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The Useless Tree: Wishing you Fu for the New Year 25, 2006 · A nice piece in today's People's Daily discussing the various meaning of the character "fu," a ubiquitous New Year's wish.. The character above is shown upside down. At New Year's it is common to hang "fu" upside down because the word for "upside down" is a homophone for "arrived," the hope being that "fu" will arrive at your door.

The Useless Tree: Idaho Taoists development - or as the story puts it a shift from "bait-and-bullet to New West boutique" - has brought with it all sorts of new social demands, which, in turn, require more regulation and …

January 19, 2015 – Exceptional Delaware 19, 2015 · This bill hasn’t even been released yet, but it should gain traction fast. It seems like every time the DOE wants to make new rules, the local school districts are the ones that face the consequences. For example, the Priority Schools weren’t even announced until September 4th last year, already into the new school year.

NEA's Waiting for Superman Resources - NEA Today 05, 2010 · A barrel-chested comic book character must save public education? Compelling soundbite to sell a movie maybe but when it comes to real education reform, NEA President Dennis Van Roekel gives the American public more credit than the backers of Waiting for Superman.. “Nowhere in the film or its discussion have teachers’ voices been heard,” says Van Roekel.

Cody Willard | News Corpse it was due to poor ratings, not content. And all remain active Fox News contributors.] Bill Sammon: The Fox News Washington managing editor was recorded admitting to a friendly audience on a conservative cruise that he would go on air and “mischievously” cast Obama as a socialist even though he didn’t believe it himself. In other ...

The Stupidest Op-Ed of 2019 Argues Trump Will Inspire a's tally: $817 from 80 people. TOTAL TALLY: $8,368.00 from 613 people. (As of 4pm EDT, July 10th)

Next Left: Final Score ... from the Think-Tank contention lost the first knockout bout, yet it was one which looked rather more plausible as the evening went on. Reform had put up an honest and intelligent argument for welfare retrenchment as a route to reducing public spending: arguing that the size of the pie was largely fixed, and if there was less to go around it was important to ...

Bawarchi's Blast: Perspective on a Pop Star first case was settled out of court for a reported $20 million dollars and the second ended in acquittal. However, to those familiar with the case, clear doubts remain as to his innocence. Professionals who work with victims of abuse will note that Jackson clearly displayed a number of behaviors that point to a "grooming" of the victims.

Morehouse to Institute Dress Code | Mirror On America 08, 2007 · Morehouse’s new president, Dr. Robert Michael Franklin Jr., wants to make being smart cool again and put morality at the forefront of the college’s mission. The jackets are the first step in that direction, according to officials. It’s also part of the school’s new, stricter dress and conduct expectations.

An Ontarian in Newfoundland: Cage Match: The Master vs. Spike Match: The Master vs. Spike And here we go! We begin Bracket A's second round with an all-Whedon showdown, between the first Big Bad of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Master, and the bad-guy-turned-good (well, sort of) Spike. Both had pretty easy fights in round one, but now each find themselves with a pretty formidable opponent ...

Humint Events Online: More News and Interesting Stories 21, 2016 · The E-4B is also known as the Doomsday Machine. Some possible implications for 9/11 here, though supposedly this firm only got control of the contract in 2013. But it still shows the insane level of influence that freaking horrible Saudi Arabia has over the US.-----"How Secretary of State Clinton Enabled the Coup in Honduras"

Thought Theater: Tony Perkins Links Global Warming On March 24, 2008 at 6:37 AM, Alan Roberta wrote — . The latest news about climate change is so alarming (the right wing would say alarmist) as to make many …

PERRspectives: April 2005 2005 Archives : China Syndrome In his press conference last night, President Bush paid scant attention to China. Outside of the contexts of the North Korean nuclear crisis and climbing global demand for energy, the administration has been virtually silent about China's growing superpower status.

WHEN IS IDEOLOGY RESPONSIBLE FOR MURDER? BEN SHAPIRO ... 28, 2011 · When Major Nidal Malik Hassan shoots up a cafeteria full of U.S. soldiers while shouting “Allahu Akhbar!,” then, it isn’t out of line to ask whether Islam is the ideological root cause. The answer may still be debatable, but it is a debate worth having. The same does not hold true of conservatism with regard to Breivik.

Bernie’s Leap Ahead to Tuesday’s ‘March Madness’ | The am wondering whether it is sufficient and/or if we merely have collective amnesia. There was tremendous disappointment, in his last race in 2016, which had begun with such hopefulness generated around the idea of a big shake up, but which resulted in a depressing concession. It had seemed then to be a time when we could do something.

Dubai In Free Fall | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Foreigners Flee as Dubai Spirals Down. By ROBERT F. WORTH. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Sofia, a 34-year-old Frenchwoman, moved here a year ago to take a job in advertising, so confident about Dubai’s fast-growing economy that she bought an apartment for almost $300,000 with a 15-year mortgage.. Now, like many of the foreign workers who make up 90 percent of the population here ...

Migra Matters: Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of ... “Hagel-Martinez compromise” immigration reform legislation was introduced as the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006” (S. 2611 and S. 2612). It amends the Senate Judiciary Committee’s immigration reform bill and includes a number of new provisions, some of which were added as amendments during the Senate floor debate.

Room Eight | Missed 08, 2006 · But it was not only Seminario, a right wing DINO, who let Baldeo down; it was the left as well: Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 11/05/2006 – 5:12pm . “This year, only one candidate in State Senate 15, Dem Albert Baldeo, interviewed with WFP and they withheld the endorsement and chose to leave the line blank rather than give it ...

The Case of the Cruciferous Vegetable, the Cornhusker ... 31, 2012 · Submitted by Elaine Magliaro, Guest Blogger Roy Blount, Jr.—author, humorist, poet, reporter, performer, and frequent guest on Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me!—once wrote the following: The local groceries are all out of broccoli, Loccoli. It’s a terse rhyming couplet that probably expresses the way many people feel about the green cruciferous vegetable.

Donald Trump | Majority Rules book was the sequel to Meim Kampf entitled My New Order. “Donald Trump appears to take aspects of his German background seriously. John Walter works for the Trump Organization, and when he visits Donald in his office, Ivana told a friend, he clicks his heels and says, “Heil Hitler,” possibly as a …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead Thursday ... Below the Masthead Thursday, June 24, 2010 A review of departing School District principal Steve Riley's career, Prince Rupert RCMP are kept busy on Thursday morning on 6th West and CFTK profiles Rudy Kelly at his new position with the City of Prince Rupert, some of Thursday's news offferings.

Kleinschmidt to resign in HD17 – Off the 2012, President Obama took 37.3%, Paul Sadler had 39.8%, and Michelle Petty was the standard-bearer with 40.6%. A surprise win here would almost certainly be a one-term rental, but you never know, and it’s not like there’s anything to lose.

Iowa Prosecutorial Misconduct Taints Cases, Report Shows ... 25, 2010 · The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which handles Iowa cases, has set a two-part test for prosecutorial misconduct that can ultimately cause a judge to order relief for a defendant: The remarks or conduct must have been improper, and the alleged misconduct must have prejudicially affected the defendant's rights to a fair trial.

A Little Reality: May 2014's buying the LA Clippers for a totally insane $2 billion. Before Donald Sterling put his foot in his mouth all the way up to the hip, the Clippers were valued at a quarter of that amount, $575 million by Forbes. With operating income of only $15 million, Ballmer's price comes to a rate of return of a microscopic 0.8%.

Axinar's: How In The HELL Did Some Black People Get So ... 28, 2007 · "Once, books appealed to a few people, here, there, everywhere. They could afford to be different. The world was roomy. But then the world got full of eyes and elbows and mouths. Double, triple, quadruple population. Films and radios, magazines, books levelled down to a sort of paste pudding norm, do you follow me?" "I think so."

Donald Trump | Majority book was the sequel to Meim Kampf entitled My New Order. “Donald Trump appears to take aspects of his German background seriously. John Walter works for the Trump Organization, and when he visits Donald in his office, Ivana told a friend, he clicks his heels and says, “Heil Hitler,” possibly as a …

1 | January | 2019 | News Corpse 01, 2019 · The new year is here, and with it the obligatory “Best Of” and “Top 10” lists. And News Corpse isn’t about to be left out of all this fun. So our contribution to this annual tradition consists of some of the most newsworthy revelations that graced the the official communications platform of the President of the United States of America: Donald Trump.

Peter Welch – monoblogue by Marita Noon. America’s rush to renewables has invited corruption and fraud. Researcher Christine Lakatos and I, together, have produced the single largest body of work on green-energy crony-corruption. Our years of collaboration have revealed that those with special access and influence have cashed in on the various green-energy programs and benefitted from the mandates, rules ...

Babble On: DWTS Rant and Results 06, 2010 · Remember every vote counts and it’s time to keep Kate alive. You are the change we have been waiting for.” So dedicated to the campaign is Lopez that, on his show Lopez Tonight Monday, he brought on Jackass star Steve-O, who stapled "Vote for Kate" messages to his chest, stomach, groin and testicles. Live. On TV. That's dedication to a cause.

Bring It On: September 2005 panel of linguists has decided the word that best reflects 2005 is "truthiness," defined as the quality of stating concepts one wishes or believes to be true, rather than the facts. Read on . Permalink | Comments (1) | 03:26 PM Survey says: Stop Illegally Spying On Us! Posted by The Bastard

22 | December | 2008 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 22, 2008 · The revelation that Bernard Madoff — who himself had in the past served as an adviser to the SEC on electronic trading — was running an alleged “$50 billion ponzi scheme” has rocked the SEC to its core, according to a current long-serving member of the commission’s enforcement division. “This has put the agency into a state of complete panic,” the SECer told TPMmuckraker in an ...

Chabad & The Media: The Messiah On Israeli TV ...'aretz reports:. The Chabad movement has been given lots of Channel 1 coverage as of late. A month and a half ago, the channel aired "The Emissaries," a film about the annual convention of Chabad worldwide emissaries held in New York, in which reporter Itai Rappaport not only documented the event, but also served, according to his own testimony, as something between a journalist and an ...

Revisting the Formula for Healing the Nation | Some things ... 03, 2008 · This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time.

NICE JEB VS. NASTY HILLARY: A MEDIA NARRATIVE BEGINS TO ... 03, 2015 · Assuming that these two are the nominees, going to evolve into a key media narrative of the campaign: Jeb is restrained and good-natured, Hillary is harsh and mean-spirited. Never mind the fact that there's nothing ad hominem about anything Clinton said in her speech -- she's attacking his policies and the policies of his party.

The Obama Associates | Flopping 23, 2008 · In another suspected quid pro quo arrangement similar to those with Ayers and Rezko, Rashid Khalidi also held a fundraising event in his home for Barack Obama. In the Middle East, Rashid Khalidi was known as a man to be reckoned with. From 1972 through 1983, Khalidi was the director in Beirut of the official Palestinian press agency, FAFA.

Sparks from the Anvil: October 2009 31, 2009 · Another celebrity romance falls to pieces: By Guy Adams Wednesday, 28 October 2009 He's crossed swords, over the years, with all the usual right-wing suspects, from car-makers to gun owners to Wall Street executives, health companies, and George W Bush.

Haredi Rabbi Nixes Another Conversion, Rules Marriage ... bride's conversion treif, Rishon Lezion rabbi nixes marriage Matthew Wagner • THE JERUSALEM POST. Rishon Lezion Chief Rabbi Yehuda David Wolpe refused to issue a marriage license for a couple living in his city because the bride's conversion - performed under the auspices of the Orthodox Chief Rabbinate of Israel - was deemed to be unkosher.

Day 6: The ‘TRIAL’ of Tony Blair – Kelly/13 Doctors/Norman ... 13, 2009 · Original Home Page All Contents of Site – Index John Rentoul on Baker – “Nurse! The pills!” Yes, the black border’s getting thicker Comment at end UPDATE, 3rd August: &#8220…

TigerHawk to the news story, their basis for that Jarrar is "a U.S. resident since 2005 and the husband of an American citizen." The complaint adds that Jarrar had already passed through TSA security checkpoints as further evidence that he was not a threat. More on that in a bit. Now, who is Jarrar? He is a full-time NGO activist.

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: The 13, 2014 · The best comics understand their role as the psychologist truth-teller who embraces parrhesia.There is a cost to telling the truth: the great comics stand naked before the world which is why they so often destroy themselves by self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, committing suicide, or dying early deaths because they have ravaged their bodies and minds in an act of self-sacrifice for the ...

Access St. Louis!: The Sixth Law of God by The Christian ... 09, 2010 · The first etymology that has been postulated states that moichos is derived from me+oikos. me is the Greek negative particle and oikos means house, thus giving the idea of no house, or that the house is destroyed. This is a very tenuous etymology at best, derived by some just for the sake of deriving an etymology.

12 | November | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 12, 2014 · What started as an empty 11-acre field in Belfast, Northern Ireland, ended up as the largest land portrait in the British Isles. Wish, by artist Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada, is made from 30,000 wooden pegs, 2,000 tons of soil, 2,000 tons of sand, and miscellaneous items such as …

Gnomicon: July 2005 07, 2005 · (This is supposed to be after the heavens and earth were created, as if we took the first verse as read and just omitted the previous story.) Then God creates man from dust and breathes the breath of life into him, then plants a garden with all the good plants and the Tree of Life and the Tree of Good and Evil, which man isn't supposed to eat.

JustOneMinute: James O'Keefe Speaks! (Or Writes...) was the name of the cyber-dictator. Posted by: mefolkes | January 29, 2010 at 06:14 PM True Mefolkes, but Landru is more like Obama, which caused otherwise rational people to behave like drones.

CNN | Life in ObamaNation CNN has gone COO-COO, we have become MSNBC and Bill Maher viewers for our news. Here is a warning from Maher about the Birthers: For the last couple of weeks, we’ve all been laughing heartily at the wacky antics of the “birthers” — the far-right goofballs who claim Barack Obama wasn’t really born in Hawaii and therefore the job of president goes to the runner-up, former Miss ...

County prosecutor plays cruel games | Northwest Citizen 25, 2015 · First posted at 7:51 am. See 6 pm update half way down. In 2011, Luba Pekisheva was convicted in Whatcom County District Court by judge Elich of assault and theft. In truth, she probably committed neither. But Pekisheva had defied a good ol’ boy from the county and our Whatcom County justice system - judges, prosecutors and public defenders - seems to have shown extra zeal in …

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 236 | Bill's ... 12, 2018 · “Kim Jong-un is lowering expectations for a deal as the North Koreans are making it clear that they won’t be giving up their nuclear weapons. Video of former Bush Amb. Christopher Hill on MSNBC: Hill said, “Well, frankly, in all this hoopla you don’t get a sense the North Koreans are going to give up their weapons.

FIRST TRUMP GENERAL ELECTION AD: ECONOMIC ANXIETY? … 12, 2016 · Leo Artunian said.... It's hard to see how this ad can appeal to anyone apart from Trump's core supporters. The dire warning that the US has "open borders" and "illegal immigrants convicted of crimes get to stay" is obviously meant to feed the fear of dark-skinned foreigners that is the stuff of right-wing fever dreams.

Catholic Church in the Philippines | Rodrigo Duterte ... Church in the Philippines - Read online for free. Catholicism in the Philippines

The Moulinyan Moment: KingCast Questions Black Celebs on ... 27, 2016 · Note: Mr. Bossé was the only black-owned financial service company in New Hampshire. And Mr. Bossé has past and former Agents of New York Life who may be speaking with me shortly. "At least one witness will testify that this word, or some version of …

Tenured Radical: Embedded At The American Historical ... 11, 2011 · Yes, history fans: we can honestly say that this is the first time in the Radical's memory that an AHA has been held in a shopping mall. It isn't quite as disorienting as the year the OAH was held in a casino but it is right up there. One theory as to why they have held the meeting in a mall is the incessant sartorial comparisons with MLA.

Progressive Alaska: Shailey Tripp (cryptically) - "I would ... Tripp may have burst a bombshell today, and, as a result, she probably needs a lot of protection, because her statement today at her blog has the ring of truth: To put it simply Todd Palin along with other people recruit and groom men and women to be prostitutes. These prostitutes are eventually given positions inside a company and used to secure business deals.

JustOneMinute: The Revenant're feeling that Jebmentum. No we're not. My Marcobot sure took it on the chin but far from over! As to Christie and his 7.5% non-solution, as predicted his …

Bernie Sanders' Conservative Foreign Policy | The Smirking 27, 2015 · Overall, at least 24,015 civilians have been killed or injured in Iraq during the first eight months of 2014. Of these, at least 8,493 civilians were killed and 15,782 were wounded. From the spread of the conflict from Anbar to other areas of Iraq, UNAMI/OHCHR recorded at least 11,159 civilian casualties between 1 June and 31 August.

vice-president | Veritas Nihilum Vincet | Page 2’s gotta be tough being a Right-wing pundit. It doesn’t matter what you say, even if it’s reasonable it turns out to be wrong. Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan, moments before the Palin announcement, agree in no uncertain terms that Sarah Palin is simply and dramatically unqualified to be vice president.

Karma’s a Bitch | Sheila Kennedy is the first time in Indiana history that LGBT folks have been explicitly protected by state law. It isn’t quite the same as inclusion in the state civil rights law, but it’s close; after all, virtually all discrimination against LGBT folks is justified by citation to religious belief.

Orcinus: Picking Spocko's brain - Blogger 14, 2007 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Opinion Forum » Assassination of a 05, 2010 · Assassination of a President. November 22nd, 2010. By Tom Carter. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated 47 years ago on November 22, 1963. He was shot to death in a place called Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. Everyone who is old enough remembers that terrible day. I …

The Immoral Minority: Gay couples may soon be able to have ... 06, 2015 · Courtesy of the Mirror: Gay couples could one day have their own biological children carrying traits from both parents, according to new research. A reproductive technique yet to be tried on humans would be able to use sperm from two fathers, or eggs from two mothers, to create offspring related to them both.

My failed attempts to mix debauchery and engineeringhttps://maxtonic.blogspot.comMy failed attempts to mix debauchery and engineering I am a 22 year old student of Electrical Engineering at a prestigious college in the southern U.S. I have 8 months until I graduate and I just don't fucking care anymore. Have fun watching as I try to balance booze, drugs, rock …

Avedon's Sideshow: 'Cause how could anything ever go wrong? 06, 2013 · Just five days after #94 came screaming out of Left Blogtopia, Assclowns of the Week #95: Monumental Stupidity double-sized edition is hot off the presses.You read that right, a double-sized edition.Out of the 20 spots and dishonorable mention this week, the assclowns on this week’s spit are: Half-term half-wit Sarah Palin; Pat Robertson; Faux News; Darrell Issa and yours truly (17).

Mike's Righthttps://mikesright.blogspot.comToday the Iraqis have come out in mass to speak against the terrorists and the tyrants. Anywhere from 60% to 70% of the population has voted. This is an amazing number, and very unexpected. This puts the United States to shame, considering at or greater than the amount of Americans that voted.

ILLINOIZE: Knox County - In the spotlight for all the ... 23, 2007 · In a story that has been developing for almost a week now, the Knox County State’s Attorney’s office has been mired in controversy. In a story first broke in the Peoria Journal Star last weekend, State’s Attorney John Pepmeyer has spent the last week both defending his office and decisions, and trying to explain possible motives behind the entire issue.

Paul Ryan on tape: ‘will never defend Donald Trump, not ... 15, 2017 · Paul Ryan is Donald Trump's wolf in sheep's clothes. Ryan thinks he will outlast Trump.Thats what happens in the swamp.They have been there for years. He should remember his buddy Rep. Cantor who was cocky enough not to even stop by his district on election day and was primaried out. This tape tells us all…

Obsidian Wings: The Hottest Place in Hell hottest place in Hell would be, oh, I don't know: maybe for the Simoniacs (heads down in an oven) or the Warmongers (boiling blood), or the Flatterers (boiling feces). Murderers were in a hot desert with raining fire (but it's a dry heat, so probably not them.). And the deepest place in hell was a …

Queer Erasure, Sexism & Comments Made By Amy … - Reddit Buttigieg - a guy for whom sex was illegal in many states well into his adulthood - the example to prove her point is absurd. I think a point that needs to be pointed out more and more and more because people really are trying very hard to paint Pete as hyper privileged, yet by far the largest experience of oppression faced by any candidate on that stage.

Dan Quayle's Potatoe: Memory Refresher: Dick Morris his response, President Clinton praised Morris as a "friend" and thanked him for his years of service. Morris was featured on two consecutive covers of Time magazine. The September 2, 1996 issue, which was released before the prostitute story broke, featured Morris as "The Man Who Has Clinton's Ear."

????? ??????? ??????? : One Tweet Perfectly Sums Up the ... Tweet Perfectly Sums Up the Big Problem With How We Talk About Terrorism By Elizabeth Plank January 07, 2015 SHARE TWEE...

Above The Chatter: Prolonged Detention: Stunning! House Counsel Greg Craig told The New Yorker's Jane Mayer in February: "It’s possible but hard to imagine Barack Obama as the first President of the United States to introduce a preventive-detention law," Craig said."Our presumption is that there is no need to create a whole new system.

uspresident08-sasi-blogs | US President 08 this pageSo when black Americans refer to Obama as “one of us,” I do not know what they are talking about. In his new book, “The Audacity of Hope,” Obama makes it clear that, while he has experienced some light versions of typical racial stereotypes, he cannot claim those problems as his own – nor has he lived the life of a black American.

Sex Offender Court Decisions: State -v- Daniels North Carolina: State -v- Daniels This is a very long read, but one portion is worth the effort, where the statute says "at...

Cyde Weys Musings PZ Myers is expelled from Expelled 20, 2008 · Notable atheist blogger and professor PZ Myers was prohibited from attending a screening of the movie Expelled tonight.Expelled is a piece of abominable dishonest creationist propaganda dreck produced by Ben “Bueller” Stein that plays the “Ohh, big bad science is persecuting us poor little honest religious folk!” card.

The Illegal Immigration Sham | Indiana Oracle 09, 2015 · This is a hard-hitting, warts and all piece on illegal immigration. It attempts to shine light into one of our darkest and most devious and destructive corners: The illegal immigration sham. Number of Illegal Immigrants in the US Firstly, no one knows precisely. Illegal immigrants tend not to respond to census bureau or survey questions…

The American Human: Our Pathetic Anti-Terrorism Campaign 04, 2015 · The American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the …

The Rectification of Names: A-Rod and Real Brooks writes: For a while, when I first started writing for the New York Times, I worried a lot about whether I was doing it right. After all, as official representative of Rightness on the op-ed page of the most important newspaper in the world, I was in the shoes of Bill Safire, a dazzling self-advertiser who had [jump]

Radioactive Tea with Michael Mann | Slog | The Stranger ..., the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko was one of the best deaths of 2007, if not all time. Apparently Columbia Pictures agrees, because it’s developing a movie based on the assassination. I should be thrilled, but somehow I’m doubting Michael (Miami Vice) Mann was the best guy for the job.Who needs bombast when you’ve got a cup of polonium 210-spiked tea?

Articles by Laura Rozen | Al-Monitor Journalist | Muck Rack — WASHINGTON — The State Department today announced the designation of Ahmad al-Hamidawi, the leader of the Iranian-backed Iraqi militia group Kataib Hezbollah, as a global terrorist a day ahead of the expected confidence vote by Iraq’s parliament on a new government. The Iraqi militia group, which is a part of the Iraqi government-backed Popular …

1 corinthians 10 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 28, 2013 · Matthew 4:1-11, 1 Corinthians. 10:12-13 [God will] make the way of escape, that [we] may be able to bear it. —1 Corinthians 10:13. Highway 77, which passes through the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia, features a series of runaway truck ramps.

The Wattree Chronicle: ABOUT NEW JACK CITY AND WHITE … 02, 2019 · inured to it. Thus, when a Black man is choked to death by the police on the street in broad daylight for selling cigarettes to help support his family, or a Black woman ends up dead after a traffic stop for smoking a cigarette in her own car, or a Black man is intruded upon in his own apartment and shot dead by a cop while enjoying a bowl of ice cream - and then the cop's …

Online Poker’s Biggest Victory in Years (RAWA Bill Sponsor ... 10, 2015 · As for ramifications, yesterday was the biggest victory for online poker and iGaming in years. RAWA as a stand alone bill may not quite be dead, but it’s certainly in a coma. It seems just a matter of time before the plug gets pulled on this cronyism.

A Little Reality: The Worst Presidential Blunders 29, 2006 · Jimmy Carter describing the Iraq War as one of the greatest blunders leads me to wonder where does it rank in history. The University of Louisville did a survey of historical scholars earlier this year and produced this top-ten list.My modest effort is the top five worst policy blunders and the top five worst personal mistakes.

More on Those Suspicious Satterberg Donations | Slog | The ... I were Satterberg and a maxed-out supporter asked me what else I could do to help, I would take a look at how many high-profile races there are right now (very few) and figure that at least a sizable fraction of any money given to the state party would make its way to my campaign.

People Who Went to Jail after Bundy’s Oregon Standoff 02, 2016 · But it doesn’t mean that the government forgave or forgot. So now a bunch of these militia types are in jail, more are on their way and a whole bunch more know they are being watched. They won’t go out in a blaze of glory, but because of solid evidence gathered over time.

New Mexico – The Life of Things we moved from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Montrose, Colorado. It wasn’t a bad day of driving really, about 6 and a half hours on the road after we checked out and then drove to not one, not two, but three coffee spots in Santa Fe before getting a cup. Our first choice ended up being downtown, where a huge art festival had streets closed.

How to entertain - and not entertain - foreign guests ... 08, 2011 · 1. When our daughters went to Belgium on a three-week student exchange program, their hosts desperately searched for, and finally located, a Mexican restaurant, thinking that this would make the girls feel more at home, like in California. Our daughters reported that this was the worst Mexican food they had ever tasted.

Cripple healthcare, Social Security, Medicare & driving ... 18, 2018 · Americans are being hoodwinked into believing that the current economy is real and sustainable. Math will prevail, and a bad crash and social program disruptions are on the horizon. Here is why. The almost 1,400 point, two day drop in the Dow was the market putting its money where its mouth is on Trump’s economic and trade policies.

Chuck Berry, rock 'n' roll pioneer, dead at 90 | was a true pioneer of rock 'n' roll and a massive influence on us. Chuck was not only a brilliant guitarist, singer and performer, but most importantly, he was a master craftsman as a songwriter. His songs will live forever. "But it was perhaps John Lennon -- who died in 1980 -- who put it most succinctly.

Tickle The Wirenational news Archives - Tickle The what it didn’t show was the pervasive nepotism that still exists in organized crime — only one son with a father with alleged ties to a crime family was arrested that day. Even so, organized crime experts say the mob of the 21st century, just like the one in the 20th century, is still a magnet for the younger generation.

Bad Old Gas Prices | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... tomorrow on the idea that Obama should go on the attack against McCain and his advanced age, but for now check out the way team Obama subtly (or not so subtly) shows McCain’s age in this new campaign ad:. The ad is about oil prices, but that’s quite a money-shot of the old man’s swollen, post-melanoma left cheek.

Hagel Confirmation Hearing - Progress Pond 31, 2013 · “As was the case in 2010, the main obstacles to a GAO opinion on the accrual- based consolidated financial statements were: (1) serious financial management problems at the Department of Defense (DOD) that made its financial statements unauditable,“.

July 10, 2020 | Texas Leftist was the second-highest total in the organization’s history behind the day Robin Williams died; the only other event that generated a comparable influx was the election of Donald Trump. “[It’s about] being able to be a part of something that’s truly bigger than yourself,” says Logic’s manager, Chris Zarou, 28.

BP oil spill: Unbelievable photos from what is really ... says, "Good." She doesn't ask me. We tell her that deputies were just yelling at us, and she seems truly upset. For one, she's married to a Jefferson Parish sheriff's deputy. For another, "We don't need more of a black eye than we already have." "But it wasn't BP that was yelling at us, it was the sheriff's office," we say.

Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Obama Downgrade Threat | News ... 09, 2012 · Once again Fox News has twisted the facts of a breaking story beyond all recognition. The headline on their Fox Nation blog reads: S&P Threatens Obama With Another Downgrade. The Fox Nationalists link to an article on Zero Hedge where the original headline says: S&P Threatens US With Another Downgrade. That is an obviously more accurate …

JABBS: Soldier Asks What Will "Next Story" Be To Keep ... 03, 2007 · That's a very good question. Does anyone have an answer? The most recent "next story" given by President Bush for staying in Iraq was "to take the lead, and to deal with these radicals and extremists, and to help support young democracies. It's the calling of our time." Of course, the "Bush Doctrine" on fledgling Middle East democracies doesn't extend to the …

The Morning News | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... 12, 2008 · Georgia: Fighting in the country continues as Russia officially stands down.. Kashmir: Indian forces kill at least 10 protesters as disputed region becomes destabilized.. Pakistan: Taliban admits to carrying out deadly attacks that claimed around 14 lives.. Hackers: Feds take down elusive Internet crime ring; lead culprit turns out to be their main informant.

Sex Offender Court Decisions: Sex offender's conviction ... also contains "Unfavorable" and "Informational" decisions and relevant news articles.All can be useful in framing arguments for new court actions. (i.e., avoid pitfalls or inform courts.) Or refuting charges, check facts of cases v yours. Leagle is our main court decision resource.

NEVER TO RISE ABOVE 50%! | THE SATURDAY AFTERNOON POST 26, 2019 · As a person who maintained a longtime false image of being a self-made billionaire and expert on business and the economy, Trump has, oddly enough, never risen above 50% in approval ratings on his job performance as president! Indeed, under his “leadership”, the Dow has seen drops of 800 and more than 600 points recently as investors are most definitely …

Muhammad Caricature Watch: Thousands Protest Against ... 10, 2006 · Muhammad Caricature Watch: Thousands Protest Against Prophet Drawings Posted February 10, 2006 February 10, 2006 Flap Pakistani protesters burn representations of US, right, and Danish flags to condemn the publication of cartoons depicting Islamic Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper, Friday, Feb 10, 2006 in Karachi, Pakistan.

Adirondack Wal-Mart: Wal-Mart Store Managers Steal Minutes ... 14, 2006 · The testimony of this person is certainly an eye opener. ``If we have a manager who is able to capture one minute a week, 52 minutes a year, from 300 associates in his or her store, he would add to his bonus something around $1,300," Landy told jurors in state court. ``If he was able to capture one hour a week, his bonus would be enhanced by $82,000 for the …

Sex Offender Court Decisions: Parolee Limited by GPS and ... California: California must face claims that it violated the civil rights of a convicted sex offender by conditioning parole on a residency restriction and GPS monitoring, the 9th Circuit ruled. William Thornton faced these parole restrictions even though his convictions in California were not sex-related.

The Rectification of Names: Jo Cox can't deal with this story coming out of England, where Jo Cox, Labour MP for Batley and Spen (up in West Yorkshire, near Leeds), was stabbed and shot by a "quiet and polite" middle-aged white man (apparently not so quiet and polite in his Web presence, where he is linked to white supremacists) in the street this morning, as she was coming out of a constituent services …

More on South Africa and Enrichment - Blogger this week we noted South Africa's announcement that it was considering creating its own uranium enrichment program . Today, Comment...

Finally, a Chinese car | isn't the first car company to export vehicles to the U.S. from China. Volvo Cars made the move in 2015. General Motors started importing the low-volume Buick Envision midsize SUV from China in 2016. GM also imports small numbers of a plug-in …

The History of Mind Control: Voices in Your Head - ce399 in Your Head (excerpts) In 1961, Dr. Allen Frey, a biophysicist and engineering psychologist, reported that a human exposed to 1310 MHz and 2982 Mhz microwaves would also hear a buzzing or knocking sound (also described as clicks or...

The Florida Masochist: Pro golf and Motherhood 20, 2007 · "First of all, it's the greatest thing I've ever done. But it's hard work," said Nancy Scranton, a 22-year tour veteran and mother of 2-year-old twins. "I don't get any free time, and I don't work out anymore." Fortunately it's not even more difficult. The women on the tour no longer have to make the choice between career and family.

Beers with Demo: 9-11: Eleven years on 09, 2012 · The Enemy is someone who is willing to die in order to kill you. And while it is true that the Enemy always hates us. A special thanks to the first responders who instead of running away from the sound of chaos, instead, ran towards it, especially those FDNY firefighters who knew they were probably not going to make it back once they started up ...

KIKS.21.Zikison | Art Media | Cartoon | Free 30-day Trial ... - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Elektronski list / Electronic paper "KiKS", Karikatura i Kratki Strip / Caricature and Short Comic Cartoon, broj / number 21, septembar / september 2008, The Satirical Manufactory Zikison - Paracin, Serbia,

Obama's Cabinet Picks: Energy Secretary Hillary to State speculation drew most of the attention this weekend, but there was some Energy news. The AP is reporting that New Jersey Environmental Protection Commissioner Lisa Jackson has been named to the Obama-Biden transition team on Energy. Jackson joins Robert Sussman, a former deputy Environmental Protection Agency administrator, and 11 others.

Obama The Fascist: Let Me Keep Counting The Ways | Start ... 11, 2012 · Update: It’s not very surprising that the VERY NEXT DAY after I publish this we find out that Barack Obama plans to create “an Internet ID for all Americans.” FASCIST!!! In April of 2o11 I wrote a VERY long (you know, because of all the facts and documentation I had) piece entitled, “Why I Call Obama A Fascist.” My “favorite” Obama is a fascist article is an oldie but …

thus spake drake: Chuck versus the Colonel - Awesome and ... 04, 2009 · As we were warned, Chuck held nothing back for the penultimate episode of the season (and quite possibly the series). We keep saying "game changer" over and over, but it's true for the recent run of Chuck episodes, and especially this one. Not only is the Chuck/handler dynamic forever changed, but every Chuck universe changed in a big way. Besides Chuck …

St. Louis Cop: 'I Believe In Jesus, I'm A Merciless Killer ... 23, 2014 · Another post that appears to come from Pappert says the “protestors should have been put down like rabid dogs the first night.” Jeffrey Beaton, chief of police in the small St. Louis County suburb of roughly 6,000 people, said the comments of Pappert were brought to his attention at roughly 10:40 a.m. Friday morning and “an internal ...

State won't collect, release data on coronavirus cases in ... 30, 2020 · A day after a top official in Gov. Bill Lee's administration said Tennessee plans to withhold the number of COVID-19 cases in schools from the public, a spokesperson said the information will not even be collected by the state.

Jim Hewes – FortLeft plan to open a bottle of champagne today and start celebrating early and I guess I’m not the only one. I heard a story on NPR yesterday about Jim Hewes the bartender at the Willard Hotel Bar who has researched presidential history and created 44 drinks for our 44 Presidents. I went looking for the complete list and found it on a Washington Post GOG blog.

Trump and His Campaign Manager’s Ties to Russia Should ... 17, 2016 · A violation is a felony and can result in up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.” We also hear today that Trump shook up his campaign by hiring two new strategists and implying that he’s demoting Manafort.

Balkinization: After Neoconservatism Fukayama's autopsy of neoconservatism is well worth reading, and makes many sensible points about the direction that American foreign policy should now take. What struck me though, in reading it, was how many of his claims about what was wrong with the Bush Administration's policies were available in 2001, and, indeed, were stated over and over again by critics of the …

Lost in the Ozone...: NYC Comptroller Thompson: Hospital ... 02, 2009 · --State, City need to take immediate action --New York City Comptroller William C. Thompson, Jr. today charged that hospitals in Central and Eastern Queens are in a “state of crisis” as their emergency rooms confront a torrent of patients amid H1N1 virus worries and the closures of St. John’s and Mary Im maculate Hospitals. “ Hospital emergency departments in …

Green Eagle: What Is Likely From the Debate Is Likely From the Debate I thought it would be instructive to look at how Al Gore was treated by the mainstream press in the 2000 campaign, and particularly in the first debate. You can find a lot of information about this inglorious episode in our history online, but I am going to quote at some length from a 2007 article at Vanity Fair ...

Bilgrimage: Matters Catholic, Including the Sex Abuse ... 09, 2011 · Matters Catholic, Including the Sex Abuse Scandal: Recent Commentary On matters Catholic, and on the ongoing sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church in particular, several good articles in the last day or so: ...

Smooth Stone: Welles Remy Crowther, age 24 11, 2007 · Welles Remy Crowther, age 24.. Place killed: World Trade Center. Resident of Upper Nyack, New York. Welles Remy Crowther was an equities trader on the South Tower's 104th floor, who helped dozens of people to safety on September 11.. His body was found in March, 2002, alongside several firefighters and emergency workers bunched in a command post in the South Tower lobby.

wright | The Rogue Jew | Page 2 was the gun that won our freedom, it is the gun that preserves that freedom. While we’re at it, the man called Barack Obama who wants to lead the free world, sat for twenty years in a congregation of a preacher that spoke of racial hatred and despised this country, yet says that he never knew about Pastor Wright’s feelings of hatred ...

JustOneMinute: Troop Withdrawals 26, 2009 · Talk about "Occupied territories' not long after that was the battle of Tours, Vienna in 1683 was the last big incursion, although there was obviously some penetration in Bosnia; and that was under the relatively civilized Umayyad (Syrian)regime. It took about a century, for Saladin's Saracen successors to drive the crusaders from the Holy Land.

A Master Class | Sheila Kennedy the space of a week, Donald Trump and Mike Pence have given us a Master Class in cluelessness (Trump) and servility (Pence). Pence was at his smarmy best when he dutifully defended Trump’s lunatic assertion that murderous “Middle Easterners” were part of that scary Caravan making its way to the border from Guatemala.Talking Points Memo

17 | March | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 17, 2013 · Evening “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” /Matthew 5:9. This is the seventh of the beatitudes: and seven was the number of perfection among the Hebrews. It may be that the Saviour placed the peacemaker the seventh upon the list because he most nearly approaches the perfect man in Christ Jesus.

God and Christianity and Us Poor Humans | The Word of Me... 03, 2009 · I’ve recently been in a discussion with a person about Satan and why he would even bother anymore since his fate is already sealed. We and Satan already know he loses the battle with God, and…all the people who follow Christianity know it. The story has been outlined for us by the Church; we know…

Rumsfeld On Tape: Terror Attack Could Restore Neo-Con ... 16, 2008 · In another exchange, after assuring that comments are “off the record,” Rumsfeld and one of the military analysts agree that Iraq could use a “Syngman Rhee” to take control of Iraq. Syngman Rhee was the ruthless authoritarian dictator of South Korea from …

southern orders: I AGREE WITH VATICAN RADIO ON THIS ONE! 24, 2015 · The movie was shown in September at a film festival in the Italian city of Venice, triggering the positive review. Vatican Radio, the official radio service of the Vatican, was started under Pope Pius XI in 1931. Luca Pellegrini, who frequently comments on art and culture for Vatican Radio, praised “Spotlight” for demonstrating “the inexhaustible and uncontainable force of the truth.”

Alasandra's Place: The Murder House Murder House by James Patterson My rating: 4 of 5 stars The only thing that kept it from being 5 Stars was the ending you don't always have to have a romantic ending Mr. Patterson and having Noah and Jenna moving in together as a couple at the end makes no sense, when there wasn't a romantic relationship established during the book.

JustOneMinute: Back In Business, Sort Of the "oh. Good. Grief" department--In the growing war of words month-long coronavirus blame game between Beijing and Washington, China has gone on a media blitz, now responding with a state media produced animated LEGO video.

Agriculture | Further thoughts | Page 2 about Agriculture written by Ian Ramjohn. Top Posts. On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year; Disturbance and recovery in tropical dry forests

Blasphemy Laws Not Dead After All | The Word of Me... 02, 2010 · We are still at the beginning of Islamic attempts to openly conquer the Christians and Jews and eventually any others who disagree with their religious dogma, and make-over the world in Muhammad’s vision. The first step was the Twin Towers on 9-11 to electrify and wake up their people to the power they can wield by unconventional warfare.

A Little History About Valentine’s Day | Suzie-Que's Truth ... 14, 2009 · The History of Valentine's Day Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day — and its patron saint — is shrouded in mystery. But…

02 | January | 2010 | The Word of Me... 02, 2010 · It is one of several passages in the Koran and in Hadith that can give a scriptural foundation to Islamic anti-Semitism, including the assertion in Sura 5:60 that Allah cursed Jews and turned some of them into apes and swine. Muhammad, quoted in Hadith of Bukhari, Vol 1 …

Alasandra's Place: Natchez Burning (Penn Cage, #4) Burning by Greg Iles My rating: 5 of 5 stars Great book, I can't wait for the second book in the trilogy (The Bone Tree) to come out April 2015. I have read all Greg Iles' books so I was very familiar with all the "good" characters and even some of the bad ones as they have featured in prior novels, which I think added to my enjoyment, and certainly helped with keeping all the ...

OpenlineBlog: Did Rahm Emanuel Cover-Up the Murder of ... 11, 2015 · He suddenly had an in ground swimming pool built at his home supposedly by one of the contractors. He is a dictator at work and hired his wife and his kids. He gave the lucrative grass cutting job to his father and his sister was the electrical contractor at the new police building.

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: What Do leak of the Obama administration's white paper "justifying" the killing of American citizens by the United States government has generated, quite justifiably, a great deal of concern by journalists, as well as some in the general public.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: “I was talking to Prince Rupert, and ...“I was talking to Prince Rupert, and they’re very concerned.” The above is a quote from a story in the Winnipeg Free Press about the now two day old strike at CN Rail. The Canadian Wheat Board is expressing its concerns over the labour dispute.

Smooth Stone: The Liars of Gaza 21, 2008 · As the Israel's Foreign Ministry notes, the supply of electricity to Gaza from the Israel and the Egyptian power grids (124 Megawatts and 17 Megawatts respectively) has continued uninterrupted. These 141 Megawatts of power represents about three quarters of Gaza's electricity needs.

Smooth Stone: Anger and rage is the essence of the Moveon ... 15, 2007 · The libtards at are getting their panties in a bunch again. Now they're going after Giuliani because he righteously went after the detestable Hillary Clinton for assailing Iraq war commander Gen. David Petraeus' character. Then again, why should anyone be suprised at what anarchists and tatoo-ed slackers do, anyway?

South Carolina Coal Mining News Monitoring Service & Press ... 26, 2020 · These are the richest billionaires in every state this year: report. FOX Business’ Cheryl Casone gives details on demonstrators setting up a guillotine in front of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ home. There are more than 600 billionaires in the U.S., but only a few can be recognized as the richest person in each state. Earlier this …

Using Beto 2018 to project Beto 2020 – Off the Spanish surname persons are the most conservative. Only one county is almost entirely Spanish Surname and that is Starr County, Cruz got 23% of the vote. In 2016 Trump got 19% to Clinton’s 80%. The 2014 race the ratio was about the same. The other South Texas Counties are more diverse, so it is harder to figure out who is voting ...

Alasandra's Place: Born of Betrayal (The League, #8), rehashing the same plot over and over gets OLD. Recap of Born of Defiance (The League, #7), Born of Betrayal (The League, #8) and Born of Legend (The League, #9) Bastien's story. Bastien is reunited with Ember and discovers t...

Smooth Stone: First-Temple Building Remains Found Near the ... 13, 2008 · While Muslims huddle in their stench-filled darkened rooms, conniving new ways to fabricate their history and concoct schemes to murder innocent Jews, the Israel Antiquities Authority announces that for the first time in the history of the archaeological research of Jerusalem that building remains from the First Temple period have been exposed so close to the Temple Mount – on the …

April 19, 2016 – Exceptional Delaware 19, 2016 · 4 posts published by Kevin Ohlandt on April 19, 2016. With the amendment on Senate Bill 92, this takes away the authority of the Delaware Department of Education and the State Board of Education to provide training and technical assistance for students with autism.

Global Wahrman: Villains! Enemies of the People! Stop ... Driving Blue Pickup Trucks! [2.12.2013 We do not know at this point how crazy Dorner is and how unjust, if it was unjust at all, was the procedure that got him fired from the LAPD. But on the surface of things, it looks like another example of the LAPD punishing someone who tries to make them live up to their promise to clean up their ...

Increasing Secrecy in Government Leads To Corruption And ... the legislature itself, over 90% of the bills are written anonymously, making it impossible to discover who is actually writing the bill and what interests they might represent. If this kind of secrecy reminds you of some other form of government, such as perhaps autocracy, you'd be very much correct.

Lori Klausutis Wiki: Cause of Death & 4 Facts about Joe ... Klausutis was originally from Atlanta, Georgia and was born on August 2, 1972. She was the daughter of Linda and Larry Bolterstein, sister to Kelly Ann, and wife of Timothy Klausutis from 1997-2001. Lori was known as an active member of the Catholic church in her area, and was described as nice and sweet person.

Kingdom citizens occupying 'Iolani Palace 6: On Google News main page, this item is currently one of the top three items featured under the U.S. section (earlier it was the top item), with 299 articles listed, mostly versions of the AP story. This event got major worldwide media coverage.

Beware the Slenderman – BLOGGYWOCKY 24, 2017 · HBO placed subscribers in the terrorizing tentacles of the Internet’s boogeyman during Monday’s premiere of Beware the Slenderman.. Though fictitious, the urban legend haunting children via the web was a real enough to be a motive for Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier to allegedly want to murder their friend, Payton (Bella) Leutner in Waukesha, Wisconsin on May 31, 2014.

The Story of My Shoe: My Flower to Bush, the Occupier ... 16, 2009 · By Mutadhar al-Zaidi, Counterpunch, Sep 15, 2009 Mutadhar al-Zaidi, the Iraqi who threw his shoe at George Bush gave this speech on his recent release. In the name of God, the most gracious and most merciful. Here I am, free. But my country is still a prisoner of war. Firstly, I give my thanks and…

OneAngryQueer: Memos, Conference Calls, and Police PR recent weeks, Occupy encampments around the country have faced numerous obstacles imposed upon them by local and municipal authorities. Major evictions have happened in nearly every metropolitan area that can claim an Occupation as its own, with many Occupiers alleging that their forceful evictions included instances of police brutality ranging from pepper spray to Long Range Acoustic ...

A compromising position. | No, THIS is how you do it… 20, 2011 · I was talking to T on the phone this morning as she drove to work. A major benefit of having summers off is increased phonability. Like, for instance, yesterday as I was finishing up the last-minute of “really fun” stairclimbing at the Gym (more on this soon, you can be fucking sure) my phone buzzed with a +44 number.

In 14 states gun deaths outnumber deaths by motor vehicle ... 04, 2014 · Courtesy of Oregon Live : Oregon was one of 14 states where gun deaths outpaced motor vehicle deaths in 2011, according to a study by ...

read my mind: Government Shut Down! What Next? was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn.

Transparency | The Swill George Sand (Reprinted with author’s permission from There are countless laws. Literally. Maybe not in the mathematical sense – it is technically possible to count the laws in existence, but based on a colloquial and general use of the term “countless” it is …

GENESEE FLINT . COM: Jan 12, 2010 08, 2010 · The focus on the personal relationship was the real reason or the contrived excuse for the resignation. This is a real power struggle. Chittle has started an anti ford face book to counter the pro-ford face book. Joel , the UofM downtown darling has weighed in supporting Walling. Pro Walling anti us posted are stalking MLIVE.

The real goal is to restrict gun ownership by conservatives? 20, 2016 · Attorney General Lynch was on five network shows on Sunday. The last time this happened was Susan Rice spinning the Benghazi video lie. So indeed, what the regime has in mind is editing out the reality of the 9-11 calls. Any mention that the terrible killing of 49 people was an Islamic terrorist. The office…

JustOneMinute: Epstein Gal Pal Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested. to a quick survey of videos of people introducing her, American and British pronunciations are roughly the same (Maxwell was the founder of an environmental nonprofit, a philanthropic job that often took her to conferences and TedTalks, and before the U.N.).

REVIEW of The Enneagram of Death by Kathryn Grant ... Enneagram of Death – Helpful Insights by the 9 Types of People on Grief, Fear, and Dying By Elizabeth Wagele International Enneagram Association Publications (2012) Reviewed by Kathryn Grant Elizabeth Wagele, well-known in the Enneagram community for her witty and accurate introductory book, The Enneagram Made Easy, and additional volumes: Finding the Birthday Cake,…

13 | August | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 13, 2018 · If you want to investigate whether Sherlock Holmes was a real or fictional person, you can’t believe everything you read on the Internet. His “biography” is as easy to find as Winston Churchill’s (and there seems to be some fact/fiction confusion on both counts).(1) Between the years of 1887 and 1927, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote prolifically of the famous detective known for his ...

Cheney – Eric Lightborn's Blog Gold & Ben Casselman of The Wall Street Journal:. An oil-drilling procedure called cementing is coming under scrutiny as a possible cause of the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico that has led to one of the biggest oil spills in U.S. history, drilling experts said Thursday.

Dashiell: The proper attitude to war is not just verbal hair-splitting. It goes to the heart of our attitudes about war, and there’s a long history behind all of this. What we need to understand is that something can be necessary without being moral. Killing people is immoral, but it may be necessary if one’s country is attacked.

Freedom Writing: When Failure Was Not an Option 17, 2010 · As well he should. Essentially, Lovell and Kranz were products of a special mindset that has always existed at NASA. Some folks would call it a "can–do" spirit. In a memorable scene from Ron Howard's movie about the mission in 1995, Kranz (played by Ed Harris) summarized it for the ground crew during the crisis — "failure is not an option" — although it is my understanding that Kranz ...

Freedom Writing: Television's First Live Murder 24, 2013 · The killing of Oswald short–circuited the American judicial system. Admittedly, it doesn't always work, but it was the only hope to get Oswald's side of the story. Maybe he would have told the truth. Maybe he wouldn't.

Patrick's World USA: When Good People Allow the Media and ... 10, 2011 · The antidote to unity. If every single person in America who is against the Obama agenda backs Sarah Palin, we win. Yes, this sounds idealistic – a lot easier said than done. You don’t deprogram a century’s worth of mind control just by throwing out a platitude like "okay everyone follow Sarah Palin and we win." But it is that simple.

One place gets it right – 16, 2018 · Yet once two circuits come to a split decision, the next step is the SCOTUS and maybe a good time for them to decide on it. So it was left to the town of Seaford to accomplish what their larger governmental unit could not, approving a right-to-work ordinance in …

Could You Pass That Test? | Sheila Kennedy’d say that since HRC was the first blazing the trail for other women has created more caustic behavior. AOC gets hammered daily on Twitter with disgusting comments because she’s outspoken and she’s holding truth to the power structure which consists mainly of white men.

At-Risk Students | Exceptional Delaware keep praying for me as the closing of the school and worrying about the students has me hurt and saddened. This whole experience has caused me to shift internally …. Not clear yet on what that means… But it is definitely time to get back to business. See you all soon! PLEASE VIEW: Link to Monique’s testimony abt the state of DE Schools

Blue Egg Commentarieshttps://blueeggcommentaries.blogspot.comJan 24, 2008 · First, let's be clear; the problem is methane as well as CO2. However, CO2 is the most talked about greenhouse gas, so let's take a look at the history here.It's a long, detailed article with links, so it's really only for those who want an understanding of how our understanding of the growth, in ppm, of CO2 in our atmosphere has progress over the centuries.

Here I am, Lord -- Lectionary 12, 2012 · But more than a call story; it is a continuation of the unveiling of the Word in human flesh, as defined by John in his prologue (vss. 1-14). When Philip invites Nathanael to meet Jesus he points his friend to the testimony of the Law and the Prophets – …

Nate Silver Vs. David Sirota - 16, 2009 · The terms applied to a "rational progressive" easier fit Silver allies Booman and Al Giordano, and those guys are pretty far to the left, as far, if not farther, than Sirota. Now, Silver messes this up by slipping some policy positions into his post, which confuses things, but I think the delineation he sets up of the rift you are seeing going ...

Big Education Ape: May 11, 2013 is an acronym for “document-based question.” Multiple-choice questions make up 55 minutes of the 3-hour, 5-minute AP U.S. History exam, which has the second-largest number of AP test-takers, behind only the English Language and Composition exam.

Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity,4453,page=522Aug 28, 2015 · The whole family’s in a cult, devoted to a fellow who splintered off from the traditional Hari Krishna movement. Their cult leader took a lot of devotees with him from the Hare Krishna group and Prabhupada the leader, as he had worked his way up to number 2 in the organization, which is how he operates….Chris Butler….alias Siddhaswarup ...

No Right Turn: The headline says it all 06, 2006 · And i'm not sure who is a public servant in this discussion? I'm not one. I didn't think I/S was one? Posted by Jordan: 6/15/2006 11:27:00 AM Jordon: sure, Cullen refusing his pay rise wouldn't make a jot of difference - but it would send a clear message.

Climate "scientists": 95 percent of people fry to death at ... 07, 2011 · But that's only because on the downside, we're pretty close to a phase transition, the freezing point of water, 0 °C, when certain important things change discontinuously. However, the continental ice sheets have been gone for thousands of years and we're extremely far from the next similar point, the boiling point of water at 100 °C.

War on Satire - Progress Pond 07, 2015 · Today, we are all Charlie Hebdo. Anyone, anywhere, who expresses their opinions in the public square was attacked today when Muslim militants burst into the Paris offices of a venerable satirical magazine and gunned down the editor, three cartoonists, and injured many others. Others will pick up the work of the fallen.

memeorandum: Army Leaker Chelsea Manning on Obama's ‘Short 11, 2017 · Army Leaker Chelsea Manning on Obama's ‘Short List’ for Commutation — President Obama has put Chelsea Manning, the former Army intelligence analyst serving a 35-year sentence for leaking classified material, on his short list for a possible commutation, a …

McCain Car Crash In 1964, Possibly Fatal, Being ... 28, 2008 · News Orgs Investigate Possibly Fatal McCain ’64 Car Crash. Huffington Post- Sam Stein. October 28, 2008 09:45 AM. For the past two months, a major American magazine and an allied news service have been engaged in a legal battle with the United States Navy over records that they believe show that John McCain once was involved in an automobile accident that injured or, perhaps, killed …

Foreign Policy Guru and Adviser to John McCain: Who is ... 24, 2008 · Sudhan @18:41 CET By Patrick J. Buchanan | Global Research, August 22, 2008 He is the principal foreign policy adviser to John McCain and potential successor to Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski as national security adviser to the president of the United States. But Randy Scheunemann has another identity, another role. He is a dual…

On Being Notorious...: 8/26/07 - 9/2/07 this title, you ask? I invite you to see the link below - "About This Blog" NOTE: All anonymous comments are deleted

Cox, Taylor, The $$ and The Ethics Commission POC Website 09, 2006 · The only information I have on the Governor's cash-race is from The Savannah Morning News and a few blogs posts. (A side note: let's all agree that the Ethics Commission Website is a piece of crap and that if the difference in how Cathy would run government can be illustrated by how well her office handled these reports versus what we now have, we should all run out right now and vote for Cox.)

Rants From The Rookery: October 2013 10, 2013 · This is largely because young women have not updated their documents with their married names, a circumstance that doesn’t affect male voters in any significant way. Suddenly 34% of women voters are scrambling for an acceptable ID, while 99% of men are home free. As of November 5, a birth certificate is not enough.

Tickle The Wireplot Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling The man accused of plotting a shooting attack at a Milwaukee Masonic center in Milwaukee in the name of Islam claimed the fraternal organization is “playing the world like a game,” according to federal authorities reached by ABC News.. A member of the center dismissed those claims, saying it isn’t at “the root of some of the world’s problems.”

“What’s Ahead for Hedge Funds?” - isely 10, 2015 · The following is an excellent article from the January 12 - January 18, 2015 issue of Bloomberg Businessweek written by Nick Summers on page 37 titled "Markets/Finance: What's Ahead for Hedge Funds?" and I quote: "Markets & Finance" "What's Ahead for Hedge Funds?" By Nick Summers January 08, 2015 Photographer: Getty Images Considering all the…

It's Sunday so let's talk God, shall we? - Blogger 04, 2012 · Well, that was informative. Like I said before Hitchens could be arrogant, pompous, and acerbic, but when he was hitting on all cylinder...

Keith Olbermann's Ego: The Christian Science Monitor doesn ... 04, 2009 · Keith Olbermann's Ego by Keith Olbermann's Ego is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Based on a work at [email protected]. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available by contacting [email protected].

Babble On: Chuck Lorre Vanity Card Moment of Zen 09, 2009 · Chuck Lorre Vanity Card Moment of Zen Not only would I have liked having a man who writes these cards but would have loved to spend years in the writers' room of a TV show. You might have seen these cards appear at the end of Dharma and Greg, Two and a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory, Cybill, and Grace Under Fire .

Russian Orthodox Christians Offended By Apple Logo ... 03, 2012 · The first Apple logo showed Issac Newton sitting under an apple tree with the words “a mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought — alone,” from English poet William Wordsworth. The rainbow themed apple was selected and used from 1976-1998. The Glass-themed version has been used since 2003.

Winter Patriot: Federal Appeals Court Says Warrantless ... 06, 2007 · These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

sisu: In Spanish the cats would say "purr," but the act is ... Spanish the cats would say "purr," but the act is called "el ronroneo" "Oracle Octopus Picks Spain in Final, Receiving Death Threats," went the headline: "Just as Americans look to the groundhog for signs of what the future holds, German soccer fans have their own animal prophet, Paul the Octopus."

15 | November | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 15, 2017 · 7 posts published by broboinhawaii on November 15, 2017. Yet for us there is [only] one God, the Father, Who is the Source of all things and for Whom we [have life], and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through and by Whom are all things and through and by Whom we [ourselves exist]. — 1 Corinthians 8:6

Federal Reserve CEO: People Should Get Tested Daily, Wear ... 07, 2020 · The story has a familiar ring. Add to it that google is tracking every one everywhere and we would have to say the nightmare that we feared is well on its way. The fact that there is no hiding the intentions and that these people believe that they can say exactly their intentions tells…

19 | January | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 19, 2013 · Scriptures. It is a true proverb, “Look for a thing where you dropped it, it is there.” So look for Christ where you lost him, for he has not gone away. But it is hard work to go back for Christ. Bunyan tells us, the pilgrim found the piece of the road back to the Arbour of Ease, where he lost his roll, the hardest he had ever travelled.

Freedom Writing: Read My Lips 18, 2013 · That "Read my lips: no new taxes" thing was a good line, written by speech writer Peggy Noonan, who had crafted some winning speeches for Reagan during his presidency. "It was a strong, decisive, bold statement," wrote TIME in 2008, "and you don't need a history degree to see where going." No, you didn't. After Bush made his speech, the poll numbers began to turn in his favor — and ...

Animal House - talkelections.org 20, 2020 · Pelosi: “This is just more and more GOP projecting” - AP News, Aug 9th, 2020 “I’m honestly surprised we’re even having this discussion. We have proof, absolute proof, that the President has been getting payments in and out of a network the Russian investment companies go through. This has ties to Putin.

Fed cuts rate to zero |, not normal. Yes, you may be right that a reaction to a desperation move. And to the current administration's inability to deal with this crisis. The Fed is now out of ammunition before the battle to shore up the economy has even started. There's not much else they can do and it's going to get worse.

» Gary Kleppe's fanfiction GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD! a Triple Takahashi Crossover by Gary Kleppe This is a Ranma 1/2 / Maison Ikkoku crossover, with some elements of the Mermaid saga thrown in. I am not using any characters from the Mermaid books, just the existence of the …

12 | July | 2019 | Exceptional Delaware 12, 2019 · This is arrogance and hubris that has led us to the point where we are today. Today is the final day to submit public comment for Odyssey Charter School. All comments must be received by the Charter School Office at the Delaware Department of Education before 4pm est today.

Jews sans frontieres: Rhea Wolfson hoist by her own petard to say, hugely disappointing. It is disappointing because I am the only Jewish candidate in this election, because the wide range of organisations endorsing me includes the Jewish Labour Movement, and because I have a long record of challenging anti-Semitism and have in fact faced it on a daily basis since my candidacy was announced.

No Right Turn: Spying on our friends 03, 2015 · The first GCSB-specific Snowden documents have been released, revealing that New Zealand spied on our Pacific friends and allies: New Zealand's spies are targeting the entire email, phone and social media communications of the country's closest, friendliest and most vulnerable neighbours, according to documents supplied by United States fugitive and whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Freedom Writing: Priorities and Midterms 09, 2009 · "In the best of times, our days are numbered anyway. So it would be a crime against nature for any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were designed in the first place: the opportunity to do good work, to enjoy friends, to fall in love, to hit a ball and to bounce a baby."

Wtf | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog need a Secretary of Education who is actually a public school educator. 1 day ago; RT @AVindman: Today I officially requested retirement from the US Army, an organization I love. My family and I look forward to the next ch… 1 day ago; RT @Weinsteinlaw: Congratulations to Donald Trump on being the first president to dodge both the Draft and ...

black box voting | Mudflats election watchdog group Black Box Voting, has sent out the following request. If you are not familiar with this group, you should be. The website is extensive, and there’s also a great documentary Hacking Democracy (available on Netflix) which tells the story of this organization and the amazing woman who started it all. This is possibly the single most important issue facing our country ...

May | 2010 | Sohum Parlance II in the first five pages of the Communist Manifesto, Marx had nothing but good things to say about capitalism. This is an illustrative example of what he spoke about. Ironically, those five pages are the most insightful he wrote, excluding what have been entitled the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1868, and his endorsement of ...

Silver bullet military slang" Keyword Found Websites ... is a self-drilling Phillips round wafer head sheet metal screw. It is also referred to as a Sharp Point, Wafer, Peanut, SMS, RWH or a M/T head. It is used to attach …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Various items 08, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Eliminating all ... 23, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

Keith Olbermann's Ego: Keith Olbermann's Ego Hates Jon ... 15, 2009 · This is a work of fiction While this blog purports to represent the views of Keith Olbermann's ego (and Katy Tur's ego too for that matter) all blog entries are a work of fiction, unless what it is written does indeed turn out to be true in which case consider it just a lucky guess.

Washington Scandal: Indonesian Stock Exchange CLOSED To ... 09, 2008 · Bourse President Erry Firmansyah says, "The situation is not yet conducive. This is to prevent deeper panic. It will be closed indefinitely while we will continue to monitor." Market jitters have driven down the benchmark JSX index 21% this week. The index is down 47% this year, making it one of the worst performers in Asia.

Reason and Brimstone: Rainville's Stolen Ideas every single day, every single one of us needs to step outside and take some action to help stop this war. Raise hell." -- Molly Ivins. Sunday, October 1. Rainville's Stolen Ideas While trying to find polling information about the Welch / Rainville race (Vermont race for the house seat left open by Bernie Sanders) I discovered something ...

Bert and Ernie's Place,500,000 / 12 months=375,000 new resident a month) (375,000*50%=187,500 new jobs needed to be created per month) Obviously, a rough estimate, but …

Tenured Radical: How Many Administrators Does It Take To ... 09, 2009 · And where Lewin's decision to produce this article as if it were written in an ideological and conceptual vacuum is, in my view, truly bad journalism. To quote from CCAP's mission statement, it "is dedicated to research on the issues of rising costs and stagnant efficiency in higher education, with special emphasis on the United States."

DCCC Announces Twenty-Six “Races to Watch” – Swing State Announces Twenty-Six “Races to Watch” Yesterday, the DCCC announced a list of twenty-six “races to watch” as part of their “efforts to stay on offense this cycle.” The D-Trip has divided its list into two tiers, “Top Races” and “Emerging Races,” but hasn’t offered a …

Evening Jukebox… One Of The Living | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 26, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 2:55 PM MST Tina Turner- One Of The Living. Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.-

Dave Ramsey | Will of The People is a time of year when, we are told, we are to reflect on the birth and life of Jesus Christ. Of course, I have mentioned before that the holiday, as we know it, has absolutely nothing to do with anything Jesus-related, save for his name (here, here, and here), but that’s beside the point. What really made me think about Jesus today, more than anything, was this post on Dave Ramsey ...

'Make A Mess!' Pope Francis at Six Months ... is making an exuberant "mess" for sure, but it is a good mess, a wondrous Christian mess. He has brought life to a Church and a faith that was in real danger of irrelevance and self-referentialism, a Church that was sliding into the grim ice age of a demographic winter. He has thrilled young people and has summoned them to the faith.

Global Wahrman: A New Star Catalog is Always a Cause for ... blog about computer animation, visual effects, Los Angeles, imaging, motion picture industry, historical linguistics.

The Debate Link: Cleaning Up The Kitchen: Responsibility ... cannot stress how important . In his post, Mark uses the rhetoric of "guilt" and "innocence", and says that I am tagging all White people as "guilty" of perpetuating the slave system. I am not. No living White person today is responsible for creating the slave system. They are "guilty" of nothing.

Andy Warhol | This Black Sista's Memorial Page quartet will play Puccini for potted audience at grand venue in BarcelonaAttendees of the first post-lockdown concert at Barcelona’s Liceu opera house next week will not need masks or gloves, nor will they be required to observe physical distancing.But they might like to take along a nice comfy pot and a little water to prevent their roots from drying […]

Hurrah for Barbarians! ~ European-American blog 02, 2017 · We are told to believe that our ancestors’ existence was ‘short, nasty and brutish', but it turns out that hunting and gathering is a good way to live. Anthropologist James Suzman, in his new book, “Affluence Without Abundance: The Disappearing World of the Bushmen”, calculates that Bushmen spend 17 hours a week on finding food and 19 ...

President Obama Speech | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog are the results of your efforts: The lowest unemployment rate in over five years. A rebounding housing market. A manufacturing sector that’s adding jobs for the first time since the 1990s. More oil produced at home than we buy from the rest of the world – the first time that’s happened in …

Serena Williams - Has Only Herself to Blame sort of like an offensive lineman arguing that he wasn't holding and his coach saying, "Of course he was holding, that is how we teach them to block - it is never called." Now, let's assume that we can trust Serena's coach and he was coaching but it is never called.

Big Brother Is Not Who You Think….. | kavips 17, 2012 · It was the same with slavery. Ethics, if deemed to be decided by majority rule, seems to smile on marketers …. How many of us have not looked forward to a new release from a major artist, that we just “randomly” got an alert for? ….

No More Mister Nice Blog: NO, SERIOUSLY -- THIS TIME TRUMP ... 09, 2015 · 1. The eventual transition to a mature, less Id based professional candidacy. If he transitions, he'll lose the crazy base supporters. If he doesn't transition, He won't win primaries. 2. Public and Media tire of him. Overexposure, Trump fatigue, Trump backlash. 3.

Claremont Insider: A Family Affair 19, 2010 · We posted twice on the advertising for a paid staff member, here, and here with the job description. We're glad to see the support committee has filled those billets, but it's a little unnerving that the Committee a) has to hire someone to be for the School Bond and b) has the money to do so. The article makes plain that Aly Stark is the daughter of CUSD Board member Jeff Stark.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Council Woman Kathy Lantry On … 25, 2007 · 8 Comments: Bob said... >>> "John Krenik" JFK4MN ( at ) 5/22/2007 12:39 PM >>> Hi All, In the St. Paul Pioneer Press it was reported (5-21-2007) that in the middle of the night, with just 18 hours from the close of the legislative session, Sen. Mee Moua, DFL-St. Paul, proposed a tax increase that would have increased the tax on beer, wine and liquor sold by the drink in St. Paul to 12 ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2009 · He published his memoir, Never Surrender, last year -- and his coauthor was a woman named Lynn Vincent, an editor at the Christian newsmagazine World, where she works under editor in chief Marvin Olasky, the Bush spiritual adviser who was the principal theorist of "compassionate conservatism." Well, now Lynn Vincent's got a new book project:

ah, depression | invincible summers 02, 2009 · the past two days have been draining. as some of you know i’ve been struggling with insomnia for a good 3-4 weeks now. but luckily, my body finally had enough. it started new years eve when i fell asleep in front of friends around 2:30am. woke around 8amish and then napped from 11am-4pm. i muddled around the house for a few hours, ate dinner ...

Avedon's Sideshow: Never mind the forecast, 'cause the sky ... Carol talked about Puppies and science fiction, Bernie, Hillary, Corbyn, Trump, and election fraud on Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd, and although there was a bit of drop-out (like when I said, "He wrote Glory Road!"which was completely gone), I'm happy to say that there were fewer technical problems than usual.

The Big Breast | New World Odor 02, 2009 · Some women seek rib cages adorned with saline or silicone pouches so massive that they threaten healthy respiration, musculature and spinal alignment. Armed with giant implants, today's cosmetic surgeons can turn women into the human equivalent of the turkey whose out-of whack upper bodies affect mobility itself.

Obsidian Wings: It's Jonah Goldberg Day! in itself was a demonstration of bad judgment: at any rate, I would think long and hard before challenging CharleyCarp, von, Seb, or publius to a bet about the law, and on those occasions when I have disagreed with people who really ought to know a lot more than me -- disagreeing with the Israeli military establishment about the likely ...

pancocojams: How Police Are Portrayed In Animated Pre ... cover drawing of the book that is shown with this sound file is of a little rolly polly White traffic policeman who is pointing sternly at a chicken (who may have crossed the street when the light was red instead of green.) As is the case with the other examples of pre-chool songs in this category, none of the police officers are wearing guns.

Funny Class Notes: Peacock Courtship’s borderline disgusting; there’s the first awkward meeting, the first date, the second date and then the painful, emotionally scarring breakup. There are, of course, variations on this theme – sometimes the relationship makes it to a third date and sometimes the breakup scars more than just the psyche – but most dating relationships ...

Sarah Palin calls in to the Eddie Burke radio show. Get ... 08, 2009 · If you know FOR A FACT that Tripp was born on Feb.18,2009, please contact Audrey at Palin's Deceptions-- she'll appreciate the information. Remember, the Johnston's were complaining that they didn't have any photos of Tripp; the one that they showed of Levi tenderly holding a newborn was a picture of Trig, the birthday boy.

Pausing at the Trumpet Vine: February 2008 is the new American majority. This is what change looks like when it happens from the bottom up. And in this election, your voices will be heard. Because at a time when so many people are struggling to keep up with soaring costs in a sluggish economy, we know that the status quo in Washington just won't do. Not this time. Not this year.

Proof Positive: Spam Foils Russian Black Widow Terrorist ... 07, 2011 · "Press One for English" A wannabee terrorist bomber became a true suicide bomber last New Year's Eve. A "Black Widow" suicide bomber planned a terrorist attack in central Moscow on New Year's Eve but was killed when an unexpected text message set off her bomb too early, according to Russian security sources. When I first heard this story, it was just described as a "Happy New Year" …

USCF United States Civilian Forces: 10/02/16 United States Civilian Forces Sunday, October 2, 2016. ... 59, supplied $1,300 in June 2015 to a Detroit man who used it to expand his arsenal ... Flag as irrelevant : FBI head: Clinton email matter 'not a cliff-hanger' ... who is still part of the investigation into the team.

State of the Nation: 8/23/09 - 8/30/09 They’ll pass out after the first bite, hit their head on the kitchen counter, sustain a concussion, and sue you for damages, despite the fact that the one bite they tasted of your cinnamon roll was the single most profound culinary experience in their miserable little life. 3.

Halfway There: November 2012 a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

April 2011 – Page 2 – MatthewVadum.Com is the video clip from my first appearance on the “O’Reilly Factor” back in 2007. I was talking to Bill O’Reilly about Code Pink, Cindy Sheehan, and Medea Benjamin. Code Pink is not only an antiwar group, it is firmly in the anti-American camp aligning itself with the relentless brutal Communist dictatorships of North Korea and Cuba.

KC: White Man’s Burden | House of the Dread 12, 2018 · Rayford is walking with Tsion admiring Jesus’ awesome landscaping and paving skills. They chat about the new regime and how Gentiles are now second-class citizens. Yep. Jesus runs a racial apartheid state in fundamentalist utopia land. But it’s all okay, because this racial apartheid state is run by God, so you know, he won’t make…

writing | ben fry plan to do a series of drawing instruction videos over time and this is the first. Karl put together a fun conference last year. Conference might not be the right word (the attendees were the speakers, and the speakers the only attendees); really it was a handful of info geeks hanging out in Newport discussing each other’s work, but we ...

September 2013 Gatchaman Crowds Blu-ray box set is currently the best-selling anime on Amazon Japan, and the ninth best-seller in all genres. Four months before it comes out. Interestingly, the only merchandise available besides the music CDs are cosplay school uniforms and wigs. You too can be Hajime or Sugane, or have hair like Joe.

Vagabond Scholar: Cops in Los Angeles 11, 2007 · Cops in Los Angeles (Cross-posted at The Blue Herald) Monday I received a last minute invite to a Dodgers game that night. The four of us had great seats, the best I've ever had a baseball game, right behind home plate, only three rows back (not counting the super special section in front of us!). ... Dress a thug in a uniform and give him a ...

Willful ignorance confounds some Obama skeptics - The ... 30, 2008 · The piece focused on a small town in Ohio called Findlay. On his corner of College Street, Jim Peterman stares at the four American flags planted in his front lawn and rubs his forehead. Peterman, 74, is a retired worker at Cooper Tire, a father of two, an Air Force veteran and a self-described patriot.

lipstick on a pig | Veritas Nihilum Vincet would suit them better than for the media to spend the next two months spellbound by the wacky carnival on ice that is the Palin family: Todd, aka the First Dude, the kids, Levi the hunky bad-boy dad-to-be–well, maybe not him so much after his expletive-adorned MySpace page briefly came to light (“I’m a fuckin’ redneck”; “I ...

Cram it with walnuts, ugly.https://tonibank.blogspot.comAnd a resident yelled at me because their mail wasn't sealed and...I could go on. Now I'm shivering in my house that is already too cold and it's only Nov. 3 and I'm hungrier than a lion. This night is going to end in a sandwich and Jowie though, so all is not lost. You know Blogger, Facebook lets me post photos whenever I want. Suck on that.

Runesmith's Canadian Content: July 2007 is not the first time the issue of misuse of ten-percenters has come up. Two years ago the matter was brought up in the House and was referred to Committee for review. The issue was discussed in June and again in November when a motion was brought forward to severely limit the partisan use of ten-percenters and end the practice of mailing ...

Update 2: How dare Bob Harrison and Richard Showers try ... 10, 2014 · And that the first I have heard of a school being near a chemical weapons dump site, but then again Redstone Arsenal is the largest of 249 chemical weapon dump sites for chemical weapons from WWII. So when you think about it, all of Huntsville is near a chemical weapon dump site.

Snake Reminder - See the Forest for the Trees | Mirror On ... 06, 2008 · This is precisely why party insiders wanted Clinton to quit the race when it became obvious she couldn't win. The Clintons scorched earth policy gives McCain cover to launch all sorts of attacks on Obama, and not be blamed for it--or even have dems defend him when he does it--b/c they originated from the Clintons.

Blogger - My Writingshttps://ashwa.blogspot.comIt's the first book I have bought for pleasure reading in at least a year. Of course I'm already a huge Obama fan, and after seeing him speak at a book signing on CSPAN, I had the urge to find out more about him. I've only read the first two chapters, but it's already fascinating.

Two stories of courageous athletes coming out. A perfect ... 10, 2010 · I don’t need the whole world to be “enamored” of homosexuality, all that’s needed is for a gay right fielder, or left tackle, or point guard, to be treated the same exact way as a straight one. There’s no way that it’s going to be easy for the first major U.S. team sport athlete to come out, but it will happen, sooner or later.

The Next Hurrah: "It's A Very Disturbing Trend" 16, 2006 · by DemFromCT. The Washington Post has an interesting and important article (not that it's the first best thing on the topic, but it's a reminder of the context that the Schiavo fiasco took place and the ongoing presence of this issue) on the rise of assertive religious conscience in the practice of health care.. In Chicago, an ambulance driver refused to transport a patient for an abortion.

JustOneMinute: A City Of Men, Not Of Laws budgeting process? Accountability and oversight? That's for the little people, not the Wise and Kind leaders of New York City. The NY Times does not seem even a bit perturbed - here is their glowing coverage of the beneficient Cyrus Vance, Manhattan's elected District Attorney:. Cyrus Vance Has $808 Million to Give Away

04 | January | 2019 | Wide World of Stuff 04, 2019 · All right, it’s the first Friday of 2019, and I’m in the mood to share some family joys and triumphs, some frustrations and some laughs, some details that will surely embarrass my offspring a decade from now when their friends discover this on the Internet. Yep that’s right, time for another edition of the Daddy Chronicles.

Vagabond Scholar: Calling Torture Torture 10, 2014 · Digby's recently covered The New York Times' decision to call torture torture, Marcy Wheeler's summary of the issue, and possible reasons for the Times' shift.. It's worth remembering that The New York Times and many other outlets have been consistently pressed on their reluctance to use the term "torture" since news of U.S. torture first broke. A 2010 media study by Harvard students …

Lying, cheating, and stealing: Inequality's argument is only one of the big three pro-inequality arguments. For a French socialist perspective on the other two principal arguments, check out the Inequality Watch website article by John Roemer. On the web, it is translated into English from the socialist language it was written in.

Possible Experience: Jan 28, 2013 28, 2013 · Possible Experience observing the phenomenal world

Jews sans frontieres: New low for the beeb, it's not really a new low, it's the same old low. See this article on the New Left Project site: Yesterday, we documented that B...

Circus Forticus: February 2013 boys had a great time playing and splashing around until way past bedtime. The next morning, we had breakfast, did some more swimming, then visited the Indianapolis Children's Museum, which we haven't been to since long before Henry was born. It was a short but sweet trip, and a satisfying way for Max to ring in his birthday.

Criticism | The Smirking's entitled to nothin' but damned if we all don't get nothin' anyway. Other than being mostly true, my concern is with the misinterpretations and misuse of “entitle” and “entitlement” and their iterations.

The Rectification of Names: West of Eden: Clueless on Gaza Prime Minister Netanyahu likes to refer to as Israel's "eternal, undivided capital", with a stretch of the separation wall that divides it in the foreground (photo by Haaretz/Olivier Fitoussi).It's not eternal either, obviously. It was the administrative-religious center of an Israelite polity for much though nowhere near all of the time from the 9th century BCE to the 1st century CE ...

The Frustrated Teacher: 11/28/ Canyon U. comes in next in line. These are the entrepreneurial up-starts that are the product of minimized regulation of teaching credentials.schoolfinance101 Reformers and edupreneurs tout online learning as the way of the future, yet for ed schools, the future is here, and it is this current “future” that they are complaining about.

Next Left: England, my should be enough occasion for a Bank Holiday every year, without needing to marry off one of the Royals to get a day off. The reason that English has the greatest and richest of any world literature has been its openness to bringing new voices and accents to the great literary tradition of Shakespeare.

OpenlineBlog: Wake-Up Call in Aurora 09, 2005 · "If the city were a company and I was the owner," he said, "I think I'd have to just shut it down for a while and rethink the whole thing. It's really just a shame a real embarrassment." Some city officials, he said, openly have questioned the plan's feasibility as well as the validity of market studies that show a high demand for condos and ...

Trump Does Not Play Eleven Dimensional Chess - The Soundings does not play eleven dimensional chess. I sincerely doubt he even knows how to play regular chess. The only games Trump knows is PR and racketeering with expertise in extortion, bribery, and money laundering. The initial reaction to virtually anything Trump does should be at last initially treated though that prism.

METRO System reimagining | Texas Leftist 11, 2015 · There’s no doubt that the top-to-bottom redesign of Houston’s bus system was the result of lots of hard work. Since its approval last month, System Reimagining has received national media attention, mostly in the form of high praise from transit enthusiasts and …

Thoughts on the Election | Something should go here, maybe ... 21, 2014 · Some thoughts on the election, many of which you'll probably see elsewhere too. National An impressive result, one which cements National as the center party. Key is not stupid, and he learned well from Helen Clark - something that cannot be said for Cunliffe. In hindsight, should have considered stepping back in Napier. But no real…

PCOS: Making Sure Our Votes Count by Ricardo Saludo ... Article from the latest TCR issue now available! To access the links from the article and to get more stories every week, all you need is to to subscribe. Just ...

Keystone Progress Blog: September 2011 defy thunderstorm, police helicopter at rally for justice and living wage jobs. Hershey, PA, Sep. 23, 2011 —Today, after six weeks of mounting national pressure on Hershey’s for exploiting J-1 student workers and depriving local workers of living wage jobs, former student workers at the Hershey’s packing plant and working people from PA held a 1,000-strong march in Hershey for ...

2009 September « Mercury Rising ?? to a notice on the Radio Globo site, the Brazilian embassy has been “taken.” There is no confirmation of this. RNS tells me that the notice that “Tomada embajada brasilena” refers to the attack on the protestors a couple of days ago. According to Vos el Soberano, there is a plan to attack the embassy using people in white shirts.

Kill, Burn & Loot (7/7) | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 26, 2008 · anthony @ 18:40 BST. From Martial Law, Inc. KBR: A Halliburton Subsidiary, by Andrew G. Marshall:. KBR and Concentration Camps: The New York Times reported in 2003, that, “Since the attacks of Sept. 11, Kellogg Brown & Root has won significant additional business from the federal government and the Pentagon.It has built cells for detainees at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba and is the …

Brewtown Gumshoe: November 2011 24, 2011 · But, it seems, when it's public money financing their own private playgrounds (stadium, convention center, etc.), more money equals success.] The major reasons for the Brewers' success is a great minor league system, good scouting, and Attanasio's $90 million payroll.

grassfire | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog tactics, however, are the same: just as the religious right subverts the Christian faith in the service of its authoritarian, business-friendly goals, so, too, does the Tea Party movement subvert the American civic religion — that faith characterized by love of country, invocation of …

Public-Private Partnerships | Exceptional Delaware is priority schools all over again except this time Carney is very upfront about selling these schools off to a corporate entity. Call it a non-profit all you want. I’m sure the overlords of this non-profit would exact their pound of flesh from the district in the form of certain salaries and operating expenses.

Dialog International: 30, 2015 · I have no idea who is behind the the "news" magazine and Web site Hintergrund (in English "Background") but it seems to take its editorial direction from Putin's RTDeutsch.. While most conspiracy fans have moved on to other (CIA or Mossad-orchestrated) conspiracies (Charlie Hebdo, MH17, assassination of Nemzov, etc,), Russian media remains fixated on the idea that the CIA (with …

The Useless Tree: holiday 21, 2012 · It is in a more abstract manner that Easter is Taoist. If we think of Jesus's rise as a return of sorts, his return to a non-material form, then we might keep passage 40 from the Tao Te Ching in mind: In Tao the only motion is returning; The only useful quality, weakness. For though all creatures under heaven are the products of Being,

Unofficially official – 03, 2013 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Chapter Forty -- What ... the LifeNews article points out, the origin of this fallacy seems to stem from an article by the Wasilla paper, The Frontiersman in 2000. In that story Police Chief Fannon was quoted as standing against legislation that would force local municipalities to pick up the costs of rape kits being performed.

Capital Cloak: Putin's Thin Skin: Is He Silencing Critics ... 06, 2007 · In Russia, Putin’s few critics are the lone voices of reason amid the cacophony of Putin adulation. In America, we are still hoping to find a lone voice of reason among the president’s critics. The First Amendment is alive and well in America, but in Russia criticism of government, even when it poses no threat to the current “ elected ...

Essential Emmes: 4/1/06 - 5/1/06 28, 2006 · I have good news and bad news. Good news first: The first clinical trials to study the safety of mercury amalgam dental fillings showed no mental or physical impairments in children carrying the fillings for as long as seven years, according to two studies published today in the Journal of the American Medical Assn.— Studies Find no Ill Effects in Mercury Fillings, L. A. Times 4/19/06

Families Affirming Community Safety (FACTS): March 2017 The New York Times reported at the time, this rule has had a “profound effect in New York City, where only 14 of the 270 shelters” are eligible to intake sex offenders. There are dozens of sex offenders like Gonzalez who have been forced to stay in prison beyond their release dates because the law’s residency restrictions.

Crazy Eddie's Motie News: 'Divergent' and other teen dystopias 16, 2014 · Take the Hunger Games themselves. In the first book of Collins’s trilogy, Katniss explains that the games are a “punishment” for a failed uprising against the Capitol many years earlier, and they’re meant to be “humiliating as well as torturous.”... As a tool …

Freedom Writing: Paging Indiana Jones ... 13, 2014 · As always, the world's attention has been on the present and the future, but knowledge of the past is important, too. I know it sounds simple, but I have always believed that you have to know where you've been before you can decide where you're going, and discoveries that can provide valuable insights into the past have been occurring at a positively prodigious rate lately.

The Point: The Shape of Japan to Come costs of Mr. Abe's territorial revisionism are also strategic. Ryodo implicitly dismisses as partial the terms of the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty, which formally ended World War II between Japan and the Allies. The agreement redrew Japan from the massive empire it had become during the war - stretching from northern China to Guadalcanal - more or less into the country familiar today.

Orcinus: Conservatives Freak Out When Black ‘Captain ... April 2012, one of Forde’s associates in the desert, a Tucson man named Todd Hezlitt, was arrested and charged with two counts of sexual conduct with a minor for an affair he had initiated with a 15-year-old girl from a local high school where he was an assistant wrestling coach. Two months later, he fled with the girl to Mexico, and he briefly became an international fugitive.

Wash Park Prophet: Future Of Estate Tax Becoming Clear 12, 2009 · Future Of Estate Tax Becoming Clear ... the estate tax is reinstated with a $1 million exemption per person, and a top tax rate of 55% (plus a 5% bubble rate to recapture the benefits of law marginal rates on top of the 55%). The 2011 tax rates and exemptions would constitute a major estate tax increase from 2009 levels. ... one of the first ...

The Rectification of Names: The only way to stop a bad guy ... 18, 2015 · The only way to stop a bad guy with a religion is a good guy with a religion. And if the bad man with the religion is interested in Jihadist attacks, Islamist militias, and restoring the Caliphate— The pathological dualist can’t reconcile his humiliated place in the world with his own moral superiority.

No Right Turn: Electoral Reform in the UK 12, 2009 · Allow Labour to depict itself at the general election as the party of reform in response to the parliamentary expenses scandal. Make David Cameron look like a defender of the status quo. The Tories, who are opposed to abolishing the first-past-the-post system, would have to introduce fresh legislation to block the referendum if they win the ...

An Interview With Margaret Colgate Love - The StandDown ... the wake of President Bush's most recent pardons, The National Law Journal spoke with one of the nation's foremost authorities on the pardon process — Margaret Colgate Love of the Law Office of Margaret Love in Washington. Love specializes in executive clemency and restoration of rights, sentencing and corrections policy, and legal and government ethics.

'We Had to Do Something': Gallup, NM Mayor on 'Drastic ... today's BradCast: Rural America is under siege from the coronavirus, as the Mayor of one of the hardest hit small towns in the nation joins us to explain how they are coping with the massive outbreak and an unprecedented lockdown barring all traffic into the town.[Audio link to full show is posted at the end of this summary.Vice President Mike Pence announced today that the White House ...

(TABLOID) Rag Magazines Are Saying Patrick Swayze Dieing ... 09, 2009 · Chuck E. Cheese—where kids could be kids while parents nursed headaches—is filing for bankruptcy protection. The 43-year-old chain, which drew kids with pizza, video games and a singing mouse mascot, was struggling even before the coronavirus pandemic. But it said the prolonged closure of many outlets due to...

stephen | 44-D Press—Author Stephen King and his wife are donating money so 150 soldiers from the Maine Army National Guard can come home for the holidays.. King and his wife, Tabitha, who live in Bangor, are paying $13,000 toward the cost of two bus trips so that members of the 3rd Battalion, 172nd Infantry Unit can travel from Camp Atterbury in Indiana to Maine for Christmas.

Nectar of the Gods, more Lush, and other topics | A Mind was really amazing was the whole deal only cost me 2100Rs. Back in the States, for that facial alone I’d have had to fork over $100 or more (usually way more for anything any good). And my masseuse, Laura…I used to pay her $60 for an hour, and always felt like I was under-paying her.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: 2008 Fishing season finds worried ... state of affairs for the Gillnet fleet was the focus of a front page story in the Daily News on August 8 th. The Daily also featured an article on August 13th, with a response from Prince Rupert Mayor Herb Pond, who expressed his disappointment in recent DFO …

Sugar Nightclub Closing | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... Monday morning’s shooting at Capitol Hill’s Sugar nightclub—and a subsequent action against the club by Mayor Greg Nickels’ office—the club appears to be closing. We’ve received several e-mails from promoters who’ve canceled upcoming events because of the club’s closure. I’ve got a call out to the club and I’ll update when I’ve got more info.

Minneapolis | The blog of Nathan Hunstad 19, 2009 · It was the very first class I ever took in college (8 AM Monday morning!) and it became my favorite, combining technical know-how with artistic sensibilities. Read the rest of this entry » Photography 110 camera , 40D , Canon , Lake of the Isles , Minneapolis May 04, 2009

Lincoln Booth Coincidence! | Mark Solock Blog 16, 2011 · Lincoln Booth Coincidence In an interesting coincidence, Edwin Booth saved Abraham Lincoln’s son, Robert, from serious injury or even death. The incident occurred on a train platform in Jersey City, New Jersey. The exact date of the incident is uncertain, but it is believed to have taken place in late 1864 or early 1865, shortly…

Sabotaging ObamaCare - Progress Pond 20, 2012 · Booman Tribune ~ Comments ~ Sabotaging ObamaCare In fact, demand is only elastic to the extent that providers make it so. Not quite true in the sense that “patient pressure” and persistence can also be a factor – generally in a very positive way, although one that can also increase costs.

Why Profits aren't Reinvested, Creating Jobs (in the U.S ... power bought a policy of tax breaks and extender incentives to offshore, and a policy of outsourcing without accountability. Market power bought a policy of shelving promising Ebola drug vaccines for 10 years instead of publicly funding clinical trial …

Dumb Down the People to Rip them Off | Bud Meyers 05, 2014 · Dumb Down the People to Rip them Off Information = Power, control and wealth — that's why the very wealthy clamor to monopolize it. Since the days of the Pony Express, the telegraph and old fashion newspapers, it took ordinary people a long time to discover the shenanigans that were being perpetuated upon them.

The Rectification of Names: King Donald I does making America great again consist of, if it's not covered in domestic and/or foreign policy? Uniforms! Trump wants to be the constitutional monarch, as I've suggested, but in a fascist regime, like Victor Emmanuel III in Mussolini's time, who shows up to dedicate things, urge people to be charitable, model his baseball cap, and receive bouquets from the hands of properly dressed ...

Into the Breach: Bob Esvelt't charge dues like other places but do have a suggested donation. An annual fundraising dinner and a picnic. Prizes tend to be things like a shotgun. Runs a set of committees. Routine. Caucuses can be one of the best party-building tools. It's a reason to get …

The Rude Pundit 07, 2008 · Why Bill O'Reilly Ought to Be Sodomized with a Burning Cross: Because the Fox "news" commentator and a man who masturbates on all things chick pea-based, in his latest "Talking Points" segment, actually says about a certain left-wing organization, "It is not a stretch to say MoveOn is the new Klan." Now the Rude Pundit's had his problems with some of the actions and even the concept of …

Will This Year's Ron Paul Tea Party Money Bomb Match 2007? 13, 2011 · Will This Year's Ron Paul Tea Party Money Bomb Match 2007? December 13, 2011 by Walt Thiessen 12 Comments Four years ago, on December 16, 2007, the Ron Paul Revolution made election history by raising $6 million online in one day in support of …

MEXICO. on Flipboard by Michael Hinsley main suspect in the case of Mexico's missing 43 students is absolved, attorneys say. NBC News - Associated Press “It is a very strong blow, very bad news for the families," said Santiago Aguirre, director of a human rights center and a lawyer for victims’ relatives. MEXICO CITY — One of the main suspects in the disappearance

A larger than mean failure by the Pope | We are the drain ... 25, 2019 · A larger than mean failure by the Pope Posted on January 25, 2019 by Designated2 A commentary to which I would, unsurprisingly, wholeheartedly agree, Weigel is accurately describing the pitiful position of the Catholic Church today.

Alternative Tulsa: Hysteria & Justice: How the Right Got ...'s Lou Dobbs and a host of right-wing pundits and bloggers made headlines a few months ago when they charged the Federal government with wrongly prosecuting two Border Patrol agents for shooting a Mexican drug dealer. It's outrageous, the wingers screamed.The Feds had betrayed their own men —not to mention their nation—to protect an illegal alien (read: Mexican).

Parent Representative Farce | Exceptional’s for sure. Just another notch in the DOE’s bedpost sucking away money from public education, yet again. A bunch of people got together, but at the end of the day we still have Smarter Balanced and districts still have assessments. So what was the point of all this? Oh yeah, it was the “antidote” to opt out.

June 27, 2016 – Exceptional 27, 2016 · That’s for sure. Just another notch in the DOE’s bedpost sucking away money from public education, yet again. A bunch of people got together, but at the end of the day we still have Smarter Balanced and districts still have assessments. So what was the point of all this? Oh yeah, it was the “antidote” to opt out.

NBC, Universal, Comcast cave to FCC Diversity 14, 2011 · Go to Update from Hot Air F.C.C. will approve the merger, with one dissent. Looks like the Czars are winning. While we dither about being civil, the march to the loss of freedom of the air waves seem to go unnoticed. The intrusiveness of the FCC is worrisome. The media giants also agreed to allow black leaders to…

13 | October | 2011 | The Julianna Michigan 13, 2011 · SPLITSVILLE FOR YAHOO, U.S. CHAMBER – Yahoo has quietly left the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, MT has learned. For Yahoo’s part, a spokeswoman would only say to MT that the company “has memberships with numerous trade associations and belongs to a number of organizations that promote a free and fair marketplace which enable Yahoo! to innovate on …

Bernie Sanders, What the Hell Have You Done for Us Lately? 06, 2015 · Married to a woman named Jane, who is a former president of Burlington College. ~In a stunning upset in 1981, Sanders wins the mayoral race in Burlington, Vermont's largest city, by a mere 10 votes.

LGBTQ candidates sweep the polls with 80 wins | of those transgender candidates was Danica Roem, who became the first openly transgender person to be reelected to a state legislature.Roem made waves when she was elected to represent Virginia’s 13th House District back in 2017, beating an incumbent GOP delegate who was known for his anti-trans policies.

The Fight For Separated Children Is A Fight For Our Fight For Separated Children Is A Fight For Our Humanity And The Rule Of Law ... Considering that many pro bono and court-appointed attorneys often meet with their clients for the first time just minutes before proceedings, this new policy will effectively deny that opportunity and significantly reduce those attorneys' effectiveness in ...

Government Abstinence Program Hits the Web | ACS 01, 2005 · The government has taken its teen abstinence-only campaign to the Internet, with Some of the tips provided to parents on talking to teens about sex: - …

May 9, 2018 U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C ... 50 to 59 years old to a work requirement will lead to families losing SNAP benefits and increased food insecurity. Including parents with children aged six and older in the work requirements will harm families. H.R. 2 proposes imposing stricter work requirements for parents caring for a child six or older.

TSA Union Defeats Effort to Privatize Security at ... thanks to a swift response from the TSOs and their union, AFGE local 1230, the Sacramento Board of Supervisors reversed their position this week, voting 4-1 to not to proceed with the privatization plan. AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. recognized the four board members who did the right thing for America and Sacramento with their vote:

Cynthia Nixon: I'm glad Trump signed an 'executive order ... Hill 1625 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 tel | 202-628-8503 fax. The contents of this site are ©2020 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subsidiary of News ...

What Happens to Unclaimed Class Action Money? | Pocketsense the state knows the name of the class action recipient, the recipient has a limited amount of time to submit a claim to the state Treasurer. If she does not submit a claim during this time period, which Utah sets at 1 year for a class action award, the state keeps the unclaimed money.

Unbiased News Source? | Yahoo Answers 08, 2009 · Where on the internet can I go to receive current world news that is unbiased. I do not want to go any where that is in any way connected to ABC, CNN, NBC, Fox etc because they are just run by bigger bank companies who allow them to feed us what they want us to hear. I would like to go to a source preferably on the internet since i'm fairly confident that any source …

Tickle The Wirerobert casey jr. Archives - Tickle The Casey Jr. , head of the Dallas FBI, suspended Ortiz without pay in May after Ortiz’s wife accused him of domestic violence. They have a elementary school aged son. Authorities alleged that in August Ortiz spoke to a friend by phone, who is a licensed firearms dealer, and said he was looking for a .50 caliber rifle, which are used by ...

Stronger Together: A Celebration | The Center for Popular ... Center for Popular Democracy's 2016 Annual Gala was a rousing success by any measure. On the evening of May 24 in Washington, D.C., we hosted partners, supporters, and our honorees, delivering an energizing evening that included moving speeches--including one by honoree Senator Elizabeth Warren that caused a sensation--and opportunities to see old …

22% of Sanders voters will vote against Biden 22, 2020 · Bernie Sanders may have endorsed Joe Biden, but almost a quarter of the Vermont senator’s supporters aren’t jumping on board just yet, according to a new poll. Nearly 1 in 4 Sanders supporters (22%) said they would vote for a third party candidate, vote for President Donald Trump, not vote in November or were undecided about who to vote for ...

Voice Mail of the Day | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... Let's wish our party to a guy who already lost once. Let's wish our party to a guy who is arguably a hypocrite, as well as someone spending most of their time chugging energy and gas to 'spread his word' on saving the Earth from global warming.

Covington MAGA Hat Youth Said “Go Back to the Reservation ... 23, 2019 · Covington MAGA Hat Youth Said "Go Back to the Reservation" Well, Go Back to Public School (Update6x) During the incident, Phillips said he heard people chanting “build that wall” or yelling, “go back to the reservation.” At one point, he said, he sought to ascend to the Lincoln statue and “pray for our country.” Some students…

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Finding evil in every bowl! problem for Pamela Geller who is the creator of the Atlas Shrugs blog site isn't so much the dietary requirements of halal food, but rather, the folks that do the certification, which is the Islamic Society of North America. Campbell's selected ISNA after consultations with professionals and scholars on Islamic foods and nutrition.

Hellfire and Brimstone Fly Over Gays at Texas GOP Convention the GOP’s proposed language is undoubtedly controversial, there has been a dramatic misrepresentation of the GOP’s new platform. LGBTQ Nation, The Wire, The Daily KOS, and countless other news organizations have written articles suggesting that by embracing this plank, the GOP is advocating for a cure to homosexuality.Many of these articles feature the word …

A Gay Crows Nest: What good is an oath to a liar? good is an oath to a liar? A couple items from Melissa McEwan of Shakesville : Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the guy investigating connections to Russia, is talking to the nasty guy team about having the big guy himself talk to the investigator while under oath.

The Candid Blogger: Sarah and Todd Palin to Divorce? 02, 2009 · The Candid Blogger, like Clark Kent, fights for Truth, Justice and the American Way. Not unlike Perry White's The Daily Planet, this Blog is dedicated to presenting the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Cathy Cox is On a Roll 12, 2006 · On Saturday, dozens of Middle Georgians will host a fundraiser and BBQ at the Ag Center in Perry from 3 pm- 5 pm, and on Monday, Cathy will join more than sixty hosts and other supporters for a fundraiser at The Georgia Children's Museum in Macon from 6-7:30 pm.

Steve Bannon Is Making Sure There’s No White House Paper ... "If there was any quest...

In The Woods: Me me me me - Typepad 13--A St. Louis man claims that he was injured last year after being glued to a toilet seat in a Home Depot and is suing the retail giant for negligence. Haywood Rosales, 31, charges that during an August 2007 visit to a Home Depot in Florissant, Missouri he used a store bathroom and came into contact with a toilet seat "covered with ...

Watchdog Blog: New Report on Lobbyists-Fundraisers, Public Citizen released a new report on its website comparing current lobbyist-fundraisers to those from the 2004 presidential campaign.. There is more and more news of candidates returning money from fundraisers with illicit pasts.You would think the presidential hopefuls would be persuaded to end the practice of allowing lobbyists to …

They Became Futile in Their Thinking…Claiming to Be Wise Li Fiscal Conservative, Pro-Taiwan, Pro-Israel. Categories. 2nd Amendment; ABC News; ACORN; Advent; AFL-CIO; Ai Weiwei; Airlines; Al Gore

Page 4193 - The Hollywood Gossip Hunter's lawyer, Robert Gordon, says his client is a common citizen who is not running for public office and wishes to maintain her privacy. Aug 10, 6:10 am Posted in: John Edwards

Transgenders for Trump censored by FB"Rachel Francon is a transgender Donald Trump supporter. Her facebook page “Transgender person in support of Trump ” was recently suspended. Rachel said it came without any warning. She posted a link to a video news clip showing the imam in Florida advocating death to gays."

The Slack Attack: Lou Gehrig's Disease - a Reflection from ... for a moment that you had been obliged instead to lie absolutely motionless on your back—by no means the best sleeping position, but the only one I can tolerate—for seven unbroken hours and constrained to come up with ways to render this Calvary tolerable not just for one night but for the rest of your life.

Sex Offender Court Decisions: Wilson v Flaherty satisfy § 2254's jurisdictional requirement that he be "in custody" at the time he filed his petition, see 28 U.S.C. § 2254(a) (granting jurisdiction to the district courts to entertain "an application for a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of a person in custody pursuant to the judgment of a State court" (emphasis added)), Wilson alleged ...

24 Hours To Save The Malyshevs | Wikispooks reply has to date been received to a fax to the European Court of Human Rights asking for a suspension. Please take action – contact your MP , and contact William Hague and Teresa May. The UK government cannot be allowed to continue to pretend that it does not know about the human rights situation in Uzbekistan.

California’s Camp Pendelton to be the New GITMO? – Flap's ... 16, 2009 · Say it ain’t so that President Obama will close Gitmo and move. most of its residents to a new constructed prison located at California’s Camp Pendelton Marine Base.. The U.S. military has prepared a list of U.S. military bases that could be used to house as many as 250 detainees currently being held at the U.S. Naval base in Guantanamo Bay, military …

Dentistry Today: Bisphosphonates: Zometa (zoledronic acid ... 03, 2005 · Previously at the FullosseosuFlap’s Dental Blog, Bisphosphonates: Zometa (zoledronic acid) & Aredia (pamidronate dis odium) Associated with Osteonecrosis of Jaw An update from the Journal of Endodontics, Critical Information for Patients About Possible Side Effect of Bisphosphonates. An article titled, “Bisphosphonate-associated Osteonecrosis of …

The Florida Masochist: From the Silly News desk news from England. It seems the United States isn't the only place for dumb lawsuits. Hat tip- Overlawyered Open Post- Jo's Cafe, Basil's Blog, TMH's Bacon Bits, THE deputy head of a large comprehensive was forced to sit in a chair that made rude noises every time she moved, an employment tribunal was told yesterday.

Ruth Institute Blog » Sexual State Sexual State: Waiting for the Hobby Lobby ruling June 29th, 2014 Jennifer Roback Morse Comments off As we await the Supreme Court’s decision on the Hobby Lobby case and the Mt. Soledad Cross case, we should recall the purpose of our government.

Daylee News Nuggets: Shifting Preferences by Voters Preferences by Voters ... the findings add to a series of data points that underscore the challenges ahead for a party trying to keep pace with a rapidly changing country. The latest numbers essentially mark a reset that returns party affiliation to its modern historical norm.

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard BIDEN: The president invoked Afghanistan in the beginning as if that was a model. I hope to goodness that's not the template we use. Afghanistan is in the hands of the warlords. You essentially have Mr. Karzai who both Chuck and I know well who is the mayor of Kabul - where the Taliban is reasserting itself although we're going after it ...

Sex Offender Court Decisions: In re Oliver obedience to a subpoena the petitioner appeared as a witness before a Michigan circuit judge who was then conducting, in accordance with Michigan law, a "one-man grand jury" investigation into alleged gambling and official corruption. The investigation presumably took place in the judge's chambers, though that is not certain.

My Manner of Life: January 2015 03, 2015 · I also live just 1.5 miles from my office. I could ride my bicycle to work, but I don’t. Because there are very steep hills, on which I could easily gather up a great deal of speed … and I would be sharing those streets with 4-wheeled vehicles that are equipped with seat belts, air bags, side curtains, and hundreds of pounds of metal.

No Right Turn: A new low in misogyny 01, 2010 · The world has its share of fuddy-duddy judges (always old men) who think that women are "asking" for rape if they fail to adhere to some social code from a previous century - but a decision from the UK this week has taken them to a new low in misogyny: Proceedings were stopped and five men were cleared of raping and conspiring to rape a 24-year-old Liverpool …

Podunk Below the Masthead, Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Below the Masthead, Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Recaps of the weekend windstorm, City council tenders a contract to Broadwater for sewer infrastructure and the MLA for Skeena seeks disaster relief for hard hit areas of his riding, some of the …

PolitiFact Bias: Wall Street Journal-PolitiFiction, True ... Wall Street Journal's editorial page took aim at PolitiFact's 2010 Lie of the Year.They take exception with Politifact's suggestion that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a free market solution to health care issues-

The Delaware Libertarian: If you care: Who ghost-wrote Ron ... my friends at Where HipHop and Libertarianism Meet, a consolidation of the reports on who wrote what at the Ron Paul nutty newsletter factory. The article has some credibility as it is sourced to Eric Dondero, a former Paulist disciple who no longer supports Dr. No, but who--it has always seemed to me--has been very careful not to trash him gratuitously.

American Power: Islamist Terrorists Will Deploy Mentally ... 07, 2008 · They point to a case in February when a suicide bomber in a wheelchair killed an Iraqi general in Samarra, north of Baghdad. Earlier, two women, initially thought to have Down’s syndrome, acted as couriers for a bomb in Baghdad, killing almost 100 people.

THESE BASTARDS: Adult correspondence 07, 2009 · via Letters of Note comes a sarcastic 2003 letter from Al Franken to then Attorney General John Ashcroft asking for abstinence stories for a fake book he's writing. He wrote the letter while he was a fellow at the Kennedy School of Government. Now he's a Senator. Isn't life great? Maybe I need to reconsider my Bachmann based hatred of Minnesota and move to a …

American Power: Kristol Mess? The Neocon Controversy at ... 06, 2007 · The hiring of William Kristol at the New York Times triggered a Pavlovian reaction among the left-wing blogosphere. You've got to love it! Oh, the outrage! No, not the evil neocons at the Old Gray Lady! See my earlier entry on Kristol's new position here.The Times' decision to hire Kristol is discussed in this piece from the Editor & Publisher: A day after the Huffington …

NoFo: It's the first Monday in October's the first Monday in October And that means the Supreme Court of the United States is convening and hearing the first arguments of its new term. Which means legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg is back reporting on NPR.

Election 2009 Results Thread, No. 1 – Swing State 04, 2009 · 8:37PM: This thread is getting a bit full, so please join us just above in a new thread. 8:31PM: The New York Times has a good New Jersey results page. 8:26PM: Seems that we might have a tally of some early votes in Jersey. 8:19PM: Looks like votes are about to start trickling in in Maine. 8:10PM: So South Carolina had a special election in HD-48 tonight.

Fox News And Glenn Beck: Pro Genocide? | News Corpse 25, 2011 · Beck even conceded that the mission of R2P sounded good until he discovered its wicked roots. He began by expanding on the U.S. plot to invade Israel on his television show today. Not surprisingly he got everything wrong. He attributed the policy to a National Security aide, explicitly asserting that it “came from Samantha Power,” not the UN.

The Wattree Chronicle: Is the President of the United ... 08, 2013 · So it seems that yet again Tavis is being deluded by his overblown ego - the same ego that made him assume that Obama had an obligation to come on his "State of the Black Union" show to be anointed by Tavis to run for president; the same ego that made him think that he’s been slighted when Obama failed to do so; the same ego that caused him to go all over …

Tickle The Wirediversity Archives - Tickle The Wire may have gotten Richard Garcia wrong, but it got the FBI right. The bureau has historically been the least diverse of the major federal law-enforcement agencies, and, according to a recent breakdown of the FBI’s 13,455 special agents, decades of lawsuits and promises have not moved the needle on diversity.

The Rectification of Names: For the Record: In the Bank 11, 2020 · The mercenary subject only comes up because that's how Trump thinks of it--he lacks any concept of national interest or international cooperation, so the only thing he can imagine is that foreign deployments should make income.

Lawsuit Alleges Louisville Police Conducted Unwarranted ... 29, 2019 · The family’s attorney, Josh Rose, told WDRB that the raid was “not only a constitutional violation, but it’s absolutely ridiculous and unreasonable that this could ever happen in a city like ours.” According to the suit, one of the children at the raid, a 14-year-old, ran off to her grandmother’s house next door once the raid began.

The donald rallies | said the NYSE opened the day after 9/11. But it did not open until 9/17. He said the Yankees played, whether there were fans or not. Professional baseball did not play again until 9/17. He "said that the nation’s gun laws had “little to do” with the shooting and suggested that the synagogue should have had an armed guard in place."

| Overlawyered 16, 2005 · So the first version of the story I heard was of a supposed Iranian driver. Over the years versions I heard involved a number of other ethnic groups. Just plug in who you wanted. In the first version I heard, the vehicle was a conversion van. Bed in the back, couple of captain chairs and large mural on the side.

Mo Rage: On KCUR and Jabulani Leffall Rage said.... And thanks, too, for your thoughts, Crusty, along with RDM. I have to say, though I think it took guts for KCUR to select a minority--any minority--for the job and that it is and was important to do so and while, as I said, I would like the new program, "Central Standard" and Mr. Leffall, both, to be successful, I personally can't bear to tune in most days.

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Tony Phyrillas: LV Ramblings a ... 31, 2007 · Tony Phyrillas, a Mount Penn Borough councilman seeking reelection, is also a "veteran newspaperman with 25 years experience" as a reporter, city editor and columnist at The Pottstown Mercury.The online edition of that paper recommends Tony's blog. You'd think a "veteran newspaperman with 25 years experience" would avoid anything that would …

The Rectification of Names: All Our Base Are Belong to Sam Bee an "I'm not saying, I'm just saying" crack for good measure.)I'm having trouble finding any statements on tax policy by D'Souza more recent than 1999, though The Economist pulled out this delicious bit in 2010— If Obama shares his father's anticolonial crusade, that would explain why he wants people who are already paying close to 50% of their income in overall taxes to …

Balkinization: No Recess Appointments? Constitutionally elected Sheriff may have the authority to fire his trained deputies and hire only corrupt, untrained relatives who would look the other way when the Sheriff's allies do illegal things, but if a Sheriff adopts, and the public holds him to, a policy of professionalism in his operating of the office he has in no way violated his ...

The Case for Polarization | The Smirking 03, 2019 · But it wasn't us. And it isn't us now. We aren't the cause of the polarization; we are the effect. And I, for one, am damn glad so many of us are polarized against what is happening and what has been happening since we elected a goofy-ass liar, "reality" show goon, real estate crook, and degenerate to be the nation's leader.

Brandywine School District | Exceptional Delaware year, his son was suspended for a week. What makes this case fascinating is the fact that his son was punished for what amounts, in my opinion, to a wrongful search. Brandywine’s board made the situation even worse. I can now say this case and that case are the same one. This morning on Facebook, Joseph’s father announced the lawsuit.

Ezra Klein: Things You Won't Learn From Industry Propaganda You Won't Learn From Industry Propaganda. I'm not entirely sure there are words to describe how bizarre it is to watch Andrew Sullivan rely entirely on research from the pharmaceutical industry's web site to make his case for why drug companies should get to charge anything they want. I mean, really, we're going to need a new term.

The Useless Tree: Cai Guo-Qiang: Taoist? Guo-Qiang, the China born but transplanted to New York artist, has been getting a lot of attention of late: the big Guggenheim show (I saw most of this a few weeks ago while they were still installing part of it...) the New Yorker piece; the NYT Sunday Magazine piece.The man is at the top of his game.

Global Elite | The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized. | Page 2 to a recent Rasmussen Reports survey, 28% of Americans support the banker bailout plan and another 35% are not sure what to think. “Adding weight to the large number of undecideds is the finding that 82% of Americans are following the bailout story, including 44% who …

Your April 2018 "Hoops Maven Evaluation" #1 Best Player of ... you say that about LeBron? He was not the best player on the floor in 2007 or 2011 and he was great but a loser in 2014, 2015 and 2017. This is a very unique claim that Michael has as a player. It certainly counts for a lot. 2) On a regular season basis, Jordan was a better and more consistent player than James. Not by a lot, but by some.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: Case Western Reserve ... back story is here with movies of me with Kelly and in her Office on the Hill discussing CDO/Mortgage Fraud that she ignores to this day, and the lawsuit is here.Boxing had the Thrilla' in Manilla, but Free Press has the Villanova and Case Western Law School meetup on Monday. Neocon U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte, fresh off a scary detention initiative on her attempts to detain (and likely ...

Should Homeland Security consider Right Wing extremists in ... 05, 2010 · In a video posted on YouTube, Leboon said Cantor was a "liar, you're a Lucifer, you're a pig, a greedy [expletive] pig." He also seemed to refer to a bullet found in Cantor’s office last week and said it will be placed in his head. Richmond Police had originally discounted the bullet as a stray.

Bloomberg: ‘I am going to slow down the elevator ... 11, 2013 · The indoor gym has stationary children’s bikes with video games attached to a screen. The New York Daily News reported on July 17 that the billionaire mayor has an elevator in his $30 million townhouse. – I just thought I would point that out.

The 1% | Exceptional Delaware when Dr. Paul Herdman first started with The Rodel Foundation of Delaware back at the end of 2004, he was making a little over $168,000 a year with benefits and travel expenses. Now that has mushroomed to $343,000. A $175,000 increase. And for their 2013 tax year! I’m sure it is even more now. Delaware, Rodel.

Ezra Klein: The New Marriage New Marriage You know, a lot's being made of Rick Santorum's new book, particularly the many parts where the good senator's pen slipped and wrote something honest. Most of those parts have to do with the great evils of feminism, of female career advancement, of two wage families, of modern life.

Queer Notes: August 2007 30, 2007 · His Behindness, Homophobic Bigot "Apostle" Alton R. Williams (World Overcomers) Rep. Steve Cohen Meets with Black Ministers Over Hate Crime Bill and was viciously attacked by a group of anti-gay, RACIST, bigots. The Memphis Baptist Ministerial Association, a group of 100 black ministers, have been using Cohen's support for the Hate Crime Bill which includes sexual orientation to argue …

The Constant American: Bush's $70 Billion Tax Cut for the ..., the house that Microsoft built. It is built into a hillside on the edge of Lake Washington, near Seattle. The 66,000-square-foot compound includes a 60-foot-long swimming pool with an underwater music system, a domed library with two "secret" bookcase doors and a 1,000-square-foot dining room.

PCG's Talk of "Aborted Baby Body Parts" and Anti-Abortion ... 30, 2015 · Here are the three beautiful and precious people who were murdered. One police officer and two civilians were killed in the shootings. The officer was Garrett Swasey, a father of two and a church pastor. The civilians were Jennifer Markovsky and Ke’Arre Stewart. Markovsky was a mother of two at the clinic to support a friend and Stewart was a ...

palingates: Sarah Palin and Disturbing Threats Against Her ... 13, 2011 · Why does she repeatedly paint an image where her daughters are the objects of men's fantasies? TMZ appears to have obtained the information from Sarah Palin's camp. In her quest for eternal victimhood, Sarah Palin didn't request that details of the latest threat to one of her daughters remain confidential. - July 9, 2009 - Issue Editorial Board member David A. Love, JD is a journalist and human rights advocate based in Philadelphia, and a contributor to the The Progressive Media Project, McClatchy-Tribune News Service, In These Times and Philadelphia Independent Media Center.

How the take down of Al Franken was orchestrated by the ... 04, 2018 · Courtesy of Newsweek: While everyone has been focused on Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election to support Donald Trump, the...

Maneuver Marketing Communique: is refreshing. Sales and Marketing Management interviews Avaya's head of marketing Jocelyne Attal: To Jocelyne Attal, marketing's goal is pure and simple: drive home leads and shorten the sales cycle. She'd rather be in the field than be: "someone who is …

10 | April | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 10, 2018 · Read: Mark 9:14–29 | Bible in a Year: 1 Samuel 15–16; Luke 10:25–42 Everything is possible for one who believes. Mark 9:23. My friend called me late one night during her cancer treatment. Grieved by her uncontrollable sobs, I soon added my own tears and a silent prayer.

Maneuver Marketing Communique: BOB GARFIELD (AND MIKE ... Rubel one of the "A" list bloggers and "B" list PR flacks goes so far as to exclaim: "The war is over. The people have defeated the corporation" Steve's point being that in the NEW age of customer participation: "They (customers) are the ones who are in charge now.

Obsidian Wings: "Bandits Move About From Town to Town ... a very minor gripe, and shouldn't overshadow the points that Bob is continuing to make. I'd also point out that my favorite McManus comments are (if I am remembering correctly) an exegesis of Ulysses and a series of comments of Lord of the Rings, which are here. If anyone can find the former comment, I would appreciate it.

revelations | The Word of Me...“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of ...

Article: Discovered Documents Reveal Trump Tax and Bank ... Discovered Documents Reveal Trump Tax and Bank Fraud - Trump may be committing bank and tax fraud by inflating property values on loan applications, claiming lower values on his taxes.

Obama’s Campaign Vows To Be On Arizona Ballot Despite Threats 18, 2012 · TPM LIVEWIRE 8:40 PM EDT, Friday May 18, 2012 Barack Obama’s campaign vowed late Friday that he would be on Arizona’s ballot in November despite threats from the state’s top election official that the president might be blocked over a conspiracy theory about where he was born. The campaign was responding to comments made by…

No More Mister Nice Blog: SO WHAT WILL SEAN HANNITY'S JOB ... 08, 2019 · Trump was also spending a lot of time on the phone with Hannity, who regularly called the president after his show. Trump had often found him to be too much of a supplicant for his purposes: He preferred his more combative interviews with Bill O’Reilly, which he felt better showcased his pugnaciousness, according to a former White House official.

Madison City Hall | This Black Sista's Memorial Page©Gabrielle Daniels, aka blksista, ThisBlksistasPage (This Black Sista's Page), 2009-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Fox News host dismisses New York Times report on Benghazi ... 10, 2013 · Courtesy of Mediaite : On Saturday, though, Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner laid down a marker by telling viewers, and Rep. Peter Kin...

The Union News.: The strange case of SEIU 06, 2008 · The strange case of SEIU If numbers were all that mattered, Andrew Stern would be America’s most successful labor leader, hands down. For over two decades, he’s led the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) — first as president John Sweeney’s chief strategist, and since 1996 as Sweeney’s successor.

"No such thing as a free lunch:" Waterford School District ... Jensen stated he did not feel it was the district’s responsibility to pay for anyone else’s lunch (video 1 at 4:34). Jensen the went on to describe that WGSD could in the future determine the family income levels that qualify a student for free and reduced lunch and what they would be given to eat if they did.

Moral Equivalence as Moral Inversion: A Mediation of the 30, 2007 · (A happy exception was The New York Sun, which dared recently to feature a so suspended Palestinian corpse on its front page, evoking an angry letter to the editor from a reader whose breakfast had apparently been ruined. Such is the price of truth. [I don’t know if the picture the NYSun put up. This one comes from my own research.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 09/16/11 is an injury unique to a state. You and I don't have a code of laws. States do. And States have the right to protect their code of laws. In fact, as attorney general, I have an obligation to protect Virginia's laws (the district court judge in our case explicitly noted that responsibility). Our suit was premised on redressing this ...

Offshore drilling---whose issue is it anyway? The people's ... Skelly and Culberson point to a compromise alternate/offshore position and a full-on offshore drilling position (respectively) as also supported by constituents. A couple questions sparked by your excellent post: 1) was the poll Loew cited ("74% in favor") specifically taken among constituents, or was it a poll of the general U.S. population?

Version 2017 - M.S. Cure Enigmas his paper “CCSVI – A New paradigm and therapy for multiple sclerosis” posted on July 25, 2010, the Interventional Radiologist Salvatore J.A. Sclafani, MD refers to Dr. Zamboni’s work by writing “Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) is a hemodynamic condition in which cerebrospinal drainage is altered and inhibited.

Husband Of Victim Of Rabbi Barry Freundel Speaks Out ... 12, 2015 · As my wife Emma was a victim of Freundel she knew many others from Kesher. I have heard many of their stories. One common repeated theme was that he always flaunted the "my conversions are the only fully accepted in Israel." This was the leash used by Freundel to keep control over his conversion students.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Vance's Hugo and Nebula Awards 11, 2018 · A specimen in a museum case,was a man-like creature native,in his original version, to a planet of Etamin. His tough rusty-bronze hide glistened metallically as if oiled or waxed. The spines thrusting back from scalp and neck shone like gold, and indeed they were coated with a conductive copper-chrome film.

I am SO DISAPPOINTED ... - Leisha Camden 09, 2008 · I felt that it was a shame that it was MRO who was the first immigrant to make it all the way to government. I thought - and I said to people - that ideally, it should have been Saera Khan who should have been that first immigrant cabinet minister, and if it had been, we would not have seen the kind of scandal that ruined so much for MRO.

The Rectification of Names: Hi, it's Stupid. Update as even Trump knows, it wasn't the Saturday Night Massacre that doomed Nixon in the first place, it was the discovery of the taping system. Of course the other side to that is that he's been thinking obsessively about being taped ever since he got the (false) story of the Trump Tower bugging from Breitbart at the beginning of March and ...

The Johnsville News: Southwest Airlines Changes Its Story ..., of course, is a small footnote to the incident. But, it just demonstrates that you should never believe the first thing you hear or read from a corporate entity. The truth is often a casualty as companies seek to protect themselves. Smith has demonstrated far more credibility in his version of the incident than Southwest Air. Bon voyage.-----

UFO book reading recommendations | Page 2 | 16, 2019 · Was listening to the paracast today when the show was "The true story of Dorothy Izatt: An alien contactee who has accumulated over 30,000 feet of film footage backing her claim." I then went to Amazon and rented the documentary. This is probably the most compelling case of the paranormal I have ever seen documented.

USAAF | Bloviating Zeppelin 22, 2019 · Louis Zamperini was the best and the greatest of the great. He became an inspirational speaker who allowed others to see their plight and then exceed expectations. His was a cause that Angelina Jolie took up, to the point that he became inspiration for a movie to be released later this year — which he will not see terrestrially.

The Goodbyes From Glen Campbell | Larry Gross Online 10, 2014 · I bore very easily and am hard to entertain. The first time I saw Glen play that Ovation guitar I jumped up so high like you would for a home run in the bottom of the 9th in the World Series. I now have a hobby (guitar) that I will have for the rest of my life. Thank you, Glen, for introducing me to the sounds of a fantastic instrument!

CubeZoo: tech/work { spoofing hostids in solaris 10 native ... 12, 2008 · So at work we have an application suite that uses a licensing tool that is bound to specific hostids. This can pose a problem as in Solaris 10, the non-global zones inherit the hostid of the global (or source) zone, meaning you could only have one copy of this software running at a time, not cool if you want to leverage zones.

The Rectification of Names: For the Record: The Race Card was "playing the race card" when D'Souza complained about being prosecuted in his election fraud case by "a fellow Indian", Preet Bharara, as if Bharara owed him special treatment. — ParticularVernacular (@Yastreblyansky) June 24, 2018

Only in my dreams did I think I would ever see this. 03, 2011 · Part One. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Exclusive - Donald Rumsfeld Extended Interview Pt. 1 www.thedailyshow.c...

This Week With Barack Obama: Obama Late Morning Break ... 09, 2008 · "It was the same way with Ronald Reagan in the last few years he was president," Leahy said, referring to the belief that Reagan experienced early signs of Alzheimer's disease late in his presidency. The press "let Ronald Regan get away with" slips, Leahy said, though he denied he was suggesting that McCain was experiencing mental decline.

No More Mister Nice Blog 06, 2015 · I thought an ISIS-linked Twitter account telegraphed the shooting in advance, but it was a time-zone misreading of the time stamp -- the tweet came quite a bit later. I got the misinformation from, but Fox was spreading it. 2:58 PM

HOW MUCH DO ORDINARY AMERICANS CARE ABOUT THE RULE … 12, 2018 · i think all being argued on ground that matters to well-informed partisans, but not to the rest of America. I don't think the past week's events will change many minds -- either way. Posted by Steve M. at 12:06 PM

Obsidian Wings: Janet Ashcroft: You Go, Girl! was the most amazing scene I’ve ever witnessed.” After a bit of silence, Goldsmith told me, Gonzales thanked Ashcroft, and he and Card walked out of the room. “At that moment,” Goldsmith recalled, “Mrs. Ashcroft, who obviously couldn’t believe what she saw happening to her sick husband, looked at Gonzales and Card as they walked ...

Grand Jury vindicates Karen Paz Dominquez – notes “high ... 15, 2019 · This is on the Board of Supervisors and therefore, ultimately, the voters. The Board of Supervisors has allowed the creation of the worst bureaucracy I’ve ever encountered, and I’ve encountered a lot of bureaucracies. At least for DHHS (half the county’s workforce), as of ten years ago, the ONLY thing that mattered was getting grants.

Del Rio vs DPO | Collective Agreement | Employment | Free ... DARRY A. DEL RIO vs DPO PHILIPPINES, INC., DANIEL PANS and GRACE LUCERO [G.R. No. 211525. December 10, 2018.] Petitioner Del Rio is an employee of respondent DPO Philippines, Inc. (DPO) which is a Belgian multi-national food distribution company. He was tasked to set up the operations in Cebu to cover Visayas and Mindanao. Respondent DPO succeeded with its business …

Glenn Beck – You Are That Person | News Corpse Beck – You Are That Person Posted by Mark NC on November 21, 2008 at 10:03 pm. 9 Comments : If there is a more disingenuous hypocrite in American media, …

Whoops! David Hogg's Latest Anti-Gun 'Die In' Just 27, 2018 · David Hogg’s Latest Anti-Gun ‘Die In’ Just Backfired In The Most Amazing Way May 27, 2018 Elder Patriot , FEATURED Elder Patriot – As usual the Washington Post only told half the story – the half that painted the self-indulgent youth, David Hogg, as having successfully forced Florida-based Publix to abandon its support of Second ...

Why The Internet Makes People So Angry | Business Insider a presidential campaign, health care and the gun control debate in the news these days, one can’t help getting sucked into the flame wars that are Internet comment threads.But psychologists ...

It Aint Over Yet- McCain Up by 1(!) in latest Zogby poll ... 01, 2008 · I won't dismiss this - a big swing, and only a one-day poll. HOWEVER - Zogby had Obama up 50-43 in their latest 3-day tracking poll of 1200 likely voters. If this trend continues, it pulls up the states, and portends a huge swing in sentiment in the last days.

The Florida Masochist: Not to be taken seriously 27, 2006 · There are signs of life over at The Media Bloggers Association.Some of you may recall my applying to join this group almost a year ago. Instead my application along with others has been stuck in limbo. A email from MBA President Robert Cox last November saying the application process would be caught up with over the holiday weekend. That is Thanksgiving for your information or over five …

No Right Turn: Written questions 09, 2006 · DPF has produced some statistics on written questions in this term of Parliament. I did a similar exercise last year (covering three years, not one), with similar results - there are a handful of top questioners (Tony Ryall and Katherine Rich rate consistently highly), followed by a long tail of those less active. United Future seems to be asking more questions than the Greens this term, but ...

NoFo: Look who doesn't have a mustache anymore! who doesn't have a mustache anymore! Look who is still wearing his shirt from last night at 10:16 the next morning! Look who's about to crawl under the covers in his wrinkly last-night shirt again and take a lazy-person nap! Stop looking at me, everybody. I'm talking about the cat.

OneAngryQueer: November 2015 to multiple (if questionable) news sources, Charlie Sheen is planning on coming out as HIV-positive this week. A problematic actor often given to drug-fueled antics that land him in trouble either with the law or with the press, the media has, unsurprisingly, scrambled to paint this news in the worst possible light, with TMZ, the Enquirer, and others immediately publishing gossip ...

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com after the first round of bombs began falling in Yemen in late March 2015, a svelte, meek-looking man stepped up to a lectern in Washington. “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia launched military operations in Yemen,” said Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi ambassador.

A photographer’s holiday in New York City — Crooked Timber 04, 2007 · A photographer’s holiday in New York City by Ingrid Robeyns on April 4, 2007 When my husband turned 40, his sister and I joined forces in giving him a present that we knew he would really like: a photography-trip to a city of choice, with childcare included.

July 2005 – The posts published by Andrew Sullivan during July 2005. I mean the North Korean human rights violations . The name Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Deputy Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, brought to my mind the only time I met him.

You’ve never seen Smokey Joe quite like this before – Off Rep. Joe Barton, who apologized Wednesday for a lewd photo of him that circulated on the Internet, told a woman to whom he had sent sexually explicit photos, videos and messages that he would report her to the Capitol Police if she exposed his behavior, according to a recording reviewed by The Washington Post.

Krolicki | Desert Beacon 03, 2009 · Resolution Number One: An excellent suggestion for a New Year’s Resolution for the State of Nevada might well go as follows – Nevada OSHA will assign sufficient resources to find and document instances of unsafe work environments, and will be able to sustain these findings during an appeal or review.Adopting this resolution would alleviate the current situation in which the State …

Conservatives | The Pardu's Scroll his 14 years at Shorter University, Michael Wilson, a librarian, built a library collection for the college’s satellite campus in Atlanta. He shaped his post as the first full-time librarian for adult and professional students. Then he won tenure, and planned to …

The Campaign Report – 5/29/19 – Blue Delaware 29, 2019 · “Midterm voter turnout reached a modern high in 2018, and Generation Z, Millennials and Generation X accounted for a narrow majority of those voters,” according to a Pew Research Center analysis. “The three younger generations – those ages 18 to 53 in 2018 – reported casting 62.2 million votes, compared with 60.1 million cast by Baby Boomers and older generations.

Orcinus: Say No to Nazis Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

The Union News.: Dems use Steelworkers' strike as photo-op 06, 2008 · Jim Allen, a native of Pittsburgh and a Local 5032 member for 35 years, said his co-workers just want a decent contract. Member Dan O'Hara said the stalemate was a result of "corporate greed." Allen and O'Hara, and other members, work together at one of …

Tickle The WireIRS Archives - Tickle The Wire a meeting at one of the dispensary locations, Hurley presented the owner with the findings of the audit and said he had saved him “millions” during the audit, and he lived paycheck to paycheck, according to a press release. Hurley asked the owner for $20,000.

Labor | No 7-Eleven | Page 2 19, 2013 · One of the raids took place about 6 a.m., at a 7-Eleven on Carleton Avenue in Islip, on Long Island, according to a law enforcement agent at the scene who declined to give his name or reveal the agency he worked for. One person, he said, was taken into custody from the store and two people were taken away from a house across the street.

Orcinus: The elimination game - dneiwert.blogspot.com 20, 2005 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

After Almost 2 Years Of Violence And Intimidation ... 20 months of attacks and a quarter million shekels in damage, a Orthodox bookstore in the ultra-Orthodox Mea She’arim neighborhood of Jerusalem decided to accede to the demands of haredi extremists responsible for the violence – demands which allow the extremists to censor books.

Arrests | 99% Boston matter of the “Rolling Stone” with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover won’t go away. Just when things should have been cooling off, Sgt. Sean Murphy, a Massachusetts State Trooper and tactical photographer whose job it was to take photos of the stand-off with the younger Tsarnaev, acted without authorization and sent “Boston Magazine” his photos of the bloody Tsarnaev coming out of ...

Fauxcahantas Warren and Cowgirl Rep Wilson – A Return to ... 21, 2017 · Oh please, don’t put my childhood hero in the same article as the two stupid ones! Now Tom Mix might fit. “According to Mix’s press agent, the star was a genuine cowboy and swaggering hero of the Wild West: He was born in Texas; fought in the Spanish-American War, the Boxer Rebellion and the Boer War; and served as a sheriff in Kansas, a U.S. marshal in Oklahoma and a Texas Ranger.

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard told me the Klan was growing younger and larger, information we later verified with the Southern Poverty Law Center. I asked Hensley if we could attend one of his Klan meetings. He told me non-members are not allowed. But he eventually agreed to videotape the meeting for us. His tape arrived a few months later.

President Jesus Christ – Jed are the days of dreaming of white picket fences and a pension; the era of winning lottery tickets and gaining salvation through instant affluence. The most troubling phenomenon is the gospel of Jesus Christ as capitalist that has somehow tethered itself to …

ISIS Terror Attacks Lead to A Franco-Russian Coalition ... 27, 2015 · As the Obama administration has it’s Syria policy tied hands and feet to Erdogan of Turkey, the coalition partners of the US are bolting away from the fools of NATO. The Gulf States already had pulled away from bombing runs on IS in Syria as soon as the US upped its air strikes from NATO base Incirlik in Southern Turkey.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ... Meg Wilcox. Earlier this month, President Trump traveled to Maine to announce plans to reopen a vast marine preserve, created by President Obama in 2016, to commercial fishing.While ostensibly aimed at helping New England fishermen catch more fish and expand their businesses, Maine fishermen—and fishermen across the United States—are grappling with a sobering reality that the ...

Eschaton: 12/06/2009 - 12/13/2009 speed/travel time is a concern, but it isn't the only one. Under the Bush administration, streetcars struggled to get federal money. The Federal Transit Administration earlier this decade valued most of all how much time a transit project would save commuters, which made it difficult for slower-moving streetcars to receive federal dollars.

Trump's attempt to block release of John Bolton's book ... Royce Lamberth has denied the Donald Tru mp’s attempt to block the release of John Bolton’s book. In the ruling, Lamberth says that the presentation from William Barr’s DOJ team failed to “ established that an injunction is an appropriate remedy.” During the presentation on Friday, Lamberth repeatedly pointed out that the book was, in fact, already published, printed, in the ...

The Rectification of Names: 'Twas the eve of impeachment This is misleading. Whether Mr. Trump has been “tougher” than any other president is subjective. Whether Mr. Trump has been “tougher” than any other president is subjective. But it’s worth noting that observers of American relations with Russia point to a disconnect between aggressive policies enacted by the Trump administration ...

WTF Is It Now?!?: August 2008 08, 2008 · McCain used every question, whether it was about religion, domestic or foreign affairs, to talk about his five-and-a-half years as a POW, Carter claimed. “John McCain was able to weave in his experience in a Vietnam prison camp, no matter what the question was,” Carter, a 7-year Naval officer, said.Triple bonus points:

Property...Freedom...Peace: Obama Is In The Catbird Seat 14, 2012 · On March 2 of this year I posted this: Events May Determine Obama's Fate, an article which outlined several possible events that could tip the coming Presidential election either to Obama or to Romney. First on my list of events that would favor Obama is "A Well-Timed QE3." Yesterday, Ben Bernanke announced that the Fed would begin buying $85-billion worth of debt every month until …

Will Trump Reveal The Files On JFK's Assassination Next ... 03, 2017 · Will Trump finally reveal 54-year-old secret FBI and CIA files on JFK assassination next month? The National Archives has until October 26 to disclose the...

RETURNING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY -- AND THE REBELLION -- … 03, 2016 · The Tea Party, which was the precursor of Trumpism, might have had grassroots elements in its early days, but from the start it sold its soul to the Kochs, whose octopus of organizations gave the movement money, tactical know-how, and a much higher profile.

Neocon II: Lie Hard with a Vengeance | The Smirking the first six years of the Bush presidency the administration's ideological nucleus -- a tribe of humorless conservative revolutionaries led by Dick Cheney and including the likes of Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Doug Feith and Elliott Abrams -- racked up a startling record in matters of official policy.

Orcinus: Spockoed - Blogger Sara This week, two of the right wing's most extreme voices are learning the hard way that eliminationism no longer pays nearly as well a...

The "Baby Mama" Epidemic in the Black Community... of my 'heroes' is the ex-Heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield. Shook hands with him in Las Vegas a few years back, read his book, use his character when visiting my brothers and we play Xbox. He is a Christian but even he has 11 children from 5 or 6 different women and even taken to court over child supprt payments.

Gorilla in the Room: December 2006 24, 2006 · That may sound like a portrait of today's Iraq, but it actually describes the Philippines a century ago ... Many Filipinos resisted American rule .. The United States eventually won, but it was a long, hard, bloody slog that cost the lives of more than 4,200 American soldiers, 16,000 rebels and some 200,000 civilians ...

This Modern of the 2013 Herblock award; 2015 Society of Illustrators Silver Medal recipient; 2015 first place AAN award for cartooning; 2015 Pulitzer finalist. Hey! Don't forget to visit the online store for t-shirts, plush Sparkys and all-new dry-erase boards! NEW: if you missed the Kickstarter for 25 YEARS OF TOMORROW, not to worry!IDW Publishing has just released a second, expanded edition!

read my mind: Yes, There is Hope! (Part 2) it's surely not enough for them... Jean-Marie Le Pen was told by a high ranking B'nai Brith member that they feared that their "thought control" will fail to prevent him from being elected in 2002; and thus for years, the Front National was the main subject of concern of organized Jewry.

press briefing | This Is only caveat, of course, is that not an accident. _____ Image note: White House press secretary Sean Spicer delivers his first statement in the Brady press briefing room at the White House in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 21, 2017. (Shawn Thew/EPA) Spicer, Sean. “Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sean Spicer, 2/21/2017, #13”.

sanctions | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! about sanctions written by bunkerville. BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!

poltico | The Velvet StraitJacket employee who is contractually obligated to NOT appear on any ‘real’ news network. This contract can last for as long as the candidates wish it to last. Sarah Palin can stay a paid employee of Fox News, reaping the benefit of a friendly outlet to get out her campaign promises she doesn’t plan on fulfilling, without a single question on ...

MF Global – Page 2 – Hoofin News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

HYPOCRISY ALERT: One Fair Wage campaign ... - Eclectablog 08, 2017 · This is one of them. “ One Fair Wage ” is a coalition of pro-worker organizations who are working to ensure that all workers are paid a fair wage. Yesterday they announced they will introduce a ballot proposal to put raising the minimum wage to $12 in Michigan and that would ensure wage parity for tipped restaurant workers on the 2018 ballot:

Search Results McKesson | Weasel Zippers Deray McKesson, no, wait, he’s too busy trying to incite violence in Charleston. Via NY Daily News. James Jones shielded his mother from a spray of bullets that then claimed his life outside their Chicago home, local reports said.

Tickle The Wiremurder trial Archives - Tickle The Neavling A jury will begin deliberating today in the nearly month-long racketeering and murder trial against suspected mobster James “Whitey” Bulger after both sides delivered extensive closing arguments Monday, CNN reports.. Bulger, who is accused of participating in 19 murders as the head of the former Winter Hill Gang, was called one of the most “vicious ...

Life in a White Trash Mecca: September 2015, in recent years, particularly since 2012, Evans has become increasingly negative and abrasive toward real Christianity, and now uses her Twitter account to almost weekly bash the church and ridicule it with passive-aggression and sarcasm, the latter being the …

December | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 30, 2006 · The subordinates include two women, including one who is said to be in charge of oil marketing, and a second man. All four people were transferred out of the royalty-in-kind office several weeks ago. Mr. Smith was reassigned as a “special assistant” to Lucy Querques Dennett, associate director of the Mineral Management Service in Washington.

Jon Ponder | The BRAD BLOG new Field Poll shows that 42 percent of California voters say they will vote for Proposition 8, the ballot initiative sponsored by the national anti-gay lobby that would amend the California Constitution to revoke the right of gay people to marry, while 51 percent say they plan to vote against it, according to a report in the Mercury News:

Introductions – Lectionary Reflection for Advent 4A 16, 2019 · 1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, 2 which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy scriptures, 3 the gospel concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh 4 and was declared to be Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord, 5 ...

Grand Jury | Citizens Tsunami Blog 04, 2010 · An allegedly forged COLB, such as that presented by FactCheck and Daily KOS on behalf of Barack Obama, would not be accepted by the US Military as an official “birth certificate.” Further, the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) is a punishment system based upon the antiquities of Roman martial law the British later adopted and ...

When it comes to news coverage Hillary Clinton receives ... 08, 2016 · Hillary Clinton visiting a seniors only facility in New York City . Courtesy of Vox : The biggest news outlets have published more n...

Public Faith in Action (Miroslav Volf & Ryan McAnnally 11, 2016 · In Public Faith in Action, the authors build on the earlier call to pursue the common good within the context of a pluralistic world, with guidelines as to how to do this. It is a book not only about public faith, but about action. To speak of the public is to speak of that dimension of human life "that involves issues and institutions concerning the good of all, the common good" (p. x).

WG's Observations: April 2015 best, if no one cheats, it lets Iran get within a few months of weapon production. It does include an inspection regime, but it leaves almost all of Iran's extensive nuclear weapons infrastructure pretty much in place. But if course just a "framework" so far, not a signed deal. And the devil is in the details.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Aug 24, 2009 weekend, "our friend" and reliable anti-gay crusader Peter LaBarbera seems to be on a tear about the bisexual community. On his Americans for Truth webpage (which is the biggest oxymoron in the history of the world), LaBarbera is focusing on the recent BiSummit, which was held downtown in Chicago in conjunction with the 2009 National LGBTI Health Summit.

Obama Grant Park | Mudflats complemented on this practice I would simply say “This is what good people do”. Every time a state was announced for Obama we all went crazy, even Bashu from China, and a women sitting next to me from Portugal who had flown all the way to Chicago just to be there. It was when Virginia was given to Obama I shed my first tear.

Gagasan Nusantara Bersatu: 11/01/2016 - 12/01/2016 29, 2016 · In his struggle, Abuya thoroughly practices love and care. An era of love and care was launched by Abuya for several years as a very important agenda to be realized in his congregation. So his struggle became well-known with the theme ‘Da’wah and Love and Care’.

Obsidian Wings: I Love The Internets, Randy. I forgot to point out here that my post also linked to the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain's rendition of the theme from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly," which while not quite as hilarious as "Shaft," did have more whistling, more "wa-wa" and more "aie-aaie!," as …

meaning in history: Flynn's Final Reply To Compel ... 04, 2019 · In conclusion, yes, the government engaged in conduct so shocking to the conscience and so inimical to our system of justice that it requires the dismissal of the charges for outrageous government conduct. See United States v.Russell, 411 U.S. 423, 428 (1973).However, as fully briefed in our Motion to Compel and Reply, at this time, Mr. Flynn only requests an order compelling the …

How dare she question authority? - Dick Polman's American ... 19, 2007 · Regarding Bush's decision to use Petraeus as his front man on Iraq, Hagel said: "It's not only a dirty trick, but it's dishonest, it's hypocritical, it's dangerous and irresponsible. The fact is, not Petraeus' policy, it's Bush's policy.

Networked trafficking: reflections on technology and the ... 24, 2013 · In this essay, we offer field notes from our ongoing ethnographic research on sex trafficking in the United States. Recent efforts to regulate websites such as Craigslist and Backpage have illuminated activist concerns regarding the role of networked technologies in the trafficking of persons and images for the purposes of sexual exploitation.

climate change | eaves.ca 31, 2017 · My friend Karel Mayrand, who is possibly one of the smartest and nicest people on the planet, has been doing everything he can to save the planet since I met him in 2005. Most recently, his organization, Planetair has been selected as the exclusive supplier of carbon offsets for the NHLPA carbon neutral challenge , in partnership with the David ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2010 · West entered the room, sat across from the man, drew his pistol, and placed it in his lap. West told him he had come to either get information, or to kill him. The prisoner responded by smiling and saying, "I love you." The interrogation continued, and one of West's troops lost his temper and started slapping the man.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

Craig Mazin, FICK | Ethics Alarms 21, 2016 · The short description of a fick would be “public asshole, and proud of it.” That’s a fair description of the indecent Craig Mazin, a Hollywood writer and producer who has decided to ostentatiously violate the Kantian, Golden Rule, common sense-based ethics of being a college roommate to embarrass Senator Ted Cruz as he runs for President.

Jews sans frontieres: Strange Days on Twitter and off Facebook's been a strange few days on Twitter and now on Facebook and messenger. I had three little, mostly unprovoked, (by me anyway) skirmishes with fairly high profile Zionists. It started when I browsed some tweets by Dave Rich of the Community Security Trust, a Zionist group owned by Gerald Ronson. One of his tweets claimed, wrongly, that Tony Greenstein had been expelled by the Labour Party ...

Jews sans frontieres: March 2018— Jews Sans Frontieres (@jewssf) March 2, 2018 So this presented Adam Wagner with a little local difficulty. He knows Myerson is an embarrassing berk but he can't take being used by the wrong kind of Jew, me, against the Right kind Jew, Myerson, lying down.

holybulliesandheadlessmonsters.blogspot.com video by Focus on the Family (which by the way does not allow you to rate it or leave comments) is bad, but it makes several points as to problem of some people who think tha

Belated Movie Reviews – Unsightly Mental 05, 2017 · The British Stormy Monday (1988) suffers from a common affliction of the British cinema of that era, a quality I’ve referenced before, somewhat mystifyingly, as brittleness.This story follows the tale of Brendan, a down on his luck Brit who decides to take a cleaning job with Finney, a club owner in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, where he first demonstrates his cleaning skills and is then given an ...

NV-Sen: Porter Reconsidering Senate Bid – Swing State 22, 2009 · Toss him out and put Schumer in his place. At least Schumer knows how to get things done. Reid is so afraid of being Daschled, he’s going to suffer Daschle’s fate because Nevadans see him as weak and ineffective. Seriously, I don’t blame Nevadans for wanting him out, if what they get for a majority leader, I’d vote him out too.

Q&A with Jim Berrier, candidate for Knox Co. Trustee 26, 2014 · certainly not a "sexy" position, but it is an enormously important part of county governmental operations. It must be entrusted to someone who is razor-sharp, has a superb command of organizational skills and financial systems, has solid people skills, and …

JustOneMinute: We're In The Best Of Hands — The Department of Homeland Security has spent $230 million to develop better technology for detecting smuggled nuclear bombs but has had to stop deploying the new machines because the United States has run out of a crucial raw material, experts say.. The ingredient is helium 3, an unusual form of the element that is formed when tritium, an ingredient of hydrogen bombs, decays.

No More Mister Nice Blog: THE ANTI-CLINTON PUKE FUNNEL IS ... 07, 2016 · Richard Johnson, the New York Post's "Page Six" gossip columnist, published this item Sunday: Disgraced ex-UN official’s death ‘conveniently timed’ The death by barbell of disgraced UN official John Ashe could become a bigger obsession for …

Circuit Judge Larry Seidlin – The Most Famous Judge in the ... 24, 2007 · This is not normally Big Time News but suddenly, one day, last week, he became the focus of the USA’s latest — hideous — national trash gossip sick story: The Tale of Anna Nicole Smith — yes, no writer in the country will be able to avoid using her name, someday, sometime, somewhere in his …

The Rectification of Names: Vatican't even If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened.

The Sapient Sutler: The family circle gather round from ... may be my imagination, but it tastes better, and creamier, to me. * Crest Glide Comfort Plus floss For a while, I was scrupulous in rationing out my floss so it would last a long time, then I realized I was being stupid. It's floss. There's like a mile of it in there, and I use a few inches a day.

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard Colbert-When he got on the stage at the White House Correspondent's Dinner, they thought he was going to do one of those house nigger comedy routines comics like to do for the famous. Instead, he came out like a ninja, subtle, deadly and by the time he was finished, it was the verbal equivilent of the end of Kill Bill pt 1, blood and ...

The Rectification of Names: Domestic science Like—I thought maybe we could pass that revenue bill, and then go for a drink someplace? R: Oh, one of your revenue bills! Where you raise taxes on all my friends so you have more money to spend on your widows and orphans? Just shoot me right now, please. D: Look, we agreed a million times already, we have to pass the bill.

Accidental Deliberations: Friday Afternoon Links 02, 2020 · Assorted content to end your week. - Bruce Campbell highlights how corporate greed isn't limited by a public health emergency. And indeed, the Canadian Press reports on a record amount of federal lobbying in February and March as entrenched interests seek to increase their wealth and power as a result of COVID-19. - Meanwhile, Quinn Slobodian points out that corporate interests are …

Jac of all tirades: my first coleslaw! 14, 2009 · I thinly sliced half a head of green cabbage (as there is only one of me :), leaving the pieces nice and long. Then, using a peeler, I sliced thin strips of carrot right into the bowl. I like using the peeler to grate because you end up with lovely pale, almost translucent, strips of carrot which match the light green of the cabbage nicely.

ideological agenda | Law of Markets troika that Lindsay experienced was the standard method of operation and control in the schools and enforced by the Komsomol under the direction of the education commissary. So, what happened in Russia in a relatively short time frame has been happening here slowly over a couple of decades and basically come out into the open only recently.

Democracy for New Mexico: (Updated) Early Voting Info for bad news: If you aren't registered to vote, I'm afraid it's now too late. Yesterday, October 7, 2008, was the deadline in New Mexico to register to vote in the 2008 general election (if you weren't already registered). The good news: Today marks the beginning of absentee voting by mail and in-person at County Clerk offices all over New Mexico.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The Leader is ... 10, 2007 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

The Rectification of Names: America 30, 2018 · But it occurred to me that the media coverage I've seen didn't really treat America as a work of art at all.A lot of it didn't even particularly mention the artist's name, and it was by way of looking for that that I started reading about it, and getting a wider sense of the context of Spector's gesture, and what the gesture was (writing a harshly expressed email to Hayashi Smith and allowing ...

Mo Rage: Neighboring states with "Healthiest Housing Markets" has some of the lowest real estate prices in the top 10. But it has one of the highest rates of negative equity in the top 10, which is probably what kept them from ranking higher on the list, Findlay said. Other than that, it has the best debt as a percent of income on the list at 13% and it has a low unemployment rate.

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » 2006 » January is one of only three states that exempt all retirement income from taxation regardless of the wealth of the taxpayer. The exemption applies to income from a CEO’s 401(k) as well as ...

Mobtown Shank: There Can Be Only One Battle #100: The ... STRALS: The Beach Boys. Kokomo might be one of the worst songs of all time, but The Beatles are the most obnoxious, stupidly-lyric'ed, pretentious little twerps ever. Also, the Beach Boys are more fun to listen to. Even The Beatles early fun stuff doesn't hold a candle to it.

The $300 Lemon | Nolan Dalla 07, 2017 · The $300 Lemon . Marieta screamed in the backyard this morning. That’s the first thing I remember from the haze of my mental fog after crashing at 4 am last night and slumbering for five unsatisfying crusty-eyed hours.. Startled by her scream (or screams — perhaps I slept through the first few), I did seriously contemplate rolling over and going back into my slumber because — truth be ...

~ears of a different color~ - Tales from the Microbial ... first one I got, over five years ago now, was the Black Stem elephant ear - it was a passalong from Pete (of Pete's Herbs, which is now Sea Island Savory Herbs). The Genus Colocasia is in …

After U.S. kills Suleimani, Iran announces it will no ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The …

UT/ORNL researchers working on coronavirus cure | KnoxViews 06, 2020 · Report from WATE,. Jeremy Smith, Director of the Center for Molecular Biophysics, a partnership between the University of Tennessee and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Micholas D. Smith, a post-doctoral fellow and soon-to-be UTK research professor, began digital calculations to find a chemical, or drug, that might work against the coronavirus.

Media Black Out: Ray McGovern Assaulted for Silent Protest ... 24, 2011 · We’ve interviewed former senior CIA analyst Ray McGovern, on the air and off, many times over the years. We’ve come to consider him not just a source, but a friend and a national hero for his tirelessly non-partisan fight for truth and justice.

The Immoral Minority: SNL Cold Open features Alec Baldwin ... 04, 2017 · SNL Cold Open features Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump meeting, and confusing, his supporters. I swear Alec Baldwin is the best! However I have to admit that as much as I love humor, it is becoming harder and harder to find anything to laugh at with this president.

The Choreographers of Nature: Michio Kaku on Nuclear Energy 14, 2008 · Michio Kaku, co-founder of string field theory and professor of theoretical physics at City University in New York City, makes some interesting points in a short interview with The India Times' Narayani Ganesh: . We're moving from being passive observers of nature to its active choreographers. This historic transition in science is enabled by discoveries in three …

NV-Sen, NV-Gov: Reid Steps In It – Swing State “stepping in it” of the title, of course, refers to allegations in the new book Game Change that Reid observed several years ago, in his best attempts to sound like a 19th-century linguistics professor, that Barack Obama lacked a “Negro dialect.”

Tickle The WireVermont Archives - Tickle The FBI Director Louis Freeh nearly struck two cars and a motorcycle head-on at a high rate of speed, one of the drivers told police, the Burlington Free Press reports. Van Coleman said the drivers took evasive action to avoid a collision after Freeh’s SUV …

On the Papal Encyclical & Nuclear Energy 23, 2015 · The following is a guest post by J.T. Rodriguez, a communications intern at NEI. In his recent encyclical about care for "our common home," the earth, Pope Francis had a lot to say. I was curious to see what he had to say. I had no idea if he had said anything on nuclear energy, but as it turns out, he has.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ... Brian Allnutt. Over the past few months, the COVID-19 crisis has hit Detroit hard, resulting in more 12,000 cases and more than 1,500 deaths.It’s also produced an unemployment rate perhaps as high as 29 percent and a surging demand at area food banks.. These problems have brought renewed focus to the importance of food sovereignty in Detroit and elsewhere, …

What would Roger Williams have done? - ReligiousLeftLaw.com[This op-ed appeared in the Providence (Rhode Island) Journal yesterday.] What would Roger Williams have done? Edward Fitzpatrick What would Roger Williams have thought about the prayer banner at Cranston High School West? Many are raising that question amid bitter debate about the banner, which a federal judge has ordered removed. But few are in a better position …

Federal Judge Issues TRO to Oklahoma Compounding Pharmacy ... Temporary Restraining Order in Taylor v.Apothecary Shoppe is available from St. Louis Public Radio. "Okla. pharmacy blocked from selling execution drug to Mo.," is by Tim Talley of Associated Press. It's also available from the Enid News.. A federal judge agreed late Wednesday to temporarily block an Oklahoma pharmacy from providing an execution drug to the Missouri …

17 | May | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 17, 2017 · When I visited a museum in Chicago, I saw one of the original Striding Lions of Babylon. It was a large mural-type image of a winged lion with a ferocious expression. Symbolizing Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love and war, the lion was an example of 120 similar lions that would have lined a Babylonian pathway during the years of 604-562 bc.

The Rectification of Names: Literary Corner: Rhyme 15, 2018 · I'm pretty sure I know one of the things that happened next; that Flynn's assertions about what he had said over the phone to Ambassador Kislyak were compared to the recordings NSA made of the Flynn-Kislyak calls, during their normal monitoring of Kislyak's phone. "They" knew he was lying because they knew what he had actually said.

James Proctor Jr. – monoblogue are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Winter Patriot: Iraqis Had Their Chance At Freedom, But ... are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Winter Patriot: Panic And Jubilation In The Wake Of ... are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

"The Law is King" & "The Oath" - Progress Pond 22, 2005 · The fact of the matter is a good solid program. It has saved thousands of lives. We’re doing exactly the right thing. We’re doing it in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of the United States. And it ought to be supported. This is not about violating civil liberties because we’re not. This is about defending the country ...

The News Review: 23 December nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

No More Mister Nice Blog: TODAY IN IOKIYAR 01, 2015 · The right is flipping out because Marie Harf, a State Department spokeswoman, just said this about the activities of extremist groups in the Middle East:... we can't kill our way out of this mess. We're -- we're going to have to put in place a very comprehensive and robust strategy to help the -- the world of Islam and -- and other parts of the world reject this radical violent extremism....

Can Hogan be a Maryland hero in 2014? – 17, 2013 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

May | 2018 | Law of Markets 31, 2018 · How much resolve is there, was the question put. And the unmistakable answer is there is no resolve at all. This is the article at Powerline, The Global Establishment Closes Ranks Against Tommy Robinson, but what I am more interested in are the comments. It’s the globalists against the nationalists across the board.

House 2010: Most Vulnerable Dems – Swing State Walt Minnick ID-1 2. Bobby Bright AL-2 3. Frank Kratovil MD-1 4. Tom Periello VA-5 5. Glenn Nye VA-2 6. Parker Griffith AL-5 7. Betsy Markey CO-4

Would you like fries with that Dreamliner? | machinists, engineers, and Q.C. folks have spent the past two years trying to fix a multitude of mistakes coming out of Charleston on the 787’s currently in the shop – the first crop of airplanes has had to be disassembled, re-worked, and re-assembled several times as additional problems are discovered.

Backsliding on democracy | Arun with a View 16, 2012 · A quick note here: I’m actually kind of shocked at some of the comments on Kim Lane Scheppele’s latest post here. Not the ones accusing her of lying or getting her facts wrong; that’s part for the course, with my own experience being that the more solidly grounded in evidence I am the more hysterical accusations of dishonesty I get.

BAM! It’s Time To Expose McCain’s SEVERE Skeleton In His ... 10, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 4:40 PM MST Senator John McCain has a very severe skeleton in his closet McCain was the architect of laws that violated the human and civil rights of the Dineh-Navajo in Arizona. The activities were condemned by the UN Human Rights Commission. This is a skeleton in his closet which, if it…

Dumitru Manea – “ONLY IN AMERICA!” | George In Denver 20, 2008 · Bad things come in threes. Or, so it's said. Dumitru's loss was the first. John Guldaman's was the second. Dumitru Manea. A small man, probably only five-five. Thin. A Romanian by birth, his words tinged with the hard edge of an unmistakably Eastern European past, he gesticulated--his arms waving, his hands thrust out, his head…

Greek Tragedy | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog @jomalleydillon: I still can't really believe true but our dog and even I have to admit he is a handsome fellow with his… 1 day ago; RT @HarryGoaz: The tornado was so loud that you could barely hear the screams of the campers. @harry.goaz #harrygoaz @lanadelrey #angellair… 3 days ago

Thomas Clay Jr - Everyone needs to see this, especially ... is the price all of us must pay for you thinking we are the ones who are brainwashed because Fox News told you so. Now you all think Russia is our ally and our allies are our enemies so much so that Trump didn't even bother telling them he was going to commit an act of war by assassinating the second most powerful man in Iran.

Keith Olbermann's Ego: Why I like TV Newser and the ... 04, 2008 · This is a work of fiction While this blog purports to represent the views of Keith Olbermann's ego (and Katy Tur's ego too for that matter) all blog entries are a work of fiction, unless what it is written does indeed turn out to be true in which case consider it just a lucky guess.

No Right Turn: McCully lied to Cabinet 11, 2016 · The Auditor-General has released their report into Murray McCully's sordid Saudi sheep bribe. While they find it was not a bribe in the tightly criminal sense of whether Murray McCully is liable for prosecution under the Crimes Act (of course he's not - he was the briber, not the recipient), they're very clear that it was a payoff to Hmood Al Ali Al Khalaf to achieve a diplomatic objective (i ...

No Right Turn: More police intimidation 11, 2016 · "I get a phone call from the police asking me if I was the organiser, asking if I knew the organiser of the protest - I don't know who organised it - and then asking if I was going to it. I said to the constable who rang me I didn't think it was any of his business." This is intrusive and intimidating.

journey2infinitive: May 2012 11, 2012 · of Michigan in his own Honda. He was an orphan. So He had no idea about religion. His spirit was roaming here and there. He was more interested about his own country Bangladesh. After death there is no orphan or elite status. Everyone is equal in here. One fine day he met Apple owner Steve Jobs to buy apple from the Ghost market.

The Rude Pundit 12, 2006 · It makes a statement. Or you can go with the knife, stabbing or slashing, leaving the person bloody and punctured. But the real artists, the ones who want the slicing to hurt, but want to be subtle, even delicate in their work, are the people who use razors to open wounds.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Clinton Jumps the Curb 12, 2007 · Sid Cottingham said.... I would not assume she is going to admit anything with respect to Iran. I can understand why she did not admit she made a mistake on Iraq because she could say she relied on what the Administration reported, and in not admitting to have made a mistake, she got to have it both ways (at least until Mr. Clinton recently said he was opposed to invading Iraq all the time ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: HERE'S A HOT TAKE I'M SURPRISED ... 02, 2018 · He darts with quark-like speed from topic to topic in his tweets because that’s how cable news works. Here’s what’s also shocking: A man with unparalleled access to the world’s most powerful information-gathering machine, with an intelligence budget estimated at $73 billion last year, prefers to rely on conservative cable news hosts to ...

Dr. Rob Davidson | Thinklab Rob Davidson Third, social distancing (6ft) is highly recommended to limit the spread by large respiratory droplet. If previous #MAGA rallies are any indication attendees will be packed in to give the President the largest crowd possible to stroke his ego. 4/8 37d

Bilgrimage: Readers Respond to Paprocki and His Exorcism ... 11, 2013 · As Ruth Krall points out, the healing process demands that we confront our inner demons, our shadow side, not split it off from the rest of our psyche, demonize it, and try to expel it.Colleen Baker repeatedly notes the danger posed by a public exorcism of the kind Paprocki has announced.

euro elitists | Bloviating Zeppelin 26, 2017 · Euro Elitists want that forced transfer of wealth from the “greedy, evil Big States like Germany” to the poor needy states like Greece — who make execrable decisions, grant little if any input to the kitty, but want to take as much as possible from the central till.

Randi Rhodes and Greg Palast Hunt Giuliani's Favorite a billionaire. And, with his underlings at Elliott Associates, the number one sugar-daddy donor to the presidential campaign of Rudy Giuliani, dropping $168,400 so far and, according to secret campaign documents, committed to raise $10 million for Rudolf the Great, Emperor of 9/11. So who is this bird of prey Singer who holds Rudy in his beak?

Islamism in the News: 01/31/12 -- 02/14/12 09, 2012 · The goals of Lawful Islamists and Islamic terrorists are the same. Only their methods differ. Islamism in the News: 01/31/12 – 02/14/12: Free Speech " US Muslim man pleads guilty to threatening TV Show," by James Vicini. Reuters, February 9, 2012. (A South Park episode on Comedy Central featured Mohammad in a bear suit, an offense punishable ...

THESE BASTARDS: Quote of the Day: Someone tell him to breathe 06, 2009 · Tom Tancredo, out there proving that you can't a tarnish your reputation if your reputation is as someone who race baits Mexicans. TANCREDO: If you belong to an organization called La Raza, in this case, which is, from my point of view anyway, nothing more than a Latino — it’s a counterpart — a Latino KKK without the hoods or the nooses.

Cyde Weys Musings $2 bills are NOT rare. Go out and spend 21, 2008 · I like spending $2 bills. A lot. I suppose I’m a bit of a currency eccentric (I also like $1 coins and do the whole Where’s George thing). I find $2 bills a lot more convenient than $1 bills, since they take up half the space in your wallet for the same dollar amount and the “worst” that can happen from not having $1s is that you get a single $1 bill in addition to some coins as change.

Green Eagle: About That Second Amendment 23, 2012 · Partly wilful lying to get their way, and partly just ignorant parroting of whatever idiocy some other right winger has said, but it is inevitably a very distressing phenomenon, and never more so than when they spout their distortions about the second amendment. I want to make an effort to find out what the second amendment is really about.

The Sacred Meal -- A 26, 2009 · The Communion may be an ancient practice, but it has very present implications, and Nora does a wonderful job taking us into those implications, so that we might be transformed for service in the world. This is a book that can be appreciated and enjoyed by the newest of believers and the ones who have traveled the road the longest.

Buckhorn Road: August 2013 10, 2013 · According to the logic of the Bee editorial board, a county sheriff in one of these non-slave holding states who refused to allow the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act to be enforced in his county would be guilty of "pick[ing] and choos[ing] which laws to enforce." And if the sheriff publicly made his views against enforcing the Fugitive Slave Law known ...

son jesus christ | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 28, 2015 · He said, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). The apostle John closed his first epistle by saying, “We know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding, in order that we might know Him who is true, and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life” (1 John 5:20).

No True Scotsman | We couldn't make this up… 03, 2011 · Markuze is a religious crank – with possible mental problems – who is a compulsive stalker of atheist bloggers, foremost amongst them, the irrepressible PZ Myers. In his many and varied posts, he’s made threats about decapitation, execution and even genocide. This isn’t something new – Markuze has been doing this since the late 90s.

The Rhetorical Situation: 2008-10-12 this speech, you can see the ethos of McCain from 2000. But the questions remains, who is John McCain: is the real McCain the one from 2000, a man who possessed honor, or is the real McCain the McCain of 2008, the one who lost his honor when he won enough delegates to become the nominee.

Bowing Toward Babylon (Craig M. Watts) -- A 20, 2017 · Nonetheless, a book that clergy need to read, and really anyone concerned about the integrity of Christian worship should read it. It is a strong and prophetic book that requires careful reading, and as historian Richard Hughes writes in his endorsement found on the back cover, we need to “internalize this book.”

Bookworm - Big Ideas for Busy Peoplehttps://janetfrohnmayer.typepad.comBy the way, this book will take you between 30 minutes and 1 hour to read because it is the first US business book ever to be told in manga - you know, the Japanese comic art form. In other words, it's a comic book, full of not only spot-on wisdom and advice but wonderful characters and illustrations drawn by the talented Rob Ten Pas.

OpenlineBlog: Should City Council Members Be Subject to ... 12, 2007 · On Tuesday, the Naperville City Council voted 6-3 to proceed with further study on an ordinance for voters to be able to recall any city council member from elected office. Would you support such an ordinance in Aurora? Which city council members in …

Press - Stuart H. Smith - Stuart H. Smith, a New Orleans attorney who is one of the founding partners of Smith/Stag a law firm focusing on environmental law, summarized the court’s decision. SS: There is a rule of law that courts are free to prohibit false or misleading speech by a defendant and may prohibit a defendant from using speech that is coercive or prone to abuse.

GENESEE FLINT . COM: Mar 26, 2010 05, 2010 · The first step in deciding a motion for change of custody is determining whether proper cause or change of circumstances merits such a change. MCL 722.27(1)(c); Powery v Wells, 278 Mich App 526, 527; 752 NW2d 47 (2008). DAD HAD A HEAVY LOAD HERE The party seeking the change bears the burden of establishing this by a preponderance of the evidence.

02 | August | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 02, 2013 · It will be about authenticity and a genuine Christian life that has been lived for the glory of God. Jesus told His disciples, “And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward” (Matthew 10:42).

Christian Doctrine Proves Their God Cannot Exist | The Road 29, 2012 · Well, desire results from need, and need connotes lack, and lack connotes imperfection. This is where the existence of the Christian god becomes impossible, because perfection cannot exist as long as there is need, want or desire. A god who is perfect does nothing except exist and thus, a perfect god who creates anything is not perfect. Higher ...

Wise Law Blog: February 2015 23, 2015 · Garry J. Wise is primary contributor to Wise Law Blog. He is a Canadian litigation lawyer who practices with Wise Law Office,Toronto. He is a graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1986. Garry's colleagues at Wise Law Office, as well as occasional guest bloggers, also contribute to Wise Law Blog.

The Immoral Minority: Stephen Hawking says that in less ... 04, 2017 · “This exponential growth cannot continue into the next millennium,” Hawking, who has been coping with neurodegenerative disease for decades, said in his computer-synthesized voice. “By the year 2600, the world’s population would be standing shoulder to shoulder, and the electricity consumption would make the Earth glow red-hot.

Thomas Middleton – is in response to a minimum wage bill prefiled by Delegate Keith Haynes of Baltimore City, which would more than double the state’s current $6.15 minimum wage (which is superseded by a higher federal law) to $12.50 per hour.

Doug Ross @ Journal: Pat Robertson off his meds again ... Robertson off his meds again: blames Haiti's earthquake on Satanic rituals and 'awfully spicy' Shrimp Gumbo recipe This is just flat-out embarrassing . The Rev. Pat Robertson is offering his own absurd explanation for why a quake hit Haiti: Many years ago, the island's people "swore a pact to the the devil...

European economic crisis – yeah, this one should be good. I’m liking the way shaping up already. I’ll begin with a leftover from last weekend. You know how I celebrated Memorial Day weekend, but my blogging friend Bob McCarty found one man’s ultimate tribute to the veterans in his …

Samuel Alito – Today’s Workplace Samuel Alito warned that the ruling “is virtually certain to have far-reaching consequences,” in his dissent from the 6-3 decision. The Supreme Court’s landmark ruling that federal anti-discrimination law extends to gay and transgender workers could usher in a new era of expanded rights for LGBTQ people in areas from housing to ...

Short Term vs. Long Term • Smilodon's Retreat 10, 2015 · But it’s not, much of Texas is arid to desert and only East Texas is considered to be barely non-arid. A short-term examination would result in a misconception about the climate of Texas. Just as a short term examination of change in life, measurements of Earth, and things affected by gravity could result in flawed understandings of those ...

Comparing Scotland to Florida. - Blogger 10, 2007 · Viewpoint is the blog that brings you life, the universe... and other strangeness!

Syrian Air Force - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader Harvard of the Syrian Air Force. The end of World War II led to a withdrawal of the United Kingdom and France from the Middle East, and this included a withdrawal from Syria.In 1948, the Syrian Air Force was officially established after the first class of pilots graduated from a French-run flight school at Estabel airfield in Lebanon, and with help of aircraft left behind by the French.

2011 November 08 « Mercury Rising ?? 08, 2011 · Early returns indicate that the St. Paul Police Federation candidate, who was backed with lurid and pricey cheap-shot mailers that are depicted here, rode those glossy mailers, a few billboards, and lotsa happy marketer talk where she played the “good cop” to the Police Federation’s “bad cop” to a victory.(Maybe.)If the current vote totals hold, she and the Chamber, the Police ...

17 | February | 2020 | Dear Kitty. Some blog 17, 2020 · This 2015 video is called Why is biodiversity important?. From University College London in England:. Freshwater insects recover while spiders decline in UK. February 17, 2020. Many insects, mosses and lichens in the UK are bucking the trend of biodiversity loss, according to a comprehensive analysis of over 5,000 species led by UCL and the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH).

The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 -- Secret History -- Sott.net was, the fire department recognized, a disaster waiting to happen--any accidental fire could easily sweep across the entire city. In 1858, Chicago became one of the first large cities in the US to establish a city-run professional firefighting service, with 185 fulltime firemen. But at budget time, the fire department was often neglected.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com States Wars, News and Casualties The war ended for those children, but it has never ended for survivors who carry memories of them. Likewise, the effects of the U.S. bombings continue, immea…

Odds and ends number 75 – 30, 2015 · Odds and ends number 75 It’s been almost three years since this was a regular feature on my site, but it appears I may have to bring this back to deal with all the stuff that I receive and deem to be somewhat newsworthy – just not enough to devote an entire post to.

Ricky Gervais’ EPIC Golden Globe Monologue (and more) | We ... 06, 2020 · It is everything you ever fantasized about a host saying to a room full of spoiled celebrities. From the culture of vanity to pedophilia to Felicity Huffman and Hollywood’s coziness with Jeffrey Epstein – Gervais tore down every single sacred cow of …

Kushner refuses to talk to Senate Judiciary Committee more attention was paid to Kushner in the transcripts released by the House, where Simpson was asked if he had looked into Kushner’s business dealings.. SIMPSON: We did look at some Kushner stuff and specifically focused on the project in Jersey City, I think partly because Trump had a position in that project, and discovered that it was — one of the central mysteries of ...

The Johnsville News: Duke Case: Friday Linkfest following is a sampling of Nifong’s contradictory and often race-baiting pre-identification statements that were not restricted to a “belief that the victim had in fact been sexually assaulted at the 610 N. Buchanan Blvd. address” or his “hope that one or more of the persons who were present but not involved with that assault would ...

A Piece Of My Mind: December 2013 - Wild Hair 03, 2013 · Dolan is doing this after the new pope, Francis, has just released one of the first letters of his papacy criticizing capitalism. Pope Francis -- Evengelii Gaudium Not only are Pope Francis' statements about capitalism an affront to Cardinal Dolan's vision of went wrong with his anti-equality crusade, now there are reports that Pope Francis ...

Covid-19 news: Death in severe cases are 70 times higher ... 02, 2020 · Latest coronavirus news as of 5 pm on 2 June. Covid-19 death for severe cases is 70 times higher in people over 80. People over 80 in England who are hospitalised with covid-19 are 70 times more likely to die compared to people under 40, according to a report from Public Health England.According to the report, the probability of death is about three times higher for people aged …

Time to repeal McCain-Feingold | thought on “ Time to repeal McCain-Feingold ” Axel Kassel June 13, 2005 at 6:30 pm. The only thing worse than McCain-Feingold’s “not working out well” would be if it had. The law is a contemptible trampling of the First Amendment that never should have been enacted, or signed, or upheld by a Supreme Court fussing about evil spirits like the “appearance” of corruption.

Apache People | TheZoo to our friend, Paul Jamiol, one of the best editorial cartoonists IN THE WORLD, for drawing our new 'toon header. Visit Jamiol's World to enjoy his cartoons and children's books. And for those of you who are new to TheZoo, we have a theme song! (Additional lyrics by our own 'critter' Wayne A. Schneider, 2008).

May | 2015 | Stephen Curtiss Rose posts published by Stephen C. Rose during May 2015. Books KU/KOLL Twitter Bio. A note to the Peirce list. Seems to me that in a triad you are acknowledging that it is a unity and that everything in it is subsumed to the point that such things as subject and object are if there at all blurred.

Capricious Governance | Indiana Oracle 09, 2014 · Posts about Capricious Governance written by indianaoracle. On Fox’s Brit Bair, I normally just watch the panel segment. Recently one of the commentators, Bob Fournier, bemoaned the public’s growing mistrust of government and other institutional pillars, such as the healthcare industry.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Oct 18, 2012 Columbia, South Carolina, United States Alvin McEwen is 48-year-old African-American gay man who resides in Columbia, SC. McEwen's blog, Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, and writings have been mentioned by,, People for the American Way, Raw Story, The Advocate, Media Matters for America,,, Andrew Sullivan's ...

Grits for Breakfast: Reactions to Ken Anderson contempt ... 08, 2013 · Over the weekend, Grits offered an assessment of the tepid justice evidenced in former prosecutor and District Judge Ken Anderson's guilty plea and 10-day contempt sentence for withholding evidence in the Michael Morton case. Now, numerous other commenters have weighed in. Some find the outcome historic, since supposedly no prosecutor has ever before gone to jail for withholding evidence.

Warsaw Station: Ain't no party like a Detroit party - It's ... 23, 2006 · Of course, travelling to Windsor for your 19th birthday is a great tradition too. This geography also adds to Detroit's history. During prohibition, Detroit was the top spot for rum-running from country to country. Michigan was the first state to vote for the prohibition amendment, as well as the first to vote for its repeal.-Great people.

Balkinization: Compromise and utopianism it was the 14th, then the 15th. They were able to do this only because they held the South out of the Union (a practice which we obviously can't repeat). Even so, by 1870, just 5 years after the war, the nation was done with Constitutional change and a backlash prevented actual enforcement of …

The Practical Theatre Co | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. of the happiest re-discoveries was the revival of the “Marine Comedy” sketch, which made its summer of 1980 debut in the running order of Bag O’ Fun– the PTC’s first improv comedy revue. I play a boot camp drill sergeant leading a group of comedian cadets through their comic paces.

camera | Totally Unauthorized 09, 2008 · The first try was a trickle of goo which didn’t shoot out so much as dribble down the green screen leaving a really gross streak. The special effects guys then turned up the power and tried again. Still a trickle, but it looked more like a gloppy drinking fountain.The effects guys then had an extremely animated discussion, remixed the black ...

2016 September 19 – Off the 19, 2016 · If it’s possible for a band to steal headlines away from a football game, Rice’s Marching Owl Band found a way. While Rice made strides but ultimately fell against No. 21 Baylor 38-10 on Friday at Rice Stadium, it was what happened at halftime that was the focus.

CELEBRITY ~ " Century Fox Post California born model, who once placed second in the celebrity division of the Kelly Slater Surf Invitational, got her start in the industry when fashion photographer Mario Testino shot her for an editorial for Vogue in 2001.In the past decade, however, Miller has opted out of the high-fashion world for a sexier, more commercial image that better matches her athletic, surfer girl roots.

CHART: Over 500,000 Government Jobs Lost Since Obama%E2%80 ... 09, 2011 · Hello. Some features on this site require a subscription. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month.

Health Care Reform Articles - August 17, 2015 Reid is a nationally known journalist, author, and documentary filmmaker who has brought attention to the need for health care reform in America via the PBS Frontline specials “Sick Around the World” and “India: A Second Opinion,” his 2009 book “The Healing of America,” and PBS’ “U.S. Health Care: The Good News,” which features communities such as Grand Junction ...

KC Buzz Blog: a look at the rest of the entries, here's a link to the original post. Click on comments. Posted by Keith Chrostowski 4:30 p.m. Note: In the first posting I had the incorrect names for the winner and honorable mention because I misread the comment list. My apologies, and thanks to jmart for pointing that out..

American Tool: why i won't support america's mayor it won't happen until they become more forward-thinking: making more hybrid models, improving fuel efficiency, making safer cars, improving quality, etc. But I honestly think there's reason for optimism, that Ford and GM can complete in the global marketplace and keep their jobs here in the U.S.

654 Best drumpf & spawn images in 2020 | Drumpf, Trump, Spawn 10, 2020 - Explore barbfraser2011's board "drumpf & spawn" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Drumpf, Trump, Spawn.656 pins27 followers

An Accounting of a Life: March 2013 07, 2013 · Facebook Bas Nav. BASNAV on Twitter. BASNAV on Twitter

george bush Archives - The Whirling WindThe Whirling me paint the picture for you. The older white gent was wearing some designer jeans, loafers and something like a members only jacket. He had silver hair, was about 6' tall and exuded wealth and power. The poor employee he had “buttonholed” was maybe in his late 20’s, early 30’s. Rather scraggly faced. Ponytail, tall and lean.

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega feckless fathers and teenaged mothers to so-called feral kids, the media seems to take a voyeuristic pleasure in documenting the lives of the "underclass". Whether they are inclined to condemn or sympathise, commentators regularly ask how society got to be this way.

You’ve Been Hacked: The Psychology Of Disinformation And 10, 2018 · About author Valerie Tarico is a psychologist and writer in Seattle, Washington, and the founder of Wisdom Commons.She is the author of "Trusting Doubt: A Former Evangelical Looks at Old Beliefs in a New Light" and "Deas and Other Imaginings."Her articles can be found at

Ezra Klein: Fascist Libertarians? the book progresses, however, it becomes clear that some of the inhabitants of Wingnuttia are aware of Goldberg, and that he is the key (heaven help them) …

Veritas Nihilum Vincet | Truth Conquers Nothing…incessant ...https://cousinavi.wordpress.comDonald Trump is a racist. He’s a liar and a fraud. He’s an ignorant, arrogant, uncurious, vicious, juvenile, petty douchebag. The idea that he could possibly be considered for the office of president while dragging behind him gangs of venal hypocrites, Christopathic theocrats, science deniers, gun nuts and Klansmen is both horrifying and deeply disturbing.

"Hello Toledo!!!" The Donald Trump Comfort and Consolation I.C.E. proto-Gestapo rounded up more than 600 people, mostly people with jobs, mostly people without so much as a whisper of power or protection against either the employers who exploit them, or the POTUS who also exploits them, not only in his own businesses, but in his role as President of the United States, using a thin barrier of brown ...

The Rectification of Names: TWDNAASPUOHNTDSC rights! The ... 26, 2015 · A man’s and a woman’s bodies—who they are as persons—come together each as male or female, and so by its very nature the union between a man and woman is unlike any other relationship. TWDNAASPUOHNTDSC are just people who don't accept that you can deny that sex (properly speaking) is the physical expression of inward, unique reality ...

TxDOT hit with ransomware – Off the great.. Texas’ transportation agency has become the second part of the state government to be hit by a ransomware attack in recent days. On Thursday, someone hacked into the Texas Department of Transportation’s network in a “ransomware event,” according to a statement the department posted on social media Friday.

Tickle The Wiretrump tower Archives - Tickle The penalty for revealing the rumor to anyone else would subject Sajudin to a $1 million payment to the National Enquirer. The FBI raided the office and hotel room of Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen earlier this week over a $130,000 payment he said he made to porn star Stormey Daniels, who claims she had an affair with Trump in 2006.

Rapfogel's Haredi Co-Conspirator - FailedMessiah.com E. Rapfogel, left and Rabbi David Cohen, right, allegedly stole millions of dollars from programs meant to help poor Jews. This morning, I wrote that disgraced former Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty CEO William E. Rapfogel had a haredi co-conspirator inside the Met Council who had initiated the fraud that eventally stole at least $5 million from the Met Council – and from its ...

'Green News Report' - January 29, 2013 | The BRAD BLOG City plans to draw drinking water from a mile-deep aquifer, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times. The Mexican effort challenges a key tenet of U.S. clean water policy: that water far underground can be intentionally polluted because it will never be used.

Illinois Editorial & Column Call for Governor to Sign ... StandDown Texas Project was organized in 2000 to advocate a moratorium on executions and a state-sponsored review of Texas' application of the death penalty. To stand down is to go off duty temporarily, especially to review safety procedures.

Center for Investigative Reporting tracks who is funding ... 12, 2008 · So far there is no evidence of the new anti-McCain ads running in the West Michigan media market. However, this new campaign is running in some states and the Center for Investigative Reporting has posted a recent story that looks at which groups are behind this campaign to discredit McCain: “The Center for Investigative Reporting and National Public Radio have traced the flow of …

Obama Doubled Down on Nation-Building - American Thinker 06, 2014 · The first Obama’s budget for FY 2010 cranked-up Defense Foreign Economic Aid by 63%, from $24.3 to $40.2 billion. Despite subsequent across-the …

Obama Doubled Nation-Building Budget - breitbart.com over the last five-and-a-half years, the Obama administration has maximized foreign entanglements by more than doubling defense nation-building spending from $24.3 billion to $51.3 billion. Candidate Obama, cautioning attendees of an Emily’s List meeting in May 2006, stated, “When George Bush said that he didn’t believe in nation ...

ConnecticutBLOG 03, 2005 · Now if one is caught with 28 grams of coke, theres a good chance that the person was intended to sell it compared to a person with only a 1/2 gram of crack in his or her prosession. Under the current law, both individuals would recive the same jail time, five years minimum, twenty years maximum.

Video: Life After Leaving Orthodoxy: Basya Schechter ... 19, 2015 · As the Haredi strength grows and their control grows, that’ll become clearer.” Religion Dispatches: "The best collection of articles I’ve found can be perused at, the blog of Shmarya Rosenberg, who, with the perspective of insider turned disillusioned outsider, has been probing the nuances and hypocrisies of the ultra ...

Dishonesty In The Name Of Science: Association Of Orthodox ... video of 2 young Orthodox men who complain of abuse at the hands of a JONAH therapist caused AOJS to cancel the appearances last weekend at AOJS's annual convention of JONAH founder Arthur Abba Goldberg and a doctoral student meant to rebut him. But in a last minute reversal, AOJS let Goldberg speak without any rebuttal.

JustOneMinute: Afghanistan - We're Winning We're Losing few days back we noted a spate of stories telling us of military progress in Afghanistan as jockeying commences for Obama's December review. Now the pushback has arrived: U.S. military campaign to topple resilient Taliban hasn't succeeded By Greg...

Protect the internet from “astroturfing”, aka “sockpuppets ... the internet from “astroturfing”, aka “sockpuppets” (George Monbiot et al.) “The need to protect the internet from ‘astroturfing’ grows ever more urgent” (George Monbiot’s blog, 23 – II – 2011) The tobacco industry does it, the US Air Force clearly wants to… astroturfing – the use of sophisticated software to drown out real people on web forums – is on the rise.

Balkinization: Rethinking Sorrell v. IMS Health : Privacy ... Supreme Court will soon hear oral arguments in Sorrell v. IMS Health.The case pits medical data giant IMS Health (and some other plaintiffs) against the state of Vermont, which restricted the distribution of certain "physician-identified" medical data if the doctors who generated the data failed to affirmatively permit its distribution.* I have contributed to an amicus brief submitted on ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Maybe he wants to trade in the UFC ..."It was like a Third World country,” he said of Brandon Regional Hospital. “My wife saved me. She got me out of there and drove 100 miles per hour to get me down to Bismarck, N.D.”--Brock Lesnar, an former UFC champion, devoted hunter and apparent health care critic, offering up his critique of Canada's health care system He may have won the first round of the bout, but it seems that ...

Working in Bare Feet: Rep Bart Stupak: Michigan's Asshole ... 09, 2009 · Rep Stupak's anti-choice activism edged out Rep Mike Rogers who was nominated for the outstanding doublespeak and half-truths found in his latest newsletter. Representatives Stupak and Rogers - working together to drag Michigan back to the 19th Century.

Trump’s Putin Lovefest In Helsinki | Bill's Links And More Mueller dropped the first of many shoes on Friday. Rod Rosenstein announced the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers on charges of helping to ratfck the 2016 presidential election under the noms de ratfck “DCLeaks” and “Guccifer 2.0.”

25 | February | 2017 | News Corpse 25, 2017 · Throughout his campaign he employed the mindless chant. He used it this week in his speech to CPAC. “We are going to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country,” he ranted. True to form, he never explained how he would do that. One of Trump’s first appointees was Gen. Michael Flynn as the National Security Advisor.

Rothkopfian Aphorisms – Page|?p=3479 – 02, 2009 · One of the writers who has consistently drawn my attention with his witty aphorisms is David Rothkopf. His blog is well worth reading, for the insight, yes – but also for the wit. On diplomacy: In marriage, a lack of intimacy usually means you are not getting fucked… but in diplomacy, it means you almost certainly will be.

Saskatchewan NDP - Regina Nomination Roundup - Blogger 06, 2010 · To date, I haven't followed up much on the Regina Coronation Park and Regina South nomination races since mentioning the entry of each can...

Art Blog By Bob: Light Hearted Hearted Even casual art fans know Rembrandt ’s Night Watch , the mammoth 1642 group portrait that immortalized a company of local militiamen. Rembrandt build much of his name and reputation on such self-important showpieces until he could no longer …

Moonbattery NBC News Resorts to Lying to Demonize George ... 02, 2012 · An appalling example a stretching biased editing to the point of brazenly telling lies occurred when MSNBC supported a story about the alleged likelihood of white people shooting blacks if they are allowed to carry guns with video footage of a guy with an AR-15 cropped so that you could not see he was black.

Does the Tea Party Really Want to Lynch Black Folks? Why 31, 2011 · Lynchings were a type of ritualized violence. This is a critical fact that cannot be overlooked. Lynchings were festive civic events, where whites would buy souvenirs (often human body parts from the victims), take photos, and circulate said images on postcards all over the country. In total, racial violence was a way of creating White community in a White supremacist society.

The Immoral Minority: In case you missed it here is Donald ... 11, 2017 · One of the reports he read out was an on-air a claim from Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano, who claimed that GCHQ spied on Trump at Obama's behest. GCHQ denied Napolitano's claim, and British officials “expressed their concerns” to the White House about Spicer's promotion of it, according to a White House statement.

October | 2016 | Animal 31, 2016 · Pat Frank’s 1959 novel Alas, Babylon presents a post-nuclear war America reduced to a shell of its former self. Towards the end of that book one of the survivors, a retired Navy Admiral, comments on the state of the nation: “…The answer was not in …

PERRspectives: September 2007"$9.11 for Rudy" and Other Giuliani Fundraising Events As the AP reported this morning, Rudy Giuliani, the self-proclaimed mayor of 9/11 is now to be the beneficiary of a $9.11 fundraiser. Hoping to make his friend literally the leader of the Party of 9/11, Giuliani moneyman Abraham Sofaer is hosting an event in his Palo Alto, California home where guests will be asked to pony up the symbolic ...

12 | June | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 12, 2014 · The Christian life is supernatural. No individual is capable of living it apart from the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus explains it in John 15:4,5: “As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in Me. I am the vine, ye are the …

The nefarious John Brennan spied on the Senate ... 01, 2014 · But in his talk last week with Islamic law students at New York University, Brennan made even more reckless comments about our counterterrorism programs while pandering to one of the worst Muslim grievance-mongers and sharia peddlers in America. During the question-and-answer session, Brennan welcomed a question from Omar Shahin.

21 | May | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 21, 2014 · 11 posts published by broboinhawaii on May 21, 2014. There is grain for sale in Egypt. Genesis 42:2. Famine pinched all the nations, and it seemed inevitable that Jacob and his family should suffer great want; but the God of providence, who never forgets the objects of electing love, had stored a granary for His people by giving the Egyptians warning of the scarcity and leading them to ...

JFK and the Unspeakable | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog put an abrupt end to a period of a misunderstood idealism, akin to the spirit of 1989 when the Soviet bloc to began to thaw and 2008, when our new American President was fairly elected. Today, more than 45 years later, profound doubts persist about how President Kennedy was killed and why.

The Bell: How We Met Our Healthcare 02, 2014 · The presumed point of How I Met Your Mother has always been protagonist Ted telling his children the convoluted story of how he met their Mom. At the series debut, Ted was a romantic, determined to find “the One” with whom he could grow old blissfully. In two-hundred plus episodes, Ted endures a long string of unsuccessful relationships, including infatuation with gal pal Robin.

Ultrasound Publicity Stunt by Brandi Swindell and Other as the only doctor in the senate debate, Senator Dan Schmidt (D-Moscow), observed: Sen. Dan Schmidt, a Moscow family physician, said the abortion rate in Idaho is about one-third the national average. Information he provided indicated there were about 1,500 abortions in the state in 2010, with 95 percent of them performed in Ada County.

Is Obama even eligible? - America's 04, 2008 · 6) not his original birth certificate as the document itself is from no earlier than november of 2001 and is laser printed. and just the short list. This post has been edited by GuardianAngel: Nov 4 2008, 02:32 AM

meaning in history: Looks Like Durham's Doing A Deep Dive ... United States Department of Defense's Office of Net Assessment (ONA) was created in 1973 by Richard Nixon to serve as the Pentagon's "internal think tank" that "looks 20 to 30 years into the military's future, often with the assistance of outside contractors, and produces reports on the results of its research". The Director of Net Assessment is the principal staff assistant and advisor to ...

Disease « Philip Alcabes is the author of Dread: How Fear and Fantasy Have Fueled Epidemics from the Black Death to Avian Flu, published by PublicAffairs Books. He is a skeptical scientist whose work challenges the conventional wisdom about health, disease, and risk.

Access St. Louis!: Misplaced Priorities and the New America 04, 2011 · This was the promise of National Socialism, the removal of strive between the classes, not the elimination of classes altogether. That is just the human condition. Altruism towards the mud masses must be stopped somehow. I was just reading a story about a church that is setting out Water Stations for Mexican invaders. Incredible.

Alterdestiny: My Frustrating Night with the Seattle Mariners 12, 2007 · Of course, he was wrong. The ball bounced off the wall and well away from him. Metcalf scored on a Michael Young double two batters later. The play probably didn't cost the Mariners a run. But it certainly could have. 2. Willie Bloomquist sucks. Seattle gets the first two runners on top of the 5th in game 2. Seattle calls for a Bloomquist ...

Paul Levinson's Infinite Regress: Knightfall 1.1: Possibilites debuted on the History Channel this week, right after its excellent and enormously successful Vikings.The new series has possibilities. It focuses on a group in a period of time not often (if ever) seen on television, the Knights Templar in their period of decline, after their losses in the Holy Land, headquartered in France, with a soon-to-be-hostile king.

and felony fraud | Citizen WElls about and felony fraud written by CitizenWElls. Obama eligibility, Obama news

The Rude Pundit: "We Tortured Some Folks" and We Will Do ... 08, 2014 · Someone's gonna have to fuckin' explain this to the Rude Pundit. Someone's gonna have to fuckin' explain how Barack Obama, the President of this damn nation, can go before the press, the TV cameras, the world, and declare, "[I]n the immediate aftermath of 9/11 we did some things that were wrong...we tortured some folks" and not follow that up with "And we're going to prosecute those who …

COVID-19 news: Trump suggests 100,000 U.S. deaths would be ... news: Trump suggests 100,000 U.S. deaths would be a victory; CNN defends airing Trump live On Sunday, Donald Trump gave what was possibly his most lie-filled and blame-shifting daily press update yet, suggesting that scarce medical supplies were due to healthcare workers stealing masks and hospitals "hoarding" ventilators.

Cuomo: ‘Right wingers, get out of Dodge,er New York ... 19, 2014 · It took the late great Bob Grant to lead the charge to throw out Andrew Cuomo ‘s arrogant economy killing father Mario in 1993. New York State loved Hillary and they now love this jerk Cuomo. It will take a return to the crime of the 70’s and 80’s and a nearly bankrupt NYC and NY state before a wake up call goes out; don’t count on it.

belief in God | The Word of Me... one of the first things they learn is textual criticism. They’re looking at all the existing papyruses and scrolls and so forth and learning about the recension of the texts the tortuous and often controversial historical path from Hebrew, Greek, and Latin versions of the books of the Bible and all the Apocryphal books that got rejected ...

pigs and battleships: 17 July 2005 Linklater's a gifted director of actors and a master of light comic timing. Billy Bob is one of the great actors. But why am I more motivated to plunk down $10 to watch the Butterscotch Stallion and his buddy crash weddings than to behold a collaboration of two modern American masters? Likewise, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are both visionaries, but the buzz does not …

The Rectification of Names: Election Eve cheap shots 07, 2016 · — Deplorable Elizabeth (@pteet1) November 7, 2016 This was the one for me. I've been seeing references to anti-Semitism in the Trump campaign as it works its way toward Göpperdämmerung, most scarily as noted by Josh Marshall, but it's this one that spoke to me really directly as a postmodern Blood Libel, bringing together the ultrapowerful Jewish …

"Masters of Sex" Book Excerpt -- "Betrayals" -- What"Masters of Sex" Book Excerpt -- "Betrayals" -- What Happened to Bill, Libby and Virginia Johnson When The Masters Marriage Exploded ... I can’t imagine being friends with the first wife. Normally there. isn’t any love lost between the first and second wife. But Gini and ... was the other woman—cherchez la femme—who wormed her way.

Butch Otter and Idaho Nuclear Tourism 27, 2015 · Idaho Governor Butch Otter recently said some warming things about nuclear energy. Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter said collaboration with the private sector is crucial to improving education in the state, and nuclear energy and advanced nuclear manufacturing will connect the state government, universities and the private sector.

JoyZeeBoy: January 2011 need to put it out there that I went out on a date last week. It was the first "real" date I think I've ever been on. Growing up in the 50's and 60's didn't provide a lot of relationship-testing dating opportunities for a gay kid from the suburbs of Wilmington, Delaware.

Our Shit for Brains President | Bill's Links And More’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president begin with a look back at the shit storm that was the first complete year of his failed presidency while making himself the center of attention for all the wrong reasons, Trump’s biggest con, Trump seeks credit for Women’s march – just not the credit he deserves for it ...

Now for what dominated the news cycle yesterday. Han Solo ... 12, 2015 · Courtesy of USA Today : Harrison Ford was injured Thursday afternoon when his vintage single-engine airplane crashed on a golf course...

from Jon and Margaret Scott in Mozambique | The Least, First 28, 2006 · Here’s a grand update from our friends Jon and Margaret. We met in Bucharest in 1998. They’ve served in Mozambique since (if I recall) 2000. Hope you enjoy it …

11 | August | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 11, 2018 · Not only did the first couple’s rebellion impact their own lives but it also had far broader implications: All future generations would suffer. In Romans 5:12-19, the apostle Paul explains why. Through the trespass of one man, Adam, sin made its entrance into the world, and death resulted for all mankind.

The apparent fall of Debaltsevo ... - Mercury Rising ?? 10, 2015 · Added: IBT and NYT report a ceasefire is at hand. Reuters denies this. Let's hope the former is correct. _____ A Kievan irregular unit that uses Nazi insignia, the Azov Battalion, is credited with pushing the rebels away from Mariupol, an important port. Maxim Tucker, Kyiv Post: Ukraine's Azov Battalion, famed for its near-suicidal bravery…

JustOneMinute: Jack The Ripper Unmasked? lives! WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Jack the Ripper unmasked: How amateur sleuth used DNA breakthrough to identify Britain's most notorious criminal 126 years after string of terrible murders DNA evidence on a shawl found at Ripper murder scene nails killer By...

There is No Legitimate Reason to Impose Sanctions on Iran 09, 2018 · It depicts two angels, the woman feeding water to a bird and the man with a gun in his lap. They have their backs to each other. It looks like hope has been banished. But, the picture has a strong name – put your gun down. That was the message of the 2015 nuclear agreement and the message against sanctions, another form of war.

Life in the "Pitt" eclectic look at the world ... from Pittsboro! As some of you might know, Pat and I have made our escape from the suburban sprawl of North Atlanta and have relocated to a quirky little town in North Carolina called Pittsboro. We are about 20 miles from Chapel Hill down the infamous highway 15-501. I decided to start a blog to keep everyone up-to-date on our adventures in the "Pitt", as we …

A NJ Town Illustrates the Unintended Consequences of Harsh ... Suffolk County legislature refuses to learn from Riverside, NJ's experience. Editor's note: Be sure to sign up for our new weekly immigration newsletter, and get all of our coverage of this ...

The Useless Tree: A Taoist Businessman 10, 2010 · Actually, in the West, there seems to be a dearth of information or rather knowledge about Daoism as a popular religion. From a cursory glance it seems to be a partial knock-off of Buddhism, although I'm personally peeved that they took out the part where Daoist nuns (wasn't there a 16-year-old celebrity in the Tang dynasty?) are expected to sleep around …

Thoughts on the Stewart/Colbert Rally to Restore Sanity ... was the entrance of Kareem Abdul Jabbar, towering over the scene. John Legend sounded a lot like Gil Scot Heron, at least to this seventies denizen. But it was the overall effect, the high production and performance values, and the creativity and positive energy of the very large crowd that made for a marvelous day.

Burkean Reflections: America's Immigration Charade 23, 2007 · America's Immigration Charade The United States is not serious about immigration enforcement, argues Christopher Jencks in his recent article on immigration at the New York Review of Books . Immigration "control" is all a charade, he argues.

moments | My Pathetic Life… 04, 2008 · But it has nothing to do with my real life since it cannot cross over the fine thin line of all the neurons that make up our brain, nothing; but the fragment of my imagination. To all that has been dreamt is as lovely as it had been written down on paper or on media recording it for eternity sake for it never be left to die.

Advice From A Fake Consultant: May 2008 15, 2008 · In a kind of unexpected way the Jury Assembly Room is a bit like flying—there’s a security checkpoint and its accompanying lines, everyone is confined for hours to a relatively small space with relatively little to do, and there’s an hour-and-a half “layover” in the middle that allows you to escape into the world outside.

Various Sources: Pervert Tries to Lure 7 Year-old Girl ... are looking for a man in his teens or early 20s, with sandy-brown spiky hair. He was wearing blue jeans and a blue t-shirt Friday evening. Both the Post and the Daily News have pictures of the heroic pit bull, who is adorable looking. (GOOD DOG, by triborough at flickr) Hero Pooch Saves 7-year-old Queens Girl

David Drake: Rev. Jeremiah Wright Calls Italians "Garlic ... post! Here is even more info about it...The question becomes one of judgment, character, integrity, honesty and intelligence. If I were to believe Obama’s defense that he didn’t, and still doesn’t, know what was, and still is, going on at his church for 20 years, then, in my opinion, he must not be very observant nor intelligent, and does not possess sensible judgement.

Orange Julius Caesar | The Illogical Seminary 16, 2018 · Ha! I’d love it if someone in the press can ask him what was wrong with it in the first place and what improvements he wanted to make. But you and I know he doesn’t know, it’s just because that black bastard Obama signed it and that’s why Sarah Sanders is out there lying in his stead about her boss who turns everything he touches to shit.

Health | DNN Daily News Network Newser (Newser Summary) – Healthy people shouldn’t be taking aspirin, according to a new study. The drug doesn’t actually reduce the risk of heart attack, as many of the “worried well” have long believed, British scientists told a medical conference, but it does nearly double the risk they’ll be hospitalized with internal bleeding.

11 | January | 2015 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 11, 2015 · These have no root. Luke 8:13 My soul, examine yourself this morning by the light of this text.You have received the Word with joy; your feelings have been stirred, and a lively impression has been made. But, remember, to receive the Word in the ear is one thing, and to receive Jesus into your very soul is quite another; superficial feeling is often joined to inward hardness of heart, and a ...

Remembering Steven McDonald, a NYPD legend who just died ... 15, 2017 · Friday was a very emotional day in New York City, especially if you've lived here for a while or grew up in the city or on Long Island, as I did. In 1986 a 29-year-old police officer named Steven McDonald, whose wife was pregnant …

civic ignorance | Sheila Kennedy I give presentations like the one I recently posted, addressing deficits in civic literacy and the extent of American ignorance of our constitutional system, I often include a statistic from a 2011 survey: only 36% of Americans can name the three branches of government. Audiences tend to gasp. Only 36%! How awful! Well, the Annenberg Public Policy Center has just …

Avedon's Sideshow: Me and my baby love Saturday nights 19, 2014 · Avedon Carol and Jay Ackroyd are the panelists for the Easter edition of Virtually Speaking Sundays.Listen live or later at the link. Jon Walker was the guest on Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd, discussing what we want to happen and what is likely to happen once marijuana is legalized.Meanwhile, Lee Camp says, "Police Spend Millions Of Hours Arresting People For This …

THE UNDERWRITER: December 2008 31, 2008 · Yes, an age of creative crisis but it is not Hip-Hop that is on trial. It is your moral code. And if you wish to go on existing in this culture, what you now need is not to return to creativity but to discover it. Sincerely Yours, Mike Jordan a.k.a. The Underwriter a.k.a. the black John Galt a.k.a. The Best Writer Alive a.k.a. Jihad ...

03 | May | 2020 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 03, 2020 · One of the biggest keys to effective prayer is approaching God as a friend, because that is who you are (see John 15:15). When we go to God believing that He sees us as His friends, countless new wonders are opened to us. We experience real freedom and boldness, which are both priceless gifts to be grateful for.

Poland Resists the Sodomite Agenda - Blogger 22, 2019 · Saturday's march was one of 24 parades scheduled to take place this year in Poland -- a record number that campaigners say is a reaction to the uptick of homophobic and transphobic language by Poland's Catholic leaders and PiS. Your Soros shekels at work. The jewish pressure increases against the last healthy White nations.

Green Eagle: It's All Just Zionist Propaganda'm sorry to spend so much time on the Israel-Hamas conflict, but it is one of the most persistent sources of misinformation in the world today, and much of that misinformation is being swallowed whole by the sort of person who might read this blog, i.e. left wingers, who seem to be ready at a moment's notice to take Hamas' side in its war against Israel.

Is the American Revolution Dead? | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 28, 2011 · Below is an article posted on Op Ed News by Susan Lindauer, a U.S. Asset and one of the very first non-Arab Americans indicted on the Patriot Act, accused of acting as an “Iraqi Agent” for opposing the War. She was imprisoned on Carswell Air Force Base for a year without a trial. The Patriot Act: When Truth Becomes Treason

Who Hijacked Our Country: Teabaggers Scared Shitless of ... 08, 2010 · The endless slogans about America being “Number One,” “unique in the world,” a “beacon of light” — Manifest Destiny in other words — deeply, deeply ingrained in the teabaggers’ belief system. The rest of the world is just a big blob of socialists, peasants and people of Other Religions. America is Different. Special.

No More Mister Nice Blog: WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING THUGS, BE ... 07, 2018 · Here's a quote from Jonathan Swan's latest Axios piece, which tells us that President Trump repeatedly pressured Jeff Sessions to reverse his recusal in the Russia investigation, and also pressed him to investigate Hillary Clinton: “It’s not just payback; it’s punishment. It’s never enough to win. There’s never too much blood. There’s never too many guts on the floor.

John F. Kennedy | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog McNamara was the most influential defense secretary of the 20th century. Serving Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson from 1961 to 1968, he oversaw hundreds of military missions, thousands of nuclear weapons and billions of dollars in military spending and foreign arms sales.

OpenlineBlog: Man Arrested While Walking Black 10, 2016 · Anonymous said... Pretty clear the cops were the ones escalating this situation, also clear the black guy was acting like a nigger. So, both sides were wrong.

February 2015 | Bud Meyers 03, 2015 · St. Louis Fed (PDF): "Since June 2009, private-sector employment has increased by about 10 million, more than offsetting the decline that occurred during the recession. However, unlike in the recession, the majority of job gains were in the low-paying industries. Of the 10 million increase in private nonfarm jobs during the current expansion, about 61 percent, 6.1 million, were in low-paying ...

December | 2009 | Veritas Nihilum Vincet | Page 2 he who has not peed through the mail slot of some chick he thought was hot cast the first stone. From Japan (of course):. Police said that 22-year-old Yuuki Oshima, a resident of Noda Cioty, visited the woman’s apartment after midnight on Nov 19 and urinated through the mail slot in the door onto a towel that was hung inside to keep people from peeping into the apartment.

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump's propaganda network is ... 04, 2017 · In 2015, Russia hosted a delegation from the National Rifle Association, one of America’s most influential conservative lobby groups, which included David Keene, then-president of the NRA and now editor of the Washington Times editorial page, which regularly features voices calling for a friendlier relationship with Moscow."Russian ...

James Hansen’s Supervisor Calls Him An Embarrassment 28, 2009 · Well whatta ya know. Dr. John S. Theon, a scientist formerly with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, and formerly the supervisor of the man, the myth, the legend in his own mind….Dr. James Hansen, is now calling Hansen an embarrassment to NASA:. Washington DC, Jan 27th 2009: NASA warming scientist James Hansen, one of former Vice-President Al Gore’s closest …

Today in contempt for the working class - Blogger himself would no more drink a shot and a beer than appear in a noh drama, though he's been known to try to make people feel comfortable about smoking cigarettes (smoking doesn't kill, big government kills), which is one of those real working class things, like heroin addiction and gun suicide, but working class people don't get any of the ...

Told you so. II: The Syrian Burke Brigades 24, 2015 · An internal C.I.A. study..., one of several C.I.A. studies commissioned in 2012 and 2013 in the midst of the Obama administration’s protracted debate about whether to wade into the Syrian civil war, concluded that many past attempts by the agency to arm foreign forces covertly had a minimal impact on the long-term outcome of a conflict.

NoFo: What is the good of the strongest heart? first thing they did was put an oxygen mask on me. Then they gave me a baby aspirin. Which in the back of my mind was actually kind of funny; it took five burly guys and two huge emergency vehicles to race across Chicago to deliver me an emergency baby aspirin. Then they gave me nitroglycerin. And I was back to reality.

Cake or Death? — LiveJournalhttps://marcy-bon-silk.livejournal.comI couldn't watch the first two periods since I was at work, but I got to listen to the first half of the third on the radio on the way home, and the last ten minutes at home. Oh my fuck. Several of my friends were able to go, so I was a trifle jealous, but it doesn't really matter now.

Great Art | TheZoo Day of the Dead is a celebration held every year on November 1 and 2, mostly in southern and central Mexico, but celebrations are held all over the world — sometimes called “All Saints Day” or “All Souls Day.” They are days to remember departed loved one, and celebrate their lives with prayer, food, flowers, and sugar skulls that bear the name of the departed on the forehead.

Southern Miss | Wide World of Stuff 05, 2012 · This is definitely a trend I hope continues. A few years ago a bunch of college baseball teams, bored out of their minds during rain delays, began entertaining the crowd and themselves by doing bizarre skits on the field. The latest entrant to this wonderful craze are the …

December | 2008 | Hello, Negro 25, 2008 · Yahoo – Dec 25, 2008 – A family friend says Eartha Kitt, a sultry singer, dancer and actress who rose from South Carolina cotton fields to become an international symbol of elegance and sensuality, has died. She was 81. Andrew Freedman says Kitt died Thursday of colon cancer and was recently treated at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York.. Kitt, a self-proclaimed “sex kitten ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: PAYNE RAPER 09, 2007 · 35 Comments: Anonymous said.... I hate to say it or think it but I have a feeling St.Paul has lost the communities trust and many people are afraid to get involved in anything with the law enforcement officers, there has to be some trust between them in order for then to work together and better serve the community.

It Just Makes Sensehttps://anaxblog.blogspot.comApr 19, 2009 · Well folks, how it is done.. If they can do it to William Shakespeare, they can do it to anyone. Here's a guy, wrote 36 plays unparalled in excellence, are known the world over, are the bases for "hit movies," changed literature and human thought forever, but if The Powers That Be decide they want to take away what is yours, well, too bad, you lose.

Event: Case Studies In New York City Property Development ... 06, 2014 · Event: Case Studies In New York City Property Development - On behalf of my group, Common Ground-NYC, and the Henry George School, please come to a seminar on the effect of under-taxing NYC land ...

Permanent supportive housing and crime | 04, 2011 · Helen Ross McNabb opened a new permanent supportive housing facility in South Knoxville this week. Located on Baker Ave., the eight-unit apartment building will provide housing for single-parent households where one or more family members have a mental health disability.

Balkinization: To Our Great Shame criticism, both from myself and a very large number of legal scholars, is that this work is bad lawyering and that it twists precedents and misinterprets laws, treaties, and the U.S. Constitution. For example, here is my discussion back in July of 2004, of Youngstown and its …

heaven | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Yes. While that may be a delicious thought to many, it’s pointless.. We all know now that Cheney was the puppet master running the government behind the mask of President-in-name-only, George W. Bush, and was primarily responsible for the Iraq War, that boondoggle of military aggression that is the partial reason why the economy is in such a funk these last few years.

'Uhhhhh' Trump falters as reporter pins him down on ... it was what came immediately before that line that was the most telling. Trump had been rambling on about how “Every time you do a test, it shows more and more cases” and “You’re showing people that are asymptomatic, you’re showing people that have very little problem, you’re showing young people that don’t have a problem.”

McCain Family: The Black McCains | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 21, 2008 · Denied black relative urges McCain to accept ancestry Raw Story- David Edwards and Stephen C. Webster Published: Monday October 20, 2008 The McCain family has a proud tradition in the United States. They fought for integration of the south, resisted the Ku Klux Klan, led civil rights campaigns and left a lasting mark on the…

The Debate Link: Jesus Christ to be boring, but I still agree with you. Well, maybe I don't buy your causal story whole-hog, but it seems like we're on the same page about there being a social norm that says for most Americans, most of the time, making fun of Jesus is a more appropriate behavior than making fun of …

Harry Reid is officially on my shit list | 43rd State Senator Reid: Yesterday's senate passage of the FISA bill, with telecom immunity intact and a dozen other faults, was the last straw. Not only do I not want to see future emails from you (remove [email protected] from your 'GiveEmHellHarry' email list) but I plan to find and support any efforts that exist to remove you from your Senate leadership seat, and will actively campaign for any true ...

TigerHawk Magazine describes "the model" Islamic American school.Here's a girl's basketball game: Egyptian blogger Big Pharoah doesn't know whether to laugh or cry: I couldn't stop laughing when I read Time's account of the Universal School in Bridgeview, Illinois.

Notes in Samsara: We are the Greatest Bullshit Artists 08, 2019 · There just aren't the blogs around that there were even 10 years ago. I'll have to check again, but it seems that good American Buddhist writing is hard to find. And that's because I submit the mission of "Buddhist" blogs was somewhat ill-begotten back when blogging was the rage.

Notes in Samsara: January 2019 09, 2019 · There just aren't the blogs around that there were even 10 years ago. I'll have to check again, but it seems that good American Buddhist writing is hard to find. And that's because I submit the mission of "Buddhist" blogs was somewhat ill-begotten back when blogging was the rage.

Common And Uncommon Sensehttps://commonanduncommonsense.blogspot.comIt was the happiest day of my life; and I long for the day when marriage equality will be a given in these United States. There will always be people who are against this and often these people cite religious reasons for their unreadiness. But not a religious matter.

The Immoral Minority: John McCain's wife to join ... 11, 2017 · Cindy McCain is expected to be offered a role in President Trump’s State Department, according to a Monday report in The Daily Beast. McCain, who is married to outspoken Trump critic Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), is reportedly the president’s pick for a post at Foggy Bottom and may hold the title of “U.S. ambassador-at-large for human ...

ChoicePoint « Scanlyze 23, 2008 · This is the danger represented by the US Other Government Agencies (and there are a lot, not just the familiar three letter ones). By compiling transactional and source data a profile can be built for a person by which their secrets can be revealed. Even the fear that this *might* happen will be a a strong motivator for most.

Deplorables Claim George Floyd Isn't Really DeadRDTdaily 09, 2020 · Deplorables Claim George Floyd Isn’t Really Dead Posted by: Darrell Lucus , June 9, 2020 For almost a decade, bottom-feeders on both the left and the right have insisted that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a giant hoax.

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: The Greatest NBA Players of ..., second, if you review Karl Malone’s all-time MVP balloting, not a guy who ever had a huge run of 5 or 6 consecutive top 3 finishes. He got his two MVPs, in part, because people were tired of voting for Jordan. Generally, 1984-87 Bird was the best player in …

Did MSM & GOP Blogs Cover Friday's Hearing? - Progress Pond 24, 2005 · Larry Johnson and Pat Lang felt discouraged Friday night. The mainstream media had written scantily about the testimony by Johnson, the former CIA and State Dept. intelligence analyst, and his mentor Lang, a retired colonel and intelligence expert, before the “Hearing on Security Implications of Revealing Covert Agent’s Identity” (PDF format) on july 22, 2005. […]

The Useless Tree: The US Supreme Court does the Mencian thing Sam, A couple of quibbles: It seems to me that Roberts’ opinion emphasized that the court was making no judgment on public policy. The court’s job was to adjudicate whether a particular statute was consistent with a particular set of national by-laws; and this wasn’t the sort of case where principles from the constitution raise issues of policy such as you have in mind.

The Useless Tree: Chen Guangcheng: It ain't over 'til it's ... news this morning, that Chen, with his family, may be able to travel to the US to study at NYU, is good.Let's hope it works out. But, as we have most chaotically learned in …

The Writer in Black: Nobody wants to take your guns one who clings to the "The Second only applies to government 'militias'" creed (never mind that the first time that came up was in the Miller case in 1939 and the Supreme Court's decision, despite the government arguing their case unchallenged, was only on the basis of whether the weapon had a militia use, not whether the deceased Miller (why his side wasn't even presented) had been a ...

PrunePicker: Tram ride and Jackson Farmers Market 10, 2010 · Captain Thomas Munson was the first Munson to move to America. He was baptized in Rattlesden, England in 1612. The baptismal font is still in use. He served in the militia in the Pequot Indian Wars in 1637. He served in the militia all his life and reached the status of Captain. His signature is on the founding document for New Haven, Connecticut.

November | 2019 | The Illogical Seminary is flying everywhere and I don’t envy anyone in the journo profession who is doing their best to get the signal out from the noise, because I can’t keep up. That is by design, of course. To use a Trumpism: There’s a lot of shit, believe me. I guess the first thing on my mind is …

The 'Mother of All Bombs' is Big, Deadly — and Won't Lead the first days of the Afghan war, we were told that US airpower was no match for the ragtag, poor, uneducated Taliban religious fanatics. Indeed, we saw the precursor to the MOAB used right after the US invasion in 2001. It was the so-called Daisy Cutter, named after the shape of the crater it leaves, weighing 15,000 pounds.

MSNBC sinks to new low, blames Chris Stevens for his own ... 16, 2014 · Frankly, after an hour of Fox in the morning, one has about as much news as one is going to get. So I wandered over to MSNBC for a morning charge, usually more potent than a double Expresso. In one of the most absurd diatribes regarding the Benghazi attacks, it is now Stevens fault for…

01 | December | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 01, 2014 · “God . . . has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power.

The Rectification of Names: The Perils of Feminism Albright, the first female secretary of state, give cover to President Clinton was a low point in women’s rights. As was the New York Times op-ed by Steinem , arguing that Lewinsky’s will was not violated, so no feminist principles were violated.

An Ontarian in Newfoundland: Ben Stein FAIL 21, 2010 · Chris in NF I'm an English professor. I completed my PhD at Western in September 2004, and was hired at Memorial University of Newfoundland. This blog started out as my way of keeping in touch with people -- giving friends and family the option of checking up on me at their leisure without the annoyance of frequent lengthy mass emails.

The Bottom Line on Toni Morrison's Papers: It's Her Choice 26, 2014 · Carolyn Moon Image Credit: Public Domain I'm one of many in pursuit of countless truths inherent in an array of issues. A good debate and the sharing of ideas and points of view can be intriguing as well as challenging.The basic theme of this blog, however, is to provide a forum for various perspectives on the many complex topics/events facing us today as well as interesting cultural ...

Behind the Times (subscription wall): 2006-10-15 KIRK SEMPLE Published: October 20, 2006 BAGHDAD, Oct. 20 — Hundreds of militiamen linked to the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr battled local police and members of a rival Shiite militia in the southeastern city of Amara today, destroying police stations and seizing control of entire neighborhoods, in apparent retaliation for the arrest of one of their fighters.

Sarah Vowell Vs. Steve Scher | Slog | The Stranger ... like it that S. Vowell happens to have some less-than-stellar or semi-disinterested media events. It's refreshing to see/hear a lady be sarcastic, bored, snide. One doesn't often see that in ladies in the media. For real. I'd much rather listen to a woman who is exhausted and borderline snotty than a woman who is peppy or enthusiastic.

April | 2007 | The Opinion Mill | Page 8 10, 2007 · This is from an essay about the criticisms aimed at three recent books — Breaking the Spell by Daniel Dennett, The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, and The End of Faith by Sam Harris — that argue against religion:. . . the problem with arguing with a religious person, say a Christian, or to be even more specific, say a Catholic, is that you have no idea what she actually believes.

From Being Bullied to Being a Star | BroadBlogs 09, 2013 · Homecoming week was the worst. Some students created a giant poster with her picture on it, took it to a pep rally and chanted, “You are ugly.” Afterwards, they chased her from the bleachers and drenched her with water guns. Britney tried to kill herself, but …

Native America: Living on Fry Bread Alone? By Daniel Fan ... 31, 2010 · See which stand makes more money at the end of the night. White people aren’t going to recognize elephant ears as fry bread, but they’d probably walk away from the fry bread stand saying “hey, just an elephant ear.” I would love to take folks to a Native American restaurant and open the course with fry bread.

The Rectification of Names: Restless Natives 22, 2018 · MS. HOCHSCHILD: Yeah, to come in with that public money, which came from taxes — they then can make donations to the Audubon Society or for new football uniforms for LSU games. They’re looking good and setting up third grade classes in chemistry. Meanwhile, the state officials, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, is being very weak and giving out permits, as one of …

Dear so and so | Iceberg Wedge Sarah Palin, If this was your High School yearbook what I would write to you (not that your bitch ass self would have asked me to sign your Moosewood High yearbook anyway….but).

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump has screwed things up ... 04, 2017 · “The reality is the one consistent theme of Breitbart over the years, which is hatred of Paul Ryan, they did everything possible to beat Paul Ryan last year — there’s been no love lost,” he added. “Steve Bannon made it absolutely clear that one of his missions was to destroy Paul Ryan. so I think you are seeing that playing ...

hillsboro | Jefferson County Penknife, this is one of those issues that some don’t want to touch with a 10-foot pole, because having the “wrong” opinion can have severe consequences. But I want to discuss the recent developments. Three members of the Hillsboro school board resigned in the past few days.

Why anyone who is anyone wants Julian Assange dead ... 15, 2019 · I have never been to war. Other than being mugged twice in West Philadelphia I never have feared for my life. I still feel that cold metal pressed against my spine. It only lasted a few minutes. For that and other reasons, I never passed judgement on those willing to go into the killing…

Balkinization: Re-Diagramming the Recess Appointments Clause of the three issues in the recess appointments case being argued this Monday, Noel Canning, is whether the vacancy must arise, or merely exist, during a Senate recess. Although the parties have briefed this question extensively, they have opted not to address one plausible reading of the text that supports the “exist” reading that had prevailed for almost two centuries until Noel Canning.

Perhaps the most important thing we learned from the ... 08, 2017 · Perhaps the most important thing we learned from the Senate Intelligence hearing yesterday. Courtesy of WaPo : In a moment that stunned the hearing room, Watts (Clinton Watts, a senior fellow at the George Washington Center for Cyber and Homeland Security) flatly stated that the president himself has become a cog in such Russian measures.

The Rectification of Names: Happy Independence Day 04, 2012 · Try to watch it once through with your eye focused on Ginger, who is more than usually incandescent in her silent role. Ballet Paula Gasparini, São Paulo, 2011. The video is not very good and the orchestra seems to be having some trouble here and there, but I like the special spelling of the title and the Balanchinerie of the women's arms.

memeorandum: NY Times Wants to Know About Your High School 23, 2018 · Graham: Ford's testimony won't change my vote — Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday the testimony of Brett Kavanaugh's accuser won't change his mind, no matter what she says.— “You can't bring it in a criminal court, you would never sue civilly, you couldn't even get a warrant,” Graham said on “Fox News Sunday” with Chris Wallace.

Dkos | caucus99percent yes. I went there. Everyone of these "Leaders" needs to be primaried. Maybe Dkos should have paid attention to its own polls of Members leading up to 2016?

conservative lies | Left is Right there was the one about Obama’s draconian income tax plan. The email (intentionally) failed to take into account how marginal tax rates work, instead calculating taxes owed based on the using the highest marginal tax rate on an individual’s entire income.

Feigning Cries Of Voter Fraud - Michigan Conservatives Network 30, 2010 · Seems like since the 2000 election the extreme cries of voter fraud have escalated to peak levels. Yes there has always been some level of anger over apparent 'voter fraud' through the years, but recently the cries seem to have reached a loud and peaked level. …

The 47ers - "Tell me you are conservative. Tell me you ... now you find out that Trump, the GOP candidate, sent you instructions at 3am to go watch a sex tape with a former Miss Universe who insulted him—one that doesn’t even exist. (As it turns out, there was a sex tape that was uncovered, but it was a 2000 Playboy soft-core porn that starred Donald Trump!) Your candidate. 7.

Tenured Radical: AHA Day 3: A Cautionary Tale 03, 2009 · AHA Day 3: A Cautionary Tale ... If, like me, you're the sort of person who is given calm and focus from such information, then by all means, use it. This is not to say that I haven't had my bad moments. But overall, finding the wiki made this year's market …

Next Left: Are the Tories the real champions of diversity?, says Daniel Hannan, who is backing Diane Abbott for the Labour leadership, while insisting that the Conservatives can claim a much stronger record than Labour on diversity and representation: "You see, in our unfussy way, we ghastly Right-wingers have ended up with a more pluralist and representative party than Labour".

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead Archives ... first totem pole in the community to be raised in over 160 years will be the featured event during the celebration of Aboriginal Day across the harbour. The background of the community and of the pole's creator was featured as the front page, headline story (see story here)

Grading the second bananas – monoblogue 25, 2014 · A fellow Delegate was the selection of Doug Gansler in October. Jolene Ivey , of Prince George’s County, brought the requisite balance to the ticket as both being a woman and of mixed race, but perhaps was more useful to Gansler as a counterbalance to Anthony Brown’s background in Prince George’s County.

Next Left: Why David Cameron is "Change" that Murdoch Can 06, 2010 · 3. Cameron will make Parliamentary time to reduce the abortion time limit - and vote for a reduction himself. 4. Cameron will cut inheritance tax to give £ £2 million can be inherited tax free, even though the first £325,0000 (or £650,000 for couples) is tax free now. 5. Cameron supports legislating to introduce an annual legal cap on ...

Felix Fraga – Off the first election for District H in 1979 was won by Dale Gorczynski, who is now a Justice of the Peace in JP Precinct 1. Here are the returns from that election: James M. Goins 1,181 Willie D. Hatchett 1,719 Herman Lauhoff 3,977 Russel Stanley 305 Anne Wheeler 2,824 Dale M. Gorczynski 3,274

Article: Bush and Cheney: Hard Liquor and Loose Women ... individual, who is definitely "newsworthy," reportedly engaged the services of Palfrey's escort firm while he was the CEO and maintained a residence off Chain Bridge Road in the Ballantrae ...

A Racist, Messianic Rabbi Is King Of Israel ... racist, messianic rabbi is the ruler of Israel Rabbi of Kiryat Arba municipality, Dov Lior, returned from questioning on charges of incitement after publishing his approval of a book discussing when it is acceptable to kill non-Jews under Halacha, to his well-paid position and teaching at Nir hesder yeshiva.

31 | March | 2019 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 31, 2019 · Patience, however, is a virtue that is developmental in nature, to a large degree. It is the result of walking in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23). It develops out of a good heart and a godly attitude (Luke 8:15). It is spawned sometimes during times of tribulation. Remember, it is a fruit of the Spirit.

Article: A U.K. Bank shuts down Russia Today's ... - OpEdNews 18, 2016 · Article: A U.K. Bank shuts down Russia Today's Bank Account - U.K. Bank shuts down RT account, following on other 'sanctions' against Russia for supposed war crimes no different than our own ...

Cities Need a New Old Philosophy: Justice - Gapers Block 18, 2014 · Since at least the early 1990s, big city governments have reoriented to a philosophy of governance rooted in free-market and entrepreneurial principles. In the early 1990s, this orientation for urban administration was described as "the New Public Management" by academics like Peter Aucoin. This entrepreneurial government philosophy was meant ...

What the Media isn’t Telling You About North Korea’s 04, 2017 · But it hasn’t happen. Trump has turned out to be a bigger bust than Obama, which is pretty bad. He not only refuses to negotiate but he also delivers bellicose threats almost every day. This isn’t what the North was expecting. They were expecting a “non interventionist” leader who might be receptive to a trade-off.

Obama: Fox News Is Ultimately Destructive To Country’s ... 28, 2010 · President Obama has not been shy in the past expressing his views of Fox News. It is always encouraging to hear him or his spokespersons articulate clear-eyed perspectives of the network that has made it their mission to destroy his administration and elevate hostility to unprecedented levels.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com the fluids ran out of their bodies, they appeared like withered, spoiled fruits. They could have lived, certainly should have lived – and laughed and danced, and run and played- but instead they were brutally murdered. Yes, murdered! The war ended for those children, but it has never ended for survivors who carry memories of them.

Getting a New Paperwhite? | 04, 2012 · Perhaps the one thing I didn't like about the original Kindle was the lack of a backlight. Everything else about it, no complaints. So maybe. I'm getting quite a bit of use out of the Fire that I got last year, even with its dearth of support for a lot of Droid apps (yes, yes, rootkit, blah...

Methland by Nick Reding: Moral Maximizing and the Drug War ... just finished Methland, by Nick Reding, an in-depth portrait of the fall and hopeful rise of a small American town, Oelwein, Iowa, and a few individuals touched by the meth epidemic there. What makes the book most powerful are the portraits that Reding is able to draw of the town having spent 4 years getting to know both the drug dealers ...

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com the war in Afghanistan (2001–present), over 31,000 civilian deaths due to war-related violence have been documented; 29,900 civilians have been wounded. Over 111,000 Afghans, including civilians, soldiers and militants, are estimated to have been killed in the conflict. The Cost of War project estimated that the number who have died through indirect causes related to the war may be as ...

The Future That Hollywood Feared Is Happening Now while families will pay less for a “Trolls” rental than they would on several movie tickets, the price still compares unfavorably to a monthly Netflix subscription ($8.99 to $15.99). The streaming behemoth is well-suited to ride out the pandemic, and its summer slate remains unaffected.

Pakistan | The Smirking 11, 2019 · Pakistan hit international headlines because it was the subject of Donald Trump’s first tweet of 2018. The country will have a small but everlasting place in history. Trump is the man who immediately after being elected US President telephoned the then prime minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, to say Pakistan is “a fantastic country ...

The Immoral Minority: Nazi armband wearing racist harasses ... 04, 2017 · ot Former White House aide Sebastian Gorka is joining a little-known group known as the “MAGA Coalition,” Axios reported early Tuesday. The news outlet said Gorka will serve as the group’s “chief strategist,” and his first appearance for the group will be at rally in Montgomery, Ala. on Thursday to support former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore's Senate bid.

Frontloading HQ: The Electoral College Map (10/26/08) 08, 2008 · Missouri was the only state on the Watch List (those states most likely to change categories) to have a new poll released on Saturday, and really, the Show-Me state along with Florida are the states to watch most closely every day.

Obama Warns the Super Committee - Progress Pond 11, 2011 · The president made some phone calls today from Air Force One while he was headed to Hawai’i for an economic conference. From there, he continues on to China and he won’t be back until a mere three days before the super committee hits its deadline for producing a deficit reduction package. President Obama called the […]

read my mind: Houstan, Texas Hit Hard By Hurricane Harvey! first task is clearing the 200 million cubic yards of debris — enough to fill the football stadium at Texas A&M University 125 times — left in Harvey’s wake. The American Red Cross reported that 5,258 people spent Wednesday night in 28 shelters strewn across the Texas coast, mostly in Houston and Harris County — down from more than ...

Howard Dean | The BRAD BLOG past years, NK has 'celebrated' by testing firing new missiles or nuclear weapons. This year, Kim Jong-Un did attempt to fire a missile, but it reportedly blew during the launch. The failure was the latest in an unusual string of similarly failed tests in the isolated nation recently.

Not Since The Great Depression – In Saner Thought 11, 2020 · “The employment situation summary at the start of this year was the best it had been in the 13 years I have obsessively tracked these numbers, and a lot of good things were starting to happen for a lot of people as a result. And now, it’s gone.” If you do not like that analysis then here are a couple other sources to look at…..

Punching Through the Bad Headlines | The Smirking, but it is a satisfying relief to pull up a major media site and see these alternative names in big bold font, and all subsequent references equally insulting. It is in its second iteration. Originally it was just 'Some Rich Asshole', and that was the single replacement term.

The Alarming Rise of Civilian Deaths in the War On Terror 11, 2001 · But it was the U.S.-led bombing campaigns in Raqqa for which civilians and their city paid the highest price. The April 2019 Amnesty International report title sums it up: “Rhetoric versus Reality: How the ‘most precise air campaign in history’ left Raqqa the most destroyed city in modern times.” The assault was relentless.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Secret Science Club Post-Lecture ... 06, 2016 · Last night, I headed down to the beautiful Bell House, in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn, for this month's Secret Science Club lecture featuring Dr Hod Lipson, profession of mechanical engineering and director of the Creative Machines Lab at Columbia University. The subject of Dr Lipson's lecture was AI and robotics. Dr Lipson began his lecture by declaring that, after two decades of …

Black or White, We're All the Same | Bud Meyers took me day-and-night for 6 months to write my 530-page novel Say Goodbye to Poland.Youtube deleted about 20x that amount work when they deleted my previous video channel --- work that I had created over the course of 10 years -- from 2009 to 2019.

The GOP is Threatening Your Job | Eclectablog 29, 2012 · The way the Stimulus reversed the layoff crisis was obvious. But it couldn’t move fast enough to undo eight years of Bush/Cheney so the public bought into this baldfaced lie and gave the GOP the House of Representatives in 2010. Sabotage worked. Then, last summer, the House GOP did something unprecedented in American history.

2008 September 13 « Mercury Rising ?? 13, 2008 · 4 posts published by Charles II, MEC, and Phoenix Woman on September 13, 2008

Meeting Minutes | Exceptional Delaware below are the minutes from the 4/22/15 meeting of the Delaware House Education Committee. The bulk of the meeting was in regards to House Bill 50, the parent opt-out legislation. Also included are public letters of comment, remarks from DSEA, Delaware Secretary of Education Mark Murphy, and University of Delaware Professor Farley-Ripple.

Frank Giaccio | Bloviating also met President Trump and was invited to the Oval Office; to us, it was the feel-good story of the week. But we were warned … We compiled quite a few tweets from critics, but it seems fitting that the New York Times’ former labor reporter should be given special consideration.

Motivation | Biological Warfare | Aggression - Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Fake News Juggernaut Dies 05, 2018 · Fittingly, purveyor of paranormal and paranoiac misinformation Art Bell died on Friday the 13th.Bell was the originator of the syndicated Coast-to-Coast AM radio show, which began in 1992 as yet another right-leaning AM radio talk show, but quickly moved into paranormal subjects, such as Bigfoot, UFOs, psychic ability, and other exemplars of WOO! ! Until recently, I thought that Bell pioneered ...

Will Trump Go for an Easy Win in Venezuela? – Expat Chronicles 18, 2017 · Lopez has been jailed since February 2014 for inciting violence by calling for protests in 2014, which led to a violent state repression which resulted in 43 dead. The National Disgrace taking a picture with Tintori is a marked departure from Obama’s policy of basically leaving Venezuela alone to its own misery, opting for regional pressure ...

Stop Making Fun of Britney! | Slog | The Stranger's Blog ...! Britney Bobbles Baby; Comes This Close to Nervous Breakdown!. People, we have a situation on our hands. Britney Spears can’t take too much more criticism over the way she’s raising her baby, and she’s this close to going ba-zonkers.First, baby Sean Preston took a nose-dive out of his high chair, then Britney was spotted driving with Sean Preston on her lap, then earlier this ...

Contextual Criticism: 4/9/17 - 4/16/17* Many of his appointees come from Wall Street and are the same persons responsible for the great financial melt-down of 2008. His Treasury Secretary is none other than "Foreclosure King" Steve Mnuchin who is reputed to be without either conscience or feelings and …

15 | August | 2019 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 15, 2019 · But it is a worthy question only if people have intrinsic worth, and the only reason people have intrinsic worth is that they are the creations of One who is of ultimate worth. That person is God. So the question self- destructs for the naturalist or the pantheist. The question of the morality of evil or pain is valid only for a theist.

Out of Sight – Paul's 30, 2019 · This is what was initially reported: White House staff, coordinating Trump’s trip, told the Navy that the “USS John McCain needs to be out of sight” during the visit. Navy officials at Yokosuka draped the stern of the destroyer with a tarp to cover its name, then took the additional step of placing a barge between the McCain and the USS ...

Is Libra A Zebra? – Unsightly Mental 22, 2019 · “This is an order of magnitude more efficient than bitcoin will ever be,” says Ulrich Gallersdörfer, a researcher at Technical University of Munich focused on blockchain research. Gallersdörfer was the co-author on a recent paper in J oule finding that bitcoin operations emit more climate-warming gas than the country of Jordan. …

Guerrillas and Water - Sic Semper Tyrannis bigiraq1.gif. We have lost a lot of people in the last few days along the Euphrates River in western Anbar Province, Iraq. Haditha, all the little towns along the Euphrates near the Syrian border, the Haditha Dam and the Forward Operating Base (FOB) being built northwest of the dam on the Euphrates have all become a major focus of what offensive American military action there is in ...

Obama’s eligibility | We the People of the United States the Post & Email the following interview with our well known patriot from TD’s blog, Dr. Kate, tells of her plan for the Usurpathon. We all have been associated with Dr. Kate and her excellent articles at TD’s before her own blog opened, and we opened ours. Our beginning and hers were based on continuing to expose Obama’s ineligibility to serve as president because he is not a ...

Going Out In A Blaze of No Glory | Zero Tolerance For Silence 12, 2013 · Watch The President’s State of the Union or The Last Day in Chris Dorner’s Life? Both events are predictable, but only one matters. HINT: It’s not the loser who probably ate a bullet in a burning cabin. I’m amused by those who seem to believe Dorner is a modern-day Django.Well, sorry to spoil the movie if you haven’t seen it but Django rode away with his lady-love in the end.

medical issues | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities the Mind Fades Away: Remember When. Remember When was the first film directed by Jason Ramsey, a film that was produced on a bare-bones budget of only 25 dollars.This sadly tender short film is about a 30-year-old man who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, almost the youngest on record (the youngest is said to be a 29-year-old).

