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Malaysia’s Election Will Test the Country’s Stability 01, 2018 · Malaysians will go to the polls on May 9 in the country’s 14th general election. This is the most hotly contested election in Malaysia’s history, pitting the scandal ridden incumbent Prime Minister Najib Razak against a coalition led by former political enemies: former prime minister Mahathir Mohammed, who is 92 years old, and his […]

About Those California Wildfires | Power Line is not an ideal solution, but it is better than what occurred. ... This is just one of many such sources, ... and damaged several Hollywood landmarks such as the set of “MASH” and the ...

About The Debate Going On Right Now : MGTOW The Debate Going On Right Now submitted 2 ... It's all about who is the bigger lier, unfit candidate. I know "politics" but it's fucking stupid. So what these young adults see is fucking stupid and all they know. These are supposed to be the leaders of our country. It's a fucking joke.

When 400 teachers pack the room | Esrati knew the school board was ready, all of them dressed in their Sunday best- Joe Lacey even left his hoodie at home and combed his hair. The teachers were ready too. When I say 400, it's not an exact count, but it was the most I'd seen. They were wearing red, and they weren't happy. Negotiat

Egan living his dream - David Egan, an advocate for people with intellectual disabilities, was invited to deliver the feature address at the annual World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) Conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port of Spain yesterday. The 40-year-old Egan, who is featured in a recent book, Firestarters, has always dreamed big. When he was eight, …

U.S. Democrats seek to make Republican scandals an ... accused congressional Republicans on Wednesday of enabling a growing culture of corruption under U.S. President Donald Trump and planned to use the issue to bolster their push to retake control of Congress in November's elections. The …

Hillary’s Obamacare Problems – among other things ... 16, 2013 · “The individual mandate create some additional problems, at least as we analyze them. It makes it very difficult to determine and monitor who is in the system and who is out. It would require tracking individuals as they move in and out of jobs, as they move in and out of the insurance market.

Christ’s Casting Call:Bit Players Wanted | Sharp Iron 20, 2008 · One of my favorite recordings is of Johnny Cash covering the Depeche Mode song "Personal Jesus" (not real crazy about Marilyn Manson's version). I'm not exactly sure what this song is about, but it reminds me of the often asked question; "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?". Although firmly believing that a…

Political Irony › Cheney accuses Obama of playing politics ... what must be one of the most hypocritical statements in recent history, former VP Dick Cheney accused president Obama of using the Justice department to launch politically motivated investigations against CIA personnel for their use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” (i.e., torture).. This is triply hypocritical: Firstly, how can he accuse Obama of playing politics with the Justice ...

Christie, Cuomo, and the Attempted Astorino takedown points to draw out on this…first, it’s cosmic timing that Christie, as the head of the RGA, would call Astorino’s candidacy a “lost cause” just two days before the New York Times bombshell about Cuomo and interference with the Moreland Commission. If there was ever a time for Republicans to lend a hand to the Republican ...

The Big Apple: “To go forward, put it in D; to go backward ...“All you ever needed to know about this election, you’ve learned from driving. If you want to go backward, you put it in R. But if you want to go forward, you put it in D,” said Iowan Tom Harkin at the August 2000 Democratic National Convention.

Is it possible for the political process to shape the ... is not a question. Do you mean: Is man by nature a political animal? What is man's natural response to the political process? Does politics turn man into an animal, against his nature as an ...

Weird How These Anti-LGBTQ Lawmaker Guys Can't Keep Their ... 18, 2017 · This comes as a surprise to many constituents, because Goodman has consistently spoken about "natural marriage" being between a man and a woman. His campaign website, which is now offline, outlined his views on family: "Healthy, vibrant, thriving, values-driven families are the source of Ohio's proud history and the key to Ohio's future greatness.

US President Hits Porn Actress with $20 million Lawsuit only people paying attention to that are the mentally deranged leftists who are so filled with rage they're hitching their hopes to a stripper with a story from over a decade ago, while mired in the #metoo scandal. ... That was the poster's point to which I was responding. ... in his 60s, and will likely result in him collecting hundreds of ...

D.C. Wire - Fenty hammers Gray on education at 25, 2010 · Mayor Adrian M. Fenty, who has tried to gain traction in his campaign with humilty and by attacking his main opponent's record, stayed on message during a debate Tuesday night, focusing on the progress the city's schools have made under him and Chancellor Michelle …

Article: Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory | OpEdNews 13, 2007 · Article: Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory - Bush/GOPs war objectives in Iraq have changed 4 times. It hard to be victorious when you keep changing the formula for victory.

The Bergdahl Exchange [Fifth UPDATE (with clarification ... 03, 2014 · This is truly wonderful news. The five Taliban detainees transferred to Qatar apparently are: Abdul Haq Wasiq (ISN 004) Mullah Norullah Noori (ISN 006) Mullah Mohammad Fazl (ISN 007) Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa (ISN 579) Mohammad Nabi Omari (ISN 832) Here is an earlier story from Charlie Savage about the exchange negotiations. With this exchange, […]

Official Act Immunity and the Singh Case - Just Security 25, 2014 · At Lawfare, John Bellinger has commented on Judge Boasberg’s August 19 ruling that former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is immune from suit for human rights abuses in India allegedly committed while he was Prime Minister, but not while he was Finance Minister. There is much that the ruling gets right. In particular, Judge Boasberg […]

_It Don't Make Sense_: Trump On Immigration Don't Make Sense_: Trump On Immigration ... Pages. Home

Why do we worship at the altar of the Commission on ... do we worship at the altar of the Commission on Presidential Debates? Especially in this new media era, the quadrennial deference seems especially antiquated.

Meat | NobodyisFlyingthePlane can reduce their impact on climate change more by consuming less meat than they can by curtailing their driving. That’s not to say we shouldn’t do both, …

High court may end corporate, union campaign-spending ... court may end corporate, union campaign-spending limits ... and other sponsors of a major campaign-finance law who don't want any significant change to the restrictions. ... a case to be ...

Trump’s plan to lower drug prices: raise them for everyone ... 06, 2018 · Trump’s plan to lower drug prices: raise them for everyone else on Earth Here’s your proof that Trump’s been in Big Pharma’s pocket all along.

McCain and the cowardly, do-nothing 21, 2019 · Sen. John McCain is a war hero, despite many remaining questions about whether he "broke" and passed classified military to the North Vietnamese during his confinement in prison at the "Hanoi Hilton" during the Vietnam War. At the time, McCain's father was the admiral in charge of the Navy's Seventh Fleet in Asia, and he was a valued war prize for then Vietnamese leader Ho Chin Minh.

Swimming preview: top competitors, season story lines ... future Georgetown swimmer recorded the fastest 100 breast time at his school since Tony Dual (58:50) in 1993 by trimming nearly two seconds off his third-place time (58.54) in his junior campaign.

Leaked tape piles pressure on Trump, with ex-lawyer to ... 25, 2018 · The dramatic leak of a taped conversation between Donald Trump and his longtime attorney signals an aggressive new strategy by Michael Cohen, raising questions about how much the US leader has to fear should the former fixer cooperate with …

James Woods Sues Twitter Troll for $10 Million Over ... 31, 2015 · Actor James Woods is suing a Twitter user for at least $10 million in damages, claiming that the anonymous user falsely accused him of being a …

The Moral Case for Price "Gouging" - Capitalism Magazine 05, 2015 · However, this was an economic argument that presupposes that people value happiness and would therefore demand political conditions or rights that would result in freedom and prosperity. Believe it or not, this premise is not axiomatic and in fact, as I will show, the opposite premise leads to price “gouging” laws in the first place.

PRAGER: How The Left Keeps Me Religious – Pelt The Pundits are individual anti-Semites across the political spectrum, but the incubator of modern anti-Semitism is the left. Thanks to leftists such as Jeremy Corbyn, the head of the British Labour Party, and the two new female Muslim members of the U.S. Congress, anti-Semitism is becoming respectable in the West for the first time since the Holocaust.

Homer Rice ’51 and Centre parent Seth Hancock to be ... people with Centre connections will be inducted into the Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame on Thursday, June 7: Seth Hancock, father of Allison Hancock ’14, and Homer Rice ’51. “Receiving an award from the Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame will be an honor. I am being called back to my home state,” Rice says.

North Corbin Junior High students get 'sorted' into new ... gather as a sixth-grader is sorted into his house during the Sorting Ceremony at North Corbin Junior High on August 9. The sixth graders were sorted into their houses for the reminder of ...

Judge Rules Planned Parenthood May Now Tap Dance On ... tried to prevent Medicaid funds from going to Planned Parenthood, failed.

GOP senators block election security legislation hours ... 26, 2019 · This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold.

New tarantula species named after singer Johnny Cash ... tarantula named after singer Johnny Cash is among 14 new species identified by scientists who spent a decade collecting the hairy spiders and studying nearly 3,000 of them.

I’m still baffled how this guy got more votes then Michael’m still baffled how this guy got more votes then Michael Saba. January 6th, 2017 ... District 9 is one of the few,i f not only, competitive legislative districts in the Sioux Falls area. ... This is used to make sure that our roads do not take the beating that they could be …

Wolk and Yamada Push Back against Big Money Pushing into ... 17, 2016 · A push poll is a nasty political tactic where a campaign or PAC staffer will call you and ask you a series of misleading questions with the intent on “pushing” you away from the targeted candidate. All of done in the guise of being a neutral pollster.

You just can not make this stuff up: The Senator Yee just can not make this stuff up: The Senator Yee Arrest Warrant - posted in National Politics: Seriously, this reads like a Hollywood movie script. How a State Senator, running for California Secretary of State has been a long time member of calculated criminal conspiracy involving a Chinese Tong. He was arrested because he was selling shoulder fired rockets to another gang as well as ...

Presumption of innocence | Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog is sufficient to create reasonable doubt. That’s not enough to prove that Martin was the aggressor. But it is enough to create reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was the aggressor. And it’s Zimmerman who is on trial here, not Martin. Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of people have taken sides based on things other than the actual evidence.

Upcoming Municipal Elections : HuntsvilleAlabama Municipal Elections (self.HuntsvilleAlabama) ... (and a great model for the rest of the Country). Pamela Hill (district 5) was the teacher who admirably quit her job at Williams Elementary (now Williams P8) so that she could run for school board. I know very little of her or her opponents (Carlos) positions. ...

How well do Americans understand economics? - Fluther changed many people’s minds during the initial fallout from the crisis was the reactions of the two candidates. How they viewed the steps taken by each man formed their belief far more than anything that either one of them could have done to explain the details of the measures they would take to …

VOTER FRAUD - astrologicaltools.com 'MAGIC KEY" Report: Biggest Election Fraud in History Discovered! BEV HARRIS: How America's Elections Are Hacked Transcript of the Alex Jones interview with Bev Harris Patriotic Heroes Bennie Smith & Bev Harris

November | 2014 | Power Line | Page 3 26, 2014 · While Burnham’s classic Suicide of the West was the main focus of the conference, in rereading the Burnham corpus before the conference I was struck by one of …

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Why Tuesday's Delaware Election ... 13, 2019 · On Tuesday, voters in Delaware will elect school board candidates in two counties. Why does this matter to NorCo? Because the voting will be on the ExpressVote XL system, which has been proposed here. Northampton County is waiting to see how that election goes before voting to purchase the choice of Executive Lamont McClure, a vast majority of 40 election judges who viewed several …

Trump All Up In Stormy Daniels's ... Restraining Order ... Lie #1 -- Trump never advised Michael Cohen to seek a restraining order against Stormy Daniels Remember back in April when Trump told all the reporters on Air Force One that he never knew anything about the $130,000 hush money payment by his fixer Michael Cohen to keep Daniels quiet about that time she had pathetic, two-minute bad sex with the future president?

8 DAYS OUT: Battleground Poll finds independents spiking ... 25, 2010 · Battleground Poll finds independents spiking for GOP. JAKE TAPPER on “GMA”: “The president's stop in Providence, Rhode Island, today will be his 23rd visit in a row to a …

Lynn city of ‘win’ in keeping McHugh – Lowell Sun 13, 2015 · One of the last Lowell-area murder cases Bedrosian prosecuted was the 2003 fatal shooting of Kenneth Davidson, 23, outside Davidson’s Market Street apartment in Lowell. ... who is …

iWindsurf Community :: View topic - Who is Michael 27, 2018 · Search Profile Log in to check your private messages Register : Who is Michael Cohen Goto page

Ballas says he'll work to better his hometown | Local ... Ballas is banking on his position in the community to land him in the Missoula mayor's chair in this fall's election. "My whole life has revolved around Missoula," the 61-year-old architect ...

Bill Clinton Dnc Speech free essay sample - New York Essays to a human’s emotions is arguably one of the most powerful mechanisms in trying to persuade an audience to believe in one’s argument. Clinton starts his speech by repeatedly referencing the audience as “we democrats” and using phrases such as “every one of us” and “every one of them” heavily in his speech.

Required Reading: The Origin of the DEA – Part 2 | The ... 10, 2014 · Excerpts from The Great Heroin Coup by Henrik Kruger (1981) Drugs Intelligence & International Fascism Quote from The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia: “Heroin Kingpin Santo Trafficante Jr. boarded a jet in the summer of 1968 to seek his new fortune. Trafficante liked what he saw in his Southeast Asian tour. With enough trained…

No headline - 10/31/1994 - CSMonitor.com Huffington (R) is a freshman representative who has left few marks on Capitol Hill, but he is also the heir to a $70-million Texas oil fortune who is self-funding a challenge to Feinstein ...

Letters to the Editor for Nov. 2, 2011 | News ... importantly, she is the only candidate who has worked on issues important to the people of Nelson County, with members of both parties. As a leader with integrity, a mother of three graduates ...

The Mystery of Mark Kirk’s Motivations – LobeLog and Ali have rendered a great service — and a must-read — by disclosing the contents of a private briefing by Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk on the Iran nuclear negotiations he gave to ...

Ken Rudin | Speakers Bureau and Booking Agent Info Rudin is one of America’s foremost experts in politics and campaign history. He focuses on all aspects of politics, from presidential elections — with the primaries, national conventions, debates and general election — to the races for the House, Senate and state governors.

Endorsement: DiNapoli’s experience speaks for itself ... his campaign fund bank account. DiNapoli said during the only debate at Baruch College that the program was implemented too late in the election cycle to be effective.

Guest View | Editorial | yorknewstimes.com it × Thank you for Reading. ... but I think having education as the first thing out of the box and reaching out are the right things. I think he's had a wonderful opening couple of weeks."

Trump's Education Exaggeration - FactCheck.org 04, 2016 · Donald Trump claimed in an Indiana speech that the U.S. ranks "last in education" and "first in terms of spending per pupil" among 30 countries. He's wrong on both counts, as …

Progressivism or Judicial Review: Choose One - The Federalist or Judicial Review: Choose One. ... The first objection he considers is one grounded in a mistaken understanding of the separation of powers. ... But it is the “nature and reason ...

Maui Now : Maui’s Kaniela Ing Announces Bernie Sanders ... the youngest legislator in Hawai?i, and as a first-generation college graduate from a working-class family, Rep. Ing said, “I understand the frustrations that today’s young people have ...

Game No. 1,858 feels a little special for Joe Mauer as he 30, 2018 · Joe Mauer says he plans to play all nine innings today, but we’ll see if Paul Molitor agrees. Mauer is at first base for the first time since Thursday, and atop the lineup as usual, for his 1 ...

On the fast track to impeach - October 12, 1998 - 12, 1998 · On the fast track to impeach The public wants the scandal to end, but Gingrich cannot afford to cut a deal just yet. He's got to please the faithful and settle some scores

Four Things To Watch For, One Thing To Ignore are apples and oranges comparisons for obvious reasons: New York has more Democratic voters than Republican ones for starters, while turnout in primaries is a notoriously difficult to gage and draw deeper conclusion from for a general election. Clinton is running in a two-person race, while Trump faces two other candidates in his GOP primary.

Assorted Mitchellany: Stewardship II writing exercise of assorted thoughts, musings, rants, and raves on assorted and sundry topics.

PRESIDENT TRUMP STANDS FIRMLY AGAINST AMERICA HATING ... Trump doubles down on America hating Democrats namely Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ocasio Cortex. Democrats were completely outraged over Trump tweets which slammed the progressive Democrats.. President Trump isn’t afraid to point out the lies of this Democrats which in turn caused alot of outrage as most prefer not to hear the truth.

Municipal Governments Can Grow Up, Too | Level 2 government is not opposed to society, but sees itself as an important part of it. It seems to act professionally, but it is really acting conventionally, doing its job. Level 3 governments are the ones that are truly professional, because professionals think for themselves and they think critically.

'Those were my kids': School resource officer disputes ... Scot Peterson arrived at the 1200 Building, the scene of the Parkland, Florida, school massacre, it was pandemonium and he didn't have time to be scared "because I was

Engineering elections? U.S. top court examines electoral ... the Republican-led state legislature divided their city and even their college campus into two different districts in a bid to boost the party’s election chances, students like recent graduate Vashti Smith could vote for the Democratic U.S. congressional candidate and know that person could win.

Reason Writers Around the Web: Peter Suderman at AOL News ... 13, 2010 · Over at AOL News, Reason Associate Editor Peter Suderman takes a look at the joint Google-Verizon Net neutrality proposal, the FCC's current position of …

Mueller's Report | CivFanatics Forums 20, 2019 · Justice Department preparing for Mueller report as early as next week Attorney General Bill Barr is preparing to announce as early as next week the completion of Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, with plans for Barr to submit to Congress soon after a summary of Mueller's confidential report, according to people familiar with the plans.

LaToya Cantrell's bank account had no 'questionable ... 20, 2019 · On May 2, agents interviewed City Council Chief of Staff David Gavlinski, who said there were no “blatant violations” of the city’s credit-card policy, which might have been a basis for a ...

Palmetto Sunrise: The 'one heck of an expensive meeting ... it was kind of awkward for other state agency heads as well. Just as the hearing was kicking off, Lourie acknowledged several other agency heads that were present. ... in his update about the ...

Twins hoping to extend streaks: Kennedy's losing, their 10, 2018 · Phil Miller covered three seasons of Twins baseball, but that was at a different ballpark for a different newspaper. Now Miller returns to the baseball beat after joining the Star Tribune as the ...

Wolf, Wagner provide voters with stark contrast in ... polling analysis website Real Clear Politics says the average of polls of the Wolf-Wagner race have the governor up by more than 16 points, though that lead appeared to be widening as the ...

A Right Turn for NASCAR - NBC 6 South Florida his remarks to the drivers gathered in the White House’s South Portico Wednesday, Obama praised NASCAR as “a uniquely American sport" and touted its evolution from a niche endeavor ...

Politicians: Focus on job you have | Merced Sun-Star his first term, Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones hectored Covered California, this state’s version of Obamacare, and campaigned for Proposition 45, a failed measure that would have given his ...

Black comedy | Localnews | heraldpalladium.com eventually left the theater to concentrate on his role as a standup and on his movie and television parts.Although the early '90s are regarded as the heyday for standup comedy, Black believes ...

LeBron James Poised to Become the World's Greatest Athlete LeBron James want to be the greatest basketball player of all time? If he can pack away an NBA title with the Cleveland Cavaliers this spring at age 24, he's well on his way. Does James want ...

Musician’s dream is helping others reach their goal ... Morristown composer, musician and music teacher has set a kind of cruise control on his life knowing one way or another, turning 50 – though still a little more than three years away for him ...

DC NEWS JUNKIE | Dooley Sails Through Confirmation Hearing ... are the folks that come in and out of the courtroom every day and notice all those qualities you might not see from the bench,” he said. ... the commissioner has been appointed for a six ...

Lessons on activism for the preservation movement, and ... on activism for the preservation movement, and reflections on the AY example ... calling in December 2006 for a "limited delay" in approving the project, saying "we believe that economic development is needed so that the city can continue ... is an important part of New York, but it must be presented as a common interest, not a self ...

God Nuts vs. Obama, Gluttons and the Real Shakespeare: The ... 29, 2011 · When Obama doesn't mention god, why Carlsberg is the greatest beer in the world, Newt as the latest flavor of the month, teachers cheating to the test, Updike's "November," and more.

John McCain, Political Maverick and Hero of Vietnam War ... 26, 2018 · In his freshman term, though, McCain was beset by a scandal, when he was identified as one of the members of the so-called “Keating 5,” a group of …

Jean Schodorf a candidate for Congress? - Voice For Liberty 27, 2009 · I completely agree with cybex. And Pat…. I will have to agree to disagree. Pompeo may have an opinion, but it is experience and a record that proves you are a good candidate. Example: In some meet and greets he says he is pro-life, in others….not so much. Besides, the real election won’t start until 3 months before next August.

DSCC FRIDAY TAKEAWAYS – GOP CAN’T SHAKE THEIR PRIMARY 18, 2017 · dscc friday takeaways – gop can’t shake their primary problems – cbo: republican health care sabotage costs americans $$$ – driving diva rokita – mandel’s “moral low ground” – scott sold out sick kids to help big gop donors. gop can’t shake their primary problems.

10 Biggest winners and losers of the government shutdown ... 20, 2018 · What he has to gain: The Sacramento-area Democrat represents one of California’s most competitive districts. Democrats have a slight edge in voter registration in the district, but Bera needs to ...

Vox To Democrats: It's Time To Admit That You Have A ... 23, 2015 · MATT VESPA| TOWNHALL Even a broken clock is right twice a day. The left leaning Vox news outlet already has stated that mass shootings represent a small proportion of all gun violence. Now, they’re touching upon the Democratic Party’s woes at the state-level. Matthew Yglesias wrote what Republicans have known for a while–that Democrats are in “deep trouble” at the state ...

Second OC Ethics Commissioner Up for Appointment Tuesday ... 22, 2017 · Second OC Ethics Commissioner Up for Appointment Tuesday ... And a person can’t serve on the commission if their employment involves “public affairs or legislative liaison” work for a …

John McCain, Political Maverick and Hero of Vietnam War ... 25, 2018 · In his freshman term, though, McCain was beset by a scandal, when he was identified as one of the members of the so-called “Keating 5,” a group of …

‘Bang Bang Lady’ lights fuse under Russell County election ..., Ala. -- With her unabashed hip-shaking and a raspy drawl that beckons customers to the big yellow Fireworks Outlet off U.S. 431, Wanda Lamb has become something of a local television celebrity.

The Trump - Russia investigations - Ars Technica OpenForum 25, 2017 · It amazes me that the person who is in such a high position (I would have said the leader of the free world 6 and change months ago but that now falls to Angela) can't find it …

GOP gets set to start up Pa. presidential campaign | News ... Press HARRISBURG - With the primary battle essentially over, the Republican Party is preparing to fire up a presidential campaign in Pennsylvania about a …

Gables wants to look at private sector for new manager 21, 2014 · Among the three companies Coral Gables Commissioners considered Monday to find a new replacement for former City Manager Pat Salerno — a controversial figure who resigned abruptly two weeks ago rather than answer for the lies he had been telling the commission — was the company that put Salerno there in the first place.

'Dancing With the Stars' Season 16: Who's the Star to Beat ... 18, 2013 · Twelve stars have been tapped to compete in the new season of 'Dancing With the Stars,' which begins tonight on ABC. The batch includes athletes, comedians and reality-TV stars, but who is …

When will the 2013 Thiel Fellows be announced? - Quora've just been announced today! This Year’s Thiel Fellows Include A Fashion Designer, A Poet, And A Harvard Dropout > Andrew Brackin (18, London, United Kingdom) co-founded a marketplace for designers that grew to 100,000 signups. Brackin runs ...

John Gabbard - Ballotpedia 05, 2018 · I have visited over 5500 homes in the district over the past two months and there are too many stories to tell. Going door to door seven days a week has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I worry about the lady on Balboa Island who is suffering from Alzheimer's alone.

The Separation Of Church And Connecticut - Don Pesci 26, 2010 · The separation of church and state – an expression first found in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to Baptists in Danbury and not in the U.S. Constitution – is one of those secular pieties rigidly observed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and others, except when it …

EX ALDERMAN NEWSLETTER 261 AND ... - John ALDERMAN NEWSLETTER 261 AND CHESTERFIELD 206 January 23, 2017 ... Also missing was the other registered lobbyist who is an elected official in Town and Country, Ward-4 Alderwoman Linda Rallo. Linda is a lobbyist for Alliance for Childhood ... Here are the grants to be voted on at the January 22 BOA meeting. 1) ...

Election Forum - This Saturday Morning | Northwest Citizen 09, 2019 · Up to 8 pm on Tuesday, Nov 8, you can put your ballot in one of the 15 drop boxes around the county. Here is the Auditor page map for all the ballot drop boxes around the county. Auditor Debbie Adelstein has done a great job locating these ballot boxes in convenient locations. The ballots are picked up daily and a final time at 8 pm election day.

Archdiocese spent $8.8M on clergy misconduct; $3M deficit first release of a detailed financial audit shows that even with insurance, the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis spent nearly $9 million on settlements, victim therapy and priest support.

Vetting the watchdogs - Los Angeles Times 09, 2003 · It was the New York Times, that alleged bastion of liberalism, that even before Clinton was nominated in 1992 printed a report on Whitewater that launched Kenneth W. Starr’s six-year, $60 ...

Are We Still Talking About Bombs? – OMFG TRUMP – Tales ... 01, 2018 · Democrats are the ones throwing lying bombs. ... I myself have spoken to one of the Injun Chiefs there and we are going to bring in American Steel to build those street signs, but I don’t know if it will be done by election time. ... Kansas. Man do I love Secretary of State Kris Kohbach, who is soon going to be Governor of Kansas. He was the ...

Other GOP issues: Limit citizen initiatives, roll back ... it was the more recent 58-42 percent approval of Proposition 206 hiking that minimum immediately to $10, taking it to $12 by 2020 and mandating paid time off that has angered members of the ...

Nathaniel Persily | Penn Today’s a chance that, in a couple of weeks, we may all be reliving our last electoral cliffhanger, as officials in Los Angeles and 18 of California’s 57 other counties scrutinize punch cards for hanging or dimpled chads, trying to divine whether a voter wanted to kick Gov. Gray Davis out or keep him around.

South Carolina's Nikki Haley on UN resolutions: 'I don't ... Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and a former South Carolina governor, said in Montreal that she's not sure if UN resolutions matter.

Lawmakers looking at ways to block voter enacted laws ... it was the more recent 58-42 percent approval of Proposition 206 hiking that minimum immediately to $10, taking it to $12 by 2020 and mandating paid time off …

The Four Freedoms | Heart and Pen little bit I suspect, but it primarily was because I see so much every day that runs counter to all of the goodness and wonder represented in those pictures. Given all that I have said above, I am concerned that some might observe the white, christian nature of Rockwell’s subjects in the Four Freedoms images.

Armed guard stops school shooter, saves students’ lives at ... 16, 2013 · Armed guard stops school shooter, saves students’ lives at Colorado high school. The Christian Science Monitor reports:. As they investigate the latest school shooting in the United States – Friday at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colo. – one thing is clear to law enforcement officials there: The presence of an armed deputy sheriff on regular duty at the school was the key factor ...

UNC's Luke Maye has good start, but it's no surprise ...’s 187 points through nine games are the most by a UNC player since Hansbrough had 207 as a senior in 2008-09. Maye was the first UNC player since Jamison in 1996-97 with more than 100 ...

Connecticut state government salary - Ballotpedia is in some respects America's highest achieving state, with one of the highest rates of bachelor's degrees, one of the top median incomes, and great accumulations of wealth - but it is also a state with a yawning gap between the rich and poor, visible in the contrast between hedge fund managers' estates in Greenwich and the slums of ...

The Obama Minute: The Somali picture - blogspot.com you've been living under a rock for the last 24 hours, you've probably seen the picture of Obama donning local Somali elder's garb on a trip he made to the region a few years ago. Some seem to think that the picture is a convenient hook on which to hang the ubiquitous "Obama = Muslim" conflations.

WATERGATE'S ENDURING LEGACY - Orlando Sentinel perhaps the greatest legacy of Watergate is the worry expressed on both sides of the political aisle, that it was the first of what appears to be a seemingly endless series of scandals used ...

Tribes pump $665,000 into early stages of gambling ... -- Indian tribes diverted more than $665,000 from gambling operations last year to the initial stage of their initiative campaign to clearly legalize the electronic gambling machines that have

Woodland police help kids shop for Christmas with annual the third consecutive year, members of the Woodland Police Department teamed up with fellow police officers from La Center, Ridgefield and Kalama, as well as with the Walmart Foundation, to help make it a Merry Christmas for area children through their annual “Shop with a Cop” event. This ...

GOP's Assault on American Families' Health Care Continues ... 06, 2018 · Washington News Tribune: You can get health insurance in every Washington county this year, but it'll cost you. Washington state Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler criticized the federal government for eliminating its requirement that people buy health insurance, which takes effect in 2019. The American people know who is at fault.

This Week in Political Money: Billionaire Backs IRS ... Week in Political Money: Billionaire Backs IRS Impeachment; Who’s Wells Fargo Funding? ... Here are the top 15 recipients of money from Wells Fargo’s official political ... who is locked ...

Stakeholder Mapping for 21st-Century Government Relations 29, 2019 · Modern systems allows an entire team to collect and access data on your stakeholders across the whole organization. Using features like notes, tags, attachments, social and media monitoring, and a fast way to rate the strength of the relationship, organizations can capture every contact and build detailed files filled with actionable information.

10 Common Insect Bites: What to Expect, and How Recognize ... sounds almost impossible, but it is preferable to not scratch your bite, as it can turn into a blister. Instead, try cleaning the area with water and soap, apply an ice pack directly on the lesion, and take an antihistamine to help relieve the itch. 2. Fleas. Contrary to popular belief, fleas are not exclusive to your pets. They can also ...

NYSUT’s Super PAC Spends More Than $1M In 7 Senate Races super PAC funded by the New York State United Teachers union on Friday reported spending more than $1 million on behalf of Democratic candidates across seven state Senate districts in what appears to be a final push before Election Day. The independent expenditure committee, Fighting For Our ...

Robert Mueller Will Investigate Donald Trump UNTIL THE DAY ... 19, 2017 · Very Smart Trump lawyer Ty Cobb has been telling his client over and over again not to worry, that the Robert Mueller investigation -- or at least the part of it involving Trump, which is basically All Of It Katie in some form or another -- will be over by Thanksgiving Christmas shortly after the New Year. The exact date keeps getting pushed back, a few weeks here, a few weeks there, but Cobb ...

U.S. House Investigations v. White House Slow-Walk ... 27, 2018 · Democrats in the U.S. House are preparing to wield their new majority power in January. While they lack the control of both chambers necessary to push through legislation, they can, and almost certainly will, increase oversight of the executive branch on a range of matters, including possible collusion between the Trump administration and Russia in […]

Sinclair Broadcast Group solicits its news directors for ... nation's largest TV station owner is gearing up to fight for deregulation, and it wants some of its newsroom managers to join the effort. Sinclair Broadcast Group is asking its executives ...

Introducing Patriot Coal, Your New Favorite Ironically ... are the Democrats on this? Who is calling out this insanity for what it is: Naked, damn-the-consequences pandering to planet-fucking corporations and extreme-right paranoids? Saying you want to abolish the EPA should disqualify you from holding office. Democrats need to be saying that, because guess what -- America agrees!

CBS2 News Update August 7 at 2 p.m. – Breaking News ... to view10:14Aug 08, 2018 · Dana Tyler has the latest news stories from CBS2 including a disturbing discovery on an airplane at LaGuardia Airport and an ACS worker with a murder conviction who is now charged with assaulting ...Author: CBS New York

Neighborhood forms first watch group | Local News ... about crime and concerned about the limitations of a cash-strapped police department, the White Oaks neighborhood is forming the city’s first neighborhood watch group in decades. Part ...

There Goes Michelle Obama, Murdering The White House ... 24, 2015 · Possibility #2: Michelle Obama fired her, probably for stealing vegetables from the White House garden to use in her arrangements. The article does state that decisions like these come from The Top, AKA, the First Lady, and Ms. Obama was planning to force that kale down preschoolers' throats, it was NOT for decoration.

Amardeep Kaleka wages an unconventional campaign for ... 29, 2013 · At the very least, Amardeep Kaleka is an unconventional candidate for Congress. That is apparent from any media coverage of his candidacy, which the 35-year-old says was inspired by his father’s tragic death at the hands of a deranged white supremacist who last …

regex - how to get list of unique chars from a string in ... 16, 2015 · And yes, the commas you're seeing are when a browser typecasts an array to a string: it joins the the string representations of each value together with commas. I'm guessing that came from the call to "alert" in your original example, which was being supplied an array (returned from the string's "Match" method).

Exclusive: Woman Describes Meeting Allison Mack – Breaking ... to view2:24May 05, 2018 · A woman tells CBS2 she may have been unknowingly targeted by “Smallville” actress Allison Mack, who is now accused of brainwashing women into joining a sex cult. CBS2's Jessica Layton has the ...Author: CBS New York

Absentee ballots beat early votes, but activity quiet 22, 2014 · UPDATED: The number of absentee ballots returned so far across Miami-Dade for this Aug. 26 primary is 77,500, far less than the 210,000 ABs that have been requested as of Thursday, according to the Miami-Dade Elections Department. But it is almost four times as many votes as in-person ballots cast by early voters.

Senator John McCain - dead at age 81 (1936-2018), page did Trump ever claim that the media needed to be done away with. In the meanwhile, the media is trying to lead us to believe that it's against the first amendment for Trump to criticize them, which it is not. Both are free to criticize each other as much as they want, but it should be done responsibly and without telling lies.

Stick to baseball, 12/15/18. - 15, 2018 · God, this push here in New Jersey is embarrassing. Fuck the NJ Democratic party. Governor Murphy is opposed to the effort (as is Eric Holder), but it won’t go to his desk for a signature. If we can’t successfully shame the legislature out of stopping this lunacy, it will go before the voters as a ballot referendum next year.

Challenging government secrecy can put hole in people's ..., of course, did. But despite his victory, including the reimbursement of about $20,000 in legal costs, the ordeal didn't leave him impressed with Mississippi open government laws or their ...

Bozeman newspaper complains about liberties taken in ... — A daily newspaper in Montana is crying foul after the campaign of Republican Greg Gianforte, who is trying to unseat incumbent Democrat Gov. Steve Bullock in next week’s

Do you think that the bail out of Wall Street was a ... 22, 2008 · People are often criticized for supporting Obama because they claim he will turn the country into a socialist nation. Wouldn't the bailing out of Wall Street be considered socialism because the of the governments involvement? I don't get it. Socialism to help the poor is wrong, but when its used to help the rich it's not? Also, why is socialism so terrible?

Search for "c" - dailyrepublic.com County's News Source. DAILY REPUBLIC VACAVILLE — The stage lights are going up on a dinner theater that has its roots in the Vacaville Fiesta Days melodrama, and plans to offer musical concerts, dinner murder mysteries, cabaret performances and small plays. “It has long been a dream for me,†said founder Mary Cornelison Muehlenbruch. “Music and the theater […]

Lax New York Rules Make Big Money Talk - The New York Times 22, 2002 · For a while, it looked as if they might lose. But under pressure from restaurant and bar owners, Mr. Bruno and his Senate troops decided that the …

Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert raises $147,250 in campaign funds ... it's clear now that Leppert at least took initial steps from January to July to make a serious run for re-election, raising $147,250 for a campaign, according to a finance report filed Thursday.

Citing Violence in Fairy Tales, Justices Strike Down Calif ... 27, 2011 · The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 Monday to uphold an appeals court ruling to throw out California's ban on the sale and rental of violent video games to …

Labor Urges Lamont to Look At All Revenue Options | CT ... Rapoport, Connecticut’s former secretary of state and a state lawmaker back in 1991, said lawmakers who said they weren’t voting for an income tax that year ended up voting for an income tax.

Thompson makes move to join race - Los Angeles Times 31, 2007 · Fred D. Thompson, the actor and former Tennessee senator, is about to take a big step toward a formal presidential campaign, a move that will shake up …

The Weekend That Was - nystateofpolitics.com Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Records Division has reported the number of pistol permit applications and amendments for the first two months of 2013 has increased by at least 30 percent over 2012 numbers. Former Gov. George Pataki questioned the SAFE Act, saying he doesn’t believe it was a “particularly good law.”

Start Making Sense: Tax policy colloquium, week 4: Gerald ... policy colloquium, week 4: Gerald Auten's Income Inequality in the United States, part 1 Yesterday at the ... Just some days I was in search for a loan of $ 100,000.00, As I was running out of money for feeding, School fees, My business was really going out of capital and my rent. ... durable and a truth worthy loan lender or financial ...

Baby+Company in Cary to test Triangle’s birthing center ... the first newborns are delivered here in December, North Carolina’s newest freestanding birthing center will test the local baby market at a time when some say the holistic way of ...

NOM’s 2009 victory in Maine comes back to haunt the anti ... 08, 2011 · NOM’s 2009 victory in Maine comes back to haunt the anti-gay organization ... But it was a messy win which is ... NOM was the primary financial backer during the 2009 campaign for Stand for ...

Lisa Edgar – Post On more than 30 minutes of at times brutal debate, the Florida Senate reconfirmed Public Service Commissioner Lisa Edgar despite concerns that the regulator sides with utilities more often than consumers. The Senate voted 26-13 to give Edgar, the longest-serving commissioner on …

Queens Crap: DOI ain't done yet! 01, 2010 · DOI ain't done yet! From the Daily News: Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo, whose nephew Richard Izquierdo was indicted on charges of looting nonprofit groups she funded, hid behind a wall of aides and security officers as she entered and left the Council. ... And a third council member noted that after Seabrook's arrest on federal charges ...

National Finance Chair | Start Thinking Right a time, the strategy of making high interest home and auto loans to people with bad credit appeared to work like a charm, yielding big profits-and large dividends for the Pritzkers. But it was essentially blood money profits made mainly on the what Moe Bedard referred to as “foreclosure blood and misery of millions of Americans.”

Uganda: The Dynamics of Uganda's Elections - allAfrica.com election-time,many candidates for office from across the political divide come to me for advice or assistance. We discuss practical political issues: How do I raise money for my campaign ...

Arizona House Democrats: November“This is a very complex issue, but it is critical that folks understand. The secretary of state is right to ask the Committee for Justice and Fairness to follow the rules. But she needs to avoid the appearance of favoritism and to enforce the law even when groups on her side of the aisle are involved,” Clark said.

Welfare Reform Assignment Example | Topics and Well ...'Mass confusion' are the perhaps the most appropriate words to use when describing the city's welfare prior to 1995. The New York welfare system underwent a rapid change between 1995 and 2001 or we could say that reforms were introduced. These reforms occurred during Rudolph Giuliani's term as …

Phillips Nizer Adds Data Technology and Cybersecurity ... 18, 2019 · "As the regulator in charge of oversight of New York State's cybersecurity and virtual currency regulations for much of the financial services sector, Patrick is a unique leader in the data ...

DANA MILBANK: Where money talks - southernminn.com it the revenge of the 1 percent. President Obama bested Mitt Romney by portraying his Republican opponent as a rich businessman who used offshore tax havens and ran enterprises into the ...

Angry People (The Lost Art of Reasoned Debate) | Sharp Iron 21, 2007 · More interesting here is that the Bible is very specific in it’s condemnation of inhospitable behavior, as well as the self indulgent addiction we call anger. “I’m telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder” (Matthew 5:22). Perhaps the problem is with how some people define brother or ...

Obama removal, Obama not eligible, Obama Indonesian ... 22, 2008 · The burden of proof in court cases can be very difficult to achieve. Philip J Berg has a lawsuit filed August 21, 2008 that states that Obama is a citizen of Indonesia and not eligible to be president. The lawsuit is alive, has entered a new phase and according to Mr. Berg, will be taken…

Citing blood libel isn’t the issue with Palin, it’s her ... 13, 2011 · The real problem with Sarah Palin’s video is not her use of the phrase “blood libel”. True, it may have been insensitive to many Jews, but it is quite possible that she never considered that angle. Some suggest that she is in unaware of the phrase’s anti-Semitic overtones and she is only repeating what has been said before by other politicians, on both the Left and the Right, in other ...

Bessemer Academy | Bessemer Opinions 2>Here in Bessemer, for those who do not read the sports page, is an assertion that Mark Freeman, the former football coach at Bessemer Academy, was fired not because of financial matters but rather due to racial problems.Former players said white parents were upset because Freeman recruited too many black players and gave them too much playing time.

Descendant of Jacob - Bloggerhttps://follower111.blogspot.comYou Might Be A Constitutionalist If By Chuck Baldwin Food For Thought From The Chuck Wagon January 28, 2005 More than thirty years as a student of American history, constitutional government, and the Holy Bible leads me to the conviction that the two major political parties in this country are equally culpable in stripping America of its founding principles.

The Roots of the Microsoft Antitrust Case: An Analysis of ... 22, 2000 · Judge Jackson’s visceral antagonism to business is also revealed by his condemnation of Microsoft for winning the browser battle against Netscape when “superior quality was not responsible for the dramatic rise [in] Internet Explorer’s usage share.” (Paragraph 375) Note the implicit premise in this condemnation: If Microsoft hasn’t produced a product that is technologically superior ...

Bill Barr’s Dangerous New Powers - Just Security 28, 2019 · If this involved the exercise of their statutory authorities, it would be clearly unlawful. However, because a delegation of the president’s own authority to classify and declassify—as implemented via earlier executive orders—it may be lawful. But it’s a …

Video Shows Shooting Outside Bunnell Circle K as ... 23, 2019 · A weapon was recovered that may be tied to the shooting outside a Circle K store in Bunnell Sunday night--a shooting and the fight that preceded it captured by the store's surveillance video.

Northeast Ohio Media Group Further Explains Why 12-Year ... it had to happen that way, Loehmann told his father: Fred Loehmann said his son did not know the gun was fake or that Tamir was 12 years old. One of the officers radioed back to dispatchers describing Tamir as possibly 20 years old, recordings show. "'I was right there and he went for the gun,'" he recalled his son saying. "'I had no choice.'"

May 28 A section by AddisonPress - Issuu 28, 2015 · Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s ...

Iused2Bfat (u/Iused2Bfat) - Reddit hates this country as much as the current slate of GOP politicians. It's like they've finally removed the shackles of respectability and are grabbing the loot as fast as they can shovel it into their pockets because this shit show is about to burst, because they engineered it that way.

My fellow Bernie supporters. - Democratic Underground it's not for us to despair here. ... This is particularly important because a Trump presidency with a teabagger congress means massive damage, if not the outright abolition of, social security and Medicare, massive damage to health care, massive damage to services for the poor and needy, ignoring climate change, an end to the right to ...

Malloy Floats Bold Idea In Speech To Early Childhood ... we pay at-risk parents a minimum wage to attend school with their preschool age children? That’s an idea that Democratic Gov. Dannel P. Malloy floated Thursday during a speech...

The Branding of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Eileen F 16, 2019 · The Branding of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Eileen F. Toplansky Posted By Ruth King on March 16th, 2019 . If Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is the new brand of the Democrat Party, let’s unwrap the claims she uses in order to attract a new audience.

Latest*/index?more=2247525Josh Reid, one of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s three sons, has been chosen to fill the presidential appointee’s seat on the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s Governing Board. Reid, 37, is a resident of Henderson, Nev., and is a partner in the Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck law firm.

Daily Kos: No Trump Tax Returns? No GOP Tax Cuts | isely 23, 2017 · The following is an excellent article written by Jon Perr on the Daily Kos website on February 19, 2017 titled "No Trump Tax Returns? No GOP Tax Cuts" and I quote: "No Trump tax returns? No GOP tax cuts" By Jon Perr Sunday Feb 19, 2017 …

Jim DeMint’s PAC Flip – Mother Jones 27, 2010 · This is big. $25 million big. ... he decried political action committees and the money they slosh into elections as the root of congressional evils. In his ... but it’s easily one of the most ...

Once a cheater, always a cheater. : PoliticalHumor MAGA crowds know Trump cheated his way to the Presidency, but they are far too invested in him to back down now. It's the gambler's dilemma. Everything started out great, but it's going to shit now and they can't fold or they'll lose everything. They're going to keep on going till they use up their last cent.

Fantasy Or Forecast? A Progressive Supreme Court Agenda ... 04, 2014 · It has become a no-no in American politics for candidates for president or Senate to discuss the characteristics they’d like to see in new Supreme Court justices, except in …

Looking Beyond the Roberts Court | Capital & Main 07, 2014 · “It’s always darkest before the dawn” sang Pete Seeger. “And that’s what keeps me moving on.” The recent spate of reactionary decisions by the Roberts Supreme Court — including this week’s outrageous Hobby Lobby ruling — triggers thoughts of a better day, when the right-wingers on the court will have retired or died, replaced by thoughtful liberals who will restore some ...

Sanford steps up for sneakers Opposes plan to limit troops ... steps up for sneakers Opposes plan to limit troops to one brand ... “One of the few choices they have is they’re given a voucher for 70 bucks and they get to pick the training shoe of ...

Bob Beauprez to spell out Colorado economic plan - The 12, 2014 · So far this campaign season, Republican gubernatorial nominee Bob Beauprez has kept his economic message simple and clear: cut regulations, get government out of the way, make Colorado’s business environment warm abd fertile. Those bones of an economic plan could flesh out some Monday. Sunday ...

News Brief: Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Probe ...'s the president and his team saying? What are the president and his team saying this morning? RASCOE: Well, they are saying that a complete exoneration for the president. Now, obviously, as Carrie was just mentioning, there are still questions out there, especially when it comes to obstruction. But a huge win for the president.

Traffic changes planned for Southeastern commencement May ... and visitors planning to attend Southeastern Louisiana University’s commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 18, should anticipate heavy traffic and route changes affecting University ...

PERRspectives: No Trump Tax Returns? No GOP Tax the Washington Post reported, "Trump would tax pass-through income at a rate of 15 percent, compared to the 40 percent personal income tax rate a wealthy business owner would pay today." And as the Post's Jim Tankersley explained, one of those wealthy business owners is Donald Trump himself:

Right On Daily Special Update Part 1: Get to Know the ... Patterson touts her work with California Trailblazers as one of her primary qualifications to be elected Chair of the CAGOP. A quick trip to the website reveals the power behind Trailblazers. A check of the California Secretary of State’s Website reveals a list of donors.

Chicago Boyz » Blog Archive » Quote of the Day Villani on How Politicians Caused the Financial Crisis and Why their Reforms Failed Occupy Pennsylvania Avenue-----

The Fight For The Affordable Care Act Is A Fight For Our ... a report came out that showed the Affordable Care Act is saving millions for Florida seniors, and they're happy with the new law when they see the results and the benefits actually play out. That's common for those who are facing health problems and working with their insurance companies....

The Life-Changing Power Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ... The National Lottery Community Fund confirms it will provide transgender children's charity Mermaids with a grant of £500,000, Paris Lees discusses the importance of the support of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Harry Brewis, Cher and others for those going through what she herself experienced growing up.

Latvala and Company: At Least 18 Lawmakers ... - FlaglerLive movement that has empowered women across the country to levy sexual assault and harassment allegations against powerful men continues to snowball, causing an uprising in many industries ...

Without any sense of irony a Bernout posts "This is why we ... any sense of irony a Bernout posts "This is why we absolutely have to have term limits" on r/SandersforPresident . submitted 2 years ago by wraith20 ... He could recruit some younger Bernie devotee who is actually from Vermont if he really wanted to do this. ... Calling for term limits is one of those telltale signs of someone ...

It's all connected: CA Fires, Legal and Illegal ... 20, 2018 · Nope instead the VP of FOX accused the guest as being Anti-Semitic for criticizing Soros who is Jewish. This is total BS as we know there are good/bad people from every race, creed, religion. Nope the reason for pulling the video is because they don't want the PEOPLE to understand how their government is selling them out.

E.W. Jackson | Blue Virginia's been in the State Senate since 2007, where his signature accomplishment was the law banning smoking in restaurants, protecting the health of their workers and patrons. Now think about that -- he got a solid smoking ban in a state where tobacco has been king since the colonial era.

Analysis: Where the Gubernatorial Election Stands, Part 1 ... the reality of modern politics: As the primary date draws nearer, the race will inevitably get nastier – and that’s the surest way for the candidates to distinguish themselves. ... And a gubernatorial ticket ultimately rises and falls on the performance of the person at the top. ... But it still begs the question of how much ...

Good News (Reporting), Bad News (Analysis) - blogspot.com 11, 2010 · Good News (Reporting), Bad News (Analysis) ... And, from 1952-present, and increasingly so since the 1970s, they have mattered, as the two parties have been close enough to parity that the indies hold the balance. We're not all independents; most of us are partisans. But, at times in American history (and this is one of them), there haven't ...

New at work: Presidential candidate tracker | work, we recently launched Campaign Tracker, a browsable database of campaign events planned by the 2008 U.S. presidential candidates.This is the latest section of The Presidential Field,'s guide to the '08 presidential elections.. The site's goals are to compile as much information about candidates' travel as possible and to make it easy to browse all of that information ...

August | 2016 | Softball Politics is but one of the principal issues I have with Clinton. She wants to rule the world and will do anything (lie, cheat, flip-flop and employ policies bad for America) to achieve her objectives. But we all know what she plans to do. It’ll be Obama for another four years.

November | 2002 | Power Line | Page 7, thanks for posting Schickel’s piece about Sam Fuller. Schickel is right that Fuller was a great critic of middle-class hypocrisy, and never more so than in The Naked Kiss, which I ... - View topic - Draining the swamp - Thank you ... see the Swamp as the establishment, meaning career politicians who are more interested in their re-elections than in working for the people. As such they're beholden to corporate interests. Trump may genuinely want to "drain the swamp" as it were, but it seems that …

As expected, State Rep Ron Reynolds rewards donor with ... has affordable senior housing reached crisis levels in Missouri City?

ThinkProgress: The Koch Foundation had a say in hiring and ... 02, 2018 · This is for (as the selected text says) creating a fund to pay for the salaries of one or more professors for a free market think tank at the school. The foundation gets to name 2 of 5 committee members. If the professors aren't good (read: not indoctrinating precious children with conservative beliefs) they can also have a say in firing.

Journal de La Reyna (World News Today): GOP Lawmaker ... 23, 2018 · The young Democratic upstart has no political experience is hoping Hunter's woes. He is hoping to become the first Palestinian-Mexican American to win a solidly Republican district. The long shot campaign just got a boast of energy. The race is now leaning towards Hunter but it could swing into Toss-Up if Hunter resigns.

Anti American Comment Number Two From Mrs. Obama American Comment Number Two From Mrs. Obama ... You just don't get elected in this country with an anti American perspective, and now the second statement. ... I am not sure what college it was at but it must have had 15-20,000 people in attendance. Oprah was on stage yelling out "I am a free woman".Time and time again she yelled ...

"A Nation Divided, Sports United" ~ The Equality & Other ..."A Nation Divided, Sports United" ~ The Equality & Other Issues Thread. Moderators ... I think it’s a major issue - but it is rare, and that piece is an example of a good, reasonable, restrained take. It looked to me like a solid discussion, even if I disagree with the conclusions, and what I take to be the underlying motive, and what I ...

NationStates • View topic - 2019-2020 US Elections ... 01, 2019 · But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. ... You do realize that for the first year of the Trump Presidency, we were still on the Obama budget, right? The budget for FY 2017 was passed under Obama. ... which is to me retarded for a politician and in this context impeachable and treasonous due to him sacrificing ...

IT’S TIME FOR AMERICANS TO HAVE A TOWN MEETING AND … Dean Rogeness Hurricane Harvey, the August hurricane that devastated Houston, caused at least 70 deaths (Time Magazine September 6 report). Hurricane Irma that struck Florida in September resulted in 69 deaths in that state (Orlando Weekly October 8 report). At least 64 are dead in Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria (Wikipedia).…

El alcaldito’s AB play with fire – Political Cortadito; Sumo; Tweet; At the 11th hour — and on the eve of the all-important absentee ballot mailing in Hialeah — el alcaldito Carlos Hernandez stood for a photo op on the back of a fire rescue truck with the president of the firefighters’ union, a man he has maligned for weeks, and basically thumped his chest.. He’s going to make it look like he saved the day, like he got the ...

WikiLeaks given Swiss bank account data - Ars Technica ... 2,000 people from various countries won't amount to anything significant.

Should 3rd Parties Be Allowed on the National Debate - Page 26 25, 2013 · This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold.

Nuclear Newsreel, Friday, May 16, 2014 · NIRS Power Entergy’s FitzPatrick reactor on the shores of Lake Ontario has had so many leaks in its cooling system that it had to reduce power 11 separate times just in the first three months of 2014. The leaks are in the Fukushima-clone reactor’s condenser system and are the result of years of neglect by…

The One Percent Supreme Court: A Conversation with the ... 28, 2012 · OTHER WORDS - Whether you're a Democrat, Republican, tea-partier, liberal, conservative, or in-between, you're experiencing an election season unlike any in US history. That's because the rules on political spending have changed in a billion dollar way. In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled in the now ...

Towards a Green Future — LiveJournalhttps://thecandidate.livejournal.comBad news is that the Federal Reserve is still focused far too closely on artificially inflating demand by keeping interest rates too low for too long. This is what started the housing bubble that got us into this mess in the first place! There was a time when the Federal Reserve focused almost exclusively on keeping inflation down. » Statistics Squared is never going to compete with a real human's analysis of a collection of facts, but it can be a great way to start brainstorming, as a quick way to organize the results of your search, and as a starting point for a nicely-presented deliverable for your client.

FDIC Objects to $8.5 Billion BofA Settlement (Updated ..., getting to be fun. Now the FDIC has weighed in too. Can’t wait to get my hands on the filing (any readers who can get it are encouraged to provide a link or send a pdf so I can upload it). Needless to say, the FDIC objection is further validation of the questions raised by attorneys ...

Dayton Public Schools gets an “F” in reading but didn’t ... schools do need to take action as well. Every single student who is failing reading- there should be a home visit- and the first question should be, “where is the bookshelf in your house” and the second should be to get them a library card (most Dayton Public Schools don’t even let kids bring home their text books anymore btw).

Trump Jr, Manafort and Kushner Try To Get Help From A ... 11, 2017 · Trump Jr, Manafort and Kushner Try To Get Help From A Russian ... they didn't go looking for it. And who are "the Russians" the government or Russian business men who were angry with the Clintons, someone did not like Hilary for some reason. ... The DNC password was obama08, and had been that for a long time, possibly since the first Obama ...

ECOWAS Female Parliamentarians Demand Increased Women’s ... Nathaniel Gana and Dominic James 23 rd May, 2018.. The ECOWAS Female Parliamentarians Association (ECOFPA) has appealed to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to support its campaign for increased women’s participation in electoral processes across …

Phil Tavel - Ballotpedia Tavel (Nonpartisan) is a candidate for District 1 member of the Seattle City Council in Washington.Tavel is running in the general election on November 5, 2019, after advancing from the primary on August 6, 2019.. Tavel completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2019. Click here to read the survey answers.

Marry in Massachusetts: Ward 11 & 19 Legislators Gently Spar at Boston English, the candidates' forum for Boston Dem Wards 11 and 19 paired the contested Six Suffolk House candidates and the Second Suffolk Senate ones. I went there for Sen. Dianne Wilkerson v. Sonia Chang-Díaz. Before I get into that, I have to say a pleasant surprise was how much Rep. Willie Mae Allen has blossomed in the past two years, her first term in office.

Sac Central Delegation: January 2019 29, 2019 · The delegation primary will be held on January 31. If you qualify to run for a given position, (please see the leadership expectations statement above), and have submitted the candidate form, you will have 2 mins to deliver your candidate speech.The speech will be about why you are the best qualified delegate for the office.

PrivacyforAllStudentsFPPCComplaint - PDF | California ... suggestions. Upload. en Change Language

Who Will Get GOP Nomination | Elite Trader 17, 2011 · Why he could win: Fiscal conservative who is a fiscal conservative. Dropped â social issuesâ to focus on fiscal stuff â back home in Indiana.â Why he probably wonâ t win: see above. Drinking Game: If you knew he was running, have a glass of milk. If …

Support Young Americans for Liberty in their Efforts to ... 10, 2011 · Dear Liberty Lovers and Patriots, The state of Indiana is populated from top to bottom with education facilities. The organization Young Americans for Liberty is a student led grassroots movement that aims to take back the direction and control of our country by training, educating, and mobilizing students and young professionals committed to “Winning on Principle”.

Legislative primary kicks off supermajority fight | News ... district lines and a relatively new top-two election system meant to promote moderate candidates also are shaping the legislative races. ... who is running for a fourth term. ... Salas was the ...

Obama Trolls Holy Hell Out Of Trump, By Explaining How ... 18, 2017 · Our president, Barry Bamzalot O'Sexy, held his very last news conference as President of the US and A. :( For this last presser, Obama decided it was time to give a little constitutional law lecture about what exactly the hell freedom of the press means, how it's supposed to work, and oh goodness, he was trolling ThinSkin McPussGrabby SO HARD.

Democratic Underground - Archives: July 29, 2007 are the people who are mindlessly accusing Tillman's fellow Rangers of murdering him? Theme Park Discovers That Killing Jesus Saves Them From Bankruptcy. It's 3:30 AM here and just got back from seeing Pink in concert. Everything is up-side down , how much more are we going to take ? Hillary Clinton wants to start a public servant academy.

Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States ... 18, 2019 · We argue who is more responsible, but at the end of the day both sides are at fault here. Both sides are digging in their heals for political reason not real reasons. IMO if the Democrats really wanted to put pressure on Trump they would be willing to budge off the no wall funding, but they would not give him everything he wanted.

Who are the Mysterious Melungeons? A good Ole Appalachian ... and most importantly; There is no such thing as a race of Melungeons.Its a classic regional Appalachian myth. Its really very simple to understand. In the late 18th century or early 19th century a small church in Southwestern VA listed someone in their church membership roster as a Melungeon, or close to word Melungeon.

Amendment – Political Revolution 2016 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I’ve been learning how to diabetes for a couple years now, and for the last 365 days I’ve been successful at not dying! Last year in March I caught an atypical pneumonia, my blood sugar was over 500 and was in the hospital for three days. It was the best thing that could have happened to me ...

Anderson Archives - Libertarian Party of Indiana has PTSD and guessing depending on the severity of that he wouldn't be eligible….. but with that said I don't think marijuana use is a good reason at all to not allow someone to own a gun and the means to defend themselves…. seriously marijuana you can't have a gun but you let ppl with xanax and all these other psychotropic drugs do as they will

"Bye Bob": U.S. House Judiciary Chairman Will Not Seek Re ... 11, 2017 · After much contemplation and prayer, we decided it was the right time for me to step aside and let someone else serve the Sixth District. I will not seek re-election. With my time as chairman of the judiciary committee ending in December 2018, a natural stepping-off point and an opportunity to begin a new chapter of my career and spend ...

Dana Milbank: Moderate Democrats are dying breed | Opinion ... Milbank: Moderate Democrats are dying breed ... You suppose these are the same folks that have allowed the Republicans to pick up the 12 governorships, the 910 Republican legislators, 69 ...

La Center community pitches in to upgrade facilities last time La Center High School was the site of a football game was 1992. During many of the 20-plus years since the Wildcats ran out onto a field at their own school, members of the community have joined together with school officials in an attempt to upgrade the school’s facilities, not just ...

Keeping K2 (European Human Rights Court Decision on ... 10, 2017 · This is unsurprising since admissibility decisions – initial decisions about whether an application satisfies the stringent admissibility criteria and should proceed to be considered on its merits – are rarely of general significance, and especially so when, as in this case, the application is deemed inadmissible.

Of Course Trump Loves This Fucking Bonkers NSC Memo ... 11, 2017 · Well, Foreign Policy got the full text of the document, and, honestly, it’s hard to imagine a more deranged, unhinged memo has ever crossed the desk of a US president. To even call it deranged and unhinged feels grossly inadequate. This is a memo that never had hinges and cannot be ranged. I am not even sure it exists or can exist in our universe, or if it actually is, itself, our universe ...

Article: Health Care and Our Failed Democracy | OpEdNews 12, 2008 · Health Care and Our Failed Democracy Health Care may seem to some to be just a pesky domestic social issue but it is more than that. It is a …

Bernie Sanders on Resisting Trump – DEM Party is a Failure This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: Over 4,000 people gathered in Chicago in June for the three-day People’s Summit, organized in part by National Nurses United. Former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders gave a major speech, where he attacked both President Trump and the Democratic Party.

Sinclair issue 39 and the price of flour | Esrati was walking through the Second Street Market when I stopped to have my weekly chat with my friend, artisan baker, Rahn Keucher. He told me in all his years of baking, a 50lb bag of flour has cost no more than $12 and he uses 6000 pounds a week. This week it was $24 a bag and next week it's suppose

Roseburg woman gets VIP access to Trump | Elections ...“My thing was the need for more jobs, we need to stop sending our jobs out of state and out of the country and when he talked about that, I thought, ‘Yes, it,’” she said.

TFM pulls out election race - The Trinidad Guardian three-week-old Third Force Movement will not be contesting the September 7 general election since the time frame is “too tight to establish the institutional framework for a fully fledged political party in order to contest the election.” So said TFM

Motorcyclists avoid ploughing into Land Rover which came ... is the shocking moment two motorcyclists are forced to swerve out of the path of a Land Rover which is driving on the wrong side of the road.Geoff Deubis, ... In each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner ...

Kicking Turkey Out Of NATO! | Political for a lot of time, we kind of worship at the altar of the moderate Muslim state, the moderate Arab states that, you know what, we hope that they are there to be a fulcrum for peace, but it's not unlike a child wanting to see a unicorn.

Nonfiction: Unraveling the Putin Enigma | The Trending 29, 2019 · This is odd, because the maintenance of the wealth of his friends and allies, rather than the well-being of his nation, has always been at the heart of what Putin has done, whether that involves bailing out their businesses, handing them fat contracts or …

Removing financial incentive in politics - reducing or other advertising a candidate does will result in immediate irreversible disqualification. These videos will be cheap every man videos, things that have the production value of one of those dating videos. No special effects, no flashy expensive nonsense, just the candidate and a recorder. They have their website to go into further detail.

Jack Kemp, Supermodel? G.O.P. Dreams | Observer Gingrich and Steve Forbes crossed paths at the International Conservative Congress in Washington, D.C., last month. They may be crossing paths in New Hampshire next year, for Mr.

Kimble Medley Appointed to Palm Coast Code Enforcement ... 16, 2014 · It took the Palm Coast City Council on Tuesday morning three ballots to appoint Kimble Medley to the Code Enforcement Board. Medley, a 2012 Republican candidate for Supervisor of Elections, joins ...

Trump embraces time abroad as trouble brews at home each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The …

Infamous Quote by Bill Clinton - Liberty Clinton quotation: When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans, it was assumed that the Americans who had that freedom would use it responsibly.... [However, now] there's a lot of irresponsibility. And so a lot of people say there's too much freedom.

The Scene Issue 4 Fall 2018 by The Scene - Issuu 02, 2018 · Information technologies major Dalia Foqa, among its allies. “This is a country of immigrants,” he 17, is a Palestinian refugee who came to the United States with her …

The chart that explains The Crazy - Eric Garland has always been a place of strange people with strange ideas. From the kooky and irritating Puritans washing up on the shores of Massachusetts, to witch burners, to slavers, to utopians and firebrand preachers marching West across the plains, America is a place you can stretch your legs, surround yourself with wide open spaces and think any damn fool ...

Secret Scott Walker John Doe Leak Inquiry Underway - reddit reading the Guardian articles, my mental position on this has historically been, " shady as hell and a violation of basic democratic notions, but it's the nature of modern politics and everyone (or at least, many people) does it, and it might not be illegal; we just got …

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ takes the god to funny heights ... were perhaps a little too serious and a little too dull — none of which was the fault of star Chris Hemsworth, whose performances in the role have been so seamless and charming that he ...

ROUNDHOUSE ROUNDUP: A Big Gay Box of Pandoras of these was the Greek philosopher Aristotle, of whom Sharer said, “Aristotle fully believed that marriage, between Greeks, was fundamental for civilization — marriage between a Greek man and a Greek woman to make virtuous Greek babies. It was only with virtuous Greek babies that Greek civilization could succeed.”

Corrupt U: Report finds Jurich and Pitino make all of the 05, 2017 · The only athletic director who has come close was Vanderbilt’s David Williams, who earned $3.2 million in 2010, but he also was the university’s general counsel and vice chancellor at the time, as well as a tenured law professor. Then there is the story of Rick Pitino’s cut from the university’s current deal with adidas.

FOX News - The Mueller NOISE - Page 6 - debatepolitics.com 16, 2018 · This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold.

Luke Skywalker Was A Jedi Jihadi, So Emperor Trump Banned ... 12, 2015 · This is, of course, where any science fiction reader should start saying, "uh-oh," because idealistic projects to create beneficent supermachines always go sideways, and then Captain Kirk has to out-think the M5 computer, Dave has to disconnect HAL, or Chell has to find a way to destroy GLaDOS or at least load her into a potato. Good luck, Mr ...

Adam Schiff: The Media’s Pin-Up Doll - Washington News Daily is no longer the case—but it isn’t stopping the same people from acting out the same play and repeating the same lines on cable news shows and in the pages of once-regarded magazines. Schiff continues to make the rounds on CNN and MSNBC where interviewers treat him as a credible source rather than the joke that he is.

'Westworld': Those drone hosts were a ready-made response ... 23, 2018 · But it’s an idea that co-creator Jonathan Nolan isn’t shy about. ... It’s that clinical efficiency that was the breeding ground for this massacre and the poster boys for it are the ones ...

Neo-Con Bilderbergers Try, Fail To Kill Ron Paul - Wonkette 23, 2008 · This is why we lost cause people always want to bring conspiracy's. I bet you think we lost the nomination to Vote Fraud. Just saying, just because the plane didn't blow up, didn't mean someone didn't do it. But it doesn't mean the converse either. We …

The political monster that ate the world - Moneyweb 26, 2012 · The political monster that ate the world . ... “2011 was a year where politics determined investors’ fortunes to a degree that has rarely been seen in recent market history. ... What changed ...

Today's Teamster News 05.06.14 | Teamsters costly and fierce primary shows how the revolution in financing political campaigns, with the surging role of “super PACs” and other groups financed by corporations, unions and other interests, has entered what was the quieter arena of judicial elections... War On Workers

A gas tax makes sense if it is spent wisely — South DaCola I am not big on raising taxes, gas taxes are the best way to pay for roads. Typically larger vehicles use more gas and cause more wear and tear to the roads, it is a tax that makes sense; Some lawmakers think raising the tax on gas by three cents a gallon could be …

Why Rent Control is Immoral - Capitalism Magazine 29, 2003 · The views expressed above represent those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors and publishers of Capitalism Magazine.Capitalism Magazine sometimes publishes articles we disagree with because we think the article provides information that may be of value to our readers.. Please keep all comments polite, civil, and on the topic of the article.

A.J. Nino Amato: The Russian bears are at the White House ... 09, 2017 · But much, much worse than anyone could have imagined — the resignation of Michael Flynn, Trump's first national security adviser, turns out to be just the "tip of the iceberg" and the first political domino to fall.

US midterm elections 2018 - News, Analysis, Results, Live ... next US elections will be the midterms in November 2018. These are held halfway through each presidential term, and allow Americans to vote for members of Congress. They can elect the House of ...

Regulation 402 - Conditions of Service - Regulation 400 ... district energy meters are the property of the PUC. No person who is not specifically authorized by the Superintendent of Utilities shall open, clean, repair, or do any work of any kind on any district energy meters. ... The customer shall be responsible for all heat losses in his or her premises It shall be the duty of the Superintendent ...

Ignoring the connection: Why? | Power Line 17, 2004 · Ignoring the connection: Why? ... prosecuted the blind sheik and eleven other defendants for the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. ... associates” who are the sources of the second are ...

Palmetto Sunrise: Democratic Debate time | Palmetto ... — The day of the first Democratic presidential debate is finally here. And it’s expected to be less chaotic than the Republican debates, which have a lot of candidates on stage ...

Rubio: Trump pardoning Manafort ‘could trigger a debate ... me now to discuss Republican Marco Rubio, a key member of the senate intelligence committee. Senator Rubio, you heard the president there, January 2017, deny anyone in his campaign has contacts with Russia during the 2016 campaign. But that’s not true, is it? Well, according to what we saw this week filed, no.

John Maginnis: Racial divide among Democrats works for ... shows that no public figure's endorsement counts for more than that of Gov. Kathleen Blanco. Not John Breaux's or any Landrieu's or even a football coach's.

Agenda 2030 For New World Order Made Public - VOICE LIBERTY 30, 2018 · Hundreds of vaccines to everyone across the country and again pushed an agenda 21 make it mandatory to have vaccinations. Something that Bill Gates pushes hardcore in order to in his own words fit out the population because they do believe in overpopulation, think about what they’re doing in California.

John Marshall US Government: 2011 - blogspot.com is the first of several articles you can respond to in teh month of December to complete your Dec blog assignmnent. Find out what economists are projecting for our fine state's finances and what that might mean for you as a person graduating from high school …

Shane Pendarvis | | livingstonparishnews.com it Clean. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Don't Threaten. Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated.

2016 – Humans and Media was an MLB article talking about who is most likely to be in the playoffs if the season was to end today. ... talk about how since an even year the Giants will win their division since any baseball player knows the Giants are the team to win the World Series if it is an even year. ... Samardzija had his worst season ever in his ...

Michael Cohen and 'others' under grand jury investigation ... 25, 2018 · WASHINGTON - Federal prosecutors confirmed in a court filing Thursday that President Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen and others are under scrutiny in …

BODYCOUNT killed by the Clinton machine. MEDIA BLACKOUT IN ... am on a 3 yr prayer for anyone who is bad, evil, kills, hurts Gods children, the rich that dont share all there riches with the poor, any one who is in power over people and takes advantage of them, anyone who doesn't believe and follow in Jesus name, anyone who doesn't fear God, then you will meet the maker face to face and he may cash your ...

Rob Portman – CNN Political Ticker - - Republican Rob Portman out raised Democrat Lee Fisher by a more than two-to-one margin the past three months in the battle for Ohio's open Senate seat. Portman's campaign announced early Thursday that it brought in $2.65 million in the second quarter of this year. Hours later, the Fisher campaign announced it raised more than $1 million dollars during the same three month period.

Lee Fisher – CNN Political Ticker - - A "Glee" star is taking the political stage this weekend in the home state of the fictional William McKinley High School. Matthew Morrison, who plays glee club director "Mr. Shuster" on the hit Fox series, will be in Ohio to campaign for Democratic Senate candidate Lee …

Poland's ruling chief speaks strongly against LGBT rights ..., Poland (AP) — The leader of Poland’s right-wing ruling party used hostile language Saturday while speaking against rights for LGBT persons, a subject that has risen to prominence in his political campaign ahead of crucial elections in Poland this year. Jaroslaw Kaczynski spoke to Law and Justice party activists and government members at a […]

donald trump – EzKool is the week where Michael Cohen asked us to believe what he had to say about Donald Trump, and Donald Trump asked us to believe that he believes Kim Jong-un at his word, and that we should too. I’m guessing that you already know who I think is believable and who is not.

The fire last time | Power Line 22, 2016 · (The White House has posted the text of his remarks and a video of his ... Obama was the last man we needed to hear from last night. ... Obama had already invoked events in Ferguson in his …

The case for Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian meddling ... In his first 11 months, ... of bank fraud and tax fraud stemmed from Manafort’s consulting work for pro-Russian Ukrainian leaders and his ties to a Russian oligarch who is close to Russian President Vladimir Putin. When Mueller uncovered evidence of potential criminal activity not directly related to the investigation by Trump attorney ...

CLEAN IT UP DAMNIT: Who is Don Adkins? is a very interesting entry. Mr. Adkins is the treasurer of the NHRMC Foundation and perhaps served as secretary before, is that right? (Or some other officer position?) Here are my questions: At whose behest did he sign the Senator's campaign forms and in what role was he operating? What was the …

What’s The Matter With The US GOP Senator Lindsey Graham ... 01, 2018 · Sen. Graham knows this and why his behavior is such a shock. He knows in his heart of hearts that he is acting counter to everything Senator McCain stood for like standing up to the “rule of law.” By the way he was the one who invited Ivanka and Jared to the funeral after getting Mrs. McCain’s approval.

Group Ratchets Up Attack On Clayton Hee With Street Signs site links to a dozen court filings from Hee’s 1988 divorce from Lyla Berg. ... Kau said she is a lawyer and a strong woman who works in a male-dominated profession. ... Cayetano was the ...

¿Por qué no te callas? | Power Line 12, 2013 · José Millán Astray was the founder of the Spanish Foreign Legion and a supporter of Francisco Franco. In a famous confrontation at the University of …

Google Home speaker does not know who Jesus Christ is ... 26, 2018 · Daily Mail. He may be one of the most famous figures in history, but it appears the Google Home smart speaker doesn’t know who Jesus is. At least, that’s according to several outraged users who have accused Google of deliberately filtering its results to fit its own agenda.

2018 Endorsements and Criticisms for Republican, Democrat ... 10, 2018 · This election marks 10 years of voting for me, and today, with early voting going strong in New Mexico (over three weeks left!), I’m issuing my endorsements (as well as criticisms and warnings— a message to my Democrat friends toward the bottom) of candidates: Candidates in contested Republican Primaries in southwestern New Mexico (scroll down…

The Russia Investigation: Mueller - "Over the course of my ... 06, 2018 · The Russia Investigation: Mueller - "Over the course of my career, I've seen a number of challenges to our democracy.The Russian govt's effort to interfere in our election is …

Republican Party’s implosion leaves U.S. democracy on ... 10, 2016 · Welcome to The Globe and Mail’s comment community. This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff. We aim to create a safe and valuable space for discussion and debate.

The Auburn Plainsman 4.6.17 by The Auburn Plainsman - Issuu 06, 2017 · The first written brief in the appeal trial of former House Speaker Mike Hubbard, RAuburn, will be due to the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals on April 26, marking the first substantial move in ...

MoveOn's Brains Aim Straight for Heart - Los Angeles Times 21, 2005 · Markman snaps, his face creased in a scowl before the two men burst out laughing. By now, the interview has moved to their office. Zimmerman tilts back in his …

The Urban Politico: Book Reviews-The Third Bullet, Warrior ... is the case even though he's old, retired, and dealing with worsening physical infirmities. In the first Bob Lee Swagger novel, Point of Impact , there is a point in time when one of the bad guys has been killed by Swagger's buddy and sometime sidekick, FBI agent Nick Memphis, himself an excellent shooter though not in Swagger's class.

GOP Rep. Sean Duffy of Wisconsin resigning from Congress ... leaves Congress with about $2.4 million in his campaign fund, based on the most recent report that ran through June 30. ... "I have decided that the right time for me to take a break from public service in order to be the support my wife, baby and family need right now," Duffy said. ... was one of the first to release a statement ...

Who Are All These Damn People? (the Dangerous Doctrine of ... 06, 2006 · I just finished reading Brian McLaren’s “New Kind of Christian” trilogy and thought that it was excellent. I highly recommend these books to everyone, including those folks who are skeptical of the emergent church. The last book in his series, “The Last Word and the Word after That” was probably his most controversial as it…

Feds Offer Optimism About Insurance Rates for 2016 | CT ... his letter, he pointed out that Anthem, one of Connecticut’s largest insurers, announced on July 10 that it was proactively lowering its rates from its preliminary filings because claims ...

NonParty Politics: Magua Speaks 04, 2007 · In the final epic scene of Mohicans, Magua murders Uncas (the second to last Mohican), who tried in vain to rescue Alice Munro, one of Colonel Munro's two daughters, from certain slavery, rape, and death.Moments after slicing Uncas' throat and releasing his body over the precipice of a steep cliff, Magua turns his head to the distraught Alice Munro, who is shivering with fear.

Kamala Harris to open up about personal journey to ... days ago · You are the owner of this article. ... who is among the 20 Democrats running for president, was the first woman to serve as California’s attorney general.

What is a director of social discovery? | RJI 30, 2016 · The director of social discovery was a new job title. Previously, the team was managed by the iReport editor, Katie Hawkins-Gaar, who left CNN to join Poynter in January 2015. What inspired the creation of this job title? The new title of director of social discovery reflects the change and direction we wanted to take this revamped team.

The Photo That Could Doom the Democrats | Matzav.com are the most fickle, the most cynical, and the least ideological people in the American electorate. When they’re unhappy with the state of the country, they tend to stampede the party in power-less because they disagree on the issues than because they decide that the folks running government must be malevolent and corrupt.

Natalie Hebert - Ballotpedia 04, 2019 · Natalie Hebert defeated incumbent Steven Noskin in the general election for Frisco Independent School District school board Place 2 on May 4, 2019. Natalie Hebert completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2019. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Hebert's responses ...

Clearing the Way for Zero Waste - in the zero waste movement over the next several years may come from some unlikely places. For example, Gary Liss of Gary Liss & Associates, one of the original architects of the zero waste message, isn't surprised that Del Norte County was the first in the country to adopt a zero waste plan.

Political Standing for Aug. 17, 2012 - wmur.com 17, 2012 · Saturday 7:15 a.m., Political Scoop: My guest this week is DNC Rules Committee Chair Jim Roosevelt, Jr. We talk about the future of the First-In …

National Women's Political Caucus, Los Angeles Metro Women's Political Caucus, Los Angeles Metro shared a post. Jump to. Sections of this page. ... she was honored by the National Women's Political Caucus as the recipient of their annual Leadership award.[9] ... She was one of five Democrats in the State Assembly to vote against the mandatory vaccination bill, SB 277.[12] ...

Glenn Beck accuses John Lewis of thinking he’s John 24, 2010 · One of the most annoying habits of conservative pundits is their tendency to take faux umbrage whenever it’s suggested that modern day liberals are the ones carrying the legacy of the civil ...

Live from Council Bluffs, it’s Ted Cruz | Power Line 24, 2015 · The first time was before a very large crowd in Des Moines and the theme was religious liberty. ... I have read that one of the knocks on Senator Cruz is that to some he seems too artificial or ...

Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes from a Blue State ... 11, 2013 · The Commission’s findings were presented to President Bill Clinton in 1997. As part of his presentation, Mr. Moynihan secured the release of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Venona file, which documented Soviet espionage efforts in the United States during the preceding 50 years, a treasure trove of information that ought to have been released much earlier.

Giuliani preparing for possibility that Mueller will ..., who is heading Trump's private legal team, told ABC News he is preparing for the President to be subpoenaed as part of the Russia probe, while providing clarity over the Stormy Daniels ...

A Conspiracy Most Foul - Rense Conspiracy Most Foul By Ted Lang ... His legacy is that of having been postured into the spotlight as the president that defiled the Oval Office. ... It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they, through one of their imbedded agents in his administration, didn't orchestrate …

Former U.S. Rep. Maurice Hinchey dies at 79 | News ... 22, 2017 · SAUGERTIES, N.Y. >> Former U.S. Rep. Maurice Hinchey, who spent 38 years in government service as a state and federal lawmaker, died Wednesday at age 79, his family said.

Full Press Courtship -,8599,54493,00.htmlSep 11, 2000 · Bush, however, treats each story like a new credit or debit in his family ledger. It's all personal, especially since the 1988 presidential campaign, when Junior acted as the loyalty enforcer. The Bushes fed hot dogs and lemonade to the reporters at Kennebunkport, even took a …

Sutton, Evans show off ag platforms at Dakotafest | The ... a question about government corruption, both candidates hammered away at the repeal of the Initiated Measure 22, which repealed a number of campaign-finance measures approved by voters in …

Virginia Politics Archive - immigration - Here are the answers to the election questions asked in the Oct. 25 Virginia Notebook after Democrats won the four seats needed to reclaim control of the state Senate and also make inroads in the House of Delegates. ... "The thought of being one of 435 people isn't appealing," Stewart said today. ... was the sponsor of the bill ...

Mel Fuller - Ballotpedia Fuller was the Place 7 representative on the Northwest Independent School District school board in Texas from 2008 to 2017. He resigned in November 2017 after being arrested on charges of child pornography possession.

World-Renowned Photojournalist Sebastião Salgado to ... 8, 2003 — The University of Utah’s 2003-2004 Tanner Lecture on Human Values will be given by world-renowned humanitarian photojournalist Sebastião Salgado on Tuesday, Sept. 23, at 8 p.m., in the University of Utah’s Gardner Hall, located on Presidents Circle.

The Early Edition: February 19, 2018 - Just Security to receive the Early Edition in your inbox here. Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. TRUMP-RUSSIA The office of special counsel Robert Mueller announced the indictment of 13 Russian individuals and three Russian entities on Friday for interference in the 2016 U.S. […]

Same-Sex Marriage: A View from Virginia - harvardlpr.com 25, 2015 · The following is a question-and-answer with Stuart Raphael, the Solicitor General of Virginia. Virginia has filed an amicus brief supporting the plaintiffs in Obergefell v.Hodges, a Supreme Court case challenging state same-sex marriage bans.Virginia’s same-sex marriage ban was struck down by a federal court last year in Bostic v.Schaefer.

Officials push for concealed carry bill | Local News ... bill, known as the concealed carry bill or the Personal Protection Act, was the subject of a public hearing before a Senate committee in Chippewa Falls Saturday.

Hollywood Goes to War | PR Watch 13, 2008 · Viral emails have emerged as a form of stealth propaganda recently, most noticeably in the recent U.S. presidential campaign, when Barack Obama was dogged with false claims that he was a Muslim, that he was refused to salute the American flag, that he was not a U.S. citizen and so forth. The Washington Post reported earlier this year that Danielle Allen, a professor at the

"Rush to Judgment" by Spencer, Richard B. - The American ... this, whatever one might say about the ideological integrity of Rush and friends, they have been using arguments that at least gesture toward the conservative tradition: the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance reform suppresses political speech; trial lawyers are the beneficiaries of the McCainKennedy-Edwards patients bill of rights; McCain ...

Tax battle brewing in craft beer industry Advocate from ... battle brewing in craft beer industry Advocate from Johns Island lobbies Congress for bill to reduce taxes for state’s small brewers ... There was the law that allowed brewers to manufacture ...

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » McCann gets ... 01, 2018 · In a statement, Travis Sterling, recently named as the new executive director of the state GOP, sought to paint the operating engineers involvement as revealing that McCann was a …

Battle Ground legends honored | Sports | Battle Ground Tigers football history, there has been only one team ever that went an entire season unscathed. That was the 1955 team, which went 9-0. On Friday night, at halftime of the present day Tigers game against Union, they were honored for the accomplishment. For several weeks, the ...

Brett Kavanaugh has Democrats in 'nuclear option' regret ... attempts to attack Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s record failing, Democrats over the weekend mounted a last-ditch bid to derail his confirmation to the Supreme Court by claiming that the vetting process is so bad that it demands a do-over. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, even accused former President George W. […]

US House votes to support non-citizens voting - Politics ... --Illegal aliens will have the right to vote in local elections if the US House of Representatives has its way. The vast majority of illegal aliens are non-whites and non-whites overwhelmingly support the far-left Democratic Party. Rather than suffing ballot boxes, Democrats are "stuffing" voter rosters.

Super PAC Profile: After split decision in Ohio, 'anti ... 08, 2012 · After spending more than $450,000 this week to win one House race and lose another in Ohio, a Texas-based super PAC that claims to be taking nonpartisan aim at congressional incumbents is now dropping a money bomb on embattled Alabama Rep. …

The Foibles of “Dumb-ocracy” – The Search for Intelligent Foibles of “Dumb-ocracy”. Searching for Signs of Intelligent Life in Politics. By Scott Rohter, March 2014 If you are looking for any signs of intelligent life in politics I have only two words for you….

Kate Royals, Author at Mississippi Today | Page 11 of 17“Without question, the most fulfilling are the 26 years spent serving the boys and girls of the Clinton Public School District as an assistant principal, principal and superintendent.” Clinton is one of 14 school districts rated ‘A’ by the state education department in its 2015-2016 accountability ratings.

U.S. Supreme Court | Watching in Washington about U.S. Supreme Court written by Watching in Washington. …looks at aspects of life in Washington, D.C. from the perspective of an outsider, a foreigner who knows the United States well but is nevertheless intrigued, amazed, surprised, or puzzled every day by life in “The Nation’s Capital”.

D.C. Wire - Rhee in Denver: Media to Blame for Teachers 24, 2008 · Rhee in Denver: Media to Blame for Teachers' Contract Holdup. NYC schools chief Joel Klein introduces the Rev. Al Sharpton today at the Denver Art Museum as Mayor Fenty and Michelle Rhee look on. DENVER--Funny thing about D.C. schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee.

Will ISIS Invade Italy? | Power Line it would take more than that to mount a real invasion. The fact that Europeans are worried about Islamic invasion, for the first time in hundreds of years, is striking.

Tom Kacich: NRA endorses Davis in 13th District | News ... it was Davis who got the backing of the NRA, which is especially influential in the parts of the 13th District outside of Champaign-Urbana. ... The first will be at 6 p.m. Oct. 17 at Illinois ...

The General US Politics Thread - TV Tropes Forum much as I want a milestone as well, I think the primary concern here will be who is the best person to undo all of Trump's damage to the United States first as well as the policies that will put America on a restorative track. I think Bernie can do that even if he's my second choice after Warren at this juncture.

David Limbaugh: GOP Must Strike While ObamaCare Iron Is ... it comes to health care, Republicans need to strike while the iron is hot, and it is white-hot now -- and will probably get worse -- because of the Obamacare disaster. The nation's health insurance rolls are hemorrhaging with Obamacare-forced cancellations, and new sign-ups are dreadfully slow -- and not just because of the disgraceful website glitches.

Libertarians - Pinch Your Nose and Vote for Obama | Thom ... 12, 2012 · Quote Brookesmith:...I would vote for Mickey Mouse before I would vote for Obama or Romney.The sheeple will never realize that they do have alternatives until they quit buying the lies of the two sides of the corporate party. You have to choose between Obama and Romney - those are the only candidates who have a realistic chance of winning.

What We’re Watching For On Election Night In Kansas | KCUR, it’s plausible the trend will continue given recent polls have again ranked Republican Sam Brownback as the nation’s least popular governor. ... a Republican from Lakin who is running to ...

Ladue News 10.05.12 by Ladue News - Issuu T Y. QUESTION AND ANSWER. Q&A. With Jon Huntsman Jr. Jon Huntsman Jr. is most widely known for his bid to become the Republican presidential candidate in this year’s primary season.

George Will: A Perfect World - It's Elementary — The ... 14, 2012 · WASHINGTON -- Montgomery County, Md., on the District of Columbia's northern border, is a dormitory for the nation's government, where federal workers' sleep is disturbed only by dreams of new ways to improve us. The county's population of almost 1 million includes many political staffers and consultants, lawyers, lobbyists and others whose common profession is to cause political power to …

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Tom Rooney help secure federal funds 13, 2017 · Tom Rooney, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Help Get Federal Funds to Battle Lupus. By. ... “As the co-chair of the Lupus caucus, I’m very pleased that that …

The Florida Compact on Immigration: Recognizing Immigrants ... 02, 2019 · The compact is a set of key principles outlining the need for smart immigration policies at the state and federal levels to drive Florida's economy forward, including a path forward for ...

Recensione a M. Youn, "Money, Politics and the ... this pageIn sostanza, l’Autore spiega che in “Citizens United the Court has used the First Amendment to support nonparticipation in association and compelled subsidization of political speech” ma critica tale presa di posizione della Corte, poiché “This use of the First Amendment is inconsistent with the speech clause of the First Amendment ...

Meet the biggest douchebag 'Democrat' in New York—and the 07, 2014 · State Sen. Jeff Klein (on right), with state Sen. Malcolm Smith The day after the Nov. 2012 elections, New York Democrats woke up to find they'd won a …

What’s Missing in the GOP Debates? | Power Line it is amazing that there’s been virtually no serious question asked of the candidates about their extended views of, for example, the Commerce Clause of Article I, and whether they think ...

Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki won’t run for U.S. Senate | Las ... Gov. Brian Krolicki said Thursday he won't join the "Republican scrum" of primary candidates competing for the chance to face Democrat Sen. Harry Reid, a decision that keeps him out of a rough ...

Romney, Huntsman compete for funds - yahoo.com 20, 2011 · The first showdown between the two Mormons running for president will take place this week in Utah, where Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman Jr. …

Love Is Just a Four-Letter Word | Power Line 08, 2012 · He says he can say nothing to her but that “love is just a four-letter word.” He doesn’t go quite so far as to say he believes it himself, although he’s had experiences that make him ...

DC City Council Chairman Phil Mendelson Is Ready to Be ... 04, 2012 · Phil Mendelson. Photograph courtesy of Mendelson. Phil Mendelson could be called the DC government’s Gerald Ford, who became president without being elected to either the vice presidency or the presidency. Mendelson was named DC City Council chairman by his...

Presidential Nominating Index: GOP elites tilt to Trump ... than a week before the Republican balloting begins, Trump’s clear frontrunner status in national and New Hampshire polls—as well as his narrower lead in the Iowa surveys—puts him in a position to win the first two GOP nominating contests and overwhelm the Republican field. “Trump is likely [our] candidate if he can get Iowa and New Hampshire in his win column,” said one GOP Insider.

How Many Battalions Have The Republicans? Many Battalions Have The Republicans? ... irony that the legislators making the argument were the very legislators who had improvidently squandered the funds in the first place was lost on humorless Democrats in the General Assembly who were once again overtaxing the people in Mr. Malloy’s Town Hall meeting -- so that they could produce a ...

Florida's special election: beyond the talking points 12, 2014 · Republicans and Democrats had their talking points ready when the results of the special election in Florida's 13th Congressional District rolled in Tuesday night. Republicans hailed David Jolly's ...

How Scientific Literature Has Become Part of Big Pharma's ... PAUL THACKER. In 2005, Trudo Lemmens and a colleague wrote "Ethics for Sale," an article in Slate that ripped the bandage off the sordid underbelly of human clinical trials in the United States. "If you missed the movie The Constant Gardener and need your fix of moral outrage, you don't have to go to Africa to find it," they wrote.. The article caught the attention of editors over at the ...

The Rule of Reason: John McCain: Pseudo-Maverick III the controversial New Yorker cover that burlesqued "right wing" allegations against Barack and Michelle Obama, Senator John McCain might have observed: "In another, saner time, a satirical, unflattering caricature of anyone, especially of a presidential candidate, would not be newsworthy or anything to make a fuss about in public.

How Peace “Negotiator” Martin Indyk Cashed a Big, Fat $14 ... is also the fact that the first 10 paragraphs of the Times piece are devoted to that highly controversial global actor, Norway, and its attempts to purchase the favors of The Center for Global Development, which I confess I’d never heard of before, although I live in Washington and attend think-tank events once or twice a week.

Politics. The feel in your country. - Page 552 — Beamdog ... of the individuals targeted (a member of Joe Biden's staff) has come forth on Twitter with details about suspicious inquiries his wife received last year. And it is all tying back to a firm know as Black Cube. They appear to be the same people who were used by …

Richard Quinn indicted on perjury charges in SC Statehouse ... than a year after being cleared of charges in the sweeping S.C. Statehouse corruption probe, Richard Quinn, known as one of the South's top political kingmakers, was indicted on

Hickenlooper on 'backwards thinking' on gays in rural 22, 2010 · Updated at 12:05 p.m. with a statement from the Hickenlooper campaign. The National Review Online has posted what it calls a “bombshell” video, in which Denver Mayor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate John Hickenlooper comments on “backwards thinking” people in the Interior West in regards to a question about why the Matthew Shepherd Foundation located its headquarters in …

memeorandum: Bill allocates $1.6 billion for Trump's 11, 2017 · Bill allocates $1.6 billion for Trump's border wall — The House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday released a bill allocating $1.6 billion to begin construction of a physical barrier along the U.S. border with Mexico, one of President Trump's central campaign promises. +

How political should scientists be? | ScienceBlogs 26, 2006 · It seems to me that, in a democracy, everyone should be political. Apathy is death to a system like ours. Chomsky is a bit of a special case, as he …

The Philosophy of Gilligan's Island - jamesian58.blogspot.com is a quote from a memoir by Dorothy Wordsworth, reflecting on a trip she took with two famous poets, her brother, William Wordsworth, and their similarly gifted companion, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. We sat upon a bench, placed for the sake of one of these views, whence we looked down upon the waterfall, and over the open country ...

ThePopTort: New Hampshire you think that hydro-fracking is the only threat to your drinking water these days (check out Sean and Yoko’s anti-fracking press conference on Friday, with Sean pleading to save the drinking water at his – formerly his dad's – upstate New York home), let me assure you that but one of the many ways the oil and gas industry have tried to poison you.

'Election laws outdated and impractical' - Sri 06, 2014 · But it will be one of the recommendations. Convener of National Polls Observation Centre, Rasanga Harischandra, Although asset declaration was carried out to a satisfactory level during the last election, it was elicited with much persuasion by the Elections Commissioner.

Here and Now « Comment Page 1 - nystateofpolitics.com Andrew Cuomo is in Albany with no public schedule as yet announced. President Donald Trump is making his first trip to upstate New York since taking office in January 2017. Trump will depart his golf resort in Bedminster, NJ en route to Fort Drum just before 1 p.m., and is expected to arrive at ...

The Fine Print: April 2016 - findout.typepad.com before she was elected to a second term into office, a series of stories by the New York Times detailed the practice of law firms who were skilled at developing contacts and relationships with the top lawyers of various states - including Attorney General Pam Bondi. These firms helped out corporate clients whose businesses had been targeted by some states, but not others.

Debate – Dangerous Intersection his article, Haidt asks why there is a direction to that change. Haidt writes: These terms are part of a new conceptual package that includes all of the older concepts long referred to as “political correctness” but with greatly expanded notions of harm, trauma, mental illness, vulnerability, and harassment.

Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk - Page 262 - Morning Joe ... 19, 2018 · Prior to 2012, Joe would be more open about the difficulties of being in Congress.Voting for gun control in his district would likely lead to him being primaried by the NRA backed candidate. Joe is being fact checked on twitter about Scalias opinion on Assault Weapons. Apparently there is no Supreme Court Ruling on banning Assault Weapons.

So, who is actually running our country? 08, 2018 · Seems to me we are under control of the religious right. Kind of the same people the constitution separates the state from. From my perspective this 'umbrella' covers racists, anti-science, bigots, and, of course, those who view women as something less than men. They may be fewer in number than the rest, but they have more power due to the way our elections are structured.

Courses | Department of Political Science ability to identify and analyze the origins, reproduction, and effects of the various identities that compose the social matrix within which we live is an important capacity that anyone who is interested in becoming an agent of change in his or her society should possess.[PDF]

Guess this author – Dangerous Intersection 03, 2009 · The more things change, the more they stay the same, it seems. See if you can guess who authored this quotation on capitalism vs. socialism: (all emphases are mine) The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of …

The Wealth of 8 People and 3.6 Billion People ..., January 16, 2017

CD8: Where are the Voters? | Seventh 19, 2015 · The keys to a good campaign remain the same: message, money, volunteers, and organization. Candidates need to have a message to sell to voters. They need money to pay for media to get it across and volunteers to spread the word and help canvass. But none of it matters if the candidate cannot run a a good strategic campaign.

Xeno's Paradox: Senator Barack Obama Is Too Awesome For ... 08, 2008 · The first reporter said it was 20,000, and then they switched to saying 200,000 later on. Which is it? Who cares, anyway, the Germans like the hell out of him, thus proving that, like, it's perfectly ok to give huge speeches to foreign nations, as part of your cunning strategy to get elected God-Emperor of Dune. Wait, Europe.

March | 2004 | Power Line | Page 7 20, 2004 · Based on his review of Bobby Fischer Goes to War: How the Soviets Lost the Most Extraordinry Chess Match of All Time in tomorrow’s Washington Post Book World, he is also at least as ...

Firebrands – Piece of Mindful, what a day yesterday - for me personally. The phone was ringing off the hook, my desk overflows, and at the same time I tried to deal with that creature of the Internet - that Norwegian guy who spices up blogs with links but otherwise offers no substance. By pure happenstance, as my muddled…

Unidicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio » The Stars ... Cohen, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, plans on Wednesday for the first time to publicly accuse the president of engaging—while in office—in criminal conduct related to a hush-money payment to a porn star, a person familiar with his expected testimony before Congress said.

Basil Marceaux For Tennessee Governor! - Airliners.net 06, 2010 · You have no notifications. Settings

U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter Archives - The 09, 2011 · “This is an over the top, last minute, Hail Mary pass by a shady group of Wall Street guys who are mad at Ed for voting to reign in their risky gambling,” Oliver said. The first ad from American Action Network says Perlmutter “cut $500 billion in Medicare for seniors and then spent our money on health insurance for illegal immigrants.”

Kula, Stefano square off for Kasunic's senate seat ..., Stefano square off for Kasunic's senate seat ... This is the first of two articles about the race for the state Senate seat covering all of Fayette and Somerset counties, and portions of ...

The Morning Plum: Dems will play by GOP rules - The ... big news of the morning: In a signal to donors that they should now give big money to outside groups, the Obama campaign has declared its support for the Dem Super PAC Priorities USA, while ...

NY man overcomes genetic disease, obstacles to return to ... 18, 2016 · "This is a picture-book story. A lot of times people are fighting to get on disability; he was fighting to get off." PROMISED WIFE. Duprey, who is retiring at the end of this year, said Heroux's courage has been remarkable. "What a proud moment for me that my final introduction and bill in the Assembly are in recognition of Aaron Heroux," she said.

Republicans tend to shrug off accusations against Trump ... 23, 2018 · “This is a moment where the future of the presidency is at stake. This isn’t about politics or point-scoring, so I’ll take my time to come to a conclusion.

Homosexual Wingnut Wants Lindsey Graham's Seat - Wonkette 11, 2013 · In summary, Bruce is basically the Gay Jim Hoft, and he's after Lindsey Graham's tail, but it will all be okay because the only thing this will add to the upcoming elections is comedic value/Wonkette posts, and we can sleep tight knowing that Lindsey Graham will keep his Senate seat, tiara and sash until the end of the universe, the end.

Sen. Morgan Carroll points out her own family's 08, 2015 · Senate Minority Leader Morgan Carroll’s late father also served in the Colorado legislature and she mentioned him during his speech on opening day Wednesday. In her speech, Carroll, an Aurora Democrat, talked about retirement security. “My dad lost a lifetime of his hard-earned wages and savings ...

Politics | Fish Out of Chlorine is an odd position for Hillary to take, because, as the Politico article notes, her campaign began with encouragment for “media characterizations of her as the inevitable nominee.” Now that the pundits are going against her, they have suddenly become more interested in up and down than in right and wrong.

GlobaLocal Visions, LLC, 2646 N Fox Run Dr, Flagstaff, AZ ... study about the adverse impact of pollution on our national parks - and a call for more social science research on this important question. Hundreds of millions of visitors travel to U.S. national parks every year to visit America’s iconic landscapes. Concerns about air quality in these areas have led to ...

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 4/21 | Opinion | 21, 2016 · On Sunday, the students joined protesters from across the country to rally at the U.S. Capitol. The speakers shared a core set of demands; that Congress fill the vacancies in the Supreme Court and Federal Court, defend voter rights with legislation such as the Voting Rights Advancement Act, and support a 28th amendment to the constitution that would overturn Citizens United and limit money …

Union Thugs | Scared’s comments, made at a closed-door meeting of Democratic lawmakers in Maryland, came as the vote to allow union representation at the Chattanooga plant drew to a close. Obama’s interjection in the war of words on Friday, albeit behind closed doors, underscored how much is stake in the three-day vote by VW’s 1,550 hourly workers.

When you're in the minority, it doesn't matter what you're you're in the minority, it doesn't matter what you're agenda is, by Tom Daschle. When you're in the minority, it doesn't matter what you're agenda is, you're not going to have the degree of freedom that you have as a member of the majority. - Tom Daschle. We must correct the problems and inequities in the way we conduct and decide elections in the United States. - Tom Daschle

Denton High School brings jobs, careers and schools to ... of the companies to set up shop was 84 Lumber, which has a major distribution center in Denton. ... but it’s a learning experience.” ... Like many teens in his position, Stout is excited ...

Report: Jerry Jones says President Donald Trump affected ... NFL passer Ron Jaworski said Kaepernick “could be one of the greatest quarterbacks ever.” Since then, Kaepernick’s passer rating has steadily declined: from 91.6 in 2013 to 86.4 in ’14 to 78.5 last year. Early in his career Kaepernick made the kind of throws Brett Favre could make, and the kind of runs Steve Young used to make.

What it Really Means to "Close Guantánamo" - Just Security 26, 2015 · [Editors’ Note: This post is the latest installment of our “Monday Reflections” feature, in which a different Just Security editor examines the big stories from the previous week or looks ahead to key developments on the horizon.] For a range of reasons, Guantánamo has been back in the news in the past few weeks. Although the 13th anniversary of […]

Tai Chi Breath Short | Learning | Body training ... a fresh perspective and deeper insights, click the pic. ... The movie is going to be so director and one of the best books ever! See more. Instagram post by The Scientific Atheist • Jun 13, 2016 at 9:19pm UTC ... What are the ways you have prioritized yourself or taken care of your needs and feelings? I've created a ...

Disrespect breeds disrespect | Esrati only thing that will continue, sadly, things will not be better but the people will be fooled and power and money for the few selected continues with little hope and a lot more of us being controlled by these corrupt monsters because it is long over due for a real revolution.

Andrew Yang shares his Big Idea for universal basic income ... want people to be educated and to move forward in life, but I don't want tax payers to foot the bill for a system that educational institutions took advantage of and abused. College got way more expensive, but it didn't get better. Does Warren address how she will resolve that?

No kidding! Princeton study says U.S. is an oligarchy ... are the ones behind the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or bank deregulation so they can loot the planet. This new study by Princeton's Prof. Gilens is a refreshing attempt, even if academic and from one of the most elite academic universities, to shed some light on what is fundamentally wrong with America over the past ...

Jonah Raydio an an ulcer diagnosis, Pod-caterinos. I, Cash, wasn’t there for this episode but it sounds like it was a heel of a lot of fun. Jonah and Neil had in Dan Ozzi, writer, music guy and podcast host in his own right. They talk about…truthfully I have no idea.

Today’s Workplace » The Supreme Court Case That Could Supreme Court Case That Could Decimate American Public Sector Unionism. February 3rd, 2015 | Moshe Marvit . Last week, an appeal was sent to the U.S. Supreme Court for a case that could prove to be the most damaging case to labor in decades.

What are you reading right now? | Page 6 | Army Rumour Service 10, 2006 · Seven Roads to Hell. One of series of 4 books by Donald R Burgett. Bought the lot for about £12 on Amazon. Don Burgett was in A Coy, 1st Bn 506 PIR, 101st Airborne Div during WWII and the books follow him from joining up and training through to the end of the war.

Agent blames Bryce Harper’s woes on opposing defenses ... Harper was the National League’s most valuable player in 2015. He was strong contender for MVP last year, before an injury in early August kept him out for about six weeks. This year ...

Dove Cameron Got Her Clueless, the Musical Costars Game ... 12, 2018 · Dove Cameron was in the holiday spirit for the opening night of her new Broadway musical, Clueless, The Musical. She gave some of her Clueless costars the …

The Wire: Dayton Edition | Esrati like most things in Dayton, we’re about ten years behind the rest of the world as we get our own real world version unfolding in front of us. What made “The Wire” great was that it didn’t end each episode with a triumphant close- it just kept adding layers to a story of how sometimes it’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad.

SNL’s Lorne Michaels: Liberals Lack a Sense of Humor ...’s Lorne Michaels: Liberals Lack a Sense of Humor. ... SNL seems to produce a lot of conservatives, which is rare for a comedy show. Why do you think that is? ... she was married to a fire ...

2020! I can't wait! | Page 6 | New Orleans Saints ... 14, 2018 · Harris, who was the first African-American and first woman attorney general in California, speaks up regularly on issues ranging from immigration to health care. Harris has also taken to the campaign trail for other Democrats in jeopardy in 2018, giving …

Government Affairs Report - myemail.constantcontact.com 1595/ P.A. 100-1003 (Stuart/Haine) provides for reasonable break time (instead of "unpaid break time each day") during the first year after the child's birth each time the employee needs to express milk. The break time may run concurrently with any break time already provided to the employee and an employer may not reduce an employee's compensation for time used for the purpose of ...

Kate Spade | prejectedjokes the husband, “I can’t wait to see how you’re gonna teach me that constantly asking for a threesome is a waste of my time.” 19. This week, a copy of the book “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” was returned to a New York library thirty-two years after it was checked out. Just in time for the rise of the Fourth Reich: 20.

America's dark money disaster: Why we need donor ID laws ... 23, 2014 · America's dark money disaster: Why we need donor ID laws now ... Considering that California was the third-highest crude oil ... the shameful incident put the first …

Long List of Top Democrats Have 2020, and Money, on Their ... List of Top Democrats Have 2020, and Money, on Their Minds ... which will be the first with neither an incumbent nor a candidate who is a clear donor favorite since the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision. That ruling paved the way for outside groups technically independent from the campaigns, including those known as super PACs ...

What the Coloradoan staff is learning while experimenting ... 13, 2017 · First, it will address minor subscription issues, like if people don’t get a delivery or they want to put a vacation stop, it’ll send them to a real person in Fort Collins who can do that. There’s also a subscription-ask in there if people want to subscribe, that sends them to a deal for a subscription rate.

'Dirty deeds': Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen gets 3 years ... 12, 2018 · Cohen is the first and, so far, only member of Trump's circle during two years of investigations to go into open court and implicate him in a crime, …

Doonesbury Is Still Published? Who Knew? | Power Line Is Still Published? Who Knew? Earlier this evening I noted that today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune reminded us why that paper is regarded as one of the most left-wing in the United States.

Kansas City Star - Supreme Court's New Term Offers Cases ... the appointment of the first black justice, Thurgood Marshall, in the 1960s, his mere presence on the bench totally changed the perspective of his colleagues, Baker said. Conservative jurisprudence rather than activism that was the promise given by Roberts at his 2005 confirmation hearings before the Senate, she said.

Why Is Haiti Poor? [With comment by Paul] | Power Line Contrarian notes that Haiti is, by any measure, one of the world’s poorest countries, and asks why. The first hypothesis tested is that Haiti is dirt poor because it is pretty much all ...

Hillary Clinton’s Blame List for Losing 2016 Election: 26 ... losing the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton’s blame list for the loss has continued to grow and, to date, includes at least 27 sources responsible for her defeat.

Devil Hillary Clinton Deviously Rigging Elections For Paul ... Hurst is the senior editor of Wonkette, which means he is the boss of you, unless you are Rebecca, who is boss of him. His dog Lula is judging you right now ...

In Defense Of Chris Dodd, Or Why Wolf Blitzer Is A Jerk 19, 2009 · In Defense Of Chris Dodd, Or Why Wolf Blitzer Is A Jerk Thursday’s Hartford Courant shows a picture of US Sen. Chris Dodd above the fold looking for all the world like a man who has seen the beginning of the end, and over his head there is a bothersome headline in three quarter inch caps proclaiming DODD’S FLIP-FLOP.

Lawmakers Erase $350M Budget Shortfall, Mostly Along Party ... the first time in three years, Republican lawmakers had a seat at the budget negotiating table. But in the end they just couldn’t find enough agreement to support a package that cuts $350 ...

Senate Gives Final Passage To Budget; Different Views of ... Senate gave final passage Monday to the two-year, $37.6 billion budget that moves more than $6 billion in Medicaid spending out from under the spending cap. If that money was kept under the ...

Star Syle - townhall.com 28, 2008 · The Federal Election Commission's website ( has just posted a new version of a presidential campaign-finance map that now includes …

The Turner Report: Governor's health care advisor is lap ... State Representative Jodi Stefanick sternly lectures the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in a letter to the editor in today's edition for what she calls errors in one of its editorials. It is hard to take Ms. Stefanick, who is now a senior policy advisor to Governor Matt Blunt on healthcare issues, when her past record shows more of a concern for the healthcare industry than for patients.

Who Is Barack Obama Raping Today, Charles Krauthammer ... Krauthammer, who is Barack Obama raping today? HA TRICK QUESTION! Barack Obama is rapingeverybody today, because he is raping our treasury, because Hurricane Sandy. (Also, while we are aware it should be "whom is Obama raping," because the rapee is …

Extras - nystateofpolitics.com[For the first time, CNN’s Anderson Cooper publicly confirmed he’s gay.] Not exactly shocking news, but it’s always good to have someone well known say the words. It makes it easier for regular folks to come out and for parents to accept having a gay kid. The more, the merrier. Kudos to Ellen DeGeneres who started the ball rolling 15 ...

The Movie Fireproof; I Liked It | Sharp Iron 16, 2009 · Yes, I did. I didn't expect to. One of my wife's patients gave it to her. She was insistent that we watch it, and out of respect for her we did. A church in Georgia produced the movie and aside from Kirk Cameron, the actors were all amateurs, enlisted from the congregation. Cameron does a…

Driver had sought medical help before I-89 wrong-way crash ... 11, 2016 · (This story was updated at 10:30 a.m. on Oct. 12 with information about Bourgoin’s military service) B URLINGTON — The man police say is responsible for a wrong-way driving crash on I …

Can this quasi-third party define the future of American ... 28, 2016 · But it's harder to imagine that becoming an instantly recognizable catchphrase in the way the Tea Party version has done, for a variety of reasons. First is simple meaning.

Special counsel disputes explosive report on Trump lawyer ... counsel disputes explosive report on Trump lawyer testimony "BuzzFeed's description of specific statements to the Special Counsel's Office, and characterization of documents and testimony ...

Voodoo Man Found Not Guilty in Machete Attack | FlaglerLive 21, 2015 · Jurors found Roodlyn Mompremier not guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon today after five hours of deliberation by a jury of two women and four men, ending a two-day trial at the ...

Josh Kurtz: Wise Investments - Center Maryland Josh Kurtz Maybe one day, a year from now, when Doug Gansler is about to be sworn in as Maryland’s next governor, we’ll look back at his campaign strategy and say, “Wow. Yeah. He had a plan all along and he executed it to perfection.”But wit

Before the Next Kavanaugh | Millennial Politics 10, 2018 · During the 2016 campaign, the GOP thought of Trump as a wild card they could not control. Now that they were getting their tax cuts and starting to dismantle popular programs and protections, they had no reason to step off the Trump train. Kavanaugh was the promise kept of a Republican triple threat in Washington.

Baltimore Riots Prompt Celebrity Reactions - ABC News 28, 2015 · But this, now, in the streets, is an affront to that man's memory and a diminution of the absolute moral lesson that underlies his unnecessary death," …

Court helps change path of history - Las Vegas Sun Newspaper history speeds up. Rarely in our nation’s 239 years of life has a single week brought such a surge of social change and such a sweeping set of challenges to past assumptions.

Queens Crap: Iconic tower nixed from WTC plan 12, 2010 · Iconic tower nixed from WTC plan ... Acting after Silverstein was slapped down last month in his bid to snag $3.5 billion in penalties from the PA because of building delays, Paterson urged him to throw more cash into the project and scale back his demands. ... It was nothing more than a modulated infered light but it did work from the Empire ...

Stop Being Ingrates About Needles Already: The Snake Oil ... 29, 2016 · Robert De Niro can be personally thanked for the whole debacle, as he was the one who included lying liar fraud Andrew Wakefield's bullshit ... but it makes me question the whole thing, and the whole vaccine issue is a real one. ... He was placed in the custody of BC child and family services for a year before a moran judge decided that two ...

Sarah Palin as POTUS. | The DIS Disney Discussion Forums ... 23, 2008 · Sure she is. A typical 71 year old without John McCain's history of cancer, has a 30% chance of dying in office, leaving Palin as President.The Vice President needs to be qualified to be President. Plain-and-simple. Sarah Palin is unqualified, and represents a danger to personal freedom, and therefore preclude a vote for McCain.

Queens Crap: Illegal alien extorted landlord 12, 2010 · They were said to have threatened him with a fake gun and sodomy, hired a thug to force him to hand over $25,000, and to have stalked him by hiding a GPS in his car. Giamagas is an illegal Greek immigrant and faces deportation and a minimum of 11 years in prison. Schwarz is a German architect who also faces deportation and a minimum of eight years.

Daily Digest: Immigration, Senate race, July 4th | Capitol ... 03, 2019 · Welcome to Wednesday and a brand new Daily Digest to take you into the holiday. 1. Trump immigration policy felt in central Minnesota. The men were chopping silage on …

Brett Kavanaugh, The Weeping Virgin Saint Of Friendship ... 25, 2018 · Here's another new thing we learned last night in the New York Times, about a girl whose name appears in Brett Kavanaugh's yearbook, and also the yearbooks of many of Brett Kavanaugh's fellow Georgetown Prep classmates. They all suggest they are "alumni" of that girl, or, in Brett Kavanaugh's case, an "alumnius," because Brett Kavanaugh was obviously just real good at Latin, …

Hearing of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee ... 10, 2004 · Mr. Chairman, I believe that, if we allow these 527s to function, it will be, as the United States Supreme Court said, if we allow them to function outside of the FCRA, the finance campaign laws of 1974, not the BCRA, then I think we will be opening the door to a flood of unregulated soft money and we will have a return to the bad old days.

Don’t ask, don’t tell! Coral Gables policy is golden 24, 2017 · But it got shot down by three of the voting members on the commission. ... Coral Gables policy is golden silence added by Ladra on May 24, 2017 ... Anyone who Is not happy with what is going on should pick up the phone and contact the Commisioners, write emails, and of course go to the Commission meetings to express your discontent. ...

B. Rich - politics | Ask MetaFilter is despite the fact that he has one of the better gay rights record of any of the candidates, as well as the fact that his larger point that he eventually lands at—that "choice" should be immaterial when it comes to equality—could be be argued persuasively.

Deleted Comments Of The Week: Authentic Frontier ALL-CAPS ... 15, 2016 · Scootaloo has just about had it with your bullshit. It was a fine week for deleted comments, and our story on Elizabeth Warren's brilliant Twitter takedown of Donald Trump continued to elicit some prime quality derp. We were particularly taken with this single-paragraph rant from "sweetpoet," who is neither poetic nor particularly sweet. Though perhaps the personal salutation was …

Cohen Pleads Guilty Doesn't Cooperate! : Page 2 25, 2008 · All of this may not impeach Trump since 2020 is only 1.5 years away, but it is certainly hurting his reelection chances man. Doesn’t hurt his chances at all. Trump can run as the cleanest President ever in 2020. Had a full-blown investigation digging dirt on him his entire first 4 and it was water off a duck’s back.

Hialeah AB mafia backs Nelson Hernandez in Miami Lakes 29, 2013 · “I respect him as the mayor, but about people who represent Miami Lakes,” Nelson Hernandez said. ... Hialeah AB mafia backs Nelson Hernandez in Miami Lakes added by Ladra on ... yeah, I do guess he gave that up so he can become one of the flying monkeys. Power is so corrupting. But, yeah, I do think that the others are flying ...

The Urban Politico: Historical Narratives, Namibia and ... push for the removal comes as the governments of Germany and Namibia are engaging in negotiations to close one of the grimmest chapters in Africa’s colonial history, the genocide of tens of thousands of Herero and Nama between 1904 and 1908.

trump catchall and other scary political stuff - Part 16 13, 2019 · You own him because you support him—and you do support him. You’re lying if you say otherwise because you sure go on a bender in his defense. Look at the facts sweetie—trump and his team have more guilty pleas, convictions, lying, and the shit he says about all of worse than all modern day presidents in my lifetime. He is NOT good.

SD6 goes as expected, but will the runoff? - Big Jolly Times, almost. Yes, I did give the edge going in to Sylvia Garcia, as did most people, but Carol Alvarado surprised most people with a much stronger showing than expected. Which makes this part of Doug Miller of KHOU’s recap on the election confusing: Even some of Alvarado’s closest political allies privately concede defeating Garcia […]

YouTube may allow hate speech if it’s part of a larger Real News Nowadays. The Best Original News Site Around! Get the Alternative Scoop!

William McGowan: Adult supervision? @ The NYT? Part 4 ... 18, 2011 · William McGowan is the prominent journalist and author, most recently, of Gray Lady Down: What the Decline and Fall of the New York Times …

Bentley Rayburn's deception (of himself and us) best candidate for the job, the candidate who lost to Lamborn by fewer than 900 votes out of nearly 55,000 votes cast, is Jeff Crank, who is challenging Lamborn again in 2008. The other challenger in the race is Air Force Major General Bentley Rayburn who came in a fairly distant third in 2006.

For The Third Time, Daniel Whyte III Tells President Trump ... the third time, Daniel Whyte III tells President Trump what Nathan said to David, “Thou Art The Man” — You need to come clean and tell the truth about the Stormy Daniels matter yourself publicly on nationwide television and not through surrogates.

Wild ‘Hardball’ Panel Calls Trump Presidency ‘Fake ... 25, 2018 · First they said unmasking was the real scandal. It wasn't. Then they said Obama bugging Trump was the scandal. No, it wasn't. Then it was FISA warrant, Uranium One and now it's this phony baloney story about a spy on the campaign. This is Donald Trump and all his minions, including people in Congress, Republicans creating alternative realities.

Sanders Win Reveals Deep Divide Between Voters and ... is your job.” But I want to remind everyone, in the state of New Hampshire, where Hillary Clinton is running in the first primary, a state that has elected women to every single major political office in the state – governor, Congress, speaker of the House, president of the Senate, head of the New Hampshire Supreme Court.

Clinton's ghost haunts race - The Globe and Mail 04, 2000 · Clinton's ghost haunts race. Andrew Cohen. Washington. ... it means invoking morality and geography -- the first, to show he is a Christian who …

Trump's pardon of Dinesh D'Souza signals he'll also pardon ... videos are usually a small snippet of his talks where one student asks a stupid, incoherent question that Dinesh D'Souza is extremely confident in his answer and sounds really smart. Here's the thing: that was the worst question asked at his talk. If you watch his talks in full, he spews bullshit and dodges legitimate questions from his ...

Right, Professor, Right — Making Every Vote Count 07, 2019 · In his book “No Property in Man,” historian Sean Wilentz writes of the Constitution’s Framers, “On July 20, the delegates gave their initial approval to what might have been the most decisive triumph on behalf of slavery of the entire convention….the creation of the Electoral College.” Page 70. T - is coming as the White House and as President Trump and the first lady are expected to make their first public appearances today after Michael Cohen, the president's former personal lawyer, implicated him in these hush-money payments to women alleging affairs with the president. ... but it's also going to be the part of lawyers ...

larry carillo - Colorado Pols the Ft. Collins Coloradoan reports, the Larimer County Republican Party is looking at as much as $216,000 in fines because of problems stemming from former Party Chairman Larry Carillo:. Former Larimer County Republican Party Chairman Larry Carillo used more than $17,000 in party money for payments to two companies he owned and for ATM withdrawals and other payments that can’t be ...

Precollege Option Eyed for Service Proposal - Education Week The service program is generally considered one of Mr. Clinton's top four priorities, along with the economy, health care, and campaign-finance reform.

The Election of 2004 – Transcription – Joe Trippi Name Password Lost your password?. Sign up not allowed by admin.

The Left Coaster: The Eagle Byrd Eagle Byrd Soars by pessimist. Ancient warrior Robert Byrd donned his buckler and shield and rode forth to do battle with the wily Tim Russert on this Sunday morning's Meet The Press over the future of this Constitutional republic.. Showing his age, Byrd still gave as good as he got, setting an example that lily-livered Tom Daschle and too many other Democrats could learn from.

13 | September | 2018 | News Corpse 13, 2018 · The single most repulsive character on the Fox News Cartoon Network is, without a doubt, Tucker Carlson. He has assumed the position of the Grand Wizard of the white nationalist movement with his frequent tirades that literally regurgitate …

Rosemount City Council 2016 primary election candidates ... candidates are running for Rosemount City Council in the Aug. 9 primary election. The top four vote-getters will compete for two, four-year terms in the November general election. Incumbents Vanessa Demuth and Jeff Weisensel are running against challengers Heidi Freske, Wade Miller and Brenda ...

Let's Talk About Trump's Russian Shitshow! Mueller ... 24, 2019 · Schiff tells Zebley that he understands there is an "angry man down the street" who is upset he's there (he means Shitfuck McGee AKA the president), but reassures Zebley that he doesn't care. 1:10: Since Bill Barr has been hiding Mueller's counter-intel findings from Congress, Mueller is addressing how counter-intel worked in his investigation ...

Pets in search of forever homes | Companion Pets number of dogs and cats in Clark County are currently looking for someone to adopt them and provide them with a new forever home. Those interested can visit one or all of several adoption organizations in the Clark County area. Here are a few pets currently available for adoption at a few local ...

OP-ED: Why Blumenthal and Not Foley? | CT News Junkie is considered news in today’s chaotic world? Consider the case study of Connecticut candidates referencing their war time experience as they seek to build up political support.

Beyond Mueller report, Trump faces flurry of legal perils ... U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan declined to comment on the New York probes but has told a federal judge it is still investigating campaign-finance violations committed when Cohen helped ...

Conservatives ramp up dirty tricks leading up to June 5 30, 2012 · But attributing this chicanery to unions is simply reality denial, the zenith of cognitive dissonance. There’s no shame in admitting that you’re wrong or admitting that you’ve been fooled. But it is shameful to adhere unquestioningly to a mindset that perpetuates grotesque misdeeds and wrongdoings either by denial or outright support.

Hammon pleads guilty; special election to fill seat needed ... — Micky Hammon, a longtime Republican state lawmaker from Decatur, pleaded guilty this week to devising a scheme to commit mail fraud involving his campaign funds.

The Wisdom Tree | Caotica, full and whispering the name of each soul whose blood, over time, has surged through the roots giving a name, and a heart beat, to every branch, stem and leaf. The Witness Tree Gettysburg, PA I stood for a long time beneath the branches, touching it’s skin, as a I would a nurse tending to a …

Better Know a State: Wisconsin – discuss Wisconsin ... to our 54th Better Know a State (BKAS), which will focus on WISCONSIN.As I indicated before, the plan is to do these state-by-state, highlighting upcoming elections, progressive candidates in those states and major issues being fought (with an emphasis …

Walker's record as governor takes hits as he travels ...'s record as governor takes hits as he travels ... and a financing plan for a new $500 million arena to keep the Milwaukee Bucks from leaving the state. ... Senator Ron Johnson.) Will you ...

The Business of Ending a Presidential Campaign - Bloomberg 19, 2012 · The Business of Ending a Presidential Campaign. ... but it can take decades before the FEC will let a candidate off the hook. John Glenn, the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth, took 22 years ...

What it tells us that John McCain drank vodka with Hillary ... McCain once took on Hillary Clinton in a drinking contest. It was at a restaurant in Estonia in 2004, during a congressional tour. Both politicians managed four shots of vodka; the rules were ...

Tea Partiers Gang Up In Colorado To Capture Local School Secretary of State Scott Gessler tossed his hat into the 2014 Governor's race to unseat Democrat John Hickenlooper in September of this year, and has been working to capture an early lead when he suddenly suspended his campaign in order to send his resources into a local school board ...

Civil War: Did a knight's sacrifice win the battle ... the sacrifice of one knight win the day for the Union at the Battle of Stones River? Did the sacrifice of one knight win the day for the Union at the Battle of Stones River? Maj. Gen. William S. Rosecrans apparently believed it did. The knight in question was Col. Julius P. Garesch, Rosecrans ...

John Pollinger, Steve Clair and Randy Burke Among 25 ... 31, 2013 · A three-month stint aside for another individual, Pollinger is the only two applicants who has been a police chief in his career, but it’s not always about the person with the most ...

Saints offseason brief: Defensive Line - Bayou Brief most important names on the list are the first five, so we’ll primarily focus on them. Cameron Jordan is a bonafide superstar who earned a well-deserved All-Pro selection this season. He’s in his prime and there’s no question he’s a cornerstone of the Saints defense.

A Lady Justice, Says Laurence Tribe, Can Bring Cohesion to ...’Connor is slated to take the seat vacated by Potter Stewart, who has retired at 66 after 23 years on the bench. With five Justices over 70, Reagan may get to make more appointments.

Wake County - indyweek.com“One vote," Raleigh City Council member Kay Crowder told hundreds of residents rallying against a plan to add a second quarry outside Umstead State Park last weekend, is all we need to join the ...

FOOTBALL | Walker's Thomas takes career-high game in ... days ago · WALKER – It wasn’t the career-high 10 catches that Walker High junior wide receiver Brian Thomas recalled in his team’s 48-21 defeat against eighth-ranked Destrehan.

In Rowland's Waterbury: 'A Lot Of People Are Really Trying ... for Sinkler, Rowland's hometown-hero advantage vanished with his indictment Thursday on campaign-finance and conspiracy charges. "You don't get third chances in …

State Employees Get Raises; Hiring Freeze Loosened | CT ... by: perturbed | June 27, 2013 12:31am Christine, I believe the story is wrong. As far as I know, most state employees will actually get a pay cut of 0.5% on July 1, the start of the phase ...

With 2018 midterms fast approaching, primary contenders ... before voters decide in November who will control the House, the Senate and 36 governor's seats across the country, the most wide-open primary season in decades will plunge the nation's two ...

Opinion Roundup: Election day, districts to watch, voter ..., Nov. 6, 2018 -- A round up of opinion, commentary and analysis on: Voter shaming in NC takes partisan turn, districts to watch for control of the legislature, voter ID backers cite ...

Potentially deadly infection impacting farmworkers ...’s currently on the donor list for a kidney. Arrollo-Toland makes it a point to advise workers to get tested for the illness at the first sign of a cold or flu. “Sometimes I'll be talking to a farmworker and they’ll say ‘Oh, I have these symptoms ...’ And my first thing is, ‘You should go get tested for valley fever.’"

Enron's capital investment altered power industry / Failed ... 04:00:00 PDT Washington-- During the administration of the first President George Bush, a new party fund-raiser named Kenneth Lay was invited to spend the night at the White House. The ...

Intelligence Allegations against the Trump Administration ... 16, 2018 · And ironically, if he'd stayed in his little circle doing the dirty for Trump and GOP-pers, he'd just have impunity, law enforcement doesn't care about a 2-bit lawyer. But now that he's the POTUS' personal lawyer, the spotlight shone on him, and out scurried the cockroach.

King firing unlikely to be investigated by DOJ | News ... firing unlikely to be investigated by DOJ ... Cunningham wrote in his complaint. But it’s unlikely that the complaint filed February 24 by Cunningham, a Chippewa County sheriff’s deputy ...

Your Agency's First Grantwriter Starts Work Monday 10, 2004 · Consider asking your grant writer if they would mind reporting to the board, once a quarter, on their progress and what they're hearing back; it's a good way to be sure that the board is kept up to date, but it's also an opportunity for the board to be able to assist the grant solicitation process by advocating for grants in tandem with a ...

The GOP's minority problems | Local News | madison.com 27, 2013 · Within minutes of TV networks calling the 2012 election for President Obama, pundits were seizing on the Democratic victory as evidence of a grave demographic challenge the nearly all-white Republican Party faces in an increasingly brown America. In …

Sheheen confirms he’ll run for S.C. governor | State ... — State Sen. Vincent Sheheen confirmed Wednesday that he will launch a gubernatorial bid this summer, setting up a possible rematch with GOP Gov. Nikki Haley.

It’s about time — South DaCola wouldn’t characterize it as saving too many Iraqi lives, but it will certainly be a good thing for us. #2 l3wis on 02.27.09 at 8:45 am It can’t hurt. Did you see in the article we had an agreement to be out by 2011 anyway? That is the first time I had heard about it. Did Obama now that while he was campaigning? #3 Costner on 02.27.09 at 9 ...

When all else fails, hypnotist ready to serve | Monona Ryals doesn’t swing a pocket watch, and nobody clucks like a chicken in his office. That doesn’t stop some people from believing those stereotypes of hypnotists, though.

Blunt runs into fact-checking storm on Obamacare repeal ...’s office said ProPublica’s analysis cherry picked a hypothetical, and that even there, the fact-checker conceded there was a 28 percent rise over two years.

Cuomo Ally Charlie King Makes Lewd Double Entendre In ... often resembles a school yard, but the most juvenile taunts are often left off the record or kept in private. That wasn’t the case with Charlie King, a former Democratic Party executive director and ally of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who in a lengthy statement on Wednesday made a lewd double entendre that has also been deployed as a gay slur when referring to state Republican Chairman Ed Cox.

Sanders Vowing to Break Up Banks During First Year in ... vowed to create a “too-big-to-fail” list of companies within the first 100 days of his administration whose failure would pose a grave risk to the U.S. economy without a taxpayer bailout.

Assembly District 8 Candidates: Manriquez v. Zamarripa ... 13, 2012 · This disdain for the largest municipality in Wisconsin was magnified and exploited by Gov. Walker in his recall campaign strategy (and I have since told him so). As a life-long Milwaukeean and Wisconsinite, I am offended by this contempt for the economic engine of this state, but it has also made my resolve even stronger.

Arts - Page 126 | PBS NewsHour girls seen in The Temple Bar in Dublin on Thursday, March 16, 2017. This year, the city's St. Patrick's Festival takes place from March 16-19, and brings together 3,000 artists, musicians ...

Web Chat: Previewing the South Carolina Primary - Brookings 18, 2012 · Web Chat: Previewing the South Carolina Primary. Facebook; ... Are the Republicans going to be able to rally around Mitt Romney if he is the eventual nominee? He …

Vigilate et Orate – The blog of Samuel M. Frost, Th.M.https://vigil.blogBy Samuel M. Frost, Th.M. The first five minutes of this new series of Preston’s on yours truly – on my book, The Parousia of the Son of Man – is a downright vicious attack. Basically, according to Preston, I am not just a liar, but am a bald face liar.

Sharia law, super PACs roil GOP primary - Alex Isenstadt ... multimillionaire Andy Miller has been warning for years about the lurking threat he says Sharia law poses to America. But this summer, his anti-Islam campaign has become the main act of ...

February 5, 2005 | New York Post 5, 2005 | 5:00am Media giant Time Warner reported a strong jump in profits yesterday but disappointed Wall Street with its projections for 2005. The New York-based company, which is the ...

Emergency Room Negligence and the Children Who Die Kendyll Bliss was dehydrated from a cold. Her parents, Kim and Ryan, took Kendyll to a Florida emergency room. Unbeknownst to Kim and Ryan, the ER did not have any medical equipment on hand to treat an infant. The ER nurse tried unsuccessfully for two and a half hours to get an adult IV needle into Kendyll’s body.

August 2016 – Right On Daily Blog that Reade once used in 2012 in his effort to eliminate political enemies were discarded in the 2016 effort. ( felony stupid) It is clear to me that the 2018 election will bring retirements and a deep, inner need for Reade to attempt to control party endorsements in order to influence the elections in …

Heidi Harmon’s embarrassing politics - calcoastnews.com Harmon is part of a group of people, including Adam Hill, Nick Andre, Quinn Brady, John Shoals, Jeff Lee, Tom Fulks, who now control the local Democratic Central Committee.

Sleeping with The Devil: 06/01/2018 - 07/01/2018 28, 2018 · Anthony Kennedy is retiring. Abortion will be illegal in twenty states in 18 months. #SCOTUS — Jeffrey Toobin (@JeffreyToobin) June 27, 2018 Anthony Kennedy, a moderate-ish Reagan-appointed SCOTUS justice who was the swing vote in upholding a woman's right to choose, the victory for marriage equality and a number of other cases (where he sided with the more liberal justices) is …

/leftypol/ - News 12/15 nearly two weeks the movement of yellow vests has brought hundreds of thousands of people in the streets all over France, often for the first time. The price of fuel was the drop of diesel that set the plain on fire. The suffering, the enough-is-enough, and the injustice have never been so widespread.

memeorandum: George H.W. Bush dies at 94. … (Washington Post) 01, 2018 · As Trump Panic-Tweets, Putin Cracks His Whip and Shows Him Who's Boss — This was the week that the bottom fell out of Donald Trump's presidency. After almost two years of White House denials that Candidate Trump had any ties to Russia in 2016, that …

Embattled Missouri Gov. Greitens resigns | State-and ... 29, 2018 · The announcement came hours after damaging testimony by a former campaign aide to a House committee investigating Greitens, and a separate …

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing - April 13 ...'s_Daily_Presidential_News_Briefing_-_April_13,_2016Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing - April 13, 2016. From Ballotpedia. Jump to: ... He said, "The remittances are the property of the people that make them, and they have every right to be able to carry out international transfers. ... This is going to lead to a tremendous reduction in border violence.” ...

John Podesta, Tom Steyer, George Soros: Democratic Donors 22, 2017 · The words "labor" and "union" appear nowhere in his article, despite the fact that unions are 6 of the 10 top all-time donors recently compiled by, despite the fact that unions spent some $4.4 billion on politics between 2005 and 2011. (Incidentally, every member of the top ten either leaned Democratic or split ...

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database is an operating system launched from a USB stick or a DVD that aim to leaves no traces when the computer is shut down after use and automatically routes your internet traffic through Tor. Tails will require you to have either a USB stick or a DVD at least 4GB big and a laptop or desktop computer.

Category:FEC - JW-2019 - johnnywunder.info Candidate and Committee Summaries for candidates who have received $10,000 and Committees who have received $1,000,000 or more. Normal caste of characters with expected suspects in the top line up when you consider the breadth of the Republican field.

Total Keto Diet For Beginners: How To Meal Plan Your ... keto diet is a healthy way of living that also helps you lose massive amounts of weight. Total Keto Diet for Beginners provides you with everything you need to start the keto diet: from how to calculate macros to keto food lists, to five keto meal plans to select to suit your lifestyle & of course all of the ketogenic rules you need to know like what foods to avoid on the keto diet!

375 Best #Walk Away images in 2019 | Art:__cat__, Gcse art ... 13, 2019- Explore andersonlucia970's board "#Walk Away", followed by 337 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Art:__cat__, Gcse art and Kunst.

Huckabee: "'OK, Mr. Obama, take your wife, your two ... "'OK, Mr. Obama, take your wife, your two daughters and your mother-in-law to Washington Reagan National Airport and have them publicly go through both the body scanner and the full enhanced pat-down in front of others" (

David Kim - Ballotpedia could stop this from happening, but, like so much else, they do nothing. Equal access to knowledge is essential to a prosperous, equitable future. I was the first candidate to speak out forcefully and take a strong position on net neutrality, and as your representative, I will champion our right to an internet that is open to all.

Derp Roundup: Fans Of Killer Cops Can Breathe Just Fine ... 20, 2014 · Our Top Derp goes to the clever people who came up with these hilarious "I Can Breathe" sweatshirts for a pro-police rally in New York City Friday. Get it? ... since she would have to prove that hers was the first clothing bearing the phrase. It could take up to a year for her application to be acted upon. ... This is the kind of cultural rot ...

Reuters-Ipsos poll: Democrats losing support of ... 01, 2018 · They vanish and deflect because it always gets personal not because you are "holding them to account" which for a lot of people here is just railing on them for being racist constantly rather than providing a reason to vote democrat. "don' vote republican because you're racist if you do" is not a convincing argument weather you like it or not thats the reality of our situation.

Private firms argue First Amendment right to collect ... 14, 2014 · This is already illegal and we don't need a new law to address it. ... but that support isn't a form of expression, any more than paying for a meal (or even donating to a charity) is. It's ... - DRISCOLL, ATTORNEY FOR MARIA BUTINA: Yes, her contacts -- and I can confirm her contacts were very innocuous social contacts. They met at a party at the Swiss embassy. It was nothing arranged. They caught up with each other's contact information and then went out a couple of evenings and then once for -- for a cocktail and to a Styx concert.

Debates : Was Flynnn entrapped? - dailychess.com 13, 2018 · @philokalia said This has all been quite the affair. People were talking about how Pres. Trump wouldn't even see the end of his first year in the Presidency, and as this thing has dragged on, while it has negatively impacted the Presidency, it has only begun to lose ground in recent days. Hardly the heroic frontal assault the Left thought it'd be.

University of Connecticut Law Dean Timothy Fisher provides ... 16, 2015 · A correspondent has provided OTLSS with an email that University of Connecticut Law Dean Timothy Fisher sent to members of the UConn Law School community in order to soften the blow of the school’s decline from 58th to 63rd place in the annual US News rankings.

Republican Party, Rep. Liz Cheney said: 'They've become ... for the question, Agustin. The Democratic party is not the party of Anti-Semitism. Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, made some unfortunate remarks. She is one member of the 435 member House. If you insist that Democrats are anti-Semitic because Ilhan O...

Democratic Party Journalists Aren’t Fooling Anyone | Power ... 06, 2015 · The Newseum Institute’s annual survey on the state of the First Amendment was released on Friday. You can read the results here. There are lots of interesting findings, although, as with any ...

‘Underage Girls’ Were on Epstein’s Plane When Bill Clinton ...“Almost every time that Clinton’s name is on the pilot logs there are underage girls, there are initials, and there are names of many, many girls on that private plane. “So you have to ask yourself, and what I asked myself: why would anyone, not only a former president, fly on a plane 27 times that did not belong to him?”Sarnoff wondered.

Your Schools: Ellis-Stewart, McCray ran low-cost campaigns 12, 2012 · Elyse Dashew, who finished fourth, was the race's big spender, reporting about $42,100 in expenses (about $1.79 a vote). The school board race is nonpartisan, which means there are no primaries and no parties listed on the ballot. But Dashew, who is unaffiliated, was likely hobbled by having no political party pushing her candidacy.

How The Notorious RBG Inspired Brandeis University 31, 2016 · How The Notorious RBG Inspired Brandeis University Students say Louis D. Brandeis would deplore the current state of justice in America. ... the speakers and panelists proved that Brandeis is a man who is respected by many." ... stating that it was "the first to use sociological data in addition to legal arguments to address the question of ...

Blumenthal Joins Advocates In Push To Label Genetically ... was the first state in the nation to pass a bill ... She said the House vote was more about “who is controlling our government today” than about GMO labeling. ... If the underlying ...

My REAL feelings on the Siding Settlement? A SAD EVENT ... would think with all the contradictions in the contract and what we were told, Mayor Huether would have had better things to do yesterday besides dressing like Howdy Doody.

Political Irony › Is Glenn Beck Pulling a Stephen Colbert? Glenn Beck Pulling a Stephen Colbert? ... Free public libraries are the result of the Progressive movement to communally share books. The first public library was the Boston public library in 1854. It’s statement of purpose: every citizen has the right to access …

Africa & Africans are looked down/hated because they arent ... 09, 2014 · Africans are the most educated ethnic group in the United States and excel in medical, science and engineering fields. #2. Africans have been subject to more unfair economic, social and political treatment and neocolonialism than any other continent even Asia. This is the underlying reason why African countries still struggle even today.

Man to serve 18 months jail for causing fatal crash ... - The 18 months that Luis Zavala, 79, will serve in jail for causing the crash that killed 4-year-old Michael Hankins is not enough for members of the boy's family. Michael died March 11 ...

66 Best America images in 2019 - Pinterest 24, 2019- Explore bevvalentin's board "America", followed by 372 people on Pinterest.

'Not transparent': SC lawmakers spend $27 million for ... funded by last year's $4.5 million handed out by legislators included $50,000 for the black cowboy festival in the tiny Sumter County town of Rembert, $100,000 for Columbia ballet, $300,000 ...

The Plum Line - The Senate GOP's bore on 16, 2010 · The Senate GOP's bore on Christmas. ... senators should consider their duties more important than getting a few extra days off. But it also means Democrats aren't being any more "sacrilegious" than Republicans are. ... This is nothing, these are the same people who clam Jesus hates poor people but loves war. If there is a Hell...

The State of Feminism in 2010: Christine O'Donnell and ... 15, 2010 · And then there’s some other player who tweeted something, you know, a couple lines in his Twitter account, not quite the same as what Clinton Portis said, but it …

National Notary Association: Strough can't witness from ... — Notaries must speak to the people who are signing documents in front of them, the National Notary Association said a day after Supervisor John Strough and his wife were arrested on ...

New school year coming fast for Livingston Parish | News ... repair and rehabilitation work was done during the summer at five other Denham Springs schools but it will be the summer of 2018 before they are restored to their pre-flood status ...

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Why DiLuzio Lost 28, 2019 · She thought she was the entitled goddess and did nothing to earn it. Willie will probably do the same thing as he thinks his deal not to run against NBB entitles him to the throne. At least the inbreeding was interrupted for a little while. Hopefully the citizenry is finally getting a glimpse of the cluelessness. May 29, 2019 at 8:35 PM

Lindsey Graham Just Changed the Course of focus on asking the Judge about the meaning of passages in his high school yearbook and endless calls for a man who has already been through no fewer than 6 FBI background checks to call for yet another one made them look like the silly, disengenuous jackasses they truly are.

The Anti-Hype Machine: Stop me if you've heard this one... 16, 2018 · Fighting the hype & calling out corporate bullshit since 2016. Pages. Home; How Not To Design a Videogame; Always Political, and Only Occasionally Incorrect

Is it really about the children? — South DaCola it doesn’t stop people on both sides of the issue claiming this program will either help or hurt our children. Whether it gets implemented or not, the only real beneficiary will be teachers, how this may ‘trickle down’ to the school kids of our state is still a mystery (those studies are all over the map to). ... (at least for a few ...

Would Rob McCord stop the privatization of Public ... 02, 2014 · and other questions about the soul of the Democratic Party. The struggle for a well-funded and vibrant Public Education system in Philadelphia has been long and storied. The School Reform Commission’s announcement that it would close 23 schools, was the latest outrageous development, and one of the many severe consequences of Governor Corbett’s decision to cut…

Romney Comment Derails Republican Campaign Again | The 18, 2012 · Romney Comment Derails Republican Campaign Again ... Asked if there would be changes in his team, Romney said, “No, I’ve got a good team.” ... This is …

Nutty Negro Barack Obama Goes on Rampage Against Master ... 08, 2018 · Obama said it’s not an exaggeration to say the midterm elections are the most important in his lifetime. “As a fellow citizen, not as an ex-president…I am here to deliver a simple message and that is that you need to vote because our democracy depends on …

Obama Presidency: Second Term (2013–present): Was Senate ...–present-Was-Senate-Majority...These four 'crooked and demonic' Koch brother's own biological mother (otherwise known as 'Mary Robinson Koch' which is no doubt a bogus alias for one born, in then Prussia, on October 17, 1907 – and died December 21, 1990), was married to one cal...

Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense | Page 100 ... there you go back to the real world. clearly I said "in the eyes of the law corporations are individuals". if you can't make sense of that then keep showing your ignorance as you are.

When Was the Last Time You Heard a Black Woman Accuse a ... Webb went on to explain to her that the falsehood in this assumption of white privilege. You’re talking to a black man who started out in rock radio in Boston who crossed over into hip hop and then went on to work for Fox News (“Where I’m told blacks aren’t supposed to work.) yet you come with this assumption of white ...

911 system restored in Denham | | livingstonparishnews.com system restored in Denham Apr 13, 2003 ... that's was the problem was." ... Banks also noted that he reviewed minutes of past meetings in relation to a claim that Denham Springs Police ...

Nike | Citizens for equal opportunity most ironic thing about the Nike ad featuring Colin Kaepernick was the quote Believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything. I sensually what Stephen Martin of prime time sports did he believed in something and sacrificed his livelihood

"Look back over the past, with its changing empires that ..."Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too." ... He found that the new manager was known for his Macchiavellian manipulations in his last two positions. The usage of psychological influence over a person or situation to gain a positive outcome.\ ... And because ideas are ...

Obama-McCain: I Am A Man of Constant Sorrow | Coffee House 08, 2008 · Obama-McCain: I Am A Man of Constant Sorrow on Coffee House | Shockingly Tom Brokaw has rejected Bill Kristol's internet-submitted question. Typical MSM…

Moreland Commission Looks To Rebuild Credibility At 3rd ... 27, 2013 · ALBANY, N.Y. — “You’ve been served,” was the simple message Jaron Benjamin and around 30 members of tenant organizations delivered to members of the Real Estate Board of New York outside their headquarters on the morning of October 17. The subpoenas demanded REBNY members show up to a ...

North shore DA candidate Warren Montgomery says former ... his voicemail the day before, Black told Montgomery, "We've been against two law firms and the sheriff and a big'd be nice to know that we're all unified regardless that me, you ...

Show us the money | Power Line, if you believe as I do that nations like France and Germany have opposed our efforts in Iraq not out of good faith disagreement on the merits, but because of a combination of economic ...

Article: Wayne Madsen: Democrats had to act, but they ... 07, 2012 · Article: Wayne Madsen: Democrats had to act, but they erred by not passing a single-payer plan - Passage of a single-payer -- already working well in …

The Evolving Testimony of a Strangely Incurious Attorney ... 14, 2017 · Parsing the testimony of Attorney General Jeff Sessions regarding a critical conversation that he had with FBI Director James Comey reveals an important evolution in the Attorney General’s account, plus a strange lack of curiosity regarding President Donald Trump’s inappropriate, and possibly illegal, interactions with Comey. The account of the meeting that Sessions finally settled […]

Trump supporters keep making nauseating comments about ... 24, 2019 · LBJ was practically a dictator then, and acted very cavalier in his draft call increases starting in 1965, like it wasn’t personal at all for him. Remember student deferments? Imagine you are riding in the same boat as everyone else in Henze’s “Raft of the Medusa” and someone gets to decide who is “disposable”.

Does George Leventhal have the Temperament to be County 14, 2017 · Seventh State has had blog posts that directly argue against my own point of view, including on the Purple Line compact and a Planning Board appointment. I even did a blog post giving George Leventhal’s point of view on the issue he mentioned in his WAMU comments with no rebuttal.

Republican PC’s: throw Rick Romley’s petitions in the garbage is that recycled county attorney Rick Romley has sent out a letter to Republican precinct committeemen asking for them to collect petition signatures for him. Romley may not have a Republican bone in his body, but he sure has nerve. This is a man that has consistently endorsed liberal Democrats over conservative Republicans. He was ...

Content: Members Page For Tariq AlShammari | OpEdNews NATO, the UAE Igniting the beginning of the Arab War Qatar, Erdogan, and the Brotherhood aim to return to power in the Arab world but simply a dream that will not come true.. Sunday ...

Cynthia Nixon and Andrew Gillum ROCK. We need more like ... is especially true for governors and their legislatures, whose decisions affect the whole of their state. And as such, a governorship is not a place for political novices like Cynthia Nixon. She is way out of her depth here. If she garners more then 35% of the vote September 13, it will be a miracle.

Winning is the American tradition to which we should be ... 07, 2015 · Winning is the American tradition to which we should be true. In his address last ... the international community has This is our strategy to destroy ISIL Doing so will allow the Syrian people and ...

Nevada Progressive: "Re-Funding" & Restoring Nevada, Waters' initiative would levy a 20% tax on mining and a gross receipts tax on businesses earning more than $1 million a month if passed. It would definitely go great lengths to broaden Nevada's tax base. But since it would do so in a way that eats into the profits of the biggest corporations doing business here, they don't like it.

Bachmann launches first television ad of campaign ... 20, 2012 · A day after her Democratic opponent Jim Graves put two television spots on the air, Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann is striking back with an ad of …

Can we [e]RACISM? - HUMANITIES FOR WISDOM are the stories you have heard? Did the film change the way you think about those stories? If so, how? Organizers of the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair put on display people whom they defined as “other.” Although few would do this today, many still see others as distinctly different from themselves. In your community, who is seen as ...

The_Memenator (u/The_Memenator) - Reddit are clearly fans still feeling sour about TLJ, but it shouldn’t create a prejudice towards Episode IX. The_Memenator • -12 points • submitted 15 days ago Especially since the film is not directed by the terrible Rian Johnson, but by the much more preferable JJ Abrams, who is at least a passable director.

Serial Rapist Says Gays Are THE WORST - Wonkette 22, 2015 · On May 12, voters in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, will vote on whether to repeal Ordinance 2223, an anti-discrimination measure protecting LGBT people. And of course, there is a group of pastors and assorted wingnuts who want to make sure their little oasis is …

My Little Corner of Hell | Gun Violence | Gun control ... Scalia ruled that it is constitutional.Remind us how about Obama, freedom & the Amendment? Republicans are downing the NRA Koolaid, and it appears they've increased the strength. Reagan was a gun rights supporter and he still supported legislation for background checks and a …

The NP's Official USA Political Thread | Page 1203 - NamePros 20, 2018 · Besides all the current investigations, I am wondering what they have that is concrete that they aren’t disclosing, I am totally floored by all this, I wouldn’t have thought a million years, it has to be a tender process so our country doesn’t go to hell in a handbag, this stuff is getting very serious, I feel quite sure not everything is transparent to the media to publish, that ...

Plain Broun Wrapper (or, What’s Really In That Bag ... 08, 2012 · I thought I might write about something other than politics this morning, but some things are just too there to ignore. But perhaps this isn’t strictly about politics. Representative Paul Broun of Georgia recently said the following. I’m pulling the quote from news sources so I don’t get it wrong. “God’s word is true. I’ve come to understand that.

Man who killed ex-girlfriend sentenced to life without ... DIEGO – A man who opened fire on his ex-girlfriend as she tried to back out of the driveway of her Rancho Penasquitos home was sentenced Monday to life in prison without the possibility of ...

Obamacare delay and the shape of things to come | Power Line 03, 2013 · This is certainly in line with the administration’s broader corporatism, but it is a politically uncomfortable expression of that approach and a huge vulnerability. ... This amounts to a very ...

Lexingtonian seeks Green-Rainbow Party nomination for ... 07, 2016 · Jill Stein believes the Green-Rainbow Party brings a different perspective to the 2016 presidential elections. This, she believes, gives her a fighting chance. “The elephant in the room today is that we need a political party that is capable of standing up for everyday people and our urgent needs for good jobs, living wages, health care, education, human rights, and a security policy that ...

Dane Cook #KingOfComedy | HuffPost 21, 2012 · The Laugh Factory opened its doors in 1979. Since then, Jamie Masada has changed the comedy industry. After the Michael Richards incident in 2006, The Laugh Factory banned comedians from using the n-word in their acts.Even Black comedians. Rumor has it comedy giant Damon Wayans was fined for being a n*gger saying n*gger. Please insert irony here. That was a sad day.

Dell Grant -- DDE - Education Writers Association“When there’s a data session here and you have to pick which category you’re in, I would be in the beginner category,” said Adam Tamburin, a higher education reporter for The Tennessean, during a panel at the Education Writers Association’s 2019 National Seminar in …

Planning a data journalism story from start to finish ... report summarizes notes from the first workshop of the School of Data Journalism, organized by the European Journalism Centre, Open Knowledge Foundation and the International Journalism Festival. The session was led by Steve Doig, Knight Chair in Journalism, specializing in computer-assisted reporting - the use of computers and social science techniques to help journalists do their jobs ...

The Trump Administration Transition thread - Page 90 ... 29, 2016 · Re: The Trump Administration Transition thread The one group of people who legitimately might care about Trump going back on his promises here are the alt-right, Mnuchin doesn't strike me as a Protestant surname and his Goldman Sachs/Hollywood/George Soros background isn't endearing to people angry about international bankers.

African American hostility to Trump outwieghs coolness ... remarkable 84 percent of registered black voters believe that the Republican presidential nominee is a racist, and only 1.5 percent of them intend to vote for him, according to a poll released ...

Move To Amend’s Written Testimony for the “Responding to ...’s-written-testimony-“responding-citizens-united...Jul 19, 2012 · Certainly, Senator Durbin, as the Chairman of the Subcommittee, would have the power to order the representative from Citizens United, LLC, turn down the volume on the bullhorn, or to prohibit the use of bullhorns in the hearing room all together, if that is what he deemed necessary to make sure that as many points of view as possible are heard.

Our Hypocrisy is not like theirs, part 2 | A (or One) Skeptic 08, 2016 · Yesterday we began a three part series on false equivalence, and how our hypocrisy is not like theirs. Today we’re going to focus on the deficit reduction task force from 2010.[1] Deficit Reduction Task Force of 2010 Back in 2010, after struggling fruitlessly to resolve the deficit reduction issue, the Senate proposed, in a resolution,…

The "Crony" in Capitalism is Socialism - Capitalism Magazine 02, 2014 · The views expressed above represent those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors and publishers of Capitalism Magazine.Capitalism Magazine sometimes publishes articles we disagree with because we think the article provides information that may be of value to our readers.. Please keep all comments polite, civil, and on the topic of the article.

Inquisition of the Airwaves - The Undercurrent have long advocated using the “public ownership” of the airwaves to meddle with political speech. The Communications Act contained a provision known as the Equal Time Rule, which requires broadcasters who grant air-time to a politician from one party to …

Greed in America beneficial | Daily 26, 2011 · Enron and Worldcom were frauds, they were illegal by the law. The author is saying that the system was broken, which was the fault of the government for not putting enough regulation on bankers. But it wasn’t the fault of the banks. They might have made stupid financial decisions, but it …[PPT]Recent American History - Woodbridge Township School · Web viewSALT II was the first nuclear arms treaty which assumed real reductions in strategic forces. SALT II 1979. Six months after the signing, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, and in September of the same year, the Soviet combat brigade deployed to Cuba was discovered.

Growth to give S.C. 7th seat in Congress | Palmetto ... Carolina will gain a seventh congressional seat in two years, expanding its presence in the U.S. House of Representatives to a level not seen since 1930. The state's 15.3 percent growth rate ...

Greg Weiner, Author at Law & Liberty - Page 8 of 23 it has never witnessed malfeasance like the villainy that has unfolded there over the last few weeks. ... The time for warnings may soon give way to a season of regret: The liberal judicial ascendance is begun. ... book reviews, interviews, and educational material in a commitment to the first principles of law in a free society. Law ...

Greed in America beneficial | Daily Trojan best way to describe Occupy Wall Street is as an eclectic movement expressing a shared discontent toward the nation’s distribution of wealth as well as the perceived greed of corporations and Wall Street. Though the opinions, grievances and goals of the Occupy protesters are too numerous and ...

How 3 Actors Overcame Trump’s Travel Ban to Take the New ... 02, 2018 · Mr. Ghobsheh, a 23-year-old songwriter and musician who is now using the first name Milan, and Mr. Moradi, a 26-year-old kung fu practitioner who competed on the Iranian national team, were both discovered by the theater in the Calais camp, known as the Jungle. Mr. Ghobsheh, who is Kurdish and said he fled Iran because it had become ...

Coups and terror are the fruit of Nato's war in ... - Sott.net are signs that Sisi - who complains that the west failed to garrison Libya after Gaddafi's overthrow - wants to use Libya's crisis to send in his own forces. But it's not just Libya that's living with the fallout from Nato's intervention. Blowback from the Libyan war has spread across Africa, destabilising the Sahel region and beyond.

Ida Skibenes ? on | Impeach Trump! | Republican party ... then they have the nerve to ask why more didn't get done in his presidency they're working for the lobbyists. The preponderance of evidence that the Republicans caused, and prolonged the recession is overwhelming. It boggles the mind to talk with an otherwise intelligent human being who is unmoved by the facts. See more

Would You Avoid a Manufacturer Because of Bad Public ... day is here, so I have a philosophical question related to our elected leaders and those who support them.

Manila Standard - 2017 December 28 - Thursday by Manila ... first time, the referee review found Durant made forearm contact to James that affected his speed, quickness, balance and rhythm. ... a silver and a bronze medal haul in the 2017 International ...

The Rag Blog: Dr. Stephen R. Keister : Sick of Being Spoon ... 27, 2011 · Cartoon by Don Addis / Quick Take. Spoon-feeding the news: Where's our independent press? By Dr. Stephen R. Keister / The Rag Blog / July 27, 2011 In his novel Sidetracked, Henning Mankkel quotes a retired journalist: There are two kinds of reporters.

The Rag Blog: The Duty to Stand Up and Fight Against Tyranny 13, 2009 · One of the first assignments given to author Coleen Rowley as a new FBI agent was to help in the processing and releasing of the numerous files improperly gathered by J. Edgar Hoover after the National Lawyer’s Guild won its FOIA lawsuits against the FBI in the early 1980’s. ... In a free society, we all have the duty to stand up and fight ...

Commencement Speech Wasn't NCCU ... - American Renaissance 18, 2011 · We read in Michael Hoffman’s “Holiday for a Cheater”: The first public sermon that King ever gave, in 1947 at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, was plagiarized from a homily by Protestant clergyman Harry Emerson Fosdick entitled “Life is What You Make It,” according to the testimony of King’s best friend of that time, Reverend Larry H ...

Naked Politics - January 2017 | Miami Herald & MiamiHerald.com 18, 2017 · She said it's "intimidation" for a sheriff to lobby for gun free zones while standing before a legislative committee with a holster strapped to his hip. ... The First District Court of Appeal ...

Bobby Schostak - Notes | Facebook, Mich., March 18, 2013 – Michigan Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak, today announced that the Michigan Republican Party has hired Michael Bir as the political director for the party.Bir, formerly the Ohio Victory Director, joins the Michigan Republican Party immediately and will be responsible for leading the political department including enacting an aggressive reorganization ...

Great Legal Minds Endorsements and Statements - 2008 attornies and retired justices endorsements of and statements about Mitt Romney - 2008 Presidential Primary

Next Steps And Big Unanswered Questions As The Nation ... at 6:56 p.m. ET. Special counsel Robert Mueller did not find evidence that President Trump's campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election, according to a summary of ...

George Soros - Refugee Crisis Creator? - valuewalk.com 11, 2016 · Soros has since said of Orbán’s policy toward the migrants: “His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle. Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.” It’s hard to imagine that he could be any clearer in his globalist intentions.

Next Steps And Big Unanswered Questions As The Nation curtain has nearly fallen on the special counsel investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, but this drama may have at least one more act left to run.

The Bermuda Triangle of politics: The mysterious ... Bermuda Triangle of politics: The mysterious disappearances of the recall in politics, history and academy ... There is an assumption – one that I share – that the Wisconsin recalls will serve as the start of a new role for the recall in electoral government. It fits in with some of the major trends of ... one of the footnotes noted the ...

The Lives and Nuns of Danny Goggin, Creator of Tonight’s ... 04, 2012 · Danny Goggin, profiled in this piece, is the writer and director of what's become a half-billion dollar "Nunsense" franchise, whose latest installment- …

Next Steps And Big Unanswered Questions As The Nation ... of the biggest long-running subplots of the Mueller era was whether the special counsel might ask for an interview with the president. Ultimately, Mueller and the Justice Department apparently contented themselves with the written answers to the written questions they submitted to Trump's legal team.

Next Steps And Big Unanswered Questions As The Nation ... 25, 2019 · And Barr, in his synopsis on Sunday, said he intends to make good on his earlier commitments to release as much as he can of what Mueller found, within the bounds of the law and regulations. ... but it doesn’t detail other, non-“main” aspects of the attack on the election that also have been established. ... One of the biggest long ...

Next Steps And Big Unanswered Questions As The Nation ... — or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who is expected to step down before long following the confirmation of his replacement, Jeffrey Rosen — could fill in many of the blanks about ...

Next Steps And Big Unanswered Questions As The Nation ... Barr, in his synopsis on Sunday, said he intends to make good on his earlier commitments to release as much as he can of what Mueller found, within the bounds of the law and regulations. ... The social media agitation wrought by the troll factory known as the "Internet Research Agency" and the hacking, ... One of the biggest long-running ...

Next Steps And Big Unanswered Questions As The Nation ... 25, 2019 · Updated at 6:56 p.m. ET. Special counsel Robert Mueller did not find evidence that President Trump's campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election, according to a …

3 Killed After Pickup Truck Fleeing Border Patrol Hits ... people in a packed pickup truck were killed on Thursday afternoon after the driver ran over tire spikes and crashed on a Southern California highway while…

AR-Land Comm: Once Is An Oversight, Twice Is A Trend ... was the firm that originally sold the Greedy Monty Davenport website. An online support representative for stated, “The issue you have described [the ability to publicly access emails from a GoDaddy website] is something that our servers would NOT do, as they do not deliver mail to a hosting account.

AP FACT CHECK: Clinton, Sanders missteps | The Seattle Times FACT CHECK: Clinton, Sanders missteps . ... but it relies on outdated numbers. In the first five years of the economic recovery, 2009-2014, the richest 1 percent captured 58 percent of income ...

Obama Political Organization to Become Nonprofit to ... 18, 2013 · Obama Political Organization to Become Nonprofit to Promote Agenda: Report The group, dubbed Organizing for Action, will seek to capitalize on the energy of …

Third Circuit Derails “Executive Fast Track” Case ... 16, 2015 · Third Circuit Derails “Executive Fast Track” Case November 16, 2015 ... The first obstacle was the six-year statute of limitations governing each of his claims. The Third Circuit held that Steudtner’s suit was time-barred because he learned in 2001 that he wouldn’t be promoted or get bigger bonuses. ... But it also shows that such an ...

Columbia University, the U.S. Senate, and General Betray ... 25, 2011 · In his capacity as a faculty member, or in his capacity as an individual citizen, he is completely free to speak his own mind. But when he formally introduced Mr. Ahmadinejad, he was clearly speaking not as Lee Bollinger the professor or Less Bollinger the citizen, but also as the Lee Bollinger the President of Columbia University.

Pecker Flips? National Enquirer Boss Gets Immunity In ... Media executives were involved in both hush-money deals that formed the basis of Mr. Cohen’s guilty plea to campaign-finance violations, prosecutors said. One was a $130,000 payment to Stephanie Clifford—a former porn actress who goes professionally by Stormy Daniels—to keep her from publicly discussing an alleged affair with Mr ...

OP-ED | Good Fit, Bad Fit: New Jobs For CT05 Pols | CT ... was the case in the month of January, when we learned, courtesy of Kevin Rennie’s Daily Ructions blog, that not only was the General Assembly being investigated by the feds, but that ...

Thanks For Nothing, Mr. President - Nolan Chart the clock winds down on the presidency of George W. Bush, the pundits are beginning to ask the usual question of outgoing commanders-in-chief: how will history judge his eight years in office? For those on the left there is an irresistible urge to forgo the usual grace period; a few years to let ...

Essential Politics: Any bump for Trump? - Los Angeles Times 22, 2016 · THE CONVENTION BUMP. So far, our USC Dornsife/L.A. Times “Daybreak” tracking poll of the election shows no improvement for Trump from the first couple of …

Opinion | Crime and Punishment For Capitalists - The New ... 30, 2003 · Tax evasion was the only strategy that allowed an entrepreneur to pay salaries and invest in his business. ... as the scapegoat for the misdeeds of the 1990's makes little sense. ... In 1999 Yukos ...

Mitch Perry Report for 5.20.16 — Hacked off - 20, 2016 · A series of the most hyped up, alarming news stories from a conservative news source (I truly don’t remember the name, but it was from a group that I …

20 Years Ago, 2 of Today’s Top Democrats Voted the Other ... of the state’s most vocal Democrats in the ongoing discussion of gun control legislation found themselves on the other side of the issue during a similar debate in 1993...

From the new Village People and The Cult to Calibre 50 and ... James Brown and Willie Nelson to Patti LaBelle and Bruno Mars, the San Diego County Fair has hosted its share of legends and pop superstars. This year’s lineup, while short on any ...

A Terrifying Read - amazon.com it should also wake up a lot of reasonable rank and file Americans as to what’s going on in our country and how we have already lost a lot of our First Amendment rights, not to mention the current move by liberals, including Hillary Clinton, to amend the First Amendment to put the federal government in charge of speech, and to determine ...[PDF]SPECIAL ELECTION BOARD - evogov.s3.amazonaws.com Election...SPECIAL ELECTION BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 10, 2017 PAGE 4 responsibility of determining whether two (2) of the three (3) candidates could stay on the ballot. Mr. Caldwell indicated that he did not know why the third candidate would be concerned in the first place because he was not opposed.

Politics | Weapons of Mass Construction Arastu is a Muslim- and Indian-American student at the Ohio State University, studying architecture and geography. She is the Editor of the Muslim Students’ Association blog, IQRA, as well as an active member of Unchained, an organization that works to raise awareness for human trafficking. She can be contacted at [email protected].

Caravan? What Caravan? | Power Line everyone knows, a “caravan” of more than 1,000 Hondurans is making its way North through Mexico toward the United States. This caravan had sought, and drawn, a great deal of publicity ...

Why Hillary Clinton Is Not Entitled to Bernie Sanders ... Hillary Clinton Is Not Entitled to Bernie Sanders’ Supporters Written by Dominica R. Convertino (Graduate of the University of Michigan, Dearborn, with a degree in Political Science and Pre-Law, and minors in Philosophy and Women and Gender Studies.

Untitled | Obama / Clinton Death Squad | Conservative ... are the real criminals and traitors ~ they are a total disgrace to Patriotic Americans. Trump wasn't even a fucking politician to begin with! He was a spoiled ass actor who got big with daddy's money and isn't even a taxpayer at that. A dirty businessmen should not be allowed to run a country. Hillary 4 Prison, Hillary Groped Me,

Is it time for the United States to bring its armies home? 12, 2018 · The United States has several hundred military bases and over 200k soldiers stationed around the world. Much of the planet has been under military occupation by the global hegemon for the last 75 years. Trump is making moves towards ending NATO, and has stopped the military escalation in the middle east that would have turned Syria into a second Iraq, as well as moves to end the …

Arpaio appeals political flier ruling | Public Safety Willems, campaign manager for the Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012 committee, said the committee also plans to file a lawsuit in federal court against the ruling to protect Arpaio’s First Amendment ...[PDF]Fourth Branch of America, LLC The Informed Constituent is the Fourth Branch of America? 15 Inside this issue: Politicians have long suffered from the pervasive public perception that some of them are self-serving, dishonest, or even outright unethical. As the adage goes, “power corrupts”, and cynics would say that to claim that a politician is corrupt is cliché.

Rielle Hunter – News Stories About Rielle Hunter - Page 3 ... - Not surprisingly, Elizabeth Edwards wasn’t too happy with Rielle Hunter’s sexy GQ photo shoot and gushing interview about John Edwards. “She was disgusted by the photos like everyone.

Class 16: The Second Amendment - Criminal Procedure and ... Civil War, I'm going to suggest, was in many ways the death of the Founders' Constitution and the birth of a new America. [MUSIC] And now we come to the Second Amendment. This is one of the really controversial ones, the hot button issues. The Second Amendment has defenders and critics who are ardent as any you can find.

"The President Won't Say the Word 'Terrorist,'" and Other ... 05, 2010 · I've noticed a strange echo lately in claims by right-wingers that supposedly President Obama will not say the word "terrorism" or "terrorist." On January 2nd, Chris Matthews had two fellows on to debate about the White House's Saturday radio address on the attempted Christmas day bombing.

Election Program Case Study Example | Topics and Well ... theory, it would be best for Edwards to support the idea on the campaign trail. This could work in his favor, as it would bring 59 percent of the public opinion under his belt, and it would work great for his every man image, and his idea of standing up to the old corrupt government as a person of the people. ... One of the key aspects of ...

Everything you know about Florida politics is wrong, right ... it's important to go back and look at the numbers from the 2010 election. Scott nudged Democrat Alex Sink by roughly 61,000 votes. In this close race Scott didn't even break 49 percent since several other minor party candidates managed to collectively snag 182,000 votes.

Mimsy: If I were running for president… - rest of the media is about Ryan pushing grandmothers down stairs. This looks like Paul Ryan is taking Sarah Palin’s advice: use friendly media if the make-believe media won’t let you answer questions with real answers.. Rule One of whoever wins the 2012 Republican Primary has to be do not trust the media.After watching the difference between the cut and the rare uncut versions of media ...

Sundays With The Christianists: Homos And Demons And Marx ... 26, 2014 · This is the only way in which the state can replace the family, and bring the majority of the population into dependence upon state welfare and state employment. As the state replaces the family by its welfare programs, education programs, medical programs, and economic systems, eventually fathers become obsolete.

"Count" Soros Predicts Chinese World Capture - usareally.com, in his view, was not the only authoritarian regime in the world, but it was the wealthiest, strongest and most developed in machine learning and AI. Soros said in his turn there was an undeclared struggle between the west and China over governance of the internet. Congress Emergency Powers: "The President of the United States has available certain powers that may be exercised in the event that the nation is threatened by crisis, exigency, or emergency circumstances (other than natural disasters, war, or near-war situations).Such powers may be stated explicitly or implied by the Constitution, assumed by the Chief Executive to be permissible ...

Brighton Centered: Two Perspectives on Sale of St. John's ..., Seán Patrick Cardinal O’Malley, in his blog, writes about his perspective on the sale of most of the remainder of St. John's Seminary to Boston College: Proceeds from this sale will allow the Archdiocese to invest resources for the benefit of our parishes, clergy, St. John’s Seminary and the many important programs that serve a large number of people.

Limehouse running on S.C. House record | Palmetto Politics ...’S NOTE: The Post and Courier plans to profile all 18 Republican and Democratic 1st Congressional District candidates by the March 19 primaries. This is the sixth installment.

Term Limits Vote by Precinct | Seventh 03, 2017 · This makes the term limits vote in Leisure World especially noteworthy. In 2004, 40% of Leisure World voted for term limits, eight points below the county average. In 2016, 72% of Leisure World voted for term limits, the same as the county average. That 32-point shift was the biggest of any local area in the county.

Shelly Simonds - Ballotpedia 07, 2017 · Shelly Simonds is a candidate seeking election to the Virginia House of Delegates to represent District 94.Simonds is running in the general election on November 5, 2019.. Simonds is the Central District representative on the Newport News School Board in …

Heated Presidential Primary Lives on as Clinton Stumps for ... 10, 2016 · Remarkably - "it was the worst of times" - #Sharpiegate persists. An NOAA Trumpster said yup sure Alabama, the rest of NOAA and the world said WTF, the grifter's campaign started selling markers "to set the record straight," the free press said Trump is a loser buffoon, his thugs made a North-Korea-flavored video to say no way, and oh yeah 70,000 hurricane victims need life-saving help.

What grade do you give Wall Street for the Late-2000s ... 24, 2011 · What grade do you give Wall Street for the Late-2000s financial crisis? The late-2000s financial crisis (often called the Global Recession, Global Financial Crisis or the Credit Crunch) is considered by many economists to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s ...

The Urban Politico: Is Capitalism Really Good for America? Vanderbilt known as the commodore, was the king of the American railroad system and could be considered the person who single handedly modernized the transport of cargo, taking it from the waterways to land. ... What are the good sides of Capitalism that you would like to see remain? ... One person who is better at it than I and ...

Gotta Have a Gene for This, a Gene for That discuss politics, computer science, philosophy, economics, gardening, and sex. Gotta Have a Gene for This, a Gene for That Get link; Facebook

BREAKING: SDN Communications accountant under ... you may or may not know an accountant for SDN Communications is under investigation;. SIOUX FALLS, SD – Officials with SDN Communications in Sioux Falls say they are the victims of embezzlement, and the person who is at the center of the case is their former chief accountant.

A Disgruntled Republican in Nashville: Report from the had a sitter for my wife Louella, who is an invalid, and I had not anticipated the meeting would last as long as it did and my sitter could not work past 12:30. I did not miss much however, but would have enjoyed some additional socializing after the meeting. I had anticipated that yesterday was the caucus and next weekend was the convention.

Tom Rogan Thinks...: April are the various steps that US and British security services will take during Trump’s visit. ... Why Mike Pompeo was the perfect person for Trump to present in Pyongyang. ... This is about the future of the planet and the viability of future meals at Sushi restaurants.

Field Dog: Boston Political Reporting: Oxymoron or Urban ... please bear with me as the Dog goes didactic on y'all: A continuing source of frustration to me is the structural disconnect between the media and day-to-day politics. It's nothing new; in fact, journalists and commentators such as William Greider, E.J. Dionne, and Kevin Phillips analysed the dynamic years ago.

Go Fuck Yourself, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, You Debased ... 29, 2017 · THAT'S RIGHT, GO FUCK YOURSELF. God bless screen grabs. We can scarcely believe we haven't devoted a post in our beloved series of children's bedtime stories "Oh Go Fuck Yourself (INSERT ASSHOLE'S NAME HERE)" to Our Lady Of The Tablecloth-Wearing Lie Mouth, AKA Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Boycott | S C I A M A G E power of the boycott remains one of, if not, the most effective tools in the market place. Particularly when combined with a vocal campaign to let the target know that is what is going on. In fact, it is almost pointless if the target is unaware of the action, as they may …

Three lessons Liberals should learn from Montreal - The ... 31, 2010 · Three lessons Liberals should learn from Montreal Open this photo in gallery: Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff gives his closing speech at the party's policy conference in …

Bill de Blasio: Islamic terrorism is “vanishingly rare ... 20, 2016 · Brendan Kirby of PoliZette reports that, in the wake of a radical Islamic terrorist attack on New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio is telling citizens not to worry about the threat of jihadist ...

Carmel mayor's race bribery allegations raise eyebrows 31, 2019 · 'I'm not sure what the heck ': Unusual allegations arise in Carmel mayor's race In Carmel, one of the state’s wealthiest cities, the Republican primary race for mayor includes allegations ...

Kennedy Offers Parity Pitch As Constituents Share Stories ... U.S. Congressman Patrick Kennedy had his own story to tell Saturday about how suffering from bipolar disorder and a prescription drug addiction led him to crash his vehicle into a barrier ...

MacIver’s Top Ten of 2018 | MacIver 20, 2018. By Chris Rochester and Ola Lisowski. It’s been an amazing twelve months for the state of Wisconsin – and we, your ever-vigilant friends at MacIver, worked tirelessly (and sometimes around the clock) throughout the year to keep you up-to-date on …

U.S. Politics: Moscow Mitch - Page 11 - General Chatter ... think an important distinction to make too, Larry, and it's bigger than Chapo. ... I work in a place where people are put on suicide watch and when the poop hits the impeller I was the one to represent the fall person/funky who gets blamed. First it happens a lot. ... A good union and a good lawyer are a great help in these situations ...

One Salient Oversight: 2018-12 order for Trump to be impeached and removed, a simple majority vote in the House needs to be passed in order for impeachment, and a two-thirds majority in the Senate is needed to remove the president from office. Impeachment from the house is a simple matter, but it won't make much difference if the senate doesn't remove him.

talk show – Page 2 – The Garbage Barge Podcast is definitely a Bravo-heavy episode! We throw in a Buzzfeed quiz for good measure! ... Literally share or post on any of these social platforms about The Garbage Barge/Strug Boat and you’re on your way to a brand new book! MAKE SURE TO TAG US SO WE CAN SEE YOUR POST! ... but it occurred to us that we HAD to talk about terrorism because ...

corruption – Assorted Stuff the beginning, W and his friends at the Department of Education were pushing schools to use a system called Reading First, claiming it was the best instructional program available. Except, according to a recent report, they didn’t have any of that “scientifically-based research” to back them up.

Ann Coulter: Obama's Signature Move: Unsealing Private ... 02, 2012 · Mitt Romney presents one enormous problem for Barack Obama's campaign: No divorce records. That's why the media are so hot to get their hands on Romney's tax records for the past 25 years. They need something to "pick through, distort and lie about" -- as the Republican candidate says. Obama's usual campaign method, used in 100 percent of his races, has been to pry into the private …

How Did We Get Into This Mess? – George Monbiot the first time, the United Kingdom’s consumer debt now exceeds our gross national product: a new report shows that we owe £1.35 trillion(1). Inspectors in the United States have discovered that 77,000 road bridges are in the same perilous state as the one which collapsed into the Mississippi ...

The year that was, the year to come in Alabama politics ... seventeen was the year Alabama became relevant in national politics — and we were far from ready for prime time. From the resignation of former Gov. Robert Bentley to the Democratic ...

Attorney General pick Loretta Lynch called strong civil ... it was the case of Louima, tortured with a broken broomstick on a bathroom floor, that elevated her profile as a trial attorney. In a Senate questionnaire for the job of U.S. attorney, she ...

Rick Scott's Forgettable Inaugural, a GOP Welcome, JailinG ... 05, 2011 · From Ms.: “B.W. was 13 years old when she offered to perform oral sex for $20 on an undercover officer in Texas. The officer arrested her and booked her as …

How to persuade rich people to pay more in taxes: remind ... 27, 2016 · How to persuade rich people to pay more in taxes: remind them how lucky they are ... But it wouldn't be much better, since the $150,000 Porsche already has most of …

News Highligts - Citizens’ Coalition for Electoral ...’ Coalition for Electoral Democracy in Uganda (CCEDU) is a broad coalition that brings together over 800 like-minded civil society organizations and over eight thousand individuals to advocate for electoral democracy in Uganda. The overriding agenda of this coalition is to advocate and promote integrity, transparency and active citizen participation in Uganda’s electoral process.

Dorf on Law: Supreme Ghosts, Snake Oil Originalism, and 27, 2016 · One of the most important cases this term demonstrates Scalia's hypocrisy. In his thirty years on the bench, Justice Scalia voted to strike down every affirmative action plan he ever saw, and no doubt he would have done the same in Fisher v, Texas. Scalia always argued that the Constitution is color-blind, and thus the government using racial ...

Powerful Wyoming Liberty Group hits reset on image | 307 ... Wyoming Liberty Group hits reset on image ... who is not up for re-election this cycle, thinks it’s time for a tax discussion. ... “It was one of those interview processes where you ...

Housing and land preservation are key issues in District 3 and land preservation are key issues in District 3 Supervisor's race. ... One of the more compelling issues confronting District 3 residents is one that may not light any fires under ...

Disaster Relief: Avoiding Fraud and Deception ... for a cost estimate of the work and a schedule for completion of the work. Will the trees will be removed from your property after they are cut? Will stumps remain? Try to get estimates from more than one tree service company. All details of the agreement should be in a contract and signed by the tree service company and the homeowner.

Conservatives use cyberspace to change Church | Body ... is on to change the Roman Catholic Church in America, but it's not coming from the usual liberal suspects. A new breed of theological conservatives has taken to blogs and YouTube to say ...

Lake Calhoun or Bde Maka Ska? Minnesota grapples with SC ... 401-acre lake in Minneapolis has become the subject of intense debate regarding whether it should be named Lake Calhoun, for South Carolina's John C. Calhoun, or its Dakota name, Bde Maka Ska.

All Views Articles | Common Dreams Page 14, April 4, 2019; Adam Johnson To Ramp Up Fear of Russia in Africa, NYT Downplays Massive US Military Presence on Continent Let the Pentagon gravy train run its course, year in and year out, because invariably there will always be, with the help of the New York Times, the specter of an enemy threat “advancing on a new front.”

Got me banned in about 6 hours. Don’t call out our own ... will concede that Twitter is a bit different because it is the users generating the content, but it doesn't change the fact that it's their platform and users have to play by their rules if they want to be 'heard.' What you'll notice here, is that the Government did not regulate the …

Foreign links to the Tory leadership election ~ The ... figures might seem astronomical for what is likely a couple of hours worth of textbook Johnson bluster, but £12,500 per hour for a little influence and a little goodwill with a potential leader of one of the world’s major economies, on the other hand, doesn’t sound like a bad deal at all. Also a part of our Tory leadership coverage

The Rag Blog: Harry Targ : The Campaign Against Social ... 20, 2012 · Paul remembers the original Alternative Media Conference in June 1970 at Goddard College in Vermont -- and it was a wild and wooly affair headlined by the likes of Ram Dass, Harvey Kurtzman, and Art Spiegelman -- as the college hosts another conference keynoted by progressive radio host Thom Hartmann.

Is Cruz The Current GOP Voice And Front-Runner ... 02, 2013 · Ted Cruz: 'The New Voice' Of The GOP? David Welna/AP June 02, 2013 5:21 AM On the same day this week that House Tea Party Caucus co-founder Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., announced she won't seek re-election, the fortunes of another Tea Party favorite continued to soar.

France Is Slowly Sinking Into Chaos - nationandstate.com fire that ravaged the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris was officially an “accident,” but it was only one of the many Christian religious buildings in the country that were recently destroyed. Every week, churches are vandalized — to the general indifference of the public. In just the first half of 2019, 22 churches burned down.

Clarity or Confusion? General Comment 35 and Security ... 21, 2014 · I’d like to raise a few issues about security detention that Shaheed Fatima didn’t cover in her thoughtful posts (here and here) on the Human Rights Committee’s (HRC) new General Comment 35. For those who claim that security detention is necessarily impermissible under International Human Rights Law (IHRL), the General Comment will come as unwelcome […]

#MeToo...A Misguided Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Tea Party 10, 2018 · And a survivor is one who “continues to ... I remember the details…the who, what, where, why, when, and how…but it affected my life in no way at all which means no #MeToo movement for me. Am I ... We patriots ARE the grassroots movement and we bloggers must spread the truth about the corrupt and traitorous Obama regime and his sanctioned ...

August | 2017 | GAB | The Global Anticorruption Blog | Page 2 2010, a corruption scandal rocked the city of Bell, California, as eight top city officials were arrested for what the Los Angeles Country District Attorney called “corruption on steroids.” The officials were charged with misappropriating funds from city government to the tune of $5.5 million, and garnering salaries as high $800,000, more than quadruple the California governor’s salary.

PA Ed Policy Roundup Nov 9: Should leased curriculum ..., numerous differences remain between Mr. Wolf and Republican lawmakers, and Republicans may have to confront their own internal differences to pave the way to a broader agreement. Mr. Wolf’s press secretary, Jeff Sheridan, said Saturday that there are serious negotiations and a …

NationStates • View topic - The State of the Democratic ... 21, 2017 · As the article points out, people want immigrants to primarily be a) of the same legal status b) speak English c) perceived as accommodating to American traditions and cultural norms. This in turn would foster greater social cohesion and a common sense of identity, which would only empower working class individuals. What's so wrong about that?

Patricia Harper Garrett's Page - Individuals Who DARE to Harper Garrett's Page on Individuals Who DARE to LEAD ... days after demonstrators set fire to a central subway station as the pro-democracy movement carries on into autumn.Police Commissioner Stephen Lo on Thursday cited violence around previous protests in the city -- with some demonstrators vandalizing public installations, blocking ...

Arrogance of power | Constitutionalism and Democracy it is apparently enough that it dislikes the mullahs regardless of what might happen if they actually tried to take power in Iran, mirroring the tragedy of the second Bush war with Iraq. Our handling of Iran is both juvenile and dangerous. We, in this country, are very upset that Russia may have interfered in …

Common Ground for Texans | Advocating positive solutions ... Saturday, September 12, we held a meeting on the subject of the Electoral College — how it works, its history, and what to do about it. I was honored to be part of a panel that also included Professor Brian Roberts of the University of Texas Dept. of Government, Jan Soifer, chair of the Travis County Democratic Party, Kurt Hildebrand, chair of the Libertarian Party of Texas, and moderator ...

Louisiana picks Democrat as next governor, rejecting Vitter 21, 2015 · Voters' rejection of Vitter was a stunning turn of events for the U.S. senator, who has been a political powerhouse in the state for years and started his campaign nearly two years ago as the …

Greinke gets 200th win, pitches Astros past A's 4-1 ... (13-4) went nine up, nine down on 25 pitches to start the game before giving up Marcus Semien's 21st homer — two days after Semien doubled to …

Mueller: Manafort lied about contacts with Trump’s court filing reveals for the first time that Manafort met with the special counsel’s prosecutors and the FBI 12 times since he agreed on Sept. 14 to cooperate with federal prosecutors in exchange for a guilty plea. Mueller also said Manafort testified twice …

I LOVE YOU JOHN ROBERTS, I REALLY DO. - the DataLounge 28, 2012 · If President Bush ends up ruing the day he placed Mr. Roberts in his position, he would not be the first. His father appointed David H. Souter to the court and he ended up a mainstay of the courtâ s liberal wing. Dwight D. Eisenhower was said to have called his appointments of Earl Warren and William J. Brennan Jr. two of his biggest mistakes.

Who is Keith Ellison? | Power Line | Page 2 17, 2018 · A KSTP/Survey USA Poll gives us the first glimpse of the state of play in cop killer loving cum lawman wannabe Keith Ellison’s bid for Minnesota …

Cohen tells Congress Trump knew about WikiLeaks’ plans, who is in Vietnam for a highly anticipated summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, tweeted before Cohen’s testimony began that his onetime confidant was “lying in order to reduce ...

Tapwrit wins 149th Belmont Stakes by two lengths over ... 10, 2017 · NEW YORK -- Tapwrit overtook favored Irish War Cry in the stretch to win the Belmont Stakes by two lengths, giving trainer Todd Pletcher his third victory in the final leg of the Triple Crown ...

People - Frank James | WNYC | New York Public Radio ... is America's most listened-to public radio station and the producer of award-winning programs and podcasts like Radiolab, On the Media, and The Brian Lehrer Show.

Gov. Rick Scott, Charlie Crist start final push; Scott 01, 2014 · In a governor's race that is too close to call, both candidates do their best to get voters to the polls. With TV ad spending topping $104 million in Florida's record-shattering, nail-biter of a ...

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Cindy Sheehan Marginalizes Peace ... 24, 2007 · Allentown Armory Activists have the following announcement: Cindy Sheehan will be arriving in Allentown Wednesday July 25Th. The Allentown Armory Activists and every other major peace group in the lehigh valley will be welcoming her at our regular protest location of 15Th and Allen st in Allentown. we will gather there at 4 pm. we will walk down 15Th to Hamilton turning left and continuing ...

The Post gushes over “rock star” Macron | Power Line 03, 2018 · At the end of last month when the tag-team of Anne Gearan, Philip Rucker, and Anthony Faiola wrote a story for the Washington Post about the arrival of …

Bloomberg Rips Mayoral Frontrunner De Blasio's Campaign as 07, 2013 · Skip to comments. Bloomberg Rips Mayoral Frontrunner De Blasio's Campaign as 'Racist' Breitbart ^ Posted on 09/07/2013 8:15:49 PM PDT by chessplayer. As of right now, Bill de Blasio is the man to beat in the race to be the next mayor of New York City.

A century of Moreland - Times Union 30, 2014 · A century of Moreland. ... As soon as the act passed, Hughes appointed a trusted and highly skilled investigator, Mathew Fleming, as a Moreland commissioner to …

Oregon Assisted-Death Law: Subtle Savagery | National Review it is worse. Having destroyed the professional oath to which doctors are bound, Oregon would destroy the basic ethic of care that is the mark of a humane society — the expectation that says ...

76-Year-Old C-SPAN Caller Shares Devastating Account Of ... 27, 2018 · A 76-year-old C-SPAN caller on Thursday recounted her own sexual assault experience after watching the Senate testimony provided by Brett Kavanaugh accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. The woman, who identified herself as Brenda from Missouri, recounted the assault which took place when she was in second grade and was perpetrated by a seventh-grader at her […]

The Voters Spoke — Now, Listen | National Review GOP must act on the mandate it just received and put in place a new CBO director. It was 20 years ago this month that the Republican Revolution roiled Washington by securing the first unified ...

House Democrats Try Optimistic, Bipartisan Campaign ... Toni Walker, D-New Haven, who is also running for majority leader, said she’s working hard to re-elect Democrats to the House because as the “caucus gets smaller, budget negotiations get ...

The Urban Politico: Professor Nagel Sires 22 Children it’s not all sunshine and babies. The first five women he worked with successfully sued him for child support, and nearly half of his paycheck is garnished for his offspring. “I don’t know what’s more surprising: that five sued or that 17 didn’t,” Nagel says. “They were all well aware there was no financial obligation on my part.

Bread, Circuses & 2014 American Electoral Politics: The ... a recent advertisement released by Corbett’s campaign entitled, The Learning Curve, it is not just the personal attacks that could hinder opponent, Tom Wolf, but it is the possible fear instilled in the eyes of the voter that could do even more damage. Within this advertisement, common color schemes of red and black are displayed ...

The Spire - July and August, 2017 by BroadwayUMC - Issuu and August, 2017. ... This allows the prompting of the holy spirit to join the one who is “able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work ...

‘Gender Bending Fashion’ to Be Focus of New Show at Museum ... 09, 2018 · Considered to be the first major museum tackling the subject in a historic exhibition, the show will bow March 21, running through Aug. 25. ... of gender-biased fashion such as “The …

James Dobson: God would be justified destroying entire ... 09, 2007 · Why would God be justified destroying an entire city right now? Because we're bad. How do you know we're bad? Because of lesbian sex. How do we learn all of this? Because when minister John MacArthur says so, James Dobson nods in approval. For more, see Crooks and Liars.

Barack Obama: taking money from 1 percenters compromised ... 15, 2016 · First, this was a campaign book. The passage cited was written specifically to appeal to those for whom politics and money don’t mix. And whatever truth there may have been behind it, it was highly mediated by the tactical concern to paint himsef as the clean-yet-not-naive candidate.

Rep. Omar Gets Grilled for Anti-Semitism from Both Ends ... 18, 2019 · Rep. Omar asked Judge Davis for “compassion” and a “restorative approach to justice, ... It was the Ashkenazi Khazars that pushed for and created the illegal Israeli colony. ... She isn't some stupid College student who is the President of her local Students for Justice in …

Liberals | Power Line | Page 4 29, 2019 · I think it was our pal Charles Kesler who once remarked that “Social Darwinism” was the only kind of Darwinism that liberals oppose, though to be sure it is actually the progressive left that ...

Koch’s $5.6 million to MSU part of outreach to campuses ...’s $5.6 million to MSU part of outreach to campuses By Gail Schontzler Chronicle Staff Writer ... (to office who is) going to save us, that may help a little, but you’ve gotta change the ...

Who's who of conservatives to speak at Colorado 30, 2011 · Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a potential candidate for president in 2012, will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Western Conservative Summit. Another presidential contender, Herman Cain, and Fox News Commentator Juan Williams also are the who’s …

Facebook critic David Magerman joins Differential Ventures Magerman, the ex-RenTech partner who criticized Robert Mercer, prompted Facebook to go on the attack. Now he’s joining Differential Ventures to invest in tech.

Bernie Sanders: "I don't believe in charities ... 05, 2016 · Conservatives give more than liberals to charity. But it's still not enough and a lot of it is dubious (like giving away bibles, sending missionaries, throwing private 'galas' at museums and wealthy people's houses, fixing some obscure problem which only matters to the donor, etc.) Yes, I agree we need a mixture of charity and government programs.

Justin Trudeau’s terrible new election rules will limit ... was the same author as this piece. I'm slightly furious that he is one of the only Canadian voices in a major US publication like that. His Youtube channel is absolutely laughable. He peppers his speech with literal "aboots" despite pronouncing any rhyming word in a normal unaffected manner. Makes me want to throw up.

New Jersey Home to Toughest Anti-Corruption Laws 19, 2012 · New Jersey has the toughest anti-corruption laws in the country, according to the State Integrity Investigation, a collaboration of the Center for Public Integrity, Global Integrity, and Public ...

George H.W. Bush – THE HISPANIC BLOG than five years later, Bush, who along with two siblings was dubbed one of “the little brown ones” by his grandfather, former President George H.W. Bush, is in Austin discussing how the 18-month-old Hispanic Republicans of Texas Political Action Committee, which he …

JP Election Brief: Candidate attacks - Ballotpedia 15, 2014 · Campaign controversies are bubbling up all over the country as judicial candidates seek to gain an advantage with voters. With the Arkansas primary less than a week away, one candidate started to criticize his incumbent opponent's work on a sobriety court. …

Accused 12-year-old killer in court today | Depend On WOKV ..."The fact that we indicted a 12-year-old in and of itself is a stunning event and a sad event in our prosecutorial lives that we had to do this, but it is the only legal mechanism that we can use ...

Useful informationhttps://usefulinformation2016.blogspot.comsays novels, that he broke into the Castle at the time was the "Elizabeth" executes one of the girls was beaten, he drew attention to that executed all assistants, and detain the single room in Narrow, isolated, in Castle where their rotting corpses litter the rest of her life. Was that already, where she died on …

No More Mister Nice Blog 07, 2007 · For each target, the pattern was the same -- a recorded message using voice recognition technology asked the recipient if they would participate in the caucuses, considered themselves pro-life and thought marriage should be between a man and a woman. Then the dirt came, right after those called were asked which candidate they were backing.

Noah Feldman: All those Trump investigations fix a ... Michael Cohen hearings last week were, apparently, just the first salvo. On Monday, the House Judiciary Committee requested documents from 81 agencies, organizations and individuals connected ...

Feinstein Appears to Agree With Trump, Introduces Bill to ... Judiciary Committee Chairman Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) speaks during a Committee hearing on Cambridge Analytica and data privacy in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington on May 16, 2018.

Trampling Local Democracy: Beverage Industry Pushes Soda ... 30, 2018 · "State politicians like Rep. Mustio like to complain about government overreach, but it is he who is overreaching by trying to overturn a local government decision clear across the state," said Kevin Feeley, spokesman for Philadelphians for a Fair Future, a …

France Swings Sharply to the Right | Power Line 06, 2015 · The message from the first round of France’s regional elections is simple and unequivocal – once again the far right has come out on top. For the third time in a year and a …

COMMENTARY: All those Trump investigations fix a ... investigation without actual impeachment: That’s the strategy House Democrats have unveiled for taking on Donald Trump for the 20 months until the 2020 presidential elections.

All Those Trump Investigations Fix a Constitutional Problem 05, 2019 · The Michael Cohen hearings last week were, apparently, just the first salvo. On Monday, the House Judiciary Committee requested documents …

FBI Clears Michael Flynn - Politics | PoFo 21, 2017 · http: 2017 01 24 fbi-clears-michael-flynn-in-probe-linking-him-to-russia amp The FBI has reviewed intercepted phone calls between national security adviser Michael Flynn and …

New evidence that viruses may play a role in Alzheimer's ... (AP) - Viruses that sneak into the brain just might play a role in Alzheimer's, scientists reported Thursday in a provocative study that promises to re-ignite some long-debated theories ...

GORSUCH GRILLING THIS WEEK - politico.com don’t miss: The 12 GOP senators elected in the 2014 class came into Congress shouting “hell no” to Obamacare.But now, with a repeal vote looming, those same senators are sounding a lot ...

OP-ED | ‘Second Thoughts’ for Politicians on Assisted ... thorny topics arouse the passions of the masses like death. The finality of the act of dying, who causes the death and under what circumstances cause us to sit up and pay attention even as ...

The Urban Politico: Will the Real Republican Candidate ... read the title and the first thing that comes to mind is, “no $h!t Sherlock!” But sometimes, even the most ridiculous of statements apparently need to be made.

Science & Technology - Sott.net have been eyeing up DNA as a potential storage medium for a long time, for three very good reasons: It's incredibly dense (you can store one bit per base, and a base is only a few atoms large); it's volumetric (beaker) rather than planar (hard disk); and it's incredibly stable - where other bleeding-edge storage mediums need to be kept in sub-zero vacuums, DNA can survive for ...

7 Lessons learned by the Mediatwits podcast, as we go on ...’ve had a great run so far with our weekly Mediatwits podcast, with 124 great episodes on topics as varied as personal brand journalism to thedominance of cats online. And our guests and regulars have been a diverse group, including Ana Marie Cox, Felix Salmon, Monica Guzman, Andrew Lih, Douglas ...

Common Sense Phone CPR Training Can Save People Like ... PAUL, Minn. — Last fall, a 911 dispatcher talked a pregnant West Saint Paul woman through the CPR that saved her husband's life. Now Ashley Goette is backing what many are calling common ...

Monday is last day to register to vote in time for Nov. 2 ... 02, 2010 · How to register. Today is the deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 2 general election. Visit to register or update voter registration information.. Voters may also update their ...

East Village apartment is a haven for questionable super 01, 2016 · But it has only spent $2,000 on independent expenditures to support Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. The bulk of the group’s money—$147,500—has gone to Amagi Strategies, a consulting company run out of a fourth-floor apartment in lower Manhattan. ... one of the super PAC’s donors, is an 80-year-old retiree ...

Mike Coffman demands TV stations drop CounterPAC 16, 2014 · U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman’s campaign has sent cease-and-desist letters to four Denver TV stations airing an ad that makes wild claims about the potential financial backers of outside groups supporting Coffman. The ad by CounterPAC, funded by a group of …

Bill Lueders: Feingold cause plays big in state | Politics ... 11, 2013 · Wisconsin, says Feingold, remains “one of the places where the political right and big-money interests unleashed by Citizens United are particularly aggressive.” He sees evidence of a national conservative agenda in state efforts to “challenge and threaten voting rights” and manipulate legislative redistricting to partisan advantage.

Improving Louisiana's ethics reforms: An editorial ... of the most substantial ethics measures in the current session, House Bill 942, would address that issue by letting the Board of Ethics appeal decisions if there's a question of how the law is ...

Democracy in Theory and Practice: A Q&A with David Jandura Jandura, Program Associate at Creative Associates International, spent over three years in IFES’ Applied Research Center working on, and assisted in public opinion research and program monitoring and evaluation. A graduate of Georgetown University’s democracy and governance master’s program, Jandura tells us how theory guides his practice, what he has

Dana Marie Kennedy: a far left partisan extremist, and 20, 2009 · I also really love the fact that somehow the commenters here have decided that they are the sole arbiters of who is or is not a Republican. I have to say that’s an interesting political strategy. With the GOP losing elections and support all across the country, your response is to make it even smaller and more fanatical. Yep, brilliant idea ??

Kenneth Cody for Congress - TRUTH, VISION, HOPE ...cody-for-congress.tripod.comIf you are one of the fortunate ones who have extra cash in this economy - give it to a charity or put in back into our economy but do not spend it on a candidate. This campaign intends to use "economical resources" in getting our message out. Some examples of low cost is our website. It is not fancy by any stretch but it can get our message out.

Feingold cause plays big in state | Opinion and commentary ... politics, as in comedy, timing is key, even if it’s accidental. Progressives United Inc. raised and spent just over $1 million in 2012, according to a federal tax filing it provided on request.

Auditor s race offers new ideas and energy | Palmetto ... are the owner of this article. ... “We’re going to find out who’s on board and who is not on board to change the way things have been happening with the Auditor’s Office,” he said ...

Getting the atmospherics right | Power Line a profile of John Boehner, the Washington Post reports that the likely Speaker to-be is committed to allowing Democrats greater freedom to have their say on the House floor and to letting them ...

‘John McCain’ Articles at Mount Virtus - bendegrow.com of the 46 center-right bloggers who participated submitted an unranked list of 12 nominees. The top 25 names - from "McCain staffers" to John McCain - have been released as part of the poll. For the first time I was a participant in the poll. Of the 12 names I suggested, 11 appear in the top 25.

'They bombed trapped civilians': Amnesty International's ..., US, and French bombs inflicted mass loss of civilian life in ISIS-held Raqqa, according Amnesty International. A new report has also accused coalition forces of bombing areas where they knew civilians were trapped. During the four-month...

Obama Shows His Strength in a Fund-Raising Feat on Par ... 05, 2007 · Mr. Obama, who arrived in Iowa on Wednesday evening for a campaign trip, was the last major candidate to disclose his figures for the first quarter of this year, purposefully keeping his tally ...

Florida Hospital CEO David Ottati, Major Force in Local ... 08, 2013 · David Ottati, the CEO at Florida Hospital Flagler for the past seven years, where he oversaw a vast expansion that increased hospital employment past 1,000 and helped cushion the …

Looking at 2010: Jess Durfee Herding Dem Cats - Voice of ... 09, 2018 · Feb. 16 was the deadline for citizen applications to the commission. According to public data, almost 68 percent of eligible applicants are male. More than 70 percent are white. The final panel will likely have one or two members from San Diego, and the first …

State Senator slams insurance industry for "smearing" her ... Senator slams insurance industry for "smearing" her ... on Monday was the first time her committee has heard any legislation on the ... who is the former president of the Florida Justice ...

Official Michael Cohen Testifies Before Congress Thread ... you're a liar!! You can never be believed ever you liar! You are only participating in this spectacle for a book or movie deal you liar! LIAR!!!!! I would like to yield my remaining time to the ranking member." Edit to fix ETA Also every single GOP member was a white male except one white woman who is a legacy. At least in the first 4.5 hours.

Greenwood says term limits no longer necessary ... refrained from formally announcing his campaign for a sixth term in Congress last week, although he made a point of introducing his campaign manager before beginning his year in review ...

Pete's Prep: Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2018 | Pete Kaliner | News ... was the first we learned of it,” Mr. Schultz said. Mr. Schultz, who is still serving as a spokesman for Mr. Obama , had no immediate comment on the disclosure about the FBI agents. A few days before Election Day in 2016, Mr. Obama , who campaigned vigorously for Mrs. Clinton, criticized Mr. Comey for the announcement that the FBI was ...

Glenn Thrush Clearly Woke Up On The 'Chris Cillizza' Side ... 29, 2017 · Stiletto Galoshes by Prada, $2195, dumb fucking "USA" hat byTrump Campaign, $40 . When we parked our car outside the Wonket Secret Chat Cave this morning, the FIRST THING we said to anyone was, "I'm worried Chris Cillizza just saw Trump get on the helicopter to go to Texas and thinks he just became president."

You know what is really disgusting? — South DaCola, I question, if as a nation, we will be safer and freer, if the punishment for a mistaken comedian is more severe, than the brutal assault and battery actions of a political leader, who is allowed to carry on his public duties in evident disrespect of the 1st Amendment and our …

Tom Patton - Perks, Politics and Pork | 2011 through the first half of 2014, Tom Patton spent more than any other legislative candidate in the state of Ohio on non-traditional campaign expenses totaling $271, 135 including “unspecified” items of $172,333. In comparison, State Rep Mike Dovilla spent just about $14,000 on non-traditional items and only $965 on unspecified items.

AFloat Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee@ - Research at trio played other songs during the night, ballads as sweet as Mr. Shearing = s; but it was A The Movement Revisited, @ not even fully composed, Mr. McBride said after the concert, not yet recorded, that sent me home full of disorderly questions. Not about a blue spring and a topsy-turvy world. But about Rachel Carson = s >Silent Spring<. About capital punishment in Texas.

ex parte JACKSON - FIRE it is evident that they were founded upon the assumption that it was competent for Congress to prohibit the transportation of newspapers and pamphlets over postal-routes in any other way than by mail; and of course it would follow, that if, with such a prohibition, the transportation in the mail could also be forbidden, the circulation of ...

Arnold drops nurse ratio suit – East Bay Times days after California voters rejected his reform agenda, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has conceded defeat in a long-standing battle with the state’s largest nurses union over staffing levels ...

Brown bests Mandel despite ad barrage - News - The ... 07, 2012 · Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown defeated Republican challenger Josh Mandel in the Ohio U.S. Senate race. "Today in Ohio and in the middle of …

Ray Chavez, the United States oldest Pearl Harbor survivor ... 22, 2018 · The veteran went peacefully in his sleep Wednesday, reported CNN affiliate KFMB, referring to a family statement. ... " And then all ships were on fire and a terrible smoke screen through the harbor that covered it and ships, the entire surrounding area, "he reminded. ... For Chavez was the most important lesson he learned from his" discipline ...

USA Jamie Anderson Wins GOLD in Snowboarding at SOCHI 09, 2014 · USA Jamie Anderson Wins GOLD in Snowboarding at SOCHI KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia — Jamie Anderson stood at the top of the slopestyle course Sunday, her boots strapped to her snowboard and ...

Congress Speeds Toward Recess; Madison Project Backs ... 29, 2013 · Congress this week wraps up its final legislative days before its Aug. recess, with significant work on tap, including the confirmation of a new FBI dir. and final passage of a bill lowering the interest rates on student loans (National Journal Daily). The …[PDF]

www.uakron.edu the choice for intern Brian Gardner, who worked for Mayor Michael Coleman in his campaign office. Jennifer Clarke from our Wayne College campus spent her internship with Rep. Arlene Setzer in the Ohio House of Representatives. Weaver has written dozens of earnpmgn plans, conducted extensive media and debate training,

Robert Mueller's Massive Special Counsel Investigation ... 11, 2019 · “But in my 25 years, I have never seen an eagerness to pursue Title 18, of the United States Code, Section 1001 — lying to a federal agent — like I have in this investigation. The corollary to that is, why are so many people who are attached to the president, or in his …

The Stupidest Things Ever Said, Number 2: The Free Speech ... Orac's quest for truly stupid quotes from The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said calendar, this time a couple of tasty stupid morsels about free speech: Here's entry number 1, from the ...

Tennessee Will Make You Sit In The Corner Young Lady And ... 24, 2019 · And a bad decision from the Supreme Court could do more than just allow long waiting periods -- it could use broad language to dismantle the entire undue burden framework that has helped protect abortion rights for decades. But we are probably at least a year away from the Tennessee case reaching SCOTUS, if it does at all.

Plame Probe Stymied By Bush Privilege Claim - newsweek.com"As far as I know, an utterly unprecedented executive-privilege claim," said Peter Shane, an Ohio State University law professor who is an expert on executive privilege and separation-of ...

San Diego officer accuses Hemet Police of misconduct ...“This is an example of cops policing their own,” said San Diego attorney Dan Gilleon, who is representing Kitchen in his dispute with the city of Hemet. ... he was lured away in part due to a ...

Sorgi finds out he can't throw - Times Union 21, 2010 · QB's shoulder ailing as Giants break training camp New York Giants backup quarterback Jim Sorgi is unable to make a throwing motion because of the injury to his right shoulder. Sorgi was still ...

McGuigan knocked off state representative ballot - News ... 26, 2010 · Commonwealth Court knocked Scranton School Director Kathleen McGuigan off the Democratic ballot for 113th Legislative District representative Thursday. …

Revealing Politics Archives - The 21, 2014 · First there was the ad from Democrat Betsy Markey claiming Capitol security records show her Republican opponent, Treasurer Walker Stapleton, is regularly AWOL from his job. Then there was the playful video from Revealing Politics, with Republicans debunking Markey’s theory that the only way to get into the Capitol is to use a key card or code that automatically registers every time it used.

Relaxing time: let’s talk about Trump again | an ... We like to explore the Trump debacle when we feel too lazy to focus on other subjects, which generally require research and diving into unfamiliar and taxing fields, such as palaeontology, microbiology, geology, astrophysics or remote historical epochs. So now, since we're on holiday, let's have fun fun fun. Canto: So first, some comments…

Ron Paul: no friend of freedom - spiked his inimitable way, he tells us: ‘This is a practical, direct approach to ending federal court tyranny which threatens our constitutional republic and has caused the deaths of 45million of ...

IS OCTOBER 29, 2015 THE DAY? ~ STARK COUNTY POLITICAL … 04, 2015 · The Repository reported last night that Tom Bernabei denied that he or his campaign had anything to do with the mailer. However, a SCPR, source who is unwilling to be identified, just shared with the SCPR that the source thinks that is is reasonable and plausible for Healy to think that Bernabei not being entirely forthcoming on the matter.

Barr Reveals New Justice Department Policy For ... 18, 2019 · This is being handled like a very bad prosecution of a mob boss. ... I mean, no one was surprised when the Attorney General declared there was no obstruction of justice. He was the one who wrote a memo stating very clearly that in his opinion, the president cannot be guilty of obstruction of justice. ... The fiasco known as the Mueller Report ...

Michael Caputo in his own words | WBEN 930am know win win. When the Democrats were active and and the Wiki leaks DNC emails come on I tweeted that the guys that were all kind of fun of Republicans with these leagues but let's not forget Vladimir pool. And something needs to be done about this that I've known it was the …

What's a 'rat'? | Christian Forums 07, 2019 · Or the body is never found. Which was the evil demise of the father of two schoolmates of mine in grammar school. Press reports were that their dad laundered money for a mob family in NY and one day just disappeared body never to be found. For more on the definition of “rat” one can cautiously view the Godfather movies and The Sopranos.

CD 16 Democrats Brent King and Jan Schneider insist they 11, 2016 · Brent King and Jan Schneider, ... he served as five years as the political editor of the alternative newsweekly Creative Loafing. He also was the …

Was the Planning Department going to Annex without proper isn’t an entire neighborhood, just one home. Stehly said the planning department told her that the man was sent a certified letter, but out of curiosity she called the person to see if he was testifying tonight. He had no idea they were going to annex his property tonight or that it was on the agenda. Now that’s customer service!

State’s Chief Election Officer refuses to investigate ... 21, 2012 · State’s Chief Election Officer refuses to investigate voter fraud. After pursuing a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, Jim McKenna, former candidate for Massachusetts Attorney General was told that his concerns should be addressed at the state level.

Articles by Jonathan Rauch: Crisis on the Right can keep us out of trouble by warning against the fanciful idealisms of the left (communism), the right (fascism) and the ultrareligious (bin Ladenism), but it cannot scratch humanity’s perpetual itch for a Promised Land free of hunger, pain, conflict and grubby politics.

Does the executive control American foreign policy? ~ The ... 12, 2015 · Does the executive control American foreign policy? Unknown 11:36 america, congress, executive ... This is done by granting the executive congressional approval to take action overseas and a requirement the President must fulfill under the War Powers Act. ... it was the President who negotiated the START Treaty in 2010 which sought to ... Research has published the results from its State of Blockchain Q2 2018 research. The findings show the extent of cryptocurrency adoption across all political ideologies,

Presidential Hopefuls in Fort Lauderdale Today; Meet the ... 31, 2015 · Today there's a presidential candidate plenary — that's a fancy word for "big meeting" — in Fort Lauderdale, and five candidates are going to be here to speak at the Urban League's national conference. Surely, you've already media-overdosed on Clintons and Bushes by …

90 days -- McCain to spend $6 million on Olympic ads to ... buys by Obama and McCain are the first national broadcast TV spots by a presidential campaign since Bob Dole bought a single national TV commercial in 1996. ... ***THIS IS THE FIRST IN A ...

State Uses Stranded Tax Credits To Help Pratt & Whitney ... to a chart, the Pratt & Whitney, UTC Aerospace Space Systems, and United Technologies Research Center is expected to use $80 million in the first year of the program, $100 million in the ...

Ten Reasons Bernie Sanders Would not and Could not have ... 22, 2016 · Ten Reasons Bernie Sanders Would not and Could not have beaten Trump ... he had convinced a few million voters in his flock that Hillary was too corrupt to …

Red Ink Could Trigger Deficit Mitigation | CT News Junkie, CT — (Updated 5:15 p.m.) The ink is barely dry on the legislature’s bipartisan budget that was signed by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy on Oct. 31, but it’s already $202.8 million in ...

David Duchovny gives Track by Track breakdown of his new ... 06, 2018 · David Duchovny is a jack of all trades. He acts, he writes, he directs, and, yes, he plays music. Now, nearly three years after he dropped his full-length debut, 2015’s Hell or Highwater, the ...

Perpetual Trump Administration Minor Scandals and Other ... 23, 2018 · Yes, it was the smoking gun tape that broke things, but it was still a few select senators that made the decision that it was now too much that caused the other senators to go along with them.

Israeli Settlements Key Issue in Latest Mideast Peace ... 17, 2010 · This is something that Netanyahu put in place under U.S. pressure. And the idea at the time was the talks would begin almost immediately, and, then, after 10 …

BOYS BASKETBALL | Instant Classic! JV Johnson hits game ... took a couple of dribbles before finding an open driving lane to the basket for layup with six seconds to play, lifting Denham Springs to a dramatic 50-49 victory over Live Oak at Grady ...

Madville Huffington Post leaps to this dangerous supposition:. Lawmakers in South Dakota are apparently aware of this inferior status -- they're trying all kinds of different things to change education in the state, including a failed ballot initiative that would have abolished teacher tenure.Those lawmakers might find the state's grade useful in pushing their agenda again this year [Joy Resmovits ...

POLITICAL THREAD | Page 3789 | CatsIllustrated.com 20, 2018 · Just off the top of my head I can think of a bunch of democrats who were convicted and served time. Dan Rostinkowski who was the head of the Way and Means committee went to prison for the House post office scandal. William Jefferson (D-LA) was convicted of bribery and the FBI found $90,000 hidden in his refrigerator. He got 13 years in prison.

Partial ELD Delay: Senators Push With Bipartisan Support ... 08, 2017 · The one thing all Drivers, Owner Ops and Small fleets need to understand is this: The ELD mandate is the first step in the direction to full Commercial Transportation Automation. Eventually there will not be a human in a Commercial vehicle. This is …

Mark Dayton, in attack mode, shows why he’ll be a ..., who is bypassing the entire endorsement process, rips into Gov. Tim Pawlenty with a gusto seldom shown by DFLers in recent years. Most DFL candidates have been less confrontational with ...[PDF]THE VOTER - first moderator training will be offered by LWV MN on Saturday, March 24 from 10-noon at the MN Women’s Building. More will follow but meanwhile attending a forum either to observe or to help with tasks that don’t require training is a good way to help members prepare …

We've always got our Latest-Thing on our Left, now ... 24, 2019 · This episode was a set-up and a dishonest one at that. It was admitted that the solution was not the primary focus. And as to the issue being an important one, of course, it is and lots of people are ringing that bell and have no need to ring a fake bell.

Voter Suppression Targets Women, Students and People of ... Suppression Targets Women, Students and People of Color (Issue Advisory, Part Two) Printable PDF. September, 2014. Following up on Part One we continue with additional information about what’s happening around the country that would depress voter turnout for the upcoming mid-term election. Of particular concern are tactics that would hinder electing feminist candidates for public office.

Editorials incite animosity toward regional migrants ... 28, 2018 · This was not the first time my mother, who is Chuukese, made a big move to Guam. ... a natural rock arch and a dark, freshwater cave pool? ... This is the first in a …

Bernie Sanders | Power Line | Page 2 30, 2019 · Bernie Sanders reportedly will enter the presidential race very soon. When he does, I believe he will be the first white, heterosexual male contending for the Democratic nomination.

Go For Broke in Ohio - New Matilda 05, 2008 · With the long primary contest finally behind us, the US Democrats must now focus on accomplishing 10 critical tasks that are key to winning the presidency this November. Presidential election campaigns are simultaneously national campaigns – with a national narrative – and a series of separate State campaigns, each with its own dynamics. So ourMore

The next developments in the collusion 12, 2017 · "We have taken up arms in defense of our liberty, our property, our wives, and our children; we are determined to preserve them, or die." - Captain Moroni - …

Interview with fellow student and teacher of MMT, Kathleen ... 30, 2018 · Link to SoundCloud. Interview conducted on May 9th, 2018, by Jeff Epstein, Editor-in-Chief of Citizens’ Media TV. An expansive conversation with Kathleen Trambley, a fellow progressive and student of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).

Take Action! Public-Private Partnerships: Importance ... 11, 2016 · EDWARD MCCAIN: [00:10] We’re going to break up into groups here in a little bit. At the first Dodging the Memory Hole we broke into groups, and we were looking at partnerships. I’ve ranked them here; and I also have some hard copies that I’m going to share with you as groups, but I wanted you to see what the prior groups came up with in terms of their ranking of the opportunities, and ...

King Petty Carlos Gimenez gets goofy over soccer stadium 26, 2015 · This is not how he wants to start a contentious re-election campaign. Politics 101 calls for the incumbent candidate to grin and bear it, to be the “bigger man” he always, constantly claims to be, to not engage and let it lie, or to do what Elsa says and Let It Go, to shut up and allow the narrative of the conversation to change in a day or ...

Sad Man Asks Why Won't Democrats Just Hate Gays And ... 30, 2016 · Wear: It’s sad that a throwaway response, but it’s the duty of statesmanship. It’s the duty of living in a pluralistic society to make a case to all folks. Unless you are Donald Trump, then it's all just Victory Tours and Betsy DeVos at Education.

Gables Manager Pat Salerno felled by lie to commissioner 09, 2014 · But it just didn’t jive with what he kept seeing and hearing. Lago was getting photographs almost weekly of accidents along the stretch of Ponce in question. ... and a recommendation that potential problems with the “triangle of vision” caused by the lovely palm trees should be reviewed. ... Gables Manager Pat Salerno felled by lie to ...

Intelligence Allegations against the Trump Administration ... 08, 2019 · There is virtue in restraint, yes, but it's a situational virtue. If restraint is practiced all the time, it is not restraint, it is simply cowardice. ... Maybe proof of attempts to pay people to attend and bus them in to his inauguration and other things that are tied up in his pride that he's insistent on. ... FDR was the President at the ...

2017 - contracostadistrictattorney.blogspot.com April 2015, Craven received $200,000 from client Michael Hensley, transferred half to a title company on Hensley’s behalf, and deposited the rest—which was intended to be part of the real estate payment—into his own bank account, according to a notice of disciplinary charges filed by the State Bar’s office of chief trial counsel on July 11 in San Francisco.

Thread by @DocRock1007: "1. drops , " " ... So, " all just a series of strange coincidences, right? ... Bill Clinton goes to Moscow, gets paid 500K for a one hour speech; then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours. Ok, no big deal right? Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme." ... Go to a Twitter thread ...

Bill Henck: Inside the IRS, part 7 | Power Line 19, 2014 · According to a recent column by Jay Sekulow on the FOX News website and a statement by House Ways and Means Committee member Charles Boustany, 10 …

The Pelican Brief (John Grisham) » Page 16 » Read Online ...,16,1528-the_pelican_brief.htmlHe was due for a speech at College Park in an hour, and he relaxed in his limo with his jacket off, reading the words Mabry had put together. He shook his head and wrote in the margins. On a normal day, this would be a pleasant drive out of the city to a beautiful campus for a light little speech, but it wasn't working out.

April 2013 Archives - 5/7 - The the news release: “This is a personal trip initiated more than a year ago and planned for the past six months. The trip includes stops at various historic sites and a variety of events, as well as meetings with President Shimon Peres and Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat.

Chris Christie's Hormonal Problem | FlaglerLive someone please call Chris Christie and tell him that if he thinks he could be President of the United States, he doesn’t have a prayer. By insinuating that the lane closings were the ...

ENPR: Week of June 27, 2007 | Human Events 27, 2007 · June 27, 2007 Washington, DC Vol. 42, No. 13b Congressional move to the left accompanies Congress’s slide in approval ratings SCHIP expansion, a major step toward universal health care, would put nearly two-thirds of American children on welfare Obama’s supporters in Asia promise $500,000 Wyoming’s new Sen. Barrasso started moderate, moved to the right Outlook […]

Was Sipprelle A Republican Or Wasn't He? - blogspot.com campaign consultant Chris Russell said today that Mike Halfacre either "knowingly lied about Scott’s long history as a Republican or he failed to research the question with any care whatsoever," regarding Halfacre's claim that Sipprelle "was not even a registered Republican until 2007,according to a search of public records." Russell attached documents of Sipprelle's voting history ...

`Democracy? | Thoughts... | Quotes, America, Founding fathers Pin was discovered by Lloyd. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.

Michael Phelps Is Losing World Records, but He’s Gained ... 20, 2019 · Kristof Milak, a 19-year-old from Hungary, had shattered Phelps’s world record in the 200 butterfly earlier in the meet. Phelps was once the master of the butterfly. Now, for the first time since 2001, he has no world records in his signature stroke. Phelps, 34, wasn’t the one in mourning.

Bentley was right to resign: Alabama elected officials ..."And it was certainly in his best interest because the impeachment process, it was moving. ... I believe it was the right decision for a state I know he deeply loves," he said. ... "This is a sad ...

No regrets: Brock Lesnar ready to return to UFC - ABC News, Conn. -- Brock Lesnar isn't in his element right now. He's wearing a suit as he sits in a green room on ESPN's campus in between SportsCenter interviews, and he's trying to find a ...

Virginia Politics Blog - UPDATED: Gaffe or No, McDonnell 15, 2009 · Here's how much Republican Bob McDonnell thinks of calls for him to distance himself from businesswoman Sheila Johnson, after video surfaced of Johnson mocking opponent Deeds' speaking style: McDonnell's latest campaign ad features Johnson. In the spot, airing as of this morning on Northern Virginia television, the co-founder of Black Entertainment Television and prominent …

Judge tentatively allows library-cat lawsuit to proceed ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... who is acting as hisown ...

Elected Miami-Dade sheriff, SOE could curb mayor’s abuse ... 03, 2018 · ” Elected Miami-Dade sheriff, SOE could curb mayor’s abuse of power” Or he/she could be another Cuban ” Cosa Nostra” like DA Kathleen Rundle …

Google News - Overview full articles, watch videos, browse thousands of titles and more with Google News.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Pope J.B. Reilly? Maybe Not 12, 2013 · Boy are you jealous of this guy. He is a hard-working, self made millionaire who is actually doing something good for a declining city, creating jobs and a future for an otherwise barren wasteland. And you, who have been an underachiever all his life just trash him for the fun of it. A bottom-feeding blogger, indeed. February 12, 2013 at 7:23 AM

Lush Life | Power Line 29, 2013 · While a completely deserved accolade — Callaway’s version, on her first album, no less, is very fine — it seems to me to capture the nature of the startling performances the song has ...

Barack Obama, Vera Baker Cheating Scandal? So Says the 01, 2010 · Barack Obama, Vera Baker Cheating Scandal? So Says the National Enquirer So the National Enquirer is reporting o cheating scandal between President Barack Obama and and Vera Baker. As Weasel Zippers states, not the first time this has surfaced.. Of course one hears National Enquirer as they are quick to be dismissive.

Dean endorses Sorrell in primary race with Donovan 19, 2012 · Dean said that Sorrell, who faces Chittenden County State’s Attorney T.J. Donovan in the Aug. 28 Vermont Democratic primary, understands “that he …

Plugged In @ Hinman Straub - September 4, 2018 - Hinman ... 04, 2018 · This is extraordinary action for an extraordinary situation – but I continue to call on the Senate Republicans to do their job and pass lifesaving speed camera legislation once and for all.” ... the first is being held in Albany on September 5 th. ... Among the topics covered were corruption, their tax disclosures, the MTA and a handful of ...

Sanders Campaign Takes Up Issue of Police Brutality in ... 28, 2017 · And a lot of that is led by her support within the larger black community. ... This is not just someone who is an organizer or activist, but someone who’s experienced the …

Circular meetings, Obama style | Power Line 14, 2016 · The first time, 44 years ago at the committee’s old offices in the Watergate complex, the burglars planted listening devices and jimmied a filing cabinet. ... slow responses and a continuing ...

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing - June 23, 2016's_Daily_Presidential_News_Briefing_-_June_23,_2016I do believe that we've got - the two-party system is a two-party dinosaur and that they're about to come in contact with the comet here. I think that that's a real possibility. Look, there are extremes on both sides. And I think most Americans are Libertarian. It's just that they don't know it, and an opportunity tonight to describe ...

The Urban Politico: The Underground Railroad Wasn't a Real ... know that Porsha is not the first woman on television to display a low level of intellectualism, but it still bothers me. It seems too coincidental to me. The granddaughter of the civil rights icon happens to take a historical trip through Georgia, touring stops on the "Underground Railroad," but …

Istook Measure Draws Fire - questia.com"This is a mandated censorship system by the federal government," said Chris Hansen, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, which told The Associated Press it plans to sue in an effort to block the law. After the law takes hold, "no adult anymore can read what they want at …

Republican Lawmakers Call For Tax Incentive Transparency ... New Haven leaders cheered a pharmaceutical company’s return to the city Tuesday, two suburban Republican lawmakers weren’t sold on the idea and prodded Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s ...

Another Opinion with Paul Hosse': 2009: A Look Back and A ... can’t believe another year is already over. Heck, the first decade of the 21st century is already over, and what a decade it was! When I was a little kid, I used to figure up how old I would be when the 21st century rolled around and tired to imagine what the world would be like.

How have Illegal Immigrants personally impacted you, good 23, 2018 · Anonymous wrote:I know an undocumented person who was hit by a US citizen drunk driver while walking down the street after work.He’s needed long-term care and the US citizen hasn’t had to pay for any of it. We lost one hard working person for no reason other than the sense of entitlement of the US citizen who had no regard for the lives of others.

Canada Pair gets gold!!! - The Geek Culture is reason #452 that I don't enjoy the Olympics (the first 451 have to do with them disrupting my life, especially this year when they're in town, or the fact that I dont' enjoy watching sports). This is clearly a political move. As I said, I don't enjoy sports, but it seems to me if you have a contest, someone wins.

Brookhaven Annexes Executive Park, Children’s Healthcare 29, 2014 · (APN) BROOKHAVEN — On December 08, 2014, the recently incorporated City of Brookhaven annexed the Executive Park area that includes many office buildings and hotels, as well as Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA), by way of a vote of the Brookhaven City Council.

What to Do About the Court? - The American Prospect Burns suggests no president in his right mind would attempt, and for good reason. Presidents need the courts to establish the legitimacy of their actions and maintain their positive programs. Suppose the Roberts Court declares campaign-finance laws unconstitutional.

The Third Debate: Sound And Fury, Signifying Nothing ..., it’s finally over—although there were moments when it seemed we were going to see the sun come up over Texas Southern University. Despite all the hype, sound and fury, the third Democratic debate was a …

Obama aides say Clinton 'on track' for secretary of state 20, 2008 · President-elect Obama is on track to nominate Sen. Hillary Clinton as his secretary of state after Thanksgiving, three aides on Obama's transition team told CNN Thursday.

Conservatives Refuse To Close The Door On Bogus ... the Washington Post reported, ... who is now at Penn State University, ... This isn't the first time Cuccinelli has used the “Climategate” emails to push back against global warming.

Wisconsin: GOP Senate candidates joust over budget skills ... 18, 2012 · Wisconsin: GOP Senate candidates joust over budget skills, tactics ... But it’s time, instead of having speeches (about) what I did 20 years ago or (saying) I’m the one who’s leading the ...

Mitch McConnell | Power Line 08, 2019 · Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell is no one’s idea of an electric speaker, but it is worth taking in his brief remarks this morning calling out Democrats for their hysteria over Judge Brett ...

The Sin of super PACS | Reflective Thinking 14, 2012 · By defining political speech as the ability to raise unlimited funds to support a candidate or party, this ruling exploits, discriminates against, and holds in contempt the general electorate of our country. So far in the 2012 election cycle, super PACS have proven that they are more than up to the challenge of denigrating our democracy.

Plugged In @ Hinman Straub - January 11, 2019 - Hinman ... 11, 2019 · Wednesday marked the opening of the legislative session for 2019. As expected, Assemblyman Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) was re-elected Speaker of the Assembly and Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-Yonkers) was elected Temporary President of the Senate, making history as the first woman to hold the post. During opening remarks, Senator Stewart ...

Mueller Testimony: Intelligence Committee – The Psy of Life 24, 2019 · Things perked up slightly in the Intelligence Committee than they were in the Judiciary. Go figure. Maybe everyone's coffee had kicked in. You may not agree with my characterization, but I stand by my post. The only remaining question is whether the Dems are adept enough to build on the foundation that they laid or…

Here and Now - nystateofpolitics.com conduct” from Common Core protesters at a Wappingers Central School District board meeting prompted a call to state police and abrupt adjournment on Monday night, but it’s unclear what, if any, policy changes could be headed the district’s way, school officials said.

July | 2008 | Power Line | Page 8 16, 2008 · College basketball analyst Billy Packer is out at CBS. Although Michael Wilbon describes the move as a “stunner,” to me the real surprise is that Packer lasted so long at the top (he has ...

Thread by @ClimateAudit: "@Barnes_Law your article of June ... 11, 2017 · 3/ Mueller reports that, on June 13, 2016 (two days after your article, which was clearest of contemporary article, but there were others), Trump's lawyers sent letter to Special Counsel Office, complaining about conflicts, including Mueller's "personal relationship with Comey".

Can Obama be Impeached - Constitutional Emergency 01, 2014 · I think this problem can be solved in a constitutional way . The U.S. Military has the constitutional authority too remove Obama and Congress ; They have committed " TREASON " in so many different way's ; This is the only way that they are ever going to leave office is by asking the U.S. Military to carry out their Constitutional Duty and to remove and arrest the usurpers from their office ...

Governor picks Helena lawyer Motl as political practices ...“This is the fourth consecutive pick where the selected commissioner has had close political ties to the governor. “It’s quite doubtful that any Republican who is subject to a negative ...

Drunk John Boehner Knows Congressional Democrats Are The ... idea man.John Boehner had 11 shots of cheap Irish whiskey, or as he likes to call it, "breakfast," and decided it's a good day to jizz some thoughts out of his cry-hole about what REALLY causes mass shootings. Is it guns? Nah. Mental health? Well, KIND OF, even though less than 5 percent of gu...[PDF]UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF … 3 - This is far from a case in which the objection lies against some future exercise of SEEC’s discretion to find illegal coordination, or against SEEC’s authority to bring investigations and

November 2011 – A Foolish Consistency - trudalane.net’s virtual and actual friends will tune it out as the background data buzz that surrounds every Facebook user like a thick cloud of noisy midges. Advertisers will collect, collate, examine, and evaluate each vibrating data point to construct interest and activity profiles. Then they will market to the midges. This is no great insight.

Tactically and strategically speaking, what could and ...’s an old saying that Democrats fall in love and Republicans fall in line. You could witness that in the last general election, when many conservatives seemed to transition overnight from “Never Trump” to “Hail To the Cheeto.” You could also ...[PDF]CLC & D21 Comments on AOR 2011-23 Am. Crossroads FINAL … 14, 2011 · ads are “fully coordinated” with the candidate who is promoted in the ads—but argues that its ads would not meet the “content” prong of the rule. AOR 2011-23 at 3-4. This is so, American Crossroads argues, because its ads are to be run outside the 90-day period before the election, do

Kavanaugh Hearing | Page 39 | Swamp Gas Forums 19, 2018 · This is not just a "sexual impropriety". If it occurred as the alleged victim remembers, it is sexual assault and imprisonment. He allegedly forced himself on her, kept her from calling from help ...

The Bombing Buffoon of Bigelow, Arkansas | Matt Campbell's ... Jason Rapert (R-Bigelow) is the Arkansas version of a conservative Renaissance man. Depending on the day, he may show up as a fiddle player[foot]His one admirable trait, actually.[/foot], a flouter of campaign-finance laws (), obliquely racist, a proselytizer of the highest order, a bigot who would attack anyone who doesn’t subscribe to his world view, vehemently anti-Muslim[foot]I must ...

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Puerto Rico is more important ... How a 21-year-old college senior became the breakout star of 2018 election forecasting G. Elliott Morris: If you watch Twitter on election nights, you know the name. xð  ¨ Special ...

Gallik resigns from Montana political practices post, says ... - State Political Practices Commissioner Dave Gallik said Tuesday he will resign from his job after office employees called the police to come to the office earlier in the day.

Kent Madruga (@kent97502) | Twitter latest Tweets from Kent Madruga (@kent97502). I'm a nursing student. Central Point, OrFollowers: 47

Gallik resigns from Montana political practices post, says ... - State Political Practices Commissioner Dave Gallik said Tuesday he will resign from his job after office employees called the police to come to the office earlier in the day.[PDF]CLC & D21 Comments on AOR 2011-23 Am. Crossroads FINAL … 14, 2011 · ads are “fully coordinated” with the candidate who is promoted in the ads—but argues that its ads would not meet the “content” prong of the rule. AOR 2011-23 at 3-4. This is so, American Crossroads argues, because its ads are to be run outside the 90-day period before the election, do

the labor movement Archives : Shaun Richman liberal-in-his-own-mind columnist has spent the last few years—before Fox News inevitably invites him to be one of its resident “liberals,” where he can ride out his shambles of a career—lazily defending neoliberalism and Nazis’ rights to free speech.

Melton Presents New D.A., Kept Distance During Campaign 29, 2007 · In his remarks, made before Smith's, the mayor said that Smith was his choice for the office, but that he had needed to keep his distance during the campaign. ... "The first …

Trump’s pledge to make Mexico pay for border wall may cost ... Schumer did say to Trump's face that he called for a government shutdown 20 times. Still, Schumer should have asked Trump why he broke his campaign promise that Mexico would pay for the wall. It would not change the minds of the president's cult, but it would show the rest of the nation that the Democrats will stand up to Trump and hold ...

4. On the New Age | A (or One) Skeptic Enneagram is a popular personality-typing system, based on a nine-pointed mandala, looking a bit like a simplified horoscope. The origin and current ownership of the enneagram is a bit controversial. On the one hand, an enneagrammatic system was part of Sufi mysticism; on the other hand, a similar system has also been attributed to the Christian monk and mystic Evagrius Ponticus , aka ...

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Trump lays into Corker, who ... 09, 2017 · Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Trump lays into Corker, who hits back harder ... Corker is one of the Senate’s most committed deficit hawks and outspoken members on tax policy. ... That was the ...

In remembrance: Butte-area obituaries Dec. 4-Dec. 10 ... was the first to help others – cutting and hauling countless cords of wood for Colleen’s parents in Brown’s Gulch. On the flip side, Dan was a master napper.

September 25, 1978: Midair disaster - The San Diego Union ... September 25, 1978, PSA flight 182 collided with a private plane over North Park killing 144. It was San Diego's worst air disaster.

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Trump lays into Corker, who ... said the president of a foundry in Oceanside, an executive for a Southern California lumber yard chain and a retired hardware manufacturer in Pennsylvania all gave Trump high marks, and ...

Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Part 5 - James has made numerous appointments to the Texas courts, to commissions, to boards, etc. in his tenure as I mentioned above. One of Perry's first selections was the appointment of Xavier Rodriguez to succeed Greg Abbott on the Texas Supreme Court.

