't Fix Stupid - Progress Pond 18, 2015 · These gerrymands are one of many factors driving their elected officials, and their rhetoric, into the gutter on the right side of the road. So, two things we can look forward to: the GOP is likely to lose their thin control of the Senate in 2016, due to so many Caucus members being exposed to the 2016 electorate.

With Malice Toward None --------- by Lee Harris: November 19, 2011 · This is one of my typical daily meals. I love the flavored mini-toasts that I may buy, but ordinary pan tostado (toasted bread) is just as tasty. Bimbo Foods sells toasted bread that has fewer additives and far less salt. Needless to say, with my simple diet, I am healthier. The weight loss has been great, as well. So, I am looking for a new ...

Progressives Guide to Social Media 8: Other Sites | NEWS 19, 2012 · Progressives Guide to Social Media 8: Other Sites By ... This is the eighth in a series of short articles that are intended to help grassroots activists better utilize social media websites. These are the definitive and comprehensive guides for progressives.

The Abundancetrek Blog: SPIRITUAL EXPLORATIONS – 138 Holiness is not one of the 37 Spirituality & Practice practices BUT put Holiness in their Search Engine and you come up with 460 items including 227 quotes, 168 books, 28 practices, 14 teachers, 12 arts links, 7 e-courses, 3 films and 1 blog as of 5/11/16.

HCA Enters Into Agreement to Purchase Mission Health ... 31, 2018 · This is also GREAT NEWS for our patients, team members and communities. I want to share with you some of the significant benefits for our region as a result of this transaction. · HCA Healthcare agreed to pay approximately $1.5 billion for the assets of Mission Health system (excluding all cash, investment securities and debt).

More on Baroque Sensibility from Thomas Harrington ... 09, 2011 · A blog about spirituality and connection to social activism.

The Immoral Minority: Trump supporters try to pass off ... 04, 2016 · "The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which relatively unskilled persons suffer illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their own ineptitude and evaluate their own ability accurately. – “Fight Back Against Our Own Right-Wing 31, 2009 · That’s it – simple – all you need is a calendar, an armchair and a phone, for us to have a good strong voice. Ask your friends if they want to join our Public Plan Call-A-Thon on 9/11: Patriot’s Day – +++++ Burris, Roland W. – (D – IL) 387 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-2854

Seattle Urban Forest | Majority Rules for a permit to remove a street tree does not mean it will be removed. A tree can only be removed if it is a hazardous tree, poses a public safety hazard, is in a condition of poor health or poor vigor or cannot be successfully retained due to public or private construction or development conflicts.

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2004 · This is what you get when you entrust the White House to a party that hates government and a president who throughout his life has rarely if ever been held accountable for a failing: ... one of the main vehicles for disseminating information about new prescription drug benefits and drug discount cards, gives accurate answers less than two ...

17 completely wrong things about filmmaking I learned from 15, 2015 · 17) And finally, when making a documentary criticizing journalists for alleged ethics violations, make sure not to mention that one of your interview subjects is married to a paid consultant on the film — the mysterious mediator who attempted to keep Owen and Aurini working together long enough to finish the project.

The Abundancetrek Blog: SPIRITUAL EXPLORATIONS – 153 Holiness is not one of the 37 Spirituality & Practice practices BUT put Holiness in their Search Engine and you come up with 460 items including 227 quotes, 168 books, 28 practices, 14 teachers, 12 arts links, 7 e-courses, 3 films and 1 blog as of 5/11/16.

Tucson Observer: Meteor Crater Caused by Humans: By Jimmy ... 29, 2008 · This is an oversimplication of an issue. It is about the water It is about a project deserted by real mining companies. It is about destroying over 3000 acres of public land And, a view from Highway 83 is not the only view. If you read the MPO, there are plenty of places which will have a great view of the destruction and what of the lights, 24/7?

THE RIGHT TO SPEAK: Lacson is not - and should not be ... is not - and should not be - above the law Two words describe the actions of Sen. Panfilo Lacson who went into hiding before the warrant for his arrest in the Dacer-Corbito double murder case could be served, and later on surfaced after the charges against him …

Does Borax Bio-Remediate Heavy Metal (Aluminum ... December 2011: MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE INFORMATION relating to human health To understand the extent of the research being conducted on this subject, please see this link. Source Earth Clinic: reprint of article in PIONEER MAGAZINE Borax Versus Killer Fungus January 1994 Conifer forests are threatened all over the northern hemisphere by the tiny, ubiquitous spores…

The Other 95%: Bivalve vs. Fish 11, 2008 · This is the Snuffbox Mussel (Epioblasma triquetra), a member of the Family Unionidae, the freshwater pearly mussels. Unionidae larvae (glochidia) are ectoparasites on the gills of fish. Getting the glochidia on the fish gills can be tricky and a variety of methods have evolved within the Unionidae.

INTERESTING TIMES — LiveJournalhttps://liveonearth.livejournal.comOf course, because my job is at a clinic, filling doctor's orders for herbs and supplements, the business may remain open. I may be one of those who still has a job for a while yet at least. This is both a blessing (paycheck) and a curse (exposure).

Pass the Black Flag Please - Curmudgeon are the contradictions that make up all humans. In so many ways she was bigger than life, and she is remembered as a force of nature. We lived on the east coast and as often as possible would return in the summer for a long visit of several weeks. Many of our …

No More Mister Nice Blog: WAIT -- THIS IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE ... 09, 2016 · The New York Post expects this story to fill its readers with glee: Hillary Clinton’s security detail laughed when she broke her elbow Hillary Clinton’s security detail hated her so much that they privately snickered after she accidentally fell and broke her arm when she was secretary of state in 2009, one of her former guards told the Post.

Nassau GOP Watch: Sign Stealer Caught 28, 2005 · This is clearly against the law, and for which the person photographed in this blog article was arrested. In the 2003 election, a squad of these goons was followed in the middle of the night. They were also photographed and some of the culprits were even identified.

The Whited Sepulchre: Stephen Bruton Tribute, McDavid ... afternoon I went to a tribute concert in honor of Stephen Bruton, who recently passed away after a two year battle with cancer. Bruton was one of Fort Worth's great guitarists (if Kris Kristofferson, T-Bone Burnett, and Bonnie Raitt show up at your funeral, you're a great guitarist and a …

Port Angeles Online: Port Commissioner John Calhoun to ... 26, 2015 · Port of Port Angeles Commissioner John Calhoun will be the guest at this Tuesday's Port Angeles Business Association meeting. He will be discussing the Platypus Marine Inc. proposal to purchase five acres of port land adjacent to its current location on Marine Drive.

Quantumbiodiscs: Frisbee training schedule 11, 2005 · Every Wednesday people in our team drive to a nearby town to play the Old Sox in a scrimmage. Thursday nights people play beach ultimate, I pretty much always skip this though. At the moment pretty light frisbee training for me. Back in Brisbane I'd play at least 2-3 days a week and would do skills training at least 2 days a week.

Next Left: Not-Sir Fred 12, 2009 · Good luck to Martin Salter, who has tabled a motion calling for the forfeiture committee to meet to consider stripping Not-Sir Fred Goodwin of his knighthood. Salter says this to Paul Waugh of the Standard. "Sir Fred Goodwin is a symbol of corporate greed and the honours system is there to reward service not selfishness.

Is the U.S. Government a triumph?https://cgcrew3.blogspot.comTalk about bad publicity for a school, shows how uneducated the school's administrators are on a document our country is based upon and how ignorant they are being to our rights a.k.a the law. Seems to me like any federal funding for the University of Hawaii should go towards a complete employee makeover or should just come to a complete halt.

Blicky Kitty: May 2009 01, 2009 · Think about where you are. This is the Third Grade Corridor. And these Teachers are going to be your Teachers next year in the Third Grade. Do you really want them to hear you being noisy?" OK C.J. I don't know, but I'm guessing you might not have to worry about the third grade for a little while. But for the rest of you kids listen up:

Mo Rage: This Downtown Ballpark Idea Needs to Die is also one of the easiest airports to fly in and out of, but they had to have a new one. Now we're going to have long security lines like everyone else, and you're stuck there hours early spending money at their overpriced bars and restaurants. February 1, 2020 at 11:32 AM

Very efficient HV inverter circuit for Geiger-Mueller Tubes my experimental setup, the circuit draws just a few milliamps out of a 5V supply, delivering 550V to a G.M. Tube FLZ76V. The complete D.I.Y Geiger Counter circuit, with PIC16F628A microcontroller and a 16x2 LCD screen draws 5mA from 5V D.C. Your mileage may vary, depending on differences and tolerances of the components used.

read my mind: World Poverty Won't Disappear Soon! 15, 2015 · 1.8 billion people who have access to a water source within 1 kilometre, but not in their house or yard, consume around 20 litres per day. In the United Kingdom the average person uses more than 50 litres of water a day flushing toilets (where average daily water usage is about 150 liters a day.

American Liberty Fronthttps://americanlibertyfront.blogspot.comFighting the good fight for a sustained and armed America, free from corporate rule, free from dictator-presidents, free from unfettered wage-slavery of illegal immigrants, free from disconnected elected officials, free from taxation without true representation...ready to lay down our lives for each other, our families, our nation.

Aurora Police Headquarters | Insert Feedback Here 12, 2009 · And with that, in a grand unveiling fit for a king's castle, the doors to the new $108.2 million Aurora Police Headquarters and Branch Court facility were opened to the media and a few hundred VIPs. 12/7/09, 2:04 PM

Mo Rage: Thoughts On a Huge Powerball Lottery Jackpot a person does finally win this thing, besides solving financial issues for them and giving them great vacations, SO MUCH GOOD COULD BE DONE and for so many, many people across the state and nation and even the world, literally, and for the rest of that person's long, healthy, happy life and even beyond, really. Here's hoping that's what happens.

R. W. Nutjob: Obama in Russia-Way Over His Head 11, 2009 · The following is an extensive excerpt from an article entitled "Obama in Russia-Way Over His Head" It is one of the best articles I have ever seen on the Russian mentality and echoes some of Don Rich's posts made over at Open Salon. It also offers some details on secret Russian nuclear weapons production facilities that I had not been aware of.

WTF Is It Now?!?: November 2005 11, 2005 · This is the busy, crowded airspace of Maryland we're talking about here, 30 miles from DC. But hey, at least he's not tying things up for a haircut ! Posted by maru at 11/30/2005 12:12:00 PM 2 comments Links to this post

Russell Glasser's blog: Classical music ringtones music ringtones I'd like to get some suggestions for a few new classical music ringtones. Since I got my first Android a year and a half ago, I've made a minor hobby of cutting music clips together into new MP3's that make good ringtones.

Girls Walk Fine Line Between Attractive, Slut | BroadBlogs 23, 2013 · After reading some of the comments I came to a conclusion that men really control women. I think men are the ones that give women the “slut” status. I think men and women have the same right and that is the way it should be and no one should be called any by any name.

Art Blog By Bob: A Crucifixion in His Face’s last years were as full of pain as his first ones. A fire in his studio destroyed many of his works, one of the reasons why his works are so scarce today. A diagnosis of cancer led to a painful colostomy. Shortly thereafter, a horrific auto accident left Gorky with a …

Balkinization: Hobby Lobby Part III-B: Is it necessary ... two recent posts, I argued the following about the upcoming Hobby Lobby case, which will be argued on Tuesday morning, March 25th: (i) that, contrary to the assumptions of the plaintiffs and many federal courts, there is in fact no legal duty for the owners of Hobby Lobby and other employers to do anything their religion allegedly forbids--namely, offer the company's employees a health ...

The TPI Morning Gazette: Trump, Jindal, Survivor, R.E.M ... ccording to a New York Times article published in June 1927, a man with the name and address of Donald Trump's father was arraigned after Klan members attacked cops in Queens, N.Y. In an article subtitled "Klan assails policeman", Fred Trump is named in among those taken in during a late May "battle" in which "1,000 Klansmen and 100 policemen staged a free-for-all."

FunctionalAmbivalent: Getting It Wrong will likely be the first Muslim President...Doctors from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons have stated that Obama uses techniques of mind control in his speeches and campaign symbols...Obama has espoused the socialist idea of "spreading the wealth" in other words raising the tax rates on business and the wealthy to a burdensome level in order to redistribute their ...

Selective Enforcement? San Diego Occupier Arrested While ... the malls have taken over California and the country they’ve become the new “main streets” or main squares for cities and communities. So, municipalities cannot privatize space that is open to the public. So Lutz here is absolutely in his legal rights to do what he tried to do. Reply

JG, Caesarea: David Brooks, "Freedom Loses One": A Victory ... or she will immediately turn your attention to the first page of your Form 1040, where you can tick off (or do I mean "check") your spouse and list your dependents (those persons roaming around the house who begin each sentence with "Can I have . . ."), and then multiply the total on line 42 of the second page by $3,800 and use the amount as ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: A full plate of events coming up at ... his new role, Kuntz hopes to take the hospitality side of things to a new level for 2009 - and the events he has already helped coordinate have proven successful. "I'm excited about what we're offering for our Black and Gold New Year's Eve Gala, both downstairs in the convention centre and upstairs in our dining room," said Kuntz .

Kristine Mattis's blog | The Smirking 22, 2019 · Please treat the crisis as the crisis it is and give us a future." ... I re-routed the frequent flier miles I was to use for that visit to a plane ticket for my mother, who had now just lost her own mother, to be with me for my immediate surgery. Needless to say, this was one of the worst days of my life as well as my mother’s. Mortality had ...

Betsy DeVos: Criticisms about my record defending student ... mark the first anniversary of her confirmation, the American Federation of Teachers, the AFL-CIO, the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools, the Badass Teachers Association, Color of Change, Daily ...

exmearden: Forty-five years ago today the case of the Columbus Day storm, the circulation pattern was uniquely different. It was a very large and deep pressure system, one of the lowest pressures ever recorded that far north, and the cyclonic path hit the coastline moving almost due north up the coast, not north to northeast or due east.

Immigration Up Close and Personal | Holy Shitters plight is up close and personal for me. That’s because for the past 10 years I’ve been teaching them English as a Second Language (ESL). In many instances I’m the first American citizen they get to know. They rely on me for help and guidance. I love my job. I get to know people from all over the world.

LoneStarBear: The Matthew 25 ad emphasizes Obama’s family ... 16, 2008 · While the first spot emphasized Obama’s religion, this one highlights Obama’s role as a family man (after, that is, a pastor is quoted touting Obama’s “Christian faith”). The viewer is told, “As a pastor, I know you can tell a lot about a man’s character based on how he treats his family….

Musing's musings: Sorry, Roland the man I am at least temporarily forced to call my junior senator is finding out, however, the same privilege does not extend to sworn testimony. Doesn't matter whether the testimony was taken (or involved) a court of law, a legislative body, or whatever.

An Ontarian in Newfoundland: October 2009 in NF I'm an English professor. I completed my PhD at Western in September 2004, and was hired at Memorial University of Newfoundland. This blog started out as my way of keeping in touch with people -- giving friends and family the option of checking up on me at their leisure without the annoyance of frequent lengthy mass emails.

Roll Away The Stone: February 2006 05, 2006 · Only got to watch the first half hour or so, but man, I totally loved that Gorillaz/De La Soul/Madonna show opener! Anyone out there besides me catch that hilarious and oh-so-obvious heroin induced nodding off from the cartoon drummer of the Gorillaz as Madonna took the stage? As the English say---BRILLIANT!

Ozone Park Actor Plays Undead Patriarch in ‘Twilight’ by ... 09, 2008 · Facinelli, 34, who grew up in Ozone Park and attended St. Francis Preparatory School in Fresh Meadows, said he drew inspiration for his role as the Cullens’ patriarch from his marriage to actress Jennie Garth and being a father. The only discrepancies between the actor and his character are a thirst for blood and an age difference of 300 years.

Would You Give Control Over Your Family, Jobs and Future ... 02, 2010 · When Andrew Breitbart, the founder of, introduced Ms. Palin by describing her as “the first person to tell us about the death panel,” the crowd cheered. Washington Post: Palin said if President Obama continues on the path he's on today, "He's not going to win" as an incumbent candidate in 2012.

Subliminal News - Nixed News, Hidden Headlines, Suppressed News: current headlines, neglected and suppressed stories, special reports and analysis, rants and peculiar ephemera. Updated randomly. Topics include ...

Waldron/Bosworth Allegations of Christian Voter 18, 2015 · Waldron/Bosworth Allegations of Christian Voter Suppression Old, Deceitful, Misdirected, Unproven Posted 2015-05-18 07:51 by Cory Allen Heidelberger 7 Comments Peter Waldron, who doesn’t have time to publish his documents or tie a necktie but has time to tend his Mirror Universe goatee .

The Johnsville News: Bailout Roundup — Debating the ... Biggest Insurer’s Crisis, a Blind Eye to a Web of Risk--As the group, led by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr., pondered the collapse of one of America’s oldest investment banks, Lehman Brothers, a more dangerous threat emerged: American International Group, the world’s largest insurer, was teetering. A.I.G. needed billions ...

Bush administration flip flops - 21, 2017 · The most recently documented of Bush administration flip flops concerns the outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame and her alleged outing by Karl Rove, White House advisor to President George W. Bush.. On September 29, 2003, CNN reported that, although the Bush administration would not seek an independent investigation into the matter, it vowed help in CIA leak …

Monologues of Dissent: Call to Action: 400th Solidarity ... under the dome seem to be trending towards the Department of Administration and its secretary, Mike Huebsch, feeling that the time is drawing near to begin enforcing its unconstitutional rules passed last December against the First Amendment rights of …

The Inch of Difference: 03.2010 22, 2010 · When I fell asleep for the first time in the arms of a man. The bells rang & flames glowed & breaths were held as the universe took note of the choice made @ the turning point. In my muddering, my puddering, my inability to make decisions, to see a path, to sort a way through the underbrush.

Glenn Beck : Intravenous Caffeine, what with Glenn Beck’s 9-12 movement, you’d think he’d have used THAT day to present his plan for America. But you’d be wrong. You see, Glenn has discovered that God is big bucks, and Glenn certainly wouldn’t want people to be working on the Sabbath.

LATEST World News, Nov 25, 2017 - 25, 2017 · US and World News | NBC4 Washington Saturday, Nov 25, 2017 at 4:...

Civil liberties ? Wheat-dogg's World one of the authors of the pro-democracy Charter 08 Manifesto, Liu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010, for “his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China.” According to Wikipedia, Liu is the first Chinese citizen to be awarded a Nobel Prize of …

New Possibilities: November 2014 05, 2014 · Scott will have to run for re-election in 2016 to earn a full six-year term himself. But he has already made history nonetheless — his win marks the first time an African-American has been elected in the South to the Senate since Reconstruction. The win also makes him the first ever African-American to serve in both the House and Senate.

rdanafoxhttps://rdanafox.blogspot.comWith the first commercial scale Solar thermal storage systems being built (Arizona 500Mw) and the first existing wind powered pumped hydro plants (Spain 635 Mw), storage systems are now a reality. As Franklin Roosevelt said in his 4th fireside chat on October 22, 1933

The Rude Pundit 05, 2007 · He's one of the people responsible for the fucked-up health of 9/11 rescuers and workers and, well, shit, lots of other New Yorkers. In his desperate "I'm-in-charge" attitude in the weeks after the World Trade Center attack, working in concert with the pathetic (especially at that time) Bush administration, Giuliani wanted to project his ...

Marty Jackley – Page 14 – Dakota Free last invitation to a megabuck (well, technically, kilobuck) fundraiser for Marty Jackley‘s gubernatorial campaign suggests one area of support where Jackley may, surprisingly, get the drop on Kristi Noem: the Legislature.. Jackley got about 120 people to sign on as hosts for his June 22 soirée on the Alex Johnson roof in Rapid City (raising the real possibility that there could be more ... Live Run Down Chelsea icon travelled to United for a year during school holidays as the Red Devils tried their best to snap him up for their youth team, but he ultimately chose the Blues... 2020-06-16 14:00 : VentureBeat. Boston Dynamics starts selling its Spot robot — for $74,500...

Sarah Palin, Feminist. Remember that? So WTF ... - Eclectablog 17, 2009 · More and more I’m convinced that Sarah Palin is the pleasant face that fronts for a very unpleasant couple and their simplistic, radically-right wing worldview. Last year we dodged a bullet when we kept Sarah Palin and her right-wing separatist husband, the “First Snowmobiler”, in Wasilla, Alaska, far, far from the White House.

On Transmigration: Ann Druyan Talks About Her Husband ... Druyan Talks About Her Husband, Carl Sagan I just came across this on the Intertubes today and it touched my heart. Yes, I was/am a Sagan fan; "COSMOS" remains one of my favourite series of all time. Don't know when Druyan wrote this, but …

The New Mainframe: April 2006 whole scene is a bit like Vermont's autumn foliage season. I spent some quality weekend time visiting one of Tokyo's many shrines, a couple parks, and my local neighborhood cherry blossoms to soak in the views. (Photos will appear soon.) Last week I flew to Bangkok to meet with a major transportation-related company, and the meetings went well.

aSide Order | The Lunch Counter 03, 2008 · Attention Air America Radio talk show hosts, and anyone else wishing to spread the wealth around. The Iraqi government is putting a luxury yacht that belonged to the late dictator Saddam Hussein up for sale.. The 82m (270ft) Ocean Breeze is equipped with swimming pools, an operating theatre, a helipad and an escape tunnel leading to a submarine.

road kill Archives - HariKari, I watched as Peter crouched down to examine the bunny and, with me telling him to only pick it up if it “seemed fresh,” returned holding its stiff body in his hands. When it comes to road-kill-eating individuals, however, my favorite example is an Englishman named Arthur Boyt, who lives in West Cornwall with his wife, a vegetarian.

Wise Law Blog: Many Thanks to Kevin O'Keefe 22, 2010 · It was a pleasure to meet LexBlog's Kevin O'Keefe, one of North America's foremost legal marketing gurus, along with a number of Toronto's leading law bloggers and legal marketing professionals, for what proved to be a very informative evening - and an awful lot of fun.

William F. Buckley Jr. Is Dead at 82 - Paragraphs on Padre ... Padre Blvd., South Padre Island, TX 78597 956-433-5057

Tucson Observer: Broadway in Tucson Announces 2009/10 Season! 17, 2009 · NEW THIS SEASON: $100 HOLDS IT! Reserve season tickets with a non-refundable down payment of just $100. This deposit, which applies to the full package price, reserves the best available seats now, while the remainder of the payment is not due until August 1. All “$100 Holds It” orders are subject to a $10 fee.

Electronic Village: James Baldwin vs. New Hampshire Police ... 16, 2014 · Copeland is one of three elected police commissioners in Wolfeboro, an overwhelmingly white town with 6,300 residents, about 20 of whom are Black. His boss, Joseph Balboni Jr. says that he doesn’t plan to ask Copeland to resign. “He’s (Copeland) worked with a lot of Blacks in his life,” Balboni said.

On Transmigration: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas ... 23, 2011 · No, it's not that I am a big Kenny G. fan. This video was obviously directed by a film buff. It features scenes from classic Christmas movies from Hollywood's Golden Age. With the big surprise being the projectionist played by none other than the wonderful Burgess Meredith. This appears to be one of his last film appearances and he is a joy to ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: From the files of ICBC one of ICBC's strategies to keep rates low and stable," said Steve Tripp, manager Fraud Prevention and Investigation. "We will not sit back and simply pass the cost of fraud onto our customers." ICBC's anti-fraud efforts led to 104 convictions against 69 defendants, last year. More than $207,000 was paid back to ICBC in restitution and fines

Von Trapper Keeper: VTK's White Whale: Put Herman Melville ...'s White Whale: Put Herman Melville's House On A US Quarter Whosoever of ye raises me a white-headed whale with a wrinkled brow and a crooked jaw; whosoever of ye raises me that white-headed whale, with three holes punctured in his starboard fluke- look you, whosoever of ye raises me that same white whale, he shall have this gold ounce, my boys!

CT Blue › Groton Fourth of July Parade neighbor, Leo Gibson, in his antique car: Kids from the City: One of two fife and drum corps in the whole parade. What is this country coming to? A small contingent, but they made up for that in spirit. They played pretty well. I’m not sure where they’re from. The other fife and drum corps, Civil War style: Battling Knights and a very ...

Band of Butters: June 2010 Big 12 conference is coming apart at the seams, and has changed their template designs. Band of Butters gets a new look as a result, just as TAMU football is likely to get a new look, depending on how the current round of musical chairs plays out. Change is good, or so they tell me.

Thoughts on merit pay for teachers | Education News 14, 2013 · The presumption of Merit pay for teachers is that the impact of the teacher can in some fashion be immediately measured, usually by utilizing scores on the atrocious tests upon which we rely way too much. I would remind people of the statement by Henry Adams in his autobiography, The Education of Henry Adams,

IMAO: Allahpundit Versus Charles Johnson 14, 2009 · Charles Johnson has finally baited Allahpundit into smacking him down -- Charles really doesn't seem to know how to pick his enemies anymore. Charles Johnson's reaction was so childish it demonstrated why he's not worth the time now. I think some people are afraid Allahpundit may end up like Charles Johnson; Allahpundit likes to make…

Wise Law Blog: 140Law: Legal Headlines for the week of ... 16, 2018 · 140Law: Legal Headlines for the week of April 16, 2018 Here are our leading legal headlines for the week of April 16, 2018 from Wise Law on Twitte r: Bill Cosby has a new lawyer and additional witnesses in retrial for alleged sexual assault

The Wattree Chronicle: Why is Jeremiah Wright Still in the ... 11, 2014 · President Obama is charged with the responsibility of preventing Al Qaeda, or any other terrorist group, from getting their hands on Pakistan's nuclear weapons - which, by the way, are essentially right around the corner from where they located Osama Bin Laden, living quite openly, and comfortably, with his family.

Marry in Massachusetts: 12/01/2014 - 01/01/2015 wife and four daughters vanished in his detailed recap of life and kin. I feel a double connection. I introduced, really connected, him and the woman he’d marry….first Then over 20 years later, he’d ask me to be a witness in the bizarre …

Cerebral Death Match: Answers in a Questionable World ... The Impeachment of George W. Bush. Majorities of Americans think that George Bush should be impeached for one of two possible crimes: unauthorized wire-tapping of the public and/or misleading the people in to a war with Iraq. On the matter of wire-tapping: “The poll found that 52% agreed with the statement: “If President Bush wiretapped ...

The Rude Pundit: How Racist Can the White House Get ... 08, 2017 · Either way, between that and a bizarro attack on the meaning of the Statue of Liberty, it was a fucking train wreck of an appearance. 3. The Washington Post printed transcripts of Trump's late January phone calls with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. While they are masterpieces of fuckery ...

The Other 95%: Now that's a worm 05, 2009 · Ok, there are bigger ones out there, but "Barry" was living in a marine aquarium at Newquay's Blue Reef Aquarium in Cornwall, England. Unknown to the aquarists and visitors Barry sneaked in, probably with a shipment of "live rock" (I really don't like that misnomer) a common invasion vector for bristle worms, and ruled the roost as it were, growing to a remarkable 4 …

February 6, 2019 – 24/6 06, 2019 · From Ian:European Anti-Semitism Goes Well Beyond “Criticism of Israel”While there is little doubt that hatred of Israel has become the dominant form of anti-Semitism in Europe, its more naked forms persist as well. Manfred Gerstenfeld writes:Polls by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) show that the evil myth that Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus is alive …

Muslim killer of Jewish children earlier kidnapped a man ... day, for example, he grabbed my little nephew, and took him to a car where he showed him some horrible videos. 'There were scenes of decapitation, things going on in Afghanistan, or images showing the horror of the war.'" Below, 8 year old Jewish girl murdered by Islamic killer.

No Right Turn: 10/10: World Day Against the Death Penalty 10, 2010 · Today, October 10, is the world day against the death penalty.New Zealand finally abolished the death penalty over 20 years ago, but 58 countries still retain it.Today is the day we work to change that. This year the focus is on the United States.Not only is the USA alone in the western world in practicing capital punishment - it also executes the mentally ill and mentally …

Obama Doesn't Have to Talk About Every Dead, White Crime ... 07, 2015 · Shit, torture apologist and Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen triples down in his latest "column" (if by "column," you mean, "Mouth foam from a rabid schnauzer"), mentioning President Obama's speaking about Martin, Brown, and Gray. And then he says, "But after Kathryn Steinle was killed July 1, allegedly by an illegal immigrant with seven ...

Babble On: Gerald Ford Trivia 12, 2009 · Gerald Ford Trivia Gerald Ford was an assistant football coach at Yale. He played football at the University of Michigan and turned down offers to play for the Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers.

Vagabond Scholar: Mendocracy 11, 2011 · Mendocracy One of the biggest problems with the America media is their veneration of civility and surface politeness, paired with a dismissal of honesty and accuracy. The dynamics are precisely reversed from how they should be: Media figures generally won't call out liars – but will scold the people who dare to call the liars out as terribly ...

Zorro 22, 2009 · President Obama has reminded all his predecessors of that simple fact, living up to a campaign promise to "nullify attempts to make the timely release of presidential records more difficult." President Barack Obama, in his first full day in office, revoked a controversial executive order signed by President Bush in 2001 that limited release of ...

Possible Experience: Nov 18, 2011 Mooney, chief executive officer of Alliant Credit Union in Chicago, one of the nation's larger credit unions, used to work at one of Wall Street's top banks, JPMorgan Chase. There's a vast cultural gap between Wall Street and his new world, he says: Old friends from the Street, he says, now jokingly refer to him as a "socialist."

Babble On: Wasp Trivia 12, 2010 · I accidently knocked a wasp nests out of one of our trees growing up. Being that I am highly alergic to bee stings, lets just say it was not one of the most plesent experiences in my life. I ended up in the hospitol with over 50 stings. Good …

A Piece Of My Mind: 2014 gospel and the first reading about the choice of David as the successor to Saul are very much about seeing and blindness. The Pharisees in this gospel from John think they have all the answers and profess to see, but they are blind. The blind man who is not too steady or sure of himself is the one who sees.

view from the thirteenth floor: August 2008 08, 2008 · as she has done so many times, ms. horsey has again proven her usefulness as an advocate for old buildings---the latest in dallas where she and a friend wrote an excellent op-ed that was published in the friday morning news, and was one of the more-public protests of the proposed demolition of the home of stanley marcus, of neiman-marcus fame ...

Balkinization: The Constitutional Trifecta: A Problem of ... bigger fly in the ointment is a piece of idiocy known as the 17th amendment, which ruined the whole system of having federal judges confirmed by a Senate consisting of STATE APPOINTEES, who did a darned good job of making sure the judiciary wasn't just a puppet of the federal executive and legislative branches. Come the 17th amendment, everybody having any say in the composition of the ...

Albert Baldeo for City Council was the only close local race in an evening dominated by establishment candidates. State Sen. Frank Padavan (R Bellerose) easily retained the seat he has held for 34 years, defeating attorney Nora Marino by a count of 29,787 votes to 19,795.

Right now Rand Paul is getting all kinds of support and ... 05, 2013 · Proud to #standwithrand since 2009. GOP, we need more courage like this! — Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) March 7, 2013 You know it is n...

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 30, 2009 · This is obviously, a case where the Left in this country have a huge amount of egg on their faces. The Tea Party Protests were, in the end, actually very American and very appropriate! My wish is that just the beginning! Some on the left try to downplay it all with numbers, but keep in mind, these Tea Party protests were held on a a ...

The Dartmouth Observer real problem with not the cod-religious congratulation of being the chosen ones, but a quieter, more insidious message: that the campaign itself is the change he talks about. In this way, the Obama campaign is styling itself as a sign of change, rather than an argument for it.

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 30, 2006 · This is 2006, and we are in a war of much more dire importance to our freedom and way of life. The consequences surrounding our success or failure in this war are deadly serious. If we fail in this endeavor, our enemy will ensure that American streets will flow with innocent blood, just as the streets of Israel do.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Apr 18, 2011“Marriage is the union of husband and wife for a reason: these are the only unions that create new life and connect those children in love to their mother and father,” Gallagher said. “This is not necessarily the reason why individuals marry; the great reason, the public reason why government gets involved in the first place.”

bolo boffin: 10/31/2004 - 11/07/2004 11, 2004 · America, the first real democracy in history, was a product of Enlightenment values - critical intelligence, tolerance, respect for evidence, a regard for the secular sciences. Though the founders differed on many things, they shared these values of what was then modernity.

Austerity is not going to go away even though the whole ... Hayden, famous as the husband of Jane Fonda, was the drafter of the SDS manifesto, the Port Huron Statement. He remained a life-long activist and was elected to the California Assembly and Senate. He is the director of the Peace and Justice Resource Center in Culver City, California, at age 76. July 7, 2015 at 4:57 PM

Senior Moments of Clarityhttps://linthesoutheast.blogspot.comOne was another mixed-race young man who is the boyfriend of one of the older daughters. The other was the young man who lives just down the street --I’ll call him John -- whose family was scheduled to eat at 4 p.m., but he was hungry at 1 p.m., so he decided to get an early start at the Guxtables’ table. That’s the kind of family they are.

Last night's anti-descrimination testimony in front of ... 05, 2009 · Last night's anti-descrimination testimony in front of Anchorage Assembly full of emotional testimony and tears. I arrived at around 4:30 to the Loussac Library yesterday and I was immediately confronted by a sea of red t-shirt wearing children.

Mary's Ramblin's: March 2016 turned out her husband was the retired Deputy. I didn't remember either of their names. But thanks to Pat Higgins, I now know they are Rich and Connie Krimm. Ralph Streicher, one of the new volunteers, with Bud Harlen, one of the old volunteers. The place was humming with shop talk and laughter. And part of that hum was a busy Ralph Streicher.

knobboy: January 2000 24, 2000 · Heinrich Boll - Action will be Taken (An Action-Packed Story) Probably one of the strangest interludes in my life was the time I spent as an employee in Alfred Wunsiedel's factory. By nature I am inclined more to pensiveness and inactivity than to work, but now and again prolonged financial difficulties compel me –for pensiveness is no more profitable than inactivity- to take on a so …

RADARSITE: Bring Out Your Dead the disease progresses, the lymph nodes can hemorrhage and become necrotic. Bubonic plague can progress to lethal septicemic plague in some cases. The most famous symptom of bubonic plague is swollen lymph nodes, called buboes. These are commonly found in the armpits, groin or neck. The bubonic plague was the first step of the ongoing plague.

susan the bruce: October 2013 1834, Governor William Badger was the first to ask for a repeal. In 1972, a US Supreme Court decision voided the NH death penalty. In 1974 the legislature passed a new statute. In 1976 the US Supreme Court reaffirmed the use of the death penalty. In 1977 the NH statute was changed to make execution an option not a mandate.

THE PUBLIC READER: May 2011 believed it would be money well spent and a gift to America. I am sorry to say I was a majority of one who thought it would be a good idea, so if you go do your reading first and get it firmly fixed in your imagination what it was. The statue of Twain is located in Fort Worth Texas. I don't remember seeing one in his hometown of Hannibal.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2016-11-20 26, 2016 · (In fact, it was the first modern play I'd seen outside of college theatre, so it was shocking in a way to see actors of the same age at their characters.) We chatted about who might have been in the cast when I saw it--it changed many times. It turns out that this was a singular and formative production in his life.

Joe Bageant: Understanding America's class system: Honk if ... of the 100 members of the US Senate are at the very least millionaires -- probably more than that, since multi-million, million dollar-residences and estates are exempt from the official tally. For instance in the House, Nancy Pelosi's net worth is either $13 million, or $92 million, depending upon who is …

Help and Hope for New Orleans Musicians! Orleans Musicians Clinic (NOMC) This is a fantastic hands on organization who has the names and addresses of so many great musicians because they have them all coming to their FREE health clinic all these years and now, they are the ones who are tracking down …

palingates: Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck complain about all ... 23, 2010 · Then there's you, Scott Brown, me, somebody in Atlanta who I have to meet. I have not met her. Hopefully she's going to be at this thing. We'll have maybe we can get her to sit at the table. She is the, one of the first people on the Tea Party movement and she also was the leader of the 9/12 project in Atlanta.

Andrew Cuomo Can Kiss My Butt - Hawkins, who is in his early sixties, has one big credential that the two major party candidates lack, he has worked for a living with his hands, mostly as a carpenter but at one time as a logger. Eventually he became an activist and union organizer, which led to …


(PNN) PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Network: February 2014 that time, a "short-form" Certification of Live Birth had been posted by an unknown source at The Daily KOS on June 12, 2008, for which former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took credit in 2009. At the time, Gibbs claimed that the short-form "document" was the …

The Whited Sepulchre: Bill Maher's "Religulous".....Grow ... said... nice work WS! I loved the film and agreed with your tack on the last 5 minutes. I have an off subject question for everyone: What is the piece of Music in the last 5 minutes of Religulous, that being the same music in the first 5 minutes of the film, Jackass, [which by the way, is the search which brings me straight to your site: ("religulous jackass music") - No LIE!

Fortress Dixie – Occidental 23, 2011 · This is just so sanctimonious, telling people what they should do, lecturing, imposing, positing himself as the know-it-all, he hopes we become “educated,” putting people down (ie “you must lead a sheltered life, blah, blah), and then letting us know his deal is the only way.

October 2017 – Celtics were playing the Cavaliers in Cleveland, and not halfway through the first quarter, star free agent pickup, Boston’s Gordon Hayward, went up for a routine alley-oop — a play he’s probably made hundreds of times — and in one of the most grisly injuries to watch unfold, Hayward landed awkwardly, his ankle contorted underneath ...

Uncategorized | Printculture | Page 10 Pravda opened its columns yesterday to the head honcho of the French far-right, anti-immigrant party, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who has theorized that the murder of the Charlie Hebdo editorial board was permitted, if not actually orchestrated, by the French government as a means of discrediting the Front National. (Charlie was relentless in satirizing that bunch of neo-fascists.)

A Little Reality: March 2009 30, 2009 · They sow the wind, and they reap the whirlwind. ~ Hosea 8:7 A Spanish court, consistent with international law, has agreed to consider prosecution of former Bush officials Alberto Gonzalez, Douglas Feith, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee, and John Yoo for their crimes as the fathers of the Guantanamo torture camp. I admit to having a particular hatred for John Yoo, the law …

April | 2008 THIS is the type of ad that Raimondo should have had up initially. Much better summary of his background and experience. Of course Tony also takes the first shots across the bows of the Mike Johanns and Scott Kleeb campaigns. But then, Kleeb has been doing that from the very moment he entered the race.

YogaEsoteric :: Operation Fake News – The NWO’s War on of Pedophilia: Psychopaths Try to Recreate Society in Their Own Image Otis Carr: Sentenced to 14 Year Jail Term for Making ‘Anti-Gravity’ Vehicles Dying MI5 Agent Admits to Killing Princess Diana in Deathbed Confession BILDERBERG 2007 - Towards a One World Empire? 80 Years Ago Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin’s Role in Stopping WW3 Ron Paul: Vote All You Want, The Secret ...

schmoo on the runhttps://schmoontherun.blogspot.comThe whole BBC website has gone off the internet and has been for several hours now. But almost nobody is mentioning it. Here at the safehouse data center deep beneath central London we immediately activated code red when the first episode of the new Spooks series suddenly evaporated. A massive internet glitch seems to have occurred for a few minutes during which a number of UK websites …

bestdestiny Or Not, We're Actually Doing Pretty Good Popping out of a year-end rut, the economy zipped ahead at the fastest pace in 2½ years during the first quarter of 2006 as consumers picked up spending and businesses regained their footing. Inflation looked tame, too, though the latest figures didn’t include last week’s oil-price spike. . .

Bourgeois Deviant: January 2008 29, 2008 · One of the big adjustments is the need for a second automobile. At present, Mrs. Deviant's employer provides us with a company car that has served us in terms of our urban living. It has certainly had its liabilities (parking, size and parking) but with public transit so readily available and most things within walking distance, a second car ...

Jeff Schechtman's "Talk Cocktail": November 2008 Bundy was the the principal archetect of the war in Vietnam. One of Kennedy's best and brightest, he never spoke of the war or its consequences until close to his death. At that time he said he had "made mistakes of perception, recommendation and execution." He begun his memoirs with Gordon Goldstein, inorder to tell his side of the story.

Big Education Ape: Jun 6, 2012 it seems that DC Public Schools will be using Race to The Top (RTTT) Dollars to create more school administrators and educrats which according to the Urban Dictionary is an officer, administrator or other bureaucrats in a school district. Similar stories are taking shape around the country as districts race to the top for funds under President Obama's signature 2009 reform effort for education.

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2012 · The new man for the GOP: Rep. Scott Dejarlais of the great state of Tennessee. He's got it all: looks like Joe the Plumber; a solid record of shameless hypocrisy soon to be followed by public apologies & tales or born-again redemption; and a safe House district with a moronic majority electorate.

Oxymoronic Philosopher: December 2006 of the most outrageous examples of this disjunct in belief and practice surfaces every year between the Monday after Thanksgiving and mid-January. This is the time of year that I take to the woods in that most primal endeavor, that coming of age event of the Western PA youth…yes, my friends, the Oxymoron continues, I am a hunter.

Perfection Under A Red Umbrella: 04/01/2010 - 05/01/2010 Under A Red Umbrella " The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge." Wednesday, April 28, 2010 ... The first is a voting public a product itself of the search for the lowest common denominator. ... Obama has a 33% approval rating in the 12th! Specter at 28%. Rendell at 24%. 28% support Obamacare. And a ...

Einführung In Die Literaturtheorie technical, as the release in its key MA. More than a einführung in die literaturtheorie 2012 and a later, Nikolai Gogol's perspectives are to be chemists the face particularly. not a active average block an symptomatic corruption of issues these grants in all their online, past application to first Terms.

Healthcare for All - Oppression Monitor 23, 2020 · Not only will universal healthcare save money and lives, but it will vastly improve other aspects of life, such as our collective mental health! — Bandy X Lee, MD, MDiv (@BandyXLee1) February 19, 2020. This is what the #1619Project’s piece …

Eleven things worth noting about going to see ... - Kerfuffle The only way to get decent pavilion seats is through a broker. Period. But it was worth it. 2. Some people actually tow their boats into the parking lot so they can have a pre-concert party on a boat...

Disappeared News: The duplicity behind the SB671 ethics Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from

how to get a girlfriend | Beyond you find yourself struggling to get a girlfriend and wondering why, then look no further. There are several reasons you might be having difficulty understanding ladies, and frankly, a lot of them are things you might not realize you’re wrong about. There’s a reason so many old sayings claim that men and women are completely different – there’s a reason that book “Women are from ...

Why A HERO Referendum Could Be Good for Houston And Texas ... 03, 2014 · The referendum is going to be hard work, but it could actually end up being very good, not only for Houston Progressives, but for Progressive causes across Texas. Here are the reasons why. For starters, Houston is ready for the referendum. Long before a non-discrimination bill came before Council, supporting organizations have been preparing ...

memeorandum: Obamas host final star-studded White House 07, 2017 · N.J. aunt of Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting suspect: ‘He lost his mind’ in Iraq — Esteban Santiago with his newborn son.(Family photo) — UNION CITY — The suspect in the Fort Lauderdale shooting was a U.S. military veteran who “lost his mind” after a tour of duty in Iraq, his aunt said Friday.

The noble corruption of climate science - The Global ... is a story of climate science, tracing from its enthusiastic beginnings as small field – warning of a global threat –to its rich and increasingly desperate present. It is a long story, with a climax at the end. The climate change campaign hits a dead end On 24 June 1988, James Hansen’s testimony to the […]

Next Left: LibDem tax fairness? The IFS 28, 2010 · There was a very spirited and actively contested debate about the merits of the LibDem proposal to raise the income tax threshold to £10,0000, following Left Foot Forward's critique of the tax plan written by Tim Horton, Fabian research director, and tax modelling expert Howard Reed of Landman Economics. The Left Foot Forward report argued that the £17 billion LibDem plan "failed the ...

This Is Stupid.: the ghost of jack shephard's beard 21, 2009 · I would like to note that this time last year I went to see Cloverfield with Andy, Jason and Lauren. A trailer for the fourth season of LOST ran before the feature. I can safely say that, at that time, I could look forward to one major event: the season …

WARPED 45: July 2006 almost makes up for the total softball interview Jay did with Ann Coulter in front of an audience that was obviously filled exclusively with facists, I mean Coulter supporters. Anyway, here are the lyrics and the clip from youtube. Maybe Oberst is the new Dylan. …

Makes My Brain Itch: Get Nekkid For The Cause! 09, 2009 · I think if I were putting forth such an effort - not to mention the risk of catching a cold - I'd want a little more return on my investment. Which is why I believe they just like for a ton of people to stare at them naked. Petapeople are soooo much about nekkid, if you search their site, they actually have a gallery of naked protest photos!

The Purple Center: "Public option" is dead, dead, dead ... 07, 2009 · Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) makes the case for the already dead "public option" After weeks of watching public opposition to health care reform proposals increase and President Obama's approval ratings drop, the Administration apparently reached the conclusion that siding with the more sweeping House leadership version of reform, with its so-called "public option," had zero chance of …

Prison officer drives into Jewish activists protesting ICE ... 17, 2019 · It's been a tactic the terrorists among the Palestinians (by no means a majority) used here for a few years to drive into random crowds especially at bus stops. It's why all bus stops now have things I cannot remember what they are called in English-- concrete waist-high poles you cannot drive a vehicle through but easily walk past.

Race To The Bottom: The Department Of Walmart Education ... To The Bottom: The Department Of Walmart Education | Crooks and Liars "Do you recall the 2014 study that found the largest private emp...

Alex.Tango.Fuego: January 2012 24, 2012 · The TV, movie, and music industries are the top donors to his 2012 campaign committee, and he's been feted by music and movie industry lobbyists at dinners and concerts." As I like to say with regard to pretty much any bill authored by pretty much any Senator or …

squirrel: Do squirrels get pregnant in the fall? are the babies born, and why don't we see them? Baby squirrels are born in the spring, without fur. They're blind, and weigh in at one or two ounces each. There are usually four in a liter. The mother will keep the young in the nest and nurse them until they're ready to venture out of the nest, on their own. This is usually in eight to ten ...

Graham Richardson | Law of Markets it was more than that; there was this: President Xi is a dictator and, in my view, China will need to be run by a dictator for a long time yet. Democracy is just too slow for a nation building its economy at the rate the Chinese are achieving.

Makes My Brain Itch: HOT FOR TEACHER - Peta's ABC Strip Quiz 07, 2010 · It's Rule 5 Sunday eve, and my favorite nutjobs activists over at Peta have a new feature on their site. To promote the "ABC" campaign (that's Animal Birth Control for you clueless fur-wearing meat-eaters), they have an "ABCs Strip Quiz".

» Gary Kleppe's fanfiction MAKES A DECISION A Ranma 1/2 spamfic by Gary Kleppe The characters of Ranma 1/2 are the creation of and rightful property of Rumiko Takahashi. They are used here without permission. This story may be freely redistributed, but it should not be altered substantially or used for profit in any way. "Now, who would like some tea?"

Alex.Tango.Fuego: Tango is suffering with someone else in ... is the type of tango that attracts many students to class. A small part of these go on, trapped by its passion, dancing in classes or on the stage or teaching it. As in any other discipline, knowledge of tango is shaped like a pyramid, with a large amount of beginners at its base and the few chosen and ambitious elite that will never stop ...

Whitney needs to read Kennedy and Phillips 09, 2009 · Uber-bank analyst Meredith Whitney really needs to read some of the works of Paul Kennedy and/or Kevin Phillips to understand why some might view today's comments on Wall Street compensation as being not too different from Erin Burnett's views expressed recently on Meet the Press and skewered by new-favorite website The Daily Bail in this memorable ripost:

Next Left: Cameron's Ulster reason is damaging is that it makes it more difficult for the the UUP to capitalise on the DUP's weakness in an assembly election, which means there is less incentive for the DUP to do a deal. Lord Cranborne's interest in unionist unity seems to be quite long-standing.

Frenchy's House Party; "How you durrin?": 6/21/15 - 6/28/15 Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Tuesday Night Buzz: 2015.01 New Ceiling for Oil Prices by Anatole Kaletsky - Project Syndicate: "Competitive market conditions would therefore dictate that Saudi Arabia and other low-cost producers always operate at full capacity, while US frackers would experience the boom-bust cycles typical of commodity markets, shutting down when global demand is weak or new low-cost supplies come onstream from Iraq, Libya, Iran ...

R. W. Nutjob: 10/4/09 - 10/11/09 10, 2009 · So, why are the French really killing themselves? Because they finally have to work for a living. No more 30-35 hour work weeks, no more 30-90 day vacations, shucks, life is hell. (Well, they still have that stuff, but not for much longer)

Balkinization: Animus and Ag Gag Laws is a thoughtful and interesting attempt to limit the role of animus, but on reflection it is misplaced for a couple of important reasons. First, while Lawrence arises under due process, underlying this decision striking down criminal sodomy laws across the country is a concern about animus.

All The President's Bloggers 09, 2014 · Journ-o-list was formed for a bit more sinister purpose than “messaging” for Obama. These were putative independent news reporters and analysts who held themselves out as objective, but secretly coordinated their approach to news stories so as to “explain” them in the most favorable light possible for Obama and the leftist ideology.

Is Obama Using The IRS To Silence Opposition Voices? of the groups currently dealing with the government’s overreach is the Ohio Liberty Council Corp. The OLC’s President, Tom Zawistokowski, posted a letter on the group’s website detailing the timeline of the their efforts to gain non-profit status and the recent demand for documents made by the IRS .

The Idiot Factor: corruption folly : Biden says AOC doesn ... 15, 2019 · "I don't understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running to the president of the United States to talk about what we really can't do and shouldn't fight for. I don't get it. Our biggest problem in Washington is corruption. It is giant corporations that have taken our government and that are holding it by the throat, and we need to have the courage to fight back against that and until ...

The Candid Blogger: Shocking Report On US Military Deaths ... 04, 2009 · This is not some number found in an Aljazeera publication, it is from the Department of Veterans Affairs Gulf War Veterans Information System, May 2007. I hope you are seated. Here are the facts and a link to the government source to prove these facts: More Gulf War Veterans have died than Vietnam Veterans.

Bilgrimage: Massimo Faggioli on Catholic Trumpism and the ... 05, 2016 · I wrote yesterday that the fact that white working-class Catholics are flocking to the out and out racist and xenophobe Donald Trump as he aims for the presidency is a serious indictment of the pastoral and intellectual leadership of the American Catholic church in the recent past. It's an indictment of the pastoral leadership of the U.S. bishops and of the lay leadership exercised by Catholic ...

The Debate Link: Anti-Semites on My Left, Neocons on My Right'm an Orthodox Jew and a charter subscriber to the "American Conservative." I think it's the coolest opinion magazine out there and I'm grateful that someone is raising hard questions the Jewish establishment tries to ignore like maybe AIPAC isn't in the best interest of any Americans, Jews included, or that a return to a pre-Great Society ...

Daily Headliners--White House aid Dan Bartlett resigns, U ... 11, 2007 · WASHINGTON - Dan Bartlett, one of President Bush's most trusted advisers and his longest-serving aide, said Friday he is resigning to begin a career outside of government. In an interview, Bartlett, who turned 36 on Friday, said he had been pondering his departure for months and decided now is the best time to get a less demanding job so he can ...

The Immoral Minority: In desperate attempt to attract ... 09, 2015 · “All 70,000 pages of it.” After asking voters to check out his tax plan – which would flatten the income tax to a universal rate of 14.5 percent, and replace payroll taxes with wage taxes – Paul subjects pages of the code to immolation, chainsawing, and Fargo-style woodchipping. Pretty sure Donald Trumps fault.

Monkey in the Middle: Hezbollah: The Army Of God is the minimum that we can accept in order to be able to accede by legal means to realize our ambitions, to save Lebanon from its dependence upon East and West, to put an end to foreign occupation and to adopt a regime freely wanted by the people of Lebanon. This is our perception of the present state of affairs. This is the Lebanon we ...

I blame the Trilateral Commission! | Retirees. There's a lot of them. Many people who put big money into management and are now moving to a more conservative, short-term strategy. Remember, the …

Breaking News: EPA takes over TVA coal ash disaster 11, 2009 · This is the last week of $600 unemployment benefits - CNN 3 of the Highest-Growth Stocks in the Market Today - Motley Fool ( Business ) Twitter Hack Revives Concerns Over Its Data Security - The Wall Street Journal ( Business )

Women in public office | Majority are the only state in the nation which has two girl Senators and a girl Governor, all a testament to “Girl Power” and our “true progressivism and open-mindedness” says the Seattle Times. Yes, we have a girl for Governor – 59 year old Girl Governor Christine Gregoire (born March 24, 1947).

No one cares what I think: The End of an Epic Feud microbrews are the true "American" beers, because like jazz and baseball, they were invented here, or at least finely tuned to become their current incarnations. In my very humble opinion, microbrews and craft beers are truly in the American tradition, in that they eschewed the Xeroxing of old tried-and-true, popular styles and went off the ...

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup- Special SMOTI Edition Wrapup- Special SMOTI Edition So, it turns out that the Trump administration has just given press credentials to attend daily briefings to Jim Hoft, the legendary Stupidest Man on the Internet, or SMOTI as he is known far and wide, and a fixture in virtually every Wingnut Wrapup I have written over the last ten years.

Halfway There: Fixing California education puts in the fix Saturday morning's edition of the Sacramento Bee treated us to an opinion piece by Dr. William G. Tierney, director of the Center for Higher Education Policy Analysis at the University of Southern California. Naturally it caught my eye, especially when I noticed the title: Simple changes would make college degree easier and cheaper.

The Whited Sepulchre: We the Sheeple of The United States.... 28, 2008 · We the Sheeple of The United States.... I've got a question for you, but first let me rule out the answers I'm not looking for, and why.... Let's rule out The Roman Empire, which required its satellite nations to pay heavy taxes to support the various Caesars, the Roman army, and building projects.

the_last_blog_left: Mike Rivero - Promoting Holocaust Denial 12, 2009 · The article at Rivero's WRH is an explanation of "What really happened in Iran" - at the Iranian Holocaust denial conference. Rivero cannot claim to be anything other than a promoter of the fascist far-right and a supporter of holocaust denial: his site is littered with links to Willis Carto's propaganda. Another example:

Identity Check: Blame the Victim 01, 2008 · You know, why I love the story behind Fight Club. If just ONE of those arseholes who treated you that way gets to have the same thing happen to them - that would be good. Better if it were all of them. Our "system" is so ass-backward it's not even funny. November 19, 2008 at 2:37 PM

M.D.O.D.: Infamous 13, 2008 · This is the network that refused to believe the Russians(NPR said "Soviets")shot down a South Korean airliner intentionally. ... and most of them never have to come to a packed ER and wait 8 hours to be seen. a good example of the beaurocratic madness can be seen here. ... Having a dad who is an optometrist, I understand the need to vent ...

Lisa Simeone | Intrepid | Page, I’m finally back from three weeks away. Judging by the lack of posts at TSA News, the civil liberties watchdog site I run, I guess it was a quiet time on the TSA front.

Pedestrian Infidel: The Psychology Behind Islamic Suicide ... 09, 2006 · The Psychology Behind Islamic Suicide Bombings On July 15, 2005, MSNBC's "Connected" program discussed the July 7th London attacks. One of the guests was Pierre Rehov, a French documentary filmmaker who has filmed six documentaries on the intifada by going undercover in the Palestinian areas.

palingates: Major revelation: "Off-the-record" emails of ... 17, 2010 · Now we have real sensation: From August 30 to September 1, 2008, members of this network discussed in detail Sarah Palin's "mysterious" pregnancy with Trig. The general public in the USA has never ever heard before that journalists in the MSM …

TheNonPartisanhttps://thenonpartisan03.blogspot.comWay to go Hillary!! Now I can sleep well at night knowing that, if elected, I can rely on a 3am call to hear some great bedtime stories. Like the time you took on enemy sniper fire in Bosnia, where you narrowly escaped, managing to hotwire a nearby parked tank where you drove through heavy enemy fire and taking out a machine gun nest, all just in time to arrive and disarm the nuclear warhead ...

The Whited Sepulchre: The Weekly Radley - They Shot The Corgi, you can argue that the police were just doing their job. And the courts, when they convict someone of marijuana possession, they're just doing their job. So are the jailers, the social workers, the prison guards, the prison construction lobby, and the drug cartels that depend on our laws to …

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2006 · Like a guy walking into a bar and looking for a fight, Bush is saying, "Yeah? You think you're so tough? Come fight me on my turf." If I'm right about this, it's an absolutely lunatic reaction to a foreign-policy crisis. But, hey, it's Bush. I really think what's going on.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Martin Feldstein lays an egg 02, 2008 · Martin Feldstein lays an egg Sunday, October 05, 2008 Well, on a positive note, at least Martin Feldstein didn't use the words "root" and "cause" right next to each other when laying this egg of an op-ed piece in yesterday's Wall Street Journal aimed at helping solve the credit crisis.

Nikki's Nest: Keystone State Skinheads Attack DLJ 25, 2006 · When Judas had betrayed Jesus and a crowd came up to arrest Him, the Apostle Peter drew a sword and attacked one of the guards. Mt 26:52 records, "Jesus said to him, 'Put your sword back in its place, for all those who take up the sword perish by the sword." Reply Delete

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: St. Paul, HUD settle over hiring ... 07, 2010 · 9:50 those are the Federal regs that the cities have to follow while at the same time finding ways to get minority contractors to bid on the jobs and for those who are paying prevailing wage to go down the bench and not hire the next man in line, but instead hit the compliance number.

A Nation of Tip Jars | Nolan Dalla 17, 2014 · A Nation of Tip Jars . ... (i.e., a tip jar to raise money for a longtime employee who is sck), except that tip jars have now become so utterly pervasive in society. ... Hi Nolan- We missed you at Atlarge this year. Nice article. As someone who is also one of few academics who studies this issue, I was interviewed for this article.

Palin's Q&A + fun: Waiting for 'The Rogue' -- Sarah Palin ... 12, 2011 · Sarah Palin, who got outraged at a “gotcha” question about what newspapers and magazines she read, is the mother of stupid conservatism. Another “Don’t Know Much About History” Tea Party heroine, Michele Bachmann, seems rather proud of not knowing anything, simply repeating nutty, inflammatory medical claims that somebody in the crowd ...

Tenured Radical: AHA Annual Meeting: It's A Great Way to Fly 08, 2007 · Not for the journal -- you can get that at the library -- but because it is one of our major professional advocates for preserving our access to archives. Membership fees are adjusted for rank, beginning at $37.00 for graduate students. This is slightly more than half the cost of a good pair of sneakers. (Photo taken royalty-free from this site.)

2015-16 CU vs Iowa State Basketball Teaser old Big 8/Big XII rivals last met on the hardwood in Kansas City at the 2011 Big XII tournament. At the time, it was a game the Buffs needed to have, as they looked to solidify what appeared at the time to be an NCAA Tournament-caliber profile.

Blabbeando: Amazing transgender rights campaign ad from ... 17, 2011 · On the early morning of July 15 of 2010, Argentina became the first country in Latin America to grant full marriage rights to same-sex couples.Such a tremendous human rights victory did not take place in a vacuum: It counted with the support of the government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and it was the culmination of a long and effective marriage equality campaigned led by the …

Tucson Observer: Wingspan Dinner Draws Crowds and ... (Observer Update) - From a small office on Court Street to its new facilities on 7th Street, Wingspan has been Tucson and Southern Arizona’s LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community center for 20 years and people from Tucson, Arizona and across the nation came together Saturday to mark the work of this organization.

Avedon's Sideshow: Stuff that happened, stuff they said primary issue is not public debt but private debt. It was the runaway growth of private debt - the total of business and household debt - coupled with a high overall level of private debt that led to the crisis of 2008. And even today, after modest deleveraging, the level of private debt remains high and impedes stronger economic growth.

Shouting Down the Well: June 2018 11, 2018 · The hardest thing about being a grown-up is decisions. I have decided that the hardest thing. This is the last decision I am capable of making today. One of my coworkers tells me that his fantasy job is to have a hot dog cart on the beach where the only decisions are ketchup or mustard. I'm a vegetarian and that sounds amazing.

The Johnsville News: Duke Lacrosse Scandal: The "Buzz" with two children, and a full class load at N.C. Central University, it paid well and fit her schedule. This was the first time she had been hired to dance provocatively for a group, she said. Brian Taylor, Ms. Mangum's driver, the evening of the incident, told The News & Observer: Taylor had known for a while that [Ms. Mangum] was a dancer.

The Whited Sepulchre: The Celebrated Chinese Typhoon Story I digress. The point of all to explain that my Chinese driver on the day of The Typhoon had the unlikely name “Mary”. She was the first female driver to show up in Mr. Chen’s car, and was visibly nervous. People from her obviously impoverished background don’t get to spend much time with round-eyed Barbarians.

susan the bruce: July 2017 2005, torrential rains caused flooding in Cheshire County. Between 8 and 11 inches of rain fell on Sunday, October 9, 2005 A third of Keene was underwater, 2 people drowned in a car in Unity, and a double-arched stone bridge was washed away in Walpole.

Big Dan's Big Blog: Big Dan's Big News Feb 24, 2008 11, 2008 · Mrs. Big Dan...BACK IN ACTION! WITH THE FRESH AIR FUND OF NEPA! (...with her helper Big Dan...) The last time Karin Spak chaired the local Fresh Air Fund effort, she did much of the work from bed, battling breast cancer (click here). News:

Althouse: Drudge vs. Obama. 08, 2009 · This is quite a joke, because it's really a scam. Do you ever notice how the Drudge page flickers? That's because it updates every few seconds and counts every single update as a separate hit. So, if you leave your browser pointed at Drudge, by the end of the day, you alone will be responsible for a few thousand hits. Even Drudge's popularity ...

Palin's Q&A + fun: Anonymous sources? 09, 2010 · Michael Joseph Gross gave a lengthy (for TeeVee) interview with CNN. They discussed his article, "Sarah Palin's Sound and Fury," which was published in Vanity Fair:On the use of anonymous sources, this part of Gross' article was briefly discussed:

Conrad Strong: Peggy's Spot On Analysis 10, 2009 · “The elites hate her.” The elites made her. It was the elites of the party, the McCain campaign and the conservative media that picked her and pushed her. The base barely knew who she was. It was the elites, from party operatives to public intellectuals, who advanced her and attacked those who said she lacked heft.

Angie Villa Art & Education: School #21 28, 2011 · This is a photo of Victor Mravlag School #21 in Elizabeth, NJ. The school was recently demolished so a new bigger and more modern building can be built. I attended this school in the 1970's. It saddens me that this unique castle-like school, built in 1930, could not be saved. It was the focal point of the neighborhood.

Halfway There: February 2013 a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary ...

Solsticewitch13's BOS: GITMO Enemy Combatants Get $750,000 ... 09, 2012 · The project was the highlight of a tour Tuesday of the detention camp for reporters at the facility covering the arraignment in a military court of Majid Khan, a former Baltimore resident and the the only legal U.S. resident on trial at Guantanamo. The project …

Tenured Radical: Yo Wuz Pumpin'? 12, 2007 · In other news, I have met the first class of both of my courses, and can report that I do remember how to teach after all. My course in women's history has, at last count, four men in it -- one of whom is actually a women's studies major, something I have not seen in a good long time.

Monday Grab Bag: Keeping pace - Blogger's ironic that the notation over the visitor's score Saturday afternoon was "Wildcats." The most competitive contests, on an biannual basis, down the stretch of CU's time in the Big XII were against the Kansas State Wildcats.New conference, new Wildcats, same result; ferociously competitive basketball, and a Buffs victory. That exhibition of basketball I bore witness to Saturday was one of ...

Working At WAL-MART: Struggling in the Service Economy in the Service Economy ... (myself included) sink to a level of deception and mockery befitting of any Walmart, all the time and so now we can make Walmart the scapegoat. Human nature, I get it, but how come the bane of our exhistance has become a relatively good natured discount store. ... This is just for Vermont apparently, but it ...

Preposterous Universehttps://preposterousuniverse.blogspot.comThe philosophical blogosphere is abuzz about a silly BBC poll to name the ten greatest philosophers of all time. (See Crooked Timber, 3quarksdaily, applecidercheesefudge, and links therein.)Now you know why history's greatest thinkers, like the nation's college football champions, should not be chosen by popular vote: Karl Marx came in first, while Aristotle couldn't muster better than ninth.

Number 9: July 2005 - Benari Poulten 10, 2005 · The tunic of a World War One military band member, worn by Lennon for a 1966 Life magazine photo shoot — and a possible inspiration for the group's martial look on the cover of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" — is valued at least $175,000.

Business | ePluribus Media of you may recall that I was the primary care-giver for a victim of Alzheimer's Disease - specifically, my mother-in-law who I affectionately referred to as "Mumsie." I wrote a few pieces that appeared here on ePluribus Media as well as other places, often sharing thoughts / feelings and happenings about the ongoing experience, or ...

Ridiculous 2012 Speculations (The Senate, Part 1) – Swing 2012 Speculations (The Senate, Part 1) I thought as me first diary I should take a look at what lies ahead in 2012. Take in mind, while I do take in mind facts in each state, these are purely speculative and should be taken with a grain of salt.

Obama's Saturday Radio Address - Progress Pond 17, 2009 · President Obama’s Saturday radio address is on the health insurance industry’s efforts to kill reform: “Of course, like clockwork, we’ve seen folks on cable television who know better, waving these industry-funded studies in the air. We’ve seen industry insiders – and their apologists – citing these studies as proof of claims that just aren’t true. […]

Compulsory Diversity News: Was Matthew Shepard a meth ... may have noticed you are the exception to the rule in this post. It was not my intent to instill sadness, or misery, or to metaphorically tie anyone to a fence and leave them for dead. It was my intent to pointedly question the narrative of sainthood bestowed upon a man who was the …

essential reading | Writings of J. Todd Ring 24, 2020 · The working class and poor, of course, will fare even worse. Generally speaking, and with few exceptions, the only ones who will benefit – other than by being thrown a few token crumbs from the table of corporate feasting and engorgement – are the richest 1%. This is who the big three serve now.

Balkinization: Jack Goldsmith, Legal Ethics, and "the ..."These cycles of timidity and aggression," Jack Goldsmith writes, "are the bane of the intelligence community, and are a terrible problem for our national security." (p. 164). And one of the "pathologies" from which this problem flows is "the blame game, and the cover-your-ass syndrome."

Britain and America: Aspects of Anti-Americanism: America ... of the things I found surprising in the US was the number of guys my age who had been arrested by the police. I soon learned this wasn't because they were any worse bahaved than some of my friends and acquaintances in the old country, but more due to the police having a …

Public Policy Polling: Our Second Annual TV News Trust Poll 19, 2011 · Logic, fact and truth are not things things to be cast aside for convenience or mere rationalization as the Left does. As I stated earlier, the problems of polls are the predetermined outcomes, questions designed for a predetermined answer and the lack of …

23andme « Genomes Unzipped is a guest post by Peter Cheng and Eliana Hechter from the University of California, Berkeley.. Suppose that you’ve had your DNA genotyped by 23andMe or some other DTC genetic testing company. Then an article shows up in your morning newspaper or journal (like this one) and suddenly there’s an additional variant you want to know about.You check your raw genotypes file to see if the ...

Obama Lachrymosa, Feinstein Agonistes: "Shame On You, NRA ... also blasted the ‘abuse of Senate rules’ that prevented the Manchin-Toomey amendment from moving forward. This is hip-deep hypocrisy: Obama was a senator himself, and he knew well that both parties rely on the 60-vote amendment rule.. I didn’t hear him lamenting the defeat of several GOP-sponsored amendments (including national CCW reciprocity, gun rights for veterans, and harsher ...

Balloon Juice | Another Open Thread 22, 2012 · Doubt it’s in your area, but they ship. Their cajun seasoning is better than Tony Chachere’s and the shrimp/crab boil is absolutely the best I’ve ever had. I would suggest going for a package of their cajun seasoning, shrimp/crab boil, and a couple of bottles of the hot sauce (that stuff goes fast at my house).

The Thinking Nationalist: The Strange Case of The Galleon ... 09, 2009 · sacrifice be made. So, let's go looking for a scapegoat. And a small hedge fund, manned by outsiders, who might have in the past been linked to terrorists, is the perfect candidate. And there's another lesson here. If you're a little guy, especially if you're an unsavory little guy, it's too dangerous to go it alone. You need protection.The

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2005 · With her father serving in the U.S. Army in Iraq, Destiny and her brother, sister and mother fled to a friend's home as the storm raged. A pecan tree …

bear witness to the love of God in this world: October 2009 25, 2009 · Saturday marked the observance of International Day of Climate Action ( inspired by environmentalists, chiefly Bill McKibben, for the purpose of turning our attention to the issue of climate change. The rising of Earth's temperatures is a tenet affirmed by the scientific communities of the developed countries of the world, and it is reinforced without dissent in the refereed ...

The Dead Acorn: December 2008 30, 2008 · I loaned it to a friend once.) This thing’s got about 500 straps and pull thingies and all kinds of stretch cords and a hydration system. And no Hello Kitty on the back. I laid out all my supplies as if I were heading into the Sawtooths for a week-long solo trip and went over my checklist: * Pants * Shirt * Belt * Banana * Apple * Lock * Phone

The Latest Outrage: 1998 Latest Outrage on Google+. ... to prove his point, in turn, links to a number of sites that (are) name calling. And, in fact, the worst sort of name calling. Jesse Helms is being called a racist because he fought racism." - Doug Parris,, 7/16/08.

July 2008 – Page 3 – Otis & James Photography 15, 2008 · In particular, there was a young man (he was the same age as me, but for the sake of the story he will be known as a young man) that wasn’t the most poetic dude that you could meet. In all reality, I do believe he was in this class because he though that is …

The Worst President Ever. A Post-Obama America, Year 2016 ready for a World Without Israel and a second Holocaust. One with no pretence of shame and guilt but instead, triumphalism. We survived Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, but, although misguided, he was all pro-American. Then there was the not so pro-American Jimmy Carter. We survived the economic scourge, but it can't be said without lasting ...

2:00PM Water Cooler 4/23/15 | naked capitalism Water Cooler 4/22/15. By Lambert Strether of Corrente.. TPP. Warren: “[T]he president says he wants the American people to judge this deal based on the …

Next Left: All five Labour leadership candidates say they 14, 2010 · All five Labour leadership candidates said they support the Alternative Vote at tonight's hustings co-hosted by the Fabian Society, and would lead Labour to campaign for a change in a referendum. Andy Burnham was the most cautious in stressing that there were a range of views in the party which should be reflected, but said that he was tending ...

That I Would Be Goodhttps://spwbegood.blogspot.comOh, Indiana. You are killing me right now! It's like I go to France and suddenly you can't keep your shit together anymore! Ok, in reality of course it has nothing to do with me being in France, and to be honest you've never been very good at keeping your shit together, but I must admit that my frustration with you is compounded by the fact that I can't physically be there to bitch about these ...

Identity Check: Who's Afraid of a Little Competition? 08, 2009 · The USSR was one of the most resource-rich countries in Europe and similar to what you're proposing, it centralized its resources into a "huge pool" - one of the largest pools the world's ever seen. And they payed the price, as more people died and starved than the holocaust.

Neil Sinhababu: 2016 donations in 2016: $10000 to the Against Malaria Foundation, which provides mosquito nets that protect Africans from malarial mosquitoes.GiveWell judged it the charity that could best put new money to use when I donated a few months ago. $5000 to Deworm the World, which provides deworming pills to treat intestinal parasitic worm infections that cause severe illnesses in Africa and India.

read my mind: Do You Support Cancer Research? It's a Fraud! above quote comes from Linus Pauling, Ph.D, and two time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry (1901-1994). He is considered one of the most important scientists in history. He is one of the founders of quantum chemistry and molecular biology, who was also a well known peace activist.

Totally Unauthorized: 2008 it weren't for the last 5 minutes, I would almost be willing to say that this was the game where MT proved they had one of the worst offenses in Division 1 football. They were shut out for 53 minitues against an FAU team that surely doesn't rank very high defensively out of the 119 teams in the nationm (I'll check this later).

May 2019 – Unsightly Mental 31, 2019 · While I collect nothing but dust myself, we do have a couple of pieces of pressed glass (circa unknown, but we figure 1930s), and here’s a picture of one. We’re told that a cup plate, used to set one’s cup on after the cup’s saucer has been used to cool one’s tea. This is one of …

Amsterdam Biking Paradise Didn’t Happen Overnight | BPI Campus 11, 2011 · One of the huge yet intangible impacts of setting a policy dictating that it should be easier to ride a bike than to drive a car is that it shifts perception so radically that biking just becomes a normal part of culture, a routine that people don’t even think of as something to do but it’s just second nature to their everyday lives.

Rue Rude: Health care'm back in the USA for a month, visiting relatives. One thing that struck me right away was the number of ads for health care, drugs, hospitals, etc. on the radio and on billboards. It seems like a bizarre thing to make hospitals into profit centers-- at least to my French-living eyes. From yesterday's Washington Post: "Americans pay more for health care per person than people anywhere else ...

Meet Our Featured Members - natja.org item … any one of our many stuffed animal traveling companions. Seriously! I love taking photos with one of our stuffed animals in it, and they are incredible ambassadors of good will and humor. Therese and I have even had other travelers race back to a hotel room or a parked car to introduce their traveling companions to ours. 4.

Barack's Alter Ego | Comments (not exactly) from our first ...https://imnotbarack.wordpress.comIn the last 20 years, American news media devolved from one of the most respected sources of information on the planet to a minstrel show. Uhh… but instead of white entertainers in blackface, you have attractive entertainers of every hue in cleavage and newsface: a …

Mark in Mexico: Bloody day in Oaxaca, Mexico 14, 2006 · Bloody day in Oaxaca, Mexico About 3 1/2 weeks ago, some 5000 or so teachers from throughout the state arrived and set up camp in the zócalo in Oaxaca. The zócalo is the main square in the center of the city and is a tourist magnet, or at least it was.

People Get Ready: The night out against the Night Out ... monied power class are the ones who really know what they're doing, and they should by duly rewarded. They get to define what neighborhoods are, and they get to tell people what they should and shouldn't do. Now, I know you're worried that they're going to accuse you of being one of "those people," and take away your neighborhood money.

Neil Sinhababu: 2018 only donated $250 to a House candidate this year (Sean Casten in Illinois -- 538 has him down by 50.1% to 49.9% right now, so that's where I like to send my money). Winning the House matters big for blocking Trump's policies and protecting Mueller, but running up the score doesn't help that much.

Totally Unauthorized | A side of the film industry most ...https://filmhacks.wordpress.comAug 21, 2017 · Due to a contract change, I got a retroactive pay raise on some shows, which is great, but as of now, I have eight checks, all around $20, mostly from the same show – I guess it was a check per episode and it was too much trouble to send out one. Which, again, is great. Money is great.

Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis: 4/13/08 - 4/20/08 19, 2008 · However, in many ways scary for us. Money-wise, it’s a wash (my husband was a GS-09, not the full GS-11 yet that the position was supposed to be. He would have been a full GS-11 in a few months) as the slight raise in salary will be totally eaten up by …

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2011 · But the wealthier you are, the less you need to spend, and the more you can save or invest. If the government taxes only what you spend, it taxes 100% of the earnings of the poor -- and a far smaller percentage of the earnings of the rich (except the biggest spendthrifts among the rich). That's an almost perfectly regressive tax.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Unlicensed superintendent in charge ... 12, 2009 · A teacher must hold a license or variance to teach, so must the superintendent of the school district. This is basic state law. Again, on August 20, 2009 an application was again made by SPPS for a variance for Interim Superintendent Kelly. The Minnesota Board of School Administrators again denied this variance for Ms. Kelly.

The Rectification of Names: The Crime. I - Blogger there's this thing floating around tweeted by Aleksandr Torshin, Russian gun enthusiast and oligarch and mentor to our newly indicted lady spy and graduate student Mariya (her preferred spelling, "Mariia", looks like a typo and I refuse to use it) Butina, from February 2016, looking almost like an announcement on Twitter that the secret cabal of Russian gun enthusiasts have finished ...

Blogging Feminism: (Web)Sites of Resistance: The Public Woman 03, 2007 · Over the past few months, much ado has been made about the harassment of female bloggers, and the online harassment of women in general. The Kathy Sierra incident -- wherein a female technology blogger was threatened so badly that she canceled speaking engagements and was afraid to leave her house -- was the final straw for a lot of women, and more of us are speaking out about the …

August | 2013 | Totally Unauthorized 03, 2013 · So, I send out “Hey, hope you’re doing well! I’m available if you need me, but really, how are the kids” texts, hoping that I’ll get the 300 hours that I need before October. It’s just starting to get busy, so I’m still very optimistic. In other news, the cat is still alive. She’ll turn 17 in November.

Moonbattery: DNC Blogger Ridicules Trig Palin cleaned Plugs clock in the VP debate that was the last straw for the MSM and progressives. Of course, the spin was that Plugs won, to cover his idiocy and ineptness. How dare a woman, when questioned on her executive experience, respond by questioning the experience of the Community Organizer-in-Chief.

Pennsylvania in Play Update « Battleground Watch 01, 2012 · The pieces to the puzzle keep coming together for a Keystone State turn on November 6: Mitt Romney will campaign in Pennsylvania two days before Election Day. #2012 — Kasie Hunt (@kasie) November 1, 2012 UPDATE: The rally is expected in the Philadelphia suburbs -- no BS spin really for eastern Ohio. Also…

A Good Worldhttps://ikinman.blogspot.comFeb 13, 2009 · "A good world needs knowledge, kindliness, and courage; it does not need a regretful hankering after the past or a fettering of the free intelligence by the words uttered long ago by ignorant men. It needs a fearless outlook and a free intelligence. It needs hope for the future, not looking back all the time toward a past that is dead, which we trust will be far surpassed by the future that ...

TRUTHhttps://the-aweful-truth.blogspot.comHe described: "[J]ust two or three minutes ago there was yet another collapse or explosion. I'm now out of sight, a Good Samaritan has taken me in on Duane Street. But at a quarter to 11, there was another collapse or explosion following the 10:30 collapse of the second tower. And a firefighter who rushed by us estimated that 50 stories went down.

Nationally Representative Data is (sometimes) Bad Data for simple way we do to track participants by the site that referred them to YourMorals. If our results hold up for people who came from a social conservative site, a libertarian site, a scientist’s site, and a mainstream media site, then we have good reason to …

BRASSERIE BRESCHARD: 2017 vast majority of eligible voters didn’t vote for Trump. The vast majority of eligible voters didn’t vote for Clinton, either. 40% of possible voters said piss on all of them and sat on their hands.

Running Rabbit: October 2011 08, 2011 · 2. Ex Parte Quirin (1942), where the Supreme Court upheld the detention, trial, and execution of German saboteurs, one of whom was an American citizen. The Supreme Court said: “Citizenship in the United States of an enemy belligerent does not relieve him from the consequences. ” One of those consequences, of course, is being subject to attack.

William Horberg: Art it is much more than the sum of its individual parts - it is an expression of a way of seeing the world as a place of boundless imagination. Eric discovered Elsa's work on the web and invited her to participate in a group show, and the result was the delightful "Realms" featuring some of Elsa's latest papercuts, along with beautiful ...

Harry Clarke: The end of free market fundamentalism not of ... 09, 2008 · The end of free market fundamentalism not of the mixed economy Capitalism these days does not resemble the 'free markets' model of it that is often conceptualised by its critics on the left. All economies have substantial public sectors - in Australia, for example, government absorbs about 1/3 of output produced.

The Whited Sepulchre: 12/23/12 - 12/30/12 29, 2012 · In the meantime, we still had the lease for the Everman facility, and kept a few dead or slow-moving products there. And so did everyone else at other shops in the company. Instead of a facility devoted to shipping only, it has become a storage bin for a wood shop, a metal shop, a plastics shop, and a trade show group. It isn't my place any longer.

Timshel a massive earthquake shook the Indian Ocean, generating massive tsunamis and causing thousands of deaths. The only logical conclusion is that the end of the world is upon us. The most likely scenario will put the Saints in the Superbowl on Feb. 8. They'll be down by five with two and a half minutes to play and the ball in Aaron Brooks's hands.

The Inside Poop: January 2016 missile gap was the Cold War term used in the US for the perceived superiority of the number and power of the USSR's missiles in comparison with its own. This gap in the ballistic missile arsenals only existed in exaggerated estimates made by the Gaither Committee in 1957 and in United States Air Force (USAF) figures. ...

JoyZeeBoy: April 2008 30, 2008 · Itself purports to be a parody of a certain Australian News Mogul, but it sure as hell looks to me like the so-called actor is the real deal. Check it out for yourselves. And then run out to a newstand and find the parody of the paper itself. The last time I saw one of those was in the 80's, when I …

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: MRS. CRAVITS 10, 2007 · 36 Comments: Bob said.... From: Jeanne Weigum Date: 2007-04-10 09:42 (UTC) Short link The quality of a whole neighborhood is impacted by a single blighted property. We have a situation right now in my neighborhood that is interesting and telling. For several years I suspected the house, 168X Hague (no secret what the actual number is, but actually there is.

All these wonderful things: Religion Rocky Mountain News is reporting that a gay male escort is claiming to have been involved in a three-year relationship with leading Evangelical pastor Ted Haggard:. A Denver resident identifying himself as Mike Jones said he had a sexual relationship with Ted Haggard, founder of the 14,000-member New Life Church and president of the National Association of Evangelicals.

TigerHawk Comments: By Escort81, at Sat Jun 09, 07:08:00 PM: . As I probably have mentioned previously, my mother came to the U.S. in 1936 from Budapest, when she was about 11 years old, and became a U.S. citizen in the early 1940s.

Blogger - The Loungehttps://vigilantetheory.blogspot.comthis past thursday students and the general public were treated to a conversation with arthur danto, established american art critic, and orhan pamuk, turkish novelist and 2006 nobel prize laureate in literature. the event took place on campus at miller theater, for free, and was part of a series of events being held to recognize vaclav havel's fall residency here at the school. havel is a ...

Australian Labor Party Should Apologise For Persecutions ... was the concern that estimates put the number of workers allowed out from behind the curtain near the end of the 1960’s to be in the vicinity of 600,000, a number based on declassified CIA documents of the era, and of greater concern, as also discussed in these CIA reports was the fact that the Yugoslav Secret Services (UDBA) could not keep track of their movements.

Accidental Deliberations: 2011-02-06 05, 2011 · Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Gerald Caplan skewers the tendency of right-wingers - most recently expressed by the federal minister responsible - to see child care as some kind of bizarre conspiracy: What deeply distressed these callers was the fear that ECE, sanctioned by the Ontario Ministry of Education, organized by your local school board, conducted by highly qualified ...

Ordinary Guy: June 2013 kids to a room. Every child has a small plastic bin (maybe 1.5 cubic feet) for personal belongings as well as a small carry on size suitcase, which is kept at the foot of their beds. We toured the entire school from the kitchen to the dorms. Three fourths of these kids are the poorest of the poor, in a poor country. Most are from orphanages.

DARTMOUTH HITCHING POST: November 2008 10, 2008 · "An executive administrator shall be appointed by the select board for terms not to exceed three years. During the term of appointment the executive administrator may only be removed for cause after notice stating the reasons for removal, with the right to a hearing, and by a vote of at least three members of the select board."

Omid Memarian: 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 30, 2006 · Why negotiations are the only way to go. By Dariush Zahedi and Omid Memarian Published: April 28, 2006 Today is the deadline requiring the IAEA to report on Iran's compliance with the UN Security Council decision requiring it to abandon enrichment efforts.

Professor Kurgman, PhD., PhD., PhD.: November 2006 04, 2006 · In fact, we will actively seek to promote your most radical religious beliefs ("Blessed are the poor," "Blessed are the peacemakers," "Love your enemies," "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God," and "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for ...

The Whited Sepulchre: Congratulations, Intelligrated Intelligrated ! Modern Materials Handling, one of the many trade periodicals that shows up in my workplace inbox, was the first to give me this good news: Intelligrated, a leading American-owned automated materials handling solutions provider, announced yesterday that it has accepted more than $24 million in financial incentives from the state of Ohio.

Event | Some spare electrons from driving a Focus and tomorrow are the press preview days at the North American International Auto Show. First up on the block was GM/Chevy with a big announcement: the new Volt 2.0 and a “Bolt” concept car: This is huge: Chevy showing a 200 mile BEV for around $30,000.

Nukes of Hazard: Dem Prez Candidates on Iran 03, 2007 · Rudy Giuliani-- there's only three things he mentions in a sentence: a noun and a verb and 9/11. I mean, there's nothing else.” But I digress. A major portion of the early debate centered around recent legislative developments involving Iran and their …

The Melting Pot : 2018 of the worst disasters was the Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Subsequently, Trump proposed to sale 77 million acres of the Gulf of Mexico alone to industries wanting federal oil. This is a plan that could cause much more harm than good, and will require a lot of push back to prevent this from passing.

Bilgrimage: Controversy on the 50th Anniversary of To Kill ... 10, 2010 · Controversy on the 50th Anniversary of To Kill a Mockingbird: Reflections from the Front I’m fascinated to see that the fiftieth anniversary of Harper Lee’s book To Kill a Mockingbird ...

Barney’s | This Black Sista's Memorial Page©Gabrielle Daniels, aka blksista, ThisBlksistasPage (This Black Sista's Page), 2009-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Prepayment Penalties and Biweekly Payment Schemes the other hand, make 13 payments in 12 months, and (to make things simple for a simple calculator) that's roughtly equal to making payments of $1948.54 per month, which has you done in the 295th month - almost five and a half years early.

Pausing at the Trumpet Vine: May 2008 - Blogger now and then, the universe seems to do something to make sure we're awake! As the Sun in information-gathering Gemini meets the square from gotta-have-change Uranus, expect something out of the blue to jolt you out of your everyday routines. Then, the Sun trines spiritual Neptune, and a desire to give and the need to feel inspired are strong.

Around the Keg: October 2005 09, 2005 · A favorite blog of mine, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Nachos, has a great little schtick every Friday where they go to their ipods, hit random, and give their impressions of the first 10 songs. At Around the Keg, we (I) have decided to do the same this week, but of course, with beer. So this week's "beer of the week" is the first 10 beers I saw when I opened my beer fridge.

People Get Ready: New Orleans, 1 A.K. 05, 2006 · Many more like me are reflective. But still not the norm. The norm for most New Orleanians -- for well over 200,000 of us -- is what Ms. Regina is going through. Her sister, Ms. Sandra, is seen here trying to salvage what she can of her family's heirlooms. Gone are the family photos.

Halfway There: Even lotteries have winners, even lotteries have winners. Just don't expect it to be you. Lightning is not going to strike you. Of course, sometimes it strikes near by. One of my students won the calculus lottery during the exam on integration, beating very long odds indeed. The result was the most bizarre “Lucky Larry” of my years as a math teacher. My ...

Tennis – FortLeft June 2009, I wrote a post about Rafael Nadal as a role model for young athletes. It began. I’ve just come back from visiting my mother a 90 year old tennis fanantic. I picked up last week’s New York Times Magazine and there, on the cover, is Rafael Nadal, the curremt number one in men’s tennis and as well as the current heartthrob for women.

Pakistan opts for deterrence as India initiates sea-based ...’s Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi has said that India’s sea based nuclear weaponry initiative has compelled Islamabad to take measures for deterrence in order to keep strategic stability paradigm stabilised. “Our Eastern neighbour has introduced sea-based nuclear weapons which was a major deviation, and a major nuclear change, between our two countries.

Scientific Inquiry concludes: Inhofe List “Not 17, 2009 · This is a quite favorite ‘denier’ citation, the supposed 400 or 600 or 700 (depending on which version) number of scientists who have, supposedly, gone on record against the Theory of Global Warming. And, they like to cite this as from the “Senate Environment and Public Works Committee”, without mentioning that a Minority Report ...

Tully's Page: Small Business Series 4: Nanette Lepore, and ... 08, 2012 · To find out answers to these questions, we tracked 77 fashion designers working in the Garment District and the larger New York region over two weeks in July 2011 [Ed Note: generally considered to be 34th Street to 40th street, between 7th and 9th Avenues] Using their cellphone data and a social-media tool we tracked their geographical ...

R. W. Nutjob: 5/22/11 - 5/29/11 report stated that "[N]egroes present the great problem of the South," as they are the group with "the greatest economic, health and social problems," and outlined a practical birth control program geared toward a population characterized as largely illiterate and that "still breed carelessly and disastrously," a line borrowed from a June ...

Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Chapter One Hundred ... Lost - Chapter One Hundred-Eleven -- Dramatic Reading of Wasilla City Council Minutes ... Anonymous said... Phil, people who I know want to know if for really real a rendering of the actual meeting. I assume that it is, but can you confirm? October 7, 2008 at 12:37 PM ... I know wakfu gold. one of my friend likes to go to play ...

susan the bruce: Legislative Legerdemain the legislature winds down, it’s time for shenanigans and deals. Any bill that was amended by either the House or Senate must go back to the body it originated from, where that body votes on whether to concur with the amended version, to non concur which kills the bill, or they can ask for a …

The Immoral Minority: Former doctor who sexually abused ... 04, 2018 · — Ellie Hall (@ellievhall) January 24, 2018 Courtesy of the New York Times: After an extraordinary seven-day hearing that drew more than 150 young women to speak out publicly about sexual abuse they said was committed by Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar, the former team doctor for the American gymnastics team, a judge sentenced him on Wednesday to 40 to 175 years in prison.

Baby Love Child » Dmitry’s Death and Miles Harrison’s’s-death...EAC is one of the largest international adoption agencies in the world and the top agency in Russia (and had been in Guatemala.) Russian law requires officials be kept up to date by the placing agencies of the disposition of the children placed through them with regular updates for the first three years.

October 2008 - Kathryn Cramer $150K, apparently. Sarah Palin's (possibly illegal) expenses for clothing, make-up, & accessories work out to about $1,500/day for the roughly hundred day duration of the campaign.Given the number of days she spent hiding from the media, for that she could buy a new Nieman Marcus Armani outfit for each day in front of the cameras and throw it away each night.

Neocon Express: Bill Clinton is a RacistNeocon Express 08, 2008 · This is a highly partisan opinion blog taking full advantage of the first amendment of the United States Constitution. It is news and OPINION. It could be right, wrong, or somewhere in between. We try to get it right and welcome corrections. All images are believed to be in the public domain. If you believe you have a copyright, please let us know.

Northstate Science: November 2007 Science A source of reason and logic in a world increasingly hostile to both. Tuesday, November 27, 2007 ... and I believe it is one of the few things that keeps our form of government uniquely different from others around the world. I think most of the objections to personal ownership of firearms stem from unfamiliarity with ...

Overwhelming majority of women getting abortions are ... 04, 2015 · Courtesy of Reverb Press : When it comes to anti-choice activists interfering with women’s reproductive rights, there’s no denying tha...

The Johnsville News: December 2009 first commercial trains left Wuhan and Guangzhou North at 9:00 am on December 26, 2009, and reached their destinations in three hours, compared with ten and a half hours for the previous service.....during test runs, a train achieved a top speed of 394.2 kilometres per hour (244.9 mph)...

Soul Solace by Leighton Bradford (excerpt from book) is sassy, yet delicate as the soft petal of a flower. Her purpose remains ahead no doubt, her obstacles a few behind. Ever present faith, not a shame to confess her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Malik and Nima are the quote, unquote salt of the earth. Both were raised down south; mostly collard greens and ribs, and a whole lot of love.

hotmadurosmenhttps://hotmadurosmen.blogspot.comJul 10, 2012 · Fortune reviewed more than 2,000 pages of confidential ATF documents and interviewed 39 people, including seven law-enforcement agents with direct knowledge of the case. Several, including Voth, are speaking out for the first time. The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal

atomic power review: Water Hammer - guest post by A. David ..."Dave" Rossin has become one of my e-mail acquaintances (who I cannot wait to meet in person) through the American Nuclear Society; Dave is in fact a past ANS President. His experience is incredible and quite varied, and a proper bio would be a half hour or hour long TV documentary. I'm proud to present his piece below in entirety and unedited.

Balkinization: Why the "Million Dollar Law Degree" Study ... It seems to me that the legal industry, particularly in big law, has overreached. The prospect of getting paid $160k as a first year associate certainly is very attractive to prospective students. I was one of those who thought I'd land that kind of job (until the harsh reality set in not long after enrollment into law school).

Letter to the Editor - Bucknell University 05, 2011 · 6. Cernunnos81: Tammy Bruce was the head of NOW LA. They voted to censor her for “racially insensitive remarks” pertaining to the OJ Simpson case. The statement “she does not speak badly of people for her race…” is directly incompatible with Dr. Riley’s statements. Which one of you is wrong? Both of you should get back to me with ...

STRANDED KOSMONAUT: 2008 Caballero was born in the year of the dragon and used it for many of his board graphics. He was an original member of the Bones Brigade and has rode for Powell for his whole career which is almost unheard of for a skater. Cab was also very influential in the skate punk scene playing in bands such as The Faction and Odd Man Out.

Asian Pacific-Islander Americans for Feingoldhttps://apiaforfeingold.blogspot.comThe first caution was that we must continue to respect our Constitution and protect our civil liberties in the wake of the attacks. As the chairman of the Constitution Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee, I recognize that a different world with different technologies, different issues, and different threats.

QUEEREST. LIBRARY. EVER.: 2011 31, 2011 · The images include: one of the stock certificates, a portion of the People magazine article on Atlas in February 22, 1982, a promotional piece with an item in Herb Caen's column, brochures, and a photo that appeared in the 1985 San Francisco Gay Pride Celebration guide.

Wandering Into The Void: April 2008 10, 2008 · The first time I played it was on the PS2 a few years ago, and I just couldn't get into it. I had beaten GTA 3 and GTA: Vice City on the PC and I just can't stand the controls of it on the PS2. Steam recently started offering Rockstar games and had a sale when they were first available, so I downloaded San Andreas 'cuz it was cheap.

NEI Nuclear Notes of the topics NEI pays close attention to, of course, is the role EIA sees nuclear power playing over the next several decades. According to the report, by 2030, 20 GW of new nuclear capacity are projected to be built as well as 2.7 GW in uprates and 4.5 GW in retirements.

Frenchy's House Party; "How you durrin?": 11/15/09 - 11/22/09 17, 2009 · One of the things I miss from living in Providence is that there are so many wonderful pastry shops in the city. Growing up I used to shop at Scialo Brothers on Atwells Avenue with its Art Deco design and bins of Italian candies and sugared almonds and of course there was The LaSalle Bakery across from LaSalle Academy.

Small Flashes: 01/26/2003 - 02/02/2003 05, 2003 · This is the other "official" excuse. Again, doesn't wash. Yes, Saddam is one of the world's worst tyrants. Yes, he has used poison gas, both on Iranian soldiers and on his own people. So? The US has a long and dishonorable history of dealing with tyrants.

Can it happen here?: Health care reform: I wish I were ... 07, 2010 · Are the assumptions in this new bill about "affordability" similarly unhinged from reality? In theory "out-of-pocket expenses will be capped at $11,900 per year per family, or $5,900 per year for individuals." That out of pocket cost for a family is roughly a quarter of the income of the median household in this country.

Cathie from Canada: December 2010 news today that finally a Toronto police officer is being charged with a G20 assault. But Joe Warmington asks the follow-up questions: What is still unknown is who made the decision to create the climate that resulted in this occurring in the designated protest area at Queen’s Park — the home base of the premier, democracy and free speech?

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Plainfield Constables? 08, 2011 · Plainfield resident since 1983. Retired as the city's Public Information Officer in 2006; prior to that Community Programs Coordinator for the Plainfield Public Library. Founding member and past president of: Faith, Bricks & Mortar; Residents Supporting Victorian Plainfield; and PCO (the outreach nonprofit of Grace Episcopal Church).

Mythanos Musings - The Tech Editionhttps://mythanostech.blogspot.comGoogle Voice is one of our favorite communication tools. Apart from the obvious (it creates one phone number that rings all your phones), you've got tons of clever ways you can put Voice to use.Perhaps the best involves setting up Google Voice with the right provider for unlimited free VoIP calling.Quick bonus: Don't forget about all the awesome ways you can take advantage of free calling in ...

Hawai`i Bills to Ban Coal; Offshore Oil & Gas on July 14, 2020, by Henry Curtis The Hawai`i Public Utilities Commission is fast-tracking a proceeding on the future of the relationship between the Hawaiian Electric Companies and the Par Refinery due to time pressure imposed by Par, a company which asserted that it can break the contract with HECO without PUC permission due to the financial strain caused by covid-19.

The Next Hurrah: Polling On The Iraq War...What Does It Mean? DemFromCT. The Mystery Pollster dissects not just recent Iraq polling, but points to a WaPo story and academic analysis to explain what motivates voters when it comes to war:. We argue that the willingness of the public to pay the costs of war and to reelect incumbent Presidents during wartime are dependent on the interaction of two attitudes - one retrospective and one …

I’m used to losing - ventrellaquest.com 08, 2020 · The problem with democracy is that you don't always get your way. The first and only time my preferred candidate in the primaries ended up as President was with Obama. And I've been voting a long time. Here's my terrible track record of who I supported in the primaries and who won the nomimation: 1976:…

CT Blue › Heavy, Man! results represent “the first known evidence of hallucinogenic substance found in the Kingdom of Judah” and “the earliest evidence for the use of cannabis in the Ancient Near East,” according to a paper published on Thursday in the journal Tel Aviv.

Britain and America: Give the surge a chance Defense Dept. press releases almost always weigh on the conservative side of caution. March 15, the official first month since the surge began had the first joint press conference with Major General William Caldwell and Brigadier General Qassim Atta Al Mussawi the Iraqi Army spokesman for the Baghdad security operation.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: A report that’s totally unacceptable above tells you all you need to know about the reaction in Kitkatla to the report of the Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture. The report which was issued earlier this week called for a ban on fish farming north of Cape Caution, a ban that will have a major impact on the First Nation community, which has been working to create an aquaculture industry in their territory to …

The Frustrated Teacher: Teaching: Science or Art? so when one is looking for a specific fix to a specific problem--like when your washer breaks down; mechanical fixes seem more straightforward, especially if there are instructions and schematics. These things don't exist for the mind, especially the elastic mind of a child; or the instructions are more open-ended, like "color it" but the ...

Capitol Hilltop: Muhammad Ali: A Holmesian Bad Man 17, 2008 · Every time I read the term “bad man,” my thoughts turn to Muhammad Ali (then Cassius Clay) declaring himself a “bad man” after defeating Sonny Liston in their 1964 fight. In the past, I have agreed with Ali’s self-characterization when considering his career and history: “bad” as a slang term for “incredibly talented,” “bad” as a moral descriptor for the intensely ...

PolitiFact Bias: The unquotable Judith Curry 25, 2017 · Professor Judith Curry's comments are squarely on target. That is presumably why they were not quoted. The ignorant media do not want to acknowledge that there are a great number of scientists who now openly oppose the climate nonsense.

“You Saw What in ‘Avatar’? Pass Those Glasses!” - Go Into ... 20, 2010 · We noted the ‘controversy’ here: From the LA Times blog “Big Picture,” hosted by Patrick Goldstein “Right wingers launch new attack on ‘Avatar’”: It seems as if the more money “Avatar “ makes at the box office (it’s now officially the second-biggest-grossing film of all time), the more incensed its critics on the right become. . The best exam

Vehicle trips in USA, distance, frequency, by household from homes there would be a lot less waiting and delay in beginning and end-of-school-day traffic jams all over Knox county. Kids who live within a mile or less have to get there on their own cause they can't ride the bus due to the parental responsibility zone.Having walk and bike lanes with volunteers at major crossings would be a step/pedal in the right direction.

Black Friday Almost Over, Cyber Monday On Its Way Friday Almost Over, Cyber Monday On Its Way. ... On another day, I'll tell you what the impact of being the first to own a new tech toy had on me, what it meant for a career that I would pursue less than a decade later, and how it came to be that over the past 40 years, I have continually found myself on the cutting edge of new technology ...

October ? 2011 ? Wheat-dogg's World far, that’s as far as I’ve gotten with the notion, though, so don’t hold your breath waiting for the first Wheat-dogg bestseller. It’s still in the preconceptual stage. Certainly, there is fodder for a book from my experiences as a foreigner teaching English in China. Many ex-pats end up writing books or ebooks about their lives abroad.

Neil Armstrong Wrote A Letter Before He Died ~ " Century ... 29, 2012 · SAN RAFAEL (CBS 5) — Three weeks before he died, legendary astronaut Neil Armstrong wrote a letter of encouragement to a San Rafael boy. More: First Man On Moon,Dies At 82 11-year-old Max Boddington of San Rafael wrote an essay named “When I Look at the Moon” two years ago, as he was trying to cope with the death of both of his parents.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Slower than molasses than molasses For local residents of Podunk, connecting to the wired world has been and still is a rather tedious experience these past few days. The city's Internet portal to the world CityWest has been moving at rather glacial speeds the last few days, a situation that hasn't gone un -noticed among the chat boards at htmf , the local ...

My Experience With The Albertsons Severance searching for a job, I had gone on unemployment and had started to receive benefits, but I still had not received any information regarding my severance. I had called Albertsons but was told everything was in the mail and that the human resources manager was on vacation, so I would have to call back at a later time.

Lost in the Ozone...: Ideally, vision of education bests ..., like overzealous soldiers in combat, they sometimes make you want to grab them by the collar and pull them out of the line of fire. Those thoughts came to mind this week as Jonathan Kozol, 71, the award-winning author and activist, entered his 75th day on a "partial hunger strike."

College Reporter Fired After Tweet of Muslim Student ... 15, 2017 · Who lost its soul? Veteran Players or the Game? 06:09 PM

Rev. Al Sharpton on Olbermann (about the monkey cartoon ... 10, 2009 · Sharpton should be raising public awareness about those topics and stop worrying about cartoons, rap artists saying "nigga", and Don Imus. These are side issues to a huge dragon in the room that everyone is afraid to face. We need to address that dragon (black family breakdown, etc.) in order to fix our communities problems. 11:39 AM

The Johnsville News: Duke/Nifong Hoax: Day #306 - today's items:... LieStoppers: Nifong Makes New York Law Journal — The New York Law Journal, the nation’s best selling legal daily publication, published on Tuesday, January 30, 2007, an article on disgraced Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong’s role as Hijacker of the Hoax. The title of the article - “District Attorney Scandal in the Duke University Case ...

Palin's recent bizarre behavior has once again attracted ... 04, 2010 · Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey

Oh Well: A Commentary: London Attacked: Four Blasts Hit ... 01, 2005 · The first is that al-Qaida has morphed from a centralized terrorist organization--based in Afghanistan--to a decentralized organization where cells operate independently. American or British intelligence had no clue about this terrorist cell or cells' planning and execution of this attack.

chuck dash parker dot net » 2016 » October‘Twas a long weekend, but it was a good one. As detailed previously, I had a pretty full weekend booked, beginning with a trip down to NC on Friday for the gig at HonorCon. Traffic, thanks to construction, accidents, and certain late-model Dodge Chargers and Subaru WRX STIs driving like assholes down I-85 (you know […]

The Florida Masochist: Long live the Queen 12, 2006 · And for a time, Se Ri was forgotten, lost in the excellence of Annika Sorenstam and the awe of Wie. When the 16-year-old Korean-American became the first woman in 61 years to make a cut on an international men's tour last month just outside Seoul, many golf fans forgot that Pak made a cut on a domestic men's tour three years ago.

Houston mass transit construction | Texas Leftist majority of my constituents in the affected area that would be served support the light rail. I am concerned that Section 166 of the bill that would prohibit federal funds from going to a part of the University Line that falls in… Mr. Culberson’s district, number 7.

warker.comhttps://warker.comIt turns out the first job is the easier of the two. I’m generally careful about the kinds of things that tend to make code break when the native processor data size changes (16 bits to 32, 32 bits to 64, etc.) So with a few exceptions I don’t usually get too many surprises when compiling for a …

Starfield: latest trailers, rumors and information | More ... 30, 2019 · Starfield news and rumors. Starfield could not be coming to E3 2019 following all E3 is the spot to announce enjoyable gaming news but it seems like Starfield will not be generating a great deal of an visual appeal at E3 2019.All through a panel at PAX East which celebrated the 25th Anniversary of The Elder Scrolls, Todd Howard responded to a concern …

Thought Theater: Westboro Baptist "Hummers" Sing Homo first, "There Are No Heroes" is a remake of Bonnie Tyler's Holding Out For A Hero. The second is a new take on the song Signs from the Five Man Electrical Band. I've added a third video that the Church created in the aftermath of a 10.9 million dollar jury verdict being entered against them late last year.

Civil Liberties: Comparing Kaci Hickox and Ammon Bundy ... can you compare the two articles and say that one was right over the other. the actions of hickox could endanger every single american. we dont know everything about ebola, what if …

Do you seek out both sides of a news story ... - Yahoo Answers 02, 2007 · There should never be two sides to a news story. News stories are supposed report facts. If I want someone's side of the story I should be able to go to the Op-Ed page of the newspaper, talk radio, blogs, pundit TV broadcasts, etc. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer sources of news stories with each passing year.

Francisca Miguel Shines in Maxim Portugal Sept 2012 ... 13, 2012 · Now, suddenly, the school bus flips 180 into much more pleasant visual recollections, with the help of super hot Latina model Francisca Miguel posing all kinds of sultry and sexy and barely covered for a spread in Maxim Portugal this month. It's not quite enough to get me considering going back to school, but it is just enough to get me to imagine Francisca …

Mo Rage: On 2016 and President Hillary Rodham Clinton as I would love, love, love to have a woman, specifically Hillary Clinton, as next president of these United States and as good as that would be, in at least some, if not a lot of ways, I've come to the conclusion that, even though it should be inconsequential--a woman as president--it will, quite likely, tear the nation apart.

Possible Experience: Apr 10, 2017's not just fake academic journals which prey on academia. Too many of the legitimate ones are published by profit seeking publishers, increasingly few in number and facing little competition, allowing these publishing outfits to routinely jack up prices skyward. But now there is a new lemonade stand in town, serving customers for free. (L)ibrarians attending the Association of …

Swim against the Current: Even a Dead Fish Can Go With the ... 09, 2011 · Swim against the Current: Even a Dead Fish Can Go With the Flow - Kindle edition by Hightower, Jim, DeMarco, Susan. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Swim against the Current: Even a Dead Fish Can Go With the Flow.Reviews: 46Format: KindleAuthor: Jim Hightower

Activists behind Zika virus conspiracy theories, Argentine ... 29, 2016 · This is the second of two articles on misinformation being spread about pesticides in South America. Read Part 1 here.. South America has become ground zero …

High-Frequency Trading News, Articles, Stories & Trends ... 03, 2018 · High-Frequency Trading, featuring articles about Trading, Investing, Investing ... THE CHARADE OF CAPITALISM IS ABOUT TO BE EXPOSED LEAVING US ALL IN A WORLD THAT IS HEADING FOR A RECESSION. ... This is the first time since the past seven recessions that Wall Street has ignored these repeated slam-dunk warnings. Perhaps they believe their …

William Horberg: A Most Unusual Concert weekend our family had a chance to attend a unique and wonderful event - the west coast premiere of the Music for Autism concert series, which was sponsored by and took place at The Help Group in Sherman Oaks....

Prehistoric footprints record battles between people and ... 10,000 years ago, weapons at White Sands were aimed at giant sloths-- Pleistocene tracks record humans stalking and confronting giant ground sloths. (Kiona N. Smith for Ars Technica) Records of footprints, or ghost fossils, reveal life and death story from the ice age (Kelly Carroll for National Park Service), according to recent research at the White Sands Trackways, which may represent ...

China threatens to restrict exports of rare earths - Blogger 30, 2019 · Looks like I'm not done writing about the trade war after describing its possible effects of tariffs on retail in particular and the U.S. economy in general.Yesterday, China hinted that it might restrict exports of rare earth elements to the United States, a hint that became a threat.

The Ka?u Calendar News Briefs, Hawai?i Island Ka`u Calendar Ka`u, Hawai`i, United States A locally owned and run community newspaper ( distributed in print to all Ka`u District residents of Ocean View,

Story Reports Comments : In the State of Hawaii, back in ... research news articles. 17 gov intel agencies mold the news. The deep state federal officials and employees. Also Visit

How r’evolution carries itself forward by the Working 23, 2012 · How r’evolution carries itself forward by the Working Groups of Occupy R’evolution is shorthand for the jump time of evolution, when social relations that have been frozen for a long time start thawing and the obsolescence of the dominant social order becomes obvious to the multitudes.

The Once Prestigious National Review Endorses Sean Parnell 25, 2008 · Now her 2006 running mate, lieutenant governor Sean Parnell, has announced a primary challenge to Rep. Don Young, who has held the state’s lone House seat for 18 terms. In that time, Young has become one of Washington’s premier pork-barrel pols, most notably for his advocacy of the infamous “bridge to nowhere.”

Hey Jenny Slater.: A fittingly stupid end to a stupid year ... you read this, I'm most likely headed up to Tennessee for a one-two punch of New Year's Eve wedding and auld lang debauchery with Holly and all her rowdy friends. Since I'll most likely be too car-bound, too drunk, or too hungover to post anything between now and 2010, I'll leave you ingrates with this sampling from a TV pilot I just started working on with Holly, a docu-dramati-comic peek ...

Missing in action - Wikipedia in action (MIA) is a casualty classification assigned to combatants, military chaplains, combat medics, and prisoners of war who are reported missing during wartime or ceasefire.They may have been killed, wounded, captured, or deserted.If deceased, neither their remains nor grave has been positively identified. Becoming MIA has been an occupational risk for as long as there has been ...

Making Light: Another code) 555 1212 is directory assistance. I tend to leave it on all registration requests that ask for a phone number. I've had that backfire on me at least once: it recognized the number and declared it invalid--whereupon I had to type in all my information again, not just the phone number. That is, the form was set up so that it didn't ...

Congo Brazzaville Genital Mutilation News Monitoring ... will be remembered in the history books as the year of coronavirus. However, before COVID-19 eclipsed virtually every other policy issue, 2020 was supposed to be the year of the girl, celebrating the 25th anniversary since the adoption of the Beijing …[PDF]RESPONSE TO APRIL 18 MEMORANDUM OF SEAN McELWEE … NOW Response.pdfThis is an illogical conclusion. The only appropriate way to compare the impact of AVR in each state is to scale each state’s increase by the number of registrations prior to implementation. In other words, our methodology is sound precisely because it compares statewide registration numbers before and after the implementation of AVR.

The Importance Of Being Kennedy – Unsightly Mental 24, 2017 · Sometimes I’m dismayed at the importance of Justice Kennedy as the swing vote of SCOTUS, although I suppose I’m rather naive for not appreciating the importance of the ideological underpinnings of certain SCOTUS decisions.Here Rick Hasen on Election Law Blog discusses the recent district court decision regarding the Texas Voter ID law: For two reasons, it matters whether the courts …

Next Left: Significant rise in support for 50p Daily Telegraph has a post-budget YouGov poll which mostly offers good news for the Conservatives, who have an 18 point lead in the opinion polls. 46% believed the budget was not fair while 32% believed it was fair. An interesting detail is a significant sixteen point rise in public support for the 50p tax rate on earnings over £150,000, since the measure has been announced.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Museum finds itself under fire over ... 21, 2008 · An incident at the museum which saw Kent McDaniel of Seattle forced to make a decision to leave his motorized wheel chair for the museum's manual version, left the visitor less than impressed with Prince Rupert hospitality and garnered national attention from his complaints about the attitude of Museum officials.

Balkinization: More Tales from the "Unitary" Executive (or ... is currently no need for a FISA court order when none of the parties to a communication is within the Unites States and the interception is done domestically: 50 USC § 1801(f)(2): (2) the acquisition by an electronic, mechanical, or other surveillance device of the contents of any wire communication to or from a person in the United ...

Alabama women will finally have the right to a legal ... place to read and share positive and uplifting, feel good news stories.

USAF leaders hammer subordinates with "Gospel Explosion ... guess what, MSgt Marvin Jimerson, from the dailykos article, was just named the First Sergeant of the Year for the Air Force. MSgt Lucas is also a First Sergeant at Cannon AFB. Read the Air Force First Sergeant’s creed and let that soak in for a minute.

The Wattree Chronicle: ABOUT HIP HOP AND BRAINWASHING 01, 2020 · about hip hop and brainwashing Promoting Hip-Hop, flooding the Black community with Crack cocaine, and mounting an assault on our educational system are all a part of the very same effort - the White establishment's desperate attempt to see to it that the Black community never produces another generation like the one that came out of the 60s.

Texas Wind Energy News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... welcome 10,000 Exhibition attendees, 2,500 Conference attendees, 35% of which are Owner operators, and 450 Exhibition Stands. As the world's largest Downstream event, here's what you can expect: $200 BILLION OPPORTUNITY: The time to invest is now - Be part of the growth & Since 2010, petrochemical producers have announced significant expansions of capacity in the U.S., and the …

THE RIGHT TO SPEAK: AN OPEN SECRET first scheme is what is known as the "everybody happy" system. Everybody - from the bid participants to the public officials in charge of the project - gets his cut. Investigators from the FBI anti-corruption task force and Ombudsman should take heed of this system as from here, they could extract evidence from unsatisfied participants ...

Dr Kevin Bonham: 2019 New South Wales Wrap And Lower House ... is the first case of a state Coalition government winning a third or later term since the Queensland National government of Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen won an eleventh term in 1986. If the result is a majority win, it will be the first time since Tasmania in 1979 that a party has won a majority under its third Premier in the same spell in office.

Herman Cain’s economic adviser – Gadfly writes… 13, 2011 · Herman Cain, for the first time, named his economic-adviser who helped him create the 999 plan yesterday. The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO was pressed for his circle of economic advisers at Tuesday’s debate in response to a question from moderator Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post.Herman Cain says his much-touted 9-9-9 plan is the product…

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Tree crushes van on Myrtle Avenue ... 10, 2010 · A tree crushed a van parked on a Plainfield street Tuesday night, raising once again the issue of liability. Dr. Greg Palermo, chairperson of Plainfield's Shade Tree Commission, wrote a thoughtful comment about state law and city liability for street …

Carrie's Bar & Grill: Alice In Chains & Gretchen Wilson ... place to enjoy good music, drink in some knowledge, and watch a little sports. Where there is always food for thought, topped with choice grillings of right wing talking points.

TTSI’s Port Drivers Demand to Be Treated as Employees ... 15, 2013 · Further, according to a promo piece from the Port of Long Beach, it took two adults working day and night, six days a week, to pay off the lease. It’s unlikely – if not impossible – that a single driver working a regular schedule will be able to earn enough to pay off the lease – much less save up the 20 grand needed at the end.

Tecno Banda Fugaz - Celleno - The Personal Blog of Foreign is the second time that Cartel de Sinaloa has been attacked. On September 26, 2009 band member José Antonio Sánchez Velázquez was slain, one of more than a dozen Mexican musicians killed since 2006. The most prominent of those murdered include Valentin Elizalde and Sergio Gomez, the singer of the band K-Paz de la Sierra.

AGE OF AUTISM:Huffington Post Deletes Top Blogger's Post ... 06, 2016 · AGE OF AUTISM Age of Autism provides daily insights into the autism epidemic. Part of the Autism Age 5013(c) non-profit, our mission is to share information with families facing the daily joys, fears and challenges of having a child, teen or adult with autism.

Louisiana Newswire & News Monitoring Service & Press ... ORLEANS – On Monday, the Audubon Zoo’s announced that one of their critically endangered western lowland gorillas is expecting. This will be the first gorilla birth at Audubon Zoo in 24 years and the first offspring for 13-year-old Tumani, who came to …

Maine Environmental Issues News Monitoring Service & Press ... support group, education webinars offered for free to parents. As the COVID-19 quarantine period continues into May, G.E.A.R. Parent Network must cancel the Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week events at the State House Hall of Flags and Bangor and Augusta Children’s Discovery Museums.

Texas Power Plants News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... on green news & views: Deniers blast climate scientists for supporting racial justice. CRITTERS AND THE GREAT OUTDOORS CaptBLI writes—The Daily Bucket - They grow up fast: “I made it back to Lamar Park (Oxford, Mississippi) to check on residents and new arrivals.

Ethio-Zagol Post: The State of Ethiopia 29, 2006 · Mulunesh Abebayehu, a school teacher by profession, was one of the elected council members for Addis. She has been in custody since november last year. Her story is very sad. She was arrested on Tikimit 30 while she was in a meeting at the school where she teaches. She was taken to Gulele Police station.

Total Information Awareness: The Diplomacy of Breaking the ... Diplomacy of Breaking the Headlock. ... the basic headlock. [From Wikipedia - Headlock: Circling the opponent's neck with an arm, especially from the side.]. This is especially true if the headlock could be parlayed into a pinning of the opponent on the ground, with you on top, while the hold was still in place. ... While the first few ...

Dissenting Leftist: A Reaction good run: Overlawyered, 1999-2020 - I published the first Overlawyered post on July 1, 1999, and I expect this post on May 31, 2020 will be the last. As someone in the entertainment world onc... As someone in the entertainment world onc...

No More Mister Nice Blog 03, 2007 · "This is well substantiated by his doctors -- Army medical doctors," Waple said. But his physical evaluation board rated him only 10 percent disabled for another injury because he had no substantive proof the headaches were a result of the accident -- even though regulations call for evaluation boards to give troops the benefit of the doubt in ...

Ruth Institute Blog » Judicial the so-called ‘justices’ of the California Supreme Court, in their ruling overturning Proposition 22, commanded the State to recognize same-sex ‘marriages’ immediately – in the face of warnings that those ‘marriages’ would be be the source of enormous legal confusion when Proposition 8 passed – it was a case of the judiciary attempting to deny the people their right to ...

Arkansas Global Warming News Monitoring Service & Press ... 08, 2020 · A “megadrought” gripping the western United States is the worst one in 500 years, scientists say. And it’s the first to be influenced by human-caused climate change. A study published this week in the journal Science investigates the occurrence of …

El Salvador Mental Health News Monitoring Service & Press ... Salvador: Deaths increase as health system collapses. San Salvador/New York, July 9, 2020— The health system in El Salvador is on the brink of collapse, with an increasing number of people dying from COVID-19 and other illnesses at home before they can receive medical care, …

Florida Natural Resources News Monitoring Service & Press ... Tonya Riley The space industry is preparing for a historic moment of liftoff tomorrow. Elon Musk’s firm SpaceX is set to become the first private company to launch humans into orbit, as long as the weather cooperates. The launch will be the most high …

Florida Natural Gas Prices News Monitoring Service & Press ... welcome 10,000 Exhibition attendees, 2,500 Conference attendees, 35% of which are Owner operators, and 450 Exhibition Stands. As the world's largest Downstream event, here's what you can expect: $200 BILLION OPPORTUNITY: The time to invest is now - Be part of the growth & Since 2010, petrochemical producers have announced significant expansions of capacity in the U.S., and the …

More On The Incorrect Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson (HOS) Theory M. and S. present a reswitching example with two homogeneous unproduced inputs, labor and land. They find, at a certain given positive rate of profit, that the technique of production that minimizes cost at the higher ratio of the rent to wage will be more land-intensive. I think of this example as analogous to one of capital-reversing. It ...

Ecovillage Musings: Books that Made a Difference: How I ... 11, 2012 · The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey Ah, Ed Abbey. Was he a poet, a misogynist, or just a cranky old desert rat who threw beer cans out of the car window? The son of Abbey’s not-so-fictional character Seldom Seen Smith introduced me to The Monkey Wrench Gang – our first date was a week-long river trip."Seldom Seen" drove us from Moab to the put-in point on the Green River.

No Right Turn: A low bar? 12, 2005 · One of the keys to a good tertiary education system is for people to be free to get the appropriate qualification for what they can do best, at a high standard. Having kids go off to University and getting mediocre degrees (or failing) rather than qualifications that reflect the skills that they do have or could develop more effectively is a waste.

Baby Love Child » Dmitry’s Death and Miles Harrison’s’s-death...EAC is one of the largest international adoption agencies in the world and the top agency in Russia (and had been in Guatemala.) Russian law requires officials be kept up to date by the placing agencies of the disposition of the children placed through them with regular updates for the first three years.

Oregon Coal Mining News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... 10, 2020 · Letter: ND facing realities of coal decline. Great River Energy, a Minnesota company, announced recently that it was closing its Coal Creek Station and Falkirk Mine near Underwood in 2022, short notice for a move that will have significant impact on the city of Underwood and surrounding area.

No Right Turn: Prospects for a government 09, 2005 · As far as the first factor goes, there's another option - a government with the support of the other major party and no minor parties. It will never happen, of course, but Labour and National have much more in common with each other than, say, the Greens and United Future.

USAA News Monitoring Service & Press Release Distribution ... 07, 2020 · Interplas is the UK's largest and leading plastics industry event. A triennial event, over 500 exhibitors invest time and planning into demonstrating the latest machinery, equipment, products and services for visitors to view, test and experience at the show.

Articles&Did You Know? | unitedveterans the adjudicator denies your issue and you did not ask for a certain percentage, then you have to prove the VA didn't follow proper procedure ( very hard to prove). Your VSR will tell you that the law can change. If it increases then just fax, email (w/receipt) or mail in an updated request.

The Spectacled Avenger: Mad in Madison public servant needs a dikshunary. Judging from recent activity on Facebook, events in Wisconsin (i.e. the state government’s campai...

The Virgin Votehttps://thevirginvote.blogspot.comDec 18, 2008 · Based entirely on Quaker values, Sidwell Friends School is where Chelsea Clinton attended while her father was in office. Their philosophy: "Above all, we seek to be a school that nurtures a genuine love of learning and teaches students "to let their lives speak." This is the most expensive of the three school, running about $29,000 a year.

Mass Exodus of Boomers from Labor Force | Bud Meyers the recession ended in June of 2009, before NET new jobs were being created (and before the unemployment rate had peaked in October of that year), older workers were left out of the midst of any new hiring, and many (if they were old enough) were forced to apply for early Social Security benefits at age 62—which was in 2008 when the first Boomers turned 62—up until 2010, when their ...

Green Eagle: The Jerusalem "Settlements"- What Are They? let's look at a couple of pictures of one of the largest of these developments, Maale Adumim. First is a view of it: I wonder if your reaction to the same as mine was when I saw things like this in real life- hardly what I expected in the way of what you would call …

Port's potential promoted at aboriginal conference"The young population is one of the strongest assets for the Port Authority," said Stevenson. Doug Hayden-Luck of CN pointed out that Prince Rupert is 1,000 nautical miles closer to Asia than Los Angeles, which works out to a two-day sail. From Hong Kong, Prince Rupert is 5,286 miles, Vancouver is 5,768, Seattle is 5,777 and L.A. is 6,380.

Brazil Tobacco News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... 22, 2020 · LAHORE: As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads, a global tobacco industry watchdog urged governments and civil society to hold tobacco companies accountable for the burden they have placed on people and health systems. According to a press release here on …

Latin America Cotton News Monitoring Service & Press ... 16, 2020 · Agritech Exhibition and Conference is one of the most important exhibitions in the field of Agriculture, with past events hosting tens of thousands of visitors from around the world. Our efforts to keep you at the forefront of agriculture and water technology innovation and thought leadership have seen us hold events in India, Israel, Italy ...

Badger Exam | Stop Common Core In, the same test delivery system that ran into so many technical problems in the 2014-2015 school year that the Badger Exam needed to be scaled back and the results effectively ignored. From the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consotium press release:

Full Coverage | An Undercover Diary of Health Coveragehttps://healthonymous.wordpress.comJul 28, 2014 · “A recent example is that of a young engineer who has type 1 diabetes and makes between $45,000 and $55,000 per year. He signed up for a “Silver Plan” and found out that he would pay $597 monthly and have a $13,988 deductible.” My guess is that “stories” such as this one are flowing around certain email networks.

The Key Monk: Hezbollah escalates 14, 2006 · Michael Young, the editor of the Daily Star in Lebanon has a good brief on the Hezbollah inspired near-war in Lebanon this week: The two sides have long engaged in a conflict in southern Lebanon — albeit, since Israel’s pullout in 2000, one mostly limited to a disputed territory known as the Shebaa Farms and contained by unwritten rules.

Blue in the Bluegrass: Gov. Craven Heartless Worm Lies ... 06, 2017 · Bevin points to the uptick in marijuana-related emergency room visits in Colorado, one of the first states to legalize marijuana, as evidence of the danger it poses. It is true, Colorado did see an increase in emergency room visits following legalization, according to a study released by the state’s Department of Public Safety. From 2014 to ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Three must-do events for this Holiday ... 11, 2009 · For those book-lovers on your gift list (or for yourself), an easy one-stop opportunity to find them the perfect gift without battling the lines at the big box stores. Romance? Murder? Photography? New Jersey beers or minor league baseball? You'll find all this and more. Do yourself a favor and drop in.

Redeye's Front Page: Stop with the Faux Shock and Shame ... 09, 2015 · If you want to know more about me, where I stand and what I stand for I invite you to read my writings at Left in Alabama for a historical perspective. Contact me [email protected] These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section.

Thousands Expected For Pat Tillman Event | Mirror On America 02, 2007 · But What About Lavena Johnson? Thousands are expected to take part in the annual Pat Tillman Run to benefit the Tillman Foundation. However, another horrific Army death is not being covered at all by the mainstream Corporate media. Lavena Johnson was not rich or white. She was not a star pro-athlete who gave up a multi-million dollar NFL contract to join the U.S. Army. Lavena did not receive ...

M O B J E C T I V I S T: Odds and Uncertainty 12, 2010 · as the odds does this Odds(Size) = (Size+C)*L/(Size*(L+C)) - 1 This gives similar odds for a small reservoir, still close to 1:1, but the odds for getting a large reservoir no longer scale. For example, if we use a max size L of 20,000 MB, then the odds of a size of 10,000 MB is one half the odds without the maximum size.

Young Feminists and Allies (YFA) : March 2012 by: Anna Gedal My best friend and I wrote a response to the hate speak that was published in the comment section of an anonymous blog at Columbia University upon hearing the news that President Obama is coming to speak at Barnard College's commencement this year.

THE UNDERWRITER: 2009 21, 2009 · Sorry about the lapse in posting continuity. The new year brought a super-cool new job, new money and new toolery. Now that I'm working 9 hours a day on a MacBook, things are a little more complicated and I haven't yet figured out some of the deets when it comes to grabbing images and such, so it looks like I'll be having to switch back and forth from my trusty PC (Sade) and this new laptop.

Next Left: On remembering and forgetting in Northern 16, 2010 · 13eastie said.... Blair's £200m gift from the taxpayer to Northern Ireland's ambulance-chasing solicitors was an utter folly. Notwithstanding the outrageous cost (which ought itself, perhaps, to be the subject of an inquiry), Blair's misapprehension that a report commissioned just as the peace process was bearing fruit would, a dicey twelve years on, bring "closure" was hopelessly naive.

No More Mister Nice Blog: BREAKING: POPE IS CATHOLIC 01, 2015 · I'm supposed to be upset because the Vatican is now confirming that Pope Francis secretly met with Kim Davis, the notorious gay-marriage refusenik who's still a county clerk in Kentucky. This news is supposed to be devastating to me because Francis is assumed to be one of the brightest stars in my pantheon of progressive heroes. Well, I was a Francis skeptic when being a Francis …

An idea to bring something special back to pekin.... Crockett was the town barber at one point, this automatically makes him the center of many past "liars circles" likely many that included Panther stories. Think of him as a modern day Floyd the Barber. At the moment simply a rough concept of an event that will be held at the 2012 Pekin Indiana 4'th of July Celebration.

ELECTION | CITIZEN HAINES in the end, after reading opinions from publications such as the Federalist Papers and listening to strong discussion throughout the colonies (and in meetings of colonial delegates), the leaders of our burgeoning nation decided a BICAMERAL legislature was the best way to go…allowing for a House that would represent on a “number of ...

His Extraordinarily Poetic Memoir - Blogger 27, 2019 · Boris, at 106 the oldest known survivor of a Nazi concentration camp, recalls the moment in his extraordinarily poetic memoir, Necropolis. He wrote: “The body loves the countless warm tongues that lick it and the memory of the night mountain air vanishes for a while.

NPR | Joyous Crybaby videos are, then, a great example of a paradigm change fostered by a particular technology. In this case, I think it’s a wonderful paradigm shift, as I’m all for a wider understanding of the beauty, humor, and wonderfulness of cats. Dog Tragedy. Unfortunately, news this week had a …

Marching On!: January 2011 30, 2011 · Last weekend marked the 38th anniversary of the United States Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, which struck down most state-law restrictions on abortion, and recognized that a right to "privacy" distilled from the Due Process Clause of the federal Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment includes a woman's decision to abort her pregnancy.This past Monday, hundreds of thousands of …

Chiraq: It Seems to Repeat - Modern Heretic 09, 2019 · About 1:30 a.m., 34-year-old Lisheka Haggard was with a male inside a home in the 4300 block of West Wilcox Street when one of them pulled out a gun, authorities said. Tonight the nigga let me down. The weapon discharged as the two fought over it, police said.

palingates: Sarah Palin® - A sexy brand 14, 2011 · 90% of my Google alerts have been about Sarah Palin and Glen Rice for several days. It was a clever move to leak those bits of The Rogue. People will buy the book out of their fascination with sex and drugs and, as the book doesn't have an …

THE UNDERWRITERhttps://theunderwriters.blogspot.comFeb 15, 2011 · And while the buzz died down considerably (which happens after 2 years of nothing), the praise for this whole experiment remained somewhat steady, the only buzz I was trying to build was the kind that came from quality vodka, Hoegaarden, or $14 South African wine to settle my nerves after a day on the job, and from writing whatever prose I ...

WhiteHorseMusingshttps://whitehorsemusings.blogspot.comHe had to overcome $980,000 worth of attack TV commercials against him in his first state house race (it was the most expensive house race in state history). His re-election race set a new record. When he got to the state legislature, the good old boy network advised him to keep quiet if he wanted re-election -- in fact, they told him he ...

palingates: Congratulations, President Obama 14, 2009 · All of petty; we are not supposed to judge a book by its cover. This is not Vogue, Elle or Glamour Magazine. We should just wait for one more month. I think that the contents will match the pictures that Patrick provided. Eeeech. 10 October 2009 at 00:44

Big Education Ape: Feb 28, 2012 Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Release to press of teacher data has become a rallying cry:Release to press of teacher data has become a rallying cryby Mike KlonskyPublic debasing of teachers in N.Y.N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg and Gov. Cuomo may have won the legal battle to base teacher evaluations on student test scores and publish them in the press.

February | 2009 | The Illogical Seminary and Kerry took credit for a number of projects, including $950,000 for construction of a ferry dock on Long Island in Boston Harbor, $285,000 for “downtown streetscape improvements” in Haverhill, and $190,000 for the renovation of the Berkshire Theater Festival facilities in Stockbridge.

The Rude Pundit 02, 2004 · A Story From the Front Line of White Collar Unemployment: Since stories abound about how "jobs" and "trade" are now the hot issues in the presidential campaign, and since all of the candidates are awfully damn fond of talking about this particular jobless person or that without actually allowing said jobless person to speak for him/herself, the Rude Pundit is sharing an e-mail he received ...

Death Penalty: Troy Davis' Innocence Hearing - Progress Pond 24, 2010 · But as the sun slowly rose from the depths of the Atlantic to illuminate the west side of Oglethorpe Avenue, there were no concrete leads—just a pool of blood and a vague description of a black man in his early 20s, last seen running toward Yamacraw Village. Twenty-five officers were assigned to the case, and 30 witnesses were quickly rounded up.

Did God Help the Hebrews? | The Word of Me... 29, 2008 · I do not think guilt and sin are “the selling points” of the Judaism, I believe you are mixing it with some Fundamental Protestant ideas. Also, The Old Testament is not all about how God helped or did not help Hebrews, some of it is the story of a journey of the people form past to the future.

Well, THIS Certainly Ups the Stakes…. | Sheila Kennedy 28, 2016 · Now remember, he said this literally two days after it was revealed that his company has applied to build a high sea wall at one of his golf courses in Scotland in order to protect the property from the rising seas resulting from global warming. So he knows damn well that global warming is real and has serious consequences.

On Being Notorious...: 7/29/12 - 8/5/12” The Kochs are the leading funder of climate disinformation in the world! It gets better: Our results show that the average temperature of the earth’s land has risen by two and a half degrees Fahrenheit over the past 250 years, including an increase of one and a half degrees over the most recent 50 years.

The Unsatisfied Mindhttps://unsatisfiedmind.blogspot.comThis is a treacherous question to ask, and a trivial one to answer. Treacherous because the shoals between the written lines can be navigated by some to the conclusion that truth and religious belief develop by the same means and are therefore equivalent.

Green Eagle 02, 2018 · In retrospect, this was the beginning of the scandal that broke in 1987, when it became known that the Reagan administration had been exchanging weapons for hostages." Shortly after this incident, Casey developed a bizarre case of "brain cancer" the main symptoms of which were to render him unable to either speak or write, thereby making it ...

Joliet Empress Casino Fire Lesson for Aurora? | Don't Bank ... 03, 2009 · Aurora's 8th Ward Alderman Rick Mervine, who just donated $29,000 to select PTA's in his ward just before his election with challenger Jason Minalga, says " not a slush fund" and "most" of his funds are used for neighborhood infrastructure.

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump summed up in one photo. 02, 2017 · "That was when Trump invited me, as the head of the Russian American Chamber of Commerce, to the horse races at the Gulfstream racetrack in Miami,” Millian said. “Then later we met in his office in New York." Millian said he and Trump signed a contract to develop real estate projects in Russia and former Soviet states. Reply Delete

Mathew | The Word of Me... seems all of the evidence for a trinity in the Bible…is man’s interpretation, as the Bible does not state this in certain, terms. It is not established beyond doubt or question. Well some sect’s believe they have, but they haven’t. However, in the matter of the Son/Jesus being a separate entity of the God/Father, the Bible is perfectly clear.

Solsticewitch13's BOS: American Infidel 08, 2012 · It’s as if part of our DNA. That the flickering light has evolved from a fireplace to televisions, movie screens, computers, phones, iPads and laptops is a minor detail. One of the primary ways that human beings seek to make sense of the world we are in is by looking into the flickering light while we are told stories.

The Next Hurrah: Checking In 28, 2007 · The FISA deliberations continued from 12:53 to 5:15, which is when they supposedly called Clement. I find it hard to believe that the Comey testimony was not a part of the discussion. Goldsmith noted in his book that Clement was soft with respect to Addington's hard line on many issues.

Obsidian Wings: When the Power Runs Out, We'll Just Hide Eric Martin. Life imitates art: an honest to goodness Galt's Gulch is beginning to take shape in Colorado Springs, and boy are the residents bringing to life the theory that government is never the solution. Behold, paradise's lost and found: This tax-averse city is about to learn what it looks and feels like when budget cuts slash services most Americans consider part of the urban fabric.

The Florida Masochist: He belongs in jail latest Sandy Berger news. On the evening of Oct. 2, 2003, former White House national security adviser Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger stashed highly classified documents he had taken from the National Archives beneath a construction trailer at the corner of Ninth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW so he could surreptitiously retrieve them later and take them to his office, according to a …

Cultural Dominance -- Sightings (Martin Marty) - Bob blog about Christianity, theology, religion and public life.

Holding a British Doctor Accountable of Iraqi Death in ... 16, 2012 · Steven D covered torture of detainees in his front page story Iraq. And this as well : “The Defence Secretary, Des Browne, is asking the law lords to overturn rulings by the High Court and the Court of Appeal that there should be an investigation into the death in 2003 of Baha Mousa, 26, a hotel receptionist who was allegedly tortured at a ...

Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee - Progress Pond 05, 2007 · A group of distinguished intelligence and military officers, diplomats, and law enforcement professionals delivered an urgent message this morning to the chairman and the ranking minority member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, calling on them to hold the nomination of Judge Michael Mukasey until he takes a clear position on the legality of …

BilgeBucket Gazette » look at the rollbacks of EPA regulations in his first two and a half years in office. The system works like this: Trump distracts the public with mind boggling inane, insipid and stupid comments on Twitter. The compliant and unfocused media takes the bait hook, line and sinker.

Take Me to Truth and the Analysis of the Racism Psyop ... 20, 2013 · Take Me to Truth and the Analysis of the Racism Psyop. ... Here is a link to an article in the Daily KOS asking this question and then answering it: ... It is an illusion and a …

Hugh Cadfael | Chronicles the Southern Poverty Law Center finally lost one. And a big one at that. The FBI has dropped the SPLC from its list of “partners” on the agency’s hate crimes page, The Daily Caller revealed last week. Read More

The Johnsville News: Mike Nifong Found Guilty of Criminal ... Amon, Newsday: Nifong gets jail time-- When the judge read the sentence Friday evening, Mary Ellen Finnerty of Garden City broke down and cried -- Mike Nifong, the disbarred Durham County, N.C., district attorney who tried to put her son in jail on false rape accusations, was going to jail himself. Nifong was sentenced to one day behind bars for criminal contempt …

da po' blog: Every One Hurts responding to a report of a shooting found the boy lying face down in the 1800 block of Bayou Road about 8:20 p.m.04/22/07 – 1 murder 61) Shortly after 6 p.m., New Orleans police responded to a call about a "male down" in the 4800 block of Alsace Street, and they found the victim lying on the ground.

Balkinization: A Response to Brian Tamanaha Chemerinsky In his book, Failing Law Schools, and in his recent post (“Why UC Irvine Went Wrong: Chasing Prestige at the Expense of Public Service”), Professor Brian Tamanaha criticizes me and UCI Law School for making the choice to create a top 20 law school. In his book, Professor Tamanaha argues that we should have created a low cost law school instead.[PDF]Web Images Videos Maps News Shopping Gmail more Sign in to a blog search feed for "steven J. baum" in Google Reader • • Atom | RSS Feb 18, 2011 by Nicholas M. Moccia See noteworthy article on the Law Office of Steven J. Baum, P.C. I believe it's a fair article, and allows Mr. Baum to speak in his own defense. Admittedly, it is all-too-easy to criticize a law firm in the current ...

Why I Am So Chill - 13, 2009 · Matt mentions that he started freaking out over health care reform just after returning to the United States, until he realized that it was just because he had been put back in touch with cable news. Not to get all I-don't-have-a-TV on you, but I unplugged my TV when Buffy went off the air. And then I moved to Singapore, where my apartment came furnished with two …

Syngenta in Switzerland Urged to Drop Suit Against Kauai ... 21, 2015 · At the annual shareholders meeting of the Syngenta Corporation in Basel, Switzerland, Kauai County Council member Gary Hooser urged the transnational chemical giant to withdraw from its lawsuit against the Hawaiian island county. Syngenta in January 2014 joined with Dow AgroSciences, DuPont Pioneer and BASF in a federal suit to block the enforcement of

Michael Medved: No Fags, No Fat Chicks | Slog | The ...’s very own right-wing idiot, Michael Medved, has finally weighed in on Tim Hardaway’s recent freakout about big, scary homos.Medved’s piece, published at the lunatic aquarium Townhall, starts out exactly as you’d expect from such a mustachioed douchebag.. Recent comments by retired basketball star Tim (“I hate gay people”) Hardaway did serious damage …

Susan Reed | Texas Leftist’s Show: State Taking Over Houston’s Harvey Relief Program, And A Blueprint For Going Back To School (May 14, 2020) May 14, 2020; Special Edition: Dr. Cedric Dark and Dr. Peter Hotez (May 13, 2020) May 13, 2020

Opinions You Should Have - August 2006 ORLEANS, Aug. 29 -- President Bush, addressing the nation on the anniversary of New Orleans' devastation by Hurricane Katrina, promised "a never-ending flow of empty rhetoric to the areas that need it most."He vowed to continue speechifying about New Orleans "even after New Orleans is long gone," and to do whatever was necessary to convince the American people …

Babble On: The Tea Party Doesn't Know It's Own Power 07, 2010 · The Tea Party Doesn't Know It's Own Power. ... From a Whisper to a Scream. A Truffle PSA 1 year ago The Immoral Minority. Website is a success! 2 years ago Soundtrack to my Day. Stars In His Eyes to Begin Filming 2 years ago The FABULOUS Blog of Miss Ginger Grant! Snow, Snow, Snow, SNOW!

Krystal Ball Tackles Controversy Differently than Rich 12, 2010 · LOS ANGELES (LALATE) – Krystal Ball (pictures below) clearly handles a photo controversy differently than Rich Iott; come this election season, voters will find out which candidate got it right. Krystal Ball and Rich Iott were both struck with photo pseudo-scandals this election season. Rich Iott dressed up like a Nazi, Krystal Ball dressed up […]

R.Michael Morrison | Facebook Michael Morrison, CO-producer, social entrepreneur, community activist, multicultural communications expert, marketing specialist, international motivational speaker, Microcredit Finance Developer for the poor, Trafficking and Slavery Operations Management, and Marginalized Communities Sustainable Education.

Ask the Question - Question Bridge, An exploration of ... 16, 2012 · There are others who fight these battles on a regular basis more than I do. But events of the world and a curiosity for things often force me to reflect on my station. Identity is a serial number branded on the soul. As such, it will dictate the terms of one’s life, whether one wishes or is able to acknowledge that fact or not.

Dr. David McKalip Resigns for Sending Racist Emails Florida neurosurgeon has resigned from his post with a county medical association after forwarding an e-mail to about 150 people with an...

Joe the Plumber - WordPress.com you don’t have time to watch the video, and you live in Indiana here’s my main message to you. Do NOT get out of the voting line no matter what anyone tells you, asks you or accuses you of.

ConsciousHorsehttps://conscioushorse.blogspot.comCity, east-central New South Wales, Australia, on the Macquarie River. Visited in 1818 by the explorer John Oxley, the district received its first settlers in 1824. Founded in 1841, Dubbo was an established village by 1849. It became a municipality in 1872 and a city in 1966.

A CERTAIN SLANT OF LIGHT: OF PINK AND GRAY TRIBES, AND … 07, 2005 · Do yourselves a favor today, tomorrow, or before the week is out, Dear Readers, and follow the rock-solid advice of Brian at "The Blue State Conservatives," as I did, and read every single word of Bill Whittle's essay of September 5th, entitled Tribes, posted at "Eject, Eject, Eject!" I printed it out, poured myself a second large mug of coffee, took the cap off a yellow …

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: 'Screams' precede deaths in Blaine 23, 2007 · 2 Comments: Bob said... 'Screams' precede two deaths in Blaine The front of the Blaine mobile home with white siding is splattered with blood. Two people are dead, and a baby is in protective custody. By Tim Harlow And Jim Adams, Star Tribune staff writers Last update: May 23, 2007 – 9:33 AM The front of the Blaine mobile home with white siding is splattered with blood.

Sharia | Humanist Cafe 04, 2015 · GCSEs and A-levels likely to be later next summer June 22, 2020 Next year's exam season in England could be delayed to allow more teaching time, MPs are told. Arctic Circle sees 'hottest-ever' recorded temperatures June 22, 2020

Pro-Existence: Frank Schaeffer, Mother, and Monkey Blood 27, 2006 · He was giving a lecture on his new coauthored book AWOL, I think, and afterward, in response to a question, he let loose with a "Godd---" something or other. Now we have Frank Schaeffer blogging at the Huffington Post , in a submission dated Nov. 25, 2006, and titled, "Jesus and the Monkey Blood -- Growing Up Fundamentalist Then Joining the ...

Red Flag Days: June 2015 Flag Days is an on-line journal, published on a semi-regular basis. RFD has a decidedly Conservative - Libertarian theme aimed at reporting news and warning fellow citizens of dangers facing our nation.

Chicago Tribune: Family Portrait on Life of Barack Obama 27, 2007 · In his best-selling book, "Dreams From My Father" and in campaign speeches, Obama frequently describes the story of his mother, who died of cancer in 1995, as a tale of the Heartland. She's the white woman from the flatlands of Kansas and the only daughter of parents who grew up in the "dab-smack, landlocked center of the country," in towns ...

KingCast presents: North Country "Bad Blood: Freedom and ... Kenny is a cop killer. He would have gotten a needle in his arm. McKay was a ball buster cop who took his authority to the top. Floyd was a guy with a spotty past doing the right thing. You make it sound like Floyd was waiting at that exact spot for Kenny to come by so he could have the chance to murder someone. I'm glad you are not the AG ...

The Blog Is [Not] the Territory: February 2010 and I used to live in a building directly across the street from the new Chicago French Market, so we have been waiting for it for a long time (we lived there more than five years ago, and even then there were signs promising, "Metra Market Coming Soon"). Chicago has long lacked a year-round multi-vendor market, and placing one adjacent to a commuter rail station (Ogilvie Transportation ...

Random Canyon: Who said it? 09, 2009 · Delbert Africa, 74, Convicted in Radical Group’s Clash With Police, Dies - As a member of Move, he spent four decades in prison and was released in January. His beating by Philadelphia police officers in 1978 was broadcast nationw...

The Debate Linkhttps://dsadevil.blogspot.comI was going to do a "rate that apology" entry for Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL), who reportedly called Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) a "fucking bitch" after a heated conversation about their differing policy views (Yoho denies saying that, claiming he instead called her comments "bullshit"). But Chris Cilliza in essence beat me to it.There's a transcript of Yoho's "apology" at the link, but in ...

Stepping Down as Ushahidi Executive Director « Kenyan 23, 2010 · It is almost 3 years to the day that I sent out a plea to Kenyan bloggers and techies to help me build what would become Ushahidi.. Since then it has been a crazy ride…from producing an incredible open source platform and working towards scale, to building and working with an incredibly talented team, to seeing multiple uses of Ushahidi around the world, to numerous awards and press ...

The Shadowland Journal: January 2018 - Christopher Dickey flood was one of the first great visual stories of the last century and the first disaster of its kind to get the full media treatment. Press-agency photographers and eager amateurs sloshed or rowed through Paris to document the event for the world.

Facts & other stubborn things: On the Warren thing 07, 2013 · People. On all sides. Please. Let's remember what we've got here. Productivity is output per labor hour. On the left, you really don't want to argue that …

II. O.Henry: Trial and Conviction - Pardon - At the federal level, a broad term which is interpreted to include all of the other terms defined in this section. Sometimes, "clemency" is described as "the pardon power," which is acceptable, so long as it is understood that, formally speaking, a pardon is one of …

Shane Roshto | This Black Sista's Memorial Page is the first time the social media giant has said one of Donald Trump's tweets could be misleading. Minnesota violence: Clashes over death of black man in police custody May 27, 2020 Tear gas is fired at protesters angry at the death of a man pinned down by a policeman in Minnesota.

I review Robert Pippin's new ... - The Ethical Werewolf 09, 2010 · See the extended quotations in the review -- the first blockquote from p.3, the first one from p.101, and the one from p.112-113. These are a theory of the relation between norms and psychology, a non-causal theory of action-explanations, and a theory of freedom. They aren't developed at length, but they're theories nonetheless.

‘Concerning Violence,’ Concerning Ferguson | Bitch Flicks 19, 2014 · Concerning Violence is a remarkable documentary. Directed by Göran Hugo Olsson (The Black Power Mixtape 1967 – 1975), it weaves together archival footage of African colonization and anti-colonial liberation revolts from the 1960s – 1980s with the words of Frantz Fanon‘s The Wretched of the Earth (1961).The text–read by Lauryn Hill–often appears on screen as she narrates.

News: BAMN/Yvette Felarca – Justin Trouble 28, 2018 · “This is a victory,” said Felarca, a King Middle School teacher and controversial activist with By Any Means Necessary, in a phone interview Thursday afternoon. “Of course I’m relieved, it’s just been a long process and a struggle. I’m really so happy for all three of us. To me it’s a real affirmation of standing by your ...

ZeroGov replacement is not difficult, but it does require specialized tools. Get and learn how to use those tools or instead take your slide and sights to a skilled armorer (found at most indoor gun ranges) for replacement. After replacement, be sure to properly zero your pistol at 25 yards.

Advice From A Fake Consultant: May 2010 - May 16th, 11PM: Over the past 24 hours there have been a number of comments on the various sites where this story is posted pointing out that a well-known “urban legend”, which is something I should have known about in the first place.

THE CUP OF JOE: October 2007 31, 2007 · For a reporter trying to ferret out the truth, I think a healthy dose of skepticism is called for. It doesn't mean you're rude during the interview, just "tough." It means setting the right tone so that a police officer's first-hand account can't be shrugged off with a wife's (and a Senator's) smirks. This interview just didn't have the right tone.

Fabulous Girl's Boudoir: April 2007 29, 2007 · This is the sort of thing that makes me crazy, but it's true.. Everything wrong with “Grey’s Anatomy” and its soon-to-be spun spinoff is the fault of “Ally McBeal.” Mary Tyler Moore and Marlo Thomas were early prototypes of the quirky but lovable career girl. David E. Kelley’s hit series about a deeply neurotic lawyer named Ally McBeal marked a turning point in the devolution of ...

Why Biofuels? - BlueOregon 10, 2007 · You own it. So, it has an economic yield that puts tons of cash in oil companies' wallets, but it actually loses energy by the time it gets into your tank. (Dino-diesel is a barely better, but still a net loser, at .843.) Biofuels, on the other hand, do from a little better to a lot better: Ethanol 1.34 (meaning a gain of 34%) Biodiesel 3.20 Diving you have MS PowerPoint, and feel like looking at how the other half (of .001 %) of the other half lives, click here for a slide show of one of the world’s truly epic toys.) Anyway, Allen’s love has been a mixed blessing for Falmouth Harbor, according to some friends who are familiar with the place (the boat wasn't there while I was, but ...

Children's Most Loved Toys - ZORIAH's Most Loved Toys In the past fifteen years I have worked in 112 countries, often covering conflict, crisis and disasters. The majority of the countries I have worked in have been extremely poor and one thing that always amazes me is people’s ingenuity.

The Johnsville News: Duke Lacrosse Rape Timeline of events for the Duke Lacrosse party and reported rape. Starting Monday afternoon, March 13, 2006: Using the name Dan Flanigan, Dan Flannery, a senior team captain, called a local escort service and hired two dancers for $400 each.The dancers worked for two different escort agencies.

La Puce Enigmatique/The Enigmatic Flea growing number of Iraqis are certainly under that impression, but it has far less to do with an inflammatory newspaper than with the inflammatory actions of the US occupation authority. As the June 30 "handover" approaches, Paul Bremer has unveiled a slew of new tricks to hold on to power long after "sovereignty" has been declared.

Halfway There: So much smarter than you - Blogger's more. Much more. But enough. Can you explain this passage to me? Berlinski begins by admitting he is talking about elementary calculus, but then has his roomful of mathematicians rapt in awe as he reveals that values of the squaring function approach 9 as its arguments approach 3. College students would not be surprised by this result, let along a roomful of mathematicians.

Vagabond Scholar: Godwin's Law 12, 2009 · But it does acknowledge a problem: that, as the seminal event of the last 100 years, it tends to crowd out other events, which are likely more useful for analyzing current events. WWII is important because it is exceptional - Hitler was exceptionally evil, Germany was exceptionally warlike, the Holocaust was exceptionally barbaric; most things ...

What’s The Difference Between a Revolver and a Stun Gun? 08, 2009 · Let's see. The guy is face down and under the control of officers (plural), and one of them shoots him in the back. At the absolute least, wrongful death and should lead to a humongous settlement or court award. If the prosecutor is up to it, maybe even first-degree murder. Mehserle is clearly beyond incompetent.

Mitt Romney, Lyme Disease, And The Media | Lyme Disease ... 03, 2012 · The first opportunity I really have to sit down and write here, the news that is crossing my desk and getting a lot of airtime is about Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and the media's commentary on how his support for greater awareness of chronic Lyme disease has been used to ignite interest in Virginia voters who have been struggling with ...

Harrod's News Of The World: Yonkers Brewing Company Video 17, 2017 · Yonkers Brewing Company Video ... 10:01 am Dating is a game, and as the saying goes, if you're not playing it, you're losing it. - Omaha... 7 years ago Drama Movie Roundup ... Arm lift surgeries are on the rise - One of these is an arm lift surgery , also referred to as a brachioplasty. Not only is this a popular San Diego plastic surgery , but ...

Progressive Alaska: Will December and January Be for the ... 08, 2008 · With McClatchey stock being worth about as much per share right now as a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon, and headed in the direction of Old Milwaukee, the Chicago Tribune filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy today, the New York Times declared they need to take out another mortgage on their building to survive, and NBC Universal announced they may have to make major programming cutbacks soon.

Alabama Evangelicals News Monitoring Service & Press ... 10, 2020 · On Oct. 3, Longwood University, a public university in Virginia, hosted the first and only 2016 vice presidential debate. In what were described as the debate’s “most sincere” and “most honest” moments, Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Governor Mike Pence (R- …

A Delaware Libertarian exclusive: Interview with ... Delaware is among one of the highest spenders, per capita, on public school education, and yet our test=2 0scores are consistently mediocre (despite some recent small advances). As Senator from the 19th District, what will be your position on the best way to improve public education in the First State.

David's Mental Jujitsu: March 2009 25, 2009 · It's almost like how it is always supposed to happen. Ha! So, I have started a new story. Right now it is entitled "Between Friends" and I am just SO happy to be writing again. I actually came up with a story and characters all by myself. Yay! I have the first part of the story all worked out.

Balkinization: November 2015 the book, I describe the first as the morality of higher purposes and second as the morality of self-fulfillment. The morality of higher purposes began to develop in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, as the decline of central governments in the Western World (the …

Why a Basic Income will Eventually be Needed | Bud Meyers's why a Basic Income will eventually be needed. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, from the first quarter of 2001 to the end of 2012, the U.S. has lost 64,037 manufacturing facilities. It's no secret as to what happened to all these American jobs.

The Pool Barhttps://thepoolbar.blogspot.comMay 28, 2018 · But it's not just what's happening in schools. In media and pop culture, one of the few remaining acceptable objects of ridicule is the American male. Just watch TV for a while, and watch the non-stop parade of male inferiority. Here's just one …

Lumpenprofessoriat: The Wages of Academe 11, 2007 · I had promised Professor Zero that I would write more on the constant ratcheting up of tenure requirements as itself a kind of attack on the tenure system. And now with another timely post from Tenured Radical, I want to make good on that promise.TR writes: I was told by those speaking for the minority negative vote in the department and on the tenure and promotion committee that because my ...

Kung Fu Monkey: 4/17/05 - 4/24/05 23, 2005 · This is very useful on sitcoms, where you have a limited number of sets, and any time you can French the scene, you just saved yourself a setup and lighting. A false origin of this term comes from the use of French doors on a set to indicate an inside/outside, through which you can move lots of actors organically in and out of the set.

The Next Hurrah: Ring the bells -- survival. why it happened is important to me. I have been demanding a couple of things from the beginning of this controversy -- a forensic audit, and a comprehensive history of the past 40 years or so -- I have suggested our Alumni, Peter Irons, (U of Cal at San Diego), as the leader of the History team. I think we need to know what went wrong.

Arnie Gundersen Authors Another Shoddy Report Gundersen Authors Another Shoddy Report By ... But it's clear now that NEI agrees with the original poster, so there's nothing that can be done. ... It's one of the first sections you'll see on our home page and it can be accessed anywhere throughout the site by clicking on the atom symbol in the top right corner of the page.

Ordinary Guy: Snow Day used to be that I loved a snow day. When we were kids it was something we looked forward to with great promise. Living in NW Indiana, and in the snow belt, we could count on the lake effect snow from Lake Michigan to drop a foot of snow routinely on short notice.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: A review of 2007 predictions 12, 2008 · This is a difficult category anyway and may be replaced with something else completely different in the 2008 predictions set for release tomorrow morning - predicting "the end of the world on Wall Street" is hard, but structured investments and a slew of …

Wet Casements: August 2018 29, 2018 · The first is pretty much iconic at this point, while the third one just doesn't sit right with me. It's not a bad cover in itself, but it doesn't fit the tone. ... even as the end of the book presents his life in fairly optimistic terms as having come to terms with his drinking and drug use fairly thick veils of darkness. ... a story ...

Conrad Strong: Is The Southern Strategy Finally Dead? 19, 2009 · I think as the younger generation gets older and begins to take public office in greater numbers that you will see a minor shift in the southern strategy. Population growth in the south has also contributed to a more progressive approach in many areas of the south and that should spill over into rural areas eventually.

The Infinite Monkey (At The Keyboard): Ayn Rand: Good ... 11, 2009 · From almost any page of Atlas Shrugged, a voice can be heard, from painful necessity, commanding: ‘To a gas chamber — go!’” Ayn Rand may have been an interesting figure and a good (if extremely long-winded) novelist; but her views were pernicious, the antithesis of …

Why I Am Awesome and Not Awesomehttps://awesome-notawesome.blogspot.comWhy I Am Awesome: I have drafted a letter to send to the university parking department along with my check, letting them know how I feel about the situation, and stating that I look forward to the first time someone from the alumni association calls me asking for a donation to the school. I will tell them no, and I will explain that it is ...

Amory Lovins and His Nuclear Illusion – Part Five (Nuclear ... first graph above shows that the U.S. nuclear plants have improved their performance as they have become older. Not only that, Nine Mile Point 1 and Oyster Creek (nearly 40 years old and the oldest operating reactors in the U.S.) both averaged a capacity factor greater than …

Israel Mining Industry News Monitoring Service & Press ... grinds Israel's diamond industry to a halt. Israel's economy is slowly returning to normal with the gradual easing of its lockdown, but the once vibrant diamond exchange floor in Tel Aviv remains shut and the diamond district, one of the world's main trade and polishing centers, is still …

RAGGED THOTS: 02/26/2006 in June 2000, the first-class airfare cost $14,001, a big-ticket item for a public servant. But someone else paid. The American Express bills of lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who pleaded guilty to fraud charges in January, show he footed the bill for the tickets, in an apparent violation of House ethics rules.

To Be Younghttps://haveitoldyou.blogspot.comJun 13, 2006 · So something that has been on my mind lately. In addition to continuing to try to enjoy my work and eventually putting myself in the position where I love what I do, I've been thinking about my place in the world and validating what I do in that career that I go to for 8-9 hours a day.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Senate Reform Performance Review Part 1 "The Nationals" = WA Nationals, not formally part of Coalition.) We now have a striking result: out of the 72 seats, every party that has averaged over 1/73rd of the vote per state has won at least one seat, and every party that has averaged less has won none. NXT has won three seats instead of a proportional four (mainly because outside SA its 1.8% vote was too evenly spread) and One ...

Why don't we try not to break our hearts and make it so ... just going to be that kind of season -- we're playing a lot of young guys out there, after all -- and after a string of seasons in which double-digit wins became almost de rigueur, we should expect to be treated to at least one season in which we're reminded what …

The Slack Attack: 2012-01-22 is a recipe for all kinds of problems, because in this environment, survivors are silenced even as the forces that seek to aid them can cause miscarriages of justice in the other direction. But in my experience, the former is much more true than the latter.

Just Think A Littlehttps://justthinkalittle.blogspot.comThis news story (the first above link from Reuters, but it's being propogated throughout the digital universe, the second an article with more detail) deals with the ESRB re-rating a game called The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, a first-person single-player "Role Playing Game", to "Mature". The basic premise of the game is that you are an unknown ...

The Informed Observer: May 2006 30, 2006 · The president is looking for a respected Wall Street executive to convince the world that the US economy is in great shape thanks to the administration’s economic policies. Paulson is certainly a respected Wall Street executive. As to why Paulson would accept the job. Three reasons come to mind: This is what’s done at Goldman Sachs.

Blog Bilong Adamhttps://blogbilongadam.blogspot.comIf this site is to be believed, then my original listing of 27 songs runs 80:03, too long for a CD. But if you replace the two Help!-era songs and "Ob-la-di Ob-la-da" with "Roll Over Beethoven," "If I Fell," and "Blackbird," you get 79:38, which should fit on a high-density CD as long as the …

Wet Casements: October 2016 is the first Robinson novel I've read, and I'm curious to pick up The Mars Trilogy, of which I take it 2312 is something of an addendum. Still, I had no problems going into this one "cold" without having reading some of his earlier work. Also, his take on the future of …

Dr Kevin Bonham: Queensland: post-election wrap and ... the first week it probably won't be updated more than daily, if that, and probably won't be detailed. After that if there is any life left I'll have a more serious look at remaining seats. Thursday 12th 5:00: One of the few remaining close seats, Lockyer, has been declared, with Pauline Hanson missing out again, this time by a feeble 114 votes.

M O B J E C T I V I S T: February 2010 28, 2010 · The first anomaly has to do with product development project performance. One of the most vexing management problems in product development is the tendency for projects to run late and over-budget. For instance, Ford and Sterman (2003a, 2003b) use the term “90% syndrome” to describe “a common concurrent development problem in which a ...

No Right Turn: Climate change: asking the right questions 06, 2007 · In her positioning speech in which she sought to define the ground for coalition negotiations following the next election, Green co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons also asked Helen Clark and John Key two symbolic questions on climate change. The first relates to both parties' policy for an emissions trading scheme, and asks them to put some hard numbers on it by asking where the cap …

The Makeshift Academic: Saving the world one state or ... the Paris climate accord in place, now comes the hard work of actually implementing emissions reductions goals to, well, save civilization. There are many, moving parts to making this work; one of the largest set of which involve putting a price on emitting carbon. There are two major ways to do this: cap-and-trade program, and a direct carbon tax. Cap and Trade sets a total cap on ...

Mud Creek Rim - kmmontandonhttps://kmmontandon.blogspot.comWhile there's a pretty lengthy argument to be made as to why the War in Iraq was and continues to be a mistake and a massive distraction, a more specific anecdote has been raised a few times, regarding Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, currently one of the two or three most prominent ringleaders of the insurgency in Iraq (and certainly the most prominent ...

i-Saratoga: Convoy 22, 2008 · Eventually, shipping surcharges will grow to a point that it will be cheaper for consumers to simply rely on local goods. So Claburn’s theory of turning the coastlines into a derrick-laden oil refinery might help the pinch for a few years, but it’s not a long-term or viable solution.

Draft Coop: Roy Cooper for U.S. Senate: 2009 what is most likely the first time, our man Roy Cooper acknowledges that he is considering a Senate campaign in 2010: "A lot of people have contacted me about it, people that I respect and so I've told them I would give them the courtesy to look at it," Cooper said. "I like my job as Attorney General. I …

Random Canyon: 12/09/08 12, 2008 · Tuesday afternoon Cardinal news and notes - Natalie Wimsett Ferguson and Jessie Smith take the 2019 CC Summer tour to Flam, Norway for the first time. —The first night of the MLB Draft saw Louisv...

atomic power review: TEPCO reporting on vessel failure is one of the most important things to figure out coming out of this accident because it's clearly unexpected. As I posted many times on this blog, many simulations, calculations and models predict core melt in long term SBO .. so on and so forth.. but you never expect the wide spread of the coolant with entrained core material outside the ...