The Ashes — Crooked Timber 15, 2005 · Yoiks! Speaking as a UK resident, this series seems to have gripped the public imagination in a way cricket hasn’t since Before My Time. And for that matter the second Test even made the Dutch papers De Telegraaf, and the snootily intellectual NRC Handelsblad (the latter of which cheered itself up by hinting that the umpiring was biased in favour of the home side, and that Warne …

Aping the American Election Cycle In France; Russian ... 04, 2017 · Macron is the closest thing to a robot ever presented as a serious candidate for President. That is, he is an artificial creation designed by experts for a particular task. Emmanuel Macron, 39, was a successful investment banker who earned millions working for the Rothschild bank. Ten years ago, in 2007, age 29, the clever young economist was ...

Keeping Up the Fight Against the Muslim Ban | The Smirking first version of the Muslim Ban happened right as my grandfather was in the process of obtaining citizenship. His citizenship application was delayed for no obvious reason for years. It took legal action through the Council on American Islamic Relations to get his case resolved last year.

November | 2013 | Tomate Did What?! 21, 2002 · Yesterday was the most fantastic day I’ve had in years. It all started when my friend and his Dad picked me up (agoraphobia, remember) and, after picking up his friend, we rode down to the best pizza I have ever eaten at a place called Matthew’s Pizza.We had wonderous garlic bread and three kinds of pizza: pepperoni, everything but olives and the famous crab pizza.

Former child detention center worker Antar Davidson talks ... former child detention center worker who quit this week is sounding the alarm about the horrors of the Trump administration's policy of separating...

Election predictions - db0nus869y26v.cloudfront.net States gubernatorial elections were held on November 8, 2016 in 12 states and two territories. The last regular gubernatorial elections for nine of the 12 states took place in 2012.The last gubernatorial elections for New Hampshire, Oregon, and Vermont took place in 2014, as Oregon held a special election due to the resignation of governor John Kitzhaber, while the governors of New ...

Tickle The WireFBI Probes Claims That Baltimore Police 26, 2013 · Steve Neavling The FBI is investigating claims that a plainclothes unit of the Baltimore Police Department falsified reports to help their cases, the Baltimore Sun reports. The complaints come from Kendall Richburg, who served on the Violent Crimes Impact Section and was charged with federal drug and gun offenses. The Sun reported that Richburg […]

Moe's misunderestimations: Marion Nellermoe 27, 2010 · In my (very conservative) Philadelphia family (this was long before I was born), they were known as the 'parlor pinks.' She was the one who encouraged me to apply to Smith, and I still have one of her letters, with her distinctive large angular handwriting (much easier to decipher from about 3 feet away). Thanks for jogging my memory. Olive 10 ...

Mindy Montford – Off the it does is definitively ties Perry to the alleged criminal action of trying to coerce Lehmberg’s resignation. Remember that in the Tom DeLay case, one of the weaknesses of the prosecution’s case was the lack of direct evidence that linked DeLay to the money transfer. Mindy Montford provides that evidence for the Perry case quite nicely.

Balkinization: An Elusive Constitution, one of the main arguments of the book is indeed that the Constitution was an elusive object, subject to debate on everything from where it got its authority in the first place (who authorized that minority of white men to speak for everybody in 1787-88?), to who had the authority subsequently to impart meaning to the Constitution, to what ...

Lord Adonis « The Futility Monster couple of papers this morning are featuring the Tories sudden reversal of interest in backing a new high-speed rail line.Upon closer inspection, however, the story does not quite match the headline. Apparently, Labour and Lord Adonis are backing a very specific route, while the Tories have decided to become more coy over the issue, instead claiming that they will not back anything this side ...

NBA post-season | Geoausch 01, 2009 · In 2007, I watched all 82 games, as the Mavericks compiled a 67-15 record heading into the playoffs as the #1 seed against the #8 seed Golden State Warriors. In what still may be the biggest upset in professional sports post-season history, the Warriors dominated the round 1 series from the start, dispatching of the Mavs in six games.

Opinion Forum » Lincoln and the Civil 14, 2011 · Lincoln and the Civil War. February 8th, 2009. February 12, 2009 is the two-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln.. This anniversary is generating books, TV specials, and heightened attention to the most revered of American presidents. Many books have been written about Lincoln, some better than others.Fred Kaplan

07 | September | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 07, 2013 · Psalm 103:1-5. When Abraham was 99 years old, God promised him that his wife would have a son the following year. The Bible records Sarah’s response to the news: “Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, ‘After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?’” (Gen. 18:12 niv).

The Rectification of Names: Passover without Jews 21, 2017 · Brooks doesn't even know he's Jewish any more. In 2015 his Passover column mentioned God parting the Dead Sea (instead of the Red) and denied once again that Exodus is a story of liberation from slavery, and he celebrated by offering Jane Eisner, editor of America's preeminent Jewish newspaper, The Forward, a toasted bagel, in defiance of the Law presented to Moses by the Lord, …

A closer look at Mayoral campaign finances – Off the 30, 2013 · I said I’d get to a closer look at the Mayoral campaign finance reports later, after I had a chance to read all the way through them. That time is now, so let’s have our look. Mayor Parker’s finance report. The Mayor’s report clocks in at 701 pages, with more …

13 | June | 2018 | News Corpse 13, 2018 · This is getting monotonous. Once again Donald Trump has lashed out at the free press and exhibited his utter contempt for the Constitution. In a Wednesday afternoon tweet the President made his position clear – again – about what he regards as the “biggest enemy” of the country. And it isn’t murderous dictators like Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin.

memeorandum: Benjamin Carson, balancing healing with ... Paul and Ted Cruz threaten filibuster on guns — Sens. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are threatening to filibuster gun-control legislation, according to a letter they plan to hand-deliver to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's office on Tuesday.— “We will oppose the motion … +

Jackson Jambalaya: The Ali Shamsid-Deen Chronicles: Gangs ... 07, 2010 · Bringing both and a torn-up Obama yard sign will entitle you to free drinks served by Megan, Wendy, and Kathryn. Get your tickets now. Since an event for trolls, no ID is required. Just bring the hate. Bring the family, Trollfest '09 is for EVERYONE!!! This is definitely a Beaver production. Note: Security provided by INS.

VIDEO - Big Money Ties Between Bush Friends & Family, K ... is a good illustration of how Bush is not an isolated phenomenon, regardless of how absurdly corrupt and dangerous "his" administration is. Corporations have had their own revolution from the top in the form of NAFTA, WTO rules, and so on. That's the big story of the last few decades ...

The Case of Dr. Roy S. Shelburne – Convicted and Sentenced ... 22, 2008 · The federal prosecutors are NOT satisfied sending Virginia dentist, Dr. Roy S. Shelburne, D.D.S. to the POKIE for two years.. A U.S. attorney is appealing a federal district court judge’s decision to vacate a dentist’s convictions for money laundering, setting up a legal battle over a federal statute that was recently interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

BilgeBucket Gazette » In Guns We coronavirus has gained the attention of the world recently with more than 65,000 cases reported globally and almost 1,5000 deaths.America’s Impeached CEO/Dictator Donald Trump even took an aggressive stand by issuing travel restrictions with China where the virus originated.But many feel that the travel ban could backfire.While we applaud this act of preparedness, health officials and ...

Healing for the Nations -- 09, 2010 · Revelation 21:22-22:5 In The Last Battle, the final volume of The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis picks up on an important theme in Revelation. Like the author of Revelation, Lewis describes evil as a consuming power that lives off pain, suffering, and destruction.

2015 Minnesota legislative session - DFL48 DFL SD 48 ... likely don’t know much about the work of the Office of the State Auditor. That’s because they haven’t needed to. For decades, the office has competently and effectively guarded taxpayer interests in the large cities, counties and public pension funds it audits, allowing citizens the luxury of trust in those entities’ fiscal integrity and fidelity to the law.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: And away we go! that we shall pass judgment on the past and set a course for the future. All that’s left to learn is who is the Captain and will the crew be large or small. Let the fur fly, for the first time in a long, long time we may actually have a real race on our hands, democracy …

Wise Law Blog: The Post-Secondary "Child:" Guidelines Need ... 31, 2014 · In Gagnierv. Gagnier, [2003] O.J. No. 2183, the court noted that if the circumstances of a child over the age of majority closely resemble that of a child under the age of majority, it is likely that that usual Guidelines approach would be appropriate.Therefore, if the child continues to reside at home with one or both parents, earns little to no income, and is generally dependent on others ...

Video shows judge Barraza taking payoff in his OFFICE 2009 videos show Barraza, then a sitting judge, accepting the money while in his office on the 10th floor of the County Courthouse. The first payment was for $1,000 and the second for $3,800. Prosecutors say these payments were illegal and prove that Barraza was a dishonest judge.

Trump’s policy repercussions – Linkmeister Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner found that Carsyn Leigh Davis, who battled cancer and a rare autoimmune disorder, went to a church event with roughly 100 other children where she did not wear a mask and social distancing was not enforced. Davis, 17, died of complications from covid-19 on June 23.

13 | February | 2012 | The Pardu's Scroll 13, 2012 · 3 posts published by The Pardu on February 13, 2012

May 24 Peace Love Art Activism - The Woodstock Whisperer 24, 2017 · May 24, 1844: Samuel F. B. Morse dispatched the first telegraphic message over an experimental line from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore. The message, taken from the Bible, Numbers 23:23 and recorded on a paper tape, had been suggested to Morse by Annie Ellsworth, the young daughter of a friend. [Atlantic article] (see March 30, 1858)

JustOneMinute: Gun Violence To Be Met By Science! a 19-14 party line vote,the Maine Senate rejected a bill to allow trained public school employees to carry concealed firearms.The bill was offered by a legislator who is a retired Maine State Police detective.He had been thinking about school safety pre-Sandy Hook shooting,because the response time in his rural Washington County district is longer than an hour.The MEA (teachers union ...

Greg Enos turns his spotlight to Gary Polland – Off the 19, 2014 · I asked a bunch of attorneys with experience in CPS cases how much they guessed Gary Polland had been paid in four and a half years for court appointments. Their guesses ranged from $300,000 – $700,000. They were totally floored to hear that Polland had been paid $1.9 million by Harris County since January 1, 2010 for court appointments. Just ...

Video: “Elie Wiesel, Come with us to Gaza!” 04, 2009 · A Holocaust survivor, a retired military officer wife and I issued an invitation to Elie Wiesel to come to Gaza with us. This invitation was extended as he spoke before a standing-room crowd of around 2800 people on Tuesday evening, December 1, at St. Louis University… He responded with an immediate and dismissive “I heard you.” He then turned and looked in the other direction.

Disappeared News: Obama as Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from

The Rude Pundit: Repost: Francis Hopkinson, One of the ... 07, 2018 · (I wrote this back in 2016, and, sadly, it still applies even more now.) One of the signers of the Declaration of Independence representing New Jersey, Francis Hopkinson was a smart-ass and one sarcastic bastard. Sure, he was a lawyer, judge (appointed by George Washington), harpsichordist and composer, and a designer of the American flag.

When a Fake President Cries About Fake News | Bill's Links ... 03, 2017 · Trump constantly cries fake news against CNN as well as the New York Times, The Washington Post and a couple of other media outlets reporting on his Russia scandal but the more tirades he conducts, the more it becomes obvious that his cognitive deficits are growing. Since day one Trump has proved repeatedly that he is a liar.

Eighty Thousand Gnocchi in Three Key States – Paul's 26, 2018 · We’ll just roll over and accept it as the new normal, as we have adultery, corruption, and a stolen election. Speaking of which, I keep revisiting a post I wrote on November 15, 2016, a few days after the election, and this paragraph in particular: To the conspiracy theorists: I never thought I’d join you, but something about this election ...

Rich And Entitled Fox News Host Is ‘Annoyed’ By The Rich ... 09, 2017 · Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a….. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017. So one of the most admired and honored actors of this, or any, generation is “over-rated” in Trump’s feeble mind.

Economic Policies That Raise Wages, Part II | Third and State 02, 2015 · On the particular importance of keeping interest rates low to African-American and minority workers, whose unemployment rates are much higher than white workers, and employment-to-population ratios much lower, see Connie M. Razza, Wall Street, Main Street, and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) and Economic Policy Institute (EPI), March 2015, …

Vote for Obama and a Baby Bear Might Die | HuffPost 22, 2008 · A bear cub was killed recently in North Carolina because someone out there doesn't like Barack Obama.According to the Ashville Citizen Times, the body of a baby bear was found shot in the head and dumped at an entrance to the campus of Western Carolina University.What sadly connects this sick act to Obama is that the killer shoved, onto the head of the little cub, Obama signs that had been ...

Pro-abortion groups panic, ramp up efforts to keep Brett ... 18, 2018 · “Brett Kavanaugh is a sure fire vote to end the protections of Roe, criminalize abortion, and punish women just as the president promised,” NARAL President Ilyse Hogue declared in her abortion ...

British Major General - "no increased threat from Iranian ... 14, 2019 · (Above: Who are you gonna believe, this guy or Major Chickenhawk Bolton?) Business Insider “The US has spent the past week and a half warning that it has credible intelligence that Iran was plotting attacks against US interests in the region. A British general with the anti-ISIS coalition in Iraq and Syria contradicted that assessment Tuesday, triggering a rebuke from the US military.

Democracy for New Mexico: Lots of Energy at Grand Opening Rep. Harry Teague 'Solutions for Southern New Mexico' Tour, 20 Events in 2nd District, More to Come, Click for Info 01/05: South Valley 'Valle de Atrisco' Special Election, Click for Info 01/07: DFA-DFNM Meetup, Special Guest Lt. Gov. DIANE DENISH, Social Hall, First Unitarian Church, ABQ, 7PM 01/12: Potluck & East Route 66 Legislative Forum, Hosted by Ward 18A & Sen. McSorley ...

The Rumblings of a Deranged Buffalo: On 'Dre and the Draft most of the year, the working assumption had been that Andre Roberson was going to turn pro. It was seen as such a foregone conclusion, that Coach Boyle went ahead and spent a 3rd scholarship on the 2013 recruiting class, even when there was only two known to be available (all indication is that Shane Harris-Tunks' graduation and departure were known well in advance of the announcement ...

Yard sign silliness – Off the top story in today’s Chron is about a dustup over yard signs between a homeowner and the neighborhood association.. The way Michael Skadden sees it, there is little difference between a sign supporting Bill White for mayor and one supporting President Bush.

04 | June | 2017 | Bill's Links And More 04, 2017 · One of the Indian men, Srinivas Kuchibhotla, died of his wounds. More recently, a California man was alleged to have stabbed a black man with a machete after yelling racial slurs—he’s facing charges—and a Native American man was run down and killed by an assailant who allegedly shouted racial slurs. These events are not isolated.

InfoWars Birther Jerome Corsi Accidentally Forwards Drug ... in the midst of the greatest disaster in a century, there are flickers of light. And when those glimmers include both right-wing dirty trickster Jerome Corsi and a fake COVID-19 cure huckster earning themselves a new federal investigation solely on the basis of Corsi being blatantly careless, those moments can get refreshingly bright.

Dear Mr. Smith, Our Broken Immigration System ... - HuffPost 14, 2011 · In his efforts to block the Obama administration at every turn, he has excised the notion of discretion from the immigration laws, but in doing so he has pointed out just how necessary discretion is. For instance, the HALT Act would suspend all grants of TPS between now and January 21, 2013.

Maybe it all depends on his definition of "major" - Blogger covered the 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2004 presidential campaigns. In his 22 years at the Inquirer, he has also been a foreign correspondent based in London; a baseball writer covering the Philadelphia Phillies; a general-assignment writer in the feature section; and a longtime Sunday magazine contributor.

Campaign 2008 Movie of the Week Project | Human Events 06, 2008 · Finally there is the Wizard of Oz idea, with the house of the Super-delegates, landing on Hillary and a close up of the crumpled pantsuit and striped socks. Please advise, we can begin shooting in Greenland in 2 weeks, they have no union regulations to speak of and we can eat all …

Skiffy Flix: King Kong | Views from Crestmont Drive 16, 2020 · This very famous and popular film, from 1933, isn’t exactly science fiction, but somewhat adjacent to SF: a variation of the “lost world” story popular in the 19 th and early 20 th centuries, when there were still unexplored areas of the world, and it was possible to believe that those areas held bizarre creatures from prehistoric times that had been driven away from civilization, or ...

Joan's Lewis & Clark Geek Page: April 27th Sunday, 1806 04, 2006 · [Lewis] This morning we were detained untill 9 A. M. in consequence of the absence of one of Charbono's horses. the horse at length being recovered we set out and [NB: passed above our camp a small river called Youmalolam riv. & to] at the distance of fifteen miles passed through a country similar to that of yesterday; the hills at the extremity of this distance again approach the river and ...

Indian/Indic darsanas and hedonistic egoism ...’s a provocative yet plausible argument to be made, and Pradeep P. Gokhale has made it (in his 2015 book, Lokayata/Carvaka: A Philosophical Inquiry), that orthodox and heterodox Indic philosophical systems or schools* (save, perhaps, Mahayana Buddhism) can be aptly characterized in the main (thus in the form of a generalization) as minor variations on the ethical theme of ...

Mo Rage: Quote of the day--on the disappearing intellectual of the day--on the disappearing intellectual In a media scape and public sphere that view criticism, dialog and thoughtfulness as a liability, such anti-intellectuals abound, providing commentaries that are nativist, racist, reactionary and morally repugnant.

Down the Writing Hole: Failing to Create a Groundswell 28, 2015 · Failing to Create a Groundswell I am a very sore loser as I watch the U.S. House of Representatives voting to pass the 2015 version of the Trade Promotion Authority bill (TPA), or Fast Track. Activist opponents like me had to watch the House and the Senate go through the voting process twice with a lot of procedural "jiggery-pokery" both times.

Gary Macy Speaks on Women's Ordination at Vanderbilt ... his talk last evening Macy pointed out that about the time of the crusades in the eleventh and twelfth centuries there began a great wave of anti-women rhetoric and activity which until that time found numerous examples of commissioning rites for women, instances of women’s ordination, and abbesses possessing almost episcopal power which ...

The Wattree Chronicle: A Slave's Prayer 07, 2009 · "AWAKEN, MY CHILD, AND BEHOLD . . . ". I Now stand firm. My dedication to the power of knowledge is the platform upon which my podium rests. I stand firm, strong, and now free--free of anger, free of self-delusion, free of the folly of empty vanity, and free of the pernicious bane of meaningless pride without substance.

The Wattree Chronicle: Reflections on President Obama’s ... 11, 2013 · As he mentioned in his speech, he’s weighing options. The president said the following:. "If we fail to act, the Assad regime will see no reason to stop using chemical weapons. As the ban against these weapons erodes, other tyrants will have no reason to think twice about acquiring poison gas and using them.

Wash Park Prophet: Denver Post Intent On Fratricide owners of the Denver Post have declared an intent to buy the half of the Denver Newspaper Agency now owned by the owners of the Rocky Mountain News if the Rocky is sold, under right of first refusal provisions in the Joint Operating Agreement under which Denver's two daily papers operate. The DNA prints both papers and secured advertising for the papers, and then pays half of the profits ...

The Daily Blatt shots were compiled over two and a half years by Rick, who crouches patiently and silently in his garden, waiting for the insects to strike the perfect pose before he hits the shutter. I spent half an hour today looking at printouts of these and giving out involuntary exclamations of surprise and delight. Link Wow! And Wow! And Wow Again!

Press Room | OurDigitalFuture.ca Room European Parliament rejects ‘Link Tax’ proposal, in big win for Internet users July 9, 2015 – Today the European Parliament firmly rejected a proposal that could have resulted in a new EU-wide ‘Link Tax’ with costly implications for Internet users across Europe and the world.

Burkean Reflections: Does Eva Longoria Symbolize the ... 30, 2006 · The Los Angeles Times ran an intriguing piece in Sunday's Calendar on Eva Longoria, who plays Gabrielle Solis on ABC's "Desperate Housewives." Langoria is a Texas-born Mexican American who celebrates her mixed identity, and her experience may represent the changing nature of assimilation in the U.S. amid record rates of Mexican immigration:

Vancouver Votes 2018 | Who'll Be Vancouver's Next Mayor the confusing miasma that is the 2018 Vancouver civic election, name recognition and public profile counts for everything; being a good looking younger man, a Simon Fraser University professor, and a 15-year resident of the City of Vancouver — even if since 2011 he's sat as the MP for Burnaby South — doesn't hurt his electoral chances ...

June 2014 ~ European-American blog 10, 2014 · This is basically the environmental position, and it is also our own position, by and large. The best-known modern-day neo-Malthusian is Stanford’s Paul Ehrlich. Here are some of the major arguments: We concluded the first half of this article by pointing out the difficulty of predicting the future by studying the past.

The Immoral Minority: Law professor says that obstruction ... 01, 2017 · Law professor says that obstruction case against Donald Trump is a slam dunk. Courtesy of Business Insider : In the weeks since the New York Times reported that President Trump allegedly asked James Comey to drop a pending criminal investigation of Michael Flynn, there has been much debate about whether the president committed obstruction of ...

meaning in history: OIG Report Out Before Thanksgiving ... 11, 2019 · Horowitz Report Will Be Damning. Criminal Referrals Likely. Sara Carter Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s much anticipated report on his investigation into the FBI’s probe into President Trump’s campaign is expected to be made public before Thanksgiving and the outcome is alleged to contain several criminal referrals, according to sources who spoke with ...

Sundance Film Festival | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat ... playing at Sundance, SXSW, AFI and over 30 other festivals, this is the first time this short film is available online. In the film, a financially-successful young co-dependent couple is drowning in booze and yet still clinging to well-paying jobs. At first their antics seem hilarious, but ultimately their story becomes really heartbreaking.

Thanksgiving | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION first step is to appreciate our relationship with Christ. He chose each believer before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4) and wants us to “walk in Him” (Col. 2:6). This means acknowledging Jesus as Lord of our life and relying on Him to empower us to obey.

Single-Issue Voters And The Courts | Sheila Kennedy are plenty of reasons to criticize the single-issue voters who are willing to put up with a mentally-ill, deeply-corrupt President if they think their votes will translate into the nomination and confirmation of “conservative” judges–defined as judges likely to overrule Roe v. Wade. Unfortunately, “conservative” judicial candidates able to pass the right’s litmus test aren ...

Remember how the Bernie-bots threatened to protest ... 02, 2016 · “The first goal we have is to swing delegates to vote for Bernie," Cesnick said. "That’s what the people want. We want to pressure superdelegates leading up to the convention, and while they are there. The second goal is democracy.”

Freedom Writing: The Shocking Death of Princess Diana 31, 2012 · In the first week of September 1997, it would have been a pretty safe bet to say that she had succeeded. I have seldom seen an outpouring of global grief comparable to what I saw when Diana died. There had been reports all that summer of Diana's blossoming love affair with Dodi Fayed, the son of a billionaire businessman.

Keith Olberman - Page 2 - VHLinks.com 03, 2008 · OK, so I'd never even heard of this guy until a day or two ago. Never seen him on British TV, or indeed any of the other European countries I have lived in. Just spent a little time this afternoon watching sections from "Crossfire" on google etc and I am really impressed. For once, somebody who seems not to have too much of a party bias. He seems to go after the injustices wherever he sees ...

Today is National Cancer Survivors Day – Everblog 02, 2013 · Today is National Cancer Survivors Day. This is the 26th year that the first Sunday in June has been dedicated to celebrating cancer survivors, inspiring those recently diagnosed, gathering support for their families, and providing outreach to the community. Yesterday I celebrated the nine-year anniversary of my bone marrow transplant. This post was originally published…

sisu: Two for the price of one!"You can get your Marc Jacobs designer tee shirt at Friends of Hillary for only a $555 contribution, plus tax.And, each shirt comes with a specially-produced 'I Hillary' tag sewn inside.". Order forms are now up at Senator Hillary's re-election account website, Friends of Hillary, and you get two for the price of one! Hillary's latest words of wisdom on the front, her husband -- you remember ...

Poll: Majority Of Americans Liked Obama’s First Press ... 09, 2008 · Poll: Majority of Americans liked Obama’s first presser as President-elect. Think Progress- By Matt Corley on Nov 8th, 2008 at 3:30 pm Yesterday, [Friday], President-elect Barack Obama gave his first press conference since being elected, discussing his plan to move forward on the economy and other issues. In a poll out today, Rasmussen Reports found…

C Ray lose it… | the mosquito coast 21, 2008 · Nagin: Well different. I kind of let my emotions to come out after the storm because I saw so many people suffering…and this, I see police officers getting shot because of somebody has a mental issue and I see this picture and I see you guys putting my schedule. This is just crossing the line as far as I’m concerned.

Madoff Black Hole Sucking In Victims…. | Suzie-Que's Truth ... 23, 2008 · “Before over there will be nothing but Madoff losers.” Clients of Madoff had about $36 billion with his firm, according to a Bloomberg tally that may include some double counting. Before his arrest on Dec. 11, Madoff, 70, confessed to employees that his “giant Ponzi scheme” may have cost as much as $50 billion, according to an ...

Obsidian Wings: Extended Hand or Clenched Fist...or Both? last time I said this was in 2003 as the troops went into Iraq.-----It is interesting that Obama seemed quite sincere in his new beginning with the Muslim world, and now(?) takes a different tack. My speculation is that the Iranians have been messing about in Saudi Arabia (as they do in Iraq) and the Saudis are calling for help from the US

What Now?! – July 6, 2020 – Blue Delaware 06, 2020 · “In his inaugural address, President Trump sketched the picture of ‘American carnage’ — a nation ransacked by marauders from abroad who breached U.S. borders in pursuit of jobs and crime, lured its companies offshore and bogged down its military in faraway conflicts,” the Washington Post reports. “Nearly 3½ years later, in the president’s telling, the carnage is…

Trump and Russia | KnoxViews New Documentary From The Netherlands: The first installment of the investigative reporting series, produced by Zembla, does what no American TV network has yet dared to do—take a deep look at the organized crime links and corrupt international business strategies used by Trump and his partners in his properties.

No More Mister Nice Blog: LENDING A HELPING HAND TO KEEP ... 08, 2020 · Scurlock, whose splashy campaign ads have pledged to “Uberize” the New Orleans Police Department, was allegedly caught masturbating by a driver taking him to a hotel in West Hollywood on Feb. 10, Santa Monica Chief Deputy City Attorney Terry White …

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com so doing, in the 1980 s under Reagan and the first Bush, corporations were licensed by the Department of Commerce to export the materials for chemical and biological weapons that President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney later accused him of having.” Those weapons were destroyed after the Gulf War.

global economy –, oil production is down due to a workers’ strike in Kuwait that took about 1.3 million barrels a day of production offline, and disruptions in Iraq, Nigeria, Venezuela, and the North Sea. Former investment advisor and financial writer Tony Daltorio writes: “That brought the total to roughly 3 million barrels a day that were offline.”

Lanny Davis | News Corpse 01, 2019 · As the conversation developed it was clear that there was no way to deny Trump’s bad behavior. He was cheating on his third wife who had recently given birth to his son, Barron. So the Fox crew had to shift to a defense that consisted of excusing the behavior, no matter how repugnant.

PAGE 2...: Arizona can’t seem to expunge its resident 30, 2012 · ? But it is Russell Pearce that has most helped Arizona assume the reputation of a racist and bigoted state through his long time suppression of illegal immigrants, culminating in the anti-immigrant legislation, SB-1070. Pearce’s prejudiced views are well known, fostered in part by his past association and friendship with known racist and ...

Amanda Terkel | News Corpse Bill O’Reilly has some dirty work to do that doesn’t involve a loofah, he sends his trusty minion, Stuttering Jesse Watters. In the field, Watters pretends he is the progeny of Mike Wallace (whose real progeny, Chris, is also a Fox News toady).

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Sep 29, 2012 Columbia, South Carolina, United States Alvin McEwen is 48-year-old African-American gay man who resides in Columbia, SC. McEwen's blog, Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, and writings have been mentioned by,, People for the American Way, Raw Story, The Advocate, Media Matters for America,,, Andrew Sullivan's ...

We have been betrayed; again - Blogger More than 44,000 people have signed this petition. Click the Badge to see the latest count and sign the petition. Click Get Badge to embed the Badge on your site. Formal Petition to Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute any and all government officials who have participated in War Crimes.

No More Mister Nice Blog: There's the beef! 12, 2017 · This is not my idea—I got it from Paul Campos at LGM—but nobody seems to be picking up on it, including Campos, and it seems to me a bit of proof positive that Donald Trump Jr.'s NOTHINGBURGER meeting of June 9 2016 was, in fact, a very precise part of the sequence that led to the successful efforts of Russian intelligence services to get Big Donald elected president of the …

League of Women Voters of St. Paul - The Voter Blog,7Reprinted from an editorial in the Rochester Post-Bulletin. The State's youngest voters should be watching the mail. The Minnesota secretary of state's office sent out thousands of birthday reminders last month to 18-year-olds who will be eligible to cast their first votes in the Aug. 9 primary elections or the Nov. 8 general election, not to mention participate in the March statewide ...

"Ex-Gay" Donnie McClurkin to Headline Boston's Gospel Fest Award winning gospel singer and evangelist Donnie McClurkin will headline the City of Boston's Tenth Annual GospelFest on July 18, reports The Boston Phoenix.The free concert will be produced with taxpayer funds and will take place at City Hall Plaza.

An Open Letter to Judge Judy Sheindlin - Queen of Spain 16, 2013 · Debilitating was the word you used, not me. Then you went on to say how (and I’m paraphrasing) we’ve created a society where drug addicts and those with bad backs and those like your daughter-in-law are told ‘not to worry, if you can’t take of yourself we’ll take care of you.’

Marooned In Marin: Romney Lied In Debate About Catholic ... it was not merely a legal interpretation by the legal counsel to Romney. Romney said he personally thought it was the "right thing" for hospitals to provide access to emergency contraception for any rape victims. This is not mere "gotcha" stuff.

Murdoch « ABOVE THE FOLD Bells – anyone hear them over the din of Limbaugh, FOX News, Coulter, DeLay, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, body counts, ….? By 2040, Greenhouse Gases Could Lead to an Open Arctic Sea in Summers ANDREW C. REVKIN of the NY Times is writing about an article from the journal Geophysical Research Letters,. Basically, we’ll have shipping lanes from Atlantic to Pacific oceans north of Canada.

The Most Fabulous Dinner Party Ever. | Morningside Mom 28, 2008 · The Most Fabulous Dinner Party Ever. While I was a college admissions counselor, one of the “standard operating” interview questions went a little something like: “If you were to have a dinner party and could invite three people to it, who would they be?”

INSTAPUTZ: The Rocky Mountain News: Putz is the right's ...'s finally happened. The mainstream media finally sees Putz for what he is: not a moderate, reasonable "non-partisan" -- but a hard-right extremist. Columnist Paul Campos not only takes Putz to task for his assassination fantasies, he does so by equating him Ward Churchill -- exactly the right analogy. Murder is the premeditated unlawful killing of a human being.

Britain and America: Brown and Bush bond at Camp David poll last week suggested that by 71% to 15% the British people hoped for more distance in the UK-US relationship but there was little distancing on show at today's Bush-Brown press conference. The spirit shared by the two leaders...

The Rectification of Names: Cheap shots: Boris*He announced in Feburary 2015 that he was giving up the US passport—he said to demonstrate his loyalty to the UK, but others thought it might have to do with the capital gains tax he owed the IRS on the sale of his North London house. But he's said to have settled with the IRS, and I don't see any evidence that he actually did renounce his citizenship.

Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity,4453,page=560Jan 29, 2016 · Chances are the authority will fault the divers or find a fall guy to compromise the truth, because truth to Mike Gabbard is what serves the spiritual master and the dogma. I have no respect for him as a person – to sacrifice your children to a dogma, and an insane man is the most heinous and irresponsible thing a parent could do.

Justice Dept. seeks emergency powers, including detaining ... Rahm builds 4-shot lead at Memorial in his quest to be No. 1 0:0 Comments Replace the Alexander Hamilton Stephens Statue With One of John Lewis 0:0 Comments What's in a Michigan high school's Native American nickname: Racism or respect? 0:0 Comments Here's what it will take for Detroit Tigers to make noise in 2020 0:0 Comments

Reviews are in! Skeptic Morano as villain in warmist film ... 15, 2015 · By: Marc Morano - Climate Depot March 15, 2015 8:10 PM with 532 comments Watch ‘Merchants of Doubt’ Trailer here: Morano featured as villain in new warmist documentary: ‘Merchants of Doubt’ – Marc Morano in warmist film: ‘I am not a scientist, although I do occasionally play one on TV — Ok — Hell, more than occasionally.’ – ‘We (skeptics) the negative force, we are just ...

November | 2010 | Conservative Standards posts published by Calvin Freiburger during November 2010. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the alleged distinction between “social conservatism” and “fiscal conservatism” is an imaginary contradiction based on either misunderstanding or selectively adhering to conservative first principles. If American conservatism is fidelity to the values and wisdom of the Founding ...

The Useless Tree: More on Confucian Soft Power friend, Daniel Bell, has an op-ed in today's International Herald Tribute in which he returns to the question of Confucianism and soft power (I written about this topic here and here and here). Daniel and I disagree on this: he believes that Confucianism can serve as a source of soft power for the PRC; I believe that it cannot.

State Efforts to Investigate Problems in Crime Labs Stall ...'s the title the Houston Chronicle applied to an Associated Press report that moved on the AP wire this weekend. LINK. Tackling critical problems in the nation's justice system, Texas, Minnesota and Virginia have each founded powerful oversight boards in the last two years that can investigate misconduct in crime labs.

The Least, First | Monte Asbury's blog | Page 2 10, 2009 · Two weeks ago, Sam* died suddenly. He was only 21 years old, strong and healthy, preparing for a life ministering to youth. Cause of death: acute pancreatitis and previously undiagnosed diabetes. Reason for death: no access to health care to treat the incredible pain in his stomach – …

A Revolution Of One: Al Gore Saves the Planet! 31, 2008 · He is presenting important information that most experts believe to be true, but it would never have the reach it does without Al Gore. Thank god for him. You Lysenkos thing is clever, but irrelevant to the point. If someone has influence and power and uses it for a good cause, that's good for all of us. 10:24 AM

92 Best MIsc. images | This or that questions, Solar ... 11, 2019 - Explore janicenino's board "MIsc." on Pinterest. See more ideas about This or that questions, Solar heater diy, Homemade foaming hand soap.90 pins89 followers

Adil E. Shamoo's blog | The Smirking the White House, anti-science, alt-facts and frequent lying are commonplace, and it is taking a toll on our youngest generation. President Trump’s reaction to the recent job report from the Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics is one of the most recent demonstrations of this alt-presidency. The report indicates an increase of 235,000 new jobs for the month of February.

New Jersey | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog @RepSwalwell: Bill Barr’s actions make clear that, in his Department of Justice, the President’s allies get special treatment, the Presi… 10 hours ago; RT @ProjectLincoln: Trump prides himself on being #1, and he is. - Single largest market drop in history. - Most lies ever told by a presi… 10 hours ago

The Luis Lang Story — Paul Keckley 26, 2015 · The following is an excerpt from Navigant Healthcare’s Pulse Weekly. Click here for a complete copy of this week’s article. Last week, the frenetic pace of change in healthcare was on full display. The top tier trade and business media had much to cover… A major trade as

Joyce Meyer – A Season of Preparation | DAILY DEVOTIONS ... 13, 2015 · Winter is a dormant season. It’s a time when trees become bare and most of the grass, plants and flowers die off. But winter is also a time of preparation—as roots and tree saps respond to soil and temperature changes to prepare for growth that comes in the spring. In much the same way,…

The Rectification of Names: Christmas Eve Sermon Eve Sermon Exotic pie. Ad art by Psyho Studio, Ukraine, via CK's Weblog. The Christianists are saying that Piers Morgan was "smacked down" on the sodomy subject by Dr. Michael Brown ...

Monologues of Dissent: Ironworker: Wage Theft Bill will ... apprenticeship board consists of 5 union reps, 5 contractor reps, and, a rep from the state who meet monthly. Zero tax dollars are used. After passing the #WageTheftBill (let's not pretend that this bill involves rights or the ability to work) Michigan has found out that it is now lacking with skilled trades workers.

Tickle The Wirenaacp Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling To solve the question about who detonated a small bomb outside the NAACP chapter in Colorado Springs on Tuesday, the federal government sent in two big guns – the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and the ATF, the Denver Post reports. Federal and local investigators still have a lot of questions to answer, including whether the mosque was the …

Sparks Fly In South Carolina Showdown | Mirror On America 10, 2008 · That exchange was the perhaps the most heated of the night, but it certainly wasn't the only tense moment. All things equal, John Edwards was the clear winner of this debate. He made the most of his time--rising above the Clinton vs. Obama tit-for-tat and backing up his points with a wealth of specifics.

County Commissioners pensions not public.... | the pension board could tell you is what Cawood has in his account, and frankly IMO that's really none of your business. I would say this - since the contribution is based on employee pay (I think the max matched contribution allowed under the plan is 6%), 20 years of a Commission salary will not result in a very big nest egg for Mr. Cawood ...

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ... was the case with Andrew Lis, a boy from Pennsylvania who was the first MIS-C patient seen at the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware. Andrew had been a healthy 14-year-old before he got sick. He and his twin brother love sports and video games. He said the first symptom was a bad headache.

Tickle The WireU.S. Supreme Court Archives - Tickle The first of the two cases is Buck v. Davis, a death penalty appeal which has bounced around the Texas state courts, the federal district court in Houston and the 5th Circuit since Buck’s sentence of death in 1996. Buck was convicted of capital murder of his ex-girlfriend and a man at her house in a jealousy-fueled shooting spree.

Jon Rainwater's blog | The Smirking he also guided U.S. policy towards supporting genocide in Guatemala under Reagan, was the architect of the Panama invasion under George H.W. Bush, and was the central figure in the failed coup in Venezuela against Hugo Chavez in 2002 under George W. Bush. If Abrams’ appointment is any guide, history may well repeat itself again, unless we ...

Mentally Retarded and on Death Row - The StandDown Texas ...'s the title of an editorial in today's New York Times on the Texas case of Marvin Wilson.. Marvin Wilson, with an I.Q. of 61, is scheduled to be put to death in Texas on Tuesday. His execution would directly contradict the Supreme Court’s 2002 ruling in Atkins v. Virginia that “the mentally retarded should be categorically excluded from execution” because of “their …

Segregation centennial — Crooked 15, 2013 · But it is also the hundredth anniversary of a different, equally notable event: the racial segregation of the US government in 1913 under newly elected president Woodrow Wilson. Wilson did not, himself, order the segregation of the civil service; rather, it began because his subordinates found in Wilson’s administration an environment ...

Lost in the Ozone...: Gallagher's Exit from Council Sets ..., who was elected to the City Council in 2001 and would have been term limited out of office in 2009, will resign his post nearly nine months after police raided his office following an accusation that he brought the victim, whom he had met at the Middle Village bar Danny Boy's, back to his office and raped her.

Redeye's Front Page: Stupid is as Stupid does in # ... 09, 2016 · EYE am still fuming at Governor Bentley's "bold ideas" for Alabama outlined in his annual State of the State Address.If you don't read another thing EYE post, please read: Governor Bentley thinks the Grinch is Santa Clause by Stranger in …

Alex Constantine's Blacklist: Judge: Satanism Can't Be ... -- Lazaro Galindo, who is accused of killing a romantic rival and eating his organs, acted as his own attorney during jury selection in his trial Monday. Galindo criticized the media and asked potential jurors to keep their minds open to unfamiliar religions.

Nurses Association endorses Obama | California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee has endorsed Obama. The 80,000-member organization, which has members in all 50 states, cited "a stark distinction between Sen. Obama and Sen. John McCain on major fundamental issues facing the American people today, especially in reforming our broken healthcare system, repairing our collapsing …

Sandpoint Reader - Facebook There will be another community meeting regarding the Cougar Fire on Thursday, Aug. 23 at Clark Fork High School at 6:30 p.m. The Cougar Fire is a …

JustOneMinute: Christmas Shopping At The Mall is not beyond belief that some Todd Beamer-like S&W enthusiast could crouch from or otherwise survive the first wave (if you can call two guys walking by a wave), step out in all the noise ten or twenty yards behind, and put a nice hot round or two into the soft unprotected nape of the neck of an attacker. I'd be happy to.

The Big Reason Our Kansas City Star Will Likely ... - Mo Rage Big Reason Our Kansas City Star Will Likely Fail? So, I've been thinking for a while I should maybe subscribe to the Kansas City Star to support local reporting, important as I think it is. If they don't have the reporters out there, covering local news, local government and keeping our representatives in check, who else is going to?

Al Capone and Donald Trump: How Deep Do the Similarities Capone rode high for a time in the roaring 20s, a beneficiary of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution that made booze illegal, thus creating big opportunities for crooks and con men, and turned a big chunk of the American population into criminals themselves as they lined up at speakeasies to have a drink and a bit of illicit fun.

Former Senator Webb thinking of running for President ... 23, 2014 · I am old enough – barely – to remember that McGovern in ’72 was an anti-war candidate, and a veteran of World War 2. You Must Be Logged In To Vote 1 0 You Must Be Logged In To Vote September 23, 2014 3:28 pm

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump and Ben Carson "dancing ... 06, 2016 · It is early here and I watched before making coffee, so perhaps I took the headline too literally, but I endured that whole video (which has forever ruined a favorite song, by the way), just hoping to see a tender moment between a man with a penis complex and a man with a God complex. Darn! Q. Reply Delete

Obscenity, Pornography, and Vagueness - ReligiousLeftLaw.com of my students think it obvious that obscenity and pornography statutes are too vague. When I ask my students whether they think it should be unconstitutional to prohibit the distribution of obscene materials to children, they overwhelmingly respond that such a prohibition should be upheld. This vagueness, they can live with. When judges are asked to declare a statute for …

Tickle The Wirecar bomb Archives - Tickle The Allan Lengel ATF has jumped in to investigate the mysterious car comb that seriously injured an attorney and his two children in Monroe, Mi., Tuesday night, the Detroit Free Press reported.. The Free Press reported that the Volvo station wagon was traveling on East Elm Avenue, near the ramp to I-75, at 5:41 p.m. when it exploded.

26 | December | 2018 | News Corpse 26, 2018 · “‘I know it was a favor,’ said one daughter, Dr. Elysa Braunstein, 56, who along with her sister, Sharon Kessel, 53, shared the family’s account for the first time publicly when contacted by The New York Times.” - Things don’t have to get really bad, for ... took two weeks to get from 15 to the first 1,000. Only four more days to get to 13,000. Only a week more to get to 65,000. Saturday it will be 130,000 — it’s doubling every three days. We are not here because of a virus that jumped from a butchered bat in Wuhan to a human being.

Youths Sack Walgreen’s – Occidental 24, 2011 · "Youths" in Chicago sack Walgreen's. Illinois. Those “youths” in Chicago are back in the news. Fresh off Black Father’s Day 2011, the “youths” of Chicago have sacked a Walgreen’s store on the Magnificent Mile, and DWLs in the Mainstream Media have buried the racial context.. According to CBS News, “50 young people” barged into a Walgreen’s and cleaned the shelves of bottled ...

ANGLICANS IN UGANDA: The Good, The Bad and The (really) Ugly 12, 2010 · Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo does God's work helping LGBT people in Uganda SAN DIEGO – The Right Rev. Christopher Ssenyonjo could have retired in 1998 as Bishop of the Diocese of West Burganda, Uganda, with his pension and the satisfaction of serving the Anglican Church faithfully for …

EC1 Cruise Controlhttps://ec1cruisecontrol.blogspot.comJun 24, 2009 · Today is St-Jean-Baptiste Day in Quebec. It's a public holiday and is known as l a fête nationale, tracing its origins back as a patriotic celebration back to the early 19th century.Records from that time show how it was initially meant to promote solidarity and unity among people in what was then Lower Canada, and was celebrated by the Irish and Anglophone populations as well as the French ...

"You're the man." Air Force Academy football team visits ... 05, 2012 · Sure it has its downsides, but you know sometimes being the President just rocks! (H/T to the Obama Diary .)

Obsidian Wings: Travel fiddler Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) is taking aim at the single biggest killer of teenagers -- car crashes. For the second year she's sponsoring a bill to require all states to make 18 the minimum age for an unrestricted driver's license. At this point only a few states and DC keep teen drivers from unrestricted licenses until age 18; the others are divided between 16 and 17-1/2.

Rabbi Steinsaltz On Putin, Lazar and Boro Park Hungarians ... the first day of Sukkos I was found myself sitting next to Peter Kalms. … We both made our way to Rabbi Steinsaltz’s table; he was speaking about the new addition to the Shule with agitation. “This is an epitome of kitsch; they should take this wall and give it to an …

Gerrer Hasidim Allegedly Loot Lower East Side Orthodox ... 11, 2015 · Gerrer Hasidim Allegedly Loot Lower East Side Orthodox Synagogue. Instead, $10 million from the sale will go to Ger, a right wing Hasidic sect, to build a synagogue in Israel, and the other $3 million will go to the synagogue’s president, Rabbi Samuel Aschkenazi, who calls himself a leader of the Ger sect and also runs a synagogue out of a ...

iran | Golos - The Voice 23, 2008 · This is an original article written by 2008Voter, please visit his blog here.. Here it is: CNN and the spin on God’s Warriors. CNN Presents God’s Warriors .Despite the all spin that CNN did put into the program the idea to compare Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious radicals is very productive.

Eruptions At The Foot Of The Volcano: IT'S JUST THE WAY ... 11, 2013 · A PREGNANT woman who is "having a lesbian" stars in a provocative new billboard to promote gay marriage. Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays spokeswoman Shelley Argent said the campaign was designed to garner support from mainstream families for gay marriage, on the grounds that gay children were "born that way".

pancocojams: Mike Pence's "Whipped Out That Mexican Thing ... appears in two supporting roles, Governor William J. Le Petomane and a Yiddish-speaking Indian chief; he also dubs lines for one of Lili von Shtupp's backing troupe. The supporting cast includes Slim Pickens, Alex Karras, and David Huddleston, as well as Brooks regulars Dom DeLuise, Madeline Kahn, and Harvey Korman.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead, Tuesday ... Below the Masthead, Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Sharing the experiences of the Maori, thirty days notice for the Inlander's owner and a former Rupertite longs for the luge, three of the items of note in the Tuesday edition of the Daily News.

Bilgrimage: A Reader Writes: "First, Let Us Assume a ... 12, 2016 · Good for a chuckle, but this kind of thinking in moral theology is appalling when the Imago Dei is reduced to a spherical cow as a rhetorical flourish. And then we spherical cows are berated for not finding the tidy, simplified "solution" compelling for real-life applications...

Barnestormin: A hungry husband’s menu Barnes is a journalist and freelance tech writer, a correspondent for ENR and a former stringer for the Wall Street Journal, Reuters and the New York Times. A former reporter for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and a former editor/reporter for the Butler Eagle, he’s been stringer for Fortune, Newsday and many others.

Bilgrimage: Fellow Sociologist on Regnerus Study: "Key ... 08, 2013 · Fellow Sociologist on Regnerus Study: "Key Measure of Gay and Lesbian Parenting Is Simply a Farce" "The key measure of gay and lesbian parenting is simply a farce." In an academic context, where collegiality demands that one mince words and make nice when criticizing colleagues' work, those are damning words, indeed.

Wild Chihuahuas: It's Yours to Save or Yours to Lose 09, 2009 · We are eenie-meany-mighty stealth fighters, and we love good things to chew on. We are progressives. Arizona, border and immigration issues, GLBT human rights, and important US Far Right, corporatist, and theocratic or police state developments are among our special interests, along with Green Things, polymer clay art, Dobermans, Chihuahuas, and the life of …

The People's Budget in March, Washington area residents learned that one of the major bridges in the city – one that carries about 70,000 vehicles a day past the iconic Lincoln Memorial to either downtown Washington or the Virginia suburbs – will have to be shut down in five years without a …

February Title Wave | 34 Books | Likewise | Likewise, Inc. out the most anticipated new books coming to shelves in February 2020.

JOHNSBARGAINSTORES.ORGwww.johnsbargainstores.orgUS Fund for UNICEF- One of 37 national committees set up around the world to raise money, advocacy and awareness in the U.S. for UNICEF's worldwide efforts in helping millions of children. US Fund for UNICEF - The U.S. Fund for UNICEF works in more than 160 countries and territories providing health care, clean water, improved nutrition, and ...

NationStates • View topic - What is your primary news source? 09, 2019 · i get it from and i get my news from fox news also

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Curse of the Drinking Classes 10, 2015 · As Oscar Wilde wrote: "Work is the curse of the drinking classes." I had planned to take a vacation day today in order to attend the Fifth Annual McLean Avenue Festival, which takes place on the main commercial drag in my neighborhood.I had planned to spend an evening bending an elbow, so to speak. That all changed when my co-worker, whose wife works in an …

Green Eagle: Hey, Ben, How About This Idea? 11, 2015 · Green Eagle said.... Well, that would save the 6 million Jews, you betcha! The other 44 million that were killed in World War II, why, if only they had fought back too, they would have beaten those Nazis real quick like, and no one would have died.

Monkey in the Middle: You knew you grew up Jewish if: were as tall as your grandfather by the age seven and a half. You never knew anyone whose last name didn't end in one of 5 standard suffixes (berg, baum, man, stein and witz.) You were surprised to discover that wine doesn't always taste like cranberry sauce. You can look at gefilte fish and not turn green.

Monique Aros - JOURN100https://moniquearos.blogspot.comTrying to distinguish between who is a blogger and who is a journalist really isn’t very helpful or meaningful." Ironically, this debatable question and quote was posted on a blog website. Bloggers are essential in providing unbaised opinions, providing alternative, uncensored views to a distressed society.

Pedestrian Infidel: PI's anti-dhimmi of the week 02, 2007 · PI's anti-dhimmi of the week Some members of the GLBT (Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgender) community, rather than succumbing to the usual Kos Kidz-style 'progressive' leftie Bush hatred, actually know who their real enemies are.

The Whited Sepulchre: Words of wisdom from Clint Smith of ... 28, 2009 · If you light yourself up, you'll look like an angel or the tooth fairy...and you're gonna be one of 'em pretty soon. Here's some Clint Smith video on the ONLY three places to keep your handgun. You get a feel for Clint's personality and teaching style around the 1:45 mark. Nothing adds a little class to a sniper course like a babe in a Ghilliesuit.

Terry Tempest Williams | Joyous Crybaby of the purveyors of the idea that we can cure ourselves and defy illness is a woman named Kris Carr of Crazy, Sexy Cancer fame. This woman is a charlatan, and yet she has been trotted out by all kinds of experts as an example of a cancer patient who cured herself with her positive attitude and alternative therapies including a vegan diet.

February | 2016 | FiftyFourandAHalf was 1983, and some really fun people worked in my office that summer, one of whom, Jon, was from the area. Carol, Mike, Jon and I all went to Jon’s house one night. You see, 1983 was still in the Bronze Age, and Jon’s parents were on the cutting age of technology, because they had a …

Should we tax Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton? | Bud Meyers Kardashian Kollection “Kaught” For Using Sweatshop Labor in China After drawing the ire of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals for wearing fur, Kim and her reality TV clan are now under fire from a human-rights watchdog group for hawking products allegedly made with slave labor. In order to bring their K-Dash by Kardashian, Kris Jenner Kollection, and …

Tenured Radical: We're Bewitched -- By Mary Beth Norton ... 07, 2010 · Just received at the Radical News Service: "On Friday, March 5, at 8 PM on the new NBC series 'Who Do You Think You Are', Mary Beth Norton, Mary Donlan Alger Professor of History at Cornell University and author of In the Devil’s Snare: The Salem Witchcraft Crisis of 1692 (Knopf, 2002) will tell Sarah Jessica Parker of Sex and the City fame about her Salem …

Red State Kids: Famous People with ADHD Provide Hope 26, 2007 · My oldest is a boy, 14. I also have a boy, 9 and a little girl, 6. I was born in the 60's. I went to public schools on the east coast. I was raised Catholic; I have deep beliefs, but I wouldn't be considered religious. I went to a Catholic universtiy, where I actually became less religious through knowledge.

Degenerasianhttps://degenerasian.blogspot.comChina is growing at 9% a year and a person may have gotten a raise from $4000 a year to $5000 a year but unless that growth continues year after year after year, the so-called middle class will get very restless and demand more and more from the communist authoritarian government.

RED CANUCK: 26 August 2007 26, 2007 · The emaciated young girl in the picture is a patient at the Mirwais Hospital in Kandahar City, Afghanistan. She is but one of many supposed beneficiaries of approximately $5 million contributed by Canada for supplies, food, and infrastructure at the hospital. If the girl seems a little underwhelmed, she can be forgiven.

Redeye's Front Page: President Obama Stands With American ... 09, 2012 · If you want to know more about me, where I stand and what I stand for I invite you to read my writings at Left in Alabama for a historical perspective. Contact me [email protected] These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section.

ConnecticutBLOG 09, 2007 · DeLuca, 73, was sentenced to a six-month suspended sentence, a $2,000 fine and ordered to donate $1,500 to charity as part of the plea deal. The judge also ordered DeLuca not to have further contact with Danbury trash hauler James Galante, who is awaiting trial on 72 counts of tax fraud, racketeering, threatening and extortion following a ...

The Rude Pundit 09, 2007 · Sure, sure, people can tell you perhaps it's time to stop fucking mothers, to try fucking someone else for a while. But that's not who you are. It's not like all of a sudden you're gonna stop fucking mothers. Maybe, once everyone realizes how much you fuck mothers, you need to do some kind of secret fucking of mothers.

DemoCurmudgeon: CPAC Rhetoric of Fear, Freedom, Free ... 02, 2010 · Washington Post: Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) received one of the most thunderous ovations so far in the three-day conference when he delivered a stinging assault on Obama's agenda and a plea to deliver the nation from "the bondage of big government." When Pence updated a line used by conservatives at past gatherings, he brought down the house: "A ...

The Reference Frame: Richard Feynman and the birth of ... 08, 2010 · However, the "canonical people" continued their business that was increasingly physically vacuous. One of the peaks of this misguided enterprise was the 1962 Warsaw Conference on the Theory of Gravitation where the canonical treatment was a "big topic", too. Richard Feynman attended that conference and he summarized his impressions as follows:

** Hurricane 2017 Thread ** merkyl gonna die edition ... 26, 2017 · ** Hurricane 2017 Thread ** merkyl gonna die edition. Share. Share with:

NATIONAL NEWS USA | RUTHFULLY Indiana difference is that the rate has fallen even as the labor force has increased by nearly 187,000. Many states have seen their jobless rates fall in part because so many people have left the labor force, driving down the national labor participation rate to lows not seen since the 1970s.

meaning in history: MULTIPLE UPDATES: CNN Claims FBI ... 21, 2019 · It's possible, since Page continued to cooperate with the FBI on that case up until about March 2016. But it does seem rather late in the day for that--by 2016 the NYC case had been wound down. Moreover, since CNN doesn't specify a month, it's possible that the reference is to other surveillance of Page during 2016--physical or electronic.

Opposites Attract. Or Not. | BroadBlogs 15, 2015 · Opposites attract, they say. And most of us believe it.. In fact, most people say they want a partner who complements them — not one who reflects them. But do they? An analysis of dating sites found that people prefer those who are more like themselves.. That’s also what social psychologists found when they looked at who we actually marry.. Not surprisingly, the more opinions people share ...

Tea Baggers | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog the sign demonstrates, the funniest and most contradictory aspect of the recent far-right revolution is, hands down, the tea bag thing. But it’s not just about the double entendre aspect of “tea bagging.” A lot of it has to do with the idea that far-right conservatives are emulating the Boston Tea Party. Let’s recap.

freedom-writing.blogspot.com remember the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. That was a traumatizing experience for the whole country, but it must have been especially brutal for the folk

New Research Details the Strong Relationship Between White 05, 2013 · New research from Kerry O’Brien, Walter Forrest, Dermot Lynott, and Michael Daly in the journal PLS One suggests that there is a relationship between a person's levels of "symbolic racism", gun ownership, and support for concealed carry laws. They detail how: After adjusting for all explanatory variables in the model, symbolic racism was significantly related to having a gun in the home.

Freedom Writing: Back to the Future 04, 2010 · Today is the 42nd anniversary of the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. When many people think of King, they think of his inspiring, uplifting messages — his "I Have a Dream" speech that he delivered in front of the Lincoln Memorial during the August 1963 March on Washington or the speech he gave 42 years ago last night, the night before his assassination, when he told his followers he had ...

Obama-Phobia: Wall Street Journal, Fox News Revive Nixon’s ... 28, 2012 · This isn’t the first time that the Murdoch empire has attempted to associate Obama with Nixon and McCarthy. A couple of months ago the Wall Street Journal published an article by Ted Olsen that accused the President of similar list crimes. On that occasion it was the infamous Koch brothers who were being set up for presidential attacks.

Jevon German – Off the Chron notes that where there are elections there are contributions, even for our diminished HISD Trustees.. The threat of state officials stripping power from Houston ISD trustees has not scared off donors interested in the district’s school board elections, with 13 candidates combining to raise about $210,000 through early October.

June, 2009 | Bloviating GDP loss by 2035 would be $9.4 trillion. The national debt would balloon as the economy slowed, saddling a family of four with $114,915 of additional national debt. Families would also suffer, as the bill would slap the equivalent of a $4,609 tax on a family of four by 2035.

Sage Advice for Occupy? from Nobel winner Elinor Ostrom ... 10, 2012 · Dr. Elinor Ostrom, 2009 Nobel Prize Winner in Economics for her 30+ years of research and study of commons* management, is joined by many other commons supporters in saying that the “tragedy of the commons” is that of the unmanaged or unsuccessfully managed commons. What we have now is an entire paradigm managed for the 1% that is a tragedy for the 99% and the Earth.

Deputy Postmaster General FIRED!!!!! Postmaster General ... article continues: “The 200,000-member American Postal Workers Union accused the Trump administration of exploiting the coronavirus crisis to privatize the agency. Recent behind-the-scenes machinations at the Postal Service could have immense real-world consequences as the U.S. barrels toward the November elections without a nationwide, universal system in place for mail-in voting, …

Pedestrian Infidel: Passover--Celebrating Freedom for all time 04, 2007 · Yesterday was the first day of Passover (AKA “Pesach”), which will last 8 days. Pesach is a sacred time of the year for Israel and for all J...

America, Meet Our Unvaccinated Kids, Version 2.0 - AGE OF ..., Meet Our Unvaccinated Kids, Version 2.0 By J.B. Handley Back in June, we released what we felt was an astonishing data set for the first ever study comparing the rates of ADHD, autism, and asthma between vaccinated children and unvaccinated children.

Carbon Credit Scam | Something should go here, maybe later. 11, 2007 · Funny where you find scams. In this case, it's been sitting on the desk below my monitor for some weeks. The form of this scam is a voucher of my power company for 5 Ecobulbs for $10. (That's compact florescent for all you English-speaking types.) That's nice …

E-Actions for Freedom: Stand up for Sashwat Singh's right! The Little Brown Reader-- a rolling catalog of articles and web sites of significance that I've seen. NEW! E-Actions for Freedom-- Easy online actions for advancing the cause of freedom, frequently updated. An effort to investigate, analyze, and expose the Project for a New American Century, and its plan for a "unipolar" world. Free web sites for campus ...

Damage Done by the Right-Wing Media ... - Mormon 31, 2018 · The various biases of various pundits and editors end up playing out in odd ways. In some important ways, it creates a very significant right-wing bias, which is an odd thing for a leftist propaganda outlet to do.

Winter Patriot: Webster Tarpley in Seattle 19, 2007 · These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Trump now ahead +7 points in latest poll as of Sept 18 2016 19, 2016 · Trump now ahead +7 points in latest poll as of Sept 18 2016. Nate Silver: Whoever is ahead at the end of September is going to win on election day. ... all the while longing for a dictatorship in which everyone is forced to be nice to him, no matter what comes out of his mouth. ... But it is nice for you to admit that being "anti-PC" really ...

Balkinization: A Thought Experiment about Raich v. Ashcroft why Barnett pushed for a decision that cultivating and consuming one's own plants is simply not economic activity. Of course, he may not get it, but it seems likely that a compromise decision would not be the last word.

Prisoner's Religious Rights Resources - Arizona Prison inmate sued under the First Amendment free-exercise clause and RFRA. The court rejected both claims in Ochs v. Thalacker, writing that prison officials had a compelling interest in not segregating inmates on a racial basis because they believe that random cell assignments are the best way to reduce gang activity and lessen racial tensions.

The Non-Aggression Principle - Nolan Chart 31, 2007 · The non-aggression principle faces three kinds of criticism: the first holds that the principle is immoral, the second argues that it is impossible to apply consistently in practice, while the third holds that the interpretation of the principle is too ambiguous to be useful. Let's take a moment to examine each of these criticisms.

Russell Pearce, Beloved of Neo Nazi Arizona USA – DocuDharma Pearce, neo Nazis and Anarchists at the Arizona State Capitol, 11/7/2009 video is well captioned. Neo Nazi speaker RT Ready calls Russell Pearce “a great statesmen.” The protesters line up with a lot of flags and actually chant “Sieg hail” and salute and then walk down the street in Phoenix.

O'Reilly doesn't WANT to go on a LYCHING PARTY against ... 07, 2008 · " O'Reilly later stated: "I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say how the woman really feels. If that's how she really feels -- that America is a bad country or a flawed nation, whatever -- then that's legit.

read my mind: In Western Countries, the Burqa has become ... is not only nuts, but since they want to use force to do what they believe Allah wants them to do, a return or show of force is the only thing that they will back down from. In the video, the police officer uses force. No, he does not hit the woman. He does not yell at the woman. His force is evidenced in his calmness and his unruffled ...

The Useless Tree: Breaking Historical Laws, at ESWN, has provided some great coverage of the closing, and then the reopening, of the Freezing Point (Bingdian) section of the China Youth Daily newspaper. His posts are numerous and spread about his site; it is well worth the effort to click around to follow the Bingdian story. While there are many facets to the Bingdian saga (press censorship, the power of the internet, etc.),

Value Walk: U.N. Holds Behind the Scenes Greek Derivatives ... 27, 2015 · The following is an excellent article from the Value web site written by Mark Melin on February 10, 2015 titled "U.N. Holds Behind the Scenes Greek Derivatives Talks As Transparency Questions Raised" and I quote: "U.N. Holds Behind The Scenes Greek Derivatives Talks As Transparency Questions Raised" Posted By: Mark MelinPosted date: February 10,…

Michigan Judge Directs Healthcare Workers To Arrest Covid ... Covid-Cops don’t actually pass Constitutional muster for a variety of reasons and this judge cannot issue such an edict no matter how much he’d like to arrest the pandemic. This is a warning to all public officials who think the illness is a license to press their will upon others. Full Article & Source:

For the precious little privacy remaining in our society.... 28, 2008 · Within a week, the thief/thieves ordered an expensive monthly cell phone package, applied for a VISA credit card, had a credit line approved to buy a Gateway computer, received a PIN number from DMV to change my driving record information online, and more.

The Delaware Libertarian: Jason Gatties proves that he is ... 28, 2008 · Jason Gatties, Libertarian candidate for the Lake Michigan College Board of Trustees, has asked that this weekend, in lieu of donations to his campaign, people please send their money to cyclone victims in Myanmar (or, for old farts like me, Burma). [h/t to Last Free Voice] Funny, I can't imagine Barack Obama, John McCain, Bob Barr, Ralph Nader, or Ron Paul doing the same thing.

Atheists do not accept intolerance - ventrellaquest.com do not accept intolerance August 24, 2017 by Michael A. Ventrella. Atheists: No room in our tent for bigots ... Those were the days. But we’re living in a very different country and a very different world. ... But it’s not enough to hope. This is a fight we all must fight. It is a fight that American Atheists will fight.

economic terminology | Sheila Kennedy’s actually a good thing that Americans disagree—thoughtful disagreements often lead to better results. But it is really, really important that parties to a debate know what they are talking about. That is a lot harder today, thanks to the Internet and the collapse of that quaint exercise we used to call journalism.

God is Disappointed in You Synopsis | God In Christianity ... is Disappointed in You Synopsis - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. god-is-disappointed-in-you-synopsis

The Forgotten Guantanamo: Prisoner Abuse Continues at ... 23, 2009 · Spiegel Online International, September 21, 2009 By Matthias Gebauer, John Goetz and Britta Sandberg US President Barack Obama has spoken out against CIA prisoner abuse and wants to close Guantanamo. But he tolerates the existence of Bagram military prison in Afghanistan, where more than 600 people are being held without charge. The facility makes Guantanamo…

Infodumping – Erin Human’s some good stuff I read (or reread) this week: * “When white people go on shooting sprees, their actions are frequently attributed to mental illness and, thus, they’re not considered fully accountable for the harm they’ve inflicted. But in a historical psychoanalysis of 235 mass murders in the U.S., forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Stone called this a logical fallacy, and noted ...

The Immoral Minority: Website attacks Wendy Davis for ... 02, 2013 · The features are not changed and a black and white photo contrasted with a colored one always looks "plain." I too became a blond during my 40's. Got lots of male attention, more than previously perhaps, but it was in vogue to highlight, streak, bleach, and it …

5 Reasons Why Extraordinary Presidential Powers Make It is not a president who abides by the law or thinks it applies to him. So much investigation into pardons and mudslinging at this stage of the game suggests a tremendous wrongdoing may be revealed. It’s just unlikely we’ll be able to do much about it. _____

The Christian Right and the Poor | Caffeinated Thoughts 08, 2008 · This is, I think, a dangerous and inappropriate stance given that we have a multicultural nation and a secular govt. Deacon Blue says: October 9, 2008 at 12:54 PM

Lone Nut Theory – Say What News?!, Florida – Barely twenty-four hours in and already the Libertarian party of two thousand and sixteen is starting to experience dissention in the ranks.. Over Memorial day weekend Libertarians came together from across the country and around the world to nominate their president and vice presidential candidates at their annual national party convention.

Bilgrimage: Jeff Sharlet on Life Inside Russia's Iron ... 08, 2014 · As Peter Montgomery says in his recap of global LGBT stories this week at Religion Dispatches, Jeff Sharlet's GQ report on being gay in Russia is a must-read article. It's chock-full of powerful first-hand testimony about the lives of LGBTI Russians. And it explains in detail how and why Putin has chosen to hand these citizens over to the wolves in order to consolidate his power--and the …

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2010 · But it's a difference of degree only. The American version of electoral rather than physical intimidation. Our angry rightists also don't understand that they're a minority of the country, or simply don't care, and they also think they have a monopoly on …

Compare and Contrast: The Prosecutions of Don Siegelman (D ... finds this "quite curious as he's been hot after my prosecution for a good long time now." Aside from alleged governmental misconduct in the Siegelman case, there are paramount legal issues that have been recognized by 91 former State Attorneys General and a group of First Amendment law professors across the country.

COVID-19 isn't just a health disaster, it's a catastrophic ... The Washington Post reports, the state has “lost control of the epidemic” with testing stations overwhelmed, hospitals on the brink, and a response that’s nothing short of pure chaos. Unwilling to demonstrate leadership, Gov. Ducey has left it up to city and county officials to take action.

Arrivederci, Rudy! - PolitiZoom 26, 2019 · But there is a small third group, at least two people, whom I don’t get, and that worries me.Look, let’s be honest, occasionally we all fuck up. Yes, even me. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe, but just ask Teri, she’ll be happy to send you the entire boxed catalog, you only pay shipping and a …

Elizabeth Warren has zero sympathy for Ted Cruz. - Blogger 09, 2016 · Yesterday @TedCruz sent a campaign email whining about the “significant sacrifice” he’s made to run for President.

Pausing at the Trumpet Vine: Find A Penny.... 12, 2007 · and a few cigarette butts Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny. He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure. How absurd! What need did this man have for a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up? Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her.

atomic power review: Nuclear Energy Blogger and Author ... example, for a time its President was Dr. Marshall G. Holloway; Harold Etherington was for a time, its Vice President. It had a good business on its hands when it was sold to Allis-Chalmers, who desperately wished to both expand its nuclear business generally and wished to get into power reactors specifically.

Harry Clarke: Adam Smith & Behavioral Economics 12, 2006 · 1. Introduction.Adam Smith is recognised in The Wealth of Nations as a proponent of self-interested behavior. Recently Ashraf et al (2005) have argued that, in Theory of Moral Sentiments, (TMS), Smith reveals himself to be an observor who anticipated much of modern behavioral economics.He also provided leads that modern economists can take up as a research agenda.

The Rude Pundit 08, 2008 · Hell, Obama was the one who acted like he knew how to behave with a pastor and seemed way more at home talking about morality and biblical references. McCain came into the Saddleback Church having rehearsed lines, addressing the audience, ready with stories about his captivity and applause lines for a friendly crowd.

Rusty Idols: September 2011 11, 2011 · Neil Reynolds today demonstrates the traditional fondness of right wing libertarians for dictatorial authoritarian regimes with a column expressing almost unalloyed admiration for Singapore, a country even Reynolds is forced to admit is severely authoritarian. Some may be surprised at how a self professed libertarian could seem so enthusiastic about a borderline totalitarian state with ...

BilgeBucket Gazette »’s almost election day and America’s CEO/Dictator, Donald Trump, is ratcheting up the fear machine to – in Spinal Tap language – eleven.With the unstoppable force that is the migrant caravan still ambling ever so slowly eight hundred miles away from the nearest American border, America’s orange haired, megalomaniac rage monster has sent 5,000 troops to the border with promises of ...

The Useless Tree: "If It Ain't Broke - Break It" striking was the line I have take for the title of this post?: "If it ain't broke - break it." This was his main theme, of sorts. He exhorted the graduates to follow their own instincts and desires and obsessions wherever they might lead; to not allow conventions and social expectations and the advice of others to distract them from their ...

Bilgrimage: Frank Cocozzelli on Opus Dei Ties of Supreme ... 09, 2014 · In light of the recent Hobby Lobby ruling of the five Supreme Catholic men, Talk to Action has chosen to republish an outstanding series of articles Frank Cocozzelli posted at that site in 2007, about the close ties of most of these five Supreme Catholic men to the ultra-secretive, wealthy, and very influential right-wing Catholic movement Opus Dei.

“Ebben ne andro lontano | This Black Sista's Memorial Page about “Ebben ne andro lontano written by blksista. Teenager threw six-year-old French boy off viewing platform at London galleryTate Modern attacker Jonty Bravery seemed set on horrific planA teenager who threw a six-year-old child off a viewing platform at the Tate Modern gallery in London will serve at least 15 years in prison, the Old Bailey was told on Friday.Jonty Bravery pleaded ...

GOP Establishment Waking Up To The Fact They Can't Control ... of the triumphs of the Obama era's rather weak history of enforcement of corporate malfeasance was the crackdown on the abuses of pa... The Neutering Of An Independent Judicial Branch Finally, after widespread warnings before the 2016 elections and now nearly two years after, there seems to be a general consensus in the ma...

Dagmawi's defense of HR 2003 - Blogger said... anon 11:46AM Why the government doesn’t like this bill is obvious, but you are making a sweeping statement when you say most people don’t like the bill because of the people behind it. Speaking of which, it is interesting to note that in 2003 Donald Payne was the principal sponsor of HR 2760: a bill that sought to impose sanctions on Ethiopia and Eritrea if either fails ...

The Bell: Plumbers and Socialism 16, 2008 · Obama thought Ledbetter knew best whether she was the victim of unfair treatment and deserved to seek restitution for it. McCain felt the government knew best. McCain then went on to lambaste Obama for one of his votes in the Illinois State Legislature regarding partial birth abortions. “One of the bad procedures, a terrible . . .

Frank Gaffney Slams Noted Libertarian Isolationists Teddy ... 12, 2011 · Now, in the 16 years before the outbreak of the Great War in Europe, the United States took part in the Spanish-American War, a savage occupation and counterinsurgency in the Philippines, and various smaller interventions in places such as Panama, Nicaragua, the …

The American Human: Justice Samuel Alito, Anti-Gay first showed that the law ... Next was the article about Alito himself, anti-gay snowflake, because being Catholic is so, er, hard. Poor Samuel Alito! The Supreme Court justice has so much to be upset about. Sure, he’s about to gain an ally on the bench in his ceaseless fight against unions, women’s rights, the environment, ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: "The world's ... 09, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

Features – Obituaries | TheZoo to our friend, Paul Jamiol, one of the best editorial cartoonists IN THE WORLD, for drawing our new 'toon header. Visit Jamiol's World to enjoy his cartoons and children's books. And for those of you who are new to TheZoo, we have a theme song! (Additional lyrics by our own 'critter' Wayne A. Schneider, 2008).

Kurds | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! said: “If we don’t act quickly, still going to grow – and what we’re looking at today is going to look like the good old days compared to the future.” More than 8.5million people view ISIS positively, and around 42 million view them somewhat positively, according to the data.

Daniel Pearl | We Have Seen Better Days likely true a central aim of the kidnappers was to emulate the video taped beheadings of such western martyrs as Daniel Pearl and Ken Bigley, I think it is important to note as well from my understanding they are also drawing inspiration from Muhammad and the Qur’an. Sure, they of course want a good deal of publicity for their barbarous act, but first and foremost, they are Muslims ...

Because We Always Let Our War Criminals Skate - Blogger 06, 2014 · When was the last time America even tried to prosecute our own war criminals? J. Edgar Hoover died in his bed. Henry Kissinger still wal...

JABBS: Conservatives Spin That Bush Circumvented FISA ... 20, 2005 · Why did President Bush circumvent the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)? National Review columnist Byron York defended the president as keeping the nation's best interests in mind, describing the process of receiving a warrant from FISA court as arduous. York writes: "In 2002, when the president made his decision, there was widespread, bipartisan frustration with the slowness …

memeorandum: Donald Trump, who's totally not Vladimir ... Course there's Evidence Trump Colluded with Russian Intelligence — It has become a kind of mantra in the defense of Donald Trump on matters related to L'Affaire Russe that there's no evidence, at least not yet, of “collusion” between the Trump campaign and the Russian active measures operation with respect to the 2016 election.

August | 2010 | progressivenetwork | Page 2 12, 2010 · letter, Daily Local News, 8/12/10 I seldom agree with much of what John Stossel writes, but libertarians such as he are as capable of being rational as anyone else. In his Aug. 10 column, he suggests that “if cutting taxes leaves less money for government …

thebarkingcowhttps://thebarkingcow.blogspot.comSo Gawker had a contest to see see who had the most embarrassing Bar Mitzvah pictures. I knew I was a shoo-in to win. The sheer volume of cheesy pictures from that day would guarantee my victory. The year was 1973. Richard Nixon had just started his second term but all anyone could talk about was Watergate (the bestest 'Gate' of all the gates). The Vietnam War still raged.

Secretary of Defense | Bloviating Zeppelin General (four star) James Mattis (ret.) has been selected as Donald Trump’s nominee for the new administration’s Secretary of Defense. People ask: who is James Mattis? Ladies and gentlemen, James Mattis. A General Mattis Christmas Story. Featured from the National Museum of the Marine Corps Museum’s Facebook Page. A couple of months ago, when I told General Krulak, the ...

RANDOM THOUGHTS: Bill O’Reilly Leaves the Radio Air Waves. was singing about punk bands being cut off the radio in his own England, but I’ve always thought these words had broader relevance. I don’t like looking at fellow living human beings as though I were an anthropologist, but it’s hard not to get analytical about the “punditry cults”. …

MadHatterhttps://madhatterteacher.blogspot.comThe Powers That Be switched him after an incident involving knives in his other class. Honestly, I feel a very maternal, possessive love toward this kid and, although it may seem cheesy, I consider him home. You know, he might be one of the biggest and baddest "problem kids" in …

08 | March | 2009 | Holy Hell! 08, 2009 · 3 posts published by warnick68 on March 8, 2009

01 | December | 2019 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 01, 2019 · But it is a literal place with form and substance, and it contains the holy city. The apostle John had a vision of this place, and what he saw is recorded for us in chapters 21 and 22 of Revelation. A wall with foundation stones and gates surrounds the city, which has a …

review of Outlander 2.3 - Outlander Series link - Fanpop is a very well constructed little narrative, that takes full advantage of the centuries. We know in the 21st century that dogs can definitely be trained to use their noses to point out disease of all kind in humans. This was not known - certainly not in any widespread way - in the 1940s, Claire\'s original time.

Charles Ober Receives Surprise Endorsements - Lost in the ... prominent public official who is running for the mayoral race in 2009 is supporting Charles Ober in his council race in the 30th, June 3 2008. In a race where every vote is going to matter, Charles Ober is going to make a surprise announcement over big endorsements towards his campaign. • Tragedy in Arizona 11, 2011 · “Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. This is not to say that firearms should not be very carefully used, and that definite safety …

KingCast presents: Bill Christy is not a liar; I hope he's ... 14, 2008 · Bill Christy (public website link) is a little testy about having his real face published next to his words so I have now put a new face to him so he feels a little better about himself.Here is is public FaceBook account with his picture. My bad. I was wrong about this post.Here's the Real Deal. If the State or the town of Franconia had conducted any investigation into the propriety of the ...

Rants From The Rookery: Georgie at 3am: Dad? You know you ... 07, 2008 · Yesterday, the White House “increased its estimate for next year’s deficit to nearly $490 billion, a record figure that will saddle the next president with deepening budget problems in his first year in office.” But, on ABC News’s Good Morning America today, Claire Shipman reported that the deficit is actually much higher because ...

American Power: Bleeding Hearts for ObamaCare: Maybe ... 03, 2009 · Bleeding Hearts for ObamaCare: Maybe Crying Will Help Dems' Tanking Support? Look, no one wants to learn of heartbreak stories of real people struggling with insurance bureaucracies, but trying to make Senator Tom Coburn, who is a family physician, into a heartless abomination of anti-ObamaCare obstructionism isn't going to do the trick.

bustardblog: Post has reported that one of the germiest places at an airport is a toilet. I didn't want this to be missed. And you thought the Huffington Post's reputation for investigative journalism was undeserved. They actually do investigate - what's on the front page of …

Vladimir Putin Says "Trust No One" - PolitiZoom 16, 2018 · The post mortem on the Helsinki Treason Summit will continue for days, but the low point was reached when the *resident of the United States insulted the country and previous leaders, and then claimed that now all was well. The base will be so happy with this talking point because Trump told them during the campaign, “I’m the only one who can do it.” New York Times: That investigation ...

The guy who has nothing better to do with his time than ... 08, 2017 · North Korea has just launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life? Hard to believe that South Korea......

Mike Young | Sheila Kennedy Young’s sponsorship is the first clue that a terrible bill; Young has spent his considerable amount of time in Indiana’s legislature as a committed “culture warrior” and general pain in the you-know-where. The second clue comes from the fact that every single person who testified at the committee hearing opposed the measure.

German Newspaper Reports: After six months, Obama less after six months more unpopular than Bush. Half a year after his inauguration as US President accompanied by hope, everyday has caught up with Barrack Obama. A majority of Americans believes his policy is wrong. Obama's personal popularity numbers are even lower than those of George W. Bush at the same time. Obama remains unimpressed.

Out of The Loop: The National Parks: America's Best Idea's only been 2 installments so far, but it's spellbinding. You simply must set aside time to watch The National Parks: America's Best Idea. In the usual Burns style, he blends astounding cinematography with his trademark slow-pans across old black & white photographs, and weaves them together so seamlessly that the 150 year age difference ...

Eschaton: 09/01/2019 - 09/08/2019 of Elon's little lies is always saying that unnamed regulators might prevent speedy implementation of a feature which is going to work any day now promise. The regulators might give him an out, although I imagine people still might want their money back.

The White Nationalist Party | Sheila Kennedy White Nationalist Party July 21, 2018 Racial Equality , Religious Liberty anti-Semitism , bigotry , candidates , GOP , Trump Sheila America has been transfixed by Donald Trump’s very public betrayal of his oath of office–an oath which requires him to protect and defend our country.

Time For A Change | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · It was the clean lines and easy reading that made me pick it. When I started this blog, I was constantly tweaking it. I’ve been through about 6 themes in as many months. I guess I’m restless. I like your blog though. You seem to have come out of the block running.

Ordinary Guy: Carle Part 2 are many little stories that come to mind about Carle and his brilliant art. He looked at the world with an artist’s eye. On the playground I would see him looking down a fence line, sketching shapes in the dirt with a stick and feeling the rough texture of pine bark seemingly wondering how he …

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Jim Grant, Raging Bull 12, 2009 · Jim Grant of "Grant's Interest Rate Observer" is apparently not buying any of that "new era for consumers following traumatic financial blows" thinking espoused by San Francisco Fed President Janet Yellen last week. In fact, bearish Jim Grant is now a raging bull, happily looking past any differences between the current recovery and every other post-World War II recovery in this WSJ op-ed.

EMPIRE of DIRT (click Cash cover of "Hurt")https://empireofdirt77.blogspot.comIn his first 466 days in office, Trump said more than 3,000 things that were either partially or entirely untrue, according to a count kept by the amazing Fact Checker blog at The Washington Post. That's 6.5 a day! Trump's penchant for prevarication is, at some level, an accepted piece of his presidency at this point. It's a feature, not a glitch.

Steve Cohen – are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

economy – Page 19 – Dakota Free Press Presidential candidate Donald Trump repeated in Wednesday night’s debate in Boulder that he’ll cut taxes $10 trillion without increasing the deficit, thanks to the fact that tax cuts will make the economy take off like a rocket.. Houston, the supply-siders have a problem:have a problem:

107062212 Citizens United Lesson Answer Key(1) | Citizens ... Citizens United Lesson Answer Key(1) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

JustOneMinute: Ponzi Schemes Kurtz provides a history of the comparison of Social Security to a Ponzi scheme.. Writing in USA Today, Gov. Rick Perry says he intends to be "honest" with the American people:. Americans must come together and agree to address the problems so today's beneficiaries and tomorrow's retirees really can count on Social Security for the long haul.

Who Will Protect Elections From U.S. Oligarchs? | The author Paul Street holds a doctorate in U.S. history from Binghamton University. He is former vice president for research and planning of the Chicago Urban League. Street is also the author of numerous books, including “Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis” (2007), “The Empire’s New Clothes: Barack Obama in the Real World of Power” (2010), and “They Rule: The 1% v.

Anger (Is Not A Good) Management (Style): A Meditation On ... 08, 2010 · I thought that the anger displayed toward George Bush and (in his time) Richard Nixon was way over the top. But some folks only get concerned if the anger is on the right. Not quite sure I correctly envision the maneuver you made on the bridge, TR, but it sounded a little dangerous--especially if a car were coming the other direction.

Conservapedia | MyBroadband Forum 01, 2007 · Conservapedia, a wiki-based encyclopedia that offers the historical record from a conservative perspective, is attracting lots of derisive comments on blogs and a …

Robert Fisk: "Even I question the 'truth' about 9/11" 29, 2007 · Atta mentioned his family – which no Muslim, however ill-taught, would be likely to include in such a prayer. He reminds his comrades-in-murder to say the first Muslim prayer of the day and then goes on to quote from it. But no Muslim would need such a reminder – let alone expect the text of the "Fajr" prayer to be included in Atta's letter.

Positive News from the USA - Page 41 - Bharat Rakshak 08, 2015 · Footage of the shooting, which occurred around 9.30 am after Walter Scott was pulled over for a traffic violation, shows officer Michael Slager firing eight times at Scott, who is running away. Slager initially told police he shot Scott because he feared for his life while the two fought over Slager’s stun gun. Michael Slager’s booking photo.

Looking Into Custom Retail Software first property the nanny-staters grab is your guns, so you can't stop them from stealing the rest. And here are the facts about it's results in the British Isles and Australia. Chuck Norris Fact Generator

Collapse of Civilization is the Most Likely Outcome ...‘Collapse of Civilisation is the Most Likely Outcome’: Top Climate Scientists. Steffen told Voice of Action that it’s “highly likely that by 2030 we’ll know what pathway we’ve taken”, “the pathway towards sustainability or the current pathway towards likely collapse”.

Kelly Clarkson seeks divorce from husband of nearly 7 years two wed in October 2013 in the first marriage for Clarkson and the second for Blackstock. Blackstock, a talent manager who is the son of Clarkson's former manager, has two children from his first marriage. Messages seeking comment from the couple's representatives on Thursday were not immediately returned.

The Heretik: AMERICAN EVENING HERETIK NOTES Lieberman might be happier if there were just One True Party, as long as he were near the top of it. Perhaps something Bush is lodged in Lieberman's throat and the words we are hearing here are the echo of Ari Fleischer: Watch what you say, watch what you do. Which in the case of Lieberman here might be: Watch what you say ...

Into the Breach: Best Healthcare Anywhere's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.--Frederick Douglass. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.--John A. Shedd. In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. --Iroquois Confederacy Maxim

Administrative Procedure | Exceptional Delaware 19, 2015 · This bill hasn’t even been released yet, but it should gain traction fast. It seems like every time the DOE wants to make new rules, the local school districts are the ones that face the consequences. For example, the Priority Schools weren’t even announced until September 4th last year, already into the new school year.

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 218 | Bill's ... 15, 2018 · Today’s misadventures of our malevolent minority-elect president* begin with his hometown newspaper publishing a picture with the caption ‘Pee Brain’ as his melt down over former FBI Director James Comey’s book begins, a large majority of Americans aren’t buying our dimwitted dip shit’s lies about Mueller and want him to be allowed ...

Balkinization: The Tragedy of the Medicaid Expansion (Part ... consequences of Sebelius relate strongly to this earlier history. A 2013 NYT story quoted H. Jack Geiger, a founder of the community health center model: “The irony is that these states that are rejecting Medicaid expansion — many of them Southern — are the very places where the concentration of poverty and lack of health insurance are the most acute . . .

Michael Fountain: Blood for Ink: "Cruelty Has a Human ... FBI has included a history of animal abuse in their analyses at least since the 1970s, and one of the first formal studies by Arnold Arluke, Jack Levin and others of 153 criminals found animal abusers much more likely to commit violent crimes against people, and crimes against property, than neighbors with a similar background but without a ...

Save Your Breath, Zimmerman Supporters - The Black ... 12, 2013 · First, the only thing that caught Zimmerman’s attention about Trayvon Martin was the fact that he was a Black male. Secondly, Zimmerman contacted 911 more than 40 times, and virtually every call involved Black males. Third, Zimmerman was instructed to remain in his …

His work done, a tired Mike Bloomberg calls his driver and ... 04, 2020 · After spending at least half a billion dollars of Mike Bloomberg's money, the Mike Bloomberg presidential campaign is no more. It is an ex-campaign. Thank God. Michael Bloomberg's campaign was pre...

And Now a WORD From My Bud, Pancho-the-Pope (Catolico ... 21, 2013 · “The faith passes, so to speak, through a distiller and becomes ideology,” he said, according to Radio Vatican.. “And ideology does not beckon [people]. In ideologies there is not Jesus: in his tenderness, his love, his meekness.

Moe's misunderestimations: July 2008 23, 2008 · Heather had a friend, Tiffany, who was also having an extramarital affair at the same time, with Frank. Tiffany was married to a guy who was the locksmith for the Westin Hotel in Seattle. I didn't know that you could make a living as a locksmith for a hotel, but Jose did. And he was a very nice guy.

Tickle The Wiregene ward Archives - Tickle The Wire helicopter crew observed a pickup truck, a man and a woman near an abandoned mobile home. When the helicopter came in for a closer look, the man, Koernke, began running. I don’t know if the helicopter was black, but it must have been unsettling for Koernke to …

Two-Faced Trump: Peace in Korea, World War in the Middle 03, 2018 · Janus was the deity of transitions, which also meant that he was responsible for war and peace. Plutarch writes that Janus has a temple at Rome with double doors, which they call the gates of war; for the temple always stands open in time of war, but is closed when peace has come.

‘The World Has Watched in Horror’: Ex-Australian Prime 07, 2020 · The world has watched in horror as an American president acts not as the leader of the free world but as a quack apothecary recommending unproven “treatments.” It has seen what “America First” means in practice: don’t look to the United States for help in a genuine global crisis, because it can’t even look after itself.

The Lowdown on the Down Low | Zero Tolerance For Silence 15, 2011 · That was the stunning message of J.L. King’s 2004 bestseller, On the Down Low: A Journey Into the Lives of “Straight” Black Men Who Sleep With Men. In 190 pages, King, a former Columbus resident, documents a largely anecdotal story of his own experiences as a down low brother who enjoyed sex with black men while being married to a black ...

White progress | mathbabe 05, 2014 · It's pretty hard to find solace in the Eric Garner situation, but since I have been thinking almost exclusively about this stuff, and since by nature I don't like to be consistently hopeless (it's too exhausting), I have come up with some positive thinking around it. Namely, basically what Chris Rock has been saying: it's exposing white…

Trump's Easy Path To 4% GDP Growth - The Soundings the presidential campaign and its aftermath, Donald Trump has made numerous promises about restoring economic growth.As usual with Trump, there is no consistency in his promises, but at various times he has pledged to raise GDP growth anywhere from 3.5% to 7%.

Blog with a View: October 2007 with a View is a visual diary of my original digital art, fractal art, and illustrated poetry. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Surf here often to test that theory. Enjoy the view. Feel free to talk back to the art. You won't disturb the other patrons.

December | 2016 | Stephen, picture Gore in his earth-toned suits, repeating the word “lockbox.” 1996: Bill Clinton over Bob Dole. Dole did have a very appealing dry wit, and I actually kinda liked the way he would say “Bob Dole” instead of “I.” But he was no match for one of the most charismatic presidents of all time. 1992: Bill Clinton over George H.W ...

April ? 2012 ? Wheat-dogg's I fisk the unfortunate Mr Judge’s piece. My white guilt died on Good Friday, April 6, 2012. That was the day my bike got stolen. So traumatic an event, I have to blog about it, and explain why I hate all black people, one of whom may or may not have stolen my bike.

October | 2012 | Brobrubel's Blog when you think about it, in the above scene they did destroy the Wizard. According to Jim Romenesko:. The image credits the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Lee Winfrey for this gem (he died in 2003), but it was actually written by Rick Polito in 1998, when he was a Marin Independent Journal TV columnist. (It got Roy Rivenburg’s “TV Listing of the Week” award in the Los Angeles Times on ...

The Things You Can Learn at Juanita Jean’s Beauty Salon ... of my favorite blogs is written by Juanita Jean, proprietor of “The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.” Juanita Jean’s real name is Susan DuQuesnay Bankston, and she lives in Richmond, Texas, which she describes as “the heart of Tom DeLay’s old district, and nuttier than squirrel poop.”. Since I frequently use examples from Texas in my classes–the state is a reliable ...

November | 2008 | The Lunch Counter 30, 2008 · It wi. ll be for a book signing of his new book ‘Do the right thing.’ Even if you’re not interested in his book, but you support the Fair Tax, how about showing up (you know the media will be there) to thank Gov. Huckabee for making the Fair Tax part of his campaign platform as well as his continued support of it.

Froggy Bottom Cafe - Progress Pond 03, 2010 · Just to remind everyone that this week’s Friday Foto Flogging theme is Walls, Fences, and Fields:

Lost in the Ozone...: Stephen Hawking: God NOT Needed For ... 07, 2010 · British physicist and mathematician Stephen Hawking says no, arguing in his new book that there need not be a God behind the creation of the universe. The concept is explored in "The Grand Design," excerpts of which were printed in the British newspaper The Times on Thursday.

Tickle The WireGeorge Bush Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling For more than a year, former president George H.W. Bush’s home had a broken alarm system and Secret Service failed to fix it, the Washington Post reports. Although the alarm system monitors the property and the house, the agency rejected requests to replace it since 2010, according to an inspector general report.

Education | 44-D rain stopped and the sun came out just in time for the First Lady’s Fall 2010 Kitchen Garden Harvest. Joined by more than 25 students from Washington, DC’s Bancroft and Tubman Elementary Schools, the First Lady and several world-renowned chefs spent the afternoon in the White House garden digging up sweet potatoes, clipping herbs, picking tomatoes, and admiring the pumpkins …

Trump hails Saudi achievements, criticizes Iran in United ... 26, 2018 · The Power-Tweeter-in-Chief kicked off his address to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday by boasting of his many historic achievements. The same goes for his bragging, and factually inaccurate opening line that his administration had accomplished more than any other in U.S. history. "I didn't expect that reaction, but that's OK", he said, prompting louder laughter.

DIY Government - Bloggerhttps://blogforgovern.blogspot.comWhile I was reading "Paid Maternity Leave for both Parents" I did agree with a lot of the statements made.The author made a great point when stating "According to the World Health Organization, the minimum amount of time a woman needs to fully recover from giving birth is 16 weeks."Which is a good argument, and how are you going to allow a mother who has not fully recovered back to the job.

Olbermann Special Comment--McCain / Palin mudslinging attacks 10, 2008 · But it is the only play that John McCain has, with less than a month to go in the election. This brings us back to Keith Olbermann's Special Comment. Olbermann criticizes Sarah Palin's attacks against Obama, linking Obama with Ayers, and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Inga Cotton – Off the SBOE seats are up in 2022, in the same way that all State Senate seats are up in the first cycle after redistricting; I’m honestly not sure offhand if there would be a special election in 2021 to fill out the remainder of those terms, or if the Board appoints an interim person. The Statesman story doesn’t consider SBOE10 to be competitive.

Transit Strike Could Once Again Gridlock Bay Area – Today ... 18, 2013 · After a brief but disruptive strike in July, a 30-day contract extension, and a 60-day cooling-off period, transit workers in the San Francisco area may once again strike as early as Tuesday. Bay Area Rapid Transit authority management has made what it’s characterizing as “last, best, and final” offer, meaning it plans to stop negotiating and ultimately just impose its offer on workers.

Whoopee, We're All Gonna Die | The Smirking, that's inevitable. We're all gonna die, as Country Joe and the Fish sang back in the '60s. We were always all gonna die, in Vietnam, in a car wreck, in an emergency room, in a shooting gallery with a spike in our arm, in the farewell embrace of a loved one or all alone in a grimy motel room.

David Drake: Rahm Emanuel Living Rent Free work if you can get it, eh? Pbama Administration Chief of Staff Rahm Neocon and Son of a Terrorist Emanuel has been living rent free for years and never declared it on his taxes. Personal Money Store: . White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is under fire for allegedly taking what amounts to personal loans that he didn’t repay.

HB 1274 OK for Colorado Senate Floor - The StandDown Texas ..."Even with this it's going to be an inadequately funded cold case unit," Carroll said. "But it will increase the odds we will be able to solve some of these." The bill still needs to win two votes before the full Senate. The first one could come later today, as the Senate works furiously to finish its bills before the Wednesday deadline to adjourn.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Judiciary ... 12, 2006 · The first is that the District Court Judge presiding over the suit agreed to hear the ACLU's motion on the substance of the claim even though the Bush administration -- as it always does in these cases -- frivolously invoked the "state secrets" doctrine in demanding that the lawsuit be dismissed. Typically, once the Government invokes that ...

Above The Borderline: 1/4/09 - 1/11/09 entering public service, Hoover was probably one of the richest non-capitalists in the country. When he was elected President in 1928, Hoover had never been elected to any previous office. The book also discussed Andrew Mellon and his run-ins with FDR. Mellon must be considered one of …

St. Paul gives Frogtown bar ultimatum over nuisance behavior 23, 2009 · The June 12 incident was the latest in a string of trouble at the Frogtown bar. Now, St. Paul is giving the owners a legal ultimatum: clean up the problems or risk being shut down. City Attorney John Choi sent a notice Friday to nine people who are the bar's owners or interested parties.

How many lives have to be lost before we enforce our laws? 27, 2005 · The following story is outrageous. A mother of two is dead and it shouldn't have happened. An illegal immigrant arrested multiple times for driving without a license was the cause of the crash.(Just wait the Palm Beach Post will find this the time to come out with the obligatory editorial saying why illegals should get driver licenses.)

2016 United States Senate election in Colorado - Wikipedia,_2016The 2016 United States Senate election in Colorado was held November 8, 2016, to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of Colorado, concurrently with the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as well as other elections to the United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections.

Cult of Signal: September 2019 11, 2019 · Today, 9/11/2019 is certainly someone's 18th Birthday and is also a weekday. There is a very good, near certain, chance that some kid who was being born on 9/11/2001 is taking the Oath of Enlistment today.

Will We Ever Agree About Religion or Is God Real Part 4 ... 01, 2009 · Hi John Andrew, thanks for your reply. You write: “After stating that you’re not hung up on pain and suffering, you immediately bring up an argument that says maybe you are! “ And: “We don’t understand why God ordered the wiping out of certain people groups, but …

interrogation – Eric Lightborn's Blog CIA “enhanced interrogation” program being dismantled is a great weight and a seriously dangerous chapter of American History coming to a close, as does the proposed closure of Guantanamo Bay within one year’s time. President Barack Obama deserves commendation for these actions.

EMPIRE of DIRT (click Cash cover of "Hurt"): Driving While ... deputies in Lake County, FL, routinely detain Hispanics whom they suspected of bring illegal aliens, dettaining them without charges while contacting the US Border Patrol. For those of you not from my great state, Lake County had an infamous sheriff, Willis McCall, known for racism, lynching, and black people mysteriously disappearing from his custody.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com the war in Afghanistan (2001–present), over 31,000 civilian deaths due to war-related violence have been documented; 29,900 civilians have been wounded. Over 111,000 Afghans, including civilians, soldiers and militants, are estimated to have been killed in the conflict. The Cost of War project estimated that the number who have died through indirect causes related to the war may be as ...

Soul Train Host Don Cornelius Dies at 75 — Crooked Timber 02, 2012 · In any case, he was the originator and host of one of the coolest TV shows of all time: Soul Train. When I was a kid, and wore an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time, there were pretty much no good shows on TV. But as a teen I could watch Moonlighting! Yeah, um. OK, there was Voltron, and The “A” Team etc., don’t hassle me.

Peak Pale — Crooked Timber 13, 2012 · It seems to me that, just as ‘peak oil’ refers to the “the point in time when the maximum rate of petroleum extraction is reached, after which the rate of production is expected to enter terminal decline,” so ‘peak pale’ ought to refer to the point in time when the maximum relative rate of white vote extraction is reached by the GOP, after which the party’s rate of election is ...

Obama\'s Homeland Security Secretary thinks Veterans are terrorists are,” the American Legion’s national commander, David K. Rehbein, said in a letter to Napolitano. Napolitano apologized on CNN on Thursday morning. “I know that some veterans groups were offended by the fact that veterans were mentioned …

Trans* Exceptionalism - Leatherati Online 29, 2013 · Exceptionalism is the perception that an exception can or even should be consistently made for a particular group of people. We’re used to hearing about American exceptionalism as a positive thing, but trans exceptionalism most often works negatively.

Chocolate — Crooked Timber 16, 2004 · I haven’t been to most of the places in mentioned in the NY Times article, but it seems they mostly focus on patisseries with good chocolatiers in them. For a shop in Paris totally devoted to chocolate, check out Cacao e Chocolat (29 Rue de Buci, 6e, M: Mabillon). It’s got a wonderful selection and is quite “modern” in its tastes.

Winter Patriot: The Hero Who Wasn't are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Winter Patriot: Justice Delayed ... May Also Be Denied 03, 2005 · May Also Be Denied We are rapidly approaching the 30th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, and one of the most grotesque of its many grotesque aspects may soon have its day in court. For the first time since the Vietnam War ended in 1975, a group of Vietnamese people who say they are victims of Agent Orange are suing for compensation.

Pedestrian Infidel: The Texas Baby Factory for Illegals 11, 2006 · According to a recent article by the Dallas Morning News, the hospital spent $70.7 million delivering 15,938 babies in 2004 but managed to end up with almost $8 million dollars in surplus funding. Medicaid kicked in $34.5 million, Dallas County taxpayers kicked in $31.3 million and the feds tossed in another $9.5 million.

More Truth in Teacher-Written Education Blogs Than 10, 2017 · Not merely someone who’s taught in a public school for a few years – I’m an educator with more than 15 years experience in the classroom. And I’m still there. I’m not a Teach for America recruit who committed myself to three years in front of children after a few weeks crash course. Where I am now was my goal in the first place. Did I Say Daffy... Palin is in way over her head. It sounded daffy to me that Palin had a fifth child at 44, as I pointed out in my post Sarah Palin: Daffy With A Touch of Igloo Trash , just this morning: Then, of course, there is the curious fact that, though she already has four children, is the Governor of Alaska and is in her 40's, she has another child.

Eleventh Commandment – are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Burning Man – Robot King 29, 2013 · Posts about Burning Man written by robotking42. I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this. See, if you’ve been reading this blog or have interacted with me in person or maybe have just talked to someone who has talked to me over the past few weeks and is marveling at how intensely I dislike my roommate, you probably know that I intensely dislike my roommate.

Senator Harry Reid | Bloviating happened to quote from another figure who advocated for the end of birthright citizenship: Harry Reid. In 1993, Reid introduced S.1351, called the Immigrant Stabilization Act.. As you can see when you click the link, this bill was proposed solely by Reid himself, fully credited.

Biggest Gainers and Losers: Black Interstate Migration in ... 07, 2009 · The Pew Research Center web site has prepared an excellent presentation showing population migration patterns in the United States. The presentation shows which states are gaining and losing population, and provides detailed information at the ethnic group level. The Pew report has migration information that goes back to 1975-80, but for this blog entry, I…

Black State Population | All Other Persons Attorney General Thurbert Baker, who is African American, has announced that he’s in the race for governor’s seat in 2010. I don’t know if he’s the right person, but he is in it at least. • The huge black migrations to Texas and from Louisiana are the result of the same thing: Hurricane Katrina.

Why the Epstein Scandal May Be the Most Important Story of ... the custodians betrayed the public trust. Why the Epstein Scandal May Be the Most Important Story of the Decade PJ Media - 2020-07-06T07:17:09.000Z

Local bank specials" Keyword Found Websites Listing ... Best New Bank Account Promotions & Offers - July 2020. Apply online for a new TD Bank Beyond Checking account, and you’ll get a $300 cash bonus once you receive direct deposits of more than $2,500 within 60 days.To qualify for this offer, you must be a U.S. resident and apply for the offer online. The Beyond checking account typically includes a $25 monthly maintenance ...

Dick Cheney | Donkey Punch the Victorville, CA Daily Press:. With candy sales banned on school campuses, sugar pushers are the latest trend at local schools. Where have I heard about this kind of thing before? “It’s created a little underground economy, with businessmen selling everything from a pack of skittles to an energy drink.”

Top 149 Disruptive technology Free Questions to Collect– What are the business goals Disruptive technology is aiming to achieve? Embrace, extend, extinguish Critical Criteria: Participate in Embrace, extend, extinguish issues and integrate design thinking in Embrace, extend, extinguish innovation. – What sources do you use to gather information for a Disruptive technology study?

Tortillas Quemadas: April 2012 15, 2012 · Happy birthday to our wonderful cat who is 5-years-old today (37 in human years). Converting between cat years and human years isn't as simple as using a factor of 7 (as some people erroneously think with dogs, and sometimes cats). The main reason is that cats mature quickly in the first couple of years of life.

Next Left: The Shadow Cabinet steeplechase: runners and Shadow Cabinet steeplechase: runners and riders ... "the most sophisticated electorate in the world" begins to contemplate what might end up as a 50-strong field for the first Shadow Cabinet elections for a generation. Nominations open on the Sunday week of the Manchester conference and close on the Wednesday. ... What are the prospects for ...

a dream or a song: Your Stuck in my Head Song of the Day 07, 2007 · I don't know where this song came from, but when I woke up this morning I was singing it.It's Mmmm Mmmm by the Crash Test Dummies and I hadn't thought about or heard this song in maybe like 12 years so I don't know what sparked it but I had to download it this morning. I do remember when this song came out when I was like 10 and my class took some trains to Arizona for a field trip and …

Tickle The Wiredetainees Archives - Tickle The first ICE detainee to die from the coronavirus was a 57-year-old El Salvador man who had become ill at the Otay Messa Detention Center in San Diego. “He contracted (Covid-19) at the facility,” the senior immigration official told CNN. “As soon as he tested positive he was sent to the hospital. He died there.”

[E.O.M.S.]: Why the Critics Are Wrong - Olympia Food Co-op ... 02, 2010 · C ritics of the Olympia Food Co-op’s recent decision to boycott several Israeli products until Israel ends its inhumane occupation of Palestinian land and its suppression of Palestinian human rights have no moral or ethical basis to criticize the Food Co-op unless they can offer an alternative strategy to end Israel’s occupation. Until they do so, they are simply embracing and providing ...

Kevin Powell: Sermon: All Saints Sunday of us who’ve been around the church for a while might find Malcolm’s and Bill’s comments offensive. After all, they’re the words of Jesus, and their sharp edge might have dulled in our ears from years of hearing them. But to fresh ears, Jesus’ words can sound astonishingly naive. Or even dangerous to our well being.

Anatolian Storms: WITH HENNA IN THEIR PALMS henna in their palms Traditionally we use henna in three events: put henna on a lamb meaning to sacrifice to God, put henna on the bride before marriage to bring prosperity and acknowledge the sacrifice of the family, and put henna on the son being sent to the military to …

Readers Write: Trump-Putin summit, U President Eric Kaler ... 16, 2018 · Looks like, sounds like … Letters 488335491 Readers Write: Trump-Putin summit, U President Eric Kaler, U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis and health care, summer ethanol blend, songbirds

McConnell to Franken: This isn't 'SNL' - Outside the Beltway 06, 2010 · McConnell to Franken: This isn’t ‘SNL’ ... someone in the chamber appeared to be moving around in his chair, gasping and rolling his eyes. ... the daily KOS – has been relegated to the ...

Lawmaker says son's broken arm was bad health care example ... Andrew Taylor, Associated Press | Posted - Dec. 21, 2016 at 9:01 p.m. This archived news story is available only for your personal, non-commercial use. Information in the story may be outdated ...

Lawmaker says son's broken arm was bad health care example 21, 2016 · A conservative GOP lawmaker says he "made a poor choice of words" when citing a decision to delay treatment of his son's broken arm to point out …

Kelly O and Dan at the Adult Entertainment Expo: But Where ... sex robots aren’t available just yet. But if you’ve been seized by a sudden desire to fuck the shit out of the workout ball while doing crunches at the gym, or if you think there’s not enough double penetration during your average game of Spin the Bottle, or if think whip cream is a sex toy (as opposed to the gas used to make it), or if you dig father-son granite dildo teams, this ...

Dan Aykroyd as Elwood waiting for brother Jake to be ... mystery of why people swing their arms while walking rather than holding them still and rigid like the famous silly walk of John Cleese in his Monty Python sketch appears to have been solved. An experiment involving making a group of volunteers take equally silly walks in a laboratory setting has confirmed that arm swinging makes walking ...

May 2017 – Here's A Thing… 20, 2021 · 'Disinformation' Is The Word Of The Year — And A Sign Of What's To Come 12/30/2019; Opinion: It's Time To End The Colonial Mindset In Global Health 12/30/2019; Opinion: Looking Back On 2019, I Think Of Fear 12/28/2019; Reflections From A Jew At A Mock-Jewish Restaurant 12/28/2019

Dick Cheney Haters | The Lunch Counter 26, 2012 · Cheney: He Deserves An Answer. On May 21, 2009, former vice president Richard B. Cheney, a member of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research and a member of their Board of Trustees, spoke…

Wednesday Cartoon Fun: Fairness Cartoon Fun: Fairness Edition Oct 16 (3) Oct 9 (4 ) ... It’s A Card Deck And A Photography Resource At The Same Time! 1 hour ago McSweeney's. McSweeney’s Books: An Interview with Spencer Wolff About His New Book A Fire in His Wake 14 hours ago Lifehacker. Atlas Coffee Club Shows You the World in a Cup of Joe, Starting at $9 a ...

Remembering John McCain's record on civil rights on this ... John McCain's record on civil rights on this MLK tribute day. By: Carole Borges John McCain wants us all to remember his prison camp experience, when he was held in isolation and couldn't escape, but when it comes to freedom for people of color people in his …

Wanda Sykes | News Corpse 11, 2009 · And since Beck is amongst those so incensed by Sykes’ alleged hostility, perhaps he will include in his act the bit he performed on his radio show wherein he fantasized about strangling Michael Moore to death with his bare hands. Here are the YouTube videos of Obama and Sykes at the WHCA dinner: Barack Obama / Wanda Sykes

Gas Prices and Light Rail | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle ... gas seems may result in a bigger, better light rail plan landing on the ballot this November, Mike Lindblom writes in today’s Seattle Times.. Just two months ago, the transit board’s three Snohomish County members questioned whether the agency would be ready to go back to voters this year — especially if the proposed rail line stopped at Northgate.

The Twitter users who drove the furor over Komen and ... 04, 2012 · Last Tuesday, the Susan G. Komen Foundation announced it would no longer fund clinical breast exams and mammograms through Planned Parenthood. The $680,000 per year that was going to Planned ...

The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP), 1925-1978 ... 25, 2015 · “The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP) was a labor union organized by African American employees of the Pullman Company in August 1925 and led by A. Philip Randolph and Milton P. Webster. Over the next twelve years, the BSCP fought a three-front battle against the Pullman Company, the American Federation of Labor, and the anti-union ...

13: It's All About The Benjamins (duh) 30, 2018 · I have an allergy to borrowing and a scorn for people who are in debt, and I don’t hide it. I follow the Romans’ attitude that debtors are not free people ." Of course, Taleb fails to take into account that a lack of a credit history is detrimental to renting but, overall, one …

Get Off This!: Two Cheers for Meth? the Tweakers! By ELLEN TAYLOR "I have nothing good to say about methamphetamines", declares Mike Goldsby, a highly-respected local expert in drug addiction, in our local paper here in Humboldt County, northern California. The estimated 1.4 million users in the US would disagree. Productivity-oriented professionals with demanding careers praise the increased alertness afforded by meth.

Electronic Village: Coroner Rules 'Homicide' in the Taser ... McKenzie is a 25-year old Black man who was killed in a taser-related incident by Kern County Sheriff deputies.Kern County coroner John Van Rensselaer ruled the death a homicide. [SOURCE]McKenzie did a bad thing on July 2.

Monologues of Dissent: Walker takes hypocrisy to the next ... 01, 2012 · Dear Scott Walker, Thanks for your latest E-Update. Considering that it came just a day after the national brouhaha, I was surprised and disappointed that it did not contain an apology or redaction for your embarrassing tripling-down on Paul Ryan's oft-repeated lie that President Obama is somehow responsible for the closing of the Janesville GM plant that went under during the …

The Frustrated Teacher: 2/13/ all the nations participating in the PISA assessment, the U.S. has, by far, the largest number of students living in poverty--21.7%. The next closest nations in terms of poverty levels are the United Kingdom and New Zealand have poverty rates that are 75% of ours.

Developing your Web presence: Meanwhile in Mordor… 31, 2011 · Developing your Web presence The exercise of power is determined by thousands of interactions between the world of the powerful and that of the powerless, all the more so because these worlds are never divided by a sharp line: everyone has a small part of himself in both - Vaclav Havel

Harrison Bergeron; Meet Berkley, CA 04, 2010 · The proposal to put the science-lab cuts on the table was approved recently by Berkeley High’s School Governance Council, a body of teachers, parents, and students who oversee a plan to change the structure of the high school to address Berkeley’s dismal racial achievement gap, where white students are doing far better than the state average while black and Latino students are doing worse.

NaBloPoMo | Short Takes about NaBloPoMo written by mkh531. I am still so shocked by the story of the black and Hispanic day campers who were kicked out (after paying a fee) of the Valley Swim Club in Huntingdon Valley, PA simply because they were–shocker!–not white. I am even more shocked that despite the story getting some play on Facebook and Twitter, it hasn’t really hit the mainstream media outlets yet.

Mo Rage: Quote of the day of the day “What is a man born for, but to be a Reformer, a re-maker of what man has made; a renouncer of lies; a restorer of truth and good; imitating that great nature herself, yielding us every morning a new day, and with every pulsation a new life?” - …

Clear Thinking in the Age of Disinformationhttps://clearthinkingage.blogspot.comCharles C. Haynes, in his “Christmas wars” column, acknowledges that atheists have achieved a victory in the battle to keep religious symbols from dominating certain public property during December. He astutely outlines the reasoning of the courts and municipalities that are opting for fairness and inclusivity for all Americans.

Jonny Mac's Place: Poshness and lateness's posher to eat at nine than at six. It's the done thing not to turn up bang on time for dinner at someone's house. The Karen Matthews's of this world have their first children at 18, the middle classes somewhat...later. The posher you are, the later you get a job; and of course, if you're really posh (or really not) you don't get a job at all.

Amitabh Bachchan Turns 70! ~ " Century Fox Post 10, 2012 · The veteran has seen as many troughs as crests in his four decades long liaison with the Hindi film industry. While Amitabh Bachchan has been seen straddling across the entire length and breadth of the world of films in India, he has also seen himself sinking – …

M O R P H E U S R E V O L U T I O N S: Malcolm X 2009 ... 07, 2009 · The same thing happened in Algeria, in Africa--they didn't have anything but a rifle. The French had all these highly mechanized instruments of warfare, but they put some guerilla action on, and a--and a--and a white man can't fight a guerilla warfare. Guerilla action takes heart, takes nerve, and he doesn't have that. He's brave when he's got ...

Short Takes | The most important blog. Ever.https://marieshort.wordpress.comSo now the story has made the major media outlets: ABC news, CNN and others. But the best news is that Senator Arlen Specter is launching an investigation into the club’s practices. Keep at it, Senator. UPDATED with video link: CNN showed a little boy named Marcus Allen crying as he told the story of what was said to him. I want to cry, too.

American Power: Raise High the Nation? Obama's Speech at ... 01, 2008 · The Philadelphia address, if anything, showed some moxie in addressing the nation's original sin, but it was also a perfect example of Obama's tendency to be, well, all about Obama. In Denver , Obama needs to go beyond the self-centered lofty language, the weighted pauses, and the soothing baritone delivery - he needs to genuinely move a nation.

Obama's Civilian Security - Brown Shirts are Coming? 18, 2008 · Obama, July 2, Colorado Springs, CO: [As] president I will expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots [from 75,000] and make that increased service a vehicle to meet national goals, like providing health care and education, saving our planet and restoring our standing in the world, so that citizens see their effort connected to a common purpose.

EMPIRE of DIRT (click Cash cover of "Hurt"): May 2018 occurred. Just happened. Regrettable, yes. [Beginning in 2011, with soaring murder rates and narcotics crime spreading across Central America, there was a surge in unaccompanied minors — mostly teens — trying to cross the border.Many of these children were apprehended by Border Patrol, and the U.S. obviously didn’t have a good plan for what to do next.

USCF United States Civilian Forces: 02/04/18 (WASHINGTON POST) - In the 109 years of the FBI's existence, it has repeatedly come under fire for abuses of power, privacy or civil rights. From Red Scares to recording and threatening to expose the private conduct of Martin Luther King Jr to benefiting from bulk surveillance in the ...

26 | May | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 26, 2018 · Read: Psalm 142 | Bible in a Year: 1 Chronicles 28–29; John 9:24–41 No one is concerned for me. I have no refuge; no one cares for my life. Psalm 142:4 As a child, when I felt lonely, rejected, or sorry for myself, my mother would sometimes attempt to cheer me up by singing a popular ditty: “Nobody likes me, everybody hates me.

My Great Privilege - Meeting a World War II Veteran ... 19, 2012 · My Great Privilege — Meeting a World War II Veteran . In few more years, they’ll all be gone. Every one of them. The millions who marched on foot across a continent and who sailed the high seas some 70 years ago are slowly but surely leaving us.

The Rectification of Names: The Mysterious Planet David— mike murphy (@murphymike) July 6, 2016 That last provided the frame for the whole column, the idea that Trump's style is undergoing a significant change, which I think isn't really true (the thing about the Pence moment was more that Trump's struggle to speak about a person other than himself, carried out at such agonizing length, brought the features out more clearly), so it seems most ...

Article: One Month of Trump | 17, 2017 · Everything about his first 28 days suggests that Trump is in over his head in his new job. For example, after an (initial) week full of executive orders, Trump now appears to have no overall plan ...

No Heat in the Cooler: More Tales from Edgefield Federal 17, 2010 · Article: No Heat in the Cooler: More Tales from Edgefield Federal Prison - Gary, along with all the other prisoners, had no heat last night, and they have no hot water. After more than a week with ...

Fight for swing states, United States News & Top Stories are the swing states, or battleground states, and the outcome of the election could hinge on whom voters in these states eventually choose …

The Right To Swing Your Fist Ends At My 20, 2014 · One of the most dangerous of those ideas is "rugged individuality"; the idea that, despite John Donne, every man is an island. It is manifested in so many ways in modern America. As just one example, there has been a lot of news recently about the return of whooping cough .

How We Got Here - The Soundings President then keeps the NSA in his position where he has access to the most important intelligence secrets of our country for 18 days until Flynn's actions are revealed in the press. The President then fires the head of the agency running the counter-espionage investigation, explicitly naming that investigation as a rationale for his firing.

Prop Thtr | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. of today, there are less than two weeks before The Vic & Paul Show opens in Chicago for a one-week engagement, June 9-12, at the Prop Theatre.. This past Sunday morning, May 29 th, Vic and Steve Rashid and I had a great time on Rick Kogan’s WGN Radio show, The Sunday Papers.Journalist, author, and radio raconteur, Rick Kogan is a Chicago institution.

Tony Soprano Meets Howlin' Wolf ... and Maybe God, Too 21, 2007 · But Tony's attack on Coco last night was the result of blind rage, not conscious choice. I disagree, Tony didn't lose it in a blind rage, he carefully planned his assault on Coco, presumably driving to the restaurant he knew Coco frequented, at a time when there would be few witnesses to the attack, had a short barreled revolver to pistol whip Coco instead of the large …

Less than half of violent crimes are solved in America ... 08, 2019 · Last interaction with a cop was a dog that was barking non-stop for a couple hours 1/10th of a mile away from our house in someone’s very wooded back yard. Why didn’t they call the cops. Seemed it could easily be a dog in distress to Mad and I so we called the police instead of trudging through backyards by ourselves and being mistaken for ...

President war | Search Results | The Least, First Ward Howe offered her Mother’s Day Proclamation to the world in 1870. Her dream was the establishment of an international Mothers’ Day Festival dedicated to the cause of nonviolent resolution of conflict and international solidarity among all women. Her pacifist consciousness had been provoked by the bloodshed of the Franco-Prussian War. Her activism was cultivated in …

The Dallas Cowboys and the instruments of God's wrath ... 30, 2008 · The Dallas Cowboys and the instruments of God's wrath - The Philadelphia Eagles ... and a safe investment for people all over the world, is a concept known as property rights. ... Waaaay back when George W. Bush was just a pup, he was the front man for a group that bought The Texas Rangers baseball team. Bush brought a 2% share of the ...

Grant Wood - Midtown Blogger/Manhattan Valley Follies it was the work of the 15th-century Flemish artist Jan van Eyck that influenced him to take on the clarity of this new technique and to incorporate it in his new works. From 1924 to 1935, Wood lived in the loft of a carriage house that he turned into his personal studio at "5 Turner Alley" (the studio had no address until Wood made one up ...

[E.O.M.S.]: The London Nobody Knows 05, 2012 · The London Nobody Knows was first printed in 1962, and he followed it with a string of books (London After Dark, Pearly Kingdom, The London Dickens Knew) which all covered similar ground. But being written in a style equal parts Max Beerbohm and Oscar Wilde, sharpness and melancholy, it hardly mattered.

A MESSAGE TO CRAIG ACOSTA – THE BLACK CONSERVATIVE - … 04, 2019 · Again, it was the power of Black intellect that sent man to the Moon, but Fox News would never tell Craig that. Ms. Katherine Johnson did the math necessary to send man into outer space, and then when they invented computers - also largely the product of a Black mind - NASA had Ms. Johnson check their calculations before they sent John Glenn in ...

"He appeals to all that is innate and created in us in a ... 07, 2008 · He appeals to all that is innate and created in us in a longing for that “better country, that is a heavenly one” discussed in Hebrews 11. And he offers fulfillment in his election to the presidency at which time he will unleash the power of government to set things right in …

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "a band plays 'Obama-alujah ... 07, 2008 · "We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."-- Oprah Winfrey “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on.

Underwood Update | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... Underwood, the fundraising consultant who sued a former employee, McKenna Hartman, to prohibit her from competing with him after she left his firm, will move forward with his case, currently scheduled for trial in July 2009.On Friday, a judge lifted a temporary restraining order against Hartman that prevented her from going into the fundraising business for herself, allowing her to take ...

Michel Houellebecq’s ‘Submission’ | Arun with a View 26, 2015 · Adam Shatz, contributing editor at the London Review of Books and writer in residence at New York University’s Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies—and dear personal friend—has a fine review essay in the latest issue of the LRB on Michel Houellebecq’s latest novel, Soumission.As one is no doubt aware by now, the novel is about a Muslim takeover of France following the 2022 ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: DEMAGOGUERY? MIKE BLOOMBERG, … 07, 2016 · We have certainly seen such figures before, in both parties. In the 1930s, there was the despotic Huey Long in Louisiana and Father Coughlin in Michigan, who blamed “Jewish conspirators” for America’s troubles. Then came Charles Lindbergh in the ’40s, Joe McCarthy in the ’50s, George Wallace in the ’60s and Pat Buchanan in the ’90s.

STRAIGHT TRACK - Radio 08, 2003 · These are the major complaints, earnings and time away from home. They feel insult is added to injury when asked to pay more for medical in the middle of an agreement and loose disability insurance as well. I don't know if that was the straw that broke the camels back, because the overtime issue has been brewing for years.

Marry in Massachusetts: Winger in Worcester Flips along the way, she, in fact, assaulted one of the teenagers in the crowd, trampling on the teen before she fell. It has a second post claiming media bias and "that the entire event was staged." So there, you have it. Don't believe your eyes or the report of everyone there, except for the attacking thug and the emcee (who wrote the first GOP ...

On Being Notorious...: 1/24/10 - 1/31/10 30, 2010 · Famously reclusive and iconic novelist J.D. Salinger died in his New Hampshire home yesterday at the age of 91. J. D. Salinger, who was thought at one time to be the most important American writer to emerge since World War II but who then turned his back on success and adulation, becoming the Garbo of letters, famous for not wanting to be famous, died Wednesday at his home in …

SPZSHIP archive: 2009-03-29 04, 2009 · The video shows Jones in his ruffled work clothes contemplating what a day off from work might feel like. With some of Chicago’s most original and colorful murals providing the backdrop, Sit on the Moon grabs the viewer’s attention and meshes perfectly with Phys Edison’s soulful instrumental and Jones’ introspective lyrics.'

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump completely undermines ... 02, 2017 · — Jon Negroni (@JonNegroni) May 11, 2017 And believe it or not that admission was only one of the bombshells in this interview. Courtesy of WaPo: President Trump said FBI Director James B. Comey told him three times he was not under investigation — once at a White House dinner when Comey was seeking to remain in his post and in two phone calls, including one initiated by the …

Mother of killed Benghazi man: They Want Me To Shut Up ... 08, 2013 · The mother of Sean Smith, Pat Smith is making the rounds in the media, bringing forward the Benghazi fiasco to the forefront. We still have not heard a word from the 30 or so that did survive. This is a heartbreaker, be warned. 4/5/13 - On Friday, Sean Hannity brought Pat Smith, mother of the…

Lost New Questions: 6: What Constitutes Reliable Evidence? is really not just a question, and not a new question, but a meta-question: what can we bring to our answers about Lost questions, puzzles, and mysteries? 1. Obviously, whatever we see and hear on the series must count. 2.

jgsf1987: Segregation't think that this is the first time that Biden put his foot in his mouth, as it's really not. The biggest problem with him making comments like that is that it provides fodder for Donald Trump to potentially use against him should he be nominated. The video below sheds light on how Biden may be worse than Hillary Clinton, and that says a lot.

The Johnsville News: Duke/Nifong Hoax: Day #327 in Carolina: Addison Series # 5 – “Major Duke Involvement" — Since May 2006 I’ve been trying to find out who the Durham CrimeStoppers Board of Directors were on March 28, 2006 when Durham Police Cpl. David Addison, assigned as Durham CrimeStoppers’ (CS) Coordinator, released to DPD substations, media and others the text of the false and inflammatory CS Duke lacrosse “Wanted ...

Miss USA Goes Boom | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... @ 8: This is the first time I've heard of a Charlie Brown resemblance. (Fred MacMurray and Mikey from the Life cereal box are the long-standing comparisons.) Unless you're talking about my soul. My soul is identical to Charlie Brown's.

Trump Gets Away With Spewing Racism, Because Media Won't ... 15, 2019 · The New York Times is almost quaint, in the era of Trump. It always speaks politely and uses referents like “Mr.” Trump, and it comes up with euphemisms for his lies and racist speech — probably because to tell the plain truth in a headline or sentence would make them sound exactly like the National Enquirer. “Trump Lies Again” or “More Racist Hate Speech From White House,” are ...

A <I>'Near-Perfect'</I> Pick? - freedom-writing.blogspot.com a week goes by that there isn't a column by someone who claims to know the best choice John McCain can make for running mate. Stuart ...

Jumping in Pools: Alex Jones: Insane 12, 2009 · They ARE TRUTHERS AND BIRTHERS. These people are the worst of Atacsadero State people. They should toss Jones in his own room with extra padding and keep all knives and sporks and other sharp objects away from him. Toss him a Rubik's cube to keep him busy and make sure he doesn't gnaw on his arm too much. Alex, settle down. You're earning enough.

The Immoral Minority: Doonesbury's take on Donald Trump. 02, 2016 · The Clinton campaign is releasing a devastating anti-Trump ad called "Dictators" today, during which they roll tape on Dangerous Don praising the leadership of Kim Jong Un, Muammar Gaddafi, Vladimir Putin, and Saddam Hussein.

A Personal Response to the President's Cancer Panel Report 04, 2010 · The authors of the President's Cancer Panel report argue that our nation needs a comprehensive strategy for eliminating cancer-causing environmental exposures. Poison often knows no borders -- it can travel and bio-accumulate -- wreaking havoc on the health of all species. Cancer strikes people of all genders, classes, ethnicities, and races.

Cookies, Crayons, Classes, & Chaos: November 2009 is the kind of technology I had read 5 years ago in "Mind Wide Open: Your Brain and the Neuroscience of Everyday Life that was being piloted as a way for kids with ADHD to actually learn how to force brainwaves into patterns of concentration. It was designed to help them actually learn what the sensation of "concentrating" felt like so ...

OpenlineBlog: The Rivalry | East Aurora vs. West Aurora 01, 2013 · This is the REAL WORLD today, not the world of the past. Good parents encourage kids to be in activities outside of academics because it is in their kids' best interests emotionally, physically, AND intellectually! 1/21/13, 10:58 AM

Cookies, Crayons, Classes, & Chaos: April 2014 my kids are excited with me. My darling husband, who is used to my crazy escapades, is lovingly joining in our efforts. This is fantastic given that he has the engineering mind to build my vision of a chicken paradise. Chickens!!! We're allowed 5 hens here in the city so here are the …

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2010 · This is a sobering message to all of us. And it should remind us that the federal officials who continue to insist that New York City is the best place to try KSM and other 9/11 terrorists are, frankly, out of their minds....

Chroniques du têtard mouillé: Comment tromper les gogos ... this pageFew people appreciate just how advanced are the methods that the BoM uses to homogenize data, or how many tests and critiques it has withstood. When I say that in my opinion theirs is the most advanced in the world, I base that on years of experience as a scientist and statistician, and on close examination of the methods used by many ...

king of the world | Fuzzy Logic I’m reading along, quite moved that BO sounds almost presidential for a change (there are touches of the campaign speech, of course, but that’s all he knows, so I’m getting used to it, even as I don’t think it’s presidential, and there is an awful lot of self-congratulatory nonsense about how he’s changed the …

Top 10 Tips For Doing Your Own Lyme Disease Research ... 29, 2011 · This is good program to use in general for any material you may want to borrow for your own personal use. And a bonus, Number 11: Have a family member, friend, or friend of a friend who is already studying clinical microbiology, molecular biology, and/or genetics (immunology is helpful, too) help you decipher what you don't understand - and to ...

Daily Churnhttps://dailychurn.blogspot.com7. You are the primary driver of a car that costs thousands of dollars. You can maintain this privilege as long as you: - Hold a part-time job - Maintain a 3.25 GPA at school - Pay the monthly car insurance expense - Buy your own gas - Treat the vehicle with respect, keeping it clean inside and out, and telling Dad when you feel a repair may be ...

Kellyanne Conway provides Donald Trump with alibi after he ... 04, 2017 · “The president of the United States has called this investigation a witch [hunt] and a hoax,” Blumenthal said. “He has attacked the special counsel as recently as last Sunday. He attacked the FBI, and these words are very much like what we’re accustomed to hearing from a criminal defendant with something to hide.”" Reply Delete

Bilgrimage: Droppings from the Catholic Birdcage: About ... 09, 2013 · As suggested by what Tebartz-van Elst did to Kollas, the facts in the real-life Catholic story are considerably more complicated, more tortuous: if Waite's insinuation that Tebartz-van Elst (and, for that matter, what about the pope who made him bishop?) is a closet case, then the problem the Catholic church needs to address seems to be quite precisely the following: 1) closet cases in the ...

Bilgrimage: Papal Commission on Sexual Abuse Crisis ... 09, 2013 · For National Catholic Reporter, Joshua McElwee notes that the U.N. panel specifically objected to the Vatican's refusal to provide the panel with information about how the church deals with abuse cases. McElwee also indicates that in making the announcement about the new papal advisory commission, Cardinal Sean O'Malley stated that the panel will stress the need for pastoral …

Senator McCain – Rehabilitating the Unredeemable ... 04, 2015 · The long coming rehabilitation of Senator John Sidney McCain III has begun. And, it will likely continue until his longer coming retirement commences - presumably, mercifully, at the end of his fifth term in the United States Senate. Beltway Snark Laureate, Dana Milbank, tipped the hand of the cocktail set in a fawning, if caveat…

southern orders: I DECTECT CARDINAL MARX OF GERMANY ... 07, 2015 · Interviewed on German television the evening of the first day of the synod in Rome, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the president of the German bishops' conference and member of the Council of Cardinals, made it clear that the problem of whether or not to allow divorced and remarried Catholics to partake of communion would not be the major topic at the synod.

DCDL » 2006 » June 30, 2006 · One of the many bizarre points in Siegel’s original rant was his description of blogs as “hard fascism with a Microsoft face”. The phrase echoes “socialism with a human face” from the 1968 Prague Spring, but in the earlier phrase, making socialism human was supposed to be something new and a bit surprising.

Pre-legalization marijuana convictions being cleared in ... “If a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed.” Second: black people sentenced to more time for the same crime than white people

Mumbai False Flag Attack – Update By Leonard Feldman ... 30, 2008 · Mumbai False Flag Attack - Update By Leonard Feldman 11-29-8 As many astute observers noted, the Indian Police, media and TV gave out some earlier information regarding what the captured terrorists said. That is terrorists with an 's'. Many have speculated over the last two days that the captured terrorists would be assassinated…

Commander Paul Toland USN – Hoofin News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

Paul Toland – Hoofin News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

Oxymoronic Philosopher: Markets and Electorates 31, 2007 · Perusing the internets today (it was a long and slow day in the office), I came across the page of Bryan Caplan, an economics professor at GMU (a hotbed of Austrian free-market folks on the US scene). It appears that Prof Caplan has a new book out called The Myth of the Rational Voter, in which his central thesis seems to be the idea that the average member of the electorate not only is ill ...

Nikki's Nest: Okay - Weigh In on the Latest 18, 2009 · Silence = Acceptance. We must never be silent when it comes to racism, bigotry, discrimination, or the right-wing agenda.

Thomas Clay Jr - Since Friday, the entire discourse on ... Friday, the entire discourse on television has changed. Legitimate media has changed in that they have changed the way they are talking. These charges out of the SDNY mean that Trump is an...

Todd Palin raw and uncensored! Esquire magazine does the ... 04, 2009 · Alaska's first husband is not scared of you, the cops, or his wife. Get a sneak peak at a week in the life of the ultimate stay-at-home dad, hunter, fixer, and champion snowmobiler right here, then pick up the May issue of Esquire for Luke Dittrich's full, in-depth profile.

Rick Perry becomes first GOP candidate to end his ... 01, 2015 · Courtesy of HuffPo: Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) announced Friday he is ending his presidential campaign. Perry announced the end of his campaign at the Eagle Forum -- an event founded by conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly -- in St. Louis, Missouri.

memeorandum: U.S. President Donald Trump about to talk to ...'s purge just got much more corrupt. Here's what's coming next. — President Trump's abrupt decision to remove the inspector general of the State Department constitutes the latest in a string of corrupt efforts to remove public servants who prioritize real oversight and accountability over protecting Trump at all costs.

memeorandum: GOP chair: ‘We will not be holding a virtual ...'s purge just got much more corrupt. Here's what's coming next. — President Trump's abrupt decision to remove the inspector general of the State Department constitutes the latest in a string of corrupt efforts to remove public servants who prioritize real oversight and accountability over protecting Trump at all costs.

Flavors of Freedom | Sheila Kennedy is just one example and it causes me to wonder whether new drugs are really fully tested on the public. I do know of physicians who won’t prescribe a new drug or use a new device until it’s been on the market for awhile, and the reason, so keep this in mind when the commercials advise you to ask your doctor about a drug.

American Power: The Case for Conservatism and Ideas 07, 2008 · But it's considered rude to speak publicly of things so vulgar as money and power, so when attempting to persuade elites, both sides find it helpful to talk about "ideas." That makes these things a lot more comfortable for all concerned -- we can all pretend that we're have a high-minded debate about ideals, instead of a grubby, down-and-dirty ...

Orcinus: 07/12/2009 - 07/19/2009 it's only slightly less appalling, for different reasons, than the other two. Look, despite what the O'Reillys and Glenn Becks and Laura Ingrahams like to claim, no one is trying to "silence" them for expressing their opinions. This is about being responsible with that big media megaphone they hold.

Adoptees’ Civil Rights – Page 7 – FORBIDDEN FAMILY about Adoptees’ Civil Rights written by legitimatebastard. About Author; Forbidden Family – The Book. About – Buy; Unequal Treatment of 1 Half-Orphan Out of 39

memeorandum: Mr. Mueller's Indictment — The special ... Mueller Report Is Much Worse for Trump Than Barr Let On — IF PRESIDENT DONALD Trump isn't guilty of obstruction of justice, who ever could be?Special counsel Robert Mueller's 448-page report, made public Thursday in redacted form, outlined over nearly half of those pages …

don pedro colley – Hoofin News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

April | 2007 | IRAQ SURGE BLOG 23, 2007 · A new Washington Post-ABC poll finds that 35 percent of Americans still believe the U.S. can win in Iraq. Those who don’t think the U.S. can win is put at 51 percent. This roughly corresponds to the President’s approval rating which depending on which …

galatians 2 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” /Matthew 5:9. This is the seventh of the beatitudes: and seven was the number of perfection among the Hebrews. It may be that the Saviour placed the peacemaker the seventh upon the list because he most nearly approaches the perfect man in Christ Jesus.

I’ll Take “Civic Ignorance” for $1000, Alex. | Foster ... 27, 2015 · I think that not one of you, not Beth, not Joe, and not the 49% who insist that a mistake that the world will regret, have any concept of what is actually in the deal we signed with Iran. I understand that this “man on the street” feature is not designed with this in mind, but if I was the journalist tasked with asking people this ...

President Aristotle: Aristotle and the European Meltdown 01, 2005 · We might begin with Josef Pieper's astonishing little book on the sabbath rest as the basis for all true philosophy: Leisure, the basis of culture; to which TS Eliot wrote an introduction when it was translated into English (but missing from some reprints). Pieper's classic works on Thomism are The Silence of St Thomas and Guide to Thomas Aquinas.

Dawg's Blawg: Mark Steyn's white pride - Blogger 10, 2009 · This is a system in which First Amendment protection hinges on the interpretation of critics and curators--a sorry state of affairs. According to Miller v. California, material that a community finds prurient and offensive (by "local standards") is not entitled to First Amendment protection.

Cell-Phone Salesman Paul Potts Dazzles the World: Wins the ... 17, 2007 · Paul Potts Dazzles the World: Wins the Finals!! At his first audition for Britain’s Got Talent, Paul Potts, the mobil-phone salesman from South Wales, roused the audience members and stunned the judges with his renditions of opera classics. After his next performance, it was announced that Paul Potts was the winner of the semi-final round, moving on to become a finalist in the competition ...

Small Donors Rewriting Fundraising | Mirror On America 05, 2007 · Howard Dean was the first one to tap into this new financial way of doing things, but 'The Establishment' still had relative control over the money. With the kinds of money that candidates like Obama is bringing in, an entirely new group that ' The Establishment' hasn't been able to reach out to before and get to donate.

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump is finally scheduled to ... 01, 2018 · May invited Trump for a state visit when she became the first world leader to meet the president in the White House in January last year. It was downgraded to a “working trip” after huge public opposition to the visit and MPs said Trump should not be given the opportunity to address parliament.

District of Columbia Prisons News Monitoring Service ... 14, 2020 · Coronavirus outbreaks in prisons put us all at risk. Though our country’s struggles with reforming our criminal justice and prison systems are well known, the emergence of penitentiaries as coronavirus hotspots shines a new light on these issues while …

KingCast reflects on another brilliant Wagner Motorsports ... fact, the suspension is so good I found myself seeking out rough spots in the road to feel it work. This bike is quite flickable and just loves being tossed into a corner. This is the perfect do-it-all bike, a bigger 650R with better components, basically. And belt drive is always a …

The Citizens: Tort Reform - Another Bad Idea 07, 2009 · He even sued under Section 17200 of the California Bus & Prof code, which was the subject of a major reform effort he led (Prop 64) to take away a consumer's right to sue when companies break consumer protection laws. This is just typical. My lawsuit is about justice, yours is frivolous. My incumbent should be re-elected, yours should be termed ...

Columbia University Professor Finds Noose On Office Door ... 04, 2007 · "I'm shocked," said Nichole Henry, 23, who is studying to become a physical education teacher. "For a hate crime to go down at Teachers College, such a diverse school. "I can't believe it. It's really disappointing. It hurts." Nursing education professor Kathleen O'Connell called the incident "extremely distressing.

Avedon's Sideshow: That's the way to lose your chains if you missed me - been preoccupied over the last week. Or distracted. Or something. This week on Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd, Stuart Zechman joins Jay to discuss the prevailing assumptions about the goals of economic policy and what they are supposed to be for.. Digby and Joan McCarter (McJoan) were this week's panelists on Virtually Speaking Sundays.

JustOneMinute: Mulligan! wins big on Super Tuesday. Wednesday, Bloomberg drops out and endorses him. The Dem DC establishment is going to nominate in 2020 the guy they should have backed in 2016. For my money, stopping Bernie was a very big...

Networking: Really? Yeah, not so much. | No, THIS is how ... 25, 2009 · Alright, so last night I went to this 'thing' with a friend of mine I have been trying to get together with for a while. I thought it was like a wine tasting event, and to be fair there was wine. Lots of it. And some good food too. But there was an ulterior motive…

Dana Perino: Media Blamed Bush for High Gas Prices But ...**Written by Doug Powers Former Bush Press Secretary Dana Perino has noticed the press handling their duties differently when it comes to r...

islam | Golos - The Voice following are excerpts from a Friday sermon on Palestinian Authority TV. The preacher is Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris.PA TV aired this sermon on May 13, 2005. Ibrahim Mudeiris: Allah has tormented us with “the people most hostile to the believers” – the Jews. “Thou shalt find that the people most hostile to the believers to be the Jews and the polytheists.”

Daniel Greenfield article: Saving Muslims From Themselves 08, 2012 · Saving Muslims From Themselves. Posted: 28 Feb 2012 08:37 PM PST. After September 11 the reasonable thing to do would have been to take steps to save ourselves from Islamic terror, instead we went on a crusade to save Muslims from themselves.

The Debate Link: Endless Introductions it seems like my blog is attracting so many commenters who are not just new to feminism, but who come in on the attack! Feminism is something jsut about everyone has an opinion on, whether it is informed or not, and for so many (and, sadly, all of these commenters are men, which for me really says something about masculine socialization ...

Informed Commenthttps://jrcole.blogspot.comContinued Fallout of War of Holy Cities Even though Karbala has fallen quiet, there were clashes on other fronts. 20 people were killed and 50 wounded in clashes between the US and the Mahdi Army militia in Kufa, the stronghold of radical cleric Muqtada al Sadr. In the fourth such incident in a week, angry Islamist students in Tehran attempted to attack the British embassy in protest over the ...

Dodecahedron: Shape of the Universe: March of Justice 22, 2005 · March of Justice The body of Emmitt Till, murdered in Mississippi in 1955, was exhumed today in order that an autopsy be performed. This will be the first time that Emmitt Till's body has been subjected to a forensic examination.

Ililani Media: Bill McKibben Addressed Climate Change in 18, 2018 · The first question dealt with the rise in climate change lawsuits. McKibben responded, “ They didn`t tell the truth when they knew what the truth was. Rich as people like Exxon are, even they don`t have anywhere near the resources to begin to pay for the damage they have done.

Bawarchi's Blast: April 2010 I tell you to not think about a pink elephant, the first thing you do is think about a pink elephant. In order to not think about it, you have to first think about it. This is the nature of repression. Attempting not to think about something is ultimately futile. In fact, efforts to …

kenneth in the (212): 03/01/2020 - 04/01/ 31, 2020 · But it wasn't until reading Alan Merrill's New York Times obituary did I learn so many other fascinating tidbits, including that the song was actually the B-side of "Broken Down Heart," which was the flop followup to the band's biggest hit, 1974's “Touch Too Much.” (The Arrows had some traction in the U.K. but not much here.)

A folk song about the Bowling Green Massacre | Sohum ... 04, 2017 · A folk song about the Bowling Green Massacre. February 4, 2017 in Uncategorized

WICKEDLEAKS: Madame Deadly Despot, First Lady Janet ... 03, 2011 · WICKEDLEAKS: Madame Deadly Despot, First Lady Janet Museveni, behind Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda The First Lady of Uganda, Janet ¨the extremist¨ Museveni ¨According to a newly released US diplomatic cable, the wife of the President of Uganda, Janet Musceveni, "is ultimately behind" the Anti-Homosexuality (AHB, 'Kill gays') Bill.

sexual assault – Everblog 24, 2013 · The first official recognition of the occurrence of sexual violence in the military came in the form of the Department of Defense Sexual Assault Response Policy, issued in the wake of the 2003 Air Force Academy scandal, but the giant was not fully awakened until OEF/OIF and the increased presence of women across the full spectrum of combat ...

2012 Presidential Election Fraud: Proof Obama Stole the ... 17, 2012 · 2012 Presidential Election Fraud: Proof Obama Stole the Election ... But it seems as though nobody even follows up on these complaints. With each election cycle the reports of election fraud just continue to get worse, but once each election is over we never hear about anyone getting into any trouble. What you are about to read will likely make ...

DOES HE THINK HE MIGHT BE ALLOWED BACK IN? - Blogger 06, 2016 · Brooks was the editor of Murdoch's News of the World when it was learned that reporters for the tabloid regularly engaged in phone hacking and other offenses. She was forced to step down, but then she was cleared of all charges in 2014 -- and Murdoch brought her back in 2015, appointing her CEO of News UK. Ailes is in his seventies and in poor ...

Tailhook Association – Everblog 24, 2013 · The first official recognition of the occurrence of sexual violence in the military came in the form of the Department of Defense Sexual Assault Response Policy, issued in the wake of the 2003 Air Force Academy scandal, but the giant was not fully awakened until OEF/OIF and the increased presence of women across the full spectrum of combat ...

Stop Giving Cops Who Kill the Benefit of the Doubt ... 29, 2014 · A 12-year-old child was shot to death by police officers in Cleveland. The child was alone in an empty park playing with a toy gun. The police claimed that the child was with a group of friends; that he ignored repeated commands to put up his hands; that he reached for what appeared to be a weapon. Only then, say the police, were they forced to use lethal force.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily - Blogger in a Darkening Age... news, comment, arts, ecology, wisdom, obsessions, the past, the future... "THE END OF ALL INTELLIGENT ANALYSIS IS TO CLEAR THE WAY FOR SYNTHESIS."--H.G. Wells. "It's always a leap into the unknown future to write anything."--Margaret Atwood "Be kind, be useful, be fearless."--President Barack Obama.

The Rectification of Names: Forecast pain, heavy at times first lesson from their "fiscal consolidation" experiences: It will hurt. Note the quiet assumptions that (1) the U.S. suffers from excessive government debt too and (2) that it was excessive debt that "forced" them into fiscal austerity.

Burchett fighting back | I'm not sure the smartest move Burchett can make. I'm one of the folks not convinced of any deliberate wrong-doing. He can put this matter to rest in my mind my simply filing an amended statement that explains the unexplained expenditures. I'm totally uninterested in …

The Debate Link: Mearsheimer's New Friend 20, 2011 · But I think that point has been made. I also wanted to note the tragedy of someone who -- yes, in his field -- was exceptionally important (I'm not an IR expert, but it is my understanding that Mearsheimer is considered one of the most important IR theorists of the last half-century) who has just collapsed into conspiratorial nonsense.

Feminist, Daniel Craig | BroadBlogs 06, 2015 · I really do agree with Daniel Craig and I think that him being a feminist can do nothing but help the franchise. However, having actually seen the movie, it’s pretty clear that there still is a lot of work to be done, considering the “older woman” in the movie that has been talked about so much, is only in it for no more than 5 minutes where she sleeps with him and then we never see her ...

February 2010 – The Powers That change is predicted to raise global sea levels, for example, between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 59 centimeters), according to a 2007 report by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Of the areas most at risk, the United States is in particularly “bad shape,” Paskal noted.

2007 September 19 « Mercury Rising ?? 19, 2007 · RT @isabellaazar: driving from a high covid area to a low covid area, also known as being such an individualist pos, who is not only endang… 39 minutes ago; RT @jonelstr: Hi @waDCYF Did you know one of your employees is so disrespectful of others that she refuses to wear a mask to shop in WA sta… 40 minutes ago; Twitter follow

01 | November | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 01, 2018 · Read: Matthew 9:35–38 | Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 24–26; Titus 2 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36 Anne Frank is well known for her diary describing her family’s years of hiding during World War II.

Special Report: Greece's triangle of power of his sons, Fotios, is a director of Teletypos, the channel's holding company. Another son, Leonidas, is chief executive and a major shareholder of Ellaktor, a construction giant founded by his father that has participated in multi-billion euro contracts …

Balkinization: Timothy Garton Ash's Free Speech -- A Mini ...’s one hint of an account, but it is seriously underdeveloped. Ash commits himself to the standard litany of justifications of a principle of free expression – autonomy, truth, democracy, diversity – though without discussing in detail the well-known controversies both specifying what they mean in particular circumstances and about the extent to which they can be limited to a free ...

Why Are Fictional Moms Sick Or Dead? | BroadBlogs 05, 2013 · Faulkner introduces us to a mother who is dying, and later dead, in the appropriately titled, As I Lay Dying. Her daughter is upset and fixated on her out-of-wedlock pregnancy (instead of her dying/dead mom). In Atonement creative young Briony Tallis has an over-active imagination that leads to serious trouble. Her older cousin gets raped, and ...

The Rectification of Names: Why deport when you can extort? I've been confused about in the immigration debate that others may be confused about too, because it hasn't been handled very well by, say, the Times: Judge Hanen said in his ruling, in a case brought by Texas and 25 other states, that the administration had not followed required procedures for changing federal rules.

Take Our Country Back: National Service Act: Czarbama's CNSF? 07, 2008 · This is the precursor to forced military service wrapped up in pretty verbiage. The Act can be found here and if you read it - study it - it amounts to a draft such as we have never seen in this Nation. Say what you will about McCain; his name is no where near …

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: What Happened to the Taylor Lawsuit? 10, 2006 · Yeah I think that the Taylor lawsuit should be dropped and may have been already. As for the Jackson lawsuit, in my opinion it's a personal matter that just so happens to be tied to a campaign, which is a hazzard that you venture when you interject yourself into a campaign.

The Rectification of Names: More Rough Beast's reports on General Dempsey's warning to the Israeli government on any preemptive attack on Iran may have an echo in the IDF senior officer cohort, according to a new report from the UK Independent: Almost the entire senior hierarchy of Israel's military and security establishment [jump] is worried about a premature attack on Iran and apprehensive about the possible repercussions, a ...

February | 2010 | Smart and silly | Page 2 is comes a revised January of 56.% There was a forecast by Reuters of consumer confidence of 55.6 “Concerns about current business conditions and the job market pushed the Present Situation Index down to its lowest level in 27 years,” said Lynn Franco, director of The Conference Board Consumer Research Center.

Breaking News: New Additional Evidence Revealed Proving ... 27, 2015 · Breaking News: New Additional Evidence Revealed Proving Obama Birth Certificate and PDF Document is a Computer Made Forgery - The Smoking Gun - by Paul Irey Obama's long form birth certificate has more hash mark columns (an extra one) in its security paper background than real security paper does in the 8.5" width dimension. This…

You can save your Hillary math, Bernie is really the one ... 07, 2016 · You can save your Hillary math, Bernie is really the one in the drivers seat and they know it Another Progressives Rant The mainstream media and our Hillary supporting friends like to constantly remind us that that no matter what Bernie does from here, he can’t catch Hillary in delegates.

Fuck you, John McTernan… | We couldn't make this up… 31, 2012 · …and all the odious scum who think like you do. Just in case you don’t know who this maggot is, he’s the so-called Christian bigot preacher who claimed that Hurricane Sandy, which is leaving the eastern seaboard of the USA in one helluva mess as I write this, is the fault of homosexuals. Of course, he’s not the first excuse for a human being to spew this kind of insane, inane, idiotic ...

The Useless Tree: The Porosity of Culture suspect true: Many Chinese do not make a study of the ancient texts, largely because the old books are seen as not particularly useful for a modern, competitive life. However, the novelty of someone who is putatively "outside" the culture, but who then enters into it, or at least enters into some facets of it, provides a new window ...

Happy Birthday Fake President Obama -- We Found Yr 'Bird ..., and a KKK hood that I almost forgot was there." Whatever, but fyi: we need to use the term "replicants" much more if we want to remain a proper nerd site. "r-deen" gives us the top "Sure, why not, here's one of those cat things" entry of the contest.

Riverview Tower is full? | real estate market is in a serious downturn, less locally than nationally, but still down. That translates into now being a wonderful time to buy and a truly lousy time to sell. Buy low. Sell high. Works for every market - even cattle futures.

VIDEO: Anne Paulk Interviews Frank Worthen, Dean of Ex ... 18, 2016 · VIDEO: Anne Paulk Interviews Frank Worthen, Dean of Ex-‘Gays’ – at Restored Hope Network Conference There are lots of hidden gems in the pro-family movement because we don’t have the media helping us get the word out. Frank Worthen, the dean of the “ex-gay” movement, is one of them.This interview occurred at the 2015 conference of the Restored Hope Network, the ex-“gay ...

Stiff Upper Lip? Or Cocksucker's Cramp? | Slog | The ... Black is an occasional Stranger contributor—he wrote the piece instructing you on how to order free books and DVDs from Focus on the Family—and long-time resident of Colorado Springs, Colorado, home to Ted Haggard’s homoerotic-art-displaying megachurch.Here’s his quick hit on the accusations leveled against the man Salon describes as “not just be the most important evangelical ...

two guys spouting off: Voter Fraud - Who Has the Most to Gain? 13, 2008 · McCain has the most to gain by this story about voter fraud. Given that Palin/McCain have run a campaign based on lies and attacks, it's entirely plausible some of their supporters, with or without the campaign's knowledge, signed up to canvas for ACORN, then deliberately falsified registrations in a manner designed to insure they would be ...

Mage Soapbox: SATIRE - Dear Patrons 04, 2015 · Dedicated to Opposing: *Anti-First Amendment policies that attempt to turn America into a theocracy by enshrining ANY religious belief as law. * Any attempt to suppress human or Constitutional rights. * Any law or policy that supports discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, race/color, gender, sexual orientation, or any law that does NOT support Equal Treatment under the law.

Latice Sutton | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Impeach Trump part deux… – Here's A Thing… 20, 2021 · “This is both stupid and sadly predictable. “ ‘Trump Death Clock’ In Times Square … “Obamagate” Is Trump’s Latest Lie to Smear Joe Biden; Trump has blood on his hands — and we must hold him accountable; Trump’s dangerous incompetence has directly hurt the people… Trump: America having the most covid-19 cases is a ‘badge ...

NYT condemns what it calls "Obama's cover-up" | Salon.com 26, 2009 · Glenn Greenwald October 26, 2009 2:27PM (UTC) (updated below) The New York Times Editorial Page has long been one of the most reliable and …

Capitol Briefing - 2008 Ground Zero: New 19, 2008 · The current focus of the presidential race is on Pennsylvania, but if Capitol Briefing could pick just one state to cover up and down the ballot until November, it would be New Mexico.. Why the Land of Enchantment?Start with a high-profile Senate race, three open-seat House contests, a presidential battleground, a unique demographic profile and an eclectic mix of hot-button issues.

Dymaxion World: Leopards don't change their spots 27, 2006 · They were executed, respectively, by the one of the worst forms of religious conservatives (violent Salafi Muslims) and a paranoid far-right conspiracy nut who quoted lovingly from the racist screed, The Turner Diaries. So who is the CIA worried about in the wake of Iraq?

Nile | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

The Citizens: Wills, Inheritance, Marriage, and the Social ... 02, 2009 · Had he died before the child was born, his mother would have inherited all $5.8m. Had he been married to his child's mother, she would have received 50-100% of the estate. As it stands, the kid gets everything and the kid's mother nothing. This is one of the reasons why marriage is important. And Sean's mother also gets nothing.

James Von Brunn | Living Lessons Blog Von Brunn was once a child without a rifle, and like it or not, he is an American. He’s one of us. Officer Johns was one of us. Most of us will find it more palatable to identify with the fallen hero in this drama. In my view, for that very reason, a uniquely American tragedy.

State of the Nation: The Modus Operandi of the Bush Crime ... 01, 2008 · The onetime undercover agent, who has been barred by the CIA from using his real name, filed a motion in federal court late Friday asking the government to declassify legal documents describing what he says was a deliberate suppression of findings on Iran that were contrary to agency views at the time.The former operative alleged in a 2004 lawsuit that the CIA fired him after he repeatedly ...

Prioritizing People, Not the Pentagon, with the People’s ... does America stand for? Opportunity and equality? Or imperialism and greed? The fact is that every year, without fail, our elected representatives hand the Pentagon more than half of the entire discretionary budget, or more than half a trillion dollars each year – leaving less than half for education, health care, the environment – and everything else we care about.

Witch Hunt! Witch Hunt! - Queen of Spain 17, 2008 · This is MY America too, and you’re lucky in MY America you’ll still have a seat at the table and a voice come Nov. 5th. Even if it’s evil and stupid. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Geez, and I was doing so good today being all friendly and love thy neighbor. You totally ruined it. Sincerely, Erin Kotecki Vest

The American Human: When Pundits Don't Know What the Hell American Human is written by Calvin Ross, a retired teacher who at various points in life has been a musician, woodworker, restaurateur, narrator, English teacher in Japan, novelist, technology journalist, and private tutor to Japanese children here in the U.S. Happily residing in the wine country of Sonoma County north of San Francisco, Calvin has lived in the Philippines, the Netherlands ...

Knoxville diocese teams up with mom to fight Planned ... 31, 2011 · KNOXVILLE, Tennessee, January 27, 2011 ( - The Catholic Diocese of Knoxville has teamed up with a local mom to spread awareness of a Planned Parenthood “abstinence” class that one teen said taught anything but.Kym McCormick learned of Planned Parenthood’s teaching material after her daughter Alaynna, a student at Hardin Valley Academy, came home last October in …

Cheap Tricks and Costly Truths: The Kiaser's Talk To Hell 05, 2010 · The Kiaser's Talk To Hell While in the process of going through water logged items, I came across a box of my Great Great Grandfather Boliver's belongings. A pocket watch, a pair of spectacles and a poem, being typed and signed at the bottom by my Great Great Grandfather.

WTF Is It Now?!?: NFUCKINGSA 10, 2013 · "When wireless is fuflly applied, the earth will be converted into a huge brain, capable of response in every one of it's parts." --Nikola Tesla I hope they croak of boredom! I hope they don't have their noses shoved up so many wrong butts that they totally …

No More Mister Nice Blog 12, 2002 · That's just one of the "fresh" details about the Council of Conservative Citizens and their pal Trent in this article. (I put "fresh" in quotes because the article was published in 1999.) Thanks to the brilliant Bob Somerby at the Daily Howler for rescuing it from obscurity.

No Right Turn: The Lords say "no" to torture 12, 2005 · The House of Lords, Britain's highest court, has ruled unanimously that British courts cannot use evidence which might have been extracted by torture in terrorism cases.Instead, evidence from overseas intelligence agencies must be excluded if it is believed (on the balance of probabilities) to be the fruit of torture or cruel or inhumane treatment.

Defender Released June 3, 2015 by ChiDefender - Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s ...

Turning plastic, paper, and household ingredients into ... plastic, paper, and household ingredients into bling and scholarships ... One of my favorites was this adorable doll house made entirely of recycled materials. ... and a Tutorial! 8 years ago Make your handbag at Family Fun Craft Ideas.

Parents reports of sensory kids' challenges affirmed in ... one of many studies objectively documenting what we as parents observe. Details of this and other studies at the Star Center are also reported in Dr. Miller's book Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder Abstract Sensory-modulation disruption, electrodermal responses, and functional behaviors; Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology (1999), 41:608 ...

The Candid Blogger: Is Wal-Mart Good for America? has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super Centers; 1,000 more than it had 5 years ago. 11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will …

Texas! Motto: Ain't No Stupid Like Texas Stupid 30, 2009 · "This is a banner day for students in Texas schools," State board Chairman Don McLeroy said. "From this day forward they will be protected from learning about things I don't like." The new standards remove current requirements that students be taught the "strengths and weaknesses" of scientific theories.

The Debate Link: Never Calls or Writes"This is a weblog that is truly welcome in blogtopia — a new blog doesn't seem to be frantically trying to score points for any party. That does NOT mean it's afraid to take a stand or be critical....You really can't predict exactly where The Debate Link will come down on all issues.

2009 May « Bystander Views 02, 2009 · A person who is repeatedly subjected to the sensation of drowning or a person who is slammed against a wall (although may turn out to be false later on because it is only made of soft rubber) can clearly suffer severe mental pain. Also, one who is deprived of food for days could suffer severe physical pain, even the probability of death.

No More Mister Nice Blog 07, 2007 · giuliani's teflon one of yesterday's big stories... misty watercolor memories of the way we were vic... late for the sunrise, the rooster gets credit any... peggy noonan blames america for the next 9/11 pe... conventional wisdom is unkillablejennifer rubin, ...

J. Miller Rampant!: ANTI-MC CAIN E MAIL: McCain's LOUSY ... Palin is in the midst of a growing ethics scandal, involving the alleged abuse of her gubernatorial power to punish a State Trooper who is her sister's ex-husband, firing a State Commissioner who refused to go along. #7: Palin called Hillary Clinton a "whiner", even as she cynically tries to woo Clinton voters to the McCain ticket.

Rudy Giuliani Watch: Rudy Links Terrorism and Border ... 01, 2007 · Giuliani is proposing “tamper-proof” ID cards and a database that would track people in the United States from foreign countries. He also suggested strengthening enforcement at border crossings. Giuliani, who spoke near the spot where a canal levee broke during Hurricane Katrina, said government at all levels failed after that storm hit on ...

Jews sans frontieres: Zionist death-fest picketed by Jews ... was a rally in support of Israel's murderous onslaught against Gaza and Lebanon on Sunday. It was held in the Jews' Free School in Kenton.With such short notice and many people being away on holiday there was only a very small picket mounted by Jews for Justice for Palestinians.This is the report back by one of them:

Electronic Village: Megan Williams Says She Lied About ... 22, 2009 · It hurts my heart to learn that Megan Williams lied about the torture she experienced at the hands of seven hillbillies from West Virginia. This blog took up her cause in a major way two years ago. Villagers will recall that Williams told authorities in 2007 that she had been beaten, raped, forced to eat animal feces and taunted with racial slurs for days.

Pictures from the Protests – Wizbang 02, 2006 · Zorro was the creation of American writer Johnston McCulley, and the character lived in Spanish-era California. Tim May 2, 2006 Mantis I did as you suggested and checked the science and technology section of the site you provided.

Anti-Trump Protesters Demonstrate Their Ignorance, Fueled ... 21, 2017 · The incident happened one afternoon in early November when a 17 year old black student named Andre Hudson noticed one of his white classmates waving a Trump sign in the gym. Hudson confronted his peer, and they argued for a while. As tensions escalated, Hudson clenched his fist and swung it hard into the side of the boy's face. Hudson ended

The Election was Stolen - Here's How by Greg Palast Election was Stolen – Here’s How by Greg Palast Before a single vote was cast, the election was fixed by GOP and Trump operatives. Starting in 2013 – just as the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act – a coterie of Trump operatives, under the direction of Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State, created a system to purge 1.1 million Americans of color from the voter rolls of ...

MSNBC Poll Shows Bernie Sanders "Most Qualified" | Bud Meyers 10, 2016 · That's very odd, coming from MSNBC. There was the media-generated "controversy" of Bernie Sanders saying Hillary Clinton wasn't qualified to be president — and the media has been relentlessly pounding this non-issue over and over and over again — and the media has been consistently asking Bernie to defend his remark — which he already has, several times — but yet, he …

Silver Lining in a Funnel Cloud: Greed, Corruption, and ... an EF-5 tornado destroyed one-third of Joplin, Missouri, and killed 161 people on May 22, 2011, the eyes of the nation were focused on the small city of 50,000. Its leaders, including men such as City Manager Mark Rohr and Superintendent of Schools C. J. Huff, received nationwide attention...

Disease of Contempt: When Will the PBS Public Editor Pick 21, 2020 · Before becoming public editor at PBS, Getler was the Washington Post ombudsman from 2000 to 2005. “Getler became known for sharp observations that became the talk of the newsroom — and other newsrooms,” Post reporter Bart Barnes wrote in the obituary.

disinterested party: January 2007“Our programs are there to combat every one of society’s ills,” said Rev. Adams. “Drug abuse, crime, illiteracy, immorality, human rights violations—these problems cannot be ignored. And while the past year saw expansion greater than at any time in our history, 2007 will …

26 | March | 2015 | TheZoo 26, 2015 · Thanks to our friend, Paul Jamiol, one of the best editorial cartoonists IN THE WORLD, for drawing our new 'toon header. Visit Jamiol's World to enjoy his cartoons and children's books. And for those of you who are new to TheZoo, we have a theme song! (Additional lyrics by our own 'critter' Wayne A. Schneider, 2008).

Notre Dame | The BRAD BLOG today's BradCast you'll be outraged, saddened, amused, inspired and may even learn a thing or two --- or your money back! [Audio link for show is posted below.First up today: I'm thankful the French didn't listen to Donald Trump's terrible firefighting advice as the iconic, 850-year old Notre Dame was engulfed in flames in the heart of Paris on Monday, and very happy to see that ...

Marsha Blackburn | The BRAD BLOG two monuments are the first to be scaled back in response to Donald Trump's executive order calling for the review of some 27 national monuments established by previous Presidents. Weiss explains the how the screw-up came about in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests: "Under the Freedom of Information Act, you're allowed ...

04 | November | 2019 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 04, 2019 · The second imperative amplifies and applies the first. It is hard to hate someone for whom we are praying. The more we pray for them, the more we come to love them. And the more we love them, the more we will pray for them. Our Lord then explained why such kindness is so important: “So that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven ...

psalm 34 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 09, 2013 · Jerry was a new Christian and for the first time was hearing about the importance of the Spirit-filled life. His was a logical question, put to me following one of my lectures on a large university campus. “Does the Spirit-filled Christian have problems, testings, temptations like the non-believer and the disobedient Christian?” he asked.

Mark Zuckerberg Has More Than Pete Buttigieg’s Ear | The 22, 2019 · A number of other high-ranking Facebook executives, including David Marcus, the executive leading Facebook’s cryptocurrency efforts, Naomi Gleit, one of Facebook’s longest-tenured executives, and Chris Cox, former chief product officer who is close friends with Zuckerberg, have donated to Buttigieg.

RADARSITE: Sekou Odinga: My Letter to UC Irvine Chancellor ... Odinga Reference is made to my postings on the February 10 speaking appearance of Sekou Odinga aka Nathaniel Burns at UC Irvine on February 10. On February 19, I sent the below email to UCI Chancellor Howard Gillman, Vice Chancellor Thomas Parham, Dean of the School of Humanities Georges van den Abbeele, and Chair of the African-

patriotism | The Least, First“All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers. Each one owes infinitely more to the human race than to the particular country in which he was born.”-17th c. bishop and mystic François Fenelon “Wars play out a framing story of us versus them that seeks to take precedence over the deeper and higher framing story of God’s global family table, where us and them are equally ...

John-Brandon Pierre – Off the Wilde Forbis is one of at least three transgender candidates for State House out there – Jenifer Pool in HD138 and Finnigan Jones in HD94 are the others I am aware of. The only useful bit of information I could find about the other candidates is the Robert Pruett …

Tenured Radical: Sunday Radical Roundup: Marry That Book ... 06, 2010 · Portraits and a bust of Professor Simkins occupied prominent positions within the law school through the 1990s." Something New: And it is so rare in the historical profession! We've got a new journal out published by Routledge called Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice that is devoting itself to out-of-the-box historical writing.

FBI concerned about potential for hate crimes during ... Jiraprapasuke, who is Thai American, said the man ranted for about 10 minutes and was specifically looking and gesturing at her. She started recording the tirade as the man lectured another passenger. "Every disease has ever came (sic) from China, homie," the man said, adding "everything comes from China because they're f***** disgusting."

Filing roundup: Outside Harris County – Off the Wilde Forbis is one of at least three transgender candidates for State House out there – Jenifer Pool in HD138 and Finnigan Jones in HD94 are the others I am aware of. The only useful bit of information I could find about the other candidates is the Robert Pruett …

CCW | Bloviating Zeppelin “gun-free zone” is designed to do one thing only: convince those amongst us with the brain power of your average hubcap (that means you, Demorats and Leftists) that signs, hashtags and good thoughts actually accomplish anything.. Just as those who believe …

Downside of Charter Schools…. | kavips 05, 2011 · “Bonuses are the most awesome things ever invented by man.”End quote. But it does nothing to improve the kids’ dire educational situation, (and the future of the country.) The majority of the kids will get what they get now. For those who would hope to be on the receiving end of the bogus bonuses, money in the bank.

Brooklyn principal caught on tape: Pass students who don’t ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours.

MY EXCELLENT ADVENTURE AT YEARLYKOS - Right Wing Nut 06, 2007 · That doesn’t mean their inability to stop typing means the GOP is going to win, but it does mean someone like Hillary would be wise to keep their distance from the group, unless they want to find themselves defending some of the more Amanda Marcottian-like statements that are bound to come out of the left side of the blogosphere between now ...

My Stephen King Problem. | Zero Tolerance For Silence 28, 2009 · Whenever Big Steve came around with his latest effort in horror, depravity and gore, I was there to get my stuff, scurry on back to my lair, and flop into a chair for several hours for a really good scare. A really creepy book like Salem’s Lot wasn’t something I wanted as the last thing on my mind before going to sleep.

The Sound Mirrors: A History of the Future ... - Le Panoptique Sound Mirrors may seem laughably naive—a misguided, stone-age radar out of The Flintstones—yet this primitive technology was actually an imaginative and moderately successful response to the unfamiliar threat of the warplane.Swiss architect Le Corbusier, who wrote Aircraft in 1935, was still awed by “the bomb-carrying airplane” 3.The novelty of the bird’s eye view (Le Corbusier ...

Alabama Ass Whuppin': Drams-BT Week in Review 26, 2007 · One of the beauties of doing this blog are the folks that I get to meet through the intertubes. Earlier this week I received an email from a 'Buttholeville refugee' named Deryle Perryman. Deryle has produced a documentary on Eddie Hinton that is …

A Level Gaze argued in his interview that North Korea "'was a far more compelling threat in many ways, and it belonged at the top of the agenda,'' but Mr. Bush declined to compare it to Iraq, apart from arguing that Iraq had defied the world community for longer than the …

Orcinus: 01/18/2009 - 01/25/2009 Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

kingston progressive: 2013 28, 2013 · Well, It's been quite a while since I've written a Blog Post. Much has changed since my father's passing and my dismissal from City Hall. With the pizzeria consuming most of my time these days, I find the need to shut down when I finally come home from work, so I have to weigh the worth of publishing my thoughts on local, state and national issues against the need for sleep.

The Wattree Chronicle: Black Critics Need to Recognize ... 08, 2012 · That’s what Barack Obama did. As the first Black president of the Harvard Law Review, when Obama graduated from law school he could have gone to work as a law clerk for the Supreme Court, or pursued wealth by going into any one of the top law firms in the country.

Nearly 50 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps | The Daily ... 18, 2015 · Nearly 50 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps | The Daily Sheeple. Editor’s Note: And you know who makes the most money off of Food Stamps? Megabanks like JP Morgan Chase and big box stores like Walmart. For much of the presidency of Barack Obama, a record number of Americans have subsisted in part or in whole on taxpayer-subsidized programs.

A Serenade for Alternative America: John Mellencamp in ... is tempting to see the broadcast of the documentary to a captive audience as self-congratulation, but it is just as easy to view it as the narration of another story – Mellencamp’s own – a story that stands in stark contrast to the contemporary musical culture of frivolity and flimsiness.

freedom of the press | Sheila Kennedy’s quickly review the relevant rules. As most Americans know, the First Amendment protects free speech and freedom of the press. That freedom is not absolute: you cannot falsely cry fire in a crowded theater, nor blithely libel someone you don’t like, nor spill trade secrets in contravention of an agreement not to do so.Members of the press who report damaging, untrue information about ...

Refuse to Comply. Decline to Test. Petition Governor Hogan 31, 2015 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Shorebird of the Week – June 27, 2013 – monoblogue 27, 2013 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

2007 October — Crooked Timber recently moved and I now have a long commute. I’ve discovered that I greatly enjoy expending enforced bus-time, listening to audiobooks. I’ve also discovered that Librivox is a rich source of free listening material. They are slouching toward the 1000 title …

Avenue Q | Geoausch 05, 2008 · I’ve referenced Avenue Q several times on this blog. Indeed, it is the most referenced Broadway musical on and I know no better way to begin my review of Freedom than with another reference.. Franzen’s novel focuses on the complicated relationship between Walter and Patty Berglund, an ultra-progressive couple, chasing the “American Dream,” and forever replaying the …

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com States Wars, News and Casualties ***** The War Criminal and His Two Buddies . Former U.S. Presidents, from left, Barack Obama, George Bush and Bill Clinton greet spectators on the first tee before the first round of the Presidents Cup at Liberty National Golf Club in Jersey City, N.J., Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Mapping the anti-Mapp sentiment in the ... 09, 2019 · Ward 2 is where the anti-Mapp forces had their strongest showing. Incumbent Cory Storch was bested by McKenna, 628 to 461 (58 - 42%). The map (at the top of today's post) shows McKenna took 7 of the 11 districts (Storch took only 1, 4, 7, and 11).

Ted Cruz | Eclectablog who thinks that the wealthy who are buying elections are doing it to help the country is in for a rude awakening. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission is a staggering blow to democracy. But it’s certainly not the only obstacle average Americans face in the fight to maintain a fair election process.

Father Geoff Farrow: Interview for Dignity USA 14, 2009 · Interview for Dignity USA I have been invited to address the biennial convention of Dignity USA in San Francisco on the 4th of July weekend this year. Dignity USA is an organization of LGBT Catholics and provides spiritual guidance and services to these underserved and all too often marginalized people within the Catholic Church.

Alterdestiny: Thoughts on the Brazil Air Tragedy in Sao Paulo 02, 2007 · This is just egregious and vulgar, and I understand the arguments of what that would have done to air travel in Brazil, but it doesn't matter. -Congonhas is itself a terrible airport. While the structure is fine (they just finished rennovating the terminal, which is gaining its own criticism, given that the runway, and not the terminal, was ...

Bill O'Reilly citáty (84 citátu) | Citáty slavných osobností O'Reilly Factor was the highest-rated cable news show for 16 years, and he was described by media analyst Howard Kurtz as "the biggest star in the 20 year history at Fox News" at the time of his departure. ... After the first New York Times investigation revealed that O'Reilly and Fox News had settled five sexual harassment lawsuits ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 09, 2006 · Eloquent words, but it looks as if they come too late. Here's a New York Times headline today about Gonzales's testimony: Top Aide Defends Domestic Spying The attorney general's job, apparently, is whatever the administration says it is, and we just accept that.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2013 · And why didn't they come to the rescue of their friends on Wall Street, and the insurance companies - instead, it was the US Government. If he wrote that US Government came in as the "First Responders," this might have made some sense. And only a "Moran" doesn't know the plural of policeman and fireman. Also too - Harvard, again! 2:16 PM

After-deadline filing review: Courts – Off the candidates were also previously mentioned. This is the seat now vacated by Laura Carter Higley. Jane Robinson – 14th Court of Appeals, Place 1, Chief Justice Jim Evans – 14th Court of Appeals, Place 1, Chief Justice. Jane Robinson has been mentioned previously.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: Judgment Day November 14? October 21, 2011, is 23 Tishrei, the day that some Diaspora Jews observe as the 2nd day of Shemini Atzeret, or “Simchat Torah”. Even though still a holiday for some, no one would consider it to be a day of Sukkot: e.g., even though some have the practice of still eating in the sukkah on 22 Tishrei, no one does on 23 Tishrei.

The Street: Biggest Stock Market Crashes Throughout ... 13, 2020 · The following is an excellent article written by Brian O'Connell on The Street website on February 29, 2020 titled "Biggest Stock Market Crashes Throughout History" and I quote: "Biggest Stock Market Crashes Throughout History" Stock market crashes happen on a fairly regular basis. That said, so do major market recoveries.BRIAN O'CONNELLUPDATED:FEB 29, 2020 8:45 AM…

JustOneMinute: And What About Them Thunders?!? First Elocutionist strikes again: Obama Hails The ‘Miami Heats’ When I was a much younger man, naming all the professional teams whose name did not end in "S" was a manageable trivia question. Both "Sox" and the Jazz were...

Tickle The Wirejulia pierson Archives - Tickle The Sept. 19, Omar Gonzalez, a war veteran who is believed to be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, hopped the fence and ran through the unlocked front door into the first floor of the White House. It wasn’t until Gonzalez was in the East Room, well within the building, that an off-duty Secret Service officer was able to tackle him.

WMC SheSource - Women’s Media Center WMC SheSource is an online database of media-experienced women experts who we connect to journalists, bookers and producers. More » Find an Expert

Eyewitness ID Practices - Changing in Many Jurisdictions ...'s New York Times reports, "Police Lineups Start to Face Fact: Eyes Can Lie."." It's written by Erica Goode and John Schwartz. The decision by New Jersey’s Supreme Court last week to overhaul the state’s rules for how judges and jurors treat evidence from police lineups could help transform the way officers conduct a central technique of police work, criminal justice experts say.

Minutes 4 | Accountability | Government treasurers from different Councils should then forward the pay-160 ment to Mr. Ganaba, who is the Senator for Finance. 161 162 163 4 OTHER MATTERS 164 The presiding officer then reminded the body once again about the incoming implementation of the new 165 anti-tardiness policy.

The United States of Jesusville | Nolan Dalla United States of Jesusville . Last week’s presidential inauguration lasted a relatively brisk 90 minutes. About half of the official swearing-in ceremony was comprised of speeches. The other half was filled with lively music and assorted patriotic fanfare.

10th Circuit Panel OKs Oklahoma Execution Drug Switch ... 10, 2010 · The 10th Circuit ruling in Pavatt v. Matthews & Duty is in Adobe .pdf format. Today's Oklahoman reports, "Appeals court rejects convicted killer’s challenge to Oklahoma execution method,"by Robert Boczkiewicz. An appeals court on Tuesday allowed Oklahoma to proceed with...

HarveySarles.comharveysarles.comSep 04, 2017 · Rain steady, the backdrop to a Vivaldi string sonata melding as planned into the droplets: gently wavering. Now, teaching, a telling to a group of world students, who is the great behemoth of the West; where we may be heading. A love of teaching…to those who want to understand.

The Commonplace Book-- Excerpts from my reading in June argument that a taste for the ideal and the tabula rasa leads to terror, after all, would be more convincing if its opposite—a desire for an organic, authentic, traditional society—didn’t lead to terror, too.

Pokey Chatman Update - Tenured Radical - The Chronicle of ... Chatman Update. March 14, 2007, ... but it has enough of a new perspective to deserve a more prominent place on the blog. Tiger321 writes: ... if her resignation was, as the rumor goes, the ...

Tickle The Wirecommutations Archives - Tickle The Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The Obama administration, which vowed to have more transparency in government, is working very hard to keep some secrets.. At issue: The names of more than 9,200 people President George W. Bush denied pardons and commutations, the National Law Journal reports.. Last year, a D.C. federal judge ruled against the Obama Justice Department and said ...

05 | October | 2018 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 05, 2018 · The woman at the center of the scandal over Hillary Clinton’s defense of an alleged child rapist speaks out in depth for the first time. “I would say [to Clinton], ‘You took a case of mine in ’75, you lied on me… I realize the truth now, the heart of what you’ve …

NFL | Will of The People news in sports this week. Evidently, the NFL is going to start flagging players for using racial slurs on the field, to the tune of a 15 yard penalty, as part of the rules against abusive language. This seems to have come as a result of publicity about bullying in the Miama Dolphins’ locker room.

The Point: Japan’s Largest and Most Influential Rightwing ... 12, 2016 · Uesugi Akira, who is chief administrator at the “Library of Japanese War Responsibility,” founded in part by historical researchers, warns that, “One of the predecessors of Japan Council, the Society to Defend Japan, was heavily influenced by the religious right, which was also the ideological backbone of the group of officers who led the ...

Metacrock's Blog: Obama's Econmy: Helll in a Hand Basket ... 10, 2016 · The number of job openings doubled, to a record 5.7 million. Nearly 15 million fewer people lack health insurance coverage. Corporate profits are at record levels; stock prices have more than doubled. However, median household income was down 3 percent as of 2014, and the official poverty rate was 1.6 percentage points higher.

Why Are We Smarter Than Chickens And Frogs ... size and complexity vary enormously across vertebrates, but it is not clear how these differences came about. Humans and frogs, for example, have been evolving separately for 350 million years and have very different brain abilities. Yet scientists have shown that they use a remarkably similar repertoire of genes to build organs in the body.

Limbaugh Advertisers: We Still Won’t Sponsor Rush Anymore ... 04, 2012 · First Posted: 03/ 3/2012 8:34 pm Updated: 03/ 4/2012 6:13 pm. Huff Post. As the controversy grew over Rush Limbaugh’s latest incendiary comments — he called law student and birth control advocate Sandra Fluke a “slut” on Wednesday — his show’s advertisers began to flee in droves.. On Saturday, Limbaugh apologized.But for at least one CEO, that wasn’t good enough.

August 25, 2016 – Exceptional Delaware 25, 2016 · 2 posts published by Kevin Ohlandt on August 25, 2016. At the May 2016 Board of Directors meeting for Academia Antonia Alonso, there is a reference to a …

China Watch: China Uses Ballistic Missile to Destroy a ... 18, 2007 · Readers: Please Vote in Flap’s January 2008 GOP Presidential Poll. Telegraph: Chinese missile destroys satellite in space The prospect of “Star Wars” between China and the West loomed last night after Beijing used a ballistic missile to destroy a satellite in space.. The missile, which hit a 4ft-wide obsolete Chinese weather satellite 530 miles above the Earth, is thought to have ...

Lost in the Ozone...: Study Sought Of Test Score Gains in ... 05, 2008 · The city's test score increases are the subject of a new television advertisement that airs this week, paid for by a nonprofit that works to raise donations for Bloomberg administration education projects, the Fund for Public Schools. Mayor Bloomberg makes an appearance in the ad, touting the system's "progress."

veto | kavips first guy who got impeached: Andrew Johnson with 15. It is quite clear that a veto is just another tool put at the president’s disposal.. If the president is provided the opportunity to weld it, one must, both out of Constitutional necessity and a considerable amount of precedence.

iraq | cadesertvoice are a cross to carry and a flag to wrap yourself in away from being the people who Sinclair Lewis warned us about, but I guarantee that if Fox News told you to dress that way you would, because you are the same blind, ignorant and closed minded dunces who drove this country into a civil war years ago because you are bound to the notion that ...

Expanded Coverage of Warren Hill's Stay of Execution - The ... updated AP coverage is, "Ga. judge halts Hill execution; state to appeal," by Christina A. Cassidy, via the Rome News-Tribune.Condemned inmate Warren Lee Hill scored a legal victory Thursday, although it remains to be seen whether his scheduled execution will be delayed indefinitely as his attorneys challenge the constitutionality of a new law barring the release of certain information ...

belly of the beast | Bloviating the first half hour we spoke to Dan Butcher, media owner, mogul extraordinaire, who is bringing his radio show back again on Fridays, Sundays and Mondays, produced by SHR Media, 10 PM Central, 11 PM Eastern, 8 PM Pacific. However, High Plains Talk Radio is shutting down as is High Plains TV.

JG, Caesarea: Paul Krugman, "The Forever Slump": Comparing ... is an inexact science, but it becomes even less exact if you refuse to consider all of the variables. In his latest New York Times op-ed entitled "The Forever Slump," Paul Krugman again warns against an increase in US interest rates by the Federal Reserve. Explaining that Europe raised interest rates in 2011, but reversed course when ...

Michael Jackson's PTSD Archetypes (Health Series ... 17, 2009 · Daryl shoves him out of the way, yelling at him to run. His friends grow angry but it's time for music. Daryl's going to demonstrate what it means to be "bad." A lost boys gang ala West Side Story (except for the fact that it is multi-racial) suddenly emerges from behind pillars and Daryl is transformed. Gone are the short hair and sweatshirt.

October 2017 | Messaging Matters 25, 2017 · Donald Trump‘s approval numbers — as low as 32 percent — are the worst ever for a president at this point in his term. Likewise, Trump’s handling of the hurricanes this season dropped 20 points to just 44 percent after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and, instead of focusing on helping the people there (who are Americans), Trump took to the golf course and then criticized them.

P-card audit in, to be made public | 28, 2008 · A whole lotta eatin' and a whole lotta motels. Login or register to post comments; Lush life. ... he can provide in the audit response that will justify the wholesale looting of the county coffers by the people in his office. Login or register to post comments; ... I'm told that there are many instances when a receipt for a hotel room, for ...

Barr's 'investigation' into the Russia investigation began ... CNN reports, records show that Barr brought Durham in for a series of meetings well before announcing the official start of an investigation into how the Russia investigation got underway. Soon after being confirmed as attorney general, Barr began pulling in Durham, meeting with him much more frequently than other U.S. attorneys.

The opioid epidemic, explained | The Smirking 04, 2017 · The opioid epidemic could kill as many as 650,000 people in the next decade. Here’s how it got so bad. If nothing is done, we can expect a lot of people to die: A forecast by STAT concluded that as many as 650,000 people will die over the next 10 years from opioid overdoses — more than the entire city of Baltimore.

Despite being cleared by DNA evidence Donald Trump still ... 02, 2016 · Despite being cleared by DNA evidence Donald Trump still says the Central Park Five are guilty. Courtesy of NBC News : Wading into a racially-charged case from his past, Donald Trump indicated that the "Central Park Five" were guilty, despite being officially exonerated by DNA evidence decades after a notorious 1989 rape case.

Commander Ogg: Did David Shuster Pull a Fox Noise Attack ... 06, 2007 · He refused to allow the Professor to get away with half-truths (sample statement FA: Richard Armatiage was the leaker in the CIA Case. DS: It came out at trial that 7 different people talked with Scooter Libby about Plames identity) and whole lies (sample statement FA: The attacks of 9/11 and the terrorist trail preceded the Iraq war.

A Little Reality: Chaos Is Funny 17, 2015 · Chaos Is Funny Note, I didn't say "fun." The Iraq War was a clinical definition of chaotic but it was the least fun had in Mesopotamia since the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258. Although I'm sure the Mongols had fun. ... The man who is still the odds on favorite for the nomination (Jeb! Bush) is polling in the single digits while the runaway ...

TVA cited for Ocoee sediment release | it was the bottom sluice gate that was opened last week, and Martocci and Bach both make it sound like that sluice gate is regularly opened (Martocci said specifically for recreation). Why would you release the water coming from Blue Ridge for recreation from the bottom of Ocoee #3 when you know it's got a bunch of nasty sediment in it?

R. Michael Stillwagon: The Big Parade 06, 2010 · The Big Parade I think that the Big Parade (1925) with John Gilbert, was the highest grossing silent movie made in the 1920's but it has never been released on DVD. Once in a while it is shown on TCM and you should not miss it. It's really a great war movie directed by King Vidor. The movie tells the story of a rich boy who joins the army and ...

Jim wright stonekettle..." Keyword Found Websites Listing ... Wright | Facebook. Never try to out-stubborn a cat. Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark. When the fox gnaws -- smile. A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take …

Syria: Assassination of Mughniyeh A Joint Mossad/CIA ... 31, 2015 · “The way it was set up, the US could object and call it off, but it could not execute,” a former US intelligence official told the newspaper. A senior Hezbollah commander, Mughniyeh was suspected of masterminding the abduction of Western hostages in Lebanon in the 1980s and of the 1992 bombing of the Israeli embassy in Argentina that killed ...

The American Flag Needs To Come Down, Too! | Pansies For Plato 24, 2015 · Look at the picture above. That man is a slave in Kentucky who is operating a hemp brake. He remained a slave eight months after the Civil War ended. The only flag which ever flew over him was the American Flag. We have driven down the racist banner of the slave states. Now is the time to replace the American Flag. Imagine the impact of that!

Trump Wins Northern Marianas Caucus Wins Northern Marianas Caucus "The Northern Marianas gave Trump a good start to Tuesday, handing the billionaire businessman a . victory by a huge margin in its GOP caucus. Trump won nearly 73 percent of the vote in the winner-take-all contest, granting him all nine of the U.S. territory's delegates.

Burkean Reflections: Real Men Don't Cry 16, 2007 · Then, this past winter, there was the fiftysomething John Kerry choking up as he hit the words "home" and "Vietnam" in his speech to the Senate. In truth, we men don't know what to say or do about these emotional squalls. When tears started visiting me at awkward times, I would try to hide them, even from my wife.

Sucks To Be Trump: More Americans Trust the ‘Fake’ News ... 03, 2018 · Mark, I think you missed the biggest point, it was the “cheating Obama”comment, coming from the moron-in-chief. I believe trump was using it as a Dog-whistle. He, and many on the right believe the only way he Became president in this country was by cheating. i.e. Birth certificate, his college transcripts, etc. you know the things 43 ...

Osama Bin Laden dead | Off Topic Central 04, 2011 · Usama bin Laden has been buried at sea, a U.S. official told Fox News. After bin Laden was killed in a raid by U.S. forces in Pakistan, the official said the body would be handled according to Islamic practice and tradition.

The Rectification of Names: Literary Corner: Swiftian 05, 2020 · It's Stephen Miller's knowledge that is represented here, not Trump's, and Miller wasn't making anything up, either; he was clearly working from the list of historical planes doing the flyovers that were the evening's main entertainment, allowing Trump to cast himself as a kind of MC for the occasion (last year was a similarly structured guided tour, but the flyovers were …

Richard Feynman News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today 08, 2019 · Richard Feynman on Good, Honest Science and Bad. The Wall Street Journal. - The Wall Street Journal. Andy Kessler’s excellent “Follow Michael Crichton’s Rule” on the dumbing down of “science, the data and the studies” brings to mind the great Nobel physicist Richard Feynman’s 1974 Caltech commencement

Les Hommes libres | Arun with a View 01, 2011 · A nice thing about the movie is the music. One of its main stories is that of the Arabo-Andalusian singer Salim/Simon Halali, who was a Judeo-Berber from Algeria and was given cover by the mosque during the occupation. I like Arabo-Andalusian music—particularly seeing it performed live—but don’t know individual singers or orchestras.

A Brief History of Collateral Damage - Blogger Brief History of Collateral Damage ... up to thirty deaths are acceptable, so long as the strike was against military targets. In the Iraqui war, which even its most ardent lovers admit cannot be "won" by military means, thirty civiian deaths would be counterproductive, if those thirty corpses leave one or two very angry survivors; certainly ...

Alterdestiny: Where's the Dead Animals? 08, 2010 · If the American people didn't see dead soldiers coming back from Iraq, everything must be going OK, right? Same here. If BP can avoid images of dead dolphins, they may think their public image won't take the long-term hit that Exxon did after 1989. But it's wrong and I don't see why the government is allowing BP to control media access.

The Bonddad Blog: The Pied Piper of Doom is still an idiot ... global bond market swoon wiped out $1.2 trillion in value since April. Bonds with long maturities suffered the most. The 10-year Treasury Note Price Index lost 3.2%. The 30-year yield, at 3.1% currently, is still very low, but it’s the highest since October 2014. And …

Solsticewitch13's BOS: Why Apologize to Afghanistan? 04, 2012 · W e have officially lost our minds.. The New York Times reports that President Obama has sent a formal letter of apology to Afghanistan’s ingrate president, Hamid Karzai, for the burning of Korans at a U.S. military base. The only upside of the apology is that it appears (based on the Times account) to be couched as coming personally from our blindly Islamophilic president — “I wish to ...

Mo Rage: The Real Reason Some People Are Upset And We Have ... 24, 2010 · The Real Reason Some People Are Upset And We Have The Tea Party, reprise There is a woman somewhere in town who writes a blog "Uncommon Courage" I occasionally look in on. First, let me say I think it takes guts to label it so, if you're talking about yourself, don't you think?

The Debate Link: 08/17/2014 - 08/24/2014 very interesting review by Adam Kirsch of three books which touch on the theme of Jewish apostasy -- Jews who betray the Jewish community to hostile gentiles. This, of course, must mean something beyond criticizing Jews -- Kirsch immediately draws the distinction between those who criticize from within the community as an attempt to make it better, and those who remove themselves from the ...

RADARSITE: Cuba for Dummies-Some Basic Facts of all Batista was the de-facto leader from 1933-40, during which time the Cuban constitution was created in 1940, wherein he stood for office and won. In 1944 the candidate from his party lost and he gave power over to his opposition, Ramon Grau San Martin.

Contextual Criticism: 11/22/09 - 11/29/09 there's more. LeMieux is still working for Crist. And Crist is up against a Cuban-American in his bid for a seat in the Senate. So, LeMieux, it is said, is "trying to burnish his Cuba credentials to help Crist ..." The Cuban community in Miami consists of a bunch of retrograde Castro haters who still think it's 1960.

CryptoURANUS Economics: Ethereum-[ETH] 06, 2018 · Once the president is elected, the winner is automatically rewarded with 2000 ETH from the escrow contract. This is a very simple example of a smart contract, but many inputs and conditions can be defined so that, automatically executed smart-contracts can be used for will settlement, trust funds, work-contracts, industrial-grade agreements without the need for intermediaries.

About That “Reign of Error”…. | Sheila Kennedy that “Reign of Error”; it will take a book to list those who qualify to be listed. The whys, from whence they came, what – if anything – they accomplished or f#*ked up during their brief sojourn in Trump’s company/Company…and how and why they left will probably never make the history books.

Al Jazerra E-Mails show contempt for French murder victims ... 12, 2015 · In his latest message to the world, Al-Awlaki defends the journalists of one such “trustworthy” Muslim source, Al-Jazeera, and praises the Western media source WikiLeaks. The message, a six-minute video of his speech “A Message to the Members of the Media,” was released February 14, 2011 by the jihadi forum Shumukh Al-Islam.[4]

The Third Avenue: 9/12/04 - 9/19/04 18, 2004 · The Salt Lake Tribune 's Rebecca Walsh (with the help of Tom Harvey) has done a good bit of journalism for a small time paper, uncovering the details of Karl Rove's spotted Vietnam-era draft history. Unlike his boss and his boss' boss, Dick Cheney, the meddling to void going into combat isn't as obvious. In fact, Rove was against the war.

Kevin Powell: Sermon: Easter 3 Easter 3 (With a big help from Barbara Brown Taylor's Blessed Brokenness) How would you recognize Jesus if he walked up to you? What would be the give away? Would you look for a halo over his head? How about long flowing robes, long hair framing his bearded cheeks? Would you look for the celestial light beaming on him wherever he went?

Kathryn's Comments » Oz Notes was the newsletter for the Web of Oz, a Pagan/Wiccan group in the Lawrence, Kansas area. I did a number of covers for its newsletter. Here are the ones I’m willing to show. 5 images: The Four Elements I’ve been working on images for each of the four traditional elements.

My Street Becomes an Ice Rink - freedom-writing.blogspot.com, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. This was the scene in front of my apartment a few minutes ago. Just to set the stage f...

THE "EMBATTLED WHITES" PROBLEM IS WORSE IN AMERICA … 12, 2016 · The first 3 of those groups know it's not possibly to capture cell-phone only CPO voters directly like land line only LLO or types who have and use both. Instead, you have to be smart to ingenious in resorting to indirect measures and be preapred to exercise heightened perspicacity, because it requires resorting to consciously manipulated poll ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Curious happenings at Regional District happenings at Regional District It’s a story that doesn’t seem to come with many public explanations, filed as it is under the title of confidential personnel issues. However, the latest controversy at Regional District has become a kind of who dunnit and why, for a number of Northwest observers.

Good News Monday: Weekend at Hillary's - Modern Heretic 12, 2016 · This Current Year just keeps on delivering the goods. Just prior to this embarrassing collapse the dyke bitch from hell had declared the enemies of globalism and jewish communism to be "deplorable" and "irredeemable" and even "not America." We are now Ukrainian peasants. There is no redemption, no miracle cure, just a bullet to the brain from a system that is pure evil.

memeorandum: Timeline for 13 days that transformed Trump ... swastika was mowed into a field. Was it part of a chain of events that led to murder? — Neighbors said the display of hate in a Lorton, Va., community was as large as it was shocking: a swastika roughly 40 feet across mowed into the grass of a community field.

California Demise - 30, 2009 · As Eric points out, "Californians only get back 78 cents for each dollar of federal taxes, ranking it 43rd of 50 for money tossed back into the state." I'd seen those numbers before, but I hadn't thought of them in the context of the California budget crisis. It's going to be hard to balance your budget when 22% of the money you send to DC doesn't come back.

Mysterious booms in Seymour | reader writes that at approx. 9:30 PM last night his family heard a large boom in the Seymour area. "It was heard by several other family members in the same area, about 6 miles apart."

memeorandum: Barred From Running and Boycotting: Navalny's ... swastika was mowed into a field. Was it part of a chain of events that led to murder? — Neighbors said the display of hate in a Lorton, Va., community was as large as it was shocking: a swastika roughly 40 feet across mowed into the grass of a community field.

George F. Will: His Unethical Behavior in 1980 Made Him people are talking about the dishonesty in yesterday's column by George F. Will. Although I was shocked by it, too, it was a minor lapse by Will's standards. This is a good time to remember his enormous breach of ethics in 1980 - one which made him the role model for a generation of cynical, dishonest, and self-serving journalists and pundits.

Not-So-Merry Christmas? | Sheila Kennedy month Trump increased tariffs on China, which lifted the cost for a typical family of four to $860 a year…If Trump moves forward with his other threat to put tariffs on all Chinese imports by the end of the summer, the cost would jump even higher — to more than $2,000 for a …

Green Eagle: An Inaugural Followup 22, 2017 · Conway obviously didn't give that phrase any forethought, but Orwell would probably have jotted it down for future works if he had heard it in his lifetime. This is where we are, on the first day of a presidency, having to discuss what the word "fact" actually means, mid interview. January 22, 2017 at …

No More Mister Nice Blog 07, 2012 · And that really was the problem: He had the confidence without the full capability. So Obama's weakness, according to Noonan in that column, is that he thinks he can go over the Beltway's head and win fights by talking directly to the American public -- but he can't, because he sucks at that.

Brit Hume goes on The Factor to plead his case to Father O ... 06, 2010 · As for John Stewart and Stephen Colbert - LOVE THEM!!! They are the ones that make us all feel sane after seeing some of this FOX crap. I was brought up on "That Was the Week That Was", George Carlin, The Smothers Brothers, Tom Lehrer, "Laugh-In", etc. I guess we have always needed something to help us make sense of and survive our present reality.

memeorandum: Federal judge blocks Georgia anti-abortion ...— One of the first things new prosecutors … Will Wilkinson / New York Times : Trump Has Disqualified Himself From Running in 2020 — The president's brazen attempt at cheating has taken “decide it at the ballot box” off the menu.

08 | April | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 08, 2018 · He was the only human who lived a sinless life before God. He was resurrected from the dead with a body that defeated death and decay. He was the only One who could come into the heavenly Most Holy Place, into the presence of God the Father, and …

What Do THEY Know?? | Sheila Kennedy Trump Administration’s war on expertise continues to expand. Jeff Sessions (memorably identified by a Facebook friend as one of those Confederate monuments that should be removed) ignores 40+ years of criminal justice research and intensifies the drug war.

PBS News-Hour: Does a Wall Street Cabinet Discredit Trump ... 09, 2016 · The following is an excellent program from the PBS News-Hour program of December 8, 2016 hosted by Judy Woodruff and Paul Solmon titled “Does a …

Blue in Guadalupe: Layoffs, Tolls, and Trickle-down Economics was the first to announce one-time bonuses as a result of the tax bill. Just days later, it reported plans to lay off more than 1,000 employees in early 2018. Walmart announced it would raise the minimum wage for its workers to $11 per hour on January 11 but, that same day, announced the closure of 63 Sam’s Club stores and that about ...

Ex-aide’s immunity deal won’t be detailed | Suzie-Que's ... 29, 2007 · WASHINGTON - Attorneys for former vice presidential aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby won't know the specifics of former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer's unusual immunity-from-prosecution deal when Fleischer testifies against their client Monday.A federal judge ruled that Fleischer's agreement with prosecutors is not relevant to Libby's perjury and obstruction defense.

Nothing Better to Do: Cuco's Mexican Taqueria and Market guacamole was tasty, with chunks of onion and tomato integrated into the spicy avocado paste. My entree was the vegetarian burrito, pictured above, with rice, green peppers, onions, black beans and a few other grilled vegetables wrapped with cheese and guacamole in a tortilla. There are only two words to describe it: muy sabroso.

Alasandra's Placehttps://alasandrasplace.blogspot.comStill Alice by Lisa Genova My rating: 4 of 5 stars Heartbreaking and very realistic. I could identify with Alice as I had problems with my memory (lack of sleep luckily) right before I was diagnosed with PMR so I could relate to her fear and frustration and I think telling the story from Alice's POV made it more powerful although I would have liked to have learned more about her husband and ...

Saipan Writer: Liberation Day Parade 04, 2010 · The performance was the first time a "home-grown" marching band has performed in the Saipan Liberation Day parade. They had learned their marching drills in about 3 days time--working from 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM, practicing their formations at the SSHS parking lot. I'm reallly glad Anna Rose and the other students had the chance to do this.

Stories by Rochaun Meadows-Fernandez : Contently can remember the first time I left my son with a sitter. I wanted picture messages at 30-minute intervals and regular updates. I said it was to see how he was adjusting, but we all know it was all about me. Those updates made our first movie date after my son was born suck pretty bad, but it made me a lot more comfortable as a mother.

July 2016 – eclectique 916 Is. Power. Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy in the BBC mini-series “Pride and Prejudice” EU leaders’ response last week to PM David Cameron and the Brexit leadership resembled Elizabeth Bennet’s rebuff of Mr. Darcy’s first boastful and lame marriage proposal in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.Britain and the EU are now at the beginning in what has been described as a bitter ...

Texas Lethal Injection News Coverage - The StandDown Texas ... inmate Charlie Brooks was the first in the nation to be executed by injection on Dec. 7, 1982. Texas has since executed 466 people, far more than any other state. Seventeen inmates were put to death last year in Texas, and two have been executed this year.

Shooting Straight Videos - Metacafe of the world's largest video sites, serving the best videos, funniest movies and clips.

HERE'S THE OBVIOUS REBUTTAL TO THE RIGHT'S FAVORITE B.S ... 08, 2018 · here's the obvious rebuttal to the right's favorite b.s. talking point on kavanaugh Why, it's almost as if they've all secretly agreed on this messaging: My 16 year old son focuses on academics, sports, and academics.

No one cares what I think: Alternate Reality Football 27, 2009 · In the most exciting game of the first four, Joe Namath valiantly attempted to upset the heavily-favored Colts, but Johnny Unitas had one more miracle left in him, leading the Baltimore to their last football title ever to date. Now, onto the 1970s! Super Bowl 5: DALLAS COWBOYS defeat Baltimore Colts Super Bowl 6: MIAMI DOLPHINS defeat Dallas ...

ON ACCEPTABLE AND UNACCEPTABLE LEVELS OF NON … 01, 2015 · on acceptable and unacceptable levels of non-assimilation This is an awful story: Seven siblings in an Orthodox Jewish family died in an overnight fire Saturday in Brooklyn that authorities said was caused by a hot plate left on because of prohibitions against cooking and operating electrical appliances during the Sabbath....

Lindsey Graham Floats Ludicrous Defense of Trump, Legal ... 28, 2019 · selective memory is what keeps graham's head from exploding. — rick ayala (@rickxx2000) September 28, 2019 At this point it looks like Rudy Giuliani and Lindsey Graham are going to play TV lawyers an damn the facts or the law, it’s showtime, folks, images to persuade Trump’s base an anybody else who suffers from terminal gullibility.

Jon Stewart - Protein Wisdom’t give me thing about Liebowitz threads, This possibly one of the most philosemitic blogs out there. Stewart didn’t disclose this connection, because he wanted to pretend to be one of the folks, he’s not most likely he’s one of these rich folk who had money with Lehman, or Bear Stearns, etc I heard some family had money with Madoff.

Stinque » CHEDDAGEDON 05, 2012 · Four State Senate seats on the line. As things stand, if there is one pick-off for Team Blue, the unified stranglehold on state government that GOPers now enjoy will be all gone. Of note, Scott Fitzgerald — one of the orchestrators of the right-wing movement in the Legislature last winter — is in a surprisingly tough fight.

The Open Thread for March 22, 2018 – Blue Delaware 21, 2018 · It's' all coming together. The Washington Post reports that “Stephen Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s early efforts to collect troves of Facebook data as part of an ambitious program to build detailed profiles of millions of American voters.” “The 2014 effort was part of a high-tech form of voter persuasion touted by the company, which under Bannon identified…

RADARSITE: On Being Terrified of Obama's Healthcare Plan Being Terrified of Obama's Healthcare Plan by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook Just want to say to all my friends and readers that I hope you are having a memorial weekend filled with love ones and with memories of loved ones. That's just what I am doing. In fact, I have friends visiting from Colorado, and if you have noticed that I haven't been ...

r.e.m | Electricity & Lust I’ve had two weeks to let REM’s Accelerate sink in and, my verdict; it’s better than Around The Sun and overall is on a par with New Adventures in Hi-Fi.I love Man Man’s Rabbit Habits which streamlines the Waits-ian clang of their previous work into a more accessible and ultimately more satisfying listen. One of the year’s best albums so far.

2 Science Biographies Invention of Air Johnson & Creation ..., found the writing case of Charles Darwin's beloved daughter Annie, who died at the age of fifteen. In a chest of drawers bequeathed by his grandmother, author Randal Keynes, a …

Existential & Absurd. | No, THIS is how you do it… 18, 2009 · As a compliment to Hamlet, one of my students has been assigned the play, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. They are struggling to say the least. They are struggling to say the least. Being unfamiliar with Beckett’s Waiting for Godot , and a teenager, which practically by definition means absurdity reigns, there has been much confusion ...

Ezra Klein: "Reporting" and Credentialism« Trade Prorities | Main | Quote of the Day ». May 14, 2007 "Reporting" and Credentialism. Sigh. I really need to get away from all this media navelgazing, but a very smart post by Kagro X on the constraints facing traditional journalists. There is a decidedly odd absence of self-consciousness on the part of many journalists about the limitations of their profession's approach to ...

TigerHawk - Blogger is so stupid we are left to choose between two alternatives: John Edwards is an idiot, or he thinks that we are idiots. There is no possible third explanation. I heartily disagree: I think there's a third (and correct) option: John Edwards is an idiot and he thinks that we are idiots.

The day she died the neighbors came to snicker: "Well ... day she died the neighbors came to snicker: "Well, thats what comes from too much pills and liquor." Whatever our feelings about a woman who throws her mind away and lets herself become a punchline, the death of Vickie Hogan, alias Anna Nicole Smith seems so, so sad.

The Debate Link: Syrian Kids Are Good Enough To Kill For ... 10, 2017 · Syrian Kids Are Good Enough To Kill For, Not Good Enough To Save ... But really, the main difference. Syria is a complex, difficult situation, but what's incontestable is that it is producing a refugee population which wants nothing more than to escape the horrifying violence in Syria. ... That was the main point I wanted to make, but ...

Fingers, No. Elbows, Yes. | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle ... you Fnarf = BAG tax on paper and plastic bags. But then everyone on the thread goes right back to talking about a plastic bag tax. According to a study recently conducted by Herrera Environmental for SPU found that the "found the overall impact of paper bags was four times worse than that of an equal number of plastic bags (for all categories weighted equally), and worse in every ...

Beloved Malala « Scanlyze 13, 2012 · Beloved Malala. Around the world, something quite extraordinary is happening. Muslim and Hindu, Shiite and Sunni and Sufi, religious and secular, Pakistani and Afghan, are united in praying for the swift and complete recovery of Malala, who is called, “beloved,” “The Ambassador of Peace and Education,” “braveheart,” “the brilliant brain,” “saviour of girls.”

Sarah Palin E-Mail Hacker Convicted of Computer Fraud ... 30, 2010 · David Kernell was convicted of two of four charges relating to his hacking into then Alaska Governor and GOP Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s personal e-mail account.. A Tennessee jury on Friday convicted the man who hacked Sarah Palin’s e-mail account on two of four charges — computer fraud and obstruction of justice.

Be Alert -- A Sermon for Lent 06, 2014 · A little over a week ago Fred Phelps died. If you don’t know who Fred Phelps is, he was the leader of a small fringe Baptist church from Topeka, Kansas. Fred and his church, which is composed mostly of family members, are well known for picketing religious gatherings and …

Obama Health Care | VotingFemale that CNN was the host of the O’Donnell – Coons debate this week. Unless you have been marooned on a deserted pacific island for the past ten years, you …

In Blizzard, Conservatives Mock Global Warming Alarmists ... 15, 2010 · Back to back Washington, D.C. blizzards prompted conservatives to mock the global warming crowd last week. Grandchildren of Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., built an igloo on the National Mall and christened it "Al Gore's New Home." Fox News anchor Glenn Beck employed his trademark sarcasm to make fun of the "disappearance" of warming priest Al Gore and devotee Robert F. Kennedy,

Citizens Fight Crime | kavips 13, 2013 · As I pulled of the side street and onto the main street, a parked car held me up, It was some type of SUV with New Jersey plates. Leaning into its passenger window, was a big black dude, scruffy beard, Army issued overcoat, black pants, who as I pulled up, backed away, and as the car pulled off, the crossed the street in front of me….

JustOneMinute: "Ass-Welt" Journalism of my concerns is that too many reporters substitute "shoe leather" for doing more serious research on subjects. Talking to people is often beneficial and necessary, but it is not a substitute for thorough researching. Part of the problem involves the mechanics of news delivery and the need for deadlines with newpapers and TV.

History's Dumpster: The Lawrence Welk Show Lawrence Welk Show was a staple of Saturday evenings over most ABC affiliated TV stations from 1955 to 1971 and in syndication until 1982. The show was a sort of throwback to the musical variety show of the '50s, where you can see/hear everything from polka music, ragtime, lounge, big band, waltzes, some religious hymns, dressed-up country ...

Ezra Klein: Abortions in Film in Film. Dilan Esper made an interesting point in the thread on Knocked Up. "The problem isn't that "Knocked Up" doesn't present the "choice" well," he wrote. "It's that there's no movies out there-- at all-- in which a lead character has an abortion and that choice turns out to be absolutely right.

Khavari: The Man With A Plan | The Lunch Counter 24, 2009 · More information about his platform is on his website and in his latest book, Toward a Zero-Cost Economy, available in stores or for free download at his website, Please share this press release from the Khavari campaign. Khavari: The era of commercial banks is over; state banks are the future.

Resume production of EVs now that Chevron sold control of ... 25, 2009 · Article: Resume production of EVs now that Chevron sold control of the batteries - Now that Chevron disgorged control of the Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH)battery needed for plug-in …

Christian.Art - The True Vine | Facebook to this week's video and this week we look at a Greek more precisely and I come from creates from the sixteenth century. Uh it's captain ethan's in the by sometime and Christian museum and I have to say, the striking image almost little transcription of this sunday's gospel, a junk chapter 15 verse five.

Adam Curtis | Bperet's Blog’s as old as the hills of West Virginia! The United States owes Russia a “debt of honor” for standing by our side in our darkest hours. Find out why. The Trap – BBC documentary series by Adam Curtis:

TimAllenMDJD: "it might seem a gratuitous and even ... is still no convincing answer to the question of how, as the physicist Vlatko Vedral put it in his essay ‘What life wants’ for this magazine, one might reconcile biology and quantum physics in order to explain the ‘purposefulness’ of living things.

DCDL » Uptown Theater Lost to McLean Bible Church? 18, 2007 · I think Mclean Bible Church is a cult and I am strongly opposed to it opening a new “campus” in the Uptown Theatre. Lon Solomon has been quoted as trying to “encompass the metro area with a circle of faith” which I think is completely wacko. I really dislike the idea. —Katherine • …

Janice Tocher for City Council? | 16, 2019 · Compass reports: Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission Chair Janice Tocher will seek the 1st District City Council seat that will become vacant when Councilwoman Stephanie Welch joins Mayor-elect Indya Kincannon's administration in February. Janice Tocher is an excellent choice. Here's her Planning Commission bio: Janice, a 25-year resident of South Knoxville, is President of …

Current Movie Reviews – Unsightly Mental 25, 2017 · Whether fictionalized or not, The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) gives its audience a peek into the chaos that may have been Charles Dickens, and in particular the act of creation which brought his classic Christmas story into being. Our story begins with the sources of tension in Dickens’ life: two failures after the phenomenal success of Oliver Twist, a fifth child on the way, a new ...

The Great Bear Market: A Runoff Election in France the updated chart shows, the CAC-40 is tracing out an regular flat for Supercycle wave (a) as per the main wave count with Cycle waves a and b complete and the first two subwaves of Cycle wave c completed with Primary wave [3] down in progress. While the DJIA took out the May 2011 high, the CAC-40 is still well short of doing so, indicating that the rally from the October 2011 low is a bear ...

Really: Matrix as analogy of current world problems 14, 2010 · These posts have got me thinking about why Matrix is one of my favorite movies. The main shock of Matrix and was life altering moment for me was when neo came out of his cocoon type contraption. My Analogy of Matrix compared to the current world problems are the machines are really the current structures/elite that need energy to survive.

Article: Robots want to clean your house - but will they ... 15, 2010 · Article: Robots want to clean your house - but will they do windows? - During the last several years, sophisticated robots have moved from novelties at trade shows to …

Do trade deficits really matter? » Occam's Razor 28, 2018 · So we are having trade wars at the moment. Trump started all of them, first with a 30% tariff on solar panels manufactured in China but then on steel imports. It expanded into tariffs against Canada, Mexico, the European Union and more tariffs on China. Predictably these countries responded with counter-tariffs designed to give Trump’s …

Super Bowl XLV « The Bright Coast though the coin was heads again, the NFC’s incredible win-streak extends to 14, as the Steelers picked incorrectly. The odds of that are now 1 in 32,768, if I’m any good at math. While Christina Aguilera clearly went over 6 seconds on “brave”, there’s actually some controversy over the …

The Wattree Chronicle: NEVER BECOME SO BLACK THAT YOU ... 11, 2019 · While that may make her look like a no-nonsense Black warrior, that only feathers her own nest among the non-thinkers among us, but it’s not in the Black community’s best interest. Since Black people are only 14.6% of the population, we need allies, and the good doctor’s brand of rhetoric only serves to turn potential allies off in droves.

Balkinization: Rationing the Constitution: Beyond and Below first case is Rucho v.Common Cause, which held partisan-gerrymandering claims nonjusticiable.Although Rucho is new and more definitive, the Court’s hands-off approach to partisan gerrymandering is not new, and so I am surprised that partisan gerrymandering does not figure in the book. It would seem to be a supportive test case. Although one could explain the Court’s behavior in …

Harry Clarke: Paul Krugman on the sub-prime lending crisis 10, 2007 · Paul Krugman is pessimistic about what is currently happening in financial markets.The crisis in sub-prime mortgage lending in the US has spread to Europe and Asia – batches of these loans have been sold to French and Dutch banks. Financial markets have suddenly become illiquid – people wish to hang onto their cash.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - Jamaal Bowman declares ... Engel, who chairs the influential House Foreign Affairs Committee, began as the heavy favorite, he was the subject of an unflattering—and widely shared—profile in the Atlantic in early May, which reported that he’d holed up in his D.C.-area home for the duration of the pandemic, not even returning to New York when the state's first ...

The Heretik: Seasons IS MOTHER TO THE WOMAN When a boy considers his mother, so many images come a jumble in his head. So many sounds as well. I am no different from any man, forever a boy when he remembers his mom. I remember laughter in her eyes and wonder in her voice. For this man who is forever a boy, a mother is forever a girl.

Islam, Sluts, Fake News, and War-A Review of 2006 | The ... 31, 2006 · 2006 was a busy year. The Religion of Perpetual Outrage, Islam dominated the news with riots, beheadings, and their quest for world domination. Please, before I begin our long journey through time, if I missed something, please feel free to enter a comment. Let's have some fun with it! The United States in its infinite…

Big Bad Bald Bastard: That Most Southern of Actors 11, 2018 · Burt followed this up with a string of car-chase action-comedies for the rest of the seventies- a couple of Smokey and the Bandit movies, a couple of Cannonball Runs.He also hearkened back to his days as a football player with such films as The Longest Yard and Semi-Tough.As Arnold Schwarzenegger noted, Burt was the template for the wisecracking action hero, the charismatic macho man who is ...

Without Banisters: Here we go again, cont'd. (Sarkozy edition), in his major policy address today, French President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke on the burqa a lot more forcefully than I'd expected him to. Here's the key section. (It's actually part of an interesting larger discussion of laïcité, which is itself only one element in a wide-ranging speech mainly focused on economic issues.

Janet Jenkins pleads for help in finding her daughter Jenkins is now pleading for help from the public in finding her daughter, Isabella. Jenkins' former civil union partner, Lisa Miller (now claiming to be an ex-gay) was supposed to turn Isabella over to Jenkins after a court ruling. This ruling came about because of Miller's continued refusal to allow Jenkins access to Isabella, whom they were supposed to be raising together.

New York City Paid to Lobby Itself, Group Says by Ray ... 21, 2009 · And Ms. Shulman, as the organization’s president, made countless personal appeals, promising to meet with every member of the City Council as it prepared to vote on the plan last fall. “That was the whole idea,” Ms. Shulman said in an interview.

The Back Forty » Taylor Family Farms: Back to the surprise for the young farmers was the way initial publicity about Taylor Family Farms led to a flood of requests for shares.”We had to turn people away,” said Kirsten, a sophomore majoring in philosophy and creative writing.

Get Off This!: May 2010 the same as the current round of Senate hearings: Goldman royally fleeced its customers to line its own pockets. Security lawyers who watched the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations grill Goldman Sachs employees on April 27, 2010 hopefully were more eagle-eyed than investment guru Warren Buffet, who is now

2007 October 29 – Off the 29, 2007 · By my count, we had about fifty people, and a whole lot of energy and enthusiasm for next year’s election. Rep. Senfronia Thompson, the next Speaker of the Texas House, addressed the crowd and spoke about all the reasons why it’s important to change the direction of our government – from CHIP to proper funding for the schools to ...

Tickle The WireFlint Archives - Tickle The“The agent informed me that at approximately 8:52 a.m., Ftouhi entered the first level of Bishop International Airport carrying a red duffle and a dark satchel bag. At approximately 9:10, Ftouhi went up an escalator to the second level of the airport. At the top of the escalator, Ftouhi turned left to go to a …

Scott Walker | kavips’s budget plan would lead to a net loss of 554,000 jobs by 2014. A budget revenue-neutral, would lead to a net loss of 1.9 million jobs over the next two years, …

Sean Hannity: Smug Deceptive Hypocrite | The BRAD BLOG Hannity: Smug Deceptive Hypocrite. So late last night / early this morning, while listening to Air America, I was alerted to a web poll being run over on asking "Who should be President of the United States?". I stopped by, voiced my opinion, and saw that the results of the unscientific web poll to that point --- with some 11,000+ votes cast --- was about 65% Kerry, 33% Bush ...

A Total Eclipse Of The Sun - FailedMessiah.com 14, 2012 · A Total Eclipse Of The Sun. ... The unsigned editorial is published as the Sun's opinion on the matter of haredi rabbis demanding to be the gatekeepers who decide which claims of child sex abuse get reported to police and which do not. You might think the Sun would be opposed to a haredi community that demands that it – not parents of alleged ...

Balkinization: In Some Parts of America, at Some Times in ... petition for certiorari has been dismissed. As the New York Times reported last week, the terms of the settled "were not disclosed." The legal effect of the settlement is to leave in place the 8-7 en banc Ninth Circuit decision upholding the school's ethnic Hawaiians-only admissions policy, much as a "cert. denied" would have.

jihad | The Rogue Jew | Page 3 Allen Muhammad, the Islamic Terrorist also known as the DC Sniper was executed last night by lethal injection. I sincerely hope this pig fucking whore is suffering horribly within the inner most circle of hell alongside his fellow Jihadist who in the name of the Cartoon Like Prophet Muhammad declared war against civilized society.

Marry in Massachusetts: District 7 Forum 2 of 2 21, 2011 · District 7 Forum 2 of 2 Last evening's forum of candidates for the open District 7 seat was promising in its civic involvement (full house) and big slate of six on ballot and one write-in so far. Here's a take on what the candidates said (plus my usual shallowness of appearance).

Obama bashes Christians at prayer breakfast. | BUNKERVILLE ... 08, 2015 · Unfortunately Obama can't get off his contempt for Christians. We won't get into his feelings about the Jews. But then anyone who disagrees with Obama clearly finds themselves on his radar for further correction viz a viz the IRS for one. As far as the crusades, he might just want to …

An Excerpt from The Guardian Cats of New York City: The ... 09, 2017 · The Guardian Cats of New York City: The Watcher On The Shore is still available for free download through Thursday! If you haven’t downloaded a copy yet, here’s a taste of what you’re missing: Nar-Tali didn’t often envy the senses of the two-legs, nose-numb and half-deaf as they were. But tonight he would have accepted…

Next Left: Image-conscious Cameron puts broadcast may even be nostalgic for his early successes in his first year as leader of the opposition, when it was the counter-intuitive photo opportunities that got Cameron a hearing for his argument that the Conservatives had changed, though it can be questioned as …

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ..."Donald Trump is leading Hillary Clinton in Virginia by three points, according to the Hampton University Center for Public Policy. Granted, this poll is an outlier (right now), but it did have the former first lady up by a decisive 12 points last month."

The Rectification of Names: A spite to remember it was the Russian activities that brought on the US aid action, not the other way around: as the official State Department history sums it up, By mid-1979 Moscow was searching to replace Taraki and Amin, and dispatched combat troops to Bagram Air Base outside of Kabul.

Sam’s Club Donates to Terrorist Mosque | BUNKERVILLE | God ... 22, 2015 · As the Investigative Project on Terrorism has reported, the openly jihadist Al-Qassam Mosque was incorporated under the name “Islamic Community of Tampa” by the infamous Sami Al-Arian. Not only is the mosque named after Izzedin al-Qassam , who is considered to be the father of the modern jihadist movement, but it is led by a man who was ...

Infidel753: November 2014 30, 2014 · Maybe why we don't get visitors. Here's some eldritch horror and madness for your Lego sets (found via Mendip). Don't hire this architect or this one. This is the kind of dumbass a right-wing "news" site sends to a science museum. The Barbie doll has finally been dethroned as the most sought-after girls' toy. STFU, Schumer.

No More Mister Nice Blog: IN WHICH I DEFEND BEN CARSON ... 08, 2015 · I'm certainly not a Ben Carson fan, but I think this Dana Milbank column is unfair: Ben Carson’s over-the-top ego Ben Carson, who formally announced his run for the presidency Monday, is a brilliant surgeon, gifted storyteller and charismatic speaker.But modesty is not among his talents. The retired Johns Hopkins professor’s launch video, nearly five minutes long, positions the aspiring ...

September 23, 2014 – Exceptional Delaware 23, 2014 · 2 posts published by Kevin Ohlandt on September 23, 2014. Delaware has spent over $100,000,000 of their Race To The Top funding. Below is a list of how much each school district, vocational, and charter school received.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – General Peter Pace Comfortable in ... 13, 2007 · The Chicago Tribune reports that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace, continues to support the, “‘…don’t ask, don’t tell'” ban on gays serving [openly] in the military because homosexual acts ‘are immoral,’ akin to a member of the armed forces conducting an adulterous affair with the spouse of another service member.

Common Core Is A Bore | kavips 12, 2012 · What is Common Core? It is the corporate educationalists’ belief that reading more nonfiction and “informational” texts in English classes (and in other high school classes) will improve students college readiness.. It does not seem to hold up. The history of the secondary English curriculum in 20th-century America suggests that the decline in readiness for college reading stems in large ...

JustOneMinute: Krugman - Out Of The Shadows On Immigration ... example, I am sure a different IP from other posts I have made. I think. It's certainly from a different place with a different network setup. :) Anyway, I am just me, no Jeff's anywhere to be heard. And the "but not the one" could reasonably be a reference to neo, but it ain't. I thought the addendum to this post interesting, Tom.

An Interview With Dr. Norman Goldwasser: In His Own Words ... Dr. Norman Goldwasser. I had an email conversation yesterday with Norman Goldwasser, the clinical psychologist active in Jewish Community Watch and other Orthodox anti-child-sex-abuse organizations who also is NCSY's adviser on child sex abuse and related issues.

FourDogMomhttps://fourdogmom.blogspot.comThis is Godfrey. He is the Head Teacher of Timuna S. School, a mixed school in the rural area of Nakaseke with 350 students. Timuna S. School has requested a loan to cover the cost of installing and maintaining a UV water filtration system to provide clean drinking water for its students.

No Right Turn: Punishment without trial in Rotorua 07, 2006 · As the "occupier" of my office, if I'm the first one in in the morning, can I serve a trespass order against my boss if I don't want him to come in the building? Can squabbling flatmates get trespass orders against each other - and is it "first to fire wins" or do you have to produce grounds - there doesn't seem to be anything about existing ...

The Bonddad Blog: 4/27/14 - 5/4/14 03, 2014 · the average manufacturing workweek fell from 41.1 hours to 40.8 .This is one of the 10 components of the LEI, and will contribute significantly towards a negattive number. construction jobs increased by 32.000. YoY 189,000 construction jobs have …

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: John Edwards : We Didn't Get ... 02, 2007 · I'm getting grief for giving DuBose and Calvin a hard time. One of DuBose's guys has been snooping around about me. Well DuB and Calvin, and every Dem, the opportunity to define yourselves. Have some intestinal fortitude and fight, fight, fight for SCHIP. Or be labled as sniveling, unredeemable, candyass cowards. 10:18 AM

FY2015 budget – monoblogue are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Keith Olbermann's Ego: Witness the greatness that is Katy ... 26, 2010 · This is a work of fiction While this blog purports to represent the views of Keith Olbermann's ego (and Katy Tur's ego too for that matter) all blog entries are a work of fiction, unless what it is written does indeed turn out to be true in which case consider it just a lucky guess.

Obama News Conference: President Holds First Full ... 06, 2012 · By JIM KUHNHENN 03/ 6/12 11:00 AM ETAssociated Press WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama is aiming mortgage relief at members of the military as well as homeowners with government-insured loans, the administration's latest efforts to address a persistent housing crisis. In his first full news conference of the year Tuesday, Obama was to announce plans…

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

capitalist monopolies « playing for keeps about capitalist monopolies written by G.A. Matiasz. Copies of 1% FREE can be purchased from Barnes & Noble POD, and the ebook can be had at Barnes & Noble ebook.The physical book is $18.95 and the ebook is $4.99.

George W. Bush to speak in Erie, Pa June 17th : Cleveland is the head of the Manufacturers and Business Association of Erie, and the website doesn't seem to list the names of the people in charge of the organization. But I have been told that he is one of Bush's remaining 20%, so naturally he would jump at the chance to have Bush come and talk. Sooner or later somebody was going to do this.

Eva B. Ross | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. about Eva B. Ross written by Paul. Anyone who attended last year’s sold-out production of “Mr. Olsen’s Holiday Party”, produced by The Practical Theatre Company at Studio5 in Evanston, won’t want to miss “Mr. Olsen’s Champagne Celebration”. “Mr. Olsen’s Champagne Celebration” is a brand new show – with lots of new songs, sketches, and some classic PTC material ...

George W Bush to speak in Erie, Pa June 17 : Pittsburgh is the head of the Manufacturers and Business Association of Erie, and the website doesn't seem to list the names of the people in charge of the organization. But I have been told that he is one of Bush's remaining 20%, so naturally he would jump at the chance to have Bush come and talk. Sooner or later somebody was going to do this.

The Rectification of Names: Weaver Fever postscript I do have something further to say about David Brooks today that popped into my head over the teaser line (which he may not have written himself) that is appended to the headline, as is The Times's custom in recent months: The social renaissance is happening from the ground up. It struck me at last that the formulation exactly captures the deception in the classic way of Tory ...

The Rectification of Names: Dog paddling in the Rubicon is a leader who is forever dog paddling in the middle of the Rubicon, never ready to cross it. He is unwilling to make any big, hard decision to advance or preserve a two-state solution if that decision in any way risks his leadership of Israel’s right-wing coalition or forces him to confront the Jewish settlers, who relentlessly ...

Wale Aliyu - Terrifying story. I just talked to woman... of the things I was thinking about was how people say that slavery was so long ago and yes it was 155 years ago but when you do the math that’s really only five generations. Someone who is 60 years old and born during the civil rights movement may have parents who were born during the Ji...

No Bread And Circuses For You: Going To The Dogs — IMF ... dollar lending to Ukraine by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank has stopped amid growing doubts among country board directors at the two international organizations that the Ukrainian Government can meet repayment commitments and loan covenants for 2015, or deliver on reform promises and budget financing targets tabled in Kiev this week.

schmoo on the run: babies for justice - groin revenge. 17, 2006 · The irrepressible single parent mother, and founder of 'Babies for Justice' Birgit Cunningham, admitted in court today that she was "Guilty as hell" of kneeing Harry Nuttall, the father of her child, in the groin. Harry Nuttall pays just £5 a week child maintenance! Nuttall complained to the court that he suffered "swollen testicles", but he could have suffered a lot worse at the hands of his ...

"Text Messages" count as Hard Evidence, don’t they? 06, 2018 · Former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo said Thursday special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has all the text messages from Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, as well as all the campaign’s documents. “They have all the documents that were produced,” Caputo told Fox News Thursday. “They’ve got further documentation from people who worked outside the campaign — their ...

NY Daily News: Owners, clerks and families say danger is ... 09, 2007 · "One of the people that died on this waiting list was Bolivar Cruz," said Fernandez, referring to the high-profile murder in June that left seven children fatherless. But bodega owners don't feel protected by the police.

Social Change Agent Diana: Post-Feminism is Girls killing ... first thought is, Of Course it is post-feminism. Defined, post-feminism is a critique of feminism while really agreeing with it. That is just a quick description. When I heard about "Jennifer's Body" the first thing I thought was, "Peter Podgursky made this movie, I saw chunks of the dialogue in a movie he made for grad school in the previews."

SHADOW'S WORLD: 07/03/14 BACK: Cosmopolitan Magazine probably didn’t anticipate the backlash it would receive when it ran an online article mocking a conservative reality TV show star for an item on her wedding registry. It starts off as you would expect, with requests for things from Walmart, Amazon, and Bed Bath & Beyond. Then it gets a little unconventional, with requests for Froot Loops (smart), Hershey ...

memeorandum: Wondering No More (Jonah Goldberg/The Corner) No More — Yep.The day after 9/11, as part of its “get tough” makeover, the Obama campaign is mocking John McCain for not using a computer, without caring why he doesn't use a computer.

Top artist Lil Nas X comes out. Twitter reactions are ... Nas X I admit that I am old and am not up on who is popular in today's music. So when I heard about rapper Lil Nas X possibly co...

Freedom Writing: The First Time the World Trade Center Was ... that was not the first time terrorists targeted the iconic towers. Terrorists tried to blow up the World Trade Center 25 years ago today with a car bomb in the basement of the North Tower (which would be the first of the towers to be struck by a hijacked airplane in 2001).

Oil leak in gulf FAR FAR worse than BP ... - Bodybuilding.com 29, 2010 · Tim Crone of Columbia University says he was saddened because he hoped the video would show his estimate of 840,000 to 4.2 million gallons a day was wrong, but it didn't. He upped the lower bounds of his estimates to 1.68 million gallons and is sticking with his upper estimate for the main leak from the well that blew out after a rig explosion.

meaning in history: Two Good Russia Hoax Reads, And ... 25, 2019 · “took an email from an official at another federal agency that contained several factual assertions, then added material to the bottom that looked like another assertion from the email’s author, when it was instead his own understanding.” If the email Clinesmith altered was, in fact, from "an official at another federal agency" then it wasn't from Carter Page.

Mossad Agent Pearlman Behind New Bin Laden Video | Suzie ... 10, 2007 · Sudhen@11:35 CET Sunday September 9, 2007 Adam Pearlman, the Jewish Mossad agent who once wrote stinging essays condemning Muslims as "bloodthirsty terrorists", has been singled out as the creator of the suspicious "new" Osama Bin Laden video. From the London Telegraph: A Californian heavy metal fan, who converted to Islam and became the first…

Balkinization: Some Legal Realism About Legal Theory University of Chicago Law Review has published a response by Charles Barzun to our article Working Themselves Impure: A Life Cycle Theory of Legal Theories.We are grateful to Professor Barzun for his thoughtful engagement with the article. We do not think he has “misunderstood [our] central claims and motivations,” as his author’s footnote anticipates.

memeorandum: Amber Guyger convicted of murder in wrong ... Guyger convicted of murder in wrong-apartment killing of innocent man — A Texas jury rejected former Dallas police officer Amber Guyer's self-defense claims and convicted her on Tuesday of murder in the fatal 2018 shooting of an innocent man eating ice cream in his own home after mistaking his apartment for her own.

memeorandum: Ex-GOP Chair Hayes could testify against ... Guyger convicted of murder in wrong-apartment killing of innocent man — A Texas jury rejected former Dallas police officer Amber Guyer's self-defense claims and convicted her on Tuesday of murder in the fatal 2018 shooting of an innocent man eating ice cream in his own home after mistaking his apartment for her own.

June 2005 – The“That border is the equivalent of the New Jersey Turnpike for insurgents. They come up, they pay their bribe or even just walk through without that, and they go off to do what they do,” – Col. H.R. McMaster, commander of the Army’s 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, about a stretch of the Syria-Iraq border.The main problem is that most of the border residents have always made their money by ...

The Next Hurrah: (Harry) Truman Committee -- A Refresher ... 17, 2006 · For the first time since the late 20's unemployment was decidedly on a downward trend and in some industries, at full capacity. Remember we had made few if any investments in new plant and equiptment during the 1930's decade. Thus, much of the National Defense Budget was directed toward an increase in industrial capacity, but it was not yet on ...

Counterterrorism's Consequences - Progress Pond 25, 2005 · Update [2005-7-25 15:43:13 by susanhu]: Below the fold, Larry Johnson and Pat Lang answer my question about the London shootnig. There are natural relationships — correlations — between “shoot-to-kill policies” and civilian anxiety, fear and, in no time, hatred and more attacks. “Shoot-to-Kill Policy to Remain” – BBC, July 24, 2005 “UK shoot-to-kill policy draws […]

The Past is the Present: Henry Ford’s ... - Righting America 15, 2019 · But it is also true that dark stories from America’s past are all-too-conveniently forgotten, and so they must be retold. So on the 100 th anniversary of Henry Ford purchasing the Dearborn Independent , esteemed Michigan journalist Bill McGraw told the above story in The Dearborn Historian , a tiny quarterly magazine published by the city’s ...

Ezra Klein - The pro-business White've spent a fair portion of the day going through President Obama's new proposals to help the sagging economy. There's the one to give businesses billions of dollars in tax breaks for research and development. There's the one to give businesses billions of dollars in tax breaks for equipment investment. There's the one to give small businesses a $30 billion lending fund, and also reverse a ...

WashPost's Dramatic Bias By Omission on Behalf of Rick ... 09, 2007 · But the truly stupendous act of omission was the largest piece on the front of Style, William Booth's big profile of Bill Maher, which does not even mention --even as the reporter described last Friday's show in detail as he witnessed it live -- Maher's passionate defense of commenters at the Huffington Post who desire Dick Cheney assassinated.

Was Tortured CIA "Ghost Prisoner" Murdered? | Alternet suspicious death of Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, who was tortured into lying about an Iraq-al Qaeda connection, raises a series of troubling questions. This article provides an overview of the story ...

memeorandum: Dallas officer who shot man in his own ... 60 days of rage leading into the midterms — Today is exactly 60 days till midterms.Yesterday's personal, venomous face-off between President Obama (who went after his successor by name in Illinois) and President Trump (who attacked Bob Woodward and …

Wingnut Annals: The Persecution and Assassination of ... seems Spencer was innocently minding his own business, which is spreading hatred and fear of persons of the Muslim faith (he's the editor of the JihadWatch blog, as I learn from Paul Fontaine at the Reykjavík Grapevine, listed by the SPLC as a purveyor of hate and racism, and has been barred from Britain, in 2013, on the grounds that his presence would be "not conducive to the public good ...

05 | February | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 05, 2013 · Romans 12:14-21. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. —Romans 12:21. One summer I was at a gathering of old high school acquaintances when someone behind me tapped me on my shoulder.

Thread by @SoniaKatiMota: "Rep. @TulsiGabbard on Hindu ... 01, 2016 · What is Hindutva? In brief, it is the notion that India ought to be land for Hindus, by Hindus. It condemns other Indians to being second-class citizens and accepting increasing Hindutva-fueled violence against minorities in the form of lynchings, morality enforcing mobs, etc.

Barack Obama Quits Church | Guest Contributor | Friendly ... 01, 2008 · Barack Obama officially resigned from Trinity United Church of Christ, the former home of Pastor Jeremiah Wright.. From ABCNews:. Sources tell ABC News that Obama felt that as the campaign continued, the media would continue to focus on the church, to the detriment of the church community, that Obama would be held responsible for what happened in the church, and that the Church would …

American Power: Responses to Israel's Attack on Hamas 08, 2008 · Israel has launched a massive attack on Hamas in retaliation for the week-long barrage of hundreds of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel's western Negev. Captain Ed puts the source of Israel's relaliation where it belongs: On Hamas' ultimate designs for the extermination of Israel: Hamas made it clear last week that they wanted war ... The world should step aside and quit interfering in the ...