Colorado marijuana legalization camp to run Mother’s Day 10, 2012 · Here’s something to talk about this Mother’s Day — marijuana. The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol is running a television ad on Friday with a Mother’s Day theme, according to the campaign. The ad in support of Amendment 64, which would go to voters on Election Day, features a ...

Gov. Henry McMaster raises another $568,000 in 2018 South ... — Gov. Henry McMaster raised $568,000 during the past three months in his bid to remain in the job he assumed in January. The Columbia Republican has gathered $2.3 million this year ...

Q&A with Newell Augur (10/21/09), Question 3 - Ballotpedia,_Question_3Oct 21, 2009 · Well you know, he’s the main guy. He’s the head of the state of Maine, it’s been a tremendous help. He knows more than anyone what a step back this would be if we erased all the hard work that went into this law. He was the first one who proposed this in his …

The Federal Black Act was formed why and when? - Answers.com was the federal aviation association formed? It was created by the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 and given its present name in 1967. How are black footed ferrets protected?

Tea Party Express Finds Success and Criticism - The New ... 19, 2010 · “They are the classic top-down organization run by G.O.P. consultants, and it is the antithesis of what the Tea Party movement is about,” said Mark Meckler, a …

Fearing Lawsuit, a Commissioner Questions Streaming ... 23, 2018 · A deputy clerk in Bunnell and a city commissioners wanted to end streaming government meetings from fear of getting sued until the city attorney saw an overreaction. ... so that’s one of the ...

Secret History of the Cherokees | Entertainment ... 18, 2011 · For those of you who are familiar with Murv Jacob and Deborah Duvall’s books for children, “Secret History of the Cherokees,” their newest book, written in conjunction with James Murray,

Falmouth Police Poised To 'Bring It' To Barnstable ... County Sheriff James M. Cummings, who appeared in a cameo, said Barnstable passed the mic to Falmouth, one of the bigger police departments, because, he said, “you need enough size to ...

Most Southerners want action on Confederate monuments but ... are still reckoning with how Civil War dead and segregation-era figures should be honored in public spaces, and a new poll has found divided opinions over what these symbols mean. A ...

Drones and Contractor Mission Creep - Just Security 05, 2015 · I have written previously about the transparency, oversight, and accountability issues that outsourcing aspects of the U.S. drone program can pose – issues that often get lost in the shuffle amid other aspects of the program. A new report by the British Bureau of Investigative Journalism shines a light on the murky world of drone […]

The swamp’s secrets, lies and media leaks. Daniel 10, 2018 · Leaking, not football, is the supreme sport of our nation’s capital. Sabotage and self-promotion are the two reasons that government types leak. And this was clearly sabotage. Election Day was coming up and a top investigation figure was seeding damaging stories about President Trump through the media.

How can Obama & Congress foster innovation in 2015 ... 30, 2014 · Each week I take the top voted question from readers and answer it (submit one here). I jumped this one, submitted by Mike Nelson, it to the front on the line since it’s timely in nature. What us the most important, single thing that Obama and Congress could do in 2015 to foster innovation in ...

Progressives riled by stock tax plan - Capitol Confidential 19, 2014 · Progressives riled by stock tax plan. ... First it was the bank tax repeal that seems to be moving ... but it could raise close to $5 billion a year for New York State citizens by only rebating ...

Corruption Archives - Centrist Independent & Political ... Moderate & Centrist Blog: All Categories & Columns. Corruption. 22 Nov 2017

Comment: Why Barry O'Farrell had to resign | SBS News of the more bizarre things to occur after the resignation of Barry O’Farrell was the response by some journalists that he really should not have had to resign, and that it showed ICAC has ...

Joseph Webster - Ballotpedia 06, 2018 · Webster graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1980. He received a master's degree in English from Wright State University in 1984, a master's degree in national security policy from the U.S. Naval War College in 2001, and a Ph.D. in public policy from George Washington University.

A Gay Crows Nest: Travelogue – a clear day guess another way to look at it: For $200 more I could have had a toilet and shower in the room (instead of down the hall), springs that didn't squeak and sag, and a bit of space to turn around. Hotels in Seattle are expensive. But it was for only one night. And about as close as I could get to the train station. Saturday, July 23

Public meeting proclaims good water-tower news | Local ... public meeting in Pease Oct. 1 filled the town hall as residents came to ask questions about a long-awaited project to build a water tower and water system improvements during 2019. The City Council and an engineer from SEH, David Blommel, explained how they perceived the news as good, since it is ...

Former New York Times Editor: You’d Better Believe The NYT 02, 2019 · You’d better believe that most of us already know that about the New York Times, but it’s good to get confirmation from its previous executive editor.In her new tell-all book Merchants of Truth, Jill Abramson dishes on her past experience at the Gray Lady but also on what has happened since her abrupt departure in 2014.Abramson accuses her successor Dean Baquet — who won a power battle ...

S.C. Republican lawmakers say voters will punish Obama ... 29, 2012 · “This government takeover of health care remains as destructive, unsustainable and unconstitutional as it was the day it was passed, unread, by a …

Ezra Klein - Don't blame the Senate on Mitch it suffers from one major problem: It's about Mitch McConnell. The thesis of the article is that McConnell is the man for this obstructionist moment. As his friend and former colleague Bob Bennett says at the end of the piece, “When I came to the Senate, Bob Dole was the leader, and he was superb.

America, Oprah is Not Your Savior | FlaglerLive 22, 2018 · America has always trusted black women to do the work, but it’s always come at the expense of their well-being. This notion goes all the way back …

Mitt Romney supporters talk about uncertainy under 04, 2012 · The Romney campaign arranged the conference call in Colorado and other swing states to talk about their claim that President Obama is “fundamentally hostile to job creators, both in his rhetoric and in his policies.” Cook was the most vocal of the three on the call, talking about what regulations have done to his business.

This Hillsborough County Appraiser race is going to be 23, 2016 · This Hillsborough County Appraiser race is going to be interesting. ... but it won’t be without a fight from his GOP ... He also was the assistant …

Lazio: Wilson Would Have Won With Me, who performed well on primary day in his native Long Island and Westchester, where both he and Wilson now live, insisted the GOP candidates in two of the cliffhanger state Senate races (Oppenheimer-Cohen and Johnson-Martins) would have been helped by his candidacy. Ditto for Matt Doheny in NY-23.

Bedlam at Rick Kriseman election watch party; bitterness ... the August 29 primary, St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman went into the general election as the favorite against former Mayor Rick Baker. But margins were slim. Much to the consternation of ...

Palmetto Shuffle II: Liveblogging the Democrat Debate ... PM -- This is actually hilarious. People are hooting and hollering, there are catcalls, Barry and Hillary are snarling and yelling at each other, nobody even knows what the fuck they're talking about, but it's hilarious. 8:30 PM -- Ouch, yikes, whee! WTF is Hillary talking about? Ah, the Chicago Slumlord, Obama's boyfriend.

"Bob Dole Ii: Charming but Lacks Credibility" by Royko ... Dole Ii: Charming but Lacks Credibility . By Royko, Mike. Read preview. Article excerpt. AS you may have noticed, Bob Dole II, a real cool and likable grownup guy, has been nominated as the Republican Party's candidate for president. This is not the same man as Bob Dole I, who has become a familiar political figure in recent months and ...

Impeachment - Buckyville - tapatalk.com Trump had even a tenth of a gram of grace in his body, he'd just resign. Impeachment is a political action. No way in hell would the Republicans in the Senate support a conviction, even with the most damning evidence. Going for impeachment in the House would be an empty gesture and would just keep Trump's hate filled base fired up.

Afternoon Briefs on Politics, Money, Spin and Innuendos. 04, 2009 · Afternoon Briefs on Politics, Money, Spin and Innuendos. ... One can only assume he was chosen because Bratton felt Beck was the man best able to continue the transformation of the department. ... The whole THING stinks - maybe there are good reasons to keep it open space, but it did sound like coming up with excuses to declare this unbuildable ...

Barack Obama emulates George W. Bush, again. – Dangerous ... 14, 2012 · This is all part of a highly coordinated war on whistle-blowers by the Obama Administration, a fact duly ignored by most media outlets, who serve as stenographers for the American military-industrial complex and its Commander in Chief: So it is beyond dispute that the moving force behind the ongoing imprisonment of this Yemeni journalist is ...

The Shame Beneath Inaugural Hoopla - Truthdig Shame Beneath Inaugural Hoopla comments ... The historical drama of watching the first African-American take the oath as president of the United States. ... “This is not business as usual ...

The Lafayette Campaign: A Tale of Deception and Elections ... characters, an unusual protagonist, and a fast-paced narrative make “The Lafayette Campaign” a really great read. When you add in the fact that it’s written in a way that even old, non-tech-savvy people like me can understand it, a 5-star novel.Reviews: 97Format: AudiobookManufacturer: Tantor Audio

The Urban Politico: Movie Reviews: The Possession Of ... statements and views of The Urban Politico staff are our own and do not in any way reflect those of our respective employers. In addition, any legal statements or views expressed on this blog are intended as general information for blog discussion purposes only …

Reno Declines to Enter Gambling Dispute - Los Angeles Times Gen. Janet Reno declined Wednesday to step in to mediate a dispute over gambling between Gov. Pete Wilson and most of California’s Indian tribes, but encouraged tribal leaders to sue the ...

Eddie S. (sciolist1) - The United States (438 books) who really live cannot help being a citizen and a partisan. Indifference and apathy are parasitism, perversion, not life. That is why I hate the indifferent. The indifference is the deadweight of history. The indifference operates with great power on history. The indifference operates passively, but it operates.

US Govt Health Jay Sekulow etc. - Page 4 - The Petra Zone 25, 2013 · brent wrote:The problem with anti-Americans and anti-conservative Americans is their accusations and generalizations are so drastic.They dream up extreme situations that do not, or rarely, exist. For instance, people bring up the rape and/or incest elements in the abortion arguments.

Stayin' Alive: Deep and Lasting Damage do not even have a president and first lady anymore. We have a con artist/mentally-ill criminal/narcistically-disturbed financial disaster who is an agent of Russia, and a probably-former call girl and, like everyone else involved with Individual 1, a prostitute by any moral yardstick. We need to end the culture of the worship of the president.

(No) Good Mockin’ Tonight [updated] | Power Line 19, 2015 · Five stand-up comedians performing at Hollywood’s Laugh Factory subjected Madam Hillary to rude mockery. Who do these people think they …

Police Evacuate Capitol Lawn Due To Lighting Strikes Near ... 04, 2019 · The U.S. Capitol Police evacuated the west front of the Capitol on Thursday after lightning strikes were detected near the National Mall ahead of President Trump’s “Salute to America” Independence Day speech, reports The Hill. US Capitol Police evacuated the West Front of the US Capitol due to reported lightning strikes spotted near the National […]

Refworld | Freedom in the World 2018 - Armenia is the leading source of information necessary for taking quality decisions on refugee status. Refworld contains a vast collection of reports relating to situations in countries of origin, policy documents and positions, and documents relating to international and national legal frameworks. The information has been carefully selected and compiled from UNHCR's global network of field ...

A View from the Beach: It's Good to Have Friends... Jacobson is doing the good work of keeping the pressure on the D.C. government to justify it's decision to not prosecute David Gregory for blatantly ignoring DC gun laws by brandishing a 30 round clip in Wayne LaPierre's face on national TV from the network studio in …

John Roberts: The Worst Supreme Court Chief Justice Ever ... 27, 2015 · By the standards of adherence to the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, whose philosophy of individual rights was the explicit basis for the Constitution, Roberts is arguably the worst Supreme Court Chief Justice ever.

Who is Judge Gorsuch? - Just Security 09, 2017 · Over two weeks ago, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent Judge Gorsuch a letter asking about his role in 10 high-profile cases that were litigated by the Civil Division at the Department of Justice while Gorsuch was the Principal Deputy to the Associate Attorney General. These include cases involving […]

Feds arrest UOG professor | Guam News | postguam.com 07, 2019 · A federal indictment accuses Thomas E. Marler, who is a professor at UOG's College of Natural & Applied Sciences, of rigging bids to favor Isla Paraiso, and a …

Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion | Page 137 | US 12, 2017 · And by the way, I'm pretty sure you knew that was the point, and you somehow think that looking blank and going, "Duhh, I didn't understand what you were saying" is going to be a brilliant debate ploy. But okay, if you want to present yourself as someone who has to have everything spelled out in crayon with short words, we can do that too.

Corporaterrorists on the Congress | Thom Hartmann 15, 2009 · Having been in Tech before it was called that-since 1982-and hearing all the talk and seeing the results of that talk the past 3 decades, my point of view is from the experience of having been an employee, a contractor, and a business owner. Seen the inside of lots of name brand corporations and the greed and waste therein is ridiculous.

Former Trump Surrogate, Christie, Sees Big Trouble for the ... 09, 2018 · Well, we have to keep in mind that there are two different cases going on, as it pertains to Michael Cohen. Cohen is facing his own issues with bank fraud, tax fraud, wire fraud, and campaign ...

Twelve Tribes commune 'rescuers' to be arraigned - The San ... people accused of kidnapping a family member in what they described as “rescue attempt” from the Twelve Tribes religious community in Vista are scheduled to be arraigned next week ...

Policy Proposals for regulating online advertising ... is a well-documented phenomenon that has wreaked havoc in elections in Britain and America as well as Italy, Kenya, and many more. Because the market for online ads is opaque and ads are only visible to those users targeted with particular messages, digital marketing can effectively amplify disinformation in highly vulnerable communities ...

Rep. Gowdy on Benghazi inquiry: ‘Read this report ... Gowdy on Benghazi inquiry: ‘Read this report’ ... Democrats argue she was the target of the committee’s investigation from the beginning. ... that about one person rather than ...

Gingrich on Russia: ‘Somebody is Going to be Convicted’“This is the part that drives me crazy and it’s a sign of just Republican incompetence – we should look at Russian influence efforts and Russian propaganda efforts, but then let’s start ...

Worst Reason Not to Run | Seventh 01, 2017 · In the Washington Post, Arelis Hernández reports that Rep. Donna Edwards is receiving encouragement from progressive Prince George’s activists to run for County Executive. However, the possible entry of Sen. C. Anthony Muse is giving her pause: Longtime state Sen. C. Anthony Muse, who is close to Edwards and has his own deep base of political support, has also been considering a run …

Tanana-Yukon Bioregion Blog: April 2006 - blogspot.com issue of who is a spokesman for the party came up; this should be the party chair. Sykes has been sort of the public face of the party, which is the role of the co-chair. The two busiest officers are the secretary and the treasurer (in terms of paperwork). Since an election year, there is more reporting for the treasurer to do.

Paul Soglin: Waxing America: Wisconsin Policy Research ... he is so fearful of crime that he feels he is getting protection by taking criminals off the streets. We do know, however, that not a deterrent, because if that was the case then the proportion of black men being involved with the criminal justice system at 50% would not be so high.

NationStates • View topic - Washington 2017: The U.S ... 21, 2019 · Anderson was 100% honest the whole time as well, Anderson had the objective of gaining the endorsement but acknowledged it was a long shot going in. All in all it was the most positive social itneraction i've ever had in the RP lol i've come so far since the Prosperity Caucus days

swarmster (u/swarmster) - Reddit course they are as are the investors. The only people who want him out are the shorts. ... I can’t wait for the Sarah Palin episode of Who is America to air. That is going to be ?? formeraide • 8,190 points • submitted 7 months ago. This is Stone's way of getting Trump …

Colorado Senator outraged over Tea Party senator’s 19, 2011 · Sen.Michael Bennet, D-Colo., showed a flair for the dramatic today when he took to the Senate floor, outraged by the actions of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ken., on legislation that Bennet helped write.. Paul, founder of the Tea Party Caucus, moved to discontinue a mark-up session on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act — which is a re-write of the “No Child Left Behind” education ...

IceDogs add defenceman | StCatharinesStandard.ca“This is a great place to be with great coaches and I decided to come.” ... had to be convinced the O was the way to go. ... who is listed at 6-foot-1, 190 pounds, is expected to step right in ...

Pelosi Remarks at D-Day Resolution Presentation - Speaker ... 07, 2019 · Paris – Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a bipartisan Congressional Delegation visited the French National Assembly and participated in an exchange of commemorative resolutions with National Assembly President Richard Ferrand, honoring the heroism and sacrifice of the allied forces that fought on D-Day. Below are the Speaker’s remarks: Speaker Pelosi.

Anderson: Politics, misunderstanding led to fines ... Rep. Carl Anderson, D-Georgetown, said the decision from the state Senate Ethics Committee to publicly fine and reprimand him was the result of politics and a misunderstanding on campaign

The Gore Disconnect - weeklystandard.com 07, 2000 · The World According to Gore by Debra J. Saunders Encounter Books, 225 pp., $ 15.95. The world, as Al Gore sees it, is a fairly strange place: a …

Republican Party dysfunction all started with Sarah Palin ... 29, 2016 · Republican Party dysfunction all started with Sarah Palin ... who is generally one of the party's more thoughtful and substantive veterans. ... The views expressed here are the …

Another shady PAC attacks Zoraida Barreiro in county 08, 2018 · Nevermind the money. Gorin, who is irrelevant, and Higgins, who could be a surprise dark horse (cross your fingers), don’t have the brains or maldad for this kind of sneaky PAC attack. Which leaves ADLP who has both in spades. The Dean’s name is not just all over it figuratively, it’s actually on one of the mailers literally. - is a big shift from where he was at the beginning of this week. ... I want to go now to Manu Raju who is on Capitol Hill here. ... One of the things in an e-mail that we have seen from Ford's ...

The Plum Line - Would the GOP prefer a judge overturn DADT? 03, 2010 · This is a silly argument - it holds no weight. There is NO protected class for sexual orientation - that is how the Supreme Court would rule on this case - it is that simple. HOWEVER, If the case is won, the Pentagon could easily ask the Judge for a schedule of implementation to satisfy these concerns - just like in the schools cases.

Former Sen. Brown withdraws endorsement after Maes' latest ..., Kan. — Colorado gubernatorial hopeful Dan Maes' murky past in law enforcement in neighboring Kansas has become the latest distraction in his gaffe-ridden campaign. Maes has claimed he …

The Prosperous Community: Social Capital and Public Life the importance of social capital in sustaining community life does not exempt us from the need to worry about how that community is defined--who is inside and thus benefits from social capital, and who is outside and does not. Some forms of social capital can impair individual liberties, as critics of comunitarianism warn.

July | 2013 | Power Line still, today’s Rasmussen survey is interesting: The most important issues are the economy and jobs. ... This is how I described Episode ... I didn’t believe it for a long time, but it now ...

Deleted Comments Of The Day: You Guys Aren't Funny. Check ... for more sludge from our comments queue, and we'll have you know it was no easy task hosing off our keyboard after this visit. First up, a note from "NasalVacuum," who we assume must be former Florida Rep. Trey Radel. NasalVacuum was not impressed with our little mommyblog, recipe trading post,...

Speed Reads - theweek.com talks@realDonaldTrump Dinesh was the subject of a political prosecution, brazenly targeted by the Obama administration bc of his political views. And he’s a powerful voice for freedom, systematically ...

Cardin's opposition to Iran deal sets back White House ... 04, 2015 · With Cardin's announcement, that goal remains in reach, but it will be tougher to attain. "This is a close call, but after a lengthy review, I will vote to disapprove the deal," Cardin wrote in an ...

u/TheBirminghamBear explains Mitch McConnell’s position of ... his memoir, he’s surprisingly candid: He mainly got into politics because of ambition. ... Realistically, he should have been impeached [removed] years ago, but it's very hard to do to a Senator and legislators are rightfully wary of the personal consequences. ... All this to say that none of part of McConnell's grand design. Nor ... - 04, 2003 · I mean, the most remarkable thing, besides just the candid exchange on the issues between all the candidates, was the absence of Schwarzenegger, which kind of left an open question for a …

Democrats « Tammy Bruce Francis O’Rourke is polling at less than 1% in a new Iowa poll. Looks like the massacre of twenty-two people in El Paso did not result in his chance to ‘gain some momentum” Maybe he just paused his campaign to search for a new spotlight. Or to eat some regenerative dirt. Or …

Brett Talley - Ballotpedia Joseph Talley is a deputy assistant attorney general in the U.S. Department of Justice.On September 7, 2017, Talley was nominated to a seat on the United States District Court for the Middle District of Alabama by President Donald Trump (R). On December 13, 2017, the White House announced that it would not move forward with Talley's nomination.

Gonzalo Raffo InfoNews: NEW REVELATIONS SUGGEST A ... others might think paying $130,000 to someone who was making a false allegation was hard to fathom, for a wealthy man like Mr. Trump it was not quite “pocket change, but it’s pretty close to it,” Mr. Giuliani said. “When Cohen heard $130,000, he said: ‘My God, cheap — they come cheap.

Obama Rallying Support for Pact With Russia | Americans ... 07, 2010 · Without a doubt the most important issue on international relations right now is the New Start Treaty that President Obama signed with Russia in April. This treaty, which was posted on an earlier article, is fundamental to securing a continued state of nuclear peace between the world's top producers of nuclear weapons. There is no greater…

Max Powers: September 2015 was the public that was upset, and because she did not want to deal with the public she wanted to punt the issue to the UMC Board. ... You know, the Bob Jones who is serving a 10-year sentence on corruption and fraud charges. ... Shapleigh in his spiel about …

Thousands of black votes disappeared in Georgia during the ... as well get another run at it in 2018 in Georgia after totally wiping your servers for a possible subpoena 2 years earlier. Same manufacturer too. You know, the same guys who used PC Anywhere remote backdoors, if you're unfamiliar its probably the most hacked and exploited piece of shiat in recent history, on vote tallying machines.

Hernando, Sanchez Middle School 8th graders receive students from SPC Rafael Hernando III and Salvador H. Sanchez middle schools are the first SISD eighth graders to get a laptop they can use 24/7 on school work and homework during the next five years. ... was the first Hernando student to receive a laptop from the district. ... can’t wait to see the laptops in use in his classroom ...

Michael Flynn – Trump Trials and Investigations Investigation and Trial News, Events, and Archives. Explore by Category. Trials and Investigations (6,567) . Investigators (574) . Adam Schiff (15) ; Attorney General of the District of Columbia (4) ; Attorney General of the State of Maryland (2) ; Attorney General of the State of New Jersey (5) ; Attorney General of The State of New York (14) ; Bennie Thompson – House Homeland ...

Mickelson Signals Effort to Repeal Crime Victims Bill of ... of the House G. Mark Mickelson (R-13/Sioux Falls) says he wants the Legislature to offer voters a chance to repeal the crime victims bill of rights they passed last November:. Speaker Mickelson says the voter approved victims’ rights constitutional amendment is …

(PDF) Elections and Youth- A case of Nigeria - Samson ... is a platform for academics to share research papers.

Carson tells AP: Seventh-day Adventism is right for him ... tells AP: Seventh-day Adventism is right for him ... And in his own criticism, he said it was a “huge mistake” that the top Adventist policymaking body recently voted against ordaining ...

Macy's Guam offers discounts to military families | World ... 10, 2017 · Macy's Guam offers discounts to military families ... This is the first set of profiles featuring members of The Scoop team for school year 2019-2020. ... As the …

Colorado Republicans flood victory offices after 06, 2012 · “Colorado Republicans flood victory offices after debate, volunteer to help” I bet. That debate changed things. Before the debate, there was a sense of fatalism. That the election of Obama was a done deal. The experience of seeing The Chosen One fail so completely and changed things. Seeing him humiliated.

The Case of Nigeria - 11, 2015 · The first engagement of NYSC members as polling clerks in the conduct of elections began in 2008. The NYSC scheme is a program of the Federal Government of Nigeria created in the aftermath of the Nigerian civil war as a post-conflict reconstruction, rehabilitation and rebuilding initiative of the government.

Questioning the Law | A Mission of Discovery into the Lawhttps://questioningthelaw.wordpress.comIt all depends on what your goals are. The biggest reason to start a corporation or other type of business structure is to limit your liability. The liability we’re talking about here is that while other parties may be able to sue you as the nonprofit they can only go after the assets of …

Siterun Archive Complete Archive >> Four Winds 10 situation with the farmers and agricultural businesses is worse than is being reported. My dad is a farmer in Ohio who for the first time in his life is not planting his crops AOC's hometown folks have shocking surprise for her Maxine Waters Ended Her Career After Trump Crushed Her On A Top Issue

News From 2016 | Mississippi State University Extension ..."2013 was the last year of relatively high commodity prices. At that same time, during the run-up of commodity prices from the mid-2000s to 2013, input costs went up," said Bryon Parman, Extension agricultural economist. "Now, commodity prices have come down, but …[PDF]sp 04-04-03 - U.S. & GLOBAL LAW. psychologist, and a social worker) to work dealing with the underlying problem that likely led the woman in question to seek legal aid. Judging from the lines outside the clinic, the twenty-four hours per day work schedule, and the settlement rate, the program seemed to work well.

India's Crony Capitalist Edifice Is Creaking 24, 2019 · Such was the sway of the “boxwallahs,” as the agents were pejoratively referred to, that State Bank of India wouldn’t lend to an operating company without its managing agency’s guarantee.

RANDOM JACK: RECLAIMING AMERICA: THE SENATE of the Senate, the citizens of California, New York, Florida and Texas are the least represented in America while the voters of Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska and North Dakota are the most over-represented. Restated, in terms of senatorial representation, every voting citizen of Wyoming is worth roughly 69 Californians.

Golden Gate Park landmark proposal pondered by panel - SFGate group delivered to Lee's office a formal letter reading in part, "With your extensive knowledge of city government, your exceptional skills as a bridge-builder, and your mandate to lead, we ...

Merkel, Germany's 'eternal' chancellor, embarks on last lap 29, 2018 · In power so long she has been dubbed Germany's "eternal chancellor", Angela Merkel's 13-year run as leader of Europe's top economy is heading for …

Self Service: Lobbyists at War | The New Republic 25, 2002 · Lobbyists at war.For Washington lobbyists, these were supposed to be the salad days. The Bush administration was to be their playground, the regulatory agencies their dolls to …

State of The Races: Seeking Upset, Bradley Enlists ... Mr. Bradley has actually been laying the groundwork for a national campaign for more than a decade. By the time he announced his candidacy in late 1998, he had a group of devoted longtime advisers and a network of fund-raisers in place -- much like Mr. Reagan in 1976.

Ralph Nader's Threat to Gore - Los Angeles Times 31, 2000 · * In an election year, Ralph Nader’s candidacy, idealistic as it may be, is a dangerous one. By placing ego over common sense, he is not only harming his country but is losing future support for ...

Kwame Brown charged for bank fraud - College D.C. Council chairman Kwame Brown, 41, has been charged with a misdemeanor of allowing a relative to access the bank account he opened with Industrial Bank. The account was allegedly called, the “side account,” meant for “get-out-the-vote” efforts, but Brown actually used them toward his new home purchase and a $50,000 powerboat.

Another Tim Miller supporter pens a deeply confused letter ... September 29: The mailing that Regan received is from 2016, but it's not from ABM's federal PAC. Rather, it's from the Alliance for a Better Minnesota Action Fund, a state political fund. Here's the side of the card that includes the disclaimer as is required by state law: It's not the text that Regan described in her letter and it's not from the federal fund.

Facing mounting pressure, key bipartisan senators remain ... is mounting for a small group of undecided senators from each party who have about two weeks to decide how they will vote on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Several Democrats running for re-election in Republican stronghold states won by President Donald Trump are facing tough political choices ahead of the midterm election:…

Frank Bowman's history of impeachment, what it means for ... 14, 2019 · BOWMAN: For centuries, the kings and queens of England were the dictators of their age, with the added advantage that they could claim a divine right to rule.They sought close-to-absolute power when they could. The other power centers in the society — hereditary aristocrats (lords), landowners, clergy, merchants, lawyers, judges and others — clustered in Parliament and fought for the idea ...

Yahoo Finance thinks Belize is too crowded by tourists BBN Staff: Usually, when Belize is referenced in travel writing articles it is to highlight one or more of the amazing aspects about the country that make it a choice destination to visit in the region; however, a piece published on Yahoo Finance described Belize as “overcrowded” with tourists. “Belize once was overshadowed by Cancun and Cozumel, but it now gets just as many visitors.

Same-sex marriage | Consider This, Too caught up with Aicila Lewis, the executive director of Boulder Pride, by phone where we discussed many of the issues surrounding same-sex marriage. She said “equality and fairness are the goal,” and gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender people are currently denied legal recognition for their relationships.

The size of the pie. Winners and losers | Esrati take care of our politicians and make sure they always have a job. It’s how folks become lobbyists, and do the politicians jobs, or end up as employees of a non-profit real estate group buying up buildings for a university going bankrupt, or how money keeps flowing into a certain congressman’s coffers. The losers are the rest of us.

00.20.edit.html - The Progressive, running against stereotype, even displayed a sense of humor, as Matt Welch notes in his report on the Texas "Don't waste your vote" tour on page 13. Nader's hour-and-a-half stump speech was packed with riffs, laugh lines and applause lines, although restless audience members started heading toward the exits in the last 30 minutes.

Georgia Pastor Jody Hice Rises with America’s Militant ... 23, 2014 · Jody Hice just secured the GOP nomination for the 10th congressional district of Georgia, calls America's record on abortion "much worse than Hitler's six million Jews," among other gems.

Positive Liberty | Encyclopedia of Libertarianism, in fact, one of these approaches to community life—to the laws and public policies of the society—is most likely to produce widespread well-being, over the long run, it will be deemed superior to the other. Among those who argue for positive liberty or rights, some hold that these are the …

AIM Report: Spinning in His No Spin Zone - Accuracy in Media 03, 2003 · Another thing is clear: although he portrays himself as the spokesman for the average guy with a humble background, he holds two Master’s Degrees, including one from the Kennedy School of ...

Whose Economy Are We Talking About? The Gremlins in the ... 21, 2012 · That’s why, in his State of the Union address, ... One of the primary reasons for avoiding generalized discussions of “the” economy is the lack of consistency in several measurements. ... Comments Off on Whose Economy Are We Talking About? The Gremlins in the Grammar.

Why We Shouldn't Prosecute the Torturers - Just Security 11, 2014 · Count me as one of those who believes not only that the United States engaged in a systematic, widespread, and officially sanctioned campaign of coercively interrogating terrorism suspects in both military and CIA custody in the months and years after the September 11 attacks, but also that there just cannot be any question, even before Tuesday’s release of […]

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty To Lying to Congress - Page 9 ... it does indicate that there was ongoing attempts by the Russians to try to reach out and influence the elections since 2015. Mueller would not have included that there in the sentencing documents if he thought it was meaningless or of no consequence, as the documents that have been released so far are all very deliberate in nature.

2018 Elections Guide - 280Living.com 22, 2018 · Alabama has the No. 1 voluntary pre-kindergarten program for 4-year-olds in the country, but it is only available to about 30 percent of eligible children because of inadequate funding. Quality pre-K programs produce a quality workforce and result in better job opportunities and a more robust economy for the entire state.

Roberts, Leader of Supreme Court’s Conservative Majority ... NEWS - WASHINGTON — In his first 13 years on the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.’s main challenge was trying to assemble five votes to move the

Born to lead, John Marshall senior builds future in ... his final cross country season with the Monarchs, he also served as the team captain. “I was really proud of us, the guys team as a whole,” he said. “We were so close as a pack. We were all within 10-15 seconds of each other. It’s probably one of the best teams I’ve seen come through John Marshall as a whole. We did a lot better as ...

Dinesh D'Souza - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core'SouzaDinesh Joseph D'Souza (Konkani: ????? ???? ???????; born April 25, 1961) is an Indian-American political commentator, author, and practitioner of Christian apologetics.D'Souza is affiliated with a number of conservative organizations and publications, including the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Hoover Institution, and Policy Review.

What's Left of Hamdan II? Quite a Lot, Actually... - Just ... 17, 2014 · But it’s just not true. Here’s the passage from Hamdan II to which Judge Kavanaugh was referring in footnote 5: The Government latches on to a few isolated precedents from the Civil War era to prop up its assertion that material support for terrorism was a pre-existing war crime as of 2001 for purposes of 10 U.S.C. § 821.

Connecticut: With Friends Like These - The New York Times 31, 2006 · The Hartford Courant has an interesting report today about a Hartford campaign workers for Senator Joe Lieberman who was fined and barred from working with absentee ballots by the state last year after a state elections commission found she had forged a voter’s signature in the 2004 election.. The woman, Prenzina Holloway, said she is not handling absentee ballots for the Lieberman campaign ...

Canada Considers Most Far-Reaching Intell Reforms in ... 13, 2019 · Last month, Canada’s Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence held a public hearing on Bill C-59, “An Act Respecting National Security Matters.”The bill is a piece of omnibus legislation that would introduce the most far-reaching reforms to Canada’s intelligence community in recent decades.

Gypsy families in Kosovo on toxic land - Washington Times 03, 2009 · Displaced by conflict and stranded by bureaucratic inertia, dozens of gypsy families remain on toxic land 10 years after they were relocated there by the United Nations after the Kosovo war.

STUDY: Democrats Are The Real 'Party of the Rich ... 11, 2017 · The data on political giving are so vast and can be dissected in so many ways that no one study can ever be exhaustive. This particular study emphasizes, not who or what are the most powerful political donors in our system (think of the eternal arguments about the relative powers and influence of unions, corporations, and PACs) but rather, which party’s candidates receive the most ...

The man who drove us into our national ditch | GantNews.com 12, 2015 · With those words on October 19, 1987, Morton Downey Jr. launched a television talk program that would catch fire and then flame out in under two years, but not before casting a …

As Harassment Accusations Multiply, a Question: Who Stays 05, 2017 · As Harassment Accusations Multiply, a Question: Who Stays and Who Goes? Off Topic

Public exchange between me and a Florida gubernatorial ... exchange between me and a Florida gubernatorial candidate. Public online exchange between me and John Joseph Mercadante, Republican gubernatorial candidate in Florida: JJM: "Usually we’re not at war with the people, it’s their leaders that are the issue."

Two House Democrats from Houston Lead 4-Way Race to ... 11, 2018 · By Patrick Svitek, The Texas Tribune. T here do not appear to be many huge differences between Carol Alvarado and Ana Hernandez, but a sleepy special election is doing its best to bring them out.. The two Democratic state representatives from Houston are the most well-known candidates on the ballot Tuesday, Dec. 11 to replace former state Sen. Sylvia Garcia, D-Houston — a vacancy they both ...

Trump worries that Mueller interview could be a 'perjury ... 21, 2018 · U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday he was worried that any statements under oath he provides to Special Counsel Robert Mueller could be used to bring perjury charges against him as part of the probe into Russia's electoral interference. In an …

Dorf on Law: Why Does Passage Through Government Coffers 13, 2016 · If that is okay, why the fee here is not (to avoid free-riders etc., something Scalia and Kennedy in fact agreed to in the past as shown by the second link) allowed is unclear to me. There seems to be a simplistic line being drawn here, one that as the first comment notes in a fashion is suspiciously inconsistent.

Obama’s Constitution | Power Line 28, 2008 · Yesterday the Obama campaign called on University of Chicago law professor Cass Sunstein to tamp down the furor over Obama’s advocacy of …

BARACK OBAMA TURNS UP THE RACIALLY DIVISIVE RHETORIC 19, 2010 · BARACK OBAMA TURNS UP THE RACIALLY DIVISIVE RHETORIC Posted By Ruth King on ... Tell them that the time for action is now,” Obama said in his remarks. The first black president also said the recession had struck “with a particular vengeance on African-American communities” and he defended his approach to reviving the sour economy ...

Trump White House’s fear of wiretapping - Yahoo 20, 2017 · On Sunday, the New York Times published an in-depth article about the hostility and clashes between Donald F. McGahn, the White House counsel and assistant to the president, and Ty Cobb, a lawyer tasked with running the Trump camp’s response to the federal investigation into Russian meddling.A particularly revealing passage states that White House staffers fear their colleagues may …

First Amendment | Scared“If he wants to do that in his own home that’s his prerogative, but it doesn’t need to be taught to our kids.” Dan Travieso, who is running for the N.C. Senate in District 21, called Francis’ lesson a direct insult to those who fought for our country and a “poor choice of judgment.”

One Reality: March 2008 10, 2008 · This is a nice quote to keep in mind for the next time I hear someone say that the problems of the world are caused by "extremists." It's true that the Islamic fundamentalists who murder innocent people are "extreme" in their views, but so are the heroes of history - Galileo, Newton, Locke, Jefferson, Adams, Rand.

Science, Philosophy, & Reality – Point of Controversy 09, 2014 · An empirical/conceptual distinction between science and philosophy. Sam argues that the “science” in his book’s subtitle is not science “bureaucratically construed.” Rather, it is a “domain of justified truth-claims” apprehended by “processes of thought and observation that govern all our efforts to stay in touch with reality.”

Commonsense & Wonder: Column: Do liberals actually believe ... 11, 2015 · The unanimity of outrage expressed on Twitter, the unthinking allegiance to the cause of the hour whatever that cause might be, the social positioning of writers struggling to be the most pure, the most righteous, the most moving in their indignation—all of these things remind me of other scandals, of other rages, in which the targets were not Islamic terrorists but men and women who ...

Liberal Indoctrination | Scared“If he wants to do that in his own home that’s his prerogative, but it doesn’t need to be taught to our kids.” Dan Travieso, who is running for the N.C. Senate in District 21, called Francis’ lesson a direct insult to those who fought for our country and a “poor choice of judgment.”

public safety coordinating council | FlaglerLive Flagler Public Safety Coordinating Council decides Wednesday whether to recommend the de-criminalization proposal, but the reactions from palm Coast, Bunnell and Flagler Beach have been ...

Arizona shootings unlikely to change federal gun laws ... 10, 2011 · But this can't be reduced to a simple of matter of gun lobbyists thwarting the public will. ... The NRA loophole was the only way House leaders could win support from enough rural Democrats ...

Playing Golf Could Help You Live Longer – Breaking News ... Keenan, NYPD Chief During Infamous 'Son Of Sam' Manhunt, Dies At 99Keenan was the NYPD's Chief of Detectives during the killings, which terrified the city in 1976 and 1977 as an unknown ...

Scottsdale political notebook: Borowsky ad features dad political notebook: Borowsky ad features dad who had beef with city ... but it "came out cute." ... who was the leading council candidate vote-getter in the Sept. 2 primary - missed two ...

Blackfish's "Green" Lies About SeaWorld - Capitalism Magazine 11, 2015 · Award-winning news correspondent John Stossel is currently with Fox Business Network and Fox News. Before making the change to Fox News, Stossel was the co-anchor of ABC News's "20/20." Eight to 10 million people watched his program weekly. Often, he ended "20/20" with a TV column called "Give Me a Break," which challenged conventional wisdom.

3 women accused Southard in filings | Palmetto Politics ... women accused Southard in filings ... “I don’t know what was the rush to do that,” Southard said. ... Mitchell told the investigator he asked the page to go buy him a drink and a snack to ...

Clinton Foundation | Scared Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.. FBI agents from Little Rock, Ark., where the Foundation was started, have taken the lead in the investigation and have interviewed at ...

Lash Hansborough: Wars are easy to enter, much harder to ... should never forget that wars are easy to get into and extremely hard to get out of. Poor grammar to be sure, but it tells a truth. LASH HANSBOROUGH, of Denton, is a retired captain in the U.S ...

gun control Archives - Grit Post Was the Deadliest Year on Record for American School Shootings December 18, 2018 0 This year will be the deadliest year on record for school shootings, according to a new study by Education Week that estimates 113 students, faculty, and…

Chad McEvoy - Ballotpedia McEvoy was a candidate who sought election to the New York State Assembly to represent District 101.McEvoy lost the general election on November 6, 2018, after advancing from the primary on September 13, 2018. McEvoy also ran in the 2018 election as a Working Families Party and Women's Equality Party candidate.. McEvoy was a 2018 Women's Equality Party candidate who sought election …

Anoka County History: Changes in shopping trends over the ... to Coon Rapids Boulevard was the Ground Round, a restaurant where you were encouraged to throw peanut shells on the floor, and which later caught fire and burned. There was a small Rainbow grocery store and a United outdoor supplies store. Across the boulevard the Family Center housed a large fabric store and a pet shop.

Eric Magnuson | Appellate Advocacy & Guidance Attorney ... are the Limits of Sua Sponte Decision-Making? Minnesota Lawyer (September 15, 2016) To Moot or not to Moot: What was the Question? Minnesota Lawyer (August 11, 2016) Maximizing Your Chances for Oral Argument DRI (August 2016) I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends Minnesota Lawyer (July 14, 2016) What You Need To Know About New ...

Morning Spin: Trump visits Kenosha today to tout ... 18, 2017 · Ald. George Cardenas, 12 th, first floated the idea to draw down tax increment financing district reserves last year before Mayor Emanuel in October agreed to declare $175 million of those TIF ...Author: Chicago Tribune Staff

Jim Nowlan: Money's ever-expanding role in politics ... last time I looked, Rauner groups had about $30 million in their war chests to about one-third that for the Democrats. A few specifics: This past year, Chicago Democratic state Rep. Ken Dunkin ...

The TRS internal investigation – Texas Monthly report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations ...Author: Paul Burka

June Degnan -- S.F. matron, active Democrat - SFGate Oppen Degnan, a staunch Democrat, respected publisher and lover of all things literary, passed away in her Nob Hill home Sept. 14. A self-proclaimed liberal Democrat, Ms. Degnan was an ardent ...

Outdoor retail exec picked for Interior | Government and ... (AP) — President Barack Obama on Wednesday nominated outdoor business executive Sally Jewell to lead the Interior Department. Obama said Jewell, president and chief executive at REI ...

Lord | Trutherator's Weblog answer to a libertarian who is also a skeptic of the Bible, of God…. There you go again, talking about stereotype Christians that only exist in the caricatures you’ve been taught in government indoctrination centers (aka “public schools”) and government-financed …

Deep state blues | Power Line days ago · The whistleblower blowout is a funny affair. A year in advance of the 2020 presidential election we are in rerun season. We didn't get enough of Adam Schiff the first time around. Live with it, …

US: House panel to widen Trump probe, request documents ... US House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee will seek documents from more than 60 people and organisations as it begins investigations into possible obstruction of justice and abuse of power by President Donald Trump, according to the panel’s chairman.. Jerrold Nadler told ABC’s This Week programme on Sunday the committee wanted to get documents from the Department of Justice ...

A Response to Peter Gai Manyuon’s Article “Who is Who in ... Mangong Mawien Madut, Kampala, Uganda On 22 September 2013 last month an article of Peter Gai appeared in south Sudan News Agency (SSNA) online website which he titled “Who is who in South Sudan?” I would like first to appreciate my friend Peter Gai Manyuon for his writings although I had never agreed with some…

Why Trump must appoint someone else | Columnists ..., I don’t know who is telling the truth. In his opening arguments he said: “This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit, fueled with apparent pent-up ...

Former Federal Prosecutor Renato Mariotti's Tweet Threads ... 27, 2017 · Renato Mariotti, a member of the Just Security Editorial Board and former federal prosecutor in Illinois, has written incisive and sophisticated legal analysis on the Trump-Russia investigation for our site and also on his popular Twitter account. This post is the first in a series that will collect some his most insightful Tweet threads of […]

Long Island Congressman Quits G.O.P., Citing 'Extremists ... 18, 1999 · ''With no Communist menace to rail against, and with an American economy that is the strongest to be sustained in our lifetime, the national Republican Party over the last four and a …

An Open Letter to Parents from Michelle Obama Following 14, 2011 · An Open Letter to Parents from Michelle Obama Following the Tragedy in Tucson Targeting Tolerance First Lady exploits Tucson tragedy to target McDonald’s Happy Meals, tolerance. First lady Michelle Obama took the opportunity to send an open letter to parents in the aftermath of the Tucson, AZ shooting “targeting” how we deal with one another and tolerance.

The Friends of Cindy Sheehan | Power Line Summer of Cindy is over, and just in time. The mainstream media have drawn a discreet curtain over the activities of the woman they followed breathlessly for weeks, milked for all the anti ...

Yes, he can — I hope | Power Line McCain had a blogger call this morning. You can find the details here and here. To win in November, McCain will need to hold (and ideally energize) his party’s conservative base and outpoll ...

PRESIDENT'S PRESS CONFERENCE: THE OVERVIEW; Clinton Urges ... 17, 1997 · The comment illustrated his strong support for Mr. Gore's Presidential bid, which Mr. Clinton has made clear unusually early for a sitting President. But it …

The Good Wife: “Gloves Come Off” - TV Club was happy for the return of Reaser, whom I always enjoy, but I was a little disappointed that she was reduced to a plot note for Alicia and Kalinda. Better than nothing, I suppose. The real highlight of “Gloves Come Off” was the glimpse into Diane’s private life and the return of …

Police Officials Say More Education Will Reduce ..., CT - Connecticut’s “dual arrest” rate, where both the aggressor and the victim in a domestic violence incident are arrested, far exceeds the national average, but law enforcement...

Raymond Reggie and Bank Fraud - Welcome to 30, 2005 · New Orleans, LA – November 30, 2005. A New Orleans political consultant and fund-raiser who is Senator Kennedy's brother-in-law was sentenced to a year in prison yesterday after pleading guilty to bank fraud charges. The Democratic operative, Raymond Reggie, also was ordered by Judge Carl Barbier to pay $6.5 million in restitution for the swindle, which was aimed at keeping …

Who Played The Latest Dirty Trick? - ..., I got this call, and it came from 954-831-8900 on Thursday. It was the same message from Al Lamberti, and it was clearly Al Lamberti recording the message. There’s no trick here, just the sad fact that two unscrupulous Gay Democrats think they can make more money by re-electing a homophobic Republican sheriff. vague vince says:

“Something to hide” | High Plains Reader, Fargo say that this year’s Bartenders Battle was the best display of talent in the six years since its creation would be an understatement and a disservice to not only …

Is "Good Old Boy Politics" good for South Carolina ... 05, 2008 · I found these quite interesting. Just when you think you heard all the ways to sneak money around, along comes another one. I wonder if the governor will sue the legislature for a

FCC to Chinese Jammer Company: We're Taking Yuan ... 20, 2014 · True, it shipped ten devices to U.S. addresses, but it performed its acts in China, where it may be perfectly legal to ship jammers to U.S. addresses. One unquestionably unlawful step in the transaction was the importation of the ten devices – but FCC staffers, not C.T.S., did that by initiating the transactions and accepting delivery.

Political discord in Alamo Heights - San Antonio Express-News HEIGHTS—The jovial banter during a recent City Council candidates forum, hosted by the Alamo Heights Neighborhood Association, masked the deep division that has opened in …

The spy game is changing. It’s increasingly taking place ... Butina wasn’t hiding. The red-headed, gun-toting young woman whom the FBI has accused of being a Russian spy posed with high-level Republican politicians, including Rick

New effort (doomed to fail) calls for presidential ... 06, 2016 · Electors would vote for a president and a vice president based upon the deliberations in their own states, not from any agreement among electors. ... (the vice presidential election of 1836) was the race sent to Congress, which resolved it as would ... But it is also the case that the Framers decidedly created a system that would be built upon ...

No Ubermench at Uber | Power Line 14, 2017 · Uber, still a private company, currently has a notional value north of $70 billion, but it lost $2.8 billion last year, and may not make it. It could end up as MySpace to Lyft’s Facebook.

It’s REALLY Still the Economy Stupid! – Dangerous Intersection’s-really-still-the-economy-stupidAug 24, 2011 · By now, whatever stimulus effect the Obama Stimulus Plan has had is nearly gone or gone. It is certain that the approximately $200 million in Democratic Middle Class Tax Cuts are gone which was the price Republicans demanded as part of the re-authorization of the Bush tax breaks for the top 2% of wage earners near the end of last year. The states have spent all the federal monies given …

Election Interference | All About Circuits 12, 2018 · When asked whether the U.S. interferes in other countries’ elections, James Woolsey said, “Well, only for a very good cause in the interests of democracy." “Oh, probably, but it was for the good of the system in order to avoid communists taking over,” he told Laura Ingraham on her Fox News show on Friday night.

John Edwards aide tells of hush fund trail | News | Dallas ..., N.C. – Dealing with a pregnant mistress and a suspicious wife, John Edwards and a close aide agreed by the middle of 2007 to solicit funds from a wealthy widow who had promised to do ...

'Congress Repeals Financial Disclosure Requirements For ... NPR News "Joining the Senate, the House of Representatives approved a measure today that repeals a requirement that top government officials post financial disclosures on the Internet.

Charles Elson Roemer, III Articles, Photos, and Videos ... the presses! Buddy Roemer is no longer running for president. If Mr. Roemer's name doesn't ring a bell, don't feel bad. Although he has been campaigning doggedly for a year and a half, most ...

The Disarray, Dysfunction, and Legislative Blundering of ... Suderman has a clear explanation of “the disarray, dysfunction, and legislative blundering” that is plaguing the congressional GOP. He observes that Republicans have nothing like a ...

Williams: Slurs from cops are unacceptable, even the 'n ... 16, 2015 · “I don’t say that word,” he said. “I don’t care what race you are, I don’t care what your gender is, you shouldn’t use it. It allows for a moment of slippage. What you put into practice is what you put into play.” Williams used the example of his two African American friends, a lawyer and a doctor, who use the n-word between ...

Respect for the Office - huddled-masses.org for the office of President should mean that we should give him his due titles. Donald Trump is the President (man, that hurts!). Donald Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces. Scary, but it’s a fact we need to accept. Respect for the office of President means we should resist the urge to demean the person as a human being.

Ridiculed former Miss America calls board offer 'laughable' 28, 2017 · Dan Meyers, the group's interim board chairman, said the group wants former Miss Americas and state directors to recommend members for a …

Should Trump Do An Interview With Robert Mueller? Yes Or ... 11, 2018 · And it was done on the 4th of July weekend. That's, perhaps, ridiculous, and a lot of people looked upon that as being a very serious breach, and it really was. It was the 4th of July! They didn't even interview her! They all just shot off fireworks together and laughed about how the FBI and Hillary Clinton are #RIGGED for each other.

Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act - Howling Pixel of the most noted sections was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Other parts of the Act provided for a greatly expanded federal death penalty, new classes of individuals banned from possessing firearms, and a variety of new crimes defined in statutes relating to immigration law, hate crimes, sex crimes, and gang-related crime.

Video: Hampden district attorney candidates on policy ...'s hour-and-a-half district attorney candidates forum at Western New England College gave voters the opportunity to hear from the six men running for the office directly. Yet on issues such ...

Tide going out for the Tea Party in US midterms - midterm elections in Kansas, where the polarising policies of Governor Sam Brownback have caused many Republicans to denounce him, will be a litmus test for the Tea Party.

Donor Support Becomes An Issue In Last CD5 Debate | CT ... control also remains a hot topic in the 5th District, which includes Newtown where Sandy Hook Elementary School was the site of one of the worst mass school shootings in the nation’s history ...

The American Voter: no clue what is about to hit them ... on miami

Growing demand to bring Martinelli to justice | The Panama ... 18, 2015 · Ricardo Martinelli in one of his uniforms. Photo by the Presidencia. One might dismiss the latest pronouncement as the usual stuff from the usual ineffectual civil society groups — but by and large these are people who were behind Varela’s upset victory in the 2014 presidential election

Mitchell Langbert's Blog: Obama Impeachment Idea Suggests ... just received an email from former congressman Allen West, who is looking to impeach Obama. Obama is not the problem, and impeachment is not the solution. America's problems are deep, and they stem from government bloat, money printing, and special interests ranging from the food, banking, and healthcare lobbies to the government-union and ...

Washington Supreme Court tosses out state's death penalty ..., Wash. (AP) - Washington's Supreme Court unanimously struck down the state's death penalty Thursday as arbitrary and racially biased, making it the 20th state to do away with capital ...

Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court – Democrats Oppose ... Trump's nomination of Neil Gorsuch for the vacant position on the Supreme Court has been met with a very

| Page 5 Federalist No. 22, Alexander Hamilton stated, “One of the weak sides of republics, among their numerous advantages, is that they afford too easy an inlet to foreign corruption.” Therefore, to counter this “foreign corruption” the delegates at the Constitutional Convention worded the clause in such a way as to act as a catch-all for ...

It’s Friday! Do You Know Where Your Governor Is ... do I! He could be in Naples, FL or New York with the stimulus king of AIG, or attacking unions in Arizona, OR Colorado secretly getting his orders from the Kochs. The one thing we know is Governor Walker is NOT in Wisconsin and and he will not tell anyone where he is.. You have Scott Walker doing this financial tour across the nation, raising money wherever he possibly can, flying over ...

Hate and anger - how's it gonna end? | Page 10 | MacRumors ... 07, 2018 · Bernie was the better messenger for the general election. I admit, I recognized the threat Trump represented and Hillary was an easy choice, but we have to be very aware that a chunk of average people have drunk the Koolaid and identify with the GOP based on wedge issues, as the party who cares about their issues and well being.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Trump has key allies in Kentucky GOP House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says Kentucky conservatives have been key allies in helping President Trump accomplish his goals.

How the Democrats can bring it to Bush in 2004 all the Democrats considering a run for president, Lieberman is most cognizant of the national security threat America faces. He was one of only 10 Democrats to vote in favor of the Gulf War and was a vocal advocate for deposing Saddam Hussein long before it became fashionable.

Sexism In Sports essay example (1760 words ... IN SPORTS What are the facts, opinions, and resources about sexism in sports that address age-old questions about gender issues in organized sports? Some people talk about, debate and occasionally fight about sexism in sports with questions like: who is better, men or women, or if a women should play on a men's team?

"America is 'War Weary'" | Beaufort County Now"America is 'War Weary'" | Beaufort County Now Granted, the "War Weary" case may be the reality for some; however, please understand this one truth: ISIS or ISIL (Obama speak) does not do polls to tap into the pathos of those that they subjugate, and "War Weary" is not a consideration for them.

Michael Waldman | Speakers Bureau and Booking Agent Info and booking information for Michael Waldman, President of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law & Former White House Chief Speechwriter . Contact All American Speakers Bureau to inquire about speaking fees and availability, and book the best keynote speaker for your next event.

Egypt's Christians Face Fewer Restrictions on Building ...'s Christians Face Fewer Restrictions on Building Churches ... as the State inexplicably refuses to put a number to the Christian population.” ... Christians, that they will not be afraid to step out in faith, knowing that because God is for them, it does not matter who is against them! (Romans 8:37)

Politics – Strength of notoriety comes from his work while he was the CEO of Amway and wanted to work with AirTran to develop a much better airport for Grand Rapids. His idea to grow the city was all about aviation, one of his passions. Personally, Diok DeVos has been devoted in more than one way to promoting aviation, both as business and hobby.

The Urban Politico: Guest Post: Movie Reflections: 12 ... of my reactions as I watched Chiwetel Ejiofor’s character Solomon hiding the fact that he could read and write (because being educated could result in a slave being killed) was how so many young Black people take their education for granted; they don’t even seem to really value it.

Gov. Scott Orders Florida’s 33 Public Hospitals Reviewed ... 24, 2011 · As the former CEO of a private hospital chain, Scott was opposed to publicly-run hospitals, which he considers to have an unfair competitive advantage …

Mayor Sam's Sister City - Home of Los Angeles Politics ... 01, 2006 · This is MY country....not millions of illegals. Prop 187 was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and everyone knows we would not be in this mess if it has not been overturned. The government and all the slimy Mexicans at City Hall WORK FOR US!!!! We will FIRE EVERY ONE OF

A Blog For All: 2013-07-21 - lawhawk.blogspot.com 27, 2013 · “It was the worst I’ve ever seen. When the city of New York is the landlord, unacceptable.” Quinn was one of five Democratic candidates for mayor who accepted a challenge from the Rev. Al Sharpton to spend a night in a public-housing complex. The candidates say they wanted to highlight condition in city-run public housing.

“Minnesota men” go to trial (20) | Power Line 02, 2016 · The prosecution and defense made their closing arguments to the jury on Tuesday and Wednesday. Judge Davis instructed the jury and submitted …

Mnuchin George Soros | Liberty Blitzkrieg is a financial crisis saga that is unknown to most, despite having received some extensive coverage over the past year. One of the best articles on the topic was written by David Dayen in his piece, Donald Trump’s Finance Chair Is the Anti-Populist From Hell. Here are a few excerpts:

Former U.S. Senator Donald Riegle ENDORSES Bernie Sanders ... 07, 2016 · He's the quintessential "bankster." He had Presidential ambitions in his salad days, and having to leave the Senate under a cloud as he did had to rankle. Not sure who told BS this was a PRIMO endorsement and one he should tout--but one of the Keating 5 is NOT a good endorsement to anyone who remembers those days.

Pin by Raychel Justice on Truth | Politics, World, Quotes People: This is why George Carlin is one of my heroes. He's funny, but there is depth and intelligence in his humor. Wise words from George Carlin… yep, look who they voted for president! Wise words from George Carlin. -another thought on the same theme is ' a mob's a monster, heads enough, but no brains - Ben Franklin

Tucker Carlson Is An Asshole: 2018 Edition | The Illogical ... whole 13 minute ordeal was an absolute mess. My only wish is that they were two drunks in a bar so that Michael could clean Tucker’s clock, because live TV was the only thing keeping Avenatti in his seat. It was pretty obvious that Tucker was not there to let Avenatti make his case, as he said he would.

Julio Robaina witness list holes: mistress, Carlos 11, 2014 · There is also a bankruptcy filing by Recaredo Gutierrez, one of the Hialeah maquinita kings, who listed a $50,000 debt to Mayor Hernandez in his filing. Why on Earth has Hernandez, who steals votes from the elderly and abuses his power every chance he gets, been given a pass on this?

Welcome To Oversabi Blog: I Will Probe Missing $20 Billion''You all know what the Emir of Kano talked about when he was the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. He said $20 billion dollars, not naira, $20 billion dollars, was unaccounted for; they said it was a lie. Instead of investigating it, they sacked him. And God in his infinite mercy made him the Emir of Kano. ... disparity and a campaign ...

Virginia Politics Blog - Plotkin Disses 28, 2009 · Plotkin Disses McAuliffe. ... He was the only one of the three candidates who did not appear. ... This is something he has never understood in this campaign. Moran and Deeds do understand and either man can work with the legislature. Virginia's problems can't …

Attacks Begin in Post 3 Willis/Dickens Council ATLANTA — The attacks have begun to fly in the Post 3-at-large race, where embattled incumbent Lamar Willis is facing a challenge from newcomer Andre Dickens. Willis is one of the least progressive members of the Atlanta City Council, with a score of 36.84 out of 100 on the APN City Council ...

Race for Texas House District 99 becomes marquee battle ... fight for House District 99 is on. Once again, the contest for this seat has become a marquee battle — pitting two men whose families have been longtime friends — that tips the scales at ...

"Sexsomnia" Case: Man Convicted of Molesting 7-Year-Old ... 29, 2014 · Caleb Ruh, a 29-year-old Flagler County man accused two years ago of molesting a 7-year-old girl in his care, claimed he was asleep at the time. …

Arundel executive Leopold under investigation by state ... prosecutors are investigating whether Anne Arundel County Executive John R. Leopold misused government resources by directing his county-funded security detail to carry out campaign ...

Krugman and the UK - jamesian58.blogspot.com is a quote from a memoir by Dorothy Wordsworth, reflecting on a trip she took with two famous poets, her brother, William Wordsworth, and their similarly gifted companion, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. We sat upon a bench, placed for the sake of one of these views, whence we looked down upon the waterfall, and over the open country ...

Russia's Influence On The American Election - Page 65 ... Chelsea Clinton had taken Bill Clinton and campaign chair John Podesta to a meeting set up by a Chinese government intermediary who claimed to have damaging information about Donald Trump’s tax returns and said over email they were willing to share the information in a bid to defeat Trump. Imagine emails emerged in which Chelsea, Bill and Podesta were all told the meeting was with a ...

Lawsuit Against Palm Coast's Golden Corral ... - FlaglerLive local resident has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Golden Corral, the popular Palm Coast restaurant on Cypress Edge Drive, alleging that two employees there inappropriately and ...

Huskies aren't burdened by pressure in pursuit of four ... -- Wrestling legend Cael Sanderson calls the feeling "peace." The word former volleyball standout Blair Brown Lipsitz uses is "relief." But for basketball's Kellie Harper, the memory ...

The Morning After, Take 2 | Power Line 07, 2012 · I think I know what the morning after the 1948 election was like, when everyone’s expectations of Dewey’s victory over Truman were upset. I recall my mother once telling me that normally ...

memeorandum: Sarah Palin: ‘I was kind of surprised to be 02, 2019 · What Was the Washington Post Afraid Of? ... but it might surprise you to find out just who some of the biggest players are. You would certainly think of Russia given … Lilly Kofler / Politico: Too Many Democrats Are Running in 2020, According to Science — The first Democratic presidential debate is scheduled to take place over two nights ...

The Urban Politico: HBO Game of Thrones Recap: The Dragon ... is obviously not what Littlefinger had in mind. He denies and dissembles but Sansa confronts him about his murder of Lysa Arryn (Tully), his order of the murder of Jon Arryn and his lie to Ned and Catelyn that it was the Lannisters who were responsible. Littlefinger argues okay he did that but it was for love.

Fallout from NCAA decision on HB2 continues in North ... 13, 2016 · The NCAA’s decision to pull seven championships out of North Carolina over the state’s stand on anti-discrimination protections escalated a controversy that has divided the state in the final ...

Mike Rounds - Madville lie is a lie no matter who is doing it. If Mike Rounds is lying he should not be our next senator. We South Dakotans deserve better than this. The lying goes clear to the White House with the many scandals. A lie is a lie and Americans we should not tolerate it, Don't vote for liars and if they lie in office impeach them. We as voters deserve ...

The Beachwood Reporter - The [Tuesday], Emanuel's approval ratings in his second term dropped as low as 18 percent in the aftermath of the Laquan McDonald video release; 51 percent of Chicagoans thought he should resign. I'd say it was a miracle he survived, but he didn't. Chicago doesn't have a recall mechanism.

President Trump keeps pardoning his political friends last three US Presidents -- Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama -- each waited more than two years after being elected to issue their first pardon. Trump has engaged his power four ...

Public funds, private interests intersect in building ... 09, 2012 · The century-old gray office building may not look like much — its owner says it can be hard to rent — but it has become a central meeting place for private interests and public money.

Burning Down the House – Rolling Stone I met him in his private office in the Capitol building, Obey was listening to a new CD by one of his constituents, blue-grass artist Bruce Burnside. ... Lee Atwater was the guy who raised ...

overview for WhereWasTheOutrageB4 - reddit.com it is in context for if he believe he was going to use the power that he legally has. Can you quote which comment you're looking at where someone indicates their belief that Trump is "on the verge" of pardoning himself, even before he's been charged with a crime? Because I'm just not seeing it.

President Trump keeps pardoning his political friends was convicted of lying to a special counsel, not completely unlike the one now investigating possible collusion between Trump's 2016 campaign and Russians. It's hard to pluck a specific message out of that irony, since Libby's larger crime was his connection to the controversy surrounding the leaking of the name of an undercover CIA agent.

Tell Me Once Again: What Does It Mean To Be a Conservative? is easy to divide up power over wealth and power over the culture. What does Christianity have to do with being for war, power for the rich and low taxes? Not much, but it is easier to campaign on all of those things than to provide access to a middle class life for working class whites and blacks, while you also preserve the environment. - one of the reasons for that is because of the policy reasons behind it. Gary Cohn and President Trump really clashed over this issue of tariffs. The steel and aluminum tariffs the president has insisted on in the last week. He opposed it, the president supported it. Ultimately that was the …

Maria Bello Comes Out in New York Times Essay - Yahoo 01, 2013 · Maria Bello came out over the weekend in an essay she wrote for The New York Times, revealing she's in a relationship with her best friend, a new …

On the ground in Southern New Hampshire | Power Line 19, 2012 · One of our long-time readers, who lives in Massachusetts, has been campaigning for Mitt Romney and Republican congressional candidates in Southern New Hampshire. His efforts include door-to …

Olivia Wilde Plays ‘Not My Job’ On ‘Wait Wait… Don’t Tell ... seems to be working out well. Her debut film, “Booksmart,” is one of the best-reviewed films of 2019. Olivia Wilde, welcome to WAIT WAIT… DON’T TELL ME. ... But it was still fun. ... So let’s talk about the movie. You’re – this isn’t the first thing you directed. You’ve done some short films. But …

CONNECTING THE DOTS ON LAWYER FOR RUSH 02, 2003 · And including these one of these scumbags: Magluta Blasts Judge's Decision "MIAMI -- Sal Magluta, who was convicted last year of jury bribery and money laundering in one of Miami's most notorious drug trafficking cases was sentenced to 205 years in prison and a $62 million fine, essentially giving the prosecution what it wanted.

Connecting the dots on the termination of city clerk Debra the dots on the termination of city clerk Debra Owen. ... Anything else but admitting it was the wrong thing to do is going to just reinforce the impression that this was shady. ... By that logic, why wouldn’t they kick out Tim Stanga after one of his weekly public input rants whenever it upsets the Mayor – even if he is being ...

Kentucky Midterm Madness: Lady Fighter Pilot Dukes It Out ... 10, 2018 · Amy McGrath is arguably the favorite to win as of right now. You may have already seen her badass campaign ad last fall where she talks about being one of the first female fighter pilots. McGrath is running on a wide range of reform issues, including sexual harassment, foreign policy, healthcare, money in politics, and climate change. Despite being relatively unknown, McGrath has …

Mike Young | need a legislator who is smart, full of integrity, and has a track record of standing up against corrupt and powerful polluters and hold them accountable. We have such a leader in Debra Bowen. This is why CLCV is thrilled to endorse Debra Bowen for Congress, and why we will do everything we can to make sure Debra Bowen goes to Washington.

Our culture of death | Esrati children always make people more upset. Dead embryos, dead babies, dead kindergarteners, dead teenagers- because they had their whole life ahead of them. Tears came to the presidents eyes as he made a statement about the killings in Connecticut. All over Facebook discussions are going on about

The foreign policy of the Democratic Party | Page 2 ... 01, 2005 · " If you're going to keep believing the Bush Administration, you can't be helped. "Since it is the truth (I check to make sure he is not lying, in other words I look for proof), a fact you have been unable to disprove, though you spout the word lie with no back up frequently (nor do you feel the need to prove anyone is lying, because you spout it , it must be true ), I really do not need any ...

The Urban Politico: Music Reviews: Nikki Giovanni, Camille ..., regardless of genre, you can appreciate solid songwriting and a strong alto voice then you might want to at least check this out. If you are a country music fan and are looking for the raw stuff, for something different than poseurs with cowboy hats, then you should run out and pick this up. My favorite song was "The Bottle Never Lets Me Down".

Good – Peggy 22, 2000 · “It was the first day of the honeymoon,” the participant said. The senators left the meeting “feeling the man is wonderfully charming and engaged in small groups like that. I think he is easier just to like than his father or even Reagan was, because his personality is so easygoing.

Warren student excels in welding at WCCC | News, Sports, who is from Warren Local Schools, is in her last six weeks at the Career Cente. ... may be one of the few girls that have gone through the school's welding program.T ... Suprano was the ...

Harris County DA race: ADA retention - UPDATED - Big Jolly ... a chart of the same: Harris County ADA Departure Experience. Obviously Mr. Anderson is incorrect on the first part of his charge, especially when you consider that the DA’s office has grown through the years: i.e., losing 40 ADA’s in 1994 had a much greater impact than losing 40 ADA’s in 2011.

McCain wins, and conservative heads explode | Salon.com 30, 2008 · Some conservatives, it turns out, have a wee problem with Arizona Sen. John McCain. Actually, they hate him. With a passion. The Christian right hates him …

Citizens United and Transparency: A Look Ahead : Sunlight ... 21, 2010 · Citizens United and Transparency: A Look Ahead. ... This is catnip for lawsuits that would seek to hollow out disclosure requirements to their most innocuous — and least effective — forms. Justice Thomas, in his dissent, argues that harassment exists now, that it impermissibly chills free speech, and thus these disclosure rules should have ...

Teachers Union Ups Ballot Ante - Los Angeles Times 03, 2005 · “This is exactly how California got into the mess it is in the first place,” Harris said. “All of these special interests have grown quite fat and happy off the fact that California spends ...

D.C. Wire - Judge rips Fenty on Child and Family Services 05, 2010 · Mayor Adrian Fenty and his administration took quite a tongue-lashing Monday from U.S. District Judge Thomas F. Hogan in his long-awaited opinion on the District's effort to end the long-running class-action case against the city's child welfare agency. Not only did Hogan reject the city's legal argument for ending the...

September | 2002 | Power Line other day, I speculated that Al Gore’s flip-flopping on matters of war and peace might be something new in our political history. However, my cousin George Chimes, who knows more about ...

Stormy Daniel's lawsuit dismissed - Page 4 - The Political ... posting a transcript of the exact case. Any retard can vomit out left wing talking points published by pussy hat wearing idiots online.

New Jersey "user fee" = a tax tap water plan - Tea Party 20, 2018 · There is now a New Jersey state senator who is pushing new legislation that would levy a tax on tap water in an effort to fix the state’s aging pipes.That’s all Democrats know how to do – tax and spend.This is the brainstorm of Democrat Senator Bob Smith, who has suggested adding a “user fee on water consumption and water diversion ...

Live, from Cleveland, it's Florida's 2018 GOP governor's ..., from Cleveland, it's Florida's 2018 GOP governor's race ... He wouldn't bite on criticizing some of the more unusual moments of the first night of ... steady, consistent guy who is a well ...

Blacklist Bleepers: bodycount + 1; watch yo Walmart backs ... This is Biden’s top priority?] Let’s sign the newly updated petition to Congress… NEW Petition, Stop “Equality Act” from taking away Religious Freedom and forcing Transgender Co-Ed Bathrooms on all Christian owned-businesses. Select, sign, we will fax all 535 members of House and Senate (saving you time!) or pick free ...

Correction: Raskin Did Not Endorse Waldstreicher | Seventh 20, 2017 · Del. Waldstricher did not contact me to correct the record after I posted that he had been endorsed by Rep. Raskin. Jeff is certainly not the first candidate to use quotations that make it easy for voters to infer stronger support than exists. But it does feed into criticisms of Jeff voiced by his General Assembly colleagues.

How the Trump White House and GOP senators fast-track ... depicted Sen. John Kennedy, R-Louisiana, asking Matthew S. Petersen, a commissioner for the FEC, who is up for a seat on US District Court for the District of Columbia, some basic legal questions.

NH Primary Source: In the end, three of the four big ... one could argue such a case based on the big win by the 38-year-old Pappas, who is now vying to be the first openly gay member of Congress from New Hampshire, is anything but a newcomer to ...

More explosive revelations in Bond auction probe | Sunday CID made several startling revelations in its investigations into the controversial February 2015 Treasury Bond auction informing the courts last week that the former Central Bank Governor’s credit card bill to the tune of Rs. 3.2 million had been paid by W.M. Mendis and Company, a subsidiary of Perpetual Treasuries – the company linked to his son-in-law.In its explosive

How the Trump White House and GOP senators fast-track ..."It is no surprise the President's opponents keep trying to distract from the record-setting success the President has had on judicial nominations, which includes a Supreme Court justice lowercase and 12 outstanding circuit judges in his first year." Other senators have raised a red flag as the administration eschews past norms of judge selection.

Face to Face: Bernie, too, would have lost to Trump; How ..., too, would have lost to Trump; How could his successor win? Now that the Democrats are starting to accept defeat, they've resorted to the blame game. Some say it was the media's fault for giving Trump so much free airtime, when you can't sell people what they don't want to buy. ... Since the Bernie people are the Democrat version of the ...

In South Africa, the President is elected by members of ...,+the+President+is+elected+by...the connecticut compromise called for a legislature made up of: two houses,where in one states were represented by population and the other wiyh equal state representation, one house based on population, two houses, each with members appoited by the ... A.He was the youngest person ever elected president. B.He ran against a Catholic opponent. C ...

FPPC Enforcement Decisions: August 20, 20, 2015 · Sandra A. Volta Johnson was a Lancaster City Council member and a successful candidate for re-election to that office in the April 10, 2012 General Municipal Election. Sandra Johnson for City Council 2012 was her candidate controlled committee and Kimberly Underwood was the committee treasurer.

George Will: Before Government Became Reviled — The ..., voters will have the opportunity and impertinence to insert themselves into the 2016 presidential conversation that thus far has been the preoccupation of journalists and other abnormal people. The voting will begin in Iowa, thanks to Marie Jahn. When, after 38 years as recorder for Plymouth County in northwest Iowa, Jahn decided to retire in February 1975, local Democrats decided to ...

Mickelson emerging as a Masters favorite - The San Diego ... is the talk of the Masters, and for good reason. No other player can top his record at Augusta National over the last decade, with three green jackets, eight finishes in the top five and a ...

What can Brown do for them?: Local Republicans hope for ... this November may help answer the hottest question in state politics: Will Scott Brown's victory over Democrat Martha Coakley for U.S. Senate have a statewide impact on Massachusetts policies? Two Republican Andover residents are taking on incumbent Andover Democrats State Sen. Susan Tucker ...

There's a new sheriff in town, Joe - Nebulous Toughest Sheriff in America People all over the world know of the sheriff in Maricopa County, Arizona. It’s Joe Arpaio, the self-proclaimed “Toughest Sheriff in America”. As a resident of Maricopa County for a bunch of years, I remain more convinced of Joe’s foibles than his toughness, as is the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil […]

Naked Politics - December 23, 2012 - December 29, 2012 ... 40, Dermer has a full head of dark hair under his small knit kippah and the hyperkinetic energy of a man who is still young. A Wharton-schooled economist and Oxford-trained political theorist ...

Did Giuliani just make things worse for the White House? point to a massive ice wall a la the Wall in Game of Thrones. Oftentimes, their theories are rooted in religious explanations that claim the Earth was the result of deliberate creation. Maybe, some flat Earth believers say, that’s why the whole conspiracy exists.

Politicians of all stripes hate the Citizens United ... 13, 2012 · If you thought the nation’s campaign-finance system already was a cruel joke, then you’ll abhor what’s happening in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision.[PDF]

Analysis: Donald Trump remains unpredictable force among U Donald Trump remains unpredictable force among U.S. allies ... a former foreign policy adviser to Hillary Clinton and a senior ... drew to a close. The U.S. was the only member country ...

Ch 13 notes except for the last d and e - Pastebin.com Ended w/ Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech (30.3M people), mixing personal stories with his assessment of the state of the American economy, his plans to build economic growth, move the country toward greater energy independence, and a promise to the American people that if elected President, he would “help you and your family”

Candidate Q&A - State House District 11 - Vince Leach ... are the most important problems facing the district/town right now? What would you do about trying to solve them? 1. Jobs – Growing the job market is of prime importance as it primes the pump and starts a wealth building cycle. It is the rock on which a solid citizenry and government can function efficiently. 2.[PDF]Issue Brief 2009-318 October 2008 - Florida Florida Senate Issue Brief 2009-318 October 2008 Committee on Ethics and Elections AGENCY SUNSET REVIEW OF THE DIVISION OF ELECTIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE Statement of the Issue Under the Florida Government Accountability Act, most state agencies are subject to a “sunset” review process to

Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Sunday October 24, 2010 24, 2010 · Kansas and Wichita quick takes: Sunday October 24, 2010. By Bob Weeks on October 24, 2010. ... Who is Raj Goyle? ... he strikes me as the classic person who tells whatever group of people he’s in front of what they want to hear.” Flentje disagreed with this.

Bill Lueders: Winners and losers in recall 2012 | Opinion ... 07, 2012 · As the dust settles on Wisconsin’s tumultuous recall elections, let’s acknowledge some of the winners and losers with appropriate commendations: ... Democrats reacted indignantly to a Marquette poll showing Walker with a seven-point lead heading into the election, saying their own polls indicated a dead heat. ... That was the race in which ...

Fox News Dingbats Help Eric Trump Defend His Daddy's ... 27, 2016 · On the fateful day a bunch of Britons went to the polls and Made Britain Great Again, by voting for the "Brexit," something many of them did not even understand, Donald J. Trump was in Scotland, obviously for the opening of a Trump golf course. Trump supported Brexit, except for when he was blaming it on Obama, and if you don't understand how one can believe both of those things, you …

Vanity Fair: Cohen has willingly talked to government ... was Cohen’s second go around on the left. He had voted for Obama in 2008 and remained registered as a Democrat until 2017—despite the fact that he was already serving as the Republican National Committee’s deputy finance chair, and only after Steve Wynn, then the R.N.C.’s finance chairman, insisted that he switch.

Winning over Texas politicians - A Guide to the Gulen ... Today’s Zaman, Sep 30, 2010, Saim Orhan, who is affiliated with Samanyolu, a major Gulenist media outlet in Turkey, wrote about his trip to Austin: “Our first stop was the Texas State Capitol, where we dropped in to meet some state representatives.

Candidate Q&A - State Senate - LD 11 - Scott Bartle ... are you running for office? To bring sensible, responsible, conservative leadership to the Arizona Legislature. What do you think are your main qualifications to serve in a public office? An entrepreneur and small-business owner, I am a job creator and will leverage that experience to improve ...

Citizen Action of New York Announces New Executive ... 02, 2018 · Before joining Citizen Action in 2005, Jess Wisneski was the Field Coordinator for Hawaii’s statewide 2004 – 2005 Clean Money, Clean Elections campaign. As Legislative and Campaigns Director for Citizen Action, Wisneski led the campaign to pass Fair Elections, directing a large scale coalition and campaign in 2013 and 2014.

POWELL, EVAN (B. 1881) - EBSCO Information profile of Evan Powell is presented. Born in 1881 in Merthyr Tydvyl, Wales, Powell grew up to become a coal miner. It was in Devon, England where he developed mediumistic abilities and had a spirit guide named Black Hawk.

Gotham Gazette's Eye On Albany: New York State Races ... was the Libertarian Party Candidate for New York State Attorney General in 1994 and 1998, and he was the Libertarian Party Candidate for Nassau County District Attorney in 1997. ... CAMPAIGN FINANCE RECORDS ... Dora Irizarry (Rep/Con) November 4, 2002. Eliot Spitzer, New York's attorney general, who is seen by some as the scourge of Wall ...

Politics | Insatiable Curiosity were thankfully already on the Obama bandwagon, but the ones who were not had a strange variety of reasons why they weren’t. There were the obvious “throw them all under a truck” types. But one sort that I have run into more than once this election was the former Hillary backer who is …

So Are the U.S. Troops the Real Terrorists in the world ... 24, 2008 · So Are the U.S. Troops the Real Terrorists in the world? ... Of course, there are reports that it is not the real bin Laden on the video, but an imposter who is dreadfully in need of some tonsorial advice. Maybe he and the former junior senator from North Carolina can exchange tips on hair coloring and "the greed and avarice of the major ...Status: ResolvedAnswers: 19

Haley praised for leadership during disaster | Palmetto ... praised for leadership during disaster ... Haley this week said Trump’s campaign was the farthest thing from her mind. ... Political scientists pointed to a late evacuation call by then ...

Syria Found Liable for the Death of War Correspondent ... to the judgment, Marie Colvin—“hailed by many as the greatest war correspondent of her generation”—traveled to Syria in February 2012 to cover the war via a smugglers’ route. She made her way to Baba Amr, in Homs city, which was the heart of the independent media movement.

People | Social Perception & Communication Lab has served as a Research Assistant in the Social Perception and Communication Lab since fall 2019. Broadly, Sam is interested in education and health systems as well as the role of art in collective resistance. In his free time, he enjoys writing, music, dear friends, and bad puns. Evan Mingo. Evan is a Second-year in Ezra Stiles College.

See you at the AIA-MN Convention! - Cuningham Group us at the 82nd AIA – MN Convention this week..

Google News - Overview Donald Trump, left, asks counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, right, how his demeanor was during yesterday’s infrastructure meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif. and other Democratic leaders during a meeting to support America’s farmers and ranchers in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Thursday, May 23, 2019, in Washington.

The plan for Wright State after the fall | Esrati secret plan for Wright State after it goes belly up was accidentally leaked today, as our new Ohio Governor accidentally slipped the tea leaves into the Dayton Daily news: DeWine’s administration is already looking at infrastructure readiness in cities surrounding Wright-Patterson. He said he’d

Heart of the Primaries, Republicans-Special Edition 10 ...,_Republicans-Special_Edition_10_(August...Johnson called for reducing the scope of state government, stating his support for term limits, lower taxes, and a complete audit of state spending. Pawlenty, who served two terms as governor, ran on his experience and his a five-plank platform, which emphasized job growth, efficiency in state government, and a response to the opioid crisis.

Rand Paul gets it | Opinion | standard.net his Breitbart column he did two good things. He reminded his more bellicose fellow presidential competitors that their hero Ronald Reagan was a peacemaker and a negotiator, not a war-maker.

October 2011 – The posts published by Andrew Sullivan during October 2011. Starhawk, a practioner of Wicca, explains the day's significance: For Witches, for those who practice the renewal of the ancient, pre-Christian Goddess religions of Europe and the Middle East, Halloween is our most sacred holiday, our New Year.

Cruz: Nakedly ambitious - The San Diego Union-Tribune Selfish ones are the ones we usually think of — the nakedly ambitious people who are always strategizing, sometimes ruthlessly, for their own personal advantage. ... There was the regular ...

Clearwater Chamber names Karen and Brian Aungst Sr. 'Mr and Brian Aungst Sr. were named the 2017 “Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater” by the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce. During the 95th annual Chamber meeting last week, Pinellas County ...

Romney or McCain? | No Left I was wrong on some obvious details, I was surely right to say that the Huck surge would benefit Mitt (as the socially conservative alternative to Huck) and John (as the authentic alternative to Huck). The Republican establishment, for no reason that makes any …

Scott Walker's vetoes allow him to appear moderate | Local ... all else, the budget that Gov. Scott Walker signed on Sunday is a victory for an assortment of constituencies on the right. Although some fiscal hawks grumbled about the $500 million deficit it creates, the spending that Walker did pursue was largely on behalf of conservative causes. Among the ...

Corruption, Not Russia, Is Trump’s Greatest Political ... was a brilliant businessman, or at least starred in a television show as one, and he would set aside his lifelong pursuit of wealth to selflessly serve the greater good. This was the promise that pried just enough Obama voters away from Hillary Clinton in just enough upper-Midwest states to …

Did SLO city attorney misinterpret state transparency laws? is great work if you can get it! They are the ers and we are the ees. From employee privacy rules to how and when meetings are conducted they have us snowed under a bs blizzard while ...

STARK CONSTRUCTION (TRADE) UNIONS TO JOE MARTUCCIO ... 10, 2019 · Not only was the Strickland endorsement made, but it was the very first county political party endorsement for him in that race. ... II who was running for a third term. ... experience that parochial interests generally come at the expense of the public interest being abused which gives birth to a cynicism that all of government is suspected of ...

Why isn't there a palestinian state? Huh.....Cause of 12, 2019 · The Lord chose them for a purpose and that purpose was to exemplify His teaching and from this example others would understand by this example and follow along this path bringing peace and tranquility to all. ... A book bomb addressed to a British Army officer, who had been stationed in Palestine exploded, killing his ... one of the shots hit a ...

Interviews For Palm Coast Manager Sharpen Choices for ... 07, 2019 · Imagine for a moment three people walking up to your house and each spending half an hour with you to convince you to divorce your spouse and marry one of …

Cover Story: GOP Kicks Ass - CityBeat Cincinnati 05, 2000 · Cover Story: GOP Kicks Ass ... Beckman was the last Democrat on the county commission, having been elected in 1960 and re-elected in 1964. ... "It's one of the most important endorsements for a ...

CNN’s GUT CHECK for June 25, 2014 – CNN Political Ticker 25, 2014 · John Boehner, in his newest attempt at extorting campaign dollars, is going to sue the sitting President of the United States for having been voted in as the sitting President of the United States. And people want to know what is wrong with politics in America.

Oliver Olsen | The Vermont Political Observer.— Former State Rep. Oliver Olsen’s decision to run again for his old seat, but this time as an Independent. In the 2011-12 biennium, Olsen was one of the more vocal and effective members of the House Republican minority; this time, he seems to believe that …

As Democrats Come Psychologically Unglued Over Judge ... 04, 2017 · As we see Democrats now going completely batpoop over an eminently qualified judge who received a unanimous confirmation vote when he was confirmed to the federal judgeship that was his stepping stone to the Supreme Court because he was so obviously qualified and so obviously a great choice, let's take a trip down memory lane to…

Corruption Is Trump’s Greatest Political Liability | Din ... 09, 2018 · This was the promise that pried just enough Obama voters away from Hillary Clinton in just enough upper-Midwest states to clinch the Electoral College. ... As the races pick up in earnest, some kind of narrative focus is going to be necessary to frame the case against Trump. ... These are the only kind of people who want to work for Trump, and ...

Hot Potato Politics: Strib editorial raises even more ... September 11, 2015: As the Brainerd Dispatch and other venues report, the DNR has cancelled the EAW after RD Offutt cut a deal with the agency. [end update] While the Star Tribune editorial, A review of 'pines-to-potatoes' conversion in Minnesota, is spot on in praising Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Commissioner Tom Landwehr's action on 'pines-to-potatoes' conversion, it …

Progressive Democrats of America: Doing The Everyday Hard 03, 2013 · Progressive Democrats of America: Doing The Everyday Hard Work for The Common Good ... Every great social movement whether it was the women’s movement that began in Seneca Falls in 1848 and ended outside the White House with demonstrations that led ... Dorothy Day, and Michael Harrington. But it’s really the folks who do the day-in and day ...

New Details on Spygate, Mueller & Ongoing Investigations ... pointed out that in order for the determination of a crime, the DOJ would have had to prove corrupt intent noting that “the report itself points out that one of the likely motivations here was the president’s frustration with Comey saying something publicly and saying a different thing privately, and refusing to correct the record.”

Films Bio 28, 2016 · In 2012, D'Souza released 2016: Obama's America, a documentary film based on his 2010 book The Roots of Obama's Rage. Both posit that Barack Obama's attitude toward America derives from his father's anti-colonialism and from a psychological desire to fulfill his father's dream of diminishing the power of Western imperial states. The film was the highest-grossing conservative documentary …

Health in design - is an artist with a long career of functional design. He studied the works of designer and former professor of cognitive science, Donald “Don” Norman, after reading the works of Hungarian-born artist György Kepes. His interest in the topic showed in his 2013 exhibition, Proceeds to Mental Health.

Carla Spalding – Post On Spalding. Carla Spalding, a registered nurse running in the crowded race for the open Palm Beach-Treasure Coast congressional seat of Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Jupiter, announced today that she’ll run as an independent rather than as a Republican.. That leaves eight Republicans in the race for Murphy’s seat. Three Democrats are also vying to succeed Murphy, who is leaving to run for Senate.

Belize Progressive Party challenges PUP, UDP! | Amandala ... CITY, Thurs. Oct. 1, 2015–With 34 more days to go before Belizeans go to the polls to elect a new national government in general elections, three organizations have amalgamated to form a new political party, providing an alternative to the entrenched two-party system of the United Democratic Party (UDP) and People’s United Party (PUP).

'We choose truth over facts!' Joe Biden mangles campaign ... STORIES 'We choose truth over facts!' Gaffe-prone Joe Biden hits the Iowa State Fair by mangling campaign soundbite and mistakenly calling himself 'President of the United States'

2014 November — South will have to congratulate our chief traffic engineer, he did an interview on Stormland TV about changing the traffic lights for the consumerist class of Sioux Falls, so they could buy cheap crap, and to my surprise, since the last time he was interviewed in his office, he cleaned up the joint, heck, he even has a garbage can.. Would love to take a peak in the overhead credenza.

Michael Bloomberg bashes 'Beto or whatever his name is ... 22, 2019 · 'Beto — whatever his name is — he's apologized for being born,' Bloomberg said during a Bermuda Executive Forum in New York City. 'I don't mean to be unkind,' he added.

Teabaggers UNITE! — South DaCola said, “Government is like fire, a dreadful servant and a fearful master.” At best it is a necessary evil. Abe Lincoln said, “Nothing demonstrates the character of a man more than what they do when they are given power.” Man’s greatest gift is his power of love, his greatest downfall is his love of power.” ...

12 | August | 2015 | RUTHFULLY YOURS 12, 2015 · EPA is sharing information as quickly as possible with the community as experts work to analyze any effects the spill may have on drinking water and public health,” the agency said on a website page pulled together with news on the spill and a link to a damage claim form.

New top story from Time: Was the Stormy Daniels Hush Money ... 03, 2018 · New assertions, accusations and counter-accusations involving President Donald Trump’s alleged hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels are aswirl today thanks to tweets by the president and remarks by his lawyer, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. What are the facts? In October 2016, shortly before the presidential election, Trump’s private lawyer,…

Word Around the Net: DISASTER 10, 2008 · Bust out your duct tape and canned goods, the media is hyping yet another catastrophe. Remember Y2K? Sure, it was 8 years ago, but many people were convinced that planes would be falling out of the sky, financial markets would all crash, peoples' identities would be lost, in short the world would come to an end. People were urged to prepare for the worst: get canned foods and supplies together ...

The Left - Right Paradigm is Over - Shadowproof I’ve said before — The Left-Right Paradigm Is False (Link)(Link), and that it is simply a political straw man being used to opiate the majority of voters into thinking the politicians they ...

European vacation or legitimate business? Haley's fiscal ... the first time, South Carolina abandoned the standard booth in favor of a "chalet," an area with shared conference rooms, business equipment, private bathrooms, a patio and a "beverage service ...

Pelosi willing to "sacrifice 20 seats" in order to pass 11, 2009 · But it is unlikely the House will be able to vote on a final bill until January. That delay gives opponents time to raise money for a campaign aimed at House members who were dragooned into voting for the Pelosi bill in November. That legislation only passed 220 to 215. There will be new pressures on members for a second vote.

Michael Gerson: The Decency of George W. Bush — The ... – the issue that dominated George W. Bush’s presidency for five and a half bitter, controversial years – is on the verge of a miraculous peace. And yet this accomplishment did little to revive Bush’s political standing – or to prevent his party from relegating him to a silent role. The achievement is historic.

Vermont General Assembly buckles down on first day - VTDigger 08, 2014 · Lawmakers got right to work on opening day of the second half of the biennium. Within an hour of the first gavel fall, senators and representatives were in committee. There they began the work of ...

Article: FEAR-MONGERING ABOUT MARTIAL LAW | OpEdNews FEAR-MONGERING ABOUT MARTIAL LAW - Distrust of our own government is well-founded, but recently, many people have abandoned rational thought before commenting on …

Homepage Archives - Page 3 of 10 - State Senator Jay, Pa. - June 6, 2019 - Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa, Jr. today circulated a memo asking for cosponsors for a bill to create a “Cap and Invest” program for the state’s electric power sector.

Support American Democracy on Kickstarter With DC 19, 2014 · We have launched a crowdfunding project on Kickstarter to finish and distribute a documentary of the highest quality and with the farthest reach. Our film, “The Design of a Broken System”, requires that we muster all the help we can get from our friends, family, readers, democracy activists, working people and the broader community.

C++ Issues deducing template parameters - Stack Overflow 08, 2017 · C++ Issues deducing template parameters. Ask Question 0. I have ... or is it that it doesn't know if it's a type or not during the first-phase of template name resolution? – xaxxon Jul 7 '17 at 4:47. 1. ... but it could also be a simple member variable. For sanity's sake, compilers are instructed to assume they are dealing with a member ...

ThePopTort: North Dakota don’t know if all the facts listed on the “North Dakota Fun Facts and Trivia” website are true, but it kinda makes sense that when your state’s official beverage is milk, you are probably living in “the safest” state in the nation.” So that’s why last week’s new “Death on the Job” report from AFL-CIO seemed so shocking to us and a lot of other people.

Tom Tancredo announces run for governor on conservative 22, 2013 · Former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, known for his strong stances on immigration, formally announced a run for governor on a conservative talk radio show Thursday. “This Dunlap thing is the last straw,” said Tancredo in a message to The Denver Post late Wednesday night. Tancredo, a Republican ...

Beto O'Rourke vs. Ted Cruz: Fact-checking their debate 17, 2018 · It was the race’s last scheduled debate after one in Houston was canceled amid Senate floor votes on Kavanaugh’s confirmation. ... but it’s unclear if that will come together in time ...

Elephants and Jackasses... | Page 476 | The Idiot 10, 2019 · In my opinion an AR-style rifle is the ideal hunting platform, which is why one of my more recent purchases -- and my favorite firearm I own, after the pistol I carry on me -- is an AR10 in .308/7.62X55. I also think it's absurd that I was able to purchase one of my pistols at a gun show in cash in less than 15 minutes without a background check.

Online Renegade, Wanted in U.S., Shakes Up New Zealand ... 19, 2014 · The Internet Party, founded by Kim Dotcom, the entrepreneur behind the Megaupload file-sharing site, has a chance of winning a place in New Zealand’s Parliament.

Storm's Sue Bird and Mercury's Diana Taurasi are foes on 30, 2018 · True to form, Taurasi has been unstoppable while draining 4 of 9 3-pointers for 25 points in Game 1. And the 6-foot Mercury guard put on an incredible show in Game 2 …

Supreme Court | Power Line | Page 7 04, 2017 · Time has compiled a list of the top 10 non-fiction books of 2017. I haven’t read any of them, but any list that has Hillary Clinton and Ta-Nehisi Coates at numbers 1 and 2, as Time’s does, is ...

Cohen Testimony On Trump: 'He Is A Racist. He Is A Conman ... it was not just Trump who signed the checks — 11 in total — that paid Cohen back for securing Daniels’ silence. According to Cohen, Donald Trump Jr. and Trump Organization exec Allen Weisselberg signed at least one of the other checks, a copy of which Cohen provided to the committee.

Joe Wurzlebacher aka Joe duh Plumber will he be chosen to ... 03, 2008 · Should McBush be swept into the Presidency by one means or another, 'we' can all trust McCain to select only the most experienced mavericky professionals what will his Cabinet look like? Will Joe the so called Plumber be given the post of Secretary of Labor, or perhaps Commerce? Perhaps Michele Bachmann of Minnesota to be Attorney General (great post for ferreting out Un-Americans).Status: ResolvedAnswers: 8

Cuomo Looking At Tax Code Changes, Stops Short Of Calling ... New York Post’s conservative editorial page has been running daily remainders of the governor’s pledge to not inrease taxes. Today’s feature was moved to a more prominent position on the newspaper’s opinion page’s website this morning. It remains unclear what the governor means by using the tax code to spur private sector development.[PDF]Union Effort Is Grooming Candidates in New, in fact, are employees of unions, including one senator who is also the leader of the Southern New Jersey Central Labor Council of the A.F.L.-C.I.O. In the rest of the country, according to a 2007 study by the National Conference of State Legislatures, there are nine lawmakers who are also

Thread by @conspirator0: "Let's take a closer look at ... 27, 2012 · This appears to be the first automated tweet linking powerlineblog(dot)com, posted via twitterfall by @pasher on 5/26/2009. Currently, the account is entirely automated and tweets once a day, but was partially human-operated at the time of the powerlineblog tweet.

Do atheists have any right to be upset when people include ... atheists have any right to be upset when people include God in things like the Pledge of Allegiance, College graduation speeches, etc.?

BCIndividualist.orgworksmartparty.orgI am my leader, and my identity does no centre on Bi, it does not have to do with the centre of my being or the content of my character. Anyone who is top ought to be their own leader. Why be a slave or a servant to a group of photo op producing organizations that just help Politicians seeking the label of “tolerant” and “accepting.”

How corruption eats into an economic and political system ... 24, 2011 · How corruption eats into an economic and political system? ... who finally made it out of her village and family as the first child to get a university education. ... justice9. There are a number of important international cases, such as former President Marcos of the Philippines who is alleged to have stolen about US$5 to $10 billion of public ...

Government Ethics and the Clash Between Rules-Based and ... most serious obstacle to the acceptance of conflict of interest programs in government is the clash between government ethics' use of a rules-based (deontological) ethical approach, and government officials' use of an ends-based (teleological) ethical approach.

Are You A Crab? | S C I A M A G E 21, 2013 · Mathematically if a = b and b = c, then a = c, and we can say that a and c are the same. In the real world though, being equal and being the same are not synonyms. ... Are You A Crab? By Just Torch. ... We see many people who want to refer to the Constitution as the authority of the land, and in many ways, that is good and true. ...

Islamic State opens EU front in France : Geopolitics ... 23, 2015 · That's actually why we have to have a term like 'economy' in the first place. Again, also a place where, if envy reigns, there can be trouble. If we never look at ourselves as the source of our own problems it is possible to justify any action perpetrated against those we assume oppress us, from cartoonists to bankers.

Austin Road/Development/The County View | Esrati Road/Development/The County View. Posted on February 18, ... You say stop having kids but it is those within the city limits whose kids are the ones living off the government and creating situations in schools where learning is not taking place. Statistically, most crime in Mont Co comes from DAYTON, not Oakwood or Centerville.

Beach Peanuts : May 2017 "I believe going to lower costs and we'll have more access to good quality health care." He may claim to "believe" this, but that doesn't make it true, which may be why he phrases it that particular way. No, the AHCA won't lower costs unless you never plan to get sick or need insurance.

USING THE CHURCH FOR PARTISAN POLITICS: PASTORS AND ... 07, 2012 · What really happens when religion and politics mix? It is not the mixing of religion with politics that is problem but the proper application of each within contemporary contexts by practitioners that create problems. For there is politics in religion and religion in politics. Pastors and leaders of ...

Freedom of Speech | Sharp Iron don’t care if the women is Christian. That is irrelevant. It certainly is a big deal to a lot Christians, but this would be just as insanely horrible if the accused was Hindu or Wiccan or Muslim. Yet, this incident is providing Christian Islamophic factions (as well as some impassioned atheists) some heavy ammo in their battle against Islam.

Trump is Making a Lot of People Worried - Markin Report 27, 2017 · October 27, 2017 Trump makes a lot of people nervous and worried. And for good reason. Recent polls show that most people in this country do not think Trump has the ability to lead our country during a global crisis. Most people think Trump lies. Most …

Adelson son-in-law orchestrated family's purchase of Las 17, 2015 · The son-in-law of billionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson arranged the $140 million purchase of the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Adelson's behalf, sources confirmed Wednesday. Patrick Dumont, who is listed on the website of Las Vegas Sands Corp. as the company's senior vice president of finance and ...

Thread by @Monaheart1229: ""Nadler was explicit in saying ... by @Monaheart1229: ""Nadler was explicit in saying the House is no longer content to await the findings of the special counsel, & me issues, but with a different standard of evidence not wedded to a criminal indictment.." […]" #MondayMotivation

Teresa Hensley (D) and Jake Zimmerman (D) at the ... Wednesday evening The Committee for County Progress in Jackson County hosted a public debate [a forum, really] between Teresa Hensley and Jake Zimmerman, the two Democratic candidates for Attorney General in Missouri, at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law courtroom. Mary Sanchez of the Kansas City Star was the moderator.

The United States Needs to Repent -- KEVIN CRAIG Proclamation by President John Adams MARCH 6, 1799. As no truth is more clearly taught in the Volume of Inspiration, nor any more fully demonstrated by the experience of all ages, than that a deep sense and a due acknowledgment of the governing providence of a Supreme Being and of the accountableness of men to Him as the searcher of hearts and righteous distributer of rewards and …

Andrea J. Roof - Ballotpedia J. Roof was an at-large member of the Indianapolis School Board in Indiana.Her seat was up for general election on November 4, 2014.Roof was first elected to the board on May 4, 2010. Andrea J. Roof lost the general election on November 4, 2014.

memeorandum: Think President Trump seems rattled now 04, 2018 · George H.W. Bush was the last of his kind — a Republican who didn't believe in ‘voodoo economics’ — Many have mourned former president George H.W. Bush as the last of his kind. Mostly they eulogize his decency (racist Willie Horton ad notwithstanding), his physical courage, his commitment to public service.

Necessary Secrets: A necessary review | Power Line 29, 2010 · In his aptly titled book, “Necessary Secrets,” Gabriel Schoenfeld, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, has presented a subtle and instructive brief challenging the right of the press to ...

I guess Rick ain’t running for mayor, unless there is a guess Rick ain’t running for mayor, unless there is a Rastafarian Party. ... or a controlled substance. It happened on west 12th street at about 8 o’clock in the evening. Knobe, who is 64, was the youngest mayor of Sioux Falls, serving in that office. ... But cooler weather returns late next week as the high weakens and a trough over the ...

Jackson Jambalaya: Bill Crawford: Is concentrated power a ... 10, 2017 · This is the bill to tax online sales. It was passed by the House and touted by Speaker Philip Gunn as a way to fund road and bridge improvements. In his statement announcing the Senate "will not consider a proposal to tax Internet sales,” Reeves argued the …

SCOTT WALKER: A CALVIN COOLIDGE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY 12, 2015 · CALVIN COOLIDGE: John Calvin Coolidge Jr. (/'ku?l?d?/; July 4, 1872 – January 5, 1933) was the 30th President of the United States (1923–1929). A Republican lawyer from Ve

Intelligence Allegations against the Trump Administration ... 30, 2019 · I suspect its also a sticky thing of, even if the Dems control the house now, even the Repubs wouldn't want the power of congress reduced. So while they would be fine complaining about 'abuse of authority' I suspect even the Repubs would not want that power officially challenged nor can they support "Executive saying f'you to our subpoena power'.

GOP, some Democrats reject talk of impeachment of Trump ... day after President Donald Trump was implicated in a federal crime, members of both parties dismissed talk of impeachment, with some Democrats expressing fears Wednesday about such a ...

Dems Launch Last-Minute Research Attempt | CT News Junkie Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee appears to be engaging in some late-in-the-game research. The committee has been sending blanket Freedom of …

Jackson Jambalaya: Is the Fed in a trap? 06, 2011 · Of course all theoretical, given that the Fed isn't obliged to acknowledge a loss on its portfolio until it sells securities and actually realizes the loss. But it does explain why the Fed is uncomfortable with any development that would cause the cost of long-term credit to rise and the value of existing portfolios to fall.

District Attorney Dan Dow too focused on Cummins' name ... Luis Obispo County District Attorney Dan Dow is facing a challenge from a former Stanislaus County judge who legally changed his first name to "Judge." Dow says it's meant to trick voters, and ...

Political Persecution of Dinesh D’Souza, by Fred Elbel ...’souzaSometimes I wish I were a low-information voter, content to watch sitcom reruns and vote the party line. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. Then I come across a nearly unbelievable news item, such as the article The Political Persecution of Dinesh D’Souza by Pamela Gellar, Breitbart, July 15, 2015. Even if I didn't know who Dinesh D'Souza is, the article would have shivers down my spine.

Politics and Religion | Page 419 | Rivals Message Boards 29, 2019 · The strategy used the special counsel, as described by Judge T.S. Ellis III, is to find crimes committed by Trump associates and to indict them in order to pressure them to cooperate. This is what Ellis said about the indictment of Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort: “You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort’s bank fraud. What you ...

India protests increase as anti-graft activist fasts ... scandals, including a telecoms bribery scam that may have cost the government $39-billion, have dented investor confidence and distracted Parliament just as the $1.6-trillion economy is being ...

Budget | Liberty Chick about Budget written by Liberty Chick. I wrote a long 4-part post a few weeks back about SEIU and its REAL interest in health care.. While most of that interest may be obvious – I mean, SEIU does have a division of its union dedicated entirely to Health Care workers, some of the history that has built up to their level of interest today may not be quite as obvious.

NationStates • View topic - NRA Might Be Going Bust 04, 2018 · This is not just a matter of reputation, it is a matter of moral turpitude, and working together, we can put an end to the murder of unborn babies in Texas once and for all.” Perhaps the Democrats should be totally ok with it, right? Now you can claim that Planned Parenthood is nowhere near as bad as the NRA, and most on NSG will agree with that.

2012 June » Queens the 13th District, in what was billed as the marquee race of this year’s primaries, only 39,000 of the 284,000 Democrats registered to vote, voted. Charlie Rangel …

ninth circuit | David Rivkin Online Ninth Circuit declared that the law as written amounts to an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power—never mind that in Knauff the high court dismissed such a challenge to a similar statute, holding that Congress had merely reaffirmed the president’s own constitutional authority.

Korea’s New Pro-Chaebol President Takes Office - Asia Sentinel Lee Myung-bak is inaugurated today as Korea’s 10th president, the man famously nicknamed ”the Bulldozer” for his achievements as a construction company CEO, appears ready to help the chaebol, the vast, interlinked family-run corporations that powered the country’s initial explosive growth and then ran into trouble in the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998, back into favor.

How George Soros Singlehandedly Created the European ... SYNTHESIS George Soros is trading again. The 85-year-old political activist and philanthropist hit the headlines post-Brexit saying the event had “unleashed” a financial-market crisis. Well, the crisis hasn’t hit Soros just yet. He was once again on the right side of the trade, taking a short position in troubled Deutsche Bank and betting against the S&P via a 2.1-million-share put ...

The Politics of Congeniality - Don Pesci Politics of Congeniality U.S. Rep Chris Shays, R-4th District, had his hair tousled in his recently concluded election with Westport First Selectwoman Dianne Farrell – which Shays won by a whisker. ... “This was the first year you really saw Democratic members go after other members,” said Shays.

Well Guys, I'm thinking about hopping on the Johnson train ... is Gary Johnson? Gary E. Johnson was a two-term governor (R) in the blue state of New Mexico, where he is now running for US Senate. He was the Libertarian Party's nominee for POTUS in 2012 and 2016.In 2012 he broke the LP's highest POTUS vote percentage and shattered that record again in 2016.

Here and Now, Post-Election Edition - nystateofpolitics.com, who is often mentioned as a potential 2020 Democratic candidte, was the heavy favorite against Farley, a finance-industry veteran who waged an underdog, underfunded campaign in her first run for elected office. She won 68 percent of the vote with 86 percent of precincts reporting.

The story of George Soros – Aussie Nationalist Blog the war ended, Soros moved to London and in 1947 enrolled in the London School of Economics where he studied under Karl Popper, the Austrian-British philosopher who was one of the first proponents of an “Open Society.” Soros then worked at several merchant banks in London before moving to New York in 1963.

Republicans are fretting over the Democratic money ... 16, 2018 · Republicans, as was the case in part cycles, continue to maintain an edge in outside spending on television. Republican outside groups are spending $111.4 million on TV and radio ads (including future ad reservations) in 2018, and are set to spent nearly $70 million in just the final month of the election, according to date from CMAG.

LI families recall struggles of their Mideast war vets ... by living in the Lake Ronkonkoma home of one of their parents at various times in 2012. They considered the house to be a calming oasis, according to the only one among them who is still ...

Chris King says uncontested Republican rule has failed 16, 2017 · Chris King says uncontested Republican rule has failed Florida’s working families. ... He paused as the crowd quietly announced: “Charters.” ... Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum was the first ...

Ted Cruz in trouble - didn't report Goldman Sachs campaign ... Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.

Anti-Semitism | Power Line | Page 5 21, 2018 · In his view, a mild snowfall in ... but it turns out that Farrakhan has several fans in the Democrats’ Congressional Black Caucus as well. ... The first shows a current menorah display at the ...

Loretta Sanchez banking on Latino support to win ... ANGELES – Sitting behind a glass top desk in her Anaheim campaign office, Loretta Sanchez is in an upbeat mood. Her bid to succeed fellow Democrat Barbara Boxer in the U.S. Senate has gained ...

Can someone get a message to Harry Reid? - Democratic ... can even repeat it over and over again, expecting that this somehow makes what you are saying more true than it was the first time you said it. But none of this 5-year-old whining makes any of what you are saying the slightest bit true. It might be therapeutic and it might make you feel better, but it doesn't do much beyond that.

Damn it! Indict Junior and Impeach Trump! | themcglynn.com Junior and Impeach Trump! ... “Obviously I’m the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent… went nowhere but had to listen,” he wrote. ... but it could also indicate that Trump’s inner circle was willing to accept the meeting despite knowing that a foreign government was involved.

electoral controversy in Venezuela: can elected officials ... 12, 2010 · Outside of major cities, government radio and TV are the only news sources to which the population has access. In the first 15 days of the campaign, President Chavez was on-the-air an average of 4 hours each day (4 x 15 = 60 hours total), including 8 hours in nationwide “blanket broadcasts” (cadena nacional).*

Daniel Tinus - Ballotpedia Tinus (Libertarian Party) was a candidate for Texas' 27th Congressional District in the U.S. House. Tinus lost the general election on November 6, 2018. Daniel Tinus (Libertarian Party) was a candidate for Texas' 27th Congressional District in the U.S. House. Tinus …

Meteor Spotted Over California Has Residents On Edge ... Keenan, NYPD Chief During Infamous 'Son Of Sam' Manhunt, Dies At 99Keenan was the NYPD's Chief of Detectives during the killings, which terrified the city in 1976 and 1977 as an unknown ...

Tuesday AM ~ TheFrontPageCover - Tea Party Command news prompted Trump to declare, “Totally clears the President. Thank you!” But it’s not all roses for Trump, as it now appears Mueller may be putting together a case against Trump for violating campaign-finance laws. That’s problematic for Trump, but it would be a tough issue for Democrats to use as a case for impeachment.

Can an average Joe run for Parish President or Council and ... focuses on the higher ups, but it's the lower level politicians who are the most screwed up. ... and he ran on the "my opponent is the establishment and I am an everyday guy who is fed up". ... live in a trailer with my mom My boy Future is an Uncle Tom I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob Who shoots himself in his leg with his own ...

Dances with Costner (and Modern West) | AspenTimes.com 16, 2009 · ASPEN – Kevin Costner has had at least two near-brushes with rock ‘n’ roll glory. In his 20s, he was a singer and songwriter in the band Roving Boy, which grew out of an informal acting workshop that took place in a chemical factory along the Los Angeles River and included Costner and several other actor/musicians: John Coinman and Blair Forward, both members of Roving Boy, and …

The Battered Voter Syndrome | Root For America 26, 2008 · The first veto of his Presidency was against stem cell research. But earmarks, pork, waste and bloated budgets never seemed to bother W. ... But it isn't only Republicans who suffer from battered voter syndrome. Democrats have spent their fair share of time being abused by their own heroes too. ... Isn't it time you supported a candidate who is ...

E. Calvin Beisner: Obama's Environmental Legacy Hangs in ... running for president on a hard-Left environmentalist platform in 2008, Barack Obama neither attempted nor achieved much in his first term — and for good reason. Actually doing what he'd promised would alienate huge numbers of voters as they saw jobs disappear, incomes fall, and costs rise under the increasingly tyrannical bureaucracy of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA ...

Announcing the PL Green Weenie Award | Power Line 27, 2012 · So I’ve been giving out the coveted Power Line Enviro Loser of the Week Award for several weeks now, but I’ve decided to upgrade it to a new moniker. But it’s …

Departing UW regent urges colleagues to transcend politics ... UW regent urges colleagues to transcend politics, though many are reliable donors. ... But it’s not just Walker’s appointees who gave money to the politician who appointed them. ... where 39 percent are the first in their family to go to college. Or talk with scientists drawn to …

Crisafulli collects more than twice as much as other ..., R-Merritt Island, has not announced he will run for higher office but it is widely believed he is working to stave off challengers for a 2018 run for agriculture commissioner, when ...

“Evenly Split” Crowd Greets Obama in Newport Beach – The ... didn’t miss the birthers, hypocrites and whack jobs in his coverage. From his story: “…an evenly split crowd of perhaps 500 protesters and fans of Barack Obama have lined up on the sidewalks of swank, oceanfront Corona del Mar in anticipation of the president’s arrival for a fund-raising event at a private residence.

Whallah!: May 2012"Private censorship" comes down to a matter of access, says the Supreme Court of the United States. In Red Lion Broadcasting v. FCC, 1969, the Supreme Court made two key rulings: "the First Amendment is relevant to broadcasting, but it is the right of the viewer and listener, not the broadcaster, which is paramount." And, “the First Amendment ...

Mississippi Marsy's Law Crime Victims Rights Amendment ...'s_Law...California Proposition 9. Californians voted on Proposition 9 in 2008, which was the first ballot measure known as Marsy's Law. Proposition 9 required that victims and their families be notified during all aspects of the justice process, including bail, sentencing, and parole; and that authorities take a victim's safety into concern when assigning bail or conducting a parole review.

My Day - The George Washington University was urged to come and sit on the dais and asked also to speak, but since all the candidates, including Mr. Stevenson, who is still a candidate waiting for a draft, were on the list of speakers, I felt that someone from the outside would be out of place.

Illinois Issues blog: Impeachment: Day 3’s testimony offered information that dated back to 2003, the first year Blagojevich took office. “For those of us who have been around the building for the last six or seven years, some of it’s old news,” said Steve Brown, spokesman for House Speaker Michael Madigan, who is …

ABQjournal: Tapes: Vigil, Garcia Discussed Campaign Gifts 19, 2006 · "I shoulda read the first paragraph," then-state Treasurer Robert Vigil said during a conversation that was being secretly tape recorded for the FBI. Vigil was ruminating with his unofficial ...

Boydot’s judgment | Power Line link above was the first return on the search “Army Field Activities Command” in Google. ... and a head screwed on straight. ... But it doesn’t take a philosopher to figure out that when ...

(Future) Law Student of the Day: Hip hop groom Kevin Heinz 28, 2009 · Last month, Kevin Heinz and Jill Peterson got married in Minnesota. They posted their wedding march video to YouTube earlier this month and it’s …

Virginia Politics Blog: October 5, 2008 - October 11, 05, 2008 · Kennedy, who retired in 2000, was the first woman to reach the rank of three-star Lieutenant General in the U.S. Army. Estrada, who retired last year, was the first African-American to hold the rank of 15th Sergeant Major of the U.S. Marine Corps. Details of the events are below:...

What is wrong with American voters? – Rural Nevada ... 19, 2016 · What is wrong with American voters? February 19, 2016 ... both the young and the elderly should help America to vote for a candidate with a vision larger than oneself and the ability to identify issue of national importance and provide timely solutions in the interest of the American people. ... A candidate who is impulsive, erratic and ...

What is wrong with American voters? - humboldtdems.com men and women, both the young and the elderly should help America to vote for a candidate with a vision larger than oneself and the ability to identify issue of national importance and provide timely solutions in the interest of the American people.

Is it the end for Gingrich, or just a new course? - Reuters 28, 2012 · Gingrich, who briefly was the front-runner in the race after winning the South Carolina primary on January 21, has been battered by TV ads placed by …

Trey Gowdy: Spygate, Schmygate; Also Trump Asked Sessions 31, 2018 · People who retire are finally allowed to say what they actually think. So liberating! Outgoing Rep. Trey Gowdy says the FBI not only did nothing wrong in using an informant, but that they did what the public would want them to do:. Outgoing Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the House Oversight Committee chairman and a Trump supporter, said in an interview on Fox that the FBI was justified in …

The best way to create a new generation of conservatives 12, 2019 · Funny thing is the left "claims" to champion women but a perfect example of what that "championing" nets young women in America ... Now who is calling them bad names and refusing to listen? Conservatives, that's who. There will be conservatism in the future but it will not be your conservatism that is looking more and more like a ...

Trump Administration’s Terrorism Claims Omit Crucial ... 10, 2018 · Information gleaned from reviewing these court records would help provide critical context for the Trump administration’s proffered terrorism data, which carry the imprimatur of the government. But it would also help us understand exactly what conduct federal prosecutors identify as domestic terrorism, and who is targeted in these cases.

Connecting.the.Dots: Corporations Are People, Nasty People is not meant to extol geezer wisdom but suggest that, even in our age of 24/7 hot flashes, something can be said for perspective. The Web is a wide space for spreading news, but it can also be a deep well of collective memory to help us understand today’s world.

The Senate Republican Health Care Screw Job | A (or One ... 22, 2017 · How does one put this delicately? Mitch McConnell and his gang that couldn’t shoot straight are trying to fuck us in the ass. Okay, maybe that’s not delicate, but there is no way to over-emphasize the degree to which this Senate Republican health care initiative is a screw job, the same as what was passed in the House.

The General US Politics Thread - TV Tropes Forum then I always knew that the whole "pay fair share" nonsense from the US was never about the US actually wanting for the European countries to do more on their own, but simply about extortion (since Trump and a huge chunk of Americans still don't get how NATO actually works).

FPL last-minute gotcha on $1.2 billion rate hike opponents 23, 2009 · FPL last-minute gotcha on $1.2 billion rate hike opponents. ... Today’s hearing kicked off on time at 9:30 but it’s unclear if it will finish up on time late this evening as scheduled. ... All this buy a govenor who is going to bail before the next legislative session before big state budget decisions need to …

Eric Byler - writer/director - Self-Employed | LinkedIn of America is a popular documentary web series (1.5 million views) created by award-winning filmmakers, Annabel Park and Eric Byler. One of its storylines turned into the film, "The Headless ...

Read Rep. Mike Carter's letter seeking the speakership 22, 2019 · Rep. Mike Carter (R-Ooltewah) has sent a letter to Republican colleagues to declare his bid for the speakership. He pledges not to change any committee chairmanships, though he calls for an overhaul of the chamber’s rules to promote integrity. Carter says he would return most political functions to the House Republican Caucus chairman. Carter is […]

Jesse's Café Américain: Simon Johnson: Restoring the Rule ... 10, 2015 · The first is to more strongly discourage the deception of customers. ... Thereafter, any attack even on the least of men is an attack on Christ, who took on the form of man, and in his own Person restored the image of God in all. ... WITH A KIND WORD AND A SMILE. "A credibility trap is when the managerial functions of a society have been ...

"Liberté j'écris ton nom" Illustré par Fernand Léger ... this pageOil on canvas; 161.3 x 114 cm. Fernand Léger was born at Argentan, France. He began his career as a an artist by serving an apprenticeship in architecture in Caen and working as

Gil Cedillo, Morrie Goldman, George Yu — CD1’s Unholy Cedillo, Morrie Goldman, George Yu — CD1’s Unholy Trinity — Cedillo Met With Corrupt Huizar-Linked Lobbyist Goldman 25 Times Since Taking Office In July 2013 — George Yu Of The Chinatown BID Is A Client Of Goldman’s — They Eat Lunch With Cedillo And Hate On Street Vendors — Same Old Story At 200 N Spring Street — And Bonus Sleaze!

Joaquin Castro’s U.S. Senate deliberations baffle state ... 28, 2019 · Congressman Joaquin Castro listens to comments during A Symposium on Immigration by the Texas Tribune at the University of Texas San Antonio’s downtown campus. Robin Jerstad for The Texas Tribune WASHINGTON — From the nation’s capitol to the state capitol, the scuttlebutt was that Democratic U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro would announce within days — if...Read more »

Trump Proposes Another Hidden Tax On U.S. Consumers We don’t know the full economic cost of the tariffs, but it would be painful for the United States. Two years ago, a research and consulting firm calculated an estimate for the costs of a similar (20 percent) tariff on Mexican imports: “Over three years, the bill comes to $286 billion in lost value to the U.S. economy and a loss of 755,000 American jobs.

Unheard No More!: Investigation Dropped Against Former Rep ... denied funding the trip. The NCPPR was founded by Abramoff friend, Amy Ridenour, who was one of the first Saipan junket-takers. She pushed the CNMI anti-federalization, pro-Marianas labor agenda as an email exchange between her and Abramoff indicates. Abramoff served on the Board of Directors of NCPPR until October 2004.

Green Cross Purposes: corporations horn their way into the GND the most thoughtful, in-depth article yet on the subject of subversion of The Green New Deal appears as a five-part series by Cory Morningstar and Forest Palmer, on The Wrong Kind of Green…

Eric Byler - writer/director - Self-Employed | LinkedIn Byler is an award-winning film director whose debut feature Charlotte Sometimes (2002) was nominated for 2 Spirit Awards and was hailed by Roger Ebert as a breakthrough for Asian American filmmakers. His subsequent film Americanese (2006) won an Audience Award and a Special Jury prize at South by Southwest.

Butler County: Kay Rogers Off the Deep End - Blogger 11, 2008 · "(One) of the best right-of-center bloggers in the Buckeye state." - Steven J Kelso "[T]he coolest name in the Ohiosphere, and keeps a sharp eye on the treacherous shoals of politics and public affairs." - Bill Sloat, Daily Bellwether "Weapons of Mass Discussion has a great name and a strong Republican bent.

"Are we betraying the planet?" - global warming street art ... is "Street Art Graffiti - Fitzroy, Melbourne" Street Art Graffiti - Fitzroy, Melbourne There's something so Monroe ish about this kind of pop art graffiti Street Art & Graffiti in Fitzroy, Melbourne - Rone will make some noise in 2012 Street Art & Graffiti in Fitzroy, Melbourne This is Art, not Mine nor yours, but It deserves to be seen.

Transcript of Pelosi Press Conference Today - Speaker ... 27, 2014 · Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi held her weekly press conference today in the Capitol Visitor Center. Below is a transcript of the press conference: Leader Pelosi. Good morning, everyone. Today marks nine months since the Senate passed a …

Activists raise $1M to pressure Sen. Collins to vote ... 13, 2018 · That video is one of the sickest things I have seen. Those females, and they are all females, no matter what they think they are is 1/2 of what is wrong with this country. The other 1/2 half of what is wrong with this country are the males males that stand with them...

Hagel Still Has Much to Prove - 26, 2013 · “The ground on obviously changing, but it is changing more rapidly than people think.” -Republican strategist John Feehery. PRIMARY TO REPLACE JACKSON TODAY. Amid a messy mix of rain and snow, Chicago-area voters are heading to the primary polls today to select former Democratic Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.'s successor, Roll Call reports.

CT Municipalities Win; Car Tax Proposal Is Dead | CT News ... of a statewide motor vehicle tax that would eventually be phased out was a key piece of House Speaker Brendan Sharkey’s approach to regionalism, but it won’t be implemented as part of ...

Editorial: Is NAFTA Withdrawal Too Little, Too Late? | Op ... often hear campaign rhetoric which sounds good and even makes sense, to some degree. Yet it doesn’t always come out that way once it comes to fruition. Such is the case with President Trump ...

Earthquake in Ireland ... Mag 2.7 ??, page 05, 2010 · Seriously .. what are THEY doing to our planet, not even funny. Ireland is the least likely place on Earth that an earthquake might happen and they seem to have managed one. A Mag 2.7 felt in county Clare on the west coast of Ireland. If natural .. fair enough, but what are the chances? ... none as records go ?

Howes: Good to be Dr. Eden Wells | Michigan Radio 15, 2018 · All that is missing are the melodic strains of “Kumbaya.” Hard lessons unlearned are not lessons at all, as the Eden Wells switcheroo demonstrates. Politics today isn’t the art of persuasion. It’s an exercise of naked power – until they don’t have all of …

Back Story: The PSA crash 40 years later - The San Diego ... today’s Back Story, reporter Peter Rowe discusses his narrative account of the Sept. 25, 1978, midair collision of PSA Flight 182 and a two-seater Cessna over North Park.

Can you name 3 positions which McCain and Palin hold that ... 09, 2008 · Two are Russia and Red China. The Russian Sukhoi T-50 is on schedule to fly by the end of 2008 or early 2009. Chinas Jian J-12 by 2011 or 2012. The Chinese already destingate an export J-12 as the F-12. The reason we can fly our transports, our aged tanker aircraft, and a fifty plus year old bomber like the B-52 is air superiority.Status: ResolvedAnswers: 21

White House postpones climate change meeting | PBS NewsHour is the second time a meeting of top aides on the issue has been delayed. ... according to a White House official who requested anonymity to discuss private talks. ... In his prior post as the ...

Secret corporate cash funded posh hideaway for Ryan | News ... Trump declared last year in his populist presidential nomination acceptance speech that he is “not able to look the other way” when the nation’s political system “has sold out to ...

Kwame Brown | Steal A Little… Brown, four-and-a-half more months have gone by since I last wrote you on June 12 about Councilmember Jack Evans’ continuing violation of District of Columbia conflict-of-interest reporting laws. I first wrote you about this matter almost one year ago and my fifth letter to you on this matter.[PDF]Moot Court Facts Pruitt, et al. v. Square State [judges] Court Facts Pruitt, et al. v. Square State [judges] All of the following facts, whether found by the trial court or proven through depositions and affidavits, are accepted testimony in this case. These facts comprise the official record. This is summary testimony, so do not quote it directly.

Moral Philosophy and Current Events: Teilhard de Chardin ... is especially true for Roman Catholics. Teilhard was for them, a wolf in the night, a Trojan horse bent on stealing their salvation. ENDNOTES: [1] Wolfgang Smith. Teilhardism and the New Religion: A Thorough Analysis of the Teachings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. (Rockford, Ill., Tan Books and Publisher’s Inc., 1988), pp. 209-210.

The Madion Eagle - Parsippany Democrat Defies ... 03, 2006 · The Madion Eagle - Parsippany Democrat Defies Frelinghuysen Record on War "We are the leaders we have been waiting for." That line is the touchstone to the campaign of Parsippany's Tom Wyka, who announced on Feb. 11 his intentions to run in the Democratic Primary on Tuesday, June 6, with hopes of landing his party's nomination and facing Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-11 of Harding …

In Tennessee boundary dispute, a river of lawyers' fees ... 01, 2013 · Tom was the consultant for the 2008 election night coverage sponsored jointly by Current TV, Digg and Twitter, and a 2011 fellow at the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics at the University of ...

MSG mega-fights may be as one-sided as their betting action was announced as the replacement opponent on May 1. Ruiz, expected to make around $7 million for this contest, takes a massive step up in competition. He has fought only one current top-10 heavyweight in his career, a December 2016 majority-decision loss to New Zealand’s Joseph Parker (currently Ring Magazine’s No. 7 heavyweight).

Jonathan Rose: The Well Tempered City - The Long Rose is a developer of green and affordable housing and author of The Well Tempered City-What Modern Science, Ancient Civilizations and Human Behavior Teach us About the Future of Urban Life. Cities and urban regions can make coherent sense, can metabolize efficiently, can use their very ...

Blumenthal: 'Sparks will fly' at Kavanaugh hearing 03, 2018 · WASHINGTON – Sen. Richard Blumenthal will be at the center of what is expected to be a historic partisan firefight this week over the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to …

Philosophy off the Rails? | Power Line the one hand, the first premise of feminism is that women are the absolute and complete equal of men in every way, because apparently we have lost the ability to make any reasonable ...

President Barack Obama Archives - Arc 3 Communications Speaker is the king of ‘Throwback Thursday”, posting photos ranging from his high school football days under legendary Coach Gerry Faust to school field trips to family photos with his brothers and Santa Claus. The photos personalize one of the most powerful men in the country, who is 2nd in the line of succession to the Presidency.

Torture and Transparency in the Military Commissions ...’s war court is back in session at Guantánamo, with yet more pretrial proceedings in the case of the five 9/11 defendants (alleged mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, or KSM, and his four co-conspirators). Whatever may come of Obama’s last-ditch effort to close Guantánamo, military commissions will remain for the foreseeable future.

Porn star Stormy Daniels sues Donald Trump over $130k ... 07, 2018 · Porn star Stormy Daniels SUES Donald Trump over $130k non-disclosure agreement used to 'hush up affair' The adult actress, whose real name …

Poll: Convention 'bounce' pulls Gore even with Bush 21, 2000 · Poll: Convention 'bounce' pulls Gore even with Bush. By Keating Holland/CNN. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Al Gore has gained significant support as a …

Mike Dalati « OC Political 31, 2018 · In prior elections, some of the most popular articles on OC Political in the run-up to elections are the ones identifying the partisan affiliations of candidates on the ballot. So back by popular demand, OC Political presents the political party affiliations of everyone running for everything on the June 5, 2018 Primary Election ballot in Orange County.

Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council ... 2 of 25 DEFINITIONS "ADVISORY AGENCY" means any board, commission, committee or post which does not exercise any sovereign power or duty, but is appointed by a governmental agency or officer or is created by law

BGPD seeks public’s help in identifying suspects | News Battle Ground Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the subjects pictured in the photos accompanying this news release. On Fri., Feb. 20, the male depicted in the photo is suspected of assaulting a Walmart employee while stealing merchandise from the Battle Ground ...

Will Palin's tough talk win over undecideds? - 04, 2008 · Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin came out swinging Wednesday night, but it's going to take more than just fighting words to win over the independent and …

Obama-tied operatives and Biden supporters launch $60 ...; Obama-tied operatives and Biden supporters launch $60 million ‘dark money’ group. The recently-launched Future Majority will spend up to $60 million to target voters in swing states.

Donald Trump's aides face deepening anxiety and ... 22, 2018 · Those are familiar feelings for aides to Donald Trump, a president who seems to relish combat and controversy and whose inner circle has been …

Nordvpn Sur Sfr ??Download the Best VPN for, just as the 1 last update 2019/08/16 previous one, BFGoodrich KO2 is an all-terrain tire, but do not mix it 1 last update 2019/08/16 with a Nordvpn Sur Sfr winter tire. As durable and solid as it 1 last update 2019/08/16 is, it 1 last update 2019/08/16 still can’t handle winter as an actual winter tire.

French Socialist party in trouble; story is similar ... 23, 2017 · The French Socialist party held its primary yesterday in the race to succeed Francois Hollande as the party’s standard bearer. Hollande’s presidency …

We talk about talking about race, but won’t talk about ... 28, 2016 · We talk about talking about race, but won’t talk about race I made the mistake of watching some cable news coverage of the DNC this morning. Several of the reporters were concerned – how I truly am beginning to loathe that word! – that Secretary Clinton’s polling numbers among white males weren’t as high as those of Donald Trump.

SassyBostonMom (@SassyBostonMom) | Twitter latest Tweets from SassyBostonMom (@SassyBostonMom). Love God, my husband, my Boston American kids, and the USA ????????Followers: 117

UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate Wins U.S. Presidency Despite 20, 2017 · UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate Wins U.S. Presidency Despite Accusation of Slave Trading Based on Fake News July 20, 2017 Vol. X, No. 6 7:13 am Too disgusting to appear in public print Fake news is nothing new.

Gov. Cuomo Maintains Cash Advantage Over Astorino As ... 25, 2014 · New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is maintaining his significant cash advantage over Republican challenger Rob Astorino as the gubernatorial race enters its final weeks.

The treacherous terrain of free speech | National Catholic ... 17, 2015 · This story appeared in the April 24-May 7, 2015 print issue under the headline: The treacherous terrain of free speech . Join the Conversation Send your thoughts and …

Readers Write (Oct. 16): Civic sacrifice; state prisons 07, 2015 · President Obama said in his campaign speeches that he would do just that, but nothing happened. We need to review the federal budget and eliminate pet projects that provide nothing to …

Three make bid for Langemeier's seat | News ... the loss of sitting District 23 Sen. Chris Langemeier of Schuyler to term limits, a full slate of candidates have emerged to fill his seat - a slate as diverse as the issues facing the state.

Three vie for Langemeier’s District 23 seat | Local ... vie for Langemeier’s District 23 seat ... Pokorny also found time in his past to have enlisted in the Navy and studied architecture. Nowadays, he calls himself a “farmer’s marketeur ...

January finance reports: Congress and Senate – Off the last batch of finance reports to come in are the federal reports, which for the most part don’t get posted till a full month after they’re due, which in this case was February 1. I’ve created a Google spreadsheet of the Texas FEC reports, taken by querying on Texas from this page, then ...

The Mueller Relief – Ian Huckabee 25, 2019 · In his summary of the report delivered to him on Sunday by Robert Mueller, Attorney General William Barr wrote: “… while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” This news should bring a welcome relief to pragmatists, though I really wish Barr had written:

Morning Edition for Thursday, February 13, 2014 | 89.3 KPCC federal jury in New Orleans has convicted former Mayor Ray Nagin on a series of bribery and corruption charges. The Democrat led the city when Hurricane Katrina struck and oversaw the early ...

August 2012 – Page 3 – Dangerous Intersection Greenwald, who now writes for the U.K. Guardian, sums up the media establishment's hatred of Julian Assange: In 2008 – two years before the release of the "collateral murder" video, the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs, and the diplomatic cables – the Pentagon prepared a secret report which proclaimed WikiLeaks to be an enemy of the state and plotted ways to destroy its credibility and ...

PC – Media & Communications Policy Free Speech Week gets underway today, it’s a good time to celebrate this fundamental freedom (as the week is intended to do) – but it’s also a good time to reflect on the state of free speech in America today. Even the most cursory reflection, however, is sure to give one pause. Freedom of speech remains under assault on many fronts.

Simplifying the code - townhall.com it has a sales tax that raises $18.3 billion annually. That tax would raise $26.5 billion were it not for the approximately 440 exemptions that are the reason why only 57 percent of ...

Miami Gun Vice, Leadership Flagler Wants You, Edith ... 24, 2011 · Miami Gun Vice, Leadership Flagler Wants You, Edith Wharton Is 149: The Live Wire, Jan. 24 ... Next year that 150th anniversary will likely bring new biographies and commemorations of one of …

AP FACT CHECK: GOP candidates flub some figures in debate ... FACTS: That average is correct as far as it goes, but it masks the fact that Obama inherited a raging recession in his first year, when the economy shrank by 2.5 percent. In the five years ...

Stewardship – Our Lady of the Mountains, Jasper, GA of the bronzes at the entrance of our parish church depicts the adoration of the Magi, who were the first to bring gifts to the Christ child, but they were hardly the last. Christian charity has transformed the world in overwhelming ways ever since, and it is a very important part of our lives as committed Catholics.

Hed: Fuel Cells in Your Future? The Market Should Say Yes ... his thoroughly researched survey, which reads like a collection of articles from the pages of Mr. Vaitheeswaran’s magazine, we’re treated to glimpses of “feel-good” environmental ...

The Provocateur: Race: The Pandora's Box is one of those things you don't talk about as a politician because it never leads anywhere but bad places for you. It's like talking about previous relationships on a date. That is the albatross that the race speech has created for Obama, the pandora's box it just opened.

PERRspectives: Tax Dodger Donald Trump is Running for 5, 2016 : Tax Dodger Donald Trump is Running for Rigger-In-Chief. The revelation that Donald Trump may have paid no federal income taxes over the past two decades is a dagger aimed at the heart of his presidential candidacy. For starters, his reported $915 million loss in 1995--his second billion-dollar implosion in five years--makes a mockery of Trump's repeated boasts that he is a ...

Jesse Ventura backs Bernie Sanders for president | Capitol ... 16, 2015 · Former Gov. Jesse Ventura says he’s backing Sen. Bernie Sanders in his bid for president. In a blog post on his independent media site, Ventura praised Sanders for …

No decision yet on Pimentel, Osmeña disqualification cases ... it doesn’t follow however, according to the Commission on Elections (Comelec), that the two candidates are cleared of their respective disqualification cases. ... believes that President Rodrigo Duterte still trusts the automated election system despite his earlier pronouncement in his State of the Nation ... as the first nominee of ...

Art of life - days ago · "My chosen profession allows for one to be slightly different," says Mark Pereira. "It works also for actors, those in the theatre or in the arts – there might be an expectation that they are gay, so that gives an allowance." Surrounded by antiques and fine art by artists such as Boscoe Holder and ...

OP-ED | A Starting Point to Discuss Improving Connecticut ... chair Joseph McGee, who is also the Vice President of Public Policy and Programs for the Business Council of Fairfield County, mentioned during the hearing that “buried in the ...

Federal debt and deficit | Power Line | Page 6 Obama has nominated Jack Lew, his Chief of Staff, to succeed Tim Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury. Obama has made so many bad nominations that it is hard to keep track of them all ...

Election preview 2016 — with an eye toward education preview 2016 — with an eye toward education. ... and a member of the House Education Committee. Ellis is a former firefighter who is hoping to help Democrats make in-roads in this Republican district in West Boise. ... R-Boise, vs. Steve Berch, D-Boise. This is a rematch of the 2014 election, which Luker won by only 416 votes out of ...

The Early Edition: June 29, 2016 - Just Security 29, 2016 · Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. ISTANBUL AIRPORT BOMBING A triple suicide bomb attack at Atatürk Airport in Turkey’s capital Istanbul late last night has killed at least 41 people and wounded 239 others. The three bombers opened fire with automatic rifles on […]

CNN Poll: 2020 voters never cared about the Russia ... Poll: 2020 voters never cared about the Russia investigation. ME: Collusion has been shown to be a loser for the American Electorate. It is time to start talking policy and plans.

Political Irony › One bad turn deserves another one to shy away from a challenge….I’ll take on this response as a veteran, and a long time Soldier. I’m also a democrat who is a fiscal conservative and have many conservative views along with being pro choice and for gay rights with no religious leaning except spiritual values.

Bruce Anderson: Harper can refresh the Tories by using ... 14, 2013 · In 2006, Stephen Harper won with a simple message: we respect voters and will be more accountable to them. As the PM considers how to refresh his government, he will want to take a …

ANDREW McCARTHY: DESPERATELY SEEKING “MODERATE” … McCARTHY: DESPERATELY SEEKING “MODERATE” ISLAMISTS Posted By Ruth King on September 16th, ... As long as the news media and even conservative commentators continue to let them get away with it, the term “moderate Islamist” will remain useful to transnational progressives. ... the manipulative double game the Brotherhood ...

Palm Coast Fires Palm Harbor Golf Club General Manager Tim ... 08, 2019 · A year and a half ago, Palm Coast government hired golf pro Tim Spangler to be the new general manager at the city-owned Palm Harbor Golf Club. He was the …

Trump: Russia Got Me Elected - Untelevised 07, 2019 · >>So in a span of about half an hour the president inadvertently admitted that Russia helped him to win the election. And then went out and said that no that wasn’t the case. We gonna show you the tweet, we’re gonna show you the video of him saying that …

Federalist Society – INDIVISIBLE VENTURA Trump is stopped from doing something truly horrid, it’s most likely because a judge stopped him. In response, with the help of the his right-wing Federalist Society advisors, are working on destroying this braking mechanism. Not just for himself, but for the next generation of corrupt politicians , racists, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists, anti-environmentalists, anti-worker…

Experts say federal investigators now have ‘the perfect ... investigators have flipped the three men privy to the most secret details of the main facets of President Donald Trump's life: his personal life, his campaign, and his business. Together ...

A World without Adversity | Capitalism Magazine 28, 2002 · Ruth struck out the side. But it was the adversity that made it an achievement that he treasured more than his later home run feats. An old saying from one of the poorer countries in Europe was: “Hunger is the teacher.” It is amazing how serious you can get after you have had to go hungry.

Who will step up to end daylight saving time in New York ... 11, 2017 · Who will step up to end daylight saving time in New York? ... Gov. Andrew Cuomo fell back on one of his favorite talking points. “This state historically was the first, the foremost, the fighter ...

Fair Districts reps meet lawmakers for start of 'rocky ... meeting was the latest of several redistricting discussions held since the fall, but it marked the first time that Fair Districts representatives came before lawmakers to discuss their ...

Esty Praises American Democracy in Final Address in ...• American democracy is a great thing but it requires us to pitch in - to do our part. ... • The first step is often the hardest. ... • Democracy gives us each and every one of us the right ...

howl at pluto: Re-reading Barrington Moore 04, 2011 · Re-reading Barrington Moore ... I read large parts of it in college and again in grad school, but it was not until the other day, when I had occasion to take it down from the shelf and look at the first chapter, that it fully dawned on me why the book is so famous.

Why are Nairobi's lions suddenly being killed? | The Daily ... it was their notoriety in one of Africa's most popular parks. Or maybe it was the idea - perhaps no longer true - that they could live their wild lives in such close proximity to our urban ones.

"On the Train That Left Print at the Station" by Carr ... the Train That Left Print at the Station . By Carr, David. ... high-stakes dance, secret meetings, board intrigue, and a naked grab for size and power. Plus, there was the gift that keeps on giving: Rupert Murdoch on the prowl. ... But it was difficult not to notice that one car had been uncoupled and would not be leaving the station.

The Election of 2004 – Transcription – Chris LaCivita The effect it had on the 2004 — well, yes, so McCain-Feingold, first campaign season that — the first campaign cycle that it was in effect was the 2004 presidential campaign. And essentially there were two types of political money.

Vermont’s new mental health system will have more ... Tropical Storm Irene, the Vermont State Hospital had 54 beds. After Irene, the Shumlin administration insisted, repeatedly, that if we had a more robust community-based system, we wouldn’t need that many inpatient beds. In the process, it ignored the counsel of psychiatric professionals, who said that 50 was the bare minimum.

A plain blog about politics: Harry Reid and Senate Reform 01, 2013 · Harry Reid and Senate Reform. ... "remember that numerous reporters claimed that the Hagel nomination was the first to be filibustered during Obama's presidency, despite the plain fact that every nomination has been filibustered during Obama's presidency." ... But it's possible that you could just impose a reformed rule by majority vote ...

Battle of Alamode - Tea Party 15, 2016 · The Butcher Shop is an alternative news source based in the Tea Party Tribune with an eye on God, family, and preservation of America. It is a collection of minds started by Bill the Butcher, a conservative op/ed journalist who began publishing forty years ago.

New Coral Gables commission faces first development test ... 29, 2017 · Anti-development activists against recent upzoning in Coral Gables lost in last month’s elections when every single one of their candidates got beat in ... It will be the first real test for the new commission on the issue that defined the election. ... He seems to be a good addition and a reasonable person. You keep calling him a land use ...

New county attorney still the top paid Miami-Dade employee 03, 2015 · With a base pay of about $6,000 a week, $3,000 of monthly expenses, an $800-a-month ar allowance and a $14,000 annual bonus called a “supplemental retirement” fund, the total compensation is $371,000 a year. It’ a raise of $38,000. And it’s about $7,000 more than what Cuevas — who was the highest paid county employee — made last year.

Lieutenant Governor’s Race Gets Heated | CT News Junkie“I’m a CPA and a Reagan presidential appointee,” Walker says in the ad. He goes onto explain how he was the top auditor of the United States government and was featured on 60-Minutes.

"Corporate Free" Richmond Candidates Moving Up ... 29, 2017 · But one of OR’s biggest 2016 victories was the election of Vermont Progressive Party leader and state senator Dave Zuckerman as lieutenant governor in the Green Mountain State. No other left-leaning third party in the U.S. has been able to elect a statewide office holder in the modern era.

Lynx: Scoring circus vs. Mercury on tap at least three 22, 2011 · One of the most entertaining series in the WNBA this season has to be Phoenix vs. the Lynx. Both teams like to run and can score the basketball. Personally, I hate that expression, "score the …

Kansas City Kansas Public Schools, Kansas - Ballotpedia,_KansasThe superintendent of Kansas City Kansas Public Schools is Dr. Cynthia Lane. She has served in this position since July 2010. Lane has worked in multiple roles in the field of education for over 30 years, including special education teacher, principal, director of the Wyandotte Comprehensive Special Education Cooperative, and assistant superintendent for instruction and business.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Buys Wife Unleaded Birthday Cake ... knew that renting out West End Grill is not a cheap thing to do on a Saturday night, but we have a lot of high end clients. We just didn't know this one was the governor." (We were originally working only from a photo post with captions; links have been updated in this story.) And a big hat tip to Mr. Maynard for linking to our story as well!

Women Empowered by Hillary Clintons Nomination / Public Empowered by Hillary Clinton's Nomination . ... but it really has to be guys because this environment isn't good for women.'" ... Mara Candelaria Reardon in 2006 was the first Latina woman ...

Constituents pack Sen. Wyden's local town halls | Bent 21, 2017 · Constituents pack Sen. Wyden's local town halls Posted By Nicole Vulcan on Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 2:33 PM As he walked onto the stage at Sisters High School Monday to introduce Oregon Senator Ron Wyden (D), Sisters Mayor Chuck Ryan said the high school's auditorium was the largest space they could obtain for the event.

Trump is the new Nixon - A Current Events News and ... 18, 2017 · A Current Events News and Politics discussion community "If the thought of a spirited debate about the day's issues gets your blood pumping, visit the Current Events group.

'Working Wounded': Office Bullies - ABC News Rosner is a best-selling author, speaker and internationally syndicated columnist. His newest best seller, "GRAY MATTERS: The Workplace Survival Guide" (Wiley, 2004), is a business comic book ...

Oversight Missing at the NIH - pogoblog.typepad.com is one reason a study wasn't necessary to discern that objective internal oversight was practically non-existant in OPM. Know what another reason was? The IG, who is mandated to conduct substantive internal program oversight, refused to allow his staff to do so. Where do we go from there?

FG Allocates 4.3bn For Revival Of Ajaokuta Steel Company ... has no effective campaign-finance laws to limit the expenditures of individuals, nor are the parties required to be transparent about either their sources or the scale of their spending, which gives a major advantage to corrupt "godfathers" with easy access to nearly-limitless funds, while reducing the influence of grassroots party ...

Final counts in B.C. election due in days; high stakes for ... the results are known, political horse trading between the Liberals, NDP and Greens is expected to intensify as the parties manoeuvre towards co-operation agreements in what could be a ...

Hypocrisy not Leadership on America’s 235th Birthday | Of’s-235th-birthdayThe president is now describing the agreement with South Korea, which will reduce Korean tariffs on U.S. cars and trucks and open what Ford Motor Co. described as “the most closed automotive market in the world” as one which will produce numerous jobs for Americans.

Pharmaphobia: How the Conflict of Interest Myth Undermines ... 19, 2015 · Even tiny gifts from companies, like a pen with a corporate logo, are regarded as potentially corrupting. Part of Obamacare called the “Sunshine Law” demands that companies report to the U.S. Department of Health any payment of as little as $10 to a doctor. This is useless.

Refworld | Freedom in the World 2018 - Bahamas is the leading source of information necessary for taking quality decisions on refugee status. Refworld contains a vast collection of reports relating to situations in countries of origin, policy documents and positions, and documents relating to international and national legal frameworks. The information has been carefully selected and compiled from UNHCR's global network of field ...

Dems planning vast Russia investigation to drag into 2020 ... 04, 2017 · Goodness, TDS in Congress should get you committed to a mental institution. Can't attack him on the economy or anything else, gotta cling to their stupid Russia nonsense. Can't wait for Trump to just declassify the Mueller report and curb stomp them over this.

Feminists Hysterical - Wonkette 28, 2013 · Besides, it's not like this was the real kind of rape. The judge said so: “Obviously, a 14-year-old can’t consent. I think that people have in mind that this was some violent, forcible, horrible rape,” Baugh said. “It was horrible enough as it is just given her age, but it wasn’t this forcible beat-up rape.”

All Activity - The Gridiron Palace Forums (Football in 2006, The Gridiron Palace was merely a perfect storm of circumstances. What started as a couple of friends building a place to talk about football slowly become much more. The seeds had been sown and over the next decade-plus, a community had been built. The people and conversations diversified and a family sprung forth. Together.

Standard-Speaker from Hazleton, Pennsylvania on September ..., September 23, 1994 j 2 Hazleton Standard-Speaker, Friday, September 23, 1 994 ! SEE END OF ROU Obituaries - U.S. still has a commander and is still armed." Nonetheless, Perry said, the ...

Gordon, Bolts blockers learn a few things - The San Diego ... grading an NFL exhibition game, start with health. Melvin Gordon came out of Thursday's scrap looking no worse for the 10 snaps he played, so give the rookie an "A" for health. It's a grade ...

The Left Coaster: The Top Ten Republican Shark Jumping Top Ten Republican Shark Jumping Moments! by CA Pol Junkie. Little did the writers of Happy Days know that their lame and ridiculous episode where The Fonz jumped the shark would inspire so many Republicans decades later. While Republicans are always saying outrageous things, this year several have had incidents of self-imposed humiliation so ridiculous and over-the-top as to put Fonzie's ...

US Senate is in Play: The Top 10 Senate Races that 11, 2010 · The following are the top 10 US Senate races that Democrats need to worry about. 1. North Dakota (1): Get ready to ho-down with Republican John Hoeven (R); yes, we’re running out of Hoeven puns. Ranking: Solid GOP. [This race is over Hoeven is up by over 40% in the polls] 2.

Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer Met with the 03, 2017 · So where are the calls for Schumer to resign as Democrat Senate Minority leader? Come on folks, this man has met with Putin. Oh the double standard and hypocrisy. ... he’s is a fake and a phony, the worst left-wing radical in the Senate. ... This is false, Russia had nothing to do with the election. The credit belongs to Trump and his team ...

The Best American Magazine Writing 2001 by Harold M. Evans Best American Magazine Writing 2001 book. Read 8 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. ... The Awards are the magazine equivalents to the Pulitzer Prizes of the newspaper industry. ... Rian Malan's "In the Jungle" - amazing in-depth investigation that uncovers one of pop music's great mysteries and tragedies.4.1/5(8)

Paul Rahe: Can Obama save his presidency? | Power Line 01, 2009 · Hillsdale College Professor Paul Rahe writes: On the face of it, the question I pose is absurd — not, of course, because Jacob Weisberg is right in supposing 2009 “Obama’s Brilliant First ...

Pin by Vv Darling on A NEW YEAR SOON WILL BE HERE ... is just another Ted Cruz (AKA Lyin' Ted Cruz) lie. This is not at all what Donald Trump said. Cruz just thinks you are dumb enough to believe it! Donald Trump What's really fucked up about that this interview happened the year I was born and 18 years later, he was one of the candidates the first year I was old enough to vote.

Outdoor Retail Executive Picked for Interior – CBS DC 06, 2013 · This is a national contest. Video. Best Of. Latest Headlines. ... Here are the best prices on airline tickets to Reykjavik, Iceland between July and November of 2018. ... the first …

Maryland Politics - A Saturday Not-Live 05, 2006 · I firmly believe if that debate had been broacasted on one of the major local networks, people would have seen what a complete jerk a pugnacious jock he is. And while we're talking about debates, his running mate, who is blind to Ehrlich's lies, too, can't even get the facts straight about her own administration!

Interview: Lisa McCormick, Democratic candidate for NJ ... 29, 2017 · UPDATE 11/7/2017: McCormick is the mother of a 17-year-old son, not step mother. Lisa McCormick is a Democratic candidate for New Jersey Governor. Her partner, campaign manager, and political consultant is long-time Democratic strategist James Devine. McCormick, who is based in Rahway, is a small business owner and the proud mother of a 17-year-old son.

Doubling Down on LGBT - Scottsdale 10, 2015 · Doubling Down on LGBT. ... She’s probably the best one of all of them because she can smile and shake your hand with her right at the same time she’s wielding the knife with her left. ... and a decision not to have such an ordinance could have deleterious consequences in business attraction and retention efforts.” ...

February 2016 – Humans and Media was an MLB article talking about who is most likely to be in the playoffs if the season was to end today. ... they talk about how since an even year the Giants will win their division since any baseball player knows the Giants are the team to win the World Series if it is an even year. ... This video is just one of many videos ...

Roseanne Conner Does Not Deserve What Roseanne Barr Is ... 10, 2018 · I don't want Roseanne Conner to be one of the swindled, and I don't want her to be used as a tool of propaganda. It makes me sad. I guess I just respect her more than Roseanne does. And now it is your OPEN THREAD. Wonkette is independent, ad-free, and woman-owned. And we ain't falling for that bullshit either.

Meltdown at Middlebury | Power Line 20, 2017 · The Kampus Kraziness is getting so extreme that it’s become a full time job just keeping up with all the stories that tumble out on an almost hourly basis, let alone writing it up for Power Line ...

How to Live: A Search for Wisdom from Old People (While ... Alford is both, and for that I am grateful. Never sappy, always candid, and occasionally exhale-linguini-out-your-nostrils funny, HOW TO LIVE actually lives up to its audacious title. This is a wise and generous book, one that stays with you long after the last page. A must-read for anyone who is old or plans on getting old."

$340K - What Does It Look Like to Buy Ed Soliday In The ... 30, 2016 · More destruction of PUBLIC Education - Soliday has consistently aligned his vote with the school privatization lobby and why would he change over the next two years with so much money coming his way to guarantee he will vote the party line instead of what is best for his constituents.

$390K - What Does It Look Like to Buy Julie Olthoff In The ... destruction of PUBLIC Education - Olthoff has consistently aligned her vote with the school privatization lobby and why would she change over the next two years with so much money coming her way to guarantee she will vote the party line instead of what is best for her constituents.

Elizabeth Warren's Message At Netroots Nation | HuffPost 17, 2015 · Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) spoke at the annual Netroots Nation gathering at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday. During the progressive convention, Warren discussed increasing the minimum wage, student loans, Wall Street and …

Amy Small: We owe refugees compassion - VTDigger 03, 2019 · Editor’s note: This commentary is by Rabbi Amy Small, who is senior rabbi at Ohavi Zedek Synagogue in Burlington. The faces of the children tell …

Chris Soghoian on What's Wrong With the Debate on Section ... 01, 2015 · It’s great that the sunset of Section 215 has reignited the debate about mass surveillance in the United States, but all the focus on this one provision, more specifically on the telephone metadata program it permited, may miss the mark, according to Chris Soghoian, the ACLU’s chief technologist and longtime fixture at the intersection of […]

Assbackwards road funding ideas — South DaCola was watching State Senator Mike Vehle talk about road funding ideas on 100 Eyes yesterday and just about spit out my coffee. One of the ideas is to PUNISH hybrid and electric car users. Mike suggested that Electric car users should pay an additional $80 registration fee, and Hybrid an additional $40, because they don’t use as much gas or no gas at all.

DownWithTyranny!: The Clinton Cash Story from the Left 06, 2015 · I want to do a "just the facts, ma'am" piece with this information, because there are so many angles to it. But first an introduction, for context. We all know that there's a book out on Clinton cash (no link, but the google will show it to you) that looks for all the world like a right-wing hit job ...

ASPCA in Flagler Shows Lurid World of Animal Cruelty and ... 2010, a man who goes by the name of Kenji X was found guilty on nine first-degree misdemeanor charges of animal cruelty when nine pit bulls, most of them puppies, were discovered in his yard at ...

Zerwas, Hamlin make their case at forum | Local News ... Nick Zerwas, R-Elk River, is being challenged by DFLer Sarah Hamlin in House District 30A. The two appeared at a candidate forum earlier this month hosted by the Elk River Area Chamber of Commerce and moderated by Ben Bauman. District 30A includes Elk …

Reboot Glen Cove - Posts | Facebook Glen Cove. 99 likes. Community. Last night, City Attorney Charlie McQuair (who earlier this fall anarchically seized mayoral authority to avoid being eliminated from next year's budget) gave us a fresh reminder of why this rogue employee of ours must be driven out of city government immediately.

Patti Krafft (@PattiKrafft) | Twitter New York Times and a third rate reporter named Maggie Haberman, known as a Crooked H flunkie who I don’t speak to and have nothing to do with, are going out of their way to destroy Michael Cohen and his relationship with me in the hope that he will “flip.”Followers: 33

'Real Peril:' After a Flurry of Activity, Where Does the ... 10, 2018 · Following a flurry of activity last week, it appears as though various threads of the special counsel investigation are advancing to final stages. It's impossible to know where things stand within ...

Clinton's defenders are rallying around a hollow tree ... the House impeachment debate, a representative told the story of a large tree that stood next to a house. The owner noticed squirrels running into a large hole in the center of the tree. His tree was hollow. To allow it to remain meant he and his family were in danger. Removing it was risky because of its potential for collapse. The owner lamented, "I wish I had never seen those squirrels."

Trump Says NATO Is Obsolete - Most In U.S. Disagree his campaign, Donald Trump had disparaging words about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and even inferred that the United States might pull out of the organization. That bothered many, both in the U.S. and Europe, but it was thought that if he became president he would temper ...

Nevada Progressive: "Second Amendment Remedies"... Revisited just seven months later, an armed madman attempted to assassinate then Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona). Jared Loughner succeeded in shooting her and eighteen other people, and six of them were killed.And Loughner used a Glock pistol with a high-capacity magazine.

Party Finance Essay - Kihd.net 18, 2018 · Party finance refers to all funds spent in order to influence the outcome of party competition, be funds expended on individual election campaigns for any public office, or on the maintenance of party organizations, nationally and in the field. This includes all funds raised from individual citizens, interested money (e.g., businesses or trade unions), public …

Manafort found guilty on 8 of 18 counts. | Religious Forums 21, 2018 · Uranium One is common knowledge, as are the Chinese solar companies, and other scams. Why the government hasn't investigated these is beyond me, but it just shows bias. There, of course, is also the theft of the Haitian relief money. You can be a great person, but still screw up. Anyway, all of Manafort's trouble lies in his personal space.

Commentary: Four steps to help you love thy neighbor - The ... are the solution, because you’re also the cause. ... and we were made in His image, anything short of that falls beneath His design for our lives. ... but it’s powerful enough to transform ...

Some Interesting Correlations with High Taxes | The interesting as the Mercatus Center was the one that Wallet Hub and Investor’s Business Daily was trying to use to substantiate Hawaii as a poorly run in debt democratic state which Justin and Mike were amplifying in their comments but Mercatus Center actually indicated Hawaii was OK average state in the middle of the pack.

Bernie Sanders For President – David Mosqueda – Medium 19, 2016 · So many have voiced their opinions that Bernie Sanders’s reaction to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Planned Parenthood as the “establishment” …

So, In Conclusion, The Koch Bros Are Not As Bad As Dick ... about two and a half weeks ago the Post re-ran a story from communist red sheet Bloomberg Markets ... This is what is known as the ... In Conclusion, The Koch Bros Are Not As Bad As Dick ...

ALERT: ROVEs American CrossRoads & FIRED Consultant's ... to kpete and a few others here in this thread and elsewhere, It appears to me that this law firm is the heart of all voter disenfranchisement, as well as the *election* of Dubya and citizens united. One of their partners represents AFP. They DO share the same suite at that address, basically -- its seems like it's the same office.

The United Nations has a critical role to play in United Nations has a critical role to play in promoting stability, by Chuck Hagel. The United Nations has a critical role to play in promoting stability, security, democracy, human rights, and economic development. The UN is as relevant today as at any time in its history, but it needs reform. - Chuck Hagel. Our alliances should be understood as a means to expand our influence,

Flashes | Phoenix New Times of Fortune Public Campaign, the D.C. interest group that brought Arizona last fall's successful "Clean Elections" initiative, has released a list of the biggest gun lovers in Congress ...

Urban Crime Victims Call For Stricter Handgun Laws | CT ... Mozell, a mother from New Haven who lost her 19-year-old son Thomas last year to gun violence, said what happened in Newtown was sad, but it happens every day in places like New Haven. “We ...

The Oklahoma Watchman: How's it feel Adam Pugh? 27, 2016 · How's it feel Adam Pugh? SD 41 Challenger. ... of distancing himself from them which would indicate that he is in favor of a federal takeover of our education system and a dumbing down of our children. These are not Oklahoma values or virtues. He should have stayed in Pennsylvania where they would have been more accepting of these practices ...

Why U.S. should care about surveillance abroad – Global 16, 2014 · By Laura Pitter, Special to CNN. Editor’s note: Laura Pitter is a senior national security researcher at Human Rights Watch. The views expressed are the writer’s own. Under growing pressure to rein in domestic surveillance, President Barack Obama recently offered a proposal to end the government's bulk collection of Americans' phone records. Under the new plan, those records would …

FARC - Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia Essay - 1, there emerged a number of guerrilla movements to challenge the position of the National Front and to supposedly champion for the rights of the peasants and the sidelined people in society (Hudson, 2010). One of the most notable movements to arise at this time was the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Randy Maugans | OUTPOSTS | OffPlanet Radio of the imagined targets was the World Trade Center. In another exercise, jets performed a mock shootdown over the Atlantic Ocean of a jet supposedly laden with chemical poisons headed toward a target in the United States. ... Children huddled in closets and corners as the carnage unfolded.” ... This is what Israel always does, they go ...

Former White House Press Secretary Tony Snow Has Died at 12, 2008 · Tony Snow, the former White House Press Secretary under GWB and Fox News anchor has died at the at of 53 from compilations of cancer. Snow died at 2am Saturday morning at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, DC. What a sad day as Tony Snow was one of the truly good guys.

Is the United States the most corrupt country on the 02, 2019 · From the commie source from the pathetic OP. Here are the top signs that the U.S. is the most corrupt country in the world: 1. The U.S. is so corrupt that our ruling Republican Party would even deny human-made climate change and adopt pro-carbon policies inexorably destined to wreck the planet earth, all to ensure a few extra years of profits for dirty coal companies and oil giants like ...

Edwards Verdict Shows Clemens Need Not Fear Taint of ... 04, 2012 · The case marked the first time the government prosecuted someone for campaign violations when money was paid to a third party. ... While Clemens is a seven-time Cy Young Award winner as the best ...

monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events - Page 3011 10, 2018 · The first step is going on in our education system and has been for too long. University students take another step by rioting when a Conservative is going to speak. ... And manipulate they do by enforcing an emasculation before puberty and a distrust of the opposite sex, with men the clear enemy. ... who is Cuban, and NBC’s Peter Alexander ...

October | 2003 | Power Line | Page 6 20, 2003 · It’s not a pretty sight when left-wing gangbangers march into action to destroy admirable men, but they really have it down to a science. Our radio hero Hugh Hewitt has manfully sought to ...

Trump Lead in Florida Vanishes, Overtaken by Clinton Surge ... Trump’s brief but small lead in Florida has vanished, replaced by a big Hillary Clinton surge. The presumptive Democratic nominee now leads her Republican rival by a 47-39 percent ...

Daily Mirror - Election meddling and New York Times allegation that former president Mahinda Rajapaksa’s campaign benefited from it, kills two birds with one stone by discrediting both China and a political leader seen as being too-China ...

Democrats step up politicization of independence » Red ... 22, 2008 · If you pay any attention to Democratic Party politics in the state of Maryland, you know that the Democrats are the first people who want to step to the plate to have an “independent” or “fair” investigation of any Republican wrongdoing. The long investigation of Governor Ehrlich’s appointees was such an “independent” investigation.

Shared Sacrifice, Shared Reward | Jim Burklo"Every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required; and of him to whom men commit much they will demand the more." (Jesus, Sermon on the Mount, Luke 12: 48) That's how it is in the ...

Jake Tapper questions Obama long form birth certificate ... 12, 2010 · Jake Tapper questions Obama long form birth certificate, David Axelrod interview, Something to hide “Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans Jake Tapper of ABC news asked David Axelrod about Obama's long …

Everything Must Change | Sharp Iron Must Change. In his most recent book with the above title, Brian McLaren shows how the economic and political structures of the modern West have created a lethal suicide machine which destroys the very things vital for the survival of humanity and planet Earth.

The Week in the Rearview Mirror | The Texas Tribune• Anchor babies brought national attention to a couple of Texas pols — state Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, and U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tyler, went on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 on different nights to broadcast their notion that anchor babies are the hottest thing in immigration scams. Each citing unnamed FBI sources, Riddle and Gohmert ...

Trump Deathwatch – Consent Factory, Inc. 31, 2018 · The latest "Trump Deathwatch" began on Tuesday, August 21, 2018. It began in a courtroom in Alexandria, Virginia, when Paul Manafort, sleazebag beltway operator and former chairman of Trump's campaign, was pronounced guilty by a jury of his peers on ten counts of various types of fraud -- tax fraud, bank fraud, and failure to…

Three Central Florida congressional candidates top $1 ... latest personal finance reports for candidates running for Congress in Central Florida find the Florida’s 7th Congressional District race includes two candidates with net worths of more than $1 million, incumbent Democrat U.S Rep. Stephanie Murphy of Winter Park and Republican challenger Scott Sturgill of Sanford. They and Democratic former U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, […]Author: Scott Powers

Presidential candidates focused on Arizona ahead of ... candidates are focused on Arizona as the state's primary looms, with four of the five remaining Democratic and Republican hopefuls planning visits to the state in advance of Tuesday's

Why it’s Far Worse for Trump to Fire Rosenstein than to ... 18, 2017 · Separately, Rosenstein has the power to require Mueller to “provide an explanation for any investigative or prosecutorial step,” and can prevent Mueller from pursuing any action if, in his view, he believes that it is “inappropriate or unwarranted” under departmental practices.

David Denenberg announces run for State Senate | Newsday 05, 2014 · Nassau County Legis. Dave Denenberg declared his candidacy Wednesday for the State Senate seat vacated late last year by Republican Charles Fuschillo Jr., …Author: ROBERT BRODSKY

We Shall Not Be Moved: Advocacy in the New Age of Voter 17, 2016 · Nora Leccese serves as the Interim Associate for Domestic Poverty and Environmental Issues at the Office of Public Witness. She is an activist and advocate by nature who is deeply committed to racial and economic justice. In her home state of Colorado, she co-founded and chaired the board of a national food rescue non-profit and organized with ...

UPDATED: Court ruling means votes for Frazier will count ... 25, 2016 · The ruling that secured Frazier’s spot among the five Republicans in the primary — he’d already been ordered onto the ballot pending the outcome of court appeals — was issued remotely by Denver District Court Judge Elizabeth Starr after a telephone conference with Frazier’s attorneys and a state attorney representing Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams.

Exclusive: Trump White House’s Intelligence Chief Is ... 17, 2018 · It’s still unclear what Bolton’s NSC will look ultimately like and what role it will play in policy development and implementation. Bolton has not articulated his vision yet for this, but it’s an open debate about what the right size and scope of the Council should be, according to a source with knowledge of the internal discussions.

Transcript | Howard H. Baker Jr. | Speakers | Landon ... count that experience as an extraordinarily fortunate time in my life. Ronald Reagan and I were both elected to a state-wide office in the same year and I thought I knew him well, but it was not until I served with him at the White House that I came to understand the true dimensions of this great man.[PDF]Tribe changes policy How Amanda Crowe on random drug ... CENTS THE OFFICIAL MULTI-MEDIA NEWS SOURCE OF THE EASTERN BAND OF CHEROKEE INDIANS NOV. 29 - DEC. 5, 2018 Tribe changes policy on random drug testing How Amanda Crowe

Betsy DeVos's Michigan legacy - mlive.com 06, 2016 · Betsy DeVos's resume includes education reform efforts that reshaped Michigan schools. But student test scores have gone down in the past two …

The Mormon Left: You Are the Government: Wikileaks and ... 03, 2010 · So Julian Assange of Wikileaks recently released about 250,000 secret documents from the State Department. The very best thing you could possibly read about Wikileaks is Glenn Greenwald.Here is a smattering, the tip o' the iceberg, of new information that we learned about our government's illegal and immoral activity from these documents that Greenwald put together:

The Early Edition: June 14, 2017 - Just Security 14, 2017 · Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. JEFF SESSIONS TESTIFIES “An appalling and detestable lie.” Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the Senate Intelligence Committee he never met with any Russian officials last year to discuss the Trump campaign and that he couldn’t …

Nigeria’s Electoral Reform Stares At The Judiciary By SKC ... 19, 2016 · The recent statement by the government of President Muhammadu Buhari to reform the Nigeria’s electoral laws is in order. Any overture with a positive attribute is always welcome. Yet, some might argue, and plainly so, that the idea of electoral reform in the country is hardly novel and therefore far from the solution. After all,…

Rudy Giuliani | Scared protests are being encouraged. The protests, even the ones that don’t lead to violence, and a lot of them lead to violence, all lead to a conclusion, the police are bad and the police are racist. That is completely wrong. Actually, the people who do the most for the black community in America are the police, NYC and else where. They are ...

09 | August | 2013 | RUTHFULLY YOURS week, after a three and a half year delay, US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was finally placed on trial for massacring 13 and wounding 32 at Ft. Hood on November 5, 2009. Hasan was a self-identified jihadist. His paper and electronic trail provided mountains of evidence that he committed the massacre to advance the cause of Islamic supremacy.

State the Aristotelian guidelines for the Ethics State the Aristotelian guidelines for the distribution of enterprise-created wealth Case Studies CASE STUDY (20 Marks) As per a judicial order, a minister was ordered to pay a fine of Rs. 15 lakhs for allotting 15 petrol pumps, while another minister was fined Rs. 60 lakhs for causing a loss to the exchequer by allotting 52 shops or kiosks to some favorites.

??????????????-language policy key topics in ... this pageIt was the new language that was most easily shared with the other villagers, for language is a special kind of economic good, some- thing that is available to be learned by anyone exposed to it and that gains rather than loses value the more it is shared with others (see below, p. 000).

Airman gives a lift to 71-year-old Oklahoma City woman ... WSB Atlanta's News & Talk . OKLAHOMA CITY - An airman's act of kindness toward a 71-year-old woman on a hot day in Oklahoma City has gone viral. >> Read more trending news . Senior Airman ...

No consensus among Missourians about Greitens | State News ... interviews were conducted May 7 to 11, before one of the criminal court cases involving the governor was dropped — and a special prosecutor was assigned — and before the special ...

32nd Wisconsin State Senate Candidates | Courier 26, 2016 · On Tuesday, Nov. 8, area voters will make choices on the national and state election levels. One of those races is the 32nd Wisconsin State Senate District. Candidates are incumbent Jennifer Shilling (D) and challenger Dan Kapanke (R), who formerly held the seat but was recalled and replaced by Shilling in a 2011 recall election. Editor Correne Martin spoke with both of them …

The Canadian Press, June 13, 2013 | Online Research ... advisory addition--The Canadian Press picture advisory addition for Thursday, June 13, 2013. Daily coverage is provided by a combination of The Canadian Press staff and member papers. Entries with an estimated photo transmission time are staffed...

OP-ED | Sandy Hook Report Leaves Us With Only Questions ... things I keep coming back to are the guns he had and his apparent fascination with media reports of shootings. ... Fact is that Mrs. Lanza was the quilty party here. ... I am all for a free ...

Republicans attempt to retake Guilford commission seat ... 03, 2008 · Democrats currently occupy the two at-large seats on the Guilford County Commission, the result of a hard-fought contest in 2004 that saw Democrat John Parks unseat Republican Trudy Wade. Election night returns showed the incumbent winning …

How dynasties sank the GOP and the Democrats – POLITICO Mircea Pa?cu was the last man standing for a fill-in job in the Juncker Commission. 9/11/19, 5:29 AM CEST ... How dynasties sank the GOP and the Democrats. ... “I think these are the flaws of two specific dynasties,” says Mayer. “The Clinton dynasty would be doing fine, except the only candidate they had after Bill was Hillary.

Buckley Conservatism | The Z Blog the latter is incoherent. Being “anti-Left” just means you’ve got a passing familiarity with basic math, elementary logic, and a firm grip on the tautology that words mean what they mean. Facts and logic aren’t “conservative,” they just are. Conservatism is a philosophical and political response to a …

'National right-to-work?' Roy Moore had another 'Aleppo ... worst mental hiccups make the most cringe worthy moments in politics. Rick Perry couldn't say what executive agencies he wanted to eliminate. Sarah Palin couldn't bring the Bush doctrine to mind.

Washington wants a city that’s focused on people ... wants a city that’s focused on people ... He was the ninth of 10 children raised by a single mother with a second-grade education, and often had to rummage through the city dump for ...

NYCHA Begins Phase 1 Of Billion Dollar Boiler-Replacement ... to view2:32Mar 08, 2019 · John Keenan, NYPD Chief During Infamous 'Son Of Sam' Manhunt, Dies At 99Keenan was the NYPD's Chief of Detectives during the killings, which terrified the city in 1976 and 1977 as an unknown ...

The Animal Spirits Page: What a democratic solution to a ... Imagine what our response would have looked like if our political system weren’t totally corrupt, but actually responded in a reasonable way the will of the people. The Millennials wouldn’t be debt serfs looking to rent their next apartment from a hedge fund, while Wall Street “bankers” snap up their second and third vacation properties.

Thurmond to remain on ballot, judges rule | State Politics ... three-judge federal panel has ruled in favor of District 41 Republican candidate Paul Thurmond, bringing to a close the final legal drama behind South Carolina’s election-year debacle.

Hundreds Of Hopefuls Try Out For Knicks Dance Team ... you have ever been to a New York Knicks game, you’ve seen their famous dancers in action. On Saturday, hundreds of hopefuls auditioned at the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater for only one of 20 ...

OPINION: A plea to be “health care” voter this fall ... 15, 2018 · I am pleading for you all to be “health care” voters this fall. I live in NJ CD-3 and my Congressman Tom MacArthur has been trying to repeal and sabotage the ACA and he was the only representative from NJ to vote for the unfair tax plan that abolished the individual mandate, which will cut coverage from low-income people.

True News Trending Issues: de Blasio Lobbyist Law Firm ... 05, 2017 · de Blasio Lobbyist Law Firm Makes Millions Off of City Hall Works in the Mayor's Criminal Case for Free ... All the Daily News Had to Do Was Link to a 2016 Article by the Daily News to Show That Not Only Did the Mayor Know About Kramer Levin Lobbying Work, His Law Dept Filed an "Amicus Brief" in Support of His Law Firm Who He Has Not Paid ...

Sara Petite takes 'Road Less Traveled' on heartfelt new ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... Petite wrote all but one of ...

The long shadow of Barack Obama’s identity crisis | Power Line long shadow of Barack Obama’s identity crisis The Washington Post has obsessed over an incident in which Mitt Romney allegedly cut the hair of a fellow high school student.

A Survey of the Races - The Washington Post Survey of the Races ... Bumpers has a 76-19 percent poll lead in his race with Little Rock investment banker Bill Clark. Freshman Reps. Ed Bethune (R) and Beryl F. Anthony Jr. (D) have ...

One House seat in Kentucky embodies how outside groups ... 18, 2011 · The campaign for the U.S. House seat in the 6th District of Kentucky never really ended. Ben Chandler, the Democratic incumbent, and GOP challenger Garland "Andy" Barr fought to a draw on election night 2010. Then it took another 10 days and a recount for Chandler to …

Sen. Majority Leader Loves Malloy’s Legislative Agenda ... were a lot of people sulking and strategizing over Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s budget and legislative package Thursday, but Sen. Majority Leader Martin Looney of New Haven was not one of them.

Draining The Swamp In Porter County Indiana: October 2007 31, 2007 · But it was candidates for the City Council who, during their closing statements, echoed what many have called one of the dirtiest elections in the city's history. Brendan Clancy, a Democrat unopposed for the 2nd District council seat, was the first to bring up the yard signs placed throughout the city this weekend by the newly formed political ...

Campaign Cookbook: 2016-07-24 up a campaign? Need a new recipe? You've come to the right place! The Campaign Cookbook offers tips to season your campaign, make the dough rise, and be prepared for when it …

The Commentariat -- April 15, 2018 - 15, 2018 · Mrs. Bush, who is 92 and frail, has been in and out of the hospital but has now forsworn further interventions and 'will instead focus on comfort care,' according to a statement issued by her husband's office in Houston." It's a Gloomy Day in D.C., & the Twitterbird-in-Chief Is Stuck in the White House. Phil McCausland of NBC News: "...

Naked Politics - August 6, 2006 - August 12, 2006 | Miami ... was the irreverent ... but it does help disguise who is behind some of these organizations. ... noted that Dean "described his enactment of Vermont's civil union law as one of his proudest ...

Feds seized over one hundred Michael Cohen-Trump tapes STORIES; Feds seized more than ONE HUNDRED tapes of Michael Cohen talking to Trump and about doing his business - as smiling lawyer is seen in New York after saying: 'I'm getting my life back ...

This day in baseball history — Phils pave way for Cards ... Cardinals had lost the first two games of their three-game series against the last place New York Mets. On Friday night, Al Jackson shut the Cards out on five hits to best Bob Gibson 1-0.

Top Obama-era officials urge immediate end to U.S 11, 2018 · Macron takes implicit dig at Trump, denouncing ‘nationalism’ — PARIS — It was a day to remember the bloodshed that ultimately made European solidarity a political imperative, a matter of survival.— Scores of presidents, prime ministers and other …

Midday Report: Somber Assembly Returns to Work; Path Ahead ... 08, 2019 · While delegates were conferring behind closed doors, Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Calvert), who is in his 33 rd year as a presiding officer and is battling health problems of his own, convened his chamber and offered an emotional tribute to Busch. “This is going to a difficult day for all of us,” Miller said.

discrimination Archives – Page 13 of 20 – WOBH | Media sensitive Minister said to the very distressed and recent widow “I suppose it was the Air New Zealand breakfast that did it to him” Winston is a complete arrogant wanker. How dare he be such an insensitive prick to a lady who has just lost her husband.

Debate Topic: "Under God" should be removed from the ... the pros and cons of the debate "Under God" should be removed from the Pledge of allegiance.

Noem Proposes Target Teacher Salary of $50,360, Increase ... the bills on the Senate’s Crossover Day agenda is Senate Bill 179, which sets the maximum tax levies for school boards and the target teacher salary on which state funding will be based.In this adjustment to the state K-12 funding formula, Governor Kristi Noem asks that the Legislature increase our target teacher salary 2.5%, over $1,200, from $49,131.96 to $50,360.26.

JoesusTBF (u/JoesusTBF) - Reddit knew Judgement Day 2008 because that was the first wrestling show I ever attended. ... This is the Panic I know, the new stuff doesn't even come close but then again this band doesn't exist anymore. ... You would think Eddie would have, and to a degree they "started" following up with their drug policy but it was very much a WWE issue.

What recession? | Amandala 13, 2009 · BELIZE CITY: Tuesday, March 10th – If it was not so serious, it is laughable to see the antics grown people go to lie or escape reality. Take the case of Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), who today said in Paris, “This recession can last a long time, unless the policies we’re expecting are put in place, in which case 2010 can be a year of return to growth.” - is one the White House has held very firm, and the GAO had held equally firm, as evidence by this news today that they plan to go forward with a lawsuit against White House, something that they simply have never done before. And by the way, Bill, David Walker, who is the head of GAO, was a Republican nominee to that position.

President Trump Watch. : News, Politics & Current Affairs 28, 2019 · Among other things, the evidence was not sufficient to charge any Campaign official as an unregistered agent of the Russian government or other Russian principal. And our evidence about the June 9, 2016 meeting and WikiLeaks' s releases of hacked materials was not sufficient to charge a criminal campaign-finance violation.

Paladino: Cuomo took post-HUD payoff - News - The Evening ... 01, 2010 · The Republican candidate for New York governor — using a video press release to TV stations statewide — is accusing Democrat Andrew Cuomo this week of taking a “payoff” while he was housing secretary during the Clinton administration from a man who is a major political donor and now works for Cuomo’s campaign.

Elizabeth Warren And Pals Introduce Bill To F*ck Trump's ... the Washington Post ... What lucrative fun it can be to be appointed to a fun cabinet post by a preznit, right? ... YOU ARE CUTE. But it's a nice shot across the bow from Senator Liz and her pals, to send a message that they might be in the minority, but they're going to do everything in their power to be as much of a pain in the ass to the ...

The “We Are Ohio” Republican candidate: Eric Spicer for no disrespect to the Democrats running in this race, not a district we can win, unless Martin manages to win the GOP nomination. And even then, it’s still a longshot. If you would like to know more about Eric Spicer or wish to follow his campaign, please be sure to check out his campaign website and its Facebook page.

Neal Katyal on Twitter: "19. Here is kicker #1:Special ... 12, 2018 · 19. Here is kicker #1:Special Counsel regs therefore put thumb on scale of Mueller asking Acting AG to indict, as that is the one way Mueller can be sure info he has uncovered in his investigation is provided to Congress. EVEN if Mueller thinks AG would say no, he may need to ask

Labor pressures Barnaby Joyce over rent-free house in ... 14, 2018 · Labor MPs are staying fairly quiet again today, preparing to let the government do all the talking. But Stephen Jones had a quick chat on his way in: It’s time for Barnaby Joyce to do the right ...

November | 2018 | Realistic Benedictions ever adult supervision–the need for grownup oversight of the president, that is–were on the ballot, the day. Even those who feel, who still in spite of everything feel, that the president is entertaining–even most such people would have to acknowledge, if answering honestly, that we have a president desperately in need of supervision by people not beholden to him for their jobs.

veto overrides | Seventh 12, 2018 · This is a major loss for Hogan who lobbied hard for the General Assembly to sustain his veto. According to the bill synopsis, the legislation will require “employers with 15 or more employees to provide employees with earned sick and safe leave that is paid at the same wage rate as the employee normally earns.” Smaller businesses will have ...

Cruz or Rubio? - redstate.com was actually for Walker as by first choice. It was a toss-up between Cruz and Rubio for #2. I have previously posted an article about Ted Cruz and some inconsistencies in his stances which basically argued at the end that he is not the most consistently conservative candidate, but the most politically calculating conservative candidate.

Bluegrass blitz: How McConnell was sold on sentencing ... was "the person who saved this bill," Harris said. "Ultimately the voices that are going to matter to him most are the ones back at home. That was our calculation"

Greetings from the New Economy | Common Dreams Views from the New Economy. by. ... a professor at Vermont Law School, who is on the board of the newly created New Economics Institute (NEI). The occasion was the founding conference of NEI, held at Bard College in early June, and Speth was making a call for “an economy whose very purpose is not to grow profit…but sustain people and ...

PA-Gov: Candidates Draw Blood At Forum | 03, 2014 · PA-Gov: Candidates Draw Blood At Forum. Written by Brittany Foster, Managing Editor (Lancaster, Pa.) ... Schwartz was the only adamant opponent to capital punishment, and the others supported a moratorium while there is discussion of sentencing reform. ... The good news is you only have to wait a little over two weeks before all over ...

Six Tea Party Freshmen Behaving Badly - The National Memo ... 20, 2012 · (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel, File) Representative Kevin Yoder (R-KS) apologized today for skinny dipping at the holy site of the Sea of Galilee during a Congressional trip to Israel last August. Yoder, a Tea Party freshman, was one of about 20 visitors who joined the late night swim. According to Politico, however, Yoder was the only […]

Bernie Murphy's 1,500 Days: Flagler Beach's Eternal ... 30, 2010 · Bernie Murphy was hired as interim city manager of Flagler Beach. That was more than 1,500 days ago. Tonight's meeting could be his last, though …

Herman Cain: Conservatives should dream, be united ... 26, 2010 · Herman Cain: Conservatives should dream, be united, informed, inspired. ... the tragedy lies in having no goals to reach for. It’s not a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity to have no dreams.” ... “It’s part of that whole attitude that government can make better decisions for a poor family then they can make ...

Ron Paul supporters lining up behind Pat Anderson ... 30, 2009 · Pat Anderson’s campaign for governor is getting support from the supporters of Texas Congressman Ron Paul. Anderson, who served as State Auditor …

Hutaree Defendants Released on Bond – Reason.com 03, 2010 · It isn’t until he destroys the front of the car in a fugue state does he finally get a grip and decide to confront his father, after which he imagines a final, impossible escape for Ferris and a ...

The civil war by the left in the US - PrairiePundit 29, 2018 · Russian forces blew up bridges on the Euphrates river held by Iranian militias several days ago, according to a report. This is the first time the Russians attacked Iranian targets in Syria. The information came from a senior Syrian official who refused to be identified, and was reported in Bas News, a Kurdish news website. - ago, we saw something that was almost like a walk-back from President Trump on one of the more shocking claims he's made in the last 24 hours, this one regarding migrants attempting to ...

2011 Denver Mayor/Council Archives - Page 11 of 14 - The said that both the campaign and Haavind came to a mutual agreement to part ways. Haavind had been a spokeswoman with the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment and also was the spokeswoman for former Auditor Don Mares during the 2003 …

Prank call proves billionaire David Koch owns Wisconsin ... 23, 2011 · The editor of the Buffalo Beast blustered his way into a call with Wisconsin State Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday by claiming that he was billionaire David Koch, sworn enemy of environmentalism and ...

memeorandum: Trump Taxes Solar Imports in Biggest Blow to 22, 2018 · Susan Collins had senators in bipartisan meetings use talking stick — STORY HIGHLIGHTS — Washington (CNN)During bipartisan talks between senators to discuss passing a funding bill to end the government shutdown, Sen. Susan Collins whose office was being used for the negotiations, figured out a civil way to create discussion.

Paul Manafort breaches plea agreement, likely to receive ... 01, 2019 · That was the previous gag order, which was less strict. ... In his way, he was telling me to lie. ... and allow corporations and large donors to more easily conceal their identities. This is a result of the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling, and it has caused the amount of …

Philip Roth's Everyman (2006): A Review | Pierre Tristam Everyman, the Philip Roth writing the eulogy from behind the ordinariness, the Roth who reads hearts like America’s best social cardiologist, still writing like it’s a midday office ...

Naked Politics - Florida Governor's Race | Miami Herald ... is the only one of the GOP candidates under 50 years old. "We are the party of recruiting the best candidates based on qualifications not on race. ... He was the bearer of good news in a ...

GOP The Magic Dumbo - 29, 2008 · "Unfortunately, there is hypersensitivity in the press regarding matters of race. This is in large measure due to President-Elect Obama being the first African-American elected president," said Blackwell, who would be the first black RNC chairman, in a statement forwarded to Politico by an aide. This is the leadership the GOP needs.

Congratulate me, Donald Trump demands of CNN | National me, Donald Trump demands of CNN ... The first thing you've come out with, hot and heavy out of the box, are these attacks on Hillary Clinton. ... But it's yet another example of Trump ...

First Round of Chicago Ethics Reforms | CityEthics.org, I will discuss the wholly good changes that were made to Chicago's ethics code. I wish this was the largest section in this post, but it is not. However, there are some excellent improvements. 1. The best addition is the creation of ethics officers for departments and aldermanic offices, to be trained by the board of ethics (EB).

CIAFWISD: IT'S TIME TO VOTE TEACHERS AND THOSE WANTING … 01, 2015 · In most Latin cultures, hyphenated names are the opposite in meaning of Anglo names. In English, the first name is the mother's name or maiden name and the second is the family or married name. In Spanish it is the opposite. The first name is the family or maiden name and the second name is the mother's name or maiden name.

Ridgefield governments meet to talk future | News — Ridgefield City Council, Port of Ridgefield and Ridgefield School District officials came together Aug. 9 to talk developments for each of the entities for the first in what are hoped to be regular joint meetings to keep each other abreast of happenings that impact the entities. Port ...

Trump's Calling For Violence At His Rallies Shows How ... 19, 2017 · Trump's Calling For Violence At His Rallies Shows How Hypocritical The Right Is This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party.

Town of contention | Palmetto Politics | postandcourier.com computer contract to the mayor's son, the only bidder. A controversial bid to buy an expensive, historic plantation outside town limits. Verbal jousting between the mayor, a top election

Replace Social Security Ponzi Schemes with Private Savings ... 17, 2019 · This summer, interviewing people for my video about Social Security’s coming bankruptcy, was the first time I had heard the majority of such a group say they were aware there is a problem. One said, “We’re already at a trillion dollars (deficit) … (I)t’s almost like a big Ponzi scheme.”

Penn State: asking the right questions - The San Diego ... decisive action taken by Penn State’s board of trustees in firing coach Joe Paterno represents an important first step in dealing with the emerging sexual abuse scandal, but it should hardly ...

South Titan Government Blog: Do You Have the Right to Flip ... think you do have the right to flip off a cop. People get flipped off everyday. It's out of anger and impulse. Should you get cited for doing something that harms no one, damages nothing, and is protected under the first amendment of the constitution, just because some cop doesn't like that the finger was directed at him? I don't think so.

Biometric voter verification in, in Pakistan are preparing fresh voter's on the basis of biometrics, where picture of a voter and thumb ipmression will be the prime requirment, because in existing lists there are many duplications and triplications which made them suspicious.This is for the first time that voter's lists are being prepared on the basis of National Identity ...

Summit tackles veteran homelessness - The San Diego Union ... at the summit, held at the San Diego Veterans Museum and Memorial Center in Balboa Park, talked about what we know about the scope of veteran homelessness in the region, the tools we ...[DOC]2004-2005 - uwlax.edu · Web viewNussbaum: Hi, so I’m the senator for NASA. I want to talk about the fact that obviously a predominately white institution and I know that NASA along with many of the other MSOs have been talking about how there are a lot less native students that go here now than in the past and a lot of MSOs have been talking about similar issues.

Here Are 9 Wingnut Reasons For Charleston Murders That ... 19, 2015 · 1. Because Caitlyn Jenner is a girl, and we don't even hate her. That waste of space, Erick Erickson, who edits the RedState blog and goes on Fox News to talk about how Baltimore got all fucked up because there isn't enough Jesus, has some thoughts to share on Charleston, and wouldn't you know it, all Caitlyn Jenner's fault, for being transgender, and America's fault, for failing to ...

Teller County Democratic Party - Posts | Facebook County Democratic Party. 284 likes. For progressive voters in Teller County, Colorado. Jump to. ... but it’s also money that could otherwise be spent on a college fund, retirement savings, or putting food on the table. ... This is a great opportunity to meet your fellow Democrats and share

South DaCola Predictions; The Huether Reign ended tonight!*This one should be no surprise. Todd and Kate have been on the school board for several years and are the incumbents. With the new school bond issue on the horizon, they are going to try to keep that board tight. I will give Peter credit though for putting an effort forward. Share this post: on Twitter on Facebook

Thread by @VictorOjuel: "There we go! @gregbuchanan ... when applying to a studio you will be asked to provide a CV, your portfolio (to prove your experience; try to submit something that fits the tone and particularities of the job) and a writing test. However bear in mind the person hiring you might not be a writer.

The Urban Politico: Selective Patriotism: The Conservative ... Hannity - "This is in the country that has paid the price, the blood, the sweat, tears, the financial burden to beat back fascism, Nazism, imperial Japan, totalitarianism, the former Soviet Union, medical breakthroughs because of the greatness of America, the average American raises his family provides goods and services, and a standard of living second-to-none, and for the first time in ...

Empirical Legal Studies: Books - elsblog.org to feedback received from my earlier post on Survey Research, I purchased a few more books from the Sage Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series: Arlene Fink, The Survey Kit (2002) and Graham Kalton, Introduction to Survey Sampling (1983). These monographs are short and readable explanations for people interested in specific research methodologies or background theory.

Marijuana taxes: Group against Proposition AA inflates 10, 2013 · A group opposing the statewide Proposition AA question to add sales and excise taxes to retail marijuana held a rally Monday in Civic Center, generating a huge media buzz (and another kind of buzz) when it spiced up its message with a free joint giveaway. Hundreds of people Monday morning lined …

Walter Russel Mead | the Campaign Dossier is honest graft at work: one hires someone who is a reasonably qualified administrator for the program, but who is also plugged into the network of activists and operatives needed to keep the permanent campaign up and running.

NY Measure Would Strip Pensions - DTNPF.com is not the first such measure aimed at pensions. A 2011 law allowed judges to revoke or reduce pensions of crooked lawmakers, but it didn't apply to sitting lawmakers at the time.

NA Confidential: The bombing and war cult: "Pounding ... Confidential believes in a higher bar than is customary in the blogosphere, and follows a disclosure policy with respect to reader comments. First, you must be registered with according to the procedures specified. This is required not as a means of directing traffic to, but to reduce the lamentable instances of flaming and personal attacks on the part of the anonymous.

Explosive new 9/11 evidence – did Mueller help Saudi ...’s only a little story but it’s a good example of the symptom. Actual journalists would have explained it the right way immediately – the media we’ve got started to shout about impeachment and the emoluments clause. The Prez can’t make money out of being The Prez. It’s …

Colorado House District 34 race Q&A: Alexander "Skinny ... is not a bumper sticker type issue, and we have a long road ahead of us to “educate” people about it… but it can fundamentally improve our election process for the better. 2.

Thread by @jabeale: "I think @Comey should be thinking ... think @Comey should be thinking about @carterwpage when the Mueller report comes out. An ethical giant such as hisownself surely has a draft oped ready to apologize on behalf of the FBI and help Dr. Page rehabilitate his reputation.

Essie Hall - Ballotpedia Hall (Nonpartisan) was a candidate for Ward 9 member of the Chicago City Council in Illinois. Hall lost the general election on February 26, 2019. Hall responded to Ballotpedia's unique candidate survey for 2019 Chicago candidates. The survey questions were developed with input from more than ...

Charter Students Rally Lawmakers To Restore Funding | CT ... seems to me that this whole ad campaign must cost a lot of money and I wonder who is funding it? Are the charter schools so flush in money that they can afford to spend millions on lobbying ...

Above Average Jane: Evaluating Candidates 04, 2006 · Issue positions are a popular way of evaluating candidates. You certainly want someone in office who is going to vote for and against legislation that you do or do not like. ... Regardless of how useful I think I may be to a candidate or official, when I meet them for the first time I take a very low profile and keep credentials to a minimum ...

December 2017 – Crashing the Sentinel a story posted by Huffington Post, it was noted that, by the FBI’s count, the number of police officers murdered in the line of duty has dropped from last year (2016: 66; 2017: 45).I’m not sure that December 2017 is counted in the totals yet and even though a table showing the number of police murdered feloniously from 1961 through 2015 was included, a link to the new data was given.

Fontes Tells Maricopa County Voter, Candidate “Go F ... 01, 2017 · Fontes Tells Maricopa County Voter, Candidate “Go F-Yourself” ... This is essentially the due date and something that should be taken very seriously. ... Seems like respect and a little bit of decorum would be a more reasonable approach. Adrian P. Fontes: Dave Thomas, my response is not only appropriate but deserved. I had a prior response ...

Jack McMullen | The Vermont Political Observer. race for Governor of Vermont had all the makings of “Bambi Vs. Godzilla II: The Re-Flattening.” Scott MIlne was a badly underfunded candidate who ran a goofy, error-filled campaign, while Peter Shumlin was the consummate political pro with a huge bankroll and a far stronger party apparatus.

RoundEyeSurgery (u/RoundEyeSurgery) - Reddit'm sorry I just don't think that's good, I know it's insensitive as hell, but it's too late now to tiptoe around it or use a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to explain it differently. This is just the way it is, Europe is being invaded and we'd better fucking wake up if we have any chance of preventing that from happening here.

Tea Party movement – Post On Rick Scott drew cheers from a tea party rally on the steps of the Old Capitol when he pledged, “the right things are happening,” and urged the 300 activists to keep the heat on Tallahassee. “We’ve got the next 60 days,” Scott said on the Legislature’s opening day, as a similar crowd opposing his budget proposal rallied across the street.

MY PREDICTIONS FOR TUESDAY | PirateCrew.com 08, 2018 · I live in Hunterdon County and I just don’t see much juice for Malinowski. I’m not a big Lance fan But it’s going to come down to voter turn out and my senses it will be unusually strong in this area. ... In my view why Hillary lost two years ago. ... Lots of things the Obama justice department and a grand jury charged him with ...

Up close with Iowa Republicans | Power Line liberal media would have it that Republicans are old, white, and angry. To what extent was this stereotype borne out by the big Republican event at the Iowa state fairgrounds on Saturday? The ...

conscience rule | The Confluence about conscience rule written by riverdaughter. Tips gratefully accepted here. Thanks!:

Advocates Push Assisted-Suicide Bills | CT News Junkie said bringing it back to the legislature was the natural path, but it’s likely to face opposition from the Catholic Church and other right-to-life organizations. ... “There’s a ...

Respect for the Office - huddled-masses.org!I believe Booker’s approach was the correct one, even though I hate to admit it. To destroy respect for the office of President in this country is just a hair’s breadth away from destroying the country itself. Still, to be honest, it is really hard for me.

Mimsy: The Al Greene Conspiracy - Democrat boss was looking for a way to get past November Voter Anger. He simply made a bet: find a guy who is very malleable, spend $10,500 to get his name on the ballot, then do nothing but drink beer until the primary is over. My theory is that it was a plant and a dirty trick by the Dems. They knew they had virtually no chance to beat DeMint.

Althouse: "A Texas court has overturned the conviction of ... 11, 2013 · Yes, it was the state legislature that actually drew the districts, but it was Delay's influence that got the original redistricting from the 2000 census thrown out. Yep, he was indeed a pompous, power hungry prick, lgv, but this state and the United States House of Representatives is much better of because of him. 9/19/13, 4:58 PM

Advancing Policy Theory with Cultural Theory: An ... Policy Theory with Cultural Theory: An Introduction to the Special Issue ... At the heart of CT are the grid group dimensions that allow for researchers to sort individuals by cultural ...

memeorandum: Bret Stephens Did Something to Ilhan Omar's 18, 2019 · Barr under fire for news conference that was a boon for Trump, and often featured one of his preferred terms — Flanked by two deputies, Attorney General William P. Barr stepped to a microphone on the Justice Department's seventh floor Thursday and spoke in the language of the president who appointed him to the job. +

Interview: Conservative Blogger Erick Erickson . NOW on Erickson is the managing editor of RedState, a widely read right-of-center blog that caters to the conservative online community. In a web-exclusive interview, NOW's David Brancaccio talks ...

Going to the Mat: Thinking About the Professionalization ... Lortie---in his classic 1970s text Schoolteacher--talks about how teaching has a false transparency. Most people believe that they know and understand teaching because they spent 18 years in a classroom themselves. This "experience" leads to a over-confidence in …

America's First Black President Throwing Slaves Under the ...’s First Black President Throwing Slaves Under the Bus on TPP. ... One of the major objectives of the pact is to strengthen America’s position in the region relative to China. Thus Malaysia’s location makes it a critically important signatory to the pact. ... but it was the …

The Economist Endorses Barack Obama - Jack & Jill, that bastion of socialism, THE ECONOMIST, endorses Barack Obama. The presidential election. It’s time Oct 30th 2008 From The Economist print edition. America should take a chance and make Barack Obama the next leader of the free world. IT IS impossible …

Connecticut Local Politics: Democrats Call for ... check online versions of most of the state's dailies in the morning, and only a handful were running it. Why the slow response? I would have thought that possible campaign ethics violations by the chief of staff to a governor who has made ethics a central part of her image would be something people would want to know about.

Jo-Joe Politico: THE TRUTH ABOUT LIES 01, 2010 · Warning to those educated in government schools: This is a long post. What is it about lies that seems to attract people, especially politicians? It seems to be difficult to find a politician who does no lie at one time or another. Maybe that's true of all people, but it seems to be more overt among those in the political realm.

Look. So here is the final word. On Some Supreme Court explanation on the following entry. The original post – linked at the bottom as “ The Coward, Ted, and the Brave Man “ – was originally written in the aftermath of the WDAS Presents the Philly Block Party (which was awesome by the way. When Boyz II Men’s Nathan Morris did a shout out to “everybody make some noise if you were born in the 60’s” there was applause up front in ...

Earned Sick Days in Philly- So Low-Wage Workers Can Get ... it has been circulated to members of City government, business, and editorial boards to lend credence to the belief that treating workers with humanity would be bad for business. Herzenberg provided serious critique for the Dunkelberg study in his testimony:

June 2010 – Page 6 – Dangerous Intersection 19-year old Norwegian niece ("Katja") just left town after visiting my family for four days. We had the opportunity to have several long conversations with her comparing Norway to the United States. I'm not going to suggest that Norway is perfect, but when you read the following list, it might make you wonder why the United States can't get its act together to be at least somewhat more like ...

Obama Warned: Israel May Bomb Iran - Moral Philosophy and ... blog which is dedicated to the use of Traditional (Aristotelian/Thomistic) moral reasoning in the analysis of current events. Readers are challenged to reject the ...

dog whistle racism | Race Files liberal pundits are going after Romney hook and nail. After all, Romney is the son of a man who was the President of American Motors and Governor of Michigan. Following in his father’s footsteps, Romney made a career as a businessman that has made him one of the super rich, and then became the Governor of Massachusetts.

Encouraging Trends in Voting Rights Reform - ket.org his book, Douglas highlights a range of efforts to expand voting rights and voter participation. ... Kentucky and Iowa are the worst states in the nation for felon disenfranchisement, according to Douglas. But the testimony of a Covington man helped start to turn that tide in the commonwealth. ... Douglas says one of the best ways to foster ...

Albany 'Reform' Group Led by Koch Lays Out Goals - The New ... 12, 2010 · A coalition of civic groups pressing for reform in Albany tentatively agreed Friday to draft a “Contract With New York” and to press incumbent state legislators and their challengers to pledge their support. The group, convened by former Mayor Edward I. Koch with Citizens Union and New York ...

A Step Too Far for the Ultra-Right in the Netherlands Netherlands has experienced another political tremor. On the evening of nationwide municipal elections on March 19, the right-wing politician Geert Wilders asked supporters gathered with him in a café in The Hague whether they would like more Moroccans in the city, or fewer. His audience ...

No Mo’ Cuomo? - weeklystandard.com 01, 2014 · But as the Times reported, the commission’s investigations into campaign-finance law violations were “hobbled” once it began looking into officials connected with Cuomo. In one instance, the ...

The Latest: Dorian strengthens to Category 2 storm - ABC News Latest on Hurricane Dorian (all times local): 11:15 p.m. Hurricane Dorian is now a Category 2 hurricane and is expected to continue strengthening over the weekend as it advances toward Florida ...

Rep's list of union clients raises questions on ethics -- For more than 12 years, state Rep. Kevin Murphy has sought to strike a balance between his career as a private attorney and his duties, as a legislator, to the public and his Lowell ...

Turkey: Uniting an “Army of Islam” to Defeat Just One ... his address, Tanriverdi said that a “rapid deployment force” should be created. ... Tanriverdi’s views are the impetus for the founding in 2012 of his company, “SADAT International Defense Consultancy.” On its official website, ... But it is impossible for them to respond to all the needs of 60 Islamic countries in the defense sector.

5 biggest questions of the 2014 session - The Fine Print 05, 2014 · (Example: The 2011 session may remain one of the most substantive sessions in the last decade.) Still there may be a few flashpoints between now and early May when legislators wrap up their work and hit the campaign trail. Here are the 5 biggest questions that …

Trump’s ex attorney Michael Cohen admits to lying to ... relationship between the president and the one-time personal injury attorney, who up until June served as the Republican Party’s deputy finance chairman and was one of Trump’s most ardent ...

The Other America: Poverty in the United States Harrington, The Other America. March 1962.“The Other America spurred many of the domestic policy initiatives undertaken by the federal government in the 1960s, known collectively as ‘the war on poverty.'”Maurice Isserman: “Harrington’s most famous appeal to the American conscience, The Other America, was a short work (one hundred and eighty-six pages in the original edition ...

The Washington Post Endorses Barak Obama - Orange County ... 17, 2008 · above all his irresponsible selection of a running mate who is not ready to be president. It is made easy in larger part, though, because of our ...

Legal Schnauzer: Think tank provides details that suggest ... 02, 2019 · As U.S. Attorney General William Barr faced grilling before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday over his handling of the Mueller Report, hardly anyone (among lawmakers and news analysts) mentioned Vol. 1 of the report -- the part about possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russian officials. It was as if Barr's finding (and Mueller's) of "no collusion" is widely …

Extras « Comment Page 1 - nystateofpolitics.com burglar has stolen an iPad from the home of a banker who has ties to the convicted former campaign manager for President Trump, Paul Manafort.. Attorneys for Manafort are urging a federal district court judge to move his second criminal trial from Washington, D.C., to Roanoke, Va., citing a biased jury pool.. In a unanimous decision and a big win for small-and-medium-sized newspapers, the ...

Bunnell Puts Its Stamp on Day of Prayer While Another ... 05, 2011 · Bunnell Puts Its Stamp on Day of Prayer While Another Group Marks “Day of Inclusivity” ... permanently setting the day as the first Thursday of every May. ... President John Adams wrote in his ...

the weaker party: Is law enforcement addicted to drug money? fees that may be payable by law for any service performed by any officer specified in this section or in his office, shall be paid, when received, into the State Treasury. I may be wrong, but it appears to me that the part in bold is designed to prevent the activities mentioned above.

Madville South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture's major crop this year is sour grapes. Hundreds of Hanson County residents turn back a proposal to damage their roads and water and air with a 7000-head concentrated animal feeding operation, and Secretary Walt Bones moans that he's "disappointed":. I am disappointed with the loss of opportunity for farmers to add value to the crops they raise while ...

Clock ticks on Congress' bold legislative, it's not impossible to get things done even during midterm-election years, particularly in the first six months or so. Although Congress tried and was unable to pass immigration reform in 2006, it did enact other legislation such as the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act, a law cracking down on child predators and sex offenders.

North Korea confirms American citizen detained over ... Korean state media say that a "detailed investigation" into the case is underway. Earlier the university's chancellor had said that the academic, who is in his 50s, was arrested at the airport while trying to leave North Korea. Kim has become the third US citizen currently in detention in North Korea.

Naked Politics - Cabinet | Miami Herald & MiamiHerald.com a letter today to the State Board of Administration, Attorney General Bill McCollum offered a preview of his top legislative priority: putting a $50 million cap on the fees attorneys can earn ...

Barack Obamahttps://africa4obama.blogspot.comMr. Obama has the potential to become a great president. Given the enormous problems he would confront from his first day in office, and the damage wrought over the past eight years, we would settle for very good. The first question, in fact, might be why either man wants the job.

Indiana Progressive Liberals: Mike Pence [2012] English as the official language of the US. (Feb 2007) Mike Pence on Immigration: In His Own Words. Therefore, the solution is to setup a system that will encourage illegal aliens to self-deport and come back legally as guest workers. This may sound outside of the box, and it is. ... in which he advocated for a flat tax and a return to ...

Barack Obama for President - JillSusan.com choice is made easy in part by Mr. McCain’s disappointing campaign, above all his irresponsible selection of a running mate who is not ready to be president. It is made easy in larger part, though, because of our admiration for Mr. Obama and the impressive qualities he …

eChaser: July list of journalists or other media members who, fresh out of college, compiled their first set of professional clips while working at the C-J is enormous, including Griff Singer, Donna Darovich, Kenny Hand, Carter Hinshaw, Roger Summers, Dan Van Cleve, Cathy O'Neal and a plethora of others."It's practically impossible to attend a meeting of media pros in the Metroplex and mention that you ...

America's "Menendez" problem: How big money poisons ... 02, 2015 · America's "Menendez" problem: How big money poisons politics -- and how it can be fixed While the senator is innocent until proven guilty, we can already draw some important lessons from his ...

March 2006 – Ghost in the the Dems — except for Feingold and Leahy — AWOL yet again, the Senate Judiciary Committee debates Feingold’s censure resolution and hears testimony from former Nixon counsel John Dean, who is back before Congress for the first time since Watergate.

Journalism Archives - New Mexico In DepthNew Mexico In 16, 2018 · New Mexico media seldom reports on it for various reasons, including many outlets’ struggle to do more with less in an era of downsizing. More importantly, the subject seems to rarely break through the haze of competing priorities each year in Santa Fe as the state’s 112 lawmakers convene to deliberate on the state’s most pressing issues.

Megamerger could lead to megacutbacks – Variety TIME WARNER AND AOL wrestle themselves into bed, the word from inside the megaconglom's walls is that big-time cuts are coming. Sources at both parties say Warner Bros.

Edge Davao 9 Issue 84 by Edge Davao The Business Paper - Issuu Davao 9 Issue 84, June 24, 2016. ... I have already made some but it is not finished,” Adaza said. ... the incubator arm of the First Pacific Group of Companies in the Philippines. They ...

Conventional Wisdom: Florida GOP Dishes Up Victory Talk ... Wisdom: Florida GOP Dishes Up Victory Talk. ... But it might as well have been big slabs of red meat. ... Ryan’s biggest feat in his political career was proposing a budget with ...

ThePopTort: Fake News’ “Tort Reform” Episode first thing you notice when you meet Parker -- he can't stop shaking his arms. "The only time that this stops is when I'm asleep," Parker said. Parker's problems began in 2011. He went to the hospital after feeling a piercing pain in his leg.

Julius Malema – politics unlimited Zimbabwean Member of Parliament blasted at Malema, saying he is “a little and irrelevant man” who is trying to gain support by insulting the Zimbabwean president, who has been in power since 1980. “Not bothered at all by Julius Malema’s latest ranting.

September | 2009 | Smash Mouth Politics | Page 8 just won’t be any way to tell who is and who isn’t an illegal, so in effect they will be covered, but it won’t be our fault, wink wink. And come on, far leftist supporters, I’m just saying this about not paying for abortions, for now. We have to pass the bill first. We’ll force abortions down their throats later.

Sanders Opposes Lew as Obama's Treasury Secretary Nominee ... appears to be the first and only left-leaning senator to oppose Lew's nomination. The Vermont senator's ideological opposite, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), has also committed to voting against Lew, but Sanders acknowledged in his statement that Obama's nominee would likely be confirmed.

Steve Toth for Congress | Power Line Toth for Congress. Charlie Cook rates Texas’ Eighth Congressional District as the fourth most conservative House district in the country. It went heavily for Ted Cruz in his race 2012 ...

We Want Local - Home | Facebook bill would become one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the nation should it be signed into law, but it reportedly has not been scheduled to be taken up by a state Senate committee. Protesters arrived at the state Capitol prior to the beginning of the House session on Thursday to speak out against the bill, the news outlet reported.

Not just another Google mistake | Power Line 08, 2019 · The institute’s opposition to discrimination by race has placed the institute deeply at odds with our political and cultural arbiters. That is the lesson I draw from “Claremont’s brush with ...

UPDATE: Sioux Falls School Board continues to be more ... all of these opt-outs, Janklow must be rolling in his grave. Can’t we solve all of this just by taking a bigger piece of the video lottery take? It’s not the perfect answer, but it worked back in ’95 for BJ. Or, I have a better idea. Maybe it’s time to tax the rich more in this state, huh?

AZ SOS: Arizona Citizens United, Backers of Mayoral ... 18, 2011 · In Phoenix, Gullett, a founding partner in one of the largest lobbying firms in Arizona, wasn't able to come close to the $1 million he said he would raise in his campaign -- …

Lamont Highlights Volunteerism on Whirlwind Tour of ... it’s also a reminder. ... who is a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee and has made advocating for veterans’ rights a cornerstone of his senatorial career, said he believes ...

Romney in Virginia to court religious right - Deseret News Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney made only a passing reference to his LDS faith as he continued his outreach Saturday to conservative Christians in a graduation speech at Regent University, the school founded by televangelist Pat Robertson.

Spotted This Morning: Trouble in Hick’s 17, 2010 · Imagine how you’d feel if your boss asked the Federal Bureau of Investigation to review one of your first significant actions. As The Denver Post’s Christopher N. Osher reports, that’s the position Ron Perea finds himself in.. You’ve by now seen the video.People across the nation have seen it, as it went viral over the weekend.

SSP Daily Digest: 7/31 – Swing State Project• IL-Sen: Add one more GOP Twitter fail to the increasingly long-list. Rep. Mark Kirk, who is also a Naval Reservist, tweeted his location (the National Military Command Center) while on duty. The DoD is now investigating, as it’s a problem on two fronts: one, the prohibition against using the media to give away your position, and two, the ...

Muslim group suing DOJ and DHS for allegedly ‘fabricating ... 11, 2018 · Maya Lakshmi Harris (born January 30, 1967) is an American lawyer, public policy advocate, and television commentator. She is a political analyst for MSNBC[1] and in 2015 was appointed to be one of three senior policy advisers to lead the development of an agenda for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.[2]

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database Tor is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to.. In order to use the WikiLeaks public submission system as detailed above you can download the Tor Browser Bundle, which is a Firefox-like browser available for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux and pre-configured to connect using the ...

Schuyler VanValkenburg - Ballotpedia 07, 2017 · In his five elections for the Virginia House of Delegates, Massie only faced competition once—his first election in 2007. He declined to run in 2017. District 72 was one of 51 Virginia House districts that Democrat Hillary Clinton won in the 2016 presidential election. Clinton …

Google News - Manafort found guilty on eight counts - Overview Trump said he was 'very sad' about Manafort conviction. Donald Trump's former campaign chief Paul Manafort was found guilty of fraud Tuesday, in the first trial resulting from the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP) (Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

The Early Edition: April 14, 2016 - Just Security 14, 2016 · The two brothers blew themselves up at Brussels airport and a metro stop in March. [Wall Street Journal’s Valentina Pop] Prime suspect in the November Paris attacks Salah Abdeslam had documents concerning a nuclear research center in Germany in his possession, German newspapers have reported. The Juelich center is used to store atomic waste.

2020 Hopeful John Hickenlooper’s Bringing Together Oil ... 05, 2019 · Those regulations went into effect in 2014 with Hickenlooper’s support. The next year, Noble Energy agreed to a consent decree that could end up costing the company $73.5 million to upgrade its equipment and implement new programs to clamp down on methane emissions. However, the oil and gas industry was not in lockstep with major producers.

Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes from a Blue State ... to squeeze further tax payments from Connecticut tax payers, Malloy has severely reduced state payments to some Connecticut municipalities. Caught between a rock and a hard place, disfavored towns must either raise property taxes or cut spending -- just to tread water.

FromDC2Iowa: The DNC Still Just Doesn't Get It I need an example of what I mean by a "conventional candidate" to explain the three examples of why it is I think "the DNC still just doesn't get it." The DNC (and Party establishment) has failed to recognize and embrace what Sanders was offering them. And I don't mean his candidacy. • View topic - Scott 14, 2015 · But Walker is pro-amnesty so if he is going to be taken down, it will come from the right and, possibly, the GOPe. If he goes down, it will be those in his own party who think he is too conservative and they'll take him down with the hypocritical amnesty issue so we get stuck with another moderate loser like McCain, Romney or Jeb Bush. IMO

Lindsey Graham does not trust Michael Cohen | Palmetto ... on Thursday, a source told NBC News that Cohen plans to say Trump knew about a meeting at Trump Tower that took place between Trump's son Donald Trump, Jr. and a Russian lawyer. Graham, in his ...

The Lunatic's Asylum: 03/19/2006 - 03/26/2006, Guns and Gays... Been Freeping (for those of you who don't know what that is, a regular poster to FreeRepublic is a Freeper) lately, and have come under attack by "conservatives" on the site for my views on God, Guns and Gays (the triumverate of the politically-concerned, gap …

The Proposed Military Commissions Fix Is Anything But ... 25, 2016 · One of the government’s new proposals, however, would change that, allowing the defendants to appear by video-teleconference rather than in person, so the judges and lawyers can be spared the inconvenience of traveling to Guantánamo. To be sure, Guantánamo is a very inconvenient place to hold a trial.

Astorino discusses renamed Reform Party - Capitol Confidential“One of the things that I found out throughout the campaign as I would go around was Common Core itself was a very narrow focus to a lot of people, in that there were people who Common Core ...

Is this a great country? Or what? | Public Radio International 18, 2013 · Is this a great country? Or what? ... It may not sound like a major issue but it's one of the key reasons behind the greater polarization of today's politics, which in turn leads to less ...

Obama Hemorrhaging Support, Clinton Voter Defections on ... 05, 2008 · Obama Hemorrhaging Support, Clinton Voter Defections on the Rise. ... and a growing number say they may not vote at all. ... These aren’t the people who would have found it hard to switch allegiances. These are the people who were willing to support Obama, but now, no doubt because of all his lies and reversals, now see no proper option in ...

#86 SUNY College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, (ESF), was founded in 1911 in partnership with Syracuse University. Its mission was to “help in the solution of forestry problems”.

Confederate battle flag controversy renewed | Palmetto ... battle flag controversy renewed Cynthia Roldan ... but it clearly divides the state’s residents. ... That was the year the flag was removed from the dome and moved to the monument in ...

Had Enough Indy ?: Criminal Justice Center Contracts - Do ... 13, 2014 · She reported that there are even more contracts, adding up to $9,945,376, were also let to a variety of legal and financial advisor firms. One thing that caught my attention last night - as we happened to be watching Milz news broadcast - was the closing comments attributed to Marc Lotter, the Mayor's spokesman.

Saratoga Springs woman killed in bus, car crash on work van was also damaged hitting one of the other vehicles or debris, Thomas said its driver wasn’t hurt. The southbound lane of the highway between exits 9 and 10 remained closed indefinitely Tuesday afternoon, troopers said. Players wearing purple jackets and white shorts were taken on a local school bus to a nearby firehouse.

Newsletter March 2015 - are the best practices associated with conducting audits of election results? By audit, I am not referring solely to a recount of ballots, but an inspection of ballots, tally sheets, poll journals and other polling station documents.

overview for juni0rmint - reddit.com are correct, just for further reference, if you are interested, I would like to add that it becomes much easier to to raise the astronomical sums when the campaign can raise funds jointly with the DNC ($35,500 per year) and the federal accounts for the state parties ($10,000 per year) on top of the $2,800 for the primary election, and the $2,800 that can be collected for the general election.

Will House Democrats help or hurt the party’s chances of ... 10, 2018 · Pelosi (D-Calif.) was the star of many Republican ads run during the election this fall and a favorite foil of the president. She is said by Republicans to be a toxic political figure to the GOP base.

Will House Democrats help or hurt the party’s chances of ... 10, 2018 · But it’s the other part of the Democrats’ agenda that will complicate the relationship with Trump, as he made clear in his post-election news conference.

Will House Democrats help or hurt the party’s chances of ... first important event of the 2020 presidential cycle will not take place in Iowa or New Hampshire. ... She was the star of many Republican ads run during the election this fall and a favorite ...

Up Front - m.prospect.org news for Ohio Republican Governor Bob Taft! A recent poll put his approval rating at 16 percent. That may sound low, but it's more than double the 6.5 percent he registered in a Toledo Blade survey last November, just a few months after he was convicted of accepting a golf outing, hockey tickets, and a few other baubles. Perhaps it's that ...

Viewpoints: A better idea of where ‘The Big One’ could ... 05, 2018 · Commentary Viewpoints: A better idea of where ‘The Big One’ could strike. We don’t know when the next big Cascadia quake will hit. But we have an idea of where: Under us.

“Maverick” McCain’s death leaves huge void | Marjorie ... 31, 2018 · McCain was the first to admit his flaws, and , unlike many if not most of his colleagues, was willing to apologize and acknowledge when he was wrong. But it’s the President’s party now, and his fellow Republicans have largely drunk the Kool-aid. No apologies; just fear of a base that is almost as zealous as it was in 2016.

'Game of Thrones' showrunners behind next 'Star Wars' film ... piece of the "Star Wars" puzzle has just fallen into place. Walt Disney Co.

Levitt Cancels 1st concert of season — South DaCola first show was probably around 1,500 to 2,000 people, since then it has hovered at around 500 people during the week and last night around that 1,000 mark. There has also been plenty of parking and people have told me they haven’t had any trouble finding something close. I have also noticed people are car pooling, which is good.

The DSCC Has Yet To Find Heavyweight Candidates for 2014 15, 2013 · On July 13, former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer announced he wasn’t running in the ’14 senate race. To some, Schweitzer could’ve been the first legitimate Democratic heavyweight for the 2014 cycle. He garnered 65% of the vote in his 2008 re-election campaign – and probably would’ve won the election.

Trump man nixes ' BuzzFeed' report - Manila it is extremely rare—if not unprecedented —for Mueller’s office to issue such a statement. ... Michael Cohen is a convicted criminal and a liar,” Giuliani said in a statement quoted by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman. ... Cohen was the president’s right-hand man for years at the Trump Organization, the umbrella company ...

POLITICO Playbook, presented by Altria -- TODD PURDUM ... 15, 2013 · POLITICO Playbook, presented by Altria -- TODD PURDUM: 'From the start, the plan was more complex than Obama liked to acknowledge' -- NYT A1: Obama's Katrina - FORMER CIA BIG MICHAEL MORELL ...

Not-so-moderate Jeb Bush of the 1990s. Plus his full op ed ... then St Pete Times carried an article in 1998 about many of Jeb's business dealings and failures. Make the Money and Run The son of former President George Bush has followed the family's patrician play book: Hurry up and get rich, then go into public service.

Trump endorses McCain – CNN Political Ticker - 18, 2008 · david Armendale, SF, CA. You can do a comb over on a Trump. But it's still a Trump. Donald Trump, god bless him, is a cut-throat business tycoon who knows who will best protect his bottom line – even if it means the little guy has to suffer more of the same downsizing and economic marginalization that we've seen over the past eight years.

Romney to lunch with Obama on Thursday - Washington Post 28, 2012 · President Obama and his defeated Republican foe, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, will have lunch Thursday in the private dining room at the White House, a …

Marriage and the Constitution in Alabama | RealClearPolitics his letter to state probate judges forbidding them from issuing marriage licenses to gay couples -- as mandated by a federal court -- Moore quoted the 1967 decision, which said "the freedom to ...

McCain honored as his body lies in state at the US Capitol 31, 2018 · He was a war hero who survived more than five years of torture as a prisoner in Vietnam and the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, but it's John McCain's role as a legislator that may have most defined his public life.. A two-term congressman and a senator for more than three decades, McCain shaped US policy on everything from immigration to foreign policy, spoke out against the …

Bunny Mellon, Heiress Ensnared in Edwards Scandal, Dies at ... 17, 2014 · Rachel “Bunny” Mellon, the heiress to one of America’s great business fortunes whose support of presidential candidate John Edwards had attracted …

“The Space Between Us”: the first boy born on Mars is ...“The Space Between Us”: the first boy born on Mars is almost Christ-like “The Space Between Us”, in this sweet sci-fi fable by Peter Chelsom (story was a group effort of Stewart Schill, Richard Barton Lewis and Allan Loeb) is probably about 15 light-minutes, the based on the time it would take for light (or an Internet message in a chat room) to get from Earth to Mars – it can vary a ...

Specter Switches Parties . . . From the Good Ol’ Boys Club ... 28, 2009 · Written by Roberta BirosAt 12:15pm today I received the first of MANY email messages regarding today’s announcement from Senator Arlen Specter [READ DETAILS HERE].As soon as I received the email message I read it out loud to my husband . . . “SPECTER TO SWITCH PARTIES”. My husband’s reaction was “What a Jack Ass”. My…

Alaska corruption figure wins long delay in sentencing ... 27, 2016 · Alaska corruption figure wins long delay in sentencing ... Clark was one of the core players in the Murkowski administration's efforts to change oil taxes and promote construction of …

Federal judge upholds N.C. voter ID requirement | The ... 25, 2016 · A federal judge has upheld North Carolina’s voter ID law in a ruling posted Monday evening. U.S. District Judge Thomas Schroeder issued a …

A casino mogul and Baptists team up against online gambling, a casino mogul and a Baptist teaming up catches the eye — but it’s standard fare in Washington. Timothy P. Carney, The Washington Examiner's senior political columnist, can be ...

Between a maverick and a hard place - Los Angeles Times 11, 2008 · McCain campaign officials said the increased focus on their candidate’s maverick credentials was long planned. “It was always going to have to be a part of our campaign for the general ...

Michael Brown, Hopped Up On Marijuana And Rap Lyrics ... 18, 2014 · The St Louis County Medical Examiner's autopsyfound marijuana in Michael Brown's system, and just to be clear that Brown had the mind of a killer, David Horowitz's Internet Tendency explained that Brown was undoubtedly a thug, because he wrote violent rap lyrics, a point which obviously needs to be ...

Ex-state senator wins GOP primary in race for US House ... exclaimed when one of her campaign workers told her that Montenegro was conceding. ... “I like to think the state is slowly turning purple,” King said Monday as he sat in his golf cart ...

"God hates fags"–according to the Westboro Baptist Church ... 03, 2009 · Lord knows--and I don't use that phrase in a literal sense--I shouldn't make fun of the folks from Westboro Baptist Church. They traveled all the way from Topeka, Kansas to St. Louis--that's over 400 miles--to deliver a heartfelt message. Of hate. Still, a sane person must mock the sociopaths who showed up at two St.…

Prediction going into the 2020 election (Al Gore 09, 2018 · Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. After you create your account, you'll be able to customize options and access all our 15,000 new posts/day with fewer ads.

Asa Butterfield – Bill's Media Commentary still on Mars, Gardner Elliot (Asa Butterfield), now 16, and the first human born on Mars, chats with Tulsa (Britt Robertson) on Earth. No problem with the idea that Mark Zuckerberg (rather than running for president) has set up Facebook on Mars; but it would have to follow the laws of physics, which would slow down communications.

The APOGEE Forum: February 2014 19, 2014 · Drought and fracking have already caused some small communities in Texas to run out of water altogether, and parts of California are headed for the same fate.As we continue to extract and burn ever greater amounts of oil, gas and coal, climate change is getting worse, which will likely lead to more droughts in some areas and flooding in others.

Pennsylvania | Harper's Magazine's Magazine, the oldest general-interest monthly in America, explores the issues that drive our national conversation, through long-form narrative journalism and essays, and such celebrated features as the iconic Harper's Index.

Bosworth and Haber Sued Again for Unpaid Wages; Legal ... Annette Bosworth and Chad Haber stiff everyone who works for them?. That Sioux Falls paper reports that political scamster, convicted felon, and potentially defrocked doctor Annette Bosworth and her underemployed husband Chad Haber face another lawsuit from another employee who claims they didn’t pay him for his labor:. Mitchell Olson says he was hired by the Dr. Annette Bosworth Legal ...

Thwake dam - Why this PS Nduati has not been fired is 03, 2017 · RV Pundit, the reason is simple. The PS has the ear to State House. No civil servant can show such arrogance without the backing of SH. He knows who has interest in this whole deal and I can assure you all such deals in Kenya have a local broker who is politically connected and with at least 10% of the deal in his pocket.

Seun Onigbinde and the tyranny of loyalty | TheCable days ago · Seun Onigbinde, co-founder of BudgIT, a civic group dedicated to financial transparency in government, recently became the latest metaphor for the lack of principles that pattern and ultimately ...

Former NC Senator John Edwards May Finally Admit He is the 20, 2009 · Former NC Senator John Edwards May Finally Admit He is the “Reille” Father of Hunter’s Child … No Duh! Who’d the “Reille” Daddy? It looks like the MSM has decided to cover a story that the National Enquirer has been reporting on for over a year.

Al Carr | Seventh was the first person in our family to earn a college education. At Kent State University during the Great Depression, she and the other black students were excluded from living on campus because of their race. After earning a degree in education, she found work as an elevator operator until landing a substitute teaching gig.

EATING NIAGARA: Pizza maker rises to restore glory to ... advent of the box store didn't help, either. Knowing shopkeepers on a first-name basis, as was the way on Facer, didn't have the appeal of one-stop shopping in cookie-cutter monoliths ...

Del. Al Carr’s Address to the House on MLK Day | Seventh 21, 2015 · Dorothy was the first person in our family to earn a college education. At Kent State University during the Great Depression, she and the other black students were excluded from living on campus because of their race. After earning a degree in education, she found work as an elevator operator until landing a substitute teaching gig.

Sunday morning coming down | Power Line 26, 2017 · Sunday morning coming down. ... was the renowned Detroit preacher whose New Bethel Baptist Church provided the original venue for Aretha and her sisters, Erma and Carolyn. ... but it …

Feast of fools | US & Canada | Al Jazeera 29, 2012 · Ronald Reagan's new Morning in America brought with it in the early 1980s the second coming of a gilded age more swinish than the first, and as the country continues to …

Does Misinformation Demobilize the Electorate? Measuring ..., as the minority becomes larger (closer to a fifty-fifty split), the possibility of losing the whole city induces the majority to prefer minority votes to be confined in minority-packed ...

Delaney defeats Bartlett in the 6th District - Baltimore Sun comes from the business world and was the youngest CEO in the history of the New York Stock Exchange. He founded a Chevy Chase-based bank called CapitalSource in 2000 and led it for nearly ...

Cloud Of Corruption Hangs Over Capitol As Legislature ... New York State Legislature returns for the second half of the legislative session, once again under a cloud of corruption, and with numerous unsettled issues. The session begins Tuesday, after ...

Anti-gay marriage groups quietly prep for ballot battle ... 30, 2011 · The campaign in Maine was the most recent and probably affords the most telling glimpse of what will transpire in Minnesota. In 2009 Maine’s Legislature became the first in the country to legalize gay marriage. But opponents of same-sex nuptials immediately organized a campaign to have voters decide the issue.

Jim Crow laws | Trutherator's Weblog would have faded in the United States eventually, except for command-and-control state laws that enforced it.. And it turns out that the Ku Klux Klan was not just a a bunch of independent racist yahoos, but it was the enforcement arm of a few crony government-lovers that covered their relationships in what they cynically and deceitfully called “Private Citizens Councils”.

The Urban Politico: Movie Reviews-Lovelace, The Conspiracy ... was initially ok with this. The film can't tell us why but it suggests that the ugly relationship Linda has with her mother might have been responsible. The first time we see the mother she's yelling at Linda. I wouldn't necessarily say her mother wore the pants in the family but apparently she was the one who disciplined Linda.

Twitter Purge – Bill's News Commentary 06, 2019 · Twitter probably just means that people already well known to be connected to a group can’t use the platform to send sanitized messages to recruit people (and this could be motivated by ISIS more than by neo-Nazis). Another interesting part of Twitter’s rules was the mention of the targeting of civilians for political purposes.

Anak si Hamid: November 2016 19, 2016 · Just a former schoolmarm who is angry and grieved over the ways of the world. Though I'm 75, I cannot turn into a sweet little old lady. Hard cheese!!! Saturday, 19 November 2016. Trumpomania. Got back to our Leicester abode a week ago and landed smack-dab in the middle of the countdown of the election for the 45th President of the United ...

memeorandum: Trump administration to circumvent court 06, 2018 · — I pulled up to a red light, about half a mile from my home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. ... video shows school cop Scot Peterson hiding as gunman shoots Parkland students — A video released Wednesday gives the first look at what law enforcement officers were doing and saying as gunman Nikolas Cruz prowled ... This is a snapshot of memeorandum ...

Cuba | Power Line | Page 3 22, 2015 · During an impassioned appearance on Fox News to denounce President Obama’s new Cuba policy, Marco Rubio stated, in response to a question that cited Rand Paul’s pro …

MSNBC Attacks Mike Pence for Absolute Most Ridiculous ... 12, 2018 · Sure, that’s why the First Amendment exists, and yet conservatives are held to a higher standard on nearly every subject. Hillary Clinton can blurt out that all black people look alike, whether joking or not, and the media doesn’t bat an eye. But imagine if President Trump said the same thing.

Jackson Jambalaya: DWF: New Poll - Hottest Male Candidate 08, 2011 · Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!! This is definitely a Beaver production. Note: Security provided by INS.

White House: ‘Difficult to imagine’ authorities demanding ... White House distanced itself from Britain’s handling of the leaked NSA documents when representatives said it would be difficult to imagine the US authorities following the example of ...

We Are the New Radicals: A Manifesto for Reinventing ... We Are the New Radicals: A Manifesto for Reinventing Yourself and Saving the World 1 by Julia Moulden (ISBN: 9780071496308) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low …

memeorandum: New video shows school cop Scot Peterson 06, 2018 · — I pulled up to a red light, about half a mile from my home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. ... video shows school cop Scot Peterson hiding as gunman shoots Parkland students — A video released Wednesday gives the first look at what law enforcement officers were doing and saying as gunman Nikolas Cruz prowled ... This is a snapshot of memeorandum ...

Letters | Letters | Style Weekly - Richmond, VA local news ... Slime Here: Whitten Defends IndustryI take great offense of what you said of my family ("Death of a Salesman," Cover Story, July 5). We...

ACLU | Scared is the final solution. If you are voting for him I will have to shoot you before election day.” They’re not going to listen to reason, so when justice is gone, there’s always force, as Laurie would say. More insane rants from the LEFT via Twitchy. Just curious, how is one allowed to make such a threat like this and a call for violence?

"Galling" mammogram mailers hit in Colorado state Senate 11, 2012 · UPDATE: Dave Kerber’s opponent, Linda Newell, weighs in. A GOP state Senate candidate who is the father of three daughters and whose mother and aunt survived breast cancer is appalled at campaign mailers that say he’s opposed to mammograms. “I guess I should be a big boy and just take it, but ...

The “Snooper’s Charter” and Judicial Oversight - Just Security 21, 2015 · This post is the latest installment of our “Monday Reflections” feature, in which a different Just Security editor examines the big stories from the previous week or looks ahead to key developments on the horizon. In my earlier post on the UK Draft Investigatory Powers Bill, I highlighted three particularly controversial aspects of the bill and considered […]

If You Care About Free Expression, Be Outraged: The ... 12, 2010 · The first link is, the second is a “Bright Lights” film review. ... Thou are the giver of All that thy creatures love, Full belly twice a day, clean straw to roll upon; Every beast ...

After Seven Weeks of GOP Delay, Unemployment Compensation ... 22, 2010 · By a vote of 272-152, this afternoon the House passed Senate amendments to the Unemployment Compensation Extension Act which the Senate passed last night. This emergency legislation will extend unemployment insurance (UI) benefits to millions of Americans families, which Republicans have held up for more than 7 weeks causing more than 2.5 million families to […]

Corruption And Other Political Pathologies Essay ... example Corruption And Other Political Pathologies Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper ...

In Trump Era, a Need to Revive Ideals of Jefferson’s ... 27, 2018 · Jefferson was inspired in his drafting of the declaration by John Locke’s 2nd Treatise of Government. ... but it is an intriguing idea. Jefferson was keenly aware of the inherent contradiction between slavery and the high-minded ideals of the impending American rebellion. ... Imagine Franklin suggesting the change to a dour Jefferson, who was ...

Mike Scala » Queens Scala, a Democratic candidate for NY’s 5th CD discusses primary elections; makes numerous sports analogies.. By Mike Scala: When you watch the news, you probably get the sense that all that matters when it comes to a congressional seat is whether it is occupied by a Democrat or a Republican. It’s not surprising: the balance of power in this country is largely determined by which party ...

Archives | Janet's Good News restaurants to commit to not selling GMO salmon! Don't hand Assange over to the U.S.! Become a grassroots co-signer: Defend the public’s ability to use FOIA requests and protect our right to know what our government is up to.