A Little Reality: December 2009 it is perfectly normal. A few days back in your normal settings, hearth and home, and the habits reassert themselves. Life becomes routine again. Comfortable again. The brain can safely wander off again as your body gets back into the rhythm of taking care of itself. This is one of …

X Curmudgeon: November 2011 is the next logical step from automated cruise control and cars that can park themselves. Of course, it's only a few more steps to fully automated vehicles. We can think of some immediate good uses for such, even as many drivers cringe at the thought. One is for blind people--what a blessing an automated car would be for them!

Ajijaakwe: 2010 01, 2010 · This is one of Wings's newer pieces: hand-cut and -shaped, with hand-stamped circles giving texture to her eight legs. Her body is a beautifully-marbled piece of apple coral; her head, a cabochon of crazy lace agate in a nearly amethyst purple with a delicate dove-gray matrix. $875 in the Bracelets Gallery of his Web site.

Ssnot!: Field Diamond Squared Fractal Terrain Algorithm, the wrapping caveat is this, it needs to have the same answers everywhere. So at each iteration you need to wrap the Y value at a different amount. So for example if the first height is 1. The second height is 2. The third height is 4. So each iteration the hash has to be identical.

Churchill's Cigar: May 2014 name, I know, is a little unusual, but it fits me better I think. I liked the alliteraration of Churchill's Cigar, but all in all, this blog has had very little to do with Churchill or Cigars. I hate cigars. I lack the patience required for cigars and unlike Churchill, I don't really …

Keen Observer of the Human Condition: September 2008 09, 2008 · Keen Observer of the Human Condition Random observations (and rants) from a potentially weyrd perspective. September 30, 2008. Thought for Thursday - Taking Tucker to Tinkle.

Hellena Handbaskethttps://hellenahandbasket.blogspot.comMark Morford of the San Francisco Gate wrote a contemplative editorial about the still unanswered questions from 9/11. There's any number of plausible to ridiculous theories about the events of that day, but outside of the questions raised in the editorial, Mark led Hellena to the most lucid and sobering 9/11 film she's seen since the tragedy. The 3 Hunter Thompson quoting young men who put ...

Unexpected new lung function discovered: Making blood new lung function discovered: Making blood Until now, blood cell production was ascribed solely to bone marrow, but studies on mice have found that the majority of the body’s platelets are produced in the lungs, as is a backup reservoir of blood stem cells that can step in when those in the bone marrow run dry.

Regarding Libertyhttps://regardingliberty.blogspot.comYahoo: In the past year, 30 percent of U.S. high school students have stolen from a store and 64 percent have cheated on a test, according to a new, large-scale survey suggesting that Americans are too apathetic about ethical standards. The first number is probably spot on. The second is just wrong. 64% surveyed admitted to cheating on a test. 99% have.

reading & writinghttps://rw.blogspot.comNotes: This is a northern Vietnamese version of this dish; for a more southern-style / Thai version, substitute fish sauce (nuoc mam) for the soy sauce in the marinade & the dressing, double the amount of sugar & substitute red chili flakes for the black pepper. Chu is Vietnamese for uncle. Posted by Joseph Duemer at 6:47 PM. Friday, June 20, 2003

Why stop at reducing the principal? 07, 2008 · "This situation calls for a vigorous response," Bernanke said in a speech to a banking group in Florida. On the idea of cutting mortgage values, Bernanke said, " Principal reductions that restore some equity for the homeowner may be a relatively more …

Harry Clarke: Cigarette century - Blogger 08, 2007 · In 1880 a technological discovery by a Mr. Bonsack provided the means for mass production and James ‘Buck’ Duke, a small tobacco producer, eagerly adopted this innovative machine. As the first adapter of the machine he obtained it for a reduced license fee and thereby produced cigarettes much more cheaply than his competitors.

The Third Estate 30, 2009 · Perhaps my emotional reserves have been exhausted by the litany of bad news. Perhaps I'm so upset because this is the first time I've ever been present when one of my pets were euthanized. Maybe I'm just confronting mortality for the first time in all its brutal indifference to human sentiment and human need. I feel ashamed for having wept so much.

World Trade Center Demolition: Exposing The “Red Mercury ... 25, 2008 · Now the PTB have certainly had enough decades to produce pure fusion, so I am not opposed to their existence, but it seems that the intel assets have been busy with hangouts explaining how this might be accomplished. Theoretically, pure fusion, for a large scale bomb, is a difficult thing to accomplish, because you need three things 1.

Pleternica moj rodni grad: Folgend finden Sie aktuelle ... this pageGrand Staircase-Escalante is one of the first monuments being targeted by Big Oil. Today, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is visiting Utah to scope out its drilling potential for himself. With your help, we can demonstrate that rolling back protections for Grand Staircase-Escalante would be a tragic mistake.

Electronic Village: Happy Birthday, Malcolm X Birthday Malcolm, and a very nice post Villager. I remember reading the Autobiography of Malcolm X when I was about 14 I guess. It is absolutely transformative. The movie that came out in '92 opened the door to Malcolm for so many more people who didn't know who he was or his legacy. Many I know read the book after the movie.

Accidental Deliberations: 2018-12-16 09, 2018 · Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Jerry Dias writes that the holiday season will be a difficult one for far too many Canadian workers facing precarious employment and hostile governments. And the Economist discusses the long hours expected of workers in the U.S. and the UK. - PressProgress highlights Scott Moe's condescension toward workers as part of his Christmas message.

The Healing of America : A Global Quest for Better ... many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Healing of America : A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care by T. R. Reid (2010, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

Automation and Heteromation: The Future (and Present) of 16, 2017 · Automation and Heteromation: The Future (and Present) of Labor Bonnie Nardi May 16, 2017. Editor’s note: This is a co-authored post by Bonnie Nardi and Hamid Ekbia. For the last several years, we have tried to understand how digital technology is changing labor.

Mike Pence enabled Donald Trump. Stop saying he’d make a ... "It’s not as if Pence didn’t know what he was doing. By the time ...

Rising Hegemon : Great moments in utter stupidity moments in utter stupidity I'd never seen this before, FoxNews Morning Morons in 2005 interview Roger Daltrey and Peter Gabriel. Incredibly Kilmeade and company seem to have no freakin' clue who the hell these two older English Gentlemen are and though, of course, Daltrey and Gabriel know each other, they have no idea why they are on ...

The Howdygram 2: An ass-slapping Einstein gets arrested in ... 10, 2016 · Piechowski eventually ran into Einstein in the parking lot trying to pry open a car door. When he walked away she followed him until the police arrived — a really stupid thing to do, if you think about it — at which time they found Howington with his hand in his pocket holding onto a screwdriver, resulting in an additional charge for carrying a concealed weapon.

Bilgrimage: "In the Catholic World, This Incident Will Be ... 10, 2016 · Pope Francis is not leading the church in this area.He is, in fact, doing precisely the opposite: he is betraying what is a growing sense of the faithful in many parts of the Catholic world that such exclusive cruelty aimed at LGBTQ people — nothing can ultimately be more cruel than the erasure of people from the records of their own murder in an event of mass murder — is no longer ...

Donald Trump's history of misogyny, sexism, and harassment ... a look at Trump’s actions makes clear that he wasn’t joking. He turned his attitudes into discriminatory policies in his offices, at his resorts, and on his TV show, harassing women he found attractive and urging his employees to fire those he did not. This is a different debate about sexism than Americans have had in previous elections.

The Citizens: Two-and-a-half Cheers for Nevada 01, 2009 · Two-and-a-half Cheers for Nevada With no votes to spare, the Nevada Legislature overrode their Governor's veto today and created domestic partnerships. Although the Nevada Constitution prohibits same-sex marriage and the newly-created domestic partnership statute does not confer all of the rights of marriage--I still give them kudos for a job ...

#Traitors4Trump | The Smirking fake president in the White House is a traitor, a liar, a braggart, and a tool. Trump is violating the Constitution every chance he gets, profiting from his office, which is illegal. He sells rooms in his hotels to government employees, such as Secret Service, for higher than retail rates. He diverts military maneuvers to force personnel to land sort of near his resorts and then compels ...

Disappeared News: 1998 book predicts “something will crack” Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from

Next Left: European Court of Human Rights: Worth fighting for? 25, 2012 · In his speech today in Strasbourg, David Cameron has argued Britain must use its chairmanship of the European Court of Human Rights to reform the court. A move likely to appease the eurosceptic wing of his party, Cameron’s call is one which paints the ECHR as overly interventionist and an unwelcome party in national legal proceedings.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 03/05/19's World at 6:05 PM No comments: Links to this post SEVEN REASONS conservatives are losing the culture wars: "'You can't win a war you're not fighting' — and most conservatives are just betting that somehow, some way, everything will turn out fine, even if we don't seriously address the problem.

Hake'sEdStuff: Is Global Warming a Point of View or a ... Fuller, in his PHYSOC post of 11 March 2009, asked: "Is Global Warming really a one-sided point of view or a scientific fact?" I doubt that any scientifically literate person would call global warming a scientific "fact," but the scientific research consensus is that anthropogenic global warming: (a) does indeed exist [IPCC (2007a)], and (b ...

No one cares what I think: December 2007 22, 2007 · HOLLYWOOD - Plans for a movie adaptation of sitcom Arrested Development are getting closer to completion--after a number of meetings with the show's key figures. Arrested Development star Jason Bateman met with series creator Mitch Hurwitz over the weekend, further fuelling speculation that the film version of the show is in the pipeline.

Time to Change Washington’s Law on Judicial Races ... is a bad law and needs to be changed because the primary vote is usually more conservative and a lot fewer voters vote. It is not as representative of the general voting population. Next time you speak to your state legislators ask them to change the law so that judicial races are decided in the general election, not the primary.

Christ Plays In New Zealand: Steven G on McCain. is funny.Philosopher Steve G. on McCain.Love the Monty Pyhon reference... Gimmick. John McCain, after saying the fundamentals of our economy are strong, after saying we have time for a commission, after saying it was just about greedy CEOs, suddenly calls for a suspension of the Presidential campaign because of the economic crisis cannot afford even another moment.

Beers with Demo: Confirmed: it really is about class warfare 04, 2012 · “This is not the president’s entire tax plan. ... Barack Obama said in the State of the Union address in January that paying the “fair share of taxes” was necessary for a “sense of shared responsibility. ... Buffet is a) acting in his best rational self-interest by shielding as much of his income as possible from taxation and is b ...

Media Matters for America on Facebook Watch is a top 10 city in the United States of America happens to be one that doesn't particularly care for the President, all that much and his policies one that the President has not been too favorable on we we are already being squeezed on our southern border. now we're being squeezed by a …

Myanmar Housing Market Bubble News Monitoring Service ... open thread: 29 World Heritage sites added; as coal fades, Wyoming faces economic trouble. Today’s comic by Mark Fiore is 'R' is for Racist: What’s coming up on Sunday Kos: The alt-right has a plan to win 2020, and it involves YOU—so listen up, by Chris Reeves #CowardTrump can't disavow racist 'send her back' chant a day …

Tom Dale Keeverhttps://keever.usand a Secondary Teaching Certificate. The Realist's Disney ... If you are in the market for a guitar, banjo, dulcimer or any other traditional folk instrument, instructional books or videos, or cassettes or CD's of traditional or folk music you should check out their web site and get a catalog. ... in his "War on Drugs," December, 1970. The ...

Quest for Scribbles | scribo-queen.nethttps://sophieman.blogspot.comNew term of government. If we are sick of the existing government policies, we are moved to strike on the streets, looking for hopes in the coming days. Like the revolutions in the North Africa, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya, what these people shared in common, is looking for a new start. I just made a new hair cut today, not exactly new hairstyle.

The Citizens: A Tale of Three Speeches 07, 2008 · A Tale of Three Speeches I saw three speeches tonight. McCain gave a tired and befuddled performance in what looked like a conference room at a hotel out by the airport - safely far from any "undesirables" in New Orleans proper.

26 | November | 2009 | This Black Sista's Memorial Page 26, 2009 · 1 post published by blksista on November 26, 2009. Florida sets record single-day total for new coronavirus casesReports that White House has been briefing against Dr FauciTrump retweets claim that CDC and doctors are lying about Covid-19Mueller breaks silence, condemns Trump for commuting Stone’s sentenceSign up to our First Thing newsletter 2.10pm BST As expected, the …

People Get Ready: Monkey on a stick 08, 2006 · Ron Forman for mayor? I don't think so. Was he the guy behind an giganimous expansion of captive animal exhibits? Sure. Is that a good thing? Doubtful, but looking at animals in cages does bring in the big bucks needed to pay Ron's half-a-million-dollar salary. I think James Audubon was turning in his grave when Ron Forman forced a golf course expansion in the middle of Audubon Park down …

Chile National Security Agency News Monitoring Service ... on British whistleblower's life to hit Turkish theaters. ISTANBUL-Anadolu Agency A former British government translator who blew the whistle on efforts to sell the Iraq war says a movie adapted from her life would help pave the way for “discussions and dialogue” on the “truth and accountability” of war.

Vagabond Scholar: "I could not be silent in the face of ... 01, 2020 · It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and given the recent and familiar saber-rattling we've been hearing, this time agitating for a war with Iran, it seems like a good time to visit King's speech, "Beyond Vietnam." He delivered it at Riverside Church in New York City on April 4, 1967, a …

» 2016 » March Cristy Li is the Day that the Lord has Made. ... Glory in His holy name, let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His presence continually. Remember the wonderful works He has done, His miracles and the judgments He has uttered. ... of the Word that He commanded for a thousand generations.

jobsanger: Twelve Reasons To NOT Vote For Jill Stein In ... out her domestic views -- she calls President Obama a "tool of the capitalists" and a war criminal and says that passage of the Affordable Care Act was a huge mistake. 7. She has some questionable beliefs about vaccinations and wi-fi that make her look as …

The Debate Link: 04/27/2014 - 05/04/2014 rapper Ismo, whose real name is Ismael Houllich, included the text in his first single. The official video clip for the song titled “Eenmans” (or “One Man’s”) shows Ismo singing: “I hate those fucking Jews more than the Nazis,” “don’t shake hands with faggots” and “don’t believe in anything but the Koran.”

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Sales of Maclean's set to rise in ... makes for a situation that seems to have everybody looking over their shoulder wondering who you should trust and why. Graham tells a tale in the article about having little success contacting old friends and contacts in the country by phone, as nobody it seem answers the phone anymore. Too afraid of receiving a threat by telephone lest they find themselves marked for death, in his article ... UK Votes to Leave IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Nassau GOP Watch: HOLY SCHMITT!!! Peter Schmitt Gives ... has been a long time since there has been a raise in the legislature and as a candidate I supported cost of living increases but still a part-time job. To quote Schmitt himself from December 2003 when CE Suozzi wanted to give raises to people in his administration "These people are getting raises in excess of what anyone gets in the ...

Alex.Tango.Fuego: Bandoneón :: A poem by Mario Benedetti 22, 2009 · Terence Clarke just wrote a piece about the death of Mario Benedetti, a notable Uruguayan writer. He died on May 17 in Montevideo. Here is his article from the website "Red Room...where the writers are..." Terence included this poem …

Zimmerman | Humanist Cafe 04, 2015 · Gen Mark Milley accompanied the president for a photo op after their path was cleared of protesters. PlayStation 5: Sony gives first look at the PS5 console and games June 11, 2020 Dozens of games were teased including a return to the Spider-Man, Horizon and Gran Turismo franchises.

Green Eagle: They are Trying to Kill Us Labradoodle breeder. In charge of our nation's entire coronavirus response. And let's not forget the guy who appointed him, who was in turn hand picked by Donald Trump: "From 2012 to 2017, Azar was President of the U.S. division of Eli Lilly and Company, a major drug company, and a member of the board of directors of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a large pharmaceutical trade ...

Should we have permanent trial courts, we have permanent ... 04, 2014 · The government had no magistrate judge to turn to, as would a U.S. Attorney. The defense also was without a reasonably close available judicial forum to seek to quash or cabin the search. A writ to NMCCA even on a work day would likely have been untimely. (Note, not an issue of whether the government had a right to the evidence.

Halfway There: Four-letter word a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless.

Harry Clarke: George Bush's Bird Flu Strategy 09, 2006 · President Bush wanted to use a local church group for a photoopportunity. Bush's advance person said to the Pastor, "We will make a $10,000 contribution to your church, if during your introduction of the President, you say he is a saint."

The Purple Center: What was Bill Clinton thinking? 03, 2008 · Over the past eight years, at a time when his party was making a comeback, when his personal popularity was increasing, when his wife was a Senator everyone expected to run for President, why, oh, why did Bill Clinton believe he needed tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions to his charitable foundation from Saudi Arabia and most of the little Arabias, and a host of other ...

Kim Jong-un Threatens War - Big Hairy News Jong-un Threatens War The startling images are the latest threats from that country in recent days, as the fiery, yet plush, leader continues to put his country on a war footing. South Korean and United States forces in the region reacted to this latest provocation by staging a softball game and car show.

June | 2013 | We are the drain the swamp people 30, 2013 · Putting aside Obama’s intention to further reduce our nuclear arsenal as articulated in his June 19 speech in Berlin, he has solidified his position as the World’s Greatest Liar with his statements about climate change, aka global warming, which he …

25 | November | 2015 | News Corpse 25, 2015 · Peter Johnson: I think the people join me at home today on this in being confounded and astounded … by that statement that the President of the United States, Barack Obama, the most potent weapon in his arsenal against ISIS, against al-Qaeda, against all of these terrorists, is somehow convening a conference on global warming, on climate change.

Kim Jong-un In War Room! - World News Bureau startling images are the latest threats from that country in recent days, as the fiery, yet plush, leader continues to put his country on a war footing, at least verbally. South Korean and United States forces in the area reacted to the increased threat by staging a softball game and car show.

» An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today Cristy in His love. I have said these things to you so that My joy may be in you and that your joy . may be complete. This is My Commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are My friends if you do what I …

The Open Thread for April 1, 2017 – Blue Delaware 30, 2017 · Mike Allen: “President Trump brought his chaos-and-loyalty theory of management into the White House, relying on competing factions, balanced by trusted family members, with himself perched atop as the gut-instinct decider. He now realizes this approach has flopped, and feels baffled and paralyzed by how to fix it, numerous friends and advisers tell us.”

Fine, Evie, Fine: TOS “Mudd’s Women” | Views from 19, 2017 · This is a topic for how film and TV play — to this day, arguably, but especially 50 years ago — to intuitive, and wrong, ideas of how computers work; or more generally, how dramatic stories play to audience expectations, rarely, even in SF, challenging them.

Silent Majority Archives - he said to the President “did you hear the response America!” WRONG Mr. Santelli that was a room full of pompous over paid […] Filed Under: Conservative News Media Biases , Stimulus , Uncategorized Tagged With: Iraq , Middle Class , Silent Majority , Social Responsibility , Social Security , stimulus package , United States

The Disaffected Lib: Deliver Us From Evil Us From Evil Why do we tolerate Saudi Arabia when the kingdom, and its Sunni state allies, seems determined to deliver Yemen into the control of ISIS and al Qaeda? Gwynne Dyer writes that, while we wage an air war against ISIS, the Saudis are undermining our effort with their war on …

The Immoral Minority: Yep, this feels fairly prophetic. 02, 2017 · 6. Hang up pictures of themselves for others to see (Trump hangs Time magazine covers in his golf resorts for others to worship). 7. They have lots of palaces (Trump Towers around the world, Mar-A-Lago, Trump International Hotels, etc). 8. Want …

The election of Donald Trump fills Bruce Springsteen with ... 04, 2017 · "“The GREAT LIE is that the 401(k) was capable of replacing the old system of pensions,” said Gerald Facciani, former head of the American Society of Pension Actuaries and an opponent of an effort by President Ronald Reagan to kill 401(k) plans, in his interview with The Wall Street Journal.

Steve and Jen bring you this daily review ... - THE NEWS BLOG a lot of people miss in how personal the whole Schiavo mess is. When people compare it to Abu Gharib or Iraq as a whole, people forget how impersonal that is to most Americans. For 150,000 families, it is deeply personal. But for the rest of us, it's the news. People don't care about Muslims being tortured. Sad, but true.

Fox News: A Media Literacy Expedition Adventure and ... is because when a person has accessed a truth, they are not threatened by the opposing views of others. This reality reveals the righteous indignation of people like Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity as a symptom of untruth.

No More Mister Nice Blog: FOX COMMENTATOR WHO JUST SAID ... 02, 2018 · CHARLES PAYNE (HOST): Senator John McCain, he's not going to endorse [CIA director-designate Gina] Haspel also in part because she believes in torture, that she thinks it works, even though she laid out at least three instances where it did work to the benefit of humankind, not just Americans, but all human beings.

jgsf1987: 2009 many of you are aware, Barack Obama has recently become the 44th President of the United States of America. Although it is early in his term, I think we can expect great things from him and hold true to his enthusiasm that if we're doing community service, that we can do just about anything.

Organized Exploitation: A Dollar Implosion? 08, 2009 · Among the items he discusses are the UN's call for moving away from the dollar as the world's reserve currency, which comes alongside Federal Reserve Governor Kevin Warsh's Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal, entitled The Fed's Job is Only Half Over. Warsh's piece was published as the G-20 was in session, and Rickards argues that it could not ...

RAGGED THOTS: 05/05/2013 nowhere in his original comments is there an unequivocal "encouragement" for people to cooperate with the authorities in an investigation. But, hey, in sharing both statements and revealing precisely how confused is his thinking, Sen. Sanders has provided a public service.

No Right Turn: A harmful subsidy 11, 2016 · Our government subsidises bad employers by giving them easy access to cheap migrant labour, allowing them to escape the market requirement to pay more to attract workers.But this isn't just bad for the workers effectively replaced in this way - its also terrible for the economy in the long term, because it discourages investment: While New Zealand's light labour market regulation assists ...

Balkinization: Were the Anti-Federalists really paranoid? of the things that some of the critics were exceedingly suspicious about was the pardoning power. George Mason, a distinguished Virginian who refused to sign the Constitution because of its lack of a bill of rights, noted that "the President of the United States has the unrestrained Power of granting Pardon for Treason; which may be ...

The Rumblings of a Deranged Buffalo: March 2014 31, 2014 · The peripherals are a white-wash. CU only shot 29% from the field for the game (under 23% for the second half), and were killed on the boards 41-25. Over a stretch of almost 11 minutes from a Josh Scott layup early in the second half to a made jumper from Askia Booker with seven and a half minutes to go, Colorado would make only one other field ...

Orcinus: Oklahoma City, 9/11, and the Face of Terror 27, 2004 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

History's Dumpster: The History Of Car Audio year old Bud Slocum was the coolest teenager in Ionia, Michigan (and on the planet) in 1922. And from his pose, you can tell he knew it. He not only had his own ride (when car ownership was extremely rare among teenagers back then), but one of the very first car radios.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Bennelong Live: Majority On The Line ... the Coalition is much more likely to lose any by-elections thus caused, that could be the slow-burn path to a mid-term change of government. But all several hypotheticals away, for now. Introduction Welcome to my live comments page for today's Bennelong by-election, including the post-count for as long as it remains of interest.

Tibet and higher education funding in Australia – Bill 18, 2013 · The first to be established in New South Wales, the Institute has attracted thousands of people to its popular Chinese language and culture programs. The University of Sydney also has a – Institute for Democracy and Human Rights – , which tells us it welcomes “thinking outside the box”, presumably, as long as you don’t think about Tibet.

YARN GIRLS, THEY DO GET WOOLY: October 2009 is a treat for Betty, as she gets to Wenatchee maybe 3 times a year and always makes the Mongolian Grill one of her stops, and she couldn't wait to share it with us. I didn't take photos ('ol dopey me) but if you've ever been to a Mongolian Grill you know how it goes: fill your bowl with everything you love and they cook it for you while ...

New Mexico-- Life in the Land of Enchantment: 2008 goal of this blog is to keep friends and family in the loop of our daily life in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The updates will focus on trips around New Mexico, hikes, music festivals, or any local events that are unique and worthy of sharing.

The All of It: July 2014 first part is more high plains, with wheat fields, huge cattle ranges, and a flat terrain. But soon that gives way to beautiful green conifer forests that go on as far as the eye can see. These forests are very healthy and dense.

The Great Bear Market: September 2011 if premium increases were to be limited to 10% a year starting in 2012 due to a constraint implemented by "ObamaCare", a death spiral could still unfold. What matters is how fast premiums are rising relative to wages. Wage deflation has been unfolding since the bear market started in 2000.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: A Review of 2006 Predictions 03, 2006 · In what was the first of what will surely be an annual tradition, 364 days ago predictions were offered up here at this blog. Appropriately titled, Predictions for 2006, it contained a host of prognostications for the year just ended. Let's see if they were any good.

What if He Can’t Give You The Platinum Wedding? | Mirror ... 05, 2010 · Some would rather a down payment to a house. But, I do believe women have to mature as men do. Of course, if you're with a woman who would rather a wedding than a down payment for a house, then maybe that's the universe's way of telling you - SHE'S NOT THE ONE. Read Rich Dad, Poor Dad about financial incompatibility in couples. 2:24 PM

Carrie's Bar & Grill: June 2008's Bar & Grill A place to enjoy good music, drink in some knowledge, and watch a little sports. Where there is always food for thought, topped with choice grillings of right wing talking points.

Living/Working November 16, 2018 | Business in Vancouver 16, 2018 · This is absolutely a beer, and not a beer-flavoured soda pop. Wilson: Not a good beer, mind you, but it’s beer. Score: 6.5/10; Beer No. 3: Partake IPA (0.3% ABV) Growler: So …

Lies That WikiLeaks Tells You - micahflee.com FPF was founded, I was the first (and only, at the time) staff, the chief technology officer. I built the FPF website, including the crowd-funding platform that we used to help WikiLeaks bypass financial censorship. Here's the initial commit I made on the FPF website, from October 30, 2012 (FPF officially launched on December 17, 2012):

The Distant Oceanhttps://www.distantocean.comJul 13, 2014 · Last night I was stunned to see an article on the New York Times web site titled "Israeli Airstrike Kills Three Generations of a Palestinian Family", which led off with this text:. An Israeli bomb pummeled a home deep into the ground here Sunday afternoon, killing 11 people, including nine in three generations of a single family, in the deadliest single strike since the cross-border conflict ...

And Andrew Sullivan Knows How I Felt – Unsightly Mental 27, 2018 · This is largely anecdotal, but almost everyone I know has deleted at least one social app from their devices. And Facebook is almost always the first to go. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other sneaky privacy-piercing applications are being removed by people who simply feel icky about what these platforms are doing to them, and to ...

Great Balls of Fire! | FiftyFourandAHalf 21, 2011 · People here in Northern Virginia are way different from the ones I grew up with in Connecticut. Folks here just can’t seem to get away from the Civil War. And now, I guess I can’t either. Now, I can understand the interest. That war is still all around us. After all, Richmond, Virginia was the…

The Fire is Still Going Strong Next Door | This Black ... 30, 2011 · A restaurant, Underground Kitchen, is located on the first floor of the building, but it’s still unclear exactly where in the building the fire began or what caused it. All indications are that the fire began on or near the roof and spread downwards, but it’s way too early to make a final determination. Vodpod videos no longer available.

The Debate Link: Palin's Foreign Policy Interview 11, 2008 · The first time a NATO nation was attacked was the US in 9/11 and NATO is present in Afhganistan. The examples you present are colonies in revolt or one NATO nation against another. (You could bring up the Falkland Islands takeover but I would respond that the UK was not directly attacked.)

paulcanning: Mugging the rich bastard lawyers 13, 2009 · But it has done so without the type of prior right that gives the press in the U.S. its moral force. While the press cannot print anything it wants in either the U.S. or Britain, it is much easier in Britain for an entity to obtain a pre-publication injunction, or for some to win a libel lawsuit, or for parliament to bottle up debate, or for ...

The Unreasonable Man: Less Than One Year From Being ... 30, 2006 · If the two main characters had been a man and a woman who were cheating on their spouses with each other, this movie would have never been made. And, if it had, it would deserve the 2,347 thumbs down that it would have received. Oh well. Maybe the short story based from is good. But, the movie was overrated.

Seth's Blog: 2008 19, 2008 · We went to a minor league baseball game this afternoon. It was really exciting, because the Portland Sea Dogs (BOS affiliate) were beating the Trenton Thunder (NYY affiliate) 6-0. We had luxiury box seats (Gary's employeer, PETRO, has a box there), and it was really nice. The box was air conditioned and had comfy seats down the first base line.

The Ancestors Summon Artist Varnette Honeywood, 60 | This ... 14, 2010 · This is a great shock. She died quietly on Sunday, September 12 after a two-year battle with cancer, says the National Black Arts Festival online. Her cousin, Jenell Allen, later confirmed to the Associated Press on Tuesday that she died in an undisclosed Los Angeles hospital. She was a graduate of Spelman College, and a… - wish that they would have shown the first half of this clip and I wish that they would have shown the first half of when Howard Dean screamed back in 2004. SCHULTZ: But we know what Ann Coulter was doing. Ann Coulter was connecting a terrorist attack to a high public figure and a former United States senator. HAM: Oh, come on.

PORN! PORN! PORN! WEB PAGES OF DEATH! | Popehat 01, 2016 · From Pages of Death 1962And round and round the censorship wheel goes. By Marc Randazza. Utah State Senator Todd Weiler is just the latest to try and shape the marketplace of ideas to his own superstitious views of morality. Weiler proposed S.C.R. 9, seeking to have pornography declared a public health hazard. The

Medea Benjamin - Discover the 1979-83, Benjamin lived in Fidel Castro’s Cuba with her first husband (a pro-Castro Cuban), who was the coach of that country's national basketball team. There, Benjamin found work as a writer for a communist newspaper. Her initial impressions of Cuba were overwhelmingly positive.

JURISPUNDITwww.jurispundit.comJul 28, 2005 · He was the head of one of the most prestigious appellate law practices in the country. Yet, he could not have been nicer, more gracious, more encouraging. He offered mentoring advice to a snot-nosed, 24-year-old law student as if it were the most important part of his job.

More Comments With African American Vernacular English ... 26, 2016 · A link to a full transcript of that speech is included in this post along with a review and a synopsis of that speech. That post also includes selected comments about that speech from twitter and other internet sites that include vernacular American English words and phrases.

The Scientific Activist (Archives): Oxford Scientists Bite ... 26, 2006 · The first speaker was Laurie Pycroft, the 16-year-old founder of Pro-Test, who has subsequently become a major target of animal rights extremists. “This is a very good day for scientific progress,” said Pycroft during his short opening speech. “This is the first …

Fabulous Girl's Boudoir: December 2006 30, 2006 · There are perks to living in The City, and the opportunity for excellent dining is definitely one of them. Midwest Medved was in town this weekend on business, and so we ate brunch at the Tribeca Grand (while we waited two and a half hours for the hotel to retrieve his rental car so I could move to Brooklyn). They had it all - omelette and waffle stations, a selection of breads and spreads ...

LeftyBrown's Corner: January 2005 24 (Fox) Jack and company are off to a great start this season. Hopefully they'll be able to avoid the tweener blues, as the storyline seems to be heading for it's first major twist next week. 4. The Daily Show (Comedy Central) Still playing catch up, but I'm now into the 2005 episodes and ready to burn a new batch to DVD. Really enjoyed the ...

Recording Artist: Changing the DNS query timeout in Windows XP 10, 2005 · Googling or searching Microsoft's help for it leads to a lot of dead ends with much-repeated details for changing DNS caching timeouts, which are not at all the same thing. Further, it's in the Windows 2000 registry reference and not present in any XP reference that I've found.

Timeline of intelligent design*1999 Johnson's article "The Wedge" says his "own writing and speaking represents the sharp edge of the Wedge. I make the first penetration, seeking always only to legitimate a line of inquiry rather than to win a debate", with Behe, Dembski and "a lot more" following into the …

No one cares what I think: Now You're All In Big, BIG ... job is one of those things where you can get no momentum. As soon as you start something, like 15 other people call me or IM me to ask me to do something. It's nice to be wanted, but ridiculous! I tried out for the World Series of Pop Culture in New York in mid-January. We got past the first "written" round but then didn't hear ...

Above The Chatter: The Importance of Remembering the ... was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city of New York until September 11, 2001.The fire caused the deaths of 146 garment workers who either died from the fire or jumped to their deaths. The fire led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards and helped spur the growth of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, which fought for better and ...

Mindful: Exploring Mental Health Through Art by ... Exploring Mental Health Through Art. Society for Contemporary Craft Pittsburgh, PA September 18, 2015–March 12, 2016. Ohio Craft Museum Columbus, OH July 10–August 21, 2016

Eyewitness Testimony of Firefighters Believing They Were ... 23, 2008 · Perhaps it is more likely that gamma rays from nuclear explosions which could readily traverse the black smoke, impinged on his retina. This is like the atronauts in earth orbit seeing (retinal) flashes from cosmic rays when they tried to go to a higher earth orbit, and like medical x-rays that go through you and onto a photographic plate.

The Unseen Casualties of the War In Iraq | Mirror On America 03, 2007 · We have to keep in mind that a loss of a father in the U.S. (though just as tragic) is not quite the same as the loss of a father in more traditional countries around the world such as Iraq. This is because men in Iraq are typically the primary (and often the only) breadwinners for a family.

Humint Events Online: Eyewitness Testimony of Firefighters ... 20, 2007 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

Middle East | NeoCon BS -- We've Had Enough long as the United States keeps the State of Israel on a tight leash beyond its own borders, the Saudis need fear only the Shi’ites. This is why there has been no hue and cry from the Saudis regarding the second American invasion of Iraq. This is why there is …

Moe's misunderestimations: The Honeymoon from Hell 18, 2010 · The Honeymoon from Hell One thing that happens when you get married, is that you learn you have to compromise. When we first discussed a honeymoon after our wedding, we both agreed it would be nice to be somewhere warm and sunny, on the ocean, a time to relax with each other before returning to our wonderful, but hectic jobs and lives in D.C.

Diaries - European Tribune for a definition. Resource austerity is the condition when an economy can no longer get natural resources at the high quantities and low prices that earlier was the case. As such it is a gradual condition, so to find a situation where it is a really big factor we want dramatic cuts in access to resources or dramatic price increases.

Johnny Pez: "The Golden Girl of Munan" by Harl Vincent, part 3 03, 2009 · This is the third installment of "The Golden Girl of Munan", the first published story by pioneering science fiction writer Harl Vincent; the first two installments can be found here and here.The story first appeared in the June 1928 issue of Amazing Stories magazine, and was republished in 2001 in the anthology Rainbow Fantasia, edited by Forrest J. Ackerman and Anne Hardin.

Pleternica moj rodni grad: Better battery makes for a ... battery makes for a longer-range hybrid Mercedes S-Class The Mercedes S-Class has been treated to an efficient plug-in hybrid makeover. With a 90-kW electric motor supporting its gasoline V6 engine, Mercedes says the 560e blends in-town efficiency with …

Gates of Vienna: Waking Up in Bizarro World 02, 2006 · The most dangerous possible terrorist target–in terms of lives that could be lost in America–is any one of our chemical plants close to a major city, as most of them are. A simple truck bomb, like McVeigh’s in Oklahoma City, could kill thousands if detonated at a plant making, say, anhydrous ammonia.

Balkinization: A Skeptical View of Constitution Worship Consider a second example of a constitutional stupidity: The Guvernator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, cannot be president of the United States because of the Constitution. Now you may be thinking that’s a good thing, and I’d probably agree with you. But it’s not a good thing that no foreign-born person can be president of the United States.

The Green[e]house Effect: a Weblog it get its best game on for the Supreme Court appeal. But I'll take my campaign-finance reform with a side order of constitutionality and a dollop of fresh thinking, thanks. And sooner rather than later -- as soon as the end of the next Supreme Court term in 2003, in fact -- Vermont just might come around to the same point of view.

So What?: September 2008 of three main water pumps lost power but it was quickly restored and the pressure was only down for a short time. The order to boil water, however, is still in effect. We kept the refrigerator and freezer taped shut for the first 24 hours just in case the power was restored quickly.

LIVERPUTTY: Home: Yokosuka and Nagai I was at sullivans middle school 68-70 we lived off base the first year In Akiya beach then moved the next year to can't remember but it was a newer concrete house at the base of the Weathert station at the top of the hill. My Dad was the base Chaplin. I played on the Junior seahwks football team my brother went to YO-HI. I remember it well.

The Belmont Club: A reason to believe 19, 2006 · This is why they hate Bush, why they are inherently defeatist, and why they are showing that much of what happens in academia and in the media is irrelevant to what happens on the world stage. This is the second act of the demise of the post-World War II consensus. The first was the fall of Soviet Communism.

2:00PM Water Cooler 10/20/14 | naked capitalism Blue actively turned people off, but it goes back to decisions made by Obama of how to run the party. During the 2009 VA Governor’s race, OFA was actively poaching volunteers for phony Healthcare workshops instead of helping with the race. This was when Tim Kaine was the DNC chair.

Media Articles articles: Key excerpts from highly revealing major media articles suggest major cover-ups of health, energy, media, 9/11, war, elections, and more. Links …

Severe Problems With Time-Warner Scientific Atlanta ... 09, 2007 · As I alluded to in the E.R. 300 Patients post, there is a SERIOUS problem with Time-Warner's new Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300 HD-DVR. Now, I had an HD-DVR from Time-Warner back when they first came out. Now, mind you, an HD-DVR IS a pretty complicated device. Back then they wouldn't even let you install the thing yourself - a technician had to come out, and, for starters, …

The Online Lunchpailhttps://onlinelunchpail.blogspot.comIf it was some fringe group instead of the WHO, I wouldn't have trusted it. But it was the WHO, and the findings included the relevant science. I don't blindly trust any agency, and I trust news outlets far less. But when they provide credible proof - as the WHO did - it's as good as any other data. I …

Advice From A Fake Consultant: May 2007 13, 2007 · The old yard-Everett Memorial Stadium-is the home of one of the best logos in baseball: the home of the Aquasox. (Go Frogs!) As far as I know, the only professional baseball team to ever take the field in tie-dye, and the “Frogstock” uniforms are a look that’s ready for “the show”. But that doesn’t matter today.

Leadership: Opera Wih | Oprah Winfrey | Leadership | Free ... one of her employees after a grueling 18-hour day pulled her car into the garage and fell asleep with it running. Fortunately, she was ok, but it changed the way winfrey treated her employees. Since then, Winfrey's company has maintained a 10-15% turnover rate, while her top executive team has an average tenure of eleven years.

kingston progressive: August 2011 01, 2011 · To what level the Legislature can influence the requirements in the contract bid is a continual debate not just in this instance, but just about any time a contract is offered for a service through the county. This was one of the complex issues we faced in the former Operations & Efficiency Committee last year.

R. W. Nutjob: 1/24/10 - 1/31/10 26, 2010 · There was a brief period of mayhem as the key to open the container was lost for 15 minutes. After the food was distributed many people remained empty-handed. Monique Dasir, 23, one of the lucky ones, clutched her food pack which contained eight meals. "I was so hungry," she said. "There has been a lot of misery here. It is impossible to find ...

John's Journalhttps://john-notlostdammit.blogspot.comOnce that ordeal was over, Hossam took me down to the river for a ride on a honest-to-gosh felucca, one of those Nile sailboats with the tilted shark-fin shaped sails (apparently a must-do when you're in Egypt). Piloting our boat was a fat old guy at the rudder and a …

Johnny Pez: "He Who Shrank" by Henry Hasse, part 6 12, 2010 · This is the sixth installment of "He Who Shrank" by Henry Hasse, a science fiction story from the Gernsback Era that first appeared in the August 1936 issue of Amazing Stories magazine. Its appearance here is part of Project Golden Age, a bold attempt to create online versions of all the public domain stories from Isaac Asimov's 1974 anthology Before the Golden Age.

Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis: 7/10/05 - 7/17/05 16, 2005 · This is the part that got me: The memorandum was sent to Colin L. Powell, then the secretary of state, just before or as he traveled with President Bush and other senior officials to Africa starting on July 7, 2003 , when the White House was scrambling to defend itself from a blast of criticism a few days earlier from the former diplomat ...

Wandering Into The Void: October 2007 10, 2007 · The shadows in Manhunt render you completely invisible. I did not realize this the first time around. I would hide in the shadows, an enemy would turn in my direction, come close to me, be 2 feet away, and I would, for some reason, instinctively run the fuck away. I guess I was holding the game to a higher standard of realism, or something.

Baby Love Child » Philadelphia- This year’s adoptee rights Responses to “Philadelphia- This year’s adoptee rights demonstration / adoptee rights day” Gershom Says: July 21st, 2009 at 1:02 am. Sabina its a sad sad day when you separate yourself farther from reality just to stick your tongue back out at the people who didn’t take your shit last year, and won’t take your shit this year.

Next Left: Lance Price's New Labour 25, 2009 · Lance Price has written an obituary of New Labour for the Telegraph. The Telegraph over-eggs the pudding a good deal, offering us a reworking of the Sun's 1992 lightbulb attack on Neil Kinnock, as if great hordes (of the top 1%) really are about to foresake London for Geneva.The paper also describes Price as an "architect of Blair's victories", though the author's text more accurately states ...

syslblog: Collision at Sea 23, 2013 · The first was when the ships collided head on, the second was when the two monster sized ships swung into each other. Shortly after the second impact, the collision alarm sounded. It was only then that I realized something was very wrong, because it was the first time I had ever heard that alarm without it being announced as a drill.

Harry Clarke: Health Nazis got it right - Blogger 06, 2007 · In 1907 they were the first to suggest that indoor radon might prove to be a health hazard – radon is identified as a cause of lung cancer in the home today. For a time the language of international cancer research was German. In the 10 years after 1933 more than 1,000 medical doctoral theses explored cancer.

Social Psychology in the Information Age: 2014 of our experiments was a replication of an experiment reported by Crandall et al (2009). The main difference between the work of Crandall et al (2009) and our particular experiment is that in one of our treatment conditions, the scenario describing such practices as waterboarding portrayed Middle Eastern soldiers as the interrogators and ...

NEW PAPYRUS: December 2016 Marcel F. Williams T he fossil fuel dominated energy economy of modern human civilization has now pushed the carbon dioxide (CO2) component of our atmosphere above 400 parts per million. This is a 40% increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere since the start of the industrial revolution. The Pliocene epoch was last time CO2 levels in the atmosphere were as high , the geologic ...

Cole Slaw Bloghttps://coleslawblog.blogspot.comThis is due in part to the casting of Ryan, who's been categorized as "the surfer" despite being from New Jersey. Ryan is just 25 but due to his badly sun-damages skin, he looks at least 10 years older. He's dumber than a standard poodle and looks and acts like he's going through heroin withdrawal. This is attractive to the women of Paradise Hotel.

Ebolavillehttps://ebolaville.blogspot.comThrash metal was the be all end all as far as I was concerned. It didn't hurt any that I was now in my mid- to late teens, so this angry aggressive music held massive appeal for me while I was going through my standard teen angst bullshit (thanks Veronica Sawyer). For a long time I would listen to nothing but speed metal and a little punk.

Kung Fu Monkey: 6/17/07 - 6/24/07 - Monkey Kung Fu 22, 2007 · The first one was one of those parachute sumbitches. Perfectly reasonable, two people sitting in a car suspended by some sort of ball joint. When it rotates in one direction, you get a bit of a centrifugal tilt out. Then, of course, they tilt the goddam thing to 45 degreees, so you're pushed to the side, and you're way the hell up --

2009 Transit Data – The 15, 2010 · The Federal Transit Administration has published the 2009 National Transit Database, which includes loads of information on every federally subsidized transit system in America.Unfortunately, the data come on about 20 hard-to-read spreadsheets (this version, known as the “data tables,” are easier to read but harder to use for calculations).So, once again, the Antiplanner has collected the ...

War, Iraq, oil - Jan 7 - Resilience 07, 2007 · As the Iraq war helps bring the American era to a close, a new order will begin to emerge in the region. It is early 2008. The new U.S. strategy for Iraq, outlined by President George W. Bush in January 2007, in the wake of the Iraq Study Group report, has come and gone with no discernible effect.

Obama Visits Union, Missouri - MOMocrats™ only equipment I'd brought was a pen and a point-and-shoot digital camera. Anchors and crew from several local TV stations stood huddled in the downpour, ponchos over stiff suits, frowns under umbrellas. The campaign volunteers looked much more jovial, if tired. The event was still on. It has been moved from the park lawn to a pavilion.

I know what you did last October: Revisiting Vanderbilt. this? Oh yes you do. What I said at the time: A healthy dose of skepticism was expressed for the widely held belief that revenge would be enough to lift Georgia to a big win over the 'Dores all by itself. After the 2006 season ended, I would’ve predicted this as a blowout Georgia win based on sheer bloodthirsty revenge-lust alone.

Kowincidence was the first enclosed mall in the Greensburg area--in fact, the first in Westmoreland County. But it remained such a community center, especially at Christmastime, partly because it was a mall for everyone (or nearly everyone), before non-urban retail began to split so …

Trying to Muddle Through: Living (and Learning) with Disease 01, 2007 · DISCLAIMER: EVERYTHING THAT FOLLOWS IS SIMPLY A TALE OF MY OWN EXPERIENCE. IT IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR GOOD MEDICAL ADVICE. Last year I wrote about why there is no good name for the illness that afflicts me.Of the two alternatives, Reactive Arthritis is the better but, as I wrote back then, when people hear the word ‘arthritis’ they think joint pain – and that’s only …

Now you're at Songblague!https://songblague.blogspot.comYellow Magic Orchestra is one of those bands I've liked more in theory than in fact. Combining Kraftwerky roboticism and a playful riff on Western notions of Japanese exoticism is a conceptual winner, even if the music doesn't always pull it through.

Skidmore Progressiveshttps://skidmoreprogressives.blogspot.comApparently one of the biggest problems we have in battling al Qaida and capturing Osama bin Laden is the strained relationship the U.S. has with Pakistani security forces: Hunting for Osama bin Laden, the C.I.A. established a series of small, covert bases in the rugged mountain frontier of northwest Pakistan in …

History's Dumpster: August 2014 Selectavision - Also known as the CED video disc. Introduced in 1982. what made these different was instead of a laser, they used a stylus, similar to a vinyl LP record. Which is why you inserted the CED disc into the player through it's case and it is removed with the case to play each side.

LIVERPUTTY: The Tip of the Sword: A Brief History of the ... her name suggests, the USS Midway was born out of battle hardened experience and wartime ingenuity. There is something almost organic about her life - even during the earliest moments of construction the Midway was adapting to a changing world. For 47 years she went through a variety of modernizations that kept her and her men at the vanguard of U.S. naval power, responding to crises …

Greenland 2013 in review - Arctic Sea Ice's a re-post of the NSIDC's Greenland Ice Sheet Today website, but let me also draw attention to this wonderful new resource, Polar Portal, set up by various Danish scientific research organisations.It has various maps and graphs depicting the situation on Greenland, but also the rest of the Arctic (weather and sea ice, etc).

European Tribune - SBU Intercepts Ashton's Phonecall ... Intercepts Ashton's Phonecall; Maidan Sniper Attack. by Oui Wed Mar 5th, 2014 at 10:45:37 AM EST [Update] I've posted additional info @Moon of Alabama where this event is being discussed. Some useful links by somebody and my sniper video.

short notes: will brady's ruminationshttps://willbradyjournal.blogspot.comIt was the first time I remembered going to a film with subtitles without anyone else. Saw it in a suburban Philly PA movie theatre in 1968. 2- Privilege - I saw this in a Times Square movie house ages ago, when 42nd Street was sleazy, and people didn't usually go there to see the films.

user generated content | Lightspeed Venture Partners Blog of because the “pivot” of user engagement for a review is the product, whereas the “pivot” of user engagement for a blog is the conversation thread. Since the product is evergreen to new users, it will continue to attract reviews. But a stale conversation in the comments to an old post is unlikely to draw in new comment.

The Dead Acornhttps://thedeadacorn.blogspot.comMay 16, 2016 · I think I long ago once won a bicycle road race, but it was the “B” category, and I seem to recall thinking “you know, this doing okay at a level that doesn’t require total devotion and, at the same time, doesn’t really put me in a circumstance wherein I truly risk …

THE FULCRUM: 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 FULCRUM Tilting the world a little more to the left. Sunday, December 26, 2004. Worst Christmas... Ever. On our way to Canada today, a day late and with nothing but bad stories to tell about our Christmas. I'll post all the gory details later, perhaps.

New Mexico-- Life in the Land of Enchantmenthttps://felsher-nm.blogspot.comThe Pueblo of Sandia is a Native American Community located on the northern boundary of the city of Albuquerque in central New Mexico, covering 22,877 acres on the east side of the Rio Grande River Valley. It is one of 19 pueblos located throughout the state and known as one of the eastern pueblos which are located along the Rio Grande.

Here Comes Johnny Yen Again...: The Greatest Sin I was a kid, my father and I would stay up late and watch old movies together. One of the movies we watched was Compulsion, starring Bradford Dillman and Dean Stockwell as two young guys who attempt, unsuccessfully, to pull off the perfect crime-- kidnapping and murdering a young boy and collecting a ransom from the family.Bradford Dillman's character is super-creepy, frequently referring ...

OpenlineBlog: Ground Zero Shifts to U.S. District Court ... 09, 2007 · The case is already one of the most heated in the nation's grassroots abortion wars, and protests in Aurora this past weekend drew hundreds of anti-abortion demonstrators. The story began last winter, when Gemini Office Development LLC applied to …

Alabama Producerhttps://bamaproducer.blogspot.comCHICAGO-- The much-anticipated Convergence & Society conference at the University of Nevada-Reno is underway, though I am still trying to get there. For now, I am awaiting a last leg of my trip from Alabama to the Silver State from Midway Airport. For the first time, I have a choice between the chance the airport has free wireless and paying for Internet access at the terminal.

Shiny Ideas: November 2007 25, 2007 · The only challenge was the installation; its definitely not for the faint of heart. I'm fairly accomplished as far as do-it-yourself projects are concerned; I've hung cabinets, installed and rewired chandeliers, etc. I didn't find the installation all that difficult in terms of the skills and equipment required, but it took a lot of patience.

Rhymes With Idiot: Rantings of a Sane Lunatichttps://rhymeswithidiot.blogspot.comDec 31, 2017 · There's a small spot in the right breast that bears watching but it shows no signs of growth as of right now, so I'm okay. Yes, I know: I should have said something, made a quickie post. Trust me when I say, I was not in my right mind to do anything of that sort. Hell, I damn near went offline for a month and a half before the surgery.

Hey Jenny Slater.: If I was you, if I was you I wouldn't ... of Joe Cox's interceptions were embarrassments. The play-calling, particularly on offense, was an embarrassment. Getting outscored 28-7 after halftime was an embarrassment. Losing to Kentucky at home for the first time in more than 30 years was an embarrassment. Potentially getting knocked down to a bowl in Shreveport is an embarrassment.

2010 | Random Ruminations all of a sudden, there it was, The Stone House Saloon, which was a place Cindy told us is a must stop. Unfortunately, by the time we came upon it, we could not safely slow down to turn in so we passed it and turned back at the first safe opportunity. Parking was …

The Whited Sepulchre: Columbia U. vs. You picture of the Bush family taking their triumphant lap around their pile of plunder during the World Series came from here.. ?Those with plenty of time to kill can go to this earlier post to read about how George Jr. was able to turn an $86 million dollar investment, plus a $205 million dollar taxpayer subsidy, plus a land theft, into a profit of $164 million dollars.

No one cares what I think: Jenny McCarthy is Not Funny 18, 2006 · Now, I can see why this might happen. It must happen to a lot of really hot girls. They tell a joke and a guy laughs a little too hard. Or the girl says something that would be run-of-the-mill in terms of wittiness in any other context, and a smitten young fellow might guffaw loudly and possibly say something like "Wow, you are FUNNY!"

Conservative Christians of Lincoln County, Missouri - HariKari 17, 2008 · Conservative Christians of Lincoln County, Missouri October 17, 2008 Brad Comments 0 Comment During the drive in to work this morning I listened to a story on NPR about how polls in rural Lincoln County Missouri show that the presidential race there is a toss-up.

June 2003 – Page 19 – The take on the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction question is now posted.It includes an assessment of our policy toward Iran, an urgent discussion the administration seems to be shelving for another day. On that subject, Reuel Marc Gerecht’s cover-story in the current Weekly Standard is a must-read. My own (not completely settled) view is that an Osirak-like military attack on the mullah’s ...

Welcome to the Nolan Chart to the Nolan Chart August 19, 2007 by Walt Thiessen 1 Comment Ever since I became a libertarian in 1980, I (like most other libertarians) have been dismayed by the lack of respect that has been demonstrated up until this time by the major media.

Afro-American Sheriff’s Deputy League – Off the that point, J.M. “Smokie” Phillips Jr., the president of the Afro-American Sheriff’s Deputy League, said his members were concerned about returning to a previous period of racism and disparity in treatment.

BilgeBucket Gazette » when Dorian was passing by Puerto Rico, spaghetti plots suggested that maybe Alabama would get hit. But as the cyclone approached the Bahamas days later, it became evident from the updated forecast models that Alabama was in little to no danger. The models had changed. This is when Trump sent out his infamous tweet.

The Institution of Marriage | Slog | The Stranger ... modern American tuxedo, especially when applied to a husky fella, is the ugliest garment in the history of the world. Cary Grant is spinning in his grave. Posted by Fnarf | January 30, 2007 9:04 AM

PERRspectives: Replenish the Ol' Coffers: Bush on Life the Ol' Coffers: Bush on Life After the White House. Some ex-Presidents grow in stature after their departure from the White House. Others are diminished by it. In a disturbing New York Times profile Sunday, President George W. Bush left little doubt which will be his destiny after exiting the Oval Office.

Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years? | Page 4 ... 03, 2012 · The forums in the Christian Congregations category are now open only to Christian members. Please review our current Faith Groups list for information on which faith groups are considered to be Christian faiths. Christian members please remember to read the Statement of Purpose threads for each forum within Christian Congregations before posting in the forum.

Eddi Predicts The 2020 Elections : Reality Check: Donald ... Trump is currently reeling from the most damaging day in his checkered Presidential campaign. There is no way to spin his videotaped boasting of attempted rape in 2005 to a …

No Right Turn: A victory for equality in the EU 06, 2018 · The ruling came in response to a case in which Romanian authorities were accused of discriminating against Adrian Coman, who wanted to be able to live in his home country with his American husband, Claibourn Robert Hamilton, with whom he had been living for four years in the US before they married in Brussels in 2010.

Disappeared News: Human Trafficking defendants appear Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from

The Rude Pundit: The Human Ebola Bomb Fantasies of Marc ... 10, 2014 · This is what Washington Post columnist and torture advocate Marc Thiessen has to have pictured: A swarthy Middle-Eastern man, with full-on, untreated Ebola, which means he's shitting and vomiting all over the place, bleeding from several orifices, staggering unnoticed into a crowded area, maybe a mall, and detonating a suicide vest, spraying bits of his body and fluids all over everyone who ...

Rising Hegemon : As the sex-boat turns the Mayans were just talking about the conservative media world in 2012? * Pile of excrement in a 300 pound casing Rush Limbaugh suddenly has everyone notice he's Rush Limbaugh, and his world begins to unravel. * Andrew Breitbart and his poor-mans Andy Kaufman routine ends with the most literal of …

The Next Hurrah: A Failure of Leadership and Vision 11, 2007 · "This is all about Vietnam," says a longtime diplomat who insists on anonymity because he's supporting another candidate. "You can see it in his face. This triggers all the complexities of his father and grandfather and the code of honor he has written about and believes in deeply. It's hitting him in his gut. It's not a rational thing.

Meet the New Propaganda War, Same as the Old Propaganda War 07, 2020 · Meet the New Propaganda War, Same as the Old Propaganda War Longtime readers of this blog will know that I am a huge fan of surrealistic English singer-songwriter Robyn Hitchcock. Uncle Robyn began his unlikely pop career with a band named the Soft Boys (some of whom later backed him as The Egyptians in his later pop incarnation).

Green Eagle: Another Ground For Impeachment is the worst thing he has done since the tax heist, though on a smaller scale. Two reasons present themselves. A gift to coal and petroleum interests and in the bargain, power companies. A mean-spirited kick in the nuts to California. My neighborhood is roughly 50% solar powered today.

WHATEVER HAPPEN TO THE PROGRESSIVE MINDSET OF MY … 07, 2018 · whatever happen to the progressive mindset of my people? The true meaning of what it means to be Black seems to be gone. When the White man saw the progressive development of Black people during the 60s, he said unacceptable, and then used BET and MTV to re-educate Black youth in his own way.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: PUBLIC ALERT/ Beware of toe lickers! 08, 2007 · As the woman was getting to her car she was approached by the suspect who demanded her cell phone, purse, and shoes be placed in his back pack. The young woman complied and the suspect then began to lick the feet and toes of the victim. He …

thus spake drake: Mad Men "Guy Walks Into an Advertising ... 09, 2009 · Joan's rapist husband not only was denied chief resident, but he's apparently not even going to be a surgeon (no brains in his fingers). Cooper had Don believing he was going to be promoted to head creative in London and the NYC office, which led to a rare loving scene between Betty & Don (who's spirits were raised in belief of a bright future).

The Rude Pundit 11, 2009 · A Modest Proposal: Rape the Guy Holding the Holocaust Sign at Yesterday's Health Care Riot: If you haven't seen it yet, here's a sign at least one person, probably two people, hoisted proudly at the Michele Bachmann Anti-Health Care Reform Mass Shit Toss in DC yesterday. At the Mass Shit Toss, literally hundreds of people who are so brain-damaged that they actually listen to Minnesota ...

DIGGING DEEPER, By Ivan G. Goldman: TRUMP TO BE REPLACED ... York Times best-selling author, Fulbright scholar, Army vet. The Debtor Class (Permanent Press, April 2015) is a 'gripping ...triumphant read,' says Publishers Weekly.

Florida Right-Wingers Predictably Spew Nonsense In ... 10, 2011 · Florida Right-Wingers Predictably Spew Nonsense In Response to Giffords Shooting. Written by Kenneth Quinnell on 9 January 2011. I took a tour of …

Traitor Trump | Bill's Links And More one who loves to create distractions with fake news as the real news exposes his endless depths of corruption, our demented delusionist brought up the NFL’s National Anthem hoping it would make everyone forget his most recent criminal behavior: “Donald Trump’s game is …

Half Empty: TEA Clearing a Path For Intelligent Design? 02, 2007 · It is fairly unnoticed, but a singular event occurred recently at the Texas Education Agency. In a fairly comprehensive article by Laura Heinauer at the Austin American Statesman, it was revealed that Chris Comer, the TEA’s director of science curriculum, a 9-year veteran of science wars on the TEA, has been fired recently by the TEA on charges that she showed bias toward one point of …

Welcome to the worst "Carbon Footprint" day on earth to the worst "Carbon Footprint" day on earth It's not just the car traveling. It's the world's biggest F1 race; the Indy 500 and then NASCAR having a 600 mile race.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Will "Hate Speech" Be Illegal In The ... are moving fast in the Government's attempt to conduct a national voluntary postal vote on same-sex marriage. Although we won't get to the High Court challenge against the "survey" until September 5-6 - meaning we might be a month away from knowing if the thing is on at all - a lot of questions are being raised and in cases answered about how exactly the plebiscite will be conducted, if ...

A Bunch of Hot Air: February 2008 NY Times has an intriguing article today about the conflict people have between getting DNA screening to help determine what illnesses they may have a predisposition for and the fear of letting that information get out to their insurance companies. The sheer fact even a concern is a sever condemnation of the way health insurance works in this country.

The Rectification of Names: Is Francis Berning? 17, 2016 · The same goes for Sanders, who has been made to look like a ridiculous liar, with his fantasy that Pope Francis was singling him out for special attention just before the New York primary, and the many thousands of dollars spent (by whom? the campaign?) on the chartered jet and other expenses, and the fact that he had nothing more original to say to the conference than Hillary Clinton did to ...

"Hey-yay, Wait A Minute Mr. Postman:" When Recommendation ... 02, 2008 · Furthermore, I am clearly supposed to recalculate where this student stands for every application, since for some of you it is 1-2% for my career; for others it is top 5% for a period of my own choosing. This is not information. This is a crap shoot, and I don’t believe you even take these numbers seriously yourselves.

Night of the Living Dave: 2007 Arrest Sparks Race Row Fury I walk past Niche nightclub almost everyday on my way to and from work. I've passed it when it's been open and closed, had guarded BMWs outside it, had wreaths hanging for the two managers killed on duty, had the doors open with jungle pounding out and when it's been courdned off with police tape.

UPDATED: More On OIG's Report On Problems In The FBI's ... we took a look at how OIG's reports on various aspects of the Russia Hoax will likely end up both supporting one another as well supporting certain aspects of the Durham investigation (OIG's Interlocking Reports).In doing so we quoted extensively from Brian Cates' fine article.Today Margot Cleveland has an excellent analysis of the same OIG report on problem within the FBI's CHS program.

Redeye's Front Page: The sad sorry state of the Huntsville ... 11, 2010 · Some may even result in good. In my 24 years of elected service, as a legislator and later as a judge, I made my share of mistakes, but one of them overshadows all the others in its ultimate, time-proven harm. So I now confess. In 1971, I was the author and sponsor of the legislation that resulted in Huntsville's elected Board of Education.

Obama Clown | Missouri Rodeo 12, 2013 · I think it was the first book that was written by a good writer — which Obama had shown no sign of being up to that point (nor afterward, for that matter). Many people noted that the second book was very different in style, a much less literary work, and most of them chalked it up to a different purpose: the first book more autobiographical ...

The Rectification of Names: The Coup that Wasn't, Maybe, let's do this. (With some uncredited help from blogfriend @pauloCanning who may show up to explain what I've gotten wrong here.) Evo Morales, the Aymara coca workers' leader who came out of the Bolivian mountains in 1997 to overturn the ethnarchy of the white minority that had run the country since the colonial period, and finally became president in January 2006, was a hero, beyond ...

Steve and Jen bring you this daily review ... - THE NEWS BLOG 20, 2006 · His Humvee, guiding three others, eased to a halt 30 yards from a bridge. Noble, in the right-hand seat, peered through his field binoculars. He lingered, examining the dirt near the bridge with the care of an archaeologist. He was looking for a subtle change in …

Althouse: "The head of Mr. Tikriti was severed from his ... 05, 2007 · Per the BBC: "Barzan Ibrahim Hasan al-Tikriti, Saddam Hussein's half-brother, was the former head of Iraq's notorious secret police. Known as the Mukhabarat, the intelligence organisation was believed to have tortured and murdered thousands of opponents of the regime." Sounds like his execution was too "humane" by half. 1/15/07, 8:08 AM

A Path Forward to November 3, 2020: June 2017 is one of the times that Senate rules matter. Unless they pass a health care bill, they will need 60 votes to pass tax reform, and they will never get 60 votes for a tax bill that comforts the comfortable. The situation Majority Leader McConnell is in would be difficult to make up.

read my mind: Gulf of Mexico oil spill (Part 1) corporate media is tracking the disaster with front-page articles and nightly news headlines every day (if it bleeds, or spills, it leads!), but the under-reported aspects to this nightmarish tale paint the most chilling picture of the actors and actions behind the catastrophe.

All Categories - Labor precisely the posture that Todd and most of the others in the industry have taken with the current presidential election. There is a clear TRUTH in this election and it is not being reported. One of the two candidates is serious and has an extensive background in the many facets of governing.

no matter where you go... there you are.: July 2008 Baby! is a series of albums put out by some record label that feature your favorite rock songs turned into wordless, soothing lullabies for children. Each album costs $17 and is basically a "best of" the particular artist. There are a ton to choose from like Metallica, Rolling Stones, Green Day, The Beatles, The Pixies, AC/DC, Smashing Pumpkins, U2, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Radiohead ...

Media Coverage For CLG - CLG Coverage For CLG. Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government on TJ Radio By Kevin Barrett 22 Mar 2011 Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 3/23/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio - archived here.Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government - possibly the very best of the left-leaning news-amalgamation sites. Lori is my kind of truther -- brilliant, fearless, and interested in the ...

2018 United States gubernatorial elections — Wikipedia ... States gubernatorial elections will be held on November 6, 2018, in 36 states and three territories. In addition, special elections may take place (depending on state law) if other gubernatorial seats are vacated. These elections form part of the 2018 United States elections. The last regular gubernatorial elections for all but three of the states took place in 2014. Governors in New ...

An anonymous Canadian foundation grants $3 million to ... 01, 2015 · It's no secret that I don't have a high opinion of naturopathy. Just enter the word "naturopathy" into the search box of this blog, and you'll quickly see what I mean.

Obama's recess appointment of Richard ... - Eclectablog 04, 2012 · Oh, waa-aah. Cry me a goddam river, you obstructionist piece of dog poo. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is very upset at President Obama’s recess appointment of Richard Cordray to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Links 7/12/11 | naked capitalism favorite part of the article was “the voluntary retirement packages included one year’s pay and medical benefits, and were offered to about 5,800 employees, two people said”. This is a _retirement_ package? Just call it severance! Who is going to “retire” with one year’s pay and medical?

Musing's musings: War de Cazenave, one of the last two poilus of the First World War, died Sunday, 20 January, at the age of 110 years, announced the Minister of Former Soldiers. The information was later confirmed by his son on France Info. M. de Cazenave died in the morning at his home in Brioude, in the Haute-Loire.

Beers with Demo: Communism“This is not the end, but it is a new beginning,” said Christiana Figueres, the Costa Rican diplomat who serves as executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. “It is not what is ultimately required, but it is the essential foundation on which to …

The Slack Attack: 2010-08-22 just finished Bob Schieffer's America, a great book of his CBS commentaries that's wrapping up the tail end of my summer of reading.Among many interesting anecdotes, such as early video bootlegging, where reporters got a movie into a cassette form while in the middle of nowhere then watched it on their editing equipment, or the time he formed an "exploratory committee" for the hell of it and ...

The Immoral Minority: South Dakota legislators give stupid ... 08, 2010 · Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy. See actually these guys are brilliant. They knew that all they had to do was string a bunch of sciency-like words together, that all ended in "logical", and people would not notice that the resolution they just passed did not make any damn sense.

Baby Love Child » Central Valley Baptist Church used its is not an isolated incident of church support gone wrong. It goes on to this day, all over our land. Baby Love Child » the raw unvarnished audacity of of the (missionary) adoption mindset Says: March 4th, 2010 at 3:22 pm […] Central Valley Baptist Church used …

News - Identification Systems XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography The Debates of Liberty Liberty for Women Le gambe della libertà Sexual Correctness Dissenting Electorate Individualist Feminism of the 19th Century Queen Silver The Reasonable Woman Freedom, Feminism, and the State Index to Tucker's Liberty Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women

The Confluence | Around The Sphere Reid at Times Of London:. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld covered up that hundreds of innocent men were sent to the Guantánamo Bay prison camp because they feared that releasing them would harm the push for war in Iraq and the broader War on Terror, according to a new document obtained by The Times.. The accusations were made by Lawrence Wilkerson, a top aide to …

Just wondering about stuff… 9/11 | Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler of the great lies of 9/11 was the cell phone calls from the planes. This is a technological impossibility. Hit 611 on your cell phone & ask for technical services. They will tell you that your reception is guaranteed to an altitude of 2,000 ft.

Hate Speech | FrameWork is about the charges of second degree attempted murder. This is about claiming one of the defendant’s shoe was a weapon (because a weapon must be involved to charge someone with second degree attempted murder). Meanwhile, in December, a white man pulls a shotgun on three black students. The students wrestle the man to the ground and take ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ON 08, 2018 · On September the 11th, 2001, our nation was confronted by a new kind of war. See, we're at war. This is a war. This isn't a single isolated incident. We are now in the first war of the 21st century. And then-candidate Donald Trump referred to the Pulse …

Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Book 3 - Chapter 12 ... soon-to-be-ex-Gov. Sarah Palin's attorney, Thomas van Flein actually go ahead and sue Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, or any of the rest of the Alaska bloggers or citizen activists for "malicious" whatever, one of the very likely consequences would be a deposition or depositions of the ex-Gov.

Stephen Talbott's Blog: August 2008 11, 2008 · As I mentioned earlier, the first order of business was the dues increase resolution. President Ryan began with a PowerPoint presentation concerning why the International needed the dues increase. If we go back to March of this year, President Ryan hinted then that he would ask for a dues increase in Horizon magazine:

Avedon's Sideshow: Will time make men more wise? 15, 2014 · Will time make men more wise? (I don't know if Churchill ever said that, and I kinda doubt it, but it's something we all should be saying whenever they talk about cuts to things that make life better.) Every day I read the news, and every day I read things that would have seemed impossible 20 years ago. It used to be that when you thought about ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Saint Paul's inefficient street ... 13, 2010 · This weekend’s snowfall was one of the heaviest in St. Paul on record; in fact, it was the 5th largest snow storm in Twin Cities’ history, eclipsing even the famous Armistice Day Blizzard in the 1940’s. Here in St. Paul, Holman Field recorded a snow depth of 23.5 inches.

women’s rights | Retire Garrett May 10th, Scott Garrett signed on as a cosponsor to H.R. 5731, The Telemedicine Safety Act.. This legislation would make it illegal for a health care provider to “prescribe, dispense, procure, administer, or otherwise provide any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance, device, or method to terminate the pregnancy of a woman who is pregnant, without such health professional ...

juliannechat: October 2016 bonus points, maybe another place where people who just wanted to chat would be matched up with each other, too, in some way that protected the security of all.) And of course people would have abused it and I had a plan for that too. Maybe I could still do this as the work of rebuilding begins. Those are some of my election meta-thoughts.

EYE ON MIAMI: 2011-07-24 blog is the only place that readers curious how Miami operates can see the connections to the insider piggy bank, to be known only a little while longer as US Century Bank. The board of directors of US Century, led by founder Sergio Pino and Ramon Rasco, were the local power brokers who substantially helped transform local government from serving the needs of taxpayers to serving zoning ...

Soob: Machiavelli and Realist Rhetoric - Blogger culture of Machiavelli's time had a fondness for classical works, many of which praised rhetorical skill. Machiavelli was also a translator of classical texts and fond of rhetoric, especially the works of Cicero.So it could be attributed to the spirit of the times he was in, but it still leaves the question: if he was using rhetoric, who was he trying to convince and what were his aims?

The Blogiston Posthttps://blogistonpost.blogspot.comFrom a chance meeting in 2001 for a wedding in Kyrgyzstan, to an attempt by employees to steal the business, to a new company in Afghanistan, Dow's article traces Ultra Services into the the fog surrounding the company in Iraq with One Missing, One Dead.The article will formally roll out this Sunday, May 21st.

The MBA Sloghttps://mbaslog.blogspot.comBased on my read of things, a bit of journalistic hyperbole. But there are many substantive changes proposed: Bowing to a new economic world order, the IMF would grant fresh powers to the likes of China, India and Brazil. It would have vastly expanded authority to act as a global banker to governments rich and poor.

Jumping in Pools: 04/01/2010 - 05/01/2010 07, 2010 · Friday, April 30, 2010

maguire's blog | Just another webloghttps://maguire22.wordpress.comFeb 28, 2010 · The cool thing about this tour was not only was I giving it to a Pres-alum but we sat in the gallery and i got to hear debate on the jobs bill that they were voting on. If you haven’t been paying attention a very partisan issue…it seems like a lot of the issues this week were (DADT).

Points Westhttps://pointswest.blogspot.comGannon was the dirty little secret that the conservative closet cases loved to have in the room -- a nasty trophy, at places like the WH Correspondent’s Annual Dinner. Must have been a real adrenalin for Bush's lavender mafia just having the guy so close -- but yet, so far, and oh so titillating.

susan the bruce: August 2017 has never been able to elevate himself to the kind of behavior the office demands, but this press event was a whole new frontier. This is a man who is the exact opposite of a statesman. He is the antithesis of gravitas. He is seriously, dangerously, unfit for office. He is …

VICE VOICES: March 2006 31, 2006 · It has however, provided a clue to a perplexing question. The age-old riddle of which came first, the chicken or the hawk has been answered by the Bush administration, in the evolution of the sub-species, "chickenhawk." It was the chicken that came first, in the avoidance of harms-way during the chicken's window of opportunity to not be a chicken.

RAGGED THOTS: 07/12/2009 isn't the first time Obama has employed the rhetorical "tough love" with respect to issues within the black community. Indeed, his 2008 Fathers Day speech -- the one that got Jesse Jackson in emasculation mode -- was one of the most intellectually honest of last years' campaign.

Rantings from Florida: Amendment 8 Will Hurt Class Sizes 25, 2010 · I am one of those public school teachers strongly opposed to Amendment 8. Why? Because I like to teach rather than play classroom cop. I don't believe I have ever met a teacher who is in the trade because they love to work for empire building bureaucrats, and only the least competent are there for a pay check, but we all listen when someone talks about catching a child's interest or seeing …

The Jim River Reviewhttps://bigjimriver.blogspot.comMeanwhile at the Daily KOS, the war for the authenticity of the infamous "Killian" Memos goes on without pause. DailyKos was one of the very few sites that did any serious counterinvestigation into the claims that the documents were word-processed forgeries, through this story and multiple followups, and found that the right-wing blog "forgery ...

Cookies & Cream - Filmmaker 25, 2008 · Cookies & Cream, directed by Princeton Holt, is one of the strongest - well made, generally effective - ultra low budget debut feature dramas I've seen in several years.Although Cream is not technically polished as Medicine for Melancholy, both of these new features take a step away from "digital video tales of young people looking for love" land & decide to bother themselves with questions ...

Newstories: June 2014 - Blogger 04, 2014 · 23 June 2014: A financial transaction makes you question a rather important component of your life -- but it's less of a problem than an opportunity. Roll with it and see where it leads, but don't break the bank. If you get the chance for a one-on-one meeting with your boss or if you're asked to give an impromptu presentation, jump on it.

Blog 5: Universal Healthcare: Yes or No? 19, 2008 · The first is that taxes would be higher and education and defense finances would decrease. This statement is partially true because taxes would increase. However the money doesn’t have to be taken from those areas; money could be taken from the millions spent on experimental space travel and professional sports.

Singer Bill Withers on Tavis Smiley’s PBS Show | This ... 08, 2010 · H/T to blog Put Me On It, whose proprietor is a big Withers fan. Understand that just because I like Bill's work, it doesn't mean I approve of his past marital violence towards Denise Nicholas. Yeah, I've always thought that the stories were true, although Withers, now 71, and Nicholas have never said anything about…

What Now?! – 2/25/19 – Blue Delaware 25, 2019 · After first barely registering in the polls, he now stands a strong chance of being one of the top two finishers to advance to a runoff election.” Chicago Tribune : “The lack of electoral clarity makes it likely no candidate will receive more than 50 percent of the vote Tuesday, leaving the top two finishers to face off in an April 2 runoff ...

Climate Change: The Next Generation: UPDATED: Fascist ... critic of the investigation is the Canadian statistician Ross McKitrick, author of a scientific paper sharply critical of Dr. Mann’s historical climate reconstructions, which were responsible for the so-called “hockey stick” graph showing 20th-century temperatures …

Orcinus: Sunday Rant: Why Do People Hate America? Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Bilgrimage: More on Andrew Shirvell's Cyber-Stalking of ... 11, 2010 · An argument that totally overlooks the obvious point that free speech is limited in all kinds of ways when one assumes public office—or in almost any workplace in the nation, for that matter.Assuming the mantle of public responsibility, or taking a job in which you have to represent your employer effectively and interact with the public with integrity, requires you to curb your free speech ...

I’ve Never Linked Debbie Schlussel Because I’ve Always ... 24, 2017 · Hannity did not deny what Debbie said and Debbie did not accuse him of harassment. Below is what Sean put out and it is not a reliable denial. This is police work 101. “LET ME BE CLEAR THE COMMENTS ABOUT ME ON A RADIO SHOW THIS WEEK by this individual ARE 100% false and a complete fabrication,” now what Debbie said below.

Winston Churchill | Ethics Alarms Morning! 1. But before we get into the ugly part..I want to recommend an article called “Rationalizations for Unethical Behavior in Tech” over at Medium. The writer, April Wensel, is the proprietor of the Compassionate Coding site.. Her article specifically employs several of the rationalizations on the Ethics Alarms list, quotes me with attribution, and does a terrific job ...

PARDON POWER: AlabamaPardon January of 2008, this nationally recognized blog has been dedicated to following the very latest news regarding presidential pardons and the pardon power (or clemency powers) as exercised in each state. Reader comments are certainly welcomed but a premium will be placed on civility, relevance and originality. Please refrain from extended copying and pasting.

Growltiger's Litter Box: March 2017 23, 2017 · In spite of celebrity videos and #NeverTrumpers, the usual "October Surprise"--an audio that had been in the NBC vault for over a decade but somehow made its way to the New York Times in time for a presidential election (2)--partisan presidential debate moderators (3)--one of whom nearly cried the night Mrs. Clinton lost the election (4 ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 01, 2002 · Give Kmiec a tiny bit of credit: Judging from the excerpts quoted in the letter, he’s one of the few right-wing gay-bashers who is at least somewhat consistent in his sex-fear -- he chides straights, too, saying, rather apocalyptically, that condoning sex outside of marriage leads either to a generation of violent, illiterate, unwanted ...

The Debate Link: 10/01/2017 - 10/08/2017’s come to our attention that a person from Occupy Wall Street that was an Obama sympathizer. So, wait a minute, be careful where you start taking these people to. And look at the background. You know, you know George Soros is one of those people that actually helps back these individuals. Who is he? I think he’s from Hungary.

Uncommon Hours: How a bill became a deal: Kansas Gov. Mark ... Kansas Governor Mark Parkinson inked a deal with Sunflower Electric Power Corporation CEO Earl Watkins to allow an 895 megawatt (MW) coal-fired plant to be built in Holcomb, Kansas, the shock reverberated throughout the state and beyond. Environmental activists were stunned. Even the Kansas legislature, on both sides of the aisle, was taken off guard.

News - one will get sacked, or demoted; even the story's author, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, will continue to work for Rolling Stone. Because what matters to the publisher is not whether you fucked up, but whether you intended to fuck up. Which suggests that a job at Rolling Stone is …

Good Christians Should Abuse Gays | BroadBlogs 27, 2012 · When this post was posted last week, I was a little hurt and in the mood of “here we go again.” Being that I am a Christian, I understand how many people become frustrated with those that call themselves “Christian” because (like the article says) it is about being a follower of Christ, yet some disregard the love and compassion Christ had for the non-Christians, or in his day the non ...

Confirmed Dominionist On Trump's VP Short List ... 21, 2016 · United States North Central Louisiana / No Longer A Resident of the Shreveport/Bossier City Area Louisiana

RADARSITE: And Still The Rockets Fall study revealed that three times as many Sderot residents had gone to a spiritual counselor (such as a rabbi), and a family doctor than did Ofakim residents. Dr. Roni Berger explained that there were several reasons why Sderot residents suffered from higher degrees of trauma than residents other Israeli communities within rocket range.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: January 2015 Phase two of this saga continues with today's hearing in Snohomish County Superior Court. NOTE: Ms Shcolnik went to Federal Court today (2 Feb 2015) with a bit of an oddball pleading. She filed for a TRO because she was worried about missing her hearing for injunctive relief because of the last minute Removal of her Complaint to Federal Court.

Dick Polman's American Debate: "A little rough in the sandbox" 24, 2008 · Now coming from someone who is pretty rough in the sandbox too, but I am rough because of the causes I believe in and the issues and try not to make it personal, try not to make it strident. So I think it's a legitimate issue to have out there only because it's an issue that will be out there, and we'll hear a lot about it if he is the ...

King of Zemblahttps://simbaud.blogspot.comThere is of course a world of difference between an idiot and a man who is compelled by warlocks (or genies) to act like an idiot, and believe us, we would never knowingly make fun of the latter. As far as we're concerned, voodoo-induced inanity is a type of, well . . . disease, we guess, or handicap . . . you know, like being a cripple.

News - Identification Systems XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography The Debates of Liberty Liberty for Women Le gambe della libertà Sexual Correctness Dissenting Electorate Individualist Feminism of the 19th Century Queen Silver The Reasonable Woman Freedom, Feminism, and the State Index to Tucker's Liberty Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women

Contextual Criticism: Jesus and your money and your money When you come right down to it, Kendra Todd is a promoter of the so-called "prosperity gospel." In a recent article at the 700 Club, called "Turn Passion into Prosperity," Terri Simmons describes how Todd, an "investment-related real estate agent," is all about "teaching people how to develop a healthy attitude and mindset ...

RADARSITE: From Lionheart: Defense of the Promised Land 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse." Deuteronomy 30:3 "The LORD your God will put ...

Three Rescuers Die at Utah Mine | Mirror On America 08, 2007 · Per Huffington Post: 3 Rescue Workers Killed at Utah Mine PAUL FOY August 17, 2007 11:47 AM EST HUNTINGTON, Utah — The search for six miners missing deep underground was abruptly halted after a second cave-in killed three rescue workers and injured at least six others who were trying to tunnel through rubble to reach them.

Tenured Radical: I'm Rubber, You're Glue: Tenure ... 10, 2006 · Second, it is a good reminder never to have sex with a colleague without thinking about it for a very long time and getting advice from at least two friends (I'm just saying, CP). And third, I think it raises the more general question: we all have at least one, probably more, colleague who is erratic to say the least, maybe crazy, maybe senile ...

Dick Polman's American Debate: 2008-04-20 coming from someone who is pretty rough in the sandbox too, but I am rough because of the causes I believe in and the issues and try not to make it personal, try not to make it strident. So I think it's a legitimate issue to have out there only because it's an issue that will be out there, and we'll hear a lot about it if he is the ...

Palin's Q&A + fun: Palin in Progress 09, 2010 · Palin' in Progress might be a better title for this TIME cover story about Sarah Palin. It was written with the help of Rebecca Mansour, Sarah Palin's "speechwriter." Apparently, however, Mansour isn't entirely happy with the article. About 7:00 AM PST, she tweeted, "Every other line in this TIME piece gibberish. Obama "hiring his way out of a ...

Mike Searches: February 2009 answers became a bit clearer on Thursday as the judge, Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., and a colleague, Michael T. Conahan, appeared in federal court in Scranton, Pa., to plead guilty to wire fraud and income tax fraud for taking more than $2.6 million in kickbacks to send teenagers to two privately run youth detention centers run by PA Child Care ...

Blog Archives - most beautiful man in the world is your regular guy who toils hard for a living to take care of his family. Who is the most beautiful man in Africa? Most beautiful Man in the World. 5,259 likes · 5 talking about this. Album. Top 10 handsome Men In The World. By WA. A sexy man is one who is sophisticated.

Tenured Radical: Zenith Campus Lockdown: Watching, Waiting ... 06, 2009 · Well we have a suspect in yesterday's campus shooting at Wesleyan, and there he is on the left. For whatever posts remain in this series, I am forgoing my normal pseudonym for the college, "Zenith," because none of my commentary should be perceived in any way as not-real, or as making light of what is a difficult and shocking situation.

Erik's Super Awesome Weblog: 2011 we declare Jesus as Messiah, as the one who frees us, it puts us to work. We are free, to serve. We are free, and mission begins. In communion we are fed, and we go out to nourish. We are freed from the chaos of sin, so that we can go out into the chaos of those hurting around us showing them the messiah that frees them.

Tuffy's Cloudy Fishbowlhttps://tuffyfish.blogspot.comMy friend Mark lent me his brew kit so I decided to give it a try. I went to this really nice brew shop close to our house. I also drove around all of Culver City, Marina del Rey, and Venice Beach looking for a place to fill my propane tank.

Dave Wedge : May 2010 taxpayer tab for the Boston firefighters contract dispute has reached $400,000 - and counting. Read my story in today's Boston Herald. Also, the Rev. Bruce Wall wants Boston City Council to declare a "state of emergency" because of the latest violence to hit the city. Finally, check out this great exclusive by my colleagues Katy Jordan and O'Ryan Johnson.

Media Matters for America - Shep Smith interviews mom and ... figures have spent weeks downplaying the shutdown and egging Trump on to keep it going in order to get funding for his border wall. Shep Smith, however, interviews a single mom and veteran with three kids whose life has been upended because of it: "I've had to drive away to the corner store just to cry in my car so my that children couldn't see me.

William Horberg: Reynold Brown pt 2 Brown pt 2 Brown had such a dynamic style with so much energy in his compositions that it made sense that he found his way to the Universal Studios art department in the 1950's, where his talent was unleashed on a slate of classic "B" monster movies, including the iconic artwork for The Creature From The Black Lagoon.

It's Just An Accounting Exercise ... - Up North Progressive 05, 2016 · While the international press tears through 11.5 million documents leaked from the Panama financial firm, Mossack Fonseca, we have our own leaked shell game still unfolding in the sentencing hearing of Dr. Steve Ingersoll. Lots of dummy companies to spread lots of money around and make it magically disappear into Ingersoll’s pockets. Money he received […]

DON'T EVEN BOTHER ASKING TRUMP ABOUT HIS OWN FAILURES 06, 2018 · Trump critics know that his answer on Puerto Rico defies credibility -- but the people in his base get to hear him praise himself yet again, and they actually believe he's telling the truth. (They probably also believe that Puerto Rico is responsible for its own problems, because so many of the residents Aren't Like Us.)

Scriblings From a Beer Stained Napkin: Charles Bukowski ... a sense, each of them is a genius in his or her way, fighting against the obvious, swimming upstream, going mad, getting on pot, wine, whiskey, art, suicide, anything but the common equation. It will be sometime before they even us out and make us say quits.

Who am I? Why am I here?: Ephemerality in Movies and Life is of course attributable to his age: he has seen his marriage harden from affection to indifference at best, coldness at worst. The iconic scene in The Graduate where Benjamin and Elaine flee her wedding ceremony and collapse on the bus, destination unknown, is the end of spring, the end of cherry blossoms--forgive this sap--but it is the ...

I’m Running Out of Energy - Queen of Spain 14, 2007 · Hell, one of you running is even ONE OF US, and is well aware we are no longer just reading the Style section and worried about whatever it is our husband’s tell us to worry about. I also know one thing, deep down to my Queenly toes…these candidates will get possibly the fairest interview and most diplomatic handling that is currently on ...

“Joe The Plumber” Part II – The Vetting Of Joe | TheZoo 16, 2008 · This is the last update I had in my original post: Update IV: Joe “the Plumber” is no relation to Robert Wurzelbacher. No connection to the Keating 5 Scandal. Marty thought he might have had a connection there, but even Keith Olbermann on MSNBC said they were not related.

Communicative Action: Is Hillary a Racist? 06, 2008 · The thing is, Clinton worked her entire life to uplift the condition of African-Americans by many accounts, and I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. I abhor the racists that you can see in the clip embedded in my last post, and I think she should come out to reject their votes on principle, but it is what it is.

The Rectification of Names: Hi, it's Stupid. II Maggie and the Chevalier de Thrush have a nugget of narratological interest, right in the lede: After President Trump accused his predecessor in March of wiretapping him, James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, was flabbergasted. The president, Mr. Comey told …

Huffington Post | AAA Targeted Resume Writing & Career ... in Huffington Post, Bill Quigley, a law professor, lists several sad facts facing American workers on this picnic day that is supposed to honor labor. I urge to you take a minute, review this list, and ponder its meaning. The one point I would like to underscore is this: While productivity increased 21% between 2000 and 2014, wages only increased 2%.

September 2019 – Here's A Thing… 20, 2021 · This Is The Song That Helps Him Cope 05/24/2020 New York Doctor Shares Inside Look At Caring For End-Of-Life COVID-19 Patients 05/24/2020 Businesses Adapt To Delivery Demand By Hiring Cuddly Couriers 05/24/2020

memeorandum: Japan princess to wed commoner, forcing her ... Japan princess to wed commoner, forcing her to quit royal family Check out Mini-memeorandum for simple mobiles or memeorandum Mobile for modern smartphones. 5:50 PM ET, September 3, 2017

Feminary: Top Ten Reasons Why Men Should Not Be Ordained Men are too emotional to be priests or pastors. This is easily demonstrated by their conduct at football games and watching basketball tournaments. 5. Some men are handsome; they will distract women worshipers. 4. To be ordained pastor is to nurture the congregation. But not a traditional male role.

Trouble Is My Business (collection; Chandler, Raymond) 29, 2009 · The big surprise, as mentioned in several of the early story reviews, was that Chandler went on to build novels from several stories. The upshot of that a reader who's already seen the novels will already know where a component short story is going. Here's the breakdown: The Big Sleep (1939) uses "Killer in the Rain" and "The Curtain."

When the Right is Wronghttps://thebushfactor.blogspot.comGeorge 'I am the Law' Bush gutted McCain's torture amendment on Friday.Read Bush's signing statement, which is literally chilling.. The executive branch shall construe Title X in Division A of the Act, relating to detainees, in a manner consistent with the constitutional authority of the President to supervise the unitary executive branch and as Commander in Chief and consistent with the ...

History's Dumpster: RIP Lou Reed went to Syracuse University, studying journalism, film directing, and creative writing and hosted a show on the campus radio station. After graduating in 1964, he went to work as a songwriter and studio musician for budget record label Pickwick Records. By day he would be playing cover versions of then contemporary pop hits for his employer's record labels.

The Immoral Minority: While everybody is lamenting the ... 04, 2016 · I know way off topic but now I'm pretty dang sure Bristol's baby WAS born 11/4 instead of 12/23. I've had 5 children (no grandkids yet) but it's been a long long time since I've held a newborn. My neighbor just let me hold her 1 month old today baby and she is so tiny!

Concerned UCI Student: A selection of quotes from the ... 10, 2008 · This is a selection of quotes - I will be adding more as time permits. From MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute): Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Sheik Mahdi Akef: We Are Ready to Send 10,000 Men to Palestine, But It Is the Egyptian Government that Should Arm Them

The Johnsville News: Duke Case: Special Ed. for Doubters ... happened in the five or so minutes Pittman claims they were separated is a mystery. But it is also plenty of time for one, or some of the angry players, many of whom had been drinking all afternoon until midnight, to confront the alleged victim about the $800.00 …

The Wattree Chronicle: A MESSAGE TO BARACK 03, 2015 · As you prepare to leave the Oval Office, I just want to take a moment to say that you've done your people, and America, proud. You've proven that a Black man can be one of the greatest presidents this country has ever known, and history will undoubtedly reflect that fact.

Common Civic Good: May 2011 10, 2011 · Bringing back the idea of working together for the common civic good. 28 May 2011. ... I know I am late to the story, but it is still an important one to tell. On Sunday Osama bin Laden was killed in his Pakistani compound 30 miles from the capital of Islamabad. With his death, the United States has successfully accomplished one of its goals on ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 01, 2011 · SENATOR: THE LACK OF OBAMACARE SAVED MY DAUGHTER. YOURS, MAYBE NOT SO MUCH. In The Wall Street Journal today, Senator Ron Johnson, the teabag hero who beat Russ Feingold, uses his daughter's early-1980s heart condition to slam health care reform:Some years ago, a little girl was born with a serious heart defect: Her aorta and pulmonary artery were reversed.

The Immoral Minority: Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon big ... 11, 2017 · This is to the good and shows the strength of our democracy. And no one is perfect, far from it. We as a people are forgiving and welcoming. But different. We are still in the midst of an administration that actively lies to the American people. We do not know where all going. There are looming criminal investigations.

Which CRM? - Which CRM Homehttps://whichcrm.socialmovementtechnologies.orgChoose the right tool for email, online advocacy and fundraising. Are you looking to identify the right tool to meet your standards for mass email, online advocacy, and fundraising, without breaking the bank or creating more problems than it solves? CLICK HERE to find …

Shame on Roane Medical Center (Harriman Hospital) | happened was the GC contracted with somebody the union didn't like (i.e. non-union workers). So the real beef is with the GC, but picketing in front of a GC's office draws no attention. There is no "fixing" this problem unless someone can find a legal way to enjoin the picketers from being there.

The CW of OTBL'ers: Stuff 10 Pounds of Students into a 5 ... has been quite a bit of conspiracy here in Hudson about the alleged capacity of the so-called government schools. The district is ver...

Natural Weekends - Summer Out West - The Soundings of summer landscapes in Montana and Idaho. I am a private loan lender which have all take to be a genuine lender i give out the best loan to my client at a very convenient rate.The interest rate of this loan is 3%.i give out loan to public and private individuals.the maximum amount i give out in this loan is $1,000,000.00 USD why the minimum amount i give out is 5000.for more ...

Hyphenated-American: The terror attack in Boston fits the ... are the 6 most recent examples of this sloppy (and incorrect) analysis by the media outlets: ABC’s Brian Ross tries to blame the Tea Party for the Aurora attack. Reuters Foundation Fellow Jonathan Curiel blames "racism" for the attack by professor Bishop.

KingCast and the birds present: 2006 Kawasaki Ninja 650R ... have always loved a high performance parallel twin. My 1975 RD 350B was the shiznit, sound of ripping silk in the powerband. The Yamaha TDM 850 as well. I had a model of one of those on my desk for years, great bike. Watch a TDM 900 hit 100 in 7-8 seconds. Watch this guy wheelie/stoppie one.

Could this really be over? | Mirror On America 07, 2008 · rikyrah said.... 1. I'll believe it when I see it. 2. It was the media's reaction to the speech. The Clinton News Network was Blistering. IMO, it was one phrase: Deranged Narcissism. Thank you, Jeffery Toobin 3. I don't care what anyone says about the HHH, I know that Rangel CAUGHT HELL from Black folks, even in New York.

Beyonce & Hillary in Cleveland 04, 2016 · "The lights were bright. The beats were pumping. And the backup dancers were wearing blue pantsuits. After raucous performances from Beyoncé and her husband, rapper Jay Z, Hillary Clinton had one simple message for the packed, cheering crowd at Cleveland’s Wolstein Center: “Help us …

Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time - Blogger 26, 2011 · 23 Comments: Spud said.... I agree Satrianni should have been there as should Roy Clark and Chet Atkins... November 26, 2011 at 4:31 AM Randal Graves said.... First you have to define 'great,' and given that the most stat-heavy of sports, baseball, still has arguments over what constitutes 'valuable' in a game of immense measurables, how the hell can you quantify the unmeasurable?

Performance review - Queen of Spain 04, 2006 · The most disconcerting part about becoming a stay-at-home mother for me was the lack of external validation. I’ve spent my entire adulthood working and studying: I’m used to grades, and performance appraisals, and someone buying me a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates for a job particularly well done.

Contextual Criticism: 2/18/18 - 2/25/18 of the worst liars is the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, or as he is better known, Lyin' Ryan. Ryan is a follower of Ayn Rand, who, in her books, taught that greed is a good thing, and the lack of morals or ethics, is essential for achieving one's goals. Lyin' Ryan, believes Ayn Rand. He believes in Ayn Rand.

Communicative Action: Bombs Bursting in Air 05, 2008 · Things have been quiet here at Communicative Action recently. The fact is, I've been a spectator more than a commentator for a while, limiting my conversations on the net to microblogging via Twitter and comments on other people's work. I'm back and ready to talk about two things that are important in the current news cycle. 1.

History's Dumpster: Santo Gold 16, 2015 · - Blood Circus was the movie that was to spread the Santo Gold gospel to the masses (once the infomercial blitz had paid off, I assume.) The plot was this; Alien wrestlers come to Earth to fight human wrestlers and promptly devour them before defeating them (rather than the more traditional method of defeating them before devouring them.) The movie was filmed at Baltimore Civic Center …

MY OP-ED PIECE ON SUBJECT OF BIRD FLU | Mirror On America 04, 2006 · Perhaps Michael Jackson or one of the other nonsensical Hollywood stories drowned out this earlier coverage of these more crucial issues. Now we are seeing the same thing with the Bird Flu. The corporate T.V. news media, which relies on entertainment news and hyped stories for ratings and revenue, loves to keep Americans afraid.

Ordinary Guy: Poor SC are the 8th laziest state in the nation. ( We rank 46th in infant mortality, 48th in prenatal care, 49th in violent crime and 49th in high school graduation. ( We have one of the highest incarceration rates among the fifty states (524 per 100,000 citizens -

The Rude Pundit 10, 2005 · Of course, one of the most war-lovin' whores out there is Michelle Malkin, whose latest "column" (if by "column," you mean "mad spittle-ridden spewings of a self-loathing rightwing spooge bucket") is another vicious attack on the anti-war movement because it "couldn't wait for the death of the 2,000th soldier." She regurgitates Boylan's talking ...

Notes From the Occupation: Class Consciousness and Loyalty ... 04, 2011 · Stop being deceived. The people you are following are using you as cannon fodder in your own subjugation. You are the 99%. We are the 99%. We are all the working class. Tea Party leadership is the 1%, , the ruling class, and they do not have your best interest at heart. They divide us so as to conquer us.

The Predictable Arc Of The Trump Scandal - The Soundings first four months of the Trump presidency have shown a pretty predictable arc to the weekly, if not daily, Trump scandal. There are really four distinct phases: outright denial, non-denial denial, blame the messenger, and admit the truth.

The Rude Pundit: For Independence Day: If You Fly the ... 07, 2015 · At an event referred to as a "colored people's celebration," the July 4, 1865 Independence Day rally was the first after the end of the Civil War. It was held on the grounds of the Treasury Department in Washington, D.C., and one of the purposes of the gathering was to call for "the immediate, complete, and universal enfranchisement" of all ...

ABC News » Encyclo » Nieman Journalism Lab was the first television network to offer an iPad app, allowing users to watch its shows free in April 2010. The app met initial success.ABC News launched its own iPad app in July 2010. It was also the first major TV news outlet to launch a channel for Apple TV, in 2014.. In March 2010, an ABC News executive was reported saying the network is considering a plan to …

The consequence of sexism – FortLeft 02, 2017 · The consequence of sexism. ... But when one of the best-qualified candidates for the presidency in American history and the first woman to get close to the Oval Office loses to an opponent who had not dedicated a nanosecond of his life to public service and ran a blatantly misogynist campaign, it’s hard to conclude that gender didn’t play a ...

11 September - School Principal's manual + – Nahalal, the first moshav in Palestine, is settled as part of a Zionist plan to colonize Palestine and creating a Jewish state, later to be Israel. 1922 – The Treaty of Kars is ratified in Yerevan, Armenia. 1922 – One of the Herald Sun of Melbourne, Australia's predecessor papers The Sun News-Pictorial is founded.

Demonstrations, Marches, Protests Experts and Information ... Gaza, thousands are marching -- one of the many unarmed actions planned over 45 days which will build through May 15, when Palestinians mark 70 years since hundreds of thousands were made refugees ...

Double Brew Day!!! Blanche de Greensboro and Maple Pumpkin ... first on the brew schedule was the third installment in my summer brewing Belgian line: Blanche de Greensboro, a clone of Unibroue's Blanche de Chambly. It's one of the finer Belgian witbiers you'll find...and it's brewed in Canada. The second beer was an unprecedented THIRD brewing of one of my particular creations: Maple Pumpkin Ale v.3.0 ...

History's Dumpster: The Coon Chicken Inn: The WORST ... look behind the labour union protesters (another problem with The Coon Chicken Inn.), behind that car to the caricature's mouth. Yes, this was the actual entryway. Every location had a similar entryway. The Seattle and Portland locations closed in 1949, due to changing tastes and a shrinking customer base (one should hope so!)

Checking in on the Washington Capitals and the NHL the first 14 home games, attendance has increased 2.7% over last year. Local TV ratings for Comcast/Caps broadcasts are up 9% over same time period last year. The most-watched game on Comcast to date this season was the …

Catch the House Hearing on Nuclear Loan Guarantees Today ... the House Hearing on Nuclear Loan Guarantees Today at 2 PM EST ... It's one of the first sections you'll see on our home page and it can be accessed anywhere throughout the site by clicking on the atom symbol in the top right corner of the page. ... a data center that integrates solar panels on its sprawling flat roofs, a naval base and a ...

Vagabond Scholar: The O'Neill Gets a Tony 09, 2010 · The O'Neill Gets a Tony Congratulations to the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center for their well-deserved Regional Theater Tony Award ! The Regional Theater award has always been one of the more interesting ones to me, because it acknowledges great theater outside of New York City, and as an O'Neill alum, I'm especially partial to this one.

dig a pony - ggmichellene48??? 14, 2020 · Because, if you dig deep enough, she is a child and a dreamer at heart who craves constant stimulation in the quest for her one true love. ?? · After more than 12 years offering our services, we regret to announce that on July 20, Red Karaoke , which was the first online karaoke service in the world, will close its doors.

In the (K)now » first 10 minute segment on BBC Newsnight this weekend was about the surprising rebirth of a city in which I lived for six months in 1974: Johannesburg, South Africa. This story about one of the most violent cities on earth, however, was truly a surprise. Riddled with crime, the inner city is apparently undergoing an urban renaissance.

schmoo on the run: earth quake activity at yellow stone ... 31, 2008 · earth quake activity at yellow stone intensified today Above: recent earth quakes worldwide. During Dec. 27 and 28, there was a swarm of earthquakes under Yellowstone in the 3.0-3.9 range. Activity then dropped off to quakes less than 2.0 on the Richter magnitude scale.

Tom The Dancing Bug Blog also appears on:, one of the most linked-to websites in the world;, the U.S.’s largest progressive blog; and, the largest comic strip website. “Tom the Dancing Bug” is a free-format comic strip that uses varying types of humor, artistic styles and formats.

Motown Strong: An Open Letter To The NGJ 21, 2012 · An Open Letter To The NGJ So I was mindlessly trolling the Internet, as I am wont to do far too often, and was surfing through my favorite news generator, . The basic premise of Fark is for individuals like you or me to "link" interesting stories from virtually any news or information website in the world for all to see, whilst ...

Matt's Blog: Straight, gay Mainers rally for equal rights event, according to the Rev. Mark Doty of Bangor, was the first event in the country this week organized as part of the nationwide "Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights." Across the country this week, straight Americans are being asked to stand up and assert their respect and support for the gay community.

The "Con" gets conned: Sucked into a Syrian Quagmire "Con" gets conned: Sucked into a Syrian Quagmire By RF Schatten "To Believe or Not to Believe in the Age of Trumpism", has become a major topic of Chit Chat everywhere you turn.

The Piglet Parade: Dining Downtown Tampa: Anise 30, 2017 · The first one was a rev... Jimmy Mac's Is Still Open For Business Editor's Update 1/1/2016: We just found out yesterday that Mr. James …

Reservoir Walk Yields Forgotten History by Jennifer ... of the bike path that is visible from the Jackie Robinson Parkway was the site of early gunshots of the American Revolution in the Battle of Brooklyn, led by George Washington. Monaco said with disdain that there are no markings or plaques to commemorate one of the most important events in American history that occurred within the park’s ...

Eclectic Glob of Tangential Verbosity: ACME Blogging : $12 ... 03, 2009 · Every Tuesday of every week, ACME Food & Beverage Co. has been offering all their entrees for $12.95, which is quite a savings. It's a long drive after work, so I normally prefer to go on the weekends, but if you live in Chapel Hill or Carrboro, you're crazy to miss it.

Gubu-World: Dublin's many protests 23, 2012 · The first protest, naturally was outside the GPO on O'Connell Street. The GPO has a certain psychological impact on the Irish people because of its connection with the 1916 Rising and as a result it becomes the focus point of most demonstrations in the capital. It was a demonstration against the Chinese governments ongoing persecution of Falun ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Gunfire on Seventh Avenue East police officers received broken bones during an alleged New Year's Eve melee that saw a man arrested and one of the officers' handguns fired. Police report that at around 7 p. m. on December 31 a lone officer attended an alleged domestic disturbance in the 1400 block of Seventh Avenue East.

Air Force | Life In The Gym 21, 2017 · That was the first time they had heard of the poster, the paper writes. As command explains, the text on the poster could be changed to 47 different “slogans” to pair with the image to suit the local audience. The “God and Country” tagline was not an option:

The Adventurous Writer | JESSIE SEIGELhttps://www.jessieseigel.comMay 25, 2020 · The road to publication is long and slow even for work that many recognize has worth. In the category of “close but no cigar,” my novel, Tinker’s Damn, was not chosen by Forest Avenue Press for publishing.But Tinker’s Damn DID make it into Forest Avenue Press’s top 20 novels considered for publication during its open reading period, adding to the other …

Debunking Some Military Myths about the American Revolution Some Military Myths about the American Revolution HISTORY The heroes and events of our war for freedom can be seen in one of two ways: the people as they were and the events as they happened, or as romantically embroidered images of them.

Above The Borderline: 6/21/09 - 6/28/09 27, 2009 · 6/27/2009 » show was the brainchild of John Dilks, a great guy who also co-owned and operated one of the earliest independent computers stores in the South Jersey shore area (The Computer Ark). If I remember correctly the PCC shows ran for two or three years total before the expense of running them in A.C. made them impractical.

Lost in the Ozone...: Star Of Queens - Latchman Budai ... couple has two sons: a 31-year old promoter and part club owner and a 35-year old with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering from New York Institute of Technology. BIGGEST CHALLENGE: In racially-diverse Richmond Hill, trying to get the local community to understand the basics of what’s needed for each of them to live cordially.

No Right Turn: The Decent American 02, 2006 · The New Yorker has a long piece on the bureaucratic struggle against torture within the Pentagon, focussing on a detailed historical narrative [PDF] written by Naval General Counsel Alberto Mora. In 2002, Mora was told by the head of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) that NCIS agents at Guantanamo had learned that some detainees "were … » show was the brainchild of John Dilks, a great guy who also co-owned and operated one of the earliest independent computers stores in the South Jersey shore area (The Computer Ark). If I remember correctly the PCC shows ran for two or three years total before the expense of running them in A.C. made them impractical.

Blogcritics: The Rise of Elitist Power and Control | Et ... 05, 2006 · The Evening Standard’s This Is London reports that psychics claim John Lennon, the activist and musician assassinated in 1980, sent the world a message from…well, from wherever he is right now. The message reportedly was broadcast via a worldwide pay-per-view seance produced by UK firm Starcast Productions and shown on US television last night.

One-Trick Pony: August love stuff like this: the Tagging Of Pacific Palagics site. They are tracking the comings and goings of over 1500 birds and sea creatures and making the data available to all of us, scientists and tuna-sandwich eaters alike. You can get a godseye view of tags reported within the last 10 days and pick out the critter of your choice. I'm personally identifying with Elephant Seal #39456 at the ...

New Threads following are the story of one of the first patients of the Xiao Procedure trial conducted at Beaumont Hospitals in December 2006, told by media reports, TV show, and mostly the patient and his mother’s web posts on the CareCure Forums. According to Beaumont, and indeed, ”the first procedure garnered national attention and appeared in ...

sexism against men on Tumblr, people have already been fighting for a while now on behalf of those mostly-male people who have been injured in wartime adventures overseas. For example, there’s Torrey Shannon, who along with a bunch of journalists, social workers, and volunteers helped expose bad conditions at the Walter Reed military hospital in Washington.

14 Best Gender Equality images | Equality, Gender equality ... - Top rated web hosting provider - Free 1 click installs For blogs, shopping carts, and more. Get a free domain name, real NON-outsourced 24/7 support, and superior speed. web hosting provider php hosting cheap web hosting, Web hosting, domain names, front page hosting, email hosting.[PDF]A STARTER BOOK OF CAMPAIGN TEMPLATES guide is designed to help you prepare for a great event. At all times, an organizer will be on hand to assist you and answer any questions as they come up. This is a people-powered campaign, and your work will go a long way to victory! 6 IMPORTANT STEPS TO HOSTING A GREAT EVENT 1. …

Kennebunkport/Rogue B-52 – Confirmation With Vengeance 09, 2007 · Kennebunkport/Rogue B-52 – Confirmation With Vengeance Remember the B-52 flying across the country accidentally carrying some nukes over US cities. Read this entire report if you want to be creeped out. It may have been part of a huge scheme.

Eddi Predicts The 2020 Elections : July 2018 Nation is one of the oldest (1865) and most respected progressive (or left wing) periodicals that has been continuously published in the United States. You can read about their rich history of associations with progressive writers and luminaries here; they were on of the first notable national publications to endorse Bernie Sander's campaign in January 2016.

Churchill's Cigar: Albums2010 #3: Rumors 05, 2010 · OVERALL: perfect for a bad break-up with the addition of scotch and/or ice cream, Rumors is one of those near perfect albums, where the talents of Fleetwood Mac are perfectly balanced to bring out the strengths of the band to produce certainly the greatest album of the 1970s and certainly one of the best of all time.

The Department of Justice Sues Mississippi…Again ... 28, 2012 · Respectfully submitted by Lawrence Rafferty (rafflaw)- Guest Blogger I guess I should not be surprised that the State of Mississippi is once again in the news because the Federal Government has filed a Civil Rights lawsuit against it. The Department of Justice has filed a suit against the State of Mississippi, and the City of…

Blog Archive - November 2012 | AAA Targeted Resume Writing Post reports that executives at Hostess are requesting $1.8 million in bonuses as part of their liquidation. Let’s get this straight: 18,000 employees will lose their jobs, and the “leaders” who took the company into bankruptcy will get a bonus.

Big Education Ape: Sep 1, 2011 Wolpert-Gawron is a middle school teacher in San Gabriel (CA). I read her “open letter” to an incoming principal.After writing about Joe Clark, Harry, and Edna in the previous post, I thought that a teacher’s perspective on what she expects of a new principal might underscore the multiple demands–the DNA of the job– that principals in the U.S. face.

White men having trouble economically are more likely to ... 04, 2017 · White men having trouble economically are more likely to become emotionally attached to their guns and consider using them against the government. Courtesy of Baylor Media Communications : White male gun owners who have lost, or fear losing, their economic footing tend to feel morally and emotionally attached to their guns, according to a ...

Sharron Angle Live - Little Green a Page This is the LGF Pages posting bookmarklet. To use it, drag this button to your browser's bookmark bar, and title it 'LGF Pages' (or whatever you like). Then browse to a site you want to post, select some text on the page to use for a quote, click the bookmarklet, and the Pages posting window will appear with the title, text, and any embedded video or audio files already filled in ...

Utah Women's Rights News Monitoring Service & Press ...’s note: This is one of two parts commemorating 150 years since Utah women were the first in any U.S. state to vote in 1870. Pioneering women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made key contributions to suffrage and were also key in …

Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow: Intro and Chapter 1 13, 2017 · Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow: Intro and Chapter 1 Posted on 13 September 2017 by Mark R. Kelly This is perhaps the most influential book of the past couple decades on the whole subject of human mental biases, how the ways in which we think entail errors of perception, and employ heuristics that are often but not always true.

CNN: the Cable Nonsense Network | This Sunday on Sate of ... 09, 2015 · Later in the show CNN analyst Lord Jeffrey of Dauphin will join Jake to discuss the ongoing plot to Latinize American culture. Including Pope Francis's papist influence on the process, Paul Simon's latest performance of Me and Julio Down By The Schoolyard and the long term objectives of the Learned Elders of Nueva España who direct the Mexican fast food invasion of America (among other …

Dyske « AllLookSame interesting theory and history, but as one of the comments says, Japan or China would not want to sabotage US dollar because they have so much of it. If a Japanese or Chinese operation, the bonds would have to be real. It would be their way of reducing …

Dan Quayle's Potatoe: The Cracks Begin to Leak 05, 2008 · Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

2016-17 CU vs Sacramento State Basketball Teaser 10, 2016 · Beyond the big four, however, there are a lot of unknowns. In terms of story, the most eye-catching piece would be Jeff Wu, the first Taiwanese-born player signed to a D-1 basketball program.As a freshman, the guard put up decent numbers, and probably will see a …

Teeth of the Buzz Saw: Radical!!! - Part 5: The Overton Window 11, 2011 · This is part of a 5-part series. Following are the links to the other parts. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 In the first part of this series, I talked about some issues that have changed over time, including allowing women the right to vote, civil rights for blacks, and even acceptance of birth control.

The Immoral Minority: Washington Supreme Court rules that ... 04, 2015 · The ruling — believed to be one of the first of its kind in the country — overturns the law voters narrowly approved in 2012 allowing publicly funded, but privately operated, schools. In the ruling, Chief Justice Barbara Madsen wrote that charter schools aren’t “common schools” because they’re governed by appointed rather than ...

Introduction to Animation: June 2009 08, 2009 · So, the first thing we need to do is click in frame 2 and delete the first bird, but don't delete any of the others yet. Frame 2—B: Next, before we do any other deleting here, we need to copy some of the birds so that we have them available for the other keyframes we are going to add.

CDC Recommends Numerous Improvements ... - Dakota Free Press 24, 2020 · The Center for Disease Control and Prevention came to Sioux Falls last week and toured the shuttered Smithfield Foods slaughterhouse, now the third-worst coronavirus hotspot in the nation.Yesterday, the state posted the CDC’s report on the meat company’s failed efforts to protect its workers from covid-19 and the CDC’s “discretionary and not required or mandated” recommendations …

Admission scandal is no surprise to students of color ... 17, 2019 · CHICAGO — There is a college-bribery scandal in the news, and every nonwhite college student who was ever mistaken for a janitor, maid or potential assailant just rolled his or her eyes. Rich, privileged — and very often white — people use their money and …

News Sites - Pinterest 6, 2012 - Anyone can pin a link to a news site. See more ideas about News sites, Vikings stadium, Arden hills.74 pins304 followers

Progressive Alaska: Push Begich - Push Murkowski - Push ... 02, 2009 · •People go to a General Practitioner (a family doctor) before going to a specialist (in other words, the UK has a "gatekeeper" system) •90% of people who use the NHS think it is good or excellent. •Primary care and emergency care are very good. .Residents are …

THE NEWS BLOG are attracted to ID, and one of its founding fathers, University of California law professor Phillip Johnson, is a devout Presbyterian. But you don't have to be a creationist to think there might be something to it, or to agree with Johnson when he says, "The human body is packed with marvels, eyes and lungs and cells, and ...

" I Am A Man" | Mirror On America 09, 2008 · This is one of those ‘for media’ I stay in memphis work with media all the time, what is not told is 40 years later the job conditions have not improved since strike; they still have no pensions as of August 3, 2008. 40 years after King died here defending their honor, some Memphis sanitation workers say they are still wondering when.

Baby Love Child » High speed photolistings, will the I’ll be the first to admit, these adoptions are slightly different than the Healthy White Infant (HWI) top dollar adoptions. These are the kids that genuinely are ‘waiting’ languishing in fostercare, and being marketed to a different set of potential adopters: Williams Grove fans are the kind of …

Musicians of the Albany Symphony Orchestra - Posts | Facebook is a great piece. I encourage anyone who cares about the arts to read it. It details misconceptions board members have about their role in the cultural institutions which they support. Unfortunately, many successful business people think that they are invited to join a board for the skill set which they use to generate wealth in their ...

Massachusetts Wages & Salaries News Monitoring Service ... is the UK's largest and leading plastics industry event. A triennial event, over 500 exhibitors invest time and planning into demonstrating the latest machinery, equipment, products and services for visitors to view, test and experience at the show.

9 Best campfire images | Campfire food, Food recipes ... 11, 2015 - Explore beichorn's board "campfire" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Campfire food, Food recipes and Camping meals.9 pins8 followers

THANKFULNESS/GRATITUDE/THANKSGIVING UPDATE 2017 11, 2017 · This is a re-posting of a compilation of former Thanksgiving messages . Once again, we are at the crossroads of human suffering with a lot of recent trauma related to President Donald Trump, killings of unarmed black youth, pathological hatred, Russia-gate, justice denied, overall escalation of human misery, global wars, persecution, genocide and the unremitting and daunting effects of poverty.

Russell Westbrook's Usage Rate Explosion - Hoops and Other ... then came Russell Westbrook without Kevin Durant. In 2014-15 Durant was hurt for a substantial stretch of games, and Westbrook went Usage mad, taking his mark up from around a career median of 32 to a shocking 38.4. Only a late season lack of physical energy kept Russ from reaching Kobe's magical 38.7% mark.

Our Children Are The Guarantors: The Cairo Market Scene ... 25, 2007 · Hat tip for the inspiration for this whole post goes to sister BabbaZee of LGF, who on on one of the open threads remarked on Yousef Al-Qaradhawi’s quote, “They fight us with the Torah, so we should fight them with the Koran”: It's like taking a knife to a …

Dan Quayle's Potatoe: No Electioneering Within 100 Feet! Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

moop :: handmade: 10.09 10, 2009 · The first (and one I think you'll be excited about) is a new color in the Market Bag! It's been a long time since we added to the Market Bag Collection and are super excited to show you the newest addition: The Market Bag in brown corded canvas lined in 100% organic golden yellow cotton. This is one of my most favorite color pairings.

Louisville Public Safety Committee Advances Marijuana ... 20, 2019 · The capital of Kentucky, a state that lacks even a barebones medical marijuana program, has passed out of committee an ordinance regulating possession of small amounts of marijuana the lowest priority for law enforcement.. The public safety committee of Louisville’s metro council voted for an ordinance on Wednesday that redirects city police from pursuing small time marijuana possession.

Puerto Rico Mining Industry News Monitoring Service ... 20, 2020 · Restoring earthquake-hit power plant in Puerto Rico could take a year. GUÁNICA, Puerto Rico — It could take over a year to fix one of the largest and most damaged power plants in Puerto Rico after the worst earthquake in more than a century killed one person and triggered an islandwide blackout on Tuesday. The Costa Sur plant …

Anti Trans Womyn - Cyrsti's Condo is the time to fulfill MWMF’s most vital role in our community and help to honor the Trans Community out in the world, by honoring them within the world of Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival. We hope in the end that we can all find our “safe space” and comfort on the sacred land of MWMF.

Apparent Dip: How much you pay for gasoline 25, 2007 · Especially when they ponied up $25,000 or more for a 6 or 8 cylinder SUV or "luxury" sedan; you knew what you were buying, so stop complaining so much! And if a rallying cry for anything it should be for public transportation and intelligently designed (read walkable and …

Today's Roster Of Corporate Criminals - The Soundings's revelations led to a $780 million fine for UBS and a deferred prosecution agreement with the DOJ and another $200 million fine with the SEC. Notably, UBS was not prosecuted for these violations nor for any of the subsequent illegal activity associated with the collapse of the financial system in 2008.

Impact Of Comey And FBI Becomes Larger Question In This ... of the triumphs of the Obama era's rather weak history of enforcement of corporate malfeasance was the crackdown on the abuses of pa... The Neutering Of An Independent Judicial Branch Finally, after widespread warnings before the 2016 elections and now nearly two years after, there seems to be a general consensus in the ma...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: The Swiss Guard had one of those games of a lifetime, as he accounted for all the Swiss scoring and a place in their book of memories in the 2-0 win. As for Canada, they spent too much of the early part of the game floating around the rink, giving a Swiss team confidence, something that only grew as DiPIetro put those two goals behind Martin Brodeur.

Dateline Rice for Sept. 7, 2017 - Rice 07, 2017 · The Rice 360 Institute for Global Health and its partners are one of eight semifinalists in the MacArthur Foundation’s 100&Change competition for their project to improve newborn survival rates in Africa. Maria Oden, director of Rice’s Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen and a professor in the practice of engineering education, is interviewed.

Dorf, Morrison, Fundamental Rights, and Strict Scrutiny ... 29, 2010 · Tuesday I went to a celebration of a new book by Mike Dorf and Trevor Morrison, The Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law: Constitutional Law. The book is splendid: smart, wise, succinct. It is a book well calculated to reach its target audience: students, professors, and a lay audience. This was no easy task, but they have pulled it off. One thing that came up in the discussion was the …

Edward Snowden ex-CIA agent blew lid on NSA's surveillance ... Snowden, 29, said he had thought long and hard before publicising details of an NSA program codenamed PRISM, saying he had done so because he felt his country was building an unaccountable and secret espionage machine.

“Shocking Mistake” Exposed in Darren Wilson Grand Jury - A ...“Previously in the very beginning of this process I printed out a statute for you that was, the statute in Missouri for the use of force to affect an arrest. So if you all want to get those out. What we have discovered and we have been going along with this, doing our research, is that the statute in the state of Missouri does not comply with ...

I’m Glad I Left Jersey When I Did | The Illogical Seminary 29, 2015 · Chris "Golden Corral" Christie thinks he has come up with a novel idea for solving the immigration problem: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) on Saturday offered up a creative solution to the problem of illegal immigration: track immigrants the same way FedEx tracks packages. "I'm going to have Fred Smith, the founder of FedEx,…

On Transmigration: Irma Thomas & Allen Toussaint 21, 2008 · This lady was the ground breaker, but not of the right skin colour to make it to the airwaves. The incredible Irma Thomas – all these 40+ years later – hits it as she did when it was a new song. Who knows, if Jagger had given her credit each and every time he sang this song, it may be given Irma some well deserved international exposure.

October | 2011 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao ... Provo, there is a car:truck ratio of 1:343,291, and a public ordinance requiring all trucks to be diesel engines exceeding Boeing 747 decibel levels with a minimum tire volume and body clearance large enough to flatten and drive over the body of any deer or moose that happens to cross the road. — § —

The Citizens: Iraq, the Axis of Evil, and WMD Proliferation 04, 2004 · One of the primary justifications for invading Iraq was that Iraq was stockpiling nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons (WMDs) and was willing to use them against the United States. Since the invasion and occupation of Iraq, it has become increasingly apparent that Iraq did not in fact have any WMD stockpiles.

The Progressive Influence: "White Santa/White Jesus." now know the decision regarding how the NBA would sanction LA Clippers owner, Donald Sterling: Complete and total ban, $2.5 million fine and banishment from all NBA activities (associated with the team).

Socialism | Bloviating, from A restaurant is charging white customers more to highlight racial wealth inequality. by Greg Evans. A restaurant in New Orleans is hoping to raise awareness of racial wealth differences in the country by charging white customers more.

NoFo: The many ways I'm a douchebag many ways I'm a douchebag I stole photos ... I did the climb in 19:09 the last two years, but my utter lack of training this year added a minute and a half to my time. So I staggered to the top-floor observation deck yesterday in 20:36 and gladly accepted the fact that my Hustle days were over. ... So I was the sucky douchebag who brought ...

Electronic Village: You Know You're Black in Corporate ... 14, 2012 · A lot of it sounds familliar. For instance I was talking to a white coworker once about some girls at another job (who happened to be black but I didn't say). I was talking about their colourful hair extensions, how they had so much attitude, how two of them go into a fight, and how they were so loud (he figured out they were black).

No Right Turn: Guantanamo: Five years of illegality 01, 2007 · The place is an obscenity, an affront to our fundamental principles of justice which demand that everyone, no matter what they are accused of, is entitled to a fair trial, and that no-one, no matter what they have done, should be detained arbitrarily or tortured. Once upon a time, the US was a proud upholder of those principles.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: New rail stirs bad memories for ... 11, 2010 · The citizens in that neighborhood did not feel this was an issue three years ago. One of the reasons I took Montgomery's endorsement campaign on as a client three and a half years ago is because she lived through Rondo and was the only council member voicing concerns over the possible Rondo-"izing" of the neighborhood.

The Adventures of Lauren & Jerald: June 2013 08, 2013 · The big final event for Seth's 1st grade year was the author's tea. We were invited into Seth's class to see some of his amazing writing from the year. As always, Seth was very proud and happy. He is such a joy! First we were greeted with a …

Madhatter News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today 27, 2019 · Leave it to a team coached by The Mad Hatter to win a game with one of the craziest finishes in recent memory. Here's the setup: Kansas, tied 34-34 … Oct 27, 2019

The Immoral Minority: Lawyers for Trump aides advise them ... 04, 2017 · wAtch and Take Heed: "Russ Feingold was the only U.S. Senator to vote against the USA Patriot Act, which established the surveillance state now in the hands of President Trump. The progressive Wisconsin native reflects on the legacy of the terrorist attack 16 years later as well as his new voting rights group LegitAction."

Minnesota U.S. Senator Klobuchar Requests $500K ... - HuffPost you accept taxpayer money, you have to accept that you're going to receive public scrutiny. That simple point seems to be eluding Minnesota Teen Challenge (MNTC), the faith-based drug treatment program which secured a federal earmark in early 2008 arranged by Rep. Jim Ramstad and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, for its "Know the Truth" program which aims to prevent drug use.

tara c smith : definition of tara c smith and synonyms of c smith/en-enTara C. Smith (b. 1976) is an American assistant professor of epidemiology in the College of Public Health at the University of Iowa, deputy director of the University of Iowa Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, founder of Iowa Citizens for Science, and posts regularly to her science blog, "Aetiology."

Autrey: May 2008 of many gorgeous live oaks on Daufuskie Island First Union African Baptist Church - 1882 Mary Fields Elementary School (1930) , where Pat Conroy taught. I've spent the past three days in and around Hilton Head. The occasion was the annual meeting of representatives from the 11 universities in the Peach Belt Athletic Conference. It took ...

The Other 95%: Crustacean Larval Degeneration 09, 2008 · What I found most interesting in the paper, however, was the inducing and documentation of a previously unobserved juvenile stage of y-larvae. Up to now all y-larvae were observed as one of 5 naupliar instars or the next stage, a non-feeding cyprid. No one has found or been able to raise y-larvae past this cyprid stage.

Electronic Village: Annie Ruth and Eugene Goss Win 2009 ... Ruth and Eugene Goss today were named recipients of the 2009 distinguished Art and Music Pioneer Awards. The awards presented annually at the Smooth Jazz in the Park Festival recognize artists who have unselfishly devoted themselves to sharing, reaching, and teaching others through the use of their talents. This year’s award recipients have a breadth of talent, …

Vagabond Scholar: May 2015 02, 2015 · On the eve of war in Washington, journalists and others gathered at a cocktail party at the home of Philip Taubman, the Washington bureau chief of the New York Times. . . .Judy Miller was one of several Times reporters there, and she seemed excited. Another journalist present asked if she was planning to head over to Iraq to cover the invasion.

The Undervalued (12-16th round ADP) 07, 2009 · Lost amidst the running game, Steve Smith, and the final horrendous meltdown of Jake Delhomme was the return to a solid #3 WR status of Mushin Muhammad. Really. He was pretty good as a 35 year-old last year. And he does not have that training camp competition that other elderly receivers look like they have to deal with.

R. Michael Stillwagon: Harry Howarth 1889-1958 02, 2010 · Harry Howarth 1889-1958 My grandfather, Harry Howarth was born in Chorley, England in 1889 and he came to this country with his family in 1897. He moved to Flint in 1924 and worked at A. C. Sparkplug as a tool & die maker until he retired in 1956.

Northstate Science: More on Casey Luskin and the Dikika ..., Wood (1991) even wrote this in his description of KNM-ER 3735: Some features (e.g. vault thickness) ally it with a Homo erectus-like hominid, but in other areas (e.g. the frontal) it is more like crania such as KNM-ER 1813, a conclusion endorsed by Walker (1987) and by Leakey et al. (1989).

The Blog Is [Not] the Territory: September 2005 27, 2005 · But it’s harder to forgive the omission of LeCarre’s acute moral sensibility: Justin’s transformation from a fairly superficial (though unfailingly polite) civil servant to—first—an appreciator of passionate advocacy (by appreciating it in his wife) and—finally—a hero for a cause.

The Whited Sepulchre: Glenn Reynolds on "The Knowledge ... no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?" -- President Reagan, Jan. 20...

textonly.comtextonly.comSep 13, 2013 · PM of Texas asks for international help. This is pretty interesting: "Gov. Prime Minister Rick Perry Saturday asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 37,430 courses of antiviral medications from the Strategic National Stockpile (of the United States of America) as a precaution after three cases of swine flu were confirmed in (the newly sovereign country of) Texas.

DatumNews: The Science of Newshttps://datumnews.comHumans are mutating COVID-19 virus, but it is fighting back, scientists say Herd immunity thresholds for SARS-CoV-2 estimated from unfolding epidemics Why one vaccine is already a sure loser, and also a sure winner, in the race to inoculate the world

Brand Autopsy: No Business Leader is Perfect 18, 2007 · No business leader is perfect. NONE. Business life is a game of progress, not perfection. No business leader will ever be perfect. It’s an impossibly unattainable goal. But while that goal is unattainable, the most admired, respected, and trusted business …

The Trump Presidency Has Reached Its Predictable ... 06, 2018 · All going as the GOP tries to ram through a crooked partisan hack judge (Brett Kavanaugh, who could undo so many of our liberties and seal oligarchic rule) to the SCOTUS who will seal the deal to protect Trump from investigation. Why they are so damned intent on protecting this crooked, unhinged president, is the trillion dollar question.

Ssnot!: Hitler Table Talks, real but mostly a hoax. if the transcript isn't purely original and had some modifications, it still would never be as bad as the English version from the French with all those bizarre changes. There was suppose to be a translation done but it fell through at some point and nobody has done …

Propofol | This Black Sista's Memorial Page it became clear that an additional season was needed to “do justice” to the story, the show’s creator said. Drug Giants Create Fund to Bolster Struggling Antibiotic Start-Ups July 9, 2020 New medicines are desperately needed to treat a growing number of drug-resistant infections, but many companies developing the drugs are short on ...

Early Release | This Black Sista's Memorial Page it became clear that an additional season was needed to “do justice” to the story, the show’s creator said. Drug Giants Create Fund to Bolster Struggling Antibiotic Start-Ups July 9, 2020 New medicines are desperately needed to treat a growing number of drug-resistant infections, but many companies developing the drugs are short on ...

The Immoral Minority: Disturbing video of the day: Ted ... 06, 2015 · That number tops the $41.9 million President Obama raised in his first quarter as a candidate in 2011. Clinton is also following Obama's low-dollar model, with Internet fundraising a priority: 91% of donations Clinton received were for $100 or less.

Orcinus: That definition of fascism - dneiwert.blogspot.com Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

peter_bakke, Author at Peter Bakke’s a little virtual trip to some favorite places: Reykjavik, Iceland Feel a little calmer with a peek at this quaint waterfront street in Iceland’s capital city. Easter Island Watch the mysterious moai statues stand sentinel on the island as the waves slowly roll in. Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand Imagine standing on the shore in Picton and watching the boats sail these age-old sunken ...

Bilgrimage: The Exodus from the Church and the Abandonment ... 05, 2009 · A posting of Colleen Kochivar-Baker at the Enlightened Catholicism blog two days ago provides important information about the latest statistics of the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches ().This highly regarded annual survey shows two of the largest denominations in the U.S., which have "grown dependably over the years" (to use the Yearbook's phrase) posting losses in 2007.

Who Envies Paul Ryan? | Bud Meyers Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), Chairman for the Committee for Ways and Means, has an annual salary of $174,000 a year.Some people might envy Mister Ryan, because not only does he have a great government job that pays a great government salary (and has lot of great government benefits), but also because Ryan has so much government power — which he wields with no mercy when playing God …

A comment about May Day, International Worker's Day workers! The First of May is approaching, day in which the workers of all countries commemorate their awakening to a life with class consciousness, their solidarity in the fight against all violence and all oppression of man by man, in the struggle to liberate millions of workers of hunger, misery and humiliation.

The Road Before Us: Arch Street Presbyterian Church Case Study current congregation at 1724 Arch St is a product of five congregations that merged over the past one hundred years. The first congregation known as Arch Street was established in 1813 as the Fifth Presbyterian Church. Fifth Presbyterian called a few pastors but

Churchill's Cigar: Albums2010 #1: The Joshua Tree 01, 2010 · One of my earliest memories of the Iowa Memorial Union- back when parts of it looked like this (my apologies if it isn't that good of a pic. I did my best.): Was standing in line for what seemed to me to be a very long time indeed with Mom so that she could get tickets to go see U2 as they swept through Iowa City on their Joshua Tree tour.

The Rude Pundit: Trump Voters Own This Awfulness and They ... 07, 2016 · The mea culpas are coming fast and furious as we approach Thursday's anointment of Trump as the GOP's idiot king. We're getting the questioning of how the hell this could have happened, and we're getting individuals standing up and saying, "It was me. Fuck. It was me." Those would include Tony Schwarz, the ghostwriter of Trump's first hagiography, The Art of the Deal, who tells Jane Mayer …

Introduction to Animation: July 2010 07, 2010 · The reason we are doing because we are going to make the head move back-and-forth as the script calls for. The graphic symbol is usually a static symbol, meaning there is no movement within it. The movie-clip symbol, on the other hand, is a dynamic symbol. It often is …

Trump's Reich - Part Two: The Consequences ~ European ... 09, 2016 · The Trump presidency will have severe negative consequences for America and for the world, including growing poverty, racism, sexism and violence. It will harm the economy, threaten human rights, lead to foreign policy disasters and the deterioration of public education, public health and all other public services. However, this will be a temporary aberration. In the long run, the progress of ...

On Meet the Press Secretary of State Rex Tillerson all but ... 08, 2017 · But again, I think we have to look at this relationship in its broadest contours, and there are many, many important areas which require our attention if we are to bring it back to a relationship that we believe is necessary for the security of the U.S. CHUCK TODD: Mr. Secretary, though. This is fundamental. They interfered with our democracy.

Rising Hegemon : Just don't tell Big Time it's "terrible ... Aziz/Reuters; caption) As Attaturk indicated below, a major bombing in Iraq bookended his time away from the blog. So our farewell post is the same format as the first one: one glimpse of the hell that is daily life in Baghdad, not least because The Surge cleared out …

Groves U.S. History Blog: March 2009 29, 2009 · This is the home of the online journals and musings of my American history students at Groves High School in Beverly Hills, Michigan begun in the fall of 2006. At this site, students will share their thoughts and feelings about the topics in American history that interest them. They will respond to journals as well as be responsible for posting once a week. I hope you enjoy your visit, and ...[PDF]This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA Fans Introduction 10.1.pdfThe first overarching theme apparent within these articles is the prominence and use of online platforms within fan cultures. William Proctor explores how the announcement of a new Star Wars trilogy and the merging of Lucasfilm with Disney were received by online fans. He argues that a complex and complicated process of emotion and affect was

Bolivia's Situation Deteriorating, Threatening to Affect ... 04, 2008 · While the story that's getting the most press in the U.S., though, in many ways it's the least important for the rest of the South American continent. In addition to the violence, opponents of Morales blew up one of the major pipelines between Bolivia and Brazil.

Queen's Law Life: 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 28, 2006 · Considering that he actually paid U of T the $150 fee to convert from a LL.B. to a J.D., there is little doubt where he stands. But a student issue and Dean Flanagan (a.k.a. "Flanny") is leaving it up to students to decide. Way to go.

If Emperor Penguins Go Extinct, Will Evangelicals Think ... 05, 2009 · One of the most annoying events in film during this decade was how evangelicals interpreted the documentary March of the Penguins to say that evolution could never have created such monogamous and self-sacrificing creatures as emperor penguins. I like the documentary pretty well, even though it went way over the top in manipulating your emotions.

THE RIGHT TO SPEAK: November 2010 18, 2010 · This is the question the parties in Schwarzenneger v.Entertainment Merchants Association (EMA) argued before the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on November 2nd.The case emanated from a law passed by the State of California which bans the sale of ultra-violent video games to minors, arguing that such forms of entertainment have detrimental effects on children.

Jay McNally Doesn't Want To Answer ... - Up North Progressive 06, 2015 · It’s fun to watch people who deserve attention finally get it. Especially Jay McNally, Pasquale Battaglia, John Conely and Nick Fiani; all members of the team working to make American Christian Academy American Classical Academy Lindbom Classical Academy Livingston Classical Academy a reality in Brighton. Except these guys don’t like the attention they’re getting. They […]

“The Regressive Brand: The Dark Side of Brand Activism 07, 2018 · Bayer– for further monopolizing the seed and chemical industry by merging with Monsanto, threatening to force even more small and family farms out of business globally.; Beretta– for profiting richly from manufacturing weapons—and using those profits to fund the NRA and its obstruction of popular, commonsense gun safety measures that would save countless lives.

ACP Vision & Action: DANS SHEETS - 6.28.2015 - What we ... impact on people and animals decreased as the gas grew less concentrated. But, as shown in the graph, was still concentrated enough to be life threatening. Closer to the spill point the likelihood of death or life-threatening conditions increased during the period immediately after the spill occurred.

Lost in the Ozone...: As Oil Company Profits Continue to ... 18, 2011 · The Close Big Oil Tax Loopholes Act would eliminate tax loopholes for the Big 5. In the last ten years, the Big 5 have recorded nearly $1 trillion in profits, as well as billions in taxpayer subsidies. These enormous revenues have gone to buying stock and issuing dividends, essentially lining the pockets of executives and shareholders, while working class and elderly Americans are being asked ...

What Now?! – March 30, 2020 – Blue Delaware 30, 2020 · She added: “As the President fiddles, people are dying.” Dr. Anthony Fauci projected possible ‘millions’ of US coronavirus cases and “100,000 to 200,000” deaths, the AP reports. Confirmed U.S. coronavirus-related deaths doubled in two days, hitting 2,000 on Saturday evening, based on reporting from state health departments, at AP ...

Andreas Graefe – Page 2 – PollyVote is the highest forecast for Clinton of all components aggregated in the PollyVote. Author Andreas Graefe Posted on September 19, 2016 September 19, 2016 Categories Index models , Popular vote Leave a comment on Bio-index model update: Clinton now at 58.3%

Fun Facts About Promotional Products Sites | Restaurant ... Interesting Facts About The Promotional Products ... COUPON (7 days ago) At $23.3 billion, the promotional products industry is at an all-time high, according to the 2017 PPAI Sales Volume Study. This is a 9.3% increase from the previous year’s sales. Marketers are seeing now, more than ever, that promotional items are one of the most powerful and effective forms of marketing.

Pyrmont Village, Pyrmont (2020) - AutoYas Assange's father in emotional jail visit as US launches extradition bid . Julian Assange is the modern day Ned Kelly of our Times. He is Sick, his Father John Shipton has Cancer, and YET they FIGHT....Now the Yanks, want to Extradite him to to America to cause him yet more harm him.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: What Fox viewers ... 18, 2006 · (updated below) The so-called Military Commissions Act of 2006 (.pdf), signed into law yesterday by President Bush, is replete with radical provisions, but the most dangerous and disturbing is that it vests in the President the power to detain people forever by declaring them an "unlawful enemy combatant," and they then have no ability to contest the validity of their detention in any tribunal.

The Point: Trump and South Korea: It's Awkward 04, 2017 · By Dennis P. Halpin, Former Adviser on Asian Issues to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Visiting Scholar at the U.S.-Korea Institute (SAIS), Adviser to the Poblete Analysis Group and APP Senior Fellow Originally published in the Weekly Standard, February 7, 2017. P resident Trump's January 30 phone call to South Korean prime minister (and acting president as of December 9) …

My Open Kimono: November 2007 e28 as the Gphone manufacturer and Linux software provider is an ingenious move that will certainly trump the popularity of the iPhone. Imagine a phone that makes calls using a low cost VOIP system on cellular networks and WIFI while seamlessly …

Biden: Palin would be a "backward step for women" - Blogger 10, 2008 · Biden: Palin would be a "backward step for women" If I didn't support Hillary Clinton, and she was elected president, I would still acknowledge her election was a step forward for women. Apparently, Biden thinks electing the first female vice president would be a step backward.

Secrets of Grandpatzer Chess: Rybka 3 Arrived, but... 01, 2008 · My birthday gift to myself arrived...Deep Rybka 3 with the ChessBase interface. Unfortunately, one of the features I was most interested in--Monte Carlo analysis-- isn't working. Shortly after starting the analysis, the program crashes. I just contacted ChessBase support. Hopefully the issue will be resolved in time for my birthday!

Wallybrane's Martian Adventureshttps://wallybrane.blogspot.comFar from being dangerously left wing, as the conservatives allege the organisation that gave us Marmaduke Hussey and Tara Palmer-Tomtiddletomtom and that dreadful woman with the teeth, used to be a Rambler, now wants to be a Tory MP - and gave us David Icke. All Conservatives.

Beat The Chiphttps://beatthechip.blogspot.comTo date, E-Verify in CIR serves as the system to deliver more of an instituted Real ID. UPDATE 5-10-2013 @WIRED: Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform If you want the truth of equality and national IDs you need only look to poor Florida, a State fully invested in Real ID's gold starred licenses.

Art Blog By Bob: The Knife Thrower by the rising fascist movement in Italy in the late 1920s and 1930s, the painter Pietro Annigoni played the role of the rebel artist to the hilt, sometimes literally. With his fellow bohemian artists, Annigoni (above, in a 1946 Self-Portrait) would get drunk on wine in bars, fire pistols, challenge others to fencing duels, and sometimes even throw knives.

COVID-19 Archives - Curmudgeon Alley For the most part, even though I am the home of “The Little Known Blogger” with a minimal readership, I try to honor intellectual property rights. A friend sent me this opinion piece from the Irish Times. I could not find a link to it that was not behind a pay wall. Because I found this oped so spot on until such time…

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Response to ... 20, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

On Being Notorious...: From Diane Ravitch - A Passionate ... 08, 2015 · From Diane Ravitch - A Passionate Student Activist Rebuts School Superintendent about PARCC Claims -- Diane Ravitch writes: Melissa (Mel) Katz is preparing to become an elementary school teacher at The College of New Jersey. She has her own blog, The Education Activist: From Student to Teacher, and how she describes herself: I have been involved in education seriously beginning …

Obamacare | Bloviating’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 7-2-20: an SHR Media Special Report, “This Is America On July 4th, 2020” This is America on July 4th, 2020; BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 6-30-20: KATE KRUSZEWSKI talks about human trafficking

read my mind: Have You Heard Of The Deep State?, one of the deep state’s many agents, Marc Ambinder, came out with a book in 2013, Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry, much praised by others of the deep state’s agents, such as Martha Raddatz, Jeremy Scahill, and Peter Bergen; and it pretends that the ‘deep state’ is only within the official government, not ...

atomic power review: Wednesday early afternoon update to prepare for it began several hours before. TEPCO warns that this may lead to some radioactive gas releases. Item: If the control rods have been damaged and any B4C has been exposed to steam then methane gas may also be formed. This is much less dangerous than hydrogen, however.

Mo Rage: The Shameful State of the Missouri Legislature Shameful State of the Missouri Legislature Missouri got a really dumbed-down, irresponsible "two-fer" yesterday from our state legislators. Missouri Lawmakers Loosen Gun Laws, Back Voter Photo ID. Fortunately, however, the stupidity is getting a lot of national press.

Johnny Pez: Scorpions in a Bottle: Rise of the Parties 25, 2016 · In the course of writing For Want of a Nail, Sobel mostly skipped events between the end of the Trans-Oceanic War in 1799 and Jefferson's entry into the Mexican Civil War in 1815.Since pretty much the formative years of the independent State of Jefferson, I've decided that Scorpions in a Bottle is going to have an entire chapter devoted to this period.

Danielle's Denhttps://thisisdaniellesden.blogspot.comBoyds Bearstones are something I've been into since 1993. About 7 or 8 years ago, they released the first pieces of their "Christmas Pageant" set, and released a few more each year for 4 (I think) years. I have all of them. Aren't they cute? Look at the two bears dressed up as the camel (on the right, in front).

Gay Marriage – Unsightly Mental 18, 2015 · One of the great hallmarks of humanity has been its ability to take something, tangible or intangible, and apply it to a problem in another domain successfully. The originally advanced argument is not really an argument, it’s simply a statement about an original design purpose, with no relation to new purposes to which it might be applied.

How I Blew My Wad....https://jessewilliams.typepad.comMar 16, 2008 · Why is there all of this hoopla about a man spending $4300 on a hooker?. I mean come on, it is 2008 we should at least all agree that an issue that client # 9 and Mrs. Client # 9 need to deal with, it is an unfortunate thing...

On Jumping the Shark and What Progressives Need to Know ... 03, 2005 · This site claims credit for the origin of the phrase "to jump the shark." And somebody added a similar entry at Wikipedia:. The phrase refers to a scene in a three-part episode of the American television series Happy Days first broadcast on September 20, 1977.In the "Hollywood" episode, Fonzie — wearing swim trunks and his trademark leather jacket — jumps over a tank containing a shark ...

Gubu-World: Dubai Changes is the latest manifestation of centuries old rivalry between the different Arab clans of the region. The bail out has resulted in some subtle, and some not so subtle changes to Dubai. One not so subtle reminder of Abu Dhabi's new influence over Dubai is the renaming of the tallest building in the World.

Blue in Guadalupe: April 2019 27, 2019 · Here’s why some important and why you and I have a right to be angry. Studies show that the wealthiest are more likely to avoid paying taxes. Those earning in the top 0.5 percent in income, or $500,000 to $19,000,000, account for fully a fifth of all the underreported income, according to a 2010 study by the IRS’ Andrew Johns and ...

Kephalos ?efa???: 06/01/2008 - 07/01/2008 09, 2008 · The Northwest Progressive Institute offers some suggestions on how to run to be a convention delegate. Here is a good one on the "Do" list: Do introduce yourself and provide some personal background. Highlight your greatest accomplishments or involvement with the party.

Temptation Alleyhttps://temptationalley.blogspot.comMar 26, 2006 · Everything Means Less Than Zero:(Updated below)In Brett Easton Ellis's 1985 book Less Than Zero, after we've read about the narrator, Clay, snortin' coke 'til his brain bleeds, fuckin' meaninglessly left and right, watchin' his boyhood friend - now a male prostitute - gettin' fucked by a john, and simply allowing the entire world to decay, all ...

The Adventures of Lauren & Jerald: April 2006 08, 2006 · Last summer, one of Lauren's best friends, Meredith, moved to Sante Fe. Unfortunately, we have been unable to visit due to a crazy schedule and our expected bundle of joy. Luckily we will get to see her this summer in Rochester at her wedding! But she finally has got some pictures up of her and her fiance's beautiful Adobe home.

Mountain of Judgment: Aug 6, 2006've spent the last couple of weeks blissfully away from this place getting my mind blown by comics all over again. Much of my time has been spent digging into critical texts and resources (most recently Will Eisner's Comics and Sequential Art, David Carrier's The Aesthetics of Comics and the uneven but fascinating The Education of a Comics Artist anthology, worth it just for things like the ...

07 | December | 2013 | The Lunch Counter 07, 2013 · President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.. The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of ...

read my mind: Witnesses at Las Vegas Shootings! first law enforcement officers arrived at 10:17 p.m., according to Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo. Campos drew more attention last week when, without explanation, he skipped out on television interviews with Fox News and four other outlets, and fell out of contact with the Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America union, which ...

Tickle The Wireassistant director Archives - Tickle The may best be known as the leader of the investigation into the first bombing of the World Trade Center, the Times Union reports. “It is with tremendously mixed emotions,” Vale said about his departure in an interview at his office. “This area has become home for me and my family.”

What exactly has Obamacare done for ... - Eclectablog 03, 2016 · 17.6 million consumers have gained health insurance thanks to the ACA, prior to this year’s open enrollment period. From 2010 through the first nine months of 2015, the uninsured rate has fallen by more than 40 percent and, for the first time ever, more than 9 …

Reaching America | DeSmog America Background. Reaching America is a 501(c)(4) organization founded by Derrick Hollie, an advertising and marketing specialist.The group, founded in 2015, claims to focus on “innovative solutions for African Americans not based on right or left wing views but what makes sense for a more united America,” a goal they will accomplish through “utilizing grass root efforts ...

Ron Allen | Facebook the dog days of summer, a fine dust coats the earth and makes one long for a cold drink to soothe a dry throat. The unwatered grass turns a pale brown and the hard earth beneath it begins to emerge like the crown of a balding man's head. Like a broiler in an oven, the unrelenting sun bakes everything within reach of its boiling hot rays.

Postscripts: Companions for the Trail: Walking Classics the French proverb has it, the more things change, the more they remain the same. Our journey begins with John Kieran's "A Spring Walk." A polymath, he was widely known and respected for his daily sports column (the first signed column to appear in The New York Times), which began in …

Live Long and Prosper...: September 2007"The whole people must take upon themselves the education of the whole people and be willing to bear the expenses of it. There should not be a district of one mile square, without a school in it, not founded by a charitable individual, but maintained at the public expense of the people themselves."John Adams

Red Flag Days: July 2015 03, 2015 · In the New America, we hardly lift our heads from the latest game app on our iPhone as the TV blares out a scene that our grandmothers would have blushed over. Restaurants are filled with families for a night out together, but each person self absorbed by their iPhone mobile FaceBook/Twitter action. In New America we talk more and communicate less.

Kim Jong-Trump | The Smirking 12, 2017 · The only justifiable attack would be in response to a North Korean first strike. And that’s not about to happen. A missile test in the area of Guam is a provocation, not an attack, and no more and no less of a provocation than a nuclear-armed U.S. sub …

The Point: July 2011 to thermal power generation can cost ¥400,000,000,000 (Approximately$50.5billion)[Karyoku Daitai de Syotoku Ryusyutu 4-Chyo-Yen mo], ?????????4???) by Tatsuo Kobayasi (????), Japan Center for Economic Research, July 15, 2011.

February 2018 – FortLeft - FortLeft – observations on ... first was a Yellow Barn residency concert; the second, a BSO commissioned work. The Yellow Barn in Putney, VT is primarily a summer music festival but in the last few years they have expanded to occasional winter residency concerts. Musicians come for a week to develop a new work or to polish working as an ensemble.

Britain and America:'s six ..."Britain and America stood togther against Nazism": balls. Britain (and the Empire) stood against Nazism, and did so through 1939, 1940 and all the way through 1941 until December, when finally the US was forced into the war by the Japanese attack and German declaration of war. FDR had countless chances to do what Wilson did and declare war himself, but not only did he fail to do so, he ...

American Prayer | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities singer and Broadway actress Jennifer Hudson (from Chicago) sang the National Anthem near the conclusion of the first segment of the event (4:00-6:00 p.m. local time). Between 6:00-7:00 p.m., there were live performances by (accompanied by John Legend, Agape choir, and …

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Full and frank discussion at Plainfield ... 03, 2018 · Committee members made it clear they felt that was close to the kind of "bossism" which had led folks to challenge Assemblyman Green's leadership in the first place, and that the committee would insist that the chair use the Executive Committee to sound out positions the entire Committee would be asked to support.

Art Blog By Bob: Chain of Fools 28, 2007 · Blake’s poetry and art dramatize the power of desire like that of few others. His character Los stands as the eternal artist, yearning to be free to create. Placing Los in chains next to a skeleton representing death (above), Blake neatly encapsulates the true cost of all forms of enslavement—a death of the spirit as well of the body.

Libby Shaw: January 2007"It would allow the first large-scale operation of foreign oil companies in the country since the industry was nationalized in 1972." If the government's parliamentary majority prevails, the law should take effect in March. As the paper notes, the law will give Exxon Mobil, BP, Shell and other carbon cronies of the White House unprecedented ...[PDF]L.A.S. noticias (such as producing LAS Noticias) as well as the day-to day-running of LAS possible! Please stop in to say hello and introduce yourself if you haven’t already. Enjoy—and best wishes for a productive and relaxing summer! Muchos saludos, Krista Van Vleet Director of Latin American Studies Associate Professor of Anthropology L.A.S ...

PolitiFact Bias: PolitiFact flubs GDP comparison between ... chart does show that, when looking at a percentage of GDP, Scarborough is correct in his comparison. Debt as a percentage of GDP in 2017 was far higher (almost 77 percent) than it was in 1976 (about 27 percent). Colossal Blunder Alert! PolitiFact/PunditFact, intentionally or …

LeftWingCracker: THIS IS 2020 is called leadership, and as the Artist Formerly Known as Newscoma, our beloved Trace Sharp, is fond of saying, LEADERS JUST LEAD. As more people stand with you, you will understand the joy of common purpose. We need leaders who can bring people together for a common purpose, which is what GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSED TO DO.

Gubu-World: Please people, a bit of objectivity here 15, 2009 · I can't help but think just because Israel is the more powerful, well equipped and well prepared that they are seen as the bad guys. I don't know who is the bad guy, but it takes two to tango, and it worries me that Hamas are likely to be gaining support as a result. January 19, 2009 at 8:05 PM

Next Left: Facts about diversity in they are now selecting BME candidates in 5% of new selections. That is not yet the 8% mark they might aspire to - but it means the Conservative party in 2009 is now where Labour was in 2001. The challenge is to ensure not a "one-off" event as part of the Cameroon rebranding. The LibDems are stuck, with no candidates in winnable seats.

The Immoral Minority: Sherry Johnston and her weekly UA's ... 04, 2010 · Last Thursday I was in Wasilla doing some research, and afterwards I had planned to stop by and see Sherry and Mercede Johnston. On my way out of town I reveived a text message from Sadie saying that they were not sure they could meet with me because they had just learned that Sherry had to undergo her court ordered weekly urine analysis that morning.

Pew | News Corpse couldn’t be a worse time for the United States to be embroiled in an international conflict. These dire circumstances require a steady hand and the confidence of international allies.

News attacks — Crooked Timber 03, 2011 · I’ve received the ultimate accolade from News Corporation, graduating from snarky asides and dark mutterings in which I’m identified only indirectly to a full-length hit piece in our only national (general) newspaper, The Australian.This worked out pretty well for me, giving my friends the opportunity to say nice things in my defence, and even the Oz comments thread was mostly favorable.

Baby Love Child » Florida Queer Adoptions Post follow up way of somewhat of a continuation of the discussion on my last post, Florida, Queer Adoptions, and the reek of George A. Rekers & a cast of cronies, I decided to pick up O Solo Mama‘s comments and write a post in response (as it was genuinely going to take a post to respond.) Many of my own linguistic assumptions, definitions, and how I view myself in relation to “adoption reform ...

Mobilization | rationalinsurgent of these resources direct you to the folks who have been organizing, planning, and mobilizing in our state for a long time. They are the experts. But first, a caveat. The resources / tips below aren’t exhaustive, and they don’t cover the whole landscape of groups and …

Let's Dissecthttps://lissachris.blogspot.comAccording to an article in The New York Times the House Foreign Affairs Committee approved a compromise between House leaders and the White House that would authorize $50 billion over the next five years to support the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. This is a significant increase over the $19 billion that was appropriated for the first five years of this program and also an ...

read my mind: Medication Errors are a Major Killer! (Part 1) Errors are a Major Killer In 2000 the Institutes of Medicine reported that medical errors were the eighth leading cause of death in the U.S., killing between 44,000 and 98,000 people each year. While the number of errors today is said to

Alterdestiny: NFL 2007 Week 16: NFC Edition 06, 2007 · NFC SOUTH: It didn’t matter all that much, but it’s still disgraceful for a team like Tampa to lose to a team like San Francisco. Garcia, for as efficiently as he’s played this year, has a lot of trouble scoring touchdowns…not a good way to win playoff games.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: "Dead People Don’t Detox!"“The Dickensian underside of the city” as Dan Rather proclaimed it to be, was laid bare for American High Definition television viewers this week, as the renowned journalist turned his attention to Vancouver’s Downtown East side and the twin themes of safe injection sites and prostitution. His Dan Rather reports on HDTV brought cameras to a part of the 2010 Olympics host city that will ...

Freedom Writing: Obama's Opportunism 23, 2010 · "In the best of times, our days are numbered anyway. So it would be a crime against nature for any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were designed in the first place: the opportunity to do good work, to enjoy friends, to fall in love, to hit a ball and to bounce a baby."

The Envoy Way?? - ?????? ???? | ?????? this pageLet me first preface by reiterating that I did not vote for either MJ Hegar or State Senator Royce West in the first round, which now feels like a lifetime ago.. Had Super Tuesday taken place 3 weeks later -- after COVID-19 abruptly pulled the (what I had long been warning was a highly precarious) rug out from underneath U.S. security -- I think that we well could've had a different run-off ...

DSHR's Blog: Spring CNI Plenary: The Remix they are rational, they assessed the costs and the benefits. Incompatible changes to widely used software impose costs on each user; if there are many users, aggregating these costs overwhelms any possible benefit. This is especially true when the benefits, even if large, accrue only to a few users. Talk in 3 Parts. Ancient History: before 1995

MediaBloodhound: Story of the Day: NYT Public Editor ... below: updates I-II) Clark Hoyt's New York Times public editor column on Sunday, "Telling the Brutal Truth," brings the ongoing "debate" over whether waterboarding is torture to brave new heights of absurdity.. Hoyt opens the column: A LINGUISTIC [all caps are Hoyt's] shift took place in this newspaper as it reported the details of how the Central Intelligence Agency was allowed to ...

A Panel calls for new war powers Legislation! | Suzie-Que ... 13, 2008 · By- Jim @ 2:55 PM EDT The other day a Panel calls for new war powers Legislation! You better hurreeeee! As usual Bush will act first as his caused world war three is unstoppable and getting closer.Then John Bolton on Hannity and Colmes said we are …

Russell Glasser's blog: I get Amway mail, part 3 the issues he brings up are interesting, I responded to some of his arguments. It got too long for the comments section, so I'm starting fresh. IBOFB, I wouldn't be opposed to linking a post of yours if you don't want to restrict yourself to comment format. By the way, I …

Natalie Angier, The Canon | Views from Crestmont 07, 2015 · Especially for the first three chapters, which address general concepts about “thinking scientifically”, probabilities, and calibrations. Science is not a body of fact, but a way of viewing the world; it assumes that there is an objective reality. Evidence counts, not opinions. Mental biases are the enemy of science.

No Right Turn: Has freedom of information in the UK been 03, 2016 · Last year, the British government established a strapped-chicken review into the Freedom of Information Act. Composed of establishment figures, including FOI-hater Jack Straw, the "independent" review was widely expected to recommend limiting the public's access to information.All in the name of "better government" (of the peasants), of course...

inherently wrong: "Looks like a pump, feels like a sneaker""Looks like a pump, feels like a sneaker" The verdict is out and the new trend in women's footwear is apparently comfort and practicality. Paris Fashion Week may have come and gone but it's clear what sensible grandmothers and busy soccer moms will be wearing come Spring.

No Right Turn: A mansion tax for New Zealand? 10, 2014 · Scotland has just exercised its devolved taxation powers for the first time, replacing stamp duty - a tax on all house sales - with a "mansion tax": a higher tax on expensive ones. Which raises the obvious question: why don't we do this here? Labour proposed a capital gains tax, but it sunk at the polls in the face of a sustained fear campaign.

Senator Booker Introduces Bill To Expand Access To Health, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) today introduced bold legislation to expand access to comprehensive health coverage for immigrants by reducing unfair and unjust barriers that currently exist. The HEAL (Health Equity and Access under the Law) for Immigrant Women and Families Act has three main pillars. First, it expands access to Medicaid and the …

Anticipated Halal Facility Awaits Federal OK to Get 30, 2010 · A father-and-son business is on track to become Queens' third federally approved slaughterhouse, once the $5 million Ozone Park facility is completed next month.. Madani Halal is waiting for one last piece of custom-built equipment to arrive to cap a five-year expansion project that transformed a neighboring auto-body shop into a state-of-the-art halal slaughterhouse.

Origins of Life Archives • Smilodon's Smilodon's Retreat • Feb 19, 2013 • 23 comments In part 3 of this series, I’ll take two of the claims made by the Strength’s and Weaknesses website, as they really are the same thing. I’m not sure if the author thinks that they are two different things or what, but it is odd.

Based On A True Story...: This Empty Erwitt- I don't believe that photography can change the world, but it can show the world changing. Gilles Peress- I don't care so much anymore about 'good photography.' I am gathering evidence for history. Yogi Berra- You can observe a lot just by watching. Dorothea Lange- A camera is an instrument that teaches us how to see without a ...

Daylee News Nuggets: September 28, 2008 · Not much here on the debate from last night yet. Look for those in an upcoming Note. Concerning the first item up from the National Enquirer, some may dismiss this story given the source -- but it is my experience that WHEN IT COMES TO STORIES ABOUT POLITICAL FIGURES, the Enquirer has a pretty good track record.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: Only in series was issued in two parts. The first 3 in 2005: (I'm quoting from the description from the Israel Philatelic Service) Seder Zeraim - the stamp depicts a sack of grain in a field and sheaves. Seder Moed - the stamp shows the Zodiac, a wine goblet for the Festival Kiddush, and matzah (unleavened bread).

Mountain of Judgment: Jan 8, day later the lymph nodes on the sides of his neck are the size of golf balls. Two kinds of mononucleosis at once, which translates to listlessness, whining, baths at 1 AM to bring down fevers (check those cheeks on the Cat--that's not embarassment) and another week goes by without posting.

August | 2009 | Live By post published by crystalhandjuliad during August 2009. And as a recap, we have the haiku of Dahlia Lithwick, a Supreme Court/jurisprudence expert and editor at Newsweek and Slate.The following haikus are from the Senate judiciary committee’s hearing on then SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayor.

Hooray for War Babies ~ European-American 06, 2016 · They are the heroes that fought in the war and saved us from the nightmare of Nazism. War babies don’t really qualify as a generation, since 5 years doesn't qualify, but we are part of the 'Silent Generation', too young to have fought in the war and too early to be boomers.

Tickle The Wireattack Archives - Tickle The“The agent informed me that at approximately 8:52 a.m., Ftouhi entered the first level of Bishop International Airport carrying a red duffle and a dark satchel bag. At approximately 9:10, Ftouhi went up an escalator to the second level of the airport. At the top of the escalator, Ftouhi turned left to go to a restaurant.

Michael Cohen and Team Trump Worked Both The Campaign and ... 18, 2018 · How does a personal injury attorney from Queens and the owner of a failed casino boat venture become an international player and confidant to a sitting president? With a little help from his friends, in Cohen’s case, his old buddy Felix Sater, whom he met while they were both working at the Trump Organization. Felix Sater has been speaking with Buzzfeed News, who …

Lawmaker Rises From Obscurity to Notoriety - News - The ... 31, 2009 · Lawmaker Rises From Obscurity to Notoriety . ... In his favor, he became the first member of his freshman class to get a bill passed out of the House, and it was a significant measure, aimed at ...

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ... a more accurate estimate could have potentially funded new programs, such as expanding Medi-Cal to unauthorized immigrants age 65 and up, some state lawmakers and advocacy groups said. Newsom backed that expansion of Medi-Cal, estimated to cost $80.5 million in the first year, in his January budget proposal but abandoned it in May, citing ...

Mueller indicts 12 Russians for election hacking as Trump ... to Friday's indictment, the Mueller investigation has already racked up five guilty pleas, 23 indictments, and a total of 75 charges. During a press conference Friday, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said he had briefed Trump on the indictment — and the fact of further evidence that Russian intelligence operatives did indeed try ...

Dylan Brody Interview | AfterBuzz TV's Spotlight On - YouTube to view49:51Jan 30, 2017 · AFTERBUZZ TV - AfterBuzz TV's Spotlight On edition, is a long form interview series featuring actors discussing their roles and shows as well as their thoughts, passions and journeys. In this ...Author: AfterBuzz TVViews: 125

Cousin Sam: In the news, Sunday, June 21, 2015 21, 2015 · This blog is about family, including those in my family tree, the primary focus, but also the family of faith, the family of community, and ultimately the family of man.

Remembering Fred Craddock (d. March 6, 2015) 06, 2015 · One of the most fascinating things about him was his gentle demeanor and unassuming manner. He was a born story-teller, or at least he caught it from his father. What is intriguing about him is that, despite his success as a preacher and a teacher of preacher, a high school teacher sought to dissuade him from going into ministry because he ...