OU Takes Backhand Slap At Rahm Emanuel - FailedMessiah.com Applauds New White House Chief of Staff, Jack Lew ORTHODOX UNION WISHES “MAZAL TOV” TO NEW WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF JACK LEW This afternoon, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America – the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization -- applauded the appointment by President Obama of Mr. Jacob (“Jack”) Lew as White House Chief of Staff.

The Rectification of Names: Facts are stubborn things. But ... then, Trump really has it so much worse than Obama, since even the facts are arrayed against him, a problem Obama never had. And it was so moving to see how gracious and conciliatory Spicer intends to be with the facts, rude and biased as they are. It'll be live and let live, Spicer and facts, doing their best to get along without acrimony:

No Right Turn: Sedition in 10, 2006 · This morning's Herald has a good piece about the Law Commission's report on sedition, including some comments by Geoffrey Palmer. But it also has this astounding snippet: Last month police laid another sedition charge in the Rotorua District Court against a youth who is also charged with threatening to kill.

Windgate? My Letter to Attorney Generals Janet Mills and Letter to Attorney Generals Janet Mills and Andrew Cuomo on windpower issues in Maine ... A call for a moratorium on the development of wind energy by a grassroots organization, the Citizens Task Force on Wind Power, was made on Feb 19th 2010 at the Hall of Flags, Augusta, Maine. ... but it does seem odd that she is also on The Right to Know ...

No Right Turn: Ian Ewen-Street and 08, 2006 · So, former Green MP Ian Ewen-Street is now working for National.I can't say I'm entirely surprised. He was the "bluest" of the Greens' initial intake, and prior to the last election used the platform of the pre-election conference to attack the party's direction and its commitment to social as well as environmental justice. So a move to national seems to be a natural …

Linux Beach: ( Blood of Freedom ) A new film on the syrian is willing to raise his kids to respect and love their country ,while the lovely country turned to be the source of subdue, the bed of nightmares ,the best model of media lying and foisting in every said word.. who is willing to be proud of his national army when Assad family offended the military honor and undermined it`s reputation to be ...

Amy Poehler and Tina Fey brought the ghosts of campaigns 09, 2015 · "Also if it gets too hard just quit, who cares?"For the record Tina Fey's version of Sarah Palin is officially my favorite version of Sara...

[E.O.M.S.]: Julian Assange: The Curious Origins of 01, 2010 · In our book Underground, Suelette Dreyfus and I trace the source of the worm to Melbourne, Australia.At the time there was considerable cold war fueled anti-nuclear sentiment in the country. Australia had (and still has) a number of US spy, early warning and nuclear submarine communications bases, most of which were first and second strike soviet targets.

Looking Out My Window | Larry Gross 25, 2013 · Yes, I had things to complain about and I had to do it, but it’s no fun to be a complainer and now I don’t have to be. It’s like a little bit of a weight has been lifted. I live in Downtown Covington, Kentucky. I’m now living a good urban life here. I’m reminded of that every time I look out my window.

JustOneMinute: Something Original (That's Not Too Abysmal) finally delivers the sermon at the 1:21 mark (yes, that is 81 minutes into it.) The topic was the oppression of the Hebrews in Egypt by the Pharaoh, and, probably unsurprisingly, Wright makes an extended analogy between the enslavement of the Hebrews in Egypt and the enslavement of blacks in America.

Do Environmental Sciences Programs Have a Bias Against ... the course of the history of this blog, I've often written posts slugged, "Another Environmentalist for Nuclear Energy."In recent years, I've gotten out of the habit, given that when you see prominent names like James Hansen, Stuart Brand and Bill Gates all speak on behalf of the technology, that headline ought not to be a surprise any longer. ...

Will President Obama Keep His Promises, This Time ... 07, 2012 · The decision to go after bin Laden carried even greater risks, with many of the president’s most senior foreign policy advisers opposed. “Bravery resides in the heart of Barack Obama,” he said. “And time and time again, I witnessed him summon it. This man has courage in his soul, compassion in his heart and steel in his spine.

Tickle The Wirepolice shootings Archives - Tickle The first of the two cases is Buck v. Davis, a death penalty appeal which has bounced around the Texas state courts, the federal district court in Houston and the 5th Circuit since Buck’s sentence of death in 1996. Buck was convicted of capital murder of his ex-girlfriend and a man at her house in a jealousy-fueled shooting spree.

kingston progressive: THE FIREMEN'S FRIAR 10, 2008 · Judge had a Clintonian talent for making people feel as though they were the only ones in the room and a bartender's gift for bringing strangers together. A New York Magazine feature article from 2001 followed the origin of his Myth: the first wisp of real poetry to emerge from the devastation of the World Trade Center was the tale of Mychal ...

bullshit Archives - HariKari 31, 2020 · And then of course there’s the testing debacle which has made us a laughing stock for our incompetence and contributed materially to the fact that we now have more infections than any other country and are heading to a best case scenario of between 100,000 to 200,00 deaths from COVID-19.

I saw two documentaries on TV last week, one old, one new ... to viewJul 06, 2020 · “It was just the first thing that came to mind, and I thought it would be funny to hear someone say that,” Jacob Staffieri told CNN. And wouldn’t you know it, one of the Amazon delivery drivers who visited the Staffieri home followed the instructions to a T, and the above video is …

The StandDown Texas Project: January 6, 2014 posts 06, 2014 · The StandDown Texas Project Identifying and Advocating Best Practices in the Criminal Justice System. A Texas-Centric Examination of Current Conditions, Reform Initiatives, and Emerging Issues with a Special Emphasis on Capital Punishment.

California Roundup - The StandDown Texas Project being reinstated in 1978, the death penalty has resulted in 14 executions (one of them in Missouri), the first coming in 1992, 14 years after the penalty was reinstated, and the last in January 2006. In that same period, 78 death row inmates have died, 18 by …

educational history topics | No Child Left Behind Act ... 01, 2014 · Many of them did, but it wasn't a requirement. But then the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was passed, which was the first federal law requiring schools to assess students and put forth standards for students to pass. NCLB focus on assessment, standards and accountability of schools and teachers.

November | 2017 | Daily-Inspiration began sobbing. According to a witness, Michal Klein, “The only thing I overheard was the young girl saying nobody cares about her.” Then a young man on the first level saw her, and ran up to the second floor. He climbed and crawled over the beams to where she was sitting. He began talking to her quietly. Then he put his arm around her.

Swing State Project: OH-Sen: Harriet Miers, the Blogs, and« MT-Sen: Bob Ream Endorses Jon Tester | Main | CA-48: Special Election Results ». Tuesday, October 04, 2005 OH-Sen: Harriet Miers, the Blogs, and Mike DeWine's Re-Election Campaign Posted by Bob Brigham. Following Paul Hackett's astonishing showing in the OH-02 Special Election, there was a great deal of ink used by pundits trying to understand how Hackett's blogosphere support allowed him ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2005 · In an ad hominem smear, characteristic of the new Jim Sleeper, the essay closes by insinuating that because the Swift boat veteran John O'Neill is on my board I can't have much regard for the truth. John O'Neill has more integrity in his big toe than is to be found in Jim Sleeper's entire writing body.--closing sentences of the same letter

Fox News Mounting Campaign to Foment Hostility ... 17, 2013 · The ones not focusing on the debate about gun control are the ones that are blaming everything else from video games to the kitchen sink EXCEPT guns for gun violence, the ones trying to pin it on mental health issues, yet at the same time being against background checks (this makes mentioning it a mental health issue irrelevant since no background checks means these people can …

April 6, 2012 – Hoofin 06, 2012 · 1 post published by hoofin on April 6, 2012. This is picking up on my piece from the day before yesterday.. I think one of the commenters over at James’ Japan Probe did point out, that it was well known that the famous late 19th century Japan-side writer Lafcadio Hearn, actually, did not know very much Japanese. I expected to see a bit more about that there, but the comments are currently ...

June | 2015 | Simple Justice were dispatched to 57 Wilson St. about 3:50 p.m. for a report of a disturbance involving someone with a baseball bat. Police knocked several times and announced their presence at Stankiewicz’s home and said they were there for a report of a crime, according to court files. It’s possible that her hearing wasn’t what it used to be.

The Immoral Minority: Jeb Bush is just George W. Bush as ... 09, 2014 · Think Progress has gathered together a number of facts about Jebbie that paint his as essentially the keeper of the George W. legacy, and an uber conservative to the core. Here are a few: He doesn’t recognize exceptions to abortion restrictions. When a severely retarded woman was raped and impregnated while in the care of the state, Bush asked a court to appoint a guardian for the fetus in ...

TigerHawk wife wants me to ask for a raise. By Dawnfire82, at Sun Jan 18, 08:39:00 PM: Or perhaps the kind of men that are better in bed are the same kind of men that are more likely to be successful in life. By Anonymous, at Sun Jan 18, 08:40:00 PM:

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 12 | Bill's ... 23, 2017 · The out-of-control Trump saga, our liar-in-chief loves torture, White House Press Secretary Spicer still spreading lies, Trump’s unethical conflicts of interest, expanding the U.S nuclear arsenal, Trump’s moral panic tactics, Trump’s man-baby antics, Trump’s economic nationalist Agenda, a global counter-Trump movement is rising, a new low of attacking children, the potential for ...

PrunePicker: Free Fridays at the Fort. 08, 2010 · Captain Thomas Munson was the first Munson to move to America. He was baptized in Rattlesden, England in 1612. The baptismal font is still in use. He served in the militia in the Pequot Indian Wars in 1637. He served in the militia all his life and reached the status of Captain. His signature is on the founding document for New Haven, Connecticut.

PrunePicker: Raccoons and others at John's feeder. 10, 2010 · Captain Thomas Munson was the first Munson to move to America. He was baptized in Rattlesden, England in 1612. The baptismal font is still in use. He served in the militia in the Pequot Indian Wars in 1637. He served in the militia all his life and reached the status of Captain. His signature is on the founding document for New Haven, Connecticut.

Full text of "Joseph McCarthy and the Venona DOCUMENTS ... his book, "My Awakening" David Duke paints a picture of the NAACP that suggests a typical Banker-Communist front, (pp. 282-284) Although founded in 1909, it didn't have a Black President until the 1 970's. Until then, its President and Board were mainly drawn from the ranks of Communist Jews. Martin Luther King may have been a typical front man.

I Am Magnet Man - 20, 2009 · North Carolina pays its teachers poorly (the starting salary is just over $30K a year -- there's a big downside to being an anti-union state) so teacher quality wasn't uniformly great. But we still had quite a few teachers with Ph.Ds who just did that thing because they liked teaching smart kids and couldn't get good academic jobs.

Our Children Are The Guarantors: “…When They Love Their ... 28, 2007 · Last week was the biblical holiday of Shavuoth, that is among other meanings the spring harvest festival. Little girls danced wearing white dresses and wreaths of flowers in their hair. Little boys paraded carrying baskets of fruit. Often, the flowers and fruits are then taken to various homes for the aged or the invalid.

Freshman Writing Seminarhttps://mikediplacido.blogspot.comThe first thing you notice when you look at this advertisement is the name Carnation Milk in bold white font. It isn't until you finish reading this that your gaze is drawn up toward the image of cows grazing in a field. The words are the main seller in this advertisement and the image is …

August | 2018 | Law of Markets very interesting post: Night of the Demon.Here’s the premise: Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles Robert Barron has a theory. He suggests that the Church — and perhaps the world at large — is struggling not just against a few disorganized human beings but something more powerful: an evolving, self-programming, viral “demonic element” that is almost impossible to destroy.

- The Unz Review 10, 2020 · The Unz Review - Mobile The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection

Progressive Alaska: Why Do Alaskans Remain Blasé About ... 11, 2012 · Cesium gets taken up in muscle, strontium in bone, Iodine in the thyroid, etc. Alpha emitters such as Uranium and plutonium (byproducts of the MOX fuel from Reactor 3, see explosion below) are the real bad boys with half lives of 24,000 and millions of years.

Articles by Cerf & Navasky | The Institute of Expertology Institute of Expertology is proud to announce that Tom Engelhardt has made a new article by Institute co-founders Victor Navasky and Christopher Cerf the main feature on his blog,, for May 29, 2008. The article, entitled “McCain (Mis)Speaks: How the Senator Won the War of Words in Iraq (again and again and again…),” features the findings of a new Institute study ...

The Rectification of Names: A Handful of Bad following, improvised in response to a question on immigration from The New York Times's Michael Schmidt, December 28 ("So you’re not moving.You’re saying I’m more likely to do deals, but I’m not moving."), dark dystopian fantasy reads like the nightmare of a man nodding off to Lou Dobbs Tonight on the Fox, though I thought Dobbs's timeslot at 7:00 was more or less cheeseburger ...

CNN's Miles O'Brien vs. "An Inconvenient Truth" Upon further reflection, I was too harsh in condemning the whole program because of the items I mentioned. On the whole it did make the argument that the best thing to do is be aware of the issues involved and address them sooner rather than later. If done correctly, the negative aspects of doing what's necessary can be minimized, and the transition into what are evolved and much ...

Thoughts on growth and development – monoblogue 12, 2006 · My native northwest Ohio has some of the richest soil because for centuries it was the Great Black Swamp, not until the middle 1800’s was it cleared and drained to become farmland. There was an aggressive effort in that era to dig drainage ditches and allow the standing water to find its way to the Maumee River.

No More Mister Nice Blog: LET'S ALL CONCERN-TROLL THE WAY ... 02, 2019 · Elizabeth Warren just announced a plan for universally free college education accompanied by the cancellation of nearly all student debt, to be paid for by a tax on the ultra-rich. The Washington Examiner's Philip Klein believes this would be terribly unfair -- not to the rich (heavens, no!), but to other people who've struggled: This pander will not only be incredibly costly, but it will be a ...

PBS News-Hour: The How and Why of Buying Bitcoin | isely 13, 2018 · The following is a excellent program by Paul Solmon on the PBS News-Hour program of April 12, 2018 titled "The How and Why of Buying Bitcoin" and I quote: "The how and why of buying bitcoin" Apr 12, 2018 6:25 pm EDT By — Paul Solman 2comments Share Share on FacebookShare on Twitter TranscriptAudio The…

“What Russians think about Trump and the U.S.” - isely 15, 2017 · There may be no more consequential relationship for the U.S. than with Russia. As part of our week-long series “Inside Putin’s Russia,” special correspondent Nick Schifrin and producer Zach Fannin report in collaboration with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting on how Russians perceive the U.S. and how the relationship between the two world powers has evolved under Trump.

Reading material from Response - response Subject: homeland security----- HOMELAND SECURITY LAW HURTS NET PRIVACY ----- Dramatic impact on computer and network security from Homeland Security Department creation. Bill gives the government a major role in securing operating systems, hardware and the Internet, including allowing for more police surveillance of the Net ...

The worst way to end a conversation | Education Is... 05, 2013 · The worst way to end a conversation. February 5, 2013 February 28, 2013 Education Is Uncategorized Tags: culture, dialogue. As a teacher who occasionally bumps heads with administration, I wonder how much of that is felt by students and families. Does it matter if we argue behind closed doors? I tend to believe that debate is a healthy and ...

Jeff Daniels: "Democracy is at stake" - Daily Sound and Fury we can’t have the person at DoJ who sends the unredacted Mueller report to MSM, for sure we need folks like Jeff Daniels to remind us what it’s all about. Courage. While promoting his Tony Award-nominated performance as Atticus Finch in Aaron Sorkin’s Broadway adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird, Daniels delivered this critique which left Nicole Wallace […]

What to See and Do | African american inventors, Black ... Scott was known for improvising on classical themes and also played bebop, blues, and ballads. She was the first African American woman to have her own television show, The Hazel Scott Show, which premiered on the DuMont Television Network on 3 July 1950.

A rare, intriguing race - Townhall 04, 2006 · The 2008 presidential race looks to be quite different from all recent contests. Many have noted that this is the first presidential race since 1928 -- 80 years! -- in

Update on Capital Punishment | Commonweal Magazine 19, 2014 · Oklahoma was the first of several states to switch to pentobarbital, a drug commonly used for euthanasia by veterinarians, and sometimes used for physician assisted suicide in Oregon. Pentobarbital is made by the Danish company Lundbeck, which rapidly ran into the same legal and ethical objections raised against the use of sodium thiopental.

memeorandum: Biden Campaign Is Secretly Building a ... the early days of the pandemic, the U.S. government turned down an offer to manufacture millions of N95 masks in America — It was Jan. 22, a day after the first case of covid-19 was detected in the United States, and orders were pouring into Michael Bowen's company outside Fort Worth, some from as far away as Hong Kong.

The Florida Masochist: It's only a golf book? 01, 2006 · 13- Tom Watson did not win 2 AT&T championships at Pebble Beach. The tournament was the Bing Crosby Pro-am and not sponsored by AT&T when Watson won there in 1977 and 1978. Those are the mistakes I've found just flipping pages. There are a few more potential errors that I couldn't confirm one way or the other.

Imperial Spider | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... Elm disease is the manifested guilt of the first immigrants to New York for not bringing more of their home country's easy-swinging ways. While dandelions don't actually exist in North America, but are the tummy aches of the world's children from eating too much sugar in the summer time. This is kind of fun. I want your job, Charles.

memeorandum: Tucker Carlson Insists Biden ‘Will Not Be The ... Trump's risky push to reopen the country amid the coronavirus crisis — When Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) called President Trump last Sunday, he delivered a blunt message: If you reopen the nation's economy too early against the advice of public-health experts, you will own the deaths from the novel coronavirus that follow.

Source: Kasich, Hickenlooper consider unity presidential had continued to serve TN in the Senate throughout the war. Of course, TN was the last state to have (reluctantly) joined the Confederacy, the first state to have been readmitted, and offered more enlistees to the Union army than did all other Confederate states combined.

689 Best Women in Herstory images | Women in history ... 3, 2019 - Explore Alison Eccleston's board "Women in Herstory" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Women in history, Herstory, Women.688 pins97 followers

Facts to Know and/or Remember on Election Day What was the average monthly private sector job growth in 2008, the final year of the Bush presidency, and what has it been so far in 2010? 2. What was the Federal deficit for the last fiscal year of the Bush presidency, and what was it for the first full fiscal year of the Obama presidency? 3.

Alasandra's Place: Golden in Death (In Death, #50) by J.D ... in Death by J.D. Robb My rating: 4 of 5 stars Brilliant as always!!! A mysterious package delivered and then death at first Eve has no clue why the first victim was targeted but the death of the second victim gives Eve the link she needed to zero in on the killers and bring them to justice.

Beth's Blog: The Strangest Secret a result, the audio version of Nightingale's message was recorded, and sold over 1 million copies. In fact, Earl Nightingale's recording of The Strangest Secret was the first non-music record to exceed the one million mark! Just take 3 minutes to watch The Strangest Secret movie. If you truly understand the concept, it can change your life ...

Rising Hegemon : Oh sure, he says this now 23, 2012 · And we know what this means: After days of ridicule for launching a conspiracy theory-fueled investigation into Barack Obama’s birth certificate, Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett on Tuesday backed off his threat to keep the president off the ballot in November and apologized to his state. He knew all along that Obama was a citizen but claimed it was the thousand or so teabagger ...

Alasandra's Place: Cozumel ~ San Gervasio (pronounced Ishchel) was the Maya goddess of the moon, of love, of gestation, of medicine, and of the textile arts. The name San Gervasio comes from …

Who Hijacked Our Country: 2014: That Was The Year That Was 29, 2014 · Westneat forgot to mention that 2014 was the year Seattle paid off on the Kingdome. This is also the first President in my memory that wasn't given credit for lower gas prices that happened under his watch. Erik. December 30, 2014 at 11:15 AM Tom Harper said...

VICTORY OVER CHASE: FLORIDA CIRCUIT JUDGE DENIES …"Mr. Barnes has filed the Nardi deposition and the Federal court admission in several cases, but this was the first time that they were tested for summary judgment purposes, resulting in summary judgment being denied. The Court also ordered that Mr. Barnes may take the deposition of a corporate representative of JPM in light of the issues.

dialogue | Education Is... aside the meaningless assertion that experience leads directly to expertise, it was the first line that is sticking with me. First of all, whether as a teacher I have the professional right to know the number of credits that is to be awarded for courses I teach is irrelevant. I know how to check the various data systems which, once ...

Moyers, Moore and Maddow top Alternet's 25 most ... 23, 2009 · Moyers, Moore and Maddow top Alternet's 25 most influential progressive media figures Pam Spaulding 2009-12-23. This story caught my eye because Rachel Maddow, ...

I'm going to miss my "not-exactly-mother-in ... - Kerfuffle morning I drafted the obituary for Eileen Wright. I don't normally write such things, but Eileen was my partner's mother. I sometimes called her my mother-in-law, but that's not exactly accurate since the people of Wisconsin still have a bug up their collective behind regarding same-sex marriage.

No More Mister Nice Blog: SHOULD WE BOYCOTT GEORGIA NOW? 06, 2018 · So now the DMV is having A HEARING to decide if a 75 YEAR OLD WOMAN can GET AN ID so she can VOTE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE. We have gotten hundreds of IDs and have never even heard of this before. Unreal. — kat calvin (@KatCalvinLA) October 16, 2018 And then there's this news: FULTON COUNTY, Ga.

The Serpentine Line: Supermarket Stink Eye At The Checkout Stink Eye At The Checkout "I do apologize for burdening you on the checkout line with real-life images of American-style poverty. I know you probably believe the only true starving people in the world have flies buzzing around their eyes while they wallow away, near-lifeless in gutters.

Troubling Interpretation of Sex Offender Registration Statute 07, 2014 · This is inconsistent with the statute and the court's own precedents. Under SORA it is the state's burden to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant deserves the deprivation of liberty interests entailed in being classified as a high or moderate risk.2 However strong the state's evidence, the burden of proof never shifts.

THESE BASTARDS: the Dodd bill 10, 2009 · So people actually like the Dodd bill, think it's a strong bill, and think it will do a lot to curb a lot of the negative practices and lax oversight that has become a hallmark of the financial and banking industries. So why should you be worried? Because as good as the bill is ever going to look. It's all downhill from here.

food | ecology.iww.org, a great trend. It’s becoming easier and more common to get fresh food, whole foods, local foods, and organic foods. Unfortunately, though, this shift in culture has also begun to produce a toxic byproduct: better-than-thou attitudes and judgments about low-income people’s decisions about food.

Farewell To a Highland Laddie: Billy Millin, One of The ... 21, 2010 · For military buffs, he is one of our favorite characters from Normandy: Billy Millin, the Scottish bagpiper who bravely walked the beaches on D-Day playing the "Highland Laddie" while men were shot around him. MIllin died this week -- one of the truly greatest of the greatest generation. Millin was on the personal staff of…

Jeb Bush clarifies that when he uses the term "anchor ... 09, 2015 · "What? Asians vote too? Oh well I meant to say the Swiss. They're the ones ruining the country!" Courtesy of Salon : During his obli...

American Power: Scott Walker's Right-to-Work Legislation ... 02, 2014 · This is why the left seethes with burning hatred for Governor Walker. At the New York Times, "Wisconsin’s Legacy for Unions": Three years ago, a labor leader named Marty Beil was one of the loudest opponents of Gov. Scott Walker’s “budget repair bill,” a proposal that brought tens of thousands of protesters out to the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison in frigid February weather.

No More Mister Nice Blog 05, 2012 · WHO AM I THIS TIME? Jonathan Chait argues that we've actually seen the real Romney in this campaign. Chait makes a very strong case -- but I have some caveats, as I'll explain below:

No More Mister Nice Blog 07, 2013 · This was the "before" picture. This was, if I remember correctly, his own self-portrait. What Murphy wanted to have on the cover - the "after" photo, we had already seen. But it was a 2nd hand look. The kid didn't snap the shot of his own wrecked body - Murphy did.

A NOTE TO DEMEANERS OF LGBT PEOPLE: Please stop living in ... 07, 2011 · It´s TRUE, we´ve always been right here next to you! Dear Heterosexual co-beings, It´s time! It´s time again that we get something cleared up between us. Just you and me or maybe even we and some of you that make life difficult for LGBT people.If you are troubled by ¨Gay¨ people in your life it may be time to settle down, take a deep breath and stop living in a world of your own pretend ...

Betsy DeVos , CD3 DFL Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and the federal departments they run were hit with a class-action lawsuit Friday for illegal seizures of thousands of student borrowers’ tax refunds during the coronavirus pandemic, which has left over 40 million Americans jobless and familes across the country struggling to stay in their homes and keep food on the table.

Trump’s High Crimes and Misdemeanors | Bill's Links And More’s very bad week ending on a sour note as our little boy president’s ignorance and temperament are on full display for the world to see, Trump threatens Comey – before being forced to cancel his FBI visit due to an unlikely warm and welcome reception – with what appears to be his intention of blackmailing him, ten alternative facts ...

The Death of a Fisherman in a Place of Good Water - Blogger 19, 2007 · He had bills to pay and a family to support and he did what he had to do to stay on the water. And he was very proud that he could make a living on the water no matter what.” HE was, everyone said, a man of few words, who took care of others before he took care of himself — witness the cigarette invariably dangling from his mouth.

CMT promotes Southern Appalachian stereotypes | Christopher Place setting (renamed "Pigeon Inn" for the show) is a world-class, AAA Four Diamond bed and breakfast resort, right there in Cocke Co. I had never heard of it, but it sounds pretty fabulous. I might have to go check it out sometime. But there's more. A reader writes that it's actively marketed to the gay and lesbian community.

The Frustrated Teacher: 8/3/ lives in our language, which too often embodies our assumptions about the roles we should play. One example that struck me (and not just me): Supreme Court decisions in the past year or two, instead of using a gender-neutral term to refer to a generic lower-court judge, now invariably use "he." Just a little thing, in isolation, but it gets ...

THE TRUMP PRESIDENCY - Page 1221 05, 2017 · Donald Trump announces that he is running for President of the United States. I like him because he's a doer at heart, and not a complainer at heart, like I see some of the other GOP hopefuls are. And, like Donald says, he's so rich, that donors and lobbyists cannot influence him off what he knows is best for the country. Like actually building the wall between the US and Mexico --- something ...

The Debate Link: "Almost Certainly" in his campaign Obama stated that he was always a Christian. But he was and is to a large extent vague as to his early years and the influence of his father's and stepfather's religion on him and the environment (religiously) while in Indonesia. ... But it is clear from several letters, particularly one from John Jay to Geo. Washington ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: John Glenn Drinks Cocktails with God 08, 2016 · Sure, Senator Glenn lived to a ripe old age of ninety-five, and accomplished more than just about any other human being did, but it pains me to read of his passing. John Glenn was the best sort of hero- the once-warrior (wars not make one great) who put his fighting behind him in order to pursue the purer path of the adventurer, the explorer ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: TRUMP NEVER WANTED TO BE THE ... 08, 2018 · Trump wants the Times to say he's likable the same way, in his heyday, he wanted the gossip columns of the New York Post and the Daily News to portray him as a fascinating figure and a sex god. Now the upscale arbiter of likability in his hometown is The Washington Post -- …

Hell hath no fury… Seriously. | No, THIS is how you do it… 12, 2009 · So, what was the deal? I honestly contemplated doing things to this person that are beyond outrageous. I considered tweeting his phone number… posting the NSFW photos he sent me to a public web domain and linking it to him… spamming his email… forwarding his emails to me to random people who may or may not have anything to do with him ...

Notes in Samsara: April 2016 06, 2016 · First of all, the * in the quoted text references a piece by Noriyuki Ueda-san on Zen in Japan (page 8).I will make a few comments about that piece, too. But, as I live in America, and Sweeping Zen has a wish to be somewhat authoritative in on-line Zen matters, I'll deal with them first.

TigerHawk 27, 2006 · 33 Comments: By Final Historian, at Fri Oct 27, 07:16:00 PM: . Actually, I think that Bryan wasn't a creationist at that point. The disregard for evolution that many fundamentalist Christian's acquired was a result of the social darwinist influence seen in the First World War.

Kung Fu Monkey: Comics: Year of the Bummer was the Year of the Bummer. Some of them were well-written bummers. Some of them were the best plot choice. But some of them were just lazy, and dreck. The return of Books of Magic is unceasingly dour and cryptic. This is actually a different impending rant, so let’s leave it at that.

sisu: Hajib or not hajib: that is the question"Slinky Knits" two-piece hajib,* medium length, from Headwear Heaven. Blogger Highlander of From the Rock, billed by Healing Iraq as "the first blog ever to come out of Libya," has some fascinating things to say about why a woman might "take the plunge" and why it should be nobody's decision but her own:. Flashback 3 months ago, this lovely waitress who as I said had nothing to envy pop stars ...

07 | April | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 07, 2018 · Read: Titus 2:7–8, 11–14 | Bible in a Year: 1 Samuel 7–9; Luke 9:18–36 In everything set them an example by doing what is good. Titus 2:7. When Singaporean runner Ashley Liew found himself at the head of the pack during a marathon at the Southeast Asian Games, he …

HUFFPOLLSTER: Remembering Legendary Pollster Andrew Kohut ... ANDREW KOHUT – Andrew Kohut, the pollster who founded and led the Pew Research Center, died on Wednesday of complications from leukemia at the age of 73. Tributes immediately poured in from across the spectrum of survey research from those who knew him as a “ boss,” “ mentor “ and ” friend “ or simply as an ” honest broker and voice of sense and responsibility.“

Campfield's willingness to mislead surmounts itself 04, 2012 · Of course Leadbetter, who is a generation older than Campfield, was, back in the day, considered just about as right-wing crazy as Stacey is now. Hill, who ran around badmouthing Stacey during his failed campaign ended up getting appointed as the seat warmer after Burchett stepped down from the senate seat after the primary.

Balkinization: Pro Se Impeachment Defense Tennessee Johnson, a 1942 Hollywood movie about Andrew Johnson, President Johnson delivers a dramatic closing argument in his defense during his Senate impeachment trial.This speech, of course, never happened. Johnson's attorneys, including retired Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Curtis, were the ones who argued on the President's behalf.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com States Wars, News and Casualties NYT: War Without End, Read Article>> In the Viet Nam era, stories like this and television reporting on the war contributed to the end of the Viet Nam War in a time frame of much less than 17 years.

The Rectification of Names: If I dared to eat a peach ... organization had given her an award alongside Herbie Hancock, Sophia Loren, and others, and her acceptance speech was as dramatic as the music. Tears flowing, she said that this blessing of respectability was “the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Sadly, no.

Holding Celebrities Accountable | Nolan Dalla 08, 2017 · Holding Celebrities Accountable . I went to a movie last night. During the previews, the trailer for “All the Money in the World” came on. To be released soon, the Ridley Scott-directed film tells the true story of the kidnapping of John Paul Getty’s grandson by terrorists during the 1970s.

Washington Scandal: FOX News Confirms Nuclear Sub DAMAGED ... USS Hartford, a nuclear-powered fast-attack submarine, was fully submerged Friday when it collided with the transport ship the USS New Orleans, according to a Navy official in the 5th Fleet. Seas were calm but visibility was low as the incident occurred around 1:00 a.m. local time.

Galley Slaves: Props to British Airways was the flight going to Europe that proved more challenging: A heavy-set woman in her sixties boarded our plane and from the get-go expressed her anxiety about flying. She was also loud. And she wanted to talk to the pilot. And she told the flight attendants she took half-a …

American Exceptionalism | kavips 03, 2014 · A topic recently discussed here was Wal*mart and speculation that some corporate pressure would now be upcoming to re-invest a bit more of America’s resources back into food stamps because one of its landed-gentry (the Waltons) was now foundering.. in other words, it is deemed to be good landed-gentry policy to put the boot into ones people ...

Conservatives | Blevkog the Conservative Party of Canada skulks from Ottawa to the friendlier confines of their heartland for their party convention, right to work legislation is going to be one of the top items for discussion. At its core, right to work legislation allows workers in unionized workplaces to opt out of union membership and paying union dues.

A call to restore the oath – monoblogue 18, 2011 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

The Purple Center: How bad is the recession, really? 08, 2009 · In contrast, output in the harshest recession plunged rapidly during the first couple of quarters. Based on what we know about the fourth quarter of 2008, the red line would turn sharply downward. Most economists also expect that that will not be the end of it, with at least two more quarters of contracting GDP in 2009.

Modern Orthodox Rabbi: Don't Send Your Kids To Secular ... 17, 2009 · Opinion: The elephant in the room The knock on secular college By Rabbi Reuven Spolter • The Jewish Star. Your son is ecstatic. He just received a letter granting him admission to the summer program of his dreams; five weeks at the highly prestigious summer science learning program in Maine where he’ll study with noted experts in physics and chemistry; areas of particular interest to him.

atomic power review: Fukushima Daiichi No. 1: Core melt ... emphasizes the technology of nuclear energy, as well as the history of the development of that technology. Your #1 nuclear energy source! APR: your source for nuclear news and analysis since April 16, 2010. Saturday, May 14, 2011. Fukushima Daiichi No. 1: Core melt / exit of pressure vessel speculated by TEPCO, NISA

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com war ended for those children, but it has never ended for survivors who carry memories of them. Likewise, the effects of the U.S. bombings continue, immeasurably and indefensibly. How many Iraqis have died as a result of the invasion 15 years ago? Some credible estimates put the number at more than one million. You can read that sentence again.

BartCop's most recent the right-wingers in his own goddamn party. 3. Po' Kenny had the worst day of his entire career. We shall attempt to cover all this, and more. "The Trip, Pt 2," originally scheduled for this issue, will run after the GOFP's cannibalization is complete. As you know, Bill Clinton has asked the UN for a small,

KNS v. County Commission: The defense rests | KnoxViews v. County Commission: The defense rests. By: R. Neal The defense rested today, without calling Lumpy to the stand, ending the "sworn" testimony part of the trial. Now they will proceed with motions and closing arguments, which are expected Monday morning, with jury deliberations to begin as early as Monday afternoon. Should be interesting ...

Sheriff’s deputy killed and 2 other officers shot in ... Damon Gutzwiller, 38, was shot and killed in Ben Lomond, an unincorporated area near Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County Sheriff Jim Hart said. A second deputy was injured, and a third officer from the California Highway Patrol was shot in his hand, Hart said. Gutzwiller “was a beloved figure here at the sheriff’s office,” the sheriff said.

02 | August | 2019 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 02, 2019 · Bible in a Year :Psalms 60–62; Romans 5 We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:7. Today’s Scripture & Insight:2 Corinthians 4:5–7 The trash man’s house sits atop a …

Bilgrimage: If You Cherish Daniel Berrigan's Legacy, Do ... 08, 2016 · In his moving tribute in this morning's Washington Post to Daniel Berrigan, who died yesterday, fellow Catholic radical and peace activist Colman McCarthy reminds us that Berrigan spent two years in federal prison after burning draft files at the old Knights of Columbus hall housing a Secret Service office in Catonsville, Maryland, in 1968. As McCarthy notes, Berrigan was a "willing recidivist ...

October | 2012 | Retire Garrett of using that annual surplus to pay down the long-term debt, President Bush decided he was going to refund the money back to the American public via two tax cuts; one in 2001 and a second in 2003. Going back to my example for a moment, let’s say that in year 7 of my scenario I took in $500 (a $200 improvement) and only spent $350.

Bilgrimage: Rusty Reno on Benefits for Spouses of Same-Sex ... 07, 2014 · As I noted a number of days ago, in his 2003 book A People Adrift: The Crisis of the Roman Catholic Church in America, Peter Steinfels maintains that our culture's "anxieties surrounding homosexuality are really only a projection of issues surrounding heterosexuality" (p. 273).As he notes, what we've been arguing about as we argue about gay rights is the severing of the link between ...

On The Right Side: Dems, media using lies to paint Palin ... Viewing Guide. Public Notices. e-Edition

An Update on the Norfolk Four - The StandDown Texas Project it takes time to tick off all the ways in which the effects of his conviction will linger for the rest of his life. There is the stigma, of course. He must report to the police in person every year, keep them posted about changes in his life and check in with local authorities if he travels. Then there are the …

Michael — LiveJournalhttps://kidcanuck.livejournal.comI miss the folks in Guelph. I don't know if you guys really are the way that my mind remembers you or if I have formed this idylic idealized version of life 'back then'. But in looking back my mind is telling me that I always felt supported. That through the worst times I always had a couch and a blanket. You have put me up in your houses. Fed me.

01 | February | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 01, 2017 · The result was jealousy, family strife, and a bloody conflict that still rages today between the descendants of Hagar’s son Ishmael and Sarah’s son Isaac. Obedience will bring the Lord’s best, but it requires waiting on Him. Abraham was already an old man when God promised him descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky .

Vagabond Scholar: January 2020 11, 2020 · At least one of his staffers, Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Miller, is an extreme bigot and a driving force on Trump's immigration policies. As Adam Serwer has observed of the Trump administration as a whole, the cruelty is the point.

Diary: Goodnight - Sarah Pailin now lies in the bed she ... Goodnight - Sarah Pailin now lies in the bed she made. - Sarah Palin's own faith and her words have called upon her to change. God has chosen Barrack and sent her a message. Can we all hear ...

The Springfield Speeches | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ...’t able to watch the Obama-Biden event in Springfield because I was on the plane. But I’m now here in Denver, where police seem to be on every corner downtown, where the New York Clinton delegate who rode the airport shuttle with me is staying tight-lipped about how he’s going to vote during roll call, where everyone is on the make for party tickets and hotel room floor space, and ...

The Rectification of Names: We're only human 03, 2015 · Six and a half years into the Obama administration, you finally have to acknowledge a desire and an effort to give people something, constantly hampered by the ineptness of the means government provides and the frailty of people. In Clinton's emails, what you get is that kind of comedy, and it's redemptive—we're only human!

The Rectification of Names: Cheap shots 1/11 Cuomo va! The Times reported, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, who spent his first two years in office establishing himself as a fiscal conservative, turned left in his third annual address to the Legislature, and sought to reclaim the state’s progressive mantle. No kidding! His voice on the radio this morning wandered into Magical Mario territory, as he questioned how many bullets anybody needs to ...

Bilgrimage: Good Friday: Benedict at the Pillar Being ... 10, 2010 · And it’s priests who are really suffering in the church today, as the extent of the abuse crisis and its cover-up are made public. That’s right. Not the laity. And certainly not the thousands of people who have been abused by Catholic clerics. It’s the pope who is being scourged and priests who are the real victims of the crisis. As they ...

Hillary's INSIDER on Mueller Witch Hunt

09 | January | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 09, 2013 · “In love [God] predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will” (Eph. 1:4-5). Moses told Israel that God didn’t choose them because of their great numbers or any inherent goodness on their part, but as an expression of God’s sovereign will and sacrificial love (Deut. 7:7-8).

Juanita Bynum on Good Morning America – Skeptical Brotha 27, 2007 · Hat Tip: Good Morning America Evangelical preacher Juanita Bynum and her husband, Bishop Thomas Weeks III, are superstars on the Christian circuit. But recently the Atlanta-based couple's profile reached the stratosphere after Bynum accused her husband of domestic violence during the summer. The episode surprised many of Bynum's followers because the televangelist's fan base…

The Rectification of Names: Is the United States Necessary? 29, 2018 · The summit with Kim Dae-jung convinced Kim Jong-il that he could trust the Americans, Borger thinks, but it was the last few months of the Clinton presidency, not enough time to bring anything to fruition, and then George Bush "won" the election, and set about tearing the Agreed Framework down, as if he wanted North Korea to have nuclear weapons—

Trump's U-Turns Please DC Establishment But Make US A Less ... folded in his attack on the "one China" policy and withdrawn from TPP, leaving China to lead the way on Asian trade, his meeting with Xi has produced even further concessions. He has now backed off his proposed tariffs on Chinese goods and refused to call …

Tickle The Wirefederal judges Archives - Tickle The all, the most famous case in his long career — the back-to-back trials of Silicon Valley investment banker Frank Quattrone — had revolved around a single e-mail. Yet he now acted as though this was the first he was hearing about it. “He didn’t understand what was happening in his own courtroom,” said one lawyer present that day.

Popular Culture | The 'Not-So-Rough' Guide“ Eric Rohmer, the French critic and filmmaker who was one of the founding figures of the internationally influential movement that became known as the French New Wave, and the director of more than 50 films for theaters and television, including the Oscar-nominated ‘ My Night at Maud’s ‘ (1969), died on Monday. He was 89. . . .

Maryland Repeal Signed Into Law - The StandDown Texas Project it was the abolition of the death penalty after more than 300 years on the books in Maryland that took center stage. Hundreds of repeal supporters lined up to have their pictures taken with O'Malley, House Speaker Michael E. Busch and Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller.

Learning Strategies: November 2008 the subtitle to Shea’s book suggests, he successfully took on the self-assigned task of reading the entire Oxford English Dictionary in a year. You may wonder why anyone would do such a thing — one of my colleagues would uncharitably claim that Shea must have too muich time on his hands — but never mind, the book is well worth reading ...

Walter Fitzpatrick | Citizens Tsunami Blog County Tennessee: Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick, III Arrested for trying to Expose Government Corruption. By JB Williams. Retired Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III, a citizen of Monroe County Tennessee, attempted to affect a legal citizen’s arrest this morning as the new 2010 Monroe County Grand Jury convened for the first time.

The Useless Tree: On the Costs of Legalism 27, 2009 · As Bodde demonstrates (pp. 89-90), the up-swelling of popular resistance against Qin repression began before the First Emperor's death, so we cannot simply absolve him of responsibility for the systemic failure of the state he constructed, as the New Legalists would like to do. Bodde specifically mentions increasing food prices under Qinshi ...

The Useless Tree: Thinking More about Haleigh Poutre mother, who is dead, is supposedly the person who beat this child severely and burned her. A witness reported that the mother hit the child with a baseball bat. The stepfather has been charged with assault, but the charges against him are relatively minor.

14 | October | 2017 | Dear Kitty. Some blog 14, 2017 · 7 posts published by petrel41 on October 14, 2017

Evolving altruism — Crooked Timber 24, 2003 · Nor am I a math idiot, romantic poet (tempted, tho, working on my Ode to a Frog), and I rarely indulge in anti-science or pray for the end of science. Math models are crap, and I am sick of them. We live in a society where Big Science has given power to a special kind of geek-nerd who is really a halfeducated nitwit.

Blog Feed – Keeping up With The Famous you have Twitter or have been on Twitter lately, you’ll know of the trending hashtag #ShutDownDC. Basically, this hashtag is a part of the climate strike going in D.C. right now. Coincidentally, the strike is the same day as the United Nations summit in New York about climate change. These “climate strikers” have taken… Read more

When the Hebrew Bible is the Hebrew Bible and not the “Old ... 18, 2011 · Having read the aforementioned article, I think we are not that far apart after all. She is arguing that Christians be allowed to refer to the "Old Testament" in the context of their churches and herself uses "Tanakh" to refer to the Hebrew Bible for Jews (incidentally, the point about the original language of the scriptures not being in Hebrew is rather beside the point insofar as the Jews ...

Abortion | Christian Coalition say one of the major problems with the new healthcare law is related to federal funding of abortion. But a provision allows states to make a decision. Attorney Mary Harned of Americans United for Life (AUL) reports that four states have passed bills modeled after the …

PERRspectives: Romney's Abortion Rewrite Edits Out "Dear 17, 2012 : Romney's Abortion Rewrite Edits Out "Dear, Close Family Relative" One week after Mitt Romney comically claimed "There's no legislation with regards to abortion that I'm familiar with that would become part of my agenda," the Romney campaign began airing a new ad whitewashing his past positions and his party's extremist present on the issue.

Warehouse Workers Seek Investigation Into High Injury ... work is strenuous and hard on the body. For hours on end, workers lift heavy boxes in the same pattern as they load and unload shipping containers and trailers. Workers are asked to do the humanly impossible or risk losing their jobs every day. It is more common to meet a warehouse worker who has been injured than one who is healthy.

CPAC 2014 Idea : The Other 02, 2013 · by Smitty. This year’s CPAC is a done deal, with the usual kerfuffles about groups that are too sexuality-centric and too controversial (Pamela Geller).I’d favor an improvement in the Rules of Engagement that supports bringing in more people with whom I don’t necessarily agree, as long as there are ground rules about how we all disagree agreeably.

AOC Calls Out GOP on Abortion Bans: "a creepy theological ... 18, 2019 · At least be forthright about your desire to subvert and dismantle our democracy into a creepy theological order led by a mad king. — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 17, 2019 …”a creepy theological order led by a mad king.” I’m quite sure I’ve never read a more succinct, accurate description of the GOP in the age of Trump.

The Smaller Seattle Times | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle ... The Seattle Times was one of the only metro newspapers in the United States to actually grow circulation from 2000 through 2007 - The Seattle Times Company’s online network is the most dominant online news network in the state - recently ranked among the …

LoneStarBear: Disinformed Hostage-Taker in VA Was Angry at ..., who is being represented by a federal public defender, was ordered to be evaluated at a federal prison medical facility to determine whether he is mentally fit for the criminal proceedings. Thankfully, though Taylor fired shots, he didn't kill or injure anybody. All hostages were eventually released peacefully after the eight hour standoff.

Alexander on health care | KnoxViews• Repeals the medical device tax on one of our state’s largest exports. • Repeals the employer mandate penalty, which should mean that employers should be able to offer employees more choices of insurance at a lower-cost—and about 60 percent of us get our insurance on the job. • Ends the tax on individuals who choose not to buy insurance.[PDF]The Erosion of the Rule of Law When a State Attorney as the union of one man and one woman.2 Although there is much to be written on concerning the decision in Obergefell, including the strength of the legal analysis and the sharp division among the bench on the issues presented, this article will focus on one aspect of the marriage litigation that ultimately culminated in the

White House: "Appalling and disgusting" to support ... Trump and his White House are going to extreme lengths to defend his despicable treatment of a grieving military family. That desperation now includes attacking Rep. Frederica Wilson, a long-time friend of the family who mentored Sgt. La David T. Johnson when he was younger and is demanding answers about his death, as "appalling and disgusting."

Ruiz Flour Tortillas Competitors, Revenue and ... - owler.com Flour Tortillas's top competitors are J.C. Ford, La Chiquita Tortilla and La Tortilla Factory. See Ruiz Flour Tortillas's revenue, employees, and funding info on Owler, the world’s largest community-based business insights platform.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: "what I know for certain is that ... 29, 2005 · Ken Dryden, the current MP for York-Centre, but previously an NHL executive, lawyer and of course pretty damn good goaltender offers a bit of interesting insight into the current mindset of the NHL ownership group. Dryden offers up some vital topics for discussion in an article from Friday editions with the Sun newspaper's Robert Tychkowski. It would seem that history is forever repeating ...

WG's Observations: It is interesting…. 27, 2019 · One of the clues as to who is doing what to whom is the observation by several analysts that the DOJ tends to leak to the Washington Post, while the FBI favors leaking to the New York Times, so one can deduce some behavior by where a leak first appears.

The Johnsville News: Duke Lacrosse Scandal: Credibility ... of the low points came in the 1930's when the Scottsboro Boys were pulled off a train in Alabama and charged with rape because of the lies of two white women. The crowds and the media began a witch hunt (one headline: "Nine Black Fiends Committed Revolting Crime") because they could not see past the teenagers' skin color.

Democracy for New Mexico: Jan. 14: NM Court of Appeals to 01, 2010 · The theatre of Santa Fe High School will be transformed into the courtroom of the New Mexico Court of Appeals this Thursday, January 14, 2010, at 10:00 AM. Students will observe the proceedings as the Court of Appeals hears oral argument in a …

Crazy Eddie's Motie News: Entertainment news from campuses ... 03, 2013 · Hannum, who directs the marimba band/marimba ensemble in the department of music and dance, is regarded as one of the nation’s foremost percussion arrangers, instructors, and clinicians. He is known internationally for his work with the DCI World Champion Cadets of Bergen County and Star of Indiana drum corps.

Military Religious Freedom Foundation: NEWSWEEK: Gates ... 10, 2007 · We're not discussing their identities or the individuals that were targeted." However, intelligence officials said U.S. forces were hoping that at least one of the three of the figures involved in the planning of the 1998 embassy attacks was among the dozens reported killed by the strikes.

Freedom's Lighthouse: ObamaCare Surprise: Long-Term Care Class Act, otherwise known as the Community Living Assistance Services and Support Act, is the federal government's first long-term care insurance program. Under-reported and the under the radar of most lawmakers, the program will allow workers to have an average of roughly $150 or $240 a month, based on age and salary, automatically ...

Ruth Institute Blog » incest Dr. Keith Ablow. In an interview published Monday, Hollywood director Nick Cassavetes, whose new movie Yellow tells the story of a fictional love affair between an adult sister and brother, claimed that incest is just the latest frontier in people throwing off the shackles of rigid, cultural convention and following their hearts.Read more…

The CO2 Coalition - Polluter Watch CO2 Coalition is a 501(c)(3) organization that arose from the defunct George C. Marshall Institute in 2015, taking over it’s work on energy and climate change.Its stated purpose is to make climate change a more evenly debated topic by questioning humans’ role, analyzing the limitations in climate modelling, and investigating the impacts of CO2 regulations.

KingCast art on wheels: The Moto Guzzi Breva. - Blogger 27, 2011 · I have always liked the Guzzi machines. Some are arguably ugly but the Breva is undeniably beautiful. Folks were busy reading my journal posts about demented and clearly dangerous teen Cody Eller at wildguzzi, the Moto Guzzi chat board the other day. There are some Guzzi's in this KingCast video, "Dunlop Sportmax Q2 on Triumph Sprint 955i."

Tenured Radical: Notes on the End of Spring Break 08, 2008 · Notes on the End of Spring Break Spring break is almost over: in fact, you could say it is over, since around mid-afternoon, various beloved family members descend on our normally secluded life. So, much as I would like to write something fun for everyone today, I have to take a stab at doing some of the things I have left until the last minute.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: "In the Know with Patsy Jo" 01, 2006 · This paragraph goes on to repeat the same out of context allegations as the now infamous "rape" mailer. This letter is the kind of campaign tactic that will continue as long as the money flows. In this instance, it is an attack, not just on the other candidate, but on the three outstanding women , one of whom was Mary Long, who sent out a ...

SHADOW'S WORLDhttps://a-shadow-world.blogspot.comIf the daily deaths were plotted on the same axis as the test data it would be indistinguishable from the horizontal axis. Georgia remains open but the number of confirmed cases remain very high (~3,700/day over the last week) and daily deaths remain high (mid-70's) for three of the last 4 days.

Washington Scandal: Another Police Officers Gone Wild ... 29, 2008 · Washington Scandal caught some slack when we suggested private citizens Arm themselves as the economy goes into a tailspin. We got in deeper water when we suggested private citizens and protesters arm themselves with Stun Guns because too many police have gotten out of hand, are ignoring procedures and the law in running rough shod over law abiding citizens.

Tom Chomsky Retiring From Senate | We are the drain the ... 30, 2013 · At times, he is incoherent; at others, he seems to be on auto pilot, simply repeating stock populist phrases he’s used for years. I’ve wondered lately if in his public appearances if he wasn’t doing a Beyonce…lip syncing recorded comments from his past glories.

No More Mister Nice Blog: CRAZIES, UNKNOWN AND OTHERWISE 08, 2020 · This is a rumor, coming from someone pretty plugged in to things. She said that the corona virus is man made, in China, and the purpose was population control through male infertility. It rings true because we keep hearing that this virus is affecting men at a much higher rate.

Black Parents | This Black Sista's Memorial Page about Black Parents written by blksista. Nirvana frontman used 1959 Martin D-18E at New York gig five months before his deathThe guitar used by Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain during the band’s famous MTV Unplugged in New York concert is going under the hammer, with a starting estimate of $1m (£810,000).The 1959 Martin D-18E featured in the grunge group’s performance in November 1993 ...

Orcinus: Normalizing white supremacy - Blogger 21, 2007 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Daily Revolution Archivehttps://briandonohue.blogspot.comAug 01, 2007 · I suspect what Kakutani of the Times was referring to in the complaint about "lumpy passages of exposition and a couple of clunky detours". So it is no coincidence that the one place where Rowling's narrative fails to support her otherwise clarion message is in one of the warfare segments, where Harry—yes, Harry Potter—uses the ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 11/29/10 reason for that the facts of the case are not in dispute, the only thing to determine is how the law applies to those facts - in this case, the 'law' is the constitution itself. The two basic facts of the case are the existence of the federal healthcare law and the …

Gloria Feldt: WHAT DOES THE ELECTION MEAN? books are The War on Choice and Behind Every Choice Is a Story. Vanity Fair magazine named Gloria one of America's "top 200 women legends, leaders, and trailblazers". Glamour magazine honored her as Woman of the Year. She was one of Women's e …

Ayiti | This Black Sista's Memorial Page about Ayiti written by blksista. Nirvana frontman used 1959 Martin D-18E at New York gig five months before his deathThe guitar used by Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain during the band’s famous MTV Unplugged in New York concert is going under the hammer, with a starting estimate of $1m (£810,000).The 1959 Martin D-18E featured in the grunge group’s performance in November 1993, …

Some Failed Prophecy of the Bible | The Word of Me... 27, 2010 · Damascus is known as the oldest continually inhabited city in the world. There has never been a time when it was not a city since its founding. Isaiah 19:4-5 “I will hand the Egyptians over to the power of a cruel master, and a fierce king will rule over them, declares the Lord, the LORD Almighty.

It Seems We Aren’t So “Exceptional” After All | Sheila Kennedy his analysis, what is driving something far more primal: fear of difference and social change. A vast universe of academic research suggests the real sources of the far-right’s appeal are anger over immigration and a toxic mix of racial and religious intolerance.

Otto's War Room (??): US and imperialist scavengers of ... 12, 2019 · An example of a phony human rights campaign is Tamara Sujú, the executive director of the Casla Institute and a Juan Guaidó supporter. She is trying to bring Maduro up on charges that he has had prisoners in his jails tortured, including the use of water boarding, to …

Johnny Pez: "Once in a Blue Moon" by Harl Vincent, part 5 16, 2009 · This is the fifth and final installment of "Once in a Blue Moon", a Gernsback Era science fiction story by pioneering writer Harl Vincent. The story was first published in the Winter 1932 issue of Amazing Stories Quarterly and reprinted in the 2001 anthology Rainbow Fantasia. The story so far:

The Immoral Minority: I think this actual image of Donald ... 01, 2017 · In Illinois, more than 90% of the nearly 90,000 records stolen by Russian state actors contained drivers license numbers, and a quarter contained the last four digits of voters’ Social Security numbers, according to Ken Menzel, the General Counsel of the State Board of Elections.

Why did the police officer do the U-turn - MTStars Of Slain Dallas Police Officer Suing Black Lives Matter Nov 12, 2016 and a handful of other defendants saying they incited a “war on police.” Enrique Zamarripa, the father of slain officer Patrick Zamarripa, filed the lawsuit Monday in the Northern District of Texas federal court.

A Queer Day in History: The Radical Celebrates Her ... 08, 2008 · It is no coincidence that we wake up this morning and find that gay men and lesbians in the state of California have, once again, been permitted to marry legally, this time via a split decision of the California Supreme Court.This is an historic event that bitter, angry people at the grassroots in this odd western state hope to reverse by referendum, against mounting evidence that conservative ...

City Of Frederick, MD Election Date Change Update 07, 2009 · George Wenschhof Bio I published a column on November 28, 2008 entitled "Time to Move Election Date for City of Frederick, MD".To recap, in this column I proposed moving the election date to coincide with the Presidential election, stating the dismal 32% voter turnout in the city general election is unacceptable.

KingCast, Dave Coltin, Rhonda Tapply and others testify ... 29, 2010 · I am an avid reader of many papers and a former journalist and find this type of reporting disappointing, misleading and frankly very surprising (shared as subscriber and daily reader of the Union Leader). Mike Puiia Mike Puiia Forensic Investigations and Trial Consultancy Office: 603-380-1718 Fax: 877-209-4157 Email: [email protected] 8:58 AM

Gorilla in the Room: April 2007 30, 2007 · Obama's answer, in my book, was the biggest mistake of the debate. The term "friend" is a very imprecise term to be used in the context of international relations, but certainly friendship involves give and take, rather than just take. Ms. Estrich headed …

21 | April | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 21, 2018 · Read: Jeremiah 2:1–8; 3:14–15 | Bible in a Year: 2 Samuel 12–13; Luke 16 I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the wilderness. Jeremiah 2:2. As I flipped through a box of my old wedding photographs, my fingers stopped at a picture of my husband and me, newly christened “Mr. and Mrs.”

The Diversions of the Century! | The Smirking 17, 2019 · The Diversions of the Century! Christopher Williams. ... tactics that he has been implementing with the hope that people will actually forget about the Mueller report since he was the center of attention so that if the results are negative in nature for him, the fallout will not have a catastrophic affect on him but the population will finally ...

14 | October | 2014 | News Corpse 14, 2014 · The 800 pounds of gorilla ego that is better known as Bill O’Reilly of Fox News, is bitterly dismayed by the refusal of Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, to accept his invitation to be abused for eight minutes on The Factor.

Breaking News: Deranged Fuck Dies | Nolan Dalla 03, 2012 · Breaking News: Deranged Fuck Dies . In case you missed the news, a sick fuck named Sun Myung Moon died today. Moon was best known not only as the creator of the Unification Church, but for claiming to the entire world that he is/was the messiah.

Well, Look Who’s Calling Out Crony Capitalism! | Sheila ... friends have now sent me a link to this column from the Indiana Policy Review, penned (okay, typed) by Tom Charles Huston. It was surprising for a number of reasons. For those who don’t remember, Huston was the national head of Young Americans for Freedom, back in the 60s when that college organization was considered radically conservative, and later–and more ominously–was the ...

JustOneMinute: Where's The Beef? 23, 2019 · Magnum PI: we watched it faithfully when Jr was growing up. It was certainly part of why he was inspired to go to USNA. Then, I think in his Firstie Year, he ends up standing a few feet from Magnum when they shoot the final episode of the show on campus. Coincidentally Jr picks Intel as his career path and three yrs later ends up stationed on Oahu.

European Union | Bloviating can watch the show here on the SHR Media Facebook page.Please like and follow us on Facebook. Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is ...

Alzheimers | Sheila Kennedy gives several examples from the transcript of the interview–boasts that embarrass rational people, non-sequiturs that most observers (reasonably enough) attribute to ignorance, and Trump’s trademark, repellant grandiosity, which Pierce sees as the desperation of a man who is losing the ability to understand the world around him.

Lynnclark's Blog | This is the news blog for my site ...https://lynnschofieldclark.wordpress.comCaller ID wasn’t widely used until the 1990s. Today you know who is calling because their name or number shows up on your phone, but it used to be common for people to answer the phone by saying their name: “Hi, Lynn Clark.” Now when my pre-1990s office phone with no caller ID rings, answering it feels a like playing Russian Roulette.

2008 / Boing Boing 04, 2008 · 17 posts published by Mark Frauenfelder, Xeni Jardin, David Pescovitz, and Cory Doctorow in the year 2008

Jews sans frontieres: Countering the Counterpuncher Atzmon If you don’t like a State, and think it is a vicious, nasty state, then Atzmon’s reasoning, such as it is, is that it is fascist. But fascism refers to a particular kind of State formed in specific circumstances such as the defeat and atomisation of the working class.

Oh Well: A Commentary: 05/01/2012 - 06/01/2012 02, 2012 · The social issue would be that marriage is a religious pact between a man and a woman. The benefits issue are insurance, visitation, and tax benefits that federal and state governments provide for married couples. Conservatives are arguing a social and religious issue for heterosexual couples--no gay couples allowed!

ConnecticutBLOG 03, 2005 · Now if one is caught with 28 grams of coke, theres a good chance that the person was intended to sell it compared to a person with only a 1/2 gram of crack in his or her prosession. Under the current law, both individuals would recive the same jail time, five years minimum, twenty years maximum.

Avedon's Sideshow: I pray on Christmas 26, 2013 · Rachel Maddow was particularly interested in this question and answer from a legislator who is trying to ban abortion in his state, from Al Jazeera's "The Abortion War". And Pareene's No. 1 Hack is Mike Allen, but it turns out that the president's favorite columnists are a …

Freedom and Tyrannyhttps://freedomandtyranny.blogspot.comNov 07, 2011 · Digital Maoism — a review of Lanier's You Are Not A Gadget In his book You Are Not a Gadget, a collection of columns previously published online, digital pioneer Jaron Lanier considers how “cybernetic totalism” destroys creativity on the web, while the anonymous character of online trolls limits true debate.. Lanier is an Internet pioneer, credited with coining the term “virtual ...

Waterboarding | Some things Considered - musings and ... is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time. - I Timothy 2:1-6

Sunblock | This Black Sista's Memorial Page about Sunblock written by blksista. Collaboration with Kid Cudi takes aim at people spreading Covid-19 by not wearing masksEminem has entered the debate about face masks in a collaboration with Kid Cudi, tackling an issue that is the subject of fierce disagreement in the US and UK.The single, The Adventures of Moon Man and Slim Shady, is the first time the two rappers have joined forces.

No More Mister Nice Blog: WE NEED A NEW MODEL 09, 2020 · We're seeing some success in the fight against covid-19, but The Washington Post reports, unsurprisingly, that the president is making big plans to destroy all our good work. The Trump administration is pushing to reopen much of the country next month, raising concerns among health experts and economists of a possible covid-19 resurgence if Americans return to their normal lives …

Mark Twain | This Black Sista's Memorial Page about Mark Twain written by blksista. Collaboration with Kid Cudi takes aim at people spreading Covid-19 by not wearing masksEminem has entered the debate about face masks in a collaboration with Kid Cudi, tackling an issue that is the subject of fierce disagreement in the US and UK.The single, The Adventures of Moon Man and Slim Shady, is the first time the two rappers have joined forces.

Nearly 71% Of Doctors Polled Find Hillary’s Health ... 09, 2016 · Nearly 71% Of Doctors Polled Find Hillary’s Health Concerning. September 9, 2016 – 7:49 am. This comes to us via Zero Hedge, who notes all the media hand-wringing and “just move alongs ...

Citizens Media Resource: January 2015 25, 2015 · Who is going to take up the slack left by the demise of journalism? The ability of the people to be informed is protected in the First Amendment, which sets aside the press as the only commercial endeavor which gets such elevated status. Network TV news no longer exists as a separate division, as did CBS News during the years of Walter Cronkite.

2016-17 CU vs Louisiana-Monroe Basketball Teaser - Blogger CU vs Louisiana-Monroe Basketball Teaser By now, we've all heard the news: Dom Collier has suffered multiple breaks in his foot, and will be out a month. I'm not entirely sure when the injury happened, but rumors had the Denver East product at reduced capacity as far back as opening night, and he was a no-show in the second half on Monday.

Daughter Remembers Reagan's <I>Dignity</I> - Blogger years ago today, Ronald Reagan died at the age of 93. I suppose his official cause of death was the Alzheimer's disease he battled for...

Homeschooling for religious reasons | 12, 2007 · These were just from the first page on Google - Results 1 - 10 of about 902,000 for homeschooling christian. Meet Kay Brooks: The Metro Council voted her into office by the slimmest of margins, 18-17, despite the fact that she possesses few, if any, qualifications normally associated with running a billion-dollar corporation, which is what the ...

It's finally happened. Robert Mueller is now preparing to ... 01, 2018 · The meeting marked the first time that investigators for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, are known to have interviewed a member of Mr. Trump’s cabinet. The spokeswoman, Sarah Isgur Flores, confirmed that the interview occurred in response to questions from The New York Times.

23 | September | 2019 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 23, 2019 · Bible in a Year :Song of Songs 1–3; Galatians 2 But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. Psalm 3:3. Today’s Scripture & Insight:Psalm 3 Our church experienced an agonizing loss when Paul, our gifted worship minister, died at the age of thirty-one in a boating accident.

Alex Rodriguez Covers "Men's Vogue", Refuses Some Questions is interesting. Just last week, socially unaware basketball gazilionaire LeBron James received jeers for his historic albeit ridiculous cover of Vogue.This week, the newish Men's Vogue debuts its newest issue, and, controversial baseball phenom Alex Rodriguez is (finally) getting some good press.

I Wrote The Art of the Deal With Donald Trump: His ... - isely 23, 2017 · The same climate of fear and paranoia appears to have taken root in his White House. The most recent time I spoke to Trump–and the first such occasion in nearly three decades–was July 14, 2016, shortly before The New Yorker published an article by Jane Mayer about my experience writing The Art of the Deal. Trump was just about to win the ...

AND SOME DISGRUNTLED EMPLOYEES WITH EASY ACCESS TO … 11, 2015 · We take you now LIVE to Channel 7 co-anchor Betty-Jean McCracken, and me, Channel 7 co-anchor Pete Roddy Vanderputz, for a live-action update, as we roll out the first of 273 hours of proprietary electronically recorded and preserved WDBJ news archive material of suspect Bryce Williams …

An Accounting of a Life: 2006 Accounting of a Life Facebook Bas Nav. BASNAV on Twitter. BASNAV on Twitter ...

"What Comes Naturally": mars 2012"What Comes Naturally" Jag är pensionerad gymnasielektor, med doktorsgrad i engelsk och amerikansk litteratur. Med livs- och yrkeserfarenhet som byggnadsarbetare, processindustriarbetare och metallarbetare och med kärlek till människors försök att förstå världen har jag ägnat 17 år åt att handleda ungdomar till eget kunskapssökande.

Volume 1997 - Waste Deep, Not Counter Terrorism, Obama's to Listen to Part One of Show 119 Click to download Part One of Show 119. Click to Listen to Part Two of Show 119 Click to download Part Two of Show 119. The most excellent closing song is "Business as Usual" by Andy Pratt featuring Salme Dahlstrom. Get this - Salme is a hot babe who was in a band called Garbageland.

Lee Tilson's Profile | Typepad Tilson Plaintiff medical malpractice lawyer and former community organizer, became patient safety activist when family members were injured by errors. Interests: patient safety, preventing injuries, preventing medical malpractice, designing new approaches to patient safety, creating vehicles for all …

2018 March 30 – Off the 30, 2018 · Under a law known as HB 1842, which was passed in 2015, the Texas Education Agency must replace HISD’s locally elected school board or close campuses if any one of the district’s 10 longest-failing schools fails to meet state academic standards this year.

2010 March 2 – Off the 02, 2010 · This one was over before it started. I think the AP called the race for Bill White based on the early voting alone. I expected a big win for Bill White, but 75%+ surprised me, and from talking to folks at the Bill White victory party, it surprised a few other folks as well.

Fed Judge Authorizes Judicial Watch to Depose Ben Rhodes ... 26, 2019 · The clock is ticking: Senior officials, including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap, will now have to answer to Judicial Watch. Fed Judge Authorizes Judicial Watch to Depose Ben Rhodes IN PERSON After He Defies Court Order to Answer Written Questions Under Oath Recall Federal Court orders discovery…

03 | May | 2015 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 03, 2015 · Now here, just hours before Jesus was crucified, while the disciples were observing one of their most sacred feasts, the Passover meal, they quarreled over who was the greatest (Luke 22:14-24). Rebuking them, Jesus said that true greatness is determined not by hierarchical authority (v. 25) but by service and humility (v. 26).

Word Choices Can Feed Bias | Sheila Kennedy“Parents are the ones that should be making those decisions,” he said, “rather than the government.” Rep. Behning is obviously being a little disingenuous here. The government simply wouldn’t let parents make the tavern decision. So, as the joke goes, we’re just haggling over the price. Is discrimination on that basis against an ...

26 | January | 2015 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 26, 2015 · Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands. —Nehemiah 6:9. Read: Nehemiah 6:1-9, 15. Bible in a Year: Exodus 14-15; Matthew 17. Singapore’s first Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, is the man credited with making Singapore what it is today.

JustOneMinute: Ask A Silly Question, NJ -- When given a choice about how government should address the numerous economic difficulties facing today's consumer, Americans overwhelmingly -- by 84% to 13% -- prefer that the government focus on improving overall economic conditions and the jobs situation in the United States as opposed to taking steps to distribute wealth more evenly among Americans.

This Week With Barack Obama: 8/17/08 - 8/24/08 04, 2008 · This is all about showing the public that John McCain not only does not understand the economy, which he has said repeatedly is "OK" and "Fundamentally Strong" but that this man is a fraud and a phoney. I cannot write enough how dangerous it will be to allow John McCain to become the next President of the United States.

Conor Friedersdorf: Avoidance, Obfuscation, Prevarication 08, 2009 · Frankly, as is the case with Mark Thompson and E.D. Kain, it's most likely that Mr. Friedersdorf is simply overwhelmed by superior firepower; and rather than further expose the superficiality of his intellect, he adopts a variety of coping techniques: avoidance, obfuscation, and prevarication are the first tactics that come to mind.

Number 9: February 2007 - Benari Poulten 10, 2007 · A new survey shows that America's Jewish population has reached 7.4 million, far larger than previously estimated. Which roughly breaks down to: 43 percent of American Jews own the media, 31 percent own the banks, 25 percent control the weather, and all the wars in the world are started by Deborah Goldstein of Great Neck, Long Island.

And now I am embarrassed by my ethnicity again. 02, 2013 · This is a bridge near Springfield, Oregon . So apparently the argument is that if you are against racism you are against white people. ...

27 | March | 2013 | News Corpse 27, 2013 · This is an excerpt from the introduction to the book Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Community’s Assault On Truth.The book contains more than fifty examples of Fox’s rank dishonesty with verifiable documentation of the falsehoods.

No More Mister Nice Blog: NO, CHRIS CHRISTIE SHOULD NOT BE ... 01, 2015 · NO, CHRIS CHRISTIE SHOULD NOT BE IN ANYONE'S "FINAL SIX" In my previous post, I approvingly quoted a tiny bit of this Weekly Standard …

The Banality of Sandra Tsing Loh | The Irony Supplement 17, 2009 · Sandra Tsing Loh first made a name for herself back in 1987 as a special piece of work: she played a concert piano in a flatbed truck on an L.A. Freeway during rush hour. It was a perfect way to draw attention herself and annoy everyone else. Since then, she’s segued over to the radio,…

FIRESTORM! The House of Cheney is crumbling.. | Suzie-Que ... 23, 2007 · The House of Cheney is crumbling.. November 23, 2007 by Global Evildoer Fighter. by GEF @ 7:58 PM MST Looks like Gloria Borger was not able to spin the truth with Jack Cafferty on board! It’s coming down on Dick “the Fall Guy” Cheney real fast…It’s almost here!!

Jeffrey C. Isaac's blog | The Smirking 25, 2020 · Mueller essentially reiterated what has already been clear: (1) his investigation was a professional endeavor warranted by overwhelming evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election, and was the farthest thing from a “witch hunt” or a “coup”; (2) the report which resulted from the probe contains substantial evidence of Trump ...

How Police Are Portrayed In Animated Pre-School Videos ... 29, 2014 · As a black woman I am fearful of giving birth to a son.... As an attorney, I know that justice is not blind; it is biased. For the same crime, a black person is 30-percent more likely* to end up in prison than a white person. Even when it comes to discipline in schools, black students are given harsher punishment than white students.**

The Johnsville News: Duke Lacrosse Rape: Defense wants DA ... May 3, 2006 Duke defense demands D.A. be off rape case - Lacrosse player's attorney says Nifong using investigation to get re-elected: defense attorney Kirk Osborn, who represents indicted lacrosse player Reade Seligmann, wrote of Nifong: “He created an actual conflict between his professional duty to search for the truth and his personal, vested interest in getting elected.”

Avedon's Sideshow: All the world's links at once 15, 2013 · Scheduled for tonight's Virtually Speaking Sundays, "Joan McCarter and Jay Ackroyd compare and contrast the media attention to the beleaguered centrist Dems with John Podesta's appointment to a new position of power, and then discuss the pros and cons of cutting discretionary spending.". David Dayen in The American Prospect on Robbing Illinois's Public Employees serves as …

The Public Servant: February 2008 24, 2008 · Bush is averaging the tax increase that millionaires will see and the decrease that the lower and middle class will see and it still comes out to an increase. Here, I can play that same game: Bill Gates and a homeless man have an average of $20 billion between them. That’s true, but it’s not accurate. The hypocrisy is maddening.

JustOneMinute: I've Got To Get Going 13, 2020 · As I have said for a long time, dealing with China is a very expensive thing to do. We just made a great Trade Deal, the ink was barely dry, and the World was hit by the Plague from China. 100 Trade Deals wouldn’t make up the difference - and all those innocent lives lost!

The Useless Tree: Mencius on Protester Violence in Hong Kong 18, 2019 · But it is not just about having a secure material life. Notice in 1A7, Mencius tells us why material comforts are necessary: "Therefore an intelligent ruler will regulate the livelihood of the people, so as to make sure that, for those above them, they shall have sufficient wherewith to serve their parents, and, for those below them, sufficient ...

30 | January | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 30, 2018 · “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair” (Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities).

Live from CPAC: all hate, all the time - THE NEWS BLOG low point for me was during the Q and A session when a young man from Muslims for America came up and very respectfully requested that she not use the term "rag heads." He argued for the peaceful way in which many Muslims live their lives, and really just didn't want her to use such a hateful term to describe a religion whose majority is ...

Fitchburg | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: DEAR TRUMP FANS (OF ALL SOCIAL ... 05, 2017 · If this Mike Allen report is correct, Donald Trump has found the meaning of his presidency: It's all about ... himself. When President Trump makes more changes in his West Wing (insiders suspect August or September, but who knows?), any new faces are likely to be in the mold of Anthony Scaramucci, age 53, the pugilistic Wall Streeter known as "Mooch" who was named White House …

Masters of Gilligan: Blacksmith's Girl: Chapter Thirty kept driving, driving for a week, sleeping in the back. All the way to the West Coast. All the way ‘til I was in San Francisco. And every mile the only thing that could comfort me was the thought of throwing myself off the Golden Gate Bridge. Fish me out of the bay like an …

No More Mister Nice Blog: HILLARY AND WHAT ARMY? 10, 2015 · It's a really bad news day for her, as you probably already know: It's been determined that there were a couple of top-secret emails on her private account; she's turning her server over to the FBI; oh, and a new poll shows her trailing Sanders by 7 in New Hampshire.

Marooned In Marin: Selective Moral Outrage: Conservative ... is the e-mail for Sleep Train's customer service: [email protected]. This is the 800 phone number for Sleep Train: 1-800-919-2337. This is the 800 fax number for Sleep Train: 1-866-293-5719. • Legal Zoom: The Co-founders of this company are Brian Liu, Brian Lee, Eddie Hartman & Robert Shapiro... The address for e-mails is ...

The Next Hurrah: Is Alan Foley the Senior CIA Officer? And ... 29, 2005 · by emptywheel. There's still one identity in Libby's indictment that is totally obscure--the Senior CIA Officer mentioned in Paragraph 7 (PDF; see, I'm very slowly working my way through this thing today, paragraph by paragraph).. 7. On or about June 11, 2003, LIBBY spoke with a senior officer of the CIA to ask about the origin and circumstances of Wilson’s trip, and was advised by the CIA ...

About New York: A Moist Finale to a Summer of Movies in ... is the 15th summer that free movies have been shown in Bryant Park. When the program began, it seemed like a defiantly countercultural statement, even though it was sponsored by HBO. In 1993, the city after dark and Bryant Park were generally seen as unfit for …

rejected | Start Thinking Right have consequences.” This statement was the precursor of what was to come. Obama proceeded to ram through a massively failed $862 billion stimulus (actually $3.27 trillion, according to a CBO analysis) and a wildly unconstitutional, wildly failed and …

The Immoral Minority: Geraldo Rivera compares wearing a ... 04, 2013 · One of my friends stopped by for lunch today and I expected his tea party bullshit. He swears that Zimmerman was attacked, then I told him to go outside because I was going to slam his head in the pavement. If he then got up or woke up, whichever it would have been, and all had was the two little scrapes Zimmerman had, he was right and I was wrong.

Justice at Last for Chelsea Manning - Sentence Commuted ... 17, 2017 · According to the New York Times, what they write: “One notable event is a simulation in Davos of a refugee’s experience, where Davos attendees crawl on their hands and knees and pretend to flee from advancing armies. It is one of the most popular events every year.” Maybe someone could offer these Neo-World Order folks the real thing?

memeorandum: The slowly written Mueller report that's ... slowly written Mueller report that's sitting in plain sight — President Trump has benefited enormously from the frog-in-hot-water nature of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's investigation into his campaign and possible overlap with Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election.

Continuing Coverage of Andre Thomas & 'Trouble in Mind ...'s Texas Tribune posts, "Andre Thomas: Struggling to Maintain Sanity In Prison," by Brandi Grissom. It's part five of the six-part series, "Trouble in Mind." There are infographics at the link. Thomas is among thousands of mentally ill inmates in the state’s sprawling prison system, which is struggling to keep pace with the increasing need for mental health care.

November 2004 – Banterist – Brian Sack 19, 2004 · During some fight scene choreography, I swear I see Sebastian flirting with one of the “maidens” – some sexed-out bimbo with MasterCard boobs. I start to worry. This is the man I want to spend my life with. I call him on it and he gets really defensive. Our first fight. 8:41p We haven’t talked in nineteen minutes. Something is wrong. 8:48p

JustOneMinute: A Man For All Other Seasons of my Ham radio friends who is loaded used to live in a neighborhood of $2-$4 million houses. Needless to say, no antennas allowed. Gerry is crazy and figured out how to submerge an antenna in the pond behind his house and rigged a mechanism to spring it out in the middle of the night.

“Jeanne Atkins” - WordPress.com about “Jeanne Atkins” written by Troy. From the comments section of the Indianapolis Star.This woman and her friends were none too happy about Jeanne Atkins keeping her disabled son from his partner of 25 years.. Yesterday, my Red Hat group was at a restaurant in Plainfield. When it was time for dessert, one of the gals asked about their cheesecake and what kind it was.

Palin's Q&A + fun: Tea Party Terrorists Hijacked the ... 11, 2011 · "The fact of the matter is that essentially a Tea Party downgrade," he declared. "That clearly is on the backs of those who were willing to see the country default." The death of the $4 trillion dollar deal is described in a N.Y. Times article, " Boehner Scales Back …

BilgeBucket Gazette » heavily redacted Mueller report is coming out today, so we’ll have more on that in future posts. But we saw this YouTube clip and we couldn’t believe how it hit things right on the head.

The Immoral Minority: Jeff Sessions during his Senate ... 02, 2017 · Harris, who is one of three women on the Senate committee, asked Sessions after he avoided directly answering her line of questioning. “Chairman, the witness should be allowed to answer the question,” McCain said. “Senators will allow the chairs to control the hearing,” Burr said to McCain. “Senator Harris, let him answer.”

Is Govt. Just Spying Like Peeping Tom, Or Is It Actively ... 14, 2013 · Eventually, one of the co-owners of the firm confessed to creating phony websites and Twitter accounts to smear the journalists anonymously. [ Background .] Additionally, just this month, The Washington Post exposed a counter propaganda program by the Pentagon that recommended posting comments on a U.S. website run by a Somali expat with ...

No Panic Please !! Recent Vatican "Scandals", Pope ... 02, 2012 · As to the recent Vatican "Scandals" I just posted a article at Cardinal Kasper - There Is A Mean Streak With Some In Vatican Curia . This i...

Contextual Criticism: Mark Keough, Christian pastor teapot ... a time, anyway. I haven't been back to The Woodlands for several years and I'm not aware as to how things have changed or to what extent they have changed. But it appears that time has brought not more light but more darkness. The Woodlands is a specially-created town built in large part by big oil.

OpenlineBlog: Former Aurora Alderman Meisch Sentenced 02, 2006 · Former Aurora Alderman Meisch Sentenced ... Back to Jim Meisch, who is 71 years old and in not-so-good health, it's clear to us that if he was one of Aurora's better public officials, there are some other people that probably deserve to be in his place. Shared by OpenlineBlog on 2/07/2006.

William Horberg: Haiti Cherie you can see, it is not in perfect condition, but it is more than 55 years old, and was printed in Haiti. It is a collection of photos taken by a Frenchman in the early 1950's, along with an essay on the island written in French and translated in English alongside.

The Next Hurrah: Notes on the Nuclear Option -- Part XIII Kagro X. The latest filibuster discussion at The Decembrist reminds me that I really haven’t discussed in this series on the actual merits of the practice itself, as opposed to the mechanism by which the nucleo-cons seek to end it.. DHinMI pointed me back to Mark Schmitt’s place, where I’d been earlier in the day and made a (ultimately useless) mental note to myself about two great ...

The Shadow of Chad Brown’s Smile | Nolan Dalla 03, 2014 · The shadow of Chad Brown’s smile was a comforting place to be. Even when tested by the dire prospect of his own mortality, he refused any pity. He steadily rejected the notion of allowing a malicious intruder to interfere with the joys of living fully each day on his own terms.

RADARSITE: July 2019 24, 2019 · Roger Gardner, the owner of Radarsite, lost his battle with leukemia on December 17, 2009. His friends and contributors will endeavor to keep Radarsite fresh and intriguing in his absence, as was his wish. Please feel free to leave your comments, your opinions are valuable to us.

Betraying the Enlightenement — Crooked Timber 14, 2004 · That would be a view, I suppose. Yet, as I understand things, British governments regularly seek the views of the established church (the Church of England) and of other denominations and faiths such as the Roman Catholic Church, and the Board of Deputies of British Jews. The Chief Rabbi sits in the House of Lords along with some bishops!

Zack Exley on "The New Organizers" - The Big Lebkowsky 10, 2008 · Zack Exley, who rejected a proposed plan a meeting to discuss a proposed plan for community-centric organizing offered to the Kerry campaign in 2004, writes at the Huffington Post about the Obama campaign’s success in incorporating the “netroots.”. The “New Organizers” have succeeded in building what many netroots-oriented campaigners have been dreaming about for a decade.

Tony Blair Is A Disaster Whether He Admits It Or Not Blair Is A Disaster Whether He Admits It Or Not Depending on whom you choose to believe, British Prime Minister Tony Blair has either confirmed or denied that the war in Iraq is "a disaster". The PM's frank admission -- or slip of the tongue -- came during an interview with Sir David Frost on Al Jazeera English television.

The Afternoon Flap: December 21, 2011 – Flap's Blog ... 21, 2011 · These are my links for December 21st from 08:15 to 13:30: Perry Super PAC Smashes Mitt, Newt in New Ad – Texas-topper-backing “Make Us Great Again” buys IA and SC TV time for new 30-second spot dumping the oppo file on the two frontrunners.. Announcer: …

Winter Patriot: The Fix Is In! are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

The Candidate Who Best Represents Me Is Only One Saying It was wearing a dark blue suit, her hair was stick straight and in a ponytail, the scales of justice were nearby, and some approximation of the presidential seal was in the upper corner. This was the first time I really thought about someone like me being president. Bill Clinton was the president then.

Article: Dangerous Cost Cuts at Alyeska Pipeline: "Yet ... 06, 2010 · General News 7/6/2010 at 18:42:37 Dangerous Cost Cuts at Alyeska Pipeline: "Yet Another Example of How BP Runs Things"

The Primary 2016 postmortem, part 2 – 29, 2016 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

If You Go Carrying Pictures Of Chairman Mao | 18, 2010 · There's an interesting phenomenon I've noticed when working for change. I've heard people criticize Code Pink for our "stunts" because "they just alienate people", presumably people who would otherwise sympathize with our position if only we didn't wear tiaras and dance joyfully. During the 2008 election cycle, I had folks tell me that reaching out to voters on the phone or at home was ...

On surveying the landscape 11, 2005 · The Washington Post reports on the rebuilding effort in Afghanistan...and all indications are that while the war was more justified initial...

An Intermarried Schneerson Cousin Rejected By The Court Of ... 22, 2014 · The rabbi raised his hands in horror and announced that he had no intention of contributing to a book such as mine. "I will not besmirch the name of the Schneersohns, one of the greatest of Jewish intellectual family names, by linking it with that of the Menuhins," he said dramatically. "I will tell you no more." My anger exploded.

21 | August | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 21, 2018 · Read: Luke 23:44–48 | Bible in a Year: Psalms 107–109; 1 Corinthians 4 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12 One of the first prayers I learned as a little boy was “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep . . .”

How Israeli Haredim Slowly Started To Go To College ... philanthropists in Israel came to the rescue. They understood that to make a 180-degree turn and devote three or four years to studying a profession to make a living in dignity, yeshiva students who had relied on others for their livelihood would need incentives, Friedberg was the first to address the issue, but others followed his lead.

Above The Borderline: 5/27/07 - 6/3/07, June 1 : As the hit Beatles' album 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' celebrates the 40th anniversary of its release on June 2, Sir Paul McCartney is revealing what inspired the songs of the album. Macca reveals that he was the one who came up with the name that introduced the world to the concept album and the gatefold sleeve.

Ingraham HS Stages Pep Rally to Cut Down Trees | Majority ... trees to be cut are the 100 foot tall 75 year old Douglas fir, western red cedar and Pacific madrone trees in the distance in the picture. The grassy area in the foreground is one place Save the Trees – Seattle says the new addition could be built, saving any large trees from needing to be cut down. The Ingraham High School master plan ...

Coretta Mallet-Fontenot – Off the Adams was the only candidate I interviewed in District IX. These are important races, and one factor not mentioned in this story is the divergent opinions among Board members about Superintendent Terry Grier. Eastman is a prominent critic, while Moore is a big supporter.

September | 2013 | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. 04, 2013 · Unlike uber-hawks like Senator John McCain, we don’t see the sledgehammer as the only tool in the arsenal of democracy. We on the left have been gratified by President Obama’s diplomatic outreach to the Muslim world and his reticence to swing our military sledgehammer in the china shop of international relations.

Harry Clarke: Rhino versus human values 03, 2006 · Rhino versus human values In the Congo a remnant population of rhinoceros are being killed by hungry human militia . The population of rhino has fallen from 22,000 in the past to 900 today but 400 have apparently been killed in the past few weeks.

[E.O.M.S.]: 2016, I've been doing what I set out to do for a long time, now. I've made dozens of records and played thousands of concerts all around the world. But it's my songs that are at the vital center of almost everything I do. They seemed to have found a place in the lives of many people throughout many different cultures and I'm grateful for that.

“Rub It In” | Larry Gross Online like it because it’s simple. My thoughts are the more crap you have on a phone, the more that can go wrong with it. OK, in any case, getting back to the iPhone, I use it to take photos on occasion as the phone I actually like doesn’t even have a camera on it. Because I use the iPhone to take pictures, I have to recharge it sometimes.

In Case You Were Wondering…. | Sheila Kennedy there, done that, bought the t-shirt, Moral of the story: don’t wait to fill the rental car gas tank near the Orlando airport, just fill it up near the hotel.

Idaho from a Blue perspective: November 2016 29, 2016 · As the Army says, embrace the suck. Perhaps we have a rare and fleeting opportunity to get people to listen. I guess I'm saying right now it's more about messaging than actual policies. The election sent the message that Dems need to change. Let's announce that we got the message.

CAIR- The Labor Union of Islamic Terrorists | The Rogue Jew 19, 2007 · Two years ago, Muslim groups protested when the plot of the hit Fox drama ’24’ cast Islamic terrorists as the villains who launched a stolen nuclear missile in an attack on America.Now, after a one-year respite during which Russian separatists played the bad guys on the critically acclaimed series, Muslims are back in the evil spotlight.

Winter Patriot: Airborne Sturgeon? It's No Joke 05, 2007 · These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Mirror On America: October 2013 05, 2013 · But, it took Barack Obama to get the ACA through and into law. Remember, Truman failed at it because of racism and Jim Crow - because the Southerners feared de-segregated hospitals. If there was Universal Healthcare, that healthcare was a RIGHT, then they couldn't keep up …

JustOneMinute: What If They Gave A Scandal And Nobody Came? that is a reference to Paul as the supposed snookerer. The Nazarene in Luke 7:48-50 48Then He said to her, "Your sins have been forgiven." 49Those who were reclining at the table with Him began to say to themselves, "Who is this man who even forgives sins?" 50And He said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."

01 | August | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 01, 2017 · In 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake and a resulting tsunami took nearly 19,000 lives and destroyed 230,000 homes in the region northeast of Tokyo. In its aftermath, The Nozomi Project, named for the Japanese word for “hope,” was born to provide sustainable income, community, dignity, and hope in a God who provides.

Wall Street Teetering And Banks Being Brought To Their ... 14, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 9:30 PM MST In Frantic Day, Wall Street Banks Teeter The New York TImes- By ANDREW ROSS SORKIN Published: September 14, 2008 (This article was reported by Jenny Anderson, Eric Dash and Andrew Ross Sorkin and was written by Mr. Sorkin.) In one of the most dramatic days in Wall Street’s history, Merrill…

What’s In A Name? | Sheila Kennedy Krugman’s recent column in the New York Times was titled “Trump versus the Socialist Menace,” and the tag line beneath the title warned that commies were coming for your pick-up truck. The title alluded to Trump’s most recent effort to generate fear in his base. Krugman reminded us that we’ve seen this movie before, when the horrible threat of Medicare was looming, and the AMA ...

03 | July | 2017 | Bill's Links And More 03, 2017 · To have one of the most powerful people in the room being someone who is willing to send out explosive and controversial statements through social media, including nasty personal attacks or an edited video of him physically assaulting the media, does not make others at the G20 feel very confident about how he will handle deliberations with them ...

Bilgrimage: Sister Jeannine Gramick Tells a Story of a ... 09, 2013 · At National Catholic Reporter, Sister Jeannine Gramick discusses the case of Isaac Gomez, who was born biologically female, but who identified as male from early in his life, and made the decision to transition biologically to male as a young teen--with his parents' support.The lesson that Sr. Jeannine draws from this story:

The Smirking Chimp | News And Commentary from the Vast the media fills with whimsical good-byes to one of America's greatest writers, lets not forget one of the great engines driving this wonderful man---he HATED war. Including this one in Iraq. And he had utter contempt for the men who brought it about. Kurt Vonnegut was a divine spark of liberating genius for an entire generation.

Meet MSNBC's Federal Law Enforcement Handlers | The in his career, he was a law clerk for Judge Leonie Brinkema in the federal Eastern District of Virginia. (Brinkema is the judge who sent CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling and me to prison, who has reserved the Edward Snowden case for herself, and who is apparently overseeing the case against Julian Assange.)

03 | February | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 03, 2013 · He personally invites every one of us who is weary to find refreshment in Him. (1 John 5:3) Of course, all of us would prefer to bypass painful circumstances, but the Lord knows that our hardships and heartaches—the things we are unable to handle on our own—form the fertile soil for our spiritual growth and increasing dependence upon Him.

11 | September | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 11, 2014 · 11 posts published by broboinhawaii on September 11, 2014. Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies. Psalm 5:8

Follow the Lamb (sermon for April 29, 07) | The Least, First 30, 2007 · The judgmental crowd are the bad guys, the ones who conspire to kill him! It isn’t that some are Jewish and some not – all the people in the story are Jewish. Just like today, it is that some are more committed to religion than to loving people, and both …

MN Electors- MN Section 208 | Electoral College (United ... Electors- MN Section 208 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Minnesota law requires electors to vote for the winner of the popular vote in Minnesota. If they don't vote that way, their ballot is not counted and another elector will be chosen.

The Left Bank Cafe: June 2011 23, 2011 · The yearly growth rate after 1993 was 10.2 percent versus 2.8 percent for the first supply-side era beginning in 1981, and 2.7 percent in the period of the second supply-side era beginning in 2001. Over the seven-year periods after each legislative action, average annual real GDP growth was 3.9 percent following 1993, 3.5 percent following 1981 ...

The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin goes all in for Iowa ... 12, 2014 · The 2014 Senate race is Mrs. Palin's last ditch attempt to "get the money" into SarahPAC. If she fails in her Facebook endorsement campaign for this batch of endorsees then her PAC well will dry up and she'll only have her 12 million dollar personal wealth to live on, remember, she'd always rather spend someone else's money FIRST, before she even touches her personal bank account.

Carrie's Bar & Grill: February 2008 grandson, who is five years old, and I, are going to attempt to run one mile in the L.A. Marathon on March 2, 2008. It used to run right in front of my apartment building since he was two, and he'd want to run so bad, that we'd put a fake number on him and videotape him running a few blocks.

Albuterol Proventil Side Effects - TrustedTabsUSA,proventil,side,effectsAlbuterol Proventil Side Effects TrustedTabsUSA Buy Genuine Anabolic Steroids Online. Buy Cheap Generics Online. Best Prices, No RX OK. Before We Are Called As Rich Or Poor We Are Human Beings And Should Help Each Other But We Shift This Blame On Government And Our Government Shifts This Blame On Previous Government S Performance And The Blame Game Becomes A Never Ending Story.

JustOneMinute: The Tribe To End All Tribes most cosmopolitan people I knew were an aunt and uncle who ran a deli on 74th and 1st in Manhattan. They understood their patrons, including the bums who would try to mooch cold cuts off them, the mobsters who threw a brick through their window for not paying protection money, the international lawyer with a pretty mistress, the playboy QB who lived in the neighborhood, and the homosexuals ...

What The Fuck Happened Over The Weekend? - General ... 27, 2019 · Breaking - 11p 10/26/19 Al-Baghdadi was killed by the US Military in an operation with help from the Russians, Iraqi’s… Trump’s comments this morning - he must have mentioned that al-Baghdadi’s death was killed “like a dog” about 5 different times. T also mentions Russia as the number one help in getting al-Baghdadi in their sights…an obvious nod to his desire to get Russia back ...

Ed News, Friday, April 10, 2015 Edition | tigersteach 11, 2015 · One can’t seem to take any time off these days without missing some key events in the field of education. In a story the “Ed News” has been following since it began, 11 of 12 Atlanta Public School elementary teachers and administrators were found guilty of cheating involving standardized tests in that city. A story in last Thursday’s L.A. Times chronicles “one of the largest school ...

Howling at the Moon: GOP on Track for Obama Impeachment 25, 2014 · michael-leonard, Socrates is the guy who is most often pointed to as the gadfly. And he was a philosopher. And his philosophy was powerful enough to help change the Athenian state into the first ...

FORWARD: Lack of Meat Choices Not Kosher - FailedMessiah.com 20, 2006 · "But it's not usually this bad, and it's never been to the point where they can't give you any of a product. That's what's been most frustrating." The struggle in Minnesota illuminates the current state of the kosher-meat market, in which consumers are captive to a few big companies.

susan the bruce: Petty Tyrants prevailing attitude is always, “let the voters decide.” These are the same voters who aren’t going to learn about the behavior of their legislators unless it becomes a national story. The only real avenue available to a victim of ongoing harassment is legal action.

Jews sans frontieres: Knowing Too Much and the Jewish Lobby is just a coincidence but an article I wrote many months ago to the New Left Project has been published. I re-post the beginning below ...

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

Lost in the Flood: December 2005 12, 2005 · In keeping with the system of checks and balances devised to prevent any branch of government - particularly an executive seeking to assume the trappings of a monarch - from acting in derogation of the rights of the people, the showing of probable cause to a court of competent jurisdiction was established in the Fourth Amendment as the ...

Chabad, Messianism, And An Excommunication - FailedMessiah.com 12, 2010 · This is a document unequivocally declares as Halacha, that the Rebbe is Moshiach. Not was. Not will be. But is! …even though he had long ago died as of he date of that document. Lest anyone think a forgery see the photo above. That is Rabbi Telsner speaking in front of a banner obviously proclaiming the Rebbe as the King -Moshiach.

Rabbi Cracks Secret To Pronunciation Of Divine Name ... are the chances of that?" A new zeal for biblical reversibility led Sameth to flip the four Hebrew letters of the unpronounceable Tetragrammaton. In his head, he heard the Hebrew words hu and hi. That's "he/she" in English. And he felt connected to a long line of Jewish mystics who have mused about the male and female coming together.

The Immoral Minority: The White House knew for a year that ... 11, 2018 · Courtesy of WaPo: White House Counsel Donald McGahn knew one year ago that staff secretary Rob Porter’s ex-wives were prepared to make damaging accusations about him but allowed him to serve as an influential gatekeeper and aide to President Trump without investigating the accusations, according to people familiar with the matter.

Electronic Village: Happy Birthday: Hank Aaron, Greatest ... only a short time in the Negro Leagues, the Milwaukee Braves recruited Aaron. H e joined the Braves' system in 1952 and was sent to the minor leagues. There he became one of the first Black players to break the color line in the Deep South; a dangerous proposition in the last, desperate days of segregation that was legally enforced by Jim Crow laws.

U.S. Relations with Pakistan Hit Rock Bottom With Trump’s author Ann Wright is a 29 year US Army/Army Reserves veteran who retired as a Colonel and a former US diplomat who resigned in March, 2003 in opposition to the war on Iraq. She served in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia and Mongolia. In December, 2001 she was on the small team that reopened the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Paul Levinson's Infinite Regress: Saving the Best for Last ... the Best for Last on Mad Men Well, Mad Men certainly saved its grand slam clear out of the park best episode of the season for last. Personal and professional crises resolved, new ones emerging, and all played perfectly against the real Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

Citizen Cartwright: Transportation Pullman rule book allowed for three hours of sleep the first night out and none for the rest of the trip. In 1925, a group of workers convinced A. Philip Randolph, a black socialist and publisher of the “radical Negro magazine” The Messenger, to become president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters.

Bilgrimage: Gospel. Good News. Is What. It's All. About ... 06, 2013 · Andrew Sullivan suggests that Francis's reorientation of the Catholic church around what's central--the gospels and their message of good news--is a "categorical rejection" of the hard right of the American Catholic church, which is now definitively "over" with Francis and the new (old) direction in which he's taking the church.The U.S. Catholic bishops have seized on a "small rule" in the ...

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Buffett: "The Economists Don ... 12, 2009 · Warren Buffett was interviewed by Susie Gharib for tonight's Nightly Business Report on PBS. A copy of the transcript was sent my way and a...

Crazy Eddie's Motie News: 2013 in space 29, 2013 · And we've left it up to you to decide what should lead the list. To refresh your memory, 2012's top story was the Curiosity rover's landing on Mars, and 2013's top anticipated trend was SpaceShipTwo's flight to outer space. That Virgin spaceflight hasn't happened yet, but it …

No Right Turn: Party Vote: Left 09, 2005 · I think the odds are reasonably good for a confidence and supply deal with the Maori Party if that is what is required for an LPG government. Posted by Idiot/Savant: 9/15/2005 11:27:00 PM Will have that Herald digipoll up in about an hour. I think it was the most accurate last time (?).

Arman_et_al.pdf | Finite Element Method | Deep ... - Scribd site, similar difficulties were also faced. All reinforced short piles were fixed to a struc- ture foundation. The diameter of the reinforced short pile was approximately 30 to 40 cm and their length is 7 to 15 m. Due to the soil condition of the region, there was no way to attach reinforced short piles to a …

Ezra Klein: The Non-Problems With Not Torturing Non-Problems With Not Torturing. By Neil the Ethical Werewolf. Kevin Drum and Mark Kleiman point out that oft-cited pieces of false information about Iraq training al-Qaeda operatives to use WMD were extracted under torture. Examples like this are important for the pragmatic case against torture.

Texas | Sheila Kennedy to a recent report in the Guardian, not well. Texas’s aggressive campaign to defund Planned Parenthood has led to a steep drop-off in access to popular forms of contraceptions for poor women, and, for some women, a 27% increase in births, a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has found.

The Persistence of Structural Racism | Sheila Kennedy days, American racism seems pretty easy to spot. Trump has legitimized White Nationalism, the ubiquity of cell-phone cameras has allowed witnesses to document horrific (and sometimes fatal) episodes of bigotry, and the media is filled with stories of anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant vandalism and violence.

Victorians vs modern Elizabethans ~ BrontëBlog 08, 2015 · On Thursday, Queen Elizabeth II will be Great Britain's longest-reigning monarch, surpassing even Queen Victoria. And so The Independent compares their reigns. Culturally, Victoria's was a glorious reign – the time of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy, the Brontë sisters and George Eliot, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Gerard Manley Hopkins, …

CodyLyon'sblogolater: Christmas Lights (re post) 22, 2007 · It was the sort of moment that proved beauty, hope and joy is everywhere, but sometimes one has to make the effort to find it, in this case, beauty, joy and the peace it commanded was locked away inside the memories that an old Christmas light hanging across the street could, and did, set free.

EMPIRE of DIRT (click Cash cover of "Hurt"): August 2008 the US had a "No good lying SOB"--Truman's words in Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman--as President who won with a secret plan to end the Second Indochinese War. Surprise, Surprise, secret plan escalated conflict with thousands more American troops dead and wounded, illegal exspansion of war into Cambodia and Laos, tens of thousands more Vietnamese civilians dead and ...

Big Education Ape: Oct 23, 2013 of the authors of this interesting book used to be a special ed teacher. Here he describes an experience I am afraid I know well. The thesis of the book is that we have confused public education for a religion. From the right, we get faith in business solutions. From the left, the idea that everyone can reach the same high standards:

RADAMISTO: 2013-12-29 01, 2013 · Bob Grant was the nastiest talk radio host I know of and it's too bad he didn't die 40 years ago. By their own admission, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck and other conservative freaks admired Grant and that should tell you all you need to know about either of them. Here are some excerpts from a 1995 FAIR article: 50,000 Watts of Hate

JoyZeeBoy: 2012 20, 2012 · He's not ginger-haired. But he is very sweet. And interesting. And he likes me. Oh, and together we're 12 and 1/2 feet tall and weigh about 500 pounds. He's my size. At long last, an answer to one of my lifelong prayers -- someone I can look right in the eyes before we kiss. And he loves to kiss. Thank you, God.

Hogging III: War on Terror edition — Crooked Timber 07, 2011 · The last time I went to a lot of hockey games was the Seals. Not the Oakland Seals of Charley Finley, generally regarded as a poor joke (although they did have defensemen named Bob and Carol and Ted and Dallas at a time when that was topical), but the minor league San Francisco Seals of the early 60’s who played at the Cow Palace.

Interview with Ben Ferencz | The Reckoning | POV | this additional video from The Reckoning, Ben Ferencz, who, as a 27-year-old lawyer, prosecuted 22 German officers at Nuremberg for murdering over a million people in World War II, talks about his passion to end war in this world, his role in the development of international justice and why every country -- including the United States -- needs to be subject to the rule of law.

I Need An Elementary School Fairy 23, 2009 · I so agree, and I’m even on the PTSA, am active in other aspects of the school and have some close friends who I’ve met there… There’s something about it all that makes me feel like I’m in grade school myself all over again, navigating the groups and figuring out what needs to be done.

Why Are The Media Obsessed With Trump's Controversies And ... 11, 2016 · And there is no substitute for a high-impact visual element — preferably live video that includes the candidate. On Wednesday afternoon, for about two hours, the only story getting any attention of any kind on cable TV news was the live video of a young man scaling the side of the Trump Tower in Manhattan using suction cups.

31 | July | 2019 | News Corpse 31, 2019 · — News Corpse (@NewsCorpse) July 20, 2019 Although Trump does deserve credit for some notable successes. For instance, he has succeeded in dividing the nation, emboldening racist hate groups, cozying up to foreign dictators, fouling the planet, appointing corrupt government officials, suppressing voters, and advancing an economy that works ...

Quotes about Huge Impact (68 quotes) - Quote Master Greenspun had a huge impact on me. He was the first person I knew of that embraced online communities, created a real business around open source, gave back to the community through education, and inspired me to explore photography. Votes: 2. Matt Mullenweg

The Official Mirror On America - Let's Just Enjoy This ... 09, 2008 · The Official Mirror On America - Let's Just Enjoy This Moment Post A reader suggested that we have a place where we could remember our favorite moments of the primary season. I believe that's a good idea, because we can read one another's thoughts, and get energized, and just savor, if only in this post, what has happened up until this moment.

Rakemucker: Who Killed John Lennon? Lennon was assassinated 27 years ago, one month before Ronald Reagan assumed office. That was a long time ago, but it should be a reminder to all people who work for change and promote peace that there are people out there who are willing to do anything to extinguish the flame of hope and turn this country in the direction of division and violence.

Field of Candidates Grows for Seminerio's Vacant Assembly ... 11, 2009 · One of the first to announce his candidacy was Comaianni, who, aside from serving as CEC 24 president, is a member of Community Board 9, the Glendale Civic Association and the Forest Park Co-op board of directors. A U.S Navy veteran, the 41-year-old father of three coaches at the RGMVM Little League and is a lifelong resident of district 38.

A Look Into Our Governmenthttps://bennyp-alookinto.blogspot.comIn the article Horrifying and Unnecessary, the writer states that President Bush is going to veto a bill that would end the cruel torturing of our captive prisoners.To Mr. Bush the burdens in the Army Field Manual are too restrictive. The manual bans these specific burdens, forcing a prisoner to be naked, placing a hood over head and duct tape over eyes, applying beatings, water boarding ...

Article: Open Thread: Trump Declaration of Emergency ... 14, 2019 · Article: Open Thread: Trump Declaration of Emergency - Mitch McConnell has reported that the worst president in US history will sign the bill, ending the threat of another shut-down and then ...

An Open Letter to People Who Hate Obama More Than They ... 16, 2014 · This excellent article is from 2012 and is even more on target today... An Open Letter to People Who Hate Obama More Than They Love America by MinistryOfTruth I meet you all the time. You hate Obama. You hate gay people. You hate black people, immigrants, Muslims, labor unions, women who want the right to make…

american revolution research questions | United States ... revolution research questions - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

Hunter Biden inked a billion-dollar deal with a subsidiary ... 16, 2018 · Hunter Biden inked a billion-dollar deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China just 10 days after the father and son flew to China in 2013. March 16, 2018 — bunkerville The best way to money launder kick-backs apparently is to have the payments go through the children.

What’s in a statement against dirty campaigning? | Sohum ... 02, 2018 · Here is more masculine feminist retoric by Arroyo who is needle and threading that negativity deserves mental health services…guess lots of enraged customers, taxpayers, parents, teachers, doctors, lawywrs, etc…the whole society needs a “head check”, lol….what a lying and manipulative stooge…she said she was in an abusive ...

You Don't Say: Save money: Cut back on editing's a winner from the New York Times: Correction: December 4, 2009 An article on Nov. 13 about Sean Bedford, the Georgia Tech offensive lineman who is also an aerospace engineering major, misstated the terms that David Scarborough, a senior research engineer, used in teaching the jet and rocket propulsion class.

The Debate Link: Berkeley's Partially Pregnant Protests's an old saying that a woman cannot be "partially pregnant". Either she is, or she isn't. I'm not sure it's impossible to have a "partially peaceful protest", but at the very least it is obvious that a few well-positioned agitators can, if they choose, subvert the peaceful desires of the majority and make a nonviolent protest violent. When Milo's speech was announced at Berkeley, I took ...

The North Coast: July 2007 of all, many recent conversions were of units too small to be considered eligible for sale as condos in any normal market, and as this market reverts to normalcy, many of these units will revert to rental status. This is a warning for prospective buyers of tiny, inadequate condos, but it augers a return to a normal, affordable rental market.

Tickle The WireRex Tomb Archives - Tickle The the years, the Ten Most Wanted alum have included some of the nation’s most notorious criminals, including escaped Martin Luther King Jr. assassin James Earl Ray, serial killer Ted Bundy and current member, Boston mobster James “Whitey” Bulger, who is wanted in connection with 19 murders.

Paul Ryan Shows His and His Party’s Colors: They Lie | The ... 31, 2012 · Need say no more!During the GOP primaries, I was somewhat taken aback by the number of instances and scope of comment about Mitt Romney's "Lies". From Rick Santorum (as un-credible as he is) through Rick Perry and to the major complainer Newt Gingrich, the comments flowed about Romney's lies. Cain and Bachmann did not last long enough to suffer the lashing blows of …

MILK | My Pathetic Life… 28, 2009 · Milk surfaces in a season filled with movies based on real lives, but this is the first one that inspires a sense of intimacy with its subjects.” A.O. Scott of The New York Times called Milk, “A Marvel”, and wrote the film “is a fascinating, multi-layered history lesson.

The Point: Seiji Maehara's Assessment of the Abe ... 01, 2014 · T hree years ago yesterday, the Great East Japan Earthquake struck my country, and caused great damage, the effects of which were tripled by the ensuing tsunami and nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant. Amongst all the outpouring of assistance extended to us from around the world, some of the warmest and most important aid was provided to us by the United States.

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard PIRG model for raising money sucks ass. Having adults beg for money in the street? This is ridiculous in the extreme. This kind of thing should be professional and not leaving the workers feel screwed. I've done field work in the past and it was an interesting experience, but it was professionally done. Not this nonsense.

War, singing, feminism, tribalism, Cinderella, Pinterest ... 06, 2014 · Ah, yes, Lesley Ann Warren, a major crush in the day. I did like the Brandy version, though not as much as the others; seemed padded somehow. BTW, The Prince Is Giving A Ball, which I believe Jason Alexander performs in the Brandy iteration, is one of the toughest songs ever, because of all the names in the lyrics.

Wes clark, jr. to young turks - BlatherWatch 11, 2007 · Wes Clark, Jr. the big mouthed loquacious son of retired U.S. Army General and former presidential candidate Wesley Clark joins as a regular with Cenk Uygur Air America Radio's morning show, The Young Turks (KPTK m-f, 3-6a) Best Of The Young Turks (Saturdays, 7-10:00p).. It's Clark's first foray into broadcasting after spending four years in the Army (1992-1996) and a stint at Jersey …

JustOneMinute: Hot Stock Market Tip you are wishing you had sold before the stick market plunged 350 points yesterday, the window of opportunity was cracked open today, since the market rose …

State of the Nation: Interview: David Iglesias . NOW | PBS 15, 2008 · This is a longer version of the interview that appeared in the broadcast. NOW: As the U.S. Attorney of New Mexico you were asked to investigate and prosecute instances of voter fraud. What was the nature of this alleged voter fraud? DAVID IGLESIAS (DI): I was aware that the Justice Department was interested in having U.S. attorneys investigate ...

Last Men and OverMen: No White Christmas for the Northeast 26, 2015 · Probably many see this as a blessing not a curse-I can't say I've missed the snow. But it's not so great if you're a skip resort: "Melissa Yingling, Marketing Specialist for Blue Mountain Ski Area in Palmerton, Pennsylvania, said they are not positive when they will be fully operational, but are starting to plan on opening in phases if the weather cooperates."

The Shadowland Journal: January 2009 - Christopher Dickey Christopher Dickey, the author of "Our Man in Charleston: Britain's Secret Agent in the Civil War South" and "Securing the City," this site provides updates and footnotes on history, espionage, terrorism, fanaticism, policing and counterinsurgency linked to Dickey's columns for The Daily Beast and his other writings; also, occasional dialogues, diatribes, and contributions from friends.

25 | December | 2011 | Sohum Parlance II 25, 2011 · It’s located in Noe Valley on 24th Street, near Diamond, which is one of that last businesses on the climb towards Twin Peaks. Nice atmosphere, warm service, yummy food, and a decor which wouldn’t look out of place in the pages of an esoteric literary mag like Zyzzyva. It was packed, so definitely call for a reservation. ….

Wendell Brown | Wide World of Stuff 19, 2017 · Good News Friday: A nurse sees her kids for the first time in 9 weeks, and it’s glorious. Health-care workers come out to applaud protesters in NYC. And a man houses 70 protesters to prevent them from being arrested; The Washington Nationals players do right by their minor-leaguers. Two young American tennis players make a powerful stand.

Flat Health Care | Steve Guggenheimer 17, 2009 · It did a lot more than that, but those are the most important. Making the tax code more fair and simple is great, but it did more than that. It attempted to make up for the huge reduction in taxes for the wealthy by grabbing a buck here and a buck there across the board. It also brought the tax rates of the rich and everyone else closer together.

Tax Reform Act of 1986 | Steve Guggenheimer did a lot more than that, but those are the most important. Making the tax code more fair and simple is great, but it did more than that. It attempted to make up for the huge reduction in taxes for the wealthy by grabbing a buck here and a buck there across the board. It also brought the tax rates of the rich and everyone else closer together.

May Sarton on Holiness: Detachment as Inability to Love ... 09, 2013 · Shailer Mathews’ Lives of Jesus: The Search for a Theological Foundation for the Social Gospel. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997. Singing in a Strange Land: Praying and Acting with the Poor. Kansas City: Sheed & Ward, 1991.

The Rude Pundit: The State of the Union Is "Could We Stop ... 01, 2016 · The other dicks are the American people, specifically those who believe the lies being told by peckerwoods like Donald Trump and Ted Cruz and Chris Christie. Obama knows that his legacy is not just about what he accomplishes while in office, but how those accomplishments are allowed to flourish in the years to come. Same As It Ever a timely response is important, too. As an officer of Local Action Works, I left two polite messages on Mr Montroll's phone, and received no call back. I can't read the guy's mind, maybe his non-responsiveness was because Adrian had bowed out as a Dem candidate, but I'll tell you, when I called Ed, he assured me he would fill out the ...

Into the Breach: Live Blogging the GNEP Hearing's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.--Frederick Douglass. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.- …

Soldiering, Memory, and the Faiths of 10, 2009 · Soldiering, Memory, and the Faiths of America On a day when the President of the United States receives the Nobel Peace Prize, even while overseeing two wars (something of an irony that the President acknowledged in his acceptance speech), and on a day when I'm reading Luke 3:7-18 in preparation for my sermon on Sunday, I read this piece for ...

Darkness, Darkness, Be My Pillow | The Smirking hell of it is that we know so little. The hell of it is that some people think they know so much. Take, for instance, that My Pillow asshole who so frequently showed up at Trump rallies when the POTUS was takin' it to the streets, the cheesy-looking creep who wants you to lay your head on "his" pillow, the one that is sure to invite the darkness, a pod that will, perhaps, rob you of all ...

Wise Law Blog: Update on Ontario Small Claims Court Changes 22, 2009 · Ontario's Small Claims Courts, which are the busiest civil courts in the Province, will be getting considerably busier on January 1, 2010. As we noted in our December 11, 2009 post, the arrival of the new year will bring an increase in the Court’s maximum monetary jurisdiction from $10,000 to $25,000 and a significant influx of new, larger cases is likely to follow.

Florida lawmakers pass restrictive abortion bill ... lawmakers pass restrictive abortion bill, requiring parental consent for people under 18 On Thursday, Florida’s legislature passed a state bill to require pregnant minors (pregnant people under the age of 18) to receive consent from a parent or guardian …

The TL:DR Bible: Judges 7-8 | House of the Dread 10, 2016 · So God tells him to send his servant down to the Midianite camp for a sign, and the servant overhears one Midianite tell a dream to another who interprets it as Gideon is going to win the battle, so Gideon takes his 300 guys down at night with a trumpet, a pitcher and a torch.

Feminary: OK, Lady, I love you, bye of the great things about being a post-feminist feminist is that you can value your freedom of choice over the need to always make everything about women. For a time, that was necessary, but enough victories were won (not all, to be sure) that many of us now enjoy the freedom to really affect the world and to be able to think holistically.

Shopping at Target to support LGBTQ rights? you look at geography and the question of “where do LGBTQ folks live,” one of the most eye opening details that we came across was: the state that has the highest percentage of same sex couples raising children turns out to be Mississippi, where 26 percent, one in four, same-sex couples are actually raising children.

the anxiety of influence: November 25, 2007 · the anxiety of influence 25 November 2007. ... The beginning of the suite the curtain was down and all we could see was the film Sufjan had shot, then the curtain lifted half-way and exposed a scrim behind it so the audience could see the shadow of the performers and I assumed Sufjan was conducting but I soon realized he was behind the piano ...

Shouting Down the Well: Some Things I Will Tell 21, 2017 · The first time I got cat-called I was 11 and I felt so ashamed to have let myself be seen outside in shorts. There was the time I was walking to school (7th or 8th grade) and the man gestured to me from a car, asking for directions, and then showed me his gross hard penis under his flabby belly and I felt like an idiot for walking over there.

Who Hijacked Our Country: War is Too Easy for Most 30, 2009 · A law calling for a war tax to kick in automatically a certain number of months after troops are sent off to fight might serve the same purpose, though. Holte wrote: "With decent paying jobs and the chance of further education diminishing for many young people, the US Military will look like an attractive option, as it has proven to be for ...

[E.O.M.S.]: Exile's Album Of The Year (By A Country Mile)! 11, 2008 · S o the album of this year is the sister album to probably my favourite album of last year, Okkervil River's 'The Stage Names'. As for my other 10 albums well Bon Iver's was the newcomer of the year to my ears showing that three months spent alone in a cabin in Wisconsin can be very productive (though it is probably my idea of hell.) Mark Stewart's first album in 12 …

Archives for May 9, 09, 2006 · A libertarian perspective by NeoWayland. Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland watches for threats to individual freedom or personal responsiblity. There's more to life than just black and white, …

Kevin Powell: December 26, 2006 · There are two sides to the Advent story. The first is, yes, a saviour is coming, and that’s good news. The flip side is that we need a saviour in the first place, and that’s the bad news. I think that’s what the prophet Malachi was trying to get at. He sounds angry in today’s passage, doesn’t he?

Review: Bumblebee | 27, 2019 · Luigi Novi. Luigi Novi is a writer, illustrator and photographer from New Jersey. His artwork was first published at age 13 in Toys R Us magazine. He majored in Media Arts at the School of Visual ...

YouTube’s Conspiracy Theory Crackdown Has One Big Winner 11, 2019 · Early this year, YouTube adjusted its recommendation algorithm to deprioritize conspiracy theories. The change has yielded an unwitting beneficiary: Fox News. Previously, users who watched videos about hoaxes such as QAnon or Pizzagate could easily be pulled into an echo chamber of disinformation by YouTube’s autoplay function, which queued up one …

DEATH BY DENIAL - MURDER: Tracy Pierce Sr-His Fight for ... 22, 2007 · Tracy Pierce Sr-His Fight for Life..April 2004-January 2006 Tracy Dion Pierce.. died on January 18, 2006 at home after a courageous battle with Renal Cell Carcinoma (Kidney Cancer). Tracy was a 37 year old African American man from Mission, Kansas.

The Rectification of Names: Was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr ..."Natural law" has two different meanings: first there's the one in ordinary philosophical discourse, where it refers to the whole big tradition beginning with Aristotle, according to which there is a morality more basic than the laws encoded in any given society, that you don't legislate but rather discover, in the use of human reason to contemplate human nature, and which comes to us in ...

Writing, Is? Fun!: Translation for Tamil short story - 3 ... wanted to work as a day watchman. It is easy to be a watchman in a school. You can chase around the children. Working as a watchman in a bank was the toughest. You have to salute people as they go in and out. Also, you need a gun license. Ekambaram liked the idea of shooting with a gun. But he had never touched a gun in his life.

Progressive Book Clubhttps://progressivebooks.blogspot.comWe will meet in Halle Library, on the EMU campus. The Halle Library is designated by the number 12 on this campus map. Don’t Think of an Elephant is short and clearly written. If you are pressed for time, be sure to read chapter 1, in which Lakoff lays out his main points, and chapters 8 and 10, in which he tells how to apply these ideas in everyday contexts.

The Next Hurrah: Ismail Merchant and Closeted Coffins"Maurice" was the first time I had ever seen three-dimensional, complex, poignant gay characters. For the first time I saw the struggles of a gay man through his own eyes. As Maurice tried so desperately to cure his "illness", to repress his desires, and finally realized that true, total love was worth sacrificing the fragile sham he had called ...

Freedom Writing: The Real Domino Theory 14, 2011 · But it is not too outlandish to imagine that an electorate that apparently thought less than four years in the U.S. Senate was adequate preparation for the presidency for Barack Obama, that a few years as governor of Texas (which, for the most part, is a figurehead position) was enough for George W. Bush, that a career mostly spent in front of ...

That said, I don't want to hear it anymore. | MetaTalk for moderation Slashdot has far more noise, and a huge preponderance of one-liners of the sort not likely to include compound statements, so the correlation is probably fairly good. A better comparison would be if you only compared comments of similar length. posted by George_Spiggott at 2:12 PM on June 18, 2006

Winter Patriot: Double Cover [2]: What Is A Commando Raid? are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

JustOneMinute: None Dare Call It Nation Building"Villagers hoping to celebrate the beginning of Navratri, nine days of worship of their Goddess Durga at Ashram Hari Mandir, close to Delhi, found their temple sealed by Roberts's vast security team of 350 guards, bulletproof cars and a helicopter." "Roberts, who is staying at Pataudi also being protected by 40 gunmen." Kumbaya!

The French legislative elections: round 2 | Arun with a View 20, 2017 · It's over. Finally. Sunday's election was the eighth round of voting over the past seven months (LR primary, PS primary, presidential election, legislative—all in two ballots, of course, and with me naturally voting in every one). No more elections until the European in May 2019. As Arthur Goldhammer has an instant analysis up on the…

The meeting of the chiefs | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 13, 2008 · He was the first Bureau Chief to oversee the merger of the FDNY with EMS, and has also served as Chief of Personnel, Chief of Health Services, Chief of Operations, and Citywide Tour Commander, overseeing all major emergencies throughout the City. Chief Nigro will retire from the FDNY on September 9th, having served 33 years in the Department.

complicated grief | Enneagram... Exploring Your True Self 25, 2012 · This is the second part of Dr. Elayne Savage’s story, There is to be No Grieving, from The Enneagram of Death – Helpful Insights by the 9 Types of People on Grief, Fear and Death published by the International Enneagram Association last month. Please see Part I.. Poof. They Were Gone. So I was sitting cross-legged in the overstuffed chair, staring at the cutoffs in my hands. I forced ...

Marian's Blog: Black Is Beautiful Cesaire est mort aujourd'hui. Aime Cesaire has died today. We awoke to this news, 17 April 2008. He made it to age 94. The Martiniquan poet, novelist, playwright and former mayor of Fort de France and member of French parliament was the last living member of the Cesaire-Damas-Senghor trio credited for inspiring the international Negritude movement. I certainly respect it though up to now ...

An Open Letter to Rich Sheridan regarding the proposed ... 23, 2007 · An Open Letter to Rich Sheridan regarding the proposed insertion of spam by the Wireless Washtenaw Project. The following was written in response to the pricing plan for Wireless Washtenaw.. Rich Sheridan has served on the steering committee of the Wireless Washtenaw Project for some time. Rich is someone for whom I have done work in the past and I am surprised by his poor …

THESE BASTARDS: 62 Scat Flasher 11, 2009 · 62 Scat Flasher. That's it, that's the name of the play that will go down in Steelers history and Super Bowl history as one of the greatest throws and catches ever. And it's illustrious name sounds like something you'd never forgive your friend for sending you a video of. 62 Scat Flasher.

Alabama Ass Whuppin': Lion Mutilates 42 Midgets 11, 2006 · 'This is like TiVo (TIVO ) for your work,' says the program's co-founder, Jody Thompson. By the end of 2007, all 4,000 staffers working at corporate will be on ROWE. Starting in February, the new work environment will become an official part of Best Buy's recruiting pitch as well as its …

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Is Obama Poised to Cede US … 21, 2009 · Read the title. I gave four clear points of how Obama CANNOT be poised to cede US Sovereignty and signing this will not be anything new. So, that's not a non-sequitur. Its good you've learned a new word, now go and learn the definition. Swiftee didn't dispute anything except the Treaty would over-ride the Constitution.

liberty « Scanlyze 17, 2007 · Having third parties who just happen to own one of the dozen or so routers between sender and receiver insert into the datastream their own or third-party ads degrades the Net for both sender and receiver, and breaks the unwritten compact whereby anyone with an upstream router on the Net passes along third-party traffic in a manner similar to a ...

Sevierville County Commissioner in national news | County Commissioner comments during "gun sanctuary" vote. ... you are speaking to a """queer""" person from sevier county, not sure i care too much for your tossing that word back to me in quotes & giving me your estimation of my estimation of queer people. ... The primary focus of Monday’s monthly meeting was the resolution to ...

JustOneMinute: Firing Up For The Big Speech Up For The Big Speech. ... a reference to "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress," where the lunar colonists break away from the Earth by turning a magnetic catapult that normally shoots steel containers full of rice and wheat down to Earth to help feed the hungry billions, into a weapon. ... He was the closest thing to a second dad to me ...

The Debate Link: 12/13/2015 - 12/20/2015 maybe he's right, at least in his assessment of the tolerance levels of Israeli conservatives. But if that's so, then the Israeli right-wing needs to learn to grow a spine. Because if a real complaint, they have a real problem with perspective, and Israeli's position is too precarious to indulge such an abject display of pathos.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: More deceit and skulldugery from ... 31, 2007 · 8 Comments: Bob said.... Ramsey County / Prosecutors admit key evidence withheld Defense says lab results could show Jean Weaver died in a fall and not in the fire husband set BY DAVID HANNERS Pioneer Press Article Launched: 07/31/2007 12:01:00 AM CDT The Ramsey County attorney's office admitted Monday that key lab tests it claimed had been destroyed before the 2005 …

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2009 · This is a fundamental misreading of the problem, and it leads to a flawed process of negotiating the very real shoals in the reform process. The problem is that there are (at least) three parties who need to have their needs met, or who need to be overthrown, in our current system--that is, three parties who can be convinced of the need for ...

Mukasey’s Paradox: Government Officials Cannot Violate The ... 05, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 10:00 AM MST Mukasey's Paradox By Paul Kiel - March 4, 2008, 6:17PM Jonathan Turley, professor of law at George Washington, writing today in The Los Angeles Times: The recent decisions of Atty. Gen. Michael B. Mukasey to block any prosecution of Bush administration officials for contempt and to block any criminal…

FBI Comey got millions from Clinton Foundation Defense ... 30, 2016 · In the report, Comey is noted as receiving $6 million in one year along from Lockheed Martin, who is a Clinton Foundation donor, and became a donor in the same year Comey received those funds. Additionally, Mr. Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings in 2013.

The Immoral Minority: One industry is already suffering ... 04, 2016 · This is an industry that literally relies on the cowardice of its customer base. If these sad little crybabies did not live in fear that any minute somebody was going to break into their house and beat their chubby little ass before stealing their beer can collection …

When's It Gonna Rain? - freedom-writing.blogspot.com pastor's sermon yesterday reminded me of a movie. Things that make me think often have that kind of influence on me. I don't know why t...

Arkansas – are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Best of the Web -- Signs of the Times of the Times: The World for People who Think. Featuring independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Shariah Archives - Page 2 of 8 - Center for Security Policy is a conversation that is long overdue and needs to be had as we decide not only on the next Commander-in-Chief, but whether to provide a national security mandate for our 45 th President. It would be a more illuminating conversation – and a better guide for policy – if we are clear about our terms.

The Unraveling Begins…. | Sheila Kennedy the Bureau of Justice Statistics estimates that 60 percent of hate crimes are never reported to police, the actual incidence of bias crime is undoubtedly much higher than these statistics suggest.. I’m sure social scientists and mental health professionals have explanations for the loss of civility and increasing nastiness of our times.

CIA ties between Balkan Wars and 911? | Suzie-Que's Truth ... 14, 2007 · In his latest book, “How the Jihad Came to Europe”, German journalist Jürgen Elsässer unravels the Jihadist thread. Muslim fighters recruited by the CIA to fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan were used successively in Yugoslavia and Chechnya, still supported by the CIA, but perhaps sometimes out of its control.

John Feffer's blog | The Smirking his infinite ignorance, Donald Trump has invited world leaders to the White House for a face-to-face meeting at the end of June. Unlike the other countries in the G7, the United States has yet to get the coronavirus pandemic under control. One of the hotspots that the …

4 Things the Presidential Election Can ... - Horse Racing News fact, in his war of words with Grim, Silver pointed one of these issues out: Nonetheless, one of the reasons that Grim and others took exception to Silver’s model was the big fluctuations that it showed. For example, On July 31, Silver tabbed Trump’s chances of becoming the 45 th president at 39.1 percent. A day later, the number stood ...

Deal Them In! James Woods, Richard Roeper ... - Nolan Dalla 08, 2015 · Deal Them In! James Woods, Richard Roeper, and Craig Carton Headline “Poker Night in America” at Atlantic City’s Golden Nugget . James Woods says, “deal me in.”. The renowned actor and three-time Emmy winner will participate in “Poker Night in America’s” upcoming high-stakes cash game, taking place at the Golden Nugget in Atlantic City, January 16-19.

» 2019 » March Cristy Li John of God (1495-1550) Image Courtesy: CNA (EWTN) Few people in this world who have made any name for themselves in any sphere, began life under such adverse conditions.John was born in Portugal Montemayor-el-Novo to middle class parents, tragically at the age of 8 he was abducted according to and later was abandoned to homelessness in a remote part of Spain Oropesa, there he …

Dying of Loneliness: TOS “Dagger of the Mind” | Views from 09, 2017 · The enhanced graphics for this episode depict the planet, Tantalus Five, as having rings! A cool touch, though irrelevant to the story. We also get a new depiction of the penal colony’s surface-side entry structure. In the original show, we saw a modified version of the lithium-cracking station matte from “Where No Man Has Gone Before”; now we see a completely different structure, a ...

Hat in hand: U.S. scientists scramble to support their ... 16, 2020 · But it’s first come, first served, and some scientists say they have waited weeks for the materials they need. About 1,300 researchers have applied for registration at BEI since February – more than 90% for COVID-19 research – compared to a normal rate of about 70 applicants per month, a NIAID spokeswoman said.

February ? 2009 ? Wheat-dogg's, the task of juggling cell phone and PDA got to be too much of a hassle, so I found a Treo 270 on eBay for a decent price, loved it, and then upgraded to my present device, a Treo 600. OK, so it is pretty out-of-date. No Bluetooth, limited Web capabilities, crappy camera, but it accepts SD cards.

The Union News.: Teacher unions oppose parents on merit pay 06, 2008 · The results come just as the issue of performance pay - one of the most talked about education initiatives in the country - is again heating up in Florida. Key lawmakers are frustrated that only seven of the state's 67 county school districts signed up for the state's performance-pay bonus plan, called the Merit Award Program.

The Union News.: Jumbo gov't union meltdown 06, 2008 · Jumbo gov't union meltdown By nearly every measure, the Service Employees International Union has become a juggernaut. As the rest of organized labor has seen its share of the American workforce continue to dwindle, SEIU has brought in some 800,000 new dues-paying members in …

Is the Corporate Media Rigging Elections? | Bud Meyers the Clintons have said before, people like them should be paying more in taxes. And you probably won't hear that rhetoric from the eventual GOP nominee." If this were really true, and if Hillary REALLY wanted to raise taxes on the rich and close loopholes, show me ONE SINGLE BILL that she sponsored where she proposed doing any of these things.

History's Dumpster: Dora Hall just as much as the entertainment (or whatever it was), the show was to sell Solo products. And of course, the included Dora Hall record offers. There were a few more of these shows. But Dora Hall was well into her late '70s by this time and having serious trouble …

Holy Bullies Maddow has just reported the following: Bryan Fischer has been fired from the American Family Association! Details are sketchy and we don't know what the firing entails, bu

The Union News.: Ohio LIUNA bigs busted by Feds 06, 2008 · Attorney Sheldon Wittenberg, who is listed as Mr. Thomas' attorney, could not be reached for comment. Mr. Leonard's attorney, Jerry Phillips, confirmed yesterday that his client had been charged in the case. Mr. Leonard, who was the union's recording secretary, was charged with using Local 500 credit cards to charge about $4,386 in ...

Chomsky and Fanon | City of Joyful Dread 04, 2014 · But it is not South African–style apartheid. In the occupied territories, the situation is far worse than it was in South Africa, where the white nationalists needed the black population: it was the country’s workforce, and as grotesque as the bantustans were, the nationalist government devoted resources to sustaining and seeking ...

charlize theron | Your Morning Cup of Coffee night I took my wife out on a date. We began the evening going to Brew River. The meal wasn’t as good as the Sunday Brunch I had a couple of weeks ago, but it wasn’t bad, either. The cream of crab soup was the highlight of the meal for me, though my shrimp salad wrap wasn’t bad.

Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Morning Links 07, 2017 · This and that for your Tuesday reading. - Cathy Crowe writes that there's no excuse for putting off action to provide housing to people who need it - not only because of the inhumanity of waiting, but because there's plenty of evidence as to what works: Over the years big money, at least according to my standards, has gone to academics and health researchers who examine the social determinants ...

King of the Krewe of Rex | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

This Is How Donald Trump Becomes The Next President of the ... note : This is not my prediction. And I have built humor into this timeline, and a bit of absurdity. But it is possible that something like this scenario could happen, laying the fondation for a Trump victory in November. June 5, 2016 Hillary Clinton wins the Puerto Rico Primary.

Everyday People need Health Care | Human Rights Advocate 02, 2009 · I work full-time for a small business that does not offer insurance to its employees. I make too much money for our children to qualify for Medicaid. The private insurance we chose offers much less coverage than the plan we had under my husband’s former employer, and it cost $700 a month last year.

The Mount Si Saga Continues—Part 3,246 | Slog | The ... is a pussy and a failure who blames gays for the fact that he played for the 1975 San Diego Chargers who only won 2 games all season. This guy is a big talker with tiny little pea sized nuts who couldn't tackle a baby bunny rabbit. Look up his football record. He spends all of his time trying to intimidate people but he is a big pussy.

The Immoral Minority: Wasilla editor loses job after ... 03, 2010 · "Palin's a spark plug for a lot of things." The reason Mitchell is the former managing editor is because on June 14 -- two weeks after the infamous editorial had circled the globe -- Frontiersman's publisher Kari Sleight sent out a terse e-mail: "Tom 'TC' Mitchell has resigned his position at the Frontiersman to pursue other efforts.

These Sexual Abuse Revelations Will Pay Dividends – Nova ... 23, 2017 · With all the revelations coming out about men who have mistreated women, I think it’s natural for me to take a little inventory of my own experiences. Fortunately, I can’t find much to regret in my own behavior, but it’s been sobering to think back on …

07 | June | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 07, 2017 · This is how God showed his love . . . : He sent his one and only Son into the world.—1 John 4:9. One morning my daughter gave her eleven-month-old son her cell phone for a moment to entertain him. Less than a minute later my phone rang, and as I picked it up I heard his little voice.

Iraq War | MILITARY JUSTICE FOR ALL“I loved being in the Army, I really did. In Iraq, and I know everybody watching gonna say some crap about what I’m about to say, but Iraq was the EASIEST and best time of my life. Swear to God. My base was the hardest hit. We were the ones who were attacked the …

memeorandum: Federal investigation of Facebook could hold ... Mueller Report Is Much Worse for Trump Than Barr Let On — IF PRESIDENT DONALD Trump isn't guilty of obstruction of justice, who ever could be?Special counsel Robert Mueller's 448-page report, made public Thursday in redacted form, outlined over nearly half of those pages …

“White House should be ‘falling all over themselves’ to ... 19, 2017 · The following is an excellent interview of Senator Angus King, an Independent from Maine by Judy Woodruff ont he PBS News-Hour of May 18, 2017 titled "White House Should Be 'Falling All Over Themselves' to Assist the Russia Probe, Says Sen. King" and I quote: "White House should be ‘falling all over themselves’ to assist…

Michelle Obama's 2012 DNC speech with photos ... - Eclectablog 05, 2012 · He was the guy whose proudest possession was a coffee table he’d found in a dumpster, and whose only pair of decent shoes was a half size too small. (Laughter.) But, see, when Barack started telling me about his family -– see, now, that’s when I knew I had found a kindred spirit, someone whose values and upbringing were so much like mine.

Right-wing media | The Pardu's Scroll told Buzzfeed that she resigned because she the felt the Kremlin-funded news channel was trying to pin the blame for the apparent shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on the Ukrainian government. “It was the total disregard to the facts. We threw up eyewitness accounts from someone on the ground openly accusing the Ukrainian government, and a correspondent in the studio pulled ...

Former Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer explains why she ... 11, 2017 · 2015 was the year the Federal Communications Commission grew a spine. And 2017 could be the year that spine gets ripped out. Over the past two years, the FCC has passed new regulations to protect net neutrality by banning so-called “slow lanes” on the internet, created new rules to protect internet subscriber privacy, and levied record fines against companies like AT&T and Comcast.

March 2019 Franklin & Marshall College Poll: Summary Of ... 28, 2019 · Pennsylvania at a similar point in his Presidency. One in three (36%) registered voters believes. President Trump has done a good enough job to deserve re-election, while three in five (61%) voters say it is time for a change. 3 Voter Sentiment. Half (49%) of the state’s registered voters believe the state is “headed in the right direction.”

Remembering Matters: October 2008 09, 2008 · Elderbloggers. Our histories. Our stories. Our pasts, presents and futures. Aging. Growing. Maturing. Immaturing. Art. Poetry. Photography. Feminism. Senior Moments. Junior Moments. Life Matters. Grey Matters. All matters. As I put my toe tentatively in the blog pond I invite others to swim, wade, paddle, sputter and splash with me. In my experience, the water’s warmer that way.

JustOneMinute: An Uneasy Alliance goodness, Paul Krugman with yet another Obama-basher. But he is not backing Hillary's health care plan this time - Krugman is rallying to the Bartels argument (here and here) that Obama's sociology about embittered workers clinging to their guns,...

Can't Indict? Won't Recommend Impeachment? The Mueller ... today's BradCast: Some maddening facts about what awaits when Robert Mueller's Special Counsel report is handed over to the Attorney General and what will and won't likely be in it.[Audio link to show follows below.But, first up "lighter" news...some followup to our detailed coverage yesterday of the remarkable events leading up to the unanimous 5 to 0 vote by the North Carolina ...

This way to expulsion: A timeline of Devin Nunes on the ... way to expulsion: A timeline of Devin Nunes on the House Intelligence Committee News that Devin Nunes has been sitting through the House impeachment inquiry, pretending to act as a investigator, while actually being an active participant in the scandal might be more shocking if this was the first time.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Secret Science Club Post Lecture ... 11, 2015 · Last night, I headed down to the beautiful Bell House, in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn, for this month's Secret Science Club lecture, featuring Simon Garnier of the New Jersey Institute of Technology's Swarm Lab. Dr Garnier's topic was collective intelligence, how millions become one. Dr Garnier began his lecture with a brief discussion of American football- football is a complex …

Great Mencken's Ghost!: George Will wrote something sane? 19, 2011 · Of course, even a semi sane column from George Will contains his required daily intake of idiocy. Taking bold items below: First, Supreme Philosopher Will writes that mankind acts as rational economic calculating, creatures while simultaneously insinuating altruism provides no positive incentive to suffer a short term loss for gain of generations of NBA players to come.

Roger Cohen's Blinkered Guidebook to Turkey - Blogger, in a New York Times op-ed entitled "Turkey Steps Out", Roger Cohen writes: "if I could escort Sarah Palin, Tea Partiers and a few bi...

The Open Parachute: 2011 24, 2011 · The first group to organize to highlight the abuses of corporate cronyism was the Tea Party which excoriated the current administration for bailing out the banks, allowing public money to be used to pay huge executive bonuses, and the stimulus package.

SPARTA | Bureaucracybuster's Blog Pressfield is the bestselling author of several novels on ancient Greece. Steven Pressfield In Gates of Fire (1998) he celebrated the immortal battle of Thermopylae, where 300 Spartans held at bay a vastly superior Persian army for three days.. In Tides of War (2000) he re-fought the ancient world’s 25-year version of the Cold War between the Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta.

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar mobile edition was the front runner when he dropped out — and didn’t even know it! On the plus side, Duckworth has made an outstanding debut as a candidate. It may be that all’s well that ends well.

memeorandum: Carnival Cruise Bookings Surge 600% After ... the early days of the pandemic, the U.S. government turned down an offer to manufacture millions of N95 masks in America — It was Jan. 22, a day after the first case of covid-19 was detected in the United States, and orders were pouring into Michael Bowen's company outside Fort Worth, some from as far away as Hong Kong.

Congratulations, Donald Trump, you finally got your ... since he began his occupation of the White House, Donald Trump has wanted to see tanks and troops on American streets. After being treated to the pomp and circumstance of a military review in France, and seeing the annual parade of tanks, missiles, and goosestepping troops that are commanded by his pals Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un, Trump has been jealous.

Obsidian Wings: Naeional Poetry Month: Special Anti ... it is to the mature Yeast, whose career spans the end of one fin de siecle, the nineteenth, and the beginning of another, the twentieth, we must go for the greatest Cheese poems in the English language (the Greek poet Constantine Havarti is recognized as the world's most important).

Ken McClenton | Bloviating like us and follow us on Facebook! Video of this show is here on Facebook. Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, on Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the …

Pedestrian Infidel: Another terrorist group picks up ... 11, 2008 · The first sentence in the article is flat wrong and it's all downhill from there. It's not a military offensive against the Tamil minority themselves-- it's an offensive against the military forces of the LTTE--the Tamil Tigers, the force that's been battling the …

Student vouchers preferable to sinking taxpayer money into ... 30, 2012 · Maybe. But surely, the biggest threat comes from the evolving cellphone, which now performs many functions that only computers could. Cellphones are available from $15 upward, and calling rates are the cheapest in the world. A tablet requires an expensive wireless plug-in, plus an expensive wireless service. This is not value for money.

On practical changes 01, 2015 · One of the main attacks on the NDP's election platform has been the question of what support there is for the constitutional change required...

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com the fluids ran out of their bodies, they appeared like withered, spoiled fruits. They could have lived, certainly should have lived – and laughed and danced, and run and played- but instead they were brutally murdered. Yes, murdered! The war ended for those children, but it has never ended for survivors who carry memories of them.

Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar mobile edition 10 posts: Question of the day (04-14); Pritzker points to improved doubling rate, increased hospital capacity - 3600 out of state and retired healthcare professionals have signed up to join ...

Common backyard weed may curb cancer risk - NaturalNews.com 17, 2012 · Depopulation globalist Melinda Gates already pushing experimental COVID-19 vaccines on “people of color” as the target group to vaccinate first -; Black privilege reigns supreme in the USA, but it’s the progressive Left that demeans blacks more than anyone else -

Africa - The New Editor a move that speaks well of Edinburgh University, the Times of London reports that the school has decided to strip Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe of an honorary degree for education in Africa. Times of London reporters Shirley English and David Lister write: Tim Goodwin, outgoing president of Edinburgh University Student Association, said: “Robert Mugabe is a well-known, internationally ...

A Chicken Is Not Pillage: Gelding McCain has TOTAL capabilities as the Commander of Commanders In Cheifest Chief due to her mad skills at running the Alaska National Guard! Except, she doesn't. Sarah Palin is John McCain's "soulmate". Except that McSenile only met her once before the pick, and just now has sent 8 lawyers to Alaska to vet the sad result of his impulse buy.

OpenlineBlog: Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner's War Against ... 05, 2013 · Weisner spokesgirl, Carie Ergo, who is paid over $175,000 per year by taxpayers, says they could make an exception to the two garage sale policy for an additional estate sale, but it would need a special request that would require approval from Weisner.

holybulliesandheadlessmonsters.blogspot.com today's Know Your LGBT History post, I've selected The Jackal (1997). The Jackal is a remake of a 1973 movie entitled The Day of the Jackal. Both movies are about an unnamed a

Above The Borderline: 3/9/08 - 3/16/08 14, 2008 · I was the first in my high school to have one, after the principal got tired of looking for me whenever Dad went down. See, Dad had been over at Guadalcanal in the summer and fall of 1942 during World War II - a war I believe absolutely had to be fought.

British Columbia Election 2013: Final Weekend Wrap-Up Home About Raymond Site Introduction Contact VanRamblings. A & E

Tickle The WireElena Kagan Archives - Tickle The Allan Lengel WASHINGTON –– Three of the leading candidates reportedly being considered to replace the retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens all have had or do have ties to the Justice Department and two are Jewish, according to media reports. Elena Kagan, 49, the U.S. Solicitor General, the fourth highest ranking post at the Justice Department, is Jewish ...

Gay Orthodox Jews: A Response To The Jewish Press ... 21, 2011 · This was the case for me, I was rejected by my family, my peers, and people who I believed loved me unconditionally as a Jew, friend, and family member simply for being who I was. Today most people in my life are more accepting of who I am, but that only came after years of tiring work that I did in order to let the message be heard: that gay ...

Adele Stan, AlterNet: The 12 Nastiest Villains in the ... 19, 2011 · The 12 Nastiest Villains in the Murdoch Phone-Hacking Scandal by Adele Stan, July 19, 2011 Here's an incomplete guide to the villains in the drama that threatens to take down the Murdoch empire. Sometimes the bad guys really do lose. For News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch, a very bad guy who, until recently, enjoyed a long…

The Immoral Minority: Top ethics watchdog files suit ... 06, 2018 · Courtesy of Business Insider: A top ethics watchdog said Wednesday it is suing the Justice Department for all communications concerning the DOJ's decision to share with the press text messages exchanged between two FBI employees, Peter …

read my mind: Pearl Harbour was No Surprise!, as the following must-watch BBC documentary – with interviews with many of the main players, including military officers and code-breakers – shows, the American and British knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor — down to the exact date of the attack — and allowed it to happen to justify America’s entry into World War II:

City of Frederick, Md. Election Update 8-10-2009 03, 2009 · City of Frederick, Md. Election Update 8-10-2009 George Wenschhof As the dog days of August are now upon us all, the candidates for mayor and alderman find themselves with only five weeks to campaign until the primary on September 15.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Plainfield scores near perfect on 2018 audit 25, 2019 · It has been a long struggle -- led by Mayor Adrian O. Mapp (who is himself a certified municipal finance professional) -- and a struggle that shows improvement every year. But it was not always thus. Under Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs for eight years, Plainfield's finances were in disarray much of that time --

Is Empathy a Bad Thing? ~ European-American blog 06, 2016 · by Madeleine Kando The title of Paul Bloom's new book 'Against Empathy:The Case for Rational Compassion' is misleading and if you are a cynic, you might think it is a PR ploy to get people to buy the author's book, which I did. Bloom is making a case against 'emotional empathy', which he says, is not a good tool to make the world a better place, because of empathy‘s 'spotlight’ effect.

Tickle The Wireidentity theft Archives - Tickle The Neavling Eric Toth, a former teacher placed on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List in 2012 for producing pornography, was sentenced Tuesday to 25 years in prison, Reuters reports.. Toth took videos and photographs of children while he was a camp counselor in Wisconsin and a teacher in Washington D.C.

Patrycja Stellanova | Facebook Stellanova is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Patrycja Stellanova and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.

Mario Diaz-Balart | The BRAD BLOG Diaz-Balart. After a glitchy start with a skeleton crew at KFPK in Los Angeles, today's BradCast was a reminder, for me at least, of why radio over our public airwaves is so essential, especially now. [Audio link to show is posted below.After a few news headlines on the latest from our horrifying global pandemic --- more state Governors, thankfully, issuing "stay-at-home" orders; more ...

Middle East | Law of Markets Children in the room, and that appears to include you, need to understand, a message to the Arabs, recognise Israel, face the Truth, and then maybe, just maybe, a real peace can begin. There can be no peace when one side teaches its children, and has as part of its constitution the death of a …

The Renewable Fuel Standard: “set up for fraud” – 02, 2016 · Commentary by Marita Noon. America’s rush to renewables has invited corruption and fraud. Researcher Christine Lakatos and I, together, have produced the single largest body of work on green-energy crony-corruption. Our years of collaboration have revealed that those with special access and influence have cashed in on the various green-energy programs and benefitted from the …

Freedom Writing: The Latest From Iowa 03, 2007 · And, according to a state law passed in 1977, the New Hampshire primary must be the first in the nation. Thus, it has been continually moved up in the calendar to retain its first-in-the-nation status. Originally held in March, New Hampshire primary voters went to the polls in February in the 1990s and in January in 2004.

Freedom Writing: Two For the Price of One 09, 2007 · David Ignatius writes, in today's Washington Post, about "Hillary's Ex Factor" -- the possible role of Mrs. Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, in her presidential administration. In stores, two for the price of one is seen as a good deal. Back in 1992, a lot of voters were put off by the thought of it on the presidential level.

Bill Richardson – monoblogue are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

HOW AMY KLOBUCHAR RESEMBLES MIKE DUKAKIS - No More … 11, 2019 · On the first night of this week's presidential debates, John Delaney said, Folks, we have a choice. We can go down the road that Senator Sanders and Senator Warren want to take us with bad policies like Medicare for All, free everything and impossible promises that’ll turn off independent voters and get Trump reelected.

Eschaton: 01/11/2015 - 01/18/2015 to have links open in new windows

Kung Fu Monkey: 11/9/08 - 11/16/08 - Monkey Kung Fu want to figure out a way for a writer in Arkansas and an artist in Cairo to tell stories for a living. In the Comments, your beefs with comics and your bright thoughts on non-traditional storytelling - including "Why there's no way this could work." Bonus points for bringing up hostage-ware and a …

The consolidation of responsibility – 13, 2015 · The house I lived in literally was the single piece of property that made that relatively large neighborhood area a county island.) But I would like to know how it became the federal government’s responsibility to take care of these first responders to begin with.

Out of the Darkness: Jessica's Operation concert was sold out, and I was the only one with a ticket but did not want to go alone, I sold my ticket and we decided to go out for Sushi. We were finally seated for dinner around 8:30, we had a drink while waiting for a table at the restaurant, and I had a drink with dinner.

Exercise for the Elite: 4 minutes a day will keep you in ... 18, 2008 · He wasn’t really on a very tight schedule, and didn’t have to cram his exercise into a 4 minute time slot to sustain himself. In 1974 Peter was the first to attempt the whole 4, 400 miles and is still remembered for it and has a trail named for him. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that some of these new fangled inventions

The Idiocracy Factor: How U.S. Ignorance Helped Doom the 30, 2010 · People like Ahmed Rashid, the Pakistani journalist who wrote "Taliban," tried repeatedly to get the world to pay attention to a different take. Pakistan, not Afghanistan, was the real danger in the region. In Afghanistan, Karzai government was underfunded and …

Barack Obama issues a powerful statement on the death of ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours.

Wall Street Journal rips Trump for pulling troops from Germany has legitimate problems with Germany's NATO defense commitments and its support for a Russian gas pipeline, the board noted. But it describes the troop reduction decision as "erratic" and one that does little to support American foreign policy. "Expect the Kremlin to get similar signals from President Trump’s move," the board added.

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: February 2019 Moses was the greatest offensive rebounder since offensive rebounds were counted as a statistic in the NBA in 1973-74. NBA Seasons with over 330 Offensive Rebounds: Moses 14, Rodman 7, no one else more than 5. NBA Seasons with over 400 offensive rebounds Moses 6, Rodman 3, Drummond & Larry Smith 2. No one else with over 1.

The Immoral Minority: Jimmy Kimmel on Sarah Palin. 06, 2012 · "Sarah Palin's new autobiography doesn't come out until November, but it is already number one on Amazon. And if you go to the website, it says, 'People who bought this book also bought no other books in their entire life.'" - Jimmy Fallon "The book costs $24.99, but it has a $5,000 jacket." …

Ordinary Guy: The Belt are the only people in the world that you’re allowed to hit. They’re the most vulnerable and they are the most destroyed by hitting. But it’s totally OK to hit them. And they’re the only ones. If you hit a dog they’ll put you in jail for that s&%t. You can’t hit an adult unless you …

A Mechanical Australianhttps://amechanicalaustralian.blogspot.comHere are the average number of words in a Herald Sun article. Count them while I blog." Le Driver: "Sell all the stock, you bastard! Sell, sell, sell! I don't have time for this. I have a blog to maintain." Le Driver: "You're hilarious. Let's go out, get tanked, update our slightly …

Liquor | Brobrubel's Blog 09, 2018 · Here are the results: OK. That looks like New Hampshire is the winner, but it’s not. The winner is Washington, D.C. So this chart tells me that the District of Columbia gets so drunk, it thinks it’s a state. Meanwhile, let’s look at the biggest wine consumers in the world: All right, wild guess. That looks like France leads the way.

28 | April | 2012 | Mark Solock Blog 28, 2012 · 25 posts published by marksolock on April 28, 2012

04 | February | 2015 | Mark Solock Blog 04, 2015 · OK, Google: Pixel Buds 2 are the real deal - CNET August 2, 2020 Peacock review: A ton of free, ad-supported NBC content, but it doesn't work on every device - CNET August 1, 2020 2020 Volvo S60 Polestar Engineered review: Little tweaks yield big improvements - Roadshow July 31, 2020

Iraq graph | Search Results | The Least, First 23, 2010 · It’s a lot, in total, because there are a lot of us. But it’s far behind the level of sacrifice made by people in most developed nations. Further, according to the Borgen Project: Less than half of aid from the United States goes to the poorest countries

NASDAQ | The Pardu's Scroll beat expectations for a 0.95% MoM rise and a 13.45% YoY (Year over Year) rise. This was the biggest gain since February 2006. Meanwhile, September home prices were modestly revised down to show a 0.98% MoM rise, and a 13.25% YoY rise.

Found Two More! | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... I noticed a woman jump out of a car at Pine and 11th, carry a Gregoire sign to the small patch of grass by the traffic light, briefly stick it in the ground, think about it for a second, remove the sign, walk back to her car, and head off down 11th in the direction of Howell.

The McCain and the Manipulator | Slog | The Stranger ... Greenberg is the LA-based photographer who made news in 2006 for her series End Times, large portraits of violently bawling children—she’d given them candy, and then abruptly taken it away—meant to represent her response to the Bush administration.. Anyone who knows Greenberg’s work knows she likes to cause a stir.

State Roundup, August 18, 2014 - MarylandReporter.com 18, 2014 · Cynthia Prairie. Contributing Editor Cynthia Prairie has been a newspaper editor since 1979, when she began working at The Raleigh Times. Since then, she has worked for The Baltimore News American, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Prince George’s Journal and Baltimore County newspapers in the Patuxent Publishing chain, including overseeing The Jeffersonian when it was a …

Hundreds of Chicago fast food and retail workers stage one ... 26, 2013 · Hundreds of Chicago fast food and retail workers walked out for a one-day strike Wednesday, following similar one-day strikes among New York City fast food workers earlier in April and inNovember.As in New York, the Chicago workers are calling for a wage of $15 an hour rather than the near-minimum wages most of them make, and the right to join together in unions.

An Ontarian in Newfoundland: I miss my cat in NF I'm an English professor. I completed my PhD at Western in September 2004, and was hired at Memorial University of Newfoundland. This blog started out as my way of keeping in touch with people -- giving friends and family the option of checking up on me at their leisure without the annoyance of frequent lengthy mass emails.

faith in honest doubt: Hood to Coast 2009: Why I Am Loath ... it probably actually refers to is adding some sort of random element to a team's predicted time. That's why fudging times doesn't guarantee the start time you want. The HTC is one of Oregon's greatest regular freakshows -- which is why I'm participating yet again -- but a freakshow where most of the freaks are the control kind. I'm afraid ...

OpenlineBlog: Election 2007 | West Aurora School District ... 02, 2007 · Sonni Herget has done well for the Board as well as Al Rhea who is a former 129 teacher and former head of the teacher's union... he adds a good balance for the board. Jim Toynton is self employed and a former school principal of Hall Elementary School... also a good pick. We need people who have a knowledge of the system. We also need others too.

To My New York Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck of them is that it is fully adoptive parent driven: the parents are the paying clients and there is no independent representation in any form for the first parents or the child, here or abroad. Another problem is the savior ideology that permeates the industry: so many kids are saved from their horrible situations that ‘we’ can live ...

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Big Bad Bald Bastard: Jump, now Jump Again! 06, 2019 · Big Bad Bald Bastard The Big Bad Bald Bastard is a character played by Monsieur _____ of the City of Y_____. The role of the Bastard is a handy one to play on subways, walking the streets, and in dive-bars, when being a nerdy, bookish sort is not to one's advantage.

President Trump | Nolan Dalla was an embarrassing performance and the first hint that Dershowitz wasn’t nearly as smart or gifted as we thought. 2. Following the 2000 presidential election debacle (the Florida results went to the Supreme Court), Dershowitz wrote a book titled How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000 .

CAF | Zambian Chronicle a media briefing at Lusaka’s Taj Pamodzi Hotel yesterday, Kalusha who is Fifa’s stadiums’ safety sub-committee vice-chairman and a member of the technical committee, said time had come for him to make FAZ a financially-viable association.Kalusha reflected with regret his four years as FAZ vice-president, saying people’s views were suppressed while some people had become more ...

Who's a Laughingstock? And Why Aren't You Laughing? | The 08, 2017 · About author William M. Boardman has over 40 years experience in theatre, radio, TV, print journalism, and non-fiction, including 20 years in the Vermont judiciary. He has received honors from Writers Guild of America, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Vermont Life magazine, and an Emmy Award nomination from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

The Citizens: Speaking of Google 08, 2010 · For a pretty well balanced look at this debate see The Federal Salary War . It is pretty much a lot of smoke and mirrors. It is pretty much a lot of smoke and mirrors. My favorite part of these articles is when the Cato Institute says, "BLS data shows that a federal employee is more than 8 times less likely to quit than a private sector employee.

Doogie Howser | Wide World of Stuff it’s wonderful for people like the great Jon Stewart, who really was shooting fish in a barrel this week, as he commented on the “Iowa Freedom Summit,” which is a ridiculous name for a gathering of a bunch of Presidential hopefuls put together by …

What Would Ryan Lochte Do | Wide World of Stuff I’ve written here several times before, I’m sort of a Ryan Lochte savant; I covered his every move for the Daytona Beach News-Journal from 2007-2011; Ryan’s from Daytona and I was the Lochte “beat writer,” which I meant I spent an inordinate amount of time talking to him, his family, his coaches, and studying swimming websites to ...

6th Best NBA Player of All-Time -- Earvin "Magic" Johnson 06, 2015 · Now, some like to say that Magic was the greatest player of all-time, even greater than Jordan. He has 3 MVPs. 9X first-team all-NBA, 3X Finals MVP. His career "MVP shares" ( a measure of how many MVP votes you get, even if you don't win) is 5th all-time, behind Jordan, Kareem, LeBron and Bird.

Un Vasco en Nashville: 1988 GOP Presidential Primary Quayle came from one of George Bush’s first supporters in the country, somebody who got on Bush’s bandwagon very early when he began running against Ronald Reagan in 1980. That particular individual was Governor Bob Orr of Indiana. It was Bob Orr’s idea that Quayle would make a splendid Vice President. He was young. He was articulate.

News Cycle: Paul Newman Dead at 83 Phillips of the Chicago Tribune wrote in his appreciation this morning:You think of Paul Newman, and you smile. You think of his smile and you smile even wider. It was the last great movie star grin. It seems that way today, anyway, in the wake of Newman's death. He was a rogue you could trust.

NoFo: Putting the gay in engagement 16, 2007 · After a suitably awkward wait, we headed back downstairs, where the boyfriend sweetly apologized over the fact that my little romantic rooftop evening idea had been ruined. Which actually was the best possible thing he could have said to set the scene for a proper proposal. And then I suddenly realized: Holy shit! I’m REALLY going to do this.

No Right Turn: Blame the woman 05, 2008 · So, who's to blame for forcing National to unexpectedly reveal its KiwiSaver policy sooner than it planned to? Commentators are quite clear: it was the woman's fault.Here's John Armstrong: Wilkinson, who was marked out early for promotion from the current crop of first-term National MPs, has blotted her copybook.

Adam Smith's Lost Legacy: Adam Smith on What Kept Industry ... 24, 2008 · Likewise, a man with a watch that happens to run two minutes slow, so he ‘sells it for a couple guineas’ and ‘purchases another at fifty, which will not lose above a minute in a fortnight’. What interests the man with a watch is not its timekeeping per se (remember, time the 18th century was less of a burning issue than it has become ...

[E.O.M.S.]: Suze Rotolo RIP 11, 2011 · Suze Rotolo, Bob Dylan's girlfriend in the early-Sixties, who walked arm-in-arm with the songwriter on the iconic cover of The Freehweelin' Bob Dylan, died February 24th after a long illness.She was 67. Rotolo was the muse behind many of Dylan's early love songs, including "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right," "Boots of Spanish Leather" and "Tomorrow Is a Long Time."

Dawg's Blawg: Farewell, Marion 09, 2008 · Father Eddy said, with a twinkle in his eye, "Marion was a person who knew...left from wrong," and, speaking of the need for community involvement and service, paused for a moment, and looking at one of her sons, the current NDP candidate for Ottawa-Centre, said, "Run, Paul, run." He managed to work in a Latin lesson and a friendly comment or ...

Campus Crusade for Christ; Bill Bright – Mighty Things ... 27, 2017 · "And so [Jesus] did only a few great miracles there, because of their unbelief." (Matthew 13:58). It was my first visit to Nazareth, and through a series of fortuitous circumstances, I found myself enjoying lunch with one of the city's prominent leaders. As we talked together in the crowded dining room our conversation turned to…

bolo boffin: 11/07/2004 - 11/14/2004 11, 2004 · They'll cover the Fallujah of the moment for a while, but dart back to the latest trial of the century. That's the way a capitalistic press works. The only way you'll get good coverage of Fallujah is if some reporter finds a way to get a career-making Watergate-style story out of it. Otherwise, it's on the back burner.

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 29, 2007 · rude comments, and everyone would sit down and call for a movie. Of course, that is, if they had stood for the National Anthem in the first place. Here, the 1,000 Soldiers continued to stand at attention, eyes fixed forward. The music started again.. The Soldiers continued to quietly stand at attention. And again, at the same point, the music ...

2013 | Abagond | Page 32 FBI spies on Muslim Americans in Detroit looking for a terrorist plot. People of colour driving on I-95 in Maryland in the 1990s were four times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police – even though whites were more likely to be found with drugs or contraband. See below for posts on nine more cases. Racial profiling:

archives | The Smirking 28, 2018 · The Los Angeles Unified School District faces big problems. Magnet schools and second language programs have failed to slow declining enrollment; each of the 12,000 kids who pulls out this year means less state funding.The sprawling bureaucracy seems unable or unwilling to respond to chronic bullying centered in the elementary schools. L.A. United is in the peculiar …

Lost in the Ozone...: NY Times Blog - Mayor Announces Plan ..., 6:37 p.m. | Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced this afternoon what he called the biggest program of merit pay for teachers in the nation. Under the program, 200 schools — about 15 percent of all schools in the system — will be eligible this academic year for $20 million in privately financed bonuses if student performance improves by a certain amount.

Clancy Sigal Has... 'Gone Away' (1926-2017) | The Smirking Clancy Sigal died last night (Monday) at 91. At any given time, I have 10 to 12 used paperback copies of his autobiographical novel “Going Away” on my bookshelf at home. Whenever I go to a used bookstore, the first thing I do is …

One kickass weekend - Curmudgeon Alley introduced my girlfriend to one of my all time favorite artists, Jimmy LaFave, so we have been listening to him quite a bit of late. I own every CD he has put out so we had a good selection of tunes. She wanted to see him live and the closest he was going to get was The Blue Door in Oklahoma City on October 24th. I bought some tickets online.

THE GREAT RIFT VALLEY: In The Footsteps Of Cezanne 11, 2009 · One's favorite paintings are purely subjective. Since I first discovered but a poster of it, Paul Cézanne's Le Lac d'Annecy has been among the handful of mine. The real thing resides in London's Courtauld Gallery, but I first saw it when the Courtauld Institute was being remodeled, and the collection was shipped exclusively to Toronto.The future Mrs. T and I were headed to a …

American Power: What Did Obama Know About Wright's Past ... 07, 2008 · In his Friday night cable mea culpas on the incendiary comments made by his spiritual adviser Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., repeatedly said, "I wasn't in church during the time that these statement were made. I did not hear such incendiary language myself, personally.

Ironicus Maximus: Friday Hound Blogging of the largest greyhound kennel operators in the state used the signature of a dead Miami veterinarian to forge the vaccination records of dogs racing in South Florida, St. Petersburg and Jacksonville, according to a complaint filed last week by state regulators. ... during unannounced inspections, state investigators found syringes in his ...

R. Michael Stillwagon: President Johnson in Ann Arbor, May ... the month of May, Goodwin, consulting with Moyers, would write the Great Society Speech. The deadline was May 22, 1964, when President Johnson was to address the graduating class at the University of Michigan, the same campus where John F. Kennedy had proposed the peace corps in 1960.

at the end of the boom: June 2007 28, 2007 · The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.” He sentenced us to a year in prison, but offered to suspend the sentence if we left our home in Virginia for 25 years exile. We left, and got a lawyer. Richard and I had to fight, but still were not fighting for a cause. We were fighting for our love.

The Wattree Chronicle: Closing the Books on Tavis Smiley ... 08, 2013 · Closing the Books on Tavis Smiley and Cornel West. ... Cornel West is one of the primary reasons the country is in the fix that it’s in. The Black community was doing pretty well under Clinton. ... The Department of Justice said that it was the second biggest housing discrimination case on record:. "On July 12, 2012 Charlie Savage reported in ...

What Now?! – 10/13/19 – Blue Delaware 13, 2019 · “The Justice Department asked a federal appeals court on Friday to stop the release of President Trump’s tax returns to the Manhattan district attorney’s office, arguing that local prosecutors should have to meet a very high legal bar before investigating a sitting president,” the New York Times reports. “The filing meant Mr. Trump’s own Justice …

The Howdygram 2: “Klatu birata nikto, dude!” 01, 2020 · Incidentally, “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott was one of my favorite books as a child, and I’d been reading it cover-to-cover at least once a year by the time I finished junior high school. I knew all the characters well, and the only screen version that did the book justice — in my view, anyway — was the one from 1949.

Study: Bullying Affects Nation’s Creeps, Pansies, NC ) —With the current brouhaha enveloping the NFL over alleged “bullying” by Miami Dolphins offensive lineman Richie Incognito against teammate Jonathan Martin, the national obsession with...

Blago Bloggo's PDB Watch: Rectum? It destroyed him! 19, 2009 · Blago Bloggo, October 1, 2009 at 12:29:00 AM EDT . Yeah I heard a lot of al Qaeda terrorists were totally into the super-promiscuous gay lifestyle. I'm sure they're well acquainted with Lex Steele style tallywhackers and find the bunghole a comfortable place to carry their hard drugs and explosives.

Double Whammy: Investors Business Daily Pimp-Slaps Rex ... 24, 2012 · You wouldn't think that, after adding $5 trillion to the U.S.' debt, President Obama would seriously claim he's a fiscal hawk. But thanks to a misleading article on CBS' MarketWatch site, that's just what he's doing. 'Since I've been president, federal spending has risen at the lowest pace in nearly 60 years," Obama said on Wednesday.

Balkinization: Richard Glossip January 6, 1997, Barry Van Treese, the owner of the Best Budget Inn in Oklahoma City was brutally beaten to death with a baseball bat. Justin Sneed, a handyman at the inn, confessed to the murder. In return for a life sentence, he agreed to testify that Glossip, then managing the Best Budget Inn, had agreed to pay him $10,000 to murder Van ...

No Right Turn: Hate week 10, 2007 · Apparently, it's Islamo-Fascism Week, an event organised by the NeoCon dead-enders to "rally American students to defend their country" and educate them about the evils of Islam.Orwell's 1984 had a similar event, the two minute hate: In its second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy. People were leaping up and down in their places and shouting at the tops of their …

OpEd News: Who Leaked the Panama Papers? | isely 06, 2016 · The following is an excellent article written by Mark Maguire on the OpEd News Website on April 5, 2016 titled "Who Leaked the Panama Papers?" and I quote: "The Panama Papers leak is the largest leak of information the world has seen, its 11.5 million documents dwarfing the Wikileaks release by a considerable margin. We…

Little Lambs Eat Ivy: In which Din Din contemplates a tattoo. 26, 2007 · This is one of the adinkra symbols of Ghana, often sewn into cloth. This is the Aya or f ern. It symbolizes independence, resourcefulness, defiances, and an ability to overcome hardships. This is another of the adinkra: the Kojo Baiden or rays and symbolizes the cosmos and omnipresence. Adinkra: Osrane ne nsoroma or Ram's horns. Wisdom ...

Watergate Summer: Top Four Posts are regarding the NEW ... 17, 2009 · My first thought was if there was some kind of deal that had been made with insurance companies. This scares me. I had chronic diarrhea in my 30s and had a colonoscopy. They found a pre-cancerous polyp and removed it. I have a half-sister who just died of colon cancer who is …

About the Octomom...yeah, How I really feel about Litters.... am boggled by her, sickened....oh , hell, moms are not meant to pump out Litters of kids, some animals are meant to have litters, I don't think we are....and In Vitro is not usually used purposefully to have litters, especially if the said mom already has SIX kids under the age of seven ( 3 of whom are on disability and need alot more care), and No Dad to help with all of …

January | 2000 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao ... leave for Salt Lake City again. Unfortunately, I try driving through Death Valley at about 100 miles per hour, and my transmission goes up the spout. I am left stranded in the middle of the desert. $400 and a 2-hour tow later, I am in Las Vegas and catching a flight back to Salt Lake City for class, which starts the next day.

Julian Richard | Facebook Richard is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Julian Richard and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes...

Quote of the Day - blog.cyrstistransgendercondo.com 14, 2013 · Who is Pammy Rose? She is a transgender finalist in the Sunderland Echo "Face of 2013" competition." Now Pammy Rose wants to tell her story of transformation, courage and determination in a bid to inspire other young people to just be themselves. Cara Houchen reports.

The Midnight Review: Nobody Loves 01, 2009 · It seems The Wall Street Journal has nothing better to write about these days. An article by Peggy Noonan, titled "He Can't Take Another Bow", insists that nobody really loves Obama. She claims that Obama has lost the support of those who elected him into power. Her article's name is a reference to his recent bowing to the Emperor of Japan, and she claims that …

“This month in California, Nichole... - Progressive ... mandate, issued May 23, was softened to a recommendation a week later. Andrew Noymer, a professor of public health at the University of California at Irvine who is part of a county task force, said it was not the first time Quick had been undermined. On March 17, Quick issued a strict lockdown order; a day later it was amended to add ...

Equal rights | KnoxViews 07, 2020 · I want to thank my Mother, my Sister, my Mother-in-law, my Sister-in-law and so many other women who led the way for women's rights during the mid-late 20th century. Women may have been granted the right to vote in 1920, but it …

Student & Harmony Lessons | Arun with a View 30, 2014 · This may seem out-of-the-ordinary but I've seen two films from Kazakhstan in the past week. Kazakh cinema is not uninteresting, having produced some noteworthy pics over the years, e.g. Schizo (2004)—which, entre autres, offered a searing portrait of a country and society ravaged by seven decades of Soviet communism—, Tulpan (2008)—I loved this movie, which…

Balkinization: Same-Day Service: Editorializing on ... Stanford Law Review Note by Rachel C. Lee--Ex Parte Blogging: The Legal Ethics of Supreme Court Advocacy in the Internet Era, 61 Stanford L. Rev. 1535 (2008)--perceptively examines the ethical dimension of blogging targeted at the Supreme Court ("shadow-briefing").Although the blogosphere is certainly more in vogue than hard-copy newspapers, Ms. Lee rightly notes the …

Free-Spirited Ruminations: Don't Fear Diversity - Embrace It!'t Fear Diversity - Embrace It! In her last commencement speech at City College on June 3, 2016 - and her last as First Lady - Michelle Obama talked about the power of diversity. Without mentioning him by name, she did allude to a certain person running for president who is not open to diversity - but her message was more powerful and ...

The Rude Pundit 09, 2010 · Koran Burning, the First Amendment, and the Right to Be a Fucktard: The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution allows one, nay, encourages one to be a total fucking douchebag asshole in support of whatever fucktarded cause one and one's yahoo posse want to hoot and holler over.

WASP Blog: How Should We Treat Terror Suspects? 30, 2009 · But, it does not seem that the type of person detained after trying to blow himself up on Christmas falls into either category provided by the Conventions. The Commentary attempts to close the gap created by the Conventions, but it does so in a rather obtuse, overbroad fashion — labeling all detainees as either/or.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Nov 16, 2011 Columbia, South Carolina, United States Alvin McEwen is 48-year-old African-American gay man who resides in Columbia, SC. McEwen's blog, Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, and writings have been mentioned by,, People for the American Way, Raw Story, The Advocate, Media Matters for America,,, Andrew Sullivan's ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: So raise the scarlet standard high 04, 2015 · Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is teddibly concerned for the unfortunate British Labour Party, which has just elected "hard-left" Jeremy Corbyn to the party leadership: I can’t help noticing that, for most of my childhood and early adult life, a succession of Labour Party leaders reformed the constitution of the Labour Party. Neil Kinnock did, John Smith did, Tony Blair did, to ...

The Florida Masochist: Bye there Georgy Girl 03, 2010 · "Vanessa was the one expected to be the great actress," Lynn Redgrave told The Associated Press in 1999. "It was always, 'Corin's the brain, Vanessa the shining star, oh, and then there's Lynn.'" In theater, the ruby-haired Redgrave often displayed a sunny, sweet and open personality, much like her ebullient offstage personality.

The Florida Masochist: May 2010 03, 2010 · "Vanessa was the one expected to be the great actress," Lynn Redgrave told The Associated Press in 1999. "It was always, 'Corin's the brain, Vanessa the shining star, oh, and then there's Lynn.'" In theater, the ruby-haired Redgrave often displayed a sunny, sweet and open personality, much like her ebullient offstage personality.

The Union News.: Alinsky citing reveals SEIU-Obama ideology 07, 2010 · Alinsky citing reveals SEIU-Obama ideology ... This is the strategy employed by the disciples of Alinsky. Alinsky said, "Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, nonchallenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. ... But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable ...

LIVERPUTTY: The Dull Vinci Code had a hard time generating the wherewithal to post a comment or two about the Dull Vinci Code.What follows is not an academic argument, per se, or even a plebeian review, but the mind-thoughts of a bored audience member who is 15% glad he saw the picture, but 85% regretful of time lost that would have been better spent collecting stamps.

The Suburban Radical: July 2009 25, 2009 · This was the philosophy of the most famous free market economist ever, Milton Friedman. The scariest thing about that the shock treatments that the "disaster capitalists" use directly mimic the use of shock therapy, and later torture, to "remake" people.

The Rectification of Names: Emperor Trump, continued 30, 2016 · Emperor Trump, continued Image via Alabama Today , from a story on the nomination of Tom Price (R-GA) as secretary of destroying the Affordable Care Act. I have no idea why they ran this particular shot, unless Kellyanne wrote a song about it.

Rejection of Multiculturalism? - Blogger 07, 2005 · But it's still punishment. The debates about whether rape is sex or violence or both seldom address the possibility that there might be a touch of punitiveness about rape, a desire to remind the victim of the limits that she or he has crossed by going out/dressing a certain way/being in a …

Geithner | The Rogue Jew Geithner won confirmation as U.S. Treasury secretary on Monday as the U.S. Senate set aside misgivings about his past income tax problems in light of his experience battling the financial crisis. Geithner, 47, was expected to be sworn in quickly to help lead President Barack Obama’s efforts to stabilize a worsening economy.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Hold the Phone! 04, 2007 · Amy, As the person who cut the ... pm from the number (619)325-1741. It was 38 seconds long. Since I actually answered the call, I don't have a recording, but it was from a local, male elected official from Fulton.(Maybe County Commissioner or City Council?)Must be the same company that did the robocalls for Lonzie Edwards who is running for ...

Al Franken « Mercury Rising ?? was the only line of argument that I saw potentially helping Coleman, but it did not appear to be enough to overcome the Justice’s skepticism. Hasen later cites a whole bunch of other folks who think that Franken’s going to win going away. The irony is of course that Team Coleman wants to …

atomic power review: 69th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers APR is proud to host, for the third time, the rotating Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers . This carnival is aptly named, travelling as it does from place to place and featuring the best that the pro-nuclear blog world has to offer.

OpenlineBlog: Planned Parenthood Controversy Returns to ... 10, 2009 · Planned Parenthood Controversy Returns to Ground Zero Aurora and City Hall Next Tuesday Perhaps the most controversial topic of this century for Aurora has been Planned Parenthood's facility on the far east side on New York Street, which was built to be the nation's largest abortion clinic.

Kevin Powell: A week until Christmas... 18, 2013 · (John 18:4), since many had died for the sake of the one. And some ask why didn't or couldn't stop the slaughter of those children. But this story is clearly an echo of the night in Egypt when the Angel of Death killed the first born sons of those who didn't have lamb's blood over their doorposts. But I'm not fully sure what that connection means.

No More Mister Nice Blog 12, 2004 · "Was the situation in Iraq worth going to war over... The New York Times article about today's opening o... I wondered why, a few months ago, we were suddenly... Google News hits for "jackson apologizes": 68. ... I think a lot of us assume that we're going to hav... Parodying Massachusetts is a way to keep old rese...

Issues with Family Transfers of Real Estate - Searchlight are the assets and documentation I would be willing to show, and the lenders exposure to the property. 1. We would have approx. a 36% LTV at the end of the transaction. 300k+ equity 2. Assets in a 401K of $200,000 + 3. Approx. $30,000 in savings accounts 4. Approx. $40,000 in negotiable stocks 5. I will of course provide credit reports. 6.

Ask the Radical: Blogging and The Untenured Academic 06, 2009 · This is why I made a some critical errors (see 1a, 1b,and 1c above) that required varying levels of apology to others. I probably would have done d) and e) as well, except that I write about eight hours a day when left to my own devices, I no longer participate in memes, and I have no cats.

Freedom Writing: The Day Mondale Made History 12, 2014 · That may have been — at least in part — an outcome of Ferraro's groundbreaking candidacy. The '80s was a decade of great strides for women. In addition to Ferraro's nomination, Sandra Day O'Connor was the first woman nominated to be a Supreme Court justice, and Sally Ride was America's first woman astronaut.

III Percent: Freddie Gray 14, 2015 · This is, in its purest form, small groups of pissed-off 19 year old American paratroopers. They are well trained. They are armed to the teeth and lack serious adult supervision. They collectively remember the Commander's intent as "March to the sound of the guns and kill anyone who is not dressed like you" - or something like that.

The North Coast: Magic Jack Update:Radio Shack Stands ... 27, 2009 · Magic Jack Update:Radio Shack Stands Behind its Merchandise I'm pleased to report that I was able to return my Magic Jack and obtain a refund in the form of an in-store credit from our neighborhood Radio Shack outlet, at Granada Center, 6445 N. Sheridan Road in Rogers Park.

David Drake: Obama Invents Vote That Wasn't There Invents Vote That Wasn't There. Well, special. The Obamalith claimed he voted for a bill that ... but it also offers an example of the kind of brazen padding of the resume that Obama will inevitably need to engage in, and which will carry serious risks for him. ... Public Law 110-181 was the 2008 defense authorization bill. It ...

PrunePicker: Tulip Town. Short video of my visit in 2017. 09, 2017 · Captain Thomas Munson was the first Munson to move to America. He was baptized in Rattlesden, England in 1612. The baptismal font is still in use. He served in the militia in the Pequot Indian Wars in 1637. He served in the militia all his life and reached the status of Captain. His signature is on the founding document for New Haven, Connecticut.

PrunePicker: Friends at the game. 02, 2017 · Captain Thomas Munson was the first Munson to move to America. He was baptized in Rattlesden, England in 1612. The baptismal font is still in use. He served in the militia in the Pequot Indian Wars in 1637. He served in the militia all his life and reached the status of Captain. His signature is on the founding document for New Haven, Connecticut.

The Debate Link: 05/13/2012 - 05/20/2012 asked by The Barna Group what words or phrases best describe Christianity, the top response among Americans ages 16-29 was “antihomosexual.” For a staggering 91 percent of non-Christians, this was the first word that came to their mind when asked about the Christian faith. The same was true for 80 percent of young churchgoers.

16 | March | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 16, 2013 · In certain rooms of awareness I find there is no question: I am not. Yet, as G.K. Chesterton wrote in his autobiography, I have only ever found one religion that “dared to go down with me into the depth of myself.”(3) This is precisely the invitation of Christianity.

08 | January | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 08, 2013 · For the majority of ancient people, bread was the centerpiece of most meals. The classic texts of antiquity, including the pages of the Old Testament, detail its prevalence and use. Enjoyed alongside sumptuous feasts or the sole item for a meal, the baking and eating of bread has been a food tradition regardless of economic class or status.

Lost in the Ozone...: Next Question: Can Students Be Paid ... is a prime example of the ridiculous things that Bloom/Klein are doing to our children and schools - it's another reason we need real educators running things at Tweed...and not corporate lawyers or this crackpot Professor Roland Fryer...I believe children should taught to learn for the love of learning new things and not for these financial rewards...

Motown Strong: Ernie And Paul Gave Us Plenty Of Memories game, and a World Series berth, were on the line. His New York Giants were one out away from losing to their much-hated rivals from across the river, the Brooklyn Dodgers. Facing Thomson on the Polo Grounds mound was Ralph Branca, wearing No. 13. And in the booth, on the first live, coast-to-coast television sports broadcast ever, was a ...

New Possibilities: September 2013 07, 2013 · If it was, the President would have intervened in Syria, Darfur, Congo and elsewhere a long time ago. As noted in the Nation, this war is really about Israel and Iran, not about civilian deaths. Additionally, as fully explained in the Guardian, it is also about the "control of the region's vast oil and gas resources." By intervening in Syria ...

Big Education Ape schools, Education, edubloggers, privatization, daily posts from people who know

A Little Reality: March 2014 31, 2014 · 1916 - Ty Cobb, 29, is the first player to be paid $20,000 in a season. He led the league in runs and stolen bases that year. 1930 - Babe Ruth, 35, saw his salary peak at $80,000. That amount would not be reached again until 1949. 1949 - Joe DiMaggio, 34, was the first person paid $100,000 in a season. He only played half the Yankee's games ...

2009-06-01 01, 2009 · effective .) As Feministe points out [8], this is the first direct shooting of an abortion provider in more than a decade (after a fearful spate of them through most of the 1990s), though the anniversary of Roe v. Wade last January saw one man smashing his SUV into a St. Paul clinic full of patients and employees [9].

29 | December | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 29, 2014 · In His own time, in His own way, I know He’ll give me what is best. —Hewitt. Time spent waiting on God is never wasted. Bible in a year: Zechariah 9-12; Revelation 20. Insight. Martha, often maligned for her attitude in Luke 10:38-42, displays great faith in today’s passage.

September 2018 – Jordan Raddick 28, 2018 · 6 posts published by Jordan Raddick during September 2018. This is the part of The Show where I put in a plug for my intellectual hero, Nate Silver, and his project came to prominence in the early 2000s as a baseball analyst, at the forefront of knowledge in sabermetrics, the quantitative analysis of baseball.He created a series of statistical models to evaluate ...

campaign ad | hopperbach Law 110-181 was the 2008 defense authorization bill. It passed the Senate by 91 to 3 in January, with six Senators not voting. Among those six absentees was Barack Obama. So he cites a bill he didn’t even vote for. Here’s the actual quote from the ad itself:

Chris King's First Amendment Page: Kelly Ayotte lawyers at ... Ayotte lawyers at McLane, Graf try to strike proof of racial ethics problems in State v. Glenn, #2008 – 912 and KingCast v. Kelly Ayotte, NH GOP and Nashua PD NH Dist. 2010-CV-501..

No More Mister Nice Blog: HILLARY NEEDS A FOIL 02, 2015 · I still haven't watched Hillary Clinton's CNN interview, but it got awful reviews, even from some of her admirers. Poynter's Benjamin Mullin collects some review quotes: "She may be the frontrunner in the presidential race, but Clinton still comes across as guarded, quibbling, and poker-faced under the TV lights."The Daily Beast

CA-Sen: Did Meg Whitman Entice Tom Campbell to Switch to ... 10, 2010 · “This is not an attempt to be hardball and to be aggressive, but an attempt to effectively manipulate the election process, the integrity of the election process, by issuing these threats behind the scenes to get me not to run,” he said. ... (That was the event at which Schwarzenegger chastised his longtime friend Buffett for musing ...

20 | November | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 20, 2017 · Read: John 14:15–27. Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 14–15; James 2. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.—John 14:27. We have an ancient cherry tree in our backyard that had seen better days and looked like it was dying, so I called in an arborist.

Kevin Powell: Sermon: Advent 4 - Year A 17, 2004 · But it is the Josephs who keep the machinery of the salvation story well oiled. Folks like Joseph don’t know the difference between doing God’s will and just plain old doing what needs to be done. Internet sage Real Live Preacher says, “Turns out Christianity is an Eastern religion. The earliest Christians were Hebrews. Semites. People of ...

SHOULD GOV BREWER’S FIRST NAME BE “ZENOBIA:” DOES THE ... 02, 2010 · SHOULD GOV BREWER’S FIRST NAME BE “ZENOBIA:” DOES THE ARIZONA LAW SIGNAL A COMING COLLAPSE OF FEDERAL LEGITIMACY? DIARY / johnminehan // Posted at 5:02 pm on May 2, 2010 by johnminehan // Posted at 5:02 pm on May 2, 2010 by

THERE'S A THIN LINE BETWEEN GRIFTER AND MESSIAH 05, 2015 · But it is a fallacy to imagine that a kook cannot also be a scammer. There is a long tradition of cult leaders, televangelists, and other snake-oil salesmen who were both.But it's also a fallacy to imagine that a kook and a scammer can't also have a messiah complex.

This Is What Killing Democracy Looks Like: Ryan Wherley on ... This is What Killing Democracy Looks Like: A Call to Action at the Capitol on Tuesday by Ryan Wherley Wisconsin Assembly Bill 225 (AB225) is quite possibly the most reprehensible bill that has been brought before the legislature since the thugs in Fitzwalkerstan took over Wisconsin in January 2011.

Fitna | Monkey in the Middle to Monkey in the Middle. Monkey in the Middle is a children’s game played with 3 children and a ball. The rules are simple. 2 children throw the ball to …

SHADOW'S WORLD: 06/13/13 NOONAN: The era of metadata. It's not the data. It never is. It's the people who can access the data, and over at least the last 4-1/2 years, the Obama administration has proven itself to be corrupt, venal, vindictive, ruthless and petty.

Framing Romney: Flip Flopper or Gutless Wonder | Humanist Cafe 04, 2015 · The president and his team must portray Romney as the gutless wonder he is. Willard is the sissy who won’t stand for his principles under fire, never mind shoot straight. He bunny hops from foxhole to foxhole on the way to the rear of the line at the first sign of trouble. If there is anything an American responds to it’s the war metaphor.

Thought Theater: McCainometrics: Yes He Can...If You're On February 21, 2008 at 11:42 PM, Daniel wrote — . As promised, here are the answers: In 2009, John McCain will be 72 years old. His future (love) interest and wife would be a mere 13 years old since the age differential has to double.

Big Brother | NeoCon BS -- We've Had Enough victory for David over Goliath as Antigua wins it’s appeal to the WTO against the US… From the International Herald Tribune: “The United States has failed to comply with a ruling that forbids it to unfairly restrict Internet gambling sites based overseas, the World Trade Organization said Friday, opening the door to possible commercial sanctions unless Washington changes its rules ...

The Citizens: It's the sex, stupid. 11, 2005 · Atrios wonders out loud why, with so much bad stuff in the world, the Catholic church seems obsessed with the issue of sex, especially gay sex. I don't know about our readers, but this one seems obvious to me. The church views homosexuality as a sort of tidal wave, taking the old morals and replacing them with the new ones.

In this picture I see three great Presidents, one mediocre ... 02, 2013 · I watched as much as I could of the dedication of the George W. Bush library today, but I had to stop because of medical reasons, in that every time somebody complimented him I banged my head on my desk until I almost passed out. Every one of the people in that picture up above, some of them who I greatly admire, kissed his ass and made nice until my gag reflex went into hyper-drive.

The Union News.: How to get rid of a union organizer 06, 2008 · Today, Vidales has filed grievances with the National Labor Relations Board and the U.S. Department of Labor, alleging union bosses violated state and federal anti-discrimination laws, a litany of provisions in his contract and the basic tenets of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. He wants $30,000 in back pay he says is rightfully his.

Going Galt | Will of The People 29, 2013 · Such was the case several months ago. I was behind some luxury SUV (I can’t remember if it was a Lexus or an Infinity; it was one of those and to be honest they have equally no reason to exist, but I digress), because he had cut me off while yakking on his phone (shocking, I know).

Volokh: Thoughts on Orin’s Thoughts on Existing Fourth ..."The criminal goes free, if he must, but it is the law that sets him free. Nothing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence." —Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643, 659 (1961).

TigerHawk, another tedious climate change post. Among many curious moments in Barack Obama's speech in Berlin on Thursday, this line takes Gorean liberties with the facts: As we speak, cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps in the Arctic, shrinking coastlines in the Atlantic, and bringing drought to farms from Kansas to Kenya.

2013 June « Mercury Rising ?? posts published by Phoenix Woman, Charles II, and MEC during June 2013

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Winning hearts ... 15, 2006 · In his best neocon-ese, the President recently attributed the September 11th attacks to "conditions where anger and resentment grew, radicalism thrived, and terrorists found willing recruits. We saw the consequences on September the 11th, 2001, when terrorists brought death and destruction to our country, killing nearly 3,000 innocent Americans."

Instapundit - PJ Media Charlie Sykes of the Bulwark correctly notes at that last link, “ This is *huge* in-kind contribution to the Trump campaign. A gift. A gift. Posted at 8:30 pm by Ed Driscoll

Mark Twain Archives - HariKari Twain was born on this day in 1835. In honor of this great American writer, I thought I should post a few quotes. On Lying a Nation into War:. Statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by ...

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: Have You is not an exhaustive list; it is complicated by the fact that being a member of the in-group is often contingent, relational, and circumstantial (see for example: white women are privileged by virtue of race but are disadvantaged because of their gender. However, white women are still advantaged relative to women of color).

Gagasan Nusantara Bersatu: Love and Care : The Key To ... 17, 2011 · LOVE AND CARE..... Each soul seeks tender care longing for protection and respect human rights shouldn’t be disregarded transgressors must face justice Compromise and understanding are pillars of good living good reasons and cooperation help endure a blessed life of togetherness

MAYBE JEB'S APPLE WATCH CAN OPERATE ON LUIS LANG'S EYES 07, 2015 · Which it obviously is. But it's more than that. Think about Luis Lang, who refused to obtain private insurance, then refused to obtain Obamacare, and is now going blind: Lang, a 49-year-old resident of Fort Mill, S.C., has bleeding in his eyes and a partially detached retina caused by diabetes. “He will lose his eyesight if he doesn’t get care.

The Difference Between Faith and Trust | Nolan Dalla 19, 2014 · The Difference Between Faith and Trust . ... This is because trust is a fundamental provision of daily life and living. ... If anything it is a freedom and a power stronger than anyone who is a devout believer can experience. You end up with lots of doubt, because you dont know that your actions are right, you seek to improve upon them, you ...

21 | February | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 21, 2013 · As the book opens, we are confronted with its most famous words, “Vanity, vanity, all is vanity and a striving after wind.” Or in another translation of Ecclesiastes 1:2: “‘Meaningless! Meaningless!’ says the Teacher, ‘Utterly Meaningless! Everything …

Rebbe On The Run - FailedMessiah.com this, together with other branches as well as the above, bring me to a place, as long as all the rumors against him are just a 'Shmuot', and proved to be clearly true by valid witnesses and faithful through demand an investigation by the rules of the Torah and Halacha, it is that I …

An Immodest Proposal: Zero Tolerance for Child 15, 2018 · But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." ( King James Version of Matthew's Gospel )

Balkinization: The Realism of the "Formalist" Age his 1916 Presidential Address to the ABA, Elihu Root, one of the nation’s leading lawyers and public officials (a Senator, Secretary of State, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize), observed that “The vast and continually increasing mass of reported decisions which afford authorities on almost every side of almost every question admonish ...

Iraqi Tribal Leaders Pledge March to Baghdad or Not ... 27, 2014 · Suleiman is a prominent figure in Anbar. He heads the Dulaim tribe, and his grandfather was once one of the most powerful sheikhs in Anbar. Suleiman hopes to restore his family’s standing. He is also aligned with Sheikh Hameed Farhan al-Hayes. Hayes is one of …

Big Education Ape: Feb 19, 2012, Ga. — As Rick Santorum has addressed huge, supportive crowds in recent days — with hundreds whooping at his jokes and cheering his blistering criticism of the Obama administration — he seems to be displaying a newfound swagger and letting loose with free-swinging remarks.

Endorsement watch: County time – Off the his current role, Cantu directs the day-to-day operation as deputy executive of one of the largest management districts in Harris County. For Duhon: Andrea Duhon is our choice for this position at the only county department of education remaining in our state.

The Common Bond Between Daniel Negreanu and Doyle Brunson ... 06, 2014 · That figure now stands at $30 million (coincidentally, the estimated lifetime winnings I once calculated for the late Stu Ungar which was documented in his biography “One of a Kind”). Negreanu’s winnings are certain to skyrocket even higher as he enters more high-profile events and continues to acquire future earnings.

11 | September | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 11, 2017 · “He is the Creator, who is blessed forever” (Romans 1:25). “He is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). “His years will never end” (Psalm 102:27 NIV). He is king, supreme ruler, absolute monarch, and overlord of all history. An arch of his eyebrow and a …

LoneStarBear: CIA destroys incriminating interrogation tapes Benen, Crooks and Liars: Given the last seven years, expectations are already low for the administration that’s never seen justice it didn’t want to obstruct.But intentionally destroying evidence of a possible crime, in the midst of ongoing legal inquiries, suggests the Bush gang’s contempt for the rule of law can’t get much worse.. The Central Intelligence Agency in 2005 ...

NOM hiding ties to anti-gay parenting study - Holy Bullies's Robert George While the National Organization for Marriage has been trumpeting a recent study which claims that gay households are...

at the end of the boom: July 2006 18, 2006 · The Atlantic was lovely! The first day I didn't go in because of my cold, but I stayed overnight and couldn't resist a dip on the second day. It only exacerbated my impending ear infection, and a few hours later I felt as if an elephant were stomping on …

Is Solar Really Cheaper Than Nuclear? on an anti-nuclear group’s report, the New York Times and its global edition, the International Herald Tribune, published a piece last week claiming that solar is now cheaper than nuclear. Rod Adams right off the bat saw through the bunkum and took the NYT as well as the anti-nuclear group’s report to town. After taking a closer look, we have more to add.

Blue Heron Blast: Mail call in the first place R, I think Yahoo is still my homepage too. Don't be too embarrassed, I'm not. I just never look at it. If you were still on AOL we could all rightfully laugh at you. But Yahoo doesn't cause many snickers. I have one of the earliest yahoo accounts on my email. The question of where I turn for news is a good one.

Kirk Bloodsworth at Cornell - The StandDown Texas Project honored to be able to call Kirk Bloodsworth a colleague and a friend. In the years since his exoneration, Kirk has worked aggressively on behalf of criminal justice reform at The Justice Project.The Ithaca (NY) Journal covered his recent appearance at Cornell, "Justice Project official speaks at Cornell."The first person to be freed from death row by DNA testing shared his story Tuesday at ...

JustOneMinute: We Help Obama With His Ass-Targeting Obama is having daily meetings on the gulf oil spill "so I know whose ass to kick".The NY Times provides a clue - maybe the First Emoter should start with British Petroleum, which seems to have lawyered up and may be sitting on the data which might reveal the actual rate at which oil is leaking:. The success of the containment device has cast new doubts on the official estimates of ...

The Rectification of Names: Sixteen Scandals (continued) 14, 2013 · "Assertive" means in the first place in making the claim that the Benghazi attack was actually a demonstration against a video. If you look at the ABC edition of the talking points ( see page 2, at 4:42 PM ) you will see there can be no doubt that whatever the CIA is trying to do here is self-serving, with the shadow of the king of self-service ...

Do anti-LGBTQ hate groups know our meaning of the word ... for a very simple reason. Every time they whine about being called a hate group and begin a campaign of personal attacks against SPLC, they may raise a little money and they may gain allies that they would have had in the first place. But it will only serve to interest people more about the issue.

Balkinization: Reforming the Supreme Court group of 33 legal academics, former state court judges and practitioners, headed by Duke University's Paul Carrington, has sent a letter to the Vice President, the Attorney General, and the chairs of the House and Senate Judiciary committees recommending four proposals for reform of the federal judiciary, and in particular, the Supreme Court. Not all of the participants supported all four ...

Contextual Criticism: The end times on GOD TV were "riveting feature films, interview programs and extensive coverage from events such as the 25th International Prophecy Conference from Florida hosted by Dr Joe VanKoervering." You would have learned "How the Middle East Conflict is Preparing the World for the End-Times with Dr. Randall Price and you would have been given help in ...

29 | October | 2008 | AM 1090's Weblog 29, 2008 · 5 posts published by am1090 on October 29, 2008. The Gruesome Twosome. They’re still out there. Joined at the hip in spite of The Religious Ho’s drooling ambition to …

What Is Roger Ailes Doing On ABC’s This Week? | News Corpse 31, 2010 · And they weren’t doing it to blame Alito for anything, but to agree with him and to attack the President. Furthermore, it wasn’t dumb to criticize the Court for a disastrous ruling that gives corporations even more power to influence elections. This appearance on ABC may reveal why Ailes is so rarely seen on TV.

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Kenyan Crimer!!! 11, 2020 · It's been evident that Trump has hated Obama for a long time, at least since the White House Correspondents' Dinner, but his derangement has gotten the best of him, as he latched on to the bot-pushed 'Obamagate' nonsense that trended on social media over the weekend.Trump isn't smart enough to compile a cogent case against the Wily Kenyan... he can't even describe what Obamagate …

Trying To Terminate My Inner Critic | QuarkScrew 29, 2009 · Trying To Terminate My Inner Critic. I’m sometimes told that it’s a shame I feel compelled to analyze everyrhing, and I’d be a happier person (some have gone so far as to say a ‘better’ person) if I were just willing to take some things on faith. You’ve probably cottoned on already that I’m referring mostly to theists who think I ...

Terrorist Rights Supporters and General Petraeus Rights Supporters and General Petraeus General David Petraeus was interviewed on Meet the Press today. It's pretty funny to see that the usual terrorist rights supporters -- mostly leftists, have seized on one section of the interview which they think supports their position.

A Guide to Understanding Washington Lobbyists - Blogger 15, 2008 · A Guide to Understanding Washington Lobbyists Barack Obama has created an interesting Guide to Understanding Washington Lobbyists. There is no dialogue, just some nice music as the effects of lobbyists on the American people are described.

Why Cannot I be a Turkey? ~ European-American blog 08, 2018 · by Madeleine Kando Turkeys have invaded our backyard. Two mothers, one with eight babies, the other one with a lonely slightly bigger baby. The eight dwindled down to six, then to four as the spring went by, but finally mother nature settled on a number and the 5 of them have been steadily coming, always accompanied by the second mother and her lonely juvenile.

The Candid Blogger: IMF bombshell: Age of America nears ... Candid Blogger, like Clark Kent, fights for Truth, Justice and the American Way. Not unlike Perry White's The Daily Planet, this Blog is dedicated to presenting the …

Hearing our Stories, Healing Relationships 2016-2017 Toolkit.pdfMission Opportunity 2017 Toolkit The Mission Opportunity for 2016-2017 focuses on racial reconciliation and creating safe space to tell our stories. The complex issues of race have

NOLA-Mayor: Mitch Landrieu Wins Race, Avoids Runoff Gov. Mitch Landrieu appears to have routed five major challengers in today’s mayoral primary, riding a sense of regret among voters who rejected him four years ago and extraordinary biracial support to claim a rare first-round victory. With 90 of the city’s 366 precincts counted, Landrieu had 64 percent of the vote, according to WWL-TV.

Underline News: Jeff Sessions Is Bringing Back Civil ... The Washington Post notes undoing this Obama-administration policy is a big deal — and means big money. Known as “adoptive forfeiture,” the program — which gives police departments greater leeway to seize property of those suspected of a crime, even if they’re never charged with or convicted of one — was a significant source of ...

Michael Fountain: Blood for Ink: Take Off, Eh?, they've just as many guns as the U.S., and their junior hockey program would give a Spartan pause, but they mostly leave the craziness on the ice. With habeas corpus suspended in the land of Mickey Mouse, the U.S. in the thrall of busy, evil men, and labyrinthine Mexico reviving human sacrifice as a pastime along the Juarez border , I ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: From Osama to Saddam: Tracing how … anyone who is looking for a refresher course on how we got to where we are, Part one provides a comprehensive review of the events. How the links between the administration officials created the policies of the day, that have to this day have left many Americans concerned about …

Opinion Forum Is No Longer Posting New Articles. May 22nd, 2013. Opinion Forum is no longer posting new articles. All previously posted articles are still available, and commenting remains open. Articles can be found in the list of those most recently posted or in monthly archives located on the left sidebar.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Council candidate Campbell breaks a key ... 29, 2015 · Council candidate Campbell breaks a key rule, putting his campaign in jeopardy. ... breaking a longstanding rule by having the event in the park, the school district -- under the control of his mother (who is Board of Ed president) and his father (who is a candidate for a Board of Ed seat) -- gave Campbell supporters permission to use the park ...

Finding reputable home repair/remodel contractors | search for a potential mass grave from the 1921 Tulsa race massacre has begun - CNN Boeing 737 Max cancellations climb again in dismal first half of the year - CNBC ( Business ) U.S. executes Daniel Lewis Lee, first federal prisoner to face lethal injection since 2003 - CBS This Morning ( US News )

Opposition Group to Obama’s Health Care Reform Launches ... 04, 2009 · The 30-second spot, set to run on Fox News Channel and CNN, blasts Obama’s push for a government-run, public insurance plan as a part of any health care reform legislation. The ad buy was placed by Conservatives for Patients’ Rights, a …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead, Tuesday ... Below the Masthead, Tuesday, December 7, 2010 The fallout from the House of Commons debate on oil tanker traffic, another boost to Prince Rupert tax rate and Canpotex pops up on the news rotation again, some of the items of note from our Tuesday news review.

Michigan Branch Of ACORN Putting Through "Sizable ... 14, 2008 · The majority of the fraudulent and duplicate applications are coming from the ACORN group based in Detroit, Michigan, which now has ACORN investigating the problem once again as well as the Secretary of State's Office turning over some of those applications to the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Humint Events Online: Trump Cancels North Korea Summit 24, 2018 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

No Right Turn: The surge has failed 06, 2007 · In February, the US began an escalation of the occupation of Iraq, commonly known as "the surge". So how's it going? Badly: Three months after the start of the Baghdad security plan that has added thousands of American and Iraqi troops to the capital, they control fewer than one-third of the city’s neighborhoods, far short of the initial goal for the operation, according to some commanders ...

Chris King's First Amendment Page: Dear Attorneys Kacavas ... light of yesterday's 60 Minutes coverage of the imploding Mortgage industry I am respectfully requesting that each of you issue advisory opinions regarding the media and the public's right to video public officials in public buildings other than Federal Courthouses: The public employees at the U.S. Trustee's Office sure were upset that I am running video about pending foreclosure matters ...

Exxon researched climate science. Understood it. And ... in 2015, Inside Climate News and the Los Angeles Times published a pair of matching exposes on Exxon, using internal documents to show that the company was well aware of the threat of climate change as far back as the 1970s, but consistently misled the public and investors about it. Now ExxonMobil is under siege from even more directions.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 08/17/15 JOHN CORNYN (R-TX) introduces NRA-supported background-check bill. Not a real surprise; though it's touted as a gun control bill, it's really a mental-health bill, which is in fact supported by the NRA, although there is some pushback from the fringes of the gun-rights movement. My only wish is that the Cornyn bill addressed mental health generally, and not just within the context of weapons.

Humint Events Online: "Aliens Are Monitoring Our Nukes ... 24, 2010 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

[E.O.M.S.]: COMING SOONWorld premiere of The Opiates video ... 22, 2012 · Already dubbed by the press as 'The Carpenters of Electro', their album 'Hollywood Under The Knife' explores paths pioneered by the Chicago house and Detroit techno heroes, (not least Electribe 101), with the aim of taking things forward a step or two.

Ruth Institute Blog » birth Anne Morse, Media Coordinator for the Population Research Institute. This article was first published at on June 11, 2014.. Long, long ago, when Anne’s parents were in college (sorry, mom and dad), demographers made an observation: they saw that for most of human history, even though couples were having far more than two children, mortality was also very high.

Second Thoughts on Confrontation with Russia? - Progress Pond 12, 2018 · The scope, intensity and evolution of the threat constituted by the Islamic State, its Khilafah and the worldview and system they seek to establish (see the Psyops series), as well as the length of the war and the prospects for its fate, fundamentally depend upon the Islamic State’s ability to be successful in meeting aims located along three ...

Dem Dilemma – 2014 Looms with Obama Care (Affordable ... 07, 2013 · Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond

Possible Experience: Jan 14, 2015 Experience observing the phenomenal world

Sex Offender Court Decisions: State v William Dinkins Sr Dinkins Sr. spent nine years in prison for a sex crime, so he had to register as sex offender before he got out in 2008. But Dinkins, 59, had nowhere to go despite trying, and no address to provide within 10 days of his release, so he was charged and convicted of a new felony — violating the sex offender registration law.

Balkinization: Analyzing the Articles of Impeachment article refers to “a scheme or course of conduct.” This helps explain why it is important to look at the entire narrative rather than one episode such as the transcript (the “eight lines”). It also guards against the possibility that one or more of the enumerated facts is thrown into question.

Government Archives » Decisive Liberty Our POSTS: Why Is There No Greater Myth Than That of Being Palestinian? Part 2 of 3; ANOTHER EXPOSURE: Eric Schmidt Exposed By a Former Lover Turned Patriot

Tickle The Wiredocumentary Archives - Tickle The tackle the alarming increase in heroin and opiate abuse that is reaching every demographic, the FBI has produced a “searing film” with testimony from overdose survivors, the Washington Post reports. The documentary, “Chasing the Dragon,” was produced at the request of FBI Director James Comey, who has taken personal interest in the film.

Tickle The Wiremass shootings Archives - Tickle The targets of the threats ranged from schools and Walmart to a health clinic and Army recruitment center, according to CNN. Some of the suspects were white nationalists, including an 18-year-old man accused of threatening a mass shooting at a Jewish community center in Youngstown, Oh.

60 Minutes Reporter Sexually Assaulted In Cairo By Mob ..."60 Minutes" correspondent Lara Logan was repeatedly sexually assaulted by thugs yelling, "Jew! Jew!" as she covered the chaotic fall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo's main square Friday, CBS and sources said yesterday. CBS reporter's Cairo nightmare By...

“Jail hell” – Off the’s the title of this Houston Press story about the experiences of those who have served time in the Harris County jail, as told by those who have just gotten out. The story is partly a response to the county’s assertions, as stated by County Attorney Vince Ryan, that the Department of Justice has it wrong about the jail and that things are much better than they were last year when the ...

read my mind: Would You Vacation in North Korea? it would mark a harsh turn in the crackdown on religion in North Korea, a country where Christianity once flourished and where the capital, Pyongyang, was known as the "Jerusalem of the East" for the predominance of the Christian faith. According to its constitution, North Korea guarantees freedom of …

PERRspectives: As Sequester Looms, GOP Governors Lament the New York Times Floyd Norris explained in "the Incredible Shrinking U.S. Government." For the first time in 40 years, the government sector of the American economy has shrunk during the first three years of a presidential administration. Spending by the federal government, adjusted for inflation, has risen at a slow rate under President ...

Left behind – FortLeft 29, 2018 · Board of Education decision, and sent her daughter to a school that had had the same origins.) Mike Espy was always a long shot to win the elections, but the margin, 54 to 46, surprised me; I thought it would be closer. And Hyde-Smith is not the only …

The Music of One's Life | Tom Waits | Closing Time spent much of the next three years traveling, picking up odd jobs here and there, taking college classes in photography, while all the while pursuing his musical interests, including learning the piano, all of which led to gigs along California's coast, opening for acts like Tim Buckley, and Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee.

'A beautiful moment': Blind college football player makes ...’s flawless extra-point snap was the final point in the University of Southern California’s 49-31 victory over Western Michigan on Saturday. Although a rare form of retinal cancer took his sight as a child, Olson refused to give up on his dream of playing for his beloved Trojans.

Into the Breach: Tri-City Herald Buries Hastings No-Vote's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.--Frederick Douglass. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.--John A. Shedd. In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. --Iroquois Confederacy Maxim

When Putin Speaks – The Forward if there’s any vomiting that’s going to be done when one head of state tells another one how to run his country, it’s best that he vomit directly in his lap, as our own 41st president ...

Trump is Right: joe sc: ‘What Does Vladimir Putin Have on ... 10, 2017 · That raises new questions about an investigation that started when the 28-year-old woman's body was found in the office of then U.S. Representative Joe Scarborough in summer 2001. Accidental death was the official finding in the Klausutis case, with a cardiac arrhythmia causing her to fall and hit her head on a desk.

Unredacted Mueller report reveals Trump may have lied to ... Friday night, the Justice Department released a new version of former Special Counsel Mueller’s report with newly unredacted sections about Roger Stone and WikiLeaks. In one section of the newly released information, Mueller weighed the possibility President Donald Trump had lied to him in his written answers to a series of questions. Any such

PolitiFact Bias: PolitiFact Texas punches "spin cycle" for ... it was the first policy criminalizing all unlawful entry at the nation's southern border, and is considered the foundation of the 1952 policy that evolved into today's Section 1325. We rate this claim Mostly True. Technically false, therefore "Mostly True." …

Early voting is not the magic bullet – monoblogue 07, 2014 · This election cycle gave us the first opportunity to compare two cycles and see what the trends have become. I’m sure supporters of early voting were hoping to see the slow slide in turnout come to an end this cycle, but it appears the problem wasn’t solved by adding several days of balloting. Here was the turnout, by county, in 2010.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Predictions for 2007 05, 2007 · 10. Hedge funds and derivatives have a lit fuse we just don't know how long the fuse is. Amaranth was the first of many, and some will be much bigger. The naked shorts on Comex will get bent over a picnic table and roughed up real bad. It won't all come tumbling down this year but it will get a lot scarier. January 03, 2007 12:26 PM

Backhanded opposition to Question 4 – 16, 2012 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Tuesday Grab Bag: A Wild Weekend - Blogger 05, 2015 · Tuesday Grab Bag: A Wild Weekend The cult of the Kentucky Derby continues to confuse the hell out of me. I got wrapped up in it Saturday, heading over to a fancy party (replete with hats!) for some juleps and *cough* gambling, but stayed on the mental sidelines for much of the affair.

Information Lanternhttps://infolantern.blogspot.comA couple weeks ago on Twitter, the mighty Vaguery sayeth: "@mcburton Alas, the unsuspecting coder at the edge of the pack doesn't realize a Business Development Consultant is lurking in the corner…" To which there was the reply from the wily mcburton: "@Vaguery my beard will protect me" That prompted me to remember a conversation that came up at a party while talking to a bearded fellow ...

The latest test for the anti-Trump movement rests on a ... 24, 2017 · (Bernie Sanders stumping for Rob Quist.Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) A 'washed-up hippie' vs. a 'New Jersey multimillionaire' Gianforte, who became a billionaire after selling his software company RightNow Technologies in 2011, has framed himself as a business-savvy engineer who will boost job growth in the state, while Quist has sold himself as a folksy son of a rancher who will protect ...

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too ... 09, 2018 · By LIAM STACKMARCH 17, 2017 Photo This 1908 photograph of fishermen in the parish of St. John, Barbados, is often used to illustrate memes that falsely claim Irish people were slaves in colonial America. It has shown up on Irish trivia Facebook pages, in Scientific American magazine, and on white nationalist message boards: the little-known story…

» Gary Kleppe's fanfiction 1/2 manga fanfiction by Gary Kleppe The characters of Ranma 1/2 are the creation of and rightful property of Rumiko Takahashi. They are used here without permission. This story may be freely redistributed, but it should not be altered substantially nor used for profit in …

Who Hijacked Our Country: “Don't Insult My Sacrifice” 14, 2014 · Don't Insult My Sacrifice is the title of an online petition posted by the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association. “Don't Insult My Sacrifice” is New York's Finest's pouting thrust-out-your-lower-lip stamp-your-feet way of saying to Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito “Don't come to my funeral if I get killed in the line of duty.”

Hey Jenny Slater.: Poll dancing, week 7: Alabama wants a ...· Auburn joins the Sooners in offensively challenged, just-outside-the-top-25 purgatory; they are replaced by Brigham Young (I was still dinging them for their awful performance against Florida State last month, but it's looking more and more like that was just an ugly …

Nassau GOP brain-fade - Blogger 03, 2007 · The plan might sound good as a way to ease future tax increases, but it is far more likely to make a relatively small problem worse for a majority of the county's homeowners and its government. Assessments are the value the county places on a home for property tax purposes.

Florida finally on shutdown | KnoxViews Ron DeSantis announced Wednesday afternoon that the state of Florida is being shut down amid the coronavirus pandemic.. Florida now joins more than …

Whale Oil | Something should go here, maybe later. Zealand’s Watergate. In 1972, the Deomcratic party’s HQ was the subject of a bungled attempt at a break in. This lead to a scandal that is so well known, that it became known as “Watergate” after the hotel, and almost every scandal in the English speaking world having the “-gate” suffix attached.

Staring Into the Void | The Smirking, the bourgeois class who provide the support system for the elites can keep on denying denying denying till the bitter end. To them life is just dandy,they are doing all right Jack and the United States is still a representative democracy and anyone who dissents is a …

Today's Teamster News For August 12, 2016 - International ... 12, 2016 · TEAMSTERS. Teamsters Escalate National Hand Billing of Albertsons Grocery Stores …The International Brotherhood of Teamsters escalated rolling hand billing actions this week outside grocery stores under the Albertsons umbrella, demanding that the grocery stores hold their food supplier, Taylor Farms, accountable for a long list of human rights violations or cease purchasing …

16 | February | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 16, 2018 · “This poor man cried to the Lord — and the Lord heard him and saved him out of his troubles” (Psalm 34:6). It was a high-security penitentiary — filled with murderers, drug pushers, bank robbers and others who had committed major crimes and many who would never see the light of day again outside those bleak, gray prison walls.

The Whited Sepulchre: An Unlikely Rant About NOT Having To ... a former resident in the Chicago area, let me say one of the reasons the machine stays in power is that it gets stuff done. Say what you will, it has a pragmatic efficiency - and is self-correcting up to a point. Contrary to what you may think, the Blago comedy is a perfect …

Have you been wondering why suddenly the Post Office is ... 04, 2012 · In addition, due to a 40-year-old accounting error, the federal Office of Personnel Management has overcharged the post office by as much as $80 billion for payments into the Civil Service Retirement System. This means that USPS has had billions of its sales dollars erroneously diverted into the treasury.

The Unknown Candidate: Estonia: Land of the Free?, You are the one who needs to "read up." I defy you to name even one way in which we have more freedom in the US today vs. pre-Bush. Bush and his cabal have done more to ignore their Constitutional responsibilities than any administration in our …

HD02 – Off the Birabil was the winner of the special election in HD100 to fill out the unexpired term of Eric Johnson, who is now Mayor of Dallas. Anna Eastman was the winner of the special election in HD148 to succeed Jessica Farrar. 14th Court of Appeals, Place 7 – Tamika Craft versus Cheri Thomas

Talk:Twenty-second Amendment to the United States ... an Article in "Opposing Viewpoints" by Buckley, William F., Jr. I read that 1. "There was, to begin with, the sentiment to continue the tradition of a President's retiring after two terms. 2. Then there was the reaction that followed the news that gradually leaked out about the semi-invalid we had elected for a …

JustOneMinute: Who Do We Like?, I was listening to his new release, Terms of My Surrender, last night. He has been incredibly prolific with new cds for quite a while but my faves are the ones he did for A&M in the 80s and early 90s, particularly Bring the Family, which is when I saw him.

Uncategorized | M Schuett blah blah blah the Editorial “Cantwell challenger makes rookie mistake in commenting on marital status” it is written: In a fundraising letter (attacking Senator Maria Cantwell‘s position on availability of “Plan B” contraceptive pills to teens without parental consent), Baumgartner mentioned that Cantwell is unmarried and “has frequently voted to undermine the role of parents in child rearing.”

Permission To Hate | Sheila Kennedy recent survey by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, confirms what most people who follow the news would have expected: the incidence of hate crimes has increased.. According to the study, person-directed hate …

Obsidian Wings: land, spreading out so far and wide... worse quality, because most beef is from ten-year-old dairy cows. Contrary to what I take to be the implication of this remark, it has been the fashion in the last few years in very expensive gourmet-foodie restaurants to serve beef from old (in some cases as much as 18-year old) dairy cows, carefully dry-aged.

Kerfuffle: The Bush Legacy's seen a major decline in his personal favorability in the state over the last 6 months from 39/43 to now 29/58. His numbers have dropped across the board but the most striking shift is with independents. He's gone from a +14 spread with them at 48/34 to a -20 one at 32/52.

The Immoral Minority: Open Thread for the State of the ... 04, 2018 · Look for a Remote Desktop file in DOCs that is empty and shaded admin settings with no access as the Admin. This is not Government it is private sector, around here the local telecom has been invading PC's for some time acting as Homeland Security for two counties, they have the network guy who is the programmer hack for local intrusions.

Eternally Dazed and Confused: April 2014 24, 2014 · A Celtic Cross is used in Rune divination when you want more information about whatever you're concerned about. Some Celtic Crosses draw six runes, and some draw ten. Following are the positions and their respective meanings. Typically the 1st rune is underneath the second, with the second rune in a horizontal crossed position over the rune.

Scientific literacy and polarization on climate change ... 15, 2012 · This is a recent American study and may not be applicable to the rest of the world, and thetrends observed may have be due to recent cultural changes in the USA. For example, conservatives in Europe are much less likely to be dismissive of the risks that …

HERE'S WHAT TRUMP IS PRESERVING AND DEFENDING 03, 2018 · The president, Donald Trump, did nothing. This is the first time across all the dust-covered years of our history, centuries filled with courage and honor, that the elected commander-in-chief chose to tweet instead of plan to defend the country.

The Immoral Minority: Trump's first year in office saw 3.2 ... 04, 2018 · Courtesy of TPM: Over the course of President Donald Trump’s first year in office, the number of Americans without health insurance increased 1.3 percent—with 3.2 million more people uninsured, according to Gallup-Sharecare’s latest tracking report published Tuesday.

Estranged National Review Readers: Come Home, to VDARE.com Nicholas Stix (First posted on November 21, 2008; last updated at 4:34 a.m., on Monday, December 1, 2008.) (Please support VDARE with a tax-deductible donation.Thank you!) This year has seen the death of William F. Buckley Jr., his son Christopher’s coming out of the closet as a supporter of the man who calls himself, “Barack Obama,” and the divorce between the younger Buckley and the ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 05, 2013 · YOU SAY "SOUTHERN CAPTIVITY" LIKE IT'S A BAD THING Joshua Green of Bloomberg Businessweek thinks the GOP may regret its big Voting Right...

Proviso Probe: ED, feedback on Stan Fields [D209] 11, 2006 · Mrs. Kelly is his boss and he does not understand his place as the superintendent. African Americans have fought to long and hard against the type of bigot behavior from Stan Fields. Stan Fields took me be back to Mississppi during the 1960's. During the meeting I could see the hate and intolerance in his …

A PRESIDENT PREDICTING BREAKFAST : Peanut butter and dill ... 08, 2012 · A PRESIDENT PREDICTING BREAKFAST : Peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches on wheat toast -- builds All-American good moral character! This morning, Monday morning at the Foot of the Volcano, yo, Leonardo Ricardo, felt a burst of enthusiasm for everyday life and for the ongoing equality progress, healing and well-being of the United States of ...

Bawarchi's Blast: October 2009 29, 2009 · Also in the news this week was the action of the Obama Administration to limit the pay of executives of bailed out banks. As soon as this was announced, pundits began to offer the conventional wisdom that limiting the pay of these executives would lead to a "brain drain." Their stated fear was that the best talent would flee the industry.

Action to recover based on implied trust.docx | Trust Law ... to recover based on implied trust; prescribes after 10 years; except if plaintiff is in. possession. Once again, the Supreme Court ruled in Consuelo Vda. de Gualberto, et al. vs. Francisco Go, et al., G.R. No. 139843, July 21, 2005 that an action for reconveyance of real property based on implied or constructive trust is not barred by the 10-year period of prescription only if the ...

03 | November | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 03, 2018 · The sword was the Roman soldier’s primary offensive weapon. He trained with it more than any other and learned how to wield it lethally. A thrust accomplished the job, where cutting gave the enemy a second chance. The author of Hebrews shows that he also was intimate with a sword and how the sword of God’s man is best welded in battle.

Rep Adam Schiff | Bloviating true — and was likely known in 2016 — then what was the need for the surveillance of Trump and his associates under the Obama administration? We know the phones had to be tapped because of the Michael Flynn situation and because of the release of transcripts from conversations between Trump and both Turnbull and Nieto.

Trump's "Alternate Facts" are deliberate lies, delusions ... said this before with “All the Trumpenators have is slander, delusions and strategic ignorance” -— following their attacks on the Intelligence community conclusions over Russia — and now ...

Woodward Confirms That Trump Isn't Fit to Serve - Progress ... 04, 2018 · If there’s one bit of good news for the president in Bob Woodward’s book, it’s that the early publicity includes excerpts so disturbing that it will take a lot of urgently needed focus off of the confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh. For example, there are two really choice quotes from the president’s chief of staff. The first isn’t exactly fresh news, but I don’t think we’ve ...

Feud At Fox News: Sarah Palin Slams Fellow FoxPod Tucker ... 30, 2014 · Berg, who is promoting a new book, spoke with the Daily Caller’s Jamie Weinstein and told him that… “After the campaign, she had a book to promote, and wanted to do the show, but it was difficult to work out the logistics because she didn’t like to …

memeorandum: Trump ‘Very Bitter and Sensitive’ About ...'s attorney general is one of the most powerful in the nation. That should worry Trump. — The state's chief legal officer, who is investigating the president and his company, has the ability to render a “judgment of corporate death” for business fraud. +

Wanker of the Day: Marc Thiessen - Progress Pond 07, 2015 · The recent move to suppress the open display of the American swastika, better known as the Confederate Flag, has gotten to former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen.First he notes that the paper he writes for, the Washington Post, is named after a slaveowner.Then he emulates the Charleston, South Carolina shooter by looking up statistics on black-on-black and black-on-white crime to justify …

Court Koenning – Off the Stanart has $20K in outstanding loans, which was the case in July as well. His fundraising came almost entirely from two sources – the campaign of County Commissioner Jack Cagle ($10K), and a Holloway Frost of Texas Memory Systems ($5K). District Clerk. Chris Daniel Friends of Chris Daniel Court Koenning Judith Snively

Halfway There: A flip of the Coyne - Blogger 29, 2006 · Some intelligence on the Vatican Inside the Vatican is Robert Moynihan's monthly magazine on activities within the highest levels of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Dr. Moynihan holds a Ph.D. in medieval studies from Yale and is a longtime Vatican journalist with an insider's contacts and perspectives.His magazine's editorial policy is closely aligned with the policies of the pope.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2018-04-08 14, 2018 · This would be the new National Security Advisor who is a combination of those far right Generals and super-rational MAD theorists of the 60s, and a hot-tempered psycho with impulse issues like his boss. This is a dangerous situation beyond our collective imagination--even, it seems, in fiction. (Though not all of us failed to imagine it.)

Racial Resentment, White Novelty, and the Tim Tebow 06, 2012 · I am a Patriots fan. I loved watching Tebow get owned by Tom Brady. I also believe that Tebow is grossly overrated, and his popularity is a function of Christian Dominionist born again shtick and the "novelty" of a white quarterback with a "black" style of play.

JURY STILL OUT ON FREDERICK COUNTY CHARTER 02, 2015 · JURY STILL OUT ON FREDERICK COUNTY CHARTER. ... Also undertaken during the first year of charter government was the reversal of the ill advised “English Only” ordinance passed by the Young led board. ... of having the county executive hired by the council instead of being elected. This is known as the west coast charter model.

The Melun Diptych (Resources)https://themelundiptych.blogspot.comOct 09, 2016 · In our past efforts, we discovered Caravaggio's "moving hand," ascertained the composition at an atomic level of Vermeer's "pearl earring," and figured out why Art experts fell for the "zombie forgeries."Today, bluehammer and I bring to your attention the mystery of the Melun Diptych. A couple of months ago, bluehammer introduced me to the two paintings known as The Melun Diptych.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Jan 20, 2011 is yet another example of the close correlation between a hatred of gay people and a deep hatred of women, as this sort of statement, from a man who doesn’t strike me as the epitome of “manliness” in the first place, must be taken in the context of their belief that women are inherently inferior.

Did I miss the national dialogue and soul searching over ... 25, 2012 · I was somewhat distracted the past couple of weeks getting College Insurrection up and running.. So I guess I missed the national dialogue and soul searching over anti-Christian rhetoric and the War on Christianity being conducted by the SPLC and various groups which cite the SPLC as the authority on what is hate speech and who is a hate group.. The shooting at the Family Research …

On the Clash of Civilizations, Neocons, and the Innocence all, someone made a crappy movie about Arab Muslims acting like violent, barbaric savages, and a small group of knuckleheads in Libya, Egypt and other parts of the Arab world decided to oblige them by acting like violent, barbaric savages. This is the surface read.

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: Lupita Nyong'o's performance in 12 Years a Slave was transcendent. The humble grace of her acceptance speech and honoring of those ancestors who are lost, but still with us, from the killing fields of white on black chattel slavery, to the "post racial" present, was an act of gracious humility, class, intelligence, and generosity.

Builder Upgrades - Searchlight page contains a single entry by Dan Melson published on June 13, 2007 10:00 AM.. Links and Minifeatures 06 12 Tuesday was the previous entry in this blog.. Links and Minifeatures 06 13 Wednesday is the next entry in this blog.. Find recent content on …

CT Blue › A bit of never would have suspected such a thing. I don’t know if covered in Robert Caro’s biography, but it appears to be well documented. Anyway, it certainly raises him up in my estimation. I think we can rest assured that we won’t discover facts like this about the person currently residing in the White House.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The President's ... 25, 2006 · That is exactly what Americans don't want to hear about Iraq, but it was the unmistakably clear message delivered by the President. We are staying forever because defeat means "leaving before the job is done." Second, the President's remarks illustrated more vividly than ever before the towering incoherence at the heart of this whole project.

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard was the chief expert on counterterrorism in FOUR White Houses. Four presidents vetted him and hired him. He's been doing this since most of the aides of the President were in school. If he was a pathological liar, it would have been exposed. The White House wants to make him out to nbe some clerk, instead of the policy expert he was.

tintiger78 - Worthy Christian Forums 23, 2018 · This is different from the baptism of the Holy Spirit, in which the power of the Holy Spirit is released in full force. Peter and John in Acts already were numbered with the believers, but it was after the experience of the upper room that they received the power to …

Market Meltdown - Nolan Chart market meltdown is happening right now, and no one knows how low it will last, but it's not going down easily or quietly. The bulls and the bears are battling it out, and the blood is everywhere. Cash is currently king (despite it's enormous weaknesses), and without having a strong alternative currency to rush to, frightened investors are ...

The Immoral Minority: 37 pro-Trump rallies cancelled. Will ... 11, 2017 · Courtesy of Gizmodo: Pro-Trump rallies that were originally being planned for roughly 37 locations across the US have been canceled. The rallies, scheduled for September 9th, were being coordinated by ACT For America, a pro-Trump and anti-Muslim hate group best known for its “March Against Sharia” back in June.

A Letter to Justice Roberts | Sohum Parlance II 13, 2020 · I actually have some hope that Justice Roberts can hear this. He’s a conservative, but that used to have a different meaning. From the article: James Dannenberg is a retired Hawaii state judge. He sat on the District Court of the 1 st Circuit of the state judiciary for 27 years. Before that, he served as the deputy attorney general of Hawaii.

Time For Leaders To Step Up | kavips 24, 2015 · This is a mistake. We should not do this to children for any reason….. ” Greg as the sole person who was first against the Smarter Balanced Assessment, and then was somehow persuaded to be for it, is the perfect human being to now stand up and say… “Wait, I was wrong. I was very wrong. I was lied to. This is a terrible test…

High Clouds Linked to Storms and Rainfall Increasing ... 29, 2008 · Science News is reporting on another climate related study [original article here-subs required] from the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco: In a presentation today to the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, JPL Senior Research Scientist Hartmut Aumann outlined the results of a study based on five years of…

Newsweek asks "Is Donald Trump obsessed with Barack Obama ... 01, 2017 · Former Obama senior adviser David Axelrod thinks he understands why Trump has this obsession. Courtesy of The Hill: "There’s some other thing at play here that I don’t have the qualifications to analyze that clearly motivates him," Axelrod said in an interview on CNN's "Smerconish" Saturday.

Annals of Derp: Tell me what is Kansas thinking? - Blogger pledged to bring 100,000* new jobs to the state in his second term; as of January, he has brought 700. What’s more, personal income growth slowed dramatically since the tax cuts went into effect. Between 2010 and 2012, Kansas saw income growth of 6.1 percent, good for 12th in the nation; from 2013 to 2015, that rate was 3.6 percent ...

intolerance Archives – WOBH | Media athlete, who is an ultraconservative Salafi, had come under pressure from hardline Islamists on social media and from television pundits not to participate in the match. “You will shame Islam. If you lose, you will shame an entire nation and yourself,” one comment read. “We don’t want to think what will happen if you lost to an Israeli.

How Popular Are Your Senators? - Progress Pond 24, 2015 · Here’s something fun to look at this morning. Morning Consults conducted a massive poll to see how constituents feel about their U.S. Senators. They discovered that Bernie Sanders is more popular among his own constituents than any other senator. He has a very impressive 83%-13% approve/disapprove rating with Vermonters. You can sort and rank the […]

Social Security | Ethics Alarms | Page 3 fiction: since Social Security has received more from taxpayers than it has had to pay out since 1983, the Social Security Trust Fund has built up a whopping $2.5 trillion, guaranteeing enough to meet the program’s obligations ( despite yearly deficits, now that the population is senior-heavy) until the money is scheduled to run out in 2037.

memeorandum: Sen. Chris Murphy says Trump's moves in Iran ... first ARM-based Macs will be a 13" MacBook Pro and a revamped 24" iMac, coming in Q4 or Q1'21; all new Mac models will have ARM processors starting in 2021 by Brent Simmons / inessential: Apple's App Store brings in users because it is the only choice, not because it offers some kind of exceptional distribution and marketing to developers

Running Head: Access And Underrepresented Populations 1 ... c2 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

The Immoral Minority: The Father's Day tweet that I think 01, 2017 · And it is at times like these that I think back to a simpler time, when a man we could all admire was the leader of this country. It just gives me hope, that if we were smart enough to elect someone like him twice, that we will be that smart yet again, hopefully the very next time we get the opportunity. Happy Father's Day Mr. Obama. And thank you.

Short Sharp Shock.: Persons of interest: Charles Ramsey 11, 2013 · Helene Andrews, a Root contributing editor, wrote Tuesday in The Root about Ramsey, and two other meme-comets, Sweet Brown (famed for saving her own life in an apartment fire) and Antoine Dodson (whose rescue of his sister from an attacker led to comments that became a YouTube sensation). Andrews said that: “What's happening now, with the … investigating allegation Black man pinned to a tree in racist attack in Indiana... The FBI is investigating an incident over the Fourth of July weekend in which an Indiana man says he was the victim of a racist attack involving threats of a noose.... 2020-07-08 16:04 : The Guardian

The Piglet Parade: The Healing Power Of 24, 2014 · The Healing Power Of Tapas One minute we were standing on a sidewalk in downtown Asheville, and in a flash my bride and I were transported to a tapas bar in Madrid. Our magical journey really wasn't as dramatic as that. We had simply stepped across the threshold of Cúrate Bar de Tapas. As their web site states, "If you have ever visited Spain ...

The Candid Blogger: Cigarettes: a Tale of Government 12, 2009 · Cigarettes: a Tale of Government Corruption Death with U.S. Government Approval While we are on the subject of drugs, I came across an article from the Lowell Sun dated 1/11/1964 in which the US Surgeon General for the first time declared the health hazards of cigarettes and confirmed it is a major cause of lung cancer.

Tenured Radical: Do The Wave For Feminism: the Women's 04, 2009 · Do The Wave For Feminism: the Women's Review of Books Blog ... One of the things I liked best about it (and am glad to have back) was the list of feminist books, and books about women, that was published at the back of the book. A …

The Rectification of Names: Drumpfendä 14, 2018 · Oh, look who showed up at the if-you-insult-Nazis-you-just-make-people-vote-for-them party! It's the most ineffectual person who has ever written for the New York Times op-ed page, and I realize that's a pretty strong claim, Frank Bruni ("How to Lose the Midterms and Re-elect Trump")!He'd have come sooner, but his tux was at the cleaners after a minor drooling …

Tulsi Gabbard | 26, 2019 · Yet the dim witted Beto male was the Dems savior for a while until the young gay guy replaced him until the old senile guy decided to run 21 pittbb80 , May 24, 2019 pittmeister and fkthomas like this.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: American Tower May 2012 update: Scroll down to see someone searching her name... she has a law office at 44 Cherry Street, Danvers, MA 01923 and who knows, she could be a good lawyer but I know for FACT she filed a false Affidavit in my case and you can see it below. But because she is part of the establishment being a VP at American Tower the Courts overlook that sort of thing, …

The Far Traveler: 2012 - Pinto, one of the researchers, explained that the algorithm works by going through information in a reverse direction back to the original source. He said, “Using our method, we can find the source of all kinds of things circulating in a network just by 'listening' to a limited number of members of that network.” notes Sky News.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead (Friday SUPPORTER OF THE PORT SAYS ITS HEYDAY HAS ARRIVED--One of the foremost historians of all things Port related in Prince Rupert has knocked Charles Hays off his pedestal just a bit, as Dr. Bill Hick, the author of the book 'Hays' Orphan' offered up the thought that it should be former Prime Minister Sir Wilfred Laurier, who is most ...

Biden vs. Palin — Who Won? 6 Short Takes on the VP Debate 03, 2008 · repost from AlterNet Heather Gehlert: Early on in Thursday's debate, moderator Gwen Ifill asked vice presidential candidates Joe Biden and Sarah Palin a question about bipartisanship: "Would you work to shrink this gap of polarization which has sprung up in Washington?" In response, Joe Biden painted McCain as a flip-flopper, and Sarah Palin …

thus spake drake: A moving aria for a vanishing style of mind 06, 2006 · Success found Walker wanting to stretch his sound more, and his album Scott 4 (1969) is considered his best from that period - but it also found him out of the UK top 10 for the first time. It was the first album of all original compositions, and it also was originally released under his birth name of Noel Scott Engel.

Freedom Rider: 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005"But it was the painful, invasive, totally nonconsensual nature of the [anal] sex that was so horrible." Dr. W. David Hager is an ob/gyn who serves on the FDA's Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - NYT's Nagourney writes ... could be handy for a future "Dems in disarray" story, should he need it. Outside of the Southwell quote, which includes that it will "be more difficult for the Trump campaign to go after a man," there's no reference at all to the fact that Clinton was the first woman for president and that much of her bad press and many of the attacks from ...

21 | March | 2017 | News Corpse 21, 2017 · In the latest episode of Bill O’Reilly’s “Talking Points Memo” (video below), the Fox News host tackled a serious issue. Monday’s House Intelligence Committee hearing on Russia’s interference with the 2016 presidential election was the subject.