Book Review – Inquiry 4: Reflecting on this Semester's Writing 1 explains the history of war making in the United States. Hallett takes us on a journey back to 1812, to a time and a war many Americans know little about. This is the part of the book in which Hallett states the problem that he has found.

Erik R Nelson (@ErikRNelson1) | Twitter latest Tweets from Erik R Nelson (@ErikRNelson1). Lifestyle Science Fun. California, USAFollowers: 30

Gates & Clinton Do an About Face on Face the Nation with 12, 2010 · Gates & Clinton Do an About Face on Face the Nation with Obama Nuclear Limitation Response Strategy … In Event of WMD Attack, “All Bets Are Off” Well that was fast … President Barack Obama to his mouth pieces regarding his ill-advised revisions regarding limiting a United States nuclear response, About Face, Forward Retreat.

Sisterhood thrives on ‘wild, wonderful music’ from the ... is part of the challenge for the performers, particularly since they’re singing in another language. “Sometimes the words and the music don’t match in our brains,” Carol Christiansen said. V’ec gave an example; a song with “lovely” lyrics about a pretty woman whose mother looked at …

DOJ Inspector General Releases James Comey Report - Page 2 ... 29, 2019 · He kept several signed copies in his personal safe Comey testified that he authorized a friend to leak a non-classified memo to the New York Times He provided copies of four memos to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office In May Comey gave a memo to a friend and lawyer, who provided it to the New York Times

The Trillion Dollar Trick - Capitalism Magazine 16, 2013 · The views expressed above represent those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors and publishers of Capitalism Magazine.Capitalism Magazine sometimes publishes articles we disagree with because we think the article provides information that may be of value to our readers.. Please keep all comments polite, civil, and on the topic of the article.

San Diego health leaders support governor's new healthcare ... care executives from across San Diego County reacted with optimism, and just a hint of skepticism, Tuesday to a new executive order from freshly …

BOMBSHELL: Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile Accuses Hillary 02, 2017 · Well, here was the answer. When the party chooses the nominee, the custom is that the candidate’s team starts to exercise more control over the party. If the party has an incumbent candidate, as was the case with Clinton in 1996 or Obama in 2012, this kind of arrangement is seamless because the party already is under the control of the president.

Plaintiffs in N.C. gerrymandering case say new maps not an 31, 2018 · The Village Voice Is Officially Dead — Three years after buying The Village Voice, and a year after the paper shut down its print edition, owner Peter Barbey told the remaining staff today that the publication will no longer be posting any new stories. — “Today is kind of a sucky day …

D.C. Wire - Is Fenty caving on meter fee increases? 12, 2010 · This year's mayor-council hearing on the budget is expected to be more tension-filled than in the past because Gray is challenging Fenty for his seat in the September primary. With revenue decreasing, advocates for low-income programs are already protesting cuts to social service programs, and residents across the city are growing frustrated with hikes in fees, such as parking meter rates …

Mitt Romney, ‘Sport’ Enthusiast – Rolling Stone 13, 2012 · Mitt Romney has a quirky way of talking about athletic competition. Like at one recent campaign event, when he described the time he met a very tall …

A plain blog about politics: May 18, 1973 01, 2013 · First, remember that before CSPAN and before CNN and the other cable news networks: the fact of live coverage (PBS took everything, and the networks all took some; for example, the Times reported that on the 18th in New York CBS, NBC, and PBS would have full coverage, and ABC would have some coverage) was a powerful signal that this was ...

Q&A with horse trainer Tom Albertrani - Times Union 20, 2016 · Q&A with horse trainer Tom Albertrani How is your Saratoga going so far? By the time this appears in the paper, you are hoping that has changed. When you do …

TRUMP ELECTED 45TH PRESIDENT, COLORADO UNDERDOGS … 09, 2016 · While Democrat Hillary Clinton was trying to make history as the first female president, Trump made a different kind of history as one of the least politically experienced presidential candidates ever elected, what many voters saw as his main appeal according to exit polls.

The House Democrats’ Sit-In Was a Joke, But No One is ... 25, 2016 · The House protest involved a serious issue worth fighting for, but it was a ploy by the Democrats to attack a divided Republican Party.. Two weeks after the deadliest massacre in recent American history, followed by a Senate filibuster and this week’s sit-in on Capitol Hill, I am reminded of pre-revolution France. League was one of the first organizations in the country officially recognized by the United Nations as a non-governmental organization; it still maintains official observer status today. The League also supported creation of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, NATO,economic aid to less developed countries, and the Marshall Plan.

How I almost ruined my first Passover seder | Jta ... the first one was the most fraught with opportunities to screw up. This year, I’ll be leading my synagogue’s community seder, and I want to emphasize love.

Holder May Face Grilling At Confirmation : NPR 14, 2009 · Holder May Face Grilling At Confirmation Attorney General-designate Eric Holder faces the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday at his confirmation …

Poster Boy for Dysfunction: Redistricting and Citizens ... 26, 2013 · So just who was the 60 Plus Association and what role did it play in this seat switch for the 27th? The 60 Plus Association is a 501(c)(4) that bills itself as "the conservative alternative to the AARP. Its founding head was James L. Martin who formerly worked for the National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC).

Poster Boy For Dysfunction: Redistricting and Citizens ...' 27th Congressional District offers a perfect rebuttal to those trying to pretend that gerrymandering and big money did not play a huge role in the recent government shutdown and gridlock in Washington in general. There is no doubt that our nation remains closely and starkly divided in our political views. Certainly "demographic sorting," partisan news outlets, and north/south and urban ...

Top Ten Queer Films of 2018 - San Francisco Bay was the first trans-themed film to be awarded an Oscar. Even Bohemian Rhapsody, about queer Queen frontman Freddie Mercury (Rami Malek), overcame a scandal involving out gay filmmaker Bryan Singer being fired from the production, as well as criticism of its portrayal of Mercury’s sexuality, to become a monster hit at the box office.

Americans for Prosperity builds political machine ... for Prosperity builds political machine ... "For the first time, we have the infrastructure on our side to sustain these policy battles," he said. ... As the Nov. 4 vote nears, it's all ...

August 2018 – Page 4 – Right On Daily Blog saw this incident as the biggest Sniff disaster and the employees were not taken care of afterwards. If anyone reading knows more about the Blythe Jail being taken over by inmates and ... 92501 is one of our top zip codes for visitors! Posted by Aaron F Park at 12:00 ... Please note that This was the first time Robert and myself have met in ...

Al-Marri’s End and the Failed Experiment of Domestic ... 16, 2015 · In the coming days, Ali al-Marri, former enemy combatant, is scheduled to be released from federal criminal custody, clearing the way for his removal by immigration officials to Qatar, and thus ending a legal odyssey that began more than 13 years ago with Mr. al-Marri’s arrest by the FBI in Peoria, Illinois. [Disclosure: I served […]

The Myth of Stealing American Jobs - Capitalism Magazine 10, 2015 · “Jobs” are not some abstract form of property which one country may steal from another. Countries and governments are ultimately individuals, not collective gods (or monsters). A job is a contract between a willing employer and a willing employee. The only people who “own” this transaction are the two parties involved.

Analysis: Russia probe threatens Trump, those in his orbit 09, 2018 · WASHINGTON (AP) — The more that special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors reveal, the darker grow the legal clouds over President Donald Trump. Trump's own Justice Department has now implicated him in a crime, accusing him of directing illegal hush-money payments to women during his ...

BP money fuels political pocketbooks | Local News ...'s controversial plan to increase waste discharges into Lake Michigan has prompted proposals to halt the project, threats of lawsuits and a possible ban of BP credit cards by some

Wyden talks healthcare at HR town hall | News ... Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) brought in a crowd of more than 200 at Hood River Middle School Saturday morning in his 804th town hall meeting. Concerns from the community ran a gamut of topics from ...

Classes suspended for the rest of the week at La ... 4, 2019 Classes suspended for the rest of the week at La Inmaculada RC School as the health of the New River continues to deteriorate. An urgent meeting took place all afternoon in Orange Walk Town involving La Inmaculada School and the Ministries of Health, Environment and Education.

NWI Politics - Posts | Facebook Rep. Bruce Borders, R-Jasonville — who participates regularly in sheriff's sales — said in his experience most people who attend a sheriff's sale in Greene County are carrying the local newspaper, clearly having looked through the listings and often highlighting the properties they intend to bid on.

Looking forward to 2016: Combating the knowledge gap - The ... 20, 2014 · The Kochs “are the Standard Oil of our times,” he said. ... Looking forward to 2016: Combating the knowledge gap. ... One setback that Obama has faced in his second term is …

Disconnected Dots - The Ayn Rand Institute 12, 2010 · Last week President Obama claimed that “our intelligence community failed to connect those dots” signaling a plot to blow up Flight 253. But ritual flogging of the intelligence community has diverted attention from a larger failure — this one belonging squarely on Obama’s shoulders.

Crime and Courts: Special interest groups make end run ... 04, 2011 · While incumbent Justice David Prosser and challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg agreed to a $300,000 campaign spending limit in the race and $100,000 in the primary, the "rescue funds" were supposed to be additionally available if special interest groups …

What Clinton Gets Right, And Wrong, About Wall Street ... 09, 2015 · Democracy & Government What Clinton Gets Right, And Wrong, About Wall Street Reform. The progressives that Clinton is clearly trying to win over need to …

Article: Obama to Senators: Choose U.S. Over Donors | OpEdNews 18, 2015 · Article: Obama to Senators: Choose U.S. Over Donors - Obama said that 'as a former senator himself, he understood how outside forces -- like special interests and donors -- …

Trump may hold fire as home front burns | The 23, 2018 · Trump may hold fire as home front burns. The resumption of mid-level trade talks between China and the United States this week may be bringing a sense of optimism to the financial market, but it's ...

Presiding over political destabilisation in US 23, 2018 · Presiding over political destabilisation in US President Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, left, was found guilty on eight charges of tax …

With Justice Anthony Kennedy’s departure, the Supreme ... 27, 2018 · The Supreme Court teaches us about liberty, dignity and democracy. It safeguards those principles and helps make the Constitution real in our lives. Justice Anthony Kennedy has devoted his ...

Marc A. Thiessen: Attack on Sessions is part of the new ... A. Thiessen: Attack on Sessions is part of the new McCarthyism Is it really just pure coincidence that the Sessions story broke just after Trump delivered a widely acclaimed address to Congress?

New York Court Watcher: Justice Scalia's Record (Part 1) Scalia's Record (Part 1) ... What is relevant are the positions Justice Scalia took in his opinions. His actual positions on critical constitutional issues. ... [Disclosure: I disagree strongly with Scalia's opinion in Smith and believe that decision to be one of the Court's worst in the modern era. (I have previously written and spoken ...

ROUNDHOUSE ROUNDUP: THE BLOG: Roundhouse Roundup: … 25, 2009 · A version of this was published in The Santa Fe New Mexican March 26, 2009 Bob Johnson, thou art avenged! That’s what I wrote on this very blog last week shortly after the state Senate voted 33-8 to pass House Bill 393, which would open conference committees to the public. The late Johnson was director of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government and fought for years to get …

Sen. George Winner won't run - Capitol Confidential 02, 2010 · Sen. George Winner won't run. ... one of the youngest members ever elected to the state Legislature. He was re-elected to the Assembly for 13 consecutive terms, rising to serve as the second ...

May 2012 – Media & Communications Policy“Media & Communications Policy” is a blog that strives to offer informed and thoughtful commentary on a variety of First Amendment and communications policy issues. The authors are avid observers and active participants in the communications policymaking process.

Nice Reference Site(s) | Page 7 | Alternate History Discussion 19, 2019 · From the start of the First World War, CEF units were required to maintain a daily account of their “Actions in the Field.” This log was called a War Diary. The War Diaries are not personal diaries, rather they are a historical record of a unit’s administration, operations and activities during the First World War. Heroes Remember

The Daily Gouge Archive, Wednesday, January 9th, 2019’s Wednesday, January 9th, 2019…and here’s The Gouge!. First up, while the MSM wails and gnashes their collective teeth over a partial government shutdown about which most of the country couldn’t care less, writing at Best of the Web, Jim Freeman’s asking what inquiring minds want to know: The 380,000 Just how many unnecessary employees does the federal government employ?

Arizona Civil Rights Amendment, Proposition 107 (2010 ...,_Proposition_107...An Arizona Civil Rights Amendment, also known as Proposition 107, or HCR 2019, was on the November 2, 2010 ballot in Arizona as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment.It was approved.. The amendment banned affirmative action programs in the state that were administered by statewide or local units of government, including state agencies, cities, counties and school districts.

Clyburn discusses impeachment, ACA, DSS | Palmetto ... discusses impeachment, ACA, DSS ... would love for future generations to open a history book that discusses how Obama was the first black president, but was also an impeached president ...

San Agustin eyes changes to cockpit license statute | Guam ... 04, 2018 · Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of articles that will be provided by the Guam Real Estate Commission in an effort to provide useful information as it relates to real estate ...

Americans Support Legalizing Marijuana | PoliSci News Review 16, 2010 · I believe that even if it is used for medical purposes and it is legalized there will be people who will try and find a way to consumer under the table. California was the first state to legalize it in 1996, followed by: Washington, New Mexico, Nevada, Maine, Hawaii, Michigan, Rhode Island, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, and Montana.

Congressional candidates everywhere – Off the“I’ve been recruiting candidates in Texas for years, and I’ve never seen an environment quite like this,” said Cliff Walker, candidate recruitment director for the state Democratic Party. Walker predicted that for the first time in his political career, every open congressional seat will be ...

Prosecutors: Paul Manafort believed he was above the law ... warned jurors that Gates could not be trusted and was the type of witness who would say anything he could to save himself from a lengthy prison sentence and a crippling financial penalty. "Money's coming in fast. It's a lot, and Paul Manafort trusted that …[PDF]The Federal Anti-Corruption Enterprise After McDonnell about the nature of representative governance. Was the decision, for example, Anti-Corruption's Last Stand?15 Accordingly, my analysis will focus on the potential significance of several key aspects of McDonnell. The first, statutory construction, reaches beyond the …

Reformers push Dems to adopt sweeping anti-corruption 09, 2019 · But it is now asking Democratic campaigns to commit to making ethics reform as his or her act as president, a sign it is outlining criteria and may start raising money for some candidates later in the campaign. One candidate, Pete Buttigieg, cited reform as the first issue he’d push as president during last month’s presidential debates.

The Senate Deal Doesn’t Help Obama on Judges, and That’s ... 17, 2013 · There are 17 vacancies on U.S. Appeals Courts, also called Circuit Courts, and seven nominees are pending.There are 68 vacancies on U.S. District or trial courts, and 22 nominations pending. Numerically, Wheeler says, Obama is doing about the same as George W. Bush and Bill Clinton on confirmation of appellate judges.

Dekraai Judge: DA Misconduct Not Enough to Bar Death ... 04, 2014 · Dekraai Judge: DA Misconduct Not Enough to Bar Death Sentence. ... by Judge Thomas M. Goethals in his Santa Ana courtroom, ended an unprecedented six …

Before Lost Colony, he started 1st science lab in New ... 27, 2018 · In this photo taken in November 1991 and provided by First Colony Foundation, Ivor Noel Hume. left, speaks with J.C. "Pinky" Harrington, known as the father of American archaeology, during a dig at the Fort Raleigh Historic Site, near Manteo, N.C. Noel Hume later determined that the area was the site of the New World's first science lab, set up by Joachim Gans in 1585.

List of people from the Bronx - The Full Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. These famous people all resided in The Bronx, New York City, at some time in their lives.Many of the early historical figures lived in that part of Westchester County which would later become part of The Bronx.

Focus in Spygate Scandal Shifts to CIA, Former Director ... 21, 2019 · The first report was released on Oct. 7, 2016, and the second follow-on report was released Dec. 29, 2016. The third report, “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections”—also known as the intelligence community assessment (ICA)—was released Jan. 6, 2017.

Trump Expands Enemies List To Include 89-Year-Old ... 10, 2017 · Didn't have the right look, probably. In the long list of horrible things Donald Trump has done in his life -- and Crom knows he's only getting started -- firing Charlie Brotman, who had been the official announcer for every single inaugural parade since Dwight Eisenhower's second term, is far from the worst. Nobody's going to go without food or lose their medical care because of it.

John Kelly fires back at Luis Gutierrez | Power Line 11, 2017 · John Kelly fires back at Luis Gutierrez. ... As far as the congressman and other irresponsible members of congress are concerned, they have the luxury of …

Occupy ICE returns, Schnatter sues Papa John's ... 27, 2018 · Occupy ICE returns, Schnatter sues Papa John's & more: What to know Friday. From Occupy ICE protests to Papa John's and Manual High School, here's what you should know Friday

REP. DANNY DAVIS AN EVEN HAND IN A GOP LION'S DEN ... 22, 1997 · If Rep. Danny K. Davis is a man who deserved a seat near former Sen. Sam Ervin, it may be sadly fitting that last week he found himself in the same …

Ted Cruz and John Kasich team up to stop Donald Trump 25, 2016 · The campaigns of Ted Cruz and John Kasich announced an agreement Sunday night to coordinate their efforts to prevent Donald Trump from winning …

Maine experts on Chechnya consider political fallout from 19, 2013 · Maine experts on Chechnya consider political fallout from Boston attack, say direct ties to Chechen rebels unlikely ... believed to be in his mid-20s, was reportedly killed Thursday night during a ...

Analysis: Russia probe threatens Trump, those in his orbit ... 09, 2018 · WASHINGTON (AP) — The more that special counsel Robert Mueller and federal prosecutors reveal, the darker grow the legal clouds over President Donald Trump. Trump’s own Justice Department has now implicated him in a crime, accusing him of directing illegal hush-money payments to women during his 2016 presidential campaign. Mueller keeps finding new instances of […]

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson looks to back a mainstream ..."He doesn't want a crazy extremist to be the nominee," Chaltiel said. "He wants someone who has the chance to win the election, who is reasonable in his positions, who has convictions but is not ...

GOP makes hay of Pingree’s financier fiance — Politics, Maine — Hedge fund manager S. Donald Sussman never has sought the spotlight. But like it or not, the fiance of U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree has become a campaign issue in her re-election bid.

First U.S. Presidential Debate 2016: Clinton vs. Trump U.S. Presidential Debate 2016: Clinton vs. Trump I've posted many times about politics over the years. However, during this election season, I don't feel as connected to political news as I have in the past. ... At the same time as the Democrats were debating the important issues facing the ... in his sheer ignorance & arrogance, stepped ...

Heart of the Primaries, Republicans-Issue 28 (August 13 ...,_Republicans-Issue_28_(August_13,_2018)Boughton, who is running on his record as a nine-term mayor, has called for increased education spending and phasing out Connecticut’s income tax. ... and national security in his campaign. Nelson, a state senator since 2011, was endorsed by Susan B. Anthony List. ... Nicholson has been criticized for his past as the former president of the ...

Ted Cruz and John Kasich Team Up to Stop Donald Trump ... 25, 2016 · The campaigns of Ted Cruz and John Kasich announced an agreement Sunday night to coordinate their efforts to prevent Donald Trump from winning …

Anchor Rising: Roger Begin and the Appearance of the republicans on that board legit or are they rino's who go along with the corruption of begin to get along. not saying they had any knowledge of what was going on in this instance but their lack of reponse raises questions about the ethical standing of the board as a whole as well as the …

Jeff Sessions | Power Line | Page 2 looks like Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be taking my advice to appoint at least one more special prosecutor to go after the Democrats, including James Comey and Robert Mueller.

AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK By These 187 Organizations ... 14, 2016 · AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK By These 187 Organizations Directly Funded By George Soros ... Catalist: This is a for-profit political consultancy that seeks “to help ... be uncontrollable in his perverse addiction) has come back to bite them in the posterior. If the investigation onto his …

Pete DeMay - Ballotpedia DeMay (Nonpartisan) was a candidate for Ward 12 member of the Chicago City Council in Illinois.DeMay lost the general election on February 26, 2019.. DeMay responded to Ballotpedia's unique candidate survey for 2019 Chicago candidates. The survey questions were developed with input from more than 100 Chicagoans in the months preceding the 2019 election.

Political site FiveThirtyEight looks at polls, statistics 10, 2010 · The political website FiveThirtyEight provides an innovative look at political forecasting and also supplies useful information about candidates and political districts.. The site was active during the 2008 campaign season. Now it is a feature of the New York Times and can be accessed at name comes from from the number of electors in ...

Anchor Rising: Roger Begin and the Appearance of the republicans on that board legit or are they rino's who go along with the corruption of begin to get along. not saying they had any knowledge of what was going on in this instance but their lack of reponse raises questions about the ethical standing of the board as a whole as well as the …

Virginia Politics Blog - Spruill Apologizes For Muslim 05, 2009 · Spruill, who is also a member of the Democratic National Committee, issued his apology moments after his employer, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Brian Moran, urged him to do so. Beside being a delegate and a DNC member, Spruill is a paid consultant for the Moran campaign when the General Assembly is not in session.

Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy vs. James S. Robbins’ the article “The Limits of Law” by James S. Robbins . Article Here. Mr. Robbins ends his article by asserting that the President of the U.S.A. can use his Executive power to intervene into foreign affairs of countries such as Iraq, because of Ayn Rand's ethical view of dictators.

The Urban Politico: Movie Reviews: Unfriended 2: Dark Web is not a single supernatural element in this film. But Unfriended: Dark Web uses the typical horror movie trope of someone finding something and bringing it home. Things go bad as the harmless ring/box/book/jar/etc. is actually a repository or gateway for something evil.

Bread, Circuses & 2014 American Electoral Politics: From ... his talk “From the Party of Lincoln to the Party of Calhoun: The Supreme Court And Voting Rights In Historical Perspective ” Scott Lemieux discusses how voting rights and civil rights have been influenced by differing arguments regarding federalism and the decisions of the Supreme Court. He explains that throughout American history, discussions of states vs. federal rights have ...

Newton offered deal to avoid prison in campaign funds ... former state Sen. Ernest E. Newton II can come up with enough money toward repayment of the $80,000 in state funding that prosecutors say he collected improperly during a 2012 political ...

GSoM Adonal Foyle POP QUIZ: 2 FREE Tix to Monday's Magical ... 01, 2007 · UPDATE: WE HAVE A WINNER!! Well, you're ALL winners in my book for playing, but WarriorForLife was the first person to correctly answer every question as …

Clay responds to Post | Local News | responds to Post By Chris King; Jul 26, 2012 ... That’s three white men and a white woman whose last assignment at the Post ... Gentry is the first quote in the story who is not one of the ...

The People's Republic: Democrats may give the election to ..., 44, is the former CEO of the Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and a jovial personality with a background in the insurance industry. He is looking for a rematch against Valadao, who is seeking a second term, in this year's November general election. But Renteria, not Hernandez, has been endorsed by the Democratic Party.

Manafort being treated worse than Charles Manson by New 06, 2019 · 7 bankruptcies vs 250 multimillion dollar businesses successfully run. What have you done lately? Do you know some corporations higher CEO's who specialize in bankruptcy's. It isn't considered a bad thing for a CEO to be in charge of a company that files bankruptcy. Let he without sin cast the first stone.

Rain of Nails - Barry Yeoman an anti-gay bomb shattered the peace in Atlanta, was the far Right’s new “leaderless resistance to blame? Originally published in Out. Even though it was only 9:45 p.m.—early for a Friday night in Atlanta—the Otherside Lounge was already cranking up February 21. One hundred and fifty women and men had settled into the dark, […]

The Week That Keeps On Going - The New York Times 01, 2008 · The final Federal Elections Commission filings for 2007 are coming in, as are the first month required filings for 2008. It turns out that Rudolph W. Giuliani spent more per delegate than any other. Another Times blog, (the board) on the opinion side, made this observation:

Remembering a night to remember | Power Line first indication that we were in for a treat came when we called the restaurant to verify the time of our reservation, and the man who answered the phone said, “Oh, that’s the group with ...

John McCain passes away at 81 - milnet.ca 03, 2018 · He did not want Vietnam to define his career, but inevitably it did. (Neither did he want to be called a hero, but inevitably he was.) Vietnam brought the best moment of his life, when he refused early release from prison and gained, for the first time in his self-indulgent life up till then, a serious sense of a shared purpose larger than himself.

14 October 2010 - Blogger" .... A Shot Heard Around the World ...." THE REVIEW: ARCHIVE NEWS. News: U.S.and World. Click Here for Movies ! "Rebel 888" "Sometimes I sit and think and someti

The McEnroe Itch - Don Pesci 28, 2013 · The ghost of Mr. McEnroe’s politically active father, not to mention the ghost of his Goldwater supporting mother, could have advised Mr. McEnroe that he might easily have registered as Republican that year so as to have had the pleasure of scratching his itch by voting against the “Christian Space Warrior™” and for his preferred Republican Party candidate, Mr. Garber, in the ...

Spending on local Assembly races tops $2.56 million | News ... year’s election may have a low turnout, but it still has a high cost. Assembly candidates in the 1st and 2nd Legislative Districts combined to spend more than $1.7 million thus far ...

President Trump - Part 31 | Page 14 | South Bay Riders 09, 2019 · Pretty much everyone in California that isn't either in the 1% or in poverty will see their taxes go up this year due to that change, where we can't deduct the total of the high CA State taxes (and property taxes) from our federal tax filing. Even other conservatives chimed in and said that was the cause, Van, right here on this forum.

Don't use the word 'oligarchs,' judge in Paul Manafort's ..., Va. — The judge in Paul Manafort's trial told prosecutors Wednesday not to use the word "oligarch" to describe wealthy Ukrainians who paid millions to the former Trump campaign chairman.

The Death Penalty and #OccupyWallStreet - LA Progressive 09, 2011 · The Death Penalty and #OccupyWallStreet Shujaa Graham,who spent three years on death row in California for a crime he did not commit, at the …

President Concession: Barack Obama's Conviction Deficit ... 17, 2011 · I thought he was the best Democrat running in the 2008 primaries, and I thought he was far superior to John McCain in the general election. ... and a toxic political opposition ... but it seems ...

Woman is reunited with her parents TWENTY YEARS later ... woman whose father lost her on a train as a four-year-old has been reunited with her parents two decades later. Yulia Gorina, 24, was raised by adoptive parents after she mysteriously managed to cross from Belarus into Russia, and her real family could not be traced.. Twenty years later she found her parents after her new boyfriend Ilya Kryukov, 31, did a simple internet search.

Malloy Shows State Some Tough Love With Early Budget ... are still plenty of cards Gov. Dannel P. Malloy will need to lay on the table today when he gives his budget address to the General Assembly. Toward the top of the list will be how he plans ...

Alana Watkins - Ballotpedia Watkins was a candidate who sought election to the Georgia House of Representatives to represent District 30.Watkins lost the general election on November 6, 2018, after advancing from the primary on May 22, 2018.

Two Lives to Remember, Two Legacies to Honor | Editorial ... 30, 2018 · He tirelessly worked for campaign-finance reform and reached across the aisle to put together a viable and workable immigration reform bill. ... the first ever father and son to …

The Election of 2004 – Transcription – John McConnell In 2000 we spent election day [00:38:00] — we had a victory speech and a concession speech ready, and we just kind of waited it out. I remember Joe Allbaugh was the campaign manager, and Joe used to lead the staff meetings in — there was a room. Clinton and Gore had the war room, Bush and Cheney had the sunshine room.

Editorial: Hottest month ever heats up climate change ... 18, 2019 · The first two Democratic debates have not made that job any easier. The failure to emphasize climate change is beyond disappointing, as is Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez’ effort to block calls for a debate on the topic. Voters need to hear …read more

Casino gambling measure fails to make 2016 ballot | State ... Keep the Money in Nebraska drive was the first in several years to be allowed to pay petition circulators by the signature, and some have speculated that such circulators might be less ...[PDF]LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF OREGON Legislative Human Services Subcommittee, but it has not yet passed a Senate vote. SB 698 A seeks funds for a school nurse consultant in OHA. The position is included in the OHA Budget. At the present time, school nurses are supported in the Education Budget and a Task Force will consider options to get funding through the health system. The school ...

Gov. Rauner among nation's top donors in 2014 elections ... (AP) — Multimillionaire Bruce Rauner was one of the top donors in the U.S. to 2014 state-level political campaigns, sinking more of his own money into his successful bid for Illinois ...

Leadership programs graduate 40 adults and teens ... both programs, the tuition is $2,295 per person; the classes take place at U & Improved’s training home base at Courtyard by Marriott Scottsdale Salt River in southern Scottsdale over the course of two and a half days. “The class was really hard, but it was totally worth it, and I …

Mid-Market: The shape it’s in. Who owns it. What’s next ...’s-in-who-owns-it-what...Feb 08, 2010 · But it was the 1989 earthquake that drove nails in mid-Market’s retail coffin. When the seismically unstable Main Post Office closed, a major reason for people to come into the area evaporated. ... Toward Seventh Street are the shell of the Strand Theater, closed in 2003, and a hole where the Embassy Theater once entertained.

For Palm Coast, Florida Park Drive's Heavy Traffic Is an ... 26, 2015 · Residents along Florida Park Drive have complained year after year about the heavy traffic, the noise and the pollution, but Palm Coast officials say there's little they can do legally to ...

GoLocalProv | Rhode Islanders with Their Name on the ... 16, 2011 · Who are the Rhode Islander with their name on the Cup? ... and was The Sporting News top coach in minor-league hockey in 1979. But it was with …

Air Force major accused of murder after deputies find wife ... Air Force major in Texas has been accused of killing his wife after a 134-day missing person search ended with investigators discovering the woman's remains, authorities said.. Maj. Andre McDonald, 40, already behind bars in connection with his wife’s disappearance, was charged Saturday with murder by the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office Homicide Unit.

6080< AP-SC-XGR--Fixing Roads, 1st Ld-Writethru,614<\n>SC ..., S.C. — Opponents of raising the state’s gas tax to fund roadwork are stepping up their efforts while the Legislature’s not in session in an attempt to shift the

‘Nice’ isn’t exclusive to Minnesota | Free ... like to pat ourselves on our collective Minnesotan backs, congratulating ourselves on being downright nice people. For the most part, I think we deserve our accolades. However, I must suggest that being nice isn’t exclusive to Minnesota. We recently returned from a driving trip through the ...

Socialist "Justice" - Capitalism Magazine 02, 2015 · A year and a half ago, Venezuelan government used the military to seize control of Daka, one of the country’s largest retailers, in order to force the chain to charge “fair” prices. Punish those rich, greedy store-owners! Surprise! That didn’t work. The chain is …

The Election of 2004 – Transcription – Ken Mehlman OK. By the way, what are the advantages that a president gains from…? MEHLMAN: Well, I mean, like a president has the ability to set the agenda. And the president has an ability to plan. And a president has the ability to raise resources. You’ve got the biggest bully pulpit in the history of the world. You also have a lot of problems.

Obama Tells College Kids To Cut It Out With The Safe ... Hill – President Obama on Saturday decried campus protests designed to shut down speakers that the protesters disagree with, calling instead for thoughtful discussion and fair debate. “There’s been a trend around the country of trying to get colleges to disinvite speakers with a different ...

Had Enough Indy ?: Observations from the Polls worked the polls yesterday and my brain is pretty much mush today. But, a few observations from the flow of folks coming through to vote. I work in a location that has two precincts that are generally 2 - 1 Republican to Democrat. The turnout in my precinct was about 16% overall. But the vote was 4 - …

Proposed power legislation generating a lot of buzz ... Legislature is considering big changes in how solar panel owners get paid for energy they sell back to power distributors, and both the solar providers and utility companies are digging in for ...

Beach city council candidates challenge longtime members ... one of the city's most influential council members, Jones pushed to get funding for a $30 million community and recreation center in western Bayside that will be under construction soon ...

River Of Radiation: Life Near The World’s 3rd-Worst ... Fukushima and Chernobyl, the worst-ever nuclear disaster was a massive leak from a plant in the eastern Urals. RT went to see how people live in areas affected by the fallout from the USSR’s risky rush to the nuclear bomb. Chernobyl and Fukushima are the two names that are most likely to come to…

Twitter | Power Line must go. It is a threat not only to our democracy, but to whatever sanity our body politic still possesses. The latest instance is that of Dr. Ray Blanchard, one of the world’s leading ...

#NativeVote16 – Native Americans for Trump, renewable ... 31, 2016 · Red Cloud is one of two #NativeVote16 candidates running for a public utilities commission. The other is Marlo Hunte-Beaubrun in North Dakota. Oklahoma Rep. MarkWayne Mullin is chairing Native Americans for Trump. “The daily flood of new federal regulations keep Indian Country from becoming self-sufficient.

The Left’s Bizarre, Irrational Hatred of MAGA | Page 2 ...’s-bizarre-irrational-hatred-of-maga...Apr 25, 2019 · I have no problem saying that America is not great. It has way too much crime, corrupt national politics, open borders, and a very poor educational system. It is a good place compared to many others, but it is certainly not irrational to say that the America is not great.

Do you think it's right for the gay people to attack ... 03, 2009 · Ok I was just watching the news and a judge ruled that the supporters of prop 8 donors be released. So now anyone can find the names of all the donors on google. Now all the gay people or people against 8 are attacking the supporters and even giving some of them death threats. How do you think this makes the gay people look?

Photography project: convince two strangers to pose as ... out the images and video here. More images here. Since 2007, photographer Richard Renaldi has worked on a series of photographs for which he asks complete strangers to physically interact while posing together for a portrait. Working on the street with a large-format 8-by-10 view camera, Renaldi encounters his subjects in towns and cities all over the United States.

Dave Begley: Live from Council Bluffs | Power Line 08, 2019 · Yesterday socialist Bernie Sanders brought his campaign for the Democratic presidential campaign to Council Bluffs. We had Dave Begley on hand to cover the festivities. Dave is a …

Senators push for more online transparency in elections ... 20, 2017 · The legislation also has support from Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who is the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Lawmakers on the Senate intelligence panel and other committees investigating Russian influence have said one of the main roles of Congress will be to pass legislation to try to stop the foreign meddling.

Maine elections, 2016 - Ballotpedia,_2016Maine is one of 26 states, as well as Washington, D.C., that offer initiative and/or veto referendum rights for its citizens. Six statewide ballot measures were certified for the ballot in 2016. Five questions, including a measure to raise the state minimum wage to $12 …

Eyeing another run, Barletta seeks money to wipe out ... 24, 2009 · Republican Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta's congressional campaign committee has sent a letter asking potential donors to help him wipe out more than $250,000 in …

National Perspective: The U.S. Senate is becoming the ..."There was a period of time where there was more bipartisanship," says Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania. "People weren't exactly locking arms with each other every day then, but it rarely reached the point where we are now, when partisanship and ideology kind of grind everything to a halt. We need to look in the mirror."[PDF]The path to the th - Move to Amend path to the th amendment Strategic Plan To Pass The “We The People Amendment” ... erty to a corporation cannot be revoked by a subsequent public official or even an Act of Congress. ... One of the most deplorable examples is that corporations can now claim

Candidate Phil Berger Jr. hits strike zone at Hoppers game ... may be one of the easiest things he’s had to do in this runoff, now in its last week. The Berger campaign has 25 volunteers knocking on 1,000 doors a day in the final dash to Tuesday’s runoff.

Malloy And Democrats, One-Trick Ponies - Don Pesci And Democrats, One-Trick Ponies ... but it certainly is true that every unelected special interest permitted to control the flow of tax dollars is a conspiracy against the public good – and, be it noted, both the General Assembly and the governor’s office as well. ... We are one of the very few states in the union that have not yet ...

Terrace Park plan gets nixed — South fact besides the designer from Confluence who is designing the changes, no one in the meeting was for tearing out the paths. The board agreed; “You guys gotta start over,” said Tom Keller, one of seven board members who voted against the plan.

Maddy Institute – May 11, 2018 11, 2018 · Don't believe the naysayers: Young people are buying homes. Millennials, defined as buyers between the ages of 18 and 37, are the nation's largest block of home buyers by far, accounting for 42% of home sales in a 12-month span, according to a 2017 housing survey from Zillow. E DITORIAL: Of course California should require solar panels on new homes

Prison reform should be about more than giving judges more ... 04, 2019 · And a different potential approach to reform. ... But drug possession was the committing offense for fewer than 10 percent of current ... But it isn’t the way to create a more protective and ...

The Brief: Johnny Doc's Giant Helping Hand to His Supreme ... 16, 2015 · Johnny Doc looks to have made the election of his brother—who is a Common Please Court judge and, by most accounts, a fine one—his top political priority this year. ... But it …

These baby foods and formulas tested positive for arsenic ... 26, 2017 · 9 News – by Ashley May USA TODAY – An alarming study released Wednesday found many baby food products test positive for arsenic, including 80% of infant formulas. And, that’s not the only dangerous contaminate found. The Clean Label Project, a … Continue reading ?

Philip Baruth | The Vermont Political Observer., 90% of that came from himself and his family, but it made a statement of serious intent. Quick impression: he’s energetic, full of ideas, and wants to make a difference. Whether that and a self-financed campaign will get him anywhere is another question. For him, unlike most candidates, raising the money was the simple part.

Ted Cruz Takes Bold Stand Against Donald Trump Murdering ... 14, 2016 · Ted Cruz isn't too sure that's kosher, but it's not a deal-breaker. But if THIS happens: One example where I would no longer supporter Donald Trump. If, for example, he were to go out on 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, I would not be willing to support Donald Trump. OK.

Aaron Rodgers talks Brett Favre pranks, Bart Starr ... 25, 2015 · GREEN BAY, Wis. -- Aaron Rodgers is looking forward to seeing Brett Favre again, but the Green Bay Packers quarterback better keep his helmet …

Political Wisdom: Summers Out, To Be Replaced By–Who Knows ... 22, 2010 · Political Wisdom: Summers Out, To Be Replaced By–Who Knows? ... who is being nominated to run the Office of Management and Budget. Lew is both an economist and a former executive who was the COO ...

Teucrium Trading | The Vermont Political Observer., 90% of that came from himself and his family, but it made a statement of serious intent. Quick impression: he’s energetic, full of ideas, and wants to make a difference. Whether that and a self-financed campaign will get him anywhere is another question. For him, unlike most candidates, raising the money was the simple part.

Baker Adviser Helped Energy Firms Land Big Mass. Contracts 28, 2018 · Conroy, who is not a registered lobbyist, confirmed the arrangements to the Globe. ... but it did win a contract to deliver power to Rhode Island in a bidding process that piggybacked on the one in Massachusetts. ... The other was the campaign to defeat the effort to legalize marijuana for recreational use.

Monsanto & Business Ethics | Let's Get Ethical 09, 2013 · Monsanto & Business Ethics ... When was the book published? I am somewhat surprised that GMO practices does not seem to be the focus of their case (the authors). maybe it is simply the quote you picked. But it seems like it is about how they may have engaged in bribery overseas. Is their case the topic you wanted to focus on?

Debates : Cohen to Plead Guilty - page 2 - dailychess.com 16, 2008 · Debates forum - Cohen to Plead Guilty - page 2. Originally posted by @divegeester Considering the recent developments with Cohen etc, does the forum think an impeachment process is a step nearer, or is it in reality all just a fart-in-the-wind and legal "jazz-hands" for the media?

A Word to a Newfound Ally - Just Security 02, 2016 · As a longtime (and long-exasperated) reader of Lawfare, I’ve been heartened to see the site’s recent editorial turn, in response to current events, toward newly appreciating the dangers inherent in a too-powerful executive branch. In particular, the site’s chief, Benjamin Wittes, has been remarkably eloquent in calling out the coming risks of the Trump Administration.

Interview: Harris Faulkner Interviews Donald Trump on ... Mueller said he did lie, so they took a man who's a General and a respected person and a nice man -- and I don't even know what he said about me, because maybe they scared him enough that he'll make up a story, but I have a feeling that maybe he's a tougher kind of guy than Cohen, but they took a General that they said didn't lie and they ...

How can we in the USA provide basic medical insurance for ... short answer is that our government is controlled by the health care and insurance industries to a greater extent than in other developed nations (and that applies to industry in general), and their work is supported by some conservative leade...

HR 1: What Happens In California Doesn’t Stay In ... by control of the Congressional House and amygdala seared by three years of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the Democrats' first move in post-midterm Congress is to revoke the voting rights of non-Democrats. House bill HR 1 will enact on a Federal level the vote fraud recently perfected in Oregon, New York and my home California.…

Give Tax and Spend a Chance | FlaglerLive end up with a huge balance, a high interest rate, and a monthly payment you cannot afford. In 2014 the country paid $420 billion in interest on the national debt, at an average rate of 2.5%.

Virginia Politics Blog - Community Voters Project 07, 2008 · Community Voters Project announced yesterday it has registered at least 82,000 minority voters in Virginia. For the past several months, the non-partisan group has had 370 staffers working in cities across the state. The group paid special attention to Petersburg, Hampton, Richmond, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Roanoke, Lynchburg, Fredericksburg and Falls Church.

Letters: Shaima Alawadi slaying - The San Diego Union-Tribune U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... but it is also possible ...

Randy Brock | The Vermont Political Observer. about Randy Brock written by John S. Walters. Well, well. The Burlington Free Press has endorsed David Zuckerman for Lieutenant Governor.. Not that newspaper endorsements are worth the paper they’re largely no longer printed on, but the most fascinating one I’ve seen in a while.

Did Sanders Foreclose a Larger Revolt at the DNC? people are saying this is the first stage, first act of this fight in the Democratic Party. It will go on in 2018. You can imagine primarying Hillary in 2020 and making it a one-term president.

How Elected Officials Scored On American Civics Literacy ... is from the ISI website (Note on June 13, 2019: ISI had taken down that page, but you can find both the quiz and the results here): The ISI civic Literacy survey was not designed to test the civic knowledge of elected officials, but it did discover evidence of an interesting pattern that …

Mysterious Ways - Huddled Masses Mobilization Network honest search for understanding, and integration runs through the terrain of anxiety, frustration, and anger. It is rough country, but it is a necessary part of the journey. At least it has been a necessary part of my journey, especially in this past year. This is not my pilgrimage alone.

It's Your Super Duper Mega-Nice 2016 Ultimate Nice Time ... was the Maryland Jewish congregation who sponsored a Syrian refugee family-- and in the same post, we also looked at the letter sent to President Obama by six-year-old Alex from New York, who asked if his family could adopt Omran Daqneesh, the little boy dug out of the rubble of his home in Aleppo (fortunately, Omran is not an orphan ...

Multimillionaire: Minimum wage hike would nourish economy ... it could become a tricky issue for Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown, who is seeking another term and just signed a law that will raise California's minimum wage to $10 an hour by 2016. Businesses ...

Paradigms and Demographics: Who Really is Alexandria ... Thomas Lifson commented in his article, Ocasio-Cortez refuses to denounce Maduro when asked saying: "The strongest condemnation she could come up with for a dictator who is starving his people, forcing millions to flee to market economies that are able to feed them, is " absolutely a …

General Stupidity : Sunlight Foundation Congressman has a strong record of fiscal responsibility, having voted for a balanced budget, supported pay-as-you-go budget rules and opposed what he considers to be the misplaced spending priorities of the current administration. Democrats are the party of fiscal restraint and will make it a top priority if they retake the House in November.

Third-party field hopes to seize on voter discontent in ... > Spokane Third-party field hopes to seize on voter discontent in race against McMorris Rodgers for 5th District seat. Sun., July 10, 2016, 4 a.m.

Red Blue America: Who is Supreme Court Chief Justice John ... 14, 2015 · Some of principled, perhaps, but some of it surely is not. While conservatives like to make a fetish of a consistent worldview that produces consistent outcomes, it turns out they are not ...

County Dems select Hecht as interim party chair | Local ... Athens County Democratic Party Central Committee Tuesday evening selected Athens City Auditor Kathy Hecht to fill out the unexpired term of party chair. Former party chair Bill Bias stepped down as chair and did not attend the Central Committee meeting. His term runs through the month of ...

Rep. Allen West's Class Warfare | Political Allen West (R-FL) took to Twitter this morning to denounce "class warfare" and "demagoguery":. That's the same Allen West who recently sent a letter to constituents bitterly denouncing the "entitlement class":. Also troubling are the events in the state of Wisconsin which mirror those that happened in Greece several months ago.

Democrats spar in cutthroat primary race for Nevada ... VEGAS (AP) - The fiercest primary election battle in Nevada this year is a race between two Democrats vying to become the swing state's first Democratic governor in almost two decades.

Stormy Daniels - "affair never happened" | Page 57 ... 21, 2018 · I understand you can't keep me out of your mouth Heretic, but I was never the topic of discussion here. So you can keep trying to have me on your lips, but it's not changing a very simple truth: You've ran from every argument I've made. Like a scared …

Nevada Progressive: Does It Matter Who Wins Tomorrow?, but it's probably not what you think. Regardless of what happens at tomorrow's caucus sites, Republicans will have to face this reality. And this. Think about it. The whole G-O-TEA plan to win the general election this fall has been based on blaming President Obama for a horrible economy.

The Battle Over Voting Rights (also Gerrymandering) - Page ..."This next witness, Kelly Hendricks, testifies that she received gas money and money for “other things” she needed in exchange for collecting absentee ballots and handing them over to McCrae Dowless. This is the face of vote fraud in America today. #nc09" Kristen Clarke is a lawyer for a …

NA Confidential: Elections are coming, so participate in ... 20, 2019 · Here's the lowdown in their own words.---Municipal Digital Forum We are a little under three months away from Southern Indiana’s Municipal Elections (held on November 5th) and ideas, plans, and details have not yet been highlighted or announced …

The great American political circus | Business & Economy ... 31, 2011 · The great American political circus. ... not for who is going to win the election in 2012, but for how much it is likely to cost. ... The views expressed in this article are the author's own and ...

GREEN MOUSE SAYS: Sources suggest the farmers market is a ... 20, 2019 · NA Confidential believes in a higher bar than is customary in the blogosphere, and follows a disclosure policy with respect to reader comments. First, you must be registered with according to the procedures specified. This is required not as a means of directing traffic to, but to reduce the lamentable instances of flaming and personal attacks on the part of the anonymous.

Obamas And Trudeaus Still Slaying Internet With Hotness ... 12, 2016 · Anyway, we figured before we count down your top ten stories, we'd serve you up a few more pics of the Obamas and the Trudeaus being The Hottest at the State Dinner Thursday night. Like here are the First Couples after the Trudeaus arrived. Barry said Justin looked "spiffy," we …

Dana Milbank: Courts reap what they sow | The Sacramento Bee 15, 2019 · This is the consequence of Roberts’ judicial philosophy. This, Mr. Chief Justice, is what limited government looks like. A widely cited study published last year in the Minnesota Law Review ...

| CT News Junkie rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services would remove consumer protections against discrimination and harm approximately 12,400 adults who identify as transgender in ...

The Robert Mueller Investigation - Page 217 - Politics ... 29, 2018 · Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in... Content titles and body; Content titles only

jobsanger: Health Care Was A Gift To Dems - But Not The ... it was not the only gift Trump (and his GOP cohorts) have given Democrats. ... But a huge majority of Americans would like the minimum wage raised significantly, and a smaller majority would like to see it at $15.00 an hour. The voters think anyone willing to work hard at a full-time job should make a livable wage. ... and since my ...

Did YouTube users actually have 'permission' to upload ... YouTube users actually have 'permission' to upload Warner Music Group songs? ... YouTube had an agreement with Warner Music--one of the four largest recording companies--that allowed video creators to include the label's content in their clips. ... unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner to post ...[PDF]Discussion and possible action regarding report to ... This is a chance for us to make corrections and get the report as accurate as we can. It's not a chance for us tore-vote on any thing, or to reconsider matters on which we have already voted. She said, "Those are not on the agenda. This is just to get the report in a form that we can get to the Council, and then we will be done."

Azano prosecutor becomes federal magistrate judge - The ... federal prosecutor who has had a hand in some of San Diego’s most newsworthy cases for the past few years is now a federal judge. Andrew Schopler was sworn into office as a U.S. magistrate ...

NRA-ILA | Remarks by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) at NRA's ... of America’s largest big box retailers and a significant purveyor of firearms and ammunition is yielding to anti-gun hysteria by calling for action on gun control and adding extra-legal ...

Elizabeth Warren blasts Trump as sexist, reckless that reason, you need to provide readers with some light on the subject. I don’t think the moderators would object to links, but correct me if I’m wrong, moderators. As I said above, all entertaining, but it’s starting to border on stalking.

Body & MindwoRX wellness center opens in Vail Valley ...“This is about taking the ‘it’ out of the sentence and about getting back to me, myself, my deepest sense.”Upon returning from the retreat and developing a regular meditation practice, Christenberry noticed a shift in his perspective, which led to changes in his daily rituals and a release from the rut of his usual thoughts and actions ...

Postscript on Whittemore Verdict, SB 49, & the Real ... on Whittemore Verdict, SB 49, & the Real Solution to Nevada's Culture of Corruption ... He once had close ties to Harry Reid, Dean Heller, and a whole host of politicians at all levels of government across the state. ... the tactic often used to deflect from the real pursuit of real solutions to this ongoing problem of ...

Shepard Fairey The Black Hills Are Not For Sale Poster ... Fairey newest print “Rise Above Rebel” will be available this Thursday.This screen print is your standard edition of 450, measures 18×24”,signed and numbered by She

Sexy fitness apparel - and why I'll be a gym THOT this ... 16, 2016 · So, it took me 5-1/2 months for me to get my body competition ready this time and I still have weeks to go. This won't be my first competition, but it will be my first national qualifier - and the BEST I have looked and felt in my life.

Maine elections open faucet for money from interest groups ... elections open faucet for money from interest groups. Political action committees already have spent nearly $2.2 million, and likely will surpass the $4 million they spent four years ago.

Discover and Read the Best of Twitter Threads by @ninaandtito 28, 2019 · Disregard the red meat of race provokatsiya distractions being thrown to the base, here is what truly matters today: Jeff Epstein is spending lots more nights in jail, and Cohen/Trump were in close contact about their CAMPAIGN FINANCE CRIMEs.

Jeff Sessions Vows To Make Journalists Famous By Jailing ... 04, 2017 · Jeff Sessions Vows To Make Journalists Famous By Jailing Them For Protecting Sources ... There’s only one person who is put in “danger” because of the leaks. ... the least important ...

A very telling picture — South DaCola comments ? #1 Justin on 07.18.12 at 11:36 am . Memo to HB1234 voters, this what happens when partisan think tanks dictate your policy. #2 cr on 07.18.12 at 1:02 pm . Obviously there are issues with the local drivers license bureaus that need to be resolved.

The Rural Democrat: January 2009 is probably the quietest election of any kind, being for magistrate or house speaker in this event. To no avail, I am trying to perform a quiet poll on who will win. It is anyone's secret and hopefully someone in the Kentucky blogville will provide a credible report. Listen to the Rural Democrat Radio interview with Rep.Rick Nelson

There once was a gal named Hill'ry - 15, 2016 · There once was a gal named Hill’ry. Even though LeftMN is primarily a state politics website, and even though we are drawing close to the constitutionally-mandated close of the Minnesota Legislature – so there is plenty to talk about there – I am irresistibly drawn to the contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Fake News Revisited - huddled-masses.org Washington D.C. pizzeria was the headquarters of a child pornography ring run by Hillary Clinton. Billionaire financier George Soros paid protestors to disrupt Donald Trump’s rallies. Muslims rejoiced in the streets of New York after the attack of 911. Barack Obama was secretly a Muslim.

We’re not the grinch after all, Part Two | Power Line 28, 2009 · If they were wrong on the law, it was up to the courts to tell them so, as the Supreme Court did in Lynch v. Donnelly. Moreover, for what it’s worth, the Pittsburgh case strikes me as a close ...

“Identity politics” is not for me, and it doesn’t solve ... 19, 2016 · I’m not particularly a fan of identity politics – or of abstract equality, or liberation politics either (they are all different things). At its worst, “identity politics” leads to group combativeness, joining mass movements, and a belief that violent confrontation with the …

As Bosworth leaves, a one-sided legislative race - The ... 17, 2013 · Home News As Bosworth leaves, a one-sided legislative race. ... who is running on the Democratic, Independence, Working Families and Green lines and has been endorsed by …

Pioneers wrestlers win five during busy week | Sports ... had a very busy week, wrestling in eight duals at a pair of events.

Backroom Briefing: Happier close to home - sayfiereview.com Briefing Happier close to homeSep 09, 2019 · As the old saying goes, all politics is local. And a new statewide survey indicates Floridians are happiest with the politicians closest to home. ... a Stuart Republican who was the key sponsor of a 2013 law that prohibits the use of unmanned aerial vehicles by law enforcement for surveillance and evidence gathering.

If politicians behaved like Letterman. . . – Anderson 02, 2009 · Cynthia Tucker ajc Last night, David Letterman shocked his studio audience when he revealed that he was the victim of an extortion plot. He had had extramarital affairs with female staffers, he said, and a man threatened to publicize the affairs if Letterman didn’t fork over $2 million.

The Cuomo Wayback Machine - nystateofpolitics.com crowd at AG Andrew Cuomo’s gubernatorial announcement today was very…well, eclectic. It was largely comprised of staffers from the AG’s office, enthusiastic volunteers and a number of veterans of Cuomo I – in other words, the administration of former Gov. Mario Cuomo, who was, of course, on hand to hear his son declare con-con – his father’s pet project – to be a major agenda ...

The Role of Judges Under UK Surveillance Laws May be About ... 31, 2015 · For centuries, the authorization of surveillance powers under UK law has – for the most part – been in the hands of the executive rather than judges. All that may be about to change, however, in light of a recent series of reports and judicial decisions. Indeed, the role of government ministers and senior police […]

Much at stake in federal, state election races: A voters ... there are the U.S. House races, which could determine whether a Republican revolution like the one in 1994 is possible this year, too. ... A job as the state's top banker and a political ...

Overwhelmed and Out of Sorts aka Divisiveness & Feeble ... 22, 2017 · From disheartened to possiblities exit has been a struggle to find hope for the mid term elections. So much is so wrong with what the Trump administration is doing. Somehow groups of people must find core values and share them with other groups in order to overcome the obstacles that can break momentum and spirits.

CNN Republican Debate 2016 Live Updates: Best Twitter ... 11, 2016 · UPDATE: 11:21 p.m. EST — In his closing remarks, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas poked fun at rival Donald Trump while listing the occupations of the candidates’ fathers. Unlike in previous ...

dware - Free Republic first to experience the sacrifice that comes with freedom (Freedom isn't free) included those that made the ultimate decision to part ways with the British crown. The Signers of the Declaration of Independence, all 56, were varied in their backgrounds, status and professions, yet each one of them felt the sting of rebellion against tyranny.

The Daily News | Powerful figures in Washington invest in ... Washington power players with investments in the company include Michael Hook, Collins’ chief of staff, who is a top shareholder, and Bill Paxon, a Washington lobbyist and former ...

Daily Kos 04, 2018 · Before getting to Porter, here’s a little something extra tonight for all the exhausted canvassers, phone-bankers, election cheerleaders, and other get-out-the-voters.

2017 Birmingham Elections Archives - Page 3 of 6 ... majority of seats on the Birmingham Board of Education still are up for grabs in the Oct. 3 runoff election. BirminghamWatch asked the 10 candidates in runoffs for five seats a series of questions about their intentions toward the new school superintendent, the possibility of closing schools, their goals for city school graduates, improvements they’d like to see in city schools and the ...

Naked Politics - Adam Hasner | Miami Herald & MiamiHerald.com's what one of Hasner's ... states the voice as the screen flashes to a 2007 report card highlighting that Hasner scored 57.1. ... Based on that and a few other mailers Furnari says in the ...

June | 2013 | Bark Bark Woof Woof four seasons, Mr. Hickman (who was in his mid-20s when the show began) went from high school student to Army grunt to collegiate Romeo, with he and his friends rarely having a care more traumatic than where to hide a rival football team’s lucky pet goat after making off with it.

The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) Blog Transportation Security Administration's Sensitive Security Information (SSI) pseudo-classification marking is abused by the agency to shield it from accountability, argues one former Federal Aviation Administration special agent.Brian Sullivan, who worked in FAA security in the New England region before the 9/11 attacks, works with 9/11 victim families to expose how airlines and the FAA ...

Group supporting Boehner draws ire of conservatives 17, 2019 · The group, called the American Action Network, has long been in the sights of campaign-finance watchdog groups, which have raised questions about whether AAN is …

Russia investigation | Power Line | Page 3 01, 2019 · In substance the statement doesn’t go beyond his report, but it is clear that he was determined to raise a cloud of dust behind him as he exited stage left and handed off to …

David Kurtz - talkingpointsmemo.com problem for McCain is that Soros has also funded groups like the Reform Institute, an advocate of campaign-finance reform that Davis himself served as president of from 2001-05 and for which ...

The American Action Network: John Boehner’s Multi-Million ... 06, 2015 · The American Action Network: John Boehner’s Multi-Million Dollar Corporate Bodyguards. July 6, 2015 ... has long been in the sights of campaign-finance watchdog groups, which have raised questions about whether AAN is abusing its tax-exempt status by engaging in political activity aimed at influencing federal elections. ... But it was an ...

Opinions vary on elective vs. appointive for judges ... 11, 2000 · Opinions vary on elective vs. appointive for judges Posted by: Staff Writer in NEWS September 11, 2000 JACKSON — Not long ago, Mississippi Supreme …

How important is "Communism" ? | Yahoo Answers 07, 2006 · Singapore is one of the worst places to live in the entire world and is completely and thoroughly capitalist. Denmark doesn't have a huge private sector, they have socialized medicine and other public services, but it is quite a nice place to live (if you like the shitty weather ;)) because of the open government.Status: ResolvedAnswers: 26 §149.43 is known as the "Public Records Act" and is the general records law governing the status of state and local government records when requested by a third party. The statute previously contained language applying its guidelines only to records required to be kept by any public office.

Planned Parenthood attack blamed on conservative 01, 2015 · The liberal group ProgressNow Colorado assembled Planned Parenthood supporters on the state Capitol steps Tuesday to characterize the rhetoric of anti-abortion Republicans as the match that lit the fuse in last Friday’s mass shooting in Colorado Springs. “No one should have to fear for their ...

SD Ranks #3 in regressive taxes (H/T – Helga) — South DaCola comments ? #1 DDC on 01.31.13 at 12:38 pm . So, the only thing that matters when it comes to taxes is that the rich pay the same percentage of their income in taxes as poor people?

The Left Coaster: The Great Great Convergence by Turkana. As the corporate media excitedly hyped the National Fellatio Crisis that led to President Clinton's impeachment, the American people weren't buying it. At one point, early on, one of the TV networks (I want to say ABC or CNN, but I could be wrong) decided to hold a public discussion about their coverage.

With Florida Leading Nation in Child Drownings, States Are ... 30, 2015 · Florida had 50 drownings of children 15 or younger last year, by far the most in the nation. California was second with 36. (Vitorio Benedetti) Accidental drowning is the second leading cause of ...

? ?????? on Twitter: "Saudis probably bugged US officials ... 21, 2018 · In this conversation. Verified account Protected Tweets @ Protected Tweets @

Required reading: Glen Morgan reports on Friday’s court ... 23, 2018 · As the Minority Chair on the Law and Justice Committee in the State Senate and a former judge himself, Senator Padden was a logical and formidable intervener in this case. He was one of the most vocal Republicans in the Senate attempting to convince the Democratic Majority to follow the Constitution. While he was ignored by the majority party ... - 19, 2014 · UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The United States Supreme Court has dramatically changed how campaigns work by allowing all this outside money to come in and Tom would be the first …

May | 2004 | Power Line the “negativity” of the Bush campaign as compared to Kerry’s. There isn’t that much reason for Kerry to use his resources to go negative against President Bush right now, since the ...

overview for Greymorn - reddit is necessary streamlining to speed up tabletop play. There is a difference between vehicles with a fusion engine vs a simple I.C.E. Top of my head fusion gives you 10 heat sinks but is heavier and more expensive. So the Schrek has a fusion engine plus 20 sinks to cover the other two PPCs. It's a monster, but it…

Cooper Leads McCrory in Governor's Race : NorthCarolina raised taxes for the 900,000 poorest families in the state-And then used that money to cut taxes for the rich-We rank near the bottom in teacher pay; and yet McRory and crew keep throwing cup fulls of water on a fire that needs a water hose.This is one of many issues that didn't deserve (at least in McRory's eyes) an emergency house session.

The Urban Politico: Movie Reviews: Afflicted, Riddick you can see where going, yes? Derek starts to show a sensitivity to the sun, apparently inhuman strength, speed and leaping abilities, a more irritable nature and a growing inability to eat any sort of food. The duo document these changes assiduously but Derek refuses to …

A letter to progressive Christians in the USA | Geez Magazine write from a healthy distance: 1,566 miles, one international border and a curious cultural divide away from Capitol Hill, the global epicenter of raw power. Things must look different from out here on the snowy Canadian prairie because I just don’t understand how progressive Christians – with whom I generally agree – have become so caught up in the machinations of super-power.

North Carolina: State of Secrecy | BlueNC Virginia, the US Navy, the Governor and the Senators put all their cards on the table about possible sites for Outlying Landing Fields. In North Carolina, we know sites are still being considered, but the Governor and our two do-nothing senators decide it's better if We the People don't know what they're planning. The legislative Black Caucus finds itself on the defensive

Naked Politics - September 2015 | Miami Herald ... 30, 2015 · All of those officials have been at the helm during one of the most brutal periods in Department of Corrections history as the number of inmates who died of unnatural causes reached record numbers ...

Restoring faith in American politics - Reshaping politics ...https://politicsbyleadership.blogspot.comObama: You've mentioned one person I'd -- I'd be listening to and that's Michelle, my wife, who is not only wise, but she's honest. And one of the things you need -- I think any leader needs is somebody who can get up in your face and say, Boy, you really screwed that one up. You really blew that.

Gary Berntsen « Page 2 - NY State of Politics Townsend, one of two Republicans vying to take on Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer in November, has formally announced his endorsement of GOP gubernatorial designee Rick Lazio. This isn’t a big surprise. Both candidates are the designees of the state Conservative Party. Also, both have been outspoken of late on the subject of the mosque ...

Beach Peanuts : Alan Grayson the fund manager had an even more distinctive credential to showcase in his marketing material in June 2013: He was a “U.S. congressman,” Representative Alan Grayson, Democrat of Florida, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Now he is also among the leading Democratic candidates for one of Florida’s United States Senate ...

Are the Ohio House Republicans the caucus of 'No?' Ohio ... Republicans are making their voices heard in the budget process and upsetting at least one of their party's state officeholders. Read on in today's Ohio Politics Roundup.

The Last Chance Of Freedom: What if Jeff Sessions is not ... if Jeff Sessions is not asleep, but instead playing possum? ... He also gave free rein to his deputy A.G., Rod Rosenstein, who is in turn allowing Special Counsel Robert Mueller unlimited time, money, and jurisdiction to investigate President Trump's entire life.

Fairfax Co. man pleads guilty to unlawful filming in mall ... Fairfax County, Virginia, man who is accused of unlawfully filming 60 women in store fitting rooms, has pleaded guilty. Of the charges to which 39-year-old Mumtaz Rauf pleaded guilty, one was a felony and three were misdemeanors.

Duke Lacrosse Rape | Scared Mangum, Woman Who Falsely Accused 3 Duke LAX Players of Rape, Found Guilty of Murder. From false rape accuser to murderer … 34 year old Crystal Mangum was found guilty of second degree murder by a jury on Friday in the stabbing death of her boyfriend, Reginald Daye. Mangum stabbed her boyfriend, Reginald Daye on April 3, 2011, in which 10 days later died from complications.

Clout eludes Hispanics - Orlando Sentinel"That was the result of the experience that I myself encountered when I came here as a 14-year-old, having to struggle with the language and understanding that predicament," said Quinones, 40, who ...

Uncategorized – Incompetent, Irrelevant & Immaterial!“If what you are doing requires no sacrifice at all, then you can do more,” Obama told the tony crowd at a sweeping multi-million-dollar Beverly Hills home.. “If you are one of these folks who is watching cable news at your cocktail parties with your friends and you are saying ‘civilization is collapsing’ and you are nervous and worried, but that is not where you are putting all your ...

Not the Same Old Drill | Sharp Iron 23, 2008 · Not the Same Old Drill. ... s? If they are laying a thick layer of blame (called bullshit) on the kitchen staff or management you can bet it was the server who screwed up, 9 times out of 10. ... One of my pet peeves was when, as a restaurateur, I would comp something off of someone’s check because of the waiter’s carelessness (I used to ...

DownWithTyranny!: Bruce Springsteen Isn't Going To Back ... 02, 2014 · I was in the music business much of my life and I can tell you, everyone loves the fans-- the ones waiting on line to buy the records and tickets even before they're on sale, the ones who know more about the artists than the artists do, the ones who make the press realize that there's something going on out there they haven't tuned in to yet.

Wisconsin Republican: 'These are jails, not the Ritz ... 24, 2014 · In a statement last week, the veteran lawmaker, who is running for mayor of Neenah, expressed deep concern over proposed mandates for county jails. The proposed rules, which DOC says bring state standards in line with national best practices, establish a variety of health and safety expectations for inmates, including access to natural light, three meals a day and one hour of daily …

Three Ways Citizens United Helped Undermine Science Policy ... public deserves to know who is influencing public policy that affects all of us. Overall, the Supreme Court decision helped paved the way for more dark money in political debates. Here are three science policy debates that have been affected by a large influx of …

Your daily 6: Human heart left on plane, Miss USA ... gives middle finger to town via sculpture. A Vermont man who is in an ongoing dispute with his town has let officials know exactly how he feels by erecting a large wooden sculpture of a fist ...

Summit to focus on farm issues | Political News ...“What we thought was, rather than have the classic speech or a debate among the candidates, to just have a Q-and-A in which we’d go through in a public format some of the key issues facing ...

M Taglia Kaporal Kaporal Jeans Estate Condizioni ... Pantaloni Estate Fluido Kaporal Jeans Fiore Taglia M Condizioni Overview. Eight states currently offer an indirect initiative process. In the indirect initiative process, a proposed initiative is referred to the legislature after proponents have gathered the required number of signatures.

Edwards wooing undecided voters | Palmetto Politics ... — Undecided Democratic voters turned out by the dozens Tuesday to see John Edwards give his pitch for the presidency in an old peanut warehouse, a day after the party's front-runners ...

Outside interest groups spent $1 million on southern New ..., trade groups and political action committees have spent more than $1 million to influence area congressional campaigns, mostly in the 3rd Congressional District, after a January ...

Thoughts from the ammo line | Power Line 08, 2015 · My distance vision is 20/10. If I hang the menu 21 feet away like a target, I can read it just fine. Alternatively, I could ask the server for his opinion and then I could be the one to say ...

Maher Says 2020 Democrats ‘Blowing It’ , Wishes (Again ... 03, 2019 · Maher wishes for recession. During the guest segment of the show, Maher – who makes $6 million per year and has an estimated net worth of $100 million, revived his 2018 wish for an economic collapse in order to unseat President Trump. “I’ve been hoping for a recession – people hate me for it – but it would get rid of Trump,” said Maher – to which New York Magazine business ...

MSP airport police back off on arrest of ... - Capitol View 16, 2011 · Metropolitan Airport officials say police were acting on mistaken information when they arrested a business executive who is a top contender to be …

A Layman's Guide to Understanding Gasoline days it may be easier to predict with accuracy the weather for the next morning than the price of gasoline at the pumps. Indeed, if the price at the pump drops evens a penny it's newsworthy, as gasoline prices hover around $3 per gallon in many places across the country.

Democracy East and West — Making Every Vote Count 02, 2018 · The United States and India are the world’s two largest democracies. They are populous and diverse. This national unity through cultural diversity is what the two nations have been known for. There is another bond between them. Emerging as a democracy one-and-a

D.C. Wire - Churches told they have a friend in Fenty on 28, 2010 · Churches told they have a friend in Fenty on parking woes The debate before a coalition of Baptist ministers Monday afternoon was designed to air differences between the candidates for the D.C. Council chairman's post -- council member Kwame …

Mayor’s Race Déjà Vu - New York Post 12, 2013 · As the current mayor said last week: “One of the major reasons Detroit could not stop its downward spiral was that . . . costs for pensions and health care . . . crowded out its ability to ...

August | 2012 | Power Line | Page 8 Congressional Budget Office warns that U.S. economy will fall into a recession unless Congress acts to avert a series of tax increases and budget cuts due to take effect in January.

elections | eaves.ca is a much simpler approach then trying to police and limit the free speech of 10 million Canadian social media users (and to say nothing of the 100s of millions of users outside of Canada who do not fall under its jurisdiction).

Where Are Anaheim’s “Watchdogs” When It Comes To “Yes on ... 13, 2014 · One of those left-wing interest groups is San Francisco-based, which is one of the largest donors to the Measure L campaign, kicking in $45,000. I posted some background on this left-wing donor aggregator last month. The group describes itself this way in the San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory:

Morning News Brief: Donald Trump Jr.'s Emails, Citizenship ... a lot of them used the line that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell used three times yesterday during a press conference. And he was really, you know, all too willing to defer to the investigations that are already underway looking into this larger Russia question.

Where Are Anaheim’s “Watchdogs” When It Comes To “Yes on 13, 2014 · It says something that’s financial support for by-district council elections in Anaheim matches its combined support for Democratic campaigns nationwide – and also matches its combined spending against two statewide ballot initiatives that would have restrained government power.. Where Are The Watchers? As I noted before, there is a deafening silence on this issue from the ...

Cartoon Violence Has To Look At The Same Damn Thing Day ..., hell. We, the media elite who monitor your ruling classes, can barely be bothered to pay attention to more than, say, three major controversies at any given time. And really, since every issue is best boiled down to either "fer it" or "again' it", there are only so many political cartoons that you can do about one of said issues, right? - Books - Review: Utley memoir finely written and 07, 2000 · Review: Utley memoir finely written and rich in detail, if unemotional ... But it was the future of television news, and it was the future of Garrick Utley. ... In Utley's case the first major ...

Natural Born Citizen - Vote for the Constitution was the first President qualified under the NBC clause. He was born in the USA to two Citizen parents. ... Thus James Sr. was a Citizen of the United States by being a Citizen of one of the original 13 colonies. ... A PDF version of an alleged long-form birth certificate has been posted online by Obama but it has been proved to be a ...

John McCain: blunt, hawkish, conciliatory, patriotic ... fought in Vietnam, a war that I had actively opposed. But it’s long been my feeling that war is in the providence of civilian leadership. I understand that McCain, son, and grandson of four-star admirals, found his own way to serve his country, after his carousing youth, and suffered five and a half years of torture as a result.

Nelson Mandela Mourners Outside Home Celebrate His Life ... 06, 2013 · The profound sense of sadness that has fallen over South Africa with the passing of their former president Nelson Mandela, mourners said it was also a time to celebrate the achievements of the anti-apartheid leader who emerged from prison to become South Africa's first black president.

If the United Nations is a country unto itself, by Esther the United Nations is a country unto itself, by Esther B. Fein. If the United Nations is a country unto itself, then the commodity it exports most is words. - Esther B. Fein. Related topics: Politics It may be a penny for your thoughts, but it is now a quarter for your voice. - Esther B. Fein. The first thing they were told was how to hone their talent. Then they were told how to market ...

Cahill says mistrial 'total vindication' - News ... 13, 2012 · After jurors in his corruption trial declared they couldn’t decide if he had broken the law, Timothy Cahill appeared to exhale and bask in a victory, something the ambitious Quincy-bred ...

Whitewater Revives Watergate Memories - Los Angeles Times some of those questions as chairman of the Senate committee that soon will start hearings on the various fund-raising controversies is Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.), who was the GOP counsel ...

Seattle Police disciplined wrong cop in jaywalker punching ... 08, 2011 · The Seattle Police Department mistakenly disciplined the wrong officer in a case involving two cops who assaulted a jaywalker in the Rainier Valley, a department official said Wednesday. The ...

Gloves off in Elyria mayoral primary between Brinda, Grace 27, 2015 · The Fire Department, however, proved to be his demise. It was the root cause of the unsuccessful recall attempt Grace fought off in 2009 and likely a …

Press Releases – Page 179 – Lawrence University News the 39 recipients, Boylan was the only scholar from a liberal arts college awarded one of the 2004-05 Metropolitan Museum fellowships, which also went to scholars at Columbia, Harvard and Princeton universities, as well as Oxford University and the University of the Sorbonne, among others.

The Urban Politico: Movie Reviews-The Man with the Iron ... seems bored. Many performances seem muted here, with the exception of Bautista who just needs to flex and beat people up and Liu, who infuses what could have been a dragon lady stereotype with humor and surprising physicality. This is an ok late night movie if there is nothing else on to watch but it doesn't rank with the classics of the genre.

RICK PERRY Articles – Page 35 of 44 – Texas Monthly 22, 2009 · We report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations ...

Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes from a Blue State: After ... week before Election Day, when people were due to march to the polls to cast their ballots for -- or, as the pollsters tell us, AGAINST Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for President -- Dan Haar, business editor and columnist for the Hartford Courant, found himself in the lion’s den and, like Samson in Holy Scripture, began to layabout with his jawbone.

Palling Around with Nazis: How Republican Rhetoric ... 03, 2012 · Newsone reports that Paul has always courted a white supremacist base. He even appeared on Radio Free America, the brainchild of neo-Nazi Willis Carto in 2001. … Paul and his aides regularly meet with members of the [white supremacist] Stormfront set, American Renaissance, the Institute for Historic Review, and others … in Arlington, Virginia, usually […]

‘Ethics’ commissions about politics more than oversight ... 27, 2016 · One of my proudest moments as a columnist came in 2008 when the Orange County Board of Supervisors launched the Office of Independent Review to monitor the Sheriff’s Department. I was one of many observers who championed an “independent” oversight board following a horrific jail beating death, some disturbing police shootings, and the federal indictment […]

Huge Coral Gables development pushed before election 02, 2015 · “This is a ground-breaking project that could bring significant vibrancy to our downtown,” Lago told Ladra. “That being said, I have seveal concerns about the density, the height, the potential traffic issues and the zoning mechanism which has never been used in the city of Coral Gables before.” ... But it needs to make sense to all the ...

"The Boy Who Cried Wolf", page 1 - 24, 2011 · The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Wikipedia The Boy Who Cried Wolf, is one of Aesop's Fables, numbered 210 in the Perry Index. From it is derived the English idiom 'to cry wolf', meaning to give a false alarm.[1] It has come to be a important metaphor in contemporary …

“power Elites” | Phil's Stock World Con of the Decade Part II. by ilene - July 10th, 2010 10:01 am. The Con of the Decade Part II . Courtesy of Charles Hugh Smith Of Two Minds (Part I here)The con of the decade (Part II) involves sheltering the Power Elites’ income while raising taxes on the debt-serfs to …

A Tree Falls In the Forest | Power Line it would be hard to tell from press accounts of Sanchez’s speech that he was mostly critical of…the press. Here is the first half of Sanchez ... ONE OF THE GREATEST MILITARY CORRESPONDENTS ...

Esty Planning Transition To Congress - Hartford Courant the primary and a general election behind her, Elizabeth Esty says she will make economic issues, assisting small businesses and manufacturing her priorities as a new member of Congress. Esty ...

Mayer and Otis: A Very Productive Year in the NYS ... 13, 2019 · Mayer and Otis: A Very Productive Year in the... - Larchmont-Mamaroneck, NY - Mayer and Otis recap key NYS legislative initiatives at the Local …

Defense rests without calling Edwards, mistress - The ... Edwards’ defense team rested Wednesday without calling the two-time Democratic presidential candidate or his one-time mistress to the witness stand, a sign of confidence after presenting ...

Ocasio-Cortez faces challenges from all sides establishment Democrats appear to be in as greater or even greater panic than the Republicans. From my side of the border it is rather amusing to watch the hysteria that new members of Congress especially Ocasio-Cortez and Tulsi Gabbard are inspiring when they suggest wild-assed ideas such as medicare or not invading a country every week.

DON’T BLAME SOCIAL MEDIA FOR CELEBRITY POLITICIANS. … 21, 2018 · An insurgent candidate who is disconnected from the muddied political system seems like a fresh choice rather than an irresponsible one and a celebrity with billions at their disposal and a wide social reach (whether the cause or result of those billions) has all …

No shortage of millionaires running for 3rd District ... — Running for Congress isn't a poor man's game, and the race to represent the Merrimack Valley in Washington has no shortage of millionaires. Five of 11 candidates seeking to replace ...

Warrant issued for 21-year-old city man in connection with ... are looking for a 21-year-old Lancaster man charged with shooting a man March 26 in a West King ... according to a statement issued by police Saturday morning. ... who is a friend of the ...

Christy Mihos – CBS Boston From Christy Mihos, Potential Conflict Of Interest In CaseAccording to a report, there was a heated argument between Mihos and his wife over money, prostitutes and addiction to sex.[PDF]

I HOWEY'f are the scenarios to win (and the sharp pins): RUSTHOVEN'S HOPES: He has a 1,100-point TV buy spread e final two weeks of the campaign. It is divided between two markets -231 spots in Indianapolis and 176 in Fort Wayne. rt Wayne ads are designed to cut into Helmke's power base. His s cond ad takes aim at Helmke, claiming "my friend" supported

Marc A. Thiessen: Impeachment is just a liberal fantasy ... — Michael Cohen’s decision to plead guilty for making hush-money payments on Donald Trump’s behalf has raised the prospect that if Democrats take control of Congress, they might try

THE DEMOCRATS: THE FORMER RIVAL; Bradley Urges His ... 15, 2000 · TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. In the last symbolic act of his failed presidential campaign, former Senator Bill Bradley released his 390 delegates ...

Federal Election Commission Archives - National Legal ..., NLPC filed a Complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) alleging that she and her campaign violated the prohibition on the personal use of campaign funds by reimbursing political consultant Tim Mynett for his travel in 2019. The Complaint also alleges ...

Last planned Assembly floor session marks end of the road ... Julie Lassa, D-Stevens Point, also highlighted a bill to double funding to $1 million for a job skills program that has helped boost participant income, and a pair of bills based on recommendations from a state audit that would, among other things, allow the WEDC board, rather than the governor, to hire and fire the CEO of the state’s flagship job-creation agency.

Former Patrick Cannon aide confirms her role in FBI ... 17, 2014 · A woman named in an FBI search warrant last week confirmed on Thursday that she is the unnamed campaign aide referenced in an affidavit …

Wilmington City Council president - The News candidates are running for Wilmington City Council president. Whoever wins will serve a 4-year term. Click each candidate's name or photo to view their profile. Years of failed policies and a general lack of innovative thinking during a time of growing crisis have brought Wilmington to the ...

John McCain becomes honorary citizen of tiny South Pacific ... 26, 2013 · The tiny South Pacific nation of Palau honored Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who is vacationing there with his family this week, with honorary citizenship, the senator said in …

Top cop in Douglas County blocks Mayor Stothert's phone ... top cop in Douglas County — a former political ally of Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert — has soured on his fellow Republican so much that he blocks her calls. Douglas County Sheriff Tim Dunning ...

Byrne will not run for Governor, will run for another term ... 31, 2017 · By Brandon Moseley Alabama Political Reporter On Wednesday, August 30, 2017, U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne, R-Montrose, announced that he will not run for Governor of Alabama. Instead, Byrne will seek a third-term representing Alabama’s First Congressional District in 2018. Byrne expects Governor Kay Ivey (R) to run for the office next year.

Sorority and Mystery Man loom large in D.C. hiring scandal ... 14, 2011 · The Sorority and the Mystery Man. Those are the major players who have emerged in four days of hearings about the hiring scandals hobbling D.C. Mayor Vincent C. …

Where Are the Democrats? - Voice of San Diego 17, 2019 · Gonzalez, who is now the secretary-treasurer of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council, said she felt, to a degree, like she was on her own during the race. “Speaking as a candidate, we don’t have the same infrastructure that the GOP has,” said Gonzalez, who estimates she was outspent 7-to-1 in the race.

Impeachment Is Just a Liberal Fantasy | Thiessen Marc ... Cohen’s decision to plead guilty for making hush-money payments on Donald Trump’s behalf has raised the prospect that if Democrats take control of Congress, they might try to impeach

The Early Edition: January 8, 2019 - Just Security 08, 2019 · Signup to receive the Early Edition in your inbox here. Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. SYRIA President Trump called reports about his decision to withdraw troops from Syria “very inaccurate” in a message on Twitter yesterday, responding to claims that his national […]

Cohen expected to claim lying, racism and cheating by ... (AP) — President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is expected to give a behind-the-scenes account of what he will claim is Trump’s lying, racism and cheating, and

Socialism | Encyclopedia of Libertarianism is traditionally considered a political-economic system that aspires to replace the institutions of a market capitalist economy with social ownership of the means of production, comprehensive economic planning, and an egalitarian distribution of wealth.

Extremist Rhetoric | Message MESSAGE . These attacks are baseless smears used to divide us against each other. Freedom of speech is a pillar of our Constitution. We should all honor that freedom by holding ourselves accountable to a better standard.

San Antonio , Florida Divorce Lawyers - Justia January 1997, I founded the law firm of Lynette Silon-Laguna, P.A., now known as All Family Law Group, P.A. We are experienced and responsive attorneys concentrating in the areas of divorce, child custody/visitation/child support, stepparent and relative adoptions and name changes, as well as criminal defense, and consumer, personal bankruptcy.

Leavenworth Street - the talk of Nebraska politics: Leaven ... 12, 2008 · Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that the closest most of you tinhorns here have ever gotten to a bull's balls are the ones they serve up down at the Elks Lodge on stag night. I'm sure Scott would gladly show you how its done, if you'd have the stomach for …

Michigan Democrats, poised to boost ranks, aim for House ... 17, 2016 · LANSING (AP) - Conditions are ideal for Democrats to bolster their ranks in the Legislature, but capturing a House majority - and ending Republicans' full control of state government -

The Early Edition: June 6, 2016 - Just Security 06, 2016 · IRAQ and SYRIA Syrian troops reached the “administrative border” of Raqqa province on Saturday afternoon, under cover of Russian airstrikes. The province is home to the Islamic State’s de facto capital city, Raqqa. Separately, US-backed mainly Kurdish Syria Democratic Forces advanced closer to Manbij on Saturday, capturing 34 villages in the vicinity of the city.

Judge Upholds Alabama Voter ID Law in Win for Common Sense 19, 2018 · January 17, 2018 | The Daily Signal By ACRU Policy Board member Hans von Spakovsky and Sarah Williams. A federal judge in Alabama has thrown out a lawsuit against the state’s voter ID law, finding that the law doesn’t prevent anyone from voting because “nearly the entire population of registered voters in Alabama already possess a photo ID that can be used for voting.”

Clinton Beats Obama in Pennsylvania - The New York Times 23, 2008 · Senator Barack Obama spoke to supporters in Evansville, Ind., after the Pennsylvania primary on Tuesday night. Credit Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times . …

sql - Inheritance PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow 09, 2018 · Please edit your question and add the create table statements for the tables in question and the insert statement you are using. Formatted text please, no screen shots. edit your question - do not post code in comments. – a_horse_with_no_name Jul 9 '18 at 10:47

Bill Warren - Co-Founder / Lead - Peeps Democracy | LinkedIn Bill Warren’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Bill has 10 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Bill’s ...

Politicians recall Aaron Broussard's annual retreats in ... 22, 2012 · It began with a few up-and-comers in Kenner politics looking to escape Louisiana's lowlands for the powdered slopes of the mountains out west. Through 25 years, it …

Walmart Is Trying To Patent Its Own “Libra”-Like Digital ... 03, 2019 · Authored by Marie Huillet via, A new patent filing suggests that United States retail giant Walmart may be developing its own U.S. dollar-backed digital currency similar to Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency.

TOUGH CHOICES: ETHICAL DECISIONS IN WHISTLE BLOWING: A serves thousands of libraries with premium essays, articles and other content including TOUGH CHOICES: ETHICAL DECISIONS IN WHISTLE BLOWING: A CASE STUDY. Get access to over 12 million other articles!

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Glenn Eckhart Running for Lehigh ... 11, 2011 · Glenn Eckhart Running for Lehigh County Controller His daughter is a lot more cute than he. ... Once when he's looking for a raise and then again when he's trying to justify his budget. After attending every Commissioners meeting for the last year and a half I saw the Controller two times. ... you are the one who is out there, and I admire and ...

Frontloading HQ: State Legislatures Move Most Presidential ... 09, 2015 · It was a small section in an otherwise solid story, but it is misleading about how the presidential primary calendar forms from cycle to cycle. Some states are constant date-tweakers. New Hampshire, for instance, has to be able to change the date of the presidential primary there to stay at the front of the queue every presidential election year.

Laura Ingraham Finally In Favor Of Religious Headgear ... have certainly made plenty of jokes about how Trumpism is a faith-based system of belief in the Holy One who is always right, but it's a bit surprising to see an actual adherent of the Church of MAGA admit it. ... The relevant part is all in the first 10 minutes, thank Crom; feel free to skip the panel following it. ... Democrats are the ...

Analysis: Tester vs. Rehberg Senate matchup has high ... 02, 2011 · But it is Tester, above other party leaders, who is genuinely well-liked. “What blanket poll numbers don't tell you is intensity of support,” said Kaiser, who used to work for Baucus.

Senate Democrats Finally Unveil Budget | Power Line 13, 2013 · After four long years, the Senate Democrats finally produced a budget this afternoon. They put it off as long as possible, but finally had to make the document public. What is striking about the ...

Madison Politiscope: Charles Woodson for Wisconsin ... is the most popular progressive in the state of Wisconsin? It’s not Kathleens Falk or Vinehout. It’s not Tom Barrett. But it could very possibly be Charles Woodson, the Pro-Bowl cornerback for the Green Bay Packers. On Friday, the 35-year-old Ohio native took part in a Politico panel in ...

Death by 1,000 anonymous sources internet has evolved into a sound board from which to counter the out-of-control media. But it is near impossible to sift through the garbage conspiratorial and faux news sites. Therefore, we submit that a Counter Crusade is needed to bring Truth and authenticity to news and political analysis.

Parties split on Rowland fallout - NewsTimes 02, 2004 · "These are the people who supported him for 10 years. It's an image problem for Republicans, the same as Watergate was a problem for Republicans in the 1970s." His opponent, first-term Republican Rep.

McCain's Temperament Shaped By Vietnam, Senate : NPR 24, 2008 · McCain's Temperament Shaped By Vietnam, Senate In a presidential election, candidates spar about the issues. But more often, voters pick a president based on his character. McCain's has been ...

GOP's Kuykendall in Lead for South Bay Representative ... a popular president and a strong economy, Democrats started out hoping to defy off-year history and win the 11 seats they needed to take back the House majority. ... one of the few openly gay ...

Saudi Arabia | Power Line 16, 2019 · Without wanting for even a minute to downplay the immense importance of what Brett Kavanaugh did or didn’t do at a party in 1983, I think by far the major news story right now is the drone ...

Repya turns to fight for IP endorsement in gubernatorial ... 20, 2010 · Repya turns to fight for IP endorsement in gubernatorial race ... He is running for the first time, but he’s no stranger to politics. ... But it's not the factory he says he will investigate ...[PDF]The Roots of Trump’s Cruel Populism - consortiumnews.com Roots of Trump’s Cruel Populism Donald Trump’s angry and ugly populism has roots going back to Jim Crow-era race-baiters and Cold War-era red-baiters, including Joe McCarthy’s adviser

Infighting may scuttle Aphria's (APH.T) big Florida CBD ... 01, 2017 · The new was big: Aphria would be putting a sizable amount of cash toward buying into a Florida weed deal, with dispensaries and CBD and a state filled with seniors, health refugees, and stoners and a limited number of licenses. What could go wrong, right? And to that, Florida says, “Hold my beer.” A lucrative […]

News – Page 35 of 38 – Maine GOP RELEASEFor Immediate Release: February 8, 2016Contact: Jason Savage, [email protected] FROM MAINE GOP CHAIRMAN RICHARD BENNETT ON GOVERNOR LEPAGE’S STATE OF THE STATE ADDRESS “I applaud Governor LePage’s priorities in the recently released State of the State Address. Reforming welfare, growing Maine’s economy, …

Sen. Al White Archives - The Spot - 31, 2010 · The election to replace retiring state Sen. Al White has produced a fivesix-way race and a spirited letter-writing campaign from one candidate’s supporters.. A Republican vacancy committee will meet Monday to choose White’s successor in Senate District 8.

American Democracy Replaced by Oligarchy - OpEdNews 26, 2014 · Article: American Democracy Replaced by Oligarchy - Time to drop delusional thinking and recognize that US democracy has been replaced by …

Olathe Daily News Newspaper Archives, May 6, 1975, p. 5, who is a year old, dug out from under the backyard fence on Monday. “Earlier this week, a man living near Elm and Walnut told me he saw my little white poodle running down the street and a lady stopped and put the dog in her car. “I raise all kinds of dogs. I am very attached to …

Busy Girl Politics Special Edition – #ImWithHer | She's are graduating college and law school at record highs, and we are the first generation that is growing up and entering the work force really seeing women make their way to the top of most professions. For the first time, women my age can really visualize a path to the jobs, careers, and lifestyles they want to live.

Donovan, Williams, Malloy And The Coming Crisis - Don Pesci 15, 2010 · Donovan, Williams, Malloy And The Coming Crisis Don Williams is the President Pro Tem of the state senate and one of the whip wielders of Connecticut’s Democratic caucus in the General Assembly. The other caucus leader in the state legislature is Speaker of the House Chris Donovan, once a union steward, whose affections and personal history ...

Amber Bonner for Alpine School District: 2016 ASD Bond- 08, 2019 · A newspaper article that came out after the meeting reported on the bond discussion, but some critical information was incomplete. First, the article indicated that the entire amount of the 4th phase, $73 million, was the amount of the shortfall. This is inaccurate.

Colorado State Fair Archives - Page 2 of 2 - The 28, 2012 · The Denver Rustlers, a collection of Colorado politicians and civic and business leaders, today made their annual trek to the Colorado State Fair to bid on livestock shown by young farmers and ranchers.. The event kicked off with lunch at Del Frisco’s restaurant with most participants wearing Rockmount Ranch Wear shirts, straw cowboy hats, jeans and boots.

Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats ... 12, 2019 · Presumably the female reporter was assigned because she was the best fit for the story. ... It's for everyone's safety. In this case, though, just make sure that one of your many staffers is always present. Problem solved. Unless that staffer is a woman. Then it's mayhem. MAYHEM! ... he also claims that the reason , is because we assume ...

The Politics of Inclusion - nystateofpolitics.com reception followed the one hosted by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Somos host, Assemblyman Felix Ortiz. It was on the second floor of the hotel in what can best be described as a back room. One of the nicest bars in the Condado Hotel, I must admit, although not a ton of space. I came in and set up the camera, mostly to see who would ...

The nazbol gods are awakening… - Left Politics - Zig Forums you love the god of the Old Testament, or the god of the New Testament? Do you love the Demiurge / YHWH, or do you love the true God? Out of the father, the …

memeorandum: The new things in the Senate health bill (Axios) 13, 2017 · The new things in the Senate health bill — Here's what Senate Republicans have added to the latest version of their health care bill (summary here, text here): — A modified version of Cruz's proposal to let insurers offer health plans that don't comply with all Affordable Care Act regulations, as long as they offer ones that do.

Volusia School Board Joining Flagler in Explicitly ... policy change in Volusia was prompted by the case of an 8-year-old Deltona girl being raised as a boy. It follows on the heels of a similar move in Flagler County to protect gay, lesbian ...

Max Powers it appears one is not. Or at least his brother is not. That candidate's brother took a swing at elderly Trump donors. Politics is dirty. And some of its dirtiest players are the ones that call us to "elevate discourse" or say "This is not who we are." But oh it is. Again, back to Beto. Beto is talking from both sides of his mouth.

Mama Hillary's Book Press Tour | Lipstick Alley 13, 2017 · This is one of the many ways the media was complicit in aiding Trump, because they made it seem as if she was talking about all of his supporters taking it completely out of context. I could barely watch the campaign coverage because the media's bias towards Trump was so obvious.

Conservative Whine: Confusing, Bizarre, Very Disturbing! Harrington is a prime example -- she was stalking someone, with a camera, into a public lav. Supposedly, the very thing they fear. They are the immoral evil they are so fucking worked up about, and if it weren’t for the harm and damage they are doing, it would be laughable.

McNeil Law Firm, 226 W Millbrook Rd, Raleigh, NC (2019) parenting can be difficult even for a well-equipped couple, it can be even harder for single parents who are expected to perform a job that is usually done by two people. That was the case for Greg Wickherst, a single father living in Pueblo, Colorado with his young daughter Izzy.

Writing on the Hall: Mayoral Race - rutlandherald.typepad.com is one of two Trapeni signs I've seen decorating lawns - and the majority of those lawns, I have to add, are in the western side of the city. ... one of my stops was the clerk's office (typical.) Can I pick up Mr. Trapeni's financial disclosure form? ... The first thing he said he was going to do was get the fiscal house in order. Deficits ...

Mukesh Ambani’s support to Congress indicates BJP not ... can have a market economy with the MoP held publicly but run similar to a private corporation ala China, but at the end of the day those companies can and will be seized at the drop of a hat because it is a dotp (dictatorship of the proletariat) and not a doc (dictatorship of capital). State intervention does play a major role in the economy.

Making America Greedy Again – Speak in Extremes 04, 2017 · Making America Greedy Again. Standard. ... This, and other stunts like it, are the reason why private insurance still has a stranglehold on America even when most of the world sees healthcare as a human right. It was, and continues to be, a selfish, greedy position led by selfish, greedy people. ... This is a guy who is incredibly rich, of ...

Thread by @wendi_c_thomas: "And the @IBWellsSociety ... by @wendi_c_thomas: "And the @IBWellsSociety investigative reporting workshop is off! Ron Nixon dropping knowledge on how to do investing your beat. @NABJ @nixonron: Use social media not just to promote your brand but also as […]" #NABJ2018 #NABJ18

Rubio blasts media and Democrats for their high dudgeon ... 20, 2019 · Russian forces blew up bridges on the Euphrates river held by Iranian militias several days ago, according to a report. This is the first time the Russians attacked Iranian targets in Syria. The information came from a senior Syrian official who refused to be identified, and was reported in Bas News, a Kurdish news website.

South Park is alive and well. | Esrati Podiak said it best, "After living here for 15 years, finally becoming the neighborhood I've always wanted to live in" as we were running back to his house to pick up more all-beef hot dogs for the grill he was running to feed the volunteers at the first annual Historic South Park Jazz F

CNN releases Democratic debate podium order - Democratic ... cnn CNN releases Democratic debate podium order By Eugene Scott, CNN Updated 9:34 AM ET, Sun October 11, 2015 Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton will be center stage on Tuesday night for the Democratic presidential candidates' first debate, according to the podium order released by CNN, which is hosting the event.

Fox News Fails To Persuade Enough Suckers To Vote For ... News Fails To Persuade Enough Suckers To Vote For Romney Posted by Mark on November 7, 2012 at 11:32 am. Despite their best efforts, Fox News is the biggest loser this morning, having utterly failed in their crusade to advance the prospects of their primary client, the Republican Party. Their sacred mission of partisan deception was proven ...

Intelligence Allegations against the Trump Administration ... 16, 2018 · So what are the chances that they may be prepping their base so that they can get riots going once things come down hard on the administration. ... This is mostly going off on the a conspiracy idea. ... who is most likely to get worked up in anger over this kind of propaganda, is 68 years old. I'm skeptical that they're going to be the type you ...

June | 2014 | Power Line | Page 2 Round of 16, which begins today, usually doesn’t produce many upsets. And, although this year’s World Cup has been exceptional, I wouldn’t expect major upsets this time around, either.

Veritashttps://commentary.veritas007.comJul 23, 2019 · It is clear many law makers do not understand basic economics and rank among some of the most misinformed people in authority. For others clearly an arbitrary political decision under the guise of wanting to help people while playing to the emotions of …

08 | May | 2008 | The Confluence 08, 2008 · If true, it is the most despicable thing I’ve ever read. Thomas Edsall at Huffpo has a post called “Big Rewards Await Clinton If She Ends Campaign Now”: One of the most inviting is the near certainty that the Obama campaign would agree to pay back the $11.4 million she has loaned her own bid, along with an estimated $10 million to $15 million in unpaid campaign expenses.

New Year’s Eve 2008: The year in pictures | The Confluence 31, 2008 · Here is the photo that says it all: The August 25 protest that PUMA did in front of the MSNBC kiosk in Denver. We literally drowned out the wimpy assed Obamaphiles who were milling around and jeered Chris Matthews when he showed up on …

The Left Coaster: Q&A with Stevens Creek Elementary School with Stevens Creek Elementary School (CA) parents - Part II by eriposte. This is the second part of a multi-part Q&A with three parents who belong to the group We The Parents (WTP).The background on the lawsuit in question is here and Part I of the Q&A is here.In this part the parents respond to questions relating to the lawsuit and the Far Right Alliance Defense Fund (ADF).

Schoolyard Bully Must Face Consequences is, quite simply, intolerable. We have a president who is an instinctual criminal and liar, who threatens the integrity of our justice system and of our democratic elections, who is incapable of understanding the rule of law, backed by an attorney general …

"The American Moors Should Refrain From Breeding With ... 12, 2015 · "The American Moors Should Refrain From Breeding With Black Women" SMH ... all women are the same in terms of being human and they are not intrinsically or inherently better than each other, on the basis of race, color, nationality or ethnicity. ... Women have benefitted greatly from the unrestricted unaccountability granted to them. It ...

They Caught One! | Andrew Tobias Caught One! By A.T. On September 13 ... This counts from the first day of the President’s term (or more likely the first of the following month) to the last day of the last month of his administration. ... This is an obvious sleight of hand worthy of politicians and magicians but it seems to me that you would want to hold yourself to a ...

The Continuing Saga of Corruption in the New York State ... 1992 a young Korean man, John Kim, was sentenced to four to twelve years for armed robbery. Four years later he walked out paroled, after his father, pastor of a prominent Korean congregation in New York City, gave $7,000 to the 1994 campaign to elect George Pataki governor of New York State.

Other Views: Walker weasels way toward signing lame-duck ... his letter this week foreshadowing his signing of the lame-duck bills, Gov. Scott Walker tried to pretend that he’s out protecting the interests of Wisconsinites. But Walker is a weasel, and ...

memeorandum: Senate panel expects to receive Clinton 25, 2017 · Trump Data Guru: I Tried to Team Up With Julian Assange … Alexander Nix, who heads a controversial data analytics firm that worked for President Donald Trump's campaign, wrote in an email last year that he reached out to Wikileaks founder Julian …

FromDC2Iowa: Senator Bernie Sanders and America's 'Mainstream' Bernie Sanders of Vermont sent out a letter in June 2015 explaining why is is running for president. This is a serious campaign, make no mistake. But it is otherwise relatively unique among presidential campaigns in general -- and amongst this year's mob of candidates in particular. See generally, "Bernie!

GT Progressive News: 01/06/19 - are the facts: Spending increased in 2018 by $127b. Tax revenue decreased by $202b. ... One of Russia's largest oil fields is on fire, Priobskoye near Khanty-Mansiysk, due to a malfunction in a furnace used to evaporate water. ... Check out his demeaning response to a …

Latest Articles -*/index?more=3711390VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The first visit by a pope to the Arabian peninsula will take place in February when Francis travels to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, the Vatican said on Thursday. The Feb. 3-5 trip, Francis' latest to a predominantly Muslim nation, will be …

fake news | Constitutionalism and Democracy the past half-century, legal changes fractured the media by helping cable television and available broadcast channels expand. Before fake news became an industry, the fractured media promised us a more democratic marketplace of ideas. But it made us a fractured audience, no longer watching or hearing the same news.

Vocal Minority: Liberal Lie #6: Liberals Are for Free ..., I’m back from High Holy Day services and I’m ready get back to blogging with the following rant. Every time I hear this whale of a lie that liberals are for free speech and conservatives are not, I want to freaking puke. Liberals are not for free speech; Democrats...

Dan Larimer 2.0 (Graphene Magazine #3) - Defining ... Larimer 2.0 (Graphene Magazine #3) - Defining subjective qualities is what STEEM was made for - "Only public blockchains can secure private property" – …

Canons of Construction - is able to start over, but if you bankrupt a country the people are the ones who suffer and Trump wouldn’t help them out. This is a man who believes he is smart because he has never paid federal income tax. Cheating the system to avoid paying his fair share demonstrates his questionable morality.

Wisconsin Democrats react to gay marriage decision | Local ... 06, 2014 · “This is one of the most personal decisions that people can make in their lives, that they can marry who they love. ... "The first thing I did was call a very happy couple, friends of mine, who are on their way to the court house now." “It’s long overdue but it’s exciting,” said Zach Madden, an Edgewood College student who chairs the ...

What GOP Rep. Devin Nunes Twitter defamation lawsuit says ... is one of three recent lawsuits he has filed based on his belief that people, or in one instance a newspaper, disparaged his character. Nunes’ suit is more than a tad petty, which his lawyers may actually realize. But the suit raises larger questions about the liability of social media corporations and the conduct of their users that ...

Weekly Content Post - Debate Round Analysis - reddit.com Content Post- Debate Round Analysis Today is the first post in a new series Debatedrils will be doing. Each week, we will post a debate round with analysis or a content video that focuses on some aspect of debate.

Exposito would make Doral politics a trifecta – Political 11, 2013 · “At this moment, nobody can say who is going to be the next chief of police here or who is one of the favorites,” Carollo told Flor. “At the same time, I cannot say that Exposito or anyone else will be denied the right to apply. It is his right to do so. We live in a democracy.”

Skin in the Game — South DaCola amazes me that they are the first to be in line in their freshly pressed suits to beg and plea for taxpayer bailouts at council meetings, while cracking jokes about Joe Six-Pack in the Carnegie Hall public bathroom (remember the 2nd penny getting raised to the full 2% to build roads for developers?

Blue Tribe – Ralph Waldo 27, 2018 · That, in fact, is quite a common result in the Supreme Court, whether involving Presidents or not, and more common, not less, in recent years. Max Bloom pointed out last year, “The most recent term, in fact, was the least partisan since the middle of the 20th century. Over half of the cases were unanimous, and only 14 percent were decided by ...

Cuomo On The ‘Battle For Control Of Gov’t’ Andrew Cuomo all but declared war today on state lawmakers and lobbyists who, in his opinion, control them, seeking to enlist voters in a “battle for the control of state government.” During the first stop of his “People First” tour at Onondaga Community College today, Cuomo excoriated ...

Virginia Cops Beat Down Reporter For Making Bad Words At ...'t wait for this lawsuit! Here's a video of Virginia's Finest arresting a Shareblue reporter at a parade in Annandale over the weekend. Seems the reporter committed the grievous offense of making naughty words near GOP gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie.

Leaked tape piles pressure on Trump, ex-lawyer to speak ... 26, 2018 · The tape was reportedly made two months before the 2016 presidential election. Trump campaign denied any knowledge about Karen McDougal's allegations …

jobsanger: Who's Winning The "Endorsement Race" Among ... 30, 2019 · There was a huge brouhaha about endorsements (especially of super-delegates) in the 2016 race for the Democratic nomination. Bernie Sanders supporters thought it was unfair that most party officials and politicians supported Hillary Clinton over Sanders (even though those officials had the same right to support the candidate of their choice just like all other Democrats).

Marquette Lawyer Summer 2014 by Marquette University - Issuu 21, 2014 · Marquette Lawyer Summer 2014. Introduction I want to begin by thanking Marquette University Law School and the organizers of the Boden Lecture for inviting me here today.

Press Releases – Mikelis Beitiks for Senate’ last campaign move was the release of three “praise ads” for the leaders in his race, Democrats Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez, and Republican Duf Sundheim, whom he identifies as people he’d rather not die because federal legislators are failing to protect us from climate change.

Must Read: Top 10 Blockbuster Scandal Cover Up Allegations ... for the first time below are every single blockbuster cover-up allegation from Keith Allard and Ben Graham against Speaker Of The House Kevin Cotter and his staff. These charges, if true, are stunning and unacceptable. (The headline says 10, but technically their are 12 sections below.) The lawsuit says that Cotter and his staff:

How Trump Could Enforce A Weaker Dollar Policy ... 07, 2019 · Authored by Michael Lebowitz via, “Let me be clear, what I said was, it’s not the beginning of a long series of rate cuts.”- Fed Chairman Jerome Powell -7/31/2019 “What the Market wanted to hear from Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve was that this was the beginning of a ...

THE AMERICAN INVASION OF IRAQ MARCH 20, 2003 AND THE ... 20, 2013 · the american invasion of iraq march 20, 2003 and the tragic consequences of the war a decade later All, On this date exactly 10 years ago the heinous George W. Bush administration plunged this nation into a vicious and blatantly imperialist war in Iraq via one of the most despicable public campaigns of sheer arrogance, maniacal hubris and ...

Alabama school board member appoints campaign backer to ... of the members of a state committee charged with writing new school standards for Alabama says "there is absolutely no connection" between his appointment by Alabama Board of Education member ...

Obama’s next fringe headache | Salon.com’s_next_fringe_headacheMay 10, 2012 · On Wednesday morning, the political world awoke to the news that a federal inmate had won nine counties and 41 percent of the statewide vote against the president of the United States in West ...

Eldridge is easily re-elected – Lowell Sun 07, 2012 · “It’s not easing running in Massachusetts but it’s important for the process,” he said. “This is 2012 and we had to present a change to the status quo.”

McCain’s “special interests” - David Horsey Cartoons and ... This is a reader blog. It is not written or edited by the P-I. The authors are solely responsible for content. E-mail us at [email protected] if you consider a post ...

A tale of two districts: Connolly, Perriello split on 28, 2010 · A tale of two districts: Connolly, Perriello split on extending Bush tax cuts. ... "I think one of the challenges, frankly, with Democratic narratives is that we do have very different districts as we've noted with the two of us," Perriello said. ... They also agreed that job creation was the No. 1 …

Integrity and Analogies That Don’t Hold Water – The 25, 2009 · First of all, I cop to being ignorant about naval matters, but even *I* know that ships can stay float even if one, two or more watertight door fails. What Bennett/Colson is saying sounds good, but it simply is — well — a lie. And a moment's reflection (or …

Living on Earth: MTBE Rides Again 29, 2005 · The gasoline additive MTBE has tainted water in 29 states. The energy bill before Congress would protect the companies that made MTBE from lawsuits. Water districts around the country fear they'll be left with the cost of cleaning up. Jeff Young reports from Washington.

Thieves in the Temple. - Around the table: in which we lay ... touched on Charlie Sykes's piece on Politico last week, which argued that Democrats hopeful of recapturing the Presidency should remember 1972 and be cautious, but Josh Marshall does Mr. Sykes's piece more justice than I did.Mr. Sykes's "history is off," Mr. Marshall says, since President Nixon was rather more popular at a similar juncture in his first term than our President is, but one ...

Boost minimum wage, GOP entrepreneur says | HeraldNet.com 11, 2014 · LOS ANGELES — Democrats across the nation are eager to make increasing the minimum wage a defining campaign issue in 2014, but in California a …

Tony Abbott makes 'captain's call' to preference Labor ... 14, 2013 · Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has made a "captain's call" to preference Labor above the Greens in every Lower House seat at the election. Mr Abbott, who labelled the minority government a …

soccer | Power Line 09, 2019 · Members of the U.S. women’s soccer team continue to insist that there was nothing out of line with the exuberant celebration of goals that ran up the score in their 13-0 victory over Thailand.

All aboard the Flip-Flop Express! McCain was for talking ... 20, 2008 · Yahoo Answers Sign in Sign in Mail ? Help Account Info; Help; Suggestions; Send Feedback

Caller: Will the Right Wing Get Violent if Trump is ... will be many problems people will have @davidpakman should that happen. Until there is full blown, legitimate proof that there is misconduct worthy of impeachment and indictment than a non issue and purely hypothetical, which is where many of the people who are rooting for it to happen want it to stay up until at least the 2018 midterm elections.

The catch all dump thread for all Political Meme's/Tweets have begged you all to not respond to 70's memes but you all kept going because you either enjoy it or can't control yourselves. I guess that is one way to tell who is a lib and who is not a lib. 70 owns anyone on this board who can't resist the urge to respond to those memes. 70 is Org's daddy.

RUTHIE BLUM: ISRAEL AND THE U.S. ELECTION | RUTHFULLY 08, 2012 · If there’s one person in Israel who is celebrating Barack Obama’s victory today it is Labor Party leader Shelly Yachimovich. This is not merely because the former journalist, who entered politics to express her overt partisanship at a Knesset podium rather than over the airwaves, shares Obama’s socialist agenda and foreign policy.

Miami-Dade mayor’s PAC’s campaign million — in context 14, 2015 · Gimenez is not only an incumbent, but he’s a mayor who spent $2.3 million in his 2012 re-election campaign, between his candidate account and his PAC. ... Miami-Dade mayor’s PAC’s campaign million — in context added by Ladra on May 14, ... I think a disingenuous running on her part, but only time will tell. Ladra May 16, 2015 at ...

Was the Tea Party Responsible for the Republican Victory ... the Tea Party Responsible for the Republican Victory in the 2010 House Elections? Article in SSRN Electronic Journal · August 2011 with 64 Reads How we measure 'reads'

Bell win credited to mix of grassroots work, Ferguson and ... LOUIS COUNTY • Wesley Bell, who defeated St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch in his 28th year in office, credited engaged volunteers, a face-to-face ground game and a ...

New Rubio credit card information shows less spending than ... Rubio credit card information shows less spending than successors ... That was the conventional wisdom and hype in Florida political circles for years. ... Rubio in his 2012 autobiography then ...

Caps and Gowns - Nashville Scene't get me wrong, because I think the NCAA's reforms du jour—tying schools' scholarship allotments to graduation rates—are the best thing since Proposition 48, which was the best thing since ...

David Hampton - Ballotpedia 04, 2014 · David Hampton is a resident of Indianapolis, Indiana.Hampton graduated from Lawrence North High School before earning his B.A. degree in criminal justice from the University of Indianapolis and both his master's degree and doctorate in practical theology from the Christian Theological Seminary.

See you at the AIA-MN Convention! - Cuningham Group 09, 2016 · Before joining the institute, he was the senior vice president for Community and Education with the U.S. Green Building Council. Jeffrey Mandyck, AIA, is a design principal at Cuningham Group Architecture. In his 21 years of practice he has served as the design lead on several award-winning projects.

James Hogan: Motivated, Dedicated and Completely Out of ... am going to go out on a limb here and predicting that Frank Pallone will be re-elected this fall as the Congressman representing the 6th district of New Jersey. Everybody knows Pallone’s seat is “safe”. Incumbent members of congress are re-elected 98% of the time. He has over $3,000,000 in his campaign war chest.

The War On Merit - Capitalism Magazine 01, 2001 · The foolish attempt to boost the average soldiers’ morale will not succeed, of course, but it has already succeeded in undermining the Rangers’ morale. Many Ranger officers took it as “a slap in the face.” Other casualties from the war on merit are the best and brightest of our public school teachers.

How do I become a successful franchise? | Warrior Forum ... are the most valuable and cost effective strategy`s for becoming a successful entrepreneur? How do I become a seller of my concept to interested parties? As a former military member I find myself engaged in a battlefield in which I am a new comer and am …

Which challenger is most likely to face Rauner? Should 07, 2018 · Knowing this, he is still the frontrunner for my vote. But it is much too early, haven't made my mind up yet. Daniel Biss is a state senator represents the district in which I grew up in. My parents still live there and are big fans of him. That's as much as I know. On the surface he seems to be intelligent, articulate, and a good campaigner.

The Left Coaster: And Where Are They Now? survival rate for infant leukemia is 50 percent, but it drops to 5 percent if the patient relapses, and significantly less than that once complications occur. In the last month, Knya Dismuke-Howard's leukemia relapsed and complications set in, such as the brain tumor, bacteria-resistant infection and …

GoLocalProv | States With the Toughest Gun Laws in 2016, President Barack Obama sparked further debate on the gun control issue when he introduced a new set of executive orders aimed at reducing …

How To Stop Being Accused of Sending Spam To Your Email ... To Stop Being Accused of Sending Spam To Your Email List. ... Are the followups related to or reference what they signed up for to obtain in the first place? If you gave them the "Free Report About X" in exchange for their email address, did you followups ask what they thought about this report? ... I think the right track, but it ...

Death by inconvenience. And by ‘death’ I mean yours… 23, 2013 · The ever-failing-upwards Megan McArdle, also known as McMegan or Buffy the Bechamel slayer, has been called in to consult on the patient known as the …

An Open Letter from MCCD Board Member, Jerry is an impediment to the work of Board members, who spend countless unpaid hours per week as a public service, in our roles. As a public official who is elected to the Maricopa Community Colleges Governing Board, the voters in my district expect me to uphold state law and to act in the best interests of our citizens seeking higher education.

Should a leader be able to ban violent porn? | Debate.org can't ban them as long as the woman and man are consenting because it is legal. It may be wrong but is legal. People are entitled to watch wjat they want to watxh and it won't change. This is more pf a question of wether morals supersede rights, but it has been precedent that the opposite is true. It may be disgusting but it is legal.

NA Confidential: Pints & Union Portfolio: The pub is ... Confidential believes in a higher bar than is customary in the blogosphere, and follows a disclosure policy with respect to reader comments. First, you must be registered with according to the procedures specified. This is required not as a means of directing traffic to, but to reduce the lamentable instances of flaming and personal attacks on the part of the anonymous.

Local Elections Archives - Page 5 of 9 - Direct Action IS A VERY BIG PROBLEM. This week over 100 county election administrators signed a letter opposing this legislation. ... Here are the facts of the Arlington runoff election – VOTERS BEWARE – Roxanne lost in person voting 52/48 – you know when actual human bodies show up and vote. ... Mario Perez, who is Linebarger’s ground guy and a ...

Valerie Strauss reprints voucher critic's error-riddled op-ed 20, 2014 · This is a two-fer. The Florida Supreme Court did in fact rule against Opportunity Scholarships, but not on the no-aid-to-religion clause. Instead it found the first voucher program to violate the uniformity clause in the state’s public education article.

The Foundation of Marketing Expansion - Dealer Ops - Auto ... 22, 2014 · Knowing who is coming through your door already and what their credit demographic is will arm you with the information you need to close sales. ... and no two programs are the same. Proper inventory is crucial to the success of any SF campaign. ... He is an 18-year former dealer principal and a highly sought-after speaker, author and consultant.

Tracy Clark’s take on 15 news aggregation apps: Part 3 | RJI 16, 2015 · In the past five years about 20 serious players have emerged filling niche areas of this market. Here is part 3 of Tracy Clark's take on 15 news aggregation apps in the market today.

Ron Paul Gives Fiery Testimony in Trial of Two Indicted ... 15, 2015 · Monika Bauerlein, CEO Dear reader, This is big. $25 million big. I'm excited to write to you about The Moment for Mother Jones: a five-year push …

Re: [Mpls] Who owns the Park Board? follow the money[email protected]/msg25345.htmlTitle: Re: [Mpls] Who owns the Park Board? follow the money The information Annie Young and Scott Vreeland pass on here is among the more egregious examples of corruption — yes, corruption — in public office — a direct conflict of interest between a public body and its vendors and/or subordinates.

#Resist #Resistance #OurProgressive #UnityIsPower ..., in America, socialism and communism are regarded as the same thing. We're so fucking smart. and put much of the burden on the middle class. My tax return proves that. Continue to give your money to the government in the amount you expect everyone else to. Go ahead! Or are you just a hypocrite. This is an American tragedy. and travesty.

Oscar, heal thyself | Salon.com 23, 2002 · He's a dirty boy, Oscar. Now the time has come for his parent, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, to give him a head-to-toe delousing. It's the only thing to do as the foulest ...

Bush lied and 1000's died? | Yahoo Answers 24, 2007 · Your thoughts on the above statement please? Yahoo Answers Sign in Sign in Mail ? Help

Presidential Debate - Discussion Public Group | Facebook! 2 Billion Unsealed Indictment. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Liu Zhongtian, a Chinese billionaire and the founder of aluminum giant China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd (1333.HK), has been indicted by a U.S. federal grand jury on charges that he was part of a conspiracy to evade nearly $2 billion in tariffs, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

Ollie Nelson - Ballotpedia Nelson was a candidate for North Carolina's 3rd Congressional District in the U.S. House. Nelson was disqualified from the election before the primary scheduled for April 30, 2019. He did not file his candidacy paperwork before the filing deadline on March 8, 2019.

Elizabeth Warren Set to Release Bad Precedent - The Resurgent with good intentions do not escape tests of constitutionality. Yesterday, Axios reported that Elizabeth Warren would be releasing a policy plan for universal childcare. As Trump declared a national emergency, the media and basically everyone on the left and the right, with the exception of the cult of Trump and those who were intelligent […]

County (Ab)using Liquor Stores for Political Speech 04, 2016 · ACLU of Maryland protested that and the county decided to allow FOP ads, but it was too late in the campaign for the ads to appear. The ACLU wrote, ... it engages in viewpoint discrimination clearly prohibited by the First Amendment.” ... As the County Attorney, here is my question to you. ...

20 – February – 2008 – CNN Political Ticker - 20, 2008 · “This is a wide, wide lead right now…I am amused when the Clinton campaign continues to say: Well, it’s essentially a tie. I mean that’s just lunacy,” said Plouffe. “We have opened up a big and meaningful pledged delegate lead. They are going to have to win landslides from here on out to erase it.” Special Report: Clinton 13, 1998 · The only way to avoid that, he said, is for GOP leaders of Congress to agree quickly that the charges detailed in the Starr report really come down to "lying about sex" and for the president's ...

"Interference In the County's Elections"? Not So Fast: How ... pair of political campaign signs planted and then unearthed from in front of a Publix and a SunTrust bank branch in the Hammock kicked off two police investigations, but the controversy is ...

Unfinished Business in Legislative Session | WXXI News’s around two months left in the legislative session, and a number of issues left on the agenda. But it’s uncertain how many of them will actually become law. Governor Cuomo, who’s ...

“Barely Passing” John McCain – “Graduated fifth from the 26, 2010 · While Team McCain “spins” a JD Hayworth quote out of context, I thought it would be equally important to have John McCain reveal his intellectual capacity in his own words. Many people do not know that John McCain graduated 894th out of a class of 899 at the US Naval Academy! Here are two vids showing John McCain at his finest.

jobsanger: Teabaggers Won In Texas (But It Was Years Ago) Won In Texas (But It Was Years Ago) ... And it was the same all up and down the ballot -- teabaggers were running against teabaggers. They all tried to position themselves as the real teabagger and their opponent as the establishment moderate, but …

On pints, union, Jouett Meekin and a people's history of ... 16, 2018 · He didn't, but it got me thinking about the greatest pitcher New Albany has produced up until the present day: Jouett Meekin (1867-1944), who retired in 1900 just as the "modern" era in professional baseball began. Of course "modernity" is at best an approximation.

3 May 2018/Giuliani Gaffes, Truth Telling Complicate Trump ... 03, 2018 · Giuliani Gaffes, Truth Telling Complicate Trump’s Legal Difficulties Washington Post, 3 May 2018, The president and his attorney didn’t tell the truth. Now Giuliani has. Will that change anything? Extract: Thanks to Rudolph W. Giuliani, a former New York mayor and current member of the president’s legal team, Trump has been exposed flat out as…

The Green Party Is Not An Option - It's A Dysfunctional Joke Green Party Is Not An Option - It's A Dysfunctional Joke ... It may make them feel superior, but it'll just help Donald Trump (who is the opposite of everything Danders stands for) when the Democratic Party (and its candidate) is more progressive than it has been in decades. ... hailed as the most progressive in the party’s history.

Free speech, Israel, and football | Power Line speech, Israel, and football Oday Aboushi is an O-lineman who was drafted by the New York Jets in April of this year. Aboushi is also a Palestinian-American.

Donald Trump, America's Last Best Hope - Page 11 - David ... 21, 2016 · Personally I do not see Trump as the lesser of 2 evils. If anything he may be worse than Hillary. Hillary has not called for Israel to expand settlements. She hasn't said she will pay off the debt in 8 years (which really means giving your money to the bankers, along with mass austerity) This is a …

NPR National News | Public Radio Tulsa 30, 2019 · The study broadly reinforces the observation that both biology and a person's environment influence sexuality, but the results reveal very little about that biology. "It doesn't explain a lot, but it's at least a first step," says Melinda Mills, a sociologist at Oxford University who was not involved in the study.[PDF]VOLUME 45, NUMBER 10 October 1999 Strike-Violence Victim ... and a Florida law firm on behalf of Mr. Carter and his wife, Earthly, ... red light in his UPS truck, Mr Carter, who is black, was waylaid by six men shouting racial slurs, removed from his ... But it further cements Big Labor's politics "would be a step in the wrong

The Slowly Boiled Frog: Brian Brown fancies himself as 05, 2012 · But it gets better: Even as David rejected the traditional trappings of war, he did not go to battle against Goliath empty-handed. He still took 5 smooth stones and a sling. . . . your gift today is a "smooth stone" that will help to ensure we have the resources to win this battle, with God's help[PDF]VOLUME 45, NUMBER 10 October 1999 Strike-Violence Victim ... and a Florida law firm on behalf of Mr. Carter and his wife, Earthly, ... red light in his UPS truck, Mr Carter, who is black, was waylaid by six men shouting racial slurs, removed from his ... But it further cements Big Labor's politics "would be a step in the wrong

NA Confidential: Council to consider revised noise ... 18, 2016 · To reiterate past news, I'd love to be able to take the twice-monthly council packet and cut 'n' paste with text, but it is available only as a .pdf, so the best I can do. Tonight's marquee item is a revised noise ordinance, to be introduced by at-large …

Libertarian Slogans That Are False: I 22, 2011 · Today, I have all of my teeth, only have a few fillings and a regular "tooth maintenance" routine, but my parents had nothing to do with it. To use child rearing as an example of libertarian dogma is just not correct, because most everybody agrees that parents must use some force to raise a child; one who is still entirely dependent.

Health Care Archives - Page 9 of 19 - The“I guess I should be a big boy and just take it, but particularly galling because of my family history,” said Dave Kerber, who is trying to unseat Sen. Linda Newell, D-Littleton. “My mother and her sister, my aunt, are both 40-year breast cancer survivors, both having mastectomies.

Barack Obama Issues a Reality Check | HuffPost 25, 2011 · We liberals have just received a valuable reality check. It came none too soon. We may now begin to cope with reality more effectively. Many of the blows Barack Obama has given the body of his supporters in the last few weeks should not have surprised us. • Accepting federal financing for the ...

Michael Jordan returns home and visits hurricane victims Parker is not quite certain how her loved ones could have handled the previous two weeks without the assistance of Michael Jordan and the American Red Cross after Hurricane Florence. When Parker fulfilled Jordan on Tuesday she could not hold back giving the owner of the NBA’s Charlotte Hornets a huge hug and a […]

Who should be the new leadership of the Sioux Falls City ...’s a few months away, the council will pick their new leadership in May 2017, but it is worth the discussion. Under Rolfing and Kiley’s leadership, all we have seen is a pushing of the mayor’s agenda, and not the councils’ and a severe lack of transparency.

Anderson: DNR's conservation wisdom needs marketing agency provides valuable science, but it must improve at motivating grass-roots support for large-scale conservation solutions. The question in St. Paul on Saturday morning, when the ...

Bush Stresses War, Homeland Defense, Economy in State of ... United States will not sit idly by as rogue nations seek to destroy freedom-loving peoples, President Bush warned in his first State of the Union address Tuesday night.

EXCLUSIVE: Anthony Weiner partnered with playwright to ... Weiner's political comeback began in earnest over a cup of coffee in January with a playwright from the Berkshires. In a secret meeting arranged by a mutual friend, Weiner sat down in a ...

Spat over leaflets vs. litter: Supreme Court won't hear it ... US Supreme Court on Monday declined to enter a dispute between a group of political activists and the City of San Clemente, Calif., over an attempt to ban the distribution of leaflets on car ...

9 unanswered questions for the Mueller report - KYMA 14, 2019 · But it's still possible that Mueller's report reveals new nuggets about Trump-Russia contacts, and who in the campaign knew about these contacts. ... In his …

Walker: Our Real National Debt Is $70 Trillion | CT News ... said Congress has acted with a timely budget and appropriation bills four times in his lifetime. Walker is 61 years old. ... and a range of other contingencies,” he said. ... But it’s not ...

SVE NEWS & CNN Sharing Series – Mueller was allowed to ... 19, 2019 · Washington (CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators were allowed by a federal judge to review years of Michael Cohen’s emails and other online data from the time he worked under Donald Trump, according to newly unsealed warrants used in his case in Manhattan federal court. In all, the prosecutors and FBI received permission from a Washington, […]

In Sacramento, it's the no-more-supermajority blues - Los ... 19, 2014 · A California bill to require the disclosure of so-called dark money — campaign expenditures funneled through nonprofit organizations to hide donors’ identities — became the first …

Happy 10th Birthday Viagra: The Pill That Restored ... 10th Birthday Viagra: The Pill That Restored Manliness Celebrates 10th Anniversary Read original... Ten years ago this month the lives of millions of men and women were changed almost overnight by the advent of a little blue pill -- the first oral treatment for impotence. Viagra, developed by accident by scientists at Pfizer Laboratories ...

Lamont Team Touts Diversity, Outreach to Private Sector ... the members of the transition team said in his first 100 days he’s been able to reset expectations of what it means to govern. ... The proposal would raise $300,000 in the first year of the ...

Report: Opioid crisis costing Massachusetts $2.5B a year ... 14, 2018 · The opioid crisis is costing Massachusetts $2.5 billion a year in lost productivity from employees who aren't showing up for work because of their …

MoreMonmouthMusings: Short Uncertain About Re-election Bid with the loss of control for the first time in 20 years, last year the Middletown GOP woke up to the fact that they could no longer cruise to victory and waged an all stops out campaign, complete with devastating opposition research on one the the Democratic candidates.

Critiquing Matthew Hindman's "The Myth of Digital 03, 2009 · Here's a rough draft of what I'm going to say at tonight's "Digital Democracy Debate" with author Matthew Hindman at Yale. Let me know in the comments if you think I've missed anything or gotten anything wrong.

Articles by Jonathan Rauch: Home cure for old age—which is to say, taxpayers—may save money, but it has no mechanism either to track savings or to pay providers and insurers for hospitalizations that do not happen. This is why Brad Stuart was frustrated for so many years. He could see the path forward, and others could see it, but it was blocked. Today, though, he’s feeling ...

Rivaling Iran as a 'grave' threat to Israel -- American ... 30, 2013 · This is the worst (or wurst) nonsense (or baloney) I’ve read in a long time. The issue is not and never was whether a lot of American Jews married this way or that way or not at all.

Pols 3240 Test 2 - Political Science 3240 with Scavo at ... 123 Pols 3240 Test 2 flashcards from Sam S. on StudyBlue. ... seven member Iowa Supreme Court issued unanimous decision that “limiting marriage between a man and a woman violates the equal protection clause of the Iowa Constitution ... but it’s hard to think about much else while you’re shaving.” ...

Pin on Where Are They? - Pinterest It was not a leak but it was done on purpose. He should be in jail. How can our country let the death of the Seal Team 6 be forgotten so soon. Tom Donilon You have Been Found Guilty By The Patriots Of America Of War Crimes And Treason. As One Of Barry Soetoro Pawns You Know Have The Blood Of All Those Navy Seals That You Had Murdered.

Jackson Jambalaya: Some early fund-raising reports. (Updated) 05, 2011 · Jackson Jambalaya is the home of Trollfest '07. Catch this great event which promises to leave NE Jackson & Fondren in flames. Sonjay Poontang and his band headline the night with a special steel cage, no time limit "loser must leave town" bout between Alan Lange and "Big Cat"Donna Ladd following afterwards.

memeorandum: Marc Kasowitz denies Kavanaugh ever spoke to 06, 2018 · It was late and it was hot and I was 21, on my way home from dinner during summer break. I'd rolled the windows down because the breeze felt good. — I pulled up to a red light, about half a mile from my home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Ten tips for lousy interviewers: no more excuses for bad ... 27, 2007 · It's largely a matter of who is likely to be hostile. If you are dealing with a friendly witness, let that witness say it in his/her own words. To lead one's own witness makes a jury suspect that the witness is not strong enough or confident enough to be trusted. On cross, you are there to do damage to a hostile witness.

Hey Aruba … No Body, No Crime, REALLY??? Jessica O’Grady 29, 2008 · Jessica O’Grady was never seen nor heard from again. No body, no crime, huh? Don’t tell that to Christopher Edwards. Jessica’s body was never recovered; however, Christopher Edwards is presently serving 80 years to life in the death of Jessica O’Grady. Jessica O’Grady, who is presumed dead, was last seen alive on May 10, 2006.

Better Know a Guest – June 20 – June 24, 2016 to Better Know a Guest, your weekly round-up of guests on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert' for June 20 - 24, 2016.

Grandma and Grandpa Gum It Up Again in Another Painful 12, 2016 · Grandma and Grandpa Gum It Up Again in Another Painful Democrat Debate Rush ... We can't have people in those states with such an overwhelming advantage choosing the nominee in the first two races out of the gate. ... One of the points they both kept making was, as they push the idea of amnesty, that the Republicans and anybody ...

President Trump Issues Pardon for the Hammonds - Dwight ... 13, 2018 · Discussion about President Trump Issues Pardon for the Hammonds - Dwight and Steven Hammond released from prison this afternoon [Page 5] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more!

Wilco > Elected Officials > Commissioners Court > Precinct ... the first Williamson County Veterans Treatment Court hearing I attended in February, a young male about 25- or 30-years-old stood slouched, arms at his sides and with defiance in his eyes, before Judge Laura Barker. I watched her demeanor change quickly as he approached the bench.

Mark Hillman | Page 2 of 25 | Capitol Review is the mantra that today animates the progressive/socialist wing of the Democratic Party. ... So, when Caldara calls for the Republican Party to purge lawmakers who, in his view, don’t sufficiently toe the line, ... I found de-regulation one of the most challenging issues while I …

EclectEcon: March 20, 2016 - March 26, 2016 at Columbia University have taken sides, with some pro-BDS [Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions] and other anti-BDS. The Elder of Ziyon has an interesting take on the split:. Of the 69 Columbia professors who signed a pro-BDS petition. 15 of them work in the anthropology department, six in philosophy, 13 in Middle East studies, two in Gender & Sexuality Studies, four in art history, six ...

Quebec Bill Would Force Internet Firms To Block Access To ... due to its unique nature has a lopsided amount of political power in Canada. As a result so does much of the industry. Many of the scandals stem from Quebec industry trying to capitalize on that advantage, more less because they can.

Who Runs Taggart Transcontinental? - Capitalism Magazine 01, 2010 · It was the song of an immense deliverance. She thought: For just a few moments — while this lasts — it is all right to surrender completely–to forget everything and just permit yourself to feel. She thought: Let go — drop the controls — it. Somewhere on the edge of her mind, under the music, she heard the sound of train wheels.

Investigate this (3) | Power Line 28, 2017 · Because a Title III “wiretap” would have required an actual investigation based on a violation of a real US criminal law and a quite high and specific standard in the application for a court ...

Mark Levin Tears Into Obama’s ‘Imperial’ Presidency and ... 21, 2014 · The Blaze Jan. 14, 2013 Jason Howerton Mark Levin Tears Into Obama’s ‘Imperial’ Presidency and His Use of Executive Orders: ‘What the Hell Is This?’

The Lehrer Newshour: John McCain's Decision-Making 23, 2008 · As his out-of-left-field choice of running mate perfectly exemplifies, John McCain is a gambler and a reactor, making decisions intuitively and quickly. That may work well in some arenas (although I'm hard-pressed to think of one other than the mentioned fighter pilot), but as President, what a recipe for a worldwide disaster.

ROMNEY REWINDS: 47% 'completely wrong' -- Obama's muted ... more frustrating to many Obama supporters was the fact that the president's muted tone was at least partly by design. ... This is the second big hire BPI has made in recent months ...

D.C. Wire - Fenty Out of Town -- Again - The Washington 26, 2009 · Where in the world is Mayor Fenty? Out of town, says the mayor's office. Okay, where? we asked. Personal trip, his spokeswoman said. She declined to elaborate. When will he return to work? She didn't know. In the wake of Fenty's controversial trip to the United Arab Emirates last month,...

Untitled | facebook | Donald trump, Political satire ... Pin was discovered by Adam Kirchmann. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.

The Rural Democrat: Coal Severance Tax is the first interview in a special series of interviews with special guest Rep. Rick Nelson. We will running these interviews for the next 4 or 5 days. We figured this was the best way to ensure that everyone has a chance to listen to the entire block of interviews.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Who Won the McClure-Brown Debate? 27, 2017 · Who Won the McClure-Brown Debate? ... In the 17 years I've followed him, it's the first time I saw him act that way publicly, but it was only for a moment. He should do that more often. McClure attacks As it is, he did offer the following devastating indictment of the past four years under Brown: ... This was the only debate between McClure and ...

Next Question: Can Students Be Paid to Excel? by Jennifer ... after a sales pitch by Dr. Fryer, Ms. Slatin said she was persuaded to try. “We say we want to do whatever it takes, so if it, I am going to get on board,” she said. In 1996, P.S. 188 was considered to be failing by the State Education Department, but it has improved dramatically over the last decade.

Roy Moore Sex Scandal – The Ashford Moore Sex Scandal. Ken Ashford November 9, 2017 Congress, Election 2018, ... by The Washington Post in recent weeks say Moore pursued them when they were between the ages of 16 and 18 and he was in his early 30s, episodes they say they found flattering at the time, but troubling as they got older. ... but it looks like there's a write-in ...

The Russia Investigation: Mueller - "Over the course of my ... 31, 2018 · The Russia Investigation: Mueller - "Over the course of my career, I've seen a number of challenges to our democracy.The Russian govt's effort to interfere in our election is …

FullertonWatch | Blog of the Fullerton Association of Jon Coupal and Jay Obernolte | Just two weeks ago, this column exposed the abject lack of transparency in the state budget process. But the way the Legislature enacts its spending plan is just one of many ways Sacramento politicians attack transparency. In recent years, taxpayer advocacy groups have pushed for greater disclosures in local bond and tax measures.

Debunking The Major Lies Told By The Hillary-Haters photo of Hillary Clinton is from Personally, I am sick and tired of the repeated lies being told by the right-wing (and believed by even some on the left now) and continuously repeated by the mainstream media -- even though there is no proof at all of them.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Jake of Nazareth Running for Congress 08, 2009 · Jake of Nazareth Running for Congress Until recently, ... nor was the constitution written by them (although some amendments were). ... I know, I know, there a hundred reasons why that may not make sense but it allows someone who is not aligned to …

Zandar Versus The Stupid: It's Mueller Time, Con't his guilty plea, Mr. Higginbotham admitted that he and the entertainer and businessman Pras Michel, a former member of the Fugees, a defunct hip-hop group, arranged for millions of dollars of Mr. Low’s money to be transferred to a law firm owned by Mr. Broidy’s wife …

The Urban Politico: Book Reviews: Elevation, Legend is a morality play and a holiday tale all wrapped in one. Bittersweet might be the overall best single word commentary on this book. King takes a few shots at the current Maine governor and US President but these aren't gratuitous. Deidre is a runner. King makes you feel the pain and joy of running. Legend by David Gemmell

bridgetwilcox | Let's Get Ethical purpose of the production was a little ambiguous. It seems like the purpose was to raise awareness of Mike Daisey’s lies as well as incorporate a background story of Apple. The most intriguing part of the production was the ending of the monologue when Bob recommends that Apple should give part of their dividends to their labor workers.

Trump Cons Religious Idiots With Meaningless Executive ... for christ's sake. On Wednesday, we got GRRR MAD because rumor had it Donald Trump was going to do an awful "Fuck The Gays" executive order, to protect bigoted religious morons from condemning themselves to eternal hellfire because the government forced them to be nice to gay people. It was allegedly going to be modeled after the "Fuck The Gays" bill in Mike Pence's Indiana.

In a nation of a billion people they can find only one ... a nation of a billion people they can find only one person who is an effective leader?

Can anyone help us remember the crimes the Clintons were ... 11, 2007 · My uncle used to know a whole lot of things they did wrong-----also lots of things that looked pretty damaging that could never actually be proven because star witness's met with a rather premature demise under rather suspicious circumstances-----I would also please like more information about Hillarys ties with communists-----and the mafia.Status: ResolvedAnswers: 17

Michael Spires (@inspires25) | Twitter latest Tweets from Michael Spires (@inspires25). Husband and father who is blessed by my family and all that has been given to me in life. Booth MBA, OSU Buckeyes, Cubs, CS Lewis, Basic Economics. Showing up. Wheaton, ILFollowers: 322

Michael Cohen reportedly to testify that Trump knew of 27, 2019 · But it should also be abundantly clear that trump's behavior is exceptionally unethical. Here is the candidate for the US Presidency who is having back channel communications regarding illegally obtained documents on his political opponent with a known agent of a foreign government.

More on MCPS Funding | Seventh 05, 2017 · More on MCPS Funding. October 5, 2017 David Lublin. ... This information was the basis of our statements that the county cut per pupil local funding for three straight years and froze it for four straight years, ... But it’s true that we squeezed MCPS longer and harder than any other part of county government and that was a mistake.

JustOneMinute: Most Transparently Hypocritical ... Obama as a lame duck and Hillary not yet installed the NY Times editors breathe the air of freedom: Let Inspectors General Do Their Job In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, Congress in 1978 passed the Inspector General...

Janet Napolitan | Politics, Religion, and Family about Janet Napolitan written by txlady706. Politics, Religion, and Family. Taking no prisoners – Taking NOTES on current events and things that I find interesting. ... This is due to policies that the Democrats have engaged in and the Obama administration has ratcheted up. ...

I Think My School District Just Turned Me Into A Trump 15, 2019 · This is what kids do. Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

Resignation, Impeachment, or Mortality? 09, 2018 · It was the first time prosecutors made those accusations against Trump. Schiff, who is likely to be the next chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, added that the next president may have to determine whether to pardon Trump.

Ben Bernanke’s Secret Global Bank | PR Watch’s-secret-global-bankDec 02, 2010 · Thanks to tremendous public pressure and the recently-passed Wall Street reform bill, the U.S. Federal Reserve was forced to reveal the details of its emergency bailout of the financial sector for the first time yesterday. From a quick review of the data now available on the Federal Reserve website, we can see that the Fed took an expansive internationalist view of its role,

Letters | Salon.com 15, 2004 · This is a more ambitious program and a gamble. The Democrats are willing to settle for less, for incremental change, rather than risk losing all. All …

World Press Review - European Union - Vaclav Klaus - EU is a real political possibility: Taxpayers could reap savings from the maintenance of the expensive embassies of the Czech Republic throughout the world. But, really, we have to have a public discussion of the “final goal of European integration,” without calling everyone who asks about it a Euro-skeptic. ... In his book Democracy in ...

Genesis: The Covenant of Circumcision – An Atheist's Bible ... 31, 2012 · Genesis 17-1:27 At this moment, a baby boy is being born, and soon a small part of him will be severed from his body–how insulting of me to assume it would be small, but he is infantile. This is the story that gives the biblical basis for such genital mutilation. There has been much discussion…

The first debate | The Vermont Political Observer. 23, 2016 · 5 thoughts on “ The first debate ” Dave G. August 23, 2016 at 8:20 pm Someone has to put a stop to Scott constantly falling back on his “I’ll get experts to look at it” answer. It’s a weak-ass, BS response and, besides, the line is reserved for legislative committees to use when they don’t want to make a decision or go on record.

The Russia Investigation: Mueller - "Over the course of my ... 17, 2018 · I still don't expect this to be done in the first year of investigation (though it's moving much faster than I anticipated and said it would early on) and (once again) if Mueller says there's no evidence of a crime I'm on record saying Trump isn't smart enough to cover it up, it would mean either someone else was the dirty member of the ...

Drumheller No! Spokane County Dems used scholarship money ... 14, 2017 · Jackson pushed to set aside that money, and use at least some of it for college scholarships for promising young Democrats. By 2009, the fund from the Drumheller account had been winnowed down to ...

ANALYSIS: Mueller report: key takeaways from the Trump ... President Donald Trump may not have obstructed justice, but it wasn't for lack of trying, according to the long-awaited report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller that details multiple efforts Trump made to curtail the probe. ... not for the first time, imitated the iconography of fantasy series "Game of Thrones." ... That was the case for ...

Grexodus Again In Time for Brexit | Common Sense 19, 2016 · And precisely what the Troika did; they imposed a series of conditions that made economic recovery impossible in Greece, so where was the Greek government supposed to get the money to make the interest payments on its debt? From the firesale of every public asset including – especially – the most profitable ones.

Legislature passes changes to alimony, child time-sharing ... passes changes to alimony, child time-sharing laws ... and making the best interest of the child secondary,” said Rep. Lori Berman, ... In his case, he said, he had to fight ...

A Fire In West Flagler Demolishes 90-Year-Old Woman's ... is the house that Jack built in 1988, and where his son John Martin and his wife Grace lived in. ... My dad was the best guy in the world, he really was.” ... one of Martin’s relatives ...

Thread by @AOC: "Let’s talk abt how Gov works behind the ... locked our account because one of the threads that was unrolled apparently had hate speech in it. Not really our fault but there is no way to appeal ?? The account should be restored around 6/14 10AM PST. ... It was the leadership of the Chairman @RepCummings that brought the issue to a hearing. /3. ... but it also has bipartisan ...

Senator Searched for ‘Truth’ And Came Up Empty | CT News ...“I can justify every single one of my votes,” Witkos said. He said it’s unfortunate that you can’t go line-by-line in a state budget and vote in favor of those things you support, but it ...

Mark Dayton threatens to veto bonding bill over sprinkler ... 11, 2014 · Mark Dayton threatens to veto bonding bill over sprinkler mandate repeal ... In his first veto threat of the session, Dayton said he would reject the entire $846 million borrowing bill if it ...

HERO vote will determine run-off candidate - Leader Newspaper vote will determine run-off candidate. October 30, ... But it’s Garcia and Bell who have been the most fun to watch. ... because this is one of the legacies she’s trying to leave (among the very few). I suppose Parker could have been elected to a fourth term, but with the dire economic crisis our city faces, imagine what a difference ...

Incoming PA Post Executive Editor Russ Walker on vision ... 10, 2019 · Incoming PA Post Executive Editor Russ Walker on vision, impact and the (un)likelihood of life outside the newsroom in 2020 PA Post's Ed Mahon and Emily Previti sat down with their incoming editor during his recent visit to Central Pa.

Pin on True - pinterest.com a reminder, in his first two years Obama killed over 50 crucial weapon programs, including the F-22 Raptor fighter (the only aircraft capable of defeating the newest Russian and Chinese fighters), the Zumwalt class destroyer, the Kinetic Energy Interceptor, the Multiple Kill Vehicle for kinetic missile defense interceptors, and much more.

Sunday: Shut Up, Rudy!! - Wonkette 30, 2018 · But it's the following part that may have opened a can pf worms for Trump: GIULIANI: Well, let me see if I can-- I can make it about as clear as possible. We know of something like a hundred eighty-three unique conversations on tape. One of those is with the President of the United States.

Wow. Romney outraises Obama by $35 million in June – The ... 09, 2012 · It’s not bitter grapes I’m chewing on… IMO Romney was the absolute WORST candidate to be offered up by the GOP – just like McCain was in 2008. Remember, one of the worst GOP candidates ever (John McCain) beat Romney in 2008. None of the candidates who were running this year would have been my first pick.

The Cortadito Calendar starts February off right — or left 29, 2017 · This looks like another one of Bittel’s actions in his first 100 days, since he is one of the hosts. ... (who is lending his home for the event), Marcos Azevedo, Juan C. Cuba, Cynthia F. Seymour, former Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Gongora, ... The Cortadito Calendar starts February off right — or left added by Ladra on January 29, ...

Only the wrong survive [With Comment by John] | Power Line 26, 2016 · The peaceful death of the brutal Communist butcher and dictator at the ripe old age of 90 cannot help but trouble those of us who would like to believe in the hand of providence in history.

To follow... 'Chicken Protection Officer' will be a fox ... is the text message I received from my daughter who has been traveling in Southeast Asia for the last several weeks. It said “Mom, I am scared”. No parent ever wants to see such a message from their child who is alone and continents away. A roundup of funny and provocative cartoons by the nation's top cartoonists.: Trump Ready to Launch

5th District Hopefuls Race Through Summer's Heat ... may be enjoying summer, but it's just three more months in the long campaign to high office or disappointment for the clutch of hopefuls chasing the 5th Congressional District seat.

US Politics: Dead Pimps Need Not Apply - Page 2 - General ... 09, 2018 · But it seems to me this has to be a strong contender for this year's Ayn Rand Pretentious Writing Award. I'd write a response or something The problem is that I have no fuckin' clue as to what I just read. None. Maybe somebody smarter than me can explain to me what the point of this was. I have no idea. Edited November 8, 2018 by OldGimletEye

Maryland Politics - Ehrlich to address tea party rally in 15, 2010 · Ehrlich, who is engaged in a rematch with Gov. Martin O'Malley (D), said he plans to talk about taxes, health care and the federal cap-and-trade bill, among other things. There are at least a dozen tea party rallies scheduled in Maryland Thursday. Ehrlich is traveling north to attend one in one of the most Republican counties in the state.

Watergate's John Dean: "I take it in the ass dry" 08, 2018 · John Dean, a key figure in the Watergate scandal, says allegations made against President Trump in a bombshell court filing released Friday are evidence enough for Congress to begin impeachment procee

Samantha's Journal - Democratic Underground I believe this is one of the reasons we see the debates aired at extremely usually odd times, times when obviously not too many Americans will be watching, and opponents of the TPP will be muzzled (again an understatement). Free speech is one of the liberties of …

The story of John Breit - jamesian58.blogspot.com is a quote from a memoir by Dorothy Wordsworth, reflecting on a trip she took with two famous poets, her brother, William Wordsworth, and their similarly gifted companion, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. We sat upon a bench, placed for the sake of one of these views, whence we looked down upon the waterfall, and over the open country ...

Albany - NY Ballot Measure Would Strip Pensions Of Corrupt 08, 2017 · Albany, NY - For years, New York lawmakers convicted of abusing their power and sent off to prison had at least one thing to look forward to: a generous state pension. That practice could come to an end in November when voters will be asked whether to change the state constitution to authorize judges to strip pensions from corrupt politicians.

Popular Vote vs. Electoral College To Determine U.S 15, 2016 · That to me gives too much power to a select few. I agree that there has to be checks and balances, but our election process needs improving. There is a why bother to vote mentality with a system that can over ride the popular vote. Yes the electoral college has it's good points, but it could use an over haul as well.

Ohr testimony contradicts that of Simpson and Rosenstein ... 10, 2019 · Russian forces blew up bridges on the Euphrates river held by Iranian militias several days ago, according to a report. This is the first time the Russians attacked Iranian targets in Syria. The information came from a senior Syrian official who refused to be identified, and was reported in Bas News, a Kurdish news website.

New York Times Op-Ed: Young Men Shoot Children Because ... 18, 2012 · As you may or may not know, the New York Times is publishing a series of essays this week that purport to “examine the ethical, social and humanitarian implications of the use, possession and regulation of weapons.” It is only Tuesday, so the tide could turn, but let us note that we are not off to a...

Malicious compliance, at best | Power Line 05, 2007 · Paul Mirengoff is a Stanford Law School alumnus who has taken note of the extraordinary measures his alma mater has taken to undermine its compliance …

PJD (@rockhead42) | Twitter latest Tweets from PJD (@rockhead42): ""This is just another example of the liberal media’s concerted effort to discredit the president,” Sanders said. @PressSec The Putin Puppet @potus doesn't need the media to discredit him, he's doing fine on his own!"Followers: 212

Steven Tyler Demands Trump Stop Playing Aerosmith Songs At ..."Citing the Lanham Act, which prohibits “any false designation or misleading description or representation of fact … likely to cause confusion … as to the affiliation, connection, or association of such person with another person,” Tyler’s attorney contends that playing an Aerosmith song in a public arena gives the false impression that Tyler is endorsing Trump’s presidency."

jobsanger: Candidate Debate Over "Medicare-For-All" Is A ... of MFA supporters Sanders and Warren is by Lucas Jackson / Reuters at On Tuesday night in the first of the two debates, a lot of time was spent discussing Medicare-For-All (a government-run, single-payer health insurance system). The …

List Of All Buhari's Appointees Since 2015 Released By ... is the truth and not the lies being peddled around by wailing zombies Anybody with a contrary opinion can post the complete list of appointees and not the fake 100 list being peddled around. Buhari's list contains a total of 299 appointments going by the graph below. All just nonsense for re.tards.

jobsanger: Americans Are Not As Conservative As Congress ... section of the survey asked staffers to estimate public support in their own districts (or states, in the case of Senate aides) for five policy proposals: repealing Obamacare, raising the federal minimum wage to $12 an hour, enacting universal gun background checks, regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant, and investing $305 billion in infrastructure improvements over a five-year period.

Documentary Examines Exploitation of the Black Church By ... have often voiced my frustration with black pastors who allow themselves to be manipulated by white Christofascists who hate blacks almost as much as they hate gays. It drives m

Trump: Transgender People Should Use Whatever Bathroom ... 21, 2016 · Discussion about Trump: Transgender People Should Use Whatever Bathroom They Want To [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more!

Liberty At All Costs: Review: The Reborn King At All Costs. My space for ruminations, reviews, and quiltery. Welcome friends, and comment!

Friendly Florida frog fixing to get official? | Post On listening to its deep-throated croak, the Florida Senate unanimously moved to make the barking tree frog the state's official amphibian. The diminutive critter can be found throughout Florida except in the Keys and parts of the Everglades and was the featured centerfold in the "popular book Florida's Fabulous Reptiles and Amphibians," the bill (SB 502) sponsor Steve Oelrich said in his ...

Amina Mohammed instructs striking lecturers to resume duty ... Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed on Thursday 26 instructed all striking dons to resume duties without delay. This was after an initiative to form a special team which wi

Editorial: Getting back to normal (oh no ... a night that President Bush advised us to go about our normal lives, most of the major TV networks anticipated him. NBC and CBS chose to air their hit shows "Friends" and "Survivor" rather than ...

Stop the lies about HR 1264- Taylor's bill to provide again, instead of walking the talk of jobs and economic recovery, government is about to stumble – tripped, this time, by lies about the need to enable the purchase of multiperil coverage and optional separate windstorm coverage under the NFIP as proposed in HR 1264. The truth about the need for HR 1264 can … Continue reading "Stop the lies about HR 1264- Taylor's bill to provide ...

Will there be a rail effect in CD07? – Off the, this covers more than just Richmond itself, but as fine as I can slice it. Not too surprisingly, Culberson was unpopular in the Montrose-y areas east of Kirby, and well liked in Afton Oaks. Also not too surprising to me was the fact that Culberson was more popular than the anti-rail vote in Greenway Plaza.

Tales from a tribble: How About Unifying Your Country Obama's beautiful "unifying" words to the country: July 22, 2009: [although I don't know all the facts] "The Cambridge police acted stupidly." July 22, 2009: Doctors taking kids tonsils out to make more money without diagnosing that it may be allergies..

Three hotspots heating up - Tea Party 25, 2014 · “What we’re after here is persistent presence, a persistent rotational presence.” – Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby And so it continues as Vladimir Putin’s aggression against Ukraine shows NO sign of abating. With a company of 150 soldiers from the US Army’s 173rd Airborne Brigade conducting joint training exercises with their Polish counterparts…conducting them […]

Patrolmen Without Borders | Capitalism Magazine say their police dog alerted them to something in his car, but Anderson says the dog never reacted to anything. Anderson wouldn’t let them search his car, so officers broke both windows and tased him. People in Arivaca, Arizona, 25 miles from border, told us …

Libertarianism is for petulant children: Ayn Rand, Rand 25, 2017 · Libertarianism is for petulant children: Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and the movement’s sad “rebellion” Message [Page 1 of 1 ] 1 Libertarianism is for petulant children: Ayn Rand, Rand Paul and the movement’s sad “rebellion” on 9/23/2017, 9:03 pm

Carol | The Confluence about Carol written by riverdaughter. Tips gratefully accepted here. Thanks!:

Repeal of Obamacare – Humboldt County Democrats 08, 2016 · Posts about Repeal of Obamacare written by HumboldtDems. The Affordable Care Act ruling won’t heal our ailing health system. By Margaret Flowers. As a physician, I find it very odd that the debate over the Affordable Care Act has focused on the effect the law will have on the presidential election rather than the impact it will have on patients, health professionals, and health outcomes.

Rudd: Put the War Budget Into Peace, Diplomacy, Law, and ... 07, 2009 · Mark Rudd. Pacifism and The Military-Industrial-University Complex: Interviewing Mark Rudd By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / April 7, 2009 Mark Rudd was the chairman of the Columbia University chapter of Students for a Democratic Society …

Virtual Politics - The American Prospect Franke-Ruta is a former senior editor at the Prospect.Her work has also appeared in The Washington Post, The Washington Monthly, The New Republic, and The Wall Street Journal, among other publications.She was a 2006 recipient of a fellowship at the Joan Shorenstein Center on Press, Politics, and Public Policy at Harvard University.

Post Five Lessons YOU take from the midterms. - Democratic ..., on the macro level of strategy and decision-making and the top of our party's "professional" leadership, everything was a total failure and nothing must ever be repeated.

Republicans pound Malloy, Himes at Norwalk caucus | Nancy ... are hungry for a different face and a different candidate to carry the Republican banner so that we can win. That is what they are looking for right now.” Debicella, who lost to Himes in 2010 and who is trying again, said the race for the 4th Congressional District has been targeted by the New England Republican Party because it was ...

Castle vs. Coons - became a deputy attorney general in1965 and was elected to the Delaware House in 1966. Since then his only break from politics was the four years from 1976 to 1980, when he formed a law firm with Carl Schnee, a prominent Democrat. In his younger days, Castle maintained a strong presence in the Delaware sports and social scenes.

Virginia Notebook: JJ Dinner Serves Up 11, 2009 · A week ago, Virginia Notebook outlined 14 questions that would be answered at the state Democratic Party's Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, which took place Saturday at the Richmond Convention Center. Former president Bill Clinton headlined the event, but much of the focus was on the party's candidates for governor: Terry McAuliffe, Brian Moran and Sen. R. Creigh Deeds (Bath).

James Comey interview with George Free Dating, Singles and ... 19, 2018 · I can tell you that Trump is not like a mobster. I've known mobsters, and I've known people that unfortunately were killed by them, from those that were made to disappear to those that were made examples of by what they did to them. One of the people I knew was wrapped up in carpeting and thrown in an empty lot, known as the mafia dumping grounds.

The Rag Blog: Tom Hayden : Is Obama Really in Control? 18, 2013 · Tom Hayden : Is Obama Really in Control? ... The Internet is a marvelous tool when used honestly and correctly, and with recognition of its limitations. But it is also home to angry rants, often from the far right, that make ridiculous claims -- like the one (that actually originated on a satirical site) saying that the Obama administration was ...

Americans for Prosperity promotes new state 19, 2015 · Americans for Prosperity Colorado bills itself as the state’s “foremost advocate for economic freedom.” It often weighs in on energy issues, which is no surprise given that its chief funders are the Koch Brothers, who made their fortune in oil.Fields formerly was the state deputy director.

The GOP's Titanic? | Salon.com 23, 2000 · The other side of that McCain is going to make a great deal of this, and he should. But he's not going to be the nominee of the Republican Party. He just simply does not have the support ...

Floor Statement from Senator Feinstein on CIA-SSCI ... 11, 2014 · This morning, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), sharply criticized the CIA in a speech on the floor of the Senate about the ongoing dispute between the CIA and the SSCI. Likely, most readers are, by now, well familiar with the dispute, which regards the CIA’s alleged searching of […]

NewsScope - neptunecafe.com analysts like December because the markets generally go through a profitable phase known as the “Santa Claus rally”. Unfortunately for these Pollyannas, all the major indices were down dramatically last week, marking the worst week in ten years. And December was the worst month since 1931 when the Great Depression hit rock bottom.

Rape, domination and sexuality – Marc Stier at 09, 2010 · Rape, domination and sexuality By Marc Stier June 9, 2010 July 15, 2019 Love and Sex , Sexual and gender equality Matt Ruben wrote a good op-ed in the Daily News today that points out that rape is a crime of violence against women and that calls …

Zandar Versus The Stupid: 10/17/15 Village expected Donald Trump to have been dispatched by now, and for the Very Serious People in the GOP to now be leading comfortably. They of course are not, a full-scale open revolt is underway with Trump, Carson, and Fiorina leading a mob of GOP primary voters that want to destroy the party and replace it with Tea Party fantasy where "illegals" are rounded up and deported, and ...

What To Do About ISIS – And What Not To Do | Maryland Scramble 16, 2015 · But I also learned about general concepts, like how states relate to each other in the international arena, what are the rules and norms of international law, and a smattering of intelligence concepts like blowback, unintended consequences and the problems presented by American exceptionalism in the modern age.

Rhetoric – Softball Politics it’s entirely inappropriate for anyone to say that the president’s rhetoric was the inspiration of a crazy individual to mail bombs to others he disagrees with. The hypocrisy of the statements made by Schumer and Pelosi is obvious because liberal politicians sometimes use the …

Gay Marriage by Judicial Decree - Stuart Taylor, Jr. is primarily an archive of my commentaries, longer essays and features, three books, Supreme Court amicus briefs, and a few of my hundreds of TV and radio interviews since 1989. For the time being, I am adding new freelance articles every month or two, or sometimes in bursts, while keeping my eye out for the perfect book topic.

Barack Obama is a chickenshit coward. | The Confluence about Barack Obama is a chickenshit coward. written by riverdaughter

Wednesday afternoon links - AEI 02, 2019 · 1. Chart of the Day I (above) shows the annual strong/violent (categories F3, F4 and F5) tornado count in the US back to 1954 when the NOAA started …

A Feeble Pushback Against the Inspector General’s ... or even the most cynical among us, there is a Baghdad Bob aura of unreality about the Justice Department Inspector General’s report absolving the FBI of partisan wrongdoing in the Clinton email investigation. The IG report follows in Comey’s footsteps: enumerating appalling and illegal behavior, and then concluding there is nothing to prosecute.

Rachel Bartlett – Bill's Media Commentary 28, 2016 · Dean, at the time, was the partner of therapist and philosopher Paul Rofenfels, who had developed his theory of human polarities in a series of books and monographs, the best known of which is “Homosexuality: The Psychology of the Creative Process” (see blog Index). I gave a thorough discussion of my own take on this concept in all three of ...

Politicians Ignorance of Capitalist Free Market Economics ... 22, 2016 · Politicians can't see the wonders that the market provides, but they somehow see everything government does as a blessing -- taxes that cut into people's pay and regulations that make it more expensive to produce. They don't see that their well …

96 Percent of Google Search Results for 'Trump' News Are ... it got much, much worse when I analyzed the first 100 items that Google returned in a search for news on "Trump." CNN, by a wide margin, appeared most frequently, with nearly twice as many results returned as the second-place finisher, The Washington Post.

Nearly 100% of GOOGLE Results for Trump News from Liberal ... it got much, much worse when I analyzed the first 100 items that Google returned in a search for news on “Trump.” CNN, by a wide margin, appeared most frequently, with nearly twice as many results returned as the second-place finisher, The Washington Post. Other left-leaning outlets also fared well, including NBC, CNBC, The Atlantic, and Politico.

Turn out the lights? — Not just yet for MNF - The San ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... and ESPN are the two ...

US: CIA thwarts new al-Qaida underwear bomb plot ... – The CIA thwarted an ambitious plot by al-Qaida’s affiliate in Yemen to destroy a U.S.-bound airliner using a bomb with a sophisticated new design around the one-year anniversary

ANALYSIS: In the end it wasn’t that close | CT News Junkie the end, it wasn’t close after all. Dan Malloy won a resounding victory over Ned Lamont, and is well-placed to run against Tom Foley in November. A lot of ink is going to be wasted trying to ...

15 | December | 2015 | RUTHFULLY YOURS 15, 2015 · On September 3, Trump signed a pledge after causing a controversy at the first GOP presidential debate, hosted by Fox News, where he was the only candidate who would not commit to remaining a Republican during the presidential election. Trump could still run as an independent in Texas.

President-Elect Donald Trump and “The Deep State”: Vote’s not all of the campaign emptiness. Do you still remember the tens of millions of people crying for joy and hope for a better life and a better world (after the Bush disaster), when Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009 and proclaimed time and again, his …

Bob's Blog: A sting operation intended to dirty a ... this information was fed to the US government, and used as the basis for opening an investigation. Almost as if this was all a set-up. Ace then links to an article in Real Clear Investigations by Lee Smith. It is a summary of what has been uncovered by investigative journalists like Smith.

Take Our Politicians—Please! - Washington City Paper is, as the slogans always put it, time for a change. Political wags love to speculate about an outsider swooping in to win whatever the next election is, and this year is especially ripe for ...

President-Elect Donald Trump and "The Deep State": Vote ... 15, 2016 · The elections may have been rigged, probably by both sides, as the elusive elite, or what’s also called the ’Deep State’, may be divided. It looks like the better ‘rigger’ emerged as the winner. The final popular vote count indicates a slight advantage of Hillary over Trump. Never mind, the system was purposefully designed un-democratically […]

Conservatives: Beware of McCain Regression Syndrome attention: In the afterglow of the Massachusetts Miracle, there are flickers of peril for the right. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but like Paul Revere's midnight message, consider this warning "a cry of defiance, and not of fear." Conservatives have worked hard to rebuild after Big...

April | 2013 | Power Line | Page 8 17, 2013 · Expanded background checks, the only gun control measure that had a chance of passage went down to defeat in the Senate a little while ago, falling short of the 60 votes needed for cloture on a 54 ...

John Andrews Archives - Page 2 of 2 - The 12, 2011 · Mutch, a Billings native who graduated from the University of Montana, is the campaign manager for Ken Miller, a former state senator and a small businessman. Miller is one of five Republicans running to succeed Democrat Gov. Brian Schweitzer, who is term limited.

blogging Fed Courts 6: non-Article III courts — what is ... 09, 2013 · Article III says that: The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times,…

Senate Judiciary Committee Talks FOIA and the Public's ... during Sunshine Week, last Tuesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, "The Freedom of Information Act: Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure Information and the Public’s Right to Know," was timely indeed. A wide range of issues were discussed, from the multi-agency FOIA portal scheduled to ...

H.R. 1 – Indivisible East Bay first-hand account was written by CA-11 team members Toni Henle, Ted Lam, and Kristen Law. Representative Mark DeSaulnier met with us on December 7 to discuss his plans for the new blue Congress, and our request that he support Indivisible East Bay’s planned January 3, 2019 rally. The rally will be part of Indivisible National’s coordinated day of action at Members of Congress’s ...

What's Really At Stake - nysun.com conservatives now rightfully recognize him as one of the greatest presidents in our country's history. As president, he gave us tax cuts, a stronger military, respect for religious expression, pro-life policies, a major pro-Second Amendment law, and a more conservative Supreme Court. He delivered, and America is better off for it.

Josh Kurtz: Forget Prince George’s – Check Out King of them is a grudge match between Commissioner Ken Robinson (D), who, with his Phil Spector-like hair, is a regular at Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown’s campaign events, and former Commissioner Sam Graves (D), whom Robinson ousted four years ago, primarily by running on a slow-growth platform.

Sky Island Scriber: A tale of two Speakers of the would be difficult to find two people more seemingly dissimilar than the elegant, coifed, California-by-way-of-Baltimore Catholic mother of five who serves as the speaker of the House of Representatives and the squat, bald Texas Baptist bachelor who held the job longer than anyone else.

'AHS: Hotel': What We Know So Far - Yahoo 10, 2015 · Watch the new trailer for 'AHS: Hotel' and get a briefing on everything we know so far about the new season of Ryan Murphy's horror series.

Keweenaw Now: Candidate Lon Johnson to Houghton County ... 28, 2016 · Lon Johnson, right, Democratic Candidate for Michigan's First Congressional District, speaks to Houghton County Democrats about key issues in his campaign during the April 20 Open House at the Houghton County Democratic Party's Headquarters, 323 Quincy St. in Hancock.

Opinion | After psychotherapy, Ontario’s Liberals plot ... of the first steps for a party toppled from power is to get its policy bearings back. Yet policy prescriptions may not be a panacea for what ails the Ontario Liberals: Kathleen Wynne lost the ...

John Nichols: Jilting Lawton hurt Dems as gender gap ... 10, 2010 · On Oct. 26, 2009, Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton announced that she would not seek the Democratic nomination for the gubernatorial seat being vacated by Jim Doyle. It was a surprise. Lawton had been running since Doyle announced his decision not to seek a third term. And her campaign had been showing signs ...

Davis seeks curbs on shutdowns | Local | herald-review.com — Now that the government shutdown is over, U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Taylorville, called for both sides to get back to the business of governing. In a meeting with the Herald & Review ...

English-Only Laws: The Hispanic Poll Tax | FlaglerLive stake is a four-year term on the city council of San Luis, Az., a Mexico border town. San Luis has close to 26,000 residents, of whom 99 percent are Hispanic, predominantly of Mexican ancestry.

President-Elect Donald Trump and “The Deep State”: Vote ... elections may have been rigged, probably by both sides, as the elusive elite, or what’s also called the ’Deep State’, may be divided. It looks like the better ‘rigger’ emerged as the winner. The final popular vote count indicates a slight advantage of Hillary over Trump.

THE NOONER for 09-18-13 - 18, 2013 · THE NOONER for September 18, 2013. ... Here are the preliminary results in the special election to fill Bob Blumenfield's Assembly seat, ... Democratic Assemblywoman Holly Mitchell has a big lead as expected in early returns for a vacant state Senate seat in one of two special elections for the California legislature.

The Latest: Clinton, Sanders split on Patriot Act VEGAS (AP) — The latest on the Democratic presidential debate at the Wynn hotel in Las Vegas (all times local):___7:33 p.m.One of the clearest differences between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders comes during a discussion of the Patriot Act. Clinton is for it. Sanders is not.Clinton says there's a fine line between protecting the homeland and protecting civil liberties and individual ...

The People's Republic: San Joaquin Valley is California's ... PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CALIFORNIA - This site is dedicated to exposing the continuing Marxist Revolution in California and the all around massive stupidity of Socialists, Luddites, Communists, Fellow Travelers and of Liberalism in all of its ugly forms.

Winners and losers from the third Democratic debate ... 14, 2019 · The Democrats met in Houston on Thursday night for the third Democratic debate of 2019, this time all on one night. After three hours of sparring between the 10 candidates who qualified, here’s who won, who lost, and what it means moving forward. Democratic U.S. presidential candidates Senator Amy Klobuchar, Senator Cory Booker, South Bend…

John McCain's Victory: The Last Man Standing in New ... McCain's Victory The Last Man Standing in New Hampshire. A resurgent John McCain claims victory in the state where he won eight years ago. Now on to South Carolina where they play rough.

Brown disavows anti-Khazei tweets, says he won’t tolerate ... 26, 2011 · Yesterday, he was the focus of a measure of revenge: Someone created a “crazyfehrnstrom’’ Twitter account and illustrated it with a head shot of H.R. Haldeman, the crewcut-topped onetime ...

New Village Arts Theatre stages a remount of the dog ... Ginn stars again as the top dog in New Village Arts Theatre’s remount of “Sylvia,” the A.R. Gurney play that just ran on Broadway. ... but it also has to be grounded in truth ...

Edwards indicted over campaign sex scandal - Boulder Weekly 03, 2011 · presidential candidate and a former U.S. senator from North Carolina, was indicted Friday on charges of conspiracy and false statements and campaign law violations stemming from a sex scandal. The indictment, which culminates a two-year federal probe, alleges that nearly $1 million that flowed from two wealthy

Darrell Issa Could Investigate President Obama Republican Darrell Issa has made himself a favorite of congressional reporters and a thorn in the side of the Obama administration. As the senior Republican on the House Oversight and ...

Road warriors: Alleged incident sparks latest dustup ... 15, 2016 · This was the only issue that I was aware of from today’s event. In his Wednesday email, Spence said that Brate and other PEF leaders had, beginning Sunday, engaged in …

The Time for Reform is Now … and SBAC is Going to Help world is changing. Years ago it was the likes of Southern Pacific and other big businesses calling the shots in Sacramento, and we were all highly critical of them. These days it’s labor. That’s not the portrayal union leaders like to see in the media, but it’s the truth.

Muhammad Ali is home: From the "universal soldier for our ... 11, 2016 · Muhammad Ali is home: From the "universal soldier for our common humanity," let us learn how to fight for each other Today in Louisville, Kentucky, the …

Mark Sanford needed a big debate win but came up short ... 30, 2013 · Mark Sanford needed a decisive win Monday night. He didn't get one. At best, Sanford fought to a draw against Elizabeth Colbert Busch in the only debate of …

2016 Presidential Election | Power Line | Page 6 03, 2018 · When it comes to primary documents like the 20-page letter dated January 29, 2018 from former Trump lawyer John Dowd and the preceding 11-page memo dated June 23, …

Sexual assault victim who appeared with Trump before ... • A sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before Sunday night's debate was paid $2,500 by a political action committee ...[PDF]JULY 6, 2007 RELIEF TO COUNTIES FROM H.B. 694 per calendar 20070706.pdfa political subdivision awards to a single vendor in a calendar year, regardless of whether the contracts are (1) related to one another or (2) awarded by different local entities within a political subdivision. However, some experts argue that the language in the budget does not accomplish this intent.

Simon’s Law | Kansans For Life Blog | Page 2 and a half years ago, a medically fragile baby boy, Zachariah, was born in a Kansas hospital. He lacked a significant portion of his skull, and a portion of his brain had developed into a separate sack attached to the back of his head. Due to those challenges, his hospital chart contained a do-not-resuscitate order (DNR).

Lefty thugs beat up Jindal staffer and her boyfriend ... 16, 2010 · Conclusive evidence for me was the description of the perp... "Police are looking for a pepetrator[sic] that was described as in his twenties, dirty, with an auburn-colored ponytail and a …

Top Democrat in Senate departs, setting up rush to fill St ... CITY • The top Democrat in the Missouri Senate is poised to be appointed to a judicial post, setting off a potential scramble to fill his seat in the Legislature’s upper chamber ...

Trump's Presidency: Is this the next domino to fall ... 20, 2018 · Then you took a break a few years and in 1991 because of a diplomatic fuck up you bombed the fuck out of Iraq. After that you didn't kill for a while but starved 600,000 Iraqi children to death. Then you bombed Afghanistan (side trips to Somalia and Iraq in 1998 I saw that) in 2001 then (deep breath) you decided Saddam was the enemy.

SINE DIE HARD: The good and the bad during an ugly ... 11, 2019 · The State Legislature finished its 2019 session this past Friday, pushing through a slew of bills covering a range of issues, including: the red-flag bill, renters rights, campaign financing, equal funding for charter schools and more.

U.P. Breaking News Editorial: Not Your Fault – Upper ... 06, 2018 · U.P. Breaking News Editorial - 1-6-18 4:25 p.m. ET Not Your Fault – We say what others won't By Greg Peterson U.P. Breaking News Owner, News Director 906-273-2433 The real victims of the recent fatal crash on M-95 are the two young women who were forced to …[PDF]JULY 6, 2007 RELIEF TO COUNTIES FROM H.B. 694 per calendar 20070706.pdfa political subdivision awards to a single vendor in a calendar year, regardless of whether the contracts are (1) related to one another or (2) awarded by different local entities within a political subdivision. However, some experts argue that the language in the budget does not accomplish this intent.

Articles by Jonathan Rauch: Hate Speech, Minorities, and ... are the first to be targeted with vile words and ideas, but we are also the leading beneficiaries of a system which puts up with them. The open society is sometimes a cross we bear, but it is also a sword we wield, and we are defenseless without it.

Novak Djokovic retires from US Open after Stan Wawrinka ... 02, 2019 · Last time I entered this court was last year. I wasn’t really ready but it’s been amazing to be back this year at that level. The atmosphere is always something special to play a night session.” Uncharacteristic errors from the world No. 1. After Wawrinka won the first set, Djokovic raced to a 3-0 second-set lead.

Representative Duncan Hunter’s Wife Pleads Guilty in ... wife of Representative Duncan Hunter of California pleaded guilty on Thursday to one criminal count in a case in which she and her husband were accused of using more than $200,000 in campaign funds for personal use — including lavish dinners, vacations, private school for their children, and even plane tickets for their pet rabbit.

Everything you need to know about Montana's special ... 22, 2017 · Here's everything you need to know about Montana's special election. ... here are the next special elections to watch: ... Mulvaney was the first GOP representative here since 1883.

Flagler Reads Together: Huckleberry Finn , Chapter 20 20, 2011 · Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn is the chosen book for this year’s Flagler Reads Together, a project of the Friends of the Flagler County Library. Flagler Reads Together, now celebrating its ...

Point Austin: Reading the Roots: They came, they saw, they ... 25, 2008 · If you retained any lingering doubts whether the "netroots" are necessary, a glance at Sunday morning's Statesman would have alleviated them. The …

Mary Edwards | KBIA Edwards came to St. Louis Public Radio in 1974, just after finishing her Bachelor of Music degree at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She has served the station in a number of capacities over the years, and is currently Production Manager. In addition to overseeing all the production ...

Bob Olson is not yet out ot the DFL District Six contest ... 12, 2008 · Each is far, far more liberal than Elwyn Tinklenberg ever thought to be at any point in his life, never mind the recent waffling and agreeing with friends. Olson has no baggage. But IF it is Elwyn out of the District convention, then when the GOP gets finished with running on his record, it …

Scott Voigts - The Early Signs | Lake Forest, CA Patch 24, 2015 · Scott Voigts - The Early Signs ... One of the items that Voigts stressed in his 2010 campaign, apart from Musick Jail, was term limits. ... knows this, but it doesn't make for a …

Robert Wittman, FBI’s James Bond of Stolen Art, Brings His ... Wittman and the FBI's art-recovery division he created were responsible for recovering some $225 million in stolen art through remarkably daring undercover operations. Wittman, a best ...

Teachers from across SC lobby legislators for higher pay ... — Frustrated teachers from across the state descended Tuesday on the S.C. Statehouse to call for higher pay and more respect, saying they want more input on legislators' plans to ...

From captivity to electoral candor, 9 moments that defined ... 26, 2018 · From captivity to electoral candor, 9 moments that defined John McCain Maverick Republican became an instant celebrity once he was released from Vietnam, and later became known for commitment to ... - Books - New biography takes on legendary 27, 2000 · We learn that Bellow was "the-put-in-in-and-take-it-out type," according to one of his conquests. ... Simply that the events in his life are the starting points for the books that he writes. But ...

Murphys' Law: We Give Your Campaign Money, You Support Our 04, 2015 · Patrick Murphy's mom and dad -- best kind of parents a candidate can have when the political chips are down -- are buying love by the thousands for their Senate seat-seeking son.

April 2017 Ballot Access News Print Edition | Ballot 28, 2017 · One of the differences between states, relating to how a group becomes a qualified party, is whether a state gives only one way to accomplish that, or whether the state gives such groups two alternate routes. The chart on page five shows that twenty states have more than one method for a group to become a qualified party.

The Progressive Archives : Shaun Richman, people wonder, are the politics and labor movements of the two countries so different? In his new book, Labor and the Class Idea in the United States and Canada, sociology professor Barry Eidlin grapples with this question. ... The column that I was hired to write for a certain Queens weekly has been canceled before the first piece was ...

World view – Sunday | Your NZ that my initial rush of enthusiasm about the Buzzfeed report has settled, there’s a compelling analysis of the story and a follow-up on Peter Carr’s rebuttal at Emptywheel. “Robert Mueller has the unenviable task of needing to sustain as much credibility for a bunch of serial liars as possible, starting with Michael Cohen.

6 reasons to enjoy ShowDown Town in Eagle | VailDaily.com 23, 2018 · Number two, you can finally get that compound mitre saw back from Steve, who borrowed it ages ago to upgrade the fascia on his house, but somehow managed to keep it around all winter while he finished out the baseboard in his basement. Anyway, it’s time to get that thing back so you can lend it to Julia, who is redoing her kitchen. 5.

Torture in Castro’s Cuba | Capitalism Magazine 30, 2000 · International denouncements achieve their objective. They are the only means of pressuring the torturers, the only means to force them to free prisoners for the sake of public image, to save face, to be more careful, to transgressing less. Denouncing the criminal does not guarantee his punishment but it may deter him from continuing the practice.

Election Day promises big changes in Kern | Archives ... County's tumultuous election season may end on Tuesday with dramatic changes to the leadership of the city of Bakersfield, the county and to its place in Sacramento.

Primary results: Sanders, Trump win presidential contests ... results: Sanders, Trump win presidential contests . ... but it's still one Mook needed to make as Clinton sputters toward the finish line, loaded down with the baggage of recent losses in ...

Clyburn and Graham on rise as next generation of S.C ... -- When President Barack Obama desperately needed a big win in Congress, it was U.S. House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn who wrangled the votes necessary to win passage of

Fact-Checking Donald Trump's First Remarks as Republican ... 23, 2016 · Fact-Checking Donald Trump's First Remarks as Republican Nominee ... Somebody tweeted a picture of Melania and a picture of Heidi, who I think, by the way, is a very nice woman and a …

Fact-Checking Trump's First Post-Convention Remarks ... the heels of accepting his party's nomination, Donald Trump today held his first post-convention news conference. ABC News decided to fact-check the newly-minted Republican presidential nominee ...

Russian Ambassador Having A Sad, Because He Misses His ... are the days when American comrades of Russian intelligence asset Donald Trump would visit Sergey and call him on telephone and say, "Hello, my old pal Sergey! ... Sergey has never heard of such a thing in his life, and now he is to be giggling again! ... Evan Hurst is the senior editor of Wonkette, which means he is the boss of you ...

Iowa loses | Power Line still don’t know whether this was a good decision, but it’s not looking too bad after his major rivals — Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio — took hits from Fox News in the form of video clips ...

Hearn runs on record | Palmetto Politics | postandcourier.com County Councilman Bill Hearn points out in his campaign literature that he is not accepting a pay increase that council passed a few years ago. He takes only $15,000 a year, the former ...

How Did Stoffa Do in Sleepy Nazareth? - blogspot.com 20, 2009 · How Did Stoffa Do in Sleepy Nazareth? I live in Nazareth, just a stone's thrown from the Jacksonian Club. That's where Ann McHale was endorsed by the Joe Long Dems over incumbent Northampton County Exec John Stoffa.

Rep. Christopher Lee falls at speed of a click | Palmetto ... Christopher Lee falls at speed of a click ... "Congressman Lee made his own decision that he thought was in his own best interest and the interest of his family," said House Speaker John ...

Evil losers on parade | Power Line 13, 2017 · “Evil losers” may be too strong a phrase to capture this crew, but it comes to mind in connection with the vehicular assault on “counter-protesters” that resulted in one death (at present ...

Corruption – hard to hide if you’re a politician whose ... 19, 2018 · Summary:A new study shows that people can separate corrupt politicians from clean ones by simply looking at portraits of the politicians.. An old joke says if you want to know if a politician is lying, see if their lips are moving. New research shows that people can predict something about a politician’s honesty just by looking at them, but it’s not the lips they’re noticing.

A Legacy of Cliches - Capitalism Magazine 13, 2015 · But anyone who is being serious, as distinguished from being political, would surely want to know if whatever he is talking about — whether fatherless children, crime or whatever — is in fact a legacy of slavery or of some of the many other things that have been done in the century and a …

A Cafe Run By Robots Is Opening In Dubai 04, 2019 · A cafe in Dubai is embracing automation technologies, including humanoid service robots that use artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to serve humans food. Based on what we’ve gathered, the new cafe is called RoboCafe, will have no human workers, and is expected to open its doors imminently (sometime in August) in Dubai’s Festival City.

Corruption is hard to hide if you're a politician whose ... 12, 2018 · A new study shows that people can separate corrupt politicians from clean ones by simply looking at portraits of the politicians. An old joke says if you want to know if a politician is lying, see ...

Murray Holcomb - Ballotpedia Holcomb (Democrat) is a candidate for Texas' 31st Congressional District in the U.S. House. The general election is on November 3, 2020. The primary election is on March 3, 2020. Holcomb completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2019. Click here to read the survey answers. The ...

Corruption is hard to hide if you're a politician whose ... old joke says if you want to know if a politician is lying, see if their lips are moving. New research shows that people can predict something about a politician’s honesty just by looking at them, but it’s not the lips they’re noticing.

Hey Robert Mueller, Guess What? Trump's Doing Crimes In ... 16, 2018 · SHOCKING NEWS THAT IS SHOCKING! Donald Trump is obstructing justice right in front of our faces again! No, we don't mean on Twitter, but special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into his tweets. We mean more like what happened last year when he sat down with NBC News's Lester Holt and admitted he fired James Comey in order to obstruct justice in the "RUSH-UR" investigation, you …

THE SCARIFICATION OF FUEL IN JUBA | PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd ... opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made are the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB) website. If you want to submit an opinion article or news analysis, please email it to [email protected]. SSB do reserve the right to edit material before ...

WARD WORLD: 04 September 2016 10, 2016 · Everybody is excited about the Titans fielding a better team on both sides. They have a young, physical OL, a stacked backfield and a Head Coach who knows how to coach up Mariota. However, I expect the Vikings will rally in the wake of Bridgewater's injury. PREDICTION: VIKINGS 3.) Philadelphia Eagles at home (-3.5) vs. Cleveland Browns

K. Louise Neufeld #TheHuntressDianaOfTercel???????? on ... 29, 2018 · We found some sketchy things in his filings and also uncovered Russian ties. We will deliver a report on our findings this weekend. ... I thought it was the corruption case I mentioned in this story, but *now* I'm thinking maybe IT'S ALL CONNECTED (or something). ... But it has to be for one of the clients Quinn Gillespie signed prior to/on 5/1 ...

Report Finds DMV Enforcement of Driving Schools Lax | CT ... Department of Motor Vehicles may have been lax in its enforcement of violations at one of the state’s largest driving schools, but despite claims of favoritism the attorney general’s...

Evangelicals See Dilemmas in G.O.P. Field - The New York Times 08, 2007 · “Fred Thompson has a 100 percent voting record with the National Right to Life Committee” said Tim Morgan, 51, a jewelry store owner who is active in his …

Ron Paul Archives - The 14, 2013 · State Rep. Amy Stephens kicked off her campaign for the U.S. Senate over the weekend, while one of her Republican challengers, state Sen. Owen Hill, announced he has been endorsed by former presidential candidate Ron Paul.. Stephens, Hill, state Sen. Randy Baumgardner and Weld County Attorney Ken Buck are vying for the GOP nomination and the chance to unseat U.S. Sen. …

Media nervous over Hillary sting videos - 21, 2019 · This was not the only media reaction, but it seemed to be one of the most popular. "James O'Keefe Targets Clinton Campaign For Legally Selling A T-Shirt" was the dishonest headline over an article attacking O'Keefe published by Media Matters, the pro-Hillary and George Soros-funded group. This article set the tone for the pro-Hillary contingent ...

NJCA in the News - New Jersey Citizen Action of Cardinale's running mates, Assemblywoman Charlotte Vandervalk of Montvale, supported the doctors' fight for caps but knew it was a lost cause after Election Night. "That was the sense, that it was all over," she said. Vandervalk received $3,000 from MEDAC and $2,500 from ATLA.

Wor-Wic president Ray Hoy declines Delaware post ... than two weeks after being offered the job, Wor-Wic Community College President Dr. Ray Hoy announced Thursday that he has turned down the presidency of the four-campus Delaware Technical & Community College. “I have informed the boards of Delaware Technical Community College and Wor-Wic Community College, that after much personal deliberation, I have decided […]

Former Gov. Perry questions legitimacy of Texas A&M added, “I have always had a lot of respect for Rick Perry and his commitment to A&M.” Perry, the state's longest-serving governor, has always had a fierce pride in A&M. He was the first Texas governor who graduated from the school, where he had been twice elected yell leader, a highly sought-after role similar to a male cheerleader.

The Internet’s President - Equal Citizens - Medium 16, 2015 · On the heels of Larry Lessig’s historic announcement of his Referendum Candidacy came another newsworthy item: Jimmy Wales announced that he is chairing LECEC, the Lessig Equal Citizens ...

10 strangest things that happened in the Republican 2016 ... 05, 2015 · WASHINGTON -- Ten Republican presidential debates met Thursday night in Cleveland in the first of a series of debates. Here are the 10 strangest …Author: Jonathan D. Salant

Mark Sanford returns to Congress, warning Republicans his ... are the owner of this article. ... Sanford's defeat was the first in his lengthy political history, which began in 1994 with his first bid for Congress. ... "I do think that a wake-up ...

The Trudeau Thread - roughingafterthewhistle.com'm still convinced that if, after the first allegations started to leak, that Trudeau had simply come clean and admitted that he wanted to preserve jobs, that things would have worked out way better. Sure, some folks would be angry that the Feds would sacrifice justice to save jobs, but it at least a somewhat defensible position.

Romney goes to bat for Brown | Local News ... said the first signs of change may come Tuesday in races for governor in New Jersey and Virginia. ... who is running to replace the late U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy. ... he has shown in his ...

Federal Judge voids independent expenditure committee ... 07, 2014 · Howard Fischer reports that Arizona’s weak law requiring independent expenditure committees to register and to file disclosure statements was voided by U.S. District Court Judge James Teilborg on Friday, who ruled the law is “vague, overbroad, and …

The Non-Aggression Principle - Nolan Chart non-aggression principle faces three kinds of criticism: the first holds that the principle is immoral, the second argues that it is impossible to apply consistently in practice, while the third holds that the interpretation of the principle is too ambiguous to be useful. Let's take a …

March | 2013 | Observer noticed you're using an ad blocker. We get it: you like to have control of your own internet experience. But advertising revenue helps support our journalism.

Event Center — South DaCola . . . Detroit Lewis was almost 2 for 2 today in his predictions, but I still need a little more information. First, lets go over what the survey said and how it was conducted;. There were more than 2,000 responses submitted over the two-week period of the survey, which surpassed the goal of …

The Invisible King - hubpages.com 07, 2009 · He is a genius.A genuine genius.Undoubtedly.All the rhythms and beautiful patterns that we find in nature are the proofs of his astounding aesthetic senses.All the complications that we find in a human head are the proofs of his infinte intelligence level.He is truly the king of stature.All-powerful.Unique.The one.Nobody knows how he came into ...

» John Edwards vs. The First Amendment Liberal now seems like every day that we hear more lunacy from the increasingly desperate Edwards campaign. Yesterday it was attempts to suppress news from a student journalist. His lack of respect for the First Amendment is seen yet again in his proposal to suppress advertising of new drugs.. I’ve never been very fond of such pharmaceutical company advertising as they are intended to drive sales ...

Archive for September 2011 « Page 2 - nystateofpolitics.com Cuomo administration has known for a week that Port Authority Executive Director Chris Ward intended to step down, but failed to coordinate with him on the formal announcement about his departure. The story leaked, and the second floor is not happy. NJ Gov. Chris Christie was in Louisiana today with Gov. Bobby Jindal, who is a Rick Perry ...

Other Races – For the People County needs something different from the top to the bottom. Given what we’ve written about the County Executive matchup, it isn’t looking favorable to happening top down with this election. But, it can be bottom up!! Therefore, we are FOR the qualified underdog Marcus Harris! This is a true David vs. Goliath race if we ever saw one.

The Ranked Choice Voting Spin Cycle - 04, 2013 · Again, 2009 featured a lack of any interesting races really, so this comparison isn’t apples to apples. But it was also the first year of Ranked Choice Voting, you would think that if it was a thing people were excited to try out more of them would have showed up to try it out.

Shirakawa Under Investigation | San Jose prevents the public from knowing who is buying votes for public contracts before the election. One of the most telling lines in the article was the second from the last sentence where Shirakawa says “I can’t tell you a good excuse, because I probably would try to use it if I could.” Fred Harper’s artwork for this article was excellent.

D.C. Wire - No reregistering as Democrat on primary day 25, 2010 · No reregistering as Democrat on primary day, board rules ... but it was the previous superintendent, Clifford Janey, who put the new assessment system in place, so any gains should be attributed to him. ... the large number of registered democrats, the primary usually does determine who will win the general election. Again, not new, or ...

November | 2013 | Power Line | Page 9 16, 2013 · Yesterday’s panel on NSA data collection featuring former Attorney General Michael Mukasey and George Mason University Law Professor Jeremy Rabkin was one of …

memeorandum: Far-right German candidate promises to get 02, 2017 · Justice Dept: No evidence of Trump Tower wiretapping — The Justice Department confirmed in a court briefing filed late Friday that neither it nor the FBI has evidence that Trump Tower was the target of surveillance efforts by the Obama administration during the 2016 presidential election. +

James Comey Fired | Page 95 | FSUniverse 30, 2019 · And it was the latest strange turn in a prosecution that should have run its course without much drama after Mr. Flynn pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to investigators and agreed to cooperate with the special counsel’s investigators ... I understand her reasoning for not putting him in jail or holding him in contempt but it's still ...

FBI Failed To Brief in Aug 2016 Then-Candidate Trump About ... Failed To Brief in Aug 2016 Then-Candidate Trump About Investigations Into His Staff - Sara...: This disgusts me so much. We DESERVE to know how this happened, why they thought they could weaponize our government for political gain. Those involved should be charged, and punished heavily so that others understand NOT how America acts.

First Day Of Summer! | The Realm 20, 2017 · About Fancy Jack Don't worry I'm not trying to be a Legitimate time for it and no money in it, just have fun.

45??????—ASSANGE CHRGD W/ SPYING—ECUADOR KNEW …—assange-chrgd-w-spying—ecuador-knew...Feb 05, 2019 · Every single one of his people are getting in until the Dems take back the senate. ... But it has also sent shock waves through the influence industry by underscoring a newly aggressive legal crackdown on lobbyists and lawyers who do lucrative work representing foreign governments ... who is not identified in the settlement, is David E. Sanger ...

The Mischiefs of Faction: Wait, the Tea Party's Back Tea Partiers were thinking as Republicans, they would not have challenged Cantor. Cantor’s seat was safe, and his office meant an R instead of a D in the House. Tea Partiers instead were thinking of this primary as a sort of general election. Here, Cantor was the enemy (the metaphorical “Democrat”), and Brat was on the Tea Party’s team.

Is evolution just a big case of confirmation bias? - Quora 30, 2018 · Confirmation bias is the tendency to select, search for and interpret evidence in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs. In the next few paragraphs I’m going to explain why almost the exact opposite of what scientists actually do. ...

An email sent to the News and Record's Marquita Brown and ... from the fringes of Greensboro politics and development to build a brighter future for Greensboro into the 21st Century and beyond.

Lecture 7.3.1: The Perils of Elected Representation: Part ..., all kind of a theoretical story, a theoretical concern where I introduce these characters, the powerful. There's substantial empirical support for the idea that political officials are captured in roughly this sense. So there's a substantial amount of empirical …

7 highlights from Gorsuch's Supreme Court hearing days of Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Judge Neil Gorsuch's nomination revealed much about the Supreme Court nominee's thinking and personality not before on public display.

Daily Media Links 6/25 | Institute For Free Speech[W]hen the government sets up a board of political appointees as the arbiter of what is and isn’t politically “neutral” on the internet’s largest platforms for personal expression, a recurring process that effectively determines their right to exist, it may not quite be censorship in the strictest sense-but it’s awfully close.

Occupy Wall Street | Days Of Rage exiting the 2/3 at Wall Street, I was expecting to be swept up in a crowd of people marching down that corporate alleyway, playing music and chanting, "We

Prosecutor urges death penalty for ‘terrorist’ Dzhokhar 13, 2015 · Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is a terrorist who wanted to punish America with a deadly 2013 attack, a federal prosecutor said on Wednesday as the government urged a …

D.C. Wire - Fenty gets endorsement from Latino 02, 2010 · Mayor Adrian M. Fenty picked up endorsements Thursday from the Washington Hispanic, a regional Spanish-language newspaper, and from the owners of the local Haydee's restaurants. Fenty, who is 17 points behind chief rival Council Chairman Vincent C. Gray among likely Democratic voters in a Washington Post poll, rallied his supporters...

Labor Wants Out of the Limelight After Glare of Probes 28, 1998 · Labor Wants Out of the Limelight After Glare of Probes, Backlash By Alan Greenblatt, CQ Staff Writer. Democrat Baron Hill, a one-time high school basketball star who is …

elcentroamistad | about us!For the last seven years, Susan has been committed to public health -- as the law and policy manager and healthy eating and active living manager for the state health department and in her current role with Boulder County Public Health. Susan is married to Richard Cauchi and they have one son, Thomas, who is currently in the Peace Corps.

Five Republicans face off in primary for Daines' U.S ... – Five Republicans – all but one of them current or former state legislators –are vying for their party’s nomination for the U.S. House in the June 3 primary.

Trump wins S.C. GOP primary | McClatchy Washington Bureau, one of the favorites of the S.C. GOP, suspended his campaign after finishing a disappointing fourth. Bush inherited U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham’s backing and many of his supporters after the ...

Tell Me a Story: Yesterday merely embarrassing came out such as the Orange One’s racism, his lack of concern for the citizens of this once fine country and his efforts to conceal his shoddy academic record. And there are the felonies: Conspiracy to defraud the United States. (the whole Stone, Assange, Trump WikiLeaks dump) Lying to the FBI and the Justice Department.

Alarm bells sounding over Kagan's agenda - WND 10, 2010 · Elena Kagan Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council Action organization has summarized the concern over President Obama's nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to …

Sen. Mike DeWine's Record on Protecting the Unborn 03, 2006 · Pages. WMD Home; TIB Radio; Matt Hurley

Autism siblings and friends network - RADICA MAHASE “HOW do you get some many young people to come out and help? How much do you pay them?” One person who recently attended our Autism Fun Day 2019 asked me these questions with disbelief. Another, who was attending one of our events for the first time said to me, “It’s amazing … Continue reading Autism siblings and friends network[PDF]2018 State Senate Candidate Questionnaire is from the district, a child of immigrants, product of rent-stabilized housing, and product of public schools, I understand the position of our many working class families. My father has been a proud union member for 17 years and my mother a business owner for the past 20. Additionally, last year, I

Teachers or School Privatization Lobbyists? Will the REAL ... Page 2 Teachers or School Privatization Lobbyists? Will the REAL Grassroots Activists Please Stand Up ... But it’s incredibly doubtful teachers unions have the monetary might attributed to them by corporate school reformers. ... I am the first person to advocate for getting money out of politics.

Outside money flooding into Murray-Rossi Senate race ... 10, 2010 · One of the first groups to emerge was American Crossroads, a Republican-friendly organization founded by Rove, who was President George W. Bush's political guru, and Ed Gillespie, a …

Trump Muslim Travel Ban Will Hurt US Standing in World ...“That would hurt us badly, but it would also hurt the United States. ... but rather seen as human beings more similar than different. Travelers are the first line of diplomacy, the first line or promoting peace and cooperation. ... through the global economy, just as the US mortgage crisis triggered a …

Imperator_Rex: 1. Hillary Clinton's nightmare is about to ... 15, 2017 · 10. One of the things about the Clintons is that their crime is so widespread. They literally are the gift that keeps on giving, when it comes to corruption. Which is useful, because their cult acolytes will find any excuse to absolve them. 5 replies 116 retweets 306 likes Imperator_Rex- @Imperator_Rex3 45m45 minutes ago 11.

Fabian Bedne - Ballotpedia 06, 2015 · Fabian Bedne is a member of the Nashville Metro Council in Tennessee, representing District 31. He was elected to the council in 2011. [1] Bedne (nonpartisan) ran for Nashville Metro Council at large in the general election on August 1, 2019. Bedne advanced to the general runoff election on ...

Charles and David Koch | gadflyonthewallblog duo runs one of the largest privately held companies in the United States: Koch Industries. It is involved in petroleum, chemicals, natural gas, plastics, paper and ranching. In 2013, Forbes said it had an annual revenue of $115 billion. That’s an incredible amount of resources they can draw on every year when compared to teachers unions.

Gazette opinion: A victory for Montana election fairness ... do you run a dirty campaign in which a Montana legislative candidate need do little more than provide his signature for 21 corporate-generated mass mailings attacking his primary opponent?Author: Pat Bellinghausen

Q&A with 'High School Musical's' Corbin Bleu - SFGate with 'High School Musical's' Corbin Bleu Fans who have witnessed previous incarnations of High School Musical: The Ice Tour know that the skaters who play Troy, Gabriella, Chad and Sharpay on ...

US Supreme Court justice Scalia dies | 2016-02-14 Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia - one of the most conservative members of the high court - has died. Justice Scalias death could shift the balance of power on the US high court, allowing President Barack Obama to add a fifth liberal justice to the bench. The courts

Jarrett Jack makes heartfelt return to Oracle with ... a towel draped over his shoulders and a swarm of cameras following his every move, Jack walked to each corner of the court and motioned heartfelt thanks to the still-roaring crowd at Oracle ...

US Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies – Coffee County Scalia, conservative US Supreme Court justice, dies 14 February 2016 From the section US & Canada Justice Scalia was the first Italian American to serve on the high court US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia - one of the most conservative members of the high court - has died.

disclosure - definition, etymology and usage, examples and are the first to be honored by my disclosures. ... He paid L3,400 for the services rendered and a demand for further payments led to a public disclosure of the facts. "The Felon's Track" by Michael Doheny. ... But it is worth noting that during the ?rst years after the ?rst disclosure of these proofs, essentially nobody in the community ...

Pissed Off Grandpahttps://pissedoffgrandpa.blogspot.comAug 26, 2019 · Jared Kushner – Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor. His family received big loans after he met with their executives in the White House, his father paid a prostitute to solicit his sister’s husband, the family has questionable loans and controversial business practices, Jared is under scrutiny in the Russia probe, and he had to file over 40 updates to his financial and foreign ...

Blagojevich prison term: Blagojevich will find life inside ... will find life inside a jolt, ex-inmates say ... “My philosophy was … the sooner I would go to bed, the sooner I would wake up to a new day and it would be one less day,” said ...

Discover ideas about Progressive Tax - pinterest.com to a damning landmark study there were more deaths in the first four years of Tory-led efficiencies Unbelievably a decade after the global banking collapse the British taxpayer has been asked to bail out one of Britain’s largest contractors for public projects. Yet again while the risks are borne by …

Lucas Anderson | UW Election Eye 2012 | Seattle are currently viewing all posts written by Lucas Anderson. Lucas Anderson is a student at the University of Washington and a new media-obsessed multimedia journalist. Starting in the hyper-local blog scene, his photos, videos and written stories can be found on news websites small and large throughout Seattle.

Boris Johnson says people should 'start being a bit more ... said preparations for a No Deal Brexit on October 31 would be 'invaluable' even if a cliff-edge exit did not take place, as Britain would eventually need to leave the Customs Union anyway. ... I don't usually answer personal questions but it is an outrageous suggestion.' ... In each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source ...

Boys' basketball: Signature win for SC at Beach Ball winner of the consolation bracket at the Beach Ball Classic takes home a small trophy every December. Upon returning to Scott County High School for practice Tuesday afternoon, coach Billy Hicks admittedly had trouble finding room for it. For now it rests among other state, region, district and ...

Stewart-Cousins Poised To Become Majority Leader expected support for Democrat Andrea Stewart-Cousins will be history making. When the full Legislature convenes in January, she will be the first woman to lead a legislative majority in Albany. She was woman of color to lead a legislative conference in Albany when her colleagues elected her leader to replace John Sampson in 2012.

Haley raising funds from all over country | Palmetto ... first-term governor has nearly $998,000 in cash on hand to run for re-election in 2014. ... who faces no challenger in his November re-election bid to the state Senate, received the majority ...

Franklin! Carnegie! Einstein! Canseco! Brin! Why ... liberalism "sought to expand both rights and prosperity. But it did something more: That liberalism was built around the idea that citizens should be called upon to look beyond their own self-interest and work for a greater common interest," according to Michael Tomasky, editor of Democracy journal.

News & Observer | WUNC & Observer investigative reporter Dan Kane, who has been digging into the story for more than five years, says new questions have emerged about whether an academic aide with UNC basketball ...

Border aid bill faces standoff in Congress over protections seemed open, but it’s unclear if the Senate will accept any amendments without assurances from the White House that Trump will sign the measure into law. Both chambers are racing the clock to come to an agreement before leaving town for a weeklong recess. Trump said …

Lobbyist denies guilt in bribery indictment | Area News ... — The lobbyist at the center of a bribery indictment is denying he’s guilty of anything, with his attorney suggesting there’s a hidden motive behind the allegations.

Trump Spends Saturday Night With Judge Jeanine Screeching ... 13, 2019 · TRUMP: No. Look, I was a client of his, and you're supposed to have lawyer-client privilege, but it doesn't matter because I'm a very honest person, frankly. But he's in trouble on some loans and fraud and taxi cabs, stuff that I know nothing about.

Sound-Off: Van Patten eyesore, Not welcome to Clifton Park live in a Van Patten Development; I have so for some years, middle class homes. It’s a sad thing, it’s been this way for some time, you pull into our neighborhood and there is one house that has for the last 10 years an unlicensed junk car in the front lawn, now there is an unlicensed junk ...

Religion or license to discriminate? | Palmetto Politics ... or license to discriminate? ... it was part of a wave of states reacting to a Supreme Court case about religious drug use. ... The case inspired a federal law and a series of state laws ...

The Daily Digest: Final arguments made | Capitol View ... 03, 2014 · The Daily Digest: Final arguments made ... political candidate is accused of being intoxicated when he crashed a city-owned front-end loader while responding to a fire in his …

Occupy Wall Street, Tea Party: United In Distrust : NPR 22, 2011 · Occupy Wall Street, Tea Party: United In Distrust The movements may disagree on many issues, but they seem to have similar opinions on the bank bailout, the …

4 people have died within 24 hours from oxycodone ... is a common, counterfeit oxycodone -- but it is known to contain fentanyl and/or carfentanil. "Fentanyl is frequently involved in overdose deaths because a speck the size of a grain of salt or just one touch can kill you," according to a press release from the San Diego County Sheriff's Office.

Metro Matters; Nonpartisan? In This Town? Be Careful - The ... 31, 2003 · Imperfect, but it works, said former Mayor Edward I. Koch, a Bloomberg man, but not on this issue. And critics who are as interested in good government as Mr. Bloomberg is …

Chrysler Super Bowl ad spurs political debate | Palmetto ... are the owner of this article. ... but it was not intended to be any type of political overture on our part," Chrysler Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne told WJR-AM in Detroit. ... The company ...

Illinois Issues blog: For better or for worse of Illinois’ political insiders know of Rich Miller’s Capitol Fax Blog, but it now has been added to The Hotline Political Network. While the site has room to grow, it’s designed to feature bloggers who are the unofficial sources for insider news and analysis from their respective states.

How many people did Bill Clinton murder and or sexual ... 29, 2006 · How many people did Bill Clinton murder and or sexual harrass right up to rape? ... Free lance reporter and writer who was investigating Inslaw, BCCI and the October Surprise. Found dead in his bathtub in his Sheraton Hotel room in Martinsburg, Virginia on Aug 10, 1991. ... Includes discussions on BCCI, October Surprise, Inslaw and a discussion ...Status: ResolvedAnswers: 15

What If We Just Got Rid of All the Money in Political ... 21, 2014 · The method by which this occurs is not completely clear, but it appears that when we open up elections to a wider range of candidates, the candidates who take advantage of this tend to be more ideologically extreme than those who rise up through traditional financing schemes. Party donors don't get to filter out candidates the way they normally do.

No Cold War here: Democratic rivals for Congress, Crist 13, 2016 · But in his unsuccessful 2014 bid for governor against Rick Scott, he came out in favor of scrapping the trade blockade, saying it was the right thing to do and would help Florida's economy.

Attorney for AFSCME John Bielski Quoted on Northumberland ... for AFSCME John Bielski Quoted on Northumberland County Employee Arbitration December 4, 2013. Judge: Fired Northumberland County employee can have job, back pay ( By Mark Gilger. A Northumberland County judge has upheld an arbitrator's ruling to reinstate a fired union county employee with back pay and seniority.

Trump ally paid sexual assault victim critical of Clinton ... 09, 2016 · WASHINGTON (AP) — A sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before Sunday night's …

Sweetwater commissioner sues to get mayor off the ballot 02, 2015 · Tweet; Sumo; Tweet; With about six weeks to go before the election, Sweetwater Commissioner Orlando Lopez, who is running for the mayor’s seat, has filed a lawsuit to remove Mayor Jose Diaz from the ballot.. The lawsuit claims that Diaz, who has served as interim mayor since shortly after the August 2013 arrest of Sweetwater Mayor Manny “Maraña” Maroño, had to turn in his …

Key players in Stormy Daniels scandal - clickondetroit.com 26, 2018 · Adult film star Stormy Daniels appeared in a "60 Minutes" interview Sunday night to discuss her alleged affair with Donald Trump before he became president and …

Sexual assault victim critical of Clinton paid by Trump ... Horwitz and Chad DayWASHINGTON: A sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before Sunday night’s debate was paid $2,500 by a ...

Trump Doesn't Need Sen. Kirk Endorsement | Newsmax.com Trump doesn’t need Sen. Mark Kirk’s endorsement. If I were Trump, I would be ecstatic that I had been un-endorsed by Sen. Kirk. Why would Donald Trump want the endorsement of an unpopular U.S. Senator. It’s not just Democrats who loathe Kirk. Republicans loathe him too.

OFFICES AND OFFICERS -- STATE -- BOARD AGAINST AND OFFICERS -- STATE -- BOARD AGAINST DISCRIMINATION -- DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES -- AUTHORITY UNDER CHAPTER 100, LAWS OF 1961.(1) The board against discrimination has the exclusive authority to administer complaints alleging …

The Fine Print: Hillary Clinton - findout.typepad.com 12, 2016 · In his ruling granting the one-day extension, Walker said that the deadline amounts to a "severe burden on the right to vote" and he suggested it was unconstitutional. The party filed the lawsuit after Gov. Rick Scott turned down requests including an informal suggestion from the campaign of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to extend the ...

Sexual assault victim critical of Clinton paid by Trump 10, 2016 · A sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before Sunday night's debate was paid $2,500 by …

National Politics Archives - Page 8 of 9 - Grit Post Congressman Challenges Female Senators to a Duel After Blaming Them for Trumpcare’s Collapse July 24, 2017 0 A Republican member of Congress said he would duel female Republican senators who opposed the current healthcare bill if they were men.

Trump ally paid sexual assault victim critical of Clinton ... sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before Sunday night's debate was paid $2,500 by a political action committee founded by Trump ...

Trump ally paid sexual assault victim critical of Clinton ... sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before debate was paid $2,500 by a political action committee founded by Trump ally Roger Stone. The Arkansas woman, Kathy Shelton, was sexually assaulted at age 12 and was the victim in a …

Committee founded by Donald Trump ... - The Indian Express founded by Donald Trump ally paid $2500 to sexual assault victim critical of Hillary Clinton The Arkansas woman, Kathy Shelton, was sexually assaulted at age 12 and was the victim in a 1975 case in which Clinton was appointed to represent her then-41-year-old attacker, Thomas Alfred Taylor.

Business News | TMXmoney | Bezos says Enquirer threatened ... ANGELES - Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said Thursday he was the target of "extortion and blackmail" by the publisher of the National Enquirer, which he said threatened to publish revealing personal photos of him unless he stopped investigating its acquisition of other private images and messages and unless he declared its coverage wasn't politically motivated.

Jeff Bezos says National Enquirer threatened to publish ... ANGELES — Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said Thursday he was the target of “extortion and blackmail” by the publisher of the National Enquirer, which he said threatened to publish revealing ...

September 2016 Agenda - California Fair Political 15, 2016 · Friends of Ivan Altamirano for Council 2013 (“Committee”) is his candidate controlled committee. Altamirano voted on three separate occasions to appoint and re-appoint his sister to the Commerce Planning Commission, who is a source of income to him as a tenant in his rental property.

Keke Palmer and Quincy? | Lipstick Alley 22, 2015 · He kinda confirmed it in his Breakfast Club Interview. It started after They did a movie together, back in October 2013. She had just broken up with her longtime boyfriend of three years or something like that, Rodney, around the time filming began. They had been friends prior, but after they did that movie, I guess they got closer.

By The Time You Finish This Post, Ben Carson Will Be Done ... 16, 2015 · WAR! and also Lindsey Graham singing "Glitter And Be Gay" to a bronze bust of George W. Bush's codpiece. And you'd be right! And you'd be right! But there was another important thing, as noted by your august Wonketteers in the sekrit chatcave, and it was that holy bejesus and pals, Ben Carson takes longer to blink than ANY HUMAN IN THE GALAXY.

Amazon's Jeff Bezos says National Enquirer tried to ... CEO Jeff Bezos said Thursday he was the target of "extortion and blackmail" by the publisher of the National Enquirer, which he said threatened to publish revealing personal photos of him ...

Rep. Steve King questioned whether there would be 'any ... 15, 2019 · Republican congressman Rep. Steve King of Iowa – a controversial figure even in his own party – questioned whether “there would be any population” without pregnancies from …

Trump ally paid sexual assault victim critical of Clinton ... 10, 2016 · A sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before Sunday nights debate was paid $2,500 …

Edwards may admit being father of child, friends say | The ... 20, 2009 · Edwards may admit being father of child, friends say ... Edwards is moving toward an abrupt reversal in his public posture; associates said in interviews that he …

Northam insists he can 'heal' Virginia | Politics | The ... initially said he was the one in blackface but denied it the next day, while acknowledging that he did wear blackface to a dance party that same year. “Virginia needs someone that can heal.

Key senators undecided as Senate poised to vote on also is back working in his home state in the front office of the Minnesota Wild. He was named the acting general manager late last month. Before that he was the assistant general manager.

Bezos says Enquirer threatened to publish revealing pics CEO Jeff Bezos said Thursday he was the target of "extortion and blackmail" by the publisher of the National Enquirer, which he said threatened to publish revealing personal photos of him unless he stopped investigating its acquisition of other private images and messages and unless he declared its coverage wasn't politically motivated.

Addiction could destroy anyone - ctpost.com September 10, 1996, I lost my 20-year-old son, Ian James to a drug overdose just before he was going into a rehabilitation program the next day. Ian had used tobacco, marijuana and alcohol in ...

A long, full life in the shadow of cancer - Health ... long, full life in the shadow of cancer Appreciation: Frank Lautenberg was dedicated to health promotion, and he was much praised for his law that restricted smoking in public places.

The Radicalization of US Policy on Venezuela – Consortiumnews first signal that the pro-U.S. international community would recognize the Guaidó government came from Washington along with its most right-wing ally, the Jair Bolsonaro government of Brazil ...

The Greatest Myth Propagated About The FED: Central Bank 11, 2014 · Hey, Chairman, I need some financing for a series of Trump Towers in my district! Now, that is not really what the political independence debate is all about. There is the belief that what I described as the normal monetary policy (setting interest rates) is extremely important and needs to be free from political posturing.

American politics has reached peak polarization – Vox | Flickr politics has reached peak polarization – Vox . via WordPress For a long time in American politics, we’ve been trapped in a cycle of ever-escalating po

City Council - City of Bethlehem 05, 2014 · President Reynolds reminded Council this is the First Reading of the Bill, and the Final Reading would be at the August 19 City Council Meeting that will be an opportunity for anyone to make additional comments or amendments. Ms. Dolan asked if …[PDF]Statehouse Reporting: January 2015 Report - inn.org Reporting: January 2015 Report By Luis Gomez Business Editor, INN ... The presence of journalists in statehouses was the subject of an Investigative News Network summit* of funders, practitioners, technology companies and media, held in Chicago on ... The summit proved illuminating for a few attendees, especially for those who lacked ...

Liberal Media A Myth - Political Anarchy - Sailing Anarchy night's debate was the Joe Show. CNN did all the same crap - trying to get the candidates to fight each other, protecting their advertisers - but in the end it was the Joe Show. The cameras just couldn't get enough of Uncle Joe after the debate. Here he is talking to women. Here he is talking to black folks.

Blumenthal, Murphy Pressure CT Lawmakers To Act Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy said Connecticut’s ability to act swiftly on comprehensive gun control could affect national policy, and its failure to act would also send a message.

NewGathering: Repubs are OK, Democrats still screwed up 01, 2017 · Repubs are OK, Democrats still screwed up Republicans do not have a problem. They're doing what they were designed for, advancing oligarchy and the concentration of wealth, suppressing the wages and rights of workers, acting as a repository for all the anger and self righteousness of old white scrotes, etc.. ... Reagan was the first to ...[PDF]Statehouse Reporting: January 2015 Report - inn.org Reporting: January 2015 Report By Luis Gomez Business Editor, INN ... The presence of journalists in statehouses was the subject of an Investigative News Network summit* of funders, practitioners, technology companies and media, held in Chicago on ... The summit proved illuminating for a few attendees, especially for those who lacked ...

JCPS teacher strike: Key players in HB 205, HB 525 fight 07, 2019 · Key players in the Kentucky teacher sickout movement. JCPS has shut down once again due to a high number of teacher absences as educators flock to …

Megathread: Attorney General Releases Redacted Version of ... General William Barr released his redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference and obstruction of justice by President Trump. Following a press conference, the report is expected to be heavily scrutinized and come under significant controversy for Barr’s extensive redactions.

Debate snubs, polls spur Graham exit | Palmetto Politics ... snubs, polls spur Graham exit ... But it was the lack of TV debate time, among other factors, that cost him his White House run, he and his camp said. ... most of my fellow candidates have ...

Election Day 2014 Is Here! - ABC News it wasn't for a traffic violation. According to the Maness campaign, the tea party candidate was pulled over by Mer Rouge Police Chief Mitch Stephens, who wanted to express his support in ...

Governing With The News: The News Media as a Political ... News Media as a Political Institution by Timothy E. Cook University of Chicago, $48 This is a provocative and often wise but ultimately unsatisfying book that ends just as it is gathering steam. After a rewarding historical account of the symbiosis between news reporting and governing (of which the saddest recent example was the death of a ...

ACLU to School Board: Sending 8th Grade Boy Home for ... 13, 2013 · Chris Martin, a 14-year-old 8th grader in Pinellas County, was sent home last week for wearing eyeliner, eyeshadow and lipstick even though girls …

2nd Attempt To Fire Landon Fails as Palm Coast Council ... second attempt in two weeks to fire Palm Coast Manager Jim Landon in 60 days failed today, with the council rebuffing Steven Nobile's push to replace the manager in six months rather than two ...

Pete Buttigieg 2020 campaign megathread - uselectionatlas.org 21, 2019 · Ideally, you do want to understand them better, but it's not always the case, with this country being as geographically vast as it is diverse and divided. ... as much as Buttigieg had in his entire eye-catching first quarter in the presidential race. ... This is probably the biggest leadership test he'll face and it really pales in comparison ...

The Russia Investigation: Mueller - "Over the course of my ... Russia Investigation: Mueller - "Over the course of my career, I've seen a number of challenges to our democracy.The Russian govt's effort to interfere in our election is among the most serious."

Trump defends Kavanaugh amid allegations Donald Trump praised Judge Brett Kavanaugh as "one of the finest people that I've ever known" in his first public comments since the Supreme Court nominee was publicly accused of sexual assault, and he criticized Democrats for not releasing information about the allegation sooner.

Trump defends Kavanaugh amid allegations - kezi.com Donald Trump praised Judge Brett Kavanaugh as . President Donald Trump praised Judge Brett Kavanaugh as "one of the finest people that I've ever known" in his first public comments since the Supreme Court nominee was publicly accused of sexual assault, and he criticized Democrats for not releasing information about the allegation sooner.

53 Beers On Tap: These Are The Jokes, Folks it was also indicative of the Kittleman trademark I have mentioned within these pages before. The process of: do the thing, forcefully accuse the other candidate of being the thing, and in so doing, put the opponent on defense, nicely concealing the fact that the Kittleman in …

BREAKING: Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia emails shake the ...’s-russia-emails-shake...Jul 12, 2017 · This is a highly important question to ask. I hope they probe it in great depth in coming days. For the American people to be enlightened with greater specificity it is critical that our media explores it in more depth. Did Donald Trump Jr. Break the Law? The answer could come down to a provision in campaign-finance regulation.

Sanders-Khanna Bill Risks Unintended Side Effects That 06, 2018 · It was late and it was hot and I was 21, on my way home from dinner during summer break. I'd rolled the windows down because the breeze felt good. — I pulled up to a red light, about half a mile from my home in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

temper tantrum | This Is is a fair question: Why do angry grown-ups take it out on children? No, really, after all these years of hearing homophobes wailing, “What about the children! Won’t someone please think of the children!” just what are we to think about the astounding temper tantrums in which allegedly responsible, sober adults?judges, legislators, governors, whole churches?aim to harm children ...

Trump defends Kavanaugh amid allegations - wtva.com Donald Trump praised Judge Brett Kavanaugh as . President Donald Trump praised Judge Brett Kavanaugh as "one of the finest people that I've ever known" in his first public comments since the Supreme Court nominee was publicly accused of sexual assault, and he criticized Democrats for not releasing information about the allegation sooner.

Trump defends Kavanaugh amid allegations - waaytv.com can't know who is telling the truth here, so we can't possibly try, is the underlying argument. This is never an acceptable argument when dealing with allegations of sexual assault of the sort ...

Biased federal judges are the biggest threat to ... 18, 2018 · Russian forces blew up bridges on the Euphrates river held by Iranian militias several days ago, according to a report. This is the first time the Russians attacked Iranian targets in Syria. The information came from a senior Syrian official who refused to be identified, and was reported in Bas News, a Kurdish news website.

CARTOON VIOLENCE ... IN ... SPACE! - Wonkette disapprove of: The implication that the first thing John Mark Karr did after the tests came back negative was go to a bar and bitch to an average alcoholic American about his troubles. Also: the beer taps appear to be dispensing "Spuds" and "Hot Dog", two of your less popular microbrews.

Democrats Assail, and Tap, 'Special Interests': California"This was not the plank in his platform that caused me to give him money," Mr. Podesta said of Mr. Edwards's policy. "In my mind, a gimmick. But it's a gimmick that points out something important, the flow of special interest to the Bush campaign and the special favors they receive.

Dick Whitson's "Start the Music'' exhibit opens Friday at ... it was never a degree he was after. ... Those journeys into the wilds of the worldwide web led him to a treasure trove of old photographs. ... but this is the first time he has dedicated a ...

unforgiven (@unforgi29319118) | Twitter latest Tweets from unforgiven (@unforgi29319118). MLB NFL Lady Gaga, Took a road to nowhere on my own. United StatesFollowers: 35

Nonpartisan voting districts urged | News | dailyunion.com“I can remember a time when the opportunity to respond to a constituent was not only a thing you should do because it’s your job, but it was darn smart politics to respond to the people that ...

Chris Haulmark – The Progressive Wing Education – For the first generation in American history, our society owes more in student debt than any consumer debt, so because higher education has become expensive, many promising young people opt out. Those that do go are burdened with such massive debts when or if they graduate, they are in debt slavery for numerous decades ...

More Adventures with America's Last Real Liberal President 20, 2016 · More Adventures with America’s Last Real Liberal President (TM) Comments. By Erik Loomis / On October 20, 2016 / ... But it did the job Buchanan… had hoped it would do. ... This is a rule of etiquette so true that even non-drinkers follow it. Why Americans thought they could trust a man who toasts with coffee is beyond me.

More Opposition to Obamacare … “It took 6 Months to Pick a 06, 2009 · More Opposition to Obamacare … “It took 6 Months to Pick a Dog & You Want Health care Crammed Down Our Throats in Weeks” A note to Democrats … the opposition to single payer health care and the government take over of health care know as Obamacare is …

The premature death of Our Revolution. - Investigator - Medium 08, 2018 · A Perfect example of Randall Woodfin, the Alabama State Director of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, who was endorsed by OR and, when he won his election for Birmingham mayor, celebrated as a ...Author: Investigator

Back to Their Corners - The New York Times 08, 2008 · He is good at foreign policy also, because at least he agrees to a diplomatic approach not disregarding war, which I think will be an asset to the 21st century. Mccain seems to be stuck in his old ways with the same ole same ole approach in which he should realize that over a period of time things change, nothing remains the same.

Bush super PAC considering staff for early voting states ... 27, 2015 · HOUSTON (AP) — Former President George W. Bush on Monday assured top donors to his brother's presidential campaign that Jeb Bush will be …Author: Associated Press

Convicted Felon Dinesh D’Souza Fails Miserably With ... 06, 2014 · Professional right-wing conspiracy theorist and convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza took to Twitter on Monday and tried to push an Ebola joke at President Obama's expense.

Adorable moment four-year-old boy having his hair cut ... is the adorable moment a young boy falls asleep as he's getting his hair cut and nearly tumbles off his chair. Four-year-old Theo Bradley was getting his regular cut at MR. Barbers in his hometown of Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.

2012 | Blue Virginia | Page 7 to prospective new US 460 contractors. McDonnell's new US 460 will never be built. When Bob McDonnell leaves office this road is toast. Nobody wants this road but the Bob! He's twisted arms, removed anyone in state government in his way and still no one knows why he is so attached to this ...

Jeremy Alford: Will Lawmakers Ever Leave Baton Rouge? | Op ... governors who preceded John Bel Edwards were no strangers to special sessions. Mike Foster, for example, called seven special sessions over the span of eight years. Kathleen Blanco conducted

Gun rights vs. gun control | Local news | tucson.com rights vs. gun control After Jan. 8, it's an issue that seems to defy resolution yet demand it at the same time ... Zamudio didn't know if that man was the shooter, but he grabbed his wrist ...

Liberal media's desperate push for Trump impeachment may ... 26, 2018 · Impeachment is all they've got. They're getting the shit kicked out of them with the economy, jobs, military, and just about everything else. The only place to go is further left with the likes of "Tres Casa" Sanders and Fauxcahontas Warren, joining the socialist fringe where everything is free and unicorns are the main means of transportation.

Which bathroom should this person use?, page are also hermaphrodites, such as the one in your OP. There is no mental malfunction with these people; they are a freak of nature (connotation not intended) and I understand most are quite satisfied with their bodies as is. The guy in your OP probably does everything a man does, except when it comes to sex. I'm not going to speculate on that.

By Lonegan's Standard, Christie Wins The Debate first impression of the debate was that it was a draw. However, after a second look, Christie was the clear victor, based on the standard that Lonegan set in his opening statement. If you are going to review the debate a second time, I suggest you listen to it rather than watch it.

Keep and Bear Arms - Gun Owners Home Page - 2nd Amendment problems: A national grassroots protest is developing as the Assembly's intentions become known, including three days of protest outside UN headquarters during the Assembly. Compounding a House Bill (H.R. 1146) by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) to terminate all U.S. involvement with the UN and to move the UN out of the country.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Will Fleck Be Called in Fed Ed Trial? of the evidence in the political corruption case against Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski has been pretty solid. It's a bit weaker against Attorney Scott Allinson, but I'm not sure the "My client is a drunk" defense is playing very well with the jury. Sam Ruchlewicz was the one disaster.

Both the US’s Cloud Act and Europe’s GDPR Move Far Beyond ... 04, 2018 · Europe’s destination approach of cyberspace privacy builds up to extraterritorial jurisdiction Among the many rather general issues discussed in Mark Zuckerberg’s hearing before the U.S. Senate on April 10th was the reach of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that entered into force May 25th. Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) alluded to it, when he […]

National Union Leaders From Puerto Rico Get Dean To Talk New York labor leader who is originally from Puerto Rico was a driving force behind the SEIU endorsement -- and the call to Acevedo. Dennis Rivera, president of the union’s largest ‘local’, in New York City, and one of the union’s national vice presidents, was even credited by a Gephardt associate with swinging the SEIU to Dean.

Stan Sniff Update: He can lie about crime statistics, but ... likes to claim that crime has been decreasing during his administration. However, a quick look at the numbers reveal yet another lie in hopes of convincing voters to to re-elect him. The following numbers are for the unincorporated areas of Riverside County and were taken DOJ website. They

Little Hollywood: The County Commissioner Candidates, the ... to this reporter's research of PDC reports, Romero raised an amount in 2008 that stands as the second highest ever amount raised and spent for a Thurston County commission campaign to win her current position, raising $73,320.40 and spending $69,456.57 in her race against Jon Halvorson (D).

Searchlight Council District 43 - gothamgazette.com parking is not the only transportation gripe. Express buses, charging $3 each way, offer the one quick way to get into Manhattan, and the mayor is considering eliminating weekend service on these routes. Scissura said, "The 58th Street ferry [to Manhattan] is great, but it's not enough. As I see it, ferries are the way to go for the future."

INTERVIEW | Vision’s Geoff Meggs on the affordability | Vision’s Geoff Meggs on the affordability crisis, Occupy Vancouver, and Operation Solidarity Tristan Markle November 9, 2011 Below, Tristan Markle of The Mainlander interviews Vision Vancouver’s Geoff Meggs, who is running for re-election to Vancouver City Council.

Corruption costs millions, say ISU professors | Local ... bubble rant. The President is the swamp. The "memo" thing was a joke. The only corruption element that was discussed within was that partial use of a dossier funded by the Clinton campaign.

Historical Connecticut environmental information - Ballotpedia administration and enforcement are the responsibility of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service. ... but it is excluded here since it is not one of the pollutants originally regulated under the Clean Air Act for its harm to human health. ... Historical Connecticut environmental information - Google News ...

Where Are The Jobs, Mr. President? | Common Sense 13, 2013 · It is a critical and overdue reform, but it doesn’t create jobs now. The long and acrimonious debate to avert the fiscal cliff had, if anything, a negative impact: both through the uncertainty it introduced into private sector investment and budgeting decisions, as well as the perhaps unavoidable reduction in federal spending.

Nobody is Flying the Plane | NobodyisFlyingthePlane | Page 2 is Flying the Plane. Climate Denial Was the Crucible for Trumpism. Posted by nobodyisflyingtheplane on ... That particular lobbying project cost the industry more than $100 million — but it returns some $15 billion a year in higher payments for its ... “One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said ...

Is the Supreme Court Tilting Right? | Hoover Institution this backdrop, it is notable that now the number of pro-business decisions by the Supreme Court, with John Roberts as Chief Justice, is 61 percent. As the conservative justices have moved in a smartly pro-business direction, the liberal justices have shifted …

Christine Sullivan, 2013 Artist of the Year - FlaglerLive 08, 2013 · The works of Christine Sullivan, the 2013 Gargiulo Art Foundation Artist of the Year, convey an intimate connections with a sense of place and memory while exploring the …

Keep moving forward, GOP chairman says | Daleville Lathan said she wants “the bleeding to stop and the healing to begin.” That is her assessment of the recent resignation of Alabama Governor Robert Bentley after he was booked into jail on two campaign-finance charges. “For those folks who lose the way, there is a penalty to pay ...

Republican At Heart – JONATHAN TURLEY, definitive proof that at least one Wisconsin Republican voter has a heart. Sixty-Nine year old Terry Kopplin was planning on a trip to the polls Tuesday to do his patriotic duty when he began having chest pains. He was rushed to the hospital where emergency surgery was conducted to …

THE ECONOMY MUST SERVE PEOPLE - 28, 2018 · “The economy must serve people, not the other way around.” That is the opening sentence of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ statement “The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers“. . Regardless of your religious beliefs, I encourage readers to look it up on the internet.

Colorado Oil & Gas Association Isn’t Supporting Recall ... 01, 2019 · Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and State Rep. Rochelle Galindo of Greeley should be ousted from office for supporting legislation, now signed into law by Polis, that allows for more local control in regulating the oil-and-gas industry, according to the websites of …

Peggy Noonan Does Not Care For Living In Red New York With ..., what used to make it the greatest city in the world (at least according to New Yorkers -- go on and ask them, they’ll tell you) was the variety of opportunity for people of all incomes and classes to live and work in close proximity. If it’s just you and a bunch of rich people and your servants, it’s nothing. It’s Rome under Nero.

Catalonia: The War of the Words | Common Sense The War of the Words. ... Requiring multiple options on the ballot, including increased devolution of powers and a federalist structure, rather than a straight up-down vote on independence – which would surely split the vote and ensure that less than 50%+1 of electors voter in favor of actual independence. ... Belligerent comments ...

The DOD Law of War Manual: What is it Good For? - Just ... 28, 2015 · But it is the manual’s status as a unilateral DOD General Counsel product that ultimately undermines its utility both at home and abroad. Our military badly needs an unified law of war manual, providing clear guidance approved by senior leadership, to our service personnel. Unfortunately this manual does not fulfill that need.

Tom Rogan Thinks...: 3 arguments against the GOP's party (rightly) opposes the President's law, but it fails to offer an alternative (here's mine). In turn, as was the case with immigration reform, the GOP allows Democrats to take ownership of the issue.

Reality Star and Beauty Maven Blac Chyna Can Be Your Life ... 16, 2017 · Reality Star and Beauty Maven Blac Chyna Can Be Your Life Coach. ... Though she came into mainstream cultural consciousness as the jilted ex …

Rigging Voting Rights in Florida: The GOP's Florida’s ... 28, 2012 · The upcoming election is about to be stolen – or, at the very least, rigged – and thousands of your neighbors and, in some cases, your children, are about to be disenfranchised. And there is a ...

Politics | NobodyisFlyingthePlane | Page 3 do not see politics as warfare. Instead, national politics is a voyage with a fractious fleet. Wisdom is finding the right formation of ships for each specific circumstance so the whole assembly can ride the waves forward for another day. Moderation is not an ideology; it’s a way of coping with the complexity of the world.

CaCl2-heat shock preparation of competent cells of three serves thousands of libraries with premium essays, articles and other content including CaCl2-heat shock preparation of competent cells of three Pseudomonas strains and related transformation conditions. Get access to over 12 million other articles!

A simple question for Trump supporters… | 25, 2019 · The only “conservatives” that answered the question have confirmed that they will take the word of a shyster businessman that has been sued, literally hundreds of times, for unethical business practices, who is on record as lying or deceiving seventy percent of the times he opens his mouth, and who has suborned perjury enough times to get ...

An Obamanation Bipartisan Sham Waste of Time, Barack Obama 26, 2010 · An Obamanation Bipartisan Sham Waste of Time, Barack Obama Ends Health Care Summit with Threat to Republicans How Presidential, a threat in the end if he don’t get his way. Dear Mr. President, Who is the Party of No? Who is the Party of no Compromise?

James A. Cartrette | Harper's Magazine's Magazine, the oldest general-interest monthly in America, explores the issues that drive our national conversation, through long-form narrative journalism and essays, and such celebrated features as the iconic Harper's Index.

Shields and Brooks on Trump v. Pope and Scalia’s Supreme ... columnist Mark Shields and New York Times columnist David Brooks join Judy Woodruff to discuss the week in politics, including Donald Trump’s war of words with Pope Francis, GOP ...

QAnon: It's on, don't panic ii - Page 231 10, 2018 · Discussion about QAnon: It's on, don't panic ii [Page 231] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more!

Failure to Enforce KS Abortion Laws | Kansans For Life Blog 11, 2017 · As Kansans prepare to attend events in Topeka and Washington D.C. marking the 43rd anniversary of the tragic Roe v Wade ruling, it is instructive to look back over the past ten years to appreciate the progress we’ve made.. In 2005, Kansans were furious with the pro-abortion policies of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius –who had received abortion financial backing for many years:

Field Clearing For Romanoff–Middleton, Newell Out ... UPDATE: Kurtis Lee of the Denver Post confirms that Rep. Karen Middleton will NOT run for the CD-6 Democratic nomination against Andrew Romanoff. …

Hey, Paul; You Talkin’ to Me? | Sharp Iron 24, 2009 · Hey, Paul; You Talkin’ to Me? What I mean, brothers, is that the time is short. ... If that was the case, then Paul had no idea that his words would be preserved for thousands of years and presented by the church as the Word of God. ... and in his spare time, he wrote letters to churches. Have you ever slept in a canvas tent? Stinko-city.

BEVERLY TRAN: Cocktails & Popcorn: What Better Way To ... 01, 2018 · On its own, the Tax Department’s inquiry may provide political ammunition for Mr. Cuomo more than it presents a legal peril to Mr. Trump. Even if the department found evidence of criminal behavior, it would need to refer the matter to a law enforcement agency, such as the attorney general’s office or a district attorney, for prosecution.

“Washington Bravehearts”? Not if Snyder changes the name ... 29, 2013 · But it doesn’t matter very much to me what the team is called. ... And exactly the prospect we’re looking at under the current ownership. ... That label was the politically correct one ...

Politics Archives - Page 10 of 34 - KSEV Radio flash floods, life-threatening storm surge, tropical storm-force winds – and even tornadoes – are expected as Hurricane Florence barrels toward the United States east coast Thursday, even as the massive storm was downgraded to a still-deadly Category 2 hurricane.