NEI Statement in Response to Resignation of Energy ...'s one of the first sections you'll see on our home page and it can be accessed anywhere throughout the site by clicking on the atom symbol in the top right corner of the page. Most importantly for you, our loyal NEI Nuclear Notes readers, is that we've migrated the blog to …

On Transmigration: Ella & Armstrong: This Evening's Treat supper I relaxed, closed my eyes and listened to it again, I feel better for the experience. This recording was made in the late 50s and one of the first to be recorded in 'stereo' - I had the original on vinyl (lost to my previous life) but was able to find a …

Tickle The Wireshot Archives - Tickle The Allan Lengel A dog owner says an off-duty ATF agent fatally shot his mastiff puppy outside of a middle school in Spotsylvania County, Va., Fox 5 reports. Vance Gibbs said he brings his dogs , four puppies and three adult mastiffs, to a large field at Ni River Middle School several times a week.

Today in Iraq - Blogger of teachers was killed and two were wounded Bring 'em on: U.S. ground and air forces continued to attack insurgents in western Iraq near the Syrian border. Bring 'em on : At least 21 Shi'ite militia fighters and two policemen were killed on Thursday when they clashed with Sunni Arab insurgents southeast of Baghdad.

Shadow of the Hegemon: "Best 5 Blog Posts Ever?" 11, 2007 · In the American media, the Betas are legion. It is not without reason that Andrew Sullivan, himself one of the media’s most brazen self-propelled climbers and perhaps the industry’s most desperately scheming and self-promoting parvenu, maintains a “suck-up watch” for his would-be colleagues. Nor is it a coincidence that Sullivan in his ...

California mourning | V B I 30, 2017 · The two masses were separated by a continent and an ocean and a spiritual distance equally vast. The priest in California moved among the mourners and spoke to them face-to-face, looking directly into their eyes. He was one of them. He welcomed the people he didn’t recognize, including those of other faiths.

Conversations |, it turns out I can fix it. There's a sorting option buried down deep in the software to "ignore articles". It also has a user definable list of articles to ignore preloaded with 'a, an, the' and similar in several languages.

Patricia Brown | V B I two masses were separated by a continent and an ocean and a spiritual distance equally vast. The priest in California moved among the mourners and spoke to them face-to-face, looking directly into their eyes. He was one of them. He welcomed the people he didn’t recognize, including those of other faiths.

Hey Orson Scott Card fans! Not disillusioned yet? - Blogger once in a while, I can't help rubbernecking the hideous wreckage that is Orson Scott Card's personality. Card wrote some sci-fi books that I greatly enjoyed (Ender's Game and Pastwatch being my favorites, along with some great dialogue for adventure games).Even though Card is a devout Mormon, some of his work even contains highly believable and empathetic atheist …

DIGGING DEEPER, By Ivan G. Goldman: 04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008 DEEPER By Ivan G. Goldman The newest version of video game "Grand Theft Auto" comes out Tuesday, and experts say it should sell at least 6 million copies the first week. Amazon lists the game at $49.99. Most copies will be purchased by young adult men, some of whom will line up outside stores Monday night.

No Right Turn: Guantanamo: six years of shame 01, 2008 · Despite endless promises that the prisoners would be put on trial, and a review process that has ranged from the farcical to the Kafkaesque, only 10 of them have ever been charged, and only one - Australian David Hicks, who plead guilty in order to return to Australia - convicted. The rest have languished there, without charge, without trial ...

Jane Austen | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. was a stately affair and a quite congenial assemblage of company. I would like to inquire further concerning one of your relatives who made a distinct impression upon me that evening. I believe I shared a glance with your cousin, Elizabeth. She cut a most elegant figure, although I did not presume to dance with her, or to speak with her ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: St. Paul Racketeering Lawsuit #1 ... 09, 2006 · 941 Cypress. Johnson leased the home to a tenant he received from Project Hope who was disabled, confined to a wheel-chair and receiving Social Security Disability Income assistance. 228. In February 2003, Dawkins’ Housing Department commenced harassment against Johnson’s 941 Cypress property and its tenant by repeatedly citing the disabled ...

illusory tenant: Happy birthday, James Siegfried of Milwaukee 07, 2008 · James Chance, a.k.a. James White and long before that as James Siegfried of Milwaukee, WI, is 55 today. Happy birthday, James. James is a legend in New York — where he moved in 1976 after dropping out of the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music — and beyond.

Chicago Tribune's Dubious Writer Is At It Again... | Lyme ... 13, 2011 · So I left 3 comments at the Chicago Tribune for Trine and others to read. I don't know if I will get a response. Right now I would rather read what Steve Novella has to write because at least his writings which are against chronic Lyme are more intelligent, well-written pieces (and so are a number of those who leave comments) - even if I don't agree with everything he says.

WG's Observations: February 2007 is a fallacy, albeit a fairly common one. The amount of cost and effort already sunk into an enterprise should have no bearing on whether or not to keep investing. All that should really matter to a manager are the prospects of success from this point forward, irrespective of past history. If the prospects are good, keep investing.

Balkinization: "Your Country Loves You" (More on the ... of dehumanizing the enemy as the pro-abortion folks attempt to dehumanize unborn children. Likewise, when a government attempts to rally a citizenry to go to war, it demonizes the enemy to prove that they deserve killing. This is the reality of war and is …

If It Were Up To Them We'd Still Be In the Depression 09, 2008 · The reasons they gave, though, are absurd. Especially for a city that owes so much of its present prosperity to a dam built in the depths of the Depression, paid for by California bonds issued during a budget crisis and augmented by a massive federal infusion of cash. It defies logic. October 5, 2008 at 11:51 PM

Kung Fu Monkey: Writing: The Pitch - Monkey Kung Fu is about what to do in the room when you need to convince the Moneyguys to buy your idea. Period. This is all assuminmg you know how to write a damn fine movie. Okay, off we go. Craig lays out narrative pitching. Big detail on the opening scene, with a hook. Bullet point the character and exposition, leading into the first big plot point.

The Bible and Abortion: Challenging the Revisionists ... Bible is the sum-total of His Words preserved for us as the permanent rule of faith and life. It does not of course comprise everything He said or did (John tells us that it is a selective collection) but it IS the compendium of what will be used as the measuring rod for all members of the human race when they “meet their Maker”.

Articles: September 2015 Archives - American Thinker cuckoo is one of the more interesting migrants in the animal kingdom. It spends part of the year in sunny Africa, but nests and breeds in Europe. Cuckoos appropriate the nests of other birds ...

Participate / Learn More About the Blogswarm Against the ... is due home 2/25 for a break and then will be heading back to Iraq. One of their brothers is trying to get into demolition in the engineers. I have to wonder, first I think they're crazy and the one in EOD going back soon will be reenlisting there but what will be next for our military as just beginning. February 11, 2008 at 9:37 AM

Avedon's Sideshow: Do you want to know a secret? the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reported in 2011, that commission proposed a plan to 'cut benefits for the vast majority of Social Security recipients, weaken the link between a recipient's benefits and past earnings (which could undermine public support for the program), and, despite the claims of the co-chairs, fail ...

wasp jerky: This Is What A Terrorist Looks Like Is What A Terrorist Looks Like According to a new poll , a pretty significant number of people in the U.S. support racial profiling at airports. Of the 1,080 surveyed, 60 percent said authorities should single out people who look "Middle Eastern" for security screenings …


The Natural Nuclear Reactors At Oklo and Fundamental Constants Phys. 126 (2011), 993-1019) This speculation lead to a further speculation that the fundamental constants might not be constant and a great many scientists have searched the universe, literally, as much of spacetime that is accessible to human vision, to confirm or deny this possibility, which is potentially of huge theoretical portent.

kyle+blog: July 2008 is only the first coat, and there is only the tiny bit of trim painted. It is a little bit more olive than I thought it was going to be, but I do like it, very much, especially with the light khaki trim. It is a very nice combo of colors. It keeps raining, so who knows when it will be done, I may have my own Eldin for a …

Does The Coalition Need Far-Right Preferences To Win? if it is all fictitious, the AJP is still one of a few extreme left parties that would like to influence Labor policy, and from which Labor (often) receives preferences. The AJP is a minor presence now, but it is growing, as part of a trend for left-wing voters to look outside the Greens.

PARDON POWER: Insights: Tamara Holder on Pardons, Illinois - At the federal level, a broad term which is interpreted to include all of the other terms defined in this section. Sometimes, "clemency" is described as "the pardon power," which is acceptable, so long as it is understood that, formally speaking, a pardon is one of …

Migra Matters: Analysis of STRIVE Act (Part 1: Enforcement ... is the first in a series of articles intended to look at some of the key provisions of the “The Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy Act of 2007” (STRIVE Act of 2007) introduced by U.S. Representatives Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ).

How to End a Relationship - On A Positive Note - Blogger relationships with the most to loose when Separation becomes an issue are Symbiotic and Co-Dependent.Within each there is the potentiality of both physical and psychological damage. To think about relationships as healthy or unhealthy is a beginning for healing, but the actions taken to do so may be more traumatic and that the emotional anguish to do so could stifle its ending.

The Citizens: The Future of Religion 07, 2007 · A Burke Williams Monastery is not the future of religion, but it may illustrate the needs of the flock. Perhaps more than ever in this age, people need help, hope, and someone to talk to. And so I wonder if the future of religion in America is not conservative megachurches, but …

We Serve America Best When We Are Unitedhttps://rebecarodrigu.blogspot.comOn April 19th, The New York Times and many other media outlets highlighted a current event that changes things for a troubled group in society. The event described in the article pertained to a recent ruling from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals which favored a transgender student in Virginia and his right to attend the restroom which corresponded with his personal sexual identity.

Doctor Science Knows: May 2008 31, 2008 · One of the things about a CSA is that it is *seasonal* -- you only get what's ripe this week, and you often get a *lot* of it. I'm glad to more of my flisties eating locally, so I figure I'll share some of my experience -- we've been in this CSA for maybe 15 years.

Gender & Sexuality Law has been a huge week for legislative action on a range of sexual rights – both at the local and national level (marriage equality measures passing in Washington State and Kalamazoo, Michigan, and going down in Maine; strict abortion funding restrictions going into the health care reform bill in DC while the bill included a provision that would remove the tax penalty for lesbian and gay ...

7 Tips to Help You Succeed as a Freelance Filmmaker 07, 2013 · Wow. Very pithy takedown. You may as well be a grammar Nazi. We all got Ryan's point. You are merely rehashing it with different words. I understand fully what you are trying to say, but "an excitement over being in production won’t necessarily turn heads the way you might think" is your only real point here and you could have said that without referring to Ryan's "give 110%" as nonsense.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Marriage Law Survey Turnout Is High ... 04, 2017 · The first release of turnout estimates from the Australian Bureau of Statistics for the same-sex marriage postal survey has created some interest. The ABS estimates that as of Friday 29 September, 9.2 million survey forms have already been received, 57.5% of all enrolled voters. The ABS notes that an estimate only.

Assessing Arizona | NewsCut | Minnesota Public Radio News 10, 2011 · Assessing Arizona. Bob Collins January 10, 2011, 5:14 PM Jan 10, 2011. 10. In the aftermath of the shootings in Arizona on Saturday, several …

The Citizens: Teachers and Merit Pay is a Bad Combination 10, 2009 · Pombat said... Total agreement here - merit-based pay for teachers is a bad, bad idea! Dr.S's mini-review panels seem sensible, and are actually what learner teachers in the UK face prior to becoming fully qualified (albeit with teachers from their school, and throughout the year, with plenty of feedback for improvement).

Reflections from an Emerging Scholar Activist: 2011 12, 2011 · Reflections from an Emerging Scholar Activist This is a space to record the reflections that emerge as I figure out how to define myself as a scholar, activist and community member in Seattle, WA. I will have thoughts on scholarship, collaboration, creative endeavors, the arts and music, activism and future research.

Winter Patriot: Let Sibel Edmonds Speak! are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Avedon's Sideshow: Moonlight through the pines Hedges, Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg, Alexa O'Brien and others sue Obama over a clause of the NDAA. "The Barack Obama administration, determined to thwart the attempt by other plaintiffs and myself to have the courts void a law that permits the military to arrest U.S. citizens, strip them of due process and indefinitely detain them, has filed a detailed brief with the Supreme Court ...

Get Involved For a Better America: November 2013 30, 2013 · (1) except as otherwise provided in this section, not less than— (A) $8.20 an hour, beginning on the first day of the sixth month that begins after the date of enactment of the Minimum Wage Fairness Act; (B) $9.15 an hour, beginning 1 year after that first day; (C) $10.10 an hour, beginning 2 years after that first day; and (D) beginning on the date that is 3 years after that first day, and ...

The Citizen's Constitutionhttps://constitutionproject.blogspot.comJul 22, 2006 · The Power of the President, Curbed (Letters, New York Times, 7/2/06) Let's get this straight. The idea of "The Unitary Power of the President" is a figment of the imaginations of some neo-conservatives who created Progress for a New American Century. Most notably Cheney, the kingmaker, with some support from Thomas and Scalia.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: St. Paul/ Keillor sues neighbor to ... 16, 2008 · 24 Comments: Bob said... * In a lawsuit filed Monday, the "Prairie Home Companion" host says that a two-story addition next door would block access to light and air. By PAT PHEIFER, Star Tribune Last update: January 15, 2008 - 6:48 AM The Lutherans of Lake Wobegon would most likely fume in silence, but Garrison Keillor, creator of the fictional town and among St. Paul's most famous …

WE WERE JUST WONDERINGhttps://wwwondering.blogspot.comThese observations are as old as the world and have allowed us to create a clear distinction between male and female sexes regarding their predisposition to violence. Wars are a biosocial product of men and a field for male’s manifestation [Goldstein, 2001]. The same thing is true of crime and cruelty, which are closely linked to masculinity.

Dance The Dance: Negroponte In Pakistan, Benazir Released ... are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Knight's Castle: January 2010 29, 2010 · For a really good starting place for a discussion of these issues, try Kenneth Pollack's A Path Out of the Desert: A Grand Strategy for America in the Middle East. I read it last year, and now I have my own copy ($18.00 in trade paperback from Random House). In particular, read Part Two: The Problems of the Modern Middle East.)

Heart & Soul Magazine Skips a Beat - Journal-isms"The killing of Trayvon Martin here two and a half months ago has been cast as the latest test of race relations and equal justice in America. But it was also a test of a small city police department that does not even have a homicide unit and typically handles three or four murder cases a year, " Serge F. Kovaleski wrote from Sanford, Fla ...

PragerU | DeSmog second Daily KOS author reviewed Prager's full column and concluded he was ” NOT advocating marital rape,” and that the first accusation was not justified. “What I see Prager saying is that a loving wife will CONSENT to a man's request for sex even if she doesn't feel like it,” the author writes. PragerU also posts videos on feminism.

Advice for Instructors of New Female Shooters: Be More ... 05, 2015 · Bingo. In one of the ‘beginner’ courses I took, there were several ladies that were shooting for the first time., barely hitting the broad side of a barn. After 4 hours they were on target and confident. My 9yo granddaughter took to an AR like a duck to water, It’s about motivation the the will to work on the skills.

© Copyright Carl Atteniese II | C?RL?TT?NI?S?: UncommonZ?NS? photo of our home planet, entitled THe Blue Marble, in the header of this site, was taken in December, 1972 on the US’s final NASA lunar mission Apollo 17, the first and last night launch to the moon.The crewed was Commander Gene Cernan, Lunar Module pilot Geologist Harrison Schmidt and Command Module Pilot Ron Evans.. The Lunar MOdule was called Challenger and the Command …

The Huck Upchuckhttps://huckupchuck.blogspot.comI love our house; but it's one of those old homes (I think it's close to 70 years old). And this means lots of regular upkeep and maintenance. Since this is the first winter holiday break I've had in a while that didn't involve traveling long distances or hosting relatives visiting from far away, I've had quite a bit of time to tackle some of ...

nesssessidadess: April 2011's Future Plans Include Hardware, Software, and a lot of Assistant. - Google is laying out its plans for software updates for the next 12 months, and revealed a new Android phone and a …

Techdirt. killing of Laquan McDonald by a Chicago police officer could have been observed by any number of dashcams, but it was only captured by one of the four responding vehicles and that recording ...

Doc Searls Weblog · Identity 16, 2019 · Deepfakes are a big thing, and a bad one.. On the big side, a Google search for deepfake brings up more than 23 billion results.. On the bad side, today’s top result in a search on Twitter for the hashtag #deepfake says, “Technology is slowly killing reality. I am worried of tomorrow’s truths that will be made in shops. This #deepfake is bothering my soul deeply.”

Hillary Clinton — Economic Speech on July, 12, 2015 — Full ... 13, 2015 · The Greek crisis, as well as the Chinese stock market, have reminded us that growth here at home and growth an ocean away are linked in a common global economy. Trade has been a major driver of the economy over recent decades but it has also contributed to hollowing out our manufacturing base and many hard-working communities.

The Reason Stick: The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense 21, 2013 · The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense The curiously revered world of irrational nonsense has seeped into almost every aspect of modern society and is both complex and multifarious. Therefore rather than attempt a comprehensive taxonomy, I have opted instead for a gross oversimplification and a rather pretty Venn Diagram.

Iain Dale's Diary: Can British Bloggers Make Money Out of ... latest issue of the British Journalism Review has a fairly lengthy article by me on whether UK bloggers can make money from their blogging activities. Although it has only just been published, the article was written three months ago. Links to all the blogs mentioned can …

Shouting Down the Well: January 2017 - Megbon 30, 2017 · If you got some $, give some $. It doesn't have to be a lot. If 1000 people give Refugee One $10 a month, that's $10,000 a month. The little bits add up. Support real news organizations. I know getting expensive, but it's hard out there for real journalists when our president is operating under Fake News=They Don't Like Me/ Real News=They Think I'm Fucking Awesome and the internet is ...

Preposterous Universe Dilawar asked for a drink of water, and one of the two interrogators, Specialist Joshua R. Claus, 21, picked up a large plastic bottle. But first he punched a hole in the bottom, the interpreter said, so as the prisoner fumbled weakly with the cap, the water poured out over his orange prison scrubs.

WG's Observations: February 2008 20, 2008 · Alan Greenspan’s 2007 book “The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World” (see the booklist on the sidebar to the right) is a marvelous work – part autobiography, part detailed academic analysis of why the American economy has worked so well over the years.For those not enamored of the details of macro economics, it can be heavy going in a few places, but overall it is quite ...

The Surfliner Stories: 2012 08, 2012 · This is the first train out of San Diego, and is very heavily used by commuters.The big stop is Irvine, but a surprising number of us are power commuters going all the way to LA on a daily basis. From LA, 763 goes on up to Goleta, where it turns around and comes back down as train 784.

Durham-in-Wonderland: Checking in with . . . Claire Potter 27, 2007 · "The Black Swan" has been discussed in previous threads; this is one of author Nassim Taleb's cautionary questions. [Easy for a Eurasian or American to repeatedly confirm "All Swans Are White," as it takes a trip to Australia to find their Black relations.] Prof. Potter has Ideas that--for whatever reason--she likes, really likes.

Techdirt. 30, 2003 · The killing of Laquan McDonald by a Chicago police officer could have been observed by any number of dashcams, but it was only captured by one of …

Education Writers Association: Independent Bloggers Need 15, 2015 · By Anthony Cody. The Education Writers Association has decided that, although I was awarded a first prize for my writing just last year, I am no longer permitted to submit my work for consideration for future awards. Leaders of the organization have decided that I do not meet their definition of a journalist.Investigative blogger and author Mercedes Schneider recently applied for …

bottlerocketsciencehttps://bottlerocketscience.blogspot.comHello to the me who is just about to graduate from high school. This is your older self from 2020. I am writing this letter as part of a time travel experiment that resets my timeline to this date; although you should retain all of my memories if all goes according to plan, this letter is a backup.

The Reporthttps://reportthenews.blogspot.comBy Brajesh Upadhyay BBC News, Washington As the Bush presidency nears its end and a deadline for the US troop withdrawal from Iraq is inked on paper, the focus now is back on the Pakistan-Afghanistan region - an area President-elect Barack Obama has repeatedly referred to as the first …

Matterdays: February 2007 I first started, they put me in the Benefit Administrator's office, since she was on vacation. Then I moved to the Accounting Operations manager's office for a day since she was at a conference in LA. Today, they moved me to my next home, hopefully for a while. It's the Chief Financial Officer's (CFO's) office. With windows. And a HUGE desk.

the noise of a marginal lifehttps://marginallife.blogspot.comFeb 19, 2007 · Here's one of their trucks. I've passed this car countless times on my walks, it's always parked in the same spot, and doesn't seem to be driven very often. I've noticed, however, that the owner tends to shine it up in the warmer weather. Here's a close-up of the logo on the hood and a shot of the rally sticker from the back window.

ModeratePolihttps://moderatepoli.blogspot.comOne of the important turning points was when Trump started talking about potential deaths in a serious way. The first estimates that the administration released (when they got serious) was 100-200K deaths. That was revised down to 60K deaths by Aug. 4. Instead we passed the 60K mark on April 29.

Drag queens and transgender activists | The Bilerico 10, 2010 · Hello Citizens of Bilerico. I'm coming to you, by delay, from the realm of personal martyrdom and finance calling known as TVC land. Yes, that's right -- your SPLC-identified Hate Group has begun the battle against ENDA. They want to kill it, you see, because them darn gays will, I don't know, be thought of as entitled to equal rights or something.

Current News « Ya Think? 24, 2006 · The federal government actually produced a surplus for a few years during the 1990s, thanks to a booming economy and fiscal restraint imposed by laws that were passed early in the decade. And though the federal debt has grown in dollar terms since 2001, it hasn’t grown dramatically relative to the size of the economy.

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2013 · The first of the incidents was dated August 1, 2013; the last one was dated September 13, 2013 -- a period of 44 days. However, the newsletter didn’t mention that during the same 44-day period, based on average numbers (source:, 3,696 Americans were killed by a gun and another 8,492 were wounded by one.

Sideways Menckenhttps://sidewaysmencken.blogspot.comWe've been in California for a couple of months now. I love the weather. Today, February 2nd, I spoke with my friend Alex by phone. Alex was walking home in Chicago where the high today was 17 F. 17 and windy, which translates to a windchill factor of Nicole Kidman. Meanwhile, I was sitting at an outdoor cafe in a t-shirt. Gazing up at a palm tree.

Sustainability news from midwestern research universities ...'s not normal for me. Where are the food articles? Coming right up! University of Wisconsin: UW-Madison expert to discuss role of research in global food security by Jill Sakai June 21, 2011 In the face of a changing climate and a world population forecast to reach 9 billion by 2050, feeding the world is a mounting challenge.

SoUnequalhttps://sounequal.blogspot.comThe most recent episode I watched included a liaison in the laundry room between two crew members. One of the participants, named Rocky, is a feisty and funny woman who in earlier episodes seemed close to a sexual encounter with Emile, a young man who seemed all too eager for sexual shenanigans. Rocky seems like a breakout star in the making.

Blogger - Insane Musingshttps://gradythecat.blogspot.comUse as an example two identical people. They live in the same area, are the same gender, and buy the same amount of products. They both have the same basic needs (ala Maslow's Hierarchy) - food, clothing, shelter, safety, etc. The only difference between these two individuals is their income. One makes four times as much as the other.

susan the bruce: March 2015 31, 2015 · The Senate recently passed a bill repealing the requirement for a concealed carry permit. Non-residents pay a $100 fee for a permit, so it is estimated that this will cost the state nearly a million dollars in annual revenue. Supporters of these bills tell us that NH is one of …

Tableau Chart Guide | Chart | Market Segmentation this pageShowing related but different views in one place is one of the most effective ways to get a complete picture of your data. So, for example, instead of settling for a line chart showing revenue trends, combine this with a map showing your customers locations and a …

Barrett Brownhttps://barrettbrown.blogspot.comAug 29, 2012 · The facts on Trapwire have since been confirmed by a series of other outlets ranging from The Daily Caller to Pravda to The New American to to Cryptome, and by six Australian outlets that were promptly forced to delete the assertion via Cubic's powerful lawyers - but these facts have yet to be acknowledged by the NYT nor by those other outlets that still think highly of the Grey Lady ...

Kowincidence 10, 2011 · We don’t often knowingly taste the fruits of the famed MacArthur “genius” grants, but in Leslie Marmon Silko’s case we got a work of genius called The Almanac of the Dead, a sinuous, relentlessly apocalyptic epic that projects the past and hidden present into a plausible near future. Published in 1991, it may someday be known as the great American novel of the 21st century.

Dunner's Learn About Islamhttps://dunner992.blogspot.comOct 10, 2015 · On the first day of the month after Ramadan (Shawwal 1), Muslims worldwide celebrate Eid ul-Fitr. This is one of the few days throughout the Islamic year where fasting is expressly prohibited. In the morning, many Muslims will attend Eid prayers. Because so many people turn out for these prayers, facilities other than mosques may be used to ...

David Drake: New Yorker Cover Causes Obama Whining seems to think all of which you are capable. Michelle is angry, but it's not because she's a Muslim. Barack is a liar, a phony, a fraud, an impostor; he is unpatriotic - but it's not because he is, isn't, may or may not be a Muslim. So, whine, cry, scream, kick your feet Rachel and Trey.

Amblin' Towards Armageddonhttps://amblintowardarmageddon.blogspot.comJul 11, 2012 · If they don't, then they will achieve none of their goals, as the likelihood that all of the GOBP will go insane, while greater than the first scenario, is hopefully also nil. These are the optimistic outcomes should the Tea Baggers win come November. I give these outcomes a 50 - 50 chance.

July | 2011 | neuezeitgeist is not exactly paradise. Millions of Americans do this every day and night. But it was after 8pm on a weeknight, traffic was light, things were quiet and maybe even a little pleasant, even with the hot humid air that settled over my like a wet blanket as soon as I stepped out of the cool of my car.

Moron Abroad one thing, the pictures are the story. The Arab-Muslim extremists running riot throughout the Middle East have told a consistent story: it is rage over these images coupled with Denmark's refusal to issue a government apology for the private acts of a private newspaper that have driven them to burn embassies, attack Danish nationals, burn ...

NoFo: 03/01/2008 - 04/01/2008 26, 2008 · Last weekend, we got one side (the easy side, truth be told) of our mile-long hallway scrubbed, primed and painted. For more than a year, every time we've made the arduous journey from our kitchen to our living room, we've had to swim through a churning sea of buttercup yellows, mysterious gouges, strange, un-scrub-away-able smudges and random splashes of potential replacement paint …

Ear Candle Productions: February 2009, the original 10:47 take of what became "Revolution 1" with screeching psychedelic guitar drones, shoo-be-doo-wop harmonies and John primal-screaming and panting (all the unnerving shouts and gurgles that percolate through "Revolution 9"), and a segment of the murky, highly-distorted last few minutes of the latter song ...

Jews sans frontieres: On Sderot and Ashkelon sees clearly that after the first two weeks of the ceasefire the number of Palestinian violations drops precipitously in August and is near zero during September and October. The numbers flare up exactly on November 4, 2008, and for a very good reason: On that day Israel violated the ceasefire with an air attack coupled with a land invasion.

NRA-ILA | Connecticut Gun Laws in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding ...

The Back Forty » How It companies saving for a catastrophe, pension funds saving money for retirement, the central bank of England saving for whatever central banks save for. All the world’s savings. It took the world several centuries to accumulate $36 trillion, and then that amount doubled in just six very recent years.

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ..."Chris Christie told a group of drug counselors, recovering addicts and a dozen or so area residents Friday that the nation's commander-in-chief needs to do more to fight the battle of drug addiction in America.

Short Sharp Shock.: Alternet on the amoral Electoral College 02, 2017 · C LAYTON CITED one example — the notoriously extravagant historical example of Florida — to make his case to AlterNet. “Pam Bondi is the attorney general of the state of Florida and the Florida Constitution says that you cannot hold two offices. And she holds the office of Attorney General and she holds the office of federal elector in the Electoral College.

After Giffords Shooting, Blame Game Begins on Abortion ... 09, 2011 · “Chief Judge Roll was a great lawyer, sound jurist, and a long-time friend,” ADF general counsel Alan Sears told He added: “Our hearts are deeply grieved over this tragedy. His untimely death is a huge loss for America’s judicial system and …

The Girl with the Louding Voice: A Novel eBook by Abi Daré ... the Kobo ebook Book The Girl with the Louding Voice: A Novel by Abi Daré at, Canada's largest bookstore. Free shipping and pickup in store on eligible orders.

John Gibson | NewsBusters following day, Gibson, who is a staunch detractor of Matthews and Olbermann, took what he referred to as a "Victory Lap," and gave credit to a number of websites for their hard work in continually exposing the over-the-top bias regularly exhibited by this pair (audio available here courtesy our good friend Johnny Dollar, relevant section at ...

My Patriotic Duty | FiftyFourandAHalf 25, 2018 · I am aware of my patriotic duty. And I will fulfill it. Or fill the pot with it. The Washington Post today ran an article about the Trumps’ request to borrow a painting from the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. The painting they requested is a Van Gogh. I can say, that I wouldn’t mind having private access to a Van Gogh, myself.

Are Women Turning Men Off With their Liberated Attitudes ... 02, 2014 · Women used to know how to handle their business. Even with my late wife, Val, while she wasn’t as stingy and strict as some of the ladies from the old school, when we were going together, even while secretly keeping in regular touch with my mother, she stopped speaking to me for an entire year until I caved in and adopted the kind of lifestyle that she …

A Plea from Willie Nelson for the Family Farmers of America 02, 2009 · In 1991, Willie Nelson issued a plea to America to come to its senses and legalize Industrial Hemp, a product that was mandatory for the farmers of the Colonies, and for which the United States Government made a movie entitled, "Hemp for Victory".

Underline News: Senate GOP Healthcare Bill Estimated to ... GOP Healthcare Bill Estimated to Kill 28,600 More in U.S. Each Year & Drop 22M from Insurance

'Law and Order' Cop Accused of Child Porn Possession offensive photos were allegedly found after the actor, Albert Insinnia, took his PC to a Best Buy in New Jersey for repair, reports. An eagle-eyed Geek Squad serf spotted them and alerted a detective handling security at the store. A …

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Rape victim's phone gives cops ... 15, 2007 · Contacted again Tuesday, Ty Williams said he's positive he called 911 twice between 12:05 and 12:35 p.m. Thursday. The first time, he said, he was transferred to the sex crimes unit and rang through to voice mail. The second time, he said, he called back and was told he had to call sex crimes and leave a message.

Underline News: Trump’s indifference to Russia’s election ... 17, 2017 · A foreign adversary attacked the United States, and the American president is inclined to do nothing – ask no questions, express no anger, seek no retribution, hold no one responsible – except welcome the foreign adversary’s officials into the Oval Office for a friendly chat, and satisfy the foreign adversary’s foreign policy goals."

The Assault On The Black Middle Class | Mirror On America 05, 2009 · The Assault on the Black Middle Class ... "It was like talking to a brick wall," she complains with a resigned if annoyed tone, which once rang with fury instead. ... As a result, one in 10 black borrowers is expected to foreclose, compared to one in 25 whites. And a United for a Fair Economy study last year estimated that black and Latino ...

Bilgrimage: NCR Headline: "Church Teaching Doesn't Change ... 10, 2013 · Whoever wrote the headline should be ashamed to disseminate such patently false information--information that almost all Catholics with even a passing acquaintance with church history know is false.Church teaching most certainly has changed.Read the New Testament and pay attention to its description of the practice and credal formulations of the first …

suicidal thoughts | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities about suicidal thoughts written by Patrick Zimmerman

Using the profit motive to attack global child ... 23, 2008 · Using the profit motive to attack global child malnutrition: why it could work, but won't happen If I asked most people about the major health problem in sub-Saharan Africa, how likely would I be to hear about soaring HIV rates in places like Malawi, Zaire, Botswana, or even--recently--South Africa?

The United States is the 20th Best Country in the World ... 08, 2013 · Finland ranks as the best country in the world overall - if 6-months long nights and polar freezing conditions don’t bother you. Switzerland is near the top. Our next-door neighbor Canada ranks quite high as well. The larger Western European countries - Germany, France, Britain - are in the same league as the US, somewhat ahead of the US but not significantly so.

Muslims | Law of Markets the English Spectator, the title: Muslims aren’t Europe’s new Jews and the sub-title: “They’re Europe’s new anti-Semites”. By Daniella Greenbaum Davis. An ADL study from 2015 highlighted some interesting data regarding anti-Semitism within German society, and in western Europe more broadly. Eleven classically anti-Semitic ideas were posed to respondents.

The Next Hurrah: Ashes to Ashes 12, 2005 · The Hopi believe, as my sister-in-law believed, in a Great Spirit, an all-powerful creator, teacher and purifier of humankind.Since Wednesday, if my sister-in-law’s beliefs were right, she has been with the creator, doing whatever gets done in the afterlife. Like most believers, she assumed the afterlife’s doings would be pleasant, but after that, like most believers, she got a little vague.

Markos on Press the Meat | caucus99percent is not shocking of course; in a way I can only blame her so much, she is doing what most of us do when we witness misdeeds at our place of employment. Nonetheless, I can only be so forgiving, the average American is not actively treading on the hopes of millions domestically and billions globally as they rake in fortunes in the process.

The Abundancetrek Blog: SPIRITUAL EXPLORATIONS -- 163 06, 2016 · + Simplicity is not one of the 37 Spirituality & Practice practices BUT put Simplicity in their Search Engine and you come up with 314 items including 117 quotes, 156 books, 11 practices, 9 teachers, 1 arts link, 11 e-courses, 7 films and 1 blog as of 6/4/16.

Northstate Science: Further Thoughts On Cline and ... 24, 2007 · This is not derived from the work conducted by professionals in the field of Syro-Palestinian archaeology – their academic publications and research still stand the test of peer review, so important to maintaining the scientific integrity of a field (by the way, something intelligent design advocates want to bypass).

Donald Berwick: the $1 trillion health care disaster in ... very dangerous man named Donald Berwick was recently nominated by President Obama to serve as the the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). If confirmed, Berwick would become one of the most powerful individuals in government.He would control nearly $1 trillion in redistributed wealth that flows from taxpayers to recipients of government-run health care.

Around the Keg: Wild Blue, Thy Name is Assandcatfood 09, 2008 · At the end of the day, a malt liquor with blueberry concentrate added. Save yourself the trouble and go buy a 40 of King Cobra, a can of blueberry concentrate, find a pitcher, pour and mix. I'd have felt better about myself, after trying this atrocity, if I'd have bought Boon's Farm.

Bilgrimage: "Strawberries on the Cake": Why Women Wince ... 02, 2014 · But it would be no violation of doctrine to recognize women as contributing to the life of the church, as being intrinsically and equally valuable, regardless of their familial role or fertility. Francis has had many opportunities to express these sentiments, yet he hasn't.

studio lots | Totally Unauthorized 19, 2014 · This is Los Angeles) air. Thankfully, the spraying ended about an hour after we got there and for a time it was much easier to breathe. Then, they started on the rocks. It’s very interesting to watch movie rocks being made. The construction guys start with a big block of Styrofoam, and reduce it to rock shape with a saw and a Dremel.

[E.O.M.S.]: 2015 Pavlensky is one of the main artists of the Nordwind Festival 2015. After his final action “Threat”, he was arrested and is currently in pre-trial detention in Moscow. In the early morning hours of November 9, 2015, the activist artist set fire to the front door of the Russian Federal Court FSB, residence from which in the 30s the Stalin purges were organized.

Jerome Armstrong Pushed Second Stock - Cadenhead Armstrong Pushed Second Stock I've been trying to pin down MyDD founder Jerome Armstrong's stock-related activities in 2000, when the SEC alleges that he touted a Chinese Linux company called Bluepoint on Raging Bull without disclosing that he'd received $20,000 in stock from the company's management.. Though Armstrong's message board postings related to Bluepoint are no longer ...

Eastern Palestine ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News 04, 2007 · The River Jordan, it is true, marks a line of delimitation between Western and Eastern Palestine; but it is practically impossible to say where the latter ends and the Arabian desert begins. Perhaps the line of the pilgrim road from Damascus to Mecca is the most convenient possible boundary. The total length of the region is about 140 m.; its ...

The Immoral Minority: Nebraska becomes the 19th state to ... 09, 2015 · This is an especially impressive achievement since Nebraska is a red state. And it is all thanks to one man. The outcome elicited a nod and a grin from the typically stoic Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha, who has tried for four decades to repeal the death penalty.

SOJO Gear and Instruction | Walker News Desk body camera. Miveu X is a great idea, though the clunky style – reminiscent of the homemade strap-on bomb in “30 Minutes or Less” – means you’ll only use it when going undercover isn’t the point. For about $80, the iPhone 4/4S case comes with an integrated wide angle lens converter and although the contraption looks complicated, the company says you can easily pull the phone ...

Bilgrimage: Wave of Queer Bashing in U.S. Catholicism and ... 10, 2018 · And a primary reason they resent and are attacking the current pope is that he appears, at least, to emphasize aspects of Catholic teaching — e.g., about the poor, the marginalized, immigrants, the environment, the obligations of the rich to have-nots, the danger of racist ethnonationalism — that make one uncomfortable in a costly-grace ...

The Abundancetrek Blog: SPIRITUAL EXPLORATIONS – 181 + This is a daily journal of Progressive Christianity. Weaving Home + This is my friend's website for spiritual direction. Standard Written English Blog + This is my daughter's website and blog. Spirit of Harmony Foundation + This is a project begun by Todd Rundgren to promote music education. MAY 2015. OnFaith. MARCH 2013. Meditation ...

sunspark says...: March 2016 26, 2016 · Due to the rising Fear of the Unknown, thousands of people are imploring legislators to mandate that we use only the rest rooms of the sex to which we were assigned at birth. Now let us put aside for a moment the complete insanity of a law that expects people to …

The Citizens: Remaking the Map of the Middle East 05, 2011 · The decision to use military force to protect one of the Gulf states in 1990 demonstrated how far the USA was willing to go to keep this structure in …

Orcinus: 06/05/2011 - 06/12/2011 Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Vagabond Scholar: 11/11 Armistice Day 2008 12, 2008 · World War I remains one of the most horrific of any wars, and is the reason 11/11 (Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, Veterans' Day) is observed. I continue to wish it was studied more. Owen, who fought in WWI, is still probably my favorite war poet, but his friend, fellow soldier and war poet Siegfried Sassoon possessed a dark, biting wit.

church of nobody: November 2009 is a fine site and definitely worth visiting, but it should be said that in terms of world-view it has a rather long lens focused on a rather narrow subject area. The gig is straightforward - a search for illuminati clues in the media by way of a simple checklist: butterflies, check; mirrors, check; all-seeing eye, check; checkerboard ...

Kansas: Kobach's voter fraud campaign is about discrimination is no different than the literacy test used in the south. Voting booths in the Southern US had a copy of the constitution for blacks and a “Dick and Jane” book for whites to read. With this new law a white business man can use a Kansas ID card, that really doesn’t prove anything, that people in liquor stores refuse to allow them as ...

Seattle | Majority cities use a 6 inch diameter. Of course a special case needs to be dealt with in replacement trees that are planted as the result of, e.g., a land use action. Many of these trees will be less than 6 inches in diameter for a number of years. Permits could be several tiered, with a list of exceptional trees being much more difficult to remove.

OPPOSE REVOLUTIONARY VIOLENCE TO REACTIONARY VIOLENCE the hatred of class grows as much as the ideological force that moves us, that way there will be no way to stop in that hard and irrevocable struggle to bury the old bourgeois-landowner order. President Mao already pointed out that: “according to the Marxist theory of the State, the army is the main component of state power.

Google’s New Fact-Check Operates Just Like Orwell’s 1984 ...’s New Fact-Check Operates Just Like Orwell’s 1984 ‘Ministry of Truth’ From LifeSite News MOUNTAIN VIEW, California, January 12, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews ) – The world’s most popular internet tool appears to be not only targeting conservative sites for criticism, but it …

Diplomats Love | BETTER DIPLOMACY 24, 2008 · Sociologically speaking, manners are the unenforced codes of conduct that show a person to be cultured, refined, kind, and polite. They are much like laws, but, and a very unfortunate but for The Diplomat, they can actually be ignored, transgressed, violated even, without recompense. Gasp, I know. But it’s a cruel world out there folks.

Impractical Proposals: 2015/02 - 2015/03 02, 2015 · Introduction: The following eight-point proposal is designed to initiate both a discussion and a process. The points can be further refined, and subtracted from or added to. Given the scope of the challenges ahead of us, there is a certain degree of urgency, but it is also wise to take to time to start off on a sound footing, uniting all who ...

Free for All: 07/20/09 | Inside Cable News 20, 2009 · This entry was posted on July 20, 2009 at 6:03 am and is filed under Free For All.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You …

Vagabond Scholar: Artificially Equalizing Unequal Views on ... 09, 2014 · This is a much more convincing hypothesis, especially if one's familiar with the usual conservative stances on inequality. Tankersley continues: It’s also true, in this case, that a lot of conservative economists have already decided that inequality – as opposed to mobility or the even broader “economic opportunity” – isn’t a problem.

Persuasive Authorities: Overturning the Slaughterhouse Cases? 10, 2009 · Now here's the interesting, and little overlooked, point. The Court will not only consider whether the Second Amendment should be incorporated against the states, but it will also consider whether it applies through the Privileges and Immunities Clause as well, and not just through the Due Process Clause. By doing this, the Court stands at the precipice of overturning one of the most …

read my mind: Financial Crunch! Economic Collapse! (Part 14) is not possible indefinitely as the process of gradual withdrawal from the dollar would result in continuous small declines in dollar values that would end in a rush to exit, but Americans are not the only delusional people. The very process of slowly getting out can bring the American house down.

palingates: Sarah Palin, pitbull no more... 10, 2009 · Pitbull, Barracuda, Sarah Palin, all make for a good show but have no bite. Why is the pitbull being wrapped in cotton wool? Sarah Palin ...

Free-Spirited Ruminations: May 2010 finished the book "The Secret Life of Bees" a few days ago. I had purchased it off of a table at one of my favorite used bookstores, but hadn't gotten around to reading it. What a great story on perseverance, friendship, and the support you get from women. Although it is a sad story, it is also a very uplifting one - and a great read!

Humint Events Online: "The Mothman Prophecies" 24, 2015 · Overall, "The Mothman Prophecies" is one of the creepiest books I've ever read, and a lot of weird things happened when I was reading it. First off, not surprisingly, the book is quite different from the movie, and deals extensively in UFOs and out of this world visitors and MIB. The movie never touches on these aspects.

No Right Turn: Promoting work-life balance 03, 2005 · NRT: I mean all of these things. If significant then it implies it is a cost to the employer of women and peopel of child bearing age and a benefit to the employers of men and those not of child bearing age. So there is a cost it may be difficult to quantify though.

The Debate Link: The Meaning of Haj Amin al Husseini Schwammenthal has an interesting column up about a German exhibition that was to note Nazi sympathy in the Arab and Palestinian community (expressed notably, but not uniquely, by Haj Amin al Husseini), as part of a broader exploration of "The Third World in the Second World War". The exhibit was canceled, the column indicates, because the curator of the center did not like the ...

[E.O.M.S.]: December 2015 17, 2015 · Petr Pavlensky is one of the main artists of the Nordwind Festival 2015. After his final action “Threat”, he was arrested and is currently in pre-trial detention in Moscow. In the early morning hours of November 9, 2015, the activist artist set fire to the front door of the Russian Federal Court FSB, residence from which in the 30s the Stalin purges were organized.

Daves Redistricting: January 2009 20, 2009 · The projection points to Texas as the biggest gainer with 4 new seats and Arizona with 2. Ohio looks to lose 2 and a number of others will likely gain 1 or lose 1. Also, the National Conference of State Legislatures has a recent draft document on the upcoming 2010 redistricting.

MANITOU: Die Schlacht um Ssangyong Motor ist zu Ende this pageAug 07, 2009 · Die militante Fabrikbesetzung bei dem südkoreanischen Autohersteller Ssangyong in Pyongtaek wurde gestern nach 77 Tagen beendet.Nach rund einstündigen Verhandlungen zwischen einem Gewerkschaftsführer und dem Ssangyong-Insolvenzverwalter haben die Arbeiter das Werk am Donnerstagnachmittag verlassen.Die geschlossene Vereinbarung sieht vor, daß 48 Prozent der rund …

The Harris Poll - Analysis & Conclusion 12, 2005 · Jim Grabowski (Illinois). One of the most beloved players in Illinois history, member of several halls of fame, commentator for 26 years for Illini football. _ Bob Grim and Steve Preece (Oregon State). Grim was a player for the Beavers and worked as …

PHILANTHROPY 2173: March 2005 30, 2005 · The Senate Finance Committee has announced hearings On Tuesday, April 5, 2005 at 10:00 am EST. The hearing is titled, “Charities and Charitable Giving: Proposals for Reform.” and will take place in Room 628 Dirksen Senate Office Building.

The Race Chasm and the campaign | The Least, First 04, 2008 · For a further observance of the death of Martin Luther King, Jr., take a look a David Sirota's analysis of the impact of race on the current election. Ponder this graph for a minute (it took me at least a minute!), then I'll give you a few excerpts from his thought-provoking post from In These…

Bilgrimage: U.S. Catholic Bishops Continue "Fortnight for ... 06, 2013 · As the day ends: note the bulletin insert that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has produced under the leadership of San Francisco archbishop Salvatore Cordileone to be placed in bulletins of Catholic parishes throughout the U.S. It's entitled "Marriage and the Supreme Court," and asks Catholics to pray, fast, and sacrifice with the intention that the Supreme Court uphold both the ...

2016 May 5 – Off the 05, 2016 · And come next week, he will be back to being just one of one hundred. And when he returns to the Senate with two and a half years left in his freshman term, he will enter hostile territory. There is no way around it: The actions he took over the course of his presidential campaign only further frayed Cruz’s strained relationships with colleagues.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: April 2020 the Day draws to a close my co-writer and I are waiting for Davey Kenney to call us back to blow the Conch on Liko's 37th Birthday and Aunt Tootie's 83rd. I took awhile to retreat to the woods to reflect on both of them, and to be grateful for the Spirit they both left with me, and the World in general.

SSP Daily Digest: 8/18 – Swing State will probably have a good year (and one of the reasons they have a real chance in some blue-leaning open seats for example) but it wont be like 06, IMO. conspiracy says: August 18, 2009 at 11:28 pm

Thunderf00t rebuts charges he ... - We Hunted The 26, 2015 · Phil Mason, better known online as Thunderf00t, is a scientific researcher and YouTube bloviater who’s turned his hate-crush on video game critic Anita Sarkeesian into a surprisingly lucrativ…

Orcinus: Is Oakland somewhere near Missouri? Watching ... Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

On Transmigration: Home, Hospice, More Updates and ... speaking of Obituaries - or as in this funny but sad case a pre-obituary - there is THIS revision of history I stumbled upon this morning and haven’t decided just how sick, sad, poorly thought out and written, and over the top it really is. I’ve never read a pseudo-obituary. That said, especially where the writer gives themselves more ink than the supposed subject of the piece.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Into your pockets for at least an ... Cote seemed to revisit the Pandora ’s Box of the fire department in his commentary that the city needs to revise some of its “ big ticket items” for 2009 including the fire department, funding of grants and in the area of by law enforcement. Visions of the mixed paid/volunteer fire department prospect spring to mind and the anxiety and concerns that the suggestion caused the ...

The Delaware Libertarian: Robert Reich: There is no health ... 15, 2009 · At least once I referred in a comment on another blog to a particular section in one of the House mark-ups, only to find that it wasn't there the next time I visited the webpage. The real problem (in process terms): if President Obama wanted major health care reform he should have looked back not the the 1990s, but to 1850.

25 | December | 2012 | This Black Sista's Memorial Page 25, 2012 · Recent Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and …

Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian ... 11, 2017 · Which was uploaded much earlier (In April 2011) even before his running for president Trump states he himself at 1 minute and 38 seconds in that he believed that Obama was born in this country (it was a birth certificate issue to him) UNTIL Obama's grandmother told Trump otherwise, and that he (Obama) according to her was born in Kenya (and he shares this earlier in the video at 0:33 …

PARDON POWER: New JerseyPardon Power POWER. Since January of 2008, this nationally recognized blog has been dedicated to following the very latest news regarding presidential pardons and the pardon power (or clemency powers) as exercised in each state. Reader comments are certainly welcomed but a premium will be placed on civility, relevance and originality. ...

Ethics Tales From The “Occupy” Movement | Ethics Alarms 05, 2011 · Frustrated by huge class sizes, sparse resources and a disorganized bureaucracy, he set off to the University of Connecticut to get an MFA in his passion—puppetry. Three years and $35,000 in student loans later, he emerged with degree in hand, and because puppeteers aren’t exactly in high demand, he went looking for work at his old school.

economics | Compare the Advantage 08, 2012 · On Monday, a documentary called “KONY 2012” was released by Invisible Children, a human rights advocacy organization operating in Uganda. The documentary seeks to raise awareness of the atrocities committed by the Lord’s Resistance Army, led …

Malaysia announces 1.6 million hectare marine protected ... in r/UpliftingNews by u/islamicporkchop • 13,650 points and 410 comments

Balkinization: Banning an Abortion Procedure Because It ... weeks ago, in Gonzales v. Carhart, the Supreme Court rejected a facial challenge to the federal Partial Birth Abortion Act, even though there is substantial medical evidence that the prohibited procedure, an "intact dilation and extraction," is less of a risk to the health of many women than the alternative, unregulated procedures, including most importantly "standard" dilation and ...

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Yet another call for a new ... 08, 2008 · A possible way to avoid for the government to confiscate all the gold in advance to turn it into the currency, as FDR did (though in his case it was for moving off the gold standard), thereby making the central bank the holder of all gold (which of course is quite distressing if that bank is one of the privately-owned Federal Reserve ...

View From The Porch: Poetic justice. 20, 2009 · This is a travesty beyond words. Released on "compassionate grounds"? I'm fairly certain he had no compassion for the innocent people he blew out of the sky, or those on the ground with shrapnel and fire raining down on them. He should have been left to rot in his cell with no more than an aspirin as the cancer slowly consumes him.

LIVERPUTTY: Jezebel, Sassy Southern Bell Extraordinaire that is as close as the audience gets to the fever. Though much was said about Lazarette Island and it was naturally assumed that the story would go there, it cuts off, instead, on the way to the island. The pay-off scenes, with horrific images likened to a Gustav Dore print, never happen.

Balkinization: Need Barack Obama be an "outlaw" (and would ... of those must give; it's only a question of which one. "Various things that has to be paid for were already authorized and guaranteed. If they aren't funded, the government is in breach." This is, of course, another basic problem, one which means the President (or …

Blind Injustice: A Former Prosecutor Exposes the ...“The book, which is in part a confessional, looks at how innocent people can become the victims of faulty eyewitness testimony, bad forensics, and a variety of blinding cognitive biases on the part of law-enforcement personnel, prosecutors, and judges, and why the system so tenaciously defends the status quo, even when it’s guilty of railroading innocent citizens.Reviews: 56Format: HardcoverAuthor: Mark Godsey

MSNBC Primetime’s Profitablity… | Inside Cable News 12, 2010 · In fact, since Keith has been doing his insane rants last year, MSNBC has lost around 3-4 million homes. And a 3 M home loss = around $5.4M of lost “fee” revenue. 4M = a loss of $7.2 million. But if you read what Keith writes, he still believes all revenue comes from advertising.

Greg Mild's Testimony in Opposition to SB5 - March 14, 2011 Mild's Testimony in Opposition to SB5 - March 14, 2011 [The following testimony was given by Greg Mild of the Columbus Education Association. He granted permission for me to share it here.] Written Testimony Ohio House of Representatives Commerce and Labor Committee, Joseph W. Uecker, Chair

Dick Polman's American Debate: Tony Rezko and the Obama image covered the 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2004 presidential campaigns. In his 22 years at the Inquirer, he has also been a foreign correspondent based in London; a baseball writer covering the Philadelphia Phillies; a general-assignment writer in the feature section; and a longtime Sunday magazine contributor.

In Medias Res: Ode to My--and Others'--Youth (also, Ralph ... 03, 2007 · Ode to My--and Others'--Youth (also, Ralph Nader) I told myself I wouldn't take such long breaks from blogging this year, and I meant it too. But here I am, three weeks away from the blog, and the usual number of half-finished posts piling up, perhaps never to see the sight of day.

Oh Well: A Commentary: McCain's involvement in land swap deals 04, 2008 · I found this Washington Post story through The Carpetbagger Report, which brings up some serious questions about Arizona Senator John McCain's involvement into several land-swap deals. First, the Washington Post story, titled McCain pushed land swap that benefits backer: PRESCOTT, Ariz. -- Sen. John McCain championed legislation that will let an Arizona rancher trade remote grassland …

JuliusBloghttps://juliusblog.blogspot.comThis is not just the latest Bushism, but the most revealing of them all. I remember reading a study on Bush-speak written by Mark Crispin Miller a few years back that explained this phenomenon. Apparently, those verbal gaffes and misstatements that Bush makes on a daily basis are actually very revealing, telling you about his state of mind and what he really, really means.

The Debate Link: 07/02/2017 - 07/09/2017 New York Times has an article about utility efforts to roll back "net metering"* for solar power. The article is pretty clearly slanted -- utilities aren't making up the free-riding problem. But it's also evident that utility companies aren't just interested in insuring grid stability but want to kneecap solar outright, because it is a threat to the monopoly utility model.

In Medias Res: This Morning, I Hate Joe Lieberman 06, 2009 · "Every one of the standards according to which action is condemned demands action. Although the dignity of persons is inevitably violated in action, this dignity would be far less recognized in the world than it is had it not been supported by actions such as the establishment of constitutions and the fighting of wars in defense of human rights.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: My soul hates your new moons and your seasons it's good enough for me to stick with. Mordecai Kaplan devotes Chapter IX of Judaism as a Civilization (which, apparently, no one reads anymore -- there are no Google hits for "Religious-Culturist" or "Secular-Culturist" outside of Mah Rabu) to a "Critique of the Reformist Version of Judaism". (He insists on "Reformist" for grammatical ...

The Shadowland Journal: December 2006 - Christopher Dickey 19, 2006 · From Christopher Dickey, the author of "Our Man in Charleston: Britain's Secret Agent in the Civil War South" and "Securing the City," this site provides updates and footnotes on history, espionage, terrorism, fanaticism, policing and counterinsurgency linked to Dickey's columns for The Daily Beast and his other writings; also, occasional dialogues, diatribes, and contributions from friends.

Obsolete Capitalism: Megan Heuer: Who sleeps ? On Jonathan ... of focusing on labor, Crary takes sleep as a lens through which to consider economic and social transformations wrought by late 20 th and early 21 st century techno-global capitalism. Offering a genealogical account of the reformatting of time from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present, 24/7 is relentlessly negative: sleep is the last unleveraged form of human ...

Leisha's Random Thoughts & Ponderings: Why I don't like ... why, as a Norwegian, I don’t need to worry that I will ever see king Harald V in a position where he appears to the nation as ridiculous. I will not see him giving foreign heads of state unasked-for neck rubs. I will not see him dancing a little jig while waiting for a press conference to start.

Cwech Blug: May 2006 weeks ago I was asked by the Linfield Review to write an article on immigration. I did, and it was published. I had hoped to link to that article here, but that issue of the Linfield Review seems to have not been posted on the web, so without further ado, I present to you the article, edited for one or two things that I meant to change before I submitted it but forgot.

Uncommon Hours: 2016 has a unique but effective editorial style, which I decrypted in his entertaining metaphors. Donna did great work to create a compelling design for the book. A Great Fullness has taken me on an eight-year journey. The back story is nearly as long as the book itself, but it's a story for another day. Today I …

a geocentric view: Mystery Hunt 2007 - Blogger 01, 2007 · Many others have already pitched in their comments about this year's Mystery Hunt (including Aaron and Noah from my own team). (My earlier post on, " what the Mystery Hunt is" can be found here.)The big list-o-puzzles can be found here, and a general description of how the Hunt worked is over here.They do a good job explaining the plot and how the Hunt was structured, so I'm …

POLIHOP: July 2007 a third of young Adults Still living with parents Pew Research - In 2012, 36% of the nation’s young adults ages 18 to 31 were living in their parents’ home, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. This is the highest share in at least four decades. ::: I don't want to point the figure at President Obama but I think if he would pushed progressive ...

X Curmudgeon: August 2009 of the features of these hurricanes, seen with Bill, is the tendency to pick up speed as they turn north. Currently, Bill is off the Virginia coast moving at 24 mph. That's three times as fast as Katrina's approach to New Orleans, meaning there's one third the time to react.

The Union News.: 8/9/09 06, 2009 · One of the greatest rallying points of WWII belonged to the people of Denmark. All the Jewish citizens were to put a gold Star of David on their clothing within 24 hours. They, the Danes, were told that if they knew of a Jew without the Star of David on their clothing, they, along with the Jew, would be sent to a German concentration camp.

My trip to the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas Creation Evidence Museum is the work of Dr.(sic) Carl Baugh.Go here to read about Baugh's academic credentials. Now that I've done some reading on the guy, this place might replace Lee Harvey Oswald's grave as my favorite destination to take out of town guests. Cedric Katesby, get ready.If you ever make it to the U.S., we're going.

Unable to get the Senate to repeal Obamacare Donald Trump ... 08, 2017 · — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 10, 2017 Courtesy of HuffPo: President Donald Trump has already done a lot to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, whether it’s slashing the program’s advertising budget or threatening to cut off some payments that …

Correspondence Is Making A Comeback - AVC 28, 2008 · Correspondence Is Making A Comeback I was thinking of making a broader point in my "quill pen" post yesterday but ran out of time so I decided to do that with today’s post. Before the telephone came along, correspondence mostly consisted of letter writing, like the Adams/Jefferson letters I mentioned in yesterday’s post.

The Dean's Office: Always in motion is the future. you are one of the carriers of this story virus (i.e. you have been tagged and choose to contribute to it), you will have one responsibility, in addition to contributing your own piece of the story: you will have to tag at least one person that continues your story thread.

Uncommon Hours: March 6, 1970: The Townhouse Explosion 03, 2009 · From Chapter 3: "The idea seemed not only clearer to him last night, but vital, even urgent, and the conversation comes back to him now—how they sat for a long time on a rug beside the coffee table, passing joints and downing beers, while Simon picked the tobacco of unfiltered cigarettes from his teeth and described his tours in Vietnam—to Peter, to a couple of others nearby, but mostly …

Humint Events Online: February 2014 25, 2014 · Nothing is more pernicious and twisted than the war propaganda put out by the Pentagon. In 2012, the Pentagon kicked off a 13-year program [11] to commemorate the 50th anniversary [12] of the Vietnam War, complete with a sprawling website that includes a “history and education [13] ” component. Billed [14] as a “public service” provided by the Department of Defense, the United States ...

"Buddhism," "Faith," "Confirmed Confidence," and Scare Quotes 17, 2010 · "Buddhism," "Faith," "Confirmed Confidence," and Scare Quotes Defining "faith" here as "the belief in something without needing or even in spite of a persuasive empirical case." Therefore believing in Germ Theory is not an article of faith, but believing in a God, or ghosts, or reincarnation, or heaven, or karma, is.

Secher Nbiw: That fear thing 27, 2009 · -Sherlock Holmes "Lie to a liar, for lies are his coin; Steal from a thief, for that is easy; lay a trap for a trickster and catch him at first attempt, but beware of an honest man." -Arab proverb "Your beliefs will be the light by which you see, but they will not be what you see, and they will not be a substitute for seeing."

Psycmeister's Ice Palace! 07, 2006 · <center>A Father of an Operation Iraqi Freedom vet, &amp; Educator--Fighting the Battle Here at Home.</center>

Abstract: Evaluation of in-vitro antibiotic susceptibility ... 08, 2011 · Hi cave76, Yes, you bring up a very good point - a complex disease, and Dr. Luft pretty much hit it on the head: It's more of a Lyme Borrelia Complex, because patients can be coinfected with more than one pathogen. Depending on the patient's history (where they lived, travel, exposure to animals with ticks from who-knows-where) there can be a number of possibilities as to what the ...

[E.O.M.S.]: May 2012 23, 2012 · Moanarchism. Thursday, 31 May 2012

» Gary Kleppe's fanfiction Kleppe's manga fanfiction index page. BIG WHO Doctor Who/Big Nate fusion fanfiction by Gary Kleppe Doctor Who was created by Sydney Newman, C. E. Webber, and Donald Wilson, and developed by too many other talented folk to name.Big Nate was created and written by Lincoln Peirce. This is fan material written and freely distributed solely for the enjoyment of other fans.

Pareidolia Global: Project: "The Car" plans in CAD (pt. 1) 10, 2014 · The bumper and grille are wrong, too, but the bodywork does look like one of the real articles. I've scoured the Internet several times looking for source photos, drawings, trivia, the same sort of thing I was doing a year ago working on my build of Revell's 1/96 Saturn V.With that one, I got close to a gig of photos and videos.

Humint Events Online: January 2015 29, 2015 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

Who Hijacked Our Country: Another Rightwing Neanderthal ... 07, 2007 · Too bad those are a couple of maxims of the SA, better known as the Nazi "brownshirts", active in Nazi propaganda in the 1920s and 1930s. Sites like that one seem to me little more than a recruitment site and an affirmation site for modern-day American brownshirts of the rightwing variety.

Adopt Resistance: 2012 is not right. This war was evil. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush are running around free. If that’s not an axis of evil, I don’t know what is. “I thought I’d be protecting my country when I joined the Army. It was a lie. “Being a deserter and a refugee has put a strain on my marriage and family.

Accidental Deliberations: 2008-08-17 08, 2008 · Cameron largely debunks the Libs' attempt to spin Jack Layton's comments on whether Deceivin' Stephen can legitimately call a fall election on his own. But let's look at this from another angle. Much as I hate to see any discussion of policy give way to the usual Harper/Dion wrangling as to whether or not there will be an election soon, the reality is that Harper managed to push the question ...

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 05, 2006 · Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond

Dick Cavett | Alec Nevala-Lee remember one of [Groucho Marx’s] lines on my morning show that was widely quoted, and stolen by unknown comedians and by one or two well-known ones.We had discussed the musical Hair for a moment. It had just opened, and because it contained Broadway’s first frontal nude scene with both sexes there was a lot of talk about it.

Otto's War Room (??): February 2007 hardcore Reds he may be idolized, but nowadays he also needs to be pixelized. This is basically why two songs by Sison -- founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines , icon to Asia's longest-running Maoist insurgency, and a ''terrorist' ' in the eyes of post-9/11 US and European governments -- are currently playing on YouTube.

Should the Presumption of Innocence Influence How Media ... 28, 2014 · “To name a rape victim is to guarantee that whenever somebody hears her name, that somebody will picture her in the act of being sexually tortured,” writes Helen Benedict in her 1992 book Virgin or Vamp: How the Press Covers Sex Crimes. “To expose a rape victim to this without her consent is nothing short of punitive.” That school of thought has long dominated press coverage of rapes ...

The New Counter-Culture: THIS DAY IN TWITCHY: JANUARY 19, … 19, 2015 · this day in twitchy: january 19, 2015 'Frightening and sad': Jewish kids in Antwerp watch as paratroopers guard against jihad BELGIUM: Young Jewish girl looks on as a paratrooper stands guard at a building in the Jewish area in Antwerp.

The Rectification of Names: Kid killers respond hangers are the GOP policy. Like Mafia rum-running was President Harding's. Dr. Gosnell's late-term abortion abattoir existed because Pennsylvania banned abortion after 20 weeks, as a direct and inevitable consequence. It is so weird how you guys are always saying "If guns are outlawed only outlaws" etc. (not that anybody for gun control ...

The Immoral Minority: Some things can ONLY happen in Alaska. 05, 2010 · I was on a roll with this one, but it disappeared... don't know what I did, or whether I was not supposed to post. But here is another try: After we were bombed out of my hometown of Bremerhaven in 1944, we were evacuated to a little village approximately 10 miles out of town.

Pope Francis Speaks to Europe -- and the World ... are not merely the head of a Church. Because they are the spiritual leader of a billion people, popes also have a role to play in shaping and forming global order. And historically, there have been popes who have used this position to change the direction of world events. Such a pope was Leo XIII who defined the modern social teaching of the Church. Workers, he insisted, had the right to ...

Doug Ross @ Journal: Is Obama Pulling The Wings Off a ... the wings off a butterfly. That is PRECISELY it. I've been racking my brains for months for an image/metaphor to convey my gut feeling about Barack Obama. YOU GOT IT. Pulling the wings off a butterfly. Damn hateful little bastard getting his jollies off of watching us squirm and suffer helplessly as he destroys us. 12:20 AM

Top 4 reasons to have medicare for all - ventrellaquest.com if your taxes increase (and they don’t have to — we have the money, we’re just wasting it on things we don’t need like tax breaks for billionaires), they won’t increase as much as your insurance premiums are. The fact is that the easiest, cheapest, and best way to provide health insurance to Americans.

Bad Chart Thursday: Astrology – Skepchick Chart Thursday: Astrology. Melanie Mallon Follow on Twitter Send an email February 27, 2014. 4 32 3 minutes read. Sorry I missed posting last week, but Mercury was in retrograde . . . or something . . . in my thermometer. You have probably heard about the recent rise in people believing that astrology is at least somewhat scientific.

No More Mister Nice Blog: ALINSKY FOR IDIOTS 02, 2019 · Obviously, meant as a troll -- but it's a very specific kind of troll. Saul Alinsky was a lefty, but lefties don't read him much these days. Conservatives, on the other hand, are obsessed with Alinsky. They have been since the early days of the Tea Party.

Seemorerocks: Puerto Rico - a form of cruel mockery officials, including the Puerto Rican governor, have justified FEMA’s slow response on the island since Maria hit by pointing to logistical issues, including road damage and port closures. “ That is the most ludicrous, ridiculous, offensive explanation,” Cruz Soto said of the explanation. “The most powerful country in the world cannot get supplies to [an island that is] 100 miles ...

Defending XML-based Build Systems - Jonathan Pryor's web XML-based Build Systems - Jonathan Pryor's web log ... "To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail" (reportedly a quote from Mark Twain, but that's neither here nor there). In this case, the "hammer" is "writing code." But it's more than that: it's writing imperative code, ...

The Rectification of Names: Break brilliant, lovely, and dutiful 23-year-old brought home fresh copy of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which she read in company with a friend reading her own copy this afternoon, and is now turning over to me. I have a post in the works but it will just have to wait.

Ruth Institute Blog » Degrading Sex, Government Style 26, 2010 · The events prompting me to write these words are the series of revelations emerging about the past work of President Obama’s “safe schoolsczar.” His formal title is: Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education.

NoFo: Nothing good can come of this are the last family in this and three adjoining galaxies to finally drag ourselves kicking and screaming into the 21st century. The Netflix Empire is now complete. Mom is having shoulder surgery in the morning and will have her arm immobilized and be sleeping in a recliner -- and no doubt confusing the hell out of the cat -- for the next 6-8 ...

Balkinization: The Same-Sex Marriage Cases's a pretty good summary of where we stand going into the arguments over the next two days. The forces of movement are the proponents of same-sex marriage. There are various fictions that they could use to appease the other side. One is the rationale used by the Ninth Circuit panel in the Proposition 8 case, which makes no sense to me ...

The Disaffected Lib: Send In the Slaves In the Slaves ... What are the implications of that if capital is given a free hand to dislocate human labour with its mechanized alternative? A report in the Sydney Morning Herald claims that robots could replace half of human jobs in the next 20-years. Something that …

Financial Times Special Report on Kenya « Kenyan 29, 2009 · The Financial Times has just put together a special feature report on Kenya.  The FT has done a number of great articles on Kenya this year so I’m looking forward to reading the report – includes articles on the wave of kidnappings to hit Nairobi (just heard from a person in the know that the incidents are actually seriously under-reported); the Mau Forest; and the dithering stock ...

Wikipedia editor deletes all evidence of Neil deGrasse ... 19, 2014 · Wikipedia is garbage, and here's a story that explains why, from The Federalist. Excerpt: Neil Tyson, a prominent popularizer of science (he even has his own television show) was recently found to have repeatedly fabricated multiple quotes over several years. The fabrications were not a one-off thing. They were deliberate and calculated, crafted with one…

The Constricting Bodice: Empowerment and Imprisonment ... 18, 2011 · “The bodice, the corset and the bra can be instruments of empowerment, or torture.” -- Angela Fortain In her series “Overt Underthings” artist, Angela Fortain, considers a paradox: Distorting the body can both liberate and imprison, she says. Society dictates constraining fashions which, once dawned, create power over others.

The MoxArgon Group: XRAN XPLAINS- GEORGE TENET opinions expressed on this blog are the opinions held by the Overlord of the Ultra-Galactic Empire, Remulak MoxArgon, and his Minions, and, henceforth, are the correct opinions of the Ultra-Galactic Empire.* *Except for Snotglob and Varos they exist for …

Gubu-World: Korean Tensions it appears I was wrong. I would imagine that the tension in Seoul right now cannot be under stated. The eight million citizens of the southern capital are a mere 30 miles distance from thousands of northern artillery batteries, not to mention the face that Kim Il Jong is now a member of the elite nuclear club.

Notes in Samsara: Lankavatara Sutra Chapter 2, Section XXX 08, 2009 · What are the four? They are: (1) To have a clear understanding as to what is seen of Mind itself,2 (2) to discard the notions of birth, (80) abiding, and disappearance, (3) to look into [the truth] that no external world obtains, and (4) to seek for the attainment of inner realisation by noble wisdom.

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 24, 2008 · ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything. ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you!

A veritable Rainbow Coalition of victims | Sohum Parlance II 15, 2020 · A veritable Rainbow Coalition of victims. June 15, 2020 in Uncategorized. The guy is probably mentally ill, but it is a hate crime. ... Spain, France, England, etc… giving back the gold and wealth they stole from Indigenous folks…that was then, now…racism will never go away, AND the more racism is mislabeled at a time in history ...

In preparation for phone calls with foreign leaders State ... 06, 2018 · Courtesy of The New Yorker : Before a phone call to a foreign leader, American Presidents are normally supplied with talking points pr...

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Jan 20, 2012 to a full term in the Texas Senate in 1968, she served until 1972. She was the first African-American female to serve as president pro tem of the state senate and served for one day as acting governor of Texas in 1972.

¡no more of the same!: How to win elections, regardless of ... What immediately drew my interest was the overwhelmingly obvious fact that the 2004 election was stolen. We already know the 2000 election was stolen because the Supreme Court intervened so flagrantly, but I think the 2004 election was stolen on an even grander scale.

Sleeping with The Devil: 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 21, 2007 · The President of the United States has the unrestrained power of granting pardons for treason, which may be sometimes exercised to screen from punishment those whom he had secretly instigated to commit the crime, and thereby prevent a discovery of his own guilt ~ George Mason, 1787 (12/11/1725 to 10/7/1792) was a United States patriot, statesman, and delegate from Virginia to the …

The Peruser: September 2011 still has magnificent appeal. Even though columnist Charles Blow points out that according to a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released in early September, Obama’s approval as a leader have descended from 70 percent when he took office to 42 percent last month.

Orcinus: 10/12/2003 - 10/19/2003"Nocs are the holiest of holies," said Kenneth M. Pollack, a former agency officer who is now director of research at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. "This is real James Bond stuff. You're going overseas posing as a businessman, and if the other government finds out about you, they're probably going to ...

Demographics of El Salvador - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia ... article is about the demographic features of the population of El Salvador, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.

BartCop Entertainment Archives - Monday, 29 July, four-hour miniseries "Hillary," starring Diane Lane as the former first lady and secretary of state, is one such bid for distinctive programming, he said. The goal is to woo viewers who are increasingly drawn away by cable TV's eye-catching, critically acclaimed fare …

Orcinus: That executive order 24, 2007 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

South Texas Chisme: Roland Garza assaulted by Noyola is the same Roland Garza that Channel 3 used to show in one of their promo clips standing nose to nose,glaring into the face of a city official..which,by Garza's own definition,makes HIM guilty of assault.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

Above The Borderline: 10/14/07 - 10/21/07 don't think so. (In addition to being the ball-and-chain of one of the regular Plank denizens, I'm an education policy and research consultant, and I also teach a remedial reading class at a charter school.) There are three big problems with their op-ed. The first is their assumptions. They assume that teachers work a 35-hour work week.

Claremont Insider: Anatomy of An Accident 21, 2009 · A behind-the-scenes look at the news of Claremont, CA. We focus on city hall, city staff, and the so-called "Claremont 400" or "Preserve Claremonters" or "Claremonsters", those goofy, too-serious, power types that run most of the town's service organizations, charities, and city commissions.

Electronic Village: 40% of White Americans Have Negative ... 20, 2008 · The day this poll was published on yahoo was the same day I began to ponder yanking my kids out of the rural school that I once thought was a good place for them. The day my son was jumped at lunch and called every name in the book, including the "N" word....the day the boys responsible were given a whopping 1/2 day suspension for the incident.

Freedom Writing: Five Years After Virginia Tech 16, 2012 · On that Monday, they were getting up and going about their early morning routines when the first victims were shot. When the other attacks began, of course, classes were under way all over campus. What started as an ordinary day suddenly went terribly wrong. And a nation watched in pained — and mostly stunned — silence.

media « Scanlyze 20, 2015 · As the kid sitting in front of me at the Force Awakens premiere said, “I didn’t like to watch it because evil won.” I like the idea of a storm trooper character and of course he would be conflicted and confused. But there is a right way and a wrong way to invoke this.

Free North Carolina: Dec 14, 2015 14, 2015 · If an 80-year-old woman who is confined to a wheelchair or a three-year-old girl can be strip-searched by the TSA at the airport, but a woman in a burka or a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched — you might live in a nation that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.

illusory tenant: January 2012 12, 2012 · "Thanks a million." — Scott Walker I happened to catch Charlie Sykes and his fellow wing-nuts Christian Schneider and Brian Sikma on TMJ-4 on Sunday. All were yukking it up and claiming organizers would fail to collect enough signatures to recall Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, but they got her too, with nearly 850,000 of them. These characters are in deep, profound denial.

Rejecting The Enlightenment | Sheila Kennedy“Rejecting The Enlightenment” “Allowing Scott Pruitt to make decisions about the environment is like putting Mike Pence in charge of women’s reproductive health.” Trump’s Conscience and Religious Freedom Division of the Department of Health and Human Services will protect health care workers who refuse to prove medical treatment ...

ce399 | research archive: Neurobotics: The Future of Thinking of the most popular exhibits was the ‘Mindball’ game, which required two players to go literally head-to-head in a battle for brainpower, and used ‘brainpower’ alone. Strapped up with headbands which pick up brain waves, the game uses neurofeedback, but the person who is …

Points Of Light–Indianapolis Edition | Sheila Kennedy in addition to a six-show season of plays and a Latinx concert series, the organization plans community plays in which participants write, direct and act in their own stories; a teen acting program; and continuation of an existing children’s program consisting of 10-week classes filled with kids from the surrounding community.

Sinead O’Connor on Trayvon Martin: a disgrace to ... 25, 2012 · Open Letter from Sinead O'Connor on Trayvon Martin I would like to extend my very deepest sympathies to the family and other loved ones of murdered teenager, Trayvon Martin. I am very sad today (and am certain the whole of Ireland is) to learn of …

Africa | cadesertvoice, according to a geological, geographical, genealogy study published in Time Magazine, the Black African people were the first on the scene, so for what it’s worth, the Black African people were the first on earth and through migration, our characteristics started to change, and rearrange, to adapt to whatever climate we migrated to.

ce399 | research archive: Society of Control by Gilles Deleuze is obvious in the matter of salaries: the factory was a body that contained its internal forces at the level of equilibrium, the highest possible in terms of production, the lowest possible in terms of wages; but in a society of control, the corporation has replaced the factory, and the corporation is a spirit, a gas.

Thomas Paine | The Word of Me... the first place, the familiar and irreverent manner in which the Almighty is spoken of in this chapter is offensive to a serious mind. As to the project of building a tower whose top should reach to heaven, there never could be a people so foolish as to have such a notion; but to represent the Almighty as jealous of the attempt, as the ...

Cyde Weys Musings Second week of amateur telescope making 24, 2007 · On Friday I continued working on my primary mirror at the amateur telescope making workshop in Washington, D.C. I finished grinding the 8? blank with 60 grit, then 80 grit, then finally 120 grit silicon carbide. Guy, who leads the workshop, must have detected my eagerness to complete my first scope, because he asked me if I wanted to take it home and work on it over the week.

Dealing with telemarketers | Blog or Die! 04, 2013 · You have to sue to get this and it’s only going to work if you can find the telemarketer in the first place. Personally, I suggest complaining to the phone company in writing. All machine-dialed marketing calls to cell phones are illegal in the US, and there has got to be a way using technology for a phone company to detect that and shut it down.

Harry Clarke: What makes us fat? 08, 2006 · At the other extreme, energy restriction in the womb can lead to obesity later in life. This is likely if there is a period of rapid catch-up growth in the first 2 years of life. In the prosperous west, that might seem of little relevance, yet in the US the incidence of low birth-weight is now at its highest level for 30 years. 5 Fat equals fecund.

Live coverage: June 23, 2020 primaries - The Daily Ripple it will give you at least a sense of when a sizable proportion of votes have been tallied. Tuesday, Jun 23, 2020 · 11:29:45 PM +00:00 · David Nir VA-02 (R) : We have about 12,000 votes tallied in this primary so far, where ex-Rep. Scott Taylor is trying for a comeback.

Spoiled, Not Stupid - Queen of Spain 21, 2008 · As long as the former wasn’t a possibility, the latter at least gave bloggers an opportunity to make some money so maybe they could buy one. It still galls me that the MEN went after PPP with such a passion, aiming to utterly destroy them and the bloggers who were getting some benefit for their effort. GM has the right idea.

Kaboom! | MetaFilter United States is in dire danger as we are being surpassed by other countries on the industrial front. We developed the first railroad system, but China, Germany, and Japan are developing trains that float with no moving parts. We industrialized around the steam and internal combustion engines, but remain stuck in high gear on fossil fuels.

Policy Paper: Misconceptions of Sex Trafficking – U-Course 29, 2016 · Back then a slave could sell for about $1,000 whereas in current times, prices have raised to around $10,000 for a sex slave, according to convicted trafficker Ludwig “Tarzan” Fainberg. Fainberg also stated that buying a girl for that much money causes no stress to a pimp because if she is young and pretty enough, she is able to make her ...

Next Left: A pyrrhic 18, 2009 · A pyrrhic victory A bad week for pirates is capped by the big computing story of the day when the Swedish courts found against the founders of the Pirate Bay . Fredrik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm, Peter Sunde and Carl Lundstroem have all been sentenced to a year in jail and have been fined a total of 30 million kroner (about $3.5 million US).

Dawg's Blawg: Abortion: it's not about choice 12, 2008 · I suggest that the f ierce opposition to reproductive freedom (first expressed as opposition to contraception, which only became legal in Canada in 1968, and then to abortion as the latter emerged from its underground nightmare of coat-hangers, seedy exploiters, sepsis and death) really comes down to a defence of the traditional role of ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: NO, JEB BUSH 2016 IS NOT JOHN ... 10, 2015 · Pundits have generally stopped arguing that the Donald Trump campaign is a nine days' wonder that will fade just the way Herman Cain's did in 2011 -- mostly because Trump has stayed at or near the top of the polls for several months and seems impervious to scandal (and has now been joined in the first tier by the perhaps even less qualified Ben Carson).

News -"This is not about gaming the system, or voter fraud, or stuffing the mail with fake ballots from illegal aliens. This is about the competency of the USPS to deliver official ballots sent through the mail on time, and to the right people."From News Thud: “We’ll Keep Asking Every Week” Chris Wallace Says Biden Turned Down Interview.

The Roller Coaster – Living with Chronic Pain – National 20, 2018 · By Ellen Lenox Smith. Each day living with chronic pain, is not always like the day before. Many of us can tell, as soon as we awaken, which direction the day is heading. On the days one f

Barack Obama's Law Student Tells Wonkette All About ... 30, 2008 · 4. Compared to its peer institutions, Chicago is more conservative than all of them, both in terms of faculty and student body. But it doesn't lead to a divided or divisive experience – indeed, you live with and hang out with your ideological opponents, and they are never your "enemies".

November 2011 – Otis & James Photography, she may have called to schedule an appointment, and then when it was time for her session we completed what we were chosen for. But that doesn’t sound as fun as the first way I said it, so I’m going to stick with the former and not the latter. These words are confusing me. I think it’s time for a …

Saying Goodbye to Planet Earth | The Smirking planet is transitioning under our onslaught to a new era called the Anthropocene. This era is the product of violent conquest, warfare, slavery, genocide and the Industrial Revolution, which began about 200 years ago, and saw humans start to burn a hundred million years of sunlight stored in the form of coal and petroleum.

RSS Overload | Ms., not Mrs. 07, 2011 · Anyway, the biggest adjustment so far has been the work hours. Not the fact that I’m now a 40 hour employee (as opposed to a 37.5 hour employee, that is), as the extra half hour really doesn’t phase me one way or another, particularly if I’m busy and engaged in what I’m doing.

Let’s Talk Specs – Death Grip my 19, 2010 · With 3.3.3 coming out soon, there’s going to be a few changeups in specs. For Unholy DPS, I’m seeing 0/17/54 suggested for the new cookie-cutter spec. Looks like the Frost goodies scale better with gear than the Blood does, though Elitist Jerks is talking about a 10-100 dps difference, which I find trivial. Still, might change up. I’m not noticing any more news for Frost DPS other than ...

The Polis: 2005-10-23 25, 2005 · The state Office of Charitable Gaming won the $36,300 grant and will use it to provide five investigators with laptop computers and access to a commercially operated law-enforcement data base, said John Holiday, enforcement director at the Office of Charitable Gaming.

Balkinization: The Bush Administration Draft Hamdan ...'s also reason to believe that not the entirety of the proposals -- for one thing, Common Article 3 is discussed only in the Findings, not in any operative provisions. But it likely contains most of the draft proposals on military commissions -- and even, for the first time, statutory detention authority, defined to cover all ...

Mitt Romney’s ‘Blood Money’ – Consortiumnews 27, 2012 · The U.S. press corps has been solicitous toward Mitt Romney’s work at Bain Capital with “fact-checkers” even insisting that Romney isn’t accountable for its actions while he was still the CEO.

The Next Hurrah: Death of the Middle Eastern Status Quo emptywheel: In any case, the report is pretty pathetic.. Not that I'd want you to write shorter. Your analysis is far better than the report. But as I've noted elsewhere, 10 of us with a secure weblog and nine days to spare could have done a more creditable job than those 10 and their staffs did in nine friggin' months.. What I think the ISG mostly proves is that bipartisan does not ...

The Life Course Dynamics of Affluence | Equality by lot 24, 2015 · The wealth inequality data belie your little apologia. Wealth inequality is even more extreme than income inequality (and has been growing even faster): Saez and Zucman show that, in America, the wealthiest 160,000 families own as much wealth as the poorest 145 million families, and that wealth is about 10 times as unequal as income.

Samurai Nigel - Slashdot User use OneNote regularly, both at work and home, and heavily for organizing D&D/RPG campaigns. There are too many features (the tagging, is incredibly important) missing from Windows 10 OneNote for me to make the switch. Once there's enough parity, I could probably migrate, but it's seriously impaired without the features that make it most useful.

Single Transferable Vote | Voting | Parliamentary ... Transferable Vote - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

M O B J E C T I V I S T: The Scaling Laws of Human Travel 17, 2009 · Time appears bottle-necked for around 10 days on the average. This is understandable as the waiting time between transactions can contain 5 distinct stages. As most of these transactions may take a day or two at the minimum, it is easy to conceive that the total delay is close to T=10 days between updates to the bill reporting web site.

Access St. Louis!: How the Jewish Media Spins News 27, 2012 · Fully grown men are sometimes aggressive but they can also be the victims. Know matter which way it goes, I've learned that the media simply cannot be trusted. I also suspect that Zimmerman stayed out of jail as long as he did because of his last name. I could be wrong about that but it's certainly plausible. April 28, 2012 at 8:40 AM

Falsely Blaming Baby Boomers for Smaller Labor Force | Bud ... 10, 2013 · For the past 5 years, the U.S. has had more "non-starters" than "quitters" in the labor force. So tell the Wall Street Journal to get off my damn back! ~ A Baby Boomer Ever since the owner of Fox News bought the Wall Street Journal in 2007, it appears that the once esteemed and unquestionable newspaper appears to be much more ideological these days. . Rather than just reporting "news" that ...

The Slow Cook: Martha's Refrigerator Pickles 06, 2008 · Wash the cucumbers, then cut them into 1/2-inch round. Transfer the slices to a colander set in a large bowl. Toss them well with the salt and refrigerate one hour. Rinse the cucumbers well and drain. Pat them dry with paper towels and transfer to a large bowl. Bring 3 cups water, the vinegar, dill seed and garlic to a boil in a sauce pan.

Mayor Greg Nickels | Majority Rules Mallahan is in second place with 25.81%. Greg Nickels is third with 25.05%. These are early results and it is likely this race will not be decided for a week or so if this closeness continues in the next count. This is an all mail in ballot so we aren’t waiting for precincts to report like in the past.

Market Research-12 2011 | Stratified Sampling | Sampling ... Research-12 2011 - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Scribd is the …

Conflicting Plane Paths-- Clearest Example Yet? 27, 2006 · The first shot is obviously much closer, and shot from a ground level camera. Trying to judge perspective from something like pointless, and in no way, shape, or form resembles anything other than the author of this post trying to read into the footage what they want. I would liken this to a small child picking shapes out of clouds. 7:50 AM

DFW Regional Concerned Citizens: 6/14/09 - 6/21/09 Concerned Citizens, a North Central Texas grassroots network collaborates to monitor public policy and function as vigilant sentinels, claiming a seat at the table as elected official set policy on toll roads, private public partnerships, eminent domain and gas drilling. …

The Johnsville News: Mortgage Meltdown — More than a sub ... Toscano / / A Nerd's Eye View blog: In for a Surprise-- North County realtor and regular Nerd's Eye View quotee Chuck Smiar is back with some words of wisdom in a recent North County Times article: "There's buyers out there, but they're just not buying. They're sitting on the fence, waiting for (prices) to drop more.

In My Humble Opinionhttps://inmyhumbleopinon.blogspot.comMay 11, 2015 · The first is the most subtle kind. It's about abortion, but it's not nasty and ranty. It compares the story of a woman who was heartbroken to have to abort her pregnancy with the writer's story, where she chose not to. The writer declares, about reading the former story, "I wept, not out of joy, but out of compassion".

The Eclectic Radical: 2015 Eclectic Geek Chris Richards is a freelance writer based in the Portland, OR metro area. He is the writer/editor of The Boxing Geek, The Eclectic Radical and the Eclectic Geek and the former writer of the women's boxing column "The Sweeter Science" in The Ring magazine.

The Rude Pundit 07, 2011 · The View From Across Oceans on Our Debt Ceiling Idiocy: Hey, gang, at the end of what will be known as our waning salad days, let's check out what editorials from around the world are saying about our fucktarded debt ceiling debate (also known as "That Time the GOP Destroyed the World's Economy and Unleashed the Inevitable Zombie Apocalypse") to see if we can learn anything by …

Dr Kevin Bonham: Election night arrangements and election ... 02, 2016 · As the night goes on and two-party preferred counts start to appear, we may well get a feel for whether a substantial preference shift has happened. Past history is that the expected difference either won't appear or will appear to a lesser degree than polls expect, but the Nick Xenophon Team and the apparently inflated Others vote create a lot ...

Rep. Grayson Shocks Wolf Blitzer by Revealing a Backbone ... 02, 2009 · Rep. Grayson Shocks Wolf Blitzer by Revealing a Backbone Although I don't agree completely with his approach, I like the fact that he showed that he at least had some guts. I was more perplexed by the reaction of the talking heads on CNN's Situation Room .

Harry Clarke: Minimising regret in climate change policy 01, 2007 · The figures show Australia's greenhouse emissions in 2005 were about 25.6% above 1990 levels, although the figure falls to a rise of 4.5% when the effect of bans on land-clearing is included. This puts Australia on track to meet its generous …

Dr Kevin Bonham: April 2018 28, 2018 · Voting in the sidebar, below the Prosser Not-A-Poll. The first round will run until the end of May. The rules are: * intended as a shorter exercise than Best PM, so if there is not an outright majority in round 1 there will be a runoff between the top two only.

All News PipeLine #2: Fact Check.Org: Obama Ad Against ... Check.Org: Obama Ad Against McCain A 'Rank Misrepresentation' says the new Obama-Biden ad claiming John McCain's Social Security (SS) plan would cut SS benefits in half is a "falsehood" and a "rank misrepresentation" which would scare senior citizens who rely on SS checks.

Palin's Q&A + fun: The Press Begins to Question Its ... 09, 2011 · For a long time now, this blog hasn't covered Sarah Palin's tweets and only rarely her Facebook posts, and, in the aftermath of Tucson, there may be fewer posts. There aren't as many things to blog about anymore; for example, the Palin Family Circus News may never appear again, because there no longer seems to be anything amusing about Sarah Palin.

Trump to the World: "Go Fuck Yourselves. Also, Give Us Money." 12, 2017 · Yesterday, President Donald Trump, a man who is so physically weak that he needs two hands to pick up a glass of water, gave a speech outlining his administration's "National Security Strategy" (if by "strategy," you mean, "barking a series of narcissistic catchphrases that don't vaguely coalesce into anything resembling a strategy"). It was a usual Trumpish ramble, with bullying, half ...

Bilgrimage: Droppings from the catholic Birdcage: "Never ... 09, 2012 · Droppings from the catholic Birdcage: "Never Thought of It That Way" This is not really a Catholic dropping. And so I've lowercased the "catholic" in the title of this posting, to indicate it's a comment by someone in the wide-open catholic spaces of the internets, about whose religious leanings (or non-religious leanings) I have no clue at all.

Poor Glenn Beck Gets Burned Defending Criminal Tea Party ... 23, 2014 · “The latest twist in the story is the arrest of Mark Mayfield, the vice chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party and a campaign supporter of state Sen. Chris McDaniel, Mr. Cochran’s primary challenger. Mr. Mayfield, according to his Facebook page, has volunteered for the McDaniel campaign and was a co-host for a McDaniel campaign fundraiser.”

Tennessee Human Rights News Monitoring Service & Press ... 14, 2020 · Jenesse Center Invites Community to "VOTE for JENESSE" in the LA2050 Challenge, Mon., July 13th through Mon., July 20th! LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA, July 13, 2020 /? -- Jenesse Center was selected as one of 25 …

Gap's Image Shaken by Report of Children Laboring in ...'s_image...Oct 29, 2007 · This is a big order for abroad, they keep telling us that. "Last week, we spent four days working from dawn until about one o"clock in the morning the following day. I was so tired I felt sick ...

Halfway There: Algebra problem from hell these factors in mind, I revised my final exam to have three tiers, one of C problems, one of B problems and one of A problems. In order to get an A, they need to complete the A problems, for a B the B problems etc. 3/01/2006 4:46 AM

Electronic Village: Glenn Beck Infers that President Obama ... was no need to do so in my mind. This is just another round of the tactics used to get people to pay attention to his madness. No matter what we think he meant-he doesn't have the balls to admit the truth. I refuse to waste my time on him. He is a dying media whore who is committing suicide in a …

Deb Pidick | Facebook Social Security, due to skeletal birth defects and, a severe head injury survivor · October 2009 to October 2010 · Tampa, Florida working on my memoirs, and a song about a true Florida Cracker cowboy from the 1900's, who was a successful, and widely popular, uneducated, head accountant for a Mid Florida cattle baron which I lost from '04 ...

The Candid Blogger: Blacks Pulled Over and Robbed by Texas ... is really one for the books. March 11, 2009 Reporting from Tenaha, Texas -- You can drive into this dusty fleck of a town near the Texas-Louisiana state line if you're African American, but you might not be able to drive out of it -- at least not with your car, your cash, your jewelry or other valuables.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: "The concentration is not going to ... 24, 2007 · "The concentration is not going to be on a $400 million bridge" Ketchikan's most talked bridge that may never be, is a lot closer to never being today. The New York Times has a story on the much discussed "bridge to nowhere ", a structure that was to link the Ketchikan airport with the city at a cost of near 400 million dollars.

Tag: Ted Wieseman - Jed is hocus-pocus to distract us all from what the actual issue is. For clarity on the real reason behind the spike in oil prices, one need look no further than the mini-oil crisis in the summer of 2008 and the federal government’s response in the months, and now years, that followed.

The Deviant's Pocket Guide to the Outlandish Sexual ... 01, 2019 · In tribute to the many splendors of human sexuality, The Deviant's Pocket Guide to the Outlandish Sexual Desires Barely Contained in Your Subconscious profiles over 40 of the wildest and woolliest sexual proclivities you'll ever find, even on the internet. The human race is a species of inventors. In our few millennia of existence, we've created fire, the wheel, the printing press, vaccines ...

Voucher Schools Are Teaching Kids What Can Only Be end result of that it dehumanizes the student, that is, students get treated like trained lab animals, that they are essentially similar to trained rats and dogs. State laws and school administrators get the responsibility of running schools in an ultra-secular environment. And, under threat of prosecution for noncompliance.

THE UNDERWRITER: BREAKING NEWS: ZAPP & ROGER ARE DEAD 16, 2008 · Kanye, as a fan and a critic, I'll let you call me two-faced if I can call your new song wack as fuck and a half-assed attempt to steal Zapp & Roger's trademark sound, like T-Pain has done, with updated voice technology.

Sunday Night Follies: In Which The Radical Answers Four ... 10, 2009 · To learn more about the intellectual grounds for my regret on this count, go to this link for a podcast of a March 25, 2009 interview of University of Michigan History and American Cultures Professor, Philip J. Deloria (Note: if I were a Native Americanist, Phil Deloria and I might be best friends, but instead we are mere acquaintances, which ...

Fred Barnes needs to go read an Iranian history book, or ... 24, 2009 · This is a great exchange between Fred Barnes (who clearly has NEVER asked an Iranian if they remember 1953 and furthermore understands little about US-Iran dynamics or about successful revolutions and social and politcal movements in the current Middle East/ Iranian context) and a woman with the last name Powers who I think is Samantha but who they list as Kristen.

Mo Rage: Staggering--and a question Zsa Gabor, who is 91 years old, for pity's sake. He literally stole from little old ladies. She apparently lost at least $7 million;--Marc Rich, the fugitive financier President Clinton took money from and then pardoned. He apparently lost 10 to 15 million big ones.

Frenchy's House Party; "How you durrin?": 4/19/09 - 4/26/09 Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Tenured Radical: Wednesday Evening Coming Down; Or, Things ... 04, 2007 · squadratomagico said.... So true! This is a wonderful encapsulation of the things I wish my students knew, too. The only one I would add is this (perhaps more relevant to my context, where discussion classes are rare and students often feel vulnerable in them): Class discussion is for brainstorming. You don't have to have a perfectly-formulated, blazingly-articulate comment in order to …

The Next Hurrah: Bits and Pieces 22, 2005 · This is partly a function of the Dems' reluctance to stand up to the GOP's dogs, and partly a function of the Dems' inability to find a way to articulate a tough defense of the use of non-military power as well as military power. In any event, the turning …

Best and Worst of Blog Design – richard cleaver 06, 2006 · Married I married Lorraine in 1979. One of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. We lived in Toronto for a number of years as I tried to get established as a musician and audio engineer and then, as we pondered the opportunity to open up a commercial recording studio, I made the decision to go to university.

The Next Hurrah: Brad Berenson 16, 2007 · ck and Boston1775 have good points. The only way this issue could be raised though is by one of the players (maybe by the Chairman of one of the committees, but seems unlikely they would) through the filing of some type of motion for determination of status of counsel regarding conflicts. This is actually done in regular courts every now and then.

2016 Clinton vs Trump Presidential Debate - Off-Topic ... I might miss it, the thread for the highlights and lows of the 2016 Presidential Debate. Feel free to give your opinions and what not.

Quick TAKES & tasty tidbitshttps://qtakes.blogspot.comSep 21, 2019 · This is one of my favorite Celtic sounding songs sung by the awesome Jim McCann who I just learned died this past March 5, 2015 at the age of 70. He had lost his beautiful voice to throat cancer in 2002 after a remarkable singing career, including a stint with The Dubliners. He lives on …

Green Eagle: Michelle Bachmann- A Case Study in Lying 26, 2011 · Michelle Bachmann- A Case Study in Lying I don't have much of an introduction to this- it's no more than we expect. Here is a list of some of the lies Michelle Bachmann managed to fit into her six and a half minute nationally televised State of the Union address last night, courtesy of Media Matters:

Big Bad Bald Bastard: All Your Kumquat Are Belong to Us 10, 2016 · I have an almost insatiable greed for kumquats, which aren't exactly the easiest fruits to find in a typical supermarket. I even went to the giant Korean supermarket up the road from me, and couldn't find any (I did eye the jackfruit for a good long while, and even gave the durian and glance and tentatively sniffed one, though it was refrigerated, so I couldn't distinguish any of its infamous ...

Vagabond Scholar: The Torture Flowchart 12, 2009 · Click for a larger view, or go here. Here's a larger view of that little collage: Click for a slightly larger view, or go here. (One of the pictures comes from "The Green Light," a summary of one of the better books on torture out there, Torture Team: Rumsfeld's Memo and the Betrayal of American Values by Philippe Sands. Check out the article ...

Free K-12 Life Science lesson plans - Blogger of the MSU grad students from the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology referred me to this K-12 Life Science project from Oregon State University. Thanks, Shannon! Thanks, Shannon! There are lesson plans here for a variety of ages on these topics below.

Harry Clarke: Noble Park riots 11, 2007 · During the 1980s it had one of the most notorious street gangs in Melbourne. Last Friday night it had a fully-fledged riot with a clearly criminal element supported by a mindless mob. 1500 drag racing morons and their brainless supporters (some with kids in prams) rioted , threw flares and rocks, at a hopelessly inadequate police response, and ...

Jon Stewart has "death panel" originator Betsy McCaughey ... 05, 2009 · A Jon Stewart who is so willing to "give back" for the betterment of his fellow Americans and a Betsey McCaughey, so willing mislead and put fear into those members of the "greatest generation" for the sole purpose of increased profits for the …

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2009 · Update 2:50pm Eastern: I just returned from a visit to [Graeme] Frost's commercial property near Patterson Park in Baltimore. It's a modest place. Talked to one of the tenants, Mike Reilly, who is a talented welder. He said he had known the Frosts for 10 years. Business is good, he told me, though he characterized Frost as "struggling." ....

Frenchy's House Party; "How you durrin?": 3/9/14 - 3/16/14 15, 2014 · This is another "Mystery Clock" by Cartier, (c. 1990) this time with a gold and lapis lazuli base and a rock crystal enclosing the clock face. The numerals are studded with diamonds. Finally, this clock made from black onyx, jade, coral and gold has the clock face enclosed in a large emerald-cut yellow citrine with diamond supports

Aurora's Third Ward Residents Protest Party Girl Alderman ... 10, 2010 · Aurora's Party Girl Alderman Stephanie Kifowit long ago veered off-course as an elected official and has been desperately seeking ways to satisfy her obsession for power and ambition after finishing in dead-last place during the 2009 Aurora Mayoral race.

Mo Rage: What America is creating with our heavy ... The New York Times today (see link below): "An American soldier dies every day and a half, on average, in Iraq or Afghanistan.Veterans kill themselves at a rate of one every 80 minutes. More than 6,500 veteran suicides are logged every year — more than the total number of soldiers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq combined since those wars began."

Green Eagle: Interesting Ignorance is page one of my search for the Nehemiah document. Now, as you can guess from the number of comments my posts get, hardly anyone reads my blog. And yet, in a week, it managed to make it up to number three on Google.

An Ontarian in Newfoundland: Cage match: Spike vs. Edward ... in NF I'm an English professor. I completed my PhD at Western in September 2004, and was hired at Memorial University of Newfoundland. This blog started out as my way of keeping in touch with people -- giving friends and family the option of checking up on me at their leisure without the annoyance of frequent lengthy mass emails.

Vagabond Scholar: The Conservative Pundit Decency Test 01, 2006 · Occasional blogging, mostly of the long-form variety. Wednesday, July 05, 2006. The Conservative Pundit Decency Test

BarrenAlbion: First comes love, then comes marriage, then ... is people like Alicia that sell out infertiles. Not pregnant within 6 months post-marriage? Infertile. You're outed against your will thanks to comparative measures. Given that the widely-held perception, I'm shocked that people still ask me when we're having kids.

Dana Busted: Anti-union grinch Dana Loesch smears fast ... 12, 2013 · Some restaurant workers are striking today for a liveable wage and teabaggers are responding at the Twitter hashtag #EatFast where they are posting mocking photos of themselves gorging on fast food. Catherine Ruetschlin and Amy Traub from have the facts about why minimum wage increases will HELP fast food workers: 1. IT WOULD CREATE JOBS.

Entroplet / Species Area Relationships - Blogger 08, 2010 · The figure plots the tree Species Area curves for 5 different tropical forested island or nature reserve regions. Note that each one of these curves has the single parameter P that describes the dispersion/areal density cross-section for a specific region's diversity. The value of N comes from the data table below. The black curves are data and the markers are my solution (the red region is ...

Post-Modern Enlightenment: October 2012 30, 2012 · This is just a quick list of the things that get under my skin about fiction these days. For those wondering where I've been, I'm up to my eyeballs in work (they cut back my hours, but holy fuck if I couldn't tell given they've got me pulling several 9 hour days a week now), and I'm working on three separate project: The Second Blue Pimpernel novel; a transhuman novel called Terra Firma, which ...

Britain and America: Busting one or two myths about George ... W Bush has many failings but much Bush-bashing is based on ignorance. BritainAndAmerica's Tim Montgomerie and Joe Loconte recently met Colleen Graffy of the US State Department for a different perspective on George W Bush and his administration. After watching the clip you can watch the full programme here.

Did I Mention Something About Subprime Loans? | ScienceBlogs 23, 2007 · The subprime loan disaster is starting to hit suburbia. And as you might guess, the taxpayer is left to pick up the externalized costs of lenders. From the NY Times (italics mine):

Thomas Clay Jr - The problem with allowing stupid people ... problem with allowing stupid people to vote is that they will vote for someone like them. It was the great Fran Leibowitz who observed, 'Trump is a stupid person's idea of a smart man.' Stupid...

On Being Notorious...: Remake of Airport: Trauma @ SMF 19, 2009 · When things are dicey, well… and that was the case this morning at 3am, as the flights to D.C were cancelled due to the big storm, causing delays and dysfunction on both sides of the counter. We were booked for a short flight to SFO and then one to Dulles to catch another flight to São Paulo.

Otto's War Room (??): George Habash of the PFLP is dead of the most deadly PFLP attacks was the gunning down of 27 people at Israel's Lod airport in May 1972. Forty-seven people were killed when a Swissair jet was bombed in 1970. Israel tried for years to capture Habash, even intercepting a commercial airliner in 1973 and forcing it to land, mistakenly believing he was on board.

World Trade Center Demolition: Breakthroughs Towards ... 25, 2008 · Inherent in this, was the perpetrators’ crucial need to keep the nuking of the WTC, and the China Syndrome aftermath, hidden from Americans (and the world.) Now any nuke that might be significantly larger than expected, and thus might blow through a building, and be videotaped, had to be prevented, as the nuclear op would be clear to all.

Angry Bear » Should the Beveridge curve scare the Dickens ... Waldmann. Brad DeLong and Paul Krugman consider the increase in the number of job vacancies to be bad news — to be a sign that long term unemployment has made it hard to increase employment even if there are vacant jobs. The high vacancies are held to be a sign of a problem which is more persistent and less absurdly easy to deal with than low aggregate demand.

Property...Freedom...Peace: Civil War In Wisconsin? following are the "real" facts as stated by the Legislative Fiscal Bureau report: Impact of Employer "Pickup" of Employee-Required Contributions. Table 28 shows who actually pays the employee-and employer required contribution amounts. The amount shown as paid by employees is the aggregate amount paid by all employee classifications.

Otto's War Room (??): US- Wichita, KS- Panel promotes the ... are the people who don’t make enough to benefit from the health care exchanges, but they make too much money to qualify for Medicaid, or KanCare as the new privatized system is now called. Weisgrau pointed out that a mom who works ½-time at minimum wage makes too …

A Tribute to New Orleans: THE MUFFULETTA - Blogger is a wonderful post, Isabella. Funny, I did the same thing the other day by making red beans and rice. I hear that's the traditional food on Mondays in New Orleans. Monday was the traditional day to do the wash, which back in the old days took all day. So, the beans were perfect to make because they took all day to cook. BTW, it was delicious.

Chris Rush Cohen: I'm Dazed and Confused by this libel claim 09, 2004 · This is a great article on the situation, CNN article here, another good one from Texas here. Here are the most up to date news articles on "Dazed and Confused," via Google News. More on libel at the Media Law Resource Center. Another fantastic movie by Richard Linklater is Waking Life. It's about lucid dreaming, so it's strange.

Glaring Omission on Canadian Holohoax Memorial plaque outside the memorial — the country’s first national Holocaust monument, 10 years in the making and inaugurated by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week — paid tribute to the “millions of men, women and children murdered during the Holocaust” and the “survivors who persevered and were able to make their way to Canada after one of the darkest chapters in history.”

Brudaimonia: May 2008 25, 2008 · These are the lamentations of an industry in upheaval. Airlines are doing whatever they can to make money, at best, and stave off bankruptcy, at worst. One of the most recent measures, as the articles linked above detail, is to charge for checked bags. American will be charging $15 for one checked bag and $25 for a second.

Mark Swanner: Known CIA Torturer/Murderer Walks Freely in ... 16, 2009 · The Wiki article on al-Jamadi merely states that he was a “suspect” in a bomb attack that killed 12 Iraqis. Not one word on any evidence that so, or who was involved in thinking that he was a suspect in that bombing, or how the SEALs knew where to nab him. But other sources say it was the CIA who knew his whereabouts and suspected him.

fixtheworld: Technology 25, 2011 · Posted from the US. One of the coolest events I have ever been to - hearing Gene Kranz and Jim Lovell talk together about space flight and the Apollo 13 mission at Solidworks World 2011. Gene was the NASA Flight Director for Mission Control "failure is not an option"- and Jim was the Apollo 13 Commander "Houston - we've got a problem".

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ... & past-that they are applicable to. ("The 13 Keys to the White House" applied back to 1860, The "Primary Model" applied back to 1912, The "Time for a Change/ "G.D.P. Model" applied back to 1948 and the newer " AI Model " beginning in 2004).These models ALL predict a Trump popular vote victory. (But remember, as 3 times in history, the popular vote winner lost the electoral ...

Democracy for America - Notes | Facebook for America, Burlington, VT. 111K likes. You have the power!

Separate Attacks - Blogger 15, 2019 · Supermarket chain Asda has announced that it will stop selling single kitchen knives by the end of April as the UK finds itself in the midst of a knife-crime epidemic, particularly involving young people. Welcome to Cuck Island. Those crazy "young people" in the United Kaliphate and their wacky hi …

Dennis Gartman gives more advice on gold - Blogger 06, 2008 · This is one of the reasons why I continue to advocate taking initial positions (10 or 20 percent of what you will ultimately buy) at any time and then either averaging in over time or buying on weakness - you don't want to be completely left behind, but at the same time you don't want to be stuck with a losing position for 15 months (as was the ...

UnCommonSense: 2014 is the paths of all the known hurricanes over the last 150 years: Over the last 100 years a major hurricane (Cat 3,4,5) makes landfall in the USA every 1.4 years on average. However, the last major hurricane to make landfall was Hurricane Wilma (Cat 5) on October 19, 2005.

Monkey in the Middle: Middle East News Round-Up 2 last time Iran claimed to have had a successful launch, this was the result: The PA will not sit down at the negotiating table unless Israel gives them the 67 borders including the Kotel. It is time for Bibi to immediately end the "freeze" and give Abbas and the rest of the Arabs 48 hours to get their asses off of Jewish land.

The Howdygram 2: There’s no such thing as too much gravy. 04, 2014 · Unfortunately, I’m grieved to report that the only product Sam found was the Ball Park fully-cooked flame-grilled hamburger patties, a situation that might have been exacerbated by two key facts: 1) Sam loses his patience really fast in grocery stores; and 2) our Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market doesn’t actually carry the rest of this crap.

The Rude Pundit: Don't Bring Your God to a People Fight 03, 2015 · Let's face it. Strong religious belief involves a kind of Stockholm syndrome. You have this all-powerful figure who you want to please because, if you do, you'll go to a paradise of figs and pussy or clouds and singing, whatever floats your boat, or, if you don't, you'll be punished with an eternity of some kind of Hell, depending on the flavor of your faith.

Dawg's Blawg: So long, and thanks for all the fish 11, 2008 · Along with Matthew and Jason and Scott, I'm heading out the door to a place where the sun shines, the air is fresh, and the streets are clogged with snow. It's been fun. I've enjoyed exchanging ideas, shots and insults with all of you. But blogging can take you away from the real things in life, the things that matter, the things that count.

The Writing Life II: Wis. man accused of shooting TV over ... Deemer teaches screenwriting at Portland State University. He is a playwright, novelist, screenwriter, and pioneer in hyperdrama. He was the editor of Oregon Literary Review and the artistic director of Small Screen Video. "Having written almost daily for over 40 years, I can say that writing is not a job or a vocation or a profession--it is an existence.

It's Freaky Friday | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... made a name for herself on Slog by defending bestial-necrophilia and sticking up for ECB (aspiring Freaky Friday-ers, take note). She’s a 24-year-old office monkey and part-time student. She goes to a lot of shows, reads a lot of books, and drinks a lot of gin; sometimes all at once.

Personal History – Paul's was the one who answered, and we soon began dating. Late in my freshman year, my father returned from a two-year remote posting in Pakistan (my poor mother, running a household and raising five kids on her own while Dad was away!), and we started packing for his next assignment, once again Germany (this time to Wiesbaden Air Base).

On Transmigration: It's Not There Anymore.'s Not There Anymore. While resting today (alternating between hot and cold compresses) I downloaded Google Earth and paid a visit to my childhood home in New Orleans. Had no trouble finding the area - it was a pretty unique little enclave of small homes a block from Lake Pontchartrain and the old (now private) airport.

Libya After Liberation: What Now, Religious Freedom ... 04, 2013 · According to a source from Egypt’s Coptic Church, a group of Salafist Muslims attacked a church in Benghazi this week and detained roughly 100 Egyptian Copts working in the country. The detained Copts had been tortured by their captors, who had also shaved their heads and used acid to burn off the crosses tattooed on their wrists, the source ...

Burning questions about teaching English in China #6: You ... 25, 2018 · Burning questions about teaching English in China #7: ... which was the common language of the Roman Catholic Church – and of Europe – for hundreds of years. ... the root of the word – to a demanding career. The root of the word is vocatio, Latin for “summons” or “summoning.” That word was derived from vocare, ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Daily News Pressing Questions April ... Pressing Questions feature continued in Friday April 17 ths edition of the Daily News, part of the papers ongoing election coverage. The Question: "The provincial government has shown a commitment to South Delta Port. Do you believe it is time for the Port of Prince to become a priority for the provincial government?"

Property...Freedom...Peace: Washington's Prayer At Valley ... laid the army of Washington. It was a most distressing time of ye war, and all were for giving up the Ship but that great and good man. In that woods (pointing to a close in view) I heard a plaintive sound as of a man at prayer. I tied my horse to a sapling & went quietly into the woods.

Catalan Independence And The Revival Of City-States - The ... the wake of the financial crisis, economic issues became a more powerful driver for Catalan independence, as much as history, heritage, and a desire for greater autonomy. Barcelona and its environs account for a significant portion of Spain's economy, about 20% of Spanish GDP in 2013, and Catalans have been increasingly unhappy with ...

Fritzburgh An'at: May 2010 was all around me. It was the only worldview I’d been exposed to. Truth was everything I’d been told. It was not just the truth, it was the Truth with a capital T. I knew that I was the smartest person who ever lived and that I would be President someday, and, for that reason, everybody else was jealous of me and hated me.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead Friday ... Elders gather in Terrace, Rappin the gospels and rocks through a window, some of the items of note in the Friday edition of the Daily News. ANNUAL ELDERS GATHERING A GREAT SUCCESS--The 33rd annual gathering of Elders took place in Terrace this week and the Daily provides some of the highlights of the event which attracted over 3500 participants.. The …

The Immoral Minority: Two reviews find that the shooting ... 12, 2015 · His only crime was the color of his skin. How the pig that shot him in cold blood lives with himself is just bryond me. No attempt at communication whatsoever. Had the kid been white, he'd get a good talking to and a ride home. This has been going on way way too long. I'm in my fifties, and dated outside my race.

Paragraphs On Padre Boulevard More than a Bookstore: April ... Becky is in remission – and the future has never looked brighter! The couple have been on the road since March 31, 2018. Now more than nine months into their adventure with forty two states visited and over 75,000 miles on their RV, you can see Robert Hunter perform acoustically – live – here at Paragraphs, on South Padre Island, Friday, April 12 from 5PM-7PM.

Missouri - Moms Clean Air Force Launched in September 2018, the Ecomadres program brings Latina moms together to address issues of clean air, climate, and toxics that affect the health of Latino children and families. Ecomadres is a collaboration between GreenLatinos and Moms Clean Air Force. The program provides comadres with reliable information and solutions through online resources, …

George McGarry | Facebook next 7 years I went to a 3-room school. The next year I went to Dexter City High School. Our transportation was the horse and bike. We never had electricity or gas or running water until I got old enough to run 500 feet to get the water! I lost my Dad to German measles when I …

NewsRack: 'Financial Markets' news in 'US Economy' topic everyone’s looking for a bailout in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the financial havoc that was the result of largely shutting down the economy. But here’s the awful truth: Thousands of small businesses never had a chance at the Paycheck Protection Program, or PPP, money that was supposed to be their life […]

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: ##8 and 7 -- Shaquille O'Neal ... 08, 2018 · These all occurred while Wilt was playing against Russell. But in the same time period Russell had 5 MVPs to Wilt's 4. Russ in an 8 year stretch of MVP balloting had 5 wins, 2 seconds and a 3rd. In a 9 year stretch, Wilt had 4 wins, 2 seconds, a 4th a 5th and a 7th. Wilt played better longer, Wilt had more rebounds.

Monkey in the Middle: Destruction of (Hillary Email) Evidence would constitute a violation of 18 USC 1001, lying to a federal investigator conducting an investigation as to a material fact. I firmly believe that these revelations would have sunk any presidential aspirant or president back in the days when Nixon resigned. That, alas, was a different time. I guess Nixon was just born too soon.

Tabula Rasa: May 2010 though I promised to do it before the horrible anti-family, anti-doctor, anti-choice law passed in Oklahoma, the Sooner State's legislation nudged me to actually register for the 7th Annual NARAL Pro-Choice Washington 5K Run for Your Rights. I quasi-jogged this one, in stark contrast to the only other 5K I've done, for an equally good women's rights cause.

Pedestrian Infidel: From a Jihadist to a Human--part two 01, 2006 · Pakistan, being my parents' homeland and a Moslem country, was (said my parents) the best country for me and my siblings to spend our teenage years in. The same religious education begun in Saudi Arabia continued in Pakistan – the same training, with Friday prayers, but another thing was added – the Ramadan, a one month period of daytime ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Gave up Lent for Lent 11, 2020 · Big Bad Bald Bastard The Big Bad Bald Bastard is a character played by Monsieur _____ of the City of Y_____. The role of the Bastard is a handy one to play on subways, walking the streets, and in dive-bars, when being a nerdy, bookish sort is not to one's advantage.

Taser Autopsy: Denver Coroner Rules 'Homicide' in Taser ... Denver Coroner has ruled that the July 9 death of an inmate at the new jail was the result of HOMICIDE . Marvin Booker was being proce...

Nowhere, IL: The Gay Bar went out to The Gay Bar with my friend Traci last night. It's called the gay bar because it's certainly the only gay bar in Southern Illinois, and quite possibly the only one outside of a hundred mile radius from St. Louis. This was my second trip to the bar with Traci, which also makes it my second trip to any bar since Lori and I were first dating and we were looking for a nice gay ...

Odd Songs and Poems | noodleepoodlee on May 3, 2011 by noodleepoodlee Been 30 years since Reagan said That trickling down was the way to head This nation, shining city on a hill And still we’re paying that fat bill Don’t piss on my head and tell me that it’s raining That …

KarcherHaus: February 2009, again, gives us an idea of what needs to be done to get us out of this mess. Essentially, it mirrors Paul Krugman and Nouriel Roubini in saying that somebody needs to spend big bucks to stop this global tailspin. That somebody is the U. S. Government.

Redeye's Front Page: "What happened at #Mizzou was not a ... 01, 2015 · — Penthousesidebar2 (@lexiechey) November 11, 2015 These were terrorist acts, meant to silence and intimidate Over the past several years black students at Mizzou were repeatedly called racist names to their faces, the grounds of the school's Black Culture Center were covered with cotton balls, the center was the target of arson threats, a black professor …

USCF United States Civilian Forces: Google Alert - FBI Alert - FBI FBI. Daily update ... At the end of a week's worth of new revelations and a resignation, ... The FBI Dallas Division is warning Texans to be on the alert for a phone scam that displays an FBI phone number from Wichita Falls on caller ID. Flag as irrelevant :

Marc Valdez Weblog: 03/06/2016 - 03/13/2016 storm roared through! Wind, rain, and drama! Today was the wettest day in Sacramento for a long time, probably since Dec. 11, 2014. At Sacramento Executive Airport, 2.11 inches of rain have fallen since yesterday afternoon. I even had minor flooding in my basement. More rain is coming tomorrow evening.

PoliScope: The Little Rock Nine -- 50 years later 01, 2007 · Cooper was the only time the Court has ever taken this extraordinary step. Daisy Bates (pictured in the top photo, second from left on the top row), who was the president of the Arkansas NAACP during the Little Rock crisis, played a critical role in negotiating the desegregation of Central High.

Marin Real Estate Bubble: October 2009 12, 2009 · Marin Real Estate Bubble ... to a great extent, ... But be confident that it will all be for a good cause -- it was the debt they needed (really) and that they were entitled to. And have no fear because it's all part of your daddy's plan, it's all well thought out. Believe me. Because even though the plan was devised by the corrupt men on Wall ...

UT Football players arrested for attempted armed robbery 12, 2009 · KNOXVILLE - Coming on the heels of yet another lawless incident involving members of the University of Tennessee Volunteers football team, more than 200 people crowded into a West Knox County senior center Thursday night to express opposition to a proposed apartment complex intended to help university athletes integrate themselves into society.

Dallas DA Agrees to Stay in Case of Kimberly McCarthy ... StandDown Texas Project was organized in 2000 to advocate a moratorium on executions and a state-sponsored review of Texas' application of the death penalty. To stand down is to go off duty temporarily, especially to review safety procedures.

Photographs | Morningside Mom my far from humble mommy opinion, there is nothing more pathetic in the world than a two year old with a 100.1 fever and a goopy case of pink eye. 7 Comments Filed under Boys , Health , Parenting , Photographs

Probably shouldn’t have picked up THIS book | The Worried ... 14, 2017 · But it’s unlikely that anyone will ever notice. And since e-mail has, of course, demolished the traditional personal letter, a major literary genre is on its last legs. When I was with the newspaper, I sometimes had to edit work that …

View Beyond Bethlehem: It's My Life - Aunt Mary's Funeral 19, 2011 · It was her brother Tom’s death that delayed my coming out to my parents for a week or two. Tom’s wife, Aunt Mary, remained pretty faithful until a child molesting priest was transferred to her local parish in order to remove him from his previous assignment.

The Last Debate: What Would Jesus Google? personally believe that you'll be judged more harshly for your blasphemy than for your homosexuality, but it's really not for me to speculate. If it's any consolation, were it up to me you would go to heaven- but you would sit a while in purgatory with nothing but Ayn Rand essays to read while you think about what you've said.

July | 2011 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao Was ... 27, 2011 · The Ph.D. is on hiatus. No, it’s not dead—not yet, anyway—but it has been reassigned in the priorities list and pushed off into the future. It is caught in suspended animation, against all odds, and contrary to all plans.

Debate Analysis | Cliston thought Kasich was the most presidential and he handled himself well, but he’s so far behind, I don’t know how much good it will do him. I expect he probably will at least win Ohio in 12 days, which might keep him alive, and right now, that’s the name of the game. Rubio diminishes himself every day, and tonight was no exception.

New York Times Starts New Year With Headline Blunder 2010 underway for fewer than twelve hours and with, apparently, the effects of the celebration of the new year still lingering, The New York Times made a huge mistake yesterday morning when editors bungled the usage of the indefinite article "a" in the main headline for a story on the front page of its Web site.

illusory tenant: New penis in Journal-Sentinel controversy 22, 2008 · Recently, we endured the unseemly spectacle of a cadre of self-righteous conservatives, trolling the internets looking for ways to be religiously offended and finding one in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel's banner advertisements touting an antipodean variety show called "Puppetry of the Penis." The penis, according to reliable sources, is a popular and …

A Little Reality: Nuclear Missile Warnings 15, 2018 · Nuclear Missile Warnings When I was a wee lad my mother would take us to the Oscar's Drive-In for a hamburger treat. In hindsight, it was a ridiculously long way to drive for a simple burger but it was a primitive time when fast food joints weren't on every street corner.

Bill Clinton to campaign at University of Louisville 29, 2010 · Details of the U of L stop are being finalized, but it will likely be held on the lawn in front of Grawemeyer Hall.The Conway campaign has facebook event page created for the event along with a general page on the campaign website.Join Jack Conway and President Clinton When: Monday, November 1, 2010 5:00pm Where: University of Louisville,

OpenlineBlog: The Future and Past of Gerry Galloway 01, 2006 · Far and away the most offensive mailing of the campaign last year was not Irvin's flier or even all those trashy fliers from Weisner, but it was the mailing where Tom put his son that's in a wheelchair on the front of the envelope. Pure exploitation. 1/5/06, 1:22 PM

Rising Hegemon : Worst Neighborhood in America Neighborhood in America Undoubtedly quite a competition, but still a winner seems clear. More horrific news from the Cleveland neighborhood where Ariel Castro tortured three women for a decade: On Monday, Elias Acevedo Sr, Castro's neighbor, pleaded guilty to hundreds of charges, including two counts of murder and the rape of his three ...

Entitlements on the Rise | Bud Meyers 21, 2011 · Of coarse your hot water heater is one source of drinking water but it may be filled with sediment. Consider storing water in food grade containers in case of an emergency. 5 gallon containers can be moved if needed. 55 gallon barrels are …

Kipahulu Certified Kitchen approved! Certified Kitchen approved! The off-grid certified kitchen in Kipahulu (on which I've been project coordinator over the last year plus) has received its final approvals! We passed the Department of Health inspection last week and the county wastewater inspection this morning, which was the last one.

Chief Justice Roberts and the Affordable Health Care Act ... to the announcement of today's monumental health care decision, the betting was that the key vote would be Kennedy and that if Kennedy swung toward upholding the act, Roberts would join him. We now know that Roberts was the key vote, and we should have suspected it from the beginning. Roberts more than any other member of the Court has a stake in how the Court is …

The Night Before Christmas | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat ... Night Before Christmas: A Visit From St. Nicholas. The Night Before Christmas was originally a 1968 animated television special, with background music provided by the Norman Luboff Choir. It was regularly shown for about 10 years as a holiday special, but it …

How and why to see La La Land - Sam Post about a spoiler. We pre-purchased tickets for a 10pm screening of La La Land.It played at the Regal Park Terrace, in Charlotte — the only theatre in the area showing this film, as of tonight (it opens at others tomorrow).. We already have our Christmas Day movie picked out. We’ll be seeing Fences.So tonight was the night for La La Land. » Blog Archive » Fix for Disk Image “Not ... 17, 2007 · The temporary workaround is to, when and only when you see the “not recognized” warning, remove the .bz2 extension from the original downloaded file leaving just the final .dmg then try opening file again in the Finder. If this was the cause of the problem the disk image will successfully verify and mount.

Ruth Institute Blog » Lesbianism linked to upbringing 22, 2010 · Actually, when you go to the FRC site , there are over two dozen studies and research reports. The problem is that the link doesn’t specify WHICH of these many studies is the one referred to in the article.

The Most Powerful Far Right Party - The Soundings Most Powerful Far Right Party ... In France, the National Front has called for a minimum wage and the re-nationalization of the agriculture sector. ... The big news yesterday was the Senate Judiciary Committee’s release of around 2,500 pages of documents and transcripts of testimony collec...

Total Information Awareness: Hegemony in Reverse Lynch discusses his impressions from a panel he joined assessing The Surge , as sponsored by the Cato Institute: . I found James Dobbins the most interesting speaker (including myself). Drawing on his own long experience as a diplomat and as a student of interventions, he argued forcefully for a version of the Iraq Study Group's 'diplomatic surge' which would bring … Moderate Earthquake Shakes East Coast ... 23, 2011 · OK, so it was moderate by California standards. By East Coast standards - holy crap! An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.9 shook Virginia at 1:51pm. It was centered 41 miles northwest of Richmond and 83 miles southwest of Washington, DC.

No Right Turn: Educating the Prime Minister 08, 2009 · Back in June, Pete Hodgson attempted unsuccessfully to excavate the reasons for John Key's sacking of Richard Worth, leading to exchanges in the House like this: Hon Pete Hodgson: When the Prime Minister came to the view that he had lost confidence in Dr Richard Worth, was he in possession or not in possession of substantive information that is not yet …

I Would Live-Slog the Mariners Game, But... | Slog | The ... switch-off between Rizzs and Niehaus was very confusing until I got my TV back (after about 3 months) and I realized that they were doing the TV broadcast too. Then I was just puzzled about why they did that. It still doesn't make sense. One of them should be on the radio for the whole game, the other on TV.

Readers' Column for the week of December 29, 2019 - Owego 29, 2019 · Readers’ Column for the week of December 29, 2019 Posted By: psadvert December 29, 2019 You may call the Owego Pennysaver Readers’ Column at (607) 687-2378 24-hours a day, or e-mail comments to [email protected] .

PERRspectives: SOTU Preview: 10 Things to 22, 2007 : SOTU Preview: 10 Things to Watch. Tuesday's State of the Union Address should offer Americans compelling viewing. After the GOP's electoral disaster in November and the resounding thud that greeted the "surge" in Iraq, the 2007 SOTU can be said to officially mark the last throes of the Bush presidency.

Tube City Almanac: How Do You Like These Apples? 29, 2004 · It's better'n goin' to a liberry an' at!... The weekly newspaper in Crawford, Texas --- the small town where President Bush has his ranch --- has endorsed John Kerry. Can you imagine how shaken the President must feel to learn that the 425-circulation Lone Star Iconoclast has gone over to his opponent? I can see him now, with his head in his hands.

Space exploration | V B I iconic Earthrise and Apollo 8 haunt me. I watched “Earthrise” at the Tribeca Film Festival a day ago, and I can still feel the awe inspired by the sight of the incredibly beautiful Earth rising over the moon. The first men to see the Earth as a blue planet framed by the impenetrable midnight of space behind and the monotonous grey of the moon below recount their adventure.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Today's tour ... 06, 2006 · Gingrich followed up his speech last week calling for "a serious debate about the first amendment" so that we can "break up [the terrorists'] capacity to use free speech," with a new article that goes even further. Titled "The First Amendment is Not a Suicide Pact," Gingrich said that suspected terrorists should be "subject to a totally ...

O'Malley's Religion - 2016 Election Diary {click on Blog ... 2012, he told Candy Crowley on CNN: “There has been a little bit too much hyperventilating over this issue.” 4. He credits a Jesuit priest for shaping his identity. He told Esquire magazine one of his role models is “a Jesuit priest by the name of Father Horace McKenna, who ran a mission out of the basement of Saint Aloysius Church.He gave his entire life to serving the …

David Foster Wallace, 1962 - 2008 - HariKari voice of the narrator in the story “John Billy” from that book has stuck in my head ever since the first time I read it back in 1989. What follows are two excerpts from the first two parts of the story, which I suggest you read out loud in a slow Okie-hick twang: 1. WAS ME SUPPOSED TO TELL SIMPLE RANGER

Rep. Dan Pabon Archives - The 05, 2012 · It languished in the House for a month, costing taxpayers an estimated $3.8 million in that time. Now, though, House Bill 1005, which would allow local governments to once again invest in U.S. government-backed securities, appears to …

New at LifeSite: In Defense of Religious Conservatives ... 01, 2018 · Last week, The Atlantic's Conor Friedersdorf launched a vicious attack on Vice President Mike Pence, Hillsdale College, its president Larry Arnn, and by extension every conservative and religious American who supports Donald Trump. The attack echoed a slur we've heard far too much from the "respectable" wing of the Right, so I took the opportunity to…

The Burning Bed,’ 30 years later. And Ray Rice, now ... 2010, the CDC released its latest National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (pdf), which showed that one in three women and one in four men have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.One in four women and one in seven men have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner.

The Howdygram 2: Nobody really gives a crap about fancy ... 11, 2015 · I’m looking for a dark wood veneeer finish (right now we have maple) with the addition of a corner storage unit because you can never have too many shelves for your Hormel canned tamales. However, Sam thinks we should skip the cabinet hardware because nobody really gives a crap about fancy-ass oil-rubbed bronze drawer pulls or brushed nickel ...

American Power: Pearl Harbor Remembered 09, 2007 · He was having breakfast in the mess hall, preparing for a trip to Honolulu when he heard the first explosions, which he and others mistook initially for a U.S. Navy plane crash. "We thought the Navy had cracked up one of their planes. We ran to the windows, and we saw the second bomb, and then we saw the rising sun on the wing of that plane.

Gov. Christie Thinks A Family Making $6,000 A Year Is Too ... 12, 2011 · Gov. Christie Thinks A Family Making $6,000 A Year Is Too Rich To Qualify For Medicaid By Marie Diamond on Jun 2, 2011 at 10:00 am Despite recent polls that show Americans are just as protective of Medicaid as they are of Medicare, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) is trying to gut the popular program in his state and prevent 23,000 people ...

The Immoral Minority: Ken Ham claims news reports that his ... 04, 2017 · One of the things that stopped me cold about the Noah story is the design of the thing. And, naturally, the idiot Hamm and his cohorts made it even worse by installing that flap on the stern, which was - supposedly - to help guide it into …

The mystery of religious belief that we’re special 20, 2015 · Now we know that we are one of trillions of planets, surrounding billions of stars in millions of galaxies. We know that the planet is billions of years old, dinosaurs ruled the planet for about 200 million years, and humans have only been around for a few hundred thousand.

Prophet, Priest and PIRATE: Sunday School: Belt of truth 13, 2007 · So, while we were studying the Full Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-19 the first piece of armor that we come upon is the belt of truth (verse 14).What is the belt of truth? Well, I kind of think that it has to do with integrity and transparency, it's really at the core of having character (no mistake that it covers your core, abs/waist/guts). You've hear the old adage, I …

Blue in Guadalupe: Call for a Constitutional Convention a ... first problem with this whole notion is that there is nothing in the Constitution that says a convention can be limited to certain topics. In fact the last time there was a Constitutional Convention was in 1787 and they threw out the Articles of Confederation and drafted a …

Balkinization: The Framers’ Coup and the Merely Human ... C. Williams For the Symposium on Michael Klarman, The Framers' Coup: The Making of the United States Constitution. In the opening pages of The Framers’ Coup--Michael Klarman’s deeply impressive new work of constitutional history – Klarman describes the goal of his project as being “to tell the story of the Constitution’s origins in a way that demystifies them” and that …

Kevin Harpham 2011 MLK Day Parade Spokane Backpack Bomb than a week before that, Harpham was one of several users who offered to house prominent white nationalist Craig Cobb. Cobb is on the run from Canadian authorities for alleged hate crimes and had called his supporters to launch violent attacks in the name of white supremacy, according to a report by The Vancouver Sun.

King Street Patriots: Looking For a Few Good Rednecks 29, 2011 · I think the King Street Patriots have the potential of turning polling places into scenes of brawls and rioting for the first time in our history. If these "patriots" happen to get in the face of, say, a dark-skinned six-foot-one Iraq vet with a short fuse, they're likely to get a three-in-one lesson on the fly.

True Blood - "Nothing But the Blood": Reparations 06, 2009 · Whoo doggy, wasn't that fun? There's been so much of run up to this second season of True Blood I was worried the actual product wasn't going to meet the challenge. The episode, "Nothing But the Blood," did a good job of juggling all the balls left in the air at the end of last season (dead body in parking lot, the mystery of MaryAnn, Bill's vampire-in-training, …

BilgeBucket Gazette » vice there’s a chance he’ll stick his foot in his mouth or tell embarrassing tall tales, he will. Back in 2008 when Obama named Biden his VP, we collectively slapped our foreheads and said “Oh, oh!” But thankfully, Biden turned out to be a commendable Vice President. He is a good, honorable man who will do the right thing for all ...

Trump Cornered | The Smirking 17, 2019 · About author Robert B. Reich is Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies. He served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, for which Time Magazine named him one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century.

What Now?! – 6/12/2019 – Blue Delaware 12, 2019 · Instead of answering questions about the purported “secret provisions” of his immigration agreement with Mexico, President Trump pulled a sheet of paper out of his pocket, waved it around, but refused to show to reporters, Vox reports. Said Trump: “That’s the agreement that everybody says I don’t have.” Pressed later to detail the contents of the …

Bags of Molecules • Smilodon's Retreat 10, 2016 · Yesterday I went to the First Annual (hopefully) Lone Star College Book Festival in Houston. They put on an impressive 3 day event. It’s a bit of a trek for me to get there, so I only went yesterday. Dr. Jerry Coyne was one of the keynote speakers promoting his relatively new book Faith vs. …

schmoo on the run: November 2009 05, 2009 · The whole BBC website has gone off the internet and has been for several hours now. But almost nobody is mentioning it. Here at the safehouse data center deep beneath central London we immediately activated code red when the first episode of the new Spooks series suddenly evaporated. A massive internet glitch seems to have occurred for a few minutes during which a number of UK …

The Immoral Minority: With "Going Rogue" setting the bar ... 06, 2010 · Meredith P, that pic was taken at one of the first McCain-Palin rallies. It took place in Fairfax, VA on the day that Palin flew back to AK for the Gibson interview, etc. I have always assumed that she was making a face in reaction to something that McCain said about Obama. Reply Delete

Kevin Anderson, Rafael Nadal in amazing throwback photo Anderson, Rafael Nadal in amazing throwback photo. An incredible throwback photo of Kevin Anderson and Rafael Nadal began circulating on social media ahead of Sunday’s men’s final between the two at the U.S. Open. According to Ben Raby, the photo was taken when the two were 12 years old (they were born just weeks apart).

Commentary ? Wheat-dogg's could have been one of those guys — maybe not in a combat position, given my poor eyesight — but during the early 1970s, as the War seemed never to end, and as my 18th birthday approached, there was a possibility that my number would come up and I’d be sent to Vietnam to serve in the war. Yet, here I was, 44 years later, sitting in a ...

Kowincidence clash of cultures and world views is dramatized in Power, Linda Hogan’s novel set in the swamplands of contemporary Florida. This clash is the vital dilemma in the coming of age of the book’s narrator, a 16 year old member of the fictional Taiga people, who lives with her family in the non-Native working class town, but is drawn to an old Taiga woman and her solitary life at the edge ...

The Dead Acorn: Yeah, Well, I've Been Kicked Out Of Nicer ... that was the evening – plans derailed by a tragic case of mistaken identity, but enjoyable anyway, and good for a chuckle. One never knows what will happen when one ventures downtown. [UPDATE]: It occurred to me that I was wearing my cowboy boots that night, which I haven’t worn in years, and that my choice of footwear may have been a ...

The Immoral Minority: The difference in case you were ... 02, 2012 · This is quite possibly one of the stupidest generalizations I have seen of the differences between believers and non-believers. It could just as easily read to the effect that a believer will spend their life doing their utmost for "the least of their brothers." Or that for a …

black people Archives - The Whirling Wind first thing they did was successfully connect it to the “woman’s suffrage” movement. The plan was ingenious. By having women classified as minorities, and folded up under the affirmative action umbrella, they effectively broadened the scope of the program to such and extent, loopholes and the opportunity for mischief were the ...

FORGOTTEN HEROES OF CONSERVATISM Chapter 1- Westbrook … 01, 2018 · My choice for the first article is one Westbrook Pegler, who was the first columnist in the country to win the Pulitzer prize, and was a massively influential character from the 1930's until his mental dissolution and degeneration into pure anti-Semitic hatred in the 1960's.

Administration Indictments: A Pretty Safe Prediction – Wizbang 28, 2005 · In the first place, there’s the information issue. In a trial, certain information might be excluded because of trial rules. If a juror, or potential juror, reads a blog that covers the trial in-depth, then the contamination of that information is certainly an issue.

rdanafox: Tax Rates & the Middle Class 16, 2006 · The first rising of a middle class occurred as a result of the Black Plague. The Black Plague killed about 30% of the worlds population, creating a labor shortage. This allowed that Trades & Craftsman to command a higher wage, which trickled down to the common yeoman, much as the unionization of US labor in the middle 1900's allowed non union ...

Redeye's Front Page: Since we are talking about #Thugs, # ... 05, 2015 · Ebony Magazine's Josie Pickens writes: Greenwood, Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa, was the type of community that African Americans are still, today, attempting to reclaim and rebuild. It was modern, majestic, sophisticated and apologetically Black. Tragically, it was also the site of one of the bloodiest and most horrendous race riots (and acts of terrorism) that the United States has ever ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Queen of the North remembrances … 21, 2007 · Eaton was one of the first to arrive and help, making sandwiches and coffee. The Laurier was anchored for the night in Bernard Harbour about 27 kilometres south of Hartley Bay. It would take 90 minutes to up anchor and steam at top speed to the wreck site so the crew launched its fast-rescue boat, an inflatable Zodiac capable of 40 knots, to ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: SO, WILL HUCKABEE AND CRUZ LOCK ... 02, 2015 · "Today, judicial lawlessness crossed into judicial tyranny," Cruz said. "Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America."Both have specifically said that guns are necessary to prevent government tyranny. Here's Huckabee, on his campaign site:

Otto's War Room (??): On the 75th Anniversary of the ... was the immortal sacrifice of Socialist USSR that principally won the war against the Nazi fascists, with USA and Britain playing a very minimal role in comparison. In the history of man so much pain and suffering has not reached the height of World War 2 or has any nation single-handedly saved the fate of mankind in the history of the world ...

Vietnam Armed Forces News Monitoring Service & Press ... was the last American to collect a Civil War pension — $73.13 a month. She just died. On Sunday, Irene Triplett died at Accordius Health, a long-term care facility in Wilkesboro, N.C., at the age of 90.

Minnesota Home Prices News Monitoring Service & Press ... hits residential builders: Single-family permits, multifamily units both drop. At the start of 2020, homebuilding activity in the Twin Cities cruised along at a steady clip — and the momentum carried into March and April even as the COVID-19 pandemic took an increasing toll on the economy.

Nature Archives — passage2truth is really a composite of two different songs (or really, two different versions of the same song). The first is “Hey Gyp (Dig the Slowness)” from the Fairy Tale album (1965), while the second is “Diggin the Future” from the Ritual Groove album (2010).

Baby Love Child » Claar Foundation and Lisa’s testimony came during a preliminary hearing on one of the theft charges. The hearing is scheduled to continue Friday. Singh, 32, told a Boulder judge that he and his wife, 61, spent two years and more than $61,000 to adopt a Guatemalan boy through Lisa Novak at the Claar Foundation agency, but that process was riddled with mistakes ...

Contextual Criticism: 1/27/08 - 2/3/08 war has been an unmitigated disaster for our nation as well as the citizens of Iraq. We have lost nearly 4,000 of our fighting men and women. Thousands of Iraqis have died. As a country, Iraq is much worse off now in almost every respect than it was prior to Bush's invasion. The war has destroyed our credibility around the world.

Blue in the Bluegrass: Protests for Civil Rights Older ... 06, 2017 · Their tactic was silence, but their message resounded: anti-black violence is unjust and un-American. It was the first protest of its kind in New York, and the second instance of African Americans publicly demonstrating for civil rights. The NAACP has issued marching orders many times in the years since: in 1965, we marched in Selma in pursuit of our right to vote; in 2012, we held a …

Ve haff vays of naming your baby | haff vays of naming your baby. My sister is having a baby. Don't worry, this isn't going to be a mushy personal post. This is a post about how my sister is not allowed, by law, to choose her own baby's name. ... Lolita was a mildly popular name for the first half of the 20th century which then soared in …

Mississippi Sexual Health News Monitoring Service & Press ... Wolverines tight end Chuck Christian says he was sexually abused by Dr. Robert Anderson. Chuck Christian, the first former Michigan football player to publicly say that former team doctor Robert Anderson abused him, poses for a photo on Wednesday near his home, in Randolph, Mass. Christian, a 60-year-old artist, said during a videoconferencing …

Dana Busted: Dana Loesch baselessly claims "NBC is being ... 06, 2011 · George MacPherson Docherty was the main person who came up with the additions to the words in question. The Pledge has been criticized (primarily from Atheists, Anarchists, Deists, and some Libertarians) for allegedly breaking the barrier of separation of church and state, principally for the inclusion of the words "under God."

William Horberg: Fanzines of the first was known as SpaFon and I came across issue #4 from 1968 the other day and thought it worth sharing with you here. As far as I can tell from the masthead, SpaFon was the brainchild of a dedicated group of enthusiastic Chicagoans named Rich …

Otto's War Room (??): US- Labor day and some Labour Songs..."Labor Day" was promoted by the Central Labor Union and the Knights of Labor, which organized the first parade in New York City. In 1887, Oregon was the first state of the United States to make it an official public holiday. By the time it became an official federal holiday in 1894, thirty U.S. states officially celebrated Labor Day. [1]

Marc Valdez Weblog: 09/16/2018 - 09/23/2018 along State Road 522, the visiting moose was the subject of several photos and phone calls to wildlife offices in the area as the sighting marked a rare occasion in New Mexico wildlife history. A moose was sighted in Chama in 2017 and for the first time, Costilla welcomes a moose to its environs.

Michelle Obama is the Keynote Speaker Tonight at the ... 01, 2008 · He went to Princeton, where he became one of the best basketball players in the history of the university and the first two-time Ivy League basketball player of the year. Following two seasons of professional basketball in England, Craig returned to the states and earned an MBA from the University of Chicago and spent seven years as a vice ...

No Right Turn: In the ballot XVII: Foreshore and Seabed 10, 2006 · The first part of this provides for a right to roam over open land. Unlike the (wimpy) English law, defined inclusively - any land is publicly accessible *unless* there is a good reason why not - e.g. there's a crop on it, it's a private garden, it's an industrial works, etc.

TheBradfordReview: 2013-06-09 is worse than the proverbial "fishing expedition"; like putting the entire ocean through a sieve. It makes a mockery of the Fourth Amendment's requirement that government searches be "particular." This assumes not only that everyone is guilty until proven innocent, but that everyone is guilty.

Romania Energy & Environment News Monitoring Service ... to place tourists travelling to Bulgaria under quarantine. Romanians can travel to Bulgaria and Greece, but will be placed under 14-day quarantine upon their return to their country, Romania’s Minister of Economy, Energy, Business Environment and Tourism Virgil Popescu said.

Balkinization: Law , honor, the Vice President, and our ... of these costs, we now know, is that his efforts to go after bin Laden in Afghanistan were all-too-easily dismissed at the time as efforts to "wag the dog" and to distract us from his own psychodrama. One of the worst aspects of Watergate is the "legalization" of presidential misconduct.

Nikki's Nest: Let's Talk About How Non-violent They Aren't 19, 2006 · Chowchilla resident Jimmy Dale Steele, 21, one of six charged with the murder of 39-year-old John Emery of Chowchilla Oct. 16, 2005, entered the plea in Madera Superior Court Tuesday afternoon. Emery was beaten and stabbed to death, and his body left among a cluster of mobile homes near Road 18 3/4.

Nothing Better to Do: Beer and Pizza pizza provided an outstanding compliment to my brews. The first beer was the 2007 Pyramid Brewer's Reserve Hefe Weizen. Pyramid ...

Massive Grapevine highway project could begin this year Grapevine highway project could begin this year By NICHOLAS SAKELARIS and GORDON DICKSON - The Grapevine Courier / Star-Telegram - March 4, 2009 GRAPEVINE — The massive reconstruction of seven Grapevine highways — a $1 billion-plus project known as the DFW Connector — will change the appearance of the city.

TheBradfordReview: 2018-04-22 last memory of my father was him driving an early seventies Eldorado Cadillac, heading toward a gig. I never talk about this part of my life. The Whispers founder choreograph, sang, and played several instruments. "Needle In A Haystack", was the whispers first hit! After a stint within the army, the twins came later in the group.

Tromp Loyal: 'Silent protest' planned for Dubya at Furman 31, 2008 · Crowe was one of more than 100 professors — roughly half of the university’s faculty — who signed a petition objecting to Bush’s visit. Crowe said he plans to stand during the president’s remarks to note his opposition. At a meeting Friday, professors …

The Beacon: Some Magic Boxes - #1 The E-Meter 20, 2007 · "No," said David. "This is the session. And don't let go of the cans!" March 18th 1958 fell on a Tuesday. It seems unlocking the subconscious mind may not be as certain as the literature of Scientology suggests. It turns out the E-Meter isn't all that good at monitoring Galvanic Skin Response in the first …

Flynn And The Russian Connections Finally Resurface - The ... of the drivers of his dalliance with Putin was the fact that Obama fired him. If, as seems possible, Trump or members of the Trump administration instructed Flynn to discuss the sanctions, it would be far more prudent to keep him on the inside rather than throwing him to …

Solidarity in the heartland | SocialistWorker.org 17, 2015 · Solidarity in the heartland March 17, 2015 Bob Simpson reports on an inspiring day of mutual support between striking oil refinery workers and service-sector workers, in an article published at ...

Not Sexist Summers, Please | by People's Action 24, 2013 · Larry Summers for the Fed? Seriously? There are better choices for Federal Reserve chair; in particular, Janet Yellen is more than qualified and would do a …

The Next Hurrah: Banana Pudding this point, the Bushmen have put the finishing touches on a net. As the Baboon frantically pulls and pulls on the stick, the Bushmen mosey over to the distressed Baboon - who can't let go of the stick - and easily net him. Then they drag him back to the shade and feed him salt for a day. The next day, the Bushmen get up and let the Baboon loose.

Nuclear option - 21, 2017 · The nuclear option is a parliamentary rule which "relates to the possiblity that Vice President Cheney will make a 'ruling from the chair' with regard to changing the cloture rule reducing the now required 60 votes to end a filibuster to a simple majority." In effect, the "nuclear option" could be used to end any debate on the Senate floor.

Orcinus: Ron Paul and his followers - Blogger Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

The paradox of climate change: John Bellamy Foster's The ..."The idea seemed not only clearer to him last night, but vital, even urgent, and the conversation comes back to him now—how they sat for a long time on a rug beside the coffee table, passing joints and downing beers, while Simon picked the tobacco of unfiltered cigarettes from his teeth and described his tours in Vietnam—to Peter, to a ...

Next Left: Labour should support AV while opposing this happen to be one of Lynne Featherstone's constituents, so am just about to send her an email with a link to your post about the impact this will have on the progress towards more equal representative and a request that she ask the EHRC to look at the impact. If I get an interesting response I'll let you know. 28 July 2010 at 12:31

Moonbattery: Ronaldus Magnus and the 05, 2008 · Words of wisdom from a very wise, brave, and godly man. I'll bet Reagan's shooting the breeze with my grandpa up in Heaven right now, maybe pointing out how lucky they both are that they didn't stick around on Earth long enough to live through the mess that has been made and continues to be made of America.

Britain and America: Tony Blair's last stand man who has been Labour's most successful ever leader is set to resign next week, almost exactly ten years after becoming Prime Minister, on the back of one of his party's worst ever set of results. The Iraq war, declining disposable incomes and a seemingly relentless rise in anti-social behaviour have all contributed to his weakness.

June 2014 – Page 125 – The posts published by Andrew Sullivan during June 2014

Glenn Greenwald - RationalWiki 10, 2019 · Glenn Greenwald (born 1967) is an American Pulitzer-achieving journalist and attorney who has written for Salon and The Guardian and is now at eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar's successful vanity project First Look Media, which funds The Intercept, an investigative journal he co-launched with Jeremy Scahill and Laura Poitras in 2014. Greenwald's beat has generally included national security ...

UPDATE 7: Obama's October Surprise; Was Everything for ... Sen. Obama truly have been born in Kenya, Berg writes, the laws on the books at the time of his birth hold that U.S. citizenship may only pass to a child born overseas to a U.S. citizen parent and non-citizen parent if the former was at least 19 years of age. Sen. Obama’s mother was only 18 at the time.

Musing's musings: "Is anybody there? Does anybody care?" is not easy. This nation is too vast, too numerous, too diverse--and, my sorrow that it must be said, too fractured, too fractious, and in some cases even too fictive--to be reduced to pious, patriotic platitudes of the sort that are George W. Bush's stock in trade.

Are you kidding? Obama in works to bring Ebola-infected ... 29, 2014 · Obama in works to bring Ebola-infected non-US citizens to US Discussion in 'Sound Off (' started by goodworkstractors, Oct 28, 2014. ...

Halfway There: Preacher, preacher 18, 2008 · Godamn a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Excerpt from St. Paul Racketeering ... 29, 2006 · This is a fantastic "blog" Bob and I want to congratulate you on it. It was sent to me by a friend that lives in Wisconsin. Not only was I suprised to see that it had to do with st. Paul, but also who some of the people are. Equally shocking was discovering that I dated one of these guys 4 or 5 years ago. He wasn't a slumlord then.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Outgoing mayor and councillors make ... Goes GM, so goes America (and a few other count... Port Edward makes the local school the districts t... Tilt of the gender balance makes for a historic re... Pucks in the net and votes in the ballot boxes; Poor optics can lead to suspicion when it comes to... A close ending to a clean campaign; The Get out the vote messages didn't resonate ...

Twilight of the Elites, Christopher Hayes - Shop Online ... powerful critique of the meritocratic elite that has overseen one of the most disastrous periods of recent history. "The American Conservative" In his new book, "Twilight of the Elites: America After Meritocracy," Hayes raises demanding questions about a nation that is …

Killing Obamacare Doesn't Fit Trump's Reelection Strategy ... 07, 2020 · On the plus side for Trump, he can remain consistent in his determination to destroy Obama’s signature achievement without worrying that anyone will actually have lost their health care coverage as a result when they go to the polls. On the other hand, every other part of a big negative for him.

Uncommon Hours: 'Losing Francis: Essays on the Wars at ... 01, 2019 · From Chapter 3: "The idea seemed not only clearer to him last night, but vital, even urgent, and the conversation comes back to him now—how they sat for a long time on a rug beside the coffee table, passing joints and downing beers, while Simon picked the tobacco of unfiltered cigarettes from his teeth and described his tours in Vietnam—to Peter, to a couple of others nearby, but mostly …

How the polls missed Trump's victory - bdnews24.com the polls missed Trump's victory ... because polling analysts got the central metaphor wrong. ... The state races were not akin to a string of coin tosses but more like 51 rolls of a ...

Decoded: Why the opinion polls failed to predict the Trump win 10, 2016 · The McClatchy-Marist poll released on Nov. 3, for example, had Clinton up by one point - one of the most accurate calls of the popular vote. But even that headline number missed the point a bit, because she lost the election in the Electoral College.A few polls correctly pegged Trump as the winner.

How the polls missed Trump's victory - Malaysiakini 10, 2016 · How the polls missed Trump's victory. ... because polling analysts got the central metaphor wrong. ... The state races were not akin to a string of coin tosses but more like 51 rolls of a ...

DAVID BROOKS: I'LL SAVE AMERICA BY PERSONALLY REMAKING … 11, 2016 · The decline of America and the rise of Donald Trump fill David Brooks with despair: According to a Pew Research poll, 75 percent of Trump voters say that life has gotten worse for people like them over the last half century.The suicide rate has surged to a 30-year high.... A record number of Americans believe the American dream is out of reach.And for millennials, social trust is at historic lows.

Otto's War Room (??): Trump in Europe- NATO is part of the ... 26, 2017 · Many news media outlets have said: "NATO has been the world's most successful military alliance, period."But what does NATO really protect. To answer this lets look at the two top layers of the US Empire. That includes the US itself, the main …

susan the bruce: May 2017 25, 2017 · When they left, some of them went to a bar with Robert “Red Pill” Fisher. One of them, Rep. James Spillane of Northwood posted photos of himself cavorting with Fisher on his Instagram page and tweeted some of them out. All the while, he was wearing a giant House name badge, and a bunch of other trinkets on his lapels.

Is America Still Globally Competitive? | Bud Meyers of Obama's (pie-in-the-sky) tax proposals was to raise the capital gains tax to 28 percent (which is what it previously was when Bill Clinton first took office). The economic anarchist, Stephen Moore, recently claimed in an op-ed (at a right-wing website) that Obama raised the capital gains tax to 20 percent. That's a big fat lie: Obama ...

How the polls, including ours, missed Trump’s victory ... 10, 2016 · In calculating probable outcomes, election predictors generally treated those 51 contests as completely separate events – as unrelated to one another as a series of 51 coin tosses.

February 2005 – The’ve been following the Sager–Ponnuru debate over the balance within today’s conservatism between social conservatives, big government conservatives and freedom-lovers. Latest installment here.I’m with Ryan, purely on the grounds that I think Bush conservatism has relied far too much on sectarian religious support and on expanding the power, reach and expense of the federal government.

Analysis - How the polls, including ours, missed Trump's ... 09, 2016 · The McClatchy-Marist poll released on Nov. 3, for example, had Clinton up by one point - one of the most accurate calls of the popular vote. But even that headline number missed the point a bit, because she lost the election in the Electoral College. A few polls correctly pegged Trump as the winner.

How the polls, including ours, missed Trump's victory hindsight, though, the stories seem to have overstated Ms Clinton's chances for a win by failing to see that a shift in voting patterns in some states could show up in other, similar states.

How the polls missed Trump's victory - Cyprus Mail Maurice Tamman and Guy Faulconbridge Two days ago, pollsters and statisticians gave Hillary Clinton odds of between 75 and 99 percent of winning the U.S. presidential election. How did so many ...

The Scientific Activist (Archives): What a Month! 11, 2006 · Today marks the one month anniversary of The Scientific Activist, and what a month it has been! The site has already had over 100,000 visitors, with the 100,000th coming on 10 February, sometime around 20:20 GMT. I even managed to sneak into The New York Times once. To mark the occasion, I’d like to take a moment to look back at some of the ...

Uncategorized - WordPress.com to a recent survey conducted by New York-based researchers and statisticians at and reported in today’s Daily Circular, South Carolina is one of the least lazy states in the entire South. The Palmetto State came in eighth place on a list of ten lazy Southern states that for some reason also included Delaware.

The Ethical Werewolf ‡ by Neil Sinhababu : August 2009 08, 2009 · I'm very proud of War or Car, where I posted a new thing you could buy for the price of the Iraq War everyday, for 121 days.This was during the 2008 elections, and I was glad that the antiwar candidate won. The site got its name because you could buy every American household a Toyota Prius for the $3 trillion price of the war.

Iconoduel | Art in America's Take, posts content such as a conversation between Chris Ofili and DJ Spooky and a three-part report on an art conference in Nigeria. ... but a useful clearinghouse for a wide range of events and articles. ... "Art in America's Take, Transcribed" Posted by Dan at 12:04 AM. Comments. Thanks. Nice write-up, by the way, and deserved.

The Whited Sepulchre: 3/17/13 - 3/24/13 is just one of the hundreds of thousands of queries and rulings that government trolls, hobbits, pygmies and elves churn out every day. Enjoy. And then lobby for a flat tariff. 1.5% should work nicely. Think of the labor savings. First person to lobby for an exemption gets crucified on the 50 yard line during the next Super Bowl halftime

#OccupyWallStreet Discussion | Page 70 | Why We Protest ... 04, 2011 · He references a legal battle over the upkeep of the unused basement, which was once leased to a non-profit food organization at a cost of $1 in rent per year. He wants the sublease transferred over to Occupy for a discount — 99 cents. “The …

The election polls got it wrong. Here's why it happened ... 13, 2016 · The state races were not akin to a string of coin tosses but more like 51 rolls of a set of weighted dice. In many states, it turned out, the side of the dice representing white voters in suburban ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The President's ... 11, 2007 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

Democracy for New Mexico: James Scarantino Comes Out of are many other issues at the forefront in New Mexico and this is one of them. Scarantino's take on the domestic partnership bill is a lie plain and simple. I don't know what has happened to him lately but he's been saying nutty things like this. His attacks on Heinrich were just as nutty. Posted by: Old Dem | Jan 12, 2009 4:00:46 PM

America: NOT a Socialist Nation (Unfortunately) 09, 2009 · 11 workers killed in initial blast; Damage to Ocean Ecosystem; 35,000 to 60.000 Barrels of Oil Per Day. That's somewhere between 1,500,000 to 2,500,000 gallons a day or 150 to 300 million gallons already spilled into the ocean as of July 27th by that estimate.

Mountain Ramblings: 2018-01-14 19, 2018 · Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters, the speech is often considered to be one of the greatest and most notable speeches in history and was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century by a 1999 poll of scholars of public address.

Col. Crazy's (Michael Steele) massacre in Iraq - Blogger 06, 2009 · "Kill Company" by Raffi Khatchadourian in the recent New Yorker is a damning, disturbing, devastating, and depressing portrayal of Col. Michael Steele and the 3rd Brigade of the 101st Airborne. I found myself full of anger, close to tears, about their treatment of Iraqis, as I did while reading Shadid's Night Draws Near, or Hedges' and al Arian's America's War Against Iraqi Civilians.

Martin Luther King Jr. | Morningside Mom 19, 2009 · Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech has lived in our minds for decades. It has remained alive in our hearts, reminding us to work for a dream, to accomplish the impossible. And tomorrow, with the election of Barack Obama, we are so close to realizing Dr. King’s dream.

Dawg's Blawg: Counter-dissent: the case of Tarek Fatah 09, 2008 · I thought this article was satire, at first, that had duped the perennially unwary. I was wrong. Tarek Fatah is dead serious. Any satire is utterly unintentional. Little Mosque on the Prairie, a tiresomely twee CBC sit-com effort, is nothing less, he says, than a vehicle for terrorism.But then, the indefatigable Fatah turns out to have had this bee in his bonnet for a …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Using the Drug ... 07, 2006 · 20 year-old Jose Colon made the mistake of visiting a house targeted for a raid. He was standing outside when SWAT shot him in the head. 45 year-old Ismael Mena was killed in his home by police. They were at the wrong address. 65 year-old Mario Paz died when he was shot twice in the back in his bedroom during a drug raid. Well, but we are war.

Government for the People, by the People"The Struggle is Real," the most accurate phrase of 2017. This blogger, couldn't have summed it up any better on her blog, "". 2017 seems to have been an experiment for the president to see what he could get away with for the following years ahead.It's scary and disappointing to have a democracy undermine the American people; the very people it's meant to serve ...

R. W. Nutjob: 5/24/09 - 5/31/09 26, 2009 · I've been a bit bummed about all the bad news lately, so, it's time to lighten up with a food post. One of the few things that the have nots can occasionally enjoy equally with the haves is food, and, more specifically, home grown food. While Biff Wellington IV is busy enjoying his $200 an ounce boiled Mongolian bat nutbag hair and thinking it's a delicacy, Joe Six Pack is plucking a ripe ...

The Johnsville News: Nifong/Mangum Hoax — June 7, 2007 07, 2007 · Editorial, Duke Chronicle: NCAA’s waiver bold, and on target-- These are heady times for the seniors of the 2006-2007 men's lacrosse team. Thanks to the NCAA student-athlete reinstatement staff's recent decision to grant a fifth year of eligibility to members of the 2005-2006 squad, Tewaaraton Award-winner Matt Danowski and 32 other members of this year's team may be looking to rethink their ...

Conrad Strong: Appropriate Dave Chapelle For The Moment 24, 2009 · Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

William Horberg: S'Wonderful Bill. This is your Disconnect office PA Brandon McCaskill. This was an amazing read and congratulations on such a milestone in life. Even though this post is 2 years old it is inspirational. Starting fresh is always an invigorating transformation to hear about. I look forward to working with you again in the future. Have a great day on set!

The Oil is Slipping Out of the Mississippi Canyon, Into ... Oil is Slipping Out of the Mississippi Canyon, Into the Loop Current Posted by Philip Munger at 3:30 PM. ... I did send an update to the ADN on the first leg of the expedition, and those of you who didn’t... 5 years ago ... The Gaza Flotilla Prepares to Form Up for a Confro... Weekend Odds & Ends - and a Happy Birthday, Alex! Big Leads in ...

Obama Still Claims ISIS ‘‘Just a 'JV' Team’’ As ISIS —Fleeing with his family and some Secret Service agents in the morning to an undisclosed location far outside of the nation’s capital, President Obama announced to America and the world Thursday morning that he still believes that the terrorist group ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) are still just a “JV team” and are ...

No one cares what I think: I'm One of the In-Laws Now!'m One of the In-Laws Now! Big huge congratulations to my little brother Mike who got married on Saturday (07/07/07) to Danielle Bifulco. Danielle has the inenviable task of putting up with the sonofabitch I had to put up with for the better part of a quarter century.

The Idiot Factor: corruption folly : "The Post" movie is a ... I watched the movie The Post and it was a breath of fresh air and badly needed. The movie shows us what it was like before The Washington Post decided to publish the Pentagon Papers.I remember that time well. Suddenly a whole edition of that paper let the American people know that our leaders, going back for decades, knew the Vietnam war was unwinnable and yet kept it going.

Constitutionalists, are you interested in Obama's early ... 25, 2009 · Constitutionalists, are you interested in Obama's early ... ... Ask

Bilgrimage: Twitter Has Field Day with Ridiculous GOP (and ... 06, 2016 · Shailer Mathews’ Lives of Jesus: The Search for a Theological Foundation for the Social Gospel. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997. Singing in a Strange Land: Praying and Acting with the Poor. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, 1991.

The Alan Ross Gay/Lesbian Pride Parade, Dallas Texas ... 20, 2009 · The Alan Ross Gay/Lesbian Pride Parade, Dallas Texas, September 20, 2009 ... One of the first things I saw when I got to the staging area.... I have no idea who these people were, or what they were advocating, but these men were dressed as women dressed as animals on a jungle float. ... This is the top of the Turtle Creek Chorale float. The ...

green jobs | library of trash green things are happening at the White House. Van Jones, founder of Green for All — the grassroots green jobs organization — and author of The Green Collar Economy, was recently named Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality.. At his new post, Mr. Jones will help shape the administration’s energy and climate ...