Milestones : G-20 sets out the new world order | Global ... May 2009 Milestones : G-20 sets out the new world order | Global Finance : 'via Blog this'

Johnny Pez: "Too Many Boards" by Harl Vincent, part 1 28, 2009 · Not bad for a mechanical engineer who writes as a hobby. And now, for the first time since its original magazine publication 78 years ago, the Johnny Pez blog is proud to present the first installment of . . . Too Many Boards by Harl Vincent "Why not take your medicine and have it over with, Larry?" ...

The Stupid Vote – Racism | Veritas Nihilum Vincet 13, 2008 · While working on a post about lies, I went looking for a bit Christopher Hitchens wrote on in the wake of Hillary Clinton's Bosnian Sniper story. My google string was weak, but I found a page on logical fallacies that referenced the Hitchens piece and provided precisely the relevant quote I wanted. It was on someone's blog…

Guys Just Wanna Have Relationships? | BroadBlogs 02, 2017 · Andrew Smiler has been researching this question for a while and found that about 20% of men are “Casanovas.” Compare this with Dr. Wade’s finding that about 25% of campus man preferred hook ups over relationships. So those are similar numbers. Now if you are one of that type you probably think all men are that way.

Obama, Sunstein, Vermeule and "Conspiracy Theories ... 17, 2010 · While I do not have enough evidence to know if Obama knew or agreed with the opinions in the paper referenced below, it’s certainly cause for question and concern, especially given his longtime association with one of its authors, Cass Sunstein. Glenn Greenwald sums it up nicely here: It’s certainly true that one can easily […]

MissMarple's blog | The Smirking 23, 2019 · This is the end. Though he has done a lot of negative things, there are a few things that were positive. I think of the time during the 2008 election when he defended Obama in his own way. When he turned thumbs down on the repeal of part of Obamacare. A real character, I'll miss the old bastard. One of the better GOPers.

Grain elevator operators - God, Guns and Guts Comrades! and Grain Operators in for big loses. Many of the farmers who traded with MF Global, which is being investigated over what federal regulators say is an estimated $1.2 billion that may be missing from customer accounts, used the futures markets to reduce the risks of volatile prices.

Giulani | Search Results | The Least, First facts? The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found that the Obama plan would give households in the bottom fifth of the income distribution an average tax cut of 5.5 percent of income ($567) in 2009, while those in the middle fifth would get an average cut of 2.6 percent of income ($1,118).”Your taxes” would go up, yes — but not if you’re someone who is sweating higher gas prices.By ...

News - heart breaks to make this announcement. One of my oldest and sweetest friends, David Klaus, writes of his wife who died on the 10th: "There will be a ceremony for Nila Thompson at 1 p.m., Thursday, December 22nd, in Hotchkiss Chapel, Bellefontaine Cemetery, …

08 | February | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 08, 2013 · Morning “Thou shalt call his name Jesus.” / Matthew 1:21. When a person is dear, everything connected with him becomes dear for his sake. Thus, so precious is the person of the Lord Jesus in the estimation of all true believers, that everything about …

RADARSITE: "The Incredible Cover": The New Yorker's ... Memory of Roger W. Gardner I do not reject peace, but I am afraid of war disguised as peace. Cicero 43 B.C.

David Drake: Carter and Brzezinski Funded Islamic Terrorists it has been said and repeated Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today. B: Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn't a global Islam. Look at Islam in a rational manner and without demagoguery or emotion. It is the leading religion of the world with 1.5 billion followers.

The Seventies | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Progressive Alaska: David Rovics at the Resurrect Gallery ... 19, 2010 · I drove down to Seward from Wasilla Sunday, to hear and meet protest folksinger, Davids Rovics.It was my first trip to Seward since traveling there twice when the Kalakala was docked there in early October, 1998, undergoing Coast Guard inspections, before being allowed to travel on to Puget Sound, where it remains to this day. While there in 1998, I took the picture at top left.

Winter Patriot: Pakistan Is The Central Front In The ... are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Trump's self-absorbed incompetence continues to drive ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours.

Let’s get the Word Out – McSlime and McMealticket | Suzie ... 12, 2008 · Posted by Basheert @ 4:31pm MST (Finally - a MSM newspaper (The LA TIMES) prints the true story of McSlime's courtship of his McMealticket!) McCain, his personal life, and statements ‘that conflict with the public record’ By: Steve Benen Since the start of the campaign, John McCain’s personal controversies have been off limits in the…

General Order Respecting the Observance of the Sabbath first general order issued by the Father of his Country after the Declaration of Independence indicates the spirit in which our institutions were founded and should ever be defended: The General hopes and trusts that every officer and man will endeavor to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier defending the dearest rights and liberties ...

Debate Prep - Blogger is that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Delaware Sen. Joe Biden have immersed themselves in preparations for Thursday night's vice presiden...

Progressive Alaska: Saradise Lost - Chapter Seventy-Nine ... The investigator, Steve Branchflower, who is actually gathering the facts and writing the report, has no ties to either party. 10. Because filing a complaint against yourself, and then moving to have that complaint dismissed, is not a good way to get to the truth. (”Palin Calling for …

A Modest Prediction - Blogger'm not gifted with insights that tell me when the presumptive presidential nominees will announce their selections for running mate. Nor d...

Obama Unveils his '57 State Strategy' - The New a later stop Obama was talking with reporters and expressed concern he'd also mis-stated the number of potential cyclone victims in Burma. He said, 'I hope I said 100,000 people the first time instead of 100 million. I understand I said there were 57 states today. It's a sign that my numeracy is getting a little, uh.'

Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Opportunistic Sam Bennett: Trying ... 01, 2007 · These papers are beholding to Corp. interests, they go all googoo over 'real world businessmen'and their pol. pawns. The sam story was known by all for a long time. The inside joke was how the Gov. gave her mucho$$$ to give out plaques to people with nice properties. It was a job and a title. The pay deal is rediculous.

Dreamers Achieve Success: November 2017 blog to inspire, ignite, motivate the dreamers to achieve success in life. Discover opportunities in technology, innovation and start-ups

Building_A_Successful_Business_Case.pdf | Human Resources ... - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Building_A_Successful_Business_Case

They don’t know what they’re doing (sermon of 11-25-07 ... 30, 2007 · He has come to dethrone the powers that hold the world hostage to sin, despair and death. This is the beginning of the End – the fulfilment of all that God has promised. To us is born in the City of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. This is the King of the Universe, in whom the fullness of God dwells bodily. This is the King promised ...

"Meet The Candidate" Jason Judd - Live Online Answers to ... 07, 2009 · If you happen to miss this live online exchange, we will post a link to this in the upper right hand margin of our Home Page under "Meet the Candidate Online Forums" so you can easily access at a later date. We plan to offer these "Meet The Candidate" …

TigerHawk Comments: By Foxfier, at Sun Oct 09, 06:31:00 PM: . I'm not sure it's meant to be a utilitarian argument-- "Look at what we wouldn't have if abortion had been legal then"-- rather than a means of putting a face on the argument-- "look at who we wouldn't have if abortion had been legal then." Similar is when I point out that I've got friends who are the products of rape, or when someone ...

The Citizens: Bush Claims Authority But What's the Law? 04, 2005 · Hi All, President Bush claims that he has the authority under law and under the constitution to order wire taps on executive authority alone. That is he claims that he does not need judicial approval in the form of warrants to listen in on the phone calls, emails etc of U.S. citizens residing in the United States.

Freedom Writing: Being There 10, 2008 · "In the best of times, our days are numbered anyway. So it would be a crime against nature for any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were designed in the first place: the opportunity to do good work, to enjoy friends, to fall in love, to hit a ball and to bounce a baby."

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2013 · I THINK I KNOW WHAT MIGHT SAVE MSNBC There's a lot of talk about the fact that MSNBC's ratings have been way down for the past couple of months. A number of factors seem to be responsible for this: people are turning instead to CNN and HLN for real news (the Boston bombings) and fake news (the Jodi Arias trial); Chris Hayes's show isn't doing as well as Ed Schultz's show used to, …

Elahe Izadi | DCentric | Page districts are intended to preserve neighborhood landmarks and buildings in the face of redevelopment. But some argue that such historic protections, in practice, actually drive up real estate prices and make neighborhoods expensive.

HB 305…. A Bill Against We The People | kavips 03, 2014 · Intriguing, however, also are the names of Kowalko, Baumbach, and Townsend as additional sponsors for this same bill… ( Longhurst is there as well, but that doesn’t matter)….. One must assume for these three to endorse such a bill, that perhaps they are unaware of who is signed up as a lobbyist, and who, if a fee is required, will be shut ...

memeorandum: Two Cheers, If Not the Full Three, for Shame ... 24, 2018 · Conan O'Brien's Unrequited Fanboy Love for Robert Caro — WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Conan O'Brien, the longest tenured late-night TV host, has had them all in his …

Iran Nuclear Watch: The Two Red Lines; Update: Israel is ... 01, 2008 · Senior United States military officials are concerned. that Israel will soon lead an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities beofre the end of 2008.. A senior defense official told ABC News there is an “increasing likelihood” that Israel will carry out such an attack, a move that likely would prompt Iranian retaliation against, not just Israel, but against the United States as well.

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard McCLELLAN: Well, wait a second here. This is a gentleman that left the administration one-and-a-half years ago. Certainly let's go to the facts. These threats did not happen overnight. These threats have been building for quite some time. Go back to the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. Go back to the 1998 attacks on United States ...

JG, Caesarea: Obama and Fort Hood: The Man Behind the Mask Obama is taking much flak for his peculiar, belated response to the tragic events at Fort Hood. After news broke of the shooting, the U.S. media was informed that the president would speak about the incident, and at a Tribal Nations Conference hosted by the Bureau of Indian affairs, a convivial Obama thanked various Department of the Interior staffers and offered a "shout-out" to "Dr ...

Bill Maher | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Rick Scott Scrambles To Save Senate Bid: Drops Headlining ... 21, 2018 · 2017: Rick Scott cut the cost of a concealed weapons permit — for a third time in his Administration. Ironically, Rick Scott called on the FBI director to resign because of the Parkland shooting. If anyone should resign over the death of my fellow Floridians, it’s Rick Scott. He won’t, so I’ll take his defeat instead.

BREITBART: Online activists on the right, unite ... 30, 2009 · Monday, March 30, 2009 BREITBART: Online activists on the right, unite! Andrew Breitbart ANALYSIS/OPINION: A digital war has broken out, and the conservative movement is losing. Read the comment sections of right-leaning blogs, news sites and social forums, and the evidence is there in ugly abundance. Internet hooligans are spewing their talking points to thwart…

Voyage to Algeria | Arun with a View 08, 2017 · This is a post that should have gone up six months ago. Better late than never. I spent two weeks in Algeria last May-June, my first trip there in twenty-five years. I had originally intended to write a lengthy commentary on my impressions of the country after such a long absence; in lieu of that,…

If the United States could export only one thing, I would ... 29, 2018 · If the United States could export only one thing, I would want it to be… June 29, 2018 in Uncategorized Unfortunately, my schedule won’t allow me to watch much of the World Cup this time around, but I’m trying to catch the highlights and pay attention to the results.

U.S Governmenthttps://rahilmomin32.blogspot.comThe article "Another Model for Health Care Reform" by Hutchison from Austin American Statesman is an argument about the role the government is taking to provide a health care plan.Hutchison also talks about how the Obama administration is pushing a massive government health care plan for everyone. This rules out people making their own decisons on what time of health care they want.

Berlitz Japan – Page 3 – Hoofin[Update 5/26/12: It appears that Berlitz Japan union is still affiliated with NAMBU-FWC in Tokyo. It was not one of the many unions to realign with Tokyo General Union, although some Begunto people cooperate with the newer “Tozen”.] This comes to me via the Facebook feed.

clarkblog: Theatre was the first person to show up at a sci-fi con dressed in a costume. He even coined the term "sci-fi." And as editor of Famous Monsters of Filmland, he influenced legions of youngsters fascinated with monsters and spaceships. Some of those kids were Steven Spielberg, Stephen King, John Landis and many other artists who have publicly ...

October 15, 2012 – Hoofin 15, 2012 · Japan News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

02 | January | 2011 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 02, 2011 · Coming to your Doctor’s office soon. This is how you will be treated. The innovation mentioned rang a bell. Yes, Pennsylvania is one of the States in the demonstration project. The first arrow has been slung. And Pennsylvania is one of the first recipients. I could find no accurate review of the downside, so bear with me as I give it a shot.

childhood poverty final | Race And Ethnicity In The United ... poverty final - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

Kevin Powell: A Vacation, of sorts. Part II 26, 2005 · A Vacation, of sorts. Part II Yesterday, I had a Lord of the Rings marathon. I watched all three movies in succession. I drank beer. Ate chicken. And lost myself in the battle for Middle Earth. This is my idea of a vacation when I have no money. After the movies, I lay in bed thinking about the broad Christian themes of the story. Frodo, the ...

Viking Pundit 21, 2007 · Hip-hop hypocrisy - Colbert King in the WashPost: "Put me in the camp of those who implore Sen. Hillary Clinton to give it back -- "it" being the reported $800,000 that's sitting in her presidential campaign coffers thanks to a fundraiser hosted in her honor March 31 in the Pinecrest, Fla., home of a huge Clinton fan who refers to himself as Timbaland."

Bethlehem's Web Page Better Than Originally Thought 24, 2007 · Back in June, I rated Lehigh County's local government web pages, including Bethlehem.I kept things objective for once. Here's how the rating system works. Any local government with a website gets a point. Additional points are awarded for web pages with meeting agendas, minutes, online newsletters, calendars and email contacts (to elected officials only).

SDS | News Corpse is all part of his appeal to an aging audience that is still fighting the anti-war, free love, peaceniks that they were all so jealous of when they were uptight teenagers. The truly frightening part of that Beck is fomenting a hatred of his fellow Americans so intense that it is spurring them to violence.

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Watch: Execution Details – Flap ... 10, 2005 · Stanley Williams has had +50 years to prove his worth on earth. He made sure that the entire world realizes that God does make mistakes. By being an example that a human being ( i use that term loosely ) can be as worthless as camel dung – Williams will soon join the ranks of the dead and worthless despite the efforts of the washed up and drug addicted, has been semi talented actors from ...

THE TRUMP FAMILY AND THE GISH GALLOP-IZATION OF … 01, 2017 · Josh Marshall writes: This is really quite astounding. In this morning’s edition of Mike Allen’s not-Playbook from Axios he introduces what seems to be Ivanka Trump setting up something that sounds a lot like the Clinton Foundation, only in this case run from within the White House by a top presidential aide who is also the President’s daughter, who also runs her own large international ...

Wise Law Blog: "Deprogramming" the Children of Parental ... 04, 2009 · Following up on the Ontario Superior Court's recent decision on parental alienation in A.G.L. v. K.B.D. (our report from last week is here), the Globe and Mail takes a critical eye to American counselling centres that purport to provide treatment to the "children of alientation.". See writer Kirk Makin's article, Judges sending children to U.S. for quack therapy, expert charges:

American Power: Differing Concepts of Patriotism in ... 12, 2008 · A black father, a white mother and a name that couldn't help but confound. But here he is, and here we are. John McCain is a classical patriot. On the Fourth, he could deliver Thucydides' "Funeral Oration of Pericles" virtually verbatim, changing only "Athens" to "America." It would fit, to a T.

BilgeBucket Gazette » coronavirus has gained the attention of the world recently with more than 65,000 cases reported globally and almost 1,5000 deaths.America’s Impeached CEO/Dictator Donald Trump even took an aggressive stand by issuing travel restrictions with China where the virus originated.But many feel that the travel ban could backfire.While we applaud this act of preparedness, health officials and ...

Chris King's First Amendment Page: 2005 Court, in a decision dated 28 December, that cited no law, and failed to address the law cited by King regarding the Best Evidence Rule and offers of proof, (i.e. State v.Poulicakos, 131 NH 709 (1989), found that King had engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. At this point King has won the baseless "Stalking" hearing brought by NAACP President Gloria Timmons (see video "Day in ...

The Rectification of Names: So what kind of moment is it?— Steve M. (@nomoremister) February 27, 2018 "Post-partisan moment" indeed! But it's kind of interesting all the same, if it's anything at all. This new "Unite America" centrist-nonpartisan-unlabeled concoction is seemingly less oriented to getting itself onto the op-ed pages and more to getting onto the ballot than the usual run of such experiments, and there's something interesting about ...

The Last Debate: Rescuing Kundry stage directions describe her as a woman with dark eyes, black hair, and a deep red-brown complexion. In act one, the young squires of the Grail deride her behavior, saying she acts like a “wild beast,” and they accuse her of being a heathen sorceress who hates them.

The Public Servant: Education 2.0 10, 2008 · This requires a total revamping of the school system. First, the school year would be broken into trimesters. At the end of the trimester, the teacher would decide whether the student had sufficiently grasped the knowledge to move further. This puts a lot more pressure on the teachers, but it also gives them the power they need to be effective.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Pervez to the Remainder bins if the guy who is our “best hope”, then perhaps we had best stop hopin’ and look for something a little stronger to see us through. Our only consolation is that the history of Pakistan suggests that the Prez’s time in office is running out .

Bush's Former Budget Director Mitch Daniels Fearmongers ... you watch this or read the transcript, keep in mind that from 2001 to 2003—during which time the Bush administration launched two wars, one of which we are fighting to this day, and two rounds of tax cuts for the wealthy—Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels was George W. Bush's budget director.

Sister Monica And Her Ministry To The Transgendered Community 12, 2015 · For me Sister Monica is another one of those heroic nuns. Sister Monica and her ministry to the transgendered community Since first reading about Leelah Alcorn I have tried to learn more about transgenderd persons. A friend who worked for a catholic religious order, told me this summer that she had a cousin who is trans.

NY-Gov: NYT Says Giuliani Won’t Run (UPDATE: But May Run would probably resemble the Weld vs Kerry race in Massachusetts. In addition, Chuck Schumer would do everything in his power to make sure his protege Kirsten Gillibrand won and we all know that Schumer has a lot of power. Especially when Schumer himself is also on the ballot and wins with around 70% to 80% of the vote.

Erick Erickson: The President needs to focus on reelection ... 02, 2020 · A few months after Levy died, a young woman working in the Fort Walton Beach, Florida, office of then Rep. Joe Scarborough fell over dead in his …

The Sniveling Apologizers at MSNBC Don't ... - HuffPost, let me be clear that not intended for the hosts on MSNBC. It's management that's the issue. The way Phil Griffin has his hosts trot out for one apology after another is revolting. At least, he included himself in the genuflecting to the right-wing last time around. The whole display is pathetic.

RADARSITE: Who Is Hafiz Kazi? It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter.

Road to Repeal Rally by Tea Party Patriots Happening Now ... said C-SPAN is carrying the rally live, but I can't seem to find it. Here's the stream Jim Hoft a.k.a Gateway Pundit, who is one of the speakers at the rally, took this picture and posted it on Twitter.

Perspectives: A LOSER PRESIDENT 24, 2017 · a loser president “ What drives Donald Trump, in his own words, is a persistent, obsessive fear of losing status and being seen in public as a loser. “ In a series of interviews conducted in 2014 for a biography, Trump ‘ always seems to return, in one form or another, to the theme of humiliation, ’ the Times‘s Michael Barbaro writes .

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Fred Thompson is a Bigot 10, 2007 · Fred Thompson is a Bigot Apparently, for Fred Thompson, the most important criteria for President is whether the candidate has a penis. I would argue that a brain is more important and that since Thompson has neither, he should get out of the race now before his fast-fading campaign becomes even more of an embarrassment to his Party.

RADARSITE: Just One State One State This is only one State.....If this doesn't open your eyes nothing will ! From the L. A. Times 1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County ( L. A. County has 10.2 million people)are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.

Framed: Off the Record is a tactic that can be useful to lead reporters to better information. the problem is when off-the-record is used for its own sake, when it no longer is a tactic for getting more info but rather is just a way for reporters to pal around with the powerful. but that doesn't mean we should throw out the entire concept of "off the ...

Western Town, A Dead End World | The Illogical Seminary 11, 2017 · This is all very amusing coming from the right wing, who hates an actual victim but being a pretend one is A-OK. “Reason, tolerance, free inquiry – those are Western civilization’s central gifts to the world”, he says, after taking a dump on any type of inquiry that doesn’t genuflect to …

[E.O.M.S.]: Philip Chevron Testimonial 20, 2013 · I t was a joy to wake up to the broadcast of this gig last night in Dublin. The recording is not up yet at RTE but should be up tomorrow and will be available to listen for the next 30 days. It was such sad news that Phil's cancer has returned and is inoperable as he truly is one of the nicest men I have ever met. We had numerous chats about music when he worked at Rock On and although he …

Want Justice In America? — The Old ‘Be Nice’ Routine Won’t ... 12, 2018 · The America many of us want to build is one where all people have what we need to reach our highest human potential. An America that takes care of who is here now, has addressed sins of the past, and is welcoming of those to come. This would be an America that more fully lives up to the ideals of a beacon of democracy and land of opportunity.

Alex.Tango.Fuego: Last Chance Tango :: Short Film Project ... 06, 2019 · I wrote this story about Daniel, a man dealing with a tragedy, who is just keeping it all together in his life. At an event, he sees a woman named Sarah, who strongly resembles his deceased wife. Miraculously, Daniel and Sarah discover she and his wife were twins, adopted to different families.

Kevin Powell: Sermon: Easter 4 - Year C 29, 2007 · The Jesus in his gospel seems to walk two centimeters off the ground offering philosophical insights to deep spiritual questions. He rarely tells stories and he speaks in bizarre metaphor. John is like your university roommate who switches his major from business to philosophy, adopts a European affectation and starts sporting a beret.

NoFo: Theater fluff 20, 2017 · Theater fluff This is the hair of a man who cashed in his semiannual I-don't-want-to-do-a-20-minute-elliptical-warmup-before-my-workout card this morning. ... This is also the hair of a man who is so selflessly dedicated to his art that he hasn't had a haircut in two months so he looks decade-appropriate for a show he's in, which is set in 1963.

Christopher Columbus | The Illogical Seminary is all very amusing coming from the right wing, who hates an actual victim but being a pretend one is A-OK. “Reason, tolerance, free inquiry – those are Western civilization’s central gifts to the world”, he says, after taking a dump on any type of inquiry that doesn’t genuflect to traditional thinking.

Open Letter To David Gregory, NBC, and all American ... 18, 2009 · This is an insult to Tim Russert, and in the context of this weekend’s loss of the great Walter Cronkite, an insult to all those who once considered news to be about getting to the truth, not currying favor with the powerful. NBC, Meet the Press, and David Gregory should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. The American people deserve better.

Balkinization: The Mens Rea of “Knocked Up” and Alison had a crucial miscommunication in bed. When Ben in his drunkenness has trouble putting on a condom, Allison tells him “Just Do It Already.” (This may constitute one of the most inappropriate product placements ever). Alison, who is anxious to begin having sex, means that she wants Ben to hurry up and put on the condom.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2011 · GLENN BECK THINKS I'M A PSYCHOPATH From the open letter posted by Glenn Beck on his Web site: All evidence points to the fact that the...

Rob Tornoe: 1/13/08 - 1/20/08 week, Corzine continued to push his financial restructuring plan throughout the state. I've already commented in the cartoon below that I think Corzine has his plan stuck in his head, and is willing to 'hear' other people's suggestions while not really 'listening' to them.

What Does It Mean To Be Human? | Et Cetera: Publick and ... 18, 2005 · Quentin Crisp: Portrait Again, I return to thoughts of Quentin Crisp and how, in his own highly eccentric manner, his life seemed to symbolize and attempt to promote a perspective (however paradoxical) of individuality, self acceptance and tolerance. Along this line, he once stated, "I have always lived my life in the profession of being."…

A Piece Of My Mind: August 2015 - Wild Hair 12, 2015 · For me Sister Monica is another one of those heroic nuns. Sister Monica and her ministry to the transgendered community Since first reading about Leelah Alcorn I have tried to learn more about transgenderd persons. A friend who worked for a catholic religious order, told me this summer that she had a cousin who is trans.

No More Apples: IT HURTS TOO MUCH TO LAUGH 30, 2006 · No More Apples "Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage. "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

HILLARY CLINTON STILL NOT LOATHED IN HER PARTY THE WAY ... 10, 2016 · HILLARY CLINTON STILL NOT LOATHED IN HER PARTY THE WAY TRUMP AND CRUZ ARE IN THEIRS ... Kasich is inching up, but even he has lower net favorables in his own party than Hillary Clinton does in hers. And Cruz! As you can see in the chart, his net favorable rating has plummeted from 48% to 8%. ... I think because, for all the Sanders talk ...

Marc Valdez Weblog: 01/19/2003 - 01/26/2003 these facilities would be closed down as a matter of course on our way to a brighter, cleaner, and happier tomorrow; and, 2.) that it was vital that such older facilities would HAVE to shut down, since there really are few options for cleaning up these facilities except by shutting them down.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: St. Paul / Mother still fighting to ... 08, 2010 · All the homicides in St. Paul in 1992, 1998 and 2003 were solved, but it didn't happen right away, Lynch said. "I'd love to clear it (Woulard's homicide), too, not just because it's our last murder (of 2007) but because I believe in my heart that everybody deserves justice. Everybody who is murdered, their family ought to have justice," Lynch said.

No More Mister Nice Blog 09, 2010 · You're absolutely right that going to be opposed by the very people who want a police state for anyone who looks more or less like our image of an illegal immigrant -- as I noted last week, the Utah legislator who wants an Arizona-style immigration law in his state, Stephen Sandstrom, is the same guy who led the opposition in Utah to ...

Texas And Nebraska Demonstrate Paul Mirengoff's ... 16, 2010 · This is an extremely important point, speaking to the future of both the GOP and the conservative movement in America. We have to come to understand this. I’ve been wanting to point out the dangers of the sort of self-professed wisdom that often flows from inside the Beltway types like Powerline’s Paul Mirengoff.

memeorandum: Hezbollah says retribution for Soleimani's ... Latest: Iraq parliament votes to expel US military — BEIRUT (AP) — The latest on U.S.-Iran tensions (all times local): — Iraq's parliament has voted to expel the U.S. military from the country.— Lawmakers voted Sunday in favor of a resolution that calls for ending foreign military presence in the country.

this one should the electoral college be ... - Scribd 1. Clark Wilde Mr. Hawkins Government Per. 2 March 4, 2015 To Keep or Not to Keep: That is the Only Question The Electoral College, founded in 1787, was only implemented 11 years after the United States of America was established. It was necessary at the time to discover a way that represented each state and accommodated to each states population size in the presidential election.

Podcast: Ari Berman; author Herding Donkeys | OpEdNews 05, 2010 · Broadcast 11/5/2010 at 14:17:01 (11 Listens, 11 Downloads, 579 Itunes) The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast. Check out More Podcasts

Rakemucker: Why do we call the Muslim Brotherhood al-Qaeda? 08, 2008 · Khalid Sheik Mohammad, the man who organized 9/11, joined the Muslim Brotherhood at age 16. Mohamed Atta, the Egyptian who headed the Hamburg Cell, was part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian who leads Bin Laden around by the nose, is Muslim Brotherhood. 9/11 was a Muslim Brotherhood plot through and through. The men behind the first World Trade Center …

Tsimshian leaders revisit old concerns over Dundas Collection Royal BC Museum held its grand opening of the "Dundas collection" this past weekend, a gala affair that included representatives of the Allied Tsimshian Tribes, the Lieutenant Governor and representatives of the Thomson family which purchased the collection from a New York auction house last year. The Collection recently was on display at the Museum of Northern BC in Prince Rupert and ...

Marc Valdez Weblog: 09/02/2012 - 09/09/2012 one of the first scenes Nelson was asked to help with, the show’s antihero, Walter White (played by Bryan Cranston), was supposed to explain the nomenclature of alkyne hydrocarbons to his high school chemistry class. “When I saw what they had written, I thought, ‘Wow, they really need help,’” she recalls.

The Rectification of Names: 302s first and most obvious one is the 30,000-odd personal emails deleted from Hillary Clinton's private server when she turned it over to the State Department in 2014, which were certainly a hot topic in April and May as the public debated whether the FBI could recover them or not, but it's not obvious how the Trump campaign hoped to "obtain" them.

read my mind: What Do You Know About The Moon? term is scoffed at by astronomers, but it has come to mean the combination of a super moon – when the moon’s orbit is closest to the Earth and appears up to 8% bigger – and a full lunar eclipse, when the Earth’s shadow obscures the moon. On Sunday night it resulted in spectacular views of …

Biophilia Hypothesis — From The Guardian: A Sumatran rhino ... The Guardian: A Sumatran rhino, one of the most endangered mammals on Earth. The sixth mass extinction of wildlife on Earth is accelerating, according to an analysis by scientists, who warn it may be a tipping point for the collapse of civilisation. More than 500 species of land animals were found to be on the brink of extinction and likely to be lost within 20 years.

Today's California Roundup - The StandDown Texas Project's Sacramento Bee reports, "Death penalty?They've lived it."." It's by Sam Stanton. Sharron Mankins, McGregor Scott and Bill Babbitt each have watched a man die inside the death chamber at San Quentin State Prison, and each has a strong view on whether voters should end California's death penalty in November.. Even after 20 years, Mankins has no regrets about watching Robert Alton …

ROBIN (1) | Robin Hood | Taxes | Free 30-day Trial | Scribd (1) - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

Sanger Confesses: Tipped Scales for Ignoramus Candidate 17, 2016 · Make that "with a lot of prompting". And a great deal more prompting afterwards that didn't yield anything they could use for their article. I didn't really notice it at the time, because in the first place it was obvious to me that he didn't know anything whatsoever about what was in the JCPOA with Iran or how it worked but simply kept denouncing it as bad because that sounded right to him ...

The U.S.-Israeli Draft | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 02, 2007 · anthony @ 14:00 BST. Posted by Taki Theodoracopulos on August 31, 2007. The most recent proposal from the Project for a New American Century has certainly struck a nerve among Americans—although that shouldn’t make us think it won’t sail through successfully, like the invasion of Iraq. In a recent press release, PNAC called on the U.S. government to institute the military draft, and ...

Chicken little's birthday... - AllisChalmers Forum 12, 2009 · As we ponder the question of whether black football players would be willing to play for a St. Louis Rams team owned by Rush Limbaugh, Limbaugh's "Barack the Magic Negro" song parody has been frequently cited one of the most significant, latest examples of Rush's racist attitudes and commentaries. It might behoove us, however, to recall the ...

You'll never guess Who Flynn was Following on Twitter ... Trump national-security adviser Michael Flynn followed five Twitter accounts from a Russian troll factory and pushed their messages right before the 2016 presidential election, the Daily Beast reported Thursday.. On Wednesday, House investigators revealed the names of 2,750 accounts created by the Internet Research Agency, a St. Petersburg-based troll farm linked to the Kremlin.

No Beach to Walk On: TOS “The Naked Time” | Views from 07, 2017 · No Beach to Walk On: TOS “The Naked Time” Posted on 7 April 2017 by Mark R. Kelly An infection brought on board the Enterprise causes crew members to reveal their innermost fears and desires, as the ship spirals in toward a disintegrating planet.

The Department of Praying and Development | Slog | The ... first part I'll buy, but what "rich and powerful following" does he have? If he had influential people in his flock, they wouldn't put up with his ineffective theatrics, let alone the whole high school gym thing. Hutch is a fool, leading fools. Nature always takes care of fools.

Why is it that when people are called out on their ... 20, 2014 · Well, it's true. It's a false equivalence though. Bush did some horrible things. Opposition was muted at first, but grew louder as his second term rolled on. By the time his second term was finishing, the chorus of opposition was so loud, the pe...

Balkinization: Understanding the two Mazars subpoena cases ... Court will probably issue its decision on Trump’s application for a stay in Mazars shortly, perhaps as soon as today.[UPDATE, evening of 11/25: The Court, without recorded dissent, granted the application to stay the mandate, and gave Trump until noon next Thursday, December 5, to file his petition. The House should be able to file its opposition in time for the Court to consider the ...

Private Equity Buys Out 2020 Election - Take On Wall Street 03, 2019 · Bernie Sanders is one of the most vocal anti-Wall Street and private equity candidates in the field. He advocated for a ban on private equity-owned hospitals after a hospital in Philadelphia closed down, leaving a poor community without quick medical access and causing the loss of thousands of jobs. He has introduced, co-sponsored or voted in ...

Marching on Monsanto and its Government Protectors ... 29, 2015 · Mailing Address CounterPunch PO Box 228 Petrolia, CA 95558 Telephone 1(707) 629-3683

The Point: Comfort Women Deniers on View 06, 2019 · Dezaki's debut documentary is boldly - and aptly - titled "Shusenjo: The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue." As it lays out its complicated timeline of acceptance of facts and increasingly aggressive denials, it takes the audience on an amazing, deep dive into this most contentious of disputes between Japan and Korea, this "gross human rights violation" that has also …

The American Human: The Inauguration Made Me Feel of us as vital as the one light we move through, the same light on blackboards with lessons for the day: equations to solve, history to question, or atoms imagined, the "I have a dream" we keep dreaming, or the impossible vocabulary of sorrow that won't explain the empty desks of twenty children marked absent today, and forever.

Wicomico’s Fab Five – 13, 2015 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

“You make less, government takes more.” – 14, 2014 · Over the course of an eight year recession, he has increased government spending by 36%! In his first five years alone, O’Malley decreased the private sector by a net of 73,000 jobs, yet government grew by 26,500 jobs. I know. I was there on the front lines. As your next governor, it is a trend I plan to stop. Help me build a new Maryland.

Ezra Klein: PTSD: Treating The Numbers, Not The Soldiers« One of many fights coming over LNG | Main | In Which I Agree With Newt Gingrich ». February 18, 2007 PTSD: Treating The Numbers, Not The Soldiers [litbrit speaking]According to the United States Department of Veterans' Affairs--as its information page reads this morning, at least--Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is defined as:. An anxiety disorder that can occur following the ...

American Crossroads | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Progress Justice. By Rebecca Leber on Aug 14, 2012 at 3:50 pm. Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS (an affiliate of the super PAC American Crossroads) and the Koch brothers’ Americans For Prosperity have spent more on TV ads than every super PAC combined, according to a ProPublica analysis of CMAG data. Unlike super PACs, these groups do not have to disclose donors.

Ezra Klein: Military 18, 2007 PTSD: Treating The Numbers, Not The Soldiers [litbrit speaking]According to the United States Department of Veterans' Affairs--as its information page reads this morning, at least--Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is defined as:. An anxiety disorder that can occur following the experience or witnessing of a traumatic event.

Luna Park: Found in Hanging Loose: Art by Zevi Blum ..."During the day we have impromptu ice cream parties on the screen porch to catch the sugar while it's frozen."-from "Summer," by Clare Jones In a very general sense, what gets published in literary and little magazines (artistic publications with a vision apart from the popular or commercial) are literary and artistic works of the circus--works on the outskirts of the larger culture, in tents ...

Give Thanks for God's Bounty -- A 21, 2010 · The first holiday suggested that stewardship might be a bit spooky! But, we haven’t let this spooky feeling keep us from hearing testimonies about the importance of stewardship. Each voice challenged us to consider the blessings God has poured out on us and they called on us to respond through the sharing of our lives and resources with ...

The 5 Worst Black Sitcoms of All Time - Chauncey 05, 2009 · The 5 Worst Black Sitcoms of All Time Say what you will about exploitative 70s sitcoms ( That’s My Mama , Good Times at its worst ), but they definitely had their moments. The sitcoms I list below are so terrible, so offensive, they are in a class of their own.

What Kind of King Are You? -- A Sermon - Bob 25, 2012 · The election season is over, so isn’t it time to get on with life. After all there’s work to be done. Remember there’s that fiscal cliff to resolve, immigration reform to tackle, and then there’s the ongoing implementation of the Affordable Care Act.

The Next Hurrah: You're not getting your oversight 11, 2006 · The full United States House of Representatives or United States Senate then must approve the resolution, which sends the matter to a federal attorney, who may call a grand jury to decide whether to indict the affected individual, and prosecute if the grand jury affirms an indictment.

Racist denies she's a racist - Eclectablog 19, 2012 · Right, dude. Whatever. Last May, I posted a piece titled “Don’t let ANYONE EVER tell you racism isn’t alive and well in the USA” that showed a bumpersticker and t-shirt saying “Don’t renig in 2012”. The t-shirt actually showed the Obama campaign logo on it making it clear what it was about.

James the son of Alphaeus | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND ... was a common name, but it’s possible that James and Matthew were brothers, since their fathers had the same first name. Also, James’s mother is mentioned in Mark 15:40 as being present at Christ’s crucifixion, along with other women. She is referred to as the wife of Clopas in John 19:25.

martinis on the roof: July 2019 31, 2019 · Maggie Rogers is a talentless, shameless self-promoter, but you should have known that from that risible video with talentless plagiarist and fellow relentless self-promoter Pharrell.In case that wasn't disgusting enough, well there was always that creepy perv on the boarding school twits forum who always name-dropped Rogers because his unfortunate kid also went to St. Andrew's, along with the ...

1st period – Whitehaven High English III of January 22: After clicking on the link, make sure to click "MAX" in the blue column on the right hand side of the screen. Based on the passages, write a two paragraph response in which either: (1) you support the viewpoint that Nashville program that teaches law enforcement about civil rights OR (2) you…

Migra Matters: Texas Comptroller reports undocumented ... 17, 2006 · He goes to the same school I did 30 years ago. In one generation, the school went from middle class America to a third world disgrace. No other child in his class can speak American (English), and he has to sit through third world gibberish for 9 out of every 10 minutes while the teacher tries to make all the little beaners happy.

The bitter history of sugar | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

read my mind: What the ....??? Nobody Died in Las Vegas ... 25, 2017 · The first victim, Christopher Louis Roybal, born 10/09/1988 was listed as one of the victims of the shooting. However, after searching obituaries there was a discrepancy in the date listed as to when this person died. Both obituaries were found on and listed two different obituaries for Roybal with two different dates of death.

27 and Dead… | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. 23, 2011 · By BEN SISARIO. Published: July 23, 2011 Amy Winehouse, the British singer who found worldwide fame with a smoky, hip-hop-inflected take on retro soul, yet became a tabloid fixture as her struggles with drugs and alcohol brought about a striking public career collapse, was found dead in her home in London on Saturday.She was 27. For many rock and roll fans who saw such reports about …

Above The Borderline: 10/9/05 - 10/16/05 30, 2005 · 1974: Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union activist Karen Silkwood killed in suspicious car crash on her way to deliver documents to a newspaper reporter during safety investigation of plutonium processing plant, Okla. 2000: Hundreds of San Jose “Mercury News” newspaper carriers end 4-day walkout with victory.

The Sapient Sutler: 30 Days in Sodom, or something 30, 2007 · 30 Days in Sodom, or something In my never-ending quest for entertainment, Netflix has delivered to me the collected first series of Morgan Spurlock's TV show "30 Days." Spurlock, of course, is the Michael Moore-lite most famous for his documentary Supersize Me , in which he ate only McDonald's for a month and nearly died.

The Unknown Candidate: Heroes of Darfur Nicholas D. Kristof The New York Times For three grueling years, Eric Reeves has been fighting for his life, struggling in a battle wi...

James Howard Kunstler swims against the stream on marriage ... 03, 2011 · James Howard Kunstler swims against the stream on marriage equality ... I think it is a bid for a kind of broad social approbation which does not require ritual enactment in law, and would be socially mischievous to pursue. Civil unions would cover the necessary legal issues. ... *This post is about the book Food Inc. and was the first of a ...

bolo boffin: 01/09/2005 - 01/16/2005 01, 2005 · Currently, Social Security taxes are only paid on the first $90,000 you make in a year. Most Americans don't know this, because most Americans don't make $90,000 a year as individuals. But I started wondering: How many Americans would be affected by eliminating the payroll tax ceiling?

The Immoral Minority: Cambridge Analytica reached out to ... 06, 2017 · Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal: The chief executive of Cambridge Analytica contacted the founder of WikiLeaks to ask him to share Hillary Clinton -related emails at the same time that people familiar with the matter say the British data-analytics firm had begun working for President Donald Trump’s campaign.

The Wounds of War in Afghanistan | The Smirking 29, 2019 · The Wounds of War in Afghanistan. Kathy Kelly. Article Tools ... so horrible . . . one day last week I came away from a really terrible amputation dressing I had been assisting at—it was the first after the operation—with my hands covered with blood and my mind full of a passionate fury at the wickedness of war, and I wished I had never ...

eBook The Rise And Fall Of Adolf Hitler PDF Download Full ... concise and timely account of Hitler’s—and Fascism’s—rise to power and ultimate defeat, from one of America’s most famous journalists. American journalist and author William L. Shirer was a correspondent for six years in Nazi Germany—and had a front-row seat for Hitler’s rise to power.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Fighting to make ... 11, 2006 · Dick Cheney bravely ventured outside of the green media zone yesterday and gave an hour-long interview to Tim Russert on Meet the Press -- a rare trip for the Vice President, whose "interviews" are typically conducted within the protected confines of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Shockingly, Russert dispensed with giddy banter and solemn reverence and instead was actually adversarial in his ...

Mugsy's Rap Sheet » Myth Busting: “In Search Of…” 1970’s 08, 2010 · And THAT, dear reader, was the extent of the “Global Cooling” science in 1978. Not years of temperature data from around the globe showing a gradual drop in yearly average temperatures, or even photographic evidence of increased ice accumulation or growing glaciers (though the scientist in vid#2 did claim to have evidence the Greenlandic glacier he studies is/was still growing “100 years ...

Ravi Zacharias Ministry – Man of Sorrows | DAILY DEVOTIONS ... 01, 2020 · “Prosperity, pleasure, and success may be rough of grain and common in fibre, but sorrow is the most sensitive of all created things.” Those are the words of the famed pleasure seeker, Oscar Wilde. In his De Profundis, written in prison, he wrote with profound earnestness about how much sorrow had taught him. He…

Cancel culture comes for a witty police officer of the things that President Trump spoke out against in his masterful Mt. Rushmore speech was the “cancel culture” that is imposing a totalitarian straightjacket on America. That cancel culture is now going after a police officer who,

Sheldon Siegel: The Terrorist Next Door | Trenz Pruca's ... 22, 2012 · One night, I spent at my sister's house in Berkeley, before going to bed I began reading Sheldon Siegel's newest novel The Terrorist Next Door. Its main character is a cop who, I suspect, to the disappointment of his jewish parents failed to become a doctor, lawyer or famous writer of …

Tales of the Freewayblogger: September 2008"To save the world requires faith and courage: faith in reason, and courage to proclaim what reason shows to be true." -Bertrand Russell "If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation.

Gary Varvel | Sheila Kennedy’s post sparked a number of comments about religion, pro and (mostly) con. It is easy to look at the self-righteousness of the Christian warriors–the Mike Pences and Franklin Grahams of the world–and come to the conclusion that Christianity (and for that matter, all religion) is a poorly-veiled effort by self-righteous prigs to control and dominate others.

E-Link Online -- News of the American Baptist Churches of ... 29, 2013 · Eternal bread ministry of Union Church, Quincy, MI. As part of a Transformed by the Spirit Action Learning Team, Union Church of Quincy, Michigan, has implemented a new program to reach out to its community.. The church, under the leadership of the Rev. Dr. Scott Arnold, has developed several outreach efforts that encourage active application of the gospel to specific people groups in the ...

La Puce Enigmatique/The Enigmatic Flea Puce Enigmatique/The Enigmatic Flea "A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move …

Shooter James Holmes An Occupy BLACK BLOCK Member ... 20, 2012 · Read Bill Warner's post. His headline says that the shooter is a member of Black Bloc. And then he copies and pastes a news article that makes absolutely no mention of Black Bloc. The only mention in his post is this: "James Holmes, DOB 12/13/1987, the …

Empty Threats to the Health Insurance he health insurance industry’s double cross of Obama has created a storm of controversy. But it probably won’t amount to much. There’s been a lot of talk about punishing the industry for its actions: through a barely conceivable threat to remove the industry’s antitrust exemption or …

31 | October | 2016 | News Corpse 31, 2016 · Pirro is a former judge and prosecutor with years of experience in the legal system at the local and federal levels. She is also one of Fox’s most starkly anti-Clinton commentators. Her weekly rants against Clinton have accused her of having “corrupted the State Department.” She called Clinton “a liar, and a pathological one at that.”

Coal Jobs, America, and Violence > Appalachian Voices 07, 2009 · The latest employment data for a full year shows just 21,190 miners for 2008 (equal to the year 1897). Generally about 5-6,000 of those are surface miners in West Virginia although the numbers for May 2009 show a drop in surface employment to just 3,457 in WV. For the curious, KY numbers are similar.

28 | October | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 28, 2018 · One of the greatest discoveries that I have ever made in the Christian life is the law of sowing and reaping. Paul explains, beginning in his second letter to the Corinthians with the sixth verse of Chapter 9, “If you give little, you’ll get little.

Wild or tame? [Bible readings for 9-17-06] | The Least, First 11, 2006 · 3-5A bit in the mouth of a horse controls the whole horse. A small rudder on a huge ship in the hands of a skilled captain sets a course in the face of the strongest winds. A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything—or destroy it! 5-6It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire.

Paul Manafort Learns His Fate, For Now - Progress Pond 13, 2019 · Paul Manafort was sentenced for a second time in a week on Wednesday. Last Thursday evening, in Alexandria, Virginia, the former Trump campaign chairman was given an absurdly lenient punishment of 47 months in prison. An additional 43 months have now been tacked on to that by Judge Amy Berman Jackson in a Washington DC courthouse.

Has the old media worm turned against Obama? Thinker, by Lee Cary ~ Original Article The answer, in a word, is “No.” The old media worm has not turned against Obama, despite the much-publicized Newsweek cover featuring the president’s photo with the caption, “Hit the road, Barack.”. The cover set off a flurry of fireworks from leftist websites.

Can Feminists Take Back Singapore's AWARE From An Antigay 01, 2009 · The plan is to hold a vote of no confidence in the right-wing activists who are now on the Executive Committee, and if that passes, have them replaced with better people. But it's fairly unclear how the meeting will go at this point -- there's some possibility of parliamentary trickery to avoid a …

Is President Obama a Slave to Wall Street? 08, 2012 · These are the self-appointed "defenders of the poor and put-upon" who make a fortune by manipulating the people’s anger. Tavis Smiley and Dr. Cornel West immediately come to mind in that regard. Every time Smiley has a book to promote, wants a boost in his television ratings, or has any other snake oil to promote, he tours the country ...

8 | May | 2014 | News Corpse 08, 2014 · Every now and then Fox News blurts out tiny, but perceptible, snippets of truth, often when they don’t even realize it. Such a moment occurred yesterday on The Five as Eric Bolling (of the Bloody Hand) launched into an error-riddled tirade against the Obama administration’s remarks following the terrorist attack in Benghazi.. Shameless self-promotion…

Are My Values Any Different? | Dare To Dream 31, 2009 · Nature explains much, but not all. To us humans, notably to the type made in his image, he gave explicit instructions, starting with the dialog with Adam, later with Moses, then his perfected son, Jesus Christ – the last (perfected) Adam (I Cor 15:45). Jesus got it 100% right, but we do not.

The Useless Tree: The Purpose of Government notion of "public good," or "commonweal" has been attenuated in the US in recent decades. From at least the time of the Reagan administration, when the argument that "government is the problem" gained wider currency, we have increasingly lost sight of the fact that certain public goods - things like the provision of security, the evacuation of the sick, the coordination of overall relief ...

29 | April | 2009 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 29, 2009 · ABC New reports that police have discovered 16 pairs of women’s panties in the home of Philip Markoff, the man alleged to be the Craigslist killer. Along with the panties, the police found 60 pairs of flex-cuffs, which were presumably used to tie up his victims. Markoff has been accused of targeting escorts who advertised their services on Craigslist.

2020 Vision: Why Warren's honeymoon may be coming to an end 20, 2019 · The first clue came during last week’s ABC News debate, during which Biden, Sen. Amy Klobuchar and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg all explicitly criticized Warren’s support for Medicare for All, claiming that it would cost too much, that it would raise taxes on the middle class, and that it would force people off their private ...

Trump’s Business Just Got Chinese Approval To Operate ... 09, 2017 · The Chinese government has granted preliminary approval for 38 new Trump trademarks, including one for a Trump escort service! Link[/QUOTE] Escort service, ‘Prostitution’ not only prostitution via slavery. These women aren’t free to say “No!” Arguably, no woman would ever choose to …

Redbubble Statement Final by cbldf - Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s ... ... website review. Website optimization score:: % Lead generation / marketing: %

Into the Breach: 04/01/2015 - 05/01/2015 17, 2015 · The Taylor Energy oil spill has been pumping crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico for over a decade. There is no resolution in sight. Fossil fuels have a continuing and significant environmental cost. Hurricane Ivan whipped into the Gulf of Mexico in 2004, churning up waves that triggered an underwater mudslide and toppled Taylor's platform.

Horizontal and Vertical Cultural Conflict | The Smirking are the values of Science, the values beneath Natural Philosophy, nascent Christianity, and Democracy, not an "ism" in sight because there can be only one "ism," i.e., Humanism (aka Deism). Global Human Revolution. With global demands for democracy, the world stage is increasingly set for a global human revolution.

Not The Image We Want | Dare To Dream 01, 2007 · I made the video titled “Dirty Old Town” at discussion here. It’s received a lot of negative comments, many along the lines of “we don’t want this image, there are far more positive things to see in Warren.” Unfortunately my message has been mostly misunderstood, except perhaps by people like Bill – who gets it. That was the point.

The Linguistic Problem With Cornell West's Attack on The ... 07, 2011 · West’s proffers a presidential critique, which is all well and good. But, it’s a critique that has as its subject a black speaker and as its object, a black man, so one would think that black speaker would employ black speech codes because black speaker understands how his words regarding black object might be misappropriated.

beauty in tragedy | invincible summers 27, 2009 · i have found beauty in tragedy there. i see children playing (they are big on play therapy) outside the window of my therapist’s office in the yard or in the sand box. i see paintings and drawings from children ages 2-14 covering the walls in the hallways and my therapist’s office. and i cry. i cry tears of joy and pain. but mostly joy. i ...

chronic pain | Enneagram... Exploring Your True Self 27, 2012 · This man once reveled in his muscles, his forearms strong and furred with blond hair, the blue veins roping them like a package. More than once he’d said, I am short but I carry myself like a big man. Frank was the most alive and vital man I’d ever known. Now he sat in the passenger seat and lifted his right leg into the car with both hands.

Sex Offender Court Decisions: United States v Rojas absolutely certain EVERTHING is written into a plea agreement before giving up right to appeal! 3-11-2015 Puerto Rico: United Stat...

Saberpoint: Romney Needs to Get Off His Ass and Fight 10, 2012 · A less than full effort is a betrayal to the people who nominated him in the first place. Now we have another fine "gentleman" in Mitt Romney, who is just above all the nastiness. Yes, a man in a fine suit with Emily Post manners who never gets his hair mussed is just too elegant to dirty himself with tactics that actually win.

Our Daily Bread — Two Portraits | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS ... 03, 2017 · Read: John 16:19–24 Bible in a Year: Numbers 28–30; Mark 8:22–38 Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.—John 16:22 Clutching two framed photographs, the proud grandmother showed them to friends in the church foyer. The first picture was…

Stevie Wonder Gives Keyboard to Haiti Quake Survivor | 44-D 08, 2010 · Romel was badly broken, his legs crushed, bones in his left hand shattered. But the concrete that covered him, would not, could not kill him. “I thought my time was up under the ground. And God says, no. You have things to do,” said Romel. Three weeks ago, we met Romel, who is legally blind, for the first time.

Lost in the Ozone...: Anthony Como Must Pay $13,000 Back ...’s Council re-election campaign’s most recent CFB disclosure, filed in January 2010, showed only $5,200 in his account. After an inquiry from City Hall, Como said he would double check whether he had enough money in the account to pay the $13,000 balance.

Healthcare | Life in ObamaNation CNN has gone COO-COO, we have become MSNBC and Bill Maher viewers for our news. Here is a warning from Maher about the Birthers: For the last couple of weeks, we’ve all been laughing heartily at the wacky antics of the “birthers” — the far-right goofballs who claim Barack Obama wasn’t really born in Hawaii and therefore the job of president goes to the runner-up, …

Health Care Talking Points - Progress Pond 05, 2010 · A 15-minute office visit, two flu shots, and two routine lab tests totaled $750+ of which my insurance paid less than half. It is not the docs so much in primary care, but it is the primary care “providers” (the CEO of mine get more than $1 million for his management). And it is the insurance companies. (Or the … Read more »

Electronic Village: Galilea Montijo and Viviane Castro Don ... r considered having a facelift, breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck or some other plastic surgery procedure? I imagine that if you are Galilea Montijo or Viviane Castro then you don't need to worry about such things. However, others may be considering breast i mplant surgery. Many women think at one point or another about breast implants. Breast implants are …

A Long Way from the Oscars, But We Already Have Favorites ... 04, 2010 · A Long Way from the Oscars, But We Already Have Favorites . We’re not officially into the Oscar movie season, but there’s already chatter in the ether who will win – for Best Animated Film and the brings the odds on who is the favorite but before making a wager make sure to study and read a betonline review.. It makes sense this particular race would take …

What's More Offensive?: The Answer(s) | Slog | The ... Obama lawn jockey carries the weight of however many centuries of general American racism, but it’s applied, somewhat arbitrarily, to a man who is half-white. That’s 100 percent offensive racism applied to 50 percent of a man.

Racists Planning Rally in Kalamazoo – MediaMouse 27, 2007 · A group of white supremacists and other racists are planning a rally in Kalamazoo, Michigan on August 4. The rally–to be held at a currently undisclosed location–is being billed as a “Rally Against Black Gang Terrorism” in response to allegations of attacks on white males by groups of African-Americans.. The rally is being organized by Hal Turner, a nationally known … May 6, 2019 06, 2019 · Food, pollination, clean water and a stable climate all depend on a thriving plant and animal population. But forests and wetlands are being erased worldwide and oceans are under growing stress, says the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the United Nations’ expert nature panel, in the ...

Judicial Q&A: Tanya Makany-Rivera – Off the Justice of the Peace Courts are often the first place where the community interacts with the justice system. The JP Court is the only court where claimants and defendants are not appointed an attorney, and it is often our most vulnerable — the undocumented, the undereducated and low income families — who come through the doors.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ... Angela Merkel was the first world leader to invite WHO to the G20 in 2017 under Germany’s leadership, thus highlighting importance of health for all people all around the world. Germany was at the center of the development of the Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-Being for All, to drive progress towards the Sustainable ...

2016 election | Messaging Matters 14, 2019 · Donald Trump‘s unofficial electoral win, as well as the elevation of Stephen Bannon to Trump campaign CEO and then future White House counsel, demonstrates how Andrew Breitbart‘s style of propaganda and fake news has triumphed.The mainstream media helped the Breitbart model win, cheering every step of the way. All of dangerous for the country.

memeorandum: Trump Has Liberated Israel (Shmuel Rosner/New ... Quick Thoughts on the End of the Mueller Investigation — Attorney General William Barr now has the Mueller Report, and the world looks a heck of a lot like it did yesterday, when Barr did not have the Mueller Report.At least, it appears to. The major difference is that …

Wanker of the Day: Donna Brazile - Progress Pond 18, 2019 · Donna Brazile should know that if you need to write a 900-word essay to rationalize taking your new job, you’re probably not going to convince your critics. If she wants to pay the mortgage with Rupert Murdoch’s money, she can do so without insulting everyone’s intelligence by trying to make the assignment sound high-minded. She […]

Sensitive Topic: White Privilege and White Guilt..A Mere ... 15, 2017 · I think a good conversation we need to have.” Well, I think there are three main answers: White Privilege, White Guilt and unavoidable racism. White privilege, for those not familiar with the concept, is the fact that being white in America (and throughout the world to varying degrees) automatically conveys a higher status that is ...

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

The Debate Link: Hebrew Letters in Berkeley, Part II 11, 2016 · The failure to include Jews in lists like these at the outset, without prompting or prodding, matters. It is not because it would ever be possible to list off every single group, but because the lack of Jewish inclusion is read not as an oversight but rather as locating them as similarly situated to the groups that "won" with Trump (even though Jews voted Clinton 70/24).

The Future of the US Left Is in the Balance as Warren ... 29, 2019 · This is a state where he got 49 percent of the vote in 2016. They’ve left him. In New Hampshire it’s a similar story. Sanders won 60 percent there in 2016’s primary. But today he’s behind Biden with an average of 24 percent and Harris with an average of 18 percent.

RADARSITE: Tha Kosovo Report: Part Four is proud to present this final installment in a four part series, cross posted from our good friend and fellow patriot Allan, "Spook" at Fire Base America on the truth of Kosovo. As the Serbian army began its retreat from Kosovo in June 1999, armed muslim gunmen of the terrorist Albanian organization, from Kosovo in June 1999, armed muslim

The Back Forty » Very Sad, But Is It Typical of Rural America? is a reality in much of rural America. Oxycontin is called “Hillbilly Heroin” because the abuse of this drug started in Appalachia for better or worse. The issue of drug abuse in rural America is on President-elect Obama’s radar screen. He addressed the problem of meth in his Rural Plan: Combat the Scourge of Methamphetamine:

Family Research Council digging itself deeper in the hole ... you want more proof of the Family Research Council's anti-gay bias, check out this exchange between organization members Tony Perkins and...

economy | Election Coverage, 2008 is one of the worst times to be looking for a job, and young Americans are struggling more then ever finding jobs. The hardest hit? Recent college graduates. Jay Adler, who graduated from Rowan University in 2007 and currently works for a marketing company in New York City, says that his grade got very lucky when it came to getting jobs.

RADARSITE: Just a Handful of Death: A New Low for the ... 07, 2008 · -- the Iraq war may mark an opposite extreme: after five years and more than 4,000 American combat deaths, searches and interviews turned up fewer than a half-dozen graphic photographs of dead American soldiers. [So many dead bodies and so few pictures.

You can certainly Skip Stanford's history lesson - SFGate Stanford swim coach may have been a bit ... well, horrifically mean-spirited when he willfully expunged the records of Peter Carothers, Michael McLean, Tobias Oriwol, Rick Eddy and Jason ...

Women Workers News Monitoring Service & Press Release ... import duty to give a big boost to agarbatti and bamboo industries in India: KVIC. Pune: The government’s decision to increase import duty on bamboo sticks from 10% to 25% will open up new avenues of self-employment in the country and create 1 lakh new jobs in the ‘agarbatti’ (incense sticks) industry in the next 8-10 months, Khadi & …

Daily Headliners--Bush's "Vietnam" speech, McCain's new ... 04, 2007 · At least one of the masked men is holding a rock in his hand. The three are confronted by protest organizer Dave Coles, president of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada. Coles makes it clear the masked men are not welcome among his group of protesters, whom he describes as mainly grandparents.

Americans Tired of Lawsuit Abuse | Majority the following complaint today against John Groen backers violating Washington State ‘s Public Disclosure laws. Just e-mail the PDC Executive Director and ask that your name be added to the complaint filed against Americans Tired of Lawsuit Abuse filed by Steve Zemke of Majority Rules Blog.

If I Had Beliefs I'd Be Dangerous: *sigh* Is It Over Yet? know I'm not the only one who is sick to death of this circus freak show otherwise known as the "Race For The White House" or any of the other cute titles that it's been given. The truth of the matter is that it should be called "The Great Sham of 2008". Having said this, I can't get enough of it.

EVEN IN A MOMENT OF CRISIS, WHY WOULD TRUMP STOP … 04, 2017 · At Axios, Mike Allen writes: For the President to tweet about ephemeral nonsense, and for the media to wallow in it, is a luxury of the times. For all the intensity of these 164 days of President Trump, we haven't had a mass-casualty terrorist attack, a transcendent national-security convulsion abroad, or a harrowing disruption for the economy.

Magic, the devil, and Fr. Thomas Euteneuer devil, demons and magic are big in the Roman Catholic Church. Always have been. That's why the RC Church "authorizes" certain priestly types to conduct rituals which, through the use of magic, will exorcise the devil and demons from people an places.

NATO-MATRIX or DISNEYLAND (part I) 13, 2011 · As the text explains, the software would require licenses for 50 users with 10 personas each, for a total of 500. These personas would have to be " replete with background , history , supporting details , and cyber presences that are technically, culturally and geographacilly consistent."

Richard Wershe Archives - Tickle The Wershe, Jr.” This investigative story is republished with permission. It is part of an ongoing series on Wershe. By Vince Wade. The story of Richard “White Boy Rick” Wershe, Jr. is an epic tale, sprawling and complex. It is a challenge to keep the story straight …

Riddle me this...Riddle me that #BlackLivesMatter # ... 11, 2015 · If you want to know more about me, where I stand and what I stand for I invite you to read my writings at Left in Alabama for a historical perspective. Contact me [email protected] These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section.

The Immoral Minority: The Washington Post reports on the ... 11, 2017 · Courtesy of WaPo: On issues including gun rights, terrorism and same-sex marriage, many leading advocates on the right who grew frustrated with their country’s leftward tilt under President Barack Obama have forged ties with well-connected Russians and come to see that country’s authoritarian leader, Vladimir Putin, as a potential ally.

Rachel Maddow reveals that the group Donald Trump was ... 12, 2015 · Courtesy of Raw Story : MSNBC host Rachel Maddow exposed the “veterans group” using an appearance by Donald Trump as a fundraiser on T...

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

Notes in Samsara: Evil, Tsunamis, and Problems... 04, 2005 · Evil, Tsunamis, and Problems... Joe Carter has given good grist for a little comparative religious dialog, which can be nicely juxtaposed against Stephen Batchelor... First, Carter: ... the modern age assumes to be able to know what can be real and what should be relegated to the realm of superstition. The line of demarcation is clear: physical ...

Oh Well: A Commentary: Officials Focus on a 2nd Firm Tied ... 10, 2006 · Folks, it is time for another fun-filled episode of The Tom DeLay Comedy Hour! This is from The New York Times: WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 - Having secured a guilty plea from the lobbyist Jack Abramoff, prosecutors are entering a new phase of the corruption investigation in Washington and are focusing on a lobbying firm that has even closer ties to Tom DeLay, the former House majority leader who is ...

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 18, 2008 · This is yet, another piece that I have received via e-mail. I have no idea who is the author, but, I believe that brilliant. So, I decided to post it here. ~~~~~ "You say you will never forget where you were when you heard the news On September 11, 2001.

Open Thread - Friday, June, 19, 2015 | caucus99percent 19, 2015 · The scourge of structural inequality. A tax system that targets workers Imagine a society with two tax systems. One taxes the wealth people have accumulated. The other taxes the labor people perform. This society seems to be getting along well enough, raising enough tax revenue to finance the public goods and services that voters have told lawmakers they want to see supported.

sisu: "Where bones splinter and flesh really does burn""I'm able to get more work done with the Brits due to the hefty support they offer. It’s made a tremendous difference," writes Independent war correspondent/blogger Michael Yon, who is currently embedded with British forces in Basra.Chris Muir's Day by Day cartoon from last fall, above, takes off on Michael's periodic snafuish difficulties getting support from some of the Public Affairs ...

sisu: Those unmentionable beings: Women"The Arab/Muslim man is obsessed with something called honour. And that concept is open to flexible interpretation, dependent on territory. Yes, and some women to their detriment are as well," says Mahmood: What is it? Honour is defined by religions...

JustOneMinute: Untraditional Wednesday Open Thread 05, 2015 · BTW, the Japanese 17 Year Old Single Malt Whiskey was very smooth and very tasty. We made quick work of it last night at the Jet Lag: This is little "Inop" (short for Inoperative) in his usual perch on his mat on the top of the Bar.

sports | Sohum Parlance II his last years Willie Mays batted third before McCovey’s “cleanup,” and if Mays made it to second base McCovey was most often walked. This is a pure sports pic. I mean, other than being a nice guy off the field, his heroism for me is purely on the field and laced with nostalgia.

PrunePicker: My vital signs for January 2020. My only blog ... 05, 2020 · Captain Thomas Munson was the first Munson to move to America. He was baptized in Rattlesden, England in 1612. The baptismal font is still in use. He served in the militia in the Pequot Indian Wars in 1637. He served in the militia all his life and reached the status of Captain. His signature is on the founding document for New Haven, Connecticut.

2008: A Closer Look At Bloomberg - The New York Times 21, 2007 · He won me with the first sentence of the first speech in CA where he said that the Presidential race is too partisan. I believe in the two party system, but we are electing the most powerful manager in the world who has to get an impossibly unwieldy staff in DC to make rational decisions.

memeorandum: Most Americans continue to oppose U.S. border ... Ali Jr. detained by immigration at Fla. airport — The son of legendary boxer Muhammad Ali was detained for hours by immigration officials at a Florida airport, a family friend told the Courier-Journal.— Muhammad Ali Jr., 44, and his mother Khalilah Camacho-Ali … +

Mireille Knoll: the silent march | Arun with a View 29, 2018 · [update below] [2nd update below] [3rd update below] [4th update below] [5th update below] [6th update below] [7th update below] [8th update below] [9th update below] [10th update below] It was a 'marche blanche': a silent march—with no chanting or shouting of slogans—yesterday evening, in homage of Mireille Knoll, who, as one knows by now,…

The Immoral Minority: Parenting in Wal-Mart. 10, 2013 · Whenever I hear one of those pro-Life assholes talking about how every child should be born I think about this kind of thing. There are people in the world who simply should NOT procreate. I know that may sound harsh but it has been my job to cleanup their messes for the last fifteen years and I am sick and tired of watching people turn ...

Rue Rude: Death of the Abbé Pierre, the most admired man ... several weeks of weirdly warm weather, it has suddenly gotten very cold in Paris, and it is even snowing in Toulouse, far to the south. The huddles of homeless people all over the city seem more pathetic in this bitter cold, and yesterday the Abbé Pierre died. He was an old man who in the icy winter of 1954 saw a woman frozen to death on the street, still clutching her eviction papers.

The Whited Sepulchre: John Stossel this Thursday night ... 06, 2010 · Go to your Tivo. Go to FoxBusiness. Go to Thursday night at 8:00 p.m. Set yer machine to record "Stossel". It will be the long-awaited Ayn Rand hour. I suspect that a good portion of the show will be spent treating "Atlas Shrugged" as if it were one of the prophetic works of Nostradamus.

The Debate Link: 10/03/2010 - 10/10/2010 little while back, Will Saletan asked about the "ground zero synagogue" -- a synagogue being built in Kiryat Arba, near the site of one of the worst acts of Jewish terrorism against Muslims (Baruch Goldstein's Hebron massacre). It's an analogy I've endorsed.Indeed, for all the unsubstantiated blather about a "victory Mosque", the local settlers really did try to build a shrine to Goldstein.

The Next Hurrah: Fighting Over The Independent Voter DemFromCT. Come election time, one of our favorite things to do is argue over discuss how best to reach the independent voter, and whether it matters if we do.. In 2004, there seemed fewer of them than in 2006, but in fact, they always exist and roughly speaking, range from 20 to 33% of the electorate truly in play depending on the year.

JustOneMinute: We Interrupt This Beautiful Sunday Morning... links to Ann Althouse, who is wondering about the link between "gun violence" and mental health.Apparently mental health advocates are worried about the possible stigmatization of the mentally ill and are making claims such as this: "But it can’t be that we turn our attention just to mental health issues related to gun violence because people suffering from mental illness make up a ...

bad jokes | This Is only reason I’m running with a juvenile, insensitive, obviously overused joke for a headline like that is because there just isn’t much to Jason Dick’s note on Beltway colloquialisms insofar as quoting enough of it to tempt you to click and read would pretty much require reproducing the post. Nonetheless, if you ever felt screwed like punch-line livestock for taking part in our civic ...

Mobtown Shank: Year End Wrap-Ups 2014 Readings: Benn's 20 ... Ray lists his 10 favorite graphic novels/comics collections of 2014.

Ezra Klein: Cooking With Criticism's completly unnecessary, and in my opinion ( gonna sound a little "weird) flavors the food with that bad vibe. Cook with love, and you'll love what you cook. Anyway, what do you expect from one of the biggest misinforming cheerleaders of the death and destruction president? Posted by: D in Porland | Feb 16, 2007 12:27:34 PM

Global Wahrman: Two VFX Examples From The Bourne Identity ... 11, 2012 · The end result of that you completely buy that Bourne is on a train moving at night. One 3D track, one simple 3D element, one travelling hold out matte, and a simple additive composite within the hold out area. I think it works perfectly and it was very inexpensive to execute.

the benediction (last sermon at providence umc) 24, 2011 · But it turned out that the stranger had been sharing his cookies with her. Good stories don’t need much explanation, but what the story means to me: in the ministry I sometimes think I am doing something for other people, but I know---and in this moment it is very clear to me---that others are actually doing something for me.

Heroes & Villainshttps://citizenbfk.wordpress.comFeb 08, 2009 · This is so much more ‘American.” — before we were only told 64% didn’t like the project. Now we see the full picture is 64% don’t like it but also believe it’s totally allowed, protected by the Constitution. This does clarify the average American position: ‘This sucks,’ most think. ‘But it’s the law.”

Happy ninth birthday Trig Palin! 04, 2017 · HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY TO MY TRIG PAXSON VAN PALIN!!! I wish I could put into words the joy that this boy brings into our lives! #heloves...

Conservative Blog Therapy 22, 2008 · “So I’m running in the park Saturday in shorts thinking great but are we all gonna die? -- Meredith Vieira, NBC “Today” Jan. 7, 2007 Also, you may already know that John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, said global warming is " the greatest scam in history " last November.

Orwellian | We Have Seen Better Days read an article in a The Nation a few weeks ago (yes, I read The Nation as well as a variety of other publications on the left and the right) that discussed the great works Hugo Chavez was conducting for the Latin immigrants (legal and illegal) in the five boroughs of New York City–subsidizing gas and heating oil for those who were too poor to afford prices offered by the capitalist ...

Leisha's Random Thoughts & Ponderings: Egypt 2008: Arrival 29, 2008 · This is all so depressing ... now snow to top it all off. :-( Time to post something cheering. Like ... some of my 2600 pictures from Egypt. I really am not kidding when I say that we took an enormous number of photos. Those 2600 are just my pictures.

David Brooks, "Religion’s Wicked Neighbor": Insulting Our ... In his latest New York Times op-ed entitled "Religion’s Wicked Neighbor," David Brooks takes President Obama to task for "refus[ing] to use the word 'Islam' in reference to Islamist terrorism."Brooks writes: "Obama is using language to engineer a reaction …

Spock Jones: Coda PG 10, 2007 · He stared at her for a full minute. He took out his Feinberger. “Front and center, Lieutenant,” he said. She chuckled, but pushed off the edge of her desk and stood obediently before him. He held the Feinberger an inch from her forehead and clicked it on. He ran it for a few seconds, briefly studied the readout then did the same at her temple.

This Week With Barack Obama: Obama Morning Break....All ... 06, 2008 · This is a man who has seen, felt the highs and lows of life, but still moved on. His presence was electrifying last night. We needed that. It started with Caroline Kennedy's introduction, then the wonderful film by Ken Burns looking at the man, life who is Ted Kennedy. Then the lion, older, slower graced the stage.

The Immoral Minority: Trump attorney suggests that Donald ... 06, 2017 · — The White House announced Friday that it would cut off public access to visitor logs revealing who is entering the White House complex and which officials they are meeting, breaking with the Obama administration’s practice and returning a cloak of secrecy over the basic day-to-day workings of the government.

Rachel Maddow – Robot King about Rachel Maddow written by robotking42. There’s a good line in the film The Brothers McMullen where a man who is in his early thirties says that it feels like just yesterday, he was in high school, and his wife replies, “No, you’re at least fifteen years too young for a mid-life crisis.” Where did the mid-life crisis come from?

NO TRUE GUN OWNER: THE MYTH OF A BENIGN GUN CULTURE … 02, 2018 · This is "no true Scotsman" reasoning: Members of the gun culture are law-abiding; if a gun owner is found not to be law-abiding, and is in fact found to be a rage-disordered mass murderer, then the only possible conclusion is that he wasn't a true member of the gun culture. But, of course, there isn't a separate mass-murderer gun culture.

Balkinization: The Founding and the Origins of Our ... is partly because we are not beholden to the intentions or expectations of the Founding generation and partly because it can take time to understand the nature of what people have created. But, according to Balkin, it really comes down to a historicist argument—one the initially focuses on interpretive method but eventually spills over ...

Russia | Bloviating Zeppelin little about Mike Pompeo. He attended West Point and was ranked number one in his class. He is an atto-rney. He was a Captain in the US Army. He is a former Director of the CIA and the current Secretary of State. My guess is that he knows something about procedure involving intelligence and the history of Russia. Just saying. This is all ... December 2016 time scandals dwarfed the horse race, and the horse race dwarfed policy. The media allowed the Clinton e-mail mole hill to grow into a mountain. That mole hill played a mountain size role in its coverage of the Clinton campaign. The daily story, of course, was the ever growing scandals of Donald Trump.

The Eleventh Hour: The Drinking Age Rides Again’m not sure how the discussion on the legal drinking age got started again, but it’s out there. There’s this opinion piece from the Bloomington Pantagraph which prompted this post at Capitol Fax Blog and today Richard Roeper tackles the issue in his Chicago Sun-Times column. First, whether lowing the drinking age to a more reasonable (in my opinion) 18 or whatever is a good idea or not ...

Balkinization: A Review of Bruce Ackerman's Holmes ... is Part Two of my review of Bruce Ackerman's Holmes Lectures, "The Living Constitution," 120 Harv. L. Rev. 1737 (2007). It describes how Ackerman has made significant changes in his theory of constitutional moments in order to explain the Civil Rights Revolution.

Fifteen year old New Mexico teenager murders entire family ... 05, 2013 · Courtesy of Eyewitness News 4 out of Albuquerque, New Mexico: A statement of probable cause filed in connection with the murder of five people Saturday in the South Valley says the 15-year-old suspect initially told people at his church that his family had been killed in a car crash and were laying dead inside the home.

Lyndon Baines Johnson | All Other Persons can be tied directly to the acts and leadership of three men: Martin Luther King, Jr., who was the leader of the Civil Rights movement; John F. Kennedy, the nation’s president from 1961 through November, 1963, when he was assassinated; and Lyndon Baines Johnson, Kennedy’s successor as president.

DEprogramming Starter Kithttps://snag1313.blogspot.comDEprogramming Starter Kit A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.

Obsidian Wings: Some Poems Have Really Great Titles 10, 2007 · The girls that slaved in his sweating mills, the rents of the pubs he owned, And many a brothel paid the bills when the Fat Man's table "groaned". The Fat Man's son to a high school went as his father's weight increased, And several years of his life he spent in the study of tongues deceased.

Walberg staffer convicted of misdemeanor resigns post ... 26, 2006 · According to a police report, Coons told officers he “tackled” his foster son, struck him once and pushed the boy’s head into the floor in an attempt to control him. Coons’ wife, Sarah Coons, told police the boy started the fight by refusing to stay in his room and then jumped on her back before her husband “took (him) to the ground.”

March 2016 ~ European-American blog 06, 2016 · Tuesday March 22, 2016: Brussels, Belgium: ISIS-sponsored terrorist attack kills at least thirty four (so far). This is Belgium’s “9/11:” In proportion to the US population, it is the equivalent of 1,100 dead. The bombs contained nails and shards of glass, to inflict maximum suffering. My first reaction upon hearing this was, “Oh no!

Let The Games Begin: Obamagate | The Rogue Jew 13, 2008 · James Madison said, “The people are the only legitimate fountain of power, and it is from them that the constitutional charter, under which the several branches of government hold their power is derived.” Freedom is a principle that must be applied indiscriminately.

Meanwhile, At The FCC…. | Sheila Kennedy can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. ” The so called News Networks CNN, FOX and MSNBC are the manifestation of the Outer Limits intro – 24/7/365 editorial commentary skewed to a particular ...

November 2006 – Page 7 – Otis & James Photography’s all becoming clear to me now…I think earlier there was another post that was directly related to this post…it seems to me that it may have included a Sunday, a Sister, some Otis, a big ol’ helping of James, and a side of Kinzo, the FunCenter, three cats, two of which I forget the name to, but one of them I’m pretty sure was named ...

The Rectification of Names: Gleichschaltung 12, 2017 · Gleichschaltung literally means switching everybody into the same gear, synchronizing the population. As the name of a central National Socialist policy, it referred to the program of coordinating the German people into a single thought, a single identity, in which no one would stand out.

TigerHawk last month, when asked at a White House press briefing what was the most "shocking, stunning thing" he had learned from the administration's review of the Christmas Day bombing incident, John Brennan, President Obama's counter-terrorism advisor, replied: "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is an extension of Al Qaeda core coming out of ...

The Immoral Minority: Westboro "God Hates Fags" church ... 06, 2013 · As the clock ticks down to when the Supreme Court will be considering the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8 on March 26 and 27, the organization working to keep Proposition 8 on the books is organizing a weekly prayer effort for different people involved in the cases.

Marc Valdez Weblog Rancho Estates - The Nightmare Unleashed Tribune caption: Earthmovers are the only occupants of what will one day be Rio Rancho's new...

Public Opinion | Public Opinion | Opinion Poll | Free 30 ... Opinion - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Public Opinion when considered from a perspective of Public Relations and persuasion tactics.

SWF News Dashboard - Accountability Central below are the 50 most recent news articles about SWFs, continuously gathered from around the globe by the Institute. The flow of news involved SWFs in general as well as the activities of specific SWFs and their investments. Archives are available in this content silo for subscribers (which are permanently maintained).

An approach to measuring influence and cognitive ... particular, we observe a typical lag of 2.5 hours between the peaks of attention to a phrase in the news media and in blogs respectively, with divergent behavior around the overall peak and a ...

Global warming facts: What We Know - Climate Change 13, 2011 · Rising seas are one of the most certain effects of global warming as warming ocean waters expand and melting glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets add more water to the oceans. The IPCC estimates that melting ice caps and glaciers—which are some of our most visible indicators of climate change—accounted for about 25% of sea level rise from 1993 ...

Jesus, Darwin, and Social Responsibility | Will of The People 11, 2011 · The concept was the brainchild of Herbert Spencer, in defense of social inequality. Darwin himself was actually in favor of people having a sense of social responsibility. In Descent of Man , Darwin posited that a social conscience was an evolutionary benefit , and that it served to strengthen civilization, the existence of which is what put ...

New Appeal to Reason: 05/01/2014 - 06/01/2014 07, 2014 · Otto Ruhle, a leader in the German left in the first half of the 20th century, was mentioned in passing by Dan Gallin during a discussion of his new book Solidarity at last week's LabourStart's Global Solidarity conference in Berlin. The name seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn't recall any details. It turns out that Ruhle wrote one of the first Marxist books I ever read which was a ...

Luna Park: From the Back Issues: DoubleTake, Special ... 11, 2007 · One of the most surprising and disturbing pieces in the issue was written in October 1958 by William Carlos Williams, about a child from Paterson, New Jersey playing with building blocks. W.C.W. tells how the child built a tower with the blocks meant to suggest "those huge buildings in New York City where a cousin of his dad's worked."

The Johnsville News: September 2009 the one hand, there are the deflationists who point to the massive deleveraging in the housing, mortgage, credit and stock markets. The fall in prices in these asset markets, at least through March 2009, was devastating and destroyed trillions of dollars of wealth and credit.[PDF]—Carol McGuirk, SFS the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.” At once, Neuromancer announces the death of the dominant medium of the 1980s even as it acknowledges the reality of this dominance. Otherwise put, the novel is able to predict the end of television as the developed world’s dominant

The New Editor - Entries from November Checker: 2012 Battleground States and Leaners A new book from Tom Elia A compilation of actual presidential & aggregate US House votes for the nation & for the 'battleground states' from 2000-2010.

Alter Rebbe's Son Christian Convert - FailedMessiah.com to a priest. One of the most important documents is a letter written by Moshe on July 1, 1820. It was addressed to a Polish priest named Siodlovsky, in the Polish city of Ulla, where Moshe lived after his marriage. The 36-year-old Moshe wrote he had long sought to become Roman Catholic.

Government | Will of The People 11, 2011 · Yup, let him die.. I know it’s an older clip, but little else better demonstrates Tea Bagger antipathy toward their fellow man. What’s most troubling is that such a thing would come from people who, by and large, claim to follow the teachings of a guy who said “How you treat the least among you, so you treat me” (Matthew 25:35-40).

2014 March 28 « Mercury Rising ?? 28, 2014 · The Taliban, who are the water in which Al Qaeda swims, strengthened itself by establishing a system of justice in an area of Pakistan where government incompetence and corruption was the rule. The long war is the war to establish genuine representative government. When we have so done, our cause has usually prevailed.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: City Council for the High Jump! 27, 2006 · The track which has come into some disrepair over the last few years as money got tighter and tighter, is one five priorities listed by city staff as the most likely to be addressed with new monies in hand. Also up for immediate attention are the work yards roof, RCMP cells and the fire hall roof.

Annual Japanese polls on views toward the U.S. out of sync to pick any public entity or organization that they trusted, the top choice of the Japanese public with 75% was the SDF. This was up 12 points from last year’s 63%. Japanese bleak assessment of the future of U.S.-Japan relations is equally pessimistic.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: The Christmas Countdown 24, 2006 · The Christmas Countdown All about that tree of yours. When was the first Christmas tree decorated? Where are the most Christmas trees cultivated? Which Province annually provides a tree to the City of Boston and why? All of this and more can be found at Christmas trees and more!

Lost in the Ozone...: New York Lottery Recommends Genting ... 03, 2010 · Earlier today, the NY Lottery delivered its recommendation of Genting New York as the developer and operator of the video gaming facility at Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens. The Lottery's recommendation to the Governor is included in its entirety below, and the full report is attached.

The Johnsville News: I Ain't Pay'n Bupkis! are the adjustable rate loans so popular in 2006 that allowed you to choose your monthly mortgage payment, while tacking what you don't spend on to the principal of your loan. Only 9 percent of these loans had full documentation from the borrower and 76 percent were originated in California, Florida, Arizona and Nevada, our four disaster ...

Northwest Progressive Institute Archive: Why we need spread rapidly. Output of sulfa drugs in the United States in 1937—the first year of real commercial production—totaled about 350,000 pounds; by 1940, it had more than doubled. By 1942, it topped an estimated 10 million pounds. But widespread demand brought tragedy.

Rakemucker: Did the LAPD Send Lee Harvey Oswald to Russia? 09, 2008 · In the book, Chief: My Life in the L.A.P.D., Daryl Gates writes that the Los Angeles Police Department had a special intelligence unit that ran a program which sent American spies to Russia, totally clandestine and under deep cover.This was during the during the same period when Lee Harvey Oswald made his strange trip to the Soviet Union. A natural question arises; was the accused …

Marry in Massachusetts: 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 enough, the base version was the revised one, in which the Episcopals had already removed the bridge's pledge to obey her husband. I also negotiated with the first couple whose wedding I solemnized, removing the Christ stuff. However, neither couple objected to the Lord's Prayer or the standard one following it.

September 2019 | Messaging Matters Firearms recently announced that it will suspend production and civilian sales of its AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle. Due to their design enabling shooters to kill so many people in so little time, the AR-15 (the most popular rifle in America) and similar assault weapons, such as the AK-47, are the top choices in a large number of America’s deadliest mass shootings, and the vast ...

On This Day - The New Editor 1962 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology achieved the first satellite relay of a television signal, between Camp Parks, CA, and Westford, MA. In 1967 Russian Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov died in Soyuz 1, when the parachute fails to open. He was the first human to die during a space mission.

Black Trans Lives Matter - Gapers Block Mechanics | 17, 2015 · Gender Fri Apr 17 2015 Black Trans Lives Matter. By H. Melt. On March 30 at DePaul University — one day after the Trans 100 event and one day before the Transgender Day of Visibility — CeCe McDonald and Monica James, two black trans women from Chicago, gathered to share their thoughts about the current state of the trans movement, their experiences of violence and …

You Have To Know He's Lying, And You Have To Wish She Were ... are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Winter Patriot: Bush, Gonzales Lying Again: WaPo has the story are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Skeptical Inquiry — Crooked Timber 19, 2005 · Chris Mooney has a great piece of investigative reporting at Mother Jones detailing Exxon’s funding of anti-global warming groups ranging from Steven Milloy’s one-man disinformation campaign at to the American Enterprise Institute. Bottom line: there’s now an overwhelming scientific consensus that human caused greenhouse gases are causing the world’s …

Europe | The Lunch Counter | Page 3 company got a half billion dollars for so-called green jobs. It is an electric car. It is a luxury car with a 50 mile range in total electric mode. Big investment for no market. But it did create jobs, in Britain and Finland. The Fisker Karma sedan is priced at $87,400, with buyers eligible for a $7,500 credit on their Federal income tax ...

Church attendance in England has plunged to the lowest ... 02, 2016 · Courtesy of The Telegraph : Attendance at Church of England services has plunged to its lowest level ever as the Archbishop of Canterb...

Libya News | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Military Intervention Could Last ‘Awhile,’ Top French Official Says. AP/The Huffington Post By RYAN LUCAS and HADEEL AL-SHALCHI Posted: 03/21/11 08:46 AM. ZEITOUNIYA, Libya — The international military intervention in Libya is likely to last “awhile,” a top French official said Monday, echoing Moammar Gadhafi’s warning of a long war ahead as rebels said they were fighting to ...

Should VCs be investing in beauty brands? - VCs be investing in beauty brands? In the last two years, Unilever has acquired Carver Korea for $2.7 billion. Estee Lauder acquired Too Faced Cosmetics for $1.45 billion. CVC Capital Brands bought PDC Brands for $1.43 billion. L’Oreal purchased a trio of skincare brands for $1.3 billion, and also IT Cosmetics for $1.2 billion.

No Right Turn: Moral neurophysiology 05, 2007 · One of the traditional divisions in the study of ethics is that between moral philosophy, which studies questions of right and wrong, and moral psychology, which studies the way we think about right and wrong. But as the latter is ultimately grounded in the physical structures of the brain, there is also another field: moral neurophysiology.

Banking Frauds New | Fingerprint | Fraud B65 GAO Visa Docs 5 of 6 Fdr- 4-19-02 GAO Interview of Andrew B Mitchell- Algiers Response 819

Ancient Tablet Says ‘Noah’s Ark’ Was Round - FailedMessiah.com 25, 2014 · The tablet’s ark is a huge circular coracle or round boat, 38,750 square feet in dimension and was supposed to be made “like a giant rope basket strengthened with wooden ribs, and waterproofed with bitumen inside and out” – a giant version of a normally tiny boat that was in daily use until the late 20th to ferry people and livestock across rivers.

Maybe I Should Institute an IQ Test Before Allowing Comments 02, 2008 · “Incidentally, is it just mee, or are the RIGHT SHIRTS girls getting even hotter?” #2 – Posted by: Mikee on May 2, 2008 04:57 PM I never really thought they were all that great looking, good bodies, but not really facially appealing, but that one in the ATF is nice looking.

Thought Theater: Video-Philes: August 2007 following video clips are the second part of the second program of The Enemies Of Reason, a multi-part series by Richard Dawkins that recently aired in the UK. The first half of the second program can be found here (Part III).. The first program can be found here (Part I) and here (Part II).. In this second program, Dawkins focuses upon alternative medicine and the many areas that have ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Exemplary ... 03, 2006 · (2) Journalists are the frequent target of criticism in the blogosphere, and my blog is no different. The failure of journalists to perform their central function of acting as an adversarial watchdog against the Government is one of the most significant factors -- if not the most significant -- in why the Bush administration has been able to ...

The Absence of Racism ~ European-American blog 11, 2019 · The leader of the pack (and also the bully) of a childhood group to which I belonged when growing up in France, was an African boy. But it never did it occur to me or to any of my peers then, to identify this boy by his race. It simply did not occur to us, any more than we might have distinguished individuals and groups on the basis of hair color, or eye color, or whether someone was right ...

May Catholic Supporters of Marriage Equality Receive ... 04, 2013 · This was the question put to Archbishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit, who answered in the negative, declaring that Catholic supporters of marriage equality should refrain from the Eucharist. They "deny the revelation of Christ entrusted to the Church," the Archbishop said, and added: "This sort of behavior amounts to publicly rejecting one's ...

Tenured Radical: Notes From The Archive: Some Of Those ... 09, 2009 · As one example, I realized today, while taking notes from one of the feminist memoirs I am reading, that I have underestimated the anxiety triggered by masculine women among some old-guard second wave feminists who were critical to the early years of the movement, anxiety that seems to have survived intact into the twenty-first century.

DCCC Releases Targeted Races List – Swing State Friday, the DCCC released its list of 90 targeted races (both offense and defense) to watch this year. We’ve transcribed the full list in a few handy charts below — have a look. Italics denote the races that have been given “Red to Blue” status so far.

Restaurant Review: The Sussex (Dublin, Ireland), a Five ... 05, 2015 · Anyone who has spent time in Europe knows that to be beyond affordable for a nice restaurant. An appetizer-salad was followed by the main course, which was topped off with dessert. But first, the house cocktail…. Jameson (whisky) is king here in Dublin, so as the …

Life of John: Rancho Santa Fe School Pre-Demolition Reunion Santa Fe School, where I attended from Second through Eighth Grades (1976 to 1983), is in the process of being demolished to make room for a larger, more modern school. The elementary school, built in 1955, and the Middle school, built in the early 1970's, served the community well. But, as the student body has grown in recent years, the old school was no longer adequate.

RADARSITE: The Red-Green Alliance on Campus Gardner, the owner of Radarsite, lost his battle with leukemia on December 17, 2009. His friends and contributors will endeavor to keep Radarsite fresh and intriguing in his absence, as was his wish. Please feel free to leave your comments, your opinions are valuable to us.

RADARSITE: Who's Who in Homeland Security? 17, 2008 · At least one of the 227 names she checked was on the terrorist watch list, according to Rochester, N.Y., police. A D.C.-area cop recently was convicted of doing the same thing. Federal prosecutors say Fairfax County Police Sgt. Weiss Rasool , an Afghan immigrant, tipped off a fellow mosque member that he was under FBI investigation.

Kamala Harris Criticism Isn't About Her : hillaryclinton the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" find …

MA-Sen: Kennedy Requests Change in Succession Law – Swing Globe:. Senator Edward M. Kennedy, in a poignant acknowledgment of his mortality at a critical time in the national health care debate, has privately asked the governor and legislative leaders to change the succession law to guarantee that Massachusetts will not lack a Senate vote when his seat becomes vacant.

Yes, Trump's in Deep Trouble — but There May Be a 16, 2020 · — from Salon. On Thursday, the New York Times reported that the United States had set a record for new cases of COVID-19 in one day, with more than 74,000. And the death toll is now surging as well, although not yet approaching the terrible levels we saw in April.Indeed, the U.S. is one of four countries, including Brazil, South Africa and India, that account for more than two-thirds of all ...

JustOneMinute: McCain On Iraq McCAIN: That was overly optimistic, and I believe that the--by the way, I do believe we were greeted as liberators in many respects in many parts of Iraq. We really were. I remember the statue coming down and people being freed from prisons, etc. But it … - Site Stats to add tasks to Todoist through email – The Sweet Setup (3 days ago) How to add tasks to todoist through email. march 16, 2017. by bradley chambers. todoist is a really fantastic service. it’s more fully featured than wunderlist, but it’s a lot easier for new users than omnifocus. one of my most used features from both wunderlist and omnifocus was the ability to send tasks from email.

Lindsey Graham: Stupid or Evil? « Mercury Rising ?? 27, 2008 · * slavery was the norm * children and wives were property * no one except the very wealthy were educated * genocide was the accepted rule of warfare. And so on. Humankind’s better angels have very slowly eroded all of these evils to the point that they are the aberration. There is an analogy in the chirality, or handedness of amino acids.

Most Useless Superpower • Smilodon's Retreat 07, 2015 · A long time ago, my friends and I were geeks. One day, we had a contest among ourselves to see who could come up with the most useless superpower. We’ve all heard of the big guns; teleportation, energy beams from the eyes, flight, indestructible, telepathy, mind control, healing. Even the comics limit themselves to B- and C- grade powers.

121 Best Need everyone's help. images | Gmo labeling, Gmo ... 20, 2012 - Explore aemckaig's board "Need everyone's help." on Pinterest. See more ideas about Gmo labeling, Gmo facts, Coal plant.121 pins29 followers

Folks Near Fairbanks Wowed By A Winter Rainbow - Blogger Students and faculty at Anderson School gather outside to watch an unusual winter rainbow Wednesday morning, Jan. 26, 2011. Meteoro...

No Bread And Circuses For You: Revealed: The harsh terms ... prices for natural gas and heating to households to the level of prices for imported natural gas by April 2017, starting with the first increase in April 2015 cutting 20% of state employees in 2015 reducing the number of higher education institutions from 802 to 317 and raising the retirement age by 5 years.

view from the thirteenth floor: 2013 favorite thing at st. pete's was the medieval statue of peter, all detail on his right foot worn absolutely smooth from a thousand years of pilgrims kissing and rubbing it --- it is one of the few things salvaged from constantine's basilica --- other remnants in the crypt, but most of it (as was too much at the forum, the vatican, and elsewhere) could only be glimpsed through barriers ---

Rev. Steve: New Wave Wednesday: "Walk Like an Egyptian" by ... 12, 2010 · Image via Wikipedia This week's video comes from 80's power girl band The Bangles. Walk Like an Egyptian topped the charts in '83 and had people all over the place doing that stupid hieroglyphic arm thing. It was a fun, catchy song nonetheless and was the first of a few big hits for the band. Manic Monday and the a cover of the Simon and Garfunkle hit Hazy Shade of Winter, from the …

This Woman is Trouble - Scandal Follows Dem Aide by Isabel ... venture was described in 1994 by one of its partners, then-Assemblyman Clarence Norman Jr., as a commercial law firm and consultant. Norman was convicted in 2005 of falsifying business records and violating state election law and sent to prison. Greene, too, got into trouble and pleaded guilty to defrauding city agencies of $500,000.

From Slavery to 'Indian Schools' to Internment Camps ... 1942 to 1945, it was the U.S. government that nearly all people of Japanese descent, many or most of them American citizens, would be interned in isolated camps far from the West Coast cities ...

Watchdog Blog: Hearing on Fair Elections of my favorite parts of the hearing was when Sen. Specter said that he thought that the Supreme Court’s equating of money and free speech in Buckley v. Valeo was the worst decision since Dred Scott. Both he and Sen. Durbin spoke much more convincingly and eloquently than Sen. McConnell, who just rehashed his old, tired complaints.

On This Day - The New, one of Washington's bodyguards, was the first person executed by the US military. In 1778 "Molly Pitcher" (Mary Ludwig Hays) carried water to American soldiers at the Revolutionary War Battle of Monmouth, NJ. In 1836 the primary author of the US Constitution and the fourth president of the United States, James Madison, died in ...

Why One Month Is Not Enough | Because It's 2015 09, 2016 · Black History Month has arrived, as it has every February since it was made into law in December 1995. February 2016 thus marks the 20th anniversary of Black History Month in Canada. Unfortunately, though, by March 1st many people forget the history of black Canadians. So, I ask the question: Is one month enough to…

Newsalert: FBI Informant Robert Cooley Accuses Chicago ... 21, 2008 · The people in power,the first thing they have to do,they have to get control of the media.The perfect example was my case.The main person that I attempted to give information on, the person who was in charge of a lot of things the person who was able to pick all the judges,was one of my main targets.While he also happens to be the same person ...

Contextual Criticism: Biblical fundamentalism - a sickness, the only people for which any of this makes a difference are the ignorant and superstitious who treat the Bible as a magical primer. Historically, there are other problems. During the first 400 years or so of Christian beginnings, there were literally hundreds of "Christ" groups, most of which had their own gospels and other ...

FixedTickethttps://fixedticket.blogspot.comPastoral letter written by the pope for the whole Roman Catholic church on matters of doctrine, morals, or discipline. Although formal papal letters for the entire church were issued from the earliest days of the church, the first commonly called an encyclical was Ubi primum, dealing with episcopal duties, published by Benedict XIV in 1740.

Gifts of Homage --- A Sermon for Epiphany the beginning, when God was busy creating things, darkness covered the earth, and God said: “Let there be light; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good” ().From the very beginning of the biblical story we see the light of God shining into areas of darkness so that the people can experience the presence of God.

No More Mister Nice Blog: MAINSTREAM RIGHT-WINGERS, DON'T ... 06, 2015 · The New York Times reports evidence of Dylann Roof's racism that's going to be hard for even Jeb Bush to ignore: A website with a white s...

read my mind: Some People Didn't Vote For Trump! (Part 1) for the unspeakable now have access to huge audiences. This was the cauldron, with so much misogynistic language, that helped to demean and destroy Clinton. The alt-right press was the purveyor of constant lies, propaganda, and conspiracy theories that Trump used as the oxygen of …

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Dec 29, 2011 American Family Association's One News Now is known for being a fraudulent news sources by often creating a story around the erroneous comments of anti-gay leaders or telling only one side of an incident (making sure to make the gay community look at fault). But the audacity goes even farther. One News Now has on occasion been inaccurately manipulating AP articles to put the gay community ...

POLIS ~a Chicago bloghttps://polis-chicago.blogspot.comLast night, I was lucky enough to attend a screening of An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore's new movie about global warming, at the AMC on Illinois, and the man himself - the former next President of the United States - was there. Early in the movie, Gore talks about professor Roger Revelle at Harvard, who was the first to blow the whistle on warming, a diligent, careful scientist and clearly a ...

elementropy: 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 08, 2004 · What Fun! Can I Play Too? Seb catches David Frum playing a classic game, "The 'Speculative' Smear": Speaking of media bias [WTF?!? -S,N!,] here's a question you won't hear [sic] in our big papers or on network TV: Does Yasser Arafat have AIDS?

Marvel « Scanlyze 12, 2017 · The Universal Appeal of Black Panther. This is a reaction piece, not a full review. It will be most sensible to those who have seen the film, but only low spoilers due to some things just should not be spoiled.. I went to Black Panther determined to write an objective review.

Another Look At Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s Death ... 03, 2017 · ONE: “’Associate Justice Antonin Scalia was the senior member of the U. S. Supreme Court and one of the 10 most important public servants in the country. For better or worse over the course of his 29 years on the Court, he was arguably the most influential person in America’.”

Good Shepherd Rosemont update: Rector suing former lawyer ... 03, 2010 · So says both David Virtue of and the Philadelphia Inquirer, in a New Year's Day piece. Reverend Moyer, the rector at Good Shepherd, Rosemont PA, had his license to practice as an Episcopalian priest taken away from him by Pennsylvania Bishop Bennsion in late 2002. This was several years before Bennison, in turn, was… - election 2020 had blocked people from searching for her after the first debate, which resulted in Tulsi suing Google for $50M. That would go a long way in helping her campaign.) One of the main tenets of Tulsi’s campaign is to end regime-change wars. She shares this view with that of Jill Stein in 2016 and also Bernie Sanders 2016 and 2020.

Doyle Newshttps://cdoylenews.blogspot.comMay 03, 2009 · The first story highlighted was about the Chrysler bankruptcy, which was the big topic of discussion on most of the major news channels throughout the day. Couric talked about how Chrysler was going to be restructured, not shut down completely, as the auto industry is a vital part of the American economy, and accounts for about 1 in 10 jobs in ...[PDF]CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End ... the gnawing unease in the public, particularly as the saber-rattling in the Middle East is again reaching a fever pitch. This, at least, is the mainstream media's perspective on what is going on -- and thankfully, it is completely baseless. In classic Orwellian terms -- such as "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength" -

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 07, 2014 · The New York Times is reportingthe the Conservative, Author and Filmmaker (Obama 2016), has been indicted on charges stemming from reimbursing donors to a NY Senate Campaign, whereby he had exceeded the maximum personal contribution limit. Although it is, today, the first thought that anyone conservative who is asked to an audit, or indicted is obviously being targeted, perhaps in …

Contextual Criticism: 4/13/14 - 4/20/14 the Soviet Union shattered into pieces that year, BP set its sights on the city. It is now the capital of the new nation of Azerbaijan, which sits atop the biggest untapped oil field in the world, right beneath the Caspian Sea. A coup for BP BP Chairman Lord Browne flew into Baku as soon as the young state elected its first president.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Aug 22, 2011 there was savage, as savage as the jungle for most people, and that it was the Africans themselves who first enslaved their own people. They sold their own people to other countries, and those brought to Europe, South America, America, and other countries, were …

schmoo on the run: October 2009 20, 2009 · Photo + more photos: indymedia 12.15pm: Eco warrior forces of the Great Climate Change Swoop, who have been filtering into front line positions over night, are now advancing in a three pronged attack on the EDF power station Ratcliffe-on-Soar near Nottingham, one of the biggest in Britain. However they are meeting with heavy resistance from government forces loyal to EDF.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2012 · Combine Douthat's blindness about insurance with his weird tactical sense that treating Social Security as a form of welfare would make it easier to destroy, and you get his column. Unanswered (as is so much else) is the question why defenders of the program would go along with changing it from an insurance fund to a budget line.

heart and mind | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION, he reached a point when he realized his own culpability in his turmoil. He cried, “Before I was afflicted I went astray” (Ps. 119:67). That is, he recognized that his affliction was not anyone else’s fault, but rather, it was the result of his own wandering heart and mind.

Obsidian Wings: Like Something Out Of A John Waters Film. Washington Post reports that a Pentagon investigation has confirmed the reports of female interrogators at Guantanamo using sexually provocative behavior as an interrogation tactic, and smearing prisoners with what they said was menstrual blood. "Female interrogators repeatedly used sexually suggestive tactics to try to humiliate and pry information from devout Muslim men held at the U.S ...

Writers Guild 2.0: The Message? Get Your Hustle On ... rise of digital media was the central issue in the 2007-2008 strike. People were focused, not only on getting paid when their material was streamed or downloaded from the internet, but on Guild coverage for material made for digital distribution in the first place.

Stanton Glantz vs the TEA Party | Veritas Vincit Pro Libertate 15, 2013 · The other day I showed the dishonesty and ad hominem attack that Stanton Glantz engaged against the TEA Party. Remembering that it was progressives that brought us the Great Depression,smoking bans,prohibition and eugenics in the first half of the 20th century. Mark Twain even wrote about them in "The Moral Statistician". Little has changed, same…

Kevin Powell: Reformation Sermon 31, 2004 · No longer was the individual believer beholden to the cruel teachings of the Holy Roman church, just the bible and the individual conscience was enough to discern the Word of God, Luther said. This was an event which spilled into so-called “civilized culture” until the western world was singing the liberating songs of faith, unshackled by ...

12 | August | 2009 | News Corpse 12, 2009 · This is the man that Beck is slandering with associations to Nazis. Unfortunately, this sort of backlashing attack is not a unique occurrence amongst conservative fear mongers. An article in Investor’s Business Daily sought to denigrate the British National Health Service by asserting that someone with serious health problems would be ...

Editorial Commentary on Illinois Repeal - The StandDown ... was "the most difficult decision I have made as governor," Quinn told reporters. We believe that, and we warmly commend him for that decision. We understand why Quinn chose to avoid the fanfare that often accompanies the signing of major legislation. But a big moment, worthy of significant, if sober, celebration.

memeorandum: Whoopi Goldberg, Joy: Christians Opposed to ... Trump Actually Pulled Out Of Paris — Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement was not really about the climate.And despite his overheated rhetoric about the “tremendous” and “draconian” burdens the deal would impose on the U.S. economy, Trump's decision wasn't really about that, either.

entertainment news | invincible summers 07, 2006 · Posts about entertainment news written by clementine. my favorite show on network television. actually the only show i watch on network tv (well, occasionally 30 Rock) i turned down working on the pilot and have no regrets but it’s a brilliant show. a few months ago i met michael emerson (benjamin linus) and it was quite possibly the geekiest moment of my career. i’m usually ...

Proud to Be an American | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... If WALNUTS! McCain wants to go after his opponent's wife, perhaps now we can all start talking about Cindy McCain's little pill-popping addiction and how she used her own charity (her own CHARITY, people!) that provided prescription drugs to those of us who …

PERRspectives: "Unless Otherwise Directed" in 11, 2009 "Unless Otherwise Directed" in Iraq. Plugging his new book The Gamble on the Iraq surge, the Washington Post's Thomas Ricks offers a jaw-dropping account of the critical decision to pay off Sunni insurgents. Contrary to George W. Bush's "decider" myth, it was David Petraeus who simply informed the President of that defining change in tactics the General implemented on his own ...

THE NEW YORK TIMES NORMALIZES TRUMP'S IGNORANCE 08, 2017 · And thus Baker also ignores the fact that Trump outsourced all thinking in the White House to Steve Bannon for the first few weeks of his presidency, got lousy poll numbers, then decided that Bannon was the problem and instead outsourced all thinking to Jared, Ivanka, and a collection of Goldman Sachsers. (For foreign policy, throw in the ...

memeorandum: In leaked audio, Mark Zuckerberg rallies ... Guyger convicted of murder in wrong-apartment killing of innocent man — A Texas jury rejected former Dallas police officer Amber Guyer's self-defense claims and convicted her on Tuesday of murder in the fatal 2018 shooting of an innocent man eating ice cream in his own home after mistaking his apartment for her own.

Daniel Negreanu’s Romania Now vs. My Romania Then | Nolan ... 23, 2016 · Daniel Negreanu’s Romania Now vs. My Romania Then . Daniel Negreanu played in a big poker tournament last week, which was on the Eureka Poker Tour.. Such a occurrence normally wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary. This is especially true for Daniel — who travels all over the world playing poker and speaking out as the game’s premier ambassador.

Wasilla resident's awesome response to Senator Inhofe's 04, 2015 · I have little doubt that most of you remember James Inhofe's ridiculous argument against climate change last week . Well one of our Wasi...

David O. Russell Is Cuckoo | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle, as well as my degree-opinion, he hasn't made a single film that can be described as great, amazing, etc. You won't be missing anything. The Incredible Shrinking Woman was the best film of 1981. The only reason it didn't win Best Picture is because it wasn't nominated, and the only reason it wasn't nominated is because everyone in 1981 was retarded.

Propaganda War: Ukraine authorities block Russian TV 16, 2014 · Ukraine authorities block Russian TV ( – Late Thursday night, clashes broke out in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk between government supporters and a hostile pro-Russian crowd. At one point a pro-Russian mob encircled and threw objects at a small huddle of people, shouting for them to get on their knees.

Next Left: Peter Townsend - a vice-president and veteran anti-campaigner Professor Peter Townsend, who died yesterday, had earlier this year contributed to a new Fabian pamphlet, and conference, From Workhouse to Welfare. Peter had an impressive academic career at the LSE, Bristol University and Essex University, and Policy Press is about to publish The Peter ...

People Get Ready: Subsidized cypress week was the start of a big setback for Louisiana's wetlands and coastal zone. Don Huthchsinson personally pushed through a $500,000 grant to Corbitt Manufacturing, a cypress mulch manufacturing who is running out of raw materials in Florida.

Now Is The Time | Dare To 30, 2009 · With the release of the movie MILK, the California decision on Prop 8 and now what appears to be a movement to have the Supreme Court rule on the issue of “same sex marriage”, and/or the definition of “marriage” in general, the LGBT Community is need of a collective voice.. I was somewhat alarmed with news reports on National LGBT Groups stating …

The Whited Sepulchre: Judge Mark Ciavarella - "Hell Is For a tidy profit, that is. In January, Ciavarella and Michael T. Conahan, president judge of the Luzerne County Court of Common Please between 2002 and 2007, admitted receiving $2.6 million from the operators of two juvenile detention facilities and conspiring to hide the money from the Internal Revenue Service....

05 | November - Et Cetera: Publick and Privat 05, 2007 · 2 posts published by Patrick Zimmerman on November 5, 2007

Redeye's Front Page: A picture is worth a thousand 01, 2012 · If you want to know more about me, where I stand and what I stand for I invite you to read my writings at Left in Alabama for a historical perspective. Contact me [email protected] These actions will result in corrective action facilitated by the blog owner to restore the sanctity and flow of the comments section.

Reverend Dan's Music For Nimrods: Dan here, letting you know that this Friday night, March 20th, I'll be spinning the best Rock & Roll all night long on KXLU Los Angeles 88.9FM and KXLU.COM! It seems that Stella has to go to a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, and, so she may get a few hours of sleep, she asked me to cover her fine radio program "Stray Pop". So I Will!

Interreligion -- -- Sightings Apparently there was once a National Brotherhood Week, it was an effort at interreligious conversation and activity. As Eboo Patel notes in Acts of Faith, most recent interreligious efforts have involved more talking than doing and have attracted mostly older professionals, rather than young people.

Second day of protests at UF over tazing of Andrew Meyer 22, 2007 · Students at the University of Florida have carried out a second day of protest actions over the shocking and detention of Andrew Meyer, a student who tried to ask controversial questions of US Senator John Kerry. The actions included marching, speeches, chalking sidewalks, and a mass submission of more than 50 official complaints over the…

KingCast raises more troubling questions about where ... 22 August 2008: There are two (2) missing minutes of dispatch recordings before McKay was shot and I have also discovered the Floyd TWICE said he did not speak to Liko Kenney before shooting at him, before he changed his story. Too bad his own son and Caleb Macaulay say his first version is correct. His own son said that he shot at Liko before Liko's car …

Monkey in the Middle: Eboo Patel Speaks at UC Irvine in India to a Muslim family, he grew up in Illinois and is currently the director and founder of Chicago-based Interfaith Youth Core. He is heavily involved in interfaith programs. I had hoped to be able to participate in the q and a after his talk, but it was announced at the outset that there would be a short q and a with 2 or 3 ...

Tickle The Wiresnitch Archives - Tickle The has a short rap sheet and a shorter mob pedigree, records show. But for many years he was in an excellent position to see what his Cousin Vinny was up to. And the mob tales he spilled to the feds provided the key evidence leading to the arrest of the 78-year-old Asaro for the Lufthansa heist, as well as for a 45 year old murder.

Circus Forticus: June 2011 doesn't seem like such a big deal, but it's one of those things that sneaks up on parents. We get so used to kids who go-go-go-go until they melt down and collapse in exhaustion, and then before we realize it, we've got a kid who is self-aware enough to know when he's tired and to do something about it before the meltdown stage.

Kyle Huff | Slog | The Stranger's Blog | The Stranger ... The problem isn't ravers and their piercings, or Montana yahoos and their guns. But mix a culture that doesn't make character judgements, the desensitizing effects of "undead" counterculture, and a criminal justice system that doesn't lock-up a guy that commited a felony in Whitefish, and you're going to have a problem where these roads ...

Consumer Reports: Paul McMahon – ARTnews.com 15, 2016 · Messaging with Sylvia Bullett who is donating folding chairs and a half-size fridge to the Mothership, my Everything Center, social sculpture, BnB, and gallery. 1:15 p.m. Taking a walk talking on ...

16 | September | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 16, 2014 · According to a recent study, an estimated two-thirds of American prisoners were arrested for a new crime within three years of prison release, while three-quarters were arrested within five years. Recidivism, the act of a person repeating a crime or undesirable behavior, is a real problem in the United States today.

Additional Coverage of Hall v. Florida Cert Grant - The ... SCOTUSblog case file for Hall v.Florida contains all briefing in the case. "Justices Return to a Death Penalty Issue," is Adam Liptak's New York Times report. The Atkins decision gave states substantial latitude in how to carry it out and gave only general guidance.

The Useless Tree: Is South Korea a "Confucian Society"? one of my recent sessions there, a Baptist preacher from the Presbyterian church who is a student at our univeristy told me that churches in Korea are organized on the Confucian model. I have been completely amazed that a Baptist preacher can preach at a Presbyterian church because that would not happen in the U. S.

Althouse: Fake news: fake boos. 10, 2016 · The thing is this has been declared "fake news" but it is still not clear if it is fake or not. I'm 100% certain that someone, somewhere in New Jersey somewhere was celebrating the towers falling. Last I knew there were still people who swear that something at least similar to the "dancing on rooftops" actually happened in some form, if not as ...

Cyde Weys Musings Telescope Making | Cyde Weys Musings first photograph (used as the lead-in to this post) shows the two 8? pieces of glass I’m working with. The one on top is what will become the mirror, and thus it has a concave (curved inwards) surface. The final step with the glass, which I’m a long ways away from, is …

Michael J. Conehttps://mjcone.blogspot.comThat means we have a special Tuesday Edition of the Advance Sheets. The Supreme Court released three published opinions today. State v. Navy is an appeal from General Sessions of the defendants conviction for homicide by child abuse. The Court of Appeals reversed the Trial Court on the grounds that the defendant's oral statement and 2nd and 3rd written statements given during interviews at the ...

David Drake: GM Moves To China could make GM the first major automaker to import Chinese cars to the US market. The carmaker expects to sell about 17,335 of the China-made vehicles in the US in 2011, and triple that number to 51,546 in 2014, a planning document circulated by GM among US lawmakers showed.

Another Chabad Diamond Mining Scam? - FailedMessiah.com 30, 2012 · Prophecy of diamonds keeps Israeli firm digging Tova Cohen and Ari Rabinovitch AKKO, Israel - Somewhere in the Carmel hills of northern Israel, diamond exploration company Shefa Yamim hopes to uncover the exact spot where faith meets science.Inspired by the words of a revered rabbi who prophesized that precious stones were divinely buried in the area, the firm has been mining for about a ...

horses | Dear Kitty. Some blog 6 February 2020 video from Belgium about cycling is called Tour of Flanders 2020 – Course Elite Men. Wikipedia writes:. 2020 Tour of Flanders. The race was scheduled to be held on 5 April 2020 in Belgium, serving as the 14th event of the 2020 UCI World Tour, but was postponed due to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.. However, on 2 April the organisers wrote there would be a Tour of ...

palingates: $arah Palin, legal defense fund, contradictions... 11, 2009 · ProChoiceGrandma said.... Regina, do you know if there are any transcripts of the TN trial? I think Palin’s resignation has to do with the 6/30/09 hearing in the Tennessee case of the University of Tennessee student, David C. Kernell, who got into Palin’s personal Yahoo email accounts last fall.

susan the bruce: April 2008 24, 2008 · Another letter on this topic came from Daniel Bacon from Conway, who is running for state rep. He believes that addicts bring their problems on themselves, and that traveling to a clinic is a “sacrifice” they should have to make. Addiction has long been classified as a chronic disease, and it’s one with a strong genetic component.

Dana Busted: Dana Loesch on AC360 and now on HLN talking ... 11, 2010 · And a censure is a pretty powerful tool. It -- we've reviewed the House history, you remember one of the most famous incidences in the Senate was the censure of Senator Joe McCarthy, and it broke him. It broke his power. And -- and I dare say in this case that Charlie Rangel has basically seen his best days.

Avedon's Sideshow: Playoff season is one of those times where to state an argument is to refute it. " I suppose I shouldn't bring up the fact that the tax bite Obama was asking for was so tiny and so unlikely to collect any real revenues as to be a laughable exchange for the quite serious sacrifice of cutting Social Security, and we should be damned grateful that the ...

Kevin Powell: Ignoring the Backdrop 24, 2005 · After being tied to a fence and beaten within an inch of his life, he was left for dead in the near freezing temperatures. The two men had also stolen his wallet and shoes. Eighteen hours later, he was found by two passing motorcyclists who thought at first that Shepherd was a scarecrow because of the way he was positioned on the fence.

How to reward repression and murder | Sohum Parlance II 12, 2018 · How to reward repression and murder October 12, 2018 in Uncategorized So 15 men traveled from Saudi Arabia to Turkey, murdered Khashoggi in cold blood while he was in the Saudi Embassy, and then dismembered his body in order to smuggle the parts out.

The Sad Saga of the Media | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and ... 12, 2017 · One of my favorite things is just sitting on the beach with someone you love. ??????? ht… 1 day ago; RT @laura4USA: This is happening on the Brooklyn Bridge. The Woke Platoon was locked arm in arm so a pro-police rally couldn't cross and wh… 1 day ago

Mobtown Shank: ShankTV: Hey Tea Bags, Why So White? is also not a thing that should be true, even as a vestige of our sad past on this topic. But it is. Discrimination is still all around us in so many ways, openly redirected towards immigrants who are doing nothing more than following the path that brought my recent ancestors here and probably yours too.

Breaking: Trayvon Martin Was Shot In The Back? | kavips 14, 2013 · There is no way there was an altercation. There is no way Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman. Dr. Shiping Bao, the Volusia County medical examiner who was in charge of handling slain-teenager Trayvon Martin’s body in February 2012, has come out and claimed that, despite Zimmerman’s statements regarding their altercation, there was no feasible way for Martin to have been on top of …

No More Mister Nice Blog: IF A METEOR WERE ABOUT TO ... 12, 2020 · For all the right-wingers' efforts to discredit Dr. Fauci, he remains one of the most trusted people in America. In a late-April Hill /HarrisX poll, 63% of respondents said they trust Fauci for coronavrus information and only 17% said they didn't; in a Morning Consult poll conducted a week earlier, the trust numbers were 71% to 17%.

The Johnsville News: Duke Case: Pick a Number - 3, 5, or ... March 14, 2006 at approximately 0122 hours I responded to Duke Emergency Room in Reference to a rape. Upon arrival I spoke with Ms. Crystal Gail Mangum who stated that she and three girls, Nikki, Angel, and Tammy, had performed at at Bachelor Party on …

Nikki's Nest: The People of Wisconsin Fight For Our Rights ... 11, 2011 · The People of Wisconsin Fight For Our Rights, Too! by Les Aaron on Friday, March 11, 2011 at 8:58am The people of Wisconsin have struggl...

Rising Hegemon : Earth to Cynthia Ruccia 20, 2008 · Earth to Cynthia Ruccia Yesterday I read about Clinton supporter Cynthia Ruccia , who is indulging in a fit of pique because HRC is, well, not winning: Cynthia Ruccia, 55, a sales director for Mary Kay cosmetics in Columbus, Ohio, is organizing a group, Clinton Supporters Count Too, of mostly women in swing states who plan to campaign against ...

No Bread And Circuses For You: Pambazuka - How to win a ... is what Euronews had to say on the subject : One or more of the snipers who fired on the militants on Euromaidan had occupied the headquarters of the National Bank of Ukraine in Kiev. There, investigators discovered spent casings corresponding to the bullets found in the bodies of the victims.

Sex Offender Court Decisions: State v Hall a win on the points raised, the case is remanded for further processing. [4-25-2013: State sex offender act modified] 12-5-2012 New Mexico: State v Hall 2013-NMSC-001 Defendant Bruce Hall was convicted of a sex crime in California pursuant to a plea agreement.

Family values organization plans to give "Power of Courage ... 02, 2015 · Rep. Justin "I see demons" Harris. So the original story over at Ark Times went like this: The Family Council Action Committee will...

Shocking Imagery Of Damage Done By Greenhouse Gases H2O ... departed the Laredo terminal at 10:30 EST Thursday with an empty trailer bound for San Antonio. There, at a drop yard, we dropped the empty and hooked to a pre-loaded trailer full of parts for Toyota bound for our Vandalia, OH terminal. I opted to take I-10 over the Houston to catch US 59 which junctions with I-30 in Texarkana.

September 2010 ~ European-American blog 02, 2010 · I you took the income of just ONE of those billionaires you could feed 140,000 American families. In the 1962 movie ‘The Manchurian Candidate’ , a platoon leader played by Lawrence Harvey is captured by the Communists in China and undergoes a brainwashing treatment which turns him into an assassin who is supposed to kill the American ...

Michigan Voted No Wolf Hunt So Now We Kill Them All - Up ... 07, 2014 · It’s obvious from the comments left on 9 and 10 News’ website that some Michigan residents want all of the wolves in the Upper Peninsula dead. The Michigan DNR is seeking help in finding out who is poaching wolves in Luce, Mackinac and Schoolcraft counties. On November 4 Michigan voted down two proposals that would have allowed for trophy hunting of wolves in the state …

Michael Fountain: Blood for Ink: Page Three Propaganda is not, repeat not, a parody, though the editorial board at Ormondroyd's remembers fondly the testimony of Miss Rita Fang, Page Three Girl, in a courtroom scene from Monty Python. We here at Ormondroyd's Encyclopedia Esoterica are firmly in the grip of …

Brain Rage: Masked Men And Fascism In Iran 05, 2009 · Much of the same faction now claiming such concern for the welfare of The Iranian People are the same people who have long been advocating a military attack on Iran and the dropping of large numbers of bombs on their country -- actions which would result in the slaughter of many of those very same Iranian People.

HV Parents Group refutes TxDOTs conclusions vehicles are the same, and emissions actually are significantly reduced in California per their emissions laws. So, you have similar highways with similar vehicles, obviously you would have similar results: average 10%, irreversible, lung damage for children who grow up …

illusory tenant: Why is James Dobson famous? 07, 2008 · Why is an interesting question on its own. In a more perfect world, Dobson would be wearing a sandwich board and ringing a bell on a street corner somewhere. People would pass him by, maybe give him a dollar or a cigarette or a half a bagel, but otherwise ignore his fevered gesticulations. He might even get arrested.

Ramblinghttps://rambling-caboose.blogspot.comJul 21, 2011 · The chart shows the income share of the Top 5% in the United States from 1913 to 2008. Generated from this excellent and free income database site.As you can see, the income share of the rich was pretty high before and during the Great Depression.Then it tanked after the signing of the New Deal in direct response to the depression. It stayed even during the better part of the New Deal Era when ...

U.S. National Governmenthttps://gracesmithacc.blogspot.comMay 08, 2019 · One of the reasons this Blogger gave was that if the government made them free, they would save on having to give money to parent(s) who can't afford to support themselves and another human being. If you and the other person really can't afford protection for sex, I don't believe that is a valid reason for it to be free.

Suzanne Skinner (@SoozCheapDate) | Twitter 29, 2018 · The latest Tweets from Suzanne Skinner (@SoozCheapDate). Roxburgh, Ettrick & Lauderdale gurning champion 1985-92 incl

Usually Right: Barker's Newsbites: Thursday, November 29, 2012 29, 2012 · One of the most likely reasons for the sharp uptick in crime – city officials said they believe it’s the gradual loss of police officers from the force. * YA THINK...??? (*SNORT*) The city could be down to a little more than 600 officers by February, which would be 200 fewer than in 2008.

wall street « Scanlyze 25, 2011 · Regarding the Wall Street protests. Dear Ms. Bellafante, I read your article in the Sunday New York Times website with great interest: “Gunning for Wall Street, With Faulty Aim” It is a remarkable piece of right-wing propaganda masquerading as a news story.

Donald Trump wants to know who paid the tax day protesters ... 06, 2017 · @realDonaldTrump White supremacist @NathanDamigo sucker-punched a woman at a #Trump protest in #Berkeley , CA. #NathanDamigo #Trumpism...

non-violence « Scanlyze 25, 2011 · As proof, he offers a link to a pdf file allegedly from a 2004 issue of a Canadian left-wing magazine. This is a straw man argument. It is so shallow because only Mr. Brooks is making this argument, falsely attributing it to Occupy Wall Street by guilt by …

My Secret Blogaholism...: The Scariest Candidate for ... 07, 2007 · In his view, the government shouldn't be involved in either. Ron Paul would close the Federal Reserve. Most other countries (and all of our main competitors in the world market) would have central banks that could manipulate their currencies and set monetary policies; America would not.

Halfway There: Tripping through Palinstine Palin is a right-winger and Meir was a left-winger. Meir was the prime minister of Israel and Palin is a candidate for vice president. I see the similarities!A Pair of Pioneers Golda was born in Kiev in 1898, immigrating to Milwaukee with her family as an eight-year-old.

I'm Sick of Smug-Takes on Berkeley Offering "Counseling" 12, 2017 · Former Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro is coming to campus this week. Shapiro will be followed this month by Ann Coulter, Steve Bannon, and Milo Yiannopoulos, as part of a Berkeley "free speech week". In a long email outlining the various campus policies that would be in place to facilitate all these speeches (and as I've consistently argued, having been invited by authorized community …

Ezra Klein Likes Senate Health Care Bill - Blogger 22, 2009 · Yesterday, I posted a link to Firedoglake's assessment of the Senate health care bill, providing ten reason why it should be killed. It's the work of public option advocate Jane Hamsher, who concludes this legislation is little more than a "con job." Naturally, she's been subjected to all sorts of sexually degrading remarks at DailyKos for walking off the reservation.

YARN GIRLS, THEY DO GET WOOLY: May 2007 was the beginning of the LYS Tour and I had been given a preview the night before (while I happened to be there ) of the special yarn they were going to be offering the next day. I was talking about it with the two blogless knitters while we were having a knit and a coffee at a local book store and before I knew it we were all in the car ...

Misogyny not to blame for Santa Barbara massacre 27, 2014 · We love the narrative that blames a current cultural ill (loose morals, video games, a controversial book, misogyny) for random acts of inexplicable horror. But this narrative is …

Neil Cavuto’s Cable Clinic And Medical Tourism Scam | News ... 28, 2009 · Neil Cavuto, Fox News VP and host of “Your World”, has a consistent record of misrepresenting the facts of pretty much any issue he addresses.Whether it’s the economy, national security, climate change, etc., you can rely on his determination to construct the most absurd and untrue arguments to advance his partisan agenda.

Herodotus | Law of Markets one will any longer read it, but it is the best story by the world’s greatest story teller. It is The Histories by Herodotus. I mention it only because it is discussed here in War for the West, written by possibly my favourite living essayist, Joseph Epstein.The subheading for the article is, “What if the Persians had defeated the Greeks?”

Bridget Mary's Blog: 2/5/12 - 2/12/12 argument for women priests in the Catholic Church is based in Scripture, where we find that Jesus Christ had many women associates in his ministry on Earth. Besides his own mother and other women he had a close relationship with Mary of Magdala, who was the first of his disciples to learn that he had risen from the dead.

Balkinization: Taking Section Two of the Fourteenth ... on Professor Fishkin's post, my new article on Section Two of the Fourteenth Amendment was published today. Section Two gets far less attention than Section One, but Section Two is vital for two reasons. The first is that the source of the rule that all persons shall be counted for purposes of national representation.

Bongino gets key endorsement – 20, 2012 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

No More Mister Nice Blog: TRUMP'S "FIRESIDE CHAT": HOW CAN ... 09, 2019 · “This is over a phone call that is a good call,” Trump, sitting behind the Resolute Desk, said in an interview with the Washington Examiner. "At some point, I’m going to sit down, perhaps as a fireside chat on live television, and I will read the transcript of the call, because people have to hear it. When you read it, it’s a straight ...

The Presidency of Donald Trump - a dedicated thread (part ... it’s being driven by this name ID problem. There’s a lot to chew on here. This woman can help us to understand what’s wrong with popular misconceptions about what went wrong in 2016 and how we can create a winning strategy for 2020, but only if we’re willing to admit what we were wrong about.

No Offense, But Why in the Fuck are you Famous Again? said... You never cease to amaze me!!! And your whole list is so damn correct. Farnsworth came to my church one Sunday...and I looked at him and was like.... all you CAN do. But it is a complete embarassment to

Shadow of the Hegemon: David Brooks Went From Zero to "OWS ... 12, 2011 · This has to be a new record. Sure, the piece itself is ridiculous nonsense. He bandies about that raising the income taxes on people making "between 1 and 10 million" would only cut 1% of the national debt, completely ignoring that it's the national deficit that matters, that salaried income aren't their only (or even principal) source of wealth, or that extreme concentration might mean that ...

Writing, Is? Fun!: Worst Lyrics in Tamil Romantic songs this pageThis is the Tamil counterpart. Some of the worst lyrics in Tamil movies have been written in the last 10-15 year period. Earlier, there was Kannadasan and then initially Vairamithu wrote some excellent lyrics. Around the 80s, they started substituting random words in romantic songs, but it still sounded good.

The Obfuscation Report: 05/27/2007 - 06/03/2007 Papers of the Presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960, p. 1035- 1040. My fellow Americans: Three days from now, after half a century in the service of our country, I shall lay down the responsibilities of office as, in traditional and solemn ceremony, the authority of the Presidency is vested in my successor.

The Rectification of Names: Old Whine in New Bottle 24, 2016 · The Monsignor is trolling today, trying out a new line of argumentation for the old complaint that American college and university faculties don't have enough conservatives on the teaching staff (reactionary nostalgia for the Horse Feathers 1930s, when they were run entirely by old white men, many wearing beards, and carefully managed mass hysteria over football).

The Inside Poop: March 2017 31, 2017 · We need to keep in mind that, just within the past week, we’ve seen a third-rate scam, apparently staged by the gang in the White House, to “leak” information to the public that corroborates some fuzzy story that Donald Trump has been telling about being surveilled by the Obama administration, a preposterous tale involving the “unmasking” of innocents that is so incomprehensible and ...

Columbus Day in Shoreline: the Radical Ponders Her Past 03, 2007 · Columbus Day in Shoreline: the Radical Ponders Her Past It wasn't until I first came to Connecticut, back in 1976, that I understood Columbus Day to be a major holiday -- that is, if you put aside its importance as one of several opportunities each year for Clover Day at Strawbridge & Clothier's, which were major holidays to some of our mothers.

Balkinization: Bush Administration Claims Authority For ... the fears, shared by many, that are eloquently spelled out here by tom englehart, in his introduction to elizabeth de la vega's essay, Reprogramming the Infinite Loop: This, after all, is the administration of adamant denials, followed by forceful non-confessions, followed by proud statements, followed by limited hang-outs, followed by even more grudging, only slightly less limited ...

22 | November | 2019 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 22, 2019 · Middlemarch is the epic novel by Mary Anne Evans, better known by her male penname George Eliot. The work is considered one of the most significant novels of the Victorian period and a masterpiece of English fiction. Rather than following a grand hero, Eliot explores a number of themes in a series of interlocking narratives, telling the stories of ordinary characters intertwined in the ...

Automation, Anxiety And Anger | Sheila Kennedy of the drivers of social change is technology–not just the rapid evolution of communication devices and the like, but the truly incredible advances in automation. Robots are assembling cars and refrigerators; three-dimensional printers are beginning to look a lot like Star Trek replicators.

19 | August | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 19, 2013 · Christ’s reign in His Church is that of a shepherd-king. He has supremacy, but it is the superiority of a wise and tender shepherd over his needy and loving flock. He commands and receives obedience, but it is the willing obedience of the well-cared-for sheep, rendered joyfully to their beloved Shepherd, whose voice they know so well.

There Isn’t A “War” On Free Speech | Lean Left 24, 2017 · Day 165. The latest yelling about a war on free speech" comes after the University of California at Berkeley cancelled Ann Coulter's speech for what they say are "safety concerns". We must remember that there is a group of anarchists that have caused violence during speeches at Berkeley before. Maybe, the university is right, maybe…

Michael Moore Just Exploded the Right's Biggest Lie | Alternet Moore’s new film, “Where to Invade Next,” is sure to generate Oscar buzz. It is already on the short list of 15 documentaries from which the final five nominations will be announced ...

Article: Progressive Rabbi Michael Lerner on Israel/Gaza ... 02, 2009 · Plus, there was the actual involvement of the emerging Israeli army, the Haganah and Palmach, that together expelled over 100,000 Palestinians from their homes in a variety of cities in the ...

Winter Patriot: Only The Truth Can Burn Through The Fog 23, 2008 · It was the first day of spring and the day after the U.S. attacked Iraq. Madison was blanketed by a fog that was as depressing as the day, and we were out of our minds with anger and despair. It was late, but we drove to the Capitol Square to join the vigil we thought would still be there.

BARF Feature: Countering the Promise Keepers (part 2) Feature: Countering the Promise Keepers (part 2) While many people are uneasy with the Promise Keepers movement, attempts to counter the PK influence are frustrated by a persistent scarcity of credible criticism and effective practical methods.

Soaring Global Temperatures And Covert Climate Engineering ... 05, 2015 · A runaway greenhouse event may already be underway. The power structure is doing what it does best, making the situation far worse by continuing to ramp up the climate engineering that has been a major contributing factor to the climate unraveling in the first place. Geoengineering is being used (and has been used for over 65 years) as a weapon of mass destruction to covertly control ...

The Rectification of Names: Domestic Emoluments Post could find only one other recent example of a president or vice president charging his own Secret Service rent. Former vice president Joe Biden charged $2,200 a month for a cottage on his property in Delaware. Unlike the payments to Trump, Biden’s …

The Whited Sepulchre: 1/11/09 - 1/18/09, with noted Fort Worth actor Bill Paxton. What are the odds? It's a long, long story. 4. I was born with an undescended testicle. 5. I don't smoke, except for the occasional cigar with the Libertarians at Pop's. But I once had a group of nicotine-addicted employees who claimed they needed more than two minutes for a "quick smoke break".

Get Off This!: Cheney, you want to talk domination? 15, 2007 · That was the offer made by Dick Cheney on Sunday. Those jets would operate out of the massive bases that the United States also constructed during the 1980’s in Saudi Arabia. Which makes one wonder whatever happened to those billions of dollars worth of now antiquated jets that the U.S. furnished to the Shah of Iran back when he was America ...

A Legacy Buried, But Not Gone: The Importance of the 30, 2012 · The ancient Syrian city of Aleppo is much in the news these days as it serves as a center of opposition to the Assad regime. It's a city that has a long and illustrious history, though it is not as well known to us, or at least wasn't until recently.

Behind the Times (subscription wall): Fantasies, Well Meant“The only place I’ve ever had a gun pulled on me was in a legal brothel,” said Melissa Farley, a psychologist and researcher who has studied the sex trade in Nevada for the past two and a half years. Ms. Farley, who is in her 60s and has the demeanor of a college professor, was threatened at gunpoint by a legal pimp who didn’t like her ...

OpenlineBlog: School Boards | West Aurora District 129 ... 05, 2013 · West Aurora School District 129's school board has re-elected Neal Ormond as President. Two new members to the board voted against Ormond, including Robert Patterson. The other board member voting against Ormond was Valerie Brown Dykstra, who worked for years in the City of Aurora's legal department along with fellow incompetent and staff, including so-called corporation …

Israel Orders Doctors To Stop Administration Of Depo ... Orders Doctors To Stop Administration Of Depo-Provera Shots To Women If There Is Any Doubt That They Do Not Understand Their Purpose Shmarya Rosenberg • But for the first time, an Israeli government official has told doctors to stop injecting Ethiopian women – or any other women – with long-acting birth control ...

A Plague of Carnivals. No, Wait! A Carnival of Plagues ... 06, 2012 · One of the prime directives of the Nonbelieving Literati is to read a book picked by one of the participating blog members within the alloted time, and write an essay about it. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a straight forward review of the book, but can be on anything that uses the book as a starting point of discussion.

Blogs and the 2006 Election - Outside the Beltway 19, 2006 · Blogs and the 2006 Election. ... but it’s at least plausible. While Kos and company have been derided here and elsewhere for their poor showings in the …

Green Eagle: Another Party Heard From Davis said... Sorry about the dog. You did get some things right about the two countries. 1) Romania became more Western-oriented during the 1800s, as nationalists pointed to the fact that Romanian (like French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese) is descended from Latin.

Constitutional Reform in the European ... - Le Panoptique constitutional project for the European Union, shelved since the failed ratifications of 2005, is currently witnessing a revival. Under the guise of a new “Reform Treaty” most of the original Constitution’s content has been preserved, but is now being presented in an underhanded manner that expressly avoids public dialogue. This strategy on the part […]

What "we" Earn & what "they" Earn | Bud Meyers 18, 2012 · Even a college education is no guarantee anymore, but it might help to give someone the upper hand when applying for a menial job, even when an advanced education isn't even needed or required. Gone are the days of big manufacturing or working in a good trade and belonging to labor union, negotiating wages and benefits for a job that only one ...

History of Christmas | Sky Dancing“For a day and a night the cry of the Saturnalia resounded through the City, and the people were ordered to make that day a festival and observe it as such for ever” (History of Rome, XXII.1.19). Afterwards, according to Macrobius (I.10.18), the celebrants shouted Io, Saturnalia at a riotous feast in the temple.

Plug It In Instead of Rub It In | Larry Gross Online 17, 2015 · I like it because it’s simple. My thoughts are the more crap you have on a phone, the more that can go wrong with it. OK, in any case, getting back to the iPhone, I use it to take photos on occasion as the phone I actually like doesn’t even have a camera on it. Because I use the iPhone to take pictures, I have to recharge it sometimes.

Novel Mediumhttps://novelmedium.wordpress.comAug 27, 2009 · Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down. I’ve never worked for The Wall Street Journal, and I don’t represent Coke.But, a decade of working in journalism and public relations has given me enough experience to know when journalistic standards are being met and marketing genius manifests itself as an innovative campaign.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Sep 9, 2015 Columbia, South Carolina, United States Alvin McEwen is 48-year-old African-American gay man who resides in Columbia, SC. McEwen's blog, Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, and writings have been mentioned by,, People for the American Way, Raw Story, The Advocate, Media Matters for America,,, Andrew Sullivan's ...

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

Ravi Zacharias Ministry – Indicators of Need | DAILY ... 15, 2019 · But it is a worthy question only if people have intrinsic worth, and the only reason people have intrinsic worth is that they are the creations of One who is of ultimate worth. That person is God. So the question self- destructs for the naturalist or the pantheist. The question of the morality of evil or pain is valid only for a theist.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com recent Saudi and UAE-led coalition’s assault on the strategic Yemeni port city of Hudaida has forced an estimated 30,000 Yemenis to flee their homes and puts at risk the lives of some 22 million Yemenis who depend on Hudaida as the main gateway for imports of relief supplies and commercial goods. More than 10,000 people have died in the war in Yemen, which has entered its fourth year ...

Welcome back, Mr. Cotter! | Eclectablog 24, 2015 · Author: Tony Trupiano Tony Trupiano is the host of the online radio program The Voice of the People, M-F, 9 a.m.-noon .He is the author of two books and has been part of the progressive media landscape for 20+ years. Follow him on Twitter @tonytrupiano.

What Is And Is Not Shown On Television - Blogger is sad as the pilot has no idea of what was about to unfold. I guarantee that this will be shown constantly. That is tragic. But, there is another tragedy. That is, when is the last time that you saw footage from the events of 9/11?

No Right Turn: Candidate Survey: Twenty-Seventh Response 08, 2005 · If people want to go off and have a wedding in a religious sense, that should be their right but it would not be legally recognised as a marriage but as a civil union under law so that there could be no discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or relationship status.

English won't be lonely in Nashville | 23, 2009 · Amazingly, Nashville has rejected the English First referendum by a solid margin (41,752 to 32,144). I thought sure that one would pass, although maybe the difference was that it was a city referendum rather than a county-wide one.

Met Council Fraud Started Before Rapfogel, Prosecution ...'s too early to say for sure, but it appears to be a haredi man with close ties to a well-known haredi organization. I'll post more on this, including his name, when I get confirmation. As for the Modern Orthodox Rapfogel, who is still a pillar of his Lower East Side Orthodox community despite his firing and yesterday's arrest and perp walk ...

Foreign Policy | Hiar Learning Friday, I explained why UBS was the only bank that offered to take a hit on its contracts with AIG during the government’s backdoor bailout of the ailing insurer. The reason? A looming US investigation of UBS that meant the Swiss banking behemoth was in no position to play hardball. In an interview this weekend, one of Switzerland’s justice ministers revealed the extent to which the ...

Michael Jackson’s Human Nature | Zero Tolerance For Silence 26, 2009 · MJ was the man-child who had spent the majority of his life growing up in public. First as the most talented member of the Jackson 5 and then as the young man who broke away from Motown , his family and everyone’s expectations of him by becoming the biggest and best known entertainer (and eccentric) in the world.

Brooks Wilson's Economics Blog: Glaeser on Earnings Gap 11, 2011 · In this instance, if money was the only driving factor in the short run, it would have been more beneficial to me not to be pursuing a degree. However, what I think is being overlooked is the big picture. The new college grad of today will someday have 10 years of experience and a degree.

Tickle The Wirelone wolf Archives - Tickle The gives you something to fall back on to validate whatever your gut feeling was.” The study found that half of the cases were motivated by anti-government extremism. Other significant motivators were racial extremism and Islamist violence. All of the attackers were men, mostly white and a …

MSNBC, Propaganda Wing Of The West Wing | The Lunch Counter 21, 2009 · In true David Axlerod style, make up whatever you can, including the race card, to discredit anyone that disagrees with Obama’s policies. GE, through all its so-called news subsidiaries is nothing more than the propaganda wing of the West Wing. Below are pictures of the man shown in the video, who is clearly a white man, with guns strapped to ...

Ireland | Your Morning Cup of Coffee of a survey of what the island of nation had to offer. One of the more memorable moments was pulling into Belfast on July 12th. That’s the day known as “the troubles”. Everything was closed. We couldn’t even get fast food. Luckily, we talked to a guy named …

My Second Best WSOP Dinner of the Year | Nolan Dalla 20, 2015 · It wasn’t even the wine and cocktails — which were bountiful and best of all, free. No, the best thing about the evening was the host — Joe Hachem. Most of us involved in the poker game know Hachem as the 2005 world poker champion, which was won amidst a thundering chorus of chants, most notably “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.”

archives | The Smirking 21, 2019 · My friend Marianne Goldscheider, who is 87, suffered a broken hip in July, 2018 and then, in June 2019, it happened again. When she broke her hip the first time, she was running, with her son, on a football field. After the second break, when she fell in her kitchen, she recalls her only desire as she was placed on a stretcher.

The Immoral Minority: Omarosa may have taped conversations ... 01, 2018 · @3:05 " The novel describes how three women are forced to come to terms with their identity, both as women and as sexual beings, in a small, conservative, gossipy New England town, with recurring themes of hypocrisy, social inequities and class privilege in a tale that includes incest, abortion, adultery, lust and murder.

The DeLuz Brothers: March 2009 31, 2009 · His sacrifice has not been without victory. He tells of how he led five men to faith in Christ during his first week in prison. Right outside the prison, other pastors have taken to holding prayer vigils every Sunday evening for Walter. Last week was the first and about 20 were present. This week that number was doubled.

2017-18 State/Federal Special Election Results & Swings 24, 2017 · 1 Jungle primary margin between all combined Dem and all combined GOP candidates; runoff is Dem vs. Dem 2 Indicates runoff has not yet occurred; final result undetermined 3 Special was called because 2016 GOP candidate was ruled at the last-minute to be ineligible; using 2014 results for comparison 4 No regular election in 2016; using 2014 results for comparison

Steroid Use, Professional Sports and Teens 10, 2009 · In an earlier post, I defended Alex Rodriguez when his name alone was leaked from of 104 players who tested positive for steroid use in a survey conducted by Major League Baseball (MLB).The leaked information was a violation of a court order. The report of his steroid use cannot help Rodriguez, MLB, or fans appreciation of the game.

August 2008 – eclectique 916 months I’ve been anticipating my cathartic reaction to this historic occasion; but it didn’t happen at INVESCO field. Perhaps it’s because for me the game isn’t over yet. If anyone thought Barack Obama was not up for a fight, his acceptance speech on the Bronchos 50 yard line put that assumption to rest.

PERRspectives: State Budget Cuts Imperil U.S. Economic deepest cuts are expected to occur in the first six months of this year. The worst cuts so far - 3.8 percent - came in the January-to-March period of 2010. That was the sharpest quarterly drop since late 1983, when the U.S. economy was recovering from a severe recession.

Cyde Weys Musings Conservapedia: An encyclopedia for the 22, 2007 · Washington is perhaps the person other than Jesus who declined enormous worldly power, in Washington’s case by voluntarily stepping aside as the ruler of a prosperous nation! His precedent of serving only two terms was then voluntarily followed for 140 years! Washington frequently invoked Christianity in his work!

Possible Experience: Beall speaks was the weak American and Canadian dollars in the late 1990s, and the practice of many larger academic libraries to collect journals from Europe, where currencies were strong at the time. The other was the creation of new fields of study, a phenomenon that paralleled the arrival of the baby boomers into higher education faculty positions.

Balkinization: David Souter, Human Rights Justice was made clear in his decision in Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain, a case handed down on the last day of the Court's October 2003 term. Sosa was the Court's first full engagement with the Alien Tort Statute (ATS), which formed but one sentence in the Federal Judiciary Act of 1789: "The district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Plainfield smacked down over Health ... 18, 2007 · It is curious only because Mr. Williamson was also the 'private prosecutor' (as the decision states) in a harassment proceeding initiated by an employee against Dr. Warwas. Those charges were dismissed by a Municipal Court, as the decision states. …

June | 2009 | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities!: Innocent, Bereft Little Meerkats Confront the Desert’s Dangerous Unknown! Jangwa! is a very clever animated short film by Ilija Brunck and Jan Bitzer, which was a Nominee for the German 2006 Baden-Württemberg Award for Best Animated Short Film. In the film, a group of curious little meerkats are quietly standing atop a stone ridge, surveying the desert below them as the sun rises.

Our Daily Bread — Alone in Space | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS ... 03, 2017 · Read: Genesis 28:10–17 Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 14–15; Luke 22:21–46 Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.—Genesis 28:16 Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden knew what it felt like to be on the far side of the moon. For three days back in 1971, he flew alone…

Ililani Media: State Files Answering Brief in Morita v.“Ths is my advice to the Administration. Because I don`t think they can attract anybody who would want to weigh into this controversy and wait a year with uncertainty to see if the Senate`s going to appoint them or not. So my suggestion is, he should put forward a nominee, and put him through the nomination process, ask the Senate to come back in special session, and do advice and consent on ...

Framed: first point can be addressed by the maxim that most folks learn in first-year logic and rhetoric about not letting the perfect become the enemy of the good. The second point is fairly garbled in its presentation and content, but it seems also to be a claim that the proposed legislation is hypocritical because it doesn't go far enough.

Solsticewitch13's BOS: The Road to Skandanistan 05, 2012 · Being a proud Atheist, and a freedom loving INFIDEL AKA "KUFFAR", WE are threatened by the primitive pidgeon chested jihad boys in the medieval east. FRACK YOU!! SAY US ALL!! Don't annoy the Pagans and Bikers,, it's a islam FREE ZONE!!! LAN ASTASLEM!!!! Tuesday, February 21, …

Orcinus: 12/25/2011 - 01/01/2012 Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

PS104: The Bloghttps://ps104.blogspot.comWell, guess what: Bush would win the popular vote by 712K votes in the first case, and 761K in the second. That wouldn't mean much, but for this fact: Based on those very percentages, as has them for today, Kerry is ahead of Bush in the Electoral College, 253-247, with Florida, Iowa and New Hampshire tied.

The President of the United States | This Black Sista's ... loss of life in area in at least 45 years comes amid renewed dispute Twenty members of India’s armed forces have been killed in a “violent face-off” with Chinese soldiers on their disputed Himalayan border in the worst military crisis between the two countries in nearly 60 years.The deaths are the first loss of life in the border area since 1975, and c […]

1 JOHN CHS 1 - 5 - EVENTS IN TIME (BIBLE PROPHECY ... 01, 2009 · events in time (bible prophecy literally fulfilled)(by god) i write news about and put news articles about israel and jerusalem pertaining to bible prophesy happenings.joel 3:20 but judah (israel) shall dwell for ever, and jerusalem from generation to generation.(thats israel-jerusalem will never be destroyed again)-we christians are all waiting patiently for the pre-tribulation rapture to ...

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 06, 2014 · Obviously, dynastic, the one thing that is a deterrent in this cycle – familiar faces. Additionally he embraces several ideologies most often reserved for those of the opposition party. He would, while running, suggest he’s the most conservative (al –la …

Happy Dancing Black People: The White Racial Frame and the want to continue with our earlier conversation about race, questions of representation, and identity in mass media that we began here about The Lone Ranger. Last weekend, I also saw the coming-of-age movie The Way, Way Back.The movie is a predictable exercise in crowd pleasing tropes about family, divorce, parental dating, road trips, vacations, and teen angst.

Obama being blackmailed??, page could clear this up in a second, simply by producing a legitimate birth certificate. He has chosen not to. I can only think of one reason to do this, he is foreign born. If Kenya was his birth place, then he would be a UK subject. Perhaps the brit.s are the one's now calling the …

AddieStan: Bill O'Reilly and Barbara Walters:A very ... 03, 2009 · (For a more complete accounting, click the links in this post.) But the clincher was the fact that O'Reilly never invited Amanda Terkel to defend her comments in-studio; instead he sent two men to trail her on the highway for two hours and then accost her. I find it deeply troubling that among the hosts of The View, none asked O'Reilly about ...

The North Coast: The Morgan at Loyola Station, Post Grand ... 22, 2011 · The Morgan at Loyola Station, Post Grand Opening Strange to return to blogging with this entry, but a deeply disgruntled tenant of the Morgan who read my previous post on the opening of the Morgan at Loyola Station, posted nearly two years ago on May 20, 2009, left …

Free Trade | Portside was the left who diagnosed the ills of globalization. So why is the right eating our lunch? Today global capitalism is in a period of long-term stagnation following the global financial crisis. The newer protests represent a far broader disenchantment with capitalism than the protests of the 2000s.

Gourmet Magazine – eclectique 916’s highly probable that students will buy less if they pay $2 – $3 for a cupcake at a fundraiser bakesale, than buy more and pay less for convenience foods (at the sports games after school for example) which are the real culprits for childhood obesity in addition to lack of exercise and parental supervision over food available at home.

Frank Lloyd Wright and "Breaking Bad" - Blogger've been looking into the myriad of ways that the City of Chicago (a modernistic den of corruption) is represented in "Breaking Bad," parti...

Ellen DeGeneres Speaks about the Killing of Larry King ... 29, 2008 · Fellow Students at Larry King's Memorial Service in Port Hueneme, California Larry King's memorial service was attended by more than 500 people in Port Hueneme, California. The service drew a diverse group of mourners who said that the killing had touched them deeply. Several students wore buttons bearing his picture. Lawrence "Larry" King was remembered…

Stern Burger with Fries: Rich Trumka to Mary Kay Henry: No ... are the two letters. But first, an interesting note about the letter from SEIU's Mary Kay Henry to Trumka: Take a look at the second paragraph, where Henry reports to Trumka that SEIU-UHW was trusteed in 2009 for "refus[ing] to abide by an internal jurisdictional decision of the SEIU International Executive Board."

The Howdygram 2: Sunday night’s weather was a real humdinger. 02, 2017 · MARCY’S UNFORGETTABLE FOOD-O-RAMA. It was the best feast I can ever remember. Around 4 p.m. Sam presented me with a pile of tempura shrimp and steamed rice for a very late lunch (I’d been asleep), and half an hour later we ordered terrific pizzas from Pizza Hut for the second half of the Cowboys/Packers game.

More trouble for Rudy | Mirror On America 10, 2007 · More trouble for Rudy It would be different if the crazed left-wing bloggers were making up stuff on Rudy Giuliani but there is no need. Rudy has his own dirt and no matter how tightly he tries to shut the door on this closet of secrets thing just keep falling out.

02 | April | 2011 | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities 02, 2011 · 1 post published by Patrick Zimmerman on April 2, 2011

historical wealth : Latest news, Breaking news headlines ... wealthGet all Latest News about historical wealth, Breaking headlines and Top stories, photos & video in real time

Global Curriculum – Alan Singer Index NY Global History Guidelines Lesson Calendar A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History Time – Life Top 100 Events of the Last Millennium Webquests and Simulations Unit Essential Questions 20 Most Important Woman in World History Before the 20th Century Why do so few women appear in world history books? The…

THE CUP OF JOE: Socialized Capitalism 21, 2008 · Socialized Capitalism Watch this vintage Ronald Reagan diatribe against "big government" and Socialized Medicine. And then think about the $700+ billion bail-out of greedy corporate fat-cats in the financial sector who will be gorging at the …

John MacArthur – Breaking the Bondage of Legalism | DAILY ... 17, 2013 · "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matt. 5:8).By the time Jesus arrived, Israel was in a desperate condition spiritually. The Jewish people were in bondage to the oppressive legalism of the Pharisees, who had developed a system of laws that were impossible to keep. Consequently, the people lacked security and…

Claremont Insider: Scripps College 01, 2008 · See this link for a general explanation of where these numbers come from. Compare to Pomona College here. All numbers shown are from the IRS Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax) filed by Scripps College reflecting the fiscal year beginning 7/1/2004 and ending 6/30/2005. These are the most recent data available.

The Rude Pundit 01, 2011 · Asking for Decency from an Indecent People: President Obama's speech last night at the University of Arizona in Tucscon was everything it needed to be. It was lovely and simple: a reflection on the lives of those who had been killed followed by a call that their deaths have some meaning beyond being bullet-beds for a madman's gunfire.

bolo boffin: 09/18/2005 - 09/25/2005 09, 2005 · If I blog in the future, it will be quite sporadic; I don't get into port much (oops! I'm spilling the beans). But I've been watching Katrina coverage with pretty much blind outrage at the Bush Administration once again finding itself "learning the lessons" of being prepared. George, these are the …

Dodecahedron: Shape of the Universe: Who To Blame? 11, 2005 · Putting aside for a moment what total horseshit Bush's proposal is, a smart move would have been to have rejected Kyoto and IMMEDIATELY come back with a counterproposal. Bumbling around for five years ignoring an issue is not good diplomacy, it's …

Tea Party Veteran Protesters are the Real Hypocrites ... 23, 2013 · Tea Party Veteran Protesters are the Real Hypocrites . A lot of people claiming to be veterans got all pissed off last week. As they rightfully should have been. We all shouldve been óutraged that our federal government was shut down for 16 days.

The Rectification of Names: Cheap shots and white Walkers you're a refugee, you should be jolly pleased with staying in the first place you get to. Right. Those who are fleeing war, rape, the murder of children, the destruction of homes and whole cities, should obviously be happy to spend the rest of their lives in a refugee camp on the Turkish border.

Angie Villa Art & Education: May 2012 have a linear quality that is so innocent and expressive. Drawing reinforces what kids are learning about shapes, develops fine motor skills, but it also teaches kids how to express themselves through lines, color, and subject matter. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and joy.

McCain Is Getting $58,000 A Year In Disability Income But ... 08, 2008 · Suzie-Q on Twitter. RT @Shermichael_: It's ironic that #AllLivesMatter is trending. #BlackLivesMatter doesn't mean other lives don't, but it does mean that bla… 1 week ago; RT @davidaxelrod: One variable in the ‘20 campaign always has been how @realDonaldTrump would behave if he felt he was losing. Now we know.… 1 week ago; RT @pcass59: So, trump won’t wear a …

Afghanistan bomb attacks kill twenty-one US soldiers in 48 ... 31, 2010 · Twenty-one American troops have been killed in Afghanistan since Friday in one of the bloodiest periods of the summer. By Ben Farmer, in Kabul, Telegraph, August 31, 2010 A U.S. army medic runs to the scene of a road side bomb explosion in Kandahar province Photo: REUTERS A series of bomb attacks have badly…

JustOneMinute: Maureen Dowd "Over The Top" On Hillary Public Editor Clark Hoyt absolves most of the Times of sexism in their coverage of Hillarity's Presidential campaign but has special words for Maureen Dowd:. SOME supporters of Hillary Clinton believe that sexism colored news coverage of her presidential campaign. The Times reported in a front-page article on June 13 that many are proposing boycotts of cable news networks and that a ...

753 2020 are The Boss, reading my resume & cover letter! You probably won't like everything you read here, but you can be sure I am not pandering to anybody's wishes. Most if it is my own ideas and all of it is what I believe America needs to change course for a better future. And I believe America can lead the world to a …

Drumpf’s Not a Hitler | It Is What It Is 16, 2017~~ TWITLER. Drumpf’s Not a Hitler, More of a #Twitler. Words written mid January 2017, before the inauguration. Prophetic at best!

East Area Rapist | Bloviating Zeppelin you care to watch the show on the SHR Media Facebook page (in glorious color), click right here.Kindly LIKE us on Facebook. Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat ...

Eugenics American Style | The Great American Lemming Farm 03, 2007 · One step closer to the end of the world. The one-two combo of corporate greed and organized religion apparently proved to be too much for reason, sanity and compassion.-Trent ReznorI have seen the future and it is Idiocracy, a movie that is more outright horrifying than Soylent Green, Blade Runner, Brazil or any other dystopian…

Promoting equality = Buying into the "homosexual agenda 06, 2008 · 7:45am Grab a croissant and a latte at Starbucks and whistle at the hotties in front of the high school. Recruitment can't start too soon and football players just LOVE to grab each others' buns. 8:30am Show up at work early so that you can update the mannequins to look just a little more butch.

Right Side of Left Coast: Carl’s Jr. Latest Company to ... the 2013 death of the founder of Carl’s Jr. — the ubiquitous California fast-food restaurant chain — the Orange County Register published an obituary that captured the one-time spirit of the state: “Carl Karcher, the Ohio farm boy with an eighth-grade education who turned his $326 investment in a hot dog stand into a multimillion-dollar fast food empire, died Friday afternoon.

The Citizens: Torture, Rape and Supporting the Troops 05, 2007 · Torture, Rape and Supporting the Troops Well, it was predicted in some of the comments to the earlier post about the CIA tapes. ABC is interviewing a former CIA operative who was a witness to the torture sessions on those destroyed tapes.

Jews sans frontieres: When a man's tired of Geras he's ... 14, 2014 · It dominates the discourse in the mainstream media on such things as Israel and foreign interventions/wars but it tends to be more shouty than the run of the mill mainstream media and the card carrying Decent tends to denounce the rest of the mainstream for not being hard enough on leftists who never get a lookin in the mainstream anyway.

Watergate Summer: The Underdogs of This Olympics...All ... photos are from LA Times, there are more. This team was so inspiring , they all arrived with their own story and hardships. And watching them was breathtaking , they all performed with Heart and Guts,especially last about them at LA TImes.....they were really the Unsung Heros of this Olympics...and that they got the Bronze shows they actually were out Golden Boys of Summer....

Balkinization: Welcome to Michael Stokes Paulsen Stokes Paulsen, who is currently the McKnight Presidential Professor of Law and Public Policy, Briggs & Morgan Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship at the University of Minnesota Law School-- and who will soon join the faculty at St. Thomas School of Law-- will be guest blogging with us at Balkinization.

Fixing the Knox County Charter | are the latest coronavirus maps, charts and numbers in Tennessee ; Black bears are increasingly common in Knoxville, but officials hope to leave them alone ; Knoxville Biz Ticker: Y-12 contractor Consolidated Nuclear Security contributes more than $100k for …

The Deep State, Donald Trump, Reality Leigh Winner and a ... 13, 2017 · I have concluded two part conspiracy posts regarding “Deep State” operative Reality Leigh Winner? and Reality Leigh Winner, a useless idiot or did the ‘Deep State’ use her My intention today was to draw conclusions regarding facts that simply make no sense. I do believe Reality Leigh Winner who leaked Top Secret Documents was a willing patsy.

August | 2007 | Sheila Kennedy post. August 11, 2007 . An Open Letter to “X” Those of you who know my writing mainly through blog postings here and elsewhere might be surprised to know that my twice-a-month column for the Indianapolis Star is much more restrained (or so I like to think). I measure my words in that venue carefully—in large part because I only get 500 of them, and it can be hard to make complex ...

Ezra Klein: Too Complicated? any case, that's why I said that this isn't my preferred solution. But it is explainable and it is not mosntrously complex, not by any means. Certainly a detailed policy critique raises interesting questions, but they need not be answered for the system's structure to be understood. Posted by: Ezra | Jun 10, 2005 5:34:52 PM

Jews sans frontieres: Ethics 101: Compare and Contrast 101: Compare and Contrast JSF readers, we have a quiz for you. ... We Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude towards animals, will also assume a decent attitude towards these human animals. ... But it is a crime against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, thus causing our sons and ...

REPUBLICONE: Colonialisme et Décolonisation this pageNov 12, 2013 · La République s'est ruinée à rendre viable la colonie d'Algérie sans y parvenir, les colons étaient assistés par la métropole de manière croissante, contrairement aux colonies britanniques et hollandaises qui d'emblées furent gérées par des compagnies commerciales relayées par …

PPT – Blogs, Forums, Wikis PowerPoint presentation | free ...'s Best PowerPoint Templates - CrystalGraphics offers more PowerPoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for “Best PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect.

Radical Scholarship: Writers Reflect on Chicago Strike ... Reflect on Chicago Strike Education Week Stephen Dyer (Expanded) Andrea Kayne Kaufman (Expanded) Missing the Forest for the Trees (Expanded below) The Chicago teachers’ strike has sparked even more debate over the role of unions and the importance of teacher quality in public education.

The McCain Campaign Death Watch - Blogger McCain Campaign Death Watch ... once he did it was only a matter of time before the fate of possibly being the first to pull out of the race would happen. When a supposed front-runner has to do this in such an early stage of the campaign, it is a bad sign. ... Is this a good way for a fine, wonderful American such as Sen. "F--- You" McCain ...

The Immoral Minority: 21 kids are suing President Obama ... 04, 2015 · Give it a rest you whiny little middle class entitled American kids; talk to a kid from Bangladesh, whose modest hovel truly is in danger from rising sea levels. Talk to some kids in China who are dying from lung disease from pollution or forced to work long hours in toxic conditions to make your cellphones and game consoles.

Civil Freedoms – Issue No. 297-September 2, 02, 2014 · NCPCF Vol. IV-Issue No. 297 NEWS DIGEST Tuesday, September 2, 2014 ‘Civil Freedoms for All’ It is my conviction that if we are neutral in situations of injustice, we have chosen the side of the oppressor.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Barro And The Probability Of A Depression - Blogger 12, 2009 · Although the stock-market crash in 1929 did not have everything to do with the "Great Depression," it did play a significant role. America may only be experiencing mild recessions at the moment, but if stock-markets continue crashing, America may soon be facing another major depression.

GED | Exceptional Delaware 24, 2018 · Posts about GED written by Kevin Ohlandt. I’ve seen a lot in Delaware education over the past four years. I’ve seen people say some very brilliant things and I’ve heard very stupid things.

August | 2015 | Dr Linda Shelton 08, 2015 · Yes it must raise taxes, help the private sector have the environment to raise money, but it does not raise money. He might be a good adviser to a private set of advisers hired to invest the money from the Social Security trust fund so that it grows like Canada’s system which is growing and in no danger of running out of money, but investing ...

Change of Subject: Land of Linkin' - Chicago Tribune 27, 2006 · Artnatomy is an interactive tool for artists in which they can manipulate various facial muscles in a drawing to see the effect on a person's expression. The rest of us can just fool around on it and make images like this: A MySpace Cheat Sheet for Parents--"Wired News addresses some of the most pressing questions parents might have if they explore their teenager's relationship with MySpace."

Article: NRDC's Nature's Voice | OpEdNews 19, 2017 · Article: NRDC's Nature's Voice - I receive a newsletter put out by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Today I took the time to read it in depth, and I'm glad I did. If you care about ...

Koch Brothers Undermining Democracy Again - YouTube to view5:38Oct 03, 2014 · The notorious Koch brothers are once again working their magic interfering with the US electoral system. North Carolina arm of the Koch brothers' Americans for Prosperity group has sent out 100ks ...Author: Jason UnruheViews: 1.2K

Trump says Sears was mismanaged—his Treasury Secretary was ... Bankruptcy himself, Donald Trump, says Sears was mismanaged for years. Trump’s Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, was on Sears Board for years: Steven Mnuchin was a member of Sears’s board from 2005 until December 2016, and before that was a director for K-Mart Corp., which was acquired by Sears in 2005. “Sears has been dying for many […]

THE CUP OF JOE: No Stage Magic For This Production? is going to draw some major criticism as well, since he is the first to point some things out that no doubt others have felt, and his review might come off as rather cold, especially since this work by Didion is based on the death of her husband and her daughter, who died young, 39, my present age.

Colorado prison program teaches inmates about life beyond ... 08, 2011 · Colorado prison program teaches inmates about life beyond bars - The Denver Post Reconnecting with old crime cohorts is a common way parolees get into trouble again and cycle back into prison. But a new program created by the Department of Corrections called the Lifetime Offender Program, or LTOP, not only allows certain associations between ...

An update on the Audrey Scott flap – 25, 2012 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

THE CUP OF JOE: They Think Lying is Fun 11, 2007 · After blatantly lying to a midget at a key point in tonight's episode, and then later lying a second time about whether they had lied in the first place, reality TV "stars" Rob and Amber were elimated from The Amazing Race, finishing just behind America's favorite midget Charla and her cousin Mirna. Rombuh had finished first in the previous three legs of the All Stars editon of the show.

Article: Let's Finnish Education | OpEdNews 22, 2015 · Article: Let's Finnish Education - The US better wake up and smell the education that's brewing in other places across the globe. Can we learn from …

Steph On The Left - Facebook even though we have all lived through the emotions and writings and videos and artwork accompanying all of these incidents, I’m sure we will find that morning brings with it a debate- “but why are the protestors looting?” And if you are tempted to do the same, I want you to go back to the first paragraph and read it again. And again.

The Protocols of the Elders of Islamo-Catholicism? copy obtained by Haaretz included a Pesach greeting from Shalom, "in the name of the Nahshon Brigade." The story is narrated by a man named Avi, who says he changed his name from Ibrahim after he left Hezbollah and converted to Judaism.

Leftist Grandpa: SHANE MURPHY "SLAMS" LIMBAUGH FOR "HATE ... 27, 2009 · When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. -- Thomas Jefferson A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it.

No Right Turn: NZ police violated legal privilege 03, 2015 · There's a case going through the Supreme Court at the moment where the New Zealand police bugged an accused's conversations with their lawyer in an effort to gain an advantage during prosecution: A convicted drug baron says police illegally intercepted phone calls he had with his lawyer, giving prosecutors unfair insights into his case. – 2014 – October it is still more than seven times* higher than the population density of North Dakota, where fracking has devastated farming. And it also means that we care more. Because tourism and farming, the two industries that would be most affected by fracking, are the most important parts of our economy.

Into the Breach: 11/01/2013 - 12/01/2013 advocates decry the ACA implementation as well as critics on the right. "We may have an 'I-told-you-so' moment, but it's hard to get any pleasure out of it knowing how many people are actually going to get hurt," said Stephanie Woolhandler, a New York-based doctor who co-founded Physicians for a National Health Program, a group that pushes for universal health care.

Into the Breach: 10/01/2011 - 11/01/2011 29, 2011 · Man's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.--Frederick Douglass. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.--John A. Shedd. In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. --Iroquois Confederacy Maxim

The Useless Tree: Eric Rudolph: killing in the name of ... 18, 2005 · On Monday, Eric Rudolph was given two life sentences after pleading guilty to bombing an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama. He was unrepentant, saying: "Abortion on demand is a return to the ancient practice of infanticide." Those who provide abortions, and those who help them, he argued, should be fought with "deadly force." The judge, in handing down the sentence, observed: "In the …

The Useless Tree: Friday I Ching Blogging: Getting Started ... here likewise two dangers threaten: a man may fail in his education to penetrate to the real roots of humanity and remain fixed in convention - a partial education of this sort is as bad as none - or he may suddenly collapse and neglect his self-development. Again, strong Mencian overtones here. But it really does get at my purposes.

Chicago News | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog, Ill. — Gov. Rod Blagojevich was thrown out of office Thursday without a single lawmaker rising in his defense, ending a nearly two-month crisis that erupted with his arrest on charges he tried to sell Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat. Blagojevich becomes the first U.S. governor in more than 20 years to be removed by impeachment.

The Rationality of Kim Jong-un (and His Nukes) | The was 24 when the New York Philharmonic Orchestra visited Pyongyang to a warm welcome. (Washington refused a North Korean offer for a reciprocal visit.) Selected as successor, he became the new absolute leader of North Korea at age 27, a young, vigorous, well-educated man (Physics degree from Kim Il-song University) groomed for the post and ...

BilgeBucket Gazette »’re still shaking our heads at the stupidity of the MÆGAMorons or Teabaggers 2.0 and their insipid open up the country protests, despite the still rising number of cases of COVID-19 across the country and the world. The reason: they miss getting haircuts and manicures.These idiots, who’ve prided themselves that they collected enough rations to survive for years in the coming apocalypse ...

Queer Notes: April 2010 at Alternet, you can read all about how Ted Cox went undercover at a "Journey Into Manhood" camp, Matt Taibbi-in-The Great Derangement-style.What does it feel like for a man, learning to be a man, with the help of other men? It involves isolation and strange rituals and "Native American flute music" and re-enactments of junior high school gym class humiliations.

MSNBC And The Hyperbolic Brian Williams Continues To 11, 2016 · MSNBC is successfully (albeit it slowly) transforming from a progressive network with a decided and public "left" lean, to a network ordered to move "right" by its executive officer. Evidence of such manifest in the early morning hours via additional air-time for its flagship morning conservative commentary via the Morning Joe show and various programming…

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead, Monday thirty one year old suspect was arrested in the downtown area with the goods still in his possession a full day later, suggesting that wholesale sales and delivery were not his specialty. Monday's sports section featured a review of the Saturday Awards show for the Prince Rupert Rampage and a preview of the PRSS Rainmakers soccer season ahead.

Green Eagle: A Simple Truth That We Should Not 24, 2016 · Green Eagle said.... My younger son, who is in his twenties, says he meets a lot of people like this. He is a lead guitar player in a band (today is their third gig in four days- they play around the LA area a lot) and says he finds a lot …

The Immoral Minority: Ronan Farrow may lose his new MSNBC 02, 2014 · The New York Daily News‘ Confidenti@l blog reported on Monday morning that, according to insider sources, Ronan Farrow‘s brand-new MSNBC talk show is already on the fritz reportedly because of disappointing ratings and a lackluster on-air presence. “He sort of stinks on TV,” the anonymous network source told the newspaper.

Electronic Village: Tavis Smiley Pouts About Barack Obama blog seeks to look at events thru the perspective of Black people. We seek the Nguzo Saba 365/7 on on our blog. Please be active as a villager by using the COMMENT OPTION on blog posts, Subscribe to our blog, introduce yourself or view our most popular posts!

Subliminal Ridge: Deray sued by Cop for Incitement: Far August 2019: In 2016, a Baton Rouge, Louisiana, police officer sued Deray McKesson, a Baltimore school teacher and founder of Project Zero.The lawsuit, filed as a "Doe," claimed that McKesson was a leader of Black Lives Matter and that he was responsible for the actions of another protester who had thrown a rock that injured the officer in his face and head.

DHHS Sylvia Burwell (Vince Foster’s dumpster diver), tell 04, 2014 · Who is Burwell? From HHS Nominee Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Dumpster-Dived Dead Vince Foster’s Trash. May 9, 2014. According to the Free Beacon: In July 1995, Burwell (then Sylvia Mathews) was one of several key aides questioned by the Senate Whitewater Committee regarding the death of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster.

Lyndon B. Johnson | by: Bluedog89. WP~Eugene Allen, who endured a harsh and segregated upbringing in his native Virginia and went on to work for eight presidents as a White House butler, died March 31 of renal failure at Washington Adventist Hospital in Takoma Park.He was 90. Mr. Allen and his wife, Helene, were profiled in a Washington Post story in 2008 that explored the history of …

03 | October | 2011 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts 03, 2011 · In the 1970s, he was close to a network of former Party members who went on to form the neo-Marxist and pro-Chinese New American Movement. In the 1970s and 1980s, Hugh DeLacy traveled to Communist China, Sandinista controlled Nicaragua and to Lisbon, to meet with senior officials of the Portuguese Communist Party.

OU professor who compared being called a 'boomer' to being 12, 2020 · The phrase “OK, Boomer” first swept the internet in the form of memes and viral jokes, wryly calling out older generations for archaic …

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions - Who Provided Security? of its principals and a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, Mishal Yousef Saud al Sabah, served on the board of Stratesec. The managing director at KuwAm, Wirt D. Walker III, was also a principal at Stratesec, and Walker, Marvin Bush and al Sabah are listed in SEC filings as significant shareholders in both companies during that period.

The Whited Sepulchre: On Firing Drunk City Of Fort Worth's Human Relations Commission sent me a letter a few days ago. It marked the end of a long, tiresome, wasteful process that hit on employment law, civil rights, racism, ageism, skinism, alcoholism, paternalism, bureaucracies, and whether or not I should have the right to purchase the labor of whoever I dang well please.

Vagabond Scholar: Mean Girls, Drama Queens and Angry 01, 2010 · Kathleen Guftafson is not a teacher. She’s a theater tech… And a liar. You just can’t make this stuff up. Most of Hoft's links went to a post with running updates by conservative blogger Macsmind –this being the key one: UPDATE: Here’s a story about her singing abilities with a drag-queen band. Whoohoo! That's where Hoft got the photo.

Roger Ailes: 10/01/2006 - 11/01/ Shame of Berkeley. In the New York Times, Michiko Kakutani paints accurate portrait of John "Screw" Yoo, the intellectual lightweight who sits, steaming, on the seat cushion of the Edwin Meese Chair for Unconsitutional Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law:. One of his favorite tactics in this book is to create a ridiculous caricature of …

Property...Freedom...Peace: Jeanne Crain!, she didn't get the part, but it did set her sights on being a movie actress. After her high school career, Jeanne enrolled at UCLA to study drama. At the age of 18, Jeanne won a bit part in Fox Studio's film entitled The Gang's All Here (1943) and a small contract.

Carie Prejean's "most embarrassing mistake" just got SEVEN 06, 2009 · Carie Prejean's "most embarrassing mistake" just got SEVEN times more embarrassing! Now a investigation has uncovered that there are SEVEN more “biggest mistakes” of her life – all of them solo performances, just like the one sex tape that the religious beauty queen has admitted to.

Stretching the Frames of Acceptance in ... - Righting America 23, 2018 · There it was. The dog whistle. A loud voice in my head started screaming, “You can’t just happily go along with this, Camille. That’s racist. You have to say something. Don’t just go along to get along.” So I said something. I separated from that sentiment. “I’m going to have to disagree with you there.” Jan’s spine straightened.

Comey's Interview Highlights The Disastrous Assumption ... Comey's interview aired last night on ABC and it really did not provide a lot of news that we already did not know. It certainly reinforced Comey's self-perception of his holier-than-thou status, while highlighting his enormous blind spots and errors.

An Ontarian in Newfoundland: July 2011 - Blogger 27, 2011 · Since moving to Newfoundland, I have looked back at Toronto, my city of origin, with increasing dismay. Every time I am home and happen to wander downtown, it feels like the city has eroded … and while I’m perfectly willing to entertain the idea that part of that stems from nostalgia for the days I lived in the Annex, it’s not entirely my imagination.

THE NEWS BLOG scumbag Off the Record by Tom Scocca Some snubs are more noticeable than others. When Washington Post writer Michael Leahy was assigned to cover Michael Jordan in Washington, D.C.—first as an executive for the Washington Wizards, then as a player in a two-season comeback—he got used to being ignored by the N.B.A. megastar.

Pope sends out Christmas message of hope. Well except for ... 10, 2012 · Scariest Santa ever! Courtesy of the Daily Mail : The Pope has pressed his opposition to gay marriage today saying the future of manki...

Contextual Criticism: 12/4/16 - 12/11/16 thought his birth was in the fall, others in the spring. Finally, they chose December 25, which was the day when Mithras, a sun-god, was born. It was a smart move, because one of the gods most people in Rome worshipped was born on that day so it made for an easy transition from paganism to Christianity.

Merrick Garland and GOP shamelessness | Pulitzer Prize ... for a seat on the D.C. Court of Appeals by President Bill Clinton in 1995, Garland is a centrist who is highly-regarded throughout Washington. He’s a former prosecutor; as a Justice Department lawyer, he oversaw the trial team who prosecuted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and his accomplice, Terry Nichols.

This may not be entirely fair to Mittens. But it is ... 11, 2012 · Click here to see larger image. Clearly women are not the ONLY ones who feel an affinity for this President.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court throws out parts of Megan's Law Supreme Court: Trouble with Megan's Law 12-19-2013 Pennsylvania: County district attorney reacts The state Supreme Court has ruled parts of Megan's Law unconstitutional because of how changes were made to it nearly a decade ago, but the state's prosecutors association says the law is still in effect.

First District City Council | 08, 2020 · City Council District 1, which includes all of South Knoxville and the UT area, voted for David Hayes in his race for City Council At-Large Seat B in the 2019 November general election. David’s support from a majority of District 1 precincts and voters is a testament to District 1’s support for a Knoxville for All and David as a city ...

The Next Hurrah: OPA doesn't say if he asked Elston for a clarification on the acronym OPA or not. It carries a great deal of ambiguity. It could refer to DOJ's Office of Public Affairs, which would have some input into the best PR strategy to use when you've fired 7 USAs for no cause. But it probably doesn't refer to that OPA.

The Immoral Minority: Don't forget to watch Levi Johnston ... 02, 2009 · Levi leaves out little tidbits in his interviews. I don't expect anything downright earth shattering. I enjoy seeing his evolution from a Wasilla teen to a Cosmopolitan man who is learning more in the last few months than most people do in a lifetime.

The Useless Tree: Sociality 19, 2011 · The information that comes from deep in the evolutionary past we call genetics. The information passed along from hundreds of years ago we call culture. The information passed along from decades ago we call family, and the information offered months ago we call education. But it is all information that flows through us.

Lust For Strife: ‘The Citadel’ And Glenn Beck’s ... 15, 2013 · He also plans a media center where he would produce entertainment “that would challenge viewers without resorting to a loss of human decency.” It is in that area that he would train new journalists in his techniques of lying and fear mongering. There would be a research facility for…God knows what.

Head Of Yellowstone Feels 'Abused' By Interior Department ... The Wolves News. More than 460 Yellowstone bison killed so far this season March 31, 2020 N.W.T. government hoping to shoot wolves by air next week March 20, 2020 $400,000 in Idaho State Funding to Kill Wolves Approved by Lawmakers March 20, 2020 Australia lab may have found Covid-19 cure March 20, 2020 Idaho Fish and Game kills 17 wolves in north …

For Comedy Central: “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” – Flap's ... 25, 2010 · To everyone who is in his/her sense, All the religions in this world have to be respected and should be given honor. It is not blasphemy of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, but it is blasphemy and insult of all the religions of Allah. If anyone does such an act of stupidity he/she makes a mockery of himself.

The Back Forty » The Miryam Ehrlich Williamson Heading out to a meeting I knew would start way later than announced, I grabbed the March 30 issue of the New Yorker to keep my mind occupied and my prefrontal cortex from getting angry while I waited. [Note: The reference to …

The Headline: "Utah's Public Enemy Number One Captured ... photo: Couldn’t have been that hard to find. Anyway: This charming inmate, Curtis Allgier, member of the Aryan Nation, went to a medical appointment, accompanied by a cop, stole the cop’s handgun, shot him dead, and went on the lam.He carjacked a Ford, got chased into an Arby’s, shot someone inside, and was captured in the manager’s office.

Are Washington Voters Anti-Catholic? | Slog | The Stranger ... his latest and (hopefully) last screed against I-1000, Connelly condemns backers of Washington state’s “death with dignity” initiative for using “code words” to bash life lovin’ Catholics. Joel would have his readers believe that supporters of I-1000 gain some sort of unfair advantage at the polls by bashing Catholics, which can ...

News Cycle: Reporters' Frustration With Obama Team Growing 22, 2009 · There are signs that any honeymoon period between President Barack Obama and the White House press corps is morphing into a first quarrel. White House reporters at Press Secretary Robert Gibbs briefing expressed their frustrations today at a number of issues that have cropped up in the first hours of the Obama administration.

Powering Space; Radical Oppositions - Blogger Digital Journal:. Engineers at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center installed a nuclear power source Thursday onto the Mars rover set to launch this month. The rover, named Curiosity, is the latest in unmanned missions to Mars, and is expected to provide new evidence about Mars history, including clues as to whether the Red Planet ever harbored life.

21 | July | 2003 | WITMOT? 21, 2003 · It’s probably too soon to start gathering pairs of animals in a houseboat but it feels like that time is near. One of joys of rainy season is the fact that mold seems to grow on every flat surface. There’s a corner in the tatami room I’m living in that seems to grow little civilizations of mold every two or three days, only to fall to the ...

Another Environmentalist for Nuclear Energy the start of NEI Nuclear Notes, we've introduced you to a number of significant members of the environmental movement who believe that if we're to strike a balance between economic growth and environmental protection, that nuclear energy must play a larger role in the world's energy mix. We've told you about James Lovelock, Patrick Moore and Hugh Montefiore.

Kevin Powell: May 2006 30, 2006 · Once, during one of these marathon dress rehearsals, I was leading the orchestra through a piece written by a student composer. It was only the second time we practiced it because Regular Conductor scheduled it for only 10 minutes at the end of one rehearsal. It wasn’t hard music, but it was stranger than what folks were used to.

Midweek Mashup #3: A Dragon, a Slow Loris and LeVar Burton ... 12, 2011 · Yes, Minister rocks. It is my favorite show of all time. I love LMAO. And, I spent the first 15 minutes of this episode literally keeling over on the couch, I was laughing so hard. Just brilliant. And, thanks to some kind soul, the rest of this episode, entitled “Party Games”, is on YouTube, for your enjoyment ??

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: John Kerry - The ... 13, 2005 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's …

Jews sans frontieres: I swear this blog is going down the ... finally, I know this has been a garbled post but it's late and there have been all sorts of visitors and drinks going on. To recap, this David t is actually a finance lawyer called David Toube. From google it would appear that not a lot of people know that. He acts stupid for the same reason that he calls himself "David t".

The Rude Pundit: Fuck Everyone Involved in the "Little ... 12, 2013 · Fuck Everyone Involved in the "Little Girl Can't Sell Mistletoe" Story: (It's the Rude Pundit's birthday, so he gets to call the game today.) Here's the story: Adorable 11 year-old girl with the uber-American name of Madison Root finds out she needs braces.To help her Oregon family with the $4800 cost of the things, she harvests and bags mistletoe at her uncle's farm.

Guillermo64 (@guillermo64) | Twitter 11, 2018 · The latest Tweets from Guillermo64 (@guillermo64). Tijuana Xolos, Cruz Azul, LigaMX, & El Tri Soccer (futbol) fan. Boxing enthusiast. And a FORMER die-hard San Diego Chargers fan. San Diego California

7-Eleven US Locations | No 7-Eleven | Page 7 19, 2013 · Manhattan isn’t the only place pushing back against 7-Eleven.In California, Berkeley’s Zoning Adjustments Board was successful at preventing a new 7-Eleven from staying open all night after concerns over the negative impact the 7-Eleven might have on local crime and safety. “Berkeley’s Zoning Adjustments Board on Thursday approved 7-Eleven’s application to …

In the Interest of Jurors? - The StandDown Texas Project StandDown Texas Project was organized in 2000 to advocate a moratorium on executions and a state-sponsored review of Texas' application of the death penalty. To stand down is to go off duty temporarily, especially to review safety procedures.

Mystery woman Muslim Huma Abedin. Gatekeeper to Hillary ... 03, 2016 · Huma Abedin. Always lurking around the edges, expressionless. Just who is Huma Abedin? Buried in the wonderfully written Newsweek piece is this: With Weiner unemployed, Abedin took a second job as a consultant for Teneo Holdings, a phenomenally well-connected global consulting company. Clinton signed off on Abedin’s dual role, but a State …

(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump is backing off his ... first big climate change treaty was signed in Japan, one of the world's biggest contributors of greenhouse gases. No country of significance met their targets or obligations. Same with every subsequent conference and treaty - no one is making the necessary changes.

Lumpenprofessoriat: Valuing Academic Labor-Power 09, 2008 · The more and better work you do, the higher your wage. In Marx's terms, this would mean you are paid for your "labor" -- for the actual work done. The form our wages take and the way our raises and promotions are structured encourages this view at every turn, but it …

Barack Obama Watch: The Sounding Board – Jeremiah Wright ... 14, 2008 · The title of Mr. Obama’s bestseller “The Audacity of Hope” comes from one of Wright’s sermons. Mr. Wright is one of the first people Mr. Obama thanked after his election to the Senate in 2004. Mr. Obama consulted Mr. Wright before deciding to run for president. He prayed privately with Mr. Wright before announcing his candidacy last year.

JD Alt – Hopping Mad 06, 2017 · 17 October 2016 – I have been talking on the show about JD Alt’s book, The Millennials’ Money, since it was still a series of posts on the modern monetary theory (MMT) blog, New Economic Perspectives.This book is that good and it’s that important. JD not only covers the basics of MMT effectively and in an especially accessible manner, he goes much further and …

The Reference Frame: IPCC, dogma, heretics, and Judith Curry 09, 2010 · The North America cooled in this decade Steven Goddard shows James Hansen's NASA GISS graphs of the temperature change between 2000 and 2009. You see that Central Europe has seen no change while most (larger Western part) of the North America cooled by more than 0.5 °C.

Tickle The WireUtah Archives - Tickle The, who is chairman of the powerful House Oversight and Government Reform committee, said he has increased his security, the Salt Lake Tribune reports. In one of the tweets, Chaffetz mischaracterized a letter from the FBI, saying the bureau had reopened the investigation, even though it had never been closed.

NFL Week 1: Nolan Dalla Picks (Thursday Night and Season ... 10, 2015 · Too many questions on this team, with new QB who is injury prone, learning a complex offense, and some major question marks still on defense (one of the NFL’s worst last season). PHILA had a tough time beating any teams with a winning record, and to win 10 games this season, they will have to do that.

Independents | TheZoo to our friend, Paul Jamiol, one of the best editorial cartoonists IN THE WORLD, for drawing our new 'toon header. Visit Jamiol's World to enjoy his cartoons and children's books. And for those of you who are new to TheZoo, we have a theme song! (Additional lyrics by our own 'critter' Wayne A. Schneider, 2008).

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Nachos: August 2007 24, 2007 · A moment of rememberance, please. Fifty years ago on this day was one of baseball's greatest moments: During an August 17, 1957 game, Ashburn hit a foul ball into the stands that struck spectator Alice Roth, wife of Philadelphia Bulletin sports editor Earl Roth, breaking her nose.

Gubu-World: What Bin Ladens Death Means 04, 2011 · His death is a victory and a good thing for the west, some of the commentators crowing about it being summary justice etc (like that daft bitch Yasmin Alibhai Brown on Question Time)are off the wall. It's war and these things happen, off the top of my head I can think of broadly comparable cases seeing the UK being censured by the ECHR.

The Rectification of Names: Partisan from the subway at Verdi Square (statue of the maestro of Busseto surrounded by characters from the operas, Falstaff, Aida and Otello I think, and Leonora from Forza in her last-act hermit's cowl for "Pace, pace") yesterday evening to be confronted by two intermingled mobs of Upper West Side moms, young, groomed, and fiercely organized, leafleting for their respective candidates.

Rev Al: back on the market - THE NEWS BLOG, why grassroots activism is so critical. While I respect what Sharpton has done in terms of dealing with the NYPD, I don't think he's my voice. People need their own, collective voice. Relying on Sharpton to represent you is silly. Of course, people need heroes, and Sharpton was more than willing to …

22 | April | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 22, 2018 · “And you will need the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit – which is the Word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). In my own life, as I have come to know God better and to live more fully in the power and control of the Holy Spirit, my daily devotional Bible reading and study is not a duty or a chore, but a blessing; not an imposition on my time, but an invitation to fellowship in the ...

Doctor loses custody of her 4 year old child due to ... 15, 2020 · Those days are gone, apparently, as police departments have hired personnel according to affirmative action goals and objectives. The net effect of a general dumbing-down of our police agencies and a sharp increase in the number of nitwits wearing badges and carrying guns. Second, each state implements federal policies differently.

The Immoral Minority: And then there's this guy. 04, 2015 · Out in the real world, one of great diversity of people of faith, no faith, different faiths, this stuff is ludicrous. On the national stage it's obvious and not just silly, but dangerously stupid. If he, or any of the religious zealots are the Repub candidate, the Dems hav …

Shocker: Tom Hanks is an Anti-Mormon BIGOT – Calls ... 16, 2009 · This great country insists on the “separation of church and state”; an example of why that is so fundamental. I grew up in the west and knew personally of young Mormons (among other religions please note) cast out by their families owing to nothing more …

Danish Cartoonist Kurt Westergaard Attacked by Somali ... 01, 2010 · One of 12 cartoons published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten, it depicted the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. In 2006 the paper apologised for the cartoons, but other European media reprinted them. Danish embassies were then attacked by Muslims around the world and dozens killed in riots.

Framed: Lenny, David & Skatje doesn't mean that school authorities have no role in promoting tolerance. They do. Those who make hateful, intolerant and offensive comments should be called on them by teachers and administrators. Call the kid down to the principal's office and talk to him for half an hour about how irrational, odious and ignorant his remarks were. And do it again and again, if necessary. This method won ...

King Solomon’s Temple | The Point of a Sharp Instrument Bible is full of coded information that is meant to lead the seeker to enlightenment. There are mathematical formulas as in the dimensions of King Solomon’s Temple from 1 Kings 6:2.There are the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant.The numbers given as the dimensions of the objects hold many hidden messages about the universe all around us.

The Ignorant and Idle | Common Sense, Uncommon Insight 06, 2010 · One of the reasons I stopped from going on the pro-FNM website was because of the foolishness most of their bloggers write. It appears to me that the Constitution of The Bahamas is only the Constitution when it favours their agenda, and when it doesn’t they break it without flinching or thinking of the dangerous…

No More Mister Nice Blog 12, 2012 · In modern America, the spirit of capitalism. It's not Randian-heroic. It's not "build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door." Nobody gives a crap about the mousetrap's ability to catch mice. Nobody takes pride in the quality of the product, even if a well-made product would have been profitable.

Marc Valdez - Pictures From 1985 To 1994 - Blogger School Of Ballet Days Annette Paul (Madam) and Marc Valdez (Gambler) in a Gay-90's-themed Act I of "Round and Round", a recital pre...

OpenlineBlog: Election 2013 | Two Area Candidates Dump the ... 03, 2013 · No, Rick is not lazy or cheap. I think all part of his plan. He chose to not run for the 4th Ward because he knew he would lose. I think he knows he's going to lose, but by running for at-large against O'Connor he can always say it was the Weisner money machine that beat him.

OpenlineBlog: Aurora Corrupt Cop Kristen Ziman Violates ... 01, 2016 · Lets analyze the situation at hand the old chief eliminated the assistant chief because it was a waste of my tax dollars ($8,726). The crime was the lowest and police got a bonus. Things must have worked well. Why change now? It seems to be more of the mayor's social engineering at work. 1/28/16, 7:46 PM

Rantings from Cheeselandistan: 2011 - Blogger Clemons passed away last week. With his passing passed the saxophone solo. Long ago the sax gave way to the guitar as the solo instrument of choice in rock n roll but the saxophone was one of the great vestiges of the jazz influence.

Church of Good Shepherd, Rosemont PA – Page 12 – Hoofin News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

Is District 4 Bought and Paid For? (Local San Diego Post) 26, 2013 · A recent article in San Diego's excellent online newspaper Voice of San Diego* recently had an article quoting local consultant Jennifer Tierney as saying that whoever wins in the San Diego City Council in District 4 will be bought. Forgive me, but I had a few thoughts. I think its half right. If you recall from my earlier post about the background of this race, there are two candidates in the ...

The Mad Professah Lectures: 05/01/2018 - 06/01/2018 05, 2018 · Rafael Nadal lost his first match on clay in over a year in the quarterfinals of the 2018 Mutua Madrid Open. Last year Nadal had won the tournament by defeating Dominic Thiem in the final, but this time he lost to Thiem in the quarterfinals.The King of Clay had won a record 50 consecutive sets on clay before losing two in a row (7-5 and 6-3) to the Austrian resident of the World Top 10.

LoneStarBear: Federal judge rules Bush domestic spy ... federal judge on Thursday ruled that the U.S. government's domestic eavesdropping program is unconstitutional and ordered it ended immediately. The Justice Department said it would appeal the ruling, saying the program was "a critical tool that ensures we have in place an early warning system to detect and prevent a terrorist attack."

Back To Our Senses: Steve Kappes 10, 2008 · Pavitt was the DDO (i.e., Deputy Director of Operations). Stephen Kappes, who currently serves as the Deputy Director of the CIA, was named Assistant Deputy Director of Operations in June 2002. Ron Suskind confirms Risen's report that the President and his National Security team were regularly briefed on the results of Zubaydah's

Want to see something really funny? - Blogger 06, 2011 · I don't know about you guys but I need a break from all things Sarah Palin for the rest of the evening. So when I saw this YouTube video o...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: QuadTech: That extra page - sloppiness ... 31, 2007 · Today, PT will look more closely at the ACTUAL DOCUMENTS submitted to the City for clues to sloppiness or, worse, fraud. But first, let's review. What we have learned so far is that this project was the Mayor's initiative, and that QuadTech would provide a methodology and tools to implement the Mayor's vision. Fair enough. To be thorough, PT slogged his way through both the City's RFP (47 ...

Washington Woman: December 2007 12, 2007 · The first dose is administered intraveiniously, followed by supplements twice orally. The effect is said to be a reduction of cravings for methamphetamine, cocaine, and alcohol. This is to enable the patient to focus on counseling, which is required in the program, as well as to adhere to court orders, and to perform everyday tasks.

The Immoral Minority: Now George Zimmerman is threatening ... 06, 2017 · 7:01 here. zimmerman was told by the police to stay in the car. the neighborhood watch there had refused to have to be part of their group. he went looking for trouble and a kid not bothering anyone because georgie wanted to be ahotshot. cop wanna be. he wasn't accepted there, either. he's been in trouble several times since then for threating to kill people with his gun. and he is not black ...

palingates: Education and Sarah Palin 13, 2011 · The modern world belongs to the half-educated, a rather difficult class, because they do not realize how little they know. ~William R. Inge ...

Cutting to the Chase: On "The Sopranos" 20, 2006 · Judging by the level of invective from folks on HBO's chat forum for "The Sopranos," you would think that in last night's episode, "Sopranos" creator David Chase relieved himself on a big plate of canole. I respectfully disagree with such unkind assessments. In my humble estimation, last night's episode was another extraordinary work for what is consistently the best show in television.

JGibsonBlog: April 2010 04, 2010 · Here is a pundit, from the same state that Boss Limbaugh is from, no less... who is a well-known psychopathic Nutbag. She also is the Mamalogues founder. I am a proud American who loves our country. This asshole is Dana Loesch. She is a fraudulent con artist, as evidence by this disturbing tweet.

Althouse: "MIT Economist Jonathan Gruber Had Bigger Role ... 07, 2015 · "MIT Economist Jonathan Gruber Had Bigger Role in Health Law, Emails Show." Says The Wall Street Journal. (Google some of the text to get a link if you don't have a subscription.)

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2004 · YOU MUST SEE THIS GROTESQUELY DISTORTED, LYING FILM NOW!!! "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal," the highly contested anti-Kerry documentary, should not …

Ecofeminist and Mothering Ruminations: October 2011 09, 2011 · This is a crucial day for fracking legislation in the New York, NJ, and Delaware. November 21, 2011, the Delaware River Basin Commission made up of four governors from New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania and a federal agent will meet in West Trenton to vote on whether or not to allow fracking in the Delaware River Basin, the drinking water source for over 15 million people in the ...

Economics - ventrellaquest.com before the Stock Market Crash of 1929, there were practically no controls on the economy. The US averaged a crisis every seventeen years — For example, there was the Panic of 1819, the 1837 Crisis, the Panic of 1873, the Panic of 1893, the 1907 Banker’s Panic, and so on up to the Great Depression.

Article: Indications that the U.S. Is Planning a Nuclear ... 14, 2014 · Article: Indications that the U.S. Is Planning a Nuclear Attack Against Russia - Obama is putting the finishing touches on a first-strike nuclear force that's designed to eliminate Russia before ...

The Next Hurrah: Infantilizing Women To Make a Point 18, 2007 · By Mimikatz. The Supreme Court upheld the federal late-term abortion restrictions this morning in Gonzales v.Carhart (yes, that Gonzales), with justice Kennedy writing the majority opinion, joined by Roberts and Alito, and Scalia and Thomas, who in a separate concurring opinion basically said Roe v.Wade should be overruled. Justice Ginzburg wrote a blistering dissent, in which Justices …

Watergate Summer: About Sarah Palin, and her New Mistakes ... followers are loud - and shrill. But they do not grow. She appeals to a small group of individuals and where it stays. But what she really seeks is MONEY. I used to believe she wanted power so she could abuse it (she's proven she is good at that). Now I wonder.

Confined Space: Bush Labor Board Takes Organizing Rights ... afternoon, George W. Bush’s National Labor Relations Board, in a party-line 3-2 decision, took away bargaining rights for millions of American nurses and other workers. The Board's findings were contained in its long-awaited Kentucky River decision which focused on whether certain nurses, called charge nurses, should be considered “supervisors” who are excluded from having the right ...

Aubrey's reveals plan for restaurant at Kern's Bakery site 16, 2018 · Even the first drawing has bike racks because we want it to be a destination that way as well, hopefully from an eventual rails to trails all the way to Ijams. This is really designed to transition from the significant setback of Kerns to a more streetside approach. It needs a transition.

Conspiracy Theories - BuzzFeed Clark, accused of sparking the 18,000-acre Holy fire in California, shared debunked conspiracy theories, including about pedophiles controlling the world. Jim Dalrymple II

THE ORIGINAL CONSERVATIVE THEORY THAT MAKES TRUMP'S ... 09, 2018 · I'm grateful to Julie Davis and Maggie Haberman of The New York Times for telling their readers that President Trump's "spygate" talk is irresponsible conspiratorialism: As a candidate, Donald J. Trump claimed that the United States government had known in advance about the Sept. 11 attacks.

At throats: take two – monoblogue 02, 2017 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Electronic Village: Taser Death: Carl Johnson (Baltimore, MD) Maryland state trooper was the first on the scene. Police say that Johnson did not cooperate with the trooper's commands. Evidently, he tried to escape and when he couldn't escape in his car he began to yell obscenities and quarrel with the state trooper.

sisu: Palin on Beck: A virtual white power movement unto ..."But Glenn Beck I have great respect for.He's a hoot. He gets his message across in such a clever way," Sarah Palin told NewsMax last fall. The two cultural phenomena go one-on-one for the first time on Glenn Beck on Fox tonight. (“It’s not about me personally,” newly-minted Fox News analyst Sarah Palin told a gratingly supercilious Bill O'Reilly last night when asked what's eating Palin ...

Take Our Country Back: 10/30/11 - 11/6/11 11, 2011 · Greetings. After this weekend, this Take Our Country Back Blog will be moving to the new web site.Too many conservatives are getting zapped by the intolerant dweebs of the Obama Goons and seeing that this editing platform is a free site, Blogger can do pretty much what it feels like doing.

Dawg's Blawg: Stacy Bonds: Chief White's halfway measures 10, 2010 · Ottawa Police Chief Vern White's limp response to a judge's ruling that four of his officers unlawfully detained, violently assaulted and strip-searched a young Black woman: Ottawa Police Sgt. Steve Desjourdy, the officer caught on videotape cutting a young female prisoner's shirt and bra off with a pair of scissors, will be forbidden from dealing with the public until the conclusion of an ...

sisu: Amazing Grace: Libertarians in bed with Gary L. Bauer?"Kindness effects more than severity" is the moral of the story of Aesop's Fable "The Wind and the Sun, exemplified in our own day in the coming together without compromise of social and fiscal conservatives (see below for more) in...

New Media – Eric Lightborn's Blog about New Media written by Eric Lightborn. For those not keeping up with the pulse of YouTube: a channel by the name of Feminist Frequency run by Anita Sarkeesian has recently gathered $160,000 via Kickstarter to produce what is currently a three part video series focused on sexism in videogames entitled “Damsel in Distress.”Originally she asked for $6,000 for this project and spoke ...

Allen Stanford | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog now, we’ve all seen those pictures of Allen Stanford hobnobbing with lawmakers in Antigua. But, with the exception of one trip by Sen. John Cornyn, it wasn’t Stanford himself who picked up the tab for these jaunts — it was an obscure outfit called the Inter-American Economic Council.. And taking a closer look at the IAEC, and its ties to Stanford, sheds some light on how the Texas ...

GENESEE FLINT . COM: Aug 27, 2010 07, 2010 · In his own words he stated on his website that "Throughout history, America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage, and our future. [1]

Time: Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Talks About His Love for ... 13, 2017 · The following is an excellent article written by Katie Reilly on the Time website which was published in the Time issue of November 20, 2017 on page 24 titled "Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Talks About His Love for America and Family" and I quote: "Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Talks About His Love for…

Pocahontas | Law of Markets dumbest kid in his class; You do know that an increase in the GST from 10% to 12.5% would mean a 25% increase in tax revenue; It’s either a wage-based economy or slavery; Speaking truth to power edition “Time for a class action by the people of Australia against Daniel Andrews”

Occupy It: How should we design the cities of our dreams? are creating new urban spaces and choosing how we want to live. A new Salon column charts our progress... Read more: Salon

illusory tenant: However, unlike the Pope of Rome 09, 2011 · There are The Popes of Madison County: Fitzgerald may be forced to waive his immunity (.pdf; 2 pgs). In which agents of Wisconsin AG J.B. Van Hollen urge the State Supreme Court to hasten the impending doom of their pleadings. More (Shane McGowan and the) Popes. eta 01 via @news3jessica: Spokeswoman for Supreme Court says the collective bargaining case "will be …

Why Latinos should vote Tea Party | Orange Juice people do not know that it is government that builds the roads, airports, ports, courts, schools and other things that are the soil in which business thrives. Many people think that all government spending is on “welfare” and “foreign aid” when that is only a small part of the government’s budget.

The curse of Fallujah: Women warned not to have babies ... 04, 2010 · Anny Shaw UK Daily Mail March 4, 2010 A sharp increase in birth defects in the Iraqi city of Fallujah could be linked to sophisticated weaponry used by U.S. troops in 2004, it has been revealed. There has been a ‘massive unprecedented number’ of heart defects and an increase in the number of central nervous…

Last Left Turn Before Hooterville: Do We Stand A Fighting ... 04, 2005 · Before I begin, let me state for the record that, regardless of whether we have a chance to get our democracy back or not, I am prepared to ...

07 | February | 2017 | Exceptional Delaware 07, 2017 · As the Delaware State Board of Education goes through their sunset review with the Delaware Sunset Committee, it has become more clear than ever a state agency in need of massive change. After board member Jorge Melendez resigned last fall, the Delaware State Board of Education still has six members on their seven seat roster.

Racist Rebel Rants from Confederate Flag-Wrapped Dylann Roof 23, 2015 · Dylann Roof is white, American and a terrorist. Comments. Welcome to our new and improved comments, which are for subscribers only.This is a test to see whether we can improve the experience for you.

Church in the Inventive Age -- Review - Bob blog about Christianity, theology, religion and public life.

Is America the Second Rome?- Part Two ~ European-American blog 08, 2015 · by Tom Kando Abstract: This article does the following: (1) It shows that the continuities between modern-day Europe and America are in many ways similar to those between Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.(2) using an organicist theoretical framework, it traces and compares the births, life spans, transformations, similarities, golden ages, and (possible) declines of America and Ancient Rome.

Balkinization: So Much for the Unitary Executive finally got a chance to read the President's address the other night, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one struck by a particular odd turn-of-phrase: "I'm sorry this, frankly, has bubbled to the surface the way it has, for the U.S. attorneys involved. I really am. These are -- I put them in there in the first place; they're decent people. They serve at our pleasure."

government slowdown – are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

2018 December 2 – Off the 02, 2018 · “How to Shop Online Like a Security Pro”. “And here, too, is a story of Christian outlaws springing into action to protect a human and that human’s rights from unjust thugs with no regard for that person’s humanity or rights”.. RIP, Dr. Olivia J. Hooker, first black woman to join the U.S. Coast Guard, professor at Fordham University, and the last known survivor of the Tulsa Race ...

Justin's Entertainment Cornerjustinsentertainmentcorner.tumblr.comTMZ did not respond to a request for comment for this story. The Secret Service investigative documents, which are heavily redacted, go on to say, “the song was about a murder that he could remember and must be ‘framed’ with the specific lyrics, ‘Donald Duck’s on as the Tonka Truck in the yard.

globalization « Remnant Culture is more the case for the “mainline” ecumenical bodies, such as the World Council of Churches, than it is for some of the “evangelical” ecumenical efforts, such as the Lausanne Movement. But there’s generally a suspicion of such “transdenominational” authority, and in many cases for good reason.

Martin Luther King = Nelson Mandela = Barack Obama 07, 2008 · As reported by the Huffington Post, the New York Times Bill Keller compares Obama to Nelson Mandela:The executive editor of The New York Times, Bill Keller, sees "unmistakable" similarities between the campaigns of Barack Obama and Nelson Mandela, he said in a podcast interview on the paper's website.. The interview, done for the New York Times Book Review, is on the subject of …

Sapsf Post Conference Withdrawal First Edition ... Post Conference Withdrawal First Edition - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. An informal publication that highlites the past conference of pharmacy students in South Africa, hosted by WPSC from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg in July 2012.

Viridian Note 00463: People Hate Exxon Key concepts: Exxon-Mobil corporation, popular resentment Attention Conservation Notice: It isn't news that people hate Exxon-Mobil, but a wider variety of people are hating Exxon more bitterly for an interesting variety of reasons.

Vagabond Scholar: Not One Person Called Giuliani a Douchebag 11, 2009 · A favorite bullshitting technique for advanced bullshitters is to use weasel words / a lawyer's lie / deceptive truth-telling. The idea is to say something that's technically true – sometimes barely so - but to mislead the average listener, often to suggest the opposite of reality. (An older post examines Karl Rove attempting this.) The trick to pulling this off is to pick an effective ...

Donald Trump's anti-woman agenda is having devastating ... 02, 2018 · Courtesy of HuffPo : Women’s health clinics from Iowa to Kenya have been forced to close their doors. International nonprofits have lo...

Article: Gulag Nation: Over One in One Hundred ... - OpEdNews 01, 2008 · Article: Gulag Nation: Over One in One Hundred Americans Are in Prison - Always eager to call itself 'Number One', the US is not honored by its …

Extending Rand Paul A Common Courtesy | kavips 10, 2013 · Rand Paul erred in his math. Now this may be esoteric for most, but for me, this was the most intriguing aspect… (So instead of ending with a bang-up finish, this post will fade away ethereally..). Remember that unemployment benefits are taxable income…

KingCast, World await production of Bruce McKay and Liko ... we come to the playoffs. After fifteen (15) months of legal wrangling the Franconia shooting tragedy (in the Right-to-Know analysis) largely comes down to this: Where is the clothing of these two men, and what can it tell us about whether Bruce McKay fired his weapon and the muzzle-to-target range regarding Gregory W. Floyd, who claimed to have shot on Liko Kenney through an open window ...

Framed: Anthropomorphization feel sorry for Bob Murray and I hope that after all over, he will be able to find a way to go about his life with peace in his heart knowing that he did all he could to find those 6 miners. The families of these 6 men are in pain, I know, but the comments they have made about Bob Murray are ridiculous!

July | 2009 | Living Lessons Blog posts published by Anaiis Salles during July 2009. Human Nature Now Has a Human Face: Michael Jackson’s U.S. Memorial. July 8, 2009 at 11:21 pm · Filed under Living Lesson. July 2, 2009: After a week of watching CNN and MSNBC, and NBC — mainstream media — I …

News: - 13, 2015 · In many instances, these organizations lent their name in support of specific campaigns to pass anti-gun legislation such as the March 1995 HCI "Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws." Many of these organizations were listed as "Campaign Partners," for having pledged to fight any efforts to repeal the Brady Act and the Clinton "assault weapons" ban.

No More Mister Nice Blog 09, 2010 · OBAMA DESECRATES RIGHT-WING CHRISTMAS Oh, Barack, Barack, Barack. Don't you know it's conservatively incorrect to say anything like this? Sounding reflective as he heads into a bruising electoral season, President Barack Obama told POLITICO columnist Roger Simon that the Gulf disaster "echoes 9/11" because it will change the nation's psyche for years to come....

Gary North | Law of Markets so sure about those later treasurers, but Peter was the legitimate article, Australia’s greatest Treasurer. In his book on Australian treasurers, Bowen describes Costello as the country’s first post-Keynesian treasurer, rejecting the idea that taxes and spending should be used to manage the level of demand in the economy, with that task ...

A nostalgic look back at "Life's a Tripp." Or as it is now ... 12, 2014 · Wow, such a delightful person is she not? So many of you sent me this clip recently that I thought I better put it on the blog., along w...

Lynne's Book Notes: December 2012 all these stories within the book, the boy who is known as the falcon either does not appear or makes only a brief appearance. He could be likened to a bird that views the actions of these characters from a distance and without passion. One character, a magistrate, in Ahmad's tales is disdainful of anything that is not a cold, hard fact.

BLACK INTELLIGENCE: THE MOST CLOSELY GUARDED SECRET IN … 11, 2016 · In the Live Science Article, Low IQ And Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice, it states unequivocally that "There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy." That's what drives radical conservatives so crazy about President Obama - he's walking, breathing, evidence that they ...

The Party of Hate, Bigotry, Selfishness, Ignorance, and ... 28, 2012 · Now 50% of all Americans earn LESS than $26,363.55 a year, just above the poverty line for a family of four. These are the people that Mitt Romney says should pay more, while he eliminates his own tax liability completely -- by not taxing capital gains.

Where have all the foreign students gone? – Off the a great story when something similar happened to me and my friends, they not only made us open the bags, but the trunk of the car and they went through all the bags. I guess it was the color of the skin that made the difference. Or maybe the time that I had to submit to a full body search, just because.

15 | April | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 15, 2014 · In his daily walk, he quietly adorned the doctrine of God his Saviour,—he brought forth sixtyfold. Then it fell on another, whose abilities and talents were but small; he could not be a star, but he would be a glow-worm; he could not do as the greatest, but he was content to do something, even though it were the least.

23 | January | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 23, 2014 · But it is a worthy question only if people have intrinsic worth, and the only reason people have intrinsic worth is that they are the creations of One who is of ultimate worth. That person is God. So the question self-destructs for the naturalist or the pantheist. The question of the morality of evil or pain is valid only for a theist.

OBAMA SEEKS CONGRESSIONAL AUTHORITY FOR MILITARY … then, here was the most newsworthy portion (even if it shouldn't be so): But having made my decision as Commander-in-Chief based on what I am convinced is our national security interests, I’m also mindful that I’m the President of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy.

New Climate Change Pact (Breaking) - Progress Pond 27, 2005 · It looks like Bush is feeling the heat. No, not on Plamegate; on climate change. And apparently he’s about to do something about it. It remains to be seen if a fig leaf or something more substantive (probably the former, of course), but it is a sign that the wall of denial is rapidly crumbling as far as climate change is concerned:

The Point: Dutch Comfort Women and the Consequences Bisenberger-van der Wal autobiography On July 30th two Korean former Comfort Women had extended meetings with White House and the...

Ssnot!: Book of Mormon suffers the same problem as Hamlet. is problematic in Hamlet as the play opens with Hamlet speaking to his ghost of a father and being told in no uncertain terms, 'avenge me'. Well apparently there's a traveler returning. Though Amanda Mabillard opinion (which was the first I saw of the theory) seems pretty good in that the speech is suppose to be before the rest of the play.

Biblical America Resistance Front - Feature is the most persistent question we hear when talking about the most recent actions by Operation Rescue. We dig through the theology and history of the leadership of ORN and much of Biblical America in our effort to develop an explanation for this anticipated and unprecedented event. Promise Keepers and the Process of Extremism (May 2, 1998)

Bill Lockett's Growing Troubles | 27, 2009 · He can't really resign, he really doesn't have anywhere to go. In my opinion, he's got some credibility concerns, questionable characteristics and a potentially compromised capability to carry out these duties, such that he's not going to resign, he'll hunker down and slug it out just like Ragsdale did, waiting for the storm to pass and for the public to move on to something else, watch ...

What Type of Real Estate Listing Agent to Choose's not like they get to freely spend every dollar they are paid, and you're not paying them enough that they can do more. Furthermore, their business model requires them to sell more properties than a full service broker, just to stay in service. The difference in their compensation between a $450,000 sale and a $470,000 sale is only $200.

Electronic Village: Police Arrest Jessie Dotson as the ... 08, 2008 · The police say that the Lester Street Massacre was the result of a family argument between two brothers that turned deadly. As we shared with you earlier , Jessie Dotson just got out of prison January 26th, after serving time for second degree murder.

Pumice Raft News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today 13, 2019 · Pumice Raft. 2 Followers. Follow Add favorite Share Flip. The Guardian. flipped into Top Stories. Climate Change. What became of the great Pacific pumice raft? The Guardian - Naaman Zhou. It floated into the collective consciousness in August, twice the size of Manhattan and probably powerful enough to exfoliate the feet of the entire world ...

Sturtz | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Portland's 50-Year Growth Plan | 18, 2008 · Portland's 50-Year Growth Plan. By: reform4 ... He mentioned that he had read that Oregon had the worst schools in the country and a terrible growth policy. That was a bit surprising. Portland? I knew some people who live out there and have been out there for work, and poor education didn't seem to be an issue. I found one study (from a fairly ...

Milestones / Achievements - / Achievements Repeace begins in September 2008, as an intuition of a Swiss Italian social psychologist living in San Francisco (CA), Andrea Tosi, wanting to have more impact in the exercise of social change, and see more cohesion and synergy in the very fragmented and competitive realm of …

No More Mister Nice Blog: IT'S INTERESTING WHEN PEOPLE DIE ... 10, 2018 · By contrast, cable news spent over 8 and a half hours discussing a tweet from Barr describing Jarrett, a Black woman, as the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes and the subsequent cancellation of her show. It's easy to say that the press's indifference to the plight of Puerto Rico is because Puerto Rico is Hispanic.

Alasandra's Place: Instinct (Chronicles of Nick, #6) decides to trust him as he was the only one who helped him. On the way to the tree Livia enrages Nick and he becomes the Malachai but with Aeron's coaching he can now control the beast. They get the berries and Nick is bummed that he can't take Aeron through the portal with him.

The Citizens: AIG Bonus Outrage 09, 2009 · Some GOP leaders insist the former (bankruptcy) was the best option, and they reject nationalization on ideological grounds. If you believe the case was made that an AIG failure would have serious and severe ripple effects - i.e., that it was really too big to fail - then perhaps the best answer would have been a government takeover rather than ...

left brain bluehttps://leftbrainblue.blogspot.comFor about two and a half minutes. At approximately 2:18 into the speech (according to my dashboard clock), Bush began to head down an all too familiar path, repeating predictable talking points delivered with the passion of an automaton reading 3 x 5 index cards. Now to be fair, during the first …

J. Miller Rampant!: October 2009 was the tactics the Bush Administration used to bully, intimidate, mislead, and manipulate the media. Cole's excellent examples: Cole's excellent examples: Paying Armstrong Williams, Michael McManus, and Maggie Gallagher and others for favorable opinions about WH policies or …

Mayor Adriane Carr. Vancouver's next Mayor. Count On It Home About Raymond Site Introduction Contact VanRamblings. A & E

Tenured Radical: Pass Go, Collect $200: the Paradox of the ... 08, 2007 · One of my most popular (ever) posts was on academic debt, unless you count all that negative attention I got from the Southern Cult of Balls (and Sticks): the debt piece got linked everywhere, and it had responses so numerous and interesting that I did a follow-up that also got linked elsewhere. One of my next most popular posts, only a week ago, was on publishing your first book: that has ...

ce399 | research archive: Popular Indigenous Council of ... on Wordpress!(link) ce399fascism on Twitter!(link) Coca has been, ancestrally, a sacred leaf. We, the indigenous, have had a profound respect toward it... a respect that includes that we don't "pisar" it (the verb "pisar" means to treat the leaves with a chemical substance, one of the first steps in the production of cocaine).

Randolph T Holhut's blog | The Smirking, Vt. —It was once a given of American economic policy that, when the nation went to war, it increased taxes to pay for it. For example, the top personal tax rate during World War II was 94 percent on all income above $70,000, or about $753,000 in today's dollars.

The Rectification of Names: Dream a Lttle Dream lot of people online were debating all week about what Trump "really wanted" to do about DACA, with many coming down on the view that he wanted to kill the program so he wouldn't be seen as a liar and promise breaker, but the thing is that he killed it he'd still be seen as a liar and promise breaker.He'd be lying and reneging in either direction, as is his usual way.

Lawrence Kudlow: Kevin Warsh Is on the Money — The Patriot ... 26, 2009 · Attendees of the G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh and members of the Federal Reserve Board in Washington should carefully read a Wall Street Journal op-ed by Fed Governor Kevin Warsh. In a piece titled "The Fed's Job Is Only Half Over," the former Wall Street investment banker sends a shot across the global economic bow. He says the Fed's job will not be done until it removes the easy …

THE HEGEMON (Part 2 - The Occupation) | The Smirking 15, 2019 · THE HEGEMON (Part 2 - The Occupation) As I outlined before (see Part 1), the Hegemon’s blitzkrieg had resulted in the complete annihilation of the US Air Force, Navy, Nuclear Deterrent and 7 mainland cities (plus London), and quickly led to the capitulation of the USA.

Crowdsourcing Objective Answers to Subjective Questions the same way that Yelp crowdsources answers to subjective questions about restaurants and TripAdvisor crowdsources answers to subjective questions about hotels, Ranker crowdsources answers to a broader assortment of relatively subjective questions such as the Tastiest Pizza Toppings, the Best Cruise Destination, and the Worst Way to Die.

Youth Pastor Watch | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... was originally charged with sexual battery in the April 2006 incident, but pleaded no contest to a charge of child abuse instead and was sentenced by Circuit Judge Gary Sweet to five years of probation. “I’m still claiming my innocence,” Gable said, adding the plea was in his best interest.

The Eye of the Hurricane - dreamingup.blogspot.com Obama comforting a victim of Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey in 2012 The test that the present White House incumbent must pass, ...

Who's narrating the "Teacher Shortage ... - Eclectablog 09, 2016 · A column written last year by Stephen Mucher, Director of the Master of Arts in Teaching Program at Bard College, has attracted a lot of attention from those concerned about the health and vitality of public education. And for good reason. Mr. Mucher mentions the recent history of campus protests across the country, which he says he has noticed on his visits to some of the nation’s most ...

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

Judicial Q&A revisited: David Singer – Off the*According to the Harris County District Clerks office, Mr. Johnson has handled 468 criminal cases in his career and over 600 civil (mostly family law) cases. In contrast, the same source has me handling over 3400 criminal cases, not counting my 6 years as a prosecutor, and only 75 civil cases over 25 years.

Chris – are we safer standing up to terrorists or not | We ... 12, 2020 · Speaking to Fox News’ Bret Baier on Friday afternoon, Wallace said, “I think to a certain degree, the administration has itself to blame. Because right away the president and Mike Pompeo, when he was doing all five Sunday shows this last week, was saying ‘imminent, imminent, imminent.’”

Brother Ed has passed away. | themcglynn.com you see a glistening Brown trout rise, in his wildness, to a caddis hatch, When you walk into the cool river water on a hot Summer day, And the beauty of it all catches your breath, When you rest on a river rock in the deep dark and silence of a moonless night, …

CIP Book List – 1 God awakened him to a biblical integration of emotional health, a relationship with Jesus, and the classic practices of contemplative spirituality. It created nothing short of a spiritual revolution, utterly transforming him and his church. In this book Scazzero outlines his journey and the signs of emotionally unhealthy spirituality.

Nick Savage Private Eye "Indestructible Mike" Episode 3 ... 12, 2017 · In this episode of "The Adventures of Nick Savage Private Eye" the gumshoe tries once again to protect lovable old Mike from the dangerous gangsters who are ...

Desertion with honor and distinction | We are the drain ... 19, 2015 · As the media is reporting, a lot of us were all wrong about Bowe. The story by CNN is typical of most of the media in reporting the true story of Sgt. Bergdahl’s heroic effort to bring to the attention of top military leaders his concerns about the misdeeds and ineffectiveness of …

American Power: American Preponderance in the Muslim World 02, 2008 · To a large extent, America is disliked in the Muslim world because of its power—and especially because of how it is perceived to be using it. Unrivaled since the end of the cold war and on the offensive since the 9/11 attacks, the United States is seen as a menacing giant, using its considerable strength without regard for others.

Ruth Institute Blog » Washington Post’s Lisa Miller ... 05, 2012 · Funny how tolerant people always stand ready to tell everyone else what to do. Posted by streiff. In his homily of January 22, Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput said the following: As the historian Gertrude Himmelfarb observed more than a decade ago, “What was once stigmatized as deviant behavior is now tolerated and even sanctioned; what was once regarded as abnormal has …

Forget the McDonnells. We’re ignoring bigger, more 25, 2015 · In the US, it's the other way around. Our pseudo-democracy, through its propaganda machine, has led to a culture in decline (TM). Sunday, January 25, 2015. Forget the McDonnells. We’re ignoring bigger, more pernicious corruption right under our noses. By Janine R. Wedel

» Israel Cristy good seed are the children of the kingdom; The weeds are the children of the Evil One (Satan) and the enemy who sowed them is the Devil; The harvest is the end of the age and the Reapers are Angels. Just as the weeds are collected and burned up with fire, so will it be at the end of the age.

Two Ways of Seeing America's Future - 22, 2009 · Two Ways of Seeing America's Future Diana Butler Bass writes today, in a Progressive Revival essay, a response to yesterday's somewhat oddly juxtaposed speeches about America's national security. Rarely do you have the President of the United States answered just minutes later by the recently departed Vice President, and yet that's what happened.

February | 2011 | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities of Love: The Amorous Misadventures of a Lounge-Singing Darts Champion. God of Love is a comical, quirky short film by the funny young writer-director Luke Matheny, which just won the 2011 Academy Award for Live-Action Short Film.Matheny is a New York University film student who also plays the lead in his film, which features several pop-jazz standards and a “Woody Allen-type” humor.

Okay if this happens, and it is verifiable, then I will ... 12, 2013 · Courtesy of RT : In the wake of NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s recent revelations, the Obama administration may be willing to backtrack ...

Remembering Don Benedict 1918-2008 | Stephen Curtiss Rose 18, 2008 · As a student at Union Theological Seminary in the year 1960, Don Benedict was a legend. A pioneer inner city minister with an attitude -- an iconoclasm toward the establishment, whether secular or religious. So when he was named head of the Chicago City Missionary Society, now the Community Renewal Society, people noticed. Here was…

The Texas Justice of Johnny Sutton: He Gets His Man, No ... 28, 2007 · The below news article by Daily Bulletin staff writer, Sara A. Carter confirms what most of us have suspected for a very long time: Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila did smuggle an additional load of drugs into the country after U.S. Attorney, Johnny Sutton and his office had already given Davila immunity from prosecution provided he would testify against former border patrol agents, and current ...

A Big Fish Story -- A Sermon for Epiphany 3B (2009) 21, 2018 · Unfortunately the prize marlin was bigger than the boat, and so Santiago lashed it to the side of the boat, hoping to get it into port before the sharks got to it. That was not to be, and so all that remained of his catch was the head, the skeleton, and a magnificent tail.

Orcinus: 09/28/2008 - 10/05/2008 Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Timshel - crawlingwestward.blogspot.com it's hard for those weary pro-fiber partisan smiles not to be a little wry. Here's a little tale that illustrates how the last two weeks have gone: When last we visited on these pages BellSouth's Williams had issued each truck in his service fleet a copy of the anti-fiber petition to tote around town with them while they service the public.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 11/27/2016 - 12/04/2016 was the very best dancer in Bay Ridge—the ultimate Face. He owned fourteen floral shirts, five suits, eight pairs of shoes, three overcoats, and had appeared on American Bandstand. Sometimes music people came out from Manhattan to watch him, and one man who owned a club on the East Side had even offered him a contract.

apush chapter 19 | Abraham Lincoln | James Buchanan influx of immigrants from Ireland and Germany had alarmed nativists who organized the American party. The American Party nominates Millard Fillmore to run for president. Panic of 1857 Panic of 1857 was an economic crisis that was not as bad as the panic of 1837, but still considered as the worst of the nineteenth century.

Eleventy kinds of broken. | Memo Of The Air 28, 2020 · Eleventy kinds of broken. 2020/03/28 “That all Plays, Bear Baitings, Games, singing of Ballads, Buckler play, or such like Causes of Assemblies of People, be utterly prohibited, and the Parties offending severely punished by every Alderman in his Ward.” -Daniel Defoe

If Today is Your 33rd Birthday, You've Got Serious Karma ... much as the self-loathing Nixon left a bad taste in most peoples' mouths (double-entendre that, Savage!), he at least wisely declared victory and went home to lick his wounds - shod in his Oxfords - on the beaches of San Clemente.

American Power: Rousing the Americans from their slumber 01, 2014 · In his words, “Iran will emerge more powerful, verging on deliverable nuclear weapons, while still financing and arming terrorists worldwide. [Syrian President Bashar] Assad seems likely to survive, which is bad enough by itself, but it will be compounded by the affirmation it affords Iranian and Russian strength.

Trump picks a Fight with George W. Bush picks a Fight with George W. Bush ... I only say that he was the president at the time, and you know, you could say the buck stops here. ... " Donald J. Trump preached the populist and nationalist message that fueled his presidential campaign in his first remarks as the 4... Trump made announcement at Rally of FBI Probe - crowd went wild ...

Accidental Deliberations: Leadership 2012 - Debate 1 Wrapup 06, 2011 · The other candidate who saw a substantial drop in his standing yesterday was of course Robert Chisholm. In part, that was the result of the same issue as for Dewar: in order to win the benefit of the doubt on a lack of French he needed to outclass his …

Looking for Jesus at Explo ‘72 | Righting America 13, 2019 · by William Trollinger. Life Magazine Cover of Explo ’72. Photo via AbsoluteGrace. It was June of 1972, and I was heading into my senior year of high school in Denver. I was president of the youth group in my evangelical church.

Obama incompetent | Bloviating Zeppelin - Part 2, Mr Obama, yes we do. It is obvious that you don’t know your own federal laws and you don’t care for them either. As a so-called “Constitutional scholar” you should be ashamed. Because if you wish to immigrate to the US you have to prove a few things — and the onus to prove them is on the applicant, not the US.. What Obama and all Leftistst fail to realize is that, from 1924 to ...

THE PEOPLE WHO SAID YOU WERE A TRAITOR FOR BASHING THE ... 10, 2016 · Donald Trump gave a foreign policy speech yesterday that repeatedly contradicted itself and was generally incoherent. It was, of course, praised by such pro-Trump media outlets as Breitbart and the New York Post. The surprise -- at least for me, because I'm old enough to remember when conservatives were unabashed, chest-thumping warmongers and hated sandal-wearing dirty hippie …

Eruptions At The Foot Of The Volcano: To Hector ¨Macho ... 12, 2012 · There are STARS in the sky and there are STARS we can appreciate living amongst us right here on Earth. Hector ¨Macho¨ Camacho represents a whole galaxy of bright twinkling STARS of enthusiasm in our own lives. A right-sized-giant-sized down to Earth kind of guy who is loved and appreciated by millions -- before and now.

Freedom Writing: The Theme for 2012 31, 2012 · Dad said, "Why should I feel obligated to a decision that was made by an 18–year–old?" In much the same way, I prefer a president who is willing to apply knowledge he has gained to new approaches to problems and doesn't have so much of his ego invested in one approach that he won't try something else when a policy proves to be unsuccessful.

2/25 BNR Evening & Open Thread: CNN Town Hall at 8ET Live ... 25, 2019 · Sanders won 23 primaries and caucuses before conceding defeat to Clinton. According to CNN, Sanders will “address a host of issues” during the prime-time event. It is the first town hall of Sanders’s 2020 campaign, which was launched less than a week ago on February 19.

The Heretik: Past Tense: History of History Stein is angry but not incorrect: What Mr. Felt helped produce was a weakened president who was a serious president at a serious time. Nixon's ruin led to a cascade of catastrophic events--the crude and humiliating abandonment of Vietnam and the Vietnamese, the rise of a monster named Pol Pot, and millions--millions--killed in his genocide.

Muslim Teens Recount Thrilling Spring Break Trip to End of ... to the Zaynub family, one of the workers whistled at the girls, confirming the potential dangers of this American “rite of passage” on which the Zaynubs had apprehensively allowed their daughters to embark. Said Mr. Zaynub, “I had just finished breakfast one morning when I heard a truck drive by and a …

CyBeRGaTa: My Favorite T-Shirts On the Web remember one of my parents, at my request, buying me a rat-fink plastic figure when I was about 10 or 11 years old. There was an address on the box with a cut-out order form to send off for a rat-fink t-shirt. I know I must have talked my father into sending off for this t-shirt for me. Thinking back, my parents were pretty damn cool.

Agora Metaphora: Let me guide 06, 2018 · Let me guide M Here was the story as Duneich demanded Rikewo Sui: You should Inform us in Hebrew only or American Will work f...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: More reports than fish?"The advantage to this program is it's the first time a collection of 20-odd scientists have come together in a reasonably coordinated program," said O'Riordan. "We're trying to get a much better understanding of all the interrelated factors, which I think is the first time the whole system has been looked at one time rather than just ...

The Night Wind: US LIFE EXPECTANCY RATES FALL the first time since 1993, life expectancy in the US has dropped; following a long and steady climb in some mortality-related demographics. Men of all races suffered the greatest statistical decline, with the rates of unintentional injuries and suicides pushing their numbers downward.

Vagabond Scholar: Giants Slay Goliath 08, 2008 · It's their third Super Bowl win, and the game wasn't even called that yet before the merger, back when the Packers won the first two "AFL-NFL World Championship Games" and the NFL Championship (including the fabled Ice Bowl) was the real game of note. The Packers have three Super Bowl victories, but they have twelve championships.

About | True Blue Blog was the same candidate who: Mocked Carla Faye Tucker , the first woman on death row in Texas since 1860 who was executed during his term as Governor of Texas, in a national magazine. Refered to Adam Clymer of the New York Times as a "major league asshole" over an open microphone at a campaign event and refused to apologize afterwards (Adam ...

Mirror On America: March 2014 09, 2014 · Americans have spent at least a trillion dollars (a trillion....just think about that for a moment) on Iraq & Afghanistan alone (and still counting). And a trillion is a lowball estimate. American priorities are out of order.

Article: The Prophet of Paranoia | Mark Solock Blog 10, 2015 · “The Prophet of Paranoia” by Stephen Rodrick, Men's Journal John McAfee created one of the first anti-virus programs. Then he traveled to Belize, where he lived with a harem of young women and a lot of guns. His neighbor was murdered under mysterious circumstances. Today he’s convinced he’s being followed by members of the Sinaloa…

Q4 GDP Disappoints As Fed Transcripts Show Callousness To ... BEA released its initial estimates of Q4 GDP today and it came in at a slightly disappointing 1.9%. That was under the consensus estimate of 2.2%. According to the BEA, "The deceleration in real GDP in the fourth quarter reflected a downturn in exports, an acceleration in imports, a deceleration in PCE, and a downturn in federal government spending that were partly offset by an upturn in ...

Blogger - Full Chathttps://atfullchat.blogspot.comFor a person who enjoys drinking, this city is damn near heaven. Friday evening took a cab into town and sampled some of the abundant nightlife. Partied hard, but finished early--in bed at 11:30. Saturday full rest. Did nothing except the expo and registration--which was …

Exelon Explains What Happened at 2014 PJM Capacity Auction the past few months we've been writing a lot about how flaws in merchant electric markets have been placing significant economic stress on nuclear plants operating in those areas. The latest piece of news on that topic came out late last month when PJM revealed the results of its 2014 Capacity Market Auction - one where three of Exelon's nuclear plants failed to "clear" the bidding.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 08/20/11 for me, I like being part of a race made up of men and women -- it strikes me as a fine arrangement and perfectly “natural.” Believe it or not, there were “Naturists” who opposed the first flight to old Earth’s Moon as being “unnatural” and a “despoiling of nature.” Beware of altrusim.

Humanitarian Texts » 2011 » on Huffington Post, by Sandy Goodman, Sept. 28, 2011.. Congratulations. You finally got around to doing a story about the Wall Street protests last night on All Things Considered, after 11 days of ignoring them.What a disgraceful decision to have avoided coverage for so long, and having your ombudsman try to mitigate that dopiness by noting that you covered the demonstrations via ...

Looking Back at #NEA16— AREVA U.S. (@AREVAus) May 26, 2016 Ben's appearance on stage was something of a watershed moment for us, as it was only a few minutes before that the Twitter hashtag for the conference, #NEA16, began to trend, just as #ActForNuclear had a few days before during the Department of Energy summit. And speaking of that bright future, one couldn't help but be encouraged by what we saw from the ...

Chinese | The Word of Me...“If the Bible is true, certainly Adam was the first man; consequently, we know, if the sacred volume be true, just how long man has lived and labored and suffered on this earth. The church cannot and dare not give up the account of the creation of Adam from the dust of the earth, and of Eve from the rib of the man.

Polls begin to make primary more clear – 10, 2014 · The two major Maryland media outlets polled the race earlier this month, and a summary of the results had the same approximate order of Larry Hogan, David Craig, Charles Lollar, and Ron George. But it’s worth also pointing out that the sample size between polls conducted by the Washington Post and Baltimore Sun varied widely.

Was Canaan Born on the Ark? | The Word of Me... 05, 2008 · Mt. Everest is 29,028 ft. high. Depending on what Biblcal version you use, the Noachian flood covered the earth to a depth of 29,050ft. to 29,075ft. Give or take a few feet. There is NO doubt whatsoever that Mt. Everest was not a little hill in the year 2500 BC and forward. It has been…

Who Hijacked Our Country: North Carolina is the new ... 17, 2013 · North Carolina is the new Mississippi What the fuck is happening to North Carolina? This has been one of the most progressive of the southern states. It’s the home of Duke University — plus a lot of other top notch schools — and some of the most prosperous cutting-edge cosmopolitan cities. ... The only reason more repugs got in in the ...

Rev. Steve: When "Traditional Values" Are No Longer Tradtional 09, 2010 · That was the primary reason King Henry VIII left the Catholic Church and founded the Church of England, now called the Anglican Church or Episcopal Church here in the states. Europeans know from first hand experience that when the church is involved in government, civil rights are the first …

sex | The Word of Me... 05, 2008 · Now, some time later…again Bible doesn’t say, but it was probably after Abel was at least 16-18 years old, after all he was the chief sheep-herder for the only 4 inhabitants of the earth. So at some point when Able was young, after all God was visiting them for the first time, Cain got insanely mad at Abel, because he was smarter than Cain ...

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too | The LR Zone 06, 2017 · It has shown up on Irish trivia Facebook pages, in Scientific American magazine, and on white nationalist message boards: the little-known story of the Irish slaves who built America, who are sometimes said to have outnumbered and been treated worse than slaves from Africa. But it’s not true. Historians say the idea of Irish slaves…

commentary | House of the Dread always seemed moved and grateful to be in the White House. Someone who met with Mr. Obama during his first year in office, an old hand who’d worked with many presidents, came away worried and confounded. Mr. Obama, he said, was the only one who didn’t seem awed by his surroundings, or by the presidency itself.

Dennis Miller On Global Warming | The Rogue Jew 27, 2009 · With the recent news about Global Warming being a huge fraud (couldn't have seen that coming), I found a rant by Dennis Miller on Global Warming that is humorous and true..... Hey folks, tonight I wanna talk about global warming. Now, The World is Hot and Flat Society is growing increasingly hysterical and that indeed…

Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too | Sports ... 07, 2020 · Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too It has shown up on Irish trivia Facebook pages, in Scientific American magazine, and on white nationalist message boards: the little-known story of the Irish slaves who built America, who are sometimes said to have outnumbered and been treated worse than slaves from Africa.