Obama, aka Mr. Moneybags, dominates the small screen 24, 2008 · For generations of Americans, this long-form narrative will seem a new, new thing, though it really is an old, old thing, dating back to Adlai Stevenson's presidential run in 1952.

Tensions Explode Between Senate President, State ... 27, 2018 · A long-simmering feud between state Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Calvert) and state Comptroller Peter V.R. Franchot (D) burst into open view Thursday night. In a conversation with reporters, Miller blistered his fellow Democrat as a “shameful” publicity hound and political “chameleon” who has infuriated lawmakers and picked unnecessary and irrelevant policy fights.

Can the People for Portsmouth recover from Racial blunders ... 27, 2016 · This is the truth. This is how it played out and why MLK can smugly write content about People of Portsmouth. I hoped that it would really live up to its diversity in actual decision making but it didn’t and thats fine. It still can learn from its mistakes or just be the white MLK.

Kelty Misrepresented Source of Campaign Loan - Advance needs to do the right thing and step down as the Fort Wayne GOP mayoral candidate and seek the forgiveness of his Lord Jesus Christ he speaks of so often. This is the second time Kelty has been caught trying to deceive the public about the source of his campaign's funding. He …

A Blog For All: And the Verdict Is.... - lawhawk.blogspot.com the 11th most informative blog on the planet, I have a seared memory of throwing my Time 2006 Man of the Year Award over the railing at Time Warner Center. Justice. ... It will be read in court shortly, but it remains to be seen whether there will be a Fitzmas or not. ... Sentencing will bring this sorry chapter to a close. Still unanswered ...

Supreme Court Quotes - BrainyQuote Garland was the most qualified nominee, not just in our lifetimes but perhaps in the history of the United States Supreme Court. The chief judge of the D.C. Circuit for 20 years, the nation's second-highest court. Never once been overruled by the Court in his 20 years. He was extraordinary.

The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns ... 25, 2018 · I’m sure the limit of what they would do though, right? ETA: on another note, now his comment that The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

Leadership Utah 2018 - Member Login - The Salt Lake Chamber Andersen works as the Director of Sales for Deseret Digital Media ( and He began his career building out a revenue structure for and advanced in his career as the top senior account manager for digital advertising until his title changed to director of Sales.

Headlines for February 20, 2013 | Democracy Now! Supreme Court has agreed to take up what’s being described as the most pivotal campaign-finance case since the landmark Citizens United decision of 2010. ... In his remarks, Obama said the ...

As authorities enforce citywide curfew, Baltimore remains ... 28, 2015 · It was the first time since the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968 that the National Guard was called out in Baltimore to prevent civil unrest. ... As the 10 p.m. curfew went ...

Cashner's focus on command, not velocity - The San Diego ... this is the first time he has missed three games in a five-game span. “We have to let it quiet down,” said Black. “But it is not a big concern on the part of our doctors and medical ...

Dempsey hits Islamic militant 'end-of-days' vision - The ... (AP) — America's top-ranked military officer says the surging Islamic State group has an "apocalyptic, end-of-days strategic vision" in the Middle East and cannot be defeated unless ...

Politics 2016 - Page 486 - The Unoriginal DIS ... those people frantically run out of the courthouse as the Manafort verdicts were read was the highlight of my day. I popped popcorn. ... Trump's still going on about Mannafort and a witch hunt. Not one word about Cohen. ... He just also happens to be another of the first to endorse Trump. ...

Pitfalls for STEM professionals: economic espionage ... 30, 2019 · Sam Cleveland is a student at the University of Minnesota Law School. Realizing he had a year to fill between graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and starting law school, Sam chose to spend a year teaching English in China. Not only was the experience a fantastic adventure, but it also sparked Sam’s deep interest in China.

The Indecent Inquisitors By Julie Kelly | RUTHFULLY 11, 2019 · The hearing ostensibly was about Justice Department oversight, but in reality, it was the first opportunity for House Democrats publicly to pummel an administration official. In his opening remarks, Nadler blasted Whitaker for not recusing himself from the Mueller probe and promised the committee would get to the bottom of why Trump appointed ...

48 Best Funnies images in 2019 | Funny pictures, Funny ... 13, 2019- Explore thomasmarceaux's board "Funnies" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Funny pictures, Funny and Funny memes.

Countdown Clock to Trumps impeachment " STARTS" 07, 2019 · I've already said I'd be the first to admit I was wrong if something truly damning comes up. I still don't think that anything will. And you and I both know that if anybody is going to go after Trump directly, it better damned well be the Big Show. They're not going to be able to pull a Roger Stone conviction for some two bit crimes on the side.

What steps would need to be taken to establish a Rutgers ... 27, 2013 · What steps would need to be taken to establish a Rutgers PAC? ... What are the first steps to getting this organized? 27 DJ Spanky, Jun 27, 2013. MidwestKnights Senior. Gold Member ... when you look at the other bills he's introduced in his career, I think we can all come to a consensus that he should be the first hit. Prieto website ...

DNRC, FWP eye acquisition of ranch north of Havre | State ... state proposal to purchase a ranch 42 miles northwest of Havre for recreation and protection of natural resources is drawing both praise and protest. The 4,505-acre Milk River Ranch is described ...

memeorandum: Trump: ‘My generals’ had decision-making 25, 2017 · Fox News poll: Dems lead by 15 points on generic ballot — Democratic candidates lead by 15 points in a hypothetical match-up for the 2018 midterm elections, according to a new Fox News poll. — In the survey, 50 percent of respondents said that if the election for Congress were held today …

Althouse: Things you might want to spend Saturday mulling ... 07, 2018 · People really need to start demanding their rights to a speedy trial to end this conviction by process crap. ... as far as it goes, is going to be brutal. I'm not looking forward to seeing Trump fight alone. It'll be a first in his life, being tried, and he won't like it. ... This is one of the best examples of Scott Adams’ Two Films theory ...

Lumumba, Hammarskjold, JFK, King, RFK… – THE ONENESS of ... 01, 2037 · Patrice Lumumba was the first Prime Minister of newly independent Congo. He tried to do the right things for the people of his nation, things which did not coincide with those who were greatly interested in profits from extraction of the mineral wealth in that region. ... 9 thoughts on “ Lumumba, Hammarskjold, JFK, King, RFK ... but it seems ...

America | Whereof One Can Speak | Page 2 of the great animating principles which drove the founding of America and the design of our government was the quest to curtail the power of a single person to determine the fate of the nation without reasonable deliberation and what we call checks and balances. ... They are the actions of a tyrant, ... In his summary letter and press ...

Equalizing the rate of tax on income and capital gains ... 30, 2007 · Tax incentives are just one of approaches. Whether the best solution to the pension problem is separate from the tax issues. 3. Type 3 gains typically only help the extremely wealthy. They are the only ones whose estates are large enough to be taxed heavily and they are the only ones with enough assets that the capital gains are ...

News & Updates - Barnhart’s entire career has been devoted to fighting for Rochester, whether by holding government accountable, informing citizens or giving a voice to the voiceless, and now she’s running for Congress in New York’s 25th District.

Pin on religion - Pinterest of my early heroes today – Eduardo Paolozzi – Paolozzi, the son of Italian parents, was born in Edinburgh in In British pop artist who came to fame in the in London for collage, sculpture and later film. Here is an excerpt from British Council - A period of two years in Paris in the late brought .

Corey Jones Killing by Cop Triggers Calls for Investigation 21, 2015 · Corey Jones in an image released by his family. Outrage over the fatal shooting of a Boynton Beach man by a Palm Beach Gardens police officer reached the state Capitol on Wednesday, as members of ...

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Rep. Davis GOP Memo on How ... 14, 2008 · Rep. Davis GOP Memo on How to Win in November ... This is a 469,000 gain from 2004, while the GOP has lost 109,000 voters. ... Who is the establishment? Who are the change agents?

The Urban Politico: HBO Game of Thrones: Targaryen and ... we countdown to Season 3 of HBO's Game of Thrones I thought it might be fun each Sunday to share some quick reminders/background info on which ruling Houses are involved in war, what power they have or had and how they relate to one another.

Tulsi Gabbard – Issues Unite 30, 2019 · You could tell what it was going to be like in advance by the lineup of moderators. Each and every one of the moderators are neoliberal sycophants bowing to the corporate elite. As far as the candidates, the only one I have any leaning toward is Tulsi Gabbard, being the only candidate who is …

DALLAS POLICE AMBUSH 2016: Legislating the LEGISLATORS ... have an Army veteran who was the shooter and determined to take down as many as he can, in particular white officers/ people ... technically it is a hate crime as well ... a police chief, who is being criticized for using a robot armed with a bomb to take out the shooter, the police in a situation and stand- off, and this man Johnson was ...

Trump's Temper Tantrum Shows He's Scared And Desperate 23, 2019 · The walls are starting to close in on Trump as he is running out of option to stop or delay the investigation in his malfeasance. That's why he threw his temper tantrum. It was the only option he had left. But it won't work.

Hinchey Stepping Down, Won’t Discuss Wife’s DWI (VIDEO ADDED) Stepping Down, Won’t Discuss Wife’s DWI (VIDEO ADDED) ... “I said to myself, very clear, the end,” Hinchey said. “Twenty years is along enough.” But the cloud hanging over his announcement today was the Wednesday night arrest of his wife, Allison Lee-Hinchey, who was charged with a DWI and a suspended ...

Foreign Investment: Protectionism vs. Industrialization (5 ... 03, 2003 · And possible only through increased capital investment, increased ... But it is unfortunately decreasing in countries like India. ... and the standard of living was incomparably higher than it had been in 1750. This was the effect of what is called industrialization–a rather inadequate term.

Gwen’s Take: Understanding Washington More/Hating Politics ... 13, 2013 · My friend Judy Woodruff's blog about the passing of Doug Bailey, a legend in political journalism, prompted me to flash back five years. On June 13, 2008, she was the one to …

Victor Elementary School District, California - Ballotpedia,_CaliforniaBudget. From 1993 to 2013, the Victor Elementary School District had an average of $68,007,619 in revenue and $68,867,571 in expenditures, according to the United States Census Bureau's survey of school system finances. The district had a yearly average of $40,557,619 in outstanding debt.The district retired $1,678,952 of its debt and issued $4,560,095 in new debt each year on average.

jobsanger: Most People Did Not Get A Tax Decrease This Year's tax return day -- the day when citizens are required to have their income tax paid for last year. How successful was the Trump/GOP tax cut? They had claimed it was a middle class tax cut, and that most Americans would see their income taxes cut when filing this year. But it didn't work out that ...

To Confirm or Not To Confirm? | HuffPost 25, 2011 · With respect to the first sub-question, the president touts Judge Alito as a “strict constructionist” who is in favor of “judicial restraint” and will “interpret rather than make the law.” This sounds good. But these are empty phrases in the context …

Adam Schiff Is Prepping An Investigation Of Trump That'll ... had said earlier that these discussions ended in January, 2016, but he admitted in court that he had been negotiating with Russian officials, and keeping Trump apprised, through the first half of 2016, during the Republican Presidential primaries. Trump has denied that he was doing business with the Russians during this period.

Obama''s stance on the gas tax. - the Data Lounge 01, 2008 · But it's worth pointing out that Obama -- while voting for that gas-tax holiday in Illinois -- later voted AGAINST a state measure extending it. As PolitiFact put it, "[I]t's not fair to call it a flip-flop when the very reason Obama opposes a suspension of the gas tax now is because he concluded that it didn't work when he supported one in the ...

Politics Cannot Be Fixed | Mises Institute system is not broken; how large democratic regulatory-welfare states are supposed to work. There have been renewed calls for campaign-finance reform, especially since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of political speech by representatives of private corporations.

The big question at heart of Stormy Daniels saga - BBC News 03, 2018 · For the first time, President Donald Trump has admitted involvement in the six-figure payment of a porn actress who says they had an affair. This raises a …

Pamplin Media Group - Lake Oswego man killed, three boys ... the need for a food-share van emerged at his church, Woodburn Automotive owner got an idea ... the place to find out what happened across the state ... but it must be done carefully.

More on Saddam and the Terrorists | Power Line 21, 2008 · This is nonsense for a lot of reasons. The EIJ and its leader, Ayman al Zawahiri, who is al Qaeda’s #2, have worked closely with bin Laden since the mid-1980’s. There is …

Josh Marshall encounters the [Harry] Golden Rule | Mutant ... 20, 2010 · Josh Marshall at TPM recently mocked Sue Lowden, who is running for Harry Reid’s U.S. Senate seat in Nevada, for suggesting barter as a health care cost control.. I Bid Three Chickens for that M-R-I !! was his snarky headline. Lowden, apparently, has doubled down:. I sort of figured she’d rethink that plan after her advisors sat her down for a moment and explained the concept of a cash ...

Judge Gorsuch's First Amendment jurisprudence - scotusblog.com, Judge Gorsuch wrote an opinion denying relief to a prison inmate who wanted to use only his newly adopted Muslim name on mail envelopes, instead of using both his Muslim name and his former name. The claims were brought under RLUIPA and also the First Amendment’s free exercise clause.

Three compete for U.S. Senate | News | report is part of a series of candidates’ statements in contested races in this year’s general election. Voting day for the primary is Tuesday, May 6. BEAUFORT — Two Tar Heels will ...

Is Loretta Lynch appreciably better than Eric Holder ... Republicans reportedly are divided over the nomination of Loretta Lynch to succeed Eric Holder as Attorney General. The source of the division is President Obama’s executive amnesty. Jeff ...

Real Estate | Above the Law 25, 2019 · * Kei Komuro, who is engaged to Princess Mako of Japan, started at Fordham Law School this week, where he was greeted by journalists and papparazi as he attempted to go to the first day of ...

Google News - Overview Kamala Harris (D-CA) speaks during a town hall meeting at Canyon Springs High School in March 2019 in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Harris, who is campaigning for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president, reported raising more than $12 million in the first three months of 2019.

FEC's bad rap getting worse - Robin Bravender - Politico, reform advocates say they’re madder than ever at the agency’s inaction. In addition to a campaign urging the White House to boot most of the sitting commissioners, they’re accusing ...

There's pressure on Justin Timberlake to do Prince 31, 2018 · In Prince's backyard, how should Justin Timberlake pay homage at Super Bowl halftime show? ... “I think Justin and Bruno Mars are the closest people in …

Could This Really be a Picture of Madeleine McCann in 26, 2007 · Could This Really be a Picture of Madeleine McCann in Morocco, Why Are the Portuguese police not Interested? COULD THIS REALLY BE MADELEINE MCCANN? A possible picture and lead may have surfaced in the case of missing Madeleine McCann.

Political Radar - Hawaii News - meeting our goals in the first quarter of a Senate campaign is a little like setting some money aside for retirement when you’re 25. You’re glad you did it, but it’s nowhere near enough, there’s a long way still to go, and you’ve got to stay at it the whole way.

Justice Lewis speaks out, says independence of 'entire ... Lewis speaks out, says independence of 'entire branch of government' is under threat ... "This is the most stressful time I've ever experienced in my life,'' he said, three days after the ...

Sarah Palin: The Koch Brother’s Union Maid | PR Watch’s-union-maidApr 18, 2011 · Tax Day was approaching and the righties were out to denigrate government workers and government spending. Sarah Palin, former Governor of Alaska who quit her job in 2009, headlined a rally in Madison, Wisconsin, bought and paid for by the front-group Americans for Prosperity (AFP), but billed as a "grassroots" Tea Party event.

How Buzzfeed's ‘Data-Monster’ Leveraged User Data To Fuel 07, 2018 · How Buzzfeed's ‘Data-Monster’ Leveraged User Data To Fuel Super PACs, Target Voters — BuzzFeed created dozens of native political ads for anti-Trump super PACs in 2016 that were “based off mounds and piles and troves of data and information” it had collected on its own users, according to former BuzzFeed vice president.

Nevada Progressive: We're Taking a Break from "Tax Week"... as the circus does its final act in Arizona and Michigan before ... The first poll closures happen at 6:00 PM tonight, so I'll be back then to live blog the Arizona & Michigan results, the media spin, and the facts that debunk the spin. ... how can a President of the United States of America spout racist spittle in his Twitter account while ...

Jerry Taylor responds: Libertarians and Global Taylor responds: Libertarians and Global Warming. This is the second in a series of articles with "Stand-up Economist" Yoram Bauman taking the pro-global-warming-alarmism position and being debated by me and other more expert people such as the Cato Institute's Jerry Taylor and the Heartland Institute's James Taylor.

Michael-In-Norfolk - Coming Out in Mid-Life: Pennsylvania ... 17, 2018 · Trump, the first Republican presidential nominee to carry the state since 1988, won by less than a percentage point. “He has to win Pennsylvania in order to win the presidency,” said Republican Rep. Ryan Costello, a one-time rising star from the Philadelphia suburbs who is retiring from Congress after just two terms.

October | 2014 | Lincoln Parish News Online take note!. The last Ouachita Parish Friends of the Library book sale of the year will be Friday, 10/24, and Saturday, 10/25, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, West Ouachita Branch, 188 Hwy 546, West Monroe.. Take Exit 108 (Cheniere) north from I-20. The library is about 1/2 mile on the left. Take our word for it, a good book sale.

The Brooks brutalism | Power Line York Times columnist David Brooks may have hit a new low with his attempted hit job on Ted Cruz in “The brutalism of Ted Cruz.” James Taranto provides a devastating analysis of Brooks’s ...

Ruth: Florida politicians all hail King Sugar - 30, 2014 · But the real trophies are the stuffed scruples of Scott, Putnam, Corcoran, McKeel and other legislative lemmings proudly hung on the walls of U.S. Sugar, which has sent $2.2 million in ...

The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns ... 15, 2018 · The Iraq War was a terrible idea but at least there was a goal in mind and a plan to reach it (even if the plan was bad). Here there isn't even that. It's dropping bombs for the sake of dropping bombs: the military equivalent of a Trumpian temper tantrum. It's as though we haven't learned a damn thing over the last ~20 years.

Michigan Delegation: War bonds for the roads? Bill would ... 06, 2014 · Good Sunday morning and hope you had an enjoyable Fourth of July. War bonds for the roads? Traveling this Fourth of July weekend, motorists are likely reminded how bad the roads are in …

Green out-raises Ford in Senate race | Palmetto Politics ... Senate challenger Dwayne Green has raised twice as much campaign cash as incumbent Sen. Robert Ford, a sign that their Democratic primary showdown might be one of the Lowcountry's

May | 2017 | Power Line | Page 5 23, 2017 · I’ve just caught up with the sad news this morning of the passing of Peter Lawler of Berry College at the too-soon age of 65. Peter was one of the most interesting and original conservative ...

NEGATIVE ATTACKS PERMEATE CAMPAIGN FOR DISTRICT 95 - …'s turned into a "he said, she said" race. With state Rep. Ron Greenstein resigning due to term limits, District 95 candidates Jim Waldman and Amy Shapiro Rose have been campaigning for 18 months.

The Dixie Pig: 47 New Americans at Gunston Hall citizen candidates hailed from 20 countries. I have now been to about two dozen countries, but I had only been to four of the countries represented in the ceremony - it was a really interesting mix. I had expected it to be a different group, but it says a lot to me about who is …

GOP SEES OPENING IN 2ND DISTRICT - Hartford Courant Rep. Sam Gejdenson, who is practiced at the art of political cliff-hanging, appears to be at it again: The Democrat is facing his closest race for re-election in the 2nd District since he was ...

Let's Skim NYMag's Glenn Greenwald Profile And See How ... 22, 2018 · This post should be over, but it's not. (Kind of like a common Glenn Greenwald article!) So we will summarize: Glenn Greenwald lives in Brazil. Glenn Greenwald really likes this one restaurant that serves bunches of meat and beer, even though Glenn Greenwald doesn't really like meat and beer.

Students find footing at Green Mt. Tech | Local News ... are the owner of this article. Edit Article Add New Article. ... one of three student speakers at the ceremony. He was so disinterested, he was getting grades in the 30s in some subjects, even ...

APN Issues State House, State Senate Scorecard for 2015 Issues State House, State Senate Scorecard for 2015 (UPDATE 2) ... Provisions from SB 185 were added to HB 1 to require a physician’s recommendation and a registration card from the Georgia Department of Public Health for qualifying individuals to receive a low maximum five percent THC oil. The Senate amendments also create the Georgia ...

Obama citizenship suit tossed | Baptist Christian Forums 28, 2008 · Welcome to Baptist Board, a friendly forum to discuss the Baptist Faith in a friendly surrounding.. Your voice is missing! You will need to register to get access to all the features that our community has to offer.. We hope to see you as a part of our community soon and God Bless![PDF]Postscript Layout 1 - was the president’s right-hand man for years at the Trump Organization, the umbrella company, often relied upon to quietly fix difficult problems and negotiate deals for the real estate mogul.

The Lockerbie Bomber: What’s the Story? | Power Line Ali Mohment al-Megrahi, a Libyan, was the only person convicted in connection with the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, in which a Pan Am flight was blown up over Scotland, killing all 259 ...

Obama Says He Hasn't Made a Decision on Syria; de Blasio ... 29, 2013 · In his speech commemorating the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, Obama "stepped into the space on Wednesday where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once stood, summoning his iconic dream of a colorblind society in a celebration of a half-century of progress and a call to arms for the next generation" (New York Times).

Economy & Business; Far From Corner Offices, Scrimping and ... 16, 2002 · ''After Sept. 11, there was an outpouring of support from donors and agencies, but then with the impact of the economy coming on the heels of that, it was the …

Dems plan search to replace State Rep. Ron Gerberry - WFMJ 11, 2015 · Dems plan search to replace State Rep. Ron Gerberry - News weather sports for Youngstown-Warren Ohio ... charged and plead guilty to a misdemeanor related to campaign-finance ...

EXCLUSIVE: Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Tribal Cop Target ... 15, 2017 · KBIC Tribal Police Officer in criminal trouble with the Feds By Greg Peterson Upper Peninsula Breaking News News Director/Co-Owner 906-273-2433 (Baraga, MI) - Federal prosecutors in Marquette have put a Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Police officer on notice that he is the target of a federal criminal investigation. Numerous sources tell U.P. Breaking News that…

Bill Malik (@wjmalik) | Twitter latest Tweets from Bill Malik (@wjmalik). Fascinated by high tech, proud father of two beautiful girls and a wonderful son. Fairfield Co., CTFollowers: 422

Daily Kos Elections Live Digest: 2/7 07, 2018 · Welcome to the Daily Kos Elections Live Digest, your liveblog of all of today's campaign news. Please note: The Live Digest is a 2016 and 2020 Democratic presidential primary-free space. It’s ...

Evil Murdery Coal CEO Says He's A 'Political Prisoner ...'ve only skimmed the booklet (available online as a PDF), but it doesn't seem like it's anything more than a verbose version of this genuinely astonishing interview Blankenship gave in 2014 to Chris Hayes, who seemed simultaneously flabbergasted and slightly awestruck at how slippery Blankenship is, as we said at the time: Blankenship is a wonder to watch.

Company Finds Clinton Useful, and Vice Versa - The New ... 12, 2006 · Corning Inc., one of upstate New York's largest and oldest employers, has supported Republican candidates for so long that its chairman once joked that it had not raised money for a Democrat since ...

Bye-bye Bryce | Power Line was my first season as a baseball fan. That year Mickey Mantle had one of the best seasons ever by a hitter. He won the Triple Crown with a batting average of .353, 52 home runs, and 130 RBIs ...

McCain's Conservative Courtship -,8599,1711244,00.htmlSo he is new to a lot of people." As part of this courtship, McCain has been surrounding himself with loyal members of the movement. Before addressing CPAC, he was introduced first by former Virginia Sen. George Allen, a darling of many conservatives, and Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, who is known as an ideological purist on Capitol Hill.

Harris McCready election & NC 9th District fraud ... story was updated with the latest developments at 2:13 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7. One month after Election Day, all eyes are on North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District. Republican Mark Harris ...

THE WATCHDOGS: Insecurity at Soldier Field exposed risks ... 16, 2016 · Security was on heightened alert as 62,483 fans packed Soldier Field to see the Bears play the Denver Broncos last Nov. 22 — nine days after a …

LIEBERMAN, DALLY RACE IN 138TH DISTRICT SEEN AS KEY FOR ... 138th is one of only four open state representative seats. The Republicans now have an advantage of one representative. If Democrats win the majority, Republican Gov. Tom Ridge's plans for a ...

As the door revolves: MN House Majority Leader Peppin ... 30, 2018 · In the article, Revolving Door Prohibitions, the National Conference of State Legislatures reports: "Revolving door" is a phrase that describes the practice of legislators leaving public service and heading immediately for lobbying positions. Ethics laws in all but nine states limit this practice by setting mandatory waiting periods before a legislator may register as a lobbyist or engage in ...

A Justice Department Coup? | BlueWhiteIllustrated.com 17, 2018 · If I recall correctly, he did admit on this board to claiming his Audi as a tax deduction for a "business expense". You know, for all those dental exams he does in his A3. So, while he's handing out nitrous, he is screwing Uncle Sam while claiming others don't pay their fair …

Where's Opelka? Injury Keeps Him From Palm ... - FlaglerLive kid who is helping put Palm Coast on the world tennis map is just getting back on the court himself these days. Professional players descended upon Flagler County this week, as the annual USTA ...

Jamesian Philosophy Refreshed collection is rather hit or miss. The women selected have little in common other than sex, chronology, and a western European abode. But it does help fill out some of the history of ideas. The collection includes for example a vigorous defense of John Locke's ideas about the human mind, written by Catharine Trotter Cockburn. Defense against ...

National Enquirer Immunity Deal - Page 3 - US Politics ... 16, 2018 · If you applaud their treatment of this man then get ready for a lot of strife ahead. Cheering for a government to take down a duly elected president will lead to them taking that control to the next level and friend, the next level is going to get violent. It won't be nationwide or state against state but it will be bloody and disruptive.

Trump Touts His Honesty in a New Interview (and It’s NOT ... 24, 2018 · All it will likely take for a total Trump collapse is a serious terrorist attack (NYC centered on Trump Tower seems likely to me) or major economic hits as the world stops doing business with the ...

Robert Mueller Bags Another Witch! And It's A GOOD ONE ... 31, 2018 · While you were watching John McCain's sad rotunda thingie and Aretha Franklin's joyful gospel funeral, Robert Mueller was a busy bee! We still don't know if there's going to be a big indictment later this afternoon, or if Mueller is just going to go put his swim trunks on and lie around on boats for Labor Day weekend, because fuck Trump and Rudy Giuliani's make-believe idea that Mueller can't ...

Barbour PAC funded black outreach - hattiesburgamerican.com filing: pro-Cochran PAC funded black outreach Ex-Gov. Haley Barbour’s PAC paid to turn out black vote for Thad Cochran’s re-election. Check out this story on http ...

Number of tRump cronies who secretly met with Russians ... 17, 2018 · With these new admissions from Stone and Caputo, the Post reports, there are now at least 11 tRump associates or campaign officials who have met with Russians. But a year and a half ago, a tRump spokeswoman claimed that the number was zero.

Latest Articles - Free*/index?more=3583882They moved swiftly to replace the Founders' republic with a new regime. There is widespread agreement that Wilson did not always show good judgment – for example, in his blunders in international relations – but in the project of overturning the Founding, he and the …

A.M. Roundup: Parsing the end of session - Capitol ... 24, 2013 · The state expanded the licenses of two home care providers who were once fined by then-AG Andrew Cuomo. (NYT) With much finger pointing and a …

The Urban Politico: Movie Reviews: American Sniper although a violent war movie it's also an exploration of the impact of war and the resulting PTSD on families, husbands and wives and their children. I think that might be an important consideration into why American Sniper isn't just another war movie, although some other people certainly saw it …

Cuomo Unveils Ambitious Agenda - gothamgazette.com[0]=1Office of Gov. Andrew Cuomo Andrew Cuomo delivers his first State of the State speech....

James River Maven: Why Deeds Will Lose 12, 2009 · Why Deeds Will Lose. ... he says” dispute with nobody knowing who is telling the truth. This is NOT the kind of campaign that wins elections in Virginia. ... This campaign will not be won by money. It will be won only by a campaign message that tells me and a million other Virginia voters why Creigh Deeds is the right man to be our next governor.

White Boy Day Has Arrived for Donald Trump’s Army of ... BOY DAY White Boy Day Has Arrived for Donald Trump’s Army of Nationalists. All along the farthest far right, white-supremacist groups are reaching out to draw new mainstream followers as ...

Dishonest hack AG Schimel and WisGOP are a model of ... 17, 2017 · Dishonest hack AG Schimel and WisGOP are a model of Trumpian thuggery Something always smelled wrong about Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel's report on the 2016 leak of information of the state's General Accountability Board's investigation into the campaign operation of Scott Walker and other Wisconsin GOP politicans.

Robert Bentley: An unlikely governor ... an unexpected end 10, 2017 · Gov. Robert Bentley walked into the dark-colored, 1980s-apportioned committee room on July 1, 2013, to ask state legislators to give him more power. He took his …

San Diego politicians, scholars disagree on impact of ...“I think many people were hoping this was going to bring it all to a close, but it opens up a lot more questions than it answers.” ... he looked into possible campaign-finance crimes in the ...

mm427: Obama’s restless summer | Left-handed Complement’s Musings Barack Obama, the black Will Smith, has been, is and will be in the news permanently, or at least until Nov. 5, 2008 should John McCain's wet dream (of somehow overcoming the horrendous legacy of his good buddy, George III) become reality. So there's no shortage of worthwhile reading on all things Obama.…

Dowbrigade » 2004 » February » 14 - – offering shares in his fledgling campaign on eBay, the online marketplace. The Web site boasts 20 million items for sale at a time, including scores of political memorabilia, but no campaigns that eBay is aware of, said a company spokesman. Vance, 42, who is seeking the Democratic nomination to take on nine-term incumbent

Bezos Is Latest Celebrity to Experience National Enquirer ... Lukas I. Alpert . Inc. founder Jeff Bezos' claim that the National Enquirer tried to blackmail him after obtaining embarrassing photos of the tycoon shocked some observers, but it might ring familiar to other celebrities who have tangled with the supermarket tabloid, including fitness guru Richard Simmons and talk-show host Dr. Phil.

Few Unifying Themes In Northeast Battlegrounds | The Pew ... 20, 2000 · In this second in a series of regional overview pieces, examines how the 2000 elections are playing out in the Northeast. Home to at least two presidential battleground states, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the region has already witnessed a record number of Pennsylvania campaign stops by the two major presidential hopefuls. On the state level, Democratic and …[PDF]Will 'Project Democrqcy' - his May 14 column, Wattenberg called the Irangate hearings a battle ... We must move, he said, to a situation in which the "Congress truly leads and represents power," and "the President respects ... "But it isn't for me, a person who is not a government expert, to comment on precisely what would improve matters. I refer to the commission ...

End of Beginning celebration held for Newark seniors ... High School’s outstanding Project Lead The Way – BioMedical Sciences Program celebrated another significant milestone at the third annual “End of the Beginning Celebration” for nine graduating seniors. They are: Noah Arnold, Kailyn Crawford, Amanda Colombo, Adian Elliott, Koebi Gorske, Jaiden Hernandez, Alexis Horn, Elizabeth Lang and Phillip Ross.

Robin Hayes, Head Of North Carolina's Republican Party ... 02, 2019 · Robin Hayes, Head Of North Carolina's Republican Party, Indicted On Federal Charges The chair of the North Carolina Republican Party has been …

Fake Pizza News: Avoid the Noid? | Power Line’ve known for a while that liberals are trying to blame their electoral defeats on “fake news” propagated on Facebook and other venues. Having spent much of the last 14 years exposing fake ...

Secret to "best fitted" men's button-down shirt is that it initial fine is now paying dividends as Davis brings the design -- for which he has two patents -- to the masses via his direct-to-consumer clothing company, Teddy Stratford.Davis doesn't claim to have come up with the idea -- police uniforms around the world have used zippers for decades -- but his innovation is in the application of the technique to button down shirts for non-cops.

GOP governor braces for two big fights in Illinois ... 9, 2015: Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner speaks to reporters during a news conference in his office at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, Ill. (AP) One of the most vulnerable Republican governors up for re-election in 2018 is heading into Tuesday’s primary in Illinois with a …

Thoughts from the ammo line | Power Line 24, 2017 · A man who was well known to us was there in his fancy speedboat. He asked us if we would like a ride. ... And, secondly, I was the only woman in this shop, a pioneer. ... and a …

18-year-old being held at Richland adult detention center ... — An 18-year-old being held at the Richland County adult detention center who’s accused of several offenses, including setting fires in his Department of Juvenile Justice solitary ...

Colorado voters turn thumbs down on a host of ballot ... voters had a word for a host of major measures on their general election ballot: No. Proposals to restrict oil and gas development, tax the rich to fund schools, pay back property owners ...

Nonviolent Resolution Ukraine – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY 01, 2037 · Army Veteran Lawrence Wilkerson On Ukraine: “This Has Got To Stop.” On May 7, 2014 By Jerry Alatalo In Earth Matters, Ukraine, War and Peace 6 Comments May 7, 2014 By Jerry Alatalo In Earth Matters, Ukraine, War and Peace 6 Comments

This day in baseball history — Osteen succeeds where ... it’s hard to see why Twins’ manager Sam Mele would call for a hit-and-run since, with two out, there was no question of a double play grounder and since Battey wasn’t a slap hitter.

Is "Good Old Boy Politics" good for South Carolina ... 05, 2008 · Some legislators sent this money to nonprofit groups with which they have direc t ties. For instance, state Rep. David Mack, D-North Charleston, has sent $700,000 through South Carolina State University to a Columbia-based nonprofit organization where he works and receives money. But it was far from an isolated case.Status: ResolvedAnswers: 3

Life after the finish line for racehorses - The San Diego ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... They are the stars of the ...

Political Irony › Another Casualty of the War on man was going to buy a used car and got pulled over by the police. When they discovered the $8,500 in cash he had with him to purchase the car, they seized it. Another man was driving with $28,500 that belonged to a church where he served as secretary, and was going to pay for a parcel of land where his church was planning to build. A cop ...

Interview with Paul Loeb: Activist — Northeast Ohio ... 17, 2012 · Interview with Paul Loeb: Activist. July 17, 2012 Chris Knestrick. Grapevine Interview. ... But I can go to a campus today in 1999 and this movement was only about five years ago and students won’t know about it. We are not told the stories that might inspire us; that is part of the cynicism. ... but it sure didn’t look like that for a long ...

The reality of whats going on in Europe | Page 3 | Somali ... 20, 2018 · I don't think anyone is suggesting that is the case. But it would be ignorant to deny the fact that for the past 70+ years, they were an instrumental part in stifling the rise of far-right neo-Nazism and nationalism across the west.

'El Chapo,' Whose Drug Network Dominated the Bronx ... 18, 2019 · Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzman Loera, infamous former head of the Sinaloa cartel, the world’s most powerful drug organization, was sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years on July 17, after an 11-week trial that ended in February. The cartel is known for its widespread distribution network that ...

Bernie Sanders on Corporations Sanders on Banking Reform The auto industry bill was really a bailout for Wall Street CLINTON: Let's talk about the auto bailout. In 2008, we were both in the Senate, there was a vote on a free-standing bill to rescue the auto industry.

Obama’s moneywoman was a subprime mortgage queen [Karl] come in to look for a loan. Anybody can own a home Morons in the Capitol Dome With federal handouts everything’s fine Interest-only, zero money down, If you can’t flip the fucker, you can always skip town. You are the Sub-Prime Queen, sleazy accounting, prime rate seventeen Sub-Prime Queen, feel the heat from the FDIC

Senators sitting solid | Palmetto Politics ... Carolina's Republican U.S. Sens. Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott are safe bets to win in November, according to a new Palmetto Politics poll. If the election were held this month, the poll ...

Lawmaker Finegold leads money race for treasurer | Local ... — Barry Finegold finished third among Democrats vying for an endorsement for treasurer at the party’s state convention, but the veteran Andover lawmaker leads the money race.[PDF]AMERICA’S PROGRESS AT RISK - government, or as President Obama said in his recent State of the Union address, “smart government.” As a result, the past generation has seen rollbacks in protections for ordinary people and a dangerously high level of income disparity. The 2012 elections saw the rise of another paradigm. Across the nation, millions of Americans who ...

2019 will be the worst year of Trump's life | Columns ...’s worst year resulted from crimes in his 1972 reelection effort, when burglars working for the campaign got caught breaking into the Democratic headquarters, and then Nixon and others ...

Moonlighting: Feeling the Kumbaya (Part II) | Above the Law 14, 2011 · It was the strangest thing. Even my husband, a supposedly respectable corporate law firm attorney, after going in-house, suddenly started to let minor errors appear in his …

Liberals' Inexplicable Hatred for Gov. Rick Scott ..."I’m thinking of calling Dr. Phil and asking him why Florida liberals hate Gov. Rick Scott so much," writes Lloyd Brown. "The only zeal I’ve seen that exceeded it was the seething hatred for ...

E.J. Dionne: The acceleration of history | National ... a conservative lawyer who once worked in the Justice Department, Roberts is making criticism of federal prosecutors a regular thing at the Supreme Court. ... the fact that slavery was the ...

DownWithTyranny!: Why Grassroots Democratic Activists Have ... 16, 2015 · Going too far left, they say, is a death knell here, but it is often part of the DCCC playbook. Blair, the Kings County Democrat, says being local is also important, as is visiting little towns like Stratford, Avenal and Kettleman City. “In Kings County, Democrats here will vote for a local person every time over an outsider,” she says.

Shribman: John McCain's final challenge | Opinion ... it was a comeback story nonetheless, for McCain was a serial recoverer, from near failure at the Naval Academy, from Vietnam captivity, from the Keating Five finance scandal, from repeated ...

EPA Endangerment Finding Endangers USA | The Freedom says the Modern Warming is likely to last at least another two centuries. The Medieval Warming (350 years long) was the shortest past warming we can find. But first, CERN says, we will have to go through a 60-year Solar Sunspot Minimum that will drop Earth’s temperatures even lower than today for the next 60 years. The Minimums are ...

Tony's Kansas City: TKC BREAKING NEWS!!! REPORT FROM ... 28, 2010 · The black fence has done wonders for our test scores and don't forget. The YMCA's pool wound up being closed because residents were using it for a community bathtub. At least that was the impression we all got. We gave the district money for our kids, not fences and not swimming pools.

Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk - Page 312 - Morning Joe ... 03, 2018 · And returning the money was the incentive to get them to sign the agreement. ... her to tone down da sexy, since her crush, Michael AvenHottie is on set with her today while Joe is off somewhere in his bunker. Edited May 3, 2018 by ... Meeks got a little testy with her besty there for a while but it looks like they all parted friends. That's a ...

Looking ahead to Charlotte - Obama touts wind in Iowa ... ahead to Charlotte - Obama touts wind in Iowa - Mayor: Charlotte is 'energy capital' - EPA OKs Shell air permit - Hillary Clinton hopes for more on climate change - W.H. beer recipe

Russ Dondero - Political Blog - About Me. More About This Website "Give me your tired, your poor Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free The wretched refuse of your teeming shore Send these, the homeless, tempest-toss'd to me I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door."

House passes payroll tax cut for Obama&#146;s signature ... passes payroll tax cut for Obama’s signature ... who had insisted that a full-year bill was the only way to prevent an immediate tax increase on Jan. 1. ... prevent that tax hike and a ...

Don's Cary Town Council Journal: April 2010 discussion Items included a review and recommendation of approval for Cary’s proposed Historic Preservation Master Plan and a review of Cary’s Biennial Survey results. On Tuesday I met with two separate business owners to learn more about their plans …

Going to the Mat: More On Obama's Middle Class Tax Plan VAT is, in some ways, like a sales tax, but it is even worse since it is not a fixed percentage, like 5 percent on goods and services at the point of sale. VAT is assessed at every step along the commerce chain and the consumer, at the end of the chain, takes the biggest hit. Who are the biggest consumers in America-yep the middle class.

Covington Case Will Determine if Media Can Destroy Kids ... 06, 2019 · “They wanted to send a signal,” said Barnes of “media elites.” “If they could destroy the lives of a bunch of minor children from a small town in Kentucky, merely because they had the audacity to march for the most vulnerable life in the world in the nation’s capital — which was the real political motivation of this targeting ...

Key takeaways from Robert Mueller's Russia report | News was the case for Donald Trump Jr. and a Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer. In June 2016, Trump Jr. agreed to take the meeting despite it being described in emails as part of a Russian government effort to help his father. Trump Jr. was looking for dirt that could be used against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

What's this big finance-regulation overhaul really do ... 15, 2010 · During the crisis, bankruptcy was the only option. That would have pitted creditors against shareholders and created panic. The Bush administration orchestrated the fire sale of investment bank ...

Mike Huckabee: Maybe Holocaust Metaphor 'Not A Good One ... 30, 2015 · Mike Huckabee feels right bad about having ruffled some feathers with his comments about how the Iran nuclear deal is exactly like the Holocaust, with Barack Obama preparing to "take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven." Except that he …

ILLUMINATION AND INVESTITURE: THE ROYAL SIGNIFICANCE OF serves thousands of libraries with premium essays, articles and other content including ILLUMINATION AND INVESTITURE: THE ROYAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TREE OF WISDOM IN GENESIS 3. Get access to over 12 million other articles!

23 candidates vie for seven at-large seats on Council are that voters heading to the polls in Tuesday's primary will know at least a few of the mayoral candidates, but it's less likely they will be able to list off many of the 23 people in the crowded field for City Council at-large.[PDF]Justice Breyer's Democratic Pragmatism - Chicago Breyer’s Democratic Pragmatism Cass R. Sunstein* Abstract There have been many efforts to reconcile judicial review with democratic self-government. Some such efforts attempt to justify judicial review if and to the extent that it promotes self-rule.

Senate leaders attempt to corral rebellious members before ... 12, 2014 · Senate leaders attempt to corral rebellious members before final budget vote ... But it is the split in the Democratic party that is likely to have longer-term consequences. ... and a reversal of ...

Trump says 'retainer' to lawyer covered Stormy Daniels ... 07, 2018 · The forums in the Christian Congregations category are now open only to Christian members. Please review our current Faith Groups list for information on which faith groups are considered to be Christian faiths. Christian members please remember to read the Statement of Purpose threads for each forum within Christian Congregations before posting in the forum.

A Dozen Questions Parliament Should Ask Facebook's Chief ... 24, 2018 · “I started Facebook, I run it, and I’m responsible for what happens here,” Mark Zuckerberg told the United States Senate in testimony earlier this month about the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the company’s scandalous handling of user data. But when it comes to testifying to the British Parliament, Zuckerberg has declined three requests to appear, which Parliament’s Digital ...

Let’s Balance the Argument About the DOD Law of War Manual ... 10, 2015 · Editor’s Note: Just Security is holding a “mini forum” on the new Defense Department Law of War Manual. This series includes posts from Sean Watts, Eric Jensen, Adil Ahmad Haque, Geoffrey Corn, and more to come. My sparring partner, Prof. Adil Ahmad Haque, has energetically made a fresh critique regarding the new DOD Law of […]

Should a felon serve in the House? That's the question for ... YORK - It's not just President Donald Trump who argues he's the victim of a law enforcement witch hunt. That's the premise of Michael Grimm's campaign to reclaim his old job representing a ...

GOP power play in Michigan must go through pragmatic ... 18, 2018 · LANSING (AP) — Michigan Republicans determined to dilute the authority of newly elected Democrats could see the power play thwarted by a moderate GOP governor, who is …

Lots Happening At Pariah Dog Farm | Falmouth News ... Happening At Pariah Dog Farm ... “We need to switch over to a harder irrigation line, but it’s more expensive.” ... who is 20 weeks pregnant with the couple’s first child, as she hung ...

Scott’s net worth up slightly to $83.8 million – Post On 01, 2013 · Gov. Rick Scott's net worth ticked upward slightly last year to $83.8 million, according to his latest disclosure reported Monday by the Florida Commission on Ethics. Scott reported a $218 million net worth when he officially became a candidate for governor in 2010.

Should a felon serve in the House? - Lowell Sun YORK -- It's not just President Donald Trump who argues he's the victim of a law enforcement witch hunt. That's the premise of Michael Grimm's campaign to reclaim his old job representing a ...

Advance Indiana™: Mystery Hogsett Donor May Be Tied To ... traced to a local business on Indianapolis' south side owned by Sheri Obermeyer, which acts as National Corporate Research's Indiana agent. ... we proudly support Joe and believe in his positive vision for a safer Indianapolis." ... This old rich white guy Hogsett is very much an insider but it really does not matter who is elected mayor ...

87-Year-Old Priest Beaten In His Own Home – Breaking News ... 87-year-old priest was found beaten in his own home on Shelter Island. CBS2's Marc Liverman reports New York Weather: CBS2 9/20 Nightly Forecast at …

Thread by @vermontgmg: "THREAD: Assuming you didn't spend ... 16, 2017 · The first mention of his name comes in a redaction for "Harm to Ongoing Matter," that's bad news for him. ... Neither are the Alfa Bank server, nor Cambridge Analytica. Many of the Russian contacts to the Trump campaign appear too haphazard to be part of an active intelligence effort. ... Go to a Twitter thread (series of Tweets by the same ...

Bernie Sanders vows to break up banks during first year in ... 05, 2016 · WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will pledge to break up the country's largest financial institutions within the first year of his administration should he win the ...

Harsanyi: 'Doxing' voters is un-American | Columns ... week, Democratic Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro, who chairs the presidential campaign of his twin brother, Julian, tweeted the names and employers of more than 40 San Antonians who maxed

INQUIRY HEATS UP AS RENO EXAMINES PRESIDENT'S CALLS - The ... 21, 1997 · The new inquiry is the first concrete indication of the increased tempo of the Justice Department investigation since Tuesday, when Ms. Reno announced that it …

Mark Whisenant, Flagler County Sheriff Candidate: The Live ... Whisenant is a candidate for Flagler County Sheriff. He faces five opponents in the Aug. 30 Republican primary: Donald Fleming, John Lamb, Jerry O’Gara, Rick Staly, and Chris Yates.

Sotomayor would be court's 6th Catholic - Washington Times 27, 2009 · If confirmed for the U.S. Supreme Court, federal appeals court Judge Sonia Sotomayor would be the sixth Catholic to sit on a bench that, before the current crop of …

Sen. Diaz Sr. Opposes Cuomo’s High Court Pick, Compares ... Ruben Diaz Sr. devoted his latest “What You Should Know” polemic to the mini dust-up over Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s first Court of Appeals nominee, CUNY Law Prof. Jenny Rivera, which the Bronx Democrat sees as an effort by the governor to further divide the already divided state Senate. You ...

Rochelle, Rochelle - Home | Washington City Paper little more than a 100 days ago, then-not-quite-yet-Mayor Vince Gray introduced the District to Rochelle Webb, his pick to lead the troubled Department of Employment Services. Last Friday, Gray ...[PDF]Controversy on men's tennis team, page 5 - San Jose State on men's tennis team, page 5 Volume Serving82, No. 39 A.S. offices to be decided in run-off By Jessica Paioff Run-off elections will be held this week for the two As-sociated Students Board of Directors slots left open after no candidates were able to come up with a majority of votes.

Redrawn Map Unlikely to Hurt Congressman's Reelection 19, 2012 · For the past decade, most of Hudson County has been in New Jersey’s 13th Congressional District. But the 2010 U.S. Census dictated a reduction in the number of seats the state has in Congress ...

Steve Sailer: iSteve: "The Master" 09, 2012 · The Master, starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix in a period piece very loosely based on the origins of Scientology, is a sumptuous viewing experience.Yet, it's not likely to live up to the immense hopes that film buffs have invested in it. The movie confirms that writer-director Paul Thomas Anderson is a wonderful artist who doesn’t have stories to tell.

Meet and speak to music great Nathan East Wednesday. - The ... great and 2015 Grammy nominee Nathan East has performed multiple times at the Grammy Awards, alongside such superstars as Eric Clapton, Daft Punk, Kenny Loggins. On Wednesday, Feb. 4, …

Naked Politics - May 17, 2009 - May 23, 2009 | Miami ... still can not get over the fact that Dominic my youngest who is only 20 months old ... heads to Honduras for a gathering of the ... to the regime and a departure from the president's commitment ...

Armie Hammer – Bill's Media Commentary 08, 2018 · Keep in mind that Elio is presented as extremely gifted and charismatic, almost as much as possible for any teen. The film at one point shows a sign indicating the year of 1981, which was the first year that CDC reported AIDS, and you wonder at the end what might happen in the future, especially if Oliver had already been infected.

Bob's Blog: Domestic Violence - bobagard.blogspot.com my career as a child protection caseworker and county director of social services, I had many cases where domestic violence was occurring. In those cases, my clients were the children and also the adult who was the victim of domestic violence.

The Actual President of the United States of America ... Cory Gardner (R-Yuma) is the son of a tractor salesman who regularly appears on national political interviews with tractors in the background.. Maybe the Gardner family can sell Iowa some of them Internet Tractors. Later in his remarks on Tuesday, Trump claimed that California is no longer going to burn down because it listened to him on the importance of cleaning up those dirty forests:

With Chris Collins out, Nate McMurray barnstorms 27th ... 26, 2018 · Of course Hochul, back then, was the incumbent, having won the seat prior to it being reconfigured into its current boundaries after the 2010 census. ... Early on in his campaign, when he was ...

recall election Archives - Page 2 of 2 - The 29, 2013 · A Pueblo social worker said today she didn’t collect enough signatures to get on the Sept. 10 ballot for a special recall election where gun-rights activists are trying to oust Sen. Angela Giron.. Sonia Negrete-Winn said she managed to collect 800 signatures in three days, but it’s not the 1,000 valid signatures that are due to the secretary of state’s office today.

News for Wednesday, May 6, 2009 | San Diego Reader 06, 2009 · Roam-O-Rama; Culp Valley and Pena Spring. While most of the Anza-Borrego Desert swelters, the temperature hovers as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit cooler at … · Web viewHere’s how it went in his own words: “There were 44 people in my weight class (85kg) and I placed 11th. I set another state record for the snatch at 120kg, but almost bombed out on the clean and jerk. I was able to hit the last one at 135kg (which is not very good, but it's good that I made that or I would have ended up not placing at all).

Supreme Court Opens Session With Human Rights Case 02, 2012 · WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court opened its new term on Monday with an encore, hearing arguments in an important human rights case it first …

Academic left | Power Line | Page 6 28, 2017 · The first sign that Milo Yiannopoulos’s “Free Speech Week” at Berkeley wasn’t what it was cracked up to be was the news story two weeks ago announcing the “confirmed” speakers for the ...

FBI probing Ald. Willie Cochran for alleged misuse of ... 18, 2016 · The full scope of what a grand jury is looking into was not immediately known, but state records show the 20th Ward alderman has made dozens …

Primary Elections And Secondary Candidates - Townhall 26, 2007 · Primary Elections And Secondary Candidates. Thomas Sowell ... or the Republicans who is going to cause a runaway stampede like that which toppled all …

S.C. political corruption — how we got here | Newberry ... their website, The Whig proudly display a seal proclaiming themselves ‘North America’s Greatest Dive Bar.’ I don’t know about the greatest part but it’s sure a dive. Its principle virtue is that it is the shortest distance between the state legislative chambers and an abundance of alcohol and edible bar food.

S.C. political corruption — how we got here | Sentinel ... knows more about the sleaze of our state’s politics than anyone – or at least anyone who is on the right side of the law and not in jail. He had a new book published last year, a massive 606 page tome, entitled “Operation Lost Trust and the Ethics Reform Movement 1989-99.”

Rudy Giuliani Is Just Asking Questions - Wonkette 26, 2019 · The State Department confirms that US envoy Kurt Volker -- voted most likely in his class to plead the Fifth to the House Intelligence Committee, allegedly!-- did send Yermak to Giuliani. But it's totally cool, you guys, because the president's personal lawyer is "a private citizen" who "does not speak on behalf of the U.S. Government."

Gay vet explains residency in a race that has Colorado 28, 2011 · The Carroll brothers: Morgan, Sean, Michael, with his son, Logan, and Brian, who is running for a state House seat next year in a race that has Democrats all abuzz. A gay veteran whose candidacy against a fellow Lakewood Democrat has upset the status quo today explained his voter registration and his residency.

New day for Rays? Wheeler-Brown bests Newton for St. Pete 04, 2015 · In his last-minute endorsement, Kriseman said a pro-Newton mailer tweaked a photo to darken Wheeler-Brown's skin tone and called it a hate-inspired tactic. It was the …

The Candidate From Brown & Root: Bush Doesn't Know Dick ... 25, 2000 · The Candidate From Brown & Root Bush Doesn't Know Dick ... That funding was the key to Brown & Root's future. In his book on LBJ, ... But it still hasn't escaped American law enforcement.

Rowland Offers His Plans On Transit and Education - The ... 04, 2001 · But it was the governor's proposal to change laws governing how political parties pick candidates for their own primary elections that took all 187 state legislators in attendance by surprise.Author: Paul Zielbauer

“When I take over this city” – Larry E. Ealy for Mayor ... last time we had this many candidates running around was the very first time I ran to try to challenge Mayor Richard Clay Dixon. Dixon ended up losing by 400 votes to Michael Turner, an unknown Republican lawyer who had no political party support in his run. Mayor Dixon was there last night. I asked him to sign my petition and just got a ...

Rossi raises twice as much as Murray | The Olympian - Republican Dino Rossi has $1.8 million in the bank two weeks out from Washington state's primary election, raising more than $573,000 last month in his effort to oust incumbent ...

Townsend’s town administrator says Police Department ... 11, 2019 · According to an email he provided from the state 911 Department, the town failed to apply for the money in fiscal 2015 and did not submit any reimbursements in fiscal 2014 or 2013. Kreidler said the police communications director was responsible for the grant for the last two years, and before that, it was the …

Turner Launches Giuliani Radio Ad - nystateofpolitics.com 3 candidates for US Senate all suffer from a lack of name recognition, but one NY Republican who is not is Rudy Giuliani. Which is why Bob Turner’s first radio ad featuring the former mayor might actually help him in the June 26th election. We were anticipating this since Turner let slip that ...

GOP Candidate Frank Guinta's Mystery Bank Account Sparks ... developments in a New Hampshire congressional race, however, may end up giving Democrats what they are looking for. On Thursday, former Manchester mayor Frank Guinta filed financial disclosure forms revealing a previously unreported personal bank account with $250,000 and $500,000 in assets.

James A. Bacon Archives - Bacon's Rebellion James A. Bacon. As a follow-up to yesterday’s “dark money” post comparing the resources available to the conservative Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy (TJI) and the liberal Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (CI), it is only fair for me to note that …

History is Funny: December 2007, something that, if true, involved both history and funny, and I've meant to explore it for quite some time, and in the process I have become better acquainted with the man who is perhaps the biggest badass ever to have served our country as chief executive.

November | 2017 | The Whole Shebang (mostly) don’t make the mistake I did and assume another hunger story. Hunger has been vanquished more thoroughly than Al Gore! The War on Hunger is the only successful social program in the history of Democrat handouts. I defy you to visit a school, mall, theatre, bus station, airport or stadium and find undernourished people.

Thursday Open Thread | Colorado Pols 04, 2011 · The law allows the party to seek a waiver for some or all of its fines. Even if the county party convinces the secretary of state to dismiss fines against the second committee that was accidentally created in April, it’s still facing a fine far greater than the $17,500 levy last year against GOP gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes for improper documentation of payments to himself.

KS State Supreme Court | Kansans For Life Blog it also shows how deep the media-assisted pro-abortion and anti-Kline messaging has succeeded. Her tweets resemble those of a young pro-choice adult responding to Planned Parenthood propaganda; yet Herr is a highly trained attorney who is supposed to be able to read challenging legal documents, and edit legal submissions for the court.

Micah, in an only-in-New-York moment, the rat and a key co-conspirator, both Orthodox Jews, dressed as Santa’s elves and delivered pricey gifts to police officials at the center of a corruption scheme. Then there was the time they flew an NYPD deputy inspector and a detective to Vegas in a private jet with a hooker for Super Bowl weekend.

Forum thread: 1 thing you h8 about your country? | HLTV.org 15, 2018 · My god u are one of them. Football is useless. People like u put dis shit forward policy. I see who is "dummy" here. Make a favor to our country. Die and take with u others brazillians braindead like yourself. When brazil become cuba, you will want watch your shitty football in a fucking 4k tv.

Glenn Beck | Sharp Iron | Page 3 wandered over to Glenn Beck’s website and found that its name (“The 9.12 Project –We the People Demand Answers”) is a clever reference to not only the day after 9/11 but also about the 9 principles and 12 values he deems necessary for America to return to its past glory days.

If...,120487.0.htmlJul 24, 2019 · This is not what happened in 1974. The opposite is true. People became convinced, including many Republican members of the House, that Nixon was guilty. There will also be a Senate trial and the Senators who vote against impeachment of a man who is clearly and openly a criminal will stand, if not in elections, then certainly in the docket of ...

John McCain, senator and war hero, dies at"John McCain was a man of deep conviction and a patriot of the highest order", said former president George W. Bush, whom McCain sought and failed to defeat in 2000 and succeed in 2008. His heroism inspires, his life shapes our character.

Assholes | The Confluence last major even we had in this country was the 2008 political season. I went through my archives and reviewed some stuff some bloggers and pundits have written. ... Obama is young, handsome and inspiring and he represents the passing of the torch to a new generation. But it is not just that Obama reminds them of Kennedy, ... This is one of ...

UPDATE II: Legacy certainly has a Legacy — South DaCola December 2, 2016 at 10:33 a.m. less than 60 hours after Mr. Drake was complaining about standards we lost a man and a historic building with a SiouxFalls owned façade easement.This happened one day after a curious property transfer happened and now we have their confession of insolvency. The Federal EPA has the ability to fine previous property owners for criminal wrong doing.

These Are the People You Meet Driving an Uber During Mardi father was the head of the fire department at the time, she says. ... When things slow I drive the hour and a half home to Baton Rouge, where I arrive at 4:30 in the morning with $280 in my pocket. ... On his way to a grocery store in the French Quarter one morning he saw a man bleeding so profusely from his head it “saturated his pants ...

Battle for education | Palmetto Politics | postandcourier.com for education ... Haley is a product of one of those struggling districts in Bamberg County and has been quoted as calling the present system "immoral." ... "This is the first time I've ...

Latest Articles -*/index?more=3742307President Donald Trump made a rare phone call to one of the few men who ever has been in his position: former President Jimmy Carter. It was the first telephone conversation between the two members of the exclusive president's club and focused on US-China trade negotiations, the White House confirmed in a statement, which referred to the correspondence as a "very good telephone …

Local & Special Elections - Page 11 of 11 - We cover local, three seats are up for election in the Albuquerque Public School (APS) Board of Education, in districts 1, 2 and 4, which comprise the western side of the city. With a total student enrollment of over 90,000 students, this is one of the larger school districts …

Seven Days VT, April 1, 2015 by Seven Days - Issuu 01, 2015 · FAIR GAME. April Exhibit. Function, Fire and Fun. B. SEVENDAYSVT.COM 04.01.15-04.08.15. SEVEN DAYS 14 FAIR GAME. 8v-MirrorMirror021115.indd 1. 2/9/15 2:07 PM

‘Fear the Walking Dead’ Star Talks Jack and Alicia’s ... 09, 2016 · The family drama at the center of “Fear the Walking Dead” got some external threats to really amp up the tension in recent days, as Jack, the mysterious voice Alicia connected with in the ...

Caldara operating in shadows – The Denver Post Independence Institute’s ads railing against Referendums C and D have been on the radio this summer more than Britney Spears. Coloradans deserve to know who’s footing the bill. Jon Caldara ...

Michael Cohen's mystery third client is Sean Hannity 18, 2018 · Michael Cohen's mystery third client is Sean Hannity By Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz, CNN Updated 5:23 PM ET, Mon April 16, 2018 New York (CNN)-Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen also represents Fox News host Sean Hannity, Cohen's attorneys said Monday afternoon.Cohen had told the court earlier he had at least 10 clients between 2017 and 2018, …

Mindless Diversions Comment Rescue And Open Thread ... 27, 2012 · Hey Tod, the question as I understood it wasn’t ‘happy ending’ per se, it was ‘Good guys winning’, emphasis on ‘Good’ guys…my point was just that Jesus was the first truly ‘good guy’ – like Supes, he never screwed up (well, in retrospect, hiring that Judas guy might have been a mistake).

overview for Hodor_am_Groot - reddit.com don’t think you should keep the runplemintz thing in your bio. It’s fine for conversation but I’m your bio it makes it seems like you might drink too much or that your one of those people where all fun in your life revolves around drinking (not saying that the case).

Jeff Bridges in Western; fighter saves girl; talk about ... and interesting news from the West. You are the owner of this collection.

Kagan wins case on imprisonment of sex offenders - The San ... case was one of six Solicitor General Elena Kagan argued on behalf of the government during the past nine months. ... in his majority opinion, adopted some of Kagan’s points in concluding ...

GOV 370L Test 1 Review - Google Docs - Course Hero Notes - GOV 370L Test 1 Review - Google Docs from GOV 370L at University of Texas. Page1 FI just want to thank all of you who have helped to create this. I hope we do one for

Son of Liberty: January 2008 28, 2008 · 15 years ago I was one of those people who were against making Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday a holiday because of alleged failings in his personal life. I felt we should not be honoring him because of these. I WAS WRONG. I have since come to the realization that there is no perfect hero. We are all flawed in different ways.

Forum Post: "Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out Post: "Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control" Posted 6 years ago on Dec. 19, 2012, 10:52 a.m. EST by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY This content is user submitted and not an official statement

U.S. Soccer president Carlos Cordeiro proposes task force ... his first major address about the state of American soccer since the USA secured the co-hosting rights to the 2026 World Cup, new U.S. Soccer president Carlos Cordeiro proposed to form a task ...

Dilbert and Cold Fusion I - jamesian58.blogspot.com couple of classic DILBERT strips spoke to the long-ago fuss over cold fusion. At the center of thee strips is Dilbert's dog, who is a confidence artist, always scheming to separ

November | 2008 | Power Line may never fully understand how ten armed men were able to terrorize a city of 19 million, but at least part of the explanation: In the first wave of the attacks, two young gunmen armed ...

Medical marijuana activists pinning hopes on power of stories 23, 2016 · The push for medical marijuana in Arkansas started with Denele Campbell and a woman she watched die of cancer. It was 1999. The first medical-marijuana laws …

Drew Curtis - Ballotpedia Curtis was a candidate for Kentucky Auditor of Public Accounts.Curtis withdrew from the election before the primary scheduled for May 21, 2019.. Curtis was previously an independent candidate for Governor of Kentucky in the 2015 election.Curtis and his running mate and wife, Heather Curtis, announced their candidacies on January 23, 2015. He officially filed for the election on August 10 ... A Gary Hart moment for Walker? 14, 2014 · Bob, this is the first time in a while you've managed to make comments about the topic, rather than the author, which is why your comments are still up. Those comments are factually wrong -- the suit does name C4GC as a plaintiff, no matter how often you say otherwise -- but they are relevant. Gold star for Bob!

Dishonorable Chevy Chase Election | Seventh 13, 2015 · Except that his actions were anything but transparent–even after the election was over. It’s nice that he wants to “heal some of the open wounds” but it seems insincere not to mention unethical when he helped create them in the first place and did not answer public questions about his participation. More cynical than healing.

(IPS) For Parents of Sick Children, It’s Move or Break the’ 14-year-old daughter, Jennifer, has intractable epilepsy. Medical cannibis eases her frequent seizures. But it’s illegal in their home state. “We got here the first week in December [2013]. She has been on THCA [a strain of cannabis],” Collins told IPS. “She takes it three times a day.

Read A Pile Of Top Nazis Talking About How They Love ... the moment they enter the political fray, young right-wingers are told, ‘You own the Nazis.’ But it’s all a lie, a smear tactic.

The Odds That Each Justice Will Vote To Destroy Obamacare 02, 2015 · Though Justice Elena Kagan was the sole Democratic appointee not to join Ginsburg’s ... As the Washington Post’s Robert Barnes wrote on ... but it is far from clear that he will be able to do ...

What is realignment? | Power Line 19, 2003 · In his Weekly Standard ... To a lesser extent the elections of 1828 and 1896 also fit the mold. The last clear realignment of 1932 was the New Deal synthesis of …

Indian Overseas Bank PO Sample Paper 1 | Loans | Credit Card Overseas Bank PO Sample Paper 1 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. ... The Act of taking on a risk for a fee (C) ... Anybody from Asian country can purchase Indian Rupee and keep it in his/her bank account in his/her country without any restrictions. 2.

89.3 KPCC - Southern California Public Radio will also talk about the order by an Appeals Court in Florida to retry a boy who is serving life in prison for the killing of a 6 year-old girl when he was 12. ... to a broadly worded set of ...

Missed Opportunities: On Limbaugh, Bush, and Obama ... 26, 2010 · Well, as the saying goes “even a stopped clock is right twice a day.” While I share your frustration and concern for a GOP return in the fall, I don’t share the longing for Obama to act like “Bush the decider.” True, he could use the bully pulpit more effectively, but we shouldn’t forget that the Bush regime was more than just decisive.

2014 Election: Which Legislative candidates cracked the ... Election: Which Legislative candidates cracked the million-dollar mark? Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (L) has introduced legislation to establish a veterans cemetery in Orange County.

Code Blue for the State of Illinois - No smoke a record-breaking election in money terms (federal candidates raised an estimated record of $5.2 billion), Pritzker stood out for setting a new record in self-financing: Forbes estimates he has given the largest amount of his own money to his campaign in U.S. history—$171.5 million (the campaign spent a total of $135.9 million on the election).

Spending reports filed for elections - News-Times: 02, 2011 · A driving factor for Mr. Horton’s candidacy was the PotashCorp-Aurora plan to build a sulfur melting facility at the N.C. Port of Morehead City. The News-Times broke the …

It's time for the Oust Straus crowd to step up and fund ...’s time for the Oust Straus crowd to step up and fund the RPT ... These levels aren’t as dire as the time that the Harris County Republican Party’s doors were locked by the landlord but they are a cause for concern. Hence, all you Oust Straus warriors need to pony up and send in your $44, post haste. ... In his own county where the ...

Obama Never Checked In | Power Line 03, 2014 · That was the system that I wanted installed. ... So mark him down as the “check-box president.” Now that things are really going badly for Obama, even …

Glossary: US elections H-M - BBC News 22, 2010 · Hanging / Pregnant chad A chad is the small piece of waste paper or card created when a hole is punched in a ballot. Chads became famous in the 2000 presidential election, when the results in ...

Troubling evidence : World War 3 imminent, page it seems unlike most I also see a return to more conventional means as we did in WW2. In the run up to WW2 the notion was the "bomber would always get through" making all future wars quick and decisive which would put an end to the big wars as we knew them. This notion was based around using strategic bombing as total war..

Kennedy: Walker is making Wisconsin a corporate state ... Journal Times recent editorial “The Walker administration’s policy of secrecy” raises the question “Who is Walker ... unions are the unions themselves. ... it was the workers who ...

HHS releases report today detailing premium increases ... releases report today detailing premium increases -- House Dems not sure what to expect from W.H. -- Enzi first Republican to RSVP to summit -- Seven more Dems sign on to public option letter

State Legislative Tracker: Filibuster in Texas - Ballotpedia Legislative Tracker: Filibuster in Texas. From Ballotpedia. Jump to ... pushed for a vote before the deadline, but it was unable to be completed in time because of a large crowd made up of pro-choice ... Alaska's Redistricting Board created three rough drafts of maps as the first step of a court-mandated process to complete the ...

WEST MICHIGAN POLITICS: December 2015 others have alluded to, if the horrendous Prop 1 campaign were a horror movie, spoiler alert: Paul Mitchell is the "killer." Mitchell, a retired businessman, led the campaign to defeat Prop 1 and was extremely successful. His group, "Say No To Higher Taxes And Special Interest Deals," was the primary source of resistance to millions spent by Lansing power brokers and establishment hacks ...

As political spending explodes, disclosure gets hazy ... political spending explodes, disclosure gets hazy In Mississippi, political spending has paid for such things as a BMW, an RV and $800 cowboy boots.

At the Noor trial (14) | Power Line 23, 2019 · Judge Quaintance announced at the outset of proceedings that she would not hold court on April 19. As promised, we had Friday off. Trial resumed on …

Mother Jones Editors Clara Jeffery and Monika Bauerlein on ... 10, 2012 · “Grotesque income inequality is just a symptom of our larger political disease,” say Clara Jeffery and Monika Bauerlein, co-editors of Mother Jones magazine. They’ve devoted the most recent ...

Nuclear Power Woes | Power Line 29, 2016 · Nuclear Power Woes. ... Maybe these are the inevitable growing pains of the first movers of a next generation industry. But it could just as …

Inner Circles - russbaker.com Journalism Review - Inner Circle.htmA hunger to make some news has been apparent since the first Sunday interview program, Meet the Press, debuted in 1947, when the fledgling medium of TV news was eager for publicity and validation from the traditional print outlets. Av Westin, a former ABC News executive, now a Freedom Forum fellow, believes that TV news still suffers from a ...

Councilwoman seeks lease review for historic North Chapel ... Diego Councilwoman Barbara Bry is requesting an investigation into the McMillin Co.’s handling of its lease at Liberty Station, particularly at North Chapel — the historic house of worship ...

Virginia Politics Blog - Fredericksburg's Population 28, 2008 · University of Mary Washington Police Chief James C. Snipes confirms more than 25,000 peopled showed up for Sen. Barack Obama's rally today on the campus's main square. After consulting with the fire marshal, Snipes estimates that 12,000 people passed through security to get into the square while another 14,000 were left out. If accurate, Obama supporters doubled the population of the ...

Obama stimulus plan broken down by state | Palmetto ... the national debate continues on what the federal government should do to ... and a tax cut of up to $1,000 for 1.79 million working families. ... who is hosting one of the eight such ...

Independent candidate fails to collect enough signatures ..., one of five state House and Senate candidates backed by Unite Colorado and Unite America, nonprofits formally known as the Centrist Project, submitted 637 signatures to the Secretary of ...

State legislature incumbents rule the day | News ... 09, 2016 · Woerner withstood a challenge by business owner Christopher Boyark of Mechanicville, 52 percent to 40 percent, to earn a second two-year term and hold on to one of …

New Mexico’s top 10 political donors have given $3M since ... 2011 to 2014, tens of millions of dollars flowed through New Mexico’s political system, a notable amount for a poor state with one of the highest rates of poverty and a large percentage of ...

The Power Behind the Pipelines: Bayou Bridge Pipeline ... report identified a conflict of interest between former Senator Mary Landrieu and the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA), a state agency that needed to sign off on Bayou Bridge Pipeline before construction could begin. Landrieu, who is registered to lobby for CPRA, is also advocating for the Bayou Bridge Pipeline.[PDF]Working with Your College Attorney December 2018 - tasb.org may have legal implications. In some instances, of course, it is necessary for a college’s private counsel to consider specific facts and circumstances, as well as the political and philosophical climate in the college, before advising college officials on the best course of action.

Why aren't congress doing more to pass bills/laws to help ... 26, 2017 · In the 50 years since Lyndon Johnson declared War on Poverty, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost ...

Ex-Obama adviser: Democrats may get ‘slaughtered’ in 11, 2010 · Washington (CNN) - Steve Hildebrand, one of the top advisers who helped put President Obama in office, has a stark warning for his old friends at the White House and on Capitol Hill. "I think that there is a real shot we [Democrats] are going to get slaughtered in elections this fall if we aren't leading the efforts to reform Washington," Hildebrand said.

Open Voter Guide - HackforMN Exploration - Google Docs one of the more complicated solutions screams that it is absolutely, 100% the right fit for your use case, wiki might be a simpler/more flexible/easier-to-bootstrap approach for getting up to speed, building community, etc. (I probably wouldn't recommend MediaWiki but I suspect others here might have better suggestions on that.) Luis

What are the main ideas of McCain and Obama? | Yahoo Answers 20, 2008 · I'm making some posters for my history class, and I need to know what McCain and Obama's main ideas are for taxes, technology, etc. Every website I look at seems to have these thorough paragraphs about their ideas on each subject, I just want a sentence or two. A link would be fine also.Status: ResolvedAnswers: 9

In al Nashiri , Judge Pohl orders disclosure of details of ... 17, 2014 · To say it has been an eventful week for the military commissions in Guantanamo might be an understatement. As Ruchi has covered each morning this week in the Early Edition, the pre-trial motions proceedings in KSM et al. (also known as the “9/11 case”) were halted this week upon revelations that two FBI agents questioned a contract security officer on one of the defense teams …

BerlinRosen - Influence Watch of BerlinRosen’s other labor clients is the Communications Workers of America (CWA), one of the most left-wing labor unions. In 2011, the CWA retained BerlinRosen for a campaign against the New York Times Company on behalf of CWA-represented employees in a contract dispute.

A Tangle of a Race to Fill DeLay’s Old Seat - The New York ... 30, 2006 · In one of the many oddities of the race, Ms. Sekula-Gibbs, 53, is running twice, as her campaign jingle, “Vote Twice for Shelley,” to the tune of “Roll Out the Barrel,” reminds voters.

Some immigrants fight the push to make their future a ... the government shutdown moved into its sixth week, the longest in U.S. history, the Senate voted on two proposals Thursday, Jan. 24, to open up the government. Both votes failed. One of those bills was crafted along the lines of the White House plan to include funding for the border wall in exchange for extensions to DACA and TPS.

The Final Grift: A ‘Lame Duck’ Anecdote of Republican ... duck session is one of the most fascinating and illuminating times within our government. It is a period when all pretenses of our democracy are jettisoned and a mad cash grab takes place as term-limited legislators secure employment and other benefits in smoke-filled backrooms with lobbyists.

Johnson and Vidas highlight policy positions in Center ... 09, 2019 · Candidates for Philadelphia’s 2nd Councilmanic District primary election Lauren Vidas and incumbent Kenyatta Johnson took to the Tenth Presbyerian Church on Spruce Street in Center City Wednesday evening for a debate hosted by the Center City Residents Association. The debate was moderated by former CCRA president Jeff Braff. At the debate, both Vidas and Johnson […]

Ontario Scrambles for Visit by President - Los Angeles Times 04, 2002 · They are Ted Dutton, a wealthy GOP activist, and his son, Bob Dutton, a Rancho Cucamonga city councilman and the founder of a real estate investment management firm who is running for a state ...

Warner endorses D.C. statehood, leaving House Majority ... - Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., has agreed to support D.C. statehood, leaving House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., as the only Democratic federal lawmaker in the region who does

5 key election races to look at earlier than US voters go ... 06, 2018 · Because the US prepares to go to the polls for the midterm elections in November, the nation has seldom felt extra polarised. Conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans are discovering it tougher to make their voices heard in an ever extra combative political enviornment by which the rhetoric of the talk typically calls for whole allegiance […]

PUERTO RICAN OFFICIALS ARRESTED - Orlando Sentinel, Cruz, Vazquez, Fajardo's sister-in-law Maria Ramos Matos, who is accused of running one of the shell companies, and contractors Angel Pabon Molina and Sylvia Lopez Velez, plan to plead ...

July | 2018 | Sydney Health Law New York Times reports that US officials threatened to unleash trade sanctions and withdraw military aid from Ecuador unless it withdraw a resolution at May’s World Health Assembly calling on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding”.. The article is worth reading in its entirety. As the father of a currently breastfeeding infant, I find this kind of behaviour ...

Town Meeting Day: Burlington sees City Council races 23, 2017 · Burlington voters have several ballot and budget items as well as a number of contested district races to consider Town Meeting Day. The district, which is largely contained in they city's Old ...

The Hill pushed GOP attack on ethics watchdog | Media ... is a former employee of the IRS Office of Chief Counsel who is currently a law professor at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, which according to its website is the largest university ...

State Election 2008 | News | newarkpostonline.com of the most hotly contested races this year will be in state Senate District 6, which almost includes the entire city. ... received a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from UD and spent 15 ...

Rep. Will Ainsworth: Local legislator throws his support 26, 2016 · The current presidential election will likely be the most important one that occurs in my lifetime, and in yours. The president we elect will appoint multiple Supreme Court justices, face serious and ongoing threats from ISIS and radical Islam. The next president will need to take steps to rebuild ...

William Mathis: Educational inequities reflects societal ... 10, 2018 · David Ainsworth, one of last working dairy farmers in Vermont… Crime and Justice In Newport, EB-5 scandal lingers with dashed hopes and a… People & …

Guatemalan mother pleads with a Mexican soldier for mercy ... shows a mother, her child, and a Mexican National Guardsman, with whom she’s pleading to allow her to cross into the US. In that image, taken by Reuters photographer Jose Lu

OP-ED | State GOPers Run Away From ‘Banana Republicans’ Republicans have a lot of factors in their favor, including an unpopular Democratic governor presiding over an anemic economy and a budget with deficits as far as the eye can see in a state ...

Centre College - Admission is no obligation for the student to make a college choice at that time, as the required response date is the same as for regular applicants—May 1 of the senior year (the National Candidate’s Reply Date). Students receive their financial aid package in February. Regular Admission Plan The regular application deadline is January 15.

Recruitment and Training of Voting Station Staff that there is a sufficient staff, which has been trained to be competent in their required duties in voting stations and at the vote count, is the backbone of voting operations. For a national election, staffing and training will be one of the biggest staff mobilization exercises undertaken in a country.

My Case for a DUI Third Degree Murder Charge for Sheena's ... (below) Pennsylvania DUI Third Degree Murder convictions upheld on appeal. See sidebar (right) for the 13 most recent DUI Third Degree Murder cases in PA. I made my case to DA Jim Martin and Judge Robert Steinberg, repeatedly, in 2006, on behalf of Sheena.

Highlands Project | San Elijo as the San Elijo Hills community works to conserve 502 acres of open space, residents to the north recognize that the Highlands Project will cause irreparable damage to the last expanse of open habitat in the Northern face of the city. The Highlands Project has no redeeming features.

Libertarians: 'Big' doesn't mean 'better' | News ...“One of the reasons we have a hard time raising money is because we aren’t selling favors to big corporations and special interests. ... of state who is affiliated with the same party as the ...

The End of Meritocracy? | Power Line End of Meritocracy? ... uses Hager’s new job as the occasion for a broadside against the political and media industries: ... Is it a good thing to have a father who is President? Of course.

Jack Lessenberry: Veterans group baffled at Detroit's ..., who is 65, starts the campaign as a decided underdog to GOP incumbent Ruth Johnson, and it remains to be seen if he can attract the funding needed for a credible statewide campaign.

Ken Heath - Ballotpedia Heath (independent) is a candidate seeking election to the Virginia State Senate to represent District 40. Heath is running in the general election on November 5, 2019. Heath completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2019. Click here to read the survey answers. Here is one selected ...

Methods of Promoting Internal Democracy in Political Parties problem is the lack of capacities in the agencies and a second problem is the deviance from democratic culture by political parties. Another example can be found in Nigeria, where intra-party democracy is regulated in the constitution which provides, inter alia, for making leadership elections compulsory for all parties. These procedures ...

Page One - Berkeley Daily 22, 2008 · Opposition to the lawmaker, who is now seeking a seat in the state Senate after hitting the term limit for the Assembly, is even more logical for the PAC, given that one of its five directors is Marjie Mejia, chair of the Lytton Band, which had to settle …

FOUNTAIN OF COLOR: Jeff library to stage Victor Troutman ...’s son, Michael V. Troutman, who is also a visual artist, recalls: “My father’s art came from suffering and solitude. He lived a hard life of multiple near-death experiences and lost ...

Keep Justin Chenette in the Senate - Chenette doesn’t just talk about getting involved in the community, he acts. When Veterans from the OOB American Legion came to him about wanting to get more fellow Veterans involved in the Memorial Day parade, he jumped into action.

Tia Strozier Continues To Act As George Yu’s Catspaw To 18, 2019 · Tia Strozier Continues To Act As George Yu’s Catspaw To Further His Vendetta Against Theo Henderson — Amplifying George Yu’s Weirdo Unsupported Defamatory Insinuations — Apparently Setting Henderson Up To Be Killed By Police — Just Because Yu Hates The Guy — Oh And Also Because Gil Cedillo Wanted To Have An Event In Alpine Rec Center — And Someone At CD1 — …

Bill Nelson – Post On“But these four are the first step and we have the other five under consideration,” he said. Scott said he supports the new federal rule, especially because Congress has failed for three years to pass U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson’s legislation that would have outlawed pythons.

April 2015 Archives - 3/10 - The John Hickenlooper on Friday signed into law the $25 billion state budget for next fiscal year, but it’s the spending plan for the next year that concerns him.. The Democrat, surrounded in his office by a crowd of Republican and Democratic legislative leaders and budget writers, touted the bill as an example of how the two parties worked together to put more money into public schools ...

Althouse: Democratic debate... are you watching? 08, 2016 · And then Bernie Sanders decided to fire back using the same word. But it doesn't make too much sense, so he took it back, and tried to say he really meant her judgement is bad - "bad," that is, because it is different from the Democratic Party platform …

US Presidential election 2016 | Page 42 | Mother of 09, 2016 · US Presidential election 2016. Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by Infant Jesus of Prague, Dec 4, ... you are the one who is condemned....for having the gall to speak out. ... but it was too long. I think worth a last appeal as the article itself is titled!

MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann Goes Mental … “In Short We Have an 19, 2010 · This is a fight for our country. We need to fight for our principles. We need to fight for the U.S. Constitution. Cicero wrote: “A country can survive its fools but it cannot survive treason from within”. I know this. You know this. They know this. The line has been drawn. Vote with your heart. Vote with your mind. Vote with your conscience.

Raise Your Voice | Contact Congress. From anywhere. Anytimehttps://raiseyourvoicenow.wordpress.comThat last line may may get chuckles from a few of you, but it brings up a serious point that’s worth addressing here. When you write your representatives through Raise Your Voice, you are contacting their offices, NOT their campaigns. The two are separate and cannot share contact information unless you give them express permission to do so.

NL: Crisis: TPP Scam, Investigative Reports, Apple Steals ... is a crisis blog, with 5 items and 5 dotted links: Item 1 is about the TTP and it quite correctly points out that "multinational corporations direct access to secretive tribunals that could roll back any consumer, labor, or environmental laws that global corporate giants don’t like": it is the end of democracy, and Obama knows this very well; item 2 is about the corruptions in getting ...

Scrounging firewood | Page 530 | Arboristsite.com 29, 2015 · i can thank obama for the healthcare for the first time in my life i had health insurance and i could go to the dentist i never could afford health insurance but im pretty poor i live below the poverty line i only make 10,000 per year. grateful a human being cares enough about someone to give them health insurance it eased my burden.

Have Republicans Morphed From Obama Hate To Hating America?, an ethnocentric bigot must have his group regarded as the only one worthwhile, and a misogynist, however well-situated he may be, is not content unless women can’t possibly achieve as ...

Maryland Rep. Van Hollen sues IRS over its application of ... controversy over how and which groups the Internal Revenue Service targeted in assessing applications for nonprofit status is heading to court. Maryland Democratic Rep. Chis Van Hollen, the ranking member of the House Budget Committee, will be the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit expected to be filed today in federal district court challenging the IRS' interpretation of the law that governs the ...

Adam Schiff Hires a Former Prosecutor to Lead the Trump ... 05, 2019 · This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold.

Federal Court: Obama's Partnership With Mexican Drug ... is the fourth case with the same factual situation this Court has had in as many weeks. ... But it gets worse: ... These are the violent criminals with whom the Obama administration ...

Daly Bread: Petrotrin is epicentre of socio-economic ... are now about to experience a major rupture in that fault line with its epicentre at Petrotrin. It is as frightening as the recent earthquake but it is the inevitable result of the fault line pressured into rupture by international events over which we have no control, …

NY, NJ, CT, RI Governors Form ‘States for Gun Safety ...“To say a mental health issue is a sham and a fraud because if you really believed it was a mental health issue, then you have to say, the way to combat mental health is we will have s universal background check system to make sure a person who is mentally ill cannot buy a gun.

The Erosion of Freedom Through Green Laws | Page 3 | The ... 21, 2010 · This is a free forum to the public due to the generosity of the Sawhorses, Corporate Supporters and Supporters who have upgraded their accounts. ... then join in to make the rules to your liking, just like you neighbor has the right to do. Who is 'them' 'they' and all those being blamed for the problems? It is us. ... That and a note in the ...

Keep and Bear Arms - Gun Owners Home Page - 2nd Amendment the body count grows ever higher, Clinton, with the aid of a deaf, mute and blind Defense Department, a gutless and corrupt Congress, and a plethora of covert, deadly and autonomous agencies, continues to wage his one-man campaign of murder in the name of peace.

OP-ED | McMahon’s Plan is Desperate Nonsense | CT News Junkie I assume it is because Chris Murphy is an elected official who is now running for U.S. Senate (meaning for the sake of political attacks, he’d be a ‘career politician’, not a ...

Titone, Savino Denounce Diaz Sr. As ‘Media Whore’ (Updated)’m not sure where to even start with this. Below is footage of Sen. Diane Savino joining with Assemblyman Matt Titone to publicly call out her Democratic colleague, Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr., who showed up on Staten Island with members of his Hispanic ministers …

The GOP and YouTube: An Inflection Point in American face value, the reasons given by some of the campaigns were as transparently phony as the candidates themselves, but it is interesting that CNN seems to be calling their bluff. I wanted to comment on this incident because I believe it is a reflection of a historical inflection point in American politics.

Stayin' Alive: The Party of Law and Order addition to being the Party of Fiscal Responsibility™, the Republicans are the Party of Law and Order™. That was of course a favorite slogan of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George Bush the First, who gave us the Willie Horton ad among other cultural gifts.

MLK quotes | Moving Towards Freedom gives the segregator a false sense of superiority and the segregated a false sense of inferiority….. So segregation is not only politically, economically and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong… An unjust law is a code that a majority inflicts on a minority group that is not binding on itself. This is difference made legal.

Global Economic Collapse - wealthdaily.com 07, 2012 · What's your worst fear? Mine would have to be losing everything I've worked so hard for, both tangible and intangible. I know this fear is more widespread now than it …

Mining for Meaning | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson, it was also predicted that the victories of the moderate Rudolph Giuliani and Christine Todd Whitman would spur a rush back to the center for the Republican Party after their 1992 losses ...

DYA youth pray before traveling statue | Guam News ... 30, 2018 · DYA youth pray before traveling statue ... This is the first set of profiles featuring members of The Scoop team for school year 2019-2020. ...

The limits of PUP and UDP | Amandala 25, 2017 · As a matter of party survival and success, the decision makers in the UDP and the PUP know and must accept, in the first instance, that Belize is a Christian nation. This is a seemingly innocuous acknowledgement, but the implications have been …

Supreme Court | Maryland Scramble the Supreme Court requires states to shift from population to registered voters as the basis of “one person one vote,” it will be momentous. Even if the Court were to simply allow a different standard without requiring it, the redistricting fight in a geographically and demographically diverse state like …

The Skinny | The Skinny | Tucson Weekly 27, 2017 · But it remains to be seen how well Kirkpatrick will connect with CD2 voters; in her unsuccessful bid for John McCain's Senate seat last year, she …

Some accuse Democratic leader of playing favorites in ...’s more than double what the PAC had on hand going into the general election two years ago, but it’s still far short of the $147,000 that the Republican House Campaign Committee has to ...

Central Americans surge across US border before Trump ..., Texas — Along the route through Mexico, no one was really sure how to say Trump’s name. Smugglers called him “El Malo” (the bad one) or “El Feo” (the ugly one) and told the migrants they had better hurry north before his wall went up. The U.S. agents who took them into custody said […]

The case of Aurelia Fedenisn | Power Line 10, 2013 · Gutman’s case was one of several said to have been investigated by the State Department Inspector General, but covered up on the intervention of the …

News Herald from Port Clinton, Ohio on May 9, 2000 · 3, May 9, 2000 2000 Commentary Candidates spend millions for chance to 'serve' Ottawa Coin ItMk Lake Erie j J . - Allen Twp. Benton Twp. Carroll Twp. Camp Frto POrt Harbor Twp. ,c'into Clay ...

New candidates jumble key San Diego council race - The San ... it also seems likely to force a runoff, which could help Bry because Democratic turnout is expected to be much higher in November’s general election than the June primary. ... One of those ...

Congressional campaigns Archives - Page 9 of 85 - Humphrey Rep. Chuck Fleischmann heads into his campaign for a fourth term with nearly $1 million in the bank, a hefty war chest that well-positions him for the possibility of another hard-fought race but also could have the benefit of scaring off potential challengers, reports Michael Collins. The Ooltewah Republican said he has never had this much cash in the bank so early.

Fox News | Mind the Exit few things I need to get out of the way. CNN isn’t fake news. But for that matter, Fox News isn’t either. Don’t get me wrong. Fox News is heavily slanted, and some of it’s “journalists” (Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Laura Ingraham, etc.) manipulate facts and data to support unrealistic conclusions, but it’s not “fake” news.

Pick Giulianti, Asseff, Furr, Levy, Holodak - Sun Sentinel in Hollywood face one of the city's most important elections. They must put aside division and and anger to pick four leaders who can guide their city effectively. The South Florida Sun ...

Holliston's Loscocco to leave GOP, join Cahill's ticket ... 06, 2010 · Paul Loscocco of Holliston, a former eight-year Republican state representative, will leave his party today to become Treasurer Timothy Cahill's running mate in his bid for governor, the campaign ...

Bucolic ballots | The Economist population of Whitesburg, Kentucky is “1,534 friendly people plus two grouches”, according to the sign outside. The people here are warm and talkative and wry. They are also quite ...

Mississippi editorial roundup - Washington Times 19, 2017 · And the meeting in Diamondhead wasn’t one of those times. ... but it’s different this time.” ... and a home garage door out of his campaign funds.

Emmy Awards: 'Breaking Bad' and 'Dexter' Show It Pays to ... it's male characters that writers love to turn to the dark side. ... who is looking for a three-peat win in this category, has morally devolved his character of White over the past three ...

Vehicle inspection near Bangor - Maine (ME) - Page 3 12, 2011 · Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. After you create your account, you'll be able to customize options and access all our 15,000 new posts/day with fewer ads.

Manuel Bandera personality profile - celebrities-galore.com the ins and outs of Manuel Bandera, his relationships and compatibility with you.

Progressive Charlestown: Can’t handle the my writings on Progressive Charlestown, I investigate and report on the truth behind Charlestown’s byzantine politics and politicians. I also poke fun at those same politicians.

Rep. Kevin Austin faces first serious challenge from ... Springfield Republican ran unopposed in Missouri's 136th District in 2012 and 2014. This time, there's a race.

Sex, campaign funding scandals dog US House race in ... (AP) - A former Arizona state senator easily outpaced another candidate embroiled in a sexting scandal and 10 other Republicans to win Tuesday's primary to replace a U.S. congressman who quit amid charges of sexual misconduct.

Election Night Parties Planned Across the State ... 02, 2010 · (This is a private club and those under 21 are allowed, but it is an adult atmosphere.) ... for a bite to eat, a beer and a much needed wind down to the election season. Related posts. March 2, 2018. LPIN Testimony to the Indiana Advisory Committee. Read more. ... Yet the management are the ones making huge salaries off city payroll.

Blame Memes Don’t Fly; Dems Can Only Work on the Possible ... is how we understand people’s concerns hopes and fears. This is how feedback can be relayed anonymously up the chain so leaders understand what their members needs are. Not all candidates care about feedback from the trenches. Those who get it do.This is how we build an organization for real people, not corporations. Fire Many of the ...

Handful of activists protest Tampa's 'racist 18, 2014 · A fast-food worker who has been active in fast-food strikes calling for a $15 living wage, Bleu said such low wages meant that people like himself couldn’t afford to live in a “high-end ...

Dame Peggington Noonington Explains 'Work' To The Little ... somewhere in Berkley, an old man hears the opening bars of The Internationale in his head and wonders what brought it on. This is the real reason jobs and employment are the No. 1 issue in America's domestic life… And may more political leaders come up …

Growing up with Denham's KOA family | Living ... up with Denham's KOA family By Lisa Dowty ... "It was the year Neil Armstrong walked on the moon," Sam said. ... Ted said that a retired man in his 60s with a Ph.D. came up with the idea ...

NA Confidential: ON THE AVENUES: Money is the ultimate bully. Confidential believes in a higher bar than is customary in the blogosphere, and follows a disclosure policy with respect to reader comments. First, you must be registered with according to the procedures specified. This is required not as a means of directing traffic to, but to reduce the lamentable instances of flaming and personal attacks on the part of the anonymous.

The Old Jarhead: Book Recommendation: Grant by Ron Chernow 09, 2019 · The first he conquered. Though it was over-blown by his political enemies, by the time he was president, Grant had defeated alcohol. ... I expected to be most interested in his service to the Republic in the Civil War. I had courses in the war while working on my masters and history, and have read extensively on it ever since. ... Why Are the ...

Colorado Ethics Watch wins Clear the Bench case, but still ... 24, 2010 · There's a strange, split resolution in the political pissing match between Colorado Ethics Watch and Clear the Bench Colorado, which aims to throw the bums off the state's supreme court.

Daniel J Mitchell | Capitalism Magazine bulk of President Bush’s tax cut won’t take effect until at least 2004. It is scheduled to disappear in 2011. The president may have been pushed into this deal politically last year, but it was a mistake. Fortunately, in his State of the Union address,... Surprise! It Really is a World War on Terrorism

Little-known dimension to war on terrorism is playing out ... 24, 2006 · SANKABAR, Ethiopia—This is the war on terrorism that most Americans haven't heard of: A few days after Christmas, U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Adam Reed rode …

What he said is not illegal. Doing what he originally said ... he said is not illegal. Doing what he originally said would seem to be. He of course, after his legal advisors jumped on him for the stupid statement, has now said, of course I'd call the FBI... America... you can't do that.

‘This is SO dishonest’: Buzzfeed ‘Bureau ... - sflc.cm 08, 2019 · The first rule of Twitter is this … don’t send dirty pictures to anyone. The SECOND and more important rule of Twitter is don’t tweet something unless you’re willing to either stand by it, defend it, and or apologize for it later because tweets are FOREVER and even when you block people they can still see your tweets if they want to.

These moments of media insanity can be explained - are large segments of the main stream media that simply do not get out enough, especially in the U.K.: This Dildo Flag Was Mistaken For An “ISIS Flag” By CNN ~ David Mack But it gets even better. Mention intolerance and homosexuality in the same sentence and otherwise bright people become blithering idiots: Star … Continue reading "These moments of media insanity can be explained"

Nevada Progressive: Why Is AFP Playing in #NVLeg? time we checked in on AFP Nevada, they were leaving bizarre looking doorhangers in neighborhoods across Southern Nevada and planning some "Freedom Day" get out the vote rally for Republicans "concert" on the first day of early voting. And so far, it looks like the Kochs' pet "charity" won't be letting up any time soon. In fact, they may be flooding your mailbox right now.

Gorsuch Would Use "Originalism" to Affirm Right-Wing ... 27, 2017 · Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch says he's an "originalist." The late Justice Antonin Scalia, whom Gorsuch called "a lion of the law," also championed originalism. Justice Clarence Thomas now stands alone on the high court as a self-proclaimed originalist. Largely discredited by courts and legal scholars, originalism is ultimately a way to reach a right-wing result under the guise of ...

Democrats tilt towards Hamas, blame Republicans | Power Line is clear from recent polling. Seth Mandel points to a Gallup Poll showing that, by a 47-31 percent margin, Democrats do not think Israel’s actions in Gaza are justified. In addition ...

SMG Events Center Manager, Terry Torkildson thinks the is going to court one way or the other. A judge is going to have to decide who is responsible. #4 The D@ily Spin on 08.19.15 at 3:47 pm Denny Dome patina and cellulite is unusual and might apeal to a few. Reminds me of a short skinny guy I knew who had this emphatuation for big women. #5 The D@ily Spin on 08.20.15 at 10:04 am

Story of a Rescue: How 12-Year-Old Barak Ordonez Made It ... 26, 2010 · Looking for a shortcut to outrace his brothers during a hike deep in Bulow Plantation, 12-year-old Barak ended up lost 15 miles inside the marshy, park until a helicopter airlifted him out.

presidential campaigns | Constitutionalism and Democracy walked by a group talking about the election and a young woman was saying she would never vote for Hillary because of her personality – I forget the word she used. So I stopped and asked her if that was the most important thing in a candidate. She responded “Yeah” like wasn’t it obvious and went on talking.

October 2010 – 100 Trillion Connections much concentration of wealth at the top is not just bad for people in the middle and bottom, but it’s also bad for the economy. This is a message that is easily understood and that can help explain why our economic system is in such terrible shape, and that making the system more fair is also the way to fix it.

Never forget this either | Whatever Works 11, 2011 · POSTED BY ORHAN Since 9/11, America has dished out a lot more than was done to us that day. Some of the "achievements" that resulted from the 9/11 attacks include: the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children, and displacement of up…

August 20, 2012 News Read > Hawaii Free 20, 2012 News Read ... though a lot of the burden is on Lingle because it's a presidential year and because of who is at the top of the ballot," she said. "On the other hand, I think Lingle is a strong candidate who has proven that she can win in a tough state and she's put together a pretty strong campaign. ... (against Republicans) in ...

2751 comments on a single post. Alas, not mine. | Whatever ... 18, 2012 · 25 responses to “ 2751 comments on a single post. Alas, not mine. ” Donald Diddams ... country club republicans talking to each other. That doesn’t endear you to the electorate. ... of course he was talking campaign strategy. I think that was pretty obvious. But it was the bizarre mischaracterizataion of about half the electorate ...

The Urban Politico: Suffocating Echo Chamber a Pew survey last year found that the proportion of conservative Republicans who believe Obama is a Muslim has doubled since 2008 to 34 percent. Then there was the time Glenn Beck aired the theory that Obama is the anti-Christ (he later said he had been joking).

Rick Kaempfer: 2017-07-09 worked for Weezie when she was the GM at WJMK in Chicago. Always liked her. I interviewed with Chris when he was trying to hire me to produce David Lee Roth's show in New York. Thought he was a little young for that job at the time, but it was over ten years ago. Don't know the others.

Lunsford watch!: Union attack backfire? - The Rural Democrat article in the Lexington Herald Leader shook me to the core this morning. It tells a story of a UMWA member handing a UMWA hat to Greg Stumbo and quite conveniently the press was there to witness the kind gesture and also Stumbo uttered the words "See, not all the mine workers are against us," Stumbo said to a reporter standing nearby.

Message of Change Embraced By Some, Panned By Others was the message Gov. Dannel P. Malloy emphasized in his state of the state address Wednesday. Message of Change Embraced By Some, Panned By Others | CT News Junkie CT News Junkie

Luigi Boria makes State of the City surprise olive branch 04, 2013 · But it didn’t take long for Mayor Luigi Boria to bring up the not so good times with what seemed like an olive branch offer to wipe the slate clean with City Manager Joe Carollo, with whom he has had an ugly public spat that has led to corruption investigations after the latter made a slew of allegations during a three-hour public meeting.

Mr. Buckley Goes to Washington - Questia Online Library Buckley Goes to Washington [Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty and the State, James L. Buckley, Encounter, 294 pages] HISTORIANS OF AMERICAN conservatism pass too readily over James BucMey and his 1971-77 tenure in the U.S. Senate.

RealClearPolitics - US News - Apr 21, 2010 - AP source ... 21, 2010 AP source: Fraud case possible against NY senator Jim Fitzgerald. Federal authorities have raided a government-funded clinic run by the New York Senate majority leader, and a law ...

Blog | MyLO our current political climate, to see people from all walks of life join together and move toward a shared goal inspired great hope in me for the future. Not only did the communal-aspect encourage me to become more involved in my own League, but it also reminded me of how powerful an impact a group can have to effect real change.

Betty Freauf -- Criminals, Lard Butts & Nepotism, Part, LARD BUTTS AND NEPOTISM PART 1 of 2 . By Betty Freauf. ... Each legislator is given a staff allowance of $33,228 to spend however they wish and a recent survey showed that 13 of the 30 state senators hired family members and that 24 of the 60 House members did the same. ... Wirth was the only member of the House to cast a negative ...

Natalie Portman, Pablo Lorrain Pay Tribute to 'Jackie' Co ... 31, 2017 · British actor John Hurt, who died Jan. 25 at age 77, has several films awaiting release. But his last big-screen appearance was in Jackie, directed by …

Sports injury opens broadcasting door for Nick Nunnelly ... injury opens broadcasting door for Nick Nunnelly ’16. ... and they are the first two student announcers on Centre’s athletic webcasts. Despite having no prior broadcast experience, the two showed a natural talent for announcing over the course of the 2014 baseball season. ... Nunnelly had long considered Centre, but it was the ...

July finance reports for At Large candidates – Off the think these are the same person, and he filed a second designation of treasurer to reflect that he switched races. But I’m just guessing. CM Burks is in his first term after finally winning a race in 2011. This will be the first time he’s had to run as a serious candidate rather than as a gadfly.

Twin Cities musician Prince dead at 57 | Local News ... prodigious musical ability across an impressive array of instruments was tempered by his iconic, masterfully-controlled voice. Not afraid of controversy in his art or personal life, his influence on modern music cannot be overstated. Prince was born in Minneapolis on June 7, 1958. His debut album, “For You,” enjoyed moderate success in ...

May | 2012 | Power Line | Page 2 30, 2012 · Karski was the incredibly brave courier who brought the West word of the Holocaust in 1942. ... The lawsuit alleges that the regulations violate both the First ... but it is the green energy ...

GOP hyh Headeryy Headeryy ghghh yy | Palmetto Politics ... — South Carolina isn’t a swing state in the 2016 presidential election. In the grand scheme of things, its influence is relatively small, with just 50 delegates to offer to the GOP ...

Serb ‘Auxiliary Force’ Escalates Threats to Bosnia’s ... 22, 2019 · The issue, however, is not one of staffing or procurement. In any case, the figures for the Federation are misleading, as the entity’s police are further sub-divided along 10 cantonal forces, meaning that there is no single police force anywhere in the country on par with the highly centralized RS forces. And that includes Bosnia’s state ...

Jesse Jackson | Scared Jackson Says Barack Obama Should Pardon Hillary Clinton. PARDON, DID HILLARY COMMIT A CRIME? The Reverend Jesse Jackson called for President Obama to issue a blanket pardon to Hillary Clinton before he leaves office, just like Ford did for Richard Nixon. The question is whether Obama wants to taint his legacy with Hillary’s crimes.

Sins of Omission » Red Maryland 20, 2014 · The lack of ability for the Hogan campaign to get their message out is closely related to the sins of omission that News Editors at the Sun and other papers are making by choosing to focus on other things. The Sun’s slogan may be “Light for All”, but it’s proven to be anything but.

Frank McNulty Archives - Page 11 of 13 - The 02, 2011 · Former House Minority Leader Mike May used to joke Parker was the center of the universe. It turns out Douglas County might be. ... a Republican and a priest walk into a room … ,” he said. Comments Off on Under the Gold Dome ... The Centennial Republican is one of 10 lawmakers named today to a special legislative bipartisan committee on ...

The new Chairman of the RGA is Haley Barbour? Do ... 07, 2009 · Barbour, a former chair of the Republican National Committee and a longtime uber-lobbyist, has a record rife with corruption and cronyism that includes exploiting the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to profit his allies. Here are some lowlights: Family members and lobbyists profited from Katrina tragedy: Among the beneficiaries are Barbour’s own family and friends, who have earned hundreds of ...Status: ResolvedAnswers: 6[DOC]Introduction - Universalism--What Next.doc · Web viewOne key to UU success is to gain maturity, which Mark Twain portrayed as the ability to grasp two conflicting ideas without collapsing into confusion. We need this kind of maturity to manage paradox – three in particular. Head vs. heart – This dichotomy is viewed by some as a threat to the future of UU, but it could be our salvation.

45 Days to 11/5 INFO CENTRAL SCOOPED PATCH AND MEDFORD ... scenery is gorgeous, the action is intriguing - you've experienced it all before, but it is done in spectacular new ways. Even the one humorous moment of Bond being chased by the bad guy and some old Italian singing in his car getting in the way, kind of sort of works.

Elections, CPS among Arizona political issues on horizon, CPS among Arizona political issues on horizon for 2014 ... But what might prove more useful are the Top 10 things to watch out for in Arizona politics and government for the coming year ...

What to Watch for in Bill Barr's Confirmation Hearing ... 15, 2019 · Barr also made it clear in his statement that he was not asked by the president to make any promises, nor did he make any, but it’s likely that Mr. Barr’s memo was a significant factor in the president’s decision to nominate him for the attorney general position, and that’s something that will cast something of a shadow over the ...[PDF]Page 1of8 THE - in.gov stake are the epic issues of tax reduction and system over­ haul, the crucial battle for control of the split Jndiana House in 1998, and the footing Gov. O'Bannon will have as he seeks re-election two . years later. O'Bannon is counting on his Blue Ribbon commission on tax reform -which is ~upposed to issue its report in December 1998 -to

Brexit - or Article 50: the Phoenix! | Page 484 | Golf Monthly 21, 2019 · If you are not then it is a very dangerous move by someone who objects to a news outlet digging into their finances a bit. And as for Kate Hoey then she's a hard leaver so it's not exactly surprising she's said that. And if it's such a smear then I'm sure Farage will sue Channel 4 and the courts will find in his favour....

As Harassment Accusations Multiply, a Question: Who Stays 05, 2017 · Representative John Conyers Jr.’s stature because the longest serving African-American guy in House historical past used to be no longer sufficient to offer protection to him from a concerted push for his resignation after several aides accused him of harassment.. Mr. Conyers, 88 announced on Tuesday that he would leave the House immediately.. Yet Senator Al Franken, Democrat of Minnesota ...

SCOTT DAVIS - RAIDERS BLOG... - SCOTT DAVIS LA RAIDERS-LOS Scott Davis Los Angeles Raiders blog-posts and updates about the Oakland Raiders Carmen Policy, the driving representative force, engaged by both the Oakland Raiders and the San Diego Chargers to further their efforts for the prospective new NFL Stadium in Carson, California, is continuing to be front and center in news.

Top 10 things to watch out for in Arizona | Local News ... — Everyone has done a list of the Top 10 events of the past year. But what might prove more useful are the Top 10 things to watch out for in Arizona politics and government for the ...

environment – Page 3 – Post On state Senate sent Gov. Rick Scott a measure Friday aimed at expanding career opportunities for Floridians with developmental disabilities, the final piece of a package that was a priority for Senate President Andy Gardiner. Gardiner called the legislation (HB 7003) part of a “trifecta” of ... • New Air Force One 16, 2012 · The Internet's Best Resource for Shotgun Information

Catholic bloggers aim to purge dissenters | Faith and ... blog "Bryan Hehir Exposed" is aimed at a top adviser to Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley, the Rev. J. Bryan Hehir, who is the former head of national Catholic Charities and a professor at Harvard ...

John McCain Offers Critique Of 'Zealots' And Trump, With ... 01, 2018 · John McCain Offers Critique Of 'Zealots' And Trump, With Advice For Voters The Arizona senator and former prisoner of war, dealing with the effects of …

Nancy Pelosi has a major impeachment problem - wthitv.com it does speak to a larger divide within the party that will play out between now and 2020 as Democratic politicians try to find the right way to position themselves against Trump. If the CNN poll is any indication, for the base, the more anti-Trump and pro-impeachment you are, the better.

It's Sad That The Best The Media Can Do To Fight ... 19, 2015 · This week, noted ab-haver Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Ill.) announced that he will be resigning his seat March 31 under the weight of multiple examples of shady, scandalous behavior. "The constant questions over the last six weeks," said Schock in a statement, "have proven a great distraction that has made it too difficult for me to serve the people of the 18th District with the high standards that ...

Nancy Pelosi has a major impeachment problem it does speak to a larger divide within the party that will play out between now and 2020 as Democratic politicians try to find the right way to position themselves against Trump. If the CNN poll is any indication, for the base, the more anti-Trump and pro-impeachment you are, the better.

MISSOULIAN EDITORIAL: Montana needs impartial enforcer of ... it is an absolutely necessary position, particularly as Montana sees ever-increasing amounts of “dark money” dumped into campaigns from sources who do their utmost to remain anonymous.

National Enquirer Had Decades of Trump Dirt. He Wanted to ... 30, 2018 · But it turns out that Mr. Trump wanted to go even further. ... and a $150,000 payment to a Playboy model, ... who is a key witness in their inquiry into …

Where was Trick Shot Jones when Charlie Sheen flipped? 27, 2010 · But it's not all smiles in the News today. Under the headline "Bad-time Charlie strikes again," a picture of Charlie Sheen looking unshaven and saggy in sunglasses and a …

Voters have final say on Tuesday | Palmetto Politics ... have final say on Tuesday Edward Fennell; Apr 3, 2010 ... who is seeking a second term, faces challenges from councilmen Eddie Ellis and Tim Goodwin. ... "The issues change, but it boils ...

CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and it does speak to a larger divide within the party that will play out between now and 2020 as Democratic politicians try to find the right way to position themselves against Trump. If the CNN poll is any indication, for the base, the more anti-Trump and pro-impeachment you are, the better.

A HEART TO HEART ABOUT CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE | Black ... factors, along with diabetes, aging and a lack of awareness increase our risk of developing cardiovascular problems. WARNING SIGNS. Heart disease is often referred to as the “silent killer.” So how do you know if you are having a heart attack or cardiovascular distress? Women’s symptoms are very often different from those of men.

Nancy Pelosi has a major impeachment problem 12, 2018 · But for now the fact remains: Pelosi, who is widely seen as the next speaker of the House if Democrats can re-take the majority in 55 days' time, is not in the same place as the preponderance of ...

Nancy Pelosi has a major impeachment problem 12, 2018 · But it does speak to a larger divide within the party that will play out between now and 2020 as Democratic politicians try to find the right way to position themselves against Trump. If the CNN poll is any indication, for the base, the more anti-Trump and pro-impeachment you are, the better.

Dark Money Rules Kansas - 09, 2014 · Of the millions of dollars worth of ads aired in Kansas’s competitive gubernatorial race, most have not been paid for by the campaigns of Gov. Sam Brownback, a Republican, or his Democratic opponent, Paul Davis. Instead, two vaguely named entities have dominated television airwaves in …

Leadership is lacking in Colorado’s construction defects ... is lacking in Colorado’s construction defects battle Hickenlooper, Hancock, watch from sidelines as lawmakers fail to deal with the construction-defects stalemate

National Enquirer had decades of Trump dirt. He wanted to ... it turns out that Trump wanted to go even further. ... and a $150,000 payment to a Playboy model, Karen McDougal. ... As The Associated Press reported last week, some of the information was ...

National Enquirer Had Decades of Trump Dirt. He Wanted to ... 30, 2018 · Federal investigators have provided ample evidence that President Trump was involved in deals to pay two women to keep them from speaking publicly before the 2016 election about affairs that they said they had with him. But it turns out that Mr. Trump wanted to …

Nancy Pelosi has a major impeachment problem - wktv.com 12, 2018 · But it does speak to a larger divide within the party that will play out between now and 2020 as Democratic politicians try to find the right way to position themselves against Trump. If the CNN poll is any indication, for the base, the more anti-Trump and pro-impeachment you are, the better.

Matt Birong: Bill would smooth path for small businesses ... 12, 2018 · Editor’s note: This commentary is by Matt Birong, the chef/owner of 3 Squares Cafe in Vergennes who is a board member of Main Street Alliance …

There is no alternative | Power Line 19, 2011 · There is no alternative to a return to limited government and free market economics other than the stasis, socialism, insolvency, inflation, and incipient penury that are the fruit of the Obama ...

Conservative MPs demand that Home Information Packs be ... questions to the ministers from the Department for Communities and Local Government yesterday, a torrent of Conservative MPs asked questions of Ian Austin - a junior minister and former aide to Gordon Brown - about Home Information Packs, demanding...

The Skinny on Roberts' Goat--What Did and Didn't Get It are the implications of what upset him--of what got his goat? Yes, what's the skinny on Roberts? ["Skinny" isn't part of my everyday vocabulary. But it did seem like an appealing fit.] Let's recap. But let's first do it by considering what Roberts did not dissent about. What he did not complain about. ... --In one of those cases, ...

Texas Right to Life: Conservative Republican ... Conservative Republican Texas Right to Life (TRTL) is the largest, and oldest pro-life advocacy group in the state of Texas. Their political arm lobbies legislators during the legislative session to enact conservative reforms on life issues, while their PAC works during campaign season to elect conservatives and defeat Republicans they deem unwilling to stand for life.

Anchor Babies Are the Future - Wonkette 13, 2010 · By the Comics CurmudgeonIt is hard to move Lindsey Graham to anger, but once moved, his rage is implacable, and only a constitutional amendment can satisfy him. Lindsey is mad at babies, of course -- babies who have the misfortune of being pushed through …

Palo Alto Weekly April 1, 2016 by Palo Alto Weekly - Issuu 31, 2016 · Inadequate campaign-finance laws, he said, have created a system in which “you have rich individuals putting big money into the election process and getting their special-interest ...

Statewide political campaigns in Montana consider strategy ... Stapleton, who had $100,000 in his campaign account at the end of December, says he may be able to afford only one additional ad, if he runs it statewide at enough gross ratings points to be ...

South Carolina reacts to Boeing board member s appointment ... Carolina reacts to Boeing board member s appointment to Commerce Secretary ... He was one of the state’s top negotiators that brought Boeing to North Charleston. ... but it doesn’t do ...

Decoding McCain - CBS News 09, 2000 · After months of non-stop spouting to the news media, John McCain cut off the water works amid a spectacular backdrop of mountains and sky in …

Cohen testifies against Trump in House committee hearing ... Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer, arrives to testify before the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019, in Washington.

Chronicle — The Patriot Post top of Mr. Bush’s huge education spending increases, the Democrats want to add $75 billion more in the first year alone. Another $56 billion is earmarked for public works and social programs. The Kerry health care proposals will cost another $71 billion that year, or $653 billion over 10, according to a former Clinton Administration economist.

What’s In Your Gun Closet? In Florida, a Doctor’s Right to ... Florida, a Doctor’s Right to Ask Is Under Threat. November 28, ... “It was the first and only time that’s happened,” says Hammer. “We don’t see her anymore.” ... there are the ...

Because of MY carelessness my wife's political career is ... 12, 2008 · Yesterday, I found out that my wife's political opponent in this year's DA election has obscene photos of her with another man. I'd known about the photos -- in fact I had hired the PI who took them. And my wife and I had divorced after that earlier this year, but since have been trying to reconcile. Anyway, I called the PI, my old pal Eddie, and asked how the pics of her on a picnic table ...Status: ResolvedAnswers: 14

Developers are Crabgrass : Rhonda in the crosshairs. But ... 08, 2015 · But whose crosshairs is the interesting point. The Anoka County Board has multiple members, with Sivarajah being its most noted member, as its head and as one craving higher office. ... POLICE ENDORSED has to have a meaning, a context, and a discernible personality. G.R.Anderson writing over a decade ago, ... Roots in Montana with promise for a ...

NO MERCY: John McCain’s First Wife Speaks Out; McCain ... 09, 2018 · Discussion about NO MERCY: John McCain’s First Wife Speaks Out; McCain Dumped Her After Crippling Car Wreck, Angering Ronald & Nancy Reagan [Page 3] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more!

Due to the Mueller testimony, do you think impeachment is ..., Pelosi isn’t going to stop impeachment because Trump would win. Pelosi is going to stop impeachment because when the House votes for impeachment the Senate would not concur, and then the Democrats would lose their house majority, lose seats in...

Is balance of power in NFC North shifting toward Vikings ... 22, 2017 · They also are the only division team to win a Super Bowl — after the 1997 and 2010 seasons — since the mid-1980s. "If you can sweep the Packers, or get one of those games, it's pretty ...

Is Race-baiting going to be the Democrats saving grace ... 30, 2014 · Race is still the strongest subtext issue in American politics. Republicans are adamant on criticizing the Democrats for race-baiting but it was the Republicans who started racist appeals to Southerners between 1960- 1964. Goldwater in ’64 carried only states in …

From NY SAFE Act to Start-Up NY, Gov. Andrew Cuomo touts ... was the subject line on an email sent by Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office to subscribers Saturday night. The email contains a summary of accomplishments in the 2013 legislative session and a link ...

TRUMP VICTORY C00618389 - JW-2019 - johnnywunder.info Communications Vote; How money flows from campaign donors into Trump’s pocket (Date:Fri 19 Jul 2019 23:14:14 -0400) Donald J. Trump As he has done on nearly 40 occasions since being inaugurated, #Drain President Trump will depart the White House on Friday afternoon for one of the properties owned by his private company. It will be his 269th day in office on which he’s visited a ...

Central-Illinoisand_beyond: What Is CrowdStrike? Firm ... challenges to CrowdStrike’s credibility are significant because the firm was the first to link last year’s hacks of Democratic Party computers to Russian actors, and because CrowdStrike co-founder Dimiti Alperovitch has trumpeted its Ukraine report as more evidence of Russian election tampering.

Above The Borderline: Yesterday's Dixiecrats Are Today's ...'s Dixiecrats Are Today's Republicans (or conservatives or whatever) ... "But it was southern Democrats who formed the line to defend Jim Crow. Georgia governor Lester Maddox famously brandished ax handles to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant. ... I am one of those God- and gun-clinging conservatives, and know many others ...

Oil, gas companies spend big dollars on state campaigns ... recent weeks, Oklahoma’s budget stood in limbo for a time as Republicans and Democrats battled over how much to raise gross production taxes on oil and gas wells. But a third party was at the ...

Our View: Adding DMC fix to tax measure the right move ... Carlson, a DFLer from Eagan who is sponsoring the Senate's version of the bill, estimated outside groups spent between $150,000 and $200,000 in "dark money" for and against him in his 2012 ...

The circus | Philstar.com 11, 2015 · The Commission on Elections has found it necessary to urge politicians not to turn the filing of certificates of candidacy or COCs, which starts today, into a circus. But of course Philippine ...

Malloy Touts Budget For Intellectual and Developmentally ...’s budget will spend $3.8 million in support for the Intellectual Disability Partnership created last year to develop innovative and cost-effective ways to serve individuals with ...

Why Can't These 'Pro-Life' States Stop Killing Infants All ... 16, 2019 · The other problem is that untreated chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can lead to a host of problems, including ectopic pregnancies. Treatment for a whole lot of things is difficult, as many of these states are also dealing with very serious primary physician and ob-gyn shortages, particularly in rural areas.

Capitol View Commentary: Friday, July 27, 2018 27, 2018 · There is some split over who is trying to stop the Trump endorsement of Black. The Breitbart of Tennessee, THE TENNESSEE STAR blames Governor Bill Haslam who the publication labels as a Never-Trumper.

The Democrats Never Did Understand Economics | Power Line latest Democratic proposal is for a “windfall profits tax,” whereby they would steal the oil companies’ money and create a windfall for themselves. ... But it’s also important for the ...

Fredricks outspending opponents in special House race ... — Tom Fredricks, a candidate for the special House District 4 race in Morgan and Limestone counties, significantly outspent his GOP opponents last month.

Another Mount Vernon Mayor Indicted | Black Westchester press and social media have been abuzz about every detail, every update in the corruption case of the city of Mount Vernon Mayor Richard W. Thomas. But it seems he is not the only mayor from a municipality named Mount Vernon who is under indictment. This Mount Vernon is a town in Mobile County, Alabama. A…

Nancy Pelosi Should, And Will, Be Democrats’ Speaker Of ... progressives are thrilled that Democrats achieved their goal of taking back the majority in the House of Representatives. But taking and holding the House isn’t an end in itself. Taking back control of the House can be viewed the same way Americans saw the D …

Fla. Attorney General Bondi amends financial disclosure ..., who is engaged to ophthalmologist Greg Henderson, quit her job in the Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office in December 2009 so she could campaign for attorney general and thus had no ...

ITLM OTRS Presents: Squirrel Nut Zippers Live at the Door 19, 2019 · By Cesar Glanville I had the pleasure of interviewing Squirrel Nut Zippers’ main man, Jimbo Mathus, prior to his show at the vacation destination of Door County in Northern Wisconsin. I asked the question about shows in resort areas or vacation spots and if it were different than a straight SNZ show – he replied […]

Crime part of debate over strip-club rules | The Seattle Times part of debate over strip-club rules . ... What are the new rules? ... “It is one of the most difficult places I know to enforce the law because you are going into their world.” ...

Local News | Crime part of debate over strip-club rules 24, 2006 · Education Lab Visit Education Lab for the latest news and conversation on Puget Sound area schools.

Roads, schools, Gelman plume priorities for 52nd District ... 12, 2016 · ANN ARBOR, MI - The 52nd District state House race pits an Ann Arbor school board member against a Washtenaw County road commissioner. Perhaps not …

Interview: Watchdog researcher Kevin ... - Investigative Connor is a research provocateur and one of the leading intellects in Buffalo’s burgeoning activist community. The Boston native and 2005 graduate of Harvard University moved to Buffalo five years ago. Since then, he has launched two watchdog research organizations, the Public ...

Scurlock's half-million down to $14,500, and other ...'s half-million down to $14,500 Frank Scurlock, the New Orleans businessman who made himself a notable candidate for mayor by lending his own campaign more than half a million dollars ...

Search Results - Cincinnati Business Courier Steve Chabot could face his toughest political test so far in Hamilton County’s Democratic clerk of courts, Aftab Pureval, a former Procter & Gamble lawyer who is a Democratic candidate of ...

Update: Who Is Statue Of Liberty Climber Therese Okoumou ...'s Clark Fouraker has more information about Therese "Pat" Okoumou who trained for climbing before going up onto the base of the Statue of Liberty on the 4th of July.

W.Va. House 17 candidate: Joe M. Fincham (D) | Wv ... STATEMENT: As a Prosecutor, I have been on the front lines of our community's the fight against the heroin epidemic. I led the investigation into a crooked scrap yard in West Huntington ...

On Saturday, Connolly and Glasser's follow-up piece was a again return to a type of statistic they used in their Friday piece: CONNOLLY AND GLASSER (7/17): (5) More broadly, an analysis of the data shows that while Gore has spent about 47 percent of the $17.5 million he has raised in the first half of 1999, Bush's spending has amounted to just 19 percent of the $37 million he has raised.

Did Team Hillary remove classification markings? | Power Line 13, 2015 · Relying on an unnamed State Department official, Fox News reports that someone in Hillary Clinton’s “inner circle” likely stripped the classification markings from documents on her server: A ...

The fight against AFFH comes to the Senate [With Comment ... 02, 2015 · Rubio apparently is the first presidential candidate to take a stand against AFFH. ... (or lack of one) of candidates like Jeb Bush who associate themselves with reform conservatism. What are the ...

Coping With Social Media In The Workplace | CommLawBlog 16, 2010 · An employer’s guide to potential problems. Social media. All those irresistible Internet-based time vampires that allow everyday people to interact with a vast universe of friends and strangers in nearly infinite ways, personal and professional, important and trivial, worthwhile and worthless.

Residents get fit on the bluff with Humana - Mississippi's ... — Five Natchez-Adams County residents were recognized Saturday on the Natchez bluff during a citywide health and fitness event. Humana Inc. hosted a community-wide “Fit for Life ...

Former district attorneys say emails weren't enough ... 21, 2014 · Opinions vary on whether Gov. Scott Walker, while serving as Milwaukee county executive in 2010, knew his staff was illegally running a campaign operation out of his office. But two former prosecutors, one a Republican and one a Democrat, agee on one thing: there wasn't enough evidence to charge the ...

The Movie Fireproof; I Liked It | Sharp Iron 16, 2009 · Yes, I did. I didn't expect to. One of my wife's patients gave it to her. She was insistent that we watch it, and out of respect for her we did. A church in Georgia produced the movie and aside from Kirk Cameron, the actors were all amateurs, enlisted from the congregation. Cameron does a…

Assembly Higher Ed Chair Suggests Homophobia At Play In ..., who is one of a handful of openly gay members of the Legislature, stopped short of calling for Weisenfeld to resign, (the CUNY faculty union has renewed its calls for his removal). She did, however, say she would be “gravely disappointed” if Cuomo reappoints Wiesenfeld when his term expires in 2013.

I want to see a copy of his Birth Certificate also — South ... intended in the first sentence and not the second. ... Not sure who is running his campaign, but that is a huge fail. #14 rufusx on 04.05.14 at 4:32 pm ... I am not a Huether fan, but it has nothing to do with his political affiliation, nor should it have anything to do with President Obama’s appearance in …

Election 2014: U.S. House; Targeted House Dems continue ...“Rep. Barber has been having three strong quarters in a row, but it is only McSally’s first quarter, and candidates always raise more money in the first quarter,” said DJ Quinlan, executive director of the Arizona Democratic Party.

First Amendment: It protects us all | Columnists ... into Tony Papadimitriou's house, and you'll find all manner of antiques and memorabilia from the 20th century. But it's outside, out in front of his Manheim Township lawn, where you realize ...

State’s lakes — how low can they go? - SFGate are you getting your info on the levels of the various lakes? I’d like to know the source you used so I can keep updated. The recent story in which we detailed the lake levels of 106 ...

A tragic reality: Las Vegas will change nothing - Hill CONTRIBUTOR America woke up to two very painful realities on Oct. 2—the reality that evil is still alive and the certainty that nothing will be done about it. Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old retired accountant,rained down hell into a crowd of 22,000 for 11 minutes from the 32nd floor of …

East Bay man charged in bizarre arson rampage on his ... same day police were called to a house on the 4100 block of Churchill Drive in Concord where the arsonist exploded a Molotov cocktail and partially burned the home’s garage door.

GOD'S RED ARMY >> Four Winds 10 - Truth 07, 2019 · In his first months in office, Mr. Trump vowed to “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment, a federal law barring houses of worship, charitable nonprofits and private foundations from endorsing or financially supporting political parties and candidates. But it’s unclear what a repeal of the Johnson Amendment would accomplish.

Personal styles are on parade as Supreme Court opens term ... Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fired off the first question of the Supreme Court’s new term Monday, in a seeming retort to those who think that retirement might be in order.

Roberts versus Roberts | The New Republic 02, 2010 · If Roberts continues this approach, the Supreme Court may find itself on a collision course with the Obama administration--precipitating the first full-throttle confrontation between an ...

On the Capitol: Wild Idaho debate almost makes Wisconsin ... was left nearly speechless by the video of a debate between Republican primary contenders vying to be governor of Idaho, which went viral this week. Frankly, it makes Wisconsin politics look almost, gulp, boring. In it, a pair of fringe candidates — a leather-clad biker named Harley Brown and ...

The Digital Firehose: Power struggles from childhood to ... found this with Hitler, Nicolae Ceau?escu, and a few others which don't readily come to mind now, because those are the two that I remember the best. Hitler was savagely beaten by his father every day. He once confided in his sister that he had learned not to …

Florida U.S. Senate candidates' debate over debates ... While U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio have agreed to at least two debates, the U.S. Senate candidates are now squabbling over why their opponent won't commit to ...

RISING STARS – U-15 2011 CHAMPS | Amandala 25, 2011 · Rising Stars are Belize City’s 2011 Telemedia U-15 Basketball Champs. The Brads Neal led group won all nine of their games played in the tourney, and last weekend capped it off with two nail-biting finishes over Belama Hittaz in the finals, winning 53-51 on Friday night, and 51-49 on Sunday evening. Adrian Cardona was instrumental in his team’s win, hitting two tie-breaking shots in the ...

John McCain has the right to despise Donald Trump - kdrv.com great many Republicans have had their differences with Arizona Sen. John McCain over the years, and some of President Donald Trump's biggest supporters are using the occasion of the release of the senator's memoir to bash McCain in the sunset of his career and life. They take to Twitter to bash a ...

The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread 13, 2018 · “Vladimir Putin would go on to be president and he is president still, and just as he hijacked democracy in his own country, he is determined to do so everywhere,” the Arizona Republican said. “Denial of this reality will not make it any less real. This is something that is staring us in the face, right now, as we are gathered here today.”

August | 2012 | Power Line the month of August 2012, Power Line has received well over eight million page views, the most in our history for a single month. We have a blast running this site.

All-purpose news and politics thread: Two Steps Beyond ... 13, 2018 · All users, both new and returning, are expected to follow THE CBR COMMUNITY STANDARDS & RULES.. If your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.

Intelligence Allegations against the Trump Administration ... 16, 2018 · Clearly Muller has deployed the most powerful weapon in his arsenal... the EBA -Elite Beat Agents. But this really does feel like we're getting in to the end game here. Trump is backing up furiously as the evidence mounts against him resorting to "Well, yes, I did do that thing I said I didn't, but it's not that big a deal, really." and it's ...

Dr. Seuss Satirized “America First” Decades before Donald ... his thirst for imperialism, he succeeds at the expense of other countries. Seuss was considered a cartoonist legend. Here is a cartoon he drew during WWII, depicting how Hitler was taking control of Europe. Seuss, also known as Theodore Geisel, worked as the the chief editorial cartoonist for the left-leaning New York magazine PM from 1940 to

Malaysia’s Election Will Test the Country’s Stability ... 01, 2018 · Malaysians will go to the polls on May 9 in the country’s 14th general election. This is the most hotly contested election in Malaysia’s history, pitting the scandal ridden incumbent Prime Minister Najib Razak against a coalition led by former political enemies: former prime minister Mahathir Mohammed, who is 92 years old, and his […]

The Urban Politico: Book Reviews: 11/22/63 2011 novel by Stephen King is a very long book. 11/22/63 is just short of 1100 pages. The novel wasn't exactly a chore to read, King is simply too good of a writer for that, but it was a serious investment of time.11/22/63 isn't a horror novel; it's not full of creepy crawlies or things that go bump in the night. It is speculative fiction. King, as he is prone to do, leaves all sorts of ...

Political con artist’s AKA unveiled – Political 04, 2011 · “But it’s more to gauge the size of the damages,” Cody said. “Let’s say the thing went out to 10,000 people in Miami Lakes. ... Because one of Brito’s first pieces is an analysis of the politically-connected gaming industry’s interest in our community. ... Political con artist’s AKA unveiled added by Ladra on December 4, 2011

#wifebeaterincharge – Wilco Truth is also one of the primary and very vocal supporters for Bill Gravell, who is currently running for County Judge. Gravell is Harris’s old boss and current client. The County Judge leads the County Commissioner’s Court in developing and overseeing the county’s budget, including the budget of the District Attorney’s office.

Barack Obama: ‘Men Have Been Getting on My Nerves Lately’ 21, 2018 · "This is good and true", tweeted conservative commentator Ben Shapiro. "I have President Putin, he just said to me it's not Russian Federation". John McCain was the most denunciatory GOP politician, calling the President's behaviour "one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory". Obama cited global warming as an ...

A chat with veteran footballer Gerald “Speedy” Henry 20, 2012 · (FFB Executive elections were held last Thursday night, March 15. Speedy lost his bid for the presidency to another accomplished veteran of the sport, Ruperto Vicente, the new FFB President, who is joined by new Senior Vice-President Sergio Chuc, a member of his slate. A member of Speedy’s slate, Rawell Pelayo, is the new 2nd Vice President; and the two other new Executive Members, Cruz ...

US Elections 2016 - Page 4 - The Shed - Jambos Kickback 04, 2016 · Clinton is going to win the democrat nomination, because their core activist vote realises that Sanders can't beat Trump. That negative reasoning just plays into Trump. I just don't see any enthusiasm in the floating electorate for Clinton who is viewed as the same old establishment. First, Trump has to get the GOP nomination.

7 Highly Successful Introverted Entrepreneurs 20, 2018 · It’s true extroverted entrepreneurs are charming with words, have the ability to command audience attention with ease and can easily frame up reasons (facts with statistics) why you should buy their idea but the absence of those qualities do not dwarf the privileges that come with being an …

THE WEDNESDAY GRUDGE 16, 2012 · DEB FICHER PULLS OFF UPSET IN NEBRASKA SENATE PRIMARY This woman was in 3rd place 2 weeks ago and almost an afterthought.Then she got an endorsement from the most irrelevant,out-of-the-mainsream,stupid,inexperienced woman on the planet(or so we’re told),Sarah Palin.The liberals can make excuses until the cows come home, as sweet as my grandma’s …

Mueller Investigation | Page 33 | Wordforge 21, 2018 · His was the first reaction to this that I saw as well, and it totally confused me until i read enough about it to figure ut jus another one of Devin Nunes' coked up bullshit deflections. Then re-reading in context I realized King is trying to switch it to #NeverTrump(colluding with Russia) and "it was #alwaysHillary(colluding with Russia)

Nader's legacy: A generation of cynicism - Democratic ... was the first time I voted. I voted proudly. I voted Democrat. I voted for the Big Dog himself, Bill Clinton. When he beat Bush, I can't tell you how happy I was. The first time in my life a Democrat was President (yes, I was alive during Carter but was too young to know anything about politics). Things were going to change.

Thread by @AlamoOnTheRise: "Trump: Day 719 -Day 19 of the ... House passed the bill to reopen Treasury & IRS, the first of four appropriations bills the chamber will vote on this week. The vote was 240-188. 8 Republicans joined with Democrats to pass the bill. That’s 1 more than number of Republicans who broke ranks last week. - 31, 2018 · He has made inflammatory comments about former President Barack Obama in his relationship with his father who is from Kenya. He's also made …

Sexual assault on a child | | livingstonparishnews.com sexual abuse is a hideous offense, so much so that pedophiles are scorned outcasts even among the hardened criminals in maximum security prisons. But it is not rare.

Rizzo loses at-large seat; other familiar faces prevail City Councilman Frank Rizzo, who has served 16 years as an at-large councilman, has apparently lost his race for another term. Also, in the first council district, Democrat Mark F. Squilla appears to have won; Squilla captured 42 percent of the vote based on 90 percent of the votes ...

Miss. Commissioner Dale: Leader, Follower or Shill? look at Hurricane Katrina, which packed a storm surge that defied prediction, offers some insight into how Dale has approached his job. On one hand, he is a homespun, folksy politician who takes ...

The Palin Place: Honestly, is This Really Bristol's Top ..., I think he was probably involved in the brake cutting incident, but because he was a Palin, wasn't charged. Heaters were a good substitute and not something that a bus full of kids could have been killed. He wouldn't be the first dignitary kids that got away with something because of his name, but it …

Democrats ‘picking circus over a solution’: GOP Leader ... know,you could ask that president to the president, but a personal issue and why would most people not go to the American public about this? You have seen politicians do this exact same thing in the past. So to me, they’re trying to find a case for a problem that doesn’t exist.

Profit as a Disease, and Now an Epidemic - mhealthtalk.com Why American Health Care is So Expensive, I wrote about the many things preventing us from fixing healthcare, including the profit incentive, which is misaligned with public health. Now Goldman Sachs admits that developing medical “cures could be bad for business.” While some of the newest biotech research “carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a ...

Stormy Daniels ordered to pay Trump $293,052.33 in ... 11, 2018 · Stormy Daniels aka Stephanie Clifford has been ordered to pay Donald Trump $293,052.33 in attorneys’ fees, costs, and sanctions. The Order (pdf.) is embedded at the bottom of this post.. The case arose out of Daniel’s failed lawsuit accusing Trump of defamation for suggesting that Daniels fabricated her claim that she was threatened by a man to leave Trump alone. -'s all thanks to a departing cold front. We will clear out in the Big Apple, but look out for few late evening rain showers near Boston and a few snow flakes mixing in at times across of state ...

Fine Here Is Your Bloody Kurt Vonnegut - Wonkette 12, 2012 · When November 11 rolls around, it's pretty common to see this Kurt Vonnegut quote about the date trotted out, and god knows we've done it ourselves a few times in the past ourselves. But it's an awesome quote anyway, and since Vonnegut was …

For FPC Student-Athlete Allen Roberson, 16, A Summer ... 27, 2018 · For FPC Student-Athlete Allen Roberson, 16, A Summer Battling a Rare Brain Tumor And Aiming For Next Run. July 27, 2018 by FlaglerLive 11 Comments

Just because . . . – Dangerous Intersection 09, 2006 · The word "because" absolutely packs some power, it seems to establish a purpose for our assertions, intentions, actions, etc. I suspect that the people who allowed those to cut in line because they "had to make some copies" weren't really convinced the flimsy excuse was valid or even made any sense, but they just didn't want to outright challenge or question them.

The O'Reilly Factor : FOXNEWS - Internet Archive call. we are closing down shop. thank you for being with us. bill reibill o'reilly is next. we will see you tomorrow. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute "the o'reilly factor," is on. >> a fox is the only one clear eyed enough to see them for what they are. bill: john stuart goes after fox news on health care. we ...

» NELC fellow, Bill McKibben, talking about climate in The 02, 2019 · It is not hard to sketch out policy and other initiatives that fundamentally alter the key features of the current system, as I and others have done. (See, e.g., America the Possible: Manifesto for a New Economy.) But it *is* hard to bring about real change in the prevailing order.

Susan J. Demas: A battle of a lifetime 07, 2006 · Tim Walberg wasn’t even a glint in his steelworker father’s eye back then. But 13 years later in 1957, the future Michigan lawmaker had an epiphany of his own, squirming in the pine pews of the First Baptist Church outside Chicago. ... impressive for a challenger, but still less than half of Schwarz’s war chest.

New Economy Law Center - Vermont Law School is not hard to sketch out policy and other initiatives that fundamentally alter the key features of the current system, as I and others have done. (See, e.g., America the Possible: Manifesto for a New Economy.) But it *is* hard to bring about real change in the prevailing order.

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Will Wal-Mart ... 23, 2007 · This is the beginning of the end of the age-old argument in black politics that “you don’t want to put a brother out of a j-o-b.” ... But under the state’s porous campaign-finance rules ...

December 2012 – Page 5 – Trutherator's Weblog all, they have had monopoly control over the currency printing machine for a hundred years now, picking winners and losers. Liberty starts with ONE individual. Regulations are the best thing that ever happened to the corporate-government-media complex, it keeps down the Mom & Pops. The teenage ghetto girl that does a popular cornpone is ...

Money Down: What Poizner’s Cash Play Means « would be an unforced error, in our view, since the only people in California who have any idea who he is right now are the disheveled hordes who read Calbuzz, and he doesn’t want the first thing they learn about him to be that he beats up girls; beyond that, eMeg’s low-profile but expensive radio campaign has laid down a pretty good ...

Businesses say politics doesn't pay in this region ...“This is a couple-a-time shot once every four years.”Local media groups get some advertising dollars from presidential candidates, though it’s little compared to candidates for state and ...

Daily Media Links 8/8: Gatekeepers or Censors? How Tech ... Speech Platforms New York Times: Gatekeepers or Censors? How Tech Manages Online Speech By The New York Times Apple, Google and Facebook this week erased from their services many – but not all – videos, podcasts and posts from the right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his Infowars site. And Twitter left Mr. Jones’s posts untouched.

Google News - Overview David Daines (born August 20, 1962) is an American entrepreneur and politician serving as the junior United States Senator from Montana since 2015. He previously was the U.S. Representative for Montana's at-large congressional district from 2013 to 2015.

Which Jesus died on the Cross? (or the 7 things he might ... 17, 2010 · Which Jesus died on the Cross? ... Recently, I took a closer look at the differences between the four passion narratives and it no longer appears that the case. Mark was the first Gospel to be written and the vast majority of scholars understand that Matthew and Luke both based their gospel largely on Mark’s. But it is clear that Luke ...

Q&A with John Gaskin III – Clayton Times 31, 2018 · One of the things we have noticed, and we all know this but we just don’t talk about it the way that we should, is Metro has come a long way, but it has a tremendous way to go. It is very difficult for someone who lives in North County to get to South County.

Think Ignorance, Part 2 | Power Line night young Lee Fang, in-house video editor at the web site Think Progress, went on another hysterical rant against Koch Industries, one of America’s finest and most successful companies ...

June – 2008 – Cafferty File - special forces have been participating in U.S. operations to catch the terrorist leader in northern Pakistan, but it's the first time they're crossing into Afghanistan regularly. Of course, no one knows where Osama bin Laden is. He has eluded capture for almost seven years now. Some experts think he's in the tribal areas of northwest ...

Moving at the Speed of Creativity | Staying On Message in 09, 2016 · We’ve participated in and witnessed a historic and disruptive election in the United States. The election of Donald Trump follows the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom, but will likely create even more instability in international relations and financial markets.If Trump’s campaign statements are guide for the future, U.S. democratic institutions are at risk, similar to the Weimar Republic ...

Just Another Mattis Pep Talk?: How “Hold the Line” speaks ... 29, 2017 · So is this just another pep talk to the troops or is something else much more concerning afoot? I want to emphasize that not about Secretary Mattis. I am reasonably certain that he is an honorable man dedicated to serving his country as a civilian now, while continuing to live out Marine Corps values and military professionalism.

Liveblogging President Obama's Dramatic Confrontation With ... 11, 2009 · Yay is everybody ready for the most rip-roaring good time ever at a town hall since a mob of outraged yokels stole George Washington's wooden teeth and chased him off the premises clad only in his skivvies and the 18th-century version of a women's brassiere (two …

Welcome to Bluebell Hill, Alan Ayckbourn's fascist regime ... to Bluebell Hill, Alan Ayckbourn's fascist regime/neighborhood, recreated for the stage in 'Neighbourhood Watch' 12/07/2011 10:04 AM EST

New York Law School | Above the Law 19, 2013 · * George Zimmerman is going to be staring down an all-female jury for the next few weeks in his murder trial. ... This is Indiana and not California, right? ... but it’s also important to see ...

Tense debate moments between Byrne, Hay - Sentinel THE debate Wednesday night, there were several tense moments between Joe Byrne and Stephan Hay, two of the three Democratic candidates for state representative of …

Democratic Unity? and Tom Perez – The Progressive Wing Bernie trundles on, saying things the corporate media has been hiding: how the Democratic Party lost seats all over the country during Obama’s term, just how bad that is. He’s shown the DNC Chair to be a boor and a boob. He’s making it much harder for the Democrats to run the play they’re trying to run.

Grist Mill Ladies | | livingstonparishnews.com are three "Grist Mill ladies" now, four if you count Pat Crayon. She lives in Phoenix, but is as eager as her local sisters to keep that family tradition alive. Catherine Jones, Sue Lavigne ...

Dayton insults business: kangaroo courts mock local ... insults business: kangaroo courts mock local investors. Posted on February 12, 2009 @ 6:00 am by David Esrati ... Nick is an oddity in his business- one of the few local owners in an industry dominated by three giant companies. ... This is the first case that takes advantage of a loophole in the ordinance that has gone before a land use ...

Long shots the rule early at Del Mar - The San Diego Union ... Howard Zucker ended a long, long winless streak at the racetrack Wednesday by winning the first race of the Del Mar season. Race One of a scheduled 322 races, on what turned out to be a ...

Edward Kennedy’s Mole - Don Pesci 31, 2009 · Or, if agnostic and atheistic readers prefer a less religiously freighted expression, we might say Kennedy was the victim of “human failings.” Some of Kennedy’s human failings were monstrous. Kevin Rennie, a Hartford Courant commentator, touches on one of them in a Sunday column that appeared shortly after the senator’s funeral.

I Need My Blankee - Don Pesci 18, 2006 · I Need My Blankee The "blanket bit" in this interview with Christopher Hitchens is hilarious and helps to explain why there will always be an England. Bitterly critical of the CIA, it is also a manual in how get yourself a file in the CIA, the FBI and whatever comgressional committee is charged with overseeing international sleuthery.

Experiment and New York - Nonprofit Technology Boston will be the first city to host this new program for cross-sector collaboration and volunteerism, the model will be scaled to support skilled service in cities around the world. New York City was the first “City of Service” and since NYC Service launched, over 200 U.S.

White House Apologizes for White House Laughing at Wanda 12, 2009 · White House Apologizes for White House Laughing at Wanda Sykes September 11 Humor at Correspondent’s Dinner Isn’t this the type of behavior that Barack Obama wanted to change in Washington? All jokes aside, as some of the event was funny, there was …

Is Tea Time Over After Mcconnell - prijom.com will not even support their own at the first ‘sniff’ of trouble where as the Republicans can, will, throw tens of millions of dollars behind them to make them look good and use whatever it takes to get ahead.This is not to say all Republicans are shifty and devious…many have great powers of deduction, but those are the Republicans ...

The Plum Line - Frontiers in targeted labor-backed group Americans United for Change has hit on an interesting way of pushing back on the House GOP's drive to repeal the Affordable Care Act: An ad campaign on Facebook that targets people by House district and age. The House just voted to cut off funding for implementation of the ...

Immismustgo (u/Immismustgo) - Reddit from wiki, which isn't the best, but ::: Those with disabilities were among the first to be killed by the Nazis; according to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the T-4 Program (established in 1939) was the model for future Nazi exterminations and it set a precedent for the genocide of what they described as the Jewish race.[52]

GIRLS BASKETBALL | Doyle draws top seed in Class 2A to ... Doyle girls basketball team has spent a good part of the season as the No. 1 team in the Class 2A power rankings. Now the Lady Tigers head into the postseason with that lofty position still ...

Palmer Luckey issue statement on actions on Nimble America 24, 2016 · Mods, if inappropriate to post, please let me know and I will remove it. ... Sensitive information is being redacted for a good reason. I agree that the formatting leaves a little to be desired, but what do you propose he should do to prove his claim definitively to the public? ... I feel like "I'm sorry you're offended" is the first ...

Straight Dope Message Board - The "throw the election ... 25, 2016 · I know that it is just pie in the sky, but I am hoping for a similar outcome to the election of 1856. The Whig party was in disarray due to infighting between two factions, which allowed a third party (the Republicans) to gain traction, and actually finish second by electoral votes.

Paul Soglin: Waxing America: Time for Democrats to Grasp ... Soglin: Waxing America A candid examination of right-wing policies and the Democrats who play along and the horrid liberal policies designed to assuage the moderates but end up irritating everyone.

Wink Hartman, Libertarian Party candidate? - Voice For Liberty 08, 2010 · As reported by Rebecca Zepick on State of the State KS, former Republican Congressional candidate from the fourth district of Kansas Wink Hartman may be considering another run for that position, this time as nominee of the Kansas Libertarian Party.

Mueller & grand jury issuing indicts on Russians (Page 2 ...'ve said it before and others have summarized it better, but here are the basics of the effort, in short: The Russian effort began in either 2013 or 2014, depending on where you think the first stirrings of their activities occurred. Their goal was to cause confusion during the US presidential campaign.

Ronald Reagan | Page 12 | CivFanatics Forums 08, 2008 · Why single out Carter? He was hit by the aftershocks of Nixon's wage and price freezes. Speaking of nappies, the most pro-Raygun poster in this thread wasn't even born …

Karl Rove Exposed.! | Blogging Blue DailyKos This is unbelievable, except it really isn’t. Anonymous, has leaked a confidential internal directive from Karl Rove’s shadowy, billionaire-funded American Crossroads GPS. This shows how blatantly dishonest the right is and the lengths that they will go …

George W. Bush and the Nature of Executive Authority: The ... use cookies to offer you a better experience, personalize content, tailor advertising, provide social media features, and better understand the use of our services.

Electronic Secretaries - govtech.com 04, 2002 · If you want to take a virtual tour of the Georgia State Capitol, pay a visit to Secretary of State Cathy Cox's Web site. Click on the tour link and you'll get an inside look at the capitol, its ...

Nigeria’s Electoral Reform Stares at the Judiciary, by SKC 20, 2016 · Nigeria’s Electoral Reform Stares at the Judiciary, by SKC Ogbonnia. October 20, ... who is not connected to the original case, has been sworn in as the governor of the same state under review. But such concerns ought not to be. The law is the law. Besides, there is a set of prevailing precedence. ... but it is also vested with the power to ...

BCA will investigate allegations against St. Paul City ... Thao, center, receives a handshake from St. Paul city clerk Shari Moore, left, after she swore him in as the city's first Hmong-American council member on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013 in the ...

How the Foley scandal unfolded - CSMonitor.com 06, 2006 · The Thursday edition of the Capitol Hill newspaper The Hill reports: "The source who in July gave news media Rep. Mark Foley's (R-Fla.) suspect e-mails to a …

Lake-O-nomics: How polluted water could put a damper on ... 26, 2016 · Traffic on the Matanzas Pass Bridge, which leads out to Fort Myers Beach, was at a standstill, as it always seems to be in February, the height of …

A Blog For All: The Problem Really Is With Borrowers"We don't know the answers yet, but these are the types of questions that we have begun asking our servicers in detail," Dugan said. Can it be that these people should never have been homeowners in the first place? Maybe the problem really is home owners who should not be owning a home in the first place? What happened to income verification?

OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller - Page 67 | Bear Insider 29, 2016 · It is worth noting that the last Republican president to face impeachment, Richard Nixon, also lost his vice president as the administration became mired in controversy. Vice President Spiro Agnew pled no contest to a charge of tax evasion and resigned on the 10th of October 1973, several months prior to Nixon's own resignation.

Common Core likely to push state budget out of spotlight ... 09, 2014 · For help, he's enlisted state Sen. Robert Adley, R-Benton, who has filed legislation that seeks to ensure the governor's office has more of a say in who is …

NC Law Front and Center Again in Federal Court / Public Law Front and Center Again in Federal Court. ... Also known as the "Magistrate Recusal" law, it allows magistrates who don't believe in marriage equality to renounce their judicial oath to ...

Corruption Is Hard To Hide If You’re A Politician Whose ... old joke says if you want to know if a politician is lying, see if their lips are moving. New research shows that people can predict something about a politician’s honesty just by looking at ...

Stormy Daniels pictured for first time since Trump’s ... star Stormy Daniels has been seen for the first time since Trump's lawyer admitted paying her hush money. The 39-year-old dramatically pulled out of Celebrity Big Brother just minutes before it was due to air after a furious bust up with Channel 5 producers.. She then found herself at the centre of a massive political scandal back in the States after Trump's ex lawyer Michael Cohen ...

South Carolina lawmakers likely will miss their own ... Carolina lawmakers likely will miss their own deadline for creating new state Ethics Commission ... But it looks like they'll miss their own deadline. ... "It is the first time we’ve ever ...

Dull and Duller | The New Republic 16, 2001 · The hearing in Dirksen Senate Office Building Room 608 is tedium defined. Four frumpy economists are testifying about federal debt reduction before members of …

Jay Heck: Legislature must act on electioneering ... 07, 2010 · Since it is unlikely they will call the Legislature back to pass a revised Senate Bill 43 as the campaign season begins to heat up, it is really up to Doyle, who is not running for re-election, to do this. He should do it immediately, and the Legislature should pass it by the end of August so it will be in place for the upcoming November elections.

Article: The Unspoken Reason For the Rise and Fall 0f ... 08, 2012 · Article: The Unspoken Reason For the Rise and Fall 0f America - America is in decline, and the reason for it is the same economic system that once made it …

Trump and Kim un meeting. - Page 11 - NavWeaps Forums Tea NH wrote: If you're gonna play the whataboutism game, learn to play it at least semi-competently. The two cases are vastly different. 1) In Hillary's case, there were actual crimes at the core. Not proven. 2) In Hillary's case, the investigation was sabotaged and stymied by the Obama administration at every turn.

Wisconsin Democrats talk about getting young people to the ... 09, 2014 · Kelly Westlund, a 30-year-old environmental activist who is challenging U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Ashland, told convention attendees the party had to take responsibility for the devastating losses it suffered during the last midterm election, in 2010, when Walker was elected and Republicans won big majorities in both houses of the Legislature.

S.C. lawmakers still studying education overhaul, 24 years ... 05, 2017 · S.C. lawmakers still studying education overhaul, 24 years after rural districts sued the state ... even as the chamber's GOP leaders continue to fight the court's oversight. ... who is seeking ...

Glenn Beck Fans Don't Understand How We Can Possibly ... have no idea why this Glenn Beck notice we threw up the other day has gotten so much traffic, but it has, much of it from Glenn Beck fans, apparently. Did we say something mean about Glenn Beck? That post is probably one of the nicest things this blog has ever said about the irrational chalk munc...

Citizen-initiated charter amendment results in costly ... ballot issues are the cornerstone of our democracy, but one Ohio city found itself in an untenable position at the end of a three-year legal battle that included multiple trips to the board of elections, the Ohio Supreme Court and the federal courts. ... the Court ruled that one of the issues should be allowed to proceed to ...

We Deserve Better | News Stories | St. Louis | St. Louis ... 31, 2001 · We Deserve Better More than a cursory investigation by police is needed: I have known William Harlston for over 10 years and was shocked when I heard what happened to him [Wm. Stage, "Good Cop?Bad ...

Send: During Wednesday's rally, Trump's supporters chanted ..., Rep Ilhan Omar, Get all the Latest news, Breaking headlines and Top stories, photos & video in real time about WFMY News 2

Commuter Rail, Downtown Development Key Issues In Crowded ... alderman-at-large are the board president and the longest-serving member, David Deane. There is also Jim Donchess, who is a former mayor of Nashua. He served in the late 1980s through 1991.

How U.S. Sen. Tim Scott's personal history with racism is ... Sen. Tim Scott said Thursday that his personal experiences with racism compelled him this week to speak out against President Donald Trump's response to the violence at a white

The 2nd Amendment: Who Decides Its Meaning? - Conservative ... if it ever gets to a physical battle we need to remember the first rule of battle – make the enemy fight on OUR ground and to OUR strengths! The Government is not the United States. WE are the United States! We are the establishment! THEY are the criminal rebels – the Revolutionaries! WE are the …

Cover Story: Salamanders in the City - citybeat.com 14, 2002 · "Awareness is the first step. As you learn, you can begin to take one step here and one step there towards living in balance." Cahalan, who has …

The Drone Memos Offers a Critique of Obama Administration ... 13, 2016 · The Drone Memos Offers a Critique of Obama Administration’s ‘Shortsighted’ Policies on Targeted Killing ... but it provides a detailed, nuanced and thoughtful exploration of the legal arguments related to a key pillar of the United States’ (over)reliance on the use of drones to achieve counterterrorism objectives. ... such as the first ...

Unbowed by Trump, Democrats charge ahead with investigations 07, 2019 · The Foreign Affairs Committee was debating the war in Yemen and a war powers resolution to halt U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led coalition. ... Democrats had been off to a rough start as the …[PDF]Corporate Personhood - In his opinion, Marshall put corporations on a different legal footing than real people when he stated that a "corporation is an artificial being, invisible, intangible, and existing only in the contemplation of law. . ." 4. This was, however, the first time that the court found a corporation as an entity with Constitutional protection.

Expect the unexpected with Cutler - ABC News 24, 2014 · And that leads us to the defense, which no one predicted to be a strength this year, though it's much better than last year's unit. But it's a defense …

The Canvass July-August Canvass: No. 41, July-August 2013 . The Supreme Court Rules . The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on two elections-related cases at the end of June, one dealing with the Voting Rights Act and the other with Arizona’s proof-of-citizenship requirement at the time of registration.

Unbowed by Trump, Democrats charge ahead with ... 07, 2019 · The Foreign Affairs Committee was debating the war in Yemen and a war powers resolution to halt U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led coalition. ... Democrats had been off to a rough start as the …

2014 to bring a slew of judge elections for Jefferson ... Attorney Paul Connick Jr. also is up for a new term. ... It was the first time in 84 years that an incumbent Jefferson judge was voted out of office. ... One of those districts was drawn ...

Less talk, more action - Jeremy Solozano was the bright spark in the batting department, scoring his second first class century (104) in the first innings. The Red Force are hoping for a change of fortunes against Leeward Islands Hurricanes at the Brian Lara Academy from tomorrow until Monday.

Rep. Jenkins to challenge Sen. Manchin | News | timeswv.com is a popular former governor who is among the most conservative Democrats in the Senate, but West Virginia is increasingly hostile territory for his party. ... He was the only Democrat to ...

Differences Emerge in Four-Way Montgomery County Executive ... debate, hosted by the Montgomery County Sentinel, was the first candidate event with Frick since he switched from a congressional run in District 6 to the county executive race. The Bethesda ...

Springsteen writes Letter to the Editor - Free 01, 2011 · Springsteen writes Letter to the Editor ... Springsteen has always been a leftwinger who never hesitated to politicize rock. From day one of his career he supported leftist causes. In the eighties he, like John Kerry, opposed President Reagan’s foreign policy, the delicious fruit of which was the collapse of the Soviet Union and the freeing ...

OBAMA’S CHICAGO EXPERIENCE CONTINUED - Don Pesci 25, 2008 · When Obama became the first Chairman of the Annenberg Challenge in 1995, he was only two years out of law school. It was a $50-million fund (providing 2:1 in matching grants) to reform Chicago public education. Normally, a fresh young law-school graduate would have been unlikely to head it, unless Ayers had selected him.

Plain Talk: Prosser’s conduct unbefitting a justice ... 05, 2011 · One of his opponents in the Feb. 15 primary, Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg, is appalled that Prosser’s campaign manager said that the Prosser campaign was putting together an organization to return the justice to the bench, “protecting the conservative judicial majority and acting as a common sense complement to both the new ...

The Seattle Times David Gutman – The Seattle Times Seattle Times David Gutman – The Seattle Times. ... was the first, and so far only, time the emergency snow network has been used. ... who is running second or third among nearly two dozen ...

Russia probes kick into high gear - Page 223 - US Politics ... 10, 2018 · Can you imagine the outrage if Trump is somehow busted due to a pay to play with his foundation ???? Just thinking about the irony is making my cheeks hurt from smiling. ... The Clinton Foundation was the first thought that jumped to mind. ... join the WH but couldn't make the cut ends up immediately hired by the dude who gave the Trump ...

Campa-Najjar grabs 50th District momentum | Escondido ... that was national news blared from coast to coast on cable TV, the real news was the momentum grabbed by Ammar Campa-Najjar, the patriot who is about to rescue the 50th Congressional District of California from the clutches of the 37-year reign of fraud and greed perpetrated by the Duncan Hunter (I and II) criminal grifter family.

Hillary scores for Obama | Power Line How clever of the Democrats to give part of Hillary’s prime time slot to a buffoon whose views on the importance of drilling are contrary to those of most Americans. ... But it was the ...

What the Iran deal means for U.S. motorists – Climate ... 26, 2013 · What the Iran deal means for U.S. motorists – Climate change work still to come, Obama tells donors. ... who was the acting solicitor general from 2010 to 2011 and ... but it could be longer ...

Althouse: "The first liberal Democratic president took ... 10, 2013 · "The first liberal Democratic president took office exactly 100 years ago this spring." ... But it is not only Wilson who has slipped out of view, Johnson was disappeared almost immediately. ... He was the only Democratic President of the 20th Century to put the interests of the country above his own will to power.

March | 2018 | GAB | The Global Anticorruption Blog 30, 2018 · On March 1, 2018, India began its latest effort to clean up the financing of political parties and elections. This efforts involves the sale of so-called “electoral bonds” at select state banks across the country. The term “electoral bonds” is a misnomer, for these “bonds” are not linked to elections, nor do they involve paying back a loan or yielding interest.

Three Reasons Why You Should Care About the Fourth Circuit ... 25, 2017 · At any other moment in the recent past, Tuesday’s ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA would have been a much bigger deal, and would likely have received far more coverage than it’s gotten thus far. (Thanks, Obama…) In a nutshell, the Fourth Circuit held that Wikimedia does have Article III standing, at […]

Elections Archives | Nancy Bordier's Blog the worldwide gap between voters’ priorities and those of elected officials widens, as measured by their legislative actions, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to argue that supposedly democratic governments are really democracies. The U.S. may be the best case in point, but it is not alone.

Occupy MN Prompts Clergy to Oppose Home Foreclosures 13, 2011 · Are the Occupy MN protestors making a difference by defending foreclosed homes? They are with clergy in North Minneapolis. David Snyder of Jewish Community Action — and an organizer of the interfaith Northside Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) press conference at Shiloh Temple today that called on banks to work with homeowners in foreclosure — said that the …

War | Bark Bark Woof Woof Syrian civil war goes on but it’s not dominating the news cycles, and ISIS is a lessening factor. I don’t know if it’s sheer exhaustion. The refugee crisis goes on but with a lesser magnitude. Our diplomatic thaw with Cuba will freeze as the attempts to end the blockade will not get through Congress.

McCain's Acceptance Speech | Republicans for have managed to come across a draft of Senator McCain's acceptance speech: My Friends, thirty years ago when I was being tortured as a POW, I couldn’t have dreamed that a day like this would come; that I would have the chance to accept my party’s nomination to be President of the United States.

InformalFeedback (u/InformalFeedback) - Reddit's famous speech > And so, that is where the money came from. Let me just say this, and I want to say this to the television audience: I made my mistakes, but in all of my years of public life, I have never profited, never profited from public service--I have earned every cent.

Clinton Township GOP activist banned from politics raises ... 21, 2012 · A young Republican activist who was banned from Republican politics for 10 years after admitting that he pocketed thousands of dollars in GOP funds has finally filed financial reports with the ...

Devin Nunes Says You'll Be SHOCKED When You Read This ... 30, 2018 · But anyway, speaking of documents and speaking of Devin Nunes, the point of this post is that on Sunday, Nunes tied his therapy cow to a post and gave her a magazine to read while he sat for a Fox News interview, and he is just HET THE FUCK UP about the redacted sections of the Carter Page warrants that he has not read. In fact, he told Fox's Maria Bartiromo that you are all gonna literally ...

I am a 24 year old mother of two who was sexually molested ... 01, 2011 · I am a 24 year old mother of two who was sexually molested by my step father from age nine-ten. It has effected my life negitively in many ways and he has never faced charges for the crimes he commited. My mother became aware of the situation and did not persue him criminally but rather asked me "nine y/o" at a family meeting what i wanted to do.

Lehigh County Has Four Outstanding Judicial Candidates 16, 2011 · Lehigh County Has Four Outstanding Judicial Candidates ... If Reichley, are the citizens, going have to pay for a special election to fill his seat? Personally I like Pavlack. May 16, 2011 at 10:01 AM ... Reichley was the prosecuting attorney in the Jeffrey Howorth trial. Howorth shot his parents to death and fled to Missouri.

steve cooley | Dr. Gary Karlin Michelson Forbes billionaire“After a break for a lovely dinner, Janet Moore, Head Deputy, Long Beach branch office at the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, presented the award to the Honorable Steve Cooley for his devotion to animal welfare issues and for creating the Los Angeles Animal Cruelty Prosecution program.” to a baseball game last night, the Jays trounced the Mariners and it was a great night for a ballgame. I met up with some friends who work at Queen's Park and we had an interesting conversation about Ontario Politics.

Sitemap - Why was the Kentucky clerk so upset about the marriage licenses? ... 2/3/16 Who is taking care of the victims of the gas leak in LA? ... Man Has DNA Changed in His Own Body. Scientists Find Another Exoplanet That Could Sustain Human Life.

Malloy Revises Property Tax Credit, Reduces Middle Class ... move admittedly comes at some expense and creates a $123 million gap in his proposed $1.5 billion tax package. “I think a move that we can make that does not change the framework of ...

Daily Topics - Friday February 11th, 2011 | Thom Hartmann 11, 2011 · Daily Topics - Friday February 11th, 2011. Feb. 11, 2011 9:23 am. By shawnt56 ... as this is the first they have heard anything about this. ... Are the politicians and the rich actually saints who are following Jesus’ words in the Holy Bible? Are the politicians and the rich God’s chosen people since His death on the Cross?

Rep. Reed on Trans-Pacific-Partnership and Fast Tracking ... 07, 2015 · Rep. Tom Reed's May 26 Big Flats Town Hall Meeting discussed his "Defense of Property Rights Act" and "Social Security Disability funding" which were the subjects in earlier New NY 23rd articles. A third topic that took a good portion of the almost two hour meeting was "The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Trade Performance Authority (TTA)".…

Is the President Above the Law? - Forumania Clinton had his law license suspended as he was leaving office and he paid a 25,000 fine for his misconduct to the Arkansas bar. In his civil case (where a sitting President can be sued), Clinton was fined more than $90,000 by the District Court because his …

70 Homes and Counting as Brad Pitt's Make It Right Project ... 26, 2012 · 70 Homes and Counting as Brad Pitt’s Make It Right Project in New Orleans Builds On ... When I asked him what was the best part of living in his home, he smiled the biggest smile and said ...

On This Day, part 5 - much of who we are is what we do, but a lot more of what we do is who we are. We can’t forget that, and we can’t attempt to ignore it out of misplaced guilt, or anger, or the sense of betrayal that I know we all feel. We came together for a reason, we fought to have this chance, we made the impossible happen, and who we are today.

BROWNSVILLE VOICE UNBOUGHT VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY "Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds."

Milne running for governor - newarkadvocate.com Milne said today he would be running for governor against incumbent Democrat Peter Shumlin.

news-4-you | Currie & Casper - Citizen Apathy!Currie & Casper - Citizen Apathy. by Ken Casper . Fewer than 5,000 people voted in the recent election for mayor and city council out of a voting population in San Angelo of more than 50,000.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Horton: Big Mouth, Fat Wallet ... 18, 2010 · There is probably a way to turn it off in the embed code, and if I find it, I will reload the video bc it was fascinating. I figured Simmons would come across nasty but it was actually Horton who tried to bully his way thru he debate. What got to me was the way he defended defined benefit pensions, which really are bankrupting this country.

Gang violence erupting in San Juan Capistrano | Orange violence erupting in San Juan Capistrano as teenagers kill a 14 year old with a piece of concrete. ... This is a sad incident and downright scary. 14 year olds out looking for trouble sure found it. What do the parents of these kids have to say for themselves? ... Im courious if it was the same you have sa pic?to see if its the ...

16 | February | 2018 | The Confluence 16, 2018 · 2 posts published by riverdaughter on February 16, 2018. From a study by his officials: In the report, “The State of Homelessness in America,” even shelters get some of the blame for increasing the number of people who are homeless.The argument: Some people would be able to find their own housing if they were turned away from shelters.

G.R. No. L-8527 March 30, 1914 - scribd.com Coast v. Hurd - View presentation slides online. West Coast v. Hurd

Alimony – American Fathers is the “safe drunk driver argument.” Most drunk drivers don’t get in accidents. They get home safely and sleep it off. Therefore drunk driving is OK. It’s not OK. And exiling fathers from families is not OK. The fact that will not go away is stated by sociologist David Popenoe in his book Life Without Father:

The Slowly Boiled Frog: Just how much money is NOM's 28, 2014 · After all, a clear conflict of interest. It's also a conflict that NOM has not publicly addressed. It wouldn't be the first time that Eastman indulged in self-serving activity. In 2009, when he was the dean of Chapman University's law school, Eastman recruited his good buddy John Yoo as a visiting law professor.

Somebody I Actually Know is Going to Jail | Banning, CA Patch 31, 2011 · It has been said there always has to be a first time and at the ripe old age of 62, I think something has just happened to me for the first time. No, it isn't seeing a triple play in a baseball ...

monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events - Page 2404 19, 2018 · I know it is hard for you to separate those facts, but those are the facts. Quote: As for Avenatti, why the hell sh0uldn't he talk about it? He's being paid to represent her-and boy is he ever kicking ass. It's sad the the MSM has taken it to such a level. If Trump had been in the WH like Clinton, I would agree with you, but he was a private ...

Recycled Hippies: The Revenge Agenda there are two more storms out there after this one. For a moment, it looked like it was the Lord's will to take out Mar-a-lago, but at the last minute, Hurricane Irma made a left turn and said, "Screw it. I'm going to Disneyworld." If Trump's visit to Houston is a precedent, I pray for the people of Florida.

Stevie Bovo talks tough on transit, floats bed tax for 05, 2015 · This is the same county commissioner whose top aide Anamari Pedrosa stashed hundreds of absentee ballots in his district 13 office in 2012. This is the same individual who has been elected to our state government since the early 2000s by …

The Pixies get new charge from bassist Paz Lenchantin, and ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... but it just felt like I was ...

Why is everyone so obsessed with Steve Bullock? 14, 2017 · nothing gets an Atlas poster harder than a successful Democrat from Wyoming or a successful Republican from Rhode Island. more seriously, Bullock has won twice by decent margins in a deep red state during Presidential years where the Republican Presidential nominee won by double digits, and did so not on the back of a moderate hero campaign but a fairly center left populist …

Macon candidate challenges reveal rift between ...“All this has been good for me. I am not a politician. Now I am waking up to realize there are elements out here I have to be aware of,” Shields said. “I need to get my political house in order and making me do it.” A tricky timeline. The challenge against Haven was the first one to come down the pike last week.

Save Valley Village Vote-Trading Lawsuit Against LA City ... 21, 2016 · In October the City filed a demurrer, 1 and then in the last couple weeks there have been a number of documents filed, leading up to the Court’s dismissing the case with prejudice. 2 It’s a pity in one sense, because precisely one of the ways in which the City Council is corrupt. It ought to be against the law, and if the Court is ...

Films – Dangerous Intersection was born in 1934, which makes him 75 now. This seems incredible to me, sobering even. He will always seem to me to be about 40, even though I have seen him now for years with white hair and other attributes of age. The voice has gotten a bit rougher, but he's just as sharp as ever. I have been in his actual presence on two occasions.

Let's All RELAX, DAMMIT, And Send Our Love To Ruth Bader ... 21, 2018 · US TOO! So we, who are the boss of you, are here to tell you to RELAX. And we're saying it for a few reasons! ... In fact, according to a Doctor On The Internet, it's pretty normal to end up with growths like this after broken ribs at her age, and it's good they got in there to find them: ... PFFFFFFFT. This is a woman who has beaten cancer ...

Carl Brewer: State of the City for Wichita, 2012 Brewer: State of the City for Wichita, 2012. ... In his speech, Brewer several times criticized those who act on “partisan agendas.” This is quite a remarkable statement for the mayor to make. Partisan usually refers to following a party line or platform. The mayor didn’t mention who he was criticizing, but it’s likely he was ...

Democrats | Power Line | Page 4 17, 2019 · Here are the tweets: ... We went to a baseball game this afternoon, nine from my family altogether. ... Martha MacCallum invited Rep. Dan Crenshaw on for a …

Entrepreneur: Boost Calif. Wages To $12-An-Hour – CBS Los ... 12, 2014 · Democrats across the nation are eager to make increasing the minimum wage a defining campaign issue in 2014, but in California a proposal to boost the …

LePage proposal: Struggling schools would lose students to 07, 2013 · LePage proposal: Struggling schools would lose students to school choice ... “The grading system is going to give us some places to look but it’s …

To Battle Nit-Pickers, Palm Coast Will Make ... - FlaglerLive 11, 2015 · In an attempt to fight back against harassing and nit-picky neighbors, the Palm Coast City Council will require names and email addresses from people …

Midterms: Democrats in close House races dial back anti ..., Illinois — Brendan Kelly, the Democratic county prosecutor who is looking to unseat Republican Rep. Mike Bost here in Southern Illinois, started his pitch to voters at a recent meet-and ...

Hillary, outspoken against Citizens United in early ... Donors are the 1st 6-8 donors to someone's campaign, they might have an interest in having their interests forwarded. I don't have five figures to accompany my vote. Just a monthly pledge. The whole think stinks to high heaven and everyone, including the candidates from both parties, know it.

Beware of the White Moderate | The Progressive 10, 2008 · I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate (or "Independents," as they're now called). I …

jobsanger: Let's Be Honest - Trump Policies Are Killing ... may think the headline above is over-the-top. I don't. The policies and actions of Donald Trump are not just bad for the country, but are actually causing Americans to die -- people that wouldn't have had to have such an early death if reasonable policies had been pursued. Here's how Paul ...

‘Best round ever’ puts Emily White atop leaderboard at ..."The first shot of each hole is very important for me," she said. ... but it wasn't as hot as it was the other day," said White, who carded a 15-over 87 Friday at Willodell. ... The 15-year-old ...

It's FACT That Russia Attacked The United States In 2016 Russian government attacked the United States in 2016. That attack was on the essence of our democracy -- our electoral system. This is not supposition. It is a FACT. And so important a fact that it was the first sentence in the Mueller Report. It does not matter whether you think the rest of ...

Breitbart's Ben Shapiro Is Totes Offended At Obama’s ... in keeping with Shapiro’s adamant pro-life beliefs, he delivers this point despite the fact that it was only in its first trimester of development and was the product of an incestuous relationship between him and his spiritual granddads in the John Birch Society: Government is not us.

Speech Fails to Sway These Undecideds ( 04, 2004 · That section of the speech was the easiest to listen to, they said, and it spoke to some of their worries about him. ... to tell you the truth," the first-year student from Amherst, N.H., said ...[PDF]HL^^ ^--^> until October 8, 2012 through happenstance while she was on the internet. This is the first grievance Complainant has ever filed against anyone in her 25 years practicing law, and she did, in fact, between July 31 and October 7th, mull over whether to proceed in filing a complaint against a …

Queens Crap: Speaker candidate wants term limits extended ... 06, 2017 · From the Daily News: A candidate for City Council speaker has drafted a bill to extend term limits for the Council to three terms. Councilman Jumaane Williams plans to introduce the legislation by the end of the year to allow Council members to serve three four-year terms instead of the current two, if voters approve the idea in a referendum.

While Republicans flounder, the mood is turning ugly ... was their message to the great American people as a whole in the first great event of Election 2012? ... While Republicans flounder, the mood is turning ugly ... But it was riveting to hear ...

Elizabeth Warren’s Government Shutdown - Commentary 11, 2014 · Most of the press clearly sympathizes with Warren’s rabble rousing on behalf of ineffective campaign-finance laws as well as a regulatory regime that has caused as much trouble as the problems it was supposed to solve. Warren’s rhetoric denouncing the rich and Wall Street is catnip for a press corps that shares her political point of view.

Now-legal outside funding spices Senate campaign ads ... 15, 2010 · _ The Emergency Committee for Israel slammed Sestak in July TV ads for a 2007 speech he made to the Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations. A spokesman for the group, run out of the same public-relations firm in Washington, D.C., that lobbied for war in Iraq, declined to identify its donors.

Is Sen. Sherrod Brown's (D-OH) newspaper reporter wife ... 09, 2011 · Is Sen. Sherrod Brown’s (D-OH) ... Is it appropriate for the wife of a sitting U.S. senator to report on political issues for a major newspaper in his state? If so, would propriety require that the reporter and the newspaper disclose the nature of the relationship between the reporter and the senator? ... but it would seem that funding with ...

Impressions of Tonight’s Debate | Power Line GOP presidential debate is coming to a close. Here are some random thoughts: * I doubt that many people saw it. My wife wasn’t able to find it on television, and finally tracked it down on ...

Health Care and the Road to American Serfdom - The Globalist that health care consumes close to a fifth of the nation’s GDP, this one industry not only makes up a vital part of the U.S. economy, it accounts for a very sizable share of American families’ household budgets. Against that backdrop, it is important to rob American conservatives at least of one falsehood.

Out of Commission - Washington City Paper 27, 2008 · But it was Cora who gave the intro, and Christopher’s only appearance of the day came in the tribute video: “Following in his footsteps and living in his shadow has not been easy,” he testified.

Political positions of Gary Johnson - Infogalactic: the ... policy Budget, deficits. Johnson has said that the United States is heading toward an economic crisis similar to the 1998 Russian financial crisis, and that it can be stopped only by balancing the federal budget. As such, he promised to submit a balanced budget for the year 2013 and promises to veto any bills containing expenditures in excess of revenues.

2014 | Power Line | Page 9 a recent column Thomas Sowell urged his readers to “Give the gift of books!” I second that emotion (as well as the books to which he draws attention). I think the following five books are ...

Oil and gas defenders, critics test Colorado's new law ... (AP) — Colorado has just begun rewriting its oil and gas rules under a new law that flips the state’s priorities from producing energy to protecting the public, but industry defenders and critics are already testing the legislation’s limits.Officials in energy-friendly Weld County say the new law gives the county complete control over the location of new wells in unincorporated areas.

Learning while facing danger behind wheel - 16, 2008 · Learning while facing danger behind the wheel Driving clinics, such as the one Saturday in Rosemount, give teens a safe place to find out what happens when they lose control of cars.

D.C. Wire - MaryEva Candon edges closer to D.C. Council 13, 2011 · MaryEva Candon, who's been a local Democratic Party leader for more than three decades, said she will run as a "fiscal conservative" if she enters the race for an at-large seat on the D.C. Council. Candon, who lives in Ward 2, said she has picked up …

Voters torn between jobs, values | Palmetto Politics ... Carolina's pivotal role could be enhanced in 2012 because the state is suffering economic woes that both Iowa, with its 6 percent jobless rate, and New Hampshire, where unemployment is 4.8 ...

Regina Montoya - Ballotpedia 04, 2019 · Every district in Dallas has neighborhoods of concentrated poverty. More than 100,000 children in Dallas live in poverty. As Mayor, I will take what I learned as the leader of the Mayor's Task Force on Poverty and the Child Poverty Action Lab and work to reduce the key drivers of poverty.

Donald Trump's Authoritarian Moment | 19, 2016 · Election 2016 Garst writes about the presidential election and the impact of Donald Trump's authoritarian moment. Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Sharing Economy Brian Garst discusses why the Left should fear the sharing economy. Photo by Adam Berry/Getty Images

City Fleeced for Ball Gear | News |“As soon as the investigation is complete, appropriate action will be taken.” Some items, including a dozen batting helmets for $344.28, two chest protectors for $275.98, two pairs of leg guards for $285.18 and two catcher’s helmets for $202.38, were ordered in red, one of Española Valley High’s school colors.

BRITS IN A SNIT AS ISRAEL’S PREZ PERES CALLS THEM ANTI ... Dr Jonathan Romain, minister of Maidenhead synagogue and a writer and broadcaster, said: “I am surprised at Peres. It is a sweeping statement that is far too one-sided. “Britain has supported both Israel and Arab causes at different periods over the last 50 years. There are elements of anti-semitism but it is not endemic to British ...

Ship Of Fools: Britain, America, & The Iranian Oil-Tanker ... by T.J.Coles via, Taking over from Britain’s colonial role in exploiting the country, the US has bullied and tried to intimidate Ir

Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin Face Court as College ..., Mass. — They have been placed on leave or lost their jobs, had book contracts canceled and television shows scrapped. They must seek permission to…

The Union News.: 5/25/09 06, 2009 · We asked one of the sign holders what was substandard about their construction and he told us “They used guys from New Jersey.” ... groups will be eligible this year for up to $3 billion in federal funding from President Obama’s stimulus package and a separate $5.5 billion set-aside for grants in the Department of Housing and Urban ...

DEMOCRATS HOST RADICAL MUSLIMS AT CHARLOTTE | … 25, 2012 · The Democratic Party is sanctioning a Muslim prayer event in conjunction with its nominating convention in Charlotte that will feature a radical Islamic leader who has called for the overthrow of the “filthy” U.S. government and establishment of Islamic law. “Jumah at the DNC” is being presented by the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs, or BIMA, from Aug. 31 to Sept. 1.

Cary Lawyers - Compare Top Attorneys in Cary, North ... Lynch was born in Boone, North Carolina. In 2001, her family moved to Cary, North Carolina. Ava obtained her undergraduate degree from North Carolina State University and her Law Degree from Campbell University. In August 2017, after a six-year courtship, …

High irony as township official pursues medical pot ... and federal prosecutors have been trying to determine whether any grant money was improperly spent or distributed across the Chicago region in advance of the 2010 election to help Quinn with ...

Robert Bullard | Speakers Bureau and Booking Agent Info and booking information for Robert Bullard, Professor of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy at Texas Southern University; Environmental Racism and Justice Activist. Contact All American Speakers Bureau to inquire about speaking fees and availability, and book the best keynote speaker for …

Editorial: Arrogance defined by McCain further protection, Madison and the first Congress approved the First Amendment to the Constitution to protect forever the right of every American to freedom of speech, religion, press ...

Outside groups spending millions on Ducey campaign groups that want Doug Ducey as Arizona's next governor have spent enough to give every man, woman and child in the state a dollar — and still have $1 million left over. That doesn't ...

In America, Corporations are People. But should they be ... 14, 2012 · In America, Corporations are People. But should they be? Rhea Fernandes / December 14, 2012 / 0 / 1.2k. 0. Shares. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google+. Niels Goet 2012-12-14. Now that November 6 th has passed, Americans will stop keeping up with politics and continue Keeping up …

Night-Watchman State: New Constitution? his latest book Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution, Justice Stevens argues for the following amendments to the Constitution. He wants the First Amendment to remove protection against “reasonable” campaign spending limits at both the federal and state levels.

What Antifa and the Freedom Riders Have in Common 31, 2017 · Antifa is not looked at fondly by a majority of Americans. And that’s ok — neither were the Freedom Riders. But both groups are patriots. Following last weekend’s counter-protest of a neo-Nazi and white supremacist rally in Berkeley, California, establishment media outlets like Vox and the Washington Post condemned antifa for violently driving the hate groups out of their town.

Hero Minister Wants Christians To Get Spiritually 'Violent ... John Hagee, John McCain's favorite Bible-humping lunatic pastor who, like any good Christian,believes the Catholic Church is the "great whore" and Hitler was God's personal hunter, sent to Earth to kill all the Jews except for maybe five, who were then chased to Israel so they could bring a...

The Same-Sex Marriage Decision Had Everything to Do With ... by 1954, when the first Brown case was decided, it still would have been impossible to enact a school-desegregation law in Congress, not to mention in Arkansas. But the constitutional assurance of equality had been in place for almost a century, and its implications, to a unanimous Supreme Court, were finally clear.

Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes from a Blue State ... 27, 2018 · More than a quarter century has passed since the father of Connecticut’s income tax, former Governor Lowell Weicker, warned in his gubernatorial campaign that instituting and income tax in the midst of a recession would be like “pouring gas on a fire,” after which, once ensconced as governor, Weicker proceeded to pour gas on the fire.

Price keeps Habs in the moment - ABC News 15, 2014 · But Price's teammates took his words to heart as they scored a power-play goal of their own in the third period and Price once again meant the difference, stopping 29 of 30 Bruins shots as the ...

National GOP Group Spending Big on Tucson Dem's Race | The ... 13, 2012 · A national group of uber rich Republicans recently dished out more than $19,000 in one of ... National GOP Group Spending Big on Tucson Dem's Race ... Senate president Russell Pearce in his …

The Trump Presidency | Page 999 | 15, 2017 · As Mueller begins investigating Russia’s interference in last year’s election and its possible links to Donald Trump’s campaign, he is quietly recruiting lawyers and staff to the team.

Greatest Living American Politician Answers Idiotic ... 28, 2013 · Being an elected official at any level and in any part of the country can be a giant pain in the ass. Your job alternates between calling up a list of donors everyday to make sure that they are happy with the tax breaks you gave them, and answering queries and complaints from the moderate to comple...

Scores Of Republicans Sign Legal Brief Supporting Gay Marriage 26, 2013 · Scores Of Republicans Sign Legal Brief Supporting Gay Marriage At least 75 top Republicans have signed a legal brief to be submitted to the Supreme Court this week, arguing that gay marriage is a constitutional right, according to The New York Times, which got a copy of the document.

Dennis Prager: President Compares Islam to Christianity ... his National Prayer Breakfast speech last week, President Barack Obama said: "And lest we get on our high horse and think that unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ. ...

Obamacare: Governors Say Not So Fast On Obama’s Healthcare 20, 2009 · Obamacare: Governors Say Not So Fast On Obama’s Healthcare … Obama Gets Bipartisan Consensus for Healthcare Plan Obama finally gets bipartisan “dis”approval! Think Governors do not know the pulse of their state and that Obamacare is a loser? Barack Obama finally has a bipartisan agreement with his policies.

Discover and Read the Best of Twitter Threads by @Shem ..."We want to just fight, I abandon the chair" lol I don't even know what's happening but it's not a resolution condemning Trump it's something completely crazy instead

the weaker party: From The Hill: Obama to announce three ... The Hill: Obama to announce three new national monuments Friday For out look at executive powewr: This is the latest example of unilateral executive action. Congress does not weigh in on the decision largely because they approved such action when they passed the Antiquities Act of 1906, a law that had been controversial over its history.

Strzok Me, Strzok Me. STRZOK! STRZOK! | The Confluence 13, 2018 · Peter Strzok is a better man than I am. WTF was that yesterday anyway?? The Republicans seem really desperate to pin all of Trump's crimes, and there must be many, on one guy at the FBI who had the audacity to text what half of Trump's own administration has been saying for …

What I Learned Today: March 2018 - manofwow.blogspot.com 3/17/18 - For a person who hates the media so much, Trump certainly surrounds himself with a lot of people hired from the media. Like Nixon in his later years, something presidents do when they are more interested in boosting their public image …

Anti-Morrissey PAC funding Mosby's attack ad | Local News ... political action committee founded to oppose former Del. Joseph D. Morrissey’s mayoral campaign is collaborating with one of his opponents to continue broadcasting a pointed attack ad that began

Texas GOP apoplectic as new county chairman obsesses over ... Travis County GOP, which operates in one of the most liberal counties in the state, nonetheless is the local party for a number of prominent Texas Republicans, including Gov. Greg Abbott. The ...

AG to determine cities’ Dark Money rules | complementary ... — Attorney General Mark Brnovich is going to rule whether cities can impose their own prohibitions on “dark money” in local campaigns. The move comes because Sen. Vince Leach, R ...

Veterans tout Sen. John Morse's support for military in 19, 2013 · Separate recall elections for Morse and fellow Democratic Sen. Angela Giron of Pueblo on Sept. 10 have been a bonus for TV stations in that market, which normally sees little political advertising in the off years.. In Morse’s El Paso County Senate District, voters will be asked whether he should be recalled and who should relace him.

Despite Scandals, Virginia Politicians Refuse to Resign ... 13-- For all the drama that has consumed Virginia over the past two weeks, the political status quo has yet to change. The controversy surrounding him began when his 1984 medical school ... Voters: Happy with the process, choices 02, 2000 · Web posted at: 4:52 p.m. EST (2152 GMT) NASHUA, New Hampshire (The Telegraph of Nashua) -- Nashua voter Eric Desrochers did not have an easy time deciding whom to vote for in Tuesday's primary ...

San Diego's pension reform model finally inspires copy ... early 2012, when then-San Diego Councilman Carl DeMaio was pushing an innovative, unusual, unprecedented pension reform initiative in California's second-largest city, I wrote about it for City Journal.I thought it was a harbinger of what the future would hold for many of the governments around America facing the abyss because of pension costs.

WATCH: Homeless teen who became valedictorian shares ..., Tenn. - The story of a homeless Tennessee teen who became the valedictorian of his Memphis school has gone viral. Tupac Mosley graduated from Raleigh Egypt High School with a …

Report: A government watchdog referred former FBI Director ... 03, 2019 · Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz referred former FBI Director James Comey for prosecution, but the Department of Justice decided to hold off on doing so for now, according to a report by The Hill.

Leftist PC Police Threaten Free Speech - Project 21 12, 2014 · The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today's public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the …

Michael Cohen claims Trump threatened schools to keep his ... president’s ex-fixer had arranged for hush payments to be made to two women, one of who is the adult film actress Stormy Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, who alleged extramarital affairs with Trump. Cohen bought their silence before the 2016 election.

What Does National Party Convention Mean? - YouTube to view on Bing0:46Dec 06, 2017 · Political conventions, and the party system they are an integral part of, not mentioned in u. Which means choosing a running mate who is different from them in terms of. The call for the next ...Author: Charline Hollar Tipz 2Views: 4

1 Dead, 18 Injured In El Paso Walmart Attack, Shooter ... 03, 2019 · According to a police scanner the shooter was armed with an automatic weapon, possibly an AK-47, and that they began shooting in the car park before entering the business. Shortly after 11am local time El Paso Police tweeted: “Active Shooting Stay away from …

After Scandals, State Panel Offers Plan to Revamp Judges ... 04, 2003 · Expert panel appointed by New York Chief Judge Judith S Kaye calls for significant changes in way judges are elected and proposes requiring that lawyers disclose in court any campaign ...

Stark political differences mark Worcester District 4 ... 17, 2015 · WORCESTER – The City Council is nonpartisan, but like any government entity, its members have personal political leanings.In the race for District 4, …

Trump mulls commuting Blagojevich's term, pardoning ... 31, 2018 · D'Souza is a former policy analyst under President Ronald Reagan and a prolific author well-known for works critical of Obama, as well as Hillary Clinton, Trump's Democratic rival in the 2016 ...

Hinds County DA and challenger disagree on backlog 25, 2015 · Hinds County DA and challenger disagree on backlog. District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith is trying to keep the job he’s held since 2008.

Colorado elections bill fliers link Republicans to 21, 2013 · The return address on the campaign-style flier links it to a heretofore unknown group called Citizens for Free and Fair Elections atop a Blake Street address used by Hackstaff Law Group — the Denver firm where Scott Gessler practiced until 2010, when he was elected Colorado’s secretary of state. The firm’s practice includes elections ...

Donovan Campaign Manager Pleads Guilty - Hartford Courant was one of eight people arrested last July following a federal investigation into how members of Donovan's campaign staff agreed to help kill legislation that would have hurt roll-your-own ...

GOP candidate sinks $5.1M into Montana governor's race ... 24, 2016 · The Montana campaign is one of the closest of the 12 governor’s races in the country, with a recent Mason-Dixon poll commissioned by Lee Newspapers of …

EMPIRE FILES/ HILLARY CLINTON: Abby Martin Exposes What ... 21, 2016 · Besides being one of millions of working class Texans, "about me" would be clear in my postings here. This journal is to take a look at past, current, and to come events, news, tips, scams, the condition, with some music/ arts videos, or whatever comes up, so it's not like a formal or professional blog, nor to advertise,or a certain agenda.

Philadelphia Dem power broker indicted | TheHill prosecutors on Wednesday charged one of Philadelphia’s most powerful political bosses on dozens of counts, including theft, fraud and conspiracy charges, in another blow to one of the ...

GOP poised to elevate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme (AP) -- Brett Kavanaugh seems assured of surviving a Supreme Court nomination fight for the ages after two wavering senators said they'd back him despite weeks of shocking accusations ...

Feds: 60 luxury vehicles were stolen in a national theft ... 60 luxury vehicles were stolen in a national theft ring. 43 were registered in South Dakota. FBI says state conducted 'fewer or no checks' to confirm ownership

Brooklyn Today Feb. 14: Acme Smoked Fish Expands Facility ... education students are in danger of getting lost in the shuffle in the massive NYC public school system, according to a Brooklyn lawmaker who is demanding that a point person be hired to ...

Trump mulls commuting Blagojevich's term, pardoning ...'Souza is a former policy analyst under President Ronald Reagan and a prolific author well-known for works critical of Obama, as well as Hillary Clinton, Trump's Democratic rival in the 2016 ...

College news 4-11-17 | Community | lancasteronline.com Gibbs, of Denver, who is studying management at Alvernia University, was part of a three-person team to take first place in the 2017 Greater Reading Chamber of Commerce new business idea ...

Nevada Dems: New York Times: Dean Heller's Plan to End ... 27, 2012 · Today, the Nevada State Democratic Party is criticizing the Dean Heller plan to end Medicare as we know by using unlikely sources- his own Republican colleagues. A …

Citations with the tag: EYES - Find Articles, News with the tag: EYES Results 35301 - 35350. Develop a "Flare" for Uveitis. Sowka, Joseph W.; Kabat, Alan G. // Review of Optometry; 1/15/2006, Vol. 143 Issue 1, p77 . The article discusses the various clinical presentations of anterior uveitis. Anterior chamber inflammation may range from very rare cells in a trabeculitis to plasmoid ...

Calling All Campers and Their Families - yahoo.com 18, 2018 · Camp means different things to different people. For kids at sleepaway camp, one of the best days of the summer is when parents, grandparents and siblings visit to partake in …

Plane crash victims draw huge support | VailDaily.com 03, 2002 · Aubel suffered serious burns and a broken leg but walked for about an hour until he found a group of fishermen, who called for help. Aubel was then taken to an ambulance and flown to the burn ward at a Denver hospital Thursday afternoon. His condition was upgraded to satisfactory Friday, according to a spokeswoman at University Hospital.

Koch brothers' massive wealth really did reshape US ... 25, 2019 · The Koch brothers followed in their father’s footsteps, especially David, who in 1980 was the vice-presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party. Disappointed that the ticket drew only 1.1 per cent of the vote, David turned his attention, and his bank account, to …

SOUTH BAY ELECTIONS : Letter Spices Contest for Lawndale ... aerospace employee, a shopping mall administrator and a co-owner of a label company are running for the $750-a-month part-time post of city clerk. One is a political newcomer, and the others ...

Ferguson shooting | Power Line | Page 2 03, 2014 · On Monday, the day when the grand jury declined to indict Darren Wilson and rioting ensued, the New York Times published a story that provided the …

Politics, physics and protests: Where Democrats and ... 26, 2017 · Politics, physics and protests: Where Democrats and Republicans go wrong on the politics of healthcare and whining in public ... And a story about how it'd be REALLY NICE to have a TV network dedicated to 24/7/365 promotion of your own bullshit. But, it's happening to the extent it likely can. Reply Delete. Replies. Justin Buchler June 26, ...

Pay To Play Administration? | conservative ... then there was the Democratic political machine that Obama came from in Chicago and his support of Governor Rod Blagojevich who is charged with an alleged ‘pay-to-play’ scheme to sell the seat Obama is vacating to become President.

Diaz raised $530K from donors who directly lobbied his ... raised $530K from donors who directly lobbied his committee. ... a dynamic that highlights one of Tallahassee’s busiest intersections: politics and policy. ... Each was the subject of ...

David Bieter - Ballotpedia Bieter (Nonpartisan) is the Mayor of Boise in Idaho.Bieter is running in the general election on November 5, 2019.. Before becoming mayor, Bieter was the Democratic representative of District 19 in the Idaho House of Representatives from 1999 to 2003. Bieter was initially appointed to that office when his father, who had previously held the seat, died in an automobile accident.

Fed and State Raid on Union IBEW & Hillary Campaign Office 08, 2016 · Johnny Doc was the 1st Ward Democrat leader with an office on Passyunk Ave resigning 12/15. Electricians Union hall, his home, his pub, clinton campaign headquarters & City Hall office of Councilman Henon were some of the properties raided.

Louisiana - The State of the States - from LSE is the only state to not use English common law, and instead has legal system derived from Napoleon’s Civil Code and Spanish law. With a Democratic governor and a Republican house and senate, Louisiana is one of 14 states under divided government.

Top 25 Elections 2016: #5 – Ontario City Elections ...–-ontario-city...Oct 27, 2016 · 5) Ontario City Elections There are several crowded fields for just a few positions in Ontario. Ten people are vying for two seats on the city council. The field includes the two incumbents (including one with a combative style), a sheriff who has skirted the law in a previous attempt, and a former mayor from the early 90’s.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the change we need in politics and raised in the Bronx, New York and the youngest woman to ever be elected into Congress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29, is making huge waves in the political sphere. As a democratic socialist, Ocasio-Cortez, or “AOC,” has taken up progressive and ambitious fights such as …

An AK-47 Assault Rifle in a Child’s Closet ... - FlaglerLive had been staying at Khawaja’s place for the past two months, occupying a spare bedroom there, where authorities found the assault rifle, an AK-47 magazine, 30 rounds for the weapon, marijuana ...

Democrats Are Moving Quickly In Carson City But Can They ... area that Republican members of Legislature and the Democrats did not see eye to eye on was the gun background check expansion. ... be addressed and a weighted funding formula will be put into ...

Sen. Angus King (I-ME): Third of the Country Would See ... 09, 2018 · Lavoy was the last person to actually do anything. I hope not....but I think Mr Trump may be on his forced way out... And not one of you will or will be able to do anything about it. I think if you try you will be shown as a traitor and put down like a stray dog who got into the coup.

What is the nature and scope of environmental science ... of the key differences between environmental science and natural science is that environmental science is a cause of man and natural science is a cause of nature.

Fed and State Raid on Union IBEW & Hillary Campaign Office Doc was the 1st Ward Democrat leader with an office on Passyunk Ave resigning 12/15. Electricians Union hall, his home, his pub, clinton campaign headquarters & City Hall office of Councilman Henon were some of the properties raided. Kenny, Johnny Doc are neighbors here just south of center city Philadelphia.

Book by former aide to John Edwards details trail of hush 28, 2010 · Book by former aide to John Edwards details trail of hush money to deal with mistress By Mike Baker, AP Thursday, January 28, 2010 ... John Edwards finally admitted last week that he was the father of the girl, who is now almost 2 years old. ... Elizabeth’s failing health and a cause that is “bigger than any one of us,” Young quoted ...

Omar Refuses To Deny Bigamy Charges After New Evidence Ilhan Omar’s congressional seat is in jeopardy. The Congresswoman is refusing to deny the troubling charges of bigamy and a sham marriage to her brother after new evidence has come to light. Even the leftist media is throwing her under the bus. Is this the end of her political career? It …

Feds Indict Alaska Sen. Stevens - OpenSecrets News 29, 2008 · Alaska's longtime senator, Republican Ted Stevens, has been indicted by a federal grand jury as part of a continuing investigation of corruption in Alaska politics. The indictment accuses Stevens of filing false disclosure reports about his personal finances for 2001-2006, concealing more than $250,000 in home renovations that embattled VECO, a multinational oil services company, paid for.

Should Phil Mendelson have recused himself from Noel vote ... key vote on the matter came from Council member Phil Mendelson (D-At Large), who is generally labor-friendly and a reliable advocate for consumer protection measures. Mendelson’s opposition ...

127 on city payroll earned more than $100G in 2009 ... 09, 2010 · Pedro Espada, a former native-language teacher at the Robinson Middle School, earned $115,333.31 in 2009, which included $86,000 in a legal settlement and $24,000 in sick-leave buyback.

Mayor asks who would oppose a teacher sex-harassment ... asks who would oppose a teacher sex-harassment measure, or a taxi plan ... who is running for mayor in 2013 and ... The suit is one of a number of obstacles the Bloomberg administration will ...

My Blogger Breakfast with Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) I had the privilege of attending a blogger meeting with Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois--you know, because I'm one of those elite bloggers everyone keeps talking about :-) In all seriousness...

Senator Diaz Goes To Washington - nystateofpolitics.com was the only Democratic member of the Senate to vote “no” when the bill came to the floor in June 2011. The measure passed because four Republicans crossed the aisle to join the rest of the Democrats in voting “yes.” Only one of those four – Sen. Mark Grisanti, (a Buffalo Republican who used to be a Democrat) – remains in the Senate.

09 – November – 2012 – Erin Burnett OutFront – - 09, 2012 · And now, the man behind the scandal. We told you earlier tonight about how C.I.A. Director General David Petraeus has resigned and admitted to an extramarital affair, and in the wake of that both Democrats and Republicans have come out to praise Petraeus, who is one of the most decorated war generals of our time.. He retired as a four star general, with a military career that …

Edwards aide’s book details trail of hush money hidden in ... 28, 2010 · Edwards aide’s book details trail of hush money hidden in chocolate boxes ... Edwards’ former campaign-finance chairman Fred Baron, including a FedEx envelope of $1,000 and a …

FPPC Enforcement Decisions, August 16, Ramirez was an unsuccessful candidate for State Senate District 16 in the May 21, 2013 Primary Election and a successful candidate for Hanford City Council in the November 4, 2014 General Election. Ramirez for Senate 2013 was the candidate-controlled committee in the 2013 Primary Election.

Car 54 Where Are You? - Tea Party 12, 2015 · And there’s nothing we can do about it. Tell me, when a patrol car pulls up behind you do you feel protected and served, or do you try to not look at them and keep your hands on the wheel in plain sight? Car 54 where are you? Right behind you there is a pistol, a shotgun, a tazer, two knives, handcuffs and a jelly donut.

Edwards aide's book details trail of hush money | Salon.com 29, 2010 · Edwards aide's book details trail of hush money-- ... last week that he was the father of the girl, who is now almost 2 years old. ... health and a cause that is "bigger than any one of …

Republican Senate Likely, Say Election Experts | Newsmax.com 21, 2014 · With 13 days to go until nationwide elections on Nov. 4, several distinguished (and non-partisan) election experts on a much-watched Washington, D.C., panel concluded that the likely outcome of the elections was a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate.

Appealing to Voters' Sense of Privacy ; Internet Party ... this Pacific island country still emerging from a largely rural, agrarian economy, where elections usually turn on such bread- and-butter issues as jobs and personal financial security, this election campaign has been rocked by a scandal involving the hacked emails of a right-wing blogger that led to the resignation of a senior minister, a ...

Utah Doctor's Alleged Mistress Spills Secret She Says He ... 30, 2013 · Another alleged mistress of a Utah doctor who is on trial for killing his wife said today that he once explained to her how he could induce a heart attack in someone while making it appear natural.. Anna Osborne Walthall testified that she began an affair with Dr. Martin MacNeill in 2005, when he was a consultant at a laser hair removal clinic she briefly operated in Utah.

How Pennsylvania gas industry gained Corbett influence 27, 2015 · “This was the driller’s playground during the Corbett administration,” said Jan Jarrett, who is coordinating a four-state research project on shale gas drilling for the left-leaning Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center. The big money in Texas

Black lives matter | The Lives Matter organizers say their announced protest at the Mall of America was a “planned diversion” and a “decoy.” Their real goal was the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport. Continue Reading ? Filed under: Minnesota, Police/Community Relations, Racial Equality, Black lives matter, mall of america

Firefighters Local 92 endorses Kapszukiewicz for Mayor ... 17, 2017 · Mr. Kapszukiewicz is the four-term Lucas County treasurer and a Democrat. He is challenging incumbent Ms. Hicks-Hudson, who is the endorsed Democrat, and Republican Tom Waniewski, a Toledo councilman.

Natchez High catcher was an offensive force for Bulldogs ... — Davion Ward had a reputation that preceded him when first-year Natchez High School baseball coach Brian Kossum took over the program. When he actually got to know his senior catcher ...

Why wouldn't Obama want Hillary on his ticket? | Yahoo Answers 21, 2008 · Update 2: healthy enviroment..most women would not like it at all if another woman was chosen...very manipulative and who is she anyway.

Not the last lecture. But, some real good advice. | Esrati a real health care cost reduction answer posted on August 2, 2019; ... Not the last lecture. But, some real good advice. Posted on December 18, 2008 @ 11:00 am by David Esrati ... But- for the rest of us, we have our life to live. And one of my friends who is now in a death match with cancer- had something to say about living that I think ...

Courts without law - Townhall 16, 2003 · One of the tragedies of our time, and a harbinger of future tragedies, is that court decisions at all levels have come to be judged by whether we agree or …

Ilhan Omar Married her Brother and the Social Media Posts ... are some public records searches we could do and a social media trail, but not a lot of hard documentary evidence unless she’s willing to share them. How much cooperation did you get from Omar? It came up when she was running for Congress last year. One of our reporters confronted her about it last October.

Emily’s List is ready for Hillary - News - Bartlesville ... 02, 2015 · Emily’s List commissioned polling — conducted by one of the firms that has since signed on to work for Clinton — to make its point, finding that 86 percent of voters in nine battleground states said they believed the United States was ready to elect a woman president, while 72 percent said it was likely that a woman would be elected in 2016.

No bridge, plenty troubled water - DUMAS AS WE KNOW, an intended sea bridge ferry, The Galleons Passage, was unable to dock in Scarborough at the end of its trial run from Port of Spain on September 1. Port Authority chairman Lyle Alexander was quoted in the September 2 Sunday Express as saying that “(t)he boat came in straight on … Continue reading No bridge, plenty troubled water

The GOP's Playboy bunny - Brainiac - Boston.com brainiac Brainiac is the daily blog of the Globe's Sunday Ideas section, covering news and delights from the worlds of art, science, literature, history, design, and more.You can follow us ...

Jonathan Bernstein: Trump's pardons undermine the rule of ... 04, 2018 · This is the second Trump pardon — former Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio was the first — of a public figure whose career is characterized by raw bigotry.What's more troubling is that D ...

Paul Mirengoff | Power Line | Page 3 Biden has weighed in on the controversy over the nixing by Israel of a planned visit by Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Biden tweeted: I have always been a stalwart supporter of Israel—a ...Author: Paul Mirengoff

Madville too messy and it is not clear our expose' would result in a democrat's victory (weiland, mainly) for example, on a Rachel Maddow Show, but it seems time is short and a compelling story line needs to be put together by one reporter with access to legal, accounting and political guidance. this seems like a full time job for the next month.

Culture Change: The Heart of the Anti-corruption Struggle ... 23, 2016 · President Buhari has fought corruption twice in his career as a political leader. In his first outing as a military Head of State he declared a war against corruption and dealt harshly with many ‘thieves in power’. Unfortunately, his rule did not last long. That shortness is both an alibi and a verdict.

Sunday Reading | Bark Bark Woof Woof 29, 2017 · To renounce Trump would mean admitting that one’s worldview—of a country wracked by carnage, as the president put it in his inaugural address, and a truth-telling hero who can heal it—is fundamentally mistaken. And that can also mean confronting existential panic without a panacea.

Sports | Power Line | Page 2 was the biggest sports story of 2017? ... He told his family that what freedom looks like. ... Scalise used crutches to make his way onto the field and a walker to set himself for the ...

PattyMakesCakes (u/PattyMakesCakes) - Reddit was about to say GenXers in my opinion were the first real large group of children of parents that divorced at higher numbers. They not only did so but they then made a generation of latch key kids and families and parents that became ME people for the first time in their lives so we were living with those that were finally free so we walked ourselves home many made our own meals whilst ...

Tony Sanchez - johnworldpeace.com plays his stupid little tune and as the rats follow along toward the cliff at the edge of town, he asks all the rats to give him their money. And the rats are so mesmerized that they reach in their pockets and give little Tony their money and then jump off the cliff to oblivion with smiles on their faces. And when all the rats are dead, little

Flynn’s fate (2) | Power Line 07, 2018 · Earlier this week in “Flynn’s fate” I noted the sentencing memo filed by the Mueller team in the case of former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn earlier this year. I have ...

Government Didn’t Build That | The Freedom Didn’t Build That. Many people have parsed those lines, trying to defend them or attack them. There is some truth in some of them. I had a great teacher from first to third grade. She taught me how to read and write, gave me my first book. We all use roads and bridges, and the government had a hand in creating the Internet.

The Trump Administration - Page 92 - Chile Forum 12, 2018 · The Trump Administration Anything at all (keep it clean) goes here that does not fit in to any of the other forums. Chile Forum in English for Gringos, Expatriates, and Travelers to Exchange Ideas and Information about Chile, South America. For more than a decade, the Chile Forum has been the center for expats to share their collective knowledge and experience about living in Chile.

Bank of America forbids withdrawal-of-money protest ... 13, 2011 · On Friday, August 12, 2011, about 50 members of Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (“MORE”) protested the activities of Bank of America at the downtown branch of the bank in St. Louis , Missouri.. Many of the protesters have been longtime customers of Bank of America, and they intended to withdraw all of their money from Bank of America as part of their protest.

96% of all Google Searches for ‘Trump’ News Turn up Left ... 28, 2018 · Not a single right-leaning site appeared on the first page of search results. But it got much, much worse when I analyzed the first 100 items that Google returned in a search for news on “Trump.” CNN, by a wide margin, appeared most frequently, with nearly twice as many results returned as the second-place finisher, The Washington Post.

The Green Energy Bubble Is Bursting Fast Everywhere ... 29, 2012 · The president’s preoccupation with the Arctic proposal, even as the nation was still reeling from the BP spill, was the first hint that Shell’s audacious plan to drill in waters previously ...

WATCH: Rep. Duncan Hunter Says ‘She Handled My Finances ... Rep. Duncan Hunter Says ‘She Handled My Finances…She Was the Campaign Manager…Whatever She Did, That Will Be Looked at Too’ ... However, as the discussion with host Martha MacCallum on The Story continued, ... But it’s those …

Soros’ Son Quietly Steps Up as Major Liberal Donor | Jim ... 14, 2017 · The Washington Free Beacon. BY: Joe Schoffstall January 14, 2017 . Alexander Soros, the son of liberal billionaire George Soros who acts as the managing partner for Soros Brothers Investments, has quietly emerged as a major donor to Democratic campaigns and causes.. Alexander has remained relatively unknown in the world of political giving thanks to his father garnering a bulk of …

Empire Files: The Hidden Purging of Millions of Voters 28, 2017 · This is one of the grave hidden purges of 2016. ... They said that’s three and a half million people voting twice. ... Now I don’t know what the wall has to do with moving the plant across the ... - his own way, he's a nationalist, because he loves our country. ... admonishes him constantly about this, and he's not the only one. This is according to a White House official. Of course, Wolf ...

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » 2008 » June one of the two could decide to pour more of their own money into the race, and that could easily have an impact on both elections. ... and a woman behind me shouted out “Go Governor ...

Redistricting musical chairs leaves 2 reps fighting for 07, 2012 · But it looks like Rep. Frank Artiles (Rep., District 119) ... “It was the right thing to do,” Trujillo told me in a short telephone interview Saturday. “I know his wife. I know his family. How could I look him in the eye and say that I was going to campaign against him. ... And going to be one of those races Ladra will want keep ...

Ali Fadil » Queens Queens transit activist, Ali Fadil, writes in discussing his frustrations with Senator Tony Avella regarding negative rumors Avella allegedly spread about him to MTA officials instead of working together to solve a community issue. [Letter to the editor] Dear Queens-Politics: As you all may know I am a community activist based in Northeast Queens and I work on issues related to express ...

U.S. Supreme Court | Kansans For Life Blog U.S. Supreme Court 5-3 Whole Women’s Health v Hellerstedt ruling June 27th is not the huge victory abortion supporters claim. However, there is no question that “Hellerstedt” is a truly troublesome ruling, as it:. undermines the Court’s former support for the compelling interests of state legislatures,

Jackson Jambalaya: PERS Executive Director addresses ... 12, 2011 · Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!! This is definitely a Beaver production. Note: Security provided by INS.

EXCLUSIVE: Coffman-Gate Scandal is About to Go Nuclear ... UPDATE: We've heard from a number of people regarding a potential special election, which we originally noted could be held in November 2015. Should Cynthia Coffman resign in …

Denham sends softball star Landry to NSU | Sports ... sends softball star Landry to NSU By Mike Dowty; May 14, 2012 ... a pitcher who is also joining the Demons this season. ... “It was the greatest experience of my life it was so much fun ...

Pence stays at Trump golf course 180 miles away from ... 12, 2019 · As part of that arrangement, the Trump Organization worked to get Trump Turnberry added to a list of hotels that the airport would routinely send aircrews to, even though the Turnberry resort is 20 miles from the airport, farther away than many other hotels, and has higher advertised prices.

Pence stays at Trump golf course 180 miles away from ... stays at Trump golf course 180 miles away from intended destination in Ireland Political News and Discussion

2016 u.s. presidential elections [donald trump wins] 05, 2018 · “The US economy in the second quarter grew even faster than initially estimated, according to a Commerce Department report released Wednesday,” “Gross domestic product, the value of every good and service produced domestically, rose at an annual rate of 4.2%, the Commerce Department said, its fastest growth since the third quarter of 2014 . . .

Thread by @smoss319: "Oh, no...Looks like they’re doing ... 02, 2017 · Thread by @smoss319: "Oh, no...Looks like they’re doing dry runs again. I remember the summer before 911 there were many low-flying small plapters will be included this time – but what types o […]" #MSMIsComplicit #911PTSDTriggered #MSMFakeNewsTruth #Mark

Blue Virginia Q&A: Hala Ayala for House of Delegates ... March 30, I sent Blue Virginia interview questions to the two Democratic candidates running for the 51st House of Delegates district (a gerrymander in Prince William County) seat currently held by Del. Rich Anderson (R) – and which Hillary Clinton won by 6 points in November 2016.

National security and judicial modesty | Power Line one thing, the monetary cost is significant, Mukasey himself had a security detail protecting him for a considerable period of time when he was the presiding judge in the first of these trials ...

Are Russia and Saudi Arabia really considering a freeze in ... between the Russians and the Saudis at the G20 summit in Hangzhou once again raised hopes throughout the oil industry of a Russian - Saudi agreement for an oil production freeze. Russia, Saudi Arabia and the US are the three big oil...

Once Upon A Time | Right Michigan to this, there is rarely a bureaucracy which does not relish the idea of adding a new ‘licensee class’ to it’s rolls. Kudos however, to Rep Lucas for a creative way to demonstrate a logical equivalent to a constitutionally protected class. If more were like him there, it …

New Santa Ana | tries to split the vote on 03, 2014 · A lot of people think a knife in the back to the Marijuana Movement by It is a knife in the back. A knife that buried because they are following their financial interest. First, the citizen-sponsored Measure CC provides for a number of locations in easily accessible locations with a fair tax regimen imposed.

HUFFPOST HILL - JULY 8TH, 2010 | HuffPost 25, 2011 · SENATE DEMS WILL GAMBLE ON CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM THIS MONTH - Human jaw line and Just For Men: Touch Of Gray "After" model Scott Brown's vote is once again a hot commodity -- it's needed this go around to pass the DISCLOSE Act, which cleared the House earlier this month and will come up for a vote in the Senate soon. Sam Stein: "As things stand now, vote …

RIP George H.W. Bush | Page 4 | EOG 08, 2018 · Let me give you a sneak peek at Michael Flynn's dick, Winky. Mueller will praise him for his cooperation and recommend no prison time for a single count of lying. His cooperation will have zero to do with Trump participating in a criminal scheme or acts. I …

Mueller is special because he is destroying the concept of ... 10, 2018 · Russian forces blew up bridges on the Euphrates river held by Iranian militias several days ago, according to a report. This is the first time the Russians attacked Iranian targets in Syria. The information came from a senior Syrian official who refused to be identified, and was reported in Bas News, a Kurdish news website.

The Curse Of The Low Information Voter | MICHAEL A. MAYNARD 10, 2014 · The Republican way of targeting the low information voter is to appeal to the reptilian and limbic parts of the brain through using fear, the base level emotion that stops the rational thinking processes. Because all of the key Republican economic and international policy ideas have been proven to be false, that’s all they have…

Center for Responsive Politics – Rural Nevada Democratic ... to the Center for Responsive Politics, in 2011 alone, the financial industry spent more than $161 million on lobbying efforts. Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan, for example, spent more than $7.6 million lobbying in 2011 and almost $2 million more as of this April.

Maggie's Notebook: Patrick Poff Gonzalez Whack Bud ... 09, 2009 · Now folks, if you are not familiar with this case, you should know that six men were caught on camera inside the Billings home. It is unclear whether the video shows who pulled the trigger(s) to kill the Billings, but at least one of the men with Gonzalez has told the Sheriff that Gonzalez, Jr. was the lone shooter.

Jews in the News - Jewish government thought that cheating was the way to go. Offering Holocaust survivors $20 a month went down like a cup of cold sick. The comedian who made the offer is the Prime Minister of Israel and a thief. At all events the police seem to think so and they are investigating multiple frauds.

(Video)Health Care Summit: Democrats and Republicans ... 03, 2010 · Democrats and Republicans seemed to disagree on every issue during President Obama's bipartisan health care summit. Bill Plante reports. (2/26/10 CBSNewsOnline) 1. What is the one thing that both Democrats and Republicans agree on regarding health care reform? 2. According to the video, what are the reasons the Republicans oppose the bill by Democrats?

Praying for Sarah Palin & the Election!https://palinsupport.blogspot.comPersonally I believe that Palin and McCain was God's choice, but it was the church and American people's choice, to go with God's choice or not. Sadly, many in the church voted for Obama because they prioritized economic prosperity (personal comfort, leisure) over the most important issue of our lifetime- …

Refworld | Freedom in the World 2018 - Guatemala 12, 2019 · The president began 2017 with 2 out of 14 cabinet ministers who were women, one of whom also identifies as indigenous, though both ministers had resigned by year's end amid political turmoil. A representative in the current legislature is the first to self-identify as a member of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community.

Key Flagler Panel Votes 7-5 To Endorse Pot Citation ... Flagler Panel Votes 7-5 To Endorse Pot Citation Proposal, But Split Reflects Hazy Fate ... (as was the case with Judge Melissa Moore-Stens, who abstained because she would be ruling on cases ...

The INSIDE OUT: TOWNSHIP ALERT: Beware of the Recall ... Nightingale recall threats began in 2009. When the Board of Trustees voted 7-to-0 to put towing services out to competitive bid, their recall chants started. Noel Nightingale was the first to file petitions in response to the towing bid. The Nightingales were, and still are, behind the recall.

inauguration – Post on“This is a productive way for people to channel their anxiety in a peaceful way with a strong message to not only the president-elect but to the Congress that will be there, that we are watching, that women are watching, that we are on our toes and we care very deeply …

From The Publisher | Amandala 08, 2014 · The Guatemalans possess one of the most influential lobbies in Washington, the American seat of political power. In addition, from the first day of Israel’s establishment on May 14 in 1948, the Israelis being America’s most important allies in the oil-rich Middle East, the Guatemalans have been some of their closest friends.

divest | Solve All the Problems is a difficult fact to accept, as is the reason people have not been shouting louder about the climate crisis. Ten years ago Al Gore tried to convince us of “The Inconvenient Truth” (2006) that climate change was the most pressing issue of our time.

El Monte police offer up 10 percent pay cuts | Leftovers 18, 2009 · News of layoffs within the El Monte Police Department is traveling fast. I’ve already spotted coverage of a protest at City Hall Tuesday night on …

Fightin' Cock Flyer: July 2015 first of these two things was the bold decision by Tsipras to hand the question of what to do next in Greece to the Greek people, by allowing them to vote on whether they wanted to surrender to global and European bankers and the governments of the world’s wealthiest nations, or wanted to say “No!” to further demands for austerity.

March 2014 – NobodyisFlyingthePlane reading for this phrase alone, “Big Meat’s lobbyists”, the review brings us an even better phrase, ‘privatizing the gains, but socializing the costs’. This is emblematic of so many of our corporate overlords. Walmart and McD’s are the biggest beneficiaries of the welfare system.

Madville I read this morning that the US Senate had joined the US House in approving the Keystone XL pipeline, it finally dawned on me that in spite of all the other reasons that the pipeline is wrong, the one that is the most constitutionally wrong and is so anti Republican theory, (You know the folks who run election after election on gun rights no matter how many school kids or innocent people ...

Mike Huether — South DaCola when I was considering writing a letter to the editor about Mike’s term in office, someone beats me to the punch, and they don’t gloss over anything;. We elect council members Huether doesn’t want to listen to. Their opinions don’t matter to him, to the point where one council member even walked out of …

Weapons of Mass Discussion 28, 2003 · Pages. WMD Home; TIB Radio; Matt Hurley

Poll - How Important Is Protecting Our Elections are the poster boy for low info lemming - when the RW spews, you swallow. ... but it isn't of interest to you, so lets not dig to deep into that. Thank you for an example of what I was talking about, even if it was a year and a quarter before I thought we might see it. …

Divide and Conquer » Albuquerque Journal and Conquer By ... and what their duties and limitations are. The first 10 amendments — collectively called the Bill of Rights — are as much about limiting government abuses of power ...

OP-ED | Of Teabags And Torts: Greenberg In The Fightin ... a few days after his ... Greenberg favors privatizing Social Security — an idea so unpopular that in his second ... This is the first time “that I did not agree to disagree with you.” ...

Pop star claims sex with ghost -- High Strangeness -- Sott.net did not elaborate on the circumstances behind her exciting encounter with the anonymous phantom paramour, but it's likely she experienced it in bed either while sleeping, or going into or out of sleep. Psychologists know that a time when people are vulnerable to common (and harmless) hallucinations -- including sexual experiences.

Rick Perry, President Of The United States Of Texas ..., Rick Perry,you really are THE WORST. Texas Gov. Rick Perry plans to announce he will activate the Texas National Guard at a news conference Monday in Austin, said state Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, D-McAllen. Hinojosa did not have details of the effort, but an internal memo from another s...

D.C. Wire - Evans: I'll Run for Chairman if Gray Runs for 15, 2009 · Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) confirmed today he plans to run for council chairman if incumbent Vincent C. Gray (D) decides to run for mayor next year. Evans, who has held ambitions to ascend to the chairman's office since his unsuccessful mayoral bid in 1998, made his remarks during...

Trump says he would accept dirt on political rivals from ... 13, 2019 · This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold.

The Urban Politico: Movie Reviews: No Escape statements and views of The Urban Politico staff are our own and do not in any way reflect those of our respective employers. In addition, any legal statements or views expressed on this blog are intended as general information for blog discussion purposes only …

Unemployment Rate Is At 4.1% For Third Month In A Row Labor Department has released it's unemployment statistics for December. It shows that a rather disappointing 148,000 jobs were created. That was enough to fully compensate for the rise in the civilian work force of 64,000. But it was barely enough to keep the unemployment rate at 4.1% for the ...

How Did We Get Here? Tracing the Rise of Fox’s Right-Wing ... the Rise of Fox’s Right-Wing Media Empire . Robert Greenwald reflects on the transformation of the media and political landscape since the debut of his 2004 film 'Outfoxed.'

U.S. Presidents | TIME 12, 2018 · As the sun was setting on the evening of April 9, President Donald Trump gathered the Vice President, senior military leaders and his newly minted National Security Adviser around the …

Manafort visited Assange multiple times : Page 4 visited Assange multiple times. Page 4 - Toggle navigation. Trending . Editorial; Social; Video; Quick News; Forums . Standard (No Frames)

The Socialist View: Democratic Socialism and the 2016 US ... book in turn had a significant impact on the thinking of John F. Kennedy and the role of government in promoting greater social justice. But it was the Johnson Administration and the War on Poverty programs (Medicaid, Medicare, Food Stamps, Expanded Social Security Benefits, etc.) that followed the Kennedy Administration’s lead.

Democratic Socialism and the 2016 US Presidential Election ... Socialism and the 2016 US Presidential Election. Bernie Sanders, Democratic Socialism, and the Other America (Part Two of a Five Part Series) by Edward Martin and …

Life As We Knew It | Download [Pdf]/[ePub] eBook As We Knew It. These are the books for those you who looking for to read the Life As We Knew It, try to read or download Pdf/ePub books and some of authors may have disable the live reading.Check the book if it available for your country and user who already subscribe will have full access all free books from the library source.

Bernie Sanders, Democratic Socialism, and the Other Sanders, Democratic Socialism, and the Other America ... But it was the Johnson Administration and the War on Poverty programs ... who echoed this in his 1967 speech against the Vietnam War ...

Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper Dec. 12-18, 2016 The Mindanao Examiner. Dec. 12-18, 2016 ‘MILLIONAIRES FOR DIGONG’ The Top Donors of Rodrigo R. Duterte, May 2016 Elections. Continued fr om page 1 from No doubt, far from how ...

Reyes Named Intelligence Chair - The New York Times 01, 2006 · Reyes Named Intelligence Chair. By Sarah Wheaton December 1, ... Mr. Reyes, a Texas Democrat, was often cited as the likely compromise between Ms. Harman, currently the committee’s ranking Democrat, and Representative Alcee Hastings, who was officially rejected by Ms. Pelosi earlier in the week. ... The behavior of media and a few ...

Paul Fanlund: For clean government, Wisconsin’s worst week ...’s been 30 years since my workdays were spent reporting from the state Capitol, so long ago that none of the 20-some journalists with whom I shared the cramped, communal Capitol press room remain. Those were the days of Tony Earl and Tommy Thompson and Tom Loftus, an era of spirited but civil ...

Wendy Davis’ Opponent Gets Caught In Equal Pay Lie: His ... AG Greg Abbott (R-TX) is in trouble. Abbott promised Texans, 'I fully expect women to be paid what men are paid,' but it turns out equal pay is not even enforced in his own Attorney General ...

Criminal Quotes - BrainyQuote brother Steve, who was a few years older than me, had 'Bad' on tape, and I remember listening to 'Smooth Criminal' and just thinking it was the coolest thing ever. I must have been five or six at the time, and I remember walking around school by myself thinking I was Michael Jackson. I wasn't dancing, exactly - more like walking musically.

A Deranged Anti-Semite Accuses Me of Libel | Power Line Deranged Anti-Semite Accuses Me of Libel. ... But what was the libel? This is the one point on which Barrett and I agree! ... and a guy named Andre Walker who thinks he has gone through the ...

Fake Israel and and America’s dark money conspiracy ... owns the daily Israel Hayom, a leading newspaper, as well as Makor Roshon, the daily newspaper of Israel’s Zionist religious right and NRG, a news website. He gives Israel Hayom away for free in order to promote his hardline views – the headline in the paper the day after Obama’s re-election was “The US Voted [for] Socialism.”

Struggling with a crisis of confidence: The State of Michigan night I drove almost a hundred miles into Ohio to preside over a discussion with huge implications for Michigan. The topic was the future of Lake Erie, the warmest and shallowest of the Great Lakes and a major source of drinking water for 11 million people.

Cognitive Dissidence: Zeus Gets Greedy did however, have experience, and a huge conflict of interest, in running a "non-profit" Hispanics for School Choice. How someone could run the "largest Catholic school system in the country and also run a "non-profit" especially where the two are not exactly equal is a question that needs to be asked.

Djou Raises Nearly $260,000 In First Weeks Of Mayoral Campaign Congressman Charles Djou raised nearly $260,000 in the first three weeks of his campaign for Honolulu mayor, a sign that he’s a strong challenger, but one who is up against an incumbent ...

New non-profit connected to Greitens raises questions CITY (AP) — A federal judge has denied a request by Missouri to allow a ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy to go into effect while the state waits for further court...

A Belatedly Apologetic Paul Miller, 66, Is Sentenced to ... 18, 2013 · Paul Miller was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the March 2012 murder of his neighbor Dana Mulhall, ending a 15-month saga that had stunned Flagler Beach and Flagler County for …

All Politics Is National? - outsidethebeltway.com 19, 2014 · To a large degree, what happened to Eric Cantor in that he lost support among 7th District Republicans largely because he was perceived as …

How bad does border have to be for Democrats to admit it's 02, 2019 · Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived — View Latest Opinions >> — Two years after leaving office, Joe Biden couldn't resist the temptation last year to brag to an audience of foreign policy specialists about the time as vice president that he strong-armed Ukraine into firing its top prosecutor.

memeorandum: U.S. officials said aid to El Salvador helped 02, 2019 · Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived — View Latest Opinions >> — Two years after leaving office, Joe Biden couldn't resist the temptation last year to brag to an audience of foreign policy specialists about the time as vice president that he strong-armed Ukraine into firing its top prosecutor.

The Theranos Story Contains a Deep Lesson About How the ..."It was a huge tax write-off for him, so Murdoch didn't care about the loss." This is a fair point, and Carreyrou actually makes it in his book. Still, 65% of a hundred million dollar loss is a big loss. It's nice to offset your gains with your losses, but it's even nicer to not have those losses in the first place.

Jan Karski’s message | Power Line 30, 2012 · Jan Karski’s message. Jake Tapper reports that President Obama offended our Polish friends with his reference to a “Polish death camp” in his remarks yesterday awarding Jan Karski the ...

Controversies Over Badges Erupt at State 13, 2015 · A candidate for statewide office made the matter of badges a major issue in his campaign. In 1970, Chief Deputy Attorney General Charles A. O’Brien, a Democrat, was locked in a run-off battle with the Republican nominee for state attorney general, Los Angeles County District Attorney Evelle J. Younger.

Chuck Todd Latest Person To Deny Blue Wave He's Drowning ... 26, 2018 · And the strongest point for the pro-wave side are the House results, coast to coast. But it may be more accurate to describe this election as a realignment, not only because of the results in states like Missouri, Ohio, Indiana, Florida and Georgia but because of the strong turnout for both parties.Author: Michael Mora

Barney Frank bashes Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert for ... Frank bashes Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert for promoting ‘anti-government’ views ... he was the controversial Democratic leader on the House Financial Services Committee and was a co ...

Moonbattery Specifics at Last: Trump Says He Believes in ... 14, 2016 · You had to know if anyone could extract specifics from Donald Trump, it would be a tough, intelligent journalist like Sean Hannity. It happened last night during Hannity’s 42nd interview with his Cheeto-faced heartthrob since the Donald announced his candidacy last June: .@realDonaldTrump: “I believe strongly in policy. I believe strongly in being smart."

The Last Chance Of Freedom: The Rest Of The Story 2, a new report is shining the spotlight on questionable actions that Barack Obama took to skew public opinion in his favor during the 2012 race against Mitt Romney. ... Quote: "This is insipid. The Leftist notion that “bravery” has something to do with profitability is utterly inane. Profitability springs from running a business that ...

Party politics take over what’s best for country | Opinion ... a year and a half of inquiry, the American people still don’t know who is responsible for this clearly reckless and ultimately fatal operation. ... are the president and the attorney ...

The Trump Implosion….Maybe Just a Bad Dream? | Orange, the so-called “Wicked Witch of the West” investigation into Money Laundering, pay-offs, Bank Fraud, Real Estate rip offs and a thousand more things being looked at by Robert Mueller (whoever he is!) truly is about the most frustrating part of the whole idiotic world we seem to live in.

Adrich Corporation ... since 1965 -- 'Tis Only My Opinion'Tis Only My Opinion! is a copyrighted newsletter published by Adrich Corporation and includes commentary on a variety of subjects. It is intended to provoke thinking, then dialogue among its readers. Quotation with attribution is encouraged. Fred Richards' has published his 'Tis Only My Opinion articles for many years on a wide range of subjects and most are archived here.

Tag Archive for "Primary Election" - Joyce Clark Unfiltered March of 2016, Joyce announced that she would leave retirement and run for the Yucca district council seat in Glendale. Once again Joyce defeated an incumbent and on December 13, 2016 she took office as the Yucca district councilmember for another four year term, ending in December of 2020.

Stop using divisive term ‘sanctuary city’ Kathy Castor 12, 2017 · Stop using divisive term ‘sanctuary city’ Kathy Castor tells immigration advocates ... he served as five years as the political editor of the alternative newsweekly Creative Loafing. He also ...

DC Council member Jack Evans and a Political Uprising 17, 2019 · Early in his career, Evans helped stabilize the Shaw neighborhood and other previously low-income communities through increased economic development and public safety. ... In fact, there is such a place as the slippery slope. How and when did Ward 2 DC Council member Jack Evans find it? ... Chief among the advantages was the creation of an ...

The Trump Implosion….Maybe Just a Bad Dream? | Orange, Terry May will be dusted quick enough so Britain can take another vote and get back into the European Union…quickly. And wouldn’t it be refreshing to have just one Trump Official actually say they know the difference between a Sunni and Shia Muslim? The Trumpster’s desire to rename everything in his own image is really sad.

C. Bradley Thompson on John Adams and The Spirit of ... 02, 2002 · But Adams was the great mind. I’m not trying to denigrate Jefferson—I am trying to restore Adams to his rightful place in history. Pennsylvania patriot Benjamin Rush, a physician who was one of the first to use the small pox vaccine, referred to Jefferson and Adams as the north and south poles of the American Revolution.

The Other Victims: First Responders To Traumas and ... “first responders” who provide emergency aid have been hit hard not just by recent large-scale disasters but by the accumulation of stress and trauma over many years, research shows.

RIC KELLER'S GREATEST HITS | News | Orlando | Orlando Weekly was the only Florida Republican to support Boehner in his quest to replace Rep. Tom DeLay in the House leadership. ... "On Sept. 16, 2005, Mayor Bloomberg was the first one to issue a press ...

Local Election Coverage Faulted - CBS News Election Coverage Faulted. By Joel Roberts ... it shouldn't be lost that their results showed that election coverage was the single biggest category of news coverage on these broadcasts in ...

Clinton Taps Newly Active Indian Donors - nysun.com of those prosecuted was an Indian national living in California, Yogesh Gandhi. He was sentenced to a year in prison after admitting to donating $325,000 from money wired by a Japanese businessman. In the wake of the scandal, most major campaigns and party committees adopted rules requiring that donors be American citizens.

Amendment R – Dakota Free Press the last 30 days, my page on Amendment R was the most popular page on Dakota Free Press. Not counting post-election views, my R page drew 6,178 views, more than …

Thread by @usacsmret: "The Ghost Of John C. Calhoun Haunts ... gist of the project, named for the year the first Africans were brought to North America to be sold as slaves, is that everything about America, from our capitalist economy to our politics to the food we eat, can be explained by slavery and race.

Sustain: A New Condom Brand That's Earth-Friendly & Empowering 22, 2015 · Eco-friendly condoms dedicated to changing the discourse about sex. (Photo: Sustain) Call it check-out dread. If you’re like most women, you’d …

Bylaws subject of battle | Local News Stories ... 17, 2003 · One exception was the first change the committee suggested -- which would have had newly elected board members wait until after July 4 to be seated. ... But it was to be the first …[PDF]CALIFORNIA WESTERN LAW REVIEW - Search eLibrary WESTERN LAW REVIEW VOLUME 47 FALL 2010 NUMBER 1 STILL OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY: RECONCILING CITIZENS UNITED WITH ABOOD AND BECK JEREMY G. MALLORY* “But even more profitable is the privilege of taking the golden eggs laid by someone else’s goose.” —Louis D. Brandeis, Other People’s Money1

Sage (@sagenwok) | Twitter latest Tweets from Sage (@sagenwok). Modest all-around badass RT = endorse ? = Interesting. God's CountryFollowers: 245

Yes, it stinks - for you - hotair.com 01, 2010 · Immigration: MC links to a recent FoxNews interview in which Palin unambiguously states her support for McCain’s current “position on immigration.” Though inveterate McCain skeptics may be unwilling to credit a shift in his approach that’s as old as the ’08 campaign, we should be clear that what Palin is supporting is a “border ...