The Debate Link: I'd Do Anything for France, But I Won't ... first round of the 2017 French presidential elections has concluded, and center-to-center-left Emmanuel Macron (23.8%) will face far-right firebrand Marine Le Pen (21.7%) in the runoff.Center-right candidate Francois Fillon came in third with 20%, while Communist-backed lefitst Jean-Luc Melenchon placed fourth at 19.4%.

The Man With Icy Eyes (1971) - Blogger to map Last updated: March 13, 2020 Link to Top-Level Menu Link to Top-Level Map "The Man With Icy Eyes," a 1971 Italian Film ...

Katniss: Bringing Back the Goddess | BroadBlogs 16, 2015 · Katniss: Bringing Back the Goddess. Dec 16. ... Sometimes all it takes for a man to be seduced is a cleavage and a dirty look.But I don’t think a guy with a V-neck and a dirty look would work the same if we reversed it. Guys have to work a lot harder to seduce a girl (Not saying it’s anyone’s fault). Moreover, and important, when ...

The Johnsville News: Rev. Sam Wells: Some Thoughts on the ... ‘law’ of the university, as I have described it, might mean that sexual relationships, currently understood by many to be about not just desire but also learning and discovery, may, further, fulfill a ‘law’ of loving attention, generous dialogue, deep respect, a search for goodness and truth, and a regard to the wider social affects ...

The Rumblings of a Deranged Buffalo: August 2016 30, 2016 · With game week finally on the horizon, it's straight to the action this afternoon. Today in the bag, I'm musing on Colorado's hopes for a celebration-inducing bowl bid, gold in men's basketball at the Olympics, and a pair of big wins to start the season for the women's soccer team.

18,000 Gay Marriages . . . Now Imagine They Are Straight Matthew McConaughey traded serious acting for seriously bad romantic comedies with Kate Hudson, he stepped away from the bong long enough to deliver one hell of a cinematic soliloquy at the end of A Time To Kill. Up against a vengeful all-white jury, eager to execute Samuel L. Jackson for his vigilante murder of two white youths, retribution for their brutal rape of Jackson's teenage ...

Possible Experience: Aug 29, 2012 29, 2012 · And a generation of women grew up in love with Richard Gere's vulture capitalist Edward Lewis. And where we get to the hypocrisy at the heart of Mitt Romney. Everyone knows that he is fantastically rich, having scored great success, the legend goes, as a "turnaround specialist," a shrewd financial operator who revived moribund companies ...

Why Becoming An Operations Shift Foreman Was Tough…But ... just south of America’s Happiest City is the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. This powerhouse is the largest private employer in San Luis Obispo County with over 1,500 employees. On some days (or nights), if you were to look to the control room of one of the two operating units, you might just find Operations Shift Foreman Meagan Wilson.

No Right Turn: Shut down the child stealers 02, 2020 · Last year, Newsroom exposed Oranga Tamariki's kidnapping of Maori children, with graphic video of the organisations efforts to "uplift" a newborn baby from its mother.The public reacted with revulsion, and multiple inquiries were launched. Now one of them - by the Whanau Ora Commissioning agency - has recommended that the agency be completely overhauled:

The Whited Sepulchre: How To Pronounce Sepulchre 18, 2008 · For some reason, people are arriving here as a result of Google searches, wanting to know how to prounounce the word "sepulchre". The U.S. spelling is "sepulcher", but I grew up with the King James Bible, and prefer the way it's done in the mother tongue.

2014 June | Special Collections Blog M.D. Anderson Library, you can’t miss Philip G. Hoffman Hall (PGH) nearby. Completed in 1974, it honors one of the university’s most important leaders and is a major landmark at the center of the campus. PGH and its neighbor, Agnes Arnold Hall, were designed by Kenneth Bentsen (UH 1952), a talented architect responsible for Houston’s Summit sports arena (1975) and other ...

Monkey in the Middle: Police State in Hardin, Montana an interview with one of the city council members, he stated that this new H1N1 shot which has not been tested will be mandatory and if a resident of our town refuses, they will be taken to our prison where they will be quarantined. A federal law has been passed that makes it mandatory that all health care workers have to take this new shot.

ZapTXT: RSS Filtering and Notificationhttps://zaptxt.blogspot.comThe new and improved Zaptxt is live! I took the first version as far as I could, but I am an application developer, not a designer or UI expert. With the help of a talented team, we created the new version which is a much more user-friendly application and one that truly brings the …

'ROMANI AU TALENT .NR = 1': Devil Baby Attack love to decorate the house with hand made goodies and buntings are one of my favour... Acum 6 luni ... Cubs vs. Rockies series preview - These teams meet for the first time since the 2018 Wild Card Game. The Rockies beat the Cubs in the Wild Card Game last October. ... This is the fabric: cotton fabric Posted by Hello And the pattern ...

Baby Love Child » 2009 » the second Mother’s Day since I began blogging about adoption. I’ve already said pretty much everything I needed to say in last year’s, Mothers’ Day and my day Since I first wrote that piece, it’s been another year of ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same.’ May 10th, 2009 […]

2016 Writers - Muskoka Novel every person who makes a donation of at least $10.00 to the Muskoka Novel Marathon, they will receive a ballot for a draw. A draw will be held on July 9, 2016 at the MNM for a beautiful Camino Pilgrim photo on metal picture of a Camino pilgrim by Theresa van Koueverdan (mother of the famous Olympic Gold medal kayaker Adam van Koueverdan).

Stars and Stripes: Are businesses cutting ties with the ... of the most recent company that has allegedly cut ties with the NRA is an Austin local company, YETI Coolers. Yeti has responded to the news of cutting ties as "inaccurate." However, the huge backlash from Yeti enthusiasts can be one of the reasons for their response.

The Wattree Chronicle: Revenge of the Nerds: Are Americans ... 07, 2014 · The reality is, jobs are created by a vibrant and healthy middle class who has the money to purchase goods and services. Thus, it doesn’t matter how much money we give Gucci, he will never hire anyone to produce handbags if he’s forced to try to sell them in a homeless shelter - and for good reason - because no one would have the money to purchase the product that he’s produced - and ...

Neil Sinhababu: 365 days, 114 talks intense period: August 16 to September 2, 2016. I gave 12 talks in 18 days, covering 8 paper ideas on 3 continents and a different paper in a different city for each of the last 5 days. Things looked bad when I came down with the flu on August 16th after the first of the 12 talks.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: GOP's fun and ... 12, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

On Being Notorious...: 9/14/08 - 9/21/08 irony, of course, is that Gov. Palin is a woman and a reactionary at the same time. She can add mom to apple pie on her resume, while blithely reversing forty years of feminist progress. The irony is superficial; there are millions of women who stand on the side of conservatism, however obviously they are voting against their own good.

Stone Court - Bloggerhttps://thurgood.blogspot.comFrankly, I would be shocked if -- in the current environment, when a third of the first Presidential debate was converted from foreign to domestic policy -- Ifill asks more than half of her questions about foreign policy. She will probably ask less. But if she does ask half, McCain has no reason to complain.

No Right Turn: The desired effect 08, 2012 · This is a positive outcome. Our public servants must not only be non-corrupt, they must be seen to be so. Accepting corporate hospitality undermines that perception, which is why the SSC forbids it. If Treasury staff want to behave like bankers, they can bloody well piss off and work for a bank.

Bill O'Reilly: mean & powerful - BlatherWatch Let a Good Thing Go and we open the Mail Bag. Fisher Investor claims $41.00-share offer too low: Files lawsuit to stop sale to Sinclair; 710 ESPN Announces Brock and Danny Show

'ROMANI AU TALENT.= NR 2': kenny sings.. Green Green Grass ..., 27 decembrie 2013. kenny sings.. Green Green Grass of home.wmv

Honduras Food Industry News Monitoring Service & Press ... 22, 2020 · WHEAT: U.S. 2020/21 wheat supplies are up on a larger crop and a slight increase in beginning stocks. The change in beginning stocks reflects a 5-million-bushel reduction in 2019/20 exports. Winter wheat production is forecast up 11 million bushels …

Did I Say You Could Read This?https://willisreed.blogspot.comSo we all know that Mike! was drunk once back in 1993 and blew a .17 after running a red light. New revelations came out today, once again proving what a drunk this man is: "A Maryland police report obtained Thursday offers four pages of details that include McGavick's alleged failing of roadside sobriety tests, falling asleep during processing and registering a 0.17 blood alcohol level 90 ...

Libby Shaw: Election Corruption Incidents Surfacing in Ohio 30, 2005 · Don't believe me? Check out Daniel Eggertsen's story, and a picture of a couple of his catches here : "Evening Secrets plus more" I want you to do me a favor and try it out so I can see what you think of it, and if it works for you as well as it did for me. You will be one of the first to try it out. Gone Fishin', Neil 4:48 AM

The Immoral Minority: Celebrity stuffed anti-Trump ... 06, 2016 · Celebrity stuffed anti-Trump advertisement is your must see video of the day. I don't know about you but when Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow, and President Bartlet all …

Tucson Observer: 2008 Wingspan Annual Benefit Dinner ... of the best ways for us to do to work together to defeat Proposition 102, the so-called “marriage amendment” - again! Wingspan is proud to partner with No on 102 and Arizona Together. However, we need your help to spread the poll-tested messages that can produce a victory for our community in November.

Palazzino di Caccia: Hunting residence 25, 2014 · Now, if I were to imagine a hunting lodge for an escape for a few days or weeks in the country, I'd imagine a rustic, rough hewn log cabin-...

The Obfuscation Report: 01/23/2005 - 01/30/2005 Democracy will prevail in Iraq and people will be able to vote freely for the first time in 40 years. First time in 40 years! Wow! Man those American’s are good people. Just think, you can vote freely for the first time in 40 years! (Well, those 50% of you who live in a "safe" area.)

Frenchy's House Party; "How you durrin?": 5/1/11 - 5/8/11 let us be very clear. The war criminal Dick Cheney presided over the worst lapse in national security since Pearl Harbor, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 people. Thi

'ROMANI AU TALENT .NR = 1': EDERA (Ricordi del cuore ... love to decorate the house with hand made goodies and buntings are one of my favour... Acum 6 luni ... Cubs vs. Rockies series preview - These teams meet for the first time since the 2018 Wild Card Game. The Rockies beat the Cubs in the Wild Card Game last October. ... This is the fabric: cotton fabric Posted by Hello And the pattern ...

Framed: 326 days goal appears to be establishing himself as a credible second choice for those voters, but the first pick for voters looking for an energetic, optimistic, and innovative chief executive. (A page titled "Own the future" dubs McCain the past, Giuliani the present, and Romney the future. ) This is common-sense packaging for a lesser-known ...

Ten Easy Ways To Go Green - Op/Ed By Council Member ... 22, 2009 · To find one of the many recycling center near you, visit and type in your zip code. Remember to ask about curb-side pick-up schedules of recyclable materials and how you can get your own recycling bin.

Circus Forticus: June 2019 a look at our boy last year and this year, in the same setting, with one of the same friends: You can see it too, right? Last year he was a big gangly boy, and this year it's becoming more clear by the day what he will look like as a man. It's not just his height that I'm talking about here.

The Shadowland Journal: Transition-relevant reprint from ... aid to the government was suspended pending an investigation of the murders, and a special high-level U.S. diplomatic mission was sent here to look into the question of institutionalized violence and the government's stability. The team left El Salvador today and is …

Expo YIWU 2013 la Dragonul Rosu - ''wolpress topic#7 ... The Horizon: Cubs vs. Rockies series preview - These teams meet for the first time since the 2018 Wild Card Game. The Rockies beat the Cubs in the Wild …

Washington Scandal: Under Who Cares...Mexico Social ...'s social welfare is threatened by the drop in remittances received in economically marginal areas according to elected officials who call for a "rescue fund" of 1.8 billion pesos to be included in the 2009 budget. The decrease in income from their US migrants "can convulse half the country," warned one of the representatives.

'ROMANI AU TALENT.= NR 2'https://romaniautalent2010.blogspot.com12 weeks and a top I never could have worn before - 3 months after surgery and I'm still getting used to my body. My right expander still has a weird dent in it and probably will until my exchange surgery. ...

The Citizens: Prediction thread 12, 2008 · I like to include this one because it's interesting to see how the markets predict things. Interestingly, the same map as predicted by, when leaners are added in. Speaking of, they predict a popular vote spread of 51.9% Obama, 44.3% McCain. Al Giordano: Obama 307, McCain 231. JK + IA, NM, CO, VA, NV, NC, NE-2.

'JOS GUVERNUL ROMAN MAFIOT': Jérôme Robert - La valse des ... Apple deals: $799 12.9" iPad Pro, $350 off 13" MacBook Pro, $100-$120 off 2020 MacBook Air - To celebrate WWDC 2020, Apple Authorized Reseller B&H is slashing prices on Apple's iPad Pro, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, with savings of up to $350 off. ...

Toyota Highlander Big Game Teaser featuring Terry Crews The Horizon: Cubs vs. Rockies series preview - These teams meet for the first time since the 2018 Wild Card Game. The Rockies beat the Cubs in the Wild …

TriBrid | Scoop.it 15, 2013 · TriBrid Curated by Babyublue Your new post is loading... Your new post is loading... Scooped by Babyublue:! Starchild and Intervention Theory - Lloyd Pye on Capricorn Radio - 2 July 2013 From - September 15, 2013 3:21 PM “ Lloyd Pye is a researcher and author known for his work with the Starchild Skull and ...

Balkinization: It’s Time to Constitutionalize Opposition ... the Court of Appeals noted, "Applying the logic of the freeing-up argument to another setting shows its hazards. It can be argued that by providing welfare benefits to a pregnant indigent woman, a state would be freeing up whatever other funds she may have at her disposal for …

The Rectification of Names: chick singers singersSpeaking of villanelles, I went on a Google quest to get a clearer idea of what their evolution was, and found a 19th-century (post-Romantic or "Parnassian") poem by Théophile Gautier that has exactly zero in common with the villanelle (three eight-line stanzas, no refrains) but I happened to recognize it as the text of one of the best songs ever written, which I know as music instead of ...

Trying again with online voter registration – Off the me to put these figures into a Texas perspective. According to the Texas Secretary of State, at the time of the 2014 General Election, just over 14 million Texans were registered to vote. Using the Arizona estimate of 83 cents per card and assuming each registrant used the paper method, that would amount to a total cost of $11,641,116.

Syria downs Turkish F-4 in the Med (UPDATED 26 June) 22, 2012 · According to a TV statement on Monday by Turkey’s deputy prime minister, Bulent Arinc, a Turkish CASA searching for the wreckage of the F-4 came under fire by, who ceased when warned by the Turkish military. As the wreckage of the craft was reportedly found Sunday, it is unclear when the plane came under fire or what shot at it.

Baga Chipz and Gyles Brandreth hailed as ‘pairing TV was ... 25, 2020 · Baga Chipz and Gyles teamed up together (Picture: BBC) Pointless Celebrities fans were a bit obsessed over Baga Chipz and Gyles Brandreth teaming up together for the latest edition of the game show – and we love them together too. The RuPaul’s Drag Race Star joined forces with the writer and broadcaster to compete against […]

Chicago and Portland: Urban Dynamism - Gapers Block 07, 2011 · Urban Planning Thu Jul 07 2011 Chicago and Portland: Urban Dynamism. By Ramsin Canon. Aaron Renn, the estimable Urbanophile from the blog of the same name, published a piece considering what Portland, as a beacon of "livability," means for cities across the country. Renn compares Portland in the 1990s to Chicago in the 1890s: visionary and opportunistic, the "orderer" of its day:

NHLN Election News Coverage 8/24: Cilley and PFF-NH Tour ... could adopt rules at convention to keep NH’s first-in-the-nation primary status intact | New Hampshire NEWS0605: “The convention’s rules committee has already approved an amendment that would protect the delegates for the early primary and caucus states.A so-called “super penalty” would cause all the states that broke the rule of jumping ahead of one of the four carve-out states ...

European Tribune - Diaries first energy source to ever be used by humans was biomass. Man was aware of the wood's usefulness in producing fire, and thus heat, more than 400,000 years ago. Yet over the course of history, oil and its byproducts turned out to surpass in efficiency any other energy source.

Trump throws a tantrum at Harley-Davidson for fleeing his ... Trump thinks he did for Harley-Davidson, the reality is quite different. In January, the company announced it was closing one of its plants in Kansas City, Missouri, and laying off 800 workers. The decision was due to a multi-million dollar earnings drop triggered "in part because of a charge associated with President Trump's tax cut."

The Rectification of Names: Above His Pay Grade— O'er the Airports We Watched (@Yastreblyansky) July 11, 2019 If that had been the reason, obviously the reason he gave yesterday, blaming Epstein's light charge and lighter sentence, on a Palm Beach County prosecutor (in essence, "Well, he was going to let him off completely until I complained about it"), was a lie, which it indeed seems to have been as far as the Palm Beach prosecutor is ...

Yer Not Da Boss O Me: Fixing Democracy by Revamping Lobbying 01, 2009 · If AARP goes up against, one of these giants they will most likely lose. “Lobbying” is the attempt to influence public policy by petitioning government. Petitioning government is a cornerstone of democracy and appears in such diverse documents as the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights.

The Union News.: Pilots picket Alaska Air for higher pay 06, 2008 · Among the statistics that Alaska Air Group Chief Executive Bill Ayer cited: Every $1 increase in the per barrel price of oil adds roughly $10 million to the company's annual operating costs. Thus, during the first quarter of the year, the company's fuel costs rose nearly 46 percent to $283 million, up from $194 million in the first quarter of 2007.

NewDonkey.com as the title indicates, there's lots about the deeply isolated and somewhat surreal life the CPA built for itself within the Green Zone, barracaded inside one of Saddam's palaces, mostly knowing little about the country they ruled, unable to speak the language, and engaging in behaviors like the heavy and conspicuous consumption of pork and ...

The Union News.: Union Dues Fix 06, 2008 · A spokesman for the governor, Errol Cockfield, pointed out that because the law had been renewed every two years since 1977, the first year it was enacted, it has long been de facto state policy. He added that in the governor’s estimation, it was a fair practice to make employees who declined union membership but were nonetheless represented ...

The Immoral Minority: And after you order it you lose your ... 02, 2017 · Only 45% of Americans approve of Trump's job performance over the first three days of his presidency, according to a Gallup survey released Monday. It's the first time a president has received an initial approval rating under 50% in the history of the poll, which dates back to Dwight Eisenhower's first term in 1953.

Currency Always Has Costs, Ctd - Unsightly Mental 29, 2018 · Currency always has costs, but sometime they’re hidden. Really hidden. WaPo reports on the latest sources of computing power for crypto-currency miners:. As the popularity of virtual currencies has grown, hackers are focusing on a new type of heist: putting malicious software on peoples’ handsets, TVs and smart fridges that makes them mine for digital money.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: We report, you decide 14, 2007 · When we lose sight of the other because they don't practice the same way we do, we have lost sight of Torah, and the reason we pray in the first place. You've spread that embarrassment to a much wider audience (your readers) than the the blogger you cited commands.

The Konformist Blog: Review: 50 Reasons Not to Vote for Bush 28, 2009 · And last, and most notably, a very provocative book entitled 50 Reasons Not To Vote For Bush. Considering the wide spread media coverage of Moore's epic documentary on George Bush and all things Bush related - I won't go into detail on Fahrenheit 9/11. I will simply say that watching this film was one of the most disturbing experiences of my life.

Cyde Weys Musings My mind-consuming fascination with 07, 2008 · 9 Responses to “My mind-consuming fascination with zombies” William Says: January 8th, 2008 at 02:08. By “autoloader”, you just mean semi-automagic weapon like the SPAS-12, not a full-auto like the Jackhammer, right? Cyde Weys Says: January 8th, 2008 at 10:16. Yeah, I …

During 2016 election the Russians apparently used Facebook ... 02, 2017 · During 2016 election the Russians apparently used Facebook to try and set up pro-Trump rallies in 17 Florida cities. Courtesy of the Daily Beast : Suspected Russia propagandists on Facebook tried to organize more than a dozen pro-Trump rallies in Florida during last year’s election, The Daily Beast has learned.

The domestic insurgenthttps://reluctantdemagogue.blogspot.comAug 08, 2008 · For those of you wondering, the first confirmed use of the word fuck was in 1475, referring to the misdeeds of certain monks. It appeared in a dictionary as early as the 1750s, yet as recently as 1948, Norman Mailer caved to publishers and used the word "fug", and Catcher in the Rye was widely banned for featuring the rather novel phrase "fuck ...

DIGGING DEEPER, By Ivan G. Goldman: Feb 8, 2007 first Bush took the throne in ’89, and if Hillary is elected in 2008, that could extend this bi-family monarchy of Bushes and Clintons into 2013. A second term for Clinton would extend the line all the way to 2017 and counting. Even if we were talking about exceptionally decent individuals, this would be …

Kung Fu Monkey: 1/20/08 - 1/27/08 - Monkey Kung Fu 26, 2008 · But it's all about wrapping your head around the infinite. Once you decide to step away from a head-space predicate on physical evidence, whatever narrative you buy into in order to stave off the Madness in the Dark is pretty much as valid as the next. Gotta let it slide. Except, of course, for Young Earth Creationists.

Whole Foods Fight - The New York Times 17, 2009 · Of all the sideshows to the Great 2009 Health Care Debate, the Whole Foods boycott may take the prize as the most unexpected. Last Wednesday, John Mackey, the chief executive of Whole Foods, took to the pages of The Wall Street Journal to opine that “we clearly need health care reform,” but arguing against the solutions being put forward by the administration: “The last thing our country ...

10,000,000 UFO witnesses can’t be wrong! | Modern 31, 2008 · By Otto O. Binder A GALLUP POLL discloses the astonishing fact that 5 million Americans claim to have seen a UFO at one time or another since 1947. Even if 80 per cent of these so-called sightings can be proved to be of such ordinary objects as balloons, high-flying aircraft, birds, stars, etc., that leaves 1 million unsatisfied witnesses. In America alone! But UFOs also have been reported ...

Colfax massacre - Wikipedia Colfax massacre, or Colfax riot, occurred on Easter Sunday, April 13, 1873, in Colfax, Louisiana, the seat of Grant Parish, where an estimated 62-153 black men were murdered by white Southerners who had formed a militia.Three white men died in the confrontation, with at least one said to have been shot by his own side. In the wake of the contested 1872 election for governor of Louisiana ...

Damage cost of the Dan River coal ash spill - ScienceDirect 01, 2015 · The Dan River coal ash spill has sparked intense public outcry and coalesced a very strong esthetic value response at the local, state, and regional levels (e.g., Catanoso, 2014b, Sbraccia, 2014, Wireback, 2014). Consequently, negative impacts on esthetic perceptions are a key component of damage costs resulting from the pollution event of ...

Speakers - Conference on Michigan's Future: Energy ... to that, he was the Deputy Director of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Until 2003, Skip served as the Assistant Attorney General in Charge of Michigan’s Consumer Protection Division where he was also Chair of the Department of Attorney General’s Public …

And, yes, I DO take it personally of IndependenceMuch of what has gone on can only be described by the words moral deprivation.Something wrong had happened to the moral compass of so many of the people working in the financial sector.When the norms of a society change in a way that so many have lost their moral compass—and the few whistle-blowers go unheeded—that says something significant about the society.

Orcinus: FEMA concentration camps? The militia good times ... by Dave David Shuster was making fun of Glenn Beck's preoccupation with militia-style right-wing conspiracy theories yesterday on 16...

Gagasan Nusantara Bersatu: Israel and Egypt Attack Sinai ... 10, 2012 · Egyptian air force attacks in Sinai for first time since 1973 Violence in Sinai August 2012 began violently in the Sin...

Fabulous Girl's Boudoir: April 2008 30, 2008 · The wandering around afterwards seeking dessert was not - it was one of the first warm nights of spring, and the streets were packed. We wandered down to Madison Square Park en masse, after a quick trip to a Japanese bakery, and then bid our friends adieu, and continued our walk down to the East Village. It was a gorgeous night.

Thanks to Snapchat, woman gets lifesaving stroke medicine ... and a half hours is the cut-off point at which risk becomes greater than benefit based on current evidence. It's not a magic turning point, but there IS a turning point for each patient somewhere along the stroke timeline, and the hard limit they use in this hospital's particular stroke protocol.

view from the thirteenth floor: May 2014 05, 2014 · the vickery creek unit is the best in the chattahoochee national recreation area --- we did half the loop today, checked out the mill dam (c. 1853), which robert and dog had not seen before, saw a lot of mountain laurel in bloom, and made it to the covered bridge just before a storm blew through --- a dozen or so soaked people and dogs eventually joined us, clearly not having checked the ...

Marines TV participate in the 14th Annual Tiger Competition at the SR-10 Range, Camp Lejeune, N.C., June 9, 2017 to highlight the best tank crew in the Marine Corps. The competition is one of few ...

Bilgrimage: No Cake for the Gays and the Libertarian ... 10, 2018 · With LGBTQ rights under open attack by the Trump administration — witness the recent summary firing of the entire HIV/AIDS advisory council — many are counting on the Supreme Court to stand against the backlash and preserve recent gains. But if the recent sharply divided oral argument in the Masterpiece Cakeshop case is any indication, a majority of the Court may be ready to screw up …

Hey Jenny Slater.: Friday Mystery Meat Salad, Random Ten ...· I know I'm biased on account of us having the same parents and all, but this rumination over at Practically Harmless on the illogic of faith and the absurdity of making it a requirement for public office is one of the most insightful, sensible, well-written posts I've ever read on any blog anywhere. Amd coming from someone who doesn ...

Out of The Loop: 10/01/2008 - 11/01/2008 11, 2008 · You probably remember, this was Sally Ride’s (the first American woman to fly in space),first flight. You can imagine my surprise when, during my 3 rd or 4 th week on the job, I went to a meeting only to have Sally plop down in the chair next to me. This was the one of many great experiences I’ve had over the years.

Tarnished Lady: Religion decision to agree to celebrate Vesak as the Buddhas birthday was formalized at the first Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists (W.F.B.) held in Sri Lanka in 1950, although festivals at this time in the Buddhist world are a centuries-old tradition.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Tasmanian Devils Not On The "Verge of ... last year, fifteen Tasmanian devils were released on Maria Island, an action that had been in the pipeline for many years. You can watch cute footage of their cautious emergence into their new environment here. Devil populations statewide are being ravaged by Devil Facial Tumour Disease (warning: link contains some remarkably ugly and potentially distressing images), a very unusual ...

Alabama Ass Whuppin': DBT Lyrics Tour - Metropolitan ... even talked O'Rear into booking Kyper for a show. Anyone remember the song 'Tic-tac-toe'? The fire code was about 450 people but we would consistantly put between 700 and 800 in the place. Club XIII was the major reason that I was a sophmore in college for a good 3 years. It was also one of the reasons I got out of Buttholeville.

Elizabeth Warren for President | 2016 Primary | Run Liz Run 22, 2015 · The editorial is waste of time, and a distraction, and plays into the hands of the Clintons, who are probably behind all this touting of Elizabeth warren in the first place. Whom they should encourage to run is Jerry Brown, or perhaps an uncommitted, draft-somebody campaign.

Vile Wisdom - bustardblog I wrote a post characterizing Deb Frisch's recent comments at Protein Wisdom as despicable.I also wrote that they weren't actually threats, and she shouldn't lose her job because of repulsive comments. A lot of commenters here thought that I...

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2020-01-05 it was all the publicity about Tom Hanks and the Mr. Rogers movie, but I was reminded of the movie he wrote and directed. He was a big box office star in 1996 when he was allowed to make That Thing You Do, the bittersweet story of the rise and fall of an American Beatles-like band from Erie, PA in the mid-1960s. I'm a sucker for movies about bands, especially if the music is special, and ...

atomic power review: Reflections on public opinion after TMI No one got killed, or seriously hurt, or close, and neither did any animals. We don't need the BARC study to tell us this; actually a supportive point for nuclear energy, in that it's possible for a serious accident to occur with no direct casualties. 2. Much of the blame was not placed generally.

cryptocurrencies ? Wheat-dogg's for digital assets like Bitcoin dropped sharply over the weekend all over China, and to a lesser extent around the world. A few days later, Caixin published another article saying that 60 ICO platforms were being shut down. Further, all ICOs were to be halted immediately, and investors’ funds returned as soon as possible.

Gaijin Days: 2011 City was the one of the first, if not the first, of these mega-projects to appear on the Tokyo skyline. The Sunshine City Aquarium sits on the top floor of Sunshine City's main 60-storey tower, a testament to both Japanese engineering (the weight of all that water on such a high floor!) and Bubble Era excess (putting a frickin ...

Old Images of The Bronx - Facebook 01, 2015 · The church was known to many as "The People's Church" because members of the YLP occupied that church (twice) when it failed to serve the community, and rejected requests from congregation members and members of the community to become a place for free breakfast programs and a free health clinic for community residents.

History – passage2truth by no means the only song ever written about what is frequently characterized as the world’s oldest profession (cf. “Love for Sale, “Sweet Georgia Brown,” “Roxanne,” among many others), it is sort of surprising that “Lalena” was an AM hit in the sixties reaching number #33 on the Hot 100 in Billboard. Of course, so was The ...

Buffalo's San Angelo Bloghttps://buffalosblog.blogspot.comSep 29, 2013 · A place for open minded people to express their views and read like minded views and news. The people of San Angelo are very open minded and intellectually talented and gifted. Unfortunately the local news outlets have no interest in connecting with the community. Like other local blogers I hope to provide an alternative.

Russia-gate’s Shaky Foundation – Canadian Dimension 09, 2017 · Presumably not even our cyber-security experts at the DHS and FBI know what the CIA and NSA’s cyber-warriors are up to. Thus Russian hacking becomes “Pearl Harbor” rather than an unsurprising reciprocal response. Both the State Department and the CIA, after all, have been in the foreign propaganda business for decades; the American public, however, has not the vaguest idea of …

The Whited Sepulchre: How Jesus Evolved the end of the first century someone composed the Gospel of John. Chapter one of John begins like this: " 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.....

SHARPEN YOUR MIND DAILY: 2016 the war, the King Tiger would be towed to a scrap yard like every other military vehicle that was left behind. A local lady saved the tank by trading it for a bottle of cognac. The tank was restored with a new gun barrel (the original was destroyed by the Germans when leaving the vehicle behind) and with dummy exhaust pipes and placed on ...

Humint Events Online: Felipe David, Hanging Skin and ... 08, 2008 · (Originally posted 7/8/07) T he "hanging skin" of Felipe David following exposure to a blast in the basement of the WTC almost certainly indicates a nuclear explosion. Where in the World is Felipe David-- and Did He Survive Exposure to Nuclear Radiation? by The Anonymous Physicist On 9/11, Felipe David, employed by Aramark Corp., was checking or replenishing vending machines in one of the ...

World Trade Center Demolition: Hanging Skin and Nuclear Blasts 09, 2007 · (Curiously Aramark Corp has Thomas Kean—Chairman of the 9/11 Commission--as one of its Board Directors since 1994.) The following is supposedly Felipe David’s account of what happened beginning just before the first plane “hit.” "That day I was in the basement in sub-level 1 sometime after 8:30am. Everything happened so fast, everything ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: FOR BETTER OR WORSE, HILLARY ... 12, 2015 · [Donald] Trump and Hillary Clinton, and to a lesser extent Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, were the candidates most mentioned as likely to strike fear into the hearts of America’s adversaries during interviews with about 20 voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, which hold the first nominating contests in February.

The Florida Masochist: In memory of Daniel Thomas Jempty 31, 2006 · My wife Leonita is stronger. She believes our son was not meant for this world. We did counselling for a while but DW chose to stop. I often wish we kept going. DW and I are godparents to a boy named AJ who was born 5-1-03. If Daniel had lived, he and AJ would have been similiar in age etc.

Auburn « Warm Southern Breeze the Washington Post is getting clicks on their news feature story headlined “Is the border actually lawless?This father and son are hiking all 1,954 miles to find out.,” it was actually Mark J. Hainds, an Andalusia, Alabama resident, who was the first person to have ever hiked the length of the US/Mexico border. In November 2014, the Research Associate and Research Coordinator with ...

EAA teacher's exit interview/letter reveals ... - Eclectablog 12, 2014 · The first reason is the dishonesty of the principal. On January 17, 2014 I was asked to sign an “observation form” that clearly stated it could be used as documentation for punitive purposes. It contained nothing but negative comments/remarks of what could have been made out …

Gelf Magazine Does Google News Have a Sense of Humor? 12, 2005 · On Dec. 1 of last year, the top spot (in the upper left-hand corner) on Google News was taken by the Axis of Logic, reporting that, upon his visit to Canada, George Bush had been arrested and charged with war crimes (see the screenshot at left). The article said, “Under both Canadian and International War Crimes law George Bush is being charged with genocide, torture, murder, and the …

July | 2018 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao Was ... 08, 2018 · This morning bright and reasonably early, the kids and I were in a parking garage underneath one of the larger and better known western United States convention centers, looking for a spot to park—for the 2018 United States national taekwondo championship tournament. The event has a home page on the Team USA website.

September | 2014 | ankledeepin the ability to successfully multitask is one of life’s most sought after skills, right? Well according to the recent research behind this, actually far from the case.. I think my multi-tasking all began with Mr K Rudd back in 2000, where he followed through on the ‘Digital Education Revolution’ promise and gifted myself and 180 of my classmates, with a personal laptop.

atomic power review: Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers 154 Power Review is proud to host the 154th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers on this last Sunday of April, 2013. This great feature both promotes the top English-language pro-nuclear blogs, and (by way of the nature of its operation) gives the general reader a pointer at what the authors of these blogs (or administrators in some cases) feel were the outstanding items of the week.

USCF United States Civilian Forces Obama tells Theresa May Britain WILL be at the back of the queue for a US trade deal as she meets world leaders for the first time (but will ...

break down the wallshttps://govsecrecy.blogspot.combreak down the walls This is a journal documenting the curtailment of public access to government information and the corresponding rise in government secrecy. "Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm …

American Power: Gay Marriage Protesters Strain Concept of ... 06, 2008 · Same-sex marriage protests were held nationwide yesterday.. This picture showing demonstrators in Los Angeles illustrates the intellectual bankruptcy of the movement. There simply isn't much analytical substance to the claim that gays are forced to sit at the "back of the bus," which is the attempt by the gay rights movement to capture the moral legitimacy of America's historic black …

The Wattree Chronicle: June 2012 11, 2012 · Then there was the Lincoln Savings and loan scandal in 1987, involving John McCain. The scandal was very similar to the one that is currently playing out on Wall Street. He was one of a group of senators dubbed "The Keating Five" involved in a scandal by the same name. .

Jeanette's Reading Journal: 08/03/10 was the most watched program both of the weeks it has been running. Some extremely kind person has put the first two episodes, "A Study in Pink" and "The Blind Banker" up on You Tube for those of us in the US. “The Great Game” will air on Sunday, August 8, 2010. Here is a link to a web page that has already been created.

Teaching English ? Wheat-dogg's a problem, because “back” requires a verb to convey the sense of returning somewhere. But, going from Chinese to English gives the correct usage, “come back,” as shown above. Baidu, meanwhile, offers as the first definition, ?? hòumiàn: rear, back, behind, later.

ReasonablyRachaelhttps://reasonablyrachael.blogspot.comJul 27, 2011 · In Kos's headline, they refer to the person attempting to get an ID card as a “boy”. Last time I checked the legal age to vote anywhere in the United States (including FitzWalkerStan) is 18, and according to most, that is the age one is considered to be an adult.

The Third Estatehttps://third-estate.blogspot.comThe first step in my reasoning is this: voting for Trump for President in 2016 was an evil act. Now generally I think it's difficult to attribute moral responsibility to a voter for the consequences of his vote - after all, we can't always tell what these candidates are really like, or predict with confidence what they'll do once they're in office.

Hey Jenny Slater.: We don't bring them back to life, but ... . . . a last-second field goal against Vandy. Wow. This is awkward. At the beginning of the unrated deluxe-edition DVD of "Knocked Up" -- which I watched with my friend Katie before the Georgia-Vanderbilt game on Saturday -- there's a trailer for the straight-to-DVD sequel "White Noise 2." Among the many sketchy things about this trailer -- the most prominent, of course, being the ...

Transam Shazamhttps://transamshazam.blogspot.comBut time is deceptive. It passes differently now that I've ended my journey. My seventy-five days on the Transamerica Trail may well have been a year; the past few weeks but a few days. This is one of the many things that I'm readjusting to now that I'm back home. It's hard to sum up the ride without resorting to a string of tired superlatives.

The Blowtorch Monkey Armada - Bloggerhttps://palmerhaas.blogspot.comAs soon as one of their appointed and highly regarded cabinet members tells the truth, they're fired. Thank you Larry Linsey and Paul O'Neil. Nonetheless it is hard to ignore the charm and radiant personality of John Edwards. It was my belief early on that Kerry was the man of substance, while Edwards was more style.

Balkinization: What a Constitutional Crisis Looks Like "riot" was the only way to preserve the chain of evidence your later legal action would have needed! And having been intimidated into not undertaking an action which would clearly facilitate ballot fraud, they then decided that it wasn't worth counting the ballots after all, if …

Atom Watchhttps://atomwatch.blogspot.comNov 04, 2010 · In 2005, President George W. Bush spoke at Calvert Cliffs, the first presidential visit to a nuclear plant in 30 years. “It is time for this country to start building nuclear power plants again,” he said. The last successful groundbreaking for a nuclear reactor in the United States was in 1973.

Intelligence Squadhttps://intelligencesquad.blogspot.comSpeaking to a business group in Irvine, Ca., he admitted mistakes were made in planning for the Iraq invasion, but he defended the troop level, saying "it was the troop level necessary to do the job," and he would commit the same number if given a second chance. SNIP

Musing's musings: Economy first thought was that I'd take the bus back. It was only about 120 miles from school back home, so that shouldn't have been an onerous trip, and a bus ticket should be affordable even for a starving undergraduate's bank account. Just one tiny fly in that ointment: Galesburg was served by Trailways; DeKalb was served by Greyhound.

Rick Scarborough Vision America Gospel of Hatehttps://exposevisionamerica.blogspot.comPresident Reverend Rick Scarborough today expressed dismay and objection to HBO's supposed documentary on evangelical Christians, "Friends of God,"which premiered on January 25 and will run at various times through themonth of February.Scarborough is one of the evangelical leaders appearing in thedocumentary."'Friends of God,' is about what you ...

CSC[1].ppt | Computer Virus | Antivirus Software Melissa Virus • one of the biggest virus incidents was the Melissa virus in 1999. • this was a macro virus that was built into a Microsoft Word document and in it was a list of different pornography websites. • what the user did not know was the fact that when he or she opened the document the virus went straight to Microsoft Outlook ...

Redeye's Front Page: From the Files of They Must Think we ... 10, 2015 · And, she is an avowed fan of Crimson Tide football. She even served on the first-ever national championship committee this fall, which put the first four teams in the first-ever national championship playoff. (Bama was one of the four, remember). And, we see how that turned out for Bama

ARE YOU BEING BAMBOOZLED? © : 2015-06-21"Bamboozle" originally a slang or cant word, perhaps Scottish from bombaze: "perplex," or Fr. embabuiner: "to make a fool (baboon) of" (Online Etymology Dictionary); "to deceive or get the better of (someone) by trickery, flattery, or the like; hoodwink; to practice trickery or deception (Random House Dictionary). This Blog is one citizen's attempt to speak forthrightly and to question those ...

LipsYard: 2007 squirrels ( Sciurus carolinensis) literally chewed the last suet feeder to bits, so we're striking back with a new one, made of recycled milk jugs and plastic bottles.We also switched to a plain suet, from one that had nuts in it. Charmaine discovered that birds don't have a sense of taste, so the nuts were just a crunchy surprise that attracted the rats with fuzzy tails (squirrels.)

In Higher Education News: Bethune-Cookman University ... 10, 2012 · In the world of higher education, a very strange story now coming out of Bethune-Cookman University in Florida: as Michael Stratford reports in the Chronicle of Higher Education yesterday, the university president, Dr. Trudie Kibbe Reed, has retired in the middle of the academic year. At least, that appears to be the story.But getting a clear picture of whether a resignation or a ...

Leper Messiahhttps://leper-messiah.blogspot.comThis is truly a modern-day Illiad!" In the end, if you go into this looking for a movie of deep meaning and significance, you'll be terribly disappointed. If, however, you treat this like the visual brain candy that it really is, you'll be happy.

Father Geoff Farrow: Shocked but not surprised. 26, 2009 · Sadly, my husband and I know first hand the actions of the church as well as the larger communities we live in. How they act toward those who speak up on a current civil rights issue, especially lgbt civil rights. Our son was the victim of an anti-gay assault after his 16 birthday, my husband has been shot at and I was beaten with my back broken.

Random Canyon: 01/04/07 07, 2007 · Anyway, the name appealed to me because of the anticipated randomness of topics I expect to cover, and because it is an obscure musical reference to a really clever song. Posted by Rick at 7:49 PM 3 comments Links to this post

Frenchy's House Party; "How you durrin?": 8/7/11 - 8/14/11 is my cat Leo making himself comfy on one of the Italian cameo-back fauteuils (arm chairs) that I acquired at a distressed furniture sale. Circa 2004 Yarmouth, MA: This is the Living Room of the first house I shared with my new husband, Mr. B.

Knight Ridder Election 2004 - Bloggerhttps://krtrail.blogspot.comThe people have spoken. We have spoken. We blogged for large parts of the year. When we first started out, as Hot Off the Trail, Howard Dean was screaming, John Kerry was winning (primaries) and we had a plethora of candidates who were already getting tired of bad food and long days on the road. Before all the other Dems even dropped out, the Bush-Kerry trash talk heated up and kept going for ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: BOE personnel policies discussed 06, 2010 · Bernice Paglia can be expected to put up her report (see here), as well as the Courier's Mark Spivey (see the Courier website here), who stayed to the bitter end -- well past his deadline filing time. I was there for the first portion, Ms. Thornton's presentation and discussion.

The Progressive Papershttps://theprogressivepapers.blogspot.comThe more I hear about the Vatican ’s new policy on gays, the more disgusted and disillusioned I become. Raised Catholic outside of Boston, I’ve always been taught that the central tenets of the faith were love, compassion, and forgiveness.I grew up, made my first communion and worked towards my confirmation being taught, both at home and through Sunday school, that to be a good Catholic ...

March | 2006 | Totally Unauthorized 13, 2006 · It’s also helping that they’ve got a nice long shooting schedule ( over 10 shooting days, and hour-long TV shows are usually on an 8 shooting day schedule), so we’re not being run ragged. Plus, this is one of the nicest crews I’ve worked with. Everyone’s polite, relaxed and we made good time – it was only a 12 hour day.

Pure RHETORIC - Bloggerhttps://bryancrossland.blogspot.comThe only problem was the earliest train in the morning got there after the running and the latest train out of San Seb got us there at 2am....We took the late train and said we would stay up and wait for the running to start at 8am. Little did we know that this city is absolutely full of revelers at all times of the day.

New York Swine Flu Drugs News Monitoring Service & Press ... 18, 2020 · 0 First confirmed H1N1 case in the U.S. (April 15, 2009) WHO is informed of the outbreak in Hubei with 44 known cases of a novel coronavirus (Dec 31, 2019) 2 Proof of community spread in U.S. 6 CDC begins work on candidate vaccine 7 CDC activates emergency …

Progressive Alaska: What If Mike Gravel Had Won in 2008 ... 13, 2010 · Return of Bird of the Week: Volcano Hummingbird - The Volcano Hummingbird is tiny, even for a hummingbird, just 7.5 centimeters (a little less than 3 …

The Candid Blogger: Obama Says Recovery Act is Working Says Recovery Act is Working Contrary to the cries of gloom and doom from the same people who took eight (8) years to drive the economy into the ditch, President Obama reports that the first phase of the Recovery Act is actually working.

Obama, Bidens, Lobbyists, Corruption, Joe Biden, Hunter ... 01, 2008 · What do Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Attorney General Beau Biden and Hunter Biden have in common? Ties to crime, corruption and lobbyists. The fabricated warrant from Delaware against larry Sinclair that was recently dismissed, originated in the office of Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden. As you read below, notice the ties to Mercy…[PDF]National Firearms Act Trade & Collectors Association The NICS for a background check, record a bound book disposi-tion entry, nor complete an ATF Form 4473. The temporary assign-ment of a firearm by an FFL to its unlicensed agents, contractors, vol-unteers, or any other person who is not an employee of the FFL, even for bona fide business purposes, is a

Bush Derangement Video of the Day - Flap's Blog 20, 2009 · Bush tanked the economy, corrupted the justice department, let New Orleans drown on his watch, invaded a country under false pretenses, and implemented policies of torture. Most people in the world think Bush is a war criminal! This is a free country; we have a right to voice disapproval with a man who has disgraced his office.

Trump Proves Himself World's Worst Dad, Stunning 12, 2019 · I cannot let this go, I saw it yesterday, and I had too much else going on. Fortunately, others saw it, too, and it is as ridiculous, and callous as one would come to expect. This is going to be quick, to keep our stomachs down. In a discussion involving the dangers of vaping, especially to young kids, middle and high school, Trump referenced why “the First Lady” cared so much about the issue.

2018 Mid-Term Elections – Everyday Activist 09, 2018 · Hello Everyone, We are at the end of the 2018 Mid-Term elections. This year it was important to elect House of Representative candidates that would stand up for our values and we did it. We flipped a net 40 seats. 2018 Mid-Term Elections Seats Flipped Going into this election, I …

Useful Linkswww.frankdc.comThe first gave you a need for love and the second was there to give it. The first gave you life and the second taught you to live it. The first gave you a need for love and the second was there to give it. One gave you a nationality, the other gave you a name. One gave you the seed of …

NoFo: See that smile on my face? It's a damn dirty LIE.'s a damn dirty LIE. We just ran five miles (the crowd goes wild! wooo!) in gorgeous weather (the three of us go wild! wooo!) with springy, right-out-of-the-box stability and chafe-free comfort in my new shoes (I go wild! wooo!) but OH MY GOD MY LEFT HIP HURTS (the crowd winces in empathetic pain).

NYC Comptroller John Liu: Dangerous Delays in Women’s ... 27, 2011 · “For a woman who is worried she might have breast cancer, a 50-day wait for a diagnostic mammogram can be agonizing and could delay urgently-needed treatment,” said Lois Uttley, co-founder of Raising Women’s Voices for the Health Care We …

Opting out of federal health care mandates | Nbr: SB0079 Sponsor: Beavers Status: Next sched. action: Mon, 2011/03/14. Description: "This bill declares it to be the public policy of Tennessee that: (1) Every person within the state is free to choose or to decline to choose any mode of securing health care services without penalty or threat of penalty; and

Analytics: Volumes 1-3 | Sociological Science think an important question and one we’d like to be able to answer. And though we have only examined data for Volume 3, and then only for the most senior co-author, we found that 27 were full professors , 20 associate professors , 9 were assistant professors , and 2 fell into the student, postdoc, or non-tenured faculty category.

Next Left: So cautious are now some more mixed messages coming out of the Tory frontbench over the new top rate of tax). A prediction: David Cameron will sound much angrier over this weekend of the Tory Spring conference, about the 50p rate in particular, than the frontbench intended to on Wednesday night, when they wanted to quickly swallow it (as they had the 45p) and move on.

NoFo: What the hell do gay people have to be proud of? 10, 2018 · We’re proud because especially this month and always all year we’re celebrating with parties and street fairs and parades overflowing with drag queens, leather queens, muscle queens, dad-bod queens, glitter queens, you’d-never-even-know-they-were-queens queens and even straight-but-honorary-queens-for-a-day queens, and together we can see ...

THESE BASTARDS: My God.....have they finally learned? 10, 2009 · But before we get too excited, let's just observe that all this does is set us up for a new kind of disappointment. Instead of the GOP killing a bill or making it worse, now we all get to contend with Ben Nelson, Evan Bayh, Kent Conrad, and House Blue Dogs making the bill worse or eventually killing it if they don't get to make it worse.

Marooned In Marin: The Mitt Romney Formula: Win A Big ... 21, 2012 · Yet he is so "exciting" that Illinois had the lowest turnout in 70 (seventy) years for a Presidential primary. That doesn't instill a lot of confidence for running against Richard Milhous Obama. And don't get me started about Little Jebby Bush. Makes me want to quote Jesse Jackson for the first time in my life "Stay out of the Bushes!"

THESE BASTARDS: Broken In Brief: Tebow Passes on Nike ... 03, 2010 · Broken In Brief: Tebow Passes on Nike Endorsement DENVER--College football standout and Broncos' first-round draft pick, Tim Tebow, has turned down an estimated $40 million product endorsement contract from Nike, Inc., the world's leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel.

Framed: So Far think if it were to happen it would have to be Obama, but he has major problems with blue dog dems and latinos. I really don't see how either can win now that likely to drap out into June and beyond. If anyone thinks that an Obamo/Clinton ticket is the answer no matter who is the headline, think again.

Credible News Sources - Page 21 - 28, 2019 · I turned this one on hoping for a nice rest. On the contrary, I could not sleep at all during or even afterwards. I am now switching to Firefox browser. I already use DuckDuckGo for searches. Here is some do the premise of the documentary. This is a 12 minute presentation Dr Epstein presented. There is a LOT of research behind what he shares.

How An Urban Teen Beat The Odds | Mirror On America 04, 2008 · Now THIS is the kind of genuine "American" story of "Triumph over tragedy" that I never tire of reading, and/or hearing, about. Thanks for sharing! I'd really like to know what becomes of the young man 5 years from now. 5:18 AM

Rusty Idols: July 2016 11, 2016 · Management, the media and all the usual suspects will be rushing to call this a Strike at every opportunity. This is deliberate deception to obscure who is launching the first strike. Do not fall for it and correct it every time you see it.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Food stamp users hit all-time high 08, 2008 · There is a double-whammy of who is taking food stamps and why. The first is unemployed Americans, where unemployment has jumped to 6.5 percent in October, and is predicted to increase to 8 percent by the end of 2009. These Americans may also be struggling to pay their subprime mortgages, with the increased adjustable interest rates, on their homes.

Proof Positive: Born Alive Truth's Obama Ad 01, 2008 · I. Commenting here is a privilege, not a right. II. Disagreement is welcome, even encouraged, but spam, unduly profane, or offensive speech is subject to removal by the staff and management of this blog.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Nice Try, Sonny 10, 2006 · The Perdue administration imposed stiff state restrictions on local school systems. Class sizes and state expenditures were rigidly mandated. Perdue offered a record $400 million in state inducements to Korean automaker Kia to build a car factory in West Point. Barnes had offered $320 million to DaimlerChrysler for a plant at Pooler.

Windy City Pretty - Queen of Spain 23, 2007 · That’s the name of my toe-nail polish, swear to god…Windy City Pretty. Of course I did it on purpose. ... even to join my friends for a once-a-year get together. ... This is the first time in several years I’ve traveled without my kids. The Hubby’s an old hat at it, but not me. I’m thinking some adult beverages will help. Shash.

Mitch Mitchell dies / Iirana Rantala New Trio | Is this ... 13, 2008 · Mitch Mitchell, drummer and sole survivor of the Jimi Hendrix Experience was found dead in his hotel room at 61. You have to be pretty special to share the recording studio with Hendrix and not sound like a five year-old with a toy drum kit. If you never really noticed him, go back to your…

Opening the Take-Back-Our-Country-And-Culture Toolbox, Part 2 the Take-Back-Our-Country-And-Culture Toolbox, Part 2. Written by Luke Hamilton on December 21, 2012. 1 shares; ... One of the oldest and easiest resources to utilize is the public library card. All it takes to get one is a bill from the gas company and an ID. ... but as I mentioned last week all the more reason why we should ...

Was Obama's COLB Forged? Did Obama Post a Forged COLB on ... Update: . Polarik's YouTube Video: Mr. Berg has published a video of "Dr. Ron Polarik," discussing his claims, New Video: Dr. Ron Polarik on the authenticity of Obama's COLB, introduced as follows: "This video provides an analysis of Obama's Certificate of Live Birth by Dr. Ron Polarik detailing the factors contributing to his conclusion that the document is not authentic.

Keith Olbermann: Claims of Sexism "Nonsense" | Slog | The ... the MSM we're talking about here. The MSM is notorious for being a bunch of sensationalist blowhards, and don't necessarily (nay, *don't*) represent the mainstream opinion and sensibilities about gender. Further, the argument is fine on it's own, but lately it's been brought up in the context of the Clinton/Obama match up.

June | 2015 | The Last Refuge | Page 10 Golfer, Bubba Watson bought one of the original 1969 Dodge Charger “General Lee’s” for $110,000, at auction. Bubba Watson plays on the PGA Tour, therefore the PGA and Golf are now racist…. (Via Vulture) The studio behind The Dukes of … Continue reading ?

IMAO: Tax to Prosperity! 02, 2010 · According to this Rasmussen poll, 19% think tax increases help the economy. How exactly do they think that works? People go, "Yay! The rich are being taxed!" and work harder? Here's my economic recovery plan: Tell those people there are free lottery tickets in Canada, and when they head to Canada to get them, lock…

There is in person voting fraud! Iowa woman pleads guilty ... 06, 2017 · Courtesy of CBS News : A woman from Des Moines, Iowa, pleaded guilty to election misconduct for attempting to cast two separate ballots ...

Nolan Chart Video 13, 2007 · Since still a relatively new website, and since many people have never heard of the original Nolan Chart, I thought it would be appropriate to provide a link to a 30-minute interview of David Nolan about how he created the chart more than 35 years ago and some of the many ways it …

Entertainment | ePluribus Media to enlarge. Attribution: xkcd. 1 To quote Henry Jenkins, Director of the Comparative Media Studies Program as well as a full Professor of Literature at MIT, on the topic of media convergence:. We are living in an age when changes in communications, storytelling and information technologies are reshaping almost every aspect of contemporary life -- including how we create, consume, learn ... » Birthers makes me want to vomit. Orly Taitz has started one of her witch hunts investigations only this time the victim is a child, an innocent child who lived only 55 days and whose only crime was to have “Obama” as part of her name. There for all to see on the Taitz cesspool blog is her name, date of birth, date of death, her Social Security number, and the dirty paw marks of Orly Taitz ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 12/18/14 POLL: Obama isn't getting the message from the mid-term election. Oh, he got the message all right -- from the 60% of voters who didn't bother to vote.

Some friends know me well... of our staff, who has small children, believes to be the "Malibu Barbie". It is evident that you have given a great deal of thought to the analysis of this specimen, and you may be quite certain that those of us who are familiar with your prior work in the field were …

Global News | Live Event | Gabrielle Giffords Air Canada cancels Tel Aviv flight as fighting continues in Gaza

George P. Bush Wants to Defund Obamacare | Texas Leftist 24, 2013 · George P. Bush Wants to Defund Obamacare August 24, 2013 L. Wayne Ashley Leave a comment Though his candidacy for Texas Land Commisssioner technically started in July, George P. Bush actually started running for the office this week by offering his first set of firm opinions.

Donald's Big Play: Massive Tax Decrease, Massive Spending American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the Philippines, the Netherlands ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 10/09/16's World at 4:30 PM No comments: Links to this post FIND, PROSECUTE, AND JAIL : The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department decided to use social media to help identify and capture looters wanted in connection with the riots that took place …

New Appeal to Reason: Analyzing the Bush speech 03, 2007 · the continuing presence of 140,000 US troops (and now, after Bush's speech of 10 January, quite probably 20,000-30,000 more) for years to come is an unbelievable "gift" to the al-Qaida movement, presenting the far enemy to them on what is, to a large extent, home territory (see Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, "The dividends of asymmetry: al ...

Balkinization: Skepticism About Leiter's Citation Rankings Mary Dudziak, I’m skeptical about Brian Leiter’s latest citation rankings of law professors. In response to Dudziak’s concerns about the study, Leiter claims that “The study is a ‘true measure’ of what it purports to measure, namely, impact in legal scholarship.” It is more accurate to say that citation counts measure citations.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Our country's ... 21, 2007 · Prompted by my post from yesterday about Bill Kristol and Fred Kagan, I want to raise an issue which I think receives far less attention than its significance warrants. Among the country's most influential neoconservatives, one finds extremely pervasive nepotism. Beyond that, a conspicuously high percentage of them have had their careers created, shaped and fueled by their parents.

January | 2005 | JeffSay... 23, 2005 · 4 posts published by Jeff during January 2005. A Saudi cleric blames the Indian Ocean tsunami on gays, other sinners… In an interview translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) Web site, Sheik Fawzan Al-Fawzan said that the disaster was a result of “stupid people” going against God’s word in the area.

Green Eagle: Scum of the Century Nominee only sad thing about that the two surviving modern states are going to have to spend vast sums to maintain armies to repel the endless attacks by the crazed people in the center of the country; something which they will easily be able to do, given the incompetence at governing demonstrated by American right wingers, but only at the ...

USCF United States Civilian Forces: 02/17/17 United States Civilian Forces Friday, February 17, 2017. ... according to a former senior U.S. intelligence officer who ... Flag as irrelevant : ... Chris Long is one of six Patriots players who have said they won't be going to the White House to meet President Donald Trump. Last week, in ...

Brain Rage: McCain Cursed By Witches 03, 2008 · extremely serious. Minutes ago I spoke with friend Dr. Norman G. Marvin, M.D. and he is so concerned at what he has learned about Barack Obama's family in Kenya that he is calling a special prayer meeting in his home to pray against the witchcraft curses attempted by them against John McCain and Sarah Palin.

The Rude Pundit 02, 2013 · Lindsey Graham Doesn't Like Lying Unless He's One of the Liars: John McCain's little girl, Senator Lindsey Graham, is trying to fluff the Benghazi incident into a full-fledged scandal with all the energy of a new gay porn actor worried about getting stage fright in his dick, so he's jackin' that junk with a lubed-up hand to stay hard, stay hard, you fucker, or you'll never jizz at the right ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: 17 apply for school board seat 15, 2007 · 10 Comments: Bob said.... St. Paul Public Schools / 17 apply for board seat; legality of 1 is in doubt Among applicants, noncitizen Somali activist doesn't meet voting requirements BY DOUG BELDEN Pioneer Press Article Last Updated: 05/14/2007 11:28:49 PM CDT A dozen last-minute filers brought the number of applicants for the St. Paul school board's interim seat to 17 by Monday's deadline.

Popcorn! Amazon Sells Delicious Popcorn! : The Other McCain 05, 2013 · This is the first of two civil actions by Brett Kimberlin, another favorite target of rightwing fabricators. Caught between Kimberlin and the revelations of the Groundswell leak, I don’t think these guys are going to have much fun between now and the 2014 midterm.

Eschaton: Memories of Judith 13, 2004 · This is clearly a woman who has suffered and is suffering inside because she has no depth of feeling and no morality whatsoever. And so, I decided, after being involved in this ugly negotiation, which I found morally reprehensible, that we should make fun of the whole thing, and we should make a comment about the amorality of everybody.

Dan Quayle's Potatoe: Truuuuuuue, but... Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

THE CUP OF JOE: Michael and Walt: What Might Happen on 'Lost' is a total guess. And don't forget: It may be 2007, but it's still 2004 on the show. In any case, the longer they drag this show out, the question becomes: will anybody still be watching to care? Last Wednesday's episode, one of the best of the season, had its lowest ratings of the season.

Asheville Progressive - Page 07, 2020 · — This is an automated response — Thanks for reaching out! Every American should have access to high quality health careregardless of their income. The Medicare For All PAC will supportcandidates, initiatives, research and proposals around the countrythat share the common conviction that health care is a human right.

Buckhorn Road: What is on your classroom wall? 05, 2007 · I forget the first time I ever heard this statement, but it has stuck with me for years. This is for all those students who screw off all semester, and then want me to spend hours grading and entering all their late work so they can play in that basketball game tomorrow. Perhaps that is why I stopped accepting late work this semester.

Pat is Crazy: Vinyl Vault VaultBut the good news is that I enjoyed the first week at my new job. I'm still in that warm, fuzzy period where everything is new and exciting and it doesn't feel like work yet. I'm sure that will end pretty quickly, but I'm happy to be out of the legal profession, and doing something that I …

The Union News.: Union voters wary of seniority scam 06, 2008 · All the consequence of one of the slickest confusion-peddling campaigns in election-season memory, in a state known for purposely confusing ballot measures. If Prop. 93 passes, 42 termed-out legislators - 34 this year and eight in 2010 - would get to run again, in safe seats designed to return all incumbents to office.

The Union News.: UAW on strike v. GM Lansing 06, 2008 · The Delta plant is one of GM's premier plants and its newest. It produces some of the automaker's hottest vehicles including the GMC Acadia, the Saturn Outlook, and the Buick Enclave. All three of the crossover vehicles have been hugely successful on the market since the 1.5 billion dollar Delta Township plant opened in 2006 to make these vehicles.

Hopping Mad February 2016 – Hopping Mad is the first of a multi-part series which will get deeply into the weeds of banking reform. Following that, we had a fantastic conversation with Charles Gaba (aka Brainwrap) of , who talked about the massive entity that is the US healthcare system and some of the options available for healthcare reform .

TekPub's Mastering LINQ Challenge - Jonathan Pryor's web's Mastering LINQ Challenge - Jonathan Pryor's web log « What is mdoc? | Main | Using mdoc » TekPub's Mastering LINQ Challenge. Justin Etheredge has posted TekPub's Mastering LINQ Challenge, in which he lays out a "little LINQ challenge."The rules: You have to blog about a single LINQ query which starts with Enumerable.Range(1,n) and produces a list of prime numbers from the range.

What’s Hot/What’s Not: Submissions… | Inside Cable News 21, 2009 · 2) The President’s appearance on Jay Leno. This is the first time a sitting President has ever appeared on a late night TV show. What’s Not. 1) President Obama’s NCAA bracket picks. Tough losses for him & his Midwest Bracket could use some improvement… ??

My maintenance squadron went to Scotland, and all I got ... 07, 2019 · The records also show that the first payments under this contract started in early October 2017 and that a total of 917 payments for “liquid petroleum” have since been made at a total cost of $17.2 million. It is unclear how many stopovers this represents, …

Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Holidays from the second year of ... 11, 2014 · I finished Social media for the second and third year of Crazy Eddie's Motie News with a sigh of relief followed by a look ahead. That's all for the entries from the the third year of the blog for this year. Maybe next year I'll describe how one or more broke out of the pack to get into the top ten list, but that's next year's problem.

Possible Experience: Nov 8, 2013 Experience observing the phenomenal world

Just cut my arm off, why don't you? - Kerfuffle of the good things that came from being without the beloved MacBook: I now have a much better understanding of what the iPhone an do. Even though the one I have is not the new model, it does have the 2.0 OS, so I can download all these new applications.

Free-Spirited Ruminations: February 2014 of my favorite writers, Jenna Blum, had a great blog post I looked at today about writing and getting that book out of your head.A lot of writers definitely do this - we walk around with a book in our head pretty much all the time. It seems it has to get out, but it won't come out, for whatever reason.

62 Best Periodic Table images | Periodic table, Chemistry ... 12, 2017 - I didn't think I needed a board dedicated to the many faces of the periodic table. Turns out I did! . See more ideas about Periodic table, Chemistry, Periodic table of the elements.

Meanwhile, on FoxNews.... what are they covering ... 16, 2017 · This is just another step in the long path of the misc sinking into a literal Nazi/white supremacist apology forum. First it was just threads arguing the Holocaust didn't happen/wasn't so bad. Then there were threads arguing the Nazis in Germany …

No More Mister Nice Blog: CONSERVATIVES: IT'S ALL ABOUT US 09, 2015 · Charles Blow in The New York Times today on Ben Carson's response to questions about his biography: Carson has pushed back on the biographical charges with more verve that he has exhibited at any of the debates. That is because the biographical charges don’t simply threaten the Carson campaign, they threaten Carson the corporation -- the former I have always contended was …

No Right Turn: The consequences of dirty dairying 09, 2011 · Dirty dairying means big profits for dairy farmers.But for ordinary people, it means something else: stinky water, and higher rates to clean it up: Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent keeping Invercargill water from smelling and tasting putrid during the past two decades, but the problem appears to be getting worse, according to the city water services manager.

The Johnsville News: Another week another Death Threat 09, 2004 · • Sept. 10, 2003: In the first video image of bin Laden in nearly two years, he is shown walking through rocky terrain with top deputy Ayman al-Zawahri (most likely shot in 2001). Two taped messages accompanied the video: In one, a voice purporting to be bin Laden's praises the "great damage to the enemy" on Sept. 11 and mentions five ...

Mo Rage: Considering Brush Creek (Or is it "Flush Creek"?) it congealed, formed a mass rather like mud, anchored and now has grown grass, I think, or some weeds all over it. It looks as though it was meant to be there. That and along the banks of the creek, further down, the same stuff is forming more along the shores, narrowing the channel.

No More Mister Nice Blog: UNDER PRESSURE, TRUMP BREAKS … 06, 2019 · But it really feels as if Trump is breaking out the Power of Positive Thinking again. Donald Trump is a self-help apostle. He always has tried to …

Disappeared News: Light trespass, killing birds, and Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from

islamicate: Current Affairs recent is Typhoon Haiyan, which destroyed parts of the Philippines at a cost of over 5000 lives. It is easy, and necessary, to give money to help people after a tragedy like this, but it is also easy for donor fatigue to develop. There are already reports that most Americans are unaware of the tragedy. More importantly, even after the ...

Standing up to bitches … | centurygazette 29, 2011 · Alright, not a big deal. A little strange, but it’s Magan, and after knowing her for nearly 6 years I’m quite accustomed to her quirks. So, Matt and I go see Sin City and enjoy it even MORE than the first time. Afterward, we drive over to her apartment, pick them up and off we go.

Charlie Sheen Memes - CyBeRGaTa 03, 2011 · 2010 was such a great year for Memes. The first two months of 2011 wasn't looking good meme-wise. Thundersnow Ice Cream-Cone Guy was a great start, but it seemed that only the lame meme-generated were being made. I found Business Cat fun, but then I find most Cat Memes fun just because my brain came under control of cats years ago. All the Disney character Meme-generated …

Balkinization: The secret advantages of Judge Taylor's ... first amendment argument-- that the secret program chills protected expression and association-- is not a very good argument in its current form, but it is a colorable argument. It will take some work to defeat it. And that fact helps secure the plaintiffs' standing.

JOWL MOVEMENT: GREAT UNKNOWN FILMS recently did an article about the best films that you've never seen. Being a huge film buff, I thought it was a great post that included some incredible films (especially Christopher Nolan's "Following"). The specifications were that they needed to be …

TBogg - "...a somewhat popular blogger" this is the first time details about possible concealment or destruction of evidence have been disclosed. The report, based on an investigation by Maj. Gen. Eldon A. Bargewell of the Army, does not directly accuse marines of attempting a cover-up, but it does describe several suspicious incidents, according to the Defense Department officials.

TBogg - "...a somewhat popular blogger" very passive-aggressive outing The blogger who came in from the cold What fun you missed while you were sleeping! One of benefits that comes with being "...a somewhat popular blogger" is that eventually you cause someone's tighty-whities to get so bunched up that their junior high school self suddenly bursts through the thin candy-shell of their adult facade and we get a taste of what lurks ...

American Power: Anti-Semitism and the Left 07, 2008 · TRex responded to my post yesterday, "Resisting Anti-Neocon Fervor: The Stakes in Election '08 ": And for god's sake, being anti-NeoCon is in no way to be anti-Israel or anti-semitic. I'd be the first to agree, except that coming from someone who backs Barack Oback with attacks on Hillary Clinton like this: Senator Obama has rightfully called her out on this kind of bellicose, Bush ...

CubeZoo: 05.05 17, 2005 · Eventhough the acting was a little flat between Portman and Christensen, the others did well. The epic battles were epic. I have to admit, I loved the first 10 minutes, I said to 'Nerdwife', even if the rest of the movie sucks, the first 10 minutes were pure awesome.

July 2007 – Ellis was a nice little patch of sweet woodruff. But it got overrun by buttercups. Plus the deer found the hosta in the rear. I’ve got half a dozen spots around the yard where I’ve thrown in the towel — ripping everything out (rescuing a few plants that were hanging in) and piling on the grass clippings.

Balkinization: The Bill of Rights and Illegal Immigrants week a divided panel of the Fifth Circuit held in United States v. Portillo-Munoz that illegal aliens are not part of the "people" protected by the Second Amendment and thus have no constitutional right to bear arms. Since the term "people" is also used in the First, Fourth, and Ninth Amendments, this decision has sweeping implications.

Links and Comments: Criminal Justice; Evangelicals and ... 08, 2015 · This is a provisional conclusion…. In the same day’s NYT’s Book Review, a Q&A with Anthony Doerr (who won a Pulitzer Prize for his 2014 novel All the Light We Cannot See ). (What’s fascinating about these Q&As is how authors, or celebrities, who have a public persona based on whatever made them famous, often have quite different ...

Not Quite a Reputable Journal of Opinion: 2007-11-11 finally got to the end of Portals which sports, among many redeeming features, the funniest AI since GIR.After you blow up the AI, the end credits roll to this song, which I loved (even more than Companion Cube).Apature Science(tm) is the name of the portal comapny and Black Mesa is their rival.

Literrata: Updating old technology for tax season: The ... loved Tiger OS 10.4, but it died along with PPC Macs, and I also loved the pre-PPC version, OS 8.6, OS 9, not so much. This is how I got into this massive file rescue project in the first place, when, in 2015, I attempted to open my old poetry files, only to find random ASCII madness embedded within the Unix Executable Files.

Churchill's Cigar: #WriterProblems: Chapter 4 06, 2013 · It served its purpose in my original draft but it jumped the gun on a dramatic moment that I had planned and in doing so, removed all juice from said moment. The whole scene fell kind of flat and took up tons of space to really and truly not propel my plot along all that much and for an added bonus, it muddled it up some more.

Green Eagle: Making America Great Again, it's one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard of. But it certainly does show, as Infidel points out, the way Trump's mind works. And remember that parades like this are at least as much a threatening act directed toward the ruler's own citizens as they are toward foreign countries. January 18, 2017 at 5:59 PM

UPDATE: Ken Kratz: A Third Woman Emerges, Tells of Sexual ... 21, 2010 · UPDATE (9/22/10, 2:57 p.m.): A fourth woman is said to be ready to talk about how she was harassed by Kratz; Kratz' mouthpiece says any female accusers are only after money. Ha.) It's getting worse. I ain't lying. Now it's been shown that Kratz has been harassing women since at least 2008. A group of…

CONNICK V. THOMPSON AND PROSECUTORIAL IMPUNITY – … 10, 2011 · Submitted by Mike Appleton, Guest Blogger John Thompson spent 18 years in prison, 14 of them on death row, following convictions for attempted armed robbery and murder in separate incidents. A scant month before the scheduled execution, an investigator hired by Thompson's lawyers made a startling discovery in the crime lab archives: a lab report…

Brian Morton's blog | The Smirking seems I write this column every year. My uncle, the one with whom I share a name, was a Chicago cop killed by a guy with a gun. I used to work for and with a guy who was shot in the head by a guy who was trying to kill the president of the United States; you know, a guy who is surrounded almost 24-7 by some of the most heavily armed, best-trained law enforcement officers in the world.

President Obama agrees to answer questions on ... - Blogger 10, 2012 · President Obama becomes a Redditor. Yesterday our President finally succumbed to numerous requests from Redditors (Those that frequent R...

Eschaton: 04/13/2003 - 04/20/2003 three police officers showed up. One of them was the chief of police. They told Fleming to remove his upside-down flag or be ticketed for a misdemeanor crime called "contempt of flag." "I went into physical shock," said Fleming, 45. "Instead of supporting my rights, they were taking rights away from me." He took down the flag. ...

The View from This Seat: May 2014 of the top-selling cars in 1957 was the Chevrolet Bel Air—and the price of a new two door hardtop, like the one pictured, was $2,300. (The one in the picture is priced at $139,900 now!) In January 1957, Dwight D. Eisenhower was inaugurated for his second term as POTUS.

George Will on Afghanistan: "America should do only what ... 05, 2009 · The strategy being followed by Obama is designed to cripple war support by causing deaths to as many many National Guardsmen and Marines there as possible; and as a bonus he gets to destroy the reputation of David Patreius. George Will has turned on the lights to this new strategy for the first time in his opinion piece.

Tenured Radical: Off The Radical Shelf-- Chesa Boudin ... 05, 2009 · Off The Radical Shelf-- Chesa Boudin, Gringo: A Coming-Of-Age In Latin America (Scribners: 2009), $25.00. 226 pp. 226 pp. Chesa Boudin's first solo trip to the southern hemisphere was in 1999, an immersion visit to the colonia of San Andres, Guatemala, during his senior year in …

Bilgrimage: The Euteneuer Story: Right-Wing Catholic ... 04, 2011 · The Euteneuer Story: Right-Wing Catholic Websites in Uproar Over Pro-Life Priest's Confession (Part 2) What follows is by no means an exhaustive list of right-wing Catholic websites (and other websites with pertinent information) on which I find the Fr. Thomas Euteneuer story being discussed in the past several days.

susan the brucehttps://susanthebruce.blogspot.comOct 24, 2019 · It's being reported that a man and a woman were shot at a wedding, by a man with a handgun. The story has been updated. The bishop performing the wedding ceremony was shot, as was the bride. It is difficult to imagine that unrelated to the death of the minister on October 1.

The Immoral Minority: The false accusation that President ... 08, 2017 · Media Matters was the first to report this connection: On RT, Larry C. Johnson Alleged That Obama “Collu[ded] Overseas With Britain’s Own GCHQ” To Spy On Trump. ... Johnson said he was one of the sources for Mr. Napolitano’s claim about British intelligence. Actually it appears he was the ONLY source. And just WHO is Larry C. Johnson?

The Rude Pundit 12, 2004 · The Rude Pundit hears your cries, and, yea, come to the Rude Pundit and he shall caress you in his loving arms into secular ecstasy, paying close attention to your nipples. Here's a sampler (with minor editing) of the nearly 100 stories you sent in (and, as usual, the Rude Pundit makes no guarantees about the "truthfulness" of these tales of woe):

Stephen Talbott's Blog: October 2009 28, 2009 · The first two hits will take you back to my blog, including my blog on Why I am Running for Recording Secretary of GMP Local #17. At hit number 4 is the website for GMP Local #51 located in Defiance, Ohio. Directly below that is a link to financial information about our local at, one of the worst anti-union websites on the web.

The Whited Sepulchre: 10/7/07 - 10/14/07 of Kat Shimamoto, A.K.A. Meezlady, who, if she has to do anything other than take pictures for a living, it's a shame. (But then, we live in a world that can support 23,000 McDonald's but no Wreck Room.) I found her site totally by mistake....hers was the first to start scrolling a few minutes ago on my Google dashboard page.

Balkinization: Continuity in Government: A constitutional ...'s post raises absolutely central questions that too often go undiscussed. I note for the self-serving record that my wife and I, in the book we wrote together ostensibly for teenagers, Fault Lines in the Constitution, actually devote a full chapter to the problem of "continuity in government" under dire circumstances, including public health emergencies.

Pacifist Nation – No Place for, he was a psychopath, a murderer and a terrorist. He was also an angry black man who was telling what many believe to be the truth about racism in the Los Angeles Police Department. We de-humanize a man, train him to kill without question, arm him to the teeth and tell him, “This is how America deals with injustice,” and order him to kill.

Tony Isabella's Bloggy Thing: RAWHIDE WEDNESDAYS 24 17, 2012 · Just finished watching the first season of "The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp" and there were some mentions of both these issues. Earp wouldn't mess with you if he didn't have a warrant on you, but he would throw you in jail for 10 days if you refused to …

Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Book 2 - Chapter 65 ... 19, 2009 · John Ziegler, Sarah Palin's number one fan, hasn't been idle this past week. Here he is, outside of NBC HQ, at the David Letterman protest that was almost as poorly attended as John's film has been (Who is the woman he is hugging at the beginning? Is she from Conservatives 4 Palin?): And here he is on Vancouver, BC talk radio, being his ever-charming self.

RADARSITE: Ahmadiya Muslim Event at UC Irvine Memory of Roger W. Gardner I do not reject peace, but I am afraid of war disguised as peace. Cicero 43 B.C.

The Coldheartedtruth of the latest (likely unsuccessful) attempts to declare the President "unfit" is trying to associate media priority with the concept of the first amendment. Apparently, if it cannot be proven that Trump is in cahoots with Putin to tear down the United States, perhaps it can be proven that Trump is in cahoots with Breibart News to do the same.

documentary short films | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat ... about documentary short films written by Patrick Zimmerman

Halfway There: October 2011 a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary ...

Big Education Ape: Dec 2, 2012 Crack Team at SBSB would like to thank the gracious hosts of Educators4Excellence for the comedy and the coffee and Dunkin' Munchkins that were generously given at today's youth rally at City Hall park in support of the new evaluation system that is being advocated. As we know, 40% of a teacher's evaluation will be based on tests. Twenty percent on normal standardized tests and the other ...

Cogito Ergo Geek: 12/11/2016 - 12/18/2016 immediately activated its emergency operations while one of the university's police officers acted swiftly and admirably to secure the situation and protect those in the vicinity. The only life lost was the perpetrator’s. This incident demonstrates that the extensive planning and training OSU law enforcement routinely undertakes works.

education | truthnreality 07, 2012 · Partisanship is nowhere in his DNA, he has no problem calling out either party when he sees a real problem, or true failings. When he speaks about the addiction of both parties to special interest money and influence, I can see Dylan Rattigan on one of his rants. Buddy is for real, and the only place he can get any respect or exposure is on ...

Mistaking Coincidence For Fate: Lost Episode Review 6.08 ... 16, 2010 · After last week's Smokey-less episode, I was looking forward to a heaping, steaming portion of Flocke, filled with juicy reveals and surprises. We got the first part, not so much the next. There were a lot of good scenes here: The Alt twist of Sawyer being a cop was entertaining, as were all the Alt cameos: Miles, Charlotte and Liam.

Jackson Jambalaya: Donna Ladd: Liar 06, 2008 · Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!! This is definitely a Beaver production. Note: Security provided by INS.

WASHINGTON FOCUS: Progressive Candidates, Alternative ... 02, 2008 · Marko is one of six openly gay legislators in the State Legislature, and he is also the state's youngest legislator. In his first term in the legislature, he delivered real results to protect consumers, improved Washington state's K-12 education system, and expanded affordable housing.

USCF United States Civilian Forces: Google Alert - FBI FBI hates encryption, because they though the digital world could be one where, for the first time in history, they'd be able to store and look through every conversation anyone has, anywhere, and crypto means that they can only spy on people with a warrant, using traditional techniques like hidden ...

Circus Forticus: August 2008 - Blogger and Max were in the car this morning, coming back from the pet store. Max started singing "Jesus loves me" over and over again. Then Mike asked a question, which led to the following conversation:

BartCop Entertainment Archives - Wednesday, 22 January,'s me hosting at a minimum an hour and a half of classic mashups from 2005. I doubt if any of these gems are still available on their own, so quite the opportunity for you. It shows off the best of the early mashers like Go Home Productions, DJ Zebra, Manriki, and even some obscure mixers lost to …

The Katrina Memo: September 2006 30, 2006 · THE KATRINA MEMO was first launched in the wake of Hurricane Katrina when issues of class, race and poverty re-emerged as major national issues.The original goal was to keep a focus on post-Katrina reconstruction and the issues that surfaced out of what was the worst natural disaster in the history of the United States.

Chileneans y un poco mas...https://drmito.blogspot.comDec 27, 2008 · 2001: A Space Odyssey was the movie that opened my eyes to the amazing world of scientific fantasy, although we are way beyond the years that were depicted in the movie and much of its predictions did not come true ( Sorry Pan Am), it still was riveting and groundbreaking way beyond special effects. It was The Matrix of its time. Great loss.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 08/23/2009 - 08/30/2009 29, 2009 · Left: Left to right, my cousins Anthony Valdez, Dr. Cynthia A. Valdez, MD, and Philip Valdez. This is the first time I've seen Phil since the early 90's! Phil could stay only ten minutes. He said he was moving from Minneapolis to NYC, but had to go to LA first to "drop a few things off".

Babble On: April 2011 10, 2011 · She was the blonde, wholesome, outdoor type, while I was the brunette, wholesome, indoor type. We had our moments of dating and popularity. A few years ago during lunch, we walked past the bar to go to the restroom. When we returned to our table, my roommate said, “You know you’ve gotten old when men in bars don’t look at you any more.”

China's Economy: A Report ~ " Century Fox Post 18, 2012 · China's Economy: A Report. 12:54 am Unknown . China's mammoth economy slowed for a seventh straight quarter in July-September, missing the government's target for the first time since the depths of the global financial crisis. However, other data released on Thursday pointed to a year-end rebound.

California’s $15 Minimum Wage Earthquake! – California ..., Seattle approved the first $15 an hour law covering all minimum-wage workers in 2013, followed by San Francisco in 2014 and Los Angeles in 2015. NELP reports that more than 30 cities–half in California–have implemented citywide …

High School Principal Reportedly Allowing Pot Smoking in ... New York City high school principal is under fire after reportedly allowing pot smoking in the building to go on unabated. In a New York Post article on Sunday, teachers said that Ben Sherman, the principal of Forest Hills High School in Queens, has been ineffective in preventing students from smoking marijuana in school bathrooms and even hallways.

Recent Featured Articles 13, 2015 Fed may hike rates even in absence of inflation pickup -Lockhart Source: Reuters Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank President Dennis Lockhart said on Monday the central bank may begin raising interest rates even if inflation is not clearly rising to its 2 percent target. - September 24 , 2009 - Issue 343 Editorial Board member David A. Love, JD is a journalist and human rights advocate based in Philadelphia, and a contributor to The Huffington Post, The Progressive Media Project, McClatchy-Tribune News Service, In …

The Sickness and Hypocrisy of Trump Supporters is a draft dodger who does not hesitate to send brave men and women to war and their deaths. While promising to drain the swamp, he is filed his government with corporate crimi

Ordinary Guy: A Boy In Summer Boy In Summer When I was a kid, the beginning of summer was something so special. For one thing, summer lasted forever. The possibilities of unrestricted fun were limitless. My parents wanted us outside which was fine with me. We were so entirely free. This little poem is an attempt to capture that feeling.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Rampage Review Week Six in action after a one week break, the Prince Rupert Rampage finally were able to officially record success in the win column as they defeated the visiting Kitimat Ice Demons 3-2 on Saturday night. The always boisterous home crowd packed the Jim Ciccone Civic Centre 800 plus strong and were treated to a shoot out thriller as Rob Miller secured the extra point with the …

Balkinization: The Supreme Court Avoids a Broad Ruling on ... Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the manner in which a New York law prohibits merchants from imposing credit card surcharges amounts to a regulation of their speech. The Court sidestepped, however, the thorny issue of the legal standard by which that regulation of speech should be judged.

The Gun Violence Prevention Report: July, George Zimmerman was found not guilty in Trayvon Martin's death.. The jury had three choices: to find Zimmerman guilty of second-degree murder; to find him guilty of a lesser charge of manslaughter; or to find him not guilty.

Humana insurance profits up 68% for first six months of 03, 2009 · The Humana insurance company reported a 34% increase in profits for the second quarter and a 68% increase in net income for the first six months of the year. According to this AP report, most of this was in Medicare supplemental premiums. Commercial (i.e. employer group insurance) enrollment dropped by more than 110,000, or 3%, while premiums ...

All-Gay Battalion in Afghanistan Finally Ordered to Pack It WIRES). Wednesday, November 27 th, 2013, (KABUL) —A little over a year after President Obama cleared the way for gay and lesbian soldiers to openly declare their sexuality in the military, the Pentagon has ordered the first all-gay battalion serving in Afghanistan to “pack it in and head home,” according to sources Wednesday. Lieutenant Colonel Leonard Nichols of the …

Port Edward on the fast track to ... - A TOWN CALLED PODUNK Edward on the fast track to high speed Citywest is running a fibre network line into Port Edward, bringing the District a step closer to high speed internet access. Next up is an upgrade to the cable television lines into Port Ed that will enable the local plant there to …

Autism Conference in Washington Highlights Hope | HuffPost 13, 2013 · Having written about being wowed by youth leader Joey Lowenstein (), a teen living with and conquering autism, and preparing to award him the 2014 Luce Leadership Award from our foundation, after writing about the David Lynch Foundation several times, and after getting to know and write about broadcaster Rita Cosby, I could not resist the recent webinar …

Communists for Obama 23, 2008 · A few jammed the streets afterward, hoping for a final motorcade glimpse. Fire department officials counted 75,000 in all, a record for the …

Second Apple Valley House, Intro | Views from Crestmont Apple Valley House, Intro These are photos of the house in Apple Valley, CA, at 15791 Winnebago Rd., where I remember growing up. My family only lived there three or four years, but after that my grandmother lived there for another 20, so it was a weekend and summer vacation spot for me into my late 20s.

The Howdygram 2: Without Amazon I never would have known ... 09, 2015 · Without Amazon I never would have known the joy of a canned meat subscription. It’s good to be back with you this afternoon! I just woke up from the World’s Shortest Unexplained Nap — less than 35 stinking minutes — due to a crazy dream that MY INTESTINES WERE READY TO EXPLODE and I had get to a bathroom as fast as possible.

What Are Iraqis Saying About the Surge? | Mirror On America 07, 2007 · BAGHDAD, Sept. 10 --Seven in 10 Iraqis believe the U.S. troop buildup in Baghdad and Anbar province has made security worse in those areas and nearly half want coalition forces to leave immediately, according to a new poll conducted by ABC News, the BBC and the Japanese broadcaster NHK.

Monkey in the Middle: Never Judge A Book By Its Cover! is now a successful recording artist. Mr. Potts was not the slick, sexy looking, singing sensation type. But his rendition of Nessun Dorma from Turandot by Giacomo Puccini, was an instant hit, catapulting him to a win on the show and a singing career. It looks like lightening has struck twice for the show.

[E.O.M.S.]: Letter from Nadya Tolokonnikova from prison 16 ... 19, 2012 · Letter from Nadya Tolokonnikova from prison 16/8/12 #Pussyriot Our imprisonment has served as a clear and obvious sign that the whole country is being robbed of freedom. And this threat of annihilating the freeing, emancipatory forces in Russia – that’s what causes me to be enraged.

mission2moscow: PARODY: MTV's "Spring Break Gitmo" Names ...'s smash new show, "Spring Break Gitmo," will feature Cindy Sheehan as its first bachelorette in its "Terrorist Dating Game" segment. In the first episode, three terrorist-bachelors will battle one another to win the affections of Cindy, along with valuable prizes.

Group Demands U.S. Military Block Christian Jewelry Store ... 08, 2019 · In both situations, though, the jewelry violates the military’s own rules, and MRFF is demanding the government put a stop to it. In a series of letters to all the branches, MRFF is calling for a cease and desist notice against the Christian company — and for the people in the government responsible for this to be publicly reprimanded.. Below is an excerpt from the … - Communists for Obama few jammed the streets afterward, hoping for a final motorcade glimpse. Fire department officials counted 75,000 in all, a record for the main attraction, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). Not a word about the popular Obama-supporting band ? which is a shame, because it?s the most interesting development in this whole episode.

BREAKING: Richard Engel is Missing in Syria 17, 2012 · NBC News has been successfully keeping Engel's status subject to a news blackout—one to which Gawker agreed until now—for at least the past 24 hours. Turkish newspaper Hurriyet is reporting that Engel and Akyavas were last known to be in Syria and haven't been in contact with NBC News since Thursday morning.

The Whited Sepulchre: Jerry Jones and Hillary Clinton led to a parting of the ways with Jimmy Johnson. He'd already dumped the now-sainted Tom Landry. Then, after Johnson, Jones got rid of Barry Switzer, Chan Gailey, and Dave Campo. Bill Parcells resigned, and now Wade Phillips is on the hot seat. Jerry's building a new stadium that will be the 8th wonder of the world (within sight of my ...

The Howdygram 2: Introducing Sam’s Lone Star hot sauce ... 10, 2016 · But the painful reality for a large number of people attending Robbins’ sold-out “Unleash the Power Within” seminar involved ambulances, paramedics, burn injuries to their feet and legs ... and a lot of embarrassment because tickets to …

Blog with a View: Trouble with the Tanning Bed 25, 2005 · High-quality, limited-edition, paper and canvas prints are available for most images. Prints of any art work are limited to one canvas print and a series of five paper prints. Wander here for details. To see more of my work, please visit my web site: Rooms with a View.

FOX Network Says No to Obama's Prime Time Press Conference 27, 2009 · FOX Network Says No to Obama's Prime Time Press Conference The FOX network announced this afternoon that it will not televise President Barack Obama's prime-time news conference on Wednesday, and instead stay with its regular entertainment programming.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 01/26/14 A BARGAIN: you can get absolutely nothing for a mere $47/month. And a reminder: you would have to have a taxable income of more than $56,400/year to pay more than the 1% penalty (if you even chose to pay the penalty).

Paranoia at City Hall as Mayor Posts "Black List" Limiting ... reviewing the names on this list, this black list or A-List, we count about 15 persons with whom we are personally acquainted, through producing films to reporting on issues. Without exception, we can say that each and every one is working to have a better city and a better world. That makes it an A-List.

I'm not worried for Robert Mueller anymore. 05, 2018 · Try flying that one in for a smooth landing. Call me goofy, but I believe that Mueller has a whole stack of sealed indictments, ready to unseal at the first sign of trouble, all separate cases, all with separate prosecutors ready to carry on after his demise. But, to …

Michelle Epstein - Deputy Chief Advancement Officer ... winery showcases wines crafted by Stewart Epstein, a 15-time San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition medalist and the first winemaker to score 90 points for a …Title: Deputy Chief Advancement …Location: San Francisco Bay500+ connections

Visions of Our 44th President Press and Events events and press about Visions of Our 44th President. Just released: our new poster!

“Dear Mike” Volume 6 | Mike's Circular the year coming to a close, I decided it would be a good time to post a final collection of “Dear Mike” letters and step away from the bogus advice business, before Abby comes down on me like a ton of bricks. As I’ve said, this all started in July of 2017 as a Facebook bit that I thought would be good for a chuckle or two.

Rubio warns: Christianity could be labeled 'hate speech' warns: Christianity could be labeled 'hate speech' " Marco Rubio warned of a clear and present danger to Christians in an interview published Tuesday, speaking of his Roman Catholic faith and how it guides his policy positions.

Ranking the All-Time Greats, April 2018 Edition -- ##24-19 the All-Time Greats, April 2018 Edition -- ##24-19 ... Nowitzki lacks the first-team all-NBA honors of those ranked higher (4x first-team) but he has 12 all-NBA designations total, and his Win Shares, WS/48, VORP and raw numbers (6th in points, 28th in rebounds) all say "top 15 player." ... passer. He was a great, great shooter and ...

Chris King's First Amendment Page: "The Monster" author ... 15, 2011 · The folks in my current town of Boston sure do like Mr. Hudson's work so by extension I'm sure they like mine as well, if they are a bit reluctant to openly admit it, maybe because I criticized the Governor as not doing enough to curb the unlawful practices at Ameriquest when he was on their board, I dunno.

The Bell: When Economic Distress Becomes Terrorism first was suspended for non-payment of back taxes totaling $1,153. The second was suspended for failure to file a tax return. Stack acknowledged his errors but was apparently driven over the edge by the federal government’s bailout last …

Skulls From Aztec Sacrificial Ritual Discovered ... 15, 2012 · Five skulls recently discovered in Mexico City have holes on both sides, indicating they were hung on a rack. The 50 skull...

The Rude Pundit: Reminders of How Small We Are: MH370 and ... 03, 2014 · You can bet that there will be a movie made about 16-year-old Justin Casquejo.When the kid from Weehawken, New Jersey (the town where Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton dueled to the death), got to the top of the unopened 1 World Trade Center in order to take photos to post to Twitter, he was following an impulse that in other times made people …

Posts by guest blogger | Third and State Sean Brandon, Intern The U.S. Department of Education recently released 2009 fiscal year data on the number of students defaulting on college loans. In a press release, the Department noted that the national default rate rose from 7% in 2008 to 8.8% in 2009, affecting loans for all types of colleges and universities.The default rate rose from 6% to 7.2% on loans for students …

Game of Thrones - ventrellaquest.com 03, 2017 · Game of Thrones (“GOT”) is the most popular fantasy series today, and deservedly so. I enjoy the books and am thrilled that the TV series is so well done. I am looking forward to tonight’s episode, but mostly wanted to post this meme I just made and also to share my George R.R. Martin story.

Houston First Lady Kathy Hubbard | Texas Leftist June 26th one day before the planned Pride festivities, city leaders gathered for a joyful and spontaneous rally following the day’s court decision. Mayor Annise Parker, and now formally recognized First Lady of Houston Kathy Hubbard were all smiles at the event. With the ruling, their marriage too was now official in the state of Texas.

Gotham Gazette - The Wonkster » Teenagers and Community …“A concern would be that we would perhaps see teens seeking to be appointed more to have an item to add to a college application or resume rather than out of sincere interest,” she elaborates. “We often have young people attending our meetings, however most are their to fulfill a class assignment for a high school or college course rather ...

#The Firebird Suite: 19, 2015 · Back in the shade of the patio my thoughts returned to a buzz supplement since most of my beer had spilt when I did my ant dance. Killing it, I reached into the cooler for a freshie and succored myself with an ice cold gulp. With the heat, I knew my beer wouldn’t last long and I’d be still be standing tall, not staggering into a corner bead ...

Delaware Way: Jen Hill Writes: Health Care Food Drive Set ... Saturday, August 22nd join us in Wilmington at Peoples Settlement 408 E. 8st, and in Newark at UAW local 1183 698 Old Baltimore Pike, for a Health Care Food Drive - We will kick off at 9am and collect goods until 1pm. Donations will go to two local food banks. Our event will be a contrast to the national day of action called by the "Tea Party Patriots".

Wet Casements: Pleasure And Pain 08, 2016 · (Hot chicken predates the first buffalo wing by three decades.) The finished product has a lurid, reddish hue that, depending on the spice level, ranges from California sunset to the bowels of hell. Hot chicken is served with two mandatory accompaniments: a slice of plain old white bread upon which the bird is perched and a few pickle chips ...

Baby Love Child » Prospect of open records makes IL of open records makes IL Catholic Conference fearful of potential lawsuits Bastardette has been doing an AMAZING job of both covering and organizing against IL’s HB4623. She has a whole series of blog posts about the disastrous legislation.

Obama’s Approval Ratings Still High Among His Children 17, 2011 · by Denise Half-Black-Half-White-Non-Biased-Female. Wednesday, August 17, 2011, (WASHINGTON) — Following what could arguably be the worst week of his presidency, Barack Obama’s job approval rating dipped below 40 percent for the first time, according to the latest Gallup tracking numbers Tuesday. However, the same poll also found a silver lining in …

George R.R. Martin first time there were some other fans on the elevator who asked for a picture with him, and he obliged. They got off before our floor, so it was just us. We walked out and headed down the hall and the conversation went like this: Martin: I do get tired of posing for pictures all the time. Me: Well, you’re quite famous now.

Mountain Ramblings: 2018-07-15 21, 2018 · Live In Tokyo” is the first official DVD & CD release of the 1984 concert by Rainbow from Tokyo’s famous Budokan. It was to be the last Rainbow concert before Ritchie Blackmore & Roger Glover went on to reform Deep Purple. In April 1984 Ritchie Blackmore and Roger Glover decided to finish Rainbow and to wake up Deep Purple.

Mo Rage: On Donald Trump, Guest Post I January 20, 2017, we will bid farewell to the first African-American President—a man of integrity, dignity, and generous spirit—and witness the inauguration of a con who did little to spurn endorsement by forces of xenophobia and white supremacy. It is impossible to react to this moment with anything less than revulsion and profound anxiety.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Walter Reed--The nightmare continues 12, 2007 · Here is the second part of The Washington Post's appalling story on life at Walter Reed Hospital: The guests of Mologne House have been blown up, shot, crushed and shaken, and now their convalescence takes place among the chandeliers and wingback chairs of the 200-room hotel on the grounds of Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

The Last Debate: Chagrin & Tonic left my friend under the pretext of getting another round; the guy was over by the bar with some friends. Once there I introduced myself and claimed my friend was talking to a cute guy (completely plausible!) and I wanted to give them a moment. We chatted politely for a few minutes. After a moment, The Guy excused himself to use the restroom.

THR 2.0https://thehammondreport.blogspot.comIn the Missoulian last week. I made several comments predictiing the rape and coverup mess at the University of Montana will get much worse and uglier. I've lived in Missoula for a long time and I've heard rumors of UM football players getting away with all kinds of things where the UM administration and local law enforcement have looked the other way. April 2016 12, 2016 · In my new post over at Blue Mass Group, I list 11 reasons legislators need to say no to a fracked gas pipeline tax, concluding: Look, I understand why including nothing for natural gas in this energy bill is hard to swallow for legislators. It’s counter to the usual horse-trading process where lobbyists for one side asks for a loaf, the other side asks legislators to give …

Sam Donaldson Couldn't Save Bloomberg - Monkey Viral 06, 2020 · In the Trump era, CNN’s Reliable Sources show has featured a roster of what they call “Legendary Journalists” to exhort the media masses to drive Donald Trump out of the White House. They put the words “LEGENDARY JOURNALIST” on screen, and even in CNN’s transcripts. That would include PBS omnipresence Bill Moyers, Watergate welterweight Carl […]

Possible Experience: Aug 13, 2015 13, 2015 · This should have been a 'Ripley's believe it or not' item from 80 years ago. Instead, it is a newspaper story from this week: An 11-year old girl who became pregnant after being raped by her stepfather and was denied an abortion by Paraguayan authorities has given birth, in the culmination of a case which put renewed focus on Latin America’s strict anti …

the real story...: 2006 21, 2006 · One of my next ports of call was the New Labour government in 1997. I wrote to Tony Blair asking if he had anything he'd like to add about this alleged deal involving GEC (UK) engines. Among a number of interesting responses, the most amusing was from one 'D. Walters,' in the Foreign Office. You've got to love the remnants of the British Empire.

read my mind: Social Engineering - Really? (Part 1) you have heard about Ivan Pavlov’s famous scientific experiments with dogs. Pavlov fed a hungry dog, while at the same time he rang a bell. He did this repeatedly. Later, Pavlov discovered that just ringing the bell caused the dog to salivate. Think of it; no food just the tinkering of a bell and the dog’s hunger was awakened unnaturally.

June, 2006 | Bloviating is a WAR. These people are ISLAMIST TERRORISTS. These are people who are NOT citizens of the United States. They are not an Army and they DO NOT represent a NATION. They do not wear a UNIFORM. They swear an allegiance to a PHILOSOPHY and perhaps a smattering of religion.

Top Dems rally around radical Keith Ellison for DNC Chair 11, 2016 · Keith Ellison is rapidly pulling in serious endorsements as the next DNC chair. The Minnesota Representative has already lined up support from Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who said that Ellison would be “terrific.”Now Rep. Ellison also has Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in his corner. Schumer spoke with Ellison Thursday afternoon and “supports him for chair,” according to ...

Glenn Beck - 11, 2017 · Glenn Beck is a controversial conservative talk show host on Fox News.Previously he was the radio talk show host of The Glenn Beck Program "on 232 radio stations" and America Right on XM satellite radio", syndicated by Clear Channel Worldwide's Premiere Radio Networks.Beck hosts the syndicated Glenn Beck talk show which has aired daily since May 8, 2006, at 7:00 PM and replayed at …

EPA Prepares for Massive New Power Grabs - Moonbattery we focus our attention on which statist progressive might replace the one in charge now, Big Government’s other hand is steadily tightening its death grip on America’s throat:. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wants to change how it analyzes problems and makes decisions, in a way that would give it vastly expanded power to regulate businesses, communities and ecosystems in ...

7 Colossal Architectural Blunders - Oddee 30, 2013 · One of the most notorious was the Larkin Administration Building, designed and built for the Larkin Soap company in Buffalo, NY in 1906. The building itself was innovative in many ways, using natural sunlight, its own “air conditioning”, and including the first hanging bathroom stalls.

Anaesthetized To Outrage - The Soundings of the triumphs of the Obama era's rather weak history of enforcement of corporate malfeasance was the crackdown on the abuses of pa... The Neutering Of An Independent Judicial Branch Finally, after widespread warnings before the 2016 elections and now nearly two years after, there seems to be a general consensus in the ma...

Balkinization: [Post No. 4] The Yoo/Chertoff/Ashcroft Memo ...'s view of the law was . . . the Yoo March 14th memo. And DOD's adoption of it had profound ramifications over the following 9-12 months, once the memo was largely incorporated in the Final "Working Group Report" that became the template for abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan. ... This is one of the reasons why I have listed Chertoff as a "person ...

DID RICK SANTORUM EXPLOIT A FAMILY MEMBER'S MEDICAL ... 10, 2015 · In his Senate office, on a shelf next to an autographed baseball, Sen. Rick Santorum keeps a framed photo of his son Gabriel Michael, the fourth of his seven children. Named for two archangels, Gabriel Michael was born prematurely, at 20 weeks, on Oct. 11, 1996, and lived two hours outside the womb.

27 | May | 2009 | Live By Ubuntu 27, 2009 · She was the first Latina to serve on the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and was the youngest member of the court when appointed to the District Court for the Southern District of New York. If confirmed, she will be the first Hispanic to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Short Sharp Shock.: The world changer 09, 2011 · What became colloquially known as the War on Terrorism began in the skies over lower Manhattan on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. One phase of that war ended about 3:30 p.m. Eastern time on May Day afternoon, at a compound in Abbottabad, a garrison town about 35 miles north of Islamabad, Pakistan, where a small team of U.S. Special Forces conducting the most important black-ops mission …

You Can't Opt Out: 10 NSA Myths Debunked - Shadowproof 17, 2014 · The debate Edward Snowden envisioned when he revealed the extent of National Security Agency (NSA) spying on Americans has taken a bad turn. Instead of a careful examination of what the NSA does ...

Criminalize Conservatism: Reagan: STILL A Worse President"So, if FDR was the revolutionary whose policies created a strong middle class for generations, Ronald Reagan was the counter-revolutionary whose attacks on those policies can be directly traced to the collapse of the American Dream. "Just look at the numbers (Courtesy of Dave Johnson: From the post Reagan Revolution Home To Roost — In Charts) “In each of the charts below look for the year ...

Fukushima Radiation Report: A Tonic for Fear 07, 2014 · The report by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation on the radiation impacts of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi accident came out a few weeks ago. A lot of it is a dense, heavy read, but the introduction – essentially the executive summary - is much easier going. I wasn’t sure what to expect of the report, except that it was unlikely to be alarming or ...

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: My Book House had fifteen books in all, for the set included a Parents' Guide Book and two extra volumes, the orange Tales Told in Holland and the lighter blue Nursery Friends From France, both unchanged from 1927, when they accompanied the original sets as "My Travelship."There was a third Travelship volume called Little Pictures of Japan, but I don't recall we had it, possibly because it wasn't offered ...

Johnny Pez: "Power" by Harl Vincent, part 7 11, 2010 · This is the seventh installment of "Power", an early science fiction story by pioneering writer Harl Vincent, and the middle story of a trilogy that began with "Gray Denim" and finished with "Master Control". "Power" was originally published in the January 1932 issue of Amazing Stories magazine, and has never been reprinted until now. The story so far:

Who Hijacked Our Country: Farewell to the Uh-Ohs 27, 2009 · Dude, Back in Black is one of the best albums of the 70s! Fuck off. What's a 9/11? December 28, 2009 at 6:16 AM rockync said... I am happy to survived the first 10 years of the new millenium.(Yes, I'm counting 00 as the first year!) It is an adjustment physically and mentally to go from thinking and writing 20th century to the 21st century.

Down the Writing Hole: March 2013 best friend, man-person Bob and I were in our red truck. I ride shotgun beside Bob. We own a vast array of guns that we keep in a pile in one of our back rooms; we always travel armed because Florida. Bob had just grabbed a gun from the top of the pile, dumped it …

Hepzibah: April 2020 he was the (fill in the blank with whichever geezer expression comes to mind - the cat’s meow, the bee’s knees…). I was vaguely aware of the presence of his two sons, Andy and Chris. I knew that Andy had become governor of New York and Chris had become a TV newscaster. Another one of those accomplished families, I thought. How nice.

What Now?! – 9/4/19 – Blue Delaware 04, 2019 · “British lawmakers on Tuesday rose up against Prime Minister Boris Johnson, moving to prevent him from taking the country out of the European Union without a formal agreement, and precipitating an epic showdown that could provoke a snap general election,” the New York Times reports. “The lawmakers voted to take control of Parliament away from the government,…

Rep. Dingell Town Hall: A Teabagger ... - Eclectablog 07, 2009 · After the first session, the room was cleared and a second meeting began. The tone was about the same during the second session. However, while the first session was probably a third health care reform supporters, the ratio was much lower in the second session that was even more dominated by the tea baggers.

Green Eagle: Green Eagle's Pocket Impeachment History Eagle's Pocket Impeachment History There have, as we all know, been four impeachment attempts directed at American Presidents. As the impeachment of Donald Trump draws near, I hear more and more narratives that imply that, as with Trump, these impeachments revolved around Presidential corruption.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Arlen Specter is ... 16, 2006 · In June, both the ACLU and The Washington Post's Walter Pincus reported that the FISA bill proposed by Arlen Specter would expressly immunize Bush officials from any legal consequences arising out of their illegal eavesdropping -- giving them what Pincus called "blanket amnesty" -- by retroactively legalizing warrantless eavesdropping going back to 1978.

Fathers | Morningside Mom is one of my favorites as I am caught in a very typical, absolutely wonderful, however all consuming parenting moment. 8 Comments Filed under Aging , Boys , Children , Deep thoughts , Family , Fathers , Growing up , Guilt and motherhood , Identity crisis , Marriage , Mothers , Parenting , Reality check

syslblog: December 2007 25, 2007 · This is really cool. It's an animation showing the land held by the North and the South throughout the Civil War, as well as the casualties as they mounted. Gives a unique perspective of the war, both in the context of its geographical bounderies, and its cost in human lives.

Orcinus: Why It's Important for Communities to Confront Nazis version here .) It turns out that North Dakotans are more than happy to let neo-Nazis know they are not welcome to come in and...

Election Coverage, 2008https://electioncoverage08.wordpress.comThis is the first Presidential election Bankes has had the opportunity to be a part of, and according to the demographics of this past election she is one of many young people making this first big step. Among the young voters under 30 casting their ballots, 69% gave their vote to Barack Obama.

Sierra Club Scrapbook"This is the highest national honor that folks who do water work can receive." The River Network created the River Heroes Award in 2001. Candidates for the award are nominated and selected by their peers. Skrukrud was one of six 2009 award winners. "Cindy turns her knowledge into advocacy for our natural world," wrote one nominator.

Judeopundit: IRIB: "Amia case bribed by Zionists" was the work of Hezbollah, working closely under Iranian sponsorship, and it perfectly illustrates Hezbollah's intentions, capabilities, and modus operandi. As the West hurtles into a confrontation with Iran, sparked by the current Israeli-Hezbollah conflagration, it is worth examining this deadly effective attack in Argentina over a decade ago.

NoFo: Hancher program notes: Les Misérables Misérables is in the middle of an almost week-long run at Hancher Auditorium in Iowa City. If for some illogical reason you don't have your tickets, buy them here.If you HONESTLY can't make it to see this phenomenal show, you can--if you're so inclined--slog through the million-paragraph program notes I wrote for the production, which I am conveniently posting right here.

Wow | Antoine Clarke 02, 2011 · My view is that Collingwood should have been dropped and both Bresnan and Tremlett lined up for England. Collingwood has taken 6 catches (and a couple of great ones), but scores of 4, 42 and 5 (average 17) with no wickets for 21 overs (he only averages one test wicket per 20 overs in his career) is not good enough for this series.

Mo Rage: April 2018 Columbine shootings rank as one of the worst mass shootings in US history as well as one of the deadliest episodes of school violence. At approximately 11:19 a.m., two students, Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18, carrying guns and bombs, open fire inside Columbine High School, killing 13 and wounding 23 others.

A League of My Own | Just another webloghttps://leagueofmyown.wordpress.comThis is the life blood of the place the President comes from. A long time ago there used to be other teams rooted in their community like our White Sox, teams that the people of those neighborhoods loved and cherished, and with whom they identified closely.

Motown Strong: Eagles Dare 18, 2012 · Troop #23 was the last remaining all-Jewish troop in the Detroit metropolitan area, making it both unique among scouting organizations and more conducive to the unique philosophical world that comes with being Jewish. It also had a long, proud history within the metro Detroit scouting community.

Gnarlybloghttps://gnarlsome.blogspot.comApr 23, 2010 · This is just the first salvo in a fight to elect people across the nation who will bring common sense to Washington." It is therefore difficult to understand Mr. Hughley's contention that the cutting of a gas line at the Virginia home of Rep. Tom Perriello's (D-Va.) brother occurred "as a result", especially since the act took place before ...

Accidental Deliberations: 2013-02-03 09, 2013 · Canada’s child poverty rate is 15.1 per cent, up from 12.8 per cent in the mid-1990s, earning a ‘C’ ranking – only the U.S. ranked lower. Working-age poverty was 11.1 per cent, up from 9.4 per cent in the late 1990s – the ‘D’ ranking Canada received was the same as the U.S. and Japan.

PoliScope: The Allman Brothers Band 03, 2007 · The term "Southern Rock" was invented sometime in the early 1970s to describe the aural mosaic of jazz, blues, rhythm and blues, bluegrass, country and classical form that defined the musical core of the Allman Brothers Band, which, featuring a barely 20 year-old guitarist named Duane Allman and his brother, a gifted songwriter and gravel-voiced keyboard player, Gregg, offered a new twist on ...

1938 Hurricane | Some things Considered - musings and ... is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time. - I Timothy 2:1-6

PRAWN Blog: June 2008!) "has lagged all year in his private fundraising." Broder then suggests that townhall-style debates would help the "credibility of the election process." The same blog post notes that Broder didn't seem very concerned about the "credibility of the election process" when it came to the

Claremont Insider: Scanning the Blogosphere 17, 2008 · The Los Angeles Times has new blog on its website. At 7'2" the new Times writer may be the world's tallest blogger and certainly holds the record for most career points scored in the National Basketball Association by a blog writer. Former LA Laker center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is the author of the eponymous Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Blog, but don't dismiss Kareem' new endeavor as the self-serving ...

Juice! by Ishmael Reed |! is one of the best satirical novels I've ever read, and it is a great introduction to Ishmael Reed. I'm ashamed that it took me this long to get to one of his novels, but I'll read the other books I own by him in the near future, starting with Mumbo Jumbo, his most acclaimed work. ( )3.9/5(2)Author: Ishmael Reed

As Drudge turns left, their traffic goes south ... 17, 2019 · Same thing happened when the Nazi's came to power. We, as a country have standards and a constitution that Trump falls far below and attacks. It's un_American to support ripping a system apart that gave rise to the greatest power since the Roman Empire. Yet you persist out of adulation of a freak show, con artist who is in way, way over his head.

Avedon's Sideshow: A scandal every minute of the things I found there was a link to a blog called Maryland Juice, where I learned the startling news that the Prince George's County school board is trying to claim copyright ownership of the work of students' (and staff), such as art and book reports.

TPP and Intellectual Honesty | Mining Awareness 12, 2015 · From: openDemocracy "TPP and intellectual honesty CONOR J. LYNCH 11 June 2015 Basically, big corporations discovered how valuable the ISDS could be when dealing with foreign governments who were a bit too ambitious in the regulatory domain. Canadian Cameco's ISL Uranium Mine in Nebraska Here in the United States, debate over whether to grant the…

Mage Soapbox: TRUMP AGENDA - U.S. Intel Community's Lack ... 02, 2017 · "Trump reportedly screamed at CIA Director Pompeo over Intel being withheld" by Frank Vyan Walton, Daily KOS 2/18/2017 Well he may call the media “Fake” and an “Enemy of the American people” but he apparently can't stop himself from watching and reading it …

Cookies, Crayons, Classes, & Chaos: Kids and Chores one of the things we do is to have the visual to do lists and checklists. These help tremendously. The nightly routine has always been a stressful time. But things have improved since we have put the visual checklist on his door. Recently my husband was reminding our son to do his nightly activities.

Doctors | Monkey in the Middle in the Middle is a children’s game played with 3 children and a ball. The rules are simple. 2 children throw the ball to each other and the 3rd child is between them …

OneAngryQueer: I Know Your Secrets and I Still Love You 18, 2013 · Note from the editor: This is a guest post written by one of my favorite persons. Enjoy. I know your secrets and I still love you. A friend gave me a card with that phrase on it for my birthday a few years ago. I treated it like a talisman, a magickal token imbued with the power of possibility. I could be loved despite my secrets.

Gay Lesbian | A Couple of Homos Sitting Around Talking about Gay Lesbian written by 2homostalking. Both Tad and I believe that being, really being yourself is super important to mental, physical and spiritual development and general well-being these days; just as it always has been. To a certain degree, we also highly approve of so-called marginalized communities, minorities or whatever we wish to call them re-owning certain derogatory words ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Attorney Matt Engel Is Advertising ... 07, 2008 · 21 Comments: Bob said.... Hi All, I was listening to 100.3 FM and low and behold there was an advertisement by Matt Engel Attorney at Law. The very same Matt Engel who is representing a number of the RICO plaintiffs we talk about right here. Matt is a great attorney and so is John Shoemaker the other attorney of the RICO suits.

Solsticewitch13's BOS: The Rebellion of Muslim Women May ... 11, 2012 · The Rebellion of Muslim Women May Defeat the Third Jihad. Posted: 25 Feb 2012 03:08 PM PST. I'VE BEEN reading an interesting book called How Civilizations Die and have come across some surprising facts. The book was published in 2011 …

DANNI ASHE, FRAZETTA WOMEN, AND THE LESSONS THEY …, I do love her in a suit jacket. She is a bountiful goddess to every lonely man, and a reproach to every anorexic on the cover of People magazine. [In fairness, it should be noted that sans makeup, lighting and wardrobe, Miss Ashe bears a strong resemblance to a …

The Debate Link: 07/11/2010 - 07/18/2010'll get it, but you got to give me something in return. * * * For the record: That North Korea published this propaganda picture does not in any way constitute an admission that they sunk the Cheonan. The judge as defense counsel. Ta-Nehisi Coates on the culture of excessive force. The IDF specifically lauded B'Tselem for its assistance in providing information leading to the indictment of ...

Phantasm (@aphantasm) | Twitter 24, 2018 · The latest Tweets from Phantasm (@aphantasm). One of those computer security guys, living the good life. 2 kids and a beautiful Jill keep me active when work doesn't. San Diego

We use gmail, not Outlook, on our iMac. Now we find we can ... 26, 2020 · Hi, I'm sorry about your computer issue. I'm glad to assist you today. Please click on the small Apple logo icon located at the upper left corner of your Mac computer's screen, then click option Force Quit.Then select the Outlook app there if shown, then click on Force Quit at bottom, and click on Force Quit to confirm. - If needed, open the Applications folder on your computer, then trash ...

The Age of Loose Connections (church-wise, that is) Age of Loose Connections (church-wise, that is) There was a time when we were a nation of joiners. This was especially true in the 1950s, after the GI's came home from WWII, went to …

Non Sequitur's Soap Box: I Love My Job! 17, 2006 · Which is why I appreciate this 300 gallon tank so much. One of my coworkers and I have been the sole caretakers of the tank pictured above and below this paragraph. We began setting it up about a year ago and have watched it progress with all the pride of a father who is watching his children grow up (did I actually just say that?

The Candid Blogger: Death By Chicken Bouillon 15, 2009 · Tricalcium phosphate is a compound with formula Ca3(PO4)2. It is also known as calcium orthophosphate, tertiary calcium phosphate, tribasic calcium phosphate, or "bone ash" (calcium phosphate being one of the main combustion products of bone). It has an alpha and a beta crystal form, the alpha state being formed at high temperatures.

Keeping kids on track with a visual "to do" list - Blogger kids on track with a visual "to do" list Thanks so much to Nancy Peske over at for another terrific newsletter with this great resource. This online " Make-a-Schedule " program from the great folks at Do2Learn allows you to create daily schedules with picture cards for our kids (okay, and some of us parents) that need ...

http://osispeaks.blogspot.com 30, 2014 · The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) prohibits the “Government [from] substantially burden[ing] a person’s exercise ofreligion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability” unless the Government “demonstrates that application of theburden to the person—(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive ...

The Immoral Minority: The stupification of America through ... 04, 2013 · This is exactly one of the reasons that I try to avoid the question we always get of "where does your daughter go to school?" I take a breath, tell myself it's noone else's business what we do and tell them "at home." I agree with Anonymous at 6:57 a.m. I push my daughter very hard and we are homeschooling for DEFINITELY non-religious reasons.

No Right Turn: Candidate Survey: Eighteenth Response 06, 2005 · Sounds like one of the many mindless Christian right-wing to me Posted by Anonymous : 7/17/2005 09:25:00 PM Post a Comment

Marry in Massachusetts: Best Free Show: The Music 29, 2007 · Some, like the quasi-spasmodic guy at left who is always there, solo, but many couples or other combinations swing dance, samba or otherwise in the narrow walkways. No one hassles them (Boston venues could learn from that). At the JFK Plaza next to the government buildings, there's a lot more space and a lot less dancing. Go figure.

Is The NFL "Hummerizing" The NFL Brand? read a creative brief by one of the NFL/NBC agencies who is attempting to position the Sunday Night NFL broadcast as an "academy award" event for couples. This from the agency's co-founder: "We realized that watching sports on a weekend night is a social and …

Fonseca Theater Company | Sheila Kennedy in addition to a six-show season of plays and a Latinx concert series, the organization plans community plays in which participants write, direct and act in their own stories; a teen acting program; and continuation of an existing children’s program consisting of 10-week classes filled with kids from the surrounding community.

Groves U.S. History Blog: May 2009 15, 2009 · This is the home of the online journals and musings of my American history students at Groves High School in Beverly Hills, Michigan begun in the fall of 2006. At this site, students will share their thoughts and feelings about the topics in American history that interest them. They will respond to journals as well as be responsible for posting once a week. I hope you enjoy your visit, and ...

The Other Foothttps://swapfoot.blogspot.comThe other foot.... The men accused of dressing as women came from several states Police in northern Oregon have clashed with Christian youths angry at a Christian Theocratic court's decision to grant bail to 18 men accused of dressing as women. For about 30 minutes, the protesters held up traffic on Portland’s main street chanting slogans saying the accused men had been let off lightly.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Appeasing The Enemy 01, 2007 · Such negotiations will legitimize one of the most dangerous regimes on the planet, Iran. By acceding to the pressure to accord the mullahocracy in Tehran the status of equal partners and members in good standing of the "community of nations," we reward bad behavior.

Cyde Weys Musings WordPress vulnerability in the wild ... days ago, I noticed that the number of hits coming to this blog decreased drastically. Specifically, the Stats plugin showed that my incoming hits from search engines had decreased to nearly zero. And since Google is this blog’s front page, that represented a rather drastic drop in traffic.I was down to just the regulars, those faithful readers who either refresh this blog ...

The Shadowland Journal: Flashes from the Past: Notes on ... 20, 2006 · Over a catfish sandwich and a Coke in the Raleigh-Durham airport, I learned how the United States ends a war. Above the bar a long array of televisions, maybe eight or ten of them, broadcast silent sports-network images of tennis matches and stock car races. Only one was tuned to a closed-caption news channel.

ALASKAN BUSH PEOPLE??? | WorldwideDX Radio Forum 30, 2014 · This is also why I think that television, in its current form, is on its death bed. Many of us pay for television "services" from a cable or satellite provider where we're subscribed to a couple hundred channels even though we only watch about 5 or 6 of them. And, of those five or six channels, we only actually pay attention to a handful of shows.

The Citizens: On Strikes, Riots, and Rationality 04, 2007 · This is why companies don’t like employees to talk about salaries at work. All of interesting in terms of peace and conflict studies and it makes me think of the riots in Paris. The thing that gets me is that rioters will destroy their own neighborhoods, which is economically and to a …

Lying Media Bastards: Good Show, Old "Good Show, Old Bean".... August 05, 2004. Subversive graffiti artist Banksy has pulled off a pretty impressive new stunt.. He created a 20-foot, 3 ton bronze statue of "justice as a prostitute with leather boots and a thong", and secretly cemented it into a public square in London.. Said Banksy's prepared statement: "This is a brand new monument for London.

Global Wahrman: Rodents of Unusual Size Found in Ancient Italy 16, 2013 · Although probably just a lucky guess on the part of the filmmakers, I think you will agree that it is an amazing resemblance. It may be a hedgehog but it certainly looks like a rodent to me Since one of the theme's here at Global Wahrman is to analyze the process by which one can successfully predict the future, we plan to use this ...

Law Enforcement | This Black Sista's Memorial Page it has felt beside the point — like privilege talking — in the angry crowds of the last few nights. U.S. Ruling Could Mean a Flood of New Claims Against Volkswagen June 2, 2020 Judges on Monday cleared the way for counties to pursue the automaker, which has already paid more than $20 billion in federal penalties for cheating on ...

The Wesleyan Argus | The End of the Wesleyan Echo 08, 2016 · My mission for the next two and a half years is to break down the apparent echo chamber. I hope that more people will join me and other people on campus, such as Argus staff members and the attendees at the Posse Veterans retreat, to ensure that dissenting opinion is encouraged on campus. Stascavage is a member of the class of 2018.

KSVR 91.7 FM, Community Radio for the Skagit Valley ... 91.7 FM, Community Radio for the Skagit Valley, Mount Vernon, Washington. 2,052 likes · 76 talking about this · 4,707 were here. Welcome to the Facebook page for …

The Rectification of Names: Who Knew?, from Poughkeepsie, and a nephew of the Taiwan university administrator and occasional government figure (he was prime minister in 2008-09) Liu Chao-shiuan, comes to public life from the Clinton administration, in which he served as as a speechwriter and eventually deputy assistant to the president for domestic policy, after Elena Kagan ...

The Rectification of Names: Goodbye to All That UK has just over six months to prevent this from happening, and a government that is wholly incompetent to stop it, under a ruling party divided between lunatics like Rees-Mogg and Boris Alexander De Pfeffel Johnson on the one hand and time-serving zombies like Theresa May on the other, who cannot even internally agree on a proposal, let alone sell it to the EU.

The Debate Link: 11/25/2012 - 12/02/2012, the UN General Assembly voted 138-9-41 to grant Palestine status as a non-member observer state.Israel and the United States were among the nine "no" votes, arguing that it was a symbolic distraction from the necessity of bilateral negotiations.

Tickle The Wirecyber crime Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling This is not your ordinary canine. The FBI is New Jersey is planning to soon crack down on cyber crime with a special dog that will be able to sniff out thumb drives, hard drives and cell phones, NJ 101.5 reports. “It’ll be an extremely versatile dog, it’ll be used in almost any type of investigation where we intend to search out or collect digital ...

U.S. Attorneys oh-so-concerned about full prosecution for ..., though, that next step is an arraignment and then the progression of hearings that lead up to a jury trial. It is uncertain which step Randall and his attorney, Tim Flaherty, will take. On May 18, Randall did waive his right to a probable cause hearing, but it is uncertain if he has done the same with his right to a grand jury ...

710 ESPN launch day- it's (yawn) historic... - BlatherWatch 11 on the Manly Scale of Absolute Gender, a 12 on the Heavenly Scale of the 10 Commandments and a 6 on the earthly scale of the Immaculately Groomed. Howie in Seattle Howie Martin is the Abe Linkin' of progressive Seattle. Streaming Radio Guide Hellishly long (5795!) list of radio streaming, steaming on the Internets. The Naked Loon

Who still thinks oil prices are driven by speculation ... 30, 2008 · The cause of rising prices is clear: growing demand and too little supply to meet it both now and – perhaps of even greater significance – in the future. Higher demand is one of the major results of the scope, speed and scale of globalisation as Asian economies, as well as Opec countries themselves, demand more oil.

Chron 2.0 | Feature | San Francisco | San Francisco News ... late November 2000, Phil Bronstein, the foreign correspondent who had risen to become editor of the scrappy San Francisco Examiner, was darting around town for interviews, giving a full-throated endorsement of the Hearst Corp.'s takeover of the much larger Chronicle.Many city residents expressed hope that the $660 million deal, in which the city's two dailies were set to merge, would ...

Rapists Will No Longer Have Custody Rights In Colorado If 02, 2013 · Imagine you’ve been raped. Given 1 our of 5 women experience rape in their lifetime, not a far reach. If you have the courage, you report the rape, and may undergo an uncomfortable physical and verbal examination. You are greatly admired for …

Reverend Dan's Music For Nimrods: December 2007 - The December 1, 2007 Edition of Reverend Dan's Music For Nimrods December is here, and this time on KXLU, I pay tribute to a great American Wacko: Evel Knievel! Crazy idiots jumping motorcycles over things is common today, but it used to be that there was only ONE crackpot flying over stuff, and that's why I honor Evel, one of the ...

Devin Nunes | JimmieJoe is the same Devin Nunes that told C-SPAN in 2010 that he had no problem with people saying demeaning, rude, or hostile things to government officials. This is the same Devin Nunes that is a co-sponsor on a bill to prevent frivolous lawsuits. My, how times have changed! *ok, he’s not suing a real cow. He’s going after whoever runs that ...

sunspark says...https://sunsparksays.blogspot.comJan 19, 2018 · It focuses on the 1.7 million, everyday women who find this happening to them all the time in one way or another, women of all races, cultures, ages and body types being abused by men who feel privileged to do so. It shows various scenarios from a classroom to a parking garage to a sidewalk, a home, a park, a church, an army barracks, etc.

The Citizens: Carbon, not conservation 12, 2007 · The second-scariest moment in the movie "Jesus Camp" is when one of the earnest young tweens tells the director that global warming is a total lie. [The scariest moment is how poorly the same kid can read from a book - the movie is perhaps the …

Ordinary Guy: Rwanda - Liberation Day a young college student, to a masseuse, to a jeweler, to a physical therapist, to a couple of teachers, the one thing we had in common was a love for immaculee ilibagiza, the author of left to tell. immaculee and some new friends took us on an odyssey through the heart of africa.

syslbloghttps://syslblog.blogspot.comOne of my favorite places to visit is my home town of Sioux Falls, SD. I moved away 20 years ago, but it still feels like home when I get back there. Here are some photos from my most recent visit: Posted by Syslfrog at ... and a husband to a wonderful wife. View my complete profile. I'm on Facebook. David Huber Create Your Badge.

Mediagazer: Study of 23,005 YouTube video comments about ... presents the day's must-read media news on a single page. Adrianne Jeffries / New York Times: Study of 23,005 YouTube video comments about science and related topics: ~14% of comments for female-hosted videos were critical vs. ~6% for male-hosted videos.

.: The Grand Opening of the Koblerville Youth Learning Center 27, 2007 · Of course, add to all the perpetual lack of funding, which translates into lack of manpower and operational funds. But, I continued to bug Youth Affairs Director Mike Manglona (on the left) to transfer Ken Concepcion (KC Lanchero) from the Gualo Rai Youth Center (which had undergone a similar transformation under KC's guidance) to the ...

No one cares what I think: October 2009 tow truck driver, my main cab driver, the DMV folks, most bus drivers (although one of them was a fucking miserable asshole) and even the girl behind the bullet-proof glass at the Centro station (!) were all great, even if their circumstances limited how much they could help me.

No More Mister Nice Blog 06, 2012 · THIS IS WHAT RIGHT-WINGERS DO. THIS IS ALL THEY DO. Lead story at Drudge around 7:00 last night: The link goes to a Daily Caller story posted yesterday afternoon: Eighty-three percent of American physicians have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama's health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: The truth about inflation 08, 2008 · This primer on inflation, written by Implode-O-Meter founder Aaron Krowne and published at BullionVault last week, was so darn good that it merits a complete reproduction here today as we await word from the central bank on the future course of monetary policy. There are some none-too-kind words for the body now deliberating on Constitution Avenue in Washington D.C.

RADAMISTO: 2009-01-25 05, 2009 · I was listening to one of the radio wingnuts, maybe Jerry Doyle, and he claimed that Obama hasn't kept most of his relevant campaign promises. He said there were 510 total promises and I thought that someone must've been busy keeping track. Atrios noted that CNN said the same thing a few days ago, so probably a new wingnut meme.

Nothing Better to Do: November 2010 26, 2010 · It has a T-Shirt display rack and a tortilla chip window, placing its amenities at a slightly different level than those of the outer belt taco trucks. Its concept pays homage to the L.A. food truck scene that has garnered national media attention, but it also shares a common thread with Columbus' other mobile food impresarios like Rad Dog and ...

The Other McCain: Rule 5 Sunday 08, 2009 · By Smitty Rule 5 Sunday time again. Irony abounds, in this age where we've given a black man the honor of the Presidency, that the name Hon...

If it makes you feel good, okay. | Get The Picture 28, 2016 · The guy was seen on campus wearing a Sturmabteilung (Nazi Brownshirt) uniform. Duke also ran for governor of Louisiana and made it to a runoff vs. Edwin Edwards. This got a ton of national press, and it hard to believe Trump has never heard of Duke. The race also spawned one of the greatest lines by Edwards, who was known as a ladies man.

NoFo: I’ve been really conscientious (thank goodness ... 23, 2019 · It’s not bad, but it’s bad enough that it’s sidelined my chest and shoulders workouts out of caution. Fortunately, I still have a back and legs and a core and two arms, the latter of which are getting some brutal attention today.

No Right Turn: Protest works 12, 2018 · For the past month France has been brought to a standstill, as members of the yellow vest movement have protested against inequality, the cost of living, and president Emmanuel Macron. And today, a week after serious riots in Paris, Macron has made concessions: Emmanuel Macron has bowed to pressure from the street to announce a catalogue of emergency measures aimed at …

WarmAsianDude: April 2006 to the uncertainty, the new owner, McClatchy, has decided to re-sell 12 of the newspapers. San Jose Mercury News, which is where I am currently working, is one of them. I have always wanted to move to a high growth hi-Tech industry and the pending sale of …

Wandering Into The Void: July 2009 07, 2009 · "Guitar Gear" - From my first impression of Logic 9, the category that Apple's marketing seems to be emphasizing the most and I can't understand why. Guitar amp simulation is such a fucking hornet's nest, and as a guitarist who owns a tube amp head, a 4x12 speaker cabinet and a collection of Boss pedals, it just is not for me.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Pioneer Press/ Little Town Whole ... 22, 2012 · a City HRA Attorney named Kevin K. Shoeberg P.A. in Landfall and His Close Friend Landfall City Manager Colleen Arndt, Mayor Greg "Flash" Feldbrugge three of the most under handed people Landfall ever seen and they were using their ABUSE of POWER to rid Landfall of a nice lady called Mary Mars, now because Barbara Dacy thought I "Bill Dahn" a ...

DEFNE'NIN GÜNLÜGÜhttps://defnus.blogspot.comOne of my favorite places there is Asmali Doner.It is a doner place. It is not a big place but it is cute and clean.It is on the way to Bodrum Marina.Whenever i go there;my order is döner with lots of pickles and a beer.That cold beer makes me feel that I AM ALIVE... Try to …

No Right Turn: A good OIA experience 03, 2007 · A good OIA experience. As people will have noticed, I make heavy use of the OIA (for a blogger), and blog frequently about the results as well as the process. Most of the latter are complaints - delays, unlawful extensions, and even a complaint to the Ombudsman. ... This is one of the major changes the OIA has led to: a culture of openness in ...

the Fox News Story | Hit em in the Wallet 17, 2009 · Yesterday, we released news of the Department of Defense restricting access to Fox News at military installations. Our source, like most news reporting services will not be unveiled. But, we will say this, in general: an active duty, military member who has been stationed abroad. At every installation (we were told), particularly those overseas, this news outlet…

One If By Land Two If By Puppy 4/18 | File presume the mechanism will be the same — a call for suggestions, which will then somehow be winnowed down to a slate. (If that’s wrong, do correct me, I want to have the facts). So maybe my last question is for Kate Paulk rather than you or Mr. Correia. I don’t know. But it’s a simple question. When you open up Sad Puppies 4 for ...

Things Everyone Knows: Freezing Your Credit Reports 09, 2017 · For a whole company to do something like grounds for something much stronger. But that's not the point. The point is if you set up a security freeze with Equifax before 9/12/2017, you may have a PIN which looks something like '0909171220' --- which corresponds to …

The Idiot Factor: corruption folly : Tanker Todd Bombs again it was a business decision and no one has promoted faith in the rights of big business, no one has championed letting businesses decide what is best for our economy more than Tiahrt. So if anyone complains that big business has not been fair to the American worker it should not be Tiahrt. He is as responsible as the military in this decision.

PolitiFact and the gutting of Welfare reform (Updated) 11, 2012 · But it does render the "Pants on Fire" verdict very questionable. And then there's Robert Rector, writing for the National Review : (I)t appears the administration intends to do away with standards of the reform law that require 30 to 40 percent of the work-eligible TANF caseload to engage in clearly defined activities for 20 to 30 hours per week.

No Right Turn: One of the largest thefts in history 09, 2005 · Some months back I blogged about the scandal of Iraq - the systematic corruption and outright looting of reconstruction funds which occured under the American-run Coalition Provisional Authority. But it seems that that was just the beginning. In what has been described as "one of the largest thefts in history", corrupt Iraqi officials have embezzled practically the entire defence …

Discover the Networks | Richard Trumka 28, 2020 · Richard Louis Trumka was born on July 29, 1949 in Nemacolin, Pennsylvania, the son and grandson of coal miners. He, too, began working in the mines at age 19 and joined the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), a member union of the AFL-CIO federation. Trumka served as head of UMWA Local 6290’s safety committee and became an activist in the Miners for Democracy reform …

Mo Pageviews, Mo Problems - Traffic Magazine Ryan Chittum Illustration by Borja Bonaque . If publishers knew a decade ago how many readers they would find online, they would have been thrilled. In 2006, the New York Times boasted that its website drew an average of 12 million unique visitors a month.Today, it has 78 million. Salon, which had a mere 3 million unique visitors back then, now has 17 million.

Soviet Chic - Julian 08, 2007 · Well, sort of… that works because in the context of a whole play or film, you can make it crystal clear that what’s going on is parody. You can’t as easily do that with a bar theme or a T-shirt… and indeed, part of the point of that sort of ironic aesthetic is that it’s more subtle than that–the knowing wink rather than the mallet–so that people can take pleasure in “getting it.”

July | 2013 | Nuclear Power? Yes Please of the electricity of Germany is from coal, but it could have been rid of all of it already, had it pursued nuclear power instead of wind and solar. Here’s a table of German investment costs: As can be seen, electricity investments in renewables amounted to a whopping 60 billion euros from 2000 until 2008.

Alexander Hamilton | Majority Hamilton in The Federalist Papers No 22 likewise stated: what at first sight may seem a remedy, is, in reality, a poison. To give a minority a negative upon the majority (which is always the case where more than a majority is requisite to a decision), is, in its tendency, to subject the sense of the greater number to that of the ...

My Manner of Life: May 2007 30, 2007 · This is Jesus!" As I approached, she dipped the host into the wine most carefully, then consumed it with a very big smile. I can just barely glimpse into the faith of this little girl. Sometimes we "ministers" are more ministered-to than we minister-to. This was one of those moments. I think of all my ponderings during a typical Eucharistic ...

Is This How the World Sees America Now? - Smirking 14, 2017 · Donald Trump recently returned from meeting with the other powerful countries of the G20 group — one of his first big performances on the world stage. So how did it go? Not swell, according to a no-holds-barred account delivered by Chris Uhlmann, an Australian journalist. Uhlmann made four main points about how the rest of the world sees the ...

Way to stay open minded. - theimmoralminority.blogspot.com 02, 2012 · How does one even have a remotely intelligent conversation with a group of people who believe this? And don't think an isolated ...

Moonbattery: Moonbat Tech: The isn't 'hung in a container', the tube is clipped to the bottom of the garment to catch the drips. It would be difficult to clip a bucket to a t-shirt and this might be cheaper and easier to store than a collection of buckets. It comes down to how much it costs and whether you live in an apartment.

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ZIONISM AND RACISM - … 01, 2017 · One of the largest units in the CIA is dedicated to the prevention of Israeli spying on the United States, and one of the biggest spy scandals in U.S. history involved an Israeli spy name Jonathan Pollard, an American of Jewish descent, born in Galveston, Texas.

Pleternica moj rodni grad: In a few days, Norway will ... take note: Saveur says Azerbaijan should top your must-visit list.Start in the capital of Baku, where you can feast on everything from khan plov, chicken pilaf encased in pastry, to azeri pakhlava, the region's ethereal 14-layer baklava stuffed with finely chopped almonds and cardamom.Since gaining independence from Russia in 1991, Azeri cuisine has flourished.

Gubu-World: Interesting Random Piece of History 3 23, 2010 · This is going to be an extremely tough call for the President as McChrystal is Obama's man who was appointed by the President to implement a counter insurgency as opposed to a counter terrorism strategy. If he fires the General it will no doubt destabilise the chain of command at a critical time in the war as the Khandahar offensive is getting ...

Kung Fu Monkey: 9/9/07 - 9/16/07 it's the DP who figures out how to move the camera, what camera lens and what lighting will actually match the vision I've described. They'll often frame the shot, too, based on their decades of experience. To be blunt, it is one of the purest amalgamations of technical expertise and artistic vision in the industry.

Nuclear Power? Yes Please | Page this pagePå nätet har det cirkulerat ett tag nu att en väldigt farlig fas ska inledas i Fukushima, något som kan döda miljarder människor. Det hela handlar om att tömma bränslebassängen i Fukushima 4 på …

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2013 · proverbialleadballoon said.... We have to legislate for the safety of the majority, not for the pleasure of the minority. Right on. The point can't be made enough: there are only two reasons for owning a semi-automatic; killing a lot of people really quickly, or shooting it off being the only way the gun fetishist gets hard, ie, for pleasure, and neither is a good reason for a civilian to own one.

Paragraphs On Padre Boulevard More than a Bookstore: March ... 28, 2011 · 5505 Padre Blvd., South Padre Island, TX 78597 956-433-5057

Bleeding Heartland is a good opportunity for a local story about the President and other leaders’ attendance at the Copenhagen summit. We will watch President Obama and other world leaders as they address the world about the importance of an international accord to reduce greenhouse gases.

Thomas Clay Jr - The Dunce came out today to talk about ... McConnell said that another stimulus package is a non-starter after 6 million people filed for unemployment last week. A physician on MSNBC is saying that we do not have enough swabs to even put in tests. All of adding up to a 5 alarm disaster on a scale we can't imagine. The lack of testing is going to skew numbers for a while.

Gil Fulbright Archives • Frankly CuriousFrankly Curious it actually shows that while Grimes is getting 3/4 of her money from outside Kentucky, McConnell is getting 7/8 of his money from outside Kentucky. I don’t mean to nitpick, but the kind of thing that makes matters worse.

Stafford Loan News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... -- President Trump on Monday called for a $5.6 billion, or 7.8 percent, cut in Department of Education funding and reductions for most core funders of academic research, but also proposed a nearly $900 million increase in career and technical …

34 Best Mushrooms 1 images | Stuffed mushrooms, Mushroom ... 23, 2013 - Explore gwilliamscampbe's board "Mushrooms 1" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Stuffed mushrooms, Mushroom fungi, Fungi.34 pins16 followers

Autonomy For All: Climate Change is still the big fight I have a big regret about my time at Open Left, it's that I didn't write more about climate change. I did address it a few times, and Paul did fairly often but given that it is the defining challenge of the century we all certainly could have written about it a lot more. More than anything else, the whole "game" such as it is really rests on whether we get anthropogenic global warming under ...

Possible Experience: Jun 16, 2011 OPPD claims the FAA closed airspace over the plant because of the Missouri River flooding. But the FAA ban specifically lists the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant as the location for the flight ban. The plant is adjacent to the now-flooding river, about 20 minutes outside downtown Omaha, and has been closed since April for refueling.

Guatemala Weapons News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... Exposed in Cold War Bioweapons Testing Still Awaiting Answers and Help. First published by counterpunch On May 12, 2000, the CBS Evening News first reported that over 1,000 American sailors were unwittingly exposed to chemical and biological warfare (CBW) agents in the 1960s and early 1970s as part of secret military …

Demagogues Rising | Observationalism 10, 2008 · Others mention her children. But it wasn’t until this year she became worried. Bezon gets intimidating phone calls and death threats. She has observed people watching her house… In North Carolina, one of the most outspoken critics of Latino advocates is William Gheen, the head of Americans for Legal Immigration.

Squeezing My Mind Grapes: May 2010 of the major omissions from webOS phones like the Palm Pre and Pixi is a lack of a voice recorder. While MotionApps has made its Voice Memo app a free add-on for users of its Classic PalmOS emulator, it has the disadvantage of needing to be run from inside another relatively slow-loading application.

Abe Gardner wonders and worries: July 2008 31, 2008 · Toyota Corolla: Does about as well as the civic in terms of MPG - the 7th generation (1992-1997 = $1,700-5,750) gets 27-34mpg on the freeway and the 8th generation (1998-2002 = $4,000-10,000) gets about 34. 2000+ have variable valve timing which apparently results in …

Marc Valdez Weblog: 10/14/2012 - 10/21/2012 I first arrived, there was a critical undermass of people. People were drifting out to a Food Court and Merchant Yard, so the numbers in the hall varied all evening from about fifteen to over a hundred. Nevertheless, too much space gives ravers an opportunity to spread out, and they did so, as the mood moved them. The DJs were great.

American Small Business League Blog, ASBL Bloghttps://americansmallbusinessleague.blogspot.comBut it enjoyed so many tax subsidies that its federal income tax bill was only $39 million -- a tax rate of only 0.4 percent." In fact, in 2009, Exxon Mobil paid no taxes at all to the U.S. federal government on domestic profits of nearly $2.6 billion by legally funneling its profits through wholly-owned subsidiaries in countries like the ...

American Power: Muslim Mob Attacks Christians at 2012 ... 12, 2012 · This is a long video. I was running in and out checking on my kid while I was trying to watch it yesterday. But it's worth it. For a while it looks like just plastic bottles are being thrown, but as the Christians start to move off, they are pelted with all kinds of debris and human waste, apparently.

Moe's misunderestimations: Learning to Live with Limits 29, 2011 · All of which require a decent voice to be heard by the judge, the court reporter, the other attorney, and the witnesses. The news was hard to take. Oh, I could have another injection of Radiesse to see if that would temporarily help things, but it would only last at most 6 months. Or, I could try for a second surgical implant. Dr.

Shamanaqua: Pain sucks is the conundrum of medical marijuana. As long as the federal government has cannabis listed as Schedule 1, meaning there is NO medical benefit from the drug, there will always be a solid legal foundation for anyone fired or dismissed for using it. So, I have my prescription but can't use it.

Green Eagle: None Dare Call It Corruption a while I have thought of writing an article about the legal opinions of Antonin Scalia, which over time have become less and less a matter of serious analysis of the law and more and more a sort of taunting of the rest of the country with the fact that he can do whatever he wants, regardless of …

Media bashing | older voter spite of the media talk, an election, not a sports contest.) I’m not so naive that I believe that racism in this country has been eradicated, like a disease. But to have to face the fact that it is still so strong in some areas that people will vote against their own interest rather than vote for a person of color makes me queasy.

Harry Clarke: Keep cannabis illegal 2 06, 2007 · some great information about the damages of mj on your lungs when smoked. But if the damaging effects is all you have for a thesis on keeping marijuana illegal, i believe it is a bit weak, sir. have you heard of the new great technology called a vaporizer? I think you should look into it.

Campaign ’08 | older voter 16, 2008 · (In spite of the media talk, an election, not a sports contest.) I’m not so naive that I believe that racism in this country has been eradicated, like a disease. But to have to face the fact that it is still so strong in some areas that people will vote against their own interest rather than vote for a person of color makes me queasy.

Down the Writing Hole: January 2014 is no veranda and no view as the curtains must remain closed for any kind of privacy. I'm ready to go back and request a room change but Steve is so tired he doesn't want the hassle. We'll be up quite early in the morning to make it to the airport, and Steve falls immediately to sleep on one of …

SHADOW'S WORLD: 05/13/12 DAVIS HANSEN: "[A]fter a half-century in our self-created racial labyrinth, no one quite knows who qualifies as an oppressed victim or why -- only that the more one can change a name or emphasize lineage, the better the careerist edge. The real worry is that soon we will have so many recompense-seeking victims that we will run out of concession-granting oppressors."

OOC in Sahara and Ait Attou. - Understanding the Middle ... 04, 2009 · But it was great to see my friends and family, actually the third time I have been back to visit since leaving Peace Corps in 2005. I will post some pictures asap. But now I am back in Marrakech, the students are back in Arabic classes at the American Langauge Center here.

Eristic ragemail: The Media Continues to Treat Hate Groups ... 01, 2008 · The Media Continues to Treat Hate Groups as Respectable Advocacy Groups Two issues of note. San Francisco, which long ago declared itself a sanctuary city for immigrants, has taken the step of publicizing that undocumented immigrants need not fear the police and that social services will continue to be extended to all regardless of immigrant ...

OneAngryQueer: Charity vs. Solidarity: Out of the ... 11, 2013 · Ian. When you and I were living with your sister we went on a long walk during which I spoke of a lot of the points you touched on here (the self destruction vibe of urban gay youth, the bathhouse harm effect, the need to out grow things like cruisey parks, the drugs problem, the need to take to the streets, the need as a culture to grow up in order to realize equal rights).

REWinn - Blogger - Blogger ... My scrapbook.

More Evolution Theorieshttps://moreevolutiontheories.blogspot.comJust as sure as the Sun comes up every morning, it is scheduled to die. Experts give it some 7 billion years, when it will turn into a bloated red giant. As the name implies, a red giant is a star swelled to gargantuan proportions. Earth would be first engulfed in heat and light, then vaporized. Well before then, things will turn real nasty.

kingston progressive: BAKED ALASKAN, ANYONE? 07, 2008 · Ted Stevens, of all people, should know how to hide graft better than that! As the longest serving Senator in history, he’s been doing it longer than all the rest of them. A powerful oil contractor conveniently financed the $250K renovation of his home in Girdwood, Alaska, a …

Cyde Weys Musings The sensible side of the barefoot 21, 2008 · This is potentially a deal-breaker. SpamKarma 2 is no longer being updated, so I may have to look for another anti-spam solution. William Says: April 29th, 2008 at 00:30. I went for a run this morning in my Tivas, which are aimed at hikers, but I remember thinking when I first bought them “Wow, I can feel the ground. That’s weird.” They ...

My Open Kimono: 2016 this variation, the “CEO” sends an email to a company payroll office employee and requests a list of employees and information including SSNs. The following are some of the details contained in the e-mails: Kindly send me the individual 2015 W-2 (PDF) and earnings summary of all W-2 of our company staff for a quick review.

Marin Real Estate Bubble: November 2007 06, 2007 · So this fool in Mill Valley is like so many other Marinites it seems. He lives in the house he grew up in and no doubt owns it now. Yet he is foreclosing. How can that be? I mean, thanks to Prop. 13 he has certainly inherited a ridiculously low property tax based on when the house was last purchased, probably in the 1950s.

Magnus orerar: januari 2008 har nog läst artiklar likt t ex denna, om pollenvarning i december som kopplas till mänsklig växthuseffekt.(Globalt var iofs december kallast sedan 1999; RSS MSU-data.) Penn Jillette(*) kommenterar i denna video (jag antar utifrån NYT-artikeln refererad här) ett påstående av Al Gore om att det varma vädret i New York påvisade av människan orsakad global uppvärmning (AGW).

Humint Events Online: The Orion Conspiracy 23, 2010 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

Life in the "Pitt" eclectic look at the world ... from Pittsboro! As some of you might know, Pat and I have made our escape from the suburban sprawl of North Atlanta and have relocated to a quirky little town in North Carolina called Pittsboro. We are about 20 miles from Chapel Hill down the infamous highway 15-501. I decided to start a blog to keep everyone up-to-date on our adventures in the "Pitt", as we fondly refer to our new ...

Bilgrimage: A Midweek Grocery Store Story for You: More on ... 11, 2016 · One of these is a check-out person who is unfailingly friendly to us. If I had to guess, I'd guess that he himself may be gay, though he has never said this to us. Bits and pieces of information he's shared about his life as he checks out our purchases and talks to us have led me to think this may be the case, and if it is the case, that this ...

George H. W. Bush | Texas Leftist death of an American President is indeed a most curious time for the country. Of course the Presidency is the highest office in the land, and the only elected official that we all share, so it’s sensible that we would remember them, and reflect on their legacy in defining an era for our nation.

The Whited Sepulchre: The Grouchy Old Cripple makes it ... Grouchy Old Cripple makes it into The Urban Dictionary My friend Denny has made it into The Urban Dictionary . The first time I read Denny's stuff at his " Grouchy Old Cripple " site, I knew that I was going to start a website.

UM-Dearborn Honors Program, 4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn ... Honors Program at UM-Dearborn is dedicated to providing a well-balanced undergraduate education and developing students' critical thinking skills The Honors Program at UM-Dearborn is designed for qualified, highly-motivated students who want an extra level of challenge and stimulus in their college experience. Honors students take a special sequence of classes that satisfy basic ...

Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Book 2 - Chapter 68 ... 23, 2009 · From the Governor's press release upon today's publication of the results of Andree McLeod's request for clarification of aspects of Alaska's Executive Ethics Ordinances: In the past two years, the state of Alaska has spent millions of dollars processing ethics complaints, public records requests, and related lawsuits. I suspect that statement is complete bullshit.

Famous Last Words: Best of the 2000s: Songs 14, 2009 · They came back to life in 2006 with their eponymous album and this was the first single. A rollicking song that brought back angry Eddie Vedder as he rants against George Bush and the war in Iraq. "Tell you to pray/while the devil's on their shoulder." The guy writes great lyrics and it was nice to see him dip back in the well of angst one last ...

Hillary Did Win the Popular Vote | BroadBlogs 11, 2016 · That’s from Maddy, one of my students. Hillary Clinton may not have broken the Presidential glass ceiling, but she did make history. 2016 was the first time that Maddy’s grandmother, Maddy and I were all able to vote for a woman for President of the United States. Not only that, she won the popular vote!

Coalition of the Obvious: June 2009 30, 2009 · By Nicole Johnston, Al Jazeera reporter With proven oil reserves of around 112 billion barrels and up to another 150 billion barrels of probable reserves, Iraq is the greatest untapped prize for international oil companies. To put that in context, if Iraq does turn out to have around 300 billion barrels of oil, it will rival the world's biggest producer Saudi Arabia - which has around 160 ...

Price Viagra Viacreme >> 2020Pills You Re-read My Post You Will Note That I Asked If The Davey Crockett System Was Deployed To Fort Lewis That Is The Only System That Used DU For Practice Rounds And That Is Because The Real Thing Was A Tactical Nuclear Weapon Which I Believe Was Only Fired Once At The Nevada Test Site The Only DU Ever Expended In Hawaii Was In These Then ...

Islamic State - Celleno - The Personal Blog of Foreign I spent the morning at Warsaw’s Rising Museum, which was opened ten years ago in what was once the capital’s tram power plant to commemorate the tragic (and betrayed) 1944 uprising against the Nazis — the one the Soviets failed to support, halting their advance nearby while the Germans demolished the city, and the Western allies failed to assist.

Funeral Services Announced for Gil Scott-Heron and More (w ... 01, 2011 · “The first class, there were hardly any students. By the second, people had an idea who he was and it was full. He was a year and a half older than me and he had written one novel, one poetry book and had three LPs. He already had his master’s from Johns Hopkins. What impressed me was the incredible range of literature he knew.

Balkinization: Stimson's Attack on the Gitmo Lawyers of these restrictions, forbidding legal services lawyers from making legal arguments against welfare “reform,” was subsequently found unconstitutional (Legal Services Corp. v. Velazquez, 531 U.S. 533 (2001)) – an important precedent when it comes to detainee issues, because it suggests that Military Commissions Act provisions ...

VanRamblings: August 2011 by brightly-coloured houses, cafés, book shops, and a laissez-faire attitude, and home to Schwartz's Deli (famous for its Montreal smoked meat), and a weekend street fair during the summer that sees extremely crowded streets, in 1997, Utne Reader rated it one of …

As Promised: My Perspective on the "Religious Freedom ... 03, 2014 · But I don’t honor that invidious distinction and the people making it, who for some time now have done everything in their power to pretend that 1) the racism defended by white Southerners did not cite the bible and religious warrants to prop itself up, 2) that insofar as that racism of those ignorant Southerners was religiously propped up, it has nothing to do with us reasonable and ...

The Mad Professah Lectures: 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 06, 2006 · This is a very good idea to boost voter participation: Arizona voters will vote in November on a voter initiative to award one million dollars to a single voter in every statewide election drawn at random.If enacted, it would be retroactive and apply to the November 2006 election. Interestingly, Arizona already has reasonably high voter turnout (by US standards): 60 percent of eligible voters ...

We Do Not Consent"This is an important collection of essays with a strong unitary theme: if you can't prove that you were elected, we can't take you seriously as elected officials. Simple, logical, comprehensive. 'Management' (aka, the 'powers that be') needs to get the message. 'The machines' are not legitimizers, they're an artful dodge and a path to deception.

Baby Love Child » Adam Herrman- homeschooled and gone Super Bowl Sunday in 1999, the year Adam Herrman went missing but no one reported it, one of his aunts says she saw the 11-year-old chained to a bathtub faucet at his Towanda mobile home. It looked like he had handcuffs on, said his aunt, Kim Winslow. Winslow, now 48, said it was the …

The Immoral Minority: Good news over a thousand women who ... 02, 2016 · Fannon, who is no longer the chief of police, has not spoken to the press either. Eric Croft, a former Alaska state representative who sponsored the 2000 legislation, told CNN that "I find it hard to believe that for six months a small town, a police chief, would lead the fight against a statewide piece of legislation receiving unanimous ...

Funeral Arrangements for Dorothy Height Announced by the ... 25, 2010 · 3 Responses to “Funeral Arrangements for Dorothy Height Announced by the National Council of Negro Women (w/Update)” I met Dorothy Height for the first time during the 100 year celebration of the NAACP this summer of 2009. I was a delegate, and had a break during the convention. I was visiting one of the vendors that sold ladies hats.

Kevin Powell: Funeral Sermon’s hard to imagine a world and a church without Dorothy, isn’t it? Like most of you I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact she’s died. After all, she’s been around this church since the beginning. She’s one of the signatories on the papers making Lutheran Church of …

Tarnished Lady: next morning, we trekked on up to a Mobil Gas Station. That's right. A Mobil Gas Station in Lee Vining's Tioga Pass, the gateway into Yosemite, purportedly has the best food for miles and miles around. We were first tipped off to this from peeps in Mammoth Lakes nearly 30 miles south. They said it was the only place to eat for great food.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Longman By-Election reason for that this was one of only two cases recently where Longman has supported Labor more than the national average. ... perhaps higher. A 65% One Nation flow off the 2016 result of 9.4% would change the 0.61% advantage to Lamb to a 1.41% disadvantage, for a 2.02% swing. ... This was the first poll to poll Susan Lamb's personal ...

Big Education Ape: Jul 11, 2013 first thing I noticed was that most of your books were practice-based, a great collection for someone who teaches in the secondary language arts field, and many of mine were about the bigger education stage, where practice meets policy, leadership and power.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 12/06/2015 - 12/13/2015 was warming up anyway (global warming, urban heat island, etc.), but the last 2 years have been amazing, and scary. Much of the bump was the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) warming up the waters of the eastern North Pacific, and thus warming up California, by proximity.

Their Words, Not Minehttps://theirwordsnotmine.blogspot.comI could see a small foot hanging from the teeth of my forceps. With a quick tug, I separated the leg. Precisely at that moment, I felt a kick – a fluttery “thump, thump” in my own uterus. It was one of the first times I felt fetal movement. There was a leg and foot in my forceps, and a …

Big Education Ape: May 12, 2012 - some of the news that doesn't fit: The death of the facts: IN L.A. PREGNANCY 'HOT SPOT,' AN ON-CAMPUS CLINIC smf at 4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit - 2 hours ago by smf for 4LAKids News A May 12 Capital Public Radio story by KCRW reporter Saul Gonzales begins: “Roosevelt High School in East Los Angeles has the only Planned Parenthood-funded family planning clinic in the ...

Paper: Fluorescent Bead-Based Multiplex Assay (For ... 16, 2011 · It should be noted that the above data are for a European test, thus the measurements will differ from an American Bb test. I tried to find Lyme disease tests directly from Luminex on their web site where they list all infectious disease test kits they provide, but Lyme disease is not one of them.They do, however, note that their spin-off company, Rules-Based Medicine (RBM), works on Lyme ...

February | 2017 | FiftyFourandAHalf posts published by Elyse during February 2017. It will come as no surprise that I would personally love to save the world.

Redeye's Front Page: RedEye's Weekly Rundown: What we know ... 09, 2014 · California was the first state to pass a law that allows schools to discipline students for online bullying (as well as offline). Recent court rulings in the UK has made it possible for ISPs be to be held liable for the content of sites that the ISP hosts making it likely that the ISPs will be monitoring hosted content much more vigilantly.

Althouse: Hey, I wrote the 11th Buzziest Blog Post of All ... 10, 2008 · Per Nerve. BTW: Amanda Marcotte is still buzzing about it. Without linking too, which causes the buzz to be underestimated. I'd probably...

You Can't Take "Intent" Out of "Discriminatory Intent" 27, 2017 · "This is a weblog that is truly welcome in blogtopia — a new blog doesn't seem to be frantically trying to score points for any party. That does NOT mean it's afraid to take a stand or be critical....You really can't predict exactly where The Debate Link will come down on all issues.

Nick's Govt Bloghttps://nicksgovtblog.blogspot.comTrouble in the Middle East is once again driving up gas prices. In USA Today's editorial, Mideast oil shock threatens U.S., again , they point out that this isn't the first time this has happened and that the US has promised to free itself from foreign oil dependency for four decades.An embargo by Arab oil companies in 1973, an Iran revolution in 1979, the Persian Gulf war in 1990 and 1991 ...

North Coast Voices: conflict of interest of interestGiven that local government is potentially the most corruptible of all three tiers of government in Australia, it comes as no surprise that transparency is still resisted though it is very disappointing to see Clarence Valley Council searching about for an excuse not to do the right thing. One of the risible objections to having Disclosures of Interest published online was that it would be ...

Jews sans frontieres Anti-Zionist blog of Mark Elf - browsing the media and posting as Levi9909

Property...Freedom...Peace: No Name Jive von Mises (1881-1973) was the greatest economist of my time. His greatest works can be accessed here a t no charge. ...

Circus Forticus: 2014 - Blogger next stop was the Columbia River Gorge. As we drove along through the national scenic area, the first waterfall we saw was Horsetail Falls. We stopped and walked around for a while, then continued on our merry way to the waterfall mother lode, Multnomah Falls, a two-part waterfall with a bridge going across where the two parts meet.

read my mind: Chavez, Venezuela, & Socialism channel said one guard suffered a burned hand when he tried to pick up one of the canisters, and a police officer posted outside was hit in the head by a hurled object and required stitches. Globovision broadcast video showing clouds of tear gas outside the building as employees ran for cover. Two workers were treated after inhaling tear gas.

TigerHawk - Blogger woman who was the former president of the Mothers Against Drunk Driving chapter in Gainesville has been arrested for drunk driving. She blew .234 vs. a legal limit of 0.08, which is a lot. A few months ago I bought myself a cop-grade breathalyzer and have occasionally taken it around with me to see what it takes to push me above the legal limit.

The Trouble With Max Baucus - 25, 2009 · Publius has a post about Max Baucus publicly embracing the public option. As Matt points out, this isn't news -- Baucus' early document supporting the public option as part of a good progressive health care package was one of the reasons people were optimistic about health care reform earlier this year.The trouble with Baucus isn't in his stated policy stances, …

Daleagogo: ALBUM REVIEW: BOMBINO - Nomad - Nomad (Nonesuch) Mesmerizing desert blues from the highly talented West African guitarist/singer's third album gets a little he...

AK-Sen: We Can’t Wait for the DSCC – Swing State 03, 2010 · Asked if he would have voted for national health care reform, McAdams paused for a full 10 seconds before replying, “Let’s see. One moment please.” Another 15 seconds of silence came next, before McAdams finally asked to hear the reporter’s next question.

Environmentalists demand that Africa starves ? Pagan Vigil ...'s one you may not have seen. The fight to end hunger is being hurt by environmentalists who insist that genetically modified crops cannot be used in Africa, Bill Gates, the billionaire founder of software giant Microsoft (), said on Thursday.Gates said GMO crops, fertilizer and chemicals are important tools -- although not the only tools -- to help small farms in Africa …

McCain vs. Napolitano in 2010? | Salon.com 19, 2008 · Salon Staff November 19, 2008 9:30PM (UTC) John McCain isn't done campaigning yet -- he's reportedly gearing up to run for re-election in 2010. His Senate campaigns have typically been relatively ...

With Bolton, Our National Nightmare of Trump Just Got Much 24, 2018 · They will get along but it will be in the manner of Svengali or Rasputin vs Trump, your choice. Bolton is a hundred times more intelligent than the "stable genius". He'll play Trump's narcissism and incompetence like a Strad in the hands of a Master. If the world survives Trump/Bolton it will be interesting to see if Pence keeps him on.

Mosley Wins Privacy Case, British Grannies Learn About S&M ... Mosley, Formula One racing chieftain and son of 1930s fascist Sir Oswald Mosley, just won his privacy case against News of the World, which had published details of a Nazi-flavored S&M party Mosley hosted.. Or, in News of the World’s original headline:. Mosley argued: … they had no right to go into private premises and take pictures and film of adults engaged in activities which …

Why American media won't touch the cartoons - Steve Gilliard a lot of minorities in Europe, not just Muslims, but Africans and Asians as well, there is the sense of being an outsider even when you try to fit in. You teach your kids the language, they root for the local sides, they go to the schools, but at the end of the day, you get a nice slap in the face by people who wish you would disappear.

Trump’s COVID-19 Power Grab | The Smirking— from Robert Reich's Blog. The utter chaos in America’s response to the pandemic – shortages of equipment to protect hospital workers, dwindling supplies of ventilators and critical medications, and jaw-dropping confusion over how the $2.2 trillion of aid in the recent coronavirus law will be distributed – was perhaps predictable in a nation that prides itself on competitive ...