Missouri school board slapped down yet again | Subject to ... 10, 2008 · Back in August 2007 this blog discussed Doe v. South Iron R-1 School District, a case in which parents with children attending a Missouri public school challenged on Establishment Clause grounds a school board policy allowing members of the Gideon Society to enter classrooms during instructional time and hand out Bibles to fifth graders.To recap briefly, the parents sued the school …

stars of the lid | Electricity & Lust The Hold Steady are taking over my mind yet again after dominating my stereo last year.Stay Positive is less immediate than Boys and Girls in America but that same manifesto of making people understand the live-saving power of great rock ‘n’ roll music. The lyrics are more oblique but they still work and my early prediction is that his is likely to become my number uno albumo over ...

Joe. My. God.: Pew Ranks "Trusted" News Outlets (20%) and local television (16%) are the most frequently-named top sources, with a long list of other news sources named by fewer than one-in-ten. Fox News (8%) is among the most-named sources in this “long tail,” along with Yahoo News (7%) and Google News (6%), both of which primarily aggregate and highlight news produced by other outlets.

Appearances | OlberBlogging Editor’s Note: No wonder Keith looked “kinda” sweaty on Friday’s Countdown — he appeared not only live on his regular gig, but rushed right over for an appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher and friends over at HBO.Plus, the guest shot on The Soup on E! also aired last night.. Thanks to Samantha, we have an excellent review of KO’s special appearances with links, but ...

Leftist Grandpa: MOMMY...WHAT'S A TEABAGGER? 10, 2009 · When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. -- Thomas Jefferson A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it.

The 2014 Midterm Election - A Towering Testament To ... 12, 2014 · The third element that contributed to last night’s election disaster is the people themselves - they are so grossly uninformed that they fail to realize that they’ve just cut their own throat (Fellow Americans, Don't Let Our Ignorance Destroy Us).Many of the poor and middle class social conservatives who are undoubtedly dancing in the street with jubilation over striking a blow against ...

LikeLiphttps://likelip.blogspot.comJohn I of Castile formally determined the first council's structure in 1386, adding four members, usually lawyers, to the former posted by LikeLip at 12:29 AM 0 comments Saturday, April 02, 2005

Queens Parents Debate DOE Promotion Criteria by Lisa ... 15, 2009 · Another concern among the group was the DOE timeline for alerting parents of at-risk children. Although parent-teacher conferences take place in the fall, “Promotion In Doubt” letters aren’t mailed out until late January or early February. “It shouldn’t take three to four months to find out what their problems are,” Marshall said.

Ebenezer Trump - 16, 2019 · Coolchick Wrote: (08-05-2019 05:02 PM) i dont understand why the US doesnt just go back to making their own toys and whatever else for that …

Ice | Exceptional Delaware is yet another example of Governor Markell looking out for business interests over the concerns of the everyday citizens in the state he governs. These are the types of storms where everyone else is staying “STAY OFF THE ROADS”. People die in storms like this. Does anyone really think they are going to get a haircut today?

Will a Tea Partier ensure a Dem Michigan governor ... 01, 2010 · “This is going to raise our rates as consumers. If you mandate that a company be efficient, that’s going to affect the people who pay for it.” This is perhaps the first time in my life I’ve ever heard a candidate run an anti-efficiency campaign.

BilgeBucket Gazette » 2012 » frankly, I think the Grumplians on planet Felxnar in galaxy KDKLS889478923787, sector HWWEU834893888, quadrant RSBCX7673643628 are far better suited to choose saints. I know, my friend Yeep, who is a Grumplian, is highly upset that he isn’t a …

Taiji 13 Postures ! "Wubu" / The Foolish Old Man Removed ... 11, 2013 · This is also true when using the five steps; we do not rely on only one step, but use a mix of several steps or even all of the five steps. Even when using all five steps, there will be times when we fail to gain the winning ground. This is because our opponent is also a master of bamen and wubu. During these times victory depends on many ...

Arianna Huffington: I "despise" 9/11 Truther conspiracies"More full disclosure: I despise 9/11 "truther" conspiracies. Indeed, one of the guidelines for bloggers on HuffPost is a ban on posts putting forth those kinds of theories. And it was stupid of Van to put his name on a very stupid "9/11 Truth Statement." I've spoken to Van.

OpenlineBlog: West Aurora School District 129 Draws Full ... 02, 2009 · A standing room crowd attended a discussion by West Aurora School District 129, led by Superintendent Dr. James Rydland, on their fiscal situation, funding and failure to pay millions owed by the state, where to cut and the broader issue of school funding. Viewers report the discussion was about three hours of serious review of the issues, challenges and solutions.

Take Our Country Back: 12/27/09 - 1/3/10 01, 2009 · Greetings. After this weekend, this Take Our Country Back Blog will be moving to the new web site.Too many conservatives are getting zapped by the intolerant dweebs of the Obama Goons and seeing that this editing platform is a free site, Blogger can do pretty much what it feels like doing.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Questions for Bill Dahn Ward 2 ... 16, 2007 · Questions for Bill Dahn Ward 2 candidate for City Council Please click onto the comments for the post. ... This is why you don't have one single incident of a Saint Paul City resident being harmed. They aren't being harmed Bill, they are happy they have gotten their home preserved. ... Bill would send one of them there inspector types guys out ...

Invincible Armor 31, 2006 · ...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father

CA-Gov Video: Jerry Brown’s Solution to Illegal Aliens ... 14, 2010 · The most nonpartisan organization known as the Heritage Foundation, has calculated the dollar numbers and projected that that to create this new law will cost US taxpayers–$ 2.6 TRILLION DOLLARS. This is just at the federal level and doesn’t take …

08 | September | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 08, 2017 · Certainly this is one of the major characteristics of our Lord who claimed to be gentle and humble at heart. Matthew 11:28,29: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy- laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28,29, NAS).

Speaking Of Disappointments…. | Sheila Kennedy needs an earful as she has been weak on women’s issues and against women’s right to choose. She is rarely available in Indianapolis and an opportunity to show up and be heard. This is the closest we will ever get to a Town Hall, which she will not do. I have known Susan Brooks since the early 1980s.

Will Trump end up causing the downfall of Bernie and Jane ... 24, 2017 · A little reported story is the looming criminal case of Jane Sanders and her hubby's involvement in possible loan fraud. Did Bernie grease the wheels? Jane mislead the lender as to the amount of pledges given to Burlington College's purchase of land? The tasty part is it will be the Donald who may play an…

12 | February | 2015 | This Is 12, 2015 · 9 posts published by bd on February 12, 2015. It is, of course, a tragically stupid tale: Little League Baseball has stripped the U.S. championship from Chicago-based Jackie Robinson West and suspended its coach for violating a rule prohibiting the use of players who live outside the geographic area that the team represents, it was announced Wednesday.

4th Circuit rules emoluments suit against Trump can go ... battle over whether or not a sitting president can pocket payments from foreign governments despite the Constitution's clear prohibitions against it, so long as it is laundered through a president's business interests, looks all but certain to wind up in the Supreme Court.

My country, Right or Wrong? | Christian Forums 15, 2012 · The forums in the Christian Congregations category are now open only to Christian members. Please review our current Faith Groups list for information on which faith groups are considered to be Christian faiths. Christian members please remember to read the Statement of Purpose threads for each forum within Christian Congregations before posting in the forum.

Orcinus: Torture and fascism - Blogger Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Balkinization: Support your local bigot have written several times that there should be accommodation for religious conservatives who have conscientious objections to recognizing same-sex marriages. Religious exemptions from antidiscrimination laws are fairly costless, I’ve argued: as long as the religious dissenters are idiosyncratic outliers – and they generally will be, based on the scant number of accommodation …

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2007 · PROTOCOLS OF OBAMA, PART 2 This is very sleazy: the Moonie periodical Insight has posted an article questioning whether Barack Obama is really a secret Muslim -- and is claiming that speculation about Obama's true faith is coming from Hillary Clinton's camp. Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been …

2014 February 6 – Off the 06, 2014 · Excluded from the program — at least for now — are the worker’s parents; their parents’ other descendants; their grandparents’ other descendants; step relatives; and a worker’s renters, boarders, tenants or employees.

It's Voting Day! - theimmoralminority.blogspot.com 06, 2013 · Okay today is the day that many Anchorage residents wake up and think "Wait, is today the day we are supposed to vote?" Yes, yes it is. ...

Is Donald Trump’s campaign really all about electing ... 03, 2016 · A recent conversation with a friend convinces me that we have read Donald Trump all wrong. Trump never intended to get elected President. His goal all along was to elect Hillary Clinton as the 45th President of the United States.

The Next Hurrah: Lakoff Inverted, Revisited 31, 2005 · I am using Dean as an example only) But Dean is the unframed Real Thing, the teller of Real Truth, the guy who is selfless enough to take what looks like a minor role, the guy who is unafraid of combat. He really is the guy who is willing to die for his people, he doesn't play one on TV. Again, not a sneaky Dean in '08 post.

Democracy for New Mexico: Senior our state, nearly 20,000 Medicare beneficiaries have already saved a total of $17.6 million on their prescriptions. This is what Rep. Pearce voted to take away from our seniors today. Thanks to what Pearce calls "ObamaCare", over 200,000 New Mexican seniors have received free, life-saving tests for chronic diseases.

Justin's story: Advocating for respect and compassion ... 21, 2016 · Now imagine you’re the father of a transgender daughter, who is subjected to a barrage of these images day after day, particularly in the wake of the anti-LGBT “bathroom bill” law in North Carolina. One such father is Justin Marone, whose 24-year-old daughter Lily came out as transgender about three years ago.

Donald Trump suggests that an American basketball player ... 04, 2017 · " In his NBA debut as a Laker, Lonzo scored just six points on 3-12 shooting. And yet afterward, LaVar told anyone who would listen that Lonzo had had a great game. It was beyond bravado; it was beyond truth-stretching. This was a person who was Trumpian in his detachment from reality and utter lack of humility.

JustOneMinute: Libby Quick Hits One of the Libby trial has passed, and the sun did not stop in the sky - whew! Let's go for some quick-ish hits. The NY Times has a case overview from Monday that …

Steve Bannon | This Is the White House, Bannon was viewed as the keeper of Trump’s nationalistic flame, charting the progress on the president’s promises to his base on dry erase boards in his office. But Bannon was marginalized in the months before his ouster over Trump’s concerns that the top aide was being viewed as an Oval Office puppeteer.

The Immoral Minority: The return of Will McAvoy. 06, 2016 · The return of Will McAvoy. Courtesy of The Hill : Jeff Daniels on Wednesday resurrected Will McAvoy, his beloved character from “The Newsroom,” to take on the 2016 election, calling presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump a “fact-bending loose cannon” and slamming the media.

RANDOM THOUGHTS: The Party of Palin 18, 2016 · As the Vice Presidential candidate, her jingoistic, vapid and simplistic slogans electrified the crowds, however she was not the main voice of the Party. The crowds ate it up though. So much so that John McCain became the warm up act for the red meat that …

ConnecticutBLOG 18, 2006 · Good grief. The only thing falling faster than FOXNews' ratings is the President's approval numbers. During its initial coverage of Operation Swarmer -- a joint U.S.-Iraqi military operation that began March 16 -- F ox News aired video footage of the wreckage of New York's World Trade Center following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The footage aired during the 11 a.m. ET hour of ...

Burning Man: Living with Intention. | No, THIS is how you ... 15, 2009 · But it is a game, not a condition (or wait, maybe it IS a condition…) and this was going to be my family for a week – a giant leap of faith on their part, so I might as well get used to it. Cornhole, Cornhole, Cornhole. This is where intention begins. The Black Rock Desert sits between the Jackson and Calico ranges of the Great Basin. It ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: WALKER WAS SUPPOSED TO BE … 10, 2015 · Walker was supposed to be Trump. Walker was the guy who was going to be smite all the people right-wingers hate. Walker was the guy who was going to be smite all the people right-wingers hate. That's what he told them in that January speech in Iowa, the one that, as National Review 's Michael Barone wrote at the time, catapulted him into the ...

The Point: Emperor Hirohito's speech to end the fighting noon on August 15, 1945, the Emperor of Japan delivered the following over the radio. Not only did this speech signify the end of World War II, but it meant the end of the Emperor’s status as a deity. This was the first time in history the people of Japan had ever …

The Next Financial Crisis - Nolan Chart 21, 2010 · The only thing holding the real estate market together was the Federal government's housing tax credit, and when that ended, so did the real estate market, which plummeted in July. Meanwhile, in the third quarter, nearly one million homes received foreclosure notices from their banks.

martin lurther king jr. Archives - Tickle The first break in the case came when Proctor received a tip that a smoldering car had been found abandoned in northeast Neshoba County which turned out to be the CORE station wagon. As Proctor was examining the car, he met Inspector Sullivan, a partership was formed and as Sherlock Holmes would say, “the game was afoot.”

Alterdestiny: Reagan and Latin America 02, 2009 · In his response to my discussion of Herring's chapter on Reagan's foreign policy, Rob states: Reagan's approach to Latin America was a touch more brutal than his immediate predecessors, but the disregard for human rights is only really notable for its contradiction with administration rhetoric towards the Soviet Union.

memeorandum: Nancy Pelosi Has Had Enough (Russell Berman ... Intel panel opens bipartisan inquiry on Ukraine whistleblower — Even as the House is ramping up its investigation into the Trump administration's dealings with Ukraine, the Senate Intelligence Committee has opened its own inquiry and is seeking a quick interview with the whistleblower …

Shocker: Obama Will BANKRUPT USA – Senator Gregg – Flap's ... 22, 2009 · Shocker: Obama Will BANKRUPT USA – Senator Gregg. Posted March 22, 2009 March 22, ... This is true both from the standpoint of the enormous debt we have already accumulated, as well as the evolution of democraphics toward a society with fewer workers producing taxable goods and …

Build Detroit with Syrian Refugees? 30, 2016 · "Clinton Global Initiative, former President Bill Clinton suggested that the U.S. use Syrian refugees to rebuild Detroit. “The truth is that the big loser in this over the long run is going to be Syria.This is an enormous opportunity for Americans,” Bill Clinton said about the Syrian migrant crisis.

TPI Morning Gazette: Fox News Jeb Bush, Donald Trump | The ... 09, 2015 · From someone who’s never broken a sweat in his miserable life… Posted by Native Lefty on Wednesday, July 8, 2015. Mother Jones published a piece with 12 charts that will shake your paradigm regarding work int he US. You must work until well into your 70s while people like the Bushes take our nation to the pits while enjoying their family Barbecue.

America's Most Wanted - Newsweek 2004, when Sen. Ted Kennedy was temporarily grounded by the appearance of a certain "T. Kennedy" on the No-Fly List, it was treated as an amusing bureaucratic snafu.

Taxpayers finally get the mega-bill for Mike Pence's ... hardly the extent of the bill. As The Washington Post reported in the days after the game, Air Force Two costs approximately $43,000 an hour to operate, which the Post estimated meant a total bill of $250,000 for the flight alone. That’s to say nothing of the cost of local law enforcement, an extra ambulance and extra trauma teams at the local hospitals, with many of these ...

Update: Nightclub Crackdown | Slog | The Stranger ... point is, the clubs ARE doing their jobs, as Josh has clearly pointed out. The idea that an undercover cop can arrest a club bouncer for failing to confiscate the weapon of someone the bouncer already KNOWS is an undercover cop is pure bullshit, and just indicates who blatant this entrapment is.

The Perpetuating Financial Fraud Cover-Up | Bill's Links ... 21, 2009 · If the United States Government spent as much time trying to fix the Financial problems their Treasonous actions have enabled and created instead of trying to constantly cover them up, the world would be a much better place and we wouldn’t be facing the repetitive financial crises that we have faced — and will continue to face until the perpetrators and enablers are put in prison where ...

PERRspectives: Fawning Media Ignore McCain's Past France 23, 2008 : Fawning Media Ignore McCain's Past France-Bashing. Over the past two days, the fawning American media has provided rave reviews of John McCain's visit to France.While the New York Times lauded "McCain's soothing tones," Time gushed about "McCain's Paris romance" and the transformation of Franco-American relations made possible by his warm embrace of French President …

Trump Wakes in Full Conspiracy Mode, Because Evidence ... 11, 2018 · Weekends. Especially in summer. Fewer staff around to insist upon attending to something that matters, great big houses all over the place, from D.C., to NYC, NJ and Mara Lago, just to putter around in, and think. It would seem the more Trump thinks, the more Trump thinks about all the evil done to him and who is to blame. He knows who’s to blame, the people with all the evidence against …

Change We Can Believe In?: 'It seems like Obama is saying ... 08, 2009 · It seems like Obama is saying: I will only be as good a president as the people who will organize to move me. 'Recently, Robert from Ultra-red reminded me that Abraham Lincoln waited a very long time to sign the Emancipation Proclamation abolishing slavery in the U.S. Lincoln's delays made the abolitionists furious.

Alterdestiny: Argentina's Last Dictator Sentenced to 25 ... 08, 2010 · The last leader of Argentina's military dictatorship, Reynaldo Benito Bignone, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for his role in the kidnapping, murder, and disappearances of Argentines between 1976 and 1978, while he was an officer in the military. Bignone was president of Argentina from Argentina's loss in the Malvinas/Falklands War in 1982 to the end of the dictatorship in 1983 ...

memeorandum: Annabella Sciorra Testifies That Harvey ...'s trial may hinge on Lamar Alexander — If you want to know how President Donald Trump's impeachment trial could play out, keep your eye on Lamar Alexander.— On the most important question of the trial — whether to subpoena witnesses — the 79 …

Christiane Amanpour | News Corpse 26, 2016 · This is not the first time that Trump has been rebuked for placing the First Amendment in Jeopardy. In October the Committee to Protect Journalists released a statement calling him “an unprecedented threat to press freedom.” And the National Press Club condemned his anti-press tactics as “unacceptable and dangerous to our democracy.”

Watergate Summer: Lewis Black on Bush Duct Tape Problem getting sentimental over one of Bushco's Best Blunders....concerning Duct Tape....yeah- like if there is BIG emergency just be sure to have some Duct Tape around....that is all you need...yup according to Bush's Emergency Folks were supposed to keep Duct Tape and Plastic around to protect us from Mushroom Clouds ( these are the same ...

Pleternica moj rodni grad: U SABORU IZGLASAN" LEX TODORIC" newsletter primili ste jer ste se prijavili za Alternativa E-novine. Sve prigovore sukladno clanku 10. Zakona o zaštiti potrošaca (N.N. 41./2014.) možete poslati na adresu: Alternativa za Vas d.o.o., Virovitica, Ulica zlatnog polja 98, OIB: 13027864498, na e-mail adresu: [email protected], na broj faxa: +385 33 732 246 ili podnijeti u poslovnim …

Into the Breach: 10/01/2014 - 11/01/ of those counter-intuitive findings, motorcycle lane splitting is better for riders, better for drivers, and safer than sitting in traffic.We aren't talking about screaming speed here. A motorcyclist is in more danger of being creamed from behind while standing in a line a cars than he is of being hurt while tooling along at a reasonable speed between two lines of cars.

Goodling | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Top 43 Appointees Who Helped Make Bush The Worst President Ever ». By Think Progress at 12:00 pm. Next week, “change is coming to America,” as President George W. Bush wraps up his tenure as one of the worst American presidents ever.He wasn’t able to accomplish such an ignominious feat all by himself, however; he had a great deal of help along the way.

mary and martha | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND 29, 2015 · I do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers. [For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know …

Blindman's Circus: Odeur Autumn Winter 2009-2010 28, 2009 · The Muppet Show's Swedish chef was the first experience I had with our Swedish friends. For years my only knowledge of their ways was restricted to Swedish Meatballs and Swedish Fish. After making friends with a die hard punk kid named Karl (who is also an engineer and a very vocal socialist) I began to suspect that Swedes could be awesome and ...

Gubu-World: Whats wrong with John wrong with John McCain ... If this was the film X-Men, McCain would be Senator Kelly (the guy who claims to be human, but really is a mutant lizard thing). The resemblance is uncanny! ... Famously Kennedy beat Nixon in the first televised debate in 1960 because he was may more media savy. He wore make up and looked the part where as Nixon ...

Tickle The Wirejulian assange Archives - Tickle The Neavling An Icelandic man is the first known FBI informant inside WikiLeaks, a secret-revealing website. reports that Sigurdur “Siggi” Thordarson was an informant for three months in 2011 when he worked for WikiLeaks and the FBI. mistakenly printed that Julian Paul Assange was the informant.

Archives | Righting is Intolerant? Who is Lying? May 29, 2017 | AiG Finances, Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Bible, Biblical Interpretation, Christian Right, Creationism, Culture War, Donald Trump, Evangelical Education, Fundamentalism, intolerance, Ken Ham, Persecution, TIF Bonds, Williamstown, Young Earth Creationism | 0 comments. by William Trollinger On the face of it, …

The Citizens: Summer of 10, 2005 · Summer of Love News Item, June 27, 2005: Canadian Parliament approves same-sex marriage 158-133. Gay marriage had already been recognized in 8 provinces and 1 territory via judicial decisions, but this was the first time that a Canadian legislature had acted.

Lost in the Ozone...: Bush Singles Out City for Praise on 26, 2007 · Read original - September 26, 2007 - The New York Sun. President Bush met with Mayor Bloomberg and Chancellor Joel Klein in New York this morning to congratulate them on progress in the city's schools.. It was the second time in six months that Mr. Bush, who is in town to address the U.N. General Assembly, called on Messrs. Bloomberg and Klein to praise them …

Commutation in Virginia - The StandDown Texas Walton had been scheduled to be executed tonight in Virginia. Yesterday, Governor Tim Kaine commuted the sentence because of Walton's mental illness. The Washington Post carries Kaine's statement on the commutation. "I have carefully considered over the past 24...

privacy | Jon Camfield dot from my piece on Medium. It was the second day of digital security training, and I was losing the room. The journalists, documentarians, and media activists around the table were more intent on following their friends and colleagues via Facebook chat than dealing with the fidgety, hard to install, but super-secure communications tools I was trying to promote.

Jews sans frontieres: FUCU costs settled out of here's a thing. It appears that UCU has settled its costs dispute with Ronnie Fraser's lawyers, Mishcon de Reya, out of court. The la...

Rochel Rocchio's blog: Review of fox news morning show 10, 2014 · Recently there has been a wave of news gaffes that could make one speculate if these are honest mistakes or dirty little tricks.

No Regrets, No Remorse and No Reason to Believe | Zero ... 20, 2012 · Reports from the FBI’s investigation into the shooting were revealed last week. People who know Zimmerman say he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. But it’s the thoughts in his head, not the bones in his body that lead him to kill an unarmed kid.

Tickle The Wirebook Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling It’s not easy getting Americans to read Robert Mueller’s dense, 450-page report. A San Diego-based comic publisher may have found a way to make it more digestible – turning the dense report into a graphic novel half its size.. IDW Publishing is planning to publish an illustrated version of the report, which is the result of a two-year …

More Keller Coverage & Opinion - The StandDown Texas Project"Keller legal defense expected to be expensive," is Chuck Lindell's report from the Saturday Austin American-Statesman. Sharon Keller, presiding judge of the state's highest criminal court, faces several hundred thousand dollars in legal bills to fight charges that she violated...

The Rude Pundit 08, 2009 · A man fucks up again and again, but he owns his mistakes and learns from them. Ted Kennedy wore his flaws openly in his personal life. Some of it was the price of juvenile overindulgence (even as an adult) and some of it was just stupidity. The question is less about fucking up, but how a man reacts to it.

Why Jeremiah Wright is justified in taking Barack Obama to even in his much-heralded speech, Obama went out of his way to criticize welfare, decry “the erosion of black families” and stress the need for black fathers to spend more time with their kids. This Bill Cosby routine goes down well with white voters, but it further stigmatizes blacks.

The Johnsville News: Housing/Subprime/Credit Roundup ... 25, 2008 · Items of Interest: Bloomberg: New-Home Sales in the U.S. Fell 2.5 Percent in May-- Sales of new U.S. houses fell 2.5 percent in May, signaling the real estate slump will keep weighing on the economy. Purchases dropped to a 512,000 annual pace, as forecast and the second-fewest in almost 17 years, from a revised 525,000 rate in April, the Commerce …

Maryland House Approves Death Penalty Limits - The ... Baker, who was put to death on Dec. 5, 2005, was the last man executed in Maryland. Maryland has had a de facto death penalty moratorium since December 2006, when the Court of Appeals invalidated the state’s execution protocols because they had not been adopted in compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act.

The Useless Tree: That Theodicy Thing, or, rather, its failure, was the other major entry on my debit side. I was trapped within the age-old conundrum: the world is full of pain and wickedness; God may be jealous but is also merciful and all-loving (how much more so, if one believes that Christ incarnated him).

Manson Family Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi on Susan Atkins ... 01, 2009 · This undated file handout photo provided by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shows Susan Atkins. Atkins was expected to succumb to brain cancer months ago, but the former Charles Manson follower imprisoned for killing actress Sharon Tate nearly four decades ago still clings to life.

RADARSITE: Eric Holder's Inappropriate Comments on Ferguson 31, 2014 · True enough, grand jury information is not supposed to be divulged, but it is not the DOJ's grand jury. It is Holder who should have shut up. Now this week Holder gives an

SHADOW'S WORLD: 02/02/19 BOOKER: Spartacus declaration “one of my proudest moments”. Because he knew he couldn't get in trouble; the 'classified' information he was about to divulge had already been cleared for public release - and he knew it.

Wash Park Prophet: Griego Gets It. Griego's column today in the Rocky does an excellent job of reminding us of a serious problem with Denver's schools that doesn't take rocket science to fix, the fact that students often simply do not show up. Of all the stories I did last school year out of North High School, the piece on how many students were skipping class probably caused the most jaws to drop.

06 | July | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 06, 2014 · If nothing comes to mind, pray for a friend or loved one who is struggling with bondage to sin. 2. Freedom from guilt. Not only are we set free from the power of sin, but we can also be released from the guilt associated with it. The feeling of guilt results from both real and imagined transgressions. (For instance, someone may feel false guilt ...

Don Udstuen in Wisconsin's Oxford Prison, as Man He ... 06, 2006 · While arguments are continuing in former Governor George Ryan’s sentencing hearing, the close advisor who is probably one of the main reason...

Tickle The WireTony West Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling Wall Street won’t be sad to see Tony West go. The highest-ranking prosecutor who gained more than $30 billion in settlements from Wall Street banks plans to leave the public sector, the New York Times reports.. West, who is the No. 3 Justice Department officials, plans to leave Sept. 15.

Trump and Kelly Have a Problem With Women of Color Who Don's tally: $138 from 23 people. TOTAL TALLY: $9,272.00 from 710 people. (As of 11am EDT, July 11th)

War Porn | Donkey Punch 25, 2008 · The sear trips. The hammer drops, driving the firing pin forward. The firing pin embeds with the open, welcoming primer. Click The pin hits the primer. FsssshhhhPOP The primer cooks off. The flame spreads into the powder in the case. BAM The powder cooks, and the bullet releases from the case and enters the barrel.…

memeorandum: Kavanaugh accuser asks Senate to limit press ... Temptation of Apple News — The world's most valuable company is wooing the media with a human touch and a huge audience.One thing it hasn't delivered: money. — In the years leading up to the 2016 U.S. election, Facebook became the world's de facto morning newspaper—and everyone wanted to …

Syria | Law of Markets news just in: Trump: U.S. troops to stay in Middle East, prevent ISIS resurgence. President Donald Trump says the roughly 1,000 U.S. troops he has ordered to leave Syria will remain in the Middle East to prevent a resurgence of the Islamic State threat. In a written statement Monday announcing his authorization of economic sanctions on Turkey, Trump made clear that the withdrawing troops ...

health | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 15, 2013 · Grief is not a mental illness, but it sure feels like one sometimes. Jesus understands. Next to the tomb of his dear friend, “Jesus wept.” And in His tears we find permission to shed our own. Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 7:3, “Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us.” Go ahead. Face your grief.

UK | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! of elite private schools have vented outrage over Labour’s plan to abolish them, branding the policy “incredulous” [sic] and an “act of unprecedented vandalism”. Jeremy Corbyn’s party voted at their conference to integrate all private schools into the state sector if they win the next election. “It doesn’t feel like I’m living in the UK any more,” he told BBC Radio ...

one killed five wounded | Bloviating 16, 2017 · Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not. As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via …

11 | September | 2008 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 11, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 3:45 PM MST Palin: War with Russia may be needed. Raw Story- Mike Sheehan Published: Thursday September 11, 2008. McCain running mate Sarah Palin’s first press interview since accepting her VP nod had ABC’s Charlie Gibson asking her about the recent Russia-Georgia fracas and to clarify her assertion in June that the Iraq war was a “task” from God.

nazi | The Hippie Professor 22, 2010 · Let’s also try for a pathway with some fun links rather than just looking for the shortest path. Here is one pathway (the point system will be discussed below): George W. Bush. 1) Bush league (shared name AND a description of the Bush administration – 1 point) 2) Baseball (game from which the term “Bush League” originally arose – 2 ...

Awards | Electricity & Lust film’s reviews have been near perfect but it could be too far dominated by Day Lewis for Academy voters, evidenced by the snub for Paul Dano. So the other two are frontrunners. Atonement has been loved for the picture nod by the BAFTAs and Golden Globes and could easily nick it. But, it’s unlikely.

Popurls | Mother of news encapsulates headlines from the most popular websites on a single page and is also known as the mother of all news aggregators. Invented 2005 by Thomas Marban

Why It's Important to Keep Abortion Safe … and Legal on reproductive rights clinics and their workers, as well as doctors who perform abortions have been quite rife, and deadly, and they started in the mid to late 1970’s, when the Helms-Hyde Amendment, which was the first attack on the Roe v. Wade ruling, came into being.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: February 2007 is the first blawg entry in disbelief on the matter of the NHSBA actually recommending that area school boards limit free speech at public comment opportunities. The thumbnails are, respectively, my 8 Feb. letter ; their 22 Feb. letter with annotations from me ( 1 / 2 ), and my reply letter of 26 February (today at 1 / 2 ), noting, inter ...

The Decent Majority - Modern Heretic to the "decent majority," now represented by antifa scum. No, really. This is the conscience of your rapidly dying land: an unwashed scrawny communist living in a fantasy world, hiding behind a mask and plotting violence against anyone who disagrees with national suicide. Truly, these are the best of us.

You Don’t Have to Give It All Away | BroadBlogs 08, 2015 · You don’t have to give it all away ... if not, they have no right to require women. Try to recall the women in the past, for example, Coco Chanel was the first designer to do trousers for girls; she didn’t care about the conventional view at that time and she made the trousers since she wanted to wear them. ... Why try so hard to have ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: House hunting for a Saturday morning hunting for a Saturday morning It’s the newest house to be built in the city, has the latest in gizmos and esthetic pleasures and if you want you can check it all out on Saturday from 10-12. The showpiece home of a would be Rupert developer is located at 515 Fifth Avenue West, and if things go the way that the developer hopes it will be ...

Mercede Johnston speaks out concerning Levi's custody ... 06, 2010 · Sadie has a new post up this morning . Despite Bristol and the Palin family's continuing attempts to silence her, Mercede is still speaki...

LA en vie: Helene Lohe, my Trümmerfrau I don't have anything to write about, so I thought I would fulfill a promise I made to myself, and write about my own personal Trümmerfrau, Helene Lohe.. She was a fiercely bossy German woman in her sixties, with cropped, fine straight white hair and square pink cheeks (the woman left resembles her), who came into my life years ago in Munich, when I needed a babysitter while I was off ...

Balloon Juice | Strike Forces and Tiger Teams 15, 2009 · It seems that GOP Conference chairman, Mike Pence, is taking a cue from the smart folks at Red State (link fixed):. Typically, the conference e-mails various journos and TV types a “What’s Hot on the Hill” guide to point out who should be booked on which shows and who is …

The Immoral Minority: Mike Pence is angry at the press ... 11, 2017 · " “It was the silence of good people that allowed the Nazis to flourish the first time around, and it is the silence of good people that is allowing them to flourish now,” he wrote. "Not to mention the silence of the president. All Peter Teft needs is a bit of a trim and a little mustache. Delete

Bilgrimage: An America as Good as Its Promise 08, 2008 · As Barbara Jordan once said, “What the people want is very simple--they want an America as good as its promise.” This is what many of us in America--gay, straight, black, white, male, female--long for today. Please do not disappoint those who have pinned their hopes on you.

no matter where you go... there you are.: November 2008 a couple days ago Britney Spears' two-year-old son Jayden was rushed to a Mississippi ER after reportedly suffering a seizure. Britney had just arrived in Louisiana on Friday to celebrate the holiday with her family marking the first time she was allowed to take the boys out of the state since Kevin Federline gained primary custody.

Fox News Ratings Plummet In May | News Corpse 04, 2010 · The latest ratings report for cable news networks reveals a sharp decline for America’s #1 provider of right-wing propaganda. Fox News is leaking more than the BP oil rig in the gulf. According to TV By the Numbers: In May, all of Fox News’ primetime programs posted their worst 25-54 demo deliveries in a year or more.

George Tiller | News Corpse June 1, Pvt. William Long, was fatally shot at an Army recruiting office in Arkansas. This was the day after Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed at a church service. Both of these tragic events deserved attention from the press and sympathy from the public. And that is just what they got.

Into the Breach: GNEP discussion 17, 2007 · Man's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.--Frederick Douglass. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.--John A. Shedd. In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. --Iroquois Confederacy Maxim

Into the Breach: Conservative Characteristic 28, 2004 · This is interesting because of all the evidence a whole lot of these people are soulless greedmongers, selfish dolts and even common criminals. Take Enron's Kenneth "Kenny Boy" Lay, HealthSouth criminal executive officer Richard Scrushy. Take multimillionaire radio "personality" and prescription pill junkie Rush Limbaugh.

memeorandum: Full transcript of the ‘NBC Nightly News ... transcript of the ‘NBC Nightly News’ interview — Obama said failures in the aftermath of Katrina made it clear that “the real protection for New Orleans and the coast are the wetlands,” lessons that he said provided important guidance in allowing his administration …

Donald Trump Jr | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! is a former tabloid journalist who now runs a public relations firm for musicians. One of these clients is Emin Agalarov, who is connected to President Trump and reportedly once tried sending prostitutes to Trump’s hotel room in Moscow. Trump Jr. released emails Tuesday between him and Goldstone that arranged the June 2016 meeting ...

National Organization for Women (NOW) key organizer in 05, 2012 · The Kansas march was one of more than 40 across the nation as part of the Unite Women movement put on by the We Are Woman (sic) organization. The march was organized “in response to the GOP’s war on women,” Kari Ann Rinker, state coordinator of …

Everyday Life | Oxypolitis is an article everyone should read. I have re-posted it here without permission simply because I had difficulty reading in on his site (either too busy, which I hope, or being hit with a DOS attack, which is more common than you think). Read on.. Federal V.I.P Penn – 11/13/02

Did Tina Fey predict Sarah Palin's future? 02, 2014 · The Sarah Palin Network from Michael Pastor on Vimeo . Okay just spooky.

Trump Reality Show Today - Part IV - The Soundings is the same doctor who wrote in a half-page memo that he scribbled in a taxi that Trump would be the healthiest President ever. The summary showed the data on Trump's cholesterol, blood pressure, prostate, and the date of his last colonoscopy.

Hopes for Broken Glass and China -- an ode to Artisans for Broken Glass and China -- an ode to Artisans ... one of my grandmother's unique China pieces tumbled to the floor. In previous generations, the death of ones grandparents happened at a time when their great grandchildren were much older. ... So after the "big break" I came back to the search results and Svetlana's page was the first ...

When confirmed, Tom Price's seat is up: Let's Help Jon ... the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" find …

Nothing Better to Do: Mo Money, Mo Problems 10, 2007 · The first two to go down were Adam "Pacman" Jones (full season) and Chris "Felonyman" Henry (8 games). Cleveland Browns fans are desperately trying to get coach Romeo Crennel, center LeCharles Bentley and quarterback Charlie Frye to go somewhere and get arrested immediately so they can start over again from scratch.

Hey is she reading off of what I THINK she is reading off of? 01, 2010 · Watch CBS News Videos Online Busted!

Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots ... begins by occupying and controlling the terrain upon which one stands, where one lives, works, acts and thinks. - Simon Critchley, Infinitely Demanding. In 2006, Oaxaca, Mexico came alive with a broad and diverse movement that captivated the nation...

Meshell Ndegeocello: Extraordinary Moments of Everlasting ... 03, 2010 · If you’re talking about an artist who received tons of praise and had an even smaller resume as a solo artist look at Lauryn Hill. She only had a single studio album “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” issued back in 1998, a live album in 2002, became the first female solo artist to win 5 Grammys in one year and has won over 30 awards through 2008.

Seemorerocks: Peak Food Food Comments from Kevin Hester -

Ernest Moniz Tapped for Energy Secretary - Blogger you want a sense of what Ernest Moniz, the MIT physicist who is President Barack Obama’s pick for energy secretary, thinks about nuclear energy, read some of his writing.There’s a lot of it, and he’s pretty direct: It would be a mistake, however, to let Fukushima cause governments to …

Mo Rage: Another nasty development due to "Citizens United" today in the Nation, Mark Ames and Mike Elk reveal that Koch Industries mailed a letters to 50,000 employees instructing them on who to vote for in the 2010 midterm elections. The Koch packet given to employees included candidate names, a letter from a Koch lobbyist, and a right-wing screed from the company and the Washington Examiner, an outlet owned by Phil Anschutz, a billionaire ...

LiturgyGeek: February 2010 my moms' wedding - one of the best days of my life, and getting to know my beloved Backbencher, who is a delightful addition to anyone's life.) And I felt bad about the stuff we should be able to commiserate about together but couldn't because of this estrangement (the less said about that, the …

Rev. Steve: Obama, Clinton Condemn Uganda's Anti-Gay Bill ... 09, 2010 · This is big for two reasons. First, the National Prayer Breakfast is sponsored by the super secret group "The Family", whose membership reads like a who's who of Capital Hill's extreme right wing. This is the group largely responsible for inspiring the "Kill the Gays" bill in the first place, by exporting their extremist anti-gay rhetoric to ...

Disappeared News: Tantalus shooting linked to DHS Medicaid 11, 2010 · Democracy Now! Broadcast Schedule for Hawaii: Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 M T Th F 11pm Oahu Olelo TV, Channels 54 7 am M-F (previous day's program) Honolulu KTUH 90.3 FM Mon & Tues 9-10am Kahului, Maui Akaku Ch. 54 M-F 7 pm Kaua'i,Hanalei KKCR, 104.7 (Oahu), 90.9, 91.9 FM M-F 11 am Or listen to the podcast or download or stream audio or video programs from …

Are Most Millennials Socially Inept? (wife, holiday 19, 2017 · Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. After you create your account, you'll be able to customize options and access all our 15,000 new posts/day with fewer ads.

Kujanblog: While Hundreds Crowd Homeless Shelters ... 26, 2007 · Faced with a snowy weekend and an untimely BGE turnoff notice, I was extremely moved by a recent story in the Hamilton Spectator about the Code Blue Bus in Baltimore City.Code Blue is a non-profit organization who provides warmth, shelter, and resources for the homeless of Baltimore City.

Runesmith's Canadian Content: The Curious Case of Byron Sonne 25, 2010 · The Curious Case of Byron Sonne Even before the G20 security blitz began, there was the "gardening incident" . At the height of outrage over the fake lake and the escalating security costs, word comes down of a potential home-grown Canadian terrorist.

No Right Turn: Titillation rather than substance 07, 2006 · Lawyer Rob Moodie is back in the news, this time for alleging that the judiciary is dominated by a corrupt old boy network. But rather than focusing on his allegations, the good old Dominion Post instead went to town on the way he was protesting against it: by cross-dressing in court.It's a perfect case of titillation rather than substance - and somewhere, in the process, the actual …

I Dreamed I saw Joe Hill Last Night « Scanlyze 04, 2007 · Joe Hill was a migrant laborer to the US from Sweden, a poet, musician and union radical. The term “pie in the sky” is believed to come from his satirical song, “The Preacher and the Slave”. Hill was framed for murder and executed by firing squad in Salt Lake City, Utah on November 19, 1915.

Is Barack Obama “black” enough? – MediaMouse 08, 2009 · by D. John Lee, Ph.D., Originally published in November 2007, Updated in November of 2008 Formally or anthropologically speaking, my cultural background is best described as "Canadian Chinese." The dominant language in Canada when I was being raised was British English. I grew up hearing, speaking, and learning to communicate in the Queen's English.

Alternative Tulsa: Bad Blogs: Tulsa Today Goes Birther ..., that's right: He was born in Hawaii, but it was before statehood—so he isn't legally the president. All of nonsense, of course, but don't tell the fine folks over at Tulsa Today . This local blog has published a new Birther column by one Joan Swirsky , who is absolutely certain that somehow, someway Obama is a foreign national.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Yet Another Deceptive Attack on ... 12, 2006 · Tonight, down in the Heart of Georgia, phones were ringing. "Orlando" who is with the Gay and Lesbian League called urging voters to support Jim Martin who has always supported issues important to their community. For instance, according to Orlando, Jim was the first of the candidates to oppose the constitutional amendment defining marriage.

The Immoral Minority: Disgraced police officer and current ... 06, 2016 · Sarah Palin gave voice to these types of bigots and Trump has just upped the ante. The hatred these shitheads have for anyone labeled "other" has been festering every since the KKK went mostly underground. Palin brought it the surface and made it ok to openly hate again, President Obama was the fuel and Trump has lit the torch.

Trump Admin. Discharging Immigrant US Service Troops! 07, 2018 · I will warn you ahead of time, this story angers me more than any I have written here. “Immigrant U.S. Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged, the Associated Press has learned.” The AP could not find a precise number of service men and women who have been discharged under the program.

Disgraced Anti-Vaxx Child Abuser Andrew Wakefield Tortures ... 25, 2020 · Wakefield’s medical ambitions having been stifled, he is now appearing as a speaker at conspiracy crank events, as well as being the patron saint of anti-vaxxers everywhere. He appears at the hellhole known as Autism One where parents learn to torture their poor autistic kids using chelation, bleach, detox, chemical castration, and pretty much every single autism biomed woo in the world.

Warning issued about American College of Pediatricians ... American College of Pediatricians is a fringe organization that promotes social conservatism primarily by distributing misinterpreted and misrepresented information from reputable medical and research sources and discredited and highly questionable "facts" from other fringe individuals, organizations and resources such as the National Association for the Research and Therapy of …

Tenured Radical: The Chaz Project: Gender, Celebrity And ... 03, 2011 · Chief among these are the essentialist story it tells about gender, the book's main preoccupation; and its failure to address class, age and race. Transitioning to a male body and a male social identity are quite different experiences for different people, as are the life histories that lead up to these transitions.

Christian right | The Word of Me... 29, 2011 · I predict the continued growth of atheism in America is going to make for some very interesting times. The putative leaders of the Christian Right in America have spent years trying to cast themselves as the victims in a secular society, the facts behind this assertion are kinda slim though.

2005 February « The Eclectic film shows four sides to a radiological attack on London: a first responder from the fire department who’s team had just lost two members in a readiness drill, officers at Scotland Yard working before the attack and after the attack, the terrorist as the plan and carry out the attack, and then the first responders wife who is in the blast ...

Another climate alarmist’s predictions don’t match real 31, 2016 · Commentary by Marita Noon. Whenever there is a new record set, whether rain, hurricane, drought, etc., those in the climate change alarmist camp seem to be quick to point to global warming as the cause and make more dire predictions regarding the future – even when there are other documented reasons and even when hard data (not models) disputes the claim.

Rabbi Expected To Plead Guilty To Child Sex Abuse ... 14, 2011 · Rabbi Stanley Z. Levitt. Rabbi expected to plead guilty to sex abuse By Michael Rezendes • Boston Globe In a case that highlighted concerns about sexual abuse in Jewish communities, a rabbi who taught at one of the region’s most prestigious Jewish day schools is expected to plead guilty today to molesting three sixth-graders during the 1970s, according to two of his alleged victims and ...

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

Balkinization: The Legal Academy "N-word": Nihilism American debate seems rather perplexing. For a remarkably similar country, the Canadian approach differs quite a bit. We’ve adopted a “living tree” method to constitutional interpretation, in which the constitution is viewed as an organic entity capable of growth and adaptation to reflect societal changes.

PolitiFact Bias: August 2017 30, 2017 · The root problem is that (PolitiFact's Jon) Greenberg assumed that the fines on people without insurance—Obamacare’s “individual mandate”—operate only in the market for individually purchased health insurance and that getting rid of them has no effect on Medicaid enrollment. So he thinks that all of the decline in Medicaid enrollment that CBO projects are the result of reforms to ...

Gates of Vienna: The Education of Barry Soetoro 08, 2008 · The Education of Barry Soetoro We’re probably past the point where anything can prevent Barack Hussein Obama from being elected President of the United States. The media have anointed him, and the MSM will resolutely refuse to cover … cards with the best perks 20 November, 2009 Whether it's airmiles, cashback or shopping offers, our expert picks out the cards with the best extras More info Compare credit cards Five cards to avoid Beware balance transfers Raikkonen offered bumper pay-off 20 November, 2009 Kimi Raikkonen is set for a bumper pay-off from Ferrari if he does not race in F1 next season How much?

2016 October 6 – Off the 06, 2016 · Ross Ramsey throws a bit of cold water on the surge in voter registrations.. Turnout isn’t nearly as volatile as registration. Over the past 10 presidential elections in Texas, the percentage of Texas adults registered to vote has gone as low as 65.3 percent in …

15 | August | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 15, 2013 · One chapter in his book of memoirs is entitled, “What a Boy Saw in the Face of Adoniram Judson.” A shining face – radiant with the love and joy of Jesus Christ – had changed a life. Just as flowers thrive when they bend toward the light of the sun, so shining, radiant faces are the result of those who concentrate their gaze upon the ...

B After The Fact: Book Review -- The Fiery Trial ... of the biggest factors for Lincoln was the insistence and persistence of those black people who wanted to serve in the Army. Certain generals were more tolerant of slaves who came behind Union lines seeking freedom. Other generals were more eager to use former slaves in the Army.

Wells Fargo, Uber Reflect The Rot In Our Business And Our ... of the lawyers who is suing Wells Fargo described the evolution of the culture within that company, saying, "Anecdotally, the feeling is that everyone knew [the massive fraud that was being perpetrated]. The better they did at sales, the more they advanced, so it got spread across the company.

Tickle The Wirehbo Archives - Tickle The fact, Holder, who is a big fan of the show that ended in 2008 after five hit seasons, wants the creators David Simons and Ed Burns to start it up again, according to the Washington Examiner. Holder, who made the statements while standing near some cast members Tuesday at the Justice Department, thinks it’s very realistic, and therefore, a ...

The Wattree Chronicle: Religious Hatred and Bigotry: Would ... 09, 2015 · Man was created with an innate sense of spirituality, and a knowledge of how he should live his life. The problem is, man is in transition. We were created to grow into much more enlightened beings, but at this point in our development the animalistic emotions triggered by our still very active brain stem are in direct conflict with our higher cognitive sense of self and the world around us.

Cathie from Canada: November 2019, blog against the dying of the light. Volker came across as well-meaning but naive, while Morrison tried his best but could only babble on about how the president sets foreign policy -- nobody is saying that Trump doesn't have this authority, just that he based his so-called "policy" on corruption and personal advantage -- and in the end even Morrison had to admit that he couldn't support ...

Monologues of Dissent: [updated] Free speech, the spin ... Capital Times editors, I am curious as to why the Dustin Beilke piece on the MacIver institute ("Beware of the MacIver spin machine") lived such a short life on your page. I have been following this little drama with interest over the past couple days, as the post came and went, and was relieved to see this morning that it had made it past the blog round and into your forum.

Johnny Pez: Scorpions in a Bottle: The Mexican Civil War ... 14, 2016 · A second event that helped end Jefferson’s diplomatic and financial isolation was the death of King Louis XVII of France in 1807. To most Frenchmen, Louis was nothing more than a puppet of the country’s British and German enemies. He was widely and derisively known as “the king on a …

Short Sharp Shock.: Mitt Romney and the other currency 11, 2011 · If money was the only currency in this battle for the hearts & minds of primary voters, Romney would have already “won.” It’d be all over but the counting of first-place opinion polls in his corner and, starting in January, the counting of votes from Iowa and New Hampshire confirming the idea he’s furiously, if quietly, trying to put ...

Short Sharp Shock.: The Christie Campaign Suspension Bridge 06, 2016 · By comparison, in the first three weeks of January alone, Christie faced $5.2 million worth of attacks ads, according to FEC data.” But it really wasn’t about campaign money anyway. There was never a compelling reason to vote for Christie because, end of the day, there was no compelling reason for Christie to run in the first place.

Sociological Images - The Society Pages average, U.S. workers with jobs put in more hours per year than workers in most OECD countries. In 2012, only Greece, Hungary, Israel, Korea, and Turkey recorded a longer work year per employed person. A long work year is nothing to celebrate. The following chart, from the same Economist article, shows there is a strong negative correlation between yearly hours worked and hourly productivity.

2019 October 25 – Off the 25, 2019 · It’s something.. The Astros fired assistant general manager Brandon Taubman on Thursday afternoon and issued an apology to a Sports Illustrated reporter whom they falsely accused of fabricating a story about his clubhouse tirade.. The Astros “proactively assisted” Major League Baseball in an investigation over the last two days, the team said in a statement disseminated on Thursday.

JustOneMinute: Go Ahead, Make His Day maltreated one of the 9-11 terrorists at Gitmo and the Left called it torture. When I was a lad back in the early 1970's I attended a couple of demonstrations and was at the wrong place at he wrong time and got whacked by the cops. Never called them pigs, but I was not friendly to law enforcement either.

GUEST POST: Daas Torah Does Not Work - FailedMessiah.com has submitted the following guest post detailing the failures of Daas Torah, the haredi ideology that claims near-infallibility for haredi sages: 1. The Destruction of Jerusalem Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai, who might have asked for Jerusalem and its Beit...

Powell Memo | Desert Beacon was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson, in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the “rock upon which the old Union would split.” He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be ...

Cristy Liwww.cristyli.comSaint James the Greater Image: Knights of Columbus James the son of Zebedee and Salome, the brother of St. John the Apostle (Feast Day: 27 December) and may have been Jesus’ cousin according to SQPN he is called ‘The Greater’ simply because he became an Apostle before St. James the Lesser (Feast Day: 03 May) was the first Apostle to be martyred with a sword by order of King Herod …

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Brad Carson - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core Carson was born in Winslow, Arizona.His father worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the family moved around Indian reservations in Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina and Kansas.As a teenager, Carson moved back to Oklahoma, where his family had deep roots in the historic Cherokee Nation, of which Carson is an enrolled member.. Carson was a top student at Jenks High School and ...

Ghost Dance - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core Ghost Dance (Caddo: Nanissáanah, also called the Ghost Dance of 1890) was a new religious movement incorporated into numerous Native American belief systems.According to the teachings of the Northern Paiute spiritual leader Wovoka (renamed Jack Wilson), proper practice of the dance would reunite the living with spirits of the dead, bring the spirits of the dead to fight on their behalf ...

StrongStomachhttps://strongstomach.blogspot.comAncient Greek dialect that was the language of ancient Athens. Its closest relative was the Ionic dialect of Euboea. With the ascendance of the Athenian empire in the course of the 5th century BC, Attic became the most prestigious of the Greek dialects and as a result was adopted later as the standard language by the Macedonian kings.

20 | September | 2016 | News Corpse 20, 2016 · The truth is that he hasn’t had single original thought in fifteen months. That hasn’t stopped him from claiming that no one talked about immigration until he came along. Or that he was the first person ever to condemn terrorism. Likewise, he thinks his exploitation of veterans launched the nation’s concern for them.

Atheism | the plaid lemur 14, 2008 · The First Amendment — the amendment that is probably most closely linked with an American’s perception of freedom — guarantees no less than six different rights. The freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom to peaceable assembly, the freedom to lobby the government, the freedom of religious practice, and the freedom from ...

People | V B I 22, 2019 · The procession began to move a little faster as the shadows lengthened and people peeled off. At 4 o’clock I was the only one of my party left. I reached Columbus Circle (59th St.) and the spirit was willing, but the flesh was weakening. I told myself it was okay not to continue.

To post or not to post — that is the question | The ... 13, 2020 · By Randy [email protected] This column originally appeared in the July 10 issue of The Community News. Wow – I never expected the response I got from last week’s column. I appreciate the comments and critiques. We’re going to stick with the general topic this week because I believe it is extremely important for us to […]

On The Witness Stand Ronald Cotton Case – “Picking Cotton ... 19, 2019 · History: 22-year-old African American Burlington, NC Police Case: July 1984, at approximately 2:30 A.M., a rapist broke into Jennifer Thompson’s apartment through a rear door. Thompson had been asleep, but the noise awakened her. The rapist came into the bedroom, held a knife to Thompson's throat, and forced her to submit to sexual intercourse.…

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Sad 'Star Wars' Day 07, 2019 · By all accounts, Peter Mayhew was just as kind and loyal as the iconic character he portrayed. The tributes from his co-stars all portray a lovely man, as did his director.The stories of fans and convention workers all say the same- he was the star who would give a kind ear to a fan, the guest of honor who would have dinner with 'the help' after the event.

The TL:DR Bible: Deuteronomy 1-3 | House of the Dread 16, 2016 · Og was the last of the Rephaim. And I gave that land to the Reubenites and the Gadites and half of Manasseh “(concerning all Bashan, it is called the land of Rephaim. 14 Jair the son of Manasseh took all the region of Argob as far as the border of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and called it, that is, Bashan, after his own name, Havvoth ...

GOP Lies Assert Power Over Truth And Threaten Our ... December, Masha Gessen wrote one of her insightful articles remarking on the similarities between Trump and Putin.In that article, she states, "Lying is the message.It’s not just that both Putin and Trump lie, it is that they lie in the same way and for the same purpose: blatantly, to assert power over truth itself...Trump has exhibited similar behavior, apparently for the same reason ...

Art Blog By Bob: The Dark Ages 18, 2009 · Any adult who has received a Catholic education and survived will have plenty of “interesting” stories to tell of the more mystical or, as we liked to call them, weird aspects of the faith, which were usually remnants of the theology born during the time not so affectionately known as the Dark Ages. (They prefer the Middle Ages now.) Domenico di Pace Beccafumi, better known simply as Il ...

predictions for 2011 « The Futility Monster 31, 2011 · Barack Obama has indeed had a terrible year. I knew it would be the case. The House has been the thorn in his side, and the disastrous Afghanistan still rumbles on with no progress and no sign of ending. At least he has ended the Iraq one. But what I didn’t get right was the bonus Sarah Palin prediction, in spite of all that.

Porrnhub google search go - vikkichen.com phone of the person demoing the process showed a link to PornHub in their browser history, one of the most popular websites for watching the . Apr 1, 2016 . Pornhub is currently Cornhub, bringing you nasty, hot corn videos. Share on. For the first time ever, you can visit during work and not worry about being spotted by your boss..

Christos Lambrakis: Press baron who used his empire to ... Lambrakis was born in 1934 in Athens to a rising media empire, the Lambrakis Media Group or DOL, founded in 1922 by his father, Dimitri. In the 1950s he studied in London at the London School of Economics and throughout his life regularly returned out of passion for the city's theatre and opera.

Must see! 11 year old Yemeni girl eloquently speaks out ... 12, 2013 · Although I believe 14 is too young to get married, there is a huge difference in a 14 year old marrying her 16 year old boyfriend (who she believes is the love of her life and is going to take her away from her family that she can't stand) and having adults decide that a 14 year old will marry a 50 year old guy, or a relative as is done in these arranged marriages.

Ironicus Maximus: Suffer Little Children And Forbid Them ... thought he said he was the 'nocturnal' enforcer," said one former student. "Well, that explains a lot." Even as the pope himself in a recent letter to Irish Catholics has emphasized the need to cooperate with civil justice in abuse cases, the correspondence seems to indicate that the vatican’s insistence on secrecy has often impeded such ...

The Rude Pundit 07, 2009 · In Brief: What If Henry Louis Gates Had Had a Gun?: Sitting in an airport, early morning, listening to a replay of Barack Obama's funny, angry, self-aware words on the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (the only bright spot in a pretty damn useless press conference), the Rude Pundit pondered not just the obvious question of "what-if-Gates-was-white," but a more intense one ...

Today In Alternate History [Archived]: Rings 03, 2008 · In 1967, serious anomalies are discovered whilst moving the body of President John F. Kennedy to a permanent burial place at Arlington National Cemetery. The true story of how the wounded President had been smuggled out of Dallas to be secreted at Hyannisport was later revealed by Nicholas A. DiChario in his masterful work 'The Winterberry'.

Wolfowitz's Woes--Dictating girlfriend's pay deals 04, 2007 · Wolfowitz's Woes--Dictating girlfriend's pay deals. ... Board deliberations over his future were suspended yesterday morning as the bank began its spring meeting, an annual rite attended by finance ministers and central bank presidents, and one now being overtaken by the controversy surrounding Wolfowitz. ... where the United States was the ...

Libyan Weapons Distributed to Syrian Rebels - Progress Pond 02, 2013 · Yeah, the Syrian revolt was always about a peaceful uprising. What a bs … In Turnabout, Syria Rebels Get Libyan Weapons (source NY Times) (Syria Comment) – Those weapons, which slipped from state custody as Colonel Qaddafi’s people rose against him in 2011, are sent on ships or Qatar Emiri Air Force flights to a network of intelligence agencies and Syrian opposition leaders in Turkey.

Claremont Insider: Paving Paradise 16, 2008 · But fear of liability was an overriding concern for City Manager Jeff Parker in case a fire did break out. He did not want to be in the same position as the previous city manager back in 2003 when fire ripped through Palmer Canyon, destroying homes and leading to a …

Above The Borderline: 8/21/05 - 8/28/05 23, 2005 · He left the committee in a disagreement about views presented in a report chapter for which he was the lead author. He said his reasons for leaving the committee were "mischaracterized" in an article published Tuesday in the New York Times. ... BO'R didn't mention USA Today in his rant...even thought it printed pretty much the same story as the ...

John Olszewski Sr. – are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

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22 | October | 2008 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 22, 2008 · By- Bob Cesca. Larry the Cable Guy isn’t, you know, an actual cable guy. The reality is that he’s not a blue collar redneck either. The hooplehead accent is fake, and his name isn’t Larry. He’s just a normal stand-up comic named Dan Whitney who, before the ascension of George W. Bush and redneck chic in America, spoke in a non-specific American accent and wore non-redneck clothing.

May 2016 – Linkmeister a while now the Thomas Jefferson High School alumni from the first four classes which graduated from the place (1966-1969) have been discussing a reunion this fall, and it’s now push-comes-to-shove time. I have to decide whether to fly all the way across the Pacific and then all the way across the country to … Continue reading ...

Domino’s New Zealand ends ‘free pizza for Karen’ offer ... way you slice it, Domino’s “Karen” promotion in New Zealand was destined to fail. The American pizza giant’s branch in the country decided to give actual Karens a break since their name has turned into a derogatory term for entitled white woman in social media.

Woodward | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! truth, now with this administration’s stone walling, it takes big bucks and a lucky draw of a decent Judge to get any documentation. The Freedom of Information act be damned. So, Woodward’s comment is relegated to the micro bloggers to make notice. So here is my feeble attempt to keep the story relevant.

Progressives | Majority Rules Drew, who is running for Washington Secretary of State, is a top priority race for Progressive Majority. Washington State was one of the first states that Progressive Majority got involved in. They have has a good record of helping to elect progressive candidates and are now involved in campaigns in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and ...

LA en vie: Vive, la différence! comments on the last post reminded me of one of the lovable things about France. The French love to gripe about themselves. "We Fransh people like to beetch, beetch, beetch!" said one of my favorite bosses. It was the first I'd heard of it. Americans don't gripe …

endorsements | Majority Rules | Page 3 Majority Washington won big in the August 21, 2007 Primary.Of 12 contested primary campaigns, they only lost 1. Now on to November. As Dean Nielson, Progressive Majority’s Washington State Director, reported on the Progressive Majority website, they had a “great day“.. One of their biggest victories was that of Brian Sullivan, running for the Snohomish County Council.

stock market | Bloviating Zeppelin Election Day, the stock market has found fresh legs to add to one of the longest bull-market runs in U.S. history. Grab your hats. The Dow Jones Industrial Average just powered through the 20000 level for the first time ever, setting an all-time intraday high three trading days after the inauguration of Donald Trump. Moments after the ...

Ezra Klein: Rand v. Utilitarianism 07, 2007 · « Sad News | Main | Things That Made Me Laugh ». August 07, 2007 Rand v. Utilitarianism. Reading this perfectly serious attempt to lay out Ayn Rand's objections to utilitarianism, I'm reminded of how utterly astonishing I find it that anyone takes her seriously. Listen to this stuff: "The irreducible primary of altruism, the basic absolute, is self-sacrifice - which means: self-immolation ...

16 | April | 2014 | The Pardu's Scroll 16, 2014 · Sean Hannity has a history of stoking the fires of national discord some would call revolution. He is one of the highest paid Right-wing demagogues in US media, he seems to hate the fact Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United State of America,

Tarnished Lady: Jeffrey wins! first 10 pieces that I sold to this high-end boutique in Beverly Hills were beautiful, handmade dresses. That last dress is a lot like the very first stuff that I made three and a half years ago. Your final collection also seems to be very different from that stereotype.

Tales from the Microbial Laboratory: October 2013 of the first gifts I received after moving in were three bald cypress saplings - one is shown in the image above after almost two years of growth (on the left, in front of the southern magnolia). You can also see a clump of pampas grass in the back left corner - and in front of it is a southern magnolia.

Pin on Graphics 12, 2013 - The Pentagon has stopped production of the Distinguished Warfare Medal, nicknamed the Drone Strike Medal or Drone Cyberwarfare Medal, after a …

Johnia Berry's Roommate Speaks Out | KnoxViews 17, 2006 · Johnia Berry's roommate, Jason Aymami, is finally speaking out at to defend himself. Jason was in the apartment the night of the murder, and was also stabbed.He escaped and ran to the apartment building next door to knock on doors to get help.

Electronic Village: Taser Death: John Wrana (Park Forest, IL) say Warna became upset after paramedics tried to take him to a medical facility. That's when he used the cane and a two-foot-long metal shoehorn to threaten paramedics and police before grabbing the butcher knife. Police are reviewing the incident. July 30, 2013 at 8:56 AM

Mark in Mexico: The Jersey Girls 07, 2006 · With the brouhaha surrounding Ann Coulter's comments on the four 9/11 widows, calling themselves The Jersey Girls, I thought it might be appropriate to take a look at some of the things these ladies have been saying. The four are Kristen Breitweiser, Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg and Patty Casazza, all of New Jersey.

At least Pvt. Eddie Slovik did not submit himself to the ... 06, 2017 · He was the last United States Solider to be executed for desertion, and the only soldier to be executed for this crime during World War II. He was a member of Company G, 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, and had deserted them in late October 1944, right after he had joined the division as a replacement from the United States.

Barney Frank | The Pardu's Scroll ask, what was the point? I realize CNN has moved to a much more conservative business model. A model that has led to an abundance of GOP talking heads that makes for guest list best fit. How about an example of a futile attempt to intelligently interview GOP talking heads? a futile attempt to intelligently interview GOP talking heads?

Women | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · They are the clan (and I do mean clan) of 19 children, and a few grandchildren, that have made a career out of being big (i.e a large family from one womb) and Christian. They have their very own reality TV show that showcases their big family and their Christian values.

» Gary Kleppe's fanfiction alternate universe Ranma 1/2 manga fanfiction by Gary Kleppe Any comments of any type will be appreciated. The characters of Ranma 1/2 are the creation of and rightful property of Rumiko Takahashi. They are used here without permission. This story may be freely redistributed, but it should not be altered substantially or used for profit in ...

Cyde Weys Musings Doing right by Jupiter | Cyde Weys Musings 11, 2007 · And I don’t mean “old” as in “middle-aged”. I mean old as in octogenarian. I would estimate that at least half of the members were over 65. It was a very sad sight to see — astronomy is such a fascinating field, but it seems like it simply doesn’t enthrall people now like it used to.

Wimbledon Predictions - The Soundings the men's side, neither the era of the French Four Musketeers in the 1920s nor the Aussie dominance of the 1960s, nor the Borg, Connors, McEnroe, Sampras, Agassi era of the 1970s and 80s had the dominance that these four legends, Federer, Djokovic, Nadal, and Murray have managed to show over the last decade and a half.

Rev. Steve: When Marriage Equality Becomes Personal: Off ... 04, 2012 · When we finally moved in together after nearly a year, he got down on one knee and proposed, holding out a ring that didn't cost much and had one of its rainbow-colored stones missing. I accepted, happily, knowing all they while that in Virginia - in 2001 - …

The Rectification of Names: Baby of the great-aunts had lived in Squirrel Hill quite a while, bearing two kids there, and a couple of decades later her daughter, doing an ob-gyn residency, did the same. The mohel (also a nurse practitioner and midwife, I've seen her style in two circumcisions and she's always great) said, "Frankly, I'm feeling a little insecure right now."

Harry Clarke: Disappearing honey bees 09, 2008 · I believe more recently there was a discovery of pesticides (being one of the many possibilities) for lack of bees. one in particular mentioned was the "Bayer" product. It would be sad, a cute movie described their opinion called "the bee movie." 6:18 am

Rev. Stevehttps://reverandsteve.blogspot.comSuffice to say, that when I first laid eyes on Paul, I knew that his was the face I wanted to wake up to every morning. Our first date lasted all weekend, culminating on my 40th birthday. Fast forward 13 years, three moves, 11 ducks, three cats, trips to L.A., NYC, DC, Florida and Paris (twice), uncountable ups and downs later and we decided it ...

Quotation: When we stride or stroll across the frozen lake ... 18, 2009 · Quotation: When we stride or stroll across the frozen lake, W - When we stride or stroll across the frozen lake, We place our feet where they have never been. We …

Vagabond Scholar: January 2017 01, 2017 · Recently, civil rights icon John Lewis criticized Donald Trump, saying he wouldn't be a "legitimate president," and Trump, true to form, issued a factually challenged attack on Lewis for being "All talk, talk, talk - no action." For added irony, this occurred just before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Lewis of course actually marched with King and was severely beaten in the course of fighting ...

The New Bob Barr: Libertarian Super-fraud | Slog | The ... happened to Bob Barr? It almost seems impossible to square this man with the one who is best remembered in his heyday—face flushed, mustache quivering, banging wildly at the table demanding seemingly nothing less than the public castration of Bill Clinton during his 1998 impeachment hearings.Representative Barr was a mean, remorseless piece of reactionary conservative machinery: …

Who Hijacked Our Country: Citizens For A Better Arizona 01, 2011 · Citizens For A Better Arizona describes itself as a “coalition of concerned citizens committed to improving the quality of life of all Arizonans.” The group has already collected 18,315 voter signatures for their recall petition; they only needed 7,756 signatures.

Honor Killings in the Muslim World: An Untreated Epidemic Mumbai attackes were by an extremist group which consisted of terrorists from Pakistan. They did not point to a Muslim problem. The angry person was probably too angry to see the flaws in his logic. But he had some valid points. Islam has many sects and there is no homogenity. Saudi Arab represents the Wahabi sect in power.

How to Lose a Man | BroadBlogs 02, 2013 · looking at this post and the “how to lose a woman…forever” one, i feel like a lot of the recommendations could be interchangeable, however I would assume that they are the way they are in order to adhere to current gender roles. for example, in this list women are suggested to support their men, while in male version, they are suggested to protect their women. another difference i am ...

JoyZeeBoy: August 2009 31, 2009 · My guy at home in NJ has done 600 removals in his career. He does them at a non-teaching hospital in New Brunswick, NJ (St. Peters). His rationale is that the operation is so delicate he doesn't want to have surrender any portion of it to resident surgeons, i.e. "rank amateurs." I liked that.

Civility And The First Amendment | Sheila Kennedy about that for a moment and how it relates to the 1st Amendment and what it means to protest Fascism. You’d be treated like a terrorist. Just like the new brand of “eco-terrorists” who place the environment ahead of corporate greed and degradation of the planet which is screaming out against us.

meaning in history: UPDATED: How To Reform The CIA and FBI 02, 2019 · The pipeline to leadership in all of the federal agencies that are in the intelligence community have been controlled by the left for a long time. The only people who make their way up through that pipeline and get into positions of leadership are the “resist” Deep State types of people. So they’re all that way, there’s no exceptions to ...

Watergate Summer: Egypt Uprising Continued ( Images and Video) trying to blog and twitter objectively, but it is getting more difficult. For 3 days I have been tracking people on Twitter as they tell about the Internet Shutdown, the Violence and what they see in their neighborhoods and in their homes and on the streets....80 Million People is alot to worry about.

Mosquito Blog: November 2009 Georgianne Nienaber In a very sad day for Rwanda, The International Crimes Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) announced it has overturned a 20-year sentence and acquitted Protais Zigiranyirazo, accused genocidaire and suspected murderer of American primatologist Dian Fossey. Citing "serious errors" during the 2008 trial, ICTR Chamber Judge Theodore Meron ordered the immediate release of ...

Truth Seekerhttps://truthseeker08.blogspot.comAre the supporters of other candidates less vocal and therefore we see less signs of their voting preference. This years election is an extremely important one. The past two elections we have made some poor voting choices and now we are faced with those consequences. The Patriot Act is one of the toughest ones to swallow.

Motown Strong: September 1990 it's hard to be as charitable with out hearts for a man like Keating, who used and abused innocent people's money to build himself a fortune, while at the same time doctored up his books to make it look like he was being fiscally responsible. Keating has obviously made some mistakes.

Health Care | The Practical Libertarian we go to the Childrens Corner, where we are treated to yet another screed in favor of “single payer universal health care,” by which they mean socialized medicine, but since socialism has failed everywhere it’s been tried, they can’t call it that, hence the new name.. Their argument is approximately as follows: 1. The free market has failed in health care.

swampstyle: February 2010 are the same folk who warship Glenn 'hockey-puck' Beck. All i can figure is they are: 1. racists 2. sexists 3. racists They Hate Us For Our Power Well, in their own words from 04 "we won, you lost, get over it" Sharks with Friggin Laser Beams

LAPD: Death by the Thousands Cut? | The Irony Supplement 01, 2010 · But it appeared in his blog, and not in the newspaper. Not a single mention of this has been made in any media outlet since. Most of the coverage has been in the reduction of overtime for officers, and the elimination of some specialized units, thereby putting more police on the streets.

Siena Research Institute: Siena College, Loudonville, Ny ... Siena Research Inst

Family: Kids missing since September found dead in Idaho said the first body was hidden or destroyed sometime on or after Sept. 8 — the last known day that Tylee was seen — and the second on or after Sept. 22, the last known day that JJ was seen. A document that details the reasons behind the charges was sealed after Wood said it could compromise the criminal investigation.

Traders Point Christian Church - WordPress.com on the Family will be in Indianapolis this weekend at Traders Point Christian Church putting on one of its ex-gay 101 conferences, ironically titled “Love Won Out” (I guess to them gay people are just a bunch of pathetic, loveless losers). The time will be spent telling folks that people can change their sexuality. Having spent years in such ministries myself, thinking about it ...

A Balm in Gilead -- A Sermon from 2001 - Bob blog about Christianity, theology, religion and public life.

James Dobson Dobson who seems to focus on everything but the family these days, criticized a June 2006 speech by Obama, in which Barack suggests that a simple cut and paste job of scripture into the constitution would be problematic. In Obama’s words: “Which passages of scripture should guide our public policy?” Obama asked in the speech.

Ordinary Guy: Yes We Did 08, 2017 · He called for banning an entire religion from entering the US, lied about his support for the war in Iraq, in court for the rape of a minor, being totally unaware of Russia’s invasion of Crimea and the many deaths there, being unaware of the situation in Syria, being penalized for discrimination in housing, filing for bankruptcy 6 times, showing very little knowledge of world affairs in all ...

Pleternica moj rodni grad: Mars astronauts may be whipping ... astronauts may be whipping up batches of no-bake bricks It would be nice if the settlers of Mars didn't have to bring along a bunch of kilns, in order to fire the Martian soil into bricks. Well, according to a study conducted at the University of California San Diego, Martian bricks can actually be made without any heat whatsoever.

Wise Law Blog: January 2016 29, 2016 · Wise Law Blog is not responsible for and does not necessarily agree with the contents of comments posted by readers of this blog. Such comments represent the personal views of the commenters only, and are included on this blog in the interest of promoting public discourse and a free exchange of ideas.

Wise Law Blog: October 2014 31, 2014 · Wise Law Blog is not responsible for and does not necessarily agree with the contents of comments posted by readers of this blog. Such comments represent the personal views of the commenters only, and are included on this blog in the interest of promoting public discourse and a free exchange of ideas.

Where was Mattis’ outrage when Obama was selling the US ... 08, 2020 · Yes, Mattis is wrong. But more than that, he is a moral coward. I’m not a Marine, but I know the Marines. With 12-and-a-half years teaching the U.S. military under my belt, I can sincerely say, hand on heart, that the two-and-a-half years I spent at the “Crossroads of the Corps,” teaching at the Marine Corps University in Quantico, were the most meaningful and fulfilling of all.

The Useless Tree: The Chickens Come Home to Roost story ran on the Xinhua wire yesterday (hat tip: China Digital Times): . KFC Sullies Chinese Classic. BEIJING, July 15 -- Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is under fire, for its latest video advertisement depicting an old Taoist surrounded by his apprentices excitedly holding a chicken burger and claiming it as a masterpiece.

21 | February | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 21, 2018 · There is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink and make himself enjoy good in his labor. Even this, I have seen, is from the hand of God. — Ecclesiastes 2:24 (AMPC) Enjoyment is the fuel we need to reach the finish line of an endeavor with a good attitude.

Larry Gross | Larry Gross hate to say it, but it’s one of the reasons I broke up with her. She and “Thinkin’ Problem” were just too much. I started thinking of that song the other day and wondered if it and David Ball was still around. The video at the top of this post confirms it as Ball singing the song was shot in Nashville last year.

Around the Keg: October 05, 2012 · It’s also a shame because of the target-rich environment this election offers. Between various nutty rape-obsessed freaks on the right, to the asshole, sociopathic, blue-blooded liar that IS Mitt Romney, it would have been such a …

The Rude Pundit: 9/11 Doesn't Want to Always Be Your 09, 2014 · 9/11 was sitting in her apartment in the early evening yesterday when there was a knock on the door. Just home from a day at the office, she had only five minutes ago taken off her shoes and was getting ready for a long evening finally catching up on Orange Is the New Black and downing leftover Chinese food and drinking a decent Pinot. She sighed and went to the door.

The Huck Upchuck: What Christianism Has 10, 2011 · I just asked a conservative friend of mine, a good friend going all the way back to high school, and a person who is one of the smartest people I know, how he rationally defends these so-called "leaders" of the GOP, he can't do it. He simply cannot advance any reasonable defense of these individuals and the reckless behavior they promote.

Grand Jury Investigating HUD Chief Alphonso Jackson 05, 2007 · But it wouldn't surprise me if Jackson got a pardon anyway under that scenario. Following from The New York Times The Justice Department is investigating ties between Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso R. Jackson and a friend of Mr. Jackson’s who was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by him for rebuilding work in New Orleans ...

The Immoral Minority: Greatest YouTube video EVER! 03, 2010 · That's why it's so easy to believe that the story was concocted to make way for a "brave, fearless, strong and devoted mother who is the perfect right-wing candidate". Once that story was told, whoever heard it had only two choices: either it was a fake pregnancy or (worse) she's a reckless, uncaring, mentally ill woman.

The Adventures of Lauren & Jerald: June 01, 2007 · Friday was one of the longest days of our lives. It took 4 big movers 11 1/5 hours to move us 15 minutes away from our old apartment. There were some unforeseen problems like some of our furniture not fitting up the stairs to our bedroom but it was all worth it.

Trump's Media Minions Throw Michael Cohen Under The Bus 02, 2018 · Trump’s Media Minions Throw Michael Cohen Under The Bus (VIDEO/TWEETS) Posted by: Darrell Lucus , July 2, 2018 For years, Michael Cohen was one of Donald Trump’s most trusted minions–and depending on the source, was the most trusted minion in …

Jonah Kosher Gourmet by Julie Rothman Almondy, flourless torta del re (Italian king's cake), has royal roots, is simple to make, . . . but devour it because it's simply delicious

Broken Voting System - LA Election Day to the weekend. Even better, let’s have a 7-day Election Week.There’s no good reason to have Election Day on Tuesday. It’s an inconvenient and outdated tradition.

Pausing at the Trumpet Vine: August 10, 2012 · At the far end of my sandy back yard stands a six foot cement wall which encloses a massively failed, exclusive gated community called “The Cove” consisting of approximately 50-75 “custom” homes and an equally failed golf course, which now amounts to 18 holes of continuous sand pits and which is home to a parliament of Burrowing Owls.

Zsa Zsa Gabor’s Husband Claims Paternity of Anna Nicole’s 09, 2007 · ZSA ZSA GABOR AND FREDERICK PRINZ VON ANHALT. The Telegraph (UK) reported today that Zsa Zsa Gabor’s wacky husband is suddenly claiming to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby: “As if another was needed, the husband of Zsa Zsa Gabor added a further bizarre twist to the sudden death of the former Playboy model Anna Nicole Smith by claiming that he was the …

On Fox News, Freakin' Art Laffer Says Bernie Would Crash 15, 2019 · Art Laffer: "it's much like Obama, who I believe was the reason why we had the Great Recession. As he got closer and closer to winning the markets collapsed." I need to get myself one of the Fox ...

Ten "cognitive test" Sokoban levels now 25, 2020 · Sokoban, ???(?????, s o koban), literally “warehouse keeper,” is a game that is kind of like a maze, but it’s not so much about finding your way in or out, as moving things to where they need to go. Like most good puzzle games, the …

NoFo: It's all a matter of's all a matter of perspective Apparently I made too big a deal last time about who stands in front in our post-run selfies because now we’re doing that whole Renaissance vanishing-point thing with Rob and Scott shrinking into the Florentine distance, albeit with an …

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page" Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review the deal, but Hillary Clinton was the only agency head whose family foundation bagged $145 million in donations, reports the New York Times and Clinton Cash.

Duke Case: Who is more Evil - Mike Nifong or Crystal Gail three young men of rape and trying to send them to jail, because one of your white shoes is missing sounds like a pretty evil thing to do. But, it is some stupid twisted logic like that which is guiding Ms. Mangum. She might also have …

The Rectification of Names: Out Like Flynn since Pence was the one who had stuck out his neck in the first place, on the Sunday shows (CBS Face the Nation and Fox News Sunday), to present an official account, he was the one trotted out as an excuse for firing Flynn; but it's pretty obvious that if Flynn had really been lying to Pence, and it was a firing offense, Pence would have ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Setting the snare?’re not sure if the Prime Minister is the hunting or trapping type. Somehow we doubt that he would be caught in a less than flattering picture, quietly sitting in a duck blind, decked out in an Elmer Fudd. hat and hi viz vest ready to blast away. But setting a trap or two, well now, perhaps there may be some old time Hudson’s Bay company blood in the guy most associated with …

view from the thirteenth floor: January 2008 01, 2008 · Nacoochee Indian Mound was the center of the ancient Cherokee town of Gauxule, visited by DeSoto in 1540 in his search for gold, according to legend. On this ceremonial mound, 190 feet long, 150 feet wide and 20 feet high, stood the town House where a sacred fire burned unceasingly. Ceremonial dances were perfor med in and around the Town …

Bill O'Reilly is an idiot: 11/11/07 - 11/18/07 05, 2007 · "Redacted" isn't the first movie to show the ugly side of war. It won't be the last. It does, however, reveal the injustice of American occupation in a land where we are not always welcome. But this isn't the fault of the troops, who are there to do a job. It's the fault of our government, who never should have gotten us there in the first place.

Tickle The WireTennessee Archives - Tickle The Clingingsmith had what any car guy would consider a dream job. He was the executive in charge of testing for Buick at the General Motors proving grounds. GM’s Milford, Michigan proving ground, when it opened in 1924, was the auto industry’s first dedicated testing facility.

Johnny Pez: "Terrors Unseen" by Harl Vincent, part 1 01, 2008 · And since the March 1931 issue of Astounding, containing Vincent's story "Terrors Unseen", has fallen into my hands, I've taken it upon myself to resurrect this story as well (in a multipart format suitable for the blog medium). I now present, for the first time since its original publication 77 years ago, part 1 of "Terrors Unseen".

The Debates: No Bundini Browns Necessary | Zero Tolerance ... 16, 2012 · Anyone can tell Obama what he should do but it’s up to Obama to get the job done. He doesn’t need a Bundini Brown yammering non-stop in his ear. This isn’t the first time in the ring. Obama has debated Alan Keyes, Hillary Clinton and John McCain and any one of them is a more formidable opponent than Willard M. Romney. Obama has squared ...

REDSOXVILLE: Mitt Romney is an asshole 28, 2007 · As someone who was born and raised in Boston, I think that it's far too kind to say that Mitt Romney is an asshole. That doesn't even touch the very surface of it. He is the most fake, insincere nut-job who is vain in his attempt to bid for president. I read somewhere how he wouldn't run if he wasn't certain that he would win.

The Candid Blogger: Swine Flu a Bush/Cheney Production ... Flu a Bush/Cheney Production - Part 2 OBAMA'S ATTEMPTS TO ADDRESS SWINE FLU BLOCKED BY RIGHT-WING On February 5, Karl Rove took to the pages of the Wall Street Journal to argue against President Obama's Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act because, in his view, the spending was not targeted to create or preserve jobs.

stop-loss | Electricity & Lust of the Week: Gossip Girl Season 1 – Perhaps the biggest surprise of the entire new season of shows, this has a terrible pilot but from there on in is the most ridiculous, silly, sassy, smart show on TV. It’s a beautifully rendered portrait of upper-class New York life which pokes fun in all the right places and, in Ed Westwick’s Chuck, has the most delicious semi-villain yet ...

19 | March | 2007 | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities 19, 2007 · Twitter/Disembedded. High-protein diets: Bad for the middle-aged, good for the elderly 6 years ago; #BostonGlobe - Our paywall is officially down 6 years ago; The Adele Dazeem Name Generator. Use our widget to #Travoltify your own name. #AdeleDazeem #JohnTravolta #Oscars 6 years ago; My Travoltified Name is …

Head Kissing: An Issue for Our Times | The Smirking 04, 2019 · No, it's not sexual, but it's an expression of parental affection for one who is under the kisser's protection, or at least indicates protective concern. Sadly, a man, particularly an older man, kissing an adult woman on the head appears to be a belittling act.

Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Name Even Racists Now Can Luther King Jr. must be spinning in his grave as he sees some of the people who so hypocritically celebrate his birth. In fact, if he were alive today, he’d probably distance himself from himself because of the way he is used by so many closet racists as a shield against the charge that they are racists.

WGLB: 13 protesting DADT arrested at White House 13, 2010 · From a GetEQUAL press release: (Washington) This afternoon, three generations of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender veterans and advocates went back to the White House fence to call for the U.S. Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid, and President Obama to make good on their promises to secure the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” during the abbreviated, lame …

Quad City Images: Idiot Governor Open Thread 17, 2008 · QCI you just had to go and open the nut-jar didn't you! The surprise is that it took almost six hours for the first nut to show up. 12/11/2008 1:29 PM ...

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Be Careful What You Wish For 06, 2006 · With Alan Greenspan hanging around the football field like the star quarterback who graduated last year and with superstar transfer Hank Pau...

Contextual Criticism: Rick Sanchez - the joke's on CNN 17, 2008 · Rick Sanchez, who has no soul, may be trying to take over Glenn Beck's place as the main nasty at CNN. But Sanchez is too damn dumb to pull it off. As usual, he sounds like a little kid trying to act tough. Unfortunately, he's on a major network now.

Matisyahu Talks About Crown Heights, Cutting His Beard ... 26, 2012 · It was my music, it was the lyrics, it was the music that was inspiring and empowering people. And then there were people that it was more about, "OK, here's this Jewish guy who is making Judaism cool, representing Judaism to the rest of the world," and for them, a lot of that was very much tied into my look.

GLAAD campaign demands better media accountability for ... it comes to discussing gay issues, the media sometimes handles anti-gay pundits with kid gloves. It's not because of any bias, reall...

The Johnsville News: Duke Lacrosse Scandal: Sunday Linkfest, it became obvious that THE CHARGE was the outrage. America's top legal commentator, Stuart Taylor, looked carefully into the matter and identified Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong as a rogue, NOT any of the wrongly indicted Duke lacrosse players...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Police are seeing more guns pointed ... 01, 2007 · It was the third time in 10 days that officers pulled the trigger as someone raised a gun toward them. Chief Tim Dolan noted a growing number of gun-pointing cases. "Officers are well aware there have been more of these types of incidents," he said. "This is not a game for them."

Joe Half-Rack: January 2010 far as the movie critic in me is concerned, I enjoyed Return of the King and thought it was a fine film, but I thought The Two Towers was better. Return of the King had some great scenes, but it was a lot longer than it needed to be and it did drag in parts, whereas The Two Towers seemed to be a better-paced, more-focused movie.

06 | September | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 06, 2017 · Who is God? The answer is important because it reveals whom we recognize as having authority to tell us what to do. The two names the Lord used in answering Moses—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ( Ex. 3:6 ) and “I am who I am” (v. 14)—identified Him as the sovereign Creator and self-existent, everlasting One who keeps His promises.

Marxist logos—I only need a three head logo instead of ... are Maoists who dislike him as much as some Maoists dislike Stalin. But it seems too early to try and add the next 21 st Century “big head.” It’s early in the century and a lot can happen between 2012 and 2099. We will just have to wait and see. For now, The Kasama Project has rejected all heads.

Black Lives Matter protester assaulted during Donald Trump ... 06, 2015 · #BlackLivesMatter protester at @realDonaldTrump rally says he was called "monkey" & N-word:

Electronic Village: Lakeesha Alert: Tekenya Wooten (Durham NC) informed me that Erin Hartness was the reporter assigned to the case. Sally indicated she would pass along my concerns to Ms. Hartness. I appreciate the bulletin posted by WRAL, however, a much more serious case and it requires a much more forceful local media presence. After all, Tekenya is 12. She’s 8-month’s pregnant.

memeorandum: Militia in New Mexico Detains Asylum Seekers ... Mueller Found on Russia and on Obstruction: A First Analysis — “Really the best day since he got elected,” said Kellyanne Conway, the president's counselor, about a day on which 400 pages dropped into the public's lap describing relentless presidential misconduct and serial engagements between his campaign and a foreign actor.

Media - The New a new chapter to the endless stories of corruption, mismanagement, and dire financial conditions of both the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois: allegations of an almost eight-year cover-up of the April 2004 death of a Chicago area man at the hands of the nephew of then-Mayor Richard M. Daley.

Trading Cards the Who's Who of Worm Week - Scribd Cards the Who's Who of Worm Week - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. There are hundreds of thousands of species of worm wriggling around the world. We made trading cards about six of them.

Occupy Wall Street « Scanlyze 12, 2011 · The United States has been placed on the list of terrorist nations, and a list of public officials and corporate leaders is being added to a sanctions list. The President of the United States, his cabinet, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as intelligence officials, are being referred to the World Court for possible war crimes prosecution.

USCF United States Civilian Forces: Google Alert - terrorism Alert - terrorism ... And suddenly there it was, the American paradox in full splendor: ... Even if you decide to label Dylann Roof a terrorist, that is the first time a white man has committed an act of terrorism in the US since Timothy McVey, ... Flag as irrelevant :

And, yes, I DO take it personally: Citigroup, Citicorp ... 18, 2008 · Her answer was the final straw. She informed me that the card would have been MAILED - not couriered - to the address in Afghanistan. I told her that trusting a credit card to a virtually non-existent Afghanistan postal system would be tantamount to guaranteeing that it would not only never arrive, but that it would also be stolen.

Alasandra's Place: June 2012 Revolutionary War was over "taxation without representation. It had nothing at all to do with religion or religious liberty. I fervently hope that Mr. Chastain slept through history class and his uninformed drivel isn't a sample of what public school students are being taught. The Founders were also comprised of individuals of many different beliefs Atheist, Deist and Christians were ...

Above The Borderline 01, 2007 · From Associated Press BAGHDAD - Federal prosecutors are investigating whether employees of the private security firm Blackwater USA illegally smuggled into Iraq weapons that may h

Question 3 – are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

filibuster | cadesertvoice are a cross to carry and a flag to wrap yourself in away from being the people who Sinclair Lewis warned us about, but I guarantee that if Fox News told you to dress that way you would, because you are the same blind, ignorant and closed minded dunces who drove this country into a civil war years ago because you are bound to the notion that ...

December | 2019 | The Kentucky Prophet was the first full track, a creative use of alliteration while making fun of celebrity culture and mixing in conspiracy theory at the end. Great use of Donovan sample, too. This album costs $7 but it’s worth it. Full Of It (Kentucky Prophet, Beyond The Fringe, 2007)

Trump doesn't think Americans should decide the next ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The …

A Foreign Perspective, News and Analyses | themcglynn.com court found in his favour, and one of the outcomes was the establishment of a climate change commission. The Urgenda Foundation case against the state of the Netherlands successfully argued for the adoption of stricter emissions reduction targets by the government.

First Things -- A Sermon for Epiphany 5C (1 Corinthians 15) of the issues he faced had to do with his authority in the Corinthian Church. Not everyone embraced his apostolic calling. So, he has to defend it. He admits he is counted among the least of the apostles. In fact, he admits that he’s unfit to be an apostle. After all, he has a few skeletons in his closet.

The Final Years - The Strayhorn Centenary Project - the ... 28, 2015 · Typical of this form of cancer, doctors discovered it in an already advanced stage. Such late diagnoses inevitably make this type of cancer fatal. Excessive drinking and smoking are the usual suspects. Hajdu notes that one of Strayhorn’s close friends at the time, Bill Coleman, found Billy surprisingly calm and resigned about the diagnosis.

Troubletown: February was the first person in publishing to show confidence in my cartoons and their potential for being published. She became my booster, and helped me land my first comic strip gig, at Manhattan, Inc. We got off to a funny start. As my editor, she would ask me questions about the cartoons that had seemingly obvious answers.

Tuesday Grab Bag: Hold My Beer and Watch This have to love a game which features mutual coaching animosity. Such was the case in Tempe this weekend, where WSU's Mike Leach and ASU's Todd Graham continued to spat over comments made by Leach which called the Sun Devils out for stealing signs. This is a fight that goes back over a year, and one that cost Leach $10,000 for

BLACK AMERICA | CITIZEN HAINES a long line of inept and weak leadership from the position of leader of the United States, President Barack Obama continues to deploy the world’s most highly trained and competent troops in senseless, aimless wars up to 7,200 miles away from Washington DC while the enemy seeps through our porous southern border, bringing with itself massive amounts of illegal narcotics, a thirst ...

Article: Review of Bill Still's Jekyll Island movie | OpEdNews 16, 2013 · Article: Review of Bill Still's Jekyll Island movie - Bill Still's newest film 'Jekyll Island.' For those who've seen 'The Money Masters,' and especially the more recent 'The Secret of OZ' (2009 ...

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid ... is spot-on correct in saying that news is becoming infotainment. But that was a trend that began back in the 50's and early 60's and Murrow was the first to speak out about it. But to conflate Olbermann with O'Reilly and, like Jon Stewart of late to make false equivalences between left and right is one of the biggest blunders he ever made.

Donald Trump | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. to a CBS News/New York Times poll, George W’s final approval rating was 22%. 73% disapproved. Bush’s final approval rating was the lowest for an outgoing president since Gallup began asking the question over 70 years ago. C’mon, Donnie! You can underperform Dubya! You can do it!

GANGS | CITIZEN HAINES about GANGS written by Citizen Haines. Continuing a long line of inept and weak leadership from the position of leader of the United States, President Barack Obama continues to deploy the world’s most highly trained and competent troops in senseless, aimless wars up to 7,200 miles away from Washington DC while the enemy seeps through our porous southern border, bringing with itself ...

Thoughtful Intenthttps://thoughtfulintent.blogspot.comHe realizes the importance of teaching, really likes the students, facilitates success in his classroom, and each day he is at school he takes on the positive role of mentor. His son, Daniel, is an engineer and a Captain in the Army. During his 2nd tour of duty in Iraq he was stationed at Camp Taji.

Hoosiers for McCainhttps://hoosiersformccain.blogspot.comOn election night in 2000 Al Hunt -- then a columnist for this newspaper and a commentator on CNN -- was the first TV talking head to erroneously declare that Florida's polls had closed, when those in the Panhandle were open for another hour. Shortly before 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Judy Woodruff said: "A big call to make.

Halfway There: August 2014 13, 2014 · Godamn a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary ...

Furious backtracking? – 16, 2013 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Avatar: Another Hollywood Plot To Destroy America? | News ... 18, 2009 · To be precise, it was something more than hate. I regard it as one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. The acting, the effects, the script (oh lord), the naked schmaltz – there wasn’t a single thing I can recall that was redeeming about it. And in its time it was the mega-million dollar epic that was going to change everything. Enough ...

Brian Hornback cracks me up | this post, Brian Hornback applauds Rush Limbaugh for donating 20 copies of his revisionist history book "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims" to Rockford Elementary school.. Then he says "Someone cue the KnoxViews, BlountViews crowd to start complaining about Conservative propaganda in one of their Blount County Schools."

No More Mister Nice Blog: ISLAMOPHOBES FIND A … 05, 2015 · No reputable media outlet has reported on any possible motivation for the downing of Germanwings Flight 9525 apart from the claim that copilot Andreas Lubitz was suffering from a significant level of depression -- so elements of the Islam-hating right are now just turning him into a Islamist terrorist, based on evidence that appears to be nothing more than wishful thinking on their part.

SNL takes on the third and final presidential debate, and ... 11, 2016 · So many great lines. Perhaps my favorite bit was when Alec Baldwin, playing Donald Trump, suggested that Kate McKinnon, playing our nex...

THE GERMANWINGS MURDER-SUICIDE WASN'T ISLAMIST … 02, 2015 · Shortly after we learned that the co-pilot of a Germanwings aircraft that crashed in the Alps deliberately sought to down the plane, we began getting more information about that co-pilot: he was Andreas Lubitz, a 28-year-old who'd suffered from mood disorders and -- contrary to speculation from Pat Robertson and the right blogosphere-- apparently wasn't a Muslim, much less a jihadist:

Race War Brewing in Milwaukee - Modern Heretic 15, 2016 · A city goes up in flames, Whites are targeted for racially motivated attacks, the "African-American" gets dat loot on. A preview of the coming collapse of the U.S.S.A. is on fully display, what will remain if our enemy wins. This is why there was segregation. This is …

EVEN BEFORE SCALIA DIED, OBSTRUCTIONISM WAS THE 01, 2016 · EVEN BEFORE SCALIA DIED, OBSTRUCTIONISM WAS THE REPUBLICAN PLAN ... them -- and anything less is treason. So McConnell has to promise absolute resistance to a replacement pick -- and he probably has to deliver, ... He'll emphasize once again that he and Joe are the only people in Washington elected by a majority of Americans.

Ssnot!: 07/01/2014 - 08/01/2014 side note, of importance, for a variety of reasons (mostly due to a French conman) translated in the only full English version of the Table Talks(Roper) as: "Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity." Which any check to the actual German would dispossess that notion.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Will Saint Paul Issues And Forums ... 30, 2007 · This is costly up front but it will save us money in the long run. Mentoring will save lives, and end generations of poverty in some families. We as tax payers will save money on policing, the courts, corrections, and health care. Sorry for the off topic folks I had to address what to me was the equivalent of name calling. 5:09 PM Anonymous said

The Useless Tree: North Korea Nuke Deal some good news on the diplomatic front with today's announcement of an agreement on North Korea's nuclear program. I have argued in the past that something like this - essentially buying off NK's threat - was the best way forward. Indeed, I would go further and encourage the US to give NK what it wants: security guarantees and aid. This would keep an odious regime in power but it would ...

memeorandum: Saddest goodbye: Heartbreaking moment … Ed Henry returning to Fox News — Ed Henry will be returning to Fox News after an almost a four-month absence from the airwaves.— The Hill hears that Henry will return to the network this Monday. The 45-year-old will do general assignment reporting and will no longer be the network's chief White House correspondent.

Poll: Geophysical Weapon | OpEdNews 29, 2010 · Poll. Geophysical Weapon . In the light of the devastating but very unusual earthquake on Haiti(only one-half of the island was affected) several sources, especially in Russia, asserted that it ...

TigerHawk example of the "zero tolerance" policy reflecting zero intelligence, and, more importantly, violating our most cherished principles. Arvada Police are defending the way they handled the arrest of an 11-year-old boy. The Arvada boy was arrested and hauled away in handcuffs from his home for drawing stick figures in school – something his therapist told him to do.[PDF]Neither Hayek nor Habermas - JSTOR his short 1945 paper, "The use of knowledge in society" (Hayek 1984 [1945]). Hayek claims that the great advantage of prices is that they aggregate both the information and the tastes of numerous people, incorporating far more material than could possibly be assem bled by any central planner or board.

sisu: Chelsea was the classroom was the classroom for this course. Students were asked to come up with ideas in which they could engage Chelsea's social and economic dynamics [no one asked us, but had they, we would have given them a thumbs up] . . .

Bill O’Reilly | The Liberty Tree’reillyPosts about Bill O’Reilly written by PEB. Dissent Gave Birth to this Nation – Take a Stand and Make a Mark

You dumbasses have no idea what you've started... vacation, but it's always fun to school the folks in my old hometown. regarding Quinnipiac: "The poll has been cited by major news outlets throughout North America and Europe, including The Washington Post,[5] Fox News,[6] USA Today,[7] The New York Times,[8] CNN,[9] and Reuters.[10]

The Glenn Beck Blackboard Challenge | News Corpse 23, 2009 · This was the case with the Fascist movement and the Communist movement as both had leaders who were chemically dependent. Mark on 2/20/2010 I don’t want to get too into remote diagnoses of these people (ala Dr. Frist), but those are interesting points.

Playing the Race Card - Tenured Radical - The Chronicle of ... Potter's is the first book to look at the structural, legal, and cultural aspects of J. Edgar Hoover's war on crime in the 1930s, a New Deal campaign which forged new links between ...

For Senior Executives On Wall Street, Crime Always Pays ... corporate America, and especially on Wall Street, crime always pays. Back in 2014, SAC Capital Advisers, the highly successful hedge fund run by its namesake, Steven A. Cohen, agreed to plead guilty to insider trading and pay a $1.2 billion fine.

Possible Experience: Sep 10, 2015 Experience observing the phenomenal world

read my mind: Big Brother is Watching (Part 3) Tuesday, June 17, popular TV talk show host Dr. Mehmet Oz was called to testify before the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection. The apparent aim of having Dr. Oz serve as a witness was to brow beat him into ceasing talk about the effectiveness of weight loss supplements on the Dr. Oz Show.

memeorandum: Access Exclusive: ‘Oprah’ Going To Washington ... camp: 'We're winning' — Al Franken's campaign attorney Marc Elias said today that, based on its latest internal tally, Franken has taken the lead over Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) for the first time in the recount process. — In a conference call, Elias said Franken leads Coleman by 22 votes at the end of last night's count.

Radio Derb Transcript - John Derbyshire 05, 2010 · So far as the Rally to Restore Sanity had any discernible theme, it was the elites mocking the great unwashed. Here are the moussed, designer-clad, wine-of-the-month club, bottled-water-and-Birkenstocks, oh-so-ironic lords of the realm sneering at us peasants.

ABAUM'S WORLD: August 2006 - Adam 22, 2006 · a copy of the speech written by Israeli commentator Ben Caspit. It is not an actual speech by ehud olmert, but a proposal for a text that would help explain t the world what we are fighting for. I believe it accurately reflects how myself and most Jews I know feel about the present conflict Ladies and gentlemen, leaders of the world.

My Interview with OUTWORDS Project: The Importance of ... 09, 2017 · OUTWORDS is the first-ever national effort to capture the LGBTQ community's remarkable evolution over the past several decades, through on-camera interviews with the people who led, participated in, or simply witnessed it; and then to organize these interviews into a searchable online database for use by filmmakers, historians, activists, and all those interested in how oppressed …

And a Little Dog Led Him ... - Blogger month and this month, I wrote a series of posts observing the 35th anniversaries of the resignation of Richard Nixon and the pardon he ...

Freedom Writing: The Footsteps of a Pioneer 21, 2013 · She was the first female officer of the National Press Club, the first female member and president of the White House Correspondents' Association and the first female member of the Gridiron Club. Thomas was the only female member of the press corps to travel to China with Richard Nixon in 1972. Not long after that, she was frequently on the ...

The Immoral Minority: Petraeus affair revealed after lover ... 03, 2012 · Petraeus affair revealed after lover sent threatening e-mails to other woman. Courtesy of the Daily Mail : Jill Kelley, 37, of Tampa, Florida, is a State Department military liaison officer who appears to have a longstanding friendship with Petraeus, who quit as CIA director in disgrace last week.

Althouse: John Rocker — the baseball player destroyed by a ... 10, 2014 · Rocker was deemed a racist by New York writers because he dissed NY: that was the end of Rocker. The end of Rocker was this: 2001 Cleveland, 5.45 ERA 2002 Texas, 6.66 ERA 2003 Texas, 9.00 ERA Even in his best years, in Atlanta, Rocker walked a huge number of batters. In 2000, after the profile that "destroyed" him, Rocker had a 2.89 ERA and 24 ...

Blogger - boiled meathttps://nevergetofftheboat.blogspot.comAnd he said it was the first time he was ever truly aware of every moment. He lost his appetite quickly like a single note Pressing into an empty room, a syllable Of hollowness in his midsection. Fear Is not disease, nor darkness, nor the cracking of sticks When a voice trumpets the air jolting a man From his chair; fear sieves stories into ...

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

is my Sopwith Camel: March 2009 cites two examples: a gunfight between two biker gangs in an airport, in which one person died, and a drive by shooting into someone's house. MK's logic appears to be: the entire airport populace could have opened fire on the bikies, and no civilians would have died in the cross-fire.

McBush Hopes ‘The Surge’ Will Land Him In The White House ... 23, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 4:00 PM MST ON THE GROUND: Sen. John McCain joins Maj. Gordon Hilbun in Haditha on a tour of western Iraq last week. John McCain is betting big on Iraq His long-sought 'surge' is working now, but he's been wrong too. By Bob Drogin, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer March 23, …

Hillary Scooby – Doos into Davenport | We are the drain ... 14, 2015 · Here are the Top Ten Reasons Hillary Rodham Clinton is more likely to become a Victoria’s Secret lingerie model than the next president: 1. The Bucking-The-Tide Factor – Since 1948, one party has held the presidency for more than eight years only once – Reagan/Bush ’41 (1981-1993).

Coffee House Talkshttps://coffeehousetalks.blogspot.comMr. Bell was the first tenured black professor at Harvard Law School and later the first black dean of a law school that is not historically black. But he was perhaps better known for resigning from prestigious jobs than for accepting them.Eventually, for example, he left Harvard Law because they had not yet hired a black woman on the faculty.

Just the facts - costs of the Inauguration past and today costs published are not complete BS! Sorry to tell you, but (verified by ABC news on 1/20/09), security alone is $120 - $125 million. You figure out the totals, they're astronomical!. This is costing the tax payers more than 4x more than any other inauguration.

This is so sad. BSL is wrong and ... - American Dog ... 11, 2014 · This is so sad. BSL is wrong and what BSL does. It tears apart good dogs with wonderful, loving families. So sad for this good dog Caesar who had a family and because the new property owner where they live said they had to get rid of their dog The Buster Foundation is trying to find a new family for Ceasar. Please share and contact the Buster Foundation (located in Belleville, …

Preaching Adverbially (F,. Russell Mitman) - 27, 2018 · Russell Mitman, who is a United Church of Christ pastor and former conference minister (judicatory), offers what I found to be a thought-provoking and encouraging book. He offers the book to us as a reminder that preaching is contextual in that it is an event that happens within worship. As he notes, "preaching is sermons, but much more.

Halfway There: Denying Darwin whether a useful or coherent position is another matter. I haven't finished reading the book, and I'm still trying to understand her arguments. But it suggests that a more nuanced (there's that word again) view is possible. 2/13/2009 7:00 AM

The Immoral Minority: Trump campaign chair in Kentucky ... 02, 2018 · — The Baxter Bean (@TheBaxterBean) February 9, 2018 Courtesy of Today, Attorney General Andy Beshear announced that former Campbell County District Judge Timothy Nolan has pleaded guilty to numerous felony charges, including human trafficking of adults, promoting human trafficking of minors and unlawful transaction with minors.

Neda Soltani or Neda Soltan (1982-June 20, 2009) | Around ... 22, 2009 · Neda Agha-Soltan was born in Tehran, they said, to a father who worked for the government and a mother who was a housewife. They were a family of modest means, part of the country’s emerging middle class who built their lives in rapidly developing neighborhoods on the eastern and western outskirts of the city.

Tickle The Wirericin Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling A 21-year-old college student in Wisconsin is accused of trying to make ricin, prompting the FBI and police to block off a four-block area Friday after finding a white substance, the Associated Press reports. Authorities became concerned after professors at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh expressed concerns that the student was making the deadly toxin.

Trump just doesn't "get it," does he? 01, 2019 · Trump just doesn’t get it, does he? He just doesn’t get this whole America thing, he must have been getting his bone spurs examined during American history class.The 4th of July isn’t a military celebration at all, in fact it’s exactly the opposite.On July 4th, we celebrate our freedom from a foreign power that tried to use it’s military to subjugate us!

About some of the usual suspects | We are the drain the ... 12, 2019 · In his column Jenkins details how the Inspector General’s report on how horrifically bungled and dishonest the FBI’s handling of the “investigation” of the Trump campaign was (“The Horowitz Horror Show”)! ... As the DOJ IG’s report is being subject to hearings in the Senate Judiciary committee this week, there is one aspect of the ...

The blog of Nathan Hunstad » Blog Archive » Thoughts on ..., it was the fact that traffic generation, the idea that building roads encourages more travel and more congestion, not less, was well known more than 50 years ago. It was my admittedly ignorant presumption that the somewhat counter-intuitive notion of traffic generation was a more recent discovery, but in fact it was clear to engineers ...

11 | January | 2018 | News Corpse 11, 2018 · As the volume and frequency of these scandals escalated, Fox News stood out as a den of iniquity. The network’s CEO, Roger Ailes, was fired for multiple incidents of sexual harassment. Then their biggest star, Bill O’Reilly, was tossed out after the discovery of tens millions of dollars paid to secure the silence of his victims.

read my mind: Time To Say "Goodbye" To The United Nations! worse, the members of the General Assembly regularly pass resolutions that are both anti-American and anti-Israeli. The latest outrage occurred this week as 128 nations in the General Assembly voted to condemn President Trump’s courageous decision to formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move our embassy to this historic home of the Jewish people.

Happy Elections Nerd, Alabama Presidential PVI by County ... Presidential PVI by County 1944-2016 Picking up on a state-by-state analysis I began at Swing State Project before the 2012 elections, I will try my hand here, with results including 2012 and...

Maggie Mae Fish | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. Dreams. Dinos. Get Your Tickets Now for “Tyrannosaurus Sketch” Just three short weeks from now, On March 28th and 29 th, my daughter Emilia Barrosse and her Snickerdoodlin’ comedy partner and fellow Northwestern alum, Maggie Mae Fish, will perform their original comedy revue, Tyrannosaurus Sketch at iO West on Hollywood Blvd. Joining the cast will be USC’s Daniel Rashid, the son ...

Did the Ancient Greeks Invent Beauty? ~ European-American blog 08, 2019 · It is an orgy of male beauty, not female beauty. Women are conspicuously absent in these rooms. It is ALL about men. Men eating, fighting, disk throwing, killing lions, making love (to other men)… The concept of beauty was the domain of men, not women. Greeks and Romans adored the human body, but it was the male body that they went bonkers over.

Fauberg Treme – eclectique 916 became acquainted with Lolis Eric Elie when he was a writer for the New Orleans Times Picayunne and co-producer for the documentary “Fauberg Treme” that premiered on the PBS series “Independent Lens.”Lolis eventually became a writer and story editor for the HBO series “Treme” which, in the words of the series’ co-creator, David Simon, recently wrapped up “four-and-a-half ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: NCL set to sail into the Prince ... 10, 2010 · Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow. --Juliet's most famous declaration from the balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet.Much like Julie's farewell to Romeo, parting will indeed bring such sweet sorrow for some in the community as Prince Rupert prepares to bid farewell to the last of the big ships in 2012 .

Eschaton: 11/03/2013 - 11/10/2013 you get for your $4,176 per year is the requirement that you pay $3000 out of pocket before qualifying for a 50% copay on most services. The well care visits, checkups and so forth, have no copays, but you're still out of pocket for the first $3,000.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: One-day yom tov: Beyond "Israelis are lazy" yom tov: Beyond "Israelis are lazy" ... Perhaps that was the case in 1846, but this teshuva was written in a milieu in which 1 day of yom tov was universal, so observing 2 days in that milieu would indeed be a significant change. ... If the first day of Sukkot is Shabbat one day observers read Kohelet on the first day, while two day ...

susan the bruce: The Beauty Contest 16, 2014 · The beauty contest begins the moment we appear. For the rest of our lives, we are judged on our appearance, and unless we are considered beautiful by societal standards, we are usually found wanting. The judges in the pageant that is our lives are not at all hesitant to let us know where we fall short of the male ideal of beauty.

Unintended Consequences? Polio and COVID Consequences? Polio and COVID 19. ... Epidemic poliomyelitis emerged in the first half of this century when modern sanitation delayed exposure of the virus until adolescence or adulthood, at which time it produced infection in the central nervous system and severe paralysis. ... it was the more affluent people with higher standards ...

Ililani Media: Environmentalists Avoid Hawai`i Microgrid 04, 2019 · Posted on July 14, 2020, by Henry Curtis The Hawai`i Public Utilities Commission is fast-tracking a proceeding on the future of the relationship between the Hawaiian Electric Companies and the Par Refinery due to time pressure imposed by Par, a company which asserted that it can break the contract with HECO without PUC permission due to the financial strain caused by covid-19.

Chris Hayes | OlberBlogging NOTE TO KEITH: This week’s nastiness with a relatively unknown blogger really pushed your buttons, Keith. I realize those “unscheduled vacation time” canards related to your mother’s passing and your mourning period, not to any Ben Affleck brouhaha.


Shorebird Player and Pitcher of the Month: April 2017 ... 04, 2017 · After I decided to retire the Shorebird of the Week feature at the end of last season, I still felt something was in order to express my fandom and admiration. So I decided (after some thought) to do a Shorebird of the Month, then it occurred to me that both position players and pitchers should be so honored as most organizations that give awards such as those tend to do.

Identity Check: Hard Work VS Delgation of Responsibilities. 09, 2009 · After reading an article today over at MSNBC about a 19 year old college student who is seeking to hire his own personal assistant to do his laundry, and drive him to and from classes, I got to thinking. The more I thought about it, the more disgusted I became with the whole idea of it. Now, a lot of the reactions to it echoed a bit of resentment towards a kid who can't be bothered to do ...

Scientology library: “Mental illness” ENQUIRER has obtained John Travolta's statement to police, which reveals for the first time, in his own words, how he bravely battled to save his dying 16-year-old son, Jett. The document is a dramatic never-before-seen minute-by-minute account of the crisis, in which the star appears to have done everything he could to bring his son back ...

Live Long and Prosper...: August 2009 30, 2009 · "The whole people must take upon themselves the education of the whole people and be willing to bear the expenses of it. There should not be a district of one mile square, without a school in it, not founded by a charitable individual, but maintained at the public expense of the people themselves."John Adams

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn starts ... 02, 2017 · Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn plans to set up a fund to raise money to pay his legal bills stemming from multiple investigations into possible Trump campaign ties to Russia, according to a person close to Flynn. Flynn may become the first associate of President Donald Trump to begin raising money for legal costs associated with ...

The White House is upset that the press accurately quoted ... 24, 2020 · Alyssa Nakken made MLB history as the first woman to coach on the field during a major league game 0:0 Comments Body found in Minneapolis building burned during George Floyd protests 0:0 Comments Chetan Bhagat alleges a critic of trying his best …

Wendy Davis Abortion | Texas Leftist the weekend Texans received something of a campaign season bombshell that has now turned into a national story. In advance of her book’s release date, Wendy Davis revealed that she, like many other Texas women, has had to terminate two of her pregnancies due to severe fetal abnormalities. Here are more details from the El Paso Times, via AP…

The Immoral Minority: SNL parodies the fact that EVERY ... 11, 2009 · The news cables did not even notice a 4 month old baby that looking drugged. When the daughter came on cable with another baby and the anchor only said he was out cold, that was pretty obvious how they think of children.

Opinionated Catholic: Director of Vocations of Diocese of ... 02, 2012 · I saw that the Vocation Director of Baton Rouge is own Twitter at @mplorrain.That would be Father Mark Lorrain. He posted a link to the this months Vocation's newsletter for the Diocese here at 02/12_Newsletter.. ( After this month is over perhaps look for it here. Read the whole thing!

Big Bad Bald Bastard: A Third Cat? 11, 2014 · This summer hasn't been overly hot, but the cats are shedding to a fare-the-well. Fred, in particular, has some matting in his hair, which necessitated a serious brushing: That's a fraction of the clouds of hair that came off of that cat- there was enough hair that I …

kingston progressive: UNARMED IN AFGHANISTAN 10, 2008 · So who is responsible? The New York Times reported that these arms were manufactured in China, which is a violation of American law. The company's president, Efraim E. Diveroli, was also secretly recorded in a conversation that suggested corruption in his company's purchase of more than 100 million aging rounds in Albania.

Early voting, Day 12: Final curtain – Off the 03, 2018 · It was apparently a late night with long lines, and the report didn’t arrive by 10 PM, so you’ll have to settle for this.. When the polls closed in Harris County Friday, more voters had cast ballots than in any previous midterm election, positioning Harris County to surpass 1 million voters for the first time in a midterm election.

The Immoral Minority: I appears that driverless cars may ... 04, 2016 · Wow, I SO agree with you. I work, and have worked for years, advocating for disabled people. More & more I see people who are disabled by chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, liver failure, COPD etc. etc. that really did cause their own impairments by: 1.) eating to excess and making completely unhealthy food choices, 2.) not exercising AT ALL,3.) excessive smoking and/or ...

August elections | 28, 2006 · Deadlines and schedules are the same as Knox Co. In the past, early voting was at the Blount Co. Court House.) E-Slate voting machine info: Both Knox and Blount Co. are using new E-Slate electronic voting machines. Knox County's were just recently delivered and will be used for the first time in the Aug. 3rd election. Blount County used them in ...

Getting ready for the Save Texas Schools rally – Off the, 29, is a lead organizer in San Antonio for the Save Texas Schools March & Rally on Saturday, the first of the two scheduled as part of Spring Break, which is March 14 to 18. […] As of last week, at least 5,000 people statewide had signed up to attend one or both rallies, with more expected.

A Word Or Two About "Viability" - PolitiZoom 07, 2020 · That view was perfectly applicable 6 months ago, but not anymore, and here’s why. Polling is expensive, even for a university with a poli-sci program to do. Nobody was going to spend that kind of money on individual state polling 6 months before the first primary, with the possible exceptions of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Ezra Klein: Forced March of the Penguins my business, I deal mostly with minorities. I don't go out of my way to deal with them nor do I avoid dealing with them. Their money is as green as the rest. What I detest is loons, like yourself, telling me what I can and cannot do. Loons that hate business in the first place and have no experience in …

The Rectification of Names: Is there going to be a Senate ... 18, 2017 · I'm sure Steve and other good people are right in warning us to stay vigilant on the threat of TrumpCare, whatever that turns out to be (certainly including an end to the employer mandate requiring companies to buy health insurance for their workers, an end to the Ten Essential Benefits every health insurance policy is now required to cover without a copay and the community rating system that ...

Winter Patriot: Isn't That A Bit Harsh? are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

15 | May | 2007 | News Corpse 15, 2007 · John Roberts has been CNN’s senior national correspondent and its anchor of the awkwardly-named This Week at War (sounds like a VH1 Top 20 Countdown). He was recently named a new co-host of CNN’s American Morning.In his former position at CBS he served as the network’s White House correspondent and was embedded with Marines during the invasion of Iraq.

Delhi-Based Prateek Kuhad's Story on Indian-Indie Music 30, 2017 · 3 min read. Performing all over the world, taking the stage at music industry showcases and high-profile events like SXSW, CMW, BIGSOUND, Music Matters, and Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix, Prateek Kuhad is rising as an international face for Indian indie music.

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 72 | Bill's ... 24, 2017 · And from that experience, Trump has drawn one, clear conclusion: Ratings are the only measure of success that mean anything in this world. That emphasis on watchability has pervaded his White House and is the single best way to understand how …

Who Hijacked Our Country: Mitt Romney: “Obama’s is Longer ... 31, 2011 · In his latest squirmfest, Romney says his mandatory health insurance plan — when he was Governor of Massachusetts — is completely different from Obama’s health plan because “My bill was 70 pages. His is over 2,000.” Also, I was wearing a blue shirt when I signed Romneycare into law, and it was raining. So there.

Too Many John Wayne Movies - Progress Pond 11, 2009 · World War Two was the greatest human catastrophe on record and it’s immediate aftermath found America and Russia in new and ultimately unsustainable positions as the sole superpowers of the world. Bretton Woods set up the modern system of global finance on terms very favorable to the United States.

Obama, Romney Open Up About Their Faith In A Church ... 22, 2012 · Wade said that because of the establishment clause in the Constitution, commonly cited as the basis for the idea of separation of church and state, the United States has no official state church. The massive worship space is constructed of stone and sustained $20 million in damages when an earthquake struck the Washington area a year ago.

archives | The Smirking 10, 2017 · [click image to enlarge] Hillary Clinton spoke out about her loss in the election, claiming that she would have been elected president if not for FBI director James Comey’s letter saying he was reopening an investigation into her emails, and Russia’s supposed meddling in the election via releasing DNC emails through WikiLeaks.

The Bell: Josiah's Example 24, 2009 · Josiah stood in his place and made a covenant before the Lord to walk after the Law and to keep its commandments and its testimonies and its statutes with all his heart and with all his soul . . . and he caused all that were present in Jerusalem and Judah to [do the same]. ~ Chronicles II, 34:30-33.

The Other McCain: Keith Olbermann = Moe Green? 01, 2008 · Robert Stacy McCain I'm the idiot who dreamed up this insane scheme to take over the entire freaking blogosphere. Co-Blogger Smitty I'm the genius who does all …

LoneStarBear: June 2009 David Carter writes in his book “Stonewall,” at the end of the 1960s homosexual sex was still illegal in every state but Illinois. It was a crime punishable by castration in seven states. No laws — federal, state or local — protected gay people from being denied jobs or housing.

Above The Borderline: 3/4/07 - 3/11/07 Justice Department has disclosed that Domenici called U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales four times over the past year and a half to raise questions about Iglesias. A Justice Department spokesman did not respond to repeated requests for further comment. Domenici's call concerning a case Iglesias was involved has raised ethical concerns.

Commentary on the Ohio Botch - The StandDown Texas Project on the Ohio Botch " Ohio must fix its execution process or end it ," is the title of Phillip Morris' Cleveland Plain Dealer column. I'm not advocating that the condemned should be drawn and quartered or burned at the stake, but it's time to turn back the clock a bit on capital punishment.

Reverend Ted Pike – “Israel’s Founding – ‘Miracle’ Or Land ... 04, 2008 · They say the 700,000 to 800,000 indigenous Palestinians who fled Israel during the 1948 Arab-Israel war deserved to lose their properties; they were disloyal to the emerging State of Israel, defecting to Israel’s Arab enemies at a crucial, vulnerable moment in Israel’s struggle for nationhood.

Cele|bitchy | Joe Scarborough & Mika Brzezinski are ... first couple of cable news Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are engaged to be married, sources have exclusively confirmed to Page Six. The MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-hosts got engaged this past weekend during a romantic trip to the south of France and …

Fox News Hypes PolitiFact’s Lie Of The Year, One Week ... 13, 2013 · It’s time once again for the unveiling of the “Lie of the Year” by the fact-checkers at PolitiFact. This year the dis-honoree is President Barack Obama for his promotional assurance that under the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” Pretty much everybody, including Obama, now concedes that making such a blanket statement was ...

'Sir' Andrew Wood as spy chief in Moscow - Progress Pond 13, 2017 · This stopped the Communists retaking power but it was the start of the oligarch era in Russia. After retiring from the diplomat service, Sir Andrew developed business interests linked to Russia. He became caught in controversy over Labour premier Blair’s role in helping rescue a controversial £4.2 million BP deal in Russia .

Interview with Morris Overstreet – Off the Kuff continue in Commissioner Court Precinct 3. Steve Radack has done a lot of things in his 32 years on the Court, many of which I don’t care for. One thing I will give him for was his plan to trap feral hogs and donate their meat to the Houston Food Bank. That by itself can only do so much about the feral hog problem, but it’s a creative ...

The Last Debate: Review: Don Pasquale Met stretches it out to three and a half hours. Directed by the great Otto Schenk, in his farewell to the stage after a long and wonderful career, the staging is traditional; generally very good, but the ensembles lack a spark of originality, and poor Malatesta has nothing to do but sing the first half of “Bella siccome” on the left ...

MoA - Olympics A great opening show. History and hope expressed with artistry and a barrage of projector- and pyrotechnics. I especially liked the globe it in the middle of the stadium with people seemingly running on it despite gravity. There were also fine allusions to global warming and a big emphasis towards children.

Zbigniew Brezinski, author 'The Grand Chessboard' 22, 2007 · For the first time ever, a non-Eurasian power has emerged not only as a key arbiter of Eurasian power relations but also as the world's paramount power. The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union was the final step in the rapid ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power, the United States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power ...

Why Michigan, and every state, should outlaw ... - Eclectablog 28, 2014 · Raised in Lansing, McAlvey says his parents described him growing up as the “happiest, go-lucky kid they had,” with a spring in his step. It’s evident in a photo of him dressed as a gypsy for Halloween, right before he started questioning who he was. At age 11, McAlvey began recognizing his attraction to men and it terrified him, he says.

THE State of Maine Thread (merged) : USA States - Peak Oil ... 05, 2006 · THE State of Maine Thread (merged) by Revi » Mon May 22, 2006 1:26 pm . Maine has a Peak Oil Governor Candidate!: Take a look at this website for Chris Miller! He may not get in as Governor of Maine, but he does speak about Peak Oil openly and has helped drag our current Governor into our camp. Having him on TV speaking openly about getting ...

LGF Watch: Election 2008 2008Hey, learn to consistently spell President Giuliani correctly, you're going to be using it a lot in the future. - lizard operative 'anonymous' in our comments section earlier this month So, Chuckie, what went wrong? All that shilling for Rudy doesn't seem to have carried much weight in Florida.

June | 2008 | Tipping testified yesterday to the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. I am aware of one interesting back story involving one of the more brazen of his statements: that in his opinion, CEOs of certain fossil fuel companies, for instance ExxonMobil and Peabody Coal, should be tried for “high crimes against humanity and nature,” but it seems best at this point to ...

Hilda Solis | Start Thinking Right just got through writing about how literally out-of-touch-with-reality STUPID Obama and his key advisers are.. And then, as if on cue, enter Labor Secretary Hilda Solis: Solis supports U.S. workers by driving Canadian-made car 18 QMI Agency

Nonsequiteuse | Texas Leftist missed the Houston Mayoral Candidates Arts and Culture Forum, but it got her thinking about getting arts organizations out of their silos and engaged as advocates for progressive change. On her long road seeking the Presidency, one of Hillary Clinton’s greatest challenges will be to re-create the infamous Coalition of 2008.

Self-Hating Arsenal Fans Boo Alexis for... Being their ... credit: Getty Images Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.After all the stupidity the nihilistic collection of vainglorious brain far

ninjapundit: William Pepper Who Really Killed RFK And MLK of the main indicators of conspiracy was the removal of all security for King in Memphis during April 3- 4. A detail made up of black police officers assigned to King on previous visits to Memphis was not deployed this time.

Suspect Charged in Nailah Franklin Murder Case | Mirror On ... 07, 2007 · The first order of protection his former wife requested against Potts was filed Nov. 9, 2006, after he allegedly showed up at her Naperville home uninvited and beat and kicked on the door, demanding to be let in to see his children. The woman said she was frightened because she had not given him her new address.

April | 2011 | Lean Left 20, 2011 · As long-time readers know, my contempt for the NHL’s “OTL Point” has been well-documented.But since we’re at the end of the regular season, it’s time once again to look at what the standings are vs. what they ought to be, in my not-so-humble opinion.Remember that in the current system, wins are worth two points, overtime losses (OTL) are worth 1 point, and regulation losses are …

The Johnsville News: Nifong/Mangum Hoax — June 22, 2007 22, 2007 · Updated — today's items: "In short, Mr. Nifong knowingly played a game of hide and seek and seek and seek and seek with the Defendants and the Court regarding unquestionably exculpatory evidence, and he should be made to pay for the absolutely unnecessary and extensive effort put forth by the Defendants to obtain and finally identify that information throughout May, June, July, August ...

The Immoral Minority: Top Chicago cop blames gun lobbyists ... 06, 2013 · In what has become a chillingly familiar event across the country, school authorities in eastern Washington recently discovered a gun and a knife in the backpack of a student. But what stunned the small town of Colville was whom the backpack belonged to: a 10-year-old student at Fort Colville Elementary School.

2016 dossier: Immigration – 02, 2015 · For a guy who was the governor of a border state, I thought Rick Perry was a little evasive in this interview. Of course, if I assume Perry goes with his record as governor he does better than the guy who signed a Texas version of the DREAM Act. So he’s going to score better than average but not really at the top of the heap.

Through the Looking Glass: 04/06/2003 - 04/13/2003 11, 2003 · This would be more convincing if it were attached to a schedule -- a year or so for Kabul, next year Kandahar, Mazar-e-Sharif a year or two after that, and so on for a decade or so until we actually started dealing with the mess in the countryside where the drugs and terrorists were hiding out in the first …

Ezra Klein: American Wait Times 11, 2007 · The increase in the total wait time for treatment was the result of a 72.5 per cent increase in the wait time to see a specialist after referral by a general practitioner and a 32.4 per cent increase in the wait time to receive treatment after an appointment with a specialist.

Article: Privatizing America | OpEdNews 19, 2008 · Article: Privatizing America - 'The next revolution won't be against the government, it will be the people against Business (corporate power)'

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: When telemarketers go bad! telemarketers go bad! This bit of theatre from Live Leak will come as some consolation to anyone that has been bothered at home by those incessant telemarketer callers. In what appears to be one of those telephone room boiler room operations, one of the roundtable co-workers snaps after having to put up with some unwanted attention from ...

Next Left: Townsend: Refocus on inequalities and World to Next Left - a Fabian Society blog As with all Fabian Society publications, posts on Next Left represent the views of their individual authors not the collective view of the Fabian Society as a whole. If you have an idea for a blog post, drop us a line at [email protected]

Goodbye Richie Sexson | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... M's have a free stadium and one of the best revenue streams in baseball -- we are one of the richest clubs in the game. If they can't win with that, fuck 'em. I personally wish that fewer than 100 people would go to their remaining games, until Chuck Armstrong and Howard Lincoln are forced to clean out their desks. FUCK THEM.

Steve Smith’s Campaign Attacks, Associations Demonstrate these are the types of people who Constantin Querard represents. Querard has also been the lead lobbyist for the promotion and adoption of the National Popular Vote. The Soros funded-effort to get rid of the electoral college. Furthermore, while Smith fervently claims to be an early Trump supporter in Arizona, facts are stubborn things.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: iPod rotation for February 2007 21--Joan Osborne, One of Us February 20--Guns'N'Roses-Paradise City February 19--Genesis, Dance on a Volcano February 16--Led Zeppelin, In the evening February 15--Ian Hunter, Just another night February 14--Bruce Springsteen, Two Hearts February 13--Supertramp, School February 12--K D Lang, Hallelujah

RSS // The Daily Render by Nikolas R. Schiller is a blog feed management provider that was originally launched in 2004 and purchased by Google in 2007. It provides custom RSS feeds and management tools to bloggers, podcasters, and other web-based content publishers. Unlike the old system of scattered RSS feeds emanating from this website, by switching over to FeedBurner I can accurately see more information about who is reading ...

Green Eagle: Shut Up, Dick are the countries that have made a decision to spend more on their military than on education: Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, and of course the good old U.S. of A, which currently spends almost half of the world's total military expenditures.

Media manipulation | All you need is a crazy rich guy with ... public relations (PR) business is one of the fastest growing industries in the global market economy. In order to face perils like labor unions, organized consumer activists and environmental groups, governments and corporations have come to rely more on slick PR campaigns.

Wise Law Blog: September 2011 30, 2011 · Garry J. Wise is primary contributor to Wise Law Blog. He is a Canadian litigation lawyer who practices with Wise Law Office,Toronto. He is a graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1986. Garry's colleagues at Wise Law Office, as well as occasional guest bloggers, also contribute to Wise Law Blog.

Wise Law Blog: May 2012 31, 2012 · Here are the leading legal headlines from Wise Law on Twitter for Thursday, May 24, 2012:. The Rush For The Exits Doomed Facebook's Stock - Forbes; Contracting for a cloud computing deal? Retired Justice Stevens Hits ‘Misleading’ Parts of Bush v.

In Berlin, Turkish Newsman and Pussy Riot Risk It All for 25, 2018 · A couple of weeks ago, shortly before the beginning of the 4 th World Conference of Screenwriters in Berlin, several of us involved in its organizing were told that toward the end of the second and final day there would be a lot of additional security.. And so there was. Suddenly, at the appointed hour, several unfamiliar faces arrived, casually dressed but strategically placed around the ...

Harvey Weinstein | Law of Markets dumbest kid in his class; You do know that an increase in the GST from 10% to 12.5% would mean a 25% increase in tax revenue; It’s either a wage-based economy or slavery; Speaking truth to power edition “Time for a class action by the people of Australia against Daniel Andrews”

JustOneMinute: Semi-Props To Ms. Alvarez of the NY Times ... Lizette Alvarez triggered a bit of a reader revolt in the comments to her website story which included a brief summary of the Trayvon Martin shooting, and I joined in from this post.. Today, Ms. Alvarez has expanded and corrected the summary, so now cranks like me ought to acknowledge her effort and responsiveness. It's nice to see the Times focusing on the truth and responding to ...

e.b. White in His Own Words | Fiction & Literature | Free ... he and his family decided to leave New York City and live permanently at their tranquil farmhouse in Maine was the author able to find literary inspiration in the simple life. It was there that he eventually wrote the award- winning children's classics Charlotte's Web , Stuart Little , and later, the acclaimed Trumpet of the Swan .

Inside, Looking Out – Family torn apart as binational same ... 29, 2009 · In the near term, I am confident that any official who examines the facts in Shirley Tan’s case will come to the conclusion that this hard-working mother of two should not be sent to a country where she has no support network and was the victim of a horrific act of violence.”

Cruz holding up Flint BILL? - 2016 Election Diary {click ..., Mich., and resume Senate consideration of a major energy reform bill. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told Bloomberg News Thursday that Cruz is holding up the bill. In a brief interview with The Hill, Schumer was more coy, saying only that a “presidential candidate, not to …

The Howdygram 2: Trump says he has a secret trusted ... 11, 2017 · William Christopher’s death comes exactly one year after “M*A*S*H” co-star Wayne Rogers died at age 82 on New Year’s Eve in 2015. According to Christopher’s son, his father was diagnosed with lung cancer about 18 months ago and was doing fine until early December, when his health started to decline.

A Little Reality: Helter Skelter was the Long Hot Summer of 1967 when 159 race riots raged across the country. In each case the superheated rage festering in the country would erupt into violence due to a seemingly minor trigger. For a scientific example of how this can happen we turn to the Mythbusters.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 11/20/11 AWAY THEIR ALLOWANCES: Capitalism's spoiled children. By sheer coincidence, I received this in my email today: My daughter just walked into the living room and said " Dad, cancel my allowance immediately, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out the window, take my …

Peter M. Sandman: What's New on M. Sandman on Safety Part One (ISHN E-News, July 25, 2003) — on persuading management to take safety seriously ... and why it’s so difficult.Part Two (ISHN E-News, August 1, 2003) — on persuading employees to take safety seriously ... and why it’s difficult too.Part Three (ISHN E-News, August 8, 2003) — on reputation management, employee outrage, and finding your niche as a ...

Washington Woman: 2006 only has to take a look at the resumes of the current administration for a clue. Our current leader in chief, George W. Bush, owned Arbusto Energy which was partially financed by a close family friend, James Bath. Mr. Bath was the U.S. representative for Salem bin Laden (brother of Osama) and also had direct ties to the Bank of Commerce and ...

Claremont Insider: In and Out of Town 18, 2010 · A behind-the-scenes look at the news of Claremont, CA. We focus on city hall, city staff, and the so-called "Claremont 400" or "Preserve Claremonters" or "Claremonsters", those goofy, too-serious, power types that run most of the town's service organizations, charities, and city commissions.

Weasel of the Week | Exceptional Delaware week, in honor of his veto of House Bill 50, Governor Markell was the chosen one. But who are the offspring weasels? Find out here, for a limited time in this awesome podcast!

Fellow Blogger Protests Comedian D.L. Hughley | Mirror On ... 09, 2007 · Hughley was the target of the protest for his offensive remarks about the Rutgers University Women's basketball team..., which were (at the least) just as bad as Don Imus's remarks. Yet, due to a double standard, the major corporate news media did not cover Hughley's ugly remarks. But the Black Blogosphere picked it up.

Cynic by Trade, Romantic by Nature: WTF, Arizona? Part II, so Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed the immigration law. She's facing a pretty hard primary in August ( 19 challengers! ) from the far...

My Open Kimono: February 2010 past are the days when media reps had to cool their heels in a reception area while waiting for a meeting. Productivity rules. But productivity is a two way street as time pressures build on both ends of the buy/sell relationship.

David's Mental Jujitsu: November 2010 am looking for meaning, and I should be looking for a job. I mean, I am doing both, but I am starting to think they are the opposite of each other, thus, leading me in circles. The moment is over, the pain is real. Things should hurt, that was the deal. Night goes on forever, Day comes to a halt. Lips tell me your story, I know it's not your ...

Gaijin Days: January 2010 turned out that a secondary market existed for "used" phone rights. Rather than pay $700 for a "new" phone right directly from NTT, you could go to a broker and buy a used one for about $650. After returning to work, I found a phone line broker in the Japan Times classifieds.

From the best hometown newspaper EVER - The Fort Worth ... the best hometown newspaper EVER - The Fort Worth Star-Telegram ... The great Paul Harral has left the editorial page, but it still carries the lingering aroma of Paul's greatness. Sometimes when I finish reading my Fort Worth Star-Telegram, I spread it on the floor and roll around in it. ... are the equivalent of the younger sons of ...

David Drake: Hoo-Ray, It's Ugly Feet Season! are the ugliest, most ghastly, horrific, stomach-turning and vile part of the human body. Some of you, instead of being ashamed of your feet, parade your sandal clad feet as it they're the greatest thing since indoor-outdoor carpeting.

The Adventures of Lauren & Jerald: March 2011 09, 2011 · Ezra is 4 months old today! Time is really starting to fly by. Ezra is really becoming an active member of the family. This month Ezra rolled over from his front to his back for the first time. He also rolls to his side often - so a roll from his back to his front might not be that far away.

A Fine Orwellian Balance In Pakistan: Musharraf Rescinds ... 12, 2007 · These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Psychology of Campaign Signs… | kavips 08, 2008 · Each sign represents the candidate, and much fussing is spent over how to make it appear… What colors, what style, what background, etc… Each of those choices symbolizes something for the candidate… Campaigns can be won or lost, because voters love, or hate, a sign…. For small time candidates, they are the first wave of getting ones ...

The Debate Link: 10/13/2019 - 10/20/2019 are that three of the four "squad" members -- Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) -- are set to endorse Bernie Sanders for President.The fourth "squad" member, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), is both more moderate (or at least more "establishment"-friendly) than the other three and is from Massachusetts, so it's unsurprising she's not …

Guest Post: 13 of The Best Paid (Realistic) Careers That ... you need for a full driving license and to pass an LGV and/or an HGV test and you could be earning a salary of up to £35,000. Much higher than the UK average of £26,500. Truck drivers are currently in short supply in the UK, so salaries could rise further, making this an ideal job for someone who may be struggling to reach the UK ...

Freedom Writing: Attempting to Address a 'Crisis of ... 14, 2014 · Sometimes it is difficult to ignore Mark Twain's still–relevant observation that history doesn't repeat itself — but it does rhyme. Recently, Josh Lederman of the Associated Press compared Barack Obama's presidency to Jimmy Carter's when he delivered his famous "malaise" speech 35 years ago tomorrow. As I observed five years ago, Carter never used the word malaise when he addressed …

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2013 · The sad thing is that even though I’m pretty sure that the first commenter is parodying a wingnut, there’s no way to know any more. The term "black'n" is a sign that it's a parody. In public, a real wingnut would say "not a real American" or some such phrase, and in private would use a word beginning with "n". 6:00 PM

Fetal Position – Jed 20 week abortion ban is creeping its way, state by state, across the country, and gaining momentum. As the conversation inevitably comes around to the debate about conception, contraception, the life of the mother, economics, rape, etc., we listen through the familiar slings and arrows for …

Tenured Radical: Berks Highlights: There's Got To Be A ... 01, 2011 · Berks Highlights: There's Got To Be A Morning After (If You Can Make It Through The Night) Sarah Palin is not at the Berkshire Conference The sun is finally shining in Amherst, after a day and a night of severe weather that created delays, cancellations, and flights diverted to …

Redeye's Front Page: "So why was The Driscoll Group paid ... 06, 2015 · Amidst a completed prelude of rolling thunder and pouring showers, a scene of calmness covered the atmosphere of 200 White Street, as the central office for Huntsville City Schools served as host for a press conference organized and administered by the North Huntsville Community United for Action (NHCUA). This group consists of local ministers, elected officials, community leaders and ...

Halfway There: 2016 30, 2016 · Godamn a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

Anti-Americanism's Deep Roots - Outside the Beltway 19, 2006 · And even though the colonies in question had been ruled by Europeans, panelists insisted that this colonial past was the source of most of the world’s resentment toward the United States.

Seven Things to Watch in Iraq - Shadowproof 06, 2014 · As events tumble forward in Iraq, here are some things to keep an eye on: 1) “Inclusive” Government A cornerstone of solving Iraq, however defined, is the …

Unclassified CEG LG Memo to DOJ FBI (Steele Referral's memorandum states that his company "received this report from US State Department," that the report was the second in a series, and that the report was information that came from a fore~gn sub-source who "is in touch with , a contact of , a friend of the Clintons, who passed it …

Nate Silver Amazon - Nate Silver Net Nathaniel Read Silver Birth Date: 1978/1/13 url Birth Place: East Lansing, Michigan, Michigan Residence: Brooklyn, New York City Nationality: United States ...

????????????????????? : ???? this pageAn Imaginable Scenario???????????????????????????????????????????????????????...

Renate Dolphin Photos — LBC9 25, 2018 · Who is Renate Dolphin?. Screen_Shot_2018-09-24_at_8.07.17_PM.png “. 550 x 351 pixels. ... Former friend of Kavanaugh slams 'hurtful' insinuation about her in his yearbook | TheHill. 980 x 551 pixels. ... Woman who defended Kavanaugh finds out she was the butt of his jokes .... Woman who defended Kavanaugh finds out she was the butt of his ...

Donald Trump Still Doesn’t Understand Why Women Hate Him 08, 2016 · For Trump, on the other hand, the evidence of his misogyny is voluminous. His attacks on Megyn Kelly, Carly Fiorina, Elizabeth Warren, Rosie O’Donnell, Arianna Huffington, etc., are unarguably nasty and intended to cause harm. And unlike Clinton, Trump himself was the unfaithful person in his multiple marriages.

In Court Ruling on Executions, a Factual Flaw - The ...'s the title of Linda Greenhouse's report in today's New York Times. LINK. When the Supreme Court ruled last week that the death penalty for raping a child was unconstitutional, the majority noted that a child rapist could face the ultimate penalty in only six states — not in any of the 30 other states that have the death penalty, and not under the jurisdiction of the federal …

It Will Happen Here - The Soundings will happen here. It has already happened in Canada. Someone will get killed by a racist Trump supporter. In Canada, Alexandre Bissonnette shot six people to death and injured 19 in an attack on the Islamic Cultural Center in Quebec. The attack occurred just a day after Trump's Muslim ban went into full effect.

The Gonzo Loop: January 2010 at the beginning of my journalism career in the spring of 2005 at about 9:15a.m., the door to the elevator on the 13th floor at the Columbia building on Michigan Avenue opened and a tall and handsome man wearing a black coat and carrying coffee stormed out and was searching in his pocket for keys.

Mountain of Judgment: Aug 28, 2005, to get why this was the strangest phone call I've received in a loooong time, you have to know who Minka is. Those who have heard "Loveline", the nationally syndicated sex/drugs/love advice call-in radio show, may be familiar with the predilection one of the hosts, Adam Carolla, has for the porno films of a woman named Minka.

OpenlineBlog: Election 2011 Aurora City Council | Judd ... 03, 2011 · Maybe Weisner will put one of his famous tattoo parlors in Jericho circle and a pawn shop. This town is a joke. Just drive down Lake Street now and count the we buy gold stores, cash for titles, rent to own, pawn shops and resale shops. Thats very …

Electronic Village: Old School Friday: Gil Scott-Heron - I had no clue that Jill Scott was Gill's daughter! I knew he had one but never put those two together, WOW. But it makes perfect sense from a talent stand point and also from the level of emotion and intensity they both have when singing! May 3, 2008 at 1:12 AM

Pop Kulcher: August 2006 04, 2006 · Sure, you don't expect a ton of filler on a decent debut album, but it would be hard to narrow this down to one or two stand-out tracks. By the way, my version has an excellent cover of the V.U.'s "Ocean" as a hidden track at the end; not sure if that's the case on all versions, but you don't want to miss it.

Barack Obama Watch: Scratch James Webb as Vice President ... 10, 2008 · Scratch Senator James Webb as Barack Obama’s Vice President. Why you ask? Webb is a confederate REBEL at heart or so he writes. Webb is no mere student of the Civil War era. He’s an author, too, and he’s left a trail of writings and statements about one of the rawest and most sensitive topics in American history.

June | 2003 | Leapdragon 2017 - 20 Years of Aron Hsiao Was brutal cynic. Sometimes people mindlessly place me into this category, a kind of reactionary statement against hyperbole and dysfunction. I don’t generally disagree with the comparison, but every now and then, as I am sitting trapped between rays of Sunday-afternoon light, the darkest things on Earth, I am sure that it is flawed.

The Rectification of Names: Cheap shot: Truss Ted Cheney Was Righter Than He Knew About the Ignorance of the American Voter and Karl Marx Was Absolutely Wrong About Abused (American) Workers Seeking to Revolutionarily Improve Their Lot (Lee Camp & Eleanor Goldfield Truthify) Zuckerberg Started Facebook to Insult Mean (To Him) Women and Men Who Didn't Mind Telling Him Their Intimate Life Details

Ezra Klein: Because Your Friday Night Isn't Lame Enough Your Friday Night Isn't Lame Enough. I've got a BloggingHeads up with Ross Douthat discussing, among other things, the presidential chances of Rudy Giuliani, John Edwards, and Al Gore, the death of small government conservatism, why I've no love for Unity 08, and the greatest Jon Breaux anecdote ever. Watch it here.

County pretty much admits it pulled Measure K costs ... 27, 2018 · ?????? 70 million people watched the first episode of the Murphy Brown reboot last night, which coincidentally enough was aired just a few hours after Creepy Brett Kavanaugh’s misogynistic meltdown (followed by Trump’s rent boy Lindsey Graham’s hysterical hyper-partisan histrionics).

The Independent: US Lied To UK About Incendiary Weapons are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Seventy Years Ago Today - freedom-writing.blogspot.com"The atomic bomb is too dangerous to be loose in a lawless world. That is why Great Britain, Canada and the United States, who have the secr...

Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Poor Have It Way Too Good ... 12, 2013 · Arguably the meritocracy was the beginnings of the American aristocracy, barely above feudalism. Which is a goddamn shame because people like Abigail Adams would’ve been a force of nature. Yet another conservative arguing for the multi-centuries old status quo. What a fuckin surprise. You, Steve must be a HUGE Ron Paul supporter.

TVA firing of Watts Bar nuclear power plant project head reported in the Chattanooga Times Free Press on Sunday, TVA abruptly fired the head of the Watts Bar 2 nuclear reactor project last week. TVA gave no reason for his firing, other than saying it was not related to his work on the project. The TVA executive is an Iranian national with dual citizenship.

The Debate Link: Must We Do This Every Time?` 10, 2015 · There are indeed "lists" on the internet that claim Sanders has dual-citizenship, but they are the usual anti-Semitic crackpottery. Rehm, though, seems genuinely surprised that Sanders is solely an American citizen -- and her follow-ups (asking whether claims that other American legislators are dual citizens is "part of the fable") evince ...

REWinn: Palin Invents TelePalmer! governor Sarah Palin demonstrated her innovative "TelePalmer" during her $100,000 speech at the Tea Party Convention. Words such as "tax cuts," and "lift American spirits" were clearly visible written on her hand in an AP photo of the speech. The genius part of her "TelePalmer" is that she did not use it to get through her speech.

Pat is Crazy: 2007 violated his lifetime ban from attending NFL games last Sunday in order to see the Chiefs and Titans battle it out at Arrowhead. Unfortunately Pat once again showed his irresponsibility- not even being a Chiefs fan, he still had the nerve to steal this guy's flag: Pat …

Remember, it's not about protecting babies, it's about ... 04, 2014 · Courtesy of Slate : During arguments for the recent Supreme Court case McCullen v. Coakley, which eventually led to the court striking...

Balkinization: Spreadsheets vs. Mean Streets from Freakonomics:. Last Monday, the A.C.L.U. of Southern California released a report that Jonathan Borowsky and I wrote that analyzes more than 700,000 pedestrian and motor-vehicle stops conducted by the Los Angeles Police Department over a 12-month period from July 2003 to June 2004.. As I said in a Los Angeles Times op-ed:. We found persistent and statistically significant racial ...

Blue in Guadalupe: July 2017 fifteen years after the calving event, when I was 7 years old, sea levels had already risen one foot. Today with sea levels four feet higher then when my grandparents moved to Texas, Galveston and Port Arthur are depopulated due to constant flooding and the damage done by three category 6 hurricanes over the last 50 years.

Supreme Court | All Other Persons 350,000 Americans were victims to murders, robberies, and aggravated assaults in 2003 committed by perpetrators carrying a firearm, and our minority communities are the hardest hit: • In 2002, firearm homicide was the number one cause of death for 15-34 year old African-Americans.

Yoo Say.. Justification for Bush Impeachment is There ... 13, 2008 · GEF @ 4:08 PM MST Yoo: Impeach Bush? Why Not? By Talking Points Memo Esquire has posted the transcript of its wide ranging interview with former Justice Department official John Yoo. While Yoo is best known for his time at the Justice Department crafting jaw-dropping legal opinions authorizing torture, the interview shows that he harbors…

top secret | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog September 7, 2011, 3:30 pm ET by Philip Bennett. On a rainy day in October 2005, Dana Priest was escorted across the immaculate marble lobby of CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia along with a pair of her editors from The Washington Post (I was one of them).

Bilgrimage: July 2017 09, 2017 · A blog about spirituality and connection to social activism. — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) July 25, 2017 I struggle to understand the psychology of someone — in this case, an ordained minister of the Christian gospel, a heterosexually married priest in a non-Catholic church — who occasionally logs in here to voice his contempt for the author of this blog and for everything he writes.

OK Ground Zero, Here It Goes Again | Planned Parenthood vs ... 09, 2007 · I am posting this here because PP who is all about rights probably won't allow me to post it on thier blog because they have been editing their posters comments: Morons this ain't about your precious right to kill you babies! Is about a home rule communities right to do as it's citizens wish and what it deems best for it.

[E.O.M.S.]: June 2013 21, 2013 · But it is a bias nevertheless. The unusual is, by the nature of news, disproportionately in your face, so you might think there's a lot of it about. One effect is that it's easy to forget how radically reduced many fatal accidents are – the death of child pedestrians for example. In 2008 in England and Wales there were 1,471,100 girls aged ...

memeorandum: Harvey Weinstein released on $1M bail after ... Trump Is a Better Dealbreaker Than Dealmaker — His blown-up North Korea summit proves it.— At 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, I was speaking with a senior Administration official involved in the preparations for President Trump's summit with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un.

Koch Bros. | kavips first violence is a surprise. Neither side is mobilized and interior battles are still ongoing between the moderates and extremists of either position. If things quickly change for the better, in each group it is the moderates who gain more followers as extremists lose them: “Whew, good thing we didn’t start fighting; everything worked ...

Conversation | 44-D by: Audiegrl. A Two Hour Special Event on Race Relations in America On Martin Luther King Day. One year after the inauguration of the first African-American President, MSNBC will present “Hope and Fear in Obama’s America,” January 18, 2010, 10 p.m. ET, an extended discussion surrounding race and post-racial identity in America.Moderated by “Hardball’s” Chris Matthews and ...

Staff | Exceptional Delaware helping matters was the closed-door board meeting today. There was no public notice of this meeting (required by state code, even if it is an emergency meeting). Even if there is not a quorum, any public board in this state has to follow certain protocol under open meeting laws. But it doesn’t sound like this board knows state code.

Avedon's Sideshow: Only the echoes of my mind agency was defending its refusal to consider cost as a counter-weight to health benefits when setting certain air quality standards. It was the trucking industry that wanted the EPA to factor in cost. The 9-0 ruling sided with the EPA. The author of the ruling that Scalia mischaracterized? Scalia himself." Musta been one of them senior moments.

American Power: Bitcoin Virtual Currency Market Crashes 04, 2014 · Funniest thing, but a student on Monday said that he'd invested in Bitcoin. I forgot exactly how this came up during discussion. Mostly we were talking about state sovereignty and one of my students got on the topic of a "cashless economy," and then the young guy in …

Groves U.S. History Blog: September 2007 25, 2007 · This is the home of the online journals and musings of my American history students at Groves High School in Beverly Hills, Michigan begun in the fall of 2006. At this site, students will share their thoughts and feelings about the topics in American history that interest them. They will respond to journals as well as be responsible for posting once a week. I hope you enjoy your visit, and ...

My Two Cents: February 2015 11, 2015 · Measles, or rubeola if you're pedantic, is not the kind of thing you want to get. It's a nasty, easily communicable and contagious virus that killed - yes, killed - 96,000 people worldwide in 2013. It killed about 545,000 people worldwide in 1990, and still flares up from time to time.

Push up Yogi: Bruce Springsteen crotch shot - the most ... 05, 2009 · Apparently I'm a scientist who is way more involved in "stuff outside of science" than I should be. I'd have to agree. Stuff just keeps happening around me, and I get drawn to it like a fly to a giant turd on the sidewalk. I also insist on writing about stuff, usually pretty long-windedly. Lucky you.

The Mess That Greenspan Made: Barbara Corcoran: Then and Now 06, 2006 · There is something about Barbara Corcoran that is both lovable and maddening at the same time. Well, maybe lovable isn't the right word. Maybe harmless is a better word to go along with maddening, but then anyone taking her advice regarding the future direction of real estate prices last fall would surely object to the selection of this word as well.

It appears that Bill Maher knew Levi Johnston was in ... 06, 2010 · This is another whose baby is it cliff hanger except Levi is scum whether he is the sperm donor or not. Wait until that unfortunate baby is born to find out if it was the other guy or Levi. Isn't it a little premature for her to suggest it could be Levi?

Dawg's Blawg: "It wasn't me" 11, 2009 · This is a government that has been caught out. Its brazen attempts to stonewall are bad enough, although all governments do that. Its attempted character assassination, however, first of Richard Colvin, then of its critics--alleged to be insulting "the men and women in uniform" by daring even to raise the detainee issue--is morally reprehensible.

No Right Turn: Ashamed 12, 2005 · "Yes," I said. "Thinking about coming to live here?" he asked. "Yes, actually, it is very beautiful and the people seem friendly." "Good, we need more white people here," was the answer. Even my landlady, who is a social worker, comes out with the most appalling generalisations about 'Asians' without realising how racist she is being.

blame Obama | This Is is not quite correct to ask who is surprised. In truth, nobody ought to be surprised. Still, though, if we inquire, for the sake of some decent societal form, what brought on Mr. Benen’s line, well: This week, the president has moved on to a new explanation: all Obama’s fault. …

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast and ...[email protected] -- In the Civil Rights Justice system there are two sets of people: Those who are haters and those who fight back. These are their stories.

Not So Humble dot net || Proud Member of the Vast Left ... story reminds me of a play I saw a long long time ago called the Day of Absence, which emulated what would have happened in the deep south back in the 50s should all of the Black people in the local town vanished for one day.All of a sudden, up and gone, leaving the only remaining Black people in the town comatose in the hospital, unable to rise and take care of the town’s white residents.

Secondhand Serenade/Dashboard Confessional: Oh Yeah He's ... and total agreement. I am a HUGE fan of Dashboard Confessional. Chris is a genius and passionate songwriter. This Secondhand Serenade dude is a total copy. I have both albums of his, the first album "Awake" especially is remnants of Dashboard. I'm not saying that the music is bad, but it's an imitation and a cheap imitation at that.

Freedom's Lighthouse: Video of Harvard Professor Henry is video that has surfaced of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. speaking in 1996 at a gathering where he praised Affirmative Action as giving him the opportunity to compete on a "level playing field." In his remarks, he bashes "racist white institutions," and calls U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a "hypocrite."

JustOneMinute: The Valerie Plame Wilson Affair - A Timeline Ms. Wilson was the first question! It is interesting watching the press try to ask the question in a way that does not provoke a response of "I answered that already." Without new food supplies, the pack will starve, or move on. And the CalPundt points out that a little bit of help from the NY Times or the WaPo might advance this. This ...

memeorandum: Trump calls 2016 campaign spying ‘treason ... Storm, Part II — One of the particular characteristics of the Trump presidency is the way Trump consistently creates drama - some by design, some not - that makes it hard to see the broader outline of events. Nowhere is this more clear than in considering the 2020 election.

Meet the 12-year-old boy who spends his time making teddy ... reminds me of something in my life. My dear nephew (who is fine now) was desperately ill when he was about 9-years-old. It was a small thing, but someone gave him a blanket from Project Linus. It meant so much to us all. I tear up whenever I think about it--such a kind thing to do.

Radio Free: WSAR host Michael Herren facing assault with a ... 10, 2009 · The Herald News Posted Sep 09, 2009 @ 07:30 PM Last update Sep 09, 2009 @ 10:20 PM FALL RIVER — Talk radio host Michael Herren will be arraigned this month on charges he allegedly punched and tried to run over a 22-year-old neighbor with his car.

Protests force insurer to back down | SocialistWorker.org 04, 2008 · Protests force insurer to back down April 4, 2008 Helen Redmond reports on one family's campaign to get insurance giant PacifiCare to pay for cancer treatments for their teenage son.

Halfway There: May 2013 23, 2013 · Godamn a good blog. Godamn I am subscribing to it. (Godamn) Posted by Hobo to Halfway There at 8/28/2006 09:30:02 AM I consistently come away in awe of how eloquently you write, and how you make choosing exactly the right word seem so effortless. You also seem to find subject matter in a wide variety of places, and you link contemporary and long-past events in unexpected ways.

31 | January | 2020 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 31, 2020 · When the final vote comes, sixty-seven senators will be required to convict the president. While considered highly unlikely, note that a number of Americans smaller than the smallest county in America (Kalawao County, Hawaii, with eighty-eight residents) could remove a president from office for the first time in US history.

memeorandum: That time I caught Sean Spicer making a ... time I caught Sean Spicer making a blatantly false claim — White House press secretary Sean Spicer, in his first full day on the job, made a couple of easily disproved claims about the size of President Donald Trump's inauguration crowd, as The Fix's Philip Bump and Chris Cillizza noted on …

Dan Gerstein's Greatest Hits - Ned Lamont is just a small sampling of Gerstein's work for Lieberman this cycle. He continually misleads and lies to reporters, making them look like fools. They need to stop taking him seriously. Late Update: Of course, these are just the 10 or so "greatest hits." There's much more:

Alasandra's Place: Extraction (Pendergast, #12.5) the older brother Aloisius is appalled that Diogenes believes in the New Orleans version of the tooth fairy. In an attempt to teach his brother a lesson he hides in the yard of the "Tooth Fairy's" run down mansion and retrieves the tooth Diogenes leaves behind. At first he plans to place the tooth under Diogenes pillow, but then becomes ...

Pine Cones, Pancakes, Manatees And Other Irrelevant Musingshttps://emir-irrelevant.blogspot.comWhat snapped them out of it was the horrendous ripping sound as the first Pine-Cones exploded in fury out of the "Anatomy Cannon". The first wave of Pine Cones rained down in a wicked torrential hell of stench and glory. As the cannon fired pine-cones struck the flabbergasted Swedes body parts began to …

The Corporation: Benevolent Giant or Pathological Monster ... 24, 2007 · The Corporation Benevolent Giant or Pathological Monster? by Henry Edward Hardy Ubiquitous and powerful and yet strangely invisible in our society, the modern corporation is inescapable. We eat, drink, sleep, bathe in, wear and drive corporate products. Their influence is everywhere, but we seldom stop to observe their effects. Enter filmmakers Jennifer Abbot and Mark…

The Immoral Minority: The world's respect for American ... 04, 2018 · The world's respect for American leadership hits record low. Courtesy of NPR : The global approval rating for U.S. leadership now stands at 30 percent — lower in President Trump's first year in office than it was under former President George W. Bush, according to the Gallup World Poll.

torontopiahttps://torontopia.blogspot.comThe other day, I took my family, including my Mom, who is visiting from Edmonton, to a dance performance at the Textile museum. Afterward, we looked for somewhere to have dinner (with two babies) and decided upon Tim Hortons. They are the worst for …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: 2800 CN employees asked to return to ... the settlement of the strike and a return to a sense of normalcy, it’s hoped that that backlog will soon be reduced and a more reliable system of delivery can return. The Globe and Mail covered the events leading up to the settlement and explains the process from here to get the trains back on time. Deal reached to end CN Rail strike

Hillary Can Run But Can't Hide from NAFTA | Mirror On America 02, 2008 · These are the same people, of course, who are looking for jobs in the Hillary Clinton White House. What a total joke, really. This campaign clearly thinks we are all just a bunch of fools. Hillary Clinton has made statements unequivocally trumpeting NAFTA as the …

Call to Arms: Do Your Part to Take Rush ... - Thersites twice thrice four times: to add fax # for the Department of Defense office in charge of AFN, to add a .pdf of the letter I faxed to them, to add a link to VoteVets' petition to pull Rush off AFN, and now to add a link to the AFN website feedback page.Please read to the end for more things you can do to help!) WHAT THIS POST IS: A one-stop-shop for how to lobby to have Rush Limbaugh ...

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com States Wars, News and Casualties ***** The War Criminal and His Two Buddies . Former U.S. Presidents, from left, Barack Obama, George Bush and Bill Clinton greet spectators on the first tee before the first round of the Presidents Cup at Liberty National Golf Club in Jersey City, N.J., Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Part of the exodus – 05, 2016 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Dog Star Omnibus: Saturday Night Live: Joe Montana (1987) next skit is a great little spoof on movie/ cop show cliches. Phil Hartman plays an unhinged hood who is holding Kevin Nealon hostage. Phil keeps saying things like "You better wise up, buddy! Or I'll be tying you up with your guts." While Kevin keeps saying he's going to do whatever Phil wants, then reaching for the gun or trying to escape before rolling over and throwing his hands up.

Evropský rozhled » Barrett Brown – Communiqué from Prison now, I must ask you to publish this on pastebin, Anonpaste,, and all other available venues, and that you also send it to some of the journalists that have been kind enough to follow my work as well as the consequences thereof, particularly my friend Michael Hastings, Barry Eisler, Michael Riley (Bloomberg), Ryan Gallagher (Guardian), and Josh at Daily Caller (forgot his last ...

Chris West – one sucked because Deb was always in the running to be one of my monoblogue Accountability Project Legislative All-Stars and achieved that goal twice, 2016 and 2017. Glen Glass led all of District 34A with 10,779 votes in 2014 and may lose as the third-place finisher with 11.564 this time. He’s 19 votes out of second.

guns | Messaging Matters Firearms recently announced that it will suspend production and civilian sales of its AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifle. Due to their design enabling shooters to kill so many people in so little time, the AR-15 (the most popular rifle in America) and similar assault weapons, such as the AK-47, are the top choices in a large number of America’s deadliest mass shootings, and the vast ...

Marc Valdez Weblog: 12/17/2006 - 12/24/2006 Flora's virginal conception, and that of another komodo dragon this year at the London Zoo, are the first times documented in komodo dragons. The reptiles, renowned for their intelligence, are native to Indonesia. They are the largest lizards and have no natural predators, making them on par with sharks and lions at the top of the animal ...

HERMAN VAN ROMPUY 1ST EU PERMANANT PRESIDENT in time (bible prophecy literally fulfilled)(by god) i write news about and put news articles about israel and jerusalem pertaining to bible prophesy happenings.joel 3:20 but judah (israel) shall dwell for ever, and jerusalem from generation to generation.(thats israel-jerusalem will never be destroyed again)-we christians are all waiting patiently for the pre-tribulation rapture to ...

Claremont Insider: City Council Meeting Tonight 08, 2011 · The Claremont City Council meets tonight at 6:30pm in the council chambers at 225 W. Second St. You can review the meeting agenda here. You can also watch tonight's council meeting here. Among the consent calendar items is the resignation of Community Services Commissioner Antonia Castro, who is moving out of the area.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Someone to watch over me, a Dan ... 24, 2009 · The company has reported that it is shipping 60 per cent less than it was the year before. Cullen wants to make sure that shipping numbers aren't down because of drive to make selling RTI as cheap as possible but because, in fact, the numbers are reflecting global demand. That doesn't mean he completely trusts Veniez's intentions.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Sharon shreds; Restaino resigns 05, 2013 · Perhaps the only items of value that Her Honor is shredding are the multiple copies of resumes and letters of interest submitted over the years by those offering to serve on boards and commissions, but whose offers were never acknowledged. These folks will have a new opportunity to volunteer under Mayor Mapp, who is not known to misfile documents.

Distinguishing how elite newspapers and A-list blogs cover ... 01, 2010 · Both blogs (87%) and online newspaper (69%) seldom use the past time frame when covering crises (see Table 1).However, online newspapers are more likely than blogs to use the past time frame and this difference is statistically significant (? 2 (2, N = 887) = 46.49, p < .001, ? = .23).Both blogs (98%) and online newspapers (99%) heavily rely on the present time frame in their main bodies ...

Get Off This!: FOUR YEARS SINCE MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: A ... the end of 2006, average insurgent attacks had skyrocketed to 185 per day, almost two and a half times the number of attacks at the end of 2005. [Brookings, 4/23/2007] Despite more than four years of nearly constant combat, the estimated size of the Iraqi insurgency has actually grown.

The Institute of Expertology | America’s Leading Purveyor ...https://instituteofexpertology.wordpress.comInstitute of Expertology co-founders Victor S. Navasky and Christopher Cerf are scheduled to host a special one-hour program based on their new book, Mission Accomplished!(or How We Won the War in Iraq), tomorrow, July 6th, on New York City’s Pacifica radio station, WBAI.. The program will be broadcast from 11 am to noon, and, if you’re in the New York area, you can tune in to it at 99.5 ...

The values voters speak – monoblogue 29, 2014 · The values voters speak. ... Interestingly enough, protecting natural marriage was the top vote-getter as the number 3 issue on people’s lists, but was seventh as a choice for number one contender and a distant third as a second place issue. ... Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the ...

Values Voter Summit – are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Balkinization: White Male Aristocracy 1792, Kentucky broadened suffrage for white men. I believe it was the first western state to permit men to vote without property or taxpaying requirements—but it did so by describing voters as “free male citizens.” By 1802, the Kentucky model proved dominant.

'Daily Voting News' For June 27, 2006 | The BRAD BLOG'Daily Voting News' For June 27, 2006. Guest Blogged by John Gideon of and VoteTrustUSA.Org. Today was the release of the Brennan Report which calls into question the security of e-voting machines.

Daejeon Bucket List: Top 15 Best Things to Do in Daejeon ... of Contents Daejeon is the capital of Chungcheongnam-do, a province in central South Korea. The city is considered to be the science and technology hub of the country and is strategically located at the intersection of major roads and train tracks joining other cities in South Korea. Daejeon, though it is always seen as […]

Article: The Financo-State: Are You Ready for ... - OpEdNews 26, 2009 · Greenspan, Rubin and Summers, and a roped-in gullible Arthur Levitt who now regrets that he was the banksters' dupe, succeeded in manipulating a …

From the “Live by the leaked audio, die by the leaked was the Quorum Report that broke the story, though of course much of what they wrote is behind their paywall. You can hear the full audio here. Somewhere, I figure future ex-Speaker Dennis Bonnen is grimly enjoying a double Scotch and a cigarette. Let’s make three points here.

Ililani Media: Red Hill: one of three mauka O`ahu military 09, 2014 · I served as the civilian co-chair of the Hickam RAB from 1996-2005. The Honolulu Board of Water Supply was and is actively engaged in water monitoring. The other State entity attending the meetings was the Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) …

PERRspectives: Welcome to Personhood in if the pitiful schooling of its children is ultimately a driver of Mississippi's crippling poverty, so too are the abysmal conditions for workers. One of the nation's so-called "right-to-work" states (which prohibit workers from being required to join a trade union as a condition of employment), in Mississippi private sector and public ...

The Strange History of Corn Flakes | Musings Of A Tired Soul 01, 2016 · John was the Superintendent, and WK was the bookkeeper. Among the treatments offered at the sanitarium/hospital for various ailments were hot and cold water baths, hydro-therapy with water enemas, electric-current therapy, light therapy using both sunlight and artificial lamps, and a regimen of exercise and massage.

Population Change by CD and by County – Swing State may recall I did this same thing a year and a half ago when the 2008 estimates came out; there’s been very little change to the list since then, although with some swapping of places. Despite its position at the absolute epicenter of the housing bubble, NV-03 moved up from 4th to 1st place, past the two Arizona districts and TX-10.

Hyatt Protesters Show Solidarity...With the Police 23, 2010 · Hyatt Hotels is one of the three largest hotel chains in Chicago. Its majority owners are the Pritzkers, a billionaire Chicago family whose best-known member, Penny Pritzker, currently serves as a member of President Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board. When the company went public in November last year, the deal earned it over $1 billion.

Tear gas, riot gear at protest over George Floyd's death ... gas, riot gear at protest over George Floyd's death draws comparison to anti-lockdown protests On Tuesday night in Minneapolis, Minnesota, protesters gathered at the intersection where George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, was handcuffed and pinned to the ground for an estimated eight minutes by a white police officer.

Ferguson • Smilodon's Retreat 15, 2014 · Another thing that came up, disturbingly frequently, was the idea that the people of the town were lazy, shiftless, thugs who just wanted to loot, destroy and that the kid deserved getting shot… apparently because he was black. I understand that in the US, I and my family, are in a very different position than the families in Ferguson.

French Open Predictions - The Soundings French Open begins tomorrow as the players take to the red clay of Roland Garros to contest the second Grand Slam of the year. There are two distinctly different takes on this tournament, depending on whether you are talking about the men's or women's draw.

August 2006 – Population: One - Innocence you look around a little on the Internet, you can find copies of the pilot episode of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Aaron Sorkin’s new one hour TV drama.It’s about a weekly sketch comedy show unsurprisingly like Saturday Night Live, with the expected Sorkin-load of interpersonal drama and principles and so on.No Joshua Malina yet, although I expect him to show up in the second season ...

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com the fluids ran out of their bodies, they appeared like withered, spoiled fruits. They could have lived, certainly should have lived – and laughed and danced, and run and played- but instead they were brutally murdered. Yes, murdered! The war ended for those children, but it has never ended for survivors who carry memories of them.

Interstate Rail Transit | 31, 2008 · If the green route hits TDOT's agenda, I suspect there will be more interest. I expect to either be dead or extremely senile at that time. In the meantime, I would like to think that TDOT would learn from it's successful upgrade of I-640 -- an upgrade that many believed was the better route for TDOT to travel rather than the major upgrade to I-40 through downtown Knoxville.

Ed Gonzalez | Texas Leftist Texas Progressive Alliance hopes everyone stays safe in the snow as it brings you this week’s roundup. Off the Kuff interviewed Harris County Sheriff candidates Ed Gonzalez and Jeff Stauber.. SocraticGadfly questions the mainstream media narrative that the GOP presidential race is down to a Trump-Cruz two person event with this analysis and has a follow-up skewering of the Trump-Palin ...

crazy people | Sheila Kennedy among them was the prediction that Hurricane Joaquin would strike Washington, D.C. and New York. (It didn’t hit either city). Other “prophets” predicted violence in the streets. (Well, there was, but it was totally unconnected to same-sex marriage.) The WorldNutDaily predicted that “millions” of Americans would emigrate.

Yuppistan, the Lost War and IDF Incompetence ... 18, 2006 · But it doesn't stop there. There is also anger over Kirya Syndrome, the sense that a large percentage of the youth of greater Tel Aviv sees out its army service partly as nine-to-five bureaucrats in the IDF's Kirya headquarters, and partly as nine-to-five mall rats in the adjacent Azrieli Towers shopping/dining/coffee and cake complex.

CO2 at highest level in 800,000 years - HomeOwnersHub.com 07, 2018 · On Sat, 12 May 2018 20:15:46 +0100, "Jimmy Wilkinson Knife" Actually long before the CO2 actually becomes a life threatening problem, the real …

Affirmative Action… time to move to the next stage? | Blevkog 24, 2009 · I realise I could be opening a casn of worms here, and laying myself open to a certain amount of cyber-abuse, but so be it. This article by Neil MacDonald has brought to mind a discussion I had not too long ago with Kevin, the progenitor of this blog.. The following quote: ‘More than 30 years ago, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun wrote a line that became the battle standard for ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Several issues 17, 2007 · (1) This exchange between Kevin Drum and Atrios is quite revealing. I wish I had more time to add some thoughts, but I will just note that in the course of all the reading I did for my book of the pre-Iraq War "debates" this country had both on television and in print, what is most striking in retrospect is the casual and breezy tone which America collectively now discusses and thinks about ...

Criminal Misconduct: Johnson & Johnson & JohnsonWhat happened in Chicago in the autumn of 1982 led to a change in the pharmaceutical industry and the packaging industry. Mary Kellerman was only 12, the youngest and the first victim of the poisonings. She woke around 6:30 on the morning of Wednesday, September 29, 1982 feeling sick with a cold; her parents elected to keep her home from school

Balkinization: "Popular Sovereignty, Self-Determination ..., a realist, sourly scorned Wilson's vision as "the dream of an idealist who failed to realize the danger until too late. . . . What a calamity that the phrase was ever uttered!" Try telling that to a billion people whose liberation has been speeded by a doctrine enshrined in the first …

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ... 19, 2015 · fiorina-mania "GREENVILLE, South Carolina – Carly Fiorina didn’t need to say a word to get her first standing ovation. The former CEO of Hewlett-Packard arrived to an arena full of conservative activists and thunderous applause in her first public appearance …

The Mess That Greenspan Made: David Lereah does a pathetic ... 04, 2009 · David Lereah's mea culpa first came to my attention weeks ago and has been noted on many other blogs and websites, the former Chief Economist for the National Association of Realtors finally fessing up to the fact that, for many years, he was simply a shill for the real estate industry.

free will | The Word of Me... | Page 5“The cardinal, who is President of the US Catholic Bishops’ Conference, says that unbelief among young people is more than a question of stopping going to church, it is part of a fashionable “new atheism” which is every bit as intolerant as Christian fundamentalism. …

Balkinization: Willful Blindness persistent theme of stories about the CIA tape destruction is that countless government officials "advised" the CIA not to destroy the tapes . . . but no one actually instructed the CIA not to do so, nor, presumably, did anyone go so far as to tell the CIA that it would be unlawful to destroy the tapes. In the category of "shoes that were bound to drop eventually," we now learn from the ...

WG's Observations: June 2007 Taleb has written a new book, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. (See the description in my book list on the sidebar). His main point is that most of the highly trained and highly paid experts in government and industry and academia and the media who produce endless learned projections about future stock and commodity prices, oil prices, sales volumes, interest rate ...

Orcinus: 12/07/2014 - 12/14/2014 Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

class | Sheila Kennedy was the last President to have served in the armed forces; he was a decorated Navy pilot, shot down in the Pacific in 1944. (I can just hear Trump proclaiming that he prefers people who weren’t shot down…) Evidently, H.W. didn’t have bone spurs…

President Jimmy Carter calls tone racist | Sohum Parlance II 15, 2009 · there was a very interesting opinion piece in the LA Times this morning definitely worth reading. One good passage reads: Wilson, for example, isn’t just a loudmouth with impulse-control issues. He’s one of those Southern lawmakers with links to the sinister neo-Confederate movement and, as a state legislator, was one of the die-hards who opposed removing the Confederate battle flag from ...

ILLINOIZE: State of ILGOP 17, 2007 · IlliniPundit, Illinois Review, ArchPundit have all commented on this Aaron Chambers article which does it's best to account for the current state of IL-GOP and affirms that our party is essentially non-existent in terms of power. The article spends most of it's time digging into the issues of corruption and the so called "George Ryan factor", which the article maintains singularly mitigates ...

The Supreme Court's term in review - Moderately legitimate ... 27, 2013 · The power of judicial review has defined the Supreme Court since Chief Justice John Marshall first asserted it in his brilliant Marbury v. Madison opinion, but its use is never unproblematic.

Trump's Foriegn Policy Interview's Foriegn Policy Interview " Donald J. Trump revealed gaps in his mastery of international affairs during a radio interview on Thursday, appearing to mistake the Quds Force, an Iranian military group, for the Kurds, a Middle Eastern people, and growing testy over questions about foreign leaders.

Obama racist | Bloviating Zeppelin FBI report is a terrible and tragic setback for police officers. Losing 27 fellow officers in 2013 was a tragedy. But it was also a 35 year low. Things were unquestionably moving in the right direction. Since 2011, the number of police officers killed in the line of duty had been on the decline. Suddenly in 2014, everything changed for the ...

EU's Fundamental Rights Agency Disappears Bogus Working ... a long time the European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) hosted on its website a zionist drafted so-called worki...

The Land of The Free?https://schiraspears.blogspot.comThursday March 10, Richard Eskow blogged The Penalty for Poverty should not be Death.He starts his blog off making a reference to the Brookings Institution, who made a report stating that wealthy Americans live longer than our poorer citizens, and the life expectancy gap between the two is …

New WH Chief of Staff Apparently Clueless About What the ... 05, 2017 · When Ray Soller, who deserves the credit for catching Kelly’s historically absurd oath story, emailed a number of people, including myself, about this back in May, I was appalled by it for two reasons — not only because I’m someone who has been fighting the Christian nationalists’ revisionism of American history for over a dozen years, but also because I work for the Military Religious ...

PA Primary Could Determine Obama’s VP Pick - Beyond 07, 2008 · The six weeks between the Mississippi and Pennsylvania primaries has left the media desperate for new story lines. There is a point—which I reached last week—that one cannot bear to listen to another discussion of whether Hillary can win, the impact of Reverend Wright, the fate of the superdelegates, or when the nominee will ultimately be decided.

Trump tax cuts for the wealthy | THE SATURDAY AFTERNOON POST 8, 2019 By Jack Jodell, American Dissident, N.M.P. COUNTDOWN: We, as well as the majority of the rest of this planet, will heave a huge sigh of relief …

Sean Hannity in Trump ad - 2016 Election Diary {click on ... the eight-minute video, which is aimed at gun-rights activists and hunters and called #HeartlandforTrump, Hannity appears with other Trump surrogates like Mark Geist, the Benghazi survivor, and his son Donald Trump Jr.In his section Hannity speaks for about 30 seconds and extols the virtues of a Trump presidency, including looser gun laws, stricter immigration laws, and the …

THESE BASTARDS: On second thought, maybe Madoff is an even ... 10, 2009 · On second thought, maybe Madoff is an even bigger asshole than you thought Madoff To Plead Guilty To 11 Counts In a courtroom surprise, it was revealed Tuesday that Bernard Madoff will plead guilty Thursday to securities fraud, perjury and other crimes, knowing that he could face up to 150 years in prison for one of the largest frauds in history.

Michael Fountain: Blood for Ink: " Need I look upon a ... Fountain: Blood for Ink said.... well, the shell-shock was earned, indeed one of his shoulders was permanently lower than the other from having part of his chest blown away. he was thought dead and his parents informed while he was still in hospital. and moonscape skin? that's harsh, or shallow, i can't decide which, especially about veterans of WWI and people born when Victoria was ...

Legal Wrangling Continues By Young in his Effort to Sell ... 09, 2013 · Legal Wrangling Continues By Young in his Effort to Sell Citizens/Montevue Facilities. ... who is one of the three members on the Board of Public Works, we talked about the second vote to delay a decision. ... as the Board of Public Works did on Wednesday -- and he would encourage the Frederick County Board of Commissioners to do the same." ...

THESE BASTARDS: Broken In Brief: Woods claims infidelity ... 04, 2009 · Broken In Brief: Woods claims infidelity proof he's greatest of all time JUPITER ISLAND—Amid mounting reports of mistresses and illicit affairs surrounding pro-golfer Tiger Woods, sports commentators and media analysts have been quick to note how these events have degraded Woods’ legacy as one of the greatest athletes of all time.

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ... about John McCain over the weekend compared to 50% who disagree. Despite his overall lead there are some signs that Trump's comments may have hurt him. For one thing his favorability rating is back down in the 40s, at 48/39.Although it's not a perfect comparison, our state polls in Virginia (58/32) and North Carolina (55/32) over the previous two weeks had found him with numbers in the ...

Tickle The WireMary Beth Kepner Archives - Tickle The source, Frank Prewitt, a former state corrections commissioner, said in an interview recently that he never observed FBI case agent Mary Beth Kepner, the chief target of the complaint, cross the line into improper or unethical conduct. For Full Story. Read Latest Gov. Motion That Includes Info on the Replacement of Prosecution Team Filed 2 ...

Midday open thread. Study: climate change intensifying ...• Famed British actor Albert Finney dead at 82: Albert Finney, who forged his reputation as one of the leading actors of Britain’s early 60s new wave cinema, has died aged 82 after a short illness, his family have announced.In 2011, he disclosed he had kidney cancer. Having shot to fame as the star of Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, Finney received five Oscar nominations, but never won ...

Trooth.Com – The David Nicholls DDS Interview Part One ... 16, 2012 · You remember the FLAP.. Yesterday afternoon, I had the opportunity to speak with David Nicholls, D.D.S., one of the oral and maxillofacial surgeons who comprise the Board of Trooth.Com.. While I characterize this “Public Awareness Campaign” as a Turf War between Utah oral surgeons and general dentist, Heath Hendrickson, D.D.S., Dr. Nicholls takes exception with this terminology.

Meditations on Torture | Salamander's Blog 27, 2009 · John Donne (1572-1631), most famous as a poet of religious and romantic subjects, was ordained in the Church of England in in his forties. On Easter in 1625, as the Dean of St. Paul’s, he delivered this sermon, which discusses human transgressions against God’s dignificaton of the body of man. Donne cites torture as one such transgression.

The cast of the West Wing is coming out to campaign for ... 11, 2016 · NEW --> The gang is getting back together: the cast of The West Wing will campaign for @HillaryClinton in stops across Ohio this weekend. p...

Talk – Tweet – Wail – Talk – Tweet – Wail – But No Action ... 05, 2017 · Day 206. Over the weekend we saw another attack in London. This one was no doubt a terrorist attack where seven people were killed and several others were wounded. The attack began with a van running into a crowd of people on the London Bridge and then the attackers jumping out and stabbed others. Right…

Jones versus HPFFA – Off the Caynon, who is black, said in the letter that she crossed a line in the meeting when she referred to him as a “house Negro” only interested in keeping his job. The term compares a person to the stereotype of a docile black servant living inside the house of a master during slavery.

Mo Rage: Notes on a Sunday newspaper Missouri River flooding is on the front page of the NY Times today, albeit in South Dakota; 2) a Kansas City native, one Elmer Lower, passed this week. He was once president of ABC News, 1963-74. Who knew? 3) Dan Peck, a founding member of the group "America" passed this week, too, in his hometown of Farmington, Missouri 4) Depressing headline of the day: "US Report Finds Security ...

read my mind: Coming Soon: Hillary In An Orange Pantsuit ... Cooking was the first project Jacob Samuel produced with his portable aquatint box, working with Abramovic—a performance artist with little printmaking experience—in her Amsterdam studio. The artist chose to make a cookbook, writing a series of "aphrodisiac recipes" that serve as evocative instructions for actions or thoughts.

Tabula Rasa: September 2006 - Blogger 28, 2006 · The first is the father of a friend from college, running in Maine's 1st District; I stayed with the Kamilewiczes for many a Thanksgiving, Fall Break, and random weekend, and Dexter's bid for a seat in the House was fueled by Ben getting shipped to Iraq.

broad mindedhttps://tobebroadminded.blogspot.comIn case you have forgotten, I recently took the time in New Year, New Rant to blog about an unfortunate doctors visit I had the first of January. Well, the other week I got a bill for a pathology test and then last week I got a bill from the doctor's office. The grand total was $133.41.

Green Eagle: The State of Wingnuttery Today State of Wingnuttery Today I think it is time to review the state to which those pathetic people who are still pro-Trump have had to descend in order to maintain their psychotic world view. This is particularly relevant today because of yesterday's revelation by the New York Times that the Mueller probe was actually an outgrowth of an FBI ...

Learning to code (again) | 28, 2011 · Android ADT also has a crude graphical design tool that generates the XML with element ID's, properties etc. for the user interface. You still have to hand code all the methods and event hooks (which don't get stubs generated for you like in Visual Studio) but it's pretty simple once you figure it out. There's a lot of copying and pasting involved.

Sam Bayard's blog | Digital Media Law San Francisco Chronicle has an interesting article today about Egyptian bloggers posting cell phone videos to document endemic police torture in their country (thanks to 3arabawy for the tip). The most recent iteration of this phenomenon is a clip of a thirteen-year-old boy from Mansoura who died from injuries inflicted in police custody after he was arrested for stealing a few bags …

Sex Offender Court Decisions: 03/01/2015 - 04/01/ Texas: In 1992, Simon Angel Rivera was convicted as a juvenile of sexually assaulting a child when he was a 14 years old. On September 15, 2002, Rivera, 24, was arrested in Austin, Texas on charges of failing to register as a sex offender.

ninjapundit: Daily Misfortune Thursday, August 20, 20, 2015 · Aug. 4, 2012. August 17, 2015 conviction Man convicted pouring gasoline lighting match in apartment arson murder of Hazelwood (St. Louis) Missouri man A man was convicted on Monday in connection with an arson fire at a Hazelwood apartment that killed a man who lived there. Jeremy Henderson, 23, was found guilty on counts of felony murder and first-degree arson.

Snowden Revisited – INTERNATIONALIST 360° 27, 2013 · Jorge Capelán Three months after their publication, the revelations of US National Security Agency functionary Edward Snowden leave a series of unanswered questions. The version that presents Snowden as a solitary hero confronting the imperialist espionage apparatus needs to be reconsidered. In many ways the positive role of revelations like those of Snowden, …

JustOneMinute: Then I Apologize To My Readers, a nice boy. He went to a HuffPo party last night and got introduced for the first time to one of the 2 FishbowlDC bloggers who first broke his emails - and refused to shake her hand! Today, after resigning, he headed to straight to HuffPo offices to …

29 | January | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND 29, 2018 · Rachel Denhollander was the first victim to speak out. At Nassar’s hearing last week, she made this remarkable statement to her abuser: “Should you ever reach the point of truly facing what you have done, the guilt will be crushing. And that is what makes the Gospel of Christ so sweet.

May 2016 – a while now the Thomas Jefferson High School alumni from the first four classes which graduated from the place (1966-1969) have been discussing a reunion this fall, and it’s now push-comes-to-shove time. I have to decide whether to fly all the way across the Pacific and then all the way across the country to … Continue reading ...

Kenneth Weishuhn: American teenager who is known for his Weishuhn (May 27, 1997 – April 14, 2012) was an American teenager known for his suicide as a result of being bullied for being gay.. History. Kenneth James "Rodney" Weishuhn Jr. attended South O'Brien High School as a freshman in Paullina, Iowa, along with his sister Kayla, a …

Kenneth Weishuhn - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge Kenneth James "Rodney" Weishuhn Jr. attended South O'Brien High School as a freshman in Paullina, Iowa, along with his sister Kayla, a sophomore. Weishuhn, then 14 years old, was bullied in person, death threats were sent to his mobile phone, and he was the subject of a Facebook hate group. He was targeted for being gay, having come out one month before his …

You may think you're disgusted with Donald Trump already 06, 2015 · Stern’s guest that morning was the New York Daily News’ volatile gossip columnist (and E! host) A.J. Benza, who was on to promote his recent tell-all tome, Fame, Ain’t it a Bitch. In the book, Benza claimed that his girlfriend, model Kara Young, had left him for Trump, and that the situation wasn’t exactly aboveboard.

Las Vegas becomes the largest American city to switch to 06, 2016 · “Las Vegas is one of the few cities in the entire world that can boast using all of its power from green sources,” Mayor Carolyn Goodman told reporters at city hall last Monday. The city reached the goal thanks to the opening of Boulder Solar 1, a 100-megawatt solar plant located near Boulder City.

Treasury Secretary | Out Foxing Karl the first days of the crisis last year, he has worked hand in glove with Ben Bernanke, the Fed chairman, and Mr Paulson. He can continue to do so while awaiting confirmation. If Citigroup, for example, needs federal help, Mr Geithner will be involved.

14 | August | 2018 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts 14, 2018 · 1 post published by bunkerville on August 14, 2018

The "spin" is just starting, and already Sean Hannity 16, 2018 · Hee-hee-hee. Not even an hour into being outed as one of three people on the planet lacking the sense to get out of the way of a speeding bus, and already Sean Hannity is losing his shit. MSNBC ju...

What Governors See in the's been one of the most progressive governors in the country in his first year in office, making Maryland the first state to require all state contractors be paid a living wage.

Pro-union Dem Gov.: The 06, 2008 · Related story: " Gov. Rendell exposed as Teamster thug " Ready, fire, aim Roughly a decade ago, when Ed Rendell was the mayor of Philadelph...

Alcoholics Anonymous Is For Alcoholics, Al-Anon Is For Al-Anon is for Jane Wyman, the gal who thinks Ray Miland can be changed by nothing more than the love of a good woman, because that good woman needs help. Note that in 1945, it was still cool for a smart woman to chase a terminal alcoholic believing she could make him sober. In the popular culture, it was not considered odd for a woman to pursue a man half dead from …

Deanna Zandt | Sum of Change question, it was the most memorable moment in the 2004 Presidential campaign. And that is exactly what President Obama trained his volunteers to do. As an organizer for the campaign, I told my story 8 trillion times.

Archives by month for year - 2006 from Pagan Vigil are viewing the ? Archives by Month for 2006 There are 1004 entries for this year.

Contextual Criticism: On Capitalism - James K.[James K. Galbraith is professor of government at the LBJ School at the University of Texas, Austin.] The following is excerpted from an ...

Frederick County Agricultural Fair – Maryland ’s Best in 07, 2008 · Beyond the acres of new farm equipment showcased, there is a need for a place that adds innovative techniques in biotechnology, and the new world of small scale organic farming. The county fair, by remaining in Frederick City , is also a tax drain on citizens. Farmers know prime real estate, of course, it's driving them off their land.

Hitler is alive and well and judging tribunals in this guy might be serious and possibly unintelligent or even mentally unstable. He frequently broke down in tears at the hearing. He was the only one of 29 or so victims to have been so emotional. He has completely misrepresented the case and the outcome. The case was about racial harassment. The judges were clear that they would not ...

Ägyptische Bloggerin: Warum ich mich nackt zeige - Jörg 21, 2011 · Samira Ibrahim, the only one of the women subjected to „virginity tests“ who is taking the military to court for sexual assault, has neither a dedicated hashtag nor notoriety. Another woman, Salwa el-Husseini, was the first to reveal what the military did to them, but news reports have said she can’t raise a lawsuit because she doesn’t ...

Profiting Off Nixon's Vietnam 'Treason' | The Smirking 05, 2012 · As I pored over documents from what the archivists at Lyndon Johnson’s presidential library call their “X-File” – chronicling Richard Nixon’s apparent sabotage of Vietnam peace talks in 1968 – I was surprised by one fact in particular, how Johnson’s White House got wind of what Johnson later labeled Nixon’s “treason.”

Obama’s dog flies in first on Maine Vacation | BUNKERVILLE 19, 2010 · Obama’s dog flies in first on Maine Vacation Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.; and the president’s personal aide …

Mike Huckabee | Bloviating again Hugh Hewitt was one of the questioners, and Wolf Blitzer was the moderator. First Debate: Consisting of George Pataki, Rick Santorum, Lindsay Graham and Mike Huckabee, Huckabee appeared the most relaxed and easily spoken, whilst Graham was the most contentious but most emotive and passionate of the bunch, making some points as well.

06 | May | 2016 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! 06, 2016 · RT @Braveheart_USA: 7 funerals, a golden casket, and broadcast on every major network for a man who was a violet felon and career criminal.… 17 hours ago RT @ BreitbartNews : Black Lives Matter is targeting Paw Patrol, a children's cartoon on the Nick Jr. channel, because it shows a positive vi…

Blue Angels in Seattle | Donkey it was the pencil drawing in my bathroom when I grew up that had a picture of a Vietnam-era soldier sitting on his helmet, head in hands, bearing the caption, “War, when you are at it, is horrible and dull.” Or maybe it was because the tone-deaf recruiter liked to call me around 9 am on Saturday mornings (Keggers were de rigueur ...

florida | The Rogue Jew | Page’s Got A Gun, and if Joe Perry has his say, she’ll be able to keep it! I’ve been a huge fan of Aerosmith for years and Joe Perry is one of the Greatest Guitar Players in the world, ranking right up there with fellow right winger Ted F’n Nugent!

I Better Talk About Don Imus | 13, 2007 · I should talk about Don Imus. So much has already been said, though. So rather than repeat what others have already said, why don't you read this, which is probably my favorite discussion of the Don Imus controversy. It's the editorial, "Our Prejudices, Ourselves" by Harvey Fierstein, from The New York Times: My thoughts: The late Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.…

links for 2009-03-23 – Flap's Blog – FullosseousFlap's 23, 2009 · links for 2009-03-23. Posted March 23, 2009 Flap. Poland hopes U.S. will not let it down on Missile Defense Shield. Poland said on Sunday it hoped the new U.S. administration would not abandon plans to station a missile defence system on its territory.

Nate Silver Predictions - Nate Silver Net silver predictions? Nate Silver Net Worth is $2 million. Nathaniel Read

Saudi Arabia Owns the 45th Floor of Trump Tower, and It 19, 2019 · This was not the first time Trump and Saudi Arabia crossed financial paths. Ten years before the Trump Tower deal, Trump (again) found himself hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. He was forced to hand his 281-foot mega yacht, originally purchased from the sultan of Brunei and dubbed “Trump Princess,” over to creditors.

04 | November | 2014 | Sohum Parlance 04, 2014 · Catherine Overton, who is 70 and black, moved to Dallas from Las Vegas earlier this year. In a phone interview, she said she wasn’t told about the ID law when she registered to vote. When she went to the polls last week, Overton said she was turned away by a poll worker who told her, “If you’ve been here long enough to get a voter ...

Context Is Everything; or, Why Blake Lewis Rules | Slog’s the thing about American Idol: It’s designed to suck.A weekly televised karaoke contest, where the competitors are forced into themes (country week! “inspirational” week!) and crappy tie-in car commercials, is designed by God to make me wince.. However, I am an American, and so I watch, sometimes, and once or twice I’ve been struck by how Idol’s vacuum of creativity …

Bloody Hell | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only Newspaper this link will take you to a story about, and a very disturbing picture of, a man with a “face-eating tumor.”. Jose Mestre aged 14, when his tumour was still small (left), and as he is now Now 15 inches long and weighing 12 pounds, it has blinded him in one eye and made eating a …

KingCast, Mortgage Movies, Alan Beaman and foreclosure ..., Mortgage Movies, Alan Beaman and foreclosure fraud victim Donna Gaston Say: Nothing is Normal in Normal, Illinois. UPDATE: His Honor got away with ripping his wife off after she gave him the best years of her life. Read the dissent from an honest jurist.

The "Trump Is A Businessman Defense" Highlights That ... "Trump is a businessman" defense highlights the attitude that there is a separate set of rules for business that is different from the society as a whole.

On the complexity of the Hugh Hefner legacy | Sohum ... 30, 2017 · On the complexity of the Hugh Hefner legacy. ... But I remember some of the interviews of the 1970s which I read with my friends as we got into one of my friend’s father’s stash in his garage. ... But, he made an industry which reduced sex to a commodity and it was not friendly to women.

Understanding The Rudy Show - Grumpy Old Men - The Soundings problem, of course, was that their story raised a host of other legal and reporting issues for Trump and forced Trump to admit he did pay off Daniels, something he has denied since the story broke. That admission set off a media firestorm about the brazen mendacity of the President and the White House communications team as well as raising the question of what other work …

Ag Gag bill introduced in Washington State - Blogger 17, 2015 · Joe Schmick's bill is being co-sponsored by two of his fellow hookers: Larry Haler and Vincent Buys. This bill doesn't stand a chance of becoming law in Washington. But it's a chance for these three Big Ag boy toys to send out a mating call to their constituents and keep the base all riled up. (See the two examples pictured below):

Red State Impressions: Jesus Weighs In on Hugo Chavez ... liked weddings and alcohol, but it would be hard to apply his various sayings to issues like marijuana legalization, pornography, abortion rights, or gay rights. But there are some issues where Jesus speaks clearly, authoritatively, and with some depth. And one of those issues is how to treat one's enemies.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Joint Chiefs Fire At Toles Cartoon ... 09, 2006 · "But it drove home a point, that there are critically ill patients that certainly need to be attended to." Toles, who won a 1990 Pulitzer Prize for the Buffalo News and joined The Post in 2002, said he expected criticism for drawing the quadruple amputee, as he does for about two-thirds of his efforts.

Tickle The WireJohn Franzese Archives - Tickle The what it didn’t show was the pervasive nepotism that still exists in organized crime — only one son with a father with alleged ties to a crime family was arrested that day. Even so, organized crime experts say the mob of the 21st century, just like the one in the 20th century, is still a magnet for the younger generation.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast point blank ...[email protected] -- In the Civil Rights Justice system there are two sets of people: Those who are haters and those who fight back. These are their stories.

Ozone Park Family Haunted by Dad's Memory by Dorian Block ... 15, 2008 · Read original... Family photo of Queens bodega owner Bolivar Cruz shows him surrounded by his daughters and grandchildren. When Bolivar Cruz was shot in the head during a robbery in his Ozone Park bodega last June, one photo captured the heart of New York City.. Cruz, a Dominican immigrant, was the father of eight children - seven daughters in New York …

PERRspectives: Dishonoring Pearl 7, 2005 : Dishonoring Pearl Harbor. President Bush used this 64th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to continue his faltering effort to drum up support for his Iraq policy.. Only days after unveiling his supposed "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq" to an incredulous American public, Bush sought once again to draw parallels with a different, "good …

Liko Kenney's Fourth Amendment lesson to Bruce McKay part ... 31, 2007 · Dear Attorney Mullen: This word document letter is follow up to those sent by KingCast to you on 27 and 28 July, 2007 and in addition to yesterday's Fourth Amendment post. You should know by now that LE is coming out of the woodwork with honest comments about your boy Bruce McKay.

NoFo: I guess you could call this a very good day photo shoot. Six words: I should do this every day. I spent an hour an a half being LOVED by these people. Someone brought me water, someone picked out my wardrobe and STEAMED it for me, someone fussed over my hair and makeup and lighting, someone fussed over my clothes every time I shifted my body in front of the camera, the photographers kept telling me how hot …

RADARSITE: Cynthia McKinney at UC-Irvine May 13, 2009 ... by Gary Fouse fousesquawk Above is a 7 1/2 minute video of Cynthia McKinney's appearance at UC-Irvine on May 13, 2009 sponsored by …

RADARSITE: Great Moments in Canadian History 19, 2009 · 8:67 It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the …

Candyland, and Other Parental Torture Devices, and Other Parental Torture Devices ... who is also very good at it (and had taught me to play around the time I was 12). Maybe this time the result of my teaching him a game will be a retirement plan rather than torture. ... It was a game in which there was a box with handholes, and a bunch of objects in it. You would draw a card and ...

True Blue Texan: July 2010 his system, humanity as a whole can be seen as one organism. Like any child, humanity sees things and understands things in different ways at different stages in its development. I can say to you that I believe in Santa Claus but what I mean by that statement is very different from what a 3-year-old means when they say the same thing.

childhood | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities Unsaid: The Tyranny of Eternal Silence. The Twenty 120 Project: Left Unsaid. Left Unsaid is an experimental film that was created by Rob Chiu, who is an acclaimed English graphic arts designer and a producer of conceptual short-films.He created this particular live action film as one of twenty film directors invited to create short films of 120 seconds duration for The Twenty …

Daugaard Slow on Teacher Pay Plan, Quick to Fund Three 18, 2015 · The Blue Ribbon Task Force on Teachers and Students released its 34-page, 29-recommendation final report on November 11, 2015. Governor Dennis Daugaard’s initial reaction to his task force’s report was markedly reserved.The Governor says he agrees with the Blue Ribboneers that “South Dakota needs to increase teacher salaries to remain regionally …

archives | The Smirking 20, 2018 · After having secured the first shot in a wild west gun duel, Mike Fink scorned his rough life and having given his rifle, bullet pouch, powder horn, belt, pistol and wages to some other desperado known as Levi Talbot, this man who is only referred to as “Carpenter” in Wild West lore, then went to a place where the gun battle was to ensue.

The Weekly Sift: Well enough[Final debate: transcript, video] I think Ezra Klein really nails it in his analysis of Clinton's debate strategy: Ordinarily, a good debate performance means making your case effectively, connecting well with the voters personally, and maybe scoring a zinger or two on your opponent that will get replayed on the news shows (like Lloyd Bentsen's ...

Tickle The Wirethreats Archives - Tickle The Pennsylvania man sentenced to 70 years in prison for threatening to kill FBI agents and rape one of their wives and daughters was denied a request for a reduced sentence. Justin M. Credico, 36, was urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3 rd Circuit to approve his appeal of his convictions and prison sentence, reports.

Live From Silver City – New Mexico Elections is the day to file for candidacy in munipalities in Grant County, and some races are starting to look like they’ll be interesting. Town Councilor Gary Clauss will face off against Grant County Emergency Manager James Marshall in the contest for Silver City mayor. With Mayor Terry Fortenberry stepping down, for a while it looked like Clauss might have an easy road to City Hall.

Hey Jenny Slater.: Who let the dorks out? weekend before Thanksgiving has been given the title "Rivalry Week" because of games like Auburn-Alabama and Michigan-Ohio State, but it ain't Rivalry Week for Georgia fans. That comes the Saturday after Thanksgiving, when Georgia and Georgia Tech tee it up -- …

The Mojave Experiment (Non-Prophet) Mojave Experiment The concept seems to be informing people that Windows Vista doesn't actually suck, and the thrust of the effort is how much of a surprise that is to common people. They go about proving this via a scientific survey of people's responses before and after a scripted demonstration.

Leaders Ignore Climate Change Controversy at Summit - The ... 01, 2016 · This is a point by point dissection of Freed attack points in his 2015 article. It made no difference and he continued the attacks anyways, just with other media who had not seen this yet. And of course his allies never bring up the fact that we clearly showed that essentially every point Freed brought up are either bogus or irrelevant.

The Global Game: Vol. 1, Issue 3 (Special Triumph of The ... big (and little) screens weren't all that had people talking this week, however. Kobe Bryant played in his 1,072nd NBA regular season game, meaning that he had now played the same number of games Michael Jordan had played in his entire NBA career. This …

Weekend link dump for February 18 – Off the filter for assholes would really improve Twitter. It would really improve real life, too, though that may be a bit much to ask. Three words: Mutant crayfish clones.You’re welcome. Goddammit, Alamo Drafthouse.You needed to be better than that.

Balkinization: If Partisan Entrenchment Is Correct, Why ..., I can't say that I understand him very well either, except that everyone likes to bring his name in (as I did) whenever the indeterminacy of a certain "objective" project is highlighted. I don't recall he had much (if anything) to say about legal analysis, but would suppose he might gnomically assert that constititutional interpretation is a game whose grammar is defined by the ...

Romney's 3 R's: Returns, Relevancy, & End Runs‘How people are taxed, who is taxed, and what is taxed tell more about a society than anything else.’ (C. Adams (1993). For Good and Evil. The Impact of Taxes on the Course of Civilization. London: p.21) The final point to be made about a presidential candidate like to avoid him at all costs.

The Union News.: Who commands Obama? 07, 2010 · That is why he is so dependent on the teleprompter. He depends on others to put words in his mouth. In his own words, he is a "blank canvas" for other to project their thoughts onto. Or to put it another way, an empty suit. This is a result of the man having no core principles compatible with the American people. June 24, 2018 - June 30, 2018 is, in effect, at once both a reductionist and emergentist model (‘reductionist’ insofar as it traces feelings and emotions back to the senses, and ‘emergentist’ insofar as the sensory modalities provide us with the ‘data’ which will make possible the construction of AI/robotic systems …

read my mind: July 2019 other words, if we arbitrarily ignore the 3,000 people radical Islamists killed in one day, then Muslim terrorists have recently killed fewer people than have right-wing extremists. This is a bit like tabulating the total number of people drowned in shipwrecks except for …

Judge Now Wants Only $54 Million From Dry Cleaner - The is a malicious, frivolous suit and should have been thrown out long ago. I hope the judge holds the plaintiff liable for the defendants' court costs and damages. #1.2.1 Jane on 2007-06-06 12:52 ( Reply )

Smooth Stone: "Bridget's" self-righteous indignation 16, 2004 · "Bridget's" self-righteous indignation Folks, my regular readers already know this but to repeat it for my new readers, I have a notice in my sidebar that I reserve the right to publish e-mails and other text sent to me or placed here by readers of this blog, and these texts include emails, posts, commentaries, and replies to posts regarding ...

Electronic Village: Jackson on Obama: 'Cut His Nuts Off' 09, 2008 · On Sunday, the man who until relatively recently was the most viable black presidential candidate in the country’s history went a little off message, you could say, on the set of Fox News. Believing that his mike was off, Reverend Jackson whispered to a visibly uncomfortable Dr. Reed Tuckson that Barack Obama had been “talking down to black ...

The MoxArgon Group: 07/2009 puny Earthlings. I'd like to toss a high-five to Harry Alford the head of the Black Chamber of Commerce for taking Sen. Barbara "Don't Call Me Ma'am" Boxer to task for her condescending behavior during recent hearing on the Waxman/Markey Crap & Raid bill. Alford was there to discuss the study his group commissioned about the effects of the the bill on the economy.

sisu: The "D" word"People power on the move," says FOXNews' David Asman, as freedom marches on before our eyes, this time live in Martyrs' Square, Beirut, where peaceful demonstrators -- awash in a sea of billowing red, white and green flags portraying the...

March 4, 2012 – Hoofin 04, 2012 · Japan News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

Guantanamo | 5-Pillar Column 21, 2008 · One of the most important documents of the U.S. torture program has just become publicly available for the first time. This is the JTF GTMO “SERE” Interrogation Standard Operating Procedure, now posted on the website of the new documentary, Torturing Democracy.This document clearly specifies that the abusive interrogation techniques to be used at Guantamo [JTF GTMO] are …

23 | March | 2011 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 23, 2011 · The operation involved dozens of Marines, seven Marine aircraft, and two dropped bombs, according to information shared by a senior Marine officer. The Times shared further that it was the first high-profile TRAP mission for the U.S. military since the rescue of Air Force Capt. Scott O’Grady in Bosnia in 1995, by the 24th MEU. MORE HERE

USDA Vilsack: Americans must ‘adjust’ their taste buds ... 21, 2011 · When I heard Mark Levin report this, I thought surely this cannot be. But indeed, we are now in the final stages of the Government taking final control of our lives. We had Michelle out there telling restaurants to cut portion sizes, and now we are told we must adjust our taste buds. I cannot…

After Accusing Beck of Ad Boycott Retaliation, Kurtz ... 13, 2009 · What a difference two weeks make.On August 30, CNN's Howard Kurtz accused Glenn Beck of attacking former green jobs czar Van Jones in retaliation for the advertising boycott the Jones-founded group Color of Change had organized against the Fox News host.Now that Jones has been forced to resign as a result of numerous allegations uncovered and/or reported by Beck, Kurtz is

TransGriot: Hello, There Are Beautiful Transwomen Who Are ... 29, 2008 · This is separate from my speaking fee. If you are interested in having me appear as a speaker or panelist, you can e-mail me with the date and details of your proposed event. Please book as early as possible because my speaking and event calendar slots during the year rapidly fill up.

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: Obama the "Next Lincoln"? Abraham Lincoln experienced in his time, this nation is again at a crossroads. We again need a president who is above all authentic, who points us confidently toward that future, a leader with real character, like Obama, who calls upon each and every one of us to heed what his predecessor from Illinois called "the better angels of our nature ...

Michele Bachmann thinks that establishing a hate crime ... 06, 2017 · A new think tank led by men associated for years with conspiracy theories about Muslims is now advising the White House on an ongoing dispute between Qatar, a predominantly Muslim country that hosts more than 10,000 U.S. troops, and other U.S. partner nations in the Persian Gulf, the group’s senior vice president, David Reaboi, told HuffPost.

craft | The Adventurous Writer a good many of the folks stayed right on, and watched the gullies eat deeper into the red clay. And a good handful of those folks and their heirs and assigns stayed in Mason City.” …”That was the way it was the last time I saw Mason City, nearly three years ago, back in the summer of 1936.”

Hindsight Is 20/20 - Freedom Writing is a wonderful thing. It really is. I believe it is an extremely good quality for a person to possess, to be able to look back at ...

Dunner's: My Tafsir on Surah Fussilat (41):9-12 27, 2009 · Anonymous said... moreover, the great big bang theory has its loopholes too. it tells us what possibly happened. and not what HAD to have happened. since it wasnt the big bang theory that made the universe. it says that the nebula exploded, solar system happened, other things happened, etc. thats exactly what Quran says. the heavens and the earth were joined. they were unsewn. it doesnt …

PrunePicker: Fifth wheel travels in Western Canada, Part One. 03, 2013 · Captain Thomas Munson was the first Munson to move to America. He was baptized in Rattlesden, England in 1612. The baptismal font is still in use. He served in the militia in the Pequot Indian Wars in 1637. He served in the militia all his life and reached the status of Captain. His signature is on the founding document for New Haven, Connecticut.

tcnorris: 03/01/2008 - 04/01/2008 22, 2008 · The Leger poll was the most accurate, a fact they were quick to trumpet. The turnout was 41%, the lowest ever . The Green vote was 4.6% substantially below their 7.6% average in the polls, another instance of the Greens underperforming their polls when the votes are counted.

PrunePicker: 2012 Thomas Munson was the first Munson to move to America. He was baptized in Rattlesden, England in 1612. The baptismal font is still in use. He served in the militia in the Pequot Indian Wars in 1637. He served in the militia all his life and reached the status of Captain. His signature is on the founding document for New Haven, Connecticut.

BilgeBucket Gazette » made headlines last week when teachers walked out of their classrooms on strike trying to get improved pay and teaching conditions. This on the heels of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (pronounced douchey) half-hearted, perfunctory offer of a 20% raise in salary by 2020.But teachers counter that it doesn’t address other demands of the teachers like better pay for support staff, yearly ...

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup 19, 2014 · Or maybe it's the curtains behind him.'s the final proof that Obama is Satan. That is much more credible. Town Hall Finance: "Ten Months or Two Years of U.S. Microrecession...Another month, another 15 companies announcing that they'll be paying less out in dividends in the future, making August 2014 the tenth consecutive month in which the number of …

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot..over: Too many war ships in the ... 17, 2007 · by Geezer Power ...1:37:34 PM PDT U.S., Iran do Persian Gulf squeeze The stakes are big and the waterway is small, so communication between the two sides is a must to keep a lid on tensions. By Borzou Daragahi, Times Staff Writer July 11, 2007 ABOARD THE USS JOHN C. STENNIS — Iran and the…

The Aftermath | Bloviating join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not. As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Hitler | We Have Seen Better Days read an article in a The Nation a few weeks ago (yes, I read The Nation as well as a variety of other publications on the left and the right) that discussed the great works Hugo Chavez was conducting for the Latin immigrants (legal and illegal) in the five boroughs of New York City–subsidizing gas and heating oil for those who were too poor to afford prices offered by the capitalist ...

BZ's Criminal Axiom | Bloviating 26, 2017 · JL Curtis was born in Louisiana in 1951 and was raised in the Ark-La-Tex area. He began his education with guns at age eight with a SAA and a Grandfather that had carried one for ‘work’. He began competitive shooting in the 1970s, an interest he still pursues time permitting.

2009 September 04 « Mercury Rising ?? 04, 2009 · Update2: Via Narconews, more dissident opinion slips into a mainstream newspaper. Historian Dana Frank in the San Jose Mercury:. In the face of these crimes, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton need to stop equivocating and not just withdraw aid but also immediately withdraw the U.S. ambassador, freeze the bank accounts of the oligarchs running the …

memeorandum: Separating Fact From Hysteria on Trump ... warns senators ‘looking to start World War III’ — defended his executive order on immigration and refugee policy Sunday afternoon in two tweets, posted at around the same time the White House released a statement from the president.— The statement stressed the importance of keeping … +

Winter Patriot: Police Seize Huge Cache Of Explosives From ...[UPDATED June 22. See note [*] below.] A Colorado man is free on $50,000 bond after a police search of his house discovered a cache of weapons, explosives and volatile chemicals. Ronald Swerlein of Longmont, CO, attracted the attention of his neighbors by setting off explosions in his garage.

News from LDH: 2016 10, 2016 · How Nicolas Sarkozy Went From Fierce Putin Critic To Ardent Admirer: The former French president, who is running again to be the centre-right’s candidate for the Elysée Palace, opposes sanctions and endorsed the vote on the annexation of Crimea.

Freedom Writing: The Sky Is Falling! 23, 2010 · But, in the version I remember from my childhood, a falling acorn strikes a chicken in the head, and she concludes that the sky is falling. She decides she must give this information to the king so she embarks on a journey to do precisely that. Along the way, she runs into several other animals, and she tells them what has happened.

Swear Him In? Hell, No! Kick Him Out! No Oaths For Today's ... are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

The Daily ClusterFuck: March 2008 30, 2008 · The three reviews on the front page (all 5 stars) are the "most helpful" reviews - and only 25 out of almost 950 people found the first one helpful. Apparently, scientologists patrol this page reporting any review that gives it a low score, so it will be removed from the website.

What's wrong with people? - Leisha Camden 16, 2009 · What's wrong with people? Or to be more specific, what is wrong with the way people think? I'm quite often confounded by the way something seems obvious to me, yet others - many others - perceive the same thing in a different way, and are then upset and/or even angered by this incorrect view.

Fool's Errand: 13 Ways of Skinning a Cat 13, 2009 · Thirteen Ways of Skinning a Cat (apologies to Mr. Stevens) I Among twenty deserted farmhouses, The only moving thing Was the whetstone of a redneck. II I was of three minds, Like a boy With a cat and a Swiss Army Knife. III The cat’s carcass twisting in the autumn wind, Delicate sinews suspended from a meathook. IV A cat and a farmer Are one.

The Commonwealth Iconoclast: July 2007 05, 2007 · This is actually important. Always remember, somebody has got to be in charge! Do you want to leave that responsibility to somebody who is primairly interested in who is going to buy the donuts? NOTE: Yes, the Commonwealth Iconoclast is still here. Over the past few months, I moved and got a new job following the 2006 elections (go get them Jim ...

Wednesday Open Thread - Colorado Pols 29, 2016 · Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be. --John Wooden

Lies, Injustice and Homophobia Are Not the American Way ... 06, 2013 · Lies, Injustice and Homophobia Are Not the American Way April 6, 2013 April 6, 2013 / Jeff Winbush What the Internet does better than anything else is give ignorance, intolerance, bigotry and hate a means to reach millions of people in a matter of seconds.

The Immoral Minority: Just a reminder that this woman gave ... 04, 2017 · The University of Virginia Medical Center reports that another 19 people were injured when the car plowed into the crowd, including five people who were admitted to the hospital in critical condition. It is not clear if they were all counterprotestors or not, but it …

The Rectification of Names: As far as he's concerned's in taking those radical leftist views on gay rights (marriage equality supported by 61% of the population and rising), immigration (reform with a path to citizenship backed by 77%), criminal justice (sentencing reform uniting the Center for American Progress and the Koch brothers) that Clinton shows she just doesn't care what undecided independents like, um, Ron Fournier and David Brooks ...

Sarah Palin endorsee Joni Ernst calls the UCSB shooting an ... 02, 2014 · Courtesy of TPM : Iowa state Sen. Joni Ernst (R), a candidate for U.S. Senate, said Thursday that the recent mass shooting near the U...

No Right Turn: Candidate Survey: Twenty-First Response 06, 2005 · Freedom or fair trial was the only way to deal with it. The reality is that Zaoui is probably now one of the last people who could get away with forming any kind of terrorist plot - the SIS have said the main "danger" is to our reputation, but that is not danger enough in my book.

Free speech is under attack in a sneaky, sleazy and ... Let's face it, in a corporatist oligarchy, aka fascisst state, censorship ostensibly performed by "private parties" in the form of huge corporations who are co-oligarchs and partners in assorted enterprises with the formal "government" is nothing short of government censorship, especially when they are responding to pressure from said formal "government".

Pastor Paul (Scot McKnight) - A question of how Paul understood ministry is the focus of the book Pastor Paul, written by Scot McKnight, a biblical scholar (professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary), and popular author and blogger (Jesus Creed).McKnight acknowledges upfront that he is a biblical scholar and not a pastor, but he seems to understand the realities facing modern pastors.

DEAR ANONYMOUS: WHAT YOU'RE DESCRIBING ACTUALLY IS A … 06, 2018 · dear anonymous: what you're describing actually is a deep state So -- about this anonymous op-ed by "a senior official in the Trump administration" who boasts that he and others in the White House are thwarting some of the president's worst instincts:

Can we get rid of ex-girlfriends already? - Blogger a 16 year vet of the relationship game there are some things that have continued to annoy me since I was fifteen years old. That, not surprisingly, is the infamous "ex girlfriend".Looking back I feel that I have been rather gracious and considerate to my ex girlfriends, trying to …

Connecting.the.Dots: Huckabee, Another Jimmy Carter? is not meant to extol geezer wisdom but suggest that, even in our age of 24/7 hot flashes, something can be said for perspective. The Web is a wide space for spreading news, but it can also be a deep well of collective memory to help us understand today’s world.

Damn, My Black Ass is getting old. - Daily Views, Pop ... of sounding like a sweet melody to someone who is inebriated and just recently smoked a joint. As we make out in a bedroom that Sam's sister graciously provided us, and as i grab a condom that has been in my wallet probably since the first Bush administration, the angel that I threw against the wall comes barging in.

"Stimulus rebate" delayed for some direct deposit 09, 2008 · The second issue that was not made clear when the payment schedule was announced was the fact that the schedule only applied to those tax returns that had been processed by the IRS by April 15. For those taxpayers who filed in April, earlier if a …

Who Hijacked Our Country: White Supremacist Hate Groups ... 06, 2007 · Trekmedic knows of what is true, it's not hysteria, it's reality. Living here at the border I see it on the local news everynight. Sure, some come here for a better life, but guess what, so did my Brit husband, and he did it legally. He came here with 55 bucks, a small suitcase of clothes and a …

Progressive Charlestown: When their “rights” imperils us 24, 2019 · On Thursday, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin let it be known that he had intentionally exposed his nine children to chickenpox rather than give any of them the chickenpox vaccine. Bevins was smugly proud of this, explaining that “it all turned out fine.” Except that it didn’t, because this exposure set his children up to develop shingles later in life, a condition that can be not only extremely ...

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast sees Pelham ... Union Leader is well aware of the issue and I may mention it next week when we tape Kevin Avard's show in Nashua: The Laurie List debacle is a matter of public interest, and with 60 cops on that list it is a game of Russian Roulette as to when one of them is going to potentially expose the State to some sort of liability. As I note in the ...

The Rectification of Names: Annals of derp: There is ... since Kasich became governor of Ohio, you know, in 2010, as the Affordable Care Act slowly came into effect, with its provisions for improving health care access (expansion of Medicaid, the Marketplace to insure people who don't get coverage through their employers, and $217,319,926 as of November 2015 for community health centers in ...

Not to rub it on this special day, however according to a ... 07, 2015 · Our pastor, who is 85, asked me if this was the night Jesus was born. I replied, "well it depends who you read, doesn't it?" I am leaning away from the church, but I've been there a long time, and the people are great. Plus, we are pacifists, and I think that voice needs to be raised. Reply Delete

Here's a shocker, new study finds that members of the Tea ... 02, 2013 · Courtesy of Raw Story : “We wanted to address a question on the minds of many: Do negative racial attitudes attract whites to the tea ...

Movie Review | Your Morning Cup of Coffee night I took my wife out on a date. We began the evening going to Brew River. The meal wasn’t as good as the Sunday Brunch I had a couple of weeks ago, but it wasn’t bad, either. The cream of crab soup was the highlight of the meal for me, though my shrimp salad wrap wasn’t bad.

moderation | Sheila Kennedy has just ended. In honor of the holiday, a Buddhist cousin sent me a story from the Huffington Post titled “The Real History of Chanukah is More Complicated than you Probably Thought.”. It actually was. In Sunday School, we were basically taught that Judah Maccabee led a successful revolt against Antiochus, whose Seleucid empire had taken over Judea and was forcing the ...

October 2008 Franklin & Marshall College Poll | Opinion ... Franklin & Marshall Poll (October 2008) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 12/24/11 just settled down for a long winter's nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new …

Remembering Matters: My Old Cat 01, 2008 · Not a pushy knock, just a knock. I figured it must an Obama supporter with a clipboard to talk about the campaign. They've already come to the house twice - once for Julia and a second time for Kristara - the youth vote. Good. It was a woman without a clipboard. She wanted to know if I was the owner of a long-haired calico cat. I thought for a ...

Corruption – Skeptical Brotha his efforts to win back his law license, Jenkins said he was a rehabilitated man and a force for good in the community. He said he’s raised $2 million for the NAACP’s 2011 national convention in Los Angeles. He also cited work with organizations that helped African Americans, including youth mentoring programs and voter outreach.

indymedia – MediaMouse about indymedia written by mediamouse. We have updated the audio section of and have committed to providing regular audio coverage of events and lectures in Grand Rapids, Michigan and the surrounding area as well as producing exclusive web-based interviews. In addition to improving the handling of audio files already hosted by Media Mouse, we have added a number of …

Gandhi | Search Results | The Least, First I am amazed that the prime minister of South Africa, General J.C. Smuts, later on he admitted that grandfather was the greatest. He called him a saint, and he said, “It was my misfortune that I had to be against him,” you know. And it was that kind of feeling of reverence and awe that he inspired even in his …

Trump Reveals What He Cares About Now: 'Going Around Fake ... 21, 2020 · The American people are struggling to cope with a crisis that most have never imagined. They are frightened for the welfare of themselves, their families, and their nation. And with the exception o...

The Mechanics of Inheriting Real Estate - Searchlight will must be probated. Once all debts of the estate are paid and the court agrees to a final disposition of assets, the executor will then create a deed giving whoever it is title to the property. It may or may not be part of the executor's job to record the deed with the county - so make certain it gets done yourself if you are the inheritor.

Luna Park: New Issue Review: Black Warrior Review vol. 33 ..."People always look twice when you peel out in a hearse."-from "Horizontal Accidents," by Michael Salisbury Black Warrior Review 's latest issue (volume 33, number 2) is the most visually appealing issue yet to be published by Tuscaloosa's University of Alabama graduate student run literary magazine. In this and the previous issue, editor Molly Dowd and company have made a turn towards the ...

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com States Wars, News and Casualties. The War Criminals How many Iraqis have died as a result of the invasion 15 years ago? Some credible estimates put the number at more than one million. You can read that sentence again. The invasion of Iraq is often spoken of in our country as a “blunder,” or even a “colossal mistake.” It was a crime.

>Presidential candidate old enough to know better flunks U ... 03, 2008 · Blue Sky Laws: Kansas was the first state in the union to enact a “Blue Sky Law” in 1911. During the period between 1911 and 1933 forty-seven states (Nevada being the lone holdout) passed these statutes to prevent the sale of stocks Supreme Court Justice Joseph McKenna described in Hall v.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Al-Qaida head bin Laden dead 01, 2011 · Actually it was the national guard that the president used to push back on the racist governors, local cops and sheriffs. It was the national guard the escort the black kids past the violent racists during desegregation. Two more things about Libya and Gaddafi. 1.

No Cap on Public Money + No Oversight = Unmitigated 03, 2009 · Olympics Thu Sep 03 2009 No Cap on Public Money + No Oversight = Unmitigated Disaster. By Ramsin Canon. Good ol' Gentle Ben Joravsky over at the Reader reports on what a bunch of us got in our inboxes this morning: an oversight ordinance introduced by Ald. Manny Flores, and a "substitute" ordinance backed by Mayor Daley. Alderman Flores' staff sent out a side-by-side …

The Rude Pundit 10, 2010 · The Rude Pundit doesn't often go to these sorts of things because, inevitably, they end up depressing the hell out of him. But for various reason, last Friday night he found himself at the All Saints Unitarian Church in New York City for an event sponsored by the Big Apple Coffee Party .

Winter Patriot: Life In The Air Age 20, 2005 · These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

the poet: Shazza: Why I Am Not Your Nigga I am not your Nigga.....What is interesting about the whole phenomenon of the usage of the word "Nigga" in dialogue is that as People of Color (specifically African-Americans, not excluding Americanized Caribbean and Africans) use the word and consider it as a "term of endearment".It’s meaning in the new millennium transformed into a word of love, respect and unity.

VanRamblings: June 2008 of the great delights that VanRamblings has experienced with our new Telus HDTV system occurs each Sunday evening at 10 p.m. when we tune into AMC / CTV's ground-breaking Mad Men television series, an odds on favourite to pick up a whack of Emmy's come September 21 on ABC, and most assuredly the best show of the otherwise woeful summer TV season. ...

Beers with Demo: Today's Term of the Day: "Moral High Ground" 11, 2007 · There was a link displayed but it did not direct to the text of the interview as promised but what the article paraphrases Rowan as saying below is consistent with the other quotes in the interview): “Williams went beyond his previous critique of the conduct of the war on terror, saying the United States had lost the moral high ground since ...

Next Left: Will there be Wiccans? 15, 2010 · The Guardian reports that the government is considering plans for reform of the House of Lords. While the remaining 92 hereditaries are to go, the report comments: 'It is understood the main sticking points still to be overcome are over what to do about the 25 bishops in the Lords, whose removal would trigger a row with the church, and how to manage the transition to the new system.'

Nancy French, channeling the selfie addicted Bristol Palin ... 12, 2015 · We need to poll ... who is baby daddy? 1. An AFTADARK crew guy 2. Dakota 3. One night stand in Vegas (Bristol can't remember his name) 4. Joey Junker 5. One of the AFTADARK crew ...DNA testing needed to identify which one 6. Track 7. Ben Barber 8. Gino Poletti 9 Random guy at Mug Shot Saloon 10. Levi Damn, no wonder Bristol is so confused on ...

American Hunger Games | BroadBlogs 26, 2013 · Perhaps The Hunger Games are not so fictional. In the last 40 years nearly all of our GDP gains have gone to the top 1%. And some of that 1% want to end food stamps for children, the disabled, the poor elderly and the working poor.

Capitol Briefing - Stevens Relinquishes Ranking Panel 29, 2008 · UPDATE 5 PM: Stevens has released a statement declaring his innocence: I have proudly served this nation and Alaska for over 50 years. My public service began when I served in World War II. It saddens me to learn that these charges have been brought against me. I have never...

Woman At Center Of Greitens Story Releases Statement ... at center of Greitens story releases statement through attorney. 12 Jan 2018 ... Eric Greitens say she is asking for privacy. In a recording obtained by News 4, the woman says to her then husband that she had a sexual ...

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: The is okay to talk to God. When a person hears God's voice responding to them they are certifiably crazy. Question: if a person writes letters in which they pretend to be God are they similarly demented?

X Curmudgeon: SC/Nevada Saturday Winners and Losers also has something else the others don't: moola. It's his own money, of course, but it could be a decisive advantage now that we're in the thick of it. In short, don't count Romney out by a long shot. Huckabee is also sort of a winner today. He came in a strong second in …

OpenlineBlog: Planned Parenthood Controversy Will Shift to ... 01, 2008 · Aurora's Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), on a motion by Weisner buddy Linda Cole, ducked the zoning questions and caved into the pressure by so-called corporation counsel Alayne Weingartz and her buddy, Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner and, with the advice of Attorney Peter Wilson, voted to dismiss the appeal to the ZBA on the basis of "jurisdiction." Zoning

DownWithTyranny!: Solidarity-- 2020 12, 2020 · EMILY's List spent $158,516 on one of their typical smear campaigns against progressives and Greuel spent $1.3 on the primary. Blue America did our first-ever dual endorsement, for the two most progressive candidates in the race, Ted Lieu and Marianne Williamson.

Frederick Douglass: America - Through the Eyes of a REAL ... 08, 2014 · The look in his eyes is the look that EVERY Black child should have when they walk out their parent's door into adulthood. So I look into this brother's eyes every single morning before I pickup my pen and begin to write, because his eyes reflect …

Orcinus: What America looks like Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

The Immoral Minority: In Georgia 2nd Amendment protected ... 04, 2016 · Police are investigating the death of an old 18-month-old Georgia boy who died from a gunshot wound to the head in his home, police said. Police told WSBTV that around 3 p.m. two brothers, 18 months and 3 years old, were inside of a bedroom with family members when an adult set down a loaded .45 caliber handgun.

Murdoch lieutenant Hinton quits Dow Jones | Suzie-Que's ... 16, 2011 · By Paul Thomasch and Yinka Adegoke. NEW YORK, July 15 – Les Hinton, the top executive of Rupert Murdoch’s Dow Jones & Co, resigned on Friday after becoming a target of criticism for the phone-hacking scandal that occurred when he oversaw News Corp’s British newspapers.Hinton stepped down as the British phone hacking scandal surrounding News Corp began to spread to the …

The Frustrated Teacher: 3/25/ 28, 2012 · On their blog they allowed comments. Folks like me started pointing out their misinformation --like "teachers are the most important factor"-- when they forgot to mention they meant "in-school factor." I made them correct that, however reluctantly. Then they …

Shiny Ideas: July 2012 25, 2012 · I just ran across the following Rothbard quote at BHL: . The natural law ethic decrees that for all living things, “goodness” is the fulfillment of what is best for that type of creature; “goodness” is therefore relative to the nature of the creature concerned…In the case of man, the natural-law ethic states that goodness or badness can be determined by what fulfills or thwarts what ...

Harry Clarke: Ms. Rolah McCabe, big tobacco & the ACC 10, 2007 · In Australia there had been no successful individual actions against local tobacco companies until the successful case of lung-cancer sufferer Ms. Rolah Ann McCabe who was awarded $700,000 against British American Tobacco (BAT) in the Supreme Court by Justice Geoffrey Eames in 2002.The judgement, however, was overturned by the Court of Appeal 8 months later, a couple of …

The Dread Pundit Bluto: 02/01/2010 - 03/01/2010 28, 2010 · The IFE organised meetings with extremists, including Taliban allies, a man named by the US government as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and a man under investigation by the FBI for his links to the September 11 attacks.And anti-Iraq war lunatic George Galloway has been exposed as an Islamist shill:

Wild Chihuahuas: Misogyny in America 02, 2008 · As night follows day, any rise in homophobia is paralleled by a rise in woman-hating. So it shouldn’t surprise anybody that, after two decades of virulent gay-hating from the Right, we are seeing a proud and public form of misogyny in America we haven’t seen since, oh, George Gobel.

Being fair to George – 07, 2013 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Leadership 2017 Candidate Rankings - August 13 10, 2017 · As I noted here, there have been a number of key developments in the NDP's leadership campaign since last week's rankings.And two in particular have changed my impression as to the relative likelihood of success for the top two candidates, I'll assemble a new set of rankings for this week - while noting that the membership numbers available after Thursday's deadline will likely give us a far ...

Balkinization: A Possible End to the War against al Qaeda? a speech delivered last week at the Oxford Union, Defense Department General Counsel Jeh Johnson broached the subject of a possible end to the armed conflict with al Qaeda (the conflict formerly known as the "Global War on Terror"). A determination that the war is over would have significant consequences for the detention, interrogation, and targeting of terrorism suspects.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com the first three or four years of the conflict, it received between 30 and 50 tracing requests a month, he said. Maurer said inquiries on the missing have come from all areas of Syria, neighboring countries, Europe, the United States and the rest of the world.

Wise Law Blog: Workplace Harassment and Bill 168 - A New ... 20, 2009 · Wise Law Blog is not responsible for and does not necessarily agree with the contents of comments posted by readers of this blog. Such comments represent the personal views of the commenters only, and are included on this blog in the interest of promoting public discourse and a …

Attainder | Citizens Tsunami Blog our troops is an honor and a privilege. The honor is reserved for only one individual at a time, and that individual must meet certain specific requirements or the honor is not theirs. Members of the military not only have a right to question the lawfulness of their orders, they have a responsibility and an obligation to do so.

Abby Kelleyite - Bloggerhttps://abbykelleyite.blogspot.comThe following initially appeared as a comment to a thoughtful and entertaining post by Michael Bérubé highlighting polling results showing that the American public is less willing to vote for someone who is an atheist than for just about any other category descriptor (humorously including the "GEICO caveman" and a "zombie"). In his post, he ...

John Calvin | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 22, 2015 · Suggested Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. I was allowed to stand in the pulpit of John Calvin. I am not superstitious, but the first time I saw this medal bearing the venerated effigy of John Calvin I kissed it, imagining that no one saw the action.

The Weather Continues . . . : SOMETIMES, by Losing, One ... now seems that Mitch McConnell has the votes to BLOCK any witnesses and documents in President Trump's trial, and while it has always been a foregone conclusion that Trump will NOT be removed from office -- hiding his crimes (or innocences), from the American Public will not be tolerated well. Trump will come out of it TRIUMPHANT and exonerated in his mind -- and be FAR WORSE until the day ...

RP: SOMETIMES, by Losing, One Wins BIGGER -- if No ... now seems that Mitch McConnell has the votes to BLOCK any witnesses and documents in President Trump's trial, and while it has always been a foregone conclusion that Trump will NOT be removed from office -- hiding his crimes (or innocences), from the American Public will not be tolerated well. Trump will come out of it TRIUMPHANT and exonerated in his mind -- and be FAR WORSE until the day ...

The Weather Continues . . . : January 2020 30, 2020 · Nevertheless – at least by Brandon’s claims to me – he was NEVER charged, but spent two years in a Mental Hospital for the Criminally Insane, then completed a short six-months of Probation, He also admitted to me his TWICE burglarizing a barn full of expensive tools, and six months later, the house on the same property near Delco., NC for jewelry – BOTH times getting away with the loot ...

The Weather Up Here:: January 2020 30, 2020 · Nevertheless – at least by Brandon’s claims to me – he was NEVER charged, but spent two years in a Mental Hospital for the Criminally Insane, then completed a short six-months of Probation, He also admitted to me his TWICE burglarizing a barn full of expensive tools, and six months later, the house on the same property near Delco., NC for jewelry – BOTH times getting away with the loot ...

The Constant American: Japan: Lives Out of Balance - A ... Chiba, a 15-year-old freshman who dreams of being an astronomer, said he selected Meizen from eight possible high schools in his district because of the napping program. "There was a time when I wasn't able to nap because of my commitments with the astronomy club, and I felt like I'd lost my concentration," he said.

Jam packed evening with the Allman Brothers Band | Knoxville Civic Coliseum was packed to the rafters last night for The Allman Brothers Band with opening act Widespread Panic. Twenty-something tie-dyed hippies danced and twirled as Widespread Panic laid down a two-hour plus set of psychedelic power jams, and they stayed but made room down front for the laid-back tie-dyed AARP hippies jamming to the Allman Brothers Band on their 40th ...

X Curmudgeon: Virginia's Taliban: Bob Marshall 17, 2007 · X Curmudgeon In summer '05, after 21 years of law practice in a large firm, I quit to pursue my true passion, writing. I'm 51 years old, married, with two children, boys ages 12 and 15.

Testimony: Wisconsinites Strongly Oppose School ... following testimony will be presented to the Senate Committee on Education Reform and Government Operations today, Jan. 27, 2015, at the hearing on the so-called School Takeover Bill, Senate Bill 1 (SB1).If you want to know why those who care about public education in Wisconsin stand united in opposition to this dangerous bill, please read and share with your friends, encouraging them …

Dennis Nishi - Wall Street Journal - "Time off after being ... 28, 2011 · Dennis Nishi, who writes for the Wall Street Journal, used the service HARO (HelpaReporter.Com) to post a query for a story he's researching. It was e-mailed to me through a Facebook news-feed that I'm subscribed to, and reads as follows:

Senator Larry Craig (NOT Gay-R) of “Brokeback Bathroom ... 05, 2007 · Senator Larry Craig (Not Gay-R) of Idaho Senator Larry Craig (Not Gay-R) of Idaho Now Refuses to Resign from the U. S. Senate After being charged in an airport men's room gay sex sting, U. S. Senator Larry Craig announced last month that he intended to …

Tickle The Wireaddiction Archives - Tickle The enforcement nationwide believe heroin abuse is the largest drug threat, overtaking methamphetamine, according to a new DEA survey. NBC News reports that the seizure of heroin has nearly doubled over the past five years, while the 51% more people are using the highly addictive drug.

The Hypocrisy of Elliot Spitzer – Flap's Blog ... 10, 2008 · Michael Ramirez parodies Elliot Spitzer in backing away from his support for driver’s licenses for illegal aliens. New York Governor Elliot Spitzer is in big trouble and it wasn’t the SEX but money transfers that tipped off the feds.. Spitzer was leading a double life and he should resign immediately. His reckless, self-involved behavior is inexcusable and his public career is over.

Senior Ashkenazi Haredi Rabbi Accused Of Arranging Illicit ... battle of anonymous mudslinging between Lithuanian haredi elements and champions of Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Amar in the wake of the latest conversion controversy rose a notch on Wednesday, with pashkevilim (street notices) plastered in Bnei Brak charging a local, senior rabbi of converting a woman “for the intent of marriage, which is prohibited according to the Torah’s law.”