Voting rights groups worry that Republican bills will ... 31, 2014 · “When we register voters at the farmer’s market, we have to ask people for proof of residence,” she said. “First off, you might not have your bank statement or residential lease in your back pocket. But second, you’re showing that to a private citizen who is deputized.[PDF]The Freeman 1995 - Foundation for Economic Education first militant maneuver must be to hold the line for the American way. Get rid ofcompromising leaders. Let us put a mark upon every man in public life who is willing to surrender further. We mustrecognize that we are in a social war, and that we mustfight it as such. Our enemies have managed to capture many of the instrumentalities of the ...

Urbanomics: Observations on the US election campaign stands out that the two least liked candidates from both parties are the winners and the two most liked the losers! This clearly points to a negative campaign - the lesser evil will be the winner. This evidently means that going forward, Trump will have to expose Clinton …

Daily Mirror - Yahapalanaya: Congenital flaws and their 19, 2019 · The burning political question of the day appears to be who and how many Parliamentarians received money from Perpetual Treasuries Ltd (PTL) for their respective election campaigns. In a political ...

Russia | Power Line | Page 8 19, 2017 · Mona Charen is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, a syndicated columnist and author of two best-selling books that I …

Second Circuit | Above the Law 06, 2018 · Above The Law In your inbox. ... word on the street that’s since been confirmed by Abbe Lowell is that the first son-in-law’s legal team is trying to find a crisis public relations firm to ...

Common Sense Americanism - Samuel Adams' The Rights of the the Committee of Correspondence was formed in Boston on the instigation of Samuel Adams, one of its responsibilities was to draw up a statement of rights due the Colonists. This task fell to Adams himself whose thoughts also probably flavored the Declaration of the First Continental Congress.

‘Mayhem on the airwaves’ | State and Regional | helenair.com Stapleton, who had $100,000 in his campaign account at the end of December, says he may be able to afford only one additional ad, if he runs it statewide at enough gross ratings points to be ...

Ain’t No Sunshine: Introducing “The Federal Communications ... the outstanding constitutional law student in his graduating class at the George Washington ... Kevin has something to say about the proposed “Federal Communications Commission Collaboration Act of 2013 ... advocating for open government and the First Amendment. He preceded me as the Legal Counsel to the American Society of News Editors

IHL, Transparency, and the Heyns' UN Drones Report - Just ... 23, 2013 · In his critique of Christof Heyns’ new UN report on the right to life in the context of lethal drone strikes, Eric Jensen erects two straw men and then proceeds to knock them down with great alacrity. The first is that because Heyns cites no authorities for the proposition that there must be transparency it follows […]

Cheese plant boosts local economy | News | aberdeennews.com -- Three Italian-style cheeses, Romano, Asiago and Parmesan, have been perfected in the small town of Hoven, population 400. Kevin Hageman, division manager of Associated Milk Producers Inc ...

CONSERVATIVE RIGHT- "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to ... his State of the Union address, he dropped the pretense of bipartisanship and, by siding with the progressives, gave the nation what it needs: a clear choice. That’s the true American way. One of the most tiresome things about the first six years of President Obama’s tenure was his fake bipartisanship.

Sunday Reading | Bark Bark Woof Woof 24, 2018 · And a hundred Republican candidates dive back behind the couch. The country’s head is clearing. The country’s vision is coming back into focus and it can see for the first time the length and breadth of the damage it has done to itself. The country is hearing the voices that the cacophony of fear and anger had drowned out for almost three ...

BRISTOLTODAY.COM: Rift developing between mayor and ... Moylan, a finance board member, said she is getting the feeling that an adversarial relationship is beginning to flare up. The powerful nine-member panel that oversees city spending asked last month for Bristol’s department heads to detail what they’d do if ordered to slice spending by 5 or 10 percent.. But Ward told the supervisors to hold off on the scenarios because he wanted to ...

Justice Kennedy, the pivotal swing vote on the Supreme ... came to value Kennedy because he was the best they could hope for. But Kennedy most often votes with the court’s conservatives: He is further to the right on law-and-order issues than Justice Antonin Scalia was, he is comfortable with the court’s protective view of business, and he shared the losing view that the entire Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional.

UNDECIDED VOTERS AS LOW AS 3%, DRIVING ... - POLITICO first seven months of 2012 were the warmest on record for the nation. And August 2011 through July this year was the warmest 12-month period on record, just beating out the July 2011-June 2012 ...

Charges dropped for Texas man who shot cop 6 times after ... 19, 2018 · What happened after the two pulled into the parking lot of the strip club varies depending on who is telling the story. However, Walker's story is backed up by witnesses and evidence and Rios has none of the above. According to the "official police story," which led to Walker being charged with shooting a police officer, Walker was the instigator.

Hill takes State Senate seat for Republicans | News ...“It is both an honor and a solemn responsibility.” ... Bolton reported a negative balance of $682 net cash on hand in his campaign-finance disclosure. ... of Marietta was the top vote-getter ...

Tyrone Jensen - Ballotpedia top 3 priorities if elected are: 1. Passing a new comprehensive take on Kate's Law and also deal with the Immigration Issues. 2. School Safety and Education. Putting a Bill on the Senate floor that is for a budget increase for School Safety Officers and at least Concealed Carry for …

Lawsuit filed in 2nd pepper spray case | Esrati Doug Brannon, working for Charles Alexander Wade, the victim of the second pepper spraying while in restraints that has come to light in the last six months, filed suit in District Court asking for a jury trial. The case centers around the pepper spray video that I released on February 2

More Executive-Minded than the Executive - Just Security his great dissent in the wartime case of Liversidge v. Anderson (1942), Lord Atkin wrote: I view with apprehension the attitude of judges who … when face to face with claims involving the liberty of the subject, show themselves more executive-minded than the …

Trump lawyer under investigation for 'personal business ... Donald Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen is under criminal investigation for his "personal business dealings," the Justice Department said on Friday. US Attorney Robert Khuzami, in a ...

Democracy at A Crossroads: How the One Percent is at a Crossroads was released on January 15, 2016. Produced by the Democracy Initiative Education Fund, the report explains how Americans’ rights at work and their political rights are linked. We examine the attacks currently underway against those rights, and we offer a path forward. The report focuses on political and workplace rights, but similar connections link other equally ...

Patrick sits out former deputy's run for governor | News ... — Former Gov. Deval Patrick is crisscrossing the country to campaign for Democratic congressional candidates ahead of the midterm elections, as speculation builds that he may challenge ...

Trump lawyer under investigation for 'personal business ... Cohen (C), U.S. President Donald Trump's personal attorney, chats with friends near the Loews Regency hotel on Park Ave

California Democrats push for California-only net ... 30, 2018 · California Democrats push for a California-only net neutrality bill, in reaction to Trump's FCC reversing Obama administration net neutrality rules. Internet Service providers are opposing it, …

Electoral fraud - Ballotpedia following are the common types of alleged electoral fraud: Double voting (ballot stuffing): One individual casts more than one ballot in the same election. Dead voters: The name of a deceased person remains on a state's official list of registered voters and a living person fraudulently casts a …

Donald Trump: London mayor Sadiq Khan a 'disaster' over ..."He is a national disgrace who is destroying the City of London," he added in another. Contrary to Trump's tweet, Khan is the mayor for the whole metropolitan area of London, rather than the City of London, which is a local government district comprising the …

Siliconeer | Trump lawyer under investigation for ... 13, 2018 · Photo: () | ©AFP. New York (AFP) – President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen is under criminal investigation for his “business dealings” and has been a target of law enforcement for months, the Justice Department said Friday.

Timing, Trump challenge O'Malley, Carson in Iowa ... after years of speculation, and now months of aggressive campaigning, the aspiration feels distant as Iowans prepare to open the primary season Monday with the nation's first presidential caucus.

Lobbyist spending declines again in February - ajc.com reported spending a little more than $206,000 on public officials last month, the vast majority of it on state lawmakers. That is a lot of money, but the total is down by a third from ...

Rap video a win for Libertarian Loser | Government ... you are a Libertarian and your last name is Loser, running for the state Senate may be an uphill battle. But with a little help from your campaign manager, who makes your campaign the central ...

Alleged deals for union backing rile Mt. Diablo school ... 21, 2016 · According to a Mt. Diablo Unified school board member, who announced he is no longer running for reelection, in his district it may require a quid-pro-quo agreement to …

Trump lawyer under investigation for ‘personal business ... 13, 2018 · Michael Cohen (C), U.S. President Donald Trump's personal attorney, chats with friends near the Loews Regency hotel on Park Ave on April 13, 2018 in New York City. Following FBI raids on his home, office and hotel room, the Department of Justice announced that they are placing him under criminal investigation. Yana Paskova/Getty Images/AFP Yana…

It's not just Cohen's words that implicate Trump that case, even if the court gives some deference to the President, then I believe the facts -- including the Department of Homeland Security's data showing that illegal immigration is at or near historic lows, and a statement from a bipartisan group of 58 former senior national security officials that there is "no factual basis" for a ...

Six Democratic House chairs demand full Mueller report ... counsel Robert Mueller closed his long and contentious Russia investigation with no new charges Friday, ending the probe that has cast a dark shadow over Donald Trump’s presidency but

Mueller concludes Russia-Trump probe with no new ... (AP) — Special counsel Robert Mueller closed his long and contentious Russia investigation with no new charges Friday, ending the probe that has cast a dark shadow over Donald

The Recorder - Cohen’s lawyer says Trump advisers were ... 07, 2019 · WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s advisers dangled the possibility of a pardon for his former personal lawyer Michael Cohen last year, Cohen’s attorney said …

Trump may eye Ali pardon, though late champ may not need ... president said the athletes have "seen a lot of abuse" and "a lot of unfairness" and that he wants their input on his use of this executive power. ... but said in response to a reporter's ...

Is our addiction to technology flattening the range of our ... of the Spirit. Is our addiction to technology flattening the range of our emotional experiences? ... according to a British study, we check our phones on average 221 times a day — about every 4.3 minutes. ... The above are the words of Aldous Huxley from 1958. I was two years old. It would take a few more years, but after a few years ...

Try and Try and Try Again - Washington City Paper if they do, Mara might be in a prime position to collect items for a while. Correction: Due to a reporting error, this story originally incorrectly characterized the results of the at-large D ...

Why are the Republicans paving the way for Hillary Clinton ... 04, 2008 · Best Answer: It's funny to see the same 'wedge issues' that divided us as a nation,are now dividing the GOP! Each candidate has a particular wedge issue to call his own. The trouble is,the wedge issues don't mesh very well with each other. That's why …Status: ResolvedAnswers: 9

CNN Crossfire topic today: "Did KERRY go too far ... his community, Rep. Wynn sponsors an annual job fair, federal procurement fair/ business expo, a college financial aid workshop, and a student leadership workshop. He also coordinates food distributions for the less fortunate every Thanksgiving and Christmas.

The Next Election, Political News, and Other Forms of ... 09, 2015 · Donald Trump could pay people to cobble together a coherent political platform and train him to repeat it, if he wanted to. But why bother? He can simply give racism, “the Bible,” and a few outrageous insults of public figures to you, the least informed slice of the electorate, and receive your full-throated support in return.

Shutting the Public Out of the Armstrong Pavilion Pavilion is a metal building construction that houses a running track, some ball courts and a room with fitness equipment. Decatur residents can become members of the Pavilion for a token $5 per month, with a discount beyond that for our senior citizens. Schools also use the Pavilion, but the community is the primary user of the facility.

It's not just Cohen's words that implicate Trump I used to prosecute Mafia cases, trials often reached a dramatic climax when the star cooperating witness took the stand to testify against his former boss. In one memorable trial moment, as my cooperating witness testified against his former boss, the boss mouthed, "I'll kill you." The ...

Rap video a win for Libertarian Loser | Government ... you are a Libertarian and your last name is Loser, running for the state Senate may be an uphill battle. But with a little help from your campaign manager, who makes your campaign the central ...

Too-bad-about-no-ethics-reform React-O-Mat™ - Capitol ... 01, 2016 · Too-bad-about-no-ethics-reform React-O-Mat™ ... Restoring the public’s trust in their government needs to be one of our highest priorities, yet here …

SD-Sen: John Thune (R), "GOP rivalries could hurt election ... 31, 2013 · The trip was the idea of Stan Adelstein, a Jewish state senator and businessman from Rapid City who is one of Rounds’ biggest supporters. Adelstein had …

McCain beyond the buzzwords – East Bay Times 06, 2008 · places from the bottom of his class of 899. Now, 50 years later, McCain is one big step from the presidency. They watched McCain challenge authority, demonstrate moral courage, flirt with ...

N.C. GOP blamed black group for absentee ballot scheme led ... 21, 2018 · As the election fraud probe in North Carolina's 9th Congressional District grows, Republican leaders claim they sounded the alarm about absentee voting irregularities in 2016. But an internal state report made public this week reveals that two Republicans wrongfully accused an African-American community group of fraud likely committed by a GOP operative at the center of the current …

The Complicated Legal Backstory of Terry McAuliffe's ... 28, 2013 · The DHS Office of the Inspector General has not commented on that investigation and did not respond to a request for comment from ABC News, …

The Complicated Legal Backstory of Terry McAuliffe's ... 28, 2013 · The Complicated Legal Backstory of Terry McAuliffe's Former Car Company (ABC News) ... Not only was the future CEO of GreenTech, Xiaolin "Charles" Wang, embroiled in a …

February 2018 – The Ashford won’t make headlines, but it concerns me because it relates to a governmental body that I consider important. FEMA flourished under the Obama years — it has been less than stellar so far during the Trump Administration, especially its (non)handling of Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.

Michael Cohen used Trump company email in Stormy Daniels ... agreement uses pseudonyms, referring to Clifford as Peggy Peterson and another individual as David Dennison. In one of the documents, the true identity of Dennison is blacked out, but Avenatti told NBC News the individual is Trump. Clifford signed both the agreement and a side letter agreement using her professional name on Oct. 28, 2016.

A house on fire(McCain over-estimates his worth, under 02, 2005 · When people are in close races, I am the first Republican who is asked to come and appear for that person. I am the most sought-after of all Republicans. In this last campaign, I was the one asked by the president to travel and campaign with him.... Excuse me senator.

Bush's Apologia Should Not Be Accepted 12, 2010 · Bush’s Apologia Should Not Be Accepted Former Congressman Bob Barr argues that the right should not be so eager to rehabilitate George W. Bush.

Donald Trump | Power Line | Page 5 23, 2019 · I have written repeatedly about the hard-left bias in the teaching of AP American History. I finally got tired of writing such posts and abandoned the beat. But now, I learn that, beginning in ...

Senate Hopefuls' Trial By Fire - July 14, 1998 - 14, 1998 · Senate Hopefuls' Trial By Fire By Karen Foerstel, CQ Staff Writer (CQ, July 11) -- Senate candidates have blasted each other as "right wing" and "extreme," accused their opponents of misusing ...

Barack Obama First Black President of Harvard Law Review ... 07, 2008 · The first female editor of The Harvard Law Review was Susan Estrich, in 1977, who recently resigned as a professor at Harvard Law School to take a similar post at the University of Southern California. Ms. Estrich was campaign manager for Gov. Michael S. Dukakis of Massachusetts in his campaign for the Presidency in 1988.

Evan Gahr - Jewish World his June acceptance speech of the Green Party nomination for President, Nader tried to cultivate the right: "Don't conservatives, in contrast to corporatists, want movement toward a safe ...

Josh Kurtz: The State of the State of Hogan - Center does the drinking water crisis in Flint, Mich., have to do with Maryland? It’s an interesting question to ponder as Gov. Larry Hogan (R) prepares to deliver his second State of the State address this week. These annual speeches are some of the b

Ah - johnworldpeace.com do not judge Ms. Morales, but it is not appropriate that the children of this state be forced to look up to an ex-stripper as First Lady. We all make choices in our lives and then we have to live with them. WorldPeace will keep using his flyers, because they are the truth, he says. Some other Democrats see him as whacky and a loose cannon.

Column | Why Wouldn't Welch? One Pol's Not-So-Tough Call ... Wouldn't Welch? One Pol's Not-So-Tough Call ... This is his opportunity to show whether he is one. ... As long as the Vermont Democratic Party financially supports progressives, ...

Plato predicted that Democracies give way to Demagogues ... Next ? Plato predicted that Democracies give way to Demagogues like Trump Democracies end when they are too democratic. And right now, America is a breeding ground for tyranny.

Budget 2017 News: Latest Budget 2017 News and Updates at ... 03, 2017 · As the budget is a financial statement about the government’s income and expenditure. Here are the details of where does the money come from and on what is it spent. Tushar Dhara, February 2, 2017, 6:41 pm explore: Business

9 wildfires burn across San Diego County | News | wdrb.com wildfires covering more than 14 square miles scorched San Diego County on Wednesday, forcing thousands to flee their homes and prompting the closures of a college campus and Legoland

Is the 1 Percent Really the Problem? – BillMoyers.com Is the 1 Percent Really the Problem? Unpack the numbers on America's highest earners and there's a stark division between the well-off and the dangerously affluent.

Warning: having more choices can be detrimental to your ... 03, 2006 · I've posted on this topic before, but it keeps recurring to me that a critically important topic for the exact reasons stated by Schwartz. Note his statistic (at the 2:25 mark) that one can assemble 6.5 MILLION different stereo systems out of the components offered by one store.

Royals Rumblings - News for March 16, 2016 - Royals Review 16, 2016 · Royals Rumblings - News for March 16, 2016. David Lesky looks at how adding Dillon Gee to the roster affects the bullpen. What’s become quite …

Thumbs Up For 2 Sundance Documentaries – Deadline!Thumbs Up For 2 Sundance Documentaries. By Mike Fleming Jr. ... I wish Alex the best in his documentary. Our films can only benefit each other and we should be trying to work together than take ...

Nevada Progressive: Why Do We Need Tax Reform? why we're embarking on "Tax Week" here at Nevada Progressive. I'd like to do my part to help foster discussion of what we must do to secure a better future for Nevada, so expect multiple ideas and perspectives on how best to fix Nevada's broken tax system and fill those pesky budget holes for good.

GOP Fights for Control of WI Senate, Calling for Recount ... 19, 2012 · Although Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker survived his June 5 recall election, Democrats won control of the senate when John Lehman (D) prevailed over incumbent Sen. Van Wanggaard (R) by a 1.2% margin. But as the Center for Media and Democracy predicted, Wisconsin Republicans are raising the spectre of "voter fraud" to cast doubt on Lehman's victory and justify Wanggaard's

Barry Bonds – Steroids, Balco, and the Truth – Not Just 07, 2006 · Barry Bonds – Steroids, Balco, and the Truth – Not Just the Cream A new report on Sports Illustrated’s web site shows the sordid truth of his true dependence on steroids in his vain attempt to pass Babe Ruth and Henry Aaron for the home run record in major league baseball. The combination of steroids, human growth hormones, and other strength enhancers is horrifying,

Al Gore to endorse Howard Dean... - The Tailgate ... 10, 2003 · This is what will happen: Gore and Dean will come out for a speech at the Democratic National Convention. Lieberman is in the audience. Right as the speech is hitting its peak, Lieberman starts running up to the stage. Gore gets out of his chair. The crowd expects him to defend Dean, but just then he gets a crazy look in his eye, picks up his ...

Hodgson in, McSally out as Narragansett's legal counsel 27 years as the Narragansett town solicitor, Mark McSally’s tenure ended with a standing ovation from 30 residents attending Monday’s Town Council meeting, followed by applause from the council, before they voted 4-1 to replace him with lawyer Dawson Hodgson, former state senator and last year’s Republican candidate for attorney general.

D.C. Wire - McElroy Replaced as D.C. Aquatics 21, 2009 · Brendan McElroy is being replaced as the aquatics director at the Department of Parks and Recreation, according to city officials. Numerous community sources said Ximena Hartsock, the interim director of Parks and Recreation, fired McElroy on Wednesday. McElroy was unavailable to comment today. John Stokes, a spokesman for Park and...

Joe Martinez formally announces, claims ‘poll’ position 21, 2013 · For a freshman Rep., he has been given a lot of street cred by the White House. ... “This is a guy who was in office for 11 plus years, who campaigned last year for county mayor, and he is up against a young school board member? I hope this helps sales of his cologne,” Curbelo told Ladra. ... Joe Martinez formally announces, claims ‘poll ...

"Awww, shit!" George Carlin's dead - Kerfuffle the word shit was repeated over and over in all kinds of different contexts, those two guys almost laughed themselves right off their scaffolding. My mom gave me an introduction to censorship that day, explaining that no matter how funny I thought it was, the neighbor over the fence did not share my enthusiasm or (lack of) taste.

Andrew Thomas to Seek Arizona Attorney 14, 2008 · Well-connected sources have revealed that Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas is expected to seek the post of Arizona Attorney General in 2010.. Thomas was the Republican nominee in the 2002 Election cycle. Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, has already formed an exploratory committee to seek the post. Democrats are also expected to run Governor Napolitano’s …

Rove’s American Crossroads Shares Address, Legal Firm with ... 18, 2012 · Coincidentally enough, it was the public disclosure, by the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections, of more than 100 apparently fraudulent registration forms in that county, collected by Strategic Allied Consulting and submitted by the Republican Party of Florida, which first brought the GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal to light.

Newsletter: Trump Comes Into Focus; So Do Our Tasks ... 11, 2016 · The Trump presidency is coming into focus. Every appointment shows that his populist campaign rhetoric was disguising a government for the ultra-wealthy and the military. He has already appointed the wealthiest cabinet ever with a net worth of $12 …

Hillary the Hawk - AMERICAblog 25, 2015 · Hillary the Hawk. 4/25/15 11:09am by ... When every one of a candidate’s lines is being scrubbed clean by her campaign staff, the only accurate barometer of a candidate’s stance is her past ...

memeorandum: Two Years Into His Presidency and Donald 29, 2018 · U.S. is denying passports to Americans along the border, throwing their citizenship into question — PHARR, Tex.— On paper, he's a devoted U.S. citizen. — His official American birth certificate shows he was delivered by a midwife in Brownsville, at the southern tip of Texas. +

Tucson Weekly: Power Play (October 22 - October 28, 1998) LUNCHEON appears to be nothing special, just another stop on the rubber-chicken circuit for some of the state's true power brokers--the heads of Arizona's utility companies. But for Paul ...

Virginia News, Sports, Politics : Augusta Free Press Arthur, who is retiring after 35 years as a practicing attorney in Lexington and vicinity, will kick off her campaign for the Democratic nomination for the 24th District House of Delegates ...

Edwards' fate hinges on ex-right-hand man and wife 29, 2012 · Things would get crazier in December 2007, when Young said Edwards called him as he ran errands with his wife and asked his aide to claim he was the father of Hunter's baby to head off the tabloid speculation. In his book, Young said he told his wife what Edwards wanted as they bought a Happy Meal at McDonald's for one of their three children.

The Open Thread for 12/6/2018 – Blue Delaware 05, 2018 · “Lobbyists representing the Saudi government reserved blocks of rooms at President Trump’s D.C. hotel within a month of Trump’s election in 2016 — paying for an estimated 500 nights at the luxury hotel in just three months,” the Washington Post reports. “The visits were part of an unorthodox campaign that offered veterans a free trip to D.C.–…

US PoliERA 2018 |OT3| In Like a Lamb, Out Like a Ryan ... 27, 2018 · The article says that Islam has higher birthrates and retention rates so maybe he thinks Islam is "something worse," but that doesn't sound like Dawkins.More likely, he's referring to Christianity going underground, becoming more insular and militant (I mean, a lot them already have a major persecution complex).

Open Letter to Republicans – "You Can't Handle the Truth Nicholson said it in the movie “A Few Good Men”: “The Truth? You can’t handle the truth!”. Speaking as life-long conservatives, staunch defenders of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution we can say with a certain specificity that the National Republican Party and those that are running it – are destroying our party for years to come.

Should the chair of the city council meeting be doing the ... in the old City Commission days if a pastor did not show one of the Commissioners or the Mayor gave the invocation. It worked well and back then people’s feelings weren’t so easily hurt. #6 Matthew Paulson on 06.13.18 at 12:53 pm This is totally not worth a blog post. The expected pastor didn’t show up, so Paul filled in. Who cares?

Election Roundup: California Heating Up, MI Keeps Straight 12, 2016 · The following are examples of this week's Election Roundup of 49 down ticket stories covering Sunday 9/4 through Saturday 9/10. (MD-SEN) Baltimore Sun …

Frankel v Congregation Yetev Lev D'Satmar :: 2007 :: New ...[*1] Frankel v Congregation Yetev Lev D'Satmar 2007 NY Slip Op 51964(U) [17 Misc 3d 1114(A)] Decided on October 16, 2007 Supreme Court, Kings County Schack, J. Published by New York State Law Reporting Bureau pursuant to Judiciary Law § 431.

U.S. Constitution | The Common Constitutionalist – Let The attorney claims a Constitutional violation under the Fourth Amendment. Surprise, surprise – I agree, because it is and in today’s podcast I explain the reason why. read more. Tagged civil liberties • Fourth Amendment • Indiana • public schools • U.S. Constitution • video podcast.

Models Do Not Prove Anything About the Real World, Ever In your statement "models do not prove anything," you are basically making a claim that they can exist insofar as the person using them finds them useful to press his own initiatives. Thus the only use found in them. In essence, "models are useless" is indeed tantamount to "models do not prove anything."

Trump supporters in a nutshell : PoliticalHumor - reddit.com'll never criticize someone for voting for him, that's for sure. But it's the people who still stand behind him that get me. I can't support a man as president I never wanted, who doesn't at least make an attempt to serve the country, and who is enormously impacting our global image.

Bombshell In WaPo/Keystone Scandal: Did the Post ... major development occurred today in the scandal surrounding the Washington Post’s attempt to advance Democratic Party talking points by falsely linking Koch Industries to the Keystone Pipeline ...

Leavenworth Street - the talk of Nebraska politics: When ... 03, 2008 · But later, Jordan asked Daub if he would raise taxes in these tough economic times. Here was the answer Daub gave: The mill levy was sixty-two and a half cents a hundred, Joe if you remember, when I first had the chance to come on watch here for the citizens of our community. And we lowered that mill levy to forty-two and a half cents. - View topic - Draining the swamp - Thank you ... see the Swamp as the establishment, meaning career politicians who are more interested in their re-elections than in working for the people. As such they're beholden to corporate interests. Trump may genuinely want to "drain the swamp" as it were, but it seems that …

Quick News Updates - The Blog – Maryland Matters warm temperatures year-round to sun and surf, there's not a lot of reason to be glum in Hawaii, which ranked first in an analysis that claims to report the happiest and unhappiest states in the U.S.Maryland, on the other hand, has the occasional snowpocalypse or brush with a hurricane and seemingly endless traffic, but it's offset by great food, beautiful scenery and plenty to do.

Hugh Sloan - History Sloan. [Source: Washington Post] The former treasurer for the Campaign to Re-elect the President (CREEP), Hugh Sloan, tells Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein that the situation with CREEP’s finances is far worse than the Post has reported (see September 14-17, 1972). “That’s why I left, because I suspected the worst,” he says.

THE SUNDAY NOTEBOOK: Tran to get some big GOP help in rep SUNDAY NOTEBOOK: Tran to get some big GOP help in rep race ... According to a press release from Tran's campaign, he and Baker will visit a Fitchburg diner, tour Main Street, knock on doors to ...

2019-05 May Newsletter - · Web viewBut he was apparently asking that multiple unions team up to put together those totals. The maximum a political action committee such as the one controlled by the carpenters could give to a state representative candidate in 2018 was $10,000, the Michigan Secretary of State's Office confirmed.

You Don't Know What "Libertarian" Means - Smirking you want to know what libertarianism is all about, don't ask a libertarian, because most of them don't know. A new poll from Pew Research found that only 11 percent of those surveyed who identified themselves as libertarian were correctly able to identify the very basic meaning of libertarianism as "someone whose political views emphasize individual freedom by limiting the role of government."

Puppet Masters -- Sott.net US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld says in his memoirs that ex-President George W. Bush ordered the Iraq war just two weeks after September 11. In his autobiography scheduled to be released on February 8, Rumsfeld writes that 15 days after 9/11, when Pentagon's focus was on Afghan war, Bush called him to his office and ordered a review plans for Iraq war.

Saturday PM ~ TheFrontPageCover - Tea Party Command Center care is a niche service. There are some consumers willing to pay an additional fee, on top of their regular cost-sharing requirements, to be able to get a higher level of service from their physician, but it is a small percentage of the overall market.

Here And Now « Comment Page 1 - nystateofpolitics.com at 1 p.m., NYC Council members, Alliance for a Just Rebuilding members, labor union officials and residents discuss Sandy recovery efforts and efforts to promote employment of union members during a news conference scheduled to mark the passage of six …

Democrats '16 - Robo coach the full list for Hillary - liar 178 dishonest 123 untrustworthy 93 experience 82 strong 59

Lawmakers preview questions for Cohen testimony this week ... News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. SUBSCRIBE Feb. 24, 2019, 6:31 PM GMT By Allan Smith President Donald Trump’s former longtime attorney Michael Cohen is set to testify before three congressional committees this week — and lawmakers on Sunday gave a preview […]

The Cranky Conservative: Help Stamp Out Conservatives, conservatives I mean, have known for some time that we are not appreciated by a segment of the population. Of course, I mean liberals. There are times when we don't appreciate their ideas either. But it is a free country. The first amendment assures us of our God given right to freedom of speech.

La Crosse neighborhoods raising money for Little Free ... Crosse neighborhoods raising money for Little Free Pantry ... who is a member of both groups. ... Hamilton’s Little Free Pantry was the first for the Coulee Region, but it’s already ...

Rogue sample ballot referred to state prosecutor's office ... Debra Davis (D), who is an attorney, told the Maryland Independent that she had received a telephone call from one of the sample ballot distributors seeking her advice as to the ...

Rachel Mace - Ballotpedia Mace (Libertarian Party) is a candidate seeking election to the Virginia House of Delegates to represent District 41. Mace is running in the general election on November 5, 2019. Mace completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2019. Click here to read the survey answers. Rachel ...

Deutschland Uber Nobody? | Power Line sounds like a recipe for a victory for AfD at some point down the road. The Spectator reminds us: Merkel’s big political project has been to move her party to the left and delete most of ...

Justices have been siding with workers, underdogs - Los ... 13, 2011 · The Supreme Court, often described as conservative, divided and pro-corporate, has been sounding different notes in recent weeks. The justices have been unanimous, or nearly so, in dealing defeats ...

A Mark Udall footnote | Power Line 21, 2014 · John posted the video of Mark Udall struggling to answer a series of easy questions in a frienldy interview (John posted the video here). What are the three books that influenced him the most ...

Sean Davis - Ballotpedia 17, 2016 · The May election was called a primary, but it was functionally a general election. A runoff election—called in this case a general election—was only held on November 8, 2016, for races where no single candidate received a majority (50 percent plus one) of the votes cast on the May ballot.

The Tunnel Wall: Evidence mounts of Obama involvement in ... mounts of Obama involvement in Dinesh D'Souza's selective prosecution ... And of course we all know how Republicans and conservatives are the butt of late-night talk-show jokes. ... But it is clear that not one of them feels any shame over their wholly unfair condemnation of Kavanaugh.

One Step at a Time: Recovering From a Broken Neck a neck or spinal cord injury can often mean living the rest of one’s life as a paraplegic or quadriplegic. One young man broke his neck, and faced the distinct possibility of never being able to move or feel below the neck again.

2010: The year that was – Boston Herald 26, 2010 · It was the year of the politician in Massachusetts — the good, the bad and the ugly. In 2010, we saw a landslide U.S. Senate victory by an upstart candidate, federal corruption convictions for ...

Wittich corruption trial underway | State News | belgrade 29, 2016 · One of the two alternates was promoted in her place, bringing the make-up of the jury to six men and six women. The first witness to testify was a former National Right to Work Committee who worked in Montana in 2010 testified for the plaintiff.

Republican Files Legal Action in Chaotic North Carolina ... 04, 2019 · The North Carolina State Board of Elections still has not certified its Ninth Congressional District race and one of the candidates is now taking legal action. Republican Mark Harris announced his intentions Wednesday evening to take legal action in the NC-09 race.

Longest-Serving Lawmaker, Senator Douglas Henry Dies at was the longest-serving member in the history of the Tennessee General Assembly. He served in the senate for 47 years, and also was the longest serving chairman of the powerful Senate’s Finance, Ways and Means Committee, developing a reputation for his vast knowledge of state finances. In addition, he was the first chair of the Ethics ...

Al Mickle Challenging the PACs and Super PACs For District ... Brandon MoseleyAlabama Political Reporter Rep. Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia is seeking his 11th term in the United States Congress. There are three candidates challenging him in the Republican Party Primary on March 13th. One of the four Republican candidates, Tea Party Activist Al Mickle sat down with the ‘Alabama Political Reporter.’

‘American Idol’ Top 24 (Or Make That 25?) Revealed 24, 2012 · Yes, that's right: Even more surprising than Thursday's cuts was the end-of-show announcement that the judges apparently had had some change of heart and had decided to bring back one bonus boy ...

MARK DURAN SAMUELS: MOMMA SAID IF YOU WANT A FLAT … 11, 2002 · McCann was the only candidate for appellate court or the state Supreme Court who didn't even bother to participate in the process. ... they showed Wexstten coming in at 87 percent overall and a ...

The Kane Republican from Kane, Pennsylvania · Page 2 in a highly organized world of science, the fact that an amateur who taught himself the art was the first to see and recognize something new in the skies should ignite the explorer instinct in ...

Main elections 2018: Arizona, Florida, and Oklahoma ... 27, 2018 · Tuesday brings a few of the most anticipated main elections of 2018 when Arizona and Florida go to the polls. Voters can even lastly determine who the Republican nominee for governor might be within the Oklahoma runoff. In Arizona, there’s a contentious Senate main for Jeff Flake’s open seat between three Republicans: Rep. Martha McSally, […]

Why Billionaires Might Not Be Able To Buy The 2016 ... Ted Cruz (R-Texas), his wife Heidi and their two daughters wave on stage after he announced his campaign for president, Monday, March 23, 2015 at Liberty University, in Lynchburg, Va. Cruz, who announced his candidacy on Twitter in the early morning hours, was the first major candidate to officially enter 2016 race for president.

Garner, freshman rep from Kalispell, leads House fight ... 29, 2015 · Late at night in early February, Rep. Frank Garner drove back to Helena from Kalispell and concluded he needed to take a stand against “dark money” in politics. The freshman legislator and ...

Fact check: Did Florida Congressman Curbelo vote for ... 24, 2016 · March 24, 2016 By Eugene Slaven. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee launched a digital advertising campaign targeting first-term Republican Representative Carlos Curbelo, who is seeking re-election in the 26th Congressional District of Florida.. The advertising campaign claims Rep. Curbelo voted for “drastic cuts to education” when he voted for the 2016 House Republican …

More Bang For The Buck - Editorial | Falmouth Opinion ... might be too late in the process, but that bang for the buck might be to work with James Curtis, who is converting office space into three to four apartments in his buildings on Spring Bars ...

This Week in Statehouse Action: So Long, And Thanks For long, dark me time of the soul: There's no time like the present for navel-gazing!The DNC released the Democratic Victory Task Force Final Report and Action Plan this week. (Action plan!)While I'm certainly biased, it's difficult to dispute that the most important parts of the report to the future of the party are the sections on Redistricting and Building the Bench.

Don’t sleep on “Spartacus” | Power Line every presidential election cycle, there’s a sleeper — a candidate not expected to get far who catches fire. Sometimes that candidate goes all the way. Barack Obama and Donald Trump did ...

Social conservative group endorses Vander Plaats | Local ... MOINES — A leading Iowa social conservative group Tuesday endorsed Bob Vander Plaats for governor and served notice it will not support former Gov. Terry Branstad if he is

Diamond and Silk disappointed in those Democrats ... 19, 2019 · Diamond and Silk disappointed in those Democrats Today Michael Cohen, who served as Trump's "fixer" for 10 years, also asserted that this President instructed him to pay bribes to mislead the American public that he was leading in the polls!

Is there a difference between Senator McCain and Candidate ... 22, 2008 · No bashing, please provide well thought out opinions.

Civics Course Implementation Blog: September 2018 Mary Ellen Daneels, Lead Teacher Mentor In his most recent blog post, Shawn Healy illustrated how APGOV scores in Illinois raise important questions about “deep inequities along racial and ethnic lines.” This data is not an isolated incident. The evidence of inequity and a civic empowerment gap has been well documented by researchers and has been referenced in previous blog posts.

Arizona Set to Pass Law Requiring Presidential Candidates 26, 2011 · Obviously this law will apply to all, but it is most likely targeted at President Barack Hussein Obama and his lack of producing a long form birth certificate. The issue has long dogged the president and has picked up much momentum lately as it appears that no …

Malloy Administration Pitches ‘Lean’ Government, Denies ... HARTFORD — Malloy administration budget director Ben Barnes encouraged state agency heads Friday to think about how they can make their agencies more efficient through what’s called ...

Get Rid Of All Of Them | Bark Bark Woof Woof 08, 2017 · LBJ would be next, then Jack, then finally Thomas Jefferson. Ah, but now, we are told, they have The Moral High Ground, as though you needed to throw one of your own overboard in order to have the moral standing to oppose seating an alleged child molester in the Senate, or to remind people that the president* copped to sexual assault on tape.

New York Values-- Zephyr Teachout vs A Culture Of Corruption 01, 2016 · New York Values-- Zephyr Teachout vs A Culture Of Corruption > ... The second news Zephyr made over the weekend was the OpEd she penned for the Virginian-Pilot, ... that officials should not accept cash or gifts in exchange for giving special treatment to a constituent. - The Situation: Monday, October 24 - Oct 24, 24, 2005 · gives you the latest stories and video from the around the world, with in-depth coverage of U.S. news, politics, entertainment, health, crime, tech and more.

Ellipsis: 2010-01-17 22, 2010 · Where's the outrage from the right about that? What was the difference between that and the joke David Letterman told last summer about Sarah Palin's daughter? But then again what else can you expect from a man who claims to be about "Family Values" and then explains his posing nearly nude in his youth, by saying he, "needed money." Hmmm ...

Western Mass Politics and Insight: Take My Council, Please ... 08, 2011 · Blessings were also granted to a 5 year contract for school food service (after details as to the need were presented to a subcommittee) and to Community Block Development Grant loan guarantee for the renovation of the former Holiday Inn. ... For Concepcion, a Hispanic council member, this was truly odd, but it does go to show you that race and ...[PDF]

Santeria campaign tactic spreads to Miami Lakes 23, 2012 · It was the talk of the City of Progress last fall, ... Perhaps yet another sign — pun entirely intended — that Hialeah’s political machinery is stretching its ugly, crooked hand into the sleepy town of Miami Lakes, which is beginning to get called Hialeah North by those in the know. ... Santeria campaign tactic spreads to Miami ...

Primary Capsules: Who's Who On The Ballot? - Hartford Courant supporters said he was the most experienced and electable Republican in the race for a seat held by three-term Democrat Joe Courtney, who is running for re-election.

Vote for a Future, Not the Odds of a Horserace | Bill Dutton 30, 2016 · I never thought that was the point: to me the point is that he is speaking for large chunks of the electorate who are essentially ignored at election time and that he is advancing the agenda of said group which clearly constitutes if not a majority then at least a healthy plurality of the party.

Heastie on Prince: ‘truthful and courageous’ - Capitol ... I remember in 1988 when Prince was nominated for a Grammy, and although he lost to U2, Bono thanked him for always being so truthful and courageous in his music. He didn’t really care ...

JP 5 Place 2 - George Huntoon and Water Theft - Big Jolly ... 5 Place 2 – George Huntoon and Water Theft. by David Jennings. ... He explained that it was the result of a luncheon he attended, ... Turns out that, in his words, he was just trying to get an angry homeowner off his back when he made that call, suggesting that they break the law. But saying you were going to rob a bank is different than ...

Looking for someone that might be able to explain to me ... looking for someone that might be able to explain to me what Erasmus's distinctive vision of reformed christianity and central features of his plan were as he laid it out in his Godly Feast colloquie. I had read the Godly Feast several times and cannot grasp this information. thanks

What Global Warming? Science-Doubting Florida Lawmakers ... 16, 2011 · The 2008 law that would be repealed was pushed through in 2008 by former Gov. Charlie Crist, but has never been used to pursue cap and trade --- …

The Urban Politico: Detroit Superland Market of the worst things about racism is that black people tend to internalize it. This is true of classism, sexism and all of the other "ism's" which still plague humanity. If you subconsciously think and accept that you are less than someone else then you will start to behave in ways that support that line of thinking.

'OCCUPY WALL STREET': A lesson for middle grades ... 06, 2011 · Part of the Occupy Wall Street protest is a website called "We are the 99%." On this website, people supporting the occupation post pictures of themselves and words explaining why they support the protest. General mission statement of "We are the 99%" (Read aloud to students) We are the 99 percent. We are getting kicked out of our homes.

OOPS!!! Trump finally tweets about Stormy Daniels ... 19, 2018 · Search in titles only Search in The Political Party only. Search. Advanced Search

Pin on daddy's girl - pinterest.com but it is to protect ALL people's rights to pray to THEIR God. ... Ronald Reagan was the Last Great President we've had in the USA!! ... people who smoke are the ones who always carry a lighter with them but don't you that there are other reasons why you should have a lighter with you all the time?Our Flint Match Lighter is lightweight and ...

overview for nbcthevoicebandits - reddit.com's why people are paying attention, not because things are going so well that its worth talking about. If that was the case, the prevailing emotions on both sides wouldn't be bitterness, anger and fear (both of each other and the future), but instead would be optimism, camaraderie, and an ability to go weeks without thinking about politics.

-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's, my dad was a chemist & metallurgist in which water testing and purification became one of his specialties. He invented a unique special water filtration system to remove heavy metals and other microscopic containment's that took up a third of the basement but it worked.

Democratic House Thread 2019-2020 | BigSoccer 26, 2018 · I am not sure if this was the way the media covered it or if the 16 rebels failed in the PR war, but all 3 of the people in the leadership should have been the target of the coup. 2 Males, one female, 2 whites, 1 black, that way it may not have come across a sexist challenge, maybe more of an ageist challenge.

Justice Scalia disputes accuracy of 'leak' | 89.3 KPCC "it has to be a possible interpretation. It doesn't mean that you can rewrite the statute, and that was the basis for the dissenting view in the recent unnamed case that you are alluding to."

Finance | The New York Times Sucks | Page 4, in a time when Economic Inequality was the biggest topic of conversation in the nation, the Democratic Party saw fit to crown a candidate – Clinton – who earned $22 million between 2013-15 for doing nothing but giving 15 minute speeches to multinational corporations. Many of whom did business with associates of she and her husband, Bill.

Obama Visits a Mosque...and Jeb Happily Approves - Tea 06, 2016 · “If we’re serious about freedom of religion, and I’m talking to my fellow Christians who are the majority in this country, we have to understand that an attack on one faith is an attack on all faiths,” Obama said but he’s not fooling anyone into believing that he’s a Christian or that he cares about anyone except his brethren.

New Review ‘Rejects’ Report Finding Sheriff’s Building ... war of contradictions over the Flagler Sheriff’s Operations Center continues, with the latest word today in the form of a report, commissioned by Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly, that ...

Opening Argument - The 'Agony' Of Facing The Facts ... ink has been spilled about the felt need of all civilized people to avoid the ''agony'' of having (gasp!) witnesses testify about (eek!) facts in the well of the Senate. Hide in your homes! Lock up your children! Smash your TV sets! The Great Trauma is coming! Monica is marching on the Capitol--and she's going to go on and on for months about . . .

AZGOV – Page 3 - sonoranalliance.com a time when each of the candidates are hoping for a coveted endorsement from Governor Brewer, comments like this deserve to put an endorsement out of play and out of reach for Mayor Smith.

The righteous anger of Tess Rafferty, and the manufactured ... 29, 2016 · A few days after the election of Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States, a woman named Tess Rafferty[1] recorded an incendiary email, a love letter of sorts to the right wing of America. The video was a little bit over the top, which was understandable given that we no…

jobsanger: Lie Of Texas GOP - It's To Protect Women image of an ancient Roman childbirth is from the website It's fairly easy to tell when a Texas Republican is lying -- it's when their lips are moving. The latest outrageous lie was the one they told to get their anti-woman and anti-choice bill through the special section (which ...

April 2014 – The Poly-Tickle Liberator - go away, fat, dumb and not making much noise. The United States is in serious trouble already, so let us make it much worse by doing nothing because it will take some HARD work to correct. Do nothing and this IS what you will get, these are the FACTS:.. More gerrymandered voting districts making it impossible for a Republican to lose.

John Edwards Campaign PAC Under Investigation - TalkLeft'm not convinced John Edwards is under investigation, as opposed to his campaign PAC.. Edwards confirmed the investigation Sunday but said he has been cooperating with it. His statement: "I am confident that no funds from my campaign were used improperly," Edwards said in the statement.

Former Congressman Tom Tancredo makes the ballot for 09, 2014 · Former Congressman Tom Tancredo has made the ballot for governor, according to the secretary of state’s office. In order to petition onto the ballot, Tancredo’s campaign had to collect 1,500 signatures from registered Republicans in each of the state’s seven congressional districts. The petitions were due March 31.

Why Obama's Got "Complete Confidence" In Clinton | The Nation 30, 2008 · This is why, even as Obama and Clinton battled one another in the early caucuses and primaries, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold — the Senate’s most determined opponent of the war in Iraq, in ...

This day in baseball history: Perry tops Gibson with no ... 17, 2018 · 1968 was the year of the pitcher. The collective ERA of the National League was 2.99. The American League’s ERA was 2.98. Denny McLain of the Detroit Tigers won 31 games. This was the firstAuthor: Paul Mirengoff

Most Expensive Midterm Election Ever: Special Interests ... opportunity of public office has become such a position of power and control people are paying billions of dollars just for a crack at landing their candidate a job in D.C. In fact, according to a report this week, the cost of the 2018 was the most expensive midterm election in history.

Mr. Lucious Times For Governor ( The Royal Family Party ... 08, 2018 · The Peacekeepers were vigilantes at the finest. The city soon had a crime rate so low new schools were being built and more people migrated to the lovely city of Los Angeles. Through all the harsh deeds The Peacekeepers had done Lucious never was present for the actual action. He was the mastermind, the planner, the brain of the whole operation.

Former Edwards’ aide ‘uneasy’ about money allocation ... former aide to John Edwards testified Tuesday about the lengths the former presidential candidate went to hide his affair with a campaign videographer, including raising money from wealthy...

A Four Letter Word in the White House | Alternet"Okay, what's a four-letter word for 'our next president'? If you said Gore, you have about a 50 percent chance of being right next November. Probably a little higher than 50, but it's early yet.

“The President May Be Able to Fire Mueller, but He Can’t ... 23, 2018 · With only 48 hours until Stormy Daniels appears on 60 Minutes to divulge the details of her alleged 12-year-old affair with Donald Trump, the pornographic actress offered a naked message to …

In Praise of Public Life - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com the Stephen King science-fiction story called “The Jaunt,” a family prepares to travel to Mars using an interplanetary teleportation device. As they wait for departure time to arrive, the father tells his young son about how the technology was developed. It seems that in the initial experiments, lab rats that had been teleported all behaved erratically and died, unless they were given ...

March 19, 2001 | New York Post 19, 2001 · Read the news from March 19, 2001 on the New York Post. ... Gov. Pataki took another step toward a possible bid for a third term yesterday by unveiling a …

Clarence Thomas | Whatever Works bigotbasher at The Conservative Lie had a good post this week on the scandal-de-jour as it relates to other interesting events in our national life – he speculates about why Weiner’s predilection for adolescent sexual behavior came out at this time and what that might have to do with Justice Thomas and Obamacare and Citizens’ United and a recent letter Weiner wrote Thomas saying he ...

It’s still a party instead of an organization for all ...’s still a party instead of an organization for all local dems. Posted on December 10, ... criminal behavior and racist tendencies in his department should be the first clue that the Dems are impotent. ... That’s the difference between a political organization- and a “Party” that’s more like …

(PDF) What is needed to change the result of an election ... is what we also use here as the . ... who is more concerned with the health and education of . ... remembered as the first in which an incumbent President was defeated since 1932, show other ...

McCollum blames teachers for Fla losing out on federal 29, 2010 · Attorney General and GOP gubernatorial hopeful Bill McCollum blamed the teachers’ union for Florida’s failure to win out on the first round of federal “Race to the Top” education funds. The Florida Education Association, that opposed the stimulus funds, is “now responsible for the loss of ...

Republicans | Power Line Mark Warner of Virginia is up for reelection in 2020. Warner is a formidable candidate, but he shouldn’t be considered unbeatable. Ed Gillespie came very close to defeating him in 2014.

Robinson: Barr thought it's OK to be racist | Opinion ... — President Trump wants to create a safe public space for ugly, unvarnished, unambiguous racism, which he knows he can exploit for political advantage. This cynical and destructive ploy must not be allowed to succeed. Witness Trump's reaction to …

The Latest: Melania Trump greeted with standing ovation ... 30, 2018 · WASHINGTON — The Latest on President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech (all times local):9 p.m.Melania Trump received a standing ovation as …

The Latest: Lawmakers claim prime seats for big speech ... (AP) — The Latest on President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech (all times local): 8:15 p.m. An hour before President Donald Trump’s big speech, the House chamber is beginning to fill with lawmakers eying prime seats and making small talk.

Citations with the tag: CARDINALS - Find Articles, News article discusses the theological doctrine of the Catholics known as Assumption of Our Lady. The doctrine honors Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, who is considered as the patron in nine countries. It states the history of the Catholics movement to define the immaculate conception of …

Guantanamo on the Brink: Death Looms for Inmates Amid ... 11, 2009 · Mohamed, who is suffering dramatic weight loss after a month-long hunger strike, has told Bradley, 45, that he is “very scared” of being attacked by guards, after witnessing a savage beating for a detainee who refused to be strapped down and have a feeding tube forced into his mouth.

Trump: I look orange, but so do you because of energy 13, 2019 · Winners and losers from the third Democratic debate — The Democrats met in Houston on Thursday night for the third Democratic debate of 2019, this time all on one night.After nearly three hours of sparring between the 10 candidates who qualified, here's who …

Opinion/Column: In current climate, Barr assumes it's safe ... Trump wants to create a safe public space for ugly, unvarnished, unambiguous racism, which he knows he can exploit for political advantage. This cynical and destructive ploy must not

THE NOONER for 10-29-16 - Around The 29, 2016 · Clark Kelso, professor of law at McGeorge and a Republican nominee appointed to insurance commish in 2000 when the vacancy arose after Chuck Quackenbush was compelled to resign and moved to serve as the state's chief information officer …

The Algore Attack On The First Amendment - Blogger Algore Attack On The First Amendment Early coverage of Al Gore's new book, The Assault on Reason, has focused on the fact that the book is largely an assault on the Bush administration. But they have glossed over the most significant and alarming theme that Al Gore has taken up: his alleged defense of "reason" includes a justification for ...

Is White Genocide in Our Future? - Brothel House II 13, 2019 · This is the direction in which the attack on white people has gone as we will presently see. ... why would they ever change they are the same evil fucks now as they were back when they tried this shit the first tiime ... in his magisterial three-volume history of ...

DCCC Adds Reed And Stefanik To 2018 Target List Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is already targeting all but one Republican member of the New York delegation in 2018. The DCCC announced Monday it was adding 20 new districts from across the country to its “battlefield” and among them are …

Follow the money: Cash in BSB chief executive race tops ... commissioners running for chief executive in Butte-Silver Bow raised more campaign cash than incumbent Matt Vincent through April 28 this year, but each kicked in $2,500 of their own money ...

Indiana | Right Michigan individual who writes or creates news stories, commentaries or editorials for a newspaper, online news outlet or radio or TV broadcaster, and who wants to use this title, would have to pay a $10 fee, and have either a journalism degree, at least three years experience as a reporter, submit writing samples, present evidence of awards or ...

Uncategorized Archives - Alliance for Justice petitions were signed by members and supporters of Alliance for Justice, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Planned Parenthood, People for the American Way, the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, CREDO, and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. Prof. Johnsen is eminently qualified to serve in this position.

Dave Harrington « OC Political 31, 2018 · Dave Harrington spent 29 years in the OCSD as a “street cop.” He says he had to make decisions quickly and not follow bureaucratic procedures. The first question is how did each arrive at his position on CCWs, and does he favor increased CCWs. Barnes signed a declaration on “good cause” in 2012. After Peruta, he helped issue thousands ...

How Inequality Found a Political Voice - NationofChange it cannot be a substitute for wise leadership, and its existence does not guarantee prudent policies. As political priorities continue to rebalance, we will need to devise creative solutions to solve our hardest problems, and to prevent populist misrule. One hopes that the course we are on now.

The Left Coaster: Just Can't Win For Can't Win For Losing by Turkana. This was the year to do the world a favor and finally rid it of the U.S. Republican Party, once and for all.The worst and most unpopular president ever, and a Republican candidate who might even be more disastrous, and all the Democrats needed do was run a tight campaign, emphasize what people already knew, and let history take its course.

Paul Weissmann Archives - The 25, 2015 · Weissmann, who is about to turn 51, developed a reputation at the state Capitol as a master of the complicated rules and someone who applied them fairly. Sometimes for caucus luncheons or committee meetings that ran late he brought in spaghetti, salad and bread from the Blue Parrot. He currently is the Boulder County treasurer.

Donald Trump | David Rivkin, Constitutional Attorney and statement from Mr. Rosenstein’s office called Mr. McCabe’s account “inaccurate and factually incorrect” and asserted: “There is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment, nor was the DAG in a position to consider invoking the 25th Amendment.” But a potentially serious …

John McCain – Post On Arizona Sen. John McCain, who effectively ended Mitt Romney‘s 2008 presidential hopes by defeating him in that year’s Florida primary, will hit the campaign trail for Romney on Thursday. McCain will appear at town hall meetings in Sun City and Madeira Beach in the Tampa Bay area. No ...

NCGOP convention delegate says Speaker Tillis, party vice ... convention delegate says Speaker Tillis, party vice-chair King 'bullied' her | Beaufort County Now Carteret County Republican activist Jessica Hult had an eye-opening experience as a delegate to the recent NCGOP convention in Greensboro: RINO politics, Carteret County Republican activist Jessica Hult, North Carolina State Republican Convention, NC GOP

Hunger Games, Handmaid's Tales and the Present Reality ... 07, 2019 · No, things have never quite become as bad as portrayed in that novel, but it was perhaps Orwell’s warnings that kept it from becoming so. Perhaps the only thing he didn’t see was the problem of corporate surveillance of our lives.

Pro Musica Hebraica | Power Line 06, 2009 · Pro Musica Hebraica is an organization devoted to presenting Jewish classical music — much of it lost, forgotten, or rarely performed — in a concert hall setting. It is the project of Charles ...

Usury laws and Harvard grads | Esrati Posts. The inevitable death of the Dayton Public Schools at the hands of Libby Lolli posted on September 2, 2019; The legend of a loser posted on August 25, 2019; Will “American Factory” put Dayton back in the news? posted on August 19, 2019 Kettering cop assassinates passenger in traffic stop posted on September 2, 2017; Montgomery County Board of (S)Elections back at it posted ...

Caligiuri Sees Close Race in 5th | News | Maloney said in a 2006 interview that usually a challenger cannot defeat a challenger unless he raises at least 80 percent as much money. He said the usual exception to that rule is when there is a wave of dissent against an incumbent, as was the case in 2006 when Mrs. Johnson and some other Republicans faced fierce voter outrage to, among other things, then-President George W. Bush’s ...

Eye on NY: DeFrancisco 'rapidly approaching' decision on ... on NY: DeFrancisco 'rapidly approaching' decision on NY governor's race ... a corporate restructuring expert who many believed was the favorite to secure the GOP nomination, announced on New ...

Rep. Ted Deutch slams ‘reckless Republican budget’ at town Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Boca Raton, speaks in Century Village of Boca Raton today. U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Boca Raton, pitched a bill to create a new unit in the Federal Trade Commission to focus on scams against seniors during a town hall meeting at Century VIllage that drew 200 or more constituents.

Liveblogging Bill Barr's Boot Scootin' MAGA Rally, We Mean ... 18, 2019 · That was the weirdest Sarah Huckabee Sanders briefing ever. Also it added absolutely zero value to anything that has ever happened in the history of the world, ever. What a failure of a fucking human being, THE END.

Haley accused of illegally flying Chanticleer flag over ... accused of illegally flying Chanticleer flag over Statehouse ... U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy in his capacity as chairman of the ... investigation was the Democratic chorus accusing him of trying to ...

Mitt Romney – Mexican Anchor Baby – Releases Fake Birth ... 30, 2012 · I think the democrats can have fun with this if they want to. George Romey was born in Mexico yet he ran for President. Eventhough I know G Romney’s parents were U.S. citizens so he too woud be considered a natural born U.S. citizen constitutionally qualified to be President, as stated in this post the birthers would not agree to this if it was a democrat in the same position.

How to tell a joke — Red Bull version | Capitol View ... 02, 2006 · This is somebody who is drawing a parallel to Vietnam to insult the president. I call fair game, but at a bad time. Kerry was an idiot for not having the foresight, but Bush is an idiot for making ...

Interactive: Comparing the Republican Presidential ... Rick Perry has risen to GOP front-runner status in the primary polls, but the other presidential contenders are still hot on his trail. The Tribune created this interactive to help voters compare him to other top Republican candidates on everything from their personal histories and governing ...

Closing arguments in John Edwards corruption trial ..., N.C. (AP) - A prosecutor used John Edwards' own stump speech against him in closing arguments at his corruption trial Thursday, saying the presidential candidate violated campaign ...

Video: Richard Epstein defends the ‘classical liberal ... 11, 2014 · On his favorite Justice of all time, Mahlon Pitney: “He was the most consistent classical liberal.” On the Court’s ruling in Citizens United: “This is, in my view, a very easy case. Scalia ...

House Republican campaign chairman says there's no place 18, 2019 · Democrats' Ratings of Party's 2020 Field: Better Than in 2016, Similar to 2008 — Early attention to presidential campaign hits a 30-year high — With a large slate of candidates to choose from and the first primary votes still more than six months off, Democratic voters express relatively high levels … +

Donna Brazile Throws Hillary completely under the bus ... 02, 2017 · Donna Brazile Throws Hillary completely under the bus Wait until you read this, straight from the horse’s mouth, a massive criminal conspiracy laid out in black and white, from the least likely of sources -- Donna Brazile Herself – who took over from Debbie Wasserman-Shultz after Hillary HAD to sack Wasserman-Shultz, immediately following the Wikileaks…

» Economics for Earth’s Rights - 04, 2016 · In his latest book (and first novel), NELC Fellow, Bill McKibben, takes his resistance angst and turns it into a love letter to Vermont, local craft beer, human-scale economies and decision making like “Town Meeting Day,” and Ethan Allen. With humor, he tells a tale of seceding as a protest against the big impersonal political […]

Uneasy calm in Hong Kong after day of violence over ... 14, 2019 · HONG KONG – Hong Kong authorities were shutting government offices in the city’s financial district for the rest of the week after a day of violence over an extradition bill that would allow ...

Urinary tract infections 'TREBLE your risk of a stroke in ... tract infections (UTIs) may raise your chances of suffering a stroke, a study has warned. Scientists found patients with UTIs are three times more likely to have an ischemic stroke within 30 days of catching the bug.

St. Tammany Parish Public Schools special elections (2015 ... 28, 2015 · St. Tammany Parish Public Schools lies in southeastern Louisiana in St. Tammany Parish.The seat of parish government is Covington.St. Tammany Parish was home to an estimated 242,333 residents in 2013, according to the United States Census Bureau. In the 2011-2012 school year, St. Tammany Parish was the fourth-largest school district in Louisiana and served 37,058 students.

First-ever, full-time behavioral health clinic opens in ... marks the first-ever, full-time behavioral health clinic in Livingston Parish. The services previously had been offered twice a week in Denham Springs at a temporary location.

IRmep: AIPAC's Fed Candidate Stanley Fischer on a Warpath ... 's Fed Candidate Stanley Fischer on a W arpath against Iran Dual-citizen nominee 's lifetime benefit to Israel comes at a heavy cost to America. By Grant F. Smith, Director of Research, IRmep. The rushed campaign to insert Stanley Fischer straight from his position leading Israel's central bank into the number two spot at the Federal Reserve has allowed little time for research into the ...

AIPAC's Fed Candidate Stanley Fischer on a Warpath Against ... 28, 2013 · The rushed campaign to insert Stanley Fischer straight from his position leading Israel’s central bank into the number two spot at the Federal Reserve has allowed little time for research into the appointee’s career or for informed public debate about his record. - ISRAEL's Fed Candidate Stanley Fischer ... rushed campaign to insert Stanley Fischer straight from his position leading Israel’s central bank into the number two spot at the Federal Reserve has allowed little time for research into the appointee’s career or for informed public debate about his record.

Excerpts from recent editorials in newspapers in Illinois ... 27, 2019 · It's hard to know what to make of the seemingly quixotic campaign of suburban firebrand Joe Walsh for the Republican presidential nomination. Our first impulse -- …

12/28 Letters to the Editor | Archive | polkio.com*Volunteers help make choirs shine*Returned wallet saves Christmas*New apartments marring beauty*Individual should take responsibility*Era of compassion comes to an end*Speaker Boehner ranks at bottom*GOP finds ways to distort truth

The Early Edition: May 10, 2017 - Just Security 10, 2017 · Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. JAMES COMEY FIRED F.B.I Director James Comey’s firing by President Trump yesterday raised the specter of political interference by a sitting president into an investigation by the U.S.’ main law enforcement agency and prompted immediate …

Jodrell Bank observatory is named a Unesco World Heritage ... Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire has been named a Unesco World Heritage site - putting it on par with Machu Picchu, the Great Wall of China and the Taj Mahal.. The Cheshire observatory, which is owned by the University of Manchester, has been at the forefront of astronomical research for decades.

Iloilo City bets for mayor fail to report full bill for ... THEIR bid to be Iloilo City’s chief executive from 2016 to 2019, then incumbent Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog (Liberal Party) and Dr. Marigold Gonzalez (Independent, but with support from the United Nationalist Alliance) staged a costly advertising war that later ran into a total of more than P1 million for radio spots alone.

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky on November ... 08, 2000 · The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky · Page 70 ... " Here are the" results of contested mayoral races in some of Kentucky's larger cities. ... Capps was shot in his home June 5 …

Above Average Jane: Democratic Senate Candidates Debate 04, 2006 · This is the first time I had seen Casey on screen for any length of time and I wasn't bowled over. If the campaign is looking for suggestions, I say try a navy suit, white or pale shirt and a vibrant yellow print (but not diagonal striped) tie. Just a thought. * Chuck Pennacchio was the best speaker in the trio. His voice is clear and carries well.

Senate - The US Politics discussion | Page 2624 | Jedi ... 11, 2019 · Same in Iowa. Trump railed against wind power, but it's a huge employer there, and the state government moved to protect the industry. Things move faster when a strong national policy is in place, but the Trump era is showing us what can be done without it. We'll make it to where we need to go, we'll just be the last to get there.

Which political party specializes in irresponsible ... 13, 2008 · This is related to the first point above. Yet another thing to keep in mind is that debt is a good thing if the borrowed money is invested in a such a way that it …

UPDATE: Metro Council has sudden meeting — South So the challenge, where are the agendas and minutes? This is a very secretive body affecting all of our lives with no oversight by the pub;lic. #2 Blue collar on 12.27.18 at 10:41 pm Well I found it rather easily using your link and using the site map function. Another conspiracy debunked. #3 Bruce on 12.28.18 at 6:59 am

Influential books follow-up: At 90, Arthur Frommer still ... 22, 2019 · As it was titled in the early 1980s, Arthur Frommer's Europe on $25 a Day was a rare example of a book that completely and demonstrably changed my life. ON THE AVENUES: The 32 most influential books in my life. If I were to attempt ranking these 32 books in terms of greatest influence, Frommer's guidebook surely would land in the Top Five.

25 Days Left! #election2016 | Jokes | Politics ... Pin was discovered by Stephen Nichols. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.

[Ebook]: The Promise of a Lie by Howard Roughan - Google is a pretty good book and probably better than I rated it. However, I had just finished a Robin Cook and felt a little burned out. I love the thriller genre, but it must be well paced (fast) The Promise of a Lie and with intricate subplots that come together by the end.

Hunger Games, Handmaid's Tales and the Present Reality’m not sure why, but I have always been fascinated by dystopian fiction (fiction which foresees a frighteningly dysfunctional future). Early on I read 1984 and Animal Farm. Big Brother is watching you!

Here And Now - nystateofpolitics.com New York might be Cuomo’s “destiny,” but it’s going to be a challenge. Gov. David Paterson is expected to introduce a bill that would re-open the state’s parks and historic sites. Cuomo has something in common with Republicans Lazio and Carl Paladino: A desire to reduce the number of state agencies.

Former Obama White House counsel indicted in charges The officer who used a chokehold on Eric Garner was fired. But the case is far from settled. Peloton, a bike company, claims it “sells happiness” and is “so much more than a bike”

The Commonwealth Iconoclast: Commander in Chief 05, 2007 · This is actually important. Always remember, somebody has got to be in charge! Do you want to leave that responsibility to somebody who is primairly interested in who is going to buy the donuts? NOTE: Yes, the Commonwealth Iconoclast is still here. Over the past few months, I moved and got a new job following the 2006 elections (go get them Jim ...

Obama campaign | The Confluence about Obama campaign written by riverdaughter. Tips gratefully accepted here. Thanks!:

The Commonwealth Iconoclast: July 2007 05, 2007 · This is actually important. Always remember, somebody has got to be in charge! Do you want to leave that responsibility to somebody who is primairly interested in who is going to buy the donuts? NOTE: Yes, the Commonwealth Iconoclast is still here. Over the past few months, I moved and got a new job following the 2006 elections (go get them Jim ...

UTLA’s Hypocritical Stance on Dr. Ref Rodriguez - La was the President of the Los Angeles Board of Education, but he stepped down from that role as board president on Tuesday. He remains a school board member. As expected, the teachers union has pounced on the drama surrounding Dr. Rodriguez, but it’s kind of …

Schneiderman In Rochester - nystateofpolitics.com“We have led the fight on the streets of Rochester to combat gun trafficking, but it isn’t enough,” said Duffy, who is Andrew Cuomo’s LG running mate and also the city’s former police chief. “This is an interstate problem that needs an interstate solution.

Oh, NOW, the system isn’t fair. | The Confluence 08, 2012 · Go read Thereisnospoon's recent post at Hullabaloo and substitute the words, "party primary system" wherever you see "presidential election". Funny, I don't remember anyone in the Obama contingent whining about how unfair it was for the nearly empty western states and conservative southern states to trump almost every big or substantial Democratic state in the…

The Case Of Michael Slager: Not Just Lynching, A ... the AP report was talking about, in a cutesy fashion, was the MSM campaign to get Officer Darren Wilson and his family murdered, or failing that, Wilson railroaded into prison for doing his job and refusing to die at the hands of black would-be murderer Michael Brown. Since then, the MSM has been hunting white policemen non-stop.

IN CONTROL: A special report. ; Reno's Loner Image Hides a ... 23, 1997 · Get-back items can be as important as the reorganization of the I.N.S. and as petty as the provision of gasoline for agents' cars. In one meeting last year, Ms. Reno, fresh from flipping through a ...

Gubernatorial Candidates Miner, Sharpe & Hawkins Lay Out ... 24, 2018 · “Basic economic human rights, the right to a job or an income above poverty, comprehensive healthcare, a decent home, a good education…Those are the things [President Franklin Delano] Roosevelt said in his last state of the union address that …

Where Are the New Giants? - The Washington Are the New Giants? Ted Kennedy's death provided a poignant reminder that there aren't many "giants" left in American politics. Why is that? Has the leadership talent gravitated to other fields? Have voters become so cynical that they cannot be lead? Is it all the fault of the media, or the special interests, or the demands of modern ...

The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy: The Untold Story of the ... book illuminates the deepest recesses of the leftwing swamp and it does so in a most measured, intelligent and entertaining way. The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy is a very valuable guide and reference work to a dangerous and sinister force in American politics.Reviews: 1Format: PaperbackAuthor: Byron York

PROPHECY UPDATE: Soros: The Man Behind The Mayhem 14, 2017 · Germany emerged as the hegemonic power in Europe, but it failed to live up to the obligations that successful hegemons must fulfill, namely looking beyond their narrow self-interest to the interests of the people who depend on them…. Democracy is now in crisis.

UMass hires DJ to lead outreach - Lowell Sun LOWELL failed to lure former State Sen. Steven Panagiotakos to a high-profile government-affairs job at the university, but got the next best thing. The university announced Friday it has ...

Harris County Republican Party Chair primary race’s interesting how a little bit of research can change your mind about a race. I came into this primary season expecting to vote for current Harris County Republican Party Chair Paul Simpson.That might come as a surprise to you and to Paul but it is true.

The Plum Line - The Morning* David Obey predicts Walker will be recalled: Quote of the morning, from former Wisconsin Rep. and top labor ally David Obey: "It is apparent to me that if the Governor does not engage in meaningful compromise, he will be recalled. Because when you go after the jugular, and try to put workers out ...

ami bera | American River Democrats Ami Bera, who is running for re-election in the Seventh Congressional District, was the special guest speaker at the February meeting of the American River Democrats. He opened by reminding the club that Democrats’ work is more important than ever, in facing issues like gun violence, climate change, and immigration.

Update: Caldara invites Sen. John Morse on TV to talk 20, 2013 · A Whole Lot of People for John Morse sent out a press release Tuesday with a link to a YouTube video. In the clip Caldara alleges Morse was talking about gun owners when Morse, on the Senate floor on March 8, during the gun-control debate, used a quote from Robert Kennedy.

RIVERSIDE CONFIDENTIAL BREAKING NEWS: Cheater Jason Gore ... sir. Business as usual for Stan Sniff. Terminate the innocent and promote the guilty. I have two sources, both requesting confidentiality from within the department. Allow me to excerpt our original post on the subject: Jason Gore - This one is a big deal. He is married to Jessica Gore who i

On the Seventh Day of Preetsmas | The 07, 2015 · It looks like Mr. Pierce and AJ’s Wholesale, LLC is out $785,000, and if the state Department of Taxation requires that state taxes be paid and stamps affixed to the cigarettes when they were placed on trucks for shipment through New York State to a …

IsraelAmerica : Corruption and trump was the promise that pried just enough Obama voters away from Hillary Clinton in just enough upper-Midwest states to clinch the Electoral College. ... As the races pick up in earnest, some kind of narrative focus is going to be necessary to frame the case against Trump. ... These are the only kind of people who want to work for Trump, and ...

All Eyes On Yvette - Washington City Paper this month, the type of people who give money to political campaigns will gather at Mayor Vince Gray’s Hillcrest home for chit-chat and barbecue. They’ll also be asked to open their ...

Tim Carpenter's Politics of Radical Inclusion: In the ... 30, 2014 · -- by John Nichols, The Nation Tim Carpenter never lost faith in the very real prospect of a very radical change for the better. And he never lost his organizer’s certainty that the tipping point that would make the change was just a few more phone calls, a few more rallies, a few more campaigns away. So he kept on organizing. To the last.

GOP pollster schools RPOF on millennial generation’s 28, 2015 · GOP pollster schools RPOF on millennial generation’s priorities, how to win their vote ... That was one of just many insights offered by ... He also was the …

The Powerful “Groupthink” on Ukraine - truthout.org 23, 2014 · It’s also true that the Feb. 22 coup was partly engineered by the U.S. government led by Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, who had been an adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney and who is married to arch-neocon Robert Kagan, one of the intellectual authors of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq.

And the winner of the recall lotto is … Vice Chair Lynda 06, 2013 · That was the name pulled out of a hat today by a coalition of activists who set out to recall one of the eight commissioners who voted in favor of a zero tax increase that led to drastic cuts in library and fire-rescue services as well as the inability to fully fund a …

Mitch Perry Report for 1.6.16 – Big time college athletics 06, 2017 · There is a lot of discussion in the local media how crazy traffic conditions will be in downtown Tampa because of all the activity beginning today, but it really isn’t that big of a deal, unless ...

Is Impeachment Becoming More Likely? 06, 2019 · If any one of us were up on charges for the same actions, every criminal lawyer in the country would advise us to plead guilty for a lesser sentence. ... You guys should just go back to pretending the Clinton investigation never happened. Much easier. Clinton was the worst candidate the Democrats could have nominated and an insult to the Women ... Levey Live: Q&A with Ralph 21, 1998 · Bob Levey: In December, at your first fund-raiser, you collected $150,000 -- by far the largest amount ever collected by a congressional challenger so soon in …

Cox, In Albany, Makes Case Against Gillibrand Republican county chairman today in Albany, State Chairman Ed Cox went on the attack against U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. This, from the remarks provided by the state committee (the emphasis in caps is there’s): She was AGAINST gay marriage as a member of the House, FOR gay marriage the ...

Recalling the Wisconsin Idea » Urban Milwaukee century ago there was a political agenda known as the “Wisconsin Idea.” As Sanford D. Horwitt, author of Feingold: A New Democratic Party, puts it, the idea at the center of then-nascent ...

I'm Chinese-American, of course, and so it's very'm Chinese-American, of course, and so it's very interesting by Leroy Chiao. I'm Chinese-American, of course, and so it's very interesting to see China actually launch their own astronauts, becoming the third nation, following the United States and Russia, to do so. - Leroy Chiao. I loved flying as much as I thought I would and continue to fly aircraft. - Leroy Chiao. Our task was doing ...

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: NorCo Prothy, Clerk of Criminal ... 25, 2018 · At yesterday's budget hearing, Northampton County Council heard from the row officers. These include the Prothonotary (a fancy name for the person who manages the office in which civil cases are filed), Clerk of Criminal Courts, Clerk of Orphans Court/Register of Wills and the Archivist.

Pin on Progressive Politics for the 99% - pinterest.com former drone operator suffering from PTSD and a Pakistani man whose mother was killed by a drone come forward to personalize America’s robot wars

Growing demand to bring Martinelli to justice | The Panama demand to bring Martinelli to justice. September 18, 2015 ... Ricardo Martinelli in one of his uniforms. Photo by the Presidencia. One might dismiss the latest pronouncement as the usual stuff from the usual ineffectual civil society groups — but by and large these are people who were behind Varela’s upset victory in the 2014 ...

Gotta Be in It to Win It | Village Voice 01, 2000 · Gotta Be in It to Win It by Chisun Lee. ... But it speaks volumes about the perceived accessibility to office in pre-term-limits politics. ... who was the victorious underdog in a bitter 1997 ...

Religious Right Pushes Legislation To Allow Church ... by a phalanx of Religious Right leaders, U.S. Rep. Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.) has announced the reintroduction of a bill that would allow houses of worship to endorse candidates for public office. Jones unveiled the legislation at a Washington, D.C., press conference March 2. Joining him at the event were representatives from the American Center for Law and Justice, the Christian ...

Fight or Flight? - The Atlantic opposed the Iraq War, cast the lone vote against the Patriot Act after the 9/11 attacks, and was the only Democrat to dissent from the recent financial-reform law, on the grounds that it wasn't ...

Terry Kilgore - Ballotpedia Kilgore is a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, representing District 1.Kilgore is running in the general election on November 5, 2019. The 1st House of Delegates Republican Legislative District Committee scheduled a mass meeting to choose a nominee for the seat on April 25, 2019, but it was canceled when Kilgore was the only candidate.

The State AG Report Weekly Update December 21, 2017 21, 2017 · The State AG Report Weekly Update December 21, 2017 By Lori Kalani, Bernard Nash. ... who is seeking the Democratic nomination for Governor in 2018. ... he was the Managing Partner of a private firm focusing on corporate and administrative law and litigation. He also served as the Managing Director for the City and County of Honolulu from 2010 ...

Jeff Sessions isn't making a move in the Michael Cohen ... 25, 2018 · Jeff Sessions isn't making a move in the Michael Cohen case that has poisoned his relationship with Trump -- and it could be huge for the president

Outsider's Day seems to be working for McCain, who is doing to Bush in New Hampshire what Dwight Eisenhower did to the G.O.P. establishment choice Bob Taft. Bradley has a tougher row to hoe in that state, but he goes into his several debates with the vice president this weekend propelled by the issue of his choice.

Why can't my fellow Republicans get the job done on ... 09, 2014 · There has been a lot of finger pointing on who is responsible for the failure of pension reform and other initiatives, but it is unfortunately clear that the party who controls the levers of ...

Community-Owned Internet, Long Targeted by ALEC and Big ... 07, 2013 · Community-Owned Internet, Long Targeted by ALEC and Big Telecom, Under Fire in Georgia. ... If, as the industry alleges, municipal broadband projects are going to fail, the incumbent providers would have nothing to worry about. ... but it still creates onerous burdens and thwarts new projects, perhaps even including those already underway.

Opinion | Essay; Outsider's Day - The New York Times 16, 1999 · About the gang of four who share the platforms with Bush and McCain: Only the voters can winnow the field, but it's up to the media and McCain to put on the heat to arrange a …

Who Killed Princess Diana? - Capitalism Magazine person’s life is his own — celebrity or not; the private details are his to reveal as he sees fit. Neither Diana nor anyone can pursue their life, liberty and happiness so long as “the public” believes it has a right to every detail as brought to them by reporters and photographers who hound, intrude and harass.

Lessons from History: Who Killed Princess Diana ... two years have passed since that fatal car crash in a Paris tunnel, and the fundamental question still burns: Who is morally responsible for the tragic and senseless death of princess Diana? Although the investigation report from the French magistrate has yet to be released, many of the details are widely known. Was her chauffeur responsible?

John J. Gilligan : The Politics of Principle by Mark Bernstein J. Gilligan | The life and public service of Ohio's transformative governor This first full-length biography of John Joyce Gilligan argues that Ohio's sixty-second governor was the most significant Democrat in the state's postwar years.

Religious right pushes legislation to allow church ... Online Library: Religious right pushes legislation to allow church electioneering.(People & Events) by "Church & State"; Philosophy and religion Government Church and state Laws, regulations and rules Political aspects Electioneering Religious aspects Political campaigns Political activity Religious Right (American politics)

Virginia Casino News Archives | Mobile Casinos For VA Players saga of the sports betting contract in the District of Columbia is like the gift that keeps on giving. And it may come to an unfortunate end for somebody. Currently, there are two members of the D.C. Council – Robert C. White Jr. and Elissa Silverman – who are asking that the government conduct an investigation of a company that alleges that it is a local enterprise, and as such, helps ...

January | 2014 | Power Line | Page 2 30, 2014 · The assertion that women are the victims of discrimination in the workplace was one of the featured themes of President Obama’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday. ... This is …

democrat – truthlikewater are The One % Posted on September 15, 2017. There appears to be a consensus that 1% of the population controls 99% of the wealth. That is the problem at the root of conflict in the world. Out of all the problems humankind faces, the most inane situation certainly on …

Write a 1750-2100 word paper in APA format evaluating the ... 04, 2009 · Write a 1750-2100 word paper in APA format evaluating the state of American democracy today. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the current democratic system for each assigned chapter in the text. It may ne help to keep tally from each chapter of …

Tough year ends, tougher times ahead? - The Final 29, 2010 · Tough year ends, tougher times ahead? ... But it's been very slow in terms of getting results,” Mr. Hampton said. ... said one of the realities that should have been learned in 2010 is Blacks ...

Florida Gov. Scott Raising Piles of Cash for Re-Election ... 04, 2013 · Florida Gov. Scott Raising Piles of Cash for Re-Election Campaign The Florida governor's poll numbers remain stubbornly low, but he's raising mountains of cash for his re-election campaign.

Dec. 7 Letters: Eviction of senior citizens brings call to ... 06, 2017 · As the current administration dismantles/destroys our national monuments and parks we are reminded of John Muir’s argument against the Hetch Hetchy plan. In 1912 he wrote in his …

Daily Mirror - Election meddling and New York Times allegation that former president Mahinda Rajapaksa’s campaign benefited from it, kills two birds with one stone by discrediting both China and a political leader seen as being too-China ...

City Hall: Ashanti Hamilton Files for Mayoral Run » Urban ... Council President Ashanti Hamilton has taken the first step to run for mayor. The City Hall veteran filed Wednesday to convert his campaign account into a mayoral campaign account, raising ...

Global Satellite Science Meets Gore's Environmentalist ... nation’s two top authorities on global satellite temperature data — Dr. Roy Spencer of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and Dr. John Christy of the University of Alabama in Huntsville — came to Washington last week to discuss the reasons they’re not too concerned about a putative global warming.

Hialeah election candidates: Something old, something new 29, 2013 · Councilwoman Katherine Cue-Fuente is the only one who is unopposed and who now gets to coast into re-election, ... And The Other Martinez’s sudden challenge also fuels the first time candidacy of Rodriguez, who volunteered for the slate of candidates that ran in 2011 against the incumbents. ... Hialeah election candidates: Something old ...

Hurd not a fan of anti-hate measure and House Resolution 1 ... 08, 2019 · The first was the anti-hate measure passed Thursday, after a lengthy delay to tweak its language. Hurd echoed the concerns of many other Republicans in the House who said it was a watered down statement meant to punish Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar for her comments regarding Israel.

Opinion | Brooklyn Council Endorsements - The New York Times 04, 1997 · 35th District (Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Prospect Heights, part of Crown Heights): Mary Pinkett was the first African-American woman ever elected to …

Mitt Romney Defends U.S. Constitution against 12, 2012 · “America will not tolerate attacks against our citizens and against our embassies. We’ll defend also our constitutional rights of free speech and assembly and religion,” said GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney in remarks to the press while campaigning in Jacksonville, Florida. “We stand for the principles our Constitution protects.

Open primary group facing GOP challenge on financial ... -- A group working to change election laws and tighten up rules on "dark money'' is facing a complaint that it is illegally hiding the source of its own cash. Tim LaSota, attorney for the ...

New GOP Budget Bill Would Defund the Defunct ACORN. This ... the sequester cut teaching jobs, Head Start spots, senior food programs, and access to nutrition assistance for over half a million women and their families, the GOP revealed its brand new short-term budget bill for 2013. Buried on page 221 is a curious clause banning federal funding to ACORN ...

Arizona Corporation Commission seeks details on Arizona ... — State utility regulators are making another bid to find out how much money the state’s largest electric utility is spending on political campaigns and lobbying.

An Argument Against Mercy Killing: A Response to Catlin's 2002, the Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalize euthanasia and physician- assisted suicide. What does the Dutch euthanasia practice look like? What are the insights gained from twelve years of experience in regulating and reviewing euthanasia cases? In this article, some... Assisted Suicide and Nursing Ethics.

Putin vs. Obama...and the battle continues on - Tea Party 05, 2013 · Isn’t it a sad commentary on today’s America when an enemy (of sorts) makes way more sense and draws logical conclusions to the serious problem that is Syria when our own president does NOT. A few days ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the US Congress had NO right to unilaterally approve the use of […]

New voice in state GOP sets sight on top post - Capitol View 10, 2017 · It was the first time I had showed up to caucus, and look at how far I came in the party in 2016,” Carnahan said. ... She added, “We are the growth and opportunity party, so let’s put our ...[PDF]Comparative Study of Electoral Systems Module 2: Macro Study of Electoral Systems Module 2: Macro Report 6 5a. Do you believe there would be general consensus about the importance of these factors among informed observers in your country? No. I think the first four issues would be generally agreed upon by informed observers. The last

Pebblin Warren plays ball on lottery | News ... Republicans in the Alabama House of Representatives will need Democratic help to pass a lottery amendment, Rep. Pebblin Warren (D-Tuskegee) has introduced a bill to allow the VictoryLand dog

Vermont’s Sanders kicks off 2016 bid from Clinton’s left ..., Vt. — Challenging Hillary Rodham Clinton from the left, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders kicked off his presidential bid Tuesday with a pitch to liberals to join him in a

MNGOP staffer claims to be Democrat in letter to editor staffer claims to be Democrat in letter to editor, urges DFLers to vote for write-in candidate [UPDATE] Friday, October 26, 2012 by Aaron Rupar in News

In Republican districts, Democrats avoid taking shots at Trump 22, 2018 · BENTON, Illinois – Brendan Kelly, the Democratic county prosecutor who is looking to unseat Republican Rep. Mike Bost here in Southern Illinois, started his pitch to …

Advance Indiana™: Donald Trump Is Right To Question's Ted ... Trump Is Right To Question's Ted Cruz's Eligibility ... understand the legal distinction between a person defined by an act of Congress as being a citizen at birth as opposed to a person who is a natural born citizen. The two terms are not synonymous despite the overt attempts by many to blend the two terms. ... But it's not politically ...

Residents sound off on West End violence, police during ... sound off on West End violence, police during fiery public meeting. African-American council members are hosting a public discussion in the West End on violent crime and police controversies

As Cuomo Chooses Democratic Unity, Party Activist Base ... 26, 2018 · “Unity” is the trending word in New York politics, ever since Gov. Andrew Cuomo stepped into the back room of a Manhattan steakhouse and put together a deal to end the Independent Democratic Conference, a breakaway group of Democratic senators who collaborated with Republicans to control the state Senate.

Trump could soon commute Rod Blagojevich's sentence Donald Trump indicated Wednesday night that he could soon commute the sentence of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich who is in federal prison for corruption that included trying to sell the Senate seat once held by former President Barack Obama.

Ginther among those being investigated over trip to Big ... 08, 2015 · Columbus mayoral candidate Andrew J. Ginther and three other current and former city council members are the focus of an Ohio Ethics Commission investigation related to a ... campaign-finance ...

Discuss the nature and scope of comparative politics ... nature and scope of political sociology focuses of various aspects of government and society. This will help in understanding how society interacts with politics.

40 Years In The Desert: Bought and Paid For 17, 2019 · I have two cats, a black cat, and a gray and white long hair cat, who keep me on my toes. (Because he keeps attacking my feet) I am a Jew and a Zionist, who is married to a woman with exquisitely bad taste in men, and I have two remarkable children with her.

Solo work 'The Architect' plumbs the trial and error of 05, 2017 · Wagner's movement, while grounded in Janczewski's subtly elegant aesthetic, revealed an interdependence. The artists are known as mentor and muse — but this was a pairing of equals.

D.C. corruption case gathers steam after Michael A. Brown ... 12, 2013 · The guilty plea of former D.C. Council member Michael A. Brown to bribery charges Monday was the latest public development in a broader investigation that has …

Legal contracts, details of Perry's representation, now Angela Morris Texas Lawyer Originally published Sept. 9, 2014. When Gov. Rick Perry, facing two felony charges, chose to pay his lawyers from his campaign account instead of using state funds, the move eased the burden on taxpayers but also drew a veil of …

Scott Walker Supporter Files Class Action Over Milwaukee ... 11, 2016 · Scott Walker Supporter Files Class Action Over Milwaukee DA's Secret Investigation ... the special prosecutor was the instigator of a ‘perfect storm’ of wrongs that was visited upon the ...

What is ‘Widows’ even about | Reel Entropy 10, 2018 · I’ve scoured the Internet for a thematic connection between the disparate plotlines, but it just doesn’t look like there is one. Some critics have theorized that Widows as a whole is a meditation on racial and gender power dynamics, and those dynamics obviously exist in this world, but the movie is dominated by women and black people. The narrative’s crusty old white guy, Tom Mulligan ...

Republicans should panic about the House, and other ... 08, 2018 · A loss by Kobach -- who is controversial because he advocates restrictive voting laws and has backed Trump's false claims of widespread voter fraud -- would be an embarrassment for Trump, who has success at picking winners in GOP primaries this year. But it would be a relief for Republicans who see him as a weaker general election candidate.

Yuge in Mobile | Power Line 22, 2015 · Donald Trump appeared in Mobile last night for a campaign speech at Ladd-Pebbles Stadium. CNN estimates the crowd at 30,000. The turnout was impressive by any reckoning, as was the …

McCaskill seeks to curb influence of Missouri mega-donor 07, 2014 · McCaskill seeks to curb influence of Missouri mega-donor. For Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., the real campaign-finance bogeyman is Rex Sinquefield, Missouri's own mega-donor.

A More Perfect Union - The Atlantic goal of this country, after all, is to be a beacon for the world—to create a more perfect union and a model for other nations. In significant respects, we are failing in that job.

The 2016 Washington State Primary Elections: Results and ... 09, 2016 · by John Stafford (Disclosure and Note: The author is a member of the 37 th District Democrats, and a candidate to complete the State Senate term of Pramila Jayapal, if she prevails in her race to fill the seat of Jim McDermott in the 7 th Congressional District.)INTRODUCTION. This article analyzes the Washington State 2016 Primary Elections, which were held on August 2.

Letters: General Motors, Mueller investigation, a free ... "GM slashes workforce GM shifts focus to SUVs, trucks, electric cars — Company plans 14,000 job cuts, 5 plant closings in restructuring," Tuesday news story. The truth comes out ...

Trump-Mueller investigation: New Manafort hearing as ... 11, 2018 · Prosecutors in New York have also for the first time linked the president to a federal crime, ... to a porn star and a former ... This is something likely to come up in his …

government ethics Archives | Inside Political Law the President-elect begins to nominate individuals for Senate-confirmed positions in his administration, one of the major hurdles these individuals face is the statutory requirement that the Director of the Office of Government Ethics (“OGE”) review and certify a public disclosure of each source of income exceeding $200 and each property ...

Balkinization: Can Congress Investigate Whether the ... is, in my humble opinion, a mistake: Even if oversight of the IRS is one of the reasons the Committee is seeking the information, Ways and Means should be more forthright about the much more significant and pressing reasons that Congress needs the tax returns—namely, to assess whether Trump has any possible conflicts of interest or is ...

UNO Political Science Faculty Books and Monographs ...'s Energy Future: Strategic Approaches to Cooperation. Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado. Edited by Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado, UNO faculty member. Approaching an uncertain future without Fidel Castro, and still reeling from a downturn at the end of the cold war, Cuba must act decisively to improve its economy and living conditions.

The Telegraph looks back at the stories that shaped us in ... 01, 2019 · The Telegraph looks back at the stories that shaped us in 2018 The top 10 storylines from 2018. The Telegraph. Updated 3:53 pm CST, Tuesday, January 1, 2019

An Accurate Account of the “Men Who Built America” Part 4 ... 16, 2012 · This is the fourth in my series of posts about the five businessmen the History Channel profiled in a terribly inaccurate and un-historical miniseries titled The Men Who Built America.. I’m writing these posts in response to several comments and e-mails from TV viewers who have expressed interest in a more accurate version of the story.

Why the Press Loves John McCain - slate.com McCain isn’t running in Iowa, and he may get clobbered in New Hampshire. But he’s miles ahead in the very first contest of the 2000 campaign: the press primary. Journalists go weak in the ...

Legal experts:Texas law banning use of legislative footage ... 06, 2016 · Legal experts:Texas law banning use of legislative footage in political ads likely to be struck down A tea party candidate running for the Texas House is …

Maziarz, Witryol square off for rematch – The Buffalo News 27, 2012 · The nine-term Republican incumbent from Newfane had a sliver of Niagara Falls in his district in the 1990s, but this is the first time since Maziarz’s days as Niagara County clerk two decades ...

January 10, 2002 | New York Post 10, 2002 · Read the news from January 10, 2002 on the New York Post. ... New Line Cinema Here’s the first look at scenes from one of the biggest movies of the year – “The Two Towers,” the eagerly ...

Scott Walker and Ted Kaczynski in the Heartland | PR Watch 11, 2012 · -- By Brendan Fischer and Will Dooling Now that he has survived a historic recall battle, what is next on Governor Scott Walker's agenda? On August 9 of this year, Walker will be the keynote speaker at a benefit dinner for the Illinois-based Heartland Institute, a group that has recently come under fire for a billboard campaign linking those concerned about global warming to

NEW - Worth the Fighting For: A Memoir by John S. McCain ... the Fighting For After five and a half years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, naval aviator John McCain returned home a changed man. Regaining his health and flight-eligibility status, he resumed his military career, commanding carrier pilots and serving as the navy's liaison to what is sometimes ironically called the world's most ...Seller Rating: 99.0% positiveLocation: Houston, TexasShipping: Free

Senator Mike Lee Stands (Almost) Alone For Free Speech one Senator who stood almost alone against the travesty of the Democrat's SJR 19 was Utah’s Mike Lee. And yes, we've got the transcript and video for you right here.

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - AMENDMENT - COMPENSATION OF … LAW - AMENDMENT - COMPENSATION OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS - INCREASES. (1) The constitutional amendment contained in H.J.R. No. 13, which was adopted by the voters at the 1968 general election, grants to all municipal officers who do not fix their own compensation a constitutional right henceforth to receive the salary provided for by the state law or municipal …

Identity Rules: A Report from Reddening Chicago - Paul Street 05, 2019 · Fake-Progressive Identity Cloaking. Beyond the identity-politicized excitement of Chicago electing its first Black female chief executive and becoming the largest U.S. city to have a Black female mayor (and to have a gay mayor), there wasn’t all that much for a leftist to choose from between victor Lori Lightfoot and her opponent Toni Preckwinkle.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government …, this guy appears to have been around for a long time, as the public face of the movement; Image: General Yahya Sare'eHe looks to be somewhere in his later 30s, and has the face, and demeanor, of someone intimately acquainted with war. But the questions which need answering, include: 1.[PDF]K SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES is unacceptable for a case announcing a rule that suppresses one of our most essential and prevalent forms of political speech. It would be no answer to say that a routine appli-cation of our analysis inBuckley v. Valeo, 424 U. S. 1 (1976) (per curiam), to a similar set of facts, so that a

Cuomo announces full delegation for Cuba trip - Capitol ... 19, 2015 · Cuomo announces full delegation for Cuba trip ... State companies are at the front of the line as the door opens to a market that has been closed to U.S. enterprise for over half a century ...

Cooking the Books in the Trump Universe | Common Dreams Views 17, 2018 · And for a while, he did indeed seem to be a champion when it came to surrounding himself with people who had a special knack for hiding money, tax documents, and secret payoffs from public view. These days -- think of them as the era of attrition for Donald Trump -- that landscape looks a lot emptier and less inviting.

Peninsula readers’ letters: – The Mercury News 25, 2010 · Peninsula readers’ letters: ... Then we have California’s $26.3 billion budget shortfall and a governor begging Washington for a $7 billion bailout. ... This is a serious infringement of our ...[PDF]Ordered to avoid THP, Cooley didn't The - freebeacon.com 2 Ordered to avoid THP, Cooley didn't The Tennessean (Nashville, Tennessee) February 26, 2006 Sunday 1st Edition Bredesen, who has defended the deputy governor's role in the THP's promotions ...

Stu Cvrk on Twitter: "Thread: News Summary from the Week ... 29, 2019 · This is an obscure but potentially very important story dealing with prosecutorial political bias and abuse. The outcome could portend the future. ... to pay for a romance with a teenage girlfriend and other benefits for himself and friends. ... Samantha Power had the same anti-Trump biases as the rest of the cabal based on emails recently ...

Ex Aide's Emails Jeopardize Walker's Presidential e-mails being released Wednesday come from the files of Kelly Rindfleisch, a former Walker deputy chief of staff who in 2012 pleaded guilty to a felony for performing political work for a ...[PDF]

Attorney General Eric Holder at the Brennan Center for ...’s always a pleasure to be introduced by a great lawyer, an old friend and a person committed to the ideals of this wonderful institution. ... as well as your publication of helpful resources such as the Guidelines for Appointing Defense Counsel, I know that an issue about which you care deeply, as do I. Imagine with me for a few ...

Ballots, Transparency, and Democracy | Election Law ... argue that allowing ballots to be reviewed and inspected publicly will permit citizens to audit elections and determine if the election results were, in fact, as accurate as the election officials declared. One of the underlying issues here is whether the voting technologies used for electronic ballot counting function properly (e.g ...

2018 United States House of Representatives elections in ... 2018 United States House of Representatives elections in Maine were held on November 6, 2018, to elect the two U.S. Representatives from the state of Maine, one from each of the state's two congressional districts.The elections coincided with elections to the United States Senate, a gubernatorial election, and various state and local elections.. These U.S. House elections were conducted ...

Trump and Sessions feud over the direction of the Justice ... 23, 2018 · Trump and Sessions feud over the direction of the Justice Department. Devlin Barrett, John Wagner and Seung Min Kim, The Washington Post. Published 6:08 pm …

Georgia Gov. Race: Dems Doubt Kemp's Claim of ... 13, 2018 · Georgia Gov. Race: Dems Doubt Kemp's Claim of 'Insurmountable Lead' Several protesters, including a state senator, were arrested Tuesday during a demonstration at the Georgia Capitol calling for ...[PDF]Ordered to avoid THP, Cooley didn't The - freebeacon.com 2 Ordered to avoid THP, Cooley didn't The Tennessean (Nashville, Tennessee) February 26, 2006 Sunday 1st Edition Bredesen, who has defended the deputy governor's role in the THP's promotions ...

Taking the Basic Structure Seriously | Perspectives on ... of these is that the subject of justice is the basic structure of society. In his major works Rawls gives slightly different formulations to the concept of basic structure, but the core idea remains the same. ... please select one or more formats and confirm that you agree to abide by our usage policies. If this is the first time you use ...

RV Parking Ban? A world turned upside down. | Orange Juice 17, 2018 · I stopped to talk to a few people in their RVs and met an elderly gentleman with no teeth and a leg in a cast from an infection and operation. ... get retirement and with that we still can’t afford to rent a space to put our motorhome,He had to have a fibulater in his chest ( only 10% of his heart is working, he his trouble breathing and his ...

Drilling industry, gubernatorial candidates move to weaken ... 13, 2016 · As the federal government focuses on strengthening regulations for deepwater drilling, the gas and oil industry is quietly trying to weaken state regulations for drilling on land. The industry's ...

Murawski v. N.Y.S. Bd. of Elections | New York Law Journal New York Law Journal honors attorneys and judges who have made a remarkable difference in the legal profession in New York. Learn More; Legalweek New York 2020. February 03, 2020 - …

Congress Shouldn’t Need Cohen to Tell Them Trump Is allegation that President Donald Trump is racist, for example, is not a new one, and it’s not even the first time that this has come from Cohen: A November 2018 interview he gave to Vanity Fair featured many of the same anecdotes as the ones in his prepared remarks. But other people have been calling Trump’s actions racist dating back ...

Articles: April 2008 Archives - americanthinker.com to the first full post-modern presidential election, where, to quote Marshall McLuhan, "the medium is the message." Well, it's more than that: it's performance More April 14, 2008

Giuliani: Trump reimbursed lawyer Michael Cohen for Stormy ... Donald Trump repaid his personal lawyer Michael Cohen for a hush payment to porn star Stormy Daniels, Rudy Giuliani, one of the lawyers representing the president in the special counsel ...

6 takeaways from the Michael Cohen hearing - wsls.com the first time in a nationally televised setting, Cohen accused the President of directing him to commit the crimes he pleaded guilty to last year when he paid hush money to women alleging ...

June 17, 2019 HPI Daily Wire sponsored by Indiana Motor ... — Hoosier journalist Jack Eugene Howey, who reported, edited and published newspapers for a half century and helped draft Indiana’s Open Door Law, passed away at 9:19 p.m. Wednesday at age 93. ... it became the first Indiana newspaper to publish entire reports on school accreditation and paved the way for a new Peru High School ...

COMPENSATION FOR SERVICE AS MEMBERS OF HEARING … It is unlawful for a commissioner who has not been appointed to a tribunal to participate in the deliberations of the tribunal, or to participate in the hearing except as a witness. The functions of a hearing tribunal are then spelled out in later paragraphs of RCW 49.60.250 as follows:

Stronger Together (Audiobook) by Hillary Rodham Clinton ... described by The Washington Post as "the most interesting mayor you've never heard of", Pete Buttigieg, the 36-year-old Democratic mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has improbably emerged as one of the nation's most visionary politicians.First elected in 2011, Buttigieg left a successful business career to move back to his hometown, previously tagged by Newsweek as a "dying city", and ...

Lise van Susteren on Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the ... 24, 2018 · A while ago I was reading a report about the psychological impacts of climate change, and came across the term ‘pre-traumatic stress disorder’. It fascinated me. The author of the piece that discussed the idea was Lise van Susteren. Lise is a General and Forensic Psychiatrist in Washington D.C , and has been involved in climate change issues for the last 12 years or so.

Ossoff got 49% in the first round, led the polls ... got 49% in the first round, led the polls (Original post) ... How to build it, we don't know but it HAS TO BE BUILT -- as the GOP will cheat, lie, steal and anything else they have to do, to win. What Will The Democrats Do, In Return? ... and because of that Ossoff's best chance was if he could win the first round. If it went to a runoff ...

Government Should Neither Favor nor Oppose Labor Unions 22, 2003 · Government Should Neither Favor nor Oppose Labor Unions. May 22, 2003 ... Imagine a young worker who is laid off based on the simple fact that he was the last hired, even though he is every bit as productive, or even more so, than those with more seniority, or who is passed over for promotion, even though he has all the necessary skills, again ...

ElectoralVote Carolina has a well-deserved reputation for a place where politics is all about mean, below-the-belt fights. Lee Atwater, who was born there, turned dirty tricks into an art form. His masterpiece was the Willie Horton ad against Michael Dukakis in 1988. Dukakis supported Massachusetts' program of giving weekend furloughs to criminals to ...

Soliciting Funds for a Conference and an Arts Center ... Funds for a Conference and an Arts Center. Tuesday, November 16th, 2010. ... One of the two questions, phrased by the city attorney (who is the ethics board staff), is as follows: ... But it's not about the board; it's about the public. And the public doesn't have to determine the odds of whether a mayor will be influenced. They see ...

The Russian/Trump Investigation - Sessions' stonewalling ... Russian/Trump Investigation - Sessions' stonewalling session ... The Trump is stupid explanation doesn't explain things as well as the Trump is guilty explanation. It's just that we already know he's stupid so it's easy to fall back on that. ... Didn't we get Mueller in the first place because a Trump toady was sick of his shit? +4.

Hillary Clinton – Harlem, New York – February 16, 2016 ... Clinton spoke in Harlem, New York today. Some of the reaction, via Twitter: Will Cubbison ?@wccubbison When was the last time a leading candidate for President put the onus on "race relations" on white people? Has it ever happened before? 3:44 PM - 16 Feb 2016 Tracey Ross ?@traceylross Hillary Clinton breaking down environmental…

GOP floats six-week funding and debt ceiling extension 05, 2013 · (CNN) - One idea being considered to end the immediate fiscal impasse is a bill to fund the government and extend the nation's borrowing authority for six weeks, a senior Republican member of the House told CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger.

The Spot — Denver, Colorado politics and policy blog | The for Prosperity Colorado bills itself as the state’s “foremost advocate for economic freedom.” It often weighs in on energy issues, which is no surprise given that its chief funders are the Koch Brothers, who made their fortune in oil.Fields formerly was the state deputy director.

Floor Updates - Senate Republican Conference the Floor. Oct 11, 2018 9:44 PM. Wrap Up (The Senate Stands Adjourned)

Climate Science’s Myth-Buster: It’s time to be scientific ... 04, 2019 · According to a group of scientists, we faced an apocalyptic environmental scenario—but the opposite of the current one. ... It’s always the fault of the Jews isn’t it. Anti-semitism isn’t pretty but it sure gets votes in Europe. HotScot says: March 5, 2019 at 3:47 pm MarkW. ... “McCord’s 1831–1842 observations are the first ...

Bill Clinton's third term - Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S ... 17, 2017 · Bill Clinton's third term . Home 2018 Election Results ... One of the reasons I ran for a third term is to finish much of the things that we implemented over the past 8 years. One of those things is college accessibility,and in the beginning of my next term I will propose is that up to 10 thousand dollars of college costs will be deducted for ...

Transcript of Pelosi Press Conference Today ... 06, 2012 · One of the first things that happened to me when I became Speaker early – excuse me, a Member of the Congress, was the Loma Prieta earthquake. And if you ever want to feel helpless go to people who've just been a victim of a natural disaster and try to help make them feel positive about what the prospects are.

clintonwhitehouse6.archives.gov is a great promotion for Mike Waldman, who is really, I think since December of '95 has been Deputy Assistant to the President and has been the Director of Speechwriting -- for all practical purposes -- and he will serve as the President's chief speechwriter and …

May 25 2012 Kalamazoo Gazette by dfavorite - Issuu— The jury in the John Edwards campaign-finance fraud trial is asking to see about 20 more evidence exhibits during its fifth day of deliberations. The jury began its discussions May 18. The ...

COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility 21, 2019 · Baltimore was the seat of the first Catholic bishop in the U.S. (1789), and Emmitsburg was the home and burial place of the first American-born citizen to be canonized, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Georgetown University, the first Catholic University, was …

New World Order Globalist Cabal using Deep State to ... 02, 2019 · Baltimore was the seat of the first Catholic bishop in the U.S. (1789), and Emmitsburg was the home and burial place of the first American-born citizen to be canonized, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Georgetown University, the first Catholic University, was …

Politics | Unpopular Opinons and Random Stuff you vote for a candidate in a primary, you are actually voting for a delegate—someone who has agreed to go to the convention and vote for the candidate you select. They are obligated to vote for this person during the first convention ballot (1). These are the …

done playin’, back in the game – from the bourbon’t know if you’ve heard of it, but there’s a bill that’s just been introduced in the Utah state legislature that would codify trans erasure into law – HB153 would, among other things, use some really ‘eew eew body parts gross, i am a shrinking violet’ language to state that as far as the … -[11:05:02] I think one of the reasons for that is because we have seen in one of the blog posts link to the shooter that he said that -- he thinks the more you would kill, the more attention you ...

Facing the Future - Barry Yeoman environmental groups often work toward preserving biodiversity in ecosystems, many are now grappling with trying to figure out how to diversify their own ranks. Originally published in Audubon. “THIS IS WHERE IT ALL STARTED FOR ME,” says 24-year-old Samnam Phin. We are standing in Copicut Woods, a forest threaded with hiking trails that pass through […]

Connecticut Local Politics: Moody Draws Fire for Ethics ... 14, 2005 · I don’t believe the first. Moody has been around the Capitol for a long, long time, and is known as someone who pays a lot of attention to detail. She’s also one of the people who is primarily responsible for cultivating the governor’s image as a squeaky-clean reformer.

July 1 Poll Report | Articles | Bill James Online 01, 2019 · As the text of the Constitution shows, the emoluments clause doesn't even apply to the president, only appointed officials. The Senate asked Alexander Hamilton for a list of civil officers and employees of the United States government. Hamilton's 90 page response did not include the president, vice president, senators, or representatives.

Thirteen is Right for Amherst | A Better Amherst may seem really small when moving from a Town Meeting membership of 254, but it’s actually on the large size for a council. And, for Amherst, that large council size is a size that fits. A Council should have members that are looking out for the whole town and members that are focused on their own “slice” of the Town.

Another victory! SCOTUS sides with reason ~!! - Page 2 ... wrote: The Supreme's just voted that you can force a employee to join a Union who will then simply turn around and send your money to a political party of their choosing (96% for Democrats since time began). So as broke as the Dem's are, and this will stop the gravy train of free money to their coffers, does this not spell doom for them to be able to message?

When will the rest of the shoes drop (on Trump)? - Greg 25, 2018 · First, note that it simply isn’t true that Trump has finally been implicated in a deeply troubling and nefarious plot. Misappropriation of money in a campaign is a big deal, but it isn’t nearly as big a deal as other things he is accused of doing.

Wednesday, February 8 - The Ed Show- it wouldn`t have happened if he had his way. ... One of the Wisconsin 14 isn`t having it. ... And I don`t mind being known as the candidate who is running on a shoe string budget.

The Soap Box Miscellaneous Thread: Third Edition - Ars ... 03, 2018 · The Soap Box Miscellaneous Thread: Third Edition 16701 posts • ... My point is that hyper-partisanship or who is currently employed in what position shouldn't dictate whether process ... -, the average person who is living paycheck to paycheck, just struggling to keep food on the table, they maybe have a little bit in their 401(k), what do you do? MICHAEL PANZER, AUTHOR, "FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON": Well, the first thing is that you don`t listen to Wall Street.

Capitol View Commentary: Friday, March 16, 2018 16, 2018 · Add it all up, and one of the biggest news report so far (as lawmakers begin to close down their committees and prepare for a mid-April adjournment) are two …

Third Party & Independents: Time For A Different Political suggest/advocate for a new 3rd party but, not just another 3rd party. The voting public must find the ability to hold their elected officials accountable for their actions/inactions. A 3rd party with a different political attitude can provide accountability in government through oversight of party members elected to office, state or federal.

North Carolina State Senate District 49 | Mountain Xpress 27, 2004 · North Carolina State Senate District 49. ... What’s the first legislation you would propose or support if elected? ... “When you go to a legislative session, you don’t work on one piece of ...

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by John J ... 01, 2006 · Fantastic book, I could not recommend it any higher to a person who wants to learn about the relationship between the U.S. and Israel. The fact that it even exists and that it is known as 'The Israel Lobby' will upset many people, but Mearsheimer goes well out of his way to explain that there is, in fact, no such thing as an Israel Lobby.4/5(217)

Betraying Latinos, Brandman Shuts Central Anaheim Out of Latinos, Brandman Shuts Central Anaheim Out of 2016 Election, Part 1. By Greg Diamond ... That it would come down to a 2-2 vote with Brandman as the decider was no surprise. Normally, he would be aligned with Murray — but it would seem hard for a Democratic candidate for Congress, ...

FIRST CONSUMERS NATIONAL BANK FCNB ... - Ripoff Report me, I fell for it. Paid the proccessing fee, $37.00. Got the card. thought things were o-----kay-----. 300.00 limit. With the first statement, I see the start-up fees, which take almost all of your credit crumb.Paid, on time. one time I was a minute late. This was the beginning. The $35.00 late fee. Of course, this put me over the limit.

A Moderate Democrat Confesses His Sins | ResetEra 21, 2018 · motherfuckers actually suggesting to keep our cool when discussing racist trying to get us shot by cops or looking to try to do it themselves Moderate Dems...

Got a Beef With The Democratic Party? Post it here! - Ars ... 20, 2014 · As if wanting the gun wasn't a pretty good heads up in the first place. No, this is for show. And I think it's an unconscionable waste of the taxpayer's money to have it printed, signed and ...

Test II - Communication 1301 with Olson at University of ... 127 Test II flashcards from Lorenzo H. on StudyBlue. Find study materials for any course. Check these out:

The Corporation and Democracy: An Interview with Peter ... corporation became more important as the concept of the corporation became more important to the propertied class. It is true that legislatures in 1800, for example, had defined corporations as opposed to regulating them. But it is also true that people who ran those legislatures represented the …

AT&T Kills $10 Texting Plan, Pushes $20 Plan - Slashdot Pickens writes "AT&T is scrapping its 1,000-texts-for-ten-bucks plan and replacing it with a plan that offers unlimited texts for $20. Users who don't want the unlimited plan can opt to pay 20 cents per text. Current AT&T subscribers are grandfathered in, so you can stick with whatever ...

Weekend Open Thread: Vampires are Tenacious Critters 04, 2019 · One of his daughters co-owns a business offering campaign treasurer services to Democratic candidates and the odd independent. He is very proud of her. He doesn't directly profit from her work and it doesn't affect his coverage. (He does not always favor her clients, though she might hesitate to take one that he truly hated.)

Beach Peanuts : Will Weatherford're at the half way point in the legislative session, and there's no indication that will change. This may not make any difference to Weatherford in the short term, but it may make a big difference for Rick Scott and send even more voters to Charlie Crist come November according to a new Public Policy Polling survey commissioned by

11 Sandy Hook Families Distance from Tim McGraw Benefit ... 23, 2015 · The controversy surrounding Tim McGraw's scheduled benefit concert for Sandy Hook Promise on July 17th at the Infinity Theater in Hartford, Connecticut continues as now 11 of the Sandy Hook families who either had children or other families members killed at the school have come out with a public statement clarifying

Nightmare on Wall Street: Washington Can't Bail out the ... 26, 2008 · Nightmare on Wall Street: Washington Can't Bail out the Sea of Red Ink. By Bill Moyers, Bill Moyers Journal ... And, of course, the Republicans all piled on and voted for it. And that was the first stroke, only the first of many, in which they stripped away the regulatory laws from the financial system and from banking. ... and that’s a basis ...

We Beat Fear With Hope; We Beat Cynicism With Hard Work ... Obama 9/7/18: "The biggest threat to our democracy is indifference. The biggest threat to our democracy is cynicism." I started doing the Good News Roundup soon after the inauguration. I f...

Blow and Krugman | Marion in Savannah 20, 2017 · Each man often took roles that the other had turned down or didn’t get. In the 1950s Belafonte was dubbed the “King of Calypso” after his breakthrough album Calypso became the first LP in America to sell a million copies. In the early 1960s, Poitier became the first African-American to win the best actor Academy Award. - talked to a guy, Dan Benjamin, a former director of counterterrorism at the State Department, who told me, on the record, that he once met with the head of Mossad, and the first thing that guy told him was, we don't spy on America. And he said, "If you have such a low estimate of my intelligence, I'm going to end the meeting right now."

Independence Party « Page 4 - nystateofpolitics.com and Grimm are very close, and the former BP served as the congressman’s chief political strategist during his successful 2010 campaign. “A Cartier watch could be valued anywhere between $5,000 and $25,000,” Morano wrote. “How did Grimm have the means to procure this watch when he didn’t have a job for a year before the election?

The Colbert Bump: TV satirist’s sphere of influence is ...’s background is familiar, often repeated: He’s from South Carolina, the youngest of 11 children and the son of James W. Colbert, who was the first vice-president of academic affairs ...

Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the imagination with ... 25, 2018 · A while ago I was reading a report about the psychological impacts of climate change, and came across the term ‘pre-traumatic stress disorder’. It fascinated me. The author of the piece that discussed the idea was Lise van Susteren. Lise is a General and Forensic Psychiatrist in Washington D.C , and has been involved in climate […]

‘No food, no water to revive awaiting certain death ... 23, 2014 · No food, no water to revive awaiting certain death..." Above, Palestinians flee their homes, presumably in or near Khuza'a, following heavy Israeli shelling during an Israeli ground offensive east ...

MMR, July 31, 2019 | The Swamp 31, 2019 · Mitch McConnell Really Doesn’t Like His New Nickname As one of the great obstructionists in U.S. political history, Mitch McConnell has made peace with being the heel of the Senate: In recent years, he’s embraced such nicknames as Darth Vader, the Grim Reaper, and “Cocaine Mitch,” going as far as selling T-shirts of that last, most ridiculous one.

Our Proud Heritage of Shit-Dumping | The Vermont Political ... 30, 2014 · 10 thoughts on “ Our Proud Heritage of Shit-Dumping ” brucepost December 30, 2014 at 9:52 pm. I appreciate your raising this issue, and I also value the work of LCI. There is a wide gap between how we present ourselves to the world as an environmental exemplar and how we really are.

Get your No. 2 pencils ready, class — it’s time for your No. 2 pencils ready, class — it’s time for another civics test! 63 Replies. Tweet. ... Every American who is allowed to vote, that is. That said, I missed one of the questions — I read the multiple choices too fast. I didn’t like the answer I gave, but since I had misread the right answer, I liked it better than that one. Once ...

Recycle Ann Arbor asks city for rate hike after 40-percent for Ann Arbor's new single-stream recycling program — launched in July 2010 — have proven overly optimistic, and city officials now say the nonprofit organization responsible for curbside collection of recycling carts is hurting financially because of it.. Tom McMurtrie, the city's solid waste coordinator, wrote in a memo to City Council members that the single-stream ...

Fake News | Patriots 4 Truth | Page 8 of the iconic cartoons – and sometimes even in real life – there is a robed character on a street corner with a sign the reads “The End of the World is Coming.” Of course, both science and logic tell us that he is right. Usually, that warning is an invitation to repent for some wayward ways or maybe just a solicitation for a few coins.

Ballot Access News -- June 1, York Magazine of April 24 had an article, "Introducing the Purple Party," which makes the case for a new major party. Meanwhile, Democratic and Republican primaries in the spring of 2006 are recording even lower levels of voter turnout than was the case in …

With social media tease, Wisconsin's Walker jumps into ... social media tease, Wisconsin's Walker jumps into 2016 ... but King Tommy was the First and Best of the Thuglican smoke and mirrors crew. ... But it didn't work.

Politics | S C I A M A G E are the people who should be removed from their positions, stripped of their wealth and prosecuted for a variety of crimes. In many cases, crimes against humanity. These are the people who have used fear to manipulate and control simply to enrich themselves and their friends.

A insider's guide to the primary election | Naked Politics insider's guide to the primary election. ... who is being challenged by state Sen. Al Lawson, the minority leader. Neither candidate can claim the outsider label but it’s more of an ...

Bernie Sanders a no-show for Tim Canova | Naked Politics Sanders, the politician who elevated first-time candidate Tim Canova to national attention and a rich campaign warchest, doesn’t appear to be coming to South Florida to help out his ...

Metropolis Council hits up taxpayers to fund 2021 mayoral ... 14, 2019 · The Metropolis Council rewrote native marketing campaign legal guidelines Thursday in a transfer critics declare was performed to spice up the mayoral marketing campaign of Speaker Corey Johnson whereas hitting up taxpayers up for tens of thousands and thousands of {dollars} to bankroll candidates. Following weeks of behind-the-scenes arm twisting, council members overwhelmingly …

Ugly words fly over DA’s race between Colorado Republicans ... words fly over DA’s race between Colorado Republicans ... Nathan Chambers combed through campaign-finance records to show that in various district-attorney races over the years, including ...

PEROT ENDORSES GOP'S WELD OVER SEN. KERRY - The … ENDORSES GOP'S WELD OVER SEN. KERRY By Donald P ... in his tight race for the Senate, the most high-profile of the blessings he and the Reform Party …

GOP power play in Michigan must go through pragmatic Snyder, Mich. (AP) — Michigan Republicans determined to dilute the authority of newly elected Democrats could see the power play thwarted by a moderate GOP governor, who is not certain to go ...

How to praise your predecessor with class | Power Line was a five-time governor of Arkansas, the first man from that state to become the President. He’s also the first man in his party since Franklin Roosevelt to win a second term in the White House.

City Rep’s ‘Blood Knot’ Peels Off Limits of Black and ... 22, 2018 · Josh Fagundes, who portrays Morris, read through the first half of the script and, he says, “I was like, OK, so it’s very ‘Of Mice and Men’ set in apartheid: one brother caring for the ...

Spitzer Faces Probe in Senate - nysun.com Spitzer said Mr. Baum did nothing inappropriate, and that he has "absolute confidence in his judgment and integrity." He said he and Mr. Baum thought that administration officials were responding to a proper press inquiry and weren't aware of the special actions undertaken by the police.

Michael Cohen sought Trump pardon, attorney says | QFM96 (AP) — Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, “directed his attorney” to explore a potential presidential pardon last year, his current attorney said Thursday, appearing to contradict his client’s testimony to Congress.

Tim Green Abandons Plans for New York Senate Race - The ... 02, 2008 · Tim Green’s decision is likely to make it harder for Democrats to capture the Senate for the first time in more than four decades. ... resources was a factor in his decision, Mr. Green said ...

Food Rights Network Interviews Food & Farm Hero John ... 05, 2011 · In the world of food and farming, the contrast between corporate agribusiness "farms" and small, sustainable family farms -- farms that, to adapt a phrase of Michael Pollan's, our grandparents would recognize as food-producing places -- is especially clear. Among the farmers who live and work in these places, the CMD's Food Rights Network is featuring some of the heroes:

Paying Tribute to Family Farm Defender John Kinsman | PR Watch 21, 2014 · John Kinsman, a leader of the global food sovereignty movement who was deeply committed to equality, justice, and peace, passed away on January 20, 2014. In honor of his inspirational life and work, the Center for Media and Democracy's Food Rights Network is republishing the following 2011 profile of this "food and farm hero."

Republicans Losing Libertarian Support | Fox News 2000, I cast my presidential ballot for George W. Bush. It wasn't my proudest moment. But it seemed to me that I didn’t really have another viable option. I'm a libertarian who's not all that ...

After a year in the spotlight, Michael Avenatti claims 'I ... I anticipate that there's going to be a lot of evidence and a lot of facts that are going to come out that are going to change perhaps the opinion that people have having now only seen one side of the story. We don't convict people after only hearing one side of the story," he said.Avenatti's brazen style catapulted him into the spotlight.

A ‘loud gong’: National Enquirer’s surprise deal could ...‘loud-gong’-national-enquirer’s...Based on court documents and a plethora of media reports, Trump and his aides have worked for years with the tabloid to kill incriminating stories. ... And in his 2016 ... But it might have been ...

The Left Coaster: Republicans For Kerry, Chapter thought that Kerry, at one point, got very comfortable, and when I saw him slide his hand in his pocket (an old trick that prosecutors and lawyers do in front of the jury) you know they're in their stride at that point. I suspect that radiated that comfort to a lot of people as well.

Deprived of Mandatory Dues, Public Sector Unions Come ... 10, 2018 · Public sector unions could lose millions of dollars because of the Supreme Court's ruling in Janus v. AFSCME last month, since they'll no longer be able to …Author: Eric Boehm

Fox News documentary covers campus sexual assault past weekend, Fox News ran a special report about how colleges and universities across the country are handling sexual assault. The documentary (in which I appeared) ran counter to the ...

Weapons of Mass Discussion: McCain as Palpatine? Hmmm...... 26, 2005 · "When people are in close races, I am the first Republican who is asked to come and appear for that person. I am the most sought-after of all Republicans. In this last campaign, I was the one asked by the President to travel and campaign with him....

Trip unearths story to rival 'Hoosiers' | National Sports ... 09, 2017 · Trip unearths story to rival 'Hoosiers' ... She was the first out forward who drove and created." ... This is the first in a series of articles about how we can all help our island home. If you ...

Archives for April 2018 - Sonoran was the Senate President during Governor Janet Napolitano’s reign. He was known to either be rolled by his own Senate members in support of Napolitano’s bloated budgets or to cave-in directly to Napolitano’s pressure. The Bennett/Napolitano budgets put Arizona in a world of financial hurt when the recession hit in 2008-2009.

NPR | David Rivkin Online Rivkin on Gun Control and the Second Amendment. The following is a transcript of David Rivkin’s appearance on the BBC Newshour radio broadcast on December 17, 2012. The show was a direct response to the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT.

Why I rarely vote for Republican candidates at the ... 10, 2016 · Why I rarely vote for Republican candidates at the national level. Discussion in 'West Mall' started by NJlonghorn, Feb 6, 2016. Page 2 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3 Next > NJlonghorn 1,000+ Posts.

Michael-In-Norfolk - Coming Out in Mid-Life: May 16, 2018 ... 05, 2018 · It is of course illegal to take foreign assistance for an election campaign (more about that later), but it is noteworthy that the purpose of the meeting (adoptions) according to a White House statement — which Trump Jr. conceded may have included his father’s input — was the last item on Manafort’s list, perhaps an afterthought thrown ...

The Mysterydecoder, page 1 - is done across the board with alternative topics and presenting these topics in videos. ... Which was, the only word to perfectly describe it is delusional as I didn't make up anything about you and no one asked for proof of anything. ... like a soundtrack to a movie and when what you are watching gets intense so does the soundtrack and ...

Sanchez: What happens in Brazil will influence region ... 17, 2016 · Sanchez: What happens in Brazil will influence region. ... This is in contrast with the more radical experiences and confrontations in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia. But it is interesting that not even the idea of “we all grow,” which the PT embraced and which favored the elite, contains these same elites in a moment of crisis. ...

Luksik Forms SuperPAC for Rohrer | ran again in 1994 as the Constitution Party candidate, garnering 12.8 percent. She took 18.6 percent of the GOP primary vote against Toomey in 2010. In other Rohrer news, this week he earned the distinction of being the first Senate hopeful to be fact-checked by a national, left-leaning website.

zengjanezhu (u/zengjanezhu) - Reddit I bought 5 exact same dresses from one vendor from Amazon, really like it. So I tried to order the same thing again, same color, same size, I tried three times, none of them are the same as the first 5 sets, not even close. I did not return them because I am very lazy and did not want to argue with them either. But it is not always buyer's ...

Tony's Kansas City: TKC EXCLUSIVE!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO ... 21, 2010 · TKC was the first local news outlet reporting the suspension of Water Services Director Bernardo Garcia. And now much of the subsequent reporting has been mostly flavored by petty City Hall politics. ... This is a good post, Tony. It's great to see reasonable attitudes prevail and faux racist garbage not play a role. ... That's one of funk'd's ...

The November 2016 Ballot Measures – Part 1 – Statewide ... 18, 2016 · This is the first of several posts I'm going to do on the November general election. There's too much on the ballot to put it all in one, or even two posts. Just in terms of statewide ballot measures, there are seventeen of them. That may not be a record, (The most in recent history…

The Scottish Rite Masons and Aliens Connection--Do They 07, 2009 · Ted Bastien is a Canadian comic artist, and a brother Mason. His online comic Bugsport tells the tale of a backwater town in Maine that is the resettlement home of the aliens aboard the Roswell UFO crash and others who followed. In Bugsport, Maine, the majority of the citizens are "greys," many of whom belong to the local Masonic lodge.

America’s Police Brutality = Code of Silence and Blue Wall ... 07, 2014 · Cops in America are the most dangerous and organized gang in existence. Do you have any idea why there is a CODE OF SILENCE and A BLUE WALL found in every police department in America? It is there to protect corruption and crooked cops on the department. It was established to protect abusive cops from acts of police brutality against people of ...

5105 Community Thread *** | Page 76 | IGN Boards 12, 2015 · Right now I've been watching Six Feet Under for the first time and I'm so into that at the moment that I'm sacrificing sleep so I can find time to fit...

BroBlast: September 2016 feel bad for this guy, but it also pisses me off that he received a $1.2M signing bonus at age 20 to basically be a worthless baseball player with a very low chance of ever getting to the show. Would you give your right eye for that much money?

LA Times | Poliscijunkee by Alain V Berrebi supporters of Donald Trump are not doing well today. Between 1 p. M. And 2 p. M. Los Angeles time we saw the campaign chairman during the Republican National Convention for the Trump campaign being found guilty of eight counts of tax fraud and bank fraud.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Scavello, the NIZ Twins and Abe ... 15, 2014 · Those are the people who made this country great. While I will agree that Scavello will be tough to beat, smearing his opponent as you have is one way to do it. You see, there are a lot of people out there who work with their hands. Parsons can connect with them. And even I like Parsons, and I am one of Ron Angle's best friends.

mississippi 2007 | Right of Mississippi | Page 3 only post this because we think Karlie Smith’s legs (we think that is Karlie assuming a left to right order in his newspaper ad) really deserve to be on TV more than I am sure the Smith Campaign can afford to keep them there.The really sad part is this ad appears to be an attempt to spin off from his opponent Delbert Hosemann’s ads although I still don’t understand what it means at all.

LINEHAN et al. v. WATERFRONT COMMISSION OF NEW YORK … u.s. 439 (1954). linehan et al. v. waterfront commission of new york harbor et al. no. 557. supreme court of united states. decided april 12, 1954. appeal from the united states district court for the southern district of new york.

Bush: McCain’s got some convincing to do – CNN Political 10, 2008 · February 10th, 2008 01:59 PM ET. Share this on:

MIT Western Hemisphere Project: Foreign Policy Players in Congress: Names and Positions to Know Prof. Charles Stewart III (MIT Political Science) January 2003; Party leadership : In the House, the top of the hierarchy for the majority party is the Speaker of the House, who is J. Dennis Hastert, Republican from the 4th district of Illinois. He has been a quiet, yet conservative, leader of the House since his elevation in 1997.

The Media and the Mob vs. The Rule of Law - Capitalism ... 21, 2014 · The only alternative explanation is that exactly what he intends to do. It is a disgrace either way. Race is the wild card in all this. The idea that you can tell who is innocent and who is guilty by the color of their skin is a notion that was tried out for …

If All You See… » Pirate's Cove 17, 2019 · We can’t see inside your heart to understand why you support Donald Trump, who is clearly using white nationalism as a campaign ploy. It’s all he has. Perhaps you really believe opposing racism and hatred is a communist trait. Maybe you’re just …

Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny Twenty Lessons From The 20th ... Snyder, On Tyranny Twenty Lessons From The 20th Century. Click on time links to go directly to section of video narrated in text. Or, click here for the video from beginning.. 4:36 This is a time when what you do every day matters more.. 5:15 While he is an American, most of Mr. Snyder's adult live has been spent in Eastern Europe or learning the languages of German, Russian, Yiddish ...

Clay to sign new book on Clarence Thomas | Mlk Congressman William L. Clay Sr. is coming home to read from his new book about U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas just before the national holiday to commemorate Dr.

Humboldt Republicans: Paul Ryan's farewell address at the is what happens in places where they’re not p... U.S. Cites Sovereignty as One of 5 Countries to Vo... Rich and miserable: The legacy baby boomers left f... Illinois population drops by more than 45,000, per... Media are the new puritans—but without an absolute...

Nadal crushes Medvedev to retain Montreal title | World ... 13, 2019 · Top seed Rafa Nadal overwhelmed Russia’s Daniil Medvedev 6-3, 6-0 to win his fifth Rogers Cup on Sunday in Montreal – the first time he has retained a …

memeorandum: McCain, who died at the age of 81, has also 26, 2018 · Trump's Contempt for the Law Will Be His Downfall — Michael Cohen's guilty plea this week, on charges including campaign-finance violations, brought the investigations directly to the president. It has also, however, supplied Trump and his allies …

Chippewa Falls middle schooler files papers to run for ... one of a handful of Democratic incumbents in districts won by President Donald Trump, Congressman Ron Kind is a top target for Republicans in 2018. The first challenger to emerge is setting his ...

Eamon vs Arthur showdown over Belmopan candidacy ... CITY, Thurs. Aug. 2, 2018– The People’s United Party constituency convention to select a standard bearer to represent Belmopan in the next general election has been put on hold until the end of this month, when the re-registration exercise is completed. That, however, has not reduced the ...

Former congressman to speak on ‘tainted’ jurist Clarence Congressman William L. Clay Sr. is coming home to read from his new book about U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas just before the national holiday to commemorate Dr.

STAND UP: Students Taking a New Direction with Unity and UP: Students Taking a New Direction with Unity and Power . Nearby bars and pubs. Noble Hookah Lounge 4780 Granite Drive Suite 400

ThinkProgress and Lee Fang: wrong again - Voice For Liberty 16, 2011 · ThinkProgress and Lee Fang: wrong again By Bob Weeks on April 16, 2011 Earlier this week we noted that Center for American Progress Action Fund (an arm of the Center for American Progress, a think tank closely associated with President Barack Obama’s administration and left-wing financier George Soros) was launching an “ideologically driven ...

Why Voters Don’t Give a Damn Anymore: Government Of the ... anniversary of one of the most significant moments in our history slipped by Wednesday, largely overlooked by those of us preoccupied with a worrisome future. It was on Nov. 19, 1863, at the ...

In the dock | The 10, 2003 · It was the late-night resignation from Mr Tung's cabinet on July 6th by James Tien, the head of the Liberal Party—largely made up of business people, many of …

Hard Times for Envy - Capitalism Magazine 13, 2003 · This is fine as far as most of us are concerned. But it is tough if you are in the envy or “social justice” business. It means you have to work harder to stir up indignation, votes and government programs to deal with “inequities” between the “haves” and the “have nots.”

"I'm Dead, I'm Dead," Handcuffed and Repeatedly Tased Man ... 20, 2016 · A still from a body camera moments after Chase Sherman died after repeatedly being Tased, while handcuffed, in the backseat of his car by Georgia sheriff’s deputies in November. “OK, I’m ...

Push Polls in District 20? | Seventh 16, 2014 · Jon has already loaned his campaign $125K and is rumored to be prepared to loan far more if needed to win the seat in his first run for elective office. Even in Montgomery County, he will clearly break towards the very high end of spending if he follows through and loans his campaign similar amounts in the future.

Needed Now: A Real and Radical Left - News & Views - The ... Now: A Real and Radical Left Paul Street It’s “socialism or barbarism.” So wrote the brilliant German Marxist revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg in 1915. The 20th and 21st centuries have borne her o…

Menendez case would test anti-corruption unit | News ... (AP) — A criminal prosecution of Sen. Bob Menendez would represent a major test for a Justice Department anti-corruption unit that recently scored the conviction of a former Virginia

Dorf on Law: Hardball, Structural Forces, Ineptitude, and Michael Dorf How did we get to Trump, Republican control of Congress, and the potential for a deeply conservative Supreme Court? Republican hardball, structural forces, Democratic ineptitude, and sheer luck each played a role.

Menendez case would test Justice Dept. anti-corruption — A criminal prosecution of Sen. Bob Menendez would represent a major test for a Justice Department anti-corruption unit that recently scored the conviction of a former Virginia governor,

Paul Lopez Archives - The 01, 2015 · Ortega continued working the phones, but it was apparent by late last week that Herndon had secured enough pledged votes. Nine members voted for Herndon, and four for Ortega. It was the first non-unanimous vote for council president in at least five years, according to a quick check of meeting minutes.

How Trump is getting away with lying | Morning Bulletin'S the latest scandal for a powerful man who's had no shortage of them. United States President Donald Trump has admitted to reimbursing his lawyer for a hush payment made to a former porn star ... – Page 70 – What's really going on in it got my curiosity up about how I ended up with this crazy magazine. ... The spectre of fuel- and pollution-free air travel drew closer this month as the first airplane powered completely by solar energy completed its first intercontinental flight. ... To emphasize that Rush Limbaugh is a bully who is offensive to their community, ...

Bill de Blasio: New York City mayor enters presidential ... 16, 2019 · Chuck, as the creature was named, died days later from "acute internal injuries", the zoo said. "Mayor de Blasio has groundhog blood on his hands!" was the New York Post headline.

Garland’s fire union a political player in single-member ...’s fire union a political player in single-member districts ... But it was the largest single player in both contested council district races. ... one of the city’s top political ...Author: Ray Leszcynski

September in September – The Phoenix a voice as carefree as the breeze blowing by us in Kohlberg Courtyard, September Sky Porras ’20 mentions, “I come from a very leftist family.” Now this isn’t a shock, especially considering the sort of students that Swarthmore tends to attract, but it’s nonetheless necessary to place Porras polit

PROFILE: David Swanson: A Voice For ... - Huntington son of a man who studied to be a preacher, Swanson carries that fiery vocal force in his talks and conferences he leads or supports. He was part of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) at 50 conference in September 2011 and is one of the featured speakers at Peacestock 2012 at the Windbeam Farm in Hager City, Wisconsin.

AB32 Empowers State Regulators | CalWatchdog.com 18, 2010 · And MEGA certainly hasn’t helped Michigan’s overall unemployment rate, which was the highest in the nation for four straight years, 2006-2010. Only in July 2010, the last month for which data are available, did Michigan drop out of first place, to 2 nd place with a 13.1 percent unemployment rate. In first place was Nevada at 14.3 percent ...

John Stallings Wisdom and Wit: DEATH IN THE POT was a famine in the land. Food was hard to find. Elisha was the master of a group of young prophets. As he traveled with them the time came for them to eat & he told them to put a pot on the fire. They did have faith because even though there was a famine they believed God was able to provide something for them to eat.

Capitol for a Day: Scott tours county | Local News ... child care to commerce, Gov. Phil Scott got an earful from residents during a visit to Morrisville last week. The governor toured Lamoille County Dec. 5 on his “Capitol for a Day” tour ...

Back to the Ballots: Green, Ferrer Ahead in Rudy ... a grim, gray day two weeks after terrorists killed nearly 7,000 people in downtown Manhattan, grieving New Yorkers went to the polls on Sept. 25 and delivered a split decision in the Democratic ...

Gibson Kincaid | Elite Dangerous Wiki | FANDOM powered by ... Kincaid was the last individual to serve as President of the Alliance before that position was abolished in June 3305. He served as the Governor of Zaonce prior to assuming the Alliance presidency in 3303, and successfully ran for re-election in October 3304 against entrepreneur Fazia...

Donald Trump - Page 86 of 93 - bordeglobal.com Trump - Page 86. I will so like to see him in impeached and in jail not just because of what he has done but it will be a good message for any future presidents that think they can just do what they want to America because they think they are untouchable.

In Medias Res: "I Can't Quite Visualize It; I'll Have to ... 07, 2013 · A post on Rod Dreher's blog, praising An American in Paris, gets my Monday morning started off right, by reminding me of one of the, in my opinion, greatest segments in the whole history of cinema: the "Broadway Rhythm" ballet from Singin' in the Rain.I’m not a huge fan of American in Paris, and I speak here as someone who is a bit of an obsessive when it comes to Hollywood musicals.

PPD's 2014 Senate Projections Don't Bank On A Wave, And 17, 2014 · PPD's 2014 Senate Map model forecast a likely net gain of 6 seats for the GOP — the number needed to win a majority — and a less likely net gain of 8 seats.

Republican David Wilson considers a run for Hillsborough 17, 2017 · Republican David Wilson considers a run for Hillsborough Commission in 2018 ... such as the Women’s Resource Center of ... He also was the assistant news director with …

Daschle withdraws | Power Line Daschle has withdrawn as the nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Maybe President Obama should do what he did following Bill Richardson’s withdrawal as the …

A plain blog about politics: Plum Line: Lift 11, 2012 · Over at Plum Line today, I talked about the possible effects of an improved economy-- and why it's possible that conventional wisdom is too pessimistic.See Ezra Klein this morning for more on the latter point. It's not original to me, but one of the relevant points here is one that people have made about "Obamacare" -- that it's a risky slur to use.

In Medias Res: The Surprising Nativity: A Chrismas Homily 03, 2013 · One of the truest lessons of this queerness is the fact that God, in providing us with this great gift, a divine Savior who is born as, and would go one to live as, and the die as, an ordinary man, prompts us to think about how it may be that our own ordinariness can be, in its own small way, also very much a surprise, also always something new ...

Rebecca Negron – Post On pro-Mast political action committee, meanwhile, reported to the Federal Election Commission this week that it spent $10,613 on mailers opposing Rebecca Negron, the Martin County school board member and wife of powerful state Sen. Joe Negron who’s seen by many as the front runner in the six ...

August | 2010 | Power Line | Page 5 live in an outer-tier Minneapolis suburb that has, by contemporary standards, an excellent school system. My youngest daughter participated for several years in a school district-wide choir that ...

Letters: Fight for ‘clean fracking’ | Letters | Colorado ... 14, 2012 · Letters: Fight for ‘clean fracking’ ... city of residence and a daytime phone number for verification. ... But it's not up to me — I have to just hope he makes the right decisions and sticks ...

Installing a President by Force: Hillary Clinton and Our ... 30, 2016 · The effort was covert, but it was suspected, finally exposed, and ultimately successful. This was the engine of coercion, the denial of democracy, and the …

theunionnews.blogspot.com 06, 2008 ·

military contractors | progressivenetwork about military contractors written by progressive2. "Money is power. In Congress, in state legislatures, in city councils, in the courts, in the political conventions, in the press, in the pulpit, in the circles of the educated and the talented, its influence is growing greater and greater.

Robert Gates effectively endorses Obama | all songs lead ... 03, 2008 · Robert Gates, the American Defense Secretary, approved a new national defense plan last month. From the Washington Post: Gates embraces the "Long War" term that his predecessor, Donald H. Rumsfeld, invoked to equate the fight against terrorism with struggles against Soviet communism and Nazi fascism. His strategy, however, departs from Rumsfeld's focus on preemptive …

Nevada Progressive: #NVCaucus Liveblog #3, poor Mitt. Now he knows what it feels like to be Barack Obama. For the past two years Obama has basically been forced to say that, sure, the economy is bad, but it would have been even worse without his policies in place. That might be true or it might not, but it's sure not a vote getter. Now Romney's on the other end of that argument.

Minnehaha County — South only thing on the Sioux Falls city council agenda this Tuesday is the joint budget hearings with Minnehaha county.. I was astonished by the 42 page budget presentation from Siouxland Museums. (Full DOC: SX-Museum-budget-2018) Their total yearly budget is about $1.1 million! What surprised me was with such a small budget the amount of detail in the presentation.

We Live on a Planet: October 2007 day I try to do a little, including a lot of volunteer work, but it's never enough. Ten years ago, in October 1997 I was a young thirtysomething idealist who was foolish enough to try and save the world. I had this crazy notion that all you had to do was put ideas in people's minds and then the positive thoughts would spread like wildfire.

4 things Donald Trump teaches us about American politics ... 27, 2016 · True Republicans don't care about philandering, divorce, gambling or ties to organized crime. Who cares if Donald Trump owns casinos, does business with the Mafia, and trades in his old wife for a younger model every decade? That sort of thing would destroy a politician's career in the 1950's, but not in 1950 BC.

No big surprises expected in debate | News | greensboro.com you for reading 13 free articles on our site. You can come back at the end of your 30-day period for another 13 free articles, or you can purchase a subscription and continue to enjoy ...

The NRA's 'Dark Money' Killed Trayvon Martin | Bud Meyers issue are the so-called 'Stand Your Ground' laws present in Florida and roughly 30 other states that allow people to use deadly force if in self-defense. Martin's killer, a 28-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer named George Zimmerman, has invoked the law in his defense.

FOOTBALL | Springfield looks to clean up a few things ... have their head more on a swivel and you can tell who really is prepared and ready and who is kind of staying toward the back of the crowd to make sure that they don’t get too involved ...

Is the SD Republican Party protecting Gant because he is ... comments ? #1 l3wis on 08.11.12 at 2:14 pm . An ANON email I received; It was Gant who tried to rally all the constitutional officers like Satgast and Jarrond to go against the sweeping cuts demanded a couple years ago and then sent Jarrod Johnson up as the first guinea pig to test it and then when he got slaughtered the rest of them chicked and toed base.

What movies are showing in Eagle County? | VailDaily.com 07, 2011 · This is a romantic comedy set in Paris about a family that goes there because of business, and two young people who are engaged to be married in the fall have experiences there that change their lives. It’s about a young man’s great love for a city, Paris, and the illusion people have that a life different from theirs would be much better.

Federal judge threatens to hold IRS commissioner and DOJ ... IRS is in hot water once again with no-nonsense federal district court judge Emmet Sullivan over Lois Lerner’s emails. A year ago, Judge Sullivan ordered the IRS to explain in writing and ...

Weighing Statewide Run, Ganim Ponders Political Options Statewide Run, Ganim Ponders Political Options April 21, 2017 LennieGrimaldi Analysis and Comment , City Politics , State Politics 3 Comments Mayor Joe Ganim must wait for at least two months before learning if he may qualify for a public campaign grant …

Analyze this | Power Line 25, 2017 · A long-time reader and retired FBI agent of vast and relevant experience comments on Paul Sperry’s New York Post column, discussed by John in the adjacent post. The emphases in his …

Wherein Nevada Is Positioned to Remain a "Blue State" in ... What a train wreck. We already know the actual G-O-TEA candidates and their policies have been turning off voters, and the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll confirms this as President Obama has a solid lead over "Mr. 1%" Willard Romney for the first time in this poll for nearly a year. Yet again, as the economy improves along with the voting public's attention paid to the Presidential ...

Villainy: An Analysis of the Nature of Evil (Part 5 of 5 ... 05, 2005 · How did truth change from something discovered by the mind to a thing created by it? Who is responsible for so momentous a transformation? ... and had a rat eager to scurry for cover at the first sound of a human step. If what has beaten us, he thought, the guilt is ours. ... But it is important to focus not on the guilt of the good men ...

Achieving Democracy with Technological Change of good insofar as it goes. I wish, however, that McGinnis, a first rate mind, had gone much further in rethinking the status quo himself. McGinnis, who is hardly a big government acolyte, accepts at the outset that government is big and going to stay that …

Crime and Punishment – Page 24 – Lowering the the Bar is—in all seriousness—a registered trademark of Kevin Underhill. It is written by Kevin Underhill, who is solely responsible for its content. As ...

Supreme Court Upholds the FCC’s New Indecency Rules ... 28, 2009 · Add to that the the concept of a militia at the time was a citizens defense force – the same as the people, not a separate militia like the national guard, and third read madison and mason, the ...

Hon retracts Apuron statements | Guam News | postguam.com 28, 2016 · Hon retracts Apuron statements Working to restore Benavente, Gofigan ... This is the first set of profiles featuring members of The Scoop team for school year 2019-2020. ... As the …

October | 2003 | Power Line is a topic that falls well outside of any expertise I might have, and perhaps the same is true of my colleagues. ... its fastest pace since the first quarter of 2000. ... In his New York Post ...

Election 2012: Nerison faces Johnson in Assembly race ... 2011, the assembly district, which is represented by four-term incumbent Lee Nerison (R-Westby), was redrawn by Act 43. The district still includes all of Crawford County, but it lost the town ...

What's with all the stuff about Stormy? - Orange County Forums 29, 2018 · The thing you didn't mention in your story was the hush money. BTW, you're the first person to allege that Ms. Daniels is a prostitute. ... One of the many good things Trump has done is remove the moral authority of the evangelicals. ... said on Tuesday that he had paid $130,000 out of his own pocket to a pornographic-film actress who had once ...

hank brown Archives - The Spot - 14, 2016 · The air war in the race between U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman and Democrat Andrew Romanoff is stepping up a notch or three Tuesday as their parties’ campaign committees begin blasting attack ads on Denver TV stations. They are the first ads aired by the party committees in the race, one of the most hotly contested House contests in the nation.

Bob Marshall (Virginia) - Ballotpedia this race, incumbent Republican Bob Marshall was challenged by Danica Roem, a Democratic candidate who is openly transgender. According to NBC, Roem was the first openly transgender candidate to win a primary election in Virginia and ran to be the third transgender state legislator elected in the United States.

Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet ... displayed the cover of the magazine and claimed it was the “best kiss I’ve seen for a candidate in a long time.” “I always say the candidate wins who’s got the sun in his face, who looks like sunny, optimistic, not the indoor bureaucrat sitting at some desk somewhere,” Matthews said. “That’s the image you want.”

blind - Long Room blind man from El Salvador and an abandoned three-year-old boy were among a group of migrants from Central America who crossed into the United States from …

Pearce lost because he left present-day Mesa | East Valley lost because he left present-day Mesa ... His reach was to a national audience. But it wasn't a national audience that sent him packing. ... who is a businessman, said he asked Pearce about ...

FAIR AND BIASED: October 2016, party affiliation is the first vote a citizen casts. When a citizen registers as a Democrat, then they are aligning philosophically with the values, beliefs, tenets, and positions of the Democrats on the issues. Party affiliation “defines” you are and what you stand for. It should be taken as seriously as a vote for a specific candidate.

Bacon's Rebellion - Page 4 of 623 - Reinventing Virginia ... 10, 2019 · One was the 6 th Street market, a failed project not far from Navy Hill. The city, which has a poverty rate of about 25%, is paying millions to the Washington Redskins, one of the richest firms in the National Football League, to train at a city facility for three weeks every summer. Navy Hill also had an inauspicious start.

New Finding Aids | Mudd Manuscript Library Blog 25, 2016 · Paul C. Williams, Dr. Carl A. Fields, and A. Deane Buchanan at the first dinner banquet of Princeton’s Association of Black Collegians (May 22, 1968) The papers of educator and advocate of minority education Dr. Carl A. Fields are now available for research at Princeton University’s Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library.

New Clerk Hires Old Clerk | News | had not held elected office before he was county clerk, which after being appointed to the office he won re-election bids in 2000 and 2004. He said one of the first things he did when he started out as clerk, was to scour voter registration records and vital statistics records.

Althouse posits the Anti-Scott Walker religion. 08, 2011 · "the anti-Scott Walker religion." A fine example of language taking a holiday. Like the usage of most words, 'religion' can get a little vague when used at the periphery of its normal context. Lawyers do this all the time, taking words (concepts) and playing against their usual uses/meanings.

06 | June | 2018 | RUTHFULLY, it’s a blatant pander to his political base—and a firm notice that a reelected de Blasio has no intention of turning away from progressive obsessions in favor of sensible governance. And he said as much Sunday. “I’ve got a new mandate from the voters. [And] I have a new chancellor who is …

done that: February 2013 - 15seats.blogspot.com 28, 2013 · Bush's last budget had $3.5 trillion in spending, although a little less than $200 billion of that was the first installment of Barack Obama's 'Stimulus', so spending under Bush and Tom Coburn increased from $1.9 trillion to $3.3 trillion. Federal spending this year is projected to be $3.8 trillion.

Everything You Need to Learn How to Start a Youtube Channel 30, 2018 · Learning how to start a Youtube channel can be a worthwhile venture for anyone. From writing to biking to legal analysis of classic movie courtroom scenes, there is no shortage of knowledge in the world, and you might be a person with something specific to share. Whether you want to make money or just have fun, yo ...

The Fight for Purity in Michigan and the Democratic Party ... 10, 2018 · She is also the daughter of Richard Whitmer, who served in a Republican governor’s cabinet and, from 1988 to 2006, was the president and C.E.O. of …

Scott Walker attorney challenging secret 'John Doe' probe ... Biskupic, an attorney who has represented Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign, was named in a court order Thursday as an attorney in a case challenging the ongoing secret investigation into ...

White House Advisor Urges Passage of Bill To Combat ... senior advisor to President Barack Obama called House Speaker Brendan Sharkey on Tuesday to urge him to call a bill that would require individuals who are the subject of temporary restraining ...

BRISTOLTODAY.COM: City bans tall grass 09, 2009 · City bans tall grass A new city law bars most property owners from allowing their grass to grow higher than eight inches. The ordinance, approved unanimously by city councilors this week, calls for the city to give property owners who violate the statute 10 days to mow their lawns or else a city-hired contractor will do it for them.

Labor For Bernie Sanders | Page 2 | BrownCafe - UPSers ... 02, 2015 · You combine the 2 and what you get is a decreasing middle class, bring home pay stagnation, and welfare dependents that still work. Oh, and btw, I forgot to state in the first example, chances are the $1000000 and $5000000 workers are also …

What if Al Gore were president today? - WND 28, 2002 · Can you imagine where we'd be today if Al Gore were president? Advertisement - story continues below Undoubtedly, we'd have a president proposing …

'We run lean': Unlike Iowa frontrunners, Bobby Jindal has ... 03, 2015 · Donald Trump, who is leading the polls in Iowa, opened his first campaign office in Iowa this week. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, the former frontrunner in Iowa, was the first Republican 2016 ...

Infowars’ Alex Jones “invades the DC Swamp” in defense of ...“It’s incredible who is funding this lawsuit,” he said, adding that it “looks like it was written by a three-year-old.” “It’s bizarre how they take this Soros money and use it, but it is designed to overturn the First Amendment” or, at a minimum, make it moot for right-leaning publishers and media, he added.

Is Iowa's drinking water safe? Environmental group says ... 26, 2017 · Is your drinking water safe? Environmental group says the answer may be 'no' Your drinking water meets federal guidelines, but an environmental group …

Let's Hate Mike Huckabee Some More! Your Weekly Top Ten. 13, 2015 · F'real, Huckabee?!?!Oh hi there! Sorry to interrupt you vacuuming your cat or whatever it is you do on Sunday afternoons, but we have to count down the top ten posts of the week, so your cat will have to wait. A lot of the top stories this week are about Mike Huckabee, and how out of all the Republi...

Weber Forums • View topic - EXTRY! EXTRY! IMPEACHMENT 28, 2017 · It's been higher than that post-election but it's back now to where it normally has been. He was the first presidential candidate to win with a net negative rating (more people disliked him than liked him), even most of the people who voted FOR him didn't actually like him.

Ted Cruz’s Lawsuit Makes A Good Point For Bad Reasons ... 02, 2019 · Why should a sitting senator, newly invested with power for six years, be allowed to shameless raise money to pay himself back, especially if he won election in the first …

Flaccavento working to get in front of voters | News ..., Va. — Anthony Flaccavento’s summer plans include a more intense version of what he’s been doing since last October — meeting voters and getting the word out about his

Saving the Republic from Trump - KRYTIC L - Medium 28, 2016 · Saving the Republic from Trump. ... (the first was dismissed) against the District of Columbia government to get the hotel’s property tax bill lowered. ... Welcome to a …

Fresh Colada – Page 171 – Political! Hernandez lines up his photo ops. By Ladra on February 3, 2013 Fresh Colada . Was the recent visit by Attorney General Pam Bondi to Hialeah this week for some bogus national mortgage fraud settlement anything more than a photo op for Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez, who is facing re-election this year and, while has not yet been challenged, is ripe for a fight?

Alaska Journal | Cissna wins Democratic House primary to his statement, Young said he believes Alaska “needs someone who will stand up and fight for this state — and as long as I have the fire to serve, I believe I am the best person for the job.” There was more competition on the Democratic side, with the challengers vying to become the first from their party to hold the office since 1973.

Andrew McCabe Has A Few Things To Say About President Bugf ... what an OBVIOUS lie that was?) The president said he thought most people in the FBI voted for him—he thought 80 percent. He asked me again, as he had in his office, if I knew that Comey had told him three times that he was not under investigation. Then he got to the reason for his call. He said, I really want to come over there.

Republicans should panic about the House, and other ... loss by Kobach -- who is controversial because he advocates restrictive voting laws and has backed Trump's false claims of widespread voter fraud -- would be an embarrassment for Trump, who has success at picking winners in GOP primaries this year. But it would be a relief for Republicans who see him as a weaker general election candidate.

Kevin Love booed in return - ABC News Love booed in return. By DAVE MCMENAMIN via ESPN. ... averaging 9.9 points per game in 2008-09 for a Wolves team that went 24-58. ... Love was the first player introduced in the starting ...

The Teenager Who Changed My Life | PR Watch 15, 2011 · The Teenager Who Changed My Life. Submitted by Wendell Potter on December 15, 2011 - 4:39pm. ... That call from the L.A. TV reporter was the first of hundreds my staff and I would ultimately receive over the next few days. ... but it was the final straw. I simply didn't have it in me to handle the PR around another case like Nataline's.

Congressional challengers scramble for dollars ahead of ... now has nearly $800,000 cash on hand -- a sizable sum for a campaign that has yet to ramp into high gear. ... Former Marine Shane Hazel, who is running to Woodall’s right, has raised only ...

New York Times Rips Obama on Character | Start Thinking Right 05, 2008 · The July 4, 2008 New York Times finally gets something right: Barack Obama may be new, but he is very definitely not improved. Rather, Obama is the most cynical candidate for president that we have seen in our lifetimes, a man who postures behind principles to suit himself, and who abandons those self same principles…

Outside money pouring into Central Coast congressional race 13, 2016 · Outside money pouring into Central Coast congressional race ... It was one of the most expensive races in Congress that year. ... Ok so contrary to a BS radio spot I …

Alabama Supreme Court won’t move lawsuit against Roy Moore ..., Ala. (AP) — The Alabama Supreme Court on Friday refused to transfer a defamation lawsuit against former U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore by a …

For Edwards and Aide, Another Lost Love Story - The New ... 29, 2012 · John Edwards, the former Democratic senator who is facing 30 years in prison, leaned forward and watched as Andrew Young, the man who had held his …

U.S. Senator John McCain Has Been Diagnosed with ... 20, 2017 · WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee known for political independence during more than three …

Scott Walker Can’t Buy A New Record | Democratic Governors ... 15, 2014 · That compares to a period between 2000 and 2002 when the report showed Wisconsin with 320 of every 100,000 residents (0.32%) starting businesses. It was the second biggest decline over 10 years, behind that of Wyoming.” [InBusiness Madison, April 2013] 2012 Headline: “Wisconsin Job Losses Highest In Nation For Last 12 Months”.

Rival guns down councilman in N.Y. City Hall; shooter ... shooting occurred at one of the most heavily protected sites in the city, and the gunman's ability to get his weapon into City Hall led Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to declare that from now on ...

Wayne Allard Archives - Page 3 of 3 - The 05, 2010 · Tuesday’s election was personal for former U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard, who saw two of his former staffers achieve their goals.. Republican Cory Gardner of Yuma is headed to Congress to represent the 4th Congressional District, the same seat Allard won in 1990 and represented for six years.

President Good Brain Invents Fourth Of July - Wonkette you blinked sometime on Tuesday, you might have missed that Donald Trump, president of these United States due to a series of hilarious flukes and crimes, has had himself A IDEA. It is a good idea, and it came out of his brain! Trump spoke during one of those press availabilities he does at his cabinet meetings, and he blew everybody's mind:

Albany shivers after Bharara flips a major donor - POLITICO—Just as important as Monday's charges against Senate Majority leader Dean Skelos and his son was the revelation, in the newly unsealed complaint, that an executive with the state's top ...

Sean Hannity: William Barr '15 steps further than anybody ... News host Sean Hannity said his sources are telling him Attorney General William Barr has been far more active in his so-called "investigation of the investigators" than publicly known.

Jerome Corsi Invokes ‘Divine Intervention’ Defense to ... 29, 2018 · The confusion over who is lying about what and whether those lies were deliberate may have something to do with the fact that those in Trump’s orbit tend to have a …

Naked City: Off the Desk - News - The Austin Chronicle 28, 2000 · That was the question issuing from behind closed doors at City Hall last week as word began seeping out that Jack, a longtime neighborhood activist and …

Nancy Pelosi and the Joe and Hunter Biden Scandal | Shift ... days ago · In his own words to the ... As Deroy Murdock, who is a member of the council, ... One of these meetings between Hunter Biden’s company and Chinese officials happened on the same day Vice President Biden met with then-Chinese President Hu Jintao in Washington as part of the Nuclear Security Summit. And this was the rule rather than the exception.

BRUMMETT ONLINE: Case not made … yet 29, 2018 · One of the payments to which Cohen confessed was a promised reimbursement to the publisher of the National Enquirer to buy one of the women’s stories exclusively, and …

Free-spending special interests exert big influence - SFGate was one of several Democratic Senate primaries up and down the state where business groups got into the act on behalf of one candidate, and unions and lawyers gave a push to the other.

Newt: The Anti-Goldwater | The American Conservative 23, 2012 · Jordan raised an interesting comparison. Goldwater was the principled guy who couldn't win but built a movement. Newt is the unprincipled guy …

Bernie Sanders brings his political revolution to Tampa Sanders brings his political revolution to Tampa. ... the 74-year-old Jewish socialist from Vermont who is bringing excitement and passion to a Democratic ... He also was the assistant news ...

Yitzhak Shamir's Good, Great Life - Townhall was something about Yitzhak Shamir, Israel's seventh prime minister who passed away last Saturday, that made you feel shy, in awe when you stood in his presence. In his eulogy at Sunday ...

December | 2003 | Power Line | Page 9 17, 2003 · This is a story that was buried because reporters don’t want to slow down the Dean train, and for the more mundane reason that there wasn’t any film footage available.

Yitzhak Shamir's good, great life - CarolineGlick.com was something about Yitzhak Shamir, Israel’s seventh prime minister who passed away last Saturday, that made you feel shy, in awe when you stood in his presence. In his eulogy at Sunday morning’s cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu noted that Shamir “didn’t radiate charisma. He simply radiated inner strength.”

Coalition of Strange Bedfellows Opposes N.Y ... 23, 2017 · From its perch above the Hudson River 150 miles north of New York City, Albany, capital of the Empire State, is a place that has launched many a distinguished political career. From Theodore ...

issue ad – Lake Erie Conservative she became famous as the result of issue ads run by Americans for Prosperity / Michigan . They intervened in the open seat US Senate race in Michigan , the one being vacated by Carl Levin . She also became famous because the subject of the issue ad , Representative Gary Peters [D-Mi] has attacked her with a cheap shot .

February | 2010 | Power Line | Page 7 State Department has long been a stronghold of “Arabists,” (which in practice bascally means folks with no use for Israel) and so to some extent has the CIA (think of Michael Scheuer).

The Contrarian Progressive: Did Tillerson Stop the ... best policy was the third one and it is also the one that stopped Trump from siding with the Saudis at the time. As you can see in that post, Qatar's SWF purchased a 19.5 percent stake in Russian oil and gas giant Rosneft just after the US presidential elections. The deal was put together, during the campaign, by Carter Page, a Trump ...

Newt Gingrich | Less Than Unique is just one example that Rick Santorum is a bought and paid for candidate that plays by his own rules. For further evidence of Santorum’s preference to political supporters, please research the instance where Rick used his prowess to engineer a shady property deal involving the Armed Forces Veterans Home and a Catholic University that he ...

With Stern Words on Process, Flagler School Board Ratifies ... 22, 2013 · With Stern Words on Process, Flagler School Board Ratifies Private Hire of Cop at Old Kings January 22, 2013 by FlaglerLive 15 Comments The …

Revolvingdoor (u/revolvingdoor) - Reddit time I read it, I interpreted the writers point as his behavior was terrible but being gay wasn't the problem, it was the manipulation of someone for sexual satisfaction. I can see how someone who is always on alert (the writer) could feel attacked that the emphasis seems to be on the gay part equally as much as the manipulation.

The Conservative Media: News hit piece wants Michigan to ... is a platform to comment on local, state and national politics and political news. A special area of interest is the role of corporate media in politics as we move closer and closer to one huge corporation owning all of the media outlets in the country and stifling all independent and critical voices.

Jared Kushner Won't Let A Little BONE SAW Ruin His ... 10, 2018 · One of the oddest, and probably most important, plot points in the story of why Donald Trump rolls over like a submissive Pomeranian for the Saudis, and even is willing to excuse their bone saw murder of an American resident Washington Post journalist, is the question of just how much the Saudis own Trump's ass financially, and if they did almost as much NO COLLUSION to help Trump …

Lost in the Ozone...: Lobbying To Change His Own Law ... in his office at Crane, Vacco & Sanders, LLC, Sanders said he could have stayed on the sidelines and watched as his successor, Assembly Education Chair Catherine Nolan (D-Queens), did her best to manage all the competing interests involved. But instead, Sanders became one of …

George W. Bush - Adams and Jefferson, Aaron Burr, Democrats. feel a good deal of sympathy for George Bush. Here is a man who is certainly honest, well intentioned and who earnestly believes that changing the tone in Washington is good for the republic. But it seems like every time Bush makes some progress the ducks come down and start nibbling him to death.

"As the person who controlled access to the first couple ... 11, 2012 · Who is Ann Althouse? May 13, 2012 "As the person who controlled access to the first couple, Valerie Jarrett saw Oprah as a potential threat to her power." Writes Edward Klein, author of a new book about Obama: ...

As National Oil Giant Struggles, Mexico Agonizes Over ... 17, 2002 · Pemex made $20.9 billion in the first nine months of 2001, and the government took $22.1 billion away. ... capital in his first year in office on trying to …

ALEC Exposed: Protecting Factory Farms and Sewage Sludge ... 04, 2011 · As suburbs engulfed the rural landscape in the boom following World War II, many family farmers found themselves with new neighbors who were annoyed by the sound of crowing roosters, the smell of animal manure, or the rumble of farming equipment. In defense of family farming, Massachusetts passed the first "Right to Farm" law in 1979, to protect these farmers against their new

July – 2007 – CNN Political Ticker - - Sen. Barack Obama and former Sen. John Edwards clashed the issue of healthcare reform when answering a question from a 36-year old woman named Kim who is battling breast cancer and is uninsured. - Sen. Barack Obama and former Sen. John Edwards clashed the issue of healthcare reform when answering a question from a 36-year old woman named Kim

watchpaul.ARTICLES: NCJ - One year later the time I am posting this article on this archival blog - Gallegos has been re-elected yet again, sworn in for another four year term. He has lost all but three of the experienced prosecutors who made up the office he inherited.

Village Roadshow – Bill's Media Commentary then board the train in Amsterdam, and find the first class section. The film shows many shots of the Belgian or northern French countryside with windmills. Then the event happens. One detail is that Ayoub’s rifle jammed as Stone charged him (at least as the film shows it). That seems incredibly lucky for Stone and all the passengers.

Naked Politics - September 14, 2014 - September 20, 2014 ... dressed in his working clothes after pulling an all-nighter graveyard shift at a local hotel, Sternad said he was thankful that a judge cut his prison sentence from seven months to 30 days ...

Armstrong is just off lead as the Pyrenees loom - The San ... split second off the lead with the mighty Pyrenees looming, Lance Armstrong now gets to see what his rivals can throw at him. After mostly flat, wind-swept stages along the Mediterranean rim ...

Shepherds and Kings - 27, 2016 · The first Christians called Jesus the Messiah of Israel and they soon called him “the king of kings and the LORD of Lords.” The Book of Colossians reminds us that eventually Christians confessed that Jesus was “the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation.”

GTMO DOCUMENTS: 2019 last opinions of the supreme court term are out, and the most tragic - Rucho v Common Cause, about partisan voting districts - could join Plessey v Ferguson in infamy. Gerrymanders, presently skewed heavily in favour of Republicans, are henceforth to be treated as political matters into which state, but not federal, courts may inquire.More here on the latest Republican election-rigging ...

Georgia Politics, Campaigns & Elections for October 10 ... 10, 2012 · Squiggy (left) is a 15 pound Shih-tzu who is only available for adoption to experienced rescue organizations because he may bite. Grace (center) is a 6-pound, five-month old female Chihuahua, who is very nice according to the volunteers and is available for adoption beginning Friday from Walton County Animal Shelter.. Artie (right) is a neutered male Pomeranian estimated at 2 years …

JUSTICE BUILDING BLOG: WITH THIS PLEA I THEE WED THIS PLEA I THEE WED ... that. There is, you know, a lot of people who think they couldn't get married. To get married they have to have money for a house and a big wedding and all of that kind of stuff. It is not true. It is not true at all. ... what exactly are the rules as to who is drafted and who can be signed by the blogs? Sunday ...

The chicken is coming home to roost - Page 2 17, 2009 · Originally Posted by daryl bane I guess now that China is the #1 holder of US Treasury Bonds, they effectively own us. The real stupid thing on our pa

Trump Breaks The Law... With A Sharpie - Define Attorney>>Earlier Donald Trump claimed that Hurricane Dorian was going to impact Alabama. He was fact checked by both ABC and more importantly, the National Weather Service which indicated

Hope or Hypocrisy PENCE Two sides Two Explanations Two ... or Hypocrisy PENCE Two sides Two Explanations Two Articles Hagelin and Chapman in a He Said She Said and Pences's first speech as nominee URL (videos) - Galt's Gulch

Trump Archives » Page 3 of 7 » Ketuvim was my responsibility to identify what was known, what was unknown, and what I thought. I based my predictive analysis on the information at hand – what was the likely outcome and what were the other possibilities. It was up to decision makers to use the information provided to set a course of action.

July 2013 – OC Political Chen is a small business owner and USC Professor who was the top vote-getter in the Walnut Valley Unified School District Board election in November of 2011. He is a top advisor on health care issues to Supervisor Mike Antonovich and a reserve Deputy …

Orcon IRL: Vote Auckland • Hard News • Public Address“We’re delighted to offer a warm Ponsonby welcome to Otara-Papatoetoe local board chair Efeso Collins and Paula Bold-Wilson, one of an unprecedented four Maori candidates standing for the Henderson-Massey local board. And we’re pleased to have local lad Bill Ralston, who is standing for Auckland Council in the keenly-contested Prego ward.

‘Nobody has gone down yet’ | Palmetto Politics ... — A year ago this week, Bobby Harrell was heading for a fall that once would have been unimaginable. The Charleston Republican was indicted on Sept. 10, and in little more than a month ...

Senator's pension reversal angers conservative supporter ... – Sen. Wayne Langerholc, one of the newest state senators, “stepped in it” last week by signing up for a pension, said the head of a small-government group that helped him get ...

The Star-Democrat from Easton, Maryland on September 10 ..., September 10, 1990 f Kuwait... p. 2 A Sttaiir-O September 10, 1990 Easton. Maryland Thirty-five Cents 3olI: Dyson Main Street Special rides the rails again Dead the aisles of the passenger ...

State of the Commonwealth Live Blog | Blue Virginia, Virginia’s economic outlook has improved significantly during his first two years in office. Governor McAuliffe has aggressively and successfully pursued his goal of bringing Virginians new employment opportunities. He has been the state’s best jobs ambassador ever. Revenues have ...

Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk - Page 283 - Morning Joe ... 26, 2018 · I'm in the first third of the most recent season (5). The show was difficult for me to watch after the election, but I decided last night to watch another episode. When I least expected it, there was the Morning Joe crew (or part of it) appearing as themselves, discussing the fictional election on "House of …

08242017 - Federally indicted Portage Mayor Snyder claims ... - Federally indicted Portage Mayor Snyder claims: "I have never taken cash" ... "Also instrumental in these investigations are the honest and patriotic citizens who come forward and assist in uncovering the truth as was the case in Lake County." ... He testified on the first day of trial he was frustrated that he couldn't get a ...

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Will Mann Now Work Full Time for ... 29, 2011 · Will Mann Now Work Full Time for Vitetta? ... I'm certain it's one of the reasons they wanted her. Annual statements of financial interest for the past four years (2010, 2009, 2008 , 2007) ... None of any good, but Mann is not much different than the others.

My suspicions about the SD Democratic Party trying to I have reported in the past, the SD Democratic party got involved in municipal politics.. But before we dig into the article, I want to commend three people for coming forward; • Ellis for working hard on this story for weeks to get it out in the mainstream media • Ben Nesselhuf, chairman of the SD Democratic Party for finally being honest about their involvement (though I do not agree ...

John Travolta’s Son, Jett Travolta, Dies in the Bahamas 02, 2009 · John Travolta’s Son, Jett Travolta, Dies in the Bahamas There is sad and tragic news out of the Bahamas. The son of John Travolta, 16 year old Jett Travolta has passed away while on vacation in the Bahamas. According to reports from TMZ, Jett suffered a …

Madville Kristi Noem demonstrated noteworthy social media savvy at the start of her campaign for U.S. House last year. Now Steve Jarding and the South Dakota Alliance for Progress are fighting Facebook with Facebook—specifically, with online ads warning voters that our favorite intern is voting to make their health care and education less affordable.

Health & Wellness -- Sott.net &page=565?page=6News category 'Health & Wellness' on Signs of the Times: The World for People who Think

Right-thinking justices upset liberals - justices upset liberals A conservative US Supreme Court is intent on opposing Barack Obama's initiatives at every turn, writes Nick O'Malley in Washington.

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THREE FUNDAMENTAL MISTAKES IN … it was the Muslim world which was forcing us to choose between their carrot and their stick. The carrot was a positive relationship with the Muslim world, the stick was a negative relationship. And since 2001 we have been chasing the carrot, while getting whacked over the head with the stick.

Liberal Racism:Donny Deutsch Smears FL Republican Senate 24, 2010 · Liberals are the most agregious and self-righteous racists in the world. They can’t help themselves to do nothing but attack on a personal level. Was listening to Hannity’s replay on the radio and a conservative called in and questioned the health bill and the costs etc and the jobs bill and how Scott Brown voted for it.

Winter Patriot: I'll Give You A Nickel'll Give You A Nickel ... "This is just another war that could be long and difficult, as was the Vietnam War. We are determined to pursue it until the very end, until the day we will be able to ask for justice," he said.That's a nice try. But I think they're wasting their money. They'll never get a dime.

Fox - JW-2019 - johnnywunder.info Security Adviser Unfortunately for John Boltoon the first place I heard of him was in the election scandal of Senator Thom Tillis of my home state North Carolina in 2014. Tillis got an undeclared doanation of $5M late in the campaign that helped push him over the top in a very close election.

S.C. Political Corruption 24, 2017 · This is the second in an ongoing series about political corruption and ethics reform in South Carolina. This column outlines the origins, recent scandals and beginnings of efforts for ethics reform. Directly across the street from the Statehouse on the corner of Gervais and Main Street in Columbia is a bar called The Whig.

Arizona is one step closer to having someone representing ..."I like to think the state is slowly turning purple," King said Monday as he sat in his golf cart, a common form of area transportation, with his French bulldog mix Stuart. "But it's still mostly red." Say that to your neighbor with the MAGA hat "I Don't Trust The Liberal Media" bumper sticker on his cart.

Attack ads run rampant in local elections - San José Spotlight 09, 2019 · Ellenberg was the subject of another opposition mailer several days before Election Day sent by the Working for a Better Community, a labor-aligned PAC supporting Rocha’s run. The ad showed a fake check from Jed York of the 49ers to Ellenberg for $25,000.

Michael Cohen - Cohen was a bit of a "fixer" for many famous people, but since Trump was a client, Robert Mueller did some investigation on highly questionable grounds, and was able to find enough evidence to hand it off to the NYC District Attorney to try to get Cohen to either sing (tell facts) or compose (invent them) on Trump, for a reduced sentence on things completely unrelated to Trump, Russia ...

Mucho mailers mean to mislead in Coral Gables election 05, 2017 · That was the same reaction Ladra had with former Commissioner Wayne “Chip” Withers‘ endorsement from former FIU President Modesto “Mitch” Maidique, ... Mucho mailers mean to mislead in Coral Gables election added by Ladra on April 5, ... Because my own backyard, I vote for people I trust. TellingItLikeItIs April 6, ...

Behold the Devastating Consequences of Citizens United ... 15 groups were responsible for more than 75 percent of dark money political spending from 2010 to 2016, and together poured more than $600 million—out of a total of $800+ million—into ...

Reading Between the Lines: Will the real Obama please stand? upon a time, I thought I did. Obama was the graceful rookie from Illinois who came out of nowhere to become the rock star of '08. His biracial heritage, Harvard Law School education and vast ambition created the perfect image of a post-racial, post-ideological agent of change. He would not be tied to the old ideas or the old ways of doing ...

POLS ON THE STREET: Feds Are Worrying Philadelphia Jurists 31, 2014 · State Rep. Rosita Youngblood (D-Northwest) has announced the loss of Marguerite Elizabeth (Beth) Haliburton-Pender. She was the wife of Mike Pender, committee person in the 13th Ward, 22nd Division and a major supporter of the 13th Ward Democratic Executive Committee.

On the ground in Libya: Rebels with a cause, but little ... 24, 2011 · NATO agreed Thursday night to take control over enforcement of the no fly zone from the U.S., which had been acting as the lead player, but even with the handover, a U.S. general is likely to ...

Overseas Outlook: Issue for January–June 2017 Overseas Outlook January–June 2017 Volume 40, Number 1 BARD Express. NLS recently released BARD Express, a Windows-based software program that will aid in the use of the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) service. The free software is available for download from a link on the BARD main page.

Wayne Wink Jr | News & Photo Features Clerk Wayne Wink, Jr. is one of the most capable, smart, genuine people ever to serve in elected office. He could fulfill any function. He was brilliant when he was on the Town Council and then the Nassau County Legislature, and now a superbly competent Town Clerk who is …

The Body defeats the Midget | Salon.com 26, 1999 · The Body defeats the Midget Jesse Ventura's backers slammed Ross Perot at the Reform Party convention. The prize: At least $30 million in campaign funds for a 2000 presidential race.

Sedona Eye » Sedona Fire District Bond: Follow the Money 28, 2017 · Was the Sedona District Fire Board aware of the financial influence of Phoenix construction companies in coming up with huge numbers like $5.7 and $3 MILLION for stations, plus $1.5 MILLION for a service facility? I don’t know.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana on March 25, 2007 ... 25, 2007 · Its CEO is Rick Richards, who is a $250-an-hour consultant with Healthcare Advisory Services, which Shreveport Doctors Hospital 2003 contracted with Feb. 16 …

California's 4th congressional district - WikiMili, The ...'s_4th_congressional_districtPeter Rey Aguilar is an American politician who is the U.S. Representative from California's 31st Congressional District. A Democrat, he served as Mayor of Redlands, California from 2010 to 2014 and as the President of the Inland Empire Division of the League of California Cities.

Where are the snollygosters? | The Georgetown seeking to dislodge an incumbent should expect a bruise or two. If you want to change things, if you are positioning yourself as the one to kick the bums out, expect the bums to kick back. Politics is a tough business. Campaigning requires a thick skin and the ability to …

Bottom line, Buy American | Page 2 | Gamefishin.com 18, 2009 · I know that there are many rifles made across the water that are very fine instruments. However, I will buy Ruger or Remington or Savage or Kimber and a few others because I don't want them to go away. Everyone is full of righteous anger and incipient fuel purchasing changes when the speculators can gouge you $4/gallon,

Brent Hamlet - Research Fellow - Educators for Excellence ... King understood racism would never be eradicated so long as profit motive was the primary value of our economic and political systems. Instead, Dr. King articulated a radical vision for economic equality and for “a land where men will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few.”

Treasurer | Oregon Progressive are very different from the other parties. Primary links. HOME; Email Signup. Email Signup to Receive Info from Us

Western Mass Politics and Insight: Election Detritus 2011 ... 04, 2011 · In Boston, Ayanna Pressley, who squeaked onto the Boston City Council in 2009 as one of its at-large members topped the at-large field this year as voters returned all incumbents running at-large. Michael Flaherty, who ran against Mayor Tom Menino in 2009 attempted to get back on the council to set up for a 2013 mayoral run, but was denied.

March | 2016 | DigitalHeretic.org 27, 2017 · 2 posts published by Jacob Santillan during March 2016. Also found at Caitlyn Jenner evidently wants to be the “trans ambassador” for Ted Cruz.. Queue the predictable shit-fit…. I think it’s great because politics based on ideas are vastly superior to politics based on identity.

March on Harrisburg barnstorms across Pennsylvania to ... 23, 2018 · March on Harrisburg on their three-day march from Lancaster to Harrisburg in November. (Instagram/March on Harrisburg) Last week, the special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th District made national headlines when the Democratic candidate for the state legislature, Conor Lamb, beat incumbent Republican Rep. Rick Saccone in a district that President Trump won by 20 points in 2016.

GOP duo stands on its record | News | lancasteronline.com, who is 38 and lives on North Jefferson Court in West Lampeter Township, said chief among the priorities in 2012 would be to continue the ongoing department-by-department review of ...

Hate Crime Heightens Tensions in Already Divisive 7th congressional race in New Jersey’s 7th District may not be as close — or expensive — as the one in the 5th just to the north, but it’s been garnering its own attention as a divisive ...

University of Utah professor reframes conversation around ... 27, 2015 – A few years ago, Sonia Salari was interviewed for an article about a murder-suicide involving an elderly couple. Once published, the Pennsylvania newspaper headline shocked the University of Utah professor. “Loved to death,” was the title used to describe the story where an elderly man had killed his wife and then himself. Live 07, 2002 · New York, N.Y.: I know in my heart that the war effort is probably more important and serious than the partisan debates over deficits, education, stem cells, etc, …

AP FACT CHECK: Clinton on Wall Street, Sanders on the 1 ... was the one saying you’re going to wreck the economy because of these shenanigans with mortgages.” ... but it relies on outdated numbers. In the first five years of the economic recovery ...

Clinton fears message is not getting to public - Baltimore Sun president is also returning to the exact themes, phrases and images he used to great effect in 1992 in talking about the economic condition of the middle class.

Bill Nelson: I Always Opposed Offshore Drilling ... Uh 17, 2018 · Now he's trying to explain it away -- but it's right there, in black and white. He only dropped his endorsement of the Obama offshore drilling expansion plan after the president did -- …

(PDF) Successful new parties in the Baltic states: similar ... as a consequence, uniquely among the four, the party managed to retain much of its popularity beyond the next elections. On the other hand, its endurance is surprising as the New Era's ...

Jury: Soderquists guilty on all counts | Lake County News ... money the couple lost from 2009 to 2012 was the result of slot machine play, according to records shown during the trial. ... but it wasn’t until the couple began having financial hurdles ...

Vail Valley Voices: The real magic of Christmas ... 17, 2011 · Vail Valley Voices: The real magic of Christmas. News | December 17, 2011. Judd Rumley ... it was written to show that Christ was God’s gift to us. Jesus was the first Christmas gift ever. ... sinful people there who can be rude and hypocritical, but Jesus died for those sins as well yours. If you are looking for a church without sin, then ...

Bill Clinton and the Politics of Second Terms. - Free ... his credit, Clinton took on the nation's most important policy problem early in his first term. In 1993, facing a projected annual budget deficit of $350 billion, he persuaded Congress to enact a five-year, $500 billion plan of tax increases and spending reductions.

St. Luke’s Methodist Primary School Reeling from the ... 21, 2019 St. Luke’s Methodist Primary School Reeling from the Shooting of One of its Own. An eleven-year-old student of Saint Luke’s Methodist Primary School in Belize City is clinging to life at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital after he was innocently shot while carrying out an errand for his mother.

The State of the Union: Sloth: Its Cause and the Solution the previous post, I pointed out that sloth is based on fear, which is based on unbelief in all that Christ has done for us. When we do not believe that Jesus Christ has died for all our sins and wishes to save us and blesses in this life as well as the next, we operate under condemnation, thinking and believing that we have to earn what God so freely gives.

Wednesday: And in other news... #Windsor, ON could be ..., Get all the Latest news, Breaking headlines and Top stories, photos & video in real time about Nicole Karkic

In Prosperity, Dems stump for top job | Palmetto Politics ... -- It took just 30 seconds on Wednesday for the Democrats to go where no Republican would: Gov. Mark Sanford's affair. Five of the Democrats running for governor gathered along with a ...

The Perry indictment: A travesty of a mockery | Power Line 17, 2014 · It is perhaps one of the most outrageous abuses of power by a prosecutor I have heard of in years. ... and the elements are the elements.” ... We don’t know what McCrum learned in his ...

OPINION: The Democratic Party unraveling is not good for ... in his piece last week for the New Yorker, Benjamin Wallace-Wells made it sound as if the ACLU’s foray into Democratic politics is a dramatic shift. According to Wallace-Wells, “as a kind of experiment” last year, the ACLU invested in a district attorney’s race and a …

Who is Joe Lutz who is running for Dayton City Commission ...’s agreed not to raise more than $10,000 in his campaign, if he raises any at all. He runs a company called “Dayton Digital Media” that has a website that looks like it was built pre-turn of the century. The information is static, dated as are the animated GIF’s in the heading. From his bio:

Dickey Betts personality profile - celebrities-galore.com to know the spiritual DNA of Dickey Betts, his relationships and compatibility with you.

The Biggest Prize: Here Are The Nominees For The Future ... Biggest Prize: Here Are The Nominees For The Future Awards 2012 – Young Pers - Events - Nairaland. Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Events / The Biggest Prize: Here Are The Nominees For The Future Awards 2012 – Young Pers (923 Views) . Linda Ikeji, El-Rufai At Future Awards Africa 2015 / The Future Awards Africa 2015 Nominees / Yesterday 31 July The United State Consulate Hosted …

Obehi Okoawo's Blog: 2012 Future Awards, Full List Of Nominees 17, 2012 · Bankole Wellington (Banky W) Profile Occupation: Musician/Entrepreneur/Activist Age: 31 Known primarily as a musician, Banky W has however transcended that label; emerging not just as one of the nation’s leading talents, but also building an inspiring business with Empire Mates Entertainment that has created superstars like Wizkid and Skales.

Here are the Americans speaking at a hate group friendly ... World Congress of Families (WCF), a notorious anti-LGBTQ group that’s reportedly received funding from sanctioned Russian oligarchs, is hosting its annual conference in Verona, Italy next month. And a number of Americans have decided to join them. Among the Americans slated to speak at the

Israeli Trump Card - ammoland.com 09, 2019 · USA –-( Trump Card. Obama and Kerry seemed to be more on the side of Hamas and the terrorists than they were for Isreal, but itReviews: 13Author: A.F. Branco

Fighting corruption in politics - Jamaica 29, 2013 · In his first campaign in 2008, Barack Obama spoke a lot about cleaning up politics and cutting back the power of political lobbyists. But it has not proved to be so easy.

elections in Southeast Asia | Political Party Forum ... 30, 2016 · Partyforumseasia: Max Grömping, researcher and co-author of the Electoral Integrity Project (see our last post) has published an article on elections in our region in University of Sydney’s New Mandala (). We take it up as an important follow-up, though the headline “Southeast Asian Elections Worst in the World” sounds a bit too bad to be completely true.

Madison Politiscope: Courting the Latino vote in Wisconsin ... a number of battleground states, Latinos represent a crucial voting bloc that both parties are feverishly courting. In Nevada, Colorado and Florida -- all swing states with Hispanic population rates well above the national average -- Democrats see Hispanics as an important firewall to ...

Thai American Bar Association to Hold Inaugural 08, 2013 · The Thai American Bar Association will stage its inaugural dinner on May 3 at a restaurant in Thai Town. It will feature a Thai food buffet and remarks by Royal Thai Consul General Jesda Katavetin, as well as by Chanchanit Martorell, founder and executive director of the Thai Community Development Center.

Health risks of algal toxins not fully known, low levels ... four weeks after the first health advisory was placed on Salem’s drinking water, state and local health officials have not found a single case of illness caused by the algal toxins. But ...

What Alexander Hamilton Really Said | Take Care his amicus brief Tillman again relied on this document from Alexander Hamilton, explaining that Hamilton’s response “spanned some ninety manuscript-sized pages,” and that “[i]n it, he included appointed or administrative personnel in each of the three branches of the federal government,” but “did not include the President, Vice ...

Breaking: Big Election Upset in Australia | Power Line 18, 2019 · Australians flocked to the polls Saturday capping a bitterly fought election that may be the first anywhere decided by climate policy. Between 16 and 17 …

Obama calls for new New Child by September - POLITICO calls for new New Child by September – P.J. Crowley booted; Hammer time at State -- Matt David to Team Huntsman -- Barbour to focus on energy as opening issue

Conservatives: Beware of McCain Regression Syndrome ... 22, 2010 · Pay attention: In the afterglow of the Massachusetts Miracle, there are flickers of peril for the right. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but like Paul Revere's midnight message, consider this...

Senate confirms Janet Yellen as first Fed chairwoman | PBS ... 06, 2014 · Janet Yellen will be the first women to lead the Federal Reserve. Photo by Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images The Senate voted Monday to confirm Janet Yellen as the first woman to lead the ...

PFAW Action Fund Announces Young Elected Progressive 15, 2014 · People For the American Way Action Fund announced today the endorsements of a slate of dynamic young progressive candidates running for public office across the United States. The endorsees are a diverse mix of candidates 35 and under who are marking a new generation of progressive leadership for the future. These candidates and officials represent…

The 68,423 Most Fucked Up Quotes In Michael Wolff's Trump ... in the campaign, Sam Nunberg was sent to explain the Constitution to the candidate. “I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” Nunberg recalled, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.” “You need a son of a bitch as your chief of staff,” [Roger Ailes] told Trump.

Conservatives: Beware of McCain Regression Syndrome 22, 2010 · Pay attention: In the afterglow of the Massachusetts Miracle, there are flickers of peril for the right. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but like Paul Revere’s midnight message, consider this warning “a cry of defiance, and not of fear.” Conservatives have worked hard to rebuild after Big Government Republican John McCain’s defeat.

And a page or two to go before I sleep | Power Line 24, 2008 · And a page or two to go before I sleep ... is the first in the line of books that come under Ferguson’s gaze. Ferguson finds it “a nearly flawless specimen of the traditional campaign book ...

Darwin's Personality | Psychology Today Canada his book Evolution for Everyone, ... Each of these dimensions has a high end and a low end. So with extraversion, for instance, we can imagine someone who scores very high on a measure of ...

Conservative commentator: 'A lot of Republicans' starting 10, 2018 · Republicans have always known Trump is going down They are just coming out

What’s going on with Barack Obama? – Dangerous Intersection 06, 2010 · Niklaus: Obama is not Congress. He is facing fierce resistance from a thoroughly corrupted Congress. He is facing a Supreme Court with an agenda that runs contrary to much of what Obama promoted in his campaign speeches. He can only do so much, that is true. Here's what he can do: take the bully pulpit and make his case, day after day.

Bullock Continues to Lead Gubernatorial Field in Money ... 13, 2012 · Bullock Continues to Lead Gubernatorial Field in Money Race On the Republican side, former Congressman Rick Hill maintained his advantage. By Matt Gouras, Associated Press // …[PDF]Sean Jordan Career - prochoiceamerica.org is led by Leonard Leo, the anti-choice activist who is heavily involved in selecting Trump’s Supreme Court and lower court nominees. Leo has been outspoken in his anti-choice views, calling abortion “an act of force” and “a threat to human life,”7 8and serves as co-chairman of Students for Life, a group whose mission is to

LD-3 Democrats Talk Policy at Clean Elections Debate | The ... 05, 2018 · The five Democratic state congressional candidates in LD-3 met at Pima Community College West campus Friday evening, July 20, to debate …

CommonWealth Magazine said the first two elements of the late-night bus pilot did a good job of attracting new riders and/or reducing crowding on buses. The third element did neither, attracting a median of 6 to 8 boardings at a high subsidy of $16.30 per trip. The other two elements had subsidies of $4.30 and $5.30 per trip.

UPDATED: Scott appoints Greshin to top budget-writing post 29, 2017 · (This story was updated June 29, 2017, at 3 p.m.) G ov. Phil Scott has appointed a state representative who is co-owner of Sugarbush Resort to be his top budget writer.

Newt Descending - slate.com little time it has actually been in session it has spent on issues like a resolution supporting the Georgia judge who posted the Ten Commandments in his courtroom, and a congressional gold ...

Billionaire JB Pritzker announces Illinois governor bid (AP) — Billionaire J.B. Pritzker touted his business record and progressive values Thursday as he kicked off his campaign for Illinois governor, raising the financial stakes in what was already expected to be a costly and competitive fight to unseat Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner.Pritzker wasted little time in blasting the venture capitalist-turned-governor, even comparing him to ...

First black mayor of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Celso Pitta, the mayor of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Role as the first black man to run a major Brazilian city; Removal from office on charges of abusing power and taking an illegal loan; Key witness in the case who is his estranged wife; Denial of the charges by Pitta. A …

Michelle Malkin | » Conservatives: Beware of McCain 22, 2010 · Fiorina served as the economic adviser to McCain, who supported the $700 billion TARP bailout, the $25 billion auto bailout, a $300 billion mortgage bailout, and the first $85 billion AIG bailout. As GOP rival and grass-roots-supported Chuck DeVore’s camp notes, Fiorina has also vacillated publicly over the Obama stimulus.

Minnesota Senate Approves Same-Sex Marriage; Capitol 13, 2013 · 4:18 p.m. May 13, 2013: The Senate has passed the same-sex marriage bill on a vote of 37-30. The Minnesota Capitol rocked with cheers and celebration Monday afternoon as the state Senate approved the same-sex marriage bill that was approved last Thursday by the House of Representatives, clearing the way for same-sex marriages to become legal in the state by this summer.

Patrick Lynch - Ballotpedia C. Lynch (born February 4, 1965, in Providence, Rhode Island) is the former Democratic Attorney General of Rhode Island.On May 22, 2009, he announced his candidacy for the statewide office of governor then held by centrist Republican Donald Carcieri, who was barred by state term-limit laws from seeking a third consecutive term in office. Nearly fourteen months later, however, after ...

Simon Carswell: Trump and Sanders have more in common than ... Carswell: Trump and Sanders have more in common than you might think They have tapped the same frustration felt by voters who feel let down by establishment politicians and angry that the ...

Marco Rubio: Obama has "political reasons" for gay ... Marco Rubio, R-Fla., will be on FOX Business Network’s Cavuto at 6 p.m. today. They cover quite a bit of ground, including the 2012 Presidential race and what the show describes as "the ...

Rashida Tlaib’s Expletive-Laden Cry to Impeach Trump ... 04, 2019 · WASHINGTON — Impeachment was always going to hang heavily over the 116th Congress. But less than 12 hours into Democratic control, a freshman House Democrat’s exuberant, expletive-laden promise crashed the bipartisan bonhomie of opening day and thrust President Trump’s fate to the forefront of a divided Washington.

The dearborn county register by Denise Freitag Burdette ... 16, 2014 · In 2013, the District 2005 was the first such event. Through the collected 1,142 tons of recyclables and 164 first year, 46 tons of HHW were collected tons …

Page A1 | e-Edition | gazettextra.com sentence was the culmination of a spectacular rise and fast fall of a lawyer who attached himself to the fortunes of his biggest client, helped him get elected president, then turned on him ...

elect DAVID NELSON State's Attorney [primary campaign] visibly tired Eric Fodor submitted the following article in the wee hours after the election was decided: The Democrat primary for state's attorney was a nail-biter for both candidates, but David Nelson squeaked past Kelly Phelps, largely by receiving strong support from Harrisburg voters.

The Next Hurrah: Two Reasons to Think McCain Will Run for ... McKinnon – one of the president's closest friends and confidants and a frequent mountain biking companion – met with the Arizona Republican over lunch this spring in the Senate dining room to discuss his support, said a GOP activist familiar with the meeting. ... "I like the senator a lot, but it is too early to speculate on his ...

Montana | Rockin' On The Right Side | Page 3 change is disturbing. We put a man on the moon 44 years ago, but we can’t do it today. We built the Empire State Building in 410 days but it now takes longer than that just to get the required permits for a minor construction job. We have deteriorated physically into a nation of jelly-bellies.

Bob's Blog: Unmasking Deep Throat - bobagard.blogspot.com the American Thinker, James Lewis asks, Was Watergate a black op, too?...Item 1. Deep Throat was unmasked to the public when he died about ten years ago, and he turned out to be one Mark Felt, Jr., J. Edgar Hoover's associate director of the FBI.

AOC, Ted Cruz May Team Up on New Lobbying Ban - … Crews was the most hated politician before trump. AOC is the United States most loved rising star ... No to everything she has going on ever. Albert May says: June 8, 2019 at 10:42 am Ted Cruz is a great man and a patriot.He should not give creditably to this flatulent stupid cow by uniting with her in anything. ... we are screwed by it ...

These are the cars that people keep the longest when ... 20, 2018 · The Expedition led all makes nationwide with an average 9.0 years ownership. Other SUVs that made the list are the Toyota 4Runner (No. 4) and Ford Explorer (No. 6), both of …

The Growth of Corporate Power: A Crucial Element Behind ... 15, 2007 · Article: The Growth of Corporate Power: A Crucial Element Behind the Rise of Bushite Fascism - Here's a nice piece of background regarding the …

Voter identification laws in New Hampshire: continuing the 23, 2011 · In September 2011, New Hampshire state senators failed to override the gubernatorial veto of Senate Bill No. 129, which would have imposed identification requirements on New Hampshire voters. More specifically, the Bill would have required voters to present a valid voter identification (as specified in the Bill) on Election Day before being able to cast their […]

Federal Judge Orders Investigation Into Hillary Clinton’s ...“But in this case, faced with one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency, his State and Justice Departments fell far short,” Lamberth wrote. “So far short that the Court questions, even now, whether they are acting in good faith. Did Hillary Clinton use her private email as Secretary of State to thwart this lofty goal?

3 burglary suspects arrested after rock thrown through ..., Ky. (WDRB) -- Three men were arrested early Wednesday after police say one of them threw a rock through the window of a Louisville business and went inside. According to arrest reports ...

Synar Pallbearers To Include Walters | Archive ... addition to Walters, several of Synar's former staff. members and advisors will be pallbearers at the 2 p.m. Saturday. service at the Assembly of God at Peak Boulevard and Gulick Road in

Mets fail on all fronts as they drop sixth in a row Nido’s RBI single in the seventh pulled the Mets within 3-2, but that was the closest they got. Neither Jeff McNeil nor Pete Alonso could deliver with two runners on base against Anthony Swarzak. Alonso’s 28th homer of the season, a solo blast in the fourth against Soroka, pulled the Mets within 3-1.

From Gaga to 'RBG,' a tribute to the pop-culture gifts of ... performance was one of the pop-culture gifts of 2018. (Clay Enos / Warner Bros. Pictures) ... with little poems that are the cyber equivalent of cocoa in a puppy mug and a soothing hand on ...

How Much Can One Man Influence an Election? - Flathead Beacon 16, 2009 · In total, Blake, a wealthy philanthropist who lives in the Big Mountain area, spent $13,266 of his personal money on the election, more than any other individual or group, including the candidates.

Exclusive: Michael Cohen is interviewed for probe into ... 11, 2019 · Cohen was the only individual prosecuted as part of the federal investigation. He pleaded guilty to paying $130,000 to Daniels to keep her from going public with her allegation before the election.

E. Michael McCann: Don't exempt political corruption from ... Caucus Scandal investigation, started in 2001, demonstrates how effective a John Doe can be. It arose with allegations that state taxpayer paid employees, working for the Democratic and Republican legislative caucuses, were in fact doing election campaign work while on the state payroll.

Obama's battle plan - San Diego 20, 2011 · When conservatives charge into battle against progressives, one of the weapons they use is the claim that progressives are trying to incite a “class war” when they call for higher taxes on the rich. They rant hysterically about liberals wanting to redistribute wealth. Some of us progressives ...

Harrisburg mayoral candidate Linda Thompson tells more ... 23, 2009 · DAN GLEITER, The Patriot-News Harrisburg City Council President and mayoral candidate Linda Thompson answers questions about her finances at Loveship Inc. headquarters in the 2300 block of N. 5th ...

FACT Speaks To Polk County Republican Women » The Iowa 21, 2017 · Ethics and transparency in government was the topic of the April Polk County Republican Women’s meeting. Kendra Mills Arnold, the general counsel for the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) was the guest speaker on Thursday.

Glenburn teen honored for help in burglary case — State, Maine — Last summer, then-15-year-old Matthew Swanson, of Glenburn, foiled a home burglary, but still managed to make it home in time for soccer practice. Maine news, sports, politics ...

Wordsworth and the Naming of Places - Find Articles, News article discusses the writings of english poet William Wordsworth and a character in one of his works the poem "Vaudracour and Julia". Topics include a fictional­ized and covert account of Wordsworth's French love affair in "Vaudracour and Julia", comparisons between the lives of the... Wordsworth and the Sonnet: Building, Dwelling ...[PDF]

Stopping Juvenile Detention: Pew and the Gang Ride Again University of Illinois and a former editor of the Marxist journal Monthly Review. Free Press now boasts over 30 full-time staffers and a $4 million annual budget. John Fund of the Wall Street Journal, who had sharply criticized Pew’s campaign ? nance gimmickry,5 wrote a similarly scathing ex-posé of Pew’s latest “reform” in a ...

Glenn Beck Thinks FarmVille An Obama Plot To Bring About ... 19, 2010 · It was late at night, or early morning, and there was the Elmer Gantry of Fox News ranting and raving about the evils of “Social Justice Churches,” “Obamacare”, “Woodrow Wilson and George Bernard Shaw” when he paused in front of one of his many scribbled on blackboards. He looked off to …

Hit-and-run victim remembered as quiet man who served his ... are the owner of this article. Edit Article Add ... A motorist traveling east stopped to tell Houtman one of his crew members had been hit. ... "Bob was the very definition of community," said ...

The Supreme Court Comics And Cartoons | The Cartoonist Supreme Court Comics And Cartoons collected from fifty of the best cartoonists. These are available for you to license for books, magazines, newsletters, presentations and websites. Roll-over each thumbnail and click on the image that appears to see links for licensing.

Former head of Thai budget airline is jailed for four ... former head of a Thai budget airline has been sentenced for four years in jail over a 2007 crash that killed 90 people. A Paris court found Udom Tantiprasongchai, the former head of the airline One-Two-Go, guilty of voluntary manslaughter and also handed him a fine of €75,000 (£68,049).[PDF]Joyce Foundation 1998 Annual the suspensions: nearly 51,000 were issued during the 1996-97 school year, affecting nearly half of middle school students and a third of high school students. “The very high suspension rate shows that something is fundamentally wrong with the schools,” says Smith. “But before we can address that, we must first confront the barriers ...[PDF]Will global warming leave LA’s poor under water? | Al ...“He thought that was the dumbest thing ... When Rudisill and a neighbor helped to persuade the city to erect signs in 2009 to mark tsunami evacuation routes, “some people got really upset that (it) was going to increase their ... vulnerability assessment” — identifying the places where people are the least equipped to adapt and ...

Former politician Earle Morris dies at 82 | State Politics ... -- Former South Carolina Lt. Gov. Earle Morris, a longtime politician who served prison time for securities fraud in one of the state's largest bankruptcies, died Friday morning. He

Pixar Founder Ed Catmull To Deliver Animated Commencement ... ARPA network was the earliest precursor to the modern Internet, and the University of Utah was one of the original participants. “For the graduating class of 2012, it will be an honor to hear from such a notable innovator,” says Senior Class President Jamie Mathieu.

Floyd County auditor resigns after repeated absences from ..., Ky. (WDRB) -- An elected southern Indiana leader, whose leadership was called into question after repeated absences from the office and a state audit, has resigned. Floyd County ...

"Diversity" as Doublespeak for Ideological Conformity ... 13, 2002 · What’s called for and practiced by college administrators, courts and administrative agencies is anything but a defense of individual rights, freedom from conformity and a doctrine of live-and-let-live. Instead, diversity is an increasingly popular catchword for all kinds of conformity — conformity in ideas, actions and speech.

Ways Entrepreneurs Spook Investors - Michael Best ... one bit me big time fairly early in my career. Going into the second round of a deal where I was the "suit" for the seed and A rounds, we needed an industry pro to take the CEO role at the B round. We figured someone who could run a billion dollar division of a Fortune 500 competitor could surely run our little startup. Huge mistake.

The Media Keep Saying the GOP Tax Bill Is Best for Rich ... is one thing the mainstream media agrees on about the Republican tax cuts. The “GOP Plan Evolved into a Windfall for the Wealthy,” said a Washington Post headline.An Associated Press story discussed, “How GOP Tax Plans Would Reward Rich Families.”And a New York Times editorial called it, “A Tax-Cut Bill to Make Scrooge McDuck Proud.”

Midwestern Republicans Try To Kneecap New Democratic ... Republican legislatures in two Midwestern states where Democrats seized key state offices in November are trying to kneecap the incoming leaders and change election rules, aiming to consolidate GOP power despite the election results. In Wisconsin, Republicans aim to limit early voting ...

Denver DA Drops Grand Jury Probe Of Secretary of State ... 03, 2018 · Denver District Attorney Beth McCann announced Tuesday her office is dropping its grand jury investigation of Secretary of State Wayne Williams, less …

The Presidential Election Of 2000 Essay Research free ... Presidential Election Of 2000 Essay, Research Paper. The Presidential election of 2000 was one of the most controversial and dissentious political events in recent history, absolutely exemplifying the split between the two political parties and the about uncannily equality of these groups.

Crossroads Announcing $25 Million Ad Push – CBS Denver 16, 2012 · An independent group favoring Republican Mitt Romney is launching a $25 million, month-long advertising campaign against President Barack Obama in 10 states, further escalating an expensive TV ad ...

Flagler’s FCAT Writing Scores Collapse, a Reflection of ... 18, 2012 · As expected, Flagler County's writing scores for 4th, 8th and 10th graders, released today, fell precipitously as the state imposed a new writing standard and a …

Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley – Page 10 – A Club ... quintessential morning person, he’d lit-drop and doorhanger on predawn election mornings, until voting by mail put an end to that folk rite. Don was the club’s fourth treasurer; a statistician (labor market analysis) by trade, he was meticulous and dedicated, establishing a two-year budget and seeing to it in meetings that we kept to it.

Swimmers and divers snap streak, head to state | Sports ... final event was the 400-yard freestyle relay and Monti took fourth, swimming the event in 3:26.06. Whinnery, Tyler Sampson, McCalla, and Cordell were again called upon, but they couldn't quite earn Monti a spot in the state tournament for the relay.

Victor Davis Hanson on War on National Review America We’re not the ones with the problems. By Victor ... Americans. I suppose that concern with Europe is why we said "Hitler first," even though it was the Japanese, not the Nazis, who had attacked us directly and were the most immediate threat. ... Then there are the minor affairs, beyond the Berlin Airlift and the ...[PDF]

PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT are 3 primary questions to examine when determining how to move forward with performance measurement process in the 2011 biennium. 1) Was the process used by the LFC during the 2009 biennium valuable? 2) Was the Joint Appropriation Subcommittees use of …

Here And Now - nystateofpolitics.com Richard Ravitch is poised to release a report calling for big changes to Medicaid, which he calls a “massive program” that threatens state finances as it continues to balloon. Carl Paladino is keeping the pressure on AG Andrew Cuomo with a letter that urges him to “come out and debate like ...

Two weeks after package plan dropped NYSCOPBA calls for ... weeks after package plan dropped NYSCOPBA calls for toughter contraband measures ... They say 2017 was the most violent year in a decade in the prisons and contraband is on the upswing ...

Hit-and-run victim remembered as quiet man who served his ... victim remembered as quiet man who served his community ... A motorist traveling east stopped to tell Houtman one of his crew members had been hit. ... "Bob was the very definition of ...

Endorsements - E Pluribus Unum first incumbent to join Justice Democrats and one of the vice chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Khanna is one of 10 individuals in both the House and the Senate to not accept any corporate PAC money. Khanna's platform calls for Universal Healthcare, Non-Interventionism, & combating Climate Change.

Donald Trump denies he knew of 2016 Russian lawyer meeting Friday, US President Donald Trump denied that he knew in advance of a meeting during the 2016 election campaign at which Russians promised to share dirt on his rival Hillary Clinton -- shooting back at an explosive allegation by his longtime lawyer. The president, his son, his lawyers and other administration officials have repeatedly said Trump did not know about the meeting until news of ...

Trump: Hush payments came from me but were not a campaign ... was the first criminal trial arising from the justice department probe led by former FBI chief Robert Mueller. Mr Mueller has been investigating allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election, and whether the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to swing the election in his favour.

Bill Maher Rules (for real): 101 Reasons to Dump Trump is demonstrating very poor judgement in his official acts so far. One of his first appointments— 43. Steve Bannon—who will be his chief strategist, a position with equal prominence to chief of staff. Bannon is the erstwhile editor of Brietbart News, the alt-right (code for white-supremacist, aka Nazi) internet media organization.

Bob's Blog: "It's extraordinary how quickly these cucks ..."It's extraordinary how quickly these cucks will vouch for their Democrat fwiends, apparently believing their Democrat fwiends will do the same for them." Ace of Spades has a piece this morning explaining how Democratic Senator Mark Warner colluded with Russians and tried not to leave a paper trail.

Why I'm Scared of an Obama Presidency | Page 5 | The DIS ... 27, 2008 · Here's the one thing I don't get about Obama. His whole campaign is focused on Change. That sounds good, but what does that really mean? Where's he been...

If the charge were unfitness for office, Trump is guilty ... 27, 2019 · If the charge were unfitness for office, Trump is guilty. Americans should expect far more from a president than merely that he not be provably a criminal

John McCain, Ex-POW and ‘Maverick Republican’ Dies at 81 ... 26, 2018 · He was the central figure in one of the most dramatic moments in Congress of Trump’s presidency when he returned to Washington shortly after his brain cancer diagnosis for a …

Tougher for Malcom Floyd to walk away now - The San Diego ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... He is a husband and a ...

Michelle Obama | Power Line 22, 2018 · Michelle Obama: “The first thing we have to do” ... Her education paved the road for a successful career back home. Her marriage has made her First Lady of the United States, an office that ...

Buenos Aires Times | US progressives defy the odds in ... progressives defy the odds in battle for Democratic Party’s soul. In the United States, Democratic candidates for the House and the Senate are being challenged by a new surge of progressive, grassroots activists. Cori Bush and Roza Calderón detail the challenges of taking on established politicians and explain why Congress is failing Americans.

The lost Countrywide phone tapes - - POLITICO.com lost Countrywide phone tapes. The past few months have seen a marked improvement in Sen. Chris Dodd's (D-Conn.) poll ratings, to the point where the most recent Quinnipiac poll had him within ...

Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen faces possible jail sentence is the first and, so far, only member of Trump's circle during two years of investigations to go into open court and implicate him in a crime, though whether a president can be prosecuted ...

CLINTON CHAMPIONS CURRY, DEMOCRATS DURING VISIT TO …'s stops at an airport rally and a luncheon in Bridgeport were designed to raise money for Democrat William E. Curry's campaign for governor, a goal he appeared to have met. Curry's fund ...

TrueNews: A String Of Democratic Victories, And A Good ... String Of Democratic Victories, And A Good Night For Cuomo, 3 for 3 ... His True News is one of the few remaining sources for political investigative reporting. His fearless reporting of the truth in political circles is worth noting. ... Jacob Riis, a Danish immigrant, was the pioneer of photo journalism. He took his camera into the ...

Andrew Gillum – Post On is trying to become Florida’s first black governor. He’s also trying to be the first Democrat to win a Florida governor’s race since Lawton Chiles barely won re-election in 1994 over Republican challenger Jeb Bush. Four years later, Bush began a 20-year winning streak for the GOP by winning election in 1998 and re-election in 2002.

Cory Booker is running for president in 2020. Here's ... Booker is running for president in 2020. Here's everything we know about the candidate and how he stacks up against the competition.

Joss Whedon, Other Hollywood Figures Embrace Super PAC ... 01, 2016 · It was the first time that she has allowed her 1972 hit to be used for a political purpose — with a slight tweak to the lyrics. ... the co-founder of MarketShare, who is one of the organizers of ...

Like father, like son? Quayle stumbles in Arizona - 13, 2010 · FILE - In this Aug. 11, 2010 file photo, Ben Quayle speaks in Phoenix. Seems like old times _ Jay Leno cracking Quayle jokes on late night. But now the rising target of comics is Ben Quayle, son of the gaffe-prone former vice president, who is committing doozies of his own in his …

DeCoste and Demong have different approaches to opioid ... 28, 2018 · NORWELL — The opioid crisis is high on the priority lists of the two candidates for state representative in the 5th Plymouth District, but they have talked of different ways to address it.Republican State Representative David DeCoste faces a challenge in his Nov. 6 re-election bid from Democrat Alison Demong, who ran a successful write-in campaign for the party nomination after another ...

After 2000 Loss, Obama Built Donor Network From Roots Up ... 03, 2007 · After all, two and a half years after he had taken quite a “spanking,” as he put it, in his bid to unseat an incumbent congressman, he was still struggling to pay off a $20,000 debt, eking out ...

Wedding: Aurora Soriano Cudal and Peter De Castro Rivera ... gap of 61 years and two countries couldn’t keep Aurora Soriano Cudal and Peter De Castro Rivera from getting married. In 1952, the couple had a brief romance in their native Philippines. Then ...

Fearing the next AOC, House Democrats hoard campaign cash (AP) — Somewhere out there, the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lurks. So wary House Democrats are amassing campaign war chests to scare off progressive upstarts from challenging them in primaries — or trounce them if they try.

Sept. 17, 1999 - Capital Letters | CAMP Rehoboth 17, 1999 - Capital Letters LETTERS From CAMP Rehoboth Capital Letters CAMP Rehoboth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community service organization dedicated to creating a more positive environment in Rehoboth Beach and its related communities. We seek to promote cooperation and understanding among all people, as we work to build a safer and more inclusive community with room for all.

FBI searches home of former aide to Michele Bachmann - CBS ... 04, 2013 · The Des Moines Register reported that FBI agents seized computers and other materials from the home of Kent Sorenson, a former top aide to Rep. …

Above Average Jane: A Few Points on a Bronze Star 10, 2006 · Fitzpatrick is in his first term of office, and running in a tough re-election campaign against Democratic candidate Patrick Murphy. It is a truism of politics that the first re-election campaign is the most difficult, the incumbent most vulnerable. Sometimes that makes people reckless. Sometimes it makes them stupid.

Pete Sessions’ insider style may be a tough sell for ... 2014, his campaign and a related super PAC received almost $750,000 from securities and investment groups, commercial banks, real estate, finance and credit companies, according to Open Secrets ...

Day 41 – Kaleb Havens 02, 2018 · And I’m not one of these people who says we need to get rid of capitalism. I will just say it’s worked a lot better before than this. Like in the 50s and 60s when we had great social programs and a safety net and college was immensely more affordable and job training was a lot more accessible.” Read our first discussion with Kaleb here.

New Hampshire 2016 primary live election results: Trump ... 9:41 p.m.: Meanwhile, Christie, who is in a disappointing sixth place in New Hampshire, said he would be returning home to New Jersey instead of attending scheduled campaign events in South ...

Weinstein discusses legalities of KKK request on ... 18, 2012 · Weinstein said he understood the motivation of the state not to want a racist organization to be an official sponsor of a program. “But it’s legally problematic,” he said. “This is an unsolved area of the law on which the United States Supreme Court will eventually have to give us an answer.

Take the Tour of Your Newest School: Buddy Taylor Middle ... is the second rebirth for Buddy Taylor Middle School, which used to be known as Belle Terre Middle School, back when Belle Terre was a two-lane road and Palm Coast more or less a two-bit town.

Podcast | Top Karnataka politicians and their ever-growing ... the chief minister revealed assets worth a modest Rs 18.55 crore as against Rs 7.65 crore in 2013, his son, S Yatheendra, who is contesting for the first time from Varuna, declared assets ...

Ben Carson | Power Line the most part, Ben Carson has maintained a low profile as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Early on in the Trump administration, he announced that HUD will “reinterpret” the ...

From the Publisher | Amandala Newspaper 25, 2014 · Most football lovers in Belize wanted Sherrier-Lewis back, so that was Ruperto Vicente’s first move when he replaced Dr. Chimilio as the head of the Football Federation of Belize two years ago. Sherrier-Lewis again delivered big time, taking the Belize selection to the Gold Cup in the United States last year for the first time ever. December 2010 is an opinion, of course, but I base the rest of this post on it. I was thinking about what a really effective way to promote medical research would be. I have always preferred charities involved in medical research because the impact-per-dollar if you do it right can stretch far beyond just the direct recipient of each dollar you spend.

Democratic Underground - November 18, 2016 November 18, 2016. Looks like the Con plans to abandon all protocols. Southeastern Fires Hit 80,000 Acres In Six States. It's taken me a week to watch or read news. I'm gutted and I'm not even American. Today a good day for college basketball. A happy story for a change. Yellowstone Park accident victim dissolved in boiling acidic pool

Column One: Padded pocket politicians - Opinion ... One: Padded pocket politicians Talansky - who cares so much about Israel that he stuffed Olmert's pockets with cash - thinks it's okay to sell satellite images to Venezuela.Author: CAROLINE GLICK

Maryland Politics Watch: Sen. Jamie Raskin's Start of ... 12, 2011 · Whereas I was the only newcomer to beat an incumbent Senator in the Democratic primaries in 2006, we saw many cases in 2010 in which Democratic primary voters chose between progressive-change Democrats and business-as-usual incumbents and overwhelmingly voted for a clean break from machine-style let’s-make-a-deal politics.

Tom McGarrigle | Keystone Kopp Gov. Ed Rendell jumped into the fray of the 26th Senatorial District race this morning, reiterating Democratic and union criticism regarding a Tom McGarrigle campaign ad that negatively portrayed his Democratic opponent, John Kane, as a union boss.. Union leaders from the Philadelphia Building Trades Council blasted McGarrigle and Delaware County Republicans last week for airing the ad ...

Spurred By Latest Dubious Shooting, Calls For Stand Your ... 10, 2018 · Now a days you never know who is armed and just who is crazy, so you better keep your hands to yourself. Stand your ground is here to stay whether there is …

National Review's Victor Davis Hanson Has Thoughts About ... 14, 2012 · Victor Davis Hanson writes for the National Review, which has fired likea billion racists this year. You would think, therefore, that when writing on issues of race, the National Review would show caution and some semblance of restraint when talking …

An American Spring - WND 06, 2011 · Was the former vice president of the United States actually suggesting that Barack Obama is like an Arab tyrant who is responsible for the murder of …

PolitiFact Tackles Hot-Button Issue Of Obamacare ... now we will stop writing about this in our winking "fellow wingnut patriot who is sometimes improbably self-aware" voice that we use too often but really, it is that voice or try to find 20 different, entertaining ways of saying "Holy Jesus, politics in America in 2014," which is something we can do but it's way, way harder.

Malloy Takes A Victory Lap | CT News Junkie Gov. Dannel P. Malloy took a victory lap Wednesday afternoon in the Old Judiciary room of the state Capitol. The room was packed with labor activists and commissioners from his various ...

Immigration Disaster Moves Forward In the Senate [UPDATED ... Senate voted overwhelmingly today to move debate forward on the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill. Only 15 Republicans voted No. Not all the Republicans who voted to move the bill forward ...

Discover and Read the Best of Twitter Threads by @profcarroll is Bannon’s shitty fuckery. Trump is a mere puppet. Putin and Stephen Miller are the actual ghouls here but I respect your intelligence and I assume you already knew that. Bannon invented it. Miller implemented it. ... who is Michael Tracey and how does he make a living being Michael Tracey?

War on Christmas | Sharp Iron about War on Christmas written by O C Boyet. I guess it’s becoming a holiday tradition for me to make spicy chocolate crunch, since the second year in a row that I’ve done it.

The Urban Politico: LEAN IN"I have often wondered whether I would have been asked to be C.F.O. if I had not worked the way that I did. Until recently, I thought my singular focus on my career was the most powerful ingredient in my success. But I am beginning to realize that I sold myself short. I was talented, intelligent and energetic. It didn’t have to be so extreme.

Team Obama Provides A Triple-shot Of Stupidity | John ..., a higher level of stupidity than normal Touting the latest White House Obamacare benchmark, President Barack Obama told his political base not to be discouraged by partisan attacks and stressed that their cause is divineAbout 4 million people have signed up for private health care plans under the Affordable Care Act, Obama said Tuesday night at an Organizing for Action event in ...Author: William Teach

John Deeth Blog: The Real Headquarters Story 29, 2011 · This is not a story about people getting arrested at Democratic Party headquarters in Des Moines. It's about the phone call I got about an hour or so before that. It was GOTC (Get Out The Caucus) Day at Obama headquarters and phone banks across the state. A rookie volunteer called me from the Iowa City office, on her own cell phone.

This just in…prayer doesn’t work. – Dangerous Intersection 06, 2007 · This is when prayer is dangerous, but as long as we all believe that it's effective, this won't change. In order to force those who pray for an outcome while acting to obstruct that outcome, we have to accept prayer for what it really is – wishful thinking – and make people accountable for …

Candidate Achievements in 2012: Jeremiah Morrell for HD 54 ... 05, 2012 · This is where I like libertarianism. Some people are shouting about how dare a business not allow people to carry guns (which most didn’t read the …

CONTOH BUSINESS PLAN JILBAB LUKIS - ihoroscope.mobi 20, 2019 · Mr yuen homework site. But, it may fairly be ap world ccot essay example claimed, nobody reads, with the delicious pleasure and the abundant profit he might read, that part contoh proposal business plan hijab lukis of the paper fullest of all of, so to say, meat and gravy. In general, the missionary position is the best put money.

Leitzell takes out petitions to run for County Commission ... Dayton Mayor Gary Leitzell picked up petitions to run for Montgomery County Commission yesterday. The independent candidate faces the daunting task of collecting at least 1,800+ valid signatures of registered voters to be placed on the ballot. Since a partisan race, major party cand

Paul Soglin: Waxing America: Some Aldermanic Endorsements ..., are you going to move to Canada now that Judge has been elected? The funny thing about you is that you're everything wrong with the left today. Eli has impeccable liberal credentials. We're talking one of the top active liberals, if not THE TOP, in his graduating class at UW.

Rep. Mark Waller wants to run Colorado's largest school 02, 2014 · Waller was one of two Republicans running for the GOP nomination for attorney general, but he exited the race after a poor showing at the state assembly April 12. He said there was a path to victory, but it would have been meant an ugly primary against rival Cynthia Coffman, and he …

Palm Coast Approves Cultural Grants. Just Don’t Call It ... Palm Coast City Council this week approved grants for 13 cultural events by local non-profits, totaling $34,500. It’s an annual ritual going back many years. At 40 cents per resident per ...

Time to hold DC Charter Schools accountable 06, 2019 · This is particularly harmful when it involves laws enacted to protect the District’s children, but it’s not limited to the education sector. “Multiple agencies across the government openly admit to picking and choosing which laws they enforce and implement,” Grosso said.

The Urban Politico: HBO Game of Thrones: Race and ... is a TV show based on Martin's fantasy series. Martin said Pascal is close to his concept of Oberyn Martell.Martin has pointed out before art is not a democracy.He alone creates and describes his characters in his books.Benioff and Weiss get to interpret them for their television adaptation.Those are the …

Saudi Arabia | Power Line | Page 2 14, 2018 · One of President Obama’s core objectives is the humiliation of the United States. Thus his bows to the Saudi king and the Japanese emperor in the first year of his administration.

?????? and ????????? - Page 279 - Patriots Planet - New 27, 2019 · Cohen's a known lying sack of shit and Trump was a dumbass for ever hiring this clown in the first place. But it won't change a thing as we have much more important things going down in Vietnam right now and that's what this country should be focused on.

Dorf on Law: What's a Little Red-Baiting Among Friends? Posted by Neil H. Buchanan There was an event earlier this week, held at the Urban Institute here in Washington, that captured perfectly what is wrong with "This Town."The Tax Policy Center (TPC), a policy group jointly supported by the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, hosted a discussion on April 15 (announcement with video here) to mark the release of Thomas Piketty's ...

The Genuine Article - oregonlive.com Robert M. Eisinger Having just returned from Des Moines, where I observed firsthand the Iowa caucuses, I have no doubt that John McCain and Barack Obama are the real deal. Anyone who claims ...

Truth, Justice and the Mueller Report - huddled-masses.org have to admit that my first reaction to what has been revealed of the Mueller report was one of disappointment. Like many people who love this country and the values it stands for, I was expecting the report to reveal how Trump abused those values by conspiring with the Russians to win the 2016 Presidential election.

jobsanger: Trump Is Attacking Our Allies And Helping Our ..., Canada, and Great Britain are the oldest allies the United States had. And following World War II, Germany, Japan, and Italy joined the other three in being reliable and important allies of the United States. These six countries, along with the United States, make up the members of the G-7 ...

October | 2014 | Power Line | Page 7 20, 2014 · I don’t recall hearing anything both witty and true said on one of the Sunday morning gabfests in a long time, but I thought RNC chairman Reince Priebus got it done this morning in his ...

jobsanger: The Texas House Districts That Democrats Could Flip 29, 2018 · Texas has 36 representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. 25 of them are Republicans and only 11 are Democrats. But if a blue wave actually happens this November, it could even affect bright-red Texas. And Democrats are working hard …

November | 2002 | Power Line it seems to me he ... Tim is one of the best of the bloggers and is one of the leaders of the good fight in Australia. ... He was the artist who sang 1968’s chart-topping rhythm-and-blues ...

We Are Morehouse Monthly: November 2017 by Morehouse ... 22, 2017 · you call upon us we will descend upon your city and do whatever is necessary to be a part of it.” Morehouse is an all-male, historically black college with an enrollment of about 2,500 students.

The Urban Politico: Movie Reviews-Straw Dogs (1971 ... director also claimed that David was the film's villain. This is a disturbing film but shows the risks that many seventies films took. We can make a very strong argument that David has become exactly what he was trying to avoid becoming. This is not simplistically portrayed as a "good thing".

CA-Sen: Did Meg Whitman Entice Tom Campbell to Switch to ... Did Meg Whitman Entice Tom Campbell to Switch to Senate Race? Posted February 10, 2010 February 10, 2010 Flap. ... “This is not an attempt to be hardball and to be aggressive, but an attempt to effectively manipulate the election process, the integrity of the election process, by issuing these threats behind the scenes to get ...

Little Tokyo Community Council | Michael Kohlhaas dot Brown Act has very short built-in time limitations for taking action, and far past all of them. By the way, it may not seem obvious that a staff member from one Council office contacting all the other offices and asking how they’re planning to vote on an agenda item constitutes a meeting, but it’s clear under the law that it does.

jobsanger: Thoughts On The Police Attack On James Blake of the attack on James Blake is from YouTube.) I had not planned to post anything about the police attack on James Blake in New York. That's because the video of the incident, and the media coverage, seemed to sum it up pretty well -- that it was ridiculous and unnecessary. But since Patrick ...

Mediagazer: CIR announces Reveal Local Labs, a Knight Charlie in his bathrobe at home (no interns for safety, please). Ann Curry should lead this discussion. ... Amazon to raise the price of Prime from $99 to $119 in the US, the first increase in 4 years, ... This is a snapshot of Mediagazer at 7:15 AM ET, April 27, 2018.

The great calypso debate…again - controversy surrounding Nermal “Massive” Gosein’s song, Rowlee Mudda Count, has raised fresh debate about what constitutes a good calypso. And while some calypsonians argue that politicians have historically taken a beating in the artform and that many people still do not understand ...

James O'Keefe inadvertently corroborates Washington Post 02, 2017 · To my knowledge, no one has claimed Moore raped anyone and to my knowledge, the only one who has claimed to be in his house was the then 14 year old, who in video interviews, did describe his place. If anything, this Washington Post/Veritas story confirms that the publication researches and fact checks and is in fact, not fake news.

Possible voter fraud in Doral may have ties to Luigi Boria 08, 2016 · His LinkedIn profile says he was the general manager through 2000. In his “About” section, Hervas also listed himself as Chief Executive Officer of the City of Doral (though Ladra is pretty sure he has never worked there) and former TV producer for Alpha & Omega church, the same church that Boria is a pastor at.

Congress | Scared is a district where President Trump lost by almost 20 percentage points in 2016. It would appear much has changed. This is another indication that maybe this blue wave that has been espoused by Democrats and their propaganda media cohorts, does not …

Roger Ebert reviewed seven movies this weekend, but not ... 24, 2012 · Note: At the end of this posting I have added updates, which are in bold, including Roger Ebert's responses to me from his blog. This is Roger Ebert's website. For the weekend of Friday, August 24, 2012, he has written reviews of seven new movies: Premium Rush Hit and Run Red Hook Summer Cosmopolis Robot…

Thread by @djrothkopf: "There is a fairly common narrative ... Nixon resignation due to the certainty of impeachment was the Congress fulfilling its Constitutionally mandated responsibility. ... This is one of the fundamental flaws of the theology of the right (and center) for the past 50 years. ... Who is going to be held responsible for this lapse? 3.

Ryan Zinke Says He's A Geologist, Is Full Of Schist ... 17, 2018 · We'll leave you with this charming challenge for Zinke from an actual geologist, Jess Phoenix, who is running for Congress in California's 25th District: Hey @SecretaryZinke: I AM a real geologist. I challenge you to a battle of geologic knowledge. Any time, any place. Winner gets the DOI job, loser never claims to be a geologist again.

Sanders is the President We Deserve – THE GLOBE 12, 2016 · By Jared Friefeld The Democratic race has a surprisingly dynamic candidate in Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. But who is Bernie Sanders? What does he aim to revolutionize and what makes him so dynamic? First things first, let’s understand Bernie’s stance in politics. His association with Socialism may strike fear in some, but he sees the…

Latest Articles - Free*/index?more=3604140Latest Articles. Articles; ... God will condemn him to a sentence as great, in a spiritual way, as that which the law justly inflicts in a corporeal way on a man who has transgressed so gravely that he must have his eyes gouged out, his tongue and lips, nose and ears cut off, his hands and feet amputated, all his body’s blood spilled out to ...[PDF]THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION 30, 2004 · THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION Brookings/CIRCLE Briefing: ... he is modest to a fault, let me brag for and on him just a bit. ... this is one of the …

What Weird, Pointless Lie Is Trump's White House Telling ... is Magic! Melania Trump, we don't have that much of a hate-on for her. We don't like her very much, and we find her Resting Scowling Robot Face frankly sort of terrifying instead of attractive, but we at least respect how she doesn't want to be in the zip code as her husband, who is creepy and a pig.. But Donald Trump's White House -- and before that, his campaign -- can't stop ...

Brown talks with groups, but not negotiating alternate to ... talks with groups, but not negotiating alternate to union-backed tax plan, Local News, Portland local News, Breaking News alerts for Portland city.

Sharla's Labyrinth: Shock: Harry Reid has an FEC Problem – Forced by the Federal Election Commission to explain where $17,000 from his campaign went, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid acknowledged giving the money to his granddaughter for “holiday gifts” in late 2013, and finally reimbursed the money to his campaign.

THE HOT SEAT - Chicago Tribune 31, 2008 · "Roland Burris is a good man and a fine public servant, but the Senate Democrats made it clear weeks ago that they cannot accept an appointment made by a governor who is …

A Guide to the Indistinguishable Men Running for President ... 01, 2019 · Who is he? Okay, clearly just Michael Bennet with a wig and a different name? But Google tells me he’s a separate man, who is the governor of Montana. What are some of his policies? Like Bennet, who is a “different person” (hmm), Bullock is also touting his bipartisanship, and his ability to work with the GOP legislature in Montana.

Progressive Voters Guide | Powered by Fuse Campbell was the former president of the Washington State Recycling Association and a civic community leader. Unfortunately, he passed away in September after an extended battle with cancer. Campbell will still appear on the ballot along with Maureen McGoldrick, a former computer programmer who is running a low-profile campaign with no ...

Christopher Magan / St. Paul Pioneer Press | Detroit Lakes ... was the 24th day of the shutdown of nine federal agencies. ... There’s less than a week to go until Election Day and the last look voters will get at who is funding political ...

What do you think about McCain's pal Ted Stevens getting ... 29, 2008 · Ted Stevens is our longest serving Republican Senator and a man whom McCain has praised for his "integrity". Stevens was indicted today on 7 corruption related counts. He's been nabbed for accepting bribes and awarding government contracts paid for with millions in pork barrel spending. ... This is the same man who claims to be AGAINST pork ...

WITH HEALTHSMART SUIT DITCHED, WHY THE HALF-PAGE … 02, 2012 · Joe Coluga, one of the trustees who went along with the old majority of Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez, Rolando Aguilar and Minerva Peña, to file the lawsuit and kept on former BISD counsel Mike Saldaña to ride the gravy train in litigation fees just one more time, was the point man leading this charge and saying that the litigation (on a contingency basis) should continue.

Heller And The Banks: No CFPB For US, or Us | Desert Beacon 07, 2011 · The United States has a shiny new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, but Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) is also polishing his Wall Street Warrior credentials, and having no part of it: “Senator Heller supports strong and effective consumer protection. However, this agency, which was created by Dodd-Frank, has no measure of accountability,” said Heller spokesman Stewart…

Nick Swisher Prepares to Return to the Buckeye State - The ... Feinsand, the Yankees beat writer for The New York Daily News informs me that Swisher was one of the best go-to-guys in the Yankees clubhouse, was an exemplary clubhouse guy, who always brought a positive attitude to the clubhouse and field. Feinsand additionally feels the former Yankee should be a great player on a young team.

POLITICAL THREAD | Page 3982 | CatsIllustrated.com 27, 2018 · This is why women don't immediately go to the police. They are called whores and are blamed for making men have to rape them. ... And are one of you guys crying over Roy Moore, the child molester? Not surprised. ... it was the claim by a board of elections employee that she was mishandling voter information and slow-walking efforts to purge ...

More reporters than protesters at Hunter arraignment ... Hunter left the courthouse using a different exit route and a separate car. As of the end of the week, Hunter has been removed from all his House’s committees. On Monday, Hunter was still leading Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar by seven points, according to a recent SurveyUSA Election Poll conducted for KGTV-TV and the Union-Tribune.

Emotional opening in Denver as Kennedy passes the torch ... 25, 2008 · "In November, the torch will be passed again to a newer generation of Americans," he said. "So with Barack Obama and for you and for me, our country will …

John McCain’s attempt to privatize the Internet ... 23, 2009 · This is a perfect example of how well the free market works so well (for those with corporate interests.) I live too far from the ATT CO to get DSL. so my only option is TW Cable or to pay for ATT to run a T1 line to me. But if TW decides to throttle I'm completely free (as in market) to move to a different house where I have other options.

The idea that someone who is shot then becomes a raging ... idea that someone who is shot then becomes a raging gun advocate is the exception, not the rule. ... One of the single dumbest arguments that gun-control advocates make is that by stopping gun sales, it will somehow reduce gun crime. ... Ronald Reagan (February 1911 – June was the President of the United States and the Governor of ...

Obama Archives - Page 14 of 20 - Geller Report News out my latest oped over at The American Thinker. Nails it. Surrendered Nation Pamela Geller, American Thinker The turkey being served up last Thursday by the ruling elite was the American people. Because she was wearing a panty liner that obscured the screener's view of her genitals, a TSA official subjected a menstruating woman…

NY caretakers say they are being punished for complaints ..., N.Y. (AP) — Some caretakers for disabled New Yorkers say they’ve been harassed and punished for making complaints about potentially hazardous situations at state facilities. At least ...