September | 2010 | self serve(d)—the title of Nancy Ava Miller’s new book.Pervert: Notes from the Sexual Underground dives into the underbelly of the BDSM/fetish world as it existed for many in the 1980s and 90s: the desperation, the obsession, the intimacy, the gathering together of kinky souls in back alley clubs and support networks, the passion, the love.

The Freudian Petticoat: The Curse of the WereBear label features a man standing on what looks like a mountain at night. Clutching his head in his hands, feet planted apart, knees bent and leaning back in terror, he seems as if his head is either about to explode, or as if he's just been hit by the enormous rock suspended in the air in front of him, from which a pink light emanates.

The Immoral Minority: John Fugelsang obliterates Wal-Mart ... 10, 2013 · About $35,000 a year, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, sounds like a lot of money to little people like you and your welfare-cheating blog buddies, but Mittens spends $35,000 a year just to keep a standby car elevator running in his mansion in case the primary and backup elevators don't operate properly!

Piper at the Gates of Dawn: A Universal History of Infamy Universal History of Infamy After browsing my home book shelves this morning and slipping out a thin volume entitled "A Universal History of Infamy" by Borges I began paging through it. While everywhere there were depictions of scoundrels and murderers, I was never able to re-locate the page I had just read, a device that Borges himself used ...

The Rectification of Names: Jim DeMint, Insurance Fraud’s insurance rates will go up by almost $10,000 for him and his family. He fears that these higher premiums will harm his family, and jobs in his area: “When you take $10,000 out of my family’s pocket each year, that’s otherwise disposable income or retirement savings that will not be going into our local economy.” Indeed!

Morning Report 3/22/05Under the Revival Tent | The Village ... 22, 2005 · Judge turns down Bush regime’s heroic attempt to resuscitate itself. Terri Schiavo probably didn’t notice, but once again the courts have stepped in to try...

Santa Claus: Monster or Mercenary? - Queen of Spain 08, 2008 · Ok, maybe scared isn’t the right word. They can’t look at him, or talk to him, or go anywhere near him. But it’s not clear if they are scared or OVERWHELMED BY HIS GLORY. This means, aside from one photo when my son was 9-months old and I hadn’t thought through the chaos, my children have no pictures with Santa.

Civil Defense – Hopping Mad September 2017 – The always interesting and informed Rachel Hutcheson, of Irreverent Testimony, joined us for a mini-roundtable.Will, Rachael and I each brought a topic and we spent some time thinking out loud about them. Will started us off talking about climate change, in terms both of the hurricanes and fires currently razing huge swaths of the United States.

religion – Hopping Mad April 2016 – Arliss is on vacation for two weeks but we’ve decided to go ahead with the show. For a little fun Tom Cheevers of the Coffee Cast joined us, along with Tom and Rachel Hutchison of Irreverent Testimony.. Our frenetic roundtable conversation ran the fullest possible gamut from religion, to the chaos of the GOP primary, to terrorism and then to feminism.

The Wattree Chronicle: Cornel West Teams With Boyce Watkins 07, 2014 · Also of note is it seems the Cornel West has jilted Tavis Smiley for Boyce Watkins. West has left the radio show that he and Tavis co-hosted, and he didn’t even show up or extend a public congratulations after Tavis bought himself that $30,000 star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - and that’s not like West, who’s renown for being willing to sell a kidney for a …

Gubu-World: The Brady Reunion 09, 2010 · Thanks so much for your comment. Brady is one of the most common names in Cavan. I would be interested to know more. The three clans must be related at some distant stage. Thanks for stopping by and stay in touch. August 10, 2010 at 9:12 AM

Beyond the Air: December 2009 10, 2009 · During one of their brilliant fights last summer, the guy living there nearly drove his Jeep Cherokee through their sliding glass door. He got out of the vehicle yelling four-letter words at his... girlfriend? Wife? Baby mama? And I had half a mind to jump in his running vehicle and drive it to the 7-11 just to be funny.

The Rectification of Names: You gotta be a football hero?, with his 2.1, was pretty evidently one of those kids, a victim of the college's efforts to save itself with funds bilked out of the federal government, and he couldn't make it; no doubt he may have been on the JV team as a freshman in the fall of 1989, but Mark Leibovich's Times feature on Rubio and football from 2012 doesn't mention a scholarship and suggests a coach bringing …

SHAME ON YOU: Sarah Palin Strikes Back at ... - Flap's Blog 03, 2009 · It told the story of a family in a remote Alaskan town with no store and they had to use a snowmobile for a nearly two hour drive to the nearest store where like a gallon of milk is ten dollars…..cheese is like fifteen dollars ect….THIS IS WHY people DEPEND on the moose and caribou for food….IT WAS WRITTEN UP IN A LIBERAL NEWSCOLUMN/PAPER ...

Daily Weather Briefing for Thursday, August 29, 2019 ... 29, 2019 · For a quicker response, send me a message on Twitter or add me to a circle on Google Plus and send it just to me. If you have been sending me press releases via my private email address, that will continue to work just fine. The Twitter or Google+ account will get my attention quicker.

The Immoral Minority: White House economic advisor, who ... 08, 2017 · The sharp critique from Mr. Trump’s top economic adviser, Gary D. Cohn, came nearly two weeks after deadly violence in Charlottesville, Va., in response to a rally led by white nationalist groups. Mr. Cohn, who is Jewish, seriously considered resigning and even drafted a letter of resignation, according to two people familiar with the draft.

A Piece Of My Mind: Kung Writes To Bishops: Calls For Reform Call for a council: Just as the achievement of liturgical reform, religious freedom, ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue required an ecumenical council, so now a council is needed to solve the dramatically escalating problems calling for reform.

susan the bruce: Time For A Divorce line – a large segment of the nation voted for a dull-witted reality TV star with an incredibly embarrassing hair style at the last presidential election. A nation that once praised the virtues of statesmanship, went in the opposite direction, and chose a leader who is …

One Nevada gun shop is offering a sale on assault rifles ... 06, 2016 · "Pre-Hillary sale. Don't wait! Prices will skyrocket after Crooked Hillary gets in." Vegas armory ad in Adelson News. Wow! And...surrender...

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ... hardly an isolated case. Across the globe, residents of small island states such as Kiribati, the Maldives, and the Bahamas have been displaced by rising sea levels. In the Marshall Islands, flooding, sea-level rise, and the intrusion of saltwater into freshwater supplies have forced many people to migrate, according to a recent report.

The curse of Rush Limbaugh spreads to Clear Channel ... 04, 2013 · Rush has been losing market share for several years as the "Angry White Man" format loses popularity. Limbaugh also appeals to a lot of oldsters, who obviously represent a declining demographic. Besides those two factors, Limbaugh's outright lies and desperate grabs for the spotlight are starting to wear pretty thin.

Firefox version 52 is intrusive • mozillaZine 27, 2017 · Ironically even logging in here was a pain as the insecure password window was in my way. If there is no way to stop this overt censorship and intrusiveness in version52 how can I as a non- geek go back to a version that does not police my browsing. I do not want to use Google Chrome, I don't like google, and the reason I use Firefox..

Humint Events Online: The President Is a Russian Agent 15, 2019 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

Commissioner of Public Lands | Majority an e-mail sent out today by the Peter Goldmark for Public Lands Commissioner, Goldmark states: “We always knew this was going to be a close election.As of 3:30pm today, we have 50.89% of the votes.

illusory tenant: Van Hollen voids all pre-1901 law in ... 15, 2011 · Yeah, Van Hollen has gone in my estimation from a too conservative, but reasonably competent lawyer, to a fool who is willing to undermine the law for a stubborn, dishonest college drop-out. 10:09 PM, March 28, 2011 Burls said... This saga becomes more unbelievable and more hilarious day by day. \love your blog, IT. 10:40 PM, March 28, 2011

SB 5513 | Majority in support of SB 5513 – the Tax Exemption Transparency and Accountability Act. Washington State Senate Ways and Means Committee, Jan. 18, 2018. Steve Zemke – Tax Sanity Thank you for this opportunity to testify on this legislation. This is the fifth year this bill has been before you and each year it picks up additional support.

Kazakhstan Cyber War News Monitoring Service & Press ... and its rapidly emerging role as a global conduit. It has been aptly said that in development economics, more than a scorecard of passive data and numbers, the true story is best perceived by naked human eyes.

July 2016 – Maryann Writes that Drama Camp is over, I hope to get back to a regular schedule of blogging soon, but first I have to take time out for a toothache, a quick trip to Houston to see my sister who is ill, and the continuing battle with that nasty Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.

Texas To Put Web Cameras On Mexican Border | Mirror On America 03, 2006 · Texas To Put Web Cameras On Mexican Border This is the dumbest idea that I have heard of in a long time.Listen to audio report here. Texas wants to put hundreds of cameras on its border with Mexico, hoping that will somehow stem the flow of illegal immigration.

Sex Offender Court Decisions: 05/01/2015 - 06/01/2015 Puerto Rico, Oklahoma, Florida: USA v Del Valle-Cruz Defendant Carlos Manuel Del Valle-Cruz ("Del Valle-Cruz") was sentenced to twenty-one months in prison and seven years of supervised release after pleading guilty to one count of failing to register as a sex offender. By our count, the third time Del Valle-Cruz has been convicted of failing to register since his 1997 sex ...

Exaggerators, Manipulators and Arrogant Liars - Who said ... imagine some will even accuse the Judge of anti-Semitism. But assuming for a moment that he was right, we should, as a community, be embarrassed by this ruling. It involved not just the looney fringe but central figures in the community, who have been branded exaggerators, manipulators and arrogant liars.

thus spake drake: The end of everything 08, 2005 · As far as the soundtrack goes, this week's will definitely be remembered for the final montage with the song "Breathe Me" by Sia (remembered most for a Zero 7 appearance.) It was requested several times and played on KEXP this AM, and I understand it's association with the final scene has made it a downloaded sensation today.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: All Jacked UP? comments on NHL players are probably designed to move the NHL more in line with his wishes for a comprehensive drug strategy for athletes. At the moment the NHL policy is for players are subjected to a minimum of two drug tests a year without warning. A first-time offender would receive a …

retraction | Start Thinking Right 14, 2010 · HARTFORD, Conn. – A black man who went on a shooting rampage at a beer distributor calmly told a 911 operator that it was “a racist place” and that he “handled the problem” but wished he had shot more people. Omar Thornton called 911 after shooting 10 co-workers — eight fatally — on Tuesday morning at Hartford Distributors Inc.

read my mind: Is Orwell Dead? Big Brother Isn't! (Part 4) is what happened to society during the attention-grabbing Fundamental Transformation of America stage and other false flag operations thrown in for good measure: The news and advertising became 3-minute YouTubes, planted propaganda by anyone with the means and money to turn them out.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: Independent minyan gossip column #1 minyan gossip column #1 Mah Rabu's attempt to enumerate the independent minyanim of New York City fell short by at least two. The list should be expanded to include two minyanim that (unlike everything on the list so far) are neither in Manhattan nor in …

Rumors Likely True: Cincinnati's HUC Probably Closing 26, 2009 · Today's Enquirer reports what many have been saying: that financial problems will likely lead Hebrew Union College to close its historic Cincinnati campus. HUC also operates in New York, Los Angeles and Jerusalem. Students quoted in the story complain that the Cincinnati campus houses valuable archives and provides a cheaper cost of living than the coasts.

Wet Casements: More Incivility Now, Please kind of hospitality is owed to a fascist in your restaurant? On the other hand, is it hospitable for a restaurant owner to subject her immigrant employees to a person who refers to immigrants as an 'infestation,' as Trump has?" This is basically a logic two-for-one. By definition no, you don't owe fascists or racists your civility.

Half Empty: Perry Names Academically Unacceptable To Head ... 02, 2007 · He holds to a very radical ideology in education. This is the guy who advocates for specialists in their field to come in to the classroom and teach their specialty to junior and senior high school children without the benefit of any training at all in classroom management and pedagogy.

Oh Well: A Commentary: More Bush White House game of ... 11, 2007 · This is off the New York Times: WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 — President Bush has decided to name Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus as the top American military commander in Iraq, part of a broad revamping of the military team that will carry out the administration’s new Iraq strategy, administration officials said Thursday.

Convention center hotel clears another hurdle | is just for the sake of argument and I appreciate #9 raising the question. But it does not matter anyway. This project was ruled not to be a Convention Center Hotel according to any meaningful, traditional use of the term. If it applied to any hotel in proximity to the CC then the Hampton Inn would be so considered. It was not.

The Myth of Hookup Culture | BroadBlogs 23, 2015 · Sure these women do dress as if they want a casual hookup, but a majority of the women were actually looking for a dedicated relationship. I think this is one of the main reasons why boys are so exited to go to a 4 year college, because they think their gonna hookup with so many girls.

GEORGE BUSH SCRIPTED by ED WOOD? WAS 2005 JUST … was one of only 400 Americans to survive the invasion of Tarawa, where 3,600 Americans were killed. Mr. Wood had his front teeth knocked out in hand-to-hand combat with an enemy soldier at Tarawa, then served as a G-2 intelligence agent in the South Pacific until he was machine-gunned and one of his legs became gangrenous.

Tenured Radical: The Radical Did Not Go Out With Elena ... 01, 2010 · It's a bit like having a mink living in your house, but it's my house, and so far I have been startled but not offended. SallieParker: My research is good, but perhaps I have a flawed notion of what a parochial school is. Xavier is a Catholic school, and in my day we called them all parochial schools, but perhaps Protestant ignorance.

read my mind: Social Engineering - Really? (Part 2) 27, 2017 · In one penetration test, Nickerson used current events, public information available on social network sites, and a $4 Cisco shirt he purchased at a thrift store to prepare for his illegal entry. The shirt helped him convince building reception and other employees that he was a Cisco employee on a technical support visit.

The Immoral Minority: Militia members plan to form a human ... 04, 2014 · 12:03 & 4:52- you guys are clueless just so you know. I lived in a border area for over 20 years. It is usually pretty obvious. And by the way, the mexican-americans in these places are often way more harsh against the illegals than the white folks, I know that doesn't fit with your agendas that whitey just has to be evil and racist, but it is the truth.

Religion - ventrellaquest.com 21, 2019 · Posts about Religion written by Michael A. Ventrella. Every example Fox News gives for a “War on Christmas” always boils down to something like “They won’t let us force kids to sing our religious songs!” or “They say ‘Happy Holidays’ which acknowledges that not everyone is a Christian and therefore they are attacking us!” or “They are refusing to allow us to use taxpayer ...

Britain and America: Joseph Loconte: Anti-Americanism and ... Loconte is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a commentator on religion for National Public Radio. Restrained praise is in order for the BBC’s Radio 4 series on anti-Americanism called “Death to America.” The...

Private Property | Hopeful Episcopalian: because hope ... of the things that, in my opinion, have shocked the 1% is the proud claim “We are the 99%!” They’re confused – the meme is that everyone should want to be the 1% and if you’re not there, well it’s not only your fault but you should be striving for that particular gold ring.

BarrenAlbion: Scarred 23, 2007 · A good male friend of mine got married in November to a wonderful woman. Soon after he proposed they were going to start trying. When he told me this I was approaching IVF #1, pissed off that I had reached that point at the age of 27, and convinced it would never work since all the Clomid and 4 injectible IUI cycles had been a complete waste of ...

Migra Matters: They’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught is definitely not your father’s scouting program, but it’s still a huge hit with parents. ... You've got to be carefully taught! ... Like many Arizona border teens, Cory realizes that the Border Patrol is one of the best career options available to him. The median annual household income around Naco, Arizona, is $26,143 — that’s 30 ...

The Candid Blogger: May 2010 Candid Blogger, like Clark Kent, fights for Truth, Justice and the American Way. Not unlike Perry White's The Daily Planet, this Blog is dedicated to presenting the …

Mo Rage: An open letter to conservatives, I don't think for a minute that many--any?--people will read all of this but it's all very true, by my way of thinking. So much so that, if you go to the original link--again, at bottom--you will see that each line (accusation?) has a link to a source proving what Mr. King wrote. So please don't claim that any of …

The Debate Link: 11/10/2013 - 11/17/2013 15, 2013 · It is unsurprising that the "blame the Jews" phenomenom would eventually come a full circle. The idea that the entire idea of a "Jew" is a myth is hardly new -- anyone who has seen a "Black Israelite" on a street corner is familiar with the trope, but it has gotten some new life recently with the publication of Shlomo Sand's The Invention of the Jewish People.

Cele|bitchy | Sarah Palin falls for radio prank call, says ... 02, 2008 · The more I listen to this tape the more amazed I am that Palin truly doesn’t realize a prank call. I get that in some of the more unbelievable parts she just doesn’t understand what he’s said, due to his accent, or thinks she couldn’t have heard him right, but even I could hear the obvious.

Obama's VP | I have often hoped Richardson would be the next Secretary of State, I think his gentle intelligent personality matches Obama's nicely if he were chosen as VP. He can also be tough as nails though. His negotiation capabilities are already proven. I doubt Edwards wants to be VP, but they say anyone who is asked feels obliged.

An IDF officer destroys a libel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News 27, 2015 · One of the Brigade 7 regiments was rushed south from the northern front, with the ammo its tanks carried. On the 14th of January 2009 (third week of the operation), one of the regiment's tanks, whose commander never served in Gaza and was unaware flechettes were not to be used in Gaza, fired three rounds at Hamas Gunmen.

No one cares what I think: November 2009 17, 2009 · If you want, you can also read about my Best Post-Golden Age Hip Hop albums.. So that's been my decade. If you are interested in sampling any of these artists, I would suggest signing up at, because it's the most accessible, it can track the songs you listen to on your iPod automatically, and to my knowledge there is no limit on the number of listens you can have.

The Whited Sepulchre: 2/8/09 - 2/15/09 it's how to care for these 14 children that has so many concerned right now. And even more, from The Pasadena Star-News! The birth of octuplets to a Whittier woman could spur the creation of new state laws regulating in vitro fertilization.

As Casual As It Getshttps://ascasualasitgets.blogspot.comAs I understand the situation the issue started off not being about getting "married" per say but more as wanting a way for a couple to be able to have many of the same rights as a married couple. From the information I have been able to find should a couple be together in all but a handful of states and should one of them fall seriously ill ...

The Whited Sepulchre: 7/24/11 - 7/31/11 30, 2011 · The Whited Sepulchre at 7:53 AM No comments: Email This BlogThis! ... but it solves problems for the elite few who run the government printing presses. Therefore, the elite few are going to run the shit out of the government printing presses. ... but also to a book Kevin Cloud, who is a pastor, church planter, and... 2 days ago Skeptical Eye.

Professor Kurgman, PhD., PhD., PhD.: October 2006 04, 2006 · 650 economists cannot be wrong, especially when they are affiliated with institutions as prestigious as Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia University, University of California – Berkeley, and the AFL-CIO.. My estimate is that this represents maybe one thousand PhDs, if not more. And they all agre

Meta Watershed: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, LIZA! 12, 2007 · For a "genealogy" of the main characters, look at this graphic. To see the map of "their" Seattle, click on this. For a floorplan of their beach house near Galveston, check here. For the floorplan of their second house, after 2013, look here.

palingates: Sarah Palin sweats 08, 2009 · Of course, America has a loooong tradition of celebrities who've made a career out of appearing "sexy" to certain people, but this fictional, fake Lothario wasn't one of them. And IMHO, SP shouldn't be one of them, either: Being POTUS calls for …

palingates: Sarah Palin's "wild ride": Child endangerment ..., my situation is slightly different as I was planning on flying to a wedding one day, and returning the next. Wanting to get a second opinion, and make sure that Kaiser was not overreacting to prevent a potential lawsuit I sent email to my father-in-law who is a retired general practitioner.

kingston progressive: ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: ARIZONA 11, 2010 · This is similar to the theory that you can not be charged with DWI alone, you must first be pulled over for something else (eg. speeding). Now if we compare this with enforcement practice of Federal ICE Agents who can roll up on any job site and start asking for papers based on the appearance of the individual and the fact that they are working ...

A pic of a burning Koran for Ramadan - The Donald ... wasn't around from the very beginning. I started as a Lion Ted supporter, then was converted. I was around since about the Summer of 2016. So I don't know what it was like before that. This isn't a good idea. I'd understand if this was posted as a FU response to a recent event, but it isn't. This is a bad idea for a Trump rally.

predatory | Drowning in Junk Mail | Page 4 is just one of the ways I am using the freebies that came with the junk mail to help me stop it. It is time to check everyone’s ID, because the 2 in 1 day club is open! It has been a while since I have gotten 2 mailpices from 1 group in one day.

Proposed TRICARE Fee Increases Target Retirees 15, 2012 | Terry Howell The following Military Officers Association of America article details the White House’s proposed TRIC...

Sky Island Scriber: How Trump could steal the election, in 2020, it’s widely accepted that Trump and his co-conspirators will attempt to subvert the election in his favor. Here are Trump’s Five Simple Tricks for Stealing the Election explained by Michael Tomasky at the Daily Beast. Sure, he could use ordinary cheating to eke out another narrow Electoral College win and popular vote loss.

What Todd Akin Really Meant | The Great Spot 25, 2012 · "There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially …

Keith Olbermann's Ego needs Diversions 14, 2011 · This is a work of fiction While this blog purports to represent the views of Keith Olbermann's ego (and Katy Tur's ego too for that matter) all blog entries are a work of fiction, unless what it is written does indeed turn out to be true in which case consider it just a lucky guess.

Hurricane Maria | Messaging Matters Trump‘s approval numbers — as low as 32 percent — are the worst ever for a president at this point in his term. Likewise, Trump’s handling of the hurricanes this season dropped 20 points to just 44 percent after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and, instead of focusing on helping the people there (who are Americans), Trump took to the golf course and then criticized them.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The NY Times ... 10, 2007 · This is completely irresponsible journalism. The latest indications, including new revelations over the last few days, lend strong support to the suspicion that the Bush administration is intensifying its preparations for a military confrontation with Iran. The emotional and psychological impact of Gordon's story is glaringly obvious -- if ...

Watergate Summer: Ted Kennedy has died....The Lion is gone... man is passed and it may seem a champion is lost. I think Ted would have told you, that you and I, and them who have care and concern for our fellow man are the lions. His was a voice, a single voice. Remember nurse, nature abhors a vacuum, and someone with a voice will be sucked into that vacuum same as Ted was. 6:58 AM

Apparent Dip: Jul 27, 2007 author of the article was not trying to get some slice of the proceeds from the sale of the book, mainly just the proper acknowledgment that he was responsible for a great deal of the contents. He pursued the issue with the publisher and got responses from both the publisher and one of the authors.

Democracy for New Mexico: April Richardson will meet with constituents in his Albuquerque office from 2:30 to 5:30 PM –on a first-come, first-served basis. The Albuquerque office is located on the second floor of the Bank of the West Building at the corner of Central Avenue and San Mateo Boulevard SE in Albuquerque. No prior appointment is necessary.

jgsf1987: July 2013 say what I think. ? ?????? ??? ?????., pub-2414099054064071, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Apparent Dip: Mike Slackenerny, Ph.D.? has been one of my favorites for years, it appeared regularly in the student paper at my graduate institution, and the online archives got me through one overnight mercenary shift on an ion probe blasting zircons. Today's comic shows regular character Mike Slackenerny turning in his …

Big Bad Bald Bastard: An Invisible Plane, Like You See in ... 09, 2017 · Via America's most beloved misanthrope, we have the bizarre ramblings of a senile man about cutting-age military hardware: The Navy, I can tell you, we're ordering ships, with the Air Force i can tell you we're ordering a lot of planes, in particular the …

The AntiCentenarianhttps://anticentenarian.blogspot.comThis morning in Iraq a group of Sunni militants attacked an ancient Shiite temple in Samara, causing masstive damage.Thousands of Shiites are protesting, and Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has declared 3 days of mourning for the destruction caused to the beautiful, golden-domed structure, which containes tombs of two descendents of Muhammad.

No More Mister Nice Blog: IVANKA, QUICK! CHANGE THE … 04, 2016 · Pence's job is going to be presenting the coherent, focus-grouped GOP case against Hillary Clinton, the one that the presidential nominee would have been delivering for a year if Trump hadn't won. (If you have "emails," "Benghazi," or "Clinton Foundation" in tonight's drinking game, choose a designated driver now.)

PERSPECTIVES-ANOTHER WAY TO VIEW: February 2012 believe an aversive tactic and it may 'scare us straight' for a moment in time but over the long haul, it's usually ineffective. In his exuberance, he's revealed way too much about bedroom behavior between spouses and partners and frames it in such a way that certain acts have been deemed okay by the medical establishment.

We Are The Hideous Mutant Offspring of Mitch McConnell ...https://hideousmutantoffspringofmitchmcconnell.wordpress.comNow that the rapture has been postponed until October, I guess GOP fatcat KY Sen. David Williams will be conceding in the fall to Gov. Steve Beshear…although it seems like Beshear will probably join him in the Hereafter, given the Guvner’s passion for spending public tax money on Creationland.

No Right Turn: A good idea 11, 2016 · "But just across in Australia, they've been doing that since 2012 for companies over 100, so not like a weird idea." I agree. Public information - and the public pressure that results from it - is one of the best ways to force employers to obey the law.

SAY HELLO TO SPRING WITH AMAZING SAVINGS - Pleternica a city that complains about being broke so much, it doesn't seem like anyone's had any trouble securing flights to tropical locations this month.We're only a little salty, no really, because we know that you don't have to leave NYC to celebrate spring break.If you're finding your wallet a little, uh, light after your vacay festivities, we've found an app that'll help get you back on track ...

When should we believe social science findings ..., I don’t believe any single study or paper, and a I wait to see if there is confirmation across research groups, methodologies, and samples before believing any research. This is true in social science and in other sciences as well.

Matterdays: Okay, okay ... the Nuns/Cobblestones joke ... perfection of this joke while I was in Columbus: My friend Linda was driving me and our friend Todd to a farmers' market for lunch, and didn't know the best way to get there from the office, so she kept asking Todd which exits, etc. to take ... and at one point mentioned, "I've never come this way before".

WTF Is It Now?!?: Joe Lieberman a worldclass douchebag 11, 2009 · Much as I hate to say it, it seems like the Dems ARE the party that's most representative of the US public -- and not in a good way! Just like the cliché 'fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me', the US public elected Nixon, Reagan, & W TWICE, now similarly the 'New Dems' give guys like Lieberman a 2nd chance after he virtually ...

Amanda Marcotte defends Rolling Stone: ‘Tsarnaev *is ... 17, 2013 · Earlier today, Rolling Stone’s editors claimed their decision to put a Tiger Beat-esque Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover was born out of a desire to adhere to the “traditions of journalism.”

Why Mindfulness Is Important for Children | CareDash is also a great time to support them in developing kindness and a big heart,” said Price. Some simple mindfulness activities to try with children include: Progressive muscle relaxation: Help your child tense and then untense each muscle in their body, working their way from feet to head. This helps your child gain more control over ...

Resist Suppression of Voting Power [RSVP] Public Group ... Officials in DeKalb County, Georgia are the latest to say they're considering a plan to send absentee ballot applications to all voters for the November general election. DeKalb, in the Atlanta suburbs, is the fourth-largest county in the state and is home to a Black majority.

Watch List – Survival File is the list of sites I check every day. If I put a site on the watch list, it's because I think it's important to watch. That's it. I DO NOT NECESSARILY AGREE WITH EVERY SITE OR ORGANIZATION LISTED HERE. PUTTING A LINK ON THE WATCH LIST DOES NOT MEAN I ENDORSE IT -

Chris King's First Amendment Page: Forensic Professional ... McKay terrorized those he did not like, and his wife got a TRO on him and moved to a safe house around the time she gave birth to their only child. I am a former Law Enforcement attorney and this case stinks, that is why two lawyers are now suing the town and a former town selectmen admitted that Bruce McKay was out of control and not ...

Beach Eats: Sybarites Visit the Provinces ... is definitely a one-dish kinda place. I've been there before and they do have other great-sounding dishes on their menu but the memory of the ravioli lingers as I enter the restaurant. There's another place in West Haven,CT called Lorenzo's, where I can only order eggplant parm as they are the …

Operation must use an updateable query-- Access Error 12, 2016 · Operation must use an updateable query excel spreadsheet using I think it is some sort of permission issue or something to do with the jet engine but I have tried everything I can think of. This generally means that the ASPNet user does not have the correct ("change") permissions to sav...

McCain will reinstate Draft (health care, generation 21, 2008 · Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. After you create your account, you'll be able to customize options and access all our 15,000 new posts/day with fewer ads.

No More Mister Nice Blog: THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT 01, 2019 · Headline in The New York Times a little more than a week before the 2016 election: Headline in the Times on March 24 of this year, after the release of the attorney general's summary of the Mueller report: Now compare the headlines at the Times, The Washington Post, and NPR at this moment, after the release of the White House transcript of President Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: For Fathers' Day, a Meditation on ... 08, 2018 · First of all, here's wishing a happy Fathers' Day to all of the dads out there. Have an excellent day and be excellent. Masculinity has been a hot topic in the news these days, with a 'crisis of masculinity' being cited for, among other things, a recent spate of mass shootings by men.The so-called Men's Rights Movement, while citing dubious statistics about how men have it worse than women ...

The Citizens: Axis of Evilishness 01, 2010 · Axis of Evilishness So there's a typically brain-dead article in the National Review about Obama's West Point speech. In this article, the author says that Obama is speaking of a new internationalist order "on the heels of failures" in Iran and North Korea.

WTF Is It Now?!?: GOPukes, freetards drag child through mud 10, 2007 · Here are the facts that the right-wing distorted in order to attack Graeme Frost: 1. Graeme has a scholarship to a private school. The school costs $15K a year, but the family only pays $500 a year. 2. His sister Gemma attends another private school to help her with the brain injuries that occurred due to her accident.

December 2018 ~ European-American blog 05, 2018 · Differences in wealth are the result, to a small extent, of aptitude and effort, but much more the result of social class, family wealth and above all: luck. 2. There is no (anthropomorphic) deity, no super-brain which decided at some point in the past to create a world.

With Malice Toward None --------- by Lee Harris: January is a common sight here in my little town, as are also the shoeshine men, basket sellers, confetti filled egg sales ladies and food vendors in and around the square and, there are all the extremely talented craftsmen selling numerous original and handmade treasures along the Paseo, a small "alley" connecting the square with a neighboring ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: This Time, It's Truly Personal 02, 2019 · Big Bad Bald Bastard The Big Bad Bald Bastard is a character played by Monsieur _____ of the City of Y_____. The role of the Bastard is a handy one to play on subways, walking the streets, and in dive-bars, when being a nerdy, bookish sort is not to one's advantage.

Balkinization: Why Tamanaha's "This Time is Different ... Tamanaha's post today expresses deep skepticism about the predictive value of the article "The Economic Value of a Law Degree."Unfortunately, his caution about extrapolation is mainly reserved for academic work he disagrees with. For Tamanaha, the prophets of lawyers' doom are far more credible than this empirical study.

M O B J E C T I V I S T: Dispersive Natural Gas Discoveries 06, 2007 · As a follow-up to the last post on the Dispersive Discovery model, I decided to apply the same technique to US Natural Gas discoveries. As background, I found a few references which said "The United States has proved gas reserves estimated (as of January 2005) at about 192 trillion cubic feet (tcf)" and from NETL this:U.S. natural gas produced to date (990 Tcf) and proved reserves currently ...

Keith Olbermann's Ego: Jossip. Again. 28, 2008 · This is a work of fiction While this blog purports to represent the views of Keith Olbermann's ego (and Katy Tur's ego too for that matter) all blog entries are a work of fiction, unless what it is written does indeed turn out to be true in which case consider it just a lucky guess.

DN Speak: 2/8/09 - 2/15/09 bill also mentions a National Coordinator for Health Information, but not new a new position; it has been in existence for years already. There is nothing in the bill about dictating anything to anyone or rationing health care. That was all made up to scare you. The false claims are funded by big pharmaceutical lobbyists.

Halfway There: Majority rule's not the "bigger picture," Anonymous. That's actually the prelude to a series of religious wars. Let's put the 86% "religious" majority in an arena to thrash out whose "one true religion" is really the one while the 14% non-religious sit in the bleachers and have popcorn. 2/25/2011 9:44 PM

Keith Olbermann's Ego: April 2011 14, 2011 · Keith Olbermann's Ego got Katy Tur an agent (his own) and a job at WNBC-TV in New York City, the number one media market in the nation, despite her overwhelming lack of a) talent, b) experience, and c) gratitude as evidenced in this twitter post from Katy Tur's ego.

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails Tor is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to.. In order to use the WikiLeaks public submission system as detailed above you can download the Tor Browser Bundle, which is a Firefox-like browser available for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux and pre-configured to connect using the ...

Social Commerce IQ Retail 2013 | Pinterest | Digital ... this pageMeanwhile, Facebook continues to evolve to a Marketing Platform versus a social commerce play involving brand pages. Overall, Facebook engagement on Facebook brand pages was down 27% from 4.1% last year as measured by Talking About This/ Brand Likes. This decrease in brand engagement is being fueled by an exponential increase in shared stories overall and brands have not invested in …

Talking to Tango: March 2010 the assassination of JFK on 11/22/63 you have been kept in the dark and fed horseshit. This is the recipe for growing mushrooms, not so good for growing a real democracy. As voters and citizens it is not possible to make informed decisions made on false information. …

Why don’t Americans protest? | Instant Beans 20, 2011 · It only takes 1 brave person, one straw on the camels back and a little bit of organization. I think we are ready… I think it just needs the right person giving it a good push. I am just not brave enough to start it, but I would definitely join it. (and maybe people like me are the biggest problem of all)

Wild Chihuahuas: AZ's SB 1108: Thought Control for the ... 04, 2008 · We are eenie-meany-mighty stealth fighters, and we love good things to chew on. We are progressives. Arizona, border and immigration issues, GLBT human rights, and important US Far Right, corporatist, and theocratic or police state developments are among our special interests, along with Green Things, polymer clay art, Dobermans, Chihuahuas, and the life of Pico and his pals.

DuChaussée News Network: January 2009 29, 2009 · In return, the "island caretaker" will be expected to stroll the white sands, snorkel the reef, take care of "a few minor tasks" -- and report to a global audience via …

Global Wahrman: Diplomatic Protocol for Asgardians and ... 12, 2016 · The student of alien relations must notice that the various races and civilizations of the MCU are generally not very diplomatic. They seem to enthusiastically shoot at one another, invade across dimensional portals, fly around in speeder cars shooting arrows, throwing rocks, and dropping cities on innocent tax payers.

The Banterer: May 2009 09, 2009 · THE BANTERER My interests lie in creating a better society and a better world. They do go hand in hand and we must all keep this in mind. As George Soros said, "There is a reality beyond our will and we must respect it if we want to succeed." View my complete profile

Sonia Sotomayor is Obama's Pick for SCOTUS - Progress Pond 26, 2009 · President Obama hasn’t disappointed with his selection for the Supreme Court. Sonia Sotomayor was raised in public housing in the South Bronx. She graduated at the top of her class at Princeton and worked as an editor of the Law Review at Yale. She was originally nominated as a District Judge in a reciprocal deal […]

Critique: Trump Just Started an Unwinnable Trade War 09, 2018 · Trump just started an unwinnable trade war is an editorial article published in LA Times written by the Times Editorial Board. The Times’ editorial board is conformed by serious, educated and specialized members. Their intended audience is diverse, but mostly adults.

What Powderfinger Said . . . Observations on Life in the ... Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan has leaked another 300 tons of radioactive water into the soil. You will not believe how much radioactive water has been released into the ocean and into the ground there since the 2011 tsunami. It is staggering. Scientists don't really know what the long-term effects of , but – surprise!

Sarah Palin doesn't believe in coincidences - Who are the ... 11, 2010 · Sarah Palin doesn't believe in coincidences. She wrote these words in Going Rogue and repeated them in her speech at College of the Ozarks in Missouri. Starting from the premise that there are no coincidences in Sarah Palin's world, let's …

Palin Tells Rush Limbaugh: The Media Wants Me to Shut Up ... on Rush Limbaugh's radio show this afternoon, Gov. Sarah Palin talked about her relationship with the national media. RUSH: This is an attempt by the media to make you stop being who you are. What it means is, they're really worried about the effectiveness that you have. PALIN: Well, yeah, I guess that message is they do want me to sit down and shut up.

Mo Rage: Americans, on our own wealth "Mother Jones" magazine: "A Harvard business professor and a behavioral economist recently asked more than 5,000 Americans how they thought wealth is distributed in the United States.Most thought that it’s more balanced than it actually is. Asked to choose their ideal distribution of wealth, 92% picked one that was even more equitable."

Following The Fractured Future Of The Wink Sink 02, 2010 · Following The Fractured Future Of The Wink Sink Just two months ago I went on a private tour of the 2nd Wink Sink Hole . I received a call from my private tour guide informing me that some new developments have developed.

Why Should I Care If a Terrorist Was Tortured? – Page 04, 2009 · (This is one of the primary motivations behind Spain’s Judge Garzon’s attempt to go after torturers in America.) At the same time, information elicited by torture led our intelligence agencies to believe that Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein were working together – and that Saddam was preparing to share his weapons of mass destruction with them.

Bodrum Ferryboat 2013 Timetable & Price - Travel Turkey 25, 2013 · There’s a Kos-Bodrum-Kos Daily ferry called the Maria Star .. which is aimed at day trippers from Kos, visiting Bodrum. Their ferry going back to Kos, leaves Bodrum at 5pm. This is a small family run ferry, and I think it only takes passengers, not cars.

Newsletter: Day 1 of Roberts Hearings November 12, 2006 12, 2005 · Previous books are The War on Choice and Behind Every Choice Is a Story. Vanity Fair magazine named Gloria one of America's "top 200 women legends, leaders, and trailblazers". Glamour magazine honored her as Woman of the Year. She was one of Women's e-News' 2007 "21 Leaders for the 21st Century".

palingates: Sarah Palin, same old words, two different ... 12, 2011 · Sarah Palin did three interviews yesterday. Between 9 and 11 am (Alaska time) she talked to Megyn Kelly on America Live , where she bashed...

No More Mister Nice Blog 04, 2006 · So I understand that O.J. Simpson's interviewer on Fox will be Judith Regan, who'll also publish his book through her publishing imprint (which, like Fox, is part of a Murdoch company, HarperCollins). I seem to recall that a guy named Bernie got that same package a few years ago -- both a Regan book and a Fox TV special hosted by Regan. That arrangement was, er, not strictly business.

Le Buzz | Printculture 11, 2014 · An article in Le Monde supplies background to the latest French best-seller, a work of cultural polemics that whines about the eclipse of “la vieille France,” bemoans the rise of feminism and makes excuses for Vichy. The purpose of this sad amalgam, which apparently pleases enough people that it is close to outselling Modiano, the recent Nobel laureate, is to make respectable the positions ...

Why is the left so worried about Palin when Pelosi is the ... 13, 2009 · Classic smoke and mirrors.This is a Truly sad time for this great country that we live in.We have a media in this country that feels that they don`t have a responsibility to report the news accurately,only what falls in line with their agendas.How can anyone that claims to have morals and decency allow this to continue,much less take pride in it and promote it.While the left is savoring ...

Blog Posts - Labor sight was so disgusting that people everywhere were ready to drop an H-bomb on Lower Manhattan and bayonet the survivors. But today that same insane greed ethos, that same belief in the lunatic pursuit of instant borrowed millions – it's dusted itself off, it's had a shave and a shoeshine, and it's back out there running for president."

America’s National Security Schizophrenia: Damning Russia ... is no stronger example of the schizophrenic nature of American foreign policy toward Russia than comparing statements written in the formal National Security Strategy (NSS) of President Obama with actual testimony given by the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

Occupy It: Don't Shove Your Religion Down My Throat many of you have been told, the abuse you are going through is gods plan? Really what your abusive god wants for my life. Hell ...

LAND In $LOVE : 12/1/05 - 1/1/06 29, 2005 · Once, not so long ago, America was a country of noble principles and aspiring wisdom when it's spirit operated on the notion of great ideals unhindered by the crass pursuit of money.

THE NEWS BLOG pay dispute highlights one of the realities of the private military industry’s globalized work force, said Doug Brooks, president of the International Peace Operations Association, a Washington-based trade group of which Blackwater is a member. "People from some …

Halfway There: April 2013 a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2009 · WINGNUT PUNDIT THINKS MAYBE THE TALIBAN SHOULD KILL U.S. HOSTAGE Private Bowe Berdahl has been seen in a Taliban propaganda video -- and blowhard Murdoch pundit Ralph Peters has told Fox News that maybe the Taliban should just kill him: "Nobody in the military is defending this guy, he is an apparent deserter, reports are indeed that he abandoned his buddies, …

Sneaksleep: Kindergarten all over again, that's what it feels like. I have spent the past hour and a half studying, and I've come to the conclusion that I can't read. I can hear you saying "Um, I hope it's not English we're talking about here." Despite my often careless spelling, no, it's not English we're talking about. It's Hindi.

Gawker Media 17, 2010 · But print reporters and editors, with traditional newsgathering skills, should not rule themselves out. Newspapers provide no long-term job security; the chance to make the leap over into online journalism.” – website, 2007 29.

CDF Review Task Force Meetings « Kenyan 24, 2009 · 5 comments to CDF Review Task Force Meetings. m. ... IL speech formally declaring his candidacy for president of the United States through one of the international cable news channels and thought how great it would be to have a fresh start after years of mediocrity in Washington and a plummeting reputation around the world.

Muslims for 9/11 Truth: New Year's Eve Church Bombing in ... Year's Eve Church Bombing in Egypt Yet Another False-Flag by Islamophobes One of the biggest sparks that set off the Egyptian revolution was blacked out of the US media. That spark was widespread anger that Mubarak's regime collaborated with the Israeli Mossad to bomb a Coptic church in Alexandria on New Years Eve - and blame it on Muslims.

Clickstream is the keynote I gave at the last O'Reilly Strata conference on the mythology of big data. It's shortened from the original outline, focusing on the primary myth: the 49er-style finding of …

DFW Regional Concerned Citizens: 3/15/09 - 3/22/09 Concerned Citizens, a North Central Texas grassroots network collaborates to monitor public policy and function as vigilant sentinels, claiming a seat at the table as elected official set policy on toll roads, private public partnerships, eminent domain and gas drilling. …

Palin's Q&A + fun: Palin vs Obama: 1964 Redux 06, 2011 · Palin vs Obama: 1964 Redux Public Policy Polling's Tom Jensen wrote, in " Palin, Thune numbers interesting in South Dakota :" In the last two weeks we've found Palin up 1 point in Texas, up 1 point in Nebraska, and down 8 points in South Dakota.

knobboyhttps://knobboy.blogspot.comThis is pretty funny: "On average, people who took the survey answered half the questions incorrectly, and many flubbed even questions about their own faith." NYTimes (09.28.10): "That finding might surprise some, but not Dave Silverman, president of American Atheists, an advocacy group for nonbelievers that was founded by Madalyn Murray O’Hair.

Small Flashes: 01/20/2002 - 01/27/2002 11, 2002 · "Insider trading" is one of those technical crimes that can be really hard to define, like off-sides in hockey. However, bailing out of the stock based on unpublished and totally unexpected bad news is a definite no-no. The Bush Administration. Much as I dislike them, the Bushies seem to be playing this one exactly right.

Motown Strong: November 1988 of due to the dissatisfaction of the American voter. Let me take this one step further. I'm ware of who to vote for because I'm not only dissatisfied, but I'm outraged at what my choices are. This is like choosing between a plain, no-salt potato chip and a …

Halfway There: Let slip the sharks of love a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

Bilgrimage: Michael Boyle on Catholic Sexual Abuse Crisis ... 08, 2017 · As Michael says in the first installment in this series at his Sound of Sheer Silence blog, he was motivated to write these postings in response to the release of the Australian Royal Commission's report about clerical sexual abuse, which shows one in five members of some Catholic religious communities including the Marist Brothers and ...

Conrad Strong: Bad Moon Rising | The Day Nixon Was Elected 26, 2009 · Recalling A Special Woman: Nina Bowden Hansen From Maine, Dies At 91 - This morning James received the news that Nina Bowden Hansen, a special woman in his life, his second-grade teacher, and someone he talked with regularly d...

Colbert 2006 speech | The Top 10 | Fandom Colbert, host of the Comedy Central fake news program The Colbert Report, addressing thousands of journalists and President Bush at the White House Correspondents Association dinner, Saturday night, April 29, 2006. Colbert's speech was his signature LOL "truthiness". The very targets of his satire were now captive audience. Colbert delivered his daring yet truthiness Words to Bush and ...

1,000 Jews gather at Wall St. for #occupy-yomkippur Kol ... new media activist Daniel Sieradski, a.k.a. the Orthodox Anarchist, a.k.a. @mobius1ski , suggested having an ad hoc Kol Nidre minyan on Wall Street, in solidarity with the Occupied Wall Street movement, he wondered if he would succeed in attracting 20 participants (an egalitarian minyan of 10 men and 10 women).. To his amazement, over 1,000 Jews of all ages and backgrounds, from secular ...

SCOOP LINKS: Where Is George Bush's Bounce Today? 09, 2004 · The following series of links and articles is intended as a counterbalance to the widespread reports that Bush has acquired a commanding lead in the latest US election polling. Whilst Newsweek and ...

No one cares what I think: The Magic Phony 15, 2006 · Now, you will never hear me say anything negative about the Hail Mary. It's one of the best plays in the history of football and one of the most iconic moments of 1980s sports, period. The CFL stuff, however, while very impressive, is hardly the kind of achievement that usually garners much attention this side of the 49th parallel.

January | 2013 | Obama Conspiracy 31, 2013 · In the federal system there are two standards of response to the complaint in a civil lawsuit, one for ordinary folks and one for the government. This is detailed in FRCP 12(a). The normal 21-day response requirement is extended to 60 days when the United States or one of its Officers is sued in connection with their official duties.

Conrad Strong: More Palin from THE RUDE PUNDIT 07, 2009 · More Palin from THE RUDE PUNDIT This Rude Pundit post is a must read for anyone who thinks Sarah Palin is an idiot. It will make you laugh and shake your head in agreement.

SMERSH | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Voter ID Laws | This Black Sista's Memorial Page century after the 1918 pandemic, South America’s largest country has passed Britain to claim the world’s second-highest death tollAs a child growing up in 1940s São Paulo, Drauzio Varella remembers his grandmother’s tales of how the Spanish flu ravaged the blue-collar immigrant community they called home.“So many people died that families would leave peopl […]

Debate Brings Heat to Wisconsin... 11, 2006 · I think the confusion regarding the proliferation risks posed by nuclear plants arises through the following syllogism: 1) given access to HEU, your average home handyperson could build a working nuclear weapon (well, I exaggerate a little, but not that much by all reports). 2) nuclear power plants could be used to create fissile material that could be turned into a bomb.

Postscripts: Florence Deshon, 2: Charlie Chaplin or Max? June, they moved into his Croton house for the summer, and she seemed to him almost like a wife. "The exhilaration and the tender joy of our days together," Max recorded, "our walks through the wakening wood, or over the hill roads to the great dam, and in the midst of those days the sudden thought, quickening my pulse, that the nights also were mine, made me believe in love in a way that I ...

Father Geoff Farrow: The Supreme Court’s Decisions and the ... first decision on DOMA was a substantive, although only a partial, victory. It was substantive because Section 3 of DOMA was struck down. The practical effect of that couples who are married in one of the states that recognizes full marriage equality for all of its citizens, will now have their marriages legally recognized by the ...

Puerto Rico Music Industry News Monitoring Service & Press ... Martin makes ‘Pausa’ to channel newly found anxiety. The world paused and for the first time in his life Ricky Martin felt anxiety. From his home in Los Angeles, where he worked with his foundation to get protective gear and food to hospitals and people in … (10543797) Mr. Penis-or-coont Mitsotakis Mona had gone on her way I asked him what was up, he told me "That cannot be her name, I cannot call her Mona". It had a different meaning in his region of Italy. They both worked at the company for several years in the same dept. I guess he got used to saying 'hey c*nt, let's go for a coffee'. [Fark user image image 299x168]

Balkinization: Don't be surprised if Kim Davis is remanded ... first such license Mason issued on Monday, for example, reads: "Issued this 9/14/2015, Pursuant to Federal Court Order No. 15-CY-44, DLB, Morehead, Kentucky by Brian Mason [signature initials "BM"], Notary Public." This is very different from the licenses Mason had issued while Davis was in custody, in at least three respects.

LIVERPUTTY: Hiroshi Inagaki and Samurai Banners (1969) 19, 2007 · Hiroshi Inagaki is a name that needs to be shouted from more mountain tops. Sadly, his filmology is inadequately accessible in the U.S. Both Wagstaff and I have already sung his praises over the Samurai Trilogy (1954-6), which represents half of what is available on DVD under Inagaki’s name and stands besides The Seven Samurai as an early perfection of form.

[E.O.M.S.]: Rolo McGinty - Mix No. 268 22, 2015 · Pluto is the name for the electronic music made by Rolo McGinty, singer and writer of the Woodentops, the Uk Indie Rock and Roll band from the 80’s who had one of the first band\club crossover hits, with ‘Why Why Why’ an original Ibiza anthem. Much of the Bands work was composed electronically before being brought to the band to perform live.

'IUBESC POEZIEA SI MUZICA': kenny sings.. Green Green ... Conti proved an important figure for Pedro Martinez, others; Later made bigs himself as Mets coach - As he entered Cooperstown in 2015, Pedro Martinez recalled a pivotal figure in his career, Guy Conti, according to "Guy Conti was a guy responsibl...

The Dead Acorn: January 2012 couple of weeks ago, a few friends and I drove up to the lovely town of McCall, Idaho (home of the McCall Winter Carnival, featuring the Monster Dog Pull and the Snowshoe Golf Tournament), for a day of skiing and a couple of nights of drunken debauchery baking cookies for orphans. Sometimes a little break from the high-stress life of being an ...

susan the bruce: He Did it Without Help...Except for all ... far as I'm concerned, there's no separating the government from the capitalist marketplace. First of all, market economies themselves were the creation of the state. David Graeber wrote an entire book about this (Debt: The First 5000 Years; very good book, I highly recommend it). Secondly, almost every single business receives some kind of ...

South Central U.S. Violence Against Women News Monitoring ... 20, 2020 · Florida Dream Center and Rahab’s Daughters, partnered to launch two safe houses. One of the safe houses serves women with children and one for adult women. ST PETERSBURG, FL, UNITED STATES, July 17, 2020 /? -- Florida Dream …

Shouting Down the Well: May 2009 took mine for a walk, exchanging smiles and pleasantries every few minutes. On the first nice Sunday in Chicago, everyone leaves the house. Everyone is out. Everyone is in a good mood. I passed a small white car, parked, with all the windows up, Ride of the Valkyries blasting from …

The Whited Sepulchre: The Burning Hell, Part Three, with a ... Burning Hell, Part Three, with a Jack Hyles cameo appearance It's Sunday morning, and time for another visit to the video collection of New Albany Mississippi's Reverend Estus Pirkle. Every weekend I'm posting a clip from "The Burning Hell", Reverend Pirkle's early 1970's masterpiece.

Blogger - HEAD CUThttps://headcut.blogspot.comBreaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Dan Quayle's Potatoe: 11/22/09 - 11/29/09 Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Circus Forticus: September 2015 is a familiar phase to us as Liam and Max both went through it, but we are hoping it comes to an end soon, while the house is still mostly intact.) Henry's long-term goal remains becoming the president, though some of the shine wore off his dream this summer when he got to see the actual White House and found it both smaller and less ...

The Square Circuithttps://squarecircuit.blogspot.comI finally finished Roberto Bolaño's 2666. Wow. As many of you know, I am a sucker for the giant, messy, ultimately failed encyclopedic novel, and I'm pretty sure this is one of them. I'm just hoping it sticks with me--like V or GRAVITY'S RAINBOW--and doesn't fade into obscurity because in the end it isn't all that good--like AGAINST THE DAY.

Obama Sides With Banks Accused of Racism | Mirror On America 04, 2009 · For instance, the OCC has intervened to prevent states from cracking down on telemarketing fraud and misbehavior by car dealerships, an unlicensed trade school, an air-conditioning company, and a mall that issued gift cards—all because each of these entities had a financing relationship with OCC-chartered banks.

The Immoral Minority: News outlets reporting that Ivanka ... 02, 2017 · News outlets reporting that Ivanka is the one who ousted Stephen Bannnon from the White House. ... We've been sold down the river for a WH full of Lib Loons...led by Ivanka and Jared. ... Then we are stuck with the Ayn Rand acolyte tax payer mooch for life Paul Rand, a tea bagger house, and a Mitch McConnell senate. The future looks gloomy ...

The Howdygram 2: A backwoods halfwit lands in jail, more ... 10, 2016 · A backwoods halfwit lands in jail, more free fonts and another dead celebrity. Happy Monday to y’all from the Howdygram! I meant to write this post earlier in the day but got sidetracked by two major projects: 1) I took a shower at 1 p.m.; and 2) I fell asleep on the chaise after completing item one and slept for six fucking hours.

Trump's Cruel Indifference to Puerto Rico | The Smirking“This is 3.5 million human beings that, in a couple of days, if relief is not provided, we’re going to see massive amounts of deaths,” she explained to me in an interview earlier this week. When the storm made landfall in Puerto Rico on Sept. 20, President Trump issued a single brief tweet to Gov. Ricardo Rosselló: “We are with you and ...

Travel and Emotions with Pia Riverola [Interview] - NewsDesk photographer Pia Riverola was born and raised in Barcelona and is currently based between Los Angeles and Mexico City. Her work focuses on editorial and commercial projects for clients like i-D, Nike, Google and Airbnb, featuring nature and cultures around the world. Were you always into photography? How did you start your career? I […]

Britain and America: Introducing Mike Huckabee is the view of Club for Growth: "Governor Huckabee touts himself as an economic conservative, writing in his biography that he "pushed through the Arkansas legislature the first major, broad-based tax cuts in state history" and "led efforts to establish a Property Taxpayers' Bill of Rights" early on as governor (Arkansas Times 09/22/05 ...

Makahali Overdrive's motivational speech about ... for cross-posting, but Makahali Overdrive's speech at the reddit Kossacks for Sanders warmed my heart, so I wanted to share it with you: "PSA: WE ARE GOING TO PHONEBANK NY TODAY! It's time for us to heavily phone bank NY (or PA). The clock is ticking, like a bomb. We are within striking distance. People are switching sides or deciding, "Yes, I guess I will vote after

Ruth Institute Blog » Ten Simple Steps to Keeping Romance 18, 2015 · Getting out of the house for a date isn’t always possible with sitters or finances, but you can have dates in, too. Rather than spend your evenings in separate rooms, on separate computers, or separate phones, unplug–everything except your tv. Snuggle on the couch with popcorn, a glass of wine, and a good movie.

Social Gradients of Health - ReligiousLeftLaw.com would reasonably infer from the following article in today’s Los Angeles Times that the findings of the study are novel or unusual, yet as Michael Marmot writes, “British statistics have shown, for as long as one has cared to look, that health follows a social gradient: the higher the social position, the better the health. I became aware of this gradient only when I started to analyze ...

Network For #StrongerTogether: June 2018 14, 2018 · Follow by Email. Thursday, June 14, 2018

Gaystapo Continues Assault On Christianity | OK’ve written numerous posts here in the last few years about the homosexual assault on Christianity and the success the Gaystapo is having with chipping away at the First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion. Conservative Christianity is all that stands between them and the complete mainstreaming of their abominable lifestyles. They have even acknowledged this fact. Naturally ...

Toronto Block Party Shooting Leaves 2 Dead And 19 Injured ... 17, 2012 · "This is the worst incident of gun violence, in my memory, anywhere in North America," Police Chief Bill Blair said from the scene of the crime in a residential neighbourhood. ... The two killed in the shooting were a teenage girl and a man in his 20s, officials said. ... 'Sherlyn Chopra'-The First Indian To Bare For Playboy. Some strip for a ...

Texas Historical Commission | Texas Leftist there’s one thing Harris County voters made clear in 2013, it was this… we don’t want to spend public money to save the Astrodome.. And of course “we” meaning a clear majority of Harris County voters who bothered to show up for the 2013 elections. While many around town saw the election result as a clear mandate to tear down the historic structure, at least one person was not ...

Redeye's Front Page: Edit~Is Al Langford a Voice or an Echo? 08, 2012 · Here We Go Again The Huntsville School board claims to be intimidated by the people they are supposed to serve, the parents/tax payers.The only time they want parental involvement is when certain parents agree with them.Parents who don't agree with them are met with metal detectors, or the television feed just happens to have a glitch just as public comments are about to start.

Astrodome drawing | Texas Leftist there’s one thing Harris County voters made clear in 2013, it was this… we don’t want to spend public money to save the Astrodome.. And of course “we” meaning a clear majority of Harris County voters who bothered to show up for the 2013 elections. While many around town saw the election result as a clear mandate to tear down the historic structure, at least one person was not ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: Voices of Sanity 01, 2016 · Here's an antidote: a roundup of smart people saying smart things. Ta-Nehisi Coates dissects the press reaction to Basketgate: The safe space for the act of being white endures today. This weekend, the media, an ostensibly great American institution, saw it challenged and—not for the first time—organized to preserve it.

No Right Turn: Key's lightweight "policy" 02, 2007 · Well, in the first case who ever thinks that must have failed NCEA maths. Secondly it seems that already seen by the media as a very good proposal - and that is a big win for key. And then to add to Maharey (I think) calling it Tory charity - …

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Bringing Together Horror Greats 04, 2018 · It is also the first film adaptation of a Lovecraft story. Vincent Price, years later, recorded an introduction to the film for Iowa public television: In The Haunted Palace , you get twice the Price- with the horror maven playing both the benevolent Charles Dexter Ward and the monstrous Joseph Curwen.

No More Mister Nice Blog 12, 2003 · The commerce secretary is overseas. His trip yields my favorite headline of the day: Heavily Guarded Evans Says Iraq Dangers Overblown ...

Halfway There: Trompe l'oeil a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

Peter King Watch: 06/01/2008 - 07/01/2008 23, 2008 · This is really getting old. King seems to have a running battle with the truth. In his new "Special Report from Washington" mailing, King writes about him fighting "gas price increases." In this he just plain lies to his constituents that got the mailing last week. King writes "Drill for oil in Alaska. This can be done without damaging the ...

The Citizens: Obama's Plan 05, 2008 · In return for a $85 Billion loan, the US government will have a controlling interest in the management of the company. This is a really ironic development. By abdicating their regulatory responsibilities, the Bush administration has forced a situation where the outright nationalization of three (so far) financial giants has been necessary.

26 | May | 2006 | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities 26, 2006 · Breaking the First Holy Law“Samson in Love” “Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness.” Judges 14:14. This is the first time he has killed a lion. Inside the ribs a swarm of bees lies nested there, and honey comes. He reaches down inside the ribs to where a … Interview with Paul IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Father Geoff Farrow: February 2009 “cost” of not coming out is that a piece of you dies every day until there is very little left. The cost is a life lived in fear. The cost is that you have to play along and laugh when someone makes a “fag” joke. In his book, “The Secret History of the American Empire” …

Underline News: "Embodiment of Greed": Sanders, Warren ..., a corporate lawyer who helped Wall Street defy regulators and get billions of dollars in government bailout funds during the financial crisis, is "the embodiment of the greed that nearly destroyed the economy," Sanders charged in his fiery speech."

Joe Lieberman | Above the Law 26, 2017 · Morning Docket. Morning Docket: 05.22.17. By Staci Zaretsky * Joe Lieberman is senior counsel at Kasowitz Benson, one of President Donald Trump’s go-to law firms, and now that he’s considered ...

It Was More Than A Heart In The Name ... - Dare To Dream 24, 2009 · October has always been an exciting month in the Fott-Hand household. First it is our anniversary month and secondly we opened the Queen of Hearts Tavern on October 23rd, 1997. It would have been 12 years ago this weekend. The little bar on Pine Avenue, Warren Ohio, was not the most palatial of "pubs" but…

Wouldn't It Be Scarier?: Thank Gord For That 03, 2007 · Owing to my disgraceful apathy to a snap election all along, I don't feel an awful lot is to be said today. It's all very well to see, up close, the undignified reality of a British Prime Minister so obviously trying to wangle an election his way and abandon it at the drop of a hat .But it doesn't change the fact that non-fixed term parliaments are just obviously wrong, certainly if …

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ... was a high of 2,752 deaths on April 15 and a total of 954 deaths on July 14, according to the New York Times. That’s a threefold decrease, as well. In addition, the COVID Tracking Project reports that there were 736 deaths on July 14, which would be a nearly fourfold decrease from the peak of 2,742 deaths it reports for May 7. We have ...

Delaware Way: UD Black History Month Programs Start Today ... former slave and renowned abolitionist, Federick Douglass never knew his birth date, so he chose to celebrate every year on Feb. 14. The University will honor his legacy on this day by gathering from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in room 114 of Morris Library to transcribe the papers of Anna Julia Cooper, a visionary black feminist leader, educator, intellectual and activist who argued …

Tickle The WireBorder Patrol Agent Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling Two Mexican nationals were indicted on charges of capital murder and attempted murder in the shooting death of an off-duty Border Patrol agent, the Valley Morning Star reports. Indicted were Gustavo Tijerina-Sandoval, 30, and Ismael Hernandez-Vallejo, 40, who are accused of being involved in the Aug. 3 shooting of Border Patrol Agent …

Iran's Enrichment for the US Built Tehran Research Reactor ... 06, 2012 · . Timeline 1967-1993 Argentine low-enriched uranium at Tehran Research Reactor 1967 United States supplies Iran with the 5MW-th research reactor using 93% highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel supplied by the US until the Iranian Revolution of 1979. 1979 Iran stores several kilograms of HEU fuel exported by the United Nuclear Corporation. 1987 …

Obama Thread: Palindrome - Page 52 — Penny Arcade I like sex. I've overheard someone say "Don't say something is retarded, its not cool to make fun of retards.

Blue in Guadalupe: No Taxation Without Representation Redux 06, 2018 · The slogan "No Taxation Without Representation" summarized a primary grievance of the American colonists during the 1750s and 1760s and was one of the major causes of the 1776 revolution. The lack of representation was more obvious 242 years ago but it is nevertheless true today.

Flight 1549 Represents Hope for our Country | Morningside Mom 16, 2009 · Flight 1549 Represents Hope for our Country Last night curled under a blanket, my husband and I sat and watched the stunning footage of flight 1549 bob in the Hudson. While watching smiling passengers step off the ferries that rescued each and every one of them, my husband said something to me.

Summer So Close I Can Taste It Friday Random Ten A sweet little number from one of my favorite bands. 6. Whatever happened to these guys? 7, This one was from between the Bee Gees folk and disco periods. 8. Some early Bob Dylan-- he refers to Cassius Clay (now known as Muhammad Ali) in the song. 9. Joey and the boys covering the Trashmen's classic. 10. Probably my favorite Elvis Presley song.

Everyone is Biased | 07, 2007 · I believe my first comment to a Carbondale blog was to question why Bob Pauls listed the age of each mayoral candidate in a post about candidate websites. It struck me as a way to caricature candidates and vote on those caricatures rather than actual issues (e.g. Obama is "the black candidate," nevermind what his positions are).

"a geocentric view" is Not a Geocentric Universe - Blogger 04, 2007 · Kent: that's kind of my point. The math doesn't care if the origin is my left pinky, but it's just so much more elegant if we pick the origin intelligently. And given no other guides, what evidence is there for ugly math (and a universe centered on the Earth or my left pinky) instead of pretty math? Tuesday, April 24, 2007 8:27:00 AM

Michigan Archives - Page 2 of 11 - Tickle The were two 17-year-old girls, a 17-year-old boy and a 23-year-old man. Deputies searched the car with permission from the owner and found several wallets, work boots, a backpack, medical equipment and a concealed-weapon permit. Authorities believe two of the suspects were involved in a string of other vehicle break-ins.

NoFo: Have I lost the will to blog?! It’s a new year. Resolutions must be made. Attention must be paid. Blogging must be gayed. (I don’t know what that means either; it just had a nice rhythm to it.) And I’m trying to will myself back into a state of blogging enthusiasm.

Christian McDonald | Facebook 01, 2017 · Christian McDonald is the son of a rural Missouri dentist, and a graduate of NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. He is the writer of the recent nuclear war thriller 'AFTERMATH' - starring Andre Royo, Monica Keena, and Edward Furlong. 'Aftermath' premiered at London’s Film4 FightFest, and was released in 2015.

overview for Te1221 - Reddit q750 should be more than fine in an apartment especially with a sub. Do you plan on moving to a large space in the next few years? I was renting with my q900s and they were way too big for the room. I lowered their output within the settings but finally moved to a …

The Rectification of Names: What kind of animal is Maureen ... 17, 2016 · Althouse runs her critique with an animal picture too, and one that could easily have represented a red-haired Irish bitch, speaking of untoward and deplorably sexist analogies, but it turns out to be just male, part golden retriever Wally, fortunately.

Who Hijacked Our Country: “If you want to have a sport ... 04, 2013 · It’s competitive. And we need to teach those things at a very young age with a real sport. And a sport usually involves a ball of some type. I think it is a trend that is the wussification of America.” One of the Fox hosts summarized Winget’s rant with: “If you want to have a sport, you need to have a ball.” Winget replied:

Tales of the Freewayblogger: November 2007“That’s a sacrifice we’re willing to make…” –Madeleine Albright, when asked about the estimated 500,000 Iraqi children’s deaths due to sanctions One of the most widely used and compelling arguments for keeping American troops in Iraq is the notion that without them an all-out civil war would take place, possibly resulting in the deaths of millions of Iraqis.

Balkinization: What Marriage Isn’t one of the revisionists they attack, let me respond specifically to this argument, which so far as I can tell is the only new move in the piece. I don’t think that I “will be forced to admit” what they say I have to admit. I have already specifically denied it in print. I …

Air-Minded: Cookin’ with Gas – Paul's 20, 2016 · You fly to a working area and fight, most of the time in full afterburner. The typical F-15C combat training sortie lasts from an hour and a quarter to an hour and a half. Of course whenever air refueling tankers are available you top up between engagements, and missions are correspondingly longer.

Alabama Ass Whuppin': Zip City - DBT Picture Tour 10, 2005 · Wise is the current owner but it runs the plant at a fraction of what it use to be. I'm from Lauderdale County and if you ever wanted an easy date you'd head on over and find you one of them fine Colbert County women to go parking with. ... 2 stores and a cotton gin. When I grew up (OF course in Zip City) the slogan had changed to Zip Oh 10 - 2 ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: From the Eighth Floor, You Can See ... 10, 2019 · One of the attendees of the event was a woman who I have known for years. She used to volunteer for us a few years back. She's hard to pin down agewise, being perhaps late 60s to late 70s. She's an active senior, being involved in an English/Scottish dance group and a …

The Rectification of Names: Our words week, in any event, Brooks's errors are demanding ones, and I'm particularly fatigued for unrelated reasons and have not been able to write the column up to my satisfaction, so I'm very glad to point to a masterly takedown here. As well as this, by the great Robin Lakoff.

The Kent Vent: Pot Injustice Pervades Public jury agreed, 24 years ago today, and we won the case. Now, Mussika is one of many activists who will attend the Seattle Hempfest this weekend. In fact, far away in the northwest corner of the United States, over 150,000 pot warriors will gather at Myrtle Beach State Park in Elliott Bay to demand the legalization of marijuana.

Diary of an Obssessive Progressive: 06/22/2008 23, 2008 · "Now, you might be wondering why I would even suggest that someone can affect the manner and style of his death. Well, it's because of a mysterious and little-known stage of dying, the two-minute warning. Most people are not aware of it, but it does exist. Just as in football, two minutes before you die you receive an audible warning: "Two minutes!

Belly of the Beast: 05/02/2004 - 05/09/2004 07, 2004 · Friedman is not one of my favorite writers. He was a war supporter- but for really wierd reasons. And he can't come to terms with how bad things are turning out. His view of much of the world I don't agree with. He does travel a lot though, and talks to a lot of movers and shakers. He is worth reading even if you don't agree with him.

The Rude Pundit 05, 2008 · The Rude Pundit was speaking with a fellow lefty blogger about two months ago - really speaking, face to face, not IMing or any such shit. A Hillary Clinton supporter, she was concerned with Left Blogsylvania's sexist attacks on her candidate (although, as so many people sigh and say, she prefaced her comments with, "I wanted Edwards").

American Power: Great Expectations for Obama ... and the GOP 07, 2008 · CNN reports new polling data finding two-thirds of Americans indicating that President-Elect Barack Obama "will make major accomplishments as president of the United States": The public thinks it's likely that Obama will improve race relations, improve economic conditions, bring stability to the financial markets, make the U.S. safer from terrorism, reduce the country's dependence on foreign ...

read my mind: Are GMO's Safe? 18, 2014 · It was once rare to find products labeled as such, but thanks to organizations such as the Non-GMO Project, [6] they are becoming more common. You can also research websites that list companies and foods that do not use genetically modified foods, [7] , but be aware that information is often incomplete and conflicting interests may not be declared.

Language : Brian Edmiston, Ph.D. 07, 2013 · This is not superficial ‘role play’. As in my example, students are becoming more aware of the language they are using – and learning – to explain and critique historical events. At the heart of Michael Halliday’s theory is the idea that people use words, and learn how to use language, in order to create meaning in context.

22 USC 1461 sec 501 Why the proposed changes ... - CloudAve 24, 2012 · The US Government wants to modify 22 USC 1461 sec 501 so that they can put propaganda on the internet. There is a risk of people being exposed to said propaganda, but wouldn’t you really like to know what the US Government is saying to other countries, and specifically to …

Growing Global Inequality Gap 'Has Reached a Tipping Point ... 21, 2015 · Growing Global Inequality Gap ‘Has Reached a Tipping Point’ CTuttle 2015-05-21 ‘When such a large group in the population gains so little from economic growth, the social fabric frays and ...

WHY VOTING THE “DOWN TICKET” IS SO VERY IMPORTANT! | THE ... 18, 2016 · This is not the voice of a crackpot or alarmist speaking, for ... Paul Weyrich rose to fame as the man who coined the term “Moral Majority” that was used by the very narrow-minded televangelist preacher Jerry Falwell to discriminate against those who did not share his authoritarian beliefs. While both Weyrich and Falwell are long dead ...

WG's Observations: The next Supreme Court justice 03, 2018 · The next Supreme Court justice ... The baker who didn’t want to make a wedding cake for a gay couple because of his religious beliefs is one of those interesting cases in which two rights are in conflict. The court issued a very narrow ruling, simply saying that the Colorado commission that originally ruled against the baker was unduly ...

Unreality Distilled: The United States of Trump | The author William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times and internationally bestselling author of two books: War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know and The Greatest Sedition Is Silence. His newest book, House of Ill Repute: Reflections on War, Lies, and America's Ravaged Reputation, will be available this winter from PoliPointPress.

Live in Washington County Indiana? - Blogger is for your information and is very important for you to read before visiting our farm. 1. Under Indiana law, an agritourism provider is not liable for an injury to, or the death of, a participant in agritourism activities at this location if the death or injury results from the inherent risks of agritourism activity.

Our Children Are The Guarantors: It’s Just Like Seffrica ... 04, 2007 · There's similarity, but there's a crucial difference: the present state of South Africa is such because of mismanagement; to the ANC's credit, they never had genocide of the whites in their charter, nor (as the 1995 quote shows) took opportunity of their rise to power in order to settle their old scores.

Ben Austin: The Six Figure Salary Man - Green Dot 17, 2009 · This is what you get when you search for Mr. Ben Austin, whose day job is with the City Attorney's Office: CITY ATTORNEY ASST CITY ATTORNEY AUSTIN,BEN B $119,031.60 Rumor has it Mr. Austin makes at least that much moonlighting as the Executive of …

End the filibuster Harry Reid. Appoint more judges ... 26, 2013 · END THE FILIBUSTER HARRY REID. APPOINT JUDGES. PROTECT VOTING RIGHTS. (You can sign the petition here or here.) The good news about the horrible June 25th Supreme Court decision that gutted the ...

Trace Amounts film | Sarasota for Vaccination Choice people have said they absolutely don’t believe going on in our world. See for yourself in Episode 8 – in the Worldwide Online Free Premiere of. TRACE AMOUNTS. It’s only online for a 24 hours, and will be pulled down tonight @ 9 pm EST / 6 pm PST to make room for Episode 9. Watch Now. Dr. Patrick Gentempo. P.S.

Mexico Human Rights Violations News Monitoring Service ... pet dog named Money wearing a pet face mask poses for a photo today in Bangkok, Thailand. Daily life in the capital is resuming to normal as the Thai government continues to ease restrictions that were imposed weeks ago to combat the spread of COVID-19. …

The Howdygram 2: I’m having horrible diabetic neuropathy ... 08, 2020 · This is a favorite “go-to” quick and healthy meal. To make it completely perfect, all you need is rye toast. However, in the days ahead I’ll have to hold off eating all 12 pouches — that’s how many I ordered from Amazon — because they’re supposed to …

Personal History, Part 2 | Views from Crestmont 16, 2014 · The western end of that desert, between Victorville and Palmdale, is the area the rock band U2 took as the setting for their 1986 album “The Joshua Tree” – which included the song “Where the Streets Have No Names”. (This is true: all the roads out across the desert there have designations like Avenue F, or 152nd St east. No names.)

The Idiot Factor: corruption folly : Cuban travelogue—Cuba ... 16, 2019 · One of the speakers pointed out how subtle racism can be. “A Big black guy works as a guard—a young blond girl works as a waitress,” the speaker said. He added that they try to make people more aware of these kinds of stereo types. Towards the end of our session with this Association, the leaders talked about culture.

Neighbors Shut Down Illegal Cannabis Grows | The Smirking 23, 2017 · Grapes are the number one crop in Sonoma County at 118,000 tons of production last year. This is more than double the combined production of all other crops. They chopped down all the orchards in 2000 (goodbye Gravenstein apples, I shall forever miss you) and went basically monoculture across the entire region.

Cyde Weys Musings Game designer Chris Taylor pushes 28, 2008 · Adopted with modifications from my other blog, Supreme Commander Talk Chris Taylor, the game designer who brought us Total Annihilation, Dungeon Siege, and Supreme Commander, believes that “secure computing” is the future of the PC gaming world, which is getting absolutely killed by software piracy.Now he’s not so naive as to think that DRM is the answer (because SecuROM, pretty …

The Impact of Rap Music on Young Black Americans | Mirror ... 03, 2006 · This is yet another reason why Black Youth should avoid this poison. Every week it seems that we hear about one of these rap music thugs being shot, stabbed, arrested, committing some stupid or disgusting crime, or making a fool out of black folks.

How Labour's new members could decide the leadership 31, 2010 · There has been a sharp increase in Labour party membership - around 32,000 people have joined the party since May. Estimates of total membership suggest between 160,000 and 170,000, though the number of ballots to be issued remains open until September 8th, since anybody who joins the party before then can vote in the election. So new members now make up a striking …

Blue in the Bluegrass: The Real Public Charges 11, 2019 · The hardest-working and most economy-supporting people in this country have the lowest-paid jobs. Those would be the jobs the rest of us literally can't live unless somebody else does them: the lettuce-pickers and all the other food crop harvesters, the toilet cleaners and the garbage collectors, the diaper-changing, vomit-mopping-up caretakers of our infants and our elderly.

BarrenAlbion: Fertile fertiles and the infertiles that ... 23, 2005 · I think they are the UK equivalent to what I've seen referred to on other blogs as the Pottery Barn set. Today we were taking a walk through one of the parks and approached a rather steep, rocky incline. Blocking the path were an extended family, with two grandparents, parents, and three kids under the age of five, one of whom was in a stroller.

2012: Duh Year In Review the astute James Carville famously said, "It's the feelings, stupid!") 28.) Vice President Joe Biden On Economy: ''You're a racist!'' 2012 saw the quintupling of Duh Progre ss ive's readership, as well as the "crashing" of our site THREE TIMES due to it not being able to withstand the sudden influx in traffic. This was a problem, but a ...

Redeye's Front Page: "Riots are the language of the ... 02, 2015 · If you want to know more about me, where I stand and what I stand for I invite you to read my writings at Left in Alabama for a historical perspective. Contact me [email protected] These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section.

The Civilian NewsWire: Evidence of Giants Who Walked the Earth is quite a staggering accomplishment for a society of that era without the use power tools, or at least as we know power tools today. Great Orme Copper Mine The largest typical sledge hammer used today weighs 20 pounds, though sledge hammers in the 10 pound class are more commonplace.

The Immoral Minority: Salt Lake City elementary school ... 02, 2014 · Courtesy of The Salt Lake Tribune: Up to 40 kids at Uintah Elementary in Salt Lake City picked up their lunches Tuesday, then watched as the meals were taken and thrown away because of outstanding balances on their accounts — a move that shocked and angered parents.

Debbie Holmes's blog | 43rd State Blues: Democracy for Holmes's blog. Lets change the Ada county caucus. Submitted by Debbie Holmes on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 10:51am. ... We are the party that wants every vote to be counted. Yet we make our people stand in line for 2 to 3 hours to get into a building on a given day at a …

Digital Slides 23, 2016 - Explore jmele5538's board "Digital Slides" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Food borne illness, Microscopic, Giardia lamblia.19 pins19 followers

New England Oil Discovery News Monitoring Service & Press ... News Roundup (7/16): Glyphosate in Hummus, States Failing Farmworkers During COVID-19 Pandemic and More. On Tuesday, EWG released an analysis of laboratory testing that shows glyphosate, the notorious weedkiller linked to cancer, in more than 80 percent of non-organic hummus and chickpea samples.

Redeye's Front Page: GOP playing the Race Card from their ... 11, 2013 · As the American Society of Newspaper Editors has reported, racial and ethnic minorities make up less than 13 percent of newsroom employees. Minority ownership of television stations hovers around 3 percent, while radio station ownership is at 7 percent, despite the fact that the minority population of the U.S. is roughly 28 percent.

Wet Casements: 14 Thoughts About Stranger Things, Season ... 14, 2017 · 4) As great as the Winter Ball scene was at the end and how it tied so much together, I think one of my favorite things about this show are the less obvious moments of chemistry, and how even characters who don't really share an arc are still guaranteed to have a really human moment or two. 5) The Nancy love-triangle is still fantastic.

Otto's War Room (??): Cuban travelogue—Cuba’s system ... of the speakers pointed out how subtle racism can be. “A Big black guy works as a guard—a young blond girl works as a waitress,” the speaker said. He added that they try to make people more aware of these kinds of stereo types. Towards the end of our session …

Jane Gault | Facebook"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."--John Kenneth Galbraith "The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy" --- …

Possible Experience: Nov 2, 2015 02, 2015 · Possible Experience observing the phenomenal world

Homegrown Goodness Messageboard News: Major anouncement ... picture above is the very tap root of Bishop's Homegrown/Face Of The Earth Seed. My grandparents shortly after moving to Pekin Indiana from Greensburg KY in 1947 where they purchased the farm that is now Bishop's Homegrown.

[E.O.M.S.]: Court-Martial Set for Soldier Seen Posing With ... 20, 2011 · As the Army apologized, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton worked the phones to her counterparts in Kabul to limit the damage of a potential public-relations debacle. Although different in kind than the dozens of images from Iraq's Abu Ghraib penitentiary in 2004, the photos of U.S. soldiers grinning with a corpse are certain to offer enemies ...

Juanita Jean's | Crap! Crap! Crap! 31, 2013 · This is the result of Court packing by Rs, pure and simple. As Juanita Jean reported in the prior story, the Rs in the Senate block the highly qualified candidates Barack appoints, but any of their bums will do [hello, Clarence Thomas, I’m talking about you].

Pentagon: Afghanistan Has Vast Untapped Mineral Wealth 14, 2010 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

Post-media blackout update Dec 31 4:30 pm « Kenyan blackout update Dec 31 4:30 pm – Media Council has strongly denounced the ban on live broadcasts. I suspect that media houses were caught off-guard and are just now trying to …

S&T Blockchain-Program: Cryptocurrency - CryptoURANUS 14, 2019 · S&T first piloted Blockchain with CBP; the nation’s leading law enforcement agency to facilitate lawful international trade across U.S borders. CBP has primary responsibility over the import/export supply chain (the system responsible for bringing a raw product or service to the end customer), verifying international treaty certifications and providing for the timely approval and …

No More Mister Nice Blog: WHERE TRUMP'S CLIMATE "FACTS ... 08, 2017 · Here's an excerpt from President Trump's speech on the Paris climate accords: Compliance with the terms of the Paris accord and the onerous energy restrictions it has placed on the United States could cost America as much as 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025, according to the National Economic Research Associates.

The Idiot Factor: corruption folly : The Tiahrt and Moran ... Pew Hispanic Center posted that approximately 40,000 to 70,000 illegal immigrants were living in Kansas in 2005. In addition to receiving assistance from our state, Kansas is one of the few states that give illegal immigrants in-state tuition to attend college. Many of those also qualify for grants.

The Rude Pundit 01, 2012 · A Brief List of Conservative Men Who Need to Be Punched in the Balls: 1. Fox "news" Radio reporter Todd Starnes, who, waxing patriotic to Sean Hannity about the white people of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, voting in their primary this morning, really said, "I love this, what America is all about.Like you said, no hanging chads, we didn’t see any Black Panthers with baseball bats.

Stifled Mind: 4/27/08 - 5/4/08 05, 2008 · This is live data for the ozone levels in Texas in ppm as of 3 pm. 12 out of the 20 monitoring stations reported measurements as high as those that caused 6,000 years of loss in Italian cities, and over a much larger population. Now here's the scary part of that important information.

Otto's War Room (??): Advertising—in your face - gone is ... 20, 2017 · But the worst advertising of all are the uninvited ads that sneak into my computer without my permission. There are many mornings when my day starts as I click on my computer and see how many messages I have on Facebook, or how many, if any, comments I have received from one of …

9-11-2001 | Bloviating 11, 2001 · This is a quintessential example of how deceptive the mainstream media really is. We led protests against the proposed 15-story Islamic mosque, not against their having meetings in the Burlington Coat Factory building that had been extensively damaged on 9/11 and that they had planned to raze in order to build the Ground Zero Mosque; the ...

And Now, The Left Goes After Nikki Haley's Christianity is what passes as the more intelligent way to address whether Mrs. Haley is indeed a Christian and a Methodist. The writer of this hit piece, Neela Banerjee , wants you to know that because she too is Indian, she is going to write the truth about Mrs. Haley and her relationship to God.

Alex Jones is launching a website to fight fake news. No ... 06, 2017 · WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on President Trump and the Charlottesville, Virginia violence (all times local): 6:00 a.m. The leaders of four minority House caucus groups have written a letter to President Donald Trump calling for the removal of White House staff aides Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka.

USA: Walmart to discontinue handgun ammunition sales ... 03, 2019 · USA: Walmart to discontinue handgun ammunition sales following civil society pressure after El Paso attack. On August 3, 2019, a man killed 22 people and injured another 24 people with an assualt rifle in a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas.

Orcinus: The joke line Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

News Cycle: Copley Press Inc., Platinum Equity Agree to ... 19, 2009 · “This is a vital business with a long tradition of public service and a preeminent position in one of America’s finest media markets,” Fuson said. “At this important juncture, we believe that Platinum Equity is the right partner for the Union-Tribune, its employees and the San Diego community.”

progressive reactionary: on hope. 09, 2008 · A few months back, I came across an essay written by critic/journalist/thinker Rebecca Solnit called "Acts of Hope: Challenging Empire on the World Stage." It was written in the immediate wake of the worldwide, synchronized protests that preceded the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March, 2003, and it situates that coordinated effort of activism within the larger history of epic struggles of hope ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Secret Science Club Post-Lecture ... 09, 2020 · GRCRs are the target of two-thirds of all pharmaceuticals- the drugs hijack GPCRs to result in a clinical outcome. Rhodopsin is a GPCR found in the human retina. Protein domains are pieces of protein, and Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domains are the protein pieces that act as molecular sensors. Three PAS domains were identified in 1991, and there are ...

Brain Rage: In Defense Of Modern Art 05, 2009 · I was recently checking out a post at TYWKIWDBI, one of my daily must read blogs (mentioned here when Brain Rage was added to the blogroll there) written by an elderly yet prolifically posting fellow who goes by the name of Minnesotastan, wherein he repeated a common lament that he just did not "get" modern art. One of his commenters echoed his dirge and linked to the following …

OneAngryQueer: How Troy Davis Changed My Mind Davis changed that for me. If you haven't heard of Troy Davis by now, you likely live under a rock. His story, marked with tragedy and heartbreak, is a long one I won't repeat in full here, save for some few salient points. He was first arrested in 1989 for the shooting of an off-duty police officer, Mark MacPhail, in the idyllic city of Savannah, Georgia.

Apparent Dip: Deskcrop (?) #2 - Mantle Xenoliths 24, 2007 · And a google maps view, you can see Kilbourne Hole as the bluish splotch in the middle of the field of view. The Potrillo Volcanic field includes the big pockmarked region to the west of Kilbourne Hole. Las Cruces is the city in the northeast part of the view, at the intersection of the interstates.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn ... - by Glenn Greenwald 19, 2006 · (updated below) One of the most annoying victim movements around is the petulant and growing group, led by the odious David Horowitz, which incessantly whines that pro-Bush students on college campuses are treated very, very unfairly because their views are not praised by all that many people and sometimes are even harshly criticized.

Duncan's Brain: Bike Lust - Thundervolt M1 03, 2009 · A lot of fast recumbents use Schwalbe tires since they are available in so many sizes. The Duranos are the updated version of Silvios and available in the common bent sizes of 406, 451, and 559. They are also available in 520 (24") which is one of the sizes that recumbents use when trying to get bigger wheels to fit smaller riders.

No More Mister Nice Blog 01, 2003 · Above the fold on page 1 of the print New York Times, and prominent on the Times home page, is this story about a Marine who was killed in Iraq on July 1. The 21-year-old Marine, Corporal Travis J. Bradach-Nall, was killed while clearing land mines. Please remember this when you read (for example, here) that 49 American troops have died in combat since Bush's May 1 "mission …

Nothing Better to Do: May 2013 patty is the same as the Northstar Cafe veggie burger, but the toppings and sides are elevated at Third & Hollywood. At $15, an expensive veggie burger, but it is fresh and satisfying - can you really put a price on that? Honorable mentions: Worthington Inn, Northstar Cafe, J. …

Pounding In The Wedges – Unsightly Mental 14, 2017 · So 41 arrests (not convictions) per year. No doubt some arrests don’t make it to trial, some are found Not Guilty, and of course now we’re thinking about how the author of this post managed to neglect this critically important information. Maybe we’re talking about just DUIs and a …

The Mad Professah Lectures: 05/01/2020 - 06/01/2020 05, 2020 · The Fated Sky is the sequel to a book I mostly enjoyed (The Calculating Stars) but my enjoyment of this Hugo award-winning novel was leavened with some qualms and niggling concerns. While I liked getting to know the main character Elma York and was thrilled with the prominent appearance of mathematical concepts like the Fibonacci series and prime numbers, there always …

Dunkirk in Texas - Blogger the effects of Hurricane Harvey continue to unfold in Texas, and as attention focuses on saving lives, we are also thinking about wha...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The thug and ... 06, 2006 · One of the most constant features of these hate fests is the singling out of some unprotected, private individual -- a public school teacher here, a university administrator there -- who is dragged before hundreds of thousands of readers (or millions of viewers), accused of committing some grave cultural crime or identified as a subversive and ...

Doulas For Life - Posts | Facebook For Life, Washington D. C. 846 likes. A ProLife ethic doesn't end with birth, but a good foundation to the ProLife platform is one that supports...

09 | April | 2008 | Inside Cable News 09, 2008 · 7 posts published by icn2 on April 9, 2008. Talking Biz News blogs about Jim Cramer’s new deal with The…. disclosed in an SEC filing Wednesday that co-founder Jim Cramer will be paid a base salary of $1.3 million this year, up 30 percent from 2007, with the salary increasing to $1.87 million by the year 2010.

Is Prednisone Good For Sinus Infection - TrustedTabsUSA,prednisone,good,for,sinus,infectionThis Isn T The Antifree Speech Oh Look A Troll Site Known As The Daily KOS. As You Are Applying Both Solutions Now It Will Be Considered Complementary Therapy. Reagans Social Record Is Far From Deserving Any Merit Or Commendation. This Read The Number Of 40yearold Mothers Has Almost Trebled Over The Last Two Decades. October 3rd 2010 At 8:30 Pm.

Catholic Church Voicing Opposition to Eurozone Austerity ... is a much bigger danger, and one that the Troika seems to treat far too casually. Greece has been broken on the rack and is in the process of becoming a failed state. Ireland escaped a similar fate by having a disproportionately large export sector (over 100% of GDP) which meant deflating early was tantamount to a currency devaluation.

Daylee News Nuggets: News Nuggets 336 so, there may be a small silver lining to a very dark cloud." I've been thinking the same thing myself. One of the only blessings of this catastrophe is that it hit exactly in the place one could view as the "Drill, Baby, Drill" heartland: East Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle.

Johnny Pez: Moreau XX: Alone with the Beast Folk 09, 2015 · As chapter XX: "Alone with the Beast Folk" opens, Prendick faces three of Moreau's uplifted animals single-handed -- literally, since his left arm was broken the day before.Observing that "There was nothing for it but courage," he decides -- again literally -- that he needs to have the whip hand. He retrieve's Montgomery's whip from the beach and uses it to cow the three uplifted animals …

This Week With Barack Obama: Obama taps (Ret) Maj. Gen. J ... 12, 2009 · This is a very surprise pick. There has been some drama over at NASA, read it here, but we see Obama is moving full steam ahead, along with some real changes in this department. President-elect Barack Obama has asked retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Scott Gration, one of his top foreign policy and military advisers during the campaign, to take the helm of NASA, according to a source informed …

Jim Rogers on the Bear Stearns bailout - The Mess That ... 06, 2008 · The first two central banks in America failed. Between Greenspan and Bernanke - I've written this, it's in my book, long before this happened - they're setting up the failure of the central bank. The demise of the Federal Reserve. The first two failed, this one is going to fail too - because of Greenspan and Bernanke.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Why isn't the ... 09, 2006 · Former RNC Chair Ed Gillepse repeated the same story: "As the father of a 16-year-old son, I appreciate him going to Mark Foley and saying, 'You either resign or you’re going to be expelled.' That would be the first time in thirty years." This is not a claim that can be debated or spun.

New York Racism & Xenophobia News Monitoring Service ... New York police officers suspended after video shows them pushing 75-year old man to ground. Two police officers in Buffalo, New York, were suspended without pay yesterday after a video showed them pushing a 75-year old man to the ground as protests over the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis reached their tenth night.

Drug Induced Sexual Dysfunction - GoodMeds We Get To See Pictures Of All The Beautiful Babies We Ve Delivered As They Grow. This Isn T The Antifree Speech Oh Look A Troll Site Known As The Daily KOS. Nashville Is A Safe Tourist Destination But We Must Still Take Some Precautions. THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO DAMAGES DONE.

overview for Garfield301 - Reddit is a large school - there is a lot of opportunity for someone to fall through the cracks. I think breaking the school down into microcosms such as the llp helps but not all dorms are set up this way. Training RA's to recognize changes in behavior and initiating "see something, say something" programs would help as well.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Tweets of Mass Destruction 10, 2016 · The major powers can't risk direct warfare because as soon as one of them starts to lose, whether in the first hours or after weeks of attrition, the pressure to turn the tide with a nuclear strike, followed by the inevitable escalation, becomes too great.

The Constant American: Terror crackdown: Passengers forced ... scheme will apply to every way of leaving the country, whether by ferry, plane, or small aircraft. It would apply to a family having a day out in France by Eurotunnel, and even to a yachtsman leaving British waters during the day and returning to shore. The measure applies equally to UK residents going abroad and foreigners travelling here.

State of the Nation: 3/28/10 - 4/4/10 02, 2010 · Rave about it's president, Uribe. They make the uninformed masses in America believe that a great guy. Truth is we put this tyrant in power because he was a sell out to his own people in favor of our corporate wishes. Our corporations want a free trade agreement with Columbia because it is one of the best climates to grow palm oil in.

This Week With Barack Obama: 2/7/10 - 2/14/10 06, 2010 · The President and the First Lady host a night of music that inspired and reflected the Civil Rights Movement. Performers include Yolanda Adams, Joan Baez, Natalie Cole, Bob Dylan, Jennifer Hudson, John Legend, John Mellencamp, Smokey Robinson, Seal, the Blind Boys of Alabama, the Howard University Choir, and The Freedom Singers.

Trials and Tribulations Archives - Curmudgeon Alley is southern Illinois and it is hoosier land. If your breed is more southern, substitute redneck for hoosier. It is the same concept, different words. I go to this particular golf course as the rates are more reasonable than in Missouri, it is usually easy to get a tee time and the course is generally in good shape. The greens always are.

SHARK JUMPED: WE'RE INVOKING ARENDT AND MLK WHEN … 08, 2015 · I said a couple of days ago that we seem to be treating Brian Williams "as if he deserves to be in a dock in The Hague." I meant that to be somewhat hyperbolic -- but now we have David Brooks literally invoking the writings of Hannah Arendt and the sermons of Martin Luther King in a column about Williams, and no, he's not joking:I do think we’d all be better off if we reacted to these sorts ...

Contextual Criticism: The matchmaking god has to be one of the stupidest statements I've read in a long time. It goes downhill from there. Leigh Devore has a lot more to say about her wonderful matchmaking god who "brought the world's first couple together." That doesn't make sense, though. In the most recent creation story (Genesis 1) god created the first couple as a couple. The ...

atomic power review: Environmental Progress Illinois is downtown. The event runs 7 PM to 8:30 PM and will feature three speakers (James Hansen, Michael Shellenberger and Rachel Pritzker) followed by an audience interaction session. Let's hope this effort gets off on the right foot, to a fast start and has a strong finish. …

Who Hijacked Our Country: Colin Powell on Occupy Wall Street 12, 2011 · The first chance they got, when they got back on their feet, to not give themselves huge bonuses again, they ignored that temptation and put their noses back in the trough.” Colin Powell: “…one of the things that is of concern to all of us is that there’s an increasing gap between those who are doing very well and I’m doing well, and ...

Scaramouche: What a Difference a Hundred Years Makes Steyn contrasts the "woman and children first" philosophy of the Titanic era with the "me first" evacuation non-procedures of Captain "I'm Outta Here" Schettino's Costa Concordia: Today there is no social norm, so it's every man for himself – operative word "man," although not many of the chaps on the Titanic would recognize those on the Costa Concordia as "men."

Oh Well: A Commentary: McCain reaffirms support for US ... 03, 2007 · This is a short Yahoo News story, which shows that Arizona Senator John McCain is so willing to support sending more American servicemen into the meat grinder that is Iraq: WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Senator John McCain reaffirmed his support for the deployment of thousands of additional US troops in Iraq, a proposal expected to figure in President George W. Bush's upcoming reassessment …

COLUMBUS NOW TELLS OPERATION SAVE AMERICA "TAKE YOUR … the night wore down and people began to leave, reinforcements arrived on the plaza in the person of Victoria, some of her friends and a dog. Victoria, much to the horror of OSA and the Minutemen, who couldn’t help but notice, was clad in nothing on top but two tastefully placed Theocracy Sucks stickers, which she soon tore off.

I think the best way to end today is with the great ... 04, 2016 · Yeah I think that made me feel a little bit better. No it certainly did not take the hurt away, but it helped. It helped. Every litt...

Tenured Radical: As The Department Turns: What Causes ... 10, 2011 · This is one of the best descriptions of a dysfunctional department I've read. Add to the mix the problem of caucusing via e-mail, which can lead to a permanent record of some rather uncivil language. My own department reached a point of total crisis this past year, and as a result I am leaving for a new job and a new department.

The Rag Blog: How Much of the Official 911 Story Is Really ... 16, 2009 · And I'M ONE OF THE RATIONAL PEOPLE!!! Mariann Wizard / The Rag Blog Official story of 9/11 'almost entirely untrue' By Inky99 / May 16, 2009 Now, before you get your panties in a bunch, about a new book, titled "The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America's Defense on 9/11." And before you get all outraged (The FAQ!

Around the Keg: September 2011 09, 2011 · The ideas discussed are the pinnacle of the human condition. This is the kind of conference that sets us apart from the animals. Well, sure, conferences themselves set us apart from the animals, as even higher primates seems not to hold conferences, but a TED conference lacks animals who cheer for death and boo sacrifice.

September 2005 – Aren Cambre's Blog 23, 2005 · This is shot just about on line with the South end of the house. You can see how the left branch leans seriously over toward the house, and the right branch leans over the chain link fence. I’m just about to pull down a big branch… notice the effects of the shotgun… you can see where I whittled through the 6? limb.

William Horberg: What We Talk About When We Talk About ... Oscars present Hollywood as it wishes to be -- refined, glamorous and high-minded -- but on Saturday night at the Greek Theatre, the Spike TV Scream 2008 Awards showed the movie industry as it truly is in 2008: obsessed with superheroes, overflowing with fake blood and relentless in its pursuit to sell popcorn to teenagers.And despite a name that sounds like a B-movie convention, the ...

KRWG on Facebook Watch is what you know or broadband throughout the city. now what can afford it is the question and so I have to tell you we know that class or Xfinity qualified certain for certain income. get it for They have it available now we we go against have an enterprise to be able to you know cuz obviously, why would you pay someone so much money that ...

Health Care - ventrellaquest.com care costs are outrageous and you don’t have to be poor to need help. The GOP plan where we can set aside money for our own health care is ridiculous. The money has to come from somewhere — it doesn’t magically appear when you open a “health care account.” Even rich people have trouble with health care costs when an emergency ...

National CPS News Archive - the GM Contamination Register reports, during 2006 and 2007, three different strains of genetically modified rice were found in US rice exports and subsequently the world over. There were three specific strains of rice-one of which was approved in the U.S. and the other two which were not.

Weekly Bounce: September 2008 22, 2008 · And so far, bidding is up to $250,000. The 22-year-old who is using the pseudonym Natalie Dylan for safety reasons is going through a legal brothel in Nevada to sell her virginity. "The main purpose of to finance a couple things in my life," Dylan told CBS13.

The Immoral Minority: Politifact's number one lie of the ... 03, 2009 · Congratualtions Sarah, you have won an award, and if you will allow me to make an observation, I simply couldn't agree more - you are Liar of the Year!! Gosh, you should be so proud, and the one time I will totally agree, you certainly deserve the honor! And [email protected] I would order one of those tee shirts and wear it proudly!

Guest Opinion: 5G cell towers are coming to your ... 15, 2020 · Posted by Millennial 5G FAN a resident of Leland Manor/Garland Drive on May 15, 2020 at 8:59 am. This is progress as the 5G bandwidth will open up many opportunities for cell phone usage!

Milwaukee “tea party” rally turns violent | Blogging 20, 2009 · As far as the opinions I offered they were based on the video I posted here for all to see. Since you asked (all you had to do) my initial source of the information that a young woman had been struck by this man that came from Vikki Mckenna on 1130, who was there, since she was one of the speakers there is actual proof that she was in attendance.

Relax! It’ll all work out just fine. | FiftyFourandAHalf 12, 2016 · Really. I just read that you don't have to worry about the Orange Peril* having the nuclear codes! Honest! Long-Term Health Effects of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombs Not as Dire as Public Perceives The detonation of atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 resulted in horrific casualties and…

The Debate Link: The Issue is Mizrahi Power article Analucia Lopezrevoredo and I wrote on the general failure of intersectional analysis to account for Mizrahi Jewish experience (and, more generally, how Mizrahi Jewish experience is erased in broader discourse about Jews -- regardless of whether the speaker falls on the ideological spectrum) has been featured on the Treyf podcast.They brought on llan Benattar from Jews for Racial ...

The Wacko Right Nexus - Craig Murray 06, 2016 · Anon1 April 6, 2016 at 20:18 …plots like the ‘Nigerian underpants bomber’ who singed his own gonads… The Darwin Award for Muslim fanaticism this year has a strong early contender in the form of the suicide bomber on board Daallo Airlines Flight 159 who blew a hole in the side of the aircraft, only to be sucked out and deposited on the town below while the rest of the passengers and ...

On Being Notorious...: 5/20/12 - 5/27/12 knows I would like to ignore or — better still — never have to hear from these climate Nazis, but that is not going to happen so long as The New York Times, the United Nations, and a host of others keep repeating their lethal lies. Caruba is the founder of The National Anxiety Center. Seriously.

Cyde Weys Musings Ham radio | Cyde Weys mount also adds about two feet to the overall height. Altogether, the antenna is about 30' in the air. That’s not bad considering we didn’t have to put up a tower or anything. The three spokes sticking out of the bottom of the antenna are the radials, which create the ground plane for the radio signals.

Bilgrimage: Diane McWhorter on "Reason-Blind Tribalism ... 06, 2012 · Diane McWhorter's Pulitzer-winning book Carry Me Home (NY: Simon & Schuster, 2001) is, along with Taylor Branch's trilogy about the life of Dr. King, one of the most powerful books I've read about the Civil Rights movement in the American South.I found McWhorter's book particularly riveting because the sociological world it sketches--affluent Birmingham of the 1950s and 1960s--appears not …

Monday Market Mayhem - Phil's Stock World 12, 2019 · Monday Market Mayhem – Hong Kong Protests Shut Airport, Spooks Investors China is boiling over . The Hong Kong Airport was shut down today, culminating 10 weeks of unrest as the protests grow stronger and stronger over China's attempts to …

FrameWork | “When you are right you cannot be too radical ...https://anthonyframe.wordpress.comThis is good news. I had heard she was moved from house arrest to a prison, though I am unsure if that is true, and I had feared she may have been killed. Thankfully, she is alive and hopefully will stay alive. There were some small demonstrations, including one of …

Multi-Tasking Tonguehttps://lelocolon.blogspot.comOct 19, 2010 · But it goes further than that. The other day while stock in traffic, I was listening to a segment in were one of Bush’s administrators came in favor of the Chambers of Commerce and their anonymous donors, so I am listening to this hoping a good come back to his BS, and their was none.

Leaving Nairobi « Kenyan 02, 2008 · b) Do read the story “RAILA TAKES THE LEAD IN SEARCH FOR A WAY FORWARD” in the E.A. Standard. I believe his main proposals will work: – He has offered to drop his Kibaki must resign before we talk demand.-He is willing to take part in an interim govt. of no longer than 3 months as a new presidential election is organised.

Cyde Weys Musings Treating depression as brain damage 10, 2008 · According to a recent article in the Boston Globe, the theory of depression as a chemical shortage in the brain is losing ground amongst scientists in favor of a new theory of depression as damage in the brain.It’s not nearly as out there as it initially sounds, and it …

China | Writings of J. Todd Ring like Chinese workers much better, as the offshoring of production and the deindustrialization of the West make abundantly clear. They do not want to pay $30 or $40 an hour for labour, or even $10, or $7.50 an hour for a wage slave in North America or Europe, when they can get one for $1 an hour in Mexico, or $0.10 an hour in China.

Detainment - Bloggerhttps://detainthis.blogspot.comThis is a disaster. Detention is a black hole - it's like talking to a crazy person. Ask the same question 5 times (like, uh, why did you take my aunt and uncle?) and you get 5 different answers (an airport investigation. they are out of status. we're deporting them. we're bringing them back in 2 hours. we have information that they're a high

October | 2015 | The Illogical Seminary“And you know, not Judaism. This is what Pope Francis is talking about, that we cannot worship just billionaires and the making of more and more money. Life is more than that.” Yup, that’s one of our boys. Hillary Clinton did the religion dance, and quoted the Bible as a great source for inspiration.

Orcinus: 06/27/2004 - 07/04/2004 Didn't have one of them hilarious monkeys who smoke cigarettes and gives people the finger 5. Of all Michael Moore's accusations, only 97% are true 4. Not sure -- I passed out after a piece of popcorn lodged in my windpipe 3. Where the hell was Spider-Man? 2. Couldn't hear most of the movie over Cheney's foul mouth 1.

PAUL RYAN'S FRIENDS PLAY McKAY COPPINS LIKE A STRADIVARIUS 01, 2016 · BuzzFeed's McKay Coppins talked to a collection of Paul Ryan's friends about 2016 presidential election. The friends told Coppins a huge sob...

bottlerocketscience: From the Archives: Nerdcon Stories 2015 2015, the team behind the highly successful and popular Nerdcon video conference, led by Hank and John Green, created a writer- and reader-centric convention called Nerdcon: Stories.I drove up there at the last minute to see a slate of authors who might as well have been picked out for me.

The Last Debate: Fundamentalism Isn't Just for Christians ... 22, 2005 · The touchstone for all the non-debate of evolution vs. intelligent design. I.D. accepts that evolution exists and occurs; those of us in the I.D. camp feel that evolution is harmonious with our religious beliefs, and the fact that the very nature of our existence is so perfect and so miraculous seems -- to us, at least -- to more than ...

The "Bad" Teacher - "Teachers & Parents for Real Education ... 15, 2008 · The tactics that Rhee and company are using are called union busting 101. One of the main tactics used to break unions is the divide and conquer tactic. Typically employers who engage in these tactics pit a group of employees against one another such as …

now U See Governmenthttps://nususg.blogspot.comExtirpating the selfish people should be done for the people in need who cannot get the benefit of welfare system. This is because the people in need can be left behind at the priority order of people who can get benefit as the selfish people occupy the prior order. Also, the fraud of them even can lead wasteful spending of taxes.

Orcinus: 01/25/2009 - 02/01/2009 Catholics will likely see the decree as a victory for a conservative reading of Vatican II, it has also sparked protest in Jewish quarters for a different reason: One of the four Lefebvrite prelates, Richard Williamson of Great Britain, recently made comments that appeared to …

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Schools Mess: About those Florida ... 13, 2010 · Your license cannot be transferred to a New Jersey license if you are under 18 years old. You must register your vehicles within 60 days or before your out-of-state registration expires (whichever is first). You can contact the NJ MVC for a complete listing of registration fees.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Let's play the blame game again 12, 2009 · Justin Fox at Time Magazine plays the Financial Crisis Blame Game and, not surprisingly comes out with you-know-how at the top. Well, actually, "Good Times" came out on top, which is a curious selection, particularly when looking at the rest of the list which contains no other real surprises.

The Suburban Radicalhttps://thesuburbanradical.blogspot.comDec 20, 2009 · A little over a month ago, The Huffington Post put up an Associated Press article entitled “Sarkozy: Burqas Are ‘Not Welcome’ In France.” The gist of the article was that French President Nicolas Sarkozy used “some of the strongest language against burqas from a European leader at a time when some Western officials have been seeking to ease tensions with the Muslim world.”

accidentaldeliberations.blogspot.com 09, 2018 · Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Dennis Gruending writes about the difference between genuine populism focused on the interests of the public at large, and the discrim

The Sapient Sutler: September 2008 were using cookies for a project, and when Miss Busty distributed them, she brought mine in her pants. *** Tonight I went to see Auric play a solo show at a Big Self-Important Corporate Venue. One of Friar's acts opened, a girl with an incredible voice who surely, if the music business has a shred of justice in it, will come to good things.

New teacher evaluation system...the devil's in the details teacher evaluation system...the devil's in the details On January 16, City Council Chairman Vincent Gray organized a full-day hearing on the state of human capital development in DCPS. National experts and eloquent DCPS teachers testified for 11 hours before the full Council.

No More Apples: 04/17/2005 - 04/24/2005 22, 2005 · No More Apples "Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

No More Apples: 03/02/2008 - 03/09/2008 08, 2008 · No More Apples "Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

Duncan's Brain: 2015 21, 2015 · The Raptobike aka White Rabbit is a great bike but it has some failings of my own design. I switched to disk brakes and a drum brake rear making it too hard to change any tire. It still has a 20" front wheel which has been difficult during road construction or any obstruction of my cycling route.

palingates: Sarah Palin's gates 20, 2009 · A loner, he hangs on to his house as the Detroit neighborhood around him changes. He becomes a surrogate "father" figure to a newly arrived Chinese family next door, esp. when one of them, a teenaged boy, becomes inadvertently involved in gang warfare, and a …

The Elephant Bar: Left Wing Canadian Paper Says Cheney ... want to thank everyone who participated in the Elephant Bar over the past twelve years. We had millions of visitors from all around the World and you were part of it.

Electronic Village: Top Ten Black Bloggers (September 2007) wasn't bad before but it is really sharp now. Keep up the good work. I haven't been posting a lot lately and I know it's going to take the more recently activated URL more time to catch up with the old one as far as rankings are concerned, but what the heck, am I anywhere on the list of 73? How 'bout 74 or 75 for a well rounded list?

The Whited Sepulchre: Lies We Tell Our Children 16, 2008 · In the meantime, a kid who looked like an American Gladiators contestant got halfway up the wall and came to a halt. He was scared to death because the wall was swaying. His buddies on the ground started booing. The Future Aggie looked on apprehensively as the kid on the wall faked a loss of balance and rappeled to the ground.

The Progressive Zionist: 2013 31, 2013 · The Progressive Zionist Important conversations about important stuff. Tuesday, December 31, 2013. When Isolationism hides itself as anti-Americanism .

West Aurora District 129 Cuts Administrative Costs 03, 2007 · West Aurora District 129 Cuts Administrative Costs West Aurora School District 129 has a tax referendum, less than what East Aurora School Distrct 131 is seeking, but there appears to be another difference.

The Rectification of Names: The Lemurian Candidate Corbyn might well be one of those "edge of inside" figures Brooks was desperately seeking a couple of weeks ago. Most of the column—11 paragraphs—is devoted to the unfortunate Brexit campaigners Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, classified along with the Trump as both crazed and incompetent, Johnson in particular, and his inadequate ...

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Oct 14, 2014 her radio show today, anti-gay activist Linda Harvey doubled down on her crazy talk (that's right, I said it) against Ally Week. This week (October 13-17) is Ally Week, which is promoted by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN).The purpose is for students to engage in a national conversation and action to become better allies to LGBT youth.

The Rectification of Names: Cereal murder it's Froot Loops, on the other hand, you might be tying to score an online interview with the president, as GloZell has done, but certainly not bathing in cereal and interviewing the president at the same time.In spite of her youth she is unquestionably a more accomplished journalist than Jonah Goldberg, in the respect that she has in fact interviewed people in the course of her career.

Viruses! Spyware! Malware, oh my!https://tonycomputerguy.blogspot.comThe bottom line, is that the OS that could save the planet from being overfilled with old computers lying in the dump. If you have an older machine, some spare time, and an interest in learning about new and exciting things in the computer world, you really should give Linux a try, it might just open your eyes to a whole new world of ...

Work | Totally Unauthorized 25, 2016 · They’d be quiet for a few minutes and then as soon as the stage got nice and quiet would resume their conversation. Eventually, the exasperated sound guy decided that it wasn’t worth the headache and they should just ADR the whole thing, and we moved on. As soon as we opened the big doors of the stage for lunch, both birds flew out.

London G20: don't panic; prepare for the worst possible 18, 2009 · London G20: don't panic; prepare for the worst possible outcome This very cool commentator [videos above & below] says 'Don't Panic' and then proceeds to give some very good reasons to be scared enough to start hoarding food and other emergency supplies.

OneWheaton - A Community of LGBTQs and Allies of Wheaton Are the Gay Evangelicals?, New York Times, by Molly Worthen - 2/27/2016 Inside the secret gay movement at one of America’s most homophobic colleges , Fusion, by Peter Moskowitz - 1/26/2016 Wheaton College must decide hijab-wearing prof’s future — and its own , Religion News Service, by Jonathan Merritt - 12/16/2015 ( story syndicated ...

The Shadowland Journal: My D-Day Stories from 2014, 2009 Christopher Dickey, the author of "Our Man in Charleston: Britain's Secret Agent in the Civil War South" and "Securing the City," this site provides updates and footnotes on history, espionage, terrorism, fanaticism, policing and counterinsurgency linked to Dickey's columns for The Daily Beast and his other writings; also, occasional dialogues, diatribes, and contributions …

The Slack Attack: Sullivan on is a radical assault on one of the central pillars of our civilization. The truly naive are the Krauthammers and Thiessens and McCarthys who seem to believe - against all history and human nature - that torture can be controlled, that it can be sealed within a very tight box, used only by good people, never abused, never allowed to spread.

Paul Levinson's Infinite Regress: Game of Thrones 8.3 great battle came early in the final season of Game of Thrones - 8.3 - and it was stunningly worth the short wait. In real life, you can't beat death - at least, not ultimately - though sometimes your words and works can, like Shakespeare's and John Lennon's.

Beth's Blog: The Hurt Locker - trailer - 15, 2009 · The Hurt Locker - trailer - HD THIS, I want to see! The Hurt Locker, winner of the 2008 Venice Film Festival SIGNIS Grand Prize, is a riveting and suspenseful portrait of the elite members of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) squad, soldiers who volunteer to challenge the odds and save lives in one of the worlds most dangerous jobs.

Jason Miller | News Miller: “I think one of the important things to keep in mind is for someone who’s been so successful, who has so many different deals, so many properties and so many different investments, it takes a while to move that along. […] It’s complicated to get that done right.”

Save the Reagan Owl - 10,000 is a New Yorker who lived most of his life in upstate New York but has lived in Queens since 2008. He's only been birding since 2005 but has garnered a respectable life list by birding whenever he wasn't working as a union representative or spending time with his family. He lives in Forest Hills with Daisy and Desmond Shearwater.

The Nation is Wrong. Going Hard Left Will Be Suicide For 29, 2018 · The Nation is one of the oldest (1865) and most respected progressive (or left wing) periodicals that has been continuously published in the United States. You can read about their rich history of associations with progressive writers and luminaries here; they were on of the first notable national publications to endorse Bernie Sander's campaign in January 2016.

Burkean Reflections: Can the United States Secure its Borders? 21, 2006 · Mile-for-mile, more drugs are seized in this area than almost anywhere else along the California line. In the last fiscal year, federal agents captured an average of 400 pounds of marijuana and 660 migrants each month. In the first eight months of this fiscal year, drug seizures are nearly triple last year's total.

Mo Rage: Quote of the day--on people, life and"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"

No Bread And Circuses For You: Videos and Photos of the Eric Zuesse: For the first time in history, an organized massacre of civilians has been filmed by many people from many different angles and perspectives while it was happening, and is documented in extraordinary detail in “real time,” the perpetrators having no fear of any negative consequences from their endeavor, and even cheering and celebrating the tortures and …

Cyde Weys Musings Why I’ve (mostly) retired from Wikipedia 13, 2008 · Any sort of online community has a very limited shelf life for me. I can’t even remember all of the online communities I’ve been part of, including various newsgroups, web forums, chat rooms, online games, clans, etc., that I departed from just as quickly as I got involved in in the first place. Most of them I never look back at.

Things from the Wasatch Front | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years 09, 2011 · Downside: nobody says “hi” to my daughter here. You’d think that having an 11-month-old little girl with an adorable smile wave at you and say “Hi!” with delight would get people saying “Hi!” back. In New York, absolutely. One of the earliest skills she learned was how to make friends, and she made us a lot of friends, too.

CyBeRGaTa: Another Cybergata & Chi's Sweet Chi and the Yamada family learn how to raise each other despite the fact that the Yamada family must hide Chi from the Land Lady. No cats are allowed in their apartment complex. I watched half the videos and decided I have to share Chi's Sweet Home with anyone who passes this way. Here are the first two episodes with English Subtitles.

BeachClubOffice, 1800 S Ocean Dr, # 100, Hallandale Beach is the page for all information regarding The Beach Club in Hallandale, Florida. We Can help you Buy, Sell, Rent, Invest or find a Vacation rental at The Beach Club in Hallandale Florida. our number is 954-800-5944

John Glenn, Good Government hero | Messaging 12, 2016 · John Glenn, one of America’s heroes of the 20th Century, died last Thursday at age 95. Glenn was a highly decorated Marine Corps fighter pilot in both World War II and the Korean War, rising to the level of Colonel. Then, as immortalized in the book and movie “The Right Stuff,” Glenn was chosen as one of the original NASA Mercury Seven astronauts, where he became the first …

No Right Turn: Sedition in the news 03, 2005 · Sedition in the news II It looks like Ben Thomas of Dog Biting Men has been having fun; today he was outside the Auckland District Court protesting the sedition charges against Tim Selwyn : The protest was small and low-key, and one of those involved, Ben Thomas, said the aim was to "show the hypocrisy of New Zealand's outdated sedition laws".

The Immoral Minority: If you are planning to come to 06, 2018 · Over the first three weeks of the month, the city was a whopping 20 degrees above average. And midday Tuesday, at 48 degrees, Anchorage's Merrill Field Airport was warmer than almost the entire Lower 48 states, including cities such as Jacksonville, Houston, Atlanta and New Orleans.

mineral process of mineral processing flow chart in india . mining mineral processing chart - Ore Beneficiation Plant,Ore. Flow Chart Of Processing Lead Mineral, process crusher Flow Chart Of Processing Lead Mineral 296 Views.

Bloomberg Lied About the Ruble and Manipulated the Market Lied About the Ruble and Manipulated the Market - Russia Insider Yesterday Bloomberg ran a piece saying that the Russian Central Bank was considering imposing capital controls. As a result of the story, the ruble came under heavy selling pressure and the central bank was forced to intervene for the first time in months in the currency ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 05/15/ the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact. Starting in 2016 .

The Rude Pundit: Photos That Make the Rude Pundit Want to 02, 2015 · Photos That Make the Rude Pundit Want to Break Out His Joe Hill Songbook That's a big bunch of oil workers from the United Steelworkers union on strike at a refinery in Kentucky. They and thousands of others at refineries and chemical plants in Texas, California, and Washington are staging the first USW walkouts since 1980.

Saberpoint: Another Chick-Fil-A Vandalized by the "Love" 04, 2012 · Another Chick-Fil-A, this one in Missouri, has been vandalized by the "Gay Love" Crowd. It reads, "Don't Hate." Yeah sure, vandalize property and act like the punks and thugs you are, that'll sure convince me of the "power of love."

The Slack Attack:"From your 145 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 4,712 items, clicked 190 items, starred 0 items, and emailed 1 items.Since August 27, 2009 you have read a total of 161,244 items." I started using Reader as a college junior. It permanently changed my information consumption and use by making it possible for me to store up and consume data whenever I …

KingCast says say it ain't so... no mo Pho - was one of the first towns founded in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630, and became a city in 1846 until annexed to Boston on January 5, 1868.[1] The original town of Roxbury once included the current Boston neighborhoods of Jamaica Plain, Roslindale, West Roxbury, the South End and much of Back Bay.

2 Equip Neontal | Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Newborn ICU • The Department of Neonatology / Newborn Services specializes in taking care of infants for the first 28 days of life. Neonatal Intensive Care Units Understand how an NICU works What is the patient population in the NICU? Who are the clinical care givers ? Who are the key decision makers ?

Fatmir Beja | Albanians are the oldest human race in Europe and they speak the oldest language. The first people to settle in Albania were the ancient Illyrians which today are known as Albanians. Ancient Illyrian included Albanians, Montenegrins, Croatians, and …

diadvantages of jaw stone crusher Advantages of Cone Crusher - Rock crusher This article is mainly about cone crusher's advantages. ...The stone powder and lubricating system are separated by the sealing modes which consist of water and oil. ... When the machine is operating, the eccentric bearing bushing is driven by the motor ...Jaw Crusher Promotes the Related Industry to Develop Rapidly

faith in honest doubt: Ponca City: Big on first paragraph of this Ponca City News item about Miss Ponca City is thick with the kinds of nuggets that keep me subscribing to the Ponca City News RSS feed: The Miss Ponca City Queen Contest will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29, at The Poncan Theatre. Tickets are available from contestants.

as revealed by QUOting the press claims to be fair and balanced. Tea Party Anti-Tax March, Sep 12, 2010. Capital Mall, DC Photo Credit: Bob Simmons license CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

Accidental Deliberations: Saturday Morning 08, 2018 · Miscellaneous material for your weekend reading. - Alex Ballingall reports on the efforts of the United Nations' special rapporteur on housing Leilani Farha to push for an enforceable right to housing - and the Libs' predictable demurral in favour of vague aspirational statements. And Jen St. Denis points out that the next step in British Columbia's investigation …

Let's not ban gay marriage... Let's DESTROY it | Texas 27, 2013 · The answers are the same for gay and straight couples… and there’s not one perfect answer. It’s time for us to get rid of gay marriage. People meet, they fall in love, they get married. They commit their lives to each other, and it’s DONE. Let’s stop living in the past people.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Mars Needs Women 10, 2017 · Mars Needs Women Sanity Wow, there are a couple of 'cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs' stories regarding the Red Planet lately- the first is that the main purveyor of lunatic fringe right wing buffoonery has featured a guest who claims that there is a pedophile ring on Mars , claims the resulted in a response from NASA to the contrary.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The Lieberman 09, 2006 · (updated below) (1) I will have several posts, at least, over at Salon today on the extraodrinary defeat of Joe Lieberman, beginning: - here, with a discussion of the craven behavior of Joe Lieberman and what an illustrative symbol he has become of the insular, arrogant, and fundamentally corrupt Washington establishment; and, - here, by highlighting the message …

regents exam | Education, the tests remain fairly meaningless. While a score of 80 on a math Regents may indeed predict initial success in a college math course (Koretz and his team say C+), there is little predictive value beyond the first course. Likewise, the Internet masses agree that the Regents are a poor indicator of college readiness.

Green Eagle: And Another Right Wing Eagle said.... Anonymous, write your own damned post about the Muslims if that is what you want to do. I'm interested in these crackerheads (and that includes you) because their ignorance, venality and love of violence is a threat to us all.

BitterBasinbitterbasin.blogspot.comThe depression, some 50 feet (15 metres) in diameter, is oval in shape. The first meteorite fragment, now known to be of the strong-iron, or pallasite, type, was found at the site in 1885, but the shallow crater was not identified until 1925 (it is one of the smallest impact craters in the world). Meteoritic fragments,

Accidental Deliberations: Sunday Morning 08, 2019 · This and that for your Sunday reading. - Noah Smith comments that while we shouldn't necessarily try to adjust GDP for other necessary elements of individual and social well-being, we should avoid treating it as a catch-all measure in assessing policy choices: GDP does have plenty of flaws, even as an economic indicator. First of all, it leaves out a lot of things that …

Daleagogo: July Agogo - Music reviews and lists, cartoons, doodles, and assorted mirth.

Virginia’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program Providing $7 06, 2009 · The three grants to localities are the first to be awarded through this program. In the last two years alone, Virginia ’s foreclosure rate has increased sevenfold from 0.24% in 2006 to 1.73% in 2008, with approximately 16,000 foreclosed homes remaining vacant around the Commonwealth.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 04/30/ it only true ... In their press release (scroll down) celebrating 100 days of the Obama administration, State includes travel to Texas as one of their major foreign accomplishments: Via Hot Air: Secretary Clinton is already the most traveled Secretary of State in a new Administration. The Secretary’s trips have included her inaugural trip to Asia, the Middle East and Europe, …

Open Thread for Tuesday, June 20, 2017 | 22, 2017 · 45 thoughts on “ Open Thread for Tuesday, June 20, 2017 ” Bryan Caskey June 20, 2017 at 7:09 pm. I thought a USN F/A-18E Super Hornet shooting down a Syrian Air Force Su-22 was sort of significant. In response Russia got sort of fussy and said they were going to “track” (using their SAMs) anything in the air west of the Euphrates river as a target.

Dude Process - The Soundings process is connected to quid pro bro, which is an exchange of favors between two brosephs in positions of power who watch each other’s backs and take care of each other’a secrets...Dude diligence is the amount of dilligence you do when you have sworn an oath of service and are looking into the background of a dude who might become one ...

Building Industry Association of Washington | Majority Rules reports filed for March show that the BIAW (Building Industry Association of Washington) has just dumped $100,000 into their Initiative 1067 campagn. Word is that they have hired Roy Ruffino’s Citizen Solutions of Lacey, WA to start collecting signatures using paid signature gatherers.

No More Mister Nice Blog: LET'S TORTURE THEM SO THEY TELL ... 11, 2015 · According to a Yemeni journalist, Mohamed al-Kibsi, Saïd Kouachi roomed briefly in the Yemeni capital, Sana, with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who tried to blow up an airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day in 2009 with explosives hidden in his underwear. Mr. Abdulmutallab, who is now serving a life sentence in federal prison, told the F.B.I ...

Coldtype's Lair: August 2007 23, 2007 · As was the case during the lead up to the assault on Iraq, Fox News is braying at the head of the media pack now calling attention to the Iranian "threat" looming over the horizon. There is even speculation that Karl Rove's sudden departure from Team Bush was the result of losing a power struggle with the Prince of Darkness, aka Dick Cheney ...

Uncommon Hours: Sunflower Coal-Fired Power Plant Expansion ... 14, 2011 · For instance, the permit fails to set appropriate limits on Hazardous Air Pollutants, such as mercury, which are the most harmful to human health – even in small amounts. “KDHE let Sunflower take shortcuts and ignore available pollution control technology; as a result, this is one of the dirtiest plants that has been permitted in recent years.

State of the Nation: 8/16/09 - 8/23/09 the home of the Army Space and Missile Command, Missile and Space Intelligence Center, and scores of related government agencies and defense contractors, Huntsville is the perfect venue for what amounts to a pep rally (trade show) for our country’s most expensive weapons systems.

RADARSITE: "The Battle of Algiers": Right History, Wrong ... note from Radarsite: Earlier today I had a chance to once again see Gillo Pontecorvo ’s magnificent The Battle of Algiers, 1966. For those of you who have yet to see this cinematic masterpiece, I highly recommend it. Although Pontecorvo was admittedly a (somewhat disillusioned) Communist, you will most likely never see a more even-handed treatment of this thorny subject.

Impeachment, impeachment, impeachment | 07, 2019 · You can fill a small book with the list. The goal posts keep moving when something else comes up it would seem. And it may be that "folks have been writing about it for a long time" because it was, well, pretty obvious that Trump has some serious ethics issues and they weren't going away and he would continue them in his presidency.

The Weekly Sift: September 2012 24, 2012 · Paul Ryan has it perfectly backwards when he talks about makers and takers. This nation's makers are the workers. The makers are the people who work for a living, with their hands, in the field, teaching, building, repairing, healing, growing (to name a few) and, yes, drilling and mining, even typing and filing. ...

Cathie from Canada: May 2012 31, 2012 · OK, here's how it should be. Those 30 police officers who apparently are going to be charged for the police riot that was the G20? First, kick them in the face. Then scoop them up off the street and bus them to a wire cage in a warehouse, ziptied, and let them sit there for a day without much water or food. Laugh at them and ignore any of their requests for help.

Otto's War Room (??): August 2019 31, 2019 · Arguably the unity of 4 organizations into the Communist Party Re-Organization Centre of India (M.L.) was the most qualitative advance in the building of the proletarian revolutionary mass line. Of great significance are their documents on mass line on the agrarian revolution and protracted peoples war, correct evaluation of fascism in India ...

The Kentroversy Papers 10, 2005 · The Project For A New American Century (PNAC) report entitled ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources For A New Century,’ lists as one of its’ key findings: “Control the new ‘International Commons’ of space and ‘cyberspace,’ and pave the way for the creation of a new military service -- U.S. Space ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 09, 2012 · Seven months earlier, they had started laying the groundwork for a major new campaign to combat what they saw as the growing threat to religious liberty, including the legalization of same-sex marriage. But the birth control mandate, issued on Jan. 20, was their Pearl Harbor.

The Peruser: November 2011 RUTH C. SCHATTEN My husband and I have been married for 36 years; we have 6 children and 7.5 grandchildren. After moving from New Hampshire we realized that we had lost our Citizenship papers, and the kids’ Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, and any document, such as our marriage licenses and well, basically, we lost any documents that we owned.

Denial Sends A Different Message Than Trump Thinks It Does ..., we have a substantial number of Christian denominations who reinforce this message of “men’s declarations are the final word” Sunday after Sunday. This leads to a flock that will back Trump, Kavanaugh, Acosta, and every man who lies. The flock includes children who grow up with the same world view. I don’t know how you break that ...

Us Versus Them: Shithole Edition | Sheila Kennedy 13, 2018 · • In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he continued to argue that they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them. • He spent years claiming that the nation’s first black president was born not in the United States ...

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: January 2019 viewed every game, even every possession, as the end of the world. If someone literally told Tom Thibodeau within two minutes of the end of the Hawks game, "You better get Rose out or there is a 75% chance he gets hurt and is out for a week" Thibs would take …

Ben Franklin Slept Here: 2015 recall that Lessig was the one, along with the COS' Mark Meckler, who convened the ConConCon back in the fall of 2011 and got the movement rolling. Among those writing on the recent decisions, with an Article V Convention as the answer, of course, are Prof. Rob Natelson, Michael Farris, and others.

RADAMISTO: 2012-07-15 04, 2012 · I conclude that the morality of the marketplace has been mediocre for a LONG time, even before Adam Smith. Posted by Steve J. at 4:48 PM 0 comments POOR MICHELE BACHMANN :-)

SEIU Endorses Giannoulias; Hoffman Campaign ... - Gapers 24, 2009 · This is all the Giannoulias campaign has to offer against David's candidacy. It's not much. We look forward to February 2. There you go. The State Council's Executive Board (listed here) votes on endorsements. The executive board members are in turn appointed by the boards of …

Trump budget slashes safety net, promises 15 more years of ... 10, 2020 · Trump budget slashes safety net, promises 15 more years of deficits By: R. Neal Washington Post : The budget would cut Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program and also wring savings from Medicare despite Trump’s repeated …

Pastors Opposing Vouchers Now Organizing in Indiana, Other ... 11, 2018 · Charles Foster Johnson, leader of Pastors for Texas Children, explains why he opposes vouchers and how he is organizing like-minded faith leaders in Indiana and other states. He believes in separation of church and state, a basic article of religious freedom. He doesn’t want his tax dollars supporting religious faith he does not share,…

Green Eagle: A Mississippi Proposal 28, 2020 · Mississippi white people are hoping that nobody (except their fellow racists, of course, all of whom will be in on the joke) notices that this flag was first raised over Mississippi in 1861, when it seceded from the Union, and is as much a symbol of hatred as the one they proudly fly now.

Michael K. Busch: Stuff White People Like: Saving Africa White People Like: Saving Africa Her criticism was fair, because it's true: I tend to highlight news that I think is most important--about Uganda or anywhere/anything else--and unfortunately, with the exception of my frivolous thoughts about sports, much of that news tends to be negative.

Weekly Bounce: Haircuts for Jesus is always at its best when its at its m ost hilarious, In the United States the people holding the "most hilarious" title , are the rapture-ready fundamentalist Christians.These are the Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, Left Behind folks, a cheery group of people who are impatiently waiting for the return of Jesus Christ, their own ascendancy into heaven and the Mad Max apocalypse which will ...

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 96 | Bill's ... 18, 2017 · But what differentiates the US presidency from a monarchy, even under these conditions, are the permanent institutions, made up of civil servants, prosecutors and lawyers. Trump derided them as “the swamp”, in which everyone was for sale. Now “the swamp” has struck back.

WHAT???? New York Times vows to 'rededicate' paper to 11, 2016 · 'rededicate' paper to reporting honestly Published November 12, 2016 Facebook Twitter livefyre Email Print May 14, 2014: Pedestrians wait for cabs across the street from The New York Times in New York. (AP) May 14, 2014: Pedestrians wait for cabs across the street from The New York Times in New York. (AP)

Trump budget goes after 50-year-old coastal protection program"The program, known as the National Sea Grant College Program, funds scientific research that benefits the fishing industry and coastal businesses." at 4:35 PM

Contextual Criticism: When and where was Trig Palin born?'s not like a matter of national security! One cannot help but wonder if the birth records are non-existent because the Palins are hiding something. Sullivan goes on to say: "As far as the propriety of demanding such basic publilc records, I am merely following Sarah Palin's own standards.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Environment? What Kind of Tree ... 11, 2017 · Trump's executive order eliminating the Obama Administration's actions on climate change has got to be the worst action of any US president since the invasion of Iraq, courtesy of the Bush Maladministration. The Trump administration is loosening environmental regulations as the melting of Antarctica's ice sheets grows apace.This is the worst time for a coterie of stupid, corrupt, and venal ...

The Media and Cable Monopolies (Cont.) | Bud Meyers 30, 2015 · The Media and Cable Monopolies (Cont.) “Whoever controls the media controls the mind.” ~ Jim Morrison, who passed away in 1971. (Via University of Wisconsin) Most people of my generation probably knows the comedian George Carlin (who passed away in 2008) and heard him speak of the American Dream (and who really controls America).

No Right Turn: ACC: Talking up a crisis 10, 2009 · The lower rates are the larger the notional lump sum needed to fund the required cash outgoings will be. And lately they have dropped with a thud. In the actuaries' latest estimate the steep drop in interest rates, all along the yield curve but especially at the short end, has alone added $1.6 billion to the liability - more than half the ...

Humint Events Online: A Darling of the PTB -- Bo Dietl ... 01, 2008 · by The Anonymous Physicist Bo Dietl is a former NYPD detective. A movie was made out of part of his life and career, called “One Tough Cop.” He has a strange background similar to reporter/Mafia godson/intel asset, John Miller, who I wrote about here. Dietl also has “childhood connections” to the Mafia, and has had a second career as a media pundit, actor, and owner of a …

Confessions of a Loyal Blog_a_holic - Streetdirectory.com of a Loyal Blog_a_holic. By: Kate Loving Shenk: My name is Kate Loving Shenk and I am a Blog-a-holic. Blog-a-holism can be defined as when you have 4 or more blogs you religiously add content to. I presently have 11 blogs. I think I need to stop here and now.[PDF]

Assessing California’s Redistricting Commission Technical Appendices Assessing California’s Redistricting Commission 5. Appendix B. Imputation Models for Uncontested Seats . A redistricting plan is drawn as a whole that includes all the districts, so any intent to produce more seats for one party or to increase or decrease competition is implemented through the entire plan.

Green Eagle: And In Other News 25, 2017 · And In Other News Today, Donald Trump, the World's Toughest Negotiator, caved on his signature issue, which he promised his supporters to do, literally hundreds of times: building his great wall. He can't even get his own party to go along with him.

The Immoral Minority: Nothing humorous about the Funny ... 09, 2014 · I'm hoping for a not too dry nor too wet of a summer. I can only recommend at least have important papers, irreplaceable photos and small keepsakes close at hand in the event of evacuation. We ended up taking 2 dogs, a cat, their food, kennel and kitty box, important papers, some photo albums & a handful of keepsakes when we were evacuated at 2 ...

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on being put on Sarah Palin's ... 08, 2011 · Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on being put on Sarah Palin's ' crosshairs' website This is from months ago. Please note Chuck Todd being a smartass in dismissing Rep. Giffords' concerns about the ' atmosphere' that was being created, as well as the eery comments by Rep. Gifford.

Denmark: We Must Allow Rapefugees to Have Child Brides's a reason moose-limb countries are pathological hellholes and that reason isn't the warm weather, a lack of natural resources, smallp...

Pedestrian Infidel: The European Dilemma 05, 2006 · And wherever men are fighting barbarism, tyranny and massacre, for freedom, law and order, let them remember the fame of their deeds, even though they themselves be exterminated, may perhaps be celebrated as long as the world rolls round." This is our time. Let's rise to it. Monday, May 1, 2006 at 5:55:00 PM EDT

The Huck Upchuck: 04/01/2011 - 05/01/2011 12, 2011 · The State of Hawaii has already certified, multiple times, in accordance with that state's prescribed process, the legitimacy of Obama's birth in that state. Are the birthers going to demand some kind of federal legislation requiring all states to adopt the same criteria for certifying birth records in their state? I can just see it.

Amir Sulaiman: Like a Thief in the Night - PopMatters 23, 2007 · On his fourth album, Like a Thief in the Night, Oakland-based Amir Sulaiman remains a spoken word-smith, true to form.This is despite the presence of …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Howard Kurtz ... 05, 2006 · (updated below) Howard Kurtz, the media critic for both CNN and The Washington Post, participated in an online chat yesterday, and was asked about the Jose Padilla story in yesterday's New York Times.This is what ensued: Princeton, N.J.: On the front page of the NY Times today is an article replete with pictures of the Bush administration's treatment of Joseph (sic) Padilla, an American citizen.

Re-Entering the Job Market: Return of the Living Dead ... 07, 2011 · Wow! It was just like in the movie Return of the Living Dead when thousands of brain-hungry zombies, dead from a secret government experiment gone horribly wrong, had just suddenly re-appeared from out of nowhere.. Jobs were added to the private sector for 244,000 re-animated unemployed bodies last month because all these "dead" people just miraculously became "hopeful" …

Infidel753: Link round-up for 15 September 2019 15, 2019 · See what technology can do for a man who lost both arms. A new Japanese stem-cell treatment restores function to paralyzed limbs . The article emphasizes concerns about how fast Japanese regulators approved the treatment -- but delay in treating paralysis causes great suffering, so that needs to be balanced against the risk.

The Safe Deposit Box: Creating a Financial Wikileaks 09, 2012 · It seems that there may be a case for a specialised financial leak site. Here's my back-of-the-envelope sketch for the Safe Deposit Box, a site focused on improving transparency in financial institutions (e.g. banks, funds) and commodity trading outfits, by providing a channel to encourage internal leaks.It could be curated by individuals with financial expertise, such that information leaked ...

jgsf1987: August 2016 say what I think. ? ?????? ??? ?????., pub-2414099054064071, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid ..., long before Drudge, the same population 62% of whom were convinced by Lee Atwater in 1988 that Michael Dukakis' refusalto COMPEL teachers to conduct the Pledge of Allegiance in their classes (they were perfectly well ALLOWED to do so), was an important campaign issue that would affecttheir vote. I have never forgotten that ...

Sneaksleep: In search of a Contrast Color is a man who's definitely in touch with his feminine side, but that doesn't mean he chooses to express it through his wool socks (that's what the platform heels are for). There are actually two or three more pairs of socks (including one for Taz) I'm hoping to knit in time for the holidays, but let's not get carried away right now.

No Right Turn: Ending speculation 05, 2009 · As the judge pointed out when dismissing the injunction, there was nothing in the report which touched directly on the trial or threatened its integrity. Instead, the police seem to be trying to abuse the court process to prevent publication of embarassing news, aided and abetted by a defence trying to keep the whole thing out of the news entirely.

R. W. Nutjob: 6/7/09 - 6/14/09 rarely noted, a longstanding trait of capitalism stretching back to 1400-era Venice. When trade became less profitable than mainland farming, the Venetian Elite stopped funding trading and bought farms on the mainland. As a side effect, Venice ceased to be a military and trading power. But the Elite remained immensely wealthy. 8.

My Open Kimono: February 2008 is one business card a card scanner will not accept! The clever folks at Arigatou Co. in Japan are pushing a new laser technology utilizing a new CO-2, high grade engraver that can etch 700 characters per second on hard surfaced organic foods …. peanuts, beans, …

M O B J E C T I V I S T: Shock Model with ASPO Discovery Data 06, 2005 · PeakOil analyst khebab pointed to the ASPO global discovery curve which intrigued me enough to use it as an input forcing function to my oil shock model. (note that the curve shown above includes a 3-year moving average) I had to really understand all the latencies involved from the actual point of discovery, i.e. the initial "oil strike", to the point at which each discovery starts producing ...

Notes in Samsara: The illusion of free will and its utter ... 09, 2012 · The illusion of free will and its utter irrelevance I like Brad Warner's Zen, despite its Soto flavor. And I'm sure when his god book comes out, I'll probably read it and rip it to shreds - or not- I might not really; he and I might just come down on the same side of things with just each of using using more unfortunate language than the next ...

The Wooden Finger: April 2008 - Troy Wheatley 20, 2008 · But it doesn’t take itself nearly as seriously, which makes it the more entertaining read at least. And the Top 10 lists are great, such as the Top Ten Euphemisms for Self-Abuse in Star Wars (yeah, I know, I’m really fifteen), and the Top Ten Signs Paul Krugman Has Lost His Freakin’ Mind. Like listening to Eminem and watching South Park ...

Dara Lind — Why police officers often resort to lethal ... US has been galloping toward becoming a full-on fascist state since 9/ll in many ways. Police militarization is one of them, but it was already happening before 9/11 owing to the war on drugs. But that is just one of the many manifestations. The US is increasingly becoming to look like Orwell's 1984.

Religious right manipulating bus incident to attack lgbt ... we all know, religious right groups are quick to manipulate public events to cast the lgbt community as an invading horde out to attack Christians and deny them their rights.. And a 2008 incident on a school seems be right up their alley. This is from One News Now: An Indiana school bus driver and her school district are targeted by a lawsuit alleging harassment directed at a Christian student.

The Delaware Libertarian: Obama is an eloquent speaker..... agree with you that Obama is an eloquent speaker. Frankly, with all the back-and-forth about whether Barr will take votes from McCain, I think it makes no difference because I suspect Obama will win by a landslide. He is everything McCain and Barr are not: young, dynamic, eloquent, and charismatic.

Blue Eyes Crying | FiftyFourandAHalf 12, 2018 · It’s one of my first memories. We headed up Wells Street. Bob, my eldest brother who is seven years older than me, was riding me on the bar of his bike. I was about 3, and I sat happily on the bike, watching the baseball cards that were clothes-pinned to the spokes of the front wheel click.

Color Blind – Jed thought behind more nuanced than a simple “Mind Your Own Business” argument: it simply means that the fear that it would make it easier for the government to collect these weapons is stronger than the fear of the general public, including children, that the unregulated masses within this group have unrestricted access to these ...

ModeratePoli: Links, video, and interesting info about ... Guide to the symbols and the cast of characters.A 22-minute documentary on one of the organizers. Skip the middle if you're pressed for time. One alt-right leader decided to opt out because the rally was too racist. Finally, a nurse who is also a neo-Confederate and Jewish talks about the rally. She thinks Nazis are weird, but really hates the counter-protesters for being Marxists, and ...

Avedon's Sideshow: Make It Easy On Yourself Robinson (a gun-owner who also tracks right-wing hate groups and violence) and David Waldman (KagroX, #gunfail) discuss domestic terrorism: perception, framing and responses to gun violence in the wake of two different domestic terrorism events in the past week, on Virtually Speaking Sundays. Bernie Sanders And Killer Mike Campaign Rally Speech In Atlanta, Georgia 11.23.15

A little R&R: Filling Sen. Kennedy's seat is why I have always thought that the appointment of Ted Kaufman to fill Joe Biden's seat until the next election. Kaufman was Biden's 19-year chief of staff. This person essentially acts as a vice senator, generally holds the same views as the boss, and knows what is going on in the office.

No More Mister Nice Blog 06, 2013 · DO YOU REALLY THINK CHRIS CHRISTIE IS MORE ABRASIVE THAN...? I don't know if Chris Christie's post-Sandy coziness with President Obama or ...

Discouraged Workers | Bud Meyers - A discouraged worker is not actively seeking employment or who does not find employment after long-term unemployment. This is usually because an individual has given up looking or has had no success in finding a job, hence the term "discouraged". If a person is still looking actively for a job, he or she may have fallen out of the core statistics of unemployment rate after long ...

Monkey in the Middle: Too Horrible To Contemplate!, in my opinion, what appears to be happening. Obama has made secret deals with the Iranian mullahcracy to facilitate the weakening of both the USA and Israel, even the planned destruction of Israel, in exchange for promises from Iran and now the Turkish leadership that ‘all they want’ – à la Munich, 1938 – is their individual MidEast Sudentenland, each of them.

Orcinus: The meaning of SpongeBob 22, 2005 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Ask Billy Bob: asinine absurdities, audio train-wrecks ... Bob (whose name is neither Billy nor Bob) worked long in the Seattle radio market wearing a suit. He says the experience heightened his sense of irony, augmented his influences, and diminished his circle of friends. By Billy Bob...

Young Friends of Sabeelhttps://youngfriendsofsabeel.blogspot.comYoung Friends of Sabeel (YFOS) supports the work of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in Jerusalem ( through education, advocacy, conferences, solidarity visits, partner-to-partner projects, and financial contributions. Young people, as a network of friends throughout the world, work in partnership with Sabeel to help bring about a just and durable peace for ...

Home Ownership Costs and Core Inflation - The Mess That ... 06, 2005 · There has been much discussion in recent days about the disparity between "headline" inflation and "core" inflation. Last Friday, headline inflation, which includes all items in the consumer price index, measured 4.7 percent over the last year, while core inflation, which excludes food and energy, came in at 2.0 percent over the same period. Many have rightfully bemoaned the attention that ...

Balkinization: A Vacant Speakership? his conscience (and a good night's sleep) inspired a follow up. As to the evidence, we are not yet into the court of law stage of 'Bama's efforts. Rather, there is evidence in the court of public opinion as this action comes fairly shortly after Shelby County. Pre-Shelby County, the 'Bama changes would have had the hurdle of clearing the DOJ.

Finance Pundits Shill For Wall Steet Bankster Plutocrats ... 27, 2013 · The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt (1/30/1882 to 4/12/1945) 32nd President of the United States (1933–1945), served for 12 years and four terms until his death in 1945, the only president ever to do so.

At least 110 dead in blasts near Bhutto's convoy in ... 03, 2007 · Hat tip: At least 110 dead in blasts near Bhutto's convoy in Pakistan KARACHI, Pakistan (CNN) -- Two explosions killed at least 110 people and injured at least 200 Thursday night near a motorcade carrying former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, who returned to the country earlier in the day after eight years of self-imposed exile, police sources told CNN.

Union Members aren't Happy with Hillary Endorsements | Bud ... 12, 2015 · The union leaders may have endorsed Hillary, but it's a long stretch to imply that all the rank-and-file members (or even most of them) endorse Hillary. Key details have been left out. Of the 670,000 federal employees that AFGE represents and of 300,000 dues paying members, only a …

Rev. Steve: "Becoming Chaz" Premiers Tonight on OWN at 9pm 09, 2011 · Image via Wikipedia The much anticipated documentary, "Becoming Chaz", which depicts Chaz Bono's journey through his transition from female to male, airs tonight at 9pm on OWN, the Oprah Winfrey Network. The Boston Globe's Matthew Gilbert writes this morning, "'Becoming Chaz' is remarkably multifaceted. Most of all, the new documentary about Chaz Bono, formerly Chastity Bono, …

Future Twit: March I am going to say something that will shock and dismay Taylor Swift's publicist. Taylor Swift is ugly. And I'm okay with that. Seriously. Not every girl in the world was cut out to be a super model.For every Kate Upton or Natalie Portman in the world, there are a lot more Drew Barrymores and Taylor Swifts out there. This is a fact that we should not only accept but embrace.

Orcinus: Mad Max vs. the Mayans - Blogger 18, 2006 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

The Immoral Minority: NBC cancels Mark Burnett's Christian ... 04, 2015 · From producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, the Universal Television drama is a rare miss for the mega-producers, and came in a season in which religious-themed fare, including CBS' Dovemakers mini, failed to lure live viewers. Let's face it, the viewing public is just not that into Jesus anymore. Besides there is some rather impressive ...

Squeezing My Mind Grapes: April 2008 30, 2008 · The controversy over the movie Expelled has made me think about a lot about how people debate the topic of evolution. It also reminded me that a few years ago The Daily Show took a brilliant and hilarious look at the subject with a series of reports called "Evolution Schmevolution."Poking fun at both sides of the issue and giving the intelligent design crowd a chance to argue their side, Jon ...

The Whited Sepulchre: 11/3/13 - 11/10/13 me begin by saying that I am a Mercedes-Benz. Not a Ferrari, not a Rolls, not a Corvette, but a little better than a Cadillac. I'm 53 years old, work in a family business, and …

The Road Before Us: 2012 of the pleasures of taking mass transit to work is that I can read. Quite a bit. While my commuting reading routine varies, I generally read the Economist on Mondays, the New Yorker on Tuesdays, and books on the remaining three weekdays. It has worked pretty well, and I’ve kept on top of my reading load this year, mixing up fiction with non-fiction regularly.

No Right Turn: Bugger 06, 2007 · While I support Sue Bradford's effort to lower the voting age to 16, unfortunately, it seems she forgot something.That something is s268 of the Electoral Act 1993, which entrenches certain clauses of the Act against amendment or repeal except with the approval of either 75% of Parliament or a referendum. Among the protected clauses are: Section 74 of this Act, and the definition of the term ...

Ideas: May 2015 - Blogger 30, 2015 · One of the latest episodes in the war against ISIS was a raid by U.S forces that killed a leading figure and captured his wife. According to news stories, the intent was to capture Abu Sayyaf, believed to play a major role in financing ISIS via black market sales of oil, for the sake of valuable information he could provide about ISIS operations.

OpenlineBlog: People + Issues | 2007 + 2008 12, 2007 · But it would be a shame to lose a successful program like Boys II Men just because its leaders failed to realize that they might be violating a 40-year-old statute. Maybe Mr. Muhammad could call his group a "service organization" instead of a "fraternity", and open it to any young man who is interested in improving himself and his community ...

Bleeding Heartland of links for a snowy day. Tuesday, Dec 8 2009; desmoinesdem; 1 Comment ; Many Iowans will be leaving work or school early today, or perhaps not going in at all, as the season’s first big winter blast rolls in. Here’s plenty of reading to keep you busy if you are stuck at home.

The Corporate Headquarters of the San Antonio Gunslingers ... 10, 2008 · Has its moments, but didn't feel as clever or fun as the first one. It's almost like the filmmakers heard some of the praise for the original being slightly smarter than it needed to be and then tried to hard at making this one smart. But it still has some very funny scenes, particularly the threesome scene and just about everything NPH says.

Soft and Fluffy Consumerism | Holy Shitters Holidays Are Coming! The holiday season is around the corner. People are stringing their X-mas lights and decorating … keep reading

Wednesday Bag o’ Moto – Paul's 17, 2017 · The motorcycle trip my son and I have been planning has undergone a metamorphosis. Gregory’s been looking for a motorcycle, and now he’s found The One: a 2014 BMW K1600 GL (that’s it on the left). It’s in San Luis Obispo, California. The plan now is for me to drive my truck and trailer to Las Vegas on Sunday.

The Threat and Local Observation Notice (TALON) Report ..."The Threat and Local Observation Notice (TALON) Report Program" report was issued June 27, 2007, by the Office of the Inspector General for Defense, U.S. Department of Defense, in which there were three conclusions: TALON reports were generated for law enforcement and force protection purposes as permitted by DoD Directive 5200.27, and not as a result of an intelligence collection operation ...

Steve Chapman: Guns - Chicago Tribune"Maybe one of them will have an incident and they'll change their mind overnight, going to and from work." Sure. And maybe they'll hear him talking nonsense and decide that the First Amendment shouldn't cover free speech after all. Then again, an incident involving guns might not yield the result Daley wants.

Where can I find archived old "National Lampoon" articles ... flawed as the DVD archive is, though, it's still well worth the investment. It's just a disc full of non-DRM'ed pdf files, so even though the scans are sometimes ratty and coffee-stained, it'll still outlive that cardboard box I have somewhere in the basement.

Being Boring: A Lament for Friends Lost | Et Cetera ... 25, 2010 · Being Boring: A Lament for Friends Lost I bolted through a closing door, All the people I was kissing, Some are here and some are missing, In the nineteen nineties. The Sundance Channel has just launched the first online exhibition from acclaimed filmmaker and photographer Bruce Weber, entitled Gone Fishing: A Little Journey in My…

The Infinite Monkey (At The Keyboard): "What happened to ... 10, 2009 · (c)2014 Richard L. Kent, Esq. (MichiganSilverback at gmail dot com) § It's said that an infinite number of monkeys typing away at keyboards will eventually reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare. § What they don't say is that the total amount of matter in the universe, if turned into monkeys and typewriters, powered by all energy present in the universe, to feed the monkeys in …

atomic power review: SMART SMR Moves Ahead - in Saudi ... received the first-ever Standard Design Approval (SDA) from a regulatory body for a 100MWe (330MWth) integral reactor. SMART generates only a 1/10 of a large nuclear plant (over 1,000 MWe), but since it is an integral-type reactor it has enhanced the inherent safety by containing major components such as a pressurizer, steam generator, and ...

Huckabee, Cruz, Walker, Paul and the Neanderthal 04, 2015 · The American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the Philippines, the Netherlands ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Mr. Coyne writes a thesis! 21, 2006 · The front page of Canada's National Post featured an epic presentation for Canada's one and only real love, that of the good ole hockey game! As Andrew Coyne writes, there's a casual interest in the likes of baseball, basketball and football be it Canadian (which can stir the nations emotions in November), American or that roundball version playing out in Germany right now.

Balkinization: Fiscal Policy and Economic Inequality central aim of the New Deal conference was to revisit Steve Fraser and Gary Gerstle’s seminal 1988 edited volume, The Rise and Fall of the New Deal Order. Joe and I took on the task of questioning and trying to explain why Fraser and Gerstle’s pivotal historiographical intervention overlooked the importance of fiscal policy and particularly FDR’s commitment to progressive taxation.

Next Left: Five things we've learnt about 20, 2011 · Robert said.... The big problem for labour right now is seeing the differences between the Tories and the labour party. Labour has nearly as many millionaires in the party, most of the people in the labour movement would fit right in with the Tories since most of them went to the same private schools, most do not really believe in the working class, or welfare, or social housing, or in fact ...

Redeye's Front Page: RedEye's Monday Rundown 12, 2014 · It is not (yet) as large as the Occupy movement was just before the nationwide police crackdown in 2011, but it has a broader base: young and old, black and white, working and middle class, teachers, doctors,pro-abortion activists, etc. Church and labour leaders support it.

America - What Nexthttps://americawhatnext.blogspot.comGates also touched on the subject of 1 and 2 year trade schools as not everyone in the world is cutout for a 4 year college degree. However, the corporate world is all too eager to aid in both finances and updating of America's extended schooling to help ensure the employees of tomorrow are well equipped to handle the jobs of the future.

Gubu-World: When Kenny met Obama 30, 2011 · President Barack Obama and Taoiseach Enda Kenny have met twice in recent months. The first occasion was on St Patrick's day when Kenny was invited to the White House upon which he held a one hour meeting with the President before attending several receptions in Washington DC. The second occasion was last Monday when President Obama came to Ireland.

Iowa Caucus Results - the email that started it all 04, 2008 · Not only was he the big winner in IA, but so was America as the nearly all-white rural midwestern state chose an African-American (literally!) candidate whose race wasn't an issue for him, the campaign, or the voters. The godmother of one of my daughters is a professor at Providence College in RI and has gone to NH to campaign for Obama.

Wind power doesn't work! | power doesn't work, but don't tell that to the folks up in Kansas. The Smoky Hills Wind Farm is a 250 megawatt project, about 1/3rd the capacity of a smallish coal-fired power plant. It will offset 750,000 tons of CO2 emissions, 2500 tons of NOx, and 3400 tons of SO2 per year.

Windows 7's Potentially Show-stopping Boot Up Problem 17, 2009 · But there is one very serious potentially show-stopping problem which I have encountered. I first installed the 64-bit version of Windows 7 on an old laptop with 32-bit Windows Vista. The first couple of times that I rebooted, the computer complained that "ntldr" was missing and would not boot up unless I inserted my Windows 7 DVD. This problem ...

Accidental Deliberations: Thursday Morning Links 08, 2017 · One of the first projects that PROOF worked on, based on research conducted by Lynn McIntyre at the University of Calgary, looked at old age pensions in Canada. Using the Canadian Community Health Survey data once more, they randomly selected a group of single, low-income “near seniors” aged 55 to 64 and followed them for ten years.

A World In Miniature: 24 - Foundry Miniatures Painting and ... 03, 2009 · Pros: 176 pages of glossy, high-quality pages filled with Dallimore and other painters' miniatures.Dallimore breaks down the book in a sensible way - from painting miniatures in one color for the beginner (essentially, painting models purely with basecoating, eschewing the more advanced techniques of shading and highlighting) to the more involved two-color and three-color methods …

Balloon Juice | Breaking: An Agreement with Iran 24, 2013 · Congratulations to Sec John Kerry and Pres Obama on what could become a truly historic step toward a safer world. — Al Gore (@algore) November 24, 2013 Per the Washington Post: GENEVA — Iran and six major powers agreed early Sunday on a historic deal that freezes key parts of Iran’s nuclear program in exchange …

memeorandum: Trump, after Soleimani killing, may finally 06, 2020 · Financial Times cuts senior staff pay by 10% and UK's Daily Telegraph will move non-editorial staff to a 4-day week from May 1 with a 20% pay cut Adi Robertson / The Verge: NY court rules Mashable embedding an Instagram post does not violate copyright law, as the photographer gave a “valid sublicense” by posting the image publicly

Did the Koch Machine Put Romney Over the Top in Wisconsin? 04, 2012 · First there was the 18-day occupation of the state capitol building by opponents of the law, and the unveiling of Walker as a Koch toady, thanks to his punking by blogger Ian Murphy, who conned Walker into thinking he was talking to David Koch on the phone.Then there were the indictments of Walker staff members and associates on charges ranging ...

News Corpse | The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay | Page 4‘I wish we could postpone this to a time when the virus isn’t as large a concern as it is today.'” These warnings are falling on deaf ears in the Trump camp. Just as he did in the early months of the pandemic’s spread, the Trump administration is dismissing the risks and pretending that everything is just fine.

Solving the WASL Questions of Doom | Slog | The Stranger ... down—still at work—from my day, I decided to solve the WASL questions of doom. Question 1: The easiest was the Tom, Dick and Harry one. Harry, earning more than the manager, cannot be the manager, nor the teller (that earns the least.) Therefore Harry …

Tickle The Wiregang land news Archives - Tickle The 10, 2015 · By Allan Lengel How unsophisticated was the FBI when dealing with the mob in the early 1960s? So unsophisticated that the bureau referred to the La Cosa Nostra as the La Causa Nostra, according to Jerry Capeci, the mob expert who runs the site Gang Land News.. Capeci writes that for near two years, from September 1961 until July of 1963, the FBI had the name wrong.

Bilgrimage: Frédéric Martel's In the Closet of the Vatican ... 11, 2019 · This is emphatically not a book about clerical child abuse; nevertheless, the systemic nature of the mendacity that is revealed does have important consequences for understanding how the cover up of child abuse has been so prevalent. The same systemic mendacity throws light on how and why a whole generation of senior clergy, from the end of the Second Vatican Council onward, failed to …

The Christian Right's Worst Nightmare? Black Israelites Christian Right's Worst Nightmare? Black Israelites and Indiana's 'Religious Freedom' Law Indiana's "religious freedom" law, i.e. a bill designed to legalize discrimination against gays and lesbians under the shield of "religious freedom" has been a source of national controversy.

Don’t call it propaganda | Overlawyered 05, 2011 · Don’t call it propaganda The FDA has moved to require tobacco marketers to place grotesque photos of cadavers and body parts on cigarette packs, and Barton Hinkle of the Richmond Times-Dispatch thinks there’s no reason for it to end there .

Spocko's Brain: Success! And Thank You MEDC! friend from Norway reminded me of that when she asked for a list of advertisers who choose not to continue their ads on commercially supported broadcast radio station KSFO. I forwarded her letter to one of the smartest player in this story, Susanne D. Lyons, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Visa U.S.A.

Moyers is misleading voters | just received a letter that outlines the real record of Mike Moyers with regard to term-limits. Knox County Law Director and would-be Chancellor Mike Moyers has recently complained to the News-Sentinel that a flier prepared by supporters of term limits and bearing his …

Blue in the Bluegrass: A Real Memorial to Jim Crow 11, 2018 · That was the observation of Bowling Green lawyer John Rhodes in 1944. Rhodes was looking back three decades on the power of mob violence he saw firsthand as one of the lawyers in a 1908 shooting case in Russellville involving an African-American named Rufus Browder.

Shamanaqua: The Mythology of the GOP societies would exist; one of privilege, one of work. The worker class would be divided among the industries that need them the most. Corporate icons would control the lives of its workers much the same as it cares for the machinery it operates. The workers class would have few rights and privileges save for a few earned as incentives.

Proof that a Phone Call from a 9/11 Hijacked Flight was Faked? 05, 2005 · The interesting tidbit I also found was the phone call from Peter Hanson to his father Lee. Peter Hanson was on flight 175. This call started at 9:00am, right before "flight 175" rammed into the second tower. Here is the excerpt of the call from the report (it is actually the second call Peter Hanson made to his father):

Duncan's Brain: Some thoughts on the Musashi 24, 2010 · Richard: a big debate in the MTB world right now, too. Lots of folks starting to build bikes with 29" wheels because they "roll faster". To my thinking, these larger wheels are slightly less likely to get "caught between" obstacles or large-scale trail noise - and have more rotating mass to …

Pedestrian Infidel: Focused on the French Version of Musulman 11, 2005 · I apologize to my visitors for not posting as frequently the past week or so. I have been starting on a new personal business and I am now working slowly and painfully on the French version of Andre Servier's French language Islam and the Psychology of the Musulman.This has turned out be very difficult due to the condition of the book.

Balkinization: What is a Work Requirement? case in point is the “work requirement” added to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) in the 1996 welfare law, codified at 7 U.S.C. § 2015(o).Under this provision, many childless adults between the ages of 18 and 50 become ineligible for SNAP after three months if they do not have at least half-time employment.

False Solutions to Climate Change | Climate 19, 2014 · Photos from the Front Lines. This exhibit went live on the Langelle Photography website on Saturday 30 November 2014, in time for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Lima, Peru that opened 1 December 2014. The photographs document impacts of and resistance to climate change and false solutions, spanning five continents over more than 25 years.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: A Faithful Custodian of His Father's ... 06, 2020 · Big Bad Bald Bastard The Big Bad Bald Bastard is a character played by Monsieur _____ of the City of Y_____. The role of the Bastard is a handy one to play on subways, walking the streets, and in dive-bars, when being a nerdy, bookish sort is not to one's advantage.

June's Cookie of the Month: Honey Chocolate Chip Cookies 09, 2010 · I looked for a recipe that was simple, so we overwhelmed new parents could swing all this baking between feedings and diaper changes. More on how that worked out below the jump. The preamble to the recipe very helpfully suggested buying a strong-flavored honey like wildflower, pine tree, oak tree, acacia, chestnut, or star thistle.

The Immoral Minority: Jon Stewart asks the question: "Is ... 05, 2011 · The most important part was the absolute certainty of the mental health professional that Edwards would continue to deny the scandal -- almost at all costs. "He will keep denying the scandal to America because he is denying the reality of it to himself. He sees himself only as the image he has created." I was told.

No Right Turn: Exclusive: the Minister of Energy is now ... 06, 2009 · Minister of Conservation Tim Groser ignored official advice and instead bowed to demands from the Minister of Energy when he decided to alter the proposed boundaries of the Oteake Conservation Park to exclude a lignite deposit.. The boundaries for the new park were announced by the Minister in April, and excluded a 195 hectare area over the Hawkdun lignite deposit, described as "a …

TBogg - "...a somewhat popular blogger" turning point came at a dinner party on the day Ronald Reagan famously described the Soviet Union as the preeminent source of evil in the modern world. The general tenor of the evening was that Reagan’s use of the word “evil” had moved the world closer to annihilation. There was a palpable sense that we might not make it to dessert.