Ennobling the Poor | Sheila Kennedy, there aren’t jobs available in low-wage Indiana that allow people to put food on the table. If our Pastor Governor wants to “ennoble” Hoosiers, he might consider changing his economic development efforts to concentrate on bringing good jobs to the state, rather than boasting over the poverty-level ones he actually attracts. As the United Ways’ ALICE report (more on that ...

Americans for Koch's Prosperity, et cetera. : September 2018 27, 2018 · This blog began dedicated to gathering and sharing information about Americans for Prosperity and other such right-wing 'libertarian' brainwashing group's, with their many deceptions and denial of fundamental geophysical reality. It’s become a collection of relevant stories and information for this election season. *** ADULT ADVISORY *** Contains tough love !

REGARDING THE SELF-RIGHTEOUS, HYPOCRITICAL, AND ... 01, 2018 · The first are the rich and wellborn, the other the mass of the people…. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. Give therefore to the first class [the rich]a distinct, permanent share in government.

2004 Ohio general election - 04, 2018 · Just like Florida in 2000, Ohio was the focal swing state in the 2004 presidential election.GOP election officials and voting system contractors engaged in many forms of election manipulation, ranging from dirty tricks to outright fraud, to ensure Bush won the state over Kerry.

John McCain. The New York Times, and malignant melanoma 25, 2008 · A blood screening and chest x-ray are the tests a Stage II patient will undergo yearly. I went 13 years disease free. In my case, a new MM was discovered last fall and it was the cause of the disease spreading in my body. I had five melanoma in all. A patient with multiple MM isn't common. But..... Mr. McCain has had four melanomas.

A Soviet-style election ? — Crooked Timber 08, 2004 · A Soviet-style election ? by John Quiggin on November 8, 2004 With Fallujah being pounded to bits, jihadi and insurgent attacks everywhere and a state of emergency, this may seem like a bad time to discuss the Iraqi elections, but there’s no reason to suppose that there’s going to …

The Daily Chimp for Sunday, 14 April 2019 - Smirking 14, 2019 · In his annual letter to shareholders, distributed last week, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon took aim at socialism, warning it would be “a disaster for our country,” because it produces “stagnation, corruption and often worse.” Dimon should know. He was at the helm when JPMorgan ... [Low bandwidth link] Posted Apr 14 2019 - 6:43am

Humor | My 2 Buck$ 30 years ago my grandfather passed away at 82 years old. At the time, I was a college student around 20 years old. After his passing, I took ownership of 3 items that belonged to him: a windbreaker jacket that he had just purchased only a couple of months before, a religious item that I still cherish to this day and a type-written list which I found morbidly depressing.

Jeb Bush | V B I 17, 2015 · Without losing a beat, Christie parried, “You know, Sen. Paul, the hugs that I remember are the ones I gave to the families who lost their people on Sept. 11.” Paul was no match for Christie. He was too polite or too timid to interrupt the onslaught. Rand Paul did not fare well. Sometimes it was the candidate who bested the questioner.

WCRC meeting – March 2016 – monoblogue 29, 2016 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

If I Lived At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...https://ifilivedat1600pennsylvania.blogspot.comTime for a change. Time for someone who's a good writer, a good public speaker AND a good soul, and Barack seems to be all of those, and more. I want change, sure. I want ideas. I want consensus. I want new ways of looking at and solving things. I want a First Lady who truly speaks her mind, and that, to me, is Michelle. I'm for Obama.

Dmv Real Id Documents in atlanta on facebook page to any user with a license within the classifications of id? 7 on october 2020 if you by each in his real id documents for parentsnavigating a house three. Past four months after a replacement card, had to receive your new deadline. 6 months to the real id california residential address as identification card ...

Brett Kavanaugh – are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

Abbreviated pundit roundup: Trump undermines our elections begin today’s roundup with Matt Strieb at New York magazine who details Donald Trump’s baseless attacks on voting by mail:. Already, 45 states allow the kind of voting Trump considers dangerous, and in this majority there has been negligible levels of tampering and fraud. As for foreign interference, election law expert Rick Hasen told NBC News that interfering with mail ballots ...

Killing Coyotes – A Gruesome Perk of the Privileged ... 02, 2009 · The codified killing of coyotes by the well-healed of Greenwood Village, a gruesome perk of the privileged, grates as fingernails scraping against a green-board. I am reminded of Nickel, a singularly unique bison that was born to the City and County of Denver’s Genesee herd (they have two herds, one at Genesee, and one at Daniel’s Parks).

Democracy's Blooper Reel: 30, 2004 · The President has had many more days to come up with a valid explanation for the bulge in his coat during the debates. So far, surrogates have been dismissive. On Good Morning America this morning, Charlie Gibson was the first guy to pitch the question directly to the President. His answer: "I don't know what that is.

Brief Notes on McCain v Obama, Debate Three | All Other ... 16, 2008 · Presidential Debate 3 is history. And once again, polling indicates Obama was the clear winner. Let me offer a few thoughts. --- After seeing this debate, my main feeling is, "thank god they’re over." This was the most heated debate, but I prefer discussions that are cool, calm, and substantive. Several times, I thought it…

No Right Turn: Unkept promises 06, 2005 · Leading the way are the UK and Japanese governments. The British government has provided 97% of the aid money it committed to donate, whilst Japan has a perfect score of 100%. To be fair, this doesn't tell the whole story. Australia's commitment, in particular, was supposed to be spread over a number of years - as I believe was the US's.

DifferentBoardhttps://differentboard.blogspot.comThe record industry continued the trend toward huge boxed-set reissues of materials from its vaults. Without so much as an anniversary excuse, BMG came out with a 65-compact disc (CD) compilation of all of violinist Jascha Heifetz' RCA recordings, and Teldec issued a 60-CD repackaging of the pioneering period-instruments Bach cantata recordings of Nikolaus Harnoncourt

Based On A True Story...: Reincarnated Erwitt- I don't believe that photography can change the world, but it can show the world changing. Gilles Peress- I don't care so much anymore about 'good photography.' I am gathering evidence for history. Yogi Berra- You can observe a lot just by watching. Dorothea Lange- A camera is an instrument that teaches us how to see without a ...

SoftKnothttps://softknot.blogspot.comThe grandson of a governor of Nova Scotia, Belcher entered the navy in 1812. After serving as a surveyor with an expedition to the Pacific Ocean and the Bering Strait in 1825, he commanded a surveying ship along the north and west coasts of Africa (1830–33).

real time with bill maher | Electricity & Lust was defiantly silly and very odd in places. The main take-in for me this week was The Wire’s final two episodes which lived up to the tone of the whole run. It is officially the Greatest Television Show of All Time. The fifth was the weakest season so far but it’s still so far ahead of …

Freedom Writing: The Unintended Victim 22, 2015 · That was the tragedy of the story. The man became estranged from his family, and his mental and physical health deteriorated over the years. Eventually, he reconciled with his family, but he drank heavily, gained weight and became paranoid and suicidal. At times later in his life, he expressed regret at having deflected the shot intended for Ford.

Freedom Writing: The Chaos in Chicago 27, 2013 · Chicago, in August 1968, was about to put on display, for the whole world to see, a microcosm of the division that gripped America. It was probably inevitable that there would be a clash between the dissatisfied (i.e., radical) elements of American society and the Chicago police, who represented (in the public's eyes) the establishment.Both were moving into place like planets forming a ...

Winter Patriot: Where Fisk Goes Wrong About 9/11 are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Convicted For Having An Altered 9/11 Poster In His Room 26, 2007 · These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

JustOneMinute: Kerry Has *Not* Disclosed His Full Military ... A - the Feb 28 after-action report emerges. At a glance, this report seems to broadly jibe with the first Silver Star citation by Admiral Zumwalt (p. 7), so I do not find it …

The Edubabbler: The Bee Movie, or, Lessons in not rocking ... 20, 2007 · What makes it worse (or at least, how I read the message in the remainder of the movie) was the fact the he continued to fly in the face of 27 millions years of doing things the same way. Barry discovered that humans were exploiting bees by smoking them and stealing their honey.

The Immoral Minority: During Senate hearing Al Franken ... 04, 2017 · So to be clear not only is Donald Trump spreading Russian propaganda, but it is propaganda which completely contradicts the findings of the FBI and other security agencies who state clearly that Russia was not even attempting to be sneaky. And the fact that Donald Trump is a tool of the Kremlin is now part of the Senate record.

Here He Comes: Mr. Universe - J. Matt, just too easy. You have to ask: Did the Norwegian Nobel Committee devise a secret plot to completely marginalize President Obama in the international community (I mean, beyond that which he's already managed on his own)? Seriously, by awa - Here He Comes: Mr. Universe - J. Matt Barber. Christian Commentary and Columns

Know Your LGBT History - The Story of Miss Atlanta Lively of the matches featured on episode one is from the NWA, who was the WWF's (now called WWE) main competition then. The match is an "Atlanta Street Fight" from Starrcade '85: The Gathering, between The Midnight Express (managed by promoter Jim Cornette) vs the team of the "Boogie Woogie Man," Jimmy Valiant with Miss Atlanta Lively (managed by ...

The Impact of Postal Service Corruption on ... - Wattree 07, 2010 · The way the system is suppose to work is that a relief carrier is assigned to a given group of routes to step in for regular carriers on their days off. And since the relief carriers carry the same group of five routes every week, they're as familiar with the routes in their group as the regulars, so the customer is suppose get seamless service.

memeorandum: Who Is Winning the War in Afghanistan ... NYT's Latest McGahnObstructAPalooza: Sometimes “Cooperation” Is Just Cover Your Ass — By far the most telling passage in this 2,225+ word story laying out Don McGahn's “cooperation” with the Mueller inquiry is this passage: …Over two thousand words and over a dozen sources … +

Fun With Definitions: Pat Buchanan Says that President 20, 2013 · Fun With Definitions: Pat Buchanan Says that President Obama's Speech on Trayvon Martin was "Insidious" I just saw one of the marches in support of Trayvon Martin making its way through downtown Chicago. Kudos to them. ... a bit of projection on Buchanan's part as he is a noxious presence in America's public discourse. I am a fan of ...

Here He Comes: Mr. Universe, it was the humiliating slap-down he received from the International Olympic Committee in Copenhagen (it’s a shame that his presumptuous and decidedly un-presidential hubris likely cost ...

A reply to a troll who stole my space to promote his crap 26, 2019 · A reply to a troll who stole my space to promote his crap ... Anonymous –that brave troller who is afraid to leave us any kind of name—not even a nom de guerre. That guy lacks imagination so he does not even give us a fake name. ... Dialectical Materialism vs. metaphysical Idealism was the headline kicker of this article.

The Next Hurrah: War Council emptywheel. If you haven't already read Pat Lang on Bush's surprise visit to Iraq today, do so now. For whatever PR value BushCo is trying to milk out of this visit (here's C&L with coverage), Lang is persuasive that the chief reason for the visit is to bring his war cheerleaders together to develop a game plan for the next few weeks.. I note that the president's travel party to Assad Air ...

Annals of the global financial crisis, Eurasian edition ... 13, 2009 · “Last year,” Leopolis notes, “if one said that Kazakhstan was the “Iceland of Central Asia” it would have been a compliment.” Now, not so much. Earlier this month, Bloomberg reported, Kazakhstan’s central bank devalued the national currency, the tenge, by 18%. Propping up the currency at the old rate proved unsustainable after the country spent $1.6 billion, or 6% of its foreign ...

Google Alert - CIA - Blogger Daily update · 12 July 2017 NEWS Former CIA officer enters race for Brat's Congres...

Dating a girl with a twin sister, Canadian free online a girl with a twin sister, Canadian free online dating sites, What messaging system should i use when i use dating apps Either one has an eye for this sort of work, or you don't. Whitestone contains Queens lowest numbered present-day avenue: 2nd, which exists as a dead-end at the north end of 148th Street and 149th Place.

Blackout on Swan Pond: TVA coal ash disaster documentary Blackout on Swan Pond: TVA coal ash disaster documentary When: Monday, June 9, 2014 - 7:00pm Where: Scruffy City Hall, Market Square The Knoxville Film and Music Festival, which starts tomorrow, will feature the East Tennessee premier of Blackout on Swan Pond, a documentary about the TVA coal ash disaster at Kingston.The showing will be at Scruffy City Hall on Market Square, Monday …

UPDATED: The Coward Of the J-Blogsphere - FailedMessiah.com Gil Student has a popular J-blog known as Hirhurim. Over the past 18 months, Gil has banned commnent from many different commenters, including me. In my case, I have been banned at least three previous times but, as my...

So, I Ask You, What If Trayvon Martin Was Asian? | Race Files 14, 2013 · The article is certainly appreciated. Thanks, Scott. Always nice to hear your (written) voice. But to the comment of VJ Hamilton…perhaps the 79% had more to do with the fact that President Obama has Asian relatives and also lived in Hawaii, than with any expression of solidarity from the Asian community toward African Americans, though there are a relatively few Asian activists fighting ...

Rabbis Use Form-Letter Article To 'Clear' Agriprocessors ... 13, 2008 · [This is something Agriprocessors refused to do in the years and weeks leading up to the raid. It is one reason why 24 child laborers were arrested on the day of the raid, and why Iowa's Department of Labor has now asked Iowa's Attorney General to prosecute 57 counts of illegal child labor it called "egregious" to the "fullest extent of the law."

Michael Oehme | Bloviating who should know about Islam, Walid Shoebat at, saw things clearly and early when photographs began to emerge.. Photo Evidence Reveals Ft. Lauderdale Shooter Is A Muslim Terrorist. CBS now reports:. In Nov. 2016, Santiago-Ruiz walked into an FBI office in Anchorage and claimed he was being forced to fight for ISIS, law enforcement sources told CBS News.

Humor | House of the Dread she was devoid of free will and a puppet to an all-powerful being that tortured people? That God tortured people? But that day her in-box had brought another upsetting note. Unsigned, of course. If only there was an all-knowing deity that you had a psychic connection with. But I’m going to go with God as the author insert.

» Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of the Solemnity of Li Fiscal Conservative, Pro-Taiwan, Pro-Israel. Categories. 2nd Amendment; ABC News; ACORN; Advent; AFL-CIO; Ai Weiwei; Airlines; Al Gore

New Transgender 18, 2020 · New Transgender Parents ... Cardiff-born mother Hannah Graf, who was the highest-ranking transgender officer in the British army, came out as a transgender woman in 2013. Jake Graf, who is a television director and actor, transitioned in 2008. The couple announced in December they were expecting a baby.

Tickle The WireDick Cheney Archives - Tickle The David Corn Mother Jones. WASHINGTON — The pending nomination of James Comey to become FBI chief is a poke in the eye with a very sharp stick for the Cheney crowd. Comey, deputy attorney general during the W. years, has drawn criticism from civil libertarians for being part of an administration that waterboarded (though Comey reportedly opposed the …

GOP official shames Sen. Sinema for taking Senate floor reported by, in an early version of the post (which has since been edited and removed), he claimed that the senator “took the floor improperly attired.”With or without that phrase, the post reeks of sexism and misogyny. The image tries to shame Sen. Sinema for wearing a dress and boots on the Senate floor, which is an entirely normal outfit.

Romney Lies About Missing 3 Years at ... - THE SERPENTINE Lies About Missing 3 Years at Bain Believe anything this candidate says at your own risk ! A reporter for the Boston Globe wrote "In Romney's 2002 race for governor, he testified before the State Ballot Law Commission that his separation from Bain in 1999 had been a 'leave of absence' and not a final departure" (Rowan July 12, 2012).

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump is preparing for his 02, 2017 · According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, Trump aides have prepared “a list of tweet-length sentences that summarize the main points Trump could bring up with Putin” in the hopes that the president absorbs even a little of what he needs to know before sitting down with the canny, and sure to be well-prepared, Russian leader.

The Candid Blogger: Good Bye Old Friend -- A Moment in 04, 2008 · The year was 1965. I was attending City College of San Francisco and the occasion was our Athletic Awards dinner. It was an event where the members of the various sports teams received their individual and team awards at a dinner in which San Franciso 49ers Hall of Fame tackle Bob St. Clair was the featured speaker.

The View from Taiwan: Moron Grades - class was the teaching internship class, for which students worked extremely hard; the other I was not told. The upshot is that I am safest keeping grades within a certain range, between 80 and 89, failing a few to look good, and managing my average grades so that they do not stand out from those of other teachers.

NSA Surveillance Watch: AP Poll- Most Say U.S. Needs 07, 2006 · The ASSociated Press: Poll: Most Say U.S. Needs Warrant to Snoop A majority of Americans want the Bush administration to get court approval before eavesdropping on people inside the United States, even if those calls might involve …

Organized Exploitation: Stimulus #2 - All Hands On 04, 2009 · "Not yet because it is important to see how the economy evolves and how effective the first stimulus is. The stimulus package was the first thing we did and we did it a couple of weeks after inauguration," Obama said in response to a question. At first glance a suitably pragmatic approach. Until he continues.

Consulate « 23, 2012 · The first incoming mortar, in the dead of night, hit square on the “alternate location’s” gate and killed the two ex-Seals. Terrorism? You bet. Did Ansar Al-Sharia have support from a state or states with significant HUMINT, SIGINT and satellite capability? Almost certainly.

Trump, Russia and a Shadowy Business Partnership, Russia and a Shadowy Business Partnership ... "One of Bayrock's principals was a career criminal named Felix Sater who had ties to Russian and American organized crime groups. Before linking up with the company and with Trump, he had worked as a mob informant for the U.S. government, fled to Moscow to avoid criminal charges while ...

Border Agents Proudly Detain Just-Hospitalized Child Who ... 10, 2017 · Oh, and she's got a grandfather who is a permanent U.S. resident and a cousin who is a citizen. If you can read those facts and not feel even a wince of empathy, you are a fucking monster who deserves this Trump-coated shit world we're damned to exist in. Hell, you probably love wallowing around in it.

09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5-63-56-88-c0 | Slog ... 09, 2007 · @6 it means you can put something like this in your HD-DVD reading source code and it can then decrypt the data into compressed video data: static unsigned char processing_key[16] = {0x09, 0xF9, 0x11, 0x02, 0x9D, 0x74, …

McAuliffe Still Sleeping with Dogs | HuffPost Still Sleeping with Dogs. 04/12/2009 05:12 am ET Updated Dec 06, ... who is listed as one of several co-chairs of the McAuliffe fundraiser. Recommended minimum contribution for the event is $1,000. If you did click through, you found a page with a link to a pdf of the fundraiser invite. There, you'll find these hosts:

Partyboy Trevor (@TweakerDotOrg) | Twitter 05, 2018 · The latest Tweets from Partyboy Trevor (@TweakerDotOrg). Party Tips for Partyboys! Harm reduction tips for gay men who use substances. Please visit for ...

God Sets Us Free -- Alternative Lectionary for Easter 17, 2014 · But, Easter has just begun. The message of resurrection continues to demand a hearing -- and in this set of readings that David Ackerman provides for us in Beyond the Lectionary, we are reminded that the message of Easter is one of liberation. So, here we have a reading from Exodus that speaks of God's act of liberation of the slaves in Egypt.

Truth Serum Blog: Cornyn fundraiser taking some heat in ... 21, 2007 · The Valley Morning Star posted a story of the quitting doctors which lead to a long string of (anti-hospital administration) reader comments. The comments were then sabotaged and deleted which has led to an even bigger firestorm and a lot of finger pointing. Paul Binz, editor of the Valley Morning Star, is still trying to figure out who the ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Canada Border Services issues the ... those without two years of post-secondary education, CBSA will consider applicants who have experience in interpreting, enforcing or applying governing authorities such as rules, legislations or procedures, people who have gathered information in an investigative setting or pressure situation and those who have processed import, export or travel documentation, or dealt with …

Torture and Rape Rooms: America's way of saying "Howdy!" translator was an American Egyptian who is now the subject of a civil court case in the US. Three detainees, including the alleged victim, refer to the use of a phosphorescent tube in the sexual abuse and another to the use of wire, while the victim also refers to part of a policeman’s “stick” all of which were apparently photographed ...

Todd Palin's active role in Sarah Palin's governorship in ... 11, 2008 · The New York Times has this interesting story about Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin's husband Todd, and his role in the Alaskan government: ANCHORAGE — In voting to issue a subpoena to Todd Palin in an investigation of the firing of the Alaska public safety commissioner, state lawmakers on Friday signaled that Mr. Palin, the husband of Gov. Sarah Palin, might have played a central role in one of ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: 7 year old on Terrorist Watch List 19, 2008 · 7 year old on Terrorist Watch List Please click onto the COMMENTS for the story. posted by Bob at Tuesday, August 19, ... it's unfair and a waste of resources. ... Could that happen to one of us , or to our children. What data do they keep about us. Uncle Sam is …

The Progressive Influence: Gun Totting KKK Leader Arrested PLus and a reminder of times past. You may have missed reports of Trump signing of an order reversing President Obama's orders to de-militarize police forces across the nation. From hardcore military weaponry, vehicles and personal amour we have past of cops who appeared like Hitler's storm troopers.

Nassau GOP Watch: Where Does Massapequa School Board ... was sent a link to a site called that provided some interesting information on one of the candidates this year. Candidate Gary Bennett who has had an interesting back and forth in the letters section of the Massapequa Post has questionable residency and a …

Penn Jillette: Donald Trump is Scrooge McDuck | Big Think 02, 2013 · Penn Jillette: Donald Trump is Scrooge McDuck Watch the newest video from Big Think: Join Big Think Edge for exclusive videos: Penn Jillette says ...

The Delaware Libertarian: Our Aussie friends spot what we ... 11, 2008 · From Thoughts on Freedom, the Australian Libertarian Society Blog comes this Quote of the Day: Saw this quite wonderful quote on A Western Heart, “Our business model is one of very high risk: We dig a very big hole in the ground, spend three billion dollars to build a factory in it, which takes three years, to produce technology we haven’t invented yet, to run …

Big Bad Bald Bastard: I'm Dreaming of Indict Christmas 07, 2018 · Everybody is doing well- Sweetums is hosting mom, Pickle is in Florida with the family spending time with her eldest who is with the USAF, Vin and family had just opened their presents, Gomez and the kids got a 'synthetic ice' floor so they can practice ice hockey in the garage year round. I then crawled into bed before noon and slept until six PM.

Democracy for New Mexico: Michelle Lujan Grisham to is the widow of the late Greg Grisham and the granddaughter of former New Mexico Supreme Court Chief Justice Eugene Lujan. She holds a Bachelor’s and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of New Mexico and has two grown daughters. She’s originally from the Los Alamos/Santa Fe area and has resided in Albuquerque since 1977.

susan the bruce: Poultry in Motion in Motion There were 1101 legislative service requests filed for the 2018 session of the NH House. An LSR is a fledgling bill, one that is written up by a legislator and sent off to be refined and gone over by legislative services, and will then go on to be assigned a number and be sent to a …

The Immoral Minority: Final thought for the day. 06, 2012 · When I was a kid in the '60s, I used to read through my older brother's high school yearbooks, and I remember one passage in was describing some fellow students, male, who had lost their lives in Vietnam and it was a tribute to them, these young boys' lives..."Warm summer sun, shine brightly here...soft summer rain, fall gently here...There are …

Big Bad Bald Bastard: The Ultimate Betrayal 11, 2016 · The current news story that has my blood boiling is the revelation that the USA Gymnastics ignored repeated allegations of sexual abuse by at least fifty coaches.This decades-long pattern of abuse is reminiscent of the Penn State sexual abuse scandal, especially in light of the duration of the crime spree. I am a volunteer coach in a children's athletic program- for …

Muhammad Caricature Watch: Manifesto Against ISLAMISM ... 28, 2006 · The Muhammad Caricatures. The individual caricatures are here. Published in today’s Indland Jyllands-Posten (Denmark):. MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism. After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new totalitarian global threat: Islamism.

Former Justice Souter Worries About Dictatorship : During a question and answer session last week at University of New Hampshire School of Law, Souter described “pervasive civic...

Vancouver Votes 2018 | A Potpurri of Civic Electoral Items is a must-vote, one of the most brilliant men we've ever met, with broad support across our community, an individual who hasn't missed a meeting of Council in seven years, and a future member of Council who will hit the ground running when he's elected to office on Saturday, October 20th, to make life better for you (not to mention: the ...

"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed ... summer I was 11 or 12, Animal World with Bill Burrud was on CBS, and of course I watched that. Immediately after was another summer replacement show, a British series called The Prisoner, created by and starring Patrick McGoohan.And now …

Balkinization: I'm the Villain posts, which seem prescient today, raising issues of cost, debt, and jobs, were written four-and-a-half years ago, when I taught at a law school much like SLU. At the time I was sharply criticized on legal academic blogs for being anti-intellectual, but no one charged me with making a self-serving argument.

"Hey, Remember When I Fucked Everything Up for 8 Years ...’s a story about Bush’s inevitable memoirs:. In less than three months, President-elect Barack Obama will take office and the Bush administration will belong to history. With the president reportedly interested in writing about his White House years, publishers have a suggestion: . Take your time.

Added Online Resources for Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Bill's ... 09, 2020 · Added Online Resources for Coronavirus (COVID-19). Please note that this page will grow as more information becomes available. As of today (04.07.2020) more than 209 countries and territories and 82,000 people have died from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that was alleged to have begun in Wuhan, China last year. In keeping with Donald J Trump’s – our …

On the Fence | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only Newspaper first three links don't work, at least not for me. As for the last one, I like the poem a lot, and I like equating the ideas of disappearing and existence to birth and death, but I don't love the self-referentialness (yay made up words!) of a comic featuring a comic artist.

Two Convicted in Norway of Terror Plot Against Jyllands ... 31, 2012 · The Oslo district court sentenced alleged ringleader Davud, to seven years in prison and co-defendant Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak to three and a half years.(AP Photo / Marco Vaglieri, Scanpix)

Article: New Book "LBJ: From Mastermind to The Colossus ... 03, 2014 · The new book begins where the original book left off. It continues the previous themes and stories begun in the earlier book and reviews how he …

Freedom Writing: Presidential Succession 22, 2009 · But it turned out the desk didn't belong to the Wilson that Nixon had in mind. Nixon was an admirer of Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president, but the desk that adorned his vice presidential office and, later, the Oval Office had belonged to Henry Wilson, the 18th vice president, who served under Ulysses S. Grant.

Avedon's Sideshow: Ain't that peculiar? 28, 2014 · The police are the most dangerous people on the streets. Digby on the exoneration of the Central Park 5: "This case is actually one of the few that has a satisfying result but a lot of the credit has to go to the DA's office which actually endorsed the fact that they had wrongfully convicted these men. That is an anomaly.

Motown Strong: October 1991 who is a Tigers fan has some fond memory of Ernie and Paul. For some, it is a warm handshake. Others may have been at one of their speaking engagements. Or maybe it's not just one recollection; maybe it's the knowledge that these two warm, friendly voices have been part of their lives for years. For me, it was April 11, 1986.

Tenured Radical: Lifting As We Climb (with all due respect ... 08, 2007 · Today's thoughts are about Leadership. Dean Dad has a new post up about mediating an emotion-laden disagreement between a faculty member and a fellow dean. It is an extremely lucid account of how he became aware of the conflict in the first place, how he collected information about it, and how he came to know that the two people had misunderstood each other and had acted on that ...

2012 book list | is a gay high school student who is in love with Pablo, the most popular jock in the class. Pablo is ostensibly a straight homophobe who abuses Dade in public but wants him in private. No good can come of it. Tennessee Crossroads did a piece on The Widow of the South a couple of years ago. This is a wonderful, haunting read.

More Saint Clement’s Philadelphia vestry battle for you ... 04, 2012 · Japan News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

Berlitz Japan update – Hoofin 13, 2012 · Japan News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

JustOneMinute: Sunday Afternoon 29, 2017 · Andrews did amazing work finding dino bones in Mongolia, I believe. And the first thing that happens in Beautiful Joe is they cut all the puppies' ears--I had a lot of trouble with that when I was in the second grade! But it has a happy ending, as even does Black Beauty (which also has scads of animal cruelty in it).

Saturday Afternoon: Interview with John de Nugent ... 10, 2012 · Nov. 10, 2012 Long time White Nationalist John de Nugent is gearing up for a new drive to lead Whites in America in this post-election period. John, in his own words, aspires to be a philosopher-king, while, at the same time, he works at the grass-roots level in his local Pennsylvania area. John is good-natured about host Carolyn Yeager getting a bit tough in her questioning

PrunePicker: The kittens are four weeks old! 08, 2016 · This is the blog of a prune picker. (Native born Californian) Retired oilfield. I am an old man. I blog a lot about my body and getting old. As I approach death life gets more interesting. More interesting is not good. I still drive. I attend sports, music, and civic events. I am writing my memoirs. I attend swim class three times a week.

susan the bruce: NH GOP Rep Commits Voter Fraud, Keeps ... was the House Clerk who found the clause in the NH Constitution, and it does appear as if the law and the Constitution are in conflict. But Ann Grassie RAN for office in a ward where she did not live, and she did not move into that house until after she was elected.

No More Mister Nice Blog: BILL O'REILLY CALLS THE FATHER ... 09, 2015 · He's proud of his years at what, in his and my time, was a blue-collar college, where a lot of us were the first in our families to go to college. I don't think the college is proud of him. He had a book signing on the same day as a reunion a few years ago. I asked some students how many people were in line to get his signature.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Combatting Media ... 11, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

Pausing at the Trumpet Vine: Alice Walker Open Letter to ... Open Letter to Barack Obama Alice Walker on expectations, responsibilities and a new reality that is almost more than the heart can bear. Updated: 10:55 PM ET Nov 4, 2008 Nov. 5, 2008 Dear Brother Obama, You have no idea, really, of how profound this moment is for us. Us being the black people of the Southern United States.

No More Mister Nice Blog 03, 2012 · Over the years, big-city media outlets have largely been silent as the NRA steadily accrued power -- the gun issue is too rural; the lobbying aspect is too process-y to interest readers. When a gun story goes national, the press takes notice of the NRA, but otherwise the NRA just goes its way -- …

illusory tenant: Walker judicial team brings the Gableman ... 09, 2011 · Governor Scott Walker's judicial selection committee (.pdf; 3 pgs.) includes Michael Best & Friedrich partner Eric McLeod, who represented Supreme Court Justice/Gableman in the latter's unsuccessful bid to have a Wisconsin Judicial Commission ethics complaint against him dismissed. Gableman was accused of lying in a Statewide election in 2008, Year of Our Lord.

The MoxArgon Group: 01/2011 puny Earthlings. Time to take a moment to cash a reality check. Right now the ancient land of the Pharaohs is in turmoil. Dictator, (that's what he is despite what Joe Biden says) Hosni Mubarak is too old, sick, and incompetent to keep the power that he's held onto for the past 30 years since the death of his predecessor Anwar Sadat.

Foster Brooks Blasts Videos as "Unfounded, Untrue Personal spokesman for Foster Brooks released the following statement: "When his friend of 30 years Dean Martin, with whom he had fought so hard to provide entertainment to the people, was being used as a cheap foil to oppose hour-long comedy variety shows, Foster Brooks gave a passionate defense.

MARDELL ON BUCHANNAN – Biased BBC 17, 2012 · Biased BBC contributor Alan comments; “Mark Mardell suspects Pat Buchannan of being a racist based on some quotes from his book…some of which are reproduced below….though they seem nothing that you wouldn’t read in any British newspaper, Guardian and Independent excepted, today…or hear from Trevor Phillips himself, not to mention Cameron’s speech on multi-culturalism.

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2011 · The process took 16 months and involved a very high-level power-wash and a lot of repair work: The exterior of the Capitol was restored using a sponge jetting process. Sponge jetting is 280,000 pounds of sponge pellets, blasted against the granite to literally blot the dirt from the surface, and are used to clean every square inch of the exterior.

Sterfish's Place: Movie Review: Cloudy With A Chance of ... 09, 2009 · The whole “objects flying out the screen” cliché is thankfully not overused. The 3D isn't a must but it certainly makes the movie a little more fun to watch. First-time feature directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller (best known for the animated series Clone High) have crafted a really fun and delightful film in Cloudy With A Chance of ...

At What Point Does Fabricating Fake News Become Criminal ... 25, 2018 · In his typical fashion of acting instead of thinking, Trump never dreamed that epitomizing Nixon and releasing a fabricated memo he appears to have collaborated on would dig his hole a little deeper. This is definitely not the first time Trump has failed to vindicate his fraudulent actions with fake news, propaganda and his usual lies and it ...

memeorandum: Official who heard Trump ask about Ukraine 13, 2019 · Ambassador's cellphone call to Trump from Kyiv restaurant was a stunning breach of security, former officials say — A U.S. ambassador's cellphone call to President Trump from a restaurant in the capital of Ukraine last summer was a stunning breach of security, exposing the conversation …

The Citizens: This May Prevent War with Iran 12, 2007 · The US National Intelligence Estimate has just been released today contradicting the Bush administration. It says that Iran has kept its nuclear program on hold more or less since 2003. Thus, there is no imminent threat of anything. This is very, very good news.

12 | November | 2011 | This Black Sista's Memorial Page 12, 2011 · ©Gabrielle Daniels, aka blksista, ThisBlksistasPage (This Black Sista's Page), 2009-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

The Debate Link: Israel's First Arab Supreme Court Justice ... Joubran, the first Arab Justice on the Israeli Supreme Court, has retired (he reached the mandatory retirement age of 70). I had the pleasure of getting to hear Justice Joubran speak at the University of Chicago Law School, where he was an engaging and witty presenter (I particularly liked his musings on what would happen if he became the deciding vote in a case determining "who is a Jew ...

The Immoral Minority: Governor Sean Parnell appoints first ... 05, 2009 · The pandering begins, just in time for the biggest rural gathering event in Anchorage. . . Don't forget, newly minted Governor/stranger, Sarah Palin went to New Stu in Todd's region and told the residents they would not be forgotten while she was in the big city (meaning, Wasilla) but she never did anything to address the preventative deaths that drew her and the press out there in the first ...

Barack Obama Channels Robert F. Kennedy Speech After ... 15, 2008 · Barack Obama in his first campaign speech since his appearance on Cable News networks yesterday evening attempting to explain/excuse/damage control his association with Jeremiah Wright channels Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s speech at the time of the Martin Luther King,Jr. shooting.

meaning in history: Dems Trash US's Most Important Ally 21, 2019 · Disgrace to the country indeed. Why can't we have smart villains. If we have to go through this couldn't we be at least be entertained by some token wit and guile rather than this repetitive rehashing of the same unimaginative script these Deep State …

Get Off This!: Progressive Coalition Targets Fox Advertisers 27, 2007 · AP: At least 5,000 people nationwide have signed up to compile logs on who is running commercials on Fox, [Jim] Gilliam said. The groups want to first concentrate on businesses running local ads, as opposed to national commercials.

Unemployment Report | Workforce Participation Rate | Drop Out 06, 2015 · The Department of Labor announced today that the official unemployment rate fell to 5.5 percent last month, the lowest it’s been since Spring of 2008. Good news, right? Well, kind of. The official unemployment rate masks a problem that’s been plaguing the economy since shortly before the 2009 recession: a continuing decline in the labor force participation rate, which basically measures ...

Bush administration alums form pro-Biden super PAC | The was begun because 43 was so odious, was coronated by a 5-4 court case and was the fascism that would end the usa. Now, it's a sign of good news that some of his henchmen, now far to the left of the democraps, are trying to fund ads to convince... who exactly... to vote for biden.

“Big Girls Don’t Cry” Reviewed | V B I“big-girls-don’t-cry”-reviewedNov 03, 2010 · In a week when Nancy Pelosi—who is second in the line of presidential succession—adorned the number two spot on David Letterman’s Top Ten as the porn star “found in hotel room drunk and naked with Charlie Sheen,” can there be any doubt that sexism in America is alive and well? Well, maybe. The time when…

Belated Movie Reviews – Unsightly Mental 05, 2017 · The nonsensically titled Blood & Chocolate (2007) was a frustrating mix of promise and predictability, with a nice plot twist from which the screenwriter shrank. Vivian is a young and unhappy Loup-Garou, the Romanian version of a werewolf, with its apparently only variance from the traditional werewolf being an inability to make anyone else a Loup-Garou.

Coldtype's Lair: Great Minds and all that 11, 2012 · These are intriguing questions on the surface, however, a moment's reflection provides the answer. Clearly this was the intended outcome of the Obama administration and its actual constituency---Capital and the corporate sector generally by which the .001% have commandeered the levers of power and virtually all wealth.

Iran « Scanlyze 07, 2007 · European Union: Report on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transportation and illegal detention of prisoners. The European Parliament has voted to endorse and publish a report strongly condemning the use of European facilities for the alleged kidnapping, torture, and illegal imprisonment allegedly carried out and facilitiated in EU states by alleged US persons.

03 | December | 2017 | Dear Kitty. Some blog 03, 2017 · This 20 November 2017 video from the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden in the Netherlands is about their new exhibition. It is about Nineveh, the capital of the ancient Assyrian empire; which about 700 BC was the biggest city in the world.. 25 March 2018 will be the last day of this exhibition. A rare, 3,000-year-old sculpture sold for $31 million at Christie’s New York, shattering ...

Google News - Overview Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Pete Buttigieg are the only 2020 candidates who have consistently polled viably. amp video_youtube Jul 29, 2019 bookmark_border

Louise Mensch Talks To Us About Her Controversial 180 ... site has changed in the first two weeks, with users now allowed to create rooms whenever they want — and the site is looking less and less like a Twitter-killer and more like a real-time forum.

Good News Tuesday: Dr. Ethelene Crockett (1914-1978) Ethelene Crockett (1914-1978) is a member of the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame. I thought the time was right to share some good news about Detroit. I also happen to think that Dr. Crockett is a remarkable role model for nubian sisters all over the world.

Today's Corporate Criminals Are Partners At KPMG - The ...'s criminals are the partners at the accounting firm at KPMG. Six employees, including five partners and the head of its US audit practice, were fired for basically getting insider information about upcoming audits from KPMG's regulatory overseer and were then able to …

News Sources & Commentary - of the fundamental differences between baseball and regular-season football is that baseball's endgame is entirely event-driven, but football's is time-limited-- i.e., baseball continues until one side wins regardless of the number of innings required, but football ends with a "tie" when neither side has won at the end of regulation time.

PERSPECTIVES-ANOTHER WAY TO VIEW: June 2016 Moon Image Credit: Public Domain I'm one of many in pursuit of countless truths inherent in an array of issues. A good debate and the sharing of ideas and points of view can be intriguing as well as challenging.The basic theme of this blog, however, is to provide a forum for various perspectives on the many complex topics/events facing us today as well as interesting cultural ...

What The Media Doesn't Tell Youhttps://velvelonmedia.blogspot.comLawrence R. Velvel is the Dean of Massachusetts School of Law and a professor of law. He was a law professor from 1966-1978, first at the University of Kansas and then at Catholic University. He has been a partner in major law firms in Washington, D.C., and was the first chief counsel of an organization established to write United States ...

Progress Texas/PPP poll: The Bloomberg effect – Off the voters were asked who their second choice was, Elizabeth Warren was the most popular choice. Warren has the strongest approval rating, Bloomberg the worst Warren leads the field with an approval/disapproval rating of 66/19, so it shouldn’t be surprising that she is everyone’s second choice.

Feature: 2018 Enterprising Women - Tagg Magazine Crenshaw has devoted more than 30 years of service to D.C.’s LGBTQ community and the national fight for LGBTQ equality. Addressing issues from healthcare access to marriage equality to domestic violence and everything in between, Crenshaw has served on the board of Whitman- Walker Health, and in 2013, she was the first African-American woman to co-chair the Human Rights Campaign’s ...

Views of a Nepali Economist: November 2015 on Germany—from 1914 to 1919—by Britain and France during the First World War brought Germany down to its knees. In 1962, the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States suddenly got hot when the Soviets decided to install nuclear missiles in Cuba, only 90 miles off the US.

How We Should Respond | Sheila Kennedy of the few positive stories that emerged during the Holocaust was the reported reaction of the Danes when, under Nazi occupation, Danish Jews were ordered to wear armbands with the infamous yellow Star of David. As the story goes, the Danish King and his subjects also donned the armbands, in a demonstration of the equality and solidarity of ...

BOOK OF RUTH - EVENTS IN TIME (BIBLE PROPHECY LITERALLY ... The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust. 13 Then she said, Let me find favor in thy sight, my lord; for that thou hast comforted me, and for that thou hast spoken friendly unto thine handmaid, though I be not like unto one of thine handmaidens.

Astrophotography Adventure - Saturn With Registax - The ... Astronomy Astrophotography Adventure - Saturn With Registax. Astrophotography Adventure - Saturn With Registax m2c4. 7:30 AM Astronomy. In the prior Adventure , truly disappointing pictures of Saturn sent me back to the drawing board.

The Point: Comfort Women of the Pacific deserve Justice too Sydney Morning Herald, December 30, 2015 by Dr. Caroline Norma is a lecturer in the School of Global, Urban and Social Studies at RMIT University and author of The Japanese comfort women and sexual slavery during the China and Pacific wars (Bloomsbury, 2016). The Australian and US governments will enthusiastically welcome Monday's agreement between Japan and South Korea that …

Who Hijacked Our Country: The Truth about Donald Trump's ... 10, 2016 · I would think it was the lat gasp of old angry white Americans if I didn't see a lot of younger people expressing the same attitudes. You can tell because they're all driving Ford F-150's or RAM trucks with Confederate flags flying and truck balls dangling. And they're all over the place in peckerwood country. September 11, 2016 at 9:35 PM

Draw Muhammad Day | The Rogue Jew 20, 2010 · I know I have’nt posted in like forever. The job is killing me…Someone has to work and pay for all this “Hope & Change”. Anyway, here is my submission that I did in M…

Market Algorithms Got It Wrong | The Moorish Wanderer 06, 2010 · There was a 15mins delay, but it was quite impressive. In facts the SEC report describes it in precise terms: ” May 6 started as an unusually turbulent day for the markets.At about 1 p.m., the Euro began a sharp decline against both the U.S Dollar and Japanese Yen.

Art Blog By Bob: Egypt Me, the bad stuff. The ticket price seemed disproportionate to the number and scale of items displayed. Those 130 items sound like a lot until you see how small they are. The rooms seem to be darkened not just to create atmosphere but also to generate a false intimacy to save the tiny treasures from being swallowed up by the empty space around ...

The Oregon Moratorium - Additional Commentary & Coverage ... 1,142 days remain in his four-year term. "Capital punishment slowly loses ground in US," is the AFP post by Chantal Valery. It's datelined Washington, DC. With a new moratorium on the death penalty in Oregon and a drop in the number of death sentences and executions, capital punishment is slowly losing ground in the United States.

The Barefoot Bum: My blogrolls will respond or not respond to comments as the mood takes me. See my latest comment policy for details. I am not a pseudonomous-American: my real name is Larry. Comments may be moderated from time to time. When I do moderate comments, anonymous comments are far more likely to be rejected. I've already answered some typical comments.

LGF Watch: Revenge of the nerds 14, 2005 · He treated Shi`ism in his co-edited book, Shi`ism and Social Protest (Yale, 1986), of his first monograph, Roots of North Indian Shi`ism in Iran and Iraq (California, 1989). His interest in Iranian religion is further evident in his work on Baha'i studies, which eventuated in his 1998 book, Modernity and the Millennium: The Genesis of the Baha ...

Where’s Jesus ? | The Word of Me... 24, 2012 · “Where’s Jesus?” Perhaps in the same place as other personages of antiquity. “One prolific writer and contemporary of Jesus was Philo. He was born circa 15 B.C. and lived in Alexandria, Egypt, until his death sometime after A.D. 40 His works consist primarily of philosophy and commentary on Jewish Scripture and religion as they relate to Greek culture and philosophy.

The Jimmy Z Show™: March 2014, Kerry and Obama are the 3 Stooges Administration Eric Holder wants to go easier on convicted drug dealers • Update: New audio and commentary on the Duke Porn Star Show No. 036-2014 WEDNESDAY Side One • Retired Lt. Col. says missing plane landed in Pakistan • Eric Holder wants to go easier on convicted drug dealers

Whose Economy Are We Talking About? The Gremlins in the ... 21, 2012 · Mrs. "Grinchwelder," The Comma Queen of distant memory who could reduce a student essay into ego-destroying pulp with repeated strokes of her mortiferous red pencil, was right: Modifiers Matter. Consider the use of "the" and "our" as they apply to the American economy. Here are two examples of why modifiers matter: From the Romney Campaign: …

Privatization, the pre-existing condition killing seniors ..., the pre-existing condition killing seniors in long-term care A blind 94-year-old Chilliwack, B.C., woman is left confined for two weeks while bed bugs multiply on her mattress. A 79-year-old woman in Viking, Alberta, dies of dehydration and a urinary tract infection caused by remaining too long in unchanged wet diapers.

Into the Breach: Billionaires against Obama TEA partiers and other Obama haters wouldn't be effective at all if it weren't for the really big money that is behind them. The Kochs are longtime libertarians who believe in drastically lower personal and corporate taxes, minimal social services for the needy, and much less oversight of industry-especially environmental regulation.

Above The Chatter: "Traditional Marriage" GOP Style Rove is an outspoken opponent of same-sex marriage, citing "5,000 years of understanding the institution of marriage" as his justification. He also famously engineered multiple referenda to incorporate a ban on same-sex marriage into various states' constitutions in 2004 in order to ensure that so-called ""Christian conservatives" and value voters" who believe in "traditional marriage ...

March | 2010 | Bill's Links And More Vice President Biden’s visit to Israel last week, over comments on Israel’s expansion and lack of peace plans, Israel’s Ambassador to the U.S. reportedly told Israeli media that ties between Israel and the U.S. are the “worst they’ve been in 35 years.” Maybe, but as the U.S. government’s deceptive Israeli relationship has repeatedly shown, probably not.

It's Not Over: Getting Beyond Tolerance, Defeating ... SIGNORILE is the best-selling author of Queer in America.He is the host of the Sirius XM radio show The Michelangelo Signorile Show and an editor-at-large of Huffington Post Gay Voices. An award-winning journalist, Signorile has written for dozens of magazines and newspapers, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, New York Magazine, Salon, and the Village Voice.

January 2020 campaign finance reports: State House, part 1 four most hotly contested seats, one of which is open, is where the bulk of the action is. All three contenders in HD134 raised similar sums, but Ann Johnson has a commanding lead in cash on hand thanks to a big first half of the year. Akilah Bacy and Josh Wallenstein both raised a few bucks in HD138, with Wallenstein doing a bit better ...

Ohio State Prof: "What Terrorist Threat?" [on John Mueller ... 22, 2006 · In addition, he serves as the legal affairs correspondent for the far Left magazine, The Nation. Last year, Cole complained to U.S. News and World Report that the Department of Energy's Nuclear Emergency Support Team was conducting radiation monitoring at 120 sites, including mosques, in the Washington D.C.-area and five other cities to prevent ...

Israel Exacerbating Settler Violence with Gag Orders ... 06, 2014 · Name of main suspect in Abu Khdeir’s murder released. The main suspect in the murder of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir has been identified on Sunday as Yosef Haim Ben-David, 29, from the Geva Binyamin settlement (also known as Adam). Ben-David had initially appealed the decision to release his name, but Supreme Court Judge Elyakim Rubinstein rejected the appeal.

Predicting the GOP Presidential Primary - ReligiousLeftLaw.com weeks -- ten weeks from today puts us in mid-March. And by the time we reach mid-March, we shall have a good sense of the outcome of the GOP presidential primary. Predictions are always a hazardous undertaking yet their allure may be irresistible. So, here is my best judgment as to the way in which this strangest of all nominating contests is likely to play out.

Protecting, Preserving God's Creation - Bob 22, 2007 · Just looking to the high priestly prayer or the differing contexts in which John in his writings uses kosmos should be enough to note caution in thinking too much of ourselves. The world is the world. One of the most horrible mistakes anyone can make is that when Christ said the His kingdom is not of this world he really meant that it was.

Christie Blasts N.J. Caller: 'I Love Getting Calls From ... inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained. All accumulation, therefore,of personal property,beyond what a man's own hands produce, is derived to him by living in society; and he owes on every principle of justice,of gratitude,and of civilization,a part of ...

gadfly666 – Gadfly writes… Reagan told visiting Israeli premier Yitzhak Shamir in fall of 1983 that he had helped liberate the Auschwitz concentration camp as a soldier in the European theater and had taken footage of the horrors of the camp.. Reagan was in uniform during WW II, but was detailed to Hollywood. He never left the United States. “In his 2000 campaign autobiography, ghosted by Karen Hughes, George W ...

The Peruser: Trump/Russia...Foreign Intrigue on the 25th Floor is waging a vile filthy war against every minority on the face of this Earth. He Tweets 24/7 and totally melts down every day. He's got Mueller continually up his ass, He's having a great pissing contest with North Koreans, Women filing sexual misconduct lawsuits against him, a GOP in the middle of fragile marital counseling…trying to remain one Grand Old Party.

Speculative Faith | Three-Second Comment Defeats Entire ... actor’s ad-lib has overthrown every other theme of the 102-minute animated epic.

Ooma, DEPO . . . Fired UP! | Andrew Tobias at $4.50 a year ago and a few weeks later at $3.02 – and a few months later still at $2.47 – our patience (obstinacy?) has begun to pay off, with the stock closing at $4.81 last night. Guru thinks it will be over $6 in a year.

TImeline - #NoDAPL Archive - Standing Rock Water Protectors - most recent on top Combination of Daily Actions and Standing Rock v.Big Oil pages through 10/21/16 (Shortened list; most videos are on the daily pages : April-August 9th. August 10-31st; September; Oct. 1st - 15th, Oct 15th-31st, Nov. Daily, Dec. Daily, and Jan. Daily) (eventually this timeline will get caught up on this page - want to help?)

No Right Turn: Justice for Chile 12, 2013 · And hopefully they'll be the first of many of the dictatorship's servants to face justice for their crimes. It has taken longer than it did in Argentina, and many of those responsible have already escaped through death, but it looks like there is finally going to be a reckoning in Chile, and justice for Pinochet's victims.

The Legacy of Reagan’s Civilian ‘Psyops’ | The Smirking the first Cold War, the CIA and the U.S. Information Agency refined the art of “information warfare,” including pioneering some of its current features like having ostensibly “independent” entities and cut-outs present U.S. propaganda to a cynical public that would reject much of what it hears from government but may trust ...

Trade | The Smirking— from People's Action Blog. Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed “great negotiator” and author of “The Art of the Deal,” promised to use his bargaining skills to help the American worker.. Trump vowed to rewrite trade deals, stanch the offshoring of U.S. jobs and reinvigorate American manufacturing.. His behavior tells a different story.

Kee Malesky on Malesky worked as a librarian for NPR for 30 years. She's the author of two collections of interesting and unusual facts, All Facts Considered (Wiley, 2010) and Learn Something New Every Day ...

Roundup — Crooked Timber 18, 2005 · John R. Bolton — who is seeking confirmation as the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations — often blocked then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and, on one occasion, his successor, Condoleezza Rice, from receiving information vital to U.S. strategies on Iran, according to current and former officials who have worked with Bolton.

The Perpetually Single Guy: March 2014 Rise of an Empire - starring Sullivan Stapleton & Eva Green. Despite it's negative reviews, I decided to go see "300: Rise of an Empire" this past weekend.This one is actually a prequel to "300", it shows how the Spartans and the Greeks joined forces to fight against the mighty Persian army.I'm not quite sure what movie some of those critics saw, I thought this movie was pretty good.

Was There Ever an Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program? | The it had gotten the satellite intelligence from Mossad, as Seymour Hersh reported in his 2005 book Chain of Command. Two years before Voigt’s conversation with BND officials, then-BND director August Hanning personally warned CIA director George Tenet to be cautious about using the testimony of the infamous Iraq “Curveball” source ...

RADARSITE: July 1st and 2nd, 1776: Toil, Blood and ... 07, 2009 · The crux of the matter was the Pennsylvania delegation, for in the preliminary vote three of the seven Pennsylvania delegates had gone against John Dickinson and declared in the affirmative, and it was of utmost interest that one of the three, along with Franklin and John Morton, was James Wilson, who, though a friend and ally of Dickinson, had ...

“Unemployment hits 10.8 percent. Presidential approval ... 27, 2010 · We all know that the economy sank much lower during the first couple of years of Reagan, after which he pulled us out by…. unprecedented spending. I’ve already discussed military Keynesianism, and the point that no president – not one, has pulled us out of a recession by cutting taxes. Most of us understand. It’s not a new argument.

02 | December | 2008 | Mudflats 02, 2008 · Today an article in Huffington Post has picked up on what could be, in Alaska, an epic battle come next year. In a tale worthy of Greek Mythology, Sarah Palin could be preparing to take on Senator Lisa Murkowski for her seat which becomes available in 2010.

There's good money to be made in crimes against humanity ... 24, 2018 · Portions of this diary originally appeared in a comment in response to remarks by DKos member Otteray Scribe, who wrote this in the comments section of annieli’s diary: Trump's multi-billion ...

LoneStarBear: Bush ally slams McCain over personal life ... 16, 2008 · Steve Benen, The Carpetbagger Report: The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, at first blush, would not appear to be the kind of man to publicly bash the hell out of John McCain.He’s the senior pastor at Windsor Village United Methodist Church in Houston; he’s a close personal friend of the president, and he recently officiated Jenna Bush’s wedding.

Green Eagle: July 2019 21, 2019 · The right to a complete education The right to affordable housing The right to a clean environment The right to a secure retirement These six “rights,” which define Sanders’ platform, are indistinguishable from the rights identified in the 1936 Soviet Constitution, which is also known as the Stalin Constitution." Ha ha. Ha ha ha.

December 2016 ~ European-American blog 10, 2016 · by Madeleine Kando The title of Paul Bloom's new book 'Against Empathy:The Case for Rational Compassion' is misleading and if you are a cynic, you might think it is a PR ploy to get people to buy the author's book, which I did. Bloom is making a case against 'emotional empathy', which he says, is not a good tool to make the world a better place, because of empathy‘s 'spotlight’ effect.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Nov 28, 2017's just one of the ways the First Family is separating itself from the Obamas, who came dangerously close to ditching the 50-year-old display in 2009. There wasn't room for Jesus at the inn -- and for eight years, there wasn't much room for him at 1600 Pennsylvania either.

No Right Turn: Torture ship visits Wellington 06, 2007 · The Chilean naval vessel Esmeralda will be visiting Wellington on Sunday. It's a very pretty ship, but it has a dark past: during the Pinochet regime it was used as a floating torture chamber, in which hundreds of people were subjected to beatings, water toture, electrocution, mock-execution, and rape for their supposed opposition to the regime (Amnesty International has some background ...

Doctor Comics: December 2008 really helps me get a full understanding of the medieval sources, and I start to see connections I never did before. For example, in the Battle of Bedegraine, one of the few casualties of note is the King of North Wales. But his death suddenly gives more depth to King Ryons, who subsequently becomes one of Arthur's immediate enemies.

Margaret Thatcher, R.I.P. | Arun with a View 09, 2013 · As for Thatcher’s economic policies, the main thing she did was privatize. So did the French right during the first cohabitation (1986-88). And the Socialists did even more from 1997 onward. But she didn’t privatize the NHS, and the disastrous privatization of British Rail was the doing of …

Update on Crowsnest Pass Firefighting Situation - JOHN 09, 2012 · Quote: Response to Municipal New Release, Oct. 9: Residents of the Crowsnest Pass, here are the REAL ‘circumstances surrounding the discovery of high explosive fireworks on municipal property’: The Municipality of the CNP was the one that purchased these ‘high explosives’ RE: Inv#C00000000025510, July 7, 2011, and then sold them to BFD!

Avedon's Sideshow: No tears, no fears, no ruined years, no ... 01, 2013 · Formerly Who is IOZ? muses. Paul Williams, Crawdaddy Founder, 'Godfather of Rock Criticism' Dead at 64 Celebrating Paul's work And, of course, from Rolling Stone. I have several memories of Paul I won't bother to recount (except that the sharpest was the time we argued about Heinlein over dinner).

The Immoral Minority: John McCain loses his cool on Meet ... 04, 2013 · Christopher Stevens died September 12, 2012 (He had served in Libya twice previously: as the Deputy Chief of Mission (from 2007 to 2009) and as Special Representative to the National Transitional Council (from March 2011 to November 2011) during the Libyan revolution.

Osama Bin Laden’s Death: Google Search = 71,100,000 images ... 02, 2011 · One of the images that is showing up in quite a few places is this one. It is troubling because Osama had grey in his beard 10 years ago, while in more recent images it is all white. Just like the video images seen for years, obviously not Osama.

Reader Nominates Lakin, Fitzpatrick for Speaker of the ... 20, 2015 · On June 12, 2008, The Daily KOS released an image identified as “Obama’s birth certificate” without revealing its source or whether or not an underlying paper document existed. A number of analysts soon after declared the image a forgery.

Crybaby Donald Trump Threatens To Sue Ted Cruz For Being ... the feud continued, Trump eventually brought in his big gun. For several weeks now, Trump has been making birther noises implying that Cruz is not eligible to serve as president because, having been born in Canada to a mother who is a U.S. citizen, he is not …

The Wattree Chronicle: PREDICTION: DONALD TRUMP’S GOING … 10, 2017 · prediction: donald trump’s going to be sacrificed by the gop If you hate Donald Trump, now’s the time to go out and get some popcorn, because he’s about to be sacrificed by the GOP. The GOP is a ruthless bunch, and now America’s going to get a ringside seat to see just how ruthless they can be with one of their own.

Lost in the Ozone...: City’s School-Liaison Office Is Said ... 25, 2011 · One of them said that when a woman tried to talk about some issues she was having with the principal at her school, one of the office’s representatives said, “No negatives, only positives.” The phrase would become like a mantra, repeated over and over during the meeting, the coordinators said.[PDF]Chris Christie heads to Mexico, Texas’ voter ID fight, and to a seeming end this week, when a judge dismissed the lawsuit McDaniel filed in an effort to overturn the election result, reports Outside the Beltway. They say that the judge stated that McDaniel’s attorneys waited too long, 41 days, after the runoff to file the lawsuit, as the ‘law regime’ requires 20 days. They say that even if

An Open Letter to Pacifica Radio: Regarding the Dropping ... 08, 2012 · An Open Letter to Pacifica Radio: Regarding the Dropping of Smiley and West . ... Obama wouldn't have an incentive to listen. But that's not true. Every president is concerned about his legacy, and as the first Black president that's even more true of Obama than most. In addition, President Obama has two daughters who'll have to live with his ...

PERRspectives: Snub of Spain Just McCain's Latest Europe 18, 2008 : Snub of Spain Just McCain's Latest Europe Bashing. In one of the more bizarre developments of campaign 2008, John McCain's campaign has announced that he won't be rolling out the White House welcome mat for Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, prime minister of America's NATO ally Spain.But if McCain's posture seems like an adolescent temper tantrum aimed at a critical member of ...

BREAKING! Government of Israel Claims Rabbis Told ... and REPOSTED from 12-27-07: The Government of Israel appears to be admitting that haredi rabbis in the mid-1980s told Avrohom Mondrowitz to flee indictment in the US for the safety of Israel. Modrowitz did so and lived openly, freely and safely in Israel for more than 20 years. Mondrowitz is to remain in jail until his next hearing, set to be held on January 9, 2008.

NewsRack: 'Health' news in 'poverty' topic for user in Oklahoma, one of just 14 states that didn't expand Medicaid under Obamacare and has one of the country's highest uninsured rates, turned out to say they wanted Medicaid expansion to increase health care access and help the hard-pressed rural hospitals. The ballot measure writes the expansion into the state constitution.

Cecile Pineda's blog : NO BAN, NO WALL IV 11, 2018 · One of my readers recently remarked that, by addressing themes of immigration, and immigrant detention and deportation, this newsletter seemed to be wandering off topic. I hereby remind readers that the issue continues and will always be personal to me: much of my childhood misery originates from my Mexican father’s undocumented status.

Adam's Curse: Sexy Film Scenes—I Know Where I'm Going! 02, 2010 · The scene I'm posting (and the movie it's taken from) is a favorite of both mine and of Paula Jane's; after seeing it again the other day, it prompted a discussion of the sexiest film scenes we know, especially those which don't show sex explicitly (and while you may disagree, I think that's a disqualifier anyway).She thought it would make a good topic, and I agreed—obviously, because here ...

Sex Offender Court Decisions: Ryals v City of Englewood the foregoing reasons, the Court directs that final judgment be entered in favor of the plaintiff, Stephen Ryals, and against the defendant, the City of Englewood. As the prevailing party, the plaintiff is awarded his reasonable costs pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(d)(1) and D.C.COLO.LCivR 54.1. DATED this 21th day of August, 2013.

American Power: Progressivism Goes Mainstream? 07, 2008 · This is the kind of progressivism that the netroots hordes want to ram down Americans' throats. But let's be honest: While perhaps the netroots hordes aren't up on Chomsky, they're certainly right at home with the kind of drastic change called for by '60-era ideology.

Uber Problem | KnoxViews Uber ride sharing service was announced to have entered the Knoxville, TN, market the last week of August, 2014. It is also reported that "it's illegal for these uber drivers to operate in the City of Knoxville."This wasn't reported until the 8th paragraph, after all the PR and hype to promote the service.

The Immoral Minority: Good question. Update! 02, 2016 · Makes me cry, actually, to know what our country as become. And, to think they hate the media, the same one that is pandering to Donald Trump and is supposedly a "good" media -- all the others that are not Fox News, but still are making Donald Trump and going after Hillary.

The Rectification of Names: Brooks Endorses Cruz 22, 2016 · Nailed it: In comments yesterday over at Alicublog, I predicted: There's the narrative of Cruz as heroic resister, coming not just from the NRO right (e.g. Jonah) but young Master David Frum, who was kvelling non-ideologically over Cruz's bravery on the radio this morning.I expect it to be the subject of David Brooks's column tomorrow.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Mar 22, 2013, the 60,000 member American Academy of Pediatrics formally endorsed marriage equality and spoke up for same-sex families: On the basis of this comprehensive review of the literature regarding the development and adjustment of children whose parents are the same gender, as well as the existing evidence for the legal, social, and health bene?ts of marriage to children, the AAP ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 07, 2012 · A reporter on the trail notes that Gingrich frequently says in his stump speeches that he would urge people to demand paychecks instead of food stamps -- a talking point that it is not usually met with great alarm by the media. He also frequently says that he …

Oh Well: A Commentary: More Domestic Spying! 09, 2007 · And the Bush administration just doesn't want to just screw you with their overt domestic spying here. They also want to eliminate your right to counsel, if you're picked up as a terrorist or enemy combatant. This is also from the January 13, 2007 New York Times story, titled Official Attacks Top Law Firms Over Detainees:

After the Ferguson grand jury: How to make sense ... - COLOR 25, 2014 · If you know me, then you know I rarely ever drop tons of curse words. But last night was a night of utter bullshit. The state prosecutor, Bob McColloch, did a fantastic job of blaming social media, the news cycle, and the victim Mike Brown himself, for everything that happened to …

March | 2013 | V B I posts published by Diane Vacca during March 2013. After a pleasant, productive day, I was winding down by watching the TV interview with Scott Prouty, the guy who shot the “47 percent” video that pretty much changed the course of the 2012 election by revealing the real Mitt Romney.

September 19th: Today is International Talk Like A Pirate ... 19, 2009 · All around the world and even hundreds of miles above it, people celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day every September 19. International Talk Like a Pirate Day is the only holiday on the calendar that encourages people to babble like buccaneers for the sheer, anarchic fun of it. It’s been celebrated by millions of…

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: The election campaign link by link 29, 2004 · The weaker we are, the stronger we become? BC to tell the final tale Paul Martin cashes in his airmiles It may not be over on election day Put cynicism aside Winners and Losers: what the numbers tell Layton says lay off the fear mongering A nail biter to the end Above the fray, but could be in play The Lonely Quebec conservative

AC/DC | Bloviating was the band’s leader, writer, and creator of some of the most iconic riffs in rock. Most people had no idea because, well, Malcolm wasn’t the front man or the singer. But he was the band’s inspiration and the band’s guts. And AC/DC was born, with original singer Bon Scott, towering at 5’8?.

May 29 Evening Edition - GOPUSA Illinois 30, 2017 · Author: David Diersen The opinions that I express in GOPUSA ILLINOIS emails are based on experience that I have gained doing many things since 1948. I base my opinions on what I learned a) working for the federal government for almost 30 years -- Post Office 1966-1969, IRS 1971-1980, and GAO 1980-1997, serving on the Executive Committee of the Association of Government …

George W. Bush is giving advice to President Obama on ... 04, 2015 · For any of you kids out there, here are the facts. George W. Bush was an illegitimate President, who started illegitimate wars, for illegitimate reasons. In my opinion this man should be cowering in a prison shower somewhere, and NOT handing out advice to anybody, ESPECIALLY the man who is still struggling to clean up the shit pile he left ...

The Rectification of Names: Exchange: Mark Cuban sandwich— (((Yastreblyansky))) (@Yastreblyansky) September 25, 2016 Update: Of course it was all bullshit and Flowers wasn't really invited (they've said she wasn't "formally invited" though she seems to have thought she was), or it wasn't and they've changed their minds, but it isn't happening.Nice to see the evidence of how hysterical and indecisive and uncoordinated they are, the day before the ...

California Teachers Association Donates $ 1 Million for ... 17, 2008 · The California Teachers Association has donated over $1 Million to support gay marriage and fight California Proposition 8 which would protect traditional marriage between a man and woman. (Via Michelle Malkin) . California’s largest teacher’s union has given another $1 million to defeat a Nov. 4 ballot initiative that would ban same-sex marriage in the state.

A Tale of Two Media | Shot in the Tale of Two Media. Posted on May 11, ... but just to sweep the lies away for a time so we _know_ and can act accordingly would be worth so much more than my life. Also, FWIW, I really don’t give a shit who is paying who for reporting. ... “The will of the people is to get the hell out of Iraq but it is a group of ideologues with half ...

Caucus – Clay County you know someone who is attending a precinct caucus at the same location, you can ask them to deliver the completed form for you. Make sure you know which precinct you reside in so your friend can drop it off with the correct caucus. Otherwise, deliver the completed form to Larry Nicholson, Clay DFL Chair, before Monday, February 6th. Larry ...

Darwin's Doubt - Prologue Part III • Smilodon's 29, 2013 · Darwin’s Doubt – Prologue Part III By Smilodon's Retreat • Jul 29, 2013 • 16 comments I was going to give a pass to the discussion of information (specified or otherwise) in the hopes that Meyer will more fully discuss this later on in the book.

On Anger (with apologies to Seneca): Part 2 doubt one of the principal attractions of “virtue ethics” today alongside Kantian-inspired and utilitarian or consequentialist theories is this centrally robust inclusion of moral psychology. In fact, a prominent role for moral psychology is a defining feature of all three of the philosphical approaches to anger we’ll examine.

Paul Levinson's Infinite Regress: Game of Thrones 6.2: The it also seems unlikely that he'll be exactly or even more or less the same as he was before his death. As a possible point of comparison, the loyalty of the resurrected was a key element in the early books of the Frank Herbert's Dune series, one of the best series in science fiction (in fact, second only, I would say to Isaac Asimov's ...

Multiculturalism’s Coming World Holocaust (Pat Buchanan) 28, 2013 · In his eulogy, President Obama put Nelson Mandela in the company of three other heroes: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Abraham Lincoln. What did these men have in common? Three were assassinated, and all four are icons of resistance to white rule over peoples of color…. [Actually, Mandela and King were icons of black rule over whites.]

11 | March | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND 11, 2018 · Read: Psalm 34:1–4 | Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 14–16; Mark 12:28–44 Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3. Sports fans love to sing their teams’ praises. By wearing logos, posting notes on Facebook about their beloved teams, or talking about them with friends, fans leave no doubt where their loyalty stands.

Do We Want Higher Taxes? | Sohum Parlance 19, 2011 · 23 polls say yes, at least in preference to increased deficits and further cuts. Addendum: It’s not getting much mainstream media coverage, but there is a bit of a counter tea party underway …

Nadler tells Barr he's NOT going to be 'Totally Exonerated' on page 1 of Volume II of Mueller’s report, he tells us what he has prepared, for Trump’s ex-president days:. Given those considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system, we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary …

"Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses 22, 2020 · The first nine words in the title to this article are from a poem by Emma Lazarus that is inscribed on the inner wall of the pedestal of the Statue of liberty. However, as we all know, our country today is not exactly known for its willingness to lay down a red carpet to welcome […]

Article: All The President's Liars: Where the Hell are The All The President's Liars: Where the Hell are The Washington Post and New York Times on McClellangate?! - Do the investigative reporters …

Article: Living Through The Coronapocalypse (ok somebody 11, 2020 · Article: Living Through The Coronapocalypse (ok somebody had to use that) - We are not in a zombie movie. And we all contain some …

Newsalert: The model minority is losing patience. Asian are the United States’ most successful minority, but they are complaining ever more vigorously about discrimination, especially in academia ... But when it came to his university application he faced a serious disappointment for the first time in his glittering career. He was rejected by six of the seven Ivy League colleges to ...

Trump’s Profound Ignorance | Bill's Links And’s very bad week ending on a sour note as our little boy president’s ignorance and temperament are on full display for the world to see, Trump threatens Comey – before being forced to cancel his FBI visit due to an unlikely warm and welcome reception – with what appears to be his intention of blackmailing him, ten alternative facts ...

Red State Kids: Conservative Kids Prefer Sponge Bob to 07, 2007 · My oldest is a boy, 14. I also have a boy, 9 and a little girl, 6. I was born in the 60's. I went to public schools on the east coast. I was raised Catholic; I have deep beliefs, but I wouldn't be considered religious. I went to a Catholic universtiy, where I actually became less religious through knowledge.

The Johnsville News: Duke Lacrosse Scandal: "A Crock" edema (i.e. mild swelling) in her vaginal area was the alleged victim's (Crystal Gail Mangum) only injury; She had performed for a couple at a Raleigh hotel hours before the Duke lacrosse party. She told police that she used a vibrator. Using a vibrator could cause edema. I'd like to hear from the prosecutor.

Circus Forticus: 2008 - took the boys sledding today. After the ice storm, even the small hill in our backyard was a superfast sledder's dream. Unfortunately for us, the hill leads down to a line of pine trees and our neighbor's house on one side, and our fenced-in area on the other, so Mike had to stand guard at the bottom to guide the sleds around the obstacles.

Beautiful stories from Anonymous People podcast | Wide little boys and a hug: A palatte-cleanser for a Monday. And the airline that’s making you raise your hand if you have to pee Good News Friday: An innocent man spends 37 years in prison, finally freed, wows on “America’s Got Talent.”

Legal Memo | Adoption | Private child refers to one who has no proper parental care or guardianship or whose parents have deserted him for a period of at least six (6) continuous months and has been judicially declared as such.10 Neither was the mother insane nor hopelessly intemperate. Therefore, Hannahs written consent cannot be dispensed with. In Landingin v.

Grouchy Old Cripple: Name That Party In friend of mine who lived in New Orleans but now in Baton Rouge said that what really happened was that when Eddie Jordan came into office, the first thing that he did was fired every single non-black staff member at the D.A. office, which included most of the senior staff and asst. D.A.s. for what was clearly due to 1 single color.

The Useless Tree: Reminder: Bush lost the already with Jackie Chan... The reports in recent weeks of bombings in Iraq, especially today's news that more than 70 people were killed, require us to remember the most basic fact about the whole sorry story of US involvement...

Live Report: Tremendous Progress Accomplished ... - of our NGO partners hopes to soon place more than 200 twelfth and thirteenth graders on-line for potential academic scholarships at $25 per month. We finalized our interim director -- a nursing supervisor with ten years experience -- who is now working for another relief agency in the refugee camps of Leogane.

Mugsy's Rap Sheet » Peace At the Barrel of a Gun. Is 30, 2018 · I believe I mentioned previously, it wasn’t Trump’s belligerence (in his August 2017 “Fire & Fury” speech) that suddenly finally brought North Korea to the bargaining table in 2018. It was the Summer Olympics in South Korea. Kim Jong Un had never set foot in South Korea before last week. When the Olympics came to Seoul, South Korea ...

Tickle The WireWhite Bulger Archives - Tickle The will begin working for a private utility, National Grid, on June 28. Under his command, the office aggressively pursued fugitive James “Whitey” Bulger, a violent mobster who was added to the FBI’s Top 10 Most Wanted Fugitive list in 1999.

The Useless Tree: Confucian Thought of the's another beautiful day here in northwestern Massachusetts: sunny, warm; yesterday's low temperature was the usual average high temperature for that date. It's "unseasonably" pleasant. But seasons change; they will change. And, not to be too pessimistic about it, I...

RADARSITE: Blackbeard the Pirate-The Root joined the British armed forces,in his case, the Royal Navy. At that time, England was fighting against a bunch of other countries in one of their never-ending wars-in this case, the War of the Spanish Succession, in which Europe decided to go to war over who was going to be the next Spanish king-or some other silly cause, perhaps.

literally News on June 22, 2020 at 3:40 22, 2020 · literally News on June 22, 2020 at 3:40 PM from top sources, including , New York Post, Breitbart, The Progressive, and many more!

Missing Libyan Planes pose threat, Obama lifts ban on 03, 2014 · Wow, the House Judiciary Committe expressed outrage. Ocrappo must be shitting in his pants. And maybe he can hitch a ride to his mansion in California with one of his american trained Libyan pilots when and if he leaves the White House in Janury of 2017. Like Liked by 1 …

Diabetes mellitus | Under The was one of those dreams that is too real and that I had trouble shaking off when I woke up. I was getting ready to go to my appointment with Dr. Kahn (which I actually do have this morning at 9:00) and I got involved in some discussion with a lot of people in my house… a great big house somewhere… not our small townhouse in Shepherdstown) and then I left to go to the …

Bradford cover susan cover — get susan cover's contact design is a craft that only a few master and Sabine is one of them 1960 I'll Give My Life Alice Greenway Bradford. 1959 Men Into Space (TV Series) Mary McCauley. - Moon Probe (1959) - Howard Duff & Susan Saint James vs. Angie Dickinson & John Saxon (1974).

Article 15, 2007 · Sample privacy notices were included as part of the basis for a lawsuit filed against HHS on April 10, 2003, in federal district court in Philadelphia, Pa. The lawsuit aims to overturn the amendments to HIPAA, which eliminate the right to consent. (See Citizens for Health v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary, US Dept of HHS, Calif. No. 03-2267 (E.D ...

The Useless Tree: Creating Insight, Forging New Paths nice little piece in today's NYT Sunday Magazine by Annping Chin, describing the revival of ancient Chinese thought in contemporary China, told from the perspective of a Chinese philosophy student.She mentions a fairly common view of Confucius: They [certain Chinese students] understand why Confucius described himself as a transmitter and not a creator and …

Gingrich Ethics Violations | The Pardu's Scroll Gingrich has benefited from a reeling and desperate GOP. Conservative America, and the core GOP are faced with a perpetual front-runner who is the equivalent of a ‘presidential rash’. He is tolerated on the Right, but as a candidate for top of the GOP ticket he is an irritation.

In Ohio, a cop can kill a 12-year-old black boy and still ... Ohio celebrated when Tamir Rice’s killer, Timothy Loehmann, was fired from the Cleveland Police Department in 2017. Though his termination was not for his most notorious and murderous act, at least the rookie cop, who had been deemed unfit by no less than three police departments before sliding under the CPD radar, was no longer patrolling city streets.

The Post & Email Reminds Rep. Steve King of "natural born ... 31, 2015 · A “Certification of Live Birth” posted at The Daily KOS on June 12, 2008 and reposted at several websites, including, was denounced as a forgery almost immediately by several experts, and a “long-form” birth certificate posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 was declared a “computer-generated forgery” by ...

Trump Freaks Out Over Cliff Sims: Nothing Screams ‘GUILTY ... 29, 2019 · He hasn’t even read the three dozen books he endorsed in his Book Club for Dummies. More importantly, Trump’s tweet contains an overt threat. His reference to a “non-disclosure agreement” can only be interpreted as Trump’s intention of filing a lawsuit against Sims for speaking out. And that isn’t an idle threat.

Bilgrimage: Breaking News from Daisy at Fur-licity ... 10, 2013 · Breaking News from Daisy at Fur-licity: Emeritus Holiness Slated for "Dancing with the Stars"! Daisy on Her Journalistic Beat But, hang on: all is perhaps not doom and gloom, tragedy and sadness.

Earmarks | FrameWork 01, 2007 · Ever since the 2006 Midterm Elections, news people have had a field day talking about, and complaining about, earmarks. Well, really this has been happening ever since Jack Abramoff.. Okay, it’s been going on since the now famous Bridge to Nowhere.. Actually, complaints about pork barrel spending have been occurring for as long as I can remember.

Oscar Winner Isaac Hayes Has Passed Away (1942-2008 ... 06, 2008 · more photos » Relatives found Hayes, 65, unconscious in his home next to a still-running treadmill, said Steve Shular, a spokesman for the Shelby County Sheriff's Department. Paramedics attempted to revive him and took him to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead shortly after 2 p.m., the sheriff's department said.

Kavanaugh's Rulings On Net Neutrality and Mass ... 10, 2018 · Brett Kavanaugh may be making all the right noises now about women and diversity in order to appear centrist and reasonable. But just take a look at his history and you will easily deduce that he, like Donald Trump, is no friend of the working man or the masses — or even of privacy. He’s a friend of the wealthy elite and government control above individual rights.

Theology Come of Age - Bob blog about Christianity, theology, religion and public life.

[PDF] Download Dare To Dream A Novel – Free eBooks PDF Adunni runs away to the city, hoping to make a better life, she finds that the only other option before her is servitude to a wealthy family. As a yielding daughter, a subservient wife, and a powerless slave, Adunni is told, by words and deeds, that she is nothing. But while misfortunes might muffle her voice for a time, they cannot mute it.

The Rectification of Names: Literary Corner: Makes Sense ...— joshua epstein??????????????????????? (@thejoshuablog) December 30, 2018 I was enchanted from the start by the lapidary beauty, almost Chinese, of that first sentence in these Trump tweets from almost a year ago, but didn't know what to do with it—with the pedestrian rest of the sequence, which seemed to be about how it wasn't "the Wall" at all, and wouldn't be ...

The Cycling Dude: Obama on a Bike Ride, Will McCain be Far ... by TypePad ATTENTION CORRESPONDENTS: E-mail sent to the blog e-mail addy, including those regarding postings/comments, and/or in response to correspondence with/from the author of this blog, are not considered confidential and may be shared online as I …

MercuryX23's Fantabulous Blog 30, 2003 · He's possibly one of the most reprehensible human beings ever to live and I hope he goes to jail and rots with some filthy dick up his ass and a fucking needle in his arm. I hope his degenerate followers discover their hero is a hypocritical jackass criminal and they must then question EVERYTHING he has ever said. But it wont happen.

sunspark says...: August 2014 is one of his children whom he has not taken and will never take. There is one of his children with whom he severed ties for years and, though he pretends nothing is wrong when he sees her these days, it is one of the facades he has been so good at keeping up since the days when he was having an affair with a neighbor woman while we all ...

David Drake: Henrietta Hughes; A Plant? a few moments, I thought her piece was satire, but it's not: I have not handed out my ‘Founding Fathers Award’ in quite sometime, but today, I bestow this personal award of mine to Henrietta Hughes who showed courage beyond belief …

Here Comes Johnny Yen Again...: September 2011 the first, a surgeon connects a big vein and a big artery in the upper or lower arm, creating a place we can access for dialysis. In the latter, a surgeon uses either a donor vein or an artifical tube to connect an artery or vein. It doesn't look pretty, but it's way safer for the patient, with only 1/7 th infection rate of a catheter.

Nearly Half of All Americans are Traitors | Nolan Dalla 21, 2014 · Nearly Half of All Americans are Traitors . Nationalism is a scourge. Should you doubt this, look at its grisly record. In its very worst forms, nationalism has triggered countless international conflicts senselessly costing tens of millions of lives.

Moe's misunderestimations: Snake Oil Salesmen R Us is a remarkably potent audience for modern snake oil salesmen, one that will pay whatever it takes, if they can just be convinced that the coffee enemas, the electronic zappers, the colon cleanses, or the shark cartilage injections have cured someone else's cancer, and thus are likely to help cure them.

KingCast Cody Eller motorcycle road rage update: Probable ... should be compelled to give reports to a high school about what he sees in the trauma units and what his experiences in prison are like. He's 18, grown fucking man. I haven't brought race into this situation (other than the comments of the BON guys at the courthouse) but imagine if a ghetto black kid in a clapped-out 98 Regency did that shit.

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 07, 2014 · That was the early 1960’s when snow was snow, and children had to walk backwards through eight feet of snow, uphill to get to school. Today at the mere mention of as storm – schools are closed. In my youth, it was the coming Ice Age. It’s a tad late from the temps this winter, but it…

Beers with Demo: Wait, what? 09, 2012 · Unfortunately, not The Onion, it's the Associated Press. More from the AP article: A federal law enforcement official said Thursday that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, was the man behind "Innocence of Muslims," a film denigrating Islam and the Prophet Muhammad that sparked protests earlier in the week in Egypt and Libya and now in Yemen.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Neurosis as the ... 22, 2005 · As the blogger Maha put it after excerpting some blindly trusting right-wing pleas to George Bush for protection: Translation: I dont know what Bush is doing, but I want him to keep doing it to protect me from the terrorists. This is not "resolve," people. This is cowardice. This is being a herd of frightened beasts stampeding off a cliff.

THE WRENCH : FROM RURAL PENNSYLVANIA TO VLADIMIR … are the same sentences, typed out ver batim: This site has five violations, including two for "pit and tanks not constructed with sufficient capacity to contain pollutional substances," another for "no permit # on sign, cellar full of water- no bubbles- 750 psu on prod. frac tanks on site need to clean up contaminated soil around cellar garbage dumpster is full and trash is all over ...

Sarah Palin On Sputnik vs. Spudnut, And A Look Forward To ... in case they are unaware at the Post, the same Robert Gates who is now the Secretary of Defense.) On page 173, he accurately points out that the CIA knew early on of the "Soviet economic crisis. From the late 1950s, CIA had clearly described the chronic weaknesses as well as the formidable military power of the Soviet Union."

Where’s the Tax? | kavips was the feeling one got from yesterday… in general when it comes to the state of Delaware. Everyone is just so tired.. A lot more than from other years… Our legislature is too old. The same characters have done it all over and over without change… Like week-old bread, the taste has molded, and the texture toughened…

JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED - Downing Street Minutes ... 18, 2005 · This one is pretty hard to write. The title comes from Martin Luther King’s 1963, “Why We Can’t Wait.” That, and his “Letter from a Birmhingam Jail” also 1963 are the sources for the quotes here. It has probably occurred to very few that the struggle to seek justice in the matter of the illegal […]

We still don't know how to fight the 'big lie,' and that's ... Thursday, Donald Trump is proclaiming the victory of social media over traditional media, and using that opportunity not just to continue his assault on the press, but to launch a whole new attack on the basic nature of democracy and the judiciary branch of the government. Trump charging into the Rose Garden to declare that his name on a placard means the Supreme Court can pack up its robes ...

memeorandum: A Massacre in the Heart of Mr. Rogers ... Massacre in the Heart of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood — Squirrel Hill will continue to live by the values that Jews have sustained for more than 2,000 years.They can never be gunned down. — Ms. Weiss is a writer and editor in the Opinion section.

Above The Chatter: Koch Brothers Power Play 01, 2011 · The Phoenix resident predicted that the corporate takeover of the state and federal governments had just begun. What would make this possible was "The Citizens United Supreme Court decision [that] will only make money laundering for public office worse, since there is no accountability measure to provide transparency about who is contributing to Tea Party or other candidates."

Article: Show Me The Law | OpEdNews 05, 2007 · The "income" tax was born as the facade which hid the counterfeiting scam taking place, and it also was the twin fraud which greased the wheels of the FR. However, there is one small problem.

Jim Crow comes to Wisconsin | Veritas Vincit Pro Libertate 02, 2019 · Below is my letter to my assemblyman regarding the vaping ban he cosponsored here Wisconsin. Dear Mr Mursau, It saddens me to see in the Journal that you were a cosponsor of a bill that would ban vaping in Wisconsin. There is no justification for such a ban, scientific or otherwise. I was an…

America's Prisoners Have Had Enough - The Soundings since Ronald Reagan broke the PATCO union, strikes in the US have had very limited success. Recently, however, strikes have regained some of their effectiveness, as illustrated by the victorious strike against Verizon by the Communications Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the recent walkouts by teachers in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Arizona ...

China will destroy America by being mean to animals will destroy America by being mean to animals. Resistnet poster rel find/forerunner (he posts under both accounts) has two passions: ranting about how alcohol can fuel every car in America, and ranting about how China will destroy America thanks to animal cruelty. Now, we here at love animals and abhor animal cruelty.

Filing deadline overview, Harris County – Off the 2010 is an anti-incumbent year, as the TDP is spinning it, that may have an effect. – At the last minute, the Dems have a full slate of State Supreme Court contenders, including Houston’s Jim Sharp, who was elected to the 14th Court of Appeals in 2008, and El Paso’s Bill Moody, who was the Dems’ top performer in 2006.

A Conversation With Jeffrey Sammons and John Morrow About Jeffrey T. Sammons and Dr. John H. Morrow Jr. are the guests on this week's installment of The Chauncey DeVega Show where we discuss their new book "Harlem's Rattlers and the Great War". They are both starred scholars. Jeffrey T. Sammons is Professor in the Department of History at New York University and the author of Beyond the Ring: The Role of Boxing in American Society.

Knox Charter decision due tomorrow | KnoxViews Knoxville News Sentinel is reporting that the Tennessee Supreme Court decision on the validity of Knox County's charter will be issued tomorrow at 3:00 PM. Should be an interesting afternoon... My prediction: The charter will be upheld (possibly with an order for a referendum to incorporate the changes and clarifications from the recent charter review committee ed. note: duh, see comments ...

WATCH: L.A. Teachers Suspended Over O.J. and RuPaul Photos white Los Angeles elementary school teachers are suspended for giving children pictures of O.J. Simpson, Dennis Rodman and RuPaul to carry in a Black History Month parade last week. The incident happened Friday at the Wadsworth Elementary School where more than 90% of the students are Latino.

Smooth Stone: What are the facts about Jewish and Arab ... 20, 2006 · 4. For over 3,000 years, Jerusalem was the Jewish capital. It was never the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even under Jordanian rule, (East) Jerusalem was not made the capital, and no Arab leader came to visit it. 5. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Bible, but not once is it mentioned in the Qur'an. 6.

More On ALisa Starkweather And Israeli Liberty Chocolates ... a sample of Biblical ethics, Biblical morals, Biblical justice! Well might Jacob say that this deed makes him stink among the inhabitants of the land. Since a Biblical expression, let me quote it. Genesis, Chapter 34, Verses 30-31. 30.

Humint Events Online: The Latest 9/11 Nonsense From The ... 20, 2010 · Humint Events Online Dedicated to fighting authoritarianism, bigotry, greed, corruption, climate change denial, white supremacy, racism, stupidity and general evil, as well as the exploration of interesting ideas and conspiracy theories including 9/11, UFOs, ET's, the …

read my mind: Don't Let God Disappear in Your Life! 17, 2010 · This is the consequence of the elimination of God from the daily life as spiritual essence and behavioral guide. A God inspired spirituality springs as the water springs from the underground, so from the depths of the spirituality springs the spiritual life of man, to nourish human society and keep it in touch with the natural order of things.

Pacific Progressive: Laguna Hills We're Waiting For: Tracing $8 Million Sent to CCA During Fairgrounds Sale - Pacific Progressive Nossaman did research on how to use Fairgrounds money to provide opening capital for the Fair Foundation. $8 million was sent to the California Construction Authority during the sale, and there is documentation that indicates this could be the money for the opening capital.

Lynne's Book Notes: Essay: Richard Ford's 'Canada' people who have heard about Richard Ford's latest novel, Canada , have heard about the opening lines: First, I'll tell about the r...

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2010 · This is the story of two young men. One fell in with left wing radicals. The other immigrated to America. While one played with terrorists and allowed his America-hating pastor to baptize his children, the other joined the Navy to defend his country. I love America, but President Obama is …

memeorandum: Bernie Sanders bows out of Women's Convention ... outflanked Facebook, focusing on curation and user-made video, but its China ties mean privacy, censorship, and propaganda issues should lead to a US ban Shannon Vavra / CyberScoop: Microsoft issues a patch for a critical “wormable” flaw affecting OSes including Windows 10 and Server; Check Point says the flaw has been in code for 17 ...

Ezra Klein: Danny Glover Could Learn Something From A ...« A Question About Obama | Main | Moan ». February 05, 2007 Danny Glover Could Learn Something From A Blogger Ethics Panel. The National Journal's Danny Glover has one of the most inventive excuses for avoiding actual reporting work that I've ever seen: . One other footnote: Marcotte's behavior the past couple of days reminded me of something I discovered at Pandagon late last year when ...

The Rude Pundit 03, 2004 · Lying Is a Matter of Degrees: Let's return to our favorite gay male couple, Ron and Dave. (Long-time readers will remember them from a previous entry; new readers can enjoy their travails by heading to the archives and reading the December 4, 2003 entry.)December 4, 2003 entry.)

OpenlineBlog: Planned Parenthood Controversy | Turning ... 12, 2007 · There are lots of big stories from 2007 that relate to Aurora, Illinois, but what strikes us about the Planned Parenthood Controversy is how so many things are associated with it beyond the issue of abortion itself.

temper tantrum | This Is is a fair question: Why do angry grown-ups take it out on children? No, really, after all these years of hearing homophobes wailing, “What about the children! Won’t someone please think of the children!” just what are we to think about the astounding temper tantrums in which allegedly responsible, sober adults?judges, legislators, governors, whole churches?aim to harm children ...

Why Obama’s Birth Records Will Not Be Released | Opinion ..., January 26, 2011 22:20 . % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.

02 | September | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 02, 2017 · Luke 6:46-49. Early in life, I learned to listen to the Lord, and this most important lesson is the foundation of my confidence in Him. Moreover, because I pay attention to the Father, He has given me courage in my convictions, strength in times of trouble, and unspeakable joy.

26 | January | 2010 | The Great Spot 26, 2010 · This is baloney. As every honest observer knows, once this recession is safely past, taxes will go up in the years ahead no matter who is in power. John McCain’s top economic advisers from his 2008 presidential campaign have told me so themselves.

No More Mister Nice Blog: ROGER AILES AND CONSERVATISM'S ... 12, 2017 · Jon Klein, the former head of CNN's U.S. division, argues in The Washington Post that the Internet didn't divide the American media into warring tribal fiefdoms -- it was Roger Ailes: When the network launched in 1996, few realized that Ailes had hatched the prototype news organization of the 21st century: information with attitude; facts yoked to a point of view, the more provocative the ...

read my mind: Harper's Gone! Here's Justin! (Part 3) 25, 2016 · It was the vote on the physician-assisted suicide bill going too slow that triggered the bully action that saw Trudeau on camera dragging off one member of the Opposition and elbowing off another. Forgotten in this public display of temper was that Trudeau was a bully long before the Obama team helped get him elected.

Sex Offender Court Decisions: 08/01/2014 - 09/01/2014 Texas: When I agreed to keynote the Reform Sex Offender Laws conference this week in Dallas, Texas, I didn't expect it to hit quite so close to home. But before I arrived, I got a phone call from a soft-spoken, super-articulate young man, Joshua Gravens, who is a Soros Justice Scholar based in Dallas. His specialty is the injustice of the sex offender registry and the fact that it ...

Cape Cod | Under The LobsterScope was a year younger than me, but we were both in the Class of ’64 at Tabor. Harold was my best friend and in the summers, when I worked on Cape Cod at the Candle Factory doing tours, Harold, who lived close by in Hyannis, had the home I hung out in.. Harry and Billy… that was how everyone knew us… wandered the Cape, went to drive-in movies, chased girls and hung out at his family’s ...

PressReader - The Washington Post: 2020-05-26 - Fla ... Washington Post - 2020-05-26 - THE CORONAVIRU­S PANDEMIC - BY CRAIG PITTMAN na­tional@wash­ A lit­tle after 8 a.m. on July 20, 2001, a cou­ple ar­riv­ing for an ap­point­ment opened an un­locked front door at an of­fice in the Florida pan­han­dle town of Fort Wal­ton Beach and dis­cov­ered a woman ly­ing on the floor, dead.

Islam’s ecumenism and the Fool in the Vatican | We are the ... 11, 2019 · But there is a Pope out there saying that The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, . . In the document signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar where that phraseology appears “pluralism” is not defined or what the hell the two intend the statement to mean.

When Do the Peasants Have Permission to Revolt? | THE NEW ... 17, 2009 · This past week, as the Dow briefly topped 10,000, you could hear a few feeble cheers emanating from America's shell-shocked investors. The experts were less optimistic. "Not out of the woods." "Bubble-like atmosphere." "No organic economic growth." And, as more than one jaded observer pointed out, the Dow first crossed the 10,000 barrier back in 1999.

Article: Tomgram: William Hartung, Lockheed Martin's ... 11, 2011 · Article: Tomgram: William Hartung, Lockheed Martin's Shadow Government - As a boy in the 1950s, I can remember my father, a World War II vet, becoming livid while insisting that our family not ...

UPDATED: #BigotryLoses - Eclectablog 17, 2015 · Barb Byrum is currently in her second term as Ingham County Clerk, serving as the county’s chief elections official. As Clerk, Barb has successfully conducted 23 elections, 4 union elections, and currently serves on Michigan’s Election Security Commission, the Secretary of State’s team of advisors tasked with strengthening and better ...

Sunday Griot: The Four Chaplains - Progress Pond 11, 2005 · It’s a story many of us have heard before, but it’s the kind of story that bears telling again. February 3, 1943, early in the morning. The USAT Dorchester had seen better days. Once a luxury liner ferrying wealthy passengers up and down the US Atlantic coast, it was pressed into duty during World War II as a troop transport. The men on ...

What I’m Reading #14: The Quants | Bakhtin's Cigarettes 08, 2013 · Seldom has this desire to control reality through pure intellect been better described than in Scott Patterson’s excellent book, The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It.. Patterson explains how this new specie of stock broker came to the forefront in the late 1990s, young men and women who applied the science of statistical analysis to …

The Gettysburg Address | themcglynn.com Gettysburg Address Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.

Retribution… And… Forgiveness | kavips 25, 2016 · But it was that triumph that fanned the flames of dead coals from before the 1960’s. Soon they had heat awaiting just the right blowhard to flame them up again. Likewise, we thought that women were more or less accepted as equals in society today. ... was the same as the old boss ... They are the platelets bringing life to all of society ...

Balkinization: The Riddle of Constitutional Formalism Bingham's 14th Amendment formalism as it relates to incorporation of the Bill of Rights (or some of them). Over at PrawfsBlawg Kurt Lash has an interesting post on perhaps incorporating the 10th Amendment, well beyond Amendments 1 through 8, all of which have not been incorporated as yet.

Green Revolution | Bahoowah love a good revolution, as long as they are not the ones taking to the streets. In what would appear to be an Iranian version of the Bush crime family election theft of 2000 it appears that the New Hitler Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stolen the Iranian election. It was all there, polls that didn’t support the results, a corrupt power structure and even the state run media to pop in ala ...

A Soi Cowboy story: Memories of Sargent Alvin York ... 13, 2012 · A few mornings ago, I had coffee with Gary, he of the bald head, beloved of God and protected by the deity's own she-bears (See below (*) 5. Kings 2:23). We met up at a pub at the corner of Soi Cowboy. It was early morning. I walked through the Soi to get there. At…

read my mind: Control the Food, Control the People (Part 4) million new acres of land have been “voluntarily conserved” and “saved from development” since 2005, according to a five-year census recently released by the Land Trust Alliance, one of the 1,700 private land trusts. By 2010, economic development and freedom of movement was no longer allowed on 47 million acres of land.

Article: DO SENATORS MAKE GOOD PRESIDENTS? | OpEdNews 06, 2008 · In the April 2, 2008 of OpEdNews, Margaret Bassett asked, "Do Senators make good presidents?" I wondered that too, so I looked for an answer. This analysis began with a clear understanding that ...

Balkinization: The Company We No Longer Keep nomination and confirmation process is an inherent part of this picture of course – inevitably, when a president’s goal is to move as far to the right as possible and still get 51 votes. Gone are the days when an Antonin Scalia can be confirmed by a vote of 98-0 and a Ruth Bader Ginsburg by a vote of 96-3.

The Great Bear Market: Economic Corrective Periods 18, 2011 · While we wait for Primary wave [3] down to start, we'll look at the different types of economic corrective periods that take place over the course of human civilization. There are generally only two terms that are used in economic circles: "recession" and "depression", although the terms "major recession" and "major depression" are used from time to time.

Whatz Dat Wojto?: "Trying On The New Method of Speechmaking" is already tarred and feathered as the installer and deposer of kings. Secondly, International cooperation requires nothing less than having to gain the cooperation of French mothers, German fathers, Italian brothers and sisters to send their family members to a …

ColumbiaCounty97051: Trestle Beach Lock Out and Port Of St ... 01, 2015 · Trestle Beach was the one place you could take a hike with the dog, have a fire and not have to pay $ 5.00. In Portland there are many places where you can walk down to the Willamette river for free, but it seems this county is about not providing decent services and fining citizens who don't own beach property or a boat: in other words poor ...

Blood Libel Redux | Sheila Kennedy cites two sources for these claims: one is the INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants.” and the other is from a piece by “Peter B. Gemma” for the INS ceased to exist in 2003, after the Department of Homeland Security was created, and Gemma is known as a racist who has worked for the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens and has ...

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com is one of about 800 people living on the streets on any given night in Anaheim, a Los Angeles-area city that boasts over 20 million annual visitors and billions of dollars in tourism revenue. Amid a regional homelessness crisis , Anaheim is taking a controversial course of …

Banned Books Project – Paul's 26, 2009 · Banned Books Week starts today, September 26, and runs through October 3.. So many books have been banned or censored, there’s no way you could read them all. There have been thousands and thousands, and more join the list every day, thanks for the forces of ignorance and intolerance loose in the land, whipped on by preachers, radio and TV screamers, and overprotective …

Who will rebuild Houston? – Off the 11, 2017 · What is livable for one person is a luxury for many, more poor people than rich people in this country. As to the question that BillK asks it is my understanding they will be asking FEMA to do that, considering that it will take 3 weeks for the person who is to appraise damage for FEMA to get to a person who called the night they flooded, I don’t expect anything fast to happen.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com the fluids ran out of their bodies, they appeared like withered, spoiled fruits. They could have lived, certainly should have lived – and laughed and danced, and run and played- but instead they were brutally murdered. Yes, murdered! The war ended for those children, but it has never ended for survivors who carry memories of them.

More on the Arkansas Lethal Injection Litigation - The ... the lawyers respond to the Supreme Court's request, justice also have received a handwritten request from death-row inmate Rickey Dale Newman, 51, asking the court to stop all hearings in his case. Newman said Brain, who is also his public defender, opposed his ending his appeals, but he felt it was "the only and right thing" to do.

Ohio Carries Out Fourth Execution of 2010 - The StandDown ... Carries Out Fourth Execution of 2010 " Ohio rapist who alleged drug allergy executed ," is the title of an AP report written by Matt Leingang. A serial rapist who strangled a 16-year-old girl in 1988 and who had argued he might be violently allergic to the state's execution drug was put to death Tuesday with no apparent complications.

DemoKat: A Sticky Bush only states where the president, who is a fabulous campaigner, has been allowed to exercise his sleeveless charm on the voters are those places where the audiences already love him, like Kansas. Either the White House has been asked to stay away, or it has been trying to plug holes which have suddenly sprung up in places where they never ...

Sex Offender Court Decisions: 02/01/2015 - 03/01/2015 appellate case was The People versus Michael Diack, a Level 1 sex offender who was charged with violating a local law in Nassau County, which restricts all sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a school. Judges ruled in his favor saying the local law was too restrictive and needed to be thrown out.

For those of you who held out hope that Mike Pence was the ... 02, 2017 · Another sign that Trump wants to establish a new form of government with him as head of state is that Trump wants to rule as a monarch with Melania, Ivanka, Donald Jr, Eric, his youngest son "The Barron" and Jared as the royal family of the United Kingdom of Trump. What about Tiffany? Tiffany has been banished, exiled like Marla Maples.

Jews sans frontieres: Hitler's support for Zionism hardly blog anymore but I thought I ought to grab some stuff from the net while it's hot. Ken Livingstone is the latest casualty in the o...

Kevin Powell: As promised... the best part for me was the fellowship and the time to get away. Since I’m new to the synod I had the opportunity to meet all sorts of new folks. Of course, the dominant topic of discussion was Same Sex Blessings. Some people put a moratorium on The Issue, but it came up in almost every discussion.

Spicer Not Taking Russia Issue Seriously - Progress Pond 28, 2017 · Spicer and the T admin are stuck: Nunes was at the meeting with the Turkish foreign minister where Flynn talked about kidnapping a green card holder for rendition to Turkey. otoh Sessions did not mention – even in his “corrected” statment a meeting at the Mayflower hotel with various ppl including Kushner evidently. there was a summary on someone’s twitter feed, when I find it again I ...

Arguing With God - A Sermon for Pentecost 19, 2014 · It is interesting that as the Exodus story continues, the people build a tabernacle and an ark – at God’s request – to contain the signs of God’s presence. It appears that going forward, God will be present but God is putting a comfortable distance between the people and himself ( Exodus 40:34-37 ).

Teapocalypse: The *MAP* of Denier States Under the Sea ... 04, 2015 · There is no amount of empirical data that will persuade the modern conservative that climate change is a reality. Not the fact that the polar ice caps are melting . Not the fact that Arctic sea ice is disappearing. Not the fact that the global concentration of carbon dioxide has reached 400 parts per million.Not the fact that frankenstorms and wildfires wreak indiscriminate havoc with alarming ...

Balkinization: The Invention of the Archival Constitution L. LaCroix For the Symposium on Jonathan Gienapp, The Second Creation: Fixing the American Constitution in the Founding Era (Belknap Press, 2018). Among the many achievements of Jonathan Gienapp’s Second Creation is the book’s elegant and decisive dismantling of many tidy just-so stories that constitutional law scholars tend to tell themselves about the period between 1787 and 1796.

God Bless America: Mark Cuban is a Jerk!!!! 02, 2007 · Billionaire Mark Cuban has decided to put all of his weight behind a campaign to smear US troops in Iraq as “monsters’. Cuban has decided that De Palma ’s film “Redacted” must be seen as the cornerstone of his and De Palma ’s self-declared anti-victory campaign against America and her troops fighing in Iraq. Cuban’s company Magnolia Pictures will be bringing this propganda ...

American Power: Debating the Invasion of Iraq 01, 2008 · Glenn Greenwald, like many other disastrously implacable opponents of the war, can't get a grip on the current realities of progress in Iraq, and instead remains stuck in a pre-surge time-warp of denunciations against the evil Bush/Cheney regime. Here's Greenwald taking down Anne-Marie Slaughter's criticism of war opponents' endless recriminations over the origins of the war:

13 | July | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 13, 2013 · Luke 6:27-36. Just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise. —Luke 6:31. The annual Texas Book Festival in Austin draws thousands of people who enjoy browsing for books, attending discussions led by acclaimed authors, and gleaning advice from professional writers.

Sister Kosovo? | you asked Ragsdale's toties if the business is even located in Knox County, he'd have to say no, I suspect the business is actually located in Sevier County and Ragsdale, in my opinion, is using his role as county mayor to try and line up future employment in September 2010, since he (a) won't be Knox County mayor anymore (b) won't have a ...

The Deep State Did Not Cause My Motorcycle Accident, But it wasn’t. It was just a traffic accident. Newsweek later updated its article to say that a bus had suddenly pulled out from the curb lane into the driving lane and the driver had hit his brakes to avoid hitting the bus. He didn’t see that I was behind him. A few days into my hospital stay, I gave an interview to a Greek television station.

The Union News. - Blogger 08, 2009 · Individual liberty anywhere is a threat to the Progressive-Collectivist Cause everywhere.

Social Security Disability Media Lies | Bud Meyers 28, 2013 · Just like with a lawsuit, anybody who has a Social Security number (and who has also paid Social Security taxes for a given length of time) can also file a Social Security disability claim (SSDI); but it doesn't necessarily mean they'll ever be awarded anything --- and most often they aren't. As an example: In 2011, under President Obama, only 35.4% of all SSDI claims were awarded.

Accidental Deliberations: 2008-06-29 01, 2008 · There's little reason to think Kory Teneycke's appointment as Stephen Harper's communications director will result in his being seen any more positively than the now-departed Sandra Buckler. But it would be a shame if his future battles with the press resulted in anybody forgetting about his stint lobbying his partymates on behalf of the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association.

Our Person In Tegucigalpa: Zelaya Returns to Tegucigalpa ... 09, 2009 · antropologo said.... An interesting perspective, but it appears to be one that provides little in the way of objective analysis. Although the author’s source accuses the interim government of speaking in hyperbole, the source itself engages in exaggeration when discussing the government’s response to Zelaya’s return and his subsequent behavior that essentially incited a riot.

Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!https://dontjustdosomethingstandthere.blogspot.comA revolution's possibilities may very well be in the eye of the beholder. The article, "In its infancy," points out some touchy subjects, while offering some hypocritical advice to the nation.The idea that the United States of America needs change, goes without saying.

Get Off This!: Jack Kevorkian's My Man, now 79 years old and a Samuel Beckett look-alike, deserves our thanks for his courageous deeds. Lisa Birnbach first struck a chord with the American public as the editor and co-author of The Official Preppy Handbook, which spent an impressive 38 …

Petitions Delivered to AG Target O'Keefe, Voter Fraud is on for NH AG to investigate 'Project Veritas' leader and undercover video shoot.

No More Mister Nice Blog: Dog paddling in the Rubicon 10, 2016 · Netanyahu is a leader who is forever dog paddling in the middle of the Rubicon, never ready to cross it. He is unwilling to make any big, hard decision to advance or preserve a two-state solution if that decision in any way risks his leadership of Israel’s right-wing coalition or forces him to confront the Jewish settlers, who relentlessly ...

Generation X History - The Brain of JFK: August 2008 21, 2008 · As the man says at the end of the trailer, "Katrina is still going on." Amen. Check out the article by Andrew O'Hehir about the film. Also, if you're troubled about the continuing issues in the Gulf Coast region, go to Color of Change and support their …

read my mind: Mexico - Conflict and Disorder (Part 1) law would bring prison sentences of up to three years for people who perform or produce songs or movies glamorizing criminals. "Society sees drug ballads as nice, pleasant, inconsequential and harmless, but they are the opposite," National Action Party lawmaker Oscar Martin Arce told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Althouse: "This week, as a long-predicted collapse seemed ... 01, 2019 · The market working as usual. The product was never the news, the viewer of the news was the product, delivered up by the publishers and broadcasters to the real paying customers, the sellers of products and services. (I guess they didn't teach that part in J-School. The sanctity of the fourth estate was the con-job of the 20th century.

American Nuns Vow to Fight Vatican Criticism | themcglynn.com“That in itself goes to the issue of where are the women in the decision-making structures in Rome.” In Cleveland on Wednesday night, about 650 people, including laypeople, about 100 nuns and a handful of priests in their Roman collars, gathered for a prayer service inside a Catholic church to honor the nuns.

The Immoral Minority: Something to remember. 02, 2017 · Nice fan list, but sorry, Obama was a mixed bag. Some of the accomplishments are a little/lot overstated, there were a lot of balls dropped, and A LOT of kicking the can down the road. But like many Presidents before him, he was the right guy at the right time, and likeable. That is good enough to get you elected. Reply Delete

Crusades | All you need is a crazy rich guy with a private ... US military is building a base in Iraq just five miles from the border with Iran to prevent cross-border arms smuggling. The base, called “Combat Outpost Shocker,” will be manned by 200 soldiers, along with agents from the US Border Patrol, and will monitor truck traffic and cellphone conversations among Shi’ite pilgrims.”Obviously, [the Iranians] probably won’t be very happy ...

07 | December | 2013 | Mark Solock Blog 07, 2013 · 15 posts published by marksolock on December 7, 2013

DACA students, Warren for (maybe) VP, and more you might ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours.

memeorandum: So far, no spike in coronavirus in places ... polls suggest Biden has a clear national lead — (CNN)Poll of the week: A new Marquette Law School poll finds former Vice President Joe Biden with a 46% to 43% lead over President Donald Trump in Wisconsin.— The poll matches the last poll from Marquette, which also had Biden up by 3 …

Really??? Really? … Well, now I’m mad. Cause it just got ... 22, 2012 · (Honestly, I’m not sure if these are the exact words, cause I was still trying to stop seeing red and trying to come back down to the surface of the planet.) D: “But that doesn’t make it OK for someone to attack my car! I have just as many rights to display my support/opinions as the next person.

Sarah Palin Alaska | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 09, 2013 · The Huffington Post | By Danielle Schlanger Posted: 07/09/2013 6:15 pm EDT | Updated: 07/09/2013 6:26 pm EDT . Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) is considering going back on the ballot. In an interview on “The Sean Hannity Show” Tuesday, the 2008 vice presidential candidate indicated she might throw her hat in the ring to become one of Alaska’s U.S. Senators.

03 | December | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 03, 2014 · Now, mark you, as the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, Christ is the comfort. The Holy Spirit consoles, but Christ is the consolation. If I may use the figure, the Holy Spirit is the Physician, but Christ is the medicine. He heals the wound, but it is by applying the holy ointment of Christ’s name and grace.

four elements | The Point of a Sharp Instrument are the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant. The numbers given as the dimensions of the objects hold many hidden messages about the universe all around us. By far one of the most interesting and perplexing codes depicted in the bible is the sacred name of God from the Old Testament. The Tetragrammaton is the unpronounceable name of ...

Ezra Klein: DeLay Screwed Texas of these guys weren't huge losses in the Macro scheme of things. Charlie Stenholm was very conservative (although no moreso than Colin Peterson and perhaps a bit less) but Martin Frost was one of the good guys. Posted by: DRR | Nov 23, 2006 4:05:53 AM. Martin Frost ran …

Continued Commentary on Juvenile Sentencing Cases - The ... the weekend there was a great deal of commentary -- editorials, OpEds, and column -- on the need for juvenile sentencing reform. Because of the sheer volume, I'm going to limit excerpts, but those interested in the issues raised in Graham v.Florida and Sullivan v. Florida should visit all the links.. I'll start with the OpEds.

IEA boss denies and confirms peak oil in same breath ... 11, 2007 · It seems that the International Energy Agency, the intergovernmental energy watchdog, has been going in overdrive lately. First, we had the interview of its chief economist warning us that we were going to ward a wall without Iraqi oil, then the recent publication of their yearly outlook report predicting shortages within 5 years, and now we have another disquieting interview in Le Monde, the ...

Inspection- A Not So Barry Good Justice System | The's tally: $65 from 3 people. TOTAL TALLY: $9,444.00 from 727 people. (As of 12pm EDT, July 12th)

Matt's Blog: 07/03/08"For a long time I thought that being relaxed meant you were running slow, but it's the contrary. When you're fighting against your body instead of letting go. Relaxation was the key." "I like designing clothes, and I wanted to bring something of myself into what I do. The one-legger? That was an accident.

Pareidolia Global: December 2013 three months recovering from 10 days in the hospital.Have avoided being admitted to one all year. Will continue to avoid them in 2014. Saw the results of a CAD project: my X-11 decals on a Mexican car! Also, this guy's a drumming badass. Fixed my car. Drove to Atlanta to pick up a spare X-11 engine. Drove the Tracker around for a few more months with the damn thing still there.

The Chauncey Gardiner Presidency, Without The Supposed ... are the details that are truly important and Trump's over-the-top rhetoric is probably more aimed at his domestic base than at the North Koreans. That's assuming, of course, Trump's words have any intention at all, other than perhaps distracting us from the Russia investigation.

Perspective on a Contaminated Waterway – now what? # ... 12, 2015 · The recent spill of 3 million gallons of mine waste into the Animas and San Juan Rivers has been shocking - but it is a symptom of a larger problem, not a fresh new issue. Tens of thousands of abandoned mines await cleanup in the upper Colorado River and Animas headwaters, and hundreds of …

OpenlineBlog: Thank You Alderman Rick Lawrence for ... 04, 2013 · Rick Lawrence had his last Aurora City Council meeting on Tuesday night as 4th Ward Alderman. After 8 years of consistently standing up for taxpayers and doing the right thing, Mr. Lawrence spoke briefly after a proclamation was read by Alderman Whitey Peters (the mayor apparently acks the courage or graciousness to have done the right thing).

thus spake drake: Friday Night Lights "East of Dillon ... 05, 2010 · Rejoice! The ultimate underdog drama Friday Night Lights is back for its fourth season. After a setup in last year's finale that all but guaranteed a huge shift for this coming season, "East of Dillon" is a near perfect beginning to the fulfillment of that promise.

Mo Rage: The death penalty to show killing is wrong? Ali, a classmate at Pima Community College, said, “He would laugh a lot at inappropriate times, and a lot of the comments he made had no relevance to the discussion topic.” Mr. Ali, 26, continued: “He presented a poem to the class that he’d written called ‘Meathead’ that was mostly just about him going to the gym to work out.

Ten Most Interesting Predictions Made in 2013 ... - Blogger line: The best way to plan for either future, be it the one in which your career has been lost to a robot or the one in which automation continues to create jobs, is to get smarter about technology. If you’re in a rush, 2014 could be the year to pick up an in-demand programming language like Java.

Abolish the Death Penalty: Tested on death penalty the Death Penalty is a blog dedicated to...well, you know. The purpose of Abolish is to tell the personal stories of crime victims and their loved ones, people on death row and their loved ones and those activists who are working toward abolition.

Adirondack Wal-Mart: 2006-08-20 26, 2006 · <i>Take Wal-Mart, the most famously offensive, town-destroying, junk-purveying, labor-abusing, sweatshop-supporting, American-job-killing, soul-numbing, hope-curdling retailer in the known universe, moving upward of $300 billion in cheap mass-produced slurm every year via more than 5,000 landscape-mauling eyesore stores stretching all the way from Texas to China and Argentina and …

stoned meanderings...https://stonedmeanderings.blogspot.comright now i have alva noto's xerrox vol. 2 subtly warping my aural parameters though my grado's. wow. over the last several months, i've been exploring the 'modern classical' genre. this album by noto's been blowing my mind, as well as jacaszek's treny, coh's strings, ezekiel honig's surfaces of a broken marching band, fennesz's black sea and several others. very, very cool shit.

Blogging the PBS Debate with Tavis Smiley at Howard University 28, 2007 · It is on and poppin' at Howard University. Share your thoughts. What we do without long Negro introductions? First question: Does race matter as it did for Du Bois at the beginning of the 20th century? Hillary-strong. Obama-weak. Couples personal responsibility with institutional racism. Richardson looks uncomfortable talking about race.

Contextual Criticism: 8/24/14 - 8/31/14 are the total acres of wetlands removed by just four oil companies over the past couple decades. If you’re not a farmer, I’ll translate this into urban-speak: that’s 14,688 square miles drowned into the Gulf of Mexico. Here’s what happened. New Orleans used be to a long, swampy way from the Gulf of Mexico.

Kelpie Wilson: Energy Bill Heads to Conference | Scoop week, members of the Senate and House will begin their conference to resolve the differences in the energy bill. The 800-page Senate version of the bill comes at a price of $18 billion in ...

Skepticism ? Wheat-dogg's World other words, I’m doing what The Gateway Pundit should have done in the first place. They’re the ones who falsely spread the $50 million resort idea all over the Internet this week, effectively killing a project that was costing more like $4 million. As near as I can tell, the $50 million federal grant exists only in …

The Rectification of Names: Sunday Obamacare Lies we go again with the people who think when Obamacare outlawed the $5,000 deductible they somehow ruled a $12,700 deductible in:outlawed the $5,000 deductible they somehow ruled a …

The Reference Frame: Tevatron+LHC Higgs synthesis: 111-131 GeV 07, 2011 · Tevatron-LHC unofficial TRF Higgs combo. The 100-110 GeV interval is only calculated from the Tevatron data and the 200-600 GeV interval only comes from the LHC data; these are the causes of the discontinuities at 110, 200 GeV. Here is the …

The Immoral Minority: FBI arrests three men in North ... 02, 2015 · Federal officials say three men arrested in North Carolina were stockpiling weapons for a murderous plot against US soldiers. According to the FBI, the trio believed a Special Forces exercise dubbed Jade Helm 15 was a pretext for imposing martial law.

Watch as the Irish Prime Minister trolls Donald Trump ... 06, 2017 · Still haven't got any? That was the point of my comment at 9:16, not to make a false equivalency. I think the benghazi bullshit is as stupid as the current Red Scare. I'm plenty old enough to remember the first one. And I'll be the first one to say HOORAY …

Hillary Clinton | thoughtcrimes and misdemeanors 04, 2008 · The first was this story in the Denver Post about someone who claims to have video of a space alien peering into the windows of his home. The story includes a copy of the video — dark and somewhat grainy, but seeming to show a face with enormous eyes peering into a window, which the story helpfully tells us is eight feet off the ground.

With the economy off the rails, the Government looks to ..., with the economy starting show major fissures from the two week dispute, the Government intends to keep to its timetable which will have the motion up for a vote next week. The Globe and Mail provided a helpful guide to the situation on its website today .

memeorandum: Visit Guest Book (James Harrison/ 01, 2011 · Visit Guest Book — James “Jim” Harrison, beloved husband of Ginger Rundlof, died Sunday, February 27, 2011, in The Woodlands, Texas, after a brief, courageous battle against lung and bone cancer.Jim was 68 years old, born December 5, 1942. He was preceded in death by his father W.C. Jack Harrison, and mother Bonnie Harrison.

01 | December | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 01, 2017 · In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus stated: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27–28). Imagine the difference in our culture if we obeyed his command today. Adultery

Above The Borderline: 11/14/10 - 11/21/10 Hemingway and Tim Carney at The Examiner discovered the shameful answer: George Soros, Michael Chertoff, and a number of lobbyists. Both Soros and Chertoff are profiting from the naked body scanners by way of the company Rapiscan, whose contract is worth $173 million.

Iraq vet kills self outside hospital & Dad wants more ... it also said there was no evidence that it led to Wilhelm’s death. The 19-year-old who grew up in northern Ohio told his mother just before his death in August that he had to run for miles with rocks in his pockets that smashed against his knees and that his personal items were disappearing.

The Useless Tree: Tao and The Market at Danwei, Dror Poleg notices a resonance between Taoism and classical free market economics, with a deft change of one word in this passage from the Tao Te Ching: The Market abides in non-action, yet nothing is left undone. If kings and lords observed this, the …

The Useless Tree: Mencius in the News, Again (Even if ... they don’t grow the same – it’s because of the inequities in richness of soil, amounts of rainfall, or the care given by farmers. And so, all members belonging to a given species of things are the same. Why should humans be the lone exception…(11.7)

Bilgrimage: On the De-Gaying of Popes (and Saints): The ... 10, 2016 · If the media declare that Hillary Clinton has 1) a battery in her brain, 2) suffers from seizures, 3) has heart problems, 3) cannot walk up stairs without someone shoving her from behind, 4) must be propped up by pillows, 4) has Parkinson's disease, 5) has syphillis — then must Hillary Clinton really have this congeries of illnesses?Who creates media memes, and why are they created?

spiritual weapons | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND 09, 2014 · Mary isn’t one isolated case. I know a man named Daniel, who is quite intelligent. In fact, his family used to tell him he was the smartest man in town. God had given him a good mind, but Satan used that fact to imprison him. Until he met Jesus Christ, Daniel believed he was smarter than and superior to everyone else.

Joyce Meyer – Satan’s Strongholds | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS 09, 2014 · Mary isn’t one isolated case. I know a man named Daniel, who is quite intelligent. In fact, his family used to tell him he was the smartest man in town. God had given him a good mind, but Satan used that fact to imprison him. Until he met Jesus Christ, Daniel believed he was smarter than and superior to everyone else.

The Data Says The tRump Economy is Worse Than all 31, 2020 · Members: 164,482 Threads: 144,960 Posts: 697,344 Online: 1121 Newest Member: p2pguy

Russell Glasser's blog: January 23, 2012 · Netflix is providing an interesting service these days which has really altered my entertainment habits. Ten years ago you rented a movie from Blockbuster, and you paid for each movie you rented, so if you wanted to watch something then it had better be worth at least $4 to watch that particular movie, or you wouldn't bother. Five years ago, Netflix was mostly …

Questions + Bullshit In Parenthesisqplusb.blogspot.comThe Fly: The Opera was directed by David Cronenberg, composed by Howard Shore, and conducted by Plácido Domingo (Plausible Flamingo). All three masters certainly blew my mind with an amazing show on all accounts. However, throughout the production I often questioned why it was an opera in the first place. This could have been a stellar play.

Tensions in Hamburg: The G20 Fractures | Guyanese Online 10, 2017 · Tensions in Hamburg: The G20 Fractures By Dr. Binoy Kampmark - Global Research, July 09, 2017 “I think it’s very clear that we could not reach consensus, but the differences were not papered over, they were clearly stated.” – Angela Merkel, BBC News, Jul 8, 2017 Such gatherings and summits are not always smooth, but on a planet…

Marlon Brando~Breathing In Too Much Of The World (Video ... 04, 2015 · To grasp the full significance of life is the actor's duty, to interpret it is his problem, and to express it his dedication. ~ Marlon Brando Actors don't come like Brando anymore. They come like Russell Brand and Lindsey Lohan. Packaged prima donnas full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Brando was a thinker. For…

Federal grand jury indicts four Jasper County residents on ... federal grand jury today indicted four Jasper County residents on child pornography charges. Court records indicate indictments were handed down against Casey Robert Caudle, 33, Joplin,(pictured) Brian G. Long, 38, Oronogo, Aaron Sean Fletcher, 31, …

13: September 2007 was already pissed off. A few nights ago I set out to hear a friend dj-ing at a bar in Manhattan's Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood. I brought with me a printout of a lengthy Rolling Stone piece by Matt Taibbi titled "The Rip-off in Iraq: You Will Not Believe How Low the War Profiteers Have Gone."Another friend had e-mailed it to me a week prior but I hadn’t had a chance to read it.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: Dan Talbot murder trial ... 20, 2010 · Can you imagine if Officer Talbot got in his stance, quickly turned left to check his posse and caught friendly fire? It's sad. What I still can't believe was the testimony from Franklin today, "we were expecting a fist fight." Dude, you guys are POLICE! Grown men gonna' mix it up with young kids, unbelievable. 3:51 PM

The Adventures of Lauren & Jerald: 2010 Adventures of Lauren & Jerald Wednesday, December 29, 2010. ... I am so happy to have the minivan and our garage to make these trips so much easier. The first pick-up went fairly well with a little hiccups. The stroller was not in my car so I had to carry the car seat while holding the other boys hands. ... Today was the Parent's breakfast ...

Court blocks Florida GOP’s modern-day ... - Alternet.org's ruling means that a preliminary injunction will remain in effect against enforcing the law against the 17 plaintiffs who are party to the case while it proceeds on the underlying merits.

RADARSITE: CAIR's March 23 Fundraiser in LA now he is hosting the very man representing one of those jihadists. Small world, indeed. And returning to Omar, it has recently been disclosed that back in 2016, she was writing to a judge arguing for leniency for 9 Muslims who had been arrested for trying to join ISIS themselves.

Pompeo, Hypocrisy and War | The Smirking 25, 2019 · The only one of Pompeo’s countries not ruled by a supreme monarch is Egypt, whose president is Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi who “was elected in May 2014, almost a year after he removed his elected predecessor, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi, from office in a coup.” Sisi “won a second four-year-term in March 2018 against ...

RADARSITE: February 2019 now he is hosting the very man representing one of those jihadists. Small world, indeed. And returning to Omar, it has recently been disclosed that back in 2016, she was writing to a judge arguing for leniency for 9 Muslims who had been arrested for trying to join ISIS themselves.

Viewers Are Drawn To Fox News Like Flies Are ... - News Corpse 24, 2014 · But it doesn’t help to burnish his credibility when he makes frequent appearances on Fox News. ... for a critic who is writing about Fox to highlight that without also mentioning the slavish devotion of Fox to a far-right ideology is simply journalistic malpractice. ... in his mind, so respected. “I think one of the reasons for this latest ...

Balkinization: Tales From The National Surveillance State ... Mew York Times reports that the Pentagon and the CIA have been using "noncompulsory" versions of national security letters to obtain financial records on Americans and American companies. Unlike traditional search warrants, national security letters do not require examination by a neutral independent magistrate to determine whether the request is reasonable and/or supported by probable cause.

What Created Patriarchy? Many Possibilities | BroadBlogs 27, 2017 · Most people think that the world has always been patriarchal. Nope. Women’s past status and power are evidenced by a variety of things. Around 7000 BCE women’s graves were central and richly decorated in some parts of Europe, Africa and the Middle East, while men might be buried in mass graves.. More recent gender-equal cultures include American Indians and the peoples of Oceana (e.g ...

BartCop Entertainment Archives - Saturday, 9 November, few days ago, we went to a fancy Western restaurant in Hong Kong with a nice view for my wife's birthday that ended up costing us $270. I must have complained for two hours afterward about how we could have eaten amazing local food for one-tenth of that price.

Intelligence vs. Skill | Sheila Kennedy as there is a difference between job training and education, there’s a difference between intelligence and skill. A recent DailyKos post by a neurologist disputed the notion that being a neurosurgeon should be taken as evidence that Ben Carson is smart. The author distinguished between genuine intellect and …

Ten Righteous Movies to Help You Survive Trump | Bakhtin's ... 26, 2019 · It looks like Donald Trump is, at last, self-destructing. Of course, I’ve believed this before and been wrong. But even if he does lose in 2020, he’s probably going to do an enormous amount of damage on the way down. (“Okay, who ordered the Global Recession?”) So, in the spirit of defiant couch-potatoes everywhere, I…

Israel | Dear Kitty. Some blog 24 March 2020 video is called Israel’s COVID-19 patient #65 speaks to i2NEWS from hospital: “It is not a joke“.. Translated from Dutch NOS radio today:. Israel recorded the highest number of new infections yesterday since the start of the coronavirus outbreak. 1107 new cases were added, the Ministry of Health in Jerusalem reports.The day before, there were 967.

Sheppard Smith is Out at Fox News - Conservative News ... 13, 2019 · This is from last March, but it may have grown some legs. EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Shep Smith Accuser Says Fox News Host Sexually Attacked Him, Kept Going After He Tried To Push Him Off. Go to the link and you can hear the audio (it's about three minutes). It's probably too old to have been the reason Smith left Fox, but it's still great a gossip. Michael

Freedom Writing: Young at Heart 13, 2009 · This is one of those times. I guess, in part, it's due to the Easter season, with its emphasis on life and death and resurrection. How can one not think of death when the crucifixion is such a prominent part of the season? And, as I mentioned yesterday, Easter was the …

Beating the Rap - Blogger"The vote itself was anticlimactic, coming three weeks after the close of my defense. Only the margin of defeat was in doubt. I was just gla...

Avedon's Sideshow: Paradise is waiting for you and me is getting pretty exciting. Says the once dead tree, now online newspaper the Seattle Post-Intelligencer: [QUOTE]>>>>>If — it’s a big “IF” — Sawant wins, it will be the first defeat for an incumbent Seattle City Council member since 2007, when Tim Burgess easily unseated David Della. Before that, you have to go back to 2003, when ...

Senate Joint Resolution #2 Committee | Exceptional Delaware 27, 2016 · I reached out to Delaware State Rep. Earl Jaques to see who is on the Senate Joint Resolution #2 Assessment Inventory Committee. I received his response yesterday. This is a very interesting list with a name I never saw before, but I was very familiar with the last name. We shall see what comes out of this committee.

Obsidian Wings: How cleanliness sat down next to godliness Doctor Science. I've been on a Dutch painting of the Golden Age kick recently, so I dug out Simon Schama's The Embarrassment of Riches and was noodling around in it, looking especially at how women's lives and work were portrayed.. The most distinctive aspect of Dutch women's work was the constant cleaning:The spick-and-span towns shone from hours of tireless sweeping, scrubbing, …

The Betrayal of the American Dream : Donald L. Barlett ... 16, 2012 · Shepherd Express "The Betrayal of the American Dream is an angry book, denouncing the lies of corporate America and the elected officials it keeps on a leash woven from money." DailyKos "The team of Barlett and Steele have produced excellent journalism in the past, and they have done it again with The Betrayal of the American Dream, (2012) an ...

27 mental health professionals write book assessing Donald ... 04, 2017 · Courtesy of Mother Jones: There will not be a book published this fall more urgent, important, or controversial than The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, the work of 27 psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health experts to assess President Trump’s mental health.

Multilingualism: Is it Good or Bad? ~ European-American blog 04, 2019 · The problem with too many languages is obvious. Take the case of the European Union. Originally there were only a handful of languages to worry about, when the ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) was first founded, but as the European Union grew and every country’s language was declared equal, the EU became a true Tower of Babel.

The Eleventh Hour: Not Like Vietnam At All retreat left a crucial stretch of road on the front lines undefended for hours and led to a tense series of exchanges between American soldiers and about 50 Iraqi troops who were fleeing. Capt. Logan Veath, a company commander in the 25th Infantry Division, pleaded with the Iraqi major who was leading his troops away from the Sadr City ...

AGW | The Diary of Daedalus“This was the biggest climate change rally in U.S. history,” said rally organizer Bill McKibben. “By our count, 50,000 people gathered by the Washington Monument and then marched past the White House, demanding that the President do more than pay lip service to what one speaker called “the climate crisis.”

SecDef | Bloviating Zeppelin 04, 2016 · USMC General (four star) James Mattis (ret.) has been selected as Donald Trump’s nominee for the new administration’s Secretary of Defense. People ask: who is James Mattis? Ladies and gentlemen, James Mattis. A General Mattis Christmas Story. Featured from the National Museum of the Marine Corps Museum’s Facebook Page. A couple of months ago, when I told …

George Soros buying up flooded farm land | BUNKERVILLE ... 27, 2011 · Back on April 5, 2010 I did a post called George Soros makes move on controlling food supply. I was following up on an excellent post by Conservatives on Fire who included in his story that Soros was buying up Grain Elevators. One thing COF discovered is the Trojan Horse that no one is discussing. That being the attempt…

A Seattle Weekly Employee Comments... | Slog | The ... employee of the Seattle Weekly writes, w/r/t Michael Seiwerath’s letter to the editor:. I have to say this attack by Seiwerath has more to do with him being a lame “Stranger Genius” winner than anything else.

memeorandum: Impeachment trial rules seem written in the ... in his district deserve better — Kiev, Ukraine, is nearly 6,200 miles from Tulare, Calif. That's a long way from home for Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Tulare, who now faces explosive allegations that he and his staff contacted shadowy Ukrainian figures …

Texas’ Bill Zedler: Pro Creationism, Anti LGBT | The ... 04, 2013 · W e’ve written a few times about Texas state representative Bill Zedler.He’s the proud sponsor of HB 285, which provides:. An institution of higher education may not discriminate against or penalize in any manner, especially with regard to employment or academic support, a faculty member or student based on the faculty member’s or student’s conduct of research relating to the theory of ...

View from the Loft: Election only reply I received was from the friend who had forwarded it to me in the first place, and who probably did it to let me know what was circulating in the non-reality-based world. Not one other person to whom I replied acknowledged the correction or even sent an angry missive in return.

George in Denver: The Trouble With Dr. Laura husband had decided that he wanted to keep both of the kittens. The mother -- while her husband was at work (yes, she was a stayathome mom!)-- gave one of the two remaining kittens away, thus enforcing the decision she had made earlier. When her husband returned from work, he was angry with her for giving one of the two remaining kittens away.

Jaq ExaminesThe Issues: November 2009 23, 2009 · In his interview he indicated that half of the proposed government take-over of our health care system is already law, "slipped" into the previous Stimulus package (H.R. 1 EH, The American Investment and Recovery Act of 2009) and will soon take effect. You remember that bill: $787 billion in borrowed dollars, more than 1,000 pages mostly unread.

US Attorney General | Bloviating is LeftShockSpeak for “shit, I have to say something.” Another point about USA Preet Bharara. It was he who prosecuted Dinesh D’Souza for election fraud (thank you, Pat Dollard) because D’Souza is a conservative and was a critic of the Obama administration — as was revealed in his …

memeorandum: American sniper's wife Taya Kyle: An open ... Is a Bot, and Anthony Levandowski Is His Messenger — Many people in Silicon Valley believe in the Singularity—the day in our near future when computers will surpass humans in intelligence and kick off a feedback loop of unfathomable change.— When that day comes, Anthony Levandowski will be firmly on the side of the machines.

economic issues | Law of Markets is what he said in his post: Sir, The moribund orthodoxy that currently exercises such an inflexible grip on university economics departments will, as Wolfgang Münchau comments, inevitably face a challenge, and this “will come from outside the discipline and will be brutal” (“Macroeconomists need new tools to challenge consensus ...

WHY "10 TO 15 PERCENT" WILL HAVE NO NEGATIVE IMPACT ON ... 06, 2020 · The vast majority of the people are decent, and we have to appeal to that and we have to unite people — bring them together. Bring them together.” Mr. Biden’s comments harked back to controversial statements by past presidential nominees who generalized in negative terms about portions of the population.

NFL | Law of Markets 26, 2017 · One of the most premier Never Trumpers throughout the 2015-16 campaign was Rich Lowry, National Review Online. He wrote and filed a piece yesterday called, “Why Trump Is President,” and his Alabama speech Friday night and his comments on the NFL is what Rich Lowry now realizes is why Trump is president.

dave branon | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 04, 2013 · [God’s] abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus. —1 Peter 1:3 I am amazed at the unbelievable offers that flood my e-mail box every day. Recently, I added up the offers of free money that came to me in …

19 | August | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 19, 2017 · Joseph was the second youngest son of Jacob. Jacob had twelve sons and when Joseph, the little guy, said that one day he would rule over his brothers, they got angry. They threw him in a pit then sold him to the first caravan of traders that came along. Those rotten brothers told their father that Joseph had been eaten by wild animals.

The Useless Tree: Blindsight, The Movie 22, 2008 · First, some background on the film, without too much in the way of spoilers. The story focuses on a school for the blind in Tibet, set up by a remarkable woman from Germany who is herself blind. She gets in touch with a man who was the first blind person to climb to the top of Mount Everest. Together they organize an expedition for six of the ...

MAYBE THE GOP IS NOW SO EXTREME THAT TED CRUZ IS … 08, 2016 · maybe the gop is now so extreme that ted cruz is winning in the "center lane"

PrunePicker: Jewette Farley, Master Fisherman! 07, 2012 · Captain Thomas Munson was the first Munson to move to America. He was baptized in Rattlesden, England in 1612. The baptismal font is still in use. He served in the militia in the Pequot Indian Wars in 1637. He served in the militia all his life and reached the status of Captain. His signature is on the founding document for New Haven, Connecticut.

Artist As Rock Star / Rock Star As Artist - Le Panoptique musicians are invited to show in a contemporary art context, their sub-cultural cache is not all they bring to the situation; a two-person exhibit at Galerie Lucile Corty by singer-songwriter David-Ivar Herman Düne and visual artist Marlie Mul generates unexpected (and unintentional) perspectives on the relationship between popular culture and high art.

criticism « Scanlyze 02, 2009 · The XO has brought joy, pride and a window on the world for hundreds of thousands of children in poor and working class communities throughout the world. Although I left OLPC in January, I am very proud of the work we have done and consider the year that I spent there as systems administrator to have been the high point of my life ...

Electronic Village: Autopsy Report: Taser Contributed to ... 17, 2009 · We had some movement in the death-by-Taser case of 16-year old Robert Mitchell. Villagers may recall that this was the 5'2" teenager chased into a vacant house by Warren (MI) police officers a couple of months ago. The youngster was unarmed. The police decided to pump Robert Mitchell with 50,000 volts of pure electricity instead of following the 'Use of Force Continuum' policy to …

Last of Our Kind: Silence Gives Consent! 25, 2008 · Become a follower and subscribe to our feeds. Remember to comment. We welcome all feedback, positive, negative, and most certainly from opposing views.

revolution « Scanlyze 03, 2007 · I sang these verses in a somewhat quavery but fairly on-key voice to a high school auditorium full of people at a town meeting called by US Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Mich) after 9/11. One brave lady in the crowd sang with me. One of the panelists invited by Rivers, a moderate and well-respected member of the Ann Arbor Muslim community was Rabih ...

O-pinion: Meck commish for anti-gay marriage bill? 09, 2012 · James contends their resolution is still in effect, and thus the commissioners' support for the amendment still stands - even though a different amendment sponsored by different people and the board of commissioners has only two members from that time, and only one of them voted - James. Good one, Bill.

elementropy 04, 2005 · In comments to one of these posts, this guy offers a terrific neologism for these libertarian agents of authoritarianism: propertarians. Excellent. Excellent. Clicking through Roy's links (Instayokel's position was no surprise), the best is Protein Wisdom's "libertarians for Alito" roundup, and this hunk of shit from the Randroid nitwits at ...

Dawg's Blawg: Creative anachronism, CSIS and l'affaire Douglas 12, 2010 · But the Douglas matter is now before the courts--after four years, thanks to a lot of persistence and the help of a capable Ottawa lawyer, Paul Champ. And a wind assist has just been delivered: legislators, in a unanimously supported motion in the Saskatchewan legislature , last week demanded the release of the records.

Jews sans frontieres: Ilford South Labour Party Branch ... was the worst Labour party meeting I have ever attended. A member accused me and others of being 'agents of a foreign power' as they proposed a motion attacking the Board of Deputies of British Jews. Me and a Jewish member spoke against the motion, but the motion passed.

San Bernadino – Indyfromaz's Blog: The Thoughts of An ... identified one of the suspects as Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, an environmental health specialist at the San Bernardino County Health Department. Late Wednesday night, police identified the second suspect as Tashfeen Malik, 27. Both we killed in a Police shoot out. I suppose that was the Police’s fault. They were being Islamophobic. ??

syslblog: November 2014 26, 2014 · Southeast Missouri State left a very good impression with Michele and I, and most importantly, with Nick. We loved the campus, the cafeteria, …

CIA | All you need is a crazy rich guy with a private army you need is a crazy rich guy with a private army. Meet Blackwater USA: Cheney's Gestapo. Estimated Iraqi deaths

archives | The Smirking 05, 2019 · First to Barnard College for a talk with Chicana activist and author Cherríe Moraga about her first book release in eight years. Then, a unique kind of activism from adrienne maree brown, whose latest bestselling book is an examination of activist pleasure. All that and a landmark feminist bookstore turns 20 years old.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Podunk Below the Masthead, Monday ... 08, 2009 · Podunk Below the Masthead, Monday, June 8, 2009 Inside and out with the Pacific Coast School, Mr. Coons takes his seat and the Phase Two consultation begins, some of the items in the Monday edition of the Daily News.

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions - The Pentagon attack on the Pentagon is the biggest fantasy of all. This picture really tells us all we need to know. Like most Americans, I was stunned and deeply affected by the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

August 2014 – eclectique 916 would know her as “Chichina” who was the girl friend of the young Ernesto Guevara (aka “Che”) before he took off on his motorcycle journey that he documented as The Motorcycle Diaries. Dr. Ferrer took us inside the great Nuestra Señora de la Asunción cathedral, a central part of the Jesuit stronghold and college town (to this day).

Bilgrimage: New York Times Editorial on ACLU Case vs ... 09, 2013 · After Time started the new year with an article about how the pro-life movement is carrying the day in the U.S., there's been a lot of talk in Catholic circles (see, e.g., this posting by Greg Sisk at Mirror of Justice) about how pro-lifers are winning the war against abortion. The National Opinion Research Center's survey of trends in attitudes (pdf file) about abortion this year showed ...

Will Trump Bring the Robot Apocalypse? | The Smirking, who is already an influential Trump advisor, once boasted about the advantages of replacing human employees with machines. “They’re always polite, they always upsell, they never take a vacation, they never show up late, there’s never a slip-and-fall, or an …

05 | April | 2015 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 05, 2015 · Read: John 20:24-31 Bible in a Year: 1 Samuel 1-3; Luke 8:26-56 Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. —John 20:29 Charlotte Elliott wrote the …

GOP ignorant | Bloviating wrote about Jeb Bush here, in re his ludicrous “act of love.”. So now: Jeb Bush is back at it again. From Jeb Bush Pushes Amnesty, More High-Tech Visas at Education Conference At a prominent conference of education innovators, Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who is considering a 2016 presidential run, called for more guest worker programs and a path to amnesty for all of ...

Winter Patriot: 'Mixed Reviews' For Bush's Health Care ... nearly frozen correspondent got a bit warm above the clavicles while reading Christopher Lee and Lori Montgomery in the Washington Post on this fine cold Sunday morning. They were selling a piece of obvious fiction called "Bush's Proposed Health-Care Cuts Get Mixed Reviews" and saying things like:Depending on whom you ask, the budget that President Bush proposed last week will save or ...

Winter Patriot: Egyptian Sources Confirm The Presence Of ... are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com the crowded towns of Idlib province in Syria’s north-west, the displaced of the country’s seven-year war have nowhere left to run. Hemmed in by all sides in the long, savage conflict, up to 3 million people are bracing for imminent attack by Russian forces who sense victory in one of the last parts of Syria still out of regime control. As the Russian navy manoeuvred in the nearby ...

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com States Wars, News and Casualties. The War Criminals How many Iraqis have died as a result of the invasion 15 years ago? Some credible estimates put the number at more than one million. You can read that sentence again. The invasion of Iraq is often spoken of in our country as a “blunder,” or even a “colossal mistake.” It was a crime.

MR GRADY'S DAILY BLOG: HEADLINES FROM FOX Daily update · April 19, 2014 NEWS MSNBC 'Fox & Friends' mistreats Elijah Cummings on IRS ...

postaday2011 | The Illogical Seminary about postaday2011 written by The Head Seminarian. And between one dog who constantly licks his balls, and another who is contemplating an owner change if he doesn’t go back to Colorado where at least he could roll in the snow.

BRASSERIE BRESCHARD: Guns, Police, and Gift Bags sergeant waits for the grumbling to subside before continuing. “Think of it this way, you may be on the street all weekend but it’s another couple of boat payments you won’t have to worry about. Second: Officer Buntz is recovering from a bowel resection so when the cap goes around, donate generously.

American Power: Progressives and the Defense Budget 02, 2008 · Secretary of Defense is the big enchilada. Arguably, due to the vast percentage of federal spending it receives, it is more important than all other cabinet secretaries combined. The President may be Commander in Chief, but it is the Secretary of Defense who is …

Ezra Klein: Reasons I Will Not Be Going to the Smithsonian ... it's not like we haven't seen this before, I am reminded of that appointee at NASA who lied about his degree telling senior researchers to change his report to conform to the wingnut line. Built on sound science, indeed. Posted by: N1L | May 22, 2007 9:52:07 AM. Fred,

BRASSERIE BRESCHARD: 12/7/14 - 12/14/14 08, 2014 · Ms. Parker takes a moment’s pause as the ripple of surprise subsided. “I’ve been tasked with reporting to you all that percentage sales for the Hill precinct this past year have more than doubled corporate projections. A bonus check for each one of you will be transferred to …

No Right Turn: The spies' PR blitz 11, 2015 · Last night, TVNZ's Andrea Vance highlighted the convergance of PR strategies among Five Eyes intelligence agencies - its as if they're swapping PR tips and working to an agreed plan to increase the social licence for mass surveillance and invasion of privacy. Meanwhile, the NZ Council for Civil Liberties published the New Zealand Intelligence Community's Draft NZIC Communications …

My Open Kimono: January 2018 on a meet and greet with the walker before scheduling a walk. Ask about insurance and who is covered. Ask about vetting the walker. How long is their training period. Who trains them? Are the walks private or pack walks? The care and safety of your pet should be first and foremost when choosing a company to work with you.

My Open Kimono: 2018 what we end up with as the chickens come home to roost is a nest of lies, obfuscated with technical terms, apologies, lack of transparency and accountability and legislators who don’t have a clue how to pull the curtain aside and ask the right questions.

'Bob Newhart cancels appearance at anti-gay Legatus Summit ... Newhart Cancels Appearance at Anti-Gay Legatus Summit - Bet you didn't know that comedian Bob Newhart was scheduled to appear at a co...

The Rectification of Names: Adding moral insult to moral ... David Brooks, "The Moral Injury", New York Times, February 17 2015:I have no idea what those unfortunate veterans were getting up to in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it must have been pretty awful, because a pervasive feature of PTSD is the feeling of guilt.

Shaun King's wife Rai CONFIRMS both his parents are white King's wife has come to her husband's defense in a post on Facebook in which she also lashes out at the media just one day after a family member of King's said he is in fact white.

Gary Black, Seth Harp win YR Straw Poll – Peach 17, 2009 · yellowB, I’m afraid you’re mistaken. Muscogee and Savannah had an equal amount of YRs there. It’s really early to take any sort of poll too seriously, but it’s interesting to see who is already establishing themselves with the YRs. That’s a good “demographic” to have in your camp. Congrats to John, Doug, Gary and Sen. Harp.

A Good World: April 2007 18, 2007 · "A good world needs knowledge, kindliness, and courage; it does not need a regretful hankering after the past or a fettering of the free intelligence by the words uttered long ago by ignorant men. It needs a fearless outlook and a free intelligence. It needs hope for the future, not looking back all the time toward a past that is dead, which we trust will be far surpassed by the future that ...

Ben Hall Houston | Texas Leftist would hope that a candidate running for a place in city government would at least recognize the value of taxes, even if that particular candidate doesn’t always enjoy paying them on time. And winning a lawsuit against the IRS may prove Hall to be a good lawyer, but it doesn’t qualify him to be the Mayor of our nation’s fourth largest ...

Contents Under Pressurehttps://fabpressure.blogspot.comComing to you from Uptown Houston & the nation's fourth largest city.If you're in the Houston area, please come out and join me on Thanksgiving evening, as thousands of Houstonians and out-of-town guests gather along Post Oak Boulevard for the Uptown Holiday Lighting Presented by TXU Energy, an event now in its 24th year. This fun-filled family event, benefiting Sheltering Arms Senior Services ...

Tarnished Lady: Books favorite current band aside from Blonde Redhead would have to be the wildly magical all female Brighton-based Bats for Lashes.. One of my very favorite writers is Flannery O'Connor and as every good reader knows, everything that rises must converge.. Now having seen Bats twice live back in August (once at Spaceland in Silverlake & the following day for a private music industry show luncheon ...

The House of Gordon: January 2010 bunch of the "regular" spots were hit: District Chophouse, Ben's Chili Bowl, Lincoln Waffle Shop, Shelly's Backroom, et al. A new one on the docket was the Langston Hughes-inspired Busboys and Poets, coffee/book shop. The 14th and V Street location was the destination for lunch Friday.

Paxton’s contempt saga officially ends – Off the would be nice to have more details about those letters Judge Garcia received, but at this point it does seem like the system is finally working as it’s supposed to. If all else fails, Judge Garcia can always reschedule that hearing. He may now be in compliance, but it’s not clear to me that Paxton has learned anything from the experience.

The Johnsville News: The Willie Williams Recruiting Saga NY Times story, "He's Toasted, Then He's Toast," describes a young high school football player's recruiting diaries that stired a tempest.Mr. Williams a 6-foot-2 inch, 230-pound linebacker from Miami chronicals his recruiting trips to big-time college football schools to Manny Navvarro, a …

February 2019 ~ European-American blog 06, 2019 · It is an orgy of male beauty, not female beauty. Women are conspicuously absent in these rooms. It is ALL about men. Men eating, fighting, disk throwing, killing lions, making love (to other men)… The concept of beauty was the domain of men, not women. Greeks and Romans adored the human body, but it was the male body that they went bonkers over.

Rick Perry & the Death Penalty - The StandDown Texas Project it does show Perry’s willingness to take an extreme position—and his unwillingness or inability to offer a thoughtful defense of that position. In addition, Perry’s abdication of executive review of executions in the nation’s death penalty epicenter is regrettable and …

Media must not fall into Trump's trap. Any Ukrainian ... New York Times (the ones who brought you breathless coverage of the “but her emails” faux scandal three years ago) ran a story with this headline: “Ukraine to Review Criminal Case on Owner of Firm Linked to Biden’s Son.” Here’s CNN’s headline: “Ukraine will review probe into gas company linked to Biden’s son.”. As these and other articles explained, Ukraine’s top ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: UPDATED: Hockaday, McRae get nod from ... 09, 2020 · With only $73K in his warchest, he is faced with a challenge by longtime Newark activist Larry Hamm, who has aligned himself with the Progressive faction of Bernie Sanders. Discussing the presidential primary -- which is the same day as the county primary -- Chairman Mapp said that the Union County committee had taken no stand on any candidate yet.

Corporations Are Fact Checkers, My Friend | Eclectablog 31, 2012 · But it’s also become our presidential election. ... Plus he’d like to be the most powerful man in the world—which seems to have become his goal since the first time he put on a tie, at some point in his second trimester. If Mitt Romney ends up losing, there is a poetic justice that he had to spend his last week of his life lying about the ...

December | 2014 | Left is Right in his last days as chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Darrell Issa chose Christmas week to release the committee’s report regarding the so-called IRS scandal, which according to Issa was a conspiracy in the White House to punish conservatives. Well, no, it wasn’t. In many ways, this has been such a delightful week.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: A judicial ... 14, 2006 · The first court decision (.pdf) to interpret and apply the legislative atrocity known as the "Military Commissions Act of 2006" was issued yesterday in the case of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld.The decision was a major victory for the Bush administration's attempt to vest the President with the power to imprison individuals -- even for life -- without according them any meaningful opportunity to contest ...

Possible Experience: Jul 18, 2011 18, 2011 · The hacking and corruption scandal roiling Britain has claimed its first dead body: Sean Hoare, the former News of the World showbiz reporter who was the first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson was aware of phone hacking by his staff, has been found dead, the Guardian has learned. Hoare, who worked on the Sun and the News of the World with Coulson before being dismissed for …

Finding the mysterious Board of Ed election change action 28, 2015 · Finding the mysterious Board of Ed election change action. ... in his December 2 post on moving the election (see here), says '[l] ... which was the first Board meeting after the November 3 election which marked the fourth November school board election required by law before a change could be contemplated.

JustOneMinute: Driving Miss Sarah and no thread appropriate for this wonderful awful news:. EXCLUSIVE: Fox News Channel's signature news anchor Shepard Smith has signed a new multi-year deal to continue as the channel's lead news anchor as well as anchor of FOX Report and Studio B. Smith's most recent pact with Fox News inked in 2007 was for 3 years and nets him $7 million-8 million a year.

U.S. Mulling How to Delay Election in Case of Attack - U.S. Mulling How to Delay Nov. Vote in Case of Attack U.S. counterterrorism officials are looking at an emergency proposal on the legal steps needed to postpone the November presidential ele

Follow The Bouncing Ball, Where It Lands Nobody Knows The Bouncing Ball, Where It Lands Nobody Knows. The evening of Monday, May 7th, 2018 was hardly a salutary one for Hector D. Bremner, sitting NPA Vancouver City Councillor, elected to office in a by-election to fill the vacant seat of Geoff Meggs (now Premier John Horgan's Chief of …

two guys spouting off: 11/16/08 - 11/23/08 20, 2008 · In at least one case last year, workers for a foreign automaker for the first time averaged more in base pay and bonuses than UAW members working for domestic automakers, according to an economist for the Center for Automotive Research and figures …

Podunk Below the Masthead, Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Below the Masthead, Tuesday, July 14, 2009 A man selling hemp walks into a town, it's almost election day for the Assembly of First Nations and a manslaughter case is moved back two weeks, some of the highlights of the Tuesday edition of the Daily News.

Possible Experience: Jun 13, 2011 were also reached in three other referendums held simultaneously – the first time in 16 years that a quorum had been achieved in any referendum in Italy. Official projections showed more than 95% of voters rejecting water privatisation and a law allowing Berlusconi and other ministers to cite government business as a reason for ...

Clifford May | News Corpse 11, 2014 · The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) is the federal agency responsible for all U.S. government and government sponsored, non-military, international broadcasting. Its affiliates include the Voice of America, Alhurra, Radio Free Europe, and Radio and TV Martí. If its mission was not originally intended to be a purveyor of propaganda, the Bush administration has seen to it that that is ...

The thing you need to know about the guy behind the “three’s a known liar and grifter.. When President-elect Donald Trump tweeted Sunday — without evidence — that “millions” of people voted illegally in the race for the White House, he invited a wrath of condemnation for again stoking doubts about the U.S. election system.. But in Texas, he found at least one fan: Gregg Phillips, a former Health and Human Services Commission executive who ...

Musical Stylings and Advice for Young Boys and Girls on the song is really not about having a slow hand so to speak and pleasing the ladies. It's about not being stupid and getting married to a woman who can't/won't be true. The singer's mother and preacher take one look at singer's wife and tell him to think twice before proceeding.. =) April 9, 2013 at 2:34 PM

Misadventures in TSA Airport Screening | Bill's Links And More 21, 2007 · “Alan Greenspan has come back from the tomb of history to correct the record. He did not make any mistakes in his 18-year tenure as Federal Reserve chairman. He did not endorse the regressive Bush tax cuts of 2001 that pumped up the federal deficits and aggravated inequalities. He did not cause the housing bubble that is now in collapse.

Yes, Ted Cruz IS eligible to be President of ... - Eclectablog 12, 2013 · Barb Byrum is currently in her second term as Ingham County Clerk, serving as the county’s chief elections official. As Clerk, Barb has successfully conducted 23 elections, 4 union elections, and currently serves on Michigan’s Election Security Commission, the Secretary of State’s team of advisors tasked with strengthening and better ...

A Big Goof By the Feds Resulted in ... - Tickle The 02, 2011 · By Allan Lengel A goof by federal law enforcement resulted in the murder of Genovese family mobster Adolfo (Big Al) Bruno in 2003, Gang Land News reports.. The website on the Mafia reported that a federal probation officer mentioned in a pre-sentence report to a Massachusetts federal judge that Bruno, who ran the Springfield, Mass. rackets for the crime family, …

29 | January | 2011 | The Lunch Counter 29, 2011 · Daily archive for January 29, 2011. Last night on the O’Reilly Factor, Fox News host and sanctuary city apologist Geraldo Rivera still believes that, despite being elected by people of all races (that includes white people) and backgrounds two years ago, the dissatisfaction with him now is due to his being black. President Jimmy Carter, CNN, Bill Moyers, Hank Johnson, much of the Washington ...

Civil Rights – Everyday Activist Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country. (3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. Article 22.

Trump’s failure to govern is the real danger | V B I 25, 2017 · Trump’s failure to govern is the real danger. ... He has denounced the free press as the “enemy of the people” and barred the White House briefing room to major news outlets that have criticized his administration. He is prosecuting a group of people based on their religion and has accused the protesters who oppose his policies of being ...

LGBTQ community may be the deciding factor of the Blue ... the midterms approach, the one thing becoming increasingly clear is the importance of the LGBTQ voter. We rejoiced over the progress made in the Obama years and watched in horror as Trump, with the anti-LGBTQ industry whispering in his ear like that Lord of the Rings character Wormtongue, proceeded to take away from us as much as he could. Now certain groups are hoping that we took mental ...

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: What if, a black man in his 50s, came out into his Long Island driveway on an August 2006 night to confront white teenagers who had come onto his property making threats against his 19-year-old son, Aaron, including ones to kill him. There had been an argument at a party, related to a …

In the Eyes of Palin and Biden | Election Coverage, 2008 28, 2008 · Such views as the economy and abortion are important to their character and their future in the White House. The race for vide president pits a young female governor with new age thinking against an older male senator who is set in his ways. Let’s start with Palin’s view on the economy.

Marry in Massachusetts: The Curious Emile Goguen: Part 1 Curious Emile Goguen: Part 1 ... There is a big wrinkle in his fine garments, however. No matter what else Goguen does or says, he’'ll surely be known primarily as the crackpot, homophobe who tried his damnedest to get the pro-same-sex voting Massachusetts Supreme Court justices thrown off … Live Run Down the LGBTQ community and allies continue to celebrate Pride Month, Amazon Prime Video is setting a virtual fest of their own with "Pride Inside" June 27-28. The fest, which will take..... 2020-06-24 21:00 : WVNS [ Bluefield] Dr. Cathy Slemp steps down from WV state health officer position... 2020-06-24 21:00 : …

The Killary bully party -- Society's Child -- Sott.net've been trying to figure out what common trait binds Clinton supporters together. As far as I can tell, the most unifying characteristic is a willingness to bully in all its forms. If you have a Trump sign in your lawn, they will steal it. If... Neil Sinhababu's - VoteSeeing was born in Chicago, Illinois, to a Salvadoran mother and a Greek father. He moved with his family to El Salvador in 1976, but later returned to the Chicago area in 1980 after his family fled when threats were placed on their lives by communist insurgents during the Salvadoran Civil War.

Bloggings On Immigration Law And Policy - ILW.COM,0210-siskind.shtmHere are the highlights: Family 1st - Advancement of worldwide, China and India numbers by three weeks to 22 June 2004. Mexico moves forward three weeks to 1 October 1992. The Philippines moves up two months to 1 January 1994. Family 2A - Worldwide, India, China and the Philippines numbers advance one month to 01 April 2006.

LA en vie: August 2008 Friday I had lunch with an old friend who is now a HPP-- Hollywood Power Player. He is one of the good guys in Hollywood. I think he really did want to see me once I moved to Los Angeles, but his office had canceled three or four times. Finally the day came, and it was my turn to want to cancel-- it was inconvenient for several reasons.

Hillary Clinton preemptively accepts debate schedule. So ... 02, 2016 · Well, looks like Donald set off yet another ****storm with suggesting that one of those lovable Second Amendment patriots "take care" of Hillary Clinton. My favorite reaction was the Secret Secret Services tweet. Paraphrased, "We're aware of the comments."

Our Life in Montana: 11/11/07 08, 2007 · "I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in." ~John Muir, 1913, in L.M. Wolfe, ed., John Muir, John of the Mountains: The Unpublished Journals of John Muir, 1938[PDF]Behind The Black Robes Failed Justice [PDF, EPUB, EBOOK] the black robes failed justice By Barbara Cartland FILE ID cc37e9 Freemium Media Library Behind The Black Robes Failed Justice PAGE #1 : Behind The Black Robes Failed Justice By Barbara Cartland - behind the black robes failed justice is about a very serious problem the need

The Rude Pundit 06, 2005 · Nixon is a media junkie since the TVs in Hell are always tuned to Fox "news." O'Reilly, Hannity, and the rest? They'd've sliced and diced Woodward and Bernstein until "traitor" was the only word that stuck. Alas, though, none of that is for Nixon. He is in Hell, his calendar filled with manure baths and piss saunas and banquets of rotting flesh.

A Visit to Heaven and Hell: Mapping Planet Earth | The 03, 2017 · About author Eduardo Galeano (1940-2015) was one of Latin America’s most distinguished writers. He was the author of many books, including the three-volume Memory of Fire, Open Veins of Latin America, Soccer in Sun and Shadow, and The Book of Embraces.Born in Montevideo in 1940, he lived in exile in Argentina and Spain for 12 years before returning to Uruguay …

Patriside: It went "zip" when it moved and "bop" when it ... 29, 2006 · But it was a marvelous toy. . . . As for you being the Trivia Master, I'm afraid I might have to challenge you to a duel. I figure, even if I lose, I'll still win. I will give you a run for your money, though. I might even win. 3:42 PM

Ghost Rider: Travels On the Healing Road | Bloviating confirmed in 2016 that the R40 tour was the band’s last large-scale tour. The end of an era. But in truth, Neil Peart’s retirement is well deserved. What most don’t know is that Peart has suffered major personal tragedies. He lost his first child, a 19-year-old daughter, Selena, to a vehicle accident in 1997.

Update: Pass! Climate bill advances with 219-212 vote | Grist 26, 2009 · News, rumors, and outright malarkey on the American Clean Energy Security Act’s big day in the U.S. House. Will be updated throughout the day. –Analysis from Nate Silver at Fivethirtyei…

06 | July | 2007 | Zambian Chronicle 06, 2007 · 3 posts published by microplus on July 6, 2007

One Degree of Separation: Remembering George H.W. Bush ... 04, 2018 · One Degree of Separation: Remembering George H.W. Bush . Sometime in early February 1990, on the upper floor of the United States Embassy in Bucharest, a telephone rang. I was in that room, the office of the Deputy Chief of Mission.

California Counts survey_highlights | Gun Violence In The ... Counts survey_highlights - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. California Counts, a public media collaboration of KPBS in San Diego, KPCC in Los Angeles, Capital Public Radio in Sacramento and KQED in San Francisco, conducted the survey in partnership with CALSPEAKS at Sacramento State.

October | 2019 | Sohum Parlance II was the first time I’ve driven 101 in years where there was no slow-down due to a logjam between Novato and Petaluma. Quote of the day from a social media poster: “If corporations are people, then PG&E is the most successful serial killer in California history.”

The Morning Flap: January 26, 2012 – Flap's Blog ... 26, 2012 · Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and President Obama yesterday . These are my links for January 25th through January 26th: Apple’s iPad and the Human Costs for Workers in China – In the last decade, Apple has become one of the mightiest, richest and most successful companies in the world, in part by mastering global manufacturing. Apple and its high-technology peers — as well as dozens of ...

May | 2003 | Majority to a May 12, 2003 campaign filing Tim Eyman has donated some $33,897.96 in campaign services to the campaign committee Voters Want More Choices, which is trying to collect signatures for Initiative 807 for 1/3 minority veto control over the state budget.

The Immoral Minority: Does Fox News turn its female ... 02, 2010 · these gals with their bleached hair, low-cut tops, short skirts and CFM pumps truly believe they are liberated post-modern feminists. honestly, IMO, they are setting working women back decades with their hyper-sexualized wardrobes and their goofy wide-eyed facial expressions -- which they all seem to be coached in.

Next Left: Dennis Skinner's Blairite 10, 2010 · Mr Blair regularly telephones him for advice and invites him for tea in his Parliamentary office. "They get on very well," a Downing Street source said. "The Prime Minister has a very high opinion of Dennis - he's got a soft spot for him like we all do. The Dennis Skinner of 1998 is not the Dennis Skinner of 1988 or 1978.

A weekend of protests, and more lies from the Trump ... weekend of protests, and more lies from the Trump administration Protests are expected to continue Monday after a weekend in which the tide continued turning away from Donald Trump’s attempts to promote division and violence, while a viewing is being held in Houston ahead of the third memorial service for George Floyd, to be held Tuesday.

Article: Message to pro-war extremists: Our troops are not ... 19, 2007 · Article: Message to pro-war extremists: Our troops are not your dupes - Gray and Mora co-authored 'The War as We Saw It,' an opinion piece signed by …

Take non-perishable food items to the Jackson Browne ... 13, 2008 · Just a reminder to any of you who are heading to the Jackson Browne concert Friday! Jackson Browne, WHY to Concert-Goers: If You're a Fan, Bring a Can. Jackson Browne has partnered with WHY (World Hunger Year) to put food on the shelves of …

The Hip-Hop Generation Can Call For Peace | Alternet ordered a call-up of 50,000 reservists--the first step towards reinstituting the draft--while preparing Americans for a long, ground war that could leave many innocent Afghanis dead or displaced.

Waiting for Winfrey | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only ... the guy didn't say he was a Muslim. You're putting words in his mouth. All religions are minority religions. Roman Catholics are the largest group, and they're less than a quarter of the population. According to, United Church of Christ is the 11th largest denominational group, with 0.7% of the population.

Michael Richards in Black Face (See? He's Not Racist ... like he said in his apology, he can’t be a racist! Thanks Defamer! Permalink. ... and a long family history to go with it. ... sluts and whores, these are the mothers of our children and future leaders, and those worlds are no longer “beeped” out on TV anymore, as a society it has become a regular occurrence, black people call each ...

Jesus sells out at Walmart | Shadow Democracy the first time, the world’s largest retailer is stocking a full line of faith-based toys along with its usual cast – including a GI Joe Combat Squad action figure with a gun the size of his body, and a 3-foot remote-control concept car dubbed “Big Time Muscle.”

EPA Moves to Loosen Methane Rules as Trump Opens Alaskan 31, 2019 · In his mind, nuking hurricanes and buying Greenland to plunder its newly ice-free resources is what environmentalists do. Now, Trump the “environmentalist” has also reportedly ordered Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to open Alaska’s 16.7 million-acre Tongass National Forest — the largest intact temperate rainforest in the world ...

Five times white privilege failed to save these racists in ... William Beasley, a white San Francisco man, was fired from his job at the technology services company APEX Systems June 25 when viral video showed him blocking a Latino resident from entering his own apartment building, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. "We have concluded our internal review of the incident with one of our internal employees," Beasley’s former employer tweeted.

Behind Kerry’s apartheid faux pas | Al Jazeera 03, 2014 · A former chief of the Israeli security service, Ami Ayalon, invoked the specter of apartheid in 2011, saying, “If the Palestinians do not get enough support in the U.N., [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud] Abbas may quit, or the Palestinians may rise up against him, because they want a better future.They may give up on a diplomatic solution … ask for citizenship and equality in ...

Blue in Guadalupe: January 2018 slogan "No Taxation Without Representation" summarized a primary grievance of the American colonists during the 1750s and 1760s and was one of the major causes of the 1776 revolution. The lack of representation was more obvious 242 years ago but it is nevertheless true today.

The Wattree Chronicle: A Message to the Hood 09, 2012 · But it was only later, to my complete shock and horror, did I learn that they had also managed to get the Marine Corps to ignore all of its regulations against accepting an illiterate delinquent. But once I got in there I found out why - they needed a warm body to use as a close combat dummy in order to train the "REAL MARINES."

Israeli Supreme Court Reinforces Occupation - Progress Pond 22, 2007 · The Human Rights Watch site informs that the basic principles of international humanitarian law underlying military occupation are long established. They are based primarily on the 1907 Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of […]

The Johnsville News: Link List — August 24, 2007 24, 2007 · The soil on Mars may indeed be teeming with microbes, according to a new interpretation of data first collected more than 30 years ago. Two researchers' analysis of one of the experiments carried out by the Viking spacecraft that touched down on Mars in 1976 suggests that 0.1 percent of the… Top 10 and Bottom 10 Liveable Cities in the World 2006

Bill Ayers on ‘Commie’ De Blasio ... - was the last time you spoke with the president? It was before 2008. I wish he invited me to the White House every Monday for consultations, but it hasn’t happened yet.

The Florida Masochist: The Knuckleheads of the Day 29, 2006 · And who is supposed to supervise the accountants Ms. Ocken. You're a incompetent bureaucrat who should be fired immediately. That may or may not happen but you're one of today's Knuckleheads of the Day. Put that on your resume when looking for your next job. This story gets better. In her most recent evaluation, she was given a score of 94.5.

Vagabond Scholar: International Holocaust Remembrance Day 03, 2019 · Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day.Over at Crooks and Liars, I linked two pieces. First, at the Conversation, "The 1938 Kindertransport saved 10,000 children but it’s hard to describe it as purely a success": One of the UK’s most significant child rescue efforts began on December 1, 1938: the Kindertransport.

Richard Stallman citát - „When I released GNU Emacs and„When I released GNU Emacs and people started using it, they started sending me improvements in the mail. So I would get a message with a bug fix, and a message with a new feature, and another bug fix, and another new feature, and another… and another… until they were pouring in on me so fast that just taking advantage of all of the help people were giving me was a big job.

No Child’s Play: Omar Khadr’s Detention and Its’s-play-omar-khadr’s...The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the 2006 Military Commissions Act, the legal basis for the continued existence of Guantanamo Bay and the military courts established to try its prisoners, is unconstitutional.As such, all of its prisoners may file habeas corpus petitions in district courts asking for release from their unlawful detainment. In addition, both U.S. Presidential nominees …

Instapundit - 20, 2015 · Instapundit is a big booster of Glenn Beck's current campaign against Obama, the Going Galt nonsense, and some "Tea Party" protests apparently cut from the same stuff. On the plus side, he does have good taste in music.

Democracy for New Mexico: New Mexico Environment 1st Annual César Chávez Day of Service and Learning, La Plazita Gardens, ABQ, 9AM-1:30PM, Free 03/27-3/28: Sign-Making Parties, Karen Montoya for Bernalillo County Assessor, 8:30AM-12PM Saturday, 12:30PM-5:30PM Sunday, Click for Location 03/27: 17th Annual César Chávez Day March & Festival, 11AM: March Starts Westside Community Center; 12-4PM: …

GOP Tries To Steal The Election In Virginia To Maintain was disappointed to see that this Washington Post piece as well as Chris Hayes and Joy Reid last night really mischaracterized the nature of Shelly Simonds motion to have the Newport News Circuit Court reconsider their decision about a single ballot that would force the control of the Virginia House of Delegates to be decided by a drawing of names.

The Wattree Chronicle: Mr. President: How About a Little 08, 2010 · While writing this series of articles I've had the great privilege of becoming acquainted with Dr. Stephen Musacco. Dr Musacco is a therapist, an organizational psychologist, and the author of the book "Beyond Going Postal." In addition to his credentials as a psychologist, Dr. Musacco also has the specialized knowledge of having worked for the postal service for …

Horse Essay Essay Contest . 3rd July 2020 | | Writing a bad college essay. Horse essay contest

Foreign Relations Is Macroeconomics: The Individual Is von Mises (1881-1973) was the greatest economist of my time.His greatest works can be accessed here a t no charge. Mises believed that property, freedom and peace are and should be the hallmarks of a satisfying and prosperous society.

The Secret That Will Destroy the World's Financial System they don't want you to know is what is being held a collateral for the loans that is the secret they don't want released.It goes back to the federal reserve can print money but in most instances doesn't have to .Lets say the reserve writes a check for 500 million to a swiss bank for example.The feds will say whats the collateral for the ...

A Piece Of My Mind: The Super Blood Moon, The Church, The 28, 2015 · For a few moments last night I was in awe of the universe. I had dragged out a tripod given to me when I left the last parish I served. Then I mounted my camera on the tripod. I took a few pictures, but nothing great. I did see the moon at about half eclipse. Then I saw it at full eclipse. There was just a glimmer of light.

The Rude 06, 2009 · "According to papers Roeder filed today, his possessions amount to a 16yr.-old Taurus and $10, and he only works occasionally at minimum-wage jobs. Yet he managed to finance several 400-mile round trips to Wichita from the KC area in the last month to case the church and know Dr. Tiller by sight, bought a handgun, gas and meals etc.

Seattle Public School Violates Court Injunction Monday Judge Erlick of the King County Superior Court ruled on behalf of the plaintiffs Save the Trees – Seattle and put in place an Injunction to prevent the Seattle School District from cutting the trees or destroying the habitat in the grove …

Army « 09, 2007 · Najaf Update: February 9, 2007. According to the Egyptian weekly Al-Ahram, there is a claim by an Iraqi parliamentarian that as many as 1,500 people may have been killed in last week’s fighting near An-Najaf.The nature of the groups engaged there and their leadership remains a matter of uncertainty.

22 | June | 2019 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! 22, 2019 · Trump continued to hold more than $130 million in foreign assets in a revocable trust as his second year in office came to a close, according to OpenSecrets’ analysis of the president’s most recent annual personal financial disclosure released by the Office of Government Ethics last month.Trump’s business entanglements continue to leave ...

The Domain of Dancers | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... sad thing about this post is that Charles professes to be an aficionado of African-American culture, specifically jazz, and dancing has always been a huge, huge part of that. Before the boredom of pseudo-spiritual scales-playing (Coltrane, et al.) came in, jazz was the liveliest and the dancingest music ever made.

Greater Love -- Sermon for Outdoor Service (Luke 7) 07, 2019 · It could have been the time we gave the wrong answer in class and everyone laughed. Or, maybe it was a case of striking out with the bases loaded. Or, maybe it involved asking someone out and hearing a firm no. Growing up can be difficult and a lot of shame can accrue to us. But it doesn’t end in high school!

On Transmigration: Bah, Hum-Fuck! eggnog you purchased I assume was from Lewes Dairy. IT IS THE BEST! Thank God they don't have it year round. I limit myself to a half cup a night with two chocolate chip cookies. One half cup of that egg nog is 220 calories and 100 FAT calories! I can feel it coating the walls of my blood veins as it slides down. Ah, but it is worth it ...

Julian Assange Will Spend a Year in a ... - Progress Pond 01, 2019 · Image Credits: Getty Images. There has been a significant development in the saga of Julian Assange.. A British court sentenced Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, to 50 weeks in prison on Wednesday for jumping bail when he took refuge in Ecuador’s Embassy in London seven years ago.. It’s still not clear if the United States will be successful in their effort …

More Details on Jeffrey Epstein's Suicide - Progress Pond 15, 2019 · An autopsy found that financier Jeffrey Epstein sustained multiple breaks in his neck bones, according to two people familiar with the findings, deepening the mystery about the circumstances around his death. Among the bones broken in Epstein’s neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam’s apple.

Rick Warren | Citizen WElls about Rick Warren written by CitizenWElls. Obama eligibility, Obama news

Optioned to Fresno - A SF Giants Prospects Blog: OTF's 32 ... ceiling on Henry Sosa is one that has declined sharply in a short period of time. Once considered a sleeper prospect in 2007 when he made the All-Star Futures game, Sosa has had a hard time finding consistent success in his journey through the Giants system.

Respectful of Otters: Dying From Red Tape Bell, 95, born in an Arkansas county that did not issue birth certificates until 1914, and George Crawford, 80, who is so incapacitated from strokes that he cannot speak. According to attorneys, the church members who care for Crawford in Illinois don't even know where to start looking for documents that would pass muster.

Wash Park Prophet: Donald Vincent Ferlise, Bad Immigration ... 19, 2006 · The Third Circuit Court of Appeals has repeatedly called out Donald Vincent Ferlise, an immigration judge, most recently here, for bullying, extreme insensitivity, and a tone that was hostile and at times became extraordinarily abusive, as well as intemperate and bias laden remarks. Judges have job protection, but it is not absolute.

Warren Will Win in 2020 But First She has to Beat the DNC like to think that will not happen. But it could. And if it does, there is only one candidate who can whip his ass. Bernie is doing well raising money and making great speeches. Bernie talks policy and his ideas are great, his analyses spot on, but of those two, Warren is the one who talks about kicking Trump’s ass.

The Flaw Embedded In The Standardized Testing Algorithm ... 01, 2013 · The new fashioned way of… how many words can you repeat back to us, and does your repetition have a organized beginning, body, and an end.,, might be a good test for a game show on TV, one hinging on one certain skill, particularly how fast one’s tongue could move, but it is not a good measure of one’s intelligence.

The Bitter Taste of "Lemon Socialism": Let Them Eat Crap ... we have here isn't really capitalism at all; it's what Paul Krugman aptly titles "lemon socialism," a form of government in which corporations and their CEOs make out like bandits on the basis of corrupt business practices while the rest of us pick up the tab for their toxic mortgages and toxic food.Our bridges and roads are crumbling, our students are stumbling, our Wall …

Gordon McDonald Gets It - Rick Scarborough Vision America ... 10, 2006 · Like it or not, we are pictured as those who support war, torture, and a go-it-alone (bullying) posture in international relationships. Any of us who travel internationally have tasted the global hostility toward our government and the suspicion that our President's policies reflect the real tenants of Evangelical faith.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast visits Judge ... is a loser. He has never had a real job in his life. He is a sick excuse of a man. He loves to have martinis ("tinis" as he calls them) with the young female interns and show off to them. If anyone else reading this blog has a kagan story please post it. This man is a criminal hiding behind his robe. 7:45 PM

skimble, said Aristotle, is not a feeling or an experience, it is an ethical state of being.It means judging that you have made the right choices and done the right things, and enjoyed a measure of luck along the way. Where and when you are born, how the play of daily contingency affects you, do not determine your happiness, but they do constrain it.

Gubu-World: Livni Wins's pledge to put his weight behind the peace process in his first year in office clearly influenced the Israeli electorate here. They obviously did not want to see such an opportunity wasted by voting in a man who will never remove Jewish settlements from the west bank nor who is vehemently opposed to a Palestinian state.

Jews sans frontieres: Howard Jacobson takes a pasting mouthed doesn't get more mealy mouthed than that. If he was younger and a woman he'd get an Orange prize for that nonsense. He finally ups the general irresponsibility of Lucas's suggestion to a direct allegation of culpability:And propaganda, by Caroline Lucas's own …

Inspection- 6 Twit Talking Points | The Smirking's nothing here because the Russians had no effect on the election. They've been doing this for a long time- Yes, and when a bank robber is unsuccessful there's "nothing there" so cops should just let it go. A potential murderer fails in his bloody quest? Forgive and forget. And " nothing new?" Oh, that makes it OK?

Kommt in Kürze von Hendrik Falkenberg - Pleternica movement is unstoppable: Today, thousands of people across the world are taking to the streets to send a simple message: Our ...

The Jews want to leave Israel, apparently’ve just read the latest claim about hordes of Jews wanting to leave Israel. It’s by Franklin Lamb and is a useful article, since it conta...

OpenlineBlog: Kane County Board Controversy | Bonnie Lee ... 01, 2009 · The new rule allows for a speedy meeting and the ability to express opinions without getting bogged down with questions that can be answered on a board member's own time, McConnaughay said. "I certainly don't want to discourage any board member from offering an opinion on any issue," McConnaughay said.

Ravi Zacharias Ministry – At Ease or Uneasy | DAILY ... 08, 2019 · This is indeed to be ‘at ease in Zion.’”(1) To be “at ease in Zion” was the deplorable state of existence the prophet Amos spoke of in his harsh words to the Israelites hundreds of years before Jesus was giving sermons and causing commotion.

Article: Sex crimes can be funny, especially ... - OpEdNews 28, 2007 · Article: Sex crimes can be funny, especially when it's the Salesians, as pedophile priests, bishops, defend their acts - So many crimes, so many criminal priests, their behavior is so bizarre and ...

Rising Hegemon : Mitt Romney, a rich brat of the first order 10, 2012 · Sorry a long ass excerpt. But Mitt Romney is who the folks in the "It Gets Better" videos have to try to recover from. It isn't just that Lord Romney doesn't like to be questioned by the proles -- it's that even more than Commander Bunnypants he as born rich and thought he earned it from a young age. Mitt Romney returned from a three-week spring break in 1965 to resume his studies as a ...

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: If David Corr Wins, Will Motley Crew ... 09, 2007 · I leave town for two days, and look what happens. Today, the Telegraph endorsed libertarian, David Corr. Corr is running a write-in campaign against James Timley, who currently holds the citywide seat on Council. The election is Tuesday. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think Corr made history today just by getting the paper's endorsement.

K Marx The Spot McCain famously claims that he told his Vietnamese captors only the names of the 1967 Green Bay Packers starting lineup when his prisoners asked for the names of the men in his squadron. One might expect that a true football fan might know that sort of thing (although it seems odd that he would be a fan of a football team from a small town in Wisconsin).

18 | July | 2011 | News Corpse 18, 2011 · Now we have our first official “News Corpse”: The man who first raised allegations about hacking at the News Of The World, has been found dead. Via The Guardian “Sean Hoare, the former News of the World showbiz reporter who was the first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson was aware of phone hacking by his staff, has been found dead ...

News | Real Estate Training Systems - gives green light to 69-home North West Leicestershire scheme The Inspector said in his decision letter (16-page / 185KB PDF) that, although the development site was outside settlement boundary defined in the Council's Local Plan, the Council's lack of a five year housing supply meant that the Local Plan was ...

Thoughts from a Lezzymom: May 2012 10, 2012 · Perspective, it's an interesting thing. Two days ago the citizens of North Carolina voted to ban gay marriages. The next day President Barack Obama becomes the first sitting President to say that he supports marriage equality.Some say the President came forward a day too late.

Michelle Obama Ashamed To Be An American For Past 26 yrs ... 19, 2008 · Apparently the only reason Michelle Obama, wife of Presidential wannabe Barack Hussein Obama has to be proud of being an American is that her hubby is running for Ayatollah, er I mean President of the United States of America. From Hot Air: “For the first time in my adult life, I …

Don't Look Back - The Comics first part—the book’s five sections are described by Reklaw as novellas—is told as a series of stories about each of the pet cats his family had throughout his childhood. There were thirteen of them, and they all met a bad end—by dying of distemper, having too many litters, getting run over, or …

memeorandum: Is There a Case for Le Pen? (Ross Douthat/New ...‘This Week’ Transcript 4-30-17: Reince Priebus and Nancy Pelosi — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT FOR ‘THIS WEEK’ on April 30, 2017 and it will be updated. — JONATHAN KARL, ABC: And joining me now, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.

Miami-Dade Dems: Dave Aronberg announces for attorney general 08, 2009 · Footnote: Nixon was the first president I covered in my years with Associated Press. Does that make me a big-deal White House correspondent? Does that make me a big-deal White House correspondent? No, my first AP job was in Philadelphia, and Nixon came there (probably 1971) to give a speech on education; the AP traveling White House staffer was ...

Greg Abbott backs out of only state wide televised debate ... 02, 2014 · Greg Abbott backs out of only state wide televised debate with Wendy Davis. ... Yeah I imagine the specific details that the Abbott campaign was opposed to was the detail where he had to actually stand on stage with Davis and debate her. ... This is in addition to a statewide televised debate scheduled for September 19th, 2014 in the Rio Grande ...

Article: Jesus' Birthday in an Apostate USA that Kills HIM ... 26, 2013 · Article: Jesus' Birthday in an Apostate USA that Kills HIM Everyday Multiple Times - USA places itself above Jesus. Shoots an Afghani, Pakistani, …

Almost 100 Mormons hand in letters of resignation to the ... 02, 2015 · Courtesy of Fox 13: Close to 100 people marched through the streets of Salt Lake City Saturday to the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where they officially resigned from the Mormon Church.

The Rude Pundit 03, 2013 · The subject was about getting women to buy guns in order to prevent rape. Maxwell took the position that this was the wrong message, that we shouldn't put the onus for rape prevention on the victims, but on, you know, the male rapists through education and a shift in cultural attitudes. In a great line, Maxwell said, "If firearms were the ...

Who Benefits From Prolonged Warfare? | The Smirking 28, 2017 · In The Art of War the Chinese General Sun Tzu asserted that “There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare” and many of us had hoped that President Trump would bear in mind this and other instructive maxims after taking power in the country with the world’s largest and most active warfare machine.. We had also hoped he might behave sensibly concerning US relations ...

Osama bin Laden | All you need is a crazy rich guy with a ... Bin Laden’s widely publicized video address to the American people has a peculiarity that casts serious doubt on its authenticity: the video freezes at about 1 minute and 36 58 seconds, and motion only resumes again at 12:30. The video then freezes again at 14:02 remains frozen until the end.

"So I told that to Hillary Clinton" - Freedom von Mises (1881-1973) was the greatest economist of my time. His greatest works can be accessed here a t no charge. ...

Full Statement of Christine Croft, To Be Deposed Wednesday ... 30, 2019 · Christine Croft is a former State Department employee who worked with the National Security Council, and was assigned to Ukraine. Below is her complete opening statement, courtesy of NPR. Of note are the paragraphs pertaining to the plan to dispose of Ambassador Yovanovitch and the presence of Rudy Giuliani in the mix. Thank you for the opportunity to provide my statement today.

The American Human: The Anatomy of a Lie, Marco Rubio — Senator Marco Rubio made a big bet on an immigration overhaul that failed — and he has been running away from it since. Now his past is catching up with him, stoking old grievances from conservative rivals who are reopening one of the most vulnerable episodes in his past.

SoUnequal: what happened to The American Dream? 25, 2012 · Reflecting on the unequal opportunity for financial security that the class structure presents, the late Beth Shulman, in her 2005 book, The Betrayal of Work, was one of the first to examine the diminishing well-being of the working poor.

Britain and America: Joe Loconte: Mitt Romney's Step of Faith“Whether it was the cause of abolition, or civil rights, or the right to life itself,” he said, “no movement of conscience can succeed in America that cannot speak to the convictions of religious people.” The candidate could be faulted for not explicitly affirming the welcome role that non-believers play in …

M.S. Cure Enigmas - MS CURE ENIGMAS 2019https://www.mscureenigmas.netIn his paper “CCSVI – A New paradigm and therapy for multiple sclerosis” posted on July 25, 2010, the Interventional Radiologist Salvatore J.A. Sclafani, MD refers to Dr. Zamboni’s work by writing “Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) is a hemodynamic condition in which cerebrospinal drainage is altered and inhibited.

THE NEWS BLOG - stevegilliard.blogspot.com's not like they want to be one of the boys. They're as good as the boys, but they still sneak off to Lush and Sephora. They're smart all the way around. Now, the last thing a nerd wants is an empowered woman. It's hard enough dealing with his peers, he cannot handle the demands a geek girl would make in his …

Latest Posts | NewsBusters all the claims of standing by their stories, the AP now admits to the use of unauthorized sources. The infamous Qais al-Bashir posted another sectarian violence story via AP this morning. Al-Bashir offered up the typical Sunni-Shiite blood-letting but this time he was honest about his sources:

Al zarqawi, previous (abu dhabi (emirate)) entered Iraq either during the invasion or just after it, with funding from Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, whom the United States had already tried kill in Afghanistan Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (30 October 1966 - 7 June 2006), born Ahmad Fadeel al-Nazal al-Khalayleh, was the leader of Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad from 1999 to 2004 and the ...

Kowincidence: 09/26/2004 - 10/03/2004, where Carnegie made his fortune, hastily passed such a law only when Pittsburgh found it couldn't meet Carnegie's conditions for the libraries he promised the city. Eureka was the first city in California to finance a library under this state's enabling legislation, passed in …

Movies | Bloviating Hayden’s ultimate role. From the 1964 black & white movie “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb.”Directed by Stanley Kubrick in a semi-documentary style (and borrowing from the 1958 novel “Red Alert” by Peter George), Gen. Ripper sent his entire nuclear-armed B-52 wing beyond their fail-safe points and into Soviet airspace due to the pollution ...

The Immoral Minority: Ted Nugent claims that people who ... 04, 2014 · Before discovering his ideaology I attended no less than 5 Nugent concerts, One of which was recorded in the Gusiness book as the loudest ever at the Omni center in Atlanta Ga. In all of those concerts I don't recall seeing one single black person in the audience not one not even in …

The Wattree Chronicle: THE 2016 ELECTION IS MUCH TOO ... 07, 2015 · The GOP has become dangerously radical since Obama has been president. It seems that having a Black man in the White House has, literally, driven many radical conservatives over the edge, and when we add the fact that they realize that the demographics are against them and growing worse with every day that passes, they've become not only dangerously radical, but desperate, …

Matt Taibbi: “Obama’s Big Sell Out” | THOUGHT MERCHANT 09, 2009 · Barack Obama ran for president as a man of the people, standing up to Wall Street as the global economy melted down in that fateful fall of 2008. He pushed a tax plan to soak the rich, ripped NAFTA for hurting the middle class and tore into John McCain for supporting a bankruptcy bill that…

Miami Heat | Geoausch 01, 2009 · On the other side of equation are the T’Wolves who, as mentioned earlier, have not won since the first game of the season, against the Nets. They could be 1-28 entering that game. If so, I say put the thing on national television so we can all feel better about failed sports teams of the past, because it can’t get any worse than that.

Article: Why Marxism Has Failed, And Why Zombie-Marxism ... 04, 2010 · In this era of capitalist crisis, when the entire system threatens to implode, new challenges, and new opportunities, are springing to life. To …

The American Human: When Knowledge Is was considered brilliant in the tech world, having, at the age of 14, co-invented RSS news feeds, which allowed automated dissemination of digital content to people's in-boxes, and later, while still a teen, founding Infogami, which later merged with Reddit, of which he is considered a co-founder and co-owner until it was sold to Condé Nast in 2005.

Balkinization: Unpacking the "Transgender in the Military ... many Balkinization readers may know, a few weeks ago the Solicitor General filed petitions for certiorari “before judgment” with the Supreme Court in three cases (Nos. 18-676, 677, 678) challenging then-Secretary of Defense Mattis’s new policy regarding transgender service-members.In each of the cases a district court preliminarily enjoined DOD from implementing the new policy.

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ..."The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she signed an "ethics agreement" to do just that." ZH

Brown bag lecture: McGhee Tyson after 75 years | Brown bag lecture: McGhee Tyson after 75 years When: Wednesday, August 8, 2012 - 12:00pm Where: East Tennessee History Center, 601 S. Gay Street The East Tennessee Historical Society and McGhee Tyson airport present a "brown bag" lunch lecture by pilot, flight instructor and local aviation historian Bob Davis on the history and regional impact of the McGhee Tyson Airport on their 75th ...

John Lott | News Corpse 03, 2015 · The author of the column was not an authority on crime or civil rights, it was the notorious gun nut John Lott, who has made a career of advocating for the most extreme deregulation of guns, including the “kill at will” laws that were at the center of the Zimmerman case from the start. Lott has been taking Zimmerman’s side of this debate ...

June » 2012 » 2012 June | Geoengineering Watch, 2019, was the hottest month ever recorded on our Geoengineering Creating Freeze Fry Extremes Dane Wigington Global climate engineering operations are creating ever more extreme weather and temperature whiplash scenarios.

01 | February | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 01, 2014 · In 1880, he was ordained and pastored several churches. In his later years, Sammis taught at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Together with Daniel Towner, he wrote more than 100 hymns. One of his most well-known pieces is still sung today in congregations around the world.

Irreligion in the United States — Wikipedia Republished ... show that Americans without a religious affiliation (which include 'nothing particular', agnostic, atheist) range around 21%, 23%, 25%, 31%, 34% and 21% of the population, with 'nothing in particulars' making up the majority of this demographic. Since the early 1990s, independent polls have shown the rapid growth of those without a religious affiliation.

August | 2015 | The Lunch Counter far cry from hundreds of billions of dollars Jeb. The more Jeb speaks, the more he demagogues, the more he sounds like Obama. Bush is not the one for The White House because like Obama, he does not have America’s, and American’s, best interest in mind.

CBS News | The Pardu's Scroll a study published recently in the journal Health Policy, researchers looked at data from 2006-2007 to determine how good the U.S. and 15 other countries are at preventing deaths from four common killers – heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and bacterial infections – and came up with a ranking that might surprise even the U.S. health-care ...

September | 2011 | News Corpse star of these debates is turning out to be the audience, as the crowd steals the spotlight from the candidates. In the first debate a few weeks ago the audience cheered the mention of 234 executions carried out during the term of Rick Perry in Texas. In the next debate a question was asked regarding whether society should let a sick person ...

Law on Sales - Midterm Reviewer | Law Of Agency | Sales 1466. In construing a contract containing Article 1471. If the price is simulated, the sale is provisions characteristic of both the contract of void, but the act may be shown to have been in sale and of the contract of agency to sell, the reality a donation, or some other act or contract. essential clauses of the whole instrument shall be considered.

Spiritual Book News Volume 55, No. 2 | Retreat (Spiritual ... Book News Volume 55, No. 2 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Marie Schwan, coauthor of the highly successful Take and Receive series, offers a simple yet profound spiritual guidebook centered on the powerful theme of “home.”

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com the fluids ran out of their bodies, they appeared like withered, spoiled fruits. They could have lived, certainly should have lived – and laughed and danced, and run and played- but instead they were brutally murdered. Yes, murdered! The war ended for those children, but it has never ended for survivors who carry memories of them.

Virtually everyone Megan McArdle knows - Blogger there are the other 50-odd percent of the population, with family incomes under $50,000, but surely they all have rent control, or live in projects, right, so they have all sorts of disposable income that you just haven't got, with all their kids getting scholarships to Princeton (none of McArdle's friends had scholarships, of course), and ...

Next Left: Nominate Diane Abbott! (Or McDonnell) 20, 2010 · Nominate Diane Abbott! (Or McDonnell) ... will try to ensure that they give sufficient nominations to give a place on the ballot to a voice in this leadership contest who can offer a perspective which is not that of a former Minister. ... But it would be a good thing to get to hear the arguments about that and many other issues in the ...

The Road Before Us: July 2010 28, 2010 · Goei, who is generally viewed as the moderate, raised $44,256, spent $41,729, and has $2,527 in cash on hand. Goei also took out a personal loan of $10,000. Bush raised $19,490, spent $23,950, and has $2,965 in cash on hand (and a $8,880 personal loan).

Balkinization - balkin.blogspot.com, according to a report by the Washington Times, David Kay, who is heading the Iraq Survey Report, has told senators that his report will conclude that Iraq did have an active biological weapons *program* at the time the United States attacked Iraq, although he …

Article: Boy Scouts and the Horrors of Their "Perversion ... 22, 2010 · Attorney Kelly Clark represents a 37-year-old Oregon man who is seeking $14 million in damages, saying he was sexually molested in the early 1980s …

Israel advocate Ravich named to senior intelligence post ... 28, 2018 · Intelligence advisory board & Chair Stephen Feinberg. The full name of the board is the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB); according to its website, It is is “an independent element within the Executive Office of the President.”. The website states that throughout its 60-year history, “the Board has closely guarded its special status by making every effort to ensure the ...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The Specter bill ... 13, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid ... there's a War on Christmas, I sure as hell haven't seen it. For the uninitiated, I live near Paramus, New Jersey, which is without a doubt the Mall Capital of the World. Within a five-mile radius, there are no fewer than four major shopping malls. OK, one of them is in Hackensack, but it's spitting distance from Paramus, so who's counting.

The Union News.: Monday wrap 06, 2009 · The moves are the latest in a series of strikes against opponents as Mr Chávez seeks to deepen socialism in the Opec nation, one of the world’s largest oil exporters. ( Posted by Silence Dogood @ 6:30 AM Labels: wrap

Revealed: AARP Is Funding ALEC | themcglynn.com AARP Is Funding ALEC Friday, 29 July 2016 By Nick Surgey and Calvin Sloan, The O’Leary: This doesn’t surprise me at all. AARP is a dishonest, greedy organization AARP, the non…

Game of Thrones:Metaphor for America Anno 2017 ~ European ... 07, 2017 · The Game of Thrones’ White Walkers are a metaphor for the Trump base - those millions of irrational, hate-spewing, white supremacists now on the march in America. Both hordes are similar in their deadly intent and their seeming limitless numbers, and the fact that they live in the past.

read my mind: The European Union Is Finished! 29, 2016 · As the world digests the news that the UK voted by 52 per cent to 48 per cent to leave the European Union, attention is turning to what this means for the future of the bloc itself. European leaders have long feared a domino effect could be set into motion, with the citizens of other member states demanding their own referendums.

The Candid Blogger: Federal Reserve Bank is Destroying America Brothers Harriman Bank owned Dresser Industries, one of the world’s largest oil drilling companies that in 1998, under urging from Dick Cheney was purchased by Halliburton in an $8.1 billion dollar deal. The link is complete. And yes, it is the same Brown in Brown and Root as the …

Chicken Littles vs Adelie Penguins - Landscapes and Cycles Littles vs Adelie Penguins Throughout recorded history dooms day cults attract thousands of gullible people. Charismatic cult leaders of the Order of the Solar Temple or Heaven’s Gate convinced their followers to commit suicide due to a coming “environmental apocalypse”.

Action against Trump’s zero-tolerance immigration policy ... 20, 2018 · The details of the order are unknown, however, as the text is yet to be released and Trump is adamant that his zero-tolerance immigration policy is still in place.

Not a Book Report because I am Going to Take a Ship ... 07, 2018 · As I have mentioned in the past, one lives several lives. Among them are: -- the day to day slog through your personal timeline; --the life one tells oneself in the running comments in one’s mind while passing through that slog; -- one’s dreams; -- and for those who read a lot of fiction, the…

Inspector 387 - WordPress.com about Inspector 387 written by A Squawking Head. On the eve of one of the more auspicious nights of the year, I thought it fitting to remind everyone that if you refused to participate in a certain civic obligation I will not stand for even the slightest grumble from you. In short, vote. With any luck someone should emerge victorious without consequence and find themselves at the helm of ...

DUmmie FUnnies: Attack of the LOUSY FREEPER TROLLS!!! Part ... 31, 2010 · Paranoia strikes deep Into your board they will freep . . . And so another year winds to a close. For the DUmmies, this has been an annus horribilis (which sounds like a benburch medical condition, but really means a "horrible year"). Earlier in the year, a bitter blow: no single-payer HCR, as they were hoping, but instead ObamaCare, a boon for the insurance companies.

12484 06 ch06 p002-040 - 22484_06_ch06_p002-040.indd 2 118/06/10 4:52 PM8/06/10 4:52 PM. After graduation Silver worked as an economic consultant for ... two-digit numbers in his head, and by age 11 he was using advanced sta- ... but it is ever changing, hard to measure, harder to predict, and nearly impossible to control. ...

Notes - POLI SCI 2051 - Edward Jen Media State. o United States is a media state. o Average full-time worker § Puts in 1824 hours on the job § 2737 hours in bed § 3256 hours exposed to the media (almost 9 hours a day) o 98% of American homes have a radio and television. o More homes have a television than a toilet. o 20% of children younger than 2 have a TV in their bedroom

Next Left: Broken society narrrative is "simply untrue the magazine concludes in its editorial, this story of broad decline is "simply untrue". Stepping back from the glare of the latest appalling tale, it is clear that by most measures things have been getting better for a good decade and a half. It is well worth reading both pieces in full. Here are a few snippets. Murder[PDF]12484 06 ch06 p002-040 - 22484_06_ch06_p002-040.indd 2 118/06/10 4:52 PM8/06/10 4:52 PM. After graduation Silver worked as an economic consultant for ... two-digit numbers in his head, and by age 11 he was using advanced sta- ... but it is ever changing, hard to measure, harder to predict, and nearly impossible to control. ...

American Power: Disdain for Women Who Choose to Have … 04, 2009 · Disdain for Women Who Choose to Have Abortions While Ross Douthat's hardly a conservative favorite for me, I definitely appreciate his latest New York Times essay, " Not All Abortions Are Equal ." I appreciate it not so much for his argument, but for the reaction it has engendered among radical abortion rights commentators.

Real American Heroes for Trump’s Sculpture Garden | The 23, 2020 · Marine Gen. Smedley Butler (1881–1940) was a two-time Medal of Honor recipient who at the time of his death was the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. He became a leading antiwar voice who famously said, “War is a racket,” and fumed that he was used as “a hit man for big business” during his military career.

One Man’s Protestor is the President’s Agent Provocateur— from The day started with Trump tweeting that the 75-year-old Buffalo, New York, man shoved to the ground by police and left bleeding and unconscious “could be an ANTIFA provocateur” who might have been part of a “set up.”. Trump drew his suspicions from a story on One America News Network, a small cable television network whose constant support for the president ...

North Carolina Roundup - The StandDown Texas Project motion was denied. The district attorney struck 10 of the 11 black people in the jury pool. Hunt, who is black, was convicted by a jury of 10 whites and 1 black at a time when Forsyth County was 25 percent black. In his second trial, in Catawba County, all 12 jurors were white. Hunt spent almost 19 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

29 | April | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 29, 2018 · Hebrews 3 brings a faithful servant and a faithful Son to the readers’ attention. Though the faithfulness of Moses as God’s “servant” is undeniable, Jesus is the one believers are taught to focus on. “Therefore, holy brothers and sisters . . . fix your thoughts on Jesus” (v. 1). Such was the encouragement to all who face temptation ...

Al Jazeera’s Man of the Year-Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) The ... 26, 2006 · I hear Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) on the news spouting his hateful speeches against America and the men and women that represent us in the Armed Forces and it drives me to use the talent that G-d gave me to expose him as the Honorary member of al Qaeda that he truly is.

Uncommon Pittsburghers: The DiGioias | Barnestormin“He was an excellent communicator,” says D’Appolonia, who at 90, has been retired for a decade from his company, D’Appolonia Consulting Engineers. “Tony was one of the few people I selected to communicate for our firm. He was very good at making contacts. He had a very pleasant personality and he knew what he was talking about.

Banned Books Cafe: January 2010 22, 2010 · "Your answer was the 43rd and was found after 11 years. She was the longest in the water. Before (that) one was found in France five years after sending. I got all kinds of letters, even one from a young man in Taiwan and he wrote in Chinese characters," Jutta wrote to McLaughlin.

Claude Jones Case - Additional News Coverage - The ... spokesman for Bush, who is on a book tour, did not immediately respond to AP's request for comment. A Texas judge approved the DNA testing this past June. "Doubt cast on executed man's guilt," is the UK Press Association report. As the execution drew near, Jones was pressing the governor's office for permission for a DNA test on the hair.

A Mayor Boo’d | The Pardu's Scroll York City Mayor spoke at a police academy graduation this morning. I have read reports of as many as 900 in attended the event. And, “only a few” turned their backs on the mayor and apparently among his introduction applause, the sound of child-like boos could be heard.

New Apple streaming service wants to be family friendly 26, 2018 · The "Vital Signs" screening showed characters snorting cocaine, an orgy scene and guns, The Wall Street Journal reported.The show, named "Vital Signs", was personally rejected by CEO Tim Cook a year ago, after being shown a preview which contained drug use, guns, and explicit sex.Back in early 2016, it was revealed that hip-hop luminary Dr. Dre would produce and star in Apple's first …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Alaska ponders the possibilities of ... 23, 2007 · Ketchikan's Mike Round said he was the only Alaskan at the container port's grand opening this fall. Also in attendance were representatives of companies throughout Asia and businesses and municipalities from Canada, Chicago and other U.S. cities. Round is a member of the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce's Economic Development Committee.

NEW PAPYRUS: October 2008 mSv Annual Limit of dose from all DOE facilities to a member of the public who is not a radiation worker 5.0 mSv Annual USA NRC limit for visitors 20 mSv Annual (averaged over 5 years) is the limit for radiological personnel such as employees in the nuclear industry, uranium or …

Immigration | Beach Peanuts Beach Peanuts On Twitter. RT @JoyceWhiteVance: If you want to hold the GOP accountable, the way to do it. Dare Mitch McConnell to refuse to bring the John R.… 14 hours ago; RT @bungdan: Now 14 out of the past 57 days, or once every 4 days. Another 1,200 Americans have died in the Trump Pandemic since he and Lin…

FA Lecture 1 | Financial Accounting | Management Accounting Lecture 1 - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.

For the Symposium on Roberta Kwall, The Myth of the ... the Symposium on Roberta Kwall, The Myth of the Cultural Jew In The Myth of the Cultural Jew, Roberta Kwall, the Raymond P. Niro Professor of Law at DePaul University, has accomplished something quite extraordinary.Applying the lessons of cultural analysis to the question of what it means to be a Jew, Kwall demonstrates unequivocally and in a large number of contexts, that Jewish law ...

Last Men and OverMen: Does Trump Really Want to be ... is an interesting comment by one of LBJ's admen back in 1964. As Trump in many ways represents the same threat to America Goldwater did then-certainly they are similar in terms of talking openly about using nuclear weapons as well as having the support of a number of white nationalist groups.

Whorl of Confusion: November 2008 the real important shit...the Repug Party/McPalin campaign has in it's employ as the TOP I.T. Man a criminal who is now going to be deposed right before the most crucial hour for stealing the election. I guess he better make sure everything is rigged a day early.

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Muhlenberg Hospital to close 22, 2008 · The financial woes at Muhlenberg have mounted year over year. Like other hospitals, charity care reimbursement comes in at around 40¢ on the dollar, meaning 60 ¢ of expenses had to be taken by the hospital with no hope for reimbursement. Losses for the current year are in excess of $11 million and are projected to be over $17 million for 2009, and have simply reached the level that they …

RADARSITE: JEW 25, 2008 · 8:67 It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter.

New HUD Secretary, and apparent idiot savant, Ben Carson ... 11, 2017 · This is the destruction of America that Bannon has had in his diseased mind all along. The only difference is he thought he could be Queen Sarah's Rasputin, getting her elected and controlling her- he didn't count on the fat orange fuck having so many mental problems and so …

Obsolete Capitalism: Adam Kotsko: Zizek and Theology @ An ... the Hegelian interpretation, by contrast, Christ’s divine power is “resurrected” as the new form of community known as the “Holy Spirit.” Here, however, Žižek differs from Hegel insofar as he views the “Holy Spirit” not as an institutional form of life (like the Catholic Church) but …

MPHS Forum: High Capacity Magazines and Assault Weapons it is unlikely that the right person will often be in the right place at the right time. But I also support the elimination of assault rifles, and the elimination of any magazines over 7 rounds. That permits anyone to hunt and defend themselves, but limits the carnage created when a lunatic finds high capacity weapons.

Officer Darren Wilson and the Rule of Law - Washington Post 20, 2014 · A grand jury decision not to charge Officer Darren Wilson with murder would be an extraordinary example of the strength of the rule of law in our …

The Selling of Edward Kennedy 14, 2017 · The Selling of Edward Kennedy. Jonathan Karp, publisher of the just-released Kennedy memoir True Compass, talked with The Daily Beast about why …

Patricia Maisch | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Maisch, 61, was the brave woman who kept alleged shooter Jared Loughner from unloading a second clip into a Tuscon crowd on Saturday. Wounded herself from a bullet, she saw him attempting to equip his gun with another magazine, grabbed him and knelt on his ankle, delaying the reload and potentially saving many more lives.

9 Ways the Right's Cradle to Grave "Randian State" Is An 17, 2013 · Born at the dawn of the Reagan era, Millennials were the first to be fully subjected to this all-out attack on the idea that we take care of each other in this country, and they'll pay for it from the cradle to the grave. Some of us are the parents of Millennials. On this Father's Day it's hard not to wonder: Who'll fight with them, and for them?

Bilgrimage: Why They're Furious About Bishop Michael Curry ... 10, 2018 · His comments online as captured in his Disqus feed tell us that no one with "integrity, morals and principals [sic] in tact [sic]" could possibly have voted for Hillary Clinton. Trump may be imperfect, but no principled person could possibly have voted for Clinton, who is "one of the most corrupt, dishonest, incapable and unethical candidates ...

Democracy for New Mexico: Gary’s hard to see how Johnson can win the nomination if he’s stuck in third place in his home state. Without Johnson, the race is tied with Bachmann and Romney each getting 22% of the vote. They are followed by Palin with 14%, Cain with 10%, Pawlenty and Paul with …

Next Left: Some of my best friends are gay 02, 2009 · Columnist Peter McKay of the Daily Mail can't see anything wrong with the insinuations in his item about Iain Dale's sexuality yesterday, suggesting Dale should become "less sensitive" (though Dale had first reported an apology which turned out to be a spoof). "Nor am I homophobic", McKay writes in his 'Ephraim Hardcastle' column today. Out of common courtesy, one feels that we should take ...

The Introspective Liar: Time Flying, While Standing Still ... 01, 2009 · It is an early photograph, made well before 1900, of a man who looks like he is in his late 20s. If you saw this picture and if you knew my son, you would be absolutely certain the photo was one of those campy pictures taken at Disney World.[PDF]Putting Names to the 1% - Peter San Marino - which in 2010 had a population of 13,147 and a median income of $154,962, three times the state's median income - has had no second thoughts about using the full force of the law against protestors like Wilson.

Into the Breach: Parable of the bird feeder Miller said.... As predicted above my relative's response was "Hey, wait-a-minute! You can't call me a racist!" It follows: Kendall, You don't understand me at all. I didn't say one word about illegal immigrants. I wrote about the poor in spirit Americans who want the government to take care of them in a standard equal to everyone else but do not have the initiative to stand on their ...

Ordinary Guy: January 2017 called to kill women and children in families of suspected terrorists, he said women should be punished for having abortions, he made fun of a disabled reporter and then continually lied about doing so, he has called for an end of freedom of the press, he has called global warming a Chinese hoax, he continually praises Putin as being an ...

Next Left: The unelected David unelected David Cameron ... as one of the possible and perhaps still most likely outcome of the general election fallout. And there is, as yet, little sense that he has given any thought to falling on his sword after falling short electorally of what his party expected, in case another leader could better conclude the negotiations ...

Article: Hackers Demand Ransom for CA Voter Database ... 18, 2017 · Article: Hackers Demand Ransom for CA Voter Database! - If you thought your personal information was unsafe before, read on. Here's the scoop on …

11 | October | 2008 | the plaid lemur 11, 2008 · 3 posts published by plaidlemur on October 11, 2008. Well, well, well. The Governor of Abuse of Power Alaska, Sarah Palin, has been blurring the line between Church and State. Not only has she publicly claimed to do god’s work from the Governors office (how does she know what god’s will would be?), but she has been taking taxpayer’s money to take religious trips.

2012 April | Oz Mudflats - Oz Mudflats | Because we have ... is a quiet moral-of-the-story that threads its way through the seven seasons of the television series West Wing.It can be summed up in one quote: “Tell me how it ends, Leo!” President Josiah Bartlet, played by Martin Sheen, is a Nobel-prize winning economist and master at the game of chess.

read my mind: Will the RCMP Investigate Trudeau’s SNC ... Civil Liberties Association executive director Michael Bryant, who in the first few days of the scandal called for a police investigation, now says this issue isn't as clear cut. "The evidence for obstruction of justice requires evidence of intent.

Article: Regarding Women Composers, It's the Patriarchy ... 19, 2015 · Article: Regarding Women Composers, It's the Patriarchy, Stupid - Dr. Robert Gross responds to an article in The Spectator titled 'There's a Good Reason There are No Great Women Composers' by ...

Winter Patriot: Funhouse Mirror: Looking At America With ... ago -- Monday -- in a bizarre year-end editorial called " Looking At America ", the New York Times listed some of the most egregious w...

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com the dawn of history wars have existed as part of human life as there have been more than 14,600 wars to date over the last 5,600 years. There have always been some preposterous reasons that have provoked wars varying from conquering new lands to expansion of empires to relentless competition between states, and of course some from the personal egos of some leaders and the martial desires ...

June | 2015 | Larry Gross 16, 2015 · I hate to say it, but it’s one of the reasons I broke up with her. She and “Thinkin’ Problem” were just too much. I started thinking of that song the other day and wondered if it and David Ball was still around. The video at the top of this post confirms it as Ball singing the song was shot in Nashville last year.

07 | May | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND 07, 2017 · Read: Matthew 26:17–30. Bible in a Year: 2 Kings 1–3; Luke 24:1–35. Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.—Hebrews 13:15

February | 2009 | result was The Day the Clown Cried, a legendarily awful Holocaust drama starring Lewis as a clown who plays Pied Piper to a group of children being led into the gas chamber at the Auschwitz death camp. The production was a nightmare of delays and financial problems, and the film could not even be released because the rights to the ...

HRA | Werking Gerl | Page I was more depressed than I have been for over five years—since I have been seeing my current psychotherapist. I skipped an appointment with a job readiness specialist at WeCARE and went instead to my therapist’s office. We did some bodywork and visualization, the kind of crap I hate, but it worked to get me outta my head for a while.

AthensSouth - Bloggerevansdonnell.blogspot.comAnn and I had the Weiner Schnitzel ($10.95) for our main course, though with variations – hers was made with eggplant while I opted for veal (one of the people sitting near us had the Holstein Schnitzel [$13.95] with a lemon/caper sauce and fried egg as pictured above, which certainly looked like a great choice as well). Both were well-prepared and quite tasty.

Pulitzer Prize | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Dykinga was the first Chicago Sun-Times photographer ever to win the Pulitzer Prize. He was honored for a series of photographs that was taken in April and July 1970 at state schools for the mentally retarded in the Illinois downstate towns of Dixon and Lincoln. Dykinga spent three days at the schools.

ce399 | research archive: Electro-Magnetic Weapons the third was the Russian psychoacoustic weapon, considered, but agents deny use of this weapon against the Waco people. FBI agents met with Dr. Igor Smirnov in Arlington VA to discuss the possiblility of using the weapon against the Davidians. (From "A Subliminal Dr. Strangelove", by Dorinda Elliot and John Barry, Newsweek, Aug 22, 1994)

The Adventures of Lauren & Jerald: January 04, 2009 · We were in Westchester for a wedding, which is really close to where one of my oldest and best friends, Debbie, lives. She was nice enough to come and visit us at our hotel with her adorable son Dylan who is 7 months old. It was too short of a visit - but it was so great to see both of them and to catch up in person. And Debbie got to meet Justin.

The Last Laugh? | Sheila of the first people to abandon Trump early on said the strategy was, “Let Donald be Donald.” You could either toss aside any morality or conscience you possessed and joined him for the ride or you were repulsed by him. Sociopaths rise to places of power for a reason. ??

History - Progress 04, 2008 · The breach in the wall keeps getting bigger. But there’s definitely a crowd who will try as hard as hell to stem the flow of change. I’m 62, born in November 1945, a bingo baby boomer (unofficially), and never, never ever thought that an American with black-African background could become the candidate of one of the two major parties, with an excellent …

Fifth Circuit Judge Says 'No Vengeance" - The StandDown Circuit Judge Says 'No Vengeance" ... debate over whether, or how, those laws were to be developed. But the Church and Catholics were silent. When I asked one of my friends, who is a professor of theology at the University of St. Thomas, about that, he said that in view of the Church's rather speckled history, one could understand why the ...

Getting close to having turd breath - 18, 2013 · Oregon then must be full of sedition. In the first 2 weeks 10% of the states uninsured have chosen and signed up for a policy. Here in Klansas they stripped the churches and some charity groups of a few hundred thousand used to explain and assist the poor and infirm in signing up for medicare and medicade.

JustOneMinute: True first time I heard about global warming was in that 1985 thereabout disaster tale by Whitley strieber then a few years there was the 1992 after the warning docudrama that still being run inn the local schools some 20 years later, this was before earth in the lurch. As rush called it.

Letter to the Ambassador from Bahrain to the US « 17, 2011 · Letter to the Ambassador from Bahrain to the US To: Her Excellency Ms. Houda Ezra Ebrahim Nonoo, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the United States of America Your Excellency, It is with great concern that I have read of the suppression of peaceful protesters on Lulu Square by armed force. Such violent and…

Tickle The WireElaine Duke Archives - Tickle The appointed Elaine Duke, a little-known bureaucrat who was the former undersecretary of management at the department. Supporters of an immigration crackdown wanted a more prominent figure, the Washington Times reports. Nevertheless, Duke spent years working on the budgets and procurement for Homeland Security.

White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son 4.1 by Users & Critics. Check out detail reviews rating quotes community of White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son by Tim Wise. ISBN 1932360689, 9781932360684. In White Like Me, Tim Wise offers a highly personal examination of how racial privilege shapes the l...

Only On Fox News: McKinney Pool Party Kids Are Just Like premise of the discussion (video below) was essentially that there is a cultural trend that has led to a general disrespect for law enforcement resulting in direct attacks on the police. As evidence of that alleged disrespect, co-host Pete Hegseth cited the recent incident at a pool party in McKinney, TX, where an out-of-control cop ...

California Proposition 8 Watch: The Blame For Gay Marriage 13, 2008 · The blame game for the passage of California Proposition 8 which restored the traditional definition of marriage has started.. A week after California voters approved Proposition 8 and decreed they wanted to end same-sex marriage in the state, details are emerging of an opposition campaign that was in disarray.

The Communicative Action of Trolls | 26, 2014 · Trolls go back to at least when I joined USENET, which was a few years earlier. Back then, there were ways of influencing their behavior. There were system administrators who cared what was coming from their users, and beyond the admins, there was the “backbone cabal,” members of whom would threaten to cut off Internet connectivity to a given institution, …

State of the Nation: t r u t h o u t | Unequal 30, 2008 · Between 1983 and 1999, men's life expectancy decreased in more than 50 U.S. counties, according to a recent study by Ezzati, associate professor of international health at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), and colleagues.

Sen. Alexander votes no on guns in national parks | article says that Lamar was the only no vote? Well he keeps trying to get it right and Bob Corker keeps looking like the senior Senator (most of the time). Maybe Lamar has lost touch with his folks, if so maybe he should consider retirement. bruce

Tickle The Wireapp Archives - Tickle The app, which was the most popular free app in the Apple Store this week, provides a photo filter that transforms features of any face, like making users look younger or older. Schumer called on the FBI to assess whether the data and images used by the app could find “its way into the hands of the Russian government.”

Opinion Archives - Page 43 of 47 - remember one thing, the higher the road, the steeper the drop off at the edge of the shoulder. Everybody agrees, believing in God is a perfectly acceptable personal choice, but when do evangelicals become an insufferable pain in...

Transcendental Meditation Helps U.S. Veterans Cope with 09, 2012 · By Lorraine Cancro, M.S.W., edited by Jim Luce. New York, N.Y. In 2011, the filmmaker behind the movies Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive organized for his foundation to donate $1 million to launch Operation Warrior Wellness in Los Angeles, an initiative to help 10,000 veterans overcome post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other war-related illnesses.

The Rude 09, 2007 · 10. Black people don't need to say "motherfucker" to know who is one. (By the way, the Rude Pundit's been to a lot of restaurants in the skeeviest neighborhoods in black, white, yellow, and brown sections of town and, unless someone spoke it in another language, no one's ever said, "Motherfucker, I want more iced tea."

Jews sans frontieres: The Jews of've had this blog drawn to my attention by Stephen Marks. It's called The Jews of Lebanon and here is its mission statement: It is the in...

The Notaworry Blog: Whither the Stock 09, 2009 · Steve Pearlstein has a clear summary in the WaPo of why the stock market continues to rise (h/t Atrios), despite questionable fundamentals and lackluster sales (earnings have been strong in many sectors). To no one's surprise, he credits the Fed!! Let's start with the $1.45 trillion that the Fed has committed to propping up the mortgage market -- money that, for …

I-45 Ink • Houston • Texas • 5.0 out of 5" by James B. at Yelp User Review 4/18/2011 Clean professional ink spot. Great artist portfolios. Ask for Brett. Would recommend to anyone.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 05/12/ will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama Presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their President. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America .

Jews sans frontieres: Lindsey German responds to Jonathan to Frank Fisher for posting this to the Just Peace UK list.It's Lindsey German, in The Guardian's Comment is Free, responding to a shameless hasbara effort by Jonathan Freedland where he made out that Syria was getting a free pass to do what "we" condemn Israel for doing, for example, during Cast Lead in 2008/9:

Dana Busted: March 03, 2014 · The lies, fabrications, and falsehoods of TheBlazeTV and KFTK's Dana Loesch are stopped in their tracks in this blog. Established 08.18.2010.

Cinco de Mayo Mortgage Movies Roundup: Deutsche Bank ignored me when I went to her office when someone forged my name to a mortgage and faxed it off for funding (to WAMU IIRC). Documents seen at the above link. The last time I checked that's called wire fraud. Now she is a U.S. Senator. Reminds me of the Elvis Costello song because I want to know who is "Watching the detectives."

kingston progressive: BROADWAY WALGREENS: 08, 2009 · The one factor in the re-use of the property was the loss of the trolley barn. That is probably the saddest part of the brownfield clean-up. I actually carry that loss with me as a reminder of what can be lost as a result of irresponsible handling of toxic chemicals.

Terrified, Trump Paves the Way for Calling His Lawyer ... 21, 2018 · But it’s also a direct attack on the First Amendment. Most troubling about this flurry of tweets is Trump’s attempt to distance himself from Cohen. His phrasing that Cohen is a “businessman for his own account” is Trump’s way of implying that he isn’t really Trump’s lawyer. Perhaps he’s just the coffee boy.

Steel Kaleidoscopes: leader Charles Manson and a group of his disciples were later convicted of the crime. The very next weekend, Aug. 15-17, was the musical event of a lifetime -- Woodstock , a three-day festival that drew half a million people to a small farm in Bethel, N.Y.

Tickle The WireAgent Tangles With ATF Over Troubles With 14, 2010 · The next year, his Tucson home burned down at 3 a.m. one August night. His family escaped unharmed. He was in Phoenix at the time. In his suit, he says the ATF took over the case from the local sheriff’s department, but it did hardly anything before turning over the matter to the FBI. Dobyns is quite certain it was the work of the Hells Angels.

Ruth Institute Blog » Adam and Eve after the Pill 30, 2012 · by Paul Adams. This book could hardly be more timely. The Obama Administration’s birth control mandate may be a matter of religious liberty and the First Amendment, but it has also opened up the questions about contraception and the sexual revolution that have hardly been discussed in sophisticated society–or even in Catholic …

The Media Turns on Obama… | THOUGHT MERCHANT 18, 2008 · By Guest Writer GregX During the last two weeks, there have been two themes in the media coverage of the campaign; 1) an emphasis on Obama's alleged inexperience and 2) What Hillary needs to do to make a comeback (not conversely what Obama needs to do to win). This coverage has been unfolding…

Pro-Existence: Groothuis Reviews "Crazy for God" at The ... 18, 2007 · By Rick Pearcey "Those of us deeply touched by the life and writings of Francis and Edith Schaeffer may be interested in Crazy for God, a memoir by their son and youngest child, Frank (formerly Franky), who is now in his mid-fifties," writes Douglas Groothuis in a review of the new book. Groothuis is professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary. "Given my interest …

July 2017 ~ European-American blog 06, 2017 · by Madeleine Kando One of the most entertaining ways of getting a grip on the difference between ‘retributive justice’ and ‘restorative justice’, is by watching the TV series ‘Lilyhammer’, starring Steven Van Zandt, Bruce Springsteen’s lead guitarist.It is about a former New York gangster named Frank "The Fixer" Tagliano, who is placed in the Federal Witness …

X Curmudgeon: Sports Jerk of the Year, he should have some leeway, and a little preferential treatment for his kid is only natural, but once he made himself Commissioner his obligations became much broader. And, we wonder how Hinkle's son feels, poor guy. Thanks a lot dad--make me real popular with the ol' teammates here! So here's to you Dan Hinkle, Sports Jerk of the Year.

Happy Birthday Prince Rogers Nelson - Blogger best seats I've ever had for any concert have been for one of my favorite musicians ever. The man gave me some skin on his way off the stage at the end of this last show! The girl next to me was a little luckier: she got the pocket square he was wearing in his suit toward the end of the show. He just took it out and handed it to her. What a ...

PERRspectives: Benedict 16, 2013 : Benedict Boehner. From the moment he first picked up the Speaker's gavel, the choice before John Boehner was a simple one. He could betray the far-right Tea Party extremists whose support for him was always tenuous or he could betray his country.When it came to his party's debt ceiling blackmail--which Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell …

Pastor Rick Warren Endorses California Proposition 8 to ... 27, 2008 · Pastor Rick Warren, the founder and senior Pastor of Saddleback Church and author of the New York Times bestselling “The Purpose Driven Life” has announced his support of Proposition 8, California’s Protect Marriage Act. Warren, founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church, affirmed his support of the proposition, which would restore the definition of marriage as between a man and a ...

Sex Offender Court Decisions: The sledgehammer justice of ..., who is neither naive nor sentimental (as a prosecutor, he sent mobster John Gotti to die in a supermax prison), knows that most defendants who plead guilty are guilty. He is, however, dismayed at the use of the threat of mandatory minimums as “sledgehammers” to extort guilty pleas, effectively vitiating the right to a trial.

No Right Turn: Field to be charged? 02, 2007 · And if I'm feeling a grain of sympathy for the man, I shudder to think who is going buy it if Field wants to paint himself as a martyr to a racist witch-hunt. Posted by Craig Ranapia: 2/12/2007 12:00:00 AM paint himself as a martyr to a racist witch-hunt For the effectiveness of this approach see Muralitharan, Muttiah.

NO HE CAN'T by Anne Wortham Associate Professor of ... 31, 2010 · Toast yourselves, Black America. Shout your glee, Harvard, Princeton , Yale, Duke, Stanford and Berkeley. You have elected not an individual who is qualified to be president, but a Black man who, like the pragmatist Franklin Roosevelt, promises to - Do Something! You now have someone who has picked up the baton of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society. Lead Found in Hunt School Drinking IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Stephen Colbert | V B I Colbert continues to insist with a straight face that he is seriously running for President. The comedian, who is so serious that he’s taken his comedic persona and fused fiction with reality (which, as we know, is even stranger than fiction these days), blurring the boundaries between the television sound stage and the world that watches it.

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: 2020 has 10,789 in the playoffs as well, so he is over 62,000 in his career. But he is still WAY behind the top 3 guys, all of whom have 7-8,000 of their own. It will take a couple really good years for LeBron to pass Karl Malone, 3 good years. 3-4 very good years for him to pass Wilt and KAJ. Wilt's counting stats production per game is insane.

Social Security Overpayments only 0.13% of Total Budget ... 28, 2015 · Sensational media known as HEADLINE NEWS is sometimes just "yellow journalism" (like tabloid news magazines) to get readers, to sell advertising.Wiki: "A type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.". The Daily Signal's recent headline was: Report: … Carina Driscoll Tests the IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Bernie or Bust | Bud Meyers 14, 2016 · Bernie or Bust If you are over 55 years old (like I am), and don't worry about a higher minimum wage, and don't need free college tuition, and already have adequate healthcare insurance, are White and don't fear racial injustice, is a man and doesn't worry about equal pay for women, is straight and doesn't worry about LGBT issues, is an ...

The Rude Pundit: The Threats Against Women on the Internet ... 10, 2014 · This morning, the Rude Pundit was reading about the firing of CBC radio personality and host of Q, Jian Ghomeshi, because of fucked-up rough sex stuff alleged by several women.In his reading of the investigation in the Toronto Star, he came across this: "None of the women filed police complaints and none agreed to go on the record.The reasons given …

Joe Biden News on June 23, 2020 at 5:50 AM 23, 2020 · Joe Biden News on June 23, 2020 at 5:50 AM from top sources, including FiveThirtyEight, , Fast Company, Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia, Consortium News and …

Capital Cloak: Gut Check: Chertoff v. Threat Assessment U.S. counterterrorism official leaked portions of a new classified report to the media this morning warning that al Qaeda has regrouped to near pre-9/11 strength and may be poised for significant attacks. No, wait, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff insisted to the media this morning that the threat posed by al Qaeda has NOT returned to pre-9/11 levels.

The Jerome Report: Story of the Ant and the Grasshopper ..., NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that Bill Clinton appointed ...

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com must stop airing forced confessions from human rights activists, a campaign group has said in a report that details how detainees are coerced into delivering scripted remarks. There have been at least 45 forced televised confessions in China since 2013, according to the report from Safeguard Defenders, a human rights NGO in Asia.The group called on the international community to put ...

REALITYCHEX.COM - Constant Comments Treasure of Las Montañas Rocosas. Johnny Diaz of the New York Times: “ After 10 years, a chase for hidden treasure in the Rocky Mountains has come to an end. Forrest Fenn, a New Mexico art collector who created the treasure hunt, announced over the weekend that someone had found the bronze chest that he had buried in the mountains, filled with gold nuggets, coins, sapphires, diamonds ...

REALITYCHEX.COM - Constant Comments is so wrong. Jeff Stein works for the Washington Post, but he's reporting on Fox News:. NEW: A source sends this photo of a local fox who has been stealing his neighbor’s editions of the @washingtonpost each morning. Unclear which den the papers are being brought to — but the fox should know the Post is making its essential coronavirus coverage free to read online ...

Bill Maher is NOT buying the moosepoop in Bristol Palin's ... 03, 2011 · This is VERY funny, and most of you will love it. However for those of you unfamiliar with Bill Maher, or HBO for that matter, I should ...

An Accounting of a Life: November 2006 11, 2006 · Bond seeks structure in his life. He is a man of pattern and habit. He has acquired strong tastes. This is a potential security risk. Bond both thrives under structure yet finds subtle ways of rebelling against it. He is not self-destructive, but he can be a challenge to his superiors. Bond uses humor as a shield and a weapon.

Barf bags at the ready! Here is some video of Palin and ... 12, 2010 · These are the type of brainless, can't think for themselves people that cult leaders look for. It's scary, but we're always gonna have people like this for others to manipulate. We couldn't afford Bush/Cheney's Iraq/Afghanistan wars either, but I bet those same people against healthcare were all …

read my mind: Law and Justice 22, 2009 · The “Natural law was the first defense of colonial liberty.” ... according to its suitableness or unsuitableness to a reasonable nature.” Positive Law is, “Law actually ordained or established, under human sanctions, as distinguished from the law of nature or natural law, which comprises those considerations of justice, right, and ...

About – monoblogue election record is 2-1, although if you press me, my loss was the only contested one. My opponent had lots of cousins in the area, and his name came first on the ballot. (Yeah, I can spin too.) Here you have it. A little about the blog and its evolution, and a little about the blogger.

FINAL UPDATE: Reporter accuses wrong person of IMPORTANT UPDATES AT BOTTOM. Chris Jennings is a respected healthcare policy expert who worked for the Clinton administration for over 6 years and more recently worked for President Obama for a brief stint from 2013 - 2014. Neera Tanden is the President of the Center for American Progress, but before that she was a policy advisor for Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign.

Archives | Cliston Brown Obama became the first president in U.S. history to win reelection with a smaller percentage of the popular vote than he won in his first election, and only the third reelected president to receive fewer electoral votes in his reelection campaign. The first was James Madison in 1812, in

'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' for March 15 - msnbc 16, 2006 · I mean, we have released other documents, not the first one, where the FBI has labeled the Catholic Worker group as advocating a communist …

a doctor voluntarily took an antipsychotic drug ... 16, 2009 · Thanks to Beyond Meds for posting this very interesting story. And I say interesting for a number of reasons. One, whenever a doctor would deny the side effects I was experiencing from Seroquel or Abilify, I wanted to say, “Have you tried it?” Two, after my swain learned of my horrible experiences with Seroquel he took 1/4 of the dose I used to take (100mg) to see what would happen.

Barack Obama's Speech about Racism in America: First ... just finished seeing Barack Obama's speech about racism in America, delivered in Philadelphia. It was the most extraordinary speech I've heard about racism - about its roots and realities in black and white America, about the legitimate grievances and fears of both communities - delivered by anyone, let alone someone running for President.

Conservative Fudgehttps://conservativefudge.blogspot.comMar 02, 2007 · LARGO, Florida -- The City Commission voted to begin the process of firing a top official less than a week after he announced plans to pursue a sex-change operation. The 5-to-2 vote Tuesday started a three-step process to remove City Manager Steve Stanton from the job he's held for 14 years. Stanton, 48, confirmed last week that he is a transsexual.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Obama's radical ideas! 21, 2010 · The president demands I buy health insurance to pay for a percentage of Chuck and Eric's health care cost. :) This is the lie heard across the nation. Starting in about four years, you be taxed by the IRS about $55 more per month for those employed at the middle class level and higher.

Michelle Obama Sacrifices Luxury Life Temporarily for Trip ... 08, 2010 · His election was the equivalent of taking the homely fat chick to the pig party. All we did was give you your king of the niggers so you would shut up. Like all niggers Obama is a total fuck up. So you got, what you all proclaimed was the best of your best, and guess what in the end he is just another stupid nigger. Get over it. You people are ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2007 · No More Mister Nice Blog "Hateful and totalitarian." —James Taranto. Sunday, April 01, 2007. In a recent piece in The Atlantic ...

Electronic Village: Michael Vick Enters Hall of Shame Vick Enters Hall of Shame I imagine that any of us that manage to get caught up in the criminal injustice system are fools of one sort or another. However, any fool who is arrogant enough to create a dog-fighting company on the down-low while signing a $130 million contract in the public eye ... well that is a special kind of fool .

Bilgrimage: Zoe Williams on Rise of Homophobia, Racism ... 05, 2017 · Homophobia is on the rise on too many continents for this to be the coincidental ascendance of a few idiosyncratic characters. It comes, as it always does, with racism and sexism, the persecution of refugees and a dim-witted nationalism in which every state looks back to its glorious, exceptional, entirely misremembered past, and seeks to build a future on returning to it.

Who is Bob Corker? | operatives I knew worried about rumored abortions and whatnot and feared that this ungodly behavior would come back and bite him in the butt. It didn't, but his social life was the stuff of rumors for a long, long time, expecially when he was "dating" that honky-tonk angel country music singer.

Content: Members Page For Steven Leser | OpEdNews comments) SHARE Friday, December 31, 2010 Recap of 2010 look forward to 2011 on Russia Today's Crosstalk (Appearance by Steve Leser) In this edition of Peter Lavelle's Crosstalk he asks his ...

memeorandum: Trump Has Quietly Accomplished More Than It ... Has Quietly Accomplished More Than It Appears — Imagine, if you will, that there is a shadow government. — The actual government, the administration of Donald Trump, is coming off the worst week of his presidency, although there haven't been any smooth weeks.

memeorandum: They're Running for Office. That's News to ... Blitt's “Closing In” — The artist Barry Blitt, a contributor since 1994, has drawn more than a hundred covers for the magazine—and, since 2015, more than fifteen featuring President Trump.His latest ("Sending sketches because I couldn't help myself," the accompanying note said) takes inspiration from a “Sopranos” scene.

Obsidian Wings: Lie To Me, Baby I don't have time to find a big-picture thingo now, though the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities would be a good place to start. But one crucial point is this: letting people invest their SS money for themselves, when it's not just a add-on (i.e., you pay the same amount in SS taxes, but also get to invest your own money if you want), involves a big, big hit to SS solvency.

TigerHawk Comments: By darovas, at Sun May 22, 11:15:00 PM: . You quoted one section of the Wikipedia article, but you conveniently left out this part: "[The Carter Center] also works to improve global health through the control and eradication of diseases such as Guinea worm disease, river blindness, malaria, trachoma, lymphatic filariasis, and schistosomiasis.

memeorandum: The Las Vegas Shooter Passed Background ...— Each colored square represents — a day in which at least one mass — shooting took place. — A gunman opens fire in an Orlando nightclub, leaving 49 dead and many wounded. It was the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history - until Sunday.

PERRspectives: Bush's AIDS PR 31, 2007 : Bush's AIDS PR Scam. On Wednesday, President Bush once again turned to AIDS for air cover in the battle for global opinion. Facing the prospect of universal condemnation by the international community for a wildly unpopular American policy, President Bush tried to change the topic and buy some global goodwill by announcing massive new U.S. AIDS funding.

Young American men are having a lot less sex in the 21st ... 14, 2020 · 3/4 of the chicks I meet, whether in person or online are looking for a sugar daddy to pay for a lifestyle, but with no reciprocation/formation of a relationship. Real hard to be attracted to that in any way. That, plus the risk of post-bang regret setting in, keeps me at home with my hobbies. Edit- and probably 1 in 5 has one or more children.

Arguing in the Water Closet…. | kavips 24, 2013 · And that was the necessity of having a public debate to persuade the American Public that this was the right path to go… By having two sides appeal to the American public for support, the American public got to decide which way the vote should go. We pass laws against it almost yearly, but it is seriously easy to buy a legislator.

Rage, Anger and Being Pissed Off | Larry Gross Online 19, 2012 · This is a friend I’ve known for a couple years now. He’s kind of hot and cold and I figured out from the beginning he’s “hot” when he wants something from me. With friendships, you have to take the good with the bad, so I’ve mostly put up with it. With having cataracts and preparing for the surgery, it’s been a bit hard to get around.

American Power: Soldier Stephen Hill Honors America: Gay ... 05, 2011 · Soldier Stephen Hill Honors America: Gay Progressive Hate-Mongers, Not So Much Okay, let's put some things in perspective. As I reported last night, there were literally just a couple people who booed at soldier Stephen Hill, according to Sarah Rumpf, who was on hand and responded to the controversy on Twitter.