Broward Commission Redistricting Set To Begin ... goal was to add a “black” seat in 9 and a “hispanic” seat in 8. Sorry if that sounds unpolitic, I would hate to offend anyone, but not saying it just that way would be untruthful of me. That was EXACTLY the goal. How to do it while serving other political goals was the …

MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain | NobodyisFlyingthePlane about MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain written by nobodyisflyingtheplane. The staff here did not conceive of this possibility. The anger, disappointment, and vile thoughts we’ve experienced since last night don’t have a place here in this blog.

Sgts. Hill and Sanders testimony, OF SGT. CIIRISTOPHER SANDERS. Good afternoon. My name is Christopher Sanders and I am a Sergeant with the Metropolitan Police Department. I have been with the MPD since 1990. This is my friend Harry Hill who is also a Sergeant with the Department.

Respect, Havana | Amandala Newspaper 31, 2014 · According to data presented to the United Nations in 2006, Cuba was the only nation in the world that met the World Wide Fund for Nature’s definition of sustainable development, with an ecological footprint of less than 1.8 hectares per capita, 1.5 hectares, and a Human Development Index of over 0.855. – WIKIPEDIA

[UPDATE] Congressmember Gary Ackerman endorses ... 29, 2012 · The “game changing” endorsement from Ackerman, according to the Meng campaign, was the icing on top of the cake after the assemblymember — who is …

NTL Conservative Blog: Muslim Scam Backfires, one of two owners who manage the Urth Caffe is herself a Muslim woman. Jilla Berkman, a co-owner of the Urth Caffe with her husband, was the one who actually authorized the call to the police after the women now claiming victim-status were loud and abusive to the Urth Caffe employees and refused to give up their table per the stated policy.

The Comment Section • View topic - President Trump makes 27, 2018 · blehblah wrote:Nobody will believe this farcical statement from Cohen, but then, it probably doesn't matter.I don't think Trump, a known serial cheater, and generally gross, aging, fake evangelical, man-whore is going to lose support over extramarital banging of a porn star.

First take: boudoir photography – Dangerous Intersection 15, 2014 · Steve Grappe of PhotoG Studios offered a boudoir photography workshop Sunday. I attended and learned a lot of about lighting, shooting and posing. The venue was the Cheshire Inn, in STL. Obviously, a engaging genre, and it was equal parts fun and work. The woman below, Andrea Fentem, is beautiful in a unique way - she told me that her mother is a blonde haired blue …

March | 2016 | National Vanguard | Page 10 10, 2016 · HE WAS A PROLIFIC WRITER, celebrated author of various novels and other works of fiction. He was the top Soviet propagandist during the Second World War. He was a notorious liar and a pathological monster. He was a Jew. As a a leading member of the …

The Urban Politico: Kobe Bryant Disses the Miami Heat ... the March 31st issue of the New Yorker there is an interesting profile of NBA star Kobe Bryant in which he discusses his life, career and of course Trayvon Martin. But before I get to that I'd like to tell a quick story about Kobe. Kobe's family is from West Philly, where I am also from.

American Democracy Now An Oligarchy By Joel S. Hirschhorn Democracy Now An Oligarchy. By Joel S. Hirschhorn. 25 April, 2014 H istory has been made. But few Americans are aware of it or angry about it.

The Newtown massacre and musings on guns, morality, and ... 16, 2012 · The brutal massacre of 20 young children and six public school employees in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14, brought to mind one of the greatest speeches in U.S. history, President Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address. On March 4, 1865, well into the fifth year of the bloodiest U.S. conflict, to resolve the criminal institution of…

Antigua and Kremandala | Amandala 07, 2013 · The other two media houses are Channel 7 and Channel 5, and these are owned by a Belizean multimillionaire and a British billionaire, respectively. In Antigua, Kremandala is being represented by Marisol Amaya, who is the news editor at KREM Radio and …

MoCo County Council District 5 and Its Forgotten Northern 22, 2014 · This is a guest post by Del. Eric Luedtke. Eric represents District 14 (Montgomery) in the House of Delegates. For years now, literally years, there has been a shopping center in Montgomery County sitting almost entirely empty, only a few stores open, fronting a large expanse of empty blacktop fit only for tumbleweed.

Civic Center: Incompatible Activities 17, 2007 · The aforementioned Mary McAllister was the foreperson of the Civil Grand Jury in 2004-2005, and according to all accounts, she was a great one. One of her crusades was cleaning up the deeply dysfunctional Rec & Park Department and somebody had sent her a link to this blog's accounting of the PROSAC meeting the other day, "He Mowed My Ball!"

Breaking: Terrorist Attack In Lower Manhattan? – The gunman, who is in police custody, shot at least six people at West Street and Chambers Street, which is near Stuyvesant High School, at 3:15 p.m. “What happened was there was a car crash… he came out of one of the cars. He had two guns. He was running around Chambers and somebody started to chase him,” said a 14-year-old Stuyvesant ...

Palm Coast's Rock n' Rib Fest Takes Town Center This ... 12, 2013 · Rock N’ Rib will take place from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, April 12, and from noon to 9 p.m. Saturday, April 13, at Palm Coast's Central Park in Town Center. Admission is …

Emerald Garner, Eric Garner's Daughter, Says Firing ... 20, 2019 · AMY GOODMAN:. Daniel Pantaleo, the police officer who killed Eric Garner in 2014 by using an illegal chokehold, was fired Monday and stripped of his pension benefits.. The decision came more than five years after Pantaleo held Garner, an unarmed African-American man, in a chokehold until he dropped to the ground, gasping “I can’t breathe” 11 times.Despite outcry from the family, Pantaleo ...

Outside funding sources at issue in campaigns | The Daily ... Robin Andrews, who is running in the 43rd Senate District, where there is a large Republican enrollment advantage, has gotten about 43 percent of her money from outside the region.

Letters to the editor - The Atlantic to the editor. ... It was the brainchild of Morris Dees, who, along with a couple of brilliant direct-marketing guys from New York, put together “The Presidential Club”—a monthly ...

Dennis Ross blasts President Obama as he kicks off his re 07, 2016 · Dennis Ross blasts President Obama as he kicks off his re-election campaign for CD 15 ... surrounds himself with the right people who are the …

FPPC Enforcement Decisions, January 18, 18, 2018 · The following are enforcement decisions approved by the Fair Political Practices Commission at its regular monthly meeting held on Thursday, January 18, 2018. Decisions are listed by category and include a brief summary of each case and the total amount of …

Panel cuts political practices budget | State & Regional ... — A budget subcommittee this week voted to eliminate the in-house attorney in the state political practices commissioner’s office and to lower the commissioner’s salary by 23 percent.

Another Aspect of the Democrats’ War On Women: Jobs ... 07, 2015 · From the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Senate committee staff comes more evidence of how the Democrats’ immigration policies have devastated the employment prospects of American women: In one ...

One Endorsement Can Make All The Difference for Sanders ... 13, 2017 · Perhaps one of the most influential Governors in the U.S., the now-four term Governor Brown maintains a high 57% approval rating among all California voters, including Republicans. His support rates even higher among Democrats and Independents. That matters because both of them can vote in the state's upcoming Democratic primary.

Essay Corrections System - 1615 Words | Bartleby is the cause of such an infestation as the corruption in the Maryland corrections system? The answer lies in the lives of those involved. Generally speaking, it will always come down to the morals, beliefs, and needs of the individual who is faced with the opportunity to become corrupt.

On the Border, a Rematch With a Difference - The New York ... 02, 2003 · Two years ago, Diana Reyna won a spirited, three-way City Council primary by one of the smallest victory margins of the 2001 Democratic Council contests. And after nearly two years of …

Will Hillary Clinton succeed in creating a constitutional ... 16, 2015 · I think the chances are reasonable simply because the USA public is disgusted with big money corporate special interests controlling the government leaving the ordinary voter powerless. The average citizen realizes the USA is no longer a represen...

What books would you recommend to someone who is getting ... books would I recommend to someone who is getting started on the US Government and Politics facing the 2016 Presidential Elections? I would start with The Almanac of American Politics 2016. From Amazon, > The 2016 Almanac remains the gold st...

overview for BeKindToEachOther6 - reddit.com regulation wasn’t effective corporations wouldn’t spend millions on financing campaigns and lobbying and model legislation so they can avoid it. As the shareholders said in the article, “it is the job of government — not companies — to make decisions that are in …

John Paul Stevens Evolved Into the Supreme Court’s ... over the course of his career, Stevens tacked to the left as the Court shifted to the right, earning him a reputation as one of the preeminent liberal justices by the time he stepped down. None of its current members—of any ideological persuasion—have undergone a similar evolution in their philosophies.

Here we go, Friends. Who is ready to be... - James Ehlers ... of the major reasons why our water infrastructure is ... yes, 11 bills, that he and I have worked on together the last couple of months that he will be introducing next week as the lead sponsor. They range from restrictions on pesticides, landfiill leachate, the spreading of human waste, and our right to know when our drinking water has ...

Billboards the latest benefit Terry Fields reaps from, who was a member of the Florida House from 2000 to 2008 and an advocate of school choice legislation during the second half of his tenure, has been a frequent recipient of campaign cash ...

W.Va. House 24 candidate: George Howes (D ... STATEMENT: I am a retired Board of Education employee, life-long resident of Logan County, past State and County Democrat Executive Committee member. I believe working with the people of my district, the 24th we can improve the economy, eliminate State …

Wait a minute...isn't John McCain a Washington "insider ... 04, 2008 · If Washington insiders are the problem, according to Palin, then why should I vote for McCain, who is the ultimate Washington insider?

Prekindergarten - Klein ISD Students who qualify because they are the child of an active duty, injured, or killed member of the armed forces of the United States, including the military forces or a reservedcomponent of the armed forces must have the following documentation on file:. Documentation that a district employee verified the student's US Department of Defense (DoD) photo identification for children of ...

Why don't prop 8 protestors protest against black churches ... 13, 2008 · In addition blacks hold tremendous political clout and are a huge constituency of the democratic party.They are the masters of protesting, gays don't want it with blacks in that area.Lastly how would it look. They're protesting a group who is seen as one of the most disadvantaged and wronged groups in history. Not a good look.Status: ResolvedAnswers: 26

Hanging chads at PEF: Will election end up in court ... 26, 2015 · Hanging chads at PEF: Will election end up in court? ... The warring sides here are the incumbents, Kent and Secretary-Treasurer Carlos Garcia of …

human trafficking Archives - The 17, 2015 · The Republican campaign targeting Sen. Michael Bennet took on an electoral tint Tuesday, as the GOP launched robo-calls in Colorado attacking the …

John Burzichelli - Ballotpedia 07, 2017 · John Burzichelli has not yet completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey. Ballotpedia is seeking 100 percent participation so voters can learn more about all the candidates on their ballots. You can ask John Burzichelli to fill out this survey …

Pecker Turns on Trump... - 24hourcampfire 24, 2018 · One of Trumps closest cohorts gains immunity and turns states evidence.. common knowledge of all the fake stories published before the 2016 election will now find its way into prosecutors hands. Trumps goose is cooked. Phil. 300 BP #13080780 - 08/23/18 Re: Pecker Turns on Trump...

Bryon Short | State House, District "View Candidates" to see who is running for office. Or, click "Find me a candidate" to find a candidate who most matches your views. ... My daughters are the product of the Brandywine School District and have received a strong education that gives them the foundation they need to be successful in life. ... I believe one of the most ...

How the GOP Congress and President Obama became the #1 15, 2016 · How the GOP Congress and President Obama became the #1 Problem in America and Made Trump the #1 Solution January 15, 2016 Vol. IX, No. 1 10:13 am NOTE: As I begin my ninth year writing the John Davis Political Report (30th year as a North …

Outside group dumps money into treasurer race - azcentral group dumps money into treasurer race With early voting under way and just over two weeks until the primary election, a new outside group has begun dumping tens of thousands of dollars ...

March 2000 Organization trends: League of Women Voters ... 22, 2000 · Last month, L WV celebrated the 80th anniversary ofits founding. With 130,000 members nationwide, the League achieved prominence as an advocate for citizen education following passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. Today it continues to enjoy prestige as one of nation’s preeminent voters’ rights organizations.

Cure Your Crotch Weasels The Christian Way: Put A Ring On ... 10, 2015 · Check THIS out, kids!There comes a time in every Christian youngster's life when he or she has a burning case of the crotch weasels and doesn't know what to do. Go to the doctor? Meh, that's for liberals. Go to church? Now you're talking. Go to church …

Bryon Short | State House, 7th District - "View Candidates" to see who is running for office. Or, click "Find me a candidate" to find a candidate who most matches your views. ... My daughters are the product of the Brandywine School District and have received a strong education that gives them the foundation they need to be successful in life. ... I believe one of the most ...

GoLocalProv | Rhode Island’s Top 20 Special Interest Spenders 20, 2012 · Unions, law firms, realtors, insurance companies and even the state’s top cable company are among the more than 170 special interest groups that …

RBF - Representative Barney Frank | AcronymAttic does RBF stand for? RBF stands for Representative Barney Frank. Advertisement: ... Here are the top 5 Intern For Representative Barney Frank profiles on LinkedIn. Get all the articles, experts, jobs, and insights you need. ... one of the most liberal U.S. lawmakers and co-author of the new controversial financial regulation law, ...

Rehberg opposes political spending disclosure legislation ...’s note: An avalanche of campaign spending by special interest groups is expected this election season in Montana, and its source can be difficult to track. Today’s story is the last in ...

Abby Phillip | Speakers Bureau and Booking Agent Info do not exclusively represent Abby Phillip or claim ourselves as the exclusive booking agency, business manager, publicist, speakers bureau or management for Abby Phillip or any other speaker or celebrity on this website. For more information on how we work and what makes us unique, please read the AAE Advantage.

NY Senate Republicans have $5 million in the bank, ready ... Senate Republicans will report raising $3.7 million over the past six months and have nearly $5 million in the bank as the party ramps up its efforts to win control of the Senate this ...

Views From The Edge: AAPI voters help Hillary to victory ... EVADA'S caucus staten was a real test of how the candidates are going to woo minority voters, who in that state made up almost 40 percent of the electorate. Asian/American voters approach almost 10 percent of Nevada's registered voters. In the tight race for the Democratic nomination where every vote could spell the difference between a victory or a loss, both campaigns for Sen. Bernie ...

Pageant to Transport Audiences Back in Time - Laguna Beach ... clock has begun to tick—backwards—as the Pageant of the Masters prepares for its 2019 show dubbed, “The Time Machine.” Pageant of the Masters Director Diane Challis Davy, who is entering into her 24th year with the show, announced the 2019 pageant theme at the Nov. 14 membership meeting.

Barr Refuses To Bend When Kamala Harris Presses Him on looks somewhat favorable to Barr. Then there's this quote (also in the article) from Barr's memo to Mueller: “I know you will agree that, if a DOJ investigation is going to take down a democratically-elected President, it is imperative to the health of our system and to our national cohesion that any claim of wrongdoing is solidly based on evidence of a real crime — not a debatable ...

SOLUTIONS | David Sabados for Denver City Council are the number one way people move short distances, but many of our sidewalks are missing or in poor condition, causing more people to walk in the street or risk injury. Under current Denver law, sidewalks are owned by the individual homeowner, who is responsible for their upkeep.

Denver Post launches new political watchdog 03, 2011 · One of a newspaper’s proudest responsibilities is holding government accountable, and this new watchdog beat is meant to compliment and expand the work of The Post’s political and investigative teams charged with upholding that responsibility.

In The War Room: Democrats Lose Super Majority | CT News ... 3:17 a.m.) It was the first upset of the evening for House Democrats. Rep. Steve Fontana —thought to be the frontrunner in the race to fill the majority leader position being vacated by ...

Will it be safe to turn on your television? | Nashville Post when you thought it was safe to watch televison again, we are here to warn you: They are coming. No, not more coverage of who is Anna Nicole Smith's baby's daddy (if it isn't Adam Dread, then ...

A Blue Cross CEO Encouraged a Michigan Woman to Get Into ... Blue Cross CEO Encouraged a Michigan Woman to Get Into Politics. Now She’s Running for Governor and Says Single Payer Is Unrealistic.

10 things you need to know today: August 23, 2018 23, 2018 · One of the Manafort jurors, ... Michael Cohen, implicated Trump in a crime. "As the president has said, we've stated many times, he did nothing wrong. ... He was the first …

Robert Mueller Is About To Hit The Fucking Bull's Eye On ..., as the Trump Tower Moscow deal was falling apart, Sater had Cohen send a Hail Mary to Dmitry Peskov, one of Putin's prime fixers, and also the guy the dossier says was the main dude with all the Hillary Clinton dirt. Was the Hail Mary really just about an ugly Trump building, or was it something more?

MOScout Daily Update: We Are MO for CLEAN and Minimum … 12, 2018 · First in MOScout: Labor $$$ to Support Ballot Questions We Are Missouri has amended its campaign paperwork to support Amendment 1 (CLEAN Missouri) and Prop B (increase in minimum wage). See it here . We Are Missouri was the committee …

Family of 6 incinerated in Blackman Eddy | Amandala Newspaper at about 2:00 p.m. one of the saddest funeral services ever was held at the Unitedville Pentecostal Church in Unitedville for the Ayala family of 6, who perished together in a fire that occurred early Tuesday morning, October 3, just after midnight at Iguana Creek, Blackman Eddy. San Ignacio police believe that the two adults and four children were murdered, and late this evening say ...

Democratic lawyer files ethics complaint against Democratic lawyer has filed an ethics complaint against Republican U.S. Senate candidate Josh Hawley over pro bono legal services he received in 2016.

The Iron Triangle of Healthcare Reform Essay Topics Iron Triangle of Healthcare Reform essays and term papers available at, the largest free essay community.

The Washington Post Corrects, Disingenuously | Power Line 08, 2014 · The Washington Post Corrects, Disingenuously. ... Which is one of the many things I wrote in my original post. ... Why was the Post’s story–published, as the …

For-Profit Colleges Thrive, Veterans Suffer | # ... Colleges Thrive, Veterans Suffer | # ...

Trump stuns the establishment; union members face challenges workers against each other. Trump wasn’t the first anti-union candidate to win working class votes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio. All three states were once full of union members, and politicians were dependably pro-union until factories started closing and moving overseas in the 1970’s.

Site Administrator | What Does Tulsi Gabbard Believe? | Page means hello and goodbye depending on the inflection, but it also has deeper meanings. The root of the word Aloha can give us some insight; Alo means to celebrate and ha means life, so another meaning is to celebrate life, “A” also means I, Lo means to give, and ha is breath or life force, so this can be translated to: I give you my breath, life.

Politicians & Lobbyists Gone Wild - D.C.'s New Reality TV ... 25, 2011 · But as the Journal also notes, the lobbying and ethics proposals Democrats are promising to push after this most recent dive into the corporate cash pool "won't change the campaign-finance rules that dictate giving during the political season" - that is, none of the rules actually go after the intersection of money and politics by, for instance ...

Teachout's Campaign Gambit: As AG, Would Take Aim at Trump ... 11, 2018 · Trump recently pardoned the conservative political commentator Dinesh D'Souza, who violated campaign-finance laws, and said he was considering pardoning Martha Stewart, which sent a signal that he might also pardon his former associates tangled up in the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election who have been accused of similar ...

Thread by @SidneyPowell1: "Dear @RandPaul @senatemajldr ... 20, 2017 · 3/ It just means a contract hasn't been signed yet, which takes a long time for construction--up to a decade. All this money--tens of billions of dollars--is explicitly authorized/provided by Congress for specific projects. It was the intent of Congress to build these projects.

Marco Rubio wants NATO headquarters named after John McCain 30, 2018 · Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is getting behind the push to name the new NATO headquarters in Brussels after John McCain. Rubio said Thursday there was “no greater” supporter of …

The fight over the Kavanaugh-Ford testimony remains a ... News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. SUBSCRIBE WASHINGTON — Democrats and Republicans haven’t budged in the last 24 hours over the accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Republicans are demanding that accuser Christine Blasey Ford testify on Monday or that they’ll […]

On the list of global ‘doers who defined 2017’: Austin 13, 2016 · Adler’s inclusion on the Global reThinkers list is the latest honor for a mayor getting noticed well beyond Texas’ borders. Last year he was named one of 25 Disruptive Leaders by Living Cities for his efforts to address Austin’s deeply rooted economic inequalities.

McDonald's takes a nibble of the plant-based burger ... days ago · CHICAGO - McDonald's is finally taking a nibble of the plant-based burger. In a very limited test in Canada, McDonald's said Thursday that it's introducing the PLT, or the plant, lettuce and ...

Iowa elections, 2016 - Ballotpedia,_2016Polling times in Iowa: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Welcome to the Iowa elections portal for 2016. Scroll down for information about what was on the ballot, election dates, voting, and more.Iowa saw elections for the offices listed below in 2016.

Today's politicians: Wimpy or courageous? | News ... officials and candidates are wimping out when it comes to taking a test that pins down their positions on key issues, according to a nonpartisan, national group that seeks to educate ...

Open Road - TIME 10, 2012 · October 1973: a 9-year-old boy, cloistered in a Bangkok compound, flips on the television. No cartoons for him. Instead, the box broadcasts images of Thai students and workers flooding nearby streets to protest the autocratic generals ruling their nation. The boy finds the scenes enthralling ...

Council candidates split on key issues facing Mt. Pleasant ... of the biggest splits came when candidates were asked if they support the town’s Nov. 3 referendum that asks voters if they want higher property taxes in exchange for improving the town’s ...

“Earth First! We’ll Drill the Other Planets Later” | Power ... 18, 2015 · We’ll Drill the Other Planets Later” ... I’ve been meaning for a while to make note of the total collapse of one of liberalism’s most dear clichés about energy: that the U.S. “can’t ...

Montco renews CBIZ contract | News |“One of the things I thought we agreed on (in the new ordinance) was the three commissioners would get to vote on these contracts,” he said, referring to DiBona’s consultant work. “I didn ...

House to vote on rebuke of Trump over tweets about ...“I will again, this month, bring impeachment to a vote on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives for bigotry in policy, harmful to our society,” Green said. ... who is running for the ...

Montana -- big sky, clean politics - Los Angeles Times 15, 2012 · It was the era of the “copper kings,” who bribed state legislators and controlled state resources. In 1912, Montana voters passed a citizen initiative, the Corrupt Practices Act, that banned ...

Prosecutorial Impotence: How Bankers Crashed the System ... most popular reason offered for the dearth of financial crisis prosecutions is that the banking system was hit by a systemic and unforeseeable disaster, which means that it’s unlikely that ...

Senate control up in air | Local News | lockportjournal.com"We likened it to a baseball team in a rebuilding phase," said Sen. Michael Gianaris, an attorney from Queens who took over the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee after 2010.

Where Charleston’s mayoral candidates stand | Palmetto ... Charleston’s mayoral candidates stand ... Those are the results of a 15-question survey The Post and Courier submitted to the candidates last week — a questionnaire designed to clarify ...

The Climatistas’ Climate of Hate | Power Line guess the strictures against “hate speech” don’t apply to the climatistas, or at least about their invective against climate skeptics. In our “Picks” section we linked David Rose’s ...

Mike Pence for president? Stay tuned | KP Pence for president? The swirl of 2016 national ticket talk surrounding Gov. Pence intensified over the past few weeks. I sat down with the governor in his office on April 8 to find out what ...Author: Brian Howey

Sweet, Cuddly Despot SHOCKED To Find Killers In His ... 17, 2018 · Trump has a lot of practice disregarding the findings of his own intelligence agencies, but the US government picked up sig-int showing that MBS ordered his goon squad to "bring home" dissident reporters abroad, by whatever means necessary. David Ignatius says in the Post,. One possible scapegoat, according to several sources, may be Maj. Gen. Ahmed al-Assiri, the deputy chief of Saudi ...

Why the Constitutional Holding in Klayman Wasn’t Necessary 17, 2013 · Why the Constitutional Holding in Klayman Wasn’t ... this section provides an express private cause of action for “a person who is the target of an electronic surveillance or any other person whose communications or activities were subject to electronic surveillance,” “who has been subjected to an electronic surveillance or about whom ...

Mike Pence for president? Stay tuned | Local News ... Pence for president? The swirl of 2016 national ticket talk surrounding Gov. Pence intensified over the past few weeks. I sat down with the governor in his office on Tuesday to find out what ...

Congressional candidates spar over Court Boice's gun ... asked both of them in an April 24 email to throw their support to his campaign, saying it was doubtful either would win more than 6 percent of the vote.

BRIAN HOWEY: Mike Pence for president? Stay tuned | Brian ... swirl of 2016 national ticket talk surrounding Gov. Pence intensified over the past few weeks. I sat down with the governor in his office on Tuesday to find out what he's really thinking. A ...

Michael Cohen in Testimony Before Congress: 'Donald Trump ...'s claims that Trump had advance knowledge of the emails contradict the President's assertions that he was in the dark, but it was not clear what evidence Cohen had to support the allegation. Michael Cohen in Testimony Before Congress: 'Donald Trump Knew About WikiLeaks Email Dump Beforehand'.

Who Is The Boss Of The Watchdog Agencies? | CT News Junkie nine watchdog agencies under one umbrella was awkward to begin with, but the recent draft report from the new head of the Office of Government Accountability caused even more anxiety ...Author: Christine Stuart

Juror says Scott Rothstein was a credible witness - Sun ... it was an important victory for them because it was the first time any of the people charged — so far — had refused to plead guilty and forced them to prove their case to a jury.

Virginia Senate Minority Leader Faces Two Primary ... records show he’s taken about $350,000 from utility monopoly Dominion since 1996, when the Virginia Public Access Project started compiling records. ... for the first time since 1979, Saslaw has primary opposition. Not just one opponent, but two. ... who would become majority leader. But it’s also created a kind of energy ...

Advance Indiana™: John Edwards Indicted the time he was the first of the Democrats running for President in the 2008 cycle to come to Indiana.His wife, Elizabeth Edwards, had already been diagnosed with incurable cancer but Edwards told reporters that day that he would push forward.State Representative Ed DeLaney was one of the sponsors of that event.

Virginia Politics Blog - John Warren Cooke, from the Post 01, 2009 · As former House Speaker John Warren Cooke is laid to rest today in Gloucester, we were inspired to go back and read a few stories from the Washington Post archives about Cooke. There are only a few--the online archives contain stories published between 1977 and the present, a time frame that means most of Cooke's 38-year service, which concluded in 1980, is not available.

Wealth allows Pingree to pay her ‘dues’ to House Democrats ... allows Pingree to pay her ‘dues’ to House Democrats. Maine's 1st District congresswoman went from giving to fellow politicians about $180 a year to about $67,000 a year.

Huddled Masses Mobilization Network | "A BEACON FOR THE ...!With school shootings becoming a regular occurrence in our country, I thought it appropriate to re-post what I wrote in February of last year. The most recent shooting was the one that happened at STEM School, Highlands Ranch in Colorado, where one student died and 8 others were injured. It was just one of 8 school shootings so far in 2019.

The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana on ..., September 6, 1981 CO leader SBecialist in one-sided stories By THE STAR CITY STAFF One of the most frequent complaints hurled at newspaper reporters and editors is, "You -people are only ...

Progressive Nonprofit Forms To Support Female Candidates ... said they have no doubt that if there were more women in the General Assembly they would already have a paid Family and Medical Leave Act and a pay equity bill. Bye said one of the common ...

Bunnell Nights: “Smidge” Spearmon’s Two Crank 911 Calls ...’s one of those strange stories that get stranger with the telling. ... But it can seem suspicious in the middle of the night, when a cop is passing by. ... and told him it was the same number ...

Christie makes 41 nominations; dumps two of three ELEC 11, 2010 · Gov. Chris Christie nominated 41 people to various state authorities, boards, commissions and councils Monday. That there was a batch of nominees wasn’t a surprise, as Monday was the Senate’s first meeting since mid-March — and that’s where the nominating process begins for these folks, whose appointments will require advice and consent from the Senate.

Kathy Hardcastle - Ballotpedia Hardcastle was the Chief Judge of Nevada's 8th District Court overseeing Clark County.She took office on January 6, 1997 and retired on April 13, 2012. She is known for her role in suspending Judge Elizabeth Halverson who is currently facing the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline over judicial misconduct.. Legal Experience. After serving a judicial clerkship in Reno, Judge ...

Mitch Perry Report for 5.2.16 - Cleveland, meet California ... imagery coming out of California late last week wasn’t extremely alarming, but it was instructive. Protestors, many of them black or brown, went a bit nuts at Donald Trump campaign ...

Ralph Fernandez convinced Obama policy on Cuba a major ... 28, 2016 · “I told her this was only the wrong thing to do, but it was just going to piss off these old Cubans in Miami that were out to pasture already and may have found that it was too hot or too ...

GOP Senator: Sure, Kids Deported To Honduras Might Die ... 10, 2015 · Bet those kids can't wait to get back to the sun, sand, and occasional automatic weapons fire. Oh, and the rapes.Remember how all those children were "invading" our southern border from Central America last year, and it was the greatest crisis America ever faced, until some guy …

ken blackwell 2004 election rigged | US Citizens Alert an election and illegally installing a President is a far greater crime than anything perpetrated by any other criminal in the history of the United States. It’s so incredible that it may be hard to believe that it really happened, but it appears that is exactly what happened… and …

Trump firing James Comey is absolutely something an ... you not see the timimg of this action is suspect? Trump praised comey many, many times for doing just what he fired him for. The reasons are an excuse. It is just plain wrong to fire the man who is in charge of investigating his office.

Kagan Revolution | The New Republic 27, 2010 · While criticism from the left of General Kagan (who as the perceived front runner has received the most attention) and Judge Garland has been limited to a few, very vocal liberal commentators, it ...

Michael Avenatti goes from media darling to criminal suspect ANGELES (AP) — Michael Avenatti seemingly came out of nowhere, a sharply dressed lawyer with a penetrating gaze who said he would prove President Donald Trump had sex with a porn star and paid her off to keep quiet ahead of the 2016 election.

oecd | know the causes about oecd written by hzl2. I wrote the following in relation to a New York Times article during the G8 summit, but the message is relevant for election ’08. A major difference between Obama and McCain will be how they approach the host of countries considered “developing” as they direct their foreign policy.

Arrest Warrant Issued For Sudan's Thuggish President Warrant Issued For Sudan's Thuggish President

Category: - ABIL-Immigration-Updates - immigrantBut it would still violate the laws of grammar. "Immigrant" is no less an adjective than a noun. When "immigrant" is used as a modifier and further modified, the term would be correctly phrased in reference to a person as an "illegally immigrant" individual, with the adjective "illegal" thereby converted to the adverb, "illegally."

ROUNDHOUSE ROUNDUP: THE BLOG: Roundhouse Roundup: One ... subsequent news reports pointed out that “Duran Duran” was the name of a real person in Albuquerque, who is listed in the phone book. “Duran Duran” is not a common name, but it’s not unheard of. There’s another one in Ruidoso, plus eight more scattered around the country, according to a popular online phone directory.

Kathie Lee Gifford Said Jenna Bush Hager Was 'the Natural Kathie Lee Gifford announced in December that she would be leaving the Today show, she couldn’t think of a better person to fill her position than Jenna Bush Hager.Today show, she couldn’t think of a better person to fill her position than Jenna Bush Hager.

Preserving America: George Soros versus Thomas Jefferson ... result was the freest, strongest, and most prosperous country in history. It is true that man is fallible, in the sense that he can make errors. But it does not follow from …

If MLK was an activist today | Esrati years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. was shot. It wasn't with an AR-15, but, it was a gun, protected by the 2nd Amendment. My father told me he used to have lunch with King while they were both students at Boston University, on Thursdays. They'd argue. Dad was Malcom, Martin was Martin. They disa

Who is Ernst? a.k.a. Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha: Ernest II was the second sovereign duke of the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, reigning from 1844 to his death. Ernest was born in Coburg as the eldest child of Ernest III, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, and his duchess, Princess Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg.

Super PAC Money Enlivens Congressional Race in 9th ... Shmuley Boteach's campaign for New Jersey's 9th District congressional seat started out as a novelty act. He was the guy with the colorful resume, a rabbi who wrote "Kosher Sex,'' a man ...

The Phony Witch Hunt continues, - Page 03, 2018 · Help; What's New? Forum; New Posts; Private Messages; FAQ; Calendar; Community. Groups; Albums

October 18, 2015 — Gwinnett Daily Post by Gwinnett Daily ... 18, 2015 · Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s ...

Mary Mulhern 'investigating' a run for Pinellas County CD Mulhern ‘investigating’ a run for Pinellas County CD 13 seat. ... And a year ago, the DCCC opted for another Hillsborough County resident, retired Marine Col. Ed Jany, to be its nominee. ...

Let's make a deal | Belmont Club - PJ Media's make a deal. By ... Daley and his top assistant, Richard Devine, who is the current state's attorney, joined a conspiracy of silence that has cost city taxpayers upwards of $50 million in ...

hillarys — BWCentral video recorded at Google headquarters after President Trump’s historic win was recently leaked to The video shows executive after executive taking the podium in funeral like procession to mourn the loss of Crooked Hillary as president.

Why the gap between old and new black civil rights ... the gap between old and new black civil rights activists is widening Discussion in 'The Front Porch!' started by The Admin, Jul 29, 2016.

Environment caught in firestorm - The San Diego Union-Tribune COUNTY -- Fire is as much a part of nature as the treesand shrubs it consumes -- and crucial for maintaining a healthyenvironment. Environment caught in firestorm - The San Diego Union-Tribune

Dr. Robert Walker | Esrati“Mr Esrati, we’re going to ask you to leave” said Dr. Robert Walker, president of the Dayton Board of Education at their “Board Retreat” on Saturday, June 24, 2017. At issue was the board taking what was presented as a critical time sensitive vote, on a report from the Treasurer, Hiwot Abraha, a …

Blumenthal clarifies position on Supreme Court ... — The “Gotcha” world of the news cycle often is unmerciful, and Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., got caught up in its vortex after suggesting the Senate should not “artificially delay” confirmation of a replacement for retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. Those words, uttered Wednesday soon after Kennedy announced his departure, were at variance with the ...

The Crisis in Climate-Change Coverage - truthout.org 03, 2013 · A repeated theme of the conversation was the line between advocacy and journalism. There was disagreement about where the line should fall. Kate Sheppard said she was disappointed that coverage of the BP oil spill didn’t inspire more sustained activism on climate change, but noted that it wasn’t her job to organize, only to inform.

Mike Murphy says there’s a ‘cynicism’ behind Marco Rubio Murphy says there is a “cynicism” behind the Marco Rubio campaign that he says will ultimately doom the Florida senator’s presidential candidacy. “It’s cynical to run as the ...

President Classy belches up another tweet - Page 3 - A ..., was the Stormy story. That happened way before Trump was president! Who cares? And the tape about paying a playboy model, (which allegedly happened before Trump was President, was ill-gotten in the first place! The FBI had stormed Cohen's office to get it!

A Blog For All: Obama Administration Withholding Cash For ... Administration Withholding Cash For Clunkers Data ... good for the economy. But it's difficult to determine whether the administration is overselling the claim without seeing what's being sold, what's being traded in and where the cars are being sold. ... That may have to do with the perception that the Elantra was the better deal with ...

Sanders Projected to Win NH Democratic Primary - ABC News News projects Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders will win the New Hampshire Democratic primary, based on exit poll data and vote analysis. Sanders, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, led ...

Frantic calls released from Parkland shooting: 'I love you ... 09, 2018 · "I love you, it’s going to be fine," a panic-stricken mother said over the phone to her child hiding in a classroom during the Parkland, Florida, school massacre. "Can you play dead? I need you ...

Obama's original speech for Democrats on readers of these pages know that Barack Obama addressed Congressional Democrats on Saturday. What is less well known is the content of the original version of the speech, as written by Barack Obama himself before his speechwriters altered it to what you heard on television.

Coffey Welcomes Rice To The Reform ‘Conversation’ (Updated)“Sean was the first attorney general candidate to release a bold and comprehensive reform agenda for New York, which includes full disclosure of all outside income for legislators. We hope Kathleen Rice will support this critical reform among others, and look forward to …

Anti-government protesters briefly break into Serbia TV ... The protesters had been taking part in a demonstration by several thousand people against the rule of President Aleksandar

Striking at the Heart of Assad's Regime - lawhawk has intensified in and around Damascus over the past couple of days, but today's news is breathtaking in its consequences. A suicide bomber, who apparently was a bodyguar

Griego, Dunn battle for District 39 Senate seat | Local ... year’s redistricting process left four-term state Sen. Phil Griego with a new district that geographically looks a lot different from his old one, but one that seems to suit

S.F. mayor launching department on homelessness - SFGate said one of his inspirations for creating the department was the city’s Navigation Center, which has taken 250 people off the street since it opened in April. The center at 16th and Mission ...Author: Kevin Fagan

Arizona ‘Hotshots’ lived the meaning of the word – Arizona ... 02, 2013 · Arizona ‘Hotshots’ lived the meaning of the word. By: ... All but one of the Prescott-based crew’s 20 members died Sunday when a wind-whipped wildfire overran them on a mountainside northwest of Phoenix. It was the nation’s biggest loss of firefighters in a wildfire in 80 years and the deadliest single day for fire crews since the ...

A Field Guide to the Manly Men of Politics - 26, 2012 · Washington is a place where people wear a lot of khaki and are considered well-dressed. It's where ugly people go to become stars. It's where bespectacled nerds go to reinvent themselves as brawlers. The ranks of nerds who've become political manly men is large. George W. Bush is the most

Anthony Proto, former 5-term E. Haven mayor, dies - New ... HAVEN -- Former five-term Mayor Anthony Proto died Thursday in Connecticut Hospice after a long battle with cancer. He was 88. The gregarious Democrat, who was the town's longest-serving ...

Gorsuch Confirmation Hearings End And The Political Games ... 25, 2017 · Gorsuch Confirmation Hearings End And The Political Games Begin The Senate Republicans have the vote and clout to ensure Judge Neil Gorsuch is confirmed as Supreme Court justice. The only question ...

national defense – The Mad tried to warn us of the danger in his 1998 “Letter to the people of America“. We didn’t listen. As for bin Laden. He was a nobody to the CIA at the time. Just another of the many Arab fighters who had joined the fight. He was the son of a rich family playing war with his own money and people to help defeat the Soviets.

Nebraska's AG is lone holdout in pursuing opioid cases ... 12, 2019 · Nebraska stands out for another reason. Its opioid-related death rate in 2017 was the lowest of all states, with advocates saying addictions to alcohol and methamphetamine are more pervasive. Even so, tribal and local government officials say opioid abuse has led to a rise in law enforcement and public health costs.

COLLEGE SPORTS / Kim Claims Singles Title For Stanford ... by a week of oppressive heat, Stanford's Alex Kim overwhelmed Kentucky's Carlos Drada 6-1, 6-1 in the singles final of the NCAA men's tennis championships yesterday in Athens, Ga. Lisa ...

Editorial Notebook: August 2012 | FlaglerLive election day: I’ll be glad come 11 p.m. when all the numbers and stories will have been put to bed, me with them. But it pisses me off how even candidates who should know better ...[DOC]

Midnight raids, secret subpoenas: IRS' Lerner close 13, 2015 · Sounds just like just like one of Lavrentiy Beria's NKVD midnight raids to grab an innocent family during Stalin's show trials. All that's missing are the torture cells of the Lubyanka with concrete floors and sloping drains to wash the blood away

Going to Extremes | Commonweal Magazine 16, 2016 · I have said before and will say one more time for the record that Garland has been a friend for more than forty years and is quite simply one of the most decent people I have ever known. But put aside his personal qualities and look to the choice the president has made. Of all the options he had before him, Garland was the most middle-ground ...

Wisconsin State Representative Plans To Hand Out KKK Hoods ... case our North Carolina-based readers fail us and thisGreg Brannon election doesn’t work out, we’re considering turning our besotted eyes towards Wisconsin state legislator Rep. Brett Hulsey, a long-shot candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor and possibly our new political man crush...

Mark J. Simeon - INDY Week 23, 2014 · 1. What do you believe are the most important issues facing the District Court? What areyour top priorities or issues of concern for the coming term? I …

New York Unions Assesses Post-Janus Future York unions on Wednesday viewed the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling crimping the ability of organized labor to collect revenue from workers as a potential positive for them heading into a rollicking election year in the state. After all, unions in New York, compared to other areas of the country ...

Just How Balanced Is Mueller's Investigative Team? | Page ... 23, 2018 · Mueller is a Republican, he was appointed by Republican President George W. Bush, & he was the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover. To name-call him a RINO is just petty. Yeah, something tells me that if the POTUS was a dem and a special counsel's team was made up of republicans, you'd have a different take on it.

The Animal Spirits Page: The obtuseness of macroeconomics fiscal and monetary stimuli of the Great Depression failed to make the income distribution more equal, and failed to reduce unemployment to reasonable levels. Most households weren’t participating in the flow of income to a sufficient degree for that to happen.

Chemtrail proof! 1990 US Air Force document!, page folks, it was the government who coined the term Chemtrails, not a bunch of conspiracy theorist. This has now become conspiracy fact! Is there someone near the New Mexico State library that can check out this microfiche they have on file?? MARC Display Chemtrails, chemistry 131 manual, fall 1990 [microform]. [Colorado Springs, Colo.?]

Anti-Trump dossier author was hired to help Hillary 19, 2018 · Anti-Trump dossier author was hired to help Hillary challenge 2016 election results An interesting admission - under oath in a British court - as to the envisioned purposes of the "Steele Dossier". It was never used in a court challenge, but it certainly …

Caption This Photo: Open Thread | The Confluence 29, 2009 · But it so desperately needs a caption. Oh...and an open thread. ... Caption This Photo: Open Thread. Posted on November 28, 2009 by nls ... This was the exact emotion I had upon seeing these adolescent little boys watching a computer …

Sanctimonious BS | The Confluence 13, 2014 · From Tristero on the Iraq War Resolution and Hillary Clinton's vote: I was so freaked out that I did something I hadn't done since college: I joined a protest outside Clinton's Manhattan office. No dice. Then, I emailed every single person I knew to send …

Skyline High School - CLASS OF 1968 Karen : You all probably don't remember me. I was shy back then. Not so much anymore. I have two beautiful girls and live very close to where I grew up. Life has certainly been a journey.

Mississippi 2008 | Right of Mississippi about Mississippi 2008 written by rightofmississippi. ICYMI: the Yazoo Herald has a good editorial on Ronnie, oh how we forget when we have good god fearing Democrats for neighbors how the fire breathing, America hating, anti-christian left wing in Washington D.C. really operates.

Muslims Surf the Blue Wave | FlaglerLive 10, 2018 · The election of two Muslim women to Congress is a repudiation of Islamophobic domestic and foreign policies and of hostility to migrants and refugees from a number of countries.

Thinkin’ about “Lincoln” again | Power Line’ about “Lincoln” again. ... but it expands greatly on a tiny sliver of that doorstop of a book. ... This is terribly confusing for an avant garde liberal. Suffice it to say that a ...Author: Scott Johnson

Astorino: Skelos Should Be ‘Noble,’ Step Down As Leader puts Astorino on the same pages as Senate Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, which is kind of ironic. But it’s not at all surprising that the county executive has turned so quickly on his fellow Republican. Astorino and Skelos didn’t really see eye-to-eye during last year’s governor’s race. The county executive ...

Sociology - Forms of Government Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein used fear and intimidation to keep citizens in check. (Photo courtesy of Brian Hillegas/flickr) Most people generally agree that anarchy, or the absence of organized government, does not facilitate a desirable living environment for society, but it is much harder for individuals to agree upon the particulars of how a population should be governed.

In Trump ....We Trust - Page 308 - community.cbr.com 21, 2016 · As the Watcher of the Marvel Universe would say , I see how many fates unfold and times. Then the Watcher would show a drastically different Marvel and we'd read on in What If. Of course with the Watcher retired for some god awful Nick Fury deal recently , its up to me...the new Watcher of the CBR Universe to look ahead at this. This future of a Donald Trump Presidency.

Sad for America...GW Bush allowed the assault weapons ban ... for America...GW Bush allowed the assault weapons ban to expire. Even though he was in his last term, he didn't have the courage to stand up to the NRA. The mass shootings since then are just more deaths we can attribute to the Bush Years.

Turning women into advertising things – Dangerous Intersection 02, 2011 · A similar process has long been at work for men, but it's less obvious. Physical perfection has been taken off the table and instead the focus is on accoutrements. What do you HAVE? A man is judged by the clothes he wears, the liquor he drinks, the credit card in his wallet, the car he drives, the clubs he attends, and toys he plays with.

Corker slams GOP colleagues: 'We might poke the bear ... would be higher than 95%, and a lot of them would vote for it if it came to a vote. But, no, no, no. 'Gosh, we might poke the bear' is the language I've been hearing in the hallways," Corker said.

Cohen 'More Than Happy' to TALK to Mueller, Tell 'ALL That ... news top stories world news politics headlines conservative news liberal news fox news fake news economic news socio political government news updates political blogs editorials illegal immigrant racism terrorism trump Trump obama clinto mueller investigation dossier russia china congress scandal fbi nas cia doj intelligence science news election news worldwide news invasion midterm ...

Brown might stay in politics | Palmetto Politics ... Rep. Henry Brown may not be done with public office after all. The Hanahan resident, who said in January that he would not seek re-election to Congress and instead retire to his farm, now is ...

TSA orders wheel-chair bound double-amputee Marine to “walk” 20, 2013 · Even by TSA standards, this one is pretty bad. The TSA in Phoenix reportedly forced a wheel-chair bound double-amputee Marine vet, who lost …

What to Watch for When Primary Results Come | The Texas ... 28, 2012 · What to Watch for When Primary Results Come. ... who has four new counties in his district and a fellow incumbent running against him. ... This is a funny way to apply for a job.

Offal News: "My Liberal credentials are very limited" 02, 2007 · And the party he stuck by. He was so convinced that this was the party for him that he ran for, and won, a delegate spot at the recent Liberal leadership convention in Montreal that was held November 29 to December 1, 2006. This was after renewing his party membership sometime during the summer of 2006.

November | 2010 | Speak Out California do not create jobs. In fact, the way our economy is structured the incentive is for businesses to get rid of as many jobs as they can. Demand Creates Jobs A job is created when demand for goods or services is greater than the existing ability to provide them. When there is …

The Urban Politico: "Making a Murderer" Provides Insight ... ruled out Avery as a suspect, but it confirmed that another man by the name of Gregory Allen -- a man who was actually a known sex-offender under surveillance by the county sheriff's office and the state prosecutors at the time when Avery was convicted -- was, in …

The Urban Politico: Mitt Romney Secret "Victims" Video ... Romney could put this energy in his campaign President Obama might have something to worry about. I'm happy the videos came out. Romney lays out what appears to be a cool contempt for poor voters, those that he thinks of as lazy. I am sure there will be some damage control around this but it's good to get things out on the table, I always say.

'Me and Earl and Dying Girl' soars above cancer cliches ... makes for a school year that will change who Greg is, because it will force him to examine who he actually wants to be. ... in his first big-screen role, is enigmatic and intriguing, and it’s ...

Liar Liar Pants on Fire, Bill Barr! - Markin Report 18, 2019 · Mueller’s Report Was Intended to be a Road Map For Congress to Use for Impeachment The Report is finally here but this day in infamy began with AG Bill Barr standing up before the world and acting as Trump’s publicist/fixer claiming, falsely, that the Report says there is …

Hillary Clinton negotiated with the DOJ to wipe the server is the first and only place in the world named Ashkenaz and it was compatible with biogeographical evidence. It was also compatible with the hypothesis of an Irano-Turko-Slavic origin for AJs and a Slavic origin for Yiddish, proposed by Paul Wexler, and at odds with the Rhineland hypothesis advocating a Levantine origin for AJs and German ...

The Donald Trump Score Card | Page 336 | Hip Forums 09, 2018 · Nevertheless, Trump’s Saturday evening tweet has remained the only comment he has made regarding the fire in his building, where he keeps an office and a residence. The White House said Saturday that the first family was not in New York when the fire broke out.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, May 21, 2019 — South DaCola with Midco and Vast broadband open video (there were no attached docs, so I’m not even sure what about. It is coming out of the Innovation Department). But it seems it has to do with providing city videos with subscribers. This is a total waste of money for many reasons.

Rubio @ RedState Gathering | TigerDroppings.com doesn't have what it takes to play this game because this shite right here is real. He looks like he just got his dick wet for the first time before stepping on that stage and I don't want a dude pissing his panties when Abdul is running at me screaming Allahu Akbar in his finest Sunday explosives.

the big topic in the US - A Complete Waste of 29, 2017 · In his testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, Comey said that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign's possible coordination with Russia's government as part of a "counterintelligence probe that could reach all the way to the White House and last for months." These are serious allegations.

The 21 Democrats running for president, debate lineups 27, 2019 · August 27, 2019 The 21 Democrats running for president, debate lineups, and everything else you should know about 2020 by Huntsville Tribune | We are Real News

The 24 Democrats running for president, debate lineups ... lineup for the first Democratic debate in late June was recently announced, with 20 candidates split up over two nights. Whoever emerges from the Democratic primary will face Trump, who has already raised more than $100 million for reelection to a second term. Recent history tells us Americans usually give their presidents another four years.

The 21 Democrats running for president, debate lineups ... 28, 2019 · Former Rep. John Delaney: The most notable thing about Delaney is he’s already been running for president for two years, more or less living in Iowa, the first state on the presidential calendar. But he was the first choice of just 1 percent of Iowa Democrats in a recent poll.. Former Rep. Joe Sestak: The retired three-star admiral and former Pennsylvania representative in Congress is a late ...

The 24 Democrats running for president, debate lineups ... Rep. John Delaney: The most notable thing about Delaney is he’s already been running for president for two years, more or less living in Iowa, the first state on the presidential calendar. But he was the first choice of just 1 percent of Iowa Democrats in a recent poll.

A Rebirth for Alabama Democrats? Not So Fast - The New ... 23, 2018 · “It was the day Doug was elected, and it definitely was the day after he was elected. ... who is expected to seek a full six-year term in 2020, ... “But it doesn’t mean you’re ready to run ...

The 24 Democrats running for president, debate rules, and ... biggest questions about the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, answered. The 2020 presidential campaign is well underway. Any Democrat with dreams of occupying the Oval Office can see Donald Trump is a vulnerable president who hasn’t broadened his appeal beyond his base. A lot of them are running for their party’s nomination next year to …

Are Republicans the "Do nothing" party? | Yahoo Answers 01, 2010 · I'm an Independent with conservative tendencies, but I am beginning to see the reason why the Liberals and various others refer to the Rep. as the "do nothing" party. Every time a person makes a complaint about Obama- the standard response from at least a few people, is "what did the Republicans do when they were the majority, when they were in office, when they had the …Status: OpenAnswers: 12

Sarah Sanders’ White House career had been a disastrous ...! Log into your account. your username. your password

Bush and GOP Lose First Round on Pork-Filled Energy and GOP Lose First Round on Pork-Filled Energy Bill by Steve. Sanity and the public interest returned to the US Capitol for a few hours yesterday as the Senate was unable to overcome a filibuster against the Bush/GOP energy bill. The bill, aptly described by Senator John McCain as the “Leave No Lobbyist Behind Act of 2003” for its profligate use of pork stalled in the Senate when a ...

Simon says, "Bill's in like a shot" - Page 4 — Ship of Fools hope so, and I love Benelong as a swinging seat. I think it was a boundary change that made it so, but I can't remember the details. If I ever ran for a seat I reckon I'd act like Maxine McHugh - all silly dances on the election trail, made up songs like Whyalla Wipeout and an active disregard of my strengths as a singer (ie, at the back of the choir only).

Millions pour into state superintendent’s race | EdSource 10, 2014 · It has been reported that it is this Arnold who is supporting Tuck. So, you have the Dark Money folks as referenced by the LA Times, Broad and Fisher, trying to further undermine CA’s deplorable levels of support for education (via opposition to Prop 30) and then an ENRON guy. What was the saying about “all the usual suspects?”

Heathsville,Northumberland,Lancaster,Kilmarnock,Callao speaker and U.S. Senatorial candidate Robert Sarvis shared the following joke from his software development days with the 99th District Tea Party in Lively Tuesday evening: “When you see a problem in society and you create a huge government program to deal with it, …

Candidate Essay - freeessays.tv Jefferson (1743-1826) was the third president of the United States and a creator of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was a philosopher, politician, scientist, architect, inventor, musician, and writer. Thomas Jefferson was also one of the smartest leaders in history.

FPR Interviews – Rob Sisson – FORDHAM POLITICAL Sisson is the president of ConservAmerica, a non-profit dedicated to restoring the Republican Party’s legacy of environmental conservation and educating stakeholders on conservative approaches to today’s climate and energy challenges.. After speaking to Fordham University’s College Republicans, Mr. Sisson sat down with FPR executive editor John Craig and editor-in-chief, Ben St. Clair.

Unmasking the Prison Industrial Complex Part 2: Social ... you missed the first installment of the Prison Industrial Complex, we discussed the huge profits that corporations are raking in, with the use of prison labor.We were able to delve into the corporate structure and the Capitalist mentality that has led to the mass incarceration of blacks and latinos and we were able to see how corporate America relies on prison labor as much as many ...

Newtown Group Calls On Gun Industry To Market Their ... his statement, Bazinet also pointed to the gun safety programs operated by the NSSF. ... I’m one of those people that is “accepting” of abortion in the first trimester long before ...

ocean conditions are changing due to Rapid Global Climate ... 03, 2012 · ocean conditions are changing due to Rapid Global Climate Shift. ... "I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown." ... The President has said that the most important policy he could address in his second term is climate change, one of the few issues ...

Wednesday Briefing: Embezzler Wesley Brown's Sentence ... 29, 2017 · The Constitution Revision Commission will hold the first in a series of public hearings as it prepares to propose constitutional amendments for the November 2018 ballot. (5 p.m., University of ...

"Merely a 'bargainer in chief'." Is this a fair assessment can say that it was the economy that got Clinton reelected, it's strength at the time of the election, but it still needed a presentable, articulate persuader to convince the people that he was the man for them. Summing up, I believe there are many factors to being a successful president, and no, not all of them are persuasive ones.

Bernie Sanders Archives | The Guardians of Democracy Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) 2016 presidential campaign advisor Tad Devine, who previously worked with former Trump... NEWS Sen. Sanders: ‘Scott Pruitt Was The

Jerry Brown will face Neel Kashkari for governor - The San ... U.S. Treasury official Neel Kashkari says he will focus on issues that affect middle-class Californians in his longshot campaign to unseat Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown, who is seeking an ...

Althouse: "For any non-Clinton Democrat, exploring the ... 10, 2013 · On McCain in 2008..... After what is perceived even by many Republicans / Conservatives as the horrible Bush years, McCain, who had in the past labeled himself as the "anti-Bush" maverick in the party, was the obvious choice. Plus, he didn't have a single high profile strong Conservative running against him in the primaries.[PDF]Draft of Nov 30, 2014 QUESTIONS FOR CANDIDATES SEEKING Questions 11-30-14A _2_.pdfIn 2013, for the first time in over two decades, the City reassessed all 490,000 parcels ... , but it can also bring unsettling changes, not ... , as the Convention Center maintains, the Carpenters’ Union failed to meet the contractual deadline, do you believe that locking them out was the proper response? ...

Diversion group to bolster staff | Silver City Daily 08, 2017 · Diversion group to bolster staff Written by Benjamin Fisher on March 8, 2017 . ... But Keller said that very lack of awareness was the problem and revealed a weakness in the ISC procurement policies. The auditor’s letter went as far as saying the consequence for such a violation was the cancellation of the contract. ... No matter who is ...

To Celebrate or to Not? The Mueller Question | Defend Joshua Frank March 26, 2019. Finally, it’s over. Well, sort of, anyway. Late Sunday afternoon, Attorney General Bill Barr released his much-anticipated summary of Bob Mueller’s Russia investigation. The big news, of course, was that nobody in Trump’s orbit “knowingly” coordinated with Russian efforts to disrupt the 2016 election.

From the dais: Results from North County city council ... are results from recent local government meetings: CITY COUNCILS CARLSBAD The Carlsbad City Council on Sept. 1 approved a resolution reappointing Jason …

Perry aides told different stories in lawsuit - Reuters 28, 2011 · TRP and the RGA denied that this was the case in statements to the court. ... but it might have looked unseemly at a time when Rick Perry was lambasting Bell for taking $1 million from a single ...

DWI Hit Parade: Maryland Trooper Charged With DUI After ... 26, 2015 · Maryland Trooper Charged With DUI After Flipping His Wheels. November 26, 2015 (ELKTON, MD) — (Editor’s Note: A Maryland State trooper will likely be applying for a job as a pizza delivery guy if he can keep his driver’s license. But it’s doubtful he will keep his job as a state trooper.

AARP asks Colorado lawmakers to think of seniors, the 03, 2014 · AARP is an insurance company who found a niche market. It supports every big-government program and liberalism in general, contrary to the main beliefs of its members. But it gets away with it. Comment by GenePH — December 4, 2014 @ 6:46 am. I agree that AARP is a very liberal, big government oriented organization.

D'Souza Destroys Bill Ayers Over Criminal Justice ... 05, 2016 · The conservative student was also told by the school, "through the research they deemed Dinesh D'Souza a 'nasty guy' who is 'way out there' and has been 'caught in many lies in his past.'" It is noted that this isn't the first time Gonzaga has closed off …

Marco Rubio says 'no one' running for president has more ... was nothing in his past that could suggest he could fix the things that were broken better for the country right now." ... and no one who is running for president has more experience than I ...

Opinion | Who Gets to Be Angry? - The New York Times 12, 2016 · One of the options is a date night package, for two. ... The candidate reveled in his anger, often wagging his finger and raising his voice. ... She is the first …

Rolling down the river | Power Line 02, 2006 · Huckleberry Finn is the great American novel, at least in the view of our readers choosing among the field of 21 candidates we selected. Let’s pause for the sheer pleasure of it over one ...

Sally Jewell Nominated to Replace Salazar at Interior ... You Wanted to Know About Sally Jewell but were Afraid to Ask (unedited) WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Wednesday nominated outdoor business executive Sally Jewell to lead the Interior Department. Obama said Jewell, president and chief executive at REI, has earned national recognition for her support of outdoor recreation and habitat conservation.

Wenatchee one of nation’s best places to retire, Forbes Magazine — yep, the leading business publication with a readership of 6.7 million — touts Wenatchee as one of “25 Best Places to Retire in 2017.”

Egypt | Power Line | Page 4 16, 2013 · One of the aspirations of the revolution was to ensure that power would not be overly concentrated in the hands of any one person or institution. ... but for the first time in several days it ...

Justin Bieber's 'Never Say Never:' Boy, Meet World - ABC News 11, 2011 · The 3-D extravaganza 'Never Say Never,' in theaters today, chronicles Justin Bieber's rise from small-town Canada kid to international pop star and weaves in a …

Coral Gables Chamber debate hardly worth the effort 31, 2015 · Tweet; Sumo; Tweet; It’s a real shame that the last debate — if one can even call it that — of the commission and mayoral candidates in Coral Gables was so lame.. With two weeks to go before the April 14 election, the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce event Tuesday night was a missed opportunity for the candidates to clearly demonstrate their stark differences, like they did at the debate ...

Michael Cohen did explore idea of presidential pardon ... Cohen did explore idea of presidential pardon, lawyer reveals Donald Trump’s former personal attorney testified under oath last week that he had never asked for, and would nor accept, a ...

Trump’s speech | Power Line 20, 2017 · It was well-written, well-delivered, and very powerful. He struck many of the right themes. There was plenty to like about it. On the negative side, I thought he overstated the nation’s ailments ...Author: Paul Mirengoff

Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Wondercock Gonna SUE YOU SO HARD! No ... 12, 2019 · In the emails Reuters has, Jerry Falwell Jr., chosen of God and adored among nations, does indeed call Liberty's police chief a "half-wit," and in 2012 said about Kevin Keys, who was the associate athletic director, that you should "[o]nly get Kevin involved in something if you want it not to work." That's rude but it's not that bad.

The Bernie Sanders voters who would vote for Trump over it’s not just the candidates who have raised eyebrows in 2016. The latest startling phenomenon is the voter who is feeling the Bern, but also has eyes for the Donald. This week the Guardian sought out Sanders fans who are contemplating switching their allegiance to Trump if Hillary Clinton secures the Democratic nomination.

The Bernie Sanders voters who would choose ... - Sys Nica 13, 2016 · The Bernie Sanders voters who would choose Trump over Clinton ... said he had watched the devastation wrought on areas of the city by job losses that in his view had been caused by free trade. ... This is my only reason for supporting him if he makes if to …

Spotted This Morning Archives - Page 2 of 5 - The 24, 2010 · You’ve no doubt seen the billboards that started going up this month, but what does it all mean? The free-market conservative website WhoSaidYouSaid is announcing today that it has nearly completed the launch of its “They Spend You Pay” campaign.. With 89 billboards already up – 82 of them are in Metro Denver, seven in Fort Collins – the awareness campaign has only 11 more to go.

The Fading Dream of American Individualism (Part 1 of 3) 18, 2012 · In his book American Individualism, published before his presidency of 1929-33, Hoover wrote: ‘Individualism cannot be maintained as the foundation of a society if it looks to only legalistic justice based upon contracts, property, and political equality. Such legalistic safeguards are not enough.’

Derek Zoolander Delivers Blue Steel for Cîroc Campaign ... the Second Amendment be completely eradicated in For many Americans, 2013 was the year “gun confiscation” became an undeniable reality, but it has merely set the precedent for what’s . Gun Confiscation – Obama’s New Year’s Resolution - Conservative Byte - Bill Binney an NSA Official concludes, "America is already a Police State!

Voter Fraud | Power Line | Page 3 27, 2014 · In his latest video (below), James O’Keefe makes the rounds among Democrats and their friends at work on behalf of their causes in Colorado. ... but it’s probably for the best. ... She was the ...

More Legitimate Advice from a GOP Loser: Todd Akin Un ... 28, 2013 · Seems like there are lots of failed Republicans taking positions on what the GOP should do to stop losing all the time. First,Bob Dole had a sad about the Tea Party on Sunday TeeVee, and the GOP was all argle bargle, what a losing loser who lost to Billy Blojob in the 90s. What the GOP really needs is a more recent loser to give radically different advice.

Results found for re-election | Beaufort County Now found for re-election | Beaufort County Now Your source for all Beaufort County, and Washington, North Carolina Events, Issues, Business, News and Information, Government, Politics, People, and Arts.

Journal de La Reyna (World News Today): And We Be Like ... Slager is spared the GAS. But now the former North Charleston cop is facing LIFE in the iron college. He was the officer who was filmed by a witness in a fatal shooting of an unarmed motorist. He shot Walter Scott with the Taser after he bolted from his vehicle. After Scott escaped the Taser, Slager put eight in his back.

Guelph NDP Youth - Posts | Facebook NDP Youth, Guelph. 425 likes. Political Organization

Matt Gonzalez Critiques Senate Record of Barack Obama 28, 2008 · This article by San Francisco leftist politician Matt Gonzalez critically pinpoints many of Obama's negative contradictions as far as his Senate voting record is concerned. This p

Who Won The GOP Debate? (You Might Be Surprised) political pundits have been giving their opinion of the winners and losers in last Thursday's GOP presidential debate. But their opinions don't necessarily coincide with the opinions of the GOP base. Here is the result of a new Gravis Marketing / One America Poll. It was taken immediately ...

Shock Meets Art at "Music Is the Muse" Show ... - FlaglerLive 14, 2010 · "Music Is the Muse," the latest show at City Walk's Hollingsworth Gallery features works by 18 artists inspired by particular songs or pieces of music, which will also be playing--through Sept. 28.

Roman Empire | Politics, Religion, and Family Biblical Hebrew is different from modern Hebrew. It’s simpler in some ways, but it’s much harder to understand from our vantage point, if we don’t know where in the Torah we open to, which is why Jewish kids are taught that it’s important to go through the whole thing and then one can start really understanding what came before.

COAH | Blue met with Senator Barbara Buono in Edison yesterday to discuss some current issues. In this interview she talks about (among other things) “The Ghost Entity”, why the two weeks after the November election are extremely important, why it’s taking so long to implement a law that helps sick people, the governor’s destruction of the integrity of our judicial system, and of course property ...

April | 2014 | Friends of the Middle (FotM) is unfortunate that you can’t accept that the Far Left is just as bad as the Far Right. You’ve never met a Republican that wasn’t evil or greedy. That is far from the truth but it is the way you see the world. If Obama continues his destructive pattern, you won’t have a dollar to wave in Bolivia that is worth anything.

'Trespassing cattle' vs. the feds - Tea Party 10, 2014 · “We’re not pointing guns at anyone but we’re sure getting a lot of guns pointed at us.” – Carol Bundy, wife of Nevada rancher Ruby Ridge…a classic example of government gone horribly wrong. Briefly, Ruby Ridge was the 1992 confrontation where Federal agents surrounded separatist Randy Weaver’s mountaintop cabin near Naples, Idaho (40 miles […]

20 | May | 2008 | The Confluence 20, 2008 · Real political change happens infrequently. The cycles are decades long. So, most recently, there was the crisis of the 70s which led to the rise of neoliberalism: Thatcher and Reagan. Everything that has happened since then, in the Western world and Japan has been an unfolding of that. There are some important sideshows, but this […]

GLBT: Philosophy in Action Podcast and Fans — I have retired from my work as a public intellectual, so Philosophy in Action is on indefinite hiatus.Please check out the voluminous archive of free podcasts, as well as the premium audio content still available for sale. My two books — Responsibility & Luck: A Defense of Praise and Blame and Explore Atlas Shrugged — are available for purchase too.

Air Paladino Hits Cuomo On Rattner, Farkas, Espada mentioned: Andrew Farkas, whom Cuomo once called a “slumlord” (back in his HUD days), but is now the AG’s finance chairman; and Senate Majority Leader Pedro Espada Jr. Cuomo brought multiple civil suits against the Bronx pol, who lost the Sept. 14 Democratic primary to Gustavo Rivera, but did not bring criminal charges because, as I ...

A Bridge Too Far / After 20 years, Canadian students ... dangling of a Volkswagen Beetle from the Golden Gate Bridge this week was the most daring act of a two-decade reign of pranks, but it won't be the last, the students promise.

Getting our minds right in Minnesota, part 4 | Power Line 06, 2004 · My day-job colleague and Power Line reader Peter Swanson attended the Minnesota Supreme Court hearing in the Elliot Rothenberg case yesterday. Peter filed …

A former Christian describes his former Christianity ... Baker submitted a few comments to DI over the past few months. Then, after I published yet another installment of my favorite quotes (read: I took a night off from actually writing), Mike offered me his substantial collection of provocative quotes (we’ve published them here and here, and there’s more to come). We started an email correspondence a few weeks ago.

Wash Park Prophet: Dishonest Politicians And Those Who ... are the people who want to lower taxes and lower the national debt, without having any clue what that implies for government services. These are the people who think tax cuts increase government revenue, despite overwhelming empirical evidence that they don't, ever. These are the people who think middle class families pay estate taxes.

SECTION FIVE - can you tell me (or show me in one of your chapters) why, specifically, you are not able to get published, considering your importance to the music and culture of which you write about? I must say, it's just puzzling the hell outta me. I mean, I'm published and all, but you, I don't know. I don't understand.

Wrap It Up, Mr. Mueller | Elite Trader 10, 2018 · Wrap It Up, Mr. Mueller Democratic dilemma: Impeach Trump for lying about sex? By The Editorial Board Dec. 9, 2018 6:35 p.m. ET Last week was supposed to be earth-shaking in Robert Mueller’s special counsel probe, with the release of sentencing memos on three former members of the Trump universe—Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen.

How much of what Bernie Sanders proposes will pass if he ... of it will pass. Not without being watered down significantly. There will not be a wave election in 2016. Democratic turnout in primaries so far this cycle has been lower, in every single case, than the turnout in 2008. There is no sign of th...

Michael Cohen, Trump's Ex-Attorney, Testifies Before ... Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen is testifying before Congress this week. Today was the first of three days of hearings. And in many ways, this tour is a high-stakes do ...

Prairie inducts Class of 2015 | Sports | was the first wrestling state champion at Prairie High School. He posted a 31-0 record in his state championship senior season, when he defeated the second- and third-ranked wrestlers at the state tournament. Both of those opponents also entered the state tournament undefeated.

First guilty plea, indictment of Trump aides in Russia ... 30, 2017 · First guilty plea, indictment of Trump aides in Russia probe ... The formal charges against a total of three people are the first public demonstration that special counsel Robert Mueller and his ...

The Disaffected Lib: A "Target Rich Environment"’s almost as if the campaign-finance news is taken as some sort of evidence that Mueller’s core investigation is faltering, so the media and investigators have to find something to use to attack Trump. But the campaign-finance investigation has little to do with Mueller.

Neoliberalism | Amandala Newspaper 29, 2019 · For the last 36 years, each time there was a change of government in Washington there was the assumption that the Mexican migratory status in the U.S. would have been fixed because, during the United States’ presidential campaign, it was always mentioned that that problem would be resolved, something that was never complied with.

"Our Country's biggest enemy is the Fake News" - Trump's ... 13, 2018 · You can't explain that concentration of power by appealing to freedom and the first amendment unless you are extremely fucking stupid or extremely fucking biased. The notion a corporation is a person with rights equal to a living person is enslaving bullshit pushed by the unelected corporate oligarchy.

How About Now, Jim Jordan? HOW ABOUT NOW? - Wonkette 10, 2018 · Another former OSU wrestler has told CNN that Jim Jordan knew about the actions of Dr. Richard Strauss, the former Ohio State University medical doctor who treated athletes, and called Jordan, who is now a US Congressman, a "phony" for saying he was not aware of any sexual abuse allegations.Author: Evan Hurst

Courting the Bigot Vote | Jewish Journal this week GOP presidential hopefuls John McCain and George Bush were speaking simultaneously on opposite coasts with seemingly opposite messages as …

Yankees GM Brian Cashman: Alex Rodriguez needs to lose weight general manager Brian Cashman told reporters Wednesday that Alex Rodriguez needs to lose some weight before the start of spring training. "Like all our players, we have a report weight we ...

Sanders camp introduces 'occupation' amendment to ... camp introduces ‘occupation’ amendment to Democratic platform. ... but it’s the prevailing view,” he said. ... becoming one of the first in my non-Orthodox family to travel to ...

Political Tea Leaves: April 2019 MSN Money While hiring in the U.S. rebounded in March, baby boomers who are still in the work force are not doing so great. Employment for people aged 55 and over dropped 209,000 last month, the biggest monthly decline since February 2015 when 251,000 jobs were cut for the age group, according to data from Bureau of Labor Statistics. While the decline was notable, a one-month change ...

June – 2011 – This Just In - Kong protestors square off against police armed with water cannons, the first time the tool has been used in…eH

Aguiar-Curry Responds to Wolk Attack on Fracking and IEs ... 19, 2016 · 30 thoughts on “Aguiar-Curry Responds to Wolk Attack on Fracking and IEs” Tia Will May 19, 2016 at 6:41 am. I can’t decide which is more disgusting to me, the arrival of massive amounts of glossy fliers, or the implication by opponents that the existence of these fliers proves that …

20 | February | 2008 | Sharp Iron 20, 2008 · In that movie everyone really was watching Truman as he actually was the unwitting star of his own television show. But in our world everyone sees themselves as the star of the Big Picture, with the rest of humanity merely walk-ons. Each of us takes center stage in our own little dramas, convincing ourselves that others are just as fascinated ...

tipping point | The Confluence about tipping point written by riverdaughter. Tips gratefully accepted here. Thanks!:

The People's Vanguard of Davis: Should Davis Develop the ... understand full well that one of the things that Supervisor Mariko Yamada wanted to do was have a Yolo County Council of Governments along the same lines as SACOG (Sacramento Area Council of Governments). However that proposal was rejected. Short of creating a formal mechanism, the existing structure exists at the two-by-two level to engage ...

ISIS Delusions Of Grandeur - Android Central is a large anti American sentiment from Middle Eastern countries. You know, the area where ISIS is? My Aunt served in the war in Iraq, she said herself not many people liked the U.S. over there.

zillion woman march | The Confluence about zillion woman march written by riverdaughter

Creating an Integrated International Public Affairs ... and his team at Pfizer structured one of their campaigns — about the abuse of medicine in athletic competitions — and used the 2010 Winter Olympics and 2012 Summer Olympics to gain traction. As the issues surrounding athlete doping evolved over the next few years, so did Pfizer’s objectives, engagement goals and overall strategy.

2017 financials of the Koch’s dark money network 29, 2018 · William Ruger — the organization’s vice president of research and policy — made $359,475 in 2017 and was the second-highest-paid employee. The dark money group didn’t report any political campaign spending, but it did spend $27.8 million in support of efforts aligned with the organization’s purpose. Americans for Prosperity

D.C. Wire - Praying Away Violence in 29, 2008 · Violence in Trinidad is being fought on all fronts. First Police Chief Cathy Lanier instituted checkpoints, restricting who could enter parts of the neighborhood. Then Ronald Moten and the Peaceoholics declared the burial of the "myth of snitching," encouraging residents of the community to be more willing to speak against...

JOHN BRUMMETT: An albatross named Nancy 27, 2018 · I would blame blue states having less federal money kicked back to them compared to red states [ in general] if I was the supporters of a banker who …

2 businessmen in tight race in Panama presidential ... CITY (AP) — Two businessmen emerged in a tight race for Panama's presidency in early returns from Sunday's election, which came after a campaign that focused on corruption and slowing economic growth in this Central America trade and financial hub.

Panamanians choose president amid slowing growth ... greatest achievement was the opening with China, according to political analyst Roberto Eisenmann, who said the diplomatic warming with China "is a step that should have been taken 15 years ago." China and the U.S. are the main clients of the Panama Canal, the economic engine of the country.

Great Park Budget Cuts Target Controversial Consultants ... 16, 2012 · The Orange County Great Park Board of Directors Thursday approved a fiscal year 2012-13 budget with significant cuts to no-bid contracts, including …

Is the erosion of the middle class the biggest threat ... 13, 2006 · Best Answer: Perhaps you should define what you mean by middle class. If you mean gross income of between $40,000 and $70,000 per year, that group is growing. As far as tax cuts go, the top 5% earners pay 85% of the taxes. The bottom 30% pay no federal taxes at all. Many of them get "tax credits". If you ...Status: ResolvedAnswers: 18

Swiss Institute 30th Anniversary Benefit Dinner & Auction ... Institute 30th Anniversary Benefit Dinner & Auction | ArtNews Nov 11 2016. On Thursday, in the basement of the Williamsburgh Savings Bank, an event space in Brooklyn where the Swiss Institute was having its annual benefit dinner and celebrating its 30th anniversary, one dealer told me that an art handler had asked him how his week had been.

Gentle Reminder: Weber County GOP Primary Set For June 24 22, 2008 · A Heads-up for Weber County GOP voters re Tuesday's Primary Election The Standard-Examiner provides a heads-up this morning regarding the upcoming GOP Primary Election, which is scheduled for Tuesday, June 24, 2008.From this morning's Scott Schwebke story: NORTH OGDEN — One candidate is counting on political experience while his opponent is banking on new ideas to …

2014 Look Ahead: Cheney-Enzi race attention unprecedented ... drama between Sen. Mike Enzi and challenger Liz Cheney is likely to heighten. The calendar just turned to 2014, and their battle for the Senate Republican primary victory in August long ago ...

Should people who don't vote lose that right? | Yahoo Answers 18, 2007 · Should people who don't vote lose that right? ... One of the characteristics of democracy is to let the people of a country to decide the best way to use their votes and some people just don't vote because they seem that voting will not solve a problem of years or the same political issues without political will to solve them, but you cannot ...Status: ResolvedAnswers: 27

Andrea Tantaros HIRED. A. DUDE. To Write Her Stupid Book ... 11, 2017 · What we WILL get into is how a lawsuit has just been unsealed, and it reveals that Tantaros hired A DUDE to write her lady-hating book about how chicks are the worst and should be home right now making everybody a sammich. YOU GUYS:

Report to the People - June 2018 | Lake Forest, CA Patch 01, 2018 · The views expressed here are the author's own. ... One of my main concerns is to involve more people in our local government. ... I was the only Mayor to vote against locating a …

Globalism - America's Police News know the mainstream media (MSM) is not interested in the news,” said Kevin Shipp to USA Watchdog‘s Greg Hunter. “They have, from their editors on down and their corporate owners, an objective and, in this case, to remove Donald Trump.

OP-ED | Obamacare Subscribers: Beware of High Deductibles only two weeks left before the March 31 deadline to enroll in a plan for 2014, I talked to Rachel DeGolia — one of the specially trained ACA navigators who is helping folks in Cleveland ...

“Blonde Ambition” by Rita Cosby … Certainly a Different 10, 2007 · “Blonde Ambition” by Rita Cosby … Certainly a Different Story than We Witnessed on TV Blonde Ambition, The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith’s Death. The book could have been entitled, An Unnecessary American Tragedy”.. Rita Cosby will be on Scared Monkeys radio later this week in an interview to discuss the bombshell allegations that she makes in her new book between …

Daily Commentary – Thursday, May 21st, 2009 – Dirty Cops 21, 2009 · Daily Commentary – Thursday, May 21st, 2009 – Dirty Cops, Birmingham Police Caught on Tape Beating Unconscious Man Dana goes after some cops caught on camera beating an already unconscious suspect.

Netanyahu: Determined To Humiliate Obama | Political it's back to the drawing board. Maybe Ross can give Bibi one of the 50 states (Alaska!). But that won't work. The word from Israel is that Netanyahu is counting on a huge GOP landslide to save him from Obama. And then in 2012, there will be a Republican President who is …

Presidential Campaign: Big GOP Families Lining Up to Fill ... 21, 2011 · The White House may be quite a full house in 2013 if a Republican candidate prevails in the 2012 election. The GOP presidential candidates have an average of four children.Author: AMY BINGHAM

COLUMN: Strough won't back down to political enemies ... and Chris Strough entered the courtroom at Glens Falls City Hall at 9:04 a.m. Strough was dressed in a blue blazer, pink shirt, striped tie and khaki pants while his wife sported a purple ...Author: Ken Tingley

The Empty Chair vs. The Empty Suit | Marple Newtown, PA Patch views expressed here are the author's own. ... That was the Romney Plan for American auto manufacturing and a million jobs that depend on it. ... But it's clear that George W. Bush remains ...

PRIMARY 2018: 7 takeaways from Tuesday - gazette.com it’s a small fraction of the total vote available in a district where unaffiliated voters lead all active voter registrations. ... It won’t be clear for a while exactly what impact ...

OP-ED | Gov. Malloy Courts Labor Vote, Looking for Piece ... is difficult to understand why Gov. Dannel Malloy has spent the past three and a half years alienating the very people he will need this November if he wants to be re-elected. State employees ...

Virginia Woolf's Answer to "Women Can't Paint, Women Can't essay addresses Virginia Woolf's personal stand in her answer to "women can't paint, women can't write", a reflection on the Victorian prejudice of the role of women in the family and society shared by both her parents, Leslie and Julia Stephen.

JASON SHEPHERD: Analyzing the runoff for county chairman 2016 Georgia Republican Primary has been extended in Cobb County with the July 26 runoff between incumbent Commission Chairman Tim Lee and challenger Mike Boyce, a retired Marine Colonel.

Corporate political funding goes before Montana Supreme ..."Citizens United decidedly established that the right to make independent expenditures to support or oppose political candidates is political speech protected under the First Amendment, even if ...

Outside The Lines With Dan Black From Upper Cape Tech ... The Lines With Dan Black From Upper Cape Tech ... to understand plays and pushing each and every one of us to do better. ... memory was the first time I ever started in a game on the ...

High Court to decide fate of state ban on corporate ... state Supreme Court will hear a case Wednesday that could have major impacts on future elections as it decides whether to retain or toss out Montana’s century-old ban on direct corporate ...

2020’s underdogs battle for donors to get on debate stage ... 01, 2019 · At issue are the rules that DNC Chairman Tom Perez announced in February for the first two debates in June and July: The debates will take place during two back-to …

POLS 206 Exam 3 - Political Science 206 with Pacek at ... one of the 11 justices who had joined the court since 1975 was more conservative than his or her predecessor (with 2 possible exceptions) Justice Alito, the third-most conservative justice to serve on the court since 1937, replacing Sandra Day O’Connor, the more liberal justice who was the ideological center of …

Dakota Voice: Why America Was we see that one of the purposes of the Virginia Charter and the Jamestown Colony was the propagation of the Christian religion. When the Plymouth Colony was established in 1620, drew up their first governing document, the famous Mayflower Compact. What does this document say about the religion, character and purpose of these settlers:

Tech Dynamism | Your Technology Consulting Firmtechdynamism.comWe knew this was a complicated project and wanted a partner who specialized in the technical side of website development and TechDynamism was the perfect fit. They not only found a way to solve the technical aspects of our project but they provided an attractive and incredibly intuitive site for our owners.

Fulton County D.A. Reopens Ariston Waiters Police Killing County D.A. Reopens Ariston Waiters Police Killing Case. June 22, 2015 GLORIA TATUM ... Mr. Waiters was one of the many murdered Black men of Georgia featured in Atlanta Progressive News article on “The Many Eric Garners of Georgia.” ... Lt. Chris Elroy was the first supervisor to arrive on the scene when Waiters was shot twice in ...

Tsunami bomb: New Zealand's devastating war secret ... Leech, who died in his native Australia in 1973, was the university's dean of engineering from 1940 to 1950. News of his being awarded a CBE in 1947 for research on a weapon led to speculation in newspapers around the world about what was being developed.

The Latest: Pence files personal financial disclosure form ... supported the Brexit movement and suggested it was "the people taking the country back." His self-appointed nickname likely was drawing parallels between his campaign and that outcome. 3:30 a.m.

Paul Soglin: Waxing America: Minnie Minoso-One More Time debut with the new club was a doozy. On May 1, against the defending champion New York Yankees, Miñoso became the first black man to play major league baseball for either Chicago club -- two years before Ernie Banks' debut with the Cubs. Miñoso blasted a long home run off Vic Raschi in his first at-bat. But Miñoso's historic day would be ...

The Latest: Trump calls himself 'Mr. Brexit' in Tweet ... a nod to the continued frustration in his party over his unorthodox campaign and inability to stay on message, Trump says that he's "glad that I make the powerful a little uncomfortable now and ...

Gov. Barbour Rewrites History: Republican Rise In The years later, according to Newsweek, Barbour has a Confederate flag signed by Jefferson Davis hanging on the wall in his office. When Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) came under fire earlier this year for issuing a proclamation to honor Confederate History Month without even mentioning slavery, Barbour was among the first to defend him.

Guardiola pens new City contract - 26, 2018 · Salah, who scored 44 goals for Liverpool in his first season at the club past year, is pencilled in to make his first preseason appearance in Wednesday's International Champions Cup clash with Manchester City at MetLife Stadium.. An undermanned City fell to back-to-back ICC defeats after succumbing to a 94th-minute Sadio Mane penalty in New Jersey midweek.

Santa Barbara City Elections Drowning in Cash - The Santa ... money is the mother’s milk of politics, then Santa Barbara voters should be drowning in it by now. Spending on the mayoral and council races has achieved new, stratospheric heights, and with two weeks to go before ballots are counted, the fund-raising promises only to get wilder.

Bowen: Good government advocate pushed for a better 02, 2016 · One of her final accomplishments was ... it was the community volunteering and civic activism that dominated her life. ... The Wylies also advocated for a …

Losing Colorado gov candidates thank supporters, back Bob 29, 2014 · Shoddy? Not according to many in his base. I including many others believe that Hickenlooper has been one of the best Governors Colorado has ever seen. Comment by blockmccloud — July 1, 2014 @ 5:45 am. If Hack is one of best governors that Colorado has had, it is a very sad commentary on the State and its history.

Pierce Raises Most in Closing Days of Council Campaign ... Raises Most in Closing Days of Council Campaign ... who also won election to one of the two Council seats on the ballot, didn’t raise or spend as much, donating $205.36 to his own ...

How Texas Oilmen Made LBJ « Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog knew that one of the biggest and the most politically astute of the oilmen was Sid Richardson. I looked under the name “Richardson” in file folder after file folder in different collections, without any luck. What was the name of that nephew of his whom Richardson, unmarried and childless, allowed to transact some of his business affairs?

Women make mark in north Utah County elections | Alpine ... not entirely successful in all political races during the municipal elections, northern Utah County women made their mark in many cities, according to Tuesday’s unofficial results.

Illinois Democrats aren't flocking to fill Jerry Costello ... are the owner of this article. Edit ... one of the most surprising aspects of Costello's sudden exit is that his son, Jerry Costello II, was just appointed in July to the Legislature — a ...

‘Time doesn’t make it any easier’ | VailDaily.com 09, 2006 · What they sacrificed was the ultimate.” ... “But he looked old, like he was in his 30s or 40s, and we were all in our 20s,” Nunn said. “He finally recognized me. He’d been one of my students and had been sent to Holland. Everyone in his unit had been killed but him.

| CT News Junkie are the complex issues underlying increases in violent crime. These issues result from stark inequities in our state that dictate which communities have opportunities to thrive and which do not. - Bush's no-win choice - July 23, 23, 2001 · was the question Bush seemed to be turning over in his head. "He seems to be going over it again and again," says someone in the administration who has discussed the issue with him.

Second Ward candidates debate public safety, park lands ... they were in the Friends Room at the Columbia Public Library, Second Ward City Council candidates didn’t hold back from criticizing each other during their third forum Tuesday night ...

Seeing Both Sides: Who Will Champion Entrepreneurship? 07, 2010 · I’m no policy expert, but it strikes me that there is a clear innovation agenda that has been put forward by those who are the most knowledgeable about the issues. A few of the ideas being proposed seem obvious, but are stagnating due to a lack of leadership. For example: We need to make it easier for immigrants to start companies in the US.

Trayvon Martin’s Mother Calls for Repeal Of Florida’s ... Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, said the Stand Your Ground law protected her son's killer, George Zimmerman, who pursued Martin before a violent confrontation when Zimmerman shot the 17 ...

Nancy Pelosi Should, And Will, Be Democrats’ Speaker Of ... 04, 2019 · Most progressives are thrilled that Democrats achieved their goal of taking back the majority in the House of Representatives. But taking and holding the House isn’t an end in itself. Taking back control of the House can be viewed the same way Americans saw the D-Day invasion of Normandy in World War II. It was […]

Latest Articles - freerepublic.com*/index?more=37810706 days ago · It’s a great honor to be with President Duda of Poland. And we’ve become friends over the last fairly short period of time. But it’s been — it was quite a day in Poland, when we made the speech. You said some nice remarks, I said some nice remarks, and a lot of people remembered what we said. And that was a big — that...

The League Turns 70: Where to Now? : Politics: The League ... Lane, a fire commissioner for the city for the past 13 years, joined the league in 1953. “We had children, and we had to get out of the house to talk of something other than diapers,” she ...Author: KATHLEEN HENDRIX

Why Ron Paul Still Runs - newsweek.com Paul on why he's still running for president. John McCain may have clinched the Republican nomination on March 4, but for Ron Paul and his 800,000-strong army of supporters, the GOP primary ...

A's approach: High school is new college - SFGate teams were dipping into the college talent pool, and Oakland zagged and began targeting high school players. In college, however, there is generally more of a support system, as well as a ...

Fewer TV ads, microtargeting: crowded race for Maryland ... 15, 2018 · The Democratic primary race for governor is so crowded that the winner may only need 125,000 of Maryland's 2 million Democrats to secure the …

Trump's war of attrition against Mueller bears fruit among ... Donald Trump is waging a war of attrition against special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. If his goal is to poison the reception to whatever Mueller's findings turn out to be, as ...

Justice Stevens' quiet strength can be persuasive month, Stevens’ carefully crafted reasoning in a Tennessee case won O’Connor’s support and led to a 5-4 ruling in which the court said people with disabilities could sue states to gain access to courthouses. The decision broke the out usual pattern of protecting states from lawsuits and …

economic development | Cecil Times speaking at the forum was Earl Piner, Sr., who is unopposed in his party’s primary for the Dist. 2 commissioner seat. Piner was a long-time Elkton town commissioner, a former county school board member, and a coach of sports teams at Cecil College and in local youth programs.

Hillary’s Happy Holidays | Opinion | teleSUR English 02, 2016 · There are no young and telegenic rock-stars like Obama and pre-scandal John Edwards for the Clintons to contend with this time. The primary challenge the Clintons feared, with reason, was the liberal U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, but it turned out that “no meant no” when she declined fervent progressive entreaties to enlist.

Ballot title litigation - Ballotpedia title challenges and litigation occur when the supporters or opponents of a proposed ballot measure believe that the way the measure will be described to voters on ballots when they're in the voting booth is an unfair or inaccurate representation of what will happen if the initiative passes.. 2012 Missouri Missouri Income Tax Replacement Initiative (2012)

5/13 Morning Buzz | Morning Buzz. Written by PoliticsPA Staff. ... But it is particularly noteworthy in the context of the campaign’s recent cut and thurst as state Treasurer Rob McCord, most recently in a debate Monday night, has accused Wolf of racial insensitivity and failure of leadership over his ties to a former York mayor who was forced from the ...

Althouse: "Nobody cares about what’s happening to John ... 10, 2012 · "Nobody cares about what’s happening to John Edwards anymore — he’s old news." ... John Edwards would hang for it. But he is instead facing prison for alleged campaign-finance violations, and it is our obligation to come unenthusiastically to his defense. ... He has become unimportant and a object of either mirth or derision. He also is ...

National group opposing Oklahoma teacher candidates, pay ... 26, 2018 · Cleveland, R-Slaughterville, faces Sherrie Conley, who is one of nearly 100 educators running for state office in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Federation for Children Action Fund is also spending money in runoffs for open seats, including in support of Jay Steagall in his House 43 race against Crystal Duncan, a third-grade teacher in Mustang.Author: Ben Felderthe Oklahoman

S.F. city attorney refers lobbying probe to Oakland - SFGate said he was referring the matter to the Oakland city attorney's office "to avoid even the appearance of conflict." Lobbying ban. The city's ban on lobbying by campaign consultants is ...Author: John Coté

Professor Balamore explains | Power Line 08, 2006 · In the post below John asks in connection with yesterday’s bombings in India what Islamist terrorists have against the Hindus. Professor Dilip Balamore explains: I found this a …

27 – June – 2011 – This Just In - 27, 2011 · Williams, the No. 7 seed, was the defending champion, having won the 2010 competition. She lost her fourth-round sets Monday 6-3, 7-6. Bartoli, 26, of France, is the No. 9 seed. She placed fourth in last year's tournament at the All-England Tennis Club. Bartoli was a finalist in the 2007 competition, losing to Williams' sister, Venus.

Laughter is the Best Medicine | Power Line | Page 5 07, 2018 · Laughter is the Best Medicine. ... But it’s good: Hitler learns that his Democratic Party allies are failing to block Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. ... I may have been one ...

The week at a glance...United States 26, 2012 · Zimmerman released: George Zimmer-man, who is charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin, walked out of …

The Urban Politico: The Real Tragedy of Rachel Jeantel ... we expand on this point, it's important to observe a few other facts about Rachel Jeantel. First, she did not ask to be put into this tough situation. Second, she was the last person to talk to Trayvon Martin (other than George Zimmerman) before Trayvon was killed, a …

Latest in Edwards corruption trial: A news guide | Fox News, who is married, falsely claimed paternity of his boss' baby and received $725,000 in secret checks from an elderly heiress, using some of the money to care for the mistress, Rielle Hunter ...

Cuomo, Calling His Own TV Ads Ineffective, Intensifies ... 30, 2002 · For the first time, he criticized his own tactics, saying his television commercials have not been effective. ... ''The comptroller was the head of the Board of Education in New York City, and ...

Carolina Public Press: Candidates for Federal Seats ... 02, 2016 · Nov. 2, 2016. Carolina Public Press has taken a look at the most recent wave of campaign filings for the four federal races affecting Western North …

Are You a Transformational Leader? - Find Articles, News article provides information on transformational leadership. According to the authors, a transformational leader has the characteristics of being charismatic, energetic and a person who is highly competent. They add that the actions of the transformational leader's are …

Judge orders Stormy Daniels to reimburse Trump's legal ... in October, the judge ruled that Mr Trump’s tweet was protected under the First Amendment, which guarantees the right to freedom of speech. After that initial court victory, Mr Trump promptly took to Twitter, saying his legal team could now “go after Horseface and her 3rd rate lawyer”. Who is …

Coal company gives boost to GOP - journal-news.com“In his invitations, he tells all employees that they do not have to give anything to join the dinner,” the company said in its written answers to the newspaper. ... She was the company’s ...

Hammond witness says bullied by prosecutor - Courier-Journal 26, 2014 · Hammond witness says bullied by prosecutor. As Dejuan Hammond’s high-stakes murder trial began Tuesday morning, the state’s key witness against him told the judge she was bullied and ...

Frank Quesada – Political Cortadito Gables: Candidate’s campaign yard sign was uninvited trespasser or mistake. By Ladra on February 4, 2019 Barking at Politicians, Fresh Colada . Coral Gables resident and activist George Volsky got home one day last week and found a surprise in his front yard: A political sign for the campaign of Jorge L. Fors, Jr., who is running for commission.

Bribery trial of New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez ends in hung ... trial of New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez ends in hung jury. Prosecutors could seek to retry the Democratic lawmaker, who is accused of using his political influence to help a Florida eye doctor.

As temperatures drop for outdoors debate, Tampa's mayor's ... 11, 2018 · The first round of voting is March 5. ... But it's not just Straz who is stacking money. ... has pulled in about $310,000 in his associated political …

Several Contenders for Bethesda-Area Legislative Seats ... Democratic candidates vying for open seats in Bethesda-area state legislative districts are digging deep into their personal assets to boost their competitiveness in this year’s June 26 ...

Partisans, liars, and Chaiters | Power Line 27, 2003 · But it would have been irrational for them to have believed that Clinton is a cannibal, and a sure sign of mental illness to have publicly said that he was. ... but chooses to distort it in his ...

An all European affair | Power Line’m often wrong in my sports predictions, but today I was spectacularly wrong. In my preview of the Brazil-France match I wrote, “I’m not sure that [France’s] older players, Zidane in ...

Donald Trump is the Canary in the GOP Coalmine | Imperfect ... 05, 2015 · Whether the nominee is Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or some dark horse who’s not even on the radar yet, if the GOP doesn’t give conservatives a candidate who is willing to take the fight to the Democrats in a no holds barred match, they’ll find themselves with the first triple defeat since FDR.

Ukraine Girds for Confrontation | National Review — A Ukrainian military officer named Dmitry sits solemnly, hands folded. He was based in Crimea when Russia invaded, and, like many unsettled by unfolding events in Ukraine, he tells me I ...

Sweet smell of success (World Bank edition) | Power Line 23, 2012 · Sweet smell of success (World Bank edition) ... The first two were members of the Dartmouth College board at the time. President Clinton is the one and only. ... but it …

SUNDAY NOTEBOOK: Tsongas not ready to walk away just yet ... 23, 2017 · But it will be interesting to see if Bump is on an island, or if her concerns with taking oversight away from Treasurer Deborah Goldberg, who is elected, and giving it …

McCain Defends Stances on War and Veterans - The Caucus 26, 2008 · Since McCain will be making this a sentinel issue in his campaign, I personally would like specifics and outcomes. Reality Check May 26, 2008 · 4:30 pm It is curious that FDR never reasoned that the new enlistments who signed up to storm the beaches of Normandy should be deprived of the GI Bill because the war could be over in a year.

The Latest: Clinton: Don’t let progress fall to Trump (AP) — The Latest on the 2016 presidential campaign ahead of Tuesday's high-stakes Indiana primary (all times Eastern Daylight Time): 9:30 p.m. Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is appealing to African-American voters to prevent the progress achieved under Barack Obama's presidency from being "torn away" if her Republican counterpart is elected to the White House.

Crowley's Flexible Approach in Queens | CSNY 01, 2015 · Standing before supporters in September at Sullivan’s in Bayside, state Sen. Tony Avella gave a victory speech highlighting his triumph over his Queens Democratic Party-backed challenger, John Liu, who had four times as much campaign cash. Avella declared the primary tally a statement to “Crowley’s cronies” that “you can’t do this anymore.”

Stein on ASLH panel: Slavery, Law, Religion, and Power in ... 26, 2010 · Our next guest post about this year's meeting of the American Society for Legal History comes from Joshua Stein, who is a fellow of Pierson College and a Lecturer at Yale University. Here's his report on "Slavery, Law, Religion, and Power in the Early Modern Atlantic": Chair: Holly Brewer, North ...

Brics is not all it’s cracked up to be | Business | M&G is not all it’s cracked up to be ... It was the excuse Zuma gave in December 2015 for firing finance minister Nhlanhla Nene, who spurned the supposed offer. ... As the NDB chief executive ...

Pennsylvania Senate Finally Approves Ario as Insurance ... 07, 2008 · As the acting commissioner, Ario has been studying whether to allow a merger to go forward between Independence Blue Cross of Philadelphia and …

PS HIS father 'Fruity' Metcalfe [...] 01, 2012 · PS HIS father 'Fruity' Metcalfe was the Duke of Windsor's best man when he married Wallis Simpson in 1937. And his son Julian has made a fortune as co-founder of Pret A Manger. So there was a large turnout on Friday for the funeral of Lloyds figure David Metcalfe, who has died aged 84.

Thomas Jefferson was the original neocon - uselectionatlas.org 27, 2018 · Thomas Jefferson was the original ... The former represented the Hamiltonian faction who organized as the Federalist Party and later merged with Henry Clay's "National" Republicans to become the Whig Party in the 1830s—and by every meaningful standard, they represented the conservative element in the politics of their time. ... an existential ...

Cohen Pleads Guilty, Agrees to Cooperate with Mueller Team 30, 2018 · Michael Cohen has agreed to plead guilty to lying before Congress and signaled he will cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller III’s investigation into meddling in the 2016 elections. Tanner Kenney examines the agreement’s implications including Cohen’s role in …

Goldwater, Barry (1909-1998) | Encyclopedia of Libertarianism Goldwater’s stark commitment to a platform of freedom and limited ... 1965 and 1969 to 1987, was the most libertarian of all the major candidates running for president in the 20th century. As the Republican nominee in 1964, he proposed a voluntary option for social security, termination of the farm subsidy program, privatizing parts of ...

OPINION: Trump’s rise echoes another revolution 01, 2016 · OPINION: Trump’s rise echoes another revolution. Most of our professional pundits were surprised by the turn the 2016 presidential campaign has taken.

VIDEO: Trump speaks out in exclusive Fox News interview on ... the most reliable and balanced news aggregation service on the internet, DML News offers the following information published by FOXNEWS.COM:. President Trump, in his first interview since Michael Cohen was sentenced to prison, told Fox News on Thursday that he never directed his former fixer to do anything wrong and called Cohen’s allegations to the contrary an attempt to “embarrass” him.

Paul LePage – ME | Scared provision, known more broadly as the individual mandate, was the subject of a multi-state lawsuit, but was recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. LePage said the court decision has “made America less free.” “We the people have been told there is no choice,” he said.

Neither Statesmanship Nor Partisanship Seems To Trump A 27, 1998 · Neither Statesmanship Nor Partisanship Seems To Trump A Beguiling Smile By Sara Fritz, Managing Editor (CQ, May 23) -- As former Republican Sen. Warren B. Rudman of New Hampshire recalls in his ...

Medford trial update: Former employees take the stand ... attorneys for former Buncombe County Sheriff Bobby Medford called four of his ex-employees to the stand Thursday morning to testify in his federal corruption trial. First up was current ...

St. Mary’s Sheriff’s Detective ... - THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY 13, 2014 · THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY. UPDATE: St. Mary’s Sheriff Tim Cameron has responded to a request for information about the policy of his agency in regards to this story: “The employee’s actions are a violation of Sheriff’s Office policy and the matter was addressed internally,” Sheriff Cameron told THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY. LEONARDTOWN, MD.

For the Military, 2013 Marked a New Era of Gender-Related ... Manning's announcement that he intended to have hormone treatments so he could live his life as a woman was the latest in a series of gender-related issues the U.S. military faced in 2013. Under the Obama administration, in fact, the Pentagon has also tackled sexual assault, same-sex relationships, and the question of women in combat.

The impact of presidential illness on the administration ... Citation on ResearchGate | The impact of presidential illness on the administration of Dwight D. Eisenhower | Abstract In March 2008, I published an article in this journal that examined ...

Wisconsin Recall Elections - huffpost.com Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC), Wisconsin's premier lobby for corporate tax breaks and low-wage jobs, has unleashed a $600,000 ad blitz to strip Wisconsin's independent chief justice of her title just as the Wisconsin Supreme Court prepares to take up the "John Doe" criminal probe of Scott Walker and the special-interest groups that defended him against recall in 2012.

Defeat and the Dossier Explain Everything By Victor Davis 10, 2018 · The latter, remember, was the erstwhile Clinton fixer who in 1998 had sought to keep the still unknown Clinton paramour Monica Lewinsky quiet—and to whisk her away from the Washington media, by arranging for Monica a quid pro quo $40,000 a year job with Revlon in New York, via Clinton friend and Revlon CEO Ron Perelman—all with impunity.

Explainer: Why Trump's legal woes go beyond the Mueller ... 22, 2019 · WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The closure of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's role in the 2016 U.S. election does not mark the end of legal worries for President Donald Trump and people close to him. Other ongoing investigations and …

Explainer: Why Trump's legal woes go beyond the Mueller report 24, 2019 · Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said in December 2018 that the president was not involved in his inaugural committee. The $107 million raised by the committee, which was chaired by real estate developer and investor Thomas Barrack, was the largest in history, according to Federal Election Commission filings. IMPEACHMENT

State Rep. Tom Emmer says he’ll run for governor – Twin Cities 06, 2009 · State Rep. Tom Emmer, a Delano Republican and perhaps the most loquacious floor debater in the Minnesota House, announced Monday that he …

Of Caesar and Pontius Pilate | Amandala 08, 2018 · I was really surprised to hear the departing British High Commissioner’s recent comment on television that he was not aware of any country that had lost territory to another country as a result of an ICJ decision. It is also an amazing coincidence that his arguments for going to the ICJ were ...

SAYING GOODBYE TO THEIR LEADER - Hartford Courant was the 16th chief in the 107- year history of the department. Gabrielson said a successor will be chosen after the Nov. 4 election, when two new members are to be added to the fire commission.

Trump Org scraps plans for 2 hotel chains, blaming ... Org scraps plans for 2 hotel chains, blaming politics. NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump’s company is scrapping plans for two new hotel chains announced two years ago, casting blame in part on a hostile political environment.

Humboldt Republicans: The Obama Administration’s Long the facts about who surveilled whom during the transition get sorted out, it is useful to remember why Trump’s team and his supporters have reason to be suspicious, thanks to a long documented history of Obama using shady surveillance tactics on both political opponents and international allies.

Ken Hitchcock takes over for Todd McLellan as Oilers coach ... 20, 2018 · The underachieving Edmonton Oilers fired coach Todd McLellan on Tuesday and will replace him with Ken Hitchcock. It was the fourth NHL head …

The Air Raid #231: May 19, 2019 » Red Maryland 2004, Brian became Maryland’s first political blogger, earning him the nickname “The Dean of Maryland Bloggers.” Brian has been involved in Maryland conservative politics since 1998 when he became involved in his College Republicans chapter. Since then he has been involved in numerous local, state, and federal-level campaigns.

Edwards Statement on President Obama’s 2016 State of the ..., D.C. – Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards (MD-4) issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s seventh and final State of the Union address delivered to a joint session of ...

Reevely: Ontario's campaign-finance reform hearings are ... 23, 2016 · “Don’t be gross” is a good principle for financing your political party but a mighty difficult one to turn into rules, the Queen’s Park committee working on the problem is discovering.Most ...

MPR: Campaign 2006: Governor: Mike Hatch announced his intention to seek the DFL nomination for governor on October 24, 2005. He won the party's endorsement at the state convention in Rochester on June 10, 2006. The state's top lawyer has a lengthy career of battling insurance companies and …

Explainer: Why Trump's legal woes go beyond the Mueller report 25, 2019 · The closure of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's role in the 2016 U.S. election does not mark the end of legal worries for President Donald Trump and people close to him. Other continuing investigations and litigation are focusing on issues including his businesses

Sen. Peter Galbraith Is Running For Governor | Vermont ...“I think we can raise it to $12 an hour immediately,” says Galbraith, who wants to move to a $15 minimum wage by 2021. “It would be the most effective anti-poverty program we could have.” Though he’s an accomplished diplomat who’s already served two terms in the Vermont Senate, Galbraith isn’t the best-known member of his family.[PDF]Independent expenditures for legislative candidates Service Employees International Union 1199 was the top spender in 2008 at $320,384. The Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) spent $129,450, followed by the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA), which spent $75,472. The total amount of independent expenditures disclosed to OCPF in 2008 was $526,733.

Opinion: 6 Republicans we'd like to see lose — ranked ... 06, 2018 · As the New Yorker reported recently, Foxconn “recently changed the type of factory it plans to build, downsizing to a highly automated plant” that will employ just 3,000 people — a far cry ...

Matti Vanhanen — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2 Taneli Vanhanen (pronunciation (help · info)) (born 4 November 1955) is a Finnish politician who was Prime Minister of Finland from 2003 to 2010. He was also Chairman of the Centre Party, and in the second half of 2006 he was President of the European Council.In his earlier career he was a journalist. Vanhanen is the son of professor Tatu Vanhanen and Anni Tiihonen.

Tough times for Tom Arnold | The Lens qualifying, District C City Council candidate Tom Arnold was viewed as a significant contender. As the incumbent tax assessor for Fifth District starting in 1985, Arnold has been a political fixture on the West Bank since Van Halen’s heyday. Given his position, Arnold has been a successful ward ...

Trump campaign paid Trump Jr's lawyer $50,000 in June Trump's campaign paid $50,000 to the law office now representing Donald Trump Jr a little more than a week before news surfaced of an unreported meeting with a Russian attorney.

Outdoor retail exec picked for Interior - Yahoo 06, 2013 · Outdoor retail exec picked for Interior. ... the first woman Obama has nominated for his Cabinet in his second term, would replace current Interior Secretary Ken Salazar if …

Outdoor retail exec picked for Interior - 06, 2013 · Jewell, the first woman Obama has nominated for his Cabinet in his second term, would replace current Interior Secretary Ken Salazar if confirmed by the Senate. ... REI is a $2 billion-a-year company and has been named by Fortune Magazine as one of the top 100 companies to work for. ... Jewell, who is married with two grown children, was paid ...

More On Dexter Suggs’ Academic Dishonesty | Matt Campbell ... On Dexter Suggs’ Academic Dishonesty. By. Matt Campbell - ... such as the permitted use of notes for an examination or an “open book” test, should be stated clearly by the instructor. ... A student who is not satisfied with the disciplinary action may follow the grievance and appeal policies of …

J.Paul Brown Archives - The 15, 2016 · An environmental group is dinging state Rep. J. Paul Brown in a campaign video, claiming the southwestern Colorado Republican is one of the most anti-conservation politicians in the country. Meanwhile, Brown said he had no idea the attacks would be this rough. “I believe that we will win in the end,” he said today in his electronic newsletter.

Rep Matt Gaetz 'personally apologizes' to former Trump ... Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Trump ally who represents Florida, says he has personally apologized to Michael Cohen for tweets accusing him of infidelity....

Who is Alex Posada? Mystery mapmaker allegedly denies ... a deposition taken Thursday morning, the mystery mapmaker, Alex Posada, a former FSU student and private citizen who had allegedly submitted the map touted by legislators as the foundation for ...

Matt Arnold Archives - The Spot - 22, 2012 · News today on the Colorado regent race — and for the first time in weeks it’s not controversial. Matt Arnold, one of two Republicans running for the at-large regent seat, is going to be a father. And the Democratic incumbent in the race, Stephen Ludwig, has hired a campaign manager, Adrian Miller, whose skills include judging barbecue.

Josh Mandel - apnews.com (AP) — Ohio Republican Josh Mandel (man-DEHL') has scrubbed two social media accounts containing posts critics at times labelled as offensive . COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio's state treasurer says only two tax payments have been made using …

Four CSUS Professors Receive Outstanding Faculty Awards 12, 2009 · Two other faculty award recipients have also been announced. Professor Mark Thompson, Chair of the English Department, is the winner of the first Outstanding Service in Faculty Governance Award, and Anthropology/Geography Professor Ellen Bell is the Elizabeth Anne B. Papageorge Faculty Development Award recipient.

John Battelle's Search Blog larry lessig I finished reading Larry Lessig’s updated 1999 classic, Code v2. I’m five years late to the game, as the book was updated in 2006 by Lessig and a group of fans and readers (I tried to read the original in 1999, but I found myself unable to finish it.

Stamford Representative Considers U.S. Senate Run | CT ... Stamford lawmaker believes his compelling life story will help catapult him toward the top of the pack of candidates considering a run for retiring U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman’s seat.

January 2017 – City night marked the first transition of power under the council’s 10-1 system, through which voters elected council members by geographic district for the first time in 2014. Council members noted other firsts as well. Garza spoke of her pride being the first Latina elected (and re-elected) to the council.

More Ethics and Elections Complaints Against Flagler Said ... drizzle of ethics or elections commission complaints against Flagler County government officials isn’t ending.The same group of people responsible for some two dozen such complaints and ...

Supreme Quotes - BrainyQuote you're a Supreme Court justice, the American people have elevated you to one of the highest offices in the land out of the goodness of their heart and out of deference to your legal wisdom. You get a lifetime appointment, limitless prestige, a great office, and what I have to assume is a very comfortable chair.

Who Remembers Republican Congressman Jay Kim? 10, 2014 · Much to the embarrassment of Korean-Americans, the first person elected to Congress from their community was Jay Kim, a Seoul-born crooked conservative. A former mayor of suburban Diamond Bar, Kim was elected to Congress from the just created 41st CD …

Harry Wilson « Page 7 - nystateofpolitics.com comptroller hopeful Harry Wilson has released the first two TV ads of his bid to oust Democratic incumbent Tom DiNapoli, one of which is a negative spot that brands the former Long Island assemblyman as “the ultimate Albany politician.”

Endorsement: Owen Laughlin for State Treasurer ... addition to banking, he had a small oil and gas operation, and served as Assistant District Attorney. In his final two years in the state senate, he served as the Republican Co-Floor Leader of the evenly divided (24-24) state senate - with the chamber split, one Republican and one Democrat each served as Co-Floor Leader.

The Strange Bipartisanship of 2009, 2011, and 2013 | HuffPost one of two motives can have driven Obama to hazard so improbable a speculation. It might be contempt for his audience (but that is a feeling he normally covers under platitude and a pampered tenderness toward other people's clichés). Or it might be wishful projection -- a notable element of the character of this president.

Foreign Policy - Sonoran Alliance - Arizona Political News wasn’t the first time Levin mentioned Ward on the air. ... and anytime. One of the terrorists in Paris entered Europe embedded in a group of Syrian refugees. One of the killers in California entered the United States under something called a “fiancé visa’, after being radicalized. ... as well as the lives of the refugees, depend on ...

MicroGrowThrowAwayy (u/MicroGrowThrowAwayy) - Reddit is my first grow. This "light board" will be suspended by a rope ratchet inside of a wardrobe for a stealth build. (Air circulation questions in my next post) The LEDs are 50W each and the CFL in the middle is 60W. The LEDs sit on water blocks which will be attached to a cooling system (see the link). Total lighting is 400W LED, 60W CFL.

Gitmo troops vandalise Wikipedia - Democratic Underground troops vandalise Wikipedia: Source: The Age ... "This is the American government speaking to the American people and to the world through Wikipedia, not identifying itself and often speaking about itself in the third person," Assange said in a telephone interview from Paris. ... but it brought attention to the fact that wiki had been ...

Les Riley | Right of Mississippi should be elected to a second term. Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce: We’d like to see Democrat Rickey Cole have a chance at this job. The nefarious beef plant has left a bad taste in Mississippian’s mouths when it come to the incumbent in the position and it’s time for a …

Steuben County, if this is the first time you are voting in Steuben County or you did not provide identification when you register to vote. After the first time you vote in Steuben County NYS law does not require voter id …

Stealing from Social Security to Pay for Wars and Bailouts 10, 2011 · Stealing from Social Security to Pay for Wars and Bailouts March 9, 2011 at 15:22:57 ... This practice has enriched corporate management, large shareholders, and Wall Street, but it has eroded the tax base, and thereby tax collections, of local, state, and federal government, halted the growth of real income for everyone but the rich, and ...

Liaison with Election subsequently find that the person has no knowledge of them and is not inclined to give out information without referring to a more senior person--something that results in all queries being centralised. This is exactly what a contact list is designed to …

World Cup update — reality bites | Power Line 25, 2014 · The first two rounds of group-stage play at the World Cup produced the best set of early-round matches I can recall seeing at the event. It was as if all of the 32 teams (well, almost all of them ...

Should all public officials wear cameras? - Marginal ... 03, 2014 · Arnold Kling poses that question., and he writes: Suppose that when they meet with bankers, for example, Fed officials had to wear cameras and audio recorders, which could be obtained by FOIA requests. Or suppose that IRS officials had to wear cameras, for example, when they wrote emails or engaged in discussions about dealing with […]

Jobs | S C I A M A G E company was in bankruptcy twice in the last 8 years. The first time in 2004 and the second time right now, but starting January 10, 2012. It came out of the first bankruptcy in 2009. That means, they managed to stay out of bankruptcy for less than three years before going right back in. Is that a successful company? No.

"The Federal Bureau of Investigation doesn't plan to file ... 07, 2014 · We also have violations of the First Amendment on multiple fronts: free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association. Democrats used to pretend to care about such things. Now Democrats understand that they are closer to true political power than ever before. And people like garage mahal are fine with exercising raw Will to Power over others.

State Supreme Court rules against Citizens United ... that gives an excessive amount to a political campaign is looking for something in return unless they are fools. Most successful businesses are not run by fools. Unions are not run by fools. Money is the root of corruption in American politics. We need campaign limits. $40M for a presidential run. $8M for as Senate Run. $3M for a House ...

Notice: Interruption of Service This Weekend For The End ... 20, 2011 · As many people are aware, the world will end on May 21, 2011 which is likely to cause an interruption in service on the Turley blog. Fortunately, your host will be going to his annual weekend at Shrine Mont with other families. I expect our weekend bloggers to remain at …

Cohen is recommended very harsh sentencing from Mueller ... 13, 2011 · Depends. This is one last threat to get Cohen to spill something else. If he does (or even has anything that can be corroborated) they can back off of their previous recommendation before final sentencing (or even after, for that matter.) Part of the game. Could be a combination of both, fewer years and minimum security facility.

UNPARALLELED STUPIDITY - Trading with The Fly – It isnt’ perfect that’s for sure….I think we are ranked about 30th in the world. It comes down to a couple of things….if over my lifetime, I never had to use the system but have paid for it and thereby basically subsidized it for lower income people, I’m fine with that. Like all insurance it is there if I need it.

Jacob Sumner's Website - Jacob Sumner's Blog believes Obamacare is a good first start but it’s not perfect. ... This is the first part of an eight-part series. Every week I will announce a new endorsement on my blog. ... This is what is known as the gun show loophole, a way for people to buy guns without having to go through a criminal background check first. While every system is ...

Voter Apathy — Part II | Filosofa's Word 01, 2018 · Gotta go now. I’m looking for a shovel to make it faster getting rid of f lot of the stuff that is being piled on the floor around y chair. It’s reached avalanche proportions now so really HAS to be put away. One day each week is st aside for this task, and unfortunately it! I still wiggle my nose Bewitched style before getting to it.

NationStates • View topic - The obsolete constitution 30, 2018 · This is more directed towards those who consider themselves as ardent supporters of the constitution and are dissatisfied with the current liberal climate of the United States. ... constitution does in fact uphold our current state of affairs because of how loosely organized and defined it was in the first place, such a case meaning that it is ...

MisterBojiggles (u/MisterBojiggles) - Reddit guy who is a registered Democrat that once voted for Bernie, but actually has the capacity for critical thought, so switched over to the Trump train, because he was capable of changing his mind and leaving the echo chamber when new information about how deeply corrupted the entire Democrat party is became available? Yep, that’s me.

At Flagler Drug Court Graduation, Gratefulness Humbled By ... 24, 2014 · At Flagler Drug Court Graduation, Gratefulness Humbled By Clean Living’s Demands ... she said, “This is one that you have to be convinced that you have. ... They started out as the first …

Wilco Truth – Page 2 the night went on it appeared to some observers that Gravell was being served up softball questions that he was well prepared for. It was almost as if he knew what the questions were going to be. Leffingwell was asked questions that oddly paralleled the things that Gravell had been saying in his campaign against Leffingwell.

Trump Meeting with Head of Goldman Sachs 30, 2016 · Still think that Trump is going to be "draining the swamp"? All of you useful idiots that voted for him are in for a big surprise. This is why you should have voted third party. They are our last hope against this corrupt two party system that keeps on failing us, not a conman like Trump who is part of the two party system.

Jeffrey Prang Says Goodbye After Nearly 18 Years on the ... course the most important person in my life is my husband of nearly 11 years Ray Vizcarra. I can anyone who has known me for a long time will tell you that I became new, and definitely better person because of Ray. He is a teacher – a truly inspiring educator who is changing lives in …

Burying Gina - RAPPLER many, Regina Paz “Gina” Lopez is one of the bright lights in the Cabinet of President Rodrigo Duterte. Now, if the powerful mining industry has its way, this light could be extinguished on ...

The Animal Spirits Page: November 2009 Science Daily ScienceDaily (Nov. 24, 2009) — In a provocative new study, a University of Utah scientist argues that rising carbon dioxide emissions -- the major cause of global warming -- cannot be stabilized unless the world's economy collapses or society builds the equivalent of one new nuclear power plant each day.

Pickering | Right to the 13, 2014 · Nobody is sure. Even the developer, Pickering Developments, included a long list of possible amenities and the timeframe for this development to take shape over 15-20 years. As the developer’s legal representative Katarzyna Sliwa indicated, the proposal is not for a casino, there is no detailed plans like that.

Politics | Right to the was the same when he was attempting to defend his election overspending during the 2010 Election campaign in Court. Remember the 288 bottles of alcohol that were found in his basement worth over $14,000? In the end he pleaded guilty and it cost us taxpayers almost $300,000.

Supreme Court | Commentaries on the Times remanded as the state of Alabama, one of the worse historical offenders, is presently asking the Supreme Court to do. In view of this reality the recent comments on voting rights by Justice Scalia, who is touted as a great legal mind, are the blathering of a charlatan or a fool.

Martin O'Malley 2016! : democrats - reddit.com O'Malley is possibly the best option for president America currently has. O'Malley has served as an executive for 15 years. First as the mayor of Baltimore, then as the Governor of Maryland. And now, he is looking at a possible presidential run. Martin O'Malley has been a proven endorser of progressive issues for a long time.

Golden boyz for Governor! | Orange Juice is Gavee’s second marriage at 40 years old. Newsom divorced Kimberly Guilfoyle in 2005 after a three year run because of a supposed affair with his secretary Ruby Rippey-Tourk – the wife of one of his campaign aides Alex Tourk, who resigned in protest. He then became engaged to actress Jennifer Siebel in December 2007.

Mrs. Rajavi! Your Propaganda Just doesn’t work well ...’t-work-wellThese are the true motivation behind supporting this cult like group. ... no one of the Yazidi community was invited to the hearing! ... who also isn’t a committee member, was the only one to challenge her to explain why the United States should put its trust in a group that was kicked out of Iran in the early 1980s and fought alongside ...

assassination Archives - WeThePeopleFree criminal target Sheriff Ana Franklin stands over right shoulder of Vice President Mike Pence in White House on 5 September 2018 . According to this report, and as authorized under Russian Federation law, the SVR is authorized to protect the national security interests of Russia by conducting surveillance-intelligence operations in foreign nations—most particularly the United States as it ...

Michael Cohen's testimony isn't delivering 'earth ... 27, 2019 · OPINION Michael Cohen's testimony isn't delivering 'earth shattering' damage to Donald Trump James S. Robbins, Opinion columnist Published 2:45 p.m. ET Feb. 27, 2019 | Updated 3:46 p.m. ET Feb. 27, 2019 Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Capitol Hill ahead of the vote on H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019. Jack Gruber There was no moment of high drama, …

Voting For Your Beliefs: The Worst Super Tuesday Mistake For Your Beliefs: The Worst Super Tuesday Mistake. ... for a set price you would expect to receive exactly what you agreed to for exactly the price agreed upon. If the builder knew that you hadn't read the contract he could give you less; he could also charge you more, and you would never know. ... When you vote based on your beliefs ...

memeorandum: When Was The New Black Panther Case 12, 2010 · When Was The New Black Panther Case Downgraded? — I did an interview with New York Daily News Columnist Errol Louis about the New Black Panther Party case today and realized that there's a specific data point that has been lost in all the breathless coverage of this case and whether …

Roger Quesada - Ballotpedia 04, 2019 · Ann Carletta and Francesa Curreli advanced from the Republican primary for New Jersey General Assembly District 32 on June 4, 2019. Roger Quesada completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2019. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Quesada's responses. What would be ...

Mike Pence | WINTERY KNIGHT Thursday, Gov. Dennis Gaugaard signed into law a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks and penalize doctors who do late-term abortions in non-emergency situations, the Argus Leader reports. Penalties for violations of the law include up to a year in jail and a $2,000 fine, according to the report.

Ron Paul Rolls On Despite Super Tuesday Primary Results you vote based on your beliefs instead of voting based on who is most capable of doing the job they swear they will do, you are essentially saying, “I’m okay with having my contract violated as long as the government thinks it’s a good idea; since the person I voted for claims to believe what I believe, it probably will be a good ...

If Only “Generic Republican” Were Real | Colorado Pols say this not as a big Hick fan but as Dem who knows that this time around, he's the best we're going to do. We can do this all day. By this time next year we'll know which off us is right. I say, your party's got nothing that gets through the primary and beats Hick in 2014. He won't win big but it won't be close to recount margin either.

Single Issue | Shall Not Be Questioned 14, 2010 · If the NRA can’t bend their “single issue” rules enough to defend the 1st amendment as strongly as the 2A (at least so far as this issue goes) then I can’t give them the support I used to. Defending the First Amendment isn’t their mission. They are the National Rifle Association, not the ACLU, or the Bill of Rights Foundation.

Libertarians are closer to the Left than the Right it doesn't work like that! ... I'm open to a case that affirmative action and vouchers could be considered economic issues. To an extent, they are. ... He was the libertarian party candidate last year and he was pretty pro-choice on abortion and gay marriage. He was also a former governor of New Mexico as a Republican in the past.

The NFL's Race Problem - Capitalism Magazine 01, 2003 · On Saturday, the New York Jets and Indianapolis Colts will face off in the opening round of the 2003 NFL playoffs. The coaches of the two teams, the Colts’ Tony Dungy and New York’s Herman Edwards, will have a reunion of sorts, since both men worked in Tampa Bay, where Dungy was the head coach until last year, and Edwards was his top assistant.

Syria Fixation: Evaluation of US Strategic Options and ... 19, 2016 · There is no reason at this point to believe that the civil war is nearing a conclusion. So long as the major global and regional powers are willing to continue, and even escalate, their support to their Syrian proxies, the conflict could continue for a number of years.

Editorial Cartoonist from South Dakota — South that can be easily passed later, and even if it isn’t, it doesn’t harm anyone. The bunker ramp is a COLASSAL F’UP! Taxpayers are currently paying $1.5 million a year in bond payments for a parking ramp that is unoccupied and will be for a very long time. We may have to dip into the 2nd penny to help make these payments.

Ethics | Generations 01, 2019 · Filtering Program by topic: Ethics. Our Vision. The vision of Generations (formerly Generations with Vision) is to pass on the faith to the next generation through the biblical family, discipleship, and education.

Mystery – Upper Peninsula Breaking News by Greg Peterson 08, 2016 · By Greg Peterson U.P. Breaking News News Director 906-273-2433. We have all heard of the Upper Peninsula’s mining booms. Well we still don’t know what caused the loud boom at about 11:45 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 1, 2016 that turned people into the streets in the famous U.P. mining town of Negaunee – where iron ore was first discovered near the shores of Teal Lake and triggered a century plus ...

Democratic Party – The Progressive Democrat are the Democratic Party. They are the ideological heirs of FDR, John F. Kennedy and LBJ. They are the same social democrats who created social security, medicaid, passed the civil rights acts, and protested the unnecessary wars and the military-industrial complex. They didn’t

Getting Serious About Ending the Rule of Money ... 27, 2012 · From the beginning of the Occupation of Washington, DC at Freedom Plaza we have put forward the vision of ending the rule of money and empowering a real participatory democracy of the people. This is a complicated task because since 1976 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that money is speech a complex matrix of case

Colorado senator facing criticism for defending Kim 11, 2015 · A Republican leader in the state Senate is facing criticism for his comments in defense of Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who went to jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Assistant Senate Majority Leader Kevin Lundberg, R …

Shackled and Drawn | Common Sense 17, 2017 · Understanding Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton requires that we draw together disparate, but related, strands of narrative. One storyline is the tactical failings of the Clinton campaign and the conceit of a Democratic Party that thought that they could impose a flawed candidate from the party apparatus on an electorate that was evidently tired of such candidates.

The Wall - Page 3 - Phx-Suns.Net 27, 2019 · Who is negatively affected by the illegal immigration? I can't say that I am that I know of. The crisis is the humanitarian treatment of the people involved. ... and a decline of more than 80 percent from the record-high levels of FY 2000 (1.6 million border apprehensions). ... As the number of people crossing the border has declined, the ...

Supreme Court | S C I A M A G E is better than nothing, but it barely qualifies as progress. The first thing that must always be said about it is that every single piece of it originated from the right. This is not in the same sense that I have been trying to drive home for a few years now and, that others …

California’s Citizen Redistricting Commission, Electoral ... of Proposition 20 in California in 2010 transferred the power to redistrict congressional seats from the state legislature to a new independent redistricting commission. The goals of this transfer were to increase electoral accountability, to reduce partisan bias, to promote greater transparency and to bolster public trust. In this paper, I analyze the impact of Proposition 20 on ...

memeorandum: Obama's debt commission warns of fiscal 12, 2010 · Obama's debt commission warns of fiscal ‘cancer’ — BOSTON — The co-chairmen of President Obama's debt and deficit commission offered an ominous assessment of the nation's fiscal future here Sunday, calling current budgetary trends a cancer “that will destroy the country from within” unless checked by tough action in Washington.

net metering | the Texas Green Report, TX – A new report from The Solar Foundation (TSF), a national non-profit research organization, finds more than 4,100 Texans are now working in the solar power industry, marking a 28 per cent increase in solar jobs in one year. In addition, Texas has moved up to sixth place in national rankings for solar jobs, from eighth in 2012. Texas is also leading the nation in wind power ...

history | progressivenetwork | Page 2 there was the attitude, sounding like Tarzan movies and Donald Duck comics, that the Africans were not ready for democratic self-government-as if the regime would allow them to be! The government and the conservative movement in this country refused to take seriously the horrors of Apartheid, with a What ’s the big deal? attitude.

Market, Market on the Wall, Will You Take Care of Us All, Market on the Wall, Will You Take Care of Us All?..…market processes versus American principles. By Michael Krajovic. From UPLIFTING AMERICA series (Note: This article is from an American perspective using Wall Street examples, but it is applicable to world markets and economies.)

Critiquing the Press - The Washington 25, 2008 · Howard Kurtz: This is the first I'm hearing of it, but local stations can choose not to run, or only to run part of, a network program. So if this happened during that segment, it doesn't sound ...

What People Know: June 2009 on the left make the same argument as the kooks on the right, but both are wrong. We simply don't know what people mean by local news, not really. We all have ideas, hunches, but those don't mean a hell of a lot. We need to understand more on this, because what people know about their communities is a cornerstone of democracy.

Withdrawal of AvalonBay means Southeast Quadrant won't be ... 21, 2016 · Withdrawal of AvalonBay means Southeast Quadrant won't be developed ... Maybe Fran can shed some light on that. Does anyone know who is the association President over there? ... can't be shrill and oppose every development proposal that comes along and then point the finger at Penny when it doesn't go through due to a small segment of NIMBY's ...

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Morning Call: LVEDC Tweeter Fired 08, 2011 · Since Friday, there's been nary a tweet from LVEDC, the Lehigh Valley's publicly funded economic development nonprofit.Not one crotch shot. No pictures of CEO Phil Mitman's chest. No double entendres. According to The Morning Call's Scott Kraus, LVEDC has fired its twitterer, Vanessa Williams, for her tweet about the suits leaving early on Friday to play golf.

Flagler County Voting Locations and Polling Information ... 14, 2012 · Flagler County primary, voting locations and hours: Polls opened at 7 this morning. They will close at 7 this evening. You have one, brief job today--by far a more important job than sitting at ...[DOC] · Web view4.2 What is your position on parental notification prior to a minor terminating a pregnancy? Please explain. I do not believe parents must be notified if a minor is seeking an abortion. I believe it could be dangerous for a minor and I don’t believe anyone should be forced to bear a child they either don’t want or can’t

Runoff overview: At Large #2 – Off the research indicates this is his 12th run for public office and his seventh for a council seat. He also has run for state representative, Congress, county school board and party chairman. Two years ago, he took incumbent Sue Lovell to a runoff. Lovell, who is term-limited, endorses Thibaut. For Burks, jobs are the campaign’s big issue.

Metro Endorsements: Yes on Measure V; Yes on Measure W V puts budget control back in the hands of the elected representatives of the people, which is where it should be. It's our money, and we elect people that we think will spend it in the most productive way possible. Measure W would allow the city to create new retirement programs for new hires that are in line with today's employment landscape.

Special Session To Deal With Budget Woes Before Christmas Speaker Chris Donovan and incoming Speaker Brendan Sharkey emailed their members Thursday to let them know they will probably have to return to the Capitol the week before Christmas to …

Madville can’t bring you in to talk about your private funds. I don’t think that’s in the authority of GOAC” [David Montgomery, "Legislators Consider Subpoena in EB-5 Case," that Sioux Falls paper, 2014.07.29]. Even though Kurt Evans has taken the weight off my shoulders, permit me to do the attorney general's job for a …

Archive for March 2013 « Page 6 - nystateofpolitics.com Senate prepared for a late-night session on Tuesday to finish up the budget. That’s a bit later than they originally planned to be in Albany. Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos discusses why the negotiations took longer than expected, and what it was like …

March 2019 Gambling News! - Alliance for Gambling Reform We Are-The Alliance for Gambling Reform is a collaboration of organisations with a shared concern about the deeply harmful and unfair impacts of gambling and its normalisation in Australian culture. We campaign for reforms of the gambling industry that reduce the harm it causes.

Karen Davis Responds to NPRs Disparaging Comments about 02, 2018 · Special to the Mirror by Karen Davis, PhD, President of United Poultry Concerns in Machipongo. On Sunday morning November 18, I was listening to the classical music station, WHRO, in Norfolk, VA, when a feature called Bird Notes, hosted by WHRO’s Program Director Dwight Davis (no relation to me), came on and, wouldn’t you know, the bird being featured that day was the turkey.

2010 vs 1994 - outsidethebeltway.com 13, 2009 · Washington State was the place where they lost most seats. ... I know for a fact that I don’t live in the same universe as you, because in the world I live in, people are tired of a lot of ...

An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew ... - Crimefile Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart’s Death Scene. ... I mean why would a grown man with 4 kids and a lovely wife stop for a DRINK at 10 pm when you shoulda been home with wife and kids? And he was not meeting anyone there either. ... Now we are trusting the economy of our country to a pack dumb asses who couldn't make money ...

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | Trutherator's ... about Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act written by trutherator ... Obamacare forces insurers to offer services that most Americans don’t need, don’t want, and won’t use, for a higher price. ... they’re funding all kinds of stuff and sending the bills to the Senate, but IT IS HARRY REID who is refusing to let any of them ...

GAP-Colorado | FREE Markets. NEW Media.“He was the co-pilot for Tom Cruise in Top Gun.” It got the desired reaction – laughter and eye-rolling. Then I informed him that Goose was a great ball player and a few years back – he had done something pretty spectacular… broken a record or something, because I remembered hearing about some fantastic accomplishment….

Google Alert - Pentagon - uscfhq.blogspot.com we know officially what has been an open secret for much of this decade: This country and its Afghan ally are losing their joint war for the hearts, minds and bodies of that c

mawells787 (u/mawells787) - Reddit wouldn't believe how many oil consumption short block recalls we do in our dealership. Right now the big issue is valve spring recalls. Only a couple years are affected, currently, but we have been doing 2 or 3 a day through our shop. We have an older motorhead who is …

Making Mistakes Great Again: 6/5/11 - 6/12/11 am currently in the running for a couple of different big boy jobs and this definitely affected by subconscious last night/this morning. I was called in to sit down and hear the results of my interviews for a job that I really wanted. When I arrived of the office, I was shuffled in to a …

UNDERSTANDING THE PEOPLE | how to save the 01, 2004 · Dave Pollard's chronicle of civilization's collapse, creative works and essays on our culture. A trail of crumbs, runes and exclamations along my path in search of a better way to live and make a living, and a better understanding of how the world really works.

Campaign Posters | MinBane“A honest political campaign poster of a Ugandan man who is seeking for a public office has gone viral and has got people talking on social media” (…)”An aspirant for Kisementi Municipality identified as Eric Mununuzi’s campaign poster has been making rounds on social media as he reportedly decided to tell the electorate the simple ...

Support for Liberty Grows - IGF Culture Watch 05, 2015 · 48 Comments for “Support for Liberty Grows” ... every bit as much a sham and a fraud as the supposedly religion-neutral “public policy” arguments that were made by conservative Christians in support of keeping gays and lesbians from serving in the military and marrying. ... don’t engage in it in the first place. posted by Tom ...

Adam's Latest Weekend Rant On Jobs - Trader's Blog 10, 2011 · You're right. Bill Clinton didn't balance the budget. He was the first president in over 40 years to end his term with a budget surplus. G.W. Bush then gave all that surplus to the wealthiest Americans with $2,000 & $3,000 tax rebates. The middle class only got $100-$300 back and thought they were doing well. That's where all the surplus went.

Mexico's Post-election Protests-Justified or by Sore Losers?, August 13, 2012. Mexico's Post-election Protests: Justified or by Sore Losers? By Allan Wall. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) was a candidate for president of Mexico for the PRD (Partido de la Revolución Democrática) and two smaller parties.AMLO was the election's runner-up, but he didn't accept his defeat and is now disputing the election results.

ThePopTort: Roller Coasting Towards the Regulatory Abyss was the 52-year-old Dallas resident who was killed after being ejected from her third-row seat on Six Flags Over Texas and falling about 75 feet. ... But it later had to admit that it was running the investigation itself because there are no authorities to work with. ... "This is a mistake."[PDF]Rachel's Environment & Health immune system poison.pdfRachel's Environment & Health News #414 - Potent Immune System Poison: Dioxin November 02, 1994 The immune system is a complex set of specialized cells and organs that defends the body against attack by "foreign" invaders. When it functions properly, the immune system fights off diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and cancer ...

Palm Coast Plantation Homeowners Sue Palm Coast Over ... the water wars over the Hammock five years ago, Palm Coast is forcing Palm Coast Plantation property owners to sign annexation agreements in exchange for water and sewer services. The ...

Bernie Sanders is still the most popular politician in the ... 24, 2017 · This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold.

Daily Skimm: Who wants to be a billionaire? - News A-Z it could also mean more challenges in hundreds of death penalty cases in Florida and in other states that have a similar sentencing process. The ruling also comes as the death penalty is under a harsh spotlight across the country, with a lot of states re-examining the punishment.

CNN: Shooting at Oregon College - The Tailgate - Extremeskins 01, 2015 · This is just one of the ongoing aspects of our landscape now. ... People with the same or a similar name as the shooter are harassed. There is speculation he is part of a right-wing group, or an Islamic terrorist, or a former Army veteran. ... We don't know much about this shooting yet, but it's possible this one might push some movement there ...

BEVERLY TRAN: NAACP National Voter Fund - Just My Notes 01, 2019 · This is the link to the website, but it is only a splash page. ... Mr. Moore served five years as the Chief of Staff to the Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus, US Representative John Conyers (D-14, MI). ... In 2000, she was the Director of the NAACP National Voter Fund, which helped increase African American turnout by nearly 2 million ...

theSkimm: Daily Skimm: Who wants to be a billionaire? | Milled 13, 2016 · But it could also mean more challenges in hundreds of death penalty cases in Florida and in other states that have a similar sentencing process. The ruling also comes as the death penalty is under a harsh spotlight across the country, with a lot of states re-examining the punishment.

World politics – Dangerous Intersection now, I sit here sorting through my reactions, trying to come up with something cogent to say. I am disappointed the House is still Republican, but it seems a number of the Tea Party robots from 2010 lost their seats, so maybe the temperature in chambers will drop a …

Home Décor Retailer – Fox’s is an international brand that has been catering to the upper end of society by providing them with quality jewelry products and gifts collection. It was founded in 1861 by Solomon Group and after doing business for 150 years Gump’s was shut in 2018. The new ownership has taken advantage of this digital age and has decided to re-launch the brand with online retail stores as most of ...

KOCH, AFP SOTU Events: Come For The Freebies, Stay For The ... Koch funded Americans For Prosperity is trying to mimic grassroots organizers once again by holding SOTU "watch parties" as OFA does every year, but unlike the real thing, these events are being held all across the country in public venues, like the one at a Marriott in Tampa, and yes, many are luring watchers in with free food and drink.

Liberty News Forum - Political News 18, 2015 · Liberty News Forum Political News Forum - Let your opinions be heard on current news and politics. Not for wimps! Political Opinion Page - Recent Posts - LNF Forums LNF in the Age of Empowerment! Algorithm free! Christian Forum - Religion Forum - Entertainment - Sports Forum

Remembering Steinbrenner - nystateofpolitics.com“Mr. Steinbrenner passing comes on the morning of Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game, a contest dedicated to the fans and to the glory of the game. This is a fitting tribute, as Mr. Steinbrenner was one of the last owners who felt as much loyalty and kinship with his fans as they felt with his team.

Political Snap Shot - tides are now inundating costal shores in particular areas. As the earth changes proceed the eastern coast of the United States is losing support and sinking due to stretching of the ocean basin. Your scientists will state warmer oceans, but it is not uniform around the world. This is your clue to lie.

Allston-Brighton-Boston College Community Task Force? Huh? is a weblog related to community activities going on in Brighton, MA, one of the neighborhoods of Boston. Ours is a large and diverse community including many long-term residents, recent immigrants, and students attending the local universities.

SFWMD Governing Board Member Melanie Peterson Was … 09, 2019 · It's like having a second full-time job, but it is so rewarding to know that the footprints you leave will have a lasting impression on your community and as members come and go, it's a passing of the torch as the work is never really done. Gov. Scott received a lot of media criticism for removing the most professional leadership from the District.

The Outlook For Democrats In 2020 - Rasmussen Reports® 21, 2018 · The Iowa caucuses are only a year and a half away. Any presidential hopeful who hasn't begun chatting up donors by now will find it nearly impossible to mount a viable campaign. ... But it …

NA Confidential: Marc Bolan, T. Rex and a substantial ... 27, 2016 · Marc Bolan, T. Rex and a substantial musical legacy. ... Underground, the Stooges, and the Ramones, but Bolan knew -- and subsequent developments proved -- that every single one of them had been nurtured in his arms, growing up with the ineffable stream of brilliant singles he slammed out between 1970-1972, and rehearsing their own stardom to ...

Michael Bloomberg Considers Presidential Bid – Variety 23, 2016 · It’s a little too late in the game for another wildcard to come in and confuse things more, but it would make for great TV. If he ran, he’d have to saddle Trump down first and steel his ...

Honoring Country (Music) By David Solway | RUTHFULLY 26, 2019 · Williams is reputed to have said: “God writes the songs. I just hold the pen” — a way of articulating a felt truth and a welcome antitoxin to the malignant spirit of decay and subversion that has permeated the cultural, political and institutional life of America today. Such cultural decadence is the reason why so much of its music is trash.

NA Confidential: #LiveLikeMatt -- and how you can help ... one of them ever surpassed 11,000 page views, until the sad news came that we'd lost Matt, and I posted it. ... Matt's sad passing also has brought out the best in his people, who are rallying around Matt's family in this time of need. In like fashion, Andrew passes this along. ... He always had a smile on his face and a positive word to say.

How much of Utah House investigation into Swallow will be ... lawmakers will meet in a special session Wednesday to consider bills that would empower a first-of-its-kind House committee to investigate embattled Utah Attorney General John Swallow.

A Private Property Rights Commentary on “The Decline of ... 06, 2012 · A Private Property Rights Commentary on “The Decline of The Plymouth Colony” ... ‘One of the persistent troubles of Plymouth was a shortage of ministers, aggravated by its poverty, decline, and increased intolerance. ... I think a genuine market failure when people just do not have the incentive to do so and wait for the other to ...

Simon Says | National Review Giuliani “is nowhere near as liberal” as people think he is, William E. Simon Jr., former candidate for California governor, said in an interview with National Review Online on Wednesday ...

Freedom! | National Review while I am as opposed as the next guy — if the next guy is very conservative — to over-regulation, over-taxation, and the general intrusions of a busybody state, still, a fairly ...

Paflyfish - Fly Fishing, Trumped [Forums - Conservation] 25, 2016 · As CRB said, coal will never make a comeback as long as the nat gas prices are 1/5 what they were 8 or 9 years ago. And since we now have a surplus of it, priced will not go up substantially any time soon. Anyone check their gas bill lately? Coal is dead. It just doesn't know it yet. I am now prepare to be pcrayed.

How do I talk to Yes on B proponents? : alameda - reddit.com hospice stuff is for only for people with a medical referral from somewhere. Yes, many will be from outside of Alameda, but it's a closed campus and they'll be taken back to wherever once they're discharged. Although I'm not sure how many hospice people get discharged: all …

Marc A. Thiessen: Impeachment Is Just a Liberal Fantasy ... 31, 2018 · Michael Cohen’s decision to plead guilty for making hush-money payments on Donald Trump’s behalf has raised the prospect that if Democrats take control of Congress, they might try to impeach the president over a matter completely unrelated to a perceived criminal conspiracy with Russia.

Ethics Violations – Trump Trials and Investigations prestigious Wall Street law firm is paying for a 2012 report it wrote for Manafort justifying the Kremlin-friendly Ukrainian government’s prosecution of a political rival. Source: Skadden Arps Knew Its Work for Manafort Was Borderline at Best—and Now It’ll Pay More Than $4 Million for It

cbrunau | FOX 61 | Page 80 Articles. Suffield Soccer Looking For Three-Peat. 38 wins, two conference titles and two state championships — that is the streak the Suffield boys soccer team started this season on.

POLI 1050 Study Guide (2015-16 Meernik) - Instructor ... 153 POLI 1050 Study Guide (2015-16 Meernik) flashcards from StudyBlue on StudyBlue.

Web/Tech Archives - Page 3 of 3 - ActBlue Blog March, the top 10 (as always, ranked by number of donors) includes some new faces. As was the case last month, the PCCC and DFA take their spots on the podium, eclipsed only by Arkansas Lt. Governor Bill Halter, who is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Blanche Lincoln. Lt. Gov.

Gulls hosting block party. - The San Diego Union-Tribune San Diego Gulls are hosting a block party Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. at Quartyard San Diego (1102 Market St.) that will include food and music and give fans a chance to purchase merchandise ...

Centennial celebration | Lake Minnetonka News ... Lake firefighters decided to mark the department’s 100th anniversary by inviting the community to a party. They organized a full day of activities that took place Saturday, Sept. 19, at ...

Judge gives ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen 3 years in ... sentence was the culmination of a spectacular rise and fast fall of a lawyer who attached himself to the fortunes of his biggest client, helped him get elected president, then turned on him ...

Freedom House: “Freedom in the World 2018 - Bulgaria ... the current head of government or other chief national authority elected through free and fair elections? 4 / 4. The president, who is directly elected for up to two five-year terms, is the head of state but has limited powers. Presidential elections were held in November 2016, resulting in the victory of Rumen Radev, an independent ...

Sunday booze sales coming after Legislature's OK | State ... decades of failed attempts to rewrite the Sunday sales law, this year for the first time industry rivals who scuttled past efforts got on board. Republican Statehouse leaders also made the bill’s passage a priority. “I think it’s symbolically important,” said Senate President Pro …

Here and Now - nystateofpolitics.com Schools Chancellor, Mayor Bill de Blasio and First Lady Chirlane McCray tour pre-K programs in all five boroughs to mark the first day of the 2014-15 public school year. At 6:30 a.m., Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout joins striking fast food workers in their fight for 15, 41st Street & 7th Avenue, Manhattan.

Dressing up [UPDATED, WITH APOLOGY] | Power Line 07, 2019 · Ridicule isn’t an argument, either. Up to a point, it’s an acceptable tactic to use in an argument. But ridiculing via attire citizens who come to testify before the state legislature is ...Author: Paul Mirengoff

Dinesh D’Souza Gets Arrested In Obama Witch Hunt; Ted Cruz ... 28, 2014 · Dinesh D’souza, the conservative commentator, writer and filmmaker responsible for the damning 2013 documentary “2016: Obama’s America,” was indicted last Thursday on Federal charges that he funneled money illegally to a Senate candidate

Jost on Justice: Trump's Presidency: The Cancer 26, 2018 · Meanwhile, Trump's Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) is proceeding full-speed ahead with plans to weaken Obama-era regulation of dirty coal-fired power plants. "Trump digs coal" is a great slogan in West Virginia and elsewhere, but it is bad for climate change in the mid- to long term and, even sooner, to public health.

Mike Slater (@SlaterDaRaider) | Twitter latest Tweets from Mike Slater (@SlaterDaRaider) Search query Search TwitterFollowers: 22

Palin is to Reagan as Liberace is to Rachmaninoff | Sharp Iron 04, 2011 · Nauseating, ain't it? Whether you liked Reagan or not (and I did) comparing him to Palin is like comparing Rachmaninoff or Vladimir Horowitz to Liberace. No, on second thought that's not fair. Liberace, although just as tacky, cheesy and exploitative as Palin, could still play the piano very well. Anyway, someone who was pretty close…

Democratic candidates blame Trump, NRA for inaction on guns 10, 2019 · Democratic presidential candidates on Saturday placed responsibility for inaction on gun violence in the hands of President Trump and the National Rifle Association, in …

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson rejects ... — The South Carolina Democratic Party called on state Attorney General Alan Wilson to resign in the wake of a Post and Courier story highlighting interactions between the state's

Michael Avenatti takes a victory lap after Wall Street ... 03, 2018 · Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels, took a victory lap on Tuesday after The Wall Street Journal reported that President Donald Trump directed his former longtime lawyer ...

Ward 4 runoff election between Scott, Lehmann gets heated ...'s criticism of Lance Lehmann, her challenger in Ward 4, is centered on a four-page letter that his campaign circulated in the run-up to the June 4 general election. Managed Care Special 19, 1998 · Most respondents to a national Post-ABC News poll indicated a desire for greater government regulation of managed care programs, if it doesn't raise costs, and a …

Trump lawyer enters White House with experience handling a ... 15, 2018 · Rudy Giuliani speaks at the conference on Iran, May 5, 2018, in Washington, D.C. Trump went from his longtime attorneys from New York to a team of …

A Workhorse and a Hard Charger Aim for Transportation Top Spot Workhorse and a Hard Charger Aim for Transportation Top Spot Sam Graves and Jeff Denham mostly align on policy, but couldn’t vary more in style

Playback: Make the Austin Music Poll Great Again: Getting ... 27, 2017 · Playback: Make the Austin Music Poll Great Again Getting the vote out for the 2016/17 Austin Music Poll By Kevin Curtin, Fri., Jan. 27, 2017

Mueller said ready to deliver key findings in his Trump ... several postponements, Mueller's team has agreed to a sentencing date for Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security adviser, who pleaded guilty to one count of making false statements ...

Rivals not impressed by Judge’s D.C. endorsement ... endorsing the former Iowa state senator, ag secretary and lieutenant governor the committee called Judge “a farmer, a nurse, and a terrific public servant who is a proven leader for Iowa’s ...

Here We Go: Democrats Go Full Stasi In Quest To Finish ... 28, 2019 · Baish| According to a letter obtained by Politico, Democrats on the House Oversight and Reform Committee are looking for President Donald Trump to hand over 10 years of financial records stemming from an accounting firm. Politico reports: The Democrat-led committee asked Mazars USA, a tax and accounting firm, for documents this month related to Trump’s […]

Castagnera on Risk Management in Higher Education… and ... of the recipients, tongue apparently firmly in his cheek, complained, “It’s hard to spend all that money.” The Chronicle reporter explained, In interviews with The Chronicle, several of the researchers explained what getting some of the most generous science financing available means for their careers.

Trump lawyer enters White House with experience handling a went from his longtime attorneys from New York to a team of veteran white-collar D.C. defense lawyers who stressed cooperation with the special counsel. And now the team consists of Rudy Giuliani – the hard-knuckled, showy New Yorker, and Flood, the low-key advisor who is deeply versed in the choreography of White House scandal.

Yellow Journalist: Dispatches from Asian America ... Journalist: Dispatches from Asian America [William Wong]. "For three decades, William Wong has been America's most energetic and entertaining chronicler of the Asian diaspora and its effects on politics, culture, business, sports, dress, diet,

Iowa House speaker passes on U.S. House bid | Iowa news ... RAPIDS | Iowa House Speaker Kraig Paulsen plans to run for re-election in his Linn County district rather than run for the open U.S. House 1st District seat in 2014. Paulsen, first elected ...

Are the editors on strike at the Washington Post? | Power Line his second paragraph, Kos refers to “the jobless recovery” of the Bush years. ... that has produced roughly 200,000 new jobs per month for at least a year and a half, except during the ...

Trump lawyer enters White House with experience handling a Flood, a veteran defense attorney who has deep experience guiding American presidents, vice presidents, and governors through the treacherous shoals of scandal, has what colleagues and legal experts say are the unique set of talents needed to defend President Trump. “He combines two things ...

Judge in Menendez trial won't allow talk of prostitution ... are the highlights from Tuesday's proceedings in the federal corruption trial of U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez. Menendez, a Democrat and New Jersey's senior senator, is charged with doing ...

BC-US--AP Poll-GOP 2016-Trump, 4th Ld-Writethru,856<\n>AP ... — For Americans of nearly every race, gender, political persuasion and location, disdain for Donald Trump runs deep, saddling the Republican front-runner with unprecedented ...

Kennedy outspent Brierre in SA race | News | rutlandherald.com I was the county chair, I used to give the candidates and specifically the challengers in the party a gift of a pair of sneakers, he said. I m convinced that to win a seat in Vermont it s more important to get out and meet people. Signs are important to get your name out there, but it s hard to vote against someone you ve met.

Which States Are the Most Corrupt? - The Christian Post's score of 49 was the lowest in the nation. While Georgia has laws against state workers taking money from those seeking government contracts or a regulatory environment favorable to their business, CPI found prolific use of exceptions to those laws, such as meals, speaking fees and sports tickets.

John McCain life legacy key moments - 26, 2018 · JOHN McCain lived most of his life in the public eye, surviving war, torture, scandal, political stardom and failure, the enmity of some colleagues and the election of President Donald Trump.

The Progressive Warrior Blog: Progressives Need to Vote in ..."One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato . Follow by Email. Thursday, September 26, 2013. Progressives Need to Vote in every Election! Hello everyone I know I did not write a blog post yesterday and I'm sorry about that. I know how my readers like to read my blog ...

McCain holding firm against ANWR - - POLITICO.com holding firm against ANWR. His comments on ANWR in Missouri Wednesday -- "I will look at all policies that i have in light of this changed economic environment and the challenge to the ...

Daylee News Nuggets: TODAY's BIG NUGGET! Where the Cohen ...’s only speculation at this point, but it’s quite likely that Cohen was the keeper of many of Trump’s lending documents, contracts, business arrangements, and the Kryptonite of Trump’s fragile self-worth: the long-sought tax returns. It’s an open secret and has …

Sgt. Edwin Rivera - Hartford Courant Edwin Rivera died May 27, 2010 at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., of wounds he received in a firefight in Laghman Province on May 20. Last summer, six months before he was ...Author: RINKER BUCK

Stroke caught healthy Mills off guard when it hit | Local ... caught healthy Mills off guard when it hit By Eric Oslund ... but it is one that Mills wouldn’t change. Because, even though it was an unfortunate situation he was going through, he was still able to recover and it ultimately brought him closer to God. “I had a doctor tell me, it was the last one I met with in the summer, he’s a ...Author: Eric Oslund

Morning Smoke: Ethics Rules for Oil and Gas Companies That ... was unfortunate in so many ways. The F-22 was the worst of the 2 aircraft in the fly-off with the YF-23. The Grumman entry may have been better than either of those but it's life was ended by the decree by the General in charge of ATF procurement that "no canard equipped airplane would ever fly in his …

Sky Island Scriber: The Phouls in Phoenix plans for the Phouls in Phoenix plans for the Phuture Howard Fischer writing at Arizona Capitol Times ... The Arizona Constitution spells out that citizens are the ultimate lawmakers. More to the point, it permits them to write their own statutes, even to override their elected officials. ... even to override their elected officials. … it was the more ...

Drilling headline right here Subheader Subheader sdf asas ... are the owner of this article. ... Drilling headline right here Subheader Subheader sdf asas fdasdf asdf ... but it puts them at odds with others in their party and the GOP’s “all of the ...

Justice Breyer’s intriguing suggestions in Hussain: A sign ... 23, 2014 · Justice Breyer’s intriguing suggestions in Hussain: A sign of habeas challenges to come? by Marty Lederman. April 23, 2014 ... in his statement in Hussain, ... The NDAA standard expressly includes someone who is part of an enemy force and has “committed a belligerent act” — but it’s not limited to that subset of enemy forces.

Browns look to quicken pace after slow start - SFGate now, they have the coach they wanted all along, and a chance to make up for lost time. That should translate to a better record than 2-14 or 3-13, the records of the first two years.

Sanders First Jewish Politician To Win A Primary ...“In New Hampshire on Tuesday night, he handily won the Democratic Party contest, becoming the first Jew to win a presidential primary. In Iowa, he became the first Jewish presidential candidate — the first non-Christian, even — to win delegates in a major party’s caucus or primary. . .

In Praise Of Mathew Corey, With Interior Footnotes - Don Pesci 28, 2016 · In Praise Of Mathew Corey, With Interior Footnotes Matthew Corey is the Republican Party’s sacrificial lamb this year in the 1 st District’s U.S. Congressional contest ( “Sacrificial lamb,” a term derived from Abrahamic religion traditions in which a lamb is prized as a highly valued possession and then sacrificed to a higher power ).

SHUT THE FUCK UP, DEVIN NUNES, YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA ... first revelation is that EVEN DEVIN NUNES hates it sometimes when Donald Trump makes a Twitter in his pants. EVEN DEVIN NUNES. And he's a Trump-sucking loser from the stupidest ring of hell, so that must mean the president of the United States is a real senile Twitter motherfucker if EVEN DEVIN NUNES doesn't always like his tweets.Author: Evan Hurst

Alan Keyes' Army Of One Will Declare WAR On Gay-Marrying ... the Dred Scott decision that heralded the onset of the first Civil War, the Court’s action will bring the nation to the brink, whence “nothing but confusion and disorder will follow. …” If the justices do not tread carefully, their temerity could very well set in motion the death …

sacred – Dangerous Intersection 07, 2008 · He specifically cites Eliade's conclusion that even a person who is committed to a "profane existence" has privileged places, qualitatively different from all others--a man's birthplace, or the scenes of his first love, or certain places in the first foreign city he visited in his youth.

GANNETT Syndication Hall of Famer Charles Barkley added his opinion to a group of pundits who've addressed rookie Zion Williamson's weight. ... and these are the weirdest deals they found. ... Chicago White Sox have placed rookie outfielder Eloy Jiménez on the 10-day injured list with an ulnar nerve contusion in his …

Reaction from Gov candidates | Capitol View | Minnesota ... 02, 2009 · The first news release is from former U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton. We’ll post the others in the space as they come in. Here’s Dayton’s statement: Continuing State Deficits Caused by Failed State ...

If they want to do COIN right… | Show Me Progress 14, 2009 · But it really isn’t as easy as just declaring victory and going home. One of the first lessons taught to every officer is the simple fact that some basics always apply, and one of those basics is that getting into a conflict is a hell of a lot easier than getting out of it is going to be.

Jeb Bush has Hialeah breakfast sans loanshark mayor 28, 2015 · Rudy Garcia is a lobbyist who is remembered for absolutely nothing during his 15 years in Tallahassee. Garcia couldn’t even get Hialeah voters to support him in 2011 when he lost in the first round of a mayoral race. But Hernandez would have been a …

S.C. hardliners battling budget in a blow to Ryan ... — Nearly six months after they helped bring down then-Speaker John Boehner, three members of the South Carolina congressional delegation are at the center of another power struggle with

Extraordinary Session Becomes Political Football by ... original... One Democratic candidate has seized on last night’s quickie extraordinary session as campaign fodder in his quest to oust incumbent GOP Sen. Frank Padavan, who did not heed Gov. David Paterson’s proclamation calling lawmakers back to Albany last night. Former NYC Councilman Tony Avella issued a statement earlier today slamming the Queens senator for opting to campaign in ...

Biden: Obama WH was 'scandal-free'. Here are some of the ... Obama was not the first US president to deploy drones on the battlefield, he was a drone enthusiast from the outset, describing the killer robots as "effective," "indispensable," and "the only game in town," and personally authorizing more strikes in his first year than George W. Bush did in his entire eight years in office.

This day in baseball history — Callison’s walk-off all ... 07, 2014 · The Major League All Star Game has produced come from behind wins and walk-off home runs. The 1964 All Star Game, played on July 7, 1964 at Shea Stadium in New York, produced both.

Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » Notes on the State of on the State of Politics. Kyle Kondik, Managing Editor, Sabato's Crystal Ball April 22nd, 2015. West Virginia governor: Manchin’s choice makes Republicans a narrow favorite. After months of hinting that he might prefer to return home to run for a third term as governor, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) decided to stay put in the Senate.

Obama Taps Locke for Commerce Post - datalounge.com 25, 2009 · Locke, 59, was the nation's first Chinese-American governor, serving two terms in Washington from 1997 to 2005. He currently works for the Seattle-based law firm Davis Wright Tremaine on issues involving China, energy and governmental relations. Obama initially tapped New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a fellow Democrat, for the Cabinet post.

Cenk Uygur and Wolfpac supports...LAWRENCE LESSIG ... got an e-mail from Cenk Uygur/wolf pac today saying they're supporting the internet's favorite candidate who wants to gt money out of...

Huntley and Jennings fight in Queens - Queens Chronicle ... first-term state senator for South Jamaica’s 10th District, has an up-and-coming challenger who no one in Queens politics thought they’d ever have to see again. ... but for a series of ...

Support from camp of old archrival Laxalt helped Reid ... and Nevada's former Republican U.S. Sen. Paul Laxalt, one-time arch political enemies, are now friends. Laxalt may even have been a silent ally of Reid in his campaign against Rep. John ...

Faculty Blog | English Language Proficiency and Elective ... of the Constitutional Provisions Implicated: The First Amendment. In addition to making for fascinating political theater, the case brings to mind a number of intriguing legal issues. For instance, it is possible that the Arizona law requiring English competence is in …

Even dated campaign-cash data can show what it takes to ... been filing monthly or bi-weekly campaign-finance reports since January, showing in great detail how much money they raised from whom and how it was spent. The data provide insight into the ...

Winners & Losers: Why Not a Run-Off in '21? 08, 2017 · In one of the first pieces on this site, Newsmakers asked the question, “Can a Republican be elected SB's mayor?” and now we have the answer: No. Frank Hotchkiss made a good run and, for a couple of high-flying weeks, had the Democrats in a sweat over the possibility that his free-market, anti-immigration, fie-on-green energy politics would ...

Paid Late, Some Ex-Staffers Of Carly Fiorina Won't Sign On ... Ted Cruz (R-Texas), his wife Heidi and their two daughters wave on stage after he announced his campaign for president, Monday, March 23, 2015 at Liberty University, in Lynchburg, Va. Cruz, who announced his candidacy on Twitter in the early morning hours, was the first major candidate to officially enter 2016 race for president.

Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen gets 3 years in prison | KIRO-TV is the first and, so far, only member of Trump's circle during two years of investigations to go into open court and implicate him in a crime, though whether a president can be prosecuted ...

Virginia Politics Blog - Scene from Va.'s "Chocolate City" 04, 2008 · "This morning was the first time I've seen my whole family down here voting," she said. "My grandmother, who is disabled, came to vote. My grandfather, who says he doesn't really care about politics, was down here. There's just a lot of excitement." Brown even had her six-year-old son, Tico, stay up late to watch one of the debates with her.

Donald Trump vs. Rosie O'Donnell: A History of Their ... 28, 2016 · Donald Trump was at it again on Monday night (Sept. 26), lashing out at his favorite punching bag, comedian Rosie O'Donnell. The Republican presidential candidate threw shade at O'Donnell during ...

What's Worse Than Devin Nunes As DNI? This Dumb Dick Right ... 29, 2019 · In his resignation letter, Coats thanked Donald Trump for the privilege of serving THE NATION and noted that one of his final moves on his way out the door was to establish an election security executive to coordinate the government's response to election security threats . Take that as you will, but considering Trump's well-known aversion to ...

Obama routs Democratic foes; Ryan tops crowded GOP field 17, 2004 · It would also make him the only black senator, and perhaps one of its most liberal. In his campaign, Obama said he would "act like a Democrat" if he …

6 Of 8 Shots Hit Stephon Clark’s Back, Independent Family ... 30, 2018 · Stephon Clark, the 22-year-old black man shot and killed by Sacramento police earlier this month, was shot eight times, six in the back, an independent autopsy commissioned by Clark’s family found. The results were released at a Friday news conference …

RealClearPolitics - The Scorecard McConnell upset? Want a Senate race to look at for a barometer of Chuck Schumer's enthusiasm level on Election Night? ... That was the first time a Senate party leader lost election since 1952 ...

Texas Political Operative, Ephedra Lobbyist Appointed ... 14, 2004 · Texas Political Operative, Ephedra Lobbyist Appointed Acting OSHA Head ... was a stunning success for the Republicans who took control of the Texas House for the first time in 130 years and set up the mid-term re-redistricting of Congressional districts that meant victory for the Republicans last month. ... and in his spare time, Snare was also ...

Malloy Camp Releases Its First Ad Attacking Foley | CT ... Dannel P. Malloy’s campaign waited about 13 hours after Tom Foley won the Republican gubernatorial nomination before releasing the first negative ad of the general election.

Wang, Sharon (1st semester) - apgov and economics comfortable primary win for McSally, a two-term House member who was the first American female fighter pilot to fly in combat, would be a critical checkpoint in the GOP’s midterm strategy. This article addresses the issue of party primaries regarding the Senatorial race in Arizona.

The Seduction of Hillary Rodham - KeyWiki his book A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton, author Carl Bernstein said "some parts were surprisingly sympathetic to its subject, not that the book could be interpreted as friendly. Rather, it was the product of some impressive fact-digging, its narrative swathed in a historical dialectic that emphasized the long ...

Yaroslavsky Sworn In as County Supervisor : Politics ... Yaroslavsky, the man who would shake up a county government that has resisted the efforts of many a would-be reformer, took the oath of office as a Los Angeles County supervisor Monday in a ...

Nobody's Defending Asshole Nurse-Assaulting Utah Cop ... mayor said she had not seen the video before it was released in a press conference by Wubbels's attorney Thursday; the police chief also claimed that was the first time he'd seen the full video. Surrrre it was, "Mike Brown," if that's even your real name. Let's see some ID, buddy.

Notes on the State of Politics : Larry J. Sabato's Crystal 2012 Obama got just 35.5% of the vote in the state -- the worst performance for a Democratic presidential nominee in West Virginia since George McClellan (D) versus Abraham Lincoln (R) in 1864, which was the first election held in the new state after it had broken away from Virginia in protest against secession during the Civil War. However ...

Visas Of Saudi Officials Revokes By The USA Following The ...; Visas Of Saudi Officials Revokes By The USA Following The Khashoggi Killing. Khashoggi had gone to the consulate to get documents he needed to marry his fiancee, Turkish national Hatice ...

Jeff Merkley | Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing - eBooks life, education, and early political career. Merkley was born in Myrtle Creek, Oregon, the son of Betty Lou (Collins) and Darrell Philip Merkley. [1] His paternal grandmother was born in Calliope, Queensland, Australia. [2] He attended first grade in Roseburg before moving to Portland with his family. [3] He graduated from David Douglas High School, obtained a bachelor of arts degree in ...

Robbie Mook wants Florida Democrats to open their homes 27, 2016 · Mook was effusive in his praise for Sanders and his team, and mentioned how the two candidates had worked together on a plan for college affordability as well as the party’s platform, “the ...

Explained: Why Donald Trump’s legal woes go beyond the ... Why Donald Trump’s legal woes go beyond the Mueller report The US Justice Department has a decades-old policy that a sitting president cannot face criminal charges, so such a case against Trump would be unlikely while he is in office even if there were evidence of wrongdoing.

Romney Pushes GOP Presidential Race Toward a Close | Breitbart 21, 2012 · Romney was the clear favorite among Illinois Republicans who were most concerned about picking someone who is capable of taking on President Barack Obama in the fall. Romney’s wife, Ann, suggested earlier this week that it was time for the party to coalesce behind him.

Trey Gowdy has a few questions… | Power Line 18, 2014 · …for the media about Benghazi (video below). Working as a prosecutor, he learned how to ask questions. In his capacity as the chairman of the House Select Committee, he …

Robert J. Bentley Articles, Photos, and Videos - Daily Press his sternest rebuke yet, Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby said repeatedly Sunday his state can "do better" than electing fellow Republican Roy Moore to the U.S. Senate, making clear that a write-in ...

Explainer: Why Trump's legal woes go beyond the Mueller ... 25, 2019 · He was sentenced to a combined 7-1/2 years in prison in the two cases. Trump has not ruled out granting Manafort a pardon. ... which was presented as the charitable arm of Trump’s business empire, to agree in December 2018 to dissolve, and the litigation continues. ... was the largest in history, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

Kanjorski's role in reform could help or hurt re-election ... 23, 2009 · U.S. Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Nanticoke, is making his mark on financial regulatory reform. The 11th Congressional District representative has four bills he introduced that will be "marked up" or ...

A Renaissance man, Fountain blended ministry, 17, 2014 · A Renaissance man, Fountain blended ministry, academics. ... years ago, ministered to a parish in Ponce, Puerto Rico. ... In his last lecture, Fountain talked with …

Ethics reform fails miserably | The Recorder it is good to know that Gov. Andrew Cuomo can land the big fish in his personal life — note the 150-pound thresher shark he recently caught off Long Island — it is obvious the whale that is ethics reform has been far more elusive. We are referring to the package of vanilla-milkshake ...

NYC Kids PAC endorses Gustavo Rivera, Robert Jackson ... Kids PAC is endorsing four outstanding candidates running for state office next Tuesday, September 13. Based on their exceptional records and their responses to our candidate survey, our board urges you to be sure to vote for Gustavo Rivera in the Bronx, Robert Jackson in Manhattan, and Debbie Medina in Brooklyn, all running for the State Senate, as well as Robert Carroll, who is running ...

Luther Strange - Ballotpedia J. Strange, III (born March 1, 1953, in Birmingham, Alabama) is a former Republican member of the U.S. Senate from the state of Alabama.Strange was first appointed to the Senate position by Gov. Robert Bentley on February 9, 2017. He replaced Jeff Sessions, who was confirmed as United States Attorney General.Strange ran in the Republican primary runoff election on September 26, 2017 ...

Lawyer: June 22 is deadline for response on SAFE suits ... 29, 2015 · Rochester-area attorney Paloma Capanna, who is involved in several lawsuits concerning provisions of the SAFE Act gun control law, says the various plaintiffs and the state have set June 22 as the ...

Allison Eid - Alliance for Justice June 7, 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Colorado Supreme Court Justice Allison Hartwell Eid for the seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit vacated by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. Eid’s nomination defies the recommendation of the Judicial Conference of the United States, which creates guidelines for the administration of the federal courts, that the ...

Maneater | Ethics reform a big topic in session's opening day the Missouri legislature went into session Wednesday, former House Rep. T.D. El-Amin, a Democrat, was missing from the floor. El-Amin was not in attendance because he was being sentenced in a federal court to 18 months of prison on charges of bribery.. This sentencing was the latest in a series of ethics violations by some Missouri lawmakers, including a scandal involving former State Sen ...

Mick Mulvaney to Replace John Kelly: The Atlantic Daily ... 14, 2018 · So what was the Senate hoping to achieve ... According to a psychology ... who spares the GOP no arrows in his argument about the roots of what he sees as the institution’s “depravity” and ...

Sexual assault victim critical of Clinton paid by Trump ... 10, 2016 · WASHINGTON (AP) — A sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before Sunday night's …

Category:Senators | West Wing Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia list of members of the US Senate. Leadership President Pro Tempore of the Senate Joseph Furman, 1999-, Senator Moseley (R-CO): Senate Majority Leader in early 2003, opposed to a foreign aid bill in response to a poll that came out that showed a majority of Americans wanted foreign aid cut...

Jeb Bush says he's going to see the pope when he comes to ... 27, 2015 · Although he expressed some criticism about Pope Francis earlier this summer, Jeb Bush said at at town-hall meeting just outside of Orlando that he’s a “huge fan” of the current Pontiff, and ...

Trump ally paid sexual assault victim critical of Clinton ... 09, 2016 · WASHINGTON (AP) — A sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before Sunday night's …

Just and Update on the Birht Certificate of Obama >> Four September 29, 2008 US District Court Judge R. Barclay Surrick, the federal magistrate for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled in the matter of Philip J. Berg vs Barack Hussein Obama, et al as the world was distracted by the $700 billion subprime mortgage crisis.

Baseball Legend Clemens Found Not Guilty Of Perjury | WBFO federal jury acquitted pitching ace Roger Clemens of all charges on Monday. The jury found Clemens not guilty of lying to Congress and obstructing a congressional investigation into performance ...

White House vows to fight media ‘tooth and nail’ over ... White House vowed on Sunday to fight the news media “tooth and nail” over what it sees as unfair attacks, with a top adviser saying the Trump administration had presented “alternative ...

The Evaluation Of Welfare Reform: Is It Actually Ending ... Sustainability of the European Welfare State 777 words - 4 pages the liberal argues that the welfare system is the enemy of enterprise and economic development, they also advocate the cut of welfare spending. Though welfare-cutting policies have lots of benefits, it cannot get the support of citizens.

Cook County Circuit Court Clerk - Chicago Daily Law 19, 2016 · Cook County Circuit Court Clerk- In the days leading up to early voting in the Nov. 8 general election, the Daily Law Bulletin will publish responses to questionnaires sent to candidates in all contested Cook County judicial races. If a candidate did not respond to a request for an...

State Senator, Idaho Legislative District 4 - 2012 Idaho of the State Senator, Idaho Legislative District 4 race in the 2012 Idaho General Election from The Spokesman-Review.

He talks Katrina on reelection bid - Los Angeles Times 05, 2007 · Republican Gov. Haley Barbour was standing in a preacher’s living room here one recent weeknight, giving his Katrina pep talk to a small group of voters and making the case for his reelection ...

Sanders 2020 - Political Discussion - Shroomery Message Board 26, 2012 · And yeah, as it was said earlier - it had the appearance of "working" to a degree under Chavez (if you ignored the murderous gangs of government criminal millitas, and guerilla warfare brewing on the side) while there was a massive oil price glut that gave Venezuela way more money than they needed to work with - then the price shifts a little ...

Joe Eszterhas’ Our Lady Of Guadalupe Spec Acquired By Roma ... 07, 2017 · The visitation of the Virgin Mary in a small town in Mexico and the subsequent push by a humble man named Juan Diego to get a temple erected in her name is being brought to the big screen ...

Reed Discusses Trump Transition Team, Appointments Discusses Trump Transition Team, Appointments. ... Reed will have a say in who is appointed as the U.S. Attorney for New York’s Western District. The recommendation is typically made by a state’s senator, but when both U.S. senators – as in New York’s case – belong to a different party than the president, the responsibility falls ...

Knicks Morning News (2018.09.12) | KnickerBlogger.Net Morning News (2018.09.12) By Mike Kurylo - Published: 09/12/2018 - 7 Comments [NYDN] Navy’s ‘Harpy Daniels’ is the drag queen of the sea — with hopes to inspire (Wednesday, September 12, 2018 3:00:00 AM) Navy sailor Joshua Kelly has taken the definition of a nautical star to the next level — he is the drag queen of the sea.

Ted Cruz takes lead in Iowa in new Monmouth University the first time this year, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz leads in Iowa among Republican caucusgoers, according to a new Monmouth University poll released Monday. The Texas Senator gets 24 …

Above The Borderline: 4/5/09 - 4/12/09 - atbl1.blogspot.com I am watching the NCAA Men's Basketball semi finals and they cut to a commercial. I thought it was a preview for some upcoming show, but it was a commercial for Jimmy John's sandwiches. In the commercial posted below, guns are blazing, people were being terrorized, etc. ... "He was really into politics and really into the First and Second ...

Madville some kind of a scandal that race is unwinnable. The best chance of winning would be to create some anti-incumbent, anti-Washington backlash against Rep. King personally. This can be done against any incumbent congress member, but it requires some labor-intensive opposition research with boots on the ground in DC. That costs money.

Democratic Convention 2008 | The Confluence about Democratic Convention 2008 written by riverdaughter and katiebird

Articles citations with the tag: PRESIDENTS -- United -- United States&offset=15900Citations with the tag: PRESIDENTS -- United States Results 15901 - 15950. ... The number 60 became a controversial figure when U.S. President George W. Bush announced to the U.S. that this was the amount of existing embryonic stem cell lines he would allow federal funding for research. Many scientists are not convinced that the 60 stem cell ...

Boycott, Divest, Sanction: A Possible Two State Solution ... 01, 2037 · Posted on July 23, 2014 by Jerry Alatalo "For what can war, but endless war still breed." - JOHN MILTON (1608-1674) English poet The number of Palestinian men, women, and children killed by Israeli weapons has risen to near 700, and the number injured to …

October 9, 2013 – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY 01, 2037 · Seal of the United States Department of Justice (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Posted October 9, 2013. by Jerry Alatalo. Philip Marshall died in early 2013 at age 54 along with his fourteen year old daughter Macaila and seventeen year old son Alex in the family home in California.They died in what local law enforcement officials have called a murder-suicide, alleging that Mr. Marshall killed his ...

Quotes about Profiling (85 quotes) - Quote Master use big data profiling to predict who is about to get pregnant, who is likely to buy a new car, and who is about to change sexual orientations. That's how they know what ads to send to whom. The NSA, meanwhile, wants to know who is likely to commit an act of terrorism - and for this, they need us. Votes: 1. Douglas Rushkoff

Facts on recidivism undermine case for leniency ... 06, 2018 · Taylor Millard, one of the excellent writers at Hot Air, has taken issue with an article by Daniel Horowitz on recidivism as it relates to sentencing reform, including the FIRST STEP legislation ...

Is political parties determine the nature of foreign ... American political parties of Democrats and Republicans don't fit well into other countries' political systems. That is, the unique nature of American culture and politics makes it very ...

'Dirty deeds': Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen gets 3 years in ... is the first and, so far, only member of Trump’s circle during two years of investigations to go into open court and implicate him in a crime, though whether a president can be prosecuted ...

Observations on Christchurch | Power Line 16, 2019 · We haven’t written anything about the Christchurch, New Zealand, massacre. There probably isn’t much to say. Nevertheless, a few observations. 1) Liberals wasted no time trying to make ...

Special counsel disputes explosive report on Trump lawyer ... 19, 2019 · Washington (AFP) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office took the rare step Friday of disputing a news report on his Russia investigation, saying a BuzzFeed article alleging that US President Donald Trump directed his former lawyer to lie to Congress is "not accurate." Trump's lieutenants had ...Author: Paul HANDLEY

Letter: Eisenhower Was Last Legitimately Elected last legitimately elected Republican president was Dwight D. Eisenhower. Richard Nixon committed treason in order to be elected. Nixon’s own records show that in 1968, as a presidential ...

Time to take back our vote | Opinion | thetandd.com"Government of the people, by the people, for the people,” was the simple but profound description of democracy stated by Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg address. 2016 is yet another year ...

Cohen at Congress: 20 questions Trump's former lawyer ... his testimony, Cohen is expected to detail his motives for having helped Trump and for now coming clean, the person familiar with the matter said. ... Who are the "White House-based staff and ...

Covington City Commission votes to send White report to ... Covington City Commission voted to send the investigative report compiled by attorney Scott White to Kenton Commonwealth Attorney Rob Sanders and Kenton County Attorney Stacy Tapke at Thursday ...

Connecticut’s Budgets, Unions And Cowards - Don Pesci’s Budgets, Unions And Cowards Over the past 25 years, Connecticut has increased taxes by leaps and bounds. The first leap began when then Independent Governor Lowell “The Maverick” Weicker muscled through the General Assembly an income tax measure.

Union busters? Sandra Frazier, David Nicklies create ...’s note: This post was updated at 7:55 p.m. on October 1. The original verison of this post incorrectly indentified The Bluegrass Fund as a political action committee. In fact, The ...

State senator who proposed arming teachers now silent ... 21, 2012 · Lasee, who is up for re-election in 2014, will be one of the top targets for Democrats as they attempt to recapture the state Senate. Although his district, which is centered on Door County, became ever-so-slightly more Republican (0.5 percent, according to GOP strategists) as a result of redistricting, it remains a tossup.

ROBERT E. LEE: AN article discusses the life of Robert E. Lee referring to his biography which was written by the author Woodrow Wilson. It is not necessary to recount Lee's achievements, they are in the memory not only of every soldier, but of every lover of high and gifted men who likes to see achievements which proceed from character, to see those things done which are not done with the selfish purpose ...

Whole Hialeah council may have violated state Sunshine law 11, 2013 · Tweet; Sumo; Tweet; In what may be the biggest mass violation of the Florida Government-in-the-Sunshine laws in history, video shows every single member of the Hialeah council filing into the Mayor Carlos Hernandez‘s office about two hours before the council meeting in which they voted to pass the budget.. Former Mayor Julio “The Other” Martinez, who is running against the …

Chippewa Falls middle school student Virijevich files ... one of a handful of Democratic incumbents in districts won by President Donald Trump, Congressman Ron Kind is a top target for Republicans in 2018. The first challenger to emerge has his sights ...

The audacity of hype | Power Line 15, 2008 · As Paul notes below, Barack Obama denies having personally heard the now notorious statements of Jeremiah Wright: The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were ...

Middle school student Virijevich files papers to run for ... one of a handful of Democratic incumbents in districts won by President Donald Trump, Congressman Ron Kind is a top target for Republicans in 2018. The first challenger to emerge has his sights ...

Under investigation [With Comment By John] | Power Line 24, 2016 · Under investigation [With Comment By John] ... I got it the first time, no explanation necessary, but okay. ... they must perform to appease the crazy campus gods and others that Glenn had the ...

The Moderate Democrat Returns - Don Pesci following the unexpected rise to the Presidency of Donald Trump, the species is making a comeback in the person of U.S. Rep Jim Himes, who has been chosen to lead the New Democrat Coalition, “a group of about 50 Congressional Democrats that calls itself moderate and fiscally responsible,” according to the Hartford Courant.

Gary Landrieu - Ballotpedia Justice "Gary Landrieu believes that law and order is one of the utmost responsibilities of government, in that it ensures the protection of life, liberty and freedom for society as a whole, by providing more funds for world-class law enforcement for our Parishes."

April | 2017 | Power Line | Page 5 23, 2017 · To a remarkable degree, ... The first Earth Day came full of gloomy commentary and predictions from the scientific community. ... it was the product …Author: Scott Johnson

A Thomas Eagleton moment? | Power Line 29, 2008 · In his widely lauded Philadelphia speech, Barack Obama declared of Reverend Jeremiah Wright: I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. It wasn’t quiite up to George ...Author: Scott Johnson

Garodnick not running for mayor | Town & Village Christian Brazil-Bautista The list of possible contenders for Mayor Bill de Blasio’s seat just became a bit shorter. Council Member Dan Garodnick, whose name has been thrown around as a possible challenger for the position, denied that he was eyeing a run at the mayoral seat. “No,” Garodnick said when asked at an event…

The Weekend That Was - nystateofpolitics.com first Tues in November can’t come fast enough….. And speaking of leaving “soon enough” that goes for the ex MTA boss who is playing LG like he has something to offer or something that matters. Time for Rav to clean out the desk and take a few trips to check on economic development opportunities for the state of NY, before he has to ...

Fall From Grace: Democrats Criticize Padavan’s Support of ... Democrats blasted Padavan for writing a letter to the judge who is set to sentence McLaughlin next week after he pleaded guilty to a racketeering charge last year. Padavan was the only elected official among 47 people who wrote letters for McLaughlin, many of whom asked for leniency when Judge Richard Sullivan sentences the former ...

The Times’s Blind Side | Power Line considers the film’s story only as the story is incidental to the film’s marketing. ... preeminently in his book Hollywood vs ... But it was the most enjoyable film of the seven I saw that ...

Trump aides&apos; felony convictions spur calls to oppose ... the words of Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., Tuesday’s legal developments are a “game-changer” for the confirmation of Supreme Court

2012 Colorado Congressional Election Archives - Page 4 of campaign sent photos of their volunteers calling voters at the same time as the 7th Congressional District candidates participated in the Denver Post/9News ... Perlmutter supporters were doing the same thing, but it was the Coors campaign that snapped the photos of busy workers. ... who is vying to unseat Coffman in the 6th Congressional ...

King Coal wins the midterms | Grist 09, 2010 · In the final year of his remarkable life, Robert C. Byrd, the longest serving senator in US history, did one more remarkable thing. He called for serious dialogue on coal, climate change and the ...

All's Quiet on Northampton County Judicial Front 05, 2009 · All's Quiet on Northampton County Judicial Front ... I know or have known most of the people in the race. One of the deciding factors for me was the Hollenbach poster/campaign slogan. How does having Lisa Boscola as the center piece of your campaign make people want to elect you judge? ... was, and always will be. Walk a day in his shoes and ...

Pin on Latino Politics - pinterest.com’s call for a great, white male dominated America is a call for a return to an ugly past. Washington Perspective: What’s so great about Trump’s America? Trump’s call for a great, white male dominated America is a call for a return to an ugly past.

April 2016 Volume 9 No. 2 by The Red Chronicles - Issuu Law Issue. Issuu company logo ...

Primary colors - City 08, 2018 · Lang, who is seeking her second term in office, says one of the big issues that will soon face her office is the state’s newly raised court appointed attorney fees from $70 per hour to $100. That will ding the Clerk of Courts’ office budget since those are paid by the county (public defenders for criminal cases are paid by the state).

Trump’s night-owl calls to Roger Stone in 2016 draw ... D. Leonnig National investigative reporter focused on the White House and government accountability November 28 at 8:31 PM The calls almost always came…

Do you agree with the facts that Obama is a fraud and Gov ... 30, 2008 · She was the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (population 6715 according to the town web site). She has served 20 whole months as the Governor of Alaska (population 670,053) -- which happens to be 2/3 of the population of the city of Detroit.Status: ResolvedAnswers: 22

THOMPSON WIN BOOSTS SENATE REPUBLICANS : Larry J. … WIN BOOSTS SENATE REPUBLICANS For the second straight week, the Crystal Ball is moving a toss-up Senate race to the Republican column. Now that ex-Gov. Tommy Thompson has captured the Republican nomination in Wisconsin -- winning with 34% of the vote in a crowded, four-way field -- we are installing him as a slight favorite to capture the Senate seat now held by the retiring …

Emotions raw over Donald Trump immigration, refugee stance was also inescapable that one of candidate Trump’s most controversial statements ever in the campaign was when he called for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United ...

Extras (Updated) - nystateofpolitics.com it really won’t matter. Hatch will win decisively. Hatch is one of the surviving ol’ bulls in the Senate. Very conservative, but not right-wing enough to satisfy the extreme tea party crazies in Utah. He is looking forward to taking over the Senate Finance Cmt. (very powerful positon) if …

Trump is already colluding with a foreign government to ... is already colluding with a foreign government to get reelected There are some news stories so jaw-dropping that you have to read them two or three times to make sure you’re not hallucinating. So it is with a story in the New York Times in which Rudolph W. Giuliani announces to the world that...

violations – CBS Sacramento Cream Altered With Mercury Puts Woman In ComaSacramento County said this is the first reported case of "methylmercury" poisoning of this type linked to skin cream in the United States.

D.C. Wire - District Teachers Lawyer 07, 2009 · While the Washington Teachers' Union has gone to court to block the District from laying off 266 teachers and staff, other D.C. educators are taking action on their own. Among the first of what is likely to be a wave of wrongful termination suits landed in D.C. Superior Court Wednesday....

The Case For Bob Kerrey For Vice President (Guest Voice ... Case For Bob Kerrey For Vice President (Guest Voice) This Guest Voice is by Lou Zickar, Editor of the Ripon Forum, a Republican journal of thought and opinion.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Ott Betrays Judge McGinley For 30 ... 30, 2013 · I accused Ott of betraying Judge McGinley for 30 pieces of silver. Ott is an evangelical Christian, not Jewish. Had Ott been Jewish, I would never have made the comparison mention precisely bc it could be construed as anti-Semitism. But he is Christian, and …

Rich people crowded onto California’s ballot — and many ... 18, 2018 · “Because John Cox was the first Republican to be able to campaign on the wholesale level, where you’re talking to hundreds of thousands and millions of voters — as opposed to the retail ...

Manhattan tolls, plastic bag ban approved in New York 31, 2019 · Drivers traveling into the busiest sections of Manhattan will be charged a toll starting in 2021 and single-use plastic bags will be banned across New York state in …

Thoughts from the ammo line | Power Line 22, 2016 · And a few million legal ones. And suddenly, instead of ragging on insensitive GUESTS, it was the American HOST COUNTRY that was fat and insensitive, rude, and …

Jill Schlesinger on Financial Reform Winners & Losers ... 27, 2010 · Jill Schlesinger on Financial Reform Winners & Losers. ... was the reason behind Blanche Lincoln's push to expand the limit from $10 billion to $15 billion. ... an athlete who is not among the ...

San Diego County held in contempt by federal judge in ... federal judge held San Diego County in contempt of court for refusing to comply with an order to turn over documents requested by the plaintiff in a lawsuit alleging negligence in the jailhouse ...

Was Last Year the Apex of Republican Power in Michigan appears so, but we’ll have to wait till the Nov. 8 general election to find out for sure. For now, however, it’s easy to make a case that the Michigan GOP is more strongly in command of state government than at any time since just after World War II. In 1947-’48, all eight statewide […]

Peppers vs. Gross again _ only this time it counts - The ... Gross estimates he’s lined up opposite Julius Peppers more than a thousand times in seven years of practices with the Panthers. On Sunday, they’ll go one-on-one again - only this time ...

NH Primary Source: Ayotte-Trump ‘fence-mending’ welcomed ... David Imamura, a New York attorney who was the field director for U.S. Rep. Ann Kuster’s 2010 campaign and a former president of the New Hampshire College Democrats.

House Dems' IT case: Awans' history of intimidation ... making $165,000 salaries on Capitol Hill, Imran and Abid Awan operated a fly-by-night car dealership that took $100,000 from an Iraqi government official who is a fugitive from the Department of Justice, discharged $1 million in debts in bankruptcy, and …

Bradley attacks Gore aggressively; McCain, Bush trade ... former senator asked Gore as the Democratic and Republican candidates held back-to-back debates for 2 1/2 hours. ... who has never been comfortable with attack politics at any point in his ...

Simply Politics (GOV): A History Of Alleged Intimidation ...'s News: World-Wide -- WSJ: This article is being republished as part of our daily reproduction of articles that also appeared in the U.S. print edition of The...

Peaking Behind The Curtain: George Soros Once Again Behind ... 09, 2016 · The 85-year-old political activist and philanthropist hit the headlines post-Brexit saying the event had “unleashed” a financial-market crisis. He was once again on the right side of the trade, taking a short position in troubled Deutsche Bank and betting against the S&P via a 2.1-million-share ...

RON PAUL did an excellent job at the debates on Saturday ... 31, 2017 · when they interviewed the bought and paid for press after the debate they did not even mention his name once. They pretty much covered everyone else and of course focused on Gingrich and Romney. IMO, I thought tonight was one of Paul's strongest debates. He has consistently polled within the top 3 or 4 candidates (despite mainstream media blackouts and negative press) during the entire …

Dartmouth’s 9/11 | Power Line 11, 2018 · But it has been more than a month since Mr. Crotty took his children to the bakery. ... at which his wife Linda has established a scholarship fund in his name. “I would say he was one of our ...

Barclay Harless, Brandi Gabbard both want Police Chief 01, 2017 · Barclay Harless, Brandi Gabbard both want Police Chief Tony Holloway to stay ... but it won’t be in the race for City Council ... He also was the assistant news director with WMNF 88.5 FM in ...

Defense for dad of Alison Lundergan Grimes rests after ... testimony that Lundergan once left $20,000 on his couch as payment for political work was the bombshell of the trial, although that allegedly happened in 2015 as Grimes was seeking reelection ...

Another Fake Hate Crime? Of Course It Is | Power Line a guy named Jussie Smollett, who is an actor on a TV show called Empire, claimed that he was attacked in the middle of the night, in his exclusive Navy Pier neighborhood of Chicago, by a ...

Minnesota politics in the limelight, as usual | Power Line usually leave Minnesota politics to my colleagues for the very good reason that they know a lot about the subject and I don’t. Nor do intend to commit a major violation of this practice. But ...

Campaign Moves West in Wake of Big Romney Victory - The ... 02, 2012 · On the heels of a commanding victory in Florida, Mitt Romney on Wednesday morning sought to move ahead toward a coming confrontation with President Obama even as …

Bob Buckhorn says he wants to see Charlie Miranda elected ...“It’s much less stressful this way, than it was the last go round, a much more comfortable feeling,” said Dr. Lynch Buckhorn, the mayor’s wife, who is a distinguished medical professional.

Sunday morning coming down | Power Line 14, 2019 · As Johnny Rogan has it in his history of the Byrds, Hillman didn’t play bass, but he said he did and he quickly made good on his statement. ... The first night’s show was a little ragged ...

Winners and Losers: Virginia Primaries 2019 | Blue Virginia are a few winners and losers (note: I really can’t emphasize this enough, but not meant to be comprehensive, as that would be endless, boring, and exhausting to put together and to read! LOL) that I think are worth highlighting from the June 2019 Virginia primaries. Let me repeat ...

"Log Rolling?" by Micah, Marshall Joshua - The American ... Standard publisher Bill Kristol was the first to publicly connect Bush's answer on Meet the Press to his campaign's attempts to use McCain's meeting with Log Cabin Republicans against him. Kristol first mentioned it on ABC's This Week and later on yet another of Tim Russert's shows on CNBC.

Encinitas Undercover: Dumanis, Fletcher, Filner received ... breaking story in the U-T: The owner of a Washington, D.C.-based campaign firm and a former San Diego police detective are accused of conspiring with a foreign national to illegally inject more than $500,000 into San Diego political races, including the 2012 mayoral contest, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Paul Soglin: Waxing America: Film film was O.K. but it should have been about Janine Roth (Meryl Streep). That is the compelling story. That was the most relevant in terms of figuring out how we keep getting manipulated and maneuvered into buying the crap the George W. Bush recycled from Lyndon B. …

Aboard New Zealand’s cabbage boat: cheques, spooks and ... 07, 2013 · But that doesn’t make them any less vital to John Key’s future. Whatever their indiscretions, Key can’t completely distance himself from the pair because National – as the party is known among New Zealanders – holds only fifty-nine of the 121 seats in parliament. It’s uncannily like the situation in Canberra over the past three years.

Tony's Kansas City: TKC MUST READ!!! KANSAS CITY ... 17, 2018 · The stock market has STILL not gone up as much as it did under Obama. You have a computer, you can look that up. The disastrous economy was Bush's and Obama help save it. Go ahead dope go check that out. An effort to unseat him by a corrupt establishment?? Ha ha ha ! 19 indictments already, 4 plea agreements and a host of cooperating witness.

Netroots Nation - Bloggers and Pamphleteers: Karl Frisch ... 11, 2008 · "1998 was the first time we even considered getting e-mail addresses, and we only got 15, because people didn't know they could be on a campaign mailing list," Frisch recalled.

Update: Marijuana Business Conference & Expo - Day 1 ... Boldrey and I have spent this week attending the Spring 2016 Cannabis Business Conference & Expo in Orlando, Florida. Yesterday was the first official day of the conference, and a number of the presenters provided information of interest to participants in the cannabis industry. Highlights included:

Big Spring Herald Newspaper Archives, Jul 11, 1973 Big Spring Herald Newspaper Archives, Jul 11, 1973 with family history and genealogy records from Big Spring, Texas 1921-1991.

Lalley Podcast; Ep 3 — South FALLS, SD — Tuesday’s game could have been called the ‘Andrew Ely Show’. Ely finished the night 4-for-5 with a go-ahead home run in the sixth, three spectacular defense plays, and a triple shy of the cycle. His efforts fell short as the Cleburne Railroaders (53-35) escaped the Sioux Falls Canaries (34-53) 12-10 on […]

Free Essays on Jimmy Carter Vs Ronald Reagan - Brainia.com and state levels [pic] The 2008 election was the first since the landslides of Ronald Reagan to reveal a relative imbalance between the two parties. Barack Obama became the first Democrat since Jimmy Carter in 1976 to win a majority of the popular vote.

Malloy Nominates Robinson To Chief Justice | CT News Junkie is the third most senior person on the bench and his confirmation would be another milestone as the first African-American chief justice in Connecticut. ... death penalty and a handful of ...

Best of the Web, take 2 | Power Line 28, 2004 · The blog JustOneMinute was the first to find the 1986 “seared–seared” speech in which Kerry described his memory of being in Cambodia in December 1968. ... As the …

Fire and Fury, Signifying Nothing | Power Line 05, 2018 · Never has a paraphrase of Shakespeare’s line been more fitting than with regard to Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, …

Louis, Waterman, Others Eye Williams Council Seat this come to pass, the early favorite for the council seat is Williams’ Deputy Chief of Staff Farah Louis, who has the support of Assemblywoman Rodneyse Bichotte (D-Flatbush, Ditmas Park).. Bichotte is clearly a queenmaker in this part of Brooklyn as she is the chair of Williams campaign and has done a stellar job of getting Brooklyn Democratic Part boss Frank Seddio behind Williams.

Civil War re-enactors in 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter ... of the most authentic units was The Tater Mess Boys, with members from Missouri, Arkansas and Kansas. These men were hard-core enough to scorn the hotel accommodations.

Luis Gutierrez Paid Wife Over $100,000 From Campaign Funds ...$100-000-campaign-funds-2016...Dec 27, 2016 · Luis Gutierrez Paid Wife Over \0,000 From Campaign Funds in 2016 Cycle Gutierrez’s Wife Has Pocketed Hundreds of Thousands in Campaign Funds since ... The first time Soraida worked in a capacity for the campaign, ... who is paid $3,000 a month. In April, he told the U-T she would no longer have a campaign credit card.

Accolades: Forbes Rates UVA Among Nation’s Top Employers ... 28, 2018 · UVA ranked No. 36 on the list, and was the third-rated institution of higher education. Boar’s Head Resort Named One of Nation’s Top Five Wine Country Hotels . USA Today’s has named the Boar’s Head Resort, owned by the UVA Foundation, as one of the top five wine country hotels in America. The Charlottesville resort was ranked ...

Donald Trump's Administration Nominees Project Profiles your family tree and invite relatives to share. Search 200 million profiles and discover new ancestors. Share photos, videos and more at

OP-ED | New Leadership Needed to End Educational ... followed was the closing of public schools because of low test scores, many in urban school districts, which were then replaced with charter schools. ... one of the most important decisions ...

Benjamin Adams Funding Inc • Buffalo • New York • of David Fleming thru his son Benjamin Fleming of Pitt County, North Carolina. Sixth of eight parts

Congress Gets First Muslim Lawmaker - The Washington 08, 2006 · MINNEAPOLIS -- Democrat Keith Ellison was elected as the nation's first Muslim member of Congress on Tuesday, easily winning a Minneapolis …[PDF]Eighth Edition - City of Oberlin | eighth edition of theModel City Charter strongly endorses the council-manager structure of municipal government that was first proposed in 1915 as the National Civic League's (then the National Municipal League’s) model form. In the years since, the Model has been refined to reflect

Music Row future requires balance, mayoral hopefuls say 29, 2015 · Music Row future requires balance, mayoral hopefuls say Preservation of Music Row could rest largely with the next mayor, set to replace Mayor Karl Dean in …

RNC Day 4: Palin, Creationism, and Other Red Meat - Barry ... 04, 2008 · On the first day, God created pit bulls. On the second day, He created lipstick. Originally published in IndyWeek. AS THE OWNER OF A FRIENDLY PIT-BULL MIX, I wasn’t quite sure what to make of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s off-script line last night at the Republican National Convention: “Do you know the difference between a hockey mom and […]

Proposed Monument Honoring Union Soldiers at Florida’s ... state parks system is on the hot seat and a House leader is calling for action over a proposed monument to Union soldiers at the site of the biggest Civil War battle fought in Florida. The bid ...

Hillary Clinton’s Hollywood Donors Raise $46 Million-Plus ... 15, 2015 · That was the deadline for campaigns to file their most recent quarterly reports for the period that ended on June 30. ... reported taking in $2 million in the first month of his campaign ...

November 2015 | Democracy Speaks was the day following Election Day. The day after millions of citizens had overcome long lines and sweltering heat to cast their votes in the country’s historic elections. Every one of us there was a …

Assembly Regroups Following Arrest of Silver Amid’s downfall was the latest in a long string of arrests and convictions of state lawmakers in recent years. ... Heastie’s success was triggered by Keith Wright, the Manhattan Democratic chair, who on Jan. 26 became one of the first Assemblymembers to call for Silver to resign. ... With his sights on the national stage and a possible ...

FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SENATOR MITCH … who is eligible to vote in federal elections and a registered voter in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Howell Decl. ¶¶ 1-2. She was the Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts in 2000, and intends to run again for federal office in Massachusetts.

Preview: Circle Circle dot dot premieres Gill Sotu’s hip ... story revolves around four young members of an up-and-coming rap act who face a moral dilemma when one of them, while delivering a pizza, discovers the body of an old man in a house filled ...

Stefanik Says It Was Time For Pruitt To Go Elise Stefanik in a statement Thursday said the resignation of Environmental Protection Agency Administration Scott Pruitt was the correct move given the myriad ethical allegations leveled against him. “It is time for new leadership at the EPA,” said Stefanik, who represents the state’s ...

Centreville holds off Brookhaven - Mississippi's Best ... a prayer for one of Miss-Lou’s finest Saturday, July 27, 2019 12:01 am. The Miss-Lou almost lost one of its finest in a shootout with a suspect in a robbery Thursday in Vidalia.

Michael Cohen's Lawyer on Megyn Kelly - David Schwartz ... 30, 2018 · Cohen is the certified brain genius who yelled Fake News in response to a Wall Street Journal story detailing how he paid $130,000 in hush ... All of , of course, absurd. ... But it turns ...

Stephen Miller’s insufferable uncle | Power Line has published a opinion piece by David Glosser called “Stephen Miller Is an Immigration Hypocrite. I Know Because I’m His Uncle.” Glosser’s piece is a shrill, hyper-personal rant ...

October | 2013 | Power Line | Page 6 23, 2013 · Attorney General Eric Holder said today, in a speech to a convention of police chiefs, that mass shooting incidents have tripled in the last few years: Between 2000 and …

Villainy: An Analysis of the Nature of Evil (Part 3 of 5 ... 22, 2005 · The three leading mass murderers in history, in order, are Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler – with Pol Pot belonging in the same group based on sheer percentages. This is a clue to the relative depth of the collectivists’ evil, but it is not conclusive proof that they are …

As We Face Environmental Trauma and Do-Nothing Politicians ... that there is no real chance of political action in the next year or two, a real opportunity exists to build a powerful, angry movement, in the USA and around the world. Below is Bill McKibben ...

2010 General Election | Speak Out California This is significant because Koch Industries funds much of what is known as the “Tea Parties.” They also are funding “global warming deniers” and initiatives like California’s Prop. 23. Here is the Wall Street Journal, in Koch Industries Shifts on Tea Party,

Why draining the Washington swamp may be impossible 17, 2017 · Why draining the Washington swamp may be impossible. Posted on May 17, 2017 by Editor [Editor’s note: This is a recent post by a blogger friend of mine in New Jersey, John Bury. He writes primarily about the pension crisis in his state, but …

When Democratization fails to benefit society – The Rebel Yell / Opinion / When Democratization fails to benefit society. When Democratization fails to benefit society February 1, 2010 by Nathan Warner . We need more effective government, not more democracy. The blogosphere, the punditry and editorial pages have held no shortage of criticism of the Supreme Court’s recent decision, which struck down parts of the McCain-Feingold campaign ...

Fact-checking Donald Trump’s Fox News interview Fox, Trump said he had no intentions of firing Conway, and argued that the Hatch Act goes against the First Amendment. "It looks to me like they're trying to take away her right of free speech. And

The “Culture of Misinformation” and the Government’s ... 15, 2014 · In yesterday’s New York Times, Charlie Savage had a new installment in his series about the government’s representations (and misrepresentations) in Clapper v. Amnesty, a case I argued before the Supreme Court in 2012. (For previous installations in Savage’s series, see here, here, here, here, and here.) In connection with yesterday’s article, Savage has posted a letter […]

La Center in prime position to earn state bid | Sports Center suffered a heart-wrenching overtime loss in the championship game of the district tournament but the Wildcats aren’t worrying about their last game. The game that has their focus is the next one. La Center can earn a trip to the Class 1A state tournament’s round of eight teams with a ...

Mets 5, Phillies 4, in 6½ innings: Wright, Murphy homer ... (AP) -- David Wright still doesn't feel completely comfortable in his second game back from injury, though he's not showing it. Wright and Daniel Murphy hit solo home runs

The Christian Science Monitor, June 18, 2010 | Online ... Christian Science Monitor is a national weekly print newspaper published by the Christian Science Publishing Society and owned by the First Church of Christ, Scientist. The paper was a daily until March, 2009; currently the website is updated daily.[PDF]withhelpof rupee’sfall profitsup businesses and a sharp depreciation in the rupee. Billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s energy-focused conglomerate reported net profits of Rs54.9bn ($894m) in the period – up 1.5 per cent year-on-year, but it was the Mumbai-based group’s slowest rate of profitincreasein2013. Mr Ambani highlighted the performance of the pet ...

The Union Democrat 07-16-2015 by Union Democrat - Issuu 16, 2015 · The Union Democrat print edition for Thursday, July 16, 2015

Naked Politics - September 20, 2014 | Miami Herald ... 20, 2014 · In a bit of trivia that will fascinate historians of presidential politics, journalism and tawdry sex scandals, the New York Times has named a South Florida woman it says was the …

separate but equal | The Confluence about separate but equal written by riverdaughter • View topic - Cloakroom Conspiracy years ago a group of Republican lawmakers got together to form a political strategy to curb the Obama agenda and win back the Whitehouse in four years.

Microsoft shortly passed Apple as the most valuable 30, 2018 · According to Bloomberg, Apple's market cap fell to $812 billion during intraday trading Monday, while Microsoft's rose to $819 billion.. On Monday, tech giant Microsoft briefly overthrew Apple as the most valuable company in the United States, with a market share of $812.93 billion, followed by Apple at a market cap of $812.60 billion.

For St. Pete Council hopeful Robert Blackmon, knowing 29, 2017 · For St. Pete Council hopeful Robert Blackmon, knowing needs of diverse District 6 is key ... Blackmon also pointed out that Salt Creek was the unfortunate recipient of tons of partially treated ...

Warrior Lit | National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)“That’s how people perceived me, but that doesn’t represent who I am,” he said. Villanueva, who is Hispanic and a native of Texas, worked as a farm laborer before entering the military. “There’s a certain level of racism that’s accepted in this country, but it’s hidden,” he said.

CANDIDATES' LUST FOR BIG MONEY WITHERS INTEREST IN ... went ga-ga over the news that Texas Gov. George W. Bush had collected a record-breaking $36 million in the first half of 1999 to finance his bid for the Republican presidential ...

Trump, His Virus and the Dark Age of Unreason - truthout.org 17, 2016 · There also was the brave and moral lawyer Joseph Welch, acting as chief counsel to the US Army after it was targeted for one of McCarthy’s inquisitions. When McCarthy smeared one of his young associates, Welch responded in full view of the TV and newsreel cameras during hearings in the Senate. “You’ve done enough,” Welch said.

HE BOWS BUT THE WORLD DOES NOT BOW BACK: MICHAEL … BOWS BUT THE WORLD DOES NOT BOW BACK: MICHAEL BARONE Posted By Ruth King on November 19th, 2009 ... On his 10-day trip to Asia and in his 10th month in office, Barack Obama is beginning to encounter limits on his ambition to change the world. ... But it’s beginning to look like Medvedev is Lucy, sanctions are the football and Obama is ...

The Che Paradox - Capitalism Magazine 29, 2006 · This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. ” No, Che was not an alienated dreamer stuck in the doldrums of bourgeois life — he was the figurehead that helped Castro repudiate whatever inkling of human rights Cuba’s population enjoyed before the revolution of ’59.

Planning as Public Use? | Nicole Stelle Garnett joining the fray are the United States Congress and a number of state legislatures, which have offered up several different proposals to "solve" this hitherto intractable riddle ...Author: Nicole Stelle Garnett - 12, 2017 · It makes it seem as is that is not the first reference to the Russian government's efforts to help his father's campaign. Because it didn't take him by surprise. He didn't ask what that meant.

The New US Anti-Torture Law: A Genuine Step Forward - Just ... over two months ago, on the day before Thanksgiving, President Obama signed into law an important provision concerning torture that has garnered surprisingly little attention. Maybe it was the buzz of the coming holidays, or perhaps the fact that it was buried in a 584-page bill relating to more mundane fiscal concerns, but limited […]

Education Becomes An Issue in Hartford’s Democratic ... education of all Hartford students and the choice one of the candidates made to send his children to a private school in a neighboring town came into sharp focus over the past few weeks in ...

S.C. eyes election reforms At issue: How should the state ... board governing how Charleston County oversees its elections and voter registration could be challenged in court and could cast a cloud over this year's elections if state lawmakers don'tAuthor: Robert Behre

Missoula County sheriff's race features new candidate, old ... year’s race for Missoula County Sheriff has been contentious and scrappy, but that’s nothing new given the department’s history of political allegiances drawing fire, especially during ...

The Early Edition: April 5, 2019 - Just Security 05, 2019 · President Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen said he was “congratulated” by one of the president’s attorneys after giving false testimony to Congress about Trump’s Russia links during the 2016 campaign. ... Barr has summarized in his boss’ favor, ... but it would not back out of its deal with Russia, Reuters reports.

Did a series of Tweets Reveal the Secret Deals of Assembly ... 18, 2017 · I am going to reserve judgement as my knowledge of Dahle and his Chief of Staff Josh Cook suggest to me that there will be changes, but it did not stop the malignant narcissist Chad Mayes from trying. Speaking of Kristen Olsen, I’ve spoken to a …

O'Malley going to bat for the DLC. - Democratic Underground two men wrote, "Some on the left would love to pretend that groups such as the Democratic Leadership Council, the party's leading centrist voice, aren't needed anymore. But for Democrats, taking the center for granted next year would be a greater mistake than ever before."

Blogroll | who is willard milton romney?“He describes himself as the chairman of the company and me as the C.E.O.,” said Beth Myers, Mr. Romney’s campaign manager and former Statehouse chief of staff. “He does not manage this campaign.” Romney’s small-circle of lieutenant-adepti management technique is also the way Romney addressed the health care question in Massachusetts

"Transaction" | John Updike's Complete Stories Summary ..."Transaction" (1973), encounter with a prostitute, by John Updike: summary, analysis and commentary of the complete early and later stories, including the Maples and Henry Bech cycles, based ...

Why Hoping for a Big Democratic Win in 2018 Could Be a ... Hoping for a Big Democratic Win in 2018 Could Be a Death Trap for Progressives ... That was the focus of a ... and may be willing to pay higher taxes for a perceived social good. But it will ...

OP-ED | Sorting Through The Mud: Understanding the ... the end of December, Tom Foley, who is still the Republican frontrunner in the 2014 gubernatorial race, alleged that Democratic Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s administration was shaking down state...

Congressman Swalwell reflects on priorities for new term ... third term in the House of Representatives is already shaping up to look quite different for Eric Swalwell. 2017 brings a variety of changes professionally, including new committee posts, new legislative issues, a new district office in Castro Valley and a new Republican president -- not to mention a big one personally, due this spring.

Bob Gardner Archives - The 07, 2015 · Businessman Josh Hosler of Colorado Springs today will launch his campaign for the state House seat now held by Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt. In his news release, Hosler billed himself as a “father, an entrepreneur, a former Marine, and a lifelong conservative.” “It is my hope to utilize my experience in business, time in the military, and love for my son to wholeheartedly dedicate myself ...

FUN TO BE BAD: " Oh Damn John --You Have Been A Bad Boy" to be bad world news...articles of interest... science...environment...humor

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED ... 20, 2017 · If the last two and a half years have taught us anything, it’s that the ultra-wealthy think government service is about hearing themselves talk rather than rolling up their sleeves to get the ...

Saddam: Pure As the Driven Snow! | Power Line it looks like they got the information in the fall of last year. … Right now Sir, a meeting of the highest leadership in our country, we did actually produce biological weapons. It ...Author: John Hinderaker

Why are house Republicans blocking Tax Cuts for the middle ... 18, 2011 · I'm starting to believe that they are stopping Americas progress to hurt Obama. Why would you protect millionaire's tax cuts but block middle class tax cuts. Why are they blocking infrastructure investment but giving 500 billion to rebuild Iraq. I know conservatives think the jobs plan wont work but its common sense to me that something has to be done other than tax cuts for …Answers: 11

The Monroe Times: One Child Can Change the World | isely 14, 2016 · The following is an article I had published in our local paper. The Monroe Times, on January 12, 2016 titled "One Child Can Change the World" and I quote: 1/11/2016 11:28:00 PM "Letter to the editor: One child can change the world" From LaVern Isely Monroe To the editor: Republican Donald Trump is running for…

Tom Tancredo picks new running mate - Denver Post 24, 2010 · Tom Tancredo picks new running mate. By Karen Crummy. The Denver Post ... Who are you to say that you know who is best for Colorado and then take such drastic steps. ... in fact, ensure he wins, then run against him as the republican candidate in 2014. This is his cheap and underhanded way of making sure he doesn’t run against a republican ...

Boris Shor | Seventh 24, 2014 · Today, 7S looks at Republicans using the data provided by Boris Shor and Nolan McCarty of state legislator ideology. Remember that a more positive score indicates a more conservative senator, so the bottom of the table are the most conservative. Put another way, the closer to zero, the more moderate the senator.

KTemoc Konsiders ........: DAP in doggone damage control in doggone damage control ... what i'll do for you but you've to stop those silly reforms ... .But it is okay if it is a three way same sex partners.And it is more queer when there is a member of the LGBT family in the cabinet.Especially,when a former DPM was …

Ain't Nobody Got Time for Racism, Declares Ben Stein ... 22, 2014 · Ben Stein, the man who introduced America to Jimmy Kimmel, has written a piece for the American Spectator about how the South is pretty much the best and racism is dead forever. Gather 'round, and let's tear apartBen Stein's neo-Confederate paean to the glories of the New South. This is a …

Pompeo: NATO Must Confront "Emerging Threats" From Russia ... 05, 2019 · On Thursday US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged NATO leaders to confront the “emerging threats” posed by the Russian and Chinese militaries across the globe, but especially in Venezuela. “We must adapt our alliance to confront emerging threats… whether that’s Russian aggression, uncontrolled migration, cyberattacks, threats to energy security, Chinese strategic …

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing - November ...'s_Daily_Presidential_News_Briefing_-_November_4,_2015I think you learn a lot by doing that. This is the key to our success. This is the reason we’re doing so well here in Iowa.” During the same interview, Jindal responded to a question about Marco Rubio missing votes in the Senate by saying, “I think the voters get to decide what they think is relevant.

Clinton underestimates Carter - Reggie Meisler - Medium 24, 2016 · This is the idea that a person who is just entering the workforce, or someone who’s skill set doesn’t yield much on the job market, should not be given adequate wages or protections, but that ...

Yitzhak Shamir's good, great life - Center for Security Policy 06, 2012 · There was something about Yitzhak Shamir, Israel’s seventh prime minister who passed away last Saturday, that made you feel shy, in awe when you stood in his presence. In his eulogy at Sunday morning’s cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu noted that Shamir "didn’t radiate charisma. He simply radiated inner strength." Shamir, the diminutive, taciturn …

"It Was Eight Years Ago Today, Occupy Taught Us How To ... C99 family. Haven’t been around in a while, but that’s too long to get into now. This is gonna be quick, but the date kind of commands something is published. Not much for anniversaries myself but as I sat for breakfast with the little ones this morning WBAI had a segment on in which they were talking to people about OWS. Sept 17th, why of course!

Keeping It Classy: Michelle Malkin Viciously Attacks Obama 13, 2014 · Zeituni Onyango was the half-sister of Obama’s father. He mentions her in his memoir, Dreams From My Father as “Aunti Zeituni,” even though he didn’t meet her — or any of his father’s side of the family — until he was an adult. She came to the U.S. in 2000, looking for political asylum.

Senator who spearheaded letter to Iran got $1 million from ... who spearheaded letter to Iran got $1 million from Kristol’s ‘Emergency C’tee for Israel’ by Philip Weiss, -- The War of Ideas in the Middle East -- Mar 10, 2015

The deep fear the kids have evoked in some-shows they’re ... deep fear the kids have evoked in some-shows they’re more to be pitied than bashed. I hope for a more empathetic future.????????

Democrats spar in cutthroat primary race for Nevada ... VEGAS (AP) - The fiercest primary election battle in Nevada this year is a race between two Democrats vying to become the swing state's first Democratic governor in almost two decades.

Chargers' Fabiani Bluntly Tells Task Force It Needs To Get ... 17, 2015 · "Are the mayor and a strong majority of the City Council prepared to support the recommendation of your task force?" ... But it "makes no sense for Fabiani to continually poke a finger in the eye of the one guy, Mayor Faulconer, who is trying to finally develop a stadium proposal that will be good for the team and City Hall and will be accepted ...

Should We Believe Bob Lazar?, page 1 -"Should We Believe Bob Lazar?" Well many people do not, but I believe him. Our secret government and intelligence agencies are capable of many things, and wiping away a person's school and work history is nothing for them. Bob talked too much, that's all, about what he saw at S-4, and what he did there.

Nevada Progressive: Let the "Sausage Making" Continue. past two days have been very topsy-turvy on gun safety legislation in Congress. On Monday, pundits were wondering if anything and everything was finally dead. But yesterday, hope sprang again as several Republican Senators (including Nevada's Dean Heller) decided to break an expected filibuster on a motion to proceed (which allows for formal Senate debate and consideration of legislation).

One last rant | Power Line his book First Among Equals ... Some suggest that O’Connor and Powell are the true conservatives when they tread so cautiously. This is part of what Krauthammer was saying when he lauded the ...

OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller - Page 82 | Bear Insider 14, 2008 · Comments by one of Mr. Mueller's lead prosecutors, disclosed in a transcript of a closed-door hearing, suggest that the special counsel continues to pursue at least one theory: that starting while Russia was taking steps to bolster Mr. Trump's candidacy, people in his orbit were discussing deals to end a dispute over Russia's incursions into Ukraine and possibly give Moscow relief from ...

What stupid shit has Trump done today? | Page 216 ... 19, 2018 · This is more of a reminder to me but, if anyone wants to have a hunt for links between Trump and any of this lot, I'd love you to help. These are the people and companies indicted by the Russia investigation team. ... One of the fake emails is [email protected] - google it and you'll get an idea.

Watchdogs protest, file new complaints against Mellow ... Scott Twp. cosmetics company is expected to soon break ground on a $27.9 million expansion that’s estimated to create at least 280 new jobs in the next three years, a township official said ...

The Early Word: Into The Green Zone - The New York Times 21, 2008 · The main argument is simple and clear. Does our invasion of Iraq make us safer? Who is the strategic beneficiary of the invasion of Iraq? With the cost of lives and treasure, is the war worth it? Where is the weapon of mass destruction? These are the questions I expects tte MSM to be asking McCain rather than allowing him to regurgitate nonsense.

Pin on Ethical Issues - Pinterest“I mean, the whole nature of colonialism — to [find people to] carry the water for the oppressor.” Hedges went on to say, “This is just an example of the utter hypocrisy of the liberal establishment which, on this issue, has abandoned poor women – primarily poor women of colour – to a form of sexual slavery and abuse.” See ...

Cross-Border Data Requests: A Response to Greg Nojeim ... 07, 2015 · Editor’s note: This post also appears on Lawfare. Last week on Lawfare, Greg Nojeim responded to — and raised a set of questions about — our proposed framework for dealing with cross-border requests for stored communications. In particular, he focuses on what he calls our efforts to eliminate the probable cause finding prior to the disclosure […]

Democrats that can’t win fair and square resort to ... 28, 2010 · The Lorain County Board of Elections and the Ohio Secretary of State do not know who is doing this. They need to know so that this potential voter fraud can be stopped. If you receive one of these calls: 1. Ask the caller what organization that the caller is with. Note if the caller claims to be from the Board of Elections.

Liberal Author Eric Alterman Longs for Another Moment ... of this gem from April, 2003 — a mesmerizing portrait of a very un-self-aware Eric Alterman, progressive writer enjoying a moment — its author George Gurley added some color in ...

israelisecurity - whisleblower - Google Sites'In the case of at least one of these security defendants, Huntleigh, there would seem to be a conflict of interest for the judge because the airline security company who is responsible for the shocking security lapses at both the Boston and Newark airports on 9-11 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by men with ...

Alternative news from Japan: 2014 company TC callender revealed "The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2014" and a Japanese model, 25 years old, is in the 8st place. She is called Mirei …

Lev Epstein (@LevEpstein) | Twitter latest Tweets from Lev Epstein (@LevEpstein). Fair and equal housing | Voter Rights | Easy and accessible Healthcare | Transparency in Government | "Corruption in Politics is NOT ACCEPTED HERE"Followers: 52

Robert Ramirez Archives - The 19, 2013 · On the opposite side, the mailer goes on, in more conventional mailer language, to praise Ramirez, who is running for re-election in a tight race against Democrat Tracy Kraft-Tharp. “As a father who is active in his daughter’s school, Robert Ramirez …

Prediction: Huge win for Judge Mike Meares in tomorrow's predict a huge win for Judge Mike Meares in tomorrow's Blount County Primary.. Yes, we realize he is unopposed in the primary, as is his opponent. But fairness and justice for all in Blount County are the winners tomorrow, because we will have an outstanding candidate on …

Cuba – Odeslink Media Group writer Enrique del Risco, who lives in New Jersey, won the XX Unicaja Award for his novel ' Fernando Quiñones ' in Spain, by Turks in the Fog, part of a more ambitious project, Cuban Hudson Trilogy, which is based on the experience of Cubans in that city in three historical moments. Enrique is a Professor at New York

Jackson Jambalaya: Fitch to host Girl Scouts Career Day 08, 2017 · Jackson, MS. State Treasurer Lynn Fitch is proud to host today Jackson-area Cadette Girl Scouts for the Girl Scouts and Office of the State Treasurer Career Day. The scouts are spending their day touring the Treasurer’s Office and the State Capitol, completing activities geared towards improving their personal finance skills and learning about the daily responsibilities of the Treasurer’s ...

Pin by Susyq51 (my eye candy store and alot more ... Pin was discovered by Susyq51 (my eye candy store and alot more!) maguffee. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.

July | 2009 | Power Line | Page 9 12, 2009 · During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised to “reboot America’s image around the world” and one promise Obama has attempted to fulfill as president.

GI Bill, Colleges Fail Veterans - Terry GI bill.htm"It’s an extremely stressful situation for a newly returned vet," says Howard. "The check is late, the university is breathing down his throat. This is the first dealing with VA that most vets have, and when they come up against shit like this, it discourages them from claiming other benefits, including medical disability, treatments, etc."

Advance Indiana™: Matt Did It Again is the most corrupt administration we've ever had in our city. ... I don't know who is advising Ballard but the first lesson he needs to learn is that no one is going to vote for a candidate who fails to let voters know he is running for office! ... The truth is CONsolidating services generally may look like a good idea, but it doesn't and ...

Noisy busyness and the disappearance of silence -- Science ... by some miracle we reject the bill of goods of noisy busyness that has been sold to us to sow confusion, we are doomed. That might sound hyperbolic, but it is not. We are being led to the slaughter by crazed elites who are pushing for a world war. We are drowning in lies and more lies, lies compounded by noisy repetition.

News from LDH: 2016 10, 2016 · Many Americans are outraged that for the second time in five elections, the presidential candidate who won the most popular votes lost the election. Whoever wins the most votes should be elected president. It's time for a National Popular Vote.

Wisconsin Association of Mediators Blog | Wiscosnin's Only ...https://wamediatorblog.wordpress.comWisconsin Association of Mediators co-president Katherine Bogdanoff said her group is working statewide to promote mediation as an alternative to court. “We’re still trying to educate the public,” Bogdanoff said. Mediation isn’t for everyone, and it isn’t a substitute for independent legal counsel. But it can offer several benefits:

Anderson Brown's Political Blog: August 2008 you guess which two were both born in 1942? Charlie Watts and Dick Cheney are the oldest, Al Gore is the youngest). They represent the senior phalanx of the generation known as the baby boomers, born in post-WWII prosperity, roughly from the late 1940s to the early 1960s. And they are, or at least until recently have been, in charge of ...

Gary Langston: April 2014 Oaks Bank in Johnston County NC bank pays $1 million to settle fraud complaint April 29, 2014 15:42 EDT RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- Federal prosecutors say a North Carolina bank accused of promoting an illegal scheme to take money from consumers' bank accounts is …

FPPC – San Leandro mailer will say “paid for the ACDCC”, and there will be no mention of who is actually funding it. The point, of course, is for a person or PAC to be able to support a candidate without having to be seen as doing so. Let’s say you are the PAC of a union representing City Hall employees.

Page 14 — Indianapolis Recorder 16 February 2001 — Hoosier ... A14. THE INDIANAPOLIS RECORDER. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2001. OPINION. Bush administration will take away environmental progress I5\ MIC’HAKL K. DORSEY The IJusIr ailmimsiratron is lay ing the seeds to retard decades of proeiVNs to I'toiiM. the emironment.

February | 2012 | Digital Cabinet posts published by Polevaulter Donkeyman during February 2012. Greatbong informs us all of the Peer Baba who impregnated 300 women, who were forced into sex with him by their husbands and in-laws in the hope of a son (Some may have went of their own free will but the program implies that mostly the women were forced to have sex with this Peer Baba).

Chicago Fanatics Message Board • View topic - Trump Year 10, 2018 · Last visit was: Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:34 pm: It is currently Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:34 pm

NationStates • View topic - Senator John McCain Dead at 81 04, 2018 · Remember, all that glitters ain't gold. I've never seen you before, Mardla and I'd normally welcome you here but you do have an antiquity status but yet I see your population is only about 1.9 billion, so being slightly confused, a friendly welcome to you. It's also been noticed there are zero forum posts prior to 2018. Either you've been in puppet storage longer than most dogs live or you'd ...

Steller column: Parallels in Nixon, Trump presidencies ... it was The Post that took the regular abuse in the White House briefing room from President Nixon’s spokesman, Ron Ziegler. ... “This is a political effort by The Washington Post, well ...Author: Tim Steller Arizona Daily Star

Dec 7 - New filings directly implicate Trump in crimes 07, 2018 · In January 2017, Cohen formally left the Company and began holding himself out as the ‘personal attorney’ to Individual-1, who at that point had become the President of the United States,” the SDNY prosecutors say. “In particular, and as Cohen himself has now admitted, with respect to both payments, he acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1,” they say.

Mimsy: Question with boldness -“Question with boldness,” wrote Jefferson to his nephew, “even the existence of God; because if there be one, He must approve the homage of Reason rather than that of blindfolded Fear.” Dissension deserves no less. Dissension itself is not the highest form of patriotism. But encouraging dissension is.

corruption | Van Brown's Journal is the epitome of corruption which overrides the idea of one man-one vote. It begs the question of who these legislators truly represent. And now we have a Supreme Court, supposedly our council of the sage and wise, that upholds the rights of corporations above those of individual human beings.

Q&A: Lara Segura on social issues and dance - The San ... for her charismatic style and sense of timing, critics have named Lara Segura one of San Diego’s strongest dancers. The North Park resident has performed with Trolley Dances, Mojalet ...

Mayor forum yhy Header asdkajsdy | Palmetto Politics ... summer’s racially-motivated shooting deaths of nine black worshippers inside Emanuel AME Church first affected Charleston’s mayor’s race by shutting down the campaigns for weeks as the ...

Poland Refuses to Read from the Eurocrats’ Script ... yszard Legutko, a Polish political philosopher and member of the European Parliament, voiced his frustration with Brussels in late December as it gathered itself to start proceedings against his home country for undermining the rule of law. He complained of an “unprecedented obsession” with Poland among Eurocrats, even as the same turned a blind eye to what happened in Catalonia last year.

Page A1 | Omaha World-Herald Sunrise Edition | omaha.com was the first one off the airplane. Lohry and other relatives were there to greet him. He was laid to rest with full military honors Saturday at the city cemetery in Eveleth, Minnesota.

Hillary Clinton No Longer 'Inevitable' - outsidethebeltway.com 15, 2007 · Well I remember in the fall of 03 Dean was the crowned front runner ahead in the polls and all but assured of the nomination. It was about this time that the media stopped being his …

Rick Heumann | The Jake Files received the first direct mail piece of the runoff campaign on Friday. Becky Jackson has apparently secured the endorsements of Rick Heumann, Chris Stage, and Frank Peake.Of course, she didn't actually tell us in her mailer what positions she is taking on any particular issues.

Democrat Lovefest (aka MSNBC Forum) » Politichicks.com 11, 2019 · Billed as the “First in the South Presidential Forum”, three Democrat presidential hopeful, sat down one-on-one Friday night with MSNBC Rachel Maddow. The two-hour televised format, held at Winthrop University in South Carolina, featured …

Tech Is Changing New York, but Not How He Reports on the ... 01, 2019 · That said, I end up spending a lot of time on the Sonos app, mainly because my son, who is 4, is obsessed with the possibilities of Spotify for discovering new music and dancing to it. First it was the K-pop group BTS; now it is “Moana.” Choosing music is one of the few things he’s allowed to do on my phone, so he really takes it to heart.[PDF]LEAGUE PRESENTS CITY BUDGET WORKSHOPS THIS SPRING members and a valued, active member of our League, passed away on February 2. For several years, Peggy Anne and Bill hosted Unit meetings at their home on Walnut Street. They were regular volunteers for the ASUC elections, and took charge of them several years ago. Peggy Anne, a professional editor, was the

NARFE Chapter 1747 September 2015 Newsletter - issuu 28, 2015 · President's Message Continued from Page 1. proximately $700 to our Treasury. We will conduct a new raffle this year. We also owe a large debt of …

The Scout Report -- Volume 14, Number 9 | Internet Scout Scout Report -- Volume 14, Number 9. March 7, 2008. ... and Benjamin Rush, who is known as "the father of American Psychiatry." The section on hospitals and asylums provides a timeline of important dates and activities, including the creation of the first asylum in America by Quakers in 1752. ... One of the paintings stolen was "The Scream ...

In another time, in another World... - CRIME, GUNS, AND 26, 2005 · An update: Thanks to retired policewoman/police officer, Maggie McCarthy who is pictured here in the class of 18 Feb '74 (she is the 4th policewoman from the right) I can now put names to some of the faces. From right to left, Cindy Kane, Susan Luther and Roseanne Fitzgerald. The other male range officer is the late, Jim Tracy.

DC BOEE Report on 2008 primary, test decks for the election are produced and a “test election” is executed on the machine. After this test, Memory Packs are read, results tabulated and compared with the expected outcomes for the test election. At this point, final Pre-LAT reports are prepared.

Ryan Frazier Archives - The 18, 2016 · Americans for Prosperity Colorado bills itself as the state’s “foremost advocate for economic freedom.” It often weighs in on energy issues, which is no surprise given that its chief funders are the Koch Brothers, who made their fortune in oil. Fields formerly was the state deputy director.

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Moral Authority ... Adams said that “because power corrupts, society’s demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.” Every headline in the past week has us thinking...– Ouça o Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Moral Authority de Pantsuit Politics instantaneamente no seu tablet, telefone ou navegador - sem fazer qualquer download.

The Koch intelligence agency | Koch intelligence agency. ... Such stealth activities are the kind that campaigns and party operatives often fantasize about but mostly shy away from ? both because of cost and potential political backlash if exposed. ... ASG was the conduit for $13.3 million of Freedom Partners’ cash between late 2012 and the end of last year, ...

Political Thread - Handyman WIRE - Handyman USA laws. He was sentenced to eight months of confinement followed by 52 months probation. Now, as the saying goes, D’Souza is back—and bigger than ever. He has reinvented himself as something like the court intellectual of the age of Trump. Trump pardoned D’Souza on May 31, 2018.

Tavis Smiley : WHUT - Internet Archive we come to the most critical rebukes of the obama white house coming from progressives. we have joan walsh. she argues the white house and democrats have become too cozy with big business, a key factor in last week's results. groban isht, salon.cojosh here. he teams up with rick rubin. we are glad you joined us. joan walsh and josh groban now.

Naked Politics - Miami-Dade Legislators | Miami Herald ... Alliegro last month made a surprise admission of guilt in open court and named Rivera as the mastermind of the 2012 scheme to steer more than $81,000 to a political unknown to help fund fliers ...

Fraud claims, voter suppression, Sandusky and a 'Bitches ... Florida Democratic Party picks its new chair tomorrow in Lake Mary -- and perhaps not a day too soon. The race between Allison Tant and Alan Clendenin has become quite a nasty affair. Some of ...

Michael Madigan - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core J. Madigan (born April 19, 1942) is the Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives and Chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois. He is the longest-serving Speaker in state history, having held the position for all but two years since 1983. He has been a member of the Illinois House since 1971, representing the 22nd District, a majority Hispanic area surrounding Midway Airport ...

Waukesha citizens community disscussion 13, 2015 · Board index; FAQ; Logout [ Bing [Bot] ] Board index ‹ Town of Waukesha ‹ Talk of the Town; Change font size; Print view

Tom Rogan Thinks...: Bye Bye, 16, 2016 · At a personal level, he was a wonderful advisor and one of my closest friends. Our conversations were frequently humorous, often serious, and occasionally profanity-laden (when he didn't like one of my scripts!!). I will miss him greatly. Below are some of my time-linked exchanges with Dr. McLaughlin - in chronological order - that I most enjoyed.

Sheldon Adelson sees a lot to like in Trump’s Washington ... day, Miriam Adelson, who is Israeli, described Trump as “the Truman of our time” in an extraordinary front-page editorial in the newspaper she and her husband own, the Las Vegas Review ...

Who served three years in reform school for attempted ... are referring to rock legend Chuck Berry. He served three years (from 1944 to 1947) in reform school, and then became an assembly line worker at a General Motors factory; he also studied to be ...

Trump vows ‘new day’ for Venezuela – Prime News Now 18, 2019 · Breaking News Emails Get breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings. SUBSCRIBE Feb. 18, 2019, 10:53 PM GMT By Jane C. Timm President Donald Trump condemned socialism and urged a peaceful transition of power to end the Venezuelan crisis on Monday. “We’re here to proclaim that a […]

Feds’ probe into Trump hush money payments is over, judge ... defends cash grabs for border projects; ‘Abuses of ICE’ Resemble ‘Auction Block During Slavery’

5 things to know about David KochLatest News on tv company, which funds petroleum, oil pipelines and a wide range of other chemical and consumer goods, is the now the nation’s second-largest private conglomerate, with an annual revenue of more than $100 billion, according to The New York Times. But the brothers are best known for their polarizing influence over American politics.

Wal-Mart Gives Hillary a Boost | Newsmax.com 18, 2016 · “Returning” is the key word, because there is a substantial history here. As the New York Sun reported in a 2006 editorial, when Mrs. Clinton’s husband was an Arkansas politician and she was the real breadwinner in the family, she served, between 1986 and 1992, as a member of Wal-Mart's corporate board of directors.