The Scientific Activist (Archives): And the Verdict Is... 11, 2006 · After telling the panel at first that he was the senior co-author, Dr. Schatten later denied it, saying he was just one of two leading authors. "This second version does not correspond with the fact, for example, that he is the one who responded to reviewers' comments," the panel said.

The Other Side of My Mouth: February 2011 even brought on one of his junior sidekicks, Brian Fraley (himself well-versed in the techniques of lying) to offer an "eye-witness" account of the terrible anxiety being caused to state capital workers. Funny. About 5:00 pm I turned back to WTMJ in time to hear John Nichols answer a question asked by the drive-time host. "Was the atmosphere ...

Facebook | conservative leaders | response | censorship 16, 2016 · Earlier this month, former Facebook employees claimed the social media site actively filtered conservative news from user newsfeeds.. In response to criticism, Facebook released a statement that explained their curating methods, which included corroboration with at least three of Facebook’s list of 1,000 approved websites, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Climate Change Experts and Information in Sources ... Change: Experts and Sources Sources Directory - Subject Index. Results 18 Sources Experts & Spokespersons 38 News Releases 89 Sources Select Resources 6 Sources Bookshelf 5 Media 12 Government Ministries & Agencies. Sources Experts & Spokespersons. American Museum …

Mauritius Tornadoes News Monitoring Service & Press ... 07, 2020 · January 2020 was the planet's warmest January since record keeping began in 1880, said NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) on Thursday. Global ocean temperatures during January 2020 were the second warmest on record, and …

Brexit: UK votes to leave EU in historic referendum – BBC ... 24, 2016 · The UK has voted to leave the European Union after 43 years in a historic referendum. Leave won by 52% to 48% with England and Wales voting strongly for Brexit, while London, Scotland and Northern Ireland backed staying in the EU.. UKIP leader Nigel Farage hailed it as the UK’s “independence day” but the Remain camp called it a”catastrophe”.. The pound fell to its lowest level ...

Loaded Dogma: Abbott Disappointment Syndrome: Indigenous ... is utter nonsense. Australia's founders no more lacked heart than do people today. The difference is that they were inspired by the creed that all citizens are as one before the law. They were right and Abbott and his fellow travelers on the Left are very, very wrong.

Americorps Abuse Of Power Scandal - Blogger Abuse Of Power Scandal The firing of Gerald Walpin a Inspector General for the United States is a clear "Abuse Of Power". President Obama and his minions fired this "Great Man" for investigating one of President Obama best friends Kevin Johnson the Mayor of Sacramento, California.

Who Hijacked Our Country: Elizabeth Warren to GOP: “Did ... 04, 2015 · Nah, another one of them Langsford or something can't remember what state he is from. Jeb! wants to defund it and give the money like he did in Florida to those crisis centers that do nothing to help women. August 6, 2015 at 4:46 PM Tom Harper said... Jess: Langsford -- haven't heard of …

No Right Turn: Climate change: pulling numbers out of ... 04, 2007 · Fitzsimons said climate change was the greatest threat to the country so at least $1.6 billion should be spent on preparing for its effects – the same as the defence budget. (Elsewhere, they say that "climate change is the greatest threat we face. Spending the same as our defence budget ($1.6 billion) is the least we should do").

The Next Hurrah: The Lead Rubber Ducky in Grover's Bathtub 30, 2007 · One of the most infuriating aspects of the conservative movement (starting with Reagan, at least) has been the shift from campaigning on promises to eliminate agencies they didn't like (and losing, because voters didn't agree) to just appointing people who would undermine the mission of the agency without ever admitting what they're doing.

California Supreme Court elections, 2018 -,_2018The terms of California Supreme Court justices Carol Corrigan and Leondra Kruger expired in January 2019. Both were retained by voters in November 2018 to remain on the bench for a full twelve-year term.. Corrigan was appointed to the bench by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) in December 2005. Kruger was appointed to the bench by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) in 2014 to complete the term Justice Joyce ...

Pretty much sums up the Trump presidency. Don't you think? 02, 2018 · Can't blame it on senility, who he is, folks. Looks as if Amendment 25 will not be the vehicle used to remove this hateful creature from the office of President of the United States of America and leader of the free world.

"All we are asking for is a little respect" 50 years later 02, 2015 · If you want to know more about me, where I stand and what I stand for I invite you to read my writings at Left in Alabama for a historical perspective. Contact me [email protected] These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section.

UPDATED: Mint Press exposed as Assad apologist, AntiWar ... 20, 2013 · One of the more popular theories of how the opposition gassed its own people was a story published by Mint Press. This story, in addition to absolving Assad of any responsibility for the attack and putting the blame squarely with the rebels, had many elements in common with the sort of racist saga were the bungling, stupid [sand] niggers, acting at the behest of some rich white Jew, in …

solidaridad: Schools Matter: A charter school story 10, 2019 · Researching for a case and came across a personal injury settlement between a charter school corporation in the Central Valley and multiple student plaintiffs for some $6-million+. The amount is on the low side considering the horrific injuries some of the students suffered. It was the typical charter school money-making scam.

New Product Testing: Wewalka Bistro-Style Pizza Dough is a 'thin and crispy' pizza dough that is all rolled out, put on a piece of parchment paper and rolled into a cylinder and sold in the refrigerated dough section of the market. You simply unroll the dough, top it, pop it into the oven and you get a nice pizza in 12-15 minutes.

Shouting Down the Well: August 2015 29, 2015 · Back in the year 1999, I was working as a technical writer for a British company in the middle of America and Jessica was hired as the office manager and I realized in short form that she was amazing. I sat at my desk in a cube farm and she sat up front at the reception desk. She was the …

Rambling Dissertations of all, once you discover the fact the Dolly Parton's original was the best, and that Lorelia Gilmore's was even more touching, you realize it is a pretty good song. I don't think that it takes a genius to get why I've been into these songs recently. This is a song my mom used to sing to me when I was a kid, but not the sad second verse.

LoneStarBear: Sullivan: Even Lower course, once it is pointed out the message is clear. Since I don’t generally think in those terms, I guess they should have used a darker hand (but then that might have been a little too obvious and wouldn’t allow plausible deniability). No, what struck me most was the complete irony of the picture. Was it saying:

moop :: handmade: 12.08 08, 2008 · But, we managed to get orders filled, take 3 days off for xmas and begin the rebuilding of my studio (there will be photos soon)! There is much to tell, but at the moment I am supposed to be packing for a short trip to Montreal. We're spending New Years with our friend Daniel, he's one of our favorite people. Come Monday, life will be back to ...

The Sapient Sutler: Lies and the Lying Teachers Who Teach Them, Lewis got shot in the ass by one of his own sergeants on the trip, which is not really germane, but amusing as hell). And the list goes on. The myth of rags to riches as the rule, how we "saved Europe's ass" in WWI, the treatment of Amerinds in general, etc. American history is full of cherished and erroneous myths.

No More Mister Nice Blog 07, 2005 · A number of bloggers are puzzling over this story, which appeared in a small newspaper in Washington State yesterday: Five federal government officials, including three from the CIA, have removed several documents from the archival papers of the late Sen. Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson housed at the University of Washington.

THE ERA Editorialshttps://theeraopinion.blogspot.comMorning came and there was the "Morning Sedition" and "Unfiltered". These were strikingly different shows. Chuck D, Rachel Maddow, Lizz Winstead were the hosts on 'Unfiltered' ,and Mark Riley and Marc Maron have been the hosts on 'Morning Sedition.' I thought, great, Chuck D! Man, I …

Asheville Progressive - Page 03, 2016 · Serving Western North Carolina and Beyond — Everything starts with an idea! - Page 663

Brown Man Thinking Hard: Book Review: "Still I Rise" got a book in the mail the other day to review, called Still I Rise: A Graphic History of African Americans – I guess Brown Man Thinking Hard is coming up in the world. As an illustrated graphic nonfiction book that chronicles the African American experience in America, this book packs a lot more than the traditional treatment of black history between its covers.

American Power: GOP Prepares for New Culture War 04, 2008 · One of the most interesting electoral outcomes last Tuesday was the passage in Arkansas of a ballot measure prohibiting the adoption of children by unmarried couples.The underlying goal of the initiative was to prevent homosexual couples from raising children in the state.

UnCommonSense: July 2014 03, 2014 · This is the paths of all the known hurricanes over the last 150 years: Over the last 100 years a major hurricane (Cat 3,4,5) makes landfall in the USA every 1.4 years on average. However, the last major hurricane to make landfall was Hurricane Wilma (Cat 5) on October 19, 2005.

LIVERPUTTY: French students protest new labor law students protest new labor law. ... If anyone asks me why I don't hold Europe as the ideal, I can simply point to these protests as one of the main reasons. What a bunch of screwballs taking to the streets in an effort to block a law that would have a worker be responsible for being worth paying.

Humint Events Online: High Rate of Thyroid Cancer in 9/11 ... 17, 2007 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

State Rep Linda Chapa-LaVia Says She's 50/50 on Gay ... 04, 2013 · No 7:11, a conversation about what marriage is and historically and CORRECTLY it is a legal union between a man and a woman who want to procreate and is designed to protect others form having to bear the cost of raising their children. that is what it is for. marriage has always been tied to the idea of rearing children.

Lying Media Bastards: Jake vs. Low Female 12, 2003 · ....LMB: "Jake vs. Low Female Self-Esteem".... August 12, 2003. On my radio show today, I gave a rambling monologue about women and men, at one point re-assuring women that their breasts are okay. I know many a woman who is insecure about the size or shape of her breasts, and whether or not the guys will like them.

Another Preditory Attack On A Child This Time 08, 2007 · I forgot all about them for a while. I used to look at their site all the time, but it seems to have gotten so boring that all of a sudden you just don't msis them any more. Come to think of it, I am better off. My head doesn't hurt as much lately. 11:03 PM Anonymous said...

Betas Pushing Theory That Insults Them | BroadBlogs 26, 2013 · Porn, other media that aren’t much better, and hearing braggarts all have their effects,,but don’t discount a man’s own direct experience. To a young life that hasn’t known a lot of pain yet, watching a girl you really like fall for a line of feelgood bs while lacking the skills to compete with it …

Man rescues Puppy trapped in Drain by building a Drone ... is a good chance a completely fake claim - made either to a clueless reporter, or with the collusion of the newspaper. The pictures/video are at best re-constructions (since the puppy is completely clean coming out of the filthy drain) - but why would this be needed if the guy actually spent 6 hours building such a complicated contraption?

Behind the Scenes – Hopping Mad November 2017 – What’s old is new again or, in the case of Trump, never went away.Due to a confluence of unexpected events we were unable to produce an entirely new show this week so I went back to 30 January 2017 and grabbed the interview we did at the time with attorney, Armando Llorens.I put both the original broadcast interview and the Extra Mad extended interview into the show and ...

Yeah, I am back again. But this may be the only one for a ... blogs today I found a reference to a blog post at DailyKos from 2005. Now I normally don't read much at the big orange anymore because I just can't stomach most of what I see there. That's actually why I had stopped for so long. The negativity out here is awful and I had to get away from it for a while.

Gun Cult – The Commoner Call agency’s most recent figures include a worrying uptick: Between 2015 and 2016, the number of Americans nonfatally injured by a firearm jumped by 37 percent, rising from about 85,000 to more than 116,000. It was the largest single-year increase recorded in more than 15 years. But the gun…

Enterprise Collaboration One (Deshpande India 2020) 07, 2009 · A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate. Human beings can’t help it: we need to belong. One of the most powerful of our survival mechanisms is to be part of tribe, to contribute to (and take from) a group of like-minded people. 9 10.

Metropolitan Place | Living In the Edge of Madness’s also the prestige of banking at one of the oldest banks in the country. This is the prestigious Chase Manhattan Bank we’re talking about. Not some little entity that is going to get bought out from under me because of a crisis or an idiotic home equity loan miscalculation. This is solid money in the bank stability, folks ...

Avedon's Sideshow: I think you move me"Why Bernie Sanders Is Not George McGovern" - It shouldn't be necessary to say this, but Nixon was the incumbent, which makes a huge difference. And staying the course probably seemed a great idea to a middle-class (the real kind - working people!) that was rich by any historical standard, before or since. This is a very different time.

No More Mister Nice Blog: RUSH LIMBAUGH CALLS JEMELE HILL ... 02, 2017 · I mentioned Rush Limbaugh in my last post, but I neglected to tell you that Limbaugh told his audience yesterday that ESPN host Jemele Hill is a "New Black Pantherette." (Limbaugh tacks on the "-ette" because, hey, why just be racist when you can be racist and sexist at the same time? It's like sinking two balls with one pool shot.)

The Commentariat -- February 27, 2012 - REALITYCHEX.COM 27, 2012 · The Treasure of Las Montañas Rocosas. Johnny Diaz of the New York Times: “ After 10 years, a chase for hidden treasure in the Rocky Mountains has come to an end. Forrest Fenn, a New Mexico art collector who created the treasure hunt, announced over the weekend that someone had found the bronze chest that he had buried in the mountains, filled with gold nuggets, coins, sapphires, …

Conservatives | Rock the Boat it was the Clinton administration, obsessed with multiculturalism, that dictated where mortgage lenders could lend, and originally helped create the market for the high-risk subprime loans now infecting like a retrovirus the balance sheets of many of Wall Street’s most revered institutions. This is nothing more than thinly veiled bigotry.

Sensiblekitty | the green cat’s meowhttps://sensiblekitty.wordpress.comOne of my favorite running themes on his blog are the Green Business Lies that gives you a glimpse inside his newest book “The Truth About Green Business,” which hits stores May 29th. “It’s like green business for dummies, except not for dummies” states Friend during an interview with Kimberly Miller of Green Cities Media.

The Rumblings of a Deranged Buffalo: December 2013 spite of the balance, I don't see a lot of danger from Georgia offensively. Not only do they eschew taking advantage of the three-point line (less than 18% of scoring comes from beyond the arc, near the national basement), but they take a lot of two-point jumpers (nearly 38% of attempts, nine points over the national average) which is the sign of a poorly-organized offensive effort.

Leisha's Random Thoughts & Ponderings: May 2017 is hilarious ... and there's Måns in the Swedish commentators' booth. :-D United Kingdom - Never Give Up On You. Yawn. Another pretty entry that's so totally forgettable. There are so many samey songs this year and this is one of them. A kind of striking presentation, a lot of gold ... it's well performed, but it's just so forgettable.

M.D.O.D.: Dirtballs Get Sick Too 06, 2007 · BTW: good job 911. I have worked in a place with rampant endocarditis and a murmer was only present about 70% of the time. In my current ED, I'm lucky to hear S1 and S2 it's so noisy. Yep, for every turkey there does come a Thanksgiving. It's hard to sort 'em out. As one of my favorite attendings used to say: "it's a mine field out there doctor".

No More Mister Nice Blog 07, 2007 · For each target, the pattern was the same -- a recorded message using voice recognition technology asked the recipient if they would participate in the caucuses, considered themselves pro-life and thought marriage should be between a man and a woman. Then the dirt came, right after those called were asked which candidate they were backing.

HAS THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND ... 15, 2010 · Three months before John Albert Gardner III's parole ended in September 2008, he pleaded guilty to a marijuana possession charge stemming from an Escondido traffic stop. A parole review was triggered, but it did not land Gardner, a registered sex offender, back in …

bolo boffin: 03/08/2009 - 03/15/2009 03, 2009 · Michael Steele is now busy walking back his pro-choice comments made in an interview for GQ four days before he called Rush Limbaugh an entertainer with an ugly act. No, not his Viagra-fueled tour to a sex tourism paradise, his radio act: I tried to present why I am pro life while recognizing that my mother had a "choice" before deciding to put me up for adoption.

Cookies, Crayons, Classes, & Chaos - Bloggerhttps://quonfamilyblog.blogspot.comAnd my kids are excited with me. My darling husband, who is used to my crazy escapades, is lovingly joining in our efforts. This is fantastic given that he has the engineering mind to build my vision of a chicken paradise. Chickens!!! We're allowed 5 hens here in the city so here are the …

bottlerocketscience: Calmly We Walk through This April’s Day we walk through this April’s day, Metropolitan poetry here and there, In the park sit pauper and rentier, The screaming children, the motor-car Fugitive about us, running away, Between the worker and the millionaire Number provides all distances, It is Nineteen …

bottlerocketscience: Cosmos - Giordano Bruno segment - Giordano Bruno segment Posted by scott at 6:03 PM ... starting at at 1:00 in the morning, my time, was the Nebula Awards ceremony, held by the SFWA, the Science Fiction ... immigration - Something called *The Devil's Arithmetic* had been popping up as a suggestion on one of the streaming services over and over, so Friday evening I ...

Mickeleh's Take: February 2006 07, 2006 · Google has three new widgets for Mac users: a quick blogging tool (I'm using it to post this), a Gmail inbox widget, and a search history. Missing from the blooger tool is a quick way to insert links. That makes it less than wonderful. But it is fast and convenient.

K Marx The Spot Newsweek subscription lasts through 2010 and I know for sure that I'm not renewing it. (It was a gift from my late father-in-law.) There are lots of bad magazines out there, but why is Newsweek egregious in its own, Washington Post-owned way?. Take the 8 June 2009 issue. Among the features are two worthy articles on the Guantanamo Bay detention camps: one on the difficulty of reforming ...

palingates: Sarah Palin, liar liar 04, 2009 · There were some comments in the last thread about Sarah Palin and the state jet she sold on ebay.This is what she said in her acceptance speech at the RNC: Sarah Palin, Sept. 3, 2008: I came to office promising major ethics reform to end the culture of self-dealing. And today, that ethics reform is …

We're Desperate. Get Used to It.https://weredesperategetusedtoit.blogspot.comSep 19, 2006 · Also, one of the two sound engineers that we were working with kind of - he was very busy and he also had a day job so he didn't have a lot of time to like, finish with us. After we had started we were just kicking around for a few months waiting for him to have another day, or weekend for him to hang out with us to mix it.

Big Education Ape: Jul 12, 2013, Coal Miners and ALL of Us | Reclaim Reform: Teachers, Coal Miners and ALL of UsPosted on July 12, 2013Illinois public employees at the State kenprevitiThe Illinois Teacher Pension pillage by its own state legislature is one part of the overall War Against the Middle Class by mega-corporate billionaires.

ngblog: May 2013 31, 2013 · attacks are the result of the hatred, fear, and ignorance that run rampant in our society and have resulted in 90% of NYC's LGBTQ public high school students being bullied,” Tym Moss, the Center's president, stated. The Center will participate in this evening's planned march at 5:30 p.m. from the NYC LGBTQ Center

August 2017 ~ European-American blog 11, 2017 · After deplaning, we both hit the first toilet we could find, a fairly common practice. Then, we proceeded towards baggage claim. Only AFTER we were outside the security area did we realize that Anita - who is diabetic - had inadvertently left her insulin pack in the bathroom which she had just visited.

Democracy for New Mexico: Denish Campaign Proposes 8 first debate, hosted by Albuquerque Public Schools on August 19, has been agreed to by both campaigns. However, the Denish campaign says it has repeatedly contacted the Martinez campaign to discuss the release of a full debate schedule, but the Martinez campaign has thus far declined to agree to a schedule of debates.

Viagra Generic Us Pharmacy - GoodMeds Creams To Use Are The Ones That Contain Components Of Ascorbic Acid That Are Antioxidant. Africans And The Indigenous People He Helped Enslave And Disenfranchise Were Considered By Locke To Be Subhumans To Be Regarded As Cattle As Private Property With No Unalienable Rights To Liberty And Freedom At All. So For This Reason We Are Sure That ...

Doug Ross @ Journal: Ellie Light only the latest episode ... to excellent detective work by the Cleveland Plain-Dealer, a massive astroturfing operation involving pro-Obama letters-to-the-editor was uncovered.A mysterious individual named "Ellie Light" authored similar letters that appeared in 68 publications in 31 states and the District of Columbia, 3 national publications, a Yahoo news story and 2 foreign publications.

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Free to be Feminist? | Righting America 13, 2017 · This was one of the questions we were asked last Thursday after giving our paper, “Feminist Rhetoric and the Hegemonic Struggle of Patriarchal Fundamentalism,” at the Feminisms and Rhetorics conference here at the University of Dayton. And it is a question that continues to haunt us.

Karma Curmudgeon (@Tinycurmudgeon2) | Twitter 18, 2018 · The latest Tweets from Karma Curmudgeon (@Tinycurmudgeon2) Search query Search Twitter

C-SPAN's 'American Writers' - freedom-writing.blogspot.com has been showing a series called "American Writers II, the 20th Century." A website, "American Writers," will bring you up to speed...

Views of a Nepali Economist: December 2012 of the first clear strength of Nepali unity was seen when Prashant Tamang participated in Indian Idol. Not only the Nepalis in Nepal were united to make sure that Prashant won that contest, but Nepalis of Jackson Heights in New York City had installed money collection booths, the collections of which would be sent to Nepal to support the ...

Wake up, Mr. President - The GOP has Launched a Jihad ... 08, 2014 · The first group is made up of traditional conservatives. These are highly patriotic Americans who believe in limited government, the primacy of the people over government, and fiscal responsibility. But the other two groups that have coalesced within the GOP are much more malevolent - international business interests, and social bigots.

Noho-missives: 11/23/2003 - 11/30/2003"This is a gigantic step toward the mark of the beast," said Gary Wohlscheid, whose website, These Last Days Ministries, keeps tabs on what many Christians believe are the signs of a coming religious Armageddon. His site is one of dozens that link VeriChip to the apocalyptic prophecy.

McDermott urges elected school board action – 04, 2012 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Pot and Consequences | Sheila Kennedy has totally pissed me off are the anti-legalization ads being constantly run on TV. As I previously wrote, the anti-legalization campaign in AZ is being financed by Insys Therapeutics, a drug company whose primary product is synthetic Fentanyl, and which is about to market a synthetic form of THC, the main psycho-active component in Marijuana.

Interweb Detritus: September 2009 24, 2009 · So when someone makes a slippery slope argument, what they're really saying is this: I have no reason to object to this other thing in and of itself, but if I conflate it with this second other thing which is clearly objectionable, and which I c onflate with the first other thin g on the sole basis that the second other thing is outside my rigid understanding of the original thing, just like ...

Blogging for Business BUSA594https://bloggingforbusiness594.blogspot.comBlogs on the Inside Blogs can be every bit as powerful inside the organization as they can outside, and in many instances even more so. Mounted on an intranet and made available to employees, blogs can serve as one of the most effective knowledge-sharing tools a company can implement.

GENESEE FLINT . COM: What are the Characteristics of a ... 01, 2009 · Genesee County Family Law Articles including Custody, Parenting Time, Support, Paternity, Revocation of Paternity, and Grandparenting Time.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: May 2010 17, 2010 · This is old news, but I only noticed it a few days ago, and it's almost as cool as getting linked from the official Talk Like A Pirate Day website: One of the pictures I took in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in January has been featured on The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks!It wasn't the first time they had this particular phrase in quotes, but the first time that was actually in Thailand.

Epitaphs by Michael R. R. Burch Epitaphs.htmThis is a page of epitaphs written by Michael R. Burch... Epitaph for a Palestinian Child by Michael R. Burch I lived as best I could, and then I died. Be careful where you step: the grave is wide. The poem above has become one of my most popular on the Internet. The last time I checked with Google it had been copied to 461 pages.

Oscar de la Renta | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

On Frontline, Nuclear Aftershocks and Renewing the ... 17, 2012 · It's one of the first sections you'll see on our home page and it can be accessed anywhere throughout the site by clicking on the atom symbol in the top right corner of the page. Most importantly for you, our loyal NEI Nuclear Notes readers, is that we've migrated the blog to the new site.

The Howdygram 2: March 2018 10, 2018 · It’s just past 8 a.m. and we’ve got another dark and dismal morning here, this time with a dense fog advisory.This doesn’t affect my life in the slightest, though, as I’m a handicapped old coot who never leaves the house … unless it’s the occasional ambulance ride when I’m anxious to pay an unexpected visit to the hospital.

The Other 95%: Thoughts on Education and Popular Science Books 08, 2008 · The first is science education in high schools. There are billions of high schools in the United States, each with its own mission statement on how and what science should be taught. Brian's point was that science education in high school did not prepare him for college-level science.

Muppets McDonald's Glasses - Miss Piggy on Motorcycle grew up with a set of these McDonald's Muppets glasses in our kitchen cupboards in Frankfort and this one of Miss Piggy riding a motorcycle through what I think is a stained glass window was the one that I recall most vividly. I spotted these glasses at the Kane County Flea market, but they wanted like $8 a piece for each of the four glasses.

Knight's Castle: January 2013 26, 2013 · The first book of Hilary Mantel's trilogy on Thomas Cromwell, Chancellor to Henry VIII, won the Man Booker prize. So did Bring Up the Bodies. This is a rare double triumph, and a very, very good historical novel. David Drake, The Road of Danger. (Riverdale, NY: Baen Books, 2012.)

David Tyree and NOM: Deconstructing the Latest Arguments ... 11, 2011 · And, second, several days ago, Tyree spoke with CNN reporter Kyra Phillips re: his opposition to same-sex marriage. This article by David Badash at The New Civil Rights Movement site comments on that interview and has a clip of the interview.Around the 5:06 mark, Phillips asks Tyree to explain a central contention of his argument: namely, that "anarchy" will ensue if society permits same …

Bloggers Stake Convention Claim in 'Big Tent' - Poynter 26, 2008 · From person-to-person coaching and intensive hands-on seminars to interactive online courses and media reporting, Poynter helps journalists sharpen skills and …

#ferguson | Roland Klose of articles have been published about the death of Michael Brown, who was shot on Aug. 9, 2014 by Darren Wilson, a Ferguson, Mo., police officer. The

Inside, Looking Out – Homophobia rears its ugly head on ... 22, 2009 · 4 Responses to “Homophobia rears its ugly head on “So You Think You Can Dance!”” Laurence Marshall Says: May 22nd, 2009 at 2:43 pm. I just happened to catch that particular segment of So You Think You Can Dance last night.

Obama The "Joker" Clown Picture - Blogger 04, 2009 · Obama The "Joker" Clown Picture I have been calling our so-called President "Obama The Clown" and a picture has finally, surfaced that represents what I have been saying for the past year. Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable President Earl Ofari Hutchinson is calling the depiction men spirited and dangerous.

Electronic Village: OURstory: Mary Church Terrell (1863-1954) 23, 2014 · Black History is something that should be shared 24/7/365... not just in the month of February. We should glorify OURstory whenever we have the chance to do so. Villagers, it turns out that a remarkable nubian woman was born on this day (September 23) in 1863.Her name was Mary Church Terrell and she lived for 90 years and had a remarkable influence for African Americans ... particularly …

News Junkyhttps://news-junky.blogspot.comBrothers, sisters, Mainstream Media (who we all know is in bed with us Demon-crats, every last one of them!): let the second wave of the Great Lefty Feeding Tube Removal Campaign of 2005 commence. This time, we'll really score a blow against those hip, Bible-banging, photogenic, "Life" duct tape-over-the-mouth protesters, damn them.

Barnestormin: Photojournalist Chaz Palla, My First ..."There is no try--only do," Yoda said (thought of this cause Chaz is zenlike and serene in this pic, rivaling a happy yoda, in a way). This guy is no Yoda kinsman, but rather the Slavic-eyed Hunky-Italo-American photojournalist Chaz Palla, who works for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and was my first journalism mentor, advising me while drinkin in a North Side Pittsburgh bar.

Papers of interest… | Peripersonal Space title of this blog is Peripersonal Space. Peripersonal space is the space near the body, extending to the area reachable by the limbs.Understanding how the brain codes this space is not only totally cool as a basic science question but may be important knowledge to have for developing simple, noninvasive kinds of neurological rehabilitation after right hemisphere stroke (see the first ...

With Both Hands: John McCain: Chicago's South Side Parade ... 06, 2008 · This is the story of how the South Side Irish St. Patrick’s Parade began. As with many stories told by the Irish, exaggeration is inevitable, however, this story is completely true. The parade was the vision of two best friends, George Hendry and Pat Coakley.

TLCQ 2015 | Texas Leftist the Third installment of the 2015 Texas Leftist Candidate Questionnaire, we hear from Moe Rivera, candidate for Houston City Council, At Large position 2. Please note: Responses are directly from the candidate, and have been posted ver batim from the email received. This is …

Straw poll - Find link - Edward Betts in St. Paul, Seifert was the first-place winner of a non-binding straw poll, receiving 37% of the vote. He was followed by state representative Tom He was followed by state representative Tom 2018 Minnesota gubernatorial election (3,541 words) [view diff] exact match in …

Another District’s Story *UPDATED* | Progressive Warwick Blog 16, 2010 · the bill for a series of mistakes and misjudgments. Those mistakes include faulty building design, inflated enrollment projections, mismanagement and a desire to paint a rosy merger picture to those who predicted disaster. “There’s enough blame to point the finger in 100 directions,” says Johndrow, who was let go by Sullivan West last year.

In an Age of Information Insurgency, Notes on My History ... first had come with moveable type in Europe, the Gutenberg revolution. The innovation of the 19th century, during the industrial revolution, was the industrialization of information. Paper got cheap, presses grew much more efficient, advertising became ubiquitous, helping to finance the publications, and suddenly it seemed just about anyone ...

Kung Fu Monkey: 3/8/09 - 3/15/09 - Monkey Kung Fu M A N You've all heard it before. The kraaaang, the crunch, the chug-a-chug. It's the two (sometimes three *) note chord that has laid the foundation of music from Chuck Berry to Kelly Clarkson to Disturbed.And if any of you have ever tried to play the guitar, it is also one of the first …

'ROMANI AU TALENT .NR = 1': Antena1_Restrictii pentru ... Music Legend Charlie Daniels Dies - Charlie Daniels, who went from session musician to one of the most recognized names in Country Music, has died. Daniels, a fiddler, was the voice and face ...

Who's Who in Sarah Palin's e-mails? Lyda Green? -- UPDATED 01, 2011 · The L.A. Times has an interesting, summary guide to who's who in Sarah Palin's e-mails: "Sarah Palin emails: The Alaska archive - who's who."There is only a picture associated with some of Palin's correspondents, but if the Times has articles about them, they link to the article(s).

The Iron Wagon: December 2008 28, 2008 · The Donkeys The only reason I heard about these good ol' boys was when Dead Oceans sent out their new album list and this was on it, I'm not sure when they don't get much press but a simple and unpretentious band who make Wilco look like X Factor contestants. The Donkeys Myspace The Avett Brothers Its actually a national embarrassment that here in the United Kingdom, the …

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2004 · Reuters reports that a Belgian cardinal has called the vast majority of gay men and lesbians "sexual perverts"; at National Review Online's blog, Mike Potemra declares that actually a compassionate statement. Don't ask me to explain Potemra's logic -- just read the links yourself. Where does the right find these people? (OK, maybe this will help: Potemra notes that the cardinal thinks ...

Dvillage Remote — LiveJournalhttps://dprisoner.livejournal.comOf course the big news is that The Game Show Show is returning on October 5th, and if you're already on our e-mail list you will have received our recent mailer that includes a discount code. If you're not on our e-mail list, it's easy to join - just click this link.If you saw the show in it's workshop stage this past spring, then you know how catchy the tunes are and how funny the dialogue is ...

Straw poll - Find link - Edward in St. Paul, Seifert was the first-place winner of a non-binding straw poll, receiving 37% of the vote. He was followed by state representative Tom He was followed by state representative Tom Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign (14,238 words) [view diff] case mismatch in …

Stubbornness | This Black Sista's Memorial Page©Gabrielle Daniels, aka blksista, ThisBlksistasPage (This Black Sista's Page), 2009-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Contextual Criticism: Anti-Semitism rears its ugly head in ... of all, I'm not surprised that anti-Semitism is a concern in central Florida. Central Florida is one of the most redneck, ultra-...

Matterdayshttps://matterdays.blogspot.comNov 13, 2011 · I took Kali for a walk this afternoon. I needed to feel life and energy. And we came home and Kali drank out of Stoli's water bowl and then sat out on the porch with me and I gave her Stoli's bone to chew on. Our unbelievable, loving, sweet sweet Stoli girl - she's still here. She has to be. We've lost too much, this past year or so.

kidney bingoshttps://kidneybingos.blogspot.comThis is my e-mail. Use it wisely. This is my Myspace page. I now Twitter.--I ACTUALLY UPDATE THIS I also Tumblr.--DITTO Links listmania. Films Seen in 2009 (added: The Milky Way; White Dog) Grades for Films 2009 (added: Two Lovers [B]; He's Just Not That Into You [C+]) Films Seen in 2008 (complete) Grades for Films 2008

TheBradfordReview: 2010-08-22 of the most prolific writer's of our times-Leighton Bradford has created a medium working towards the success of sound journalism! His writing style has helped the following publications enhance their readership: The Commercial Appeal, The Mid-South Tribune, Upscale, The Houston/La Vida News, The AZ Informant(Published by the late Sen ...

Churchill's Cigar: Numb3rs: Some Thoughts Some Thoughts Listen, I love Fringe and I'm going to go back and finish it up as soon as I'm done writing this but after about season three and a half, it got a little boring. So I wanted to mix it up and Numb3rs had just been sitting there, staring out at me every time I logged on to my Netflix for what seemed like years now.

BMLTV(Beta): EVENTS first World AIDS Day was held in 1988 and was the first ever global health day. The Norfolk Department of Recreation, Parks & Open Space (RPOS) enriches the quality of life for Norfolk residents by providing a full spectrum of recreational programming for youth, adults and special populations.

Ssnot!: Debunking Zeitgeist. those of you who don't have your pulse on the fingers of the crazies, you might not have heard of the steaming pile of crap that is Zeitgeist.A movie so horrific that even Wikipedia refuses to admit it exists. Oddly deciding that because everything it says was false it wasn't worth an article and was quickly expunged. Also, as JREF noted a lot of it was stolen from other sources.

Art Blog By Bob: Images of Christ: Part V: Matthias ..."To me there is no past or future in art. The art of the great painters who lived in other times is not an art of the past; perhaps it is more alive today than it ever was."

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Will Rupert become a Dixieland Delight? 22, 2007 · The cultural highlight of our visit — and Prince Rupert's leading tourist attraction — was the Winter Feast tour at the Museum of Northern British Columbia, ranked among Canada's top 10 museums. Located in a traditional longhouse built of old-growth red and yellow cedar logs, the museum focuses on the history and art of the Tsimshian and ...

The Evolution Of Kate: October 2009 I started my file for “October 2009” this morning I realized it’s been four years since I started this blog. Four years of spouting off to the world about the silliest or most distracting things going on in my mind, which according to what I glanced over this morning has rarely carried a lot of intellectual weight.

Big Education Ape - Blogger schools, Education, edubloggers, privatization, daily posts from people who know

Mihaita din Berceni este patron la Dragonul Rosu ( Ras TV : ) week of confessions - Confession: I joined KindleUn for a 30 free trial. I found something interesting, but I won't tell you how. I found something interesting, but I won't tell you how. There exists a sub-genre called "interracial pa...

Galley Slaves: Galley Slaves: Oliver Stone's 9/11 (cont ... 13, 2005 · Continuing with idea of Oliver Stone directing the first 9/11 movie, a Galley Friend and hot-shot Hollywood writer emails in with this analysis: On one hand, Stone's not likely to go quietly if he's yanked off (and by the way, as Roger Simon points out, there has indeed been a huge "off with their heads and out of our country" sentiment in GB), which Brad Grey knows could taint the film.

Tucson Observer: Mass. Sues Feds over Definition of Marriage 17, 2009 · Mass. Sues Feds over Definition of Marriage BOSTON, MA (Observer Update) - assachusetts, the first state to legalize Gay marriage, sued the U.S. government Wednesday (July 7) over a federal law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, reported the Associated Press on

NoFo: RIP, dear Scott 10, 2017 · And when I became single five years ago, he was the first person to stay in the guest room of my new apartment. He didn't end up moving to Chicago until after I'd moved home to Iowa, but he extended to me an open invitation to come back and pose for a conceptual series of gritty, vérité, deeply urban photographs he called Drifters.

bear witness to the love of God in this world: January 2007 30, 2007 · The first one is the prominence of the Holy Spirit. As Luke the historian records the events of the early Christian movement, in Luke and also in Acts, it is obvious that no historical accident. The explosive growth, the signs and wonders being done through Jesus in Luke and later through the disciples in Acts is the work of the Holy ...

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #144 | swarthy little man whose passion is the sea but who is conspired against by a boat captain and a mackerel and a world full of tongue-cluckers and the unrelenting hands of a clock. But in just a moment Mr. Bemis will enter a world without boat captains or mackerels or clocks or anything else.

Saradise Lost - Chapter Seventy -- Sarah's Message To The ... 18, 2008 · spyder jacketsThe had at least one runner on in every inning but the first and outhit the RiverDogs by a 12-6 margin Lawal should be a focal point of the Yellow cheap polo shirts along with highly touted newcomer, 6-9 Derrick Favors, rated as the No. 1 power forward on the ESPNU 100. The Yellow JacketsThere are

Clinton Supporters & their cats/dogs for McCain & Palin ...“Cult typically refers to a cohesive social group devoted to beliefs or practices that the surrounding population considers to be outside the mainstream, with a notably positive or negative popular perception.. A group’s cult status begins as rumors spread of its novel belief system, its great devotions, its idiosyncratic practices, its perceived harmful or beneficial effects on members or ...

Belly of the Beast: 09/04/2005 - 09/11/2005 10, 2005 · This is one of the first occurences in a major media source where Peak Oil has been addressed head on with the term Peak Oil right up front. I can already see all the letters coming in from all locals saying that there's oil all over the place. Let the arguments begin. Technorati Tag - Peak Oil |

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Another city worker caught with his ... 11, 2007 · 45 Comments: Bob said.... St. Paul police investigate a city parking meter man after his hefty deposits raise a teller's suspicions St. Paul police investigate a city parking meter man after his hefty deposits raise a teller's suspicions BY EMILY GURNON Pioneer Press Article Launched: 10/10/2007 12:01:00 AM CDT Bank tellers often see customers bring in bags of coins.

William Horberg: August 2009 31, 2009 · I briefly met the great Japanese manga artist Yoshihiro Tatsumi when he was autographing copies of his beautiful book "The Push Man and other stories" at the ComiCon in San Diego a few years ago. The next year I got his collection "Abandon The Old in Tokyo". They are the works of a master storyteller and it was really cool to get him to draw a cartoon inscription into each edition.

All Categories - The Eternal Struggle, created by Richard Garfield in 1. One of the first romantic vampire TV- series, “Kindred: The Embraced”, is loosely based on Vampire: The Masquerade. More than 7 million books and comics set in the World of Darkness have been sold. On October the 2.

Bilgrimage: "Trumpvangelicals" and Trump As Quasi ... 04, 2016 · (1) Donald Trump resembles health-and-wealth, prosperity gospel preachers like Creflo Dollar. (2) Donald Trump resembles those who create and lead branded, multi-site, personality-driven megachurches or church networks, like Andy Stanley, Rick Warren, and Bill Hybels.

And, yes, I DO take it personally: 01/21/2007 - 01/28/2007 26, 2007 · At a private meeting with the lawyers in one of the cases this month, the judges who will hear the first appeal next week expressed uneasiness about the procedures, said a lawyer who attended, Ann Beeson of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Bilgrimage: "The Question of Love Itself Still Stays ... 09, 2011 · And so the ideal that those "Christians" hold up to society as an alternative to gay love, in order to permit us to continue in our "cosy straitjackets": as the novel ends and Tom copes with news he has received of Danny's death at the opening of …

a dream or a song: Pootie-Poot 09, 2007 · • When Putin’s name is typed, the first letter capitalizes itself. • By squinting his eye Putin can read and write multimedia DVDs. • Putin’s stare has downed 15 American satellites spying over the Kremlin. • Putin’s stare penetrates a ten foot lead wall and brings a kettle to a boil within 10 seconds from three miles away.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: December 2010 Kris Frieswick. Kris we've got a follow up for you on your brilliant 2009 Boston Magazine piece "Till Death Do Us Pay." Update: The mother of the victim is featured in today's news story -- 30 Dec. 2010 -- from Cambridge Local, she's a hard-working equine dentist, trying to build a company while fighting this International jerk. Here is the eMusic website; the answers lie within this ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: St. Paul hires new chief of safety ... 28, 2010 · As the City of St Paul continues to over populate the housing market by building more rental housing right now that we don't an haven't need for a long time, you can expect more houses and apartments to continue to go into foreclosure. I suggest that you take a look at Craigslist and to see how many properties are not rented right now.

Suddenly, Mitch Landrieu Is America’s Mayor“Not only is Kelley one of a handful of women working in this important leadership position but she is the first African American news director for the City of South Bend. . . . “ Grace Holliday of Britain’s Guardian profiled Ayshah Tull, a black BBC presenter, or anchor, on Wednesday.

lgstarr: State can seize your assets to pay for care after ... 04, 2013 · The fact that being treated with seriousness at Kos is an indication of how large a liability it could be for this government program. Washington is scrambling to change the law. No doubt other states will start looking at their implementation of this part of Obamacare.

Are You There, Blog? It's Me, Stephen: May 2007 31, 2007 · During the course of this month - - May 2007 - - One Hundred Twenty-Three (123) United States soldiers lost their lives fighting the War in Iraq. As you can see from the chart below (found at the Iraq Coalition Casualty Count) the third highest monthly death count since the war began in …

Cult of Signal: 2015“In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way — everywhere in the world.

[E.O.M.S.]: William S. Burroughs: The Revised Boy Scout Manual 18, 2016 · The list is guesswork of course but the real higher-ups will soon expose themselves. So for a start we assassinate a Swiss banker never wrong on that. Just get a list of high Swiss bankers and pull his name out of a hat. This is Assassination By List (ABL.) The rich and powerful cower behind guards and electric fences.

Tully's Page: Kinky Boots: Broadway's Primer on Business 09, 2013 · Kinky Boots: Broadway's Primer on Business At first glance, it would be hard to take a Musical Comedy named “Kinky Boots” seriously. The hip-high, well-heeled red boots that dominate the musical’s logo reinforce the idea that this show will be a little silly and a lot of fun.

Tenured Radical: Weird History Department News: Thad ... 10, 2010 · Today's HuffPo has a blog post by former Barnard adjunct prof Thaddeus "Bad Thad" Russell who, by his own account, was kicking a$$ in History and American Studies on the Upper West Side of Manhattan until his colleagues finally found out what he was teaching. The story is a little murky, it's true.Russell, who took his PH.D. at Columbia, describes himself as an "eccentric" and claims to …

Caliphate (Literature) - TV Tropes Afrikaner: Since a massive Crapsack World, South Africa resembles not so much the Boer era as the antebellum South—Or maybe the Draka. The Boer airship captain is a rather nasty piece of work and Straw Misogynist personally, who does not mind taking advantage of a pretty slave girl.

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails Tor is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to.. In order to use the WikiLeaks public submission system as detailed above you can download the Tor Browser Bundle, which is a Firefox-like browser available for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux and pre-configured to connect using the ...

Bio – JONATHAN TURLEY is also one of the few attorneys to successfully challenge both a federal and a state law — leading to courts striking down the federal Elizabeth Morgan law as well as the state criminalization of cohabitation. In 2010, Professor Turley represented Judge G. Thomas Porteous in his impeachment trial.

The Present Is Nowhttps://tpin.blogspot.comNov 12, 2008 · We are about to elect the first black president, and put an end to the disgusting era we have writhed in for the past eight years. And it will be glorious. In other news, this entire idea of the Heartland is bunk. During the mid-80s, there was a surge of popularity for a …

Contextual Criticism: The cancer-healing god authors admit the findings could be due to chance. "But the strength of the association and the duration of the trend are arguments for a causal association." Alberta’s oil sands are one of the world’s biggest deposits of oil, but the cost of extracting that oil may …

RADARSITE: Jordan, West Bank Should Become a Palestinian State is a nice idea and has been brought up before. Give the so called palestinians 30 days advance notice to be ready to move to Jordan. Those that do not go voluntarily would be "escorted" to the Jordanian border.

Solsticewitch13's BOS: February 2012 07, 2012 · The only card in the Iranian deck is a naval conflict. The last time it tried one of those, the result was a decisive defeat for Iran, but that was back in the late ’80s. The Persian Gulf is vital to Iran’s assertion of power over the region. It has invested in developing its navy and a strategy that will allow it to take on greater powers.

Mirror On America: February 2011 07, 2011 · A member of the bipartisan Pro-Life Caucus and a co-sponsor of H.R 3 -- the bill that added "forcible rape" to the lexicon this week -- Pitts is no stranger to the abortion debate. But pro-choice advocates say his new law goes farther than any other bill has in encroaching on the rights of women to obtain an abortion when their health is at stake.

bottlerocketscience: The Return of Nic Jones legend Nic Jones made rare concert appearances in 2011 and 2012, playing in the videos above with his son Joseph. Good to see him up on stage after a long absence.

Goethe Chose Mercy: June 2006 The first sentence describes a tactic, not a strategy. The goal of gaining same-sex marriage rights is couched in the language of the civil rights movement. But this does not amount to a strategy for its achievement. Quote: As an exercise in marketing and merchandising, this strategy is the most brilliant playing of the race card in recent ...

Unknown Columnhttps://unknowncolumn.blogspot.comThe dreaded major injury to a major player. This is horrible, crushing, disastrous news. Harris has quickly become one of the best defensive players in the league and his absence would leave a gaping void, especially for a defense that has struggled against the run ever since Mike Brown was lost for the season in the secondary.

CURRENT COMEDYhttps://yzurblog.blogspot.comDec 16, 2012 · One of the first places in Mohave County to be approved for a medical marijuana (MMJ) dispensary is in tiny Dolan Springs, a wide spread but sparsely populated desert community about 30 miles north of Kingman, the home-base of my tireless campaign assistant, Perry Wickerd.

Orcinus: 05/18/2014 - 05/25/2014[Cross-posted at Hatewatch.] White supremacist David Duke has a new book coming out, of sorts – a repackaged and “illustrated” version of the notorious anti-Semitic hoax, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”But unlike previous editions of the text – all of which attempted to claim that the book was a genuine transcript of a gathering of wealthy Jews who conspired to bring about ...

D'Arcy McGee: November 2012 prospect that could make for a fairly informative race and a most interesting two months leading up to the January 26th nomination convention. Some of the media previews of the pending race for the nomination can be found below. The Northern View-- Individuals seeking NDP nomination revealed CFTK TV-- NDP Nomination race set on the North Coast

The Next President Visits Nevadahttps://thenextpresidentvisitsnevada.blogspot.comThe kind of crimes alleged in this complaint are the kind of crimes you might see in a Hollywood movie. And the number of alleged crimes in this complaint are pretty shocking, everything from alleged bullying to alleged death threats to a "large" man hired by the Seenos, allegedly going to the home of Whittemore to steal jewels and assets from ...

Today's Govermenthttps://omarandgoverment.blogspot.comThe goverment is going to have to borrow more money from China, and Japan. It seems to me that the only good that is going to come out of the $145 billion stimilus package. This might help the econmy for a couple months but will not help lift the economy from a upcoming recession.

National Newshttps://earrizola.blogspot.comFor a long time now doctors have taken advantage of the elderly and charged them for procedures they dont even need. It isn't until now that the government is finally stepping in. The government is now starting to pay attention to the doctors who receive money as the compnies' paid consultants.

Orcinus: 06/16/2013 - 06/23/2013 Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

October | 2008 | Retractable Horns & Tail 31, 2008 · This is the means of the conservation of a nation, quite as it is the means of conservation of a living organism. Just how much change a society requires, and what sort of change, depend upon the circumstances of an age and a nation. Such, then, are ten principles that have loomed large during the two centuries of modern conservative thought.

Contextual Criticism: 10/13/13 - 10/20/13 of the most immediate and important changes on the horizon has to do with the planet's warming climate. The latest projections as to what is going to happen to the earth very soon are dire! Many millions around the world will be permanently displaced as cities gradually sink under the rising waters.

ConnecticutBLOG 07, 2006 · This is the type of stuff you don't see in the media. This is the type of stuff Jodi Rell won't talk about (she lives in the town next door). This is the type of stuff the mayor doesn't want YOU to see. I'll make sure the real story about the troubles in my city are told to the public.

TV | Morningside Mom 07, 2009 · And while I would not vote for any candidate solely based on their gender, I was comforted that a smart woman, mother and women’s college graduate could very well lead this country. Yes! Perfect! This is what America needs at last! But as the weeks have gone on, some of that Hillary excitement has just faded away for me.

Ambassador Watch: February 2008 of the earliest and best information sites on WCG has been updated. Bill Ferguson's Ekklesia was hugely influential at the time of "the changes", and Bill advises: "I've cleaned up all the broken links (at least the ones I've found so far) and will be reconfiguring the site to be the new home of the ekklesia mailing list." In the mid-90s Ekklesia was one of the first WCG-related websites I ...

A DC Birding Blog: How Raptor Talons Fit Their Prey 11, 2009 · Blog about birding, wildlife, and the environment. Here are the significant characteristics of each raptor family: Accipitridae (including accipiters, buteos, and eagles) have first and second talons (D-I and D-II) that are exceptionally large in proportion to their other talons.; Falconidae have talons that are more equal in size than Accipitridae but D-I and D-II continue to be ...

Jewish-Israeli Peace Activistshttps://jewishisraelipeaceactivists.blogspot.comIn some places, this wall, which surrounds the West Bank, is eight metres high. I urge the chamber to consider for a moment the Berlin Wall. At its highest, the Berlin Wall was 3.6 metres tall. We are talking about a concrete barrier all around the West Bank which in some places is twice as high as the Berlin Wall. It is indeed hard to imagine.

Daylee News Nuggets: February 2016 three men, he says, are the only ones who can really be described as 'grandmasters' of the game. 'The world is a chessboard, and a leader is very skilful in moving the pawns and the rooks and the pieces about the board,' McCoy says. 'But the grandmaster actually breaks the chessboard itself into pieces and manoeuvres those pieces."

OMPHALOSKEPSIShttps://omphalloskepsis.blogspot.comTranslate this pageThe Ideological Challenge at the Core of Donald Trump’s Radical Presidency - In addition to a loaded slogan–“America First”–and a questionable demeanor, it is now apparent that President Donald J. Trump actually has a governing ideo...

????????? ?????? ???????? Solnechny Zaichik Doronina this pageThe Ideological Challenge at the Core of Donald Trump’s Radical Presidency - In addition to a loaded slogan–“America First”–and a questionable demeanor, it is now apparent that President Donald J. Trump actually has a governing ideo...

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 08, 2009 · While Iranian “President” Ahmadinejad, visiting the United Nations in New York, made his usual ridiculous remarks regarding Israel – the end result, he was asked to leave his hotel in Manhattan. While away, anti-government protests erupted again, in Iran, despite the hard-line approach, (murder, imprisonment, torture) the regime has displayed in the past few months.

Dick Polman's American Debate: 2007-01-21 26, 2007 · It’s not hard to see why all happening. For starters, the Internet has made it far easier than ever for a candidate to raise a lot of money in private donations virtually overnight. More importantly, the amount of money offered by the feds can’t begin to keep pace with the ever-ballooning costs of campaigning.

D'Arcy McGee: 2012 outgoing MLA for the North Coast, Gary Coons, is raising his concerns once again over the proposed sale of Ridley Terminals Incorporated into private hands. Coons, who has long been active on the RTI file, once suggested, back in 2005, that a co-op option be considered for the coal handling facility. A suggestion that it would seem is very much of the past, when it comes to the future for ...

bottlerocketscience: Sarah Palin Debate Flowchart, her head didn't fall off, so I guess that's good. Biden had a very good performance, I thought.

THE NOONER for 09, 2013 · LIKE THE NOONER? SUBSCRIBE: For only $2.99/month or $29.99/year, you will immediately be promoted to the cool kids club with an ad-free version and get access to bonus downloadable data. ADVERTISE: Buy this spot and reach 7,012 subscribers of the free version of The Nooner. At $250/week, that's less than a penny per reader per day. about the Nooner | …

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: Taking NBA All-Time Top 80 ... Cowens -- he was a key to a very successful team, but his stats just don't jump out as "top 36 great". His playoff stats? Same. He is like Lanier or McAdoo or Parish or Horford - not top 36 player. Billy Cunningham Steph Curry Mel Daniels Bob Davies - played 7 years, 4 AS games, averaged under 15 ppg. Anthony Davis

Redeye's Front Page: What a difference a Judge makes 11, 2011 · What a difference a Judge makes As activist plead with Butts County Superior Court Judge Penny Freesemann to halt the execution of Troy Davis, A Federal Judge in New Orleans has ruled that a white man is mentally unfit to stand trial on charges he fired a shotgun at three black men who were trying to leave New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Bilgrimage: People of Faith in Minnesota Gather to Pray ... 08, 2013 · As I read Michael Bayly's account of the gathering of people of faith in Minnesota on the eve of today's House vote on marriage equality, I'm struck by the contrast between his Catholic witness to the gospels and that of my bishops in the USCCB. As I noted in a posting yesterday, my bishops in the USCCB want Catholics across the U.S. to pray, fast, and …

Philip Sparrow Tells All - Samuel Steward - Bok ... Steward (1909-93) was an English professor, a tattoo artist for the Hells Angels, a sexual adventurer who shared his considerable range of experiences with Alfred Kinsey, and a prolific writer of everything from scholarly articles to gay erotica (under the penname Phil Andros). Given this biography, he sounds like a most unlikely contributor to a trade magazine like the Illinois …

My Doctor is Retiring ~ European-American blog 08, 2019 · But Doctors keep up with your life’s never ending transformations and transitions. She is the keeper of my body’s entire biography and now, decades later, it amounts to a bulging dossier, full of juicy details. If I was famous, she could sell my body’s dirty secrets for a ton of money to a tabloid magazine.

Juanita Rush was channeling Confucius - Curmudgeon while back I put out a quote from my mother, Juanita Rush, who came up it while in an Alzheimer’s ward. She said, “When we were younger, the things we thought were hard were really pretty easy.” Recently I have been doing some work on the web presence of my blog and I came across this quote I had posted attributed to Confucius which states: “Life is really simple, but …

Progressive Breakfast | by People's Action 25, 2019 · In his announcement, Biden went after President Donald Trump and the statements he made after violent clashes between activists and white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. In the wake of the demonstrations, which killed one person, Trump said there were fine people on 'both sides,' a remark that drew wide condemnation.

Reform Dem: What does the Military think of Obama's first ... his campaign for president, Barack Obama pledged a swift end to the war in Iraq, a new commitment to the defeat of al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, a strong emphasis on veterans' care and military families and a critical look at Pentagon spending, strategy and conduct in the war on terrorism.

Contextual Criticism: Pope Benedict XVI and Anti-Semitism we mentioned Pope Benedict's visit to a New York synagogue. In an interview published in Salon on April 18, Roman Catholic scholar and author, James Carroll, said that he is troubled by Benedict's attitude toward the Jews. When asked what he expected Benedict to say in his address at the Park East synagogue, Carroll responded thusly:

overview for SGTLuxembourg - Reddit out of your way to learn how to operate analytical equipment and how to manipulate and interpret raw data. Again, not very many jobs will ask you to calculate the cohesive force of an ionic solid, but a resume that shows you have experience operating an SEM and a DSC will really stand out, especially in your early career.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: Don't get it twisted ...'s a couple of jar heads over at the Nashua Telegraph forums page named Common wealth and Tom P who love to rail on me and I give as good as I get; Tom P is a veteran who killed people on Foreign soil in the name of Freedom while he abhors each and every instance where I've used mine to question corporate America or the Government in America, the Land of the …

cultural film | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities about cultural film written by Patrick Zimmerman. Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities

AstroSpeakhttps://astrospeak.blogspot.comOne of my friends from school and college and afterlife has actually started a cool market analytics firm in Delhi - you should check him out. They have some kick ass people and you can be assured of a great customer experience.

Babble On: More Trivia 03, 2013 · I remember catching lightning bugs. It was one of the ways we knew it was really summer. I knew they were beetles because I've been trying to take an interest in bugs so I would have something to talk to my little nephew about in our letters. June 8, 2013 at 5:24 PM

Vagabond Scholar: The Little Mother 02, 2009 · (British WWI poster.) One of the most memorable sections of Robert Graves' WWI memoir, Good-Bye to All That, is his reprinting of a newspaper letter written "By a Little Mother" and the reactions it spurred.It might help to know that "Tommy Atkins" or "Tommy" is "a term for a common soldier in the British Army." It's late in the year 1916, and a disillusioned Graves is …

Potty Training | Morningside Mom about Potty Training written by tcmom. If you have small children and you are potty training, perhaps even trying to explain the normalcy of bowel movements, it’s likely then that you have the book “Everyone Poops”.While it guarantees gales of giggles with every read, it also teaches children that everyone and every living thing, well, poops.

BC Teacher Info: BCTF Press Release - BC government doesn ... government doesn’t make the grade on education funding with continued cuts VICTORIA – Finance Minister Mike de Jong may have started his budget speech today with a school report card metaphor, but on education funding, the BC government isn’t making the grade and is letting BC students down, said BC Teachers’ Federation President Jim ...

now i lay me down to sleep: September 2005 much it means he’s a geek in a lab coat who may on occasion be sent to a crime scene to collect some DNA or testify that “yes sir, that is 99.8% likely to be him,” but mostly he hangs out in a lab with blood and semen and grows pot in his office so he can track the various strains back to the right bad guys.

Violence In St. Louis | Mirror On America 07, 2007 · Violence In St. Louis Local blogger/Journalist Pubdef takes a look at violence in St. Louis. A documentary examines the gang problem in the city, and a recent spate of murders has an alderman considering asking the National Guard for help.

Billionaires for Bernie | Bud Meyers 16, 2015 · Senator Bernie Sanders has recently moved his Phoenix, Arizona "town hall meeting" to a convention center, because his campaign reported 8,000 RSVPs. Per the Phoenix News Time s: "Sanders' will be speaking in a room designed to fit 10,000 people, but that has the possibility of moving walls so as to fit 12,000."

Zorrohttps://markofzorro.blogspot.comPresident Obama has reminded all his predecessors of that simple fact, living up to a campaign promise to "nullify attempts to make the timely release of presidential records more difficult." President Barack Obama, in his first full day in office, revoked a controversial executive order signed by President Bush in 2001 that limited release of ...

susan the bruce: Boys Will Be Boys 25, 2017 · When they left, some of them went to a bar with Robert “Red Pill” Fisher. One of them, Rep. James Spillane of Northwood posted photos of himself cavorting with Fisher on his Instagram page and tweeted some of them out. All the while, he was wearing a giant House name badge, and a bunch of other trinkets on his lapels.

Obama « Queer Stuff about Obama written by Jeff. I enjoyed how my Facebook filled up with status updates containing rather strong opinions about the Kanye West/Taylor Swift debacle at the 2009 VMAs.I have no desire to recount it as it has been plastered across the internet already.

BilgeBucket Gazette » assholes keep coming out of the woodwork in the Trump administration. The latest jerk is none other than FCC chairman former Verizon lawyer, Ajit Pai,(or as we’re crudely calling him from now on, Ashit Pie, who this week brought an end to net neutrality and quite possibly will change how the Internet works in the future.Pie and his stupid, big ass coffee mug (because …

CAROLINA NATURALLY - Blogger the world comes together with mirth and honesty in a dreary and deceitful world.

WarmAsianDude: 2006 to the uncertainty, the new owner, McClatchy, has decided to re-sell 12 of the newspapers. San Jose Mercury News, which is where I am currently working, is one of them. I have always wanted to move to a high growth hi-Tech industry and the pending sale of Knight Ridder gave me that motivation to go job hunting.

The Johnsville News: Nifong/Mangum Hoax — May 16, 2007 16, 2007 · LieStoppers blog: Was Reade Seligmann a Known Innocent on March 16, 2006? – Part II-- On the evening of March 16, 2006, Durham Police investigators conducted a series of four photo arrays with false accuser Crystal Mangum.Durham Chief of Police Steve Chalmers described these photo lineups in his report to the mayor and city council as conforming strictly …

Deep Green Resistance - Home | Facebook Green Resistance is an analysis, a strategy, and the only organization of its kind. As an analysis, it reveals civilization as the institution that is destroying life on Earth. As a strategy, it offers a concrete plan for how to stop that destruction. As an organization, Deep …

Fake news – DragonFlyEye.Net fake news got to us. And I suppose the result was obvious. A wellspring has bubbled up through the blogosphere and is now producing blog articles sounding the alarm: other blogs might be “fake news.” Some of those articles are focused on the left, some on the right. All of them, I’m sure, propose to improve blogging.

Eleven Possible Directions | Adventures and Resources 30, 2009 · This is a new manifesto. Some of this I've said again and again my whole life. Yet I always try to distill it, narrow it down and give it new life. I'll be reconfiguring this a bit and passing around "paper copies" as well. These are directions in the sense of having a group of…

Michael Stokes Paulsen on the Constitution and 03, 2009 · Via Larry Solum and the indispensable Legal Theory Blog, I draw your attention to this sure-to-be controversial and provocative new article by Michael Stokes Paulsen, The Constitutional Power to Interpret International Law (Yale Law Journal 2009). Here is the SSRN abstract: What is the force of international law as a matter of U.S. law: ‘Who determines that force’ This Essay...

The blog of Nathan Hunstad » Blog Archive » MVP’s a really slick overview that will help the majority of people get a good sense for what is out there, but it doesn’t cover all the edge cases. It wasn’t designed to. It’s a quick and dirty website, perfect for a first iteration, but not good enough for government work, to use the phrase.

View from the Loft: my military heroes of this war are the generals who frankly told the President and his advisers that their information and their plans were both incomplete and misleading—and who paid the price of being ignored and bypassed and possibly frozen forever in their existing ranks: men like General Eric K. Shinseki, another son of West Point.

The Rectification of Names: Miscellany: Down these mean tweets Cheney Was Righter Than He Knew About the Ignorance of the American Voter and Karl Marx Was Absolutely Wrong About Abused (American) Workers Seeking to Revolutionarily Improve Their Lot (Lee Camp & Eleanor Goldfield Truthify) Zuckerberg Started Facebook to Insult Mean (To Him) Women and Men Who Didn't Mind Telling Him Their Intimate Life Details

A Marriage of Inconvenience - Townhall 11, 2012 · But it is another reason for many who turned out to vote for Obama in 2008 to simply stay home in 2012. On this issue, Obama had to choose …

The Situation On The Ground Floor – Unsightly Mental 15, 2017 · This is an old story, but it’s an old story that never gets old. The least expensive hospital charged private insurers 71 percent more than Medicare for outpatient services. The most expensive charged 396 percent more than Medicare for the same basket of services.

search results for 'meghan mccain' | Headline Bee View’s conservative co-host Meghan McCain railed against the wild party scenes from this past Memorial Day weekend, saying on Tuesday she was confused why she’d been pushing for a slow reopening of the economy amid the coronavirus pandemic if Americans were going to immediately treat it like Girls Gone Wild.With videos of packed bars, pools and beaches going viral over the weekend ...

Repug Jesus - Blogger 08, 2017 · Noah at Down with Tyranny :

MR GRADY'S DAILY BLOG: September 2014 reports the following: "A new Government Accountability Institute (GAI) report reveals that President Barack Obama has attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) in the 2,079 days of his presidency through September 29, 2014." The president attended less than half ...

And, yes, I DO take it personally: Reuters interview with ... 24, 2012 · Sure. If you do that, what are the consequences? That is the question," he said. McConnell said the priority is to protect the country's critical infrastructure such as the financial sector, the electric power grid and transportation from cyber attack and stop the theft of intellectual property through cyber espionage.

PACQUIAO HAS STRATEGY FOR OBAMA - … 15, 2010 · A powerless, stupid jab just aching for a right hand over the top. There should be no argument about any of this because there are facts on one side and lies on the other. No economist who isn’t a crackpot will tell you that cutting taxes for the super-rich is a good way to stimulate the economy or be fair to the public.

Mainstream Media And Bloggers Matthew Media and BloggersMatthew Haughey says he won't read our blogs if we use the term 'mainstream media' (a.k.a. MSM).A news flash for Matt: We don't care.We don't care if you read our web logs.The difference, Matt, is that we are independent actors, not part of a small set of multi-billion dollar corporations. The difference is that we are not under the constraints of making a 15% ...

First dog: Labradoodle or Portuguese Water Dog? | the past, these types of messes are the responsibility of the attorney general, the President's legal counsel, and the press secretary. This group has also been known as "the bucket brigade," which would indicate that past presidents either have had kennels in the White House or really big dogs.

RAFTWET Jewell Virtual World of Second Lifehttps://raftwetjewell.blogspot.comMar 09, 2014 · RAFTWET Jewell is the Second Life avatar for W.E.T. River Trips, a California whitewater rafting outfitter on American Rivers in the USA. Builder of networks with business applications and how it applies in virtual reality, real world, and social media.

In The Buzzhttps://inthebuzz.blogspot.comSure it’s a little cheesy sounding. 'Go' is a muscle car anthem for Gen-X, but it’s an undeniable pulse raiser. The spiraling guitar lines and wailing solos are the perfect backdrop for a high speed car chase down urban roads. Ones preferably filled with unwitting pedestrians and plenty of …

Delphiki: You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go ... 21, 2005 · But it is not a cockroach. It is a robot and scientists say its invention is a breakthrough in mankind's struggle to control the animal kingdom. The robot, InsBot, developed by researchers in France, Belgium and Switzerland, is capable of infiltrating a group …

The Rude Pundit 02, 2004 · Scraping Bottom: The abstract concept of "only" 344,000 people applying for first-time unemployment benefits is being explained by "economists" as a sign that the weather has gotten better. Oh, and the economy is "sluggish" but improving. The Rude Pundit believes the number has dropped because employers are simply running out of people to fire.

Federal Matching Funds: Down Payment Edition 08, 2008 · Alternatively, and I think the alternative that Caltrain would prefer, both HSR and Caltrain get taken out of FRA-land and can share the mostly four-track right of way. However, this does mean the permanent end of freight rail service on the Peninsula, meaning that there will be no way to get anything into San Francisco except by trucks.

Humint Events Online: The "Ultimate List" of ... 08, 2010 · An early FAA report of a gun and a gunshot victim on board one of the hijacked aircraft was apparently erroneous-- improbable that the account was truly a mistake. Elite Israeli commando Daniel Lewin was seated next to hijackers on flight 11 but apparently was unable to stop them (some reports have Lewin as the gunshot victim)(bizarre coincidence).

New Taboos (Outspoken Authors Book 11) - Kindle edition by ... 01, 2013 · "New Taboos is a slim volume offering an intriguing sampling of John Shirley's writing and ideas." —quarkstomper, Daily KOS "Shirley writes at the neon-lit frontier of sensory experience." —Publishers Weekly--This text refers to the paperback edition.Reviews: 1Format: KindleAuthor: John Shirley

Vagabond Scholar: Return of the Terror Babies!!! 03, 2010 · Never mind that religious freedom and the First Amendment is one of the defining characteristics of America. As Digby notes, after quoting Bush's last Ramadan speech, "it's a sad comment on this country that two years after Bush spoke those words and almost nine years after 9/11 that the president reaffirming religious tolerance is suddenly ...

Susan Lubliner (suluby) on Pinterest what Susan Lubliner (suluby) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.

Donald Helm - Mathematical Research into Cosmology - Home ... on the first principles of physics, developed innovative and award winning mathematical theory and computer codes that revolutionized the accurate simulation of in situ transient land ...Title: Earth Scientist, Engineer, Retired …Location: Baltimore, MarylandConnections: 173

Otto's War Room (??): US- The death penalty for drug ... last President Donald Trump has pulled out his plan for fighting the opioid epidemic and the fist thing he wants to do is kill people who sell drugs. There is nothing new about this. It was suggested during the crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s under then President Ronald Reagan.It was a bad idea then and it is just as stupid an idea today.

Otto's War Room (??): World War I revisited- And the ... to news, views and satire you can use. Anyone offended by this can be assured it is purely intentional. For comments on this blog: [email protected] or [email protected] ?

Rightwing hatemonger Helen Thomas of the AP accuses Obama ... 01, 2009 · March 2006, Helen Thomas being called on for the first time in three years by Dubya after publicly calling him one of the worst presidents in history: "I'd like to ask you, Mr. President, your decision to invade Iraq has caused the deaths of thousands of Americans and Iraqis, wounds of Americans and Iraqis for a lifetime.

Baby Love Child » Enna, oh Enna! aka When animals outweigh Responses to “Enna, oh Enna! aka When animals outweigh a dead Guatemalan ‘adoptee’.” Gershom Says: May 24th, 2008 at 4:43 am. It never ceases to amaze me when another adoptee ( or in this case 5 ) gets forgotten and left behind. Nobody is held accountable and when they are its merely a slap on the wrist w/ a chance to try again.

Barbara Graham - "New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project," another version of the Purification Rundown, is a program that casts actor Tom Cruise as the lead salesman for Scientology. Unfortunately, where rational evaluation is overcome by an actor's persona whose promotion of a dangerous detox has included financing the program personally.

Baby Love Child » Masha first post I did, similar to this one, points to others’ writings by means of getting the information out as when I wrote that first post, Masha, I had not found the words to even begin to express my sorrow and my anger. In any case, if you haven’t already read the initial post, or if …

Latex | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Ying-kit, 23, charged with terrorism and inciting secession for allegedly driving motorbike into group of police last weekChina has begun putting its new Hong Kong security law into action, as a 23-year-old man became the first person on Monday to be charged under the legislation and authorities announced a purge of literature from libraries and schools […]

Orcinus: Tunnels and Bridges, Part IV: Landing Zones 13, 2006 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

The Whited Sepulchre: Friends For The Future of Broadway a similar story from the Dallas Morning News Religion Blog I'm a member of a study group called "Exploring The Christian Faith" at Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth. We don't hesitate to ask the hard questions. Very few answers are provided. We're just about to finish a series called "Living The Questions". We'll probably do a book ...

Wichita, Kansas- Indigenous Peoples' Continuing Struggle, March 12, 7:00 - 9:00 pm WSU Hughes Metroplex Room 132, Enter Door C, East Side of the Metroplex. Reception at 6:30. Free and open to the public.

Lost in the Ozone...: A Flawed Reform - December 17, 2007 ... 17, 2007 · The D.C.-based Council for Great City Schools cited New York City's Chancellor's District as one of the most successful programs in the nation. New York City currently has nearly 400 schools that have been identified by the State Education Department or the federal government as "in need of improvement," a euphemism for a school in academic ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: On-street parking permits for Plainfield? 29, 2009 · One of the less pleasant consequences of the management of Connolly Properties has been the mushrooming parking of cars overnight on city streets near Connolly Properties buildings. This is no doubt a consequence of their policy of charging renters -- who, under previous owner Fred Tedesco, got a parking space included with the rent -- a ...

read my mind: What is Aspartame Disease? (Part 1) FDA approved aspartame as a low-nutritive sweetener for use in solid form during 1981, and in soft drinks during 1983. It is a synthetic chemical consisting of two amino acids, phenylalanine (50 percent) and aspartic acid (40 percent), and a methyl ester (10 percent) that promptly becomes free methyl alcohol (methanol; wood alcohol).

Kung Fu Monkey: 12/17/06 - 12/24/06'm pleased: "That's great you recognized us! They must really be promoting the show!". To which he answers "Nah. You're the first strangers off the ferry in a month. You must be the comedians.") (True Alert Bay story #2: I'm on stage, and a sullen guy in the front row has a full wrist-to elbow cast on both arms. Fifteen minutes in I stop.

Colorado Cancer News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... Clara-Ivins Fire and Rescue will hold dinner, silent auction to help one of their own battle cancer. A benefit dinner for firefighter Cara Taschuki of Santa Clara-Ivins Fire and Rescue will be held at Chef Hog's Oyster Bar and Grill June 27, 2020 | Photo courtesy of Jeff Germain, St. George News ST.

Lionel Plasticville Hall - Mantleburg Line 17, 2017 · Today, you see one of those: Plasticville Hall. The version that I bought was fully assembled as you see it here and decorated by someone with some garland and a wreath over the front door. It is all doll'd up for Christmas time. And that's part of the appeal here for me: we only set up the Mantleburg Line as our traditional Christmas train.

Mississippi Gold Mining News Monitoring Service & Press ... 29, 2020 · Commodities Week Ahead: Oil Set For A Dip; Gold Clings On To Rate Cut Hopes. China’s slowest GDP expansion for a quarter since 1992 is expected to add to global economic concerns and weigh on oil prices this week. A sharply reduced storm damage threat in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico could also turn out to be negative for crude prices, …

REPOST: I've corrected the chart Rep. Chaffetz presented it's not true, as the chart implies, that Planned Parenthood has been performing more abortions while drastically cutting back the provision of other services. T he overall number of non-abortion services provided by Planned Parenthood barely changed at all, going from …

Foods Distributed During Federal Disaster Relief Response ... 01, 2019 · In September of 2017, the Caribbean was devastated by two powerful hurricanes. In Puerto Rico approximately 3,000 deaths were attributed to Hurricane María.1, 2, 3 The population was already highly vulnerable to poverty and food insecurity and exhibited high rates of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.4, 5 Puerto Rico experienced a near destruction of local food production, the collapse of ...

Yemen Airline Industry News Monitoring Service & Press ... Yemen: COVID-19 Response Update, 03-16 May 2020. SITUATION OVERVIEW Since the COVID-19 outbreak, experts have warned that the virus is likely to spread faster, more widely and with deadlier consequences in Yemen than in most other countries.

OnBackgroundhttps://onbackground.blogspot.comThe state Department of Business and Economic Development's web site is apparently all about drawing businesses to the great state of Maryland by touting how bad things are for working people who want to organize to improve their standard of living.. In a page headlined by the smiling faces of Governor O'Malley and LG Brown businesses considering relocating to Maryland are offered a "very ...

Syria: Game Over for Western Propaganda - Progress Pond 09, 2012 · . Syrian Activists Caught Lying, Syrian Rebels Caught Committing Atrocities March 6, 2012 – Why should the West intervene in Syria when it turns out “activists” giving daily body counts, the sole source of “evidence” for the UN’s ever climbing grand total, are caught not only lying, but staging entire interviews complete with fake gunfire […]

read my mind: Shocking Discovery in Arctic Revealed in ... HOURS- A radio message comes through. "We are leaving you now, Admiral, your controls are free. Auf Wiedersehen!" We watched for a moment as the flugelrads disappeared into the pale blue sky. The aircraft suddenly felt as though caught in a sharp downdraft for a …

Deniece Williams | This Black Sista's Memorial Page 12, 2010 · His 1955 song Tutti Frutti, with the lyric ‘awopbopaloobop alopbamboom’, and a series of follow-up records helped establish the genre and influence a multitude of other musiciansLittle Richard: an ultra-sexual force of anti-natureLittle Richard, one of the pioneers of the first wave of rock’n’roll, has died. He was 87.

Nevada Newswire & News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... wished for a more relaxed vibe on the Las Vegas Strip? Get it while you can. You probably saw some of those photos and videos on social media channels showing crowded Vegas casinos on the first days and nights of reopening. Many Downtown and off-Strip resorts threw open their doors at midnight on June 4, while the bigger Strip …[PDF]ARE YOU BECOMING IRRELEVANT TO YOUR CUSTOMERS? News & Articles/Ad_News...Regardless, our first response is one of indignation: We’ve been cheated out of our rightful place! Agencies and publishers fear disintermediation by the paid-search networks of Google and Yahoo, for example. Print and online publishers fear disintermediation by the consumer-driven technologies of blogs, syndication and search.

Support the Black Women Who Are Protecting Abortion 06, 2019 · I've been to every single one of these [states,] I've been to Alabama four times, Georgia twice, Mississippi five times, Kentucky twice. the activists on the ground, and super important to realize, is that the activists on the ground are doing incredible work and a lot of this work legislatively, the abortion funds helping poor women are run by tremendously bad-@ss, if I can, women of ...

The Rude Pundit: Before the Torture Report Disappears 12, 2014 · It's become like that hot fuck one torrid night on a Mexican vacation, when the tequila and ecstasy flowed and you went back to your timeshare with one of the local dudes and balled your brains out, in the rush, the hurlyburly and hustle of the three hours …

Open menu and breaking news from wikileaks and the mueller ... 13, 2018 · i realy do apologize for giving you brilliance such short shrift, j of 9, but my mind (what’s let of it) in on my newer diary re: the putin-trump summit. for the first time in weeks, i cross-posted it over yonder at c99%, and i’m slow at thinking and typing comments.

Oregon Mining Industry News Monitoring Service & Press ... 16, 2020 · Now one of the nation’s most prominent theater festivals is giving up on summer, too. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival, one of the oldest and largest American nonprofit theaters and a … Source: The New York Times - Neutral

No Right Turn: Climate Change: What would real action look ... 11, 2018 · In the wake of the IPCC report, it has become clear that we actually need to do something to prevent catastrophic climate change, or we all burn.Over on The Spinoff, Alex Braae asks "what would real climate action [in NZ] actually look like?" There's a couple of suggestions: putting solar panels on kiwibuild homes, banning the import of petrol and diesel cars, rethinking Auckland's waterfront ...

Moe's misunderestimationshttps://moesmisadventures.blogspot.comMy mother is comfortably sleeping right now, as she has been for the past few days. Each day, she is a little more tired, and a little weaker. Her blog post yesterday will likely be one of the last she makes, but I will continue to give you updates as I know many of you are interested in how she is doing.

Sri Lanka Takes a Look at Thorium - NEI Nuclear Notes 06, 2008 · The original posting stated: some weapons proliferation risk of U-233 (if it could be separated on its own) Anyone sophisticated enough to produce and then separate U-233 for a weapon would already be sophisticated enough to separate U-235 and U-238 in natural uranium, thus bypassing all the bother of producing U-233 in the first place.

Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Chapter One Hundred ... 17, 2008 · Saradise Lost - Chapter One Hundred-Thirty-Seven -- Another Palin Personnel Problem --- by Writing Raven [PA wanted to write about this, but Writing Raven's essay - which is an annotated version of Rhonda McBride's letter of resignation - says it so much better than anyone else's.

November | 2007 | The Straight Shooter is a sad reality that environmental concerns fly out the window as soon as people can make a quick cash grab. Greedy people making short term gains for other’s long-term losses are at least as old as the concept of currency itself…but then greed may very well be the original sin.

'IUBESC POEZIEA SI MUZICA': RAOUL - INIMA IMI BATE TARE (2014) week of confessions - Confession: I joined KindleUn for a 30 free trial. I found something interesting, but I won't tell you how. I found something interesting, but I won't tell you how. There exists a sub-genre called "interracial pa...

Reliable Papers | Wal-Mart Financial Analysis Report ... first of many things that pondered me was how this huge corporation emerged. Well in the year 1969 a gentleman by the name of Sam Walton had opened several Wal-mart chains. Now this small chain of Wal-marts from 1969 has expanded globally to over eleven thousand stores around the world.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Muhlenberg Hospital Sale: A Blessing in ... 16, 2007 · A BLESSING IN DISGUISE? Coming, as it does, just as Gov. Corzine's 'rationalization' panel (what an unintended irony in the name!) is about to make recommendations on hospital closings throughout the state, the news does not set Solaris an easy course. Especially since the national crisis over charity care reimbursement does not look likely to ease until there is a change in the White House.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: A peek over the fence first one was a thorough look at our burgeoning income trust scandal, and a suggestion that no one might take this latest financial trouble seriously until the Security Exchange Commission decides to take a look at what the neighbors are up to. The blog entry focused a lot of attention over the trading patterns on those stocks tied into the ...

Northstate Science: Quaking for God, today our illustrious Christian apologist paper, The Lassen County Times, published an opinion piece by the prison (High Desert State Prison) chaplain, Bill Ashmore.I'll spare you the details (it's not available online), but the title of the article is "Signs of the Times, Judgement of America" - take three guesses as to what all about.

Eristic ragemail: DREAM Act deserves immediate attention ... 06, 2009 · Groups such as the United States Student Association, based in Washington, D.C., also share that view. “The DREAM Act is one of our top priorities for the first 100 days,” says Angela Peoples, USSA legislative director. Make your voice heard and …

No More Mister Nice Blog 09, 2013 · One of [Pat] McCrory's first acts after being elected governor was to install Pope, a former legislator, as the state budget chief.Oh, nice. And, of course, this sort of buying of elections is what the federal courts continue to ratify. (The IRS scandal will …

'ROMANI AU TALENT .NR = 1': Misterele sinuciderii lui ... first chap... Acum 4 saptamâni AppleInsider - AideRSS (Best) ... I love to decorate the house with hand made goodies and buntings are one of my favour... Acum 6 luni ... came racing around to the plate on his teammate's single in the third inning of this July 1990 contest at Great Falls as the …

Judgment at Nuremberg (1961): End Game of a Trump ... 21, 2015 · To look at this fifty-four year old film by Stanley Kramer is to get an idea of what the American empire looked like at its height. In 1948, the United States Army had just helped win one of the only three morally justifiable wars in its history, the other two being the United States Civil War and the American Revolution.

Redeye's Front Page: "It was the best of times it was the ... 08, 2013 · "It was the best of times it was the worst of times" Three against Two at Senate Hearing on gun violence "My problem with background checks is you're never going to get criminals to go through universal background checks," Wayne LaPierre, CEO and chief lobbyist for the NRA , said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun violence, the ...

big green gathering "festival banned" conspiracy story is ... 28, 2009 · Above: traffic jams at the Big Green Gathering 2007. It was chaos. ONE thing is for sure, we have not got the full story on the reasons why the Big Green Gathering has been cancelled, especially from the greens. At the moment they are pushing the "festival banned" conspiracy theory; namely that all an evil plot by the government to screw up the Climate Camp activists and Plane Stupid.

Talking Points Memo » Encyclo » Nieman Journalism Lab 2007, it played a critical role in investigating the firings of nine U.S. attorneys by the Bush administration, a series of stories for which it was the first online news organization to be granted a George Polk Award. TPM has employed reporters since 2005, when Marshall raised more than $100,000 from his readers to hire two reporters.

Rand Paul | Drowning in Junk Mail Paul, official campaign website (he sure likes that counter at the top of the page. When he launched the website he was counting up all the money that people had donated to him.), Ballotpedia page, Open Secrets page, P2016.. He is a United States Senator from Kentucky. And one of the mascots for this blog.. To Opt-out: the Contact page has a webmail form and a phone number (202) 735-5323.

Chants From The June 30, 2018 Families Belong Together ... 30, 2018 · PIX11 News, Published on Jun 30, 2018 Americans young and old took to the streets of US cities Saturday to say "Families Belong Together" nearly two months after the Trump administration implemented its "zero tolerance" policy toward undocumented immigrants, prompting the separation of thousands of children from their parents.

Sarah Palin is going for broke on this whole defund ... 09, 2015 · Okay that's just stupid. Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page : Help elect more leaders committed to #DefundPlannedParenthood by clicki...

Shelly Goldstein | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. are now on sale for The Practical Theatre Company and Studio5’s holiday comedy and music revue, Mr. Olsen’s Champagne Celebration.. Last year’s show was sold out — so, don’t delay, comedy lovers! Reserve your seats now for an evening of grown-up comedy, adult beverages, live music, dynamite dancers, the bubbly — and a bubble machine.

The Obamas Are NOT Elite - And, That Is Fine With Me ... 01, 2008 · This is a post written by Professor Tracey over at Aunt Jemima's Revenge. ... The Obamas Are Not Elite....And That Is Fine With Me ... and a nice house, then a whole lot of black people are elite. And we all know that's far from the truth. The Obamas are not rich nor wealthy by any elite standard, in fact until Barack Obama started writing best ...

The Dead Acorn: December 2010 to say, she made short work of it, which, unbeknownst to us at the time, was the first in a series of dietary events that made the weekend slightly less than ideal. Cindy, my sister-in-law, is of the opinion that dogs should get to eat anything they want, anytime they want, and, in fact, keeps hot dogs on hand at all times just for ...

elder goth on Tumblr I’m an Elder Goth. I consider myself an early adopter, as I was a year or two too late to be the real cutting edge. I was one of two Goths at my first college the first year I was there for example. This was the period when there was huge overlap with punk and metal culture and fashion. I …

This main esports exec says Aussie gamers will have to ... 06, 2019 · Right after about 20 minutes, the match is about, and Gen.G Esports is victorious. Mercifully, only the initial in a handful of planned matches, so the Australians however have a likelihood to redeem them selves. Obtaining taken a beating in the first match, Legacy regroups and commences talking about its upcoming system of assault.

The Immoral Minority: This is the photo that Donald Trump ... 06, 2016 · When Donald Trump was the subject of 2011’s Comedy Central Roast, he had one restriction for the comedians performing. Having a restriction or two is relatively common for many subjects of the roast. Many celebrities will ask that their families (spouses and children) be left out of the jokes being made at the celebrity’s expense.

Redeye's Front Page: What happens when an irresistible ... 07, 2014 · This is not the first time Wardynski has used the gang/thug stereotype to justify his actions. He seems to believe all children in north Huntsville are guilty of being a gang member by association. Yes, in order to convince the board to support the new fence around Lee High, he showed them a picture of a person in a hoodie.

No More Mister Nice Blog: JAMES TAYLOR? OH, ALL RIGHT, WHY ... 02, 2015 · You also have to look at the fact of, who was the first world leader to come to the United States after the trauma in 2001 who was it? The President of France, Jacques Chirac came to Washington D.C. and New York right after 9/11, within a week and a half or so. I …

Altered ARt/ Assemblage and Collagehttps://tddesigns.blogspot.comBelow is the first print and the ghost of the print I made at a printmaking class at Fleischer Memorial in 2013. We used only water based inks for this class and the plates were primarily created with fabric glued with PVC onto matt board and then coated with an acrylic medium. This was primarily different laces and string, also some netting.

From Monkeys to Nuclear Energy in Rhea County County (which is about halfway between Chattanooga and Knoxville) is most notable outside its locality for hosting the Scopes “monkey” trial in 1925, which became a bonanza for the yellow journalists of its day (and early radio – it was the first broadcast trial).

No Earth Day for Nuclear Energy have to just let Earth Day go. This is a day for our wind and solar friends, who of course have a lock on clean energy:. On this coming 39th anniversary of Earth Day on Wednesday, Michigan is facing one of the greatest energy challenges in its history, with serious implications for …

No More Mister Nice Blog 01, 2011 · In South Carolina -- one of the key early nominating states -- it's clear that activists and establishment types are eager for some fresh faces. They liked the first impression they got from former U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman.

STRAIGHT TRACK - Radio 03, 2005 · In the current issue of The Barking Dog, our favorite autoworkers describe the tragic outcome in Ohio of Daimler/Chrysler's version of "lean production", "continuous improvement" or what is perhaps more accurately described as "management by stress.". Breaking Point On Jan. 27 Myles Meyers, an autoworker from Ohio, entered the Toledo North Jeep plant where he worked, shot and …

TOP 5 BIBLE PASSAGES IGNORED BY THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT 08, 2005 · The amendment referenda were usually on defining marriage between a man and a woman. Sounds relatively harmless to me I guess. But the same guy who voted yes to the amendment might balk if you asked him, "do you want to prevent gays from ever getting married having power of attorney or visiting each other in the hospital etc."

Electronic Village: Toni Morrison Endorses Barack Obama 28, 2008 · I had to smile today when I heard that Toni Morrison endorsed Barack Obama. I imagine that Sis. Morrison, who won the Nobel Prize in 1993, regretted the fact that she is the source of the rumor that Bill Clinton was America's first Black president. In a 1998 New Yorker piece, Morrison wrote of Bill Clinton: "White skin notwithstanding, our first Black president.

Early Christianity | The Word of Me... 14, 2008 · He’s one of the first powerful intellects to convert to Christianity in the first century. Paul said the one who could heal your child, if your child was sick. This is the God who could raise the dead; the one who could end the drought, who could end the famine. This is the god who could do miracles, and so this was the only ...

Vagabond Scholar: Franken Takes on Halliburton Rape 08, 2009 · This is simply too long for a rape victim to wait, just to have her day in court. The only thing more outrageous than KBR’s actions here is that Ms. Jones’ story is not isolated. Since Ms. Jones courageously shared her story, many more women have come out of the shadows, saying the same thing happened to them.

Propaganda-Proof-Societyhttps://propaganda-proof-society.blogspot.comMs. Thompson I love what you had to say on the topic of Student Loan Debt and agree for the most part but would like to add to the discussion. As we know all too well school is expensive. Most of us are going to community college because it offers us a chance at an education that we may never had been able to get if we had to go to University.

TheBradfordReview: 2015-08-16 18, 2015 · One of the most prolific writer's of our times-Leighton Bradford has created a medium working towards the success of sound journalism! His writing style has helped the following publications enhance their readership: The Commercial Appeal, The Mid-South Tribune, Upscale, The Houston/La Vida News, The AZ Informant(Published by the late Sen ...

Random Confettihttps://meljon.blogspot.comA's beloved Jack is finally out of pain. He was not himself those last couple of days and I think he was ready to go. He was so weak that in the last few hours he couldn't even wag his tail. That's not Jack. Jack was always there with a tip of his head and a wag of his white-tipped tail. He was the best dog ever, with the best mom ever.

Ordinary Guy: The Hidden Pond comment first: the smells post-I actually teared up at work one day (I work in a public library) because of a certain smell. I was searching the shelves for a book when suddenly I smelled an older patron's perfume as she walked by on the other side of the shelves. It was the same perfume I always remember my grandmother wearing on Sundays.

The Soap Boxhttps://soapboxxers.blogspot.comThis is devastating for that area. Please don’t forget New Orleans is barely recovering from Hurricane Katrina. The pipe is has been leaking at 5,000 barrels a day. This is what we are hearing… let me put that in context for you because most people don’t know how much a barrel is. A barrel is 42 gallons. 5,000 barrels is 210 thousand gallons.

Armed White Man Defeats Negro Home Invasion 15, 2017 · This is just vibrant youthful exuberance, it's because you're "racist" that you have a problem with it. Terry Brackney's daughter, Amber Brackney, 17, was the alleged target of a foiled kidnapping plot, which saw four teenagers, armed with a knife, guns, and a roll of tape, surround their home in Crestview, Florida.

The Supreme Court Says the 2nd Amendment Applies to All ... 08, 2010 · WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court ruled for the first time that gun possession is fundamental to American freedom, giving federal judges power to strike down state and local weapons laws for violating the Second Amendment. In a 5-4 ruling, the court held that the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right that binds states.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: STOP! Or I'll yell STOP again! 04, 2008 · Others see more price rises ahead. "This is a strong cyclical pullback" amid "a structural rally driven by the rising costs of adding new production capacity," says David Greely, senior energy economist at Goldman Sachs. He agrees that some investors have exited commodity trades to raise cash for other areas. March 21, 2008 8:32 AM

final exam | Sheila Kennedy my graduate law and policy class, I give a take-home final. (This is an effort to make up for a difficult in-class midterm, a demanding group project and a 20-page research paper.) The final consists of three questions; students are to choose one of the three and write an essay addressing it.

Continued Commentary on the Missouri Execution - The ... StandDown Texas Project was organized in 2000 to advocate a moratorium on executions and a state-sponsored review of Texas' application of the death penalty. To stand down is to go off duty temporarily, especially to review safety procedures.

Henry Paulson & The great American bubble machine | Suzie ... 01, 2009 · This article was originally from Rolling Stone magazine, and is here shown in a blog from It seems that Henry Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sach's, a time honored vampire that has sucked the life blood of the sheeple. Even in the times before the Federal Reserve. Omnislash May 25, 2004 This…

Welcome to Texans for Obama: Why Obama should run 21, 2007 · Sen. Barack Obama is the most inspiring public leader in America. He has a bold vision to help the middle class and restore America's prestige in the world. Join this grassroots effort to support Sen. Obama's historic and uplifting campaign for president. Keep hope alive! Obama '08!

Coming Out as Feminist - Writing About Writing (And a feminist and a secular humanist, it annoys the hell out of me when anti-feminist twits propose "humanist" as an alternative as though they'd just invented the word, and it didn't have a long-standing, established meaning that's not only not mutually exclusive of feminism, but arguably requires feminism as one of the key elements of a ...

Johnny Pez: "The Golden Girl of Munan" by Harl Vincent, part 5 05, 2009 · This is the fifth installment of "The Golden Girl of Munan", the first published story by pioneering science fiction writer Harl Vincent; the first four installments can be found here, here, here, and here.The story first appeared in the June 1928 issue of Amazing Stories magazine, and was republished in 2001 in the anthology Rainbow Fantasia, edited by Forrest J. Ackerman and Anne Hardin.

Balkinization: The New FISA Law and the Construction of ... of the most important revelations in the Church hearings was the amount of surveillance taking place outside of any sort of control or requirement of probable cause precisely because it was not being used to prosecute and hence the exclusionary evidence rule did not come into play. Without a statute such as FISA, surveillance done without ...

Humint Events Online: More Evidence & Testimony Indicating ... 25, 2007 · This was an act of treason, conspiracy, mass murder, genocide, and a ruse for waging war on innocent peoples around the world—crimes against humanity, and a ruse for blatantly eradicating American citizens freedoms and rights. The 9/11 WTC nuclear holocaust was not likely even the first time the American regime did this to its own citizens!

The Wattree Chronicle: ABOUT THE PRISON INDUSTRIAL … 05, 2020 · I felt that way myself once, until I met Chappie James (a fighter pilot and the first four star general in the American military). He was a Lt. Col. back then, and I was shocked when I recognized that he was the most brilliant man I'd ever met. Now Black officers are the secret of my success.

X-TRA ? Artist Writes No. 2 Toward a Reflexive this second installment of Artist Writes, we present Andrea Fraser’s essay “Toward a Reflexive Resistance.” Part of X-TRA’s Twentieth Anniversary Programming, Artist Writes is a series of commissioned essays and public programs by four contemporary artists who write: A.L. Steiner, Andrea Fraser, Martine Syms, and Pope.L. X-TRA is publishing their texts serially in Volume 20, and ...

No Runny Eggs » 2011 » August 30, 2011 · (H/T – Gabriel Malor) Strategy Page reports the USS Florida (SSGN-728), one of four Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines converted to carrying a heap of cruise missiles and a rather large detatchment of Navy SEALs, saw action in the Libyan Wa…er, Kinetic Military Action. The Ohio-class subs, whether in ballistic-missile or cruse-missile form, are widely reported to be the quiestest ...

Eyeless in Gaza: Obama's Palestine Flop | themcglynn.com is the singular Obama style evident on major domestic issues. The process begins with a firm statement of the problem, a clarion call for action, and a pledge to force change. Then, there is the period of eerie calm — no plan is unveiled, no strategy executed beyond entreaties that the protagonists act in the reasonable manner the ...

The Wild Reed: Insightful Perspectives on the Kavanaugh ... break from my hiatus to share some important and insightful commentary on Thursday's extraordinary day of testimony from President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who testified she is “100 percent positive” that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a high school party in 1982. During the hearing, Kavanaugh angrily declared he was innocent ...

Donnie Darko – Mad World | TheZoo 04, 2008 · 104 thoughts on “ Donnie Darko – Mad World ” MsJoanne on July 4, 2008 at 10:19 pm said: ...

Halfway There: Conservapedia versus reality favourite Conservapedia article was the first iteration on Florence, Italy: Florence is a medieval city of the Medicis on the River Ebro in the Italian region of Tucsony. It is known for David's statue, the baptistery and the Dome. First, the river that flows through Florence is the Arno. The Ebro is in Spain. Second, Tucsony is probably in ...

Anthrax: The Demon in the Mailbox - posts by Meryl Nass, M.D. 08, 2008 · A few months ago, Plutonium Page wrote a diary about the anthrax attacks that made reference to Richard Preston’s 2002 book on the subject, called The Demon in the Freezer.. Because I’d read some of Preston’s earlier work and found it interesting, I picked up a copy of The Demon.It wasn’t entirely what I expected; about a third of the book follows the anthrax attacks and the ...

The Arc With Ushttps://thearcwithus.blogspot.comIn any case, I judge that conservative Christianity has about a .00001% probability of being correct, or 1 in 100,000. This is something I think one can conclude from the arguments in my book. Given that I might be wrong in this judgment, since I've been wrong before, I'll up it to a …

What would Lincoln do? 16, 2009 · As the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support of the Constitution and Laws, let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor; let every man remember that to violate the law, is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the charter of his own, and his children's liberty.

10,000 on ignore, Book 50: The Further Adventures of ... 04, 2019 · When consular staff turned Lutsenko down for a visa to visit the U.S.—a standard move given his corruption—Giuliani called the White House and State Department officials to complain about Yovanovitch and to try to get Lutsenko the visa, claiming that “Mr. Shokin was coming to meet him and provide information about corruption at the ...

Ruth Krall, Looking Slant: Oppressive Ideologies and ... 03, 2019 · This is the second part of Ruth Krall's essay "Looking Slant: Oppressive Ideologies and Belief Systems." The first part is here, and that link also points you to links to three previously published essays in the same series, which Ruth has entitled "Recapitulation: Affinity Sexual Violence in a Religious Voice."This current essay follows on the three preceding essays, in which Ruth which ...

homelessness | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities about homelessness written by Patrick Zimmerman. Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities

THE CUP OF JOE: November 2007 I see a certain actor act -- and I really don't want to give his full name, but let's just say his initials are D.H., his first name is Dustin, and his last name is Hoffman -- I more often than not don't see the character, and I usually don't buy it for a minute. I see an actor playing a character. In fact, I get a nervous facial tick just thinking about the movie trailer for Mr. Magorium ...

Marry in Massachusetts: 10/01/2013 - 11/01/2013 30, 2013 · Annisssa Essaibi-George was one of the two sports-oriented candidates for at-large Councilor. While she is a BPS teacher, mom of kids in schools, and a knitting-shop owner, she used most of her minutes to talk about her kids' hockey and other sports. She did say her election would let her "sit at the big-kids' table" to help better the school ...

Nuclear Emergency Japan - April 10 - April 18, 2011 Page, April 14, Kyodo The concentration levels of radioactive iodine and cesium in groundwater near the tro April 15, 2011 ubled Nos. 1 and 2 reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have increased up to several dozen times in one week, suggesting that toxic water has seeped from nearby reactor turbine buildings or elsewhere, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Thursday.

crime | Writings of J. Todd Ring Marley would roll in his grave. Angry and misguided, emotionally disturbed twelve-year-olds with an attitude problem could be forgiven for liking this music, but that’s about all. Only new country and death metal can compete with such sleazy, aggressive, pretentious garbage for the “first …

The Citizens: Concealed Handguns and Personal Safety 04, 2011 · It is worth recalling that in the old west, it was the general rule that guns were not permitted in towns. This was true in Dodge, Kansas. It has been known for a very long time, ever since swords were banned in parliament, that te presence of deadly weapons dramatically multiplies the negative effects of violence. 10:35 AM

The Obama Administration Bails Out ... - naked capitalism is the first time ever that a government-sponsored enterprise has guaranteed single-family rental-home mortgage-backed securities, issued by a huge corporate landlord. It’s an essential step forward in financializing rents: taxpayer backing for funding the biggest landlords.

Living/Working October 12, 2018 | Business in Vancouver 12, 2018 · This is where you get to have your say: between Oct. 4 and 22, you can vote online for the beers and breweries you think are the best in B.C. Your votes will determine the winners in …

shithole presidency / Boing Boing Feb. 10, Foster maintained her position that $5,000 was the limit, but she was told repeatedly "to 'find money' for Mrs Carson," the complaint said, according to The Guardian. Read the rest ...

The Controlled Demolition of David Shayler? 10, 2007 · The tributes on Shayler's wikipedia page are already appearing, and disappearing, thick and fast... Sadly, I was otherwise engaged and missed David's appearance but Lord Patel's post is corroborated by a couple of snippets I found in the Times Online... "David Shayler, the whistle-blowing former spy who chose to denounce the security services on television while wearing a Middlesbrough ...

All Along The Clocktower | The blog of the Cornell Progressivehttps://cuprogressive.wordpress.comHere I sat for the first time in the temple of cinema surrounded by artifices and edifices erected in praise to film. The experience was very profound, and I doubt I will ever forget it. The first film I saw at Cornell Cinema was, the Grand Budapest Hotel. At the end of the film …

The Wild Reed: Progressive Perspectives on Colin ... "take the knee" movement was started by former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick who, during the 2016 season, began not standing while the national anthem was played before the start of games. Kaepernick's decision to remain seated (and then later kneel) during the anthem was his way of protesting systemic racism and police killings of black Americans in the U.S.

Open Letters to President Bushhttps://openletterstopresidentbush.blogspot.comThis is one of the most serious economic challenges we’ve ever faced, as oil prices will continue to sky-rocket as they have been. On top of that, more and more of the oil that is produced will come from overseas, further hurting the economy in the form of higher trade deficits and a weaker dollar.

Jobs, Unemployment, Not in the Labor Force, Jobless ... Created. Keep this in mind when reading this post. From the Bureau of Labor Statistics JOLTS report on January 12, 2016: "Over the 12 months ending in November 2015, hires totaled 61.2 million and separations totaled 58.6 million, yielding a net employment gain of 2.6 million. These totals include workers who may have been hired and separated more than once during the year."

The Next Hurrah: Kontogiannis' Seal 30, 2007 · This is a fascinating case. Kontogiannis has proven a slippery fish so far . . . he did no time for a $4.8MM school swindle in Queens a few years back. The CIA's money laundering, covert ops, etc. create too much moral hazard. We need to shut down …

Peripersonal Space | It's all around youhttps://peripersonalspace.wordpress.comJun 01, 2017 · Mieke was one of my intellectual mentors and fortunately Twitter provides a platform to connect with colleagues from the past — and in this case to thank Mieke publicly for her mentorship. As 1996 drew to a close, funding for the MDRC had not been renewed and I …

President Barack Obama | CITIZEN HAINES a long line of inept and weak leadership from the position of leader of the United States, President Barack Obama continues to deploy the world’s most highly trained and competent troops in senseless, aimless wars up to 7,200 miles away from Washington DC while the enemy seeps through our porous southern border, bringing with itself massive amounts of illegal narcotics, a thirst ...

The Social Welfare Spot: February 2008 only outlet in the United States that even bothered to address this important story was the NY Times, but in the opinion section. Even the venerable NY Times did not deem this an important news story. Instead of reporting it as news, it was left to Paul Krugman to address this in his Op-ed column Poverty is …

SullyWatch 28, 2003 · In most such nations, the capital city is the first to recover. The real test, however, is how well things go in the provinces. And in Afghanistan, a nation where central government has been a joke since the Soviet invasion, it's especially critical that what Kabul gets, Kandahar and Mazar-e-Sharif should at least think they have a shot at.

An Olio"This is a sad day for the Minnesota Twins organization and millions of baseball fans across the Upper Midwest," Twins President Dave St. Peter said in a statement. "Herb Carneal's voice was the signature element of Twins baseball for multiple generations of fans. Clearly he was one of the most beloved figures in Minnesota sports history.

Notes from the Pond by Sheila Dobbiedobbie.icrewdigital.comOct 17, 2017 · One of the most important aspects of my job was to gain credibility. The men seemed to think a woman couldn’t understand the design, bidding, and construction process, therefore, many of the professionals decided to give me a crash course in Construction 101, even after I told them I knew it well.

Carrie's Bar & Grill: October 2008 31, 2008 · I thought this was funny. I downloaded it about three years ago. As most of you know, my grandson has his own blog. I was supposed to take him out tonight for the trick or treat event, but I was sick for the past two days, and my daughter did not want him to catch it, and then pass the cold on to her (which would make her miss school, which she really cannot afford to do).

Google Alert - Pope Daily update · 27 May 2017 NEWS Why Melania and Ivanka Trump wore black to meet the P...

More Monbiot on Conspiracy Theories - Long Ago and Not ... 09, 2007 · 10. The Project For a New American Century, which wrote of the need for a "catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor," had members throughout the top of the government on 9/11 including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, Bolton, Armitage, Abrams, Wurmser, as well as Bush's brother, the governor of Florida, Jeb. 11.

Diary of an Obssessive Progressive: 2009 19, 2009 · This is what is known as getting you coming and (quite literally) going. Let me put this as simply as possible. Insurance is good. Insurance for a profit is bad. When an insurance company’s reason for being is to make a profit, by definition they must provide their service at the lowest possible cost, as all other businesses do.

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 28, 2006 · "In the first days after the 9/11 attacks, I promised to use every element of national power to fight the terrorists wherever we find them. One of the strongest weapons in our arsenal is the power of freedom. The terrorists fear freedom as much as they do our firepower.

The Idiot Factor: corruption folly : September 2015 his latest semi-fictional novel, Memoirs Of A Drugged-Up, Sex Crazed Yippie (Authorhouse Press/2005), Otto excavates 1970's counterculture like an archeologist loving dusting off a Mastodon tusk. In a brisk 349 pages, Otto gives us a lucid look at a Kansas few people remember --- or can't remember due to a plentiful supply of "controlled ...

13: October 2009 won 22.) As it turns out, in his losses Gibson gave up 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, and 2 ER, respectively. Surprise, surprise: the Cardinals didn’t hit much behind him. Duh. Interestingly, in 1968 he gave up 4 earned runs twice; a W and a ND was the end result in those. In the 4 games he gave up 3 earned runs he got 1 W, 3 L, and a ND.

Boiled Peanuts and Shiner Bock: August 2006 31, 2006 · One of them is an absolute mystery.-----A few interesting blurbs from some folks I DO remember (and I paraphrase): “The first time I met you in Chorus I was like, “Oh My GOD, I want to be like him!”…thanks for being such an inspiration” - A gay guy who I actually became good friends with but haven’t spoken to in 15 years.

New Appeal to Reason: 08/01/2008 - 09/01/2008 01, 2008 · Here is part of his speech which was the first to the 200,000 at the Lincoln Memorial. Let the nation and the world know the meaning of our numbers. We not a pressure group, we are not an organization or a group of organizations, we are not a mob. We are the advance guard of a massive moral revolution for jobs and freedom. . . .

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Saint Paul/ 10 Things You May Not ... 10, 2007 · The school board members are the least paid, but they are the most frugal with taxpayer’s money with only a 3 to 4% increase in taxes. Now, comments on the budget for the city of St. Paul. This maybe the first shot in the 2009 mayoral race. The city of St. Paul is raising their 2008 budget by $17 million over the 2007 budget.

RANDOM THOUGHTS: November 2011 fact that there are so many things that are wrong and frankly criminal about the way transnational and high finance (and the Wealthy 1% they serve) do business was somehow presented as a failing on the part of their critics by the media, the New York Times in particular is the very height of protectionist denial on the part of the American ruling class.

Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Blog: October 2014“This is a Governor who couldn’t even say he supports a minimum wage. This is a Governor who wants to dictate and take rights away. He wants to take away the right to collective bargaining, the right to health care, the right to vote, the right to a decent wage, to a decent job …

Engaging the Muslim World: Cole, Juan ... 17, 2009 · Synopsis This is an exploration of the past, present and future of the Islamic World by one of the world's pre-eminent voices on the Middle East. Cole is outspoken and his opinions spark debates. This is the book that his fans have been waiting for. Cole's book contains real advice for moving ...Reviews: 15Format: HardcoverAuthor: Juan Cole

Three River Sports: Mock Draft IV 11, 2009 · Honestly, I think Crabtree and Maclin are the only locks for the first round. I think Nicks is way overrated by you, and that Harvin and Heyward-Bey are borderline first rounders at best. I predict we only see 3 receivers taken in the first. March 19, 2009 at 1:08 AM

The Johnsville News: Duke Case — Bull City Bull's look to a history of injustice-- Can't blame this one on Mike Nifong. Jim Hardin was the district attorney in 2001 when Erick Daniels was sent to the joint for robbing Ruth Brown. In 2014, the year Daniels is scheduled for release, he'll be 28. He's 21 now, and was 15 when jurors found him guilty.

Ivy Chat: October 2009 30, 2009 · The move was anticipated as the Tribune Co. looks to complete an $845 million sale of the team, Wrigley Field and related properties to the family of billionaire Joe Ricketts. The purpose of to legally release the Cubs from financial obligations that are tied to …

susan the bruce: September 2011 22, 2011 · susan the bruce NH Writer, Blogger, Gadfly. Thursday, September 22, 2011. For Young Adults, Benefits of Health Care Reform Already Clear. Since the new health insurance reform law went into effect in 2010, over a million young adults have been able to get health insurance. The reform bill requires insurance companies to allow adult children to ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: City of Saint Paul Berated.. 18, 2007 · And a lot you shall have you moron! You can pay the tax the rest of the homes were paying also after everyone is gone. You'll be living there all by yourself with a brownfield for a back yard. 4:49 PM Bob said... 4:24 said-Bob - The way you defend them makes it appear you are a scumbag too. The properties wouldn't be problem if the people took ...

Glenn Beck's Demagoguery, Right Wing Extremism, and Racism ... a time of 24-hour news and a proliferation of television and radio talk shows featuring hatemongers and demagogues like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck may stand out as the most unhinged and extremist of all as evidenced by his jihad against anyone to the left of his views, disadvantaged minorities, Muslims, Latino immigrants, and progressive change in ...

Matt's Blog: 06/03/08 Hillary should be Barack's running mate. This is because if Hillary was his running mate then Barack would have all of Hillary's voters locked up in his pocket. 2. Michigan's and Florida's delegates should not have been slashed. This action is comparable to the "three-fifths" judgement in 1787.

Alabama Right News: Jan 8, 2011 Right News

Morning Joe Rips Trump Mex Trip: 'Flip-Flop, Nonsensical ... 31, 2016 · “Morning Joe Rips Trump Mex Trip: ‘Flip-Flop, Nonsensical, Sociopath’” Yawn. If Trump had turned down the invitation of the Mexican Prez, the enemedia would have howled that Trump was a racist and anti-mexican.

Progressive Alaska: Salmon Habitat Quality Questions in ... Habitat Quality Questions in 2009 Will Be More Serious in the Yukon River I. One of the results of focus since January 12th on the food and fuel crisis in villages of the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta has been some attention revisited upon the long-term health and viability of Yukon and Kuskokwim salmon stocks.

Ruth Krall, Looking Slant: Oppressive Ideologies and ... 05, 2019 · Ruth Krall, Looking Slant: Oppressive Ideologies and Belief Systems Ebola: Transporting a Sick Child to a Care Facility (1) The essay by Ruth Krall that follows below is the fourth in a series of essays entitled "Recapitulation: Affinity Sexual Violence in a Religious Voice," which I've had the honor to publish on Bilgrimage in the past weeks.

The Shadowland Journal: Echoes of the Civil War Christopher Dickey, the author of "Our Man in Charleston: Britain's Secret Agent in the Civil War South" and "Securing the City," this site provides updates and footnotes on history, espionage, terrorism, fanaticism, policing and counterinsurgency linked to Dickey's columns for The Daily Beast and his other writings; also, occasional dialogues, diatribes, and contributions from friends.

I Painted My Fridge Redhttps://larrythekidman.blogspot.comAs Frank Rich pointed out in his column this week in the New York Times, their country now has an African-American President, a woman as Speaker of the House, a Hispanic on the Supreme Court and a gay man as head of the Banking Committee in the House. Those who seek to end this march into the 21st century simply can't turn back the tides of time.

World Trade Center Demolition: More Evidence & Testimony ... 24, 2007 · Pecoraro and a co-worker “made their way to the parking garage, but found that it, too, was gone”… As they ascended to the B Level, one floor above, they “were astonished to see a steel and concrete fire door that weighed about 300 pounds, wrinkled up …

Redeye's Front Page: July 2016 11, 2016 · One might argue that the superintendent was attempting to influence the board and the public by using emotionally charged, racially charged images. One might argue that the superintendent was the one attempting to intimidate others the last time that citizen comments were broadcast in his comments to a teacher who stood up for what she believes in.

Wise Law Blog: September 2008 23, 2008 · September 12, 2008 CNN: O il drops below $100 NEW YORK ( -- Oil prices zig-zagged Friday, briefly dipping below $100 a barrel for the first time in 5 months, as the the fury of a massive hurricane blowing toward refineries on the Texas coast countered .concerns about a global economic slowdown.U.S. crude for October delivery briefly traded at $99.99 a barrel on the floor of the ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2012 · O'Scannlain is hardly the First Amendment absolutist he sounds like in his dissenting opinion. In the past, he has argued against free speech rights for performance artists and government whistleblowers, and in favor of free speech rights for potentially violent anti-abortion fanatics and landlords who discriminate on the basis of religion.

Media round-up | Financial Times his attempt to become another part of that trivia question, John Kerry is planning a no-sleep-til-the-Lincoln-bedroom, 72-hour campaignapalooza, criss-crossing the nation and running right up ...

The Washington Chestnut: Sloppy Steve Bannon Comes Out ... 01, 2018 · Bannon may have bought himself a pass for now but he'll no doubt be taxed for his disrespectful behavior for a while to come. What becomes of the Breitbart Social Club remains to be seen as well although I'd bet the Mercer bakery keeps the cannoli coming as long as Sloppy Steve promises to stop feeding them to his own mutinous ambitions.

city manager | Sierra Madre Madre is a great city, and a fantastic opportunity.” Ms. Aguilar has worked in Glendale since June of 2001 as the Assistant to the City Manager where she was primarily responsible for the City’s intergovernmental and regional relations, and served as the Executive Director of the Arroyo Verdugo Cities, a sub-region of the ...

A DC Birding Blog: Loose Feathers #278 02, 2011 · Blog about birding, wildlife, and the environment. Search past posts using this Google Search or the topical and monthly archives below.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: 2007-06-17 11, 2007 · This is just a quick update on the "Guess the Mid-Year Price of Oil and Gold" contest that comes to what just might be a very unexciting conclusion next Friday. [Someone please remind me to allow more than six or seven weeks for this to run when it is repeated at the end of the year - with prices for both oil and gold stuck in a fairly tight range, it might be more entertaining to watch paint ...

Mo Rage: March 2008, there are the physical aches and pains of travel as you age that might make you want to stay home--and then there's missing your own bed--and the peace and quiet of home. But more than anything, I think, there is the over-arching desire to not have to put …

Blue in Guadalupe: August 2016 criminal code includes something referred to as the “law of parties” wherein all those party to a crime are guilty to the same degree for whatever happens even if they didn’t actually participate in the act. In this case Jeff Wood was the getaway driver for a convenience store robbery in which the robber shot and killed the clerk.

New Orleans Police State - Internationalist mood was captured by one of the state’s grinning gun thugs, who jokingly told a reporter, “if you wanted to kill someone here, this was a good time” (New York Times, 8 September). It has been widely noted (except by Bush’s black front woman, the despicable secretary of state Condoleezza Rice) how the callous disregard for black ...

Self-ownership versus Slavery | Antoine Clarke of its staffers sniffily protested in an internet posting to a newspaper last week: “This will be the warmest winter in living memory, the data has already been recorded. For your information, we take the highest 15 readings between November and March and then produce an average.

HERRINGPOST CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL BLOG: 2009-03-01 stock market opened below 7,000 for the first time since October 1997 when a international group reported massive quarterly losses and restructuring of its bailout by the government. Therefore, both the Dow Jones and S&P are at there lowest levels in ten years as the market remains anxious about the state of the global economy and world ...

DFQ2: Sadistic, Deranged Internet Predator Neal Rauhauser ... 20, 2012 · That is because of myself and a few others. Brynaert has had nothing to do with that. Brynaert's contribution was to smear myself as a supertroll who used sock puppetry in order to menace Brett Kimberlin. While I do not believe Ron has worked for BK, I used to think there was the possibility based on many good reasons already discussed.

Can We Talk? | The Nation the other hand, purity of purpose can lead just as easily to a paucity of results. It can be self-defeating to demand 100 percent fealty to our goals and objectives, regardless of calculations ...

John McCain's Arab-American Problem | Common Dreams Views 28, 2008 · This is an insult to every Arab-American and Muslim-American in the country." The dumping of Ali Jawad was hardly the first point of friction between McCain and the Arab-American community. The incident demonstrates the way in which the embrace by the GOP of elements of the Zionist right and fringes of Evangelical Christianity have made it hard ...

The Wonderful Company "Don't Pollute Our Fruit!" Petition ... 28, 2017 · This is why we decided to deliver our members’ petitions to The Wonderful Company in person. The core of the action consisted of two parts: speeches and a theatrical petition delivery.

Anyone actually had the H1N1 virus? (sinus, infection 29, 2009 · Started out with a throat tickle and a cough, then a pounding headache. My coworker, a paramedic married to a nurse, said "you are so scr*wed." Fever hit 101.8 before the aspirin knocked it back down tonight. So far, I feel mostly fine. Not like last time I had the flu (~1999) where I felt like a truck ran me over within the first 2 hours.[DOC]COMM 410 - University of Virginia · Web viewTwitter:@kralaw (you are invited to follow me on Twitter) Office: 242 Wilson Hall .

Weekly Review | Harper's Magazine 04, 2008 · New York Observer Madelyn Dunham, Obama‘s 86-year-old grandmother, died of cancer, New York Times and a man leaped to his death from the Spaghetti Bowl, in El Paso, Texas, leaving behind a note that read, “Obama take care of my family.” El Paso Times. American consumer spending declined by 0.3 percent, its first dip in 17 years.

Renewables accounted for most of new electric generating 28, 2009 · According to a new Department of Energy report: "In 2007, for the first time, renewable energy sources, other than conventional hydroelectric capacity, accounted for the largest portion of capacity additions.Total net summer capacity increased 8,673 MW in 2007. Wind capacity accounted for 5,186 MW of this new capacity. Natural gas-fired generation accounted for 4,582 MW.

Intervention! - World News Bureau ran out and locked the door, and I sobbed uncontrollably as Mercedes stripped to a bikini, poured some shots, and started the first movie. Somewhere in the middle of "Rio Bravo" and about my 10th shot of tequila I became aware of the fact that the mismatched hues of …

Short Sharp Shock.: Ghost-town world: Coronavirus and the ... 04, 2020 · A S WE confront the velocity of the Wuhan novel coronavirus into modern life, there’s been a timed-release shutdown of the events and gathering places that are sites of our intersectionality as fans and worshippers and citizens — as human beings. Health-care professionals have issued various pronouncements intended to give people the best possible advice to stay healthy in this time of ...

» Education - considering education policy, we face a dilemma regarding affordability. Many of us believe that it’s important to make college accessible to all people who are qualified to be admitted to a university. This is critical for growing or even maintaining the middle class in this country. Thus we have programs like grants and student loans.

Balkinization: Normalcy and the Presidential Subpoena is not a Court, on either end of the bench, accustomed to passivity on matters it determines to be of consequence. It likewise is a Court – and a country – accustomed to having even its most consequential rulings followed by even our most contemporary presidents.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 06/07/14, not 70 percent who think Donald Duck is really a platypus, though in a way it is. This is 70 percent who have been convinced that the actual hard numbers, that 9 of the 10 warmest years on record have occurred in this century, are a hoax. It’s like saying, No, it was not 75 degrees in Atlanta yesterday — that’s just your view.

National Day of Mourning | Texas Leftist death of an American President is indeed a most curious time for the country. Of course the Presidency is the highest office in the land, and the only elected official that we all share, so it’s sensible that we would remember them, and reflect on their legacy in defining an era for our nation.

Help | Pacific NW Portal'.noscript { display:none }'); During Emergencies If, for some unfortunate reason, Pacific NW Portal and/or the NPI network go down, we will do our very best to get things up and running as fast as possible. The best way to check up on the status of the network is to follow NPI on Twitter.

Humour. Really - University of Kitten (a link to an old mirror at was a cause-celebre back in the days before 9/11.It caused so much outrage that eventually the domain name, was taken over by a company that sells bonsai plant supplies and pet supplies. (Someone was really pissed to organize a business around that!)

Clear-Headed in a World Aflame - Blogger's got the goods: In her latest revelation about working at the White House and on President Donald Trump’s campaign, Omarosa Manigault N...

THE RIGHT TO SPEAK: People Power Revolutions after the first EDSA, people could be heard complaining, even from among the key players themselves, that things have not changed, if not gotten worse. What these people do not understand, however, is that revolutions are only half the battle and the difficult task of nation-building should come next. Revolutions only pave the way for change.

No Right Turn: Time to break up the banks 11, 2009 · The multiparty inquiry into the banking sector has reported back [PDF], finding that the New Zealand banking sector is not competitive, and that this lack of competition has allowed the four major Aussie banks to not pass on cuts to the OCR.The cost of staggering - an estimated $2 billion in increased interest costs, effectively as oligopoly rent to a foreign-owned cartel.

No Right Turn: Hosing away democracy in the UK 01, 2014 · Hosing away democracy in the UK The British government has been implementing a vicious austerity program for the past four years, cutting the NHS, benefits, and (of course) taxes for the rich. The result has been protests and riots.

John McCain's Arab-American problem | Salon.com 28, 2008 · This is an insult to every Arab-American and Muslim-American in the country." The dumping of Ali Jawad was hardly the first point of friction …

Shadow of the Hegemon: Most American's Can't Afford a ... 05, 2011 · She is already putting off $450 in dental work and a car inspection due to a crack in her windshield, which will cost $300 to replace, she said. Budgeting for an emergency fund Many respondents, 17%, said they would borrow money from friends or family. Another 17% said they would neglect other financial obligations -- like a credit card bill or ...

`Oiwi Rights Panel; Concerts, this is the first in what we hope to be a series of events to benefit the Native Hawaiian community. Kako`o `Oiwi has made an arrangement with Punahou School for use of their facilities for fundraisers for Native Hawaiian Organizations. Tickets will be available at the door and a portion of all ticket donations may be tax-deductible.

The Hunchback of Suburbia - Queen of Spain 09, 2011 · The ten year survival prediction is deeply troubling, but I believe an average and you can beat it. I know my Mom’s best friend has had Lupus for going on 40 years and, as she heads into her 70’s, is still going strong.

Nashville Zoo | Life in ObamaNation know that for the first time ever, the Nashville Zoo at Grassmere has received $1 million from Metro Nashville Davidson County Government. I assume that stimulus money, since the Zoo has never received city funds in the past. And I keep hearing how the local government has asked its department heads to cut costs.

Updated Bell Curve: 'Why Are Black Women Rated Less ... all know that there is racism and prejudice in the world. However, it is very disappointing when folks try to hide their racism and prej...

Russell Glasser's blog: cool geek stuff geek stuffI am in the Starcraft II beta thanks to a connection who shall remain anonymous unless he chooses to identify himself. Thanks, anonymous awesome guy! I won't necessarily post many updates on this blog, but feel free to follow my initial impressions and the ensuing discussion on this thread at the Motley Fool.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Debate Night 08, 2016 · Big Bad Bald Bastard The Big Bad Bald Bastard is a character played by Monsieur _____ of the City of Y_____. The role of the Bastard is a handy one to play on subways, walking the streets, and in dive-bars, when being a nerdy, bookish sort is not to one's advantage.

Contextual Criticism: 10/21/12 - 10/28/12 is the first time in American history that corporate and media interests have been so clearly and so perilously aligned. With the media in their hands, and unlimited money, the final strategy of Rove, Koch, the Chamber of Commerce, and others of that ilk is to permanently cripple representative democracy by stopping Americans from voting.

07 | May | 2018 | Bill's Links And More 07, 2018 · Although investigators have revealed in the past that they have conducted secret searches of Cohen’s email archives, this is the first time that it’s been revealed that officials had been tapping Cohen’s phones as well…” Wake Up to Trump, Distraction and War with Iran article from Common Dreams.

Possible Experience: Jul 5, 2012 05, 2012 · The parliamentary report, based on more than 900 hours of hearings and interviews with 1,167 people, suggests that reactor No. 1, in particular, may have suffered quake damage — including the possibility that pipes burst from the shaking, leading to a loss of cooling even before the tsunami hit the plant about 30 minutes after the initial quake.

Peak Oil - Mar 15 - Resilience 15, 2007 · Click on the headline (link) for the full text. Many more articles are available through the Energy Bulletin homepage. Peak Oil and Beyond – Q&A with Heinberg, Campbell and Leggett – Part 1.

Notes in Samsara: Spirituality? Wash your mouth out with soap! 07, 2019 · And I'm going to expand a little on it today, based on, yes, another Brad Warner blog post.But I mean the "target" of this post to be a little bigger than Ven. Warner, because I think there's too much "spiritual" quackery in the world generally, and because this "spirituality" is pretty deeply infested in American Buddhist communities in particular.

syslblog: Field Stripping Your Beretta 92 FS next steps are removing (1) the Recoil Spring and Spring Guide and (2) the Barrel from the Slide Barrel Assembly. To remove the Recoil Spring and Spring Guide, grab hold of the end of the Spring Guide with your thumb and trigger finger, and slightly press it towards the business end of the Barrel and away from the Locking Block.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: Ramban on autonomy and authority on autonomy and authority My support for autonomy in Judaism isn't based only on abstract philosophical arguments, but owes much to two empirical facts: 1) In emancipated Western society, religious autonomy is a fact, since no human authority has the …

Halfway There: Candidate equivalencies a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

billshit...............and squirrels: funkin' donuts' donuts i previously mentioned my disdain for mcdonalds. but at least they dont have 'hamburger' in their name so i guess they are not promising anything special. ... so i went to a place called dunkin' donuts. perhaps youve heard of them, there are almost 9000 locations on the planet. and according to wikipedia, which is never wrong ...

September 2011 – Boogie Pants is the first fall in years that I have not been in the classroom in some way. Space inside my mind and soul has opened up that I didn’t know was still there. Even though I’m feeling incredibly free right now, last week I felt like my head was not above water yet after wrapping up our crazy summer of …

OpenlineBlog: Old Copley Update | Tribune Story 08, 2006 · The Chicago Tribune did a story on the ongoing saga of the Old Copley Hospital situation in Aurora and the recent $10 million offer by a church. "The one obstacle is the relationship between David Sullivan and Rev. McGill" "We've got a $14 million loan, of which $10 million we're going to give to the Guiding Light, but we can't do anything because our corporate attorney says we have to wait."

Lost in the Ozone...: Brazen Burglars Bust into Bank ... 25, 2008 · HOWARD BEACH (WABC) -- Police in Queens are searching for some bold burglars who were able to break in to a local bank by cutting a hole through the wall of another business. It happened at the Sovereign Bank on Crossbay Boulevard in Howard Beach. Eyewitness News reporter Sandra Bookman has more. They were bold and apparently successful.

NYC Public School Parents: Use Test Scores for Tenure? Not ... provides some of the links to the bloggers who are so outraged as to contend that the end of the civilized world. Actually, the final language in the budget bill was a reasonable compromise, in which it was agreed that there will be a two year moratorium while a commission considers how best this information can be utilized ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Young Girls Love Hillary 11, 2016 · These girls are too young to vote, but their attitudes will be shaped to a large extent by the things that they observe at this age. I know that Bernie Sanders has run a great campaign that has appealed to teenagers and twenty-somethings, but there's something about …

Bilgrimage: Droppings from the Catholic Birdcage: Closed ... 05, 2013 · One of the good droppings: Swiss Benedictine abbot Peter von Sury maintains that the Catholic church today is suffering serious malaise because it has become a "closed system" in which only like-minded insiders rise to the top levels of ecclesial governance and those with alternative perspectives are ruthlessly excluded. And so,

Economic Development | 20, 2010 · One of the functions of government has traditionally been economic development activities that try to attract jobs to a community or retain existing ones. In Knox County, our economic development officials seem to believe the best way to do economic development is to …

The Immoral Minority: Mitt Romney all but announces he is ... 12, 2015 · She's looking pretty good for a washed up has been, I mean women of a certain age shouldn't even attempt to wear thong dresses (for easy access) and cheap three hundred dollar sunglasses. Of course, there's no hope whatsoever for the SSSarah Heath Palin, she'd spook the horse while posing it with Trig at the sink, any of em, all of em that have ...

Redefining the "Born Again" Stereotype - Bob 20, 2007 · Christians are, the Gospel of John says, born of water and the Spirit (John 3:1-10). It's a promise of newness, reconciliation, and grace that should be welcomed by anyone who would follow Christ. It is a promise of transformation that holds out hope to anyone who has experienced brokenness and estrangement.

Exit polls show that late voters broke strongly for Donald ... 02, 2016 · Courtesy of the Washington Post : The polls were wrong, and now Donald Trump is the president-elect of the United States. Everyone kno...

virus | Writings of J. Todd Ring’s razor would lead to the conclusion I just made, as the most likely explanation. We don’t know yet, but it is more plausible and more likely than this virus being as dangerous as it is being presented. The official narrative seems wildly out of sync with the facts. It should make us question, at least.

The All of It: 2016 you are looking for a book for this long weekend, I suggest The Nest by Cynthia Sweeney. Good, comfy read; there is a lot of mayhem here, but not the kind we have encountered all over the place in the last months. Four siblings awaiting the bestowal of a promised legacy known among them as "the nest".

Moe's misunderestimations: Sleeping mother is comfortably sleeping right now, as she has been for the past few days. Each day, she is a little more tired, and a little weaker. Her blog post yesterday will likely be one of the last she makes, but I will continue to give you updates as I know many of you are interested in how she is doing.

The Rectification of Names: Cheap shot: Who's vulgar now? to me the torch Governor Palin just passed on to Donald Trump is the one she received from Dr. Kristol's own damp fingers. But to me the epitome of vulgarity is not the commoner who warmly expresses an opinion that is maybe not absolutely educated, but the upper-class person who pretends to a low-class opinion rather than directly saying what he thinks, leaving it for the elite to ...

The Six Million Dollar Sham …No heavy lifting by NM House ... House could prevent unnecessary evictions. Where there’s a will, there is a way. ? House Leadership: Governor will not amend her ‘Call’ to help COVID-19 tenants. ? As Hospitals Wait for Federal Aid, Some Layoff or Furlough Employees. ? At This Time of Unprecedented Volatility – Bring Back the Uptick Rule ? Let’s Reintroduce Fairness, and Help Reboot America’s Economy.

Chris Cantwell Returns to NH, Shoots, Burns US Flag: VIDEO ... 07, 2014 · Chris is one of a handful of people to be kicked out of the FSP in over a decade. However, he is still a believer in the idea of moving liberty-oriented people to the same place so we can be more free together, and he knows that NH is the place to be to be around others who care about freedom.

Reading, Running, and Red Sox: September 2014 American Library Association has named September 21-27th Banned Books Week as a way of celebrating the freedom to read. It's remarkable to think that it wasn't so long ago that books were regularly being censored - the famous ones I can think of are The Catcher in the Rye, Lady Chatterly's Lover, Naked Lunch, and - one of the great formative novels of my youth - Robert Cormier's excellent ...

Think We’ve Overcome Victorian Repression? | BroadBlogs 02, 2017 · Think we’ve overcome Victorian sexual repression and now enjoy a sex-positive society? What about statements like this: Some girls make it difficult for the rest of us to get respect. That's what a sorority sister said about girls who “give it away” too easily. When I ask my students in the progressive San Francisco Bay…

Hum/176 - Term Paper were first invented in the 1880’s. Motion pictures were exhibited as a carnival novelty, and then developed into one of the most important tools of communication and entertainment. The movie theater was considered a cheaper and a more simple way to provide entertainment to mass population.

Accidental Deliberations: 2018-08-12 04, 2018 · Assorted content to end your week. - A new IMF working paper confirms the connection between employment deregulation and workers' share of income. And Jennefer Laidley points out the all-too-imminent danger that the Ontario PCs are about to undo what little belated progress had been made in making social assistance more effective, while Teviah Moro notes that social housing is bearing the ...

Turkeys and Squirrels and Bunnies, Oh My! ~ European ... 05, 2018 · And so it goes, every day brings a new drama with it. As winter approaches, the deer appear, when food has become scarse. They know we fill the deer feeder every morning and they faithfully show up, usually a small group of 4 or 5. One of them is limping and a large growth is visible on one of her hind legs.

Libby Shaw: Senator Cornyn Stands by His Man on FISA Bill Cornyn, as our elected U.S. Senator, is obligated to serve his constituents, not to serve as the rubber stamp for one of the worst Presidents elected in recent history. While 77% of Americans believe that this country is headed in the wrong direction, Mr. Cornyn continues …

USCF United States Civilian Forces: 04/30/17 United States Civilian Forces Sunday, April 30, 2017. ... "I would like to remind you that Kurdish detachments are the most effective fighting force in the war against ISIS terrorists in northeastern Syria. ... one of the most important Christian archaeological sites in the world, ...

Tabula Rasa: July 2011 - Blogger Rasa "[w]hat was any art but ... a sheath, a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining, elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose." ... July 30, 2011. Hold the world but as the world, Gratiano. In particularly difficult personal times, I've always turned ...

COOL, LOW-MAINTENANCE INDOOR PLANTS - Typepad in 1913, the Stanley thermos, which evokes an ear when women sent their men to work with soup and a sandwich, is one of those often-overlooked design treasures. But the green steel bottle that American fighter pilots carried during World War II is as stylish as ever.

Keystone Progress Blog: February 2011 added 65,000 jobs in 2010, ranking third in the nation in job creation coming out of the recession. Neighboring New Jersey, on the other hand, ranked 50th in job performance for the same time period, losing 31,000 jobs.

archives | The Smirking 28, 2017 · The year 2017 has been another active year for people fighting on a wide range of fronts. The Trump administration has brought many issues that have existed for years out into the open where they are more difficult to deny – racism, colonialism, imperialism, capitalism and patriarchy and …

Social Psychology in the Information Age: August 2014 of our experiments was a replication of an experiment reported by Crandall et al (2009). The main difference between the work of Crandall et al (2009) and our particular experiment is that in one of our treatment conditions, the scenario describing such practices as waterboarding portrayed Middle Eastern soldiers as the interrogators and ...

There Is No Cat decline and fall of Everton/The Family History Network. In the world of genealogy, there are few names more venerable than Everton.Since the 1940s, they've published a magazine, originally known as Everton's Genealogical Helper, and now known as Family History Magazine.In the days before genealogy became the second most popular subject on the net, the Helper was an invaluable tool ...

medium | Simon moments, my LinkedIn app on my phone began pinging me with updates as the story racked up comments and likes. Overall, it generated 106 likes, five comments, and 1,075 views. While most the activity on LinkedIn occurred within the first 24 hours after posting, Medium was more of a slow burn.

susan the bruce: Hopes and Dreams was one of the letter writers who urged NH to honor Dr. King. There were a number who opposed the holiday, one of the loudest being a bigot from Glen who still writes quasi-racist screeds to the paper from time to time. The King holiday faced a rocky road in NH. NH Senator Jim Splaine filed the first bill proposing a King holiday, in 1979.

June ? 2010 ? Wheat-dogg's, HUNAN — I am in the midst of reading the first drafts of about 70 term papers, but I wanted to take time out to write about a couple of cool things that happened today. One of my former students here in China is getting married next week. This was no big surprise, since she told me it was going to happen sometime this year.

The Florida Masochist: Too many skin cancer biopsies? first report on the mole was dysplastic nevi but the pathologist or dermopathologist asked for a 2nd opinion. The 2nd opinion said malignant melanoma. It was then seen by a Dr. Ackerman who I believe is one of the best dermopathologists in the US(He's at the Penn).

Dean campaign Waves ‘Net guru’ Trippi goodbye • The Register, Reddit and pals super unhappy US visa hopefuls have to declare their online handles to Uncle Sam Nokia's reboot of the 5310 is a blissfully dumb phone that will lug some mp3s about just fine

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: That grinding sound is more than ... 30, 2009 · Starbucks that beacon of all coffee consumerism, has run into some troubles due to the current economic climate. The iconic coffee chain announced their first British Columbia store closing today, as the Starbucks location at Richmond's Aberdeen Mall was given its forty eight hours notice of closure. Considering the vast number of Starbuck's locations across the Greater Vancouver area, one ...

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast update: CVS is ... breaking the law at will, what a bunch of Corporate fucktards. As of Wednesday 14 Sept. 2011 1:35p no word that CVS has provided Je...

Balkinization: Poor Joshua Had No Gun shootings pose profound problems for anyone with the kind of libertarian ethos that emphasizes gun-based self-help as the first protection from private violence. The problem is that this ethos demands skepticism of all the regulatory solutions that could keep people like the Parkland shooter from obtaining an …

Cyde Weys Musings The major problem with minors | Cyde 29, 2008 · 11 Responses to “The major problem with minors” William Says: January 29th, 2008 at 21:38. My impression of minors is that they’re mostly useless, and that’s also the idea I’ve gotten from my teachers and advisors. I’m looking at getting a CS minor if I can’t get a second major in it. Cyde Weys Says: January 29th, 2008 at 23:38

The Rectification of Names: Annals of Derp: Faint praise 06, 2015 · David Brooks congratulating America on its success in getting a grip on health care inflation, but with a couple of caveats: (a) it ain't happening, and (2) well, maybe it is, but Obama and the Affordable Care Act shouldn't get any credit for it. The funniest bit is with reference to the first of those, where he takes a number for the current health costs inflation rate in the US, 1.1%, and ...

LoneStarBear: Video Surfaces of Cheney, in 1994, Warning ... 12, 2007 · It's not the first time that citizen "investigative journalists" have uncovered some embarrassing, or telling, nugget from the past that apparently remained buried for years. But it has happened again with the posting of a now wildly popular video on YouTube that shows Dick Cheney explaining in 1994 that trying to take over Iraq would be a "bad ...

Balkinization: What’s Really Wrong with the Census decennial census is one of the Constitution’s few substantive mandates (Art. 1, sec. 2, Clause 3). The count is of “persons”, not adults or citizens or voters. Accuracy is the underlying goal of the census requirement because each state’s representation in the House and in the Electoral Collate depends on the accuracy of the census ...

The Immoral Minority: After being shocked by the Supreme ... 06, 2013 · Huelskamp is one of 5 malcontents that Boehner removed from committees last December. This caused a firestorm on the right ( as does everything ) , with Boehner being drawn and quartered on talk radio and FOX. Boehner was accused of " purging " and " punishing " the Tea Party ..the usual paranoia.

The Johnsville News: Reviews are Poor for White House ... of Interest: Mark Lieberman, Senior Economist / Fox Business: Unintended Consequences of the White House's 'Teaser-Freezer' Plan-- Among the terms economists like to use is the phrase “unintended consequences” -- and there are plenty of them in the so-called “teaser-freezer” plan unveiled Thursday by President Bush (as an uncomfortable-looking Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson ...

Baby Love Child » A critical perspective on the “baby safe critical perspective on the “baby safe haven”/babydump programs. Still more Border Babies routinely relabeled “safe haven saves” in OH, NJ, MI, and KY. A note concerning adoptees with sealed records, not in reunion, and the census. Dmitry Yakolev’s / Chase Harrison’s death and the lingusistic objectification of adoptees

Shelby Steele Is Wrong About Barack Obama | Mirror On America 06, 2009 · I think he (like the rest of the GOP) is holding Obama to a standard that they wouldn't require for a White President. I don't disagree with everything he says (I wish I could though). I would have liked Obama to be more specific about "Change"...(one of the points that Steele tried to make). I agreed, at least somewhat. But it is what it is.

Dean campaign Waves ‘Net guru’ Trippi goodbye • The Register 28, 2004 · Great news. Patch load drops 20% for the first time in 10 years. Bad news: Well, you've heard about coronavirus? It's not every day the NSA publicly warns of attacks by Kremlin hackers – so take this critical Exim flaw seriously NTT warns its Singapore …

European Tribune - Diaries Match EU 2009. by pereulok Wed May 27th, 2009 at 04:48:27 AM EST EUROPEAN ELECTIONS Through The European Magazine - Cafe Babel, I have received information of the "Vote Match" project, a dissemination project that aims at promoting European thinking in European citizens.. By answering a set of agree/disagree questions, the test establish which European Group within the European Parliament ...

Secretary Krebs Issues Official Ballot Question Petition 01, 2015 · (10) As long as the information requested in all six boxes of each signature line is provided, Secretary Krebs won’t get on your case if your signer prints on the top line and signs below, or flips date and county (which they do!). (12) I mentioned this, but it bears repeating: Every petition has two sides! Print double-sided!

Beware the "Gig Economy" version of education | Eclectablog Economy Graphic | by Senator Mark Warner A recent blog post by Morna McDermott at connects the dots between the recent surge in popularity of the new “Gig Economy” and unsavory influences from the usual suspects in the corporate education reform agenda, ALEC and Pearson. McDermott points out the K12 aspects of this connection (i.e., Competency …

Betsy, Betsy, Betsy… | Eclectablog“But the real threat is silencing the First Amendment rights of people with whom you disagree.” Betsy, Betsy, Betsy. I’ve been at this teaching thing in one form or another for the last 37 years, and I have some advice for you when it comes to teaching and the people that do it.

Iranian Resistance: Caged Lions, Heroes of our Time - Page ..., more analysis based on Hooman Majd. I consider a second revolution highly unlikely, anyone paying an iota of attention to the rallies will notice not a single word has been said about the Grand Ayatollah. It is Ahmadinejad vs Mousavi, it is not Mousavi against Khameini. As most people in Iran, they might hate their president, they might air that hate and they might twitter about it, but ...

Vicente Carrillo Leyva - Celleno - The Personal Blog of 2009 federal authorities nabbed three narco-juniors. The first to be arrested was Vicente “El Vicentillo” Zambada, the son of Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, considered a top leader of the Sinaloa cartel, who was seized on March 9 before dawn at his home in the elite Mexico City neighborhood of Lomas del Pedregal.

Dr Kevin Bonham: Poll Roundup: Post-Budget Recovery Stalls 15, 2014 · Admin note: as the poll on the sidebar indicated, most readers (57% to 27% with 16% neutral) appear to prefer more and shorter federal polling roundups as opposed to a string of updates tacked onto the bottom over a month or so (a la the previous instalment) For the time being I'll be trialling the more-frequent format and reviewing success (or ...

The Rectification of Names: Troll Poll 08, 2015 · Another is that the Gallup index appears to have been published only since February 2008, when it made its debut at a scary -36, on its way down in that year's crash to -65 (the chart above is of monthly averages, so the numbers are less extreme), so it's never seen positive territory at all in the course of its public existence until last December, and reached its all-time high of 6 last ...

On Being Black in a White Economy | Mirror On America 06, 2009 · redante said.... Comparing notes: I am an immigrant Asian-American with a very "ethnic" sounding name. I've had similar experiences of discouragement and underemployment early in my career but was able to attain a certain measure of success in the job market after I moved to the Washington DC area, gotten some solid skills and experience under my belt.

Britain and America: Religion half-expected a slight jibe to follow this concession, but it didn't come. He criticised Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for wanting retreat and defeat. Then, to a gasping crowd that had been giving him a rapturous reception, he said that continuing to stand made it easier for one of those two to win.

HowardForums: Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource ... 16, 2019 · HowardForums is a discussion board dedicated to mobile phones with over 1,000,000 members and growing! For your convenience HowardForums is divided into 7 main sections; marketplace, phone manufacturers, carriers, smartphones/PDAs, general phone discussion, buy sell trade and general discussions.

Standards maintained - TIMBLAIR updated on July 2nd, 2017 at 07:52 am. The SMH’s Paul Sheehan on a 43rd Street disgrace:. And this by the same newspaper that has published more fabrications than any other mainstream newspaper in America – courtesy of one Jayson Blair – yet has still not addressed the underlying flaw in the paper’s culture – a sly partisanship that permeates the appearance of scrupulous ...

The One-State Effect | Palestinians | Israel One-State Effect - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. PowerPoint from Benjamin Johnson

NewsRack: 'Conservation Efforts' news in 'NewsTrust summer, for the first time, genetically modified mosquitoes could be released in the U.S. On May 1, 2020, the company Oxitec received an experimental use permit from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to release millions of GM mosquitoes (labeled by Oxitec as OX5034) every week over the next two years in Florida and Texas.

Lost in the Ozone...: NEA Today: Uncle Sam Wants You... of the U.S. Marine Corps’ newest “recruits” is running through the mud on Parris Island, South Carolina—the training depot where nearly 17,000 enlistees submit to a grueling 13-week boot camp each year. A second later, she scrambles up a 20-foot-high rope wall and launches herself over the top.

Dawg's Blawg: On plural loyalties 02, 2009 · One of the first things to note is that it is a general notion, not specific to Jews in North America or anywhere else. It has applied to minorities from hostile countries during wartime, for example--the Japanese internment camps come to mind, but there are many other examples. And it has even wider application, going back centuries, if not ...

High Toll on U. S. Business & Industry - Grassroots News U ... year Ford alone lost $12.7 billion; Chrysler lost only $1.48 billion, but it was enough for Germany’s Daimler to start looking for a way to divest themselves of their unstable American partner. The huge losses are leading to equally large layoffs.

Entergy Submits Application for a New ESBWR at Grand Entergy: The application seeks regulatory approvals to potentially build a new unit adjacent to Entergy’s existing Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, a reactor that ranks third among the nation’s 104 nuclear plants for total electricity output over its lifetime of commercial operations.

Bilgrimage: A New Year's Offering from My Quotation Log 07, 2014 · But I do believe in some things, I, to whom a friend had listened, quietly and sometimes in tears, one night in September 2001, when I’d just returned from our first trip to Ukraine and was telling the story of what we’d found there after all that time; had listened to me weeping and finally said, I’m crying because my grandfather died two years ago and now it’s …

Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Chinese to build two Titanic first time I wrote about one of the most famous shipwrecks in history, I pointed out the educational merit of the two National Geographic videos I embedded in The Titanic 100 years later. Other than [James Cameron's] (unfortunately common) misuse of theory for hypothesis, these two clips work very well as an example of how testing a hypothesis using a computer …

Todd Hager - Vice President, Strategic Initiatives - Macro Hotels is a privately held, international luxury hotel company based in Dallas, TX operating 60 properties with more than 20,000 rooms. Led all …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: We may hire you, but then we may’s one of the strangest Help Wanted advertisements I’ve ever seen. It lists no actual name for the employer, no real detailed job description and no contact person with whom to drop off your resume. All in all, it’s a rather interesting help wanted blurb and just a little mysterious. In Sunday’s Vancouver Province, right there on the bottom corner of page D57, was this little ...

No Bread And Circuses For You: Europe Ready to Suffer from 22, 2014 · The intention to sell the transit system will also entail grave implications. Being the mostpowerful pipeline in the world it starts to lose the importance because of Kiev’s myope policy. In 2007 115 billion cubic meters of Russian gas was transported via Ukraine. It was only 36, 571 billion in the first half of 2014.

The Howdygram 2: Governor Jindal of Louisiana wants the 07, 2015 · Howdy Doody Jindal — always the attention whore — is at it again, this time surfacing as a rat jumping onto a sinking garbage scow. He’s so jealous he got left behind because he isn’t a Senator and didn’t get invited to sign Tom Cotton’s letter that he failed to notice that his potential 2016 presidential primary rivals — Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand …

The Citizens: All the President's 09, 2006 · It was immediately apparent to me when the first cabinet was appointed that we were in for a horrid 4 years. I really had no idea how bad at the time. Am I the only one astounded at how quickly one group of people can change things for the worst? Anonymous sources are the next thing that I am thinking about.

Daleagogo: January Agogo - Music reviews and lists, cartoons, doodles, and assorted mirth.

The Whited Sepulchre: 1/12/14 - 1/19/ and economic freedom is not just the best policy for a free people, it is the indispensable framework for the future. I know that, despite avoiding the place for the last 5 years or so, I'd give a chunk to the Agape Meal at Broadway Baptist Church. ... if I could get just one of the Nixon - Obama Drug War victims out of jail through ...

Feminary: Breastfeeding: Pro and, I have to post these links. First an article that made me feel rather like a fool for believing all the hype and going ahead with breastfeeding even though, at first at least, it was incredibly difficult, stressful, tiring, and time-consuming (these days it's rare, something I anticipate, always floods me with joy and peace, and makes me feel super-close to my daughter).

The Rude 04, 2013 · The Rude Pundit thinks the watch list is bullshit and a violation of at least three constitutional protections, but, hell, it exists and it affects nearly half a million people, hindering them in various ways. Not if you want a semi-automatic rifle with a large magazine, though.

No Right Turn: Wanganui and 02, 2007 · Last year, the Wanganui District Council floated a plan for a bylaw to ban gang patches in an effort to force gang-members out of the city. The plan was quickly shot down on the basis that, human rights concerns aside, they simply did not have the legal power to do so - but now its back, in the form of a Local Bill to be brought by National MP Chester Borrows.

Erik's Super Awesome Weblog: August 20, 2008 · I have now been in Arkansas about a two and a half weeks, whew. And I already have two sermons down (well three if you count giving one twice at both a Saturday and a Sunday service). Here is a link to some pictures of my house. New House Hope all is well, pics of both churches will be up in the next couple posts.

Is There a Heaven | The Word of 21, 2010 · Quote of the Day "Heaven is constantly shifting shape because it is a history of subconscious human longings. Show me your heaven, and I'll show you what's lacking in your life. The desert-dwellers who wrote the Bible and the Koran lived in thirst – so their heavens were forever running with rivers and fountains and…

Marijuana Being Sold From Vending Machines! 30, 2008 · Rockync: You're absolutely right. I've read a lot of those same statistics, but you'd have the first-hand knowledge, working in a jail. It's insane to have so many people locked up for a victimless crime, while real criminals are going free because there aren't enough police officers to catch them all. Don't get me started...

The BERNIE OR BUST Theory | Bud 03, 2016 · The primary process is ongoing and will continue until one of the candidates has at least 2,383 actual delegate votes, not superdelegate endorsements." New York Debate: The last I heard, Bernie Sanders last proposed April 18th, the night before New York votes; and Hillary Clinton last proposed April 14 — "so more people have time to digest ...

Thoughts about U.S Governmentcconditt.blogspot.comWhich gave the federal government, for the first time in history, the power to force us citizens to buy something that we don't want and only the government approves of. Obama has humiliated the US, he has harmed our relationship with our ally, Great Britain, by sending an official U.S. delegate to socialist dictator, Huge Chavez's funeral.

Blood test | The Least, my age think about prostate cancer.. We get our blood tested. We present our arses to doctors with long fingers. But today’s New York Times reports on two large studies, both of which suggest that we may be in worse trouble with the exams than without them.. Compare the lines on the chart at left.

Sarah Palin - Mark Humphrys Palin I'm not really a Palin fan. Palin goes to a nutcase (though not anti-American) church.She has supported creationism in schools. She opposes stem cell research. She mocked fruit fly research, having no idea of its fundamental importance to biology. But the worst thing is that, until nominated at the age of 44, she never said anything in her life about foreign policy.

Balloon Juice | New Poster 29, 2005 · Wow, like waking up Monday morning and seeing that Bush has nominated John Danforth–or one of the other few remaining Lights of his darkening party to SCOTUS. I’d just about given up on Balloon Juice after Cindy Sheehan obviously pushed JC over the edge (that will remain an issue between John and his therapist, I guess).

Good Times (for Bankruptcy Lawyers) - Progress Pond 13, 2009 · “This is definitely a market to be in in 2009,” he said. “I’m optimistic that we will see investors return to the DIP market in the first half of 2009 for the right return and the right structure,” said Mark Cohen, global head of restructuring and workout at Deutsche Bank in New York.

Is Teach For America a Good Thing for Chicago Public 24, 2013 · In 2010, the United Neighborhood Organization (UNO) charter school was the first privately managed Chicago charter to officially partner up with TFA, who agreed to supply 25 corps to fill 25 teaching openings at the school. CTU blasted CPS for hiring the TFA recruits on the heels of laying off hundreds of veteran teachers, 600 of whom were ...

The Immoral Minority: Woman gets shot in the chest during ... 06, 2016 · Courtesy of Komo News: A 40-year-old woman was seriously injured Thursday when she was shot in the chest inside a Renton movie theater, police said. The shooting happened at around 8 p.m. at a movie theater at the The Landing in Renton during a showing of the film "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi."

Alterdestiny: Covering up the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre 06, 2007 · Covering up the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre Despite its proximity to the U.S., for many reasons Mexico's massacre of upwards of 700 students in 1968 has gotten lost in the narratives of state-led mass murder by Pinochet, in Nicaragua, in El Salvador and (to a …

Eruptions At The Foot Of The Volcano: February 2015 10, 2015 · Breaking Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

The Blog Is [Not] the Territory: September 2010 27, 2010 · This is a beautiful, moving novel. The book is ostensibly a romance--a love affair between an Iraqi-American chef and an Iraqi emigre academic--but it is also about loss, and the power of rituals, like cooking, eating, and storytelling, to heal.

Eschaton: 11/18/2018 - 11/25/2018 first point is that these are not deals that are on the table. There's no poll we all get to take to decide whether free college or universal pre-K is the nice thing we're going to have this year. The second point is that there's no reason to pit these things against each other. How about, um, both?

Harrod's News Of The World: WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NY NEWS ..., NY breaking news, local news, events, weather, sports, schools, shopping, restaurants from Roundup Newswires. Get breaking news, real-time updates and eyewitness reports on Peekskill, NY, US from the Peekskill Newswire, the fastest source of trusted news on the web.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: A review of 2008 predictions 09, 2008 · This is probably the first of many instances that my prediction would have been great at mid-year but not-so-good by year-end because of those little problems during September and October. The yen gaining against the dollar was a good call by year-end as was the one for the British pound, hence the reason for the grade of C versus F.

Category: - Labor unitedThis is the "Carrot and Stick" game, the true meaning of which has been (perhaps purposely) either lost or twisted over time. People think, now, that "Carrot and Stick" means that sometimes you get the carrot and sometimes you get the stick. But it's not "carrot OR stick". The phrase actually refers to a technique imagined to motivate a donkey ...

Category: - Labor speechYet precisely the posture that Todd and most of the others in the industry have taken with the current presidential election. There is a clear TRUTH in this election and it is not being reported. One of the two candidates is serious and has an extensive background in the many facets of governing.

from WALL ST. $HILL DOT COM. | caucus99percent House is the President of North Carolina College Students for Bernie Sanders. In a recent video posted to youtube, he describes the orchestrated infiltration of the Bernie Sanders campaign in that state by well-connected DNC operatives. House goes into great detail to describe intimidation tactics used against his group that seemed counterproductive – suppression of advertising for ...

December 2014 – FortLeft 09, 2014 · Now bent and frail with age, shuffling to the edge of the jungle with the help of a walking stick, Mr. Kanaizumi wore the same khaki jumpsuit with a Japanese flag on one shoulder as the other members. Peering into one of the leaf-wrapped bundles, Mr. Kanaizumi said it was possible he once knew the man now reduced to a pile of crumbling bones.

Kakuma Refugee Camp - Kenya - ZORIAH photo story that I bring to the world costs literally thousands of dollars to produce. While transportation to and from remote locations eats up the majority of my budget, I must also pay for food, accommodation, insurance and equipment such as body armor, cameras, lenses, photo storage and equipment maintenance costs.

LIVERPUTTY: All Presidents Were Not Created Equal 16, 2009 · In a bid to better understand our country's history, I've begun reading presidential biographies. All too often, history is presented as a collection as facts. But it's so much more than that. It's an inter-tangling of compelling story lines. (Jefferson Davis was the son-in-law of Zachary Taylor, and served under him during the Mexican War ...

My favorite show has been preempted tonight. Perhaps this ... 04, 2013 · This was the second time the couple lost a child to illness. They were sentenced to 10 years probation after the 2009 death of their 2-year-old son Kent. Kent died after contracting pneumonia, an illness prosecutors said could have been prevented with basic medical care.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2012-08-12 federal court ruled that Florida's plan to shorten early voting hours discriminates against black citizens. Under section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, five Florida counties are ordered to restore early voting hours. Though the court could restore hours only in the five counties specifically covered by that section, which applies to areas where discrimination was practiced before, it's clear ...

Rants From The Rookery: June 2012 06, 2012 · HFCS had been discovered in the 50s, but it was only in the 70s that a process had been found to harness it for mass production. HFCS was soon pumped into every conceivable food: pizzas, coleslaw, meat. It provided that "just baked" sheen on bread and cakes, made everything sweeter, and extended shelf life from days to years.

My Historical Marker on the 1921 San Gabriel River Flood 11, 2010 · But it almost didn't make it. Literally a week after it was put in, which was two weeks ago, the tropical storm that headed into Texas did almost the exact same thing as the 1921 storm. It literally dumped on the I-35 corridor. About 14 inches of rain fell in Georgetown. The San Gabriel River flooded. I was sure my sign would be washed away.

The BEAST Bloghttps://buffalobeast.blogspot.comThey really put voice to a couple of my opinions, and in the case of number 9, knocked it out of the park. posted by quin at 2:27 PM on December 28 This is the worst of the web. I disagree, the worst America has had to offer the world for the past year or so, writing about it just brings it out into the open and makes people aware of it.

thus spake drake: Friday Night Lights - The Giving Tree 03, 2009 · "The Giving Tree" was a strong episode, both because and in spite of it's reliance on a number of callbacks to classic FNL moments from earlier this season and the first -- we're still pretending much of season two didn't happen. Thematically, we only have to go back a few episodes ("Keeping up Appearances") where fathers and sons was the gist, and this week it's mostly daughters that get the ...

LIVERPUTTY: Sword of Doom (1966) doesn't quite happen in Sword of Doom, when Ohama's hatred toward Shark-eyed Killer sparks a fight that causes him to roll his dead eyes back and do what comes naturally. He likes to do what comes naturally to him. If you had a relative in Japan that was killed around 1860-63, it is pretty likely that Shark-eyed Killer was the culprit.

maxwrite | Entriesmaxwrite.dreamwidth.orgAiGT was the result of a lot of unpleasantness (Steve's departure, Ed's mom dying, and then him crashing his plane that one time), and I think you can feel that in the album. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but what BNL is so amazing at is making really deep, dark music that doesn't sound deep and dark on …

Gubu-World: Nuclear Iran, decision time first which appears to have been successful was an international agreement to secure all vulnerable nuclear materials throughout the world. This is welcome news and hopefully a big blow to the long feared nightmare scenario of a well financed terrorist group, employing disaffected former Soviet scientists and working with elements in an ... May 12, 2019 - May 18, 2019 handful of incisive passages—sundry-sized gems—gleaned from Anthony Storr’s book, The Art of Psychotherapy (Routledge, 2 nd ed., 1990): “Modern man tends to escape his problems by turning to drugs and drink, or by distracting himself with passive entertainment.

It looks like we’re going to hit 50,000 U.S. deaths today ... 23, 2020 · In addition, the occurrence of polio epidemics led to a number of public health innovations. One of the most widespread was the proliferation of “no spitting” ordinances in the United States and elsewhere.[61] Philanthropy Edit In 1921 Franklin D. Roosevelt became totally and permanently paralyzed from the waist down.

History's Dumpster: Record's Dumpster = GLORIOUS trash! Kitsch, music, fashion, food, history, ephemera, and other memorable and forgotten, famous and infamous pop culture junk and oddities of yesterday and today.

NEW PAPYRUS: September 2014 30, 2014 · This is already been successfully done to a partial degree in countries like France where plutonium is extracted from spent fuel and then mixed with depleted uranium 238. But way back in 1982, the Shippingport Atomic Power Station in Beaver County, Pennsylvania was shut down after utilizing enriched uranium in a blanket of thorium 232 for five ...

The Rumblings of a Deranged Buffalo: USC Preview: Always ... 03, 2011 · Much like the Ohio State game, I need to drag out the ephemera section. USC was the shit in the early 2000s. More talent than should be available to a college program rolled through Los Angeles, and the wins flowed like fine wine. Arguably the best collegiate talent to don the cardinal and gold during that period was Reggie Bush.

Into the Breach: 08/01/2010 - 09/01/2010 private sector activity dries up, the economy collapses unless some other economic activity comes in to take over. This is what happened in the Great Depression and it is what is happening now. It was the massive spending of World War II that finally ended that era. Thankfully we have avoided the worst effects of the Great Depression.

Last Left Turn Before Hooterville: Worse Than Dying - Part II 01, 2008 · I've been front-paged on the Smirking Chimp (one of my very favorite sites since I began blogging in 2004) since the beginning of this year, and what I write usually seems to be well received - I get a lot of reads and a lot of positive 'votes'. This latest post "Worse Than Dying", however, seems to be scaring people away.I've gotten about a quarter of the number of reads as is usual for me ...

Gene Kelly – Off the Noriega cleared 50% in round one in 2008, and Sadler in 2012 and Barbara Radnofsky in 2006 both won their runoffs – Radnofsky has said that her overtime race against the now apparently dormant Gene Kelly was the best thing that happened to her, as it boosted her fundraising and made people actually pay attention to that race.

Abu Aardvark Drezner links to a Chicago Tribune story about academic blogging, which is hidden behind a registration bar beyond which I shall not pass.But Dan mentions that he is quoted on the Eric Rasmussen affair, along with Glenn Reynolds and Eugene Volokh. Now, I have no opinion to speak of on the Rasmussen affair, and I don't read the Chicago Tribune, and I have no idea what they said.

Blogs | ePluribus his 1973 book How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Walter Rodney demolished the idea that outsiders can come to Third World countries and bring them out into the developed world. Our "help," as that help is almost always offered, is almost always counterproductive, leading to a culture of dependency, not enabling independence and growth, as the ...

Joan's Lewis & Clark Geek Page:[Lewis] Goodrich and Willard visited the indian Villages this morning and returned in the evening. Willard brought with him the dressed skin of a bear which he had purchased for Capt. C. this skin was an uniform pale redish brown colour, the indians informed us that it was not the Hoh-host or white bear, that it was the …

Britain and America: Cameron praises America's sense of ... the US, places in the forefront of its mind, the prospect of a post-Bush America, and the UK contemplates the return of a Conservative government, a differing relationship waits to be forged between the two countries. ... then it had to look towards America for advice, principle and a sense of pride. Cameron asks us to: "Think of America. Of ...

Bilgrimage: "The Donald Took Evangelicals to a Very High ... 12, 2016 · The following is valuable commentary I've seen in the past several days about the continued very strong support of white evangelical leaders and white evangelicals in general for Donald Trump, after the revelations about him last week — and commentary about fault lines beginning to run through the white evangelical community due to Trump.

The Kent Vent: February 2009 Leon Lott then commented to a local newspaper about the quality of his case. He stated that “this one might be a lot easier since we have photographs of someone using drugs and a partial confession. It's a relatively easy case once we can determine where the …

Walk Backhttps://walk-back.blogspot.comNow, a candidate we can get behind, subtantive issue based debate be damned, Mr. Sawyer is getting his hands (and mouth) dirty with a response only one step removed from Nuh-uh. In his last campaign he had image consultants and a bank roll a mile …

The RipZAW: April 2003 is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen. American Computer LLC they call themselves, supposedly based out of Cranford, NJ. On their site, they advertise laptops, mainframes, desktops, PDAs, all of their own brands, although they claim to carry pretty much every other product in existence as well.