No Right Turn: Time to come home 10, 2006 · Time to come home For the past six months, New Zealand soldiers and police have been in the Solomon Islands as part of RAMSI - the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands . Their mission has been primarily humanitarian - to serve as a neutral guarantor of law and order.

Glenn Beck - Black Founding Fathers | Page 2 | Carolina ... 04, 2010 · That was the initial report but it was proved to be UNTRUE.... AND, NO ONE, NOT ONE reporter or witness said there was a RACIAL SLUR spoken.... the "STORY" quickly died and was corrected.... you need to expand your horizons and get some news and updates from some different sources. REALLY you need to keep up with current events.

Making the World Safe for Banksters: Syria in the Cross ... a 2007 “Democracy Now” interview as the new “rogue states” being targeted for take down after September 11, 2001. He said that about 10 days after 9-11, he was told by a general that the decisio…

Union Strike vs. Union Strike - Gapers Block Mechanics 09, 2012 · Chicago Public Schools Tue Oct 09 2012 Union Strike vs. Union Strike. By Christopher Jones. Last week we witnessed the end to a divisive strike that impacted many of our lives, as a group of respected professionals in their field protested in order to settle a fair contract.

Boo Radley | themcglynn.com the day progressed, we stopped in Anascaul – the home of the great Irish antarctic explorer Tom Crean, and where you can still see The South Pole Inn, the pub he operated later in his life – and Dingle – a beautiful town with brightly painted homes and businesses. The day was near perfect, low 70’s, mostly sunny, and no humidity.

Above The Borderline: Jesus - Sermon on the Mount was Ayn Rand when Jesus needed her philosophical guidance? I find the Gospel of Matthew contains some of the core principles of t...

Trump Continues To Alienate Important Allies - The End Of ...'m not sure Jared Kushner is getting the job done as the de-facto manager of foreign relations for the Trump administration. And it is increasingly looking like he and his father-in-law will preside over the period that will be defined as the "end of the American Century".

jersey | Burypensions Blog strength of their automatic inflation protection (assuming 2.5 percent inflation). The amount by which pensions increase with each additional year of public service as a percentage of “final average salary,” an amount commonly referred to as “the multiplier.” (Final average salary is usually calculated as the average salary over the final three or five years of an individual’s ...

Obama's Next Four Years Will Be Great - HuffPost he'd served even one year President Obama lost the support of the easily distracted left and engendered the white hot rage of the hate-filled right.But some of us, from all walks of life and ideological backgrounds -- including this white, straight, 60-year-old, former religious right wing agitator, now progressive writer and (given my background as the son of Francis Schaeffer a famous ...

Happy Constitution Day | Sheila Kennedy SCHOOL trustees do NOT have teachers for Government courses, then they have to provide those themselves because every school. ecole, in any U.N. country has copies in all the U.N. languages as spoken and pronounced locally as ” 2016? and the only States with that one for 1787 materials are the English ones as of the first enactment ...

Government & Institutions – Impeachment | TheZoo Smirking Chimp has accompanied John Nirenberg to Nancy Pelosi’s office:. I had been to Nancy Pelosi’s office in the Cannon House Office Building before. In fact, I’d been there several times and usually had a pleasant stay, often very quick and efficient, other times prolonged by everyone’s enjoyment of the songs my friends in pink were singing, and as often as not resulting in new ...

Queer Thoughts: Right on cue! all knew it would be coming. When Bishop Henry became the subject of two Human Rights complaints the social conservatives would start screaming.The righties are suggesting the complaints filed against Henry are because he spoke out against gay marriage. Many people have spoken out against gay marriage in Canada, many are very potent critics of gay marriage and if you follow the …

Donald Sterling | Bloviating Zeppelin know the story; 80-year-old Lost Angeles Clipper’s owner Donald Sterling made comments in private, in his home, with his girlfriend (in apparent violation of PC 632) regarding blacks. Somehow, magically, mystically, those comments found themselves exposed to the light of day.

Fox 'News' Toon of the Moment... | The BRAD BLOG "news" gave birth to Snow Job (a.k.a. Tony Snow) who is the smoothest liar since Snottie. Actually he is more accomplished at "yeah, that's the ticket" than Snottie is. They support reporters who are the propaganda arm of the fascist regime, but they applaud when the world record for a journalist being held in jail is held by a blogger ...

Five Percent Nation | Bloviating Zeppelin know the story; 80-year-old Lost Angeles Clipper’s owner Donald Sterling made comments in private, in his home, with his girlfriend (in apparent violation of PC 632) regarding blacks. Somehow, magically, mystically, those comments found themselves exposed to the light of day.

We Get (Love) Letters from Dick Cheney Fans! | The BRAD BLOG those not of the "SELF-HATING JEW" persuasion, that's a Yiddish slur for a gay person.) By the way, Mr. Rockman sent me that note about a week and a half ago, but I didn't see it until recently, because I don't check private Facebook messages very often --- or, perhaps, it was due to where my HEAD is LOCATED.

Where are the GOP presidential debates? | trump was GOP controlled Obamacare would be 100% gone, but it's not. Thankfully the freedom-unfriendly mandatory aspect is. I don't like the man, but I'd vote for Trump over Biden any day. Trump doesn't put on a facade. Biden is a lying, drug war pushing, draft dodging, obsolete has-been.

Ravi Zacharias Ministry – Questions of Power | DAILY ... 03, 2017 · A story told in the Hebrew scriptures offers a dramatic interplay of manipulation and honor, kings and kingdoms, power and powerlessness. It is the story more commonly known as “Daniel and the Lion’s Den.” But this title, accurate though it is in terms of the dramatic climax, actually misses the main actors entirely. Ultimately, the…

Not Just Whistling Dixie: 'BradCast' 9/26/2019 | The BRAD BLOG 26, 2019 · Not Just Whistling Dixie: 'BradCast' 9/26/2019. It's Nicole Sandler, in again today for Brad and Desi on the BradCast.. We begin with a recap of the latest news from the last 24 hours, including the release of the whistleblower complaint, and the Acting DNI's testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.. Then, I figured, we could use something to look forward to.

Sympathy For the Devil | Bloviating Zeppelin has decided to play well with Spreaker again, so you can watch the show here on the SHR Facebook page.SHR has also associated itself with PERISCOPE and with Google Play.The link to the show on PERISCOPE is here.. Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on …

Local news outlet reveals that rancher Cliven Bundy is ... 02, 2014 · Courtesy of KLAS-TV Las Vegas: "I've lived my lifetime here. My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley here ever since 1877. All these rights that I claim, have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and the water and the access and range improvements," Bundy said.

17 | October | 2018 | News Corpse 17, 2018 · “Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history. “Don’t get me wrong, Trump lies all the time. He said that he ‘enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history’ (actually they are the eighth largest) and that ‘our economy is the strongest it’s ever been in the history of our ...

The Rude Pundit 04, 2008 · Bill Clinton: "My Wife Is Old and Forgets Major Events in Her Life": However you think about Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and its Thelma and Louise-like gunning of the engine when the cliff's end is near, the saddest part has been the self-debasement of former President and wannabe First Gentleman Bill Clinton.He has been about as latently sexist regarding his wife (with all his ...

Thinking of shopping at Wal-Mart this Holiday Season 24, 2008 · The Wake-Up Wal-Mart website seems to make assumptions that most Wal-Mart workers are the primary wage earners for their families. I know several cashiers, stock clerks, etc. at Wal-Mart, Target, and the like. None of them are sole breadwinners for their family. All but two of them work there to earn extra money.

Lost in Space, Season 4 | Views from Crestmont 15, 2015 · As the Robinsons hunt the deadly beast, Smith discovers that it wants to take over the ship and return to Earth, and becomes its accomplice. #24, “Feast in Space” The Jupiter 2 visits the Intergalactic Culinary Guild, where the family samples the tastiest dishes in all of space – until one of the chefs decides for his next dish he needs….

Interview with Natasha Kamrani – Off the’ve been busy interviewing candidates for various offices, but today I’m going to step away from that and interview a current officeholder who will not be on the ballot this November. I’m talking about Natasha Kamrani, who last week announced that she will not seek a second term as HISD trustee in District I.That doesn’t mean she’s done working in education, however.

Board of Ed's 'Meet the Finalists' School Super Forum 09, 2012 · The Plainfield Board of Ed is winding down its super-secretive search for a permanent Superintendent with a public 'meet the finalists' forum set for Saturday, May 19. I heard from the grapevine over the weekend that there are two finalists: the current interim, Anna Belin-Pyles, and an unidentified second person.

Obama on Cover of Ebony- In Our Lifetime | Mirror On America 12, 2008 · Barack Obama is on the cover of the March 2008 Issue of Ebony. The title on the cover is: IN OUR LIFETIME - Are we really witnessing the election of the nation's First Black President? It's not a bad article, and the one thing I appreciate is that they list a …

In the news: 441/Newfound Gap Road update | 30, 2013 · Photo: National Park Service. The Asheville Citizen-Times reports that the U.S. 441/Newfound Gap Road repairs will cost $3 to $7 million and be completed by June, according to officials.. I'm not a civil engineer and don't know anything about road building, but this looks like a major project. How much you want to bet it won't be finished by June?

California Legislature Passes State Budget – What’s In It ... 19, 2009 · Ok, so what are the changes in the California State Budget. In other words, what did the California Legislature approve today? The LIST: REVENUE: The plan would raise up to $12.8 billion through June 2010 by imposing a variety of temporary taxes. …

LoneStarBear: Gingrich: Young Americans 'Massacred' by ... 15, 2007 · Gingrich, who is considering a run for the White House, was referring to the recent execution-style murders of three college students on a school playground in Newark, N.J. One man whom police believe was involved in the murders — Jose Lachira Carranza — is an illegal immigrant from Peru who had been released on bail on charges of raping a ...

On constitutional questions - Blogger 07, 2015 · Most of the analysis surrounding the Cons' terror bill so far has assumed that CSIS' powers will be interpreted based on a plain reading of...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Legalizing ... 05, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

Whistleblowing, the Pandemic and a 'Law and Order' System author Jeffrey Sterling is a lawyer and former CIA case officer. On January 26, 2015, he was convicted on 9 counts under the Espionage Act for communicating with journalist James Risen. On May 11, 2015 he was sentenced to 42 months with 2 years probation.

The Weather Vane ~ European-American blog 09, 2018 · The weather vane, who at one time had been a shiny cockerel, took its share of the beating, but it was strongly forged on its spike. The wind blew and blew, almost popping a vein, but all it did was make the weathervane swivel faster and faster, until it got so dizzy it almost fainted. 'Master wind, have pity on me' said the weathervane.

Above The Chatter: Disappointment! 08, 2011 · Those were the shoes — that was the historic role — that Americans elected Barack Obama to fill. The president is fond of referring to “the arc of history,” paraphrasing the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous statement that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it …

Bilgrimage: Theological Reflections on Gay Marriage: Prologue 12, 2008 · And the more I came to terms with myself and the recognition that God was the giver of these gifts, the more the gifts seemed to abound—though, at the same time, the more the outright rejection and scorn of many in the Christian community also seemed to grow, in direct proportion to my struggle to claim my identity and my love as God-given.

Phillip K. Dick « Scanlyze 28, 2007 · One detects in Thirteen shades of Phillip K. Dick’s Do Android’s Dream of Electric Sheep, better known as the inspiration for the movie Blade Runner. Like Dick’s anti-hero Rick Deckard, Carl Marsalis is a genetically engineered assassin sent to kill others of his kind.

The Hunt & A Hijacking | Arun with a View 08, 2013 · This film from Denmark, which opened in the US in July, has left no one indifferent, at least not among those I know who’ve seen it. E.g. one cinephile friend, in an email, called it “a must-see film…reminiscent of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible.”Another wrote that “Mads Mikkelsen was excellent in this film…I recommend highly.”

FlatWorldhttps://flatworldd.blogspot.comThe flaw, says Charles Arthur, offers unrestricted password access to anyone with access to user’s computer because plain text logon details for email, social networks and company systems are stored in the browser's Settings panel. Besides personal accounts, sensitive company login details would be compromised if someone who used Chrome left their computer unattended with the screen active.

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: The Pain said... um in a word, yes. cause while the hoopla about using the word 'nigger' is what has begun the shitstorm, and clearly that's a problem on its own, i'd like to figure out why barely anybody is calling this idiot out on his issues with black women, and the idea that they are only desirable the more they act 'white-girl crazy' (read: dick-sucking, submissive, lots of other stuff ...

Is The Voice Of The Majority The Voice Of God ... - Dare ... 23, 2016 · So, with this majority of peoples views being polled, the minority of Representatives in the House, unable to control the rules of that body, took action in the name of the people, as the majority party seems deaf to the will of the people, and a vote, or even discussion, on any issue concerning gun control was not to be forth coming.

Another step towards the cliff for Farmers Branch – Off 19, 2008 · I have no reason to doubt the name on his tag. Of course he’s the real Jose Padilla… he and probably 100,000 other U.S. citizens around the country. (The number is a pure guess. But I have background experience in enumerating Hispanic names for a massive research project, and a surprisingly small number of names tend to repeat a lot.)

The Immoral Minority: A new video by the folks at Funny or ... 06, 2017 · OT:"attempts to connect the dots between Trump real-estate ventures, Russian oligarchs, the 2013 Miss Universe contest in St. Petersburg, and Trump’s mention of WikiLeaks 164 times during the final month of the 2016 campaign.

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ...“Let me tell you,” Carson finally said, with his voice crackling. “I don’t want to disappoint those people and I certainly don’t want to waste their money” Carson’s reaction differed markedly from that of Trump, who last month called a donor who wrote a check for $7.30 “the cutest thing ever.” Trump has repeatedly said he doesn’t need donors’ money – he’s really ...

The Reference Frame: Romm: Murdoch hacked UEA 05, 2011 · Joe Romm's colleagues, using similar methods to be saved It's almost just like science. The only problem with Romm's earphones is that the planes don't land.Unlike Steve McIntyre who is trying to reveal the most likely explanations of well-established facts about the clients of Neil Wallis, Joe Romm doesn't have a glimpse of evidence and he is trying to find the most unlikely non-explanatory ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Mantha nailed after hazing incident! 18, 2005 · Mantha nailed after hazing incident! The OHL's Windsor Spitfires are without a coach for 40 games and a general manager for a year as OHL Commissioner David Branch laid down the law today . Branch issued the suspension to Windsor GM and coach Moe Mantha over disturbing tales of a hazing incident on the team bus from early September.

Tickle The Wirebombing Archives - Tickle The person of interest is described as a 6-feet tall, skinny, clean-shaven white man who is about 3o years old. He was wearing dark-rimmed glasses, a black hooded sweatshirt, black pants and dark vinyl sneakers. Anyone with information is asked to call the FBI …

Romey VS. Santorum VS. Gingrich – Michigan, Arizona, Ohio ... 16, 2012 · MICHIGAN - Mitt Romney is raising the stakes in Michigan, predicting he can’t lose despite trouble in the polls and a surge in support for Rick Santorum. Asked by Michigan Live on Wednesday whether he might lose the state, Romney said simply: “That won’t happen.” Michigan is considered a crucial test for Romney’s campaign. Not…

Go to Safeco Tonight! | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's ... has positively affected the outcome of 14 games in his streak, which is equal to one-and-two-thirds perfect games. So, tonight, if the game is tied or the Sox have a lead in the ninth, you could see Jenks do something that no pitcher has ever done, in the 130-plus years of Major League Baseball history.

Video: Brooklyn D.A. Takes Back Statement In Support Of ... 30, 2013 · Hynes told media that the harassment, shunning and extortion suffered by haredi child sex abuse victims by haredim and by haredi rabbis was "worse than the Mafia." Now, the ethically challenged, desperate and arguably corrupt D.A., who is on the edge of being – finally – voted out of office says that remark was "insensitive" and "a wrong ...

liar – Eric Lightborn's Blog is one of most dangerous broadcasters on the airwaves only because he masks himself in patroitism and a need to inform the public. Which is untrue. If there was a serious effort on his show to share all perspectives on the so-called ‘globalist agenda’ he would not constantly try to destroy those who question his credibility and motives.

ninjapundit: Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty PA Police Shooter 23, 2017 · Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty PA Police Shooter ---=== fr 12/22/2017 51-year-oldAhmed Aminamin El-Mofty allegedly opened fire on police officers in three different locations in the Pennsylvania capital in Harrisburg before being shot and killed in the Allison Hill section of the city.

Midtown Blogger/Manhattan Valley Follies: Jury Comes in on ... Former SAC Manager Mathew Martoma Found Guilty in Insider Case Insider Trading is so Common on Wall Street ( remember Martha Stewart?) that a conviction is a mere ripple in the pond...but this case shows how complex and convoluted the convicted schemers were in their machinations

THE NAZI POPE: POPE BENEDICT RESCINDS EXCOMMUNICATION … Pope was a member of Hitler Youth in his childhood. It seems he still has Nazi sympathies in his old age. There is no excuse for this. I suggest Jews keep funding St. Bridget's various relief works in Postville because, ultimately, the problems there are partially of our own making.

Barack Obama Watch: Reverend Michael Pfleger – The Other ... 08, 2008 · Friends and advisers, such as the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina Roman Catholic Church in the Auburn–Gresham community on the South Side, who has known Obama for the better part of 20 years, help him keep that compass set, he says.

Levi on the Early Show this morning. - Blogger 07, 2010 · No Levi running for mayor of Wasilla is not just about who people love most. You have to be able to do the DAMN job! I think he needs t...

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ... Johnson did on Debate Night " Gary Johnson wasn’t invited to the debate on October 19th with Hillary and Donald , so he found something else to do that evening. First, there was a rally in Hollywood:

The Wattree Chronicle: PEARLS OF WISDOM FOR RITA 01, 2017 · So always think of yourself as the world-class diva that you are, and never doubt yourself for a second. *Don't tell people who you are, show 'em. *Friends are at their best while embracing your mutual failure as their comfort zone, but if they succeed beyond you, you’ll soon find …

Cruz fires top staffer for promoting false story about ... fires top staffer for promoting false story about Rubio and the Bible " Ted Cruz on Monday asked for the resignation of top aide Rick Tyler, who he accused of a “grave

Michael Maloney – Off the Maloney, an athletics coach, and Arthur Smith, a T-shirt printer, failed to qualify due to issues with their signature petitions, district officials said. Candidates can pay a $300 fee or collect signatures from registered voters living within the voting district boundaries to earn a spot on the ballot.

Crosswinds: Cruz 47, O’Rourke 44 – Off the a sign of just how crucial the millennial vote might be in the upcoming mid-term elections, a statewide poll released Tuesday shows Ted Cruz leading 47 percent to …

Supreme Court kicks off blockbuster term: Cases to watch Court kicks off blockbuster term: Cases to watch By: jbr ...what could be the most consequential term in decades, as the ideologically split justices consider cases as diverse as religious liberty, immigration, cell phone privacy, voting rights and possibly the legality of President Donald Trump's controversial travel ban.

A Documentary About Bill Clinton's Love For Black People ... 12, 2008 · On the other hand, Clinton was right to insist on Kosovo, against many in his party and most in the GOP. Same with Haiti. These appear to have been principled stands by Clinton, and I cannot fault him for them. Concentration camps in Europe are just too vivid a memory for us to ignore. 5:57 PM

The Rude Pundit 01, 2012 · Moments in the Life of Newt Gingrich from the 1990s: On September 8, 1995, then Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told a crowd of 4,000 believers at the Christian Coalition's "Road to Victory" conference in Washington, D.C. that he "got married when I was very young. And we have two wonderful daughters by that marriage.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 08/10/16 is what the Karl Rove-types want people to believe, just as the leftist media eagerly shoved "Maverick" McCain down GOP throats in 2008 - knowing he would lose to Obama. But even if Trump loses and Rodham wins, she would not be dramatically different than Bush or …

The Rude Pundit 02, 2006 · "Throw Me Something, FEMA": The Louisiana artist George Rodrigue is using his ubiquitous blue dog with the freaky ghost eyes to raise money for the much-Katrina-damaged New Orleans Museum of Art. The three silkscreen prints Rodrigue created are angry, sardonic, and pleading: one features the blue dog with a Mardi Gras mask and the words, "Throw Me Something, F.E.M.A." …

Tarnished Lady: is still a little peanut of a guy wearing his 0-3 stuff and the size small in his wool diaper covers but he can now loosely fit into some 3-6 m stuff. His eyes have lightened and brightened. I love his eyes. They are a neat sea color. Never mind the scratch he gave himself on his …

TigerHawk the 12th, Scott Sipprelle has been running an under the radar campaign with one of the most sophisticated phone bank operations I've ever seen. I've seen really bad ones, too . . . but this one was top shelf. I don't think the few polls (showing Holt with a narrow lead) tell the tale. There are too many split towns in the district, in ...

The News Review: 03 December News Review REBEL NEWS. A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very ...

Well that would seem to be an appropriate choice for a ... 12, 2013 · Once installed it would be the only honest thing about the place. You know perhaps it would be worth reviewing what al-Qaeda's plan was for destroying America:. Provoke the United States and the West into invading a Muslim country by staging a massive attack or string of attacks on U.S. soil that results in massive civilian casualties.

The News Review: 18 June nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

A tale of two Trump voters | The Smirking was not a good candidate. Has nothing to do with he being a woman, or being married to Bill. She was beholden to Goldman Sachs too, she was for TPP (Trump was against, but unfortunately for the WRONG reasons) she told Wall Street a totally different story than …

McCain’s Bogus Claim About Rumsfeld | Suzie-Que's Truth ... 07, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 12:15 PM MST Setting the record straight on McCain and Rumsfeld Posted March 6th, 2008 at 4:30 pm One of the more outlandish claims John McCain routinely makes on the campaign trail is his boast that he called for Donald Rumsfeld’s ouster before he resigned. Part of the problem with the bogus…

editor’s pick – Eric Lightborn's Blog about editor’s pick written by Eric Lightborn. When I first set forth to imprint myself upon the wildly evolving beast of the blogosphere I held with me a tenuous goal: to create a fully bipartisan blog.. A place that would be both policy and ideology neutral, yet dealt in real news topics.

Orwellian | Law of Markets troika that Lindsay experienced was the standard method of operation and control in the schools and enforced by the Komsomol under the direction of the education commissary. So, what happened in Russia in a relatively short time frame has been happening here slowly over a couple of decades and basically come out into the open only recently.

Tickle The Wireethics Archives - Tickle The was the judge who heard the request by 26 states to toss out President Obama’s 2014 executive order granting temporarily legal status to millions of immigrants who aren’t actually legal. The case is now before the Supreme Court — which is the only reason Hanen didn’t issue a summary judgment against Obama and the lawyers who lied.

Problem with CREATOR OWNER permissions on only 1 file ... d Classic - problems with the Date of creation on the files. I use Bridge CS5 v and am having a problem with my 5 d classic, where some of my photos are dated correctly, and …

Gaijin Days: Gaijin Insecurities: The Japanese Language ... 28, 2009 · The other was the rarer occasion where Japanese was actually our common language. For example, in 1991, I took Japanese lessons at a school that prepared foreigners for entrance into college. Most of the students were from Korea, and a few were from southeast Asia and the Middle East. Japanese was our common language.

WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME A MEXICAN CUT YOUR PENSION OR ... 29, 2007 · 2. Was the plant you worked for until it was sent overseas been bought by Mexicans or is it still owned by the same people you used to work for? 3. Has a Mexican ever cut your pension or health benefits? Outsourced your job to India? 4.

Get Off This!: Right Wing Abortion Terrorist Taunts ... 14, 2007 · Cool blog, i just randomly surfed in, but it sure was worth my time, will be back Deep Regards from the other side of the Moon Biby Cletus. Reply Delete

Folks Have Demanded that the Institute Reprint Cerf ... 07, 2008 · By Christopher Cerf and Victor S. Navasky* . How the Senator Won the War of Words in Iraq (again and again and again…) The Iraq war was a disaster for Iraq, a disaster for the United States, a disaster for the Middle East, a disaster for the world community, but most of …

On private determinations 03, 2019 · Paul Willcocks has previously pointed out why there's reason for skepticism about Andrew Scheer's attempt to play both sides as to whether ...

Damn it! Indict Junior and Impeach Trump! | themcglynn.com Russian lawyer with whom the eldest son of President Donald Trump arranged a meeting because he was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton is pushing back on Donald Trump Jr.’s account of the story, saying perhaps he wanted the information “so badly” that he imagined it was offered. “I never had any damaging or sensitive information about Hillary Clinton.

The struggle to save babies – 15, 2015 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

The TL:DR Bible: 1 Chronicles 1-15 | House of the Dread 13, 2016 · Like I said yesterday, the first nine chapters of this book are ‘he begat that guy’. Historically, it’s important because when Chronicles was written was the post-exile period. The Jews had moved back to Palestine from Babylon and they were trying to reconnect with their culture and national identity. Having even mythological or incomplete genealogies…

RNC | Rock the Boat it wasn’t my Walter Reed. It was Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, Ca. So, they either goofed up by using a picture from the wrong place or weren’t allowed to show the real hospital, so they chose a fake. It wouldn’t be the first time they chose a fake stand-in when they couldn’t get the real thing.

Re-NewsIt!: Exclusive: New Document shows Jeffery Shaun 20, 2015 · Saved from: history. 20 Aug 2015 15:33:37 UTC: All snapshots: from host Webpage Screenshot: share download .zip report bug or abuse donate

JustOneMinute: Read His Lips - No New Tax Returns! 22, 2019 · A draft IRS opinion is at odd with Treasury Secretary Mnuchin's claim that he can sit on Trump's tax returns. [Law is here.What I take to be a first draft of Mnuchin's position is in his April 23 2019 letter to Chairman Neal.. Folks who like the idea that what goes around comes around will like Mnuchin's point that there is an extensive public record revealing the actual intent of the ...

fdr | WITMOT? of my projects as of late is to watch more Hitchcock movies. Hitchcock has always been, like Ingmar Bergman, one of those filmmakers that I know I need to watch more of but never quite seen to find the time to do so. Sure I’ve seen the major works but it’s those …

The Elite Roots of Richard Spencer’s Racism 29, 2016 · If Richard B. Spencer craved attention, he certainly received it in abundance in 2016. Spencer, a white nationalist widely credited with coining the term “alt-right,” rocketed to perverse national stardom after delivering a November 19 speech in Washington DC before a …

Why the NAACP is a sellout organization - Blogger 18, 2005 · No reason for a bend-over-naked-and-cough strip search, in other words. Ask any lawyer. Ask any lawyer. Well I issued a Demand letter on behalf of the NAACP for $65K I think based on a prior case I had in '98 with similar facts.

Corey Robin — Crooked Timber guy—though Gawker has done a story on him, he remains anonymous—is a dad in his late 30s. He calls himself “a fairly big fan.” He made the picture of one of the show’s characters the background image on his desktop. He talked to the boss’s 9-year-old daughter about the show. His co-workers, and the boss, got freaked out.

RADARSITE: A Plea to George Bush and Barack Obama- Speak ... to this the increasing anti-Semitism in many European countries, and what we have is a dangerous situation that may even lead to a second Holocaust. It is high time for our outgoing President, George Bush and our in-coming president Barack Obama to publicly speak out on this issue.

Democralypse Now: Sharron Angle Knows When Life Hands You ... 11, 2010 · To a really fancy restaurant?? Why, that's awfully nice of you to offer, Sharron, but he's been super busy trying to actually run this terrible government you're always ranting about, while trying to avoid being "taken out" by some heat-packin' Sharron Angle supporter with Jesus on his side, and extra bullets in his swastika decorated fannypack.

Monkey in the Middle: FROM LIONHEART: posted from Radarsite The reality: Stop The ISM The ideological Left wing terrorist lovers love nothing more than smoozing with the Islamic enemy, it gives them kudos amongst their social circuit and makes them feel special to champion the cause of the 'blood thirsty beast' so its no wonder Cherie Blairs half sister has joined a propaganda mission to Gaza to raise the plight in the ...

Bilgrimage: Droppings from the Catholic Birdcage: "We Need ... 09, 2013 · Droppings from the Catholic Birdcage: "We Need to End the World View That Structures Reality into Higher and Lower" What would cause a Jesuit priest who is nearing the age of 80, who has been a Jesuit for 45 years and who has served as a provincial in his order, to make the unexpected decision to leave the priesthood?

Temporary Receivership of BP a Good Idea to Insure Proper ... 07, 2010 · Former Secetary of Labor, Robert Reich, recently wrote an article in the Huffington Post outlining why President Obama should temporarily put BP in receivership in order to insure proper resources are devoted to capping the oil leak and cleaning up the oil washing up on beaches in the Gulf of Mexico. Reich stated in his article: “The Obama administration keeps saying BP is in charge …

Rand Paul Radical Rhetoric Endangers Kentucky's Working list of bedrock American laws that Rand Paul is opposed to keeps growing longer. In addition to the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Paul has made it clear that he doesn’t like the Clean Air Act either. Last weekend, Paul said that President Obama should leave Kentucky alone, especially when it comes to pollution.

Watergate Summer: Homeless Man with Pipes....Ted Williams... has served time in prison for theft and forgery and has been cited with numerous misdemeanors, including drug abuse.Williams was most recently arrested on May 14. He pleaded guilty to a first-degree misdemeanor theft charge. In court records, his address is listed as "Streets of Columbus."

Vast Canyon of Gas and Dust — Progressive Progress Report ... thoughts on “ Vast Canyon of Gas and Dust — Progressive Progress Report ” Dr.D on July 7, 2010 at 8:30 pm said: The true technical types at NASA and among the NASA contractors will be looking to bail out just as fast as possible.

TCCLibraryblog: Vote for the New Seven Wonders of the World 23, 2006 · Creating the first list of seven wonders of the world has been attributed to the ancient Greeks. They selected remarkable locations known in their time, possibly to promote vacation travel to awe inspiring destinations ! Why seven and not six, or ten, or another number ? The number seven appears to have symbolic meaning in many ancient cultures.

Orientation for Watchers | Voting | Polling Place MAY 14 BRGY. & SK ELECTIONS ORIENTATION FOR WATCHERS REMINDERS: CAMPAIGN PERIOD-May 4,2018-May 12,2018 ELECTION DAY May 14,2018-Monday Casting of Votes- 7:00AM to 3:00PM (Sec. 190-Ominibus Election Code) MANNER OF VOTING 17 years old- SK only 18-30 years old- SK & Brgy Officials PROHIBITED ACTS ON ELECTION EVE

Libby Shaw: March 2008 20, 2008 · They are the same people that (in the early 1980s roared and cheered when I called down damnation on America as "fallen away from God" at their national meetings where I was keynote speaker, including the annual meeting of the ultraconservative Southern Baptist convention, and the religious broadcasters that I addressed.

En Avant La Mondialisation - galafron.blogspot.com this pageApr 26, 2011 · Il faut reconnaître la grossière stupidité de ce genre d'auteur issu de l'université catholique de Louvain - quand il n'est pas lui-même m...

On Pilin’ On Palin – The Same Rowdy Crowd 08, 2016 · There are so many message directions Obama could take on the whole Palin front. Troopergate. Experience. Earmark hypocrisy. Family demands. But sacrifice is the essence of strategy, so he should take a pass on all of those tempting messaging paths, so those issues don’t drown out his most compelling message -- "change v. Bush 3.0."…

No Right Turn: Blasphemy isn't just a crime in Myanmar 03, 2015 · Blasphemy isn't just a crime in Myanmar A court in Myanmar has jailed a kiwi for two and a half years for "blasphemy" : A Wellington man sentenced to two and a half years of hard labour in Myanmar faces a very tough life shackled to other prisoners, according to a fellow Kiwi who has witnessed the work gangs.

drug addiction | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! each of these states, homeless numbers have steadily increased since 2007. We can thank progressive policies under Barack Obama and the incompetent governments of California, Hawaii, and New York, but it will be difficult to find any reportage of it …

Popurls | Mother of news encapsulates headlines from the most popular websites on a single page and is also known as the mother of all news aggregators. Invented 2005 by Thomas Marban

Sarah Palin | Oxypolitis that woman ‘beyond all choice’ will be Governor Sarah Palin! Tonight I caught part of the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News. O’Reilly was trying to make a news item out of recent Sarah Palin public events where she has met with several international foreign leaders.

Bilgrimage: Trails to Keep Following: The Public's Right ... 12, 2008 · Trails to Keep Following: The Public's Right to Know I don't normally blog on Sundays, but I want to do so today--mainly as an aide mémoire to myself not to forget some important information trails that opened in the final days of this national election. With the election, it …

The Whited Sepulchre: 9/23/12 - 9/30/12 actor and economic dunce Samuel L. Jackson recently produced this video, charmingly titled "Wake The F*** Up". It's for voters who think that we've all been doing dandy for the last four years, that we're fighting undeclared wars in fewer countries than we were four years ago, and that teen minority unemployment isn't at 50%, and that Barack Obama didn't flunk Economics 101 at ...

Al Gore and the masseuse - The Taiwanese video Gore and the masseuse - The Taiwanese video ! ! ! If you get your news from the mainstream media, you might not be aware that Saint Albert, The Goracle of Music City, Tennessee, has finally been accused of sexually assaulting someone who is not in the manufacturing or transportation industry.

Thomas Bear | Facebook Live for something Bigger than yourself is one of the best things one can do with their life. Helping to create change and improve the world for others is its own reward, & is most worth it. The lack of a reasonable, logical explanation does not mean that the explanation must be "god". Strive not for a happy life, but for one that is meaningful.

One of the Florida shooting survivors powerfully speaks ... 19, 2018 · A Wimbledon memory after a weekend bereft of its usual glory. And a great story about the last news reporter covering a small town; Good News Friday: The Negro Leagues turn 100, and there’s a whole lot of love being shown. A woman is joining the Army Special Forces for the first …

NoFo: It's "whom" is a moment near the end of The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?--Edward Albee's 2002 play exploring the outer limits of love, fidelity, morality and tolerance--where the emotional crisis at the center of the narrative boils over into such catastrophic levels of heartache and rage and such Greek-tragedy levels of destruction and retribution that the first time I saw it--and the second time and ...

Barnestormin: Hybrid Barnes is a journalist and freelance tech writer, a correspondent for ENR and a former stringer for the Wall Street Journal, Reuters and the New York Times. A former reporter for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and a former editor/reporter for the Butler Eagle, he’s been stringer for Fortune, Newsday and many others.

Justice Ginsburg on Capital Punishment - The StandDown ... StandDown Texas Project was organized in 2000 to advocate a moratorium on executions and a state-sponsored review of Texas' application of the death penalty. To stand down is to go off duty temporarily, especially to review safety procedures.

The Citizens: Town Haul 08, 2008 · Dr. Strangelove said.... I thought I heard McCain trot out a brand new plan to help homeowners: he would have the federal government buy up hundreds of thousands of troubled mortgages from banks and other lenders, then renegotiate those loans with homeowners in terms based on the current, reduced value of the homes--presumably making payments easier and forgiving the …

Balkinization: Judge Alito, the Boy Scouts, and Boy Scouts may discriminate, but it's not their "fundamental purpose," which I suppose is teaching kids how to build campfires and such. It's easy to join an organization because you support its fundamental purpose, without realizing that there are hidden aspects of …

Changes in New Hampshire - The StandDown Texas Concord Monitor reports, "With Hassan in office, death penalty’s days could be numbered." It's written by Tricia L. Nadolny. For the first time in decades, opponents of the death penalty will have a governor in office who agrees with...

Demand an End to the Taxation of Social Security Benefits 03, 2018 · It was the first term of the administration of Ronald Reagan and thanks to medical advances that were allowing people to live much longer and to the Medicare and Medicaid programs or the mid 1960s that made those advances available to most Americans for the first time — the elderly, the disabled and the poor — the retirement program was ...

15 | June | 2016 | Wide World of 15, 2016 · A Wimbledon memory after a weekend bereft of its usual glory. And a great story about the last news reporter covering a small town; Good News Friday: The Negro Leagues turn 100, and there’s a whole lot of love being shown. A woman is joining the Army Special Forces for the first time ever.

The Rude 12, 2011 · The Rude Pundit would bet that some White House insider would say that it was more important to take abortion off the table as an issue in the presidential election, even if Plan B is a contraceptive, not an abortifacient, and, really, the anti-choice yahoos need to make a decision here on whether life begins at conception or at ejaculation.

jason donovan | Electricity & picks its favourite indie and foreign films of 2007.. Slate explains the divvying up of delegates in the primaries.. Check out this download of M Ward and Zooey Deschanel singing lovely tuneage. Courtesy of fantastic music blog Chromewaves.. Black Mountain contributes a guestlist to Pitchfork.. Watch Michael Cera be molested. If you want. Sasha Frere-Jones …

The Citizens: Just Enjoy it! 10, 2008 · My favorite part was the enormous glowing globe that came up out of the ground and had acrobats running around the thing as if they were held on by gravity (it was actually well hidden wires of course). It could easily have been just another tired old Asian Communist mass marching event like the North Koreans still put on and like China used to do.

Around the Keg: December 05, 2011 · One of the people showcased on the program is a dedicated football coach at a public school, who is invited to the White House for a dinner marking the end of Ramadan. Another is an officer in the Wayne County Sherriff’s department. A third is a pediatric respiratory therapist. Pretty normal, even exceptional stuff, but I guess that was the ...

Java Zen:Thinking Out Loud » The Helping was the goal when I sat down this evening to cruise a few favorite blogs and catch up on what’s been happening. What I happened to be reading as I started peeling the orange caused one of those nanosecond wince-flinches that resulted in the orange being torn near in half. It brought forward some painful memories.

Australia's burned forests may never recover; Over one temperatures have cooled somewhat in Australia, providing much-needed relief for the overworked and exhausted firefighters, provides some …

Kevin Powell: Lenten Reading Mark 7: 17, 2009 · That may be true. It might be because we look back 2000+ years to find our defining story. But we forget that the old, old, story creates, new, new, people, and a new, new heaven and earth. Our faith may be rooted in an ancient message, but it’s just as rooted in the future, God’s future.

FunctionalAmbivalent: Pokey and the looks like there was a plane crash or something, but it's just a bunch of troopers ticketing anyone designated by the SUV on the overpass. We pass anonymously and politely through and call back to my sister behind us, telling her to look out. And we drive on for while before pulling off for gas and a 55 gallon drum of diet soda.

The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin makes list of GQ's Least 02, 2014 · So GQ has its list of the least influential people of 2014, and to be fair a lot of people made the list, including the President, Chris Christie, John McCain and Johnny Depp. However it was the description of Palin that I thought worth sharing: She barely even get out of the limo! Some dude is reportedly calling her daughter a slut and a cunt, and the rest of her …

Cookies, Crayons, Classes, & Chaos: Our fantastical insisted it was the next frontier for psychologists. And of course 20-something years later I can attest that he was indeed right. And with the growing numbers of kids, including my own son, with asynchronous development and sensory challenges associated with being twice exceptional , I crave knowledge to help me understand the brain ...

The Words We Use… | Sheila Kennedy Federal Government was castigated as a power hungry octopus usurping states rights, that must be starved to death. The one exception was the War Machine. Our so called Media of CNN, MSNBC and FOX spend their time bending, spindling and mutilating any semblance of honest journalism to a particular audience.

Last night's SNL cold open addresses Donald Trump's crazed ... 04, 2016 · On Morning Joe today the question was asked by Joe if Sarah's speech the other night at the fish fry was the worst speech ever. Out of 4 guests the best he could get was it definitely was disjointed and close to the worst. Also, he asked why does Trump have Palin stumping for him (he apparently isn't a fan at all) and a guest put it best.

McCain – Eric Lightborn's Blog about McCain written by Eric Lightborn. I see these God-forsaken ads running on my blog about how people are supposed to “Stop Obama-care Now!” and I would like to metaphorically spit on this nonsense once and for all.Anyone attaching the misnomer of “socialized medicine” or using the phrase “Obama-care” at this stage has already labeled themselves as part of the partisan ...

My Students Continue to Teach Me… | Sheila Kennedy 30, 2015 · The Covanta Plant is a prime example, providing little detail as to the possibility of the operation actually working and who is getting rich from this deal, the contract slipped through the system sans an appropriate application of the Waste Disposal Statute.

Tenured Radical: Update: the James Sherley Tenure Case at MIT 08, 2007 · Tenured Radical said.... Dear anonymous commenters, It is my personal opinion that the tenure process is quite broken right now, and that in a situation like that, women, queers, and minorities are bound to take it on the chin. Or rather, that the gulf between haves and have-nots becomes quite wide. Amd of course I cannot comment on tenure cases at Zenith.

Flutterby™! Topic : Seattle 08, 2020 · The primary culprit was the tardy installation of automatic train protection (“positive train control”), which would have prevented overspeed: the Philadelphia accident happened shortly before that section of track was scheduled to get PTC, the New York accident happened on a line with weaker protection against running red signals but not ...

Another Unconstitutional Obama Czar? | Judicial Watch 17, 2010 · There’s a new Wall Street Sheriff in town. Her name is Elizabeth Warren and she’s President Obama’s pick to help set up (control) a brand new Big Government agency called the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. (Just so you know, this new agency was the brainchild of the corrupt Fannie and Freddie twins, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.

Orcinus: A Brief History of the Southern Strategy 22, 2003 · David Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Secret Science Club Post Lecture ... 11, 2014 · Yesterday, I headed down to the beautiful Bell House in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn. After a 2-hour slog on the subway (a broken rail on the "6" line at Canal St had the entire Lexington Avenue corridor, 4-5-6 trains, clogged up just in time for the evening rush hour), I got to my destination to attend the latest Secret Science Club lecture, featuring Dr David Gruber of the City University ...

read my mind: Canadian Dollar is Collapsing! China printed the first IOU paper currency back in 1024, history has shown this method to be dangerous to a society and its people. It doesn't work and never has for long periods of time. It has only led to debt, inflation and devaluation. We thank John Sneisen for giving us this prediction and warning.

Why Pirates Attack: It's the Fish Stupid - M O R P H E U S ... 08, 2009 · The ship was being operated by an "all-American" crew -- there were 20 U.S. nationals on the ship. "Every indication is that this is the first time a U.S.-flagged ship has been successfully seized by pirates," said Lt. Nathan Christensen, a spokesperson for for the U.S. Navy's Bahrain-based 5th Fleet.

Family Research Council accuses gays of pedophilia without ..., Tony Perkins from the Family Research Council had this to say about the abuse of children in the Catholic Church: While activists like to claim that pedophilia is a completely distinct orientation from homosexuality, evidence shows a disproportionate overlap between the two. About a third of all child sex abuse cases involve men molesting boys--and in one study, 86% of such men ...

MARS Trucker is (brain) Deadhttps://marstruckerisbraindead.blogspot.comThe First Meeting As the cold morning air harshly bit into my face, trudging along the isolated mountain trail that falls away to a break in the ridge, my guide points to our destination. The small village of tiny houses built of stone, morning fires burning and the aroma of freshly brewed tea wafts in the stillness.

Fabulous Girl's Boudoir: February 2008 29, 2008 · Several years ago, Ms. Ware was engaged to a gentleman who did not like Trish McEvoy 9, the fruity vanilla blend she had been wearing for seven years. “He thought I smelled like a traveling carnival, the kind where they sell corn dogs, because I guess the smell was reminiscent of cotton candy,” Ms. Ware, 28, said.

Balkinization: Bread, Freedom and Social Justice central bank has just announced it raised interest rates for the first time since 2009 to protect local deposits and the Egyptian pound. The rise in the cost of borrowing would lead to further contraction in the economy. As the state of street safety worsens thanks to SCAF’s incompetence, the …

South Texas Chisme: April 2007 was the order of U.S. District Court Judge Samuel Kent, in a case filed Monday by a group of workers. However, BP officials say the company is still looking for the leak’s source. Attorney Anthony Buzbee filed the negligence lawsuit Monday at Galveston’s U.S. district courthouse, originally on behalf of about 10 of the contractors.

If Giuliani’s Opinion About Cheney is an Indicator of His ... 04, 2007 · If that’s not arrogance and a complete disregard for the law, I’m not sure what is. Cheney is an ideal partner for George W. Bush. Both men are liars, both endorse controversial practices like torture of prisoners, pre-emptive war, war profiteering, privatization of the military, etc. Cheney was the Secretary of Defense during the first ...

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup is a new tactic of the right- "Poor little old me just can't understand all this scientific talk, so I guess we'd just better do nothing and let the Koch brothers have their way." Antonin Scalia used it just a few days ago when he claimed to be unable to comprehend the meaning of a three or four paragraph summation of the nature of DNA.

16 | June | 2010 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 16, 2010 · Suzie-Q on Twitter. RT @JoeBiden: It didn’t have to be this bad.But we have a president who is more interested in taking a victory lap than he is in doing the… 1 day ago; RT @Goss30Goss: 3,210 new Covid-19 cases & 43 deaths in Florida over the last 24 hrs.@GovRonDeSantis refuses to implement mandatory safet… 2 days ago

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2013 · Well, if certain rich people are on the side of the angels this time, I'm grateful -- but I'm sorry that the only way anything gets done in this country. Supporters of stricter gun laws greatly outnumbered gun-control opponents for years until very recently, but the gun lobby had much more money, so that was the end of the story.

introversion – Robot King it isn’t, because he knows that a battle he can’t win. Yeah, he might be able to tough out the nonstop accusations that he is dangerous and untrustworthy, but then the bigoted parents will start refusing to let their children attend Hogwarts and that, indirectly, will …

War | the plaid lemur fool hearty concept of lebensraum, and a decade of propaganda fueled atrocities against Slavs as Hitler’s death squads followed the German push, deep into Russia. Villages burnt to the ground, murdered bodies of simple farmers found piled in the ashes of churches, and prisoners of war lined up and shot are the stuff of nightmares, yet the ...

Facts | Sheila Kennedy the first hours after the Texas school shooting that left at least 10 dead Friday, online hoaxers moved quickly to spread a viral lie, creating fake Facebook accounts with the suspected shooter’s name and a doctored photo showing him wearing a “Hillary 2016” hat. Several were swiftly flagged by users and deleted by the social network.

The foreign policy of an Obama administration | Suzie-Que ... 15, 2008 · Normally, if it really wants to change things, a new administration must spell out clearly its agenda during the first 100 days, before everything becomes “business as usual.” This is a moment to be seized and not be wasted, especially with the type of …

Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patronage 09, 2001 · Some of the trucks are on their way to two power stations in the northern part of the capital: a recently refurbished, if inefficient, plant that has served Kabul for a little more than a quarter of a century, and a brand new facility scheduled for completion next year and built with money from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

More Dirty Tricks? Robocall "on behalf of Obama campaign ... reader Julianne writes… I just got a robocall “on behalf of the Barack Obama campaign” telling me to go caucus on Sunday February 10th, and not Saturday February 9th, which is the correct date.They told me to call 866-675-2008 for more information. I just …

I'm suffering from media burnout? How you doin'? | when Faux News was the only obvious spinners of falsehoods, innuendo and mean-spirited gossip, I used to pray the Left would find a way to combat the negative effects that evil empire was having on American thought. It seemed disgusting to think so many Americans were so ignorant as to swallow the poison pablum they were being fed.

Brown Man Thinking Hard: Truthers, Birthers And Town Hall ... 08, 2009 · This is a sign of morbid disfavor once you understand that females are the God's favored gender. Muhammad's (Mohammed's) polygamy halfway through his life as a prophet was preditory. Now a huge percentage of Muslims believes in male superiority and that the abuse of women is God's will.

Paula Ridgeway on Taphttps://paularidgeway.blogspot.comMay 25, 2007 · To be designated one of the "other" who believes the troops are terrorists is to be against my very own grandfathers. I would feel like I was kicking dirt in their faces, spitting at their feet if I were to disrespect the heart of the military. Both of them were in wars. Both were "the other" to someone. At home, to most of us, they are heroes.

What’s the Weather Like on Your World? | Sheila Kennedy is not true. In fact, many of those folks are repelled by Mr. Graham. The same applies to “evangelicals”, which is a very diverse group, as are Catholics. One well known progressive evangelical is Jim Wallis, with a group called “Sojourners”, and who is …

The difference in how the New York Times describes a black ... 06, 2014 · Now remember Michael Brown is the VICTIM of a shooting while Tsarnaev was the perpetrator of a terrorist attack. But wait there's m...

Keith Olbermann's Ego: Yes, Katy Tur finally has a job 28, 2009 · This is a work of fiction While this blog purports to represent the views of Keith Olbermann's ego (and Katy Tur's ego too for that matter) all blog entries are a work of fiction, unless what it is written does indeed turn out to be true in which case consider it just a lucky guess.

Pat is Crazy: October 2007 02, 2007 · After the smoke had cleared, Emily Rose started talking to Crazy Pat, totally ignoring the warnings of the Pat Is Crazy Alert System. Crazy Pat promptly stabbed Emily Rose in the hand, then picked her up and threw her out the window. Pat is crazy. The end.

Tax Cuts - Celleno - The Personal Blog of Foreign governors in the race – Jon Huntsman, Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney – have to be considered the serious candidates. (Sarah Palin, if she runs, and Michele Bachmann are the circus acts.) But all they do is trot out the line that pleases the Tea Party consisting of slashing public spending and cutting taxes.

One of the federal prosecutors that Trump tried to get rid ... 11, 2017 · Courtesy of the Daily Beast: Preet Bharara, the crusading U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York who was asked to submit his resignation letter Friday, along with the 45 other U.S. Attorneys held over from the Obama administration, has yet to do so, a federal law enforcement official tells The Daily Beast.

The Casablanca Testhttps://thecasablancatest.blogspot.comThe question is which one of us can lead America to appreciate life.-- George W. Bush, February 15, 2000 Fact : Half of all cervical cancer deaths - approximately 2,300 per year - could be prevented by a newly developed HPV vaccine.

The Immoral Minority: Marine Sgt. becomes angry with his ... 12, 2014 · It's also on the other thread. You should know by now that Gryphen doesn't take down comments. He may sift through them before posting, but once posted, they stay. That's one of the things that makes his blog superior. He lets people speak, even if they're trolls and troublemakers, and lets the IM community weed them out.

memeorandum: The Siege of Planned Parenthood (Gail Collins ... Reportedly Leaves NDP Role; Mubarak's Son, Party Chief Also Exit; U.S. Signals Support for VP to Head Transition — CAIRO - The leadership of Egypt's ruling party has resigned is what is seen as a major concession to try to appease protesters who have demonstrated against the …

Article: Warring Visions of Puerto Rico's Future | OpEdNews 02, 2017 · Article: Warring Visions of Puerto Rico's Future - Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have proposed a $146 billion green 'Marshall Plan' to rebuild Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands as a ...

memeorandum: Read the White House's Talking Points After ... nation can only weep — TUESDAY WAS a great day for David Duke and racists everywhere.The president of the United States all but declared that he has their backs. — When a white supremacist stands accused of running his car into a crowd of protesters, killing one and injuring 19 …

Want to find out who is in charge of Refugee Resettlement ... 01, 2017 · This is a very cool resource which I had never seen. Reader Tomasrose sent it after I wrote this post on obtaining your R & P Abstracts. I had been using this list to find refugee subcontractors and another list, this one , to find state refugee coordinators, but here the Office of Refugee Resettlement (in HHS) has provided us with an ...

EXTRA! North Denver Tribune Removes George From Its ..., of course, asked for it. I dared to bring up some salient points in an emailed letter to the Tribune's managing editor, Elisa Cohen, with regard to the city's failure to provide for the proper infrastructure maintenance of Denver's Parks. Ms. Cohen took umbrage with my remarks that, by the way, actually, in my opinion, pointed out her lack of reportorial skills.

Freedom Writing: The Challenge of Picking a Running Mate 27, 2008 · David Brooks of the New York Times neatly summarizes the problem faced by both Barack Obama and John McCain in picking their running mates. And he has a solution for both men. "[T]o balance his ticket, Barack Obama should pick a really old white general," Brooks says."Therefore, he should pick Dwight Eisenhower."

No Right Turn: Doing less with more 03, 2015 · Since coming to power, the National government's command to the public service has been to "do more with less". So we have a biosecurity crisis and longer hospital waiting lists (sorry, non-waiting lists, because now you don't even get on the list) and a failing justice system.But there's one sector which has avoided cuts: the spies.

Impeachment Hearing This Friday. Kucinich & The American ... 23, 2008 · anthony @ 12:28 BST Youtube | Wednesday, July 23, 2008 Dennis Kucinich, member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Ohio’s 10th district lays out the plan for his presentation before the Judiciary Committee this Friday to make the case for impeachment.

REBUTTAL Smoking ban has a number of upsides | Veritas ... 29, 2008 · The issue: Eau Claire's workplace smoking ban takes effect Tuesday. Our view: This has the potential to open up some businesses for people who previously avoided them. Two days from now, all taverns and businesses in Eau Claire will become smoke free. If you believe the polls, the 80 percent of the population that doesn't…

Notes in Samsara: February 2008 05, 2008 · The unfinished poem in his suicide note read, in part: The love boat has crashed against the daily routine. You and I, we are quits, and there is no point in listing mutual pains, sorrows, and hurts. Mayakovsky was interred at the Moscow Novodevichy Cemetery. n 1930, his birthplace of Bagdadi in Georgia was renamed Mayakovsky in his honour.

Gilad Shalit, Israeli Soldier Held Hostage By Friends Of ... 28, 2007 · Friends describe Gilad as studious, good at physics and a little shy. But they say he is quite determined in his own quiet way, and that when he was called up a year ago he volunteered to join a combat unit. His elder brother, Yoel, 21, is a student at a polytechnic in the northern Israeli port of Haifa. He has a younger sister at high school.

Mr. Bill Moyers Responds – Jimmy previously indicated, equal space would be given for any response that Bill Moyers chose to send me in response to the reply that Dr. E. Calvin Beisner made to the demands Mr. Moyers issued through his lawyer.. I recently received the following e-mail: There have been posts on your site about the exchange between Bill Moyers and Dr. Calvin Beisner.

The Legacy of “Our Man Mitch” | Sheila Kennedy NorthWest Times of Indiana has an article detailing the devastation that tax caps are visiting on Indiana’s municipalities. We can thank Mitch Daniels for leading the charge to place these caps in the state’s constitution, where they will continue to strangle local governments until we manage the difficult job of passing a constitutional amendment.

memeorandum: White voters are turning on Trump, new data ... Cesspool That Spat Out Trump's New Conspiracy About Cops — Here is how Trump got the idea that a 75-year-old protester who was pushed to the ground and bled out of his head may have been antifa.It's as crazy as you can imagine. — Out of all the blogs on the pro-Trump internet …

Stopping the leak « Jamesb101.com 05, 2010 · “The vents remain open,” Adm. Thad Allen of the Coast Guard, who is in charge of the federal response to the oil spill, said in a briefing Saturday morning. Admiral Allen said that while engineers had so far been able to bring 6,000 barrels of oil to …

Rudy Giuliani releases audio of Biden in Ukraine that ... 01, 2020 · The Washington Post report on this breaking news makes it absolutely clear that this isn’t a matter of any news being broken.Or of Biden doing anything wrong. Instead, after months of trying to ...

Take It Down?…Ha! It Will Stay Here (On This Site) FOREVER ... 03, 2016 · This is the definition of a physical altercation, with certain words bolded for emphasis: A physical altercation is defined as being an argument, dispute or altercation that involves force or physical aggression. Physical altercations differ from verbalaltercations because physical contact is involved. These types of disputes are sometimes ...

Cleaning Up Bayou Texar | The Lunch Counter 06, 2008 · This is Dr. Snyder’s reply, which addresses every question, in his own words. The study will be done over two years to incorporate annual variation in water levels. We will try to identify contaminated ground water as opposed to runoff, with the idea that the groundwater will more likely be septic or sewer malfunction.

Shaun King - One Of The Leaders Of The Black Lives Matter ... 19, 2015 · Father: Mother: Birth Certificates: Daily Mail – A key figure in the Black Lives Matter movement who claimed he was the victim of a horrific hate crime in his youth as a result his race has been outed as white.. Shaun King, an author and writer who is one of the leading voices speaking out against police brutality on social media, has claimed he is mixed.

E-Mails Expose MSNBC Host’s Involvement in #StopRush 22, 2012 · Krystal Ball will co-host MSNBC’s new show ‘The Cycle’ starting Monday. FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION MSNBC host Krystal Ball was in close communication with leaders of an online boycott aimed at advertisers on Rush Limbaugh’s …

7 things our founders believed about public education 07, 2015 · This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power. 2. Education prevents aristocracy and leads to a meritocracy. Jefferson was almost prescient in his belief that societies tend to move toward concentrated wealth. He believed public education would create a meritocracy rather than an aristocracy. Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1821:

Progressive Charlestown: White Nationalism is the greatest 15, 2019 · It shows him as the sort of garden-variety white, male, racist troll all too common on social media sites across the internet. His asides, nasty remarks, and claims to be everything from a “white Nelson Mandela” to a “Navy Seal” don’t come because he’s crazy.

The Rectification of Names: Tony Blair, War Criminal 06, 2016 · War criminal Tony Blair in his address today: The decision to go to war in Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from power in a coalition of over 40 countries led by the USA, was the hardest, most momentous, most agonising decision I took in 10 years as British prime minister. For that decision today I accept full responsibility, without exception and without excuse.

No More Mister Nice Blog: IF ONLY WE WERE ASHAMED 01, 2015 · This seems like a feel-good story, but it doesn't make me feel good: Comedian Stephen Colbert announced Thursday that he would fund every existing grant request South Carolina public school teachers have made on the education crowdfunding website Colbert partnered with Share Fair Nation and ScanSource to fund nearly 1,000 projects for more than 800 …

Balkinization: The Three Most Intriguing Words in Goodling ..."within the Department" The phrase is on page 5 of her statement: I can describe what I and others discussed as the reasons for [seven U.S. Attorneys'] removal, but I cannot guarantee that these reasons are the same as those contemplated by the final decisionmakers who requested the …

Balkinization: The Government Institution Most in Need of ... be it for me to lay out a definitive framework for reform, but it might include some or most of the following components ( just off the top of my head; please consider it a rough work-in-progress): 1. Strict requirements of notification before dubious conduct is undertaken (or in truly exigent circumstances, immediately thereafter ...

Native Americans On Warpath Over PETA Shechita Revelations ... 16, 2007 · If PETA's real concern was the treatment of animals at Local Pride, instead of their radical agenda to end the eating of meat and the owning of animals, it should have dropped the matter. Instead, dissatisfied with the USDA's conclusion, PETA has asked the Sheridan County Attorney to investigate and has launched a national media campaign with a ...

Ezra Klein: Who Was David and Who Was Goliath? 25, 2006 · I can think of few nations who actually earn their US foreign aid, but Israel did knock out Saddam's nuclear program in the early 80s. That turned out to be a big favor for the rest of the world, even as the world criticized the act. Israel was the only democracy in the middle east for fifty years.

Spanish gamefowl for sale in lafayette the green xanax bars time release. 02/08/2018 Buffalo stampede slot machine download. 02/09/2018 Bully pitbull puppies for sale in dallas tx. 02/09/2018 Examples of career focus for resume. Spanish gamefowl for sale in lafayette Spanish Gamefowl Sale.. Cuban spanish gamefowl for sale The amazing vast gulf you speak has a choice. Lafayette ...

Gay Jesus Matt Shepard Was a Meth Head – 24, 2013 · Matthew Shepard, the gay man who died on the fence for the sins of all gaykind, was not murdered because he was gay. He was murdered in a drug-fueled lover’s quarrel with his partner according to a new book.

April 2017 – Page 6 – Unsightly Mental The House on Telegraph Hill (1951) we have a powerful, subtle plot: A young woman, Viktoria, survives the concentration camp at Belsen, but neither her family nor her best friend at the camp were so lucky. Knowing that her friend has a child, sent to America before Poland was invaded to live with her husband’s family, and now kept by a wealthy branch of the family, Viktoria assumes her ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: What the Mayor could learn from the Navy ... 05, 2011 · I was stunned that a year and a half into her second term and after a string of homicides that stretches back to last summer, Mayor Robinson-Briggs is asking us to BRAINSTORM. Brainstorming is a useful process, but it is associated with the BEGINNING of a of strategizing or problem solution.

June 2020 ~ European-American blog 02, 2020 · The further up you go, traveling through New Hampshire or Vermont towards the Canadian border, you enter The Great North Woods, also known as the Northern Forest. It is spread across four northeastern states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York and collectively covers 26 million acres, about the size of Holland, Belgium and Denmark combined.

APUSH American Pageant Ch. 13 Review Questions | Andrew ... American Pageant Ch. 13 Review Questions - Free download as (.rtf), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. These are the full review questions for the American Pageant 15th edition for APUSH (AP U.S. History) class.

F&M Poll Release September 2017 | Opinion Poll | Survey ... Poll Release September 2017 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A new F&M poll shows President Trump's job approval rating in PA., has dropped measurably.

Ezra Klein: Warner's Watching 21, 2006 · You guys are being too hard on Warner. He just wants to know if there's any broccoli in his teeth. Posted by: Stephen | Jun 21, 2006 9:15:43 PM. When dental-care models go bad… Posted by: Mastiff | Jun 21, 2006 9:59:26 PM. The after-after Norm Coleman picture. Posted by: norbizness | Jun 21, 2006 10:24:55 PM. Jason--you mean Tony Robbins.

JustOneMinute: Follow The Yellow Brick Road NY Times headline highlights the risky new path scheme emphasized by Obama in his convention speech:. Obama Makes Case for 2nd Term: ‘Harder’ Path to ‘Better Place’ Oh, please, saddle up the unicorns! A harder path to a better place, led by a guy who has never accomplished anything other than getting himself elected President (but got lots of the asbestos out of Altgeld Gardens!)?

Gripes | IRAQ SURGE BLOG the Model’s upbeat if sober(no pun) post received a lot of notice across the blogosphere. He started by noting: Operation “Imposing Law” continues in Baghdad. In contrast with previous operations to secure the city, this one is managing to not only keep the initial momentum, but the operation’s effects seem to be growing as well.

JustOneMinute: Like A Candle In The Wind at JOM the entire staff is committed to Keeping Hope Alive for John McCain. Or at least Keeping Suspense Alive until 10:0 PM Tuesday night, at which time the election will be called for Obama and we will collect on our pool.. So, allow me to share my latest cogent analysis brainwave regarding the current polls: the numbers favoring Obama are inflated by an historic enthusiam gap among ...

American Power: Supreme Court Spares Child Rapists From ... 01, 2008 · A divided Supreme Court today ruled against the death penalty for convicted child rapists, in what is certainly a decision raising the most disturbing moral and legal issues of the day. Allahpundit has a long analysis, and I was struck by the question of relative depravity, raised in Samuel Alito's dissent: With respect to the question of moral depravity, is it really true that every person ...

APUSH Must Know Dates | Presidents Of The United States ... Must Know Dates. 1) 1492- Christopher Columbus, financed by Spain, makes the first of four voyages to the New World. He lands in the Bahamas. 2) 1513- Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Len lands on the coast of Florida. 3) 1565- Saint Augustine, Florida, settled by the Spanish, becomes the first permanent European colony in North America.

A Good World: November 2006 29, 2006 · "A good world needs knowledge, kindliness, and courage; it does not need a regretful hankering after the past or a fettering of the free intelligence by the words uttered long ago by ignorant men. It needs a fearless outlook and a free intelligence. It needs hope for the future, not looking back all the time toward a past that is dead, which we trust will be far surpassed by the future that ...

ce399 | research archive: Oscar Romero: Estamos con Ustedí matamos a monseñor Romero . El mayor D´Aubuisson fue parte de la conspiración para asesinar a monseñor Romero, aunque el tirador lo puso un hijo del ex presidente Molina, dice el capitán Álvaro Saravia. 30 años después, él y otros de los involucrados reconstruyen aquellos días de tráfico de armas, de cocaína y de secuestros.

J. J. Cale - Wikipedia Weldon "J. J." Cale (December 5, 1938 – July 26, 2013) was an American guitarist, singer, and songwriter. Though he avoided the limelight, his influence as a musical artist has been widely acknowledged by figures such as Mark Knopfler, Neil Young and Eric Clapton, who described him as "one of the most important artists in the history of rock". He is considered to be one of the ...

Creator of Oil-Spill Videos Makes Us Proud to be from Alabama 02, 2010 · He comes off as a regular person who is informed about the environment and is deeply pained by what he is reporting. In his first video, Wathen said, unforgettably, "It looks like the Gulf is ...

Rant: What Idiot Tries to Change the Channel of a Bears ... 14, 2012 · One of the guests insists that we were all here first, so we have control of what gets shown on TV. If he wants to pick the show, he needs to get here earlier and stake out his territory. Finally, the man sitting to the right (in the photo) simply walks over and grabs the remote out of the fool’s hand.

Attacks on Kevin Jennings get uglier - Holy Bullies't let this picture get you too angry. It's indicative of the desperation of an ugly smear campaign. One could say that for the maj...

Mistaking Coincidence For Fate: Lost Theory Question #10 ... even if it is the latter, there still could be a sort of middle ground - think of it as the Sybill Trelawney theory - where Malkin is a fraud who actually had one true vision in his life (maybe in the form of a visit from an actual course corrector). But the bottom line here is that Aaron may very well be one of the ultimate keys to the show.

The Peruser: Hear Them Roar!...Women's March trumps ... Women's March on Versailles…October 5th, 1789…was the defining moment of the French Revolution, when 7,000+ "Angry Women" packed with Pitchforks and Muskets, marched to the Palace of Versailles and said to Louis & Marie; Guess who's going to …

West of Eden: The Washington Playbook - Blogger was the moment the president believes he finally broke with what he calls, derisively, the “Washington playbook.” He was learning, you see, through the Libyan experience, not to pay to much attention to the Village wisdom, particularly as it involves chimerae like "credibility", and to trust his own better thinking. Toward a sad but ...

26 | October | 2015 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 26, 2015 · Paul had been present as one of the persecutors, after all, and he heard the dying man cry out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them!” (Acts 7:60). But it is probable that Paul had an even greater act of forgiveness in mind: Christ’s atoning death …

Desperate Trump Tweet Accusing Hillary Clinton Proves He ... 16, 2017 · Desperate Trump Tweet Accusing Hillary Clinton Proves He Doesn’t Know What ‘Illegal’ Means Posted by Mark NC on July 16, 2017 at 3:00 pm. 1 Comments : As the walls continue to close in around the Donald Trump crime family, he’s resorting to ever more desperate outbursts.

The Rude Pundit 06, 2006 · Regarding Secrecy, Part 1: Bill Clinton vs. George W. Bush - What a Difference a Year Makes To the Consitution: In the dying days of his second term, as the nation was lurching towards its nightmare election day in 2000, on November 4 of that horrid year, President Clinton vetoed a bill.

i’m a celebrity get me out of here | Electricity & Lust 01, 2007 · – Not a clue what it’s about, but the Hopkins makes it… Second time of linking, but it doesn’t get old. Quarterlife – the new show from the makers of My So Called Life and thirtysomething has begun online. Watch the first webisodes here! Find out why Malcolm McLaren quit I’m A Celeb, and why Janice hasn’t enjoyed her intro into ...

Martin Luther King Jr. | Dr Linda Shelton was the relentless dedication of thousands of dedicated workers in the intelligence community and military as well as in governments around the world, dedicated to bringing him to justice for the murder and maiming of thousands and the threats against millions of workers, along with retired persons, housewives, disabled and children, of all ...

Star Trek News, Articles, Stories & Trends for Today!Star Trek: Picard's Prop Master Talks the Process Behind Getting Picard's Future Just Right io9 - Julie Muncy. Star Trek: Picard’s first season had a special opportunity. It was the first, clearest picture of the post-Nemesis future of the Star Trek universe, …

Matisyahu Will Perform At Festival That Banned Him ... 21, 2015 · Above: Matisyahu. Matisyahu Will Perform At Festival That Banned Him Shmarya Rosenberg • Matisyahu will perform at a Spanish music festival that banned him. His appearance at the Rototom SunSplash festival was cancelled after the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement (BDS) threatened to disrupt the festival if Matisyahu – who is not Israeli – was …

April unemployment rates | Maui | Hawaii | Free 30-day ... unemployment rates - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Maui County depends on tourism more than any other county in Hawaii. That’s likely why it moved into the state’s top spot for unemployment* in April and was about two and a half times as high as the U.S.’s rate. At the same time last year, when tourism was firing on all cylinders, Maui ...

NEW PAPYRUS: Natural Radiation 20, 2008 · 1.0 mSv Annual Limit of dose from all DOE facilities to a member of the public who is not a radiation worker 5.0 mSv Annual USA NRC limit for visitors 20 mSv Annual (averaged over 5 years) is the limit for radiological personnel such as employees in the nuclear industry, uranium or mineral sands miners and hospital workers

The Union News.: Craig Becker uses Rules for Radicals 08, 2010 · Rathke, who is also founder and chief organizer of SEIU Local 100 in New Orleans, reminisced about the good old days. " I can still remember Keith Kelleher negotiating the subsidy for SEIU Local 880 in Chicago and always making sure that there was the money for the organizers, but that SEIU was also still willing to allow access to Craig.

Rick Perry vs. Climate Change - Progress Pond 15, 2011 · This was the hottest month on record across Texas and Oklahoma, where temperatures exceeded 100 degrees 30 of the 31 days in July. The report noted that unusually warm minimum temperatures were observed all across the central and eastern U.S., as has been increasingly typical of heat waves since the late 20th century.

The Sapient Sutler: Just give me some of that rock and or ... Hangout had a big outdoor music festival tonight. It was in their parking lot. There were about four or five bands, including one of the Friar's and a good local covers band. Apparently there was an entry fee, but I just walked right in. That's the way to stick it to the man, who in this case is my friend Mr. Hangout. Oh, he doesn't mind.

Maggie Gallagher's paper trail refutes her lies - Holy Bullies NOM head Maggie Gallagher (and now it seems a member of a new group, American Principles Project's Culture War Victory Fund) is out w...

Gold-Plated Witch on Wheels: A Video's Worth 1,000 Words 09, 2010 · -- Amanda Marcotte "You really are one of the biggest pricks I've encountered on the web" -- Jeromy Brown "You’re a cartoon caricature of the Limbaugh ditto-head" --Mike G "You are a sadist, a fool, *and* a liar" -- Phoenicians in the Time of Romans "Yours is the mark of an absolutist who is never wrong, always right" -- Perry

The banality of evil | KnoxViews killing one of the 25% of detainees, later determined to be innocent, during "enhanced interrogation": "I'm more concerned with bad guys who got out and released than I am with a few that, in fact, were innocent." - Dick Cheney "George W. Bush, thank you for not dying while you were in office." - …

Behold Their Lofty Angst: Artists in the Trump Era—Part ... 29, 2019 · The rapper Joyner Lucas landed a viral hit with “I’m Not Racist,” an imagined—and cartoonish—conversation between a Trump supporter and a Black Lives Matter activist. Or, if you don’t find all that convincing, there’s the unfailing narcissism of this intellectual victim class, a.k.a. “creatives” and “influencers.”

Interview with Bolivar Fraga – Off the with Bolivar Fraga. Sep 13th, 2011 ... who is the son of former City Council member Felix Fraga. Fraga is a graduate of the Air Force Academy who spent more than six years on active duty, including service in Afghanistan and as an Intelligence Officer. He currently works as the Community Developer of the Ripley House Neighborhood ...

Rabbi Getzel Davis - Associate Rabbi and Jewish Educator ... is a one of a kind creative, caring, knowledgeable leader in the Jewish world. He took our program from good to great and would be a wonderful addition to any organization. 4 people have ...Title: Rabbi and Harvard Chaplain at …Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts500+ connections

Save Western Pennsylvania Middle Class: RAJA: IN YOUR ... IN YOUR HEART YOU KNOW HE'S WRONG: PLEASE DENOUNCE RICK SANTORUM AND HIS ANTI-AMERICAN OBAMA -AHMADINEJAD AD!!! We are all Americans now. Posted by Unknown at 8:14 PM. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Labels ...

The Shadowland Journal: ETA: Beauty is the Beast Beauty is the Beast ... 26-year-old Saioa Sánchez Iturregui was listed by Spain's Guardia Civil as one of the most-wanted members of the Basque terrorist organization ETA. News reports have fingered her as the suspected shooter in the Dec. 1 murder of two members of the Guardia in the southern French city of Capbreton.

Tickle The Wirelobbyist Archives - Tickle The latest reminder of all of this came Thursday when the feds in Alexandria, Va., indicted Paul J. Magliocchetti, a powerful ex-lobbyist, who is accused of funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars in “laundered campaign contributions to lawmakers, using straw donors and other illicit means to disguise the source of the money,” the New ...

Ohio Educators Cite Challenges For Teacher Evaluation System, technical challenges, and a lot of unknowns continue to stress the implementation. Teachers and administrators who have been testing the state's proposed teacher evaluation system voiced consensus Monday on the aspects of the program they both support and see as problem areas.

The ULTIMATE family closet and laundry ULTIMATE family closet and laundry Yesterday I posted a suggestion from one of the wise women at "Lots of Kids" to designate a space as the family closet. In addition to having that, I've always wanted this giant closet to also be the laundry room.

Latino Migrant Beaten to Death in Pennsylvania | DMI the local Shenandoah paper noted in a recent editorial: [T]his tragic incident is not so much about who is responsible for America’s failed immigration policy as it is about the right of human beings to — live. If only this message could be communicated to the rest of the country. The emerging Sanctuarysphere is willing to try.

X Curmudgeon: John McCain Consorts With Convicted Drug Felons 15, 2008 · Bill Schubert, who served as the chairman of UIC's Department of Curriculum and Instruction for many years, thinks so highly of Mr. Ayers that, in response to the current allegations, he compiled a lengthy resume of the man's books, journal articles, guest lectures and keynote speeches. Mr.

The Immoral Minority: White House officials found a ... 11, 2017 · i had a close encounter with a homeless person on Christmas eve. a friend talked into to proving this person a motel room as the weather was dipping into 20 below temps. bought him some food. not a thank you. in fact, he got out of the car and said it was his worse x-mas ever! we saw him arguing with the clerk. we think we was trying to get the room refunded. i paid by credit card. a few …

Green Eagle: Trump Is Not Hitler continued to deteriorate until Germany had this kind of internal violence by the late 1930's. No American who is obsessed with his personal fortune, as Trump is, would ever want things to come to this; it would interfere with profits. And remember, Hitler was a driven man with coherent, if evil, goals, and a real strategy to reach them.

Kristin Sunde Archives - Bleeding Heartlandhttps:// my knowledge, Abdul-Samad (who is Muslim) is the only lawmaker in either chamber to practice a religion other than Christianity. After the jump I’ve posted details on the Iowa House majority and minority leadership teams, along with all chairs, vice chairs, and members of standing House committees.

Article: Stop Telling Veterans That They Are Heroes | OpEdNews 18, 2019 · Article: Stop Telling Veterans That They Are Heroes - This 'look at me, I'm a veteran' song and dance is par for course with Crenshaw, a former Navy …

The Rectification of Names: Annals of derp: Ted Cruz is an ... 26, 2015 · The flat-Earth concept has never been "accepted scientific wisdom" since the time you could start talking about such a thing; the Earth's roundness had been pretty well established by Greek philosophers in the 3rd and 2nd century B.C.E., and one of them, Eratosthenes, made a pretty good estimate of its circumference, of 250,000 stadia ...

August 2006 – Ridenbaugh Press/ obably there are a few things about the opposition on Measure 48 that its in-state petitioner and veteran initiative organizer, Don McIntire, can't stand. In his current released on the subject, he didn't seem happy about much. But what probably irritated most was the particular place the spotlight was pointing.

Bilgrimage: Continued Discussion of Euteneuer Story: A ... 01, 2011 · And if we've learned anything about the Catholic church in recent years, it's that another case is drearily predictable down the road.Meanwhile, there are aspects to this story--the extensive influence of Euteneuer and HLI, the high profile Euteneuer has had in the American Catholic church in recent years, the truly bizarre fixation on the demonic and exorcism, and the fact that revelations ...

The Catchpenny: July 2005 31, 2005 · The Catchpenny has changed not only its habitat, but also the nature of its content and format. Until now, the 'penny has focused mostly on current events, particularly the genocide in Darfur, the White House/CIA leak investigation, and the Colin Farrell sex tape.

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective English Online International Newspapers Nearly all of these are English-edition daily newspapers. These sites have interesting editorials and essays, and ma…

James O’Keefe In More Legal Hot Water Over ACORN | News Corpse criminal James O’Keefe is reportedly being sued by a former ACORN employee who was the reluctant star of one of O’Keefe’s videos. Earlier this year O’Keefe was sentenced to three years probation, 100 hours of community service, and a $1,500 fine for having trespassed the offices of a United States senator in Lousiana under false pretenses.

Judge's decision set aside, canceled, voided, avoided's decision set aside, canceled, voided, avoided, discharged, nullified... by Slade Smith | 2010/12/09 | . You may not remember the court case IndyMac v.Yano-Horoski by name, but there's probably a good chance that you remember the story. This was the case where a judge wiped out a mortgage and gave the defaulted homeowners their home free and clear because IndyMac (now part …

If only Humans were as good as Animals. Then ... - OpEdNews If only Humans were as good as Animals. Then there would be hope for the world - The grief that I am experiencing makes me even more aware of the grief so many tens and hundreds of ...

Comcast Tops Wall Street’s Q2 Estimates, But NBCUniversal ... revenue fell 15.5% to a bit less than $4.1 billion, with advertising off 42% and content revenue down 36%. The pandemic’s elimination of most sports in the quarter hit Sky especially hard, though in recent weeks Germany’s Bundesliga, Italy’s Serie A and the UK-based Premier League have all …

The Firmest Pillar of Good Government Has Toppled - Blogger 10, 2020 · What a bunch of evil fucks! I hope they all stroke out at once, while watching the same Fox News show. Couldn't happen to a better cult of villains. Also: Really, really sorry for letting your super-kind comment on my blog go unanswered for, like, a year and a half. Very bad online behavior, & I apologize. February 17, 2020 at 6:37 PM

Winter Patriot: VIDEO : Graeme McQueen Says The WTC Towers ... are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

The Vineyard of the Saker: Western international diplomacy ... Vineyard of the Saker: Western international diplomacy as a dead baby joke I have just been watching the news and, frankly, I ended up laughing. First, I saw the Eurobureaucrats adding another 12 or so names to a list of 20 or so (sorry, I was not paying …

The Intent of 1986 Constitution Writers | Public Law ... Intent of 1986 Constitution Writers - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Article X Section 8, 9 and 10

April 2012 – California Labor Federation 30, 2012 · Last week, I talked to a cashier at a Ralph’s grocery store in Orange County, California. She told me she lives with and supports her 82-year-old mother and her disabled 56-year-old sister. She represents a growing group in the United States: a working woman who is …

Trump's new Chief of Staff called James Comey after he was ... 11, 2017 · Courtesy of CNN: New White House chief of staff John Kelly was so upset with how President Donald Trump handled the firing of FBI Director James Comey that Kelly called Comey afterward and said he was considering resigning, according to two sources familiar with a conversation between Kelly and Comey.

Bluegrass Pundit: There are 20 oil skimmers off Florida's 22, 2010 · There are 20 oil skimmers off Florida's coast, Obama doesn't want to move other 2000 because they could be needed for an oil spill Florida Senator LeMieux is concerned there are only 210 oil skimmers off the coast of Florida when there are 2,000 in other places.

Local newspapers fuel the gun-ban train | We are the drain ... 26, 2018 · Not wanting to be totally outdone by its big-sister publication the QC Times, — which a week before sensationally editorialized with a full-page spread their demonization of defenders of the Second Amendment and the protections guns primarily afford, What They Expect of You — yesterday the D-A offloaded its wet-work to a series of articles within its pages.

Rev. Steve: Gay Prostitution Scandal Rocks the Vatican 08, 2010 · According to a 1968 ordinance, their charge is to "distinguish themselves for the good of souls and the glory of the name of the Lord". These are the guys who served as pall bearers at the funeral of Pope John Paul II. The Guardian says that the tapes were recorded as part of an investigation into "charges of involvement in widespread corruption.

Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog: Philosopher Defends Ann ... yet again that universities, and especially the University of Texas, are the most intellectually diverse institutions in American society, my philosophical colleague Daniel Bonevac here defends Ann Coulter:. The Daily Texan describes Coulter as "an extreme right-wing pundit," accosted by "hecklers." But who is really "extreme"?

Deb's Home Recycling (aka Residential Resale) you live is a good place to start looking at sustainability in our lives, in more ways than one. The closer you live to where you work the less distance you have to commute. One of the reasons New York City is actually a pretty green city is that so many people live in small apartments and ...

birthday | OlberBlogging of the most obvious facts about grownups to a child is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child. ~~Randall Jarrell When people ask your age…always say seventeen and insane. ~~Ray Bradbury I don’t believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnat es.

corrente/blogspot - original site (NOT Correntewire) 25, 2008 · Via Daily KOs: [Terry] McAuliffe, circa 2004: Michigan "will not get seated" if they break rules: "I'm going outside the primary window," [Michigan Sen. Carl Levin] told me definitively. "If I allow you to do that, the whole system collapses," I said. "We will have chaos. I let you make your case to the DNC, and we voted unanimously and you lost."

A Little Reality: Mormon Soul Stealing Soul Stealing One of the strangest rites of Mormonism is their practice of proxy baptism. The practice is simple, a Mormon decides he wants to convert someone who is already dead. The Mormon gets baptized in the dead guy's name and, presto, a new Mormon corpse.

iWindsurf Community :: View topic - 28, 2019 · It’s very rare to excel to a high-level position without demonstrating any sort of talent for the job, or at least a baseline of leadership and competence. Unfortunately, the presidency is one of those few exceptions where a fake reality star with just the right amount of easily-impressed dupes from strategic, backwater areas can amass enough ...

August 2012 | Lyme Disease, Science, And Society: Camp Other 27, 2012 · In Boston in November 2012, ILADS will be conducting its conference on Lyme disease, other tickborne infections, and related topics. One presenter who is scheduled to speak remotely at the conference on November 2 is Dr. Monica Embers, one of the researchers who co-authored the paper, "Persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Rhesus Macaques following Antibiotic Treatment of …

Jews sans frontieres: The old Anthony Julius libel'Ere we go. Jonathan Freedland had an article in The Guardian manipulatively implying that it is antisemitic to say that the charge of antisemitism is used to smear and silence Is

Cerebral Death Match: Answers in a Questionable World ... 26, 2006 · Marquee Matchup: Black Mamba vs. Agent Zero One of the more interesting sub-plots of the NBA season so far has been the inspired play of Washington Wizards virtuoso Gilbert Arenas.A do-it-all combo guard, Arenas currently ranks third in the league in scoring by averaging 30.1 points per game.

Jews sans frontieres: Gilad Atzmon: Deborah Maccoby killed ..., bizarre! I know Deborah Maccoby and I'm always impressed by her courage. She is one of five women who picketed a zionist rall...

Real Live Preacher: Soul Talk in the 13, 2003 · Listen up.The Real Live Preacher is my kind of searcher. He’s a minister in South Texas who started a blog as a sort of personal refuge from his church–a confessional place where he could voice some of the doubt and confusion in his life, or so he thought. He began, as he says, “on a whim”–(calling to mind Emerson‘s line in Self-Reliance: “I would write on the lintels of the door ...

flu : Latest news, Breaking news headlines | Scoopnest It's not the flu: This graph from a paper out today looking at excess mortality in England during the start of #Covid19 shows clearly on a whole different level than influenza. They show excess mortality of the past 5 flu seasons vs. Covid. Arrows, red lettering added.

WHAT A PIKER! | We are the drain the swamp 10, 2020 · Robert Johnson became the first African American billionaire in 2000 after he sold the network to Viacom for $3 billion in stock and assumed swag. Since then, sagging Viacom and CBS stock, plus investments in real estate, hotels and banks … have dragged Johnson’s net worth to $550 million, we estimate.”

Article: Dr. Joseph Kiniry: "THERE IS NO NEED FOR INTERNET 2011 IV-related experimentation program was conducted by the Department of Defense (DoD), which refused to release results until this year. It was …

OUTRAGEOUS: Gun lobby holds America 15, 2016 · Himes is justified in his outrage. The first poll conducted since the Orlando massacre and published today by CBS News shows overwhelming (and growing) support for stricter gun safety laws. A stunning 89 percent favor a …

Money Boys Got A Boo-Boo, Want Barack To Kiss It - Tenured Potter's is the first book to look at the structural, legal, and cultural aspects of J. Edgar Hoover's war on crime in the 1930s, a New Deal campaign which forged new links between ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: He's Going Full-On 10, 2020 · The MAGA cult looks to be entering the Jonestown stage, all we need is for a Trump-branded sugary drink to wash the tablets down with. I doubt he's taking it himself, but if he's pushing it, it's the second most dangerous drug he's selling, the first of which is hate.

Prison Guards Who Fell Asleep the Night Jeffrey Epstein 19, 2019 · The two federal Bureau of Prisons employees are expected to appear in United States District Court in Manhattan. The charges would be the first to arise from a criminal inquiry into the death of Mr. Epstein, who hanged himself at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges. A person briefed on the case had …

Burt Prelutsky: From Galileo to Gore — The Patriot 25, 2010 · After all that, it’s no wonder that he decided to remake America from stem to stern in his own narcissistic, pathological image. Like Ted Bundy and scores of other sociopaths, he can be charming and can even pass for normal. But only for so long. There was a time in my life, I hate to admit, when I used to read the Guinness Book of World Records.

Attorney General Sessions Commends Sheriffs for Upholding when Langston Hughes writes in his famous poem “America was never America to me”, that’s a major part of what he’s trying to capture. Even in the 21st century, communities of color still have many well-documented reasons to harbor fear against law enforcement agencies, despite the incredibly diligent work of some police to change and ...

Next Left: Social mobility fact-check for 22, 2010 · Next Left's new social mobility fact-checking service has already helped out Nick Clegg and Guido Fawkes in our first week. Today, we have ConservativeHome co-editor Jonathan Isaby looking through rose-tinted spectacles in his article about Tory candidates in The Times. Many are living Margaret Thatcher’s dream of social mobility, having grown up on …

Tickle The WireMichael Ward Archives - Tickle The Jason Grant The Star Ledger. NEWARK — The head of the Newark Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation will retire from government service on Dec. 31, the agency announced today.. Michael Ward had not indicated in recent weeks or months that he would be leaving the post and retiring from government service.

24 | October | 2008 | AM 1090's 24, 2008 · 3 posts published by am1090 on October 24, 2008. Barack Obama isn’t the only candidate off the campaign trail today. Rachel will be talking with Newsweek’s investigative correspondent, Michael Isikoff, about why Sarah Palin needs to spend 3 hours giving a deposition in the Troopergate scandal to an special investigator.

29 | June | 2014 | The Lunch 29, 2014 · In his address, the president said . . . Today, over the past 51 months, our businesses have created 9.4 million new jobs. By measure after measure, our economy is doing better than it was five years ago. Actually, Mr. President. GDP contracted by 2.9% in the first quarter of 2014. The shrinking economy is the worst performance for five years.

Dr. Kim is Citizen's Voice touting Healthcare for Kim is Citizen's Voice touting Healthcare for Uninsured By: Tamara Shepherd Today's News-Sentinel affords space to Dr. Tom Kim, founder of Knox and Anderson County's Free Medical Clinic and recipient of many area accolades for his humble service to the working uninsured in …

Mitt Romney Admits Ann Romney Can Be Tiring, Uses Her 18, 2012 · After endearing himself to millions across the nation by claiming that 47% of Americans don't pay income taxes and view themselves as victims, Mitt Romney must be sleeping in the dog house over ...

The Social Welfare Spot: To Infinity and his remarks at the John F. Kennedy Space Center on April 15, 2010 President Obama stated “I am 100 percent committed to the mission of NASA and its future. Because broadening our capabilities in space will continue to serve our society in ways that we can scarcely imagine.

Cheer for the “Capitulatin’ Irish” | We are the drain the 09, 2018 · (Note: It also seems to us that the Rev. President Jenkins has always had a soft spot in his heart for “most things Obama”. In 2009 Rev. Jenkins happily welcomed then President Obama to the South Bend campus to present him with an honorary degree of laws. And, here is how the honorary doctor of laws degree read:

Next Left: Cabinet minister backs United green and gold growing green and gold Manchester United supporters' movement against the Glazers’ ownership of the club picked up a Cabinet-level endorsement from Health Secretary Andy Burnham at our north-west conference hosted by Greater Manchester Fabians on Saturday. It may not quite rank in global impact with the David Beckham picture which went around the …

Our Ego and Our Environment | Holy 04, 2014 · “A lot of people have this ego need that makes them want to believe that Earth is the center of the universe and humans are the most important species, the supreme expression of creation.” Rev. Dr. Sandra TePoel, Msc.D. writes in …

What if John McCain is taking one for the team? - 31, 2008 · What if John McCain is taking one for the team? As Aides Map Aggressive Race, McCain Often Steers Off Course from the WaPo's Juliet Eilperin and Robert Barnes is a worthy read. I'm betting it is combination of age and attitude that makes St. John not content to parrot the line like Dubyah did in his campaigns.

Women's March on Nashville | 12, 2015 · Forget Murder Hornets; varroa mites are the real threat to honey bees (KNS Business) Knoxville Biz Ticker: CVS Health opens 18 new drive-thru test sites in Tennessee as Part of Nationwide COVID-19 Response (KNS Business) Social media goes from extra to essential for Knoxville real estate agents (KNS Business)

Beth's Blog: Black Bean and Corn 28, 2010 · 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1/2 cup chopped onion (1 medium) 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 cup frozen whole kernel corn, thawed 3/4 cup T...

Next Left: A challenge to Goldman Sachs: debate the Robin letter in today's Guardian: Goldman Sachs will no doubt recognise that it scored an own goal with the crude attempt to rig an online poll about the new Robin Hood tax campaign (Clicking in the votes, 12 February).The investment bank has said it is investigating the incident: no doubt the stunt may well have been unauthorised. Yet the episode does highlight the need for those …

Nathan Cullen stays on provincial NDP Leadership glowing in the success of his House of Commons motion in opposition of the prospect of oil tankers plying the waters of the North Coast, Nathan Cullen took time out yesterday to address the rumblings of a potential leadership bid for the provincial NDP leadership, soon to be vacated by Carole James.

Party Foul! Tea Partiers Eat Their Own In Bitter Internal 12, 2009 · The Tea Party movement is being ripped apart by bitter internal rancor, highlighted by a lawsuit against a former leader, vituperative name-calling, and charges of financial mismanagement and ...

30 | March | 2017 | Bill's Links And 30, 2017 · Trump finding it hard for a President with a 36 percent approval rating to threaten those he loathes and make deals, calls for new standards for presidential candidates amid growing concerns over Trump’s mental health, Trump’s delusions aren’t making America safe at all, making a mistake after telling everyone ‘we don’t make mistakes,’ Trump is costing …

Pedestrian Infidel: Malaysia's version of justice for a 01, 2009 · Malaysia's version of justice for a hapless dhimmi A 22 year old Malaysian named A. Kugan (a non Muslim of Indian descent) was recently arrested by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM in Malay parlance) in the Kuala Lumpur area (Subang Jaya) on suspicion of car theft earlier this month.

A Little Reality: Tea Party his perfect United States, people with Hispanic surnames would have to pass impossible hurdles to be considered citizens. People born in this country, people who can trace their linage as Americans back several generations, if they have brown skin and Hispanic names are the target of Tancredo's unremitting hatred. And note.

As America Digs Out, the Jobless Relax | Bud News - Las Vegas (Groundhog Day Special Edition) - With winds blowing over 50 miles an hour as Chicago was digging itself out of over 19 inches of snow, Bud Meyers (a lazy unemployed 99er), was lounging by the fireplace drinking his morning hot Java with French Vanilla creamer. The mother-in-law of all winter storms had swept across America on …

Nassau GOP Watch: John Venditto: Purposely Obtuse or Just 27, 2007 · A week or so ago we posted a letter by TOBAY Town Council candidate Keith Scalia that appeared in the Massapequa Post. In the letter, Scalia questioned why Venditto touts his environmental record while using gas-guzzling cars. The next week Venditto responded but didn't answer any of the issues that Scalia raised.

Conspiracy: It’s What’s for Dinner. – Jed It’s What’s for Dinner. Through it all, Barack Obama has held tightly to his cool, unflappable persona, leading me to believe that there’s more to it than meets the eye. I think it’s fair to say that in the wake of the government shutdown and the laughable antics of the Tea Party, the GOP had their asses effectively handed ...

Afghanistan | Law of dumbest kid in his class; You do know that an increase in the GST from 10% to 12.5% would mean a 25% increase in tax revenue; It’s either a wage-based economy or slavery; Speaking truth to power edition “Time for a class action by the people of Australia against Daniel Andrews”

American Power: The Left's Culture of 07, 2008 · The local section of this morning's Los Angeles Times reports on the controversy over the proposed freeway toll road through San Onofre State Beach, in South Orange County. What got me thinking was this photograph, which was on the front-page of the paper:. Here's the caption: Vickie McMurchie of the Surfrider Foundation casts a suspicious eye at Tran Peng …

Salmon Alley: December Governor Touts Economic Benefit Climate Change Will Have In His State as per Think Progress "Climate change could have economic benefit to Maine, the state’s governor said Thursday." The The Northern Sea Route, a shipping passage from the East Coast of the U.S. to Asia, has historically been blocked most of the year due to sea ice.

Studs Terkel: A National Literary Icon | Et Cetera 08, 2005 · Studs Terkel: A National Literary Icon. Studs Terkel, now approaching the age of 94, has just published his latest book, And They All Sang: Adventures of an Eclectic Disc Jockey.In addition to Terkel, Chicago has been the home or springboard for many other American authors of great renown, including the poet Gwendolyn Brooks, Theodore Dreiser (Sister …

Montgomery Big Mules Once Again Prevent Reform of Alabama above image is from 1939. The more things change the more they stay the same? The Anniston Star is a good place to begin examining how the Big Mules, ALFA being their prime example, killed this year's efforts toward our finally getting a brand new Constitution. I would take some exception toward the idea that "agriculture" is the special interest that ALFA represents.

Donkeylicious - A Blog by Neil Sinhababu and Nicholas 06, 2010 · Yankee-Twins: On paper the Yankees are the superior team, even if Justin Morneau were to play. That said, Joe Girardi hasn't shown himself to be the greatest of postseason tacticians. So while Minnesota's lineup is an improvement over last years scrub-tastic wonders, I don't think it will be enough to overcome the new-look Bronx Bombers. ...

Jonathan Singer: Important Bush drug piece nixed by LA ... 29, 2004 · Important Bush drug piece nixed by LA Times in Oct. 2000 [Note: The Los Angeles Times opinion section editors accepted this op-ed piece for publication before the last presidential election, only to have it vetoed three days later by …

Taking Hate Seriously, or, Countering Christian White ... 09, 2019 · Erwin was the surprise renegade in that 1924 event, and I would argue that my students and other undergraduate speech students should know of his rhetorical prowess.Your sermon, “The Truth Concerning the Confederate Battle Flag,” is a significant text among all of these, and that’s why I’d like to include it in the volume.

Welcome to Tennishttps://play-tennis-today.blogspot.comJan 17, 2007 · Google News Alert for: wimbledon Aussie Open: Federer, Kuznetsova Advance - Miami,FL,USA Federer, who also currently holds the Wimbledon, US Open and Tennis Masters Cup titles, moved to 5-0 all-time against Bjorkman.That includes a victory over ...

Pinko « PinkoFreeptard 21, 2007 · However in January 2003, President George W Bush announced in his State of the Union address, the opposite, with these 16 immortal words; “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa“. Naturally Wilson was astounded that the President presented this information to the ...

Diary of an Obssessive Progressive: 05/23/2004 24, 2004 · Another lesson learned was the pre-trial pardoning of Caspar Weinberger after he was indicted for selling missiles to Iran. Ford had pardoned Nixon one month after he had announced his resignation, preventing any criminal or civil justice for his crimes, and Bush senior (probably to prevent info coming out that could lead to his own impeachment ...

Unipiadas: Outubro 2008 this pageYou can see it in his eyes and the way he walks. PAT BUCHANAN: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American. MARTHA STEWART: No one called me to warn me which way that chicken was going. I had a standing order at the Farmer's Market to sell my eggs when the price dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insider information.

Postscripts: “Zugzwang” in Afghanistan hundred years ago a Chinese military strategist named Sun Tzu warned against engaging in long wars. The Soviet Union learned the wisdom of this advice in 1988, when it was forced to abandon its disastrous nine-year-long campaign in Afghanistan.Weakened, the entire Soviet system collapsed in 1991.

White nationalist Christopher Cantwell is now in jail cell ... 11, 2017 · Courtesy of the New York Times : A white nationalist whose behavior at the violent gatherings this month in Charlottesville, Va., brou...

Esthetic/Aesthetic: Boys....exhausting his mind the drop ceiling with the hideous ceiling fan was probably a classier choice than the tacky old school brooklyn building. I'm sure he would have tried to remove all the molding around the doors and windows if he'd had a really cheap way of getting it off.

(READ): US Wants 20,000 More Troops to Fight Taliban ... 29, 2009 · Source: Common Dreams. British and American soldiers to shoulder brunt of surge’s next phase by Kim Sangupta. The commander of Nato forces in Afghanistan will ask for 20,000 more international troops as part of his new strategic plan for the alliance’s war against a resurgent Taliban, The Independent has learned.

Congratulations Henry Orenstein (He’s In the Money ... 03, 2014 · Well, Mr. Orenstein knows a thing or two about suviving. He outlasted all but seven players in the tournament and ended up finishing in eighth place. Mr. Orenstein cashed for the first time here in 18 years. His last in-the-money finish was the Seven-Card Stud championship back in 1996 — which he won.

Thursday Afternoon Links 05, 2014 · This and that for your Thursday reading. - Marc Lee looks in detail at the risks involved in relying on tar sands development as an econo...

Capital Cloak: Fox Analyst Flays "Friend" Musharraf 13, 2007 · It is a rare occurrence when I must side with the usually left-leaning State Department on any issue that directly involves national security. However, when it comes to calls from certain quarters for the Bush administration to aggressively pressure Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to wage all out war on Islamic radicals hiding in the mountainous …

A Valentine's Day Selection of More Commentary on Benedict ... 09, 2013 · Thursday, February 14, 2013. A Valentine's Day Selection of More Commentary on Benedict's Resignation

David Drake: Obama The Collegiate Marxist seems that the Marxist and Socialist tendencies embraced by Barack Hussein Obama, Junior dates back, at least, to his college days. FOX News: . Obama's affinity for Marxists began when he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles.

Breaking news: Sarah palin shockingly low sat score (Rush 09, 2010 · But one thing is for sure, Obama is the first to ever be in his unique position. Last edited by solytaire; 10-13-2008 at 09:34 AM .. 10-13-2008, 09:27 AM

Little-Known Facts About The Third Horseman Of The ... 11, 2013 · The First Horseman, who is usually identified as Pestilence (or Pollution, if you’re a Pratchett/Gaiman fan), is only described in the text as a rider on a white horse with a crown and a bow, who rides out “as a conqueror bent on conquest”.

RADARSITE: Rollins College Suspended Student's Letter to ... It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter.

KingCast Memorial Day in Nashua: Rock stars watch it like ... 3:06 a update, the movie has 31 minutes to go on YouTube, and it is stellar. 31 May 2011 8:55p moving pictures update. Well okay my old friend Chrissy isn't really a rock star, she just looked like one yesterday in her $20 Spencer Gift shades so I'm joking, LOL.

Tickle The Wirejoe arpaio Archives - Tickle The Neavling If controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona gets his way, unmanned drones will be patrolling Maricopa County in search of drug dealers and other scofflaws, News 92 FM reports.. Arpaio, who is a lightening rod on immigration issues, said the idea is to help Border Patrol locate undocumented immigrants and drug dealers.

Day By Day August 3, 2010 – Game On – Flap's Blog ... 03, 2010 · Day By Day August 3, 2010 – Game On. Posted August 3, 2010 August 3, ... Bob sometimes describes himself as a recovering lawyer, but that s just one of his professions. Impressively, he s a retired Colonel and Airborne Ranger. ... He s also an avid outdoorsman who climbed Mt. Everest and lived off the grid as a mountain guide for a number of ...

The Rude Pundit: This Stupid Fuckin' President 04, 2017 · In his recent interview with the New York Times (motto: "All the news that's fit to attack Hillary Clinton and anyone associated with her"), President Donald Trump, a man who lives with the creeping suspicion that everyone is a spy, asserted repeatedly that he "knows" various and sundry things: - Serial masturbator Bill O'Reilly ("I think he’s a person I know well.")

They Thought They Were Free: How America Today Parallels ... Thought They Were Free: How America Today Parallels Germany of 1933-1945 They Thought They Were Free: How America Today Parallels Germany of 1933-1945. Posted by Storm'n Norm'n at 6:04 AM. Email This BlogThis! Share to …

false dichotomy by charles davis: Barack Obama: He's not ... 27, 2010 · Nowhere in his 2,300-word remarks on the need to boost the president's popularity did he mention any of the ongoing wars and military occupations for which his friend Obama is responsible. At the signing of the bill, he not just figuratively but, with a smile on his face, literally embraced the president .

KingCast and Mortgage Movies See Wisconsin Bar Slam ... State ACLU borrowed one of my photos and it appeared in their calendar for the coming year. Now then, here is your background about the abusive white male of privilege who basically assaulted me during a public hearing in which I was lawfully seated and running video, following the Rule and Law of the case. As it turns out, the creep who did it is allegedly represented by …

DruggyBear's Den: Roger Federer is a Real Fuckwad was a great champion. Consistent serve (not the fastest by any means) with great precision & placement. Monster forehand when he can open up and slap it into submission. One of the best cross-courts forehands in the game. Serviceable backhand (though one of the nicest looking 1-handers around). In his prime, had a sharply honed killer instinct.

Blago Bloggo's PDB Watch: Dingy Harry Reid’s evil spawn ... 03, 2009 · Danny Tarkanian previously ran for the Nevada State Senate in 2004 and Nevada Secretary of State in 2006, he lost both times, but in his last run he received over 230,000 votes. But Sen. Reid, who is running for a fifth term in the Senate, has Not been doing his job long enough to raise $25 million in campaign cash.

April ? 2008 ? Wheat-dogg's World Lennon’s 1971 song, “Imagine,” is the theme song of neo-Darwinists, according to Walt Ruloff, CEO of Premise Media, and was thus used appropriately in his company’s movie, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. In an interview with the conservative news site, World Net Daily, Ruloff insisted the use of the song fit the theme of the movie.

America is Becoming a Fascist State - 26, 2019 · America is Becoming a Fascist State. You think hockey fights are violent? You haven't seen anything yet. Skip to content

Nassau GOP Watch: Belesi Swinging Wildly in the 14th LD Race 20, 2007 · Belesi Swinging Wildly in the 14th LD Race ... Belesi tries to make his point by saying that there are "751 houses for sale" in his district. Now I'm not sure where he got this number from. ... Heck, one of the houses for sale Belesi saw might have been the former house of my new neighbor who bought a bigger house.

educational issues | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities about educational issues written by Patrick Zimmerman. Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities

Obsidian Wings: Immigration Law. Huh. 19, 2017 · by Ugh. I saw the recent deportation of someone with status under DACA, which made me wonder how immigration law worked when it comes to proving/contesting immigration status. Specifically, who has the burden of proof - the individual or the state - when it comes to whether a person is an "alien."

iraq | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog | Page 3 — The U.S. will appeal a court decision dismissing manslaughter charges against five Blackwater Worldwide guards involved in a deadly 2007 Baghdad shooting, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said Saturday.

Dawg's Blawg: Open letter to Professor Gil Troy 09, 2009 · Dear Professor Troy: You have by now written two articles naming me personally, and have appeared before the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism to sing the same tune (with reference to me, at least by name, mercifully absent): the "new anti-Semitism," as opposed to the more recognizable Jew-hatred, is directed towards the state of Israel and its policies.

Susan G. Komen | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog is entirely untrue. This development should sadden us all greatly. Komen has maintained that it pulled funds from Planned Parenthood because of a routine change in criteria for who is eligible to receive grants — not because of pressure from anti-abortion activists over the fact that Planned Parenthood provides abortions.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Saint Paul Housing Lawsuits Update ... 12, 2010 · This is what you want the agressive enforcement to be Chuck but in reality it was the illegal code compliances required by the city and the fabricated violations they wrote up with the legitimate violations in order to get to the condemnation and code compliance scheme.

Swine Flu is concentrated in the rural areas, while ... 27, 2009 · The latest on that New York City has rescinded the demand that health care workers get mandatory H1N1 vaccinations. Also that in the larger cities the percentage of new flu cases has dropped dramatically from the spring numbers, with increased cases in the rural parts of the US. My reference point is Billings…

No Right Turn: Digging up Coromandel 12, 2009 · Digging up Coromandel The government has granted a mining permit to Heritage Gold to mine on DoC land in the Karangahake Gorge , near Paeroa. The company wants to extract more gold from the historic Talisman Mine, and believes it can extract around 1.4 tons (worth US$40 million) a year.

18 | May | 2011 | The Word of Me... 18, 2011 · Men and women of the Christian persuasion have been predicting the “end times” for 2000 years now and all of us pagans get to laugh at them when the date just flies by with not a burp or bump to signify anything. Hell, even Jesus himself predicted the end of the world in his own time…just shows you how much that supposed Man/God knows.

09 | May | 2008 | The Word of Me... 09, 2008 · The Catholic Church faces a real conundrum; on the one hand they do accept much of evolution and the things that it implies. They do accept that much of the Old Testament is nothing but allegory, the Noachian Flood was not real, the earth (and universe) is billions of years old…not 6000, etc..

The Citizens: NoBama 08, 2009 · NoBama I was on a flight from Sacramento yesterday, and one of the passengers waiting to board (this was Southwest) was wearing a "NoBama '08" T-shirt. He was a short, pudgy, buzz-cut, angry white college kid.

Particulate Matters: "Tenno Heika banzai!" Yukio Mishima ... pressure of an all-powerful totalitarian state creates an emotional tension in its citizens that determines their acts. When people are divided into "loyalists" and "criminals" a premium is placed on every type of conformist, coward, and hireling; whereas among the "criminals" one finds a singularly high percentage of people who are direct, sincere, and true to themselves-Czeslaw Milosz

Andrew Burks | Texas Leftist Tamez, who was the top vote-getter in the General Election, went on to oust incumbent Herlinda Garcia for HCC District 3. Zeph Capo won the HCC seat for District 1 by defeating incumbent Yolanda Navarro- Flores, and Robert Glaser retained his top position and …

Fox and Friends | Carpe Diem | Page 55 F&FW Clayton plays the clown and Ainsley Earhard and Dave Briggs are his second bananas: it is as if the court jester has deposed the king and rules supreme among his juvenile claque.) Perhaps, it was the calming influence of the adult presence of Brian Kilmeade but Clayton did a reasonably good job and kept his usual silliness in check.

Get Off This!: Why David Broder Doesn't Deserve His ... 01, 2007 · In his April 26 Post column, Broder compared Reid to embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, claiming that Reid, like Gonzales, is "a continuing embarrassment, thanks to his amateurish performance" and asserting that there is a "long list of senators of both parties who are ready for these two springtime exhibitions of ineptitude to end."

LA en vie: Travel the plane I sat with a little boy flying alone to Tahiti. He was adorable, about ten, with blond curls falling in his face. He was not a reader, but polite and bored, and wriggled a lot in his seat, so after a long sleep from England to Greenland, we talked most of …

Do Facts Matter Any More? | Sheila Kennedy First Draft Partner Network, a global collaboration of newsrooms, social media platforms and fact-checking organizations, was launched in September 2016 to battle fake news. Starting in January 2017, Stony Brook University, home to the Center for News Literacy, will …

Budafane's Quantum Flosshttps://quantumfloss.blogspot.comMay 12, 2008 · On this day in 1862, Henry David Thoreau died. He was born on July 12, 1817 and died on May 6, 1862 two months shy of his 46th birthday. Thoreau was an American author, naturalist, transcendentalist, tax resister, development critic, and philosopher.

Postscripts: 07/01/2008 - 08/01/2008 the moment, the only areas of Iraq or Afghanistan that can be described this way with certainty are the Kurdish portion of northern Iraq and a tiny enclave around Kabul in Afghanistan. (The explosion of a car bomb outside the Indian embassy in Kabul on July 7, 2008, negated the accuracy of this statement with respect to Afghanistan.)

Short Sharp Shock.: Why Derek Jeter matters 12, 2014 · After 20 seasons as a New York Yankee, Derek Sanderson Jeter is retiring from major league baseball. As if you didn’t know: this year has been crowded with tributes to “the Captain,” from opposing teams (players and management), the media, advertisers, celebrities and every fan of the game too young to remember other players with better stats, longer careers, more coverage in the press.

You can blow out a candle, but you can't blow out a fire one of Janet Reno's rescuing the allegedly abused children at Waco by barbequing them. (She cried publicly about it later so it's all good.) But I am now duly chastened by the ad hominems of a couple of random anonymous internetters. Ergo, I shall forego all common sense and jump on the war wagon.

resurrection | The Word of Me... following is a reply to a correspondence entered into with someone who answered one of my posts. Hi Ms. Stegall, I understand that correspondence is harder than setting in front of a person and talking about difficult subjects.

February | 2013 | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. Anita was the place where, in 1940, the legendary racehorse Seabiscuit won the Santa Anita Handicap in his last start. Of course, historian Jim Newton was quick to inform me that from 1942 to 1944, Santa Anita Park was used by the U.S. government as a transport center for nearly 20,000 Japanese-Americans bound for internment camps like ...

Thoughts | The Word of Me... | Page 2 13, 2012 · ABSTRACT OF THE TESTAMENT OF JOHN MESLIER. By Voltaire. Excerpted from a longer volume. In regard to the Lord’s Supper, the first three Evangelists note that Jesus Christ instituted the Sacrament of His body and His blood, in the form of bread and wine, the same as our Roman Christ-worshipers say; and John does not mention this mysterious sacrament.

america | The Rogue Jew Midget of Mayhem in Iran is now demanding that the Moonbat Messiah apologize for crimes the US has commited against Iran. From Hot Air: “You were standing against the Iranian people in the past 60 years,” Mr Ahmadinejad said during an address in the western region of Khermenshah that was broadcast by state television.

Moe's misunderestimations: The First Rock Star 23, 2010 · But two, because his compositions are the kind of pieces that classical pianists love to play. Large, demanding, emotional works that wring the most out of the performer and the audience. I know Ken Russell thought that Franz Liszt was the first rock star, as he tried to demonstrate in his movie, Lizstomania.

The Last Debate: Who Are the Final Five? 23, 2007 · He was the chosen subject of the Cylons’ first crossbreeding experiment. His daughter with Sharon “Boomer” Valerii, Hera, is understood to be the first (and so far only) hybrid. This casts doubt that Chief Tyrol or his wife Callie could be Cylons, though since the final five remain unknown even to the original seven, we can’t be sure.

Leon Ford Jr., Shot by Police and Paralyzed, Won’t Be ... 06, 2014 · Ford was shot by Pittsburgh police during a traffic stop in 2012. By Natelege Whaley Leon Ford Jr. is in the fight for what’s left of his freedom. The 21-year-old’s life changed forever after he was shot five times by Pittsburgh police during a traffic stop the night of Nov. 11, 2012. The incident left…

Vagabond Scholar: 2006 Film Round-Up, Part 1: The Oscars ... 12, 2007 · 2006 Film Round-Up, Part 1: The Oscars and the Year in Review The Oscars telecast is at least two shows in one. The first show is entertainment, a television program where you can cheer your favorites, boo their rivals, remark on who’s looking …

Cain | The Word of Me..., some time later…again Bible doesn’t say, but it was probably after Abel was at least 16-18 years old, after all he was the chief sheep-herder for the only 4 inhabitants of the earth. So at some point when Able was young, after all God was visiting them for the first time, Cain got insanely mad at Abel, because he was smarter than Cain ...

Rick Santelli | News Corpse Santelli: They are the words of a man who is worried about America’s future, but who thinks the right mix of policy and leadership can cure the nation’s ills. They are the words of a forward-looking, optimistic, free-market populist. On Beck: For Beck, conspiracy theories are not aberrations. They are central to …

New Orleans Neighborhoods Struggling to Rebuild | Alternet has so far been unable or unwilling to provide trailers to many who need somewhere to live while they rebuild their homes and lives. While some parts of New Orleans begin to come back to life ...

Honoring African American Civil War Soldiers, But Still African American Civil War Soldiers, But Still Searching for the Myth That is "The Black Confederate" There is so much right with what these brothers are doing, which is why I will tread carefully in my intervention--one, that as always, is based on my prime directives of the love principle and a whole commitment to Black Pragmatism.

Gone to Texashttps://ckand.blogspot.comApr 28, 2017 · The Maglev train in Shanghai is one of the fastest trains in the world and works with magnetic levitation. Additionally, the Shinkansen rail in Japan covers around 2300 km of rail roads. Coming back to Texas, Austin has CapMetro who serves …

The Trinity is Dead | The Word of Me... 03, 2008 · Below we find a scholars attempt to explain the concept of the Trinity. I have run across many other comparably obscure explanations in researching this subject....Not one of them I have found makes any rational sense. "The historic formulation of the Trinity (derived from the Latin word trinitas, meaning "threeness") seeks to circumscribe and safeguard…

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

Gossip Magazines Are Like Abusive Boyfriends | BroadBlogs 05, 2017 · By Linda Bakke Star Magazine promotes violence against women. Ok, that sounds like a tabloid headline, but the more I look over Star Magazine, the more I've been struck by a sense of violence directed at women. The starlets are constantly attacked for any extra weight, cellulite, bunions, ugly fingers or thick arms. It feels like open season.…

ce399 | research archive: Jane’s Special Operations Forces ... study concludes “that it is feasible to use the human EEG coincident with overt and covert speech as inputs to a computer for such communication” (covert speech is defined as verbal thinking). 2 The 149 page report [b] states: “enough information has been obtained . . . to specify the optimum parameters to use for an EEG operating ...

THE TRUTH ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY BY CATHY - EVENTS IN … in time (bible prophecy literally fulfilled)(by god) i write news about and put news articles about israel and jerusalem pertaining to bible prophesy happenings.joel 3:20 but judah (israel) shall dwell for ever, and jerusalem from generation to generation.(thats israel-jerusalem will never be destroyed again)-we christians are all waiting patiently for the pre-tribulation rapture to ...

ce399 | research archive: Joint Interagency Coordination Group built a reputation for daring, flexibility and a degree of lawlessness. In May 1982, Deputy Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci called the ISA "uncoordinated and uncontrolled." Though its freelance tendencies were curbed, the ISA continued to operate under different guises through the ill-starred U.S. involvement in Somalia in 1992 and was ...

Minority of One | Chicago Tribune | Blog the first place, gasoline prices are not exorbitantly high at the moment. Accounting for inflation, they're 26 percent below the 2008 peak . As The New York Times notes today, Americans use less oil than they used to, partly because motorists got rid of their fuel-thirsty trucks and SUVs after the last price spike.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained. All accumulation, therefore,of personal property,beyond what a man's own hands produce, is derived to him by living in society; and he owes on every principle of justice,of gratitude,and of civilization,a part of ...

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

This Researcher Wrote the Book on Presidential Failure 01, 2020 · — from Alternet “When presidents fail, they do so on a grand scale.” That quote comes from “Why President Fail and How They Can Succeed Again,” a book by Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government who worked in the White House under President Bill Clinton.The book was published in 2016, and in the shock of ...

So You Want to Overthrow a Party Establishment - Splinter William Barber, who is currently leading the Poor People’s Campaign to unite the struggles of working people, speaks often of the need for “a moral fusion movement blowing in every community across this land.” As he says: “Every major social movement in this nation’s history has won, in the end, because a moral, fusion coalition ...

Oh Boy It Never Ends: Burt Reynolds, September 6, 2018. We'll start this morning with Margaret Kimberley (BLACK AGENDA REPORT) reflecting on the media circus that was the breathless John McCain is still dead coverage: The gathering at the memorial service was a who’s who of mass murder. As Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Obama, and Bush all joined in lifting up one of their confederates the coverage became ...

American Power: We're All Neocons Now 01, 2009 · As I noted in a tweet last night: "It's clear by now that neoconservatism has been vindicated by events in Iran." Well, here comes James Taranto," We're All Neocons Now": Each day President Obama's blasé business-as-usual attitude toward Iran seems more out of touch with reality.

Trump Threatens To 'Take Away Credentials' Of Reporters ... 09, 2018 · If there was any doubt that this was the case, Trump himself put it to rest on Wednesday morning. The Fake News is working overtime. Just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the Network News about me is negative (Fake).

The Makeshift Academic: November 2015 24, 2015 · The study, which covers the first five months of 2015, notes that most kiosks and most trips are still of the two-way weekday variety (i.e. from one-Kiosk to another), indicating that most users use the system for work trips.[PDF]University of Calgary - Bepress was the real culprit for the decimation of the U. S. bison herd in the 19th century. M. Scott Taylor, an economist at the University of Calgary who used international trade records and first-person accounts of Photo Albums Winter Snow Photos from the House Rain Year Aug: 0.00" Jul: 0.64" Jun: 0.30" May: 0.75" Apr: 2.44"

‘Last-Stop Yeshiva’s Future In Doubt As Allegations Swirl ... saga began last August, with what looked like a pro forma application submitted by Rubin to the Attorney General for approval to sell a piece of land the school bought in 2000. Adjacent to the school’s East 9th Street location, the plot was to be used as the site for a new building, but it …

Jews sans frontieres: Israel played the holocaust card for ... wanted to apply for a German passport, but Verin, who had made the appointment, was doing most of the talking. The two men explained that Bodenheimer's father Hans had emigrated to Israel to escape Nazi persecution. As proof, the Israelis showed the attorney what they claimed was the parents' marriage certificate, as well as a passport.

What's up at South-Doyle High School? | Marie Ellison contends in a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court school administrators did nothing to remove the student from class even as the student, identified only as a female member of the ROTC program and its rifle team, continued to detail plans for a mass shooting in January 2015 and fired her for voicing concerns and hiring a lawyer."

You say “Manchaca”, I say “Menchaca” – Off the it is the misspelling, not the mispronunciation, of a street in South Austin that “always stuck in my craw,” said Bob Perkins, a retired Travis County district judge and amateur historian who is on a campaign to correct the spelling of the street named for a Tejano hero of the Texas Revolution.

Dawg's Blawg: Torturegate North: the "6,000-mile screwdriver" 10, 2009 · The phrase above is used in military circles to describe far-flung command-and-control systems. And we now know who was turning that tool as far back as 2007: Stephen Harper. Prime Minister Stephen Harper's office used a "6,000-mile screwdriver" to oversee the denial of reports of Afghan detainee abuse when the scandal first erupted in 2007, according to a former senior NATO …

Support LGBT Federal Employees! Support the New Definition ... 14, 2009 · Support LGBT Federal Employees! Support the New Definition of Family! ... responsibility for a significant measure of each other's common welfare and financial obligations. This includes, but is not limited to, any relationship ... A person who is the legal guardian of the employee or was the legal guardian of the employee when the employee was ...

It's Time to Let a Real British Prime Minister of 08, 2019 · When I was a small lad and then useless teenager I absorbed the American consensus on Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain: that he was a witless ninny, a dishonorable ninny, an appeasing ninny who had failed to grasp the incalculable horror of his 1938 Munich Agreement with Hitler.

Haitian Hospitals Suffering From Earthquake Losses ... 29, 2010 · “We cannot pay our employees,” said Dr. Reynold Savain, whose hospital, Sacred Heart/CDTI was the site of Haiti’s first organ transplant a year ago and today is the first post-quake hospital casualty. On March 31, as the last of the foreign …

Skewes of American Party of South Carolina Interviewed issue? Skewes: It is only an issue because the federal government has not followed the existing law – “No employer shall employ people who are not U.S. citizens.” My solution to the 13 million undocumented workers is to hold the employer responsible. First, increase the fines substantially – currently it is $375 per worker – and second gives the employer a choice, either ...

Capital Cloak: 2/13/11 - 2/20/11 Cloak gives credit where it is due. Hillary made the right comments today about Iran. The question that we must ask is why President Obama, who claims to champion freedom and democracy in Egypt, is mostly silent on Iran, particularly after missing the opportunity to …

Hey Jenny Slater.: Better know a defensive-coordinator ... last week's initial rundown of defensive-coordinator candidates ranging from the exciting to the unrealistic to the just plain suicidal, I perused the resulting comments thread, along with a few other blogs that have been speculating on the coaching search. And I came across enough new names that it seemed like a good time for a second round of DC candidates.

Glenn Beck Has Seen Things You People Wouldn’t Believe ... Beck Has Seen Things You People Wouldn’t Believe Posted by Mark NC on September 3, 2009 at 11:29 pm. 9 Comments : In the 1982 film Blade Runner, Rutger Hauer plays a replicant (human clone) who returns to Earth from an extraterrestrial labor colony to find what all humans want – more life.

Perpetuating the Offense of the Perpetually Offended ... 10, 2009 · Perpetuating the Offense of the Perpetually Offended. Someone sent me a link today to a post by a right-of-center blogger asking for people to stop making racist or homosexual jokes. I just had to roll my eyes. This has the exact opposite effect that these ‘well-meaning’ people intend.

John "glib evidence" Mann MP still active on "Antisemitism ... Ben Gidley he's tweeted links to a couple of dodgy articles on the judgment. He hasn't linked the judgment itself and he has steered well clear of even the articles by Zionists which show what a humiliation FUCU was for all concerned on Ronnie Fraser's side. Dean Godson The last one that I knew anything of when I saw the notice is Dean Godson.

illusory tenant: Baby-mama-drama drama babies 06, 2009 · Speaking of Milwaukee's obscure non-MSM pirate radio station 620 WTMJ, one of its other in-house vocalizers, Jeff Wagner, is quite upset with yesterday's court of appeals ruling in State v. Harris. Inveighs Wagner:For [Judge Joseph] Wall to have his motives and remarks impugned by Joan Kessler and Pat Curley is like Muhammad Ali having his boxing technique criticized by Doink the Clown.

read my mind: A Conspiracy Theorist is Not a Nut Case! Dept. confirms second bomb,,,, now a third bomb is found in the building,,,,, Gov Frank Keating in telephone interview confirms that 2nd, and 3rd. bombs are much larger than the first one. Clinton sends three FBI anti-terrorist squads to the site, because "it is the work of a sophisticated group of terrorists and the bombs are very ...

leadership in education « The Futility Monster is little benefit to a private business in revealing publicly what it pays its employees. Yet, capitalism works best when the consumer, in this case the employer, has full information of all competition and of the product/service being offered. Perfect markets don’t exist in capitalism, but for the consumer they are the …

The Back Forty » Saving The Blue Marble by Going Almost Obama administration is the first to take the challenge to security and safety seriously, but it may be too late given the amount of warming inertia already in the system.” He adds that the Canadian government has one of the worst emissions records in the world.

Into the Wayback Machine - Progress Pond 17, 2016 · I came across something last night that I can’t really do much with right now, but found so interesting and revealing that I just wanted to share it with you. You’ll need a little context to understand what you’re reading. This excerpt comes from the writings of Edward Jay Epstein who was one of the […]

autism « Philip some children engage with the world differently than do most kids was the first discovery, an old discovery (some think the 18th-century Wild Child of Aveyron was autistic). It was codified in 1910 when the psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler labeled one of the varieties of …

Green Jobs | 44-D United Kingdom and Denmark are the leaders in offshore wind power, though many countries, like Germany, Norway, The Netherlands, and China, have invested in the renewable energy source as well. In 2007, Denmark (who built the first offshore wind farm decades ago) generated 19.7% of their electricity production from their combined wind power ...

Crusher's Journalhttps://crusher1102.blogspot.comYesterday was the Belmont Stakes. Spent the day with Karen's family and my buddy Manny. They get together the first Saturday of each month and invite Doc and me. I feel very honored to be included. Last month the gathering happened to be Kentucky Derby day, and this time was the Belmont Stakes. Had a decent day betting and made a little bit of ...

Jim Harrison, Poet, Novelist and Essayist, Is Dead at 78 ... Harrison in 2007, at his home in Patagonia, Ariz. He won a Guggenheim fellowship for his poetry in 1969. Credit Jeff Topping for The New York Times Jim Harrison, whose lust for life — and sometimes just plain lust — roared into print in a vast, celebrated body of fiction, poetry and essays that with ardent abandon explored the natural world, the life of the mind and the pleasures of ...

Tickle The WireMother of Slain FBI Agent Sam Hicks Wrote 09, 2010 · By Allan Lengel The mother of slain Pittsburgh FBI agent Samuel Hicks asked a federal judge for justice before sentencing for drug dealer Robert Korbe, whose wife shot and killed agent Hicks, according to a letter she wrote to a judge in September. The letter was unsealed Monday in U.S. District Court in Pittsburgh.

Best Obama Facts | The Rogue Jew 09, 2008 · All I can say is, "Fucking hilarious!" From BestObamaFacts.Com Every now and then, Obama opens his eyes and the world springs into existence. When a tree falls in the forest, Obama hears it. Obama can clap with one hand. Prometheus was punished for plagiarizing Obama. Obama can make a journey of a thousand miles without…

You know what disappoints me? There are no 'Dead Osama ... 26, 2011 · Posted 5/2/11 4:52 PM, 59 messages

Obama: A Study in Presidential Arrogance - Canada Free Press 18, 2009 · Obama: A Study in Presidential Arrogance, Out of touch Whitehouse. The whole world was supposed to fall at his feet. He was supposed to spend …

The Silver Spoons White House - Progress Pond 06, 2017 · In his first week, Kelly also quickly moved to take control of the door to the Oval Office. His predecessor, Reince Priebus, seemed unable to stop White House staffers from popping in unannounced to see the president — dropping news articles on his desk that he would love or hate, sharing ideas for tweets, or just getting valuable face time ...

Luna Thuggery | 43rd State Blues: Democracy for Thuggery Submitted by Sisyphus on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 5:15pm. Idaho Superintendent of Public Schools, Tom Luna, claimed he was the victim of "union thuggery" when an, as yet, unidentified person spray painted graffiti on his truck parked in his driveway in the dead of night.

Midday open thread: Journalistic ethics at Koch event ... 23, 2015 · Today's comic by Mark Fiore is The Muhammad Minute: What's coming up on Sunday Kos ... Perhaps "no-go" Jindal would like to discuss ethnic enclaves in …

Jeffrey Epstein Is the Ultimate Symbol of Plutocratic Rot ... the mysteries of the Epstein case are why powerful prosecutors of both parties treated him with such leniency. Alexander Acosta, now Trump’s labor secretary, was the federal attorney who oversaw the deal Epstein received in 2008. Though facing potential federal charges that could have put him away for life, Epstein was allowed to plead to minor state charges instead, an arrangement ...

Hillary Clinton | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. 23, 2018 · So now, just hours after Donald Trump couldn’t bring himself to admit to The Washington Post that President Barack Obama was born in the U.S.A. — some campaign flunky puts out a statement saying that Herr Trump actually believes that Obama is, in fact, born in America.. Well, let’s hear that from Donald J. Trump himself. And then let’s hear him tell us what the hell this nonsense (or ...

DCCC Unveils Frontline Program For Defense – Swing State a moment to compare this with the House Vulnerability Index that we compiled last month. Pretty solid overlap: 18 of the 20 on the Index are also in the Frontline program. The two who aren’t are Chet Edwards, who’s well ensconced in his bright-red district, and Jim Marshall, who seems to finally be getting settled after a number of rocky cycles.

The Power of Vision, | Psychological Concepts | Psychology ... Power of Vision, - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. the power of vision

Andrew Jackson | Nullification (U.S. Constitution) | Trail ... in his view, and unwise because it would commit US financially to the matter. Jackson v. the Bank National Bank – Place where fed govt deposited its money. – Govt owned 1/5th of the BUS – BUS did a lot of business-• Making loans • Issued bank notes which was a …

TigerHawk Comments: By Gary Rosen, at Sun Mar 02, 10:47:00 PM: . I don't know if we should take seriously what Ali Albumen says since Palestinian rhetoric typically has only a …

The Rectification of Names: Forlorn hope and change 25, 2015 · I love that joke, which Jack tells three or four times, to increasingly annoyed friends and guests, in the course of the 20-novel saga. What put me in mind of it is BooMan's piece yesterday on what he calls "take-my-ball-and-go-homism" on the part of those who are or claim they are (11 months before an election) too pure in heart to vote for some candidate apparently situated on the right of ...

Debate Debunking: Number 2 | kavips 17, 2012 · These are the tools of the wealthy, and wealthy only. Romney is saying we are going to lose our mortgage deduction, child tax credits, state and local taxes, and medical, but it won’t matter because we won’t be taxed on dividends and interest… s huge loss for the middle class, a huge cut for the 87% that supplies most of America’s revenue.

Commentary: What Tucker Carlson got right and got wrong in ... now, many of you have seen Tucker Carlson's monologue from last night, which was probably his harshest criticism of Trump's leadership to date. A Twitter post containing the majority of the monologue has more than 5,000 retweets and 12,000 likes as of the time of this writing. Clearly, Carlson — who is normally a strong defender of President Trump — has struck a nerve.

24 | August | 2009 | Smart and silly 24, 2009 · President Obama job approval continue to fall. Rasmussen Reports shows only 27% strongly approval of his job performance. 41% of those surveyed strongly disprove of his job performance. Which says Obama’s job approval is a -14 points. These are the lowest of …

Another Brick in the Wall | Nolan Dalla 22, 2018 · Another Brick in the Wall . The terrible costs of war are almost impossible to calculate. ... Yet those still in Syria and other places are the ones who will be forced to lift the bricks, mix the mortar, and construct a new society hopefully with a better future than the past. ... He is the only one in his family to get the opportunity, and/or ...

Pretend Pastor Thinks Parkland Kids Are Too Feminine in ... real "God," that is, the one that called on us to be blessed "peacemakers," "meek," "love one another," dude, all those things that try to ensure that the next "shooter" never gets a damn gun ...

Kanye West Interrupts Barack Obama Speech [UPDATE] and West Submitted by Concerned (not verified) on Sat, 2009/09/19 - 5:41am. Kanye is a very young man who feels very strongly about issues and therefore due to lack of experience based upon his age, is somewhat implusive, something that many of you will never understand because many of you feel strongly about nothing, but are quick to criticize.

Article: Wikileaks situation: Message to US Government ... 12, 2010 · "In his groundbreaking new book Bottom Up: Tapping the Power of the Connection Revolution, Rob Kall invites and eases us into in a much-needed meta-level shift -- a truly basic paradigmatic shift ...

Ron Paul unfit for president | Shadow Democracy result was a massive violation of the rights of private property and contract, which are the bedrocks of free society. The federal government has no legitimate authority to infringe on the rights of private property owners to use their property as they please and to form (or not form) contracts with terms mutually agreeable to all parties.

Port attempts to kill initiative for two new seats ... 31, 2012 · The Port’s attempts at sabotaging the expansion to five commissioners began the moment initiative backers asked the port to adopt their petition. Commissioner Scott Walker and port attorney Frank Chmelik immediately began trying to kill the initiative. There is no legal basis for changing the wording of the initiative submitted by the petitioners. The guiding case law is a Washington Supreme ...

19 | February | 2008 | Further thoughts 19, 2008 · 4 posts published by Ian Ramjohn on February 19, 2008

The Election's Impact on the Federal Judiciary - The ... StandDown Texas Project was organized in 2000 to advocate a moratorium on executions and a state-sponsored review of Texas' application of the death penalty. To stand down is to go off duty temporarily, especially to review safety procedures.

15 | December | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 15, 2013 · In 1971, the popular movie “Diamonds Are Forever” inferred precious gems are the ideal gift. Last month, an e-trading company suggested the best gift to give is a contribution to a non-profit organization doing relief operations in the Philippines. The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

Alabama study | Sheila Kennedy fairly recent poll from Quinnapac, one of the better polling operations, found that 30% of Americans “approve strongly” of Trump. The poll also found that 31% of American voters like him as a person. (59% dislike him, and 54% disapprove of the job he’s doing–48% strongly.)

Taxation | The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized. U.S. government has enormous money problems of its own. The government is much greater in debt than AIG , Fannie Mae , and who knows who is else could be next. The national debt currently stands at approximately $9.634 trillion, which is a mind-boggling number!

Frequently Asked Questions on Home Rule | Initiative | Mayor OF CARLISLE. GOVERNMENT STUDY COMMISSION FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS At the municipal primary election for the Borough of Carlisle on May 19, 2015, Carlisle citizens will find the following measure on the ballot: "Shall the Home Rule Charter contained in the report, dated March 3, 2015, of the Government Study Commission, prepared in accordance with the …

David Letterman | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!“Here’s a guy who is an Emmy Award-winning journalist, who has dealt with cops and wiretaps and undercover investigations virtually his entire life,” defense lawyer Gerald Shargel said of Halderman on CBS’ “Early Show,” one of the morning shows he hit. “There was a $2 million check.

CHECK IT OUT FROM UP HERE: Hillary Clinton...Secretary of ... 05, 2008 · It is being reported that Hillary Clinton is being considered and vetted for Secretary of State. Isn't this just what we need? A phony, carpetbagging Senator who leaves behind a string of failed policies, legislation and campaigns in her wake, is now going …

2,000 veterans plan to be a 'human shield' for the North ... worked as a boycott organizer with the United Farm Workers from 1968 until 1973. He then became a community organizer in Santa Monica, California involved in affordable housing advocacy while working with others in laying the foundation for one of the most progressive local rent control measures in …

End Mass Criminalization of Black and Brown Youth worked as a boycott organizer with the United Farm Workers from 1968 until 1973. He then became a community organizer in Santa Monica, California involved in affordable housing advocacy while working with others in laying the foundation for one of the most progressive local rent control measures in …

Senator Al Franken reads his mean tweets after making ... 04, 2016 · I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that those are the only ones that Franken can read on the air. If the responses he receives a...

The Rude Pundit: Trying to Keep Up With Recent GOP Hypocrisy 05, 2016 · So let's get this straight: Donald Trump advised Mitt Romney to released his tax returns when Romney was running in 2012, but now Trump says his own taxes are none of our business. Trump says that we shouldn't pay attention to his pretending to be a spokesman for himself because "that took place 25 years ago. But Bill Clinton's affairs from 20 years ago or more are important enough for …

Pragmatism and Idealism ~ European-American blog 10, 2012 · Well, according to one of the founders of pragmatism, William James, pragmatism is what works for the majority of people. If everyone started to steal cars, it wouldn't be good for the people whose cars got stolen (or for the car thieves who go to jail), so …

Ironicus Maximus: Sister Lucy, You Got Some Splainin' To Do letter goes on to say that, “Given both the tenor and the doctrinal content of various addresses” at assemblies the Leadership Conference has held in recent years, the problem has not been fixed. "I mean, last week one of the office nuns told me to get my own damn coffee," Cardinal Levada said. "Things are getting out of control."

DearCastlehttps://dearcastle.blogspot.comAccius also spelled Attius one of the greatest of the Roman tragic poets, in the view of his contemporaries. His plays (more than 40 titles are known, and about 700 lines survive) were mostly free translations from Greek tragedy, many from Euripides, with violent plots, flamboyant characterizations, and forceful rhetoric.

Are Zionists trying to cause Antisemitism?, I'm guessing that Dave and co. aren't quite trying to make that happen, though their recent exclusion of Haredi Jews from the Home Affairs Circus means that they don't much care for those Jews who are the most "widely insulted, spat upon, mocked, beaten, robbed" and possibly "slain". Of course some of those ignored Haredi Jews are Neturei ...

DCDL » Virginia both Virginia and DC, Monday, January 14, is the deadline for registering to vote in the February 12 presidential primary election. For information, see the Virginia State Board of Elections or the DC Board of Elections and Ethics.

One More Relationship Tested by the Pandemic: Siblings More Relationship Tested by the Pandemic: Siblings The New York Times - 2020-05-17T09:00:11.000Z

kobach-- : Latest news, Breaking news headlines | Scoopnest all Latest News about kobach--, Breaking headlines and Top stories, photos & video in real time

Counter-Terrorism | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Fenstermaker is a member of the pool of Qualified Civilian Defense Counsel, authorized to represent the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba before the Military Commissions being conducted at Guantanamo Bay. He has a secret security clearance and is available to represent clients involved in national security-related issues. Mr. Fenstermaker has experience litigating pursuant to the Uniform ...

Golden Parachutes | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog time of year always seems to bring a never-ending barrage of “top ten” lists. The year’s top ten movies, the top ten books, the top ten news stories, and on and on.

The Rude Pundit 01, 2005 · Martin Luther King Would Fuck Bush's Shit Up (2005 Edition): Here's something you might not have heard before on MLK Day - From a sermon King delivered at New Covenant Baptist Church in Chicago on April 9, 1967 (taken from a recording - the parentheticals are the responses from the parishioners): "I remember down in Montgomery, Alabama, an experience that I’d like to share with you.

Disingenuous Doctor of Economics was reading her blog the other day and ran across this response she had to a 19-year old gay kid. I posted a comment, too because frankly, I feel the same way the kid does. Nobody will probably read my comment over there, but since I spent some time on it I posted it here, you know, just in case there are any 19-year old gay Californians ...

KingCast writes Blogger and YouTube officials: Please ... writes Blogger and YouTube officials: Please provide your opinion on the issue of Hyperlinking, criticism, Fair Use and IP Infringement. To all: Bill Christy (stage name apparently) of the Bill Christy Project was caught calling me a nigger and a motherfucker.

Pandorum | My Pathetic Life… 21, 2009 · Pandorum is a 2009 American/German science fiction/horror film written by Travis Milloy and directed by Christian Alvart. The film stars Dennis Quaid and Ben Foster. Filming began in Berlin in August 2008. Pandorum is scheduled to be released on September 25, 2009 whats the fuss about? Two astronauts wake to find themselves drifting through space…

MainlineDecline, Decline-Talk, and Decline-ism 23, 2013 · Published in late 1959, my first book, The New Shape of American Religion, cited several mainstream commentators and spotted numerous trends to suggest that the then-much-noticed “revival of interest” in religion had crested in 1958.It’s bad manners for authors to cite their own writings, but… Religious institutions, e.g., in suburbia, were prospering, but the culture, ethos, and ...

Electronic Village: Taser Death: Rodney Green (Waco TX) was transported to a Hillcrest Hospital and arrived in critical and unstable condition. Emergency room staff continued perform life saving measures until he was pronounced dead at 10:24 p.m. Of course, it didn't take any time at all for the police to begin to blame the victim .

Rachel Maddow revisits her contentious debate with Alex 08, 2012 · Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy I feel a little vindicated that I was right about how Rachel ...

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Catholic Church to Frank Dickenson, 90, who is Ojibwe, such was the case in Red Lake. The federal government promised the Red Lake Nation education in exchange for their lands. A federally funded Bureau of Indian Affairs school was located on the reservation, but it was more than 5 miles from the town of Red Lake, inaccessible for many in rural ...

Robots may defuse Colo. suspect's booby-trapped Medical Center also received victims, but it has not posted any updates on its "breaking news pages." The family-support line is 303-788-5000. The family-support line is 303-788-5000. Update at 7:50 p.m: A law enforcement source tells CNN that Holmes' booby-trapped apartment is so intricately rigged and dangerous that robots may be used ...

Tickle The WireMafia Archives - Tickle The one has been charged in his death. Lockett, who retired in late December, spoke out for the first time, saying he doesn’t believe the death was the fault of prison officials. It’s a tragedy, but I don’t think anyone was deficient in their duty,” Lockett said. Lockett opened up about his personal feelings for Bulger.

TrueNews: Russian Spys Try to Find Out Albany's Secrets 29, 2010 · On October 15, 1958, veteran broadcaster Edward R.Murrow delivered his famous "wires and lights in a box" speech (VIDEO) The Last Lion of Tammany HOW JIMMY McMANUS, MANHATTAN’S LAST GREAT TAMMANY DISTRICT LEADER, HELPED TO REVIVE HELL’S KITCHEN AND THE THEATER DISTRICT c By James S. Kaplan f On January 13, 2011, the …

Pocket: john-kasich'Moderate' John Kasich Is Actually Terrifying Rolling Stone · 3 min. John Kasich is such an appealing guy, isn't he? He went to a same-sex wedding once. He thinks Donald Trump's plan to deputize the violent thugs at his rallies so they can kick out …

Wise Law Blog: 140Law: Legal Headlines for the week of ... 22, 2018 · The Saudis are preparing a report that will acknowledge Jamal Khashoggi's death was the result of an interrogation that went wrong, two sources say Campfires and cannabis: Parks Canada says it's OK to smoke pot at campsites

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Sutter's School of Shinny is out for ... was a well taught, disciplined group of young men who not only performed to a high level of ability but played with pride of nation and respect of the game. We surely cannot ask for anything more! Sutter's school of Shinny was the tonic for the Hockey Nation.

Beers with Demo: Video clip of the day 08, 2012 · Though not in the video, at the link, Klavan provides some useful information with respect to a glossary of terms of which will be helpful in navigating your way through the dog days of the election season. An excerpt: Let’s begin with the word gaffe.Now and then you may hear a news “person” say something like, “Mitt Romney made a gaffe!” or “Mitt Romney’s foreign trip …

Rest In Peace: Randy 'Macho Man' Savage (1952-2011) - Villager many villagers will admit that they were fans of televised wrestling at some point in their life? I admit that I was a big fan of the...

KingCast revisits Brendlin v. California with an eye ... it will be entirely appropriate to have it applied in his home state in this case. The last attempt to bring in a U.S. Supreme Court ruling against the State was on the imminent domain case that never quite happened but sure was interesting, wasn't it. Liko Kenney's was the shot heard 'round the World.

Wise Law Blog: Great-Grandma's New Tattoo and Powers of ... 21, 2006 · The somewhat eccentric story below has prompted this reminder that in Ontario, a Power of Attorney for Care is the best means of ensuring that your loved ones and health care professionals know your intentions in a medical crisis. The Ontario Power of Attorney for Care is a simple legal document that is easily and inexpensively prepared by a lawyer. It is used to …

Climate Change Deniers: Facts and Fictions 22, 2016 · The latest ploy in this PR strategy is a claim that climate change deniers are being frightened into silence. Reflecting this plan in his TGI commentary (submitted to many newspapers worldwide), Harris alleges death threats by environmentalists against Dr. Tim Ball, described as a “former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg.”

Trump jokes with dictator about getting rid of the media ... 28, 2019 · Of course the thing is, Mitch actually IS a pretty smart guy. So he has no need to “try” to appear smart to a dunce like W.o.P. So poor W.o.P.’s constant sense that everyone is “putting on airs” is just the unavoidable result of a moron reading the words of …

NO, MIKE PENCE IS NOT THE 2020 GOP FRONT-RUNNER 07, 2016 · NO, MIKE PENCE IS NOT THE 2020 GOP FRONT-RUNNER ... though it was clear that Kaine was the first to go down that road. Not a good strategy. But it's also true that Kaine put Pence on the spot regarding Trump's most embarrassing statements, and when Pence wasn't ducking the assertions, he was issuing denials of things that actually happened. ...

Freedom Writing: The Return of the Bradley Effect 22, 2015 · I have written here before of the "Bradley effect," but that was in the context of the 2008 presidential election, a time when voters were deciding whether to elect the first black president. That wasn't as inconsequential a decision as you might think now, more than seven years after the fact. After all, Barack Obama has been elected president twice now.

They’re Not That into Him | National Review Des Moines Register’s final Iowa poll has Barack Obama trouncing Hillary Clinton in today’s caucuses, 32 to 25. This, the Register tells us, is thanks to high projected turnout from self ...

Liveblogging & Feminist Critiquing the VP Debate: Erica C ... can't decide what was the best part—when Palin said "betcha" and talked about soccer games in the first 30 seconds of her first answer, when she winked at the camera, or when Palin wrapped up a particularly nonsensical answer and Biden flashed that "are you fucking kidding me" smile. All so good.

Quinn Bloghttps://bdq.blogspot.comAn Analysis of the Electoral Map I have studied virtually every election in US history as a hobby and have made some observations. One of the most important that there is a region of six contiguous states that have been correlated with the winner in every election since West Virginia became a state in 1863.

Apologists for homosexuality cannot condemn this shooting ... Posted by RickyDOriginally Posted by RobJordanOriginally Posted by TexasTBag&quot;With liberty and justice for all&quot; American citizens were murdered in a terrorist attack today what the fug else do I need to know???? I've never questioned that. I've only asked fol...

The Flying Fish case - Little v. Barreme | 43rd State to DailyKos, if simply to finally replace Who is Kos, and why's he such an Idiot (Sept. 2005) as my most recent diary) Little v. Barreme Wikipedia. Supreme Court of the United States Decided February 27, 1804 Full case name: George Little, et al. v. Barreme, et al. Citations: 6 U.S. 170; 2 L. Ed. 243; 1804 U.S. LEXIS 255; 2 Cranch 170

Eric Allen Bell – Eric Allen Bell Allen Bell is a writer, filmmaker and Media Consultant, presently living in New York, NY. While making a documentary about the construction of a 53,000 square foot mega mosque in the Bible Belt of America, Eric attempted to expose “Islamophobia”. However, during opposition research, he discovered he was on the wrong side of the argument.

Just my little piece of the world: Freepers are Freaking Out I was perusing DailyKos yesterday I ran across a diary that was talking talking about a warning that one of the Freepers was putting out about threatening President Obama. Of course I had to read it. Here is what it said" Unfortunately, we are saddled with a communist sympathizer in the White House.

The Immoral Minority: On the Chris Matthews Show Joe Klein ... 04, 2010 · From the first time she was exposed to the public, everyone was very impressed by her so called beauty. To me, that beauty, if there was any, dissappered the minute she opened her mouth. From that moment on,I have watched the men behind her. To a man, they all nearly droll. That being said, sarah could learn some lessons of life.

Chairman Trey Gowdy | This Is 20, 2015 · "I would say in some ways these have been among the worst weeks of my life. Attacks on your character, attacks on your motives, are 1,000-times worse than anything you can do to anybody physically?at least it is for me." ?Rep. Trey Gowedy (R-SC04) The first point, to …

The Immoral Minority: Racist rant results in University of ... 06, 2015 · They were founded in 1856 in the antebellum south, Alabama. They call themselves "The True Gentlemen" and they have to recite the creed: The True Gentleman is the man whose conduct proceeds from good will and an acute sense of propriety, and whose self control is equal to all emergencies; who does not make the poor man conscious of his poverty, the obscure man of his …

Article: Reflections from a Sun-Catcher | OpEdNews 09, 2009 · Article: Reflections from a Sun-Catcher - Luann Gilliland took the sun-catcher down from the window, sliding beads from the top of the fishing line to rest against the frame of the sun-catcher.

Veronica Rose Brown Court Transcripts Point to More drip and drabs, we might one day see the full story of the unethical adoption seizure of Veronica Rose Brown. Just to recap, currently we have the court transcripts from the September 2010 South Carolina Court trial of A doptive Couple vs Baby Girl: Today we'll be adding: Now of course there are some little tidbits that I do feel the need to point out.

Bernie Sanders is Running for President..!!! 17, 2019 · Re: Bernie Sanders is Running for President..!!! « Reply #8 on: February 20, 2019, 01:17:15 PM » Well it's looking like this time around, Bernie's campaign is off to a flying start.

JustOneMinute: Don't Know Much About History 23, 2020 · The first win was the Senator or Rep was represening a State or District we had a project or office in. Especially if they repreented specific areas of our employees, The second win was were they members of specific house and senate committees who touched our businesses.

By hiring a climate disinformer, Nate Silver undermines ... 26, 2017 · webpage capture. Saved from

Touch Me: it takes a lifetime by Randy Woodley | Ethnic ... 24, 2012 · This is something people forget in American society and among followers of Jesus because words are used too much, often meaning too little. The words have not made it through a long journey so they end up being somewhat superficial, even when they are the correct words.

Part #1: A Look Back At Katrina | The Common Sense ... 27, 2007 · This is the first of a 3 part series that will look back at the events leading up to Hurricane Katrina, how local and federal officials handled this disaster, what has been done in the rebuilding effort, and can we out build mother nature…

No More Mister Nice Blog: PETER BEINART, YOU SAY TRUMP'S A ... 07, 2015 · Peter Beinart completely misses the point of Donald Trump's performance at last night's debate:last night Trump didn’t even do obnoxious well. The reason, I suspect, is that to debate effectively, even if you’re a goon, you must talk about something other than yourself.

Listening to Your Inner Voice - Nolan Dalla 20, 2012 · And don’t think for a moment you’re immune to it. This is a society with an economy built on competition (as opposed to cooperation), which means winning at any cost, and by consequence creating a loser (or many losers). And that’s the fuel which feeds the dragon. Don’t get down. This is not an essay full of cynicism.

The Florida Masochist: Robert Bartolotta 20, 2007 · Loretta Bartolotta went into the hospital for a lung biopsy in November 2002. A simple procedure. She would be out in a few days, Robert Bartolotta said doctors told him. But there were complications. She had two strokes and a heart attack. Neighbors remember Loretta Bartolotta getting very sick, very fast. "She was very frail," Balint said.

illusory tenant: Rappin' with Dad29, foil-hatted conspiracist 07, 2011 · In which local wing-nut Dad29 ("old, nasty") joins the conspiracists. Take it away, Dad29:A month or so ago it was clear that [Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann] Sumi's kangaroo-ing was designed to delay a decision. That delay would result in [Supreme Court of Wisconsin] review of the case after Prosser was out, i.e., after August 1st. Of course, Kloppenburg had to win.

April | 2016 | City of Joyful Dread post published by wechslerh66 during April 2016. The Revolution Will Be Intersectional outside City Hall Philadelphia during a Freddie Gray rally, April 30, 2015. Available via Flickr.. This isn’t about Rex Ryan (though I do wonder how Tom Brady feels). It’s more about my own endorsement, which you wouldn’t think would be that difficult since my car has a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker ...

Race To The Top Review | kavips 13, 2015 · Unmentioned as well, was the damage RTTT did to top state chiefs… The exalted “chiefs for change” got changed out… It might have gotten hottest for former Tennessee chief Kevin Huffman, who left his post nearly a year ago. But it also made life difficult for John Barge, who is no longer Georgia’s chief. Delaware’s Mark Murphy ...

20 | November | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 20, 2018 · John 5:19-20. God is called by a variety of names in the Bible, and each one sheds light on an aspect of His nature. Jesus’ favorite title for Him was Father.Surprisingly, this name for God is rarely used in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament, it’s …

Glenn Beck: The Pope Says Collective Salvation Is Demonic ... 15, 2010 · I caught Glenn Beck the other night. This is one vid you don't want to miss. We have been wondering about Obama's beliefs. Glenn Beck found some quotes. Glenn has more on the Pope and his work on stamping out the Collective Salavation concept in South America in the Pope's earlier years. A good read over at the…

The Immoral Minority: Keith Olbermann apologizes to fans ... 04, 2010 · by Keith Olbermann I want to sincerely thank you for the honor of your extraordinary and ground-rattling support. Your efforts have been integral to the remedying of these recent events, and the results should remind us of the power of individuals spontaneously acting together to …

Jumping in Pools: The Happenings at Charles Johnson's Bunker 11, 2009 · First, he solicits PayPal donations. Then, he mines the credit card information to find out names and addresses. And, if in his crazed mind he feels 'slighted' (a 'downding' on one of his posts) he posts or threatens to post that supposedly private information on the web.

Trump Once Scowled at Me When I Went out of the Blue to 11, 2019 · The Mar-a-Lago patio where we dined is the same spot where, a couple of years later, Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hashed out their response to a North Korean missile launch in February 2017, while a crowd gawked and snapped photos. It was an invitation to our enemies, a warning to our allies and a humiliation to our country.

The Immoral Minority: British journalist, who wrote a book ... 11, 2017 · The DNI said that was the case in January of last year very publicly in a report that can be Googled.""She summed it up this way: "There are parts of the dossier not verified. But the overarching conclusion of it is very much true and has been backed up by the ENTIRE intelligence community."<WoW

read my mind: The New World Order is Getting Closer (Part 3)“The Gold Standard held the dollar to a tangible, defined value and so it had to be removed. With the elimination of the Gold Standard, was the introduction of the credit system. Making credit available to the public replaced capitalism and its economic free-market system determined by competition.

Article: The Unfortunate Truth About Ronald Reagan ... 05, 2011 · Article: The Unfortunate Truth About Ronald Reagan -- Neither a Great Nor Good President - Reagan was the kind of man that President Eisenhower feared …

61 Best I'm human images | Insane asylum, Mental asylum ... 1, 2016 - Explore peenymoz's board "I'm human", followed by 385 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Insane asylum, Mental asylum and History.61 pins385 followers

The Black Face of the Great War - Le Panoptique : Le must be admitted that it is often hard for North-Americans of any race, as the cultural progeny of European cultural expansionism fueled by Hollywood’s entertainment historio-filmography, and possibly even harder for Europeans themselves, to escape the dominant depictions of the First World War as being starred by whites, affecting whites, and being, in racial terms, almost purely a white ...

A Celebrating the Life of Muhammad Ali Semi-Open Weekend 04, 2016 · The Muhammad Ali I celebrate and honor was and is smart, witty, mean, mercurial, entrepreneurial, artistic, creative, a trickster, humane, a liar, complicated, afraid, womanizing, a narcissist, ego maniacal, and a warrior. Does listing such traits constitute a hagiography? I am unsure. There is so much that has been written about Muhammad Ali.

UT/Trib: Hegar leads Senate primary pack – Off the for who is most likely to end up in the runoff with her, I’d pick Royce West (who should get a lot of votes in the Dallas area) and Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez as the favorites. But yes, the rest of the pack are all in the running, and most outcomes would not surprise me. Related Posts: Four more polls say Bernie is leading in Texas

Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music (Gregory Alan 23, 2018 · Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music (Gregory Alan Thornbury) -- A Review ... His first marriage was to a woman who emerged from a Christian family but was attracted to the high life of Hollywood. She was beautiful, wanted to be a model, and pursued that world, got involved with drugs and posed for porn magazines, all the while ...

Kung Fu Monkey: 12/10/06 - 12/17/06 - Monkey Kung Fu things bring our exciting Futurian Existence into focus: 1.) My TV round-up below was linked to by both Warren Ellis, angry ideaspace god of transhumanism and Red Bull, and the Maclean's magazine website. Macleans is essentially the Time magazine of Canada. Pageviews inbound from Warren are running 3 to 1 over inbound from Macleans. 2.)

The End Is Nigh - The Soundings of the triumphs of the Obama era's rather weak history of enforcement of corporate malfeasance was the crackdown on the abuses of pa... Note To Readers - Moving Site To Effective December 10, 2018, I will cease to be posting on and will be moving all prior and subsequent posts ove...

kingston progressive: LERW: WHERES THE MONEY? 09, 2008 · According to a report by Paul Brooks from the Record, The state attorney general is suing former Ulster County official Rick Fritschler, saying he made more than $800,000 in "unsubstantiated" purchases, including $48,000 on meals for himself and others.

Pausing at the Trumpet Vine: May 2011 at the Trumpet Vine Where the hummingbird comes like a small green angel... 28 May 2011. A Senseless Story ... And we did dance so ecstatically at first that I didn’t even notice the acrid smell of burning flesh just as the intensity and heat became too much and ego falls back in an exhausted expenditure of energy. ... And I bow to a ...

jgsf1987: Joe Biden BidenDon't think that this is the first time that Biden put his foot in his mouth, as it's really not. The biggest problem with him making comments like that is that it provides fodder for Donald Trump to potentially use against him should he be nominated. The video below sheds light on how Biden may be worse than Hillary Clinton, and that says a lot.

50-State Snapshot: Clinton Beats Trump, but It's Close Snapshot: Clinton Beats Trump, but It's Close — If the presidential election were held today, Hillary Clinton would top Donald Trump 320-212 in electoral votes to clinch the White House, according to an extensive Morning Consult analysis of 57,000 voters.

Freedom Writing: The Question of the Season 24, 2010 · Yesterday, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reprinted the famous 19th–century editorial that answered 8–year–old Virginia O'Hanlon's plaintive question, "Is there a Santa Claus?" The newspaper is hardly the first to reprint the editorial. It is simply continuing a long tradition. It is the most reprinted English language editorial of all time, especially at this time of the year.

Alasandra's Place: After She's Gone She's Gone by Lisa Jackson My rating: 2 of 5 stars This is a sequel to Deep Freeze Cassie, the rebellious teen from Deep Freeze is now a paranoid, timid woman who lives in fear. Estranged from her husband after Allie makes a play for him (Trent rejected Allie, but Cassie can't believe anyone prefers her to Allie), Cassie checks herself ...

The News Review: 06 November nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner

FREDERICK COUNTY MARYLAND ELECTION PREDICTIONS 03, 2014 · Other than for those voters who have cast their ballots early, the next three weeks are the last chance for candidates to convince voters and for voters to make up their minds. In 2012, Frederick County voters voted for a change to charter government and will elect a county executive and seven council members in this election.

Winter Patriot: Tom Toles: It's Five To Four! are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

The News Review: 22 April nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

One Man's Declaration - The Good Men Project 12, 2016 · One Man’s Declaration Michael Sutherland turns his despair at the election of Donald Trump into resolve to live fully as a father and a man. November 12, 2016 by Michael Sutherland 1 …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Fraser Institute Education report ... 16, 2007 · The school has 525 students, with 20 per cent ESL families from Korea, Hong Kong or China who often have high regard for the rankings, she said. "They think the Fraser Institute is the be-all and the end-all" and they don't want their children in a school that ranks poorly even when that school is a better match for their students.

ce399 | research archive: Dead Museums: Gated Communities ... on Wordpress!(link) ce399fascism on Twitter!(link) Coca has been, ancestrally, a sacred leaf. We, the indigenous, have had a profound respect toward it... a respect that includes that we don't "pisar" it (the verb "pisar" means to treat the leaves with a chemical substance, one of the first steps in the production of cocaine).

Empire Dusk: November 2015 slumbering behemoth has awoken in Ohio over the issue of legalizing Cannabis. In the first link, I found what seems to be a possible saboteur of the effort to legalize Cannabis in Ohio, but as I explored more of the sources I found something that demonstrates clearly just how much control is exerted over the so-called "free market" by the billionaires who, it seems, are now attempting to ...

Big Journalism's EIC Loesch: "Those Riverfront Times hacks ... 08, 2011 · Today, The Riverfront Times' internet news division Daily RFT's Sarah Fenske wrote about Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder (R), who is expected to challenge incumbent Governor Jay Nixon (D) for the Governorship in Jefferson City come 2012, was caught carousing with a porn actress. I bet this benefits Nixon come November 2012. Yesterday, we showed you a picture of Missouri Lt. …

THE CUP OF JOE: TV That Makes You Feel Uncomfortable That Makes You Feel Uncomfortable Some of the best TV shows in recent years have been ones with characters acting so embarrassingly irrational that it makes for uncomfortable watching. The characters in these shows have no sense of how ridiculous they are, and are usually immersed in a world where people say wildly inappropriate things out ...

Who Hijacked Our Country: Finally! A Practical Solution to ... 11, 2012 · Anyone who is an American citizen, old enough to vote, and eligible to vote should be allowed to... it shouldn't have to depend on them going through hoops designed only to keep them from going to the polls. Should our citizens have to pay a fee for the right to vote? Nope. March 13, 2012 at 11:22 AM S.W. Anderson said...

CARPE DIEM: The Gradual Decline in Presidential Approval 31, 2010 · About Me Name: Mark J. Perry Location: Washington, D.C., United States Dr. Mark J. Perry is a professor of economics and finance in the School of Management at the Flint campus of the University of Michigan.Perry holds two graduate degrees in economics (M.A. and Ph.D.) from George Mason University near Washington, D.C. In addition, he holds an MBA degree in finance from the …

20% of gun owners in America admit to taking illicit drugs ... 04, 2018 · More than 20 percent of gun owners in the U.S. admit to using drugs while also suffering from a mental health disorder, according to a study. According to a survey of 1,098 gun owners by rehab center The Florida House Experience, one in three people self-identify as having a mental health disorder, with anxiety, mood disorders and post ...

Eric R Bäcker | Facebook"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather." - Bill Hicks

Accidental Deliberations: Thursday Morning Links 06, 2017 · This and that for your Thursday reading. - Sarah O'Connor examines the inconsistent relationship between job quantity and quality as another example of how it's misleading to think of policy choices solely in terms of the number of jobs generated. Angela Monaghan discusses how wages continue to stagnate in the UK despite a low unemployment rate. And Patrick Butler writes about the …

Subsidizing water? Another brilliant idea from California 26, 2008 · This one is from our friends at The Eco-libertarian, a story about how many farmers in California now allow fields to lie fallow in order to sell the water they purchase as below-market agricultural rates to drought-struck cities. Wow. I got that all into one sentence, even if it does run on a bit. The longer post makes more sense, grammatically speaking, but the logic still defies me.

VIOLENT MESSAGES RACISTS SENT TO S.C. LEGISLATORS | The ... 09, 2015 · The rebel flag has waved from the State House since 1961, when its placement seemed to coincide with a wave in the civil rights movement. Thirty years later, it was moved from the top of the capitol dome to a stationary pole in front of the building, and has remained there since then despite periodic bills from time to time calling for its complete removal.

Zen Comix: Underdog, Invisible, with Liberace, Invisible, with Liberace India ink, acrylic paint, and watercolor on handmade paint. Nixon and Trump are the bookends to a half century of Empire tightening the noose while pretending it's a leash.

Hard Rock Conservative: April 2006 09, 2006 · The stripper who is accusing those Duke lacrosse players of rape is scum, no DNA no conviction. The DA is just trying to win points with the locals, that's the only reason he indicted them. Gas is way too fucking high (Oil hit $75 a barrel today), for God sakes lets get going on alternative energy options, were all talk on that.

memeorandum: “The Most Horrible Thing I've Ever Done”: A ... updates: More than a dozen missiles hit U.S. bases in Iraq; Iran claims they caused heavy casualties — Iranian forces launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles against two military bases in Iraq early Wednesday local time, marking the most significant Iranian …

EVENTS IN TIME (BIBLE PROPHECY LITERALLY FULFILLED)(BY GOD ... possibly, a christophany or appearance of Christ, as He is the light of the world (John 8:12). Verse 2: And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a …

Johnny Pez: September 2012 30, 2012 · Johnny Pez Bark more, wag less. Sunday, September 30, 2012. FAN #303: "Buque Nights" by Johnny Pez. Up today at the ...

It's About Electability, Stupid - freedom-writing.blogspot.com the aftermath of Barack Obama's loss to Hillary Clinton in the Pennsylvania primary, campaign manager David Plouffe is making the argume...

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Neoconservatives ... 09, 2006 · The first reason is that he is primarily responsible for American policy in the first Bush administration. That policy was a strategic disaster and a moral enormity. On Baker's head rests almost all of the responsibility for Saddam Hussein surviving in power after the first Gulf war.

the gar spot - Page 3 of 39 - fiction and musings from a ... Black History Month, the gar spot will focus on a handful of the many gifted and talented black women instrumentalist who play jazz. Many can easily rattle off a list of some of the biggest names from the Swing Era. Count Basie. Duke Ellington. Fletcher Henderson.

Flipkart plans to relaunch loyalty programme to compete plans to relaunch loyalty programme to compete with Amazon Prime. Flipkart had initially launched the loyalty programme called Flipkart First, but it fizzled out due to lack of focus from the company and low interest from consumers.

Small Reactors and Closed Minds - Blogger’s a novel suggestion from Stephen Bainbridge: President Obama has a ready source of nuclear knowledge in the government that could turn its attention to the industrial sector:. The Navy already operates dozens of small nuclear reactors in aircraft carriers and submarines, with an outstanding record of safety and reliability.

Short Sharp Shock.: President Stradivarius and the two Kims 11, 2018 · S O MUCH FOR “fire and fury.” Goodbye to “a campaign of maximum pressure.” Adios, apparently, to “a menace that threatens our world.” That’s the language that animated the House Trump relationship with Kim Jong Un and the hermit kingdom of North Korea as far back as January, at President* Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address, and as recently as last August.

The Immoral Minority: Christian radio broadcaster James ... 12, 2014 · Courtesy of ABC 7 in Denver: Christian radio broadcaster James Dobson has won a temporary injunction preventing the federal government from requiring his ministry to include the morning-after pill and other emergency contraception in its health insurance.

Special Comments | OlberBlogging a century later, we had not only not resolved anything, but black leaders were still being assassinated in the cities of the South We compromised with Germany and the reconstruction of Europe after the First World War — nobody even arrested the German Kaiser, let alone conducted War Crimes trials, and 19 years later there was an ...

Top 30 Failed Technology Predictions - The New first non-textbook economics book I was loaned from an econ prof was a book Krugman had written in the early 90s. He apologized for it in the updated foreword, but it just so happened the book contains a mini-rant about all the money the Clinton administration is wasting on funding research for some ridiculous "information super-highway".

April | 2010 | Veritas Nihilum Vincet first session went 4-4. After two, they were knotted at 8 apiece. They played even to nine each, and then Ronnie O’Sullivan brought out that level of play that makes me say, without hesitation, that he’s the most naturally talented snooker player to ever take a stroke.

USCIS has postponed furlough of more than half of its ... Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is postponing its furlough of more than half of its workforce for nearly another month, Senate Appropriations Vice Chair Patrick Leahy said on Friday. The agency had been set to furlough 13,000 of its 20,000 employees on Aug. 3 until revised estimates showed the agency actually had enough funds to continue work for several more weeks, his ...

12 | May | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 12, 2013 · The Christian life is one of joy and peace. God gives us a great sense of fulfillment, and we’re at rest because we know we honor Him by the way we live. Peter wrote to Christians about their enemy—warning them and urging them to be vigilant, which is where we often put the emphasis.

Kaua`i Sky: July 2011 radar returns are the signature of the fine aluminum particles found in laboratory tests of chemtrail-contaminated rain taken in Espanola, Ontario in the summer of 1999. The lab analysis found reflective quartz particles in the chemtrail fallout - and levels of aluminum FIVE TIMES higher than Ontario 's maximum permissible health safety ...

No Right Turn: Brian Neeson's greatest hits 12, 2009 · On Friday, the government appointed former National MP Brian Neeson to the Human Rights Review Tribunal, a judicial body which decides on human rights complaints. This isn't just a case of cronyism - as I argued on Friday, the man is an outright bigot.Courtesy of Hansard, here's a few of his greatest hits: . In 1991, during the committee stage of the Employment Contracts Act, Neeson voted to ...

Sterfish's Place: April 2010 04, 2010 · Fresh off The Blueprint 3, Jay-Z makes an appearance on "I Wanna Rock (The Kings G-Mix)." He pays tribute to "It Takes Two" in his verse, which is appropriate since "I Wanna Rock" samples the hip-hop classic. Bun B joins Soulja Boy Tell 'Em on the G-Mix of "Pronto," one of the worst songs on Malice N Wonderland.

The Old America Is Dead: Three Scenarios For The Way Forward Old America Is Dead: Three Scenarios For The Way Forward Tyler Durden Mon, 06/29/2020 - 00:00 Authored by Wayne Allenswroth via, “Then who do we shoot?” Like Muley Graves the sharecropper, John Steinbeck’s evocative Okie everyman in John Ford’s 1940 film, many Americans are bewildered by a tidal wave of forces that seem beyond their control.

It’s Veteran’s Day: Share Your Stories And Memories | 44-D 11, 2009 · Veteran's Day commemorates the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, when an armistice signaling the end of World War I descended. Please visit the official Veteran's Day website for information on: Attending the National Ceremony Proclamation Regional Observances To honor our veterans, we want to hear your personal stories…

Aaron Carter Sampled Michael Jackson's Jesus Juice (And 01, 2011 · First of all: The FBI, Santa Barbara PD, and the DFCS all conducted years-long investigations into Michael Jackson . . . they traveled to different countries to interview people, they followed the origins of every tabloid claim, they interviewed everyone who had ever come within 10 feet of Michael Jackson, especially any minors (and that includes Aaron Carter).

Trump's New Team Designed To Alienate More Voters - The really try to not post about every Trump atrocity but it is really so hard because not only do they happen so continually but also because they are so egregious. Let's just recount yesterday's disasters. First, Trump has decided to get Roger Ailes to help him in his debate preparations.For a campaign that is hemorrhaging support among women, I'm thinking that hiring a guy who is …

RADARSITE: Rep Sylvia Garcia Defends, Sylvia Garcia (D-TX), one of the House managers presenting the impeachment case to the Senate, went into great detail in defending Joe Biden and his son Hunter in the Burisma-Ukraine issue. It was President Trump's phone call to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy last July 25 that forms the basis of this impeachment.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: The Port tests the waters for CN's AUTHORITY CHECKS OUT POTENTIAL OIL PROSPECTS By George T. Baker The Daily News Wednesday, July 1, 2009 Pages one and three When Prince Rupert Port Authority executives look towards the long-term future of what can be brought on the Skeena rail line, it's oil they hope to see coming down the tracks. While neither side claims to have talked about it …

Bill O’Reilly’s Favorite Outrageous Things | News 01, 2008 · Yes that was the one I meant to post, just keeping with the O’Reilly theme. Loraine on 9/2/2008 I saw O’Rielly’s rant about MSNBC and the alleged comments about the number of houses on the McCain/Palin ticket and could not believe my eyes and ears.

Who Hijacked Our Country: Bryan Fischer Tells Romney to 06, 2012 · Bryan Fischer, Grand Wizard of the American Family Association, was the ringleader of the Biblehumpers’ slander campaign against Ric Grennell, Mitt Romney’s foreign policy advisor.Ric Grinnell — who is openly gay — resigned from his position after being dragged through the mud by the Salem Witch Hunters.

taser pregnant women | Shadow add insult to injury, she was arrested for battery after she was taken to a hospital to be checked out. Miami, Florida – Police defended an action to use a 50,000 volt taser on a 12 year old girl and 6 year old boy. Police director Bobby Parker defended that decision because the boy threatened to injure himself with a shard of glass.

Is Tron Legacy About Socialism? | 20, 2010 · One of the things I love about WordPress is the site-stats page, which gives you a detailed report on how many people view each page and what search phrases direct people to your site. I noticed one of the search phrases that directed someone to my site today was the question, "is Tron Legacy about…

The Rude Pundit: Trump Likes to Watch 04, 2019 · Let us say, and why not, that Donald Trump likes to watch members of his administration fuck and get fucked by animals. I mean, if there is one thing we know about Donald Trump, it's that, for almost every activity in his life short of playing golf and fucking porn stars and feeling up his daughter and glad-handing dictators, he prefers watching to doing.

John Doe XLVI -v- Stephanie Anderson et al. - Blogger Doe XLVI -v- Stephanie Anderson et al. ... In April 2012, Doe filed a complaint for a declaratory judgment and temporary restraining order to enjoin the State from pursuing criminal charges against him for failing to register. In his complaint, Doe alleged that SORNA was an unconstitutional ex post facto law and bill of attainder, and that ...

Barack Obama Throws General Wesley Clark Under the Bus ... 30, 2008 · Barack Obama speaking in Independence, Missouri threw former General Wesley Clark “UNDER THE BUS” for his remarks yesterday. regarding John McCain’s Vietnam era war record.. Obama also sought to tamp down controversy surrounding comments over the weekend from a supporter.

Monkey in the Middle: Beware The Witch Doctor to the daily, two similar complaints have been filed with the police. In one complaint a Syrian man said the man matching the same description robbed him of KD 450 ($1,578.67 or 1,073.09 EU) and a Lebanese woman working for an insurance company lost all her money, driving license and credit card in a similar manner.

Blog with a View: The Angel of Death 10, 2006 · High-quality, limited-edition, paper and canvas prints are available for most images. Prints of any art work are limited to one canvas print and a series of five paper prints. Wander here for details. To see more of my work, please visit my web site: Rooms with a View.

9 | October | 2014 | News Corpse 09, 2014 · Be afraid America. President Obama’s “reticence to put America first” is making it impossible to contain the “psychological virus” of fear that is spreading across the nation due to an outbreak of the Ebola virus that has already claimed as many as one life within our borders. That’s the warning issued by Fox News “psycho” analyst Keith Ablow, who is calling the epidemic of ...

Bilgrimage: Holy Week, Catholicism's Central Symbols, and ... 08, 2012 · Holy Week, Catholicism's Central Symbols, and Mourning: Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea (and Andrew Sullivan)

Balkinization: The Stewart-Cramer interview and the ... Stewart's interview of Jim Cramer last night was a remarkable example of what contemporary journalism isn't. Many journalists probably wish they could do something like Stewart did, although perhaps a bit toned down: sit a subject in a chair and have at him with arguments, video clips, and righteous indignation in the name of The People until the interviewee produces a weak and …

Kevin Powell: Sermon: Lent 1 - Year B aren’t going to go without creature comforts, much less bare necessities for a month and a half. In fact, if you did I’m sure your family would invite those nice young men in those clean white coats over while you sing “They’re Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha.”

Incumbent Kansas senator claims U.S. is heading towards ... 09, 2014 · Incumbent Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS), who is facing an unexpectedly fierce challenge for re-election, warned Monday at a campaign stop that the United States is heading for "national socialism." It's not clear whether Roberts intended to make a reference to Nazism or simply meant to invoke the run of the mill looming specter of socialism .

The Immoral Minority: The brilliance of HBO's The Newsroom ... 12, 2013 · There is a big difference between posing for a magazine for specific pictures and with a professional written commentary aimed at purchasers and subscribers on the one hand, and on the other hand having your very private written and verbal communications with a loved one splattered around the world for every Tom, Dick, and Harry with an internet connection to …

Kevin Powell: Sermon: Lent 1B, of course, not everyone’s going to book 6 weeks off work to go sit on a rock in the woods and pray. People aren’t going to go without creature comforts, much less bare necessities for a month and a half. In fact, if you did I’m sure your family would start to …

Electronic Village: Taser Death: Anthony Jones (Las Vegas, NV) are seeing a re-birth of the Wild, Wild West out in Las Vegas, Nevada. For the second time in recent months the police killed a man with multiple shots from their taser guns.[The taser-related death occurred early in the morning on Saturday, December 11. Police stopped 44-year old Anthony Jones for a traffic violation at 1:07 a.m.

Balkinization: Further Thoughts on Goodwin Liu Vote are plenty of lawyers qualified to serve as federal judges. (And from my perspective Goodwin Liu is easily among them.) But as between a lawyer who can garner only 52 votes to overcome a rare filibuster and a lawyer who is able to attract wider support--even as few as 60 votes!--I see no reason for preferring the former.

A Last Conversation with Edward Said, Part 08, 2003 · Might Johannes Brahms’ E-minor Sonata for piano and cello have charms to soothe the savagery of the Arab-Israeli conflict? “No, I doubt it,” said Edward Said in our last conversation, with music, three years ago.“But it could produce quite extraordinary configurations like the one last summer in Weimar,” with 80 young musicians from the Middle East taking …

Here are a couple of sensible tweets from the great George ... 06, 2016 · Here are a couple of sensible tweets from the great George Takei. 1) Stop yelling that she's a "criminal." We're a nation of laws, and we presume innocence until guilt is proven by a court of law. ... And a truth teller of the first order. Posted by Gryphen at 6:15 AM. ... who is being considered for secretary of state, and former New York City ...

Based On A True Story...: Souvid Datta- You Da Bomb!!! Erwitt- I don't believe that photography can change the world, but it can show the world changing. Gilles Peress- I don't care so much anymore about 'good photography.' I am gathering evidence for history. Yogi Berra- You can observe a lot just by watching. Dorothea Lange- A camera is an instrument that teaches us how to see without a ...

Out of the Mountains: March 2014 give them time, they will pass. Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem, and you have no idea the grief and horror you'll leave behind for survivors. Take it from someone who had his own demons and sometimes romantic views of death in his youth. It does get better.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Cast Your Vote For Governor Today 03, 2006 · Blog for Democracy has a straw poll up on the Governor's race, the Lt. Governor's race and the Secretary of State's race. You can vote by clicking here.This poll was originally posted yesterday, but those results did not appear valid. …

illusory tenant: Double negative of the day 10, 2010 · In his official capacity ... Spartanburg, SC council chairman Jeff Horton says that as a Christian he could not ask anyone not to pray in Jesus' name. h/t Religion Clause .

Tattered Sleeve: It's the Econom... I mean, Senate, Stupid! have a friend who is a very very smart and very very good man, thinking very very hard about urban ecology and doing very very good things with this knowledge to help society not collapse. He is an American who today lives in Portland, OR, and was in Montreal for a year, and will soon return for good (hopefully) if no asteroids destroy us on ...

WAR ON TERROR « ABOVE THE FOLD almost have to feel sorry for someone like Bush, who is so defeated, delusional, and in charge of a walking disaster in Iraq. He can’t, with honesty, say much of anything positive about his administration. Bush is our Dope, and we are stuck …

Tickle The WireValerie Plame Archives - Tickle The Allan Lengel Under the category of “not very surprising”, Dick Cheney was fuming when President Bush refused to pardon vice presidential aide I “Scooter” Libby after he was convicted of lying in the leak investigation into the identity of CIA spy Valerie Plalme.

JG, Caesarea: David Brooks, "Honor Code": How to Handle ..."The education system has become culturally cohesive, rewarding and encouraging a certain sort of person: one who is nurturing, collaborative, disciplined, neat, studious, industrious and ambitious. People who don’t fit this cultural ideal respond by disengaging and rebelling.

The Candid Blogger: Dead Peasant Insurance Exposed the movie, "Capitalism, a Love Story", Michael Moore exposes a sinister secret that has been part of the American corporate world for some time now -- DEAD PEASANT INSURANCE. Your boss wants you DEAD. It seems that major corporations in America have been secretly buying life insurance policies on their employees, especially the low-level ones.

a dream or a song: This Had to Happen Eventually 03, 2007 · a headline for a story that came as absolutely no shock: Vitale Sidelined Following Vocal Cord Surgery I mean how perfect is that and how expected. I'm amazed he's lasted so long before he needed surgery. And even if you don't know who Dickie V is you know who he is- that crazy bald old man who's always excitedly yelling. yeah, he's that guy

Jefferson Bites | Facebook bisexual kid, suspicious of monogamy, put aside his qualms to marry the woman he loved. For the next fifteen years, he played by the rules as a faithful husband, doting father and accidental abstinent. When his wife ended their marriage over a squabble, he returned to sex only to find it had changed somewhat in his absence.

Polifrog Blog: The Castle/O'Donnell Primary and an ... 09, 2010 · polifrg I heard some Rush today. He was focused on the Castle/O'Donnell primary. It was inescapable that his attitude toward the TeaParty has evolved substantially over the past few months . Over that time he seems to have traded in his skeptic card for a membership. BTV Prog Nominating Caucus IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Shaun King Biography - celebritygossip.wiki King's bio and facts like Biography, Famous For, Birthday, Parents, Siblings, Nationality, Ethnicity, Religion, Wife, Kids, Zodiac, Family, Net Worth, Career ...

Merry Happy Holidays Rev. Rick - Rick Scarborough Vision ... 10, 2006 · Merry Happy Holidays Rev. Rick When everything is going wrong for you because you are too narrow minded to realize that America is tired of your message of hatred --quickly pull the Rev. Rick Scarborough panic button and alarm regarding "Christmas."

No Right Turn: The courts and the Public Records Act 12, 2014 · Nicky Hager won an important victory in his case against the police yesterday, forcing discovery of the police's internal working documents about the decision to apply for and execute a search warrant against him.While some of the documents will be provided confidentially to counsel, the police's argument that their decisions were unreviewable wasn't accepted.

Balkinization: Judge Posner and "Ad Hoc Initiatives" (i.e ... Posner has an Op-Ed in the Washington Post this morning that is understandably receiving a lot of attention. His argument is that the latest scandal reveals a serious gap in the legal intelligence-gathering laws. Posner believes it is critical that the Government be given the legal authority to "data-mine" information from the computers and phone calls of U.S. citizens and LPRs.

JustOneMinute: Obama And Unemployment then his main point: Who is missing on this list? Where are Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot? He maintains that in terms of collective evil and intentional human suffering, it should be a list including Adolf Hitler, but it would have to include Mao (50-70 million dead), Stalin (many many millions dead), and Pol Pot.

Eschaton: 01/17/2010 - 01/24/2010's a bit hard for me to comprehend, as a license was the key to freedom when I grew up in the burbs. Federal data released Friday underscore a striking national shift: 30.7 perc

Tod's Blog: March 2010 are the awesome American people. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and the power of who you are and what you’re willing to do. And if I could start a country with a bunch of people, they’d be the folks that have been here standing with us the last few days. Let’s hope we don’t have to do that. Let’s beat that other side to a pulp!

memeorandum: BREAKING VIDEO=> DALLAS SHOOTER FILMED … 08, 2016 · Dallas gunman killed by bomb robot, ‘wanted to kill officers,’ officials say — A Dallas police officer covers his face as he stands with others outside the emergency room at Baylor University Medical Center on July 8.(Tony Gutierrez / Associated Press) — Police used a “bomb robot” …

Brown Man Thinking Hard: Hit The "SEND" Button One More Time 14, 2008 · I've been a reader of The New Yorker since I was twelve years old. The town I grew up in was too small to have a bookstore, but it had a newsstand that was pretty cosmopolitan for South Carolina, with magazines like Utne Reader and Mother Jones and alternative weeklies like The Village Voice. The New Yorker, as I came to find out over the years, was a legend unto itself, the brainchild of ...

Revisionist history rides again: Slavery wasn’t so bad ... 26, 2010 · The moron who suggested slavery was the best thing that happened to Black folks until KFC created the Double Down sandwich was offended by my response, My comments were historical – I don’t think anybody can deny what I said about slavery and its history. You know I couldn’t let that go by.. Your comments were not historical.

Blizzard 2016: Frequently Asked Questions, Answered 21, 2016 · They really are the new 'The Daily Show', but what was it - with 19% less something, +12.02% hue and saturation of poli-sci-farts, but edgier, with +/- .06% focus-breadth and 8"x10" glossys with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one; enhanced blovialhissing, plus warmer/sharper yet more-firmer socio-flatulence inexclusions ...

Thread by @DrDannielle: "1) Let's talk about something ... 04, 2004 · 14) Women and men are equally likely to like @POTUS. Geography is irrelevant. The older you are, the more you like him. He does well with White voters, but also people who see themselves as having a non-White unique identity.

The Debate Link: The Problem of "Centering" and the Jews 10, 2018 · But clever as it is, it can't and shouldn't be a satisfactory retort. There needs to be a lot more introspection about whether and how supposed allies of the Jews are willing to acknowledge the possibility that their instincts about when Jews are "centered" and when we're silenced are out-of-whack, without it becoming yet another basis of resentment for how we're making it all about us.

No More Mister Nice Blog: MID-SPEECH, TED CRUZ FORGETS ... 10, 2015 · This is where Cruz scared a little girl who was being held in her mother's arms, according to a tweet from a reporter on scene. “The world is on fire,” Cruz replied, turning to face the girl and her mother. “Yes! Your world is on fire!”

The Wattree Chronicle: Barack and The Kenyan Weed Affair 03, 2014 · Barack and The Kenyan Weed Affair There’s so much ugliness going on in the world, and so many heavy issues going on in my personal life, I needed a break. So after seeing a photo of Rick Perry in a meeting with President Obama where Perry seems to be pouting like a child, it was so hilarious that I decided to build a purely fictional scenario ...

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "The Hope of a New Generation" 07, 2008 · The similarities between John Kennedy and Barack Obama come to mind easily: the youth, the magnetism, the natural grace, the eloquence, the wit, the intelligence, the hope of a new generation. But it might be more to the point to view Obama as Lincolnesque in his own origins, his sobriety and what history now demands . ...

Ron Paul and the Bigots: Plain Talk or Plausible ... 11, 2008 · These are the same allegations spread by the armed militia movement of the 1990s. Paul’s current claims about a proposed North American Union and a so-called “NAFTA Superhighway” from Mexico to Canada echo pet conspiracy theories of dubious right-wing information sources such as World Net Daily and Human Events.

read my mind: Trump Bombs Syria (Again)! 16, 2018 · Somebody gassed children in Syria, but it wasn’t Assad. He’s the scapegoat, of course, and the pure bulls##t we’re hearing from the media right now sounds almost exactly like the “yellow cake” nuclear fuel hoax that former President Bush used to justify an invasion of Iraq (which was really all about controlling oil fields and had ...

bonuses | Holy Hell! majority of this posting is pure personal commentary and rant. Gallup Poll released the following poll today. Gallup. Three in four Americans (76%) want the government to take actions to block or recover the bonuses insurance giant AIG paid its executives after receiving federal bailout funds.

The Mare of Anti-Trumpville Hacks gets on her haunches ... 12, 2019 · Actually, Peggy Noonan’s column this Saturday is rather unexceptional for her. It is a piece, typically for Ms. Noonan, critical of President Trump…highly critical, but this time specifically about his decision to pull out of the Kurdish ares of Syria.

AZ State Rep brags he drives up to 140 mph citing ... - reddit out your nonsense we do not police this manner in any other way. We do not believe in profiling based solely on a chosen party's that aren't illegal to join in the first place. You're being disingenuous in acting like the same argument you're making. Carry on brave soul.

The Immoral Minority: I'm sorry to start the morning this ... 02, 2017 · They're all headed to a nuclear proof bomb bunker where unlike Puerto Rico, the Trumps will have clean running water, plenty of food, medicine and electricity. Oh yeah, the Trumps will have real cloth towels, not that rolled up paper crap Trump was throwing at the brown people.

Whitmire's Book WHY BOYS FAIL Delineates the Problem, but ... 01, 2010 · Duluth, MN (OpEdNews) March 29, 2010 The sad facts in Richard Whitmire's new book WHY BOYS FAIL are not exactly surprising, but they are nevertheless disturbing.

read my mind: Another Look at the Federal Reserve! (Part 1) 1903 Banker’s Trust was set up by the Eight Families. Benjamin Strong of Banker’s Trust was the first Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The 1913 creation of the Fed fused the power of the Eight Families to the military and diplomatic might of the US government.

media lying | Law of Markets had put this version up since it was the first one available at Youtube. But they added afterwards the various so-called “fact checks” that attempt to counter the points the President made. They are the most vile liars imaginable, worse than the Soviet press who lied because of the threat of the gulag.

Delaware Way: Governor Markell's Martin Luther King, Jr ... is not business as usual because, when it comes to our children, business as usual is no longer an option. As Dr. King wrote in his letter from a Birmingham Jail, “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.

Ezra Klein Says “F— Tim Russert” And Worse, Should Be ... 06, 2008 · "Big Media Ezra" Klein is well-known to bloggers and some media pundits as a sort of wunderkind -- a lowly blogger who quickly rose to a perch at the little-read esteemed American Prospect and to appearances on the little-watched influential "Hardball with Chris Matthews" on MSNBC. He's half your age, but his book will be…

Tea Party Candidate Seeks MIGOP Leadership Promising ... 11, 2015 · One of the first rally dates that became symbolic to tea baggers back then was September 12, because it was the day after September 11. Poynter laments that being two hours away means he can’t make it to all the monthly meetings the group holds.

monoblogue music: following up in 2018 – 06, 2018 · monoblogue music: following up in 2018 Like I did last year I resolved to follow up on the acts which have made my top 5 review lists from 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , and now 2017 . I was curious to see if they were still making music and whether it was still good stuff.

THE TRUMPERS ARE LIKE THE COPS PLANTING THEIR OWN … 07, 2019 · I say it was because that was the plan all along: attack Brown and Whaley no matter what they said, knowing that the Trump cult either won't be exposed to the truth or will denounce it as fake news. They're just making up their own grievances now, like cops who don't care if the guy they want to arrest for possession is actually carrying drugs ...

2013 – Page 68 – JONATHAN TURLEY first official Memorial Day observance was 30 May 1868. On that day, flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. Every year until 1971, Memorial Day was observed on May 30. In 1971, the National Holiday Act of 1971 was passed, making Memorial Day part of a three-day weekend.

Flags, Deflection, Guns, Rationalization - Curmudgeon the Sandy Hook massacre, despite Obama’s best efforts, the discussion centered on the shooter having mental health issues. It was the same with the attempted assassination of Gabby Giffords. The God Reagan, in his infinite wisdom, with his Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act effectually defunded mental health programs in this country ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: WHY HASN'T TRUMP FIRED MUELLER ... 08, 2017 · And maybe he's enjoying the battle. In his New York Times interview this week, Trump said that if the Mueller probe expanded beyond Russia and the election, that would cross a line for Trump. But at the end of the interview, there was this:

Vermont Governor Blows Smoke With Legal Marijuana Veto author William M. Boardman has over 40 years experience in theatre, radio, TV, print journalism, and non-fiction, including 20 years in the Vermont judiciary. He has received honors from Writers Guild of America, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Vermont Life magazine, and an Emmy Award nomination from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

Freedom Writing: A Few Words for the Next President 16, 2009 · As Barack Obama prepares to take the oath of office on Tuesday, there is no shortage of advice being given to him. Indeed, his soon-to-be predecessor, George W. Bush, told the nation in his farewell address last night that Obama's greatest challenge will be the threat posed by America's "patient and determined" enemies. Certainly, terrorists remain a serious concern, and the new administration ...

illusory tenant: Ann Althouse, like Justice Prosser ... 13, 2011 · According to alleged professor of law Ann Althouse, Bill Lueders, who broke the story Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser allegedly seized a colleague, Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, by the neck with both hands, Governor Scott Walker's momentous budget-singing ceremony "was overshadowed by the gigantic turd Lueders felt moved to drop at exactly that moment."

An aggressive approach – 04, 2014 · An aggressive approach Say what you will about the Maryland Liberty PAC, but it appears they will maintain an aggressive approach to the upcoming General Assembly session. They and an affiliated group called the Maryland Pro-Life Alliance are …

In Speech to Nation, Bush Admits Errors in Iraq | Suzie ... 11, 2007 · WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 — President Bush will announce tonight that he is sending more than 21,000 American troops to Iraq to quell the violence there, and he will tell the American people that a troop increase “at this crucial moment” will bring American forces home faster and help assure survival of the young democracy.While conceding…

30 | April | 2020 | Bill's Links And More 30, 2020 · This is not surprising. A demonstration in Lansing, Michigan, last week which attracted national attention was organized by “a group founded by a pro-Trump state representative and his wife, Meshawn Maddock, who is on the advisory board for an official Trump campaign group called ‘Women for Trump,’ ” the Associated Press reported. del Pozo is a great day for the rule of law and for justice but it's not a day for celebration. It's a day for picking up the pieces, and getting back to regular order. I want to get back to what I was talking about on August 12, 2016 before I was interrupted by the former chief …

GREED | Veritas Vincit Pro Libertate 24, 2011 · Martin Pion an anti-smoking activist and President of MoGASP posted a blog entry entitled "What motivates smoke-free air opponents so strongly? Bid to repeal O’Fallon’s new law latest example." Many things of course. What I found interesting was the reply and comments by Daniel K. Duncan, Director of Community Services at the St. Louis chapter…

Preposterous Universe is one of those intellectual figures who is arguably more important as a symbol than for his actual work. In Derrida's case, in the minds of many people he has come to represent a perspective that is deeply anti-intellectual, or at least anti-Enlightenment and anti-rationality.

The Immoral Minority: Tuesday toons. 02, 2016 · And, then, do deals with them to put hotels on their land. Native rights; ask Putin how he handled people that got in his way. He gets a pass on debt that at the very least would render us homeless. His bankruptcies are important because of their complexities - he build debt based upon other debt. Actually, he is one of the poorest men in the US.

Huffington breaks down the media access is one of the software traps. And the other one is one thing to kind of go along, to go along with the conventional wisdom. You know, after 9/11 it was patriotic to want to go to Iraq.

No More Mister Nice Blog 06, 2011 · "Hateful and totalitarian." —James Taranto. Friday, March 04, 2011. PONDERING SCOTT WALKER'S FUTURE Talking Points Memo:

Kevin Powell: Sermon: Pentecost 17C 20, 2010 · This is one of my favorite gospel readings. It’s wonderfully, ethically ambiguous. It comes put of nowhere and leaves the listener with an itchy scalp. To me, it gives permission to color outside the lines and to push the edges of acceptable behaviour, Jesus demolishes any sense of ideological purity.

Randy Wray — BOOM BUST BOOM: MINSKY AT THE MOVIES ~ … 22, 2014 · Randy Wray — BOOM BUST BOOM: MINSKY AT THE MOVIES I highly recommend a movie to be released next year (that is, the year that begins next week). Terry Jones, of Monty Python fame, is one of the key developers of the film. It is on the Global Financial Crisis, but also provides a quick history of bubbles and crashes. ...

Michael Fountain: Blood for Ink: August 2011“The plague of publishing these days is to mistake ubiquity for significance.” -- Arts and Letters Daily and Alexander Nazaryan on Knotted: How the Necktie Changed the World. and other such titles “I was turning 40 and thinking, Oh dear, I'm probably going to have one of those midlife crisis things which always just bore the hell out of everybody.

The Rude Pundit 11, 2008 · When Sis asks about the role "faith" plays in his "day-to-day life," Bro answers, "I've been in the Bible every day since I've been the President, and I have been affected by people's prayers a lot. I have found that faith is comforting, faith is strengthening, faith has been important."

THE COLUMN: January 2010 25, 2010 · Who is Wyclef jean? Wyclef Jean is a multi-platinum musician, actor, producer, and former member of The Fugees , a group MTV ranks as one of the best hip-hop groups of all time. Although best known as a hip-hop artist, Wyclef embraces many forms of music and all expressions of culture, from classic rock to ska to down and dirty bass to country ...

De’Anthony Thomas | This Is we might wonder whence comes a question. Stanford has the Rose Bowl routine down pat. The Cardinal are doing it all for the third time in four years — starting with the trips to Disneyland, Lawry’s restaurant in Beverly Hills, the Improv comedy club in Hollywood, followed by media day at a downtown hotel and the team photo at the stadium the day before the game, and culminating ...

On Stephen King and the Nature of Evil | Bakhtin's Cigarettes 31, 2017 · Well, today is Halloween. And so it is appropriate for me to be writing about Stephen King.. Again. I was watching one of King’s lectures on YouTube recently, and at one point he fields a question from an audience member about one of his most famous characters—Randall Flagg.Specifically, the audience member asks if Flagg will be around in any of King’s future work.

Trump reads aloud whistle blower’s lawyer declaring a coup ... 07, 2019 · One of my favorite things is just sitting on the beach with someone you love. ??????? ht… 22 hours ago; RT @laura4USA: This is happening on the Brooklyn Bridge. The Woke Platoon was locked arm in arm so a pro-police rally couldn't cross and wh… 22 hours ago

One Christian Nation, Under God, Divisible, With Glenn, your comments make no sense. Secularism is not on the rise because it was always present. While this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, as well as much of the Western world, there is a difference between being founded on Christian beliefs and being Christian.

September 2008 – The Crook blames everyone for the bailout failure: . It would have been better to pass an imperfect bailout plan promptly than come up with an improved version after a delay of days or, heaven forbid, weeks–always assuming that it is improved, in the end, and does eventually pass…Whatever gets voted through is not going to be the last word on the subject in any case.

Looking at the potential of Asian-Pacific trade Asian-Pacific think tank has called on the federal government to look at a bigger picture when it comes to Asican trade. With their Canada Asia Agenda 2006 report, the co-CEO’s recommend an increased investment in education, workforce skills and awareness on the possibilities of increased trade with Asia.

Steve Chapman: Killer tomatoes - Chicago Tribune 13, 2008 · The incidence of Salmonella infections in 2007 (14.92 cases per 100,000) was the furthest from the national target for 2010 (6.80 cases), and only infections caused by Salmonella serotypes Typhimurium and Heidelberg declined significantly." and "Declines in the incidence of STEC O157 infections in 2003 and 2004 have not been maintained.

Russia and the USA's Common Missions: A Cause for Hope and the USA's Common Missions: A Cause for Hope amidst our Troubled Times. After taking an assessment of American foreign policy failures over the past four decades, it is easy to understand why one might become depressed or disenchanted with the prospects of cooperation and peace amongst these two historic allies.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - America Has Failed the ... the media covered Covid-19, appropriately, as the biggest story in the world. It was the kind of all-hands-on-deck approach that we should have seen the world take to climate change years ago. “We need to show the same determination and unity against climate change as against COVID-19,” the head of the United Nation’s World ...

Bye Bye Democracy!: South Carolina deputy dies, 3 others details about McCall’s history included one arrest in February 1994, when he was charged with assaulting a law officer, resisting arrest and simple assault. It’s unclear what happened to the case. Deputies were also called to the two-story York home in 2015 when McCall was the victim of an alleged domestic disturbance.

FirstSchoolhttps://firstschool.blogspot.comThe monarchy's international performance from 1715 to 1783 was basically creditable. From the time of the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–14), when France had been invaded and nearly beaten, French statesmen pursued a double goal—the preservation of the balance of power in Europe, and, in the world at large, the expansion of the French colonial empire and the containment of England.

Balkinization: Living In the Past: Judicial Recidivism and ... Weiner To a remarkable degree, the challenges to the Affordable Care Act reflect an effort to codify legal nostalgia as legal doctrine. The opinions of some lower courts striking down the individual mandate, as well as the arguments of the States and private plaintiffs in the Supreme Court urging that result, repeatedly hark back to bygone eras of American jurisprudence.

NEW PAPYRUS: Lockheed Martin's Reusable Extraterrestrial ... 24, 2017 · But a single stage extraterrestrial landing vehicle such as the MADV should be faster and cheaper to develop than previous two stage crew concepts for the Moon and Mars. So Lockheed Martin's MADV could be a game changer as a reusable extraterrestrial vehicle capable of using a propellant depot architecture within cis-lunar space and beyond.

The Wattree Chronicle: The American Propaganda Machine 07, 2010 · The American propaganda machine tells us that Muslims are a hostile people who hate American freedom. The most cursory examination of that claim reveals that the evidence the claim is based upon is highly flawed, yet the American people have been persuaded that it's true.

The Serpentine Line: Barbarians At The Tea Party is rotten in the state of Denmark - Hamlet (1.4.90), Marcellus to Horatio The reticence of Willard "Mittens" Romney to cooperate with his hosts' Olympian endeavors is surprising at first since better etiquette might be expected from the crusty upperclassman, although one suspects that megalomania might be the primary cause for such incivility.

When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?https://iamsby.blogspot.commoments. It was the wonderfully good, maryada purushottam (finest specimen of a human being) Ram who turned away from his devoted wife Sita. Tavris in her article goes on to talk of Gandhiji ‘who reached the highest moral stage and yet often treated his wife, family and followers in a harsh manner’; Martin Luther King Jr, ‘who

Above The Chatter: Funding the Public Employee Pension in ... the Public Employee Pension in Wisconsin ... ball players often defer payment of money they are to be paid to a later date. In the meantime, that money is invested for the ball player’s benefit and then paid over at the time and in the manner agreed to in the contract between the parties. ... the reality is that it was the state who ...

“Thoughts and Prayers” Have Become Beneath Our Contempt ... 03, 2015 · Praying for the victims, their families & the San Bernardino first responders in the wake of this tragic shooting. — Jeb Bush (@JebBush) December 2, 2015 Yesterday, there was another mass shooting in America. That was the 355th murderous tirade this year, a rate of more than one mass shooting per day. More than 600 innocents have been killed by guns, and 1,620 seriously injured. …

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Dec 8, 2014 Columbia, South Carolina, United States Alvin McEwen is 48-year-old African-American gay man who resides in Columbia, SC. McEwen's blog, Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, and writings have been mentioned by,, People for the American Way, Raw Story, The Advocate, Media Matters for America,,, Andrew Sullivan's ...

Orcinus: 10/20/2013 - 10/27/2013 Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

David Drake: Jackson Memorial Open To Ticket-Holders Only ... attorney for Michael Jackson, John Branca, has been named special administrator of the late singer's estate. In a hearing in Los Angeles County Superior Court Monday morning, Judge Mitchell Beckloff said: "Somebody does need to be at the helm of this ship" to address ongoing business issues. He named John Branca, a longtime attorney for Mr. Jackson, and John McClain, a music ...

Blue Heart of Dixie: A Southern Funeral 19, 2010 · Aunt Janie, the 11th child, was responsible for the Wheel since the 1990s at least. Before she died, she made Frances promise her that if she were dead, and Frances living, that EVERY sibling would have a Wheel. This was the first death since Aunt Janie died in 2007. Frances did a great job.

Academy Award nominee | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat ... Six Dollar Fifty Man: The World Gets a New Hero. The Six Dollar Fifty Man is an inspiring short film directed by Mark Albiston and Louis Sutherland, produced at New Zealand’s Sticky Pictures for NZ Shorts.The award-winning short film premiered with Special Distinction in Cannes 2009, received the Jury Prize for Filmmaking at Sundance 2010 and was nominated for Best Live Action Short Film ...

David Drake: Biden: "Uptick" In Afghanistan "Idiot" Biden said, "... there will be an "uptick" in American casualties in Afghanistan as the U.S. military increases its presence in that country, which he characterized as "a real mess." A real mess, is it Joe? Why then, in your 2007 book, Promises To Keep" write the following? Biden fully supported a military campaign in Afghanistan, having noted that most terrorist breeding grounds ...

Steve Chapman: Michelle Obama's speech who went in thinking of her as an angry black nationalist must have wondered where this warm, likable person came from. It's not easy to achieve a relaxed, intimate tone even in a small setting, but Michelle Obama managed to do it in front of a big crowd, with millions tuning in on TV.

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: How Did 28, 2013 · African Americans have been called the "conscience of the nation." We have also been described as "Blues People." Together, those two narratives are efforts to capture a sense that black folks, as a group who were uniquely marked as fit for the status of human property, have a unique insight into questions of social justice and freedom.

Transgender Teen Suicide Hits Close to Home 05, 2015 · “Because he made me a girl on the top and a boy on the bottom.” My daughter choked up a bit when I told her this and said she thought that it was really sad, which was the response I guess I would have expected had I actually planned our conversation.

The Senses of Rhetoric: September 2010 Burns, Invasion of the Mind Snatchers: Television's Conquest of America in the Fifties (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2010). from the press: When the first television was demonstrated in 1927, a headline in The New York Times read, "Like a Photo Come to Life." It was a momentous occasion. But the power of television wasn't fully harnessed until the 1950s, when the medium was, as ...

Jewish Race Car Driver Describes Anti-Semitism In NASCAR ... 02, 2008 · Seconds later, the signal is given, Denning slams on the gas pedal and his adrenaline goes into overdrive as the race gets off to a start. Denning, a 20-year-old Jewish-American from New Jersey, stands out from the crowd of NASCAR drivers by virtue of his religious orientation.

Solyndra: Obama Warned Last Year, N.Y. Times Clueless ... 27, 2011 · Good to see that the winner of a “real” Nobel prize (Chu) can be every bit as greasy and unethical as the winner of a fake Nobel prize (Krugman). Tulpa September.28.2011 at 2:09 am

Deep Horizon blowout caused by &apos;methane bubble&apos ... 11, 2010 · News reports from this past weekend indicate that the Deep Horizon drilling rig disaster was caused by a methane bubble that traveled up the drill column. The details in the AP story are not completely clear, but it seems that exothermic heat released by curing cement caused a significant amount of methane, which exists on the ocean floor in the form of slushy, heavier-than-water crystals, …

Proof Positive: Why Krauthammer is voting for McCain 12, 2008 · A foreign policy novice instinctively inclined to the flabbiest, most vaporous multilateralism (e.g., the Berlin Wall came down because of "a world that stands as one"), and who refers to the most deliberate act of war since Pearl Harbor as "the tragedy of 9/11," a term more appropriate for a bus accident? Good point!

Tenured Radical: What Will Be The "Obama Effect" for Women? 01, 2009 · It was the Roosevelt Administration, as Alice Kessler-Harris has noted in her book, In Pursuit of Equity: Women, Men and the Pursuit of Economic Citizenship in 20th-Century America (2003) that, as it sought to empower working men in a capitalist economy, wrote social discrimination against women into economic legislation. Indeed, they saw this ...

Russian oligarchs may have directly funded Donald Trump's ... the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly insisted that he would not be in the pocket of special interests—because he was too rich. Trump: I’m self-funding my own campaign. It’s my money. Trump repeatedly claimed during the campaign that he would spend $100 million of “his own money” to get elected. In the end, Fortune reports that […]

CIA Director Porter Goss Abruptly Resigns (UPDATED) – The ... 06, 2006 · Other recent changes in the White House were expected, but the announcement today that CIA Director Porter Goss resigned came abruptly …

Perhaps It’s Unfair Of Me – Unsightly Mental 08, 2018 · Perhaps It’s Unfair Of Me ... by definition, in fact a contradiction of one of the guiding principles of the framework, and generally not a contradiction which can be intellectually argued around. A fine example was the advocacy and use of torture by the Bush Administration during the Iraq War.

MSNBC Panels Have Massive Meltdowns Over Pope Francis ... 01, 2015 · It was quite the scene on Wednesday night as the viewers of MSNBC’s All In and The Last Word saw extensive meltdowns by two different panels over the revelation that Pope Francis took time during his visit to the United States to secretly meet with Kentucky clerk Kim Davis with panelists decrying how “deeply disappointed” they were at the “bizarre” meeting.

Banned Books Cafe: 2011 most "alternative" publication I have ever encountered was the "Berkeley Barb," which had its heyday from 1965 to 1980 in the Bay Area of California. Unfortunately, it has gone the way of the dial telephone and manual typewriters.

The Union News.: Getting to know Valerie Jarrett 06, 2009 · In Richard Daley’s Chicago, she was the turn-to person for flexing muscles, padding pockets, and covering tracks. In Barack Obama’s Washington, she is the single advisor most responsible for both for originating and orchestrating his most brazen attempts to impose what many see as a socialist regime upon the American people.

The “Smoking Grandmother” | Blog or Die! 27, 2008 · The first obvious fact is that the communications were difficult and that the parties were having a hard time understanding each other. After sleeping on it, though, the essential problem jumped out. Look back at the transcript, at the question: “was ah she present when he was born?”

Know Your LGBT History - Making Love Love (1982) was a movie that was groundbreaking in the fact that it seriously looked at a gay relationship. No comedy, no parody, ...

VIFF 2018 | Oscars | Hollywood Loves the Vancouver Film's a character and a performance you can't help but root for, one of the year's best performances, in one of the best films of the year, and a certain Oscar contender. Can You Ever Forgive Me? screens at VIFF 2018 only one time: Saturday, October 6th, 8:45pm at the luxurious Centre for the Performing Arts , located on Homer Street just ...

Zen Comix: Dreams of a Rabbit Fiend showed up on eBay periodically, selling for over $5000 for a mint condition copy. The realization that he had torn up $5000 drove Porter over the edge. A wake was held in the backyard of my old buddy, P.H. Milner. My corpse was placed in the backseat of a 1972 olive green Dodge Dart, and a microphone was set up for people to tell stories.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Mar 13, 2013 old, same old anti-gay bigotry from NOM-bought black pastor shell group - William Owens and his wife have to earn their $40,000 from NOM somehow. Video: Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) says gays have 'disordered relationships' - Oh brother.Here we go again.

Habeas lawyers for Obama: HABEAS LAWYERS FOR OBAMA 28, 2008 · Thank you, Habeas lawyers, for your work, which is so important to the integrity of our Constitution and our country, and to the security of the world. And thank you for supporting Senator Obama. I have been volunteering for his campaign for a long while now, and this endorsement has made me the most proud.

RADARSITE: The Hijab-What is its Significance? It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter.

16 | June | 2009 | Live By Ubuntu 16, 2009 · Hate speech is proof of the disease. June 16, 2009 at 1:07 am (Health, In the news, Michelle Obama, Post Racial, race and gender, racial micro-aggressions) Dear Crystal, I am in Charleston, my birthplace, minutes away from Sullivan’s Island, “Slavery’s Ellis Island,” the end of the Middle Passage for approx. 40% of the enslaved people taken from West Africa.

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump watches his interviews ... 02, 2016 · The US Cabinet is now some reality show to Trump, who is 'auditioning' people for what used to be very serious, demanding jobs. Now he's hiring Goldman Sachs, Exxon, and unqualified people in every spot, and most of them despise their agencies.

Psychology | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities Maker: The Beguiling Preciousness of Life and Love. The Maker is an acclaimed stop-motion animated short film directed by Christopher Kezelos, which has screened and wan major film awards at a number of film festivals.The film has recently been nominated for Best Animated Short Film in the 2013 Short of the Week Awards, with winners to be announced beginning February11, 2013.

A Stunning Error in Mississippi - The StandDown Texas Project StandDown Texas Project was organized in 2000 to advocate a moratorium on executions and a state-sponsored review of Texas' application of the death penalty. To stand down is to go off duty temporarily, especially to review safety procedures.

Tim Kaine’s “Move Mountain” DNC Convention Address 28, 2008 · Full text below the fold: Tim Kaine, Virginia Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 06:15 PM What an honor to be here on this powerful night! What an honor to speak not just to those gathered here in Denver but to homes across America—and not just those owned by …

Michael Fountain: Blood for Ink: February 2011 Cockburn, who I first remember for trying to get at the truth of the 1980s and beyond, has a short, simple correction to all the aggrandizement of Ronald Reagan on the hundredth anniversary of his birth. If you're feeling less than moderate, there's a new book of Tim Kreider's cartoons, driving a stake through Reagan's dead black heart and putting his head on a pike, finally keeping ...

There Is A Snake in the Grass | Common Sense, Uncommon Insight 02, 2010 · Time marches on from the day and time that Branville McCartney has resigned as Minister of State for Immigration in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where Brent Symonette, who is also Deputy Prime Minister serves as the substantive Minister. The dust is starting to settle. There is a snake in the grass. Think back in…

Donald Trump meets Little Miss Flint. Update! 02, 2016 · I think if Donald Trump were to be elected president that his little girl's response would closely match our own. Perhaps one of the mos...

BadgerDemhttps://badgerdem.blogspot.comThe Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Wisconsin State Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) filed papers on Monday with the Election Commission and released a statement today declaring her candidacy to unseat Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker in the April 2008 election. "It's time for a higher degree of leadership and a new direction. I vow to restore balance, integrity and fiscal ...

Not Without Representationhttps://notwithoutrepresentation.blogspot.comannmariespiciarich A retired police sergeant with 23 years experience and a background in SWAT, as a crime scene technician, a DARE instructor, a PBA president, Annmarie also worked as a paramedic, a registered nurse, a volunteer firefighter and currently works as a mental health counselor for a …

05 | May | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 05, 2017 · Read: Jeremiah 29:4–14. Bible in a Year: 1 Kings 19–20; Luke 23:1–25 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”—Jeremiah 29:11

NAMI Files Amicus Brief in John Ferguson Case - The ... National Alliance on Mental Illness filed an amicus brief today, along with three Florida mental health organizations, asking the U.S. Supreme Court to halt the execution of John Ferguson, a man with a long history of severe mental illness, who is on Florida's death row …

30 | December | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 30, 2006 · 4 posts published by Suzie-Que on December 30, 2006. WASHINGTON, Dec. 29 — The Justice Department is investigating whether the director of a multibillion-dollar oil-trading program at the Interior Department has been paid as a consultant for oil companies hoping for contracts.. The director of the program and three subordinates, all based in Denver, have been transferred to different jobs ...

Daniel Inouye | Mudflats So Senator Inouye who is 84 years old, is trying to help Ted Stevens who is 84 years old, keep his job. And he is also replacing Robert Byrd who will turn 91 next week, as the Chair of the Appropriations Committee.

Ravi Zacharias Ministry – Fully Alive | DAILY DEVOTIONS ... 13, 2019 · The glory of God is the human person fully alive. I first read this quote by Irenaeus of Lyons while still a graduate student. In my early rendering of this evocative statement, I imagined people at play in a field of flowers, the sun shining brightly. Everyone is happy and smiling, laughing even, as…

News Coverage & Commentary on the Troy Davis Order - The ...'s concurring comments by Justice Stevens is here; Justice Scalia’s dissent, here. "Supreme Court Orders New Look at Death Row Case," is the title of Adam Liptak's New York Times report. The Supreme Court on Monday ordered a federal trial court in Georgia to consider the case of Troy Davis, who is on death row in state prison there for the 1989 murder of an off-duty police officer.

06 | January | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 06, 2013 · him but as the small dust of the balance. Nothing is so sweet as to “Lie passive in God’s hands, And know no will but his.” O child of suffering, be thou patient; God has not passed thee over in his. providence. He who is the feeder of sparrows, will also furnish you with what. you need. Sit not down in despair; hope on, hope ever. Take ...

john carlin | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! individual (or individuals) has been identified as Kevin Clinesmith who altered FISA docs, who worked with his reported lover Sally Moyer for the current Intelligence Community (IC) Inspector General (IG), Michael Atkinson. Keep in mind Atkinson only assumed this position in May of 2018. Only the second Inspector General for the Intelligence Community.

Ruth Institute Blog » Parental Rights parental rights eroding at the international level, a proposed constitutional amendment in Washington, DC, seeks to legally protect those rights for American parents. “The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is a …

RADARSITE: Jewish Leadership in Seattle and Los Angeles ... 14, 2014 · Paul Schnee, who I had the pleasure of meeting at a recent pro-Israel rally in Los Angeles, has sent me an article in the Jewish Journal on one of the leading figures in Los Angeles, Jonathan Jacoby, who is leaving his position at the LA Jewish Federation to return to the New Israel Fund, of which he is a founding member.

Redeye's Front Page: Michael Eric Dyson exposes Giuliani ... 09, 2014 · The decision by Governor Jay Nixon (D-MO) to declare a state of emergency in his state ahead of the grand jury decision in the killing of Michael Brown has been a hot topic this week, and resulted in a very clarifying moment on NBC’s Meet The Press Sunday morning. In discussing cities with disproportionately white police forces, giuliani decided to change the subject to, what else, so-called ...

Humint Events Online: You're Not Going to Believe This, But... 15, 2015 · Possibly the strangest UFO/Alien story out there--the case of Budd Hopkins and "Linda Cortile".I read the book on this, "Witnessed: the True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions" and assuming everything he wrote in there is true, it is an amazing and well-documented story.The guy who wrote the column above dissecting the case says he's seen the documents.

The Immoral Minority: The guy who wrote that RNC speech ... 04, 2016 · We live in an age that everyone who is in the military is now a hero whether they sit at a desk typing paperwork or not. Combat infrantry deserves much more . You put your ass on the line you deserve respect. I know a guy who was Grand Marshall of a parade in a po dunk town in Ohio. Never saw combat a day in his life he is a desk jockey. Rah Rah!

RADARSITE: DOJ's Thomas Perez on the Hot Seat 29, 2012 · Perez is one of Eric Holder's top henchmen in DOJ and is a driving force behind many of the Department's questionable activities. In this exchange, Trent Franks (R-AZ) asked him about whether DOJ would consider any le gislation against speech critical of any religion.

Podunk Below the Masthead Archives July 2009 24, 2009 · Our archive of the daily headline findings from Prince Rupert's Daily News newspaper, this one for the month of July 2009. July 31-- PR MAYOR IS THE BEARER OF GLAD TIDINGS-- After a few years of growing concern, some of the main priorities of health care in Prince Rupert appear to be in the process of being addressed. The Friday paper featured the details of some upcoming initiatives by ...

The Immoral Minority: Trump signs executive order the ... 08, 2017 · Courtesy of the AP: President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday launching a commission to review alleged voter fraud and voter suppression, building upon his unsubstantiated claims that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election.

(READ): As boycott continues, Glenn Beck’s audience swells ... 29, 2009 · Source: LA Times An advertising boycott against Fox News host Glenn Beck has succeeded in keeping most major sponsors from running commercials on his show even as the controversial commentator's viewership has grown. Beck attracted 2.81 million viewers Monday, his third-largest audience since his show launched on Fox News in January, according to Nielsen Media…

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Ditko Dead 05, 2018 · I have never been a big fan of comic books, with one notable exception, but I have absorbed much of the pop culture through Saturday cartoon adaptations.Well, recently, the reclusive Steve Ditko, who came up with Spider-Man, died in his New York apartment.To me, Spider-Man was perhaps the most appealing superhero- he was a teenager who had to deal with studies, relationship …

Clinton's Attacks on Bernie Sanders are Falling Flat | Bud ... 22, 2016 · Lewinsky “was known as ‘the Stalker,’” Mr. Clinton told adviser Sidney Blumenthal on Jan. 21, 1998, according to Mr. Blumenthal’s grand jury testimony. Mr. Clinton added that she “came at me and made a sexual demand on me,” but the President “rebuffed her” and the lowly intern then “threatened him.”

Donald Trump’s Sick Response To Terrorist Attacks: Be More ... 29, 2016 · His post-Istanbul comments (video below) were typical of his impulse for impetuous violence and his embrace of ignorance. It’s a study in how a cranky child might react to not getting its way. But when seen in an adult who aspires to lead a great nation and a …

Fox News Has a New Mantra in Defense of Trump: Mueller is ... 11, 2018 · But it’s nauseating to see a man with real integrity, principle, and courage, being trashed as a traitor to the country he served faithfully for his entire adult life. Especially when held up in comparison to the greedy, racist, sexual predator who is currently exploiting his occupancy of the White House to sell out the nation to its enemies.

The Rectification of Names: So raise the scarlet standard high 12, 2015 · Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is teddibly concerned for the unfortunate British Labour Party, which has just elected "hard-left" Jeremy Corbyn to the party leadership: I can’t help noticing that, for most of my childhood and early adult life, a succession of Labour Party leaders reformed the constitution of the Labour Party. Neil Kinnock did, John Smith did, Tony Blair did, to ...

Beep! Beep! On The Edge Of The Event Horizon… | Suzie-Que ... 16, 2008 · GEF @ 6:10 PM ET. Banks Could Put an End to the American Dream. By James Howard Kunstler. About the Author (born 1948) is an American author, social critic, and blogger who is perhaps best known for his book The Geography of Nowhere, a history of …

“Anti-white racism” | Arun with a View 27, 2012 · [update below] [2nd update below] [3rd update below] How low can Jean-François Copé go? In his knock-down-drag-out fight with François Fillon for the presidency of the UMP—on which the 260K party members will vote on November 18th—Copé has scraped the bottom of the extreme right toilet in his denunciation of the supposed existence of “anti-white racism” (racisme anti-blanc) in ...

This I can tell you: One veterans group that ... - Eclectablog 02, 2016 · Donald Trump is involved in a number of scandals this week. First, his swindling of Trump University students has made the national spotlight when the Washington Post convinced the judge overseeing the case to release internal Trump U. documents to the public. That sham operation is still unfolding and the “sleazy” media that’s daring to do its job by investigating Trump’s integrity ...

Setting the record straight about Pete Hoekstra's racist ... Hoekstra’s point collides with fact, he calls in the help of a large font: he describes China as “the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury securities”—which is true—but then describes China’s holdings as increasing from 9.6 per cent in 2002 to twenty-six per cent in 2010.

Inside, Looking Out – Iran’s Ahmadinejad gives shout out 19, 2009 · 4:16 PM ET — “Maybe I will be one of the people who is going to get killed.” A blog post in Persian, translated by the NIAC. “I will participate in the demonstrations tomorrow. Maybe they will turn violent. Maybe I will be one of the people who is going to get killed. I’m listening to all my favorite music. I even want to dance to a ...

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: White is also one of the most important elements of the Constitution because it is the ultimate protection against a tyrant. Trump and his regime, of course, do not believe that any substantive restrictions on the president’s behavior exist — as long as the president is …

Arts Friday | Tom Charity's Vancity Theatre of Friday | Tom Charity's Vancity Theatre of Transcendence. In Vancouver there is a cinema of beauty, programmed by the indomitable Tom Charity, who has turned the Vancity Theatre into the most successful year-round cinema attached to a film festival, anywhere on the continent.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Alcee Hastings ... 28, 2006 · About Me Name: Glenn Greenwald I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books -- "How Would a Patriot Act" (a critique of Bush executive power theories), "Tragic Legacy" (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America's two-tiered justice system …

Why I Hate Payton Manning | the greatest recent legend of UT football, Manning symbolizes the triumph of the college sports mentality that overshadows everything else that happens--or could happen--at UT. It's a mentality that dumbs down everything around it and sucks up an enormous amount of resources that might otherwise go to something like teaching or research ...

Tickle The WireFBI Archives - Page 35 of 607 - Tickle The Steve Neavling The FBI and Secret Service are investigating the discovery of a bomb sent to Hillary and Bill Clinton’s suburban New York home early Wednesday morning.. A U.S. official told the Associated Press that the suspicious package was a “functional explosive device.”. Police in New Castle, N.Y., said they are helping federal authorities in “the ...

Scaramouche: Islamists Speak With Forked Tongue's hardly a shockeroo that the things the Muslim Brotherhood says to gullible kafirs is completely different from--and entirely at odds with--the message it imparts to the faithful:Amid new strains in U.S.-Egypt ties, some in Washington are studying the tensions and results of recent voting for indications that democracy can take hold.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: New Ferry to come with new cabin … Queen Charlotte Observer has run a story on their website that outlines the price increase for those looking for a little privacy on their journey. With the high end cost of a cabin on the Northern Adventure checking in at 85 dollars for an outside cabin with occupancy of four, and the QPR cabins rising in …

April 1, 2007 – Skeptical Brotha 01, 2007 · 2 posts published by skepticalbrotha on April 1, 2007. The malevolence that is Hillary Clinton has announced her first quarter fund-raising total-a record shattering $ 36 million, that is approximate to George W. Bush’s earth shattering total in the summer of 1999 when her $10 million in Senate re-elect money is factored in.

03 | March | 2012 | Mark Solock Blog 03, 2012 · 20 posts published by marksolock on March 3, 2012

al queda | 44-D – The Taliban’s top military commander has been arrested in a joint CIA-Pakistani operation in Pakistan in a major victory against the insurgents as U.S. troops push into their heartland in southern Afghanistan, officials said Tuesday.. Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the group’s No. 2 leader behind Afghan Taliban founder Mullah Mohammad Omar and a close associate of Osama bin ...

West Coast Cookbook & Speakeasy Daily Special, Metro ... 16, 2020 · West Coast Cookbook & Speakeasy is Now Open! 8am-9am PT/ 11am-Noon ET for our especially special Daily Specials, Metro Shrimp & Grits Thursdays! Starting off …

Diary: President Obama - Quotes | OpEdNews 21, 2009 · Diary: President Obama - Quotes - Each of these insightful and/or inspiring quotes has been made by President Obama. ..Before he even began his presidency.

Nonsense! Spys @thetop - Pinterest 4, 2019 - Explore gerrabbit123's board "Nonsense! Spys @thetop" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Nonsense, Donald trump president, Human trafficking awareness.76 pins71 followers

Diary: How Times Like These Add Up To This Space Cowboy ... 23, 2012 · Diary: How Times Like These Add Up To This Space Cowboy - This Article is follow up to a letter sent to The White House, the cold winter of 2010. It …

Another Corporate Tactic In America's Great Pension Rip ... is a well-known story that defined benefit pension plans are in serious trouble, both in the public and private sector. Many economists believe that the next financial crisis will be triggered because of the massive unfunded liabilities in the existing pension plans.And plenty of private sector workers have seen their pensions slashed and even attempts to have their pensions eliminated.

Liveblogging the Second Presidential Debate: Paul Constant ... all. You know the drill. Send your comments to us through the widget, and remember: We get thousands of comments during these liveblogs. Megan Seling is sorting through them, and she’s super fast, but during key moments she’s getting dozens or hundreds of comments a minute.

Stand or Die — Why it is Important to Take Seriously the ... 19, 2016 · Sixth Century BC: Discussion between Demaratus and King Xerxes prior to the latter’s march upon Greece: “Xerxes sent for Demaratus the son of Ariston, who had accompanied him in his march upon Greece, and said to him: “‘Demaratus, I would like you to tell me something. As I hear, you are a Greek and a…

PERRspectives: Nixon with course, from the beginning those same blue bloods were the bane of Richard Nixon's existence. As Aaron Astor explained last year in his review of Rick Perlstein's excellent Nixonland: At Whittier College, Nixon's alma mater, there was the social "in" crowd that formed an elite social club called the Franklins.

Fact Check: Video showing Mark Zuckerberg smoking meat ... his responses, Zuckerberg admitted that his company has "certainly adapted features that others have led in" but also countered that its moves were not anti-competitive. Claim reviewed : Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg grilled meat during Big Tech hearing . Claimed By : Social Media.

Jimmy Carter Receives A Virtual “Bitch Slap” on C-Span ... 04, 2006 · Jimmy Carter was taken to task on C-Span a few days ago when the Female Caller made it explicitly clear about her feeling for the former failed President of the United States who has made it his duty to see the Jewish State of Israel destroyed by his Arab, Persian, Communists, and …

Shirley's Purpose Driven Life | themcglynn.com was a remarkable achievement given there were so many highly trained professors teaching at the medical school but it demonstrates vividly how much the students respected her work. In the fall of 1982, she began teaching in MEDPREP, a department within the medical school, which is a preparatory program for Medical school.

Qui aime bien, châtie bien | Printculture 26, 2013 · Normale Sup’ is one of the grandes écoles, the establishments that are the hardest to get into (entrance is by a daunting written and oral exam) and that, like the US Ivy League, give students a professional network and a guaranteed first good posting. (In …

NationStates • View topic - Trump MAGAthread VI 27, 2017 · Austria-Bohemia-Hungary Postmaster-General Posts: 12884 Founded: Jun 28, 2011 Civil Rights Lovefest

Where's India heading towards? | Yahoo Answers 29, 2008 · what do u think about terrorism in india . more than terrorism . india is moving towards a cultural revolution were india is going to have very bad results . india i growing richer but it is also having the highest amonut of beggers in the world . i think this will lead to a revolution in india . all these bomb blasts are the sign for its beggining

bugs | Stephen Curtiss Rose One Who Is Who One Will Be Is in all those With eyes to see Short Form Content. Associated Content. Twitter. Facebook

The Immoral Minority: Man attempts to hire hitman to kill ... 09, 2015 · Mr. G, I am not sure that Tiemessen is Sarah's lawyer anymore. According to SarahPac's year end filing, the PAC paid the Washington DC law firm of Baker & Hostetler a retainer of $4,500 for legal services on November 25, 2014.

Ignite Incitehttps://igniteincite.blogspot.comThe many women, girls, who come across this ‘crisis’ are people who rather not live an ascetic life, but live life without a regard of the little persons that might diminish along the way. I realize that there is conception due to a male’s corrosive act; however a life is a life no matter in what manner it came to be.

FBI’s Tainted Key Witness Creates Big ... - Tickle The 07, 2014 · This piece originally appeared in Gang Land News on June 26 and is being reprinted with permission. It’s the most recent story Gang Land News has published about the case since disclosing that prosecutors gave sweet plea deals to two Gambino family gangsters on the eve of trial in January rather than allow their lawyers to question the FBI’s key witness about the reason he agreed to …

Article: Infrastructure Repair Finance Faces Big Brother ... 19, 2008 · It went on to outline a three-prong strategy to pay for required improvements to our infrastructure. The first is to increase the federal gas tax 5-8 cents per gallon per year for the next 5 …

Biased, Yes, But Biased for What? - Progress Pond 18, 2014 · Conservatism is about hierarchy. Freedom, to a conservative, is the freedom to hurt the guy below you on the totem pole. It is not the freedom to mouth off to the guy above you. If you did mouth off to the guy above you, and he hurt you for it, then he would simply be exercising his god-given conservative freedoms.

American Power: Conor Friedersdorf: Hammered on Multiple ... 06, 2009 · The Big Baby at Big Ideas has refused to engage the substantive points at my post, "Conor Friedersdorf: Small-Minded Narcissist."In his own posts, Mr. Friedersdorf makes provocative assertions, and then he whines when you call him out on them. He then accuses others of "ad hominem" attacks as if that relieves him of the responsibility of defending his allegations.

Comments - Week of October 3, 2011 -- New York Magazine ... 03, 2011 · Comments: Week of October 3, 2011 1. In his cover story ( “ The Tsuris ,” September 26), John Heilemann made the case that supporters of Israel should realize the president is the best friend ...

Donald Trump Bagged Nomination Due To Media’s Lust For ... 15, 2016 · “Whereas media coverage helped build up Trump, it helped tear down Clinton. Trump’s positive coverage was the equivalent of millions of dollars in ad-buys in his favor, whereas Clinton’s negative coverage can be equated to millions of dollars in attack ads, with her on the receiving end.

The Rumblings of a Deranged Buffalo: Friday Beer Post: My ... Cigar - Alaskan Amber, Alaskan Brewing - It's become a tradition for me and a few friends to enjoy a victory cigar after every home football win and any big home basketball wins (for example, victory cigar after Mizzou, but not Okie St). With that cigar, I usually want to enjoy a manhattan, but if I go the beer route, I'll always take ...

Walter Cronkite and the death of a legend | Wide World of ... 17, 2009 · A Wimbledon memory after a weekend bereft of its usual glory. And a great story about the last news reporter covering a small town; Good News Friday: The Negro Leagues turn 100, and there’s a whole lot of love being shown. A woman is joining the Army Special Forces for the first time ever.

Obama, McCain, CNN, Roland Martin, Donna Brazile, Riots ... 18, 2008 · Larry Sinclair has a new post about the questions asked last night to John McCain and Barack Obama at Saddleback Church by Rick Warren. Sinclair cites another instance of Obama not being asked tough questions. Here is Larry Sinclair's article: "August 17, 2008 ROLAND MARTIN: TELL OBAMA TO TALK ABOUT HIS AFFAIRS WITH GAY MEN…

…MORE Sarah!!! Whew (check out these pics) | Suzie-Que's ... 01, 2008 · McBush appointed a female because he put his personal ambition first. He has put our economy, military, national security under threat by placing an inexperienced, creationism-believer, global-warming-denying, anti-choice even in the case of rape and incest, young woman with five children, the youngest a Downs Syndrom infant of five months old who needs his mother’s full attention, a ...

Odds and ends number 36 – 31, 2011 · “The Governor’s goals are laudable, but it should not be done without local say. PlanMaryland turns the current planning model on its head and undermines local planning authority,” said St. Mary’s County Commissioner Cindy Jones. The two hour meeting was the first time this many stakeholders from rural counties have met on PlanMaryland.

Barefoot and Laughing: March 2011 10, 2011 · (We’re both low-maintenance, but we share one bathroom. I’m the first up, because wiping down the shower makes me cough so I don’t do it anymore.) I lie down on the table and they bake my head, 45 seconds a side. We’re home by 8:15. The treatment itself is astonishingly easy; the steroids are the only reason it’s hard to endure.

Smoking in the Movies - freedom-writing.blogspot.com American Medical Association Alliance wants any movie with scenes that show people smoking to be given an R rating . I'll confess to h...

TRUMP WILL FIND A WAY TO WUSS OUT AND BLAME SOMEONE … 02, 2015 · trump will find a way to wuss out and blame someone else A lot of people are taking this New Hampshire Union Leader story seriously, but I'm not buying it: Donald Trump will launch a presidential exploratory committee Wednesday, the eve of …

Tenured Radical: Asian American Civil War History: Chinese ... 08, 2010 · Among the killed at Gettysburgh was a young Chinaman, known as JOHN TOMMY. He was attached to the First regiment Excelsior brigade, Capt. PRICK's company. JOHN TOMMY was the only representative of the Central Flowery Kingdom in the Army of the Potomac, and was widely known both from that circumstances and certain peculiarities of this own.

Bad Boy Brett Kavanaugh, the Un-Supreme - PolitiZoom 15, 2019 · The attached news item is more evidence that recent Supreme Court Appointment, Justice Brett Kavanaugh was once a disgusting, little, privileged preppy, who was raised without proper parental or sibling guidance; who probably needed to get bitch slapped regularly by public school, cool guys who were every bit as scholastically and athletically accomplished, who grew up to be every bit …

Who Are The WH Sources On Trump Campaign Collusion And …'t it always the case - I go offline for one day and the biggest story of the year drops. Well, I don't think anyone expected that the Trump team would be this stupid to leave such an easy and clear paper trail of their outright collusion with the Russians, including a definitive quid-pro-quo of help electing Trump in return for the lifting of sanctions, or that they wouldn't have destroyed ...

Otto's War Room (??): BANGLADESH- EXPANSION OF … religionist genocide and mass repression has attained new height in Bangladesh.The religionists, in 1-2 July 2016, carried massacre in Spanish restaurant Holy Artisan Bakery in Gulshan in Dhaka and ruthlessly killed 20 including 9 Italian, 7 Japanese, 1 Indian, 1 Bangladeshi origin US and 2 Bangladeshis. Among them 10 was woman.

The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin as the crucified Christ? 10, 2011 · Think about it. Sarah could easily fade away from the spotlight and most wouldnt notice. Shed still make late night jokes as shes easy. the only people whod "miss her" are the bots and the haters, which is a very small group. Theres a very specific reason …

Bush Out way, a clear case of plagiarism. Iraq The Model used to be wildly pro-US, but reality has set in. The comments are still full of the same rabid nut-jobs, but the blog is now trying to present itself as an alternative news source.

Lying, cheating, and stealing: Who? leader of a bizarre polygamist sect who is known to have tortured animals and who mostly likes to fire people is the leading candidate for President. The International Olympic Committee voted to allow female volleyball players to wear baggy pants instead of bikinis, thereby totally ruining the sport for 50% of the viewers in the world.

Why Won’t Glenn Beck Say Lara Logan’s Name? | News Corpse 17, 2011 · These people are the bright-and-shinies who, in an entertaining fashion, keep the audience from noticing the true manipulators and their deeds. Eleanor K. Sommer on 2/19/2011 Poor taste does not begin to describe the actions Glenn Beck and Nir Rosen.

MICHAEL SCHEUER | Bureaucracybuster's Blog“When trouble comes up anywhere in the world, they don’t call Beijing. They don’t call Moscow. They call us.” So spoke President Barack Obama on the September 28, 2014 edition of 60 Minutes. And, according to former CIA agent Michael Scheuer, that’s the problem: America can’t learn to mind its own business. Scheuer is a 20-year CIA veteran—as well as an author, historian, foreign ...

Marry in Massachusetts: O for Specious Lies've seen him do this live, as live as he gets anyway, at an anti-SSM panel downtown.There the entire panel devolved into the inevitable pseudo-logic of it's only common sense.Yet, my observation is that anyone who is falling back on that is really saying there's no logical support, you're just supposed to except assertions and grunt approval — the I-got-nothing argument.

Last of Our Kind: What Does Sarah Palin Stand For? 13, 2008 · This is incredibly upsetting to think that Sarah Palin, a Vice Presidential candidate for the United States of America would CHARGE victims of rape for their own rape kits. To think that the woman McCain chose in order to help secure women voters, especially the disenfranchised Hillary Clinton supporters, is insane.