Herman Cain's Skeleton Closet -- political scandals Cain's Skeleton Closet: Scandals, Quotes, and Character ... "And when they ask me who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan I'm going to say, you know, I don't know. ... he settled charges of earlier violations by agreening to a $15,000 fine and a 3-year suspension from being able to work on campaigns in Wisconsin, where the ...

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Mike Krill Destroyed Dowd's ... 10, 2011 · Mike Krill Destroyed Dowd's Election Chances ... Allison is a great person who is married to a crazy man who loves to run campaigns into the ground. Spencer may have won but I would bet he is in major debt. ... but it makes no sense. It was the Panto effect. If Gracedale was the reason, Dowd would have lost in the 'burbs, too.Author: Bernie O'hare The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy: The Story of ... York is one of my favorite writers because he reports. No diatribes. No insults. No hysterics. He just reports facts and when he gives his opinions, they are never overstated. There is no name-calling (The title is a quote from the liberal activists who are the …3.4/5(48)Format: AudiobookManufacturer: Random House Audio

The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy: How Democratic Operatives ... 21, 2018 · “We ARE building a Vast Left Wing Conspiracy.” With those words, the influential left-wing blogger Daily Kos confirmed the argument of National Review’s Byron York in this fascinating and meticulously reported book.The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy provides a startling behind-the-scenes look at the well-oiled (and well-funded) political machine built by Democratic operatives, eccentric ...3.4/5(48)Format: AudiobookManufacturer: Books on Tape

The Next Ohio Secretary of State Will Oversee Voter ... 15, 2018 · The state's voter rolls One of the highest-profile duties of the secretary of state’s office was on trial this year. And the US Supreme Court upheld Ohio’s six-year voter roll maintenance process – by which voters are removed if they don’t vote after two years, and for the next four years don’t vote and don’t respond to board of elections mailings.

Voting and Elections | PoliSci News Review | Page 3 about Voting and Elections written by mypoliscilab. According to the Constitution of the United States individual states are required to provide to their citizens a republican form of government.. The guarantee of a republican form of government in the Constitution is vague, but it provides a wide door for rights related to voting, representative-based government, and the sovereignty of ...

D.C. Wire - Moten tries to boost Fenty with music 25, 2010 · Ever wonder what Peaceoholics co-founder Ronald Moten does all day? Here's a partial answer. Mayor Adrian Fenty's No. 1 booster has put the mayor's campaign message to music with a new theme song that hits on all of his opponent's perceived weaknesses. The …

donald trump | Clicker Training Daniels lawyer has been ratcheting up pressure on the White House, she has been performing on her Make America Horny Again tour. I t has been a good week for Stormy Daniels. Donald Trump and his attorney Rudy Giuliani have tied themselves in knots trying to explain disclosures about the shell firm used by Michael Cohen to make payments to Daniels.

Madville invoices do not make clear exactly what happened next, but it would appear the April 2014 deposition was part of Darley's discovery process.While the Regents may have had questions of their own about Bollen's activities, Okadigbo's attendance at Bollen's deposition may have been intended to keep as much information off the record as possible in anticipation of the Darley v.

idiocracy23: November 2012"The Mormons had good news today. Billy Graham, who is 112, has taken Mormonism off his website's list of cults. This is typical of Christian right's stance on Mitt Romney. They still believe he will go to Hell for all eternity but in this life, they'd like a tax cut." –Bill Maher

Congressional Hypocrisy …Do as we Say, Not as We Do … Dems 06, 2009 · Congressional Hypocrisy …Do as we Say, Not as We Do … Dems in Congress Head to Kingsmill Resort & Spa in Williamsburg, Va., The pot calling the kettle black … and Fear Mongering to Pass Democratic Pork Barrel Agenda If Barack Obama can dictate corporate CEO’s their salaries because of tax payer TARP money, then “We the People” should be able to dictate the salaries of the …

Jackson Jambalaya: #1: Father killed in front of son. 01, 2017 · Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!! This is definitely a Beaver production. Note: Security provided by INS.

Perfectly Sane 'Researcher' Just Asking If Ted Cruz's Jerk ... 13, 2016 · Careful photo-analysis shows Rafael Cruz on congasWe can think of about nine bajillion reasons Ted Cruz shouldn't be president, but here's one we hadn't considered: Maybe his dry-drunk daddy was part of a CIA plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy!!! …

Extras - nystateofpolitics.com German designer, who was the creative director for Chanel and Fendi, was one of the industry’s most prolific figures, and worked up until his death. Cuomo’s proposed budget will change the way the disabled individuals on Medicaid manage their aides, which has disabled advocates upset.

Donald Trump - Page 36 - Politics - Science Forums 12, 2016 · Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in... Content titles and body; Content titles only

field negro: Disappointment and then anger. 05, 2019 · A As a kid growing up in a Seventh Day Adventist home, I would hear talk about The Great Disappointment from time to time. Every Adventist knew about that day on October 22, 1844, when William Miller declared that the Lord would return to earth. People sold …

Embattled Missouri Gov. Greitens resigns | State and ... announcement came hours after damaging testimony by a former campaign aide to a House committee investigating Greitens, and a separate ruling by a judge forcing the governor's campaign to ...

November | 2016 | NobodyisFlyingthePlane are an aberration and abomination who is willing to do and say anything — no matter whom it aligns you with and whom it hurts — to satisfy your ambitions. I don’t believe you care much at all about this country or your party or the American people. I believe that the only thing you care about is self-aggrandizement and self-enrichment.

Nevada Progressive: On #FierceFlores, SexEd, & Sharron ... hours of the hearing, Reno Gazette-Journal political reporter Ray Hagar posted a story about Flores’ testimony. As far as I can tell, Hagar was the only mainstream journalist to cover the announcement, with his story posting about an hour before my re …

Hollyoaks spoilers: Maxine attacked and Adam agrees to be ... Adam become a backstabber? (Picture: Channel 4) Things get a heated in Hollyoaks this week as Glenn tries to get on Maxine’s good side by giving her the money she needs to get Minnie into an expensive school that Adam could never afford. Later Glenn arranges for Trigger to attack Maxine and steal the money […]

Nevada Progressive: #NVGOP: Nowhere to Go... But Up? all Muth & Co. need are Senator Heller and a couple House Republicans to keep Washington dysfunctional. ... how can a President of the United States of America spout racist spittle in his Twitter account while pompously ... - There is a false perception in America that there are more gun owners than there actually are. The number of ...

Fatal Bomb Blasts hit Two Jakarta, Indonesian Hotels (Ritz 17, 2009 · Seems that everything under the sun was blamed on Bush even on the other side of the world because he was the President when it happened and he’s the reason everybody hates us, that’s what I heard from the liberals for 8 years. Now that Obama is President he’s not responsible for anything, even things in his own country. GO FIGURE

Maybe Bestest GOP Senator Ever Susan Collins Can Get Trump ... it for America, Susan! Were we not just fawning all over "moderate" and "sane" GOP Senator Susan Collins of Maine, telling her she was the best and the brightest of all the GOP senators? Admittedly that's not a high bar, but GO WITH IT, READERS. She was saying Trump's original Muslim ban was anti-Muslim and probably unconstitutional, and even said she understood why George Soros was paying ...Author: Evan Hurst[PDF]Frederick Douglass and the Paradox of American Christian ... his appendix, however, he goes to great lengths to ensure that his ambiguous feelings toward ... interpretation of enough to debunk it for American use: Ham’s son Canaan was the one cursed, and many scholars think that this verse is here to justify the specific slavery of the ... reader who is paying close attention would tend to ...

That’s Zinncredible | Power Line 24, 2018 · In his 2004 Dissent review, Michael Kazin suggested that the major reason behind Zinn’s success was the timeliness of his narrative: “Zinn fills a need shaped by our recent past. The years ...Author: Steven Hayward

Penny Rants for Wednesday, June 5, 2019: Pete Buttigieg ... all that, Mr. Hickenlooper fared better than former Rep. John Delaney of Maryland, who got booed at the same event for a full minute after telling the assembled that Medicare-for-All "sounds good, but it’s actually not good policy, nor is it good politics." It routinely gets majority support in poll after poll and it's "not good politics"?

Groups Rejoice as Voters Use Initiatives to Pass ... for a Fair Minimum ... “This is a very big victory and a unifying victory in a really purple state." ... but it will take many months for the state to write the rules that will allow ...

news Archives - Page 10 of 10 - Democracy Rising say a special Grand Jury was seated and heard evidence for a month concerning Donald Trump JR and a true bill came back from the Grand Jury and the indictment is under seal. Donald Trump JR not only lied to congress he lied to the FBI not to mention he was a key player in the Russian conspiracy to aide Donald Trump in the election .

Bitcoiners acclimating to life on the fringe - aei.org 22, 2019 · There can never be a complete explanation for a thing that didn’t happen. ... This is not an area where most people are going to leap without looking. ... and a …

Buffalo Hunt wall could be (partially) saved by using also take issue with the fact that the artist hasn’t really been consulted at all on how to fix this wall (even though they claim they have consulted him, he says otherwise). As I understand it, he agreed to fix the wall for around $30K, but it would require some work AND a special backfill.

Shoreland protection bill emerges from Senate committee 24, 2014 · Shoreland protection bill emerges from Senate committee ... but it is the accumulation of some areas of permitting systems that has become overly burdensome,” he …

Hit by Debt Crisis and Hurricanes, Trump Fails to Aid ... Rico was struggling from a debt crisis before Hurricanes Irma and Maria, and Trump's callousness makes its situation worse. ... She continued, “This is what we got last night: four ...

Partisanship, polarization among politicians and the ... its current law-making pace, one pundit noted recently, Congress has “a real chance at being the least productive legislature since the 32nd, from 1851 to 1853.” This is a far cry from the government envisioned by our Founders, who believed Congress should drive federal action.

Special Counsel Has Hired 13 Lawyers, 'With Several More ... Talking Points Memo By MATT SHUHAM Published JUNE 16, 2017 11:30 AM Special counsel Robert Mueller has hired 13 lawyers for his probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 investigation and plans on hiring “several more,” a spokesman for Mueller told Talking Points Memo on Friday.

Back to work, New York - The Observation Deck 10, 2016 · Back to work, New York. ... All this points to the need for a limit on outside income, as we have in Congress. ... This is both a matter of social justice and a constitutional obligation the state ...

On the Failure of Democratic-Socialist Strategy and the ... the Failure of Democratic-Socialist Strategy and the Advocacy of Its Emulation by Republican Strategists ... and a non-trivial number of left wing third party candidates for office before the New Deal could be found running in Democratic primaries or running for office as Democrats following the New Deal. ... But it is entirely clear that ...

Top NC 2012 stories include deaths of 3 notables | myfox8.com 29, 2012 · RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- The deaths of three North Carolina icons and a superstorm that left a lasting impression are among the Tar Heel State's top …

sunlightpolicy/State-Open-Data-Census - GitHub 07, 2015 · I don't know what to do with transportation (transit and otherwise) data. Some states simply have no public transit (beyond a couple of cities with buses), and most states have nothing in the way of commuter rail, and those states that do have such services generally run them on a municipal level, rather than as a state program (which is to say that it's out of states' hands as to whether that ...

Damages for Breach of the GDPR – 30, 2017 · Heads 91 and 58 (respectively) of the Scheme address these claims, but they do not completely provide for such claims for compensation. So, I’m still of the view that the Scheme does not provide a claim for compensation for breach of the GDPR and the Scheme. It seems to assume one, to be sure; but it never goes so far as expressly to provide one.

Yahoo Mail Strange Behavior... Bug, Spam, Virus or Nothing ... 20, 2009 · Best Answer: Sorry that this Answer is so long but it is a complicated subject beyond your current issue! IMHO, sounds "Phishy" to me! Never click on links unless you KNOW they are real. I will "go out on a limb" here & jump to the conclusion that a dangerous e-mail - - …Status: ResolvedAnswers: 4

Democratic debate: Twitter reacts Joe Biden, Elizabeth ... is the @AndrewYang that’s surprised pundits. Asked about immigration “My father grew up on a peanut farm in Asia..and now his son is running for President...Almoat half of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants” ... Beyond one shoutout to faith-based values and a short Bible verse, candidates ...

UPDATED: Trey Grayson Responds: Bill Would Outlaw ... Secretary of State Trey Grayson has responded to our post and has graciously gave us a great comment on this bill. From Secretary of State Trey Grayson "Like most Kentuckians, I do not like automated calls. However, I am concerned that this legislation may …

Big Money Still Had Destructive Role in 2012 Elections ... 09, 2012 · Dec. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The fears that big money would corrupt the political process in 2012 weren’t realized, the conventional wisdom says. The …

Former lawmaker Atkinson pleads guilty to wire fraud - Las ... state Senate Majority Leader Kelvin Atkinson has pleaded guilty to wire fraud after admitting to misusing about $250,000 in campaign funds to open a nightclub and lease a luxury SUV, among ...

Taxpayers may be asked to help pay for political campaigns ... taxpayers might soon be asked to help pay for political campaigns under a proposal that backers say will loosen special interests' grip on City Hall. Some City Council members hope to ask ...

Solutions for the Development Office - InfoRich is not only a marvelous way to consider living one’s life, but it […] Lao Tzu and The Tao of Planned Giving Lately, I have been seeing a lot of research studies on the topics of how women save money, invest money, and spend money—studies done by Fidelity Investments, U.S. Trust, and similar financial services organizations, on a ...

Democratic Report Card - - The first online Democrats worked hard for a real prescription drug benefit, and gained a majority of support. Sadly, the Republicans used procedural gimmicks to block a floor vote. Millions of seniors must choose between their medicine or shelter, electric bills and food.

Jamal Khashoggi | News & Photo Features Saudi Arabia’s promise to spend $450 billion in the US and its oil production and ability to raise or lower oil prices, Donald Trump says he will stand by his ally and ignore the allegations of culpability of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in the savage murder …

Franklin County, PA must be made five (5) days prior to your preliminary hearing. If applying for representation on a case already scheduled before the Court of Common Pleas, the application must be submitted two (2) Fridays prior to the scheduled court date. This is to ensure we have time to file for a …

Lawrence Taylor might have a hard time being a sympathetic 23, 2011 · Lawrence Taylor might have a hard time being a sympathetic figure. By Michael Rand ... a former New York Giants linebacker and a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. ... This is …

Sam Dastyari’s expenses scandal a ‘cash for comment ... 02, 2016 · Malcolm Turnbull has scaled up his attack on Labor senator Sam Dastyari, describing the senator’s expenses scandal as a “cash for comment” moment that must be explained by Labor.

Cambridge Candidate Pages – Candidate Pages – 2011. Cambridge, Massachusetts Municipal Election - Tuesday, November 8, 2011. In Cambridge's proportional representation (PR) elections, you may vote for as many candidates as you please, but you must rank your choices. Give a #1 rank to your top choice, a #2 rank to your next choice, etc. Ranking additional candidates will never hurt your top choice(s).

PolsReview_sheet2 - POLS 206 American National Government ... 206 American National Government Review Sheet-Test 2 This is a list of general topics you will need to know in order to do well on the second test. This test covers chapters 6 through 10 and includes the topics of public opinion, political parties, interest groups, mass media, campaigns and voting behavior. 1) What is public opinion? The distribution of the population’s beliefs about ...

AOC: How blunt authenticity is the key to getting your ... no ordinary politician, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or “AOC”, the 29-year-old Democrat who has gone from bartender to progressive political headliner in under a year. AOC has 3 million Twitter followers and a level of interaction for a U.S. politician bettered only by President

Blog Posts - Senator Justin Chenette U.S. military involvement in Vietnam may have ended in the early 1970s, but the heroes who returned from the war were left with a less-than-satisfying reception to say the least.

How might Labor win in 2022? The answers can all be found ... - The Conversation) The high tide of analysis concerning the Australian Labor Party's shock 2019 federal election loss has been reached. It looks like so much flotsam and jetsam with the ...

Sunday Opinion: Coal Mining is a dangerous business - The ... have to blow off some steam this morning and say to David Hawpe, "Coal Mining is a dangerous business". I understand how an outsider would feel and think about the historical struggle of Kentucky's coal miners. But it is time for a change and I have NO faith that change is on the way.

"Sanctified Capitalism": Radio Icon Dave Ramsey Butchers ... 28, 2019 · Dr. Salsman is president of InterMarket Forecasting, Inc., an investment forecasting and consulting firm in Durham, N.C. and assistant professor in the program on Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at Duke University.He is the author of numerous books, chapters and articles, including Breaking the Banks: Central Banking Problems and Free Banking Solutions (1990) and A Gold and …

Patrol gaps concern Ellis - Times Union Mayoral Candidate Corey Ellis talks about his plans for a state-of-the-art aquarium Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013, during a press conference in Albany, N.Y. Ellis believes that building an ...

Reaction to Meijer penalties levied by Secretary of State ... 13, 2008 · Below is reaction to the record civil fines levied against Meijer Inc. for its clandestine campaign to influence a 2005 referendum and a 2007 recall vote in Acme Township. Meijer was trying to …

OSH bill tabled – but Barrow says price tag will be huge 24, 2014 · He said that after the process of consultation, changes will likely be made to the bill, and ultimately, if the citizenry says no, “no it is, because a democracy.” Barrow said that the bill calls for penalties in the range of $25,000 for a natural person and $250,000 for a corporate body in violation.

Public Comment Bill is Latest GOP Effort to Chip Away at ... Comment Bill is Latest GOP Effort to Chip Away at Public Participation In 2015, the Texas Legislature shifted the burden of proof in opposing permits from the company to the public.

Nationwide Pay Raise Watch: Pittsburgh | Above the Law 28, 2007 · This is an improvement from 2006. Back in November 2006, the Pittsburgh Business Times reported on top starting salaries in Pittsburgh of $135,000, from …

Hey, Leadership! Let Congress Work | FCT its current law-making pace, one pundit noted recently, Congress has “a real chance at being the least productive legislature since the 32nd, from 1851 to 1853.” This is a far cry from the government envisioned by our Founders, who believed that Congress should drive federal action.

McCain's Judgment: Guns, experience, politics – Tom 02, 2008 · But it was reluctant. Here’s some of what the NRA-ILA (the lobbying arm of the NRA) had to say about John McCain a few years ago: McCain was led down a primrose path by a Senate Democratic leadership that is doing all it can to keep him beholden. In reality, it is pushing to derail President George W. Bush’s chance for a second term.

Democrats say fake news posted on conservative website ... 15, 2018 · Democrats say fake news posted on conservative website, shared by Republican Party, tainted Lewiston mayoral race. Republican Party executives are …

Gimenez on Matthews: Campaign optics, not leadership ... 28, 2016 · This is his business? ... someone on his campaign staff identified an opportunity for a positive message on the Cuba issue to come out after so many negative ones in what is going to be a hotly contested election in seven months. Congratulations, G-men! ... but it doesn’t give us a license to question his motives at every turn. Count LF ...

Boy Scouts To Consider Dropping Ban For Gay Kids, But Not 21, 2013 · The absurd 103 year ban on gays in the Boy Scouts of America may be coming to an end, but with one unfair (and even more absurd) caveat: gay kids can participate, but gay adults cannot. Now, I am unsure what they expect to accomplish here. Really, I am not. ?What happens after you get […]

c++ - Is it safe to extend a Windows API structure ... 13, 2015 · Is it safe to extend a Windows API structure? Ask Question 2. I learned that in Strict mode Windows Handles, like HBRUSH, are defined as a struct to avoid silly mistakes and I was wondering if doing something like the following is safe: ... IMHO being tricky for the sake of being tricky, and a nonmember function void GetRGB ...

A.M. Roundup: Assembly passes state budget - Capitol ... 29, 2013 · A.M. Roundup: Assembly passes state budget. ... We’ll have spring temperatures and a chance of rain. I don’t know if Gov. Andrew Cuomo is still here: he was in …[PDF]Hancock County Council 12, 2015 · contract from $2,400 to $3,000 to $3,500 for a 3 years for our truck storage. Vernon Township since 2006 has paid lease money to the Town of Fortville to fight fires in Fortville. This is the reality of it. They are trying to drive me out but I can’t afford to pay $70,000 per acre lots at a minimum of 10 acres and build a station as well.

Plymouth County Treasurer O'Brien considers statewide run ... 11, 2013 · Plymouth County Treasurer and former state Rep. Thomas O’Brien may seek a return to Beacon Hill in 2014 as he considers a campaign for state treasurer. “I know somewhat cliché, but I ...

Empire State campaigns filled with talk of reform | The ..."State government has been broken for a long time and Kolb’s focus on a testament to the need to start over," Dadey said. "Voters are angry, state government is not working, the Legislature is not being responsive, so let’s try to call a convention and see if we can change it. But it’s just so difficult."

E pluribus unum: I’m helping save democracy $1 at a time ... 06, 2019 · One thing you notice pretty quickly once you go from neutral observer to bonafide political warrior is that you’ll get e-mail, tons of it, and all with a common theme: Send money! Don’t get me wrong, I love helping out and love being on a first-name basis with …

Former lawmaker Atkinson pleads guilty to wire fraud - Las ... state Senate Majority Leader Kelvin Atkinson has pleaded guilty to wire fraud after admitting to misusing about $250,000 in campaign funds to open a nightclub and lease a luxury SUV, among ...

FBI probed whether Trump was working for Moscow: Report Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had opened an inquiry in 2017 into whether US President Donald Trump was secretly working on behalf of Russia after he fired the agency’s Director James ...

Delta County Republican Party of Michigan - Page 34 of 37 ... post-Labor Day election campaign is underway, and the early conventional wisdom is that Republican hopes of a 2010-style wave are fading. GOP gains in the House could only be a few seats and the six pickups to take the Senate are still uncertain. This is coming from the usual liberal suspects, but it is also whispered by GOP strategists.

Khashoggi murder | News & Photo Features Saudi Arabia’s promise to spend $450 billion in the US and its oil production and ability to raise or lower oil prices, Donald Trump says he will stand by his ally and ignore the allegations of culpability of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in the savage murder …

Measure F: Increasing the Parks, Trees, and Landscaping 04, 2014 · Currently, around $10 million is generated by the existing park tax. This is just over 4% of the City budget. The proposed tax increase would generate about $1.7 million or 0.5% of the City budget. Voting no on this measure will not change the City's budget picture--but it will result in the deterioration or closure of some of Berkeley's parks.

Biomass Energy is More Than Corn Ethanol | Syracuse’ve touched on my thoughts about biofuels in previous posts. Essentially, I feel that (and a lot of science has shown that) corn ethanol is a waste of effort and energy, resulting in soil degradation and harm to farmers who have to deal with fluctuating corn prices.

Akin Remains Upbeat about Tuesday’s Election | FOX2now.com 05, 2012 · This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. ... but it doesn't measure enthusiasm and fire and spirit that's out there. ... The Akin campaign is looking for a ...

Employment Archives - Charity Lawyer Blog 25, 2019 · As such, more are conducting due diligence on their employees and volunteers. This is particularly true for those that serve vulnerable populations like children, the elderly, or abuse victims. Part of that diligence is having the volunteer fingerprinted for a background check.

GAO: Construction delays at Fitzsimons VA hospital costs 08, 2013 · GAO: Construction delays at Fitzsimons VA hospital costs feds an additional $500 million. ... but it is also failing to pay the contractors for their work in a timely manner,” Coffman said. ... This is a gross exaggeration regarding the budget numbers. That $328 million dollar number was for a standard tower structure conceived and designed ...

Women Think Men Prefer Conformists, But They're Wrong 06, 2015 · This is the conventional wisdom that annoying know-it-alls have been dispensing to women for decades, and we have mostly believed it. A 2006 study found that heterosexual women asked to contemplate a romantic day with an attractive stranger became more acquiescent, while their male counterparts become more headstrong and non-conformist.

NY Legislature’s new ethics reform quickly panned | The ... 13, 2010 · “It’s not the last ethics bill, but it’s a huge step forward.” David Grandeau, the former state lobbying enforcer, called it “a solid single that maybe can we stretch into a double.” He said that’s far better than most past efforts in which good-government groups swing for a home run but strike out.

Lessons for Democracy in Virginia’s Tie Vote | Hamodia.com for Democracy in Virginia’s Tie Vote. By Jonathan Bernstein ... This is still democratic; the group, and no one else, is deciding, and members of the group are working as equals to find ...

Anti MMJ Politicians | Page 3 | Rollitup the MJ. folks run some ads against a drug warrior Pol. or a Pol. who won't support MJ. and that defeated, then the MJ.folks publicly take credit for that defeat, all pols. will be anti MJ..Defeat one, take credit for it, and a lot of them will pay more attention.....Anyone have any thoughts on the 4 city initiatives in Mi.?A sweep There might jolt a few fence sitters.

Court to Indiana: You Cannot Balance Your Budget by ... Paula Z. Segal. Last year, the state of Indiana proposed to balance its budget by cutting funding to foster children and adoptive services. To save $10 million, the Indiana Department of Social Services decided to cut the amount it pays for the support of children in …

CNN Obtains the secret recording Michael Cohen made of ... 25, 2018 · MMO-Champion » Forum » Off-Topic Forums » General Off-Topic » Politics CNN Obtains the secret recording Michael Cohen made of Trump

In Our Name: The Ethics of Democracy by Eric Beerbohm ... 22, 2012 · In Our Name: The Ethics of Democracy - Ebook written by Eric Beerbohm. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read In Our Name: The Ethics of Democracy.

GOP Accuses Democrats of Violating Campaign Law in Fla 22, 2004 · Republicans charged yesterday that the Kerry campaign, the Democratic Party, labor unions and other groups have organized a get-out-the-vote operation in …

Friday is Deadline for ACA Enrollment / Public News Service"Even if you plan to keep the same policy, if you're looking for a new one, plans and policies are constantly changing, and the crucial moment to take note of what best serves your needs ...

High Resolution video / images of 9/11?, page have been scouring the web for a good 2 hours now, and have turned up nothing except for a few high res shots of manhattan from a few days AFTER the attacks. I still believe there are issues with the official story by way of common sense and mathematical calculations, …

2011 Cambridge Municipal Election Calendar - minimum of 50 valid signatures must be filed and a candidate may submit up to 100 signatures. Once a voter's signature has been recorded for a particular candidate, it cannot be used for another candidate in the same race. That is, a voter should sign for exactly one candidate for City Council and one candidate for School Committee.

Democrats give Lou Correa $120 million reasons to vote for may not like this budget, but it will be set in stone by Monday. Tags: "The OC", California State Budget ... This is a new Great Depression and government will have to be cut. Higher tax RATES will NOT bring higher tax REVENUES, but will kill businesses and jobs and so bring LOWER revenues. And a tax revolt is brewing. If Lou votes for this ...

The Left Coaster: The Clinton Rules and The Obama Clinton Rules and The Obama Rules by eriposte. Vastleft at Corrente is the inspiration for this post. Vastleft sarcastically says (emphasis mine): I’m beginning to develop a moral sense about this stuff, but it’s still kinda cloudy for me.

MoreMonmouthMusings: Special Legislative Session. Will it ... the boys (and a few girls) will be back in town, Trenton, that is, for a Special Legislative session to address property tax reform. Does anyone believe anything will really be reformed? If so, will the reforms be better than what we've got. This blogger fears that more damage than good may be done, if …

US, Russia Vie to Ease Venezuelan Crisis - NBC 6 South Florida Trump administration is accusing President Nicolas Maduro of starving Venezuelans by blocking tons of American-supplied humanitarian aid stored next door in Colombia. In Russia, the Kremlin ...

Thieves in the Temple. - Action: internet freedom, "free ..., our USDA has proposed a national GMO labeling standard -- but it's not very good. Would it have been better had Hillary Clinton won the Presidency? I doubt it, because this GMO standard contains a lot of the same loopholes -- like substituting web addresses and QR codes for plain writing on a label -- the USDA mulled under President Obama.

Duane Brookshttps://duanecbrooks.tumblr.comIt’s Time To Liquidate Bond The death of Sir Roger Moore, who is of course best known for all the agile charm, wry humor, and effortless suavity he bestowed upon us in all those James Bond pictures, at 89 of, so goes the attribution, cancer causes the mind to turn to all that agile charm, etc. he provided in said theatrical films and to the ...

Newt Gingrich to hold press conference tonight – The Right ... 04, 2012 · National Journal reports that Newt will hold a press conference tonight instead of giving a typical speech:. Instead of the traditional election night party, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will hold a press conference after the Nevada Caucus on Saturday, raising new …

Wise Friends | Thomas Paine – Common Reagan’s new Morning in America brought with it in the early 1980s the second coming of a gilded age more swinish than the first, and as the country continues to divide ever more obviously into a nation of the rich and a nation of the poor, the fictions of unity and …

Bipartisan Soapbox: August 2013 04, 2013 · From Tech Crunch: The U.S. office of National Intelligence launched a new site today to promote government transparency in the wake of the months-long scandals surrounding the National Security Agency’s surveillance tactics. During the Iraq War the DoD contracted with a firm to distribute games and social media applications to cell phones in the Middle East.

Health care reform | Whatever Works I don’t need insurance, I didn’t go deeply in, but it looks like a very very useful tool. They describe themselves thusly: The Health Sherpa is a free guide that makes it easier to find and sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. We only use carefully vetted, publicly available data.

You don't mess with this congressman... - reddit "this country is fucked" is that much more of an insight. If you'll recall, I was disdainful of that comment as well. /r/funny, /r/shitredditsays, and /r/trees on a regular basis. You got me with SRS, though I've been unsubbed to the other two for three or so years now.

Artur Davis – Breaking the Unwritten Rules of Alabama 03, 2009 · Artur Davis – Breaking the Unwritten Rules of Alabama Politics, Part II. June 3, 2009 By countrycat. ... However, the position of Lt. Governor is also seen as the natural precursor to a run for governor. ... The first wave of post-Reconstruction, African-American elected officials built political dynasties through support from, and ...

"Stupid Is As Stupid Does" _ Mama Gump - Community | The ... of the most effective ploys by those attempting to vilify undocumented immigrants is to assert that those immigrants are stealing benefits from Americans. Donald Trump has deployed this falsehood on multiple occasions both in his speeches and on Twitter long before becoming president. It’s an insinuation quite divorced from reality.

Russian interference probes - The Keith Olbermann 18, 2017 · You find out what someone is really like in "battle," and Olbermann is who you want to be in a foxhole with, Patrick said. "On the air, we had each others' backs," said Olbermann.

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition his final State of the State, Gov. Bob Wise returned to the environmental theme he announced at the start of his four-year term. "One of the guiding principles of this administration is that energy and economic development are not the enemies of the environment," he said Wednesday evening. But those sides certainly have clashed in the past.

Reforms at Risk by Eric M. Patashnik - Book - Read Online at Risk is the first book to closely examine what happens to sweeping and seemingly successful policy reforms after they are passed. Most books focus on the politics of reform adoption, yet as Eric Patashnik shows here, the political struggle does not end when major reforms become enacted.

Fighting Right-Wing Nut Jobs, One Email at a Time: March 2008 the Oil Money is an interactive tool that tracks the flow of oil money in US politics. Click on one of the search tools on the right to find out which companies are pumping their dirty oil money into politics, who is receiving it, and how it correlates to key climate, …

Womens History Month | News & Photo Features March 8, International Women’s Day, there was just such a strike, “A Day Without Women.” But as the big day approached, I realized it had to fail because women predominate in jobs that are life and death – nurses, teachers, home healthcare and daycare …

Check Point security chief: 1,000 Israelis hit in new ... member of the Fatah party reacts at the end of a speech delivered by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on the second day of the party's 7th congress in the West Bank city of Ramallah ...

Seattle’s radical plan to fight big money in politics - Vox 05, 2018 · Voters could redeem the money by writing the candidate’s name on one of the blue slips of paper, signing it like a check, and then mailing it back to the city — or handing it to a candidate in ...

Mueller Court Filing Breakdown (Nobody Tell President ... 07, 2018 · Company executives.Just put that one on the back burner to simmer, for a bit. The memo states that Cohen has shared information about his own …

The BPL's dirty laundry - CommonWealth Magazine 16, 2010 · The Boston Public Library has quietly settled litigation with a lawyer-lobbyist who the library alleged was secretly paid by its former president for doing no work. The settlement offers few details, but a deposition taken as part of the case offers some of …

Ventre, Kertes lead campaign spending in GOP race for ... 13, 2019 · When it comes to spending, Republican candidates John Ventre and Sean Kertes topped the crowded field of GOP hopefuls in the Westmoreland County Commissioner primary race. …

The Fascist Overtones in Trump's Inaugural Address ... 20, 2017 · The most obvious was his invocation of “America First” as the “new vision” that “will govern our land.” But it’s not a new vision or a new name. In fact, “America First” was the name of the isolationist and anti-Semitic organization in the 1930s that wanted to accommodate Nazi Germany. But there were other echoes as well.

What’s This? The NY Times Likes Churchill Again? | Power Line 16, 2018 · But it would be foolish to say Roberts made the wrong choice. He is Thucydidean in viewing decisions about war and politics, politics and war as the …

It’s ‘freaky’ flying now | HeraldNet.com — I heard the story at just the right time. I was fresh off a Southwest Airlines flight from Raleigh-Durham, and I was still annoyed. The security people at the airport had ...

GOP vice presidential candidate Mike Pence: Trump ... 10, 2016 · Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence returned to Charlotte on Monday for a campaign rally supporting Donald Trump's candidacy for president. By …

Reasons Liberal Democrat Ilhan Omar Should Be Defeated 05, 2019 · Those things don't always shake out the same as a two-way primary. It was a time when people were looking for change; it was the same year that Trump won. So it was not exactly the upset of the century. Citizens coming out to vote for a candidate of their choice is called Democracy. If people want a different candidate, they should come out and ...

At Tiger Bay event, George Cretekos calls for Clearwater 31, 2017 · At Tiger Bay event, George Cretekos calls for Clearwater to get more respect. ... But it was Clearwater Mayor ... He also was the assistant news director with WMNF 88.5 FM in …

Anonymous Congressional Creeps Lead Ethics Group’s Top ... 19, 2017 · A Washington, D.C.-based watchdog on Monday named several prominent Democrats to this year’s top-five list of ethics violators but reserved the number-one slot for a …

Ricketts' Lesson In The Cost Of Politics - buzzfeed.com 19, 2012 · It was the highest-profile of a handful of recent squalls revealing some of the natural, political limits to direct corporate influence in electoral politics. ... “I think for a lot of companies ...[PDF]AGREEMENT CONTAINING HENCEFORTH ORDER FOR … At all times relevant hereto, the Respondent was the treasurer of the SRTC. 3. At all times relevant hereto, Roberta Willis was both a candidate for public offce seeking nomination or election to the 64th district of the House of Representatives in the General Assembly, a district including Salisbury, as 'Nell as the …

At Large Council Candidate Roberts Myers Calls For A Vote 29, 2015 · At Large Council Candidate Roberts Myers Calls For A Vote To End Health Insurance For City Council Members. By. admin - Oct 29, 2015. 8. 1916. Share on Facebook. Tweet on Twitter. Monday’s Evansville City Council Meeting was probably the most frustrating one for me to watch, all year. I witnessed a handful of outgoing council members ...

Mark Johnson's hometown newspaper: State courts must 19, 2017 · As the editorial, “Fairness in education,” rightfully observes: “Good for a three-judge panel that has delayed a new state law that would shift power from the state school board to the state ...

Sen. Lindsey Graham Fights Back at Rowdy Town Hall: 'Bring ... 25, 2017 · Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, defended his conservative values and voting record at a raucous town hall on Saturday, hitting back at what he described as the …

For attorney general: Coakley says she’s learned lessons ... 31, 2010 · Coakley admitted she wouldn’t have time to use the vacuum cleaner anyway, now that she’s battling for a second term as the states top cop. Standing in opposition is first-time political ...

Maine Democratic Party Fined For Third Ethics Violation In ... Maine Democratic Party has been fined $424 by the state's ethics commission for late reporting of spending on behalf of a candidate, marking the third time since September that the …

Trump tumbles down the Forbes 400 as his net worth takes ... 13, 2019 · Trump's wealth is reportedly dwindling even as the president has taken steps to boost his revenue while in office, according to Forbes.

OP-ED | Connecticut Should Be Careful Building A Public ... of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) drafts in 2009, a public option was to be a government-run health plan that would compete with private insurance plans to give consumers more choices and keep ...

Elliot Engel must be removed from the Foreign Affairs ... have been numerous articles on the many claims that Ilhan Omar is anti-Semitic. When reporting on the latest controversy, I find that all of these articles are sanitized in that NO ONE questi...

8News kicks off 100K Meals Campaign - wric.com 22, 2019 · CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — Monday is the start of the 100,000 Meals Campaign, and 8News needs your help to feed children across Central Virginia. Every year, 8News partners with Puritan ...

Brett Kavanaugh sworn in as Supreme Court justice after 06, 2018 · Brett Kavanaugh has been sworn in as a US Supreme Court justice, hours after the Senate narrowly confirmed his appointment following a battle that rubbed raw the …

Supreme Court's workload falls nearly 8 percent Supreme Court's workload fell by nearly 8 percent in the term that just ended, according to a year-end report from Chief Justice John Roberts. His report said the total number of cases fell ...

A Note on Redistricting Initiatives, Legislatures and the 05, 2015 · The Arizona initiative succeeded in 2000 for a variety of reasons he carefully analyzes. Strong financial backing mattered: a wealthy individual supplied much the funding for the proponents. Another major asset was the The Arizona Republic’s intense commitment to making the case for reform. Stephanopolous also points to a favorable alignment ...

School Mass Shootings - Age of Awareness - Medium 16, 2018 · At least three forces are at work in our uniquely-American incidents of mass shootings in schools, and elsewhere. First and foremost is the engrained attachment to a constitutional ‘right’ to ...

Kathleen Parker: Is political moderation possible? – Twin ... 25, 2012 · Kathleen Parker: Is political moderation possible? ... As the sun rises and dabs Caesars Palace with morning rouge, irony struts down the strip of casinos, shops and nightclubs. ...

Driven out of her Lutheran church, woman wants a judge to 12, 2015 · Driven out of her Lutheran church, woman wants a judge to step in ... He agreed that some of Pfeil’s initial claims were probably off-limits for a secular court, but said the law still requires ...

Walnut Creek political group dissolves officially but not ... for a Better Walnut Creek are still around and watching. But the group, best known for spurring slow growth measures in the 1980s and 1990s, has officially closed its political campaign ...[PDF]ELECTION REPORT Presidential, Legislative, and Provincial, Legislative, and Provincial Assembly Elections in Mozambique 7 elections was the result of electoral reform negoti-ated and agreed to by the three main political parties contesting the elections. The negotiation ended recent fighting between government and opposition forces and focused on …

Jared Kushner questions whether Palestinians can govern ... — Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner said in an interview that the Palestinians aren’t yet able to govern themselves and declined to commit to an ...

Backroom Briefing: Money on the Move | Sunshine State News 10, 2016 · When Florida lawmakers approved changes in 2013 to the campaign-finance system, the effort was repeatedly billed as a way to increase transparency. But in …

Health Care Debate Heats Up - ABC News"He was the champion of this issue for a long, long time," Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said on ABC News' "Top Line" Monday. "I am not of a mind to reform health care for ...

Buehler wins Republican gubernatorial race by, will face Brown wins Republican gubernatorial race by wide margin, will face Brown. Rep. Knute Buehler secured the Republican nomination for governor Tuesday night and will face Gov. Kate Brown in November.

Can State Laws Cohabit With Citizens United? - Barbra ... Lincoln Caplan. New York Times. The Supreme Court is expected to respond in June to a Montana Supreme Court decision upholding the state’s Corrupt Practices Act, which bans corporations from making political expenditures from their general treasuries. American Tradition Partnership, a nonprofit group, and co-petitioners sued for a declaration that the act violates their …

Kentucky General Assembly wraps up - gcnewsgazette.com The final week of the 153rd regular session of the Kentucky General Assembly saw the ceremonial signing of a sweeping measure to enhance school safety[PDF]FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20463 … ELECTION COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20463 BEFORE THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION In the Matter of ) ... to run for president in 2016" and was "the vehicle through which Americans from all walks of life ... adequate examples of disbursement purposes include "'Media' for a disbursement to a television or radio

Ash Center and The OpenGov Foundation Announce Winners of ... Teams Competed in “Not-Just-for-Technologists” Hackathon to Fix Congress Cambridge, Mass. – The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the Harvard Kennedy School and The OpenGov Foundation today announced the winners of last weekend’s #Hack4Congress competition to create common-sense solutions that would make the U.S. Congress more efficient, effective and ...

Two groups seek votes on same-sex marriage in Arkansas ... the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling overturning the federal ban on same-sex marriage, two groups filed ballot language with the state attorney general's office that would put the issue ...

The Nooner for 31, 2019 · If en banc review is granted and the three-judge panel is reversed, the State of California can file for a write of certiorari by SCOTUS. De La Fuente's attorneys in both cases are neither election law or constitutional lawyers. The California Republican Party will likely also file suit with its attorney--Chuck Bell--as the lead.

Gig Workers’ Fight For Justice: A View From Comparative Law 29, 2019 · The unrest was the latest consequence of a growing trend toward precarious work. ... This renders gig workers ineligible for a wide range of government protections, including the minimum wage, ... While the old test looked to a convoluted set of factors to determine whether the employer exerted control over the worker, the new inquiry asks ...

11-11-11 and Thrive. | elephant journal 22, 2011 · The thing that had most piqued my interest that day was the premiere of an "unconventional documentary" called Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take? that was to be screened in dozens of places in the Bay Area and beyond. The trailer looked compelling, so I headed down to my local metaphysical bookstore with my antennae at half-mast.

Facilities Strategic Plan | City of Manhattan Beach June 2006, the City of Manhattan Beach began a community driven process, called the Facilities and Open Space Strategic Plan (FSP), with the goal of creating a long-term vision for community and recreation facilities throughout the City.

Prosecutor rebuts Villalobos request for acquittal or new ... U.S. government in its response to ex-Cameron County District Attorney Armando R. Villalobos’ request for acquittal or a new trial states that the evidence supported his conviction and the ...

GW Magazine - gwu.edu January, the Law School named Jack Friedenthal as the Edward F. Howrey Professor of Trial Advocacy, Litigation, and Professional Responsibility and Charles Craver as the Freda H. Alverson Professor of Law.. Endowed in 1982, the Howrey Professorship is sponsored by its namesake and is awarded to a faculty member who teaches and writes on litigation and professional responsibility.

Veteran Vaporizes Huckabee For Attack On Openly Gay 22, 2015 · You have made the claim that Mr. Fanning was appointed solely because of his sexual orientation. I find this comment odd for a number of reasons. When Mr. Fanning was in the process of first being appointed to a political position in the Pentagon, we had a process of sending around the potential appointee’s resume.

Kyle Griffin on Twitter: "As the judge the read sentence ... 12, 2018 · As the judge the read sentence, Cohen closed his eyes and shook his head slightly as if in disbelief. As the fines were read out, Cohen shut his eyes, shook his head and put his left hand to his face and pinched his brow.

How The GOP Hopes To Save Their House Majority ... 11, 2018 · In February, a number of House Republicans made their annual sojourn to Las Vegas to attend the annual retreat hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition, an organization that Adelson helps to fund. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) addressed the conference, and Ryan spoke by teleconference to a meeting of the group’s board.

Extolling the virtues of moderation - dailyherald.com 28, 2012 · Such does not bode well for a nation in trouble. What we need are calm voices and pragmatic minds. Instead, we have fewer people self-identifying …

Brian T. Kelly - Government Investigations & White Collar ... 25+ years of experience in government investigations and white-collar defense, Brian Kelly is a nationally recognized former federal prosecutor and high-profile trial attorney. Brian has tried numerous federal cases including, most notably, U.S. v. James “Whitey” Bulger. His seasoned judgment and strategic counsel comes from decades of experience in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in ...

Carol Kuhnke — Ann Arbor was first elected to the bench in 2012, prevailing in a four-way primary and defeating attorney Jim Fink in the general election. The seat was previously held by Judge Melinda Morris, who retired. According to a report in PrideSource, Kuhnke was the state’s first openly lesbian elected judge.

WilCo Awards Contract and Secures Funding for Alternative ... County has been awarded $308,728 by the Indigent Defense Commission to support the defense component of an innovative alternative to incarceration program for emerging adults. The supported program establishes a formal diversionary option to the criminal justice system for emerging adults charged with a felony offense and connects individuals with services through a localized ...

Cheney Emerges to Inspire at CPAC | Human Events President Dick Cheney said he was “certain the next President of the United States” would be speaking at the 35th annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) yesterday morning. Senator John Barasso (R-Wy.) introduced the VP, saying …

Delaware – The— A judge on Tuesday ordered that the trial for a man charged with killing five people at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland to be held in two parts and granted a request for more time to ...

The battle between POTUS and SCROTUS - WND 12, 2010 · As the case originally came before the court, it dealt only with funding for a long-forgotten 2008 campaign documentary. But Roberts insisted that the court, instead, review the entire sweep of ...

How the Larry Nassar scandal has affected others ... 12, 2019 · Michigan State University's agreement to resolve a federal civil-rights investigation related to now-imprisoned former sports doctor Larry Nassar is the latest development stemming from the case.

Election 2004 – The Ashford other times, this allegation would be a MAJOR story, especially since it comes from Bobby Kennedy, Jr. But with daily scandals piling up on each other, and scandal fatigue setting in with the general public (myself included), this story will probably just waft around for a few days and disappear.

Managers at Menards Stand to Lose Big Money if Unions Form ... 10, 2015 · Managers at Menards Stand to Lose Big Money if Unions Form December 10, 2015 by Dylan Brogan and WORT News Department (WORT) — The Progressive Magazine reports that hardware giant Menards requires its managers to sign a contact with a clause that docks their pay by 60% if a union is formed by the employees they are supervising.

Let's Hear The Good News -{052C3BB...Let's Hear The Good News Let's Hear The Good News By Dick Morris An unexplained vacuum of good news from the Bush administration has surrendered the stage to the media-inspired doubters and naysayers who have searched since Sept. 11 for a way to blunt the nation's momentum as it confronts terrorism and terrorists.

St. Lawrence trial: Withers, FINRA and Aaron 30, 2017 · St. Lawrence trial Friday, April 28 day six. Another full day of testimony completed the examination of Ramapo Councilman Patrick Withers, some time was spent establishing the fact that St. Lawrence was fully aware of the laws regarding the bonding process, and it ended with just the beginning of Aaron Troodler’s testimony.

Google News - Overview talk a lot about supporting and strengthening the middle class—but often forget the poor and working poor. I applaud @AOC for putting forward a bold package of bills to address poverty and inequality—as well as the systemic causes behind them.

Landon Rowland Obituary - Kansas City, MO | Kansas City Star were tireless and wide-ranging, reflecting the variety of his personal and intellectual interests, as well as his lifelong, instinctual commitment to the causes of the disenfranchised

Cheers, boos for McCain at conservative gathering - 07, 2008 · (CNN)-- Sen. John McCain Thursday told a conservative-rich audience that he has what it takes to unite the Republican party. "I know I have a responsibility, if I am, as I hope to be, the ...

Toys 'R' US Shuts Down for Good - theepochtimes.com 30, 2018 · An era of American toy-shopping has ended. Toys “R” Us has gone away. Its approximately 1,600 stores in and outside the United States are all closed for good.

U College of Law Gifted More than $2.2 Million ... University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law will have a new endowed chair and support for its loan forgiveness program and annual Fordham Debate program thanks to a $2.2 million gift from the estate of the late Rita E. Fordham, who was married to Jefferson B. Fordham, former University of Pennsylvania Law School dean and Distinguished University Professor of Law at the U.

WVOS | From the Well | Day in the House Committee on Political Subdivisions a copy of President George Washington’s will was used as the basis for a question about Senate Bill 241.The will of the nation’s first president, which is in Wood County’s possession, was the subject of discussion regarding historical documents and the requirement in the bill to scan documents and destroy paper copies.[PDF]Case No. 13-3838 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS … No. 13-3838 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT ARTHUR LAVIN, M.D., et al., Plaintiffs-Appellants vs. JON HUSTED, Defendant-Appellee

For Flagler Library Trustees, Hopes that County Government ... 03, 2017 · Jim Ulsamer, chairman of the Flagler County Public Library Board of Trustees, likes to get to the point, at times provocatively so, whatever he’s advocating for. He’s been advocating for the ...

Windows Update: Microsoft Releases Patch For Security Flaw 21, 2015 · Microsoft has released a critical patch for a security flaw ... Windows 8 and 8.1 and Windows RT, according to a security ... The fix comes an important time for Microsoft as the …

Boulder County DA Stan Garnett turns up heat in AG race ... 04, 2010 · Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) ... topic — serial murder — for a political race. Suthers was the state’s top federal prosecutor at the time Kimball talked his way into ...

Moderately speaking: It’s time to step away from the ... speaking: It’s time to step away from the extreme ... Nev. — As the sun rises and dabs Caesars Palace with morning rouge, irony struts down the strip of casinos, shops and ...

Quincy corruption scandal - ©2000-2003 The Patriot 4, 2000 Quincy official denies political fund raising . By Elizabeth W. Crowley The Patriot Ledger. QUINCY – By any measure, the fund-raiser for Norfolk County District Attorney William Keating at Ralph Maher’s house during the summer of 1999 was a success.

Time for WGTU-29 To Go Back to School | PR Watch 08, 2007 · The hook for the VNR, which was distributed in late August, was the back-to-school shopping season. While the segment didn't promote a particular product, it did mention Capital One by name and referred viewers to a publication sponsored by the company.

Flip-Flops, Political Opportunism and Barack Obama - The ... McCain campaign is trying to paint Barack Obama as a flip-flopper, ala John Kerry. I don’t think it will work in the same way it worked with Kerry, however. Kerry’s flip-flopping, most spectacularly shown as he windsurfed off of Martha’s Vineyard, was seen as a sign of weakness. Kerry was portrayed as being as weak on the war on terror, an out-of-touch effete Yankee snob, and kind of ...

Happiness of Work - Capitalism Magazine 09, 2015 · One’s values are in conflict, leading to a feeling of guilt when pursuing one, such as time with family, as opposed to education, for example. Only one value can serve as the central purpose in a person’s life: productive work. Most of us spend the majority of our time at work.

Can the US Keep Lying About Israel’s Nukes? | Defend of the gag order hope to undermine informed public debate about nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, ongoing illicit transfers of know-how, material and technology from the US to Israel, to maintain a spotlight on Iran as the region’s nuclear proliferation threat as well as quell debate about whether the US is truly a champion of ...

Joshua Cohen | PhD | Stanford University, CA | SU | Political were born in 1951/1952, grew up in the suburban northeast during the great post-war boom, and entered Yale College in 1969/1970. This was the Yale of Kingman Brewster and Inky Clark, '57, who ...

Oregon Court of Appeals overturns murder conviction of ... -- The conviction of the youngest person ever found guilty of murder in Oregon was overturned yesterday, based on the value of a pile of old newspapers. But the court let stand the ...

N.J. gov race: Ex-banker Murphy, Christie's No. 2 win ... 06, 2017 · The winners of Tuesday's gubernatorial primaries in New Jersey offered different visions for the state, but they agree on at least one thing: Gov. Christie's brash style needs to go.

Oklahoma St choosing between QBs Brown, Sanders ... 12, 2019 · FILE - In this Saturday, Aug. 3, 2019, file photo, Oklahoma State quarterbacks Spencer Sanders, left, and Dru Brown, right, pose for a photo during the NCAA college football team's media day in ...

admin | New York City by the Numbers | Page 8 was the second most common reason families last living in rent-regulated housing were found eligible for shelter. For those families coming from unregulated private housing, domestic violence edged out overcrowding as the second most frequent reason for shelter eligibility.

One to watch: Brazil's congressional elections - Qatar Tourism 05, 2018 · Sao Paulo – All eyes are fixed on Brazil’s presidential election that latest polls suggest will go to a second round run-off between far right Jair Bolsonaro and centre-left Fernando Haddad. But another equally important contest is underway: congressional elections. On October 7, Brazilians will elect 54 senators and 513 lawmakers.

Four Democrats debate in Pendleton on quest for U.S ... -- It was frigid outside, but the atmosphere inside was downright cozy this evening as four Democrats vying for the U.S. Senate settled into their first debate of the campaign. They ...

Republicans, not Latinos, doomed Arpaio – Arizona Capitol ... 28, 2016 · “The money was the last tile in the mosaic,” Coughlin said of dwindling support among Republicans. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors earlier this year approved $4.5 million more in taxpayer money to pay for the now $48 million lawsuit over racial profiling by the office.

Blanca Rosa Reyes | THE CHESAPEAKE TODAY LLC couple have been charged with murder and are now sitting in jail cells waiting for a Judge to release them on bond. The child died on February 14, 2015. If convicted the pair won’t have to worry about the death penalty as the left-wing liberals in the Maryland General Assembly revoked capital punishment in …

Kathleen Parker: An endearing effort at optics control ... 19, 2018 · His was the story that touched the heart of this father's daughter. ... As the world turns, so do we — away from class and racial distinctions, if sometimes in theory more than practice and ...

Elmhurst's Newest TIF Gets An Unfriendly Welcome at Monday ...'s Newest TIF Gets An Unfriendly Welcome at Monday Public Hearing 8/7/12. 8/7/2012 ... which is required by law as part of the process for a municipality to create a new TIF, was a chance for residents to have their say about the new redevelopment district slated for a 1.8-mile stretch along North York Road. ... Pastika said it was the ...

Cohen's Guilty Plea Came Together Very Fast ...’s Guilty Plea Came Together Very Fast The early-hours plea caught much of the media off guard. In fact, Cohen’s decision came together only in the last two weeks, according to people familiar with the matter, as the Mueller probe speeds up.

House kills taro research bill | The Honolulu Advertiser 09, 2008 · House and Senate leaders had wanted to allow corporations to again use unlimited amounts of money from corporate treasuries for corporate PACs, which was the law for much of the past decade before it was inadvertently changed to a $1,000 cap three years ago.

At Moment of Truth, Where Was Dagny Taggart? - Capitalism ... 21, 2008 · The front page of today’s Wall Street Journal carries a story titled “At Moment of Truth, U.S. Forced Big Bankers to Blink.” In the quarter-century I’ve been reading the Journal, I’ve never read a news story that was more disturbing.. The article describes the Monday, October 13 meeting between government regulators and top executives from nine of the nation’s largest banks.

Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue funerals | Newsradio ... was the deadliest attack on Jews in American history. ... Bowers had been set for a preliminary hearing on the evidence Thursday, but federal prosecutors instead took the case to a grand jury. The panel issued the 44-count indictment Wednesday as funerals continued for the 11 people gunned down Saturday at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

Perot's Third-Party Threat Makes Republicans Doleful ... said as much to a San Antonio radio station on Tuesday. If nothing else, it's clear Mr. Perot means to play a big part in the upcoming election campaign. ... such as campaign-finance reform and ...

Comptroller Checks Ramapo Books and the Worst Gets even 01, 2015 · Comptroller Checks Ramapo Books and the Worst Gets even Worse. October 1, 2015 by Michael Castelluccio. In 2012, the New York State Comptroller declared that the Town of Ramapo was the most fiscally stressed township in the State. At that time, Ramapo had racked up a worst-in-the-state rating of 70.8% for fiscal stress. ... Now in the most ...

House of Fools - WND think it was Lawrence Peter who popularized the idea that human beings rise to their level of incompetence, and from that lofty position of ascendancy they devote the rest of their careers to ...

Iowa Republicans: The Most Pro-Trump Party In The Country? is one of the most hate-filled states in the union. equaling Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas. Rural Iowa is decidedly pro-Trump. Boone, Iowa, has one of the largest groups of KKK and it is for Trump, seeing in Trump a new elevation in membership and a charter for carnage. In Stanford, youth a devoted to Trump.

Retired Justice John Paul Stevens, A Maverick On The Bench ... Justice John Paul Stevens, whose Supreme Court opinions transformed many areas of American law during his 34 year tenure, died at the age of 99 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., of complications following a stroke he suffered Monday.

The Election of 2004 – Bush-Kerry Presidential George W. Bush and Democratic Presidential Nominee John Kerry engaged in three presidential debates in the fall of 2004. The Commission on Presidential Debates, a non-profit and non-partisan organization, sponsored each debate. 1 The debates took place at the University of Miami on September 30, Washington University in St. Louis on October 8, and at Arizona State University on ...

Senator Avella’s Campaign Asks Officials to Investigate ... 29, 2018 · NEW YORK—The re-election campaign committee for New York state Sen. Tony Avella, a Democrat, released a letter on June 26, asking officials to immediately investigate Democrat John Liu …

Bill of Rights, US | Encyclopedia of Libertarianism first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution are commonly referred to as the Bill of Rights. These 10 articles resulted from the clash between those who supported replacing the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution, drafted by the convention in Philadelphia, and those who opposed the …

Peruvians vote in referendum on fighting corruption | Fox News vote Sunday in a referendum aimed at curbing corruption as the South American nation tries to put an end to a scourge that has landed lawmakers, judges and even former presidents behind ...

The Raw Story | Congressman made personal loan to bank ... made personal loan to bank president shortly before bank extended him $250,000-plus loan ... and a competing bill -- failed as the summer waned. ... for a tribe that wasn't even in his ...

The Tables Have Turned on the Russia Conspiracy 27, 2017 · The Tables Have Turned on the Russia Conspiracy ... According to a Washington Post ... Former President Bill Clinton also received $500,000 for a …

Manufacturing a Madman - The New American a Madman ... because neither did anyone else in his ... With phrases such as “baldly untrue” and “looseness with the truth,” the book is not exactly off to a credible start. ...

MCDANIEL v. PATY et al. - FIRE v. PATY ET AL. No. 76-1427. Supreme Court of United States. Argued December 5, 1977. Decided April 19, 1978. APPEAL FROM THE SUPREME COURT OF TENNESSEE. *620 Frederic S. Le Clercq argued the cause and filed a brief for appellant. Kenneth R. Herrell, Assistant Attorney General of Tennessee, argued the cause for appellees.

Article XLVIII, Amendments to the Massachusetts ...,_Amendments_to_the_Massachusetts_ConstitutionArticle XLVIII of the Massachusetts Constitution is about how to amend the state's constitution.. I. Definition. Legislative power shall continue to be vested in the general court; but the people reserve to themselves the popular initiative, which is the power of a specified number of voters to submit constitutional amendments and laws to the people for approval or rejection; and the popular ...

How The Media Encourages (And Sustains) Political Warfare ... 28, 2018 · This predictability encourages readers to embrace an argument without considering whether we find it persuasive. They simply sit on one of two opposing sides and nod along. According to Burke, if you passively consume the news, swinging along with headlines as the midterms unfold, political divisions will likely be further cemented.

How The Media Encourages – And Sustains – Political ... his inauguration, President Donald Trump has been waging war against the American press by dismissing unfavorable reports as “fake news” and calling the media “the enemy of the American people.” As a countermeasure, The Washington Post has publicly fact-checked every claim that Trump has labeled as fake. In August, The Boston Globe coordinated editorials from newspapers

The Roberts Court and the First Amendment - SCOTUSblog said, we nonetheless have a sketch for a future portrait of the Court’s record in deciding the thirty cases it has. By that measure, the Roberts Court has sometimes enriched the First Amendment by way of unprecedented protection, while at other times it has devalued the …

‘Delightfully Tacky’ Campaign Expenses | Better Government ... 06, 2014 · It is also one of several local restaurants where I have placed carryout orders for my campaign volunteers." ... This isn’t the first time Jones’ campaign expenditures caught our attention. Last year we reported that he used campaign money in 2012 to pay for a …

Around the World in 44 Days - The Ayn Rand Institute 19, 2017 · The week concluded with two events in Seoul, the first of which was with an Ayn Rand Meetup group organized by expatriate Jeremy Kidder. The audience included expatriates from the United States, Canada, Australia as well as native Koreans. It was Brook’s first-ever event in South Korea, and he discussed some of the ideas in his book Equal Is ...

Justice John Paul Stevens, A Maverick On The Bench, Dies At 99 Justice John Paul Stevens, whose Supreme Court opinions transformed many areas of American law during his 34 year tenure, died at the age of 99 in in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., of complications ...

Airport concession winners linked to city officials just nine days, the Atlanta City Council will have a chance to award one of its biggest plums: the contracts to run restaurants and shops at the world’s busiest airport. Mayor Kasim Reed’s ...

The Truth About Grover Norquist | The Nation that for a moment: GE gave more to Norquist in 2011 than it reportedly paid the IRS for income taxes in 2010, a year the corporation made $14.2 billion in profits. ... In one of the first ...

Andrew Yang Will Give 10 People $1,000 Each Month. Is That ... Yang, the entrepreneur who has promised to provide every American adult with $1,000 a month if he is elected president, plans to announce at the Democratic debate on Thursday that he will distribute such payments to 10 people for the next year. But unlike earlier in his …

The Art Of The Trump: Just How Did Someone So Crazy Become ... 29, 2015 · The Art Of The Trump: Just How Did Someone So Crazy Become So Rich? ... so rich, in the first place? In his early years, Trump’s great advantage was, believe it or not, his political savvy ...

Big Tech Stages White House Lobbying Blitz: The Influence ... 16, 2018 · The world's biggest technology providers saw an opening and a threat late last summer as the White House prepared a report that could influence billions of dollars in government spending on ...

West Kentucky Star - 16, 2019 · FRANKFORT - Undaunted by his status as a political underdog, state Rep. Robert Goforth has logged more than 10,000 miles in his pickup truck and invested at least $750,000 of his own money into challenging Kentucky's governor in the state's Republican primary.

News You Can Use Digest - January 11, 2019 | LobbyComply 11, 2019 · By pressuring the Israeli government to bar entry by two members of Congress, President Trump once again used the power and platform of his office to punish his political rivals. It is a pattern that has intensified during the first two and a half years of Trump’s presidency, as he has increasingly governed to the tune of his grievances.

Bloggers revisited in campaign-finance law - UPI.com 13, 2006 · WASHINGTON, March 13 (UPI) -- A bill that would exempt bloggers from campaign-finance laws was approved Thursday by the Committee on House Administration and comes just in time as the Federal ...

How the Media Encourages—and Sustains—Political Warfare OF WORDS How the Media Encourages—and Sustains—Political Warfare. In Kenneth Burke’s ‘The War of Words,’ the late rhetorical theorist picks apart the little ways news articles can ...

First-degree murder: Robert Manwill's mom and her ... 19, 2009 · "I think, all in all, Melissa was after a quiet and tender life," said Meridian resident Margo Maxwell, Jenkins' great-aunt and one of the first family members to come to her aid when Robert was ...[PDF]INSIDE THIS ISSUE: DEPARTMENTS C A R O L I N A one of the main purposes of charter schools by penalizing inno- ... In his role with the governor’s of-fice, Poole became familiar with politi- ... Former Gov. Mike Easley’s lot is the first one on the left as you enter the . CJ. CJ. A . I. S. C-.

Cast of characters set as gov race heads toward Nov. showdown 20, 2018 · Cast of characters set as gov race heads toward Nov. showdown. The lines are drawn in the battle to be Michigan’s next governor, and Democrat Gretchen Whitmer has a new lieutenant.

Sean Lawler: Trump chief of protocol to resign, won't go ... 26, 2019 · Trump's chief of protocol to resign after claims he intimidated staff, won't go on G20 trip, reports say. One of the complaints against Sean Lawler was that he carried a whip around the office in ...

Trump cabinet picks make for ecclectic collection from ... Donald Trump’s Cabinet selections might seem an unorthodox mix for most politicians, but they appear surprisingly conventional compared with the campaign that vaulted the New ...

biography - dallascityhall.com and her husband Barry, a Dallas architect, live on Patrick Dr. in Hillside Neighborhood with their three boys: Aaron, a spring Texas Tech graduate and new Lockheed Martin employee; Evan, a junior at Woodrow Wilson and a captain of the basketball team; and Reid, a Woodrow Wilson freshman and member of the JV basketball team as well as the ...

Happy Labor Day and Happy Capital Day 2019! - AEI 01, 2019 · Mark J. Perry is concurrently a scholar at AEI and a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan's Flint campus. He is best known as the creator and editor of the popular ...

Stormy Daniels, in '60 Minutes' interview, says she had ... her long-awaited interview, Stormy Daniels told "60 Minutes" that she had sex with Donald Trump only one time in 2006 -- despite the future president's repeated attempts to continue the affair ...

Pelosi Announces Zoe Lofgren as Chair of Committee on ... 04, 2019 · Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement announcing the appointment of Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren of California as Chairwoman of the Committee on House Administration for the 116th Congress. The Speaker’s nomination will be approved by the full Caucus next week.

UF Law Welcomes New Faculty - Levin College of Law was most recently the Herbert Smith Freehills Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Law as well as the Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Christ’s College, both at Cambridge University in England. Professor Buchanan is an economist and a legal scholar, with interests including social justice, the rule of law, and government finance and taxation.

Governor's race: Bill Schuette cancels all TV ads in ... — Republican Bill Schuette's gubernatorial campaign is canceling planned TV ads across Michigan in the final week of the race, except in the Detroit market. Schuette on Tuesday nixed ...

PA. PROF. FIRE FIGHTERS again Altoona Local 299 will host the Western District Meeting at PNG Park as the Altoona Curve host the Erie Seawolves. ... Delegates and Alternates and a draft of the Rules of Order have been added to the Convention Information page. ... Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association

Former Clinton Campaign Manager to Head Democratic Super PAC Mook, who served as the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton's failed presidential campaign in 2016, will be the new president of the House Majority PAC, which works to maintain Democratic ...

New Harvard Poll Finds More Than Half of Voters Under 35 ... February Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll suggests that the future of America is trending toward socialism as an economic system. According to the poll, which surveyed registered voters between February 19 and February 20, 56 percent of voters between the ages of 18 and 24 (typically known as Generation Z) favored an economy that was “mostly socialist” in nature, and 48 percent of millennial-age ...

Session concludes with ‘Little Ugly’ - Capitol Confidential 21, 2019 · It’s over! The Senate concluded its session at around 10 p.m. last night and the Assembly wrapped up at about 7 a.m. this morning, with lawmakers approving what’s known in Albany as the ...

Department of Labor to Extend Applicability Date of ... 05, 2017 · On April 4, 2017, the Department of Labor (the Department) released a final rule (to be published in the Federal Register on April 7, 2017) extending for 60 days the applicability dates of the fiduciary rule, the Best Interest Contract (BIC) exemption, and the Class Exemption for Principal Transactions in Certain Assets Between Investment Advice Fiduciaries and Employee Benefit Plans …

John W. York | The Heritage Foundation W. York researches and writes on America’s founding principles and their application to today’s policy issues. As a policy analyst in the B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and ...

McKinney, TX - Official Website Rainey Rogers was elected as the City Council member representing District 2 in 2015. He served as Mayor Pro Tem in 2017. Council member Rogers is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and the current owner of Rogers-Tate Financial, a wealth management and …

Downtown Riverfront Streetcar Policy Study Steering / riverfront street car policy study steering committee. The Downtown / Riverfront Street Car Policy Study Steering Committee was established to approve goals, objectives, scope of work, milestones and a schedule for the project, as well as the need and purpose for the project.

About GAI | The Government Affairs Institute the course of the ten years that she has been with GAI, Katina has taken on many different responsibilities by advancing to her current roles as the Director of the Certificate in Legislative Studies program and a Fellow position that is part of the core teaching faculty at the Institute.

Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day: Roy Blunt- 2019 Update 30, 2019 · In 2015, 2016, 2017, as well as 2018, “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” published profiles of the U.S. Senator from Missouri, Roy Blunt, a man …

Poll: Trump gets low marks, except on the economy | 9news.com 24, 2018 · Ratings of Trump among all Americans are equally dim on a host of issues, including immigration and health care, even as the president continues to receive high marks from his base of …

How and where will we vote? - 25, 2019 · The commission uses voter National ID/Tazkira as the only valid national document to identify eligible voters in the process of registering and preparing voter lists, and its types are valid. Eligible voters personally go to the registration center and register their name in the voter list.

Hong Kong: Common-Law Tradition Imperiled by Chinese ... a fan of Lok Cheung’s videos, and a well-wisher for Hong Kong, I also feel compelled to say something. The assumptions that have undergirded the West’s relationship with mainland China for ...

Los Alamitos Unified School District welcomes Dr. Andrew 01, 2019 · Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Education announces Dr. Andrew Pulver as the next Superintendent for Los Alamitos Unified School District. ... dedication, and a commitment to ...

Executive Staff - WV Department of Revenue West Virginia Department of Revenue executive staff administers and enforces West Virginia revenue laws to ensure the state's fiscal responsibility. The department oversees 10 agencies and the executive staff works to support the various Department of Revenue agencies and ensure that they are following West Virginia rules that govern each one.

Research | Daniel A. Smith Daniel A. Smith is Chair of the Department of Political Science. He is a University Term Professor (2016-2019) and a University of Florida Research Foundation Professor (2010-2012). He served as Director of the Political Campaigning Program at the University of Florida from 2007-2011.

AG Ferguson appoints senior attorney to top UW Division ... — Attorney General Bob Ferguson has appointed Senior Counsel Karin Nyrop as the new chief of his office’s University of Washington (UW) Division. The division provides legal services to the university, which includes campuses in Seattle, Bothell and Tacoma as well as the UW Medical Center. “The University of Washington will be well served by Karin’s impressive

House Judiciary Committee Plans to Launch Inquiry Into ... (left to right) Stormy Daniels; Donald Trump; Karen McDougal. The House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold hearings on the hush-money payments made to ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal and adult film star Stormy Daniels as soon as October, The Washington Post reports.The committee will call witnesses who were involved in the payments—like chairman and CEO of American Media, Inc ...

AP-NORC Poll: Trump gets low marks, except on the economy 24, 2018 · Ratings of Trump among all Americans are equally dim on a host of issues, including immigration and health care, even as the president continues to receive high marks from his base of …

Kristin Richardson | 2016 Richardson : King County Superior Court Position 52. Legal/Judicial Experience: 26 years of courtroom experience prosecuting the most complicated and high profile cases in our justice system, including murders, sexual assaults, domestic violence, and …

Agency Rulemaking - Office of State Rulemaking. The Office of State Procurement is currently engaged in agency rulemaking. The following notice will appear in the State Register Monday, December 12, 2016.. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT EXPEDITED RULES WITHOUT A PUBLIC HEARING.

Senate Approves Bills Addressing Eating Disorders, Life ... Democratic-led state Senate on Monday approved bills meant to bolster insurance coverage for those with eating disorders and a measure meant to prevent insurance companies from not offering life insurance to those who have been prescribed drugs the counteract the effect of an opioid overdose.

Speculation Soars As Mike Pence Says "There Will Be Very ... 29, 2016 · With the Trump cabinet filling up, but a number of key positions still to be announced, vice-president-elect Mike Pence told Fox News tonight that "there will be …

About | Stolle Site 24 years of service, Chris retired from the Navy, earned an MBA from the College of William and Mary, and started a small business with his sister, also an OB/GYN. Chris now serves as the Vice President for Medical Affairs and Director of Medical Education for Riverside Health System.

Residence Life - Centre College joined the Student Life staff in July of 2017 as the Director of Residence Life. He received his bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Guilford College in Greensboro, N.C., and a master’s degree in higher education administration from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va.

Nonfiction Book Review: The Most Dangerous Branch: Inside ..., the former legal affairs editor of Newsweek and a commentator who has appeared on both MSNBC and Fox News, turns constitutional scholar Alex Bickel’s classic 1962 book on the Supreme

City of addition to regular inspections, Inspection Services is responsible for approving encroachment permits, code enforcement within the public right of way as well as the administration of public utility permits for AT&T, PG&E, etc. Inspectors require contractors to conform to the latest industry and City construction standards to ensure the ... 8 June 2019 IEC management inaugurated the Voter Registration Update. The Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan has started the Voter Registration (VR) Update which includes Top-up voter registration for voters who did not registered yet and will turn 18 by the election day, as well as the display of the Voter List for correction.

Statewide › Governor - Republican Party of South Noem was elected in November 2018 as the 33rd Governor of South Dakota. Kristi is a wife, a mother, and a lifelong rancher, farmer and small business owner, who will bring her experiences to Pierre to improve education and workforce training, take on the drug crisis, improve mental health, and increase transparency - all without raising taxes or making government too big.

REVEALED: Jared Kushner was a key player in Trump’s ... 14, 2018 · Jared Kushner reportedly took part in an attempted blackmail scheme against his former friends Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. President …

Dominion Energy's new programs are really about limiting ... annual survey conducted by Yale and George Mason universities shows concern about climate change is surging. Seventy-three percent of Americans think climate change is happening, and 69% are at least somewhat worried about it, the highest percentages since the surveys began in 2011. Another Yale survey found that “a large majority of registered voters […]

Where Do I Start? – Placer County Elections you are a U.S. citizen and a registered voter you are qualified to run for most offices. Find information on running for office in the upcoming election on the “Current Elections” page. On the “Current Elections” page you can find information such as the offices up for election and important dates for candidates. Check the “Current ...

Sabra Faires / Bailey & the North Carolina General Assembly, Sabra served on both Republican and Democratic leadership staffs of the House and Senate, as well as the central staff. Her positions included Senate Tax Counsel, Chief of Staff and General Counsel to then Co-Speaker Richard T. Morgan, and counsel to both the House and Senate Finance Committees.

Cosmic Ray Visitor Center Opens | University of Utah News University of Utah is opening a new Millard County Cosmic Ray Visitor Center in Delta, Utah, inside the existing Lon and Mary Watson Cosmic Ray Center, which is the hub of operations for the nearby Telescope Array, a cosmic ray observatory spread across the desert west of delta.[PDF]

#AskPotus: The Questions President Obama Answered, And 14, 2016 · President Barack Obama jumped on Twitter to hold his #AskPOTUS question-and-answer session today (Thursday, January 14) at McKinley High School in Baton Rouge to ask what we (the American people ...

Why Some Say Arkansas' Ethics Reform Is a Trojan Horse 11, 2014 · Why Some Say Arkansas' Ethics Reform Is a Trojan Horse A November ballot measure would limit the influence of lobbyists and corporations but also add time and flexibility to term limits.

Scott Nielsen | Arabella Advisors Nielsen. Managing Director of Advocacy. Scott Nielsen joined Arabella Advisors in 2015 as the firm’s first managing director of advocacy, bringing decades of experience designing, executing, and evaluating strategies for achieving policy reform and social change.

Local News | Nickels campaign avoids payroll taxes 05, 2001 · Nickels campaign avoids payroll taxes. ... The employees of those campaigns perform similar roles as the people paid as consultants by Nickels' campaign. ... and a …

BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS RECORDS, 1890-1892 | Tennessee ... The Bureau of Labor Statistics was created by Chapter 157 of the 1891 Public Acts. The Bureau was also known as the Bureau of Labor, Statistics and Mines, and incorporated the Office of Inspector of Mines which had been created by Chapter 247 of the Public Acts of 1887.

Feds end probe of Murray Energy coal rally for Mitt Romney ... statement from Murray Energy said the company was pleased with the FEC finding, "as the allegations made by ProgressOhio were completely false, entirely baseless, and thoroughly refuted" by a ...

Representative Kip Kendrick holds an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Columbia College and a graduate degree in Education Leadership & Policy Analysis from the University of Missouri. Kendrick, a native of Monroe City, Missouri, is married to Sarah Kendrick. They have a son, Abram Andrew Kendrick.

Dean’s Priority: Supporting Our Veterans - Dean Phillips ...’s Priority: Supporting Our Veterans “As a Gold Star Son, I know all too well the sacrifices made by our veterans and their families. I’m on a mission to ensure we take care of those who risk their lives in service to our country – and that we don’t forget about the families they leave behind.”

The "Merchants Limited" was almost as fast in 1950 as the ... 16, 2011 · The "Merchants Limited" was almost as fast in 1950 as the Acela is now. Today, the high speed Acela makes it between NY and Boston in 3 hours 30 minutes, sometimes with no stop at all in New Haven. So 61 years later, today's "high speed trains" travel between Boston and New York 10 minutes faster than they did in 1950.

Professor Eugene Mazo to debate the role of money in Forest School of Law Professor Eugene Mazo is scheduled to participate in a debate on the role of money in politics at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 17, at Cleveland State University’s Cleveland Marshall College of Law. The debate will be held in the Moot Court Room of Cleveland Marshall College of Law. It ...

Investigation Nation | Trending, if a Democrat ascends to the presidency, the right must—wait for it—resist, even if resistance means an investigatory regime every bit as relentless as the one the Democrats are ...

Stephen R. Thomas - Hawley Troxell Thomas is a member of the litigation practice area and a member of the firm’s Board of Partners. He has also established a practice in state government affairs and legislative advocacy. He handles commercial litigation, products liability, resources disputes, and insurance defense.

2014 Utah elections - Wikipedia general election was held in the U.S. state of Utah on November 4, 2014. The state's four seats in the United States House of Representatives are up for election and there is a special election for Utah's Attorney General. Primary elections were held on June 24, 2014.

Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Rips Michael Cohen Over Plea ... 21, 2018 · Current Donald Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani has officially responded to the news today of former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen reaching a …

Trump nominates local judge, U.S. attorney to federal bench 24, 2018 · Trump nominates local judge, U.S. attorney to federal bench. If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Susan Brnovich and Dominic Lanza will serve on …

Human Trafficking Committee | MyLO Ruth MullenDon't miss our meeting on January 29 at 6:30 at the Monroe Township Libraryfeaturing a discussion of Human Trafficking by a panel of experts!The committee's focus has been to bring awareness about the dangers and prevalence of Human Trafficking to our members and to the greater community. Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery and it exists

Meghan Markle describes 'new chapter' in her life now that ... 27, 2017 · Aside from gaining a partner, Markle, who serves as the global ambassador for World Vision and an advocate for U.N. women, said she's now most excited about transitioning "out of …

2014 Election Forecast Roundup - vox.com November 4, 2014, Americans will go to the polls for this year’s midterm elections. Here’s Vox’s roundup of the most recent predictions from leading election forecasters, and a closer ...

Fighting Anti-Semitism and Protecting Holocaust Survivors ... Applauds House Passage of Resolution to Oppose BDS Posted in Press Releases on July 23, 2019 | Preview rr Tags: Advancing a Strong, Smart Foreign Policy, Protecting Israel's Security, Fighting Anti-Semitism and Protecting Holocaust Survivors Today, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed House Resolution 246 by a vote of 398-17 to express opposition to the …

Bradley A. Smith | People - Foundation for Economic Education A. Smith Member of FEE Faculty Network. Bradley A. Smith is the Josiah H. Blackmore II/Shirley M. Nault Professor of Law at Capital University Law School in Columbus, Ohio, and the Founder and Chairman of the Center for Competitive Politics in Alexandria, Virginia.

FSI - Nathaniel Persily Persily is the James B. McClatchy Professor of Law at Stanford Law School, with appointments in the departments of Political Science, Communication and FSI. Prior to joining Stanford, Professor Persily taught at Columbia and the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and as a visiting professor at Harvard, NYU, Princeton, the University of Amsterdam, and the

Learn about Maryland's New Voting System about Maryland's New Voting System Frequently Asked Questions Got questions? We’ve got answers! The Maryland State Board of Elections and the Local Boards of Elections offer an array of Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers) in response to inquiries on Maryland’s new voting system, election policies and procedures affecting How Maryland Votes.

Pelosi Statement on Equal Pay Day | Speaker Nancy Pelosi 02, 2019 · “Each Equal Pay Day, Americans must renew our solemn commitment to fully and finally securing fairness, equality and economic justice for women. This Equal Pay Day, we are celebrating a major achievement, by marking the passage by the House of H.R. 7, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro’s landmark Paycheck Fairness Act to secure equal pay for equal work.

Comstock versus Wexton A Democrat leads in Virginia’s 10th Comstock favours a wall on the border with Mexico, is an advocate of expanded gun rights and a near-total ban on abortion, and voted for the federal tax cut that could drive up already-high ...

Beatriz LeBron, Commissioner LeBron, Commissioner Email: [email protected] Board Liaison to: Schools 2, 7, 10, 16, 22, 29, James Monroe High School, and All City High School Program Term Expires: December 2019 Beatriz LeBron was born and raised in the Bronx and considers herself a …

Earth Fare in Paddock Shopes closes as grocery chain downsizes 06, 2016 · Earth Fare, which bills itself as "the healthy supermarket" located in the upscale Paddock Shops on Route 22, will close at the end of the month as the small chain also downsizes its holdings ...

Human Resources | Moab, UT - Official Website Human Resources department is staffed by a Human Resources Director and a Human Resources Specialist . The City Manager serves as the Personnel Director for all City staff. Employment with the City is governed by our Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual (PDF).

PressTV-Groundwork for Trump's impeachment gets underway, questions have been raised on a range of charges against Trump including campaign-finance crimes to abuses of power. ... A US House panel has subpoenaed Donald Trump’s former campaign manager and a former White House aide as the president’s impeachment push ramps up.

New York - Ex-Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Switches To ... York – President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen returned to the Democratic Party on Thursday, the latest in a series of steps he has taken to distance himself from the Republican president following a bitter falling-out. Cohen’s defense attorney, Lanny Davis, announced on Twitter that his client has changed his registration from Republican […]

Trump’s troubles mount as CEO of National Enquirer parent ... 23, 2018 · Trump’s troubles mount as CEO of National Enquirer parent company, longtime friend granted immunity David Pecker, a longtime friend of Trump, …

Obama-Soros Health Crimes - canadafreepress.com of Obama’s stated plans for America are indistinguishable from those of George Soros. As the left forces nationalized health care on us, we may want to consider Soros’s Project on Death.

Hamang Patel - Michael Best & Friedrich LLP a complex $20 million real estate development, Hamang assisted the borrower to utilize new market tax credit financing, historic tax credit equity and a conventional bank loan. In the $215 million sale of a client’s business, Hamang worked to structure the receipt of a …

US lawmakers announce sweeping document requests in Trump ... US lawmakers will demand documents from Donald Trump's eldest son and a lifelong business associate as part of a wide-ranging investigation into claims of obstruction of justice and ...

AIPN Webinars: Anti-Corruption Compliance Training Webinars. Anti-Corruption Compliance Training ... government investigations, compliance, and corporate governance issues. Bill has been recognized by Chambers USA and a number of other “best lawyer” ranking publications. While a prosecutor, he received the Department of Justice’s Attorney General’s Award, as well as the United ...

Haslam wealthiest U.S. politician | Nashville Post Bill Haslam will retain his title as the nation's second-wealthiest politician, according to the latest Forbes listing of the world's billionaires. The magazine reports Haslam is worth $2.5 ...[PDF]Government of the District of Columbia Office of the Chief violations, and a plan for promoting a culture of ethical behavior; and Submit a final report to the Mayor and the Council with findings and recommendations within a year of convening. The legislation requires the Task Force to convene within 30 days of the effective date of the act,

Board of Education / Anne Darr Darr and her husband, Rich, have three children: a freshman at TCU, a sophomore at Paschal High School, and a seventh grader at McLean Middle School. They are active members of University Christian Church. Rich, also an educator, is a graduate of Paschal High School, and Anne has lived in …

Freakonomics - Burlington County Library System - OverDrive is a groundbreaking collaboration between Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, an award-winning author and journalist. They usually begin with a mountain of data and a simple question. Some of these questions concern life-and-death issues; others have an admittedly freakish quality.

McBath, Nadler, Katko, Herrera Beutler, and Scott ... Pregnant Workers Fairness Act would address legal ambiguities and help ensure that pregnant women are treated fairly on the job. The legislation, which is closely modeled after the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), would require employers to make reasonable accommodations—such as a minor job modification—that would allow pregnant workers to continue working and prevent them from ...

Jeff Smith’s Bio « The Recovering Smith’s Bio. ... During Jeff’s tenure in the Senate, he was recognized as the Senate’s leading voice on urban school reform. He sponsored and passed several pieces of major education legislation, including the Missouri Teaching Fellows program, which offers college loan forgiveness for top-flight students who agree to teach in ...

Officers of serves as the president of Sharpsburg Borough Council, to which she was first elected as a councilwoman in 2015. She is also the founder and executive director of Sharpsburg Neighborhood Organization, a resident-driven community development organization that works to strengthen and engage the community of Sharpsburg through volunteer projects and equity-building initiatives.

Obama says jobless numbers demand action -- Daily had already tapped Paul Volcker, a former Federal Reserve chairman and a top Obama adviser, as the leader of the newly created Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Volcker said he expects Congress to share the president's "sense of urgency" that something must to be done to remedy a skidding economy.

Wachtell Lipton’s Critique of Harvard Law School 03, 2012 · Take, for example, New York University School of Law, where Mr. Lipton serves on the Board of Trustees (he also chaired the Board of Trustees until he moved to his current position as the chairman of the Board of Trustees of New York University), and where another top Wachtell partner signing the memorandum, David Katz, has long served as an ...

Daniel Brooks - Wiley Rein LLP advises U.S. and multinational companies on a variety of telecommunications, economic sanctions, export controls, and national security issues.

A second city councilman enters the Lake Stevens mayor’s ... 02, 2019 · Election 2019 A second city councilman enters the Lake Stevens mayor’s race. The field of candidates, so far, pits a police officer against a firefighter for the city’s top job.

AP-NORC Poll: Low marks for Trump, except on the economy 24, 2018 · WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump continues to receive poor marks from a majority of Americans on his overall job performance, even as he enjoys relatively good assessments of his handling of the economy. A new poll released Friday by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump's work as president, …

Ex-Guatemalan ambassador arrested in Spain | Fox News 26, 2017 · Guatemalan prosecutors and a U.N. anti-corruption commission announced in July that Ligorria had acted as the middleman between business interests and politicians in …

Other Candidates | The Choice 2000 | FRONTLINE | PBS an election characterized by largely centrist positions, Buchanan offers himself as the true alternative. The word "abolish" appears more times on Buchanan's site than perhaps that of any other ...

Poll shows Trump gets low marks from Americans, except on ... 24, 2018 · Ratings of Trump among all Americans are equally dim on a host of issues, including immigration and health care, even as the president continues to receive high marks from his base of …

Mail Ballot Elections | Castle Rock, CO - Official Website Ballot packets include the ballot, instructions for completing the ballot, a secrecy envelope to conceal the vote, and a return envelope. The voter must pay postage if returning the ballot by mail. Ballots cannot be forwarded, so any elector who has moved and did not update their address will not receive a ballot.

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: "Welcome to the great unraveling ... 17, 2018 · "Welcome to the great unraveling of Donald Trump's defenses," said Wallace at the top of her show "Deadline: White House." "His lawyer Rudy Giuliani struggling to answer questions in …[PDF]The New York City Mayoral Candidates and Education Policy Ed...The New York City Mayoral Candidates and Education Policy . With the primaries fast approaching on September 10, interest in the New York City mayoral race is becoming intense. Anthony Weiner’s sexting issues have provided much fodder for the media as well as an unfortunate distraction for the candidates and the voters. Nevertheless, as the

Heather Briccetti Staff Bio | The Business Council to The Business Council, she was a consultant and lobbyist for Powers and Company, where she advised clients on a range of issues including high-profile economic development projects such as the Javits Center expansion and the new Yankee Stadium in New York City.

Matt Ahearn - Wikipedia served as the Deputy Mayor of Fair Lawn from 1998–2000 and on the Fair Lawn Planning Board during that same period. He served in the United States Army from 1981–1985, and in the United States Army Reserves/National Guard from 1985–1992, attaining the rank of Captain.

Ballot Measure - CA Secretary of State - General Election 2000 The distinction between a fee and a tax was reasonably clear before the Supreme Court decision. (h) In order to preserve that distinction and prevent avoidance of the two-thirds legislative vote requirement of Article XIII A and the majority and two-thirds popular vote requirements of Article XIII C, it is necessary to amend the Constitution.

Staff | Pueblo County United Way of Pueblo County is comprised of five staff members and two contract employees: President/CEO, Director of Fund Development & Campaign, Finance Director, Director of Marketing, Events & Initiatives, Administrative Assistant, Middle School Mentoring Program Coordinator, and Pueblo Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Coordinator.

Congressman Raul Grijalva : Natural Resources Committee Grijalva serves on the House Committee on Natural Resources, which has jurisdiction over legislation addressing conservation, wildlife, public lands, and Native Americans.As a member of the committee the Congressman has worked toward comprehensive mining reform, the creation of a renewable energy portfolio, improving relations with Indian Country, and the fair and consistent ...

2 Members Resign from Georgia State Ethics Commission 17, 2016 · ATLANTA (AP) - Two members of Georgia's state ethics commission have resigned from their board seats.

What's Not So: Is the Supreme Court "legislating from the ... 28, 2010 · The conservative mantra includes an oft-repeated bleat against liberal "activist judges" who supposedly are all the time commiting the offense of "legislating from the bench", usurping the rightful role of legislatures who are supposed to settle issues by a more democratic process because legislators are answerable to the electorate.

What are his strengths? - CSMonitor.com 21, 2011 · Charles “Buddy” Roemer is trying to stage a comeback. After nearly two decades out of office, the four-term congressman and one-time Louisiana governor declared his …

Man ticketed after two run-ins with police | VailDaily.com 14, 2011 · Man ticketed after two run-ins with police. News | August 14, 2011. ... a Hispanic man seated at the passenger side of the truck and a white man who was seated in the driver’s seat appeared to be counting a large amount of money, the witness reported. ... Eagle Police responded to a car fire at one of Eagle’s busiest intersections on July 23.

AJC endorses Romney..... - Anything but Football - Falcons ... 02, 2008 · Listened to a Rush replacement today. (Liked him better actually) He discussed the strange rise of McCain and one his primary points was the support of Republican Governors, led by our man-Sonny. "Republican" gov met recently in Atlanta. They have agreed on an agenda supporting bigger govt, fighting GW, Fed health care, etc.

State Supreme Court gives former Attorney General another ... 27, 2017 · "I was hit with a false, malicious, defamatory charge of having coordinated with an independent campaign,'' he said in a prepared statement. "The only neutral judge to hold a hearing and take evidence was the administrative law judge, who found for the defendants,'' Horne said, indicating he expects that to be upheld on review.

Researcher claims solicitor is about 7 times more likely ... claims solicitor is about 7 times more likely to remove black jurors from selection pool ... with the hearing that could lead to a new trial for convicted killer William O. Dickerson Jr ...

Austin Chewning Named Flagler Deputy of the Year as Gala ... 20, 2019 · Austin Chewning first made his name as a cop when he was a young Bunnell police officer in 2011 and, patrolling the streets of the city roundabout …

Hong Kong braces for another weekend of protests - twnews.us Friday, police raided a facility connected to a outlawed pro-independence party, uncovering a variety of offensive weapons and suspected bomb-making materials. Saturday's main protest takes place in Mong Kok -- one of the most crowded places in the world, ...

Fiesta Bowl CEO Junker fired after internal probe | Local ..., in his ubiquitous bright yellow Fiesta Bowl sports jacket, had been the face of the event for three decades, leading it from an upstart event to one of the BCS giants.

The Wine, Women and Song Foundation - americanthinker.com deceptive strategy was the brainchild of Sean Treglia, a former program officer with the Pew Charitable Trusts.3 Between 1994 and 2004, some $140 million of foundation cash was used to ...

SC Democrats cap historic weekend spurred by 2020 ... House Minority Leader Todd Rutherford said in his 21 years in office, he had never seen the level of exuberance on display at the party’s annual convention weekend, punctuated with U.S. Rep ...

Former Trump fixer Michael Cohen pleads guilty to charges ... Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer and "fixer," pleaded guilty Tuesday to campaign-finance violations and other charges, saying he and Trump arranged the payment of ...

Man's past didn't keep him from HUD grant - Supportive ... 12, 2007 · But it did nothing beyond sending him a warning letter. ... It is the first such lawsuit against a Dallas boarding home in years. ... "You are the most important person in my Superior Boarding Home," the company handbook told would-be residents. "I promise to care for you with kindness and courtesy, and I will never forget that you are a guest ...

Weekly Update: McCain Staffer Suggested Financially ... Lerner said that if they don’t meet the requirements, we can come in and revoke, but it doesn’t happen in a timely manner. Nan Marks said if the concern is that organizations engaging in this activity don’t disclose donors, then the system doesn’t work. ... In her May 2013 answer to a ... As our own Micah Morrison points out in his ...

As Democrats Look Left, A Massachusetts Congressman ... 29, 2018 · A day after a populist challenger knocked off one of the most powerful Democrats in the country, in part for taking too much corporate campaign cash, Rep. Seth Moulton, a moderate liberal who has raised money from Bain Capital in his capacity as a …

Intelligence Allegations against the Trump Administration ... 15, 2018 · But I like Fox News =( I don't feel indoctrinated and I still read CNN alongside it from time to time. I mean, I'm here on spacebattles everyday hearing the arguments liberals make against Trump (even though I'm Pro-Trump) and I agree with some of them. I maybe conservative and apart of that fanbase, but I refused to be considered indoctrinated.

PROJECT VERITAS EXPOSES DEEP STATE IN STATE DEPT ... 18, 2018 · Ask God to bring light to the darkness, revealing and rooting out corruption in our government. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. (John 3:20) Download our latest Intercessory Intel Report: Deep State and pray effectively about the hidden corruption […]

Effort to crack down on 'dark money' in Wyoming dies quiet ... first measure passed and has been signed into law by Gov. Matt Mead, while House Bill 67 died a quiet — and critics say alarming — death, falling victim to one of the Legislature’s many ...

When It Rains, It Leaks | The Texas Tribune Dianne Delisi, R-Temple, says she's got 88 signatures in support of the bill, but it is a fragile bit of legislation and a skittish group of lawmakers. The bill requires minors to notify their parents or a judge before they can proceed with an abortion.

Dem Forum REPLAY, Sioux Falls Mayoral Candidates (3 of ... first thing the City needs to do is pass an ordinance requiring all employment ads to mention the wage scale of the posted job offer. ... that his emphasis on crime as an issue in his campaign was not an initial intent, but one that came on towards the end of his campaign. ... Now, politically that might be smart, but it is merely a form of ...

Polls finds bow OK with GOP -- Orszag: health care reform ... finds bow OK with GOP -- Orszag: health care reform will produce 'hard, tangible savings' -- Brooks praises Geithner -- Karl Rove unveils his title -- Health care test vote in Senate at 8 p.m.

Mark Alexander: ObamaNation — The USSA — The Patriot Post 27, 2009 · A year ago, I could not have forecast that the tenor of discontent would have reached such fervor that one now ponders, “Is insurrection the only answer?” I hope not, but it is the 800-pound gorilla at the table, and a growing number of Americans are taking note – and I am not referring to only those who have lost jobs or incomes.

Jared Kushner .. Something Very Strange About this Man ... 19, 2018 · Jared Kushner had an unsecured line of credit for as much as $5 million from the Bronfman controlled Israel Discount Bank in 2017. In 2018, this has jumped to a maximum of $25 million. Kushner Cos. “loaned” another $5 million to $25 million from the Bank of America, for a deal with the Israeli Psagot Investment House.

St. Tammany DA Walter Reed paid nearly $86,000 in campaign ... Tammany Parish District Attorney Walter Reed's campaign spent $232,000 in 2012, including $29,400 paid to a catering company in which his son, Steven P. Reed, is listed as an officer, and more ...

Cohen pleads guilty in hush-money scheme | News ... 'fixer' appears to implicate Trump in criminal activity. NEW YORK (AP) — Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer and “fixer,” pleaded guilty Tuesday to campaign-finance violations and other charges, saying he and Trump arranged the payment of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels and a former Playboy model to influence the election.

Inside catch and kill: Cohen, a porn star and ‘Individual Oct. 26, 2016, just weeks before the election, Cohen drew down $131,000 from a home equity line of credit he obtained by lying about his debt and cash flow. He wired funds to a lawyer for Daniels, falsely saying that it was for a “retainer,” and soon after received copies of …

The Plum Line - Axelrod: I did not endorse "ground zero answer to a question, he threw out an idea about an interfaith center. I said I thought it was an intriguing idea. ... but it linked to a blog devoted to "local" politics. The SunTimes was almost worse - a very tiny link - in a small font - going to the blog of a political reporter. ... or if Daley will be neutral and allow the people in his ...

Lawrence Mayor Lantigua Will Ask For A Recount – CBS Boston (CBS) — Incumbent William Lantigua will ask for a recount after losing to challenger Daniel Rivera by a narrow margin. Lantigua made the announcement Sunday afternoon on Mega 1400 AM ...

My Republican friend's morning email to me. - Democratic ... has voted over 95% with the bush administration mccain said he was for the South Dakota bill which would have banned abortion, even in cases of rape, incest, and if the life of the Mother was at stake

Rep. Valerie Hodges has second thoughts about vouchers ..., Juan, the failing schools are the charters. Ten in BR have just failed along with quite a few in New Orleans and Algiers. One of the failed charters in NO was an Islamic school. Another closed prior to the end of the school year leaving students who didn’t graduate.

Social Media CEOs Embrace Black Lives Matter; Censor ... issues are the same, and we didn’t invent resistance, and we didn’t discover injustice, but technology has allowed us to amplify these messages in ways that we couldn’t before and accelerated the pace of organizing in ways that are really powerful.” Away from the camera, McKesson is also close to the action.

Here and Now - nystateofpolitics.com New York is one of the easiest places in the nation to get health care, according to a report by the Commonwealth Foundation, a nonprofit health research organization. In a unanimous vote by the school board, Jaime Alicea was appointed interim superintendent for the Syracuse school district, of which he has been an employee for 33 years.

Seeking Grant Money Today: May 2004 31, 2004 · Seeking Grant Money Today, since 2004, instructs, shares current events in, and gives practical examples of how nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations achieve successes using professional, nonprofit, best practices. If you are looking for information on a specific topic, use the "Search Blog" feature in the upper left hand corner to find posts.

Trump lawyer Giuliani rules out Mueller interview with ... (AP) — With a number of probes moving closer to the Oval Office, President Donald Trump and his attorney has unleashed a fresh series of attacks on the investigators, questioning their integrity while categorically ruling out the possibility of a presidential intervie

Fast and Furious Backpedaling at the Department of Justice ... 20, 2011 · ATF Agent John Dodson, testifying in front of the committee, said that in his entire law enforcement career, he had “never been involved in or even …Author: John Hinderaker

Sutton proposes anti-corruption plan | Local ... are the owner of this article. ... One was the improper use of money in a state account related to a visas program. Another was the disappearance of more than $1.3 million of federal funds ...

ISIS | Scared shooter demanded the release of Abdeslam, who is on trial for attempted murder and possession of weapons over the 2015 Paris attacks in which 130 were murdered. The hostage-taker is said to be a Moroccan national in his 30s known to the intelligence services.

Exclusive: Democrats lose ground with millennials ... are whining about a baby politician who was told by an experienced politician that in his opinion, he isn't the best candidate for the job and the DCCC is focusing on politicians they think can win. This is completely within the written charter of that organization. It's up to the baby politician to prove them wrong and I'd be glad if he did.

Can A Moderate Like Ed Case Still Thrive In Washington? Hawaii Democrat is likely headed back to Congress. But his centrist views are definitely out of style in a U.S. Capitol split by partisanship. WASHINGTON — Some might say Ed Case is a ...

Why do you support donald trump - theflatearthsociety.org 12, 2018 · We know for a fact China/Russia outright lies in its news reporting. ... This is a very known poltical tactics. If he says what he do, where is the intelligency? The market's ruling by these a bunch of fools, is also a situation that needs to be emphasized. (Turkish stock market datas graph) ... was the time Nix said that the candidate was ...

Giuliani: Trump reimbursed Cohen for $130,000 payment to ... 03, 2018 · This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold.

Cover story: Buyers, sellers need to consider pets ... 03, 2010 · “This is a time when pets are viewed just like children in a family,” says Devon Thompson, manager of animal care programs at Petco. ... “Maybe for a pet owner, but it’s often a …

California Law Archives | Page 7 of 8 | Bellatrix PC the history behind of course a lot more complicated than my little freedom of labor speech. In non-contractual employment relationships, employees would sometimes sue because they were promised an annual wage and then were fired before it was earned. This was a problem if they had relocated for the job or turned down other seasonal work.

Sen. Bill Nelson: Lukewarm approval, high unkowns, double 29, 2011 · Smalls, played by Harry Shearer in the 1984 mockumentary This Is Spinal Tap, described himself as “kind of like lukewarm water.” Shearer as Smalls A new poll by Democratic outfit Public Policy Polling says two-term incumbent Nelson has a 38 percent approval rating and a 31 percent disapproval score. Surprisingly for a figure who’s held ...

Run, Stephen Colbert, run! - The Washington Post’s no clearer, more unambiguous way to say “I am running for president” than “I'm proud to announce I plan to form an exploratory committee to lay the groundwork for my candidacy for ...

Intelligence Allegations against the Trump Administration ... 06, 2019 · This is the third time he's broken his gag order ... "There were several changes that were made including how we were going to handle that message, which was -- the message of course being -- the length of time that the Trump Tower Moscow project stayed and remained alive." ... While it's certainly telling that everybody who is close to Trump ...

Why did Obama sue CitiBank to make them give loan to ... 05, 2008 · Also on June 30, Judge Castillo granted Plaintiffs’ motion to compel discovery of a sample of Defendant-bank’s loan application files. Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Fed. Sav. Bank, 162 F.R.D. 338 (N.D. Ill. 1995). The parties voluntarily dismissed the case on May 12, 1998, pursuant to a …Status: ResolvedAnswers: 18

Corrupted Politicians? | Yahoo Answers 28, 2008 · Corrupted Politicians... isn't that an oxymoron? 1) Yes, I believe uncorrupted politicians are the exception and corrupted ones are the rule. Our political system has degraded over the years to a place where our "leaders" are more concerned with maintiaing their …Status: ResolvedAnswers: 12

San Marcos City Council Working To Strengthen Their Ethics ... ordinance falls under the San Marcos City Code; Chapter 2, Article 5, Code of Ethics and most people would be thrilled to know that the city council is working to strengthen their Ethics Policy.. At tonight’s San Marcos City Council meeting the council will be holding their second reading of Ordinance 2017-20(b) which will require Financial Disclosure Forms to be filed by “members of ...

Candidates take aim at common enemy, not each other at ... HARBOR, Md. — The anticipated race to the right at the annual CPAC gathering of conservative activists has, instead, been largely a cathartic opportunity to bash Hillary Clinton and

Bill would withhold funding to cities that ignore state ... would withhold funding to cities that ignore state laws ... with judges deciding who is right. ... as was the case after the Legislature tried to tell Tucson it could not have partisan ...

Shadow HoudiniObama?? (@HoudiniObama) | Twitter latest Tweets from Shadow HoudiniObama?? (@HoudiniObama). I'm THE GREAT #MAGICIAN. I'm uh, half #black & many #RELIGIONS, now you see college transcripts, now you don't. The Shadow knows. This is not a parody account. #DrainTheSwamp, USAFollowers: 2.5K

The Urban Politico: Movie Reviews: The Great Race scene that stuck in my head was when the heroine challenges the hero to a duel, snidely announcing that she was the Women's International Fencing Champion. Unperturbed, the hero accepts the challenge, swiftly defeats her and coolly reminds her that he was the …

NJ Transit agrees to pay $3.65M to settle racial ... 16, 2016 · TRENTON-- NJ Transit has agreed to pay $3.65 million to settle a racial discrimination lawsuit filed by current or former employees, some of whom claimed they were subject to …

Election Countdown: 2017 Referendum question on council 24, 2017 · BY KRISSI HUMBARD — The city council is again debating whether to reduce the size of the city council. An advisory, non-binding referendum question regarding the size of the city council is on the ballot for the 2017 election. The referendum question asks voters’ opinions on the number of councilmembers on the city council. It also seeks input on the number and size of the election wards ...

Thread by @TimInHonolulu: "Trump's BFF Rep Chris Collins ... or just because they are the ones who feed his ego at his rallies. But anyone who is actually working on a strategy for Trump to win, would want to satisfy the majority of Americans who want to restrict the use of these military weapons. ... That is usually the tip-off that a subject the GOP's Kremlin directed masters fear. The key ...

Community meetings in Miami Beach, Coral Gables under consideration are the North Shore Public Library, 53rd and Collins, 69th and Harding, Shane,Harding and 72nd street,key sites in North Shore Park and so on. Check out what,why and and who is behind this big push to give away scarce and valuable City land in North Beach.

Why Alternative Health Care? - CityBeat Cincinnati to a new column about alternative health care — not all forms of alternative health care, but the ones that I'm interested in. We'll talk about therapies that work, and sometimes we'll ...

The Obama Jobs Disaster Worsens | Power Line 04, 2012 · This is the most brutal statistic of all: ... Where are the jobs? ... we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and ...

Political Irony › Blog archives“According to a new poll, Donald Trump was the candidate Americans would least want to have as their neighbor. It makes sense, because he’d build a MASSIVE WALL between your yards and make YOU pay for it.” – Jimmy Fallon “Donald Trump said yesterday that …

How Occupy will end | Jewish Journal prestige press needs to play it both ways, in an only-time-will-tell frame, though it’s always safe to go meta: “Every Movement Needs a Logo” was the title of a New York Times gallery of ...

Colorado Peak Politics | LIBERAL GROUPS LOSE: A Ton of CO ... 17, 2011 · Thanks to the reader who passed this gem along. This week the IRS revoked the tax exempt status of 275,000 organizations, after those organizations failed to file the proper paperwork.Well, it appears a number of liberal special interest group chapters in Colorado didn't file their paperwork and have lost their status as a result.

April | 2015 | Realizing Life Since 1966 man in his plans of action and execution of those plans has given a HOPE back to me that this country has been slowly sucking from my soul for the past decade..the HOPE in the “return” of the American dream…not for myself..but for OUR entire planet’s beautiful and innocent children of tomorrow.

Koch: Skelos is reneging on redistricting promise ... 01, 2011 · “Not since the first President Bush told us to read his lips have we seen a more dramatic turnaround on a campaign promise,” Gianaris said. Koch’s group, New York Uprising, committed to ...

Boris Johnson vow to end witch-hunt against Northern ... Johnson has vowed to end the witch-hunt against Northern Ireland veterans and review the HS2 high-speed rail link as he prepares to embark on a policy blitz as soon as he enters No 10.. Sources close to the new PM said he will use his speech on the steps of Downing Street this afternoon to kickstart his domestic agenda.

Albany at Walker | Photo gallery - livingstonparishnews.com High Cody King (10) was the lone player on his team to register multiple hits Saturday against Lafayette Christian. ... (26) went 1-for-3 with a double and a pair of walks from his lead-off ...

What Questions Should Congress Be Asking DoD About ... 01, 2018 · The Trump administration is due to submit today two important reports on civilian casualties—one to Congress and one to the public. In the time since President Donald Trump has been in office, his administration has secretly changed U.S. policy rules on the use of lethal force abroad, refused even to admit the new policy exists, increased the number of lethal operations in places like Yemen ...

Analysis: Political consultants big winners in 2012 millions of dollars spent by Massachusetts congressional candidates was a boon to political consultants from Virginia to California. All together, the candidates in the three most expensive ...

Issue-Oriented Spots: Who's The REAL Sponsor? | CommLawBlog 04, 2014 · That may be comforting to broadcasters, until they think about it for a couple of seconds. While it’s all well and good to accord broadcasters such deference, note that the ruling still leaves wide open the essential question, i.e., who is a “true sponsor” if it’s not the entity signing the check? Further, the order suggests that WJLA ...

The Blog Whose Name Changes Sometimes 31, 2018 · After all, they are the public face of an institution the doctrines of which stand adamantly opposed to their lifestyle. A few of them, like James Martin, publicly reject those doctrines. And a few of them are probably merely cynical: "Hey, I've got a decent job, and I get access to lots of guys!"

Former top cop won't go down without a fight - ... before she could utter a word, she got an unusual request from a young Muslim girl. “Please come inside my house, so that I am able to talk to you for a few minutes,” the girl whispered ...

Beverage industry spent big on Quiñones-Sánchez, but soda ...“Big soda spent over half a million on TV ads that had no real message and probably helped the mayor run up his point total,” said Hawkins, who is a longtime observer of Philadelphia politics.

Pressured by top Democrats to bow out, Bernie Sanders to ... — On the verge of endorsing Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama will pay tribute to Bernie Sanders’ historic candidacy for presidency with an Oval Office meeting aimed at ...

overview for jskimegamix - reddit.com primary issues with nuclear at this point are, the safety of handling the waste, and the resulting costs that need to be accounted for because the operator will be responsible for that waste for a long long time. In the end, solar may turn out to be cheaper and safer if we are able to solve the storage issue. ... And as far as the "burn it ...

Are the Democrats conducting a modern day witch hunt ... 20, 2010 · We all remember studying about the original north east liberal elites who conducted the Salem Witch Hunts. Now it appears that gene hasn't been bread out of them after all. They are witch hunting on poor O'Donnell just because she went on a High School date with a guy who messed around with the occult. Funny thing is that half these liberal nut-bags are probably real Satanists.Status: ResolvedAnswers: 14

The Regulators Will Botch It Again | Mises Institute Bresiger explains all you need to know about the SEC's proposal to ban "soft dollars" in mutual fund management. Once again, the regulators and reformers are about to make the wrong decision, which means another generation of social engineers will have to come up with more reforms to correct the errors of the previous generation of reformers and busybodies.

Atlanta Council Backs US Department of Peace (UPDATE 1 10, 2006 · By Robert Soloway, Staff Writer, The Atlanta Progressive News (APN) ATLANTA — The City Council of Atlanta has voted 12-2 to support a resolution calling for a US Department of Peace, The Georgia Alliance for a US Department of Peace announced at a press conference today on the steps of the Georgia State Capitol.

Upper Arlington Progressive Action - UA City Council the 2017 Upper Arlington City Council race came into the home stretch in October, many Upper Arlington voters received two mailings that were unlike the campaign mailings in previous City Council elections. One mailing was a postcard trying to smear Michaela Burriss.

A Second-generation Wave|Politics & Society|2016-01-03 ... this pageKMT candidate Vincent Lin (???) was running a business in Taipei before being recruited because his father was the former chief of Dongshi Township, one of the eight townships and cities in the district. He only joined the KMT after agreeing to run in the race. Local Level Influence

L39 Pol Party Funding Essay example - majortests.com are the key features of the two major acts aimed at wiping away the controversies of Party Funding although loopholes have existed with ‘Long-Term loans at low interest rates’ being a frequent mechanism used ... L39 Pol Party Funding Essay example ... he cemented the legacy of the Presidency as one of incredible power, for a limited ...

ideology | How to buy the Michigan Courts “tort reform,” the right to redress malpractice (which is one of the only real means of eliminating harmful physicians) becomes harder, even to the point that rights are neglected, bad medicine continues and protective and beneficial policies and procedures go unaddressed. Was the coffee too hot?

monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events - Page 2377 as long as the Justice Department decides to stick with its own internal directive, the Justice Department will not try to prosecute or indict the president. But the Justice Department is free to change their mind on this and go ahead. Whether the Supreme Court will allow them to prosecute or indict Trump is anybody's guess.

State legislature session: Missed opportunities, gridlock ... — New York lawmakers left the state Capitol early Thursday with little to cheer, ending a six-month legislative session marked by gridlock, shifting alliances and blown chances.

South Carolina braces for ugly whispers | Palmetto ... - If the New Hampshire primary is all over but the shouting, then it's time for South Carolina to brace for the whispers. With just 10 days to go before the Jan. 21 primary and some ...

On liberalism and the Democratic Party - World Socialist ... 29, 1998 · On liberalism and the Democratic Party 29 July 1998 To WSWS. It was interesting to review your letters and comments. I disagree that both parties are beholden to the rich and powerful.

Hillsborough County Commission candidate Jeff Zampitella 12, 2016 · Hillsborough County Commission candidate Jeff Zampitella hoping for a debate that may never happen ... But it does address the importance of the …

POLITICS - Border Wall / Gub-mint Shutdown | Page 9 ... 19, 2018 · Actually, a majority of Americans did vote against Trump, but there's more important silliness in your post. Such as the continuing idea Democrats are somehow running these 17 investigations and the entire second paragraph, frankly, considering the machinations of McConnell and the Republicans over the past couple of decades, beginning with the Gingrich troops.

Seattle's radical plan to fight big money in politics to this story as an episode of The Impact, Vox’s podcast about how policy affects people. SEATTLE — Last January, half a million Seattle residents received a small white packet in their mailboxes. Some thought it was junk mail and tossed it in the recycling. Others thought it might be important — the return ...

8. Enrile vs Sandiganbayan | Bail | Life Imprisonment Enrile vs Sandiganbayan - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. CRIM PRO BAIL

jobsanger: The Five Biggest Myths About Socialism it is surely legitimate to press advocates of increased government spending on how they would pay for these programs. The economist Paul Krugman, for example, who is sympathetic to many social democratic policies, has criticized those on the left who argue that these programs can be subsidized by simply printing or borrowing money.

US History | Whatever Works was the government GI Bill program that educated a generation of young people to ultimately defeat the Soviet Union. It was the government that wired every house in the country for electricity during the Great Depression, setting up the largest household consumer-goods market in the world in the 1950s: home appliances.

5 Takeaways From Night 2 Of The Democratic Debate Sen. Kamala Harris of California launched her presidential campaign in January and drew a crowd of 20,000 in Oakland, Calif., she raised some eyebrows about the potential for her candidacy. But during the early stretch of this Democratic primary campaign, Harris struggled to catch on or stand ...

The Latest: Clinton proposes party to fix 'fun deficit ... 26, 2016 · WASHINGTON — The Latest on the U.S. presidential race (all times EDT): 2:10 p.m. Hillary Clinton is talking about fixing the deficit — what she calls the "fun deficit." During an interview that aired Wednesday on the syndicated radio show "The Breakfast Club," Clinton said she is "sick of all the meanness." Her plan to increase the fun and bring people together?

The Changing Calculus of U.S. Politics - SFGate euphoria was so therapeutic, says Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, because it's been such a terrible, miserable couple of years in so many respects. House Democratic leader Dick Gephardt ...

A.M. Roundup: SOS will focus on guns, Sandy - Capitol ... 09, 2013 · A.M. Roundup: SOS will focus on guns, Sandy ... Will Cuomo, as Pataki did in his third year, pivot to the left in an attempt to appease more moderate …

Parliamentary Elections in Moldova: Assessing the Results is the main challenge, I think: for civil society and for all people in Moldova to really ask for their rights and their lives to improve. John Todd Stewart served as U.S. Ambassador to Moldova between 1995 and 1998 and served as an election observer during the recent elections. He is now retired from the Foreign Service and does not, as a ...

Thomas Moyer dies at 70; was longest-serving state chief ... 03, 2010 · COLUMBUS -- Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas Moyer, who was the longest-serving sitting state Supreme Court chief justice in the United States, died Friday at age 70. Moyer was

How Many People Still Trust Obama After Hearing Dozens Of ... 18, 2008 · doesn't matter if you trust obama or McCain. either one in office is just gonna be a puppet for the real people controlling whats going on in the united states and in the world. just go to google videos or youtube and look up NEW WORLD ORDER. you'll see that the free mason's, the illuminati and, the hildienberg group are all who are really running things.Status: ResolvedAnswers: 20

Summary of New Report from the ICRC - Just Security 04, 2013 · Last month, the ICRC released a 90-plus page report titled, “The Use of Force in Armed Conflict: Interplay between the Conduct of Hostilities and Law Enforcement Paradigms.” It’s the product of a January 2012 expert meeting that brought together current and retired military professionals, including military lawyers, academics, ICRC representatives, and others who sought to […]

John McCain traitor not hero. See what his fellow POW's ... 26, 2015 · The infringement on our freedom of speech and our rights to bear arms are the first liberties that are taken by any despotic government. Hanoi John has worked diligently to prevent private citizens from buying and selling guns at gun shows. ... John McCain was the primary opposition to the Senate Select Committee on POWs. He bitterly opposed ...

Mayor Walsh is drawn into federal labor probe - The Boston ... an interview Saturday in his office, Walsh declined to address many specifics, but he said no government official had contacted him about any investigation related to his time as head of the ...

Political Hack Jim Atterholt is begging for his old job ... 08, 2017 · It’s unclear how much competition Atterholt will have in his bid to get his old job back. The process to fill openings on the IURC is cumbersome, with applicants required to submit letters of interest to a nominating committee, which selects candidates to interview and then recommends three finalists to the governor, who picks the winner.

image001 | Random | Liberal logic, Liberal hypocrisy ... who believes a special kind of stupid! Don’t rely on the govt ... Lmao I love how the person who made the first meme didn't do their fucking research. Typical right-wing idiot. ... We are who we are America. These are the works of United Nations Alice Bailey's Lucis Trust aka Lucifer Publishing 'The New Group of World Servers'.

Bullock eyes future goals after first year in office ... – With his first year in office nearly in the books, Gov. Steve Bullock said he can point to a number of accomplishments and a few disappointments so far, but he’s focused on the future ...

The FBI Is Answering To A Higher Royalty: The Clintons 27, 2018 · You already know Trump’s a criminal? Based on what objective facts? On April 3, 2018 the Washington Post was the first paper to headline how: “Mueller told Trump’s attorneys the president remains under investigation but is not currently a criminal target.” ... to high-level positions in his administration. This is in violation of ...

Notes on the Simpson transcript | Power Line 10, 2018 · Having read the transcript of the Senate Judiciary Committee interview of Fusion GPS principal Glenn Simpson by Senate Judiciary Committee staff, I want to post a few notes and observations on the ...Author: Scott Johnson

PEI Green Leader Peter Bevan-Baker’s unlikely road to ... 10, 2017 · That building was the site of the 1864 Charlottetown Conference that led to Confederation, and Brown, founder of The Globe newspaper (eventually The Globe and Mail) and a leading Liberal, was one of the most significant figures in those discussions.Author: Chris Hannay

Dump Nunes! | Community Alliance County City Council Member Jose Sigala spoke about his deep roots in the area, connection to the civil rights movement, support for LGBTQ rights and how he was the only candidate in Tulare County endorsed by Planned Parenthood. The Central Valley Progressive PAC (CVPPAC) endorsed Sigala in his bid for the Tulare City Council, which he won.

The Mueller Report: Unredacted - The New“Oh, my god. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m f*cked”, said President Trump.According to the Mueller Report, this statement was made when Trump learned that an independent counsel had been appointed to investigate the …

Oh No, Sean Hannity Shit His Pants - Wonkette 31, 2017 · Don't think a coincidence! Last week right here on this program we had stunning revelation after stunning revelation day after day about Hillary Clinton, Uranium One, the fake news dossier, and that special counsel Mueller is CLEARLY complicit in the Uranium One scandal. Remember, he was the FBI director! The FBI informant!

Anti-Kerry Film Stirs Dem Protest - CBS News 14, 2004 · The Democratic Party and 18 senators are objecting to a broadcasting company's plan to air on 62 TV stations a critical documentary about John …Author: AP

Critiquing the Press - 10, 2008 · Howard Kurtz: That was the morning after he was sworn in, and the country was so worn out by the Nixon scandals and impeachment that it was …[PDF]Boulder County Democratic Party (BCDP) Executive Committee County Democratic Party (BCDP) Executive Committee (EC) Wednesday, December 14, 2016 ... you want to get involved these are the primary areas where you can help. • Secretary – Terrye Whitaker – The primary responsibilities of the Secretary (who ... and represents Boulder County as the First

Democrats’ U.S. Senate primary promises to be a real nail ... styles himself as the candidate of the workingmen and women. With few airs and even less campaign cash, his most identifiable characteristic is his unique persona, complete with a 6-foot ...

Haley defends parents of fallen soldier Graham slams Trump ... defends parents of fallen soldier Graham slams Trump for targeting Muslim couple, saying nominee can’t take criticism ... “It is Mr. Trump who is making unification of the party ...

Ashton Stauffer - Ballotpedia 04, 2019 · Ashton Stauffer completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2019. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Stauffer's responses. I want to keep our community safe by requiring our police department to implement SB4. …

GANNETT Syndication Service - the horse racing world continues to react to news that Justify failed a drug test, here is what you should know about the Triple Crown winner. ... The 1989 Standard Gravure was one of the first mass shooting in the U.S. And it happened in Mitch McConnell's hometown. ... who is facing a tough challenge from Beshear this November, didn't wait ...

Rick Enstrom Archives - Page 2 of 2 - The 07, 2012 · The six are the first to reach “On the Radar” status as part of the GOP Trailblazer program. ... Enstrom is a Jefferson County Republican who is challenging Rep. Max Tyler, D-Lakewood, in November. The former wildlife commissioner is best known as one of …

Former state Rep. John LaBruzzo has started campaigning ... 29, 2015 · Former state Rep. John LaBruzzo has started campaigning for the Jefferson Parish Council’s Metairie-based District 5 seat, he said in a text message on Sunday night.

Jim Cason uses city pic out of context for campaign ad 13, 2015 · Our clients are the people who live in the city of Coral Gables. Whoever the people choose to elect, is whoever I will serve with.” ... This isn’t even the first photograph that Ladra suspects the mayor has used out of context. ... Jim Cason uses city pic out of context for campaign ad added by Ladra on April 13, 2015

Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes from a Blue State ..., a pro-diplomacy, anti-war president – hence his affection for Lamont – withdrew the U.S. military from what he had called during his campaign Bush’s “war of choice” in Iraq and committed some additional troops to what he called the “war of necessity” in Afghanistan, known by European diplomats for centuries as “the ...

Unpopularity contest to decide Guatemalan presidential ... base is in rural areas such as the highlands where she is remembered for social programs during her former husband's administration. ... which along with crime and unemployment is one of the top three issues cited by voters in a country in which 60% of the 17 million-strong population live in poverty. ... who is barred from running again, ...

Roger Phillips' Stockton City Hall blog | From the San audit committee (Dan Wright and Christina Fugazi are the other members) is slated to meet at 4:30 p.m. today at City Hall. You can view the agenda here. It includes discussion of the city’s recently released Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, or CAFR. Lenz will preside over today’s meeting.[PDF]“If I Were Donald Trump’s Minister (Or Clinton’s, or Cruz ...“If I Were Donald Trump’s Minister (Or Clinton’s, or Cruz’s, or Sander’s)” “Have compassion for everyone you meet even if they don’t want it. What seems conceit, bad manners or cynicism is always a sign Of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen. You do not know what wars are going on down Where the spirit meets the bone.

gay marriage Archives - The 09, 2015 · One Colorado, the state’s leading advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender residents, wants to hear from state residents about issues and goals, beyond gay marriage, which the U.S. Supreme Court ratified this summer.. The Freedom in Every Corner Tour will stop in 17 cities before ending in Denver on Dec. 10.

Here's what to look for in Tuesday's Madison City Council ...’t expect too much action at the polls on Tuesday in Wisconsin. The Government Accountability Board has projected a statewide turnout of just 10 percent for the nonpartisan primaries, which includes a Supreme Court race as well as primaries in races for various local offices, including Madison ...

Gov. Bullock appoints Walsh to finish Baucus' term in U.S ... – Gov. Steve Bullock on Friday appointed Lt. Gov. John Walsh as Montana’s next U.S. senator to serve out the final year of the term of Max Baucus, who

Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes from a Blue State: CAP ... Boxer had only 36 of her troops standing with her. Commented The Wall Street Journal, the environmentalists were “stunned that their Global Warming agenda is in collapse,” adding, “The green groups now look as politically intimidating as the skinny kid on the beach who gets sand kicked in his …

Nina Turner: While Congress Obsesses Over Russia ... 29, 2017 · Nina Turner: While Congress Obsesses Over Russia, Americans Being 'Left Behind' Lauren McCauley, staff writer Former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner is …

Scenes of a Disaster | Power Line 16, 2011 · If you are not familiar with the Daily Mail, you may want to check it out. It has the best photographic coverage of the disaster in Japan that I have seen. The …

Susan Estrich - Trusting Wendy | Opinion | laconiadailysun.com don't know enough about a lot of things to know if the deal with Iran is good enough, to know whether Iran will keep to it, to know whether

Rand Paul’s Gaffe Sparks GOP Anxiety About the Next Tea ... Paul’s Gaffe Sparks GOP Anxiety About the Next Tea Party Upstarts. After the Kentucky Republican’s civil-rights act controversy, GOP leaders are anxiously eyeing which Tea Party upstart ...

Who Is My Family, Really? by Paul Levy - Alternatives Is My Family, Really? The Projective Tendencies of the Mind In Dreams and Reality by Paul Levy. Over twenty years ago I fell down the proverbial rabbit’s hole, stepping through the looking glass, so to speak, never to return to the ordinary, mundane life I had been living.

Madison360: Does Russ Feingold the maverick risk gadfly ... 27, 2012 · A central theme of Feingold’s book is that the U.S. pays too much attention to some areas and far too little to others. He titles one chapter in his book “A game of Risk,” referring to the classic 1950s board game he played as a child in Janesville in which the goal is to occupy one country at a time, eliminate other players and achieve world domination.

Burnaby mayor Derek Corrigan criticizes amount of ... mayor Derek Corrigan has something to say about how things are run in Vancouver and how many resources are devoted to the city. “I was born in Vancouver and raised there until age 25 ...

In their maiden speeches, Jackie Doyle-Price and Stuart ... said in advance of the general election that the 2010 intake of Conservative MPs would see Thatcher’s socially-mobile children of the 1980s finally arriving in Parliament. Two fine examples of this breed made their maiden speeches on Monday. Jackie Doyle-Price, who gained Thurrock from Labour ...

Egypt’s Agony and America’s Cluelessness | Power Line 17, 2013 · It is hard to say from the outside, but it doesn’t appear we have given very good advice to Iraq or Afghanistan over the last decade on how to build a genuinely stable civil society, so I doubt ...Author: Steven Hayward

New Libertarian Party National Chair Opposes California ... 03, 2010 · Libertarian Party of indiana. Editor’s Note: If you can help make phone calls in opposition of this proposition, we can tip the polls against this bill before it spreads!

Viking Pundit need to look closely at the situation and discover who is responsible for the myriad evils which plague us. ... The Washington Times? Nope - it was the Saudi-based Arab News in an article by one Khaled Al-Maeena called "Let's Listen to What Youngsters Say". Catch the whole thing before it gets "archived." ... This is it From the Washington ...

Malabar 2017: India kicks off naval exercise with US ... 13, 2017 · Malabar 2017: India kicks off naval exercise with US, Japan CHENNAI: Amidst concern raised by China, navies of India, US and the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force on Monday began Malabar naval exercise 2017, aimed at achieving deeper military ties between the three nations. It is the 21st edition of the Malabar exercise. View attachment 410235

Jonathan Turley: Trump Can’t Escape Hiring A ‘Thug’ Like ... 12, 2018 · Legal analyst Jonathan Turley is generally pro-Trump, but today he told Fox News that Trump can't run away from his relationship with Michael Cohen. Trump hand-picked Cohen to be his attorney, knowing he had a bad reputation and was more of a thug than a legal mind.

The general in charge of Katrina recovery now leads a 07, 2015 · Hurricane Katrina revealed the power of nature and the incompetence of the Federal Emergency Management Agency under Michael Brown. The storm shredded the Gulf coast and breached the levees protect...

Con: Naming a ship after Murtha denigrates the Navy ..., who retired as a colonel in 1990, was a 37-year veteran of the Marine Corps and Marine Forces Reserve. He will be the first—and likely only—person to have to have an LPD named in his ...

NCCU 1-0 in MEAC after win over Bethune-Cookman | Raleigh ... As North Carolina Central starts the 2019 calendar year 1-0 in MEAC play after Saturday’s 68-59 win over Bethune-Cookman, head coach LeVelle Moton is still tinkering with his lineups.

Give Up the USS Murtha, by Justin Danhof - The National Center the name “USS Abscam” taken? San Antonio Class ships, per the Navy’s ship-naming system, are generally named after American cities. 5 Murtha, who retired as a colonel in 1990, was a 37-year veteran of the Marine Corps and Marine Forces Reserve. 6 He will be the first, and likely only, person to have to have an LPD named in his honor ...

Political Notebook: June 5 Is Deadline to Register to Vote ... 30, 2018 · The deadline is 9 p.m. June 5 to register to vote in Maryland, update voter information or change party affiliation. That can be done at a local Board of Elections office or online at the Maryland Board of Elections here. For the 2018 Primary Election, early voting will take place from 10 …

Jonah Goldberg - Jewish World fact, during the first presidential debate, Bush seemed so exasperated by Gore's monotonous recitation of facts that I thought he might turn to moderator Jim Lehrer and say, "Damn it, Jim, I'm ...

Razor tool found in 4-year-old boy's McDonald's Happy Meal ..., Wis. - A Wisconsin dad claims he discovered a dangerous surprise in his 4-year-old son's Happy Meal – a razor tool. A Columbus dad says instead of a happy meal toy, his 4-yo son got ...

National Center at the Prow on U.S.S. Murtha Outcry 18, 2011 · Was the name U.S.S. Abscam taken? San Antonio-class ships, per the Navy’s ship-naming system, are generally named after American cities. Murtha, who retired as a colonel in 1990, was a 37-year veteran of the Marine Corps and Marine Forces Reserve. He will be the first — and likely only — person to have to have an LPD named in his honor.

Chris Christie rails against NRA, calls ad ‘reprehensible 17, 2013 · "Are the president's kids more important than yours?" a narrator says in the 30-second ad. ... and Obama was the subject of high praise from Christie. ... This is not a third world country and I don't want my child growing up going to school with armed guards like it is Somalia. I don't beleive that having more guns is the answer to gun violence.

Nevada Progressive: Profiles in Courage that wasn't all. As BuzzFeed also mentioned, Senator Ben Kieckhefer (R-Reno) was the sole Senate Republican to cross the aisle and support marriage equality last night. On one hand, this wasn't too surprising. After all, he "came out" in support of equality last month at the first SJR 13 hearing.

The State of the Union: Why Did Trump Endorse Cox Instead ... was the first sitting President to speak at the March for Life in Washington DC. ... He also supported John Cox, the Chicago carpet-bagger who has never won an elected office, who has no fire in his belly, who does not inspire the conservatives who voted for Trump. ... ran on a platform opposing Cap and Trade. He is one of the most ...

D.C. Circuit Grants Rehearing En Banc in al Bahlul (and ... 25, 2015 · This afternoon, the D.C. Circuit granted rehearing en banc in al Bahlul v. United States, the constitutional challenge to the Guantánamo military commissions’ authority to try domestic offenses about which we’ve had a little bit to say in the past. In the process, the Court of Appeals vacated its major June 2015 ruling (which had […]

Anchor Rising: CRIPs are out for More Tax Islanders need to know: What are the real costs of the state’s tax expenditures and are we getting back the jobs, housing and other benefits promised?Ohhhh. By "hidden tax expenditures" they mean money the State can't spend because it isn't getting it in the first place. OK, gotcha.

Fugees rapper Pras hopes his ‘Elon Musk’ album will help ..., 46, faces federal campaign-finance violation charges in Washington DC for allegedly conspiring with fugitive Malaysian playboy Jho Low to pay $865,000 to “straw” donors reportedly connected to President Obama’s 2012 re-election. A federal civil case also accused him of conspiring with an ex-DOJ official to thwart the US probe into ...

DAVID ‘SPENGLER” GOLDMAN: SYRIA’S MADNESS AND OURS ... Syria’s madness and ours By Spengler “Syria’s Descent into Madness” is the cover story of the May 27 Time magazine, recounting the act of ritual cannibalism by a Syrian rebel commander that transfixed the West last week.

The Preamble to the Bill of Rights. | The High Road 31, 2008 · Actually, the States requested amendments as one issue and a USBOR as another issue. I am not sure about the 210 number, but if it was the number of requests for amendments, it was reduced to three, and two of them failed, such that the States' 210 requests for amendments resulted in one amendment - the Tenth or "States' Rights" Amendment.

Naked Politics - July 2006 | Miami Herald & MiamiHerald.com 31, 2006 · Smith’s ad was the first 30-second spot of his campaign and Gallagher’s Spanish-language ad was his fifth 30-second spot, but his first in Spanish and first in South Florida.

NY Times/CBS Poll Find Majority of Americans Dislike How 18, 2009 · NY Times/CBS Poll Find Majority of Americans Dislike How Obama is Handling Economy … Socialism is not Change America Wanted It took Americans five months to realize that the change they voted for was not Socialism.

Political RoundUp: December 2007 - Georgia Trend Magazine 01, 2007 · Early money: State Rep. Barry Fleming (R-Harlem) got off to a quick start in his fund raising for next year’s 10th Congressional District race, where he will be facing incumbent Paul Broun in the GOP primary. Fleming entered the race shortly after Labor Day and …

Bob Menendez : Wikis (The Full Wiki) "Bob" Menendez (born January 1, 1954) is the junior United States Senator from New Jersey and a member of the Democratic Party.In December 2005, he was appointed by Jon Corzine to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Corzine, who resigned upon being elected Governor of New Jersey, and was sworn into office in January 2006.Menendez was elected to his own full six-year term in the 2006 U ...

W Club's changing dynamics leads longtime director Terry ... 03, 2013 · As the University of Wisconsin athletic ... I think the thing that was hardest about the decision was the interaction with the people. A job is a job, but the people are what make it special. My staff and the W Club members, that's going to be the most difficult part of the transition." In his letter to members, Silvestri pointed out how the ...

Constantinides and Prentzas Debate at TNH Headquarters ... 05, 2013 · LONG ISLAND CITY – Wrestling has been eliminated as an event at the Olympic Games, but in politics, nothing beats a one-on-one contest between spirited candidates. On September 4, just six days before the September 10 Democratic Primary, TNH hosted a debate moderated by two of its staff writers between Costas Constantinides and Gus Prentzas, both D

Jake's Wisconsin Funhouse: Al Franken and John Doe and ... Franken and John Doe and Trump-Russia. ... As we have seen in Wisconsin, GOPs are the ones suppressing the vote, bending and breaking the law, and abusing their power. ... Now Schimel admits that he was wrong when he tried to smear Dan Bice and his wife in his report, as the report tried to imply Bice's wife worked for one of the justices ...Author: Jake Formerly of The LP

The Complicated Truths of the DOJ IG Report - Just Security 14, 2018 · The highly anticipated Department of Justice Inspector General (IG) report on actions taken by the FBI over the course of the 2016 presidential campaign is almost entirely old news. Former FBI Director James Comey messed up … a lot. FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, special counsel to the deputy director, sent unprofessional and damaging text messages to …

The Perversion of Science and Medicine (Part IV): The ... a physician, I have always been a staunch supporter of public health in its traditional role of fighting pestilential diseases and promoting health by educating the public as to hygiene, sanitation, and preventable diseases, as alluded to in my book, Vandals at the Gates of Medicine; but I deeply resent the workings of that unrecognizable part of public health incarnated in the CDC's ...

John Deeth Blog: A Countertrend Inside A Countertrend County, Iowa may be one of the worst possible vantage points for viewing the 2016 presidential election. As the rest of the nation is trending bluer, recoiling in disgust at Donald Trump, Iowa with its heavily white and rural population is trending redder, reverting from the relatively solid Obama margins of 2008 and 2014 to the razor-close 2000 and 2004 contests.

Al Bahlul Argument Post-Mortem - Just Security 30, 2013 · If one thing was clear from this morning’s oral argument before the en banc D.C. Circuit in al-Bahlul v. United States, it was the consistent skepticism from at least five of the seven participating D.C. Circuit judges for the government’s argument on the merits, i.e., that it would not violate the Military Commissions Act of […]

Legislators to teachers: 'We hear you,' now help craft ... Micah Caskey, R-West Columbia, met with a small group of Lexington 2 teachers inside House chambers on Wednesday, May 1, after the rally ended outside the Statehouse.

A 26-Year-Old Iraq War Veteran In 3rd ... - FlaglerLive 13, 2017 · Justus Albert Leach, A 26-year-old Army veteran of the Iraq war, was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in his backyard at 71 Ft. Caroline Lane Sunday. It was the …

Who Will Tell the People: The Betrayal of American ... was the last time anyone you knew went to a party meeting for anything other than a professional reason?) The closest models Greider can find are the local and regional organizations based on Alinsky's precedents--impressive, where they exist, as face-to-face alternatives to soundbite politics.

Why Begin with Aristotle? Durkheim on Solidarity and article focuses on the concept of Gamma as discussed by philosopher Aristotle in his book "Metaphysics." Aristotle offers in "Metaphysics" Gamma an argument for one of those empty but important truths which are the principles, or the archai, of metaphysics understood as the study of the...

Does Joe Lieberman Really Hold the Moral High Ground? be sure, Vice President Al Gore showed spectacular savvy when he chose a man who not only shares his centrist position on most issues, but who is Jewish in the bargain, as well as a scrappy ...

Trump Document Review Would Set Dangerous Precedent, U.S. his filing, Cohen identified lawyers at five different firms who have provided legal advice to him in the past year. Broidy, one of the three clients Cohen identified, resigned from the Republican National Committee on Friday after it was disclosed that he paid $1.6 million to a Playboy Playmate with whom he had an extramarital affair.

Google News - Overview this Feb. 16, 2019, photo, Indiana's Sound Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg speaks during a stop in Raymond, N.H. Democratic presidential hopeful Buttigieg said Sunday, March 10, that he and Vice President Mike Pence have different views of their Christian faith and that he doesn't understand Pence's loyalty to President Donald Trump.

Democrats go to the polls Tuesday to choose NY-21 ... voters will head to the polls Tuesday to select one of five candidates to be the party’s nominee in the NY-21 Congressional District. Tedra Cobb of Canton, Emily Martz of Saranac Lake ...

Downtown Wichita economic development numbers questioned his questions, Wichita City Council Member Paul Gray (district 4, south and southwest Wichita) asked whether the amount of public investment presented did, in fact, include all public investment. In his answer, Scott Knebel, who is Downtown Revitalization Manager, said no, not all forms of public investment were included in the figures presented in the report.

Ocasio-Cortez, progressives trash 'antisemitic' Politico ..., who is currently placing second in most polls of early 2020 Democratic primary states, would be the first Jewish president if elected to the office in 2020. ===== AOC: Those willing to excuse anti-Semitic story on Sanders' wealth are first to condemn Omar by Julio Rosas| May 25, 2019

Here's what we know about the unresolved House race in ... Carolina elections officials as well as local and state prosecutors are investigating allegations of fraud that could involve tampering with or suppressing absentee ballots in a close ...

Mendelson Promises To Restore Trust, One Councilmember ... 13, 2012 · Phil Mendelson was selected Wednesday as interim chairman of the scandal-plagued D.C. Council, pledging to restore trust in a legislative body that's lost two members this year to criminal ...

TV ad wars have begun in Minneapolis mayoral race candidate for mayor has bought the first TV ad time of the 2013 city elections, and it's probably not who you think. Dan Cohen, a former alderman and City Council president, has purchased $8,800 ...

Hillary and Bernie: The Credibility Gap - NationofChange now grips the Clinton campaign. Polls show Bernie Sanders surging to a dramatic lead in New Hampshire and closing in Iowa. The Washington Post reports that Hillary’s national numbers are dropping faster now than they did in 2008. The Clinton campaign has started throwing everything and the ...

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich removed from office | News ... Lt. Gov. Patrick Quinn, one of his critics, immediately became governor. In a second 59-0 vote, the Senate further barred Blagojevich from ever holding public office in Illinois again.

Democratic voters to choose a challenger for Farley | The ... two Democrats fighting over who is the better match against longtime Sen. Hugh T. Farley, R-Niskayuna, have drawn clear battle lines. As the primary season campaign nears its end, Fred Goodman ...

Bloggers For Park51 - nystateofpolitics.com’s something you don’t see every day…A group of self-described “progressive bloggers” from around New York have issued a joint statement on the ninth anniversary of 9/11 in support of the controversial mosque/Islamic center project proposed for construction near Ground Zero. We, the ...

Lame Cherry! DNA Analysis Reveals Marco Rubio 47 TIMES More Indian Than Elizabeth Warren As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. For many of us, our pasts in the year 2015

Republican National Committee v. Federal Election ... for Republican National Committee v. Federal Election Commission — Brought to you by Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information.

air traffic control – Dakota Free, keep out! (Photo by Beth Warden, 2014.07.15) Mike Huether gets some free press for his 2018 buzz-building effort by co-signing one little letter with six other South Dakota mayors to Senator John Thune. The Sioux Falls mayor, like a hundred-some mayors of smaller cities from all 50 states, wants Senator Thune, in his capacity as chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science, and ...

December 9, 2013 – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY 01, 2037 · "The first peace, which is most important, is that which is found within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."

Personal finances encompass an individual's potential ... businesses are the best at making economic decisions. All EXCEPT which of the following options could describe the statement below? You get something and you give up something else. A. opportunity cost B. consumer sovereignty C. trade-off D. exchange Who proposed the first …

AP US Government and Politics: September 2015 celebrities and corporations, politicians, and military are the three elites that influence the United States' government. United States citizens believe they have power in the American government, however, they do not have even close to as much influence as the richest citizens of our country.

A Blog For All: Cracks Appear In Syrian Government as ... seven are the highest-ranking officers to abandon Assad, and the rank is the fifth highest in the Syrian armed forces. Mustafa Sheikh was the first brigadier general to announce his defection.The tide seems to be turning against Assad if his previously loyal military leaders are bailing on him.[PDF]Fieger & Johnson win fight against system is broken. Spence, in his final words to the last jury of his esteemed career, said “I have a vision. I came a long way to defend a good man…seldom do citizens have an opportunity to do something great… and juries are the last wall against invading tyranny…keep us free.”

The rich are paying for most of government largess 15, 2019 · Russian forces blew up bridges on the Euphrates river held by Iranian militias several days ago, according to a report. This is the first time the Russians attacked Iranian targets in Syria. The information came from a senior Syrian official who refused to be identified, and was reported in Bas News, a Kurdish news website.

My REAL feelings on the Siding Settlement? A SAD EVENT REAL feelings on the Siding Settlement? A SAD EVENT. September 23rd, ... take place. It is a very low point in Sioux Falls city government, and I’m sure once the contractors start talking, going to get a whole lot messier. ... He is as thin-skinned and as vindictive as he was the first …

Several Democratic senators urge FCC and DoJ to reject T ... 19, 2019 · This is really all moot because three years is just the blink of an eye. ... corruption etc. it was the best deal for the workers. In towns with industries with strong unions the working class got a fair shake everywhere. ... you can take all the money given to a CEO at distribute it to the line workers, and the line workers end up getting a ...

Goddard pushing bill to ban ‘dark money’ | Local News ... two Republicans got elected to the Arizona Corporation Commission with more than $3 million spent by outside groups. Arizona Public Service, the state's largest utility that is regulated by the commission, has consistently refused to confirm or deny whether it was the source of any of that cash.

Column: Stranger’s kind deed replaces “Hamilton” tickets ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... “What are the odds ...

Column: Undermining our system | Kingman Daily Miner ... Supreme Court held that such political speech was the essence of the First Amendment. Contra the Democrats, there is no secret about who is spending what on American elections.

Jonathan Tasks FG's Negotiation Teams On Quick End To ASUU ... 21, 2013 · Chairman of the Universities Needs Implementation Committee, Mr. Gabriel Suswam, who is also Benue State governor, told State House reporters after a closed-door meeting of the two committees and ...

NA Confidential: Blurred lines: Extol's "End of Summer ... 30, 2019 · NA Confidential believes in a higher bar than is customary in the blogosphere, and follows a disclosure policy with respect to reader comments. First, you must be registered with according to the procedures specified. This is required not as a means of directing traffic to, but to reduce the lamentable instances of flaming and personal attacks on the part of the anonymous.

Jan Percival (@ScribePR) | Twitter latest Tweets from Jan Percival (@ScribePR). Scribe is a San Diego-based public relations firm founded in 1986 by Jan Percival. On our radar: politics, news, …Followers: 2.7K

Beverage industry goes all out to defeat Richmond soda tax ... 05, 2012 · Beverage industry goes all out to defeat Richmond soda tax measure ... the money was canceled out in part because she was the face of the CEO, the 1 …

BecKKK doing MASSA for the hour. 5mins counting. "I'm not ... Twenty four years in uniform. I've had union members come to me and say they would not support my campaign if I didn't vote for health care.

Thread by @profcarroll: "Canadian Parliament committee ... his blog, Mr Cummings says AIQ "once built some software" for Cambridge Analytica's parent company SCL, in 2014, but suggestions the company shared data with Cambridge Analytica were "ludicrous". ... because it was SCL I assumed it was the bad guys." ... Are the GOP gunning to impeach Rosenstein to further up end the Rule of Law? @nytimes ...

OPINION | Editorial: Gooodbye Call & Comment; successor ... announcement will be great news for some, bad for others, and yet still many just won’t care – but it is time for Call & Comment to come to an end. In an age where just about anything can ...

We Have Everything We Need Already: Community Control of ... ideas for discovering education beyond traditional systems. Shilpa Jain has served as a full-time “learning activist” with Shikshantar, an India-based people’s movement which aims to ...

Russians indicted in special counsel's probe for ... 16, 2018 · Russians indicted in special counsel's probe for operations allegedly supporting Donald Trump... This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. ... but it'll just show how childish they really are and the number of laws they're willing to break just to see that Trump is out of ...

Obama’s dishonest Syria self-justification | Power Line 23, 2014 · Obama’s dishonest Syria self-justification. In his New ... the U.S. could have caused both the demise of Assad and a peaceful transition. But it’s hardly “magical thinking” to believe that ...

Jack Black Takes on Liars for Hire | PR Watch 13, 2010 · Jack Black Takes on Liars for Hire. ... I just want to say that my cousin in California who is 67 years old tells me that there are no Cost of Living Increases and lots of cuts in Social Security. ... He said that politicians wanted to promise the world to get people to vote for them but it was the task of economists to point out that there are ...

Post Obotomy Syndrome: 1/26/14 - 2/2/14 have camaraderie with active duty personnel and vice versa and many cases would be a competitive counter force but it would never come to that. This is not to suggest that many on the left, including some in the Obama White House, and maybe Obama himself would not like to see the federal government have enhanced police powers.

Sorry Seventy5+1ers...NO IMPEACHMENT! 20, 2019 · Mark, Trump's bragged on TV about screwing people over in his business dealings. He sees it as a source of pride, good business. This is what frustrates people like myself. You guys are denying stuff that Don has literally bragged about publicly. Just a day or two before the DNC emails were hacked he publicly asked the Russians to hack the DNC ...

The Theft of the 2016 Democratic Primary — Native Opinion 01, 2016 · The first secret revelation from Mark that Bev shared with me—in strictest confidence, with the caveat that she would deny telling me if I ever attributed it to her—was that: “911 was an inside job.” The second was Mark’s boast that: “All it took to get Obama to stay in …

Florida GOP Chairman: 'This State Is Going Red in 2016 ... 15, 2015 · ORLANDO, Florida—As the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) gathers in Orlando for their quarterly meeting, RPOF Chairman Blaise Ingoglia joined Breitbart News for an exclusive interview about the party’s plans for 2016 and the important role he expects Florida to play in the elections.

New South Dakota constitutional officers working toward ...’s not just the Governor’s office that’ll have a new occupant in a few weeks. South Dakota's newly elected constitutional officers, too, are transitioning into their new roles and are ...

The Nature of Our Republic - week’s seminar will focus on one of the most unique parts of our Republic: Our Constitution. We will discuss what features of our constitution make it unique and draw comparisons to other famous constitutions such as the Articles of Confederation, the Magna Carta, and the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Dear Messrs. President Obama & Vice President Biden ...“It is interesting how our lives keep crossing. I first met you, Mr. Vice President, shortly after you were first elected to the US Senate. I was in one of the very earliest classes to attend Delaware Law School and worked in your second senate campaign.

LGN’s Federal Relations Team Monitors Surprise Billing ... 25, 2019 · The House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee was the first, then the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, and most recently the Senate HELP Committee. These House and Senate committees will soon proceed to another hearing to markup one of …

Poll results convince Democrat Tillemann to stay in 6th CD ... 14, 2018 · Democrat Levi Tillemann on Monday said he plans to stay in the 6th Congressional District primary after a private poll his campaign commissioned shows he’s leading Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman by 5 points — better than the statistical tie the same poll found between Jason Crow, the other Democrat in the race, and the five-term incumbent Coffman.

Newly elected South Dakota constitutional officers ... Dakota's newly elected constitutional officers are transitioning key employees in their respective departments. Winning the last election and officially taking offices on January 7, the ...

Mitch Perry Report for 12.12.16 - Heroes - 12, 2016 · There are those who thought if the Swedes were going to award an American literary hero who is still around to accept the honor, it should have been …

New York state editorial roundup: Ethics reform ... January's grand unveiling of ethics reform plans, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has mostly talked about ethics reform in response to questions. He should lead on this issue, in public discussion and in ...

Flashback: CLINTON REVEALS ETHICS STANDARDS - IMPOSES 30, 2016 · Foster, who was the deputy White House counsel, died in 1993. The blue gym bag stolen by the burglar also contained copies of the file that White House lawyer Cheryl Mills kept on the 1993 federal raid on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Tex., said the source, who is close to the White House and spoke only on condition of anonymity.

November | 2007 | Power Line now, most of you know about the hostage-taking at Hillary Clinton’s campaign office in Rochester, New Hampshire. The hostage-taker claimed to have an explosive device strapped to his body.

overview for noshlag - reddit.com think it makes more sense that it was the reverberation from Rose's shield blocking the blast that interfered with the way the beam was supposed to work. We saw in the second Lapis episode that the shield, when it blocked one of the attacks, caused destabilization of all the mimics that lapis formed to fight against the Crystal Gems.

PragerU Archive : PragerU : Free Download, Borrow, and ... and original video descriptions are available in each video's folder where it applies. Files with the .mkv extension can be viewed using VLC media player, which is free.

PEF Surpasses CSEA’s Contract Vote - nystateofpolitics.com careful when belittling and berating M/C employees (after all you don’t want to be another Cuomo – no better, no less). I am an M/C employee who is M/C because of who I work for. M/C makes up 6% of the workforce and within that 6% is a group of clerical support …

Michael C. Burgess - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia was one of the engineers of the "Republican Revolution" of the 1990s, in which Republicans were elected to majorities of both houses of Congress for the first time in four decades. Armey was one of the chief authors of the Contract with America. Armey is also an author and former economics professor.

Ap Government Review Sheet - STUDYBLUE elections that are held to vote for nominees where votes decide on election day (want a specific party ballot) CP- elections held to select party nominees so only people who are registered earlier can only vote for the parties candidates

Trump Tries Cages Tear Gas Now Killing Immigrants - Page 6 ... girl who died at border did not receive medical care for 90 minutes US Border Patrol Absolves Itself In The Death Of A 7-Year-Old From

Is the Citizens United ruling evidence of top level ...'d wager that few Supreme Court decisions—especially in recent years--are more misunderstood than Citizens United v. FEC, 558 U.S. 310 (2010). There are plenty of reasons why people may not like the Court's opinion, and that's their prerogative. ...

Justice Diane M. Hathaway – Page 3 – Michigan Lawyers Weekly counsel can talk to a plaintiff’s treating physician ex parte so long as the defendant makes reasonable efforts to obtain a protective order compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Michigan Supreme Court held. However, ...

Colorado Politics Archives - Page 331 of 481 - The, a Democrat, named John Cevette, who is now the chief of staff to Senate President Brandon Shaffer, D-Longmont, to Pinnacol’s board. The governor also appointed business attorney John Plotkin to the board and requested the state Senate confirm the recent appointment of business executive Blair Richardson to the board.

Jewish Teenager Runs Mike Gravel Presidential Campaign ... first, they just wanted Gravel to run so he could perform the same function he did in his longshot 2008 campaign – yell at the other candidates on stage and push them as far left as possible ...

The sacred places of people who are not religious ... specifically cites Eliade’s conclusion that even a person who is committed to a “profane existence” has. privileged places, qualitatively different from all others–a man’s birthplace, or the scenes of his first love, or certain places in the first foreign city he visited in his youth.

AP Conversation: Rubio on his Cuban roots, island’s future ... senator sat with the AP in an Orlando hotel to talk about Cuba, both as a campaign issue and a personal touchstone, in the first AP Conversation — a series of extended interviews with the ...

Before the Recess: Washington Update for CSBA – AZBio the Recess: Washington Update for CSBA. ... Two factors that will affect talks are the tax provisions’ steep price tag and a perception that some of the provisions are narrowly tailored to special interests. Any deal is likely to make the extenders retroactive to income earned in 2014. ... In his letter, Secretary Lew warned of the ...

Would this fly on the other side? Senator calls minority ..."What has not ended is the resolution and the determination of the members of the United States Senate to continue to resist any Neanderthal that is nominated by this president of the United States for any court, federal court in the United States."

Independent-minded Republicans may guide fate of 2015 ... FALLS -- In a hospital conference room here, sitting next to Gov. Steve Bullock, Great Falls Sen. Ed Buttrey says he’s trying to convince fellow Republicans to look beyond ideology and ...

CAMPAIGN 2018: 7 key governors' races for greens -- Friday ... groups and other progressive causes have turned to the states to fight the Trump administration's agenda, and a spate of Democratic primary candidates are running as the person who opposes ...

Pin on Clint's Political Cartoons - pinterest.com is a distraction, but it's also how Trump is hanging himself! He has no clue how the Law actually works (amazing given over lawsuits, even by the Justice Department! A few political cartoons from around the web. I didn't make them and don't own any rights to them, but I …

Silence Is Not Always Golden - Tea Party 25, 2016 · Oblivious to the reality that one’s lot in life is of one’s own doing, the blame game they play has truly run its course and is quite tiring as well for their cry of racism being alive and thriving in today’s America is the doing of one of their own…one of their own who is currently…but thankfully not for much longer…occupying the ...

Hillary Clinton (finally) endorses Patrick Murphy for U.S ... 08, 2016 · Hillary Clinton’s endorsement of Patrick Murphy in his U.S. Senate contest in Florida against Marco Rubio shouldn’t qualify as news … except when it …

Only In Louisiana: Congressman Jefferson Reelected… – CenLamar 11, 2006 · Only In Louisiana: Congressman Jefferson Reelected By Landslide, Despite 90K Found In His Freezer by the FBI. I'm going to disagree with WeSawThat on this. It doesn't matter whether or not this guy voted for or against the Patriot Act (or whether or not he's been indicted YET), he shouldn't have been reelected. WeSawThat, what…

Jackley Continues to Argue Mickelson Anti-Corruption Laws ... of his criticisms of the 2015 conflict of interest legislation that covers state government employees was the penalty. He said it should be a felony. It currently is a misdemeanor. That change is one of three points Jackley addressed in his letter to legislators.

McConnell Tries to Nudge Trump Toward Two Supreme Court ... Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, told President Trump this past week that Judges Raymond M. Kethledge and Thomas M. Hardiman presented the fewest obvious obstacles to being confirmed to replace Justice Anthony M. Kennedy on the Supreme Court, according to Republican officials briefed on the conversation.

81-year-old Kennedy set to exit U.S. Supreme Court; door ... 28, 2018 · His belief that campaign-finance regulation often violates free speech was exemplified in his authorship of the opinion in Citizens United, which has opened the door for …

Why so many negative ads in Phoenix mayoral race? Thank ... 08, 2019 · The phone call goes on to say that one of Gallego's campaign staffers helped lead attacks against police officers. ... who is listed as the group's accountant on its website. ... Gullett was the ...

Trump's ex-security adviser Michael Flynn sentencing ... sentencing of Michael Flynn, US President Donald Trump's former national security adviser, has been postponed. Flynn pleaded guilty last year to lying to the FBI about his Russia contacts.

Alan J. Borsuk – Page 14 – Marquette University Law School ... was audible reaction in the audience of about 100 who were present when Professor Charles Franklin unveiled the primary finding of the new round of the Marquette Law School Poll: The race between Republican Gov. Scott Walker and Democratic challenger Mary Burke is essentially a …

President | ePluribus Media three-star vice admiral, he was the highest-ranking military official ever elected to the United States Congress at the time of his election. Graduating second in his class at the United States Naval Academy, Sestak served in the United States Navy for over 31 years and rose to the rank of three-star admiral.

David Jolly focused on how to change Washington ... his short year-and-a-half stint serving as a congressman in Washington, David Jolly has on occasion voted against the majority of his party because of what he says is typical Washington dishonesty.

NationStates • View topic - Washington (US Political RP ... Negotiator Posts: 6305 Founded: Dec 14, 2013 Ex-Nation. by Arana » Mon Mar 14, 2016 5:48 am . Kazarogkai wrote:

Buck pushes back; sign sticks it to Obama; Tancredo: no 13, 2010 · The story that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Ken Buck chose, in his job as Weld County DA, not to prosecute a 5-year-old date rape case leads the news cycle on Colorado’s U.S. Senate race. Of note, this segment of a phone call taped by Greeley …

81-year-old Kennedy set to exit U.S. Supreme Court; door ... belief that campaign-finance regulation often violates free speech was exemplified in his authorship of the opinion in Citizens United, which has opened the door for an explosion of big money ...

Virginia Politics Blog - McDonnell Reaches Out To 31, 2008 · Attorney General Robert F. McDonnell, the Republican nominee for governor, sent out a statement today praising Democrat L. Douglas Wilder, the nation's first elected black governor who is ending his tenure as Richmond mayor today. "As the nation's first African-American Governor, Wilder made history. He governed Virginia well during a period of economic difficulty, and ensured that the ...

Kappa Alpha Order Southern Illinois KA Recognized with NIC ... Lynch, member Zeta Sigma chapter of Kappa Alpha Order at the University of Southern Illinois (SIU), was recognized for his achievements as an undergraduate member at the annual meeting of the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC). Lynch was presented with the NIC Undergraduate Award of Distinction which recognizes “the fraternity man who has found in...

Motion Magazine > For the Defense: Lawyer earns legal also is a guitarist in a local band and after hearing him play Cranmer describes him as the next Eric Clapton. Chase, 19, is a sophomore at U-M with academic interests in engineering and computer science. He met his wife, Maria, who is of Greek descent, …

Michael Phelps back on top as focus turns to Rio Olympics ... ANTONIO (AP) — Michael Phelps already has far more medals than any Olympic athlete. There is no longer any reason to doubt he’ll have another massive haul in Rio. Not after an astounding ...

Queens Crap: Paterson just a big, lazy loser 12, 2010 · stinky said.... The criticism is more because you suck than because you are a black guy. Even other black people think you suck. Time to face it. Patterson is a quick draw to pull out the race card when things look bad for him - there is no excuse for that unless your talking to …

Brooklyn Sikh pleads guilty admits to having Hillary and Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.

Report: Palin let Todd use governor's office to push ... 10, 2008 · "Wooten was the significant factor," Monegan said, not a string of other allegations the Palin administration and the campaign lodged against him: budget conflicts, unauthorized trips to ...

Impeachment: Mueller Report Revives The Issue. Some ... was the last time you heard of an incumbent president winning reelection when THEY were primaried? Weld a Republican is running for president AGAINST Trump in 2020. Donald Trump is clearly unfit to hold office, any office, let alone the presidency. Well, there is one office he is …

Zimmer Irate Over Reform Coalition Attacks | LA School“There are very legitimate things to come after me about,” Zimmer told LA School Report.. “Layoffs shouldn’t be politicized.” Both the layoffs and the building of RFK were approved by School Board President Monica Garcia as well as Zimmer, who is being supported by the Coalition for School Reform. “That’s the height of hypocritical cynicism,” said Zimmer’s campaign consultant ...

REPRISALS: Connecticut leaders say some are punished for ... Lyons was speaker of the House from 1999 to 2004. She said she did take line items out of a budget if a legislator defied her or went back on his or her word to vote a certain way. But ...

Welcome to my crib, Colorado gubernatorial candidate 26, 2014 · Welcome to my crib, where former Sen. Mike Kopp keeps chickens and bees and former Congressman Tom Tancredo plays on his pinball machines. Voters are going to get a peak at the Republican gubernatorial candidates’ homes, thanks to reGENERATION Colorado. The group borrowed a page from MTV and CMT ...

Identifying Late Medieval Venetian article focuses on late medieval Venetian coins. It notes that the soldini is considered as one of the smallest and most exotic coins during the late medieval period in England. The solidini and the grosso stand as the two denominations of the Venetian coin which tend to feature various political and religious symbols characteristic of Venice.[PDF]Case 4:15-cv-00399-RH-CAS Document 28 Filed 05/16/16 … H. ARMSTRONG, in his official capacity as Surgeon General and Secretary of Health for the State of Florida, and KENNETH JONES in his official Capacity as State Registrar, Defendants. DEFENDANTS' SUGGESTION OF MOOTNESS Defendants, Dr. Celeste Philip, M.D. in her official capacity as the …

News Roundup | Gaughran 2020 a major shift of allegiance from their campaign two years ago, the 600,000 member New York State United teachers (NYSUT), the parent union of the state’s public school teachers union has endorsed democrat James gaughran in his rematch challenge against State Senator Carl Marcellino.

The Rural Lens: Paul Lane. Hero or Heretic? Lane (no relation) has made the news again today by essentially changing parties one more time. He did it back in 2014 when he left the PCs for the Liberals, and today he did it, not entirely by his own choosing, after being very public about his concern over the current Liberal budget.

Transcendental Bloviation – Reason.com, the House Committee on "Government Reform" spent two hours delivering tongue-lashings to the leader of a private industry union, threatening federal legislation if the union's ...

Update on the money race in Northeast Florida legislative Sens. Aaron Bean, Rob Bradley and Audrey Gibson are still running unopposed, and with less than six months to go until Election Day there’s still a possibility Northeast Florida voters ...

Governor releases list of decisions on legislation Highlights by ED STERLING Will he or won’t he run? If Gov. Rick Perry’s presidential candidacy intentions could have been symbolized by a green, yellow or red light last week, it was...

Son of Reagan a celebrity draw as Gingrich woos voters in, they not only got Gingrich, but Michael Reagan, the son of one of the GOP’s beloved presidents, the late Ronald Reagan. “Oooh, I have to get a picture of him,” one woman squealed when told the balding guy in the pinstripe suit was the former’s president’s son.

The War Of The Flip Flops -,9171,607832,00.htmlIn fact, the Times poll found, roughly equal numbers of voters see Bush and Kerry as flip-floppers (35% and 38%, respectively). But what matters is not the perception so much as the damage it does. Asked by a recent Gallup poll who is more likely to change his positions on issues for political reasons, 49% said Kerry, and 37% said Bush.

Tommy Wells picks up police, fire union endorsements - The ... 17, 2014 · D.C. Council member Tommy Wells picked up a pair of coveted mayoral endorsements from the city’s public safety workers in recent days, giving him …[PDF]Mensalão scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia identified as the "escândalo do mensalão." According to Jefferson, the operator of the payment scheme was the businessman Marcos Valério de Souza, one of the owners of the advertising agencies SMP&B and DNA, which had large contracts with the government.

8 juicy allegations from the new Bachmann "tell-all" book ... 27, 2013 · 8 juicy allegations from the new Bachmann "tell-all" book ... her former chief of staff who is now testifying against her (the guy he replaced learned he was fired via Politico), allegedly grew ...

Congress-Model Aaron Schock Comes Out ... Of Congress ... 17, 2015 · Oh, there was the thing about the private planes, and then the OTHER thing with the private planes, which he cutely called "software" in his budget reporting. Tuesday morning, we learned that the Office Of Congressional Ethics had officially started poking around and asking mean questions, like "really, who is paying for all of this, please ...

Dispatches From the Culture Wars - Page 1372 of 3261 from the interface of science, religion, law and culture

The Left Coaster: said that no federal money would be used for abortion. He made clear that this isn't a government takeover, that anyone who is happy with their current health care can keep it, and that no one will be forced to enroll in his plan. That was the best part of his speech, and he deserves credit both on substance and style.

FromDC2Iowa: Uncanny Prediction of BP Disaster & Response, I believe it was in one of Abraham Maslow's books that I first encountered the theory that just as the canary responds to poisonous gas before humans, so do some artists have the capacity to detect -- and project in one art form or another -- the tiny ripples of change in society years before the waves sweep over the rest of us.

James Perry pushes big ideas for New Orleans on a small ... 19, 2010 · Perry, who is on a leave of absence during the campaign, had a salary of $74,000. Because of his advocacy, he said, "I'm used to doing more …

GOP Pretty Sure Trump-Russia Conspiracy Is Russian ... So here's the deal in June of last year. [At this point, Graham is grinning like he found a shiny gold coin in his stool.] Allegedly, [Natalia Veselnitskaya] is meeting with Don Jr., and the premise of the meeting was the Russian government's behind Trump, and you need to meet with these people, they can help your campaign.

Trump RNC Acceptance Speech Thread | Page 2 ... 22, 2016 · Trump RNC Acceptance Speech Thread. Discussion in 'Current Events, Politics and Off Topic Banter' started by Tango Two, Jul 21, ... he was quite politician like in his use of cherry picked stats. I don't get on him too much for this, as they all do it, but it does affect the impact of the speech. ... In a Presidential candidate who is R ...

Op-Ed: Clay Aiken, politician to be - 21, 2014 · We were recently informed that Clay Aiken is running for Congress. In his inaugural campaign advertisement, he muses: "If you only know the part of my story that begins with a …

Ericksen, Fleetwood debate partisanship, education, gun ..., the state Senate’s “unique” Majority Coalition Caucus, education funding and gun control initiatives were the main points of contention during a Bellingham City Club debate ...

What are the release dates for Front Page with Allen ... are the release dates for Front Page with Allen Barton - 2009 Fed Up Federal Reserve Inflation Hawks Balk at Further Fed Monetary Stimulus?

Official LRC President Donald J Trump Thread - letsrun.com 21, 2018 · The first half of my post was a quote, by the way, not my words. How about my last post? Much fewer words. Did you understand any of that? I can dumb it down to a

NM In Depth wins top honors from NM Press Women, including 25, 2017 · New Mexico In Depth won four 1st place awards over the weekend, including top honors for investigative journalism. The New Mexico Press Women’s Association conferred that honor on Puff of Smoke, a story reported and written by Jeff Proctor and published in collaboration with the Santa Fe Reporter. The issue at heart of the story […]

Winnipeg Free Press Newspaper Archives, May 15, 2013, p. 9 15, 2013 · Read Winnipeg Free Press Newspaper Archives, May 15, 2013, p. 9 with family history and genealogy records from Winnipeg, Manitoba 1874-2018.

That Trump! Impeccable sources! | Whatever Works 27, 2011 · But it’s all good for Obama; exactly what he wanted in the first place. He can win on the strength of his racism and his followers’ racism and/or ethno-guilitism whereas he could never win based upon the content of his character or his actions. Like Like

The Clearing in the Woods: Is Spain’s Good News Too Good ... 19, 2013 · Spaniards finally received some two pieces of good news in May. The first item is that the Spanish current account balance was positive in May for the first time in modern history. The second is that the unadjusted employment numbers for both April and May came back with slight gains; slight, but gains nonetheless. This has inevitably led the ...

Mega mall gets its public land on rushed timeline – Page 2 18, 2015 · “This is not the first time you negotiate things and they come to us at the zero hour. I’m sure there is a reason… but it does put us in a difficult situation.” ... As the mayor said, the project is not yet approved and has to go through multiple steps before it is. ... 7 Responses to "Mega mall gets its public land on rushed timeline ...

D.C. Wire - Rhee and Weingarten: How About Two Mediators? 08, 2009 · Rhee and Weingarten: How About Two Mediators? ... A week later, in the NYT “D.C. is known as the most dysfunctional and worst-performing school district in the country,” ... Remember the only reason to have schools at all. The union has lived a lie for 50 years. Michelle Rhee has been around for two years.

Webb, Santorum Spin Past Campaigns - FactCheck.org 09, 2015 · Webb, Santorum Spin Past Campaigns. ... who is considering running for president, knocked off Sen. George Allen of Virginia in 2006 even though Webb …

Opinion | Liberties; The Bulworth Doctrine - The New York ... 29, 1998 · This is, after all, the man who played a sex addict so memorably in ''Shampoo,'' and who is Hollywood's most famous retired Lothario. ... During a visit to a black church, Senator Bulworth tells ...

North Las Vegas Mayor Is Not Familiar With His Kiddie Porn ... is a thing that happened, though details are very, very sketchy. According to a police report from a certain Detective Mark Hoyt, North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee "grabbed" an officer at the City Hall one day in October, because there was kiddie porn on his computer. But he didn't put it there!

The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) Blog: Defense Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently updated its bi-annual report to Congress on its High-Risk Program, which highlights areas of government that are at high risk for waste, fraud, or abuse. Of the five problems highlighted, the failure to manage federal contracting more effectively continues to put the government at high risk for suffering billions of dollars in losses.

08 | May | 2019 | Politics, Religion, and Family 08, 2019 · Officials are citing as the reason national security, in the name of the FBI and a half-century-old intelligence law. ... (DNC) was the highest-profile victim of ... the White Farmers are the canary’s. This is only going to go one way. The fact that these people are allowed to the conversation in world affairs is troubling at the LEAST.

ON THE AVENUES: DNA, National Main Street, the Four Points ... 11, 2016 · ON THE AVENUES: DNA, National Main Street, the Four Points, and how it might yet be possible to get this thing right for once. A weekly column by Roger A. Baylor.

Where Have All the Action Heroes Gone? Edward Cline ... Have All the Action Heroes Gone? Edward Cline ... which means: a clash of goals, which means: purposeful action in pursuit of values. Thrillers are the product, the popular offshoot, of the Romantic school of art that sees man, not as a helpless pawn of fate, but as a being who possesses volition, whose life is directed by his own value ...

Kevin Kim loses NJ Council race & a lot of money - Queens Crap 01, 2009 · Kevin Kim loses NJ Council race & a lot of money Korean Americans Reflective After Election Upset in NJ NOVEMBER 13, ... Korean Americans had high expectations for him. In his or her own electoral district, a New York City councilor has substantial influence, comparable to that of the New York mayor. ... This is a blog that comments on both ...

Minutes Before Six: Charley’s Pub inside the front window was an old neon Budweiser sign, which gave cue to the First Street passersby. Charley had owned the pub for nearly twenty years. His granddaddy had passed it on to him soon after his daddy died Thanksgiving Day twenty years ago. It was the …

hubrocrisy Archives | California Policy Center first ones to cry “foul” when “outsider” money flows into local schoolboard races are the teachers unions. Last month, via Mike Antonucci, we were treated to a Washington Post letter-to-the-editor from Elizabeth Davis, president of the Washington Teachers Union (an AFT affiliate), and Delvone Michael, director of DC Working Families.

KrisAnne Hall – Dakota Free Constitutionalist KrisAnne Hall is coming to Sioux Falls on October 1 to make a speech about “state sovereignty”.The event is hosted by Aaron Aylward, who happens to be chairman of South Dakota’s Libertarian Party and who happens to be running as a Libertarian for District 6 House but who tells me the Hall event is not a Libertarian Party or campaign event.

Arron Banks – Obhi's hundred years ago today, on 10 March 1919, it also passed the Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act of 1919. This unpopular Act became known as the Rowlatt Act, after Sir Sidney Rowlatt, the British judge who was the president of the Rowlatt Committee which recommended it.

September 2013 – Page 3 – Dangerous Intersection if your own security systems were up to the task, then those secrets wouldn’t be sitting in the offices of the New York Times and ProPublica. One must possess a Panglossian view on things to assume that Edward Snowden was the first person out of the many thousands in his …

The BIG LIE: Psychological Projection in the Service of ... Tavris -- World News Trust Sept. 27, 2009 -- There are basically two ways to sell a product or an idea. One is to come up with a really excellent one and then explain it to people as honestly as you can. The alternative way -- if your idea or product is pretty much worthless or even dangerous -- is to lie about it. Of course, if you’re going to lie about it you usually have to have some ...

US Politics Hamsterwheel v2.0 - Page 637 - PPRuNe Forums 11, 2018 · “If going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it.” ... not coerced money paid to a government to be ...

AllPolitics - TIME This Week: Feb. 17, 17, 1997 · (TIME, February 17) -- You'd think it would be pretty cushy being Bill Clinton these days. He has a devoted wife and a charming daughter. He lives in one of …

After Analyzing Mueller Report – It Is Time For Congress ... 24, 2019 · A direct attempt to influence Comey to drop the case and a clear attempt at obstruction of justice. But, that wasn’t good enough for our dear leader either. According to the report, he then directed the Deputy National Security Director, McFarland, to write a memo that denied that Flynn talked about the sanctions in his phone conversation.

The Guardian of Every Other Right: Part II :: by Edward ... Part One of this review of James W. Ely, Jr.’s book, The Guardian of Every Other Right, I began: At the end of Ayn Rand’s prophetic 1957 novel, Atlas Shrugged, a judge who is on strike with other producers against a future, nightmarish state of America (echoes of Obama) and has disappeared with them into a Rocky Mountain sanctuary, is at ...

The Federal Tap: Mixed opinions: Will Tuesday's AZ-08 ...'s_AZ-08_special...Apr 20, 2018 · President Donald Trump said that Central Intelligence Agency Director Mike Pompeo, who is also Trump’s nominee for secretary of state, met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. He wrote in a tweet, "Mike Pompeo met with Kim Jong Un in North Korea last week. Meeting went very smoothly and a good relationship was formed.

Does Bernie Sanders stand a better chance of winning the ... did amazingly well in 2016, despite significant disadvantages. To start, he was running to be the leader of a club (the Democratic Party) that he had never joined. A lot of rank-and-file Democrats resented him for this. In all fairness, fro...

Combahee River: A Great Divide | State Politics ... POND -- The Combahee River winds slowly through the Lowcountry's ACE Basin and is no stranger to race-based conflict. In the Civil War, the Union Army sailed past the rice fields here ...

Late-night soul-searching pushed Garner to forefront of ... soul-searching pushed Garner to forefront of dark money fight ... He was the floor sponsor who steered Senate Bill 289 through the House on a 51-49 vote Thursday. ... One of the major ...

"The Grand Old Party Not Too Grand with Latinos" by Conde ... Grand Old Party Not Too Grand with Latinos . ... I was a minnow in the l600 Pennsylvania bowl of big fishes but nevertheless one of them, capping il with an unpleasant appearance before the Watergate Grand Jury. Like TV's Sgl. ... It was the most Latino appointees up to that time by an admmLstration.

Cynthia Luczak faces Howard Wetters in contentious race ... files show Wetters was the lone dissenter in the 4-1 library board decision to support the firing of former director Frederick J. Paffhausen, who subsequently sued and won a $310,000 settlement.

Hudson recalled as 'special kind of Vermonter' | News ... was Hudson's impact felt more than in his work on behalf of the Northeast Kingdom, his colleagues said. Rep. Bill Johnson, R-Canaan, said that through three reapportionment fights as the population of the state shifted to Chittenden County, Hudson kept as many House seats as possible in the hands of those from the most rural corner of ...

Democratic Convention Hosted By Republican Donors ... 12, 2016 · By Lee Fang and Zain Jilani for The Intercept - THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S 2012 platform pledged to "curb the influence of lobbyists and special interests." But the 2016 convention in Philadelphia will be officially hosted by lobbyists and corporate executives, a number of whom are actively working to undermine progressive

Outsiders, Christensen, Porter, Islam | Letters to the ... and money. I have lived in the 3rd District for 43 years. I was privileged to work in and lead the Sheriff's Department for 30 years, and was the county fire chief for three of those years.

Jonah Goldberg - Jewish World his big speech to Congress last month, Bush declared in pitch-perfect Clintonism that he denounced the "old, tired argument: on one side, those who want more government, regardless of the cost ...

H.R. 3962 | Liberty Chick Saturday evening, the house passed the health care bill, H.R. 3962 in a tight vote of 220-215, with one lone Republican – Congressman Anh Joseph Cao (R-LA) – voting with Democrats to give them one of the two votes they needed to keep it on the Yea side.

All of Donald Trump’s life under serious investigation are the Mueller Probe looking into possible collision case. Followed by the case of justice been obstructed and other wrongdoings between Russia and the Trump campaign and lastly the issue of the New York campaign-finance which paid hush money to Trump’s alleged lovers. ... Not very far from now was the case of another cabinet member ...

Picks for the Cholla district city council seat - Joyce ... March of 2016, Joyce announced that she would leave retirement and run for the Yucca district council seat in Glendale. Once again Joyce defeated an incumbent and on December 13, 2016 she took office as the Yucca district councilmember for another four year term, ending in December of 2020.

The Last Chance Of Freedom: Why we can’t let the creeps ... we can’t let the creeps write the rules Maybe we need a fresh perspective. Everybody regards harassers as creeps. ... a little too much like Madame Defarge in Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities,” knitting with contented delight as the heads of the guilty and innocent drop from the guillotine.

Central Intelligence Agency | David Rivkin Online as the fear of terrorism receded, one of OLC’s memos was leaked to the press, in June 2004. It ignited a debate, in and out of government, over what the administration’s opponents labeled “torture.” (We supported the administration in these pages.) OLC soon withdrew that memo and issued revised guidance on Dec. 30, 2004.

WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails Tor is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to.. In order to use the WikiLeaks public submission system as detailed above you can download the Tor Browser Bundle, which is a Firefox-like browser available for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux and pre-configured to connect using the ...

Frequently Asked Questions - Klein ISD significant change in placement is when the student is suspended or expelled for more than 10 days. In this case a Section 504 committee must determine whether the student's conduct is a manifestation, or caused by, the identified disability. If it is a manifestation, the student remains in his or her placement.

Empower PAC targets races | News | 17, 2015 · Callen said Empower PAC, based in the Jackson suburb of Madison, said his organization has poured money into the campaigns of challengers running against DeSoto County incumbents because, in his ...

Get your School Board on! — South a state where legislators thumb their noses at the voters when the voters pass an ethics initiative…. These are the realties of a one party state and its characters, and these comments and others by me are not “attacks,” rather they exemplify what Truman meant when he said….

Michael Flynn, Tax Bill, Rex Tillerson: Your Evening 02, 2017 · Credit Tom Brenner/The New York Times . three. President Trump scoffed at reports that he would soon fire Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, tweeting that they have been “fake news,” and that “I call the final shots.”. His remarks got here simply hours after Mr. Tillerson flatly denied that Mr. Trump deliberate to switch him with the C.I.A. director, Mike Pompeo, most likely via the tip ...

Every New Hampshire primary race you need to know about ... 11, 2018 · Marchand is trying to carve out a space as the more progressive candidate — he wants debt-free college for New Hampshire state schools (the University of New Hampshire has some of the highest in-state tuition rates in the nation). Still, the two have fairly similar policy views.

iWindsurf Community :: View topic - 03, 2019 · On Dec. 12, Trump’s long-time personal attorney and “fixer,” the real-estate and taxi-medallion entrepreneur Michael Cohen, received a three-year sentence for his guilty pleas related to tax evasion, bank fraud, lying to Congress, and campaign-finance violations, as well as about $2 million in restitution to the IRS, fines, and forfeiture.

The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making ... 25, 2017 · Page 54- The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making The BBQ Pit

Arkansas Republican Party - Blogs - Pine Bluff Commercial ... 22, 2014 · Rarely have the stakes been higher for Arkansas, and its newly muscular Republican Party, than in the fiscal session of the General Assembly to convene Feb. 10. Governor Beebe is hardly on the sidelines, but his legacy is not on the line; and if a meltdown is the temporary or long-term product history will record that he warned of the possibility and sought to avert it.

The Wheel: Elections Have Consequences - mayor won the election. Elections have consequences. A revealing exchange of emails was published this weekend on David Chenoweth's blog that shows how this old rule is playing out in Richardson and how some don't like it. The first email is a personal email from Richardson's new mayor Bob Townsend to City Plan Commission member Jim Henderson.

Latest in Edwards corruption trial: A news guide – Twin Cities 14, 2012 · Latest in Edwards corruption trial: A news guide ... who is married, falsely claimed paternity of his boss’ baby and received $725,000 in secret checks from …

Government and Politics Are Important After,5180,70084-,00.htmlGovernment and Politicians Are Important After All David B. Magleby, Brigham Young University. For more than a decade many believed that government was either irrelevant to solving problems or worse, itself a problem. In 1981 Ronald Reagan summed up the latter perspective when he said in his inaugural address "the problem is government."

The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky on July 17 ..., July 17, 1986 1986 B 3" Candidates have raised $142,000 i' """ 11 ' ' T "" I (OM.HISS U)M, M O (I fL . Ml. Jl,l Staff Phete by Chris Usher support for Rick Mclntyre, a Republican ...

Willie Horton - The Full activity and incarceration. Horton was born in Chesterfield, South Carolina.On October 26, 1974, in Lawrence, Massachusetts, Horton and two accomplices robbed Joseph Fournier, a 17-year-old gas station attendant, and then fatally stabbed him 19 times after he had cooperated by handing over all of the money in the cash register.His body was dumped in a trash can.

And the 2012 race is on … – The Fort Morgan Times 29, 2011 · Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) It looks like the 2012 Morgan County Republican primary will have at …

Articles citations with the tag: RUGBY football&offset=6700The article presents an interview with Bob O'Reilly, a former rugby football player. On being asked if the front row was the position he always played at, he answered in the negative. According to O'Reilly, he holds a special place in the Parramatta Eels rugby team's history as the first Eels... CAN WE SWAP THE BEERS TOO.

August | 2005 | Power Line | Page 5 Bush delivered a wonderful, stirring speech to members of the Idaho National Guard yesterday. In ringing terms, he set out his strategy for victory in Iraq and in the Global War on ...

Energy Archives - The Spot - 01, 2015 · It was the first time the two have talked in person since they tangled last week over oil-and-gas regulations developed under the Ritter administration. At today’s forum, Hickenlooper pointed out that Ritter signed a bill this week requiring Xcel and another company to generate 30 percent of their power from renewable energy sources by 2020 ...

Pin on Porn Star: Stormy Daniels - Pinterest Pin was discovered by BPS Reviews. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.

Gay Council Bid in Queens by Paul Schindler - GayCityNews the most surprising fault line - and also, at least temporary, alliance - emerged in late April when Ober, who is a longtime Ridgewood civic activist as well as the former president of the Queens Pride House, the borough's LGBT Center, became the target of a …

Hillary Clinton's Blackberry Blues Place National Security ... generation ago, as the 1992 presidential campaign heated up, The Wall Street Journal asked: “Who Is Bill Clinton?” The country “will get to know, or try to get to know, Bill Clinton and Hillary,” the Journal noted. “The Gennifer Flowers tank has already rumbled by. But where’s the rest of …

Pin on Lean Right... Sandra, Go F--- Yourself! Boom! I just saved you $3000 a year! You're welcome.

Jonathan Lynn Net Worth - idolnetworth.com Lynn was bornon April 03, 1943, is Writer, Actor, Director. Jonathan Lynn and Antony Jay created and wrote every episode of... Net Worth 2019 is...

Local News and Opinion from The Berkeley Daily East Bay's Non-commercial Voice. NEW HAVEN, Conn. — On each of the 28 trees along Joe Lieberman’s block, there was a large red, white and blue ribbon – good luck charms put up by his neighbors as he and Al Gore made their final push for the White House on Tuesday.

Obama’s Misguided Hypocrisy: Proof of Health Insurance But 26, 2010 · Obama’s Misguided Hypocrisy: Proof of Health Insurance But Not Citizenship Misguided, eh President Barack Obama? The other day President Barack Hussein Obama claimed that Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer was “misguided” for signing into law the toughest illegal immigration law in the United States. Misguided and irresponsible?

Paul Jex’s Alleged Killers to Stand Trial in October 14, 2019 Paul Jex’s Alleged Killers to Stand Trial in October Tionne Paguada Brothers Delson and Tionne Paguada, as well as thirty-seven-year-old Timothy

Dayton’s next leaders; part of “The Esrati Plan” | Esrati Dayton Daily News says everyone who is qualified, has left for the suburbs. How wrong they are. As part of the Esrati plan, and if elected, it's my primary job to find, recruit, mentor and help the next leaders of Dayton. No more unopposed candidates, or incumbents (that's right, I want a

Althouse: "I would immediately have a trade timeout..." 02, 2008 · The ever-so-pathetic, mindless and self-defeating hypocrisy of that economic relations and trade are the single largest tool available to us when using soft power instead of hard power. There is an old, famous quote from Bastiat, "If goods do not cross borders, armies will" that history indicates is more true than not.

Is the Essence of Government the Open Use of Coercion? understand why so, let us consider someone who says "the essence of private property is the open use of coercion." ... if one of them decides to hold drinking contests in his or her bedroom, that I may legitimately ("openly") use coercion against them to get him or her to desist. ... the claim of a right to openly use coercion is ...

Zombie Trump's PresidencyThis recent article in Newsweek summed up Trump and his supporters quite well. The daughter of segregationist George Wallace, Peggy Wallace Kennedy, was interviewed and drew some

Adios Arpaio - The Fiscal and Legal Case For Removal of ... 05, 2012 · Adios Arpaio – The Fiscal and Legal Case For Removal of Sheriff Joe November 5, 2012 / 5 Comments / in 2012 Election, 2012 Presidential Election, Arizona Politics, Department of Justice, Fuckstickery, Law, Republicans / by bmaz

November | 2014 | Seventh 26, 2014 · As the legendary Virginia operative Mudcat Saunders oft moans, people vote based on culture not the issues. A guitar playing, Catholic school educated Irishmen with a disarming charm like O’Malley went a long way towards making gay marriage and the Dream Act–and progressive taxation–palatable to swing voters from Easton to Essex.

Alito's reaction to Obama was fair - 28, 2010 · It was the most vivid, and unexpected, confrontation of Wednesday's State of the Union address. ... Alito's reaction to Obama was fair. By Jeffrey Toobin, ... In his …

Jeb Bush Poised to Formally Join 2016 Campaign for the ... 15, 2015 · His broader campaign-finance orbit is expected to come up short of the nine-figure war chest it wanted to have at the ready. ... who is a demanding yet out-of-practice boss. ... But it …

Readers Write: 'A letter concerning toleration applaud the sentiments expressed by Stephen B. Young in his beautifully written and well-intentioned commentary, “A letter concerning toleration” (Sept. 9), but it is well to remember that ...

Trump's Nixon Moment. Wonkagenda For Wed., Feb. 6, 2019 06, 2019 · This appears to be the first time Warren labeled herself as a Native American, but it won't be the last time conservatives scream about Warren misrepresenting her heritage while they cling to their Confederate flags and white bed sheets. DINO Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is rejecting the endorsement of former KKK grand wizard David Duke for her 2020 ...Author: Dominic Gwinn

McCollum and Nolan feud over BWCA mining bill | Capitol ... 16, 2015 · McCollum and Nolan feud over BWCA mining bill. ... who is the top Democrat on the Interior Appropriations subcommittee with jurisdiction over parks and federal land. ... It was the …

September | 2010 | Trutherator's Weblog to protect “judicial independence” but it is an attempt at a coup to overturn the people’s control over their government. This is the man who gave the keynote at the conference of Caribbean and Central American heads of government that met in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic, in November 2008.

Marco Rubio (R-FL) | Scared Rubio lost and lost badly because he lied to the American voters when he was elected to the US Senate for his stance on anti-illegal immigration and then became part of the Gang of 8 attempting to allow amnesty to illegals. What he was thing we may never know but it was the kiss of death for his political career in the Republican party.

religion – Post On“This is the broader culture that, sadly, you inherit, but it does not have to be the culture you live in and it does not have to be the culture you leave behind,” Rubio said. “And so I ask you once again, rebel. Refuse to conform to this. It will most definitely change the course of your life.

Tag: 2018 midterms | White House Dossier a piece I did in the Washington Examiner: The biggest winner of the 2018 elections was someone not on any ballot — it was President Trump, specifically, his 2020 re-election campaign.

Democrats | Power Line | Page 5 28, 2019 · This is utterly ahistorical, of course: someone should remind these ignoramuses that the Ku Klux Klan was the militant arm of the Democratic Party, and …

Former Teacher To Head Labor Department | CT News Junkie officer with Connecticut’s second largest teacher’s union for the past 35 years, Sharon Palmer accepted Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s challenge to head the state’s Department of Labor as its ...

Experts poke holes in Clinton Foundation's promised donor ban Jonathan Swan - 09-01-16 06:00 AM EDT. Watchdog groups are poking holes into former President Bill Clinton's promise that his family's foundation will stop taking foreign and corporate cash if his wife wins the presidency.. They say it would be relatively easy for foreign governments or individuals to funnel cash into the foundation during a Hillary Clinton presidency without the American ...

Ginni Thomas Gives Awards To James O'Keefe, Sean Hannity ... 07, 2017 · Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and a right-wing activist, presented “Impact Awards” to a dozen other right-wing activists on Wednesday. The awards were granted by United in Purpose, a group that mobilizes conservative evangelical voters and played a crucial role in turning out white evangelicals to vote for Donald Trump.

Payday Lender Spends $51.70 per Signature on Fake 18% Rate ... Democrats and I stopped those bad laws and put them on the ballot at a cost of 46 cents and 39 cents per valid signature, respectively. The next most efficient petition drive was the Hildebrand/Hickey/Nesiba push for the real 36% payday loan rate …

Orrin Hatch dismisses Trump hush money allegations : politics“The president told me several times he’s going to name a moderate [to fill the court vacancy], but I don’t believe him. [Obama] could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man. He probably won’t do that because this appointment is about the election. So I’m pretty sure he’ll name someone the [liberal Democratic base] wants.”

Muslim Brotherhood | Power Line | Page 3 30, 2013 · The chief of Egypt’s military, Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, warned of the possible “collapse of the state” following a fourth night of street fighting in Cairo and other major cities. In that event ...

Why isnt the Steele Dossier considered Russian 03, 2019 · Ahh, so now the 12 Russian nationals indicted in the hack by Mueller were made public but the ring leader is kept "top secret"? ROFL. Even better is your conspiracy theory that Barr is hiding it from strange reason unknown.

Majority Strategies: Mike Hubbard/Brett Buerck — Alabama ... Sunshine State provided more than a refuge for the runaway Ohioan. It was the best money maker of his career. In 2006 Buerck went to work for Majority Strategies, later becoming it principle owner. According to The Columbus Dispatch, Majority Strategies “Is one of the largest GOP campaign direct-mail firms in the nation.”

Cuomo considered the ultimate pragmatist - The Real Deal 29, 2007 · Cuomo considered the ultimate pragmatist ... economic revitalization and development is one of the strong suits he will bring to the attorney general’s office, noted several policy experts ...

Unless changes made, Joe Redner says he'll sue over ... 30, 2017 · He also was the assistant news director with WMNF 88.5 FM in Tampa from 2000-2009, and currently hosts MidPoint, a weekly talk show, on WMNF on Thursday afternoons. He began his reporting career ...

Heart of the Primaries, Republicans-Issue 29 (August 20 ...,_Republicans-Issue_29_(August_20,_2018)Local political observers saw Putnam, who is serving his second four-year term as agriculture commissioner, as the race’s early frontrunner. Emphasizing his Florida upbringing and knowledge of the state, Putnam’s endorsers include the Florida Chamber …

Marquette Law School – Page 23 – Marquette University Law ... on her Boden Lecture last fall at Marquette Law School, Gerken suggests that the case’s most important result could be a gulf between the elites involved in national political campaigns and the rank and file party members who have historically been the backbone of …

A Group of Democrats Joined Republicans to Give Them Power ... New Yorkers go to the polls today, they’ll have an opportunity to cast judgement on a group of Democratic state senators who, for years, caucused with Republicans, giving the GOP a constructive majority in a Democratic legislature. The group, known as the Independent Democratic Conference, or IDC, disbanded in April in a move that’s been interpreted as an attempt to mitigate criticism ...

Mitch Perry Report for 5.14.15 - asked on Fox six weeks ago if the Iraq war was a mistake, Marco replied, “I don’t believe it was. The world is a better place because Saddam Hussein doesn’t run Iraq.” ...

Powerful Chicago council member charged in federal probe | WWL Ed Burke, 75, walks into the Dirksen Federal Courthouse, Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019, in Chicago. Burke, one of the most powerful City Council members in Chicago, is charged with one count of attempted extortion in trying to shake down a fast-food restaurant seeking city remodeling permits, according to a federal complaint unsealed Thursday.

John McCain has brain cancer, US senator’s office says ... was the public face of the mistreatment of American prisoners at the North Vietnamese camp known as the Hanoi Hilton, where as a Navy pilot he was confined and tortured for over five years ...

The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) Blog NICK SCHWELLENBACH. Last month, The New Yorker magazine reported on how POGO Executive Director Danielle Brian told President Obama to his face that "prosecuting whistleblowers would undermine his legacy." One of those whistleblowers being targeted is Tom Drake, a National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower who is less than a week away from his first day in court.

Day 10: Testimony Wraps Up In Corruption Trial | Personal Cordaro, who testified for almost 5½ hours Thursday, was recalled as the trial’s final witness to rebut testimony earlier in the day from FBI Special Agent April Phillips about an appointment in the former commissioner’s electronic calendar from March 17, 2004.

Media | Benighted Comment Goldberg with more on the mass-murdering and mass slave-holding dictatorship that NBC so idyllically described as “one of modern history’s pivotal experiments.”. In America, we constantly, almost obsessively, wrestle with the “legacy of slavery.” That speaks well of us. But what does it say that so few care that the Soviet Union was built — literally — on the legacy of slavery?

brazilian vote for cash scandal : définition de brazilian word "mensalão" quickly became the adopted popular label for the scandal, now identified as the "escândalo do mensalão." According to Jefferson, the operator of the payment scheme was the businessman Marcos Valério de Souza, one of the owners of the advertising agencies SMP&B and DNA, which had large contracts with the government.

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Chandler blames Obama, Pelosi for Democrats' losses in ... 28, 2010 · WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Ben Chandler said last week he partially blames the Obama administration and U.S. House leadership for Democrats' election losses and his extremely narrow re …

GOP voters still favor DeLay in District 22 - Houston ... U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay showed up at a candidate forum in Sugar Land last week, one of his Republican primary opponents slipped to the back of the room after a short speech and another talked ...

The Standard Fare of Judges: What Happens When the ... Standard Fare of Judges: What Happens When the Judiciary Does What It Always Does ... was necessary to national defense. In his opinion announcing (and ... some commentators—including at least one who is now critical of the courts for inquiring into the President’s motivations in the Muslim-ban litigation—urged the courts to undertake ...

John Wiley Price, the FBI and the media's best guesses ... Wiley Price, the FBI and the media’s best guesses. ... So here are the media’s best guesses as to why the FBI is investigating Price. 1. The cars: JWP procured several cars that had once belonged to inmates of the Dallas County Jail. And he got title to them through what some describe as “secret hearings”. ... who is one of the ...

The Forces of Income Inequality and Economic Anxiety in ... of the issues shaping the election has been economic anxiety brought about by a changing economy and a shift in policy changes over decades that have chipped away at the social safety net.

Is Fox News a Terrorist Command Center? Stewart Asks, and ... 20, 2010 · Is Fox News a Terrorist Command Center? Stewart Asks, and Answers. ... Last summer it was the town hall follies over health care reform. ... and that other dude who is so outstanding i …

Can the FBI Get Away With Getting Trump Team Emails? the FBI Get Away With Getting Trump Team Emails? ... This was done pursuant to a federal statute that provides for taxpayer-funded assistance to the newly elected — but not yet inaugurated — president. The statutory term for the corporation is the presidential transition team, or PTT. ... and a receiver was hired to wind it down. ...

Last chance to woo NH's undecided primary voters - Boston.com 12, 2010 · New Hampshire candidates are sprinting in the final days before Tuesday's primary to woo undecided voters with one central theme that can be summed up in a four-letter word: jobs.

Four seek Lincolnville mayor's job; Dorchester's small ... mayoral election for the town of Lincolnville could lead to a special election. Mayor Charles Duberry, 71, who is completing his first term, is being challenged by Tyrone Aiken, Leland Shannon ...

Last chance to woo NH's undecided primary voters - *NEW ... 13, 2010 · Last chance to woo NH's undecided primary voters NORMA LOVE,Associated Press WriterCONCORD, N.H. (AP) — New Hampshire candidates are sprinting in the final days before Tuesday's primary to woo ...

Recreation program reorganization supporters miss ... 24, 2010 · While fund-raising is falling well short of their $250,000 goal, supporters of an Oct. 2 ballot proposal to reorganize the city's languishing recreation program are forging on with their campaign ...

In Saudi Arabia, Countering Terrorism Becomes Chimera for ... 18, 2018 · Saudi Arabia’s drive to counter terrorism has become a convenient chimera to support crackdowns on legitimate public dissent and political or social activism of any kind, and the campaign has turned into an indiscriminate tool wielded to stigmatize critics of the state as terrorists. Those

Barbara Walther - Ballotpedia Walther was the judge for District 51 in Texas. ... Each region is overseen by a presiding judge who is appointed by the governor to a four-year term. According to the state courts website, the presiding judge may be a "regular elected or retired district judge, a former judge with at least 12 years of service as a district judge, or a ...

Double standards in politics thread : The Fook That's ... 07, 2017 · simonov wrote:In the interest of fairness and objectivity, I will withhold judgement on whether there is a double standard in political reporting until I see the WaPo's and CNN's response to this: The campaign had the DNC on life support, giving it …

Gun Violence Awareness | Desert Beacon 02, 2015 · “In 2009, suicide was the third leading cause of death for American youth 15 to 19 years of age. Firearms remained the most common method used for suicide in this age group, accounting for 736 deaths (3.4 per 100 000). Of all common methods used for attempting suicide, firearms are the most lethal, with approximately a 90% mortality rate.”

The bipartisan war on public education: Barrington - rgj.com 29, 2018 · The bipartisan war on public education: Barrington. Democrats have been just as actively involved in the dismantling of public education as their Republican counterparts.

The tea party’s worst idea « The In Box is the first I’ve heard of it. In fact Brian is the only person I’ve ever heard speak of it. While I can understand the desire to see a limited Federal Gov;t as the Founders envisioned, I’m not sure at the forefront of anyones list. What or who is your source on this Brian? Like/Dislike this comment: 0 0

Mueller Report - Donald Trump Discussion | MovieChat talked to people close to Hillary that were involved with the email server and the Benghazi attack. For example they subpoena'd her assistant's phone a week before the election. That was the event that got Trump cheering for James Comey and his letter. And you are correct that Hillary mishandled classified information.

Sen. John Morse recall: Colorado clerk opens three voter 06, 2013 · El Paso County Clerk Wayne Williams is opening three of four vote centers at 7:30 today and Monday to deal with early-morning voters wanting to participate in the recall election of Senate President John Morse. Thursday was the first day of early voting and there were long lines at two voting ...

Transparency Questionnaire 2017 General Election: Party ... 13, 2017 · The Government is committed to safeguarding New Zealand’s reputation as one of the least corrupt countries in the world and a good place to do business. The Government works with agencies, organisations, and businesses to support anti- corruption efforts and strengthen our …

Meranda v. Gusweiler Update: Gusweiler Has Real Lawyers ... 01, 2010 · "(One) of the best right-of-center bloggers in the Buckeye state." - Steven J Kelso "[T]he coolest name in the Ohiosphere, and keeps a sharp eye on the treacherous shoals of politics and public affairs." - Bill Sloat, Daily Bellwether "Weapons of Mass Discussion has a great name and a strong Republican bent.

The Barkan Report is a possible scenario, though not likely, that would have Joe Lhota licking his lips. A favorite of labor unions and the Working Families Party, de Blasio could theoretically keep running if he is indeed granted the line like insiders believe.

What Does the Fox Say - MT 01, 2014 · What Does the Fox Say. ... Fox is a buffoon hack who is manipulated by his staff, the show runs him, not the other way around. He’s basically a sock puppet for whatever special interest comes along. ... So, because a federal mandate, and a misguided, expensive mandate at that, the states should just roll over and comply? Lynn ...

Queens Crap: Van Bramer angry about AirBnB in affordable ... 12, 2015 · Van Bramer angry about AirBnB in affordable housing From LIC Post: ... a boy who is going places! So no AirBaB ANYWHERE in the towers! 2. AirBnB is a community destroying menace that was unthinkable a few years ago: it makes tenants afraid of their own building as it converts a home into a transient barracks. ... If you are the owner of ...

Jersey Jazzman: Sobbing For Richie Riches 06, 2012 · Word Jazz served (mostly) daily. Education, politics, music, the arts, New Jersey, and whatever else strikes me. "A widely read teacher blogger" - Jane Roh, Courier Post."One of my favorite bloggers" - Diane Ravitch

HEALY CAMPAIGN HIT BY "LATE" OCTOBER SURPRISE ... 04, 2015 · HEALY CAMPAIGN HIT BY "LATE" OCTOBER SURPRISE? ... About 15 of those in attendance actually called my house or were present in my house and said that Mayor Healy was the clear winner. One person, who is not affiliated with Mayor Healy in any way, said Bernebei was so bad that they should have cut the debate short. ... solely my opinion ...

The art of the fake political apology | reason John McCain’s reform message so galvanized primary voters, including Democrats, was not that they were panting to see this issue solved. It was the impression that his experiences – especially in being tarred as one of the Keating Five – had touched some treasured sense of …

The "unwritten" rule is now published. Is it still ... we have morons running the two local political parties like good-ole-boy clubs, we don't get primaries for much- and when it comes to judges, the decision is usually made in a back room with the doors closed. Today, the Dayton Daily news made the mistake of actually writing the truth abou[PDF]Delve Deeper into Koch - PBS: Public Broadcasting Service Deeper into Koch A film by Neil Barsky This list of fiction and nonfiction books, compiled by Rachael Weyand of Portland Public Library, provides a range of perspectives on the issues raised by the POV documentary Koch. New York City mayors have a world stage on which to strut, and they have made legendary use of it. Yet few have matched

Romney to Gingrich: If You Can't Take the Heat, Get Out of ... 21, 2011 · It was the latest bit of maneuvering in an increasingly heated standoff between the two over hard-hitting campaign tactics. Romney said Wednesday that there are limits to what he can say to an independent organization that supports his candidacy and is …

A Bush Win — Just Barely | National Review is all to the good. But why doesn’t McCain apply that thinking to Congress, which is so greedy that it would be likely to spend the surplus? ... his message is one of lower taxes, limited ...

Crisis managers say NBC News handling Brian Williams ...“NBC News”' handling of the uproar ignited by suspended anchor Brian Williams' false claims about having ridden in a U.S. military aircraft downed by enemy fire in Iraq is being severely ...

HBO Game of Thrones Recap: Book of the Stranger all of the men are shocked and offended when Daenerys dares to speak for herself, a big no no. Khal Moro says that ok that's it then. Daenerys will be gang-raped to show her her proper place. Daenerys says that the place where Khal Drogo promised to conquer the world on her behalf. The other Khals say she was a dummy to believe it.

Council Committee Gives Approval For $18.5 Million Give ... Committee Gives Approval For $18.5 Million Give-Away To Angie's List ... But that's not what about. This is about a few higher-ups at Angie's getting a shiny new building for pennies on the dollar, at the expense of Indy taxpayers, and leasing it back to the company for well above market rates. ... This was the best way to use ...

Page A1 | e-Edition | nrtoday.com are the types of actions that dictators take, he said. ... Some asserted that it was the VA’s first move in a longer-term plan to close the ER. ... “As long as the VA shows that the ...

Power and Control: Marxing Off A Cliff 11, 2008 · I don't know exactly who is to blame for the disappeance of the cement Bob answers: Not, who, what. Specifically, the cement disappeared once Republicans started thinking that government was the way to get things done. Not only is that corrosive of the values you mention, but it makes them indistinguishable from Democrats.

Carmen Eckard - Ballotpedia Eckard (Nonpartisan) is a candidate for Ward 1 member of the Hickory City Council in North Carolina.Eckard is running in the primary on October 8, 2019.The general election is November 5, 2019.. Eckard completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in …

96 Percent of Google Search Results for ‘Trump’ News Are ... it got much, much worse when I analyzed the first 100 items that Google returned in a search for news on “Trump.” CNN, by a wide margin, appeared most frequently, with nearly twice as many results returned as the second-place finisher, The Washington Post. Other left-leaning outlets also fared well, including NBC, CNBC, The Atlantic, and Politico.

A Day at the Fair | Power Line Northern Alliance Radio Network broadcast from the Minnesota State Fair today. It was a lot of fun; we sat outdoors, in front of the Patriot studio on the fairgrounds, and a considerable crowd ...

Steve Carlson - Ballotpedia Carlson (Democrat) is a candidate for the U.S. Senate from Minnesota. The general election is on November 3, 2020. The primary election is on August 11, 2020. Carlson was a 2018 Democratic write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate from Minnesota. Carlson lost the primary on August 14, 2018. He ...

Robert McCarthy: Questions for Cuomo are met with silence ... McCarthy: Questions for Cuomo are met with silence By Robert J. McCarthy Published Thu, May 18, 2017 Steve Pigeon was back in court a few days ago, facing a judge for the third time in the last 10 months. This time the former Erie County Democratic chairman appeared in U.S. District Court to […]

A Conversation between Helene Solomon and Governor Deval ... 18, 2014 · (Photo by Allan E. Dines) Massachusetts Governor Deval L. Patrick joined Solomon McCown CEO Helene Solomon for a wide-ranging conversation as he prepares to leave office after an eight-year, two-term tenure as chief executive of the Commonwealth.

Has Clarence Thomas ever voted differently on a Supreme ... 30, 2016 · I recently attended a dinner where Justice Thomas was the keynote speaker. Instead of doing it in the usual form standing behind a podium, he sat in a chair a few feet from one of his former law clerks. That law clerk asked him a series of quest...

Criminalizing Conservatives - weeklystandard.com 24, 2005 · We don't pretend to have all the answers, or a solid answer even to one of these questions. But it's a reasonable bet that the fall of 2005 will …

David J. Pascrell, Author at Government & Regulatory ... one area President Trump did not cut was the implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act (the “Cures Act”), which also happens to be one of the last bills signed into law by then-President Obama. The FY 2018 budget blueprint proposes to appropriate $1.1 billion towards the Cures Act’s implementation in the upcoming fiscal year.

Winners and losers from the third Democratic debate - NZ ... 13, 2019 · Given this was the first time the cream of the Democratic crop was all on the same debate stage, it took on added significance. ... But as the …

2nd Ward candidates Petersen and Derezinski debate the 01, 2012 · 2nd Ward Ann Arbor City Council candidates Sally Hart Petersen and Tony Derezinski appeared side by side Tuesday night at Traverwood Public Library during a forum sponsored by the Orchard Hills Maplewood Homeowners Association.

Conservatives given chance to shape Supreme Court | Local 05, 2018 · Conservatives are getting a chance to re-shape how the Supreme Court might look in the future. State Rep. Trey Kelley joins a chorus of happy Republican lawmakers and …

Justice Kennedy set to step down | News | dailyprogress.com purchase a subscription to continue reading. A subscription is required to continue reading. Thank you for reading 5 free articles. You can come back at the end of your 30-day period for ...

Retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy often the man in the ... 28, 2018 · WASHINGTON (AP) — Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Supreme Court's decisive man in the middle on abortion, gay rights and other contentious issues, announced his retirement, giving President Donald ...

In battle for the Senate, the Iran nuclear deal is looming ...“The Obama/Clinton Iran deal puts Israel at risk and makes us less safe” is the title of one of several leaflets that the Republican Jewish Coalition has distributed to Jewish homes in several key states. Here’s a look at how the battle is playing out and what it means. What are the numbers? There are 34 Senate elections this year.

World Socialist Web Site - wsws.org 17, 2012 · TWU Local 100, representing about 35,000 New York City bus and subway workers, refused to call a job action after the union and the MTA failed …

Gonzalo Curiel - Ballotpedia P. Curiel is a judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of California.He joined the court in 2012 after being nominated by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the United States Senate.At the time of nomination, he was a judge for the Superior Court of San Diego County in California.. Early life and education

Stable Row - LANDMARK WEST“Stable Row” Parkhouse v. Stringer A recent New York Times article (April 12, 2008, Metro Section, pB1) tells the story of Virginia Parkhouse—devoted preservationist, long-time Landmark West! volunteer, hardy citizen and, not coincidentally, target of small-minded, vindictive politicians.. Read for the “back story” behind the Times report here:

The Hill pushed GOP attack on ethics watchdog Hill pushed GOP attack on ethics ... Only one of the three, a professor at an Ohio law school,who said he thought there could be a "good case" against CREW, hedged those comments, saying "at ...

How Will Pro-Israel Evangelicals Shape U.S. Policy? 27, 2018 · In return, evangelical voters will turn a blind eye to Trump’s personal conduct and embrace an individual who is in his third marriage, has reportedly had multiple extramarital affairs (including with a Playboy model and with a porn star) and is very far from the preferred model of a pious, churchgoing leader they’d like to see.

Garner Lawyers - Compare Top Attorneys in Garner, North ... passion for defending the rights of people facing criminal charges sets him apart from the crowd. Jesse started his career as a Public Defender in Baltimore, MD., one of the highest national crime centers in the country. There was never a doubt in his mind he would be a criminal lawyer. As he says, he is "built to be a criminal defense ...

Heredia Mum on his Leadership Pick - theworldnews.net each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours.

Who's in charge? | Palmetto Politics | postandcourier.com -- Television cameras focused on two men standing in the state Senate chambers as they prepared to announce the biggest economic investment in South Carolina's history.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Nazareth Magistrate Candidates ... 27, 2007 · Nazareth Magistrate Candidates Meet the Voters I'm a miserable bastard. ... After speaking to him for a few minutes, I realized this guy is a class act. He's an "old school" cop, one who is more interested in doing the right thing than in notching arrests on his belt. Not only did I meet Chief Siegfried, but I also had a nice conversation with ...

County Administrator Contract May Renew Without Discussion 19, 2015 · Referring to Flagler County Administrator Craig Coffey, above, County Commission Chairman Frank Meeker said he had never known a government executive not to be a micro-manager. Coffey’s contract ...

Rolling Thunder Tour - Saturday, May 3, is one of the co-organizers of the Asheville Poetry Shoot-Out. His previously published works include the chapbook Ex-Girlfriend Haiku. Drew Dellinger is co-founder of the band Sweet Acidophilus, a rap artist and a member of Poets for Global Justice. A Tar-heel by birth, he comes to Rolling Thunder/ Asheville from Oakland, California, and ...

David Hogg Archives - Politics 4 and gun control activist David Hogg has now turned his sights on one of the most high-profile U.S. senators in Congress: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). The 17-year-old tweeted Friday to McCain, who is in Arizona, recovering from brain cancer treatment, “Why do you take so much money from the NRA?” Why do you take

Sessions Is Back: Issues Huge Announcement on Trump-Cohen 25, 2018 · The Justice Department’s Southern District of New York and the FBI — acting on a referral from the Robert Mueller Special Counsel investigation — recently raided and seized documents from an office, home and hotel room associated with President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen. Bloomberg just reported that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has […]

So what if Robert Mueller did not look good. He exposed ... 25, 2019 · Did Robert Mueller look good during parts of the two hearings today? No, he did not. That should be conceded. So what. It does not matter how well Mueller looked because he confirmed the findings in his approximate 450-page report (that most of the nation’s citizens have not read) in two hearings (one before the House Judiciary and the other before the House Intelligence) which are:

Fox News Legal Legend Goes Off on Giuliani, Trump - MediaAlert 10, 2018 · Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano vehemently disagreed with Rudy Giuliani’s defense for President Trump’s hush-payments to his alleged mistresses. (Mediaite) In a lengthy segment with America’s Newsroom anchor Bill Hemmer, Napolitano spared no hard truths in his assessment of Trump’s legal jeopardy. He began by delivering the news that the Michael Cohen …

U.S. Sues Bus Co. for Banning Muslim Driver from Wearing ... 13, 2019 · Judicial Watch - Feed. Continuing an Obama practice of punishing American businesses that don’t accommodate Muslims, the Trump administration is suing the nation’s largest bus carrier for refusing to let a female driver wear a long, loose-fitting robe symbolic of Islamic piety.

Amy Luciano - Ballotpedia 02, 2019 · What do you believe are the core responsibilities for someone elected to this office? To act and perform as the CEO of the city, to instill order in midst of chaos, to support our local law enforcement, and to ensure the highest protection of our citizens in our great city. ... A mayor is a leader in his or her city. What does that mean to you?

Billionaire businessman Pritzker announces bid for ... — Billionaire J.B. Pritzker touted his business record and progressive values Thursday as he kicked off his campaign for Illinois governor, raising the financial stakes in what was already

Rep. Suzan DelBene - Washington District 01 • OpenSecrets provide the right of American Indians born in Canada or the United States to pass the borders of the United States to any individual who is a member, or is eligible to be a member, of a Federally recognized Indian tribe in the United States or Canada, and for other purposes. 07/26/18: 0 H.Res.1031

AP US Government and Politics: Theories of Power in a ... leaders are the first type of person he discusses and refers to as the "elites" of our nation. These millionaires have a great influence on our government because of their money and power to effect large amounts of people. ... there is one point in his theory that I do not think fits our democracy completely. He claims that, "They act ... / Politics / Campaign 2000 / Walter V. Robinson and Yvonne Abraham, Globe Staff, 8/16/2000. OS ANGELES - It was a bold stroke for the instinctively cautious Al Gore: Pick a running mate from the party's conservative center, electrify the country by putting the first Jewish American on a national ticket, and hope that the decision will lure crucial swing voters to the Democrats.

Billionaire Pritzker announces bid to run for Illinois ... — Billionaire J.B. Pritzker touted his business record and progressive values Thursday as he kicked off his campaign for Illinois governor, raising the financial stakes in what was already

Republicans should panic about the House, and other ... loss by Kobach -- who is controversial because he advocates restrictive voting laws and has backed Trump's false claims of widespread voter fraud -- would be an embarrassment for Trump, who has success at picking winners in GOP primaries this year. But it would be a relief for Republicans who see him as a weaker general election candidate.

St. Louis mayor's early endorsement of Clay could pay ... LOUIS • As he remembers a political mentor known for the art of the deal, Mayor Francis Slay is showing that he, too, has an astute understanding of how to work out a mutually beneficial ...

Roads to '08 leaving footprint - Washington Times 07, 2007 · Former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack was the first presidential candidate to pledge neutrality on Feb. 13, the same day NRDC issued its challenge, but he …

Republicans should panic about the House, and other ... loss by Kobach -- who is controversial because he advocates restrictive voting laws and has backed Trump's false claims of widespread voter fraud -- would be an embarrassment for Trump, who has success at picking winners in GOP primaries this year. But it would be a relief for Republicans who see him as a weaker general election candidate.

Donald Trump has - Page 9 - 31, 2015 · done more to ruin the chances of a GOP 2016 President, then anyone or anything I know. It is absolutely crucial to have a good, healthy portion of the Latino vote to even think about winning the election. And what does this clown do, he alienates the Latinos with some comments that may or may not be true. If this doesn't have a ripple affect on the electorate, nothing does.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Brace Yourself For Darth Voter ... at one time worked for NIZ Queen Jenn Mann, who is the exact opposite of her "For the People" PAC. Now he's a legislative aide for none other than Mike "Darth Voter" Schlossberg, whose moral compass may never have worked right. Despite his attempts to distance himself, Schlossberg is a close Fed Ed ally, and so are the people in that office.

Angela Harrison Says that Husband James Harrison shot 07, 2009 · James Harrison killed his five children this past weekend at their home at the Seer Run mobile home park in Washington state and then later took his own life. It was suspected at the time in comments made in a previous post that James Harrison did such a heinous act to target his wife in taking things that she loved away.

Zombie Politics: Newt GingrichThe above is but one example of the many instructions in the Bible on how God wants us to serve the poor. It's not just the New Testament either. Deuteronomy 24:14 tells us: "Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien living in one of …

Dueling Realities | Power Line is a pretty good example of the stark differences in how the Iraq war is covered between most mainstream media outlets and what I would consider more sophisticated internet sources. Wretchard ...

Todays other indictment DOES show Trumps team sought dirt 30, 2017 · This is a good 'story' but just like everything else...who is the "campaign supervisor" who was telling him 'great job' and ' make the meetings'? If they are going to give us everyone else why would this person not be named? (rhetorical...) It is almost as if he came on and was trying soooooooo hard to get a meeting that never came to fruition.

The Dems will lose these elections again... | Christian Forums 04, 2005 · The forums in the Christian Congregations category are now open only to Christian members. Please review our current Faith Groups list for information on which faith groups are considered to be Christian faiths. Christian members please remember to read the Statement of Purpose threads for each forum within Christian Congregations before posting in the forum.

WONKETTE EXCLUSIVE: Let's Eat Bon-Bons And Braid Hair With ... 30, 2015 · True, we did decide to join this case over cocktails. But it was the best decision we ever made. WONKETTE: Thanks for not answering our completely self-serving question, GUYS. Anyway, there you have it, Thom Kostura and Ijpe DeKoe are the best, and they will be your new gay overlords when SCOTUS rules in June, hurray!

Jack Salazar, the Jaded Skeptic is a...: McCain's money“This is a moment that has truly defined what needs to be done with respect to political fund-raising,” said Mr. Loeffler, whom Mr. McCain elevated to run the fund-raising effort at the first signs of trouble three weeks ago. “What it has shown for this team is that not a jog. This is …

Senator By Day, Telemarketer By Night | KUNC 30, 2012 · This is the first story in a Planet Money series on money in politics. We'll have more this afternoon on All Things Considered, and this weekend on This American Life. We think of lawmakers having one job: making laws. But there's a second job most lawmakers have to …

Steller: Barber speaks on 'seduction' of D.C., election ... January 2011, I visited Ron Barber in his midtown home to interview him about the shooting that had nearly taken his life 10 days before. What a topsy-turvy time it’s been since then. His ...

Humboldt Republican Women: Pretty cool feedback from Republican Central Committee Meets on the first Tuesday of the month - 6:00 pm at the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District, 6th and J St, Eureka (Executive Committee meets at 6:00) ... If you think you are the only one baffled by Obama... Full text of President Barack Obama’s special addr... (H)e insisted in his Wednesday night ...

S Africa hits back at Trump over land 'seizure' tweet ...'seizure...Aug 23, 2018 · South Africa accused United States President Donald Trump of sowing division Thursday after he tweeted that the State Department would probe "land and farm seizures... and the large scale killing of farmers". Trump's tweet apparently followed a segment on conservative Fox News about Pretoria's plan to change the constitution to…

Trump vs. Sessions + Culture Wars | PA Pundits - International 27, 2018 · By Gary Bauer ~ It is truly unfortunate that President Trump and Attorney General Sessions don’t have a better working relationship. Jeff Sessions was the first senator to publicly endorse Donald Trump and he is a solid conservative. When it comes to immigration, judges, and religious liberty, conservatives have no better friend than Jeff Sessions, and I…

Foster is Ronda write-in candidate | News | journalpatriot.com 04, 2013 · Sam Foster, an incumbent commissioner in Ronda, has told the Wilkes County Board of Elections that he intends to run as a write-in candidate in the …

Ghosn's new lawyer says jailed titan is a victim of ... • Carlos Ghosn is not guilty of the crimes he is accused of and his arrest was the result of a conspiracy at Nissan Motor Co., the jailed car titan's new lawyer said as he kicked off his ...

New Hampshire Primary Source: Guinta left himself no ...’s going to be a challenge for Frank Guinta to explain his way out of this one. For five years, he denied his parents were the source of the mysterious $355,000 he loaned his 2010 campaign for ...

Jonah Goldberg: Hillary Clinton's Identity Crisis — The ... Hillary Rodham Clinton a McDonald's Big Mac or a Chipotle burrito bowl? A can of Bud or a bottle of Blue Moon? JCPenney or J. Crew?" That was the opening question of a front-page Washington Post story on Clinton's effort to figure out her "brand." To that end, she has recruited a team of corporate marketing specialists to "help imagine Hillary 5.0."

Illinois Primary: Democrats Wage Internal Battle, With Big ... at 1:23 p.m. ET Tuesday's Illinois primaries could bring down the first congressional incumbent of 2018, set the stage for a highly competitive gubernatorial race, and give Democrats ...

Talk about a Senior Moment: Barack Obama Wants to be 10, 2008 · Talk about a Senior Moment: Barack Obama Wants to be President of All 57 States With Obama its all about CHANGE … including the number of States in the US. Who knew there were actually 60 states in the USA. No wonder Barack Obama is worried that Hillary Clinton may still be in the race for the Democratic nomination. Read all about Obama’s ...

Ex-Nissan CEO's arrest a conspiracy to oust him, new ... Ghosn is not guilty of the crimes he is accused of and his arrest was the result of a conspiracy at Nissan Motor Co., the jailed car titan’s new lawyer said as he kicked off his defence ...

Brown decides he will retire | Palmetto Politics ... workhorse is heading for pasture, and the race to succeed him could see quite a crowded field. U.S. Rep. Henry Brown, 74, announced Monday he won't seek re-election to the 1st District ...

The Spot — Denver, Colorado politics and policy blog | The only hotly contested race today at the Denver County Democratic assembly was the contest to succeed outgoing Speaker Mark Ferrandino, who is term limited. Alec Garnett and Owen Perkins are running for Ferrandino’s seat. The other Denver Democrats running for …

Page B8 | e-Edition | newsitem.com committee is one of several Democratic-affiliated nonprofits that have begun training potential candidates and staffers in the past three years — but this program was the first, they say ...[PDF]issue 134 Cold War Cold funder was the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. It paid for a researcher at Atlantic Bridge called Gabby Bertin. She went on to become David Cameron’s press sec-retary, and now sits in the House of Lords: Cameron gave her a life peer-age in his resignation honours list. In 2007, a group called the

Swing area voters swing to Hillary Clinton after debate ... 20, 2016 · Hillary Clinton was the clear winner in a McClatchy focus group in Orlando, a crucial swing area in crucial Florida. Donald Trump was criticized for …

A Blog For All: Odd Pairing - lawhawk 27, 2008 · He doesn't like the idea of Lenin getting a place of honor - or at least high visibility - anywhere in the United States. But it really bugs him that it happened in Atlantic City, just down the White Horse Pike from his Absecon home.Lenin was the father of one of the most ruinous and murderous totalitarian dictatorships in modern history.

Kerry Said to Have Raised $50 Million in Last Quarter ..., April 2 Senator John Kerry's campaign said on Friday that it raised $50 million in the last three months, more than half over the Internet, and announced several high-profile staff ...

More Sacrifice from Barack Obama, Middle East in Crisis 12, 2011 · More Sacrifice from Barack Obama, Middle East in Crisis, Gas Prices Rising, More laughs, giggles and play while the world is in turmoil. More from President Barack Obama is his lack of seriousness of being President of the United States, when the tough gets going, Obama goes golfing!

Compare and Contrast - Joyce Clark Unfiltered and a nickel won't buy a cup of coffee Budget and other things Quentin Tolby it a fair fight? Recent Posts. Further marijuana dispensary restrictions coming to Glendale? August 1, 2019; One more swipe at the state legislature July 29, 2019; State legislature is …

PROGRESSIVES' PARADISE LOST? | Seattle Weekly 09, 2006 · Up front, a personal note: I am a migrant, a native of the agrarian South come to what we have thought of as an earthly paradise, God’s country—the Pacific Northwest. I came in pursuit of ...

St. Louis County executive race is high-dollar | Metro ... major sources of the money financing this year's race for St. Louis County executive — the most expensive ever — are similar to those in previous years.

Government Exam #3 review - STUDYBLUE are the arguments against and potential problems associated with news homogenization brought on by a few corporations owning most news outlets? ... but it regulates the content and ownership of the broadcast media. ... Known as the "Grand Old Party" was formed during the 1850s as a coalition of antislavery,commercial, and other forces. ...

Virginia Politics Blog - Live Blog: The Fairfax Chamber of 17, 2009 · That's why he was the first Democrat to oppose bringing Gitmo prisoners to Virginia. And then he says he wants to return to cap-and-trade -- which is a shift from the past, when Deeds typically seemed not to want to talk about this. He turns directly to Bob and says, with great stress in his voice, "I don't support the bill."

Jets' Mornhinweg: Geno can be 'a really good one' - The ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... as the quarterback gets ...

Trump suggests outlawing prosecutors' deals with ... has lashed out repeatedly in the past at Sessions, the Alabama Republican who was the first senator to endorse the celebrity businessman but then recused himself shortly after taking office ...

Pols play at Nationals Park; that's not Trump's game | WSB-TV Nixon was the last president to perform the duty for the Washington Senators, the second version of which moved to Texas in 1972. ... In a city where politicians are the chief celebrities ...

Lantigua Vs. Rivera: Spotlight On The Lawrence Mayoral Race Lantigua’s election as mayor of Lawrence four years ago had huge symbolic value: he was the first Latino mayor elected anywhere in Massachusetts, but his tenure has been turbulent. Lantigua initially refused to leave his job as State Representative. He was also sued by Attorney General ...

Democratic Debate Turns Hillary Clinton’s Way After Months ... 14, 2015 · The burdens on Mrs. Clinton were unusually heavy for the first debate of a presidential campaign, when candidates typically focus on introducing themselves to a …

The Verifiable Truth: 7/27/08 - 8/3/08 12, 2008 · The overtures have included a pro-casino presentation by tribal members to a county legislative committee and a tour of the reservation in late June by the Legislature’s presiding officer, William J. Lindsay, and its economic development chairman, Wayne R. Horsley, both Democrats.

Advocacy Updates – BioForward Wisconsin 18, 2018 · Mr. Cole currently serves as a commissioner for the Department of Neighborhood Services under Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and is a member of the state Natural Resources Board that advises DNR. According to a profile on the city’s website, he was the first African-American forester hired by the Conservation Department.

Sessions hits Trump back: Won't be 'improperly influenced ... (AP) — President Donald Trump, newly incensed by campaign allegations, plunged back into his criticism of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, claiming in an interview that Sessions "never ...

Charlotte Politicians Receive Big Buck$ From Developers ... 08, 2009 · Kinsey, who is on the committee that coughed out the compromise, pointed out that the compromise was the only way to get the proposal out of committee, as they were stalemated. Susan Burgess said at the forum Tuesday she supports full registration. If Kinsey OR Foxx were to vote for full registration rather than partial, that measure would pass.

Justice Barbara Pariente – Page 2 – Post On Barbara Pariente, who wrote the opinion overturning the first Senate plan, concurred this time and added her own view of critics’ arguments. The Florida Democratic Party, Common Cause of Florida, National Council of La Raza, and the state’s League of Women Voters sought a wholesale rewrite from justices, while the NAACP also pointed ...

Around the County – San Gabriel Valley Tribune 10, 2009 · A 16-year-old boy was arrested Dec. 30 on suspicion of evading a deputy and possession of a stolen vehicle in Adelanto, officials said. At 1:10 p.m. a deputy was called to Begonia Road and ...

uslaboragainstwar.org the 19th century, two immigrant preachers cobbled together a series of unrelated passages from the Bible to create what appears to be a consistent narrative: Jesus will return to Earth when certain preconditions have been met. The first of these was the establishment of a state of Israel.

Some Questions for Aspiring Supreme Court 02, 2018 · Skip to comments. Some Questions for Aspiring Supreme Court Justices 07/02/2018 | Brian Griffin Posted on 07/02/2018 1:25:43 PM PDT by Brian Griffin. These questions are those that might be asked by leftist Democrats, RINOs and conservative Republicans.

Senate confirms Kagan as 112th justice | National News ... Senate confirmed Elena Kagan Thursday as the Supreme Court's 112th justice and fourth woman, selecting a scholar with a reputation for brilliance, a dry sense of humor and a

PROCEDURE TO FILL NEW JUDGESHIPS | Washington State Therefore, in summary, in direct answer to your request it is our opinion that under our state constitution, the election (as opposed to the gubernatorial appointment) process is the one properly to be followed in filling the subject new superior court judgeships both for the brief period from January 1, 1981 through January 12, 1981 and for the regular four-year terms commencing ...

Show time: In lineup, other oil CEOs plan to shun BP ... time: In lineup, other oil CEOs plan to shun BP -- Key Senate Dems fear politics of climate -- Lincoln doesn't want cap-and-trade floor debate -- Obama speaks at 8 p.m.

Corruption Inquiry May Pose Political Hazard for Sharon ... 22, 2004 · But the indictment, with its new details about alleged payments, could potentially lead to pressure from within his coalition to step down, or to a no-confidence vote in Parliament, analysts said.

Latest Articles -*/index?more=3570617First, a brief historical primer. Dunkirk was the site of the British Army's evacuation from northern France in May-June 1940. The evacuation was made necessary after the British Army in France, deployed as the British Expeditionary Force, was encircled by a rapidly advancing German army.

Do New York prosecutors pose the greatest threat to Donald include the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, work related to the 9/11 attacks of 2001, the 1988 bombings of US embassies in Africa, organized crime and mafia cases, the Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff and major financial crimes and public corruption cases.

Lang Sias criticizes RNC chair over war remarks - The 02, 2010 · Everyone who has tried, over 1,000 years of history, has failed.” It makes you wonder why he wasn't advising Bush in the first place. Comment by asa watcher — July 3, 2010 @ 5:45 pm. The murder of 3,000 Americans on 9/11 was the result of the policies of Colonialism the Europeans and Americans foisted and are shoving down weaker countries ...

Your Conversation May Be Recorded For Quality Assurance…. Wall Street Journal in November 2016, was the first to report about the payment between then candidate Trump and McDougal at the time then campaign spokesperson Hope Hicks told the Journal, “We have no knowledge of any of this,” adding that the allegations of the affair, were “totally untrue.”

New York prosecutors pose greatest threat to president? implications of the subpoena and what followed were clear,and they were all bad for Trump, worse even than the threat posed by the special counsel’s investigation of ties between his campaign and Russia, said the former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, an erstwhile member of Trump’s inner circle, once in charge of transition planning ...

Bryan, William Jennings, ed. 1906. The World's Famous Orations World’s Famous Orations William Jennings Bryan, Editor-in-Chief Francis W. Halsey, Associate Editor Two millennia of Western Civilization come into focus through these 281 …

Public Papers - George Bush Library and Museum Papers Remarks at the Bicentennial of the Bill of Rights Luncheon at Montpelier in Orange County, Virginia. 1991-12-16. Thank you, Senator Warner, for those very kind words. And let me thank Robert Bass and Jack Walter of the National Trust for Historic Preservation for hosting this event, indeed, a historic event and a wonderful one to ...

Sen. Moore, Rep. Fattman trade barbs in Senate race - News ... 28, 2014 · Moreover, Mr. Fattman, who has billed this as "the quintessential race" of a reformer against the status quo, said Mr. Moore gets paid to drive to …

How Republicans Systematically Destroyed Unions In ... DeVos was listed as the 67th richest person in America by Forbes magazine in 2012 with a net worth estimated at $5.1 billion. Amway sells consumer goods such as skincare and home cleaning ...

Senator loans items to Iowa hometown | Local News ... 26, 2011 · OSAGE --- U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb., will loan many of his historical documents and artifacts of his political career for display in his hometown, which just …

How Republicans Engineered a Blow to Michigan's Powerful ... 13, 2012 · As a trained aerospace engineer, Patrick Colbeck applied his penchant for data analysis and "systematic approach" to his new job in early 2011: a Michigan state senator, recently elected and keen to create jobs in the faded industrial powerhouse.

Port lacrosse legend Cohen dies at 97 - The Island Now 02, 2016 · Harvey Cohen, a Manhasset resident and trailblazer in lacrosse in Port Washington, died on Friday, May 27, at the age of 97. Cohen, a World War II …

lectures.html - psu.edu, he is a powerful advocate for literacy, human rights and community development. Glover was the first goodwill ambassador to the United Nations Development Program, which focuses on eliminating poverty, cleaning up the environment, creating jobs and advancing the rights of woman.

Republicans in awe of Lynch's clout | Local News ... said the first step in education funding is to define the state’s responsibility. “You can’t go anywhere until you do that,” she said. “That was the court’s mandate. A constitutional amendment won’t be the first step, but I’d hesitate to rule anything off the table.

How Republicans engineered a blow to Michigan’s powerful ... 13, 2012 · Michigan was the only state in the United States to see its population fall during the previous decade and he wanted to reverse that trend. People …

Patrick Colbeck, Breitbart, Amway & Rick Snyder #EFM ... DeVos was listed as the 67th richest person in America by Forbes magazine in 2012 with a net worth estimated at $5.1 billion. Amway sells consumer goods such as skincare and home cleaning supplies through some 3 million people and its parent company had sales of $10.9 billion in 2011.

Is there anything Trump touches that isn't corrupt ... is always looking to get paid, and has never in his life seemed too concerned about what ethics or the law demanded, except insofar as it might require covering his tracks. Perhaps it would be better to ask not what Trump is involved in that's corrupt, but what Trump is involved in that isn't corrupt.

The Enigma of Bill Barr - Just Security 17, 2019 · Is Bill Barr a Justice Department “company man” who is taking a final, daunting assignment in public service to protect the Department of Justice from political interference from the president, reaffirm its legitimacy in the eyes of the public, and ensure the rule of law is upheld? Or is he a wolf in sheep’s clothing, […]

Maurepas native Kade Scivicque moves into new phase of ... native Kade Scivicque moves into new phase of career with a change of scenery ... In his two-year career at LSU, Scivicque went from a raw junior-college transfer to the starter behind ...