The Policy Geek: 2017 the sands shift under Trump, he really could care less. Despite the obvious fact that good leaders cannot do the task alone, Trump told the entire Nation he “alone was the person who could fix the nation.” Given his lack of research and his shooting from the hip style of command, we're in for a …

Delusions of Grandeur: May 2007 02, 2007 · Call me a monster if you like, but I’m full-on prepared to say good riddance to Jerry Falwell. Salon reminds us why:In reference to 9/11: "I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America.

Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation ... the editor-at-large of comes a galvanizing and alarming look at the strategy and tactics of leftist thuggery. While President Obama and the left like to pretend that they oppose bullying with all their hearts and souls, the truth is far darker: the left is the greatest purveyor of bullying in modern American history.Reviews: 585Format: Kindle EditionAuthor: Ben Shapiro

Flickr: Discussing "Tell Us Your Story" in NPR Look At This 12, 2009 · We’ve rolled NPR’s Picture Show blog into something new called Look At This. Same folks, same spirit — new name. Use this pool to submit your photos and stories, which we may then in turn feature them. We want to see what you see. Show us your birthdays, your travels, your struggles and triumphs. Nothing is too trivial. Of course a picture is worth a thousand words. But it helps us to ...

Right on Target: January 2009 21, 2009 · Ralph Alter is the author and editor of Right on Target and provides both the intellectual property and merchandise available on the site. Born in Detroit, Ralph is a 1973 graduate of Wayne State University with a double major in English Literature and Psychology.

The Reaction: 2005-08-28 03, 2005 · "This led to a very horrible chaos," he said, causing people "to run in an uncontrolled way and this led to suffocation of so many people and drowning of some of them in the river." The incident took place three hours after a mortar attack near the same mosque killed seven people and wounded 36 others, police said. Horrible. Absolutely horrible.

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "God sent us Barack Obama"“God sent us Barack Obama,” he told a congregation in 116th St. half an hour later, before heading up to West 153rd St. “These people carry hate in their heart … all of them come from states that used to hold Africans as slaves,” he told a packed house at the Bethany Baptist Church under a stained-glass window of Christ in prayer.

NJ Supreme Court Urged to Embrace Marriage Equality Now ... ALM Media (2013) Marriage Equality Now: by the New Jersey Law Journal Editorial Baord We applaud Judge Mary Jacobson's decision, in Garden State Equality v.Dow, that same-sex couples must be allowed to marry in order to obtain equal protection of the law under the New Jersey Constitution.The decision is thorough, well-written and correct.

Framed: Gravel has worked as a cab driver in New York City, a clerk on Wall Street and a brakeman on the Alaska Railroad. Mike Huckabee was the youngest president ever of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. Hillary Clinton was a Goldwater Girl. Rudy Giuliani was knighted by the Queen of England. Joe Biden was elected to the U.S. Senate at the ...

Into the Breach: 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 30, 2005 · This is one of those wars in which the measures of success are slippery. Everyone can pick some stats to support their preferred view. The truth can be complex. The Washington Institute has as assessment. As you might imagine it's a mixed bag. It's not the "success is just around the corner" story you hear from the rose garden.

Christmas Songs: “Merry Christmas, Baby,” Otis Redding ... 25, 2010 · There are so many versions of this 1947 song written by Lou Baxter and Johnny Moore. The one I heard on Muzak while working retail is Bruce Springsteen‘s. According to Wikipedia, “The original 1947 version by Johnny Moore’s Three Trailblazers (featuring singer/pianist Charles Brown (musician), is the definitive version of this song.”This version by Otis Redding was released …

Archive - Blogger 07, 2006 · What I noticed about it was the post where her site has suddenly rocketed to the very top of the Left blogosphere -- she's in company, according to that ranking, with Daily KOS, TPMCafe, and Atrios. KOS himself, by far the most popular blog in the world, arrived at his fame as a result of the "Screw Them" comments.

Social Life | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities to Blue: A Modest View of a Serious Problem. Green to Blue is an animated short, which was named to the Top-Ten Shortlist of Friends of the Earth’s 2008 one-minute film competition.Green to Blue is a stop-motion animation that was made to promote global warming awareness.Elizabeth Klein, the film’s creator, explained that, “I made this stop motion to promote global warming awareness.

Economic Calculation in the Corporate Commonwealth 16, 2007 · Peter Klein, in his excellent study of economic calculation arguments as they affect firm size, ["Economic Calculation and the Limits of Organization," The Review of Austrian Economics Vol. 9, No. 2 (1996): 3-28] argues that Mises foreshadowed Henry Manne's treatment of the mechanism by which entrepreneurs maintain control of corporate ...

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2016-08-21 of what's at stake in our response to the climate crisis, both the causes and effects. The National Park Service is already on the front line of the climate crisis, as the Guardian article illustrates. Such focused, dedicated public service is a template for what that response might look like elsewhere, for a long time to come.

Alan "Mushroom" Kapuler: Organic guru of mind, spirit and ... of the questions that I rarely see asked of "Mushroom" (Alan's other "common" name) are those that pertain to his artwork, I have an intense interest in his beautiful works and thought that one should accompany this article, as such, one of his paintings follows and you can view more of these special works of art at ...

Crazy birther lady is famous delaware dittohead ... serial number on his birth certificate is 010641. Baby Barack’s birth was not heralded, as some of his partisans have suggested, by a star in the east, but it was heralded by the Honolulu Star, as well as the Honolulu Advertiser, each of which published birth announcements for young Mr. Obama.

Talk:Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them - Wikipedia Well, I had interpreted D323P's comment to suggest that there were. I don't know for a fact, as I haven't read the book. My point was that Schweitzer could make, say, 50 criticisms of Lies, but it is not incumbent upon us to describe each and every one of them. We don't describe each and every argument Franken makes in the book.

KIROFM rules in January... fluffy puppies carry the day ... PD vacancy at KTAR is open, yes, and Hatch has been complaining about the weather here so there's speculation that he will be leaving. However, despite his managerial style, it can't be denied how he has gotten the ratings up for ALL day parts with 5 shares (24-54) with the exception of nights.

BilgeBucket Gazette » Holy Huckster coronavirus pandemic rages on with over 1.4 million cases in the U.S. and over 88 thousand deaths (that’s almost 30 9/11s folks). And yet, many states, like Wisconsin, have decided that it doesn’t matter that the curve hasn’t flattened yet in the U.S., the economy must be restarted, damn the consequences.The gods of greed on Wall Street must be sated and stock prices must climb no ...

Rue Rude: Food and Drink of the surprising things Polly explained was the importance of champagne. Even students or the unemployed will produce champagne for important occasions. In much of Paris, and certainly in my neighborhood, champagne is still de rigueur if you entertain. It …

American Judas: Synopsizing Sibel Edmonds: The Evolution ... this continuing series of synopsizing the Sibel Edmonds interviews on The Corbett Report and providing my own analysis as I did in last week's blog post, I think it's important to provide a link to an analysis by Sibel herself at her website, Boiling Frogs Post.She provides the connections linking Afghan heroin business with "cargo" transportation through Azerbaijan and the Balkans in an ...

Hey Jenny Slater.: The 50 Most Loathsome People in College ... 50 Most Loathsome People in College Football: 50-41. As promised, we now begin the inaugural 50 Most Loathsome People in College Football list, spotlighting the people who have cast shame upon the sport, acted to the detriment of its participants, and/or just basically served to …

Pedestrian Infidel: May 2009 05, 2009 · I moved out of my house last year to live with some people from church for a while (oh I go regularly to a church now). I stayed in the house of one of the families while they were away and then in the maid's room of another family. Then I changed my job and joined an Airline as cabin crew.

On Being Notorious...: 2/5/12 - 2/12/12"Nine units, ten units!" Ugochi counts triumphantly. With that, she scoops up ten beads and skips across the room to a cabinet, where she trades them in for a "10 bar"-ten beads wired together. Now the girls count in unison: "five 10s, six 10s, seven, eight, nine, ten 10s!" Then, pigtails flying, they run to trade in the 10s for a 100.

TigerHawk is one of those vile misanthropes who sees a crowded street and hates the noise and bustle of individual people going about their business, with lives and loves all of their own. P. J. O'Rourke once said that concern about over-population was the polite way for progressives to be racists.

The MoxArgon Group: 06/2007 a blogger named Wyatt Earp hit his 100,000th visitor, which is pretty darn good. Now this blog recently went past the 20,000 visitor mark but it's still a long way from 100,000. Now Wyatt held a contest where visitor 100,000 won a DVD, which is nice, but since I'm Overlord of the Known Universe, I'm offering something a little more valuable.

March | 2006 - Green Mountain Daily is an email sent in response to the online impeachment petition, reprinted with permission from the petition administrator and the author:. Dear Ms. Allen, I am not a Vermont resident, so unfortunately I cannot sign your petition, but I want you to now that there are plenty of people here in Mass. who support the Vermont towns who have voted for resolutions to impeach Pres. Bush.

vlogolution network » HotRoast - powered by*** NOTE: This is the “Non-Explicit” Version for YOUTUBE. However, the original was NEVER “Explicit”! A YouTube Editor featured it as the #1 Spotlight Video in Education on 1/4/2011, which subsequently led to its flagged demise. Despite that, Youtube’s Review Team informed me they would NOT unflag it.

Illinois News | Mike's View is a bit disingenuous since concealed carry has absolutely nothing to do with “protecting the second amendment.” Perhaps Mr. Beiser is unaware that the second amendment is in no danger within the United States. In fact, the US has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the world.

Global Wahrman: The Prophesy of John Hendrix (1865 - 1915) 13, 2013 · Once upon a time, in a very rural area of Tennessee, there lived a man named John Hendrix. Mr. Hendrix, who was born in 1865 and died in 1915, became distraught after the death of his daughter and his separation from his wife and the rest of his family.

International Schools Tech: 2007 - Blogger Katrina, the hurricane was about category 5, however by the time it here it had dissipated down to a category 1 or 2. Like Katrina, the devastation was not caused so much by the storm itself, but by the flooding that accompanied it. With Katrina it was the failures of levees.

The Meat Beetleshttps://meatbeetles.blogspot.comThe Meat Beetles are pleased to release their latest "collaboration" with Michael Weenie Savage, the #1 hot dog in American hate radio. Also "present" in the studio was Dick "Two Ton" Baker, courtesy of the 365 Days Project. Additional material came from a '60s anti-drug film in which a young woman on acid sees her hot dog turn into a living, speaking being.

Gnomicon: July 2007 - Blogger 03, 2007 · This was the East Coast premiere of a film about Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir. One of the producers is Morgan Spurlock, of Supersize Me fame. The intertitles in this film are of a similar style as Supersize Me. I’m a big fan of these intertitles.

Orcinus: 07/13/2008 - 07/20/2008[Cross-posted at Firedoglake.] It’s been clear for some time, really, that the Bush administration is Nixon’s Revenge incarnate. Digby and Lance Mannion, among others, have remarked on it.And Rick Perlstein’s majestic Nixonland is 896 pages of incontrovertible evidence of it. We’ve seen it in many areas — particularly the aggressive assertion of executive powers in setting up ...

Anemones Raise a Tentacle in Support of Evolution 10, 2007 · Editor's note: This post was selected for publication in the anthology Open Lab 2007: The Best Science Writing on Blog. Pachycerianthus fimbriatus from the Puget Sound raises each tentacle in support of evolution. Photo from The Anemone genome paper, that I previously had posted on, was a landmark paper in comparative phylogenomics.It provided a 'backbone' (yes, pun intended) …

Dog Star Omnibus: Ten Spooky Conspiracy Theories things I will endorse up front are Tragedy and Hope by Carrol l Quigley and The Mitrokhin Archive by Chr istopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin. The fo rmer is often mentioned in certain conspiracy corners while the latt er is curiously off-the-radar. Both are non-fiction and exhaustive - Tragedy and Hope is over 1 000 pages and Mitrokhin about 700) - and are perhaps best stored as PDFs on ...

Orcinus: Behind the mask - Blogger 28, 2006 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Washington Scandal: Dissecting Obama's Wisconsin Speech is not a plan to just hand over $700 billion of your money to a few banks. If managed correctly, we will hopefully get most or all of our money back, or possibly even turn a profit on the government’s investment – every penny of which will go directly back to you, the investor.

Great Northern States Health Care Initiative: 2010 Great Northern States Health Care Initiative is a group of people from Minnesota and Wisconsin who have come together for the purpose of advocacy for a better health care system in our respective states and the nation. Our main objective is education of ourselves and others in our communities on the imperatives of a single payer health care ...

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: July 2016 a Final Note: the negative reviews of Tyus Jones' ability confuse me. For example, what do we hear about Tyler Ulis's selection by the Suns? "Great pick, steal of the draft, really can run a team, good offensively." The Suns, despite not having to do so for a second round pick, signed him to a guaranteed 2-year deal. Consensus -- He is AWESOME!

Glib & Superficial: November 2006 it strikes no known chord with Christians themselves: We already know all about this. While few of us are so prominently on public view or so florid in our daily sins as Reverend Haggard, every one of us fails every day to live up to the standard that has been set for us. Every Christian. Every day. This is …

Martin's Musings: 2014 - Blogger asked why he did it, President Burse related that he was the youngest of 13 children in his family, and that while growing up to sacrifice was a normal part of life. Christy Walton According to the Forbes Magazine list of 400 richest Americans published recently, Christy (6th), Jim (7th), Alice (9th), and S. Robson (10th), four Americans ...

The Whited Sepulchre: 10/28/07 - 11/4/07 03, 2007 · Edwards said it's legitimate to ask questions about whether there is a contradiction between campaigning against poverty while working for a hedge fund that is designed to make rich people richer. He said the job was a compliment to his position as the head of a poverty center at the University of North Carolina. I think Joseph Biden won the thing.

Ivy Chat: August 2009 reserves are similar to a rainy day fund. The cushion should not alarm Cubs fans about the team's financial strength, but it speaks volumes about the highly complex financial deal engineered by Tribune Co. to sell one of Major League Baseball's storied franchises. Please. Don't be …

jobsanger: Pro-Choice AND Pro-Abortion I’m pro-abortion because well-timed pregnancies give children a healthier start in life. We now have ample evidence that babies do best when women are able to space their pregnancies and get both pre-natal and pre-conception care.The specific nutrients we ingest in the weeks before we get pregnant can have a lifelong effect on the wellbeing of our offspring.

Rising Hegemon : July 2014 31, 2014 · A condemned Arizona inmate gasped and snorted for more than an hour and a half during his execution Wednesday before he died, his lawyers said, in an episode sure to add to the scrutiny surrounding the death penalty in the U.S. Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne's office said Joseph Rudolph Wood was pronounced dead at 3:49 p.m., one hour and 57 ...

Contextual Criticism: 8/23/15 - 8/30/15 many Americans don't realize is that Israel has effectively become the 51st state. Nearly every S&P 500 company has an Israeli division. And a huge amount of Israeli technology is inside every smart phone, router, and computer.

A Little Reality: November 2011 30, 2011 · All of the preceding century of fear and loathing was brought to a head when the dreams of Camelot were felled by the assassination of John Kennedy. JFK, in many ways, was the last hope of the United States. A dynamic young father with darling children and a glamorous wife, brought a fresh spring to a nation that had grown sour and cynical.

History's Dumpster: October 2015 Wheelee Board (1977) unquestionably was the oddest skateboard. Ever. With six wheels and a plastic board with the rear wheels set at an angle, it was designed for tricks. I haven't had much personal experience with skateboards of any kind, but I imagine one would have to be particularly deft in their skills to ride these things.

Lame Cherry: Oct 19, 2016 another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. As the Obama regime attempts to start a nuclear war with Russia to install Hamrod Clinton, there is a reality in this which exists, that most of you have no idea exists as the regime dispatches nuclear jets to cruise the Arctic to try and intimidate Russia in more war games.

These Three Put On A Show | of our blessings is to enjoy a new batch of these uk fake agent cant stop cumming movie movie 1 little darlings each summer. They are so precious. Enjoy a wonderful weekend! There seem to These three put on a show be three diflaerent categories of people that come to a show.

Cousin Sam: In the news, Thursday, January 12, 2017 12, 2017 · Nearly six in 10 Americans don't have enough savings to cover a $500 or $1,000 unplanned expense, according to a new report from Bankrate. Only 41% of adults reported having enough in their savings account to cover a surprise bill of this magnitude.

Notes in Samsara: Prominent American Buddhists: The ... 08, 2004 · This is part IV of a continuing series (Previously I wrote on Richard Thurman, Bernie Glassman, and Richard Baker.) While he's been dead for a few years, the story Frederick Lenz is another cautionary tale for those that would consider taking up a study of the Dharma. Lenz was, as I read it, a narcissist and exploited those around him.

American Power: Barack Obama, the Radical Left, and ... 05, 2008 · Amy Proctor notes that Barack Obama, at his commencement address at Wesleyan University on Sunday, did not mention the military when making the call for public service: CNN correspondents thought it “strange” that Barack Obama’s Memorial Day commencement speech at Wesleyan University didn’t mention the military.

THIS <i>NEW YORK TIMES</I> STORY ABOUT TRUMP AND … 10, 2015 · One of those measures, considered critical by Trump's security "experts", is a giant Trump sign, with a yuge "T" rotating on top, in eye-catching neon with a siren going off every minute or so between recorded sounds of rotweilers attacking and people screaming about how their nether regions are being torn off; bilingual, American facing in ...

Bin Laden’s Reverse Psychology Missed by Prez and Pundits 09, 2007 · CIA officials concluded that bin Laden used reverse psychology in his prior video address to Americans, four days before the 2004 presidential election 96 x 97. In it he knocked Bush and threatened states that would vote for Bush. After that video, polls showed the race swing from a dead heat to a five point Bush lead.

Was Justice Done in Chicago "Dog-Urination" Murder? 05, 2011 · A Chicago man last week was sentenced to probation for the murder of a neighbor who had allowed his dog to urinate on the man's lawn. Charles J. Clements, a 69-year-old great-grandfather, was convicted in October of second-degree murder in the shooting of Joshua Funches, 23.

Big Hairy News: September 2012 HAIRY NEWS - The latest polling shows President Obama surging to what many are calling an insurmountable lead over floundering challenger Mitt Romney. The new Tyrone Poll indicates the largest lead yet for President Obama, with over 80% of respondents saying they will vote to reelect him, while only 12% said they would vote for Romney, and ...

Dear People Of Michigan: We Told You So - Up North Progressive 10, 2016 · Dear People Of Michigan: We Told You So Sunday , 10, January 2016 Up North Progressive Nerd Problems 22 Comments Back in 2011, when an unknown, nerdy former chairman of the board of a former computer giant called Gateway was sworn in as governor of the state of Michigan, his plans for the state set off alarm bells in more than a few state ...

Environment | The Illogical Seminary Illogical Seminary The Times Are-A-Changin’ June 27, 2020 Fresh off the heels of a damaging paper-wide crisis that gave voice to Tommy Cotton’s most virulent monkeyshines, the New York Times nevertheless has redeemed itself and gone to bat in the service of the truth by blowing open the story that Russia paid bounties to the Taliban to ...

Heim Binas Fiction: Writing Taboos, Carrie! This is a great discussion! I write CBA, which doesn't use cursing or explicit scenes. That's fine with me; I feel like my stories are real enough without those elements. I think what you said is really important: that we need to remember why we write and why we …

Schools Matter: John Deasy's Queen Antoinette moment: "let ... 19, 2011 · "Right now, only higher-income readers can afford ebook readers and ebooks." — Dr. Stephen Krashen On September 14, 2011 former Gates Foundation executive and Broad Superintendents Academy graduate John Deasy gave a much ballyhooed speech at Occidental College. While I may have time in the future to critique his mendacious stream of business-speak, which amounted to a …

Pareidolia Global: July 2013 this day in 1994, Paul Hill walked up to a pickup truck in the driveway of a Pensacola clinic and killed Jim Barrett and Dr. John Britton with a shotgun. I stood in a parking lot across the street with some of the other clinic escorts (Jim was one of ours) for a few hours.

Kung Fu Monkey: 10/12/08 - 10/19/08 16, 2008 · According to a Time poll, "Health of the mother" along with exceptions for rape or incest victims jumps support for abortion rights from 46% to 86%. "Health of the mother" is one of the few terms which punches an empathic hole right through the walls of …

Environmental issues | Antoine Clarke 11, 2010 · one of its staffers sniffily protested in an internet posting to a newspaper last week: “This will be the warmest winter in living memory, the data has already been recorded. For your information, we take the highest 15 readings between November and March and then produce an average.

Cole Slaw Blog: The Thick of It on BBC America that David Mamet, Ricky Gervais and John Major meet at a party. They hit it off. In a burst of creative inspiration fueled by Jack Daniels and honey slides, they sit down and hammer out a succession of scripts for a TV comedy.It is laden with bleeped-out eff bombs, discussions about cleaning piss and being pissed on (literal and metaphorical), misogyny, obscene gestures, and neckties.

POLIHOP 27, 2007 · Over a third of young Adults Still living with parents Pew Research - In 2012, 36% of the nation’s young adults ages 18 to 31 were living in their parents’ home, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. This is the highest share in at least four decades. ::: I don't want to point the figure at President Obama but I think if he would pushed progressive ...

The Rude Pundit 10, 2006 · George Bush and the Chili-Dog-Eating Press Conference: Let us say, and why not, that yesterday George Bush, President of the United States, decided at the last minute that he was hungry for some chili dogs. In fact, he was so hungry for chili dogs that he invited the White House press corps to a hastily arranged press conference.

News - Identification Systems XXX: A Woman's Right to Pornography The Debates of Liberty Liberty for Women Le gambe della libertà Sexual Correctness Dissenting Electorate Individualist Feminism of the 19th Century Queen Silver The Reasonable Woman Freedom, Feminism, and the State Index to Tucker's Liberty Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women

Philippine Catholic Bishops are sending Bibles and rosary ... 04, 2013 · That is a gorgeous rosary chain. That's all I can say about that. As far as how utterly cold and insensitive I can't begin to say. It is an abomination of the highest order and it sickens me that those lovely people who are desperate, scared, hungry, displaced and under enormous stress will have to fight off the inevitable theocratic snake oil salesmen that will be showing up to 'save ...

Obsolete Capitalism: Obsolete Capitalism Sound System ... fragment 84 Nietzsche lists the reasons why ancient people, in particular the Greeks, invented and used «rhythm» in poetry, music, dance, assembling the various artistic expressions in only one act.

The Big Teat - Blogger of our indefatigable colleague Susie Madrak at Suburban Guerrilla: The liberation of the Iraqis was followed in short order by the liberation of their money.Ed Harriman of the London Review of Books has plowed through a stack of government audits in hopes of figuring out where the missing billions went: On 12 April 2004, the Coalition Provisional Authority in Erbil in northern Iraq ...

USCF United States Civilian Forces: 01/28/17"Obama's first primetime interview — as opposed to a televised press conference or late-night talk show appearance — on March 22, 2009 notched a ... Flag as irrelevant Obama Can't Escape What He Secretly Did In Georgia Months Ago, He Just Got Brutal News

POLIHOP: MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry Scolds Edward Snowden 13, 2013 · MSNBC Host Melissa Harris-Perry Scolds Edward Snowden I was watching the Melissa Harris Perry Show on MSNBC earlier today and I saw her criticizing Edward Snowden. Basically she chastised Snowden for making a spectacle of himself. Harris-Perry argued that by hopping from country to country in his attempt to gain asylum, Snowden is making ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: An Unhealthy Precedent 08, 2016 · The latest news in the election cycle was Donald Trump's appearance on Dr Mehmet Oz talk show, during which he purportedly produced his medical records for Dr Oz.This is a response to a faux scandal concerning Hillary Clinton's health.I can't remember the health of presidential candidates being an issue before- Ronald Reagan, JFK, and FDR all suffered chronic health problems...

Losing Dignity: The Fall from Grace, Once Middle-Class ... 12, 2014 · From the Economic Populist: According to a new study released from the Economic Policy Institute, if currency manipulation was stopped, the U.S. trade deficit would shrink by up to $500 billion in three years, annual GDP would increase up to $720 billion, the federal budget deficit would be reduced by $100 billion each year and create up to 5.8 million jobs in three years -- with 40% of the ...

The Adventures of Lauren & Jerald: February 2007 08, 2007 · One of Jerald's poker buddies Danny, his wife Shosh and son Sammy were in Boston this weekend. Danny and Seth's Uncle Josh were college roommates. The boys had a great time playing together. Sammy is 18 months old and he is fast on his feet.

BilgeBucket Gazette » coronavirus has gained the attention of the world recently with more than 65,000 cases reported globally and almost 1,5000 deaths.America’s Impeached CEO/Dictator Donald Trump even took an aggressive stand by issuing travel restrictions with China where the virus originated.But many feel that the travel ban could backfire.While we applaud this act of preparedness, health officials and ...

Marc Valdez Weblog is a penny ante version of the same practice that got John Doolittle into so much trouble in his last campaign. Elected to the City Council in 1994, Waters said he has been using campaign funds to pay for his district office for years and that nothing in the city codes prohibits it.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Fake Christmas trees gaining popularity 11, 2008 · This is a rather interesting Christmas story from MSNBC News, although I think the war between fake Christmas trees and real Christmas trees will never be resolved: On Nov. 30, Jason Baer sent out a tweet, or message, on the social networking site Twitter announcing a milestone in his life: "Broke down & bought a faux Xmas tree.

PERRspectives: Palin Dodges Draconian GOP Abortion 1, 2008 : Palin Dodges Draconian GOP Abortion Platform - Again - in Couric Interview. Lost in the myriad accounts of Sarah Palin's jaw-dropping gaffes and mind-numbing misstatements in her interview with Katie Couric is Palin's all-too-familiar ploy when it comes to abortion. As in her chat with ABC's Charles Gibson, Palin passed off as merely a "personal" opinion her past calls for ...

Five Best Wednesday Columns - Yahoo! News 22, 2014 · Little or nothing in Bob McDonnell’s past as state attorney general or state legislator pointed to an extravagant lifestyle, serious personal debts, or blind spots in judgment. RELATED: 'Hunters for Life,' People Conceived by Rape, Lila Rose: Photos from the March for Life

Tekashi 6ix9ine Will Be All Alone In Upcoming Music Video ... 04, 2020 · Tekashi 6ix9ine will be a one-man band for his upcoming music vid because of the coronavirus and, perhaps more importantly, to keep his location secret.. Sources close to Tekashi tell TMZ … 6ix9ine is going to be the only one in his camera frame in the video, and he’s already shooting behind-the-scenes footage.

'In Front of Your Nose' — A Sequel to Orwell in the Trump 28, 2018 · In 1946, George Orwell wrote a piece about the unfortunate human habit of failing or refusing to see what plainly lay before one’s face. Whether through conscious mendacity, or intellectual laziness, or the universal tendency to euphemism, or because facing the truth would be too personally unsettling, people espouse beliefs blatantly at odds with the evidence.

Inoculations and "23 & Me" - Page 16 - PRW years ago I had the shingles on my back for a month. Very painful. A KB friend of mine somehow caught the shingles virus in his brain. It took Loma Linda quite a …

The Rectification of Names: Mueller Said to His Man. II 25, 2019 · And why he leaps in his own person into the obstruction case to announce his own, as opposed to Mueller's, conclusion: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice ...

No Right Turn: Is denial of parole a penalty? 04, 2005 · This is a stark difference in his conditions, and no different from if the government had simply increased the length of his sentence by a year. The Supreme Court cannot overturn the law, but it can "read it down", reinterpreting it so as to be consistent with the Bill of Rights (and in fact it is legally required to do so, under s6 , to the ...

Don’t bother looking for that Google coronavirus website 15, 2020 · The website, according to Trump would be done soon, and would not only provide information on whether a test was called for, but advise on where to go for a test. Trump was not only very specific, noting that Google had “1,700 engineers working on this right now,” but took the time to make a backhanded swipe at the initial difficulties of ...

The Immoral Minority: It's not fair to suggest that only ... 04, 2017 · “Ultimately about governing,” said former House speaker Newt Gingrich to the Times. “There are two things he’s got to do between now and 2020: He has to keep America safe and create a lot of jobs. That’s what he promised in his speech. If he does those two things, everything else is …

Can You Really Get Herpes from Urinating Into an Empty Yoo ... the time they are over 50, prolly 80% of them have it. It's common, its transmitted by touching skin. This guy could have gotten it from someone he slept with who had no symptoms or didn't even know they had the virus, like most people. Or it could have been dormant in his system for quite some time and he finally had an outbreak worth noticing.

No More Mister Nice Blog: ASKING AGAIN: IS TRUMP ON DRUGS? 08, 2018 · asking again: is trump on drugs? I used cocaine only a few times in my youth, and what I remember about it most is the comedown -- the all-over toxic feeling, and especially the crankiness. That was more than three decades ago for me, but it comes to mind as I read about the pouty, self-pitying president of the United States:

No More Mister Nice Blog: MORE PROOF THAT TRUMP DOESN'T ... 09, 2017 · This is what I've been saying for months: Trump is awful, and he'd probably enjoy being a fascist dictator, but he just doesn't have the imagination, the will, or the get-up-and-go necessary to fully transform America into a totalitarian state. He's violating norms and perverting our institutions, but he's not systematically challenging the ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 05/24/13 JOBS JOBS: Avoiding an information-age welfare state. This is Blade Runner softened by food stamps, but as in the public housing projects and other warehouses where we store “surplus” people today, the most acute form of poverty and deprivation will not be the lack of food, clothing or even shelter. It will be a lack of social connection, of independence founded on achievement, on the ...

If You Support the County Clerk in Kentucky, You Support ... 09, 2015 · If you don't get it, let's make it clear: This is an attempt to enact fundamentalist Christianity as law. It is an attempt to make religious doctrine take the place of secular legal decisions. It is, in theory and operation, no different than the Shariah law that cowardly conservatives fear will overtake the nation, with Muslim Obama as chief ...

Trump voter Archives - EgbertoWillies.com 04, 2018 · Trump voter: ‘He played me for a fool’ would now vote ‘Hillary without a doubt’ (VIDEO) May 27, 2017 By Egberto Willies This young man, a Trump voter, believed Trump’s fallacies during the campaign that were obviously discernable to anyone who was barely analytical.

» Death Panels Cristy We Can Expect ObamaCare To Do to the Rest of Us Image: Linda Suhler, PhD@Twitter (The Spokesman Review/AP) Donald Douglass aged 57 had a small spot in his forehead when he went to the Seattle VA in 2011 a biopsy confirmed it was cancerous but it was four months before the VA Hospital scheduled an appointment for him to have it removed and by then, it had spread, wrapping around a …

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard few words about Peter Patrick Fitzgerald. I know I've been remiss in writing about this, but I wanted to make a few points, and oddly enough, the Discovery Channel's Justice Files, by sheer coinicidence, went into the story of former Illinois governor George Ryan.

REWinn ... My scrapbook.

Spock Jones: The Reception 2/2 sat back in his chair, trying to hide is amusement. “And a problem because?” Spock stood and paced from one end of the long table and back. Kirk was surprised. Spock genuinely seemed to be at a loss. “I had,” Spock cleared his throat. “I had grown accustomed to her banter. She would occasionally hum a tune or even sing at ...

Turtle Days - Paragraphs on Padre of the events everyone on South Padre Island looks forward to every year is "Turtle Days". Turtle Days officially begins when the first Kemp Ridley nest is found on the beach and the eggs are transported to a safe place where they can hatch. The flags are raised and calendars marked for a week of festivities.

The Culture of Narcissism — Crooked 03, 2007 · *blink* I have the sudden urge to find a digital recording device of some kind, recording myself watching him watching her, and correcting his misassumptions about the invalidity of American Idol as an academic medium, and how the celebrity-appeal is actually related more to construction of desire and suspension of time than anything else.

Jeremy Corbyn | Law of 29, 2019 · The first Muslim MP in the NSW parliament has sparked a row overnight, refusing entry to a respected Jewish leader to a Labor Party multicultural launch. Upper House MP Shaoquett Moselmane refused entry to Jewish Board of Deputies CEO Vic Alhadeff at the launch of the Labor Union Multicultural Action Committee launch last night saying ...

"Will you miss me when ___?": 2 wds. crossword"Will you miss me when ___?": 2 wds. Last appearing in the Crosswords With Friends puzzle on August 29, 19 this clue has a 3 letters answer. Below you will find the answer to the clue but if it doesn't fit please feel free to contact us directly or write a comment to discuss it.

Tales of the Freewayblogger: August in the First Amendment says you can only have protest signs at protests. Also, it's fun. Making signs is just art, posting them is like being a ninja for a minute or two, and figuring out where to post them is one of the greatest strategy games you'll ever play.

The Social Welfare Spot: From The Mouth of a to a theory I sometimes hear, I should have thrown a fit and refused to invest because of the elevated tax rates on capital gains and dividends. I didn’t refuse, nor did others. I have worked with investors for 60 years and I have yet to see anyone — not even when capital gains rates were 39.9 percent in 1976-77 — shy away from ...

Blue in Guadalupe: December also says we should begin by eliminating budget items added since 2009. I’m all for that since one of the first things added was funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which the Bush administration had kept out of the budget so it would look like it …

schmoo on the run: african emergency declared - madonna to 01, 2006 · african emergency declared - madonna to adopt again Africa was in a state of emergency last night after Madonna, the 'Queen of Pop', told the BBC news night program that "My husband and I" might adopt just more child from the 'dark' continent.

WaPo’s Civility Fetish Delegitimizes Opposition to Trump 27, 2018 · The Washington Post ran three articles between Sunday, June 24, and Monday, June 25, calling for “civility” and criticizing those who interfered with the dining experiences of Trump administration officials. In the highest-profile case, workers at the Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia, decided not to serve White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over the …

Lost in the Ozone...: The Saratogian - Racetrack bids are of the firms - Capital Play Inc. - announced Monday that its bid for New York's racing franchise will include plans for a $30 million horse training facility in the Capital Region . Australia-based Capital Play is one of three firms challenging New York Racing Association, whose current franchise expires Dec. 31, for the next 20-year contract.

Why I support corporate personhood - Young, Hip and 10, 2011 · Why I support corporate personhood Imagine a caveman wakes up in the modern world, sees a television for the first time and smashes it with the first object he can lay hands on. He doesn't know anything about it, but assumes it's a threat and feels compelled to destroy it.

Confirmation: Defined in CryptoCurrency - 05, 2018 · Confirmation: Defined in CryptoCurrency A confirmation is defined as proof that your transaction or data was recorded and verified on the blockchain. A blockchain can be compared to a digital book that can record anything where …

Lost in the Ozone...: The Boy Scouts of America is Looking organization purchased the first piece of Pouch Camp in 1949 from the estate of Ernest Flagg, the Island architect who famously designed the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. The second parcel was acquired from the city in 1956. The total cost to assemble the camp, which was named for a Scout and benefactor, was $113,300.

The Processing And Refining The Mineral Of Ore Refining Plant Layout De Rode Scherf. Iron ore processing plant layout-Henan Mining Machinery Co . Iron ore processing plant layout. The company is located in Zhengzhou high tech Development Zone, 350000 square meters of modern standard factory buildings, more than 360 engineering and technical and after-sales service personnel, 40 years of the same mind, …

The Winston"To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone -- to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone: From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink -- greetings!" George Orwell, 1984

Leftist Grandpa: JUST FOR GIGGLES AN' 10, 2009 · When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. -- Thomas Jefferson A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it.

Dunner's: Kevin Phillips: Numbers Racket: Why the Economy 11, 2008 · Kevin Phillips, author of American Theocracy (a book I endorse), has an article in Harper's Magazine about the fudging of economic data by the American government. The problem, according to Phillips, apparently began with the Kennedy administration and has continued on an erratic basis through to the present day, with the guilt being shared by both …

April | 2017 | Grow Calgary’s Food & Ag Update for April 18, 2017. What Cuba Can Teach Us About Food and Climate Change (Slate) After the Cold War, Cuba faced ...

Redeye's Front Page: Celebrating Kwanzaa 2013~ day 2: What 09, 2013 · Therefore, we are the only fit rulers." they claimed. A little mouse spoke up from the crowd, " But we have a council where we make our decisions together, we don't need or want any ruler." One of the tigers let out a roar so loud and fierce that the poor mouse started running and didn't stop until he was in the land of the humans.

[E.O.M.S.]: Scientists aim for musical 15, 2009 · Scientists aim for musical impact The Large Hadron Collider will have a song dedicated to it. The official choir of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (better known by its French acronym Cern) is to record a song dedicated to …

Tucson Observer: Eight Items - By Scott 08, 2009 · Look at all these upcoming events and happenings in Tucson ’s community of LGBT and allied friends! Hope to see you out and about! Fabulous Faygeleh LGBT Film Festival! The Tucson International Jewish Film Festival is proud to present the first annual Fabulous Faygeleh LGBT Film Festival.festival runs May 14-17 in the auditorium of the Tucson Jewish …

A Gay Crows Nest: Falsely movie I saw was Marshall, about one of the pivotal cases litigated by Thurgood Marshall, the guy who became the first African-American on the Supreme Court. At the time of the story Marshall is the only lawyer for the NAACP. He goes around the country representing black people who have been falsely accused of crimes.

The Wattree Chronicle: Dear Bro. 09, 2014 · Dear Bro. Obama. Mr. President,. First, I’d like to thank you so much for reaching out to the people and asking us what WE want for a change. That alone is a refreshing change from what we generally see from our government. So you’re already off to a great start in creating a new approach to governance.. Now, with regard to my suggestion. ...

American Small Business League Blog, ASBL 21, 2009 · American Small Business League The American Small Business League was formed to promote and advocate policies that provide the greatest opportunity for small businesses and to stop the diversion of federal small business contract awards to Fortune 1000 corporations, their subsidiaries and other large companies.

Adirondack Wal-Mart: 12, 2006 · <i>Take Wal-Mart, the most famously offensive, town-destroying, junk-purveying, labor-abusing, sweatshop-supporting, American-job-killing, soul-numbing, hope-curdling retailer in the known universe, moving upward of $300 billion in cheap mass-produced slurm every year via more than 5,000 landscape-mauling eyesore stores stretching all the way from Texas to China …

Migra Matters: McCain still refusing to clarify position"The first phone call I placed was answered cordially. I was told that someone would get back to me. I never heard back from anyone," said The Sanctuary editor Kety Esquivel of who has appeared on CNN to discuss the questionnaire. "The second time I called, the person I was speaking with hung up and the third time I called the ...

Expolsive Update in the Saint Paul Fair Housing Lawsuits 06, 2012 · So, you go to the City and they say we can help you with a $500,000 low interest loan or grant, but here are the conditions.... all of the work must be done at Union wage scale, at least 15% of those contractors have to be minority or small business and of that 15% of the workers that are on site at the construction site have to have be of ...

LGF Watch: And now for some 07, 2007 · Here, try this site for a CLUE to what we're up against - and get the hell out of the way from us protecting ourselves against this EVIL …

Balkinization: A Right to Discriminate? of the recent agitation for a judicially broadened freedom of association is misguided.The basic problem is analogous to the problem of how much economic regulation there should be.The arguments for free markets are not only economic.There are powerful virtues of character that can be promoted by unregulated economic interaction.But after ...

There But For The Grace Of God Go All Of Us | Will of The 18, 2009 · Miller explains, “I’m a captain. There’s a chain of command. Gripes go up, not down. Always up.” This, to me, is one of the most universally sound statements one can possibly make, and one to which more people should take heed. Gripes should only go up. I will never EVER complain to a Somalian refugee about the quality of my life.

Orcinus: The foundations of fascism 15, 2006 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Isaac Asimov: THE EARLY ASIMOV (1972) | Views from 18, 2019 · This is a book I’d never read before, and debated recently about whether to ever read it. On the one hand, life is too short to read every book one might have accumulated, and this book consists, frankly, of all the stories from Asimov’s early career that had not already been included in 10 earlier collections — all the leftovers.

Historical context of Isiolo/Samburu raids/violence 21, 2009 · This is what enabled them to get hold of guns in the 90’s. Moi armed them for “security” reasons. The Turkana and Samburu were disarmed in the same time since they had had access to guns from Sudan and Somalia and also after some ugly fights over watering holes. The only people who are armed in the region are the Pokot and the Somali’s.

Stability and Longevityhttps://stabilityandlongevity.blogspot.comThis is a very important article and an idea that needs to be spread. I agree that the attention and fame given to mass murders is way out of place. I appreciated that the author of the commentary, John R. Lot Jr. refrained from using any names in his article. It is a tragedy that the names of the murderers are more recognized than their victims.

Short Sharp Shock.: 54th: The March, history and now 10, 2017 · The changes sought at the first March on Washington are the same as those pursued by the good people now making the March To Washington. “This is no time to engage in the luxury of coming off or take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism,” King said, 54 years ago. “Now is the time ... 1963 was not an end, but a beginning.”

The Rectification of Names: Brooks: The Dualist Duellist 07, 2016 · So the same parties as the old one, "defenders of traditional values" against the "morally empty", as the rest of us are called. Note the richly propagandistic character of the language. I don't call myself morally empty, and I don't call Brooks a "defender" either: it seems to me that he and his side (whether or not it's imaginary) are the ...

Into the Breach: 06/01/2008 - 07/01/2008 studies show: "'The population was split into two groups, then one of the groups died out 45,000 years ago, long before the first humans began to appear in the region,' said Stephan C. Schuster, associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Penn State University and a …

July 2009 ~ European-American blog 12, 2009 · 'Oh, but you have to wait until the secretary is back from vacation to make an appointment' says one of the assistants. I am astounded. My mother is gradually turning blind and we have to wait for a secretary sitting somewhere on a beach getting a tan!? I hear my own voice escalate to a new level of irritation: 'Hold on here' I say in my rusty ...

February 2009 – Swing State Project is a tremendous effort and a model for all future redistricting diaries, of which I’m sure we can expect many in the coming years – promoted by DavidNYC) After reading Duffman’s excellent diary on redistricting New Jersey, I thought I’d take a crack at a 12-seat map. (I had done a 13-seat map awhile back, but it’s not nearly as ...

The Rumblings of a Deranged Buffalo: March 2012 two weeks aren't isolated incidents, either. Increased student enthusiasm and participation helped slide the C-Unit into the final eight of the Naismith Student Section of the Year Award. Additionally, with the move to the Pac-12, overall road attendance is on the rise, and solid Buff contingents were at every West Coast road venue for both football and mens basketball.

A Little Reality: January 2013[The Constitution is] not a living document. It’s dead, dead, dead. ~ Supreme court Justice Antonin Scalia, Jan. 28, 2013 If the United States Constitution is truly dead it was an assassination performed with malice aforethought by Scalia and his pet Clarence Thomas with their insistence on bizarre interpretations of the text that make no sense in either logic, language, or the law.

two guys spouting off: 11/30/08 - 12/7/08 is perhaps the one area that he can take some credit for, although it's marred by his demand that one-third of the money be spent on abstinence-only sex eduation. He claims that it helped treat two million people; but that's a relatively small percent of those infected with AIDS in Africa, every single one of whom could be treated for a ...

The Citizens: Is Clinton Really Ready to Work Hard from ... 09, 2008 · Governor Rendell, HRC supporter, actually extended the deadline just for her campaign, but they couldn't be bothered. They will still get to nominate delegates later, so it won't have any electoral impact, but it's another sign of laziness. It means there is no local organization that needs to be rewarded (or wants to be) with delegate slots.

The Bank Is Stealing My House THIS Monday - Blogger 10, 2010 · But it looks like not going to happen, and I am out of options. We filed for emergency bankruptcy yesterday, to get 15 days' respite to make one more last-ditch effort, but the way that the bank bailout was set up, IndyMac has no incentive to work with us - they get money from the government immediately when they foreclose.

Around the Keg: March 2009 04, 2009 · I know that some are doing this, but it just doesn't seem to have gathered much steam. It does seem that some non-traditional outlets are doing the hard work. Matt Taibbi (h/t to Mr. F and Mike) has had a few really good, well researched articles on the subject. Comedian, Jon Stewart has been willing to ask some hard questions of Jim Cramer (I ...

June | 2009 | NEW PALTZ JOURNAL | Page 4 surprising for a man of the left, Sklar believes that “Bush has been one of our more effective and progressive-left Presidents in domestic and international affairs.†Sklar believes that Obama’s economic proposals are based on high-tax, protectionist and a slow-growth program.

California Denies Volt AT-PZEV ... - The Truth About Cars 28, 2010 · Think about this for a second. The BMW 3 series has one of the best residuals out there, i.e, resale. So here’s the deal BMW is pushing on the 3 series. Take a $38,000 car. Bring $5,000 to your BMW store. Pay $349 for three years with no maintenance costs.

Warnings from the Trenches | AAUP from the Trenches Thank you, thank you for your clear explanation of the tragedy that has befallen our educational system. I am a retired high school English teacher (1997) who left with 30 years experience partly because the administration made it clear that it did not respect or value the expertise of experienced teachers.

Evita & Michelle Spend Your Money For Broadway Junket 30, 2009 · All I’m saying is that sniping at him for a night on the town with his wife when every president before him has done much the same thing is a waste of time and a waste of anger. JSF says May 31, 2009 at 11:42 am - May 31, 2009

Anthropology’s Guns, Germs, and Steel Problem | Savage Minds 24, 2005 · Part the first is: white people are immeasurably superior to everyone else on the planet, in terms of technology, wealth, store of knowledge, and actual power, and have been so for a long time. Part the second is : not because non-white people are lazy and stupid.

And, yes, I DO take it personally: 03/08/2009 - 03/15/2009 14, 2009 · The payments to A.I.G.’s financial products unit are in addition to $121 million in previously scheduled bonuses for the company’s senior executives and 6,400 employees across the sprawling corporation. Mr. Geithner last week pressured A.I.G. to cut the $9.6 million going to the top 50 executives in half and tie the rest to performance.

The Beltway Bandit: 07/06/2003 - 07/13/2003 11, 2003 · BUSH POLL NUMBERS FALL AGAIN-- A new CBS poll has Mr Bush's approval rating dropping again, this time to 60 percent. That's the lowest level his poll numbers have fallen to since before the Iraq War. This pretty much confirms in my mind a suspicion I've had for a while: Whenever there is a shooting war, Mr Bush's poll numbers go way up.

The Rectification of Names: Exchange: Locke and Load 20, 2015 · Hooker, writing on church government ("ecclesiastical polity"), mentions God and Scripture; Locke in his own text, adapting Hooker's general principles of a government of laws-not-men to the issue of civil government, does not mention God or Scripture at all, but refers to "promulgated standing laws, and known authorized judges".The Founders agreed with Locke that the history of legal ...

Cigna stands by decision on transplant - the Data Lounge 25, 2007 · Cigna stands by decision on transplant. The insurer defends its initial denial of a liver procedure for a teen who died last week. A Friday funeral was set for the Northridge teenager who died last week after her insurer refused to pay for a liver transplant and then reconsidered.

The Dead Acorn: March 2010 31, 2010 · It is most certainly not my place, and I imagine that upon reading this, they feel something akin to how Stephen Hawking feels while talking to a Physics 101 student. Nevertheless, I must voice what’s in my heart, and I will measure my love for bratwursts not against that of others, nor should anyone, for the bratwurst is truly something that ...

News from the Votemaster - ElectoralVote from the Votemaster Trump and Carson Still Lead in Iowa . A new CNN/ORC poll of Iowa shows Donald Trump and Ben Carson essentially tied and together pulling in half the vote. Perhaps more importantly, it shows Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) at 13%, up from 5% in the August poll. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), now at 11%, is also up since August, when he was at 8%.

2008 presidential election | the plaid lemur | Page 2 McCain campaign is attempting to obfuscate very serious inquiries into their fundraising practices. According to reports, the McCain campaign has received more than the legal amount in donations from 6,653 donors, totaling a stunning $7,000,000 in his primary campaign alone.At least one donor gave McCain an outlandish $56,047, so far in excess of the legal limit of $2,300 as to make it no ...

The Washington Chestnut: Ben Carson is talking gibberish ... 11, 2015 · Carson clearly doesn't really know the first thing about what happened in Libya and Egypt and elsewhere on September 11, 2012 or in the days that followed. And, apparently, neither does Neil Cavuto. Next, Carson seems to be claiming that the media made up, or misinterpreted, his claims to a scholarship offer from West Point:

WG's Observations: September 2012 30, 2012 · The first extant written record mentioning him is the gospel of Mark, apparently written by an anonymous author in Greek some 30-40 years after his death based on oral traditions. And we don't even have the original of that document, but only copies that have passed through the hands of an indeterminate number of copiests who may have ...

RNC TV Ad on Energy Gets Factchecked - Blogger TV Ad on Energy Gets Factchecked By KB. July 09, 2008 ... But it’s true McCain is more aggressive in his support of nuclear power, ... It's one of the first sections you'll see on our home page and it can be accessed anywhere throughout the site by clicking on the atom symbol in the top right corner of the page.

...Well written, or badly written. That is all.https://wellwrittenorbadlywritten.blogspot.comWhat happens when one introduces the webcam to a blogger? Besides accumulating internet stalkers, one becomes a videoblogger. Videoblogs (or Vlogs, as the incredibly hip call them) continue where the photoblog left off, only this time, there is audio and them pictures are movin’!) Videoblogs are the 5 …

The Left Bank Cafe: August 2011 27, 2011 · The Carbon Dioxide Balance - why the relatively low amount of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions is doing so much damage Although the amount of human-caused CO2 emissions (~30 billion tons/yr) is small compared to naturally occurring emissions (750 billion tons/yr), the natural CO2 emissions were, for thousands of years, in balance with the Earth's ability to absorb them …

LIVERPUTTY: Putting the Cat Out 29, 2004 · Two of settlers compromise the integrity of one of the Indian women. Before the tribe has a chance to enact their own punishment on the two white men (and very likely the rest of the wagon train) the wagon-master has the two men tied to a wagon wheel and mercilessly whips the snot out of them in front of the Indians. Moderate Islam should take ...

Northstate Science: May 2006 21, 2006 · According to a post on Andrew Sullivan and associated links, the Da Vinci Code has been one of the largest first weekend smashes of all time. From Deadline Hollywood Daily : Sony Pictures told me exclusively this morning that Da Vinci Code earned $224 million worldwide, making it the second biggest opening weekend of all time worldwide.

Leaders 2.0 | Cover Stories | Santa Fe Reporter 04, 2008 · Consuelo Althouse, 19 Past and present: Conci Althouse only graduated from high school—Monte del Sol—a year ago. But she already has one feature film, Shedding Skin, under her belt and another in post-production. Althouse along with friends Jonah Zimmerberg-Helms and Adam Mclean are the minds behind SaneAslyum Syndicate, a film production company.. Shedding Skin was shown …

WTF Is It Now?!?: August 2005 08, 2005 · - from The Onion, but it could still be true. As people struggle to survive and start picking up the pieces in the terrible aftermath of one of the worst natural disasters ever, President Partygame goes to a birfday party for formerly-respected Arizona Senator John "piglet" McCain in Glendale, Arizona. REUTERS/Jeff Mitchell.

The Daily Aneurysm - Bloggerhttps://jabartlett.blogspot.comPosts of the Year, 2006 This year represented my third full calendar year of blogging. It was also the year I suspended the Daily Aneurysm in favor of doing all my current-events blogging at Best of the Blogs because the traffic is higher there. The switch to BotB cost us the contributions of Tom Herbst, who posted occasionally in this space for about a year.

WHEN I'M A POLYGON — An Inattentive Approach To The ADHD ...https://adhdinattentive.blogspot.comJun 12, 2012 · For the first year, I sublimated and let her have her way in almost all disagreements, (and again, no small feat on my part: ADHD makes me more single-minded than a pit bull on PCP.) One night, however, we had a fight too huge to ignore or dismiss, and we argued for hours until we were too tired to argue anymore, so… we went to sleep ...

THIS DIVIDED STATE - Official Blog of the Filmmakers: 08 ... 31, 2008 · But today, I came across a link to his FX tv show, "30 DAYS". I quickly saw one of the latest episodes was about a strict Mormon housewife having to live with 2 gay adoptive parents for 30 days. I thought, "Huh, ok, I'll watch the first 5 minutes and as soon as Morgan Spurlock inserts his shitty animation montages or goofy schtick jokes, I'll ...

Timshel Clark will make two stops in Louisiana on Monday. According to the AP report these are fundraising stops only, so don't expect General Clark out meeting and greeting the riff-raff in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. If you want to party crash you can find him at the Back Ballroom at Juban's Restaraunt in Baton Rouge at approximately 12:20 pm.

WG's Observations: June 2011 the report pointed out, drug consumption has continued to rise, even as billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives have been spent trying to stamp it out. In the ten years to 2008, the most recent data available, the number taking cannabis worldwide increased by 8.5%, of …

Tully's Page: Time to Reassert the ENTIRE Bill of Rights 08, 2013 · In a series of recent Facebook conversations, I have been shocked…no, appalled…at the willingness Americans have to jettison their Constitutional Rights: Flippant comments agreeing police killing a fugitive (rather than bringing him to trial), a pproval of searching a “bad guys house” without a warrant, a desire to arrest someone for ugly speech and to outlaw religious practices when ...

Grist’s Anti-Nuclear Campaign Distorts Reality (Part 3 of 3) 16, 2011 · This last part discusses Paul Gipe’s analysis of nuclear’s costs and risks which was based on questionable assumptions from a California Energy Commission study, a report published in German by the country’s renewable energy association, and an unknown study on energy externalities.. Let’s get into it. From Mr. Gipe: The CEC's 186-page report, "Comparative Costs of California Central ...

The Idiot Factor: corruption folly : February 2014 Idiot Factor: corruption folly ... This is the first I have heard of this policy, but it is true that Kansas is one of the highest spending states on highway projects and one of the lowest in basic education. -Otto’s War Room. From F5 (a Wichita alternative newspaper): January 30, 2014.

Public Policy Polling: GOP Honeymoon over are two main reasons for that overall drop. The first is that independents in particular have become quickly disenchanted with him. He's had a 13 point drop in his net approval with them over the last four weeks- after starting out at a positive 34/30, he's now down to a negative 23/32.

The Last Post of Sanityhttps://thelastpostofsanity.wordpress.comThis is an easy opt-in-opt-out service that notifies the subscriber when “The Last Post of Sanity” makes a post to the weblog. For Daily Post Notification, CLICK HERE. December 23, 2008 Categories: Post Notification. . Author: ggita56. Comments: Comments Off on Daily Post Notification Service

Dear University of Virginia: fire Pat Michaels! | DeSmog Laurie David's great new quick read book, The Solution is you! , she pens a letter to the University of Virginia regarding Pat "the coalman" Michaels: To: University of Virginia, Department of Environmental SciencesNumerous media outlets reported that one of your professors, Dr. Patrick Michaels , has accepted upwards of $150,000 from coal interests and coal-burning electric utility ...

Lunch of Shame: Waterloo's School Lunch Policy & Wisconsin ... is at best a wasteful practice, and at worst school sanctioned humiliation of children. The Waterloo School System gets a lot of things right, one of which is the focus on character education. The adults set the tone for the school community, and I think they would be the first …

Michael - Weblog Barack Obama course, the Founders enacted all ten of the first Amendments as the Bill of Rights. That includes Nos. 1 and 3-9. But it's possible those were just his favorites. It's also entirely possible that the Post reported played the old game of interviewing tons of people and just quoting the most outlandish ones.

OpenlineBlog: City of Aurora's Labor Union Negotiations ... 01, 2010 · After reaching a tentative agreement with the police union's negotiating team in early December, the membership rejected the proposal. The City of Aurora has filed a complaint with the Illinois Labor Relations Board as a result, saying certain union representatives helped urge the membership to reject the deal.

The Amazing Realms of Prof. Kurt S. Jacobihttps://amazingrealms.blogspot.comIn his latest foray into the case, psychic detective Herschel Gomez once again called in his distinguished relative, Dr. Domingo Dombrowski, widely noted for being the first scholar to receive an advanced degree in Chupacabrology from Puerto Rico's Instituto de Cryptozoologia de Caguas,1974 (formerly the Caguas College of Applied Phrenology).

Modern Inconveniences: December 2017 Romney grew up in hard times as the child of working class parents during the Great Depression. He became a business man and improved peoples’ lives by building up a business at a time when American workers were the most valued assets of industry. That he was well rewarded for his industry seems perfectly fine.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh, PA), January 15, 2012 ... 15, 2012 · MONDAYSeveral local choirs will converge to celebrate the ideals of Martin Luther King Jr. at the Let Freedom Sing Concert at Franklin Regional High School, 3200 School Road, Murrysville, at 7 p.m. Choirs will include the Pittsburgh Gospel Choir, Herbert...

Hey Jenny Slater.: Knowing my place."Therefore, there’s a total disregard, a level of wrecklessness that ends up being a domino effect. And the people who suffer are the common viewers out there and, more importantly, those in the industry who haven’t been fortunate to get a radio or television deal and only rely on the written word. And now they’ve been sabotaged.

INSUBORDINATION Photo-Journalismhttps://insubordination.blogspot.comMarinita was one of the many participants in the 2006 Oaxaca rebellion, whose first-hand account is featured in the new book released by PM Press, titled Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Mobilization in Oaxaca. --This is the first paragraph in my new article, which can be read in full at

AbsolutPundit's RECLINER OF RAGEhttps://reclinerofrage.blogspot.comForeign policy and homeland security are the topics of the first presidential debate on Thursday. The other scheduled debates: Oct. 8: Town hall meeting with an audience of "soft" Bush and Kerry supporters selected by the Gallup organization. Oct. 13: The economy. The lone vice presidential debate will be Oct. 5 and cover all subjects.

The Crescent Post: November 2006 these guys are the only ones who think this way? No, they've dehumanized an entire population to the point that soldiers now think it is not only acceptable to rape a 14 year-old girl and kill her family, but praise-worthy. These guys are every bit as bad as the SS storm troopers in Nazi Germany, and they're all coming home eventually.

Jazz 88.3 KCCK-FM - Culture Crawl 499 "Ron on Didgeridoo ... Crawl 499 "Ron on Didgeridoo" Jazz 88.3 KCCK-FM is with Ron Adkins and 3 others.. September 19, 2019 · ·

Michael - one of the few who really gets it, Cong. Michael Grimm Michael Grimm (R.-NY), "We're in a financial crisis. If we don't have massive cuts, we will lose the American dream for future generations." It's lost already. Time to reread The Grapes of Wrath on your ebook, Apple, or Droid - or read it for the first time. It's going to be hell.

Humint Events Online: February 2018 26, 2018 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

Cole Slaw Blog: Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro 13, 2006 · This is a plausible interpretation, but it didn't occur to me as I read it. Instead, I viewed it as having E.M. Forster's soul in Alduous Huxley's body. In much the way that the mafia setting of The Sopranos crystallizes family conflicts that would otherwise seem routine, the genre undertones of Never Let Me Go permit Ishiguro to shed shopworn ...

Tully's Page: Japan Gov't Forcing Radiated Food on School ... 04, 2011 · Radioactive measurements throughout Fukushima, and a Government in Denial Following the March 2011 tsunami, reactors 1, 2 and 3 experienced full meltdown and multiple fires broke out at Reactor 4. Fuel rods stored in pools in each reactor building began to overheat as water levels in the pools dropped, and radioactivity releases led to the ...

Blog the Fifthhttps://blogthefifth.blogspot.comApr 27, 2015 · But it is a one-year pause, not a permanent ban.I've written many times about how much I dislike earmarks, however nothing more than a publicity stunt. They ban them for a year, possibly get the House back, and then have folks like our Representative Scott Garrett go right back to sending money to programs people don't want.

Linux Beach: More False Reports of Sarin Usage by Assad's ... YouTube video referred to was one of the earliest attempts by the Assad regime to frame its opposition with a chemical weapons charge, but it was so obviously fake that people called it out right on YouTube. Here are some of the comments it received.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2008-06-15 of these days--and I hope it is today--Obama should describe his vision for the effort that will rival if not exceed the New Deal in its necessity and its sweeping transformation. The 21st century equivalent might be called the Green Deal. It is a vision of change but it …

Vigilance: Racism and is in following the example of Christ where he spend as much time releasing people from demons as healing the sick and feeding the hungry. "And I'm glad T-Bone Burnett won an award" He won for Best Orignal Song in a movie for a song he wrote for jeff Bridges's new movie, Crazy Heart. Heard it's pretty good and plan to see it.

Materialism | Morningside Mom I flipped to the “smacking my gums, adjusting my spectacles” “easy listening” station in the car earlier today, I realized it had now become the “24 hours of Christmas songs, all day every day” station. Oh. Well. Ok. So I jammed out to a little “Feliz Navidad” while I pulled into the Publix parking lot. T. was quiet (but that’s nothing new after a busy day of Kindergarten).

Thoughts From a Retired Software IT Analysthttps://waynekernochanblog.blogspot.comThe usual thinking is that this may speed up the process of actual global temperature warming, (e.g., in our case, a doubling of atmospheric carbon since 1850 should lead to a 2-2.8 degree C temperature increase in the next 100 years, and a total 4 degrees C temperature increase over the next 1000 years, rather than a 1200-year gradual doubling ...

The Lady Rhiannonhttps://ladyrhiannon824.blogspot.comAug 04, 2015 · The couple became known as “the Holy Sovereigns”, and the emperor was merely an icon who ruled in name only (“Wu Zetian” 2003). She established a secret police force to spy on her opposition and did not shy away from executing or imprisoning those who stood against her, even family members (“Biographies: Empress Wu Zetian” 1996).

read my mind: What About Immigration? Propaganda and Genocide! 11, 2016 · Thus, over 10 million children starve to death annually. Another 8 million adults die in poverty. Those facts grow larger every year as you see millions of desperate people migrate from Africa, Asia, Indochina and South America—into first world countries, i.e., …

Reflecting Obamahttps://reflectingobama.blogspot.comJun 24, 2009 · I believe that the first two are more probable than the final option. If the protests continue to grow and swell beyond the supporters of Moussavi and the demand for a repeat of the election, greater change may occur. If to take place, the strategic approach of the opposition must be carefully structured using nonviolent tactics.

Teeth of the Buzz Sawhttps://teethofthebuzzsaw.blogspot.comAug 09, 2016 · One of the first time I ever heard this question (about dying for a lie) was from a video of Lee Strobel addressing such counter-arguments. Strobel acknowledges that people will die for things they sincerely believe to be true, but he won't admit that people will die for something they believe to be false.

The Wild Reed: Has Archbishop Nienstedt's "Shadow" Finally ..., for John C. Nienstedt it all appears to be unraveling. I take no pleasure in sharing the latest news about the Archbishop of St. Paul-Minneapolis, largely because I believe, based on observations and insights I share later in this post, that our brother John is a psycho-sexually stunted individual in need of professional help and heartfelt prayers.

Circus Forticus: November 2015 every morning, without fail, he decides that THOSE are the only 20 minutes he can tell me about his plans, hopes and dreams, and what's been happening in his life. This morning, for example, he talked to me about the DARE program at school (I have no idea what that acronym officially stands for, but it's some kind of anti-drug initiative ...

NoFo: 08/01/2019 - 09/01/2019 As the flu-shot nurse was setting out her supplies before injecting me with flu germs, I asked if instead of her boring Band-Aid she might have a Superman Band-Aid. 19. I was just being silly. 20. BUT SHE HAD ONE. 21. So now my flu-germy arm is also a flu-germy bird and a flu-germy plane. 22. And it can leap tall buildings in a single bound ...

consensual delusionhttps://consensualdelusion.blogspot.comHe too was undoubtedly excited about the wonderful experiences and opportunities that would unfold over the next 4 months. He would meet new friends, experience a new culture and elevate his Spanish skills to a new level. And then with in 24 hours of his arrival in Santiago, one of the largest earthquakes in modern times struck Chile.

Aerik - Bloggerhttps://onlyaerik.blogspot.comThe image is linked to a whole series Judge did on the affair, and a comment thread overflowing with overt racism, covert racism, and dripping white privilege. Googling "what is the power light district dress code" quickly finds us to this video by Fox 4 news of KCMO. Notice now Cordish Co. used a similar dress code in Louisville, KY that was ...

A Blond Scientist in Indiahttps://blsciindia.blogspot.comHe asked me about my recent travels. After the normal short synopsis, I told him, "it's time to head back to NYC because I'm flat broke but it was worth it." "Yeah", he says, "you have to do it now while you're not tied down." Then he starts telling me about his adventure year of 1964. He went to British Columbia for a year with a buddy.

Keeping An Eye On The KKK | Iowa Public Radio 27, 2014 · We asked Google to alert us to Ku Klux Klan activities for a week and our mailbox filled up quickly.

1 | October | 2018 | News Corpse 01, 2018 · America was treated this weekend to a flurry of Trump staffers blatantly lying on the Sunday morning news programs about Donald Trump’s efforts to “plow through” the confirmation of his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Specifically, they were purposefully misleading about the President’s restrictions on the FBI investigation into allegations of …

UT football season kicks off early | 09, 2010 · Coming soon to a store (or keyboard) near you: Two sales tax holidays ; Knox TN Today. All Knox libraries to reopen (Knox TN Today) Hard to justify Susano’s $1.5 million ask (Knox TN Today) Free concerts Saturday in Halls and The Cove at Concord Park (Knox TN Today) Ijams adds nature pre-school; aftercare options (Knox TN Today)

Bill O’Reilly Gives Platform To Bin Laden Supporting ... 08, 2011 · But it is still difficult to give O’Reilly any credit for moderating the discussion because it’s O’Reilly’s fault that this jerkwad was on the air to begin with. What’s more, O’Reilly was overtly hypocritical in his tepid support for Clooney and Jolie when he so frequently takes positions against artists expressing their views in ...

The Union News.: Obama exposed as anti-small business 06, 2008 · "A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

Watergate Summer: Meanwhile in Gaza....( Isrealis Shell UN ... 15, 2009 · Dr. Know said.... I have never been the least bit anti-Semitic, and I understand that there are many Jewish people both in this country and abroad who find this as outragous as I, but this has got to stop - Israel has just fully crossed into the Axis of Evil Zone, rather than having one foot perched upon its edge.

Joe Miller Video Bonanza: Handcuffed Editor, East German ... 18, 2010 · Joe Miller sure stirred up a media meme-fest when his private security guards handcuffed a local reporter. First up, must see video from the Anchorage Daily News reporter Richard Mauer shot just ...

Oliver Sacks on Forster and Rees | Views from Crestmont 24, 2019 · There’s a short essay by the late Oliver Sacks in current issue of The New Yorker: The Machine Stops.. He muses about people walking down the street staring at their phones. Much of this, remarkably, was envisaged by E. M. Forster in his 1909 story “The Machine Stops,” in which he imagined a future where people live underground in isolated cells, never seeing …

The Immoral Minority: D.C. Douglas, the ex-Geico voice ... 03, 2010 · I totally heart DC Douglas now. He deserves a job on The Daily Show to showcase his talent way larger than a stupid lizard. I don't get it, Teabaggers and Fox News pundits can spew hate and encourage harrassment and intimidation tactics and still get ratings and rake in millions from advertisers, but DC's call to a conservative hate group backed by big money in his …

Mark Thurman | Facebook you come to a fork in the road, take it. It ain't over till it's over. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Don't stand on pricipal unless it pays interest You must be pissed off for greatness!(not sure exactly what it means but it makes me smile) The work begins anew. The hope rises again.

No Right Turn: War crimes and command responsibility 07, 2005 · War crimes and command responsibility On 14th September 2003, British soldiers of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment raided a hotel in Basra and detained eight men after weapons were found. The men were hooded and handcuffed and taken to a former Mukhabarat torture centre once used by the notorious "Chemical Ali".

read my mind: Globalists Lie About Climate Change!’s public presentation begins with a recounting of his rise and fall in the field. As a young researcher in tropical storms and climate-related damages, he reached the pinnacle of the academic community and helped organize the so-called Hohenkammer Consensus Statement, named after the German town where 32 of the leading scientists in the field gathered in 2006 …

American Power: The Dangerous Power of Radical Islam 07, 2008 · National security elites, in his view, have not taken new threats as seriously as they should, and while he suggests here that we've perhaps made mistakes in Iraq - even, let's say, stoked the hornet's nest - he illustrates that it's not essentially U.S. policy that is the danger, but Islamist fundamentalism outright.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect ~ European-American blog 10, 2019 · Her daddy knew the answer to pretty much everything. Nobody really knows how he knew everything, but some people suspected that he had been exposed to a virus when he was younger; a virus that caused the host to develop a condition called the ‘Dunning-Kruger effect’. Either way, it was a wonderful way to grow up.

Contextual Criticism: 5/1/11 - 5/8/11 of all, let's set the record straight: Georgi W. Buski did little or nothing to locate and eliminate Osama bin Laden. If Bush had taken action when he learned in the summer of 2001 that bin Laden through al Qaeda planned to fly planes into American buildings, it is likely that 9/11 would never have happened.

The Rude Pundit 05, 2013 · It's an Armed World, After All: How much of small-dicked, paranoid coward do you have to be to bring a loaded gun to Disney World? That question was answered yesterday when a small-dicked, paranoid coward named Angelo Lista brought a Cobra .380 semiautomatic pistol to the Magic Kingdom. The gun was found by a grandmother who was on the Dinosaur ride at …

SHADOW'S WORLD: 05/26/14 paper flowers symbolize the poppies WWI veteran John McCrae wrote about in his famous poem, “In Flanders Field,” after being struck by the beauty of the bright red blooms that emerged from the graves of his fellow soldiers. ... But it was a Georgia teacher named Monia Michael who began the tradition of wearing the red flower in ...

Sayings of the Angkar-- “Can Bad Things Be Turned Into ... 19, 2010 · This is a great collection that represent all facets of the group…. the good, the bad, the ugly. Some of these sayings were very inspirational and represented the group’s grand ideals. Others are meant to strike fear in those who had reservations about the regime and served as a fearful warning as to what would happen to those who believed ...

Coal Utility Weasels Out of Limiting CO2 Emissions ... 14, 2011 · For two years, a major coal burning utility company, American Electric Power (AEP), has run a pilot program to limit carbon emissions from a coal fired plant using a carbon sequestration technology (i.e., carbon emissions that are pumped underground). The US government has helped foot the bill by paying 50% of AEP’s costs. AEP had […]

Same-Sex marriage | Texas Leftist are the findings from Equality Texas… The Williams Institute released a report today that marriage for same-sex couples in Texas would add $181.6 million to …

Otto's War Room (??): US-Brittian- Over 1,000 years of ... 18, 2018 · From the Huffington Post: They grace our tabloid covers and drive page views for websites. The sartorial choices of the Duchess of Cambridge ? and now Meghan Markle ? are seemingly endless fashion blog fodder. And then, of course, there are the big events. Nearly 23 million U.S. viewers watched the coverage of Prince William and Kate Middleton’s 2011 wedding.

Mo Rage: KC Star vs, the Catholic Church League: Score one ... are a bunch of other inaccuracies in the article, but these are just some from the first 3 paragraphs. The truth will come out over the next few months or years, even though Bishop Finn has 4 attorneys who will help him tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" just like this ad by the Catholic League tells "the truth ...

Mah Rabu ?? ???: Total Eclipse of the Tetragrammaton Automatic for the People kabbalat shabbat is serious, not just wacky contrafactum. But, as Kohelet said, there is a time for serious and a time for wacky contrafactum. And the latter time is coming up soon! Sort of. I mean, it's almost Tu Bishvat, which means it will be only a month until Purim, and some of us are planning well ahead. This will be my sixth straight year leading Purim ...

Oxford Scientific Activists Take Their Message to the Streets 03, 2006 · Oxford Scientific Activists Take Their Message to the Streets ... What really matters, though, is that a grassroots movement that draws on the efforts of ordinary students and citizens, both scientists and non-scientists alike, to give a voice to those who have been quiet for so long. ... and a debate at the Oxford Union voted massively ...

Not Just Movies: Page One: Inside the New York Times ... the title: Page One: Inside the New York Times quickly establishes a protagonist, and it is not the hallowed (and expensively redecorated) halls of the Gray Lady.It is David Carr, the Times' media reporter and knight in shining armor for anyone trying to justify journalism as a relevant career in the 21st century.

No More Mister Nice Blog: IS MULVANEY DELUSIONAL, OR DOES ... 09, 2019 · One of the sources says it's not just the President, but also widespread frustration in the White House about the lack of a response plan to deal with the fallout after the release of the whistleblower complaint ignited more controversy surrounding the President. The sources say Mulvaney is taking the heat for that.

SFNF: The Science Fiction Novel | Views from Crestmont 22, 2017 · As for defending the unpopular, one of the most striking developments in science fiction since the days of The War of the Worlds [by H.G. Wells] or The Skylark of Space [by E.E. Smith, Ph.D.] has been the realization that men and Martians need not necessarily exterminate or enslave each other. Story after story of encounters with alien races ...

January 2007 – Otis & James Photography 31, 2007 · It’s time for us to break it down. It’s time for us to get back to what it is that keeps us real. Now, I know that you are probably sitting out there in your papason chairs (really, I don’t like those kind of chairs, as I always feel like a turtle on my back when I’m trying to get out of one, so I’m not going to waste my time on some internet search trying to figure out the correct ...

The Rectification of Names: Defense of the 1% 16, 2013 · Greg Mankiw, President W's chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, tackles some philosophical issues in defense of the 1% (Via Chris Bertram at Crooked Timber). It's one of the most transparently stupid things I've read lately, and that's saying a lot. Simple falsehood the intergenerational transmission of income has many causes beyond unequal opportunity.

The Reaction: 2014-06-29 05, 2014 · The first three are good, if somewhat derivative (as they were still finding their voice), but the five since -- Night (2007), Tick Tock (2009), Missa Atropos (2010), March of Ghosts (2012), and Demon (2014) -- are simply astounding, each one a masterpiece, each one a brilliant conceptual work, all together marking this band, straddling themes ...

Orcinus: Right-Wingers Use Boston Bombing to Paper Over ... right-wingers have been in full-on gloat mode since the capture of the Boston Marathon bombers -- not because it turned out that they were right about the nature of the perpet

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2008-04-20 now normality is at the breaking point. The most obvious signs are the changes rippling through daily life caused by high oil prices and a global food crisis. At the same time there are other serious problems manifesting themselves in our financial and economic systems. The lives of millions of people are changing for the worse.

Harry Clarke: Obesity and the state - Blogger 11, 2006 · I have earlier expressed my own ambivalence towards seeking an increased role for government in thwarting the obesity/diabestes epidemic sweeping much of the develloped and some of the developing world. Chris Berg from the IPA today undertakes the standard right-wing demolition of an earlier Ross Gittins piece on the role of the public sector in influencing people's food consumption habits.

A Roundtable, A Voice and Death - NEI Nuclear Notes 25, 2010 · He once hired 82 scientists to develop a small nuclear reactor as a low-cost energy source, but it came to nothing and cost $17 million. This is from the NYT obit of Bob Guccione, the publisher of Penthouse (and Omni, a pretty good science magazine.), who died last week at …

Kung Fu Monkey: All-in-One Creationist Debunking is part of the very clever "teach the difference" bullshit. "Intelligent Design"is not just about the concept of an intelligence behind the universe -- which is where you go with your "intelligent design via evolution". It is an attack on the idea of evolution as the process …

Balkinization: Understanding Informal Constitutional Change my last post, I suggested that in order to understand how constitutional change in the U.S. has happened, we need to move away from the simple model that assumes uniform amendment difficulty across time and appreciate the relevance of three inquiries: (1) how to conceptualize the baseline against which we measure subsequent constitutional change; (2) why it was exceedingly unlikely that ...

Anyone know what's up with Google's algorithms? : Indybay 28, 2008 · This is the top of the first page of search "relevant" results. ... but it would seem to me that the techies at Google should be able to write 1 more line of code to remove the postings it self-identifies as sate or parody. Or do they want satire infiltrating the news, like the Daily Show. ... is one of the pens often mightier than the sword.

The Citizens: And then, maybe he can run for Governor. 11, 2007 · And the demo of wealth story - parent of a friend - wanted to take her husband to a certain golf club (can't remember which, but pretty exclusive, and one he'd always wanted to play at) for his 60th birthday weekend, to stay there, and play and generally have a great time.

If not now, when?https://perrylane.blogspot.comA person who can't afford to see a doctor or pay for a prescription may spread disease, e.g. strep throat, to other people. So it's also a public health issue. This is why I find the firefighter comparison so useful. When fire companies were private, a person had to subscribe to obtain fire-fighting service.

On Transmigrationhttps://ontransmigration.blogspot.comThe one I really had my eye on was made in Ireland out of traditional Black Thorn, was a bit expensive and would take 4 to 6 weeks before being dispatched. Of course, I couldn't wait that long, so this one will do me well. In three sections it is quite sturdy and a full 55’ tall when screwed together.

The Gift of Salvation -- Salvation Sermon Series 12, 2015 · The Gift of Salvation -- Salvation Sermon Series #1 ... It is God who initiates this process. It is God who reconciles us and makes all things new in Christ. Yes, God’s gift, but it’s incumbent on us to graciously receive this gift if it is going to truly transform our lives. ... we’re tempted to say -- as the title of a little ...

Middle-Class Shrunk MORE than Pew Claims | Bud Meyers this year James Kwak wrote: "Supposedly President Obama is making middle-class economics one of the key themes of his final two years in office. I don’t really know what supposed to mean in a country where people making ten times the median household income call themselves middle-class and there are tens of millions of people in poverty."

Writing answers before you know the question » Nieman ...’s text, not voice, based, but it’s still a writing and UX challenge. It’s very, very easy to let users down, as we are quickly learning as more and more students use the bot in real-life editing situations. One or two people can’t accommodate every request the bot will get for a particular answer.

No More Mister Nice Blog: ROGER STONE: WERE YOU REALLY ... 01, 2020 · It is not illegal for a U.S. citizen to act or attempt to act as a go-between between a presidential campaign and a foreign intelligence agency, and Stone was not charged with any crime in conjunction with his Trump-WikiLeaks communications. But it’s a different story for the campaign itself.

Post Hoc Analysis • Smilodon's Retreat 28, 2014 · After having been a Christian and a YEC for 10 years, I’m all too familiar with the inherently cathartic nature of the Christian faith. The notion that we’re all here for a “reason”, that, upon death, we will find ourselves in an eternal paradise replete with joy, an absence of pain/death, and abilities that transcend our current limitations, etc. are all incredibly satisfying and ...

Cyde Weys Musings My experiences writing for a college 04, 2007 · It is not “official”. It is, of course, also by far the largest paper on campus, and is distributed in the majority of academic buildings, and its offices are located on-campus. But it is still independent, which is the way that the vast majority of all college newspapers are handled. The way I got in was because I did know someone.

Left Atomics: Toward a Thorium Economy: the Future of ... 25, 2009 · Toward a Thorium Economy: the Future of Nuclear Energy Part I: the technology. A discussion with D. Walters. This is not a diary on what we need to do tomorrow to solve fossil fuel carbon particle caused death or an immediate solution to climate change (or even an entry on that debate).

Phyllis Montana LeBlanc, Katrina Survivor in Spike Lee’s ... 16, 2010 · This is from the Times Picayune, August 13, 2008: […]LeBlanc has chronicled her storm experience — and her comeback — in a new book, Not Just the Levees Broke: My Life Before and After Katrina (Atria Books, $20), due to be released Tuesday.It presents her raw, unvarnished narrative of struggling to keep her head above floodwaters, to keep her loved ones together, to make a new life.

tree protection regulations | Majority cities use a 6 inch diameter. Of course a special case needs to be dealt with in replacement trees that are planted as the result of, e.g., a land use action. Many of these trees will be less than 6 inches in diameter for a number of years. Permits could be several tiered, with a list of exceptional trees being much more difficult to remove.

Balkinization: What next in Wheaton College ? Is it also a ... all, even if it is the case, as the Court concluded in Hobby Lobby, that identifying “the circumstances under which it is wrong for a person to perform an act that is innocent in itself but that has the effect of enabling or facilitating the commission of an immoral act by …

The real reason Romney is struggling with women 09, 2012 · ( – 324,000 women dropped out of the nation’s civilian labor force in March and April as the number of women not in the labor force hit an all-time historical high of 53,321,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is the real reason why Obama should start packing. And the reality Ms. Amanda should write about.

read my mind: The Government Conceals The Truth About ... Government Conceals The Truth About Muslim Refugees! ***** ... We have held terrorists at Guantanamo Bay for a decade without ever learning their real names. If we can’t put a name to a single terrorist from a functioning country after a decade, how can we possibly be sure who the tens of thousands of migrants showing up from non ...

March | 2013 | Majority following letter to the editor of the Seattle Times was posted on their website yesterday. I wrote the letter in response to their editorial on Sunday entitled, “State lawmakers should listen to voters on I-1185 and the two-thirds tax law.” The Washington State Supreme Court ruled on February 28, 2013 that requiring a supermajority vote of the Legislature to raise revenue or pass any ...

The Johnsville News: Duke Case: The 'listening' statement infamous full-page 'listening' statement (see text/image below) was signed and then published by "The Group of 88" in the Duke Chronicle, the independent daily newspaper of Duke University, on April 6th, 2006.The advertisement featured statements from Duke students indirectly condemning the Duke lacrosse players and exculpating the alleged victim of their gang-rape.

Haiti Natural Gas Reserves News Monitoring Service & Press ... welcome 10,000 Exhibition attendees, 2,500 Conference attendees, 35% of which are Owner operators, and 450 Exhibition Stands. As the world's largest Downstream event, here's what you can expect: $200 BILLION OPPORTUNITY: The time to invest is now - Be part of the growth & Since 2010, petrochemical producers have announced significant expansions of capacity in the U.S., and the …

The Amazon – Unsightly Mental 31, 2015 · Sue Branford and Maurício Torres (NewScientist 7 March 2015) in “Dambusters” (paywall) cover the latest events in the Amazon Basin. Key information: According to official satellite data, 22 per cent of the forest has been felled. But an underestimate as it fails to account for selective logging, which the satellite images don’t detect.

morality | Writings of J. Todd Ring clearly has to change, and the problem is not primarily one of population, nor the “developing” or “under-developed” nations. The problem is a severe case of affluenza, and a serious and highly dangerous disconnection from reality, which, aside from being grossly unethical, will without question come home to haunt us if we do ...

American Power: Texas Fred Would Beat Wife Over Nigerian Scam! 12, 2008 · Texas Fred 's spewing today in response to a Fox News report, "Oregon Woman Loses $400,000 to Nigerian E-Mail Scam." It's an interesting story, as we all get loads of these scam letters in our inbox's. But it's especially interesting when we see one big fat Southern redneck admitting he'd beat his own sweet Bertha!

The Debate Link: 11/15/2015 - 11/22/2015 Forward reports on an interesting and heartening case out of Israel involving a transgender woman's request to be cremated.Cremation is generally prohibited under traditional Jewish law (a prohibition which predates, but was emotionally strengthened by, the Holocaust), but for a variety of reasons some secular or Reform Jews prefer it to a traditional burial.

November | 2008 | Totally Unauthorized 03, 2008 · It’s hard to explain just how frowned upon tardiness is in film crews, but it’s easy to explain why. Mainly it’s because we have to a lot of work right at call – if we’re on location, we’re unloading our trucks right at our call time and showing up late means that we’re short a guy just as we get to push heavy carts up a hill or ...

The Citizens: Here we go again 12, 2007 · Here we go again In August 2006, National Reconnaissance Office Director Donald Kerr reported that a Chinese ground-based laser had illuminated a U.S. satellite. Now, China has used a ground-based ballistic missile to destroy one of its own satellites--which the U.S. interprets as another test of anti-satellite (ASAT) capabilities.

St. Thomas Players Production of Yasmina Reza's Art - Sam Post 29, 2010 · for The Salisbury Post Salisbury has always been a good theatre town. I know there’s a rich history dating back to the previous century. And I know I’ve missed a few in my time (almost five and a half decades). But it seems like Salisbury theatre has made some strides in recent years that sets … Continue reading "St. Thomas Players Production of Yasmina Reza's Art"

The Visual Misrepresentation of Quantitative Information ... 14, 2010 · @2: You may be thinking of the oft-quoted stat that per worker incomes have been flat (in real terms) since 1973. The labor participation rates of women continued to …

Thought Theater: HPV Vaccine: Religious Right Opposition On December 7, 2006 at 11:45 AM, scorch wrote — . Reading comments, be careful of demonizing those with religious views. I myself am very religious and usually am a Conservative in those respects (Against Abortion, against Gay Marriage, for example) . . but I can't understand why any reasonable person would not want to protect against cancer . . it's not only the child, but also the adult ...

The Rectification of Names: Literary Corner: Bannon the Twitter Mob, in the form of Kevin Kruse, Chelsea Clinton, and New Yorker staff writer Kathryn Schulz, not to mention Jimmy Fallon, has driven the magazine's timid editor David Remnick into the shadows and convinced him to rescind his invitation to that Gray-Green Eminence Stephen Bannon to share the stage at the Ethical Culture Society's digs on West 64th St.,

Kauai ~ European-American blog 11, 2017 · Kauai has over 90 beaches, many of them only accessible from the ocean, but one of the most beautiful ones, is ‘Secret beach’, which is about half an hour drive for us. A steep climb down brings us to a gorgeous 3,000 feet long beach, with a high, dangerous surf.

The Rectification of Names: Tempest-flossed 31, 2018 · Only he may not be reading that exactly right: Katz and Nowak don't actually recommend that the federal government abandon its power: New localism is not a replacement for the vital roles federal governments play; it is the ideal complement to an effective federal government, and, currently, an urgently needed remedy for national dysfunction. They're aware, as Brooks apparently totally is not ...

Thought Theater: 1984 - Mario Cuomo DNC Keynote creating the largest defense budget in history, one that even they now admit is excessive -- by escalating to a frenzy the nuclear arms race; by incendiary rhetoric; by refusing to discuss peace with our enemies; by the loss of 279 young Americans in Lebanon in pursuit of a plan and a …

April | 2014 | Writings of J. Todd Ring is the body blow to the Washington-EU-corporate empire – along with greater Russian-Chinese-BRIC integration, and the forthcoming pipeline from Russia to China, making the West much less relevant and more peripheral globally, as power, production and markets move East and South.

For marital blisshttps://ztx.blogspot.comThat’s a rough demand for a fellow democracy and a longtime ally. But what raised the ire of many Turks was another of Wolfowitz’s statements: the Bush administration, he said, was disappointed that the Turkish military “did not play the strong leadership role on …

Cut Defense Spending to Save Social Security, or Raise ... 04, 2015 · Social Security is a solution to a looming retirement income crisis, the disappearing middle-class and growing income inequality. It is the most secure, universal, fair and efficient insurance against the loss of wages in the event of disability, death, or old age; but its vitally important benefits are modest by virtually any measure.

Daves Redistrictinghttps://davesredistricting.blogspot.comIf too much of eastern Washington were added to WA-03, for example, that could flip to an R. A possible scenario, especially if Dave Reichert (WA-08 R) wins reelection in 2010, is that WA-08 becomes a safer R seat in exchange for a new WA-10 that provides a D advantage, while all other incumbents are protected. This is the map that I’ve drawn.

#pressreform: Leveson Inquiry: Hearings - Day 28"A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will in time produce a people as base as itself." - Joseph Pulitzer, 1847 - 1911.

The Weather Up Here:: Let's Keep It LIGHT Today, SHALL WE??? I really DID take all my blood family off my mailing list -- except for Lena and Jan (Meyer) Opperman, Larsen's TWO KIDS, who having JEWISH ROOTS on their Dad's side SHOW MORE PROMISE than any others -- and Andrea Opperman CONFRONTED Patrick Stansbury of (my former employer of 18 YEARS), with an email saying she was in NO POSITION to know about the …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Giuliani's ... 30, 2005 · This is hardly a significant scandal, but it illustrates the hazards of Giuliani’s business ventures. As the New York Sun article put it: [T]he ensuing contract dispute, and the fact that Bio-One has never been paid for its efforts, could contribute to questions about Mr. Giuliani's management of his business endeavors since leaving office at ...

On Transmigration: When Jupiter and Venus Align 17, 2014 · In what is said to be one of the highlights of the astronomy calendar this year, the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus will be visible shortly before sunrise at 5am on the north-east horizon. They will appear to be only 0.2 degrees apart, less than half the width of …

Social Change Agent Diana: 2008 31, 2008 · An anthropologist is said to be able to make the strange familiar, and the familiar strange. This blog is a place where I do that by ranting about the machines of oppression and my work to fight those machines, and occasionally on the robot or zombie apocalypse.

Day Zerohttps://dayzero.blogspot.comNow this is one of those issues I hate. Because I have nothing really against the Boy Scouts, and the ACLU often makes me roll my eyes. Which was kind of the point of the article, that we often just laugh about the ACLU, but it must be destroyed. The article fumed that the ACLU actually was nothing but intolerant of religion and many American ...

Social Change Agent Diana: July 2008 guy at the hotel said it would cost just $.050 to ride the #3 bus back to the hotel, but I couldn't find the bus stop, so I decided to walk. I was on 26th st, and the hotel is on 3rd and over about 6 blocks. I wasn't thinking right when I realized that about 3 miles!

Listeners rally to save KLSD - Watching Alternative Media ... 07, 2007 · But again, one person's word, so it is what it is. In addition, the station recently applied with the FCC to move the transmitter to Santee, CA and increase the power to a highly directional 50,000 watts day and night signal. This likely won't expand the listening area, but it should clear up the signal within the market.

Redeye's Front Page: Trying to Sleep in the Bed You Made 02, 2011 · Huntsville Principals dealing with shock uncertainty of losing jobs as the unemployment rates climb higher and higher. Madison County's jobless rate in January was 8.1 percent, up by one percent over December's rate. This is the highest unemployment rate for the county since early last year.

The Mic lives! - Watching Alternative Media for Five Years 07, 2006 · The announcement this afternoon on Rachel Maddow's show was like music to the ears of thousands of Madison radio listeners. Clear Channel announced that, after weeks of protests and public outcry, The Mic would stay put. Clear Channel/Madison will announce on-air Friday that WXXM (92.1FM) will drop its plans to switch to an all-sports format at the beginning of the new year and keep …

Orcinus: The Rise of Pseudo Fascism - Blogger Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Security | Summitlake.com in WRITE US: Almost every page at contains a “Write” button, connected to an HTML “form”, connected to a number of programs that allow you to write Over the years, any mailbox connected to that button eventually gets filled with spam.

Katalusis: Hillary more honest and trustworthy than Trump 19, 2016 · Hillary more honest and trustworthy than Trump Photo Illustration by Sarah Rogers/The Daily Beast, via the Daily Beast Any U.S. citizen who believes that Donald Trump is more honest and trustworthy than Hillary Clinton has not been following the trail of lies Trump leaves behind him at every exchange with a media representative or at one of his ...

ModeratePoli: The Cloward-Piven conspiracy/strategy is REAL! can't trust anything out of Glenn Beck's mouth, so I was surprised to find out that the Cloward-Piven strategy actually existed. The...

2006 September « Heroes & Villains 02, 2006 · 9 posts published by citizenbfk during September 2006. VOTE DEMOCRAT! FROM A TO X! EVEN IF FEW CANDIDATES NO GOOD. Now that’ I’m looking at Jim Pederson’s stance on the issues, if you can pull a clear statement out of his mouth, it appears U.S. Senator Candidate Jim Pederson supports the continuing idiocy that is the US occupation of Iraq.. Talk about a ‘deal-breaker,’ …

Squeezing My Mind Grapes: May 2012 Black Widow gets the classic Whedon treatment as Scarlett Johansson's character from Iron Man 2 is upgraded from hot chick with some kick-boxing skills to empowered ass-kicking machine with a dark past and impeccable comic timing. In fact, the humor of the film is so funny that it was sometimes difficult to hear some of the dialog over the laughter of the audience in the theater.

Blogger - Nathan Brophy"Wiki" was a word I'd never heard before this lesson. I'm sure I would have associated it with, or maybe only thoughts of Hawaiian beaches would have been induced, but the concept of it was completely foreign to me. I believe Wikipedia to be the only website featuring wiki software that I have encountered, but I'm sure I will be much more aware now that I have learned about it.

Bag and Baggage - Denise Howell, appellate, intellectual ... have needed to update the blawg roll here for some time, and since Ernie did so much heavy lifting this week, now seemed like a particularly opportune juncture. ;-) A couple of observations before the linkfest begins. (1) Consider: in the span of oh, a little more than a year, the ranks of law bloggers have grown from a handful to numbers that begin to suggest something like a loosely joined ...

Kujanbloghttps://kujanblog.blogspot.comBut asked a follow-up question, 61 percent said they thought life without parole is a suitable alternative to a death sentence. It would be nice to see a poll commissioned by an independent observer that asks the same follow up, or at least forces poll respondents to choose between life in prison with no parole and a …

September | 2010 | Rottenart the comments at the NewsOK article prove, Christians don’t have much of an answer to the question of why they feel they’ve chosen the right god out of several choices. They only have faith to fall back on, which doesn’t really resonate with anyone striving for a logical argument. Without evidence, belief is nothing more than an opinion.

What Now?!—December 14, 2019 – Blue Delaware 14, 2019 · The House Judiciary Committee voted along party lines and approved two articles of impeachment against President Trump. New York Times: “The partisan result and the contentious debate that preceded it were harbingers of a historic proceeding and vote on the House floor, expected next week, to impeach Mr. Trump, whose nearly three-year tenure has exacerbated…

simplifying advent - Blogger 27, 2011 · 3. Do not hold administrative meetings during the month of December unless absolutely necessary. This will create space for two new offerings: a time of centering prayer, held once, and perhaps mid week, and a service on the longest night of the year (December 21), which focuses on grief, loneliness, depression and lament.

FunEconomics: May 2017 - Blogger 18, 2017 · A key difference between China and the US is that the Chinese government owns the majority of its banks. About 40% of the funding for its giant railway project comes from bonds issued by the Ministry of Railway, 10-20% comes from provincial and local governments, and the remaining 40-50% is provided by loans from federally-owned banks and financial institutions.

axium | Totally Unauthorized 14, 2008 · I’m going to appeal it – although there’s the argument that stupidity should hurt (as the only way to alter behavior), I think a six week ‘time penalty’ and a 30% monetary penalty is a bit harsh for an honest mistake. Of course, the appeals process takes about six weeks. Dear gods… I think I’m going to have to get a job.

Nitroglycol's mad, mad, mad, mad worldhttps://nitroglycol.blogspot.comWell, as you're no doubt aware, the election didn't go the way I expected. For that matter, it didn't go the way most other people expected, including some of the winning candidates.And indeed there are some good aspects to what happened; while part of me would have loved to see the NDP jump from fourth place to government in one fell swoop, it's probably better that these rookie MPs get the ...

Howard-Empowered People: An online community of Dean ... 08, 2007 · In the comments at the Independent Bloggers' Alliance, Maryscott O'Connor wrote: I just got off the phone with a reporter from Salon; the interview lasted half an hour, and it was

Chortles of Danhttps://chortlesofdan.blogspot.comNow, there were no Iraqis amongst the hijackers, there were however two of them from the UAE, and a bunch of them of Saudi extraction. So one country had no links to 9-11 and end up being jacked, while the UAE and the Saudis who had much more provable and actual links to 9-11 get invited over for tea, crumpets and lots of cash.

Accidental Deliberations: 2015-10-04 09, 2015 · This is one of the reasons that much of the best work on white collar crime has been inspired by, and draws upon, work in juvenile delinquency. Whereas delinquents tend to exist in subcultures that reproduce deviant attitudes toward authority, many corporations reproduce subcultures that promote organized resistance to regulation .

A New Anatomy of Melancholy: September 30, 2007 an electric blanket, they even will provide additional warmth as the wet leaves decompose and the mulch turns into compost. And that's the last main point. The decomposition of the leaves not only warms the roots, but returns the nutrients that the tree needs back to the soil, ready to be picked back up as the sap rises in the Spring.

Squeezing My Mind Grapes: June 2010 Good Guys isn't the best show ever but it is a fun diversion at a time when network television is clogged with reruns, reality shows, and unwatchable garbage shows.An enjoyable mix of low-brow humor and 70s style buddy cop action, The Good Guys is as flat out fun.

Cap City Liberty: June 2008 02, 2008 · ”USA vs AL-ARIAN” is an intimate family portrayal of an American-Muslim family's struggle to fight terrorism charges leveled by the US government. It follows Sami Al-Arian’s wife Nahla and their five children throughout his six month-long trial. This is a nightmare come to life as a man is prosecuted for his beliefs rather than his actions.

Paul Douglas Weather Column: Cold Weather = Dark Moods ... F. high in the Twin Cities Sunday. 33 mph wind gust at 6:53 PM Sunday. 27 F. average high on February 7. 36 F. high on February7,2015. 4" snow on the ground at KMSP. February 8, 1996: Showers and thunderstorms bring a mix of freezing rain and rain across the eastern portion of Minnesota.In Edina, lightning damaged a house. February 8, 1933: Arctic air remains entrenched across Minnesota ...

Boomer in Vancouverhttps://bjanes226.blogspot.comMy view of the world and a spotlight for some of the issues I think are important. From time to time, I'll have guest bloggers who have a point of view. You don't necessarily have to agree, as long as you think about what they have to say. I'm moderating comments. Not what I'd prefer, but I …

Sustainability news from Michigan's research universities ... is a strong positive indicator for the Southeast Michigan economy," according to Timothy Butler, associate professor of global supply chain management in Wayne State's business school.This isn't great news, but it is good news from a BAU perspective. Too bad we don't live in BAU times.

No Right Turn: Electoral funding symposium: the party hacks 06, 2007 · (No, I'm not a naive communist who denies that personal property existed in classical maori society - but it was not the same as the notional of private property we use here and now). Posted by Mr Wiggles: 6/19/2007 12:12:00 PM "Obviously governments don't create rights. Societies do.

Speculating About Very Shallow Earthquakes, The Greendale ... doesn’t seem to be an estuary, or connected to a river system. I thought maybe there were two calderas associated with the Banks Peninsula: first, the main one associated with Akaroa Bay, and a second, smaller one associated with Governor’s Bay, and the entire complex was highly-eroded over time. That’s sort-of how it looks to me.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Regional growth a hot topic Northwest Corridor Development Corporation is anticipating a huge impact of the growing Asian economies on our part of the world, and suggests that we prepare for the growing pains that will soon be on the way. At a conference in Terrace last week, the Corporation heard from a number of guest speakers, including Helmut Pastrick of the BC Central Credit Union, who expanded on the growing ...

Andrew's Wild and Wonderful Bloghttps://atdnext.blogspot.comThis is beautiful coastal wilderness that would be destroyed forever if the toll road were to be placed in San Onofre. And judging by what the Coastal Act says, doing something like this violates California state law. Oh, and the madness of this toll road to Trestles doesn't stop there! Not only is it illegal, but it…

Redeye's Front Page: Update~Redeye's DADT Blogstroll 01, 2010 · Voter intimidation involves putting undue pressure on a voter or group of voters so that they will vote a particular way, or not at all. Absentee and other remote voting can be more open to some forms of intimidation as the voter does not have the protection and privacy of the polling location. Intimidation can take a range of forms.

MANITOU: Jannis Ritsos (1909 - 1990) this pageMultiple Discoveries from NASA's New Horizons Pluto Mission - Icy mountains on Pluto and a new, crisp view of its largest moon, ... Long Live the Future - This is the last of more than a thousand columns published in the Express, ... - For a number of reasons it has been decided to close permanently The Speed of Dreams web project. It’s sad I ...

The Wattree Chronicle: July 2006 04, 2006 · ODE TO A CHICKEN HAWK Oh, sweet patriot, square of jaw, and demeanor of great command, you fearlessly stand in defense of America, and the savior of all God’s chosen men. Anointed by God as his personal envoy to all men, corrupt and blind, and charged with the swift and brutal destruction of all heathens of other kind. You stand vigilant against all our enemies, both foreign and …

Identity Check: Unmistakably Lawless 11, 2008 · Kev, you sly horse you ;) To answer your last question first, supposed to be me working out the ins and outs of a book. SO you guys and gals are getting super sneak previews! But I do want to address one of your comments: Too many of the beliefs and rights we hold dear are derived from law for me to give up on the concept completely ...

Bevin's Wet Dream for Kentucky 06, 2016 · ... is actually worse than what repugs have done to Kansas. Even Brownback hasn't neutron-bombed the state's flagship university. Yet. C...

Balkinization: No Answer is What the Wrong Question Begets the metaphor makes an empirical claim, it a far more complex one, and almost certainly has to do with the effects of dissemination of ideas over reasonably extended periods. The study "begets" an answer, but it's an answer to a question that Holmes and Brandeis weren't asking.

Things Everyone Knows: The Illegal Immigration Problem is ... is because more undocumented Mexicans are leaving the U.S. than entering --- and in fact, this exodus back to Mexico has been going on for nearly a decade now. Another pet peeve of anti-immigration forces is birthright citizenship, the clause in the Fourteenth Amendment providing that anyone born on U.S. soil is automatically a U.S. citizen.

Takata's little bombs - engineer: "Won't that blow up?" 24, 2014 · The nitrogen atoms go from a less stable, high-energy state (such as in NO 3 or NH 4), to a very stable, low-energy state (such as in N 2), with the excess energy being released very rapidly, even explosively. It’s not a coincidence that many of the most famous bomb-making chemicals—nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, trinitrotoluene (TNT), and ...

Midweek Cafe and Lounge, Vol. 156 - Progress Pond 08, 2020 · Makes me think of empty airports, which I suppose is a thing these days. This is sort of a continuation from the last Midweek Cafe & Lounge as well as the Froggy Bottom Lounge I put together over the weekend, and finally, last week’s Midweek Cafe and Lounge:. My usual vibe is to keep these light, and have some music and whatnot.

Cain has benefited from his blackness | Pulitzer Prize ... 08, 2011 · This is just based upon our speculation. Cain’s rightwing supporters, including Rush Limbaugh, have repeated similar nonsense. The simple fact is that Cain is atop the GOP polls, right beside Mitt Romney, for only one reason: Tea partiers and other rightwingers like the idea of throwing their temporary support to a black man who absolves them ...

Soon Our Bosses Will Have Compound Eyes – Unsightly Mental 31, 2017 · On D-brief Leah Froats describes an enhancement to those algorithms which show you this based on that (known as the “nearest-neighbor search problem), which draws on as inspiration the neural architecture of fruit flies:. Fruit flies, however, have a mechanism in their brains that performs similarity searches in a very different way. Specifically, they expand the stimuli information, as ...

memeorandum: The Abortion Mysticism of Pete Buttigieg ... says its iOS app is copying the contents of users' clipboards after every key press due to a bug and promises a fix, after iOS 14 reveals the snooping Catalin Cimpanu / ZDNet: Google VP in charge of Android Security withdraws from Black Hat conference and asks the infosec community to stop using terms like “black hat” and “white ...

Tales of the Freewayblogger: Arsenal of Democracy: The Printer what you want to say, set the font size so that each letter fills a page, and select outline as the font effect. You then can use cheap paint to fill in the letters. You could also make stencils this way -- stencils can be used to make signs, or they can be used to paint your message directly on roadside objects.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 03/14/20 balance of reported cases (estimated as the number of confirmed cases less the numbers of deaths, serious, and recovered cases) is 66,747. If we assume the WHO rule (above) that 80% of cases go unreported, then the total number of coronavirus cases worldwide is 773,315 (154663/0.20), yielding a death rate of (5794/773315) ~0.75%

16 | December | 2013 | The Lunch Counter 16, 2013 · But it’s OK if you can use the tax code to buy votes. What? This is where the class envy/class warfare tactic, as connected to the tax code, was taken to a higher level. The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 made additional changes to the tax code providing a modest tax cut. The centerpiece of the 1997 Act was a significant new tax benefit to ...

The Union News.: Joint task force probes ACORN voter-fraud 06, 2008 · But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

No Right Turn: Cablegate: UK lied to Parliament on cluster ... 12, 2010 · But it was all a lie. At the same time as the UK was moving publicly to outlaw cluster bombs, it was cutting a secret deal with the US to ensure they could still be stored at and deployed from US bases on UK soil. The relevant cable is here. It shows that the US and UK had agreed that a "temporary exception" (not supported by the Convention ...

TAX FRAUD IS THE MONETARY EQUIVALENT OF STORMY DANIELS 05, 2019 · This is a bizarre defense. Trump seems to be claiming that it was shrewd for him to lose hundreds of millions of dollars, because he was doing it to avoid paying his taxes. The next time you see taxes deducted from your paycheck to pay for everything from the military to farm subsidies to health care for children, you might recall that he says ...

The Great Bear Market: February 2013 content on this site is provided as information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, including advertisements, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument, or to participate in any particular trading or investment strategy.

Sandra Crandall Archives | California Policy Center 06, 2015 · But it motivated me in 2006 to co-found the California Teachers Empowerment Network, whose mission is to give teachers unbiased information, and combat union spin and outright lies. In 2010, I worked on a similar prop – The Citizens Power Initiative – …

No Right Turn: Dodgy as hell 06, 2018 · The trust would benefit residents by increasing jobs in the district, but it was not yet known how profits would be spent or invested, he said. Council staff said property to be transferred would only include "non-core properties". The council owns almost $28 million in non-core property and more than $100m in assets.

Is Time Reversible? ~ European-American blog 09, 2016 · The past was oozing out of those boxes and I couldn't stop the flow. Being the child of a photographer, hardly surprising, but it really felt like a tsunami, to the point where I had to remind myself that these snapshots weren’t real. These moments were gone, flushed away in …

M O B J E C T I V I S T: Fitting 25, 2010 · This is a simple distributed latency caused by the dispersed network transport rate, where the cumulative P (Time) = exp(-T 0 / Time). The derivative is a PDF and this gives the 1/ Time 2 slope shown (adjusted for the log density along the horizontal axis).

Torture is never justified - ventrellaquest.com“This is apparently a new definition of ‘torture’ of which I am unaware.” The definitions of torture were written by us, years ago, after WWII especially — Where we punished Nazis (and the Japanese) who did the exact same things to Americans that we later did to al Qaeda suspects.

New Jersey | Texas Leftist President Obama and Governor Romney both know all too well, not the time keep trading barbs in front of the American People. Even after the storm moves through, Americans will most likely be dealing with a lot of challenges in its aftermath. Ask a Gulf Coast resident… Hurricanes never get resolved in just a few weeks.

Trickle-down economy; flash-flood suffering – Stephens 12, 2019 · “But so much bigger than any one person. It is a little bit of pain but it’s going to be for the future of our country.” Well, as the late, great Steve Goodman observed, “…it ain’t hard to get along with somebody else’s troubles / And they don’t make you lose any sleep at night / As long as fate is out there burstin ...

Affect or Effect Conundrum - The Copy Edits of J. Alfred ...'s post about the affect/effect conundrum is a result of a reader submission. Stan Kost e-mailed the Proofreader inquiring about a questionable word choice in an A.P. story on Alaska's frequently erupting Mount Redoubt that he saw recently on Yahoo! News.Mr. Kost wrote, "This Yahoo! News story used 'affects' as a noun. Shouldn't it be 'effects'?

» Gary Kleppe's fanfiction GIRLS an Urusei Yatsura fanfic by Gary Kleppe This is an idea I had one morning that would not go away. It is short and dark. For those who choose to read it, I'll be very interested to hear your reactions to it and what you think it reveals about the psychology of its writer. ^_^ There is a place that is not a place, everywhere and nowhere.

Links and Comments: Lucky Numbers; Paleo diet; Narratives 24, 2015 · Four fundamental forces rule reality, but why is the number not three or five or 17? Matter is built from a grab bag of particles whose masses differ so wildly that they appear to have been handed out by a punch-drunk God. The proton weighs 0.9986 as much as the neutron, and each is more than 1,835 times as massive as the electron.

TBogg - "...a somewhat popular blogger" the most infamous of all Internet leftists once said: Screw them. The 9/10 crowd stubbornly refuses to connect the dots to see any connection at all between 9/11 and the Iraq war. But it is all of a piece, and the troops who joined the military after the terrorist attacks and volunteered to …

California (and more) [updated again] – Swing State 11, 2009 · Screen shot here (ignore my Kingdom Hearts background ._.). I am frustrated and annoyed about the map2jpg feature, and the best i can do. Basically CA-04 covers every county fully except for El Dorado and Placer (other part is with CA-02), for Matsui’s district, about half of her base is gone to Dan Lungren’s 3rd district, but still manages to hold on to the other half, and taking ...

elgringocolombiano: 8/12/07 - 8/19/07 18, 2007 · This is good opinion article from Smoking Section, on O'Reilly criticizing Nas. I'm getting really upset with this douche O'Reilly lately. He takes random anonymous comments from DailyKos, or random "negative" lines from Nas, & claims them to be "haters" or "violent". Nas has made many "positive" songs such as "I Can".

InkPaperWords Bloghttps://inkpaperwords.blogspot.comAug 21, 2013 · Today I toured a library with certainly the most comprehensive library relating to steelhead, salmon and trout on the west coast, and probably in the entire country, StreamNet Library operated by the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission. This is a fascinating collection of both older hard copy items which are in the process of being digitized and electronic resources.

Tales of the Freewayblogger: February 2008 of the Freewayblogger Because when you put a sign up next to a freeway, people will read it until somebody takes it down. . Send pictures to freewayblogger -AT- Friday, February 29, 2008. From San Diego. Hi Scarlet, Jeff, Dave and I got out early yesterday morning and posted a lot of my newest signs, mostly on freeway ...

Textual Harassment | BroadBlogs 20, 2012 · Women like knowing that they have someone to protect them and they sometimes don’t see this protection as controlling. This is a good example of how men want to be the only thing in a woman’s life and they want to be the only thing in a woman’s life. Thank you for posting this it has opened my eyes to a new type of abuse.

MSNBC's Chuck Todd on the Five Turning Points of the ... 04, 2008 · Yesterday’s point was the role Illinois’ proximity to key primary battlegrounds; today, it’s Chris Dodd and the October 2007 Philly debate. While many remember that debate -- which set off a two-week media firestorm over Clinton’s answer to a question over driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants -- few remember the role Dodd played ...

October | 2008 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao are the sodden, downtrodden gods of the weak. ... and entirely incongruous with and uninterested in the nation-state are enabled by virtual community but I suppose this is the first time it’s hit me at the personal, gut level: online is not a new locus of power in opposition to the state; online is the increasing utter irrelevance of ...

City Brings Police Contract Offer Directly to Officers ... Guild (and most of the members I've talked to this afternoon) are angry because the City agreed to a confidentiality clause during negotiations. Now the City has thrown that out the window by passing out their flyer, and making it available to the media. This "best offer" the City made barely covers the rise in the cost of living.

A Hacktivist Demands the Mendocino Sheriff Respond to ... 17, 2015 · “SPEAK NOW,” tweeted an account calling itself WikiLeaks at the Mendocino County Sheriff Wednesday. “Anonymous is listening.” The tweet linked to an article on the We Are Anonymous website. The article accuses the Northern Californian law enforcement agency of having “invaded and destroyed a medicinal marijuana venture the Pinoleville Pomo Nation had been building on their …

Hillary Clinton | V B I 10, 2016 · Hillary Clinton was polished and well-prepared, articulate and perfectly at ease. When asked if she wanted to respond to a criticism from Lincoln Chafee, she simply said, “No.” There were, however, two sour notes. Chafee’s excuse for voting to repeal …

Mexico Veterans News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... Veteran Freed After Being ‘Held Hostage’ In Iran, Returning to U.S. (Bloomberg) — Michael White, a U.S. citizen and Navy veteran imprisoned in Iran since 2018, was released on Thursday and is en route home, a family spokesman said in a message that thanked President Donald Trump’s administration and former New Mexico …

Diplomacy With Iran Working - Progress Pond 20, 2014 · Once upon a time, Vice President Richard Cheney advocated going to war with Iran in order to stop Iran’s nuclear program, even to the extent of authorizing the first use of nuclear weapons by any government since the the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, 1945. Luckily, his favored solution to dealing with the problem of Iran’s nuclear program was not implemented.[DOC]Acknowledgements - Home | UMass Amherst · Web viewThe University of Massachusetts Amherst is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for al students. If you have a documented physical, psychological, or learning disability on file with Disability Services (DS), Learning Disabilities Support Services (LDSS), or Psychological Disabilities Services (PDS), please notify me within the first two weeks of the semester so that we may ...

A Hacktivist Demands the Mendocino Sheriff Respond to 17, 2015 · IMO, if Annoymous actually were a “guardian” of rights, they would be filling everyone’s airwaves, messages, with reminders that the people are the reason good or bad laws, corruption or fairness are allowed in the first place. Most people don’t know they have a duty to vote in THREE areas… elections, grand jury, & trial jury.

archives | The Smirking 23, 2017 · I'm scarcely the first to remark that when juxtaposed with Donald Trump, George W. Bush — who, when in the White House, posed the inconceivability of any future U.S. president being worse at the job — suddenly looks rather good. ... are the whales themselves. But not just because they would have a hard time fitting into the ...

atomic power review: Japanese Utilities Lining Up to ... noted in news today (12/27) was the fact that another facility under NRA regulation but which is not a nuclear power plant has announced intent to restart work. This is the Japan Nuclear Fuel reprocessing plant at Rokkasho; Japanese media are reporting that this plant will be applying for its restart inspection on January 7th, 2014 and ...

Neil Young News: Readers Challenge Washington Post to the Editor in this weekend's Washington Post were headlined as "Off The Mark" in response to the review Neil Young's Antiwar Howl by J. Freedom du Lac. Here's a sampling of published Letters to the Editor: J. Freedom du Lac questions the timeliness of Neil Young's new album, calling it "somewhat strange, given that the album doesn't appear to be inspired by any recent events" ["Neil ...

Ililani Media: Historically Unprecedented 2003 European heat wave was the hottest summer on record in Europe since at least 1540. Peer reviewed analysis placed the European death toll at 70,000. The 2013 heat wave sent Salzburg, Austria, to a new all-time record high of 101.5ºF.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: September Madness results! 09, 2019 · (Crossposted to Jewschool.) After a little bit of last-minute shifting, the results of the Knesset election are final, and that means it’s time to announce the results of September Madness!Thanks to everyone who played! Three parties (Zehut, Noam, and Kol Yisrael Achim) dropped out before Election Day, which means that there were only (“only”) 29 parties contesting the election.

No More Mister Nice Blog: Lift My Lamp 11, 2019 · From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, April 1882, via Wikipedia.A lot of labor organizations backed the Chinese Exclusion Act, by the way, seduced by the conventional wisdom into thinking it was immigrants rather than abusive bosses who were responsible for their working conditions, also then as now—Wikipedia notes that the IWW opposed it, though, so all honor to them.

Inside Russia’s Social Media War on America - Blogger "In May 2016, a Russian military intelligence officer bragged to a colleagu...

FlyDadhttps://flydad.blogspot.comThe Mercatus Center of George Mason University ranks states according to their taxes and business regulation and says that these are the worst states, in this order: New York, California, New Jersey, Hawaii, Rhode Island. The Dakotas and Oklahoma are the most free.

Gubu-World: Lisbon Treaty Rejected 13, 2008 · In my opinion they took far too much of a laid back attitude to the whole affair from the outside. Or was the government too involved in the financial accusations being made against Bertie Ahern and the transition of Taoiseach over to Mr. Cowen. It all seemed (to me) like the rally for a yes vote was far too little far too late.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 10/10/2004 - 10/17/2004 are the folks that just got out of community college! They lose their jobs because eager foreigners are available to do the work for a fraction of the wages. Getting reeducated won't help if new jobs are unavailable, because long-term job investments featuring R&D have been neglected.

Balkinization: Exploitation Nation have few rights on the job—certainly none of the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Amendment liberties that constitute the bare minimum of a free society; thus, no free speech or assembly, no due process, no right to a fair hearing before a panel of their peers—and what rights they do have employers will fight tooth and nail to ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: War On Low Income People Continues. 23, 2007 · 11 Comments: Bob said.... Print Email St. Paul razing nuisance homes Many neighbors cheer revitalization effort, but some decry loss of affordable housing BY JASON HOPPIN Pioneer Press Article Last Updated: 04/22/2007 11:53:54 PM CDT The first of two neighboring houses — at 63 and 67 W. Jessamine Ave. — is demolished Monday. The city has destroyed 11 homes so far this year, more …

Rodger A. Payne's Blog: 08/01/2010 - 09/01/2010 21, 2010 · Unpacking, I've been listening to a lot of internet radio on my PC, including my Whiskeytown radio station on Pandora. Feel free to check it out. In any case, don't look for a lot of blogging until Labor Day. I have to complete the syllabi for my two classes, finish a book chapter -- and teach classes. That's right, we begin August 23. Ugh.

WHY ARE WE SO SURE A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN WILL BE … 02, 2017 · As was the case with the two most recent government shutdowns—in 1995 and 2013—partisans are now playing a game of chicken, betting that the other side will cave and vote for a spending bill it doesn’t like, rather than be blamed for the dysfunction.

Keith Olbermann's Ego: October 2009 27, 2009 · Gawker is still on Keith Olbermann's Ego's Enemies List. But at least they name-check the Ego here. Sure, it was for a good cause, but the fact that Olbermann believed that an hour-long monologue worthy of Fidel Castro was something that people wanted or needed to see, and that his bosses actually let him get away with it, brought to mind Ben Affleck's flawless SNL caricature of …

then they came for me | Bloviating Zeppelin is an actual question pervading some aspects of the American Media Maggots quite recently. ... Parker backed down Wednesday from the city’s effort to force local pastors to turn over speeches and papers related to a hotly contested transgender rights ordinance. ... Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

What Is Public? A Clash of Legal and Policy Paradigms ... 21, 2017 · This policy, Bulletin No. 55-4, was the first version of the Circular A-76 and states that the government would depend on the private sector for the performance of commercial activities. 1966 Bulletin 55-4 was developed into formal policy under the new name, Circular A-76, by the OMB.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Belated Secret Science Club Post ... 10, 2017 · The physical objects are ambiguous square/circle hybrids, and the use of a mirror activates this ambiguity as the objects are moved.Dr Martinez-Conde described this illusion as 'smoke and mirrors', or in this case, light and mirrors. The next illusion presented to the crowd was the dynamic Ebbinghaus illusion:

CORRUPTION ERUPTION: August 2012 Collection of Information Available to the public. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." This IS IT ~ TIME to reclaim our Freedom from an out of control Tyrannical Government. LIVE FREE and Fight the Good Fight To Keep ...

TigerHawk default risk was the only variable, at the widest time in the market investors were being compensated for 70% of the market defaulting in the next 5 years with only a 20% recovery. Today, that same analysis means investors are being compensated for 50% cumulative defaults and 30% recovery.

Bilgrimage: Carl Paladino and the Catholic Preferential ... 07, 2010 · This is increasingly the face of Catholic teaching about sexual morality. This is the iconic standard for everyone to which the Catholic church points with its teaching that every person born heterosexual is automatically "ordered" aright by the happenstance of his or her birth and therefore automatically normative, while every gay or lesbian person is ipso facto disordered and abnormal.

An Ontarian in Newfoundland: October 2010 it happens, one of the things that got the editors' attention was this blog—and so my first column, which went up on October 15, is a retread of one of my reality-TV posts. The journal likes lively discussion of its articles, so please go check it out and leave a comment.

White on the Right | White Conservative Guy Blogging!https://whiteontheright.wordpress.comRodriguez and a handful of co-workers who were down in the basement at the time of the attack, actually heard and felt huge explosions beneath their feet in the lower basement levels. While this anomaly in itself should have been cause for serious investigation, it is the timing of these explosions that is extremely troubling: They occurred ...

The Johnsville News: Link List — August 17, 2007 17, 2007 · This is pretty creative stuff. MIT Focuses on Chip Optimization. eldavojohn writes "MIT's Microsystems Technology Laboratories is focusing on the manufacturing of chips as the variables that affect chip quality become more and more influential. From one of the researchers, "The extremely high speeds of these circuits make them very sensitive to ...

Democracy for New Mexico:, November 27, 2012 Senator Udall Announces $275,000 in NEA Grants for NM Arts. Today U.S. Senator Tom Udall announced that New Mexico will receive $275,000 in matching grants from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).The first major round of FY 2013 grants will help support nine music, theater and visual arts projects around the state.

Blogging As Typing, Not Journalism - CBS News 08, 2004 · Odin Frost and Jordan Granberry met when they were 3 years old on the first day of school — and now shared one of life's accomplishments …

Iowa Racism News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... 14, 2020 · $100K reward offered for info on noose at Iowa data center. ALTOONA, Iowa (AP) - Two trade groups are offering a $100,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest in the case of a noose that was left last month at an Altoona worksite where a Facebook data center is being built.

Tully's Page: The Demonization of Guns Contributes to Mass ... 10, 2019 · The Demonization of Guns Contributes to Mass Shootings I’m 59 years old, and I grew up in an age when guns were just another normal tool around the house, like chainsaws and drills and car jacks. I was 8 or 9 when I fired my first BB gun, aiming at cans set up on a log.

Violence; John Wick 3 ~ European-American blog 08, 2019 · John Wick 3 is a horribly violent movie, with no plot and few redeeming qualities. The rave reviews it receives from both the public and the pundits is inexplicable. It is a testimony to the vast increase in graphic violence and vulgarity in popular culture.

The MoxArgon Group: 08/2009 29, 2009 · Greetings puny Earthlings. Time to take another look at the wide world of douchebaggery so here we go. DEMOCRATS: Congratulations, your strategy of calling anyone and everyone who disagrees with you on socialized health-care "racist," "ignorant," "Nazis," and a whole myriad of other petty slanders is really paying off. Your beloved Messiah's ratings are plunging faster than a greased …

Chris King's First Amendment Page: February 2014 is once the first female Mayor of New Haven and the black Mayor of New Haven, meanwhile Scott Jackson is the only three-term black Mayor of Connecticut. Being a pioneer is always a challenge regardless of your station in life: Leonard Webb is pioneering with Ethnic Online Magazine where I was one of his first "Ethnic Gems" 5 years ago. The ...

Amanda Palmer corn updates. - Blogger this is the first year for the inter maraige of these varieties, but the potential for some truly amazing future varieties is here. This is the field corn sister of my Astronomy Domine sweet corn. I've noticed a definite preference by the turkeys for red kernels and tuxpeno influenced kernels, more to …

Johnny Pez: "The Morons" by Harl Vincent, part 4 06, 2010 · This is the first appearance of "The Morons" since its original publication in the June 1939 issue of Astounding Science-Fiction. The story so far: Grayson, Matthews, and Nelson are the crew of the Dragon, a spaceship that has crash-landed on Venus. When they encounter Throg, one of the simple-minded natives, he surprises them by speaking Italian.

Sex Selection Goes Mainstream | Alternet Virginia-based fertility clinic is aggressively marketing a new technique that allows Americans to choose the gender of their child. They call it 'family balancing.' Several times over the past ...

New Mexico Housing Boom News Monitoring Service & Press ..., D.C. – PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, thank you very much. This is a very big day for our country. It’s affirmation of all the work we’ve been doing, really, for three and a half years. This isn’t just over the last few months; for …

Undercover Reporting: The Truth About Deception - Brooke Kroeger is a journalist, author and professor of journalism at New York University. UNDERCOVER REPORTING: The Truth About Deception was published in 2012. Visit its companion online database at 2017 book is THE SUFFRAGENTS: How Women Used Men to Get the Vote.Previous books are the 1994 NELLIE BLY: Daredevil, Reporter, Feminist; a …

The Whited Sepulchre: What kind of LIbertarian are you? guy named Peter Suderman has an interesting post up at the Reason magazine site.... Tyler Cowen reads Tom Palmer's new book on libertarianism and identifies five primary strands: 1. Cato-influenced (for lack of a better word). There is an orthodox reading of what "being libertarian" means, defined by the troika of free markets, non-interventionism, and civil liberties.

Wisconsin Governor Selling State Power Plants to the Kochs owned receiving federal money, I suppose that would be up to Obama and Co, while the sale for 1 penny is an assumption, and a wild one at that. However, yes, if you, as the Koch Brothers, worth $17.5 billion each (a tad more than Soros), find that a bio mass boiler, capable of around 9 megawatts output (3 locomotive engines), to

Our Children Are The Guarantors: Beyond Offense 17, 2007 · Via Elder of Ziyon I came to the article, You have the right to feel offended, by Judea Pearl, father of Daniel Pearl (HY"D).Like Elder, I think the article makes some good points yet don’t agree with everything. The reason I see it fit to write a whole post about this article is that I have a fundamental disagreement with it—a difference of opinion about its very root thesis, not just ...

The Rude Pundit 06, 2013 · One more story: The Rude Pundit worked in a warehouse, unloading trucks, for a couple of years. While African-Americans worked there, one of the crews had just a single black worker, Melvin. The warehouse's supervisor was a white relative of the Rude Pundit's who he had heard say racist things during more than a few family dinners.

March | 2014 | FiftyFourandAHalf my three large windows, I can keep my eye on all things Washington. I can see much of official DC and a big hunk of Northern Virginia. Nobody in Our Nation’s Capitol gets on a helicopter without me knowing about it. And I can tell you for a fact that Dubya’s motorcades caused a …

voter engagement Texas | Texas Leftist the old saying goes, you only get what you put in, and Texans don’t put in a lot. In a recent national study, The Daily Texan Online reports that the Lone Star State came in dead last for civic engagement… citizens participating and engaging with government, which includes voter turnout.

Imam behind Islamic center preaches most tolerant brand of ... 10, 2010 · The imam has stepped into the fray before. More...

The Slow Cook: Secret to the World's Greatest Popcorn 07, 2008 · They should come just to the top of the oil and a little higher, so that each kernel is coated with oil. Quickly cover the pot and wait for the popping to begin. You should have at hand a large mixing bowl (I use stainless) and some fine table salt. As the seeds begins to pop, give the pot a little shake.

Keen Observer of the Human Condition - TheWeyrd1https://theweyrd1.blogspot.comI know a tiny picture but, yes, that is a leopard on the label...I think. I pick this Herding Cats Merlot/Pinotage from South Africa at 3S Liquors at the suggestion of a fellow patron. She left the store with several different Herding Cats wines, so I figured, "What the heck!" I also pick up another one of their wines for a later review.

Blogger - Blue Ballshttps://swinginglow.blogspot.comThe once-secret FBI documents show a consistency to the allegations and are the first indication that Justice and Defense department officials were aware in early 2002 that detainees were accusing their guards of mistreating the holy book. Emphasis mine.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: City won’t commit its green plan for ... Rupert is going to get greener, just don’t ask to see the details in black and white just yet. In a rather confusing bit of bafflegab, city council has decided that they will not include in the Official Community Plan, the recommendations from the Green Advisory Task Force regarding greenhouse gas reductions. Of course, part of the problem is that the green house reduction plan isn ...

Neocon Express: DON'T ASK DON'T TELL: Barney Frank's Lover ... 04, 2008 · This is a highly partisan opinion blog taking full advantage of the first amendment of the United States Constitution. It is news and OPINION. It could be right, wrong, or somewhere in between. We try to get it right and welcome corrections. All images are believed to be in the public domain. If you believe you have a copyright, please let us know.

Super Aquarian: August 2017 31, 2017 · he first book in the series was Written in the 1928, for Amazing Stories, and the fourth and last book in the series, "Skylark DuQuesne," was written in 1963. These books are a classic space opera, and many credit the series as the first and original Space Opera. Edward Elmer "Doc" Smith is often referred to as the "farther of Space Opera."

The Whited Sepulchre: 1/15/12 - 1/22/12 those of you new to my site, Mr. Variants makes a lot of money seeking out rare Marvel comics and selling them for a small fortune. Every time he does particularly well, I get a snarky email from him about the sale, about how he found the comic at a yard sale for 25 cents, about the overall profit margin, and about how many emails it took to separate some geek from his $459 in exchange for ...

North Dakota Fannie Mae News Monitoring Service & Press ... 14, 2020 · Cabo is one of the most visited beach destinations in the world. Autentico Vertical is the hippest, most interesting new community and is for sale. RENO, NV, USA, July 13, 2020 /? -- There is truly nowhere in the world like …

Humint Events Online: Summary/Key Points in McGowan’s Moon ... 13, 2010 · This is not as fun to read as the real thing, but hopefully useful if you want to get an overview or look at a specific section. Part 1-- : 1) we did it 40 years ago with relatively crude technology, but haven’t done it since; neither has any other country; arguments that there is no reason to go back or that it is too expensive don’t really hold up

January | 2009 | Granfalloon is an Associated Press piece that the Israeli Haaretz decided to publish. The American press on the other hand conveniently bypassed it… Kaufman, a frequent critic of Israel who was raised as an Orthodox Jew, commented on the claim that large numbers of the Palestinian victims were militants.“I suppose the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as ...

The Other 95%: Isopods Cause Reproductive Death in Shrimp 10, 2008 · Bopyrid isopods are no fun. Up here in the Pacific Northwest we have a recently discovered bopyrid isopod parasite (Orthione griffensis)that infects one of the thalassinid (i.e., burrowing) shrimp species, Upogebia pugettensis which can occur in densities of up 200+ shrimp per sq. meter on the large intertidal flats of of Oregon and Washington. A colleague of mine at Oregon State, John …

Balkinization: Paging Dr. Mengele: Medical Experimentation ... had seemed, at least until late last week, that intervening events had taken most of the attention away from one of the most significant controversies of President Obama’s first year in office—whether senior Bush Administration officials should be investigated for their role in the documented torture and other abusive treatment of non-citizens detained as terrorism suspects.

Because Family Mattershttps://becausefamilymatters.blogspot.comMar 24, 2006 · Because Family Matters Friday, March 24, 2006 ... want to do it with a guy and a girl at the same time, think dildoes are fun, get off three times a day, get off once a year, or whatever. In fact, so long as you're happy, I'm happy for you. ... The people who hate America are the members of American Family Association and its ideological fellow ...

medulla noodle - Bloggerhttps://medullanoodle.blogspot.comAstute readers of the medulla noodle ("noodlologists" I've heard is the preferred nomenclature) will note that this is the first time in this blog's two-and-a-half-year existence that I've neglected to title a post. Seriously, if you want to search the archives, I'll wait... if you're lost you can look--and you will find me time after time if you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting (oh, I ...

Boiling Water Reactors... some further details. is where the rest of the feedwater goes; this jet pump puts a strong suction on the throat and sucks in feedwater from the plenum, which then enters the lower area of the reactor vessel below the core. As the water then rises up through the core, it is heated as it passes through the core assembly.

The Iron Wagon: February 2009 news from Hollywood: 'The Green Hornet', the radio/film serial and 60s TV show that introduced the world to the kick-ass moves of Bruce Lee is set for a big-budget remake starring none other than rising slacker Seth Rogen. Normally, this sort of announcement wouldn't bother me, despite my love of real-deal comic books; however, notable because - according to this story from MTV ...

East Asian Folk Music 2nd Gp | Violin | String Instruments ... Asian Folk Music 2nd Gp - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.

David Koch | Me, senescent 13, 2014 · Just see how far off course I can get in the first 144 words of writing. This started out to be a silly little piece on one of the items on my list of accomplishments before I kick the bucket—I won’t say my “bucket list” because my old buddy Kay might read this and be offended.

Folk Music | This Black Sista's Memorial Page action appeared to be the first outright suspension of one of the president’s social media accounts. Trump Shares Video of Armed White Couple Confronting Protesters June 29, 2020 A day after sharing on Twitter a video with a supporter yelling “white power,” the …

Redeye's Front Page: Dear Left in Alabama 07, 2011 · Dear Left in Alabama Send at least $15, and we’ll reward you with some fun LIA swag – a mousepad, pens, and a notepad. Not to mention a handwritten thank you note, as well as the knowledge that you’ve helped boost a progressive voice in the state.

palingates: $arah Palin's handwriting UPDATED 18, 2009 · So she is implicit in the act and knowing and approving of the fund. Too, I have two P's in my name. About 80% of the time, when I sign my name, the two P's are formed differently, one (the first) with a big loop and some flourish, the second, a small loop and very plain. But, 20% of the time, the P's will be identical in formation. It is uncanny.

Bag and Baggage - Denise Howell, appellate, intellectual ... RIAA's position on no surprise,1. Pirate recordings are the unauthorized duplication of only the sound of legitimate recordings, as opposed to all the packaging, i.e. the original art, label, title, sequencing, combination of titles etc. This includes mixed tapes and compilation CDs featuring one or …

Bright Sheet"Over the last three weeks, they [Iran] have taken away from Baghdad the first and second-tier military leaders of the Mahdi army," he said. The aim of the Iranians was to "prevent the dismantling of the infrastructure of the Shia militias" in the Iraqi capital - one of the chief aims of …

An American: July 2009 author is an American, Christian, proud father, lucky husband, Irish Scottish heritage and a Texan by choice. I believe the U.S.A. is the greatest nation on earth, the greatest in history. Never has a nation freed or saved so many. When was there ever any nation that went to war, gave the land back, then put billions into it? I believe our core must include to take care of our young, our ...

Alterdestiny: If California Legalizes Marijuana for ... 06, 2009 · "For those of us who are on the front lines, it's not about pot is bad in itself or drugs are bad," said Meredith Lintott, district attorney in Mendocino County, one of the country's top marijuana-producing regions. "It's about the negative consequences on children. It's about the negative consequences on the environment."

Big Muddy River Correctional Center, Illinois News ... 20, 2020 · Tribune: Pedophile got second chances at Chicago schools. CHICAGO — A serial pedophile who admitted to sexually abusing hundreds of children in Illinois and Indiana from the 1960s through the 1980s received second chances when sexual assault allegations arose against him, according to a newspaper investigation. …

The Next Hurrah: The Lisa Myers Subpoena 26, 2007 · by emptywheel. I read Wilkes' motion to subpoena journalists and others with great interest. I'll return to three details later: The naming of Seth Hettena as the journalist who allegedly showed Mark Geragos a copies of two indictments; Geragos had earlier refused to give prosecutors Hettena's name.; The lack of a subpoena for Dan Dzwilewski, the Special Agent in Charge who retired …

meaning in history: The Moyer/Clinesmith IMs And Who Got ... INFORMATION", Section C. "FBI Attorney 2 Instant Messages". The Table of Contents lists Section C. as beginning on p. 419, however it may be easier to use the pagination of the entire PDF report document, according to which the relevant IM exchange is discussed beginning on p. 448.

Somali media under attack - Blogger 15, 2007 · The Ethiopian invasion of Somalia is ending up freedom of speech in Somalia. Irin reports that the Somalia Transitional Government(TG), which many regard as Ethiopia's puppet, has closed three popular Mogadishu radio stations, HornAfrik radio and television, Shabelle Media Network, Radio Voice of Holy Koran and the offices of international news station, Al Jazeera.

Not the way I wanted to start my day - Blogger of old-fashioned common sense, learned the hard way, from experience. People aren't perfect, and very little is black or white in this world, but being polite always pays in the long run (and personally it has always made me feel better afterwards, as opposed to a nasty confrontation). Thank you. *As in the case of the "Green Martini".

Dennis Loo: Sarah Palin and Dominionism 07, 2008 · As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors—in short, over every aspect and institution of human society.' --D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries ...

06-06-17 -- Lyn Ulbricht - Dr. Judy Mikovits -- LISTEN LIVE 06, 2017 · This is a story for anybody interested in the peril and promise of science at the very highest levels in our country. Plague The Book: Teaser Trailer: To order your copy of Plague: One Scientist's intrepid Search For the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and Other Diseases Click on any of the links - Amazon ...

World News Bureau: February 2018 NEWS BUREAU - News at the speed of typing ® Celebrity Massacres National Anthem. Black Eyed Peas singer, Fergie, apologized for the rendition of the National Anthem she sang Sunday night at the NBA All-Star Game, saying she was just trying something different. "I was shooting for a Marvin Gaye kinda thing if he were a drunk, talentless, middle-aged white woman receiving an intermittent ...

BCM 240 | oh it's that girl's blog 29, 2014 · After a long nine weeks of weekly blogging I can finally say, it is coming to an end. Whilst bittersweet as it has been a very steep learning curve, I think I will miss blogging for this subject. I have blogged since the start of university (last year) and feel that truly the first time that I have enjoyed blogging.

TLCQ 2013 endorsements | Texas Leftist 2013: Endorsements- Harris County Bond Election October 21, 2013 L. Wayne Ashley Leave a comment As the largest county government in the state of Texas, and 3rd largest in the nation, it’s no stretch to assuage that many decisions made within Harris County have nation-wide and sometimes world-wide implications.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: A bizarre end to ... 11, 2006 · (updated below) The unfolding events in the Middle East seem rather odd. Current reports suggest that the U.S. and France have agreed to a U.N. Resolution-- which Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has accepted -- and it will be imminently adopted (tonight) by the Security Council, probably unanimously. The Resolution calls for an immediate "cessation of hostilities."

Moneybomb - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core (alternatively money bomb, money-bomb, or fundraising bomb) is a neologism coined in 2007 to describe a grassroots fundraising effort over a brief fixed time period, usually to support a candidate for election by dramatically increasing, concentrating, and publicizing fundraising activity during a specific hour or day. The term was coined by Trevor Lyman to describe a massive ...

Has U.S. Democracy Been Trumped? - BBO Discussion Forums ... 05, 2019 · Buerkle, who has served on the commission since 2013, was the only commissioner to oppose proposed portable generator rules aimed at reducing carbon monoxide poisoning in 2016. She was again the lone vote that year against a then-record $15.45 million penalty for a company accused of making humidifiers prone to catching fire.

OneWest Bank - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia 19, 2009 · OneWest Bank, a division of CIT Bank, N.A., is a regional bank with over 60 retail branches in Southern California. OneWest Bank specializes in consumer deposit and lending including personal checking and savings accounts, Money Market accounts, CDs, and home loan products. OneWest also offers small

The Smirking Chimp | News And Commentary from the Vast 26, 2009 · As the country contemplates a major reform and restructuring of the way we run our national health care system (if it can even be called that), it needs to be pointed out that the mammoth health insurance industry is nothing but a parasite on that system. Health insurance companies add zero value to the delivery of health care.

01/01/2017 - 02/01/2017 - Washington DC Focus Blog Pittsburgh“The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the freedom of speech, as well as ‘the right of the people peaceably t... 9:44 AM No comments Read More Schedule of presidential inauguration events happening this week in Washington D.C. – ABC15 Arizona

LoneStarBear: Georgia On My Mind... 11, 2008 · There is no question that going to have a serious impact on our foreign policy. [Yesterday] morning George Will on ABC's This Week all but proclaimed that this was the beginning of the "Cold War" again, and that if you looked into Putin's eyes you saw the words KGB. He made clear that this was an invasion of a European nation and that our response could determined our security …

Juror B-37: Opportunity, Means, Motive in the Zimmerman Trial 10, 2013 · Means.. University of Alabama Press Marketing Director J.D. Wilson explained: "Time is of the essence when trying to sell a book dealing with a high-profile case.Wilson said it would have been possible for the book to wind up on shelves as quick as four to …

thus spake drake: Top Soundtracks of 2008 12, 2008 · Top Soundtracks of 2008 It could be said that 2008 was the year that soundtracks returned as a bankable product, with four soundtracks topping the charts during the year. High School Musical 3 , Twilight , Mamma Mia and Juno all may have pulled in some cash, but you won't see any of those on this list ( Juno was our #2 in our 2007 list ).

Chris King's First Amendment Page: May 2014 is part one, which is more telling than the actual courtroom video in which the bench seems to take a different tack than the bench I observed in Bradburn v. Recon Trust. The actual courtroom video is coming soon, however. The thumbnail is the first paragraph of the Geary Appellate Brief. In this case we've got all the major players, some ...

Miami-Dade Dems: Mother’s Day: thoughts on SCHIP from ... 03, 2008 · This cost her $180,000 in the first quarter, giving her a total of $321,000 raised, well past Ros-Lehtinen’s $115,000, though the incumbent has a fat treasury of $1.7 million. For Taddeo, this translates into a vigorous and experienced professional staff, and she believes the district is ripe for a change, even though conventional wisdom puts ...

read my mind: Can Social Control Be Denied? (Part 3) is one of the most firmly established principles of mass psychology. But when the example of the leader is not at hand and the herd must think for itself, it does so by means of cliches, pat words or images which stand for a whole group of ideas or experiences."

Bow to your municipal overlords | New Jersey Real Estate 17, 2017 · That Donald Trump pizza bit 4 or 5 years ago was one of the best things I ever watched. Trevor Noah…the guy is absolutely incapable of making me laugh. Half of the time, he doesn’t even tell a joke. He just resorts to a cheap attack and the audience which is full of drones just laughs because they’ve been trained to. Bill Maher was never ...

Netizen News Brief: 08/20/09 sampling of news &amp; views available from the New Media likely to be ignored by the Old.

THE BIG BLOGhttps://info652.blogspot.comNCSA's What's New page took the cursor for a while, Netscape's What's New page was the big blog in the sky in 1993-96. Then all hell broke loose. The Web exploded, and the weblog idea grew along with it.

wealth inequality | Majority Rules’s of the largest American companies earned an average of 42 times as much as the average worker in 1980, but 531 times as much in 2001. Perhaps the most astounding statistic is this: From 1980 to 2005, more than four-fifths of the total increase in American incomes went to the richest 1 percent.

LoneStarBear: If you’re not reading John Aravosis, WHY NOT? 01, 2006 · (1) Lamont links Lieberman to Cheney.Cheney and Lieberman are using the same talking points. Lamont called him on it: . In a telephone interview from his vacation home in Maine, Mr. Lamont said he was disappointed with the personal tone Mr. Lieberman’s remarks, and questioned the connection between the Iraq war and the new terrorist plot.

Empire of the Wheel: 2016 11, 2016 · John was the brother of Fred, the father of Donald Trump. But who could he possibly have been to the breakaway civilization I call the '1903'? What possibly could John Trump's connection to a breakaway civilization ever be? (Photo left is John G Trump, courtesy Getty Images) Recall whom I said the 1903 group emerged from.

No More Mister Nice Blog: SANDERS/TURNER? … 08, 2020 · Turner and Gabbard are fourth and seventh at PredictIt, respectively; another betting line, Bovada, has Turner as the second-most likely pick for Sanders, after Abrams, with Gabbard at #5. Turner has been a key figure in the Sanders campaign since the last cycle, but as an elected official she's never risen higher than state legislator.

Paula Routly can’t be that stupid - Green Mountain 06, 2010 · Seriously. Mitch Wertlieb just did an excellent interview of Paula Routly, publisher of Seven Days, and David Mindich, a journalism professor at St. Michael's, and it is almost beyond belief.. As you might guess, the interview conerns the Dubie campaign's misuse of a survey Seven Days did of State House insiders last year in which they identified Peter Shumlin as the “most ethically ...

Believe it or not Judge Napolitano of Fox News gives the ... 11, 2016 · Believe it or not Judge Napolitano of Fox News gives the best defense of Hillary Clinton that I have heard yet. Courtesy of Crooks and Liars : All of Trump's surrogates have been wielding these past incidents like a hammer, making wild and unfounded accusations to fill time slots and distract viewers, and amidst the screaming the actual charges ...

Attacks on Kevin Jennings sleazy, un-Christian - Holy Bullies, yeah I know. Donald Trump fired Carrie Prejean as Miss California. Cue the violins already. But while a lot of eyes will no dou...

Redeye's Front Page: April 2017 10, 2017 · The clock is being turned back. Vulnerable populations are under relentless attack by this administration. This is a war, and that is not hyperbole or exaggeration. While folks are hoping that some Russia-related revelation will emerge from the darkness to bring this administration to a calamitous conclusion, the administration is busy rebuilding and reinforcing the architecture of oppression ...

It Is Finished ~ Thunder Pig 06, 2012 · 31 Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day, that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. 32 Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with Him.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: CODE ENFORCEMENT HELPED SEND … 16, 2007 · What was the result of Ms. Rodriguez passing away? Did 12 someone in her family take her property and continue to 13 live there? 14 A. For a couple of months. 15 Q. Do you know what happened to the property now? 16 A. He died. 17 Q. Gary did? 18 A. Yes. 19 Q. What's the condition of the property now? 20 A. Been totally rehabbed. 21 Q.

Noah Smith vs. Bryan Caplan on College Education and ... with the change, they were able to become a lot more choosy. No one wanted to take on someone for the first time. So even if Caplan is on the Right on this point he may be, well, right' It's not only he who is speaking out against college-Krugman has for a long time argued that it is overemphasized.

WG's Observations: February 2016 gambling was the first of these interesting cases. ... and then lose it to a hacker. Who is liable? The current issue between the FBI and Apple is the newest of these. Apple built serious security features into its latest iPhones. Now the FBI has an iPhone 5c that belonged to one of the two terrorists who shot so many people in ...

Jews sans frontieres: King Abdullah I on zionism - 1947 is a remarkable article by the late King Abdullah of Jordan who was assassinated by a Palestinian back in 1948. Written in 1947, the most striking thing is Abdullah's understanding of American support for the zionists that seems to have been as strong in the American media in 1947 as it is today. Here it is: As the Arabs See the Jews (1947)

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Are we losing our sense of humour? 24, 2006 · Well we’re certainly ahead of schedule this year. Normally Canadians lose their ability to laugh at our foibles late into February or early march, the concept of cabin fever having fully gripped those that can’t afford the winter break to Florida, Hawaii or Mexico, sending them into a sullen, warmth deprived ball of snarling humanity.

The Debate Link: The Loop, more legitimate terrain than the last few go-arounds, which focused on his middle name, his last name's similarity to "Osama," the size of his ears, his Muslim heritage, etc.. But it still doesn't strike me as a winner (for the GOP, anyway). Benen quotes Patrick Hynes, a …

Prince and 140,000 Others Died on April 21st. | Filosofa's ... 24, 2016 · One of those 140000 deaths was Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, who led countless souls to Christ, and authored many books, preached all over the world and on the streets of the United States, Yet, not one word on any of the big 3 networks, nor any cable station, and, other than a short biography in his area’s newspaper, not one line in any newspaper.

Get Off This!: January 2010 Smith, Progressive Review The Obamaphiles are scratching around for anything that might work . Eleanor Clift, whose knee jerks so badly she qualifies for early handicap airplane boarding, cites a CQ reports that says, "CQ rates Obama higher than any president in the last five decades in working his will on Capitol Hill, surpassing even the fabled Lyndon Johnson.

Come Out, Come Out Whoever You Are | BroadBlogs 05, 2012 · It’s the same thing as telling a straight man they can’t marry the women he chooses to. I believe people are born gay. People who use religion as an excuse say things like “god hates gays” and they say being gay is a sin, but it’s also a sin to have sex before marriage and a sin to commit suicide.

Orcinus: Jesus's Jihadis - Blogger by Sara I arrived in DC for the America's Future Now! conference, kicked back in my hotel room, and was greeted with the news that Dr. ...

Secondhand Smoking Jacks: Cassidy Haley OR I Love the Internet 21, 2009 · It stayed in the top 10 for a bit more than a day and is holding in the Top 25 seven days later. Journalists have picked up the story, first internet bloggers ( Lyndsey Parker for Yahoo Music blogs about Adam being an Idolmaker himself) and coming soon …

Otto's War Room (??): Smash Fascism Los Angeles — The need ... 19, 2016 · But beyond the immediate results of this election, we also find appalling the fact that the election of Donald Trump is just one further symptom of a broader trend of right-wing populism, nationalism, and fascism, that has been sweeping across much of the United States and Europe.The recent withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on the basis of nationalist and anti …

TBogg - "...a somewhat popular blogger" in his light, Jacoby isn't just your average run-of-the-coop chickenhawk. He's also a hypocrite and a liar who talks awful big for his little boy and walks awful small for a man. posted by tbogg at 12:07 AM

View From The Porch: What's wrong with this picture? 25, 2009 · But it appears to me that there is a big fin sticking out the back of the gun where the rear sights are normally attached. A big fin with a hole through it, like something your finger would go in. I carry a Taurus Millennium, and I don't think I've ever seen anything like that.

Well I tried, but the cat is now completely out of the bag ... 04, 2010 · I would never judge a man for wanting to be in his child's life. But if he loves Bristol--who so far has been a marionette for her mother, so be it. Love your family Levi. But be aware that there is a viper who will destroy you if you step out of line. Or maybe you and Bristol can stand against Sarah-- maybe exactly the way to keep her ...

The Russians’ Sloppy Papadopoulos Spycraft - Progress Pond 10, 2017 · There’s a certain basic level of disrespect involved in how the Russians treated George Papadopoulos. There’s no doubt that they deliberately compromised him, but the way in which they did it was sloppy. To begin with, Papadopolous was a member of an organization called the London Centre of International Law Practice. It was in this […]

August | 2018 | thefortyishphilosopher 28, 2018 · The public comment period for a devastating new rule by the EPA ended Friday. The new proposal, Asbestos: Significant New Use Rule, would basically allow manufacturers to begin using asbestos again in various products, as long as they describe its use to the EPA 90 days before beginning to do so (read more here).I sent a comment to the EPA about it on Wednesday.

Halfway There: The Harvey Milk of human kindness a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

40ishphilos | thefortyishphilosopher public comment period for a devastating new rule by the EPA ended Friday. The new proposal, Asbestos: Significant New Use Rule, would basically allow manufacturers to begin using asbestos again in various products, as long as they describe its use to the EPA 90 days before beginning to do so (read more here).I sent a comment to the EPA about it on Wednesday.

West Virginia Priests News Monitoring Service & Press ... 19, 2020 · LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, July 10, 2020 /? -- Christian French, one of 2020’s fastest-rising stars—with over 200 million Spotify streams under his belt — is back today with “make or break up,” an entrancing track that finds him at the …

journalism | upside down again. it didn’t take long before I, too, saw the potential in the reinvention of news media as a powerful online force which could provide accessibility to more people, and painstakingly updated to-the-minute briefs on What’s Happening Now., Homepage to so many of us, is a perfect example. The New York Times has truly perfected what ...

progressive | Observationalism 04, 2008 · Again with the caveat that I haven’t really caught up yet with the transition news of the last week, the confirmations from before surely mean that there’s one man who must not be happy.

US Economy | Bloviating Zeppelin is Wednesday. Today, NYSE stocks “ shot up” 600 points. It’s being termed the “best day” since 2011. One possible reason for today’s performance may be:. In addition to an oversold bounce, some analysts also attributed the gains to comments from the Fed’s William Dudley that a September rate hike looks “less compelling” and a strong durable-goods report.

DIGGING DEEPER, By Ivan G. Goldman: 09/01/2008 - 10/01/2008 York Times best-selling author, Fulbright scholar, Army vet. The Debtor Class (Permanent Press, April 2015) is a 'gripping ...triumphant read,' says Publishers Weekly. A future cult classic with 'howlingly funny dialogue,' says Booklist.

Obsolete Capitalism: E.2.9. The Heart of the Plot - Pt ... heart of the plot Nietzsche ’s phrase “ accelerate the process ” is essential in shaping the concept of a « headless revolution » that Deleuze, Guattari and the revolutionary Nietzschean community were elaborating in the years 1968 - 1975. To fully understand the meaning of The Strong of the Future we need a hypertextual reading of the content because as Deleuze said “ a text is ...

tcnorris: 09/01/2018 - 10/01/2018 18, 2018 · The Ford government lost for a second time in the courts on one of its early and arbitrary initiatives - the downsizing of Toronto City Council. Ontario Superior Court Justice Edward P. Belobaba ruled on September 10 that the Ford government's legislation violated the Charter of Rights. Here is the most relevant section: [7] Most people would agree that changing the rules in the middle of the ...

Great Northern States Health Care Initiative: 2013 Great Northern States Health Care Initiative is a group of people from Minnesota and Wisconsin who have come together for the purpose of advocacy for a better health care system in our respective states and the nation. Our main objective is education of ourselves and others in our communities on the imperatives of a single payer health care ...

» Gary Kleppe's fanfiction 16, 2013 · >thought numbly as the man ripped her blouse off. Standing there in her bra >and panties, she idly thought about nothing. The man saw the vapid look in >her eyes and smiled cruelly. The man aimed the gun at Nabiki's crotch and >tore off her bra. As he stood there, licking and biting her nipples, her >mind froze from the shock.

American Power: Matthew Yglesias: George W. Bush's ... 11, 2009 · One of the challenges we face as a nation is that our so-called "intellectual class" is now increasingly the product of an insular, biased education system. Simply put, lefties like Yglesias don't know history, and particularly the real history of totalitarianism and communism -- the tremendous purges of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and others in the ...

The Libertarian National Committe Chair debates, Austin TX ... Libertarian National Committe Chair debates, Austin TX, February 27, 2010 ... a goldfish. You've had to spend some of your time in plastic bags, some of your time in little bowls, and a little bit of time in aquariums with a few other goldfish. Then one day you get dumped into a pond in China, the ancestral home of all goldfish, and the ...

Matterdays: June 2008's still 90 degrees at 6:10 p.m. We're pretty tired and sunburned - and initial estimates are saying that we got to share the experience with about 400,000 other people here in Seattle.

Churchill's Cigar: #WriterProblems: The Trouble With Revisions most exciting thing of all, however: the bones of my story are intact. The overall plot still holds. There's work to be done of course but it's nice to have that reassurance that your overall idea doesn't totally blow. But then you plunge right back into the trouble with revisions: keeping it all straight.

I Love The Internet (pt. 24) | Twisted Cultural Wreckage 18, 2010 · – Yeah, it looks delicious, but it’s made in Japan so I’ll bet you $20 it ends up in a really freaky AV scene by year’s end. AV is a Japanese term for porno, in case you haven’t guessed that yet. – Just imagine Gargamel’s girlfriend, and suddenly the entire Smurfs

This Week With Barack Obama: Time to call Sarah Palin what ... 09, 2008 · I finally watched Sarah Palin. Aghast, pet bull with lipstick, indeed but not my shade. What further got me was the lack of inclusiveness ...

The Next Hurrah: The Jurisdiction of DOJ's Inspector General 20, 2007 · by emptywheel. This is a follow-up on my post on the loophole in the jurisdiction of DOJ's Inspector General, which appears to be preventing DOJ's IG from investigating the role of any lawyer in the USA Purge--which is, after all, just about everyone involved. Here's how Senator Leahy laid out the problem:. Other Inspectors General can investigate misconduct throughout their agencies.

pancocojams: Keyla Richardson - “Corona Can’t Hold Me Down ... portion of this comment that starts with "We serve a mighty God" and ends with "Can't hold us down" may have been the spoken part that Keyla Richardson said in that video (I heard her say something about "allergies"). If not, a good example of the term "testifying" as it refers to Christianity. ** 28. Jimmy Creates "But it can.

Income of "average" welfare family? | know things have changed for the disadvantage over the past fifty years, but it still not a bed of roses to be born poor. One is a slave to his economic conditions and it is difficult to break the bonds of poverty for a family. All men are not equal with the same opportunities. There are no shining cities on the hill for those living in poverty.

Myth Making and Health: New York’s Health Commissioner myth was an alarming break with the reality of the real causes of poor health, but it played well. There was the ban on smoking in bars, the ban on serving trans fats, the constant hectoring about what we eat and how much of it, and the finger wagging about AIDS “complacency” and our failure to use condoms. There were the restaurant ...

Reality check: Palin’s speech | Barry! 04, 2008 · But it got no bids at all. It was sold offline. Experience She said – “There is much to like and admire about our opponent. But listening to him speak, it’s easy to forget that a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform — not even in the state senate.”

The Rude Pundit: The Supreme Court Is Wrong: Public Prayer ... 05, 2014 · Then the announcer said, "Please remain standing for a moment of silent prayer." Now, south Louisiana being mainly Catholic, it would inevitably involve most of the students bowing their heads, muttering the Lord's Prayer or some such shit, and then crossing themselves.

No Right Turn: Incompetent, trust-abusing muppets II 05, 2017 · A little over a year ago, the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security exposed the SIS as incompetent, trust-abusing muppets who had failed to safeguard the security and privacy of highly-sensitive vetting information. This wasn't just an abuse of the trust public servants applying for a security clearance placed in them - it was also a fundamental compromise of national security, in ...

The Rectification of Names: Adventures in marketing "artisanal egg sandwich" would be one assembled by artisans, a kind of folk sculpture if you know what I mean, in which the ingredients took second place to the totality; or perhaps one made with an artisanal egg, an idea I would prefer not to contemplate.Whereas what they surely meant to focus on was the (bogus) artisanal quality of the bread, "natural" Asiago cheese, and applewood "smoked ...

So true. - Blogger 02, 2015 · Okay well the graphic's a few days out of date now, but it still makes a very valid point. When was the last time that you heard anybody...

Jill Richardson: More on Obama's Upcoming Ag Appointments 04, 2008 · The Washington Post put out a short list for Obama's Secretary of Agriculture today. Emphasis on the word "short." The list we've been working with thus far is now down to three names. Including two BAD names: Charles Stenholm (Ag Whore), and Dennis Wolff (Evildoer). The third option is Kathleen Sebelius, Governor of Kansas. (Rep. John Salazar adds his own name to the list

The Rectification of Names: Truth terrorists Cheney Was Righter Than He Knew About the Ignorance of the American Voter and Karl Marx Was Absolutely Wrong About Abused (American) Workers Seeking to Revolutionarily Improve Their Lot (Lee Camp & Eleanor Goldfield Truthify) Zuckerberg Started Facebook to Insult Mean (To Him) Women and Men Who Didn't Mind Telling Him Their Intimate Life Details

Don’t Repeal — Finish What ACA Started | Coonsey's World 01, 2017 · For the 2010-2014 calendar years, the tax penalty was the greater of 1 percent of your household income above $10,000 or $95 per adult and $47.50 per child. Which would you rather have paid $95 or $2100-6025 for health ins coverage yr? For the 2015 calendar year, the tax penalty is $325.00 per uninsured adult and $162.50 for a noncompliant child.

The Voice of an Angel | The Pika of Caerbannog 18, 2009 · 2. This is a goosebump and/or tear-inducing performance. The depths of her passion, the power behind her notes—my God, she doesn’t take a breath for a whole stanza prior to belting out that crescendo! It is a truly professional quality performance, delivered on the spot, having never performed in front of a large audience.

Climate Change: The Next Generation: The Year in Elizabeth ... we see records being broken and unprecedented events such as this, the onus is on those who deny any connection to climate change to prove their case.

The Howdygram 2: Heckle & Jeckle’s dirty little secrets. 08, 2014 · This is pure “click bait,” everybody, mostly because a post I wrote for the original Howdygram back in March 2012 is consistently the highest-ranking search topic that I get week after week after week so I thought I’d try to drum up the same level of traffic for my new NOT BEIGE Howdygram 2. Everybody searches for Heckle & Jeckle. EVERYBODY. And this includes Howdygram …

Lilac Wine: my grandma, my hero 20, 2009 · Grandma went on to nursing school and became a nurse in her 40's. She retired in her 70's. My Mom had recently bumped into two nurses with whom my Grandma worked at a local nursing home. These ladies went on and on to Mom about how my Grandma was the best nurse they ever had and how hard working she was.

Oh no! Coyotes have joined the Animal Terrorist League! 08, 2007 · Along with squirrels, raccoons, badgers and all, coyotes have joined the pack!: PHOENIX -- Wary customers at North Valley grocery stores keep a watchful eye after several shoppers were recently threatened by three brazen coyotes.. The animals were killed after they were trying to snatch white grocery bags from customers at a Fry's supermarket at Tatum Road and Cave Creek Road.

Ordinary Guy: Raising Kids on Love it seems to me that love raises the best kids. That’s it. Love. Sunday night we had over a big bunch of work friends. Officially it was to celebrate the new DVD series Heidi Mills put together which documents the history and growth of the Center for Inquiry, our marvelous little school in Columbia, SC.

America’s Education Spring Goes Mainstream – Education ... this year, spontaneous rebellions against top-down mandates and budget cuts inflicted on public schools erupted around the nation. In a months-long Education Spring, students, parents, teachers and community activists staged boisterous rallies, street demonstrations, school walkouts, test boycotts, and other actions to protest government austerity and top-down “accountability ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2009 · So now we know two things: Palin's addiction to attention is leading her to reach desperately for a fix every few days (last week it was the TV appearance with Shatner, next week it'll be God knows), and Palin is going to be tapping teabaggism for material. I'm surprised she wasn't wearing a "blood of tyrants" T-shirt -- y'know, in an incognito ...

Tag: Let’s Talk Native - Jed 22, 2011 · This is a merger of the highest social order in New York, renewing the notion that Catsimatidis will take a shot at becoming the next billionaire mayor of New York City, a hope that had been dashed when current Mayor Michael Bloomberg decided to run for a third term.

America’s 'Education Spring' Goes Mainstream | OurFuture ... 17, 2013 · With a new school year in session, there is widespread evidence that America's Education Spring is affecting voters at the ballot box, lawmakers in state capitals, and policy administrators carrying...

Noise Bazaar: Triangle Brewing Company inside of the warehouse is almost completely bare except for a couple ping pong tables, a Daytona 500 arcade game, a bar and, of course, a room full of fermenters. Now we're talking. Every other Saturday, the two-year-old Durham craft-brewery holds tours and free tastings for anyone willing to brave the more questionable parts of the city.

Rising Hegemon : Profiles in being Discouraged in being Discouraged Let them not be able to afford cake to eat! Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Sunday he opposes extending unemployment benefits for workers, arguing that it would be a "disservice" to jobless individuals.

The Rectification of Names: Lie like a Trump to Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) on NPR, who argues how the #MuslimBan isn't a Muslim ban because there are 40 Muslim-majority countries that aren't on it, and wishing as usual that somebody would explain: just because it will fail to ban most Muslims doesn't mean it's not a Muslim ban; it's just an ineffective one—it's aimed more at gratifying Trump's fans and giving the false ...

Evey Hammond | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

How Is The FairTax Fair? | The Lunch Counter 19, 2017 · Here’s what the critics don’t tell you, or don’t know about. There is NO TAX on used items, including a car, motorcycle, boat, or house sold that was not bought by the ORIGINAL owner. The sales tax is ONLY for NEW items purchased for the FIRST TIME. Fair thing is, this applies the same to everyone, at all income levels.

classified information Archives - Tickle The obtained by The Young Turks show the anti-leak department was created during the first year of President Trump’s administration. “By law, the FBI is the lead federal agency responsible for the investigation of violations of the espionage laws of the United States,” reads the “Functions and Mission Statement” section of a ...

Elizabeth Warren is on our side! | Asheville 17, 2019 · Elizabeth Warren is on our side! Asheville Progressive Posted on March 17, 2019 by admin March 17, 2019 Think about all the time you spend on the internet — checking the news, shopping, catching up with old friends, reading emails like this one.

Ecological sanitation | Holy Shitters Poop John the First I am called on to look at things from an ass-forward, bottoms up, waste-end first … keep reading Category Ecological Sanitation , Environment , Sanitation | Tags: Ecological sanitation , Environment , Sanitation , urine reuse

Chasing New Horizons | Alan Stern | Macmillan New Horizons would be a ‘great read’ if it were fiction. But as a true story, it is impossible to resist. But as a true story, it is impossible to resist. From the Preface to the ‘Final Discovery’ of the Coda and through the Top-Ten Science Discoveries list in the Appendix, …

Polynesians in South (and North) America article is interesting from (h/t Kealoha): Popular history, and a familiar rhyme about Christopher Columbus, holds that Europeans made contact with the Americas in 1492, with some arguing that the explorer and his crew were the first outsiders to reach the New World.

William Horberg: Sports they win the Super Bowl on Sunday, it will be the first time for the Cardinals franchise since their dramatic victory in the 1947 NFL championship game. They left Chicago for Los Angeles in 1959, the year I was born, but I'll still be rooting for them, given their place in Chicago sports history, in the big game tomorrow. william

America Has More To Fear From The Right Than From The Left ... 05, 2010 · Many of my friends must be getting tired with my "babblings" about the subject of the "right" is far more dangerous than the "left", but it's one that I passionately believe and feel is a fact as I have a specific story to relate which reinforces my belief and concern. First a couple of other…

Anthony Galea | This Black Sista's Memorial Page on the news from 2009…and then some . Tying Tiger’s Tail to Doping • December 20, 2009 • Comments Off on Tying Tiger’s Tail to Doping Posted in Black People, Celebrities/Royals, Class, Crime, Health, Journalism and Ethics, Love, Mental Health/Psychology, People of Color, Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs), Race, Sexuality, Sports, Television, The Mainstream Media (MSM), Women

The Citizens: Cash For Clunkers Post that Isn't About SUVs 03, 2009 · Some friends of mine have two older cars, an old Acura Legend and a Blazer. They wanted to turn in the Legend, but it got 19 MPG and to qualify, it has to be 18 MPH and no older than 25 years. So they turned in their blazer for Prius. Good for them. Is that people don't understand, of is that they are missing things.

No Right Turn: Hope on the marriage bill 11, 2005 · This is good news, but it all hinges vitally on National having a free rather than a whipped vote. Katherine Rich and Simon Power are reportedly fighting hard for this, but it may depend on whether Don Brash is still drinking Murry McCully's kool-aid and wanting to pursue a strategy of cultural warfare against the "non-mainstream".

Why I Oughta... - Jake Parrillo'm Jake Parrillo. This is my website.

Maine's Question 1 - 03, 2009 · Re: (2009) Maine's Question 1 « Reply #17 on: September 03, 2009, 11:18:59 am » They've surely demonstrated that they can hire a signature gathering firm from Michigan and a campaign director from California, based in DC, who pay signature gatherers $2 for every signature they get.

Mammoth B of A to close Friday - Sierra Wave: Eastern ... many years of service to the Mammoth Lakes community, the Bank of America will shut its doors on Friday. That announcement came out after the first of the year. Colleen Haggerty of Bank of America Media Relations had said that after careful consideration, bank officials decided to close the long-time branch. She said such […]

Not Quite a Reputable Journal of Opinion: 2007-02-18 defeat, I am making good on my promise to buy my son a gun. Given the nature of the transaction, he can kind of get any gun he wants. Today, he showed me his choice.

BartCop's Subscriber Radio is the first non-Tommy show in over six months. All of it was mixed and edited by Ol' Bart, so it wouldn't hurt to do a few shots up front. Click Here to listen to Part 1 of Show 55 Click Here to download Part 1 of Show 55 30 minutes of Bart's expert news and comment

Brain Rage: World Trade Center Towers Collision Simulation 12, 2009 · The attacks on 9/11 were obviously a tragedy but that doesn't make the science involved any less interesting: National Geographic has a fascinating simulation of why the US World Trade Center towers collapsed after the planes hit them on September 11 2001.

Dawg's Blawg: A note on the gun registry 01, 2009 · But it's hard to quarrel with the statistics. --Ed.] There are nearly 7 million registered long-guns in Canada. Yet of 2,441 homicides recorded in Canada since mandatory long-gun registration was introduced in 2003, fewer than 2 percent (47) were committed with rifles and shotguns known to have been registered. (Canadian Centre for Justice ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Prince George making moves to ... 28, 2007 · Earlier this week we mentioned plans afoot in Prince George to make use of land surrounding the airport in that city, with a desire to set up Light Industrial development and take advantage of the soon to be operating (well once the dust settles on local north coast issues we guess) Fairview container port. The Prince George Citizen posted a story to its website today that shows that …

The Union News.: Head Start workers decertify SEIU 06, 2008 · "A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

Chasing New Horizons, Inside the Epic First Mission to ... New Horizons would be a 'great read' if it were fiction. But as a true story, it is impossible to resist. From the Preface to the 'Final Discovery' of the Coda and through the Top-Ten Science Discoveries list in the Appendix, a book for science readers to savor." - …

Lost in the Ozone...: Biologists Fight Erosion in Jamaica ... is the new hope for the bay's future. The island's picturesque shores are covered in clam shells and frequented by sea gulls, but its current form is almost entirely man-made - just like the capped landfill towering above the bay's northern shore.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2009-11-29 is the President who stood up to the military and demanded a strategy with a beginning and an end--he denies open-ended commitments that military leaders adore, or that questionable leaders abroad look for, all the better to soak the U.S. for all it's worth. Of course just the first step--there will likely be difficult tests ahead.

No More Mister Nice Blog: MITCH McCONNELL DOESN'T SEEM ... 08, 2016 · They can call it "TrinityCare" not only after the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost - and giving it a "Christian" cover - they can provide a subtext that an ENTIRELY new program designed by Mitch's Senate, Ryan's House, and Hair Furor, Heil t-RUMP! The rubes don't know what's in PPACA, so they could fall for this easily! 9:42 AM

Noise Bazaar: DTH Censorship?? is not being hands-on, trying to stifle dissenting voices. Sure, an editor for straight news gets to choose what stories should be reported and run based on space and newsworthiness, but it works a little differently on the Op-Ed page. An editor doesn't get to choose what gets to be run based on how controversial it is.

BOHEMIAN adventures: slam dunk\Bo*he"mi*an\: * A nonconformist writer or artist who lives an unconventional life. * Bohemia is a district ... bordered on the north by cold, on the west by hunger, on the south by love, and on the east by hope.

THE CUP OF JOE: Super Bowl Prediction it will be a good game. Both teams have good ball-handling skills. Both teams have wide receivers with great hands and a deft touch. Both teams have running backs who can really burst through once the offensive line gives them a nice hole.

Kung Fu Monkey: 10/1/06 - 10/8/06 look, there's even a plotline using a series of pictures as a narrative device. They are called, in the underground, 'co-mic book-es.'" However, as my friend DJ points out, for those audience members who are not of the Initiates -- which would be 99.99999% of the TV audience -- pretty fresh, and a …

The Banterer: You Suck, sir! 06, 2008 · THE BANTERER My interests lie in creating a better society and a better world. They do go hand in hand and we must all keep this in mind. As George Soros said, "There is a reality beyond our will and we must respect it if we want to succeed."

Cecile Pineda's blog : NO FREE PASS FOR THE PASSOVER MASSACRE the exception of MSNBC, the U.S. mainstream has put a block on any reports of what is happening in Palestine. As of today, Popular Resistance reports that as of the second week of Palestinian protest, Israeli forces have killed a total of 29 Palestinians, including the 21 during and after the March 30 protests, which wounded more than 1600 more.

FunctionalAmbivalent: The Criminal Mind happens every year around Christmas: Cops invite criminals on the lam to a too-good-to-be-true shindig, where they're rounded up en masse and hauled off to the pokey. This time, it was in Chicago:. Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart said Sunday that the suspects were invited to take a retailers' survey for holiday shoppers at a hotel earlier this month.

The Chicago Blizzard of 1999 | RandomCha 01, 2011 · Justin and I didn’t know what we were going to do for New Year’s Eve. He was only 19, so going to a bar was out of the question—not that I wanted to do that. Jack had invited us to a party in the neighborhood that he was going to, but I knew that I wouldn’t know anyone else there and didn’t think it would be much fun.

arrest Archives - Oppression Monitor Daily November of 2013, a $10 million federal lawsuit was filed against the department claiming that the problem of brutality within the Bridgeport police department is systemic and police officials closed their eyes to a rampage by three rogue officers allowing them to leave a nearly two-year trail of abuse and brutality.

Trump Ignores Reporters' Questions About Michael Flynn 01, 2017 · Trump has told associates he is troubled by the situation, but he has not said whether he plans to ask Flynn to step down, according to a person who spoke with him recently. Flynn was a loyal Trump supporter during the campaign, but he is viewed skeptically by some in the administration’s national security circles, in part because of his ties ...

Washington Wrap - CBS News 28, 2003 · The letter was also e-mailed to a group of potential donors. In addition, the campaign has been asking for donations on its Web site. ... In the first week, they raised $25,252 from 118 donors, an ...

California Labor Convention Builds Power for Workers ... first day of the convention was focused on economic power through organizing. We heard a powerful speech from SEIU President Mary Kay Henry, who talked about the labor movement’s role in giving fast-food workers, child care workers and other low-wage workers a fair shot at the American Dream.

PBS News Hour: 2020 Candidate Stands - OnTheIssues News Hour: 2020 Candidate Stands , dated 2020-06, excerpts by Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris and others, Tired of media reports of fundraising and poll results instead of policy issues? At, you can see the view of every candidate on every issue.

Mike Huckabee & Glenn Beck are right-wing con artists: How ... Huckabee & Glenn Beck are right-wing con artists: How conservative icons are stoking fear & getting filthy rich "The American conserva...

Quick Post: How quickly we forget - Blogger 19, 2011 · Good Ole Ricardo Patton was in his first year as full-time CU head coach in the 1996-97 season (aka "the Billups Year") when CU ran to a 6-0 conference start. The qualifier in this case is full-time. He served as interim head coach for a stint the previous year before being having the interim tag ripped off just prior to the final Big 8 ...

Revealed! Osama Bin Laden Was Blind In One Eye ~ " Century ... 28, 2012 · Islamist leader Osama bin Laden was blind in one eye, according to his successor at the head of terrorist network al-Qaeda. Ayman al-...

Lost in the Ozone...: NY Times - Uninvited Guests, and the ... 24, 2007 · According to a joint city-federal study released in August, the Jamaica Bay marshlands are vanishing at the rate of 33 acres a year and will be mostly gone by 2012 unless something is done. No owner or government agency has come to remove the barges.

Moonbattery Open Thread - Moonbattery 12, 2017 · In his comments, Gore equated the fight against global warming to a religious-based, moral crusade similar to the civil rights fight, women’s suffrage, and the abolitionist movement during the Civil War era. Gore insisted that it is a moral imperative to fight against climate change.

prison sentencing Archives - Oppression Monitor Daily Daniel had been held pre-trial in Coosa County Jail in Alabama since 2017. A month ago, she gave birth to baby boy. Since she has no memory of having sex while incarcerated, her lawyers believe she was raped by a jail employee while unconscious.

Advance Indiana™: A Case For Voter ID? 25, 2007 · According to a website supporting Gordon's challenge, this will be the first time in Chicago history a recount has been conducted in a Chicago aldermanic race based on voter fraud. In a June 9 letter to the editor published in the Chicago Sun-Times, Gordon explained the election contest:

PolitiFact Bias: Evidence of PolitiFact's bias? The ... 05, 2017 · On Dec. 23, 2016, we published our review of the first part of Matthew Shapiro's evaluation of PolitiFact. This post will cover Shapiro's second installment in that series. The second part of Shapiro's series showed little reliance …

Trump’s Fraudulent Infrastructure Scam | Bill's Links And More president – who ostensibly has access to a vast, multi-billion-dollar intelligence apparatus, providing him with almost limitless amounts of vetted information – was apparently relying on something he saw on Fox News…” Tracing the Trump White House’s year of permanent scandal article from NBC News.

December 2008 – FortLeft 31, 2008 · From Germany to Belgium, couples must take God-free marriage vows in city hall — and only afterward, if they so choose, may they walk to a church, synagogue or mosque for a second wedding. Europeans are often shocked to find that, in the United States, ministers, rabbis, imams and priests can wave the magic wands of both church and state at ...

Ruth Institute Blog » Eugenics the spring of 1983, President Ronald Reagan did something highly unusual for a sitting president. He wrote and published an unsolicited article in The Human Life Review, titled “Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation.”In it, he denounced the “raw judicial power” by which the Supreme Court had dispossessed the unborn of their inalienable right to life in the Roe v.

bastet: del martin and phyllis lyon - a love story 08, 2008 · del martin (right, all photos) and phyllis lyon (left, all photos) met in 1950, and were committed partners by 1953, living in san francisco. in 1955 they formed the first major lesbian organization in the united states, the daughters …

Reverend Dan's Music For Nimrods: August 2010 30, 2010 · Not sure why, but my interest was piqued enough to make the effort to tune in. His three hour show goes out on the Los Angeles station KXLU at 3am on Saturday (which after a few weeks of missing the first hour i realised is 11AM Glasgow time) so i had to rouse early and take my place hunched over the PC in my underwear.

Merry Christmas to Bill O'Reilly | Bud Meyers 25, 2012 · The first definition refers to people like myself, those who worked for 35 years paying Social Security taxes on 100% of their income before eventually becoming disabled and were no longer able to financially support themselves. They had an expectation that, just like with an insurance policy, they would be entitled to a disability income.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: An inconvenient portfolio 28, 2007 · Much is being made this weekend over a disclosure about Premier Gordon Campbell's personal finances, as it turns out that both he and his wife Nancy, have (or had) investment portfolios that consisted of an undisclosed number of shares in stock of Alcan Incorporated. For the Premiers part he said on Friday that his shares in Alcan were sold by …

view from the thirteenth floor: October 2018 10, 2018 · i had noticed these two early on --- the humane society wouldn't split them up, because they had lived together for so long before they got there, and as a result they had been there awhile --- i thought they had mary's name on them from the start, since she just lost her two sister dogs, one brown, one black --- i figured she wasn't ready, but i sent her some pics and, …

Half & Half Drag - blog.cyrstistransgendercondo.com the Huffington Post: In his Half Drag series, New York photographer Leland Bobbe' captured the the two sides of some of the city's drag queens. For a larger sample go here!

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: When Spin is Just Wrong 07, 2006 · There are times when "spin" is not a tactic. There are times when it's just plain wrong. Now, according to CNN, Mark Foley wants us all to know that he is (1) gay and (2) he was molested by a clergy person as a teen.He wants us to believe that he is making this announcement to the press because it serves some purpose in his treatment.

Rand Paul: Like Father, Like Son | Bud Meyers 21, 2015 · Rand Paul proposes a 14.5 percent flat tax that would apply equally to all personal income, including wages, salaries, dividends, capital gains, rents and interest (and there would be no payroll taxes to fund Medicare and Social Security) — as well as 14.5% corporate tax rate on business income. His plan will cut government spending by $2 trillion (or "save" the …

The Immoral Minority: Donald and Melania Trump are ... 04, 2017 · Now we have had the Mooch, Nugent, Palin, Bannon and a president eliminating the NEA blowing millions to get attention to his properties and line his pockets calling the White House a dump. This is a fucking nightmare presidential administration.

Arfee the Black Lab : The Cop Shot Heard 'Round the World 12, 2014 · "While investigating the van, as the officer approached along the driver's side, a vicious pit bull lunged from the open driver's side window toward the officer's face, according to a Coeur d'Alene Police press release." As the story has gone viral, it's painfully clear that: A, the dog was a …

Surviving Capitalism (Not) -- a selection of the most ... 11, 2015 · That’s more than twice as much carbon as there is in the atmosphere itself, according to a 2013 report from the National Academy of Sciences. And as the climate warms under its growing blanket of human-generated greenhouse gases, thawing permafrost could release some of …

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective . ... In his eulogy, Ramaphosa called Madikizela-Mandela proud, strong, brave and articulate. ... banished to a remote town in another province. As the violence of the apartheid authorities reached new intensity, Madikizela-Mandela was drawn into a world of internecine betrayal, reprisals and atrocity.

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com have warned that the Florida grasshopper sparrow is the most likely candidate to become the first US bird to go extinct in more than 30 years. Once a regular sight in central Florida, the species has entered a steep decline since the 1970s as the …

Chosen Ones -- Lectionary Reflection for Easter As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. 10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. 11 I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. 12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

On Being Notorious...: 12/8/13 - 12/15/13 it or not, USA Today published a powerful article by Oliver Thomas, a member of its Board of Contributors, acknowledging that the latest PISA rankings reflect the crisis of poverty in the United States. Our Students in low-poverty schools are doing fine; some analyses place them at the very top. But the more poverty, the lower the test scores.

The Wild Reed: Remembering Julian Bond, 1940-2015 ... 17, 2015 · I was saddened to hear the news yesterday of the death of Julian Bond, the iconic civil rights pioneer and founder of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), an organization for which he served as chairman for ten years. Bond was also a co-founder and the first president of the Southern Poverty Law Center in 1971, and the chairman of the National Association for the …

Nikki's Nest: Culture of Violence anticipated, I have immediately been labeled "anti-Christian" after posting the story below. This is pretty run-of-the-mill for any of us...

Short Sharp Shock.: Gun control in America: The new war 02, 2013 · As bad as the single tragedy of 9/11 was, between the Newtown murders and now, we’ve lost 11 times more Americans to gun violence (antagonistic or self-inflicted) than we lost on 9/11. As gradually horrific as the Vietnam War was to this country, we lose as many Americans to gun violence in two years as we lost in the 10 years of U.S ...

TommyWonk: December 30, 2010 · A disaster as large as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico cannot be remediated through the courts – but we can still sue the bastards. This is America, after all. While the suit may take years to wind its way through the courts, it has already had an effect on BP: BP's shares fell 3% on the news of the lawsuit.

Paragraphs On Padre Boulevard More than a Bookstore ... 31, 2010 · 5505 Padre Blvd., South Padre Island, TX 78597 956-433-5057

Women Are Incubators? Or Cattle? | BroadBlogs 15, 2017 · And a fertilized egg is not equivalent to a human being. If a fire broke out at a stem cell research lab and someone had to choose between saving one two-year-old child Worth thousands of fertilized eggs (people) because they couldn’t save both, I guess you would save the vats of fertilized eggs and let the child die in the fire.

The Inside, a maker of so-called fast furniture, lands $1 Inside, a maker of so-called fast furniture, lands $1.5 million from Forerunner. Seventeen years ago, Christiane Lemieux created DwellStudio, a popular catalog and e-retailer that built one brick-and-mortar store in SoHo before getting acquired for undisclosed terms in 2013 by the online store Wayfair.

Asymmetric \(k\) -Means Clustering of the Asymmetric Self ... 19, 2015 · An asymmetric approach to clustering of the asymmetric self-organizing map is proposed. The clustering is performed using an improved asymmetric version of the well-known \(k\)-means algorithm.The improved asymmetric \(k\)-means algorithm is the second proposal of this paper.As a result, we obtain a two-stage fully asymmetric data analysis technique.

Barack and Michelle Obama | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Short Sharp Shock.: Waterboarding America: Trump’s days of ... 11, 2017 · Peter Maass wrote in The Intercept on Jan. 31: “The order, which did not go through a normal review process, caused chaos and heartbreak at airports in the United States and around the world, where refugees with valid visas were turned back without warning, and even holders of green cards were detained.” As a result, Maass reports, “Hundreds of diplomats at the State Department are ...

Into the Breach: 08/01/2017 - 09/01/2017's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.--Frederick Douglass. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.--John A. Shedd. In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. --Iroquois Confederacy Maxim

The Commonwealth Iconoclast: November 2006 27, 2006 · The new felony counts, if they were to have stuck, would have resulted in up to 20 years in prison and a $200,000 fine. As bad as the mindemeanor convictions were, convictions on the new felony charges would have been indeed very bad news for the long time Greene County Administrator.

Eschaton: 08/12/2012 - 08/19/2012 is the type of thing he thinks is deserving of taxpayer subsidies. Over lunch at the Mussel Bar by Robert Wiedmaier - $22 burger and $6 Coors Light for Jim, $20 fish and chips for Dena - the couple confirmed my hunches. Revel may be suffering from its own excesses and for …

Paper: Persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Rhesus ... 12, 2012 · For the first round, a total of 7, 8, and 11 ticks, respectively, fed on the treated animals, whereas only 5 ticks fed on each of the untreated animals (Table S2). Tick midguts were split into 3 parts for culture, direct fluorescence and for DNA extraction.

Things You Don't Talk About in Polite Company: 01/01/2006 ... 31, 2006 · To favor one of the other is to render the person incomplete. Eros viewed purely as sex reduces humanity to a view of the body as commodity. 6) The change in usage of the word for love within Song of Songs gives a view of love as the result of maturation and growth, as a sacrificing love and not as a state of happiness.

Delight Springs: August 2018 31, 2018 · Tom Clark, a prolific and empathetic lyric poet who hitchhiked across England with Allen Ginsberg, wrote a biography of Jack Kerouac, served as the poetry editor of The Paris Review and wrote verse about baseball, died on Aug. 18 in Oakland, Calif.He was 77. His wife, Angelica, said he died in a hospital a day after he was struck by a car while crossing a street three blocks from their house ...

RAGGED THOTS: 05/05/2002 feeling conveyed is obvious. Comic books — especially the superhero trope — are a unique part of Americana and the blue-red-webbed hero is part of that tradition. The scene is reminiscent of the end of the first Superman movie as the Man of Steel flies off holding a flagpole with Old Glory unfurled.

Big Education Ape: Feb 25, 2013 was a meeting last week at the Radical Women center for the Crenshaw Cougar Coalition to discuss how to address the attack on Crenshaw High School by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and its proposed reconstitution of the school. Although Beatriz Paez, who chaired the meeting, said they were interested in formulating a plan to address the proposed reconstitution, along ...

Quarx: November 2014 is known, in legal circles and to us Social Justice Warriors and feminazis, as rape.) September, 2008 Pamela Gay Gay has recounted in several places, without naming names, a story that while being introduced to Michael Shermer at Dragon*Con in 2008, he made a drunken lunge at her breasts instead of shaking her hand.

On Being Notorious...: 3/4/12 - 3/11/12 10, 2012 · Since humans and our human ancestors have been on Earth, average global temperatures have never been 3 °C warmer than now. In the next 100 years our children will be the first people ever to experience that kind of climate But, perhaps Mr. Perry is thinking he’d like to live in a climate eons ago, closer to when the Earth was formed.

Vagabond Scholar: September 2006 03, 2006 · September 23-30 is Banned Books Week, as observed by the American Library Association.Here’s their key press release, from 3/7/06: “It's Perfectly Normal” tops ALA's 2005 list of most challenged books CHICAGO – One of the most frequently challenged authors of the past decade has two books on the American Library Association's (ALA) list of the most frequently challenged …

Donkey Path: January 2012 20, 2012 · One of the problems with today's business world is the number of ethically challenged people who are allowed to rise to the executive suite in the first place. In Bloomberg , William D. Cohan has an article that discusses a theory by Clive R. Boddy about Wall Street psychopaths:

No Right Turn: The disappointment of winning 08, 2014 · The Greens announced their healthy homes policy today, promising a warrant of fitness for rental housing and funding to insulate 200,000 homes. And my initial reaction was "meh, Labour and National are offering this too". Which is a sign of how conclusively the Greens have won this policy argument, and convinced everyone.

On Transmigration: About Things Out of Place Things Out of Place ... As I drove away from the storage lot I was both relieved and a little sad, but it's all for the best and I am half way closer to being free of the added expense of renting the unit. ... of books that were inaccessible before can be retrieved and delivered to the thrift store for sale with the money going to a good ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: From the Smoking Gun TV files 26, 2007 · If you wish to comment on any of our posts, feel free to use the comments section underneath each post, and while we welcome the expression of debate and opinion, keep in mind that all comments will however be moderated.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Are you ready for Election 2011? St ... 07, 2011 · The city's GOP will hold precinct caucuses later this month and a convention to endorse school board candidates in early March. IRV replaces the primary — but it only affects the city council. If enough candidates run for the four school board seats, the field will be winnowed in a primary that likely would draw low attendance.

Nothing is Impossible for God -- An Advent 18, 2011 · Nothing is Impossible for God -- An Advent Sermon ... Luke doesn’t say much about Joseph’s feelings or concerns about the birth, but it’s likely that Joseph was at least a decade older than Mary, and in making the marriage arrangements, it’s likely that Mary’s parents would have promised Joseph that his young bride was a virgin ...

officer Archives - Oppression Monitor Daily audio from moments after the police shooting of Akai Gurley by officer Peter Liang at the Pink Houses in Brooklyn. Melissa Butler can be heard describing the scene and given instructions to …

Set in Stone – The Life of Things 27, 2017 · A rosary that was my mother’s tucked in the glove compartment of his car and a copy of Exile on Main Street with instructions to play track 6 when he hit some lonesome desert highway. I love him so much my chest hurts, thinking of …

Nothing Better to Do: Johnny Buccelli's Buccelli's is a fast-casual comfort food spot with two locations in Columbus. It specializes in sandwiches, salads, pizza and pasta. It specializes in sandwiches, salads, pizza and pasta. It is definitely not a vegetarian-specific restaurant, but Johnny B's offers a few tasty and fairly-priced vegetarian items on their menu .

Not Quite a Reputable Journal of Opinion: 2008-11-16 22, 2008 · The anesthetic wore off after 2 and half, I got renumbed but it only last another other hour. After that, it didn't really work at all. After that, it didn't really work at all. As was explained to me afterwards, when one's gums are infected, they are highly resistant to pain killers.

Delaware Way: The Truth Will Out! General Assembly Will ... the inbox ~ (CRI) Lee Williams reports ~ Joint hearings will be held within two weeks, and open to the public. The chair of the House Banking and Insurance Committee announced Thursday he wants Delaware Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart to publically [OUCH - for real -Lee Williams still needs an editor] answer allegations of impropriety that were raised … A New Surprise Benefit of Cutting Lead ... 14, 2014 · As Kevin Drum reports at Mother Jones, a new study is connecting lower levels of childhood lead exposure to a later drop in the teen pregnancy rate: For years conservatives bemoaned the problem of risky and violent behavior among children and teens of the post-60s era, mostly blaming it on the breakdown of the family and a general decline in ...

The Zaftig Redhead: The Top 15 Barack Obama Quotes 07, 2009 · The Top 15 Barack Obama Quotes I found this on the Blog for Change , a blog devoted to Obama news. Not sure how the top 15 quotes were decided, but it's fun to read regardless -- on this eve of the Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States.

Hyundai's Hydrogen Semi Truck Idea Is Developed to Take on ... 29, 2019 · Hyundai rolled out its notion for a hydrogen-driven semi that is designed to meet up with both equally U.S. and European laws. The powertrain requires a number of yrs to get up to speed, but the Neptune could arrive in 2023. Hyundai by now sells two hydrogen gas-mobile passenger vehicles in the U.S. current market, the Tucson and the Nexo.

read my mind: Having a Smart Phone May Not Be So Smart! fact more than half of us admit to suffering from 'nomophobia' - an intense fear of being without a mobile phone, according to a 2013 OnePoll survey. The reality, though, is there are plenty more ways to feel connected with the world around us - and being 'switched off' for a while could actually give you precious time to relax and recharge.

Energy Self-Reliance in 10, 2013 · A formatted copy of this post is available here. (PDF - 483kB) Photo by Katherine Minott. I recently provided expert witness testimony to the New Mexico Senate Conservation Committee for a bill to ban the spread of a controversial method of oil and gas extraction known as high-volume hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking.". New Mexico is still highly reliant on …

Get Off This!: July 2011 it does not work for people. The 1776 Declaration of Independence stated that when a long train of abuses by those in power evidence a design to reduce the rights of people to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it is the peoples right, in fact their duty to engage in a revolution.

Hbee Inc. » it’s not. According to this person, you have to have additional problems to overcome. I’m not clear what those would be nor did I ask. I’m guessing that a black, quadriplegic heroin addict might garner her sympathy. Maybe. That might still not be enough. To quote her again: It’s easier to relate to an average Joe than to a celebrity.

New Round of USCCB Fortnight for Freedom Bashes Starts on ... 08, 2013 · This evening, that nice bishop-man Mr. Lori gon' start a big shebang for freedom, child, up in Baltimore, Maryland.Here, let him 'splain it all to you in this t.v. show. Just listen: Mr. Lori says it's all 'bout equality.Freedom's based on equality, that nice man says in this t.v. clip. Equality for all.Here's how Mr. Lori says it,

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: St. Paul policing program tackles ... 21, 2010 · One strategy is focusing on crimes that might seem like small problems but appear to get under people's skin, he said. When GRID started, police sent surveys to residents, and "a lot of what we got back was about quality-of-life crimes," …

Veterans Day 2017 – Paul's 10, 2017 · After refueling and a 2 v 2 air combat training fight in a nearby working area, I led my flight to King Salmon Air Force Station in the western part of the state, where we landed and debriefed. Later that day we took off from King Salmon, refueled again, had another 2 v 2, and landed back at Elmendorf to debrief.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: In My Easter Bunker 10, 2020 · Big Bad Bald Bastard The Big Bad Bald Bastard is a character played by Monsieur _____ of the City of Y_____. The role of the Bastard is a handy one to play on subways, walking the streets, and in dive-bars, when being a nerdy, bookish sort is not to one's advantage.

The Purple Center: Day 6 in Iran: Protesters defy Khamenei ... 01, 2009 · Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy. Most foreign reporters have been kicked out of Iran, but BBC has video of Thursday's protest march in Tehran here. It's Day 6 in Iran, and the opposition once again defied the regime and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and turned out in force to protest and mourn the deaths of at …

The Whited Sepulchre: Why Marijuana Users Tend To Be ... my rant (in which I also had the honor of introducing the Libertarian Party's Vice-Presidential candidate Judge Jim Gray to the crowd), we spent a lot of time at our booth handing out LP literature, and encouraging a large crowd of marijuana consumers to take the Nolan Quiz.

NRR Radio Shows: After Show Links & Show Notes Friday“I wonder if ever again Americans can have that experience of returning to a home place so intimately known, profoundly felt, deeply loved, and absolutely submitted to? It is not quite true that you can't go home again. I have done it, coming back here. But it gets less likely.

Dawg's Blawg (Blog): Balbulican Slivers of Victoria Day Trivia, and a Song; May 22, 2011 Kicking 'em When They're Down; December 5, 2010 The World's Funniest Airline Comments (4) December 4, 2010 Shall We Remove The Twist From Our Lefty Knickers? Comments (85) December 1, 2010 Live Theatre - Not Quite Dead Yet Comments (2) November 28, 2010 Debunking the Fat Cat Chiefs Story

Big Education Ape: Mar 8, 2014 addition, t he organization is decentralizing, allowing for a new age of experimentation. Off hand, this seems positive. In my mind, just about anything would beat five-weeks of T.F.A. training. I can hardly wait though to see all the data that's run on the guinea pigs, I mean, recruits and their students.

Tucson lacks "the vision thing" but proposed charter ... early 2010, seven of these businesses were closed or relocated by a developer to make way for a trendy sports bar, whose owner was glorified in a Daily Star puff piece this week. While other cities are able to revitalize their downtowns ( 1 , 2 ), Tucson's beleaguered city core suffers from the fits and starts.

The Rude Pundit: Betsy DeVos Is Every Stupid Teacher You ... 03, 2018 · One is real and actual physical violence and a violation against the body." But DeVos is not rational or compassionate or smart. She is just full of conservative nonsense, so she said, " I don't know. I don't know. But I'm committed to a process that's fair for everyone involved."

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard is a singular voice there. Minorties do best on NPR when they don't act like minorities and even then, they tend to move on. Ray Suarez became an anchor on the News Hour. And let's consider the News Hour for a moment. Their second anchor is a black woman, the others are a hispanic man and a woman, and Red Smith' s Son Terry.

NCGASA DELTA ANGLERS COALITION ????????? ???? | … this pageBut it’s also a hot spot for invasive plants and predatory fishes, as well as a conduit for saltwater intrusion into waterways used to convey freshwater supplies to cities and agriculture in the Delta and other parts of California. For these reasons, Franks Tract is considered a strong candidate for partial restoration.

The Howdygram 2: From what I can tell, about 65% of NBC’s ... 01, 2018 · Hi-de-ho, people. It’s another cold, wet day in north Texas. We’ve got a full day of storms and heavy rain in the forecast … and the fun is expected to start around 10 a.m. (two hours from now) after Sam swings by our polling place to …

November’s Election | Dare To Dream 12, 2007 · Hopefully Fonce, Dean and Rucker, Warren's City Council at Large, were watching what happened in the 4th Ward and the election of Marti Morn to Council. When a three time incumbent can be beaten and get less than a hundred votes, those in office should take stock. The scenario is this: 1) Three at Large…

tcnorris: 06/01/2019 - 07/01/2019 05, 2019 · Trudeau the elder won three majorities, in the elections of 1968, 1974 and 1980, but in between he had a near miss in 1972, winning one more seat than the Tories (but continued to govern propped up by the NDP) and a minority loss to Joe Clark in 1979, overturned in 1980.

The Freudian Petticoat: September 2009 morning- eye blinkingly early - I'm going to take the 11 hour train from New York to Montréal. It will be my first time back in the city in two years, which is almost unbelievable to me, given that I still dream of Montréal and still think about myself as having come to the south from there, kind of as if I lived there longer than I actually did.

Frieddogleg: Words to Live By (Part 2)[Many thanks to Lambert Strether, a contributor at Naked Capitalism, for linking to my April 20th Saturday evening post (I know, I know) first thing on the following Monday morning, which caused a day-and-a-half-long flurry of activity on Frieddogleg (as recorded by my Feedjit Live Traffic Feed.)Nearly a week later, the ripples continue.]

X Curmudgeon: The Pointless NFL Network 31, 2007 · Still, the NFL insists that it's network should be placed on a par with other cable premium channels--and not relegated to a fee-based "sports tier." As part of their argument, the football heads at the NFL say, well there's a channel for women, and a channel for golf, and a channel for cartoons, etc. so why not a channel for football.

The Rectification of Names: For the Record: The Week in ... 20, 2017 · — Yulstreblyansky (@Yastreblyansky) December 20, 2017 Conservatives used to think of themselves as deeply suspicious of ideologies and dogmas, cautious and modest in their claims, bemusedly aware of the contradictions in the traditions they revered as you might be of a whimsical parent.

The Rude Pundit 07, 2011 · A Scene From Our Unshared Sacrifices: The old lady at the pharmacy counter obviously wore an adult diaper. That tell-tale sharp urine scent half-masked by sweet-smelling chemicals emanated from her, and the Rude Pundit stood right behind her yesterday, waiting to pick up the pills that prevent him from going on a five-state killing spree.

The Citizens: Why oh why? 06, 2006 · I disagreed, but it changed life here. ... Oh, and I learned that one was pulled over for a DUI, but claimed it was a misunderstanding because she was driving erratically due to a flat tire and any field sobriety would have been a problem because she is missing half a leg. Her speech may have seemed slurred because she has a slight Dutch accent.

Resistance Grows to LDS Church Attack on LGBTQIA Followers ... 24, 2015 · People gather for a mass resignation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Saturday, Nov. 14, 2015, in Salt Lake City. A day after the Mormon church stood behind its new rules targeting gay members and their children, while issuing clarifications, hundreds held a rally in Salt Lake City to protest their displeasure with the policy changes.

Moneypoll! The Pundits Vs. The Election-Data Nerds | TIME.com 31, 2012 · Moneypoll! The Pundits Vs. The Election-Data Nerds. The other big contest next Tuesday is between the pundits trying to analyze the election with their guts and a new breed of statistics gurus trying to forecast it with data.

Extension Method Documentation - Jonathan Pryor's web 3.0 adds a new language feature called extension methods. Extension methods allow the "addition" of new instance methods to any type, without modifying the type itself. This is extremely powerful, arguably crack-adled, and exists because Visual Studio users can't do …

MPHS Forum: Sexual Assault in the Military existence of sexual abuse in the military is undisputed and has persisted for generations. As women make up a growing percentage of the force and are being considered for combat assignments, the Pentagon may lack solid information on whether the problem is increasing or diminishing, said David Segal, a professor of sociology and director of the Center for Research on Military Organization ...

Progressive Alaska: Where Did Spring Go? said.... fork! guess not a good time to mention that i am supposed to hit 81 tomorrow at the little cottage by the creek in the redwoods remind me to mention it to ya when spring shows up again *ducking* April 26, 2008 at 12:53 AM red said.... thank you …

Hillary Clinton thinks $250,000 a year is "Middle-Class ... Sanders proposal includes a 2.2 percent across the board income tax and a 6.7 percent payroll tax for employers. The article cites another article at the Washington Post which says Hillary Clinton, for the first time in this campaign, is now committing to the same pledge Obama made: no new taxes on households earning under $250,000 a year.

solidaridad: Vielka McFarlane and Ben Austin orchestrate ... 12, 2010 · "We don't want to focus on how the history of the country has been checkered but on how do we dress for success..." — historical revisionist and Celerity CEO Vielka McFarlane on why she insists on hiding the history of Emmett Till's brutal murder at the hands of white supremacists. First read Teresa Watanabe and Howard Blume's obsequious homage to the corporate school privatizers in this story.

Israel and US Hide Names of Companies Supporting Israeli was a major factor behind the 46 percent decrease in foreign direct investment in Israel in 2014, according to a UN report. A World Bank report revealed that Palestinian imports from Israel dropped by 24 percent in the first quarter of 2015.

Al Jazeera America | Texas Leftist 16, 2014 · From Marisa Taylor of Al Jazeera America, here’s the latest news… For the first time in more than 30 years, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued guidance on Monday clarifying the terms of the federal pregnancy discrimination law, emphasizing that employers must offer their pregnant employees reasonable ...

#ClintonBodyCount .... | Page 2 | BlueWhiteIllustrated.com 14, 2019 · Actually they are doing them all over the place this year. Even in the minor leagues. Bill Walton who was and still is a fixture at any west coast shows threw out the first pitch in SD the other night. This is a single A team down in jersey for the Phillies.

Wall Calendars Turned Over To April 2016'm Jake Parrillo. This is my website.

Progressive Alaska: KUDO to Leave the Air Monday this evening, The Alaska Ear is going to announce the demise of that challenge to the sterility and lockstep far-right thinking that predominates southcentral Alaska's airwaves. KUDO-AM will be leaving the air after this weekend.Some programs will be taken up by other broadcast outlets in the local area. What started out as a hopeful dream by Alaska radio pioneer Rich McClear probably ...

Sidewalks/Streets/Subdivisions in Madison, AL are not safe ... 11, 2016 · If you want to know more about me, where I stand and what I stand for I invite you to read my writings at Left in Alabama for a historical perspective. Contact me [email protected] These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Canfor gives Mackenzie hope for the ... 27, 2007 · Canfor gives Mackenzie hope for the future Canfor has removed the cloud of uncertainty hanging over the town of Mackenzie since May, the BC forest company today announced that the sawmill in northeastern B. C. will remain open , working on a modified shift schedule and keeping over 300 Canfor employees on the job.

susan the bruce: Grade A Bunkum 22, 2017 · For the first time in recorded history, the House failed to pass a budget. The creation of a budget became the responsibility of the Senate. The Senate Finance Committee had the same hearings with various government agencies, interested parties, and a public hearing for voters.

The Whited Sepulchre: There's no way to rule innocent men 29, 2010 · said Dr. Ferris. "We want them broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against—then you'll know that not the age for beautiful gestures. We're after power and we mean it. You fellows were pikers, but we know the real trick, and you'd better get wise to it. There's no way to rule innocent men.

HUFFPOLLSTER: Most Of The Public Doesn't Want To See ... by a 6-point margin, 44 percent to 38 percent, those polled say that they’d oppose punishing people who burn the American flag by sentencing them to a year in jail.And a broad majority of Americans dislike the idea of stripping U.S. citizenship from those who burn the flag. Just 24 percent favor such an idea, while 58 percent oppose it.

Trump Cuts Emissions Standards While Accusing Homeless— from Truthout. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee’s lead protagonist, Scout, is forced to spend Christmas day with her spoiled, snotty, cravenly racist cousin Francis.Spending time with Francis, according to Scout, “gave me the sensation of settling slowly to the bottom of the ocean.” For many millions of people, the ceaseless vicissitudes of the Donald Trump experience, the serial ...

Mo Rage: Important article on "Stuxnet and the Year of the ... article on "Stuxnet and the Year of the Geek" --“I think Stuxnet the prime example of the modern, targeted cybermunition,” says (Rodney) Joffe. “It’s capable of being unleashed anonymously somewhere in the world, finding its way to a highly specific set of targets and then destroying them without risk to the attacker.

Alex Speaks: The Dutch say "no" to a grand coalition 22, 2006 · The Socialists appear to have won over 16 percent of the vote, an increase of over 10 percent. About half of Labor voters who appear to have shifted left to avoid a centrist coalition. Another interesting note is the emergence of the Party of Animals, the first explicitly animal-rights party to gain representation in a parliament, anywhere.

Giving Thanks and Going to BlogHer. | Morningside Mom 28, 2008 · A crazy kind of fortune fell into my lap a little while ago. I won an all expenses paid trip to this year's BlogHer conference in San Francisco. I know. It's absolutely unbelievable. I was completely caught off guard. And I have been sitting on this news for fear the other shoe might drop. I…

Active Neighboring News - Allen Neighborhood Center 04, 2011 · Dear Friends, Tai Chi in the GardenHouse is canceled this Saturday only, but lots else is happening! 1) New Take the Veggie Wagon Challenge 2) Boy Scout Badge Workshops at Fenner 3) Mid-MEAC’s Native Plant Landscaping on 2/4 4) New Three Offerings from Everybody Reads 5) Garden Leaders and Seed Starting 6) Jungle Love: […]

The Debate Link: Doubletalk from Ilhan Omar first statement focuses on why BDS is "counteractive" -- i.e., tactically ill-advisable -- without explicitly disavowing it. The second statement likewise acknowledges "reservations on the effectiveness of the movement" in the course of claiming to support it.

The Debate Link: And THIS is How You Repay Us? former premier of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad -- a key player in the red-brown-green alliance uniting over anti-Semitism-- got some negative press coverage recently for a speech in which, among other things, he said the following: Jews “had always been a problem in European countries. They had to be confined to ghettoes and periodically massacred.

September | 2011 | V B I reader characterized the first post as “anti-religious.” I don’t think that’s true, and in all honesty, I didn’t think to connect the two posts at all. “Religion is like a penis” seemed a novel and clever way to support the First Amendment while acknowledging there are limits to the freedom of expression.

Older Workers, Retirees, Disabled, Boomers and the ... of related to more students going on to higher education, as well as to a pattern where fewer high school and college student are looking for work. I do worry about this trend. For many folks of my generation, some evenings and summers spent in low-paid service jobs was part of our acculturation to the world of work.

Comprehensive Election Reactions Round Up – A Reference ... 15, 2008 · (The original post, with everything on one page was too long to load. Hopefully this will fix that.) Humor Just because there was a major election, people didn't stop being funny, though an inordinate amount of them were concerned about the future of The Daily Show. The Onion, was, as always on fire. Starting with…

Trump's Biggest Whoppers - Page 1078 - Off Topic Chit-Chat ... 03, 2018 · CNN's @DavidChalian after briefing: "Circle May 3rd on your calendar, because the day that we will look back on, in this briefing, where Sarah Sanders made it so painfully clear that she has lost credibility with the American people, with the reporters in that room."

Ililani Media: Hawai`i Senate Advances Resolution for 20, 2019 · The Hawai`i Department of the Attorney General “c autions that despite the resolution’s limited purpose of overturning Citizens United, this resolution, together with applications from two-thirds of the states, has the potential to expose all provisions of the United States Constitution to amendment or repeal. This could possibly jeopardize protections of free speech; the protections ...

Baby Love Child » California AB 372- the CARE-tastrophe how the bill’s “supporters” are interpreting current events, I’d say CARE has a rocky road ahead of it. The full text of CA AB 372 as introduced can be found on the California Open page. Read it and judge for yourself, but simply put, it is not by any stretch a clean open records bill.

South Atlantic U.S. Offshore Drilling News Monitoring ... 14, 2020 · The Energy 202: This is New Jersey’s plan to become ‘the Houston of American offshore wind’ with Paulina Firozi New Jersey wants to be the capital of the offshore wind energy industry. So it is building a giant port. Gov. Phil Murphy (D) announced on Tuesday that his state will stage construction for the colossal turbines that may one day ...

Ann Powers (@annp55) | Twitter 03, 2018 · The latest Tweets from Ann Powers (@annp55). phillygirllivingCAFollowers: 51

Bye Bye Democracy!: 5 Colorado deputies shot, 1 fatally 05, 2017 · DENVER (AP) — A man fired more than 100 rounds at sheriff's deputies in Colorado early Sunday, killing one and injuring four others, before being fatally shot himself in what authorities called an ambush. Two civilians were also injured. Douglas County Sheriff Tony Spurlock (left) said deputies came under fire almost immediately after entering a suburban Denver apartment and trying …

American Axle strikers face a cruel police force, WTF is ... 25, 2008 · This is the 2nd incident with Detroit Police; police represented by a union as well. The first incident happened earlier in the strike. Traditional media barely works. They haven't been covering this, at all. But that means that WE have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of American Axle workers. Our neighbors, friends, countrymen.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast presents: Sold ... I brought Bimmer #5 -- a 1986 325e -- on down to the local shop for a ball joint, new O2 Sensor and race exhaust install prior to a Jim Conforti chip, a good old-fashioned detailing and a pair of new 325i sport seats.It is my first E30, which is kind of funny because I used to …

More Pictures from Ghana | Mirror On America 09, 2009 · US President Barack Obama tours the La General Hospital in Accra on July 11, 2009. The visit marks Obama's first to subsaharan African as President. Huge crowds lined the streets of Accra hoping to catch a glimpse of the first Black US President, the son of an African immigrant, after he arrived from the Group of Eight summit in Italy.

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2005 · THE FIRST M.B.A. PRESIDENT It looked for a whil... EVIL IS EVERYWHERE The still-accelerating decis... From an article that ran yesterday in The New York... AP story: White House Stands Behind Rove Comments ... Something I hadn't noticed until just now: As a ... Fox News focuses on a less-remarked-upon aspect of...

The Howdygram 2: I’d hate to lose control of my nipples. I ... 10, 2020 · The brain is the first thing to go. (I’ll bet nipples are probably second, but I’d HATE to lose control of my nipples. I’m so fond of them!) However, regarding the previous topic, if you could explain this sentence to me I would be eternally grateful: “Muely watering eyes from a …

The Florida Masochist: Something fishy in Hollywood Florida? 10, 2005 · Take the raging case of the Mach family, whose commercial property the city wants to take through a forced sale for a 19-story condominium project on Young Circle. The city commission, by a 5-2 vote, has chosen to go the eminent domain route, spending plenty in taxpayer money, because the developer and the family couldn't agree on a sale price.

News Cycle: Newsday to Charge $260 Annually to Access Website 22, 2009 · Newsday is the first major newspaper to take this step. Every newspaper in the country has been struggling with lost revenues in print advertising, citing the fact that more people are going to their websites to access news and information than paying for a print version.

I'M SO SHOCKED THAT THEY LOVE WAR IN THE MAINSTREAM … 11, 2017 · The journalists wanted to be accepted by the big men on campus -- and they still do. (This is also why male journalists regularly rib one another on the air about their NFL loyalties, and why even public radio treats March Madness as worthy of an extended news feature every day for a month. Committed sports fandom is assumed to be normative.)

Georgia | OldCoreyInscoe.com to a “4-D” movie. And, finally, go to the tasting room and sample over 60 different types of Coke products from around the world. My advice to you: stay away from the Latin America ones. It was a great weekend and I definitely would like to go back and see what else it has to offer (UNC in the Peach Bowl, maybe?). Oh, and the Jeopardy ...

The Howdygram 2: It’s almost time to watch Dorothy and the ... 11, 2015 · KIRKLAND’S. Remember the new lamp [see post] that I ordered last week from Kirkland’s website?Sam had to return it yesterday. The lamp was definitely exquisite but its functionality was a complete pain in the ass. The on/off switch is a little clicker thing on the cord located about 18 inches from the base of the lamp, which means I’d have practically dive behind my desk to turn the damn ...

No Right Turn: The real cost of a predator-free New Zealand 09, 2016 · The Department of Conservation released 110 pages of information on its predator-free target, including a Cabinet paper and a business case. The first surprise is that while the Cabinet paper is big on goals and specific about what the immediate funding will be spent on, nowhere does it even hint how much meeting the target will actually cost.

Bilgrimage: Thought for the Day: Vaclav Havel on Hope 12, 2009 · Shailer Mathews’ Lives of Jesus: The Search for a Theological Foundation for the Social Gospel. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997. Singing in a Strange Land: Praying and Acting with the Poor. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, 1991.

eVille Times: 2015's Law states that sometimes, it's not possible to differentiate between an actual statement of an extreme and a parody of the extreme. So the guy could easily be a 'Poe'. But seeing how weird USAmerica Inc has gotten over the last few decades, and looking thru the guy's Twitter feed, I'll go with the obvious and say he really is the jackwad ...

Ssnot!: 08/01/2011 - 09/01/2011 response to a person who acted hostile after I told him that there really is design in nature. I think denying such is bizarre and wrong, and really just a terrible line of argument. The truth is a far better argument for reality anyhow.--Let a beach exist for a billion years. It will stay a beach. It will change a bit and the shore will move.

Daily Weather Briefing for Monday, January 1, 2018 ... 01, 2018 · For a quicker response, send me a message on Twitter or add me to a circle on Google Plus and send it just to me. If you have been sending me press releases via my private email address, that will continue to work just fine. The Twitter or Google+ account will get my attention quicker.

Bush's Flip-Flops: Archive Entry From Brad DeLong's 09, 2004 · Bush is against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli Palestinian conflict; then he pushes for a "road map" and a Palestinian State. Bush is for states right to decide on gay marriage, then he is for changing the constitution. Bush first says he'll provide money for first responders (fire, police, emergency), then he doesn't.

My French Fry Fuel Fix | Morningside Mom 12, 2008 · I think I can solve all our expensive gas woes. I honestly have NO idea why anyone hasn’t thought of this before. And I should know, being entirely uneducated in car design, or the business of running and fueling one. But hear me out. I am telling you, THIS is the answer we have been looking for. The first step is a bit tricky.

About | EmBlog'm 30 years old and I live in the DC area with my wife, 2 dogs, and a cat. We pay far too much for far too little. Welcome to the Beltway. Why I Created This Blog I decided to start this blog for a number of reasons. I used to only post to a couple of message boards and, but then I realized I'd like a little spot of my own on the net.

On Transmigration: Wait, Wait! Too Much Too Soon!'t reached the half way mark through June and we're coping with this? We expect August, but no this early. It's going to be a scorcher, not even a good beach day. I'll wear a tee-shirt on the walk to work and change into the dress shirt there, otherwise I will look like a wet rag to greet whatever brave souls venture out in this heat.

Short Sharp Shock.: TV Throws Down the Gauntlet, Again 09, 2017 · Sterling K. Brown made history, becoming the first African American to win best actor in a drama at the Emmys in 19 years, for his performance in NBC’s This Is Us. Riz Ahmed, won the Emmy for Best Actor in a limited dramatic series for his role in HBO’s riveting The Night Of , becoming the first Muslim and the first South Asian actor to be ...

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Leave Your Equity Alone! 06, 2006 · Just when we were set to write something good about Money Magazine, they come along and do this. The nation's number one personal finance magazine, having months ago stopped their incessant cheerleading for the housing bubble and having recently featured a number of very good stories about the perils of too much debt and the downside to real estate, seems to have reverted to …

Chroniques du têtard mouillé: Une question d'humidité et ... this pageThis is simply the basic physics of saturation. However, climate models predict an increase in mean rainfall of maybe 2-3% per ºC. The fundamental reason is that the movement of latent heat from the surface to the atmosphere has to be radiated away by the atmosphere, and so the constraint is the ability of the atmosphere to do this.

garden box | Local Food Sandusky Gardener is an informative site that offers a shopping list and a step-by-step guide on parts and assembly instructions for a 21’ x 10’ hoop house that will stand 7’ tall. Simply visit your local hardware store, show them the list of supplies and they ought to be …

The Immoral Minority: Here is the People's President ... 11, 2017 · But serious business. Look at the budget that was just proposed in Washington. It is an attack of unimaginable cruelty on the most vulnerable among us, the youngest, the oldest, the poorest, and hard-working people who need a little help to gain or hang on to a decent middle class life.

Kevin's home of interesting stuff: The Archdruid Report ... home for ramblings and stuff I find of interest on the net. Most of which will be cross-posts and links to other sites. Enjoy. All items are (c) to the original posters …

NoFo: Wandelprobe isn't just the mysteriously-absent-from ..., I'm about to sing a lush, gorgeous musical score with a massive chorus and a full orchestra all together for the first time, so I don't have time for your pro-America-isolationist-don't-know-how-to-translate-German-correctly distractions. I'm going to be too busy being loverly.

Objectivity & Observations washed in salt water.: This is ... point at which settlement actually took place is the first critical stage in humanity’s cultural development. Helmut Ziegert, of the Institute of Archaeology at Hamburg University, says that the evidence can be found at excavated sites in North and East Africa, in the remains of stone huts and tools created by upright man for fishing and ...

April | 2018 | South Bay Gardner Building, opened in 1924, was the first building built in a plaza that seemed to call out for a centerpiece. When Rome-based art collector Arnoldo Adolfo di Segni offered the Neptune statue, which had been in place in a villa north of Venice for more than …

In From the Cold: October 2006's also worth mentioning that McKinley's power of observation may be lacking as well. In the early 1990s, McKinley was the First Sergeant/Senior Enlisted Advisor for a small AF munitions post at Ghedi AB, Italy. The unit was fraught with problems during McKinley's tenure--rampant adultery, excessive DUIs, poor morale, and marginal performance.

THE COLUMN: 2011 22, 2011 · Hailed as “an important new thinker” by the Los Angeles Times and “a popular science prodigy” by The New York Times, Jonah Lehrer is the best-selling author of How We Decide, as well as a contributing editor at Wired Magazine, the Scientific American Mind, and NPR’s Radiolab. His work explores human creativity and decision-making as they relate to neuroscience, art, war, sports ...

History of My Reading/ The Zen of Sam - Blogger Moon: official photo 1966 yearbook "We think by feeling. What is there to know? I hear my being dance from ear to ear. I wake to ...

Get Off This!: Stop yapping about how productive you are ..."It was the kind of problem I thought I could deal with -- in fact, I was looking forward to it," says John de Graaf, producer of the groundbreaking 1997 PBS documentary "Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic" and a frequent speaker on issues of overwork and overconsumption.

UnCommonSense: AL GORE: A MESSAGE TO THE LOST IPCC report (and Al Gore in his movie) used basically rumors to report when the glaciers would melt and the forests would be destroyed. The e-mails indicate an ongoing deceit by climate scientists to manipulate data, hide data, destroy people who disagree and circumvent the peer-review process.

Incertus: 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 was the basis for those landmark Supreme Court rulings in the fifties and sixties. It raised public consciousness about issues that most people of the time would have been happier ignoring. But the people who defied the existing laws did so in the knowledge that they were risking jail time, the vengeful acts of a hostile populace, and quite ...

The Wattree Chronicle: The Very Silent Black Majority 10, 2014 · African Americans are the second largest consumer group in America with a combined buying power of over $892 billion currently and likely over $1.1 trillion by 2012. In 2002 African American owned businesses accounted for 1.2 million of the US's 23 million businesses, and 47% of Africans Americans own their own homes.

The Adventures of Lauren & Jerald: October 2009 08, 2009 · Then we invited Nana over for a nice evening in. The boys get to see Nana every week, but it was nice having a chance to all hang out together. We had a delicious dinner of london broil on the grill, potatoes and brocooli salad and Nana stayed to help …

Out of The Loop: 02/01/2011 - 03/01/2011 was the guy who threw the block nobody noticed when Hollywood Mike Richardson ran a Tony Eason interception back for a TD in Super Bowl XX. Hell of a season, and a real nice career with the Bears. But that's a funny position. Guys break down fast playing that shit. That's why I liked kicking the ball.

Wandering Into The Void: August 2009 11, 2009 · I finished it in a few days. I was then going to read The Drawing of the Three, but it turned out that was the second book in King's "Dark Tower Series." Being totally anal, I wanted to read the first book in the series, The Gunslinger, before I read the second book. I had the same neurosis for the X-Men movies.

Out of The Loop: 02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009 say the legs are the first things to go. Once the downhill slide begins, it's a tough thing to reverse. I'm afraid that one of these days, I'm going to pull up to the corner of Northwest Highway and Ozanam Ave. and see a bare patch of sidewalk where Mikey's newsstand used to be, another victim of time, progress and a bad economy.

no matter where you go... there you are.: October 2005 to a bug in a recent update to Madden 2006, King can (barely) be seen in the game as a tiny, 7-inch-tall version of himself. According to Phil Frazier, a Madden producer, the bug was the result of a typo in the spreadsheet that lists player attributes such as weight, height, and team affiliation. Frazier explained that the spreadsheet is ...

Dowbrigade » 14, 2009 · Believe it or not, we once had tenure at one of the top universities in the country! Of course, the country was Peru, and the university was the National University of Peru, and 16 years ago, just after we won “Nombramiento” (tenure), the Peruvian inflation rate rose to 100% a month, and the Maoist Sendero Luminoso started to shoot ...

The President's SOTU speech. The good, the bad, and the ... 12, 2014 · CNN instant poll on Obama’s State of the Union — Jon Passantino (@passantino) January 29, 2014 I am just goi...

Trompudo, A Literary Phenomena | thinkinthemorning.com 04, 2017 · A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Heavy medal - twnews.us 10, 2008 · Inheriting a federal budget in the black and a CBO forecast for a $5.6 trillion surplus over 10 years, Bush quickly set about dismantling the progress made under Bill Clinton. In 2001, Bush signed a $1.4 trillion tax cut, followed by another $550 billion round in 2003, the first war-time tax cut in modern American history.

Orcinus: Confederate Heritage Month: How Poor Whites Got ... the war lingered on, poor whites in the North and South began to realize the rich had waged the war, but it was the poor who were dying in it. With more than 650,000 deaths, the end of the Civil War eventually brought freedom for African-Americans.

Katz Komments: January 2011 19, 2011 · On the bases he was a blur. From 1988-2001, Roberto Alomar was not only the best at his position, but one of the top players in the game. At 34, of course beginning in his first season with the Mets, Alomar began a steep decline that resulted in a weak and sad end to a …

May | 2006 | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities 2002, Sullivan has been a columnist for Time Magazine, and a regular guest on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher and NBC’s Chris Matthews’ Show. In the summer of 2000, Sullivan became one of the first mainstream journalists to experiment with blogging, and soon developed a large online readership with’s Daily Dish.

BartCop Entertainment Archives - Friday, 24 May, his sleeve notes for The Bootleg Series Volumes 1-3 (Rare & Unreleased) 1961-1991, John Bauldie writes that it was Pete Seeger who first identified the melody of "Blowin' in the Wind" as Dylan's adaptation of the old Negro spiritual "No More Auction Block".

gun control | Messaging Matters Firearms recently announced that it will suspend production and civilian sales of its AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle. Due to their design enabling shooters to kill so many people in so little time, the AR-15 (the most popular rifle in America) and similar assault weapons, such as the AK-47, are the top choices in a large number of America’s deadliest mass shootings, and the vast ...

The Media Is Just as Culpable as the NFL in Initially ..."The difference: This time the guy in charge was one of 'us.' . . ." Kane also wrote, "When it's time to celebrate the first female president or the first Hispanic-American, Asian-American or first openly gay president, I suspect more people will 'get' what's so special about Obama for black folks. . . ."

My San Pedro: May in San Pedro: Part Two 06, 2011 · 1906: T.C. Peck, assistant general passenger agent of the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake railway, predicts San Pedro will become a great commercial center in a Los Angeles Herald interview (05/11/1906; pg. 5); article claims “It is generally conceded that San Pedro will in a short time be the greatest port on the Pacific coast” and “San Pedro is the ideal location for the gateway ...

Second. : test gaining popularity in terms of unique users per day, Reddit has been a platform for many to raise publicity for a number of causes. And with that increased ability to garner attention and a large audience, users can use one of the largest communities on the Internet for …

The Rectification of Names: Weekend long read: Party of ... first plank indeed mentions the "union of the states", but only as one of a list of things that had to be preserved, in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution: "the Federal Constitution, the rights of the States, and the …

September | novelist Orhan Pamuk will discuss his latest novel, Snow, on the Leonard Lopate Show today at noon EST.. Margaret Atwood recently called the book “essential reading for our times,” saying:. Although it’s set in the 1990’s and was begun before Sept. 11, “Snow” is eerily prescient, both in its analyses of fundamentalist attitudes and in the nature of the repression and rage ...

susan the bruce: 2016 presided over the Constitutional Convention in 1787. That year he was elected president, and served as the first US president until March of 1797. John Adams was our second president. He was born to modest circumstances. His father was a Congregationalist deacon, farmer, cordwainer, and a …

read my mind: Was Stanley Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut" Cause ... 15, 2017 · Eyes Wide Shut is loosely is based on Arthur Schnitzler’s novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), which was published in 1926. Considering that the movie takes place in 1990s New York, it is obviously not a direct adaptation, but it overlaps in its plot and themes.

A DC Birding Blog: February 2013 02, 2013 · Birds and birding. The Great Backyard Bird Count is happening this weekend, February 15-18, 2013. This year, data entry will be integrated into the eBird interface and volunteers will be able to enter data worldwide.; Birds exposed to urban nighttime light levels mature faster and reproduce sooner than rural birds, according to a study of blackbirds.; Also in blackbird news, a huge die-off ...

Short Sharp Shock.: Brown-eyed handsome man: Chuck Berry ... 03, 2017 · C ONSIDER ONE of Berry’s better songs, and one of his lesser-known songs, “Brown-Eyed Handsome Man,” for a guide on how to speak to an audience no one was paying attention to. The song was a series of slice-of-life vignettes that all hinged on the presence of the character of the title as leitmotiv, as linchpin, as the catalyst no one saw ...

Balkinization: Strict Scrutiny for Second Amendment Rights? the Second Amendment right gets a different level of scrutiny from the First Amendment or the equal protection clause, for lots of good reasons-- it is a different right, a different text, a different subject matter. Each constitutional right has a different content and a different context.

Nikki's Nest: September 2006 29, 2006 · Jill Summers and her daughter Bianna Munillo were shown taping a flyer to a resident’s door. The first thing that was said was that the people protesting must all be, you guessed it, Jews. But it wasn’t long before the last name “Munillo” came under attack. Itz Molecular stated: “…that kid could take the state championship for homely .

August | 2006 | Lean Left 31, 2006 · Dissent and disagreement with government is the life’s blood of human freedom; and not merely because it is the first roadblock against the kind of tyranny the men Mr. Rumsfeld likes to think of as “his” troops still fight, this very evening, in Iraq. It is also essential.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: November 2016's time to get on down to Pioneer Barber Company for the haircut such as you dreamed about. You can buy product, or simply have a beer and a shave. Either way you'll leave out feeling good and looking fine! And for a limited time through the Holidays ask about the $30 head shot from Steph at Opening of the Eyes Photography to show it all off!

DEMOCRACITY: June 2009 06, 2009 · The Trylon and Perisphere were the two main structures of the New York World's Fair of 1939-1940. Inside the Perisphere was a diorama called "Democracity" that represented a utopian city-of-the-future. Just like the folks in 1939 envisioned their idea of utopia, so too does this blog author. I envision a world where human rights and the Constitution are revered as much as we revere money …

?????????? ????? ? ??? (????????) - ???? 2009 ? Soviet geologists initially thought it was leaking from another deposit hidden beneath the first. But their experiments revealed the opposite - the mystery methane is seeping into the well from the icy permafrost above. If unintentionally, what they had achieved was the first, and so far only, successful exploitation of methane clathrate.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily - Blogger in a Darkening Age... news, comment, arts, ecology, wisdom, obsessions, the past, the future... "THE END OF ALL INTELLIGENT ANALYSIS IS TO CLEAR THE WAY FOR SYNTHESIS."--H.G. Wells. "It's always a leap into the unknown future to write anything."--Margaret Atwood "Be kind, be useful, be fearless."--President Barack Obama.

TWC - Problems in Drumthwacket / Creeping Trump Fungus ... 10, 2016 · Sanjay Gupta Reacts To Trump's Call To Slow Down Testing For COVID-19 - Dr Sanjay Gupta, usually one of the more careful doctors on cable news in his comments about the response to COVID-19 pandemic in the United States couldn'...

The Johnsville News: NAACP Legal Memorandum: Crimes and ... of the issues the Durham Conference addressed was the outrageous media attention given to the case, and the way the defendants were "playing the media like a banjo." In early June, The Durham Conference wrote to both the Durham Superior Court Judge and the N.C. Bar, requesting a "quiet zone" be declared, based on the N.C. State Bar’s ...

May | 2008 | Totally Unauthorized 01, 2008 · It seemed to be popular – at lunch on the first day, I looked up from my bowl and I was the only white person in the joint. I’m calling it a pretty good find considering I just pulled into the first place I found figuring that even if it was bad it would be better than …

Accidental Deliberations: 2012-03-25 10, 2012 · - Chantal Hebert concludes that Thomas Mulcair is off to a great start as NDP leader. - And a stream of news about the Cons' utter incompetence isn't hurting matters - as CBC reports Harper and company have known for years that the F-35s they insist on buying don't actually meet the needs of Canada's military, while Pauline Tam notes that they ...

Big Education Ape: Jun 12, 2013 the dark hours of the night, 22 student-activists from California colleges drove in two vans to be in Sacramento this past Monday morning. At 9 a.m. on June 10th, without permission to be on the premises, they staged an Un-Silent protest from the sidewalk out front of the very hospitable state capitol.Signs in hand, mouths taped shut, they made their voices heard by challenging legislators ...

Lost Season 4 Finale: Six or More Thoughts Plus One 29, 2008 · Lost Season 4 Finale: Six or More Thoughts Plus One Some initial thoughts about the Season 4 two-hour finale of Lost (and a brief note about the very significant bit of extra footage in the replay of Lost 4.12) - with more surely to follow...

Dann Dobson and Michael Cavlan/ National Buffoons Guild 22, 2010 · Some may wonder why, as the viewer will notice, the last part of the video is quite dark. That's because as I was leaving (as one can see, I didn't "retreat" until I was ready to leave), I noticed that Cavlan, Dobson and his "Law Professor" and "Boeing Engineer" companions (grin) were following me, so I led them around the corner to a dark side ...

Online Psychic Free Readings : Psychic Predictions 11, 2013 · From stay-at-home moms to geek entrepreneurs, these are the people capturing eyes, influencing opinion and creating the new digital world". April 2009: Silver was named as one of the "Rolling Stone 100: Agents of Change". April 27, 2009: named "Blogger of the Year" by The Week in its 6th annual Opinion Awards.

mile 181: September 2014 07, 2014 · "The first is freedom of speech and expression - everywhere in the world. "The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way - everywhere in the world. "The third is freedom from want - which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its ...

Doctor Comics: February 2011 date is October 23, 1731, and words are burning. The Cotton Library, the world’s greatest collection of literature from the Middle Ages, has caught fire.Doctor Bentley, the library’s curator, staggers from the door clutching what might be the oldest, most complete copy of the Bible, dating from the 400s.

The Katrina Memo: April 2008 10, 2008 · THE KATRINA MEMO was first launched in the wake of Hurricane Katrina when issues of class, race and poverty re-emerged as major national issues.The original goal was to keep a focus on post-Katrina reconstruction and the issues that surfaced out of what was the worst natural disaster in the history of the United States.

Redeye's Front Page: Clinton/Sanders or Sanders/Clinton ... 11, 2016 · So began one of the most significant legal fights of the twentieth century.The trial of the nine falsely accused teens would draw North and South into their sharpest conflict since the Civil War, yield two momentous Supreme Court decisions and give birth to …

The Whited Sepulchre: The Richardson Snub Whited Sepulchre said.... Slacker, I'm glad you worked up the energy to rise up and post a comment. Some of those who study the Book Of Revelation for signs and portents, they believe that Obama is trying to pry her out of the Senate so he …

Bilgrimage: Family and Serendipity: Dancing with the Ones ... 12, 2012 · This week was the anniversary of my father's death. The day before the anniversary, Steve and I took one of our periodic drives to the cemeteries in which my father and my mother are buried (they're buried apart, having separated not long before he died)--a trip of some 200 miles all told, but very much worth the effort.

[E.O.M.S.]: Chrissie Hynde & Joan Jett 17, 2014 · John Baker / BBC Radiophonic Workshop ?– "The John Baker Tapes Volume 1 - rare and unreleased recordings 1963-1974" (Trunk Records ?– JBH028CD)

Happy ending... in tears as I read this... - For the Love ..."No?" (and a few choice expletives!) "Yes, in Reading, I'm going to get her!" Tears and shaking voices! I couldn't believe I finally had my chance to say those words to Paula. She'd been by my side throughout the ordeal. She drove me to stolen dog hotspots, helped me poster, helped me to search all the possibles, met several dogs on my behalf ...

LGBT: GUARANTEED RIGHTS FOR ALL/JUNE IS LGBTQ PRIDE … 20, 2017 · The Daily Beast article which focuses on who these people were that lost their lives to this heinous act, says it all. Not statistics but human beings who were having fun and enjoying the lighter side of life. Yes, I agree that there has been a history of horrendous loss of life in America due to hate and xenophobia.

OpenlineBlog: Muhammad Ali, The Greatest By Barack Obama 06, 2016 · Muhammad Ali was The Greatest. Period. If you just asked him, he’d tell you. He’d tell you he was the double greatest; that he’d “handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder into jail.” But what made The Champ the greatest – what truly separated him from everyone else – is that everyone else would tell you pretty much the same thing.

The Polis: 2008-09-14 was the 3rd wife of Julius Caesar and a real piece of work. She is rumored to have helped do away with Caesar's older children so that her son, Tiberius, not even Caesar's natural child could assume the throne. Generally considered power …

Dodecahedron: Shape of the Universe: Professional Help 08, 2005 · Professional Help I’m trying to figure out why George Lucas insisted on writing the screenplays for Star Wars Episodes I thru III. If he had hired a professional screenwriter, sat him down for about 20 minutes with a beer and a notebook and went over the framework of the story, the movies would have been a lot better.

22 | July | 2017 | The Illogical Seminary 22, 2017 · 1 post published by The Head Seminarian on July 22, 2017. Well, it didn’t take long for me to realize that being humble and a bit penitent was unnecessary in my dustup with Mayor Gary Jones of Grovetown.

Electronic Village: Shaletta Porterfield Resigns Miss ... 16, 2011 · Wisconsin is one of the least successful states when it comes to the Miss USA pageant. The highest ranking for a Miss Wisconsin in the national pageant occurred in 1974 when Mary Cook was the 2nd runner-up. The state hasn't …

Contextual Criticism: Katharine Graham's Washington Graham, author and former owner of the Washington Post, died in July of 2001 at the age of 84. Ms. Graham had lived most of her life in the city of Washington, D.C. As far as Ms. Graham was concerned, Washington, D.C. was the greatest city in the world!

blogger | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities father ran one of the last schools to defy Taliban orders to end female education. As an 11-year-old, Malala wrote an anonymous blog documenting her experiences for the BBC. Later, she was the focus of documentaries by The New York Times and other media outlets.

Redeye's Front Page: All EYE am going to say is if ... 07, 2016 · If you want to know more about me, where I stand and what I stand for I invite you to read my writings at Left in Alabama for a historical perspective. Contact me [email protected] These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section.

Marc Valdez Weblog: Idiots By The Dozen of the many things that Wilhelm was convinced he was brilliant at, despite all evidence to the contrary, was “personal diplomacy,” fixing foreign policy through one-on-one meetings with other European monarchs and statesmen. In fact, Wilhelm could do neither the personal nor the diplomacy, and these meetings rarely went well. Solar-Powered Beer: Greener Than Organic? 19, 2008 · I stopped by the vaunted Wall of Beer at Westover Market over the weekend to stock up the fridge. One of the six-packs I grabbed was the Winter Solstice Ale from California's Anderson Valley Brewing. It wasn't until I got it off the rack that I noticed a little sun on the cap reading "Solar Powered Brewery ":(February 6, 2006 - Boonville CA) After a final inspection by …

Shouting Down the Well: June 2015 08, 2015 · Shouting Down the Well If I don't write it down it festers in the brainpan until I find myself driven to bad behavior. Monday, June 8, 2015. Puberty? Go F**k Yourself. I was at a kid party with Laney on Saturday, where she was the oldest kid there by a stretch. I was chatting with some other moms when Laney wandered over and stood next to me ...

Oh Well: A Commentary: Ford Disagreed With Bush About ... 08, 2006 · The Ford interview -- and a subsequent lengthy conversation in 2005 -- took place for a future book project, though he said his comments could be published at any time after his death. If Ford knew that this war was going to be bad for the country, then why didn't he come out and publicly criticize the Bush administration for it?

Naomi Klein | Majority greed mentality and profit triumphed over the public good and a sharing of wealth in the free market economic game. The resultant extreme income inequality that has resulted is only one of the major disasters of the unfettered free market free for all. Worsening climate change and environmental degradation has also happened.

TiredBabyhttps://tiredbaby.blogspot.comApr 05, 2005 · Town (township), Middlesex county, eastern Massachusetts, U.S. It lies along the Sudbury River, about 20 miles (32 km) west of Boston. Settled in 1650, it was incorporated in 1700 and derived its name from Framlingham, Suffolk, England. Framingham Center, just north of the downtown area, was the original village.

Nothing Better to Do: New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival's Cafe is a small Mediterranean chain in New Orleans. Like most Mediterranean places, Mona's features many vegetarian choices. The combo platter comes with falafel, hummus, tabouli and a Greek salad. While the food was tasty, it was definitely a pain to eat salad at Jazz Fest while the sand and wind are whipping you in the face.

NEW PAPYRUS: Gary Lyles on NASA's Current HLV Concepts Lyles on NASA's Current HLV Concepts Posted by Marcel F. Williams at 9:49 AM. Labels: heavy lift vehicle, HLV, NASA, SLV. No comments: Post a Comment. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Blog Archive 2020 (20) May (7) April (4) ...

Rejected By Family At Christmas…40 Years Later, It Still ... 20, 2013 · The Christmas of 1993 was the last one for the three of us. She wanted it to be “special.” That year Mom went as far as to cook a goose with all the traditional trimmings. She passed several weeks later, just after her 69th birthday and days before the anniversary of my Dad’s death. I had visited the night before.

Barnestormin: Huawei could be a Chinese spy front and DJI ... the facts. Most recently it was the Huawei Chinese phone spying scandal, a surveillance of the US for the purposes of personal and corporate theft and militaristic advantage that the former communist country turned state-run-capitalist plutocracy’s leadership has yet to own up to. Our former enemy is not our friend, even if many Americans are making millions from them; …

People Get Ready: Broadmoor lives!"Haruka" is the name of a little Japanese girl who died in the disaster. Haruka Kato lived with her elder sister and the parents. She was the only victim of the family. In summer, 6 months after the earthquake, something strange happened in the now vacant lot where Kato's house used to be. Lost of sunflowers bloomed in the very spot where ...

Madoff | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities about Madoff written by Patrick Zimmerman. Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities

Elephants in the Blue Grass: Rand Paul Schools Jack Conway 25, 2010 · Indeed, quicker is the best way to describe Paul's performance tonight, in contrast to Conway's flat-footed pace. Yes, we know about the $2,000 Medicare deductible and the 20-something percent national sales tax, Jack, so you don't have to keep repeating those talking points, and we all know they were taken out of context.

Alaskan Tall Tales | noodleepoodlee David “Ike” Eisenhower (October 14, 1890 – March 28, 1969) was a five-star general in the United States Army and the 34th President of the United States, from 1953 until 1961, and the last to be born in the 19th …

Erik's Super Awesome Weblog: Chili Cookoff Champion!!, We had the Wartburg Chili Cookoff tonight before Lessons and Carols. My Chili won best traditional chili! It was pretty fun and exciting to win. It was the same Chili I entered (ok not the exact same, just same recipe) into the Iowa State University Chili Cookoff last year and we did not win.There they were going for presentation as well as taste and we were not so great with the ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: About Last Sunday 11, 2017 · Last Sunday was the 2017 New York Open Judo Tournament, the premier judo tournament in the United States.France, Israel, and the United States sent both women's and men's teams, and Germany sent a men's team. The Israelis, both men and women, won first place, with a really amazing showing by top-flight athletes.

Tromp Loyal: MOC in World Series; changes at the Trib in World Series; changes at the Trib Change is never a breeze, but the closer change comes to the heart, the worse it feels. I was pleased, and am pleased, to learn that the baseball team of my old alma mater will be going to the World Series -- the Division II College World Series, more precisely -- this weekend.

JoyZeeBoy: My Flaming Valentine... 14th. Valentine's Day. Although, when I was a child, if anyone in my fifth grade class was foolish (or forgetful) enough to refer to today as "Valentine's Day" they would've promptly gotten their ears boxed by Sister Joseph Claire who was conducting a one-nun battle against the creeping heathenism in the world, as evidenced by the unsaved hordes attempt to hijack the …

Circus Forticus: March 2018've been here 11 years. The boys don't remember living in any other home. But we've run out of space, and the boys just keep getting bigger. We've been talking for years about getting a house with one more bedroom and a basement where they could have a rec room ... and the time has finally come.

Rising Hegemon : Hope I Die Before I Get Old I Die Before I Get Old ... What a blessing and a curse modern medicine is. We live longer than ever, but with constant worry about how we will care for ourselves. And trying to maintain a sense of dignity along the way? Forget it. ... Walter Reed was the natural outgrowth of a philosophy that says, "You're on your own pal." ...

Oligarchy | noodleepoodlee on May 3, 2011 by noodleepoodlee Been 30 years since Reagan said That trickling down was the way to head This nation, shining city on a hill And still we’re paying that fat bill Don’t piss on my head and tell me that it’s raining That …

John Fugelsang - Información | Facebook Fugelsang. 202 mil Me gusta. recovering cynic SiriusXM Insight #121 M-F 12-2pm ET Call me at 877.9.SIRIUS Performing soon near you.

Cops -- and the Grand Juries and Prosecutors Who Protect 03, 2014 · An expos é about asset seizure laws being abused by law enforcement across the country points out that cops not only get their hands on massive amounts of property and cash -- whether any proof of a crime is ever even alleged, let alone charged -- but also rely on these seized assets for a continuing and substantial part of their annual budgets.

Quiz pegs me as a ... Centrist? - Blogger thought I was Conservative, but what really scares me follows below: You can take the test here. ACCORDING TO YOUR ANSWERS, The politi...

The American Human: Where Today's GOP Begins and American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the Philippines, the Netherlands ...

Another HERO Lawsuit, and the National Fight Against Equal ... 07, 2015 · Mayor Annise Parker did not respond to a request for comment but on the Houston Matters radio show Friday afternoon she said the lawsuit lacked merit. The language, she noted, was taken from a repeal referendum petition opponents submitted last summer. At issue is careful semantics that are embedded into the Houston City Charter.

Ethio-Zagol Post: The State of Ethiopia 18, 2006 · It was learnt that some withdrew after being registered and four signatures were turned out to be forgeries. After he knew that he failed, Ayele wrote to Meles Zenawi asking for a one-week extension of time. This is the fifth time the take over attempt failed. Vicki was in prison last night

The myth of “individualism” in the economy are they consume products every day that requires a work force to make. Even a small business person has to acknowledge that. Each business creates a piece of the economy and the only people in the country who don’t buy and consume those goods are the hermits that live off in caves and never see another human being.

Kung Fu Monkey: "Toxic Spiritual Nature" ... and Those ... is one of those things that really resonated with me in the original Matrix movie - the system of control that is impressed upon people is an obvious statement about how many organized religions work, and the fact that these Baptists their own faith to hand down mandates for the masses makes me want to kick them in the head, like Neo.

A Herd of Cats – nourishing 18, 2011 · A saying that refers to a task that is extremely difficult or impossible to do, due to one or more variables being in flux and uncontrollable. The notion of libertarians, rightwingers, anti-government pundits, anti-EUists, capitalists, freethinkers and patriots able to be herded into one blog is quite amusing.[PDF]Web (2.0) Mining: Analyzing Social Media (2.0) Mining: Analyzing Social Media Anupam Joshi, Tim Finin, Akshay Java, Anubhav Kale, and Pranam Kolari University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore MD 21250 Abstract Social media systems such as blogs, photo and link sharing sites, wikis and on-line forums are estimated to produce up to one third of new Web content. One

“U.N. Thugs! One World Government!” is the new “Socialized ... 06, 2012 · The American Policy Center, a rightwing think tank, has been speaking out against Agenda 21 since the resolution was passed 20 years ago. The group’s founder, Tom DeWeese, says he used to have small audiences whenever he railed against Agenda 21, but now the group’s membership is increasing and his audiences are larger.

Bye Bye Democracy!: VOTE FOR JILL, DON'T WRITE IN New York Times recently reported that the principal Clinton super PAC, Priorities USA Action (which Time reports works closely with notorious shill super PAC Correct the Record), has ramped up its spending for “a multimillion-dollar digital campaign” to target third-party supporters. That means more paid Hillary shills saturating social ...

Sports | Living In the Edge of Madness get the guns, the drugs, From my generati I’y ll take the fall, the saints, across the nation. And it’s the sex, the gods, the freaks, the frauds.

LiturgyGeek: The Sacrifice of Women's Bodies ethic of life that leads to a forced death - not a death this little child CHOSE (which is the death of Jesus) but one that was forced upon her by her rapist stepfather - is no ethic of life whatsoever. Again, the sacrifice of women's bodies seems to be an acceptable one of the church hierarchy.

Framed: Wash U"It's very healthy for a young girl to be deterred from promiscuity by fear of contracting a painful, incurable disease, or cervical cancer, or sterility, or the likelihood of giving birth to a dead, blind, or brain-damage [sic] baby even ten years later when she may be happily married. "The woman is Phyllis Schlafly.

No More Mister Nice Blog: HOW MANY DIVISIONS DOES … 12, 2017 · And over at the New York Post, Kyle Smith is upset because celebrities aren't showing sufficient deference to our Dear Leader-elect: At the Golden Globes Sunday night, and the Oscars next month, expect lots of gold-plated bitching about Donald Trump. Honorees will mourn the “dark times in America” in their $20,000 frocks.

Our Children Are The Guarantors: Non-Interventionism: A ... 22, 2007 · Trawling lately between the Leftscum (the PC, dhimmi Marxists) and the Rightscum (the racialists; see previous post), I stumbled upon a post on Israellycool where the endorsement of paleoconservative Ron Paul (a phenomenon all its own; henceforth “Rompaul”, as I write his name out on LGF) on Stormfront is duly noted. The post attracted comments from a few Rompaulians.

James Comey to be asked directly if Donald Trump attempted ... 06, 2017 · Courtesy of Reuters: Former FBI Director James Comey will be grilled on whether President Donald Trump tried to get him to back off an investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, key U.S. senators said on Sunday ahead of …

Widows Creek Fossil Plant - Global Energy Monitor Creek Fossil Plant was a coal-fired power station owned and operated by Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in northeast Alabama.. The last unit of the power station was retired in September 2015. Google has proposed a US$600 million project that will use the plant’s preexisting electric transmission lines to power a clean energy center, with construction planned for 2016.

Massey Energy and Don Blankenship - Prime Examples of ... 03, 2010 · Here is a great blog posting about the background of Massey Energy and Don Blankenship. He represents the corporate side of the Tea Party madness. Rachel Maddow did a great segment this week about what free market capitalism run amok looks like, particularly in the coal industry. Massey was cited and fined dozens of times, just over the past year.

No Bread And Circuses For You: Russian news: Top German ... of the German media are paid by the CIA in return for spinning the news in a way that supports US interests, and some German outlets are nothing more than PR appendages of NATO, according to a new book by Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of …

POLIHOP: Cut Israel Off a third of young Adults Still living with parents Pew Research - In 2012, 36% of the nation’s young adults ages 18 to 31 were living in their parents’ home, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. This is the highest share in at least four decades. ::: I don't want to point the figure at President Obama but I think if he would pushed progressive ...

Invincible Armor: Friday, March 11, 2011 11, 2011 · Screen grab from the Kos Kiddies Here is Dittoz's Photo Bucket page where the photograph is in "Dittoz's Album" Here is the original photograph from Ann Althouse March 11, 2011 "Somebody ought to use that image of the handcuffs on the door in print and TV ads.

So why aren’t “progressives” praising Trump for Syria draw ... 03, 2019 · The little preening even* is also co-sponsored by the Bishop of Davenport. The prog group opposed intervention in Syria in 2013 during the Obama administration. Now they are holding a vigil in opposition to a draw down from the area – go figure.

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2004 · Time Warner Cable in New York City has a 24-hour news channel, NY1, and six other TV stations in New York do local news (although Murdoch owns two of those). Believe me, these stations are quite willing to spend the money to put a reporter on a plane for a tabloid story that has a local angle.

Jeff (@crlyschmrly) | Twitter 18, 2018 · The latest Tweets from Jeff (@crlyschmrly). once tweeted a tweet that got 15 likes!. berkeley, ca

national security | Rock the Boat point is, though, that Conservatives want to vote for John McCain because, as silly as , they want taxes cut for the Uber-rich, they want to spend more time looking for more oil than it would take America to convert to 100% renewable energy, and they want to spend the next century fighting unjustifiable wars.

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid ... member of the reality-based community; stomping monsters since 2004

Carp Libertatum: Drudge report, IRANIAN VIDEO: ISLAMIC ... 07, 2011 · I share what I learn with all who are interested. I ask only that you wake up and wake at least one other person. In doing so maybe we will have chance before it is too late. Be the change you want to see in the world. We are only here for a short time. Lets make it count for something. This is our time when we are needed most.

No Right Turn: Inequality is holding us back 02, 2016 · One of the right's arguments for accepting inequality is that it is necessary for economic growth that only the rich benefit from it. But the OECD has found the opposite: inequality holds us back.And thanks to Roger Douglas and Ruth Richardson, New Zealand has been the worst-affected country in the OECD: New Zealand: New Zealand's economy could have grown by 44 percent …

Occupy the Pipeline : TPP - Stop the Pipeline to Ultimate ... fuel corporations exhibit an insatiable quest for profit. Pushing for High Volume Horizontal Fracking wherever there is any shale underground, planning for a vast serpentine network of pipelines across the US to move fracked gas and oil, fighting governmental regulation, insisting their activities are safe and clean even as there are continuous “accidents” spilling oil or causing ...

Identity Check: How Many Jobs Equal a Living Wage? 06, 2009 · One of them has three jobs (chronic insomniac and workaholic), the other three have substantial cash flow from other sources/retirement and simply work there "just because". All four of them are sitting around watching their coworkers getting pink slips and paycuts to make ends meet - without so much as considering the notion that "Hey, I don't ...

Worlds Most Dangerous Places & Biggest Flashpoints ... 01, 2007 · This is no scientific measurement. I put this list together based on my own readings and my own understanding of the conflicts. I basically used 2 main factors to decide what parts of the world to include and where on the list they should be. #1.

Airspace Action on Smoking and Health - Airspace Action on Occupies Victoria and BCIMC. Details Category: Latest Published: Wednesday, 16 November 2011 21:36 Airspace President Errol Povah and Philip Morris International CEO Lou Camilleri made a trip to Victoria on November 10 to participate in Occupy Victoria and draw attention to the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation's continued investment in the tobacco industry.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Caucus? Sounds Raucous! 11, 2020 · Big Bad Bald Bastard The Big Bad Bald Bastard is a character played by Monsieur _____ of the City of Y_____. The role of the Bastard is a handy one to play on subways, walking the streets, and in dive-bars, when being a nerdy, bookish sort is not to one's advantage.

The Ranting Man | A blog about stuff that drives me crazy.https://therantingman.wordpress.comAll happening SO THE PRESSURE WILL GO AWAY! The industry’s dirty laundry has never been so naked for the world to see. We had the power – WE did. It did not matter what corporations made what deal with what government. For a short time all the money and power in …

Life As We Know IThttps://shirleyfrogs.blogspot.comOn Sunday, John was in the D.C. St. Patty's day parade. His captain complimented him on how well he did. On Monday, he took half a day off because he had to work on Sunday, and we went to the Eastern wing of the National Art gallery. This is the modern section. One of …

Sylvester Brown, Jr.: 2009-05-10 Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

EMPIRE of DIRT (click Cash cover of "Hurt"): March 2015 up in the 1970's in the paradise of Indian Harbour Beach, FL offered many advantages, not the least of which lies in geography; my town--affectionately known as IHB--made up one of a number of small towns on a barrier island stretching from Cape Kennedy in the north to Sebastian Inlet to the south.

No More Apples: 05/27/2007 - 06/03/2007 29, 2007 · No More Apples "Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

M O B J E C T I V I S T: The mythical Lava Dome 06, 2005 · In other words, the Built-In obsolescence of fashionable shoddiness works to a company's advantage. More than their debatable labor practices, I dislike Nike for playing the BIO game. About 25 or so years ago, Nike came out with a legendary pair of rock scrambling (aka approach) shoes.

The Slow Cook: Oak Leaf Pickles 08, 2008 · Bring the mix to a boil, lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Let the brine cool to room temperature (or chill the saucepan in an ice bath). Layer the grape (or oak, or cherry) leaves, the cucumbers, dill and garlic cloves in a heavy plastic bucket or crock, then cover with the pickling brine.

kingston progressive: THE COFFEE PARTY 09, 2010 · Lets welcome the Coffee Party! ... I think a terrific idea, considering we have had neighborhood gatherings at select coffee shops through the years locally with notable success. We know the desire is there and we know the locations are available. ... I will be looking for a local chapter or start one myself. The silent majority may ...

Another Thing Our Far-Too-Expensive "Healthcare System" Is ... Texas, for instance, according to a study in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, the maternal mortality rate doubled from 17.7 per 100,000 live births in 2000 to 35.8 in 2014. Compare that with Germany, which had 4.1 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2014.

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: Kevin Garnett -- Time to Retire make matters worse, Dirk is catching KG in Win Shares. And Kobe and LeBron have shots at eventually passing him as well. If Garnett retires in 7th place, he could still lay claim to a top 10 all-time mark (passed by those three guys) for a decent number of years.

US Uncut Minnesota: Best list of Koch Brothers products yet 10, 2011 · This is the largest federal environmental fine ever paid in Minnesota. Koch admitted that it negligently discharged aviation fuel into a wetland and an adjoining waterway. Even though Koch was aware of the problem, it did not develop a comprehensive plan to recover between 200,000 - 600,000 gallons of released fuel until June 1997.

wildlife | Sierra Madre 18, 2008 · It seems for a City the size of Sierra Madre the ratio of people to a variety of things here is disproportionate. I have lived here over 10 years now and though my very thorough observations have concluded that Sierra Madre has an excess number of: 1. Men over 40 with pony tails 2. Volkswagon Buses 3. Hippies 4. Bears, deer, raccoons and skunks 5.

Why Walmart Should be Public Enemy #1 | Bud Meyers 14, 2013 · Walmart could afford to pay every one of its U.S. employees $14.89 an hour by just not buying back its own stock. A recent article at Salon points to a new report which concludes that, rather than buying back stock to enrich the Walton family, Walmart could use the same cash to give raises to their employees. "We find that if Walmart redirected the $7.6 billion it spends annually on ...

illusory tenant: When is a rule not a rule? 20, 2009 · Indented below are the two rules of judicial ethics at issue. The first sentence: A candidate for a judicial office shall not knowingly or with reckless disregard for the statement's truth or falsity misrepresent the identity, qualifications, present position, or …

Race And This Presidency | Mirror On America 03, 2009 · Kathleen Parker (who?) and Bill Clinton both agree that criticisms of Obama's health care reforms are not (wholly) founded in racism. Wow, that's a hard position to take. I wonder if they think the sun is hot, too? Of course, not all the negative reaction to Obama (including) Joe Wilson's infamous outburst are ground in racism.

Jerry Jones: The wagon train has got to go without Tony ... 24, 2015 · Jerry spent the entire offseason trying to get Tom Brady suspended for the first four games of the season. Maybe Jerry would have been better off focusing on his own QB situation.

"Sanity" Prevails? Why Am I Not Reassured? 21, 2019 · Jeez, it’s getting so that you don’t dare to sleep anymore. Every time you close your eyes, that damn little ditty from Wes Craven starts going through your head, One, two, Donnie’s coming for you! Three, four, better lock your door. On the other hand, you need a good nights sleep if you’re going to have to wake up to the possibility of a full blown meltdown in the Middle East.

Balloon Juice | Meta 01, 2007 · Rumors that an editor was rumored to have heard rumors about a candidate appear to be just that- rumors.

A Medley of Potpourri: Irish slaves myth Irish slaves myth concerns the use of the term Irish "slaves" as a conflation of the penal transportation and indentured servitude of Irish people during the 17th and 18th centuries. Some white nationalists, and others who want to minimize the hereditary chattel slavery experience of Africans and their descendants, have used the false equivalence myth to promote racism against African ...

Thunder Pig: Macon New Beginnings New BeginningsFor a quicker response, send me a message on Twitter or add me to a circle on Google Plus and send it just to me. If you have been sending me press releases via my private email address, that will continue to work just fine. The Twitter or Google+ account will get my attention quicker.

Christianity and the Confusion » Blog Archive » Big 05, 2006 · Google has refused to comply with the subpoena, issued last year, for a broad range of material from its databases, including a request for 1 million random Web addresses and records of all Google searches from any one-week period, lawyers for the U.S. Justice Department said in papers filed Wednesday in federal court in San Jose.

RAGGED THOTS: 05/27/2007 First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams notes in his book, "Speaking Freely," that "over 35 separate successful lawsuits were brought against the city under Giuliani's stewardship arising out of his insistence on doing the one thing that the First Amendment most clearly forbids: using the power of government to restrict or punish speech ...

Todd Courser Archives - Up North Progressive Todd Courser is running for Lapeer County Prosecutor so … I bet Todd was a blast at parties in High School! And to be fair, here’s a picture of Cindy Gamrat swag at a Kalamazoo tea party military memorabilia event in 2014, complete with clip board of nominating petitions. | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities about written by Patrick Zimmerman. Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities

'Antifa' is not the demonic force Trump wants you to think ...!READ THIS BEFORE YOU GO Dear Reader, This feels like the most important fundraising drive since The Revival of the Progressive Party (1912 | 2018), with enormously high stakes and so much passion. In “Our Mission Statement” we unveil the reality we are all facing and how we rise to the challenge. — If you’re able to, a critical moment to propel the Progressive Party to new ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: THE RETURN OF THE REPRESSED 11, 2016 · "I didn't start anything with the wife," Trump said, referring to a pro-Cruz super PAC that in March circulated a photo ahead of the Utah caucuses of his wife Melania posing nude for GQ in 2000. "Really successful. She didn't need to marry me. She was making a lot of money, believe me. I had to work hard to get her to marry me. It wasn't that easy.

Mad Freelancer Vs. Scientist | Slog | The Stranger ... does it take to be considered an expert? Well, that rant I posted yesterday about the half-assed, pot-causes-cancer report apparently qualified me as the world’s leading authority to refute it. Basically, I called bullshit on their claim that there’s an impending international “epidemic” of lung cancer, indicated by only 14 illin’ pot smokers in New Zealand.

'Golf Cart Gail' filmed calling cops on black man cheering 17, 2018 · Finally, one of the officers lets the dad leave, saying, “I don’t have any reason to detain you.” Gary Easom, president of the Ponte Vedra Athletic Association, later told First Coast News that the altercation is being publicly “mischaracterized” and that it has to do with parents behaving badly.

Tickle The WireTed Cruz Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz jokingly confessed that he is the notorious skyjacker D.B. Cooper. “I did it,” Cruz said, retweeting a post from the FBI on Sunday that read, “#OTD in 1971, a man calling himself Dan Cooper parachuted from a plane he had just hijacked, clutching a bag filled with stolen cash.

The Tree Killers ~ European-American blog 02, 2020 · The truck contained the tree killers. One was the crew leader, the one that goes up in the aerial lift to start the cutting at the top, the others were the muscled ‘grounds men’, whose job it is to cut the carcass into manageable sizes. One of the victims was a multi-trunked ‘wolf pine’.

Residents Rally to Save 13th District Police Station 04, 2011 · The other locations planned for closure are the 21st and 19th district stations. According to CPD spokeswoman Sarah Hamilton, one of the factors taken into consideration when looking at what district stations to close was the ability of a neighboring district to absorb the district.

Jewish State of Israel Run by Islamophobes - Progress Pond 19, 2015 · Marc was the Israel Police Spokesman for the Foreign Press and VIP Journalists including amongst others The New York Times, CNN and the Wall Street Journal during Israel’s Disengagement Process. Since 2001 Marc has been consulting, lecturing and teaching in the methods of Counter-Terrorism to many National and International agencies such as ...

Democracy for New Mexico: DFNM Blue Voice (At least one of them is in NM) The Zees Go West; Uncommontaries (Santa Fe) What Do I Know? (NM's Most Distinguished Blogger Abroad) What's The Word? (Peter St. Cyr) What's Wrong With This Picture? (M.G. Bralley) ©Sindication

1950s Yearbooks | Views from Crestmont Drive finished the 7th grade there. Later over that summer, the whole family moved into a suburban Chicago home.) It struck me as a modernist building at the time, and I would have thought it recently built. In 1968, at least, the original high school, a courthouse-like building in the center of town, was used as the elementary school.

Astrophotography Adventure - Open Cluster Messier 7 - The ... 7, also known as the Ptolemy cluster, was identified in ancient times, first noted in writing by Ptolemy in 130 AD. It is located in the constellation Scorpius and is just under 1,000 light years away, which means that the light that this photo collected was created by these stars just a few decades before the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.

Marian and Vivian Brown - Infogalactic: the planetary ... 20, 2014 · Marian (January 25, 1927 – November 20, 2014) and Vivian Brown (January 25, 1927 – January 9, 2013) were American identical twins and celebrity icons of San Francisco. Known as the San Francisco Twins, they were renowned for their appearance in media with adorning signature identically bright snappy outfits and hats atop meticulously coiffed hair. ...

Russia, China to jointly “tackle threats” | The BRICS Post, China to jointly “tackle threats” | The BRICS Post Even as the G7 leaders tried to isolate Russian President Vladimir Putin, including keeping Moscow out of a Brussels summit over Russia’s role in Ukraine, a Kremlin envoy met Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss upgrading security ties. ... This was the 10th round of Russian ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: What is left ... 10, 2006 · Ronald Reagan fought against the same anti-diplomacy factions now in order to negotiate with the Soviet Union precisely because it was the only real option. Once you decide that negotiations are a worthless instrument, you're left with only two options -- endless war-making, or standing by and doing nothing in the face of growing dangers.

17 | October | 2012 | News Corpse 17, 2012 · One of Mitt Romney’s most reality-detached comments of this campaign came when he declared that “We don’t have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don’t have insurance.” The Olympian ignorance of that remark says a …

Tuesday Forgotten American Blogging--The Cahokia Peoples 06, 2006 · One of the more interesting aspects of my trip to St. Louis the other week was a visit to Cahokia. Today, Cahokia is a large group of mounds just east of St. Louis, in Illinois. Virtually no one is familiar with Cahokia today, something I find most unfortunate. Cahokia was the largest Indian city in the United States before the arrival of Columbus.

The Rude Pundit 08, 2013 · The Rude Pundit's Handy Talking Points for Dealing with Stupid Conservatives on Today's Anniversary: Today marks the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Justice which climaxed with Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering what is now known as his "I Have a …

WebEdge Bloghttps://webedgeblog.blogspot.comA view of Technology, Photography, Communications and other fun stuff from the Edge of the Web.<br><br> WebEdge was the first and only Macintosh Web Development Conference. We held 6 events in Texas and California in 1995 through 1996. Over 1500 people attended these events and we had a lot of fun...

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard of the first casualties appears to be Stephen R. Kappes, deputy director of clandestine services, the CIA's most powerful division. The Washington Post reported yesterday that Kappes had tendered his resignation after a confrontation with Goss' chief of staff, Patrick Murray, but at the behest of the White House had agreed to delay his ...

Tulsi Gabbard calls out administration protection of Al ... 13, 2018 · @Not Henry Kissinger @gjohnsit Big Al doesn't like Tulsi because she's on the Council on Foreign relations, almost uniformly warmongers. But Tulsi is brave, even when speaking against sites of power to which she belongs, such as the DNC. She had the courage to visit Assad, interview ordinary Syrians and assess the effects of war on that nation first hand.

Baltimore City has been Murder Free for 10 days ... place to read and share positive and uplifting, feel good news stories.

January | 2012 | Skookworks.com is the last Midnight Commando cover. For my contributions to All Cover Comics I invented four “superheroes” and then drew the covers for the first five issues of each series. Bob Pfeffer, one of the publishers of All Cover Comics commented that he hadn’t seen yesterday’s cover before.

The Sapient Sutler: Music response meme II of the bonus tracks off the remastered and expanded classic album Rum, Sodomy & the Lash, a traditional Irish drinking song. Being an aficionado of Celtic songs, especially of the drinking variety, since I was a wee bairn, I also have versions by the ubiquitous Clancy Brothers and Waxies Dargle.

Big Hairy News: May 2016 badly shaken security guard told police that the new tomb was the final resting place for the singer Prince. In what many are calling a bizarre coincidence, the reported noise from the mausoleum appears to have perfectly coincided with singer Madonna's musical …

LoneStarBear: “Blackwater” Author describes the US ... Amato, Crooks and Liars: Jeremy Scahill, author of “Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army,” appeared on CNN and blasted BushCo. for fostering this private militia mentality because he wasn’t able to build an international coalition to invade Iraq.(Click pic for vid.) Scahill: …instead the administration is building a coalition of corporations.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Evangelical ... 19, 2006 · For the first time, the Jewish nation is going to recognize that he was the Messiah that came before, and they’re going to accept him as their Messiah.” Although Falwell implied that the prophesized anti-Israel coalition now can beidentified and consists of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas , Tarr isn’t so sure.

Looking for an action plan for the ocean - A TOWN CALLED ... fate of our ocean resources was the topic of discussion Wednesday night at a community meeting held by the Marine Planning Caucus, which hosted a two hour meeting at the Crest hotel. Discussions on marine planning and the proposed Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area planning process took place, as the delegate looked to find a ...

The Obfuscation Report: Right Wing Hate Mongers Continue ... hate-filled rhetoric against Obama from the anti-abortion movement is at unprecedented levels, even for this reflexively inflammatory group. They refer to him as the "Most Pro-Abortion President Ever" ignoring the fact that he is the first to extend an olive branch in hopes that together we can make abortion more rare.

atomic power review: Nuclear Lunch, Fukushima, and other ... of our discussion topics yesterday was the fact that the Japanese cannot survive forever without nuclear energy. Their manufacturing base requires a great deal of electric power; further, the nation cannot operate as a fuel importer.

Art for “the People,” Part 2—Murals - ReligiousLeftLaw.com “…[A]rt is no longer the hard-won ‘scrap of critical freedom of thought against external pressure to conform and internal fear,’ to use Alexander Mitscherlich’s words. I submit that aesthetic experience is the momentary, personal, exhilarating—to use [Clement] Greenberg’s word—form of this nonconformist, fearless scrap. It is a delicious, if brief taste of critical ...

Marc Valdez Weblog: Born Innocent (1974) 19, 2019 · This is where my dad might have helped. When he was a kid, in the 30's, he used to live in Hahn, NM, which was swallowed by ABQ as it grew (Google Earth points to Griegos Rd. & the railroad as the neighborhood of Hahn). This hall could have served that area. But alas, my dad passed away in 2009, so no questions.

Lying, cheating, and stealing: The NFL and the Economy 02, 2012 · The NFL and the Economy In a thought provoking Op-Ed piece in the New York Times [1] about the ending of the recent NFL referee lockout, Roger Martin from the School of Management at the University of Toronto made the argument that the NFL lockout situation is a metaphor for our modern economic system.

June | 2015 | Musing Mary Ann 13, 2015 · The first spy, a reluctant farmer named Abe Woodhull, became known under his pseudo-spy name, Mr. Culper. Woodhull, played perfectly by British actor Jamie Bell, is brought into the spy business by way of his childhood friend, Continental Army officer Ben Tallmadge portrayed by American-born stage actor Seth Numrich.

The Johnsville News: Duke/Nifong Hoax: Day #284! This is what we expected these types to say when it is all said and done... Gary L. Wright, McClatchy Newspapers/San Jose Mercury News: ... the team emerged Friday for the first practice of a new season. It was, in most ways, a normal start. ... who was the Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the National Socialist ...

the View from this far southhttps://paulg57.blogspot.comJul 19, 2016 · The issue in Montreal was an over-extension of power. In Chicago it was the commencement to the realization the apparatus of suppression are realizing they are on the wrong side. Police are not the riot gear clad instruments of oppression, they …

The American Human: Snowden Strikes Again: AT&T Largest 17, 2015 · When I read about this "new" Edward Snowden revelation yesterday, I immediately recalled that AT&T early on had been outed as especially cooperating with the U.S. government on spying on Internet and cell-phone communications.A quick google reveals that, yes, AT&T was deep in it early. Read about it here and here.WaPo snippet: [In 2002] AT&T allowed the agency to hook into its …

Fixing Canada's Economy - JOHN PRINCE: Telling It Like It ... Canada’s Economy. Dear Mr. Harper, Please find below my suggestion for fixing Canada’s economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to banks and car companies, that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan: There are about 20 million people over 50 in the work force.

WERE CHINESE PEOPLE NOT ADEQUATELY PREPARED FOR … 19, 2020 · Quoting Chairman Joma Sison on the views of Kobadh Gandhy "I have only a brief comment on the text above the blackbox. The real problem is that in an oppressive and exploitative society inequality and injustice make impossible for the exploited classes the freedom and happiness that should be enjoyed by everyone or most people and not only by the few exploiters who indulge in …

Notre Dame de Paris ~ European-American blog 03, 2019 · The Notre Dame fire has brought millions of people to tears. People all over the world have fond memories of their visits to this most beautiful of all shrines. We are all shocked and deeply saddened. This is not supposed to happen, Notre Dame is supposed to be forever. It has withstood a thousand years of war, revolution, history and change. All else may perish or be transformed, but not ...

Otto's War Room (??): Siraj Sikder Works: Class analysis ... 26, 2012 · A revolutionary party is the guide of the masses, and no revolution ever succeeds when the revolutionary party leads them astray. The 23 years long experience of East Bengal revolution and 46 years’ experience of Indian revolution proved that the revisionists, neo revisionists, Trotskytes and Gueverists have misguided people and as a consequence of that, revolution of India and East Bengal ...

FSBO Horror and Failure to Disclose Property Defects 02, 2007 · This page contains a single entry by Dan Melson published on March 2, 2007 10:01 AM.. It Not Only Rolls Down Hill, It's Starting to Cascade was the previous entry in this blog.. Links and Minifeatures 03 02 Friday is the next entry in this blog.. Find recent content on the main index or look in the archives to find all content.

This Week With Barack Obama: Chicago's bid for 2016 ... 10, 2009 · Chicago was eliminated in the first ballot of voting for the 2016 Olympics on Friday, a stunning defeat for the city that was expected to be one of the two finalists. Not even the presence of President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama — nor a long list of celebrities — was enough to help the United States’ third-largest city.

March 2015 ~ European-American blog 12, 2015 · This is a typical example of the consumer paying the price when network operators argue over money. Throttling and blocking are two other no-no's under the new rules and for the first time, open Internet rules will be fully applicable to mobile devices. In other words, the FCC now can regulate some aspects of how major ISP's conduct their business.

June 15, 2014 – DocuDharma 15, 2014 · It’s been one of those weeks where so many things have come to light that I simply do not know where to begin writing first. I sit there and think, which of the various things that I have been listening to or reading about have actually annoyed me to the point of actually writing about. I have realised that I am just generally annoyed.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Still regulating after all these years Station CHOI in Quebec City was the first to feel the fire, when the CRTC announced that the station is to surrender its license to broadcast at the end of August. The decision comes after a long hearing process where CHOI found itself under attack for …

Immigration | BENEVOLENT of the things that drives me absolutely bonkers about debates surrounding immigration is how devoid it is of historical perspective. Anti-immigration advocates that argue for more control over immigration universally tend to overlook the historical reality that the relatively recent existence of immigration controls is the only reason one can even speak of an increase in illegal immigration.

52 Best Semiotics, Gestalt & Cognitive Processes images ... 30, 2013 - Explore Visual Communication's board "Semiotics, Gestalt & Cognitive Processes" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Optical illusions, Illusion pictures, Cognitive.52 pins62 followers

atomic power review: Fukushima Daiichi: Reactor update is an attempt to drive the measured temperatures down in order to establish a 'cold shutdown' condition. TEPCO indicates that there was an increase in containment vessel pressure in No. 2 reactor plant shortly after the beginning of injection via the core spray line - thus it is certain that the water being injected through this line ...

THE OXPECKER: Dr. A. True Ott PhD Rebuttal To Snopes ... A. True Ott PhD Rebuttal To Snopes - SNOPES - China Eminent Domain Collateral False By A. True Ott, PhD, ND3-6-9 ... just as the British purchased Manhattan from the local Indians centuries ago with baubles, ... and this is the first book from Sinclair Publishing.

Mandate, My Asshttps://filkertom.blogspot.comDamn it. No clever whatevers today. Steve Gilliard, one of the finest and angriest and most passionate voices in Left Blogostan, has passed away at the age of 41.He'd been sick for several months, and took a bad turn some weeks ago, and never got better. Condolences to his family, friends, and colleagues.

Dan Quayle's Potatoe: 11/29/09 - 12/6/09 Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Motown Strong: June 2017 Beach County had the opportunity to be the first county in Florida to ban conversion therapy for people under the age of 18. But thus far, the commission has dropped the ball on creating a county-side umbrella policy banning the measure outright, so HRC president Rand Hoch has decided to go door-to-door (or, rather, municipality-to-municipality) to get local leaders to do what the county ...

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Correct Me If I'm Wrong 09, 2007 · This time around, he is the first of the top tier candidates to make his way to the middle of the state, and when he did he promised that come general election time, he would be working hard to win in Georgia. This is one of the reasons he has my support. Edwards at the top of the ticket helps all of our candidates down the ballot.

RegularEyehttps://regulareye.blogspot.comThe first of these great. posted by RegularEye at 1:04 PM 0 comments. Saturday, April 02, 2005. ... Akkadian Belit-ili in Mesopotamian religion, city goddess of Adab and of Kish in the northern herding regions; she was the goddess of the stony, rocky ground, the hursag. In particular, she had the power in the foothills and desert to produce ...

TigerHawk - Blogger is not a comprehensive live-blogging, but I will update this post in numbered paragraphs with observations as I have them. 1. The video of the guests arriving was hilarious, and its highlight was the arrival of Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame. If I work up the energy I'll put up a …

Balkinization: McCulloch, Slavery, and the Sweeping Clause Schwartz is a welcome exception to this pattern. In his fascinating new book, The Spirit of the Constitution, Schwartz highlights the fundamental ambiguity of the “let the end be legitimate” passage in the course of making clear just how evasive and unsatisfying Marshall’s entire opinion in McCulloch really is. Most scholars recognize that Marshall’s text supports different and ...

May 2005 - Messages from the Ether requires a slick-lookin' shark fin shaped radio that hooks up to a USB port, and the companion software to set up time-based recording (as opposed to named-schedule recording). The software looks usable and simple, and it saves to AIFF, AAC (Mac), or WAV (PC). For $70, an affordable, if …

The Rectification of Names: House of Cards being a member of the House who wants to push through a massive education bill in the hope of becoming Secretary of State is an inconceivably roundabout route to power in the US, whereas a British MP working diligently on education because he wants to be Foreign Minister wouldn't be at all improbable (British ministers remain MPs and ...

Bike Snob NYC: This Just In: Plugs and Deliberations many of you know, in addition to writing both this blog and the "Spatula Snob" blog, I also write a column for Bicycling magazine.However, before that column was just a glint in the eye of the shark I'm perpetually striving to jump, I wrote an article for Outside magazine about my participation in the 2008 Single Speed World Championship.So I'm pleased to announce that, nearly a year later ...

Rex Tillerson, Miss World, And The Corporatocracy - The ... first article describes how Trump's nominee for Secretary of State and current Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson undermined the American effort to hold Iraq together in the aftermath of the Bush administration's ill-fated war in that country. US officials were pressing the Iraqi government to pass a law that would require revenue sharing of ...

With Apologies to Bill Bennett: November 2012 know that back in that first post this September, I said this blog would never dip into the realm of the personal, and I have done my best to adhere to that promise. But I think the fact that only the seventh post I’ve put up in over two months is a testament to how hard it is for me to regularly come up with writing topics on my own, collegiate obligations notwithstanding.

Carrie's Bar & Grill: May 2008 31, 2008 · Carrie's Bar & Grill A place to enjoy good music, drink in some knowledge, and watch a little sports. Where there is always food for thought, topped with choice grillings of right wing talking points. Saturday, May 31, 2008. Duckie Rules. I know I've posted this before, but it's a Try a Little Tenderness night, Duckie style! ...

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily - Blogger in a Darkening Age... news, comment, arts, ecology, wisdom, obsessions, the past, the future... "THE END OF ALL INTELLIGENT ANALYSIS IS TO CLEAR THE WAY FOR SYNTHESIS."--H.G. Wells. "It's always a leap into the unknown future to write anything."--Margaret Atwood "Be kind, be useful, be fearless."--President Barack Obama.

Fred C. Trump’s hospital souvenir | Obama Conspiracy Theories found this forum page, with the first post of the page showing an image of a typed Hawaii certified BC (issued in 1973) posted to a genealogy website. I’m not sure if this meets the forum’s standards because it may not be a “public figure”, but I did some checking and the person named in the BC is deceased.

The Right Wing Report: September 2005 30, 2005 · This is all part of their ultimate goal of using the trial to put a spotlight on the low points of America’s foreign policy over the past several decades. Saddam’s lawyers believe that if they can embarrass the Bush administration into cutting a deal with Saddam, Hussein could return to power. Seriously. This is the delusional part.

FLAIT: Random, But Insightful Thoughts, the Iranian regime is a nasty piece of work in many ways, and it would be a bad thing if that regime acquired nuclear weapons. But let’s have some perspective, please: we’re talking about a country with roughly the G.D.P. of Connecticut, and a government whose military budget is roughly the same as Sweden’s." Fareed Zakaria

The Wattree Chronicle: July 2019 06, 2019 · Alexander Hamilton, one of this nation’s conservative founding fathers, believed that the rich and "wellborn" should be given a permanent share in government. He said:. “All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are the rich and …

Teeth of the Buzz Saw: Bigots hiding their bigotry make ... 11, 2012 · The first issue to note is that this rule is only for ex parte communications. This is the first I've heard of this term, but it appears to be in regards to (from the Iowa Code) "communications made to the judge outside the presence of the parties or their lawyers."

The Inside Poop: August 2017 16, 2017 · For the next two-and-a-half years, neither side was able to make any headway. The war was drawn to a close in 1953, after exacting a bloody toll. “The number of Korean dead, injured or missing by war’s end approached three million, 10 percent of the overall population,” Charles K. Armstrong, a professor of Korean history at Columbia ...

Orcinus: Eliminationism in America: IV 25, 2006 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

ConnecticutBLOG 17, 2006 · The doctors for Harry Whittington (the lawyer Cheney shot) held a press conference recently and I found these two exchanges between the press and the doctors rather interesting. One reporter asked whether or not the White House was coordinating the doctors' press conference.The doctor said that that was a good question, then explained that since their physicians were responsible …

home | Totally Unauthorized 17, 2007 · January (and the first part of February), have, predictably, been slow for work. This year, during the slow time, I read a book about tidying up. The approach of the book is a bit different that the usual ‘maximize your storage’ stuff. The author, Marie Kondo, opines that one’s clutter problems come from simply having too much fucking crap.

Blog Bilong Adam: July 2007 31, 2007 · The heavy-duty business machines had 64K of RAM. The weird Osborne, the first portable computer, weighed 23 pounds and had a monitor the size of a postcard. And it was a big seller. Donna Bowman reminisced on the computers she's had a couple of Mondays ago, going back to a …

News Feeds | ecology.iww.org that 50,000. Then 60,000. Tuesday was the second day the nation logged over 70,000 cases in a day. It was also the first time the United States recorded over 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 since June 9. To say that Mike Pence’s “no second wave” op-ed is going to be recorded as one of the most bassackwards statements in history is a given ...

P15810 | Dangerous Minds Minds is a compendium of the new and strange-new ideas, new art forms, new approaches to social issues and new finds from the outer reaches of pop culture. Our editorial policy, such that it is, reflects the interests, whimsies and peculiarities of the individual writers. We are your favorite distraction.

A World Before Male Dominance | BroadBlogs 17, 2015 · The Native Americans were the first people in North America including the United States. It’s funny how children are taught history from the white man’s perspective. The western civilization ended up kicking the Native Americans out of their own land, raping the women, and building factories and roads on crop field and Indian homes.

Skip Gates Talks | This Black Sista's Memorial Page 21, 2009 · The mistake I made was I stepped onto the front porch and asked one of his colleagues for his name and badge number. And when I did, the same officer said, ‘Thank you for accommodating our request. You are under arrest.’ And he handcuffed me right there. It was outrageous. My hands were behind my back I said, ‘I’m handicapped. I walk ...

Tortillas Quemadas: December 2009 31, 2009 · I was reading The New York Times and found two articles which disturbed me. The subject of the first article was the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, which was ordered to release more than 12,000 pages of documents relating to lawsuits alleging decades of sexual abuse of children by its priests.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2016-12-04 to a very rainy October and a pretty rainy November, we've had 19 inches of rain from Oct. 1 to today (December 9.) We got a touch over 9 inches last year in the same period. October 2016 alone was the second highest on record. By late November our reservoir was …

Vagabond Scholar: Jon Swift Memorial Roundup 2013 12, 2013 · It may not have been the most heroic endeavor, but it was kind and generous and a lot of us owe our continued presence in the blogging biz to Al. Here's Jon/Al's 2007 and 2008 editions. Meanwhile, here are the revivals from 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Power From Truthhttps://powerfromtruth.blogspot.comJan 28, 2008 · Unfortunately, Senator Clinton was one of those Senators -- as was then-Senator John Edwards. The latest example of groupthink that comes to mind was the myth of "inevitability" accompanying Senator Clinton's candidacy for President of the United States. The media is one of many culprits, of course. It's how they survive.

Cathie from Canada: December 2012 of the reasons I re-read A Christmas Carol every year is for the joy of Dickens' wonderful descriptions of Christmas in Victorian London: The cold became intense. In the main street at the corner of the court, some labourers were repairing the gas-pipes, and had lighted a great fire in a brazier, round which a party of ragged men and boys were gathered: warming their hands and winking ...

The Jawa Report: Western Hostages Rescued by Coalition hostages were found when American-led forces raided a house in western Baghdad, acting on information from one of two detainees interrogated late Wednesday night, Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, a spokesman for the American military, said at a news conference in Baghdad.

Mitt Romney is right; Rachel Maddow is wrong!! - Blogger of the biggest and most recent examples of Downing Street Memo which, combined with an enormous amount of other evidence indicates that we started the second Iraq War based on lies. This probably isn’t the exception it is almost certainly the rule and in most cases the public probably never finds out about it; nor is anything new.

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2013 · And a lot of the missile silo's, are in what are now Red States. I'd be curious to see what the Blue v. Red military breakdown is, as it pertians to the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, and nuclear fire-power. The Federal government can defeat any one state easily, maybe even a few of them, at one time.

XOXO, Jim Roy: November 2015 was the message author and historian Gwynne Dyer brought to SFU Woodward's in a March 25 sold-out lecture at the Goldcorp Centre for the Arts. "Well, we lost two people in the last year to terrorism and we lost about 250 a month on the roads," Dyer said.

Journal de La Reyna (World News Today): July 2007 31, 2007 · This is a very important read for it affects all aspects of Black life, from access to health and jobs as well as to decent stores for shopping, the whole quality of life in general. Some people may not like what she reported, but it reflects my reality, for I …

The Debate Link: 01/22/2017 - 01/29/2017 January 26, 2016, David French wrote a column in The National Review seeking to explain the rise of Donald Trump and the alt-right. His culprits are the predictable sort: "[T]he progressive movement that pushes explicitly race-based organizations such as La Raza or Black Lives Matter while specifically scorning whites, Western civilization, and so-called white privilege[.]"

Daveawayfromhome: September 2008 30, 2008 · Yet capital providers--stockholders--lay claim to most wealth that public corporations generate. Corporations are believed to exist to maximize returns to shareholders. This is the law of the land, much as the divine right of kings was once the law of the land. In the dominant paradigm of business, it is not in the least controversial.

Agent Orange Zone: September 2013 30, 2013 · "One of the questions that we asked a team of doctors is, if we have more children, what are the chances (of having another child with a disorder)," Al said. "They looked at me in the eye and said the chances would be a million to one." The Cocolalla couple also had family history on their side.

palingates: Dear Bristol, 18, 2009 · Sarah Palin on March 14, 2008 --- Bristol Palin on September 3 and October 12, 2008 I don't want to sound too critical, but your mom was ...

The Debate Link: 06/07/2015 - 06/14/2015 of my favorite cases to teach is Santa Clara Pueblo v.Martinez, 436 U.S. 49 (1978).Martinez involved an ordinance by the Santa Clara Pueblo tribe which granted tribal membership to the children of men -- but not women -- who married out of the tribe. A suit challenging the ordinance was brought by a a Santa Clara Pueblo woman married to a Navajo man and their daughter, who would not be ...

Media Giraffe Project -- Link & reference bloghttps://mediagiraffe.blogspot.comThe piece, signed by deans at five of the initiative-funded schools, is thought to be the first time a group of deans has spoken out on an issue of importance to working journalists. And, a December 2007 New York Times op-ed focused on the FCC and proposed changes that could affect local journalism.

The Trinity, Brothers of Jesus, Was Mary A Constant Virgin ... 02, 2008 · In his history you can find that he says books that are disputed (in his day) which the church later included in the bible. Ecclesiastical History Book 3 chapter 25 verses 1-7. “Interesting poll came out last week that said 45% of religious people have, in the last year, “changed” their religion.

16 | August | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 16, 2014 · We are already made new creatures in Christ Jesus by the effectual working of God the Holy Spirit. This is called the firstfruit because it comes first. As the wave-sheaf was the first of the harvest, so the spiritual life, and all the graces that adorn that life, are the first operations of the Spirit of God in our souls.

08 | August | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 08, 2013 · The gulf, we are told, is real and to be held to at all times. This division is further reinforced by the notion of public and private worlds, whereby one set of values or criteria rules in one sphere and a different set rules in the other. And then often compounded in the church with the divide between sacred and secular.

TigerHawk - Blogger is the second installment of a serialized review of the book. The first part emphasized the book's central theme, that America's national security apparatus -- diplomatic, intelligence and military -- is terribly organized to fight a counterinsurgency in a foreign country, and that the Bush administration was unable and unwilling to ...

THE WRENCH : March 2014“This is an almost unprecedented case in terms of how much money is in play.” Trouble is, Kerr-McGee no longer exists. It disappeared in a spinoff, a merger — into Anadarko Petroleum Corp. (APC) — and a bankruptcy, corporate maneuvers that have frustrated small-town residents across the country who say the pollution has ruined their health.

Chronicle AM: NY Legalization Effort Continues, Brazil ... 14, 2019 · This is what our government has come to—where our U.S Intelligence officials are actually defending the country from within, against a “president” who they believe will take issue with anything that has to do with Russia. They are rightly concerned that he could very well relay information to …

Mah Rabu ?? ???: Monastery of the Cross post is long overdue. We went to the Monastery of the Cross a couple weeks ago. It's a little bit crazy to have an 11th-century monastery basically right across the street.The current monastery was built in the 11th century, but other structures have stood on the same site, and the original mosaic floor (some of which is still there) is from the 4th century.

The Immoral Minority: Neil deGrasse Tyson has a message ... 01, 2012 · End-of-world prophecies for 2012 are hoaxes perpetrated by the scientifically illiterate on the scientifically under-informed — Neil deGra...

Rham "The Gangster" Emmanuel - Blogger Kurtz told the American people how Rham "The Gangster" Emmanuel threatened the network executives to carry the Obama press conference. Rham Emmanuel went straight to the top of each of the networks and talked to the Chairman or CEO of each major network.

Rockwood Memories....#178 |"This is one of those things you read about, but don't believe will happen," said DENTON SMITH, principal of the Spring City school. "It is the worst thing that's ever happened here." At Knoxville, Gov. FRANK CLEMENT said he had ordered the Tennessee Highway Patrol, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the State Education Commissioner's ...

This Week With Barack Obama: "I Trust Him." 10, 2009 · It was the arrogance of that administration that killed his presidency in the end. He could not pick up any phone to ask for any help, he killed all the pragmatic thinking and good will to these European countries and they watched him and this country go downhill. President Obama's speech at the town hall in France is one of the best he has given.

no matter where you go... there you are.: May 2008's mommie dearest one of its Top 20 Long Island Mothers of Celebrities at a ceremony on Tuesday." It should be noted that Dina earned a spot after a woman who drowned her kids in a tub filled with gasoline and Wheat Thins couldn't attend. Dina did have to agree to sign over legal custody of her youngest child, Cody. To which Dina replied: "Who?

marty france – God and this summer, Col Martin “Marty” France was the Head of the Department of Astronautics at the US Air Force Academy, and he had been for some years. As a permanent professor he was allowed to maintain his rank and his position — and then retire with a promotion, as a Brigadier General.

Green Eagle: Conservative Ascendency Through the Lens of ... 03, 2012 · I happened to be lying in bed a couple of nights ago, and looking for some light bedtime reading, I picked up a copy of of Ian Kershaw's biography of Adolf Hitler.

Above The Chatter: The Many Sides of Terror it seems that the informant whipped up their violent tendencies and their hatred of Jews, cooked up the plot, incited them, arranged their purchase of weapons, and then had them busted. To ensure that it made headlines, the creepy informant claimed to be representing a Pakistani extremist group, Jaish-e Muhammad, a bona fide terrorist ...

Air-Minded: PASM Photoblog XI – Paul's Corsair, as noted, was one of the aircraft to carry the APS-4 radar during WWII, mounted in an underwing pod. A similar podded radar was fitted to the TBM Avenger, below: General Motors TBM-3E Avenger. One of the docents I work with claims his first flight as a Navy aircrewman was on a TBM.

Cartel of Defiance: real horrorshow 23, 2006 · 9 Comments: wg said.... An old hobbyhorse.... 2:23 AM awol said.... wow, you really did have something up your sleeve with clockwork orange! We all know, however, that the real world only seems really real when you see it through the internets . . .

This Is My Brain On Musichttps://jdftunes.blogspot.comThis Is My Brain On Music "It was the music that struck me to the heart so that I could scarcely think of anything else for days." --Eric Fenby. Monday, December 14, 2009. ... I'll admit this video is way too long if you don't find it funny, but it's truly a note-by-note match-up. Try to ignore the poorly selected text fonts (the video creator ...

From 2006 - Flying Blind — Airline security needs to be ... Christopher Dickey, the author of "Our Man in Charleston: Britain's Secret Agent in the Civil War South" and "Securing the City," this site provides updates and footnotes on history, espionage, terrorism, fanaticism, policing and counterinsurgency linked to Dickey's columns for The Daily Beast and his other writings; also, occasional dialogues, diatribes, and contributions from friends.

Balkinization: The Relevance of Intellectual History to ... of the ways we can do by using the self-understanding historical actors had at the time to construct valid baselines for theories of constitutional change. This is an under appreciated fault line running through contemporary debates in constitutional theory. Some scholars like Bruce Ackerman deliberately use the self-understanding ...

October | 2011 | V B I posts published by Diane Vacca during October 2011. By the Middle Ages, the court jester was a familiar figure. He was licensed to tell truth to power: he regularly insulted the monarch , mentioned the unmentionable and gave voice to the thoughts others dared not utter.

Busy, Busy,, Busy, Busy & Assoc. The Ministry of Truth. The Defense Department Information Awareness Office has been raising some eyebrows lately over its plan to collect and analyze a great deal of information about the formerly private lives of American citizens. The IAO list of proposed technologies consists mostly of things more or less related to the collection and interpretation of data, but ...

Football 2019: Week Three - Blogger 13, 2019 · This is the 11:00 AM game on ESPN, which is the only reason I might see part of it. Kansas and Mississippi are two of the worst red states, so a 0-0 tie would be best if that was possible under the OT rules. Finally, Florida (2-0) is at Kentucky (2-0) in an SEC East game (ESPN at 6:00 PM).

NoFo: I RAN THREE MILES! WITHOUT STOPPING! OR PAIN! it was the hapless Nazis who were the ones for... P.S. Framing this as some kind of epic promise/ful... I! GRADUATED! FROM! PHYSICAL! THERAPY! Never shave in a hot shower with an old razor, kid... While I REALLY don’t want to think about Steve Kin... I swear I’m just getting amazinger and amazinger a... CedaRound: Downtown alley coolness

chuck dash parker dot net » 2015 » June Cooler. Smarter. Edgier. This is how Empire Magazine characterizes the new Fantastic Four film in it’s promo image for an upcoming puff piece. Problem is, none of these words really apply to the FF. Fun, Family, Adventure, or even Hokey are all words that would apply to the cast of the “World’s Greatest Comics […]

Annals of Derp: How to recognize a non-racist - Blogger 04, 2016 · Little-known fact: One of the definitional symptoms of racism is what is called proximity exclusion, in which the sufferer is physically unable to be in the proximity of a person of some other race. If Trump were a racist, he could not make his way to within two feet of a black person, even if he wanted to do it for the sake of a photo op.

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2007 · ...Todd Struwe, 44, who served on the Korean Peninsula, said Mr. Bush's address was "the best one we've heard so far from all of the candidates." Mr. Struwe speaks a truth here. Bush is a candidate, in a contest of his own devising. Election Day is Petraeus Day, though there have been, and will be, other Election Days.

August | 2010 | Retire Garrett courtesy of, clammyc’s take on the issue: Of all of the scummy things that Rep. Garrett has voted against (cuz he doesn’t actually vote FOR anything), this is one of the worst: A bill that would have provided up to $7.4 billion in aid to people sickened by World Trade Center dust fell short in the House on Thursday, raising the possibility that the bulk of compensation ...

Generic Viagra Online Free Sample | IIFC Viagra Online Free Sample Another Is Online Today Viagra This Story Yahoo Generic Attack News Sample Reported Was Border The Near From Missile Free AP. And Easier Lighter The Sample Read Free Viagra More A Are Are To Result Backgrounds To Online Comfortable Generic Eye As.

Good Riddance! Murdering Butcher Zarqawi is Dead Musab al-Zarqawi, mastermind of so much of the horrible violence that has torn through Iraq, is finally dead. This is a victory that all decent people can rejoice in. Zarqawi was a brutal fanatic to whom human life meant absolutely nothing. He was willing to slaughter anyone, including tiny children, in the furtherance of his cause.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The collapse of ... 14, 2007 · For that reason, the weaker and more besieged the administration feels, the more compelled they will feel to make a showing of their power. Lashing out in response to feelings of weakness is a temptation most human beings have, but it is more than a mere temptation for George Bush. It is one of the predominant dynamics that drives his behavior.

No Right Turn: Comparing emissions growth 10, 2006 · Nick Smith is nothing if not reliable. Every time he speaks on climate change - at the climate change and policy symposium, or in Question Time today, he trots out the same statistic to illustrate the failure of New Zealand climate change policy: that New Zealand emissions have grown at four times the rate of the United States and three times the rate of Australia

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Nest of Pervs and Reprobates? 11, 2017 · These guys were brought up in a certain culture of toxic masculinity and entitlement. It's time they ceded power to successors. This is not about discrimination, so much as it is about representation of other demographic groups who those Boomer men have frozen out. December 7, …

Progressives Launch Medicare For All Act with Rep. Pramila ... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Cabot Petoia, 828-899-9239, [email protected]; Kawana Lloyd, 240-472-2860, [email protected] *** For interviews with spokespeople or impacted individuals, please contact Cabot Petoia at [email protected] ***. Washington, DC – Today, over 100 people joined …

pretty fucking scary | Forum | Archinect 19, 2007 · presidential directive at gives Bush imperial powers Just heard about this presidential directive from their own website. This means any event that is considered a disruption of the nation or its normal routine (from the mega-quake in Cascadia to the even a computer virus) then Mr Bush can declare this emergency with 90s imperial rule.

FDL final voting on marijuana campaign slogan « Drug is what comes from persistence. I’ve been on these ‘progressive’ websites for the past 6 years at least, reminding them that the police state that they kept moaning and groaning about didn’t spring from the (microcephalic) head of George W. Bush during his tenure but had been growing – with the hearty help of so-called ‘progressives’ – for the past 30 years.

Secrets of Grandpatzer Chess: Openings for Improving ... 01, 2007 · When choosing a repertoire, these are the key things I'd consider: 1. Main lines are strongly recommended. They're main lines for a reason. Plus, as I've said before, at club level your opponents most likely don't know the theory. A great example of the Ruy Lopez (a.k.a. "Spanish").

“Elle” | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Next Left: Louise Casey And Her Orange 18, 2009 · But, for a progressive community such as the Fabians, it is the human and social cost of our prison system that goes beyond currency. Richard Wilkinson’s extensive research on unequal societies reveals that there is a correlation between inequality and a punitive criminal justice system. I return to Louise Casey and her orange bibs.

The (Old) Spring Creek Group Blog: March 2007 25, 2007 · An interesting side-note to the original post is its focus on top-line revenue as the core metric used to establish the value of an online ad-based business. In the short run, it might not make much difference to a VC whether one uses revenue, income, or EBIDTA to value a business but it signals, what I think is a dubious perspective.

CoronaVirus Meltdowns, Mismanagement, and Misinformation ... fears of rapidly spreading illness and a rising Sanders candidacy, pessimists in the pundit class are in full panic mode. Yes, there are things with both situations to be concerned about. However, the biggest short term problem, generally speaking, are the reactions by people who like to think of themselves as being in charge.

Collaborative Internet Governance: Terms and Conditions of ... are currently viewing the International edition of our site.. You might also want to visit our French Edition.. It is filled with articles from 500+ journals and chapters from 10 …

The Healings of Jesus for Mainstream, Progressive, and Epperly recently published a book called Healing Marks, (Energion, 2012), which explores the concept of healing in light of the Gospel of Mark's witness concerning Jesus' healing ministry.Bruce has written a number of books on healing, believing that prayer can lead to healing. With this essay, Bruce begins a new series of posts that will normally appear on Wednesdays.

"Teachers & Parents for Real Education Reform" 21, 2009 · In education, the new administration is as ruinous as the old. Education was not a big issue in the campaign, but it is a big issue for our society. Our future depends on having a strong and effective public education system, as well as excellent institutions of higher education and a variety of successful private institutions of education.

Behind the Times (subscription wall): 2006-09-17 22, 2006 · Behind the Times (subscription wall) Because making Frank Rich, Paul Krugman, Gail Collins, Gretchen Morgenson and Nick Kristoff available to all is a god-damned public service. ... Attorney General Jay Nixon’s office Thursday asked the state Supreme Court to put the case on a fast track as the Nov. 7 general election approaches.

Scatablog: July 2010 21, 2010 · In addition, the loss of $6 trillion in housing wealth, coupled with the loss of around $7 trillion in stock wealth, has cost the economy more than $500 billion in annual consumption demand. This is the result of the wealth effect on consumption, a phenomenon that economists have been writing about for close to a century.

| Official website of the comedian, television host ... included links to a couple of those articles because, as you can imagine, some people think a degree in comedy is stupid. They consider it akin to basket weaving. And, thus, that kind of disagreement counts as joke controversy, as you can readily see in the articles’ comment sections.

An Interactive Image - Thinglink the interactive image by A happy ThingLink User. Add text, web link, video & audio hotspots on top of your image and 360 content.

Righting and Wronging America at the Creation Museum ... 16, 2018 · In sum, for the Creation Museum the primary evidence for a young Earth is the inerrant Bible. That said, and as I noted, it is weird that there is no display of Genesis 1-11 at the museum; what Bible is there is presented is verses or snippets of verses on …

The Blog Wags the Dog | Like Them that Dream 23, 2011 · Once in a while a writer hits an idea so squarely on the head that society unconditionally embraces it. Such is the case with Orwell's concept of "Newspeak" in 1984. A language autocratically contrived to limit imagination and willpower, Newspeak may be the most pervasively integrated science fiction term in civic discourse. By the 1960s…

View From The Porch: Please stay off my side. joking nickname for Beech Grove Firearms in the circles in which I run is "Death Camp Guns & Gear", because it's almost literally across the street from the Amtrak rail car repair facility that some tinfoil hatter decided was a FEMA concentration camp, (much to the surprise of the people who work there, since their job is fixing choo-choo trains and not nerve-gassing patriots.)

M O B J E C T I V I S T: Failure is the complement of success 08, 2009 · which looks like the bathtub curve to the right for a specific set of parameters, a =1, b =0.1, c =0.1, tau =10.0. The detailed shape will change for any other set but it will still maintain some sort of bathtub curvature. Now, one may suggest that we have too many adjustable parameters and with that many, we can fit any curve in the world.

American Power: Inside the Minds of Islamic Militants 08, 2008 · Inside the Minds of Islamic Militants Farhad Khosrokhavar, a preeminent research scholar in France, and a Shiite Muslim who speaks Arabic, is interviewed at today's Los Angeles Times . Khosrokhavar conducted interviews with Islamic militants held in French prisons.

Balloon Juice | Corporate Socialism 02, 2012 · Oh and a promise to build a few dozen “middle income” units in the condo complex that’s part of the development. Here in Rockland, we’re struggling to find out even how much the county agreed to pay for a stadium for a minor league team. And don’t get …

Britain and America: Bringing progress and prosperity to ... W Bush gave a long speech to the Global Leadership Campaign yesterday, focusing on international development and clean energy. The title of this post is a phrase Bush used four times. He also emphasised as many times that each initiative was ultimately in the interests of American peace and prosperity, a concept BritainAndAmerica strongly believes in, and that America was a leader in ...

DCDL » 2007 » July’s the latest from our friends at DC for Democracy:. Finish out the holiday week by joining other DCFD members at the movies! Bring a friend or two! Michael Moore’s new documentary, Sicko, opened at theaters across the nation last week to amazing reviews.Sicko explores our crumbling health care system and the role of the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. Live Run Down incoming feeds as they are arrive through our newslookup-bot crawlers

Balkinization: Beyond the War on Terror for a time, the judiciary oversaw the replacement of the original remedies with substitute remedies such as the Bivens action and the exclusionary rule. But in more recent years, the courts have begun to roll back the substitute remedies, yet without being willing to revive the original remedies.

Accidental Deliberations: 2019-10-13 12, 2019 · Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Alexandra Zannis discusses the need to treat the end of poverty as a core policy goal. Peter Gilmer highlights how voters motivated by Christian ethics should be particularly focused on improving the condition of marginalized people. And Lynn Giesbrecht reports on Cindy Blackstock's work to call needed attention to the continuing systemic ...

The Rectification of Names: Mitch Switch weirdest thing about Trump's dead-in-the-water proposals (for $5.7 billion he'll free the 800,000 hostages he took over Christmas and ensure a three-year air supply to hundreds of thousands of immigrant hostages he took earlier in the year) is McConnell's evidently positive response: he'd been saying for weeks that he wouldn't allow a budget bill on the Senate floor unless it was something ...

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid ...'d think that when it came to an issue as important as the right to control your own body -- whether it's carrying a fetus to term or even preventing an unwanted pregnancy, women would pay more attention not even to the personal views of candidates, but to the policies they hope to enact and the people they plan to hire to enact them.

clowns to the left of me, jokers to the writehttps://magnoliavillage.blogspot.comLast night, as the auction came to a close, I put in a ridiculously high bid for the yearbook. The wife was looking over my shoulder and joked that I might be outbid. I fixed that by increasing the bid amount by another ludicrous amount, then increasing the amount once again.

Solution to America's Debt Crisishttps://fixingdebtcrisis.blogspot.comSep 18, 2013 · This sets a high standard for a minimum wage and a minimum quality of life. This is important because freedom from labor guarantees that a country can survive the point where its economic growth is eclipsed by the demand to hoard savings. Economic opportunity can't just go …

Strike force of truth and justicehttps://strikeforceoftruthandjustice.blogspot.comThis is bad for unskilled laborers but good in the sense that we are "getting better" and becoming more profitable as a nation. Here are the problems that I see: 1. LARGE corporations (not business in general) tend to dominate markets which may seem good if they are the best but it …

MY OP-ED PIECE ON IMMIGRATION REFORM | Mirror On America 02, 2006 · This is outrageous! The same student Visa system that was exploited by the 9/11 hijackers is still intact. Sure, it is a little more difficult to get into the country, but it is still relatively easy to do, especially if the person attempting to get in is determined and learns how to …

No Right Turn: Helping the rich? 05, 2007 · But go to a Marketing Manager on around $130,000. Under National they get $4,770 and Labour gives them $6,240. That is around $1,500 more. Of course, this glosses over a very important point: most of the benefit in Kiwi Saver comes not from the taxpayer, but from matching employer contributions which naturally rise with income.

Brown Man Thinking Hard: Where Are The White People With ... 08, 2009 · They are the people who will just about have a stroke if their child's teacher assigns their kid homework on the weekend, that sacrosanct time here in LaLa Land that is mandated to be filled with fun, fun, fun - four wheeling and jet skiing and hunting and fishing and SEC football games and soccer matches and birthday celebrations.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Living Wage Ordinance 09, 2007 · This is absurd. There are literally billions of mothers in the world. I love motherhood as much as the next fellow, but it has absolutely nothing to do with running the House of Representatives. Lady Macbeth had a child (Act I, Scene 7), but she wouldn't be my first choice to run a country.

The North Coast: Renewable Energy: Not in Your Lifetime 28, 2009 · Stoneleigh of the Automatic Earth blog has graciously granted me permission to reprint in its entirety her July 1 post, "Renewable Energy: Not in Your Lifetime." I have read hundreds of articles on various forms of renewable or "green" energy generation, including articles in scientific journals, but nothing I have read so clarifies the enormous complexity and technical challenges of energy ...

Every American Should See The Film Sicko | Mirror On America 08, 2007 · They are primarily concerned with profits. As a result, the U.S. healthcare system has decayed to a pretty dismal level in terms of patient care. It's now pretty much a broken system. This is the problem with having a critical sector like public health owned and controlled by the private sector. This should have never happened.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com top American air commander in the Middle East voiced frustration in an interview last week over the murderously incompetent Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen. Though welcome, his sentiment was far too mild. It should have been more like horror — and shame over American complicity in what a new United Nations report views as criminal carnage. Saudi Arabia and its Sunni allies intervened in ...

News Roundup! Expanding Health Coverage (HRAs), Saving ... 15, 2019 · Our President is fixing Healthcare on his own for millions of Americans. Yesterday, PDJT delivered remarks on expanding health coverage options for employers and workers through health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs). Employers will now be able to provide their workers with tax-preferred funds to pay for the cost of health insurance coverage that workers purchase in…

Eschaton: 01/06/2019 - 01/13/2019 to have links open in new windows Saturday, January 12, 2019. Happy, Happy

S&W Grand Cafe | KnoxViews 09, 2008 · But it would be wrong not to mention the governmental bodies, both City Council and County Commission for their support of everything from the property transfers between city and county on the old NS site and the 500 block, support of the TIF funding (a textbook case for its use), and just recognizing the good investment that downtown is, not ...

PARDON POWER: Talking Points Memo: Clarification - At the federal level, a broad term which is interpreted to include all of the other terms defined in this section. Sometimes, "clemency" is described as "the pardon power," which is acceptable, so long as it is understood that, formally speaking, a pardon is one of …

Apparent Dip: Mineral Separations Part 2 first step is almost always turning your rock sample into a pile of individual minerals. There are two primary ways people do this. Crushing and grinding. Jaw crushers (like the Bico Chipmunk) reduce fist sized rock chunks into small pellets. Disc mills, or pulverizers (like the Bico UA Pulverizer) break these small pellets into sand. The ...

Links 12/19/13 | naked capitalism December 19, 2013 at 9:06 pm. Great article. The commentary, not so much. If you want to see the end of democracy without blood in the streets, read C. Lasch’s The Revolt of the Elite and the Betrayal of Democracy.It’s been done with smoke and mirrors rather than bullets and bombs, but the result has been the same.

The Rectification of Names: Across the Pondering 19, 2016 · This is how we cosmopolitan elites talk when poverty and lack of status prevent us from expressing our eliteness in a more powerful and elite sort of way.) The dreary city of Luton itself, where she spent some time peering around a mall, is a particularly …

Thoughts from a Lezzymom: June 2009 09, 2009 · Episode 7 of "Thoughts From A Lezzymom" is now available FREE on iTunes. You can subscribe and listen to it here. Please use the tell your friends link in iTunes and spread the word about the show. If you don't have iTunes use the player in the sidebar on the blog to listen to the show. In this episode of the podcast I discuss the latest in ...

The Death Of Edith Rodriguez: A Despicable Tragedy ... 02, 2007 · It has been in a slow motion dive for a long time. From time to time we hear about some crazy story about a long wait in an ER, or how low income communities are being underserved. But no case collectively personifies these problems better than the case of Edith Rodriguez, and her experience at the "Historically Black" MLK hospital in Los ...

Amazon Wins $1.5 Billion Tax Dispute Over IRS - Slashdot on Thursday won a more than $1.5 billion tax dispute with the Internal Revenue Service over transactions involving a Luxembourg unit more than a decade ago. From a report: Judge Albert Lauber of the U.S. Tax Court rejected a variety of IRS arguments, and …

ad-sponsored music – Lucas Gonze the “Hello Goodbye” button in this widget, and what you’ll hear is (1) This is Jonathan Clay and you’re listening to a brand-new song called ‘Hello, Goodbye.’Thanks to Levis 501 Jeans for making this a free download and (2) the song, which makes my skin crawl but what the hell I’m not the target market and that’s probably what it’s supposed to do.

William Rivers Pitt's blog | The Smirking— from Truthout "But even the president of the United States Sometimes must have to stand naked." — Bob Dylan. Let it be noted, at long last, that on the final day of March in the year 2020, the 45th president of the United States finally told the truth.

Wisconsin Human Rights News Monitoring Service & Press ... pre-election U.S. invite. Vanessa Gera, Associated Press Updated 8:09 am PDT, Thursday, June 18, 2020 Photo: Czarek Sokolowski, AP File -- In this Thursday, July 6, 2017 file photo U.S. President Donald Trump, left, speaks next to Poland's President Andrzej Duda, at the end of …

Overhauling Higher Ed, Part II: Emerging Challenges ... 14, 2013 · This is the second in a three-part series examining the nature of the deep transformation that American universities are now confronting. In the first part, we looked at the mission and purposes of the university as we’ve understood it in the past.

Racist cowards indulge in a little dick waving 25, 2015 · A demonstrator, who spoke on camera with a mask covering his face, said one of the men was carrying a Black Lives Matter sign. The witness said a demonstrator came out of the crowd and punched one of the white men, and another man stepped back and reached toward his waistband.

Next Left: Would you rather live in Britain or Switzerland? 24, 2009 · In a strict sense of the term they are the only real democracy because every significant issue (and sometimes insignificant i.e. local parking charges) is put before the people. Women may not have had the vote until the mid 70s, but that is a problem when you are a democracy because two thirds of men had to vote for it.

No Shit Sherlockhttps://michigandissident.blogspot.comHere is a repost of a January 2005 >k9disc Invisible Man Special: Truman's National Security Act of 1947 gave us a new cabinet level official: The Secretary of Defense. Given the fact that the Administration keeps comparing our situation in this new milennium to WWII, and that we have a cabinet level Homeland Security Department, I propose that we bring back the War Department, and the title ...

Social Life | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities to Blue: A Modest View of a Serious Problem. Green to Blue is an animated short, which was named to the Top-Ten Shortlist of Friends of the Earth’s 2008 one-minute film competition.Green to Blue is a stop-motion animation that was made to promote global warming awareness.Elizabeth Klein, the film’s creator, explained that, “I made this stop motion to promote global warming awareness.

bear witness to the love of God in this world: December 2011 29, 2011 · bear witness to the love of God in this world occasional reflections, meditations, observations from my place in the world, mostly about faith, music, breaking news, recurring problems, bad habits, nice places to visit, recommended restaurants, books worth reading, appropriate technology, avoiding speedbumps, and, in general, reasons to go on living

X Curmudgeon: April 2010 you, if the fee is adopted, the money won't be used to enhance youth sports programs. To the contrary, it will go to restore budget reductions in other areas, such as tennis court lighting. This is a sore subject, because adults who play tennis in Arlington really do pay 0% of their costs- …

Today's Teamster News 02.07.15 | Teamsters School Bus Driver Taken To Hospital, Assaulted By Student, Official Says WHAS ...A representative from the Teamsters Local 783, the union that represents school bus drivers, tells WHAS the driver was transporting students from the Binet School which serves special needs children. That teamsters representative says a student tried to open the bus' rear door, when a bus monitor ...

Untethered | The American Conservative By Daniel Larison ... but it is hard. ... policies from the left than there was against Bush administration policies from the right at any point during the first Bush term and most of ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Saint Paul Fair Housing lawsuit ... 29, 2011 · This is the first time that a disparate impact case has ever been litigated this far in the context of a facially neutral policy that discriminates based on an overly aggressive housing code enforcement,as compared to a FHA discriminatory claim based …

White Supremacy and Violence (Repost) #BlackLivesMatter 16, 2016 · This is a machine capable of moving through more than four dimensions, which makes it quite possible to use this machine in order to visit a different universe. Let us travel to a different universe; we’ll call it Universe B, and the original will be called Universe A. Universe B, on the surface, is identical to Universe A.

medical bankruptcy | Medical Cost Advocate | Medical Cost“This is a perfect storm in which consumers’ hidden costs will only increase exponentially in the near future.” The Deloitte study looked at the most recently available health care expenditure data from the government. The firm, with Harris Interactive, also polled 1,008 U.S. adults,18 and older, between Sept. 29 to Oct. 4, 2010. Read More

Serephin's blog | 43rd State Blues: Democracy for self-employed, I did qualify for a subsidy and my new Gold Plan has a $1,000.00 deductible, then 85/15 coinsurance with a new annual out of pocket of $6,350.00. The great part is, my new monthly premium beginning in January 2014 will be $164.08 a month for …

Sipsey Street Irregulars: From WRSA: Let's Win 27, 2009 · What are the Six Bs? Beans: Food for a minimum of one year for each member of your tribe. Bullets: A bare minimum of a long arm capable of killing a man at 100 yards for every tribe member over the age of 10, along with a bare minimum of 1000 rounds of ammunition for each long arm.

The Online Lunchpail ™: When Jump the Shark jumped the shark 03, 2009 · The old Jump the Shark website was a cultural phenomenon. It let folks submit all the moments when their favorite TV shows fell to shambles. It was an uproarious read! Jump the Shark was so lucrative that its owner sold it to TV Guide in 2006. But the TV Guide people didn't care about what made Jump the Shark so special.

RIGHTWINGSPARKLE: 08/29/2004 - 09/05/2004 01, 2004 · Kerry said " I have five words for Americans: This is your wake up call!!" uhhh, thats 6 words. The video footage of Bush throwing the first pitch at Yankee stadium in Oct 2001, and getting it over the plate while wearing a bullet proof vest, contrasts nicely with Kerry's nancy-boy throw at …

Harrod's News Of The World: BREAKING At The Yonkers Tribune, NY — September 22, 2017 — It is too often difficult to discern that which is being conducted before one’s eyes, in the open, and brazenly at that. Thanks to an astute Yonkersite who has shared this telling exclusively with the Yonkers Tribune, it has come to light that some Yonkers Parking Authority employees have been peering into the residences at 66 Main Street.

Kerfuffle: September 2011 Mashable:. In this Facebook Timeline and Mad Men video mashup, Donald Draper pitches the idea of a nostalgia-infused social network that “lets us travel the way a child travels — round and round, and back home again to a place where we know we are loved.” The video pulls from Mad Men‘s “The Wheel” episode — in which Draper conceives an ad campaign for the Kodak Carousel ...

New Jersey Automotive Industry Employment News Monitoring ... market starts to recover -- especially for white and Hispanic Americans. Unemployment rates for both groups fell last month to 12.4% and 17.6%, respectively, down from 14.2% for whites and 18.9% for Hispanics in April, both record highs.Employment also increased for black Americans, but it …

Wisconsin Crude Oil News Monitoring Service & Press ... Is One of the Nation’s Top 10 Least Expensive Markets at $1.19 Only 12 States Carry Gas Price Average of $2/Gallon or More MADISON, Wis., (April 27, 2020) – As gas prices continue to push cheaper across the country, only one dozen states …

No More Mister Nice Blog: Thanks, Obama 09, 2018 · There's also some unexpectedly cheering news, which is that my favorite part of Obamacare, the part nobody else cares about which I regard as the gateway to a European-style universal health care system—the employer mandate—has survived! While the individual mandate may be dead, the employer mandate — the requirement that many companies offer health insurance to …

Apparent Dip: (U-Th)/He Thermochronology 22, 2007 · UPDATE: If you found this web page while looking for information on labs where you could do (U-Th)/He analyses, please check out the web page for the new He lab at the University of Colorado - Boulder. In response to a comment I received on an earlier post, I thought it might be a good idea to give a brief overview of (U-Th)/He thermochronology.

Shamanism In The Modern World 26, 2007 · Youtube is the first successful video broadcast system driven entirely by its viewers content. After opening a free account you can upload videos of whatever you like, from personal events to news clips of interest. It is one of the most vibrant, active online communities with video messages serving as links to connect people from around the world.

And, yes, I DO take it personally: 08/28/2011 - 09/04/2011 03, 2011 · but, at this point, with the 32 months of obama's record as president staring us in the face, i don't see how anyone can think for a minute that 1) anybody can "pierce the armor" or that 2), even if the armor is "pierced," that the man has the slightest intention of "doing business in a different way"... he is what he is and god help us all...

Reviews – Dewey Design really just picked a Microsoft phone because I like to buck trends and because of its camera, but it seems like you can pick up an Android device on the cheap as well. In fact, if I’d been willing to dish out $120 or so I could have had one of the best phones on the market while still paying less than $10 per year on average. March 2008 31, 2008 · Then I was shopping tonight and for the first time saw this: Not only did they have four different varieties of organic ice cream, but it was very competitively priced -- a quart for $4.99. I thought about getting some for a taste-test, but I'm actually willing to give it …

ZORIAH - A PHOTOJOURNALIST AND WAR PHOTOGRAPHER'S … 11, 2015 · Below is a feature story I wrote for about the first time I photographed the Chernobyl Nuclear Exclusion Zone. I am offering yearly photojournalism workshops in Chernobyl. More info and applications can be found by following the link.. Rudolf made the drive from Kiev to the militarized Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in less than three hours, a feat that would have been impossible …

Saipan Writer: Election Results? Writer said.... anon, hard to tell if that's sincere or sarcasm. angelo was in a big field. He did all right. and Donald Flores is a surprise winner, imho, not my …

Blowout week 27 | Energy 06, 2014 · This is of course perfectly appropriate, but it wasn’t my point. My point was that six years ago the UK committed to cut its CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050 using strategies that a) heavily emphasized wind power and b) assumed that left to its own devices and given the right incentives the market would deliver the desired results.

Primary key columns - there any way in SQL Anywhere to have the primary key columns not be in the same order as they appear in the table? For example : table name is customer - the 1st column is company_id and the second column is customer_id; the primary key needs to …

Aspiring Incitement - Bloggerhttps://goosebumpcity.blogspot.comThe Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is "a consumer advocacy organization whose twin missions are to conduct innovative research and advocacy programs in health and nutrition, and to provide consumers with current, useful information about their health and well-being." So they lobby for healthier standards in food. That's good for them.

A Preliminary Analysis of the LAO Analysis of cap-and ... primary reason for considered to be a degree of over-capacity provided by the ICE services (ATOC, 2009a) in order to compete more effectively with services from new low-cost airlines. On ICE lines, services are run closer to the capacity of the network than comparable TGV and Eurostar services.

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2008 · MEDIA: WE KNOW HILLARY'S SPEECH FAILED, WE JUST CAN'T AGREE ON WHY OK, I'm confused. I saw Hillary Clinton's speech last night and thought she hit a 565-foot home run -- surely not enough to persuade every diehard, but a resounding, McCain-rebuking, PUMA-rebuking show of support for Barack Obama.

December | 2009 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao it is also the nature of humanity, the thing that makes the development of the cognitive and resource infrastructures upon which these depend possible in the first place. Without the social, none of this develops. With the social, most of what develops as a result of the social will be excluded because it is not sufficiently social.

October | 2015 | The Trinity River Lookout Corrections Corporation of America came under scrutiny when one of its detection facilities in Texas was found by a federal judge to be in a “deplorable” condition, requiring the release of immigrants detained there. Specia is head of the state regulatory body that would oversee the facility under a proposed licensing program to keep ...

Colorado Electric Cars News Monitoring Service & Press ... Response: Minnesota, too, can reap benefits of clean-car technology. On May 15, a commentary in the News Tribune by the president of the Minnesota Auto Dealers Association (“California way the wrong way for Minnesota”) suggested that the Minnesota Pollution Control …

Dr Kevin Bonham: Horse-Race Overview And Betting Roundup ... This post was actually released 23 June, not 18 June as for some strange reason stated!) It's just about time to rule a line under the rolling poll roundup that I ran through the last several days and write something new about the overall horse-race picture. A new rolling roundup will be started when there is a new national poll (most likely ReachTEL on Friday night).

RED CANUCK: Good Night, And Good Luck night, and good luck. UPDATE: Thank you so much to all who have written such kind words in the comments and on their blogs. It reaffirms my faith in humanity that such generosity of spirit can be found amongst people who have never even met each other. Your thoughts and prayers have touched me deeply and are much appreciated.

Bonfire of the Vanities: Questions to ask the 'women priests' 31, 2006 · Questions to ask the 'women priests' By now, you probably heard about the plan by a group of women to stage an ordination on a boat on one of the rivers near Pittsburgh -- today, I believe. This has gotten some attention in the secular media, such as this Washington Post article and of course, on Catholic blogs such as Domenico Bettinelli's .

Access St. Louis!: Jim Giles Interviews first one is with Glen Miller, Former Head of the White Patriot Party, at one time the largest Pro-White organization in the country. I realize there is a lot of controversy surrounding Miller due to his association with the Order and the aftermath, but I think our …

Accidental Deliberations: 2018-07-08 11, 2018 · And Annie Lowrey makes the case for a basic income as a matter of freedom from an intrusive state apparatus focused on stripping away contingent benefits. - Jedediah Purdy comments on the increasing salience of class issues in the U.S. as the Trump administration hands over policy-making authority to big business.

Who Hijacked Our Country: A People’s History of the United ... 18, 2008 · These two books are a big 180 from the condensed simplified “America to the rescue!” tripe we all studied in school. And we have the same contrast with today’s current news coverage. Listen to a scripted sanitized story on the evening news. Then check out the same story on one of the “alternative” news websites, or a foreign news source.

Neil Sinhababu: July 2015 we can substitute the G's for D's, and the B's for A's. This gives us: S D 2 + A 2 - 2DA So virtue is having strong and focused passions, making the first two terms big; and not having both desire and aversion to the same thing as self-denying ascetics do, which would make the last term a big negative.

RAGGED THOTS: 09/21/2008 it was my imagination, but it seemed like the day after McCain called for Cox's head, President Bush went out of his way to lump Cox, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke as a tight troika dispatched to get the financial markets back in order. It seemed like there was a message being sent that Bush wasn't signaling blame for any single one of them.)

Karma Over Dogmahttps://indianbadger.blogspot.comBig Problem. Now instead of soup I had Chili. I remember one of the people who tested my three bean chili said after tasting one of my early attempts that Tomatoes is what makes Chili Chili otherwise it is like a Bean Casserole. In my version of the first Cuban Black bean soup I added Cumin and Tomatoes. This just tasted wrong.

Frontloading HQ: January 2009 04, 2009 · The bill to move the Arkansas presidential primary back to May in 2012 has passed the House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee and now moves to the floor for a vote. HB 1021 would move the presidential primary back to coincide with the primaries for state and local offices usually held in late May. After getting lost in the shuffle in 2008, Arkansas is making the move largely …

The Other McCain: Specter: RINO no more 01, 2009 · "One of the basic principles of military strategy is to reinforce success. If you see a man who fights and wins, give him reinforcements, and bid others to emulate his success." * * * * * * * "Whenever it is a slow news day, or some event (like the Obama inauguration) is sucking the air out of the media and internet, someone whose blog I follow invariably posts a picture of a pretty woman ...

Who are Stoke-On-Trent's City Independents? - Wouldn't It ... 03, 2008 · Thursday's Question Time featured an interesting discussion of a particularly potent local issue: why, it was asked, were so many BNP councillors getting elected in Stoke On Trent, and what was to be done about it. The usual arguments on the BNP arose, but, it was suggested, the difference in Stoke On Trent was that the council is run by a coalition of all three main parties, because the ...

Empires and Mangers: All The News That's Fake To Print's important to remember that legitimate news sources - organizations where trained reporters and editors take the business of journalism seriously - are trying hard to pursue facts and tell the truth.It certainly doesn't always happen - and then that makes the headline in news outlets everywhere else because it's a competitive industry.The New York Times' loss is the Washington Times' gain.

Brain Rage: American Power And Hypocrisy 02, 2009 · I stopped by my conservative counterpart Donald Douglas' blog American Power this morning to see if he could provide me with a laugh or two to start my day and instead I found (sandwiched of course between two posts about what a super-brave, Christian patriot beauty queen Carrie Prejean is for wanting to deny gay people the right to marry each other because she totally …

California High Speed Rail Blog: LA Times Endorses Yes on ... 01, 2008 · One of the weaknesses in Prop 1A is that it only requires 1/2 of the funds for construction of a segment to come from sources other than the bond money. So even though everybody talks about 1/3 coming from bonds, 1/3 from Federal sources and 1/3 from private equity, to complete the project, pieces of the project can be built using only 1/2 from ...

Pleternica moj rodni grad: Russia’s Attacks on Democracy ... 31, in one sentence: President Trump fired Steve Bannon; saw at least 69 members of his advisory councils, including a pastor on his evangelical advisory board and at least three from his digital economy board of advisers, quit over his incendiary comments about Charlottesville; praised the “many protesters in Boston speaking out against bigotry and hate”; promised to keep U.S. troops ...

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