Pelosi Remarks Upon Presentation of Inaugural Lantos Human ... 06, 2009 · Many of us came together a generation ago when Tom Lantos invited us to join His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Capitol of the United States. He invited His Holiness, and it was the first time His Holiness would visit the Capitol. But, as Tom always told us then, it was his invitation, but it was his wife Annette’s idea.

Nunes Pretends To Be 100% Portuguese But He Isn't... There ... 28, 2018 · He's been repeatedly criticized for not holding town halls. He did hold water forums open to the public in 2016, according to public records, but questions were screened by staff. Those are the only recent public forums by Nunes in his district on record, though constituents have held town halls that he's refused to participate in.

This day in baseball history — The Cardinals are champions ... day in baseball history — The Cardinals are champions When last we looked in on the 1964 World Series, the St. Louis Cardinals and the New York Yankees were knotted at two games apiece.Author: Paul Mirengoff

NEWSMAX SIRENS: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rides Gold-Plated ... just sounds like ... understanding how the Democratic Party is going to work, now that we are the big tent party and the Republicans are the party of nothing but cousin-screwing Trump fanboys. ... so he immediately proceeded to beg and beg again for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to come on his show for a good natured debate ... since he was the ...

Uber, not for Wichita 27, 2014 · In short, the service was great. While the Uber fare was the same as what my hotel estimated for a taxi fare, there was an important difference — no tip to the Uber driver. No need for cash, no need for a taxi driver to fumble with an awkward method of accepting credit cards.

Assessment records of certain Elbert Co. officials hidden ... 26, 2015 · Neither are the records of Coroner Mike Graeff and Surveyor Keith Westfall. Rowland, who is chairman of the county commission, declined to answer questions about the county policy that Mills referenced or his reasons for keeping his own assessment information hidden on the county’s website. He referred questions to County Attorney Wade Gateley.

September 2014 | FlaglerLive Bull, No Fluff, No Smudges Your news source for Flagler, Florida and Beyond

Secret Online Influence Campaigns Are the Future of ... it only makes sense that American political operatives would take the bot game for a spin. ... a cybersecurity firm that was commissioned to write one of two reports on ... And a legitimate win ...

Decision 2016: Pressure mounts in Wis. Senate race | Front ... also recalled that one of his favorite stories from his time in the Senate involved a pair of freshman GOP senators who introduced themselves to Feingold and said they were told at orientation that he was the best senator to work with on the Democratic side.

Department of Public Safety | The Vermont Political Observer.’s number-one walking, talking conflict of interest, Mike Smith, has a bee in his bonnet. Smith, for anyone living in a spider hole, is host of Not The Mark Johnson Show on WDEV, political columnist for the Times Argus and Rutland Herald, and political analyst for WCAX-TV and for the Charlie & Ernie Show on WVMT Radio.

Florida Judge Declares New Death Penalty Law ...’s been barely eight weeks since Gov. Rick Scott signed a new law intended to fix Florida’s flawed death penalty method–a law the Legislature was forced to rewrite after the U.S. Supreme ...

Super PAC shuffle: Murphy ‘hates’ them, but family’s ... Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Jupiter, is running in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate. He has been critical of super PACs but benefits from one, Floridians for a Strong Middle Class, whose top ...

Advance Indiana™: Former Marion County Deputy Prosecutor ... attorney Joshua Claybourn posted some sad news on his Facebook page of the passing of former Marion Co. Deputy Prosecutor and Republican Party activist Terry Record of Evansville at the age of 34. Long-time readers of this blog will probably recall Record's highly-publicized and tragic fatal drunk driving arrest and conviction that claimed the life of 47-year old Jimmy Cash on the ...

John Dillon | The Vermont Political Observer. about John Dillon written by John S. Walters. SPEED was designed to be temporary, and was set to expire in 2017. It could have been extended, to be sure; but one of the House’s top energy people, my own state representative Tony Klein, has been saying for a long time that SPEED would sunset on time.

Why Do Sex Scandals Destroy Democrats But Not Republicans ... Thomas noted that the gifts from one of the donors continued after Edwards dropped out of the race, indicating they were not for campaign purposes. ... she asked him if he was the candidate ...

Size of Moulton's victory shocked observers | Local News ... has $1.3 million remaining in his campaign fund, with no election to spend it on. ... but it was well short of the 70 percent total in that city that helped carry him to his narrow win ...

Teri (@TeriLynne31) | Twitter latest Tweets from Teri (@TeriLynne31). You can't always get what you want But if you try sometimes you might find You get what you needFollowers: 150

Would Jesus support health care reform? – CNN Belief Blog 28, 2012 · Editor’s note: This piece ran earlier this year, but we’re spotlighting it now because of Thursday’s health care decision from the Supreme Court. The story generated more than 3,000 comments, including these two: David Nelson It is sad that Jesus has been demoted to being a politician.

Palm Coast Seeks to Bail on 800 Mhz ... - flaglerlive.com 19, 2015 · Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon. (© FlaglerLive) Reischmann noted in his email that the county was seeking to upgrade the 800 mhz system “in …

Costas Kataras BLOGhttps://costaskatarasorganisation.blogspot.comFor the first time media is the least trusted institution globally. In 22 of the 28 markets surveyed it is now distrusted. The demise of confidence in the Fourth Estate is driven primarily by a significant drop in trust in platforms, notably search engines and social media.

Even in West Philly, Fattah's indictment viewed harshly ... 01, 2015 · Public reaction to the indictment of U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah, an 11-term Philadelphia congressman has been harsh, even Friday in West Philadelphia where he was born and raised.

D.C. Wire - Drinks, bars and go-go in the D.C. 13, 2010 · It will be a day of partying Saturday on the D.C. campaign trail. D.C. Council member Kwame Brown (D-At large), a candidate for council chairman, plans to hit 10 gay bars in six hours Saturday night in a bar crawl sponsored by the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club. Brown, who …

CPI's response: IG's report inappropriate, unfounded ... 13, 2009 · The Commission on Public Integrity has released its response to the Inspector General’s report, calling that document’s conclusions “unfounded,” and offering a counternarrative that boils ...

Cleveland Magazine Politics: Jackson slams Lanci’s motives ... slams Lanci’s motives at contentious City Club debate Frank Jackson saved his toughest lines for the end. With an anger he’s rarely shown since his 2005 campaign, he ripped into challenger Ken Lanci’s reason for running for mayor at today’s City Club debate.

Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz - Rep. Jim Durkin - YouTube to view on Bing29:05May 08, 2008 · Jim Durkin is in his 10th year as a State Rep. He was appointed to be a State Rep. in 1995 and re-elected three times until he gave up his seat to run successfully in the 2002 Republican Primary ...Author: tonytangcomViews: 1.1K

Queens Crap: DCAS director fired for complaining about ... 01, 2017 · Mayor de Blasio avoided questions Sunday about his alleged intervention on behalf of a big campaign donor who threw two free fund-raisers for him. The Daily News broke the story on its website Saturday, revealing that a former city deputy claims he …

Above The Borderline: 11/28/10 - 12/5/10 - atbl1.blogspot.com are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ... His most famous pupil was the Abstract Expressionist Jackson Pollock; his well known Nebraska students at the Institute were Aaron Pyle and Bill Hammond. ... The figures in his works often appear cartoon-like through the way he distorts the bone and muscular structure of ...

GOP Congressman Tells Flood Victims: 'At Some ... - reddit worse some kind of troll to get liberals to mock religion creating a culture war to distract from the core problem. At best he believes it, but is so incompetent as a politician he is unable to gather a consensus except in his own divisive religious terms, meaning nothing will get resolved.

June | 2012 | No Pun Intended wasn’t perfect, but it was the most ambitious season thus far because it dealt most directly with morality—and was the least preoccupied with subject of happiness. Most of the time, Mad Men is all about happiness: Is happiness an illusion? Is it ever sustainable? Are

field negro: Caption Saturday.* 05, 2018 · But it remains to be seen whether there really was a genuine crime here or whether some kind of politically motivated hit job by a crazy wingnut prosecutor. (Remember the GOP’s mostly fabricated story about voter fraud by ACORN a few years back?

May | 2003 | Power Line | Page 5 Berg of Shot in the Dark has come up with a Minnesota DFL Deck of playing cards. My favorites are the two jokers, but the full deck does a good job of representing the Minnesota DFL ...

Murphy wants investigations of ‘troubling’ conduct by IRS 14, 2013 · Murpny Freshman Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Jupiter, today called for congressional investigations into the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of the tea party movement and other conservative groups and the Justice Department’s secret seizure of business and personal phone records from Associated Press journalists. “The news regarding the IRS is completely unacceptable.

Williams & Connolly | Above the Law 29, 2019 · Above The Law In your inbox. ... Rushing is now one of the youngest federal appeals judges to be appointed by President Trump. ... This is not welcome news for …

Round 1: DuPage County State's Attorney Bob Berlin on the ... 22, 2014 · In 2010, Collins was selected by the Chicago Law Bulletin as one of Chicago's "Top Ten" attorneys of the decade. This is not Collins' first encounter with a DuPage prosecutor. Former DuPage County State's Attorney Joe Birkett had testified before Collins and the Illinois Reform Commission on his ideas to combat public corruption.

P.S. to the Tea Party Express | PR Watch 15, 2009 · Just who is in the Tea Party movement? In the lead-up to the anti-health care reform, anti-Obama administration rally in Washington DC on September 12, the "Tea Party Express" bus tour held smaller, local rallies across the country.The Connecticut rally featured Ann Coulter and the Congress of Racial Equality's Niger Innis.The bus tour was organized by Our Country Deserves Better (OCDB), …

Budget — Press — Democratic National Alliance current state of the Bahamian economy remains one of the main topical issues within our country. The Bahamian people have endured years of negative and zero real GDP growth, a double digit unemployment rate, 25-30% youth unemployment, high national debt, high and unsustainable deficits over the last two administrations.

The Irony – GOP Claims “Voter Fraud” In States They ... 13, 2018 · Then in 2002 we had Congress pass a law that states needed to provide “provisional” ballots. This is the result of a mobile society and people get confused about where to vote. If you showed up to a precinct you weren’t supposed to vote at, you can demand a “provisional ballot” so you can have your vote counted.

A final take of the 37th Ward |’s been hard to find Ald. Emma Mitts at key moments these last few months of the 37th Ward aldermanic race, so how will that affect the outcome of Tuesday’s municipal election? Perhaps not at all, political experts say. The 15-year alderman, who is facing three challengers, was the only one missing from a West Side candidates forum held Jan. 29. . It was announced she was dealing with an ...

Today's Teamster News For August 10, 2016 | Teamsters Teamsters promise retail protests of Taylor Farms The Packer ...In what appears to be part of a long-running attempt to unionize Taylor Farms’ Tracy, Calif., facility, the Teamsters are promising to hand out leaflets at grocery stores across the country to highlight what the union says are poor working conditions at the plant.The union said the group’s representatives will hold ...

MrSpacely (@spaced_one) | Twitter latest Tweets from MrSpacely (@spaced_one): "Pumped for an outdoor rock show tonight. Will be my first time seeing @godsmack live. ##Kattfest #Shinedown"Followers: 792

The Urban Politico: Corporate Welfare or Good Business ... second instance of corporate welfare which caught my ire was the agreement over the latest farm bill, which President Obama is going to sign into law today, likely at Michigan State University, that center of agricultural higher learning better known as Moo U.

CNN Transcript - Burden of Proof: Ashcroft Hearing: Senate of Proof Ashcroft Hearing: Senate Judiciary Committee Poses Tough Questions to Attorney General Nominee Aired January 17, 2001 - 1:17 p.m. ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. ROGER COSSACK, CO-HOST: Hello and welcome to this special edition of BURDEN OF PROOF.

Pin on Heroines - pinterest.com have billions to spend on Trump's wall but not enough for Social Security and Medicare?

Questions re the Bank of Julito – Political 13, 2011 · A Luis Miramontes with the same birthdate has been charged with grand theft three times and dealing in stolen property once from 1998 to 2000. No wonder he had to couldn’t just go to a Regions or a Bank of America. And guess who is the title agent and notary at the 1st Hialeah Bank of Julito.

How a Trone Race Could Help Matthews | Seventh 27, 2016 · Kelly was the only woman who ran a viable campaign and she finished first in the primary by nearly a thousand votes. Sheila Hixson, 2014: The long-time incumbent faced a scrum of challengers for two open Delegate seats, one of whom self-financed over $400,000. But Hixson, the only female candidate, smoked everyone and had a margin of more than ...

Culver City High School - cchs.ccusd.org According to the textbook, what are the contradictory demands that Americans put on their elected officials? 2) What are the three main sources of federal revenue? 3) What did the 16 th Amendment create? 4) The income tax is generally progressive. What does this mean? Is this a far an efficient way to tax the population? Explain why or why not.

Political Resources | AT RANDOM Resources I have been involved in politics as a progressive grassroots political activist for over forty years. I started in politics when I was in junior high school, volunteering for NY Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's presidential campaign in New York City. There is …

Where do we go from here? - redstate.com 13, 2008 · If we continue to compromise, move to the left and try to please all people then our party is doomed to failure. We need to stand for something and communicate that to the American People.

Political Irony › The Ends Justify the Means? 11, 2009 · The conducted RESEARCHED cause and effects are closely followed and recorded. From the results are DEVELOPED safe production, use, victim treatment and protection. Accordingly, at the time known are the recorded and withheld “designed to harm” resultant “schedule” disabilities with their identifying symptoms and treatment.

National Organization for Marriage may face $50,000 fine ... 19, 2014 · AUGUSTA, Maine -- The National Organization for Marriage, the anti-gay marriage group that helped defeat Maine's same-sex marriage law in 2009 …

David Esrati | Esrati board meeting was yesterday. The new list of upcoming candidates still isn’t posted on the website. All five of the new candidates for the three seats on Dayton Public Schools made it on the ballot. This is a feat, because the threshold is 300 signatures. Jamie …

primary | The Not Fake News of the many reasons Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 was the common perception that the DNC had stacked the deck, fixing the primaries against Bernie Sanders so she could win them. Sanders wouldn’t have won anyway, but nobody seems to care; people focus on the wrongdoing.

One More Thing to Hate About the Republican Tax Bill - Page 3 10, 2017 · This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold.

Artists for Peace and Common Sense demonstrate against 30, 2018 · One of the organizers of the protest, the artist and educator Yasser Musa remarked, “They are now saying community training. Mr. Aragon, when it was the Israelis that made the invitation. It’s not Mr. Aragon that invited the diplomats here. It’s not Mr. Aragon that said that we are going to have community policing.

April | 2014 | Kansans For Life Blog’ U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts has taken a leadership role in battling government restrictions on health care and to that end, on Tuesday filed the “Repeal Rationing in Support of Life Act,” see video here.. This is the third in a series of bills, part of a comprehensive effort by Sen. Roberts, to prevent the federal government from limiting access to life-saving medical care for patients ...

Who Are the True Beneficiaries of a Minimum Wage Increase? 26, 2014 · The United States Congress and Administration are once again discussing the disparity of incomes and as a byproduct the need to raise the minimum wage. The lamenting over the rise in the disparity of wages will center on incomes, people will see most of the mainstream media and the Obama Administration referring to the large…

Watchdog Blog: How to End Government Secrecy to the first panel in the webcast, part of the reason is partisan politics. As noted by former Rep. Mickey Edwards (R-Okla.), it seems that some in Congress hold the President up as the leader of the party instead of the leader of a co-equal branch of government to be checked.

Moscow Mitch - Forumania was the time when we were just coming out of the recession. At these times markets naturally rebound and find their natural values without much help from the president, and indeed despite any efforts to slow it down. It's like comparing the speed of ascent during the first mile and the last mile of mounting Mt. Everest.

Law | Power Line | Page 6 05, 2018 · The fix was in because Obama was in on the wrongdoing and he was the ... The leftist hate cult known as the Southern Poverty Law Center has …

Ayatollah Ali Khamanei – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY 01, 2037 · "The first peace, which is most important, is that which is found within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."

Chelene Nightengale - Right On Daily Blog first two minutes are my buddy John from Ripon talking about why he supports her – the last three are the part you need to watch if you’re thinking about supporting her. Imagine her in the Governor’s office. (you’ll beg for Jerry Brown) And of course Nightengale has a blog that is all about her as well. Unbelievable – but not ...

Queens Crap: Is Calamus Avenue water safe to drink? 09, 2017 · Is Calamus Avenue water safe to drink? From the Queens Tribune: Ben Geremia, a 60-year resident of the street, said that, in 2015, he saw that the city Department of Design and Construction’s contractor, CAC Industries Inc., had installed a red rubber hose as a temporary water supply for his home. ... He points out that he was the only one ...

brown v. board | Footnote 11: Law and Social Science about brown v. board written by William Blake. From my blog on the Huffington Post 4/9/13.. During oral argument in the Proposition 8 case last month, Justice Anthony Kennedy said:. I think there’s… substance to the point that sociological information [about gay marriage] is new.

25 | August | 2018 | RUTHFULLY 25, 2018 · These are the same American universities where professors urge the president’s impeachment while promoting the virtues of socialism even though Venezuela, once by far the wealthiest country in Latin America, is imploding at an extraordinary pace with unheard of inflation, banknotes used for toilet paper, because of…. socialism.

Rielle Hunter, John Edwards’ Mistress Demands He Take DNA 07, 2009 · Rielle Hunter, John Edwards’ Mistress Demands He Take DNA Test to Determine Baby Daddy Hell hath no fury like a mistress’ scorn … John Edwards’ mistress demand DNA test to know who is the “Rielle” father.

2008: First Day of the Rest of the Campaign - The New York ... 25, 2007 · Since that time, he’s gone from presumed Republican heir to, as The Washington Post’s Dan Balz puts it, the candidate with “the most to prove.” But Mr. McCain is finding the silver lining in his diminished fortunes, writes Dan Nowicki of The Arizona Republic. Now he gets to run as the …

GOP pulls tweet linking Pelosi, Obama, Hitler – Raw Story pulls tweet linking Pelosi, Obama, Hitler ... phony subtitles attached to a scene from the ... The scene in question has been posted online countless times using a variety of topics as the ...

In House District 89, longtime member of St. Tammany ... 05, 2015 · St. Tammany Parish political races often boil down to a choice between different flavors of Republicanism, and the race to succeed term-limited state Rep. Tim Burns in House District 89

Advocacy group for mentally ill prisoners declines ... advocacy group representing mentally ill prisoners has declined to reopen mediation talks with the South Carolina Department of Corrections. Gloria Provost - executive director of Protection ...

Colo. governor: Tea party favorite Dan Maes defeats Scott ... 10, 2010 · DENVER — Entrepreneur Dan Maes cashed in his support from tea party patriot groups to narrowly defeat former U.S. Rep. Scott McInnis in Colorado’s GOP gubernatorial primary, sending a …

SHERIFFS, PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS -- DUTIES AND POWERS ... defense to a petition for removal the sheriff insisted he was under no duty to do detective services to discover violations of law. In reversing a decree refusing to remove the sheriff, the court held that the duties of the sheriff cannot be performed without some degree of diligence to inform himself of conditions in his …

FBI Obviously In The Tank For Dirty Email Criminal Hillary ... done yet? For real, we done yet?Hot mess zebra twats like H.A. Goodman and Donald Trump have been waiting for the day when the whole presidential campaign changes, when the FBI concludes its investigation of Hillary Clinton's emails and reveals that they are the gateway to a …

Suit seeks to toss Heise from supervisor race - HometownLife 18, 2016 · Suit seeks to toss Heise from supervisor race He neglected to fill out a box on an affidavit; suit says that should disqualify him. Check out this story on https://www ...

Charlottesville: How Complicit Are The Rest Of Us ... How Complicit Are The Rest Of Us? The question I ask myself, and every white American who affirms our country's promise of equality, is this: will we continue to passively accept ...

Live from Des Moines, it’s Ted Cruz | Power Line 22, 2015 · Cruz then brought the hammer down when he stated that there are 43 images of Moses and the Ten Commandments in the Supreme Court courtroom. Both wins were 5-4. A single vote flips a victory to a …

Tim Scott calls on Virginia to address its 'obvious ... Sen. Tim Scott waited until the last two minutes of his 20-minute speech at the Charleston County GOP Black History banquet Friday night to condemn the latest racial scandal to rock American ...

Sparks mayor gives final State of the City speech - rgj.com 25, 2018 · Martini, who is the longest-serving mayor in Sparks, said the speech won’t be the traditional State of the City address. ... As the population continues to grow, the city will need to …

No White House Wedding for Jenna - Townhall 31, 2007 · No White House Wedding for Jenna ... "This sounds like a dream — and it started that way — but it is now becoming a reality," she noted in recent days, referring to the Ares I rocket, which ...

Therapeutic Cloning is Pro-Life - Capitalism Magazine 19, 2001 · The false premise that a human embryo is a human being comes up in the cloning debate in different guises, the most common being the assertion that “life begins at conception.” Often spoken like a mantra, it appears to have a calming effect on the speaker, settling the issue in his mind.

American Gospel: The Parable of the Strong Goats and the ... 21, 2009 · "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the goats…

driller_HS (u/driller_HS) - Reddit is this take even for? Republicans will continue to love him because it triggers the libs, and leftist democrats don't give a single fuck about the military. Is this for the same neoliberal scum that worships decorum and "the discourse"? Not giving a fuck about the military is literally the coolest thing Trump has done in his presidency.

Bread, Circuses & 2014 American Electoral Politics ... the Democrats it was the 60’s, with presidents like LBJ, the great society and the civil rights act of 1865 and for the Republicans it was the 80’s, with presidents like Ronald Reagan, cutting of government spending and Reaganomics.

$25 Million: The Price Tag of the Mueller Witch Hunt So 16, 2018 · The Department of Justice released the latest financial documents in regards to the Mueller investigation on Friday, and they aren’t pretty. American taxpayers have thus far shelled out no less than $25 million to keep this witch hunt going, and there’s apparently no end in sight. While Robert Mueller and his band of angry Democrats […]

Nevada Progressive: State of the City, State of the Soul said he wanted the community to know Henderson was the safest and best place to live in the valley, despite the effects the dire economy has had on the city. Hafen also addressed the opening of TH Foods' manufacturing plant here in Henderson, as well as the new Union Village health care and mixed-use development set to break ground this year.

July | 2013 | It's Good to Live in a Two-Daily Town our Walt Whitman desk Hey, kids! Mark your calendars! It’s Day Two of the Great Herald Radio Countdown. As the hardreading staff noted yesterday, the Boston Herald devoted two full pages of Monday’s edition to the gala announcement of an Internet radio stream that will debut next week.What we neglected to mention, however, was that one-half of Monday’s Page One was devoted to the ...

Real-estate interests spend $92K to help elect candidates ... 17, 2016 · The political action committee of the National Association of Realtors has poured $92,486 into the Berkeley election in recent weeks, with almost two-thirds of that going to support Laurie ...

Why Gary Johnson Isn't Going to Find Many Progressives Who ... are far more interested in deregulation and tax cuts for the wealthy than any liberal social issues. Last week, the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee Gary Johnson and his ...

Welchko earns spot as Patton’s next mayor | News | tribdem.com Gary Ceschini, who is finishing his first term in the position, opted not to run for re-election. Della Valle earned a spot on Tuesday’s ballot through write-ins during May’s primary.

Links for 11/28/18 | NCR 28, 2018 · Last Sunday was the feast of Christ the King, which was instituted by Pope Pius XI in large part as a Catholic antidote to nationalism. If your priest missed that in his …

Cuomo taps Astorino rival for NY elections board | Here taps Astorino rival for NY elections board ... was the longtime Westchester County executive until he was ousted in 2009 by Republican Rob Astorino, the current county executive who is now ...

Jim Armstrong: Jesus or Zane Grey? Christians need to ... of this we would now call the “liberal agenda,” but at the time it was the Christian agenda. Men and women of the Progressive era were mindful of Matthew 25, where Jesus says that those ...

Warning signs for Obama on road to 270 | Palmetto Politics ... signs for Obama on road to 270 ... “I don’t think there’s been any better dress rehearsal for a presidential election than what’s going on in Wisconsin right now,” said Rich ...

Do Not Ridicule That Lady Who Regrets Voting For Trump ... 19, 2017 · Sherri Underwood now knows she voted for a demagogue, she's trying to spread the word, and she wants to stop Trump in his tracks. And we really need to let her help with that effort! Trump's approval ratings are the opposite of tremendous in a historic way, with polls showing that only somewhere between 37% and 40% of voters even like the man ...

Director Of National Intelligence Does Not Deny Trump ... 23, 2017 · In the hearing Tuesday morning, Coats did not confirm that Trump had tried to play grab-ass with him like that, but he didn't NOT confirm it either. McCain asked the question, and this was the reply: Coats responds to report Trump asked him to push back against FBI's Russia probe: Not "appropriate to characterize discussions" w/president.

Insurance companies and politics.? | Yahoo Answers 05, 2010 · Insurance companies are the biggest scams on earth. They lobby politicians to enact laws forcing citizens to purchase their products. I've never, ever had an auto insurance claim. I have enough assets to cover just about any at fault accident I am involved in; yet I am forced to pay a company for a policy every 6 months.Status: ResolvedAnswers: 11

Just Following Orders: Overdue Oversight and Unanswered ... 08, 2018 · Nearly three months after the Trump administration’s family separation policy began and over one month after a public outcry led to its end, Congress finally held its first hearing on the subject on July 31. It was a necessary step, but not nearly enough. In its wake are many unanswered questions.

Dinesh D’Souza locks horns with Preet Bharara after Trump ... 01, 2018 · Renowned Indian-American author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza, who was sentenced to five years of probation in 2014 for violating federal campaign …

dold-schneider-polls-apart-in-10th-district-race-both ... 14, 2016 · If you want to know who is leading the race seat between former Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Deerfield) and Rep. Robert Dold (R-Kenilworth) for the 10th Congressional District in the November 8 general election just ask their pollster. They will tell you it is their candidate. A poll showing Dold with a seven point lead was released October 13 by the National Republican Campaign Committee two …

Reader Poll: Which Democrat is Most Vulnerable to a ..., donors and politicos are already gearing up for next year’s midterm elections, including many candidates looking to challenge congressional incumbents in the primary. A couple of weeks ago, we asked our readers which of Pa.’s 13 GOP congressmen is most vulnerable to a primary ...

PAC money builds in Maine gay-marriage battle - Portland ... — While the outcome of November’s statewide referendum on gay marriage is very much up in the air, one thing is certain: Millions of dollars will be spent to influence voters ...

South Carolina split on offshore drilling while Trump's ... Carolina split on offshore drilling while Trump's disapproval rises, new poll shows ... according to a new ... who is now at odds with his base on this issue at a time when he's trying to ...

Armenia | Freedom House is a source and, to a lesser extent, destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex and labor trafficking. The government has made efforts to address the problem, including by initiating a national plan of action, identifying more victims, and setting up a compensation fund for trafficking victims.

Search WikiLeaks Tor is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to.. In order to use the WikiLeaks public submission system as detailed above you can download the Tor Browser Bundle, which is a Firefox-like browser available for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux and pre-configured to connect using the ...

Can St. Bernard’s David Perlata use campaign cash for ... 31, 2015 · Embattled St. Bernard Parish President David Peralta’s attorney wants to know whether his client can use campaign funds to pay legal fees. A state grand jury indicted Peralta in May on charges ...

Rep. Duncan Hunter used campaign funds for affairs ... Rep. Duncan Hunter used campaign funds to pay for extramarital affairs with lobbyists and congressional staffers, prosecutors in California alleged in a court filing Monday.

Editorial: Palm Springs ‘puff piece’ dustup black eye for ... 26, 2019 · Editorial: Palm Springs political ‘puff piece’ dustup a black eye for candidate, the media. Not disclosing paid for status of favorable cover story looks bad on

Recruiting and nominating candidates Educating the voters ... and nominating candidates -Educating the voters about important issues -Helping Candidates win elections-Monitoring actions of officeholders What are the two parties? Republican- Conservative (doesn’t like change. likes things how they are, or used to be) Smaller role of govt. Democrat- Liberal (likes change) Sees govt action as a way to solve problems Third Parties - rarely win ...

ELECTION 2014: Doud Runs Again; More 2014 is a weekly roundup of campaign news and notes about the 2014 municipal and state elections. To submit an item, email [email protected]. • She waited until the nomination period ...

Ethics complaint against council candidate Maestas moves ...’s complaint accuses Maestas of violating city campaign-finance disclosure laws because he did not include $600 worth of expenditures for a robocall, placards and banners in his November ...

Montana GOP split on bills to shed light on 'dark money ... — A Republican lawmaker said Monday that more campaign disclosure is needed to rein in so-called "dark money" flooding elections — the latest in an effort that so far has been met with ...

Dr Dean Hart: Running for NY assembly to curb corruption Dean Hart is running for New York Assembly District 15, in which Hicksville, the Little India, falls. A retired optometrist and businessman, Dr Hart, 58, has entered politics to act against corruption in Albany. The Glen Head resident ran unopposed in the Democratic primary. His opponent is the incumbent Michael Montesano, a Republican.

Bucshon has commanding money lead | Local News | tribstar.com U.S. Rep. Larry D. Bucshon of Newburgh has a commanding lead in campaign funds over fellow Republican Andrew McNeil of Freedom for the May 6 primary election, according to

Democrat Wolf holds big cash advantage over Wagner in Pa ... — Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf began June with a nearly 10-to-1 cash advantage over Republican challenger Scott Wagner in Wolf’s bid for a second term in November, according to

Candidate says no merit to complaint | News | polkio.com COUNTY — Mike Nearman, the Republican candidate for Oregon House District 23 — elections results were posted Tuesday night after press time — responded to an ethics complaint filed against him in a letter to voters last week. The election mailer sent out just days before Tuesday’s ...

Florida Politics - Campaigns & Elections. Lobbying ... Politics is a statewide, new media platform covering campaigns, elections, government, policy, and lobbying in Florida. This platform and all of its content are owned by Extensive ...

Departing deputy corrections commissioner says she’s under ... PAUL — A departing top official with the Minnesota Department of Corrections says she’s being investigated for improper lobbying on state time — an allegation she denies and calls

Martin O'Malley heading to Charleston to stump for two S.C ... O'Malley, the former Maryland governor who made a run for president in 2016, will be in Charleston this month to campaign for two South Carolina Democrats. O'Malley will be in …

James Mueller rolls to victory in South Bend mayoral ... 08, 2019 · You are the owner of this article. ... who is in his eighth and last year as mayor and is in the midst of a run for president, formally endorsed Mueller in February and appeared in a television ad ...

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress about ... YORK (AP) — Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former lawyer, made a surprise appearance before a federal judge in New York on Thursday and …

Schultz's Take: Tu Madre! Trump’s Crueler and Coarser America Madre! Trump’s Crueler and Coarser America ... As Abraham Lincoln beautifully said in his Second Inaugural speech regarding the South: ... my loan amount of $70,000.00 dollars to my account am so happy and i want to use this medium to advice every one who is in need of loan or You have been scam in the past worry no more contact the very ...

‘Mission Accomplished!’ Dems ‘Shame’ Jackson Out of the ... 30, 2018 · Gone are the days of allowing for a civilized and professional hearing in which a candidate is allowed to answer questions about their qualifications. Perhaps Tester should have an opportunity to explain to voters why Alexander Soros , the son of liberal billionaire George Soros, invested in his last campaign and gave $650,000 in total to ...

Focus is on tourism at Sangre Grande Corporation, who is a diver, survived being swept out to sea along the North Coast while fishing in April. At right is Terry Rondon, chairman of the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation. He highlighted the Tamana caves as an area that needs development as he claims they are the only place in the country that has white bats. “We want to promote it.

BOMBSHELL: Watergate legend Carl Bernstein caught in ... most Americans alive today, journalist Carl Bernstein is unknown to them. But once upon a time, he was a legend, a giant in his industry – at least to the Democratic Left. It was 1972 and Bernstein was a young reporter working for a very regional newspaper at the time, The Washington Post. He […]

Maddox raises $93K in race for superintendent 13, 2015 · Maddox raises $93K in race for superintendent. Tallahassee City Commissioner Scott Maddox has raised more campaign cash than any of the other local candidates, taking in more than $93,000 in his ...

Complaint filed against District 43 candidate Tom Brewer ... citizen has filed a complaint with the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission against Tom Brewer, who is running for the Nebraska Legislature in the 43rd District. In his complaint ...

Government waste is alive and well in California - SFGate to his calendar, Newsom has been averaging about one day per week in his Sacramento office. Other than the rare opportunity to cast a tie-breaking vote when the state Senate is knotted ...

A Children's Treasury Of Conservative Reactions To This ..., Michelle Obama went to help out at a soup kitchen for homeless people on Thursday! And while she was there,the AP took a photo of this guy taking a cellphone photo of Michelle's very famous arms. So now America's conservative pundits are very upset that this supposedly homeless man has a teleph...

Who's behind this new flyer opposing Baton Rouge's 1-cent ... voters in East Baton Rouge last week received flyers in the mail urging them to reject the three propositions that make up a 1-cent sales tax earmarked for the parish school district. It’s ...

Life History Grid for Adolescents - EBSCO Information importance of the initial interview is well-known, as are the difficulties encountered when the client is an adolescent who is a reluctant participant. The initial interview begins with the client and practitioner sitting together at a small desk with a large ruled sheet of paper.

News – Page 28 – Government Executive Consulting Services; News; Uncategorized; All ‘I haven’t abandoned my principles’: Hogan ‘It’s disgraceful’: Pressure grows on Metro board member over role in Evans probe

Conrad Republican proposes bills on anonymous campaign ... – A Republican lawmaker said Monday that more campaign disclosure is needed to rein in so-called “dark money” flooding elections – the latest in an effort that so far has been met ...

Voters reject D.C. mayor, catapult councilwoman to fore of ... 02, 2014 · City councilor Muriel Bowser bested D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray in the Democratic primary, ending his bid for a second term. Gray's administration has …

Kasperek working to overcome obstacles in Democratic ... his own admission, Kyle Kasperek has some significant obstacles to overcome in his desire to win a seat in the Illinois House of Representatives.

Democrats’ primary a dilemma for unions | Regional ... – In 2002, the clock hadn’t even struck 12:01 a.m. before Pennsylvania’s labor unions had given well beyond $1 million to Bob Casey, the rising star of the state Democratic Party who nevertheless went on to lose the gubernatorial primary to Ed Rendell six months later in a race that ...

Some legislative candidates not reporting financials ... are the owner of this article. ... an 18-year-old freshman at Niagara University who is involved in her first-ever election campaign, will appear on the Republican line in the November general ...

Girls' Basketball Coach Fired For Boobs That Are Too ... in "dumb and kind of sexist ways to get fired from your job because of Facebook," we submit one Laraine Cook, erstwhile girls' basketball coach from Pocatello High School in Idaho. Coach Cook, for a full 24 hours in July, had that picture over there of her and her fiance with his hand on her b...

GoLocalProv | Rob Horowitz: Cicilline, Obama will Win in 2012 27, 2011 · At the end of the day this race will be more about national issues and who is best to fight for the middle class, than about whether the former Providence Mayor was less than candid in his ...

Walkergate: The Caucus Scandal Rides A Harley - cogdis.me Rhodes Engels turned up again in 2010, but not as a fund raiser for the Fitzgeralds. Instead, she was one of the many GOP operatives that went along with Walker for that infamous motorcycle tour of the state to promote Walker's campaign tourism: Two people not talking about any controversy are Judy Rhodes-Engels and her daughter.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Feral Cat Lovers Offer to Help ... 27, 2013 · Feral Cat Lovers Offer to Help Hanover Township ... In his six years as Manager, he can recall only one incident in which the Township ever made an effort to remove a cat from someone's home. A home health care worker brought a stray cat into a residence, and the cat began attacking him. ... But as the meeting wore on, it soon became evident ...

District 4 | Seventh was the spring of 2008. Five-term County Council Member Marilyn Praisner, who had represented District 4 since 1990, had passed away and eight candidates were running for her seat. One of them was a woman. One of them was a person of color born in another country. Her name was Nancy Navarro.

Empty Podium Poses Test of Bloomberg's Popularity - The ... 06, 2005 · Since his days as a rookie candidate in 2001, when his capacity to put his foot in his mouth was noticeable, Mr. Bloomberg has developed a comfortable stage presence and a …

Trump Foreign Policy | Power Line his opening sentence, Igantius claims that Trump “start[ed] the fight” with Iran. ... He is an exemplary public official and a great patriot. ... This is a president who rages against Fox ...

The Illusion of Freedom by Chris Hedges | zaidpub a corporate media ignores the decay to perpetuate the fiction of a functioning democracy, a reviving economy and a glorious empire. The essential component of totalitarian propaganda is artifice. The ruling elites, like celebrities, use propaganda to create false personae and a …

More on Aaron Alexis and the Navy Yard Shootings [Updated] 17, 2013 · More information has been flowing in on the Navy Yard shootings, and as usual, it turns out that much of the early news about the incident was …

Obama’s Witness for the Prosecution | The American ..., 63, who has been on the D.C. Circuit—known for being one of the more conservative of the federal appeals courts in the system—for 19 years, is described as the embodiment of ...

In Wyoming's gubernatorial election, the oil and gas vote ... head of one of Casper’s most well-known oil and gas firms strongly endorsed Sam Galeotos for governor in a recent letter to the editor published in the Cody Enterprise. Galeotos has the ...

Heart of the Primaries, Republicans-Issue 27 (August 6 ...,_Republicans-Issue_27_(August_6,_2018)In his bid for a full term as governor of Kansas, Incumbent Jeff Colyer (R) faces six challengers. Colyer and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R) are campaigning against the backdrop of two significant events from 2017: the Legislature's reversal of several tax cuts enacted by former Gov. Sam Brownback (R) in 2012, and a Kansas Supreme ...

George Weeks: Benishek and Cannon allied on vets | Columns ... Weeks, a member of the Michigan Journalism Hall of Fame, for 22 years was the political columnist for The Detroit News and previously with UPI as Lansing bureau chief and foreign editor in ...

John Gardner on Leadership :: Biography Leadership ... best known as the founder of the lobby Common Cause, he was the author of several best-selling books on the themes of achieving personal and societal excellence. ... This excerpt from John Gardner's Grendel shows one of the many issues he deals with in his satire of man, and that is the issue of the use of violence in society. Gardner ...

Perseverance and chance mark the Lower Providence ... 21, 2011 · Jason Sorgini is a registered Republican, endorsed for one of the two open Board of Supervisors seats by the local Republican committee in the spring, who is …

Who is Tim Kaine/ Surprise Surprise | The Will County News Career Woman on the Lies of Feminism She Learned Too…

Political Corruption – Page 23 – LOSTMESSIAH was nothing convoluted about it. What was labyrinthine, however, was the maneuvering of the justice system to further victimize rather than prosecute. Judge Dwyer has proven himself an invaluable tool for a Borough Park community. For the Hasidic abuse victims in his courtroom their is little if …

"Americans Are Sick to Death of Both Parties: Why Our ..., the really really high rollers play the political parties against each other to get what they want, as the political parties frankly engage in gladiator sport as the peasants watch, having really no voice, and many falling hook, line and sinker for the propaganda.

Jeff Burdick - Ballotpedia Burdick (Democrat) is a candidate for California's 7th Congressional District in the U.S. House. The general election is on November 3, 2020. The primary election is on March 3, 2020. Burdick completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2019. Click here to read the survey answers. I ...

Re-framing, Part 2 (Money In Politics Edition) - Granite Grok 04, 2019 · In a recent post, I wrote about the importance of “framing the conversation.” I cited a segment on Tucker Carlson’s show in which he debated a Bernie Sanders surrogate over the Green New Deal. In response to my post, a Grok reader added some remarks in the comments section. Nice effort at muddying the waters. … Re-framing, Part 2 (Money In Politics Edition) Read More »

Iranian People's Struggle for Freedom: Part VII ,Urban ... 01, 2010 · After the MI6 / CIA coup of 1953, the Liberal groups as well as the Iranian communist party (Tudeh party) continued to lose their valuable assets (people). In 1958, Khosrow Roozbeh, who was the ...

Coral Gables Police Chief faces firing for fudging crime 09, 2014 · Cabrera must be wondering where Balsera was last year when the former commissioner was the only voice on the issue. ... But it’s not like this has not been part of the culture at the City Beautiful. The police chief, after all, was hired by former City ... Coral Gables Police Chief faces firing for fudging crime facts added by Ladra on ...

Jesus Didn’t Die for My Sins | A (or One) Skeptic 31, 2013 · Jesus, who is a remarkable prophet and an admirable historical figure, didn't die for my sins. Because I've never sinned. Which is not to say that I've never made mistakes. I've made plenty, although not as many as the Catholic Church. No, I've never sinned because sinning, by definition, is violating the will of God. …

Schwartz, McCord plot 'ground game' to thwart Wolf's aura ... 17, 2014 · Schwartz and McCord tout their "ground game" - the less glitzy but arguably more important organizational machines to get Democrats to the polls. Wolf's "inevitability," they suggest, may be …

JP Election Brief: Tough primary competition sends some ... 05, 2014 · The three justices are up for a yes/no retention vote in August 2014. Their coordinated effort, called Keep Tennessee Courts Fair, is an attempt to rebuff a challenge from Tennessee State Senate Speaker Ron Ramsey, who is campaigning to unseat them.

Theodore Dziuba - Ballotpedia Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Madison lawyer Bill Dixon gets the Hollywood treatment in ... 12, 2018 · Bill Dixon won’t be running to see Jason Reitman’s film “The Front Runner.” Even though he’s in it. The film, which opened Tuesday in New York and Los Angeles and is scheduled to open in Madison on Nov. 21, recounts the implosion of Colorado Senator Gary Hart’s presidential campaign in ...

Ivey explores all options for prisons | State Capital ... legislative session that ended last month was the second in a row where proposals to borrow $800 million or more to build multiple prisons died. ... “They trust the person who is closest to ...

What history does Valerie Jarrett know? Are there any 07, 2014 · The article is about a group of Obama’s closest friends in Chicago, among whom are Valerie Jarrett (now Obama’s senior White House adviser) and a black man named Martin Nesbitt who is now a real estate estate. Nesbitt’s wife is Dr. Anita Blanchard. Alas, the NYT article does NOT say that Dr. Blanchard had delivered Obama’s daughters.

One Texan had a breakout night. The other had the roughest ... lot of them are undocumented immigrants, right?” Castro’s stance will no doubt be described as “open borders” by President Donald Trump and other Republicans. But the best evidence that he had hit his mark was the fact that other Democratic contenders were …

US Firm Accuses Huawei of Enlisting Chinese Professor to ... 12, 2019 · CNEX’s allegations last week are the latest in a trial dating to 2017. One of CNEX’s co-founders, Ronnie Huang, had worked for a Huawei subsidiary in Texas, but left in …

Bailey Nelson elected to All State Band | Dairyland Peach ... 21, 2018 · Bailey Nelson has been playing trumpet at Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa (BBE) High School for six years. She was among 25 trumpet players chosen to play in the 2018-19 Minnesota Music Educators Association (MMEA) All State Band, after a rigorous audition process this spring. Nelson is …

Timing Is Everything – GOP Edition - nystateofpolitics.com GOP spokesman Alex Carey insisted neither of those scenarios are the case, although he did confirm a shuffling of the convention order is being considered. Carey said the main issue is timing (apparently, the Sheraton needs the room the GOP is using on the afternoon of the third day) and a desire to spread out the excitement, so to speak.

INN welcomes new members, Pt. 1: Mission & State, Montana ... 29, 2013 · After several years and a few different iterations, the proposal won grants from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, contingent upon matching local funds, which were raised. Then, an advisory board and search committee were formed to hire an editor. I got wind of the project through Laurie Ochoa, who is a great editor at the LA Times.

Tea Party, a Fringe Element? Hardly, The Tea Party 28, 2010 · Tea Party, a Fringe Element? Hardly, The Tea Party Movement is Of, By and For the People Barack Obama, THE TEA PARTY IS WE THE PEOPLE … Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Democrats and their spin doctor propagandists can …

'Someone's puppet:' Trump under fire for echoing Russian ... dont recall ever saying that, but this far right shift is more a phenomena of the old. Hell, the average Fox viewer is something like 70. Young Trumpistas are the exception, not the rule. And yes, it was the Boomers that even pushed the Democratic Party right with the 3rd way.

Ten races where Mitt Romney could sink GOP candidates ... races where Mitt Romney could sink GOP candidates ... Even though the state has a large bloc of independents — and Brown is one of the most independent Republicans in the Senate — a ...

The Washington Post keeps shilling for Antifa | Power Line Washington Post made an editorial decision to label 'racist' President Trump's tweet suggesting that four radical, America-bashing congresswomen leave the country. The tweet isn't racist, and ...

Conservative activist D'Souza brings his message to ... — A steady stream of area residents filed into the Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts Saturday evening to listen to author, filmmaker and conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza at

How the Republican Establishment Is Raising So Much Money,9171,2019611,00.htmlSep 16, 2010 · On the 12th floor are the offices of American Crossroads, which plans to spend more than $50 million influencing the midterm elections. American Crossroads was the brainchild of a group of top Republican insiders, including two of George W. Bush's closest White House political advisers, Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie, both of whom remain informal ...

Reporter's Notebook; Southern Republicans Pick Gov. Bush ... 02, 1998 · Reporter's Notebook column on Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Biloxi, Miss, where Texas Gov George Bush won straw poll for party's Presidential nominee of 2000; photo (M)

Gov. Jindal's Republican Governors Association is big ... 25, 2013 · You are the owner of this article. ... The RGA has also provided $1.7 million to help incumbent New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie in his race against ... who is running in Virginia, one of ...

Republicans criticize union they pocket cash from | Local ... - When a major union endorsed Democrat Alexi Giannoulias in his bid for U.S. Senate, Republicans were quick to point out the union's strong ties to disgraced former Gov.

‘Shut Up’ & Enjoy the Economic Impact of the Denny, the Brooks camp monitors their sales, so they KNOW who is purchasing the tickets, so here are the numbers we ‘are being told’; While roughly 60 percent of the tickets sold were from the region, Semrau says more than 40,000 attendees will be visiting Sioux Falls specifically for Garth’s shows.

Supreme Court rules for white firefighters over promotions ... 29, 2009 · You are the owner of this article. ... one of a group of African-American firefighters in New Haven who are at the center of a controversy over promotions, stands in front of the firehouse where ...

Catfishing with Republican Cory Gardner - The 23, 2014 · One of the San Diego Chargers is Manti Te’o, the Notre Dame linebacker duped into an engagement with a woman who never existed and who reportedly died during the season. Amy Runyon-Harms, executive director of ProgressNow Colorado, said Gardner is catfishing Colorado in his attempt to unseat Democratic Sen. Mark Udall.

Save Flushing Queens: Candidate Profiles District 20 by ... this pageThe verdict: Peter Koo is probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet, but his political party puts him at a distinct disadvantage. In his previous campaign against the incumbent Democratic State Senator, he was crushed by a wide margin even withhis community ties and popularity.

Christie Vilsack draws A-list support from out of state ... MOINES | In a campaign attracting big money, Iowa 4th congressional candidate Christie Vilsack, an Ames Democrat, is getting help from some well-known out-of-state donors in her bid to oust ...

Latest WorldNews | USAToday | Russian News | SyriaUpdates is new york nyc sites new york vs new york city new york it nyc in october new york new yorker web shop new york estate new york sites nyc go the new york . new you trips to new york ew york city is new york city in new york state welcome to new york..york news what is in new york city www donald trump where is newyork is new york.

Rendell proposes slew of changes - inquirer.com - In the Capitol-wide race to improve government accountability and openness, Gov. Rendell yesterday saw the legislature's bid and raised it - dramatically.

Maggie's Notebook: Hugh Wiggins is Pamela Long Wiggins ... 12, 2009 · Hugh Wiggins is Pamela Long Wiggin's husband, although she is in jail on charges of bigamy, among other things, so the marriage may not be legal. We've known that Patrick Poff Gonzalez is a close friend of Pamela, but didn't know about a hard connection or friendship between Patrick and Hugh. See updates 8-20-09 10-25-09 below.

U.S. Sen. Mark Udall creates a buzz on BuzzFeed - The 14, 2014 · U.S Sen. Mark Udall today showcased his previous life climbing 14ers with a 14-point list on BuzzFeed that mixes summits and senatorial life — and might even be more interesting than any ad his campaign is planning. “For Mark Udall, standing up …

Google News - Overview“Joe Biden has been running for president and losing since the '80s. 2020 won't be any different,” Michael Ahrens, a spokesman for the Republican National Committee, said.

Stan Sniff Update: A 2008 Article that did NOT age well ... 12, 2018 · Obviously he was the worst choice for that job based on your previous blog. As well as countless other instances of abusing his authority, taking equipment home to play with, and allowing civilians hands-on access to military grade technology in the hopes it could be reverse engineered to make Bob Epps richer.

Barking at Politicians – Page 12 – Political 27, 2014 · Ed Tobin wants city to bend rules for him to be a Beach cop. By Ladra on October 27, 2014 Barking at Politicians, Fresh Colada . UPDATED: Miami Beach Commissioner Ed Tobin, who is termed out in 2015 and has always wanted to be a police officer when he grows up, is asking his colleagues to waive the two year requirement before he can apply to the city’s police force.

Chicago 2 Author/Date - rollin2019aplangper2 has shown that he knows what he is doing and always seems to take the high road on disagreements, although he worked along side of Trump, “The Vietnam war hero was one of the most outspoken Republican critics of Mr Trump from the very start of his candidacy (N/A 2018).

Changing Bronx Politics (CBP): Yudelka Tapia Joining ... has been rallying up troops from Castro's camp, which for better or worse, remain active in community issues. Recently, Congressman Rangel was the guest speaker at the William Jefferson Clinton Democratic Club, which she serves as one of its leaders.

Maggie's Notebook: Frank Lombard is Duke Professor Gay ... 04, 2009 · The informant said, according to court papers, that Lombard, who is white, said that he lived in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina and that the child was one of two adopted African-Americans in his custody.

Civil unions: Sponsor still upset with former Colorado 14, 2013 · When the governor called for the passage of civil-unions in his State of the State speech, lawmakers Pat Steadman and Amy Stephens expected cameras trained on them, clicking away. And no wonder. Sen. Steadman is a gay Denver Democrat who is again sponsoring the civil-unions measure, which will be heard next Wednesday. Rep.

Democrats rally support, grapple with problems Democrats rally support, grapple with problems “I think this generation, my generation, is not only taking over the state, it is taking over the party and it is bringing excitement.”

Harper Nomination Sails Through Judiciary Committee | CT ... from New Haven, including a group of students from James Hillhouse High School, turned out Friday to watch the legislature’s Judiciary Committee ask Appellate Court Justice Lubbie Harper...

Westmoreland Seeks APS School Board District 3 Seat 24, 2013 · As of the March 31, 2013 disclosure, Westmoreland had raised some 28,141 dollars, one of the largest amounts of any APS candidate this year, although less than Leslie Grant, who is running for APS BOE District 1. Westmoreland graduated from Grady High School in 2006, where he served as Editor of the Southerner student newspaper.

The Wave Of Roses: Ocasio-Cortez Defeats Crowley In ... 27, 2018 · After the first televised debate on June 15th, Crowley dismissed Alexandria by sending a surrogate in his place to a planned debate against his then-challenger. Emma Vigeland and Ryan Grim of TYT were at Ocasio-Cortez’s headquarters as the race was called. Emma was able to interview Cortez after the candidate expressed her gratitude to ...

DownWithTyranny!: Will Steve Israel's PA-08 CIA Agent ... 16, 2014 · For Romanoff's mother, Gayle Caplan, it was the first time she had given to a federal candidate other than her son and President Obama. When contacted at home in California on Sunday, Caplan said, "I don't talk to reporters," and hung up. Bera's parents were …

Bad news blackout | WORLD News Group"The Gore campaign admitted that he lifted those costs not from his family's bills, but from a House Democratic study, and that Gore misused even those numbers," Mr. Robinson reported. The story broke on a Monday morning, but CBS was the first to discover it, on Wednesday night, with NBC airing it …

justice | American Judicial Alliance first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court was the president of the American Bible Society. Who was he? John Jay, who died MAY 17, 1829. A member of the Continental Congress, even serving as its president, John Jay signed the Treaty of Paris with Franklin and Adams, ending the Revolutionary War.

Independent Agencies Archives - Law & Liberty might naively believe that these groups had the same free speech rights as the institutional press, but the entire thrust of left-liberal campaign jurisprudence is to provide constitutional protection to legislation that gives different rights to the press and citizens. · Web viewSenator Winfield was the lead sponsor of legislation to abolish the death penalty. He led the fight to pass an abolition bill in 2009, resulting in the first passage of an abolition bill by both the House and Senate. In 2012 Winfield again led the push that resulted in abolition of the death penalty.

Deep secrets of racial profiling (1) | Power Line 31, 2015 · These are the deep secrets of racial profiling: (1) Statistical racial disparities permeate every stage of the criminal justice system, from arrest to conviction to incarceration and sentencing.

Ahead of expected Senate run, Gov. Scott unveils new super ... of expected Senate run, Gov. Scott unveils new super PAC. ... “This is the perfect opportunity to do things differently. ... excessive regulations are the number one thing that keeps our ...

RICHARD WOLFFE book on Obama reelect, out Sept. 17, plays ... WOLFFE book on Obama reelect, out Sept. 17, plays up D.C. vs. Chicago tension -- WIKILEAKER BRAD MANNING wants to be a woman: ‘I am Chelsea Manning’ – …

Implosion – HRP Style, part 1 – Everything Political “We’re hemorrhaging donors” would be accurate if we had donors in the first place. “$192 through mid-March is not enough to sustain operating costs” is her gross understatement. Rohlfing and Music Man James won’t let anyone, get this, who isn’t Mormon handle the accounting. Their call but, just saying, weird and scary.

Trump: Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah 'Speech To Congress Or ... 01, 2017 · Well, here we are. Donald Trump, President of America, is addressing Congress, as the President. Of America. There has been "news" today about how maybe he will soften on immigration, and then it turned out he was being John Barron again his own "senior administration official"-- yes, after allllll that bitching about how the media shouldn't be able to use unnamed sources, yes, correct -- and ...

Pulse of the Peninsula: ‘Political revolution’ could ... 07, 2016 · Pulse of the Peninsula: ‘Political revolution’ could backfire. By. ... I had little to report from Bernie’s rally on his policies or agenda in his speech, which was virtually word for word ...

Boone County Watchdog: 06/12/16 of his chief advisors, John Ehrlichman, admitted in 1994 that “we knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.

Limbaugh Doubles Up: Denounces GOP ... - vdare.com, you're gonna pay a price like you haven't seen. We're gonna make this country hate every one of you. You may win, but we're gonna make everybody hate you and think you are the most despicable enemy this country has ever had. And when the party's not made up of a lot of fighters...

Live from Omaha, it’s Warren and Charlie | Power Line 01, 2016 · He said that he drinks the product in moderation and really enjoys it. Charlie Munger piped in that whenever such accusations are made, one needs to look at the benefits as Warren did in his …

If Ted Cruz Hates Dildos So Much, Then What's This In His ... 14, 2017 · We got this screengrab on the FIRST TRY. God is good. You guys, Ted Cruz loves dildos. LOVES THEM. Like, if he only got to take one thing to a desert island, it would be Heidi Cruz Campbell's soup, but if he got to take TWO things to a desert island, the second would be Heidi Cruz dildos. CNN's Dana Bash yanked this information out of the senator's mouth in an interview about his …

From Russiagate To Ukrainegate - usbreakingnews.net by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation, With the “Russiagate” hoax proving to be the “most fraudulent political scandal in American history,” a

What the U.S. can relearn from British politics the results, though, there is a deeper reality about British politics today. Thanks to an invitation from Oxford University, I had a front-row seat for much of the campaign.

The Early Edition: May 10, 2016 - Just Security 10, 2016 · Before the start of business, Just Security provides a curated summary of up-to-the-minute developments at home and abroad. Here’s today’s news. IRAQ and SYRIA Syria peace process. The Syrian government extended the ceasefire by another 48 hours on Monday, in spite of which fierce fighting has so-far continued in the city of Aleppo.

7-26-16 Morning News Roundup – The Nicole Sandler Nicole Sandler Show is back! Listen live Tue-Fri 3-4 ET/ 12-1 PT! Call in 954-889-6410 or Skype to nicolesandler

Peaceful Protest in Mong Kok Ends in Clashes With Police ... 04, 2019 · “That was the first time that a police’s objection was overturned,” Ng said in an interview with the Hong Kong bureau of the New York-based broadcaster NTD on Aug. 3. One of the march participants told NTD: “If we stop coming out, our future is doomed. We persist in taking to the streets for our [future] and for the future of Hong Kong.”

ninjapundit: Justice Democrats and her former chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, one of the founders of Justice Democrats, are the targets of a Federal Elections Commission complaint by the National Legal and Policy Center alleging violations of campaign-finance laws.[PDF]NARFE NEWSLEER - Maryland NARFE Chapter Office of Personnel Management (OPM). It was the second of two breaches at the agency. The firm will be under close scrutiny after federal workers and lawmakers took issue with credit-monitoring firm CSID's han-dling of the first OPM data breach, which compromised roughly …

VA Congressional Delegation | DV Archive | Page 10 Smith is the Republican nominee in Virginia’s 3rd Congressional district. It is a district that was drawn by the order of the Justice Department specifically with the goal of giving minorities a voice in Washington. As a result of that decision, the 3rd has been a pretty reliable vote for Democrats. Smith, himself an African-American doesn’t believe it has to stay that way.

China Expels a Wall Street Journal Reporter in Sign of ...’s Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Mr. Wong was the co-writer of an article in July about Ming Chai, a 61-year-old Australian citizen who is also Mr. Xi’s cousin. The article, which quoted unnamed Australian officials, said that the authorities were scrutinizing Mr. Chai’s activities as part of a broad money-laundering and organized crime ...

NRA Chief Blames Media, Calls For Armed Police In Schools ...“The NRA’s proposal for more armed guards in schools may be helpful in some instances, but it falls far short of the strong, serious, comprehensive action needed to stop the kind of horrific ...

DEMOCRATIC DOMINOS SET TO FALL IN MARYLAND 02, 2016 · David Trone, by his own admission has spent nearly $10 million of his own money in his self funded campaign and Kathleen Matthews who is the wife of political commentator Chris Matthews has also raised considerable funds for this congressional seat.

Frederick Politics: April 2016 02, 2016 · David Trone, by his own admission has spent nearly $10 million of his own money in his self funded campaign and Kathleen Matthews who is the wife of political commentator Chris Matthews has also raised considerable funds for this congressional seat.

Homestead manager to get pat on back (read: job security 11, 2013 · Homestead City Manager George Gretsas will very likely get a two-year extension on his contract tonight, in part as a pat on the back for his role in the investigation that led to the arrest last month of former Mayor Steve Bateman on public corruption charges.

Morning Feature-SoS-OH not sexy but important | BPI Campus 06, 2010 · We need to remind the voters (Fred) that this election in November 2010 is about the “battles won”. We do not want “The Empire Strikes Back”. To me that represents a return, a regression, a reversal of the improvements for the people of the state of Ohio since the R’s lost in 2006.

Trump Trolls, the Alt-Right, Neo-Reactionaries, and Anti ... 06, 2016 · What Ioffe, who is Jewish, did not expect was a torrent of anti-Semitic abuse and death threats. On Twitter, the candidate’s anonymous backers superimposed images of Ioffe’s face over those of concentration camp inmates. On her voicemail, they left recordings of Hitler speeches. “This is not a heavily critical article.

Connie DeJuniis | Seventh New Boundaries of Districts 42A and 42B. Redistricting altered substantially the boundaries of Baltimore County’s District 42. While the new district extends from the Baltimore City boundaries to Pennsylvania and is divided into two subdistricts for delegate elections, the old district (shown below) was a much smaller section of territory concentrated close to the City with no subdistricts.

The Strong Mayor form of government in Sioux Falls doesn’t ... of the main roles as the mayor under this current charter is to be the city manager, and that is a simple task. He is in charge of the city employees (mostly the department directors). But the mayor seems to think he can be in charge of the council and their staff (bullying).

Fox News actually speaks the TRUTH about 9/11 First News actually speaks the TRUTH about 9/11 First Responders Bill! page: 1. 9. log in. ... This is what happens to those with the cahonnas to speak up and speak out, they get demonized, fired, trashed in the media. ... actually got behind something that can help out everyone perhaps that could be reacquainted with being referred to as the ...

WILL DNA TESTS BE ORDERED FOR MICHAEL JACKSON'S CHILDREN DNA TESTS BE ORDERED FOR MICHAEL JACKSON'S CHILDREN ? ... Diana was the only one he observed that would love his children as much as she loved her own and would make sure they got a good education. Her children are grounded. ... he would have mentioned it in his will and left custody of the children to one of them. July 9, 2009 at 10:50 AM ...

Sheehy resignation shakes up 2014 governor's race | State ... are the owner of this article. ... was the latest turn in what's shaping up to be a turbulent 2014 race. ... Dubas runs a farm with her husband and one of their sons, and is well-known among ...

Patients' experiences with the Forsus survey was conducted in 64 patients wearing Forsus. RESULTS: A high percentage of patients (83.7%) reported neutral to favorable experience with Forsus. 85.4% of patients reported gradual adaption to the appliance within 4 weeks. Cheek irritation was the most serious side effect (about 52%).

Arlan V. Molde | Announcements | hometownsource.com fought many battles in his life and this one was the toughest battle and one of the very few he ever lost. He was a charming man with a special “hello darling” to the gals in his life (sisters-in-law, nieces and care-givers) that accompanied his smile and lit up his blue eyes. He will be sadly missed by many.

Image – The Mad tried to warn us of the danger in his 1998 “Letter to the people of America“. We didn’t listen. As for bin Laden. He was a nobody to the CIA at the time. Just another of the many Arab fighters who had joined the fight. He was the son of a rich family playing war with his own money and people to help defeat the Soviets.

Judge allows wiretap evidence in case of former Bullitt ..., Ky., (WDRB) – A federal judge has denied a motion by attorneys for former Bullitt County special deputy Chris Mattingly to throw out wiretap evidence in a case where Mattingly is ...

'Voice' winner Sawyer Fredericks keeps things mainly ... 12, 2016 · When Fultonville's Sawyer Fredericks won season eight of "The Voice" at age 16 last spring, he was the youngest victor in the show's history. He already had a …

Silver: ‘I Am The Speaker’ - nystateofpolitics.com his first public comments after his colleagues called on him to step down as speaker, Sheldon Silver said he “is still the speaker” and will move forward with attending conference tomorrow. ... the speaker since 1994 and one of the most powerful figures in New York state. ... I am the Speaker vs We are The

E.J. DIONNE, JR.: Republican obstruction surfaces again ... all the options he had before him, Garland was the most middle-ground candidate available, someone who received 32 Republican votes when he was confirmed to the D.C. Circuit Court in 1997.

Waxing eloquent | The Missourinet Blog 03, 2012 · Besides he was the guy who became a populist favorite by walking into towns to meet the folks. His campaign supporters sported lapel pins showing the sole of a shoe with a hole in it, symbolizing “Walking Joe” Teasdale, one of the great campaign gimmicks in Missouri history.

2-5-15 Down Memory Lane | Local News - hometownsource.com Devins, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Devins of Waconia was the top winner in the Grand Prize Drawing at the Lake Waconia Fishing Contest. Ernst Olson of New Prague caught the largest fish, a 1 ½ lb. crappie. Steve Weber of Victoria caught the second largest fish. The heaviest fish was caught by Verna Goetz of Waconia.

Behind the Numbers - Sarah Palin by the 16, 2009 · The public's take on Sarah Palin remains deeply split along partisan and gender lines, according to the new Washington Post-ABC News poll, and among women, the gap between Democrats and Republicans is even wider. Crosstabs on these questions below. Q. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of Sarah...

Humboldt Republicans: Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Political Action Committee (HJTA PAC) announced today that it has endorsed Republican John Cox in his campaign for Governor of California. Cox, a successful businessman and a leader of the effort to repeal the gas and car tax increases passed by the legislature last year without voter approval, is the ...

Public Nuisances, by R. Emmett Tyrrell | Creators Syndicate might give him the sustenance to keep battling for the Republican nomination, but it would put him at a disadvantage against the candidates who are flush with money and will not have to ...

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Stoffa Wins Easily in His Own ... 26, 2009 · Stoffa Wins Easily in His Own Home District ... But it's also where Stoffa lives, in Allen Township. Stoffa may not be too popular in Bethlehem Township at the moment, but won lopsided victories in Allen and in nearby East Allen and Northampton. ... Running a city race and a County race are two entirely different races. Everytime he ran ...

Steven Cox (Kentucky) - Ballotpedia Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Why is impeachment even a narrative when everyone knows it ...* The House Judiciary committee will lay out the evidence against Trump before they vote on a bill of impeachment * The House members who prosecute the case in the Senate will lay out the evidence again * All senate dems plus 1–2 republicans will...

Newt Gingrich: Spies keep America safe -- Here is how they ... intelligence community plays a vital role in our national security. The brave men and women who serve our nation in this capacity rarely – if ever – are recognized publicly for their courageous work. This is why I’m starting a new series on my “Newt’s World” podcast called "Spies Like Us," in which I will speak to some of these American heroes and allow them to tell their ...

Dear dads: Your daughters told me about their assaults ... a lot of fathers are closer to bad things than they’ll ever know. ... She told me her father was the parent she always wanted to impress; disappointing him was the worst thing she could ...

Tom McMasters for Congress 2012 – OH-10 | Esrati McMasters for Congress 2012 – OH-10. Posted on February 22, 2012 @ 10:15 pm by David Esrati 4 Comments ... One of the many avenues for reducing the cost of government is to change the mindset of commanders and department heads that lead them to spend to budget. Budgets must take inflation into account. ... This is a complicated equation ...

Girls' Foster Parents Not Impressed With Kid-Dumping AR ... bizarre story of Arkansas state Rep. Justin Harris and his decision to "rehome" his two adopted daughters with a family friend and employee, Eric Francis, who later raped one of the girls, continued to unfold in High Weird Mode over the weekend. Following his press conference Friday, Harris gave...

To Tell the Truth...: Antonin Gregory Scalia when we find ourselves in difficult or stressful situations we will depend on our formative years to decide what to do or say. I was shocked by the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.I find it impossible to remember a single legal opinion that he espoused that I agreed with.

Udall: Climate Change Greatest Threat To Nation | Los ... precisely what’s happening under this administration and this Congress. ... issued volume one of the Fourth National Climate Assessment. It is the most authoritative federal government resource on climate change. ... was the warmest in over a century. And New Mexico is really feeling the heat – we are the sixth-fastest warming ...

OP-ED | Union Members Should Be Held to Same Rules at ... hundreds of union members who crowded into the Middletown city hall this week to protest legislation they say will mean less money in their pockets made it clear who they thought was on their ...

Enforcing codes of conduct - ACE Electoral Knowledge topic pages provide a quick overview and easy access to all content that can be found on ACE for any give topic of interest - weather encyclopaedia files, electoral materials, comparative data, consolidated replies, case studies, or other.

Is Virginia's GOP Cracking Up? - The National Memo gave credit to Rigell for attending the event, saying being with him “is not always healthy for a Republican.” By agreeing with and even getting up on the same stage as the president, as Rigell did today, both he and McDonnell will be blasted as RINOS (Republicans in Name Only) by the right-wing leaders of the GOP.

The Trump - Russia investigations - Ars Technica OpenForum 28, 2017 · I really want to see ryan or whoever coming up with 'what the president has done in his private moments is his business' or 'well, pee is sanitary and a natural body function' or the usual standby ...

Amy Klobuchar admits eating a salad with a comb on a plane ... 10, 2019 · Amy Klobuchar admits eating salad with a comb on a plane when she was ‘doing a mom thing’ and responds to bullying claims by agreeing she can be ‘too tough’ on aides

Opposition MK denies Netanyahu-Herzog coalition talks ... MK denies Netanyahu-Herzog coalition talks ... who is seen as a possible challenger to Herzog for the leadership of the party, has been adamant in his opposition to a unity coalition ...

Google News - Overview's How the Candidates Will Be Divided for the First Democratic DebatesHere's How the Candidates Will Be Divided for the First Democratic Debates. The presidential candidates participating in the debates, on June 26 and 27 in Miami, will be split into two groups of 10.

Did Obama daughters go from embryos straight to little ... are the results: In other words, has no birth records for Malia or Natasha Obama. Then I paid $9.95 for a trial membership in so that I can search that website for the Obama girls’ birth records. Below is a screenshot I took from of the result of my search for Malia Obama.

Scott Rothstein's drunken adventure | Miami New Times 10, 2009 · From its base in South Beach, V Georgio Vodka was supposed to take over the world. Started by college basketball player, recording artist, and …

The General US Politics Thread - TV Tropes Forum 2007, when Pence was the first member of Congress to introduce legislation to defund Planned Parenthood, it wasn’t something most Republicans talked about. But he kept pushing the issue until it led to a government shutdown fight in 2011 — and pretty soon, bashing Planned Parenthood became routine for most Republicans.

The Latest: Trump, Clinton 1 seat apart at Al Smith dinner 20, 2016 · Talk about an awkward dinner party. Rivals Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have arrived and been seated at the annual Al Smith dinner in Manhattan. But the pair declined to …

Investigation of Pa. Animal Cruelty | Scoop 15, 2010 · A Pennsylvania district attorney took campaign funds from an organization which promotes killing live pigeons in contests, and then refused …

Legislation - JIM 2010, Jim Brochin with less of votes than the less election, with 24,346 people voting in his favor(58.39%), but his Republican opponent, Kevin Carney was almost 7,000 votes behind with 17,320 voting for him (41.54%). Other Write-Ins registered 27 people in …

Ballot mystery clouds S.F. vote / City official says 3,600 ..., reached at home last night, said he will make an official request on Monday for a charter amendment that would require the Department of Elections …

Reno Requests Babbitt Probe - CBS News Requests Babbitt Probe. ... it would be the first such prosecutor to be named in connection with the wide-ranging inquiries in Congress over campaign fund raising and political influence ...

Jane Norton Archives - The Spot - 07, 2013 · He was the approachable spokesman for former Gov. Bill Owens, Attorney General John Suthers and the Colorado Oil & Gas Association before going to work last year for U.S. Senate candidate Jane Norton. After Strauch got laid off from her campaign as part of cost-cutting measures, he eventually went to work for gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes.

April 2007 – Page 4 – How Appealing Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus has lots to say about federal question jurisdiction to decide a petition to compel arbitration under the Federal Arbitration Act: Almost 80 pages, to be exact, consisting of both a majority opinion and a specially concurring opinion criticizing the binding Eleventh Circuit law on which the majority opinion had no choice but to rely.

School Reform In the Cross-Hairs in Board Run-Off Saturday ... 14, 2016 · Fitting, then, that District 2 was the part of the city that produced school board member Mike Morath, one of the intellectual leaders of school reform in Dallas, now absent from the seat because ...

Venezuela: Now a Shortage of Baseball Players? | Power Line 05, 2015 · It surprised no one when the news came out a couple months ago that Venezuela’s socialist economy had run out of one of ... The Mariners are the …

What are the major causes of the decentralized nature if ... two major parties are often described as though they were highly organized, close knit, well disciplined groups. neither party is anything of the kind, both are highly decentralized ...

Maj Toure - Ballotpedia Toure (Libertarian Party) is a candidate for at-large member of the Philadelphia City Council in Pennsylvania.Toure is running in the general election on November 5, 2019, after advancing from the primary on May 21, 2019.. Toure completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2019. Click here to read the survey answers.

Madison Politiscope: School Board candidates hold subdued ... 09, 2012 · Get the first month for just 99¢ ... who is the vice president of education and learning at the Urban League of Greater Madison, the organization that is leading the push for Madison Prep, suggested she might not have voted for the plan either, in spite of her testimony in support of the charter school on the night the School Board voted to ...

Planes, Trains and T110s - The Chieftain's Hatch - World 07, 2011 · Planes, Trains and T110s - posted in The Chieftains Hatch: Dragon_Witch, on Aug 21 2018 - 19:41, said: Edit: Oh, I also finally got my desktop set up in my room. So I can play WoT now, I just need a reason to play it. Or any of my other games, for that matter. Ugh, yes, I hear you. Its way more fun to play with a friend.

Justice Alito mouths 'not true' - POLITICO Live - POLITICO.com Alito mouths 'not true' POLITICO's Kasie Hunt, who's in the House chamber, reports that Justice Samuel Alito mouthed the words "not true" when President Barack Obama criticized the Supreme ...

QAnon: It's on, don't panic ii - Page 211 09, 2018 · The Masons of some order venerate Nefertiti, there is a bust of her that has one eye missing. During WW2 Hitler got it and said they were not going to get it. They are strange group for sure, the first place Hitler went in France when they took over was the this archive of the Freemasons. They had all kind of information he wanted.

Pill Bill Killed - Don Pesci 21, 2006 · One of the reasons a powerful Republican incumbent like Johnson seems to be impregnable is that Democrats cannot field a candidate from the right to run against them. A full throated defense of the Plan B bill so close to an election might have alienated even John F. Kennedy Catholics.

Madison Wisconsin State Journal Archives, Sep 26, 1990, p. 25 Madison Wisconsin State Journal Newspaper Archives, Sep 26, 1990, p. 25 with family history and genealogy records from Madison, Wisconsin 1852-2017.

Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes from a Blue State ... Commentary: Red Notes from a Blue State ... he was the vox populi. In a society rigidly separated by class – rich and poor, privileged and non-privileged, free and slave – Greek and Roman demagogues were what today we would call populists, a term of approval in some quarters. ... “What about,” said Malloy, “is the ...

HCRP's Jared Woodfill: Smoke and Mirrors - Big Jolly Times, it's official, I suppose. Jared Woodfill is refusing to do the right thing for the Harris County Republican Party and step aside as Chairman. Instead, he is getting endorsements from the party machine, such as Sen. Dan Patrick, and wants to continue at the helm as the ship sinks. He will certainly be the favorite in his bid for a fifth term because incumbents always have the advantage.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Which Comes First - Baseball or ... 06, 2009 · Which Comes First - Baseball or Politics? ... Even though Stoffa was the one that got the spontaneous applause from the public, Ann got the most laughs. One of the new candidates mentioned that she will attend her first County Council meeting this Thursday and Ann jumped in, "You might change your mind." I like her sense of humor.

Kumar Barve | Seventh 01, 2018 · By Adam Pagnucco. Once in a while, we’re going to post some lit from the past to show today’s newbies how it’s done. Below is Delegate Kumar Barve’s “draft notice” from 1994, in which the “drill instructor” says, “Delegate Barve will be instructing his troops in the delicate art of brew tasting, mingling around a pub, and having a general good time.

Market Manila - What A Joke… - kaibuturan ng aking puso, such an utter joke… With 50+ million other Filipinos around the archipelago and across the globe, I watched the proceedings of the impeachment court this afternoon with incredulity, sadness and frustration. Surely, we are the laughing stock of the world, the ...

2019 June — South DaCola I find what this gun chuckler from Hiremorewhitepeople, SD did in a parade in a town no one has heard of kind of disgusting, I will defend his 1st Amendment right to do so; “My stance, and the city’s stance is that every person has a right to the first amendment, to express his or her speech, and the expressions of it, we do not regulate that,” said Day.

The Urban Politico: Clinton and the 2016 Election Redux"I take absolute personal responsibility. I was the candidate, I was the person who was on the ballot. I am very aware of the challenges, the problems, the shortfalls that we had," Clinton said, before adding that she was "on the way to winning until a combination of Jim Comey's letter on October 28 and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me and ...

Chris Thieneman | Education Voodoo board incumbent files complaint over JCTA role in meeting was in the Courier-Journal the other day but the C-J did a great job suppressing news as much as they could. Unpleasant news about the candidate who has the teachers union endorsement was buried in the print edition at the bottom of B-3.

AP writers pick the top 10 films of 2011 - The San Diego ... was only in theaters for a few weeks and it didn’t even make $40,000. ... Brad Pitt gives one of the best performances of his career as a stern father of three boys in 1950s Texas and Jessica ...

1959 Best Disgusting Republicans images in 2019 | Politics ... 13, 2019- Explore auroradawn501's board "Disgusting Republicans" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Politics and Republican party.

Google Is Not What It Seems - Reader Supported News Is Not What It Seems. By Julian Assange, Newsweek. 24 October 14 In June 2011, Julian Assange received an unusual visitor: the chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, arrived from America at Ellingham Hall, the country house in Norfolk, England where Assange was living under house arrest.

Whatever Happened to the Chevy Volt? - Townhall 28, 2014 · Whatever Happened to the Chevy Volt? Share; Tweet ... It is interesting because Herbert Hoover was the last businessman to be President and he was a conservative ... but it doesn’t

The Rag Blog: Harry Targ : My Nelson Mandela 09, 2013 · Harry Targ : My Nelson Mandela by Harry Targ / The Rag Blog. An irony of 21st century historical discourse is how real historic figures -- like the late Nelson Mandela -- get lionized, sanitized, and redefined as defenders of the ongoing order rather than activists who committed their lives to revolutionary change.

Trump Breaks The Law... With A Sharpie - National Ealliantie 06, 2019 · >>Earlier Donald Trump claimed that Hurricane Dorian was going to impact Alabama. He was fact checked by both ABC and more importantly, the National Weather Service which indicated no, the hurricane will not impact Alabama at all. Trump lashed out, at the fact checkers, and then today he held a press conference in the Oval Office to give some updates...

Ball Of Incompetence: Part I – The Mismanagement Of The ... 26, 2015 · Ball Of Incompetence: Part I The Mismanagement Of The National Football League By Michael A. Maynard January 26, 2015 The National Football League (NFL) is a $10 Billion international enterprise. The local pizza parlor is run more competently. This week, the United States will experience it’s 49th edition of its national pagan holiday, The Super…

International Archives - Comparing Views was, mostly via his perch at Fox News, one of the most vocal critics of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. He assumed the position of National Security Advisor in April 2018 and, a month later, the US unilaterally pulled out of the agreement. With Bolton gone, the mantle of …

The Method to My Madness — Joshua don't be become a blessing for someone else? This week Cornel West put it quite well in his article in the Guardian, “For us in these times, to even have hope is too abstract, too detached, too spectatorial. Instead we must be a hope, a participant and a force for good …”

The Tara Show - 9-11-18 - Hour 2 | 106.3 WORD troubling dot solicit might keep up to be a good work that. They humor and you need to do you you out all of you who came when march so I can't to me you can do a lot. Because every one of you has 152030 what. People at least in your email email of people that you know that are in states that make a difference in his intern. But you know ...

Shining a brighter light on public officials - Cal Coast News 06, 2011 · Shining a brighter light on public officials ... The proposal is one of several dozen introduced this session in response to the City of Bell scandal, as politicians scramble for recognition as ...

Trump battles furor over Stormy Daniels hush payment ... 05, 2018 · An angry Donald Trump dismissed a growing storm over a hush money payment to an adult movie star as "crap" Friday, as it threatened to become a second front in the president's deepening legal troubles. Trump promised to clarify what he called a "very simple" story after his newly recruited…

Kevin Hoffman – Off the you know, Dave Wilson is running against incumbent HCC Trustee Bruce Austin in HCC District 2. I wasn’t sure at first if it was that Dave Wilson or not, but it unquestionably is.The fact that he’s running in HCC 2 isn’t stopping him from meddling in his usual slimy way in the HCC 1 race, where Zeph Capo and Kevin Hoffman are challenging scandal-prone incumbent Yolanda Navarro Flores.

Mr. Dilettante’s Neighborhood: August 2019 of his subordinates are excellent; they are the ones who the MSM doesn't discuss much. Every Democrat in the race wants to rule, not govern. They all have, to varying degrees, a political philosophy and a particular approach to communicating that philosophy, but every one of them wants to rule.

Announcing the 2016 MVPs (Most Valuable to the Progressive ... 21, 2016 · An honorable mention to Rose Izzo for sticking it to the Delaware GOP for many years. In 2016, Izzo was the only registered republican to get Bernie Sanders’ issues printed in TNJ and to get the DEGOP to admit they do not care about poor people or progressive issues.

Jon Margolis | The Vermont Political Observer. columnist Jon Margolis wrote eight pieces in May. He didn’t quote very many people, so again, small sample size, but he skewed heavily toward men. He quoted 16 men and seven women, plus five anonymous people — one of whom was identified as male.

Colorado Peak Politics | Monthly Archives: August 2014 ... Mark Udall has gone all in hoping women care more about government giving them birth control than actually working. Job numbers for women through the month of July shows 227,000 more women added to the unemployment rolls, causing the unemployment rate for women to jump from 5.9% to 6.2%.

Craig Rice | Seventh don’t all agree on everything all of the time, but they are hard working, committed and all have long histories of community engagement. As for the open seats – these are my picks : Governor – Rushern Baker. You try wrestling with an entrenched school system and …

Rampant Hypocrisy, July 2, 2000 - remember some years when the lightning storm was much better than the fireworks display, but usually it was a great place to sit. As I grew up, the trees got too tall, and we had to move to see the fireworks. For a few years we raced down into the mall, towards the Monument, as soon as the …

ISIS | CHUCKMAN'S WORDS ON WORDPRESS: POLITICAL ESSAYS freely admit ISIS is horrible, innumerable propaganda videos having established the fact for the public, but they make no move to do something genuine about it. They portray the only man who is doing something to help Syria’s brave army, Vladimir Putin, as some kind of evil figure with dreams of empire.

Bill Clinton | Tubularsock about Bill Clinton written by tubularsock". . . first hand coverage, second hand news"

Search Results | OER Commons provisions limited the early presidency, although the personalities of the first three George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson shaped it into a more influential position by the early 1800s. However, throughout the 1800s until the 1930s, Congress was the dominant branch of the national government.

Inside Washington : WMPT - Internet Archive (2010) (CC) Search the history of over 376 billion web pages on the Internet.

Let Craig Coffey Resign. With Severance. | Pierre Tristam ... Coffey's loss of credibility has been painful. It doesn't need to be cruel. Rather than a public flogging on Jan. 14, he should be allowed to resign with a measure of dignity--and severance.

Levine Cava questions Gimenez on sanctuary about-face 31, 2017 · What are the budgetary impacts of these policies, including the possible costs that could arise from legal action against the county for adherence to the new policies? ... But it seems he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. ... Levine Cava questions Gimenez on sanctuary about-face added by Ladra on January 31, 2017 View all posts by Ladra

Mueller Report: THE EAGLE HAS LANDED - Page 5 | Bear Insider 14, 2008 · Page 5 of the Mueller Report: THE EAGLE HAS LANDED discussion on the Bear Insider Off Topic forum.

What Do You Think Of John McCain? - Airliners.net 21, 2005 · You have no notifications. Settings WELCOME_INDEX, Bing [Bot] NO_PMS_INFO

Naked Politics - February 20, 2013 | Miami Herald ... 20, 2013 · A onetime Republican who once supported Jeb Bush for governor, he recalled in a victory speech that he was the underdog candidate to run St. Petersburg’s NAACP chapter and in his …

November | 2010 | Loudoun Progress was the $25 billion Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing program. Now, if we are to assume that Allen is referring in his claim to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, also called the Stimulus, the total provided was $787.2 billion including tax relief and stimulus funds. That’s a long way from $1.2 trillion. [/snip]

Ray McGovern – Page 13’d go into a place like Afghanistan with no real plan for leaving, and a few member nations like Estonia and France and Turkey would send troops to get shot at with us. But it was always basically Team America: World Police with supporting actors. No wonder so few of the member countries paid their dues.

thedaveoflife (u/thedaveoflife) - Reddit doesn't have as strict property rights as the west and thus does not have a working, efficient capital market. ... Plenty of articles out there about this but this was the first I found https: ... Verlander had blip in his career where he was mediocre for a couple seasons before returning to dominance. You just never know with pitchers.

Cornelius Fudge – Page 2 – kavips of Climate Code Red. If you kinda thought the weather was wild this year, you were right. The most ice lost is taking place right while you read this.

NationStates • View topic - US General Election Thread III ... 12, 2016 · Who Do You Support in the 2016 Election? Hillary Rodham Clinton (Democrat)

A eulogy for my grandfather, Frank Stier – Marc Stier at 31, 2009 · A eulogy for my grandfather, Frank Stier By Marc Stier August 31, 2009 ... I have no doubt that Grandpa believed this, but it really wasn’t true. For Grandpa and his family did not have to leave Europe and come to America. Most of the Jews of Eastern Europe did not leave. ... What made Grandpa a leader in his own quiet way? The first quality ...

Catalytic Narrative: 2014 rooted the Kindle Fire I bought my daughter the day before it was obsolete, which was the day after it was launched and orphaned. She couldn't figure out what to do with it other than to read books and watch videos which she has plenty of other ways to do. For me, as long as I don't visit tech stores very often it seems fine.

January 31, 2014 – mykeystrokes.com 31, 2014 · The first is a wildly exaggerated sense of risks — a belief that if government is engaging in certain action (such as surveillance or gun control), it will inevitably use its authority so as to jeopardize civil liberties and perhaps democracy itself. In practice, of course, the risk might be real.

A Gay Crows Nest: Bishop Gene Robinson and the future of ... 01, 2007 · And a week ago, the San Joaquin Diocese in central California, all of the churches in that region, voted to leave the Episcopal Church USA. A commentator theorizes this is the first visible sign of the Second Reformation that began with the Stonewall Riots, a small act similar to Martin Luther nailing his list to the church door. It will split ...

Macomb public works commissioner race closely watched“There are a lot of people who are saying not a logical progression for someone who is building up to governor,” Munem said. ... but he’s one of the most aggressive campaign ...

Donald Trump again rants against Robert Mueller and a ... 10, 2018 · Trump again rants against Mueller 'witch hunt' “The investigation is critical to the health of our democracy, and must be allowed to continue," said Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.

Pin by Arletha Pappas on Trump memes | Trump political ... Pin was discovered by Arletha Pappas. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.

Archbishop-elect Apologizes for DUI Arrest | Newsmax.com 28, 2012 · The Roman Catholic archbishop-elect of San Francisco has apologized for his arrest on suspicion of drunken driving, behavior that he said brought "shame" and "disgrace" on himself and the church, though legal experts said was unlikely to derail his promotion.

Profound Dreams That May Be More Than Dreams—and Their ... 06, 2014 · Dr. Jim Kwako is interested in dreams that are "not dreams in the usual sense," he said. People commonly have dreams in which they talk to dead loved ones, or …

Republican state Senate hopefuls stress experience 15, 2018 · In their bids for a state Senate seat, former state Rep. Dean Elliott of Maumelle and Mark D. Johnson of Ferndale emphasize their experiences and raise questions about each other.

Hearing Held On Marcia Lewis' Testimony - February 23, 23, 1998 · Hearing Held On Testimony of Lewinsky's Mother ... One of these sources said if the effort was orchestrated or sanctioned by the White House, it …

NJ Legislature: Prognosis for ethics, tax reform: Hope ... 26, 2018 · Prior to her time in Trenton, Handlin, who is best known for her work on ethics and property tax reforms, was a Monmouth County freeholder and a …

A Primary Primer from a Bad Attitude Guy | Hartmann | St ... records indicate that candidates across the state have raised $32,143.67 per interested voter. According to polling data, if "none of the above" could get his name on the ballot ...

Epstein’s Ties to Former Israeli Leader Shake Up Election ... — A former Israeli leader who is seeking to topple Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing scrutiny over his financial and personal ties to Jeffrey Epstein, the American financier charged with sex trafficking and abusing underage girls. ... a retail mogul and a former close associate of Mr. Epstein’s and an investor in his ...

Watch It Now: Dreams From My Real Father; Joel Gilbert ... fire: irs workers who: against the rules of the irs, discriminated agianst people based on their political status and asked unnessicary questions in applications, witnessed misconduct and dispite being able to didnt report or fire misconductors, ordered/directed irs-workers to commit misconduct. charge misconductors a refund of wages from date of misconduct to date of fire. charge ...

George P. Bush Files Paperwork With Ethics Commission ... 08, 2012 · George P. Bush, a nephew of former President George W. Bush and a son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, has filed paperwork with the Texas Ethics Commission, seemingly in preparation for a …

Wife of Edwards aide breaks down on witness stand | Daily ... 30, 2012 · GREENSBORO N.C. AP - The wife of an ex-aide to John Edwards broke down on the witness stand Monday as she recounted how the candidate asked the couple to hide an affair he was having and justified ...

Progressive Action PAC Endorses Jamie Raskin for Congress ... 21, 2015 · SILVER SPRING, MD – Progressive Action PAC, the political arm of the 72-Member Congressional Progressive Caucus, announced today that it has endorsed State Senator Jamie Raskin in his campaign for Congress in Maryland’s 8th District.

SF archbishop-elect apologizes for DUI arrest | cbs8.com 27, 2012 · The stop was made at 12:26 a.m. on the outskirts of the campus, a residential area of modest houses, apartment buildings and restaurants where …

Mike Foley- the only Republican who deserves a Dems vote ... for Brandon McClain instead. He’s another veteran and a great guy. You should also skip Doug Barry, who is hypocrite, a bully and the last thing we need on the County Commission. Vote for Carolyn Rice. She’s a total class act and a professional. Any one of you who votes for Niraj Antani should be shot, by white kids with long guns in ...

House Newcomer to Seek Feinstein's Senate Seat - Los ... eight months after taking office following a record-breaking $5.4-million campaign, Rep. Michael R. Huffington (R-Santa Barbara) announced on Tuesday that he will try to unseat Democratic U.S ...

Convicted Felon Michael Cohen Expected To Testify That 27, 2019 · The fact a sitting POTUS is sitting down for a second round of talks with NK is incredible. I don't care if it was Trump, Obama or AOC if it was happening it would be incredible news. ANYONE else and the Acosta himself would be throwing himself at …

Did Obama fall for Big Pharma sales hype? – Dangerous ... 13, 2009 · Did you hear that Obama has been cutting some secret deals with Big Pharma after his campaign filled with promises that health care reform would be a big open book? I don't quite know what to think of this. Maybe Obama is leading Pharma on, and he's gonna stab them in the back at the last minute. That ploy has the advantage of freezing the Pharma advertising money in place for now.

I think Trump.... - AllisChalmers Forum 23, 2010 · The average jury isn't going to take much seriously from a liar and a thief. ... He did help TRUMP for a few months early in the campaign, but was removed when some of his "SWAMP DEALINGS" surfaced. ... Everyday you liberals hear some BS on fake news and get all excited about the day ol` Trump is going to get creamed and everyday your ...

S.C. governor hopeful denies claim of 2nd tryst 03, 2010 · S.C. governor hopeful denies claim of 2nd tryst ... The claim became the latest political drama for a state that was roiled when Gov. Mark Sanford made …

Jeb Bush returns to GOP dinner circuit: ‘Elvis was in the 08, 2010 · Former Gov. Jeb Bush returned to the Republican dinner circuit Friday night, keynoting a Pasco County GOP dinner and making his first joint campaign appearance with Senate hopeful Marco Rubio. Bush clearly had star power among the 600 or more partisans who attended.

Coral Gables: Jeannett Slesnick files to run for Fernandez, who has been campaigning for a year and a half, must be crying in his hot chocolate tonight. This is the biggest blow to his campaign yet. Because with a five man race and 7,100 or so voters, like in 2013, someone (read: Slesnick) could win with as few as 1,500 votes.

McCain shows his 'foreign expertise' in Jordan - Page 3 21, 2008 · Page 3- McCain shows his 'foreign expertise' in Jordan News & Politics

Givers, Getters Hesitant About Fund-Raising - LA Times a deep pall has been cast over lawmakers and lobbyists who are living in fear that even their legal political transactions will be splashed on the front pages of newspapers. ... who is up for ...

Would-be Justice Neubauer (D–Madison) – Steve Prestegard ... 21, 2019 · Dan O'Donnell: Lisa Neubauer is a Democrat. About that there can be no question. It’s not a stretch to say that Democratic politics is her life and has been for, well, pretty much her entire life. One of her very first jobs was as a legislative aide to Democratic State Senator Fred Risser. She married Democratic State Assembly member…

Voters signing in support of more than one candidate or the same vain, a voter signing for supporters forms for a candidate or party, does it once. This is controlled by the Biometric system where by voters are checked on the data base to confirm that they are registered voters. Signing for more than one candidate or party can lead to disqualification from participating in Elections.

Defining Democracy Down | National Review campaign-finance rules encourage the super-rich to buy their offices, and weakened political parties are only too happy to serve as closing agents for the sale. Worse, consumer culture has ...

Help me understand | VolNation.com 14, 2018 · I don't think it's a good thing but I would bet he has paid many many people in his lifetime to keep quiet about something. And it's not our business and damn sure not illegal. ... What's the difference between XYZ incorporated paying off an employee for a NDA so they don't share info and affect your stock price and a politician paying off a ...

The Write Report: Lawyer’s Suspension Is Not A Vacation ... was disappointed in the last episode of The Good Wife because one of the main characters, Will Gardner (who is also the heroine’s off and on love interest) faced a disbarment hearing. He was offered a 6 months’ suspension instead and he took it. I can’t blame him. He was very likely to lose his license.[PDF]Report of the Chief Electoral Officer on Recommendations ... and individual roles which can result in duplication of effort and a disjointed approach to client services. The Chief Electoral Officer in British Columbia is an independent Officer of the Legislature, and is supported in his work by a small permanent staff …

Idaho lawmakers to convene under political spotlight | The ...’s upcoming legislative session – which kicks off Monday with third-term Gov. Butch Otter’s final State of the State address – will tackle big issues in health care, taxes, education ...

D.C. Wire - Bloomberg to endorse Fenty 16, 2010 · New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is scheduled Tuesday to endorse Mayor Adrian M. Fenty in his reelection bid at a news conference at Carmine's, one of the newest restaurants to hit the District. Bloomberg, a Democrat turned Republican turned independent, has …

The Urban Politico: A 2nd Term With Nothing to Lose ..."This is an in-your-face nomination by the President to all of us who are supportive of Israel. I don't know what his management experience is regarding the Pentagon -- little, if any -- so I think it's an incredibly controversial choice." - US Senator, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (R)

Cory Booker, Steve Lonegan Win U.S. Senate Primaries ... 15, 2013 · Pundits have said all along that Newark Mayor Cory Booker would cruise easily to victory in the race for the Democratic nomination for a vacant U.S Senate seat. He's got national name recognition. He's got plenty of money. His polling numbers are astronomical, they said. Turns out that was a safe call, as Booker in…

International Archives - The Spot -“This is one of the seminal issues on foreign policy in the last several decades,” he added. ... “Many of the past and current elected women we have interviewed for our film believe the time has come for a woman to be elected president, and they also think that it’s time for Colorado to elect a woman to the U.S. Senate and to the ...

Gun Control: Justice John Paul Stevens Agrees With me 28, 2014 · This is my first diary, so please be gentle with me. ... I think that gun control is one of the most pressing issues of our time and may be approaching crisis stage. ... I hesitate to summarize ...

Michael Gerson: Knee deep in the swamp, and sinking ... 02, 2018 · This is likely to be interesting reading in Mueller's report. And there is the initial matter of collusion with a hostile foreign power to influence a presidential election. ... But it may also be ...

Ethics Archives - More Soft Money Hard colleague Brian Svoboda, an expert in congressional ethics, has written an insightful commentary on how we might think about the ends and design of effective congressional ethics regulation. This is a complex and important question to which altogether too little attention has been devoted.

Kansas fund balances disputed despite evidence of their ... 07, 2010 · The Wichita Eagle op-ed by Kansas State School Board Member David Dennis (Fund balances won't save schools) and another by Rhonda Holman dispute evidence that Kansas can make it through the current financial situation by making use of large fund balances in state agency accounts.

The 411 Douchebag of the Week: Asia Argento | 411MANIA 27, 2018 · 411's Bryan Kristopowitz awards Douchebag of the Week to Asia Argento for her sexual misconduct scandal involving a seventeen year-old.

KY Gov Matt Bevin Thinks Kids Are 'Soft' For Not Freezing ... 30, 2019 · Kentucky's teabagging, gay hating, and cock-fighting Governor Matt Bevin (R, fucking duh) just called everyone a bunch of pussies because schools are closing due to it being negative fuck-your-face degrees throughout the Midwest. According to Bevin, "We're getting soft," because school officials thought it was too dangerous to make kids trudge through the polar vortex when cities like …

Deer farming bill heads to governor :: WRAL.com"This is about producing – using genetic manipulation, growth hormones and other devices – producing deer that are unnatural," he said, adding that since the deer are hand-fed daily, they have ...

Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin as GOP Moderators? If Only RNC ... 17, 2013 · Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin as GOP Moderators? If Only RNC, Candidates Had the Guts ... they’d make a lot of news and maybe have some fun too,” said one of the advocates of the radio trio hosting debates.” ... Bill Clinton was getting little attention in his final year in office, 2000, as most of the attention was focused on the presidential ...

Krysten Ritter Shuts Down ‘Jessica Jones’ Revival Talk: ‘I ... 24, 2019 · The deal means a potential “Jessica Jones” revival would not even start development until 2021 at the earliest. The agreement does leave the door open for Krysten Ritter to return as Jessica Jones, but it doesn’t sound like the actress will be interested in returning. Ritter debuted as Jessica Jones in November 2015.

Mueller and Rosenstein should be investigated for ... 11, 2018 · This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold.

memeorandum: 'There's Prayer on a Regular Basis in This 03, 2018 · A continuously updated summary of the news stories that US political commentators are discussing online right now.

SCOTUS Upholds Obamacare, Saves Red States From GOP 25, 2015 · One of the Supreme Court’s key functions is to determine when an issue should fall under judicial purview or not. While the Court has decided to rule on Obamacare, Roberts’ overriding view of it seems to be that it’s not his place to referee it, but it’s an issue between the White House and Congress.

When Worlds Collude: Hoppe, Bruenig, and their shared ... is the tragic personal side of Hans-Hermann Hoppe. But it is also tragic for academic discussions: At a time when we are surrounded by ever growing welfare states we badly need thinkers like Hoppe to show us how to tackle today’s problems.

Agency of Natural Resources | The Vermont Political Observer. is one of the most impactful political stories of the year, but it got scant coverage in our political media; only VTDigger and VPR produced articles, and both lacked a comprehensive assessment of the new rules’ impact. The EPA is now in charge of a cleanup that Vermont has ignored for decades, and is only now addressing because it was ...

Democrats face 'almost impossible map' to retake U.S. Senate 24, 2018 · One political analyst calls it "an almost impossible map." Others are even less optimistic. Democrats are defending two dozen Senate seats this cycle - including 10 in states Trump won in 2016, some by huge margins. They need a net total of two seats to …

Rationing, Not Death Panels - Nolan Chart, Not Death Panels. ... but it wasn't like today because today the average person couldn't possibly pay off such debt. Then, it was quite possible. This is a terrific long-term way to gauge just how ridiculously high the cost of health care has risen over the generations.

Moolenar’s Call for Civil Discussion Needs to Start at ... is becoming increasingly obvious with his public meetings being held at various locations throughout his 15-county district. The events appear to say that John Moolenar will be in person, but constituents attending these events discover that an aide is there instead.

Joey Issa Saddened by High Rate of Loss of Beachfront ... 22, 2016 · According to the experts, “One of the most popular solutions to beach erosion issues is something known as ‘beach restoration’ or ‘beach nourishment’. However, not only a temporary solution, but it is also a controversial subject. Sand must be …

All the People Trying to Kill Off the Electoral College - VICE 30, 2016 · All the People Trying to Kill Off the Electoral College. ... One of those folks is ... claiming in a press release that " the only office in the land where you can get more votes ...

Senate approves anti-sex-trafficking bill, page is the wording that can be stretched to fit any website that allows communication on the net and is the heart of the problem with this unlawful bill. Sure you could argue the interpretation but it only takes one position of power to bend it to their will while they suck the corporate funds of a …

Monica Owens featured in popular Denver Post series - The 21, 2010 · Two days later, in his first State of the State speech, Bill Owens said his proposed tax cut would save the average Colorado family about $600 over five years. “I’d even be able to buy the kids soft drinks when we go out to eat,” he deadpanned. The public loved it, but Monica’s days of making off-the-cuff comments to the media were over.

Squadron and the NYSenate’s coup | Brooklyn Heights 09, 2009 · Squadron and the NYSenate’s coup By Sarah Portlock on June 9, 2009 1:20 pm in Government We called NYS Senator Daniel Squadron this morning to get his thoughts on yesterday’s state senate coup , and spokesman John Raskin says Squadron is in conference with his Democratic colleagues and can talk later this afternoon.

Bills aimed at keeping police officers safe goes before ...’s similar to an Amber Alert, but it is currently not being used by all departments. Back in 2008, then Governor Rick Perry signed an executive order that allows departments to issue a Blue Alert.

A.M. Roundup: State of State details emerging - Capitol ... 02, 2012 · This will prompt Gov. Andrew Cuomo to blast the school system in his State of the State speech, and set up a commission to oversee how money is …

Malloy Makes Another Pitch For UConn Health Center ... Dannel P. Malloy’s proposal to expand the University of Connecticut Health Center was met with some reluctance by lawmakers over the last few weeks who felt rushed to approve it, but true ...

A.M. Roundup: Racial politics and the state Senate ... 07, 2012 · Racial concerns over the IDC-GOP Senate coalition: “This move passes the legal test but it doesn’t pass the smell test,” said Sen.0elect James Sanders. “People of color could have actually ...

Page C_01 | E-Edition | newsadvance.com"One of the things that I spoke for was the need for teachers and community leaders to collaborate together in the interest of helping out our students, within the school division but also the ...

Now At The Podium: 2008-10-19 Headquarters is located in the 6th Congressional District, where (for the first time since 1998), Incumbent Bob Goodlatte faces a major party challenge in Democratic candidate Sam Rasoul, a self-proclaimed "Blue Dog" and small-business owner.Also running a fairly visible campaign is independent Janice Lee Allen.Without further ado, let's get to the candidates...

US elites are vulnerable to donor pressure on Israel question 24, 2014 · From Steven Salaita's firing at U of Illinois, to Bruce Shipman's being forced out at Yale, to Michelle Nunn's positioning in the Georgia Senate race, to rabbis refusing to criticize Israel, pro ...

Time to hold DC Charter Schools accountable“Of all the vulnerable populations, I believe children are the most vulnerable. They are always at somebody else’s mercy,” said an education advocate who is a strong supporter of charter schools and who requested anonymity to speak freely.

Twelve Tables Publishers, Saint Augustine, FL (2019) Tables Publishers publishes original books focusing on the contemporary political grassroots movement taking over America. Twelve Tables Publishers promotes original manuscripts on contemporaneous elements of the current counter political revolution in American democracy. The press focuses on publications that consider the effect of the Trump Presidency and other political elements ...

The Offical TIF American Elections thread - Page 6 - Off ... 19, 2004 · Page 6 of 53 - The Offical TIF American Elections thread - posted in Off-Topic: *Sigh* Its like people ignore me, a person who is a campaign insider, and follow the media for how important PUMA and other anti-Obama groups actually are. Their support is so minuscule, stop letting the media play that narrative.Chuck Todd finally called the media out for it the other day.I volunteer regularly, I ...

Althouse: At the First Lady Café... 08, 2018 · Birkel said... "A poll taken on April 22, 2018 had Trump’s approval rating among black men at 11 percent, while the same poll on April 29, 2018 pegged the approval rating at 22 percent.It should be noted that Reuters only sampled slightly under 200 black males each week and slightly under 3,000 people overall. "Trump experienced a similar jump in approval among black people overall, …

NTL Conservative Blog: Killing Liberalism I've been looking at the election results in even greater detail, and I'm here to tell you that the defeat the Democrat Party suffered this election, and you add it to 2014 and the midterms in 2010, it's even more devastating than I thought yesterday and last Friday, and you …

Hot Topics in the Legal Profession 2010 by Steven Alan ... Hot Topics in the Legal Profession 2010 by Steven Alan Childress for free with a 30 day free trial. Read unlimited* books and audiobooks on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. Current important events in legal ethics, with up-to-the-minute research, are explored by Tulane students and a legal ethics professor in his Foreword.

May | 2015 | RUTHFULLY YOURS Clinton was the keynoter at Columbia University’s 18th annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Forum. Her campaign website headlines the speech “It’s Time to End the Era of Mass Incarceration,” and the headline of Allen’s piece reads “Hillary Clinton Just Gave One of the Most Important Speeches of Her Career.”

James Benuzzi – OC Political three strongest ballot designations belong to Woolery, Benuzzi, and Dalati while the two weakest ballot designations belong to Willard and Davies. However, Benuzzi and Dalati failed to obtain ballot statements. Woolery is the only one of the five to wield both a ballot statement and a …

tmp_61_10-29-2010_115426_ by Long Beach Area ... - Issuu 29, 2010 · i i n n s s i i d d e e II II II T he Chamber’s endorsed May2006 Vol.13 No.4 California Chamber of Commerce “ADVOCACY PARTNER OF THE YEAR” for …

FOUSESQUAWK: Juan Cole: "The US Is the Most Corrupt ... of the rules of the program was that we could not seize assets not connected to the illicit activity. We had to show that the asset was either the proceeds of the drug traffic or instrument of the traffic. ... or planes used to carry the drugs as long as the trafficker was the sole owner of the conveyances. I will be the first to agree that ...

Hold authors of collusion narrative accountable ... than 24 hours after the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta, campaign manager Robby Mook and their team met in Brooklyn and set upon a strategy aimed at delegitimizing Donald Trump’s election. They set about convincing the public that Russian hacking was the major unreported story of the campaign.

Rudy Giuliani's Brain Seems To Have Gotten Out Of Its ... 24, 2018 · (WONKETTE DOES!) Even better, it was the exact little present Donald Trump asked for, in public! "Russia, if you're listening!" AND THEY WERE. ... That’s much harder when you have a client who is the president of the United States and wants to be interviewed.” ... “He feels the public opinion is turning in his favor,” Giuliani said.

Beto O'Rourke announces he's running for president | Where ... story: Beto O’Rourke announced Wednesday to a Texas TV station that he is planning on running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. >> RELATED: Who is Beto O'Rourke? 5 things to know. According to The Associated Press, the former Texas congressman sent a text message to KTSM Wednesday afternoon confirming the news that he will seek the Democratic presidential …

The Kaplans in Morocco: Distinctive duo realizing a dream ... 17, 2010 · The Kaplans in Morocco: Distinctive duo realizing a dream as they live politics and protocol 24/7 ... You can’t be friends with someone who is calling you ‘Ma’am’ or ‘Mrs. Kaplan ...

The Clintons' Little Tin Box - American Thinker 26, 2015 · This week seems to spell the beginning of the end for Hillary’s campaign and two show tunes keep popping into my head unbidden: “Little Tin Box” …

Are We About to Make Criminals Even More Violent? | The ... 08, 2014 · Sadly, this isn’t the first time we’ve used government-subsidized healthcare to boost Big Pharma profits: after all, children on Medicaid are four times more likely to be prescribed antipsychotic drugs. Please note: that isn’t anti-depressants. It is highly toxic antipsychotic drugs that have not even been tested on a pediatric population.

Montana Marsy's Law Crime Victims Rights Initiative, CI ...'s_Law_Crime...Nov 08, 2016 · Montana Marsy's Law Crime Victims Rights Initiative, CI-116 (2016) From Ballotpedia. Jump to: navigation, search. ... It’s designed to empower victims of crime and ensure they have rights that are the same as the rights of those accused or convicted of crimes. ” ... Henry Nicholas was the sponsor of the first Marsy's Law, ...

#NewDealOrNoDeal | Real Progressives 31, 2019 · The second half of the equation regarding the specific issues around MMT as the funding mechanism and its targets tend to be the appetizing parts. I don’t know how we can do one without the other due to power and greed. This kind of populist demand has worked in the past circa the 1930s when they didn’t even have social media.

Vatican and the Pope's astronomer: Intelligent aliens are though this may not be the Vatican's official position on the matter, this statement adds up to a constant stream of information regarding aliens coming from there. Being the Catholic Church (and the Vatican) one of oldest human institutions on Earth, one may only wonder what is it that they know and we don't.

memeorandum: Donald Trump Jr. Releases ‘Russia Email 11, 2017 · Donald Trump Jr. releases ‘entire email chain’ regarding Russian meeting — Donald Trump Jr. on Tuesday released what he said was the “entire email chain” of his conversations setting up a disputed meeting with a Russian attorney, showing what appeared to …

We're going the wrong way! | Thom Hartmann 30, 2013 · For the first time since 2009, the U.S. economy shrank last quarter. New numbers out of the Commerce Department, show that the economy shrank in the fourth quarter of 2012 by point-1 percent. That’s a complete reversal from the robust 3.1% …

Dorf on Law: Unforced Errors: Taxes, Servitude, and 29, 2014 · Michael C. Dorf said.... Neil: Thanks for this really interesting analysis. One explanation (though not a justification) for the very different conceptions of "force" in the contract realm and in the tax realm is the fetishization by the right (and by some on the …

Another Bramson Donor Rewarded with City Hall Deal, New ... City of New Rochelle is set to approve tomorrow a no-bid contract for Andrew Beveridge, a Bronxville-based consultant and donor to Mayor Noam Bramson. - attorney Abbe Lowell said this case should define the difference between someone committing a wrong and a crime, a sin and a felony, and said no crime had been committed. That Edwards understood the motivation of his late wife Elizabeth in covering up his …

The Gilets Jaunes Movement Is a Lot More Complicated Than ... 17, 2018 · — Mangy Jay (@magi_jay) December 9, 2018 The following is the text. 1/ So, this is a thread on the Gilets Jaunes (GJs). I see a lot of confusion out there re: the protests, as well as a tendency among some to view the movement through a biased lens, such that, for example, if you dislike Macron you may be approving of the movement & vice versa.

Our Nation is About to Explode in Violence - Arjuna - Medium 24, 2017 · Our Nation is About to Explode in Violence. ... ideas and policies aren’t submitted to a trial by fire, and wouldn’t be heavily scrutinized and skeptically examined, to assure our time and ...

Here is your Mueller Report - Part I - Tamarack 30, 2019 · I read the Mueller report because I want to get as close to the truth as possible; I think it’s my civic duty as a voter to do so. I am writing this report, as a layperson with no legal or government training, because I think it’s also your civic duty to get as close to the truth as possi

SOROS - America's Dirty big money in this country behind all the violence, staged projects and any and all anti-american acts are being paid for by george soros, one of the most vile, evil men (nazi collaborator) on the face of this earth through his multiple (listed below) foundations and organizations.

Democrats’ Path To Ruin In 2020: Subpoenas, Investigations ... 09, 2018 · This is the Democrat party platform? To investigate the President because the Dems still have not gotten over 2016? Incredible. The important power is in the Senate — judicial nominees, SCOTUS, etc. — and so the gains for us in the Senate are crucial. The Democrat House will be …[PDF]JAY SEKULOW LIVE! 01.05 - American Center for Law & court recognized it as the legitimate sale that it was. Of course, the ACLU and the Freedom From Religion Foundation are all arguing that this is nothing but “a sham,” as one of their reports said, and they’re going to take it to the full Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. But it was a really important win and a very timely one as well.

SaeedCNN – New Day - storms cut a deadly path through the Midwest, The Toronto City Council tries to neuter the mayor, and a North Carolina sheriff finds a boy handcuffed to a porch with a dead chicken around his neck. It's Monday, and here are the “5 Things to Know for Your New Day."

Subsidies For 1.4 Million Floridians In the Balance: What ... 04, 2015 · Subsidies For 1.4 Million Floridians In the Balance: What You need To Know as ACA Heads Back to Court ... a Q&A and a video interview. ... But it won’t.

NBC's Olympic Blinders to Russia's Gay-Bashing, Florida's ... plays coy over Russia's gay bashing as it prepares for the Sochi Olympics, Florida's corporate-voucher-school scheme keeps growing, Malcolm X invents peanut butter, Spike Lee shows off his ...

Alameda County leaders say state budget cuts will be ... 21, 2009 · Alameda County leaders say state budget cuts will be devastating ... Included in this additional round of proposed state cuts was the biggest financial hit of all: a plan to borrow nearly $2 billion in property taxes from local government. ... I'm on your side about wasteful spending by government in California, but I don't elevate to a federal ...

financial regulation reform | Desert Beacon | Page 3, we do know that because JP Morgan Chase is a bank, and a very big bank, it is “covered” by the FDIC, and the U.S. taxpaying public. We also know that Dimon, and to be fair many others on Wall Street, have been quick to complain about the “onerous burdens” of financial regulation reform.

Ron Paul: Toppling Political Idols | The American Conservative 02, 2012 · Ron Paul: Toppling Political Idols. ... Ron Paul was the only candidate who declared that the President does not have a right to order the killing of American citizens on his own authority ...

Rape of America's Workers: Crime Victims - Now Prisoners 25, 2013 · I plan to change that by defining in detail the concept of insourcing and who is responsible for the practice of it. First we must compare the word to its cousin, Outsourcing. ... one of the first private corporations to eliminate American workers, replacing them with prisoners. ... The PIECP’s parent U.S. agency overseer was the U.S ...

Supreme Court Decision is the Result of Conservative Court 22, 2010 · Sadly Thomas is just one of several super conservatives sitting on the Supreme Court. Back in 1986, many talked a good game about how voting didn’t matter when Ronald Regan won a second term and promptly appointed Anthony Scalia who is considered the leader of the court’s conservative wing.

Politics | NobodyisFlyingthePlane 13, 2019 · It would be easy to blame both sides equally for this shift, noted Ornstein, but it is just not true. After the end of the Cold War, he said, “tribal politics were introduced by Newt Gingrich when he came to Congress 40 years ago,” and then perfected by Mitch McConnell during the Barack Obama presidency, when McConnell declared his intention to use his G.O.P. Senate caucus to make Obama ...

NATO/SFOR : Transcript of Press Briefing, 15 July 1999 Milisic, OHR: Good morning, everyone. I have three points for you today. The OHR warmly welcomes a new rule that has been adopted by the Provisional Election Commission, and my colleague, Alex, will say a few words about this later. In essence, the new rule does not allow anyone to run in the ...

The Union News.: 5/12/09 06, 2009 · But it's a lot tighter when cash in hand is considered, which is money left to use in the last days of the campaign. Finance reports released last week show that on May 2 Team Schwarzenegger et al had about $5 million left in the bank, with another $2.2 million landing in …

...not the solution | alternatives to bigger government ...https://notthesolution.wordpress.comThe economic circumstances clearly did not warrant the capital expenditure, as the Hartford area could not support a professional sports team (another indicator of this was the exodus of the Hartford Whalers in 1997). However, lawmakers plowed forward, building a more “modest” stadium at a cost of $91 million.

Lots of questions and Common Cause wants ... - Capitol Fax 01, 2012 · Lots of questions and Common Cause wants ALEC probe ... who is not only a federal staffer for Shimkus and being pushed by Shimkus, but the guy is …

The wingnuts have a clean sweep — South DaCola least one of my votes didn’t go in the toilet. ... If you need to smoke pot to relieve pain, continue to do so. Marijuana use may be illegal, but it is not immoral, God created it. Carry on. • What was not a surprise was the smoking ban. People hate second hand smoke. ... Can’t wait for these two to embarrass the shit out of us in Pierre.

The Union News.: 12/20/08 06, 2008 · The United Steelworkers of America struck the American steel producers in 1959. One of the main sticking points was the USWA demand that management could not reduce the number of workers even if more efficient processes or equipment reduced the need for workers.

Ballot Access News -- August 5, June 27, the 2 nd circuit declined to overturn a U.S. District Court injunction in Independence Party of Richmond County v Graham, 04-4859. The 2 nd circuit said the case is moot.. Last year, a U.S. District Court had ruled that New York must let independent voters vote in the Independence Party’s primary for Assembly in the 61 st district, on Staten Island.

The Left Coaster: The Quiz Show on Quiz Show on Iraq by eriposte. ... To a person, and they are of different political parties in this election, ... I was the greatest critic of the initial four years, three and a half years. I came back from my first trip to Iraq and said, This is going to fail. We’ve got to …

Articulating Ideas: The truth about the Israel-Palestine ... truth about the Israel-Palestine conflict ... Much of the media, in fact, is blaming Israel, who is shooting bombs into the Gaza strip and killing many in the process. I hate to the the informant of bad news, but there will never be peace between Israel and Palestine, and the reason is not because Israel is the aggressor: The reason is ...

2004 10 nl by Freedom Foundation - Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s ...

Democracy to the rescue? - Observatorio de Transparencia y to the rescue? ... Enrique Peña Nieto, and a company linked to a businessman who won government contracts added to the fury about corruption; the finance minister has been similarly embarrassed. ... Time has brought a change of generations. Mr Brindeiro’s successor was the first to be chosen by prosecutors themselves. The next went ...

Muslim Brotherhood | Scared was meant to be an attack ad by Democrats but it plays more like a skit on SNL. ... After bashing GWB for years, now as the Gateway Pundit opines, Democrats want Republicans to be more like him. You just can’t make this stuff up. ... whether you say it’s naivete you can now look at the result of the policy the last six and a half years ...

But Let's Say We Pretend That Your Mother Wasn't a Whore know a guy who is kind of troubled. His mother was the town whore where he grew up. His father could have been any of hundreds of guys. He really feels uncomfortable about these facts, so I decided the other day to comfort him. "I know the solution to your problems!" He looked hopeful. "Here's what we do: We pretend your mother was a virgin!

January | 2013 | NobodyisFlyingthePlane 30, 2013 · Great use of military tech for conservation purposes. This is the literal embodiment of Nobodyisflyingtheplane. Anyone as concerned with privacy as the staff is at Nobodyisflyingtheplane is obviously wary of the potential for misuse of unmanned drones, but we love to hear when privacy invading police state tech can be used for the betterment of all.

Right As Usual: November 2012 blog, mostly about politics and culture, but also about my experiences as a Catholic.

Category: - ABIL-Immigration-Updates - U.S. groupse15e67086dMy last blog post, Immigration D-Day for DACA: Get Protection!, generated a thoughtful, heartfelt critique by a good friend, and fellow immigration tribesman, Gary Endelman.Gary took me to task for my "use of the Holocaust as a standard of comparison" to the plight of the DREAMers. On reflection, I was wrong, and apologized to Gary, and now do likewise to anyone else offended by my inapt metaphor.

American Home Day Care Workers Association | Liberty Chick about American Home Day Care Workers Association written by Liberty Chick. Liberty Chick. Skip to content. ... who is a Democrat and a supporter of the President, revealed that the Obama Presidential Campaign had sent its maxed out donor list to Karen Gillette of the Washington, DC ACORN office and asked Gillette and Ms. Moncrief to reach ...

Lindsay Reynolds and 42 related entities | Entities Reynolds Description. Lang: en Lindsay Reynolds is the chief of staff of First Lady of the United States Melania Trump. Prior to her appointment on February 1, 2017, she was associate director of the White House Visitors Office under President George W. Bush.

AJC Columnist Cynthia Tucker Says 45% to 65% of Town Hall 09, 2009 · AJC Columnist Cynthia Tucker Says 45% to 65% of Town Hall Opposing to Obamacare are Racists … Was Hillary Clinton Black Too? The Audacity of the Race Card … According to Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal Constitution, 45%–65% of those who attend town hall meetings in opposition to Obamacare are racists.

Rep. Steve Brunk | Kansans For Life Blog special event is happening in Kansas for the first time today, as Gov. Sam Brownback travels to four cities for ceremonial signings of SB 95, the Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act. The model language for the Act was provided by Kansans for Life, from the National Right to …

Re: Comey | The Confluence 13, 2018 · There's a lot to be said about Comey's book. I hope many of you say it. Until I wrap up what I'm doing today, I'll put this out there: Comey is the propagator of implicit bias. He's a conservative. If you see what he writes through that lens, it will all start to make sense.…

Can you really be a smart theologian and have people who ... 10, 2010 · Can you really be a smart theologian and have people who disagree with you killed, too? In his defense of John Calvin’s allowing Michael Servetus to …

A Penigma - a mystery, under a pseudonym: August 2010 the 1988 Presidential Election, Senator Lloyd Bentson of Texas debated then Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana. In one of the more famous lines, Bentson rebuked Quayle for likening himself to John F. (Jack) Kennedy. Quayle went on to be elected Vice President as George H. W. Bush's running mate. He also went on to ignominy as a result of being eviscerated weekly on a television show "Murphy ...

Brave Gnu Whirledhttps://bravegnuwhirled.blogspot.comJul 27, 2019 · In this morning's news comes word that the US Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, has ruled that the Trump administration can transfer $2.5 billion from the Defense Department budget to use to build a portion of the border wall they have been pushing.

Dover New Philadelphia Times Reporter Archives, Dec 14, 1996 Dover New Philadelphia Times Reporter Newspaper Archives, Dec 14, 1996 with family history and genealogy records from Dover-New Philadelphia, Ohio 1969-2015.

Luciano sentencing pushed back 2 months | Guam News ... 14, 2018 · Sentencing for Jemuel Luciano, initially accused of visa fraud, has been delayed two months due to scheduling issues, according to his attorney, federal public defender John Gorman.

Payday Lenders Lie Big on IM 21, Cry Liberal-Obama-Clinton lenders’ “Give Us Credit” website, screen cap, 2016.11.04. The payday lenders have adopted the same offensive, fact-free strategy as Pat Powers and the South Dakota Republican Party: when you can’t win a campaign on facts and policy, shout “Liberal!”For good measure, throw pictures of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the screen.

It's Up To Whites To Recognize And Eliminate Racism Robinson was certainly an exceptional baseball player, framing the story this way depicts him as racially special. The subtext is that Robinson was the first black athlete strong enough to overcome the barriers preventing blacks from competing with whites; no black athletes before him were skilled enough to …

The Road to Revolution | Common Sense 04, 2016 · The first time was when he planter aristocracy of the Old South was crushed in the Civil War after a terrible effusion of patriot blood. The second was when FDR led the Democratic Party into a revolutionary period of political and economic redistributive reform, though it took a Great Depression to make it possible and a world war to make it stick.

E Pluribus Unum – US – Page 6 – "From many one" – US ... represented Moloch as the first pagan god who joined Satan’s war on humankind: ... It was the sacrifice we as a culture made, and continually make, to our demonic god. We guarantee that crazed man after crazed man will have a flood of killing power readily supplied him. ... See a bio of the owner here and a safety violations tracker here.

Obama Says China Not a Threat | PoliSci News Review 15, 2009 · Speaking during the first leg of his inaugural visit to Asia , which will include stops in Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, and Seoul, Mr Obama said the US did not view China as a threat. (11/14/09 Financial Times, Edward Luce, Mure Dickie and Kevin Brown) ... Read Article 1. Discuss Obama and Bush foreign policy approach…

Fearing Ambush, Cops and Medics “Stage” Before Responding ... 15, 2014 · The incident took place just after midnight Thursday in South Bunnell: 911 got several calls about an alleged shooting and a victim who'd been …

State Roundup, October 2, 2015 | MarylandReporter.com 02, 2015 · That was the case at the first candidate forum of the primary season Wednesday night. “Let’s not tear each other down in this campaign. This is our first time together—let’s not do it,” Raskin pleaded, after the sniping got underway at a Silver Spring Civic Center forum sponsored by several environmental groups.

Excerpts from recent Wisconsin editorials - Washington 26, 2015 · Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Aug. 25. Elections, ethics watchdog just trying to do its job. As we suspected, a state audit released last week found no major problems with Wisconsin’s nonpartisan ...

Wilton Simpson tells Pasco town hall crowd things that he 29, 2016 · Wilton Simpson tells Pasco town hall crowd things that he says you won’t hear from the media Published on March 29, 2016 in The Bay and the 'Burg / Top Headlines by Mitch Perry

Benghazigate | Power Line | Page 4 12, 2014 · In his capacity as the chairman of the House Select Committee, he may get some answers. ... are the Democrats seriously going to try to sell that theory in …

From the Dallas Morning News: Texas comptroller Hegar ..., a former GOP lawmaker who is in his first year as the state’s chief tax collector and revenue estimator, said he wanted to issue the report early. Lower oil prices “definitely” have persisted long enough to require him to lower his biennial revenue estimate, issued in January, “so let’s go ahead and update,” he said.

American Bridge slams Mario Diaz-Balart for ‘selling out ... 23, 2017 · A White House official said there was no explicit discussion of trading his vote for a promise on Cuba. ... First, there was the ... Sen. Mary Landrieu in what was derisively referred to as the ...

Jeff Sessions Resigns as Attorney General at White House ... (CN) – Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigned Wednesday as the country’s chief law enforcement officer, saying in his resignation letter to President Donald Trump that he was doing so at “your request.” “I came to work at the Department of Justice every day determined to do my duty and serve my country,” Sessions wrote.

GOP group hammers Democrats over raises | Local News ..., who is seeking re-election from a district that includes Danvers and part of West Peabody, accused it of distorting the issue. “They’ve really gone over the top this time,” he said.

Jimmy Lawrence - Ballotpedia 01, 2019 · I fell in love with this great city in 1990 when I was sent here by music icon Ahmet Ertegun. He said, “Jimmy, I need to send you to Music City to learn how to write a song.” That was the start of a 29-year love affair with our amazing town! Nashville …

Established names vie for circuit court post | News ... 26, 2010 · She was the first female in Macomb County to serve as a municipal attorney as she is the attorney for the city of Center Line, where she handles criminal prosecution, mainly misdemeanors.

Daily Update: Much more on Grandal, Amarista - The San ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... are the third and fourth ...

Kevin Rennie's ructions and other disturbances — Daily people will have to share the ultimate employment sacrifice in the Office of the Attorney General. The budget reduction of $2.9 million announced earlier this month has been cut to $2.1 million, Attorney General George Jepsen announced in a message to his office this morning. Here's the email: It is my great pleasure to report that OPM Secretary Ben Barnes, upon

Scott Ostler’s deep thoughts, cheap shots & bon mots - SFGate was the first to chart every NBA dunk, and Harvey invented the triple-doubles stat. Where Pollack ranks on the official all-time stat-guy power rankings: No. 1.Author: Scott Ostler

James Herrold - Ballotpedia Herrold (Nonpartisan) was a candidate for District 4 member of the Lincoln City Council in Nebraska. Herrold lost the general election on May 7, 2019, after advancing from the primary on April 9, 2019. Although candidates had the option to file with political parties, city elections were ...

It looks like the cops are getting in on from profits from ... 08, 2017 · Shore Natural was the other lower-ranked firm that regulators bumped into the winners’ pool in order to achieve geographic diversity. Temescal Wellness The Maryland branch of Temescal has a warehouse growing operation in Baltimore. Its principals have ties to marijuana companies in New Hampshire, Illinois, Rhode Island, New York and California.

Naked Politics - June 2016 | Miami Herald & MiamiHerald.com Department of Corrections whistleblower who was demoted after accusing his bosses of covering up inmate abuse and agency corruption was cleared of wrongdoing Monday as a …

January | 2013 | Power Line’ve argued for a long time that environmentalists are the cheap dates (or battered spouses) of the Democratic Party, but even Obama’s shout out to climate change in his inaugural address isn ...Author: John Hinderaker

Longtime Farmington sports reporter to hang up his ... years ago, Farmington High School football public address announcer Pat Rupp didn’t imagine himself as a sports reporter. He had enough commitments in his full-time job working for the Minnesota Department of Education and raising two school-age children. When the former publisher of the ...Author: Tad Johnson

What are the differences between Rep. Tim Toomey and ... Thursday, September 8, Cambridge and Somerville voters will go to the polls for the first competitive race for State Representative in our community in over a decade. After months of campaigning, many voters are asking: What are the differences between incumbent Tim …

Opinion/Column: The GOP's odd Gothic page-turner | Opinion ..., Ala. — Southern Gothic is a literary genre and, occasionally, a political style that, like the genre, blends strangeness and irony. Consider the current primary campaign to pick the ...

Tommy Ed Roberts | Obituaries | decaturdaily.com Roberts was a lifetime member of the First United Methodist Church of Hartselle. He joined the church as a young boy. His grandfather, Rev. Roy Hewlett, was the minister of the church at the time.

BrothersJudd Blog: June 29, 2009 29, 2009 · GOOD COACHES MAKE ADJUSTMENTS: Five things we've learned from the Confederations Cup: Although dismissed by many, the tournament offered a few clues ahead of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa (Jonathan Wilson Monday 29 June 2009, Guardian Sports Blog) 4. Brazil are better than we thought. OK, their central defence struggles to deal with the crossed ball, and Gilberto …

May | 2009 | Power Line | Page 5 23, 2009 · One of the most dishonest moments in Obama’s speech came when he assured us that detaining terrorists at Guantanamo Bay has undermined our security: Guantanamo became a …

DO YOU CARE ABOUT LOCAL SCHOOLS, SUBWAYS, SAFE STREETS ... 12, 2016 · DO YOU CARE ABOUT LOCAL SCHOOLS, SUBWAYS, SAFE STREETS? LEARN MORE NOW AND VOTE TUESDAY! Posted on September 12, 2016 at 5:30 pm by West Sider ... To find out who is on your ballot before you arrive at the polls on Tuesday, ... What are the biggest issues facing the Upper West Side that can be addressed in the state assembly?

The Internet And Human Evolution. – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY 01, 2037 · "The first peace, which is most important, is that which is found within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."

Cognitive Dissidence: Robin Vos Day - cogdis.me 16, 2013 · The first-term Assembly leader added that he is happy with the progress the state has made since it fell under full Republican control in 2010. "Wisconsin is headed in the right direction and we really made good choices," Vos said. "As we look to the future, we also have to recognize the great job that we've done."

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing - October 9 ...'s_Daily_Presidential_News_Briefing_-_October_9,_2015Join the hundreds of thousands of readers trusting Ballotpedia to keep them up to date with the latest political news. Sign up for the Daily Brew.

CyberAlert -- 03/29/2002 -- Jennings: Hezbollah Not ... how he used to live along the sea where fishermen assured a catch by throwing "a stick of dynamite in the water," Jennings pointed out: "A few hundred yards farther on was the American Embassy. Today it is an empty lot. This is where the U.S. experienced the first suicide bomber.

Colorado's 6th Congressional District is all about 05, 2012 · The first state to grant women the right to vote… Wyoming, whose GOP governor signed the bill into law. The first woman in the U.S. Congress was Montana’s Janette Rankin, a Republican. Please explain to us, dear Elizabeth, what is the basis for your insinuation that the Republicans blocked civil rights for blacks decades ago and

US Special Counsel disputes report Trump told lawyer to lie Special Counsel disputes report Trump told lawyer to lie BuzzFeed, citing two unnamed law enforcement sources, said Cohen, who is going to prison for lying to Congress, told investigators working for Mueller that Trump had directed him to lie about efforts to build a skyscraper in Moscow while he was running for president.

Media still pushing false narrative of racism in criticism ... 19, 2019 · Russian forces blew up bridges on the Euphrates river held by Iranian militias several days ago, according to a report. This is the first time the Russians attacked Iranian targets in Syria. The information came from a senior Syrian official who refused to be identified, and was reported in Bas News, a Kurdish news website.

HLPR 2016 Symposium Day 1: Prof. Elizabeth Joh on Big Data ... his view, the type of sophisticated and powerful techniques of big data policing discussed by Prof. Joh are largely theoretical or anecdotal at this point. Second, Mr. Abt asserted that even if it were true that the police currently have this kind of capabilities, that would not necessarily be a negative thing.

Another GOP debate yields no real game changers 16, 2015 · This is the last debate before the first primary in Iowa Feb. 1 and the one in New Hampshire a week later. And it’s too bad that the field wasn’t slimmed down even more so we could have more head-on collisions like the Marco Rubio/Ted Cruz bout. Betcha that would have been a …

Indian Trails Middle Student, 14, Arrested For Threatening ... another Flagler County school student has been arrested in connection with making threats to harm another. The 14-year-old Indian Trails Middle School student made the threat in a video he ...

Thread by @StillDelvingH: "Actually @JolyonMaugham ... understand that would require fraud -as in all donors to a party have to be on the electoral register? That would mean the party would need to have access to the electoral reg... Oh well And the party to be run by a know frauds... Oh well (If no one checks.. what are the odds?)

Lectures & Speeches – Phil Cline Bill of Rights – Part Two . In this series we explore 1) the Source of the Bill of Rights, 2) Who’s rights are protected 3) Whom are the rights protected from, and 4) What rights are protected.. In Part Two we consider who is protected by the Bill of Rights. Though the scope of the issue is too broad for one blog post, it is possible to get an overall appreciation for the reach of the ...

Mapping apps used by US troops and those of allies ... 21, 2018 · It was the first time the OSC has weighed in publicly on its nearly year-and-a-half investigation into the matter. The OSC specifically faulted top Navy leaders for failing to warn U.S. military personnel and to take the necessary steps to try to protect sensitive data from being hacked.

HCRP Chair race - Paul Simpson's response to questions ... this post is in response to a post by David Jennings on 2/6/14 about the Harris County Republican Party chair race). David, This is to respond to some questions you raised in your post today, to clarify where I stand on issues important to Republicans and why I can lead the fight to restore the Harris County to a be a Republican stronghold.

South Titan Government Blog: 2013 Titan Government Blog is a site intended to enhance communication with students and parents about upcoming assignments and weekly assignments. It is also a place where political discussion may be held between students. The rules of this site are very clear: 1. If you are a student you must use your first name and first initial of your ...

Transgender YouTube star says she was kicked out of Jake ... transgender women allege that they were recently told to leave a party at Jake Paul’s home because they were not “real girls.”. In a video posted to YouTube, social media personalities Lilah Gibney and Kendall Raindrop claim that Team 10 video editor Blaine O’Roark asked Gibney and Raindrop to leave the Team 10 house — which Paul once described to Forbes as “an incubator for ...

Secret Service book about Hillary Clinton - Astrologers ... 06, 2016 · Of course the conservatives are gleeful that there is more dirt on Hitlery just as the liberal media would be about Donald Trump, for example. It's called "politics as usual." The reviews on say for the most part the author presents a balanced picture of all the First Families, not singling out one political party.

Astrologers' Community - Secret Service book about Hillary ... course the conservatives are gleeful that there is more dirt on Hitlery just as the liberal media would be about Donald Trump, for example. It's called "politics as usual." The reviews on say for the most part the author presents a balanced picture of all the First

March | 2017 | Harbours Lawsuit Zoeller was the 42nd Attorney General (AG) of the State of Indiana, serving from 2009-2017. He was elected as the Republican candidate for AG in November 2008, but he left office to make an unsuccessful run for the US Congress.

Ousainu Darboe Minister of Foreign Affairs, UDP leader ... 08, 2018 · With Omar Wally Ousainu ANM Darboe is the leader of the biggest political party in The Gambia and the country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Bantaba anchor Omar Wally picked up from where he left in this marathon interview. Excerpts: Omar Wally: So how did you raise funds for UDP? From our pockets, each time I’m […]

NM CD-02 – InsightAnalytical — Watching Our World ARE THE PESOS????? Parade of Marching Toilet Seats to Accompany Tanks Down Pennsylvania Avenue…Festive Seats Will Pay Homage to the President’s Mar-a-Lago, U.S. Navy Sonar Affecting Sea Life, and Historic Weaponry (Update July 4, 2019) Recent Comments

The star of empire – à la Rob 29, 2010 · I’ve found some evidence of how the Anglo-Irish cleric George Berkeley’s verse, “Westward the course of empire takes its way,” became a “star of empire” on the cover of George Bancroft’s History of the United States. The connecting link seems to be John Quincy Adams, with an assist from Massachusetts poet Sarah Wentworth Morton.

The Early Edition: July 11, 2017 - Just Security 11, 2017 · The Trump Jr. meeting is the first time the public has seen “clear evidence” of collusion between senior Trump campaign members and the Russians, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee Sen Mark Warner said yesterday, joining Sen. Sesan Collins (R-Maine), also on the committee, in calling for Trump Jr. to testify before them.

Early life and education - db0nus869y26v.cloudfront.net Kevin Fitzpatrick (born December 17, 1973) an American politician who is a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, serving as the representative for Pennsylvania's 1st congressional district since 2017. The district, numbered as the 8th District during his first term, includes all of Bucks County, a mostly suburban county north of Philadelphia, as well as a sliver of ...

Canyon Lake teen rises from obscurity to America’s Got ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... he is one of my favorites ...

ellen tordesillas » Binay can kiss his 2016 presidential 09, 2014 · Mercado, who was the Binay’s trusted bagman until their falling out before the 2010 elections, gave detailed description of the estate which boggles the mind of ordinary Filipinos: two mansions, one with a resort pool; two man-made lagoons, stockbreeding farm with more than a thousand cocks, a horse ranch, an aviary, and a 40-car garage.

The Writing on the Wall in South Carolina Thompson was the only complete traditional conservative in the race for the White House in 2008. Giuliani is a national security hawk, but otherwise, as liberal as the average Democrat voter.

Joe Neguse Archives - The 18, 2015 · Secretary of state candidate Joe Neguse can count on cheers when he tells Democrats, “I’m the guy running to clean up Scott Gessler’s mess.” Those are the first words in a campaign video that will be played at the Colorado Democratic Party assembly in Denver Saturday where he will be officially nominated for the job.

caforward - YouTube mission of California Forward is to transform our state government through citizen-driven solutions to provide better representation, smarter budgeting a...

Gov. DeWine Sets Senior Staff 11, 2005 · Damschroder previously served as the Director of Elections in the Secretary of States Office and as the Director of the Franklin County Board of Elections. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and a Master’s Degree in Public Affairs & …

? on Twitter: "25. Mueller is digging into whether Corsi ... 01, 2018 · Search query Search Twitter. Saved searches. Remove; In this conversation

June 2015 Archives - 2/6 - The Spot - Auditor-elect Tim O’Brien shocked the city’s political establishment when he beat City Councilman Chris Nevitt by 6 percentage points on May 5.. Now several of Nevitt’s supporters are helping O’Brien pay back $40,000 in loans he made to boost his campaign when big-money supporters were hard to find. Lawyers, business types and lobbyists are joining union officials in hosting a ...

2. Party Decline Renewal | Voting | Political Parties• One of the key indicators to suggest the party has a strong identity and is ‘alive/renewed’ is the level of partisanship in Congress. • It is suggested that in recent times that Congress has moved from politicians loosely or nominally associated with their parties, to a much more adversarial battleground.

Bait-and-switch | Guest columnists | stltoday.com Eric Greitens was seeking the Republican nomination for governor last year, he claimed to support transparency in the funding of political campaigns. He said in one interview, “What I’ve

Grassley tops Sweeney; McKibben beaten in bid for Iowa ... Grassley-Sweeney race marked one of the most expensive primary battles in the state. ... but there’s a lot of people to meet and a lot of forums to attend,” Kenyon said. ... I am one Iowan ...

Ex-lawmaker Issa vies for seat of indicted GOP congressman days ago · EL CAJON, Calif. (AP) — Darrell Issa, a deep-pocketed businessman who garnered widespread admiration and scorn as one of former President Barack Obama's chief antagonists, announced Thursday he ...

Comptroller Spitzer? Once-disgraced governor will run for Gov. Eliot Spitzer plans to run for the New York City office of comptroller, NBC News has confirmed. Spitzer, 54, is the latest in a long stream of scandalized politicians seeking ...

Monmouth University Poll: Menendez Holds 21-Point (53-32% ... 12, 2018 · U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) holds a sizable advantage over Republican Bob Hugin in the 2018. Hugin. race for U.S. Senate according to today’s Monmouth University Poll.Menendez starts the campaign with weak approval ratings in part due to fallout from his recent corruption trial, according to the poll.

The Early Edition: April 12, 2019 - Just Security 12, 2019 · In the U.S., the Department of Justice (D.O.J.,) announced that Assange had been indicted in federal court on a computer-hacking conspiracy charge in connection with what prosecutors described as “one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the United States,” Paul Hannon, Margot Patrick and Aruna Viswanathain ...

Democrat candidates to speak at South Dade Dems event 20, 2016 · Or are the South Dade Dems among those who don’t think he can beat State Rep. Frank Artiles in November and want to bet on Rivas instead? ... one of two Democrats running in District 120 against Holly Raschein. He’s a Miami attorney who grew up in Homestead. ... Democrat candidates to speak at South Dade Dems event added by Ladra on June 20

BRIAN HOWEY: Charlie White's run for secretary of hack ... haven't met Charlie White, the Republican nominee for Indiana secretary of state, so in a personal and professional vein, I was neutral about the guy. He's the Hamilton County Republican ...

Courtney, Merrill Announce Webinars on Exporting | CT News ... 2010 was a rough year for businesses by most measures, Connecticut companies were exporting at record levels. Over the next six months the U.S. Commerce Department will host cheap...

New York Times: 'Democracy Died While We Were Necking With ... 10, 2018 · SIX! When in fact it was actually EIGHT! And a FOURTH New York Times story about Alan Dershowitz. OF COURSE the Gray Lady couldn't leave it at just three! Schachtman, the editor of the Daily Beast, followed up by tweeting a story where NYT editor Dean Baquet admitted that if he had it to do all over again, maybe he shouldn't have published ELEVENTY GAZILLION STORIES ABOUT …

Does John Rabenold STILL Work for Check-n-Go? - Blogger 26, 2008 · "(One) of the best right-of-center bloggers in the Buckeye state." - Steven J Kelso "[T]he coolest name in the Ohiosphere, and keeps a sharp eye on the treacherous shoals of politics and public affairs." - Bill Sloat, Daily Bellwether "Weapons of Mass Discussion has a great name and a strong Republican bent.

Bozo the hacker | TheKnightReport.net 20, 2019 · Virtually everything I've read from CNN to the Atlantic isn't particularly rooting for Beto and at best views him as a 'wild card' candidate. Many of those outlets are the ones drumming up whatever misdemeanor stuff he has in his past. I'll give you this, I don't …

Crist vetoes abortion bill – Post On 11, 2010 · Crist vetoes abortion bill. ... Whether that baby was the result of consensual sex or rape does not overrule the fact that there is a reason for that baby’s existence. ... but I believe on the first page it says it does not even require the woman to review the ultrasound. She can sign a paper and opt out of the review. If she is a victim of ...

Bruno lawyers set to argue against 2nd corruption trial ... lawyers set to argue against 2nd corruption trial. ... The Court of Appeals earlier agreed to a prosecution request to “expedite” its hearing of the case, so that a new trial can be ...

Ohio bear kills caretaker; owner had legal trouble - The ... U.S. government appealed an immigration judge’s decision to give asylum to an Honduran pastor who was the first migrant in the Remain in Mexico to win a case. ... “These are the things ...

Hasert – Post On first local case was identified Tuesday on Florida’s Gulf Coast — in Pinellas County — but state officials are still researching to determine whether mosquitoes carrying the illness have been found there. Scott said that no new cases of Zika virus have been discovered in Wynwood over the past two weeks.

The Key Monk: Benedict XVI and the real "hard liners" his recent book, "The Cube and the Cathedral," Weigel lists the many sources of this very powerful, very profound and very European -- as opposed to American -- antipathy[:] . . . the experience of the Holocaust, which many European intellectuals concluded was the logical outcome of Christian bigotry through the centuries; the disappointment ...

Politeia Articles: 11/1/08 - 12/1/08"I truly and deeply feel sorry for all the children who are the victims of the welfare state. Things are much, much worse for the slum children in India, I saw more dignity among them and certainly greater hope. "I am not sure if you will understand this message. I am too tired to …

Police, Fire Department Offer Details on Christoffersen took 32 rescuers to free the two victims of Saturday's early-morning crash on Christoffersen Parkway, both pinned into their car following the high-speed single vehicle accident. According to the Turlock Fire Department, the incident occurred at 4:41 a.m. Saturday morning, with the road still wet from rain. Upon the Fire Department's arrival on-scene, firefighters found evidence of the high ...

New York Court Watcher: Part 5 [Judge Fahey's 'Tendencies common threads in his judicial work. Well, a review of his Appellate Division opinions--with special focus on the most revealing ones, i.e., the dissenting opinions and majority opinions responding to a dissent--suggests that there are certainly a few dots that can be connected. So let's connect the dots. At least a few of them. Dissenting ...

In opioid lawsuits, 1 state opts to stay on the sidelines ... opioid-related death rate in 2017 was the lowest of all states, with advocates saying addictions to alcohol and methamphetamine are more pervasive. ... Now in his second term, the former ...

Racism | Benighted Comment Theodore Dalrymple:. There is no racist like an antiracist: That is because he is obsessed by race, whose actual existence as often as not he denies. He looks at the world through race-tinted spectacles, interprets every event or social phenomenon as a manifestation of racism either implicit or explicit, and in general has the soul of a born inquisitor.

Velesha P. Williams - Ballotpedia 06, 2019 · Williams graduated from Jackson State University with a B.S. in 1983 and an M.A. in 1996. She served as an active duty officer in the U.S. Army from 1983 to 1992. Williams' professional experience includes working as an elementary teacher and as a director/PI for several federal- …

Is this the last deficit hawk in the Republican Party 29, 2017 · Is this the last deficit hawk in the Republican Party? ... if Mr. Obama was the president and he put this tax bill in, those deficit hawks in my party would get out of the nests and start ...

Races in 5th, 7th already becoming high-dollar contests ..., who is serving in his second term in the 7th District, raised $85,985.25, bringing his overall total to $450,131.65. He spent $62,399.32 in the third quarter and has $404,606.49 on hand.

In Manhattan, poll-topping Herman Cain makes the case (to ... 28, 2011 · In Manhattan, poll-topping Herman Cain makes the case (to Joel Klein) for decentralized education ... who was the first candidate to appear, said it would be "premature" to promise he would ...

Same-Sex Marriage: Empathy or Right? - patriotpost.us 18, 2012 · WASHINGTON -- There are two ways to defend gay marriage. Argument A is empathy: One is influenced by gay friends in committed relationships yearning for the fulfillment and acceptance that marriage conveys upon heterosexuals. That's essentially the case President Obama made when he first announced his change of views.

Whitney Raver - Ballotpedia first historical event I remember was when Bill Clinton gave his address on NAFTA. He was very proud of the prospects for globalization. He boasted that by the time I was grown up we'd have a 30-hour work week because the work that needed to be done to upkeep civilization would be spread out to all the people of the world, not just us.

Tucson Massacre | Scared 09, 2012 · It was the first time that Giffords has been face-to-face with Loughner. The defendant returned the couple’s gaze as Kelly explained how the bullet had changed his wife’s life, but couldn’t damage her spirit. Gabby Giffords husband provided the following statement for his wife, who is stiff recovering from the gun shot to her head.

CNN’s GUT CHECK for August 30, 2012 – CNN Political Ticker 30, 2012 · The speech Romney delivers at the Republican National Convention’s final night in Tampa will be one of his last opportunities to sketch a portrait of who he is and what he stands for to a country whose battleground states have seen him relentlessly portrayed by the Obama campaign as a heartless corporate raider — a perception that has ...

February 9, 2011 Archives - 2/2 - The 09, 2011 · The measure is one of two election proposals scheduled to be heard by the House State Veterans & Military Affairs Committee. Rep. Edward Casso, D-Commerce City, said roughly one-third of the voters in Colorado are unaffiliated. In his Adams County House district, there are almost as many unaffiliated voters as Republicans.

Blood relatives | Eagan | hometownsource.com“One of my first days when I was being introduced, one of the nurses said the last time she saw me, I was waist high,” Justin said. Justin was born when Dennis was completing his internal medicine training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The family then moved to …

Boxing Scene Lounge [Archive] - Page 578 - Boxing Forum was the last time you've seen another man's di1ck? Boy/Girl Scouts To Include boys/girls; Bodycam shows shooting of black man by Milwaukee officer [HOLY S**T!] I've finally realised there is ...

Financial Institution – Encore Restaurant was the firs time such an award was given to someone in his field of work. The architect has been in his leadership role at AIA since 2011, and he is also a writer, commentator and author who wrote the biography entitled Fay Jones: Architect, which was published in 2009 and is now in its 3rd edition.

Mommy, Do Jewish Kids Go To Heaven? | Sharp Iron 01, 2008 · This is heaven and all sorts of sacred art and Scriptures, from the Bhagavad Gita to the Qur’an, are easily available (missing, however was the Reader’s Digest Condensed Version). The fellow has his Bible open to John 14, and he is frenetically pointing …

24-year-old waitress mysteriously killed and dumped in ... 05, 2018 · Police sources said two people had been arrested for questioning as a probe into the death commences. [Courtesy] A waitress in one of the top hotels in Nanyuki who has been missing since Thursday evening has been found dead inside a borehole at the hotel. The body had a deep cut across the abdomen. The […]

May | 2010 | Power Line | Page 6, who is by no means a religious fanatic, plugged Mary Eberstadt’s The Loser Letters here. The Loser Letters is an apologia for religious belief, in particular Christianity, in the witty ...

Free Term Paper on Missile Defense - CustomTermPapers, there is the question of who is in charge. Given post-9/11 security issues, the main concern is defending against launches from countries that have possible links to terrorists. As the developer of NMD, the United States would want the final say in its deployment and use.

With title secure, Elway's job now gets tougher morning, Elway was the general manager going back to work on a Denver Broncos team that woke up with the Super Bowl 50 Lombardi Trophy, 17 free agents and a …

Google News - Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort ... Donald Trump speaks at a rally on Tue., Aug. 21, 2018, in Charleston, West Virginia. Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager for Trump and a longtime political operative, was found guilty in a Washington court today of not paying taxes on more than $16 million in income and lying to banks where he was seeking loans. Getty

Colorado Peak Politics | IN HIS WORDS: State GOP Chairman ... 11, 2015 · IN HIS WORDS: State GOP Chairman Ryan Call Makes His Case for Re-Election Posted on March 11, ... Not only did we take back the State Senate for the first time in ten years, ... One of the many reasons we won in 2014 is because we all worked together to help our candidate succeed.

From this moment on | Power Line 14, 2012 · I couldn’t find the time on Wednesday to note the anniversary of the birth of Frank Sinatra on 12/12/12. William Ruhlman provides an excellent overview of Sinatra’s long career. Twin Cities ...

Senators reflect division | Palmetto Politics ... Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., joined forces last month with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., on a compromise to the climate change legislation known as cap and trade, it was the last straw for the ...

Uphill battle for LeBron-less Heat - ABC News 16, 2015 · Uphill battle for LeBron-less Heat ... With Chris Bosh sidelined for the rest of the season as he recovers from blood clots in his lungs ... Wade and veteran forward Udonis Haslem are the only ...

33 Community Leaders & Activists Endorse Treyger For State ... activists, advocates, and community leaders from Bay Ridge to Brighton Beach endorsed Councilman Mark Treyger for Democratic district leader in the 46th Assembly District today. The group, which crossed ethnic, geographic and issue-based constituencies, include seven clergy and members of the religious community, seven tenant and housing activists and several civil rights leaders ...

Ousted Penn State team doctor sues Franklin, Barbour, school former Penn State team doctor is suing the school, football coach James Franklin and athletic director Sandy Barbour, claiming he was ousted after complaining to school officials about being pressured to clear players to return from injuries.

Kiev Dr. Olga Bogomolets: We Are Tired To Live With ... 01, 2037 · “On February 20 the first snipers shootings began at 9-10 am, the last person was killed at 4 pm, the most died from 11 am – 1 pm. Wounds were very heavy, so it was very difficult for doctors to save victims. Snipers were shooting directly to the heart, to the neck, to the brain and eyes.

November 18, 2013 – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY 01, 2037

60 Minutes « The Central Standard Times Trump now grudgingly acknowledges that yeah, Putin probably did meddle in America’s past presidential election, which all of America’s intelligence agencies insist with complete certainty, he added that China’s murderous dictatorship probably did the same, which no intelligence agency has suggested, and he seemed to shrug it all off as business as usual.

American Civil Liberties Union : Map (The Full Wiki) 1973, the ACLU was the first major national organization to call for the impeachment of President Richard Nixon, giving as reasons the Nixon administration's violations of civil liberties. That same year, the ACLU was involved in the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v.

The One (film) : Map (The Full Wiki) One is a 2001 action film, directed by James Wong, director of Final Destination, and starring Jet Li, Delroy Lindo, Jason Statham and Carla Gugino. Plot outline A superhuman criminal named Yu-Law (Jet Li), once a member of the organization policing interdimensional travel (via detecting wormhole openings, which can be predicted like the weather), seeks to hunt down and kill variations of ...

Democratic Underground - - Democratic Underground June of 1936, with Fascism on the rise in Europe, the man who is generally regarded as the second greatest president in the history of the United States gave one of the greatest speeches ever given in this country. In that speech Franklin Delano Roosevelt warned his countrymen, not of external dangers, but of the internal dangers to our country from what he called “economic royalists”.

Nelson Mandela And The Elders. – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY 01, 2037 · Posted December 7, 2013 by Jerry Alatalo Nelson Mandela spent 27 of his 95-years-long life behind bars as a political prisoner. Keeping in mind that he was sent to prison after studying law, where he learned the architectural framework that basically ruled how the world moved, we can only imagine the thoughts he had while exploring his inner mental worlds…

hillary-for-prison/ at master - github.com"That was one of the reasons that I started traveling in February of '09, so people could, you know, literally yell at me for the United States and our banking system causing this everywhere. Now, that's an oversimplification we know, but it was the conventional wisdom.

Great Chain of Contempt | The American Conservative 27, 2016 · In the history of ideas, few theories have had the staying power of the Great Chain of Being—the idea that we live in a universe in which one’s position is fixed by one’s status. For some ...

Landmark Legal vs. NEA - WND - WND is looking at this? Who is in control of the whole process in the United States? ... that’s what they get paid for – but it seems that dog ain’t gonna hunt if you ever get this stuff ...

Social Justice Warriors Are the Democrats’ Electoral ... 08, 2018 · Social Justice Warriors Are the Democrats’ Electoral Poison Those who don't denounce the politics of Sarah Jeong will crash and burn just as George McGovern did.

Shrill and Shriller - The Baffler and Shriller on The Baffler | As a publishing trend, the New Economy didn’t survive the stock market collapse. ... I paid a visit to a relative of mine who is a steady consumer of best-selling conservative books of the Liddy/Coulter/Hannity variety. ... liberals are the elite. They are the ruling class. T he strange quiescence of the ...

Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) on Threader 08, 2019 · The latest Twitter threads from Walter Shaub (@waltshaub). Walter Shaub (@former Director of @OfficeGovEthics this is strictly a personal social media account, views are my own, and no references to employer are made on this account).

Benchmade gun destruction | Page 7 | The High Road 22, 2019 · Oregon Congressman Kurt Schrader was one of just six Democrats in the House who voted Wednesday for a bill that would allow concealed handgun licensees to carry their weapons in all 50 states. Republican Greg Walden also backed the bill, which passed on a 231-198 vote. It was opposed by Democrats Earl Blumenauer, Suzanne Bonamici and Peter DeFazio.

Adonal's Opening Remarks 2003 National Student Summit ... thought this was really unfair – to decide a kid’s whole life on the basis of one test, but there was nothing I could do so I took the test with everyone else. But I failed, and I watched as the kids who had passed the test left Canouan for other islands in our country, St Vincent and the Grendadine, to continue school. I remember feeling ...

Transcript: Episode 32 April 14, 2013 | Globalnews.ca 14, 2013 · Transcript: Episode 32 April 14, 2013 ... And a great guy named Bill Blaikie who is a parliamentarian everyone respected and they put together something that didn’t

California State Assembly District 74 | California Primary ... 07, 2016 · Instead of a single line of work, now the student is supposed to write four lines, each containing its own equation. We get calculations like 12 + 3 and 20 + 10, each of which at least contains numbers that appear in the problem or are the answer, but then there are the bizarre exercises of 15 + 5 and 30 + 2, neither of which seem at all helpful.

Brazil: What we talk about when we talk about “coups ... 02, 2016 · As I’ll explain below, I don’t this dichotomy illuminates much; furthermore, I think the widespread use of the term “coup” is both an analytical and a political mistake. First, a very brief summary for anyone who is interested but has not followed the messy and complicated process over the last several years.

Why was the sheetrock provision amended from the building was the sheetrock provision amended from the building codes by the Sioux Falls City Council? ... Either one of them could also have reminded the council that many cities do not opt out sections of the International Fire Code when it is updated, they adopt it as is. (I.E., they don’t let the Homebuilder’s Associations run the show with ...

Trump: Fishtown’s Champion Against Belmont | The American ... Responses to Trump: Fishtown’s Champion Against Belmont ... The real kicker was the whole he’s too “big” for the ELCA, they are losing out on his gifts, they don’t know how to love ...

Transcript of Pelosi Press Conference Today | Speaker ... some reason, the Republicans have had this in their sights, to use your expression, I don't like it, for a very long time, to the point where, if you will recall, one of their first actions was a threat to shut down government rather than to fund Planned Parenthood. They would shut down government rather than fund Planned Parenthood.

The Truth – Part 3: The Consortium & The Legalization Trap ... Consortium & Hotel California What is AUMA? It’s no less than the Undead Zombie of Prop 19, back from the dead once again to test the faith of the Medical Marijuana community in its final hour of justice. Prop 19, SB1262, and all of these other initiative also-rans have been nothing but attempts by…

Syngenta PR’s Weed-Killer Spin Machine: Investigating the ...’s-weed-killer-spin-machine...Documents obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy, recently unsealed as part of a major lawsuit against Syngenta, reveal how the global chemical company's PR team investigated the press and spent millions to spin news coverage and public perceptions in the face of growing concerns about potential health risks from the widely used weed-killer "atrazine."

Eye On Albuquerque: And Then There Were Four 19, 2009 · Actually, Arencon was one of the time bandits. He just wasn't as bad a violator as the others - hundreds of hours instead of thousands. How do you think he managed to keep traveling around the country with his jazz band after everyone was no longer willing to trade shifts with him because we all knew he would never pay us back?

THE GIFT THAT JUST KEEPS ON GIVING - Politics, 2nd ... are the specifics of that framework? The bill calls for a "10-year national mobilizations" toward accomplishing a series of goals that the resolution lays out. (Note: Ocasio-Cortez's office released an updated version of the bill on Thursday.

Tick, Tick, Tick … the Augustus Countdown Continues | The ... 21, 2016 · If we can't make our republican system of government work, eventually the people will clamor for a leader who can sweep it all away. Many of them already do. In the 2013 post "Countdown to Augustus" I laid out a long-term problem that I come back to every year or so: [R]epublics don’t work just by rules, the dos and don’t

Nassau County GOP ram through redistricting plan aimed at Karen Rubin Long Island Populist Examiner After a heated and contentious public hearing on Monday, May 9, the Nassau County Legislature is poised to vote to adopt the redistricting map at its Monday, May 16 meeting. The intention here, under the guise of preserving “one-man-one-vote,” especially in the 2nd Legislative District, where racial minorities …

SodaCanyonRoad | Heliport Initiative 06, 2018 · In addition, our waiter was curious to know whether it was the Palmaz heliport application, which prompted us to get involved. According to county records, planning staff alone has spent over 1,000 hours thus far in processing this application, which is still not decided on appeal.

Wichita's tea party critics examined - Voice For Liberty 09, 2009 · On Wednesday, the Tea Party Express stopped in Wichita for a rally. Quite a few people attended -- more on that in a moment -- and the reaction to the event by Wichita's Left perhaps says more about them than the protesters.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce - WordPress.com Progress’ Lee Fang has a nice reminder of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s history of putting corporate interests over the public interest. President Obama, who is reported to be considering giving a speech at the Chamber, might want to be wary of burying the hatchet with this group.

Change of Subject: Word list tells broadcasters, `Get real' really, really loved today's column. I am sending it to a friend in Indiana who is also a writer. Really. I have a question for you and I am not joking, just puzzled. I am studying Creative Writing at a good school in Chicago. One of my professors has a confusing ,to me, habit of underlining parts of my stories and remarking, "Really?"

General political chat | Page 416 | WDWMAGIC - Unofficial ... 02, 2017 · I haven't been a registered Republican for a very long time. Luckily I don't have to, as my state has open primaries. In my late teens and early 20s, I worked for the State GOP (more accurately, I was a shared resource contractor amongst several campaigns), and quickly grew disillusioned by the muck of the process, on all sides.

Althouse: At the Pinkness Café... 09, 2019 · And if you do not have a beautiful wife, or even if you do not have children, don't worry. God has made descendants of Israel from the rocks on the side of the road, NOBODY WHO IS READING THIS can honestly think that they are not as important to God as the greatest of angels is .... Cheer up my young friends.

Critical Miami: Strong mayor 05, 2007 · Friday January 5, 2007. Strong mayor debate. At the strong mayor debate last night. Senator Gwen Margolis argued for the proposal, Commissioner Sally A. Heyman argued against; and Nancy Liebman, president of the UEL, MC’d.A very good meeting, and all three had a lot of interesting things to say, but it wasn’t completely satisfying, and I’m less certain of which decision is right then I ...

Hillary Clinton Archives - Wry Wing PoliticsWry Wing Politics least with Hillary Clinton or the average Democrat you’re not dealing with someone who is dubious of evolution, climate change, women’s reproductive and employment rights, the desperate need for affordable health care, a less ideological Supreme Court and immediate immigration reform.

Williamson County State House Candidates on Education 19, 2016 · Y’all are rich. You don’t need all this money from the state.’ We have amazing PTOS and a lot of times it’s the PTOs and parents who are making up funding. MY daughter goes to Moore and two years ago and they needed a new playground. The PTO and the parents raised almost $50,000 for a …

NIFA Archives - Long Island Progressive only thing that should is relevant, he claimed, was the map itself, that it comply with constitutional requirements and standards for “one-man-one-vote” so that the County not be subject to a lawsuit.

Hospitals Firing Seasoned Nurses: Nurses FIGHT Back ... 22, 2015 · I agree!!! I LEFT bedside nursing 6 years ago because of the lack of care provided to patients due to the lack of staff and increasing workload. I became an RN because I care. Unfortunately, working as an RN in a hospital setting does not permit nurses to provide the care that is considered safe ...

2015: Day to Dayhttps://2015-dtd.blogspot.comThe terrible shootings in Charleston was the desire of a young man to further the idea of white supremacy, but it resulted in a national dialogue of creating better race relations, of lifting society so everyone has a better chance at life, and a dramatic call to rid the nation of the symbol of slavery, the Confederate flag.

Council, Brantley Accept Walsh Apology, Plus: GOP Targets, Brantley Accept Walsh Apology, Plus: GOP Targets Bloomer, And Malloy Moolah ... But it turns out that the Courant went crazy when some State Rep from upstate spent $1200 on a hotel and plane ticket using his PAC, because it’s actually a serious violation of the law to use PAC dollars as a personal slush fund. ... BTW where are the ...

Elections | Jelo1317's Blog Federation for Children deceived public about how much they were spending to sway elections. Dark money nonprofits spent hundreds of millions in the 2012 elections, but reported only a fraction of that thanks to an “issue advocacy” loophole that requires only limited disclosure for ads that don’t explicitly urge viewers to vote for or against a candidate.

Blog – Page 9 – Indivisible East Bay the Sentencing Project puts it, ... who is one of the original sponsors of the bipartisan and bicameral Women and Lung Cancer Research and Preventive Services Act of 2019 ... but she wouldn’t hear of it. These are the moments that make me believe that we are building more than a winning coalition — another blue wave — more even than a ...

the Annandale Blog: Loeffler, candidate for supervisor ... 15, 2015 · Loeffler, candidate for supervisor, vows to listen to neighborhood concerns ... Gross has more recently indicated the county office building won’t be located at Willston, but it’s not clear where it would be. ... The plan for a $125 million office building wasn’t discussed during meetings of the task force Gross appointed to develop a ...

Algorithm predicts US Supreme Court decisions 70% of time ... 31, 2014 · Was the Constitution violated or is it a logical extension of the powers given? ... Its possible to come up with an algorithm that does that for a known set of spins, but it …

Committee to consider school cuts | Warwick,83375I don't agree with every point of view Rosemary Healey has but she works very hard and doesn't make the decisions. She always presented 2 or more legal scenarios to the committee and it was the committees choice. She would present choices she said she was or wasn't in favor of and would say why, but it was ultimately the committees choice.

Shape Your Life: March 2015 -! Thanks for stopping by my blog!! My name is Jaime Messina and my mission in life is to help people understand that it is never too late to go after what you want.

Glibertarians | Monday Morning Links despite some appearances to the contrary (a beater car and a very old work truck), they seem to think we’re made of money and should be able to fix all these things with a call to a contractor immediately. My son destroys and wrecks things faster than I can keep up and they don’t seem to understand not everyone is as well off as they are.

CommentaramaPolitics: Hillary's Freefall Continues 11, 2015 · Hillary's Freefall Continues ... Of course, I could be wrong, but it seems to me that if Obama was trying to exonerate her he would have had that done by now. ... at the same time she was allowed to maintain her position at a politically connected "consulting" firm for which one of her "clients" was....The Clinton Foundation She received some ...

The Rag Blog: Alice Embree : War is Trauma but GIs Have ... 28, 2011 · Alice Embree : War is Trauma but GIs Have the Right to Heal ... The Internet is a marvelous tool when used honestly and correctly, and with recognition of its limitations. But it is also home to angry rants, often from the far right, that make ridiculous claims -- like the one (that actually originated on a satirical site) saying that the Obama ...

John Edwards Trial: Kangaroo Court Seeks To Direct Jury ... 08, 2012 · John Edwards Trial: Kangaroo Court Seeks To Direct Jury Conviction John Edwards on the TV show '. (Photo credit: ... one of the members knowingly performed an overt act in order to further or advance the common purpose of the conspiracy, and that one overt act was undertaken in the Middle District. ... Where are the legal scholars in this ...

Councilor Norton urges better response to rising sea ... 06, 2018 · I'm not often home to catch "Greater Boston" on WGBH, so it was extra nice to hear a familiar voice Monday night, as city councilor Emily Norton was one of Jim Braude's guests to talk about Boston's second 'once in a generation' flood this season, as director of the Massachusetts chapter of the Sierra Club. The other guest was Richard McGuinness, deputy director for climate change and ...

His Other Band: April 2019 KKK Grand Wizard David Duke endorsed a presidential candidate in 2016, but it wasn't Hillary. Also, there was a black Democratic president of the United States in office for 8 years, you might have heard of him, he was the guy before Trump. True believers however tend to care little for facts.

Bernie, Black, and Blue: Reflections on Race in the ... 16, 2016 · by Paul Street If Black people are the most left-leaning constituency in the United States, why have they been voting for right-wing Democrat Hillary Clinton in the primaries? It is true that Bernie Sanders’ economic program is far better than Clinton’s. However, rising New Deal-type tides do not equally lift all boats, and Black folks have little historical reason to believe that white ...

S02.E21: Target - Designated Survivor - PRIMETIMER 25, 2018 · On 6/17/2019 at 10:03 AM, spiderpig said: The trucks look dilapidated and crummy. They really do. I think anyone who has a failure with their producer-supplied equipment has grounds to complain and ask for some compensation. Its not a level playing field …

Trumped up charges | Catallaxy 22, 2018 · Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame? Another coincidence (just an anomaly in statistics and chances), but it was Robert Mueller. What do all four casting characters have in common? They all were briefed and/or were front-line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation.

Home | Bruce Boyer For Sheriff KNOW who the cowards are. They are ordered to keep their mouths shut, as the ‘official investigation is ‘ongoing’. The Borderline Bar and Grill (for those who have not been there as I have, many times, is a get-together family-friendly place that serves food, has a bar, pool tables and a …

No Countries No Religion: 2010 Countries No Religion Imagine… Popular Posts: ... The principal cause of the crisis was the dismantling of the system of regulation and supervision in the financial sector which had for much of the post-war period kept the most dangerous elements of that sector in check. ... You would think that anybody who is anyone in the financial world ...

Paul Soglin: Waxing America: Public Enterprises and ... snow removal service is reduced and my statement that it should take 10-12 hours is generous for a major storm, not for an average storm. When I speak of 10-12 hours I am referring to a major storm in the 10-12 inch category and not the average storm. Most storms are in the 3-6" category and those should be plowed in 8 or 9 hours.

Christie rips into Chatham school board, superintendent 16, 2010 · At the top of the list are the sales and income taxes, followed closely by the tax on cigarettes, liquor, banking, the Lottery. Then there are the tax imposed on real property transfer, that gets you when you sell your home and a slew of specialized taxes like that. I did an analysis for calendar year 2009 earlier this year.

Beyond Bernie 2016 | The Weekly Sift 25, 2016 · Of course, a Love and Justice Party would lack what the Tea Party has always had bushels of: billionaire cash, the kind of seed money that can go looking for a candidate rather than the other way around. Sanders has proved that millions of liberals will give at least a little money to a campaign that excites them.

Russian election interference | Desert Beacon about Russian election interference written by desertbeacon. The memo was released. What followed ranged from protestations of great transparency (from an administration which won’t release tax returns and visitor logs) and great outrage from the loyal opposition decrying partisanship because their rebuttal was inexplicably (except we know why) delayed.

Give2Attain: Flawed Democracy and Moderation is some of the text from the piece. "The U.S. scores, which used to be much higher, have been declining since 2006. The chief problem with U.S. democracy, as the EIU scores it, has been a decline in what it calls “social cohesion,” which has been diminishing for years, in part because of the increase in what is often called “polarization,” across partisan and political lines.

Jessica Glynn: An interview with Stockton’s new Office of 12, 2014 · “One of the reasons that crime is so high and that we need things like the Marshall Plan is that some of those underground things that haven’t been at the top of the priority list were allowed to fester for a long time. We allowed a culture that can benefit greatly from having those changes.

NY: under valued assets | 600,000,000 years 30, 2014 · Mr. Silver was the subject of two separate unrelated federal investigations in the last few years, according to several people with knowledge of those inquiries. One focused on loans he had made to a litigation funding company called Counsel Financial, which is related to Weitz & Luxenberg.

Irregular Blog: October 2010 - magree.blogspot.com Blog Various musings and commentary by Mel Magree. Wednesday, October 27, 2010. Weak economy with record profits? I've long thought that blaming government policies for the "weak economy" has been so much hooey and that blaming the Democrats alone for all the "bad" government polices has been even more hooey.

Another Grifting Scheme – Balloon Juice 18, 2011 · Although his autobiography was published by a division of Simon & Schuster Inc., Cain paid Stockbridge, Georgia-based T.H.E New Voice Inc. $36,511 for books. His campaign spent $4 million through Sept. 30, including more than $64,000 paid to his motivational speaking company for airfare, lodging and supplies, as well as the books.

Our Town - July 13, 2017 by Our Town - Issuu 13, 2017 · Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s ...

Reforming Public Authorities - gothamgazette.com 19, 2006 · No one saw the ad, so the Canal Corporation sent a Xerox to the politically connected developer. He bid it and he won. He was the only bidder, and his bid price was $32,000. Richard Brodsky, a member of the State Assembly who is hero on these issues, commented that you can't buy a used bus for $30,000. That's the kind of corruption we're ...

A Bold Step Forward - Bleeding Heartland was the Democratic challenger to Steve King in the 2016 to represent the 4th District in the U.S. House of Representatives. While Kim’s bid to take the seat wasn’t successful, she received a higher percentage of the vote in all 39 of her counties than both Hillary Clinton and Patty Judge.

Russian internet trolls are trained to spread propaganda 18, 2018 · Russia! Russia! thread, you'll see a download link to Gallup and a poll that came out in June of this year that shows that less than 1% of the people in this country are buying into the Russian propaganda. That means, pretty much only the people who watch those "news" networks every night are the ones who give it any thought at all.

Gort42: Chris Hackett for Congress, the interview Hackett for Congress, the interview Chris Hackett is the owner of One Source Staffing Solutions since 1990. He has a degree in accounting from Wittenberg University in Ohio and is a long time resident of Shavertown in Luzerne County.

Laurel Brauns | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon you want to be a part of this community, why don't you consider renting your house out to a long term renter who is actually a part of the community and not a transient. Stay in your friend's vacation rental when you come to Bend to visit, or better yet, a hotel!

African American Caucus of The North Carolina Democratic ... Attending The African American Caucus Of The North Carolina Democratic Party, It Is My Opinion That It Needs To Be Shut Down Because It Is Dividing Black Folks Letter Has Been Forwarded To The DCN News Blog/Online TV From Someone But Was Emailed From Deb Williams 3rd Vice Chair, African American Caucus–North Carolina Democratic Party.

How Newton school enrollment is growing compared to the ... 11, 2013 · METCO is but one of six programs that educate non-resident kids in Newton Public Schools. These programs enabled 538 non-resident kids to come to Newton Public Schools in FY 2013. I’ve recently spoken to a number of people who voted FOR the overrides and they agree with me that these programs cost at least $7M/year.

CNN Newsroom Live : CNNW - archive.org latest news from around the world. Search the history of over 376 billion web pages on the Internet.

County Policy Change Will Have Minor Impact | Editorials ... has been nearly one month since I have taken a seat on the Yankton County Commission and I would like to reflect back on what has been happening in the first part of the year. Having three new ...

Do liberals hate large SUV's (BMW, Chevy, speeding, Ford 21, 2010 · In 2006, Abbate was the city’s fourth top water user, consuming 208,400 gallons. When contacted by SFR, he hung up the phone. Two summers later, Abbate, who is president of Santa Fe’s Southwest Acupuncture College, has dropped a spot, though he actually increased his usage by 25 percent. This year, SFR got a “no comment” before Abbate ...

Open Pedagogy at the Program Level: The #PlymouthIDS Case 26, 2017 · I came to PSU because I didn't want to be just another face in a large crowd. Throughout my first two years I couldn't tell you one meaningful conversation or lesson I encountered with my advisor or professors. The first moment I ever stepped foot in the IDS office I had my next two years organized and a sense of worth I never knew I had.

The 'Election' Results - Sucker-Punched Again - Rense of them will not have to be analyzed and they will be like neon warning signs as soon as the new Congress convenes in January 2007. Have a Merry Christmas for it may be the last one or the last one for a long time. America is in for a rude awakening over the next two years.

The War on Assange Is a War on Press Freedom | (We) can do ... failure on the part of establishment media to defend Julian Assange, who has been trapped in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London since 2012, has been denied communication with the outside world since March and appears to be facing imminent expulsion and arrest, is astonishing. The extradition of the publisher—the maniacal goal of the U.S. government—would set a legal precedent that would ...

A fake news feeding frenzy: Jill Stein also now under ... 24, 2017 · I didn't like Obama, but it was the same with him; when you have half the world railing on hysterically about the undercover kenyan agent of allah infiltrating the US government, and analysing photos of him eating bacon and eggs in an effort to confirm his adherence to taqiya and therefore his connections to the islamic world... - the Supreme Court is listening to these arguments, one of the things they are going to also decide if we do think this mandate is unconstitutional, can we separate that from the rest of the bill, things like pre-existing conditions that can help her. And, if they can separate it, then maybe the law will stay in effect. But it also is about ...

BBC News | Talking Point | America and handguns: Time for Point America and handguns: Time for reform? ... but I won't be holding my breath for a decision. Bob Tubbs, United Kingdom. ... but it doesn't stop them being friends. I would guard your country's right to choose as much as I hope you would guard my country's decision after Dunblane.

AOC's protest is a big nothing burger - Democratic Underground 14, 2018 · It's going to be loud and it's going to be messy for a while, but let everything sort itself out. 14. Tweet: 95 replies, 3499 views ... Who is running Justice Democrats? Who are the major players? ... It wasn't her protest but it speaks highly that she, one of the 31 candidates the Sunrise Movement.

Had Enough Indy ?: School Board Candidates Forum 04, 2010 · School Board Candidates Forum. ... All four District 3 candidates participated for a full hour of questions; incumbents Dale Henson and Judy Collins and challengers Natalie Coffey and Bobby Hire. ... But, it is obvious that the incumbents still don't get the anger and frustration of the public, are not engaged in independent review of the ...

Trump presidency - Page 104 - 21, 2018 · CorruptUser wrote:No, I got the impression that he meant that Lewinsky wasn't particularly attractive, rather than sleeping with her was somehow worse than Trump sleeping with the porn star.As for the morality of it, I think sleeping with the porn star is marginally better than with the naive intern, but it also shows that Clinton cares more about the person as a person while Trump views …

Judicial Nominations and a Possible Supreme Court Nominations and a Possible Supreme Court Retirement Summer officially started last week, which typically means things inside the beltway slow down as the heat rises. Not so this year. Among hot items on Congress' plate are a constitutional amendment on flag burning, a line-item veto bill and summer hearings on illegal immigration.

Wood County Board of Elections – BG Independent News was the filing deadline at the Wood County Board of Elections for any issues or candidates to appear on the primary election ballot. Voters in Bowling Green will help decide the fate of a school bond issue, county park district levy, and a liquor option for a restaurant.

America needs to clean up, hit the books, and go on a diet 07, 2011 · by Nina Hachigian – Special to CNN. America has to do three things to get back on track: clean our house, hit the books, and go on a diet. 1. Clean Our House: Our generally laudable political system is a mess.Because of procedural loopholes, most prominently the increasing use of the filibuster it now takes 60% of the Senate to get anything done. This is way too high a bar in a country so ...

It is time for another American Revolution to Overthrow 29, 2015 · we don’t distinguish people by their sexual bent and although there are many people into all kinds of sexual practices, we don’t parade in the streets naked acting them out in mime and the last thing we will ever do if ever, is declare the rectum is as suitable a place for the male seed as the womb which gives life and is responsible for ...

Andrew Fahie promises big things from a VIP government ... fault was it and where was the failure? If your party is elected, what do you plan to do to get to the bottom of it? First, I don’t think anyone should elect any one of the five ministers of the NDP government till they deliver back our money for those planes. Here they are continuing to try to find out about a 15-year-old investigation ...

More use of the big lie: shifting the blame for the ... 15, 2016 · Summary: Weakness always produces aggression by the strong, and we have chosen to be weak. In America the mode of conflict is information. Conservatives have worked long and hard on their information programs (aka propaganda). Their decades of …

'Race for the White House with David Gregory' for Thursday 07, 2008 · 'Race for the White House with David Gregory' for Thursday, July 3 ... These are the same old siren songs that have failed the American people time and time again.” ... but the campaign wouldn ...

government | News @ Wesleyan | Page 2 74th annual Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) conference in Chicago April 7-10 was attended by several Wesleyan faculty members, students and recent alumni. The conference, held every April, is one of the largest political science conferences with more than 5,000 presenters from throughout the United States and around the world.

Daily Kos: Jim Keady KeadyBlessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ... I don't get hooked. This is where many of us lose the first battle. ... according to an analysis by The Record and of ...

Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs | The happy Quitter! 02, 2017 · In the United States, liberals are referred to as the left or left-wing and conservatives are referred to as the right or right-wing. ... 33 thoughts on “ Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs ” kertsen says: September 16, 2017 at 3:29 pm ... I don’t think it is currently true. This was the way the world was, but it isn’t the way the world IS.

The Rag Blog: BOOKS / Ivan Koop Kuper : Vicki Ayo's 'Boys ... 15, 2013 · BOOKS / Ivan Koop Kuper : Vicki Ayo's 'Boys From Houston' Documents a Thriving '60s Music Scene ... Sepulvado is recognized as one of the first to write about the Texas music scene in a national publication. ... Rag Blog. The Internet is a marvelous tool when used honestly and correctly, and with recognition of its limitations. But it …

American about something he mentioned above. It does not have to be long but it should be sincere. 2) Continue to work on your Unit Packets. 3) Answer one of the essay choices on the take home copy of the test you were given last class. Check out these Review Questions and let me know what you think. By creating a student membership, you

The Fourth of July –Time to Win Back our Democracy ... 04, 2011 · The real start of the American Revolution: Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island reminds us that the first act of colonialists to throw off the British yoke ataully occurred in 1772 more than a year before the Boston Tea Party, "amidst growing tensions with American colonies, King George III stationed his revenue cutter, the HMS Gaspee, in…

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Pa Bar - DA DiLuzio's Marriage to ... 06, 2019 · At some point the DA can't prosecute every case so they hire ADAs to do it unelected. Job interview style meritocracy (probably not reality but that's what they say). That is basically what we are talking about here but it would be for a whole town rather than how they dole out the cases now. May 6, 2019 at 12:56 PM

The War on Assange Is a War on Press Freedom 20, 2018 · The keywords are known as “impressions.” Before the imposition of the algorithms, a reader could type in the name Julian Assange and be directed to an article on one of the targeted sites. After the algorithms were put in place, these impressions directed readers only to mainstream sites such as The Washington Post.

Joyce Scofield Rankin, PO Box 1858, Carbondale, CO (2019) have a passion for excellence in education. Joyce Rankin was appointed in August 2015 by the Third Congressional District Republican Central Committee to fill a mid-term vacancy in the 3rd Congressional District seat on the State Board of Education. Her term will expire in January 2017. Rankin grew up in Allen Park, a suburb of Detroit, Michigan.

Tell us the Truth about the Stryker - The Project On ... was the first brigade design to have tactical UAVs at the brigade level. It was the first brigade design to have a tactical HUMINT capability organic to the brigade. It was the first brigade design to have an entire Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition Squadron organic to the brigade.

Transparency and the Brown Victory – Will Brownsberger ran as the 41st vote.. plain and simple. He didn’t attack Martha and he barely mentioned her name. The D should be for Democrat but it sure seems like it stands for Denial after reading this thread. NJ/VA and now MA. The People want jobs… not a massive overhaul of …

Chris Perri – Off the that’s a lot of districts and a lot of candidates, and we haven’t covered some of the most competitive November races, which I’ll get to next week. I strongly encourage everyone to get to know who is running to represent them in Congress and make an informed choice in March. I’ll have more tomorrow.

Robert Reich: The 5-Step CEO Pay Scam - National Ealliantie 26, 2019 · Average CEO pay at big corporations topped 14.5 million dollars in 2018. That’s after an increase of 5.2 million dollars per CEO over the past decade, while the average worker’s pay has increased just 7,858 dollars over the decade. Just to catch up with what their CEO made in 2018 alone, it would take the typical worker 158 years. This...

Leftovers From City Hall - Page 66 - From City Hall Local politics in the San Gabriel Valley ... Amanda Baumfeld wrote a story in today’s paper detailing the recall effort and a DA review ... Word on the street was the ...

Donald Trump Presidency discussion Thread VI - boards.ie never ever visit those sites, and they say it's some type of personal algorithm so why would they appear as the first links? At the time conservatives were rallying behind Kavanaugh and obviously liberals against it. I gotta be honest, this whole "google liberal bias" thing doesn't seem like a fantasy to me especially with all the leaks lately.

Oops - your Trump presidency discussion thread. - Page 10 ... reads like rubbish but it moves so fast that my head is spinning. ... other fluffy stuff, and doesn't see why everyone is trying to force him to change. It's the story that Bill O'Reilly was the master of telling, and the story that you hear on conservative talk radio all the time. ... I'm not familiar enough with the figures to know who is ...

March | 2009 | Speak Out California first is the most important. The people in and around our government are good, dedicated people who are doing those jobs because they care and want to do the right thing. You don’t make big money in …

COUNTDOWN | THE RIPP REPORT / BALDWIN COUNTY LEGAL … 04, 2017 · The first three selections are a NO, Pittman is a HELL NO, He is the WORST elected official in Baldwin County, by a long shot. The only other person who is active in the race on the republican side is Dr. Randy Brinson.

Capital Punishment | Sharp Iron objectively, I am opposed to capital punishment on the grounds that the state certainly has executed innocent people, and continues to do so. I have tried to make that last point many times when talking with Christian fundamentalists. For the most part, …

ThePopTort: Preemption was authored by Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) in the late ‘90s, and IT was one of the first pieces of legislation governing the collection of data. The law imposes requirements on companies when it comes to collecting data on children under 13 years of age, which has become a sticking point for a …

Price of Politics, Etc.: August 2008 31, 2008 · BTW, we asked a bunch of Obama supporters at the Iowa State Fair who they wanted for Obama's running mate. Hillary Clinton was the popular name, but not always in a good way. She did get the most "votes" for V.P. But she also got mentioned most as the person who shouldn't be on the ticket.

Nelson Sells His Soul For Obamacare - Blog - Watch for 20, 2009 · myway. He was the lone hold out. A hero of sorts. Everyone else had been bought off. There was the 'Louisana Purchase' of $300 million, ironically coming on the 206th anniversary of the original. Then Lieberman got his deal. But finally, holding out to the bitter end, Ben Nelson, the democrat senator from Nebraska got his deal...exclusive exceptions to Medicaid for Nelson's home state.

Another ID and Gov't Debt Articles 17, 2006 · This one defending Intelligent Design from typical attacks must be really bad (good); I think I've gotten about 20 hate mails so far. (The best was the succinct, "You're an idiot.") For those who used to like my stuff but think it all went downhill once I became a Christian, read this article on government debt and maybe we can be friends again.

Watch Charles and Diana: Unhappily Ever After (TV Movie settings and wardrobe are the highlight of this movie trying its best to be dramatic and captivating but it only reaches modest heights. IMDb: Most Popular Feature Films Released In 1992 IMDb's advanced search allows you to run extremely powerful queries …

bachsocialnetz.comhttps://www.bachsocialnetz.comState-owned conglomerate Dubai World is currently in severe financial difficulties. The firm is seeking an extra six months to pay at least US$22 million in debts and the government has supported a six month delay as the first step towards a restructuring plan. Dubai World’s main units Nakheel and Limitless are the most indebted companies.

John Floyd – Off the spring break, while his classmates are enjoying their time off, he’s campaigning for a position on the Pearland ISD Board of Trustees. “As a student, I’ve seen a lot more than the trustees have,” Floyd said. “I’ve been with teachers, students and faculty members for nine and a …

Do You know What is in the Food You Are Buying? | Orange are the only ones who can really change this ‘business as usual’ model. ... Most of the Jockeys know who is going to win…but not many of the folks in the stands. ... .you still Yankee’s…but at least you ain’t no damn Yankees!” That was the kindest thing a southerner could ever say to someone from California. The south was just ...

Why I blog – Dangerous Intersection 16, 2006 · For a dozen years, my wife Anne has been telling me that I’m “different.” I’ve never believed that, until recently. Truly, most people don’t have “hobbies” that require so many hours writing about complicated topics. Perhaps I do it because I just turned a very scary number, 50. More than ever, I feel like a candle.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Morning Call Loses Its Perspectives 03, 2008 · But as we all know, the gods are fickle. Yesterday morning, when I tried to access her blog from the Morning Call web page, the link was strangely missing.By the end of the day, I learned that the divine media powers had, indeed, lost their Perspectives. Varkony may still be an op-ed columnist, but her blog is dead.

Will Trump fire Rosenstein? - fluther.com wouldn’t he make the decision and call him in on the spur of the moment to fire him? Or have one of his minions fire him? You need to understand that you liberals are desperate. You are so wanting Trump to do something that could get him impeached that you slather at any hint of it. First it was the Russia/Trump thing.

Lets keep an eye on Obama: November 2008"Preconditions, as it applies to a country like Iran, for example, was a term of art," he said. "Because this administration has been very clear that it will not have direct negotiations with Iran until Iran has met preconditions that are essentially what Iran views, and many other observers would view, as the subject of the negotiations; for ...

From Wing Joint to Hair Salon, Florida Voters Split on ... 29, 2018 · Interviews with a diversity of Florida voters reveal the searing differences of opinions between voters--and their solidified opinions about Ron DeSantis and Andrew Gillum, with days left in …

Page 77 – Where a Redneck Jew and a Hispanic Catholic ..., as queer parents, it’s one of their cultural festivals, added Bergman, who who attends Toronto Pride every year with his kids. “It’s their right as queer spawn. And as a parent, I might want to take my kids to Pride, because they might be lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer or two-spirit.” This right here is a problem.

Rev. Franklin Graham, Idioting It Up Over Islam, Reveals ... 03, 2010 · This time, Rev. Franklin Graham is unable to get away with his usual offenses and fallacies on Islam during a town hall with Christiane Amanpour.

2013 December « OC Political 30, 2013 · Phillip Chen is a small business owner and USC Professor who was the top vote-getter in the Walnut Valley Unified School District Board election in November of 2011. He is a top advisor on health care issues to Supervisor Mike Antonovich and a reserve Deputy Sheriff for the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department.

School Board Expels Charter Group FUSE, Moales Blows Fuse a night the Board of Education terminated the school system’s relationship with a controversial charter group managing the troubled Dunbar School, school board member Ken Moales proclaimed Mack Henry Allen who was employed by the organization was the victim of a “high-tech […] lynching” and portrayed as a “black rapist.”

Washington - Page 8 - Duke Post - By Michael Grunwald – December 6, 2001. Republican congressional aide Barbara Kahlow sent the e-mail to a dozen business lobbyists on Sept. 26: "Here's our non-public chart," it said. She underlined "non-public" and put it in boldface. "This was hush-hush, behind-closed-doors stuff," one of the lobbyists recalled.

The Open Thread for October 17, 2018 – Blue Delaware 16, 2018 · “Democratic challengers outraised Republican House incumbents in 92 House districts in the last three months — a staggering mismatch that boosts the odds of a GOP washout in November,” Politico reports. “There is no historical precedent for financing this broad and deep for congressional challengers. About half of the 92 GOP incumbents are protecting battleground districts, and…

Trump tries to distance himself from 'send her back' rally ...'send-her-back'-rally...President Donald Trump tried to distance himself on Thursday from supporters' chants of "send her back" at a rally where he blasted Somalia-born U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar, as Republicans worry the incendiary mantra could set the tone for the 2020 campaign. Omar, a …

Urban Nights May 2011- my ramble through a thriving ... regret- I didn't make it over to W. Third street this time- last year it was the happening place. We started out meeting a bunch of friends at Taqueria Mixteca- the best hole in the wall Mexican food in town. Good news is that they are planning on expanding and adding a liquor license- whic

Harvey Mansfield XII Transcript - Conversations with Bill ... 06, 2017 · And so, law, it seems, in his argument – in Aristotle’s argument – is a virtue and a defect. The virtue is that it’s impartial. It doesn’t have passion in it. It states what you must and must not do, but it doesn’t express indignation or anger. And because it’s impartial, it applies to everything.

News Corpse | The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay ... remarks might not get much attention were they made by Rep. Schiff, or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, or MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. They would be be dismissed by right-wingers as partisan and political. But those criticisms cannot be credibly leveled against Napolitano who is a devoted conservative and a long-time fixture on Fox News.

Video Tape of Edwin R. Hall Arraignment … Charged with 07, 2007 · Video, Edwin Hall Arraigned In Smith Murder. Edwin R. Hall Seemed Dazed and Confused during arraignment.. It may not have been so much confused but more the sense of the reality of just what will happen to him. Kelsey Smith Case – Edwin R. Hall, 26, from Olathe, Kansas was arrested Wednesday for the murder of 18-year-old Kelsey Smith and formally charged with first …

Spirituality | Sharp Iron | Page 16 is even a fellow right here in Maryland, Rocky Twyman, who is encouraging folks to ask God for some relief at the pump. According to Twyman; “We had a really big all night prayer vigil in Toledo, Ohio, one of the car capitals of the United States. It was a tremendous gathering of Baptists, Methodists and …

David Horowitz - it was the inflammatory intervention of demagogic arsonists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and the credulous cast of progressives who followed in their wake, that turned this incident ...

John McCain – American and Proud has said that, should he be president, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito “would serve as the model for my own nominees.” He regularly attacks what he calls “activist judging,” and he described a recent ruling vindicating the right to habeas corpus as “one of the worst decisions in the history of this country.”

Jackson Jambalaya: Dollar-killers - kingfish1935.blogspot.com 08, 2011 · Instead, near-zero rates and a weak dollar severely undercut the Federal Reserve's credibility, once one of America's strongest magnets for global investment. Weak monetary policy isn't providing monetary stimulus. Under the 2010 QE2 Fed bond-buying scheme, the more the Fed intervened in markets, the weaker the GDP growth each quarter.

A Discussion with Jack Abramoff: Ten Years on | Dissident ..., you would have to outlaw huge payments that companies make to their employees before they enter the government – an advanced bribe. This was the case with the current Secretary of Treasury, Jacob Lew, who had a provision in his Citibank contract that he was due a mammoth bonus should he leave for a highly placed government job.

Democratic party – Page 2 – San Leandro California Democratic Party has just become a little bit more undemocratic. New rules quietly enacted by the Party give Democratic incumbents for state and federal office the automatic endorsement of the Party. While in the past an incumbent would get the Party’s endorsement if he received just 70% of the votes at a pre-convention endorsement caucus or 50%+1 of the votes at the ...

Colorado Peak Politics | Tag Archives: CEA | Page 2 the president of the largest teachers union in Colorado, Kerrie Dallman, took to Twitter to call out Governor Hickenlooper for hiding on the tax increase campaign, it wasn’t just because she had put her organization’s reputation on the line. It was because she had also ponied up a cool quarter million for an initial investment in the campaign to raise taxes by a billion dollars a year.

Senator – Indyfromaz's Blog: The Thoughts of An ... fundamentally violate one of the truth of existence and to fight against it. That truth, LIFE ISN’T FAIR. I believe (to borrow another movie) it to be the Inception idea that started modern Liberalism. If Life isn’t fair, then let’s make it equal. So that it is no more or less …

Category: H-1B Denials - 13, 2017 · The OOH may guide the USCIS, but it does not in and of itself define what is a specialty occupation – only the regulations can do this. Moreover, the OOH should not be the only source USCIS should use when determining whether a bachelor’s degree is a normal requirement for a …

Idaho adultery; illegal dog food; father, daughter swept ... and interesting news from around the West ...

Wolfe Op-Ed Articles - Page 2 of 4 - Republican Matt Wolfe Wolfe, Republican Candidate for City Council At Large, finished ahead of all non-incumbent challengers in a straw poll Tuesday night, coming in 2nd place overall out of 8 declared candidates. The straw poll was held Tuesday February 19th at the South Philadelphia Republican Coalition’s candidates night, which 200-300 people attended.

Which Whole Foods Aren’t OK to Eat? - Renegade 26, 2010 · Kevin Gianni is a health author, activist and blogger. He started seriously researching personal and preventative natural health therapies in 2002 when he was struck with the reality that cancer ran deep in his family and if he didn’t change the way he was living — he might go down that same path.

September | 2009 | Cecil Times posts published by ceciltimes during September 2009. Frankly, we are a bit surprised that Cecil County even does this well. The Maryland Department of Planning interim estimates of income for Cecil County, previously estimated for the same 2008 period, estimated a …

Connecticut Local Politics: Open Forum 08, 2006 · Great job by Senator Christopher Murphy showing his true colors (anything for a vote) by letting the Plan B bill die in his committee. Wouldn't want New Britain, Meriden and Waterbury see you vote for your principles, eh Sen.? 3/21/2006 12:43:00 PM Genghis Conn said... weicker liker, The Republicans hardly ran against him. Their 2004 candidate ...

medically fragile | Kansans For Life Blog, Sheryl Crosier was the key witness as Kansas renews consideration of Simon’s Law, SB 85. Simon’s Law passed the Senate 37-3 last spring but didn’t get through the House process in time to become law. Thus hearings started anew this year.

Scott Baugh's "Non-profit, for the children" OC Marathon’s-“non-profit-for-the-children...Nov 02, 2011 · But as it turns out, this meeting involved Scott Baugh’s bottom line – he was there in his capacity as spokesman and lead investor in the OC Marathon, which was trying to finalize a five-year deal with the Fairgrounds for exclusive weekend parking (meaning evicting the OC Marketplace or “swap meet” for one more weekend each year, to the ...

18 | July | 2016 | Exposing Modern Mugwumps 18, 2016 · “It’s a fine line because you don’t want civil war, but it’s important for progressives not to be taken for granted,” said Taylor. Clinton loyalists hope it won’t come to this, and point to agreement on other “unity” issues, such as tackling student debt, as signs that they are listening to the populist mood.

Gallo Says Using Craigslist Puts Cymbrowitz In League With ... Says Using Craigslist Puts Cymbrowitz In League With Drug Dealers ... Hundreds of thousands of users use craigslist,if not more. That’s like saying that if I go to a CVS pharmacy, and in one of the several hundred CVS pharmacies, one of the pharmacists is selling a controlled substance under the counter, then I’m somehow in league ...

Dick Black | Loudoun Progress these signs don’t say anything but the candidate’s name and office. I strongly suggest that you note the names on these signs and recoil from pulling the lever on any one of them – if you find their postings in as off-puttingly bad taste as I do.

organic farming | The GMO Debate - Colin example, we sell every single thing that we sell. So the market and demand for local and organic food and produce just grows every year so I think it would be relatively easy for a farm operation to scale up. You would have to hire more staff because it is a little bit more labor intensive, but it really isn’t

Cyprus disaster shines light on global tax haven industry 11, 2013 · Welcome to Cyprus, the latest theater for the ongoing European debt crisis. With its banks shuttered for now, the nation has reverted back to a cash-only economy.In exchange for a €10 billion (about $13 billion USD) European Union bailout on its ailing banks, the Cypriot government is expected to raise €5.8 billion (roughly $7.5 billion) on its own. Obama Song | Commentary By Glenn Beck 09, 2009 · Anonymous said... Yes 7:14pm it is apparent, from who Obama has hung out with, who is a racist, even if not "full of hate". "You are known by the company you keep", demonstrated by the list posted at 2:16pm and by him appointing as a White House Czar people like the Van Jones' of this world, who said "White America is poisoning the Black inner-cities", the Jeremiah Wrights' who say "G--D ...

Nevada Progressive: Nevada Past... California Future? was the essence of Bill Raggio. Sadly, that quality is sorely missing in today’s toxic political environment.” I believe one of the more painful decisions of Raggio’s career was to endorse Harry Reid for re-election in 2010. Yes, he was furious that Sharron Angle had challenged him in a primary, but it was much more than personal.

The WorldPoliticsHQhttps://worldpoliticshq.wordpress.comMany will argue this is a tax increase on everybody, but it hardly is. The cost of a haircut for a poor person is proportionality much much higher than it is for a rich person, therefore these kinds of taxes hurt the middle class and poor much much more than the rich.

Autodizactic | I really like to learn.https://misterchase.wordpress.comOne of my first tools for investigating my options as a voter, Project Vote Smart has only improved over the years as it’s harnessed the power and possibility of the Internet. Billing itself as the “voter’s self-defense system,” Vote Smart includes candidates and initiatives at the state and federal level.

Library Chronicles: The Breakfast Club 10, 2015 · First, here are the members of Newell's gossip group... or as the Advocate terms them, the "breakfast club." The sheriff’s breakfast club, composed of several regulars who come and go, continued chatting for a time, the sheriff said. Among the others at the table were Danny DeNoux, a local private investigator; John Cummings, a prominent ...

Allentown City Council Race: Lapdogs or Watchdogs? 19, 2009 · Allentown City Council Race: Lapdogs or Watchdogs? ... As the race progresses, I will continue to update those links with additional information from this and other sources. Let me give you a run down with two weeks to go. ... You know he has a disabled brother that he wants nothing to do with. I can't vote for a person who doesn't have basic ...

Stuff Obama Likeshttps://stuffobamalikes.blogspot.comWhere was the Barack Obama that today delivered a speech on the state of race relations in America? He was silent because it was benefiting him and is now speaking out because like his pastor says; "the chickens are coming home to roost" and his identity politics campaign is blowing up in his face.

Althouse: Jim Doyle vs. Mark Green. 02, 2006 · Vacancies are filled by gubernatorial appointment and the appointee is required to stand for election to a full 10-year term the following spring. The Wisconsin Constitution limits justices to running one at a time." So if you don't like an appointee, organize a campaign to "throw the bum out". To the issue at hand...

The "Liberal Media" | Serato.com 12, 2008 · The findings are not surprising to me, but some republicans might find that the "Liberal Media" bias is just another talking point for the party.-----When it comes to coverage of the campaign for president 2008, where one goes for news makes a difference, according to a new study.

Lame Cherry: Feb 7, 2016 Trump tries to make people millionaires. I would like to have Donald Trump show up and buy what Mom has for a million dollars and you probably would be pretty pleased if Donald Trump showed up to pay you a million dollars for your city lot too. Donald Trump is generous to a fault literally, but let us visit Jeb Bush in his Eminent Domain.

March 22nd, 2013 - Citizens' Oversight Maryland---Maryland ... two issues are the number one for killing public sector unions and moving the burden of revenue onto the middle/lower class. ... for example, used comments by one of Third Way’s founders deriding Elizabeth Warren as the centerpiece of ads trying to defeat Elizabeth Warren in her run for the U.S. Senate. ... The Democratic Party was the ...

February | 2016 | Science, Technology, + Culture the Pennsylvania Republican points out at the end of the segment, this voice has serious impact on the direction a state can go in a general election thus impacting policy. All of the other things I write about are the result of policy, which fundamentally comes from who is in office.

04x02 - And The Law Won - The Good Wife Transcripts ... I-I don't like saying it, but some partners have... issues with Alicia. Hmm. And what are those? Those issues? The office she's in. It's the largest of any fourth-year, and it's the only one on the twenty-eighth floor. And if the firm had to downsize, tell me why we should keep you over other fourth-year associates. I'm good. Better than ...

Result’s of Reed’s “2015 Official U.S. Government Survey ... 02, 2016 · In November 2015, Rep. Tom Reed sent out the "2015 Official U.S. Government Survey". The survey stated that “your responses are necessary to help guide federal policy.” The NewNY23rd analyzed the questions in an article and found that some questions 1) were vague 2) many were loaded with biases 3) had limited choices. I asked "Does he…

The Fix - Preview: Doubled Stakes at Tonight's Fix is -- obviously -- excited about the rare dual debate, and will be in attendance for the political and rhetorical marathon. I plan to file four times tonight -- halfway through each debate to give the Fix community a sense of how things are going, and then again …

Todd Spitzer « OC Political the chair, Ms. Bartlett approved contracts with vendors, such as former Governor Gray Davis’ law firm Loeb & Loeb, that were not for a “legislative purpose.” Setting aside that the Board should not have given the chair that authority in the first place, it is alleged that Ms. Bartlett abused this clause repeatedly.

MSNBC Live : MSNBC - Internet Archive Live news coverage, breaking news and current news events with host Thomas Roberts. New.

Playground Tactics No Rabbit In A Hat Tricks: Cubs 4 02, 2015 · It's funny, and I'm as guilty as anyone I guess, but it seems like we've been tossing our eggs over the Cubs for the better part of a month now, mostly about the offense. And after today they're a ...

Had Enough Indy ?: April 2011 can't really argue against those positions. If pay-to-play rumors are even 10% true, the Marion County Prosecutor or the FBI should investigate, prosecute, and jail those who are involved. As for a mutant public process, I am all for a more transparent, more responsive, and more accountable system than the one we currently 'enjoy'.

The Burning Platform – Page 1302’s a terrible feeling for a father. I won’t sugarcoat it—this is truly horrible. It’s hardly the first time my candidate didn’t win (in fact it’s the sixth time) but it is the first time that a thoroughly incompetent pig with dangerous ideas, a serious psychiatric disorder, no knowledge of …

Naked Politics - July 2008 | Miami Herald & MiamiHerald.com"Sen. Lieberman is expanding the base of Jewish voters that have never considered voting for a Republican presidential nomninee,'' Hasner said. ... but it doesn't look like it ... These are the ...

The Reaction: 2015-04-05 11, 2015 · Paul, the first-term Kentucky senator, is at 15 percent. The three leaders are the only candidates to register in double figures. The next tier is led by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (9 percent), who entered the race last month, and businessman Donald Trump (8 percent), who is toying with a potential candidacy for the second consecutive election cycle.

Jersey Conservative Hank Lyon recently found himself before a judge again, accused -- once again -- of violating New Jersey election law. Lyon, who is a candidate for the state Legislature in next week's Republican primary election, could face serious ethical and legal issues in the weeks and months ahead -- and could endanger the seat (even handing it over to a liberal Democrat) if a court finds that ...

Madville the Committee is aware, an audit by the State of South Dakota has shown that all funds administered by SDRC, Inc., were properly applied." It sounds like Sveen and Bollen are keenly sensitive to money questions that Senator Tidemann never asked in his invitation. 4.

Sacha Baron Cohen – United States of Joe Trump’s hollow concerns about the cost—Mueller’s probe is a “waste of money” and yet we should fund a wall that a lot of people don’t want—Robert Mueller and Co. have been remarkably effective and efficient. Trump shouldn’t mess with this investigation if for no other reason than not to risk a major public outcry against ...

Aletheia in La Joya Politics Presented by Parmenideshttps://lajoyaaletheia.blogspot.comMar 17, 2008 · Aletheia in La Joya Politics Presented by Parmenides As Aletheia, ????e?a, was the Greek Goddess of Truth, my blog will have the Truth Be Told in a logical manner as done by the ancient Greek philosopher Paremenides who through his book "The Way of Truth" influenced Plato, and thus modern day philosophy. - of the things they mentioned in their memo was that the circumstances under which he was interviewed, the FBI came to interview Michael Flynn, and they never told him that lying to the FBI is a crime. They didn't sort of give him the warnings that you often hear in these interviews. And so they mentioned that in their filing.

Anger Mismanagement, by Robert Gore | STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC 12, 2018 · A new bull market is coming that will wipe out many of the current bull markets. Its chart looks good—building a base for decades, lately bursting through the top of its range. The ascent has been steep, pullbacks minor, and it looks like it’s gathering steam for a long run. Anger is lifting off in… 'Levey Live: Speaking Freely' 19, 1999 · Levey Live: Speaking Freely. February 19, 1999 "Levey Live: Speaking Freely," hosted by Washington Post columnist Bob Levey, appears every Friday from 1 to 2 p.m. Eastern time.It is a live, open-agenda discussion offering users around the world the opportunity to ask questions and discuss topics of their choice with Bob.

Rick Scott's third career act - floridapolitics.com Scott, who is about to formally declare his campaign Monday to become Florida’s next U.S. Senator, is a man whose life has twice defined The American Dream. Scott still frequently tells the ...

No, You Kuehn't Do That! - gene-callahan.blogspot.com, I can respect someone who says, "Gunning down these alleged al Qaeda members is obviously troublesome, but it is the best we can do in this awful situation." But Kuehn in his first post suggested that doing so is no more problematic than shooting at a soldier in Confederate uniform who is …

“Talk to the critics…” The Chuck Todd plan to restore“Talk to the critics…” The Chuck Todd plan to restore trust in Meet the Press. A disgusted viewer and longtime critic of the Sunday shows — that would be me — interviews NBC's Chuck Todd about his attempt to remake the most famous of those shows.

Republicans Scramble for 4th District Runoff; Lone 08, 2016 · SHREVEPORT — If Louisiana’s 4th Congressional District race was an Olympic event, there would be a frantic heat for Republicans while the lone Democrat would seem to have a lane to himself to make the final. “I expect to face (Democrat) Marshall Jones in the runoff,” said state Rep. Mike Johnson, R-Bossier City, who is among […]

Hugo on the Red Carpet | Power Line might expect this to trouble reporters, but it doesn’t seem to. One might think, too, that members of a profession with such a sad history would be aware of it and determined not to repeat it.

The Chauvinistic Church | Sharp Iron 10, 2008 · Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:5 states that Peter was the first witness (this is circa ten years before Mark – the original apostolic tradition). Matthew who is known by modern scholars for his midrashic expansions makes good the story at the end of Mark (the additional verses to Mark added for the same reason), with Luke and John following!

The battle for the Lege is gonna be lit – Off the 24, 2019 · We still need (or I need to do a better job searching for) candidates in HDs 29, 85, and 126, for starters. If you’re in one of those competitive Republican-held State Rep districts, find out who is or may be running for the Dems. If you’re in one of those targeted-by-the-GOP districts, be sure to help out your incumbent. -'s locked in. OK. We don't know if this makes a liar of the president on this, at least in his sworn testimony, but he's locked in his testimony. HARLOW: Just to -- Jeffrey, just on one point, I want to really clarify here, as we're all reading through this in real time. This is -- these are the charges against Michael Cohen. TOOBIN: Yes.

Crisis: Cohen Lied, U.S. Senate & War, U.S. Voter Turnout ... SHAIKH: This marks the first time in U.S. history the Senate has voted to advance a bill to withdraw military forces from an unauthorized war using the War Resolutions Act. Wednesday’s vote sets the stage for a possible final vote on the measure within days. Yes - …

Beto 2020 - Page 16 - Politics - Enter at your own risk ... was a much better debater than Obama on policy but it didn’t make a shit of difference because the democrats had already fallen in love with Obama. ... I don't want anyone who is a slave to dogma. ... in his first term in Congress, he voted somewhat more conservatively than the typical House Democrat. It was the same in his second ...

Disregard that Law - Bacon's Rebellion days ago · Well, Virginia made the national headlines again last week and over the weekend. This time it was over the requirement that couples applying for a marriage license list their race on the application. And Attorney General Mark Herring was the hero, saying that, despite what the law said, the couples did not have to do that.

The Moral Bankruptcy of Republicans and Moral Bankruptcy of Republicans and Evangelicals C. Gourgey, Ph.D. There were two men in a certain city, the one rich and the other poor. The rich man had very many flocks and herds; but the poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb, which he had bought.

Poll: People hate Obamacare, but they hate defunding it 28, 2013 · Home News Poll: People hate Obamacare, but they hate ... The last time I voted for a Mainstream Democrat was 1992, because Clinton was Not-Bush. ... which won’t do anything for them, but it ...

Weber County Forum: Two Interesting Items From SL City Weekly 10, 2009 · Several items which don't quite fit neatly in with other topics downthread By Curmidgeon I'd like to direct my fellow WCF Readers' attention to two interesting news items, which don't quite fit in with the topics downthread: First, The SL Weekly's latest issue features a long story implying that Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff [who received over $185K from various call-center companies ...

Obama vs. McCain 2008: Round 15: Political Corruption ... 08, 2008 · This is the fifteenth of a weekly series of public forums on TMB. Watch for a new round every Monday. This week's forum topic is timely considering the recent makeover of McCain-Palin as the mavericks who will take on political corruption. What do you think? Which candidate is best suited to fight political corruption in…

New Mexico Political Journal the 32 teams, 12 qualify for the playoffs. The playoffs are conducted in the exact same manner as the regular season. Each team plays once a week, the exception being that the four top teams get the first week off. For a typical qualifier to reach the Super Bowl, the team must play three consecutive weeks.

Joran Van Der Sloot on the Hot Seat … Meeting with 07, 2008 · Joran Van Der Sloot on the Hot Seat … Meeting with Investigators Thursday in the Netherlands … Tacopina Says Lies According to reports, Joran Van der Sloot will be meeting with investigation in the Netherlands in wake of the revelations from the secretly recorded Peter R DeVries video tape.Joran Van der Sloots attorney states that Joran was lying on the video tapes and it was not …

The unbelievably disgusting weasel Bill Maher really did 18, 2005 · Tavis: But it's working. It's working this time, apparently, because it's gotten Kerry--it's got Kerry spending all his time responding to it, number one, but don't forget they did the same thing 4 years ago with John McCain. This isn't the first time they've gone after a guy.

trump catch all & other scary political stuff - part 15 25, 2018 · Reply; trump catch all & other scary political stuff - part 15. Share Thread. Facebook; Twitter; Google+; Tumblr; LinkedIn; Pinterest; MySpace; Email; Go to

Bernie and the black vote | The Vermont Political Observer.’s something I don't write very often: Chuck Todd, NBC’s intellectual manifestation of the Beltway mindset, offered a real insight on the Democratic primary race. On the night of March 8, during MSNBC’s coverage of the Mississippi and Michigan primaries, he noted that this would be an entirely different campaign if Bernie Sanders were simply…

‘Kushner Coup’ Inside the Trump White House | Politics 14, 2017 · Jared Kushner: A 36-year old kid takes over the West Wing. Kushner: A Zionist Neocon running the White House. Soros’s Inside Man. The Right should have known that Jared Kushner was the Democrat’s inside man planted within Team Trump.After all, Kushner and his brother Joshua received a $250 million investment from the Godfather of Liberalism himself—George Soros.

Nasty Hit: Top Sanders Advisor Questions Hillary's ... In a story in Sunday’s New York Times, Bernie Sanders’ top adviser, Tad Devine, took a ...

Texas Weekly | Texas Weekly Vol: 17 Issue: 20 | The Texas ... first possibility was supposed to help Republicans; the second, Democrats. Much Ado About Polk County Polk County didn't get Ben Bius over the top, either. The Republican from Huntsville came back for a rematch with Rep. Dan Ellis, D-Livingston, in a race that jumped into the close-contest category because of the fight over the RV voters ...

Feingold for President - Minnesotahttps://feingoldforpresident.blogspot.comOf course gouging and the war are the roots of our average folk's economic problems right now but others seem blind to this cause and effect. Of course there is corruption administration involved. Now he was the first to suggest this and many other leaders have suggested as much. The important thing to me here is he is staying on target.

Nevada Progressive: Did "Frothy" Just Render Nevada GOP ... night, Willard Romney was rejected by another set of voters. This time, Republicans in Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado all said they didn't want him as their nominee.The ultimate irony here is that Mittens had won all three states in 2008 when he was "the conservative alternative to John McCain", but now G-O-TEA voters want a "conservative alternative" to him.

The Immoral Minority: Pollster Nate Silver comes right out ... 11, 2016 · Pollster Nate Silver comes right out and says it, without the Comey letter Hilary Clinton would now be our President. ... Whether that was the Russians, the Republicans, or Donald Trump himself remains unclear, but it is was obviously SOMEBODY connected to Trump winning. ... Don't try to spin it that nobody gives a shit. Seems the only type ...

Letter: Former Mayor Pro Tem Supports Hardcastle, Wants ... 28, 2016 · This letter doesn’t tell me anything about Hardcastle that makes me want to vote for him but it’s obvious that Burgis and Barr are the two that are emerging as the two to beat.

VistA , A MODEL OF HEALTH CARE - Don Pesci 21, 2008 · Surgeon Michael DeBakey last month received the highest civilian award for his pioneering work in life-saving cardiac surgery. This 99-year-old inventor of open-heart surgery took the occasion to recommend to health-care policy makers and others, veterans’ health care ( VistA), as the very best model available.A member of the selection committee, he presumably had studied all health …

Natalee Holloway Investigation: The Witness was Afraid to 16, 2008 · Natalee Holloway Investigation: The Witness was Afraid to Come Forward & Aware that Paulus van der Sloot had Powerful Connections in the Prosecutors Office. A 48 year old unidentified witness comes forward in the case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba. He states that he did not come forward sooner because he was afraid.

History | Trutherator's Weblog next year the principal told her to slow down, the first grade teacher had nothing to teach them they didn’t already know. But it’s not just the academic quality of the education, or that they government indoctrination centers (GICs) teach their own version of history …

Post Politics 12, 2008 · Don't want to miss out on the latest in politics? Start each day with The Post Politics Hour. Join in each weekday morning at 11 a.m. as a member of …

Is anyone else having nightmares and anxiety about the 22, 2016 · I am very worried about Trump being our president. Every time I hear about another cabinet appointment, a tweet storm, his kids being involved with making decisions, and his businesses making money from him being president, I keep waiting for someone to say there is a way to stop him.

The Corporatist Free Speech Superiority of the Roberts ... 08, 2012 · Adam Liptak has a pretty interesting article up in today’s New York Times on the relative free speech strength of the Supreme Court under the leadership of John Roberts. The Supreme Court led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., the conventional wisdom goes, is exceptionally supportive of free speech. Leading scholars and practitioners have […]

Research: A Review of Studies Shows Increasing Online ... 01, 2018 · While the U.S. journalism and its media community have been shocked by the murders of the newsroom staff of the Capital-Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, the attacks were the latest manifestation of the growing violence, harassment and hostility toward U.S. and international journalists. This research tracks the studies, causes and commentary on the prevalence and rise of the threats, …

Is it Time to Reconsider Luther? | Sharp Iron 28, 2007 · Is it Time to Reconsider Luther? ... Maybe it is time to transfer the reins of our faith to a man of peace, one of those opponents whom Luther engaged as one engages a hated enemy. Maybe it is time to consider Erasmus as the True Reformer—or to look elsewhere altogether—as to the one whom God truly called to speak out the abuses and sins of ...

Opossum Screed: May 2018 first one was the latest by Yann Martel, the author of The Life of Pi.Entitled The High Mountains of Portugal (New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2016), it's really three stories in one book.Though the sections cover at least a century and are totally separate, they are closely connected in a marvelous way.

Amazon's New Checkout-Free Grocery Store Doesn't Take Food 22, 2018 · Susan Collins had senators in bipartisan meetings use talking stick — STORY HIGHLIGHTS — Washington (CNN)During bipartisan talks between senators to discuss passing a funding bill to end the government shutdown, Sen. Susan Collins whose office was being used for the negotiations, figured out a civil way to create discussion.

Please Say a Prayer for the Victims of the VA Tech 18, 2007 · Please Say a Prayer for the Victims of the VA Tech Shootings and Their Families … God Bless As we all sit back and absorb the horror of yesterday’s shootings at VA Tech, let us remember those that lost their lives. Let us say a prayer for their families …

Social and Politics – Page 10 – Sharp Iron of us need to do a better job at working towards this goal, but with kindness and compassion. It is all too easy to throw the first stone, making monsters out of the rich and the well off. But it is rarely the rich or the well off who have to pay a (relatively) big price for their efforts.

NAB – Media & Communications Policy 10, 2019 · The subject of his address was the national broadband plan, then set to be released by the FCC just a week later, and what he characterized as a “confession or admission” of the role he played, years earlier, in using his office as chairman to systematically elevate broadband, at the expense of broadcasting, as the “common medium.”

Where I'm Coming From - Howling Pixel'm_Coming_FromWhere I'm Coming From. Where I'm Coming From is a 1971 album by Stevie Wonder.The album was released by Motown Records on April 12, 1971 and peaked on the Billboard Pop Albums at #62, and on the Billboard R&B Albums Chart at #7. All nine songs were written by Wonder and Motown singer-songwriter Syreeta Wright, his first wife.It was the last album produced under his first contract with …

memeorandum: Ecuador's president calls Julian Assange 22, 2018 · Budweiser falls off the list of America's three favorite beers — Tapping into craft beer's online potential — Budweiser is no longer one of America's three most popular beers. — Before 2001, Budweiser was the top-selling U.S. beer, but it relinquished that crown to Bud Light. +

News and headlines. 4/10/2018 – News and Headlines ... 10, 2018 · Lots of News today on the world and domestic front. Covered today in News and Headlines, In The News, World News, with some great Commentary/Opinion, for you're consideration and of course news on Facebook. Trump cancels trip to South America to oversee 'response to Syria' President Trump is scrapping plans to travel this week to a summit…

Writin' and Sayin' - merrilllockhard.blogspot.comhttps://merrilllockhard.blogspot.comDec 20, 2012 · Sen. Brooke was the first person of African American heritage to be elected to the U.S. Senate, and served for two terms. He considered himself a moderate Republican, much like Sen. Brown who professes his independence, able to work across party lines. And, in fact, Brown has occasionally demonstrated his independence from his GOP colleagues.

Madville don't want to see a blog war break out on the political side of this story. I don't want this very important story to devolve into "Bill Clay" whining that the Legislature should defund public radio. Whether Daugaard had a conflict of interest in his CHS work doesn't amount to a fart in a thunderstorm compared to these questions:

ConservativeHome's Parliament Page Tory MPs Hugh Fraser served as the first Chairman of CFoI, from 1974. Sir Hugh was a Conservative MP of the old school: after a distinguished military intelligence career in the Second World War, he entered Parliament in 1945, and he missed out on being Father of the …

Georgia-Pacific | Daily Damocles about Georgia-Pacific written by blandnarcissus. When I was a kid, and we used to take Sunday rides down Route 35 to the Jersey Shore, we’d always pass a giant Dixie Cup, which rose majestically, some 25 feet high, in front of the company’s manufacturing plant in Holmdel.It’s gone, now, one of those marvelous “roadside America” artifacts lost to history and nostalgia.

Naked Politics - Connie Mack | Miami Herald & MiamiHerald.com wasn’t much of a campaign day for Nelson in this low-key re-election campaign, but it was a lot like his political career: book-ended by a pilgrimage to his roots and an homage to Florida’s ...

One Democrat Votes Against Malloy Tax Refund Proposal Ted Moukawsher of Groton was the lone Democrat on the Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committee to vote Tuesday against the governor’s $155 million election-year …

The Urban Politico: Vezmar Date Lawsuit number of times she did this is in dispute. What's not in dispute is her phone texting greatly annoyed Brandon, who asked his date to stop the texting or go out outside. His date chose to go outside. In fact she chose to go home. As she was the one who had driven Brandon to the theater her decision left Brandon without a ride home.

THERE NEEDS TO BE AN "OFFICIAL" INVESTIGATION! ARE ... 05, 2014 · I am writing this communication to you to request that you as the appointing authority conduct an inquiry and investigation into a potential violation allegedly committed by Lt. Douglas S. Smith who is an employee of the County of Summit, Akron, Ohio - Sheriff Office.

The Rise of Philanthrocapitalism – Briarpatch Magazine 01, 2014 · The Rise of Philanthrocapitalism What passes for progressive city politics today. by Ivan Drury Sep 1, 2014 11 min read Share Twitter Facebook. Assemblage, 2014. Ink and acrylic on wood panel. Jon Shaw. Late last winter at Vancouver’s Maritime Labour Centre, city councillor Geoff Meggs spoke at the launch of a regional union-backed social justice organization called the Metro Vancouver …

Election 2008 | about Election 2008 written by Matthew Kilburn. ... There is simply no other way to put it. Last night, we say Romney trounce McCain, Huckabee, and Paul. He came off as the only adult on stage, and one of only two candidate (the other being Thompson) who wanted a serious debate on issues. ... who is leader of the Conservative Focus on the ...

The Scourge of Racial Bias in New York State's Prisons 03, 2016 · Michael Schwirtz, Michael Winerip and Robert Gebeloff, The Scourge of Racial Bias in New York State’s Prisons.Part 1. The New York Times, 3 December 2016.“The racism can be felt from the moment black inmates enter New York’s upstate prisons.

Juras, national GOP group hammer Sandefur for 'soft ... Supreme Court candidate Kristen Juras does not parse her words when calling for voters to consider what she calls “soft sentences in child sex cases” made by her opponent.

War in Afghanistan (2001–present) | The 99% Blog Insanity of Another Mideast War. In 1939 and 1940, Hitler conquered the great majority of Europe. You will no doubt recall from your high school history classes that he did very well in his military excursions, or at least at first.

Air Force Voices: Italian Hostage Force Voices would like to offer condolences to the Bossert Family as well as the other families with loved ones killed in the line of duty. In his message to Major Mike, Tim Bossert writes: "What is being done at these checkpoints so that something like this never happens again?"

Alamance County NC Sheriff Terry Johnson | Citizen WElls County NC Sheriff Terry Johnson, US Justice Dept. lawsuit, Thomas E. Perez Assistant Attorney General, 2008 voter fraud concerns, Latino bias or USDOJ retribution? “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it,”…George Santayana

Sedona Eye » Sedona Fire District Bond: Follow the the Sedona District Fire Board aware of the financial influence of Phoenix construction companies in coming up with huge numbers like $5.7 and $3 MILLION for stations, plus $1.5 MILLION for a service facility? I don’t know.

Tag: debate - Now That We're Here – Political Commentary debate The Secret Sauce Powering the 2020 Presidential Campaign ... As the Bible might put it, “Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac was the father of Jacob …” However, through this lens of a matriarchal political dynasty, Ann was the mother of Cecile and Cecile was the mother of Lily. Ann even name-checked her granddaughter during ...

Bread, Circuses & 2014 American Electoral Politics: A Man ... policies may show he reaches across the aisle and is thus bipartisan , but at the same time his stance on several key women's rights issues has pushed him further to the right and with one of the democrats power holds new York’s 19th congressional district feeling the same way he might have it for a …

Frank Luntz Could Be Dumbest Fuck On Earth If He Applied ... will show you how to help flip the House of Representatives, even if you don't live in one of those 64 districts!) That's not accounting for surprising challenges that might come up in districts that aren't known swingers. For the record, Democrats need to pick up 24 seats for a majority.

Israeli Death Squads Involved in Sandy Hook Bloodbath 20, 2012 · Israeli Death Squads Involved in Sandy Hook Bloodbath? Intelligence Analyst Says Yes ... Is it reasonable for a geeky 20-year-old to carry two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition while wearing a bulletproof vest and a mask? ... What really happened at the Mothers house? Was the Weapon cabinet broken into? no mention of this ...

The Progress & Freedom Foundation've been so busy trying to cover breaking developments related to Washington's new efforts to "save journalism" (FTC) and steer the "future of media" (FCC) -- see all my recent essays & papers here -- that I forgot to do a formal book review of the book that is partially responsible for whipping policymakers into a lather about this issue: The Death and Life of American Journalism, the media ...

Swamp Thing – Montco Scrap 13, 2018 · So fellow Montgomery County Republicans: Are you tired of all of this winning? If you were a Republican candidate in the municipal elections last fall, are you forever grateful for MCRC’s efforts on your behalf? Or are you, like me, like so many I …

A Democrat in Trump Country: The Waltham Review interviews ... 13, 2016 · The Waltham Review spoke with Senator Cafaro about her ten years of service in the Senate and her views on the rise of Trump and other recent political phenomena. ... As the former minority leader of the Ohio state senate, you worked closely with Governor Kasich, on the other side of the aisle. ... But there are some things that are the same ...

Political commentary seeking the factshttps://politicalcommentator.blogspot.comIf so, it seems the media is fueling it or ignoring it: look at this headline: "Americans flock to Canada's immigration Web site"Recent events. If you have not noticed, Republicans are claiming, with a slim majority, to have a widespread mandate to ‘adjust’ the government to what they think is a new conservative paradigm. George Bush received the most votes of any president in history.

Rand Paul and Chris Christie Clash on NSA Spying of the biggest clashes in the Republican debate Thursday night came after New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was asked about his past attacks on Senator Rand Paul. The two men disagree about an NSA program that spied on tens of millions of innocent Americans by logging all phone calls they dialed

Brent Hamlet - Research Fellow - Educators for Excellence ... King understood racism would never be eradicated so long as profit motive was the primary value of our economic and political systems. Instead, Dr. King articulated a radical vision for economic equality and for “a land where men will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few.”

BootCamp Archives - New Organizing NOI has suspended operations, passed torch to Wellstone Action. On October 9, 2015, New Organizing Institute suspended all operations and announced that Wellstone Action will partner with NOI’s community of digital and data practitioners to carry forward its essential training programs.

ANU College of Law - Seminar has previously held research fellowships at the UC Berkeley, the ANU Centre for European Studies and the European University Institute and has won prestigious research grants, such as the University of Helsinki three-year grant for an international research project ‘Law and the Other’ that she was leading as the CI in 2013-2015.

Suicide Bomber Assassinates Benazir Bhutto; 20+ Dead 27, 2007 · **** For most recent coverage, click over to my latest post Pakistan Unbound, which includes the latest on rioting in Karachi, Sharif's demands that Musharraf step down, and the ongoing reaction from around the globe **** Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was assassinated Thursday in a suicide attack that also killed at least 20 others at a campaign rally, aides said.

Israel | ReentAnGlemEnt guy just can’t catch a break these days! I mean, first it was the election. Then the Fiscal cliff. After that, Israel and all of it’s bullshit, which is still going on. And now, finally this. I can say for sure, that I wouldn’t want his job right now, that’s for damn sure.

Immigration – Page 2 - Sonoran the Trump camp continues to whine about being ‘cheated’ (as usual), they did have a significant victory in electing Lori Klein as AZ’s new RNC Committeewoman. After a long day and a long fight, it was a great day for Liberty and the #NeverTrump camp in Arizona.

Draft Sarah Palin For Vice President: November 2007 30, 2007 · With one of the Big Three now in on the bidding process, and encouraging the other two to get in on the project, I think it is safe to say that AGIA is a success. This just goes to show that a free-market process is every bit as economically viable as the …

Hendry, Only County With Higher Unemployment Than Flagler ... percent of Hendry County’s 33,000 residents under 65 lack health insurance, but nearly a month after the health law’s expansion of coverage began, local health officials say little ...

Jersey Jazzman: EXCLUSIVE: Newark Memo Shows Another Cerf ... 04, 2013 · Last week, I blogged about how the state-appointed administration of the Newark Public Schools (NPS) had lost credibility with students, teachers, and even its own "advisory board." Superintendent Cami Anderson, hand picked by Governor Chris Christie and Education Commissioner Cerf, has been taking a lot of knocks over budgeting and a lack of transparency.

From The Publisher | Amandala Newspaper writer in one of the two PUP weekly newspapers was looking back recently, nostalgically, to George Price’s so-called “big tent” approach to his party politics. Mr. Price succeeded in holding together disparate elements in the PUP through much of the 1970s and into the early 1980s. One reason was that his reputation for electoral success was enormous.

Obama is fronting for the secretive, elitist power behind ... heroes who gave their lives on the altars of the nation also taught us that he who has faith in the nation, in liberty, and in the rights of its citizens will defend them with absolute vigor and most Honorable dedication, and will not fear any threats, threat of oppression, the loss of position or Property, or the disappearance of "Thyself" in a Fiery Syrian/Israeli Car BOMB, with CIA ...

Retaliation For Trump Arizona Appearance Hits Maricopa GOP For Trump Arizona Appearance Hits Maricopa GOP. ... as the saying goes ‘you can only serve one master’ – we’re now seeing the battle for the “R” and who is or are the “R”s – the “R”s have left the party behind with Mc’jokes – but that party is ‘over’ they don’t have to …

Get More Smarter on Friday (August 24) | Colorado Pols can’t be good news for President Trump, as the Washington Post reports: Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer for the Trump Organization, was one of the executives who helped arrange $420,000 in payments to Donald Trump’s longtime attorney Michael Cohen to help reimburse him for hush money he paid an adult-film star.

2nd Amendment -The Real ReasonPatriot Freedom Watch: 2019 17, 2019 · The real reason for 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America has nothing to do with hunting or target shooting, and everything to do with providing the citizens of the United States of America with the means to protect our INDIVIDUAL rights and freedom from an unjust and Tyrannical Government!

Expanding the Fake News Factory - huddled-masses.org!Apr 04, 2018 · Woodward and Bernstein’s report of Watergate in The Washington Post (which Trump is now seeking to undermine) proved to be true as the facts evolved. Reports by fake news agencies, on the other hand, that President Obama was going to declare himself President for life and invade the South to take away everyone’s guns, proved to be false.

STATE HOUSE DISTRICT 112: Vescovo, Butler lock horns in ... after his last election, one of his first pieces of proposed legislation directly benefited a company from outside of Jefferson County that gave him $20,000. A representative of this same company was the only outside witness to show up and testify for passage of his bill in a committee hearing. I want to end pay-to-play government in ...

Are the Dem's forfeiting Wisconsin's Assembly races and ... the Dem's forfeiting Wisconsin's Assembly races and candidates? People ask me sometimes what it is that I do as a member of the Wisconsin Movement. "Support and logistics" I always tell them. That is not all that I do, but that is my specialty. The Wisconsin Movement is the Wisconsin Wave, its the Autonomous Solidarity Organization, its the ... 17, 2010 · They smile in the face of odds that are systematically against every thing they do. Haiti is a country designed to humiliate and reduce a person to a level where they understand their place in the society. Those who have - about 20% and those have NOTHING about 80%. Haiti is a country where 50% of the population is illiterate.

All this country needs is for some of those good old-time ... 01, 2010 · “What is our purpose in life? It is to restore the fallen culture to the glory of God. It’s to take command and dominion over every aspect of life, whether it’s music, science, law, politics, communities, families, to bring Christianity to bear in every single area of life” - …

Dry, Cool Creekside Festival Packs Them In Under the Pines ..., Cool Creekside Festival Packs Them In Under the Pines, With Sunday To Go ... One of the main attractions was the Flagler Home Builders Association’s 2010 Flagler Green Expo, which featured ...

Daily Topics - Monday, June 14, 2010 | Thom Hartmann 14, 2010 · After hearing about the documentary "The 11th Hour" on your show, I watched it. One part that stuck with me (of course other than all the appearances by Thom Hartmann) was when Tom Linzey, the executive director of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund was saying that in order to move toward a more sustainable way of living on the planet, we need to find harmony between people …

Chicago Judge Steals Christmas From A Little Girl! 14, 2009 · Chicago, IL—This is one of those stories you just can’t make up.Cook County Circuit Court Judge Edward Jordan has ordered Christmas taken away from a three year-old girl! Despite our Constitution’s First Amendment Judge Jordan has stepped into a religious dispute between parents and ordered the Catholic father not to expose the child to any non-Jewish religious activities.

What leader has inspired you the most?? - Individuals Who 07, 2010 · What leader has inspired you the most?? Posted by Ricardo P. Deveaux, D.H.L on November 8, 2009 at 10:25am; ... One of the greatest inspirations however, is the blessing of being able to see through eyes that are really opened and to hear out of ears that are really tuned to the right frequency. ... He stands out as the only leader of a ...

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