JustOneMinute: April Fools Open Thread 01, 2015 · [Guest post by hit and run*]. If I was going to try and pull an April Fools joke on JustOneMinute readers, what I would have posted as the new thread. But I didn't. So let's go with an Open Thread instead.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

Knoxville City Council to consider a pair of interesting City Council will consider a couple of interesting resolutions tomorrow. One would oppose weakening the state "sunshine law". It would be interesting …

McCain Puts His Foot In His Mouth Again… | Suzie-Que's ... 10, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 5:15 PM MST From: Think Progress McCain walks back claim that Baghdad is like a U.S. city Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) yesterday equated the security situation in Baghdad with any American city, telling an audience, “There’s problems in America with safe neighborhoods as we well know.” But he quickly tried to walk…

There’s Plenty of Bread & Butter at AIPAC | Suzie-Que's ... 11, 2008 · But we have a president who is more interested in taking a victory lap than he is in doing the… 4 days ago; RT @Goss30Goss: 3,210 new Covid-19 cases & 43 deaths in Florida over the last 24 hrs. @GovRonDeSantis refuses to implement mandatory safet… 5 days ago; RT @thomaskaine5: MAINERS. You can vote out Senator Susan Collins.

The Huck Upchuck: The Warrantless Blogtapping Program 07, 2010 · Even though we are dealing with a situation where mistakes just can't be made, it is important to remember that we are, and always will be, still dealing with fallible people. I believe it would be the same regardless of who is in power or how competent are the people responsible for such things. Even the best of us slip now and again.

Saipan Writer: Election Choices? The Candidates. 02, 2009 · This is a likely no for me. CRUZ, Gregorio Sanchez (Independent) Greg has gained notoriety of sorts for his Taotao Tano. I admire his willingness to stick his neck out, to complain, to demand answers, to be a loud mouth.

Now. Here. This.: How I Went from Miserable and Resentful ... that he was the love of my life, by any means, but it was the whole idea that I would have a SECOND divorce under my belt at the age of 28! What a failure I thought I was! I couldn’t bear what that indicated about me and facing all friends and family with ANOTHER marriage break up.

Tucker Carlson | The Illogical Seminary whole 13 minute ordeal was an absolute mess. My only wish is that they were two drunks in a bar so that Michael could clean Tucker’s clock, because live TV was the only thing keeping Avenatti in his seat. It was pretty obvious that Tucker was not there to let Avenatti make his case, as he said he would.

The Dishonesty of Bill Schmalfeldt : The Other McCain 25, 2012 · His initials are B.S., which is about all anyone would need to know about him, if he weren’t obsessively cyberstalking people, including my wife.But he has persisted — sending me more than 200 Twitter messages in a 48-hour period from Friday through Sunday afternoon — and his continuing career of harassment means that you’re likely to be hearing more about Bill Schmalfeldt in …

SOCIALISM LEADS TO NEW WORLD ORDER - Blogger is a common market where the level of integration is more developed. The member states may adopt common economic policies e.g. the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union. They may have a fixed exchange rate regime such as the ERM of the EMU. Indeed, they may have integrated further and have a single common currency.

Diplomacy: Mainstream Pundits Begin To Notice Condi Rice ... it was Rice who neglected to mention something: "democracy and reform." During the course of her visit to Egypt, and her latest tour through the Middle East, the words never publicly crossed her lips. From the very bitter beginning of Bush's reign, he and his neocon buddies, the men and women who tore up the Constitution and who still are ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: AN MLK APPROACH TO THE GUN ... 12, 2015 · I don't know what would change the gun control debate in America, but, regrettably, what people like Peter Read are doing just isn't effective:Mr. Read’s mind, after the mass shooting in Oregon, was on the first of his six children, his daughter Mary, murdered at age 19 in the 2007 campus massacre at Virginia Tech.His blue eyes rimmed with red, he drew a large circle in the air with his ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2006 · Presumably, the NIE's authors would admit that speculation rather than a statement of fact, since the facts suggest otherwise. Before the Iraq war, the United States suffered a series of terrorist attacks: the bombing and destruction of two American embassies in East Africa in 1998, the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in 2000, and the ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2013 · Oh, and the war was still going on, and the country was still racially polarized. No, we weren't happy campers in 1972 reveling in peace and prosperity. We were just sold on the notion that Nixon was the uprightest of citizens holding the line against dirty hippies like George McGovern.

The small number of competitive legislative races in’s always the possibility of a surprise, as the story notes, but barring anything unforeseen, all the action this year will be statewide and in the counties. That’s just not what the pattern has been over the past decade, but it’s a testament to the power of the 2011 redistricting.

RANDOM THOUGHTS: January 2013 21, 2013 · As the President takes his last oath of office, I still don't think I've come up with anything better to say. ... Those are the words that Barack Obama used in his now famous speech after the New Hampshire primary and it illustrates perfectly his connection with the man whose birthday we celebrate as a nation today. ... but it is not the end of ...

CHEMTRAILS: A Chemical Assault On People And Chemical ... 02, 2014 · Legality of Chemtrails Hotly Debated in Florida State of the Nation is very pleased to announce a recent development in the State of Florida regarding the ongoing chemtrail debate. Â The recent evolution of this debate is not whether chemtrails exist; rather, the discussion in Florida is whether such chemical assaults are legal under the rubric of international law. This debate was catalyzed ...

Height OpenTrackback Weekend - Woman Honor Thyself » Blog the years roll by, what will sociologists make of us? I find myself pondering that question sometimes when I think back to “the way life used to be” even in my lifetime. I find myself pondering that question today having spent some time reading… JR says: May 26th, 2007 at 6:32 pm. Hi Angel, I’m average height for a man at 5’10?.

Winter Patriot: VIDEO: The Military Industrial Media ... are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Maxfield Parrish: Our First Hollywood Dream Maker ... 22, 2012 · It was the nature of this effect that led me to title this blog post, “Maxfield Parrish: Ours First Hollywood Dream Maker.” I did so for the simple reason that Parrish seems to have invented—single-handedly—the magic of Hollywood. And he did it in 1905! As the Cutlers point out in their book, Parrish’s own life would make a great movie.

We The People | Sheila it certainly doesn’t mean that the responder understands the way American government works. Knowing the length of a Senator’s term (another question on the test) tells you nothing about the operation of the federal government, or federalism’s division of jurisdiction–the relationships among local, state and federal levels of government.

Al Qaeda's Godfather | Alternet's_godfatherAl Qaeda's Godfather. The inspiration behind much of today's violent jihadi culture was a shockingly dopey tourist. By Rolf Potts / The Believer. January 10, 2007, 9:00 PM GMT Print ...

EV Day 10: Two normally big days to go – Off the have completed ten days of early voting. Traditionally, the last two days are the big ones. Will we see the same this year? First, here are the comps: 2013 2011 2009 2007. Here’s a look at how turnout has gone over the first ten days of early voting for the past three municipal elections, and …

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

Article: Torture, Paramilitarism, Occupation and Genocide ... 25, 2007 · Torture, Paramilitarism, Occupation and Genocide - by Stephen Lendman On October 5, George Bush confronted a public uproar and defended his …

Tickle The WireGenovese Archives - Tickle The Land News. The office of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara quietly announced last month that it was dismissing charges against the last three defendants in the snake-bitten labor racketeering case that the FBI made against Genovese gangster Carmine Smurf Franco and 28 others.All told, prosecutors have dropped the charges against 10 of the 29 defendants in the indictment.

Daylee News Nuggets: News Nuggets 216 ultra-orthodox Jew on Mount Gerizim overlooking Nablus on the West Bank - from the Chicago Tribune. Obama's Six-Month Foreign Policy Report Card: Solid A-(David Rothkopf) from Foreign Policy Magazine(David Rothkopf) from Foreign Policy Magazine

Winter Patriot: Suicide Warfare In Pakistan: 'The Peace ... 16, 2007 · Suicide warfare rages again in Pakistan. Riaz Khan of the Associated Press is in Peshawar and comes to us via The Guardian: Suicide bombers struck yesterday in two areas of north-western Pakistan, killing up to 38 people, while Taliban militants broke a 10-month-old peace deal with the government along the Afghan frontier.

Appreciation of Ballots | Voting | Elections | Free 30-day ... of Ballots - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Rules in Appreciation of Ballots

Reverend Dan's Music For Nimrods: 2012 Hoodlum! Here's a show that just popped up on the radar! This Saturday, May 5th, make your way down to the scrap metal district of downtown Los Angeles and rock & roll at Cinco de Loco at the Blue Star! Four great bands, one of which is my band, the Bloody Brains! 18 & Over! Only $5! Here's the lineup: 9:45: 3 1/2 Bangs and Britches!

Orcinus: 'Far better reporting' Neiwert is an investigative journalist based in Seattle and a contributing writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center. He is the author of the forthcoming Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump (Verso Press, Fall 2017). He is also the author of And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border (NationBooks, March 2013)-- winner of the ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2008 · OUR GUYS On NPR this morning, Lourdes Garcia-Navarro was reporting from Sadr City in Baghdad, and, well, this doesn't sound promising (my transcript of the audio):... just so you realize a little bit of the complications here in Sadr City: We were escorted in to the Sadr office by a police vehicle, and as we were commenting on the roadside bomb that exploded, I said to one of the policemen ...

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: Aug 29, 2011 year when the Southern Poverty Law Center named several religious right groups as anti-gay hate groups, many of them united (with the Family Research Council - one of the groups named - leading the way) in a campaign with the semi- catchy title of Start Debating/Stop Hating. Start Debating/Stop Hating was a way in which these groups attempted to deflect the much-deserved criticism given ...

The Debate Link: 07/21/2019 - 07/28/2019 Sanford has had an interesting career. The former Governor of South Carolina penned a beautiful editorial about what it meant for Barack Obama to compete in his state's primary in 2008.Of course, his tenure as Governor is most renowned when he went missing -- "hiking the Appalachian Trail", his staff claimed-- in order to visit a mistress in Buenos Aires.

Exclusive: CODE PINK Attempts Another Citizens Arrest on ... just spoke with CODE PINK co-founder Jodie Evans who tried again --- as she did last month in Los Angeles--- to file a citizen's arrest against Karl Rove. This time Rove, whom she accuses of war crimes, was at a Barnes & Noble book signing event in Las Vegas. Last time, Rove was forced to cancel ...

Social Security | The Pardu's Scroll | Page 2 512 point drop of the DJIA and the 160 point drop of the NASDAQ is a clear warning from Wall Street, and international/national investors that they have little faith in the nation’s financial future. I like you have heard all evening about how the result …

An Update on the Troy Davis Case - The StandDown Texas Project his August court order, Moore summarised, "Mr Davis is not innocent." One of the jurors, Brenda Forrest, disagrees. She told CNN in 2009, recalling the trial of Davis, "All of the witnesses – they were able to ID him as the person who actually did it."

Article: Impeachment Won't Oust Trump and Pence ... - OpEdNews 14, 2017 · One of the first things they should do is to pass a version of the bill Ron Wyden offered in 2016,S.2979 - Presidential Tax Transparency Act.It requires presidential candidates to release their ...

Blood Sacrifice | The Word of Me... 12, 2010 · Quote of the day: The Christian Church wholeheartedly believes this 'Divine' biblical prophecy, which announces that the vast majority of humanity will follow the wrong road in life and will, as a result end up in Hell instead of Heaven. God - in his infinite wisdom - would have known in …

All Our Orifices Are In High-Def | Bakhtin's Cigarettes 11, 2014 · In his famous theory, he delineated all forms of communication into a spectrum of “hot” and “cold”, hotter media being more stimulating, more engaging of the senses. If he’s right, then maybe hi-def porn is just the inevitable refinement of an ancient product (i.e., dirty pictures).

Reprieve Request Filed For Duane Buck; Perry Out of State letter requesting a 30-day reprieve for Duane Buck is available in Adobe .pdf.. The updated AP report is, "Inmate's lawyers ask Perry to halt Texas execution."." It by Will Weissert, via CBS News. If courts continue to reject Buck's appeals, only Perry could delay the lethal injection by invoking his authority to issue a one-time 30-day reprieve for further review.

Campaign Finance Disclosures (6th District Commission & Local Union 519, Miami Lakes FL, $500.00 M & W Drilling Co., $500.00 Todd Ware (Buildings Constr. & Supply), Loganville GA, $150.00 Ironworkers Local Union, $900.00

Electronic Village: Five Reasons I 14, 2007 · Yesterday was the Five-Month Anniversary of the Electronic Village. One thing that I've learned since my first post is that hosting a blog is a responsibility. I didn't have a plan when I started blogging. I certainly didn't realize the responsibility that comes with keeping our blog current and relevant for visiting 'villagers'.

President Obama mentions Sarah Palin in speech. Well 11, 2016 · (Remarks are at the beginning of the video.) Courtesy of The New Civil Rights Movement : Looking back on his tenure as president, Ob...

Dawg's Blawg: Hassan Diab: former CSIS operative disses 12, 2009 · Hassan Diab: former CSIS operative disses Carleton Weighing in on the mini-controversy over Carleton University and its hiring/firing of Hassan Diab, David B. Harris pens an op-ed in today's Ottawa Citizen slamming Carleton for its initial hiring decision.

Back To Our"[Raymond] Azar alleges that on arriving at Bagram he was shackled to a chair in an office for seven hours and not allowed to move. Then in the midst of a cold rainstorm he was taken to an unheated metal shipping container converted to use as a cell. The cell was brightly lit and although the outside temperature approached freezing, he was given only a thin blanket.

La Puce Enigmatique/The Enigmatic from Common Dreams NewsCenter Published on Monday, July 5, 2004 by the Boston Globe by Anne E. Kornblut WASHINGTON -- Sifting through old classified materials in the days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, FBI translator Sibel Edmonds said, she made an alarming discovery: Intercepts relevant to the terrorist plot, including references to skyscrapers, had …

Tenured Radical: All About Eve: Eve Sedgwick, May 2, 1950 06, 2009 · All About Eve: Eve Sedgwick, May 2, 1950 – April 12, 2009 ... A reader of this blog and a former student of Eve's reminded me last night on Facebook that in Tendencies Eve takes up Roger Kimball's attack on the "tenured radicals." And of course my ironic use of that phrase on this blog is a trace of Eve's influence that is now so commonplace ...

The Rude Pundit: On the Need to Drop Stephen Miller Naked ... 12, 2018 · There is a kind part of me that hopes that nude Miller would seek out help in one of the thatched roof huts with a dirt floor and a fire pit for cooking. And that the family there, where they earn $5 a day harvesting beans, would take him in and share their ragged clothes and meager food, caring for him the way that strangers often take care of ...

Is there No Balm in Gilead? -- A sermon from Sept. 23,'m a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary with a M.Div. and a Ph.D. in Historical Theology. I'm the author of a number of books including Out of the Office: A Theology of Ministry (Energion, 2017), Marriage in Interesting Times (Energion, 2016), and Freedom in …

The Whited Sepulchre: Places to take the kids in East Fort ... 04, 2007 · A driver from St. Louis recently told me more than I wanted to know about how much there was to do near his home. He said he lived near the Gateway Arch, could walk to the Mississippi River, ate lunch in exotic casinos, and conveyed the impression that everything in his life was superior to the blight and devastation surrounding the Fort Worth warehouse where I …

2011 Academy Awards | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat ... of Love: The Amorous Misadventures of a Lounge-Singing Darts Champion. God of Love is a comical, quirky short film by the funny young writer-director Luke Matheny, which just won the 2011 Academy Award for Live-Action Short Film.Matheny is a New York University film student who also plays the lead in his film, which features several pop-jazz standards and a “Woody …

ALL EYES ON OBAMA: Obama orders troops to Mexican border 27, 2010 · Obama linked this buildup on the border to a broader immigration "reform," spelling out the punitive measures that such legislation would include. As for "the millions of folks who are already here," he said, "we've got to say to them, you've got to take responsibility. You broke the law, you've got to pay a fine. You've got to pay your back taxes.[PDF]Society of Professional Journalists, Chhaass“Robert was an exceptional piano and keyboard player, and a joy to work with, a musician with great talent and skills, and an even-keeled demeanor — a rare combination!” said fellow musician Ron Geida. “He also had a great personality that came through in his playing. Much of what we played was jamming/improvisational music.

Babble On: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 11, 2009 · Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. ... Here's some of what Roger Ebert wrote in his review. In one of the opening scenes, we find Harry ... Michael Gambon steals the show as Dumbledore, who for a man his age certainly has some new tricks, so to speak, up his sleeve.

The real Obama is humble, high achieving and way cooler ... will tell you the real story of Barack Hussein Obama. Enjoy!

Essential Emmes: Dodd & Dodd a wonderful Christmas story: 42 years ago I met Senator Tom Dodd of Connecticut in his office in Washington, D.C. when I was 14. My grandparents knew the senator and contributed to his campaigns for office--my grandfather used to tell me about Dodd prosecuting the Nazi War criminals at the Nuremberg trials in 1946.

RADARSITE: Barney Frank and OneUnited Bank 27, 2009 · Cross-posted by Gary Fouse fousesquawk Barney Frank Not surprisingly, Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) is back in the spotlight. This time, the chair of the Financial Services Committee is attracting attention for interceding with the Treasury Department and arranging 12 million dollars in Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds to be directed to OneUnited …

The Peruser: Resign, Impeached, Jail, or what's behind Door 4 single one of these spineless cowards, refuse to attend their respective community's continually angrier and rowdier Town Hall Meetings, cause they're screwing America for the Big Money, behind Door number 4!...and not a single one, is Macho enough to tell it to their faces!!

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup area of the Chicago metropolitan area (the city that Inhofe, probably in an example of wishful thinking, mentions in his interview) is about 10,800 square miles, requiring about 1.7 million fuel-air bombs to destroy, and a pretty amazing fleet of C130's to get them over here.

The So-Called "Austin Mayor" Blog: 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 Please provide the URL address of any websites that feature you in either a personal or professional capacity (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, etc.) "An ignorant, wide-eyed, weak-kneed, ridiculous, phony" -- Tom Roeser, January 26, 2007.

The Left's Answer to the Tea Party Movement Born Again America It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter.

U.S. Elections have always been Rigged | Bud Meyers 24, 2016 · When Obama snubbed him for a post in his administration, Dean just went to work as a lobbyist — using the revolving door, that many use. They go work for the very same people they once taxed and regulated. But still, Dean is a superdelegate and voting for Hillary Clinton — and campaigning for her on Comcast's MSNBC cable news channel. How ...

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Best Seventy-Five Cents I've Ever Spent 01, 2010 · The protagonist is also one of Vance's most felicitous characters, rather than a handsome, hypercompetent superman, we are presented with a "thick-set youth with a round florid face, overhung with a rather untidy mass of straw-colored hair" who is characterized by another character as "innocent and a trifle addled".

Electronic Village: George Bush Denounces Nooses and ... to the Chief! Rarely have I been proud of George W. Bush.He may be one of the worst presidents in the history of our nation. However, I give him props today for the strong condemnation that he gave to those who bring nooses into the workplace or those that joke about lynching. President Bush noted that some Americans may be losing sight of the suffering that …

Red-Brown Black and Blue - CounterPunch Editor Licks His ... 22, 2015 · First, in his panic he's confused statistics with, er, counting every single one of something. How about sampling and proportions, Jeffrey? I know significance is a concept in statistics but even non-statistically the significance of CounterPunch publishing rather a lot of racist tosh among its 55,000 articles is lost on poor wounded Jeffrey.

Income and Wealth Inequality | V B I 27, 2017 · In his debut on the show last December, Stewart played the straight man as Noah compared race relations and poverty in Africa with conditions in the U.S. (watch the video, above). Guess who won? In Africa Noah found a stretch of a superhighway and a shot of children in school that he compared with the F.D.R. Drive in New York City and children ...

The Reference Frame: Bill Maher disturbed by Islamization 09, 2010 · The map above shows that while Norway, Sweden, Baltic states, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Italy, and a few others remain below 1% of the Muslim population, France is already near 10% and other large EU countries such as Britain, Spain, Germany, Benelux are approaching 5% or so.

Contra O'Reilly: On Ending Slavery 21, 2014 · Once a slave crossed over into Ohio or Pennsylvania, that would have been it - no more a slave!.....I don't know, folks, I think what we may have developed here (in addition to a cult of Lincoln) is a sort of time-tied lack of perspective on the matter; the fact that we are just so far removed from an event that caused 700,000 deaths, hundreds ...

What's Left in the Church: 2013-01-27 course, there was the whole fiscal cliff nonsense that demonstrated how little these folks care about the deficit. After all, the whole thing was an enormous deficit reduction plan just waiting for January 1 to take effect. All that had to happen would be to let the tax increases and spending cuts take effect and, voila, the deficit would be ...

palingates: The pitbull and the bloggers 10, 2009 · A pitbull was in his backyard, doing his pitbull stuff... until a porcupine invaded his territory. The brave, but stupid pitbull, immediate...

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2010 · In his Message the President added that "[S]ince its establishment in 2002, this event has been an opportunity to pay tribute to the memory of Daniel Pearl, a man dedicated to the search for truth. These concerts are a forum for individuals around the world to come together and celebrate the diverse traditions and unifying power of music."

Experts’ Opinions on Xiao Procedure | New Threads are the experts’ opinions excerpted and translated from Chinese media reports. Who will evaluate Xiao Chuanguo? Science News. Oct 28, 2009. Gong Ju, who is engaged in basic neurology research, said frankly on the other hand that the basic research done by Xiao Chuanguo at the very beginning was not convincing enough, for example the ...

October | 2009 | The Word of Me... new bunch of atheist books are hitting the bookshelves. Bruce Sheiman says he doesn’t believe in God, but he believes in religion. Ignoring the question about whether God exists he argues that the benefits of religion outweighs the cost in his new book, An Atheist Defends Religion: Why Humanity is Better Off With Religion Than Without It. In an interview with writer Daniel Burke of ...

01 | April | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 01, 2014 · 11 posts published by broboinhawaii on April 1, 2014. It is the time to seek the Lord. Hosea 10:12. The month of April is said to derive its name from the Latin verb aperio, which means to open, because all the buds and blossoms are now opening, and we …

The Immoral Minority: Final moments of the capture of ... 04, 2013 · Courtesy of TPM : Massachusetts State Police released a video showing some of the final moments of the capture of Boston bombing suspe...

Bilgrimage: Cooking to Save the Planet: Garbanzo Salsa Salad 04, 2009 · Two days ago, when I blogged about the frittata I made from the remains of a Creole boiled dinner, I ended my posting noting that the broth from the boiled dinner would probably become the base of a lentil soup in a few days ().That's not precisely what happened, and it occurs to me to blog now about what did did

Primary Predictions Thread – Swing State 15, 2010 · Primary Predictions Thread. Time for a little pre-game chatter, with polls closing in less than two hours in New Hampshire. ... In NH-02 I think a Jennifer Horn victory is too much to wish for, but it’ll be closer than expected because she has a long-standing relationship with far-right elements here and is well known, while Bass is a has ...

The Whited Sepulchre: Carnival Of The Libertarians - Pre ... 28, 2008 · But it’s all an illusion as long as the debt keeps growing." NotYourDaddy presents When A Free Lunch isn't Good Enough posted at Government is not your Daddy. , saying, "What these kids have been taught is that, if you don’t have the money to buy something, you can just say “charge it,” …

Cookies, Crayons, Classes, & Chaos: January 2010 reading so many frustrating reviews with many of the more expensive math homeschool curricula, I decided that Mammoth Math would be worth a try, especially since it was so inexpensive by comparison and appeared to have a very clear comprehensive approach. But considering our own teaching/learning styles and the learning styles of our kids, it seems wise to investigate a number of options ...

Protests Stir Up Voices on the Web - The New York Times 30, 2011 · As the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York cycled through their 14th day, with a surge of attention and confusion over a Radiohead show that wasn’t, an overwhelming amount of information continued to flood the Internet, from snarky Tweets to informational Web sites to blogs representing individual experiences during the economic crisis.

AL-05: Griffith is Friendless and Alone; Ron Sparks May omnibus of the latest and greatest Parker Griffith news: Things got off to a rocky start for freshly-minted turncoat GOP Rep. Parker Griffith when his hometown paper, the Huntsville Times, eviscerated Griffith’s defection as a move made out of self-preservation that will end up hurting his district, which is heavily dependent on government funding for various aerospace and missile defense ...

There Were in Fact Blacks Who Joined the KKK: C.L. Bryant 10, 2012 · For example, as the expertly researched book Night Riders in Black Folk History details, there were apparently African-Americans who rode with the KKK and even formed their own informal Klan groups. C.L. Bryant and his black conservative brethren and kin can trace their ideological lineage back to those tragic wellsprings.

Family Research Council distorts Navy survey, stoops to ... matter how low I think the Family Research Council will stoop to attack lgbts, the organization never ceases to astound me . Case in...

Are we reliving 2016 in 2018? (w/ Josh Pugh ... - Eclectablog 16, 2018 · Josh Pugh on Twitter: @JPughMI For Our Future Michigan on Twitter: @ForOurFutureMI For Our Future Michigan on the web: For Our Future Michigan on Medium: Memo: Feedback Loop Data from 214,000 Doors and Counting in Michigan. Fredreka Schouten at USA TODAY: Labor unions launch $50 million super PAC. The Good– Bill Schuette, Mike DeWine and Scott Walker …

Chief Rabbi: Change Israel’s Law Of Return To Keep Out ... law was designed in response to the Holocaust to protect people who could be persecuted due to their Jewish ancestry, much as the Nazis slaughtered half-Jews and quarter-Jews just as he slaughtered ‘full’ Jews, or as the Soviets sent some half-Jews and quarter-Jews to …

Pundit Predicts State of the Union, And Hillary’s ... 05, 2008 · Well, a pundit as far as the 'letters to the editor' go. In the Pensacola News Journal today, a regular LTE writer, Noah H. Belew, gives his prequel to the President's upcoming State of the Union message in his letter Made 2007 worse.' For starters . . . The president will not tell the truth...

Rasmussen Polls Should Be Shunned - Progress Pond 22, 2012 · Just a reminder about Rasmussen Polls. They suck. Here’s a snippet from Nate Silver’s post-2010 midterms analysis: The 105 polls released in Senate and gubernatorial races by Rasmussen Reports and its subsidiary, Pulse Opinion Research, missed the final margin between the candidates by 5.8 points, a considerably higher figure than that achieved by most other […]

Obama as savior? On some level he'd better be | 02, 2009 · "Saviour" in my mind conjures up the image of one being accomplishing great things. I see President Obama as the leader who will inspire a great many people to small (community) accomplishments. And that is how we will turn this country around. And count me as one of those who looks forward to reading Don's articles again.

Sex Offender Court Decisions: 02/01/2014 - 03/01/2014 2-16-2014: State legislature is now trying to amend law because of this case (See article below) 5-6-2013 Illinois: People v Kayer In July 2011, the State charged defendant, Brian M. Kayer, with unlawful failure to register employment change as a sex offender (730 ILCS 150/6 (West 2010)).

Reagan | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! first mass shooting in the collective American memory was the University of Texas at Austin shooting in August 1966. The shooter, armed with six weapons and ensconced at the top of the University of Texas Tower, killed 17 people, wounding more than 30 others. Johnson’s first reaction sounds familiar to 21st-century ears.

The East Coast Earthquake of 2011 - 05, 2011 · Those of us on the east coast have yet another major event to remember – a 5.8 earthquake that shook virtually the entire east coast. No one...

August | 2017 | Bakhtin's it was the first time I had heard it used outside of the context of religion. Since that night, I have encountered it several times, including from my own son, Connor, who is fourteen and completely bummed-out by what Disney has done with …

6 | January | 2018 | News Corpse 06, 2018 · Smart people are the last people to say that they are smart. Trump’s bragging is actually a sort of certification of his ignorance and instability. And he elaborated on that theme in brief remarks to reporters at Camp David when a reporter asked “This morning …

Trump is a ‘Very Stable Genius’ Who Mindlessly Repeats ... 06, 2018 · Finally, Trump’s self-exalting assertions about his sanity and brilliance are downright surreal. When was the last time you heard “a very stable genius” say he was a very stable genius? Smart people are the last people to say that they are smart. Trump’s bragging is actually a sort of certification of his ignorance and instability.

Crime and Punishment - Blogger"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very goo...

THE INTOLERANT LECTURE US ON TOLERANCE - No More Mister ... 10, 2015 · The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway has posted an unstructured, meandering, relentless whiny diatribe about the growing movement to take down flags and other items that honor the Confederacy. She quotes Solzhenitsyn and Heine; she compares the orderly removal of Confederate flags and statues to the destruction of ancient Buddhas by ISIS.

Earth House Hold: 2009"Nature is not a place to visit, it is home." -- Gary Snyder

Olbermann: Attempt To ‘Pre-Blame’ The Moderator Of Tonight ... 02, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 1:30 PM MST Olbermann: Attempt to ‘pre-blame’ moderator ‘pure racism’ Raw Story- By David Edwards Keith Olbermann comments on buzz coming from right-wing media that Gwen Ifill will not be an impartial debate moderator. “To all the geniuses lead by WorldNetDaily and Michelle Malkin and Greta Van Susteren and the other pea…

Three Years and Counting - freedom-writing.blogspot.com years ago today, I smoked my last cigarette. I don't know how old I was when I smoked a cigarette for the first time. I have a vague ...

read my mind: Free Trade - How has that Worked Out? first suit was the celebrated Ethyl case. When the Canadian parliament passed a law prohibiting the importation and distribution of MMT, a manganese-based gasoline additive in Canada, the U.S. Ethyl Corporation sued the government of Canada.

The Immoral Minority: Former campaign adviser claims that ... 04, 2017 · Tuffy Tuffington has enlisted the help of his two Patterdale terriers and a lot of other good dogs in San Francisco to lay a field of poop on the site where Patriot Prayer has obtained a permit to gather Saturday, according to The Guardian. “I just had this image of alt-right people stomping around in the poop,” Tuffington told The Guardian.

Blog Archives - M.S. Cure Enigmas a couple 1/2 cups of hibiscus tea a day (I need between .1 and .2 mg of clonidine and they don't have in between patch doses). My chronic painful stiff neck and shoulders are relaxed. I have regained sensitivity in my hands and nothing buzzes like it used to with stress or activity. I did have some weird sensations while finding the right dose.

May | 2010 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Hopper, whose portrayals of drug-addled, often deranged misfits in the landmark films “Easy Rider,” “Apocalypse Now” and “Blue Velvet” drew on his early out-of-control experiences as part of a new generation of Hollywood rebel, died at his home in Venice, Calif., on Saturday, The Associated Press reported.He was 74. The death was announced by Alex Hitz, a family friend ...

2010 May 21 « Jamesb101.com 21, 2010 · 8 posts published by jamesb101 on May 21, 2010

Article: US Sponsored Terrorism is a Complex Affair | OpEdNews 24, 2013 · Article: US Sponsored Terrorism is a Complex Affair - Poking holes in the Boston Marathon bombing cover-up. Nothing here makes sense, and nothing should be taking for granted.

memeorandum: Meeting Chloe — This exchange is from today's ... Did Not Call Sarah Palin A Pig — The first McCain truthsquadding telephone call is taking place right now, and ex-MA Gov. Jane Swift is complaining about an idiom Barack Obama used today: …Suddenly, common analogies are sexist? — The McCain campaign has little respect for Obama, but they don't think he is stupid.

memeorandum: Trump Staff's Resistance Can't Avert a Crisis ... Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration — We work for the president but we have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations. …President Trump is facing a test to his presidency unlike any faced by a modern American leader.

Hip-Hop, Troi Torain, DJ Star, Power 105, WABC, New York City 14, 2006 · Kuby, a longtime civil rights attorney known for extremist left-wing causes, told NBC Torain was mostly correct in his assertions: Ron Kuby, a defense attorney and a radio show host, said he believed Torain's "vile and despicable" comments qualified as free speech. "None of his statements arguably endangered the welfare of a minor," Kuby said.

Writer and activist Shaun King speaks with The Skanner ... 05, 2017 · As an activist for justice and the Black Lives Matter movement, Shaun King has carved out a career through his outspoken views on police brutality, …

Article: Death to the Death Penalty | OpEdNews Death to the Death Penalty - Oklahoma's ghoulish killing of convicted murderer Clayton Lockett on April 29 has brought new attention to America's continued use of the death penalty, a ...

Daylee News Nuggets: News Nuggets 1269 PICTURE: The Seljalandsfoss, a waterfall in southern Iceland. From the Daily Mail of the UK. China's Gradual Descent from the Editorial Board of the Chicago Tribune "When China slows, the …

La Puce Enigmatique/The Enigmatic Flea Puce Enigmatique/The Enigmatic Flea ... ‘The killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a symbolic blow against the al-Qaida network, but it is unlikely to represent a turning point in either the Iraq war or the global fight against terror, terrorism specialists and former administration officials said yesterday. ... "Had we gotten Zarqawi a year ...

NoFo: The loneliest little Single loneliest little Single The August issue of Chicago magazine is out, which officially signals the end of my July-long reign as one of Chicago’s Top 20 Singles . And while you’d probably think membership in this elite club would bring me a lifetime of untold love, happiness and shoes, you’d be wrong.

Terri Hodge draws a challenger – Off the his release that I’ve attached below, Johnson appears to be running no matter what happens to Hodge at trial. Expect other candidates to join the fray if things don’t go Hodge’s way. I got that release late last week as well, and a subsequent one that I’ve put beneath the …

Our Salacious Statehouse | Sheila Kennedy week, the Indianapolis Star and other local news outlets carried a story about Speaker of the House Brian Bosma’s effort to intimidate a woman who admitted to having had a consensual (albeit “pressured”) sexual contact with him when she was a Statehouse intern in 1992. She was 20 years old at the time; he was 36. According to the news reports, the woman didn’t come forward of her ...

Fox News Dementia: Media Is Not As Hard On Obama/Syria As ... 04, 2013 · Fox News Dementia: Media Is Not As Hard On Obama/Syria As They Were On Bush/Iraq Posted by Mark NC on September 4, 2013 at 4:27 pm. 7 Comments : On Fox News this morning there was a segment debating the media coverage of the “Crisis in Syria” (video below).

Why no posts | Something should go here, maybe later. 27, 2011 · I guess an explanation of why there's been a dropoff in activity here is in order: We have a National Government. I started this blog in 2006 in outrage at the Labour government's blatant corruption as they successfully evaded legal consequences for their stealing of the 2005 election. Well, they're out of power now, and I am…

Chris King's First Amendment Page: Spineless Wikipedia ...[email protected] -- In the Civil Rights Justice system there are two sets of people: Those who are haters and those who fight back. These are their stories.

social trust | Sheila Kennedy 2009, I wrote a book called Distrust, American Style. The impetus for that book was publication–and widespread discussion–of a study in which Robert Putnam found that neighborhoods with greater diversity had higher levels of social distrust, and concluded that diversity–living among people who looked or talked or prayed differently– caused discomfort and distrust.

Above The Borderline: 4/5/09 - 4/12/09 I am watching the NCAA Men's Basketball semi finals and they cut to a commercial. I thought it was a preview for some upcoming show, but it was a commercial for Jimmy John's sandwiches. In the commercial posted below, guns are blazing, people were being terrorized, etc.

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup right to a complete education The right to affordable housing The right to a clean environment The right to a secure retirement These six “rights,” which define Sanders’ platform, are indistinguishable from the rights identified in the 1936 Soviet Constitution, which is also known as the …

An Honest Analysis - Progress Pond 06, 2013 · I believe they are the first city in the East to do so. That doesn’t mean you should smoke pot, kids, but you also shouldn’t get a criminal record just for spleefing up. There is a ton of spin going on with respect to the election results last night. That’s understandable, but it’s not very interesting. What you want is not spin, but ...

Nevada is Feelin' the Bern for Senator Sanders | Bud Meyers Feb. 20 caucuses are not just the first primary contest in the West — following closely on the heels of the first two nominating states, Iowa and New Hampshire. But Nevada is also a state where a show of strength for Clinton could effectively dash Sanders’s hopes of winning the nomination even if he has a stronger than expected showing ...

Winter Patriot: Phony War On Terror Demands Casualties ... 23, 2007 · Robert Fisk's most recent article concerns Taner Akcam [photo], the distinguished Turkish scholar at the University of Minnesota who, with immense courage, proved the facts of the Armenian genocide - the deliberate mass murder of up to a million and a half Armenians by the Ottoman Turkish authorities in 1915 - from Turkish documents and archives.

OpEdNews|New owners for XeServices - Private army sold but ... New owners for XeServices - Private army sold but rotten apple doesn't fall far - Cowboy mercenary outfit Blackwater may have altered its name to Xe Services and the company may be under ...

The Unknown Candidate: In Search of a Mensch, Paul Krugman, for a great article. You're a real mensch. Photo credit: Dr. King, one of our country's greatest mensches, leaves FBI headquarters after a 1964 meeting with then FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. The FBI continually harassed the civil rights leader, tapping his phones and even placing an informer on his staff. Sound familiar?

Goverment notes 3 test | Primary Election | Elections notes 3 test - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The notes for test

All you need is a crazy rich guy with a private army you need is a crazy rich guy with a private army.(last updated 8-10-07) American Concentration camps Videos( updated 3-3-08 Blackwater videos (updated 8-11-’07)

Do these people really believe this stuff? | We couldn't ... 10, 2012 · There's only one way to preface this post, and that's with an extract from Tim Minchin's wonderful 9-minute beat poem, "Storm": These people aren’t plying a skill, They are either lying or mentally ill. I suppose I sh0uld clarify my point; after all, I could be referring to any number of people and organisations. However,…

Into the Breach: 09/01/2013 - 10/01/2013's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.--Frederick Douglass. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.--John A. Shedd. In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. --Iroquois Confederacy Maxim

Disclosures VI | his resume submitted to County Commission, Jordan lists his occupation as Owner/Licensed Contractor, M&M TN 1 CONSTRUCTION, LLC. August 2005 – present. August 2005 – present. Among his duties, he lists "Working with KCDC, Knoxville Urban League, City of Knoxville Community Development and other local companies and programs to find ...

Don Williams: A Nation of Wolves and Sheep | it’s not just in the healthcare industry. Despite reform banks are allowed to raise rates well into the 30 percent range for credit cards, and trick customers into paying all sorts of outrageous fees. Coal peddlers are allowed to blow the tops off green mountains and dump the slag into the nearest stream.

These Are the Good Old Days | The Smirking 09, 2016 · When the founder of the company sold it to a corporate behemoth in 2002 these trends accelerated, and in 2005 the call center where I worked closed. Almost everyone at the center lost their jobs – almost 400 in total company-wide – and we were told we could be hired as temporary help at the company’s main headquarters for the Christmas ...

The Useless Tree: Additional Thoughts on the China-Egypt ... up on the post below, I notice that others have commented on the differences between the horrendous violence in Egypt in the past few days and the "Beijing Massacre" of 1989. Matt Schiavenza, over at The Atlantic, adds some additional historical contextual points (Egypt is embedded in a regional dynamic quite unlike China's situation 24 years ago).

The Story of Getting Conned by a Fake Rock Star | Nolan Dalla 14, 2014 · The Story of Getting Conned by a Fake Rock Star . Randy Meisner imposter stories have been swirling around Las Vegas for quite some time now.. Off and on during the past 15 years, a clever con man who’s real name is Lewis Peter “Buddy” Morgan has been impersonating the former bass player who once played in the rock band, the Eagles.. The real Randy Meisner was even one of the co …

The Secret Space Program - A Brief Overview | Blogging ... 14, 2018 · “One of the sources is aerospace journalist, James Goodall, who wrote for publications such as Jane’s Defense Weekly, Aviation Week and Space Technology, and Interavia. He is an accomplished speaker specializing in the history, development, and operations of the world’s only Mach 3 capable, manned air breathing aircraft, the SR-71 family ...

Kansas | MILITARY JUSTICE FOR ALL Army National Guard veteran Zachary Schaffer, 21, was found unresponsive in his Kansas City, Kansas home on January 23, 2019. According to the Dodge City Daily Globe, Zachary fatally overdosed only a few days after he was punished and discharged from the Kansas Army National Guard. According to his mother, Wendy Mottas, Zachary, or Zach, as he was known to most, was accused of failing ...

PolitiFact Bias: June 2020's executive director, Aaron Sharockman, sent out a mass email earlier today. One of those emails asking for reader support. The image at the top of Sharockman's email was revealing, even if it happened to reveal what we already know about PolitiFact.

No Right Turn: What did he say? 10, 2007 · In his speech in Parliament yesterday on the police's "terror" raids, Maori party MP Hone Harawira mentioned that Ross Meurant, Auckland Task Force, Red Squad, and the MP who used protected disclosure to try to get me lynched for terrorism during his maiden speech in this very House

15 | January | 2008 | Sohum Parlance II 15, 2008 · Last year I posted about my grandmother – the last surviving female veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.The youngest of them have already reached their 90s and there aren’t many of them left. Their last commander in Spain died today at 95 years.. Wolff was active until the day he died.

The Last Debate: He Made Me a Mix Tape next morning I had an appointment in Newark to greet a friend of mine who was flying in for a one-year internship with the U.N. He was nervous about finding his own way into Manhattan so I …

The Immoral Minority: Sarah Palin's super patriotic ... 02, 2014 · Courtesy of the red, White, ans Blue moron's Facebook page: Happy Fourth of July, America! Never forget what Thomas Jefferson called “the Spirit of 1776” – a sentiment rooted in the abiding belief that all men are created equal and desire freedom.

Ballot order | candidate whose position in the initial temporary list equals the seed number selected under paragraph II for the appropriate list length shall appear first on the ballot. The order of candidates after the candidate in the first position shall follow alphabetically by surname with "a'' following "z.'' Source. 2010, 330:3, eff. July 20, 2010.

Into the Breach: Bush: Bin Laden memo lacked details's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.--Frederick Douglass. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.--John A. Shedd. In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. --Iroquois Confederacy Maxim

Rants &amp; Raves for the Week of January 24th ... & Raves for the Week of January 24th, 2011 . A Wal-Mart on every corner? Sounds far-fetched, but it could be reality in San Diego if the retail mega-giant gets its way.

More revelations we can soon expect about the Trump Jr ... 14, 2017 · Jared Kushner got drunk for the first time in his life after inhaling too close to the Russian spy. Russian-born comedian Yakov Smirnoff opened the meeting with a series of one-liners, including ...

White power and racism in the youth generation 29, 2013 · White pride logo used by hate groups like Stormfront Chalked onto the sidewalks of some college campuses in the U.S. are messages of "white pride," …

Speculations on the End of Star Wars Rebels « 21, 2018 · Just to speculate further on the end of the story of Star Wars Rebels from the current 4.10-11, "Jedi Night" and "Dume." We know from the trailers and TV episode two line previews that Ezra will confront Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sideous/The Emperor in the last episode. And though the wolves are not shown in frame together…

The Candid Blogger: The Whole World is Watching -- 31, 2008 · If the world could vote, Barack Obama would win by a landslide. He'd take 78% of the vote in France, 72% in Germany, 70% in Canada and 61% in Japan, according to global newspaper polls and Harris Interactive, a market research firm in Rochester, N.Y. Beneath those numbers, running parallel to Obama-mania, is a shifting global view of the United States.

The Zaftig Redhead: Why Michigan 08, 2008 · The Michigan primary results are rolling in on my television, and the talking heads keep saying that Michigan doesn't matter. I know, I kno...

Barefoot and Laughing: What helps, and what doesn' 01, 2008 · I know that I was the resident pastoral-care lab rat, and that denizens of a seminary are a special breed. I’m not going to find that level of awareness everywhere I look, just because I’m accustomed to it. But maybe I can increase it, here. If you have friends who are going through harrowing times, ask them what they need and want.

Melbourne, FL: up to 28 inches of rain | 20, 2008 · Yes August has been very pleasant in the Smokies with cool breezy days and even a jacket required in the mornings (for coolness, not formality) up at Newfound Gap. I've talked to a couple of friends down there riding it out and they seem to be in a festive mood with schools closed and such. Guess it's sort of like when we get a snow in Tennessee.

Mo Rage: Senator McCaskill, On the Trail of Our Crushing fresh Medicare data points to a candidate right in Ms. McCaskill’s backyard: St. Louis-based Mallinckrodt PLC. It makes H.P. Acthar Gel, a 1950s vintage, off-patent drug whose cost has rocketed from $40 a vial in 2001 to $38,000 today.

Tickle The Wirepenn state university Archives - Tickle The FBI’s discovery of deleted surveillance video from the basement of a Penn State University frat house has prompted a slew of new charges tied to the hazing death of 19-year-old Timothy Piazza. Prosecutors on Monday charged 12 more members of the now-defunct Beta Theta Pi fraternity, including Braxton Becker, 20, who is accused of deleting ...

Dawg's Blawg: Abousfian Abdelrazik: "You want we should 08, 2009 · Abousfian Abdelrazik is back in Canada. But new revelations about the government's dubious handling of his case have been unearthed by the Globe & Mail 's indefatigable Paul Koring. Briefly, the Sudanese government was considering "disappearing" Abdelrazik in 2006--and Canadian diplomats in Khartoum were ordered to take no action.

Tickle The Wireprostitute Archives - Tickle The room was paid for by American taxpayers, he said. So was the cellphone on which he got her messages, and so were the trips that took him to the Philippines. Napolitano, an FBI agent, traveled to Manila several times in 2010 and 2011 while working on cases involving weapons trafficking from the Philippines to the United States.

Bush explains that the violence at Najaf was ’caused by 01, 2007 · Bush explains that the violence at Najaf was ’caused by Sunni Arabs like al-Qaida’ George W. Bush said in an interview with NPR on Jan 29, 2007 that the violence in Najaf was the fault of Sunni Arab organizations such as Qa’edat al-Jihad which Bush persists in …

The Florida Masochist: The name is Lee, Seon Hwa 01, 2006 · Ok the article is almost all about Pressel(Who is from Boca Raton, and considered one of the leading Rookie of the Year candidates coming into the year) but not naming Lee is ridiculous. The closest Jones comes is-Boynton Beach resident Karrie Webb shot a four-under 68 to move into a tie for third place, five shots behind Ochoa. and

Who is Behind Marijuana Prohibition? – Prison Reform 12, 2009 · According to a separate story from the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, D.A. Cooley “was one of dozens of guests at a recent conference … in which the topic was the ‘eradication of medical-marijuana dispensaries in the city of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County,’ according to a flier advertising the event hosted by the California Narcotics ...

JustOneMinute: Happy Birthday a fawning front-pager the Times gets all gooey about Hillary's many, many virtues as a leader and manager. However, they do hit one spped bump: Over the years, Mrs. Clinton has won a reputation as a good boss. She is diligent about remembering birthdays and doing things like calling her Senate scheduler, Lona Valmoro, to offer condolences after her dachshund, Largo, …

25. HIDALGO ENTERPRISES vs. BALANDAN.docx | Nuisance Name: HIDALGO ENTERPRISES, INC v. Guillermo BALANDAN, By: Patricia Arbolado Anselma ANILA and The COURT OF APPEALS Topic: Doctrine of Attractive Nuisance GR No. L-3422 Date: 13 June 1952 FACTS 1. Hidalgo Enterprises, Inc. was the owner of an ice-plant factory in Laguna.

innappropriate use of taser by cops | Shadow add insult to injury, she was arrested for battery after she was taken to a hospital to be checked out. Miami, Florida – Police defended an action to use a 50,000 volt taser on a 12 year old girl and 6 year old boy .

Ex-Berlusconi - Mercury Rising ?? 08, 2011 · Looks like Nouriel called this one. I am not sure whether this will have any positive effect. Berlusconi was the only figure able to muscle legislation through the fractious Italian system. On the other hand, Italy's main problem is corruption (FWIW, it ranks 67 on the Corruption Perceptions Index. The US is #22). Until democracy…

Obama’s war policy – looking for the exit ramp 30, 2009 · When was the last time you heard of a war that claimed to have a date for "when it will end? Looking forward to how "The One" will spin this on Tuesday night. Let me think. WWII. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt stated …

14 | May | 2016 | The Pardu's 14, 2016 · 2 posts published by The Pardu on May 14, 2016. a phone interview with NBC News, Senecal stood by his remarks in the Facebook post and went even further, saying the president’s children were “rent-a-kids” because he felt they didn’t look sufficiently like their parents, and that Muslims should be shot or bombed in the U.S.

misuse of tasers | Shadow add insult to injury, she was arrested for battery after she was taken to a hospital to be checked out. Miami, Florida – Police defended an action to use a 50,000 volt taser on a 12 year old girl and 6 year old boy. Police director Bobby Parker defended that decision because the boy threatened to injure himself with a shard of glass.

So What Happend Last Month in UPS Plane Crash in Dubai 30, 2010 · Heads up folks. Not looking good on this one. While the drone attacks go on, and I am not against it totally, we are missing out on important intelligence. The snake must be cut off from the head. This will not end well if we do not finish off those who inspire others to carry out their madness.…

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Hiring during a hiring freeze...and ... 23, 2007 · hiring during a hiring freeze The cops fume that there is a hiring freeze and no promotions, and Mayor Robinson-Briggs hires yet another 'communications' person? That would be Jazz Johson, just this week hired away from the Plainfield Municipal Utilities Authority.

Hoops and Other Pop Culture: March 2018 30, 2018 · I am compiling data for my revised Top 36 NBA Players of All-Time list, which I hope will arrive starting mid-April of 2018 (roughly 2 weeks). Here are the 22 Active Players whom I will seriously consider for my Top 36 list: * Indicates "was on my 2015 Top 36" 20 Active Guys with over 60 career WS and WS/48 over .150: LeBron * Dirk * CP3 * Pau ...

Don’t Mention the War | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 22, 2007 · That was the message many European Union leaders had for Poland on Thursday as they arrived for a summit on the division of power in the 27-nation bloc. ‘The idea of basing today’s decision on voting rights … on World War Two is absurd,’ Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen told reporters.

Gubu-World: Islamic Flag to fly over the White House 18, 2010 · Islamic Flag to fly over the White House The final phrase uttered by British Jihadist Anjem Choudrey in this recent clip was the one which caught international attention, where he stated that the Islamic flag would be raised above the White House.

TRUMP IS A MADMAN, BUT WE'RE ATTACKING THE AMERICANS … 10, 2018 · Trump is locked into a cycle in his top-level diplomacy: bully-cringe-bully-cringe. He bullies traditional friends and allies; he cringes to adversaries, dictators, and potential funding sources for Trump enterprises. Bullying the G7 was the weekend’s story; cringing to North Korea—and behind it, China—will be the story of the week ahead.

memeorandum: For Obama, Syria Chemical Attack Shows Risk ... biographer who is writing a book about former President Barack Obama claims that Obama once called America “a racist society” in an unpublished manuscript from his law school days. — David Garrow, the author of the upcoming book on Obama's life, said he uncovered lots of revelations …

LIVERPUTTY: How many for how long? smell a trap. Wagstaff is right, the question is vague. Regardless, I’m of the mind that we shouldn’t be rounding up the Islamic population in the US and putting them in big internment camps. Ask me the same question after a few big attacks stateside or the first Sharia-based laws and the answer might change.

Jerome Corsi, Obama Crtic, Detained in Kenya – Flap's Blog ... 07, 2008 · ailibi. its your foreign policies which have made the radical element which have terrorised the USA. foreign policies which mccain still supports and obama wants to change[ for the better]. the USA reputation around the world is mud. when g.w .bush sent your army into a illegal war in iraq ,he too is responsible for killing americans. bush iraq policies created the radical element in iraq ...

More on the financing of the Victory Mosque – Vlad Tepes his initial email to us, he implied a moral equivalency between “both sides” – which would be in our view, on the one hand, the $100 million funding for the Ground Zero Mosque (possibly from Saudi Arabia and even Iran), and on the other hand, any donations U.S. groups or individuals have given to the 9-11 families and firemen opposing ...

Avedon's Sideshow: Anyone who had a heart is the way to do it: "Facebook Co-Founder Giving Millions Directly To The Poor, No Strings Attached" I'm not saying we should have to rely on private charity (the kindness of rich strangers!), but squeezing out a few paltry bucks and telling people exactly what they are allowed to spend it on is a wasteful kind of "help", it doesn't allow ...

TightBeehttps://tightbee.blogspot.comIn literature, an autobiography, either real or fictitious, in which intimate and hidden details of the subject's life are revealed. The first outstanding example of the genre was the Confessions of St. Augustine (c. AD 400), a painstaking examination of Augustine's progress from juvenile sinfulness and youthful debauchery to conversion to Christianity and the triumph

Tully's Page: andrea gail gailIt was October 1991, and it was the only hurricane in recent times that the National Weather Service chose not to name. Many people refer to it as “The October Hurricane,” or “The Hallowe’en Nor’easter,” but Vineyarders would always call it the “No-Name Nor’easter.”

Locus Online: 2008 News was the author of two SF novels, Passing for Human (1977) and I, Vampire (1984). Her website includes a review of the former book by Barry N. Malzberg, from F&SF, in which he called her "the best unknown sf writer". Friday 7 March 2008 » Awards News: National Book Critics Circle Awards

Motown Strong: June 2012 23, 2012 · In his sixth year on the ballot, McGwire (the first player to hit 70 home runs in a season) received 19.5 percent of the vote in December 2011 - the lowest total he's garnered in the six years he's been eligible (the minimum percentage to gain entry is 75 percent).

John Urrea | Paul's Voyage of Discovery & Etc. 19, 2011 · (Trivia note: ’83 was the last World Series that Bowie Kuhn presided over as commissioner.) In his 11 seasons, Ford maintained a .270 career batting average and slugged 121 homers. A solid career for Disco Dan. 13. Eddie Miller (Outfielder) Braves. From 1977-1984, Edward Lee Miller was a utility outfielder for the Rangers, Braves, Tigers, and ...

Electronic Village: December 2014 31, 2014 · The Tonight Show was his next stop. in 1965, he began a series of nationwide appearances, followed by long-term contracts and a number of hit records. With "The Flip Wilson Show" in the early 1970s, he became the first African American to have a weekly prime-time television show under his own name. I remember watching Flip Wilson when I was a kid.

Tully's Page: Perfect Storm StormOct 26, 2012 · It was October 1991, and it was the only hurricane in recent times that the National Weather Service chose not to name. Many people refer to it as “The October Hurricane,” or “The Hallowe’en Nor’easter,” but Vineyarders would always call it the “No-Name Nor’easter.”

cyberbullying | Sky Dancing Sky Dancing banner headline uses a snippet from a work by artist Tashi Mannox called 'Rainbow Study'. The work is described as a" study of typical Tibetan rainbow clouds, that feature in Thanka painting, temple decoration and silk brocades". dakinikat was immediately drawn to the image when trying to find stylized Tibetan Clouds to represent Sky Dancing.

Readings for Holy Week: Friday | The Least, First 14, 2006 · 31Then the Jews, since it was the day of Sabbath preparation, and so the bodies wouldn't stay on the crosses over the Sabbath (it was a high holy day that year), petitioned Pilate that their legs be broken to speed death, and the bodies taken down. 32So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first man crucified with Jesus, and then the other.

29 | January | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 29, 2014 · Second, look for a worthy, proven project that you can support monthly, if only modestly, in addition to your commitment to your local church. As your faith in God’s love and trustworthiness grows, prayerfully make a faith promise pledge that is greater than you are capable of …

“take a knee” | Sheila Kennedy for cluttering up your inboxes, but blame the headline and story in the Indianapolis Star.. Clearly, It isn’t only Washington that is suffering from a surfeit of buffoons. I ‘m old enough to remember when Harrison Ullmann, then editor of Indianapolis’ alternative newspaper Nuvo, routinely called the Indiana General Assembly “the World’s Worst Legislature.”

The Book of Genesis is a Fraud | The Word of Me... 10, 2009 · The Book of Genesis is a Fraud. You know, the further I investigate the Christian religion and survey the timelines and civilizations that were flourishing around the Levant and Mesopotamian areas, in the supposed time of Adam and Eve, the more I realize that the creationist people at Answers in Genesis (AiG) are right in their most loudly proclaimed message.

13 | August | 2015 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 13, 2015 · Even though for the first thirty years of their marriage, Ben couldn’t quite identify his wife’s “secret herb,” he knew it was there—and that it made a wonderful difference in his wife’s cooking. If you’re the wife in the marriage partnership, I suspect that you have added your own secret ingredient to many aspects of your marriage.

american presidents-sample-esllibrary 1 | Michelle Obama ... was a historic day because it was the first time an African American had ever become the leader of the United States. From 20092012, Obamas administration reformed the healthcare system, and bailed out the American auto industry.

The Killing Towers of the US Telecom Industry | Talking Union 07, 2012 · by Bob Simpson He fell 120 feet to the ground while dismantling an unused communications tower in Lincoln, Illinois on June 8, 2005. Although identified only as employee #1 in the official OSHA report, he was 43 year old Toby Wheale of Glendale, AZ. Wheale’s employer, Wireless Horizon Inc. of Lincoln IL, was fined $750.…

10 | May | 2009 | The Word of Me... 10, 2009 · 1 post published by the word of me on May 10, 2009. The Book of Genesis is a Fraud. You know, the further I investigate the Christian religion and survey the timelines and civilizations that were flourishing around the Levant and Mesopotamian areas, in the supposed time of Adam and Eve, the more I realize that the creationist people at Answers in Genesis (AiG) are right in their most loudly ...

5 | April | 2019 | News Corpse 05, 2019 · The upcoming 2020 election is going to be at least a twenty ring circus. And the media will be serving as the Master of Ceremonies. Prominently featured in this extravaganza will be Fox News, who will make it their business to defend Donald Trump at every turn, while viciously and dishonestly attacking his critics.

View Beyond Bethlehem: Do All Lives Matter? 08, 2016 · By any means necessary Donald .What don't I get about X ? I know he wasn't saying to use violence at that time but he made damn sure you understood it was a very real possibility.I've read his speeches , he wasn't very hard to grasp, didn't require a degree to get what he was about on most topics.So no, I don't think wondering if he would have been cool with it is a stupid thing to spend a bit ...

There is nothing wrong with teaching gay history to Equality Matters, Fox News seems to be waging a war of misinformation against a recently passed California bill which will requ...

Balkinization: Information Fiduciaries in the Digital Age idea of an information fiduciary matters when the fiduciary discloses or uses sensitive information about the beneficiary to the beneficiary's disadvantage without permission. First, in some cases, the government may impose a duty of disclosure in some cases, but it generally requires a very good reason to breach the confidence.

Sterfish's Place: Surprisingly, North Shore Doesn’t Take ... 06, 2004 · -Gotta love the Clintons. They would make sure that their White House portraits are the first to be painted by an African-American artist. Also, the second stop on Bill Clinton’s tour for his upcoming memoir is at a small bookstore in Harlem. As my sister joked, his memoir should have been named Hell Up in Harlem.

preferential option: June 2007 of the best parts of my job is that I get to dabble in other people's business, professions and avocations. But I am always acutely aware that what we do is explain what they do. We don't do what they do. But it sure is fun learning what they do. One of my all-time favorite clients was the National Air Traffic Controllers Association. I ...

Australian Open Recap And Predictions - The Soundings the men's side, Querrey is the only realistic hope left. Up and coming Francis Tiafoe might have gone a few rounds if he didn't have to face Djokovic in the first one. Such is the state of American tennis. With that being said, who are the favorites? Without Serena, once again the women's draw is wide open.

The Bell: A Dragon Market 22, 2010 · What is more, they are putting their money where their mouth is. This Wednesday, the People's Bank of China, the government central bank, raised its key lending rate by 0.25 points. It was the first hike since the recent global economic crisis and explicitly aimed at …

neologichttps://neologicblog.blogspot.comGeorge Bush's fiasco in Iraq, like his fiascos known as Arbusto Energy, Spectrum 7 and Harken Energy is ending. It is just a question of time and number of needless deaths. Like those earlier misadventures, Bush personally is getting bailed out by his father's friends (which will undoubtedly include a re-write of history) but the rest of us, like the other stockholders and creditors of Arbusto ...

SAVE THE CHILDREN & WORLD HUNGER ISSUES/ VIOLA DAVIS ... Moon Image Credit: Public Domain I'm one of many in pursuit of countless truths inherent in an array of issues. A good debate and the sharing of ideas and points of view can be intriguing as well as challenging.The basic theme of this blog, however, is to provide a forum for various perspectives on the many complex topics/events facing us today as well as interesting cultural ...

Glenn Beck Thinks FarmVille An Obama Plot To Bring About ... 19, 2010 · It was late at night, or early morning, and there was the Elmer Gantry of Fox News ranting and raving about the evils of “Social Justice Churches,” “Obamacare”, “Woodrow Wilson and George Bernard Shaw” when he paused in front of one of his many scribbled on blackboards. He looked off to …

Astronomy Adventure - Messier 13 - The Soundings 13 is a fantastic globular cluster in the constellation of Hercules that contains over 300,000 stars. In good conditions, it is actually a naked eye object and a beautiful sight in even a small telescope.

Nothing Better to Do: It's Beautiful, but Is It Art? in awe at the grace and beauty that was the Chicago area's most controversial piece of public art. The Spindle is no more.Berwyn residents had difficulty finding a permanent home for the display that some call an eyesore while others describe it as an ironic piece of pop culture that makes a statement about the region. However they call it, it's definitely American.

SunTrust gets $3.5 billion in bailout money | 27, 2008 · I think that was the original panic response, but that plan no longer seems to be operative. According to this and this, it seems that the $700 billion is being targeted at banks that are only weak and wobbly, but not completely failing. They'll be allowed to spend that bailout money buying the banks that are actually failing, no doubt for ...

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid ... member of the reality-based community; stomping monsters since 2004

Astrophotography Adventure - More Mars and Saturn - The ... are the best I have done lately - they are OK but I know I can get better, especially with Mars. Both of these were composed from iPhone videos through the Starblast 4.5 at about 140x, converted to JPEG with PIPP, stacked with Registax, and post-processed with Curves tool in GIMP.

PERSPECTIVES-ANOTHER WAY TO VIEW: June 2012 18, 2012 · Carolyn Moon Image Credit: Public Domain I'm one of many in pursuit of countless truths inherent in an array of issues. A good debate and the sharing of ideas and points of view can be intriguing as well as challenging.The basic theme of this blog, however, is to provide a forum for various perspectives on the many complex topics/events facing us today as well as interesting cultural ...

Rural Cow Mutilations Baffle Authorities | Alternet the mutilation of 12 to 15 (depending on who you talk to) cows and steer in about seven months, folks in sleepy Pondera County are baffled. If there's a black market for cow organs, someone ...

Electronic Village: Don't Kill Troy Davis, here are the basic facts of the case: In August 1989, Davis and a running buddy named Sylvester (Red) Coles spent a riotous, hell-raising night in Savannah. Eyewitnesses say Coles shot at two of his neighbors at a house party with a chrome .38 pistol, hitting and wounding one. Davis wasn't at …

Rep. John Lewis delivers final message to Americans in ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours.

China bars protest leaders from running in upcoming Hong ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours.

"Pointer Brand" - Tales from the Microbial Laboratory college friend, who moved to Charleston two weeks ago, has been having alot of fun going out to the many restaurants we have in the area. One of the places she and her husband went to was the Market Cafe at Boone Hall Farms - and while she was there, she spotted a Pointer Brand sweet potato box. She left after dinner, but then returned and asked for the box - which they graciously gave her ...

The Rude Pundit: Two Days After Mueller's Statement, the ... 05, 2019 · The excitement it would elicit in the left and a good deal of the center would be akin to a surfer hitting the barrel of a wave just right. Jesus, what a feeling. I fucking guarantee that polling on support for impeachment would go up immediately.

Rants From The Rookery: The way a country treats its needy ... 02, 2007 · Shows the world its priorities, morality, and soul. Americablog has delved into the horrors awaiting the Gulf veterans. Saying no to a legless vet wanting to be at a Bush ceremony honoring another vet, refusing aid to a soldier with mental difficulties, denying services at Walter Reed, abusing veterans, removing from a committee chair a GOP official too 'vet-friendly'.

Why Rob Lowe deleted tweet about college admissions scandal“That’s one of the keys to being married for 28 years. Sometimes when your wife asks you to do something and you don’t really have a dog in the fight, it’s just better to do what the wife wants. I didn’t really care. I was happy to keep it up, but she was like, ‘Oh, I don’t know. I think maybe you should take it down,’ and so I ...

This Woman’s Work 25, 2008 · Lucky. My family and I are lucky. I am a working mom. A working woman. A female voter. As BlogHer Contributing Editor American Princess put it, part of the demographic that will have a “profound effect on the outcome of November’s election.”. Like many Americans I recently went from “stay-at-home-mom who could stand to make some extra cash on the side” to “I need a job and I need ...

Cole Slaw Blog: The History Boys History Boys and The Colbert Report have one thing in common. Both of them understand that postmodernism has been coopted by the right. The academic doctrines that called for cultural relativity, no such thing as right and wrong, the validity of all opinions no matter how unsubstantiated -- these arguments, once embraced by hippie professors, have been coopted and abused by people with power.

Robert Mueller now asking witnesses if Trump knew about ... 11, 2018 · Courtesy of NBC News : Special counsel Robert Mueller's team is asking witnesses pointed questions about whether Donald Trump was aware ...

The Immoral Minority: Psychologist weighs in on the mental ... 06, 2015 · I have said some version of this several times in the past, but it is good to see a psychologist making similar statements as well. And I seriously doubt you would find a mental health professional, NOT paid by the NRA, to say anything different. This whole mental health dodge is a straw man argument, and NOBODY should take it seriously.

The Citizens: Impeach Bybee! 06, 2009 · The New York Times has called for Judge Bybee, a Federal Judge on the 9th Circuit, to be impeached. It's particularly annoying that this piece of fascist filth is on the 9th Circuit because that is the Circuit most known for progressive rulings (right, LTG?).

Are Universities Breeding Grounds for Discrimination? 17, 2010 · One of the most recent reports we've seen comes from the University of Pittsburgh, where a female radiation oncologist won a potential $3 million verdict on …

The Sad and Nasty Business at St. Charles Avenue Baptist 11, 2011 · In any event, the younger generation that represented the future of the church is the contingent that is preparing for a mass exodus. Overnight, St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church has gone from an average congregational membership age of about 40-yrs-old to one that is now, I would guess, about an average of 60-yrs-old. It is what it is.

educational issues | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Memoriam: Tyler Clementi (1992-2010) “Our hope is that our family’s personal tragedy will serve as a call for compassion, empathy, and human dignity.”-Family of Tyler Clementi. Tyler Clementi was an 18-year-old Rutgers University freshman when he jumped from the George Washington Bridge in an apparent suicide in September 2010, days after he had been secretly …

FBI James Comey, the ultimate chameleon who sold his soul 06, 2016 · James Comey, the ultimate Universal man, a wolf in sheep's clothes or a chameleon? He has been a Prosecutor, Lobbyist, Hedge Fund operator, Chairman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. For some reason, Obama felt safe enough to appoint him head of the FBI. Now we know why. He can be bought and sold just…

Trump Blames Media For His Own Divisive Rhetoric and 24, 2017 · As was the case during his last campaign, Trump’s incitement against the media prompted his audience to “shout epithets at reporters” and demand that the media stop doing its job; what Trump ...

Happy Father's Day, Daddy | Mirror On 07, 2007 · I was fortunate to live in one of those homes. My father wasn't famous. He didn't go to work in a suit everyday. He never made close to six figures. But, he was one of the best human beings I've ever known. And, I didn't know how special he was until I got older. My father was born in a time when his options were severely limited.

fear Archives - Reeves was the quintessential law abiding gun owner; a 71-year old retired Tampa police captain with numerous commendations and a record of leading other agencies in gun safety training. He was a poster child, in other words, for the NRA’s narrative that gun restrictions only impede the likes of Curtis Reeves and not criminals.

rafael palmeiro | The Inglorius Padre Steve's Jeter not only reached 3000 hits mark he did it with aplomb going 5 for 5 with a Home Run and a double and two RBIs. His 3000 th hit was a Home Run on a 3-2 count to deep left field with one out in the bottom of the 3 rd inning against Ray’s ace David Price. Price in his career has held Jeter to 6 hits in 25 at bats with only 2 extra base hits and 3 RBIs, not a bad record …

Contextual Criticism: Catholic Bishop denies from Ruth Gledhill at Times Online. "Bishop Richard Williamson is a hardline ultra-conservative bishop of the Society of St. Pius X. He faces possible prosecution for Holocaust denial in Germany after an interview with a reporter from Stockholm TV in which he claimed that six million Jews did not die in the Holocaust, merely a few thousand, and that the gas …

The Citizens: Thank you, 05, 2007 · The fangs recede. They get to see a liar and a clod with few PR skills. A man of very limited experience. A sleazy salesman who wants to put his finger on a nuclear trigger so he can feel like a big man. You know Ahmadinejad looked around New York City and realized, perhaps for the first time, how fourth-rate Tehran is.

Denier-in-Chief Trump Should Read NOAA's Frightening New"With a climate denier in the Oval Office, a "fossil fuel puppet" heading the Environmental Protection Agency, and Big Oil lobbyists filling the ranks of secretive deregulatory teams, a new report by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed that 2016 was the hottest—and in some ways most alarming—year on record."

A Little Reality: There Is a Traitor In the White 19, 2017 · There Is a Traitor In the White House The law enforcement investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign has identified a current White House official as a significant person of interest, showing that the probe is reaching into the highest levels of government.

In Brief: Chris Christie Supported a Muslim Judge, Unlike 06, 2016 · Such was the case in 2011, when Christie appointed Sahail Mohammed as a judge on a state Superior Court. Mohammed, an Indian-American, is Muslim, and, as an attorney, he had defended detainees who had been arrested in the post-9/11 hysteria.

UPDATED: The Inherent Goodness Of Government - von Mises (1881-1973) was the greatest economist of my time.His greatest works can be accessed here a t no charge. Mises believed that property, freedom and peace are and should be the hallmarks of a satisfying and prosperous society.

How The Right Winger Reads the New York Times - 19, 2006 · L. Brent Bozell III is pictured to the left. He is William F. Buckley's nephew and son of L. Brent Bozell, Jr., a Goldwater man. He was the main fund-raiser behind Pat Buchanan when he sought Presidency in 1992. Mr. Bozell presently leads The Media Research Center (heading their Parents Television Council) plus he serves on the Board of the American Conservative …

The Reference Frame: Benoît Mandelbrot, the King of 08, 2010 · Benoît Mandelbrot was born in Poland on November 20, 1924, into a highly educated Jewish-Lithuanian family. They moved to France in 1936. He studied, was fixing tools, and tended horses there but acquired the dual French-U.S. citizenship after some years.

Chris King's First Amendment Page: KingCast says "Small yeah I was the second employee of the week but hell yeah I helped Michael Mae file a complaint to the DOL as noted here and they got popped for HR violations, hahahaaa.... Hahahahaaaa...

Above The Borderline: 2/13/11 - 2/20/ Walker is preparing to call in the Wisconsin National Guard to defend his plan to take away nearly all collective bargaining rights from state nurses, teachers and other employees. With virtually no public input, discussion or debate with affected workers, Governor Walker is briefing the Guard and state agencies to prepare for a disaster that he might cause.

MSNBC spin baby spin! | Veritas Vincit Pro 25, 2010 · I have been watching both Fox and MSNoBodyCares. I watched Glen Beck spend almost an hour calling on the opponents of the power grab of the leftist to keep it nonviolent. Gretta, O'Riley and Hannity all condemned any call for violence. The no body cares network spun this for three hours of spin trying to…

Zen Comix: Nixon Noxin Dioxin I was an actual NDE on the outskirts of the Great Beyond at 15 yet wasn’t allowed in, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven’s gonna be like for us: meet this ultra-bombastic, ex-mortal-Upstairs for the most-extra-blatant-and-groovy, pleasure-beyond-measure, Ultra-Yummy-Reality-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a ...

Cathie from Canada: Dueling crowd the story of this campaign is written, it must include the number of times federal leaders were thrown off their message by the hurly-burly of news and events -- for Trudeau, it was the blackface scandal three weeks ago; now for Scheer it is the Kinsella secret smear scandal, which couldn't have some at a worse time for him.

It's Recess-time Somewherehttps://recess-time.blogspot.comIn trying to get a visual on just how ugly it really was, I came across this - best viewed at home (it's not at all work-safe) with a friend, family member or perhaps a stoner neighbor who does cartoon voice impressions. Hat tip to Michelle Malkin is an Idiot for the nice CNN screen capture. Hopefully she'll be reporting soon on where the media was, and if they still smell funny.

Optioned to Fresno - A SF Giants Prospects Blog: Can the ... there is one organization in the Giants system that has taken strides in the past couple of years, it has to be the Fresno Grizzlies. Despite the competitiveness of the Pacific Coast League and the South Division, the Grizzlies have made strides from …

After 2009 Crackdown On Signs, Campaigns Pull Back From ... Comptroller John Liu racked up $500,000 in fines from illegal postings in his campaign last year. Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson also racked up more than $500,000 in fines, with more than 7,093 citations. Each citation costs $75.

Movie reviews for parents who don’t get out to the movies ... 03, 2016 · For the movie’s greatest sin isn’t turning Batman into a deranged homicidal vigilante or Superman into a joyless mope who is almost a secondary player in his own sequel or Doomsday into a retreat of 2008’s the Incredible Hulk’s Abomination, or the plot holes, the unanswered questions regarding superpowered vigilantes and how they should ...

The Union News. 11, 2013 · Individual liberty anywhere is a threat to the Progressive-Collectivist Cause everywhere.

Babes in Kosland - CounterPunch.org 10, 2006 · The first celebrity made available for the purpose was Ambassador Joseph Wilson, husband of “outed” CIA agent Valerie Plame and whistle-blower on the Niger yellowcake story . Wilson is a ...

Israel at War Watch: Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah Threatens ... 29, 2006 · Image from the Hezbollah television station Al -Manar aired Saturday July 29, 2006 shows Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah who in his statement threatened to attack more Israeli cities in central Israel. He also claims Israel suffered ‘serious defeat’ in ground fighting around a border town.

Jews sans frontieres: Plot Thickens in Tricycle Saga only got the chance to give Friday's Jewish Chronicle a good look at today. In spite of the Tricycle Theatre's boycott (that wasn't a bo...

Based On A True Story...: The Great Unraveling..., one of the first things Trump supporters will anxiously exhale is how The Donald is an established billionaire of genius, mastermind proportions- conveniently disregarding or denying (Fake News!!!) the long and inconvenient procession of bankruptcies and business failures he's accrued throughout his career, and the fact that he doesn't even own half the shit in his name.

Lost in the Ozone...: Questions Answered At Town Hall by ... of the last subjects discussed at the town hall meeting was foreclosures. Vance Barbour of the Woodhaven Residents Block Association asked several questions regarding what is being done to repair the foreclosure crisis that has gripped the nation. The state is taking various steps to help keep people in their homes, Thompson said.

Art Blog By Bob: June 2013 Man of Steel opened in theaters on June 14, 2013, it pulled in $116.6 million USD that opening weekend alone. Superman remains a box office bonanza in his eighth decade of existence, continuing the billion-dollar tradition sparked originally by Joe Shuster’s eye-catching cover for Action Comics #1 (detail shown above). Despite all that success, Superman’s …

State of the Nation: 9/6/09 - 9/13/09 11, 2009 · Making sense of foreign and domestic policies by tying together todays most important events to their beginnings. Shining light on corruption and lies in government and in media. War FISA torture spying habeas corpus propaganda oil and market manipulation legislation and bills

Fox News Is Hyperventilating About Climate Change vs ... 27, 2016 · One of the most predictable lines of attack on President Obama by Fox News and other right-wing media is to latch unto his commitment to mitigating the catastrophic effects of anthropomorphic climate change, and suggesting that his …

Tickle The Wiremary mccord Archives - Tickle The Wire high-ranking Justice Department official who is heading the government’s investigation into potential ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s campaign announced unexpectedly that she is leaving the DOJ in May. Mary McCord, acting assistant attorney general for national security, told staff that she is leaving in mid-May, according to NPR.

wla – Page 213 – Criminal Justice Journalism in the Public ... More Covid-19 Deaths in CA’s Prison System, This Time One of the Dead is a Custody Officer. June 1, 2020. Race & Justice. Voices In the Storm. May 31, 2020. ... Last week I got a call from an inmate who is presently incarcerated at Men’s Central... Foster Care DCFS….Dangerous 2 …

"Way too big for his boots", "Horrendous" - Lots of Leeds ... minute read 26/5/2020 | 01:07pm Liam Bridcutt enjoyed a short spell at Leeds United back in the tumultuous Steve Evans days but he’s been the talk of the town on social media this week thanks to Phil Hay. The Athletic correspondent posted an article to Twitter about the 31-year-old, who now plays for Lincoln […]

The Change in Catholic Thinking About Jews and Judaism ... his much lauded intellectual history From Enemy to Brother Connelly justifies his subtitle `The Revolution in Catholic Teaching on the Jews 1933 - 1965'. It is a brilliant intellectual history locating the origins of the change in Austrian and central European Catholic intellectuals who fought Nazi racism and sought to respond appropriately ...

Democracy for New Mexico: Thirteen Dem Pre-Primary Ballots, someone in his precict should vote him out. there will always be a trouble maker in a group. it is best to keep voting them out and they will get tired and move on. Posted by: george | Mar 17, 2010 4:37:06 PM. Kylee is Roberts daughter; and Robert moss is engaged to aragon's other daughter Ashlee

Tickle The WirePresident Nominates Deputy FBI Dir. John 17, 2010 · Pistole, who is regarded as a straight shooter, is unlikely to face many problems in the confirmation process. He’s expected to stay in his current post until the confirmation process is complete. Previously, his name surfaced as one of four candidates being considered to head up the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Was Arms Dealer, Not Nuclear Scientist | The Lunch Counter 09, 2009 · Who is surprised to see… Iran's Nuclear Program Revisited It wasn't that long ago that Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was portraying the United Nation's IAEA, and the New York Times, as confirming that Iran does not have a nuclear…

Rehab Killed Amy Winehouse - HariKari Sun articles are really honest, informative, and sad. It sounds like she was really trying to get it together and her body couldn’t deal with the withdrawel etc…. If you have ever watched Dr. Drew Rehab, it is pretty real that this crap happens and if the person who is going through the withdrawal symptoms,doesn’t get help, they are done.

FBI's McCabe Ret(F)ired - Progress Pond 17, 2018 · In his first public comments on the matter, just after midnight, Trump effusively praised McCabe’s dismissal: Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI – A great day for Democracy. Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy.

Meditations on Torture: Michel de Montaigne | Salamander's ... 27, 2009 · As a new feature, each Sunday I am going to present a brief meditation on torture from some historic or contemporary thinker or expert; philosophers, generals, doctors, jurists, etc. The goal is to present the wide-ranging and long-running opposition to torture on both moral and pragmatic grounds in the Western tradition. I don't intend this…

Michael Fountain: Blood for Ink: Benny and the Cat Club of my summer projects was to find a little brother or sister for Doc, badly in need of a playmate after the loss of Sophie, an incomprehensible divorce, and the I-Want-to-Be-an-Only-Kitty truculence of his older sister Phoebe. So here is Lord Tony Benn, formerly 2nd Viscount of Stansgate, known as Benny, a graduate of Kalamazoo Animal Rescue.

Washington Scandal: Obama Practices Quiet Racism Against ... 25, 2009 · Couple this allegation with the often heard Obama sentiment that "America NEEDS to ADDRESS/CORRECT the Legacy of Slavery, the LEGACY of being born BLACK." I keep waiting for one of the White House reporters to just up out of their chair and start to SHOUT, "PRAAAISE JESUS!" "OH MY LAAAWD!" "I see the light, THANK YOU JESUS."

Monstrom: Diary of a Sociopathhttps://mesocrazy.blogspot.comem-pa-thy n: Direct identification with, understanding of, and vicarious experience of another person's situation, feelings, and motives. so-ci-o-path n: someone with a sociopathic personality; a person with an antisocial personality disorder ('psychopath' was once widely used but has now been superseded by 'sociopath') I think it's important that, right from the start, you understand …

No Right Turn: Afraid to face the public 08, 2014 · John Key is afraid to face the public in his own electorate. He's afraid to hear from us, and afraid that one of us might say something that damages his carefully manicured image. And that speaks volumes about how fragile that image, …

Contextual Criticism: Rex Rammell - Repugnican racist in Idaho Rammell - Repugnican racist in Idaho Oh, boy, the "real" Repugnicans in Idaho are worried. Seems like one of their clan, a stoopid by name of Rex Rammell, who is running for the gubernatorial nomination in Idaho, wants a license to hunt Barack Obama. Yup.

Mohammed Cartoon Watch: The Price of Notariety – Flap's ... 29, 2008 · One of the Mohammed cartoons that sparked riots last year throughout the Muslim world. The Wall Street Journal has a piece today (via Michelle Malkin) about the PRICE OF NOTARIETY experienced by Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.. Kurt Westergaard is in hiding from Islamic militants who want him dead. Now, the Danish cartoonist says he’s ready …

The Johnsville News: Duke Case: Rounding up Real Suspects Peter Wood took the opportunity to complain about, of all things, attendance in his class. Professor Melissa Malouf suggested the "condoms theory" to counter the exculpatory DNA results. As recently as June 17, Professor Joseph Dibona published a letter in the Durham Herald-Sun complaining that the decision to reinstate the team ...

Sex Offender Court Decisions: Appeals court strikes ... North Carolina: A Graham man serving 18 years for molesting a child won’t be subject to lifetime monitoring as a sex offender whe...

Thomas Clay Jr - You cannot imagine my shock when I went ... one of the rotten bastards have violated their's. What don't they want the people to know? That they are servile to the whims of Putin. I bet El Chapo and John Gotti wish they had one of those trials where no witnesses are allowed to testify and no evidence can be admitted. The inmates are officially running the asylum.

memeorandum: ANSWER THIS: ANDREW SULLIVAN (Patrick Gavin ... 01, 2011 · How Rumsfeld misleads and ducks responsibility in his new book — Few people know the ins and outs of the Bush Administration as well as the Washington Post's Bob Woodward, who is flat-out disgusted with the evasions and elisions in Donald Rumsfeld's new book. Here he explains why: — By Bob Woodward

Jews sans frontieres: The word of the beloved leader Grunwald, acting in his capacity as, he says, "the elected leader of the British Jewish community" writes in today's Guardian , that...

Beto O'Rourke on MLK's 'Single Garment of Destiny' and 'We ... 31, 2019 · This is what some people refer to as the Ellis Island for the Americas. Immigrants from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and points in between and …

Reince Priebus gauging potential of dumping Trump at the ... 24, 2016 · (June 17, 2016) RNC chief Reince Priebus is looking into how much momentum exists to dump Donald Trump at the July convention, reports CNN:...

THE NEWS BLOG Gotthard Heinrici was given command of Army Group Vistula, he described the atmosphere around Hitler as cloud kookoo land. A world where fantasy trumped reality and the impossible expected. Kind of like the White House today, one where they expect the Iraqi "government", one where most of the parliment lives in London, to actually lead a country controlled by guerrillas and militias.

Dawg's Blawg: SCC Khadr decision: reprise 11, 2010 · My previous post decrying the Supreme Court of Canada's scandalous refusal to enforce the Charter of Rights in the Khadr affair occasioned a considerable amount of discussion in the comments. The preponderance of the views expressed departed sharply from my own. Regular commenters Marky Mark (a practising lawyer), Jimmy Durante, Mike Brock and Jay Currie believe that …

21 | April | 2020 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 21, 2020 · 6 posts published by broboinhawaii on April 21, 2020. “But the new agreement I will make with the people of Israel, says the Lord: I will write my laws in their minds so that they will know what I want them to do without My even telling them, and these laws will be in their hearts so that they will want to obey them, and I will be their God and they shall be my people” (Hebrews 8:10).

16 | April | 2020 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 16, 2020 · Bible in a Year: 1 Samuel 30–31; Luke 13:23–35; When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight. Jeremiah 15:16. Today’s Scripture & Insight:Jeremiah 15:15–21

Who Murdered Chaim Weiss? - FailedMessiah.com the Daily News reported that Sunday: …Police said their initial investigation was hampered because yesterday was the Jewish Sabbath. Officials of the yeshiva would not agree to discuss the case extensively until sundown, when the Sabbath ended.… The idea that halakha (Orthodox Jewish law) prohibited full cooperation with police is laughable.

Christian women and sports - Progress Pond 11, 2005 · This is all the rage in our public schools, especially since the passage of Title IX by the feminists. Since most Christian parents send their children to the public schools, it doesn’t surprise many of us that Christians are influenced more by the secular school culture than by the culture of the Church.

Green Mountain Coffee reports quarterly results plus a 05, 2014 · The big news, however, was the announcement of a ten year deal with Coca-Cola "to collaborate on the development and introduction of The Coca-Cola Company's global brand portfolio for use in GMCR's forthcoming Keurig Cold at-home beverage system." As part of the deal, Coca-Cola will take a 10% stake in Green Mountain. Source: News release...

memeorandum: Erdogan says will reveal details of Khashoggi ... ways to fix “fake news” — Axios CEO Jim VandeHei — speaking at his alma mater, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh — was asked by several students how to restore faith and trust in media.— The big picture: VandeHei offered four fairly provocative ideas — …

Analysis: How the Mueller report revelations are ... this week, allegations in the report that Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) fed the White House information about secret investigations is adding fuel to his critics as he tries to finish his own investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.allegations in the report that Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) fed the White House information about

The Return of the Blood Libel - FailedMessiah.com court appoints an expert psychiatrist - and they appoint one who is already known for being lenient in his assessment of deviants. It was not a yeshiva student/gardener who committed indecent acts against the kindergarten children, the learned psychiatrist once ruled, it was the …

Red Cross Banned From Bringing Food and Supplies to Nola 03, 2005 · Paralegal, one reason is the troops are still fighting in the streets. so you can't have the Red Cross inside that dead city, the other reason is, the bush boys hate the Red Cross, because of how the money was used from 9-11, and FEMA'S "head guy", only wants his people in the media stories looking good on CNN\FOX\MSMBC.

8 | November | 2018 | News Corpse 08, 2018 · But it’s clear that they intend to continue distorting reality for their glassy-eyed and willfully ignorant viewers. ... This is the "Break Glass in Case of Emergency" plan to protect the Mueller investigation. ... (@maddow) November 7, 2018. That tweet was the basis for the article by Flood who characterized it as pro-Mueller and implied ...

News Feed FYI: New Updates to Reduce Clickbait Headlines is How Your Government Responds to Unfavorable News Coverage — Monday night, as the story of the President giving classified information to the Russians was in full evolution, I get a call from this guy: — RC Hammond, the State Department's communications advisor, who had his facts wrong about what was reported and by whom.

Ugly conservatives continue to smear Michael Brown with ... 26, 2014 · You really have to wonder what kind of depraved individual feels the need to smear Michael Brown, even in death, with video that falsely claims to depict him. I mean, Michael Brown is dead. Darren Wilson will not be charged with a crime. Having achieved the result that they wanted, you would think conservatives would…

memeorandum: Obamacare Helped Americans Detect Cancer ...‘The Flight 93 Election’ Crashes Again — In case you've had the pleasure of forgetting, “The Flight 93 Election” was the title of a portentous essay, published last September under a Roman pseudonym in The Claremont Review of Books, that declared the stakes for the United States in 2016 thus: “Charge the cockpit or you die.”

In case you’ve lost track, US C19 deaths have tripled over ... 08, 2020 · And then there are the deaths that will never appear to be due to a viral infection, but that result from 16 million and rising unemployed, in a country in which only a small part of the population has emergency funds. Deaths from physical and mental stress associated with poverty are going to rise, but nobody can say by how much.

blessed are the peacemakers | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND ... 25, 2015 · Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9. This is the seventh of the beatitudes: and seven was the number of perfection among the Hebrews. It may be that the Savior placed the peacemaker seventh on the list because he most nearly approaches the perfect man in Christ Jesus.

30 | June | 2015 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 30, 2015 · And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.—Mark 6:31. The Sabbath is not a legalistic day that we as believers have to observe, but it is a great idea to take some time off and focus on the Lord.

Alasandra's Place: January 2016 Magic by Thomas Tryon My rating: 2 of 5 stars I liked the part that took place in Ancient Egypt the best. Once we moved to the present day it seemed to drag out. An ancient Canaanite whose magical abilities come to the attention of an Egyptian Prince who dabbles in magic, has one eye removed in retaliation for stealing "the Eye of Horus" and is hung after the Prince becomes ill and the ...

journey2infinitivehttps://journey2infinitive.blogspot.comThe name of this team is Uruguay , The first giant of Latin America. Gradually The most popular tournament of the world was born in this country on 1930. Again One of the smallest populated countries in the world kept their place permanently in the Hall of fame . They were the first world champion, Undisputed Land lord of The world football.

BUSH: "I don't need no stinking warrants." - Blogger 19, 2005 · If someone who is innocent gets caught in that particular hell, too bad. The inmates have been deprived of all rights. This is dangerous territory, indeed. Nightmarish territory. These secret prisons are the dungeons of the 21st century. The voices against the serial outrages of the Bush administration are growing steadily louder, and that's ...

GENESEE FLINT . COM: 01/01/2019 - 02/01/2019 02, 2019 · Genesee County Family Law Articles including Custody, Parenting Time, Support, Paternity, Revocation of Paternity, and Grandparenting Time.

GENESEE FLINT . COM: Sep 3, 2011 06, 2011 · All of their US hits were ballads, graced by the soaring falsetto of Russell Thompkins, Jr. and the lush productions of Thom Bell, which helped make the Stylistics one of the most successful soul groups of the first half of the 1970s."[1] During the early 1970s, the band had twelve consecutive U.S. R&B top ten hits, including "Stop, Look ...

Michael Fountain: Blood for Ink: Othello, the Boulevard ... isn't only about jealousy, any more than Hamlet is about revenge. Othello's great sin is his assumption that because you are Good, all others must necessarily be trustworthy as well. If I were sent back with a warning to the Belle Epoque in Paris, Vienna and Berlin, how many of the boulavardiers could perceive the deadly earnestness with which the children of that time were training to ...

Monologues of Dissent: Monologue of Despair (and Hope ... 07, 2012 · Despite having put up a fight that will earn a place in history books, the citizen action and self-funded grassroots efforts that captured the world’s attention didn’t stand much of a chance against unlimited campaign contributions, full-time fundraising, and a messaging campaign so massive that the fact that it was dizzyingly full of lies and misrepresentations eventually became irrelevant.

memeorandum: Swine-flu outbreak linked to Smithfield Foods 26, 2009 · Swine-flu outbreak linked to Smithfield Foods — TWITTER - NEWSVINE - GOOGLE BOOKMARKS - STUMBLEUPON — The outbreak of a new flu strain—a nasty mash-up of swine, avian, and human viruses—has infected 1000 people in Mexico and the U.S., killing 68.

memeorandum: U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency Over ... Declares Public Health Emergency Over Swine Flu — Tourists on an almost empty tour bus in Mexico City on Sunday.Swine flu has killed more than 80 people in Mexico. More Photos > — American health officials on Sunday declared a public health emergency over increasing cases of swine flu …

Lordy-Lordy, Women I love over 40! - Blogger 25, 2005 · I once broke up with a girl because of Jody Watley. Let me explain.. Mariah Carey had said that her duet with O.D.B was the first time that a R&B singer had used a rapper in a song.The girl I was with at the time agreed and I totally lost it. I said at the time "Jody Watley used Rakim in her song "Friends" in 1989, Fuck Mariah!!"

E-mail between Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton shows ... 08, 2016 · Comey said in his July 5 statement, "From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received."

Shorebird Player and Pitcher of the Month: May 2017 08, 2017 · One of the few saving graces I thought we would have was the fact the plan for Dariel Alvarez was to have him pitch once or twice a week as he learned that aspect of the game but stay in touch with the offensive end as a DH a couple games a week also. It would have been like having a guy on rehab all year (and bear in mind Joey Rickard hit .300 ...

Black History Month: The Afro-Indigenous—Native Amerikans ... 07, 2020 · Radmilla Cody, a Diné and African American Grammy-nominated, Nammy-winning singer from the Navajo Nation. It is fitting to open Black History Month by exploring the long history of relationships between and among the indigenous people of this land with African Americans. Many tribal nations, especially on the East Coast, have members of African ancestry.

holybulliesandheadlessmonsters.blogspot.com rarely, if all, talk about religion on this blog. I consider myself a person of faith raised up in the Baptist Christian religion. I respect the differences of religious belief,

The Midnight Review: Sand Lake Hills Aims To Keep training and lack of federal standards form the root of U.S. policing problem, but experts say new laws also are needed in the wake of George Floyd death - America's policing problem starts with poor training that lacks federal standards, according to a report at *Axios*. In an article titled "America's br...

Does Tone Matter in the Education Reform Debate ... 11, 2012 · The current attention given the "tone" of the education reform debate risks creating a false equivalence between so-called "reformers" on one hand and teachers on the other. The fact is teachers have been and are being attacked. The "tone it down" discussion also carries a gendered message that women should know their "place."

The new affordable health insurance marketplace is here ... 01, 2013 · For millions of people who are uninsured or can’t afford to buy insurance on their own, the day has come: You’re somebody. If you’ve lived without insurance or, like me, pay exorbitant rates because you buy individual insurance or have a pre-existing condition, October 1, …

FBI | Messaging Matters 26, 2019 · Today, former FBI Director James Comey gave his anxiously-awaited testimony before the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence since Donald Trump fired him in May. Comey’s testimony, including his written statement that was released yesterday, was stunning in several respects, from the circumstances of his firing, to the Mafia-like treatment Comey says Trump gave him …

Think Outside the Cage: Quillen: Time to surrender - The ... 01, 2011 · Quillen: Time to surrender - The Denver Post. A fortnight ago, a respectable 19-member international commission announced that the "war on drugs," which the United States has been fighting for at least 40 years, is a catastrophic failure.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Nash joins the ranks of Magic they are the only two point guards to win back to back MVP awards in the NBA. It’s an honour well deserved for Nash, who has taken his game to a level not seen by many in a long time . He can single handedly bring his team back into any contest and as the recent series showdown against the Lakers proved, with Nash in control of the ...

Bluegrass Pundit: Report: Al Gore accused of sexually 23, 2010 · The National Enquirer has scooped the lamestream media again. This time they have uncovered a police report from Portland, Oregon in which a woman accused Al Gore of sexual assault during a massage. Oregon Live reported: Today, as the National Enquirer reported that it had interviewed a Portland masseuse who complained of unwanted sexual contact by the former vice president at the …

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard the death toll surpassed 50,000 with no sign of abating, the U.S. Agency for International Development added $20 million to an earlier pledge of $15 million to provide relief, and the Pentagon dispatched an aircraft carrier and other military assets to the region.

Chauncey DeVega's World of Ghetto Nerds: District 9 versus saw District 9 last night at midnight, and will be seeing it again tonight.There is a lot going on with this film, but the recurring thought that I had upon first viewing centered upon its similarities to the classic Alien Nation (which not surprisingly I am watching on cable as I post this). With District 9 and Mad Men's debut on Sunday, I will have a full weekend of pop culture goodness to ...

Don't Become a Prisoner to Consistency - Progress Pond 21, 2011 · I can’t really disagree with the substance of Ross Douthat’s argument. There are pros and cons to conducting a military intervention in the way that President Obama has chosen to conduct the operations in Libya. I think we all know the upside of getting the approval of the United Nations Security Council, the initial blessing […]

Word Around the Net: ROUNDUP! Michael Berg, father of Nick Berg: "I have no sense of relief, just sadness that another human being had to die...As the poet John Donne said, any man’s death diminishes me. It doesn’t bring my son back, and this will just bring a new cycle of revenge killings”

Freedom Writing: Jack Kemp Dies at 73 03, 2009 · Jack Kemp Dies at 73 I guess the first time I became aware of Jack Kemp was when I was about 9 or 10 years old, and, like most of the boys my age, I collected football cards. Kemp was near the end of his professional football career at the time, and his was not a marquee name, like Joe Namath or Bart Starr or Roger Staubach, among my friends.

Milestones / Achievements - Repeace / Achievements Repeace begins in September 2008, as an intuition of a Swiss Italian social psychologist living in San Francisco (CA), Andrea Tosi, wanting to have more impact in the exercise of social change, and see more cohesion and synergy in the very fragmented and competitive realm of …

2020 February 20 – Off the 20, 2020 · It’s good to have a plan.. No traffic deaths on Houston streets, 4.6 million new trees, and no more homes in the floodway. All by 2030. Those are some of the lofty goals set in the master resiliency plan, “Resilient Houston,” that Mayor Sylvester Turner and city officials unfurled Wednesday, a 186-page document that spells out how the city and its residents can orient themselves to best ...

ce399 | research archive: his frequent visits to New York, Dali made a point of praying in St. Patrick's Cathedral for the health of Franco, announcing at many press conferences his unconditional loyalty to Franco's regime. Quite a record, yet mostly unknown or ignored by his many fans in the art world. The Jackboot of Dada: Salvador Dali, Fascist Vicente Navarro

church-state separation - The Road 01, 2012 · In his case, he was a devout Jew who saw Jesus as the messiah. But he didn’t like the message that the apostle Paul and other followers of Jesus were preaching. This new message insisted that gentiles could become followers of Jesus without adopting the requirements of the Torah.

The Rumblings of a Deranged Buffalo: Arizona Preview ... 28 seniors who stayed in Boulder, through coaching change bullshit and a mountain of losses as mighty as Mt Evans, deserve our respect and praise alongside that of their teammates. Through four years of challenge, they stuck with it and tried their best.

Not All Atheists Are Alike | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · The subject of the discussion was the collapse of World Trade Center Building #7 after the two towers fell on 9/11. A video narrated by Ed Asner was posted and sparked discussion. Not all the participants were atheists, although in all fairness, I really can’t say for sure. I know two of them are. The

Financial Meltdown | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog @RepSwalwell: Bill Barr’s actions make clear that, in his Department of Justice, the President’s allies get special treatment, the Presi… 9 hours ago; RT @ProjectLincoln: Trump prides himself on being #1, and he is. - Single largest market drop in history. - Most lies ever told by a presi… 9 hours ago

Here Are 5 of the Most Stunning Details from Mary Trump’s 08, 2020 · 1. Mary Trump leaked ‘hordes of’ financial information about her family to the New York Times “President Trump’s niece reveals how she leaked hordes of confidential Trump family financial documents to the New York Times in an effort to expose her uncle, whom she portrays as a dangerous sociopath,” According to Axios reporter Jonathan Swan. ...

The Mother’s Day Proclamation of Julia Ward Howe | The ... 09, 2009 · Julia Ward Howe offered her Mother’s Day Proclamation to the world in 1870. Her dream was the establishment of an international Mothers’ Day Festival dedicated to the cause of nonviolent resolution of conflict and international solidarity among all women. Her pacifist consciousness had been provoked by the bloodshed of the Franco-Prussian War. Her activism was cultivated in the struggles ...

Amazing Story From Northern California:Kiddnapped Girl(now ... 28, 2009 · Shocking! A wild story from Northern California about a series events in the last 48 hours a kidnapped girl from South Lake Tahoe in El Dorado County walk in the Antioch, CA Police Department ending a nearly two decade ordeal for a family Southern California couple. Jaycee Duggard was kidnapped in the Summer of 1991…

RADARSITE: La Ultima Paja 09, 2007 · 8:67 It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter.

Small businesses being forced to close by government retailers the nation over are being pushed out of business by government subsidies to chain competitors such as Wal-Mart and Target through a variety of "corporate socialism" schemes, taxation authority David Cay Johnston says.

RADAMISTO: 2006-11-05 06, 2006 · 10/17/2006 More than 97 percent of the money, or $28 million, has come from Jim and Virginia Stowers, founders of American Century mutual funds.After surviving cancer, the two donated more than $1.5 billion to form the Stowers Institute, which seeks to find cures for disease through stem cell research. The Stowerses have declined interviews throughout the campaign.

Our School's Anti-Bullying Campaign | Leisure School's Anti-Bullying Campaign - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The kids at Martin Bormann Academy are the target of bullies until Mr Lockjaw, an Army sniper turned teacher, finds a non PC solution to ease their misery

5 +1 + 2 = 0 | kavips is so ironic that the battle for proper educational techniques is heating up just as we in New Castle County Delaware are swearing in someone who once brought stability and control to …

27 | June | 2011 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! 27, 2011 · Back on April 5, 2010 I did a post called George Soros makes move on controlling food supply.I was following up on an excellent post by Conservatives on Fire who included in his story that Soros was buying up Grain Elevators.. One thing COF discovered is …

Rants From The Rookery: There's lots of good fish in the ... 02, 2007 · Colossal squid, known by the scientific name Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, are estimated to grow up to 46 feet long and have long been one of the most mysterious creatures of the deep ocean. New Zealand Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton said the whopper, weighing an estimated 990lbs, took two hours to land in Antarctic waters.

Clinton '16-GOP '18 Voters? 30, 2018 · No, he was some guy from NYC who was assaulted by a Hispanic yelling anti-white slurs in 2016. When he posted about it on Facebook, he got a lot of SJWs attacking him over it. He said he still voted for Clinton, but it left a bad taste in his mouth and started his move to the Right.

Misprision - misprision. Negative misprision is the concealment of treason or felony.By the common law of England it was the duty of every liege subject to inform the king's justices and other officers of the law of all treasons and felonies of which the informant had knowledge, and to bring the offender to justice by arrest (see Sheriffs Act 1887, s. 8).

Tickle The WireJack Abramoff Archives - Page 2 of 2 latest reminder of all of this came Thursday when the feds in Alexandria, Va., indicted Paul J. Magliocchetti, a powerful ex-lobbyist, who is accused of funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars in “laundered campaign contributions to lawmakers, using straw donors and other illicit means to disguise the source of the money,” the New ...

Get Off This!: American Liberty at the it gives the government the power to take away habeas rights from any noncitizen living in the United States who is unfortunate enough to be labeled an enemy combatant. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which rejected the detainees’ claims by a vote of 2 to 1, should have permitted the detainees to ...

The Obfuscation Report: American Taliban Strikes Fundamentalist Terrorism. by Shannyn Moore at Huffpo. It's shocking to write. But it's time to start calling it what it is. When Jim D. Adkisson walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church with 76 rounds and a shot-gun, he killed 2 …

Secret Bases · Bases wiki - Misprision. Negative misprision. Negative misprision is the concealment of treason or felony.By the common law of England it was the duty of every liege subject to inform the king's justices and other officers of the law of all treasons and felonies of which the informant had knowledge, and to bring the offender to justice by arrest (see Sheriffs Act 1887, s. 8).

Conservative Hypocrisy and Outrage | Veritas Nihilum 03, 2009 · Once the thing pops out of the woman’s vag, it’s like a puppy or kitten. Killing it is wrong and should be severely punished, but it ain’t like killing an actual human being. Sure, it makes you a total douchebag and makes me think you don’t have a right to live, but it …

Famous Last Words: Rocco Comes 08, 2009 · He figures to be a fourth outfielder to sub in for J.D. Drew when Drew has his annual six week back strain injury. Baldelli himself has had his injury issues, but with a plentiful supply of nearby coffee milk and Dell's Lemonade, he should stay healthy and strong. I can tell you from first-hand experience that the lack of such Rhode Island delicacies is very tough on …

Johnny Pez: Sobel Wiki: the king on a 05, 2013 · This week's featured article at the Sobel Wiki is on France. As I've noted before, France suffers an even more unpleasant history in the Sobel Timeline than in our own, which may well reflect Sobel's annoyance at Charles de Gaulle's nationalist policies during the 1960s. One of the minor puzzles of For Want of a Nail is trying to figure out the family relationships between …

The Union 08, 2009 · Individual liberty anywhere is a threat to the Progressive-Collectivist Cause everywhere.

Rupert Murdoch Employs Racist Logic To Defend All-White 29, 2014 · For the first time in history, there was a slave population that was obviously different from the free population. Whites have been punishing blacks for this accident of history ever since. The Egyptians weren’t ‘black’ in the modern sense, nor were the various Semitic peoples of the Middle East ‘black’ or ‘white’ (as we would ...

Barefoot and Laughing: 06, 2008 · Nausea: yes. Weepiness: yes. Bathroom irregularities: yes (as in, either explosions or nothing). Fatigue: yes. On my infusion days, I’m bored stiff in the chair for two and a half hours, and come home and sleep all afternoon. I don’t feel depressed, so much as frustrated, tired, and sad. Protect your skin, all of you. I never meant to go here.

Electronic Village: Manic Monday: 1997 Mabel Fairbanks was the first African American coach inducted in the U.S. Figure Skating Hall of Fame. Atoy Wilson was the first African American man to win a national figure skating title in the men's novice category of the U.S. National Championships. He also competed in the men's juniors in Philadelphia in 1968.

The Union News.: Union voters struggle with racial 06, 2008 · "There is a history of tension between the African-American and Latino communities. It's been there, but it's been largely overcome," said Marshall Ganz, a Harvard lecturer and longtime labor organizer who worked with the United Farm Workers' Cesar Chavez. Obama "isn't known," said Ganz, who is working for Obama.

what time is it? | Electricity & who is going out with so-innocent-she-only-let-him-kiss-her-on-the-cheek-in-the-first-movie (phew) Gabriella (Vanessa Hudgens – naked pics of whom are disturbingly now all over the net). Meanwhile there’s also the outrageously camp Ryan (Lucas Grabeel), sports-mad Chad (Corbin Bleu) and also Taylor (Monique Coleman), who constantly seems ...

TBogg - "...a somewhat popular blogger"'s Page has praise for Yon and wishes Willis luck. Captain's Quarters sees the potential movie as an antidote to the "idiotic Constant Gardner." The Bernoulli Effect wonders if its the next The Passion of the Christ. PJMedia's RogerLSimon also sees box office gold, if the film is made, and relates its potential to a poll in the Washington ...

Maybe Condi's Black After All | Mirror On America 08, 2007 · Coit Blacker, a Stanford professor who is one of the secretary of state's closest friends, recalls going into a shop where Rice asked to see earrings. The clerk showed her costume jewelry. Rice asked to see something nicer, prompting the clerk to whisper some sass under her breath. Blacker remembers Rice tearing the woman to shreds.

Legal Schnauzer: An Alabamian's Footage: "The Gulf Appears ... 12, 2010 · An Alabamian's Footage: "The Gulf Appears to Be Bleeding" Perhaps the most dramatic video so far of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico comes from an Alabama resident named John Wathen. Wathen, an environmental investigator and clean-water advocate for Perry County, Alabama, has worked extensively on the coal-ash issue that has affected his ...

Did GE's Jeffrey Immelt Stab Obama in Back? | Bud Meyers 20, 2012 · The New York Post, owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, ran an article by Charles Gasparino, who is a Fox Business Network senior correspondent. The story is about Obama's "Jobs Czar", General Electric's CEO Jeffrey Immelt. Charles Gasparino also appeared on Fox News today to reiterate his version of events in his story ...

The Immoral Minority: Secret Service vacates Trump Tower ... 02, 2017 · Courtesy of WaPo: The Secret Service has vacated its command post inside Trump Tower in Manhattan following a dispute between the government and President Trump’s company over the terms of a lease for the space, according …

Hip-Hop, Troi Torain, DJ Star, New York City, Power 105 FM 12, 2006 · DJ SCUM Hip Hop Host Threatens Rival's Young Daughter After a recent spate of horrible publicity for the radio industry, a New York City hip-hop DJ has topped it all by threatening a rival's young daughter on the air. While verbal battles between Clear Channel's Power 105 FM and the violence-prone Emmis Communications outlet Hot 97 FM have recently been …

June | 2008 | Mightier than the Sword. my father slowly decline in his 80’s is, as any daughter or son could tell, very difficult. Particularly with him, because he has such a strong animus. His is a will of iron that insists he’s not ready to go anywhere, just yet. So he isn’t. Since October, he’s been in and out of the hospital six or seven times.

The Johnsville News: Greenspan's Bubbles is one of Fleckenstein's recent MSN Money broadsides at Alan Greenspan. Bill Fleckenstein / MSN Money: How Greenspan's policies hurt you-- Most Americans are likely to be worse off for years to come because of the bubbles created when the former chairman ran the Federal Reserve. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Marc Valdez Weblog: 08/28/2016 - 09/04/2016 New York Times tries biased coverage in support of Trump; gets screwed by Trump: But that message didn’t come across in the New York Times’ initial coverage of the speech, which hailed Trump’s address as “an audacious attempt” to transform his image and reported that he shelved his proposal for a massive effort to deport immigrants who are in the country illegally.

FBI Spied on Coretta Scott King | Mirror On America 03, 2007 · FBI Spied on Coretta Scott King As per FBI Spied on Martin Luther King's Widow By ERRIN HAINES, AP Posted: 2007-08-31 15:52:35 ATLANTA (Aug. 30) - Federal agents spied on the widow of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. for several years after his assassination in 1968, according to newly released documents that reveal the FBI worried …

Coldtype's Lair: May 2014 17, 2014 · Coldtype's Lair "The wealthy, not only by private fraud but also by common laws, do every day pluck and snatch away from the people some part of their daily living. Therefore, when I consider and weigh in my mind these commonwealths which nowadays do flourish, I perceive nothing but a certain conspiracy of rich men in procuring their own ...

Santa Clara Weekly - Facebook Clara Weekly Yesterday at 4:47 PM The County's guidance is now out there, however, the reopening of sc ... hools is not guaranteed — it's dependent on the containment of COVID-19 in the coming weeks.

Jews sans frontieres: More on Renen Schorr Schorr is no doubt one of the greatest apparatchiks of Israeli cinema. Apparently he really likes himself and spends a lot of time mak...

The Useless Tree: Jeremy Lin and Chinese Soft Power here's one of the interesting things about all this: rather like Gary Locke, Lin is an American who is creating a new symbol of Chinese cultural accomplishment. And that, I think, is not good news for the culture warriors in China desperately in search of home-grown products that will boost the PRC's "soft power" abroad.

A Perfect Analogy | Sheila Kennedy Perfect Analogy September 25, 2019 Random Blogging American Pharoah , Dana Milbank , Pence , Trump Sheila Amid the chaos and corruption of this administration, there is one positive thing we critics all need to concede: Trump, Pence and company have been gold for …

The Peruser: March 2014 Shultz, former Secretary of State under President Ronald Reagan, and one of the GOP's eldest statesman, is not attempting to join the Trump Trainwreck. In Shultz' own words; God Help Us!!! ~~~~~ Trump: "I regret the past remarks that may have caused personal pain". Ahh! ha! ha! just kidding, just call it …

Trump's racism demonstrates how he adds malignancy to his ... 14, 2019 · Trump is not a garden variety narcissist. He is a narcissist with cruelty and sadism added and today it was manifest as it has been numerous times. After reading the horrendous tweets today I …

Did <s>Sara Taylor</s> Harriet Miers Appoint Tim Griffin ... emptywheel Seriously. We need to start asking whether the decision to appoint Tim Griffin on December 15, 2006 was made by Sara Taylor (Karl Rove's flunkie at WH) or someone else in her immediate vicinity. Like Harriet Miers. [Actually,...

Heaven must be full of queer atheists. - Prosebox the worst person, who is probably the kind of useful idiot Putin would literally kill to have on his payroll, is my mother. The supposedly pro-life, pro-Jesus, pro-Bible, pro-child protection person. “I haven’t seen these camps, so I don’t believe in them.” “Fake news!” …

Why Does Harry Reid Think Clarence Thomas Is A do you think is the best movie ever made for its time?ok like, what was the best movie made in 1982? or what was the best moive in 1999? 2005? etc. i want to know your peoples opion. i am looking for some great moives to check out! please help me out!Should the current process for choosing a U.S. Supreme Court justice be changed and, if so, what changes should be made?In my opinion, the ...

southern orders: ALL HALLOWS' EVE OR HALLOWEEN? HOW WILL ... 30, 2015 · The first Halloween costume I wore as a child of 3 or so was a red devil's outfit with tail and all. ... that Saint Denis' halo is where his head was! The cathedral in Savannah has a mural of Saint Denis with all the saints in the clerestory processing toward the altar and he has head-in-hand with the halo where his head was. ... I am a blogger ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 04, 2012 · Mitt was born with a silver caviar spoon in his mouth. And never mind his wife, HE never worked a day in his worthless, wealthy, pampered life. This nation needs to learn to never again elect the nebbish son, who's not half the man his father is/was. I'm no great fan of "Papa Doc" Bush, but, as men, he, at least cared about the nation.

Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven: atheism and tolerance 07, 2005 · Came back this afternoon from watching Kingdom of Heaven.The one-line review is that it's two hours of anti-Catholic propaganda. This shouldn't be too much of a surprise--Dawn Eden tracks how the screenwriter's anti-Catholicism goes back some years. As history, the movie is said to be nonsense: "Prof Riley-Smith, who is Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Cambridge University, …

Press About - Daily Bible Study - Church of God ... Are the so called Bastards really rejected by God? is the traditional concept part of a social Plot?, page 1 This information is posted in his webpage in wikipedia: Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452, "at the third hour of the night"[x] in the Tuscan hill town of Vinci, in the lower valley of the Arno River in the territory ...

Letter from Anti-Aspartame Activist Betty Martini After ... study, along with the first study, should convince any reasonable scientific mind, as well as the public at large, that this product should be removed from the market." Here are summaries of these studies: The first ERF study (2005) was conducted on 1800 …

Village Interview: Martin Lindsey (MARTYblogs) has been almost a year since I've published something new to our Village Interview series . I enjoy doing these interviews and I encoura...

Tabula Rasa: June 2012 - Blogger Rasa "[w]hat was any art but ... a sheath, a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining, elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose." - Willa Cather, Song of the Lark. Monday, June 25, 2012.

Tully's Page: On Memorial Day: Monsanto's Unpaid Debt to ... 06, 2013 · By the mid 1980s, a class-action suit launched by Vietnam Vets against Monsanto, Dow, Diamond Shamrock, and a few smaller chemical companies had hit the federal court system. All these companies were involved in producing Agent Orange, a defoliating agent …

Hamilton Beach Neighbor Cleared in Harassing Charges by ... attorney also claims that Gounden was the first to hurl racial epithets. “Do you think a young man who has never been in trouble with the law before is going to pick a fight with 50 or 60 people,” asked Anastasiou, who noted that the day his client and witnesses testified, there were 22 of 23 grand jury members present — and that 10 ...

Duncan's Brain: 2011 17, 2011 · Here is a sample of the first few comments posted on this story at KATU news comment 2: They don't believe the rider was wearing a helmet. That's crazy these days. Thank GOD that I wear a helmet. comment 3: It will be interesting to see what was the cause of this. Not faulting the cyclist at all..Could have been clipped when the car went out ...

Chicago Illinois | Bloviating 17, 2017 · Even the data on one of the most obvious possible causes—a sudden shift in policing tactics—offers little clarity. Street stops had been in steady decline since early 2014, when they peaked at 80,000 stops per month. By October 2015, they reached 60,000 per month and then plummeted sharply to 10,000 stops by December 2015.

CT Scan preliminary results look good - Blogger, as this CT scan was the first of mine done at SCCA, the radiologist may not have had all the records from Group Health available for the comparison. All the same I would like to know why the spiky abnormal tissue seen at the bottom rear of my left lower lung seems to …

Leftist Grandpa: May 2006 16, 2006 · These are the writings of a middle-aged guy trying to be as moderate as I possibly can. Here is where I put down in words the stuff that comes pourin' outta my head, and do my bitchin' and complainin' about the government or whatever else pisses me off. Everything and everyone are fair game. These are my ramblings, rantings and ravings with the occasional twist of humor and/or …

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com States Wars, News and Casualties Iraq A Deadly Deception – War Documentary 2018 War News NYT: AP Photos Syrian state television reported that about …

Reason Morning Links: America’s First Pot Tax, Kids Stop ... 22, 2009 · Reason Morning Links: America's First Pot Tax, Kids Stop Getting Fatter, Obama Breaks Another Campaign Promise on Transparency. Radley Balko | 7.22.2009 9:00 AM

A day in the life of a McCain volunteer – monoblogue 26, 2008 · Last weekend my good friend Maria was in Virginia to attend a rally for John McCain, and yesterday she went up to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to help out in that battleground state.While that wasn’t as photo-friendly of an event as the rally was, she still had some pictures for me and a narrative of her day as well, part of which I’ll use for the post.

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective | themcglynn.com Nobel laureate and democracy icon Liu Xiaobo has been cremated in north-eastern China, Chinese authorities have announced, amid growing fears for the safety of his wife, Liu Xia. The veteran dissident died on Thursday, aged 61, becoming the first Nobel peace prize winner to die in custody since the 1935 recipient, German pacifist Carl von Ossietzky, died under surveillance after years ...

March | 2011 | WITMOT? posts published by mondale during March 2011. Director Duncan Jones is, in the parlance of Hollywood, hot. His movie “Moon,” which earned raves at Sundance and won a BAFTA Award, put him on the radar of just about every agent and executive in town.This weekend, Jones’ star will likely rise even higher with the release of the big budget sci-fi thriller “Source Code,” starring Jake ...

In the Obama era - Stabroek News 09, 2008 · The Clintons woke on the morning of February 20 (yes, as early as that; it was the Wisconsin primary that put Obama over the top, bar only the superdelegates) and saw that by the numbers they had ...

Article: Is Obama the Trojan Horse, A Psychopath, A Bad ... 08, 2012 · You really believed this guy was "the one" and he is the one for the 1%: Wall Street, the too big to fail banks, the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex, big oil, big pharma ...

05 | September | 2018 | 05, 2018 · President Donald Trump was clearly rattled Wednesday at a public White House event after the New York Times published a blistering op-ed from an anonymous administration official who described the president as erratic and said top aides work to undermine his worst impulses.. While hosting a group of sheriffs, Trump blasted the op-ed — and the New York Times for running it — and …

Article: All against each other. | OpEdNews 02, 2007 · Article: All against each other. - He pledged to be an 'uniter not divider' but has managed anything but. His domestic policies exclude 99% of US citizens. He's giving the top 1% an income ...

Upper Arlington Progressive — As the economy worsens and Election Day approaches, a conservative campaign that blames the global financial crisis on a government push to make housing more affordable to lower-class Americans has taken off on talk radio and e-mail. Commentators say that's what triggered the stock market meltdown and the freeze on credit.

Rush Limbaugh: Rush Compares Obama to Dog 29, 2011 · As the owner of a very expensive private jet, a $54 million Gulfstream G550, Limbaugh cannot tolerate having his luxuries critiqued. Of course, Limbaugh's economic analysis, claiming that tax breaks for the wealthy are the only things keeping aloft the private jet industry (and, apparently the whole American economy) is idiotic.

Idiot president peddles conspiracy theories, threatens ... president peddles conspiracy theories, threatens retaliation against U.S. state Piece of crap fascist loser. Donald Trump has settled into the habit of violating his oath of office multiple times a day, seeking to sow discontent or sabotage outright whichever American laws and principles happen to be peeving him during any 10-minute ...

Article: Hillary Under Fire | OpEdNews 26, 2008 · Article: Hillary Under Fire - Lying comes easily to Hillary Clinton, but she calls it 'misspeaking.' But misspeaking is saying a wrong word inadvertently. It's hard …

Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: Trump backs down, claims ... Trump lies about his actions and intent, now saying he never really meant we’d ease off special distancing in 15 days, and never meant he’d quarantine the tri-state area of NY, NJ and CT, (he claimed yesterday he stopped public health from doing it) the public simply is not buying the bullshit.

Monday Semi-Open Thread: Islamic Fundamentalist Human 07, 2015 · The first story is far easier and more digestible for the low information American public. As readers of my work online and elsewhere know, I have little to no use for religion. I find the religiously minded a very confusing group of people. Religion is a type of self-therapy and medication that can be used for positive or negative purposes.

Communicative Action: White Guys with Mics 09, 2008 · William F. Buckley was the son of an oil baron and a true blue Yale man. He served in the US Army and even briefly in the CIA before turning to a career in writing. Buckley was founder of the National Review and is credited with the wave of conservative enthusiasm which swept Ronald Reagan to national prominence.

Pinky Monkey Nuthttps://pinkymonkeynut.blogspot.comChristina was the youngest victim of the shooting that left a total of six dead and 13 others wounded – including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords – on Jan. 8. Green said he and his wife Roxanna didn't hesitate to allow doctors to use Christina's organs. "The fact that her organs were able to help people, that was an amazing thing to me," he said.

Meet the REAL Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 10, 2018 · On September 1, 2017, checks for $2,700 were sent to a mysterious no namer, Saikat Chakrabarti, in Knoxville, TN. A total of 10 candidates made …

To Understand Iran, Try History, Not Hysteria - Antiwar ... 14, 2018 · As the disastrous war drew to a stalemate ending, US hostility toward Iran continued. On July 3, 1988, a US Navy warship in Iranian waters accidentally shot down an Iran Air Airbus A300 carrying 290 passengers and crew, including 66 children. All perished.

Baptism of God’s Beloved - Lectionary Reflection for Acts 2, we have the Holy Spirit and fire, which descends upon Peter and the others gathered in the upper room. Then, Luke recounts Peter’s call to a baptism that involves repentance and forgiveness, as was the case with John’s baptism. But Peter also offers the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit . For Peter, Pentecost brings the two ...

Short Sharp Shock.: Carry-on baggage: Trump, the FBI and ... 01, 2017 · W HEN PRESIDENT* Donald Trump left Friday for his first foreign trip in his new job, he brought along two pieces of carry-on baggage he couldn’t have left behind if he tried. Both will have a lot to do with whether his first White House trip abroad is or is not his last. First, of course, there was the surprise Wednesday announcement of Robert S. Mueller III, former FBI director, to assume ...

Dawg's Blawg: Simon Wiesenthal, alav hashalom 06, 2005 · It was the usual cultish, nutcase stuff: Holocaust denial and Jewish conspiracies everywhere. People were shocked by it, or fascinated, but I doubt a single convert was made. The war had been over for seventeen years, and the bastards had lost, and that was that. But it …

Did Chauncey DeVega Survive His Epic Battle With Godzilla 25, 2014 · Funny that you mentioned that. He responded to a question with the observation that the role was just an interesting part and nothing transformative for him. I wonder what his private answer to a black person asking him a similar question would be. August 26, 2014 at 1:59 AM

Jon Christian Ryter -- DNC joins Obama to block Berg suit JOINS OBAMA TO BLOCK BERG SUIT . By Jon Christian Ryter. October 7, 2008 Author's Note: This article is a rewrite of last week's article on Philip J. Berg's lawsuit to force Barack Obama to produce a certified copy of his original birth certificate. On Sept. 24 the DNC filed a motion to dismiss the Berg action, which sent Berg scrambling to file a response, which …

George Monbiot soundly thrashes Ian Plimer and his volcano ... George Monbiot, The Guardian, December 16, 2009 So at last we've had our fight, and Ian Plimer has cause to regret his challenge to me. Back in July, Plimer, an Australian professor of geology and a climate change denier championed by the right wing media all over the world, challenged me to a debate in London, to be hosted by the Spectator magazine.

Understanding the “Biden Scandal!!” and “CrowdStrike ... are a couple of aspects to the Ukraine scandal that I have found hard to understand: 1) the idea of a “Biden Scandal!!,” which comes up in all the right-wing comments I see; and 2) Trump ...

Fox News Confidential: The Truth Behind Its Secret Mission ... 24, 2009 · The intent couldn’t have been more transparent. This was a network birthed by the planet’s most notorious practitioner of tabloid piffle, Rupert Murdoch, who adorned it with a spritz of soft-core porn, and masqueraded it across America’s TV screens as if it were actually news.

Donald Trump Jr lied about every aspect of ... - AllSides 12, 2017 · Looking back over the last weeks’ worth of news from Trump-friendly sources can be fun. There’s Sunday’s New York Post extravagantly rolling their eyes beneath the headline “The Times ‘exposé’ on Donald Trump Jr. is a big yawn.” And Wednesday’s Post taking a much drier approach on “Why Trump Jr released damning Russia emails.”

Why won't Reince Priebus quit? Because for better or worse ... Trump doesn’t like to fire people. He does, however, like to torture his staff to the greatest extent possible, pitting them against each other for his approval and, when he has become displeased with them, repeatedly humiliating them with the apparent goal of …

Sarkozy update: Military and Nuclear ties with India - Blogger has been hoping to use the state visit to revitalise relations with India, a country ranked as the biggest weapons buyer among emerging nations. It is expected to spend an estimated $30 billion on defence purchases over the next five years. France was the second largest arms supplier to India after Russia but has now been overtaken by ...

Above The Borderline: 12/7/08 - 12/14/08"In camp too, a man might draw the attention of a comrade working next to him to a nice view of the setting sun shining through the tall trees of the Bavarian woods (as in the famous water color by Dürer), the same woods in which we had built an enormous, hidden munitions plant.

elementropy 05, 2005 · Locals drank such brands as Cook's, Jax, and Olympia, as well as the brands I tried as a teenager. Now, when I go into the same liquor stores, variety has only held in the import section. In domestics, it's gone from a genuine variety to a huge selection of pseudo-varieties from the big three of Coors, Bud, and Miller.

Riese: A Girl and her Wolf « Scanlyze 03, 2009 · Riese: A Girl and her Wolf Riese and Fenrir I recently ran across a new web-only action/adventure production called Riese. The eponymous main character, played by Christine Chatelain, is fleeing from a tyrannical regime in the steampunk kingdom of Elysia. I like the Mad Max look of the costumes and the Dr. Horrible like semi-pro…

Scaramouche: A Jewish Eurovision Singer No Turkish Delight selection of a Jew to sing Turkey's entry in the Eurovision Song Contest has brought out the worst of--and in--the Turks: ISTANBUL // Turkey has chosen a young Jewish singer to represent the country at the Eurovision Song Contest this year, triggering criticism from both fellow musicians and Islamist circles and fanning a broader debate: Do you have to be a Muslim to be a "real" Turk?

2016 United States House of Representatives elections in ... 2016 United States House of Representatives elections in Illinois were held on November 8, 2016, to elect the 18 U.S. Representatives from the state of Illinois, one …

Top London Haredi Rabbis Fundraise For Haredi Cult That ... is raising money for the allegedly abusive haredi Lev Tahor cult? London's top haredi rabbis, that's who. Above: Two Lev Tahor preteen girls wearing the cult's customary burka-like garments. London’s top haredi rabbis have issued a fundraising appeal for...

Thersites: March 2012 "Ben Kenobi clause" in the context of healthcare reform would be a clause that provided, simply, that if the individual mandate (which is what makes the ACA fiscally sound) were struck down as unconstitutional, then an unquestionably-constitutional Public Option automatically would go into effect, and if the entire ACA were struck down, then the unquestionably-constitutional alternative of ...

Guns, Germs and Steel, Loss and Healing - Blogger book is one of millions of copies of the book printed, but that copy has sentimental value to me because it was the copy read by Mark (and reread repeatedly, given the condition of the book). I know that like him, I'll refer back to the book often.

DRINK HEAVlY – QUADRUPLE YOUR VALIUM-BLAST PROTECT … would ask anyone who is thinking of becoming one of the 20% they think they need to bring the rest of us along , to go back and investigate the causes of the Great Depression, what started the recovery , what almost stopped the recovery, and what probably was the big thing that finally pushed us out of it.

Since the other government departments have been so ... it was still a government housing project. You can scour the 'net in vain trying to find someone saying a good thing about the place. If you're really into this kind of thing, you can go here to watch all the videos of the demolition of Chicago's Robert Taylor Housing Project.

This zombie theory about early spread of coronavirus needs ... over 20,000 cases, at first glance California doesn’t seem to have received a “get out of COVID free” charm. But considering the state’s size, and the fact that it was the first known location of community spread infections in the United States, it has done remarkably well in comparison to other states.

2014 Election | The Lunch Counter | Page 4, the 2012 election is over. I get it. But get this. One of the architects of Obamacare, Ezekial “Zeke” Emanuel, was on FOX News Sunday yesterday where Host Chris Wallace asked him whether President Obama’s promises “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period,” and “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period” were true statements?

NY State Senate: Meet the Candidates – Swing State we rapidly approach the July 15th filing deadline here in New York, the biggest hurdle I find for our candidates is that not enough of New York’s voters and activists know who they are, the dynamics of the race, or how great a chance we have in 2010 to pick up more seats and …

The Immoral Minority: Arizona state senator introduces ... 04, 2015 · No Jehovah's Witnesses or Jews, either, because Saturdays are the days to shop at the mall, and get your nails painted in black (a la Sylvia Allen). Sundays -- Puritan "blue laws" will be in effect, closing most stores, to the financial detriment of every town and many residents. No work = no income. No revenue = no taxes paid.

Ordinary Guy: February 2015 are the only people in the world that you’re allowed to hit. They’re the most vulnerable and they are the most destroyed by hitting. But it’s totally OK to hit them. And they’re the only ones. If you hit a dog they’ll put you in jail for that s&%t. You can’t hit an adult unless you …

Big Education Ape: Nov 28, 2011 I Signed: Principals' Objections to the New Evaluation System – SchoolBook:Why I Signed: Principals' Objections to the New Evaluation SystemFACEBOOKTWITTERNov. 28, 2011, 4:30 p.m.By SCHOOLBOOKPrincipals who object to the new state system to evaluate teachers and principals based on student testing have begun circulating a petition against it.

Here's What Happened When I Went to Buy a MacBook Pro Off ... 25, 2015 · Here’s What Happened When I Went to Buy a MacBook Pro Off Craigslist . I know. I shouldn’t have used Craig’s List. Been burned before. But the asking price of the MacBook Pro supposedly in “like new condition” reduced down to just $600 under the bold headline “Must Sell Today” in the computers section appeared to be a bargain. In good shape, MacBook Pros usually fetch …

Big Bad Bald Bastard: A Rivalry Unsought 08, 2017 · A Rivalry Unsought Another Tuesday night, another round of bar trivia. ... of a high school classmate and he was the landlord of the Beach House Without an Ocean that a bunch of us lived in for a few years when we all moved out of our parents' homes. He's an electrician, but he's worked Asa network guy for a major financial institution for the ...

Tickle The WireRudy Giuliani Archives - Tickle The comments are the antithesis of who Mueller is and how he operates. I know Bob Mueller as a colleague in law enforcement and as a friend, and I highly respect his judgment and moral compass. Mueller is the right person to investigate Russia’s apparent assault on our democracy.

Into the Breach: 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004's greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.--Frederick Douglass. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.--John A. Shedd. In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. --Iroquois Confederacy Maxim

Varous Sources: Bodega Owner Bolivar Cruz Laid to Rest... 21, 2007 · “If we can identify who is committing these crimes, we will know that these are the same people that are threatening our security, our safety in the street. They're threatening our freedom; they're threatening our livelihoods." Police say three men entered Cruz’s South Ozone Park store last Monday and stole $300 before shooting him in the face.

Kephalos ?efa???: 04/01/2008 - 05/01/2008 09, 2008 · A big factor in my support of Obama is his judgment. I have the utmost confidence in his judgment to say and do the best thing in any given situation. I also admire his world-view, largely based on his childhood upbringing, as well as his innate vision of what our country can become and what needs to be done to get us there.

Big majority of voters want more COVID-19 economic relief ...’s not all. Large majorities of voters are concerned about the ongoing and possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including another wave of sickness causing more shutdowns, state and local budget problems causing layoffs, people being unable to pay essential bills, and more.

Virginia’s Alex Acosta: Senate Majority Leader Tommy ... Norment’s clients were a local planning commissioner who ran over his ex-wife in his car, breaking her leg, and a former ROTC instructor charged with 68 counts of having carnal knowledge of a 13-year old girl. The defense in the latter case was unsuccessful, and …

EVENTS IN TIME (BIBLE PROPHECY LITERALLY FULFILLED)(BY GOD ... in time (bible prophecy literally fulfilled)(by god) i write news about and put news articles about israel and jerusalem pertaining to bible prophesy happenings.joel 3:20 but judah (israel) shall dwell for ever, and jerusalem from generation to generation.(thats israel-jerusalem will never be destroyed again)-we christians are all waiting patiently for the pre-tribulation rapture to ...

Newly Released E-Mails Reveal Cheney ... - opednews.com 08, 2009 · Article: Newly Released E-Mails Reveal Cheney Pressured DOJ to Approve Torture - Dick Cheney and his lawyer, David Addington, pressured the Justice Department in …

Wise Law Blog: November 2013 29, 2013 · Wise Law Blog is not responsible for and does not necessarily agree with the contents of comments posted by readers of this blog. Such comments represent the personal views of the commenters only, and are included on this blog in the interest of promoting public discourse and a free exchange of ideas.

Rumsfeld | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Scahill mentioned the speech that Donald Rumsfeld made at the Pentagon on the day before September 11, 2001 in his book Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army.In this address Rummy outlined the streamlining of the DOD and changes in CIA policy, where radical changes would be implemented in the military, especially in the organization of the National Guard and ...

European Tribune - time, wrong time. by In Wales Thu Mar 15th, 2012 at 07:39:27 AM EST. In time the inevitable happens. We are in an odd environment as far as I can see. Tools/products of socialism (National Health Service, welfare state) are being picked apart and those most needing just a little bit of respite in this environment are being tied to the end of the battering ram.

The Reference Frame: Windows Phone 7 and Škoda 07, 2010 · Microsoft is releasing Windows Phone 7. As they show in The Season of the Witch, it's time for a phone that saves us from our phones. I agree with that even though the ad doesn't clarify how Windows Phone 7 is supposed to achieve this goal. But it's fair because the ad says nothing else about the system, either.

Michael Fountain: Blood for Ink: Harold Pinter's Nobel Pinter's Nobel Prize speech is printed here, and you can see a video of him giving the lecture here. Some excerpts: "In 1958 I wrote the following: 'There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false.

Reading questions_Inside_Newark2+3 | Newark | Identity questions_Inside_Newark2+3 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Reading questions for inside Newark book rutgers university press and by robert curvin from newark new jersey

Thousands in New York Pledge to Defend Press ... - PEN Sarah Edkins, Deputy Director for Communications: [email protected], +1646.779.4830 NEW YORK—As Donald Trump and his team continue to insult journalists and disparage critical voices, more than 2,000 artists, writers, and readers gathered with PEN America today on the steps of the New York Public Library in a collective stand to defend free …

09 | October | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 09, 2006 · 5 posts published by Suzie-Que on October 9, 2006. Feds target escort service in money launder, prostitution probe. OCTOBER 9–With the capital already mired in its latest sex scandal, federal agents last week raided the home of a woman they allege has, for the past 13 years, operated a Washington, D.C. escort service that dispatched college-educated …

The Piglet Parade: A Comment Worth am a parent of 15 years of an exceptional child that required therapy five days a week, for ten years. I fought for his every advancement since a mis-diagnosis of profound retardation. He was going to integrate a High School at 15. He died in his daddy's arms at ACH and his accomplishments were for naught.

WOUNDED BIRD: assassination BIRD Faith is not certainty so much as it is acting-as-if in great hope. Showing posts with label assassination. Show all posts. Showing posts with label assassination. Show all posts. Monday, January 15, 2018. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR - "REMAINING AWAKE THROUGH A REVOLUTION"

Brown Man Thinking Hard: No More Rope-A-Dope For Barack … it wasn’t until I turned on the TV when I got home and saw all the people milling around the field that I began to get a true sense of the enormity of the space. I couldn’t sit still. It was nowhere near ten o’clock. So I pushed the RECORD button. Put on some jeans and my Obama ’08 shirt.

The FNM…….What A Contradiction | Common Sense, Uncommon ... 18, 2009 · Most of us who work in the business world set personal development goals and more often than not those goals include doing some studying, and sometimes those personal goals lead us to study some of the most unlikely subjects. Many years ago I found myself in a class studying comparative theology. It was either Paul…

Rodney King to Marry Former Juror From Civil Suit Trial ... 08, 2010 · Thing is, I never thought of Rodney King as a celebrity. Looks like he--and she--are serious. Apparently they had the hots for each other while they were married to other people, and he was going through his 15 minutes of notoriety. The secret affair continued on and off for years, and they eventually divorced their…

XOXO, Jim Roy: May 2015, Jim Roy The Duggars Respond to Sexual Abuse Charges. The Duggars Respond To Sexual Abuse Scandal from Funny Or Die. Posted by Jim Roy No comments: Links to this post. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest.

Gen Jones « Jamesb101.com 22, 2009 · This is a process piece, which I love, because you get the feel for how and why people do things…..Something you will never get watch things on TV…. I love process pieces…. which is what this piece is from Peter Baker at the New York Times… We all remember Barack Obama a little more than a year ago, going into Iowa….

The Johnsville News: Duke/Nifong Hoax: Day #312's Six Guide No. 6 Duke Past Dartmouth, 17-11 — Junior attackman Zack Greer scored six goals and Duke overcame an early 3-1 deficit as the sixth-ranked Blue Devils defeated Dartmouth, 17-11, in men's lacrosse action on Saturday afternoon as 6,485 fans looked on at sun-soaked Koskinen Stadium. The game marked the season-opener for both ...

read my mind: Military-Driven Empire Building Wall Street Journal suggested that McChrystal was the kind of commander who would "fight the kind of complex counter-insurgency warfare" that Gates wants to see in Afghanistan, because his command of special operations forces in Iraq had involved "units that specialize in guerilla warfare, including the training of indigenous armies ...

There you go. - Blogger 02, 2017 · From the plantations to the NFL, those brown people must be reminded to know their place. Right Donnie? Of course in this case the ow...

RADARSITE: The New Barbarians 26, 2008 · The New Barbarians "Not surprisingly the author is N. American, a continent grown incontinent after 9/11 and where most people's knowledge of Europe fits snugly on the back of a very small stamp." "The average American citizen doesn't care about the world's problems, they only care about what brand of shoes they wear...sad but true!"

The most powerful Hillary Clinton ads are the ones that ... 04, 2016 · I'm not going to lie, that actually got me choked up a little. When my daughter was born I promised her I would to everything in my powe...

The Bell: The Hand at the Tiller 08, 2008 · The Hand at the Tiller ... The current financial crisis in the credit markets as well as the larger economic downturn are the most obvious examples. However, as regards the debate, Barack Obama keeps taking the matter out of McCain’s hands by failing to gaffe or otherwise implode. ... Regardless, it was the right decision. Smears just do not ...

Sex Offender Court Decisions: Top court strikes down ... appellate case was The People versus Michael Diack, a Level 1 sex offender who was charged with violating a local law in Nassau County, which restricts all sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a school. Judges ruled in his favor saying the local law was too restrictive and needed to be thrown out.

The Election of Trump: Are We Escaping ... - opednews.com 16, 2017 · Article: The Election of Trump: Are We Escaping Freedom While Embracing Fascism? - This article speaks to the United States becoming Fascist. The signs have been there since the …

Gunarchy: How The NRA-Theists Have Descended Into Madness ... 17, 2013 · Gunarchy: How The NRA-Theists Have Descended Into Madness Posted by Mark NC on June 17, 2013 at 1:37 pm. 22 Comments : Ever since the gruesome killings in Newtown, CT, there has been a rancorous debate over the 2nd Amendment and the role of firearms in our society.

The Map: A Palestinian Nation Thwarted & Speaking Truth to ..."Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

Green Eagle: While We Are Obsessed With 12 Dead in Paris 09, 2015 · Hundreds of bodies – too many to count – remain strewn in the bush in Nigeria from an Islamic extremist attack that Amnesty International described as the “deadliest massacre” in the history of Boko Haram. The five-year insurgency killed more than 10,000 people last year alone, according to the Washington-based Council on Foreign Relations.

Article: US Senate Votes To Oppose Bush Troop Surge in ... 18, 2007 · Human Life Begins At The First Heartbeat, During The Third Week After Conception. The Teachings Of Martin Luther King Can Guide Us All Today. To View Comments or Join the Conversation:

Into the Breach: Rational Taxation 19, 2005 · The curve looks like an L laid on its back. The top 1% commands more than twice as much as the combined wealth of the bottom 80%. It's hard to justify that these elite are that much smarter or more valuable than 80% of the population. They are the beneficiaries of economic windfalls supplied by our market economy.

links for 2009-02-25 – Flap's Blog – FullosseousFlap's ... 25, 2009 · But according to a study by Dr. Ning Zhu at UC-Davis, only 5 percent of them were caused by medical bills. That’s only 41,000 medical bankruptcies, a far cry from the more than 1 million Obama implies. In fact, seniors who qualify for Medicare (universal health coverage) are 125 percent more likely to go bankrupt than people under age 65

A Schneerson Who Saved Jews During The Holocaust ... and her sister are the only two living survivors among many who were saved by Rabbi Schneerson. No Honor at Yad Vashem. In contrast to Jews, non-Jewish rescuers of Jews receive greater gratitude and recognition at the iconic Yad Vashem. The official Web site contains a …

10 | February | 2016 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 10, 2016 · Read: Colossians 1:15-20. Bible in a Year: Leviticus 8-10; Matthew 25:31-46. He is before all things. —Colossians 1:17. My friend’s son decided to wear a …

Did The Brooklyn DA Suborn Perjury? New Evidence Appears ... Baruch Lebovits. Writing in the Jewish Week, Hella Winston reports that the key prosecution witness against Sam Kellner, who is charged with extorting the family of accused pedophile Rabbi Baruch Lebovits, has – again – radically changed his version of events, this time in response to inquiries made by the DA in recent days after it became clear that Kellner's defense team had ...

09 | September | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 09, 2013 · Psalm 25:1-11. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day. —Psalm 25:5. The majestic chime of London’s Great Clock of Westminster, commonly known as Big Ben, is familiar to many.

faith in honest doubt: Friends Who Inspire sort of behavior is strictly forbidden in my house. I suppose in mirroring God and whatnot, I should nail my boy to a cross and get my daughter to ask his corpse for forgiveness or else lock her in a deep dark pit where the "fire is never quenched and the worm never sleeps" for the rest of her existence. 4/13/2010 11:01 AM

Balkinization: Trump's Innocence and the Rule of Law: A ... wrong sounds in the same register as the formula that no person should be a judge in his own case. It seems worthwhile, in the current conversation, to make that point explicit. Colluding with America’s foreign adversaries should disqualify a person for public office, and so should disregard for core principles of the rule of law.

Article: Giulio Meotti: Serial Plagiarist or Common ... 19, 2012 · Article: Giulio Meotti: Serial Plagiarist or Common Hasbarist? - Meotti is so bereft of originality that he even plagiarizes himself: He pasted a long section from a …

white voters without a college education | Sheila Kennedy who value knowledge and education see a man who is not only utterly devoid of intellect, but proud of it. Above all, for those of us who were raised to believe that racism and associated bigotries are not only wrong, but unAmerican, Trump’s enthusiastic embrace of those bigotries reveals him to be an altogether repulsive figure.

Commander Ogg: Romney. Racism and Reality as you said, it is ultimately a matter of demographics. The United States is changing, and the WASP who use to run the joint can no longer pull that Dog Whistle Racial BS and expect to win Federal elections. Lord Romney and his backers threw every mean, …

No Right Turn: A reasonable prejudice 03, 2016 · A spokeswoman for Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce, who is responsible for MBIE, said releasing the name of the supplier was the ministry's call. But it has refused to name the provider, after treating Stuff's query formally as an Official Information Act request, saying it "would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial ...

Iran Nuclear Watch: Iran Says Give Diplomacy a Chance ... 15, 2006 · Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at a news conference in Tehran January 14, 2006. Iran said on Sunday diplomacy was the only way to resolve the impasse over its nuclear programme but that it would not reverse its widely criticised decision to resume atomic research after a break of more than two years.

downs syndrome | Kerfuffles and Flourishes about downs syndrome written by Neddy. Obama’s Mean Women versus The Moms of McCain It is the theme of the current presidential election.

Article: Son and mother. | OpEdNews think I can safely say the mother-son relationship was ever-present and I was THE MOM (i.e., the boss), but Chris, born an old soul, was born to a woman who is just now beginning to grow up.

Rants From The Rookery: What public image? 02, 2007 · Raw Story: (my bold) "What we learned from the Libby trial about the inner workings of the White House, especially the secretive operation of Vice President Dick Cheney," Jim Rutenberg and Scott Shane's article will detail, according to an early budget received by RAW STORY. "The story will focus mostly on one crucial week in early July 2003," the budget continues. | abortion abortions about accessible action after ankang article authorities babies bodies center child china choice click clinic clinics commission constitutes content correction county crushes definitions different doctor during earlier edition facts family first flawed florida following forced government governor gretchen health inside killed later legislative medical –medical ...

TigerHawk TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3.

Ezra Klein: Why So Unhealthy? like many of the variables are the responsibility of the individual. No on eforces you to be a chouch potato or to smoke. Posted by: Fred Jones | May 2, 2006 3:47:05 PM. What Fred says is true, up to a …

America’s Heartless–And Misogynist– Administration ... Washington Post headline really says it all: “The U.N. wanted to end sexual violence in war. The Trump Administration had objections.” BERLIN — When Denis Mukwege, a Congolese gynecologist, and Nadia Murad, an Iraqi Yazidiwere awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last October for their work to stop the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war, there was widespread praise from all parts of ...

State of the Nation: 8/8/10 - 8/15/10 13, 2010 · Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, Democracy Corps, and Campaign for Amerca's Future released a new poll this morning on the economy with a press call featuring pollster Stan Greenberg, Campaign For America's Future's Robert Borosage and's Nita Chaudhary.. The most salient result from the polling, said Greenberg is that it reflected that the electorate is …

Unschooling with boys: Finding passion outside the box with boys: Finding passion outside the box This post about Supporting passions (no matter what!) from Unbounded Oceans was such a great encouragement and reminder to me today. She talks about exploring her son's passions with him in their unschooling, even though his interests are far from what interests her.

MBA302 - Legal Aspects of Business | Fiduciary | Guarantee a) Differentiate between a holder and a holder in due course. b) Explain the privileges enjoyed by a holder in due course. Answer. Holder: Holder is the person who is entitled in his own name to the possession of a negotiable instrument. Normally a payee or endorsee is a holder.

Jimmy Hoffa: Teamster DINO - theunionnews.blogspot.com 06, 2008 · Related DINO stories : here Teamster wants to end secret-ballot union elections Although Sen. John McCain is running to be elected our next...

mexico | Across the Great Divide about mexico written by bterris. Del Rio, Texas: Maxaira Baltazar, 24, is the youngest member of the Mexican Foreign Service.A consul working a half mile from the border, Baltazar is responsible with what she considers the first step toward attaining legal status in the United States: providing documentation to Mexican citizens in this country.

News Cycle: Newspaper Layoffs in 2009 Climb Past 10,000 are the newspapers that reported 2,114 layoffs in January. Email me to report any job cuts in the newspaper industry. May 29 Detroit Media Partnership, which oversees the business operations at The Detroit News and The Detroit Free-Press, 90 people. In addition, there will be 39 layoffs at the newspapers. May 27 Tampa Tribune, 24 people.

Monday Morning Links - accidentaldeliberations.blogspot.com 08, 2012 · Miscellaneous material for your Monday reading. - Peter O'Neil and Tara Carman report on the Cons' strategy of importing temporary foreig...

The Economy, Nativism and Islamophobia | blahgblog 26, 2010 · Fewer than 60 per cent of these Dems approve it and a quarter oppose it. Another commenter, ‘Abby Normal,’ makes this good point: This poll was from an opt-in internet survey of 1000 people. Perhaps it’s just wishful thinking on my part. But it seems likely that those who opt in would be those with the strongest (i.e. emotionally driven ...

No Right Turn: I don't understand 05, 2006 · I believe the problem with this, as far as bio-ethics is concerned, is what if someone were to say "I will only give my organs to white people" Sure, there are more organs in the system, but it risks creating a whole underclass of people for whom there are no organs available, and it might undermine the entire system.

December | 2019 | Exceptional Delaware of the expenses listed in the attachment section of the report can be easily explained. One of the vendors of the school, The Schoolhouse 302, does professional development for the school. My biggest question about that is why administrators from other school districts are doing a side company.

Constantly Amazed, Yet Never Surprised: Interesting stuff ... these are the people we are told as children to trust with our lives. I heard on the TV this morning that there's a cop, here in Wisconsin, who just got busted for sexually assaulting several kids since 1997. Fuck them! I don't trust any of them. Saturday, April 25, 2009

October | 2012 | Sheila Kennedy | Page isn’t a business, but it does have an obligation to conduct its operations in a business-like way. According to recent news reports, three state agencies — the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Health and the State Budget Agency — paid more than $130,500 in late fees in fiscal years 2011 and 2012.

Christian Magazine Gives Equal Time To A Hate-Peddling 14, 2019 · Simple–by giving equal time to a chest-beating anti-Semite who claims to be a pastor. On November 22, Rick Wiles burnished his reputation as one of the most rabid anti-Semites on the tubes. On that night’s edition of “TruNews,” he railed that the impeachment push amounted to a “ Jew coup ” against Trump.

Alan Coren Remembered — Crooked 28, 2007 · The running joke on the News Quiz during the Ingrams-Coren years was the hopelessness of Richard Ingrams at answering the questions. He always acted surprised that he might be expected to have read any newspapers, in contrast to Alan Coren, who knew the most obscure stories. I suppose it was really the classic English thing of Gentlemen v Players.

RADARSITE: A Crucial Question: note from Radarsite: I am reposting this earlier Radarsite article in response to Stop the ACLU's John Ray's excellent and though...

RADARSITE: Golda Meir and Keith Jacob Shrybman Moments after another “ Tzeva Adom ” warning siren rang out in Sderot I walked around the Sderot Media Center office wondering why it is that the Jewish nation must continually justify their actions for survival. No matter the measure taken to protect its people from rockets, missiles, bombs, guns, or heavier attack Israel comes under a barrage of …

read my mind: America & 24, 2010 · We've defaulted to a "group" mentality, where every student is treated equally. Nobody can fail, it's "I'm OK, you're OK", and then you graduate. In all areas of our curricula, it is the patriotic American, the achiever, the doer, the one who is superior and stands out- …

July | 2008 | The Lunch incident is the first fatality of and officer in the line of duty since the police department was formed in 1924. You can’t read this story without questioning the judgement of the leader of the Special Response Team who decided to send his men in for a shootout. link: Deputy slain, suspect also killed

Evidence Of Trump Campaign Collusion Is Massive And, his rationale is not clear but it can easily be looked on as another attempt to curry favor with a wealthy country capable in financing the Kushner Cos. problems. The Kushner Cos. without Jared at the helm have been trying to sell access to the President to investors in China to help fund the disastrous 5th Avenue property.

Buckhorn Road: In Remembrance of Christopher 08, 2006 · On the morning of September 11, 2001, Chris was working in his office in the North Tower. At about 8:30am, Chris had talked to his youngest daughter, Juliet, who was four years old at the time. Chris cajoled Juliet into saying "I love you" to him. Juliet was the last Faughnan family member to speak to Chris.

SEIU fights against investment in elderly 06, 2008 · In late 2007, the investment firm The Carlyle Group purchased one of the country’s largest nursing home chains despite the concerns of regul...

Monologues of Dissent: Scott Walker, post-recall ... Walker delivered his second (and, if all goes well, final) State of the State address last night. I was asked to respond in the Citizen editorial forum at the Isthmus.

The Manafort Mystery - The Soundings Paul Manafort has managed to void his cooperation agreement with Robert Mueller by continuing to lie to the Special Counsel.This is a guy who had already been caught trying to witness tamper in his earlier trial and had his bail accordingly revoked so I guess it should not come as a surprise that he would still try to get away with lying to Mueller.

Evidence Of Trump's Collusion Is Strong And Trump Is ... summed it all up, saying, "Now, is it possible that the removal of the Ukraine provision from the GOP platform was a coincidence? Is it a coincidence that Jeff Sessions failed to tell the Senate about his meetings with the Russian Ambassador, not only at the convention, but a more private meeting in his office and at a time when the U.S. election was under attack by the Russians?

The Immoral Minority: Bill Maher's New Rules from Friday ... 04, 2013 · "Yes to explain Benghazi Susan Rice used talking points, but at least she did not have to read them off her hand!" Love that! (H/T to...

John Kerry: ‘There would have been no Paris Accord if ... 02, 2017 · We hear the sky is falling now that Trump refuses to redistribute our wealth to the rest of the world via the Paris Accord. But you know the drill. John Kerry, the master negotiator that he is, rises up in his righteous anger yesterday. Let's just look how his mind worked when we first heard…

executive powers – Everblog about executive powers written by Deborah Ludwig. The Middle East is a complex, complicated area mired in sectarian power struggles—struggles of which most Americans have absolutely no concept or understanding, and that includes many of our policymakers, past and present.

Ben Carson includes "inspirational" portrait of himself ... 02, 2015 · Ben Carson includes "inspirational" portrait of himself with fundraising letter. ... very personal portrait. I hope you can see in the portrait what is in my heart -- a love for God, a love of country, and a deep desire to serve both ... and to serve you." ... Nowhere near as creepy as the painted portrait in his mansion with Jesus' hand on his ...

John Carney | kavips*registrants, or active lobbying firm. This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2015-2016 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations’ PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals’ immediate families.Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

The resolution of nothing – 31, 2008 · The resolution of nothing. Today was the day the local court case Webster v. Albero was supposed to be heard, but it was not. In short, the allegations by Salisbury’s police chief against a local blogger were settled in a “non-monetary” fashion instead of having its day in court. ... (Ironically, Albero is not a resident of Salisbury but ...

Careful Consideration Leads To Only One ... - kavips 17, 2016 · But it was her convention to which I turned to as the ultimate skeptic, that turned me from a nose-holding luckluster voter, to a enthusiastic believer that out of all human beings existing on this planet right now as I write this, not one, has the capacity to …

Winter Patriot: 'Amazing' Progress: Death Squads Spreading ... his most recent so-called major speech on Iraq, the so-called president said:. We will help the Iraqi people lay the foundations of a strong democracy that can govern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself. And by laying the foundations of freedom in Iraq, we will …

JustOneMinute: Bracing For Geo-Engineering his secret messages, Gaddafi indicated that he intended to become a figurehead like the Queen asserting that he had been power as long as the Queen had. “It would be like the Queen of England, is how they thought of it,” the Guardian quoted one minister as saying. “He would be a non-powerful president, not even in power.

Twisted And Hateful | Sheila Kennedy And Hateful April 22, 2019 Uncategorized Dispatches from the Culture Wars , Donald Trump , Michelle Bachman , Randall Terry Sheila I often quote Ed Brayton, who follows crackpots and lunatics on the far fringes of the Religious Right and reports on their activities in his …

01 | June | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 01, 2018 · Da Vinci painted one Mona Lisa. Beethoven composed one Fifth Symphony. And God made one version of you! God custom-designed you for a one-of-a-kind assignment—“to each according to each one’s unique ability” (Matthew 25:15). “The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others” (1 Corinthians 12:7).

23 | February | 2014 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 23, 2014 · 7 posts published by broboinhawaii on February 23, 2014. “To the glory and praise of God” (Phil. 1:11). Paul’s prayer in Philippians 1:9-11 closes with a reminder that love, excellence, integrity, and righteousness bring glory and praise to God.

The Immoral Minority: Arizona Senator Jeff Flake caught on ... 06, 2017 · One of the world’s most expensive yachts, owned by a Russian billionaire with close ties to the Kremlin, sailed into Palm Beach days ahead of President Trump’s arrival. The 533-foot Eclipse comes equipped with a pool, helipad, submarine and room for a crew of 92.

Hillary coins phrase "Alt-Right" as she goes after Alex Jones 26, 2016 · Hillary coins phrase "Alt-Right" as she goes after Alex Jones " Hillary Clinton claimed that Donald Trump was embracing “ dark conspiracy theories ” before going on a conspiracy theory-obsessed rant in which she attacked Alex Jones and claimed that Vladimir Putin was the villainous mastermind behind the ‘ Alt-Right’ movement.

Bill O’Reilly Says American Journalism Is On The Verge Of ... it didn’t stop Donald Trump from making ridiculous claims that the tactic had hurt him and he was threatening to sue. Now Bill O’Reilly is picking up the baton to beat CNN with (video below). He is making a wholly unsupported argument that it was CNN that created the whole controversy.

The Gestapo comes to America | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and ... 05, 2020 · I’m sorry that people still adhere to a system that recognizes him as their spiritual leader. The bible says that we are supposed to obey those that have the rule over us. We are America. We are the source of governing power. It derives from our consent and the rule is to be predicated by a Constitution we have agreed on.

FBI Boss: Your Crypto Is Confusing to Me | themcglynn.com Boss: Your Crypto Is Confusing to Me ... from child molesters to trying to find out who is at fault for a car accident. But there are two sides to encryption: While it may allow bad actors to hide their communications, it also is a vital measure for the cybersecurity of law-abiding Americans. ... “Resources is always an issue, but it’s ...

illusory tenant: Getting at the hole truth 23, 2010 · But it may not be purely coincidental that the one of the 70 panels on the building that fell was the one subject to a contract change order. Tweet this! @ 23:21 No comments: Post a …

Ironicus Maximus: Catholic Church! Motto: Leading The Way ... off, one of my best friends from French Summer School was named Deborah Tobin. She was the most Jewish, vulgar and hilarious woman I ever knew! So, I don't know where this "Bishop Tobin" comes from, but let's roll with the ball. Now, I know the Kennedy …

zztopdog: ZOMBIES HAVE ALREADY KILLED THE DEFICIT …"But it’s actually much worse than that. On Social Security, Simpson is repeating a zombie lie — that is, one of those misstatements that keeps being debunked, but keeps coming back. "Specifically, Simpson has resurrected the old nonsense about how Social Security will be bankrupt as soon as payroll tax revenues fall short of benefit ...

More than $5 million in improvements planned at Fort appreciate the recreational improvements to the park, but it would be nice to see work done to the actual historical aspect of the fort. It appears that originally there was a wooden fortress built on the site. When visitors come to our city, it would be nice if there were …

tkam quotes | To Kill A Mockingbird FROM TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. Chapter 1 Maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it. . . . There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with, nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County. But it was a time of vague optimism for some of the people: Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothing to ...

Article: Underdog with a Heart of Gold Leaves Lasting ... Underdog with a Heart of Gold Leaves Lasting Legacy - It's hard to look back on Boo's life and not see some kind of hand of destiny at work. Starting as an abandoned, bullied puppy with ...

County Commissioners pensions not public.... | KnoxViews the pension board could tell you is what Cawood has in his account, and frankly IMO that's really none of your business. I would say this - since the contribution is based on employee pay (I think the max matched contribution allowed under the plan is 6%), 20 years of a Commission salary will not result in a very big nest egg for Mr. Cawood ...

Speaking of the President, guess who won an Emmy last night? 12, 2014 · Okay technically it was Between Two Ferns that won the Emmy , but it was the President's performance that clearly won the day. (I mean let...

Quote of the Day – Joseph Heller | House of the Dread 10, 2016 · This happens to be one of my favorite books and this passage is one of my favorite in the book. I am reminded of it whenever I read stories of people getting angry or angry rants on social media because someone refuses to say the Pledge or sing the national anthem. When fellow administrative officers…

quotes | House of the Dread happens to be one of my favorite books and this passage is one of my favorite in the book. I am reminded of it whenever I read stories of people getting angry or angry rants on social media because someone refuses to say the Pledge or sing the national anthem.

Discovering Solar: It’s a Radiometer, I Wanted a Magic 8 ... 14, 2011 · Originally posted at Clean Technica: Discovering Solar: It’s a Radiometer, I Wanted a Magic 8-Ball What got me started on this reverie was a New York Times story about a guy who collected uranium, radium and americium in an attempt to satisfy his curiosity about nuclear fission by reproducing it in his kitchen in Angelholm, Sweden.

FBI Wants Jack Anderson's Files - Progress Pond 19, 2006 · In its heyday, Anderson’s column was the most influential and widely read in the U.S.; published in nearly a thousand newspapers, he reached an audience of 40 million. Anderson may have been responsible for the election of John F. Kennedy. Nixon certainly thought so.

David Drake: Coward Obama Pretends He's Tough On Iran Hussein Obama, Junior held a press conference on Tuesday, pretending to toughen his talk and feigning a tough stance on Iran. Too little. Too late. He finally acknowledged the oppression of the Iranian people by their government. Too little. Too late. Major Garrett asked Dear Leader His Excellency, "What took you so long," to speak out against the Iranian regime's treatment of its citizens.

Winter Patriot: This Ain't Exactly Rocket Science ... 11, 2007 · These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

Winter Patriot: Does Iran Threaten The U.S.A.? are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

The Immoral Minority: Federal judge awards 32.4 million to ... 08, 2017 · Webber wrote in his ruling that the $32 million penalty, or $10 per call, “reflects the severity of the offense” and one of the purposes of the TCPA — to have a “deterrent effect and to account for unquantifiable losses including the invasions of privacy, unwanted interruptions and disruptions at home, and the wasted time spent ...

ObamaCare: Does Sarah Palin Deserve an Apology Over Death ... 30, 2010 · Oregon and Washington are the only states with assisted-suicide laws, a preview of what is to come at the federal level if this new regulation is allowed to stand. Blumenauer wrote in his November e-mail: “While we are very happy with the result, we won’t be shouting it from the rooftops because we aren’t out of the woods yet.

The Americas - The New Corner's Mario Loyola has an interesting post linking to a Wall Street Journal piece on falling oil prices and and their potential impact on Hugo Chávez's domestic and foreign spending programs in Venezuela. But it's this excerpt that really caught my eye: So far, falling oil prices haven't dented Mr. Chávez's spending habits.

Author of anti-Hillary book is not, repeat not, also ... 12, 2015 · Courtesy of Media Matters : Journalists have suggested that conservative author Peter Schweizer's forthcoming book attacking Hillary Cli...

Here’s YOUR chance to do the Hump - Queen of Spain 02, 2007 · “We’re having sex.” “It’s something mommies and daddies do.” The best advice I’ve heard (although, my kid is younger than both of yours, and I can’t say I’ve USED this advice) is to just answer the questions they ask and to not go into any more detail.

RADARSITE: Pollution in Venice 07, 2009 · Well, one of America's anti-American film makers, Oliver Stone, has made a gushing movie about the Venezuelan strongman. Chavez, naturally, has come over with some of his henchman to rub elbows with Stone and who knows how many other "celebrities".

RADARSITE: Is King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia Dead? It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter.

Bye-Bye Biden | Canada Free Press-- Print 23, 2019 · In 2007, as a presidential candidate, he claimed that Barack Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

LiturgyGeek: April 18, 2010 · It comes from a congregation that has welcomed 4 same-sex couples in the last year alone (please remember we are in a small town in rural Iowa, so even one couple, same-sex or opposite-sex, qualifies as a pretty big deal), a church and pastor that has married 8-9 same-sex couples since marriage equality came to our state, a minister that ...

Magnitsky Lawyer Falls From Moscow Window 22, 2018 · The incident on March 21 happened one day before he was to appear in court in connection with the Magnitsky case.. Magnitsky’s former employer, U.S.-born British investor Bill Browder, said in a statement on March 21 that lawyer Nikolai Gorokhov was “thrown from the fourth floor of his apartment building.”. Russian news reports suggested his fall may have been … Place, Best Website for Concord NH Patch; Second Place, Right-to-Know Award for stories on Concord School District business administrator hire, from the New Hampshire Press Association Media Awards, Oct. 18, 2013.. Winner, Media Excellence Award, from the New Hampshire State Grange, Oct. 27, 2012.. Winner, Best Website for Concord NH Patch, from …

ce399 | research archive: fascinating is his [Michael A. Hoffman II's] study of the 'double initial murders', which took place in Rochester, NY, between 1971 and 1976.In this case, the killer matched wits with the police by laying a trail of clues for them to follow. The first and most obvious of these was the occurrence of double initials in each of the victim's names: Carmen Colon, Wanda Walkowicz, …

Teaching Cops to See | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian the first officer saw when the door opened—a whining child, say, or a shotgun-toting madman—and how he communicated that information to his partner could have life-or-death consequences, she realized.

December | 2011 | Stephen Curtiss was the recipient of numerous awards, including four grants from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. Internationally acclaimed for his functional porcelain shinoware. Mr. Davis taught and lectured widely throughout the US, Canada and Italy, and was featured in over 15 books and publications in the U.S. and Europe.

Headlines: Petraeus Admits U.S. Violated Geneva 01, 2009 · Headlines from, a daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 650 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the US.. General Motors Declares Bankruptcy. General Motors is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection today in what is expected to be one of the largest and most …

life | 31, 2009 · Guilt March 27, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in Commentary. Tags: books, culture, essay, Family, friends, guilt, john weber, life, love, marriage, news, relationships, short stories, society, writing 4 comments. I’ve been married 24 years, and during those two-plus decades I’ve traveled twice with my wife to the Bahamas, once on our honeymoon and again …

From Colorado - The StandDown Texas Colorado Springs Independent reports, "Capitol punishment," about the 2013 Colorado State Legislaure's upcoming session. It's by Chet Hardin. Here's an extended excerpt from the beginning: Opponents of Colorado's death penalty are working behind the scenes in preparation for the 2013 session of the state Legislature.

French Open Preview And Predictions - The, that should have opened up that quarter of the bracket for last year's quarter-finalist and one of this year's favorites, Elina Svitolina. But even she looked in jeopardy as she fell behind 5-1 in the first set before finally getting it together and rattling off 12 of the next 15 games.

Guns Don't Shoot People: Anti-Gun Campaigns Shoot People officer picked up one of the weapons on show—a confiscated home-made gun—but it went off in his hand. Another irony: Historians think gunpowder—lethal, lethal gunpowder—was accidentally discovered by Chinese alchemists searching for an immortality drug.

recoculous.: yawn and stretch and my life is a if when we gave voice to why one of the greatest character actors of our generation died with a needle in his arm, we might have to graze uncomfortably close along the fresh wounds of the emotionally abusive nature of our culture, and the incomprehensibly weighty burdens of fame. One doesn't have to be famous to feel that kind of pressure.

Stop calling the GOP a "party". Premier expert on cults GOP has become a cult of personality. Hitler was the embodiment of the Nazi party—there was no such thing as a “Nazi” principle that conflicted with what Hitler wanted. Same was true of Mussolini and his Fascist party. Trump is quickly turning the GOP into his own personal party. The only underlying, unifying theme is submission.

All in the family, HCC-style – Off the noted last night and this morning that the HCC Trustee seat in District 8, which was left open at the last minute by Abel Davila, will be filled by his brother-in-law Arturo Aguilar. (Davila is married to HISD Trustee Diana Davila.) It turns out that Aguilar is not the only family member of an elected official who will be inheriting an open HCC Trustee seat.

G.W. Bush's Speech Hides His Own Complicity In The ... of the triumphs of the Obama era's rather weak history of enforcement of corporate malfeasance was the crackdown on the abuses of pa... The Neutering Of An Independent Judicial Branch Finally, after widespread warnings before the 2016 elections and now nearly two years after, there seems to be a general consensus in the ma...

memeorandum: A new edict to Trump's West Wing staff: Wear ...'s not Alabama's State House that needs replacing — This is an opinion column. — The federal government gave Alabama a blank check for $1.8 billion. — It should have known better. — That money was supposed to help Alabama protect its citizens from COVID-19 and cover the costs …

OK, Mitt Romney Did Not File Papers To Run For President ... 07, 2016 · False Alarm. Last year Mitt Romney teased America, and maybe himself, with a prolonged suggestion that he was getting ready to announce another run for president. In the end, he announced he would not run. Last week, in an unprecedented move, Romney took to the stage and delivered a scathing – and justified – attack on Donald Trump.

15 | September | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND … 15, 2018 · This is a good question for every Christian to ask. The answer is simply: to glorify God. Jesus tells us how we can best do this in John 15:8, “By My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples” (NASB). Or, as the Living Bible states it, “My true disciples produce bountiful harvests.

Obama – ‘Bathtub falls take more lives than Terrorism ... 15, 2016 · A much overlooked story that appeared in the Atlantic April 2016 issue, tells us more than we care to know about our Commander. The title The Atlantic’s April cover story, “The Obama Doctrine” Did anyone know there was a Doctrine? Considering the carnage that is going on, it is time to pay attention. The man-child is…

A Parent's Worst Nightmare: The Real Story Behind Carl ... 17, 2009 · Carl was just 11 years old. I don't even think he reached puberty yet. His voice hadn't started to change. This is bigger than a gay issue. In fact, I'm worried about one of Carl's friends who is being picked on as well because she's overweight. That's why it's bigger than a gay issue. These kids will tease you over anything.

two guys spouting off: Palin Rally Incites Violence in ... to Mark Binker's blog, what Joe Killian reported happened to him. I sidled up to one of the Obama supporters and asked why they were there, what they were trying to accomplish. As he was telling me a large, bearded man in full McCain-Palin campaign regalia got in his …

Plaintiffs | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

The Other 95%: Carnival of the Blue #9: Make 2008 a Blue Year! 09, 2008 · 2008 is the year to LIVBLUE: "Live like you love the ocean."That is why are ocean bloggers. The ocean holds a special place in all of our souls. A …

DownWithTyranny!: PA-03: NOT ONE ANYONE IS TALKING ABOUT ... 10, 2006 · A few years ago, English, a right wing imbecile, a total rubber-stamper and a hugely obese slug who is never seen without a donut or a sandwich or slice of pizza being shoveled into his open maw, was considered one of the most vulnerable …

Dear 8lb 6oz Baby Jesus, - 06, 2007 · The Baby Jesus gets to walk the puppy (using one of my headbands) and Jesus tells the dog “you’re such a good puppy” and so on and so forth. Somewhere along the lines puppy stayed in the other room and only Baby Jesus (with or without his manger, depending on her mood) has been clutched in her tiny hands.

Jealousy | This Black Sista's Memorial Page Posts. LIVE STREAMING: Homegoing of Poet Amiri Baraka at the Newark Symphony Hall, New Jersey January 18, 2014; Meanwhile, Back in Wisconsin: Busting Out of Jail The Hard Way – Nathan Middleton Wanted His Mother to Provide Explosives and a Car for His Jail Break December 20, 2013; Christmas Songs: “Oh, Tannenbaum,” José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti, from ...

Quanitra Hollingsworth | Facebook this is one of the horniest signs, it makes sense that their moan zone is between their legs! Then again, their big head (or their mind) is just as easy to turn on. Talking dirty and teasing your Scorpio will get them ready and randy in a flash!! Without getting too graphic, the magic words for today are RUB, RUB, RUB. 100% SCORPIO

The Immoral Minority: Trump attorney now claims that he is ... 08, 2017 · — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 16, 2017 But of course the lawyer had an excuse for that as well: "The tweet from the president was in response to the five anonymous sources that were purportedly leaking information to The Washington Post about a potential investigation of the president," Sekulow said.

Veteran Group Fights Back On Far-Right Smears | Dare To Dream 25, 2009 · “This is one of the most outrageous lies being tossed out there during this whole health care debate,” Smith said in a statement. “It all started because a former Bush adviser who is peddling his own pamphlet about end-of-life decisions is upset that the …

Video: Dan Seals Dances on Bailout - Blogger dunno -- this election strikes me as a continuation of 2006 "teach the GOP a lesson" as much as who is offering better policies. I've been irked by Kirk's lack of seriousness. He emails me polls seeking "the districts opinion" on inanities rather than the major issues of the day.

Quanitra Hollingsworth | Facebook Hollingsworth está en Facebook. Únete a Facebook para conectar con Quanitra Hollingsworth y otras personas que tal vez conozcas. Facebook da a...

The Debate Link: Things People Blame the Jews For, Volume ...’s come to our attention that a person from Occupy Wall Street that was an Obama sympathizer. So, wait a minute, be careful where you start taking these people to. And look at the background. You know, you know George Soros is one of those people that actually helps back these individuals. Who is he? I think he’s from Hungary.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Road safety a hot issue after tragic ... of the main reasons we establish construction zones and place signs to inform motorists is to make drivers aware that things are happening on the highway and that they need to exercise additional caution and, as always, drive to the conditions they encounter,’ said Ramsay in his reply.

The Citizens: McCain's Surge 10, 2007 · The Law Talking Guy said.... To be clear, the "natural born citizen" means that one is a citizen by right of birth. So, for example, a child born to US citizens abroad is a "natural born citizen" because he or she is a citizen by right of birth, just as a child of undocumented immigrants is if he or she is born on US soil (see the 14th Amendment).I figure you were being flip, RBR, but I wanted ...

Scott Brister – Off the Brister, the panel’s chairman and a former Texas Supreme Court justice, led the charge to make those changes, which he said would be more palatable to lawmakers and keep Texas from being sued in the future. “I do have a problem several places where it says our school system has failed. I do think that’s asking for trouble,” he said.

Tenured Radical: Dateline Columbus: Policy History Fun, Day 1 09, 2010 · The Policy History Conference is in the Columbus Hyatt, which is also currently housing a bunch of men's college rugby teams engaged in tournament play. For those of you who are at the conference but were unable to get a room at the Hyatt, this proliferation of apple-cheeked lads may explain the shortage of accommodations at a time of year when Columbus seems to be otherwise …

memeorandum: Maine House candidate who attacked 2 ... McCabe, a Target of Trump's F.B.I. Scorn, Is Fired Over Candor Questions — WASHINGTON — Andrew G. McCabe, the former F.B.I. deputy director and a frequent target of President Trump's scorn, was fired Friday after the Justice Department rejected an …

Obama to Disciples: "You will experience an epiphany" I am going to try to be so persuasive in the 20 minutes or so that I speak that by the time over, a light will shine down from somewhere. It will light upon you. You will experience an epiphany. And you will say to yourself, I have to vote for Barack. I have to do it.

Time Warner Cable Corporation – Say What News?! just finished watching a replay of, “The Sixties” a mini series by CNN ,co-produced by actor Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman. The episode, re-aired, was the 3rd in as many pieces and it was a dandy, if you like lone-nut-theories, surrounding the Kennedy Assassination.

Trump opens up the next phase of his coronavirus butchery ...“This is a very brilliant enemy,” Trump told Fox & Friends Friday morning, “And it happens to be invisible.” Phase II marks Trump’s transition from a so-called ‘ wartime president ‘ supposedly battling a pandemic to one who is fighting for the economy he desperately needs to get reelected in his estimation.

Russ Ridgway – Off the was the first time gay couples outnumbered straight ones in his north Houston office. The judge estimated that during the two peak wedding season months since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage about 10 to 20 percent of the couples he has married are gay or lesbian.

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: The Time Machine.2 ... n an era attuned to the new, it blurted out its originality with a terse and daring title: The Time Machine. There had been other tales of people traveling in time, but the means were mystical, accidental, inexplicable or unexplained. In the 1890s age of miraculous machines, this was the first widely read story to employ a device to take a character through time.

Insurance Giant A.I.G. Nationalized | Bill Manzi.com 17, 2008 · The Federal Reserve, faced with the imminent failure of insurance giant A.I.G., effectively nationalized the company by giving an 85 billion dollar loan to the company in return for 80 percent of its stock. In a statement the Fed Board said: "The Board determined that, in current circumstances, a disorderly failure of AIG could add…

Freedom Writing: The Center Cannot Hold 03, 2009 · This is a case of playing the race card. It is similar, in many ways, to the tactic used by those on the right, when they held power a few years ago and accused those who disagreed with them of not being patriotic enough. That was the patriot card. Neither card is justified except in …

TigerHawk - Blogger Comments: By Anonymous, at Thu Jul 09, 07:49:00 AM: . What percent of GDP is the automotive sector? Obama is plainly attempting to leverage government "intervention" with GM and Chrysler to overhaul the automotive product line -- green cars, Euro-sized cars, etc. -- for all car companies, not just GM and Chrysler, and beyond what he could do with regulations.

QuickLink: Paul Krugman: Raise That Wage | OpEdNews 18, 2013 · QuickLink: Paul Krugman: Raise That Wage - President Obama laid out a number of good ideas in his State of the Union address. Unfortunately, almost all of them would require spending money …

'Without justice, there is no peace': Tiananmen memories ... pastor wept, holding a candle amid tens of thousands of strangers, as he heard his friend’s name spoken for the first time in 20 years. It was 2009, the pastor’s second year in Hong Kong and first time attending a vigil for the Tiananmen Square massacre.

News Coverage of the Graham Ruling - The StandDown Texas ... Coverage of the Graham Ruling " Justices Limit Life Sentences for Juveniles ," is the title of Adam Liptak's report in the New York Times. The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that juveniles who commit crimes in which no one is killed may not be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Article: Transforming the Urban Landscape: An Interview ... 01, 2017 · Rafael Lopez: The start of the Urban Art Trail movement was part inspiration and part desperation! In 1997 my family purchased an old car garage in an …

How Many Presidents Have Been Accused of Sexual Misconduct ... President George H.W. Bush was accused this week of sexually assaulting a woman and the man now sitting in the Oval Office has more than a dozen women accusing him of sexual misconduct.

The Huck Upchuck: Final GOP Debate Reaction 12, 2011 · I admit to watching the debate. Entertaining at points and mostly vacuous, I thought. I have a few quick thoughts right now: 1. Diane Sawyer was insufferable as a debate moderator.

Rev. Steve: Don't Be a Pussy Like the Guy in This Video! 05, 2010 · Then there are the people who catch the ball and run with it. In the late 90's I got a job as Education Coordinator for a debt counseling agency. On my first day, my boss took me with him to a lecture he was doing for a women's group. As we walked up to his pickup truck, I noticed the logo decal on the cap he had over the bed of the truck.

The Useless Tree: Responding to comments on "What 17, 2013 · It is clearly imperfect, for a Confucian, but it is better than the presumption that a 14 year-old is morally equivalent to a 40 year-old. One commenter helpfully suggested another Analects passage, 20.2 , (which in some translations may be numbered 20.4), and I agree that part of this passage is relevant. The Trail of tells these two what happened. He says that on 7/4/19 del Pozo trolled Winkleman with the @WinkleWatchers twitter handle, then destroyed that public record lied about it to a reporter on 7/23/19. Then on 7/28/19 the chief showed up at his house to tell him all this, and that this creepy stalker shit was the last straw.

Paul Krugman, "Lessons From a Comeback": California his latest New York Times op-ed entitled "Lessons From a Comeback" (

Biden VP news megathread (pg 106 - Klobuchar out) could lead to a candidate of color -- or not. It could yield a nominee who is relatively young, or one who is older. But it almost certainly will produce the candidate with whom, in his gut, Biden feels most comfortable and in whom he has confidence as a partner for the years, and not just months, to come.

Did everybody make their phone calls yesterday? | Sohum 27, 2006 · Was the whole thing a set-up? The ER puts a story out that makes some implications. The TS then gets the story right. The grown-ups clean up the mess, and TS wins the round in the paper wars which is fine by Gallegos. That’s just for fun people. I’m sure if you asked Paul, he’d say something like “really, I’m just not that clever.”

Mandolin | Larry Gross great Merle Haggard song, “Silver Wings” sounds great when I use the “E” and “A” strings only, but it’s hard to make a great song like that sound bad. Nope, don’t sing the songs, just pick. I sing in the shower now and that’s about it.

The Rogue Jew’s Guide To Christmas & Hanukkah Gifts For 19, 2006 · Watch that Jihadi in your life shed the pounds and slim down for a better fitting Suicide Bomb Vest. How bout your favorite taxi driver that gets you to work on time while driving his tuchas off to help finance the next 9/11. Move over Jesus, and make room for Dashboard Muhammad! The Cartoon Like Prophet comes to life as his head bobbles from ...

In Louisiana - The StandDown Texas was the first execution since 2002, when Leslie Dale Martin was executed for the rape and murder of a Lake Charles woman in 1981. The dramatic decline in Louisiana executions since 1987, when the state briefly led the nation in that statistic, comes at a time when, nationally, both executions and the imposition of new death sentences have ...

November | 2007 | LEFT OF DAYTON | Page 16, 2007 : Debate moderators overlook key questionsThrough 17 debates this year, roughly 1,500 questions have been asked of the two parties’ presidential candidates.But only a small handful of questions have touched on the candidates’ views on executive power, the Constitution, torture, wiretapping, or other civil liberties concerns.

5 | September | 2015 | News 05, 2015 · Notice how Trump hesitates and stretches the word “Yeessss” when answering whether he was familiar with Quds leader, Gen. Soleimani. Then he adds “Go ahead.Give me a little…go ahead tell me.” Clearly he was lying when he said he knew who Soleimani is and he employed a childish dodge in order to get Hewitt to inform him.

Legacies - Bob 21, 2013 · The desk at which I'm sitting in the picture above belonged to this illustrious preacher of the first half of the twentieth century. It is now the desk of the Historical Society's president, Dr. Glenn Thomas Carson. It came to the Historical Society by way of the famous preacher's son, Willis, who was the Society's president in the 1960s.

Tickle The Wiretrial Archives - Page 2 of 9 - Tickle The Porter, who is also black, is accused of refusing to get medical treatment for Gray during a 45-minute trip in a police van. Gray died of a severe spinal injury sustained while in police custody. The AP reported that Porter is the first being …

Updated: American Al Qaeda Spokesman Adam Gadahn Arrested 07, 2010 · And, Gadahn will be tried for treason, when returned to the United States.. The American-born spokesman for al-Qaida has been arrested by Pakistani intelligence officers in the southern city of Karachi, two officers and a government official said Sunday, the same day Adam Gadahn appeared in a video urging U.S. Muslims to attack their own country.

US attorney firings « Mercury Rising ?? about US attorney firings written by Phoenix Woman and MEC

Ted Rall Calls for Armed Socialist Revolution, page’s Lawrence O’Donnell freely admits he’s a socialist. Tim Wise openly boasts of the progressive plan to obliterate America through demographics. Now Ted Rall — a fixture in the mainstream media establishment — noisily calls for an armed socialist revolution in his aptly named The Anti-American Manifesto. Excerpt via Verum Serum:

Obsidian Wings: Gustav 31, 2008 · by hilzoy. Hurricane Gustav is projected to make landfall tomorrow morning. Our thoughts are with the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. There's good information on the weather at Jeff Masters' blog and Weather Nerd; and on New Orleans at's Hurricane blog and Best of New Orleans.The latter reports that things are pretty bad on I-59. Otherwise, the evacuation seems to have …

What a Long, Strange Trip It Is - freedom-writing.blogspot.com I was studying journalism in college, one thing my professors constantly told us was that it was essential for journalists to be unbias...

read my mind: Real Hero's in Europe: Poland, Hungary ... it can cause headaches, particularly if it influences neighbours such as Romania or Bulgaria. Meanwhile, polls show trust in the EU has fallen in all four countries. In fact, Visegrad countries rely heavily on EU funding—it amounted to 6% of GDP in Hungary in 2013.

iraq | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog | Page 2 Shaw UK Daily Mail March 4, 2010. A sharp increase in birth defects in the Iraqi city of Fallujah could be linked to sophisticated weaponry used by U.S. troops in 2004, it has been revealed.

Judicial Corruption | Dr Linda Shelton 11, 2011 · The following is A SCHEME TO DENY MENTAL HEALTH CARE IN ILLINOIS TO PERSONS ON MEDICAID. Illinois has essentially de facto suspended Dr. Bennett’s Constitutional right to relief from a wrongful conviction by a Habeas petition.Attorney General Lisa Madigan has committed fraud upon the court and the Cook County Circuit Court Judge Lon Schultz has violated Federal and …

The Progressive Populist: The Gripping Story Behind the ... 18, 2017 · The following is an excellent article written by Jefferson Morley on the website on August 10, 2017 which wa spublished in the September 1, 2017 issue of The Progressive Populiston page 8 titled "The Gripping Story Behind the Case for Trunmp-PutinCollusion" and I quote: "The gripping story behind the case for Trump-Putin collusion" Bill…

A Sad Day in America | Tennessee Valley Talks 02, 2010 · Beck is speaking to a specific fringe element of the Rep party. There is no down side to the Dems by continuing to let him bloviate. The moderates and independents cannot run far enough away from Beck, Palin, the TEA party, et al, thereby guaranteeing the fracturing of the Rep and Conservative vote, resulting in Dem victories.

The Delaware Libertarian: Ron Paul: the Australian view author of these comments isn’t known, but it was probably one of the many writers employed by Lew Rockwell. Ron Paul has strongly repudiated the racist sentiments in the newsletter, but he took responsibility for allowing his name to be linked to such comments and apologised.

TweetingDonal's dhídean | Peering out at the world…https://tdhideout.wordpress.comThis work does not discount the work due to be presented by Drs Semiletov and Shakhova sometime mid-year next year (2012). While the article from December 6th, above, indicates that the current evolution of methane may be from the condition change 8,000 years ago, it does not mean that we aren’t seeing some speed up due to localized warming, similar to stirring or scraping the bottom of a ...

Article: NORAD on 9/11 & The 9/11 Commission Report | OpEdNews 12, 2010 · Article: NORAD on 9/11 & The 9/11 Commission Report - The 9/11 Commission Report Says NORAD Did Monitor All Domestic And Foreign Aircraft Flying Within The United States On 9/11.

Thousands Of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries Cheer Against The ... also said that every Palestinian teen who is shot trying to stab a Jew died due to the false hope of a two-state solution. Gerlitzky also cited Shulkhan Aruch Orach Chaim Chapter 329 as halakhic support for his opposition to a two-state solution.

Disappearing Sunspot Cycle Bodes Decades of ... - OpEdNews 15, 2011 · Article: Disappearing Sunspot Cycle Bodes Decades of Cold Weather - Three lines of research presented June 14 at the annual meeting of American …

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

TTLA – Off the explanation on Facebook from someone who is a lawyer strongly suggests that HB 1774 won’t affect the vast majority of people: First and foremost, HB 1774 does not change the insurance claims process. A person making a claim with her insurance company after September 1, 2017 will go through the same process as a person making a claim ...

Controlling Exposure to Drilling Fluids.pdf | Occupational ... data does not have to be on site, but it must be available to be sent to a WorkSafeBC officer upon request. Page 4 of 4 WorkSafeBC Prevention Information Line: 604 276-3100 or toll-free 1 888 621-SAFE (7233)

Two GOP State Reps seek Senate promotions – Off the an interview with the Tribune, Fallon said he was “shocked” to learn in his travels how many local officials view Estes as an absentee senator. Fallon, who loaned his campaign $1.8 million in June, also said he was prepared to “spend every dime and then some” to get his message out in the race.

2008 January « Scanlyze 14, 2008 · Palast is savage in his treatment of President Bush Jr’s defining “Mission Accomplished” moment: On Thursday, May 1, 2003, President Bush landed on …

Poll: Who Is The Top Online Editor Of 2009? 2009 was a tough year for magazines and newspapers -- and boy, was it ever -- it was a bang-up year for the editors of the blogs listed here. Now we are asking you, our loyal, smart, and attractive

Mike Pence is the last ignorant man ... by design he nears the end of his remarks, his happy-warrior buoyancy gives way to a more sober cadence. “We’ve come to a pivotal moment in the life of this country,” Pence soulfully intones. “It’s a good time to pray for America.” His voice rising in righteous fervor, the vice president promises an opening of …

Tickle The WireSam Hicks Archives - Tickle The shot and killed Hicks, who along with other law enforcement agents, had come to arrest her husband Robert Korbe, a drug dealer, who is now serving a 25-year prison term. She had claimed that she shot Hicks, 33, after thinking someone was breaking in the home, and that she wanted to protect her family. Hicks was the first to enter the home.

The Banal Beligerence of Trump – BLOGGYWOCKY 24, 2017 · As the great historian Fritz Stern observed, “This denial of ‘why’ was the authentic expression of all totalitarianism, revealing its deepest meaning, a negation of Western civilization.” Americans are going to have to fight for their civilization and the right to ask why against the banal belligerence of Trump. Cohen is right.

Believe it or not, we get another one! – 24, 2019 · Here are the first two Delaware editions. 2017-18. 2015-16. With the 2018 election over, the Maryland edition is now retired. I'm keeping the 2018 edition up for the archives but no new updates are forthcoming. 2018 Accountability Project

sample thesis chapter 1 | Attachment Theory | Child ... STUDY ON THE MOST COMMON REPORTED CASES ON THE VIOLATION OF. RA 7610 IN ILOILO CITY AS REPORTED IN THE WOMEN AND CHILDRENS DESK AT POLICE PRECINCT 1 Chapter 1 Background of the Study Child Abuse is a universal problem that needs more attention from the government and from the people. In Philippines, Child Maltreatment has been practiced a long time ago.

05 | May | 2020 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 05, 2020 · This was the case in today’s reading, where Paul says God sent an affliction—which he describes as a “messenger of Satan”—to keep him from exalting himself (2 Corinthians 12:7). The apostle admits pride is a problem for him and acknowledges that God is …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Lock it and pocket the key theft is on the rise in Prince Rupert, a surprising thing considering our location and relative isolation. One wonders where exactly a car thief might be going with a car boosted in the city, you can’t exactly hit the highway and get lost in the traffic and there's not exactly a growth industry in chop shops in the area.

Houston Chronicle headline today: “Abbott calls for police ... 11, 2020 · On the front page of today’s Houston Chronicle was the headline above, with the subhead: “Officials ask feds to set up field hospital in the Valley”. Here are the first three paragraphs of ...

NoFo: So ... burning man ... 28, 2018 · Sometimes carefully laid plans for a weirdly cool Burning Man exhibit at the Renwick followed by a pilgrimage to see the Obama portraits at the National Portrait Gallery turn into a mostly-chatting-and-half-paying-attention-to-the-arty-stuff wander through the Renwick followed by three hours of catching up at (don’t laugh) TGI Friday’s (I SAID DON’T LAUGH) with a long-lost high-school ...

Quintessential Rambling: Fuck Martin Luther King (weekend) 22, 2008 · I was just starting to think that I understood this girl, she was cool and she didn't seem to get into the typical female drama. I started to think that maybe she was rational, that was the fatal mistake, whatever you do, whatever you think, never ever ever assume you know what a woman is thinking, because you're wrong. January 23, 2008 9:47 AM

Tarnished Lady: Spike Lee Interview's the first thing the audience hears. Even before I had written the script for Do the Right Thing I had the title. I can't remember exactly when we came up with the title for When the Levees Broke but it was early on. HBO: It's very open-ended, and almost leaves the viewer to finish the sentence themselves.

The Wattree Chronicle: DO WE REALLY WANT TO KEEP IT REAL? 04, 2006 · You see, one of the first issues we must confront in keeping it real involves facing up to the contradiction that while many of us claim that "We're Black and we're proud", we still tend to look to the White man for our well being. The fact is, many of us relate to the White man like we’re children and he’s our daddy. Now, that’s real.

Tuesday July 19, 2005 Volume 1584 - Revolution Greg Lemond and drove a car behind Lance in one of his first big wins.) Most people in the USA do not appreciate what a big event this in the rest of the world. For an American based team, lead by an American, to dominate this race would be like one of those …

We Cannot Be Sloppy With Death Sentences - The StandDown StandDown Texas Project Identifying and Advocating Best Practices in the Criminal Justice System. A Texas-Centric Examination of Current Conditions, Reform Initiatives, and Emerging Issues with a Special Emphasis on Capital Punishment.

The Useless is clearly imperfect, for a Confucian, but it is better than the presumption that a 14 year-old is morally equivalent to a 40 year-old. One commenter helpfully suggested another Analects passage, 20.2 , (which in some translations may be numbered 20.4), and I agree that part of this passage is relevant.

The Things We Never Knew | Nolan Things We Never Knew . Richard Turnbull died a few days ago. He was the oldest dealer on the World Series of Poker staff. Richard may have been 86 in calendar years, but he was 21 in spirit. Richard loved poker and his favorite time of year was traveling to Las Vegas every summer to be with so many of the people he called his friends.

The Grieving Room: The roof is about to fall 10, 2011 · Twelve years ago today, I was at my father's side in the hospital. A freak accident had put him in a coma, and he never woke up before he died on January 17. The year that followed was the worst in...

I Wrote to My Senator about His Vote Against GMO Labeling 06, 2013 · Two weeks ago, the Senate voted on Bernie Sanders's GMO labeling amendment to the Farm Bill. The Sanders amendment would have protected the rights of states "to require that any food, beverage, or...

Trump Blatantly Lies About Russian 'Witch Hunt' According you to Michael Isikoff, Yahoo, for honesty. What this means is that the FISA WARRANTS and the whole Russian Witch Hunt is a Fraud and a Hoax which should be ended immediately. Also, it was paid for by Crooked Hillary & DNC!” “Michael Isikoff was the first to report Dossier allegations and now seriously doubts the Dossier claims.

The Florida Masochist: The Knuckleheads of the Day award 12, 2007 · He has earned just more than $2 million in his 12-year career on the tour, not counting sponsorships. He fell out of the top 125 in 2005, posting one top-10 finish in the 33 events he entered that year. Born in Asansol, India, Atwal is the first native of …

Anti-Defamation League Unleashes Wrath At Rudy Guiliani 24, 2019 · Rudy Giuliani really is off the rails. If you’re just now tuning in, Giuliani gave an exclusive interview to New York Magazine, which was published Monday. In it, he proselytized a lot of conspiracy theories, but the one that struck the most resounding chord was the one about George Soros controlling ambassadors and FBI agents, coupled with his allegations that …

George W. Bush Kept Us Safe | News 11, 2001, was the sort of milestone that no one wants in their collection. Aside from the obvious and tragic loss of life, it opened up a vein of fear and a recognition that none of us are impervious to grievous harm in a dangerous world. Thank God, then, for George W. Bush. He kept us safe – well, except for that one time on 9/11.

The Ones You Didn't Hear in Sunday School: Abigail and Her ... was a wealthy property owner living near Carmel during the reign of King Saul. He owned substantial flocks of sheep and goats as was married to a beautiful and intelligent wife named Abigail. Nabal was a bad-tempered man and mean in his dealings.

Did Black Lives Matter Organizer Shaun King Mislead Oprah ... 19, 2015 · One of them is his birth certificate, listing his parents as Naomi Kay Fleming and Jeffery Wayne King and a birth date of September 17, 1979 in Versailles, Kentucky. King had already told journalists his mother was white. So all that remained for Pate to determine was whether his father was white too.

KingCast asks Defendant Ayotte: "You're hiding Gregory ... from a comment I posted on another blog: "Part of the backlash against the bill is the fact that the AG and other LE are lying about Gregory Floyd, a 3 time felon who is now under a new Permanent Restraining Order for threatening his neighbor with a gun. He was on an order of Good Behaviour for 10 years until summer 2007.

Mutahi Ngunyi: from an intellectual commentator to a ... Ngunyi: from an intellectual commentator to a hatchet subcontractor I used to like Mutahi Ngunyi (left) and his compelling articles in the Sunday Nation . But that was before 2007, when he acted like a patriot and a progressive intellectual who loathed tribalism and corruption.

Michael Fountain: Blood for Ink: "Not a leaf moves in this ..."Not a leaf moves in this country if I'm not moving it": The Death of Pinochet, and a Fictional Call for Justice AP- SANTIAGO, Chile -By EDUARDO GALLARDO, Associated Press Writer- "Gen. Augusto Pinochet, who terrorized his opponents for 17 years after taking power in a bloody coup, died Sunday, putting an end to a decade of intensifying efforts ...

Fixing the Holes in the Net – Paul's 09, 2016 · Fixing the Holes in the Net Posted on January 9, 2016 January 9, 2016 by Paul Woodford If you’d told me I’d ever agree with anything Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Association’s executive vice president and spokesman, said, I’d have thought you were crazy.

Sour Grapes | Slog | The Stranger | Seattle's Only Newspaper look at Bushes success to see why McCain is running this ad. Bush was "one of us", a regular guy, and people could relate to him. At least that was his image after he bought a Tx ranch and never mentioned Yale or Connecticut again. Still, I think McCain's age will have a bigger impact than realized, and ads like this only reinforce that fact.

Tickle The WireMiami-Dade Archives - Tickle The said Connolly, who is serving a 40-year prison sentence, was very much involved in the murder, and a jury properly decided that he was guilty. “John Connolly is not an innocent FBI agent sitting at his desk 1,000 miles away from the murder,” said Assistant State Attorney Joel Rosenblatt. “He was a primary mover.”

Autopsy Report: Taser Victim Rodolfo Lepe Dead as Result ... Lepe is 31-year old man killed by six (6) Bakersfield police officers in January . He is one of the 23 people to die after being ...

Mitt Romney Watch: Massachusetts State Police and New ... 22, 2007 · Jay Garrity, who is director of operations on Romney’s presidential campaign and a constant presence at his side, became the primary target of the investigation, according to one of the sources, after authorities traced the cellphone used to make the call back to him.

American Power: Is Charles Johnson Gay? 04, 2009 · I recently found this comment on one of my posts on Little Green Footballs: Charles Johnson did a lot of good early work in exposing Islam. However, Charles is now in an awkward place ideologically due to his own homosexuality and the contradictions of this position vs the outlook of the rest of Western Conservatism/Rightwing thought.

Babble On: The Boy 07, 2010 · One of his favorite things - hiding under his stuffed animals. ... From a Whisper to a Scream. A Truffle PSA 1 year ago The Immoral Minority. Website is a success! 2 years ago ... Diatribe: Am I The Only One Who Is Offended When The Pope States Gay Marriage “Threatens The Future Of Humanity Itself”? 8 years ago

27 | July | 2009 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 27, 2009 · In 2005, I was the youngest person elected to the new Afghan parliament. Women like me, running for office, were held up as an example of how the war in Afghanistan had liberated women. But this democracy was a facade, and the so-called liberation a big lie.

memeorandum: The Ugliest Line in Trump's NFL Attack ... Ugliest Line in Trump's NFL Attack — It wasn't what you think. — Donald Trump's frothing critique of Colin Kaepernick and the players, coaches, and teammates who have come to his side has garnered many revelatory reactions.

memeorandum: Trump Proposes the Most Sweeping Tax Overhaul 27, 2017 · Trump, at war with everyone, mocks McCain, McConnell — In private, President Trump has taken to physically mocking M&M: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (slumped shoulders; lethargic body language) and Sen. John McCain (imitating the thumbs-down of …

It’s Halloween: Does the FBI Know Where Kimberlin ... 31, 2013 · Yet there are some curious omissions from Kimberlin’s lawsuit. The perjuring bomber never mentions his role in, the 501(c)4 activist group he co-founded which, along with his 501(c)3 Justice Through Music Project, shares the Bethesda, Maryland, address where Kimberlin lives in his mother’s basement.

“us versus them” | Sheila Kennedy who is genuinely surprised to discover that Trump is a racist is too stupid to tie his own shoes. David Leonhardt ticked off the evidence in his column yesterday for the New York Times : • Trump’s real-estate company was sued twice by the federal government in the 1970s for discouraging the renting of apartments to African-Americans ...

Frankenstein Vol. 2 Quiz | Frankenstein | Metaphysics Of ... Volume II. Chapters 1-9 Quiz 1. What ‘sight’ in chapter one helps Victor to forget the passing cares of life? 2. Victor states, “If our impulses were confined to hunger, thirst, and desire, we might be nearly free” (pg. 111). Do you agree with this statement?

Is Social Justice In The Bible? Should We Be Hostile To It ... 22, 2010 · The first way is when the concepts are implemented without God as the foundation. The second way is when the concepts are implemented through the hand of government. You can’t implement true social justice without God as the foundation, because God himself is the source of all justice. Apart from God we fail as John 15 tells us.

Western Ally and War Profiteer Saudi Arabia Executed 47 ... 02, 2016 · Western Ally and War Profiteer Saudi Arabia Executed 47 Men Today [January 2, 2016] Western Ally Saudi Arabia [January 15, 2015] Freedom of speech Blogger Raif Badawi to receive 1000 lashes under Sharia law + photo Human Rights Woman executed by beheading in the middle of the street in Mecca + photo Test for witchcraft can result in a beheading A man or woman convicted of …

Donald Trump Twitter rants and also retweets image which ... 02, 2017 · — Jerry Travone ?? (@JerryTravone) August 24, 2017 This was Trump's retweet this morning. As you can see ...

sally moyer | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! individual (or individuals) has been identified as Kevin Clinesmith who altered FISA docs, who worked with his reported lover Sally Moyer for the current Intelligence Community (IC) Inspector General (IG), Michael Atkinson. Keep in mind Atkinson only assumed this position in May of 2018. Only the second Inspector General for the Intelligence Community.

Indomitable | The online home of Chauncey DeVega: Friday 02, 2014 · I was embarrassed for having surrendered to Heinlein's mystique after having read only one of his books. Jeet Heer's review of William H. Patterson's book Robert A. Heinlein, Vol 2: In Dialogue with His Century Volume 2: The Man Who Learned Better has cemented my distaste and discomfort towards reading any more of Heinlein's work.

I Speak of Dreams: January 2009 - lizditz.typepad.com will be posted shortly at the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation website . Letter from the President Military Vehicle Technology Foundation January 20, 2009. Portola Valley, Ca Dear Friends of the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation, . I am sad to announce that our long-time friend, the Foundation’s founder, Jacques Littlefield, passed away on January 7, 2009.

Case Digests in Legal Ethics | Brief (Law) | Lawyer was suspended from practice of law for two months. MONTEREY VS ARAYATA FACTS: Atty. Arayata drew up in his favor deed of sale of a land, stating therein that the person who executed the document and sold the land to him was his father who is already dead. He appears to Notary public Montoya to legalize said document.

18 | March | 2010 | Geoausch 18, 2010 · It was the 1970’s and everyone was using “bennies” and smoking grass, but it makes Washington’s statement yesterday-that he only used coke once-even that much more unbelievable. While I’ve never had the desire to snort anything up my nose, I have been around cocaine and have had several friends fall victim to the drug’s addictive ...

10 Incredibly Fake Facts That Trump Supporters Believe Are came after Trump was overruled in his efforts to impose a Muslim travel ban. 6. Trumpcare is great while Obamacare is awful. Okay, this one is especially heinous. During Trump’s presidential campaign, he talked constantly about how easy it would be to gut Obamacare and impose a version of his own that would cover everyone. Here are the ...

The Apprentice President Tries To Rally His Viewers - The ... Apprentice President Tries To Rally His Viewers ... This is all part of the proxy war between the Saudis and Iran which is also wrapped up in the intractable Sunni-Shia conflict that has riven the Islamic world and especially the Mideast for centuries. Observers believe that the Saudis were emboldened by Trump's support for them during his ...

Former Black Panther Mason Weaver Slams Rep John Lewis ... 17, 2017 · If you missed this take down that occurred last night with Tucker Carlson, here is your chance. I have to add of all people a former Black Panther. An honest man who tells it like it is. John Lewis wants to oppress black America'. In this explosive …

Left-Over: A Million Little Human Interest Stories is a heart-wrenching stereotype, but not really true. While NBC chose to show the unlikely image of Kostelic and her brother Ivica carrying their skis past a bombed out building, the reality is that her family lives in a part of Croatia that was relatively unaffected by the war, and nearly all of her training takes place outside of Croatia.

exegesis | The Word of Me... Catholic Church faces a real conundrum; on the one hand they do accept much of evolution and the things that it implies. They do accept that much of the Old Testament is nothing but allegory, the Noachian Flood was not real, the earth (and universe) is billions of years old…not 6000, etc..

PLAINFIELD TODAY: 'Fast and Furious' flick not only issue ... 26, 2009 · Originally scheduled for July 31 and abruptly canceled the day of, the first concert took place the following Friday, August 7, with a notice posted on the City's website at 7:38 AM, again the day of (see my post here).

DarwinCatholic: Divided We Stand was the first time in some years that I've re-read this Austen novel, one of the quieter and shorter ones, but one which has ranked among my favorites. It was striking me, on this pass, that it rather shows the effects of having be...

Taking Care of the Body -- A Sermon for Epiphany 3C (1 27, 2019 · In his book on this subject, he comments on these verses from 1 Corinthians 12. He reminds us that “from a disability perspective, then, people with disabilities are by definition embraced as central and essential to a fully healthy and functioning congregation in particular, and to the ecclesial body in general.”

Jeff Sessions, Jesus Christ and Reefer Madness - OpEdNews 21, 2017 · OpEdNews Op Eds 5/21/2017 at 16:23:30 H3'ed 5/21/17 Jeff Sessions, Jesus Christ and Reefer Madness By John Grant (Page 1 of 2 pages) (# of views) 4 comments

read my mind: A History Lesson On Islam! - Blogger writings are not thought to be recent -- some are more than a year old, predating his much-publicized trip to Jordan -- and should not be considered a diary of any sort, according to a person familiar with the family's interviews with investigators and a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation.

Babble On: March 2013 09, 2013 · The Band's music has always resonated with me, and there's just something about Levon. My favorites are "The Weight," "Ophelia," "Up on Cripple Creek," "The Night They Drove Ol' Dixie Down," and "Long Black Veil." Their songs have been covered by so many whose versions touch me in …

Idiot president peddles conspiracy theories, threatens ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours.

Palin comparison to Obama | Sarah Palin | John Mc Cain his three years as the DCP's Director, its staff grew from 1 to 13 and its annual budget grew from $70,000 to $400,000, with accomplishments including helping set up a job training program, a college preparatory tutoring program, and a tenants' rights organization. Moved to …

December 2012 – Page 17 – The posts published by Andrew Sullivan during December 2012

2009 April 5 – Off the 05, 2009 · I don’t suppose it really matters what part of town Mayors and Mayor wannabees live in.What does matter is how they want to approach questions of what different parts of town want and need. Candidate and Councilman Peter Brown, an urban planner and architect, lives in the close-in Museum District and said he helped raise his now-grown family in the Briargrove neighborhoods …

ce399 | research archive: Michael Bertiaux: Magickal ... on Wordpress!(link) ce399fascism on Twitter!(link) Coca has been, ancestrally, a sacred leaf. We, the indigenous, have had a profound respect toward it... a respect that includes that we don't "pisar" it (the verb "pisar" means to treat the leaves with a chemical substance, one of the first steps in the production of cocaine).

War | The Rogue Jew | Page 2 boy is developmentally delayed, one of the effects of being born 16 weeks prematurely. His ankles are malformed and his legs have low muscle tone. ... Good Muslims are intended to kill infidels as the Koran says; that is the only way to paradise and the 72 virgins. ... We will walk in his palace and shit on his floor, and hang Old Glory ...

Ravi Zacharias Ministry – A Name Not Hidden | DAILY ... 02, 2016 · All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” In my life, I have asked many dishonest questions of God, both knowingly and unknowingly. Sometimes I think Christ allowed me to hide behind them, other times he seemed to make it clear that coming out of hiding was the answer.

2016 Election Diary {click on Blog Title to Refresh Page ..."Donald Trump has taken a 7 point lead in Iowa. According to Saturday's Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll, Trump is the top choice for 46 percent of voters who say they have cast their ballot or definitely will vote in the 2016 election, compared to Hillary Clinton, who is at 39 percent. Trump is the top choice for 46 percent of voters who say they have

RADARSITE: Our Most Dangerous Enemy: Post Mumbai It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter.

RADARSITE: Why Did Obama Reject Foreign Help? accepted, they were sent to Atlanta for a training course on FEMA guidelines, etc-even getting classes on the history of FEMA and sexual harassment rules. Many gave up in disgust and went home. That wasn't Katrina's fault; that was the government's fault.

The Immoral Minority: Michele Bachmann runs away from CNN ... 04, 2013 · @7:49 AM You are the Moron, and M. Bachman 'BOUGHT' her Law Degree from that Religion Based Fundie College called Liberty. Bachman runs from the TRUTH, and tries to divert what she has said by changing the subject. She did the same thing when she was caught'HIDING IN THE BUSHES'at a Gay Rally. at a Gay Rally. Delete

GOP Economics: Self-Serving Greed | The Oklahoma Observer 18, 2020 · A gross production tax of 2% for the first three years [the most productive years] of a well’s production makes sure that petro-polluters will remember their pals come election time. In 2015, those GOP local-control advocates banned municipalities from protecting themselves from oilco fracking activities that might trigger earthquakes or ...

Elizabeth Warren wooed on Air Force One | Bud Meyers 08, 2015 · September 2015 - Boston Herald: "President Obama was the headliner at yesterday’s powerful gathering of Massachusetts union leaders — but that didn’t stop the Bay State’s senior senator from garnering bigger cheers — or from taking a jab at the president’s controversial trade policy. Elizabeth Warren, who spoke before Obama arrived ...

Article: KILLING NEWS | OpEdNews KILLING NEWS - These days, Rupert Murdoch's war-mongering is compulsive and his disregard for human wreckage is both calculated and global; but in the beginning, what marked his output ...

DARREL DUMAS VERSES STAN JOHNSON ON THE RAPTURE ... - … in time (bible prophecy literally fulfilled)(by god) i write news about and put news articles about israel and jerusalem pertaining to bible prophesy happenings.joel 3:20 but judah (israel) shall dwell for ever, and jerusalem from generation to generation.(thats israel-jerusalem will never be destroyed again)-we christians are all waiting patiently for the pre-tribulation rapture to ...

Postscripts: Eliena Krylenko: 'Glad to Have Lived'' 1922, abandoning his financially troubled magazine, The Liberator, Max left Croton to explore the changes wrought in Russia by the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Instead of going directly to the Soviet Union, he headed first to an international conference in Genoa, Italy.

29 | May | 2010 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 29, 2010 · Dennis Hopper, whose portrayals of drug-addled, often deranged misfits in the landmark films “Easy Rider,” “Apocalypse Now” and “Blue Velvet” drew on his early out-of-control experiences as part of a new generation of Hollywood rebel, died at his home in Venice, Calif., on Saturday, The Associated Press reported.He was 74. The death was announced by Alex Hitz, a family friend ...

public opinion | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 22, 2010 · RT @RepSwalwell: Bill Barr’s actions make clear that, in his Department of Justice, the President’s allies get special treatment, the Presi… 3 hours ago; RT @ProjectLincoln: Trump prides himself on being #1, and he is. - Single largest market drop in history. - …

Yes on Measure K looking for donations | Sohum Parlance II 29, 2018 · Yes, Stenchman – YOU clearly hate the government. I suspect it is YOU who is the loser “adult” living in his mother’s basement. After all, what self-respecting woman (other than possibly your beleaguered mommy) would allow a mysoginist like you to live under their roof? Or Halliburton? Or Blackwater? Etc., etc., etc.

A curious case of Archie Bunker 15, 2017 · On Jan. 12, 1971, the first episode of All in the Family aired on televisions across America. It was the first major American series to be videotaped before a live studio audience, and went on to t...

More of Just How Unprecedented this Presidency and His there is the fact that this President takes money in, on the side, as it were but literally, in his official, public position, as leader of the nation, from many businesses, hotels, etc., from across the nation and globe. Which, by the way, goes against our very Constitution, given the important-to-a-lot-of-us Emoluments Clause.

THE CUP OF JOE: Something Smells About his 1998 suspense novel, "Those Who Trespass,"” O'Reilly concocted a character resembling Schieffer, who is brutally murdered.) So, all this was in the back of my mind when I read about B.O.'s take on the kidnapped Midwest child who was …

Dr. Ethelene Jones Crockett Distinguished Alumni 02, 2008 · Dr. Ethelene Jones Crockett Distinguished Alumni Award My maternal grandmother, Ethelene Jones Crockett, was born in 1914 in St. Joseph, Michigan and grew up in Jackson, Michigan . She attended Jackson Junior College …

literally News on June 22, 2020 at 4:10 22, 2020 · literally News on June 22, 2020 at 4:10 PM from top sources, including Marie Claire, Crain's New York Business New York City, Mashable, , New York Post and many more!

Mattis | Sheila has been one of the very few members of Trump’s administration widely perceived to be competent and honorable. His departure will make it much more difficult for partisans to ignore the damage Trump is doing to America’s standing in the world community, and his constant, dangerous assaults on global stability.

The Elmahaba Center Podcast takes on a radical project in ... 08, 2020 · The Elmahaba Center Podcast was created in 2019 by three Coptic Egyptian women from a working-class neighborhood in Nashville, Tennessee, an area with one of the largest Coptic communities in North America. Coptic people, or “Copts,” are a Christian minority in Egypt, the majority of whom belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church; it’s one of the world’s oldest churches.

memeorandum: Trump preparing executive order to let 27, 2017 · Trump, at war with everyone, mocks McCain, McConnell — In private, President Trump has taken to physically mocking M&M: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (slumped shoulders; lethargic body language) and Sen. John McCain (imitating the thumbs-down of …

memeorandum: Justin Timberlake ‘Is Finalizing’ Deal to ..., at war with everyone, mocks McCain, McConnell — In private, President Trump has taken to physically mocking M&M: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (slumped shoulders; lethargic body language) and Sen. John McCain (imitating the thumbs-down of his historic health-care vote). — In private, President Trump has taken to physically

We Agree With Mitt Romney - "Lighten Up Slightly" is going to be a long haul to the White House and we agree with Mitt Romney - lets lighten up! One of Nevada's most popular governors was Kenny Guinn. I remember winning a free dinner to the governors mansion in Carson City a few years ago from the Reno radio station KKOH.

Joe Biden Watch: FDR on Television – Flap's Blog ... 23, 2008 · What is historical fact is that 1) FDR was the first president to appear on television; 2) FDR was not president during the worst stock market crash in US history, but was for the 2nd worst in history (1937) and the 8th worst in history (1939).

Cold Front Hits Hell as Left Wing Media Scrutinizes 16, 2010 · Cold Front Hits Hell as Left Wing Media Scrutinizes Obama Thomas F. Roeser 16 June 2010 2 Comments Obama’s speech last night wasn’t very good…was vengeful and sophomoric…but the real point of interest for me was the savage critiques of his performance by the MSNBC oracles: Chris Matthews…Keith Olbermann…and Newsweek’s Howard Fineman.

The Georgia voting debacle is on John Roberts' and Mitch ... it was the state itself responsible for the violations, it would take just 10 violations to be subject to preclearance. Georgia is among the 11 states that would be back under preclearance. But Mitch McConnell called the legislation intended to make sure that everyone eligible got their vote a "power grab" by the House.

California nixes plans for high ... - Tallbloke's Talkshop 12, 2019 · From the first “pioneer” to the last tamper, about two miles, there was a line of men advancing a mile an hour; iron cars with their load of rails and humans dashed up and down the newly-laid track; foremen on horseback were galloping back and forth. Keeping pace with the track layers was the telegraph construction party.

memeorandum: The winners and losers of Michael Cohen's 28, 2019 · After Cohen's hearing, the BuzzFeed bombshell that Mueller disputed looks better — and worse — In mid-January, a BuzzFeed News report hit the news cycle like a mile-wide asteroid landing on Earth.— Its assertion was stunning: that President Trump had directed his fixer, Michael Cohen …

Clock Ticking in Hank Skinner Case - The StandDown Texas ..., November 9 is the scheduled execution date for Hank Skinner. "Don't execute Hank Skinner before crucial DNA evidence is tested," is the editorial in today's Houston Chronicle. Skinner received an eleventh-hour stay from the U.S. Supreme Court, which allowed...

14 | March | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 14, 2013 · To the Jewish mind, on the other hand, there was a cry and a longing to be free. In their history, they had been attacked by numerous powers and often humiliated by occupying forces. Whether it was the Assyrians or the Babylonians or the Romans, Jerusalem had been repeatedly plundered and its people left homeless.

Doctor Comics: My El Guapo 20, 2012 · My El Guapo is Dr. Marc Singer. Because Marc is neither ugly nor especially hairy, some explanation may be in order. I basically have a huge inferiority complex and Marc -- who is a genuinely swell guy and who is probably reading this -- has always been that guy who was smarter, funnier, more successful, and just better read than I am.

Perpetual Thursday: Hillary Clinton Hostage Situation is said to be in his 40s with salt-and-pepper hair." This fits with what everyone else is reporting. WMUR 9 reports police ARE indeed communicating with the suspect, who is still inside. Both WMUR 9 and Fox News is currently awaiting a press conference …

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup but he helped craft one of the biggest pieces of legislation that affects millions of stupid people. Obama lied and thanks to Gruber the lie was finally exposed. So Romney was "running" for president and Obama "is"the president. December 9, 2014 at 4:45 PM

Historic Gathering - First Contact Nations Unite in DC to ... 09, 2016 · Historic A historic gathering quietly took place on January 7, 2016, in Washington DC that may have broad positive implications for Native Americans in …

» Islam Cristy the years past and Isidore reached the age of marriage in his day, he met a young woman Maria de la Cabeza (Feast Day: 09 September) who shared his Christian values and later they were married–subsequently they had one son who died as a child. Following his death, they agreed to serve God together and had no other children.

UPDATED x2: Detroit Public Schools Emergency ... - Eclectablog 02, 2013 · “I’m confident that what we have put together is meaningful … if I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t leave,” Roberts said. “The deficit elimination plan says we’re going to get rid of the deficit at the end of the 2015-16 school year — and we’re on track for that — and get out of here and turn (DPS) back over to the local people to run it.”

The Point: Hoffman Michael MichaelBy Michael Hoffman, author of In the Land of the Kami: A Journey into the Hearts of Japan and Other Worlds THE JAPAN TIMES, June 17, 2017 Two irreconcilable views of patriotism were given their classic expressions by two Englishmen: Lord Byron, the poet (1788-1824), and Dr. Johnson, the lexicographer and jack-of-all-literary-trades (1709-84).

WARNING: Beware the "Voice from the White House ... 27, 2005 · Since I was entirely alone and a good listener, he called me more and more frequently, until he was calling every day and expounding on God, the world, and his action packed life. Some of his tales were truly wild and far-fetched, concerning his dealings with high ranking dignitaries and the underground, in which he always emerged as the hero.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

CNN GOP AZ Debate 2 23 12 – Winner Gingrich, Romney Lies ... 06, 2012 · Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond

Bill Clinton Death Penalty Retard Certificate Problem Unable To Get Local Issuer Certificate Git. Monarchy In The Old Testament. Get Deed To My House

Tenured Radical: Edie Sedgwick: R.I.P. 12, 2008 ·, an online magazine devoted to death -- or, as they say on the website, "What death can mean to the living and what living may have meant to the dead" -- reminds us with this story by Paul Wilner that November 16 was the 37th anniversary of Edie Sedgwick's death. She died of a lethal dose of pills and alcohol, ingested accidentally, like so many fabulous people of that drug-addled ...

Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative | Zambian ... 05, 2008 · In his financial disclosures, McCain lists his major sources of income as his Senate salary of $169,300 and a Navy pension of about $56,000. In 2006, Obama reported income of nearly $1 million, with nearly half of it coming from the publication of his second book, “The Audacity of Hope.”

September | 2008 | The Winking Buddha Blog of his favorite recipients was “The Hole in the Wall” Camps, now an international group of respites for children with life-threatening illnesses, including the cancer that took his own life. Newman much preferred to hobnob with the kiddos at camp, named after the real Butch Cassidy’s rat pack, than the snobs on the Walk of Fame.

I wanted to post a joke, and then I saw the news! | Sohum ... 13, 2018 · Tillerson taking the side of America’s ally the UK vs. Trump’s ally Russia was the straw that broke the Secretary of State’s back. Has Trump said anything about the Russians using a banned nerve agent on UK soil?

14 | May | 2020 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 14, 2020 · Pete was the playboy type. He believed that Christ was in his life and that he had eternal life and would go to heaven when he died, but he was not willing to “go all the way with the Lord.” He wanted to live the “good life,” he said. One day perhaps he would make a total commitment of his life to Christ, but not now.

Slumlord Swindles Thousands In Benefits Scam ... year Dansky, who is now back in Salford, was the subject of a BBC Panorama investigation – who named him as one of Britain’s worst slum landlords. They spoke to one of his tenants who lived in a house with black mould, damp and broken windows which he claimed the landlord refused to fix.

In Practice There Are No Constraints on the Power ... - Scribd practice there are no constraints on the power of a popular President. Evaluate this statement (30 marks) Constraints can be seen as the controls placed upon the President exercised by the other branches of Government. Historically, popular Presidents are John F. Kennedy and Dwight Eisenhower when using Gallup polls of average approval rating. JFK and Eisenhower polled 70.1% and 65% ...

» 2018 » August Cristy John Vianney (1786-1859) –Image: Archbishop Jose Gomez . Born in France Lyons into a farm family, in John’s youthful days he would teach other children their prayers according to SQPN and Catechism.. Ordained a Priest in 1815, he became Curate Ecully and was subsequently sent to the remote community in France Ars (about 20 miles North of Lyon) in 1818 to become their Parish Priest.

Underground Railroad hear tell (via CNN) that Emmanuel Goldstein Osama bin Laden "plans a new video addressing the American people regarding the anniversary of the September 11 attacks" at some point between now and the 11 th of this month. For the life of me I can't figure out why he would choose now to produce a new video - it would be the six-year anniversary of the attack and the number six isn't significant ...

The Blame Game | Sheila Kennedy Blame Game December 26, 2014 Random Blogging police misconduct , Rudy Guiliani Sheila As we approach New Year’s Eve, many of us are making our (recurring) resolutions.

read my mind: United Kingdom Votes to Leave the European ... joined Londoners on the daily commute the day Britain decided to leave the European Union. 8.6m people live in British capital, one of the most diverse cities in Europe. Their departure was a surprise for many in the city. Marcus Thompson travelled travelling from Oxford Circus in Central London to the end of the line and back to find out more.

23 | February | 2018 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 23, 2018 · While Francis Xavier was preaching one day in one of the cities of Japan, a man walked up to him as if he had something to say to him privately. As the missionary leaned closer to hear what he had to say, the man spat on his face. Without a word or the least sign of annoyance, Xavier pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his face.

Bolivia | Dear Kitty. Some blog 6 November 2019 video says about itself: Bolivia Protests 2019 – victims of massacre. From daily The Morning Star in Britain:. Sunday, November 17, 2019. Argentina’s president-elect calls on UN to intervene over massacres by Bolivia’s coup regime. ARGENTINA’S president-elect Alberto Fernandez called on the UN to do something about the massacre of anti-coup protesters in Bolivia at ...

Wicca | aflam about Wicca written by sawamix. On the other hand, if there’s ever a draft, we can probably expect to see a mass conversion to Wicca on the part of young men of draft age after what’s happened to Don Larsen (no, not the perfect game pitcher):. A year ago, he was a Pentecostal Christian minister at Camp Anaconda, the largest U.S. support base in Iraq.

ce399 | research archive: Rev. Moon and Triple Border on Wordpress!(link) ce399fascism on Twitter!(link) Coca has been, ancestrally, a sacred leaf. We, the indigenous, have had a profound respect toward it... a respect that includes that we don't "pisar" it (the verb "pisar" means to treat the leaves with a chemical substance, one of the first steps in the production of cocaine).

Pathetic man-child: Trump had Navy cover up the name on ... man-child: Trump had Navy cover up the name on the USS John McCain for his visit to Japan The casket of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is carried out of the Washington National Cathedral There’s not much to say about this, beyond noting that Donald Trump is a petty, pathetic little man who is an embarrassment to this country:

News and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective 6/11/18 ... and Analyses, A Foreign Perspective ... Rozzi, who is now a state legislator and has been a staunch advocate for the rights of sexual abuse survivors, said he had not yet seen the grand jury report, but expected it to list hundreds of priests, and hundreds of their victims, and how the church covered up abuse. ... Kim was the first to ...

Trump Suggests He’s Going To Retaliate Against The CIA Silver sez that it was the FBI’s Comey’s bullshit message about Hillary’s emails that put Trump over. And now we have a pending Secretary of State who is best buds with Putin.

Judge rules forced catheterizations unconstitutional federal judge has ruled that the involuntary catheterization of suspects to obtain urine samples is unconstitutional. PIERRE, S.D. -- South Dakota law enforcement officers cannot rely on involuntary catheterization to obtain urine samples from suspects because it is …

Article: The Cat in the Hat, elusive happy ... - OpEdNews 07, 2007 · Article: The Cat in the Hat, elusive happy endings, and the [election] mess that is so big, and so deep, and so tall - This passage resonated with me and kept popping up, virtually every time ...Author: Joan Brunwasser

Navy brass in deep with the deep state | We are the drain ... 25, 2019 · But it required Trump to blink and ignore shenanigans not to mention rule #1 as regards the military as per the Constitution – the President is commander in chief. So reading more we see it was important that Spencer be fired to ACTUALLY preserve the good order and discipline of the Navy (and by example the entire US military).

National Health Service Watch: The Doctors Complain – Flap 15, 2005 · “A splendid book. It’s a devastating critique of the welfare state. A page-turner, yet also extensively sourced. Demonstrates how attempts to achieve good intentions have led to horrible results — increasing crime and violence, worsened conditions of the very poor, an extraordinary deterioration in the quality and character of British life.

The Wattree Chronicle: Tavis, West, and 07, 2012 · The reason that's the first thing that came to mind was because Cornel West is rapidly building a reputation for attacking anyone in the Black community who tends to overshadow him. This tendency, and the reckless and petty way in which he pursues it, has become so pronounced in West that it's beginning to betray his primary agenda as a whole.

Tenured Radical: In Memory of Allan 08, 2007 · I just received word that Allan Berube, one of our pioneer gay historians, has died at the young age of 61. This obituary lists the cause of death as complications from stomach ulcers. I never knew Allan, but I have taught his book, Coming Out Under Fire: the History of Gay Men and Women in World War II several times and honestly, even though it was published in …

Tenured Radical: Radically American 10, 2007 · One of them was the wonderful Siva, who becomes more fabulous with each passing year. Somehow I had missed it that the Siva family had decamped for the University of Virginia, but we had a nice long chat about the pleasures and perils of the blogosphere, and exchanged compliments.

Tickle The WireGeorge Papadopoulos Archives - Tickle The Steve Neavling The FBI in 2016 sent an undercover investigator masquerading as a research assistant to meet with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos as part of a counterintelligence investigation into the campaign’s ties to Russia, The New York Times reports. The meeting happened at a London pub after Papadopoulos …

The Next Hurrah: Dick DeVos and KayBee Hutchison Go After 14, 2007 · by emptywheel. That's a way to make you feel good about blogging, huh? To be attacked by both Dick DeVos and KayBee Hutchison? DeVos is suing 30 anonymous bloggers and YouTube users because he believes they are among a group for former distributors who sued Amway and were put under a gag order by the judge in the suit.. In the lawsuit filed this past …

Continuing Coverage of Connecticut Racial Bias Trial - The Coverage of Connecticut Racial Bias Trial ... How prosecutors decide whether to seek execution was the focus of the first day of testimony in the trial on claims by the condemned killers that Connecticut's death penalty – recently abolished but still applicable to those on death row - is racially, ethnically and geographically ...

ce399 | research archive: Predictive was the meaning the French physicist A.M. Ampere intended when he coined the word. Cybernetic Systems/capability of correlating behaviours, trends and needs from minute to minute across the entire country. Economic prediction and scientific future studies.

ce399 | research archive: Gustav Schwarzenegger - the first page of his log book is a picture of the soldier: straight-backed, firm-jawed and with the style of moustache so typical of the era. His eyes stare out with determination and pride. Were it not for the name on the papers, there would be very little to distinguish this from any other soldier’s record during the Second World War.

The People Around Him… | Sheila Kennedy most troubling observation by the notoriously sarcastic Brits, however, was the comparison to Dubya. And it is troubling not because Mitt, like George W, constantly displays these “not ready for prime time” moments. Let’s face it, no one is ready to lead the …

CubeZoo: 12.06 18, 2006 · I'm not a huge computer gamer. I grew up playing games in the 1980's. For me, say 'computer games', and my first thought is things like Wasteland and Sopwith.My brother owned a NES console, but aside from that, I never did the console thing.

Fifteen charged in lead poisoning of Flint, MI. Key 22, 2019 · Flint is what happens when we dismiss science. Flint is what happens when we dismiss people. Flint is what happens when saving money is more important than …

Article: Not Falling With The Angry Man | OpEdNews Not Falling With The Angry Man - A new Christmas story. '...let's show him and those that follow him, in the mirror of our love, that his large ass is hanging out and it's not becoming of ...

Spoken Word: 'The Libretto of the Opera: Death of a Black ... 27, 2015 · Spoken word is powerful when it is done correctly.Ed Mabrey does it correctly. Ed Mabrey is the current Individual World Poetry Slam Champion, having won the title three times in his poetry career. He was the first person of color to win the title and continues to be a trailblazer, consistently raising the bar and setting new and ambitious standards for this performance art form.

The Immoral Minority: David Chappelle IS 06, 2013 · Okay you have to admit, that is one bizarre coincidence. (For those who don't know who David Chappelle is .)

RADARSITE: Obama Enlists Religious Left to Win Support for 20, 2009 · by Barbara Sowell. Yesterday’s teleconference with President Obama, "40 Minutes for Health Reform," was organized by a network of religiously progressive faith-based organizations that support Obama’s plan to change our nation’s health-care system.The 40 minute teleconference was the launch pad for a 40-day push to guilt-trip religiously naive …

It's the Foreign Policy, Stupid - Progress Pond 18, 2014 · Dan Balz talks about a potential presidential run by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont in today’s Washington Post. Some people believe Sanders has little to lose in such a campaign. Perhaps. When asked if he is concerned about the prospect of [Hillary] Clinton claiming the nomination without being challenged, he said, “It’s not just acclamation […]

read my mind: Proof That The Earth Is Flat! (Part 5) the last decade or so, scientists have learned that the Earth is more complex than we ever imagined. There is an underground “ocean” tucked deep within Earth’s interior, life all the way at the bottom of the deepest oceanic abyss, large and mysterious holes that pop up out of nowhere, and a number of other things (the list goes on and on, really).

WV-Gov: Dem Gubernatorial Primer – Swing State Tennant was the first female Mountaineer (WVU’s sports teams’ mascot), a former television news anchor, and is currently serving her first term as WV Secretary of State. From Fairview in the north-central part of the state along the I-79 Corridor, Tennant is pro-choice and supported by EMILY’s List.

Shepard Smith | Sky Dancing 26, 2013 · Baby naming generally follows a consistent cycle: A name springs up in some region of the U.S.—”Ashley” in the South, “Emily” in the Northeast—sweeps over the country, and falls out of favor nearly as quickly. The big exception to these baby booms and busts is “Jennifer”, which absolutely dominates America for a decade-and-a-half.

Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.

Rants From The Rookery: Osama determined to strike within ... 02, 2007 · With a nuclear device. Frank Rich of the New York Times:...The intelligence and counterterrorism officials back then were privately sounding urgent warnings like those in last week’s Times, culminating in the President’s Daily Brief titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.”The system “was blinking red,” as the C.I.A. chief George Tenet would later tell the 9/11 commission.

Article: An Insider's View of Nixon's "Treason" | OpEdNews 05, 2014 · A recently released oral history by one of President Nixon's secretive operatives sheds new light on perhaps Nixon's darkest crime, the sabotaging of …

Freedom of Expression Debated at UC Irvine - Blogger Fouse fousesquawk "One person's hate speech is another person's educati...

RADARSITE: J Street Deception 21, 2009 · J Street Deception by Ben with commentary by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook. The following article is by our friend, Ben. You have probably read his work before, and you know he has a long history of studying Islam. He backs up his work by quoting the words considered "holy" by Muslims.

Big Education Ape: Aug 18, 2013 Education Ape: Big Education Ape Nite Cap 1-21-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2: Martin Luther King's Address at March on Washington August 28, 1963. Washington, D.C. Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963 - YouTube: I Have a Dream SpeechMartin Luther King's Address at March on WashingtonAugust 28, 1963. Washington, D.C.

Progressive Patriot Girlhttps://progressivepatriotgirl.blogspot.comJul 20, 2015 · For a long time now, I have thought for sure it would be Ohio Senator Rob Portman. Now, I am not so sure. I am starting to think Mitt Romney really wants someone he likes and gets along well with, on the ticket. And yes, someone who is a lot like him. Alike. Sort of like Clinton-Gore.

No Signs for You -- Sermon for Lent 2 - Bob 16, 2014 · No Signs for You -- Sermon for Lent 2 ... In reading this passage some months ago, I heard Jesus saying to the religious leaders in his audience, who came to him asking for a sign, “No signs for you.” What I originally heard in this text was the demand that many make on people of faith to prove the existence of God. That can be a very ...

08 | March | 2017 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 08, 2017 · Abraham is one of the people in the Old Testament who have had a great impact on my spiritual walk. In his life, I see the necessity of living by faith. Separation is oftentimes a part of our development as Christians. Before we can take on something new, the Lord may ask us to let go of something we already have.

If poor kids could vote, pre-K would already be funded ... are right. Your four-year old will read soon enough. In your household, because of the enrichment in language/experiences/emotional support…the structure…it will happen. It was the same in my household. As an elementary teacher, happily married to a college educated professional wife, there is routine, reading, bedtimes, hugs.

Idaho tea party candidate has 10 kids on Medicaid but ..., who is preparing to run for the Legislature again, wound up in the news because he was one of 1,503 people who answered a Kaiser/NBC poll in September about attitudes about the Affordable Care Act. He told the surveyor he'd be willing to talk to a reporter.

Syria « Scanlyze 28, 2013 · The United States fetishizes gun Violence The United States fetishizes gun Violence. I think it is very facile to attack guns for gun violence. That model fails to account for societies like Switzerland or Finland with high gun ownership but little gun violence.

United States Wars, News and Casualties | themcglynn.com"Separate an individual from society,and give him an island or a continent to possess,and he cannot acquire personal property. He cannot be rich. So inseparably are the means connected with the end,in all cases,that where the former do not exist the latter cannot be obtained.

With Grand Jury Looming Trump Whines That ‘They’ Are ... 04, 2017 · Because that appears to be true every damn week. That said, this past week has dropped some bombshells that will ring in his ears for quite a while. Most notably, there was the news that special counselor Robert Mueller has impaneled a Grand Jury to escalate his …

Bill Moyers - Find link - Edward link is a tool written by Edward Betts.. Longer titles found: Bill Moyers Journal () searching for Bill Moyers 176 found (631 total) alternate case: bill Moyers Robert Krulwich (794 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article and World News Tonight, as well as PBS's Frontline, NOVA, and NOW with Bill Moyers.

Weekly round-up: From peers under pressure to wildcat to Next Left - a Fabian Society blog As with all Fabian Society publications, posts on Next Left represent the views of their individual authors not the collective view of the Fabian Society as a whole. If you have an idea for a blog post, drop us a line at [email protected]

The Stop Stophttps://stopstop.blogspot.comHere are the concerts I've been to this summer: Hagar-This was an incredible show!!!! "Mas Tequila" was so over the top. I loved the pinata. "Heavy Metal Noise" was awesome. All of his stuff was great and "Running with the Devil" had me bopping in the seats. Huey Lewis-This was a show that any aspiring 80's Reaganite Prepster could not miss.

The Baghdadi Scam | The Smirking 31, 2019 · About author Margaret Kimberley's Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR. Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via email at Margaret.Kimberley(at)BlackAgendaReport.Com. Ms. Kimberley' maintains an edifying and frequently updated blog at of her work is also available at her …

Injustice Archives - Oppression Monitor Community Village Site

Green Eagle: A Legal 30, 2019 · From Green Eagle, who is not a lawyer, but he can read: 18 U.S. Code § 2. Principals (a) Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal. (b) Whoever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an offense …

John McCain's Relationship With Lobbyist - It's About More 12, 2008 · A Hole In McCain's Denials of Corruption? Apparently Newsweek has found one The real issue for McCain is the unethical relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman- doing favors for an individual who represented a company- Paxson Communications - run by a campaign contributor, while he was the chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee.

The Rude 08, 2012 · There's a couple of camps of Akin apologists: the "let's move on, nothing to see here" camp and the moral equivalency camp. Erickson is firmly in the latter, and his blog post yesterday was the kind of straw-grasping you see an especially desperate defense attorney take in the trial of his serial disemboweler client.

THE CIA OFFICIAL WHO OVERSAW TORTURE: Cofer Black 21, 2007 · The more popular lectures were held upstairs in the roomier Al-Farouq Mosque; such was the case in 1990 when Sheikh [Omar] Abdul-Rahman, traveling on a CIA-supported visa, came to town." One frequent instructor is double agent Ali Mohamed, who is in …

Al Sharpton rejoices in the fact that Sarah Palin is now ... 06, 2013 · Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Best line from the discussion in my opinion came from Kryst...

read my mind: Communism! Is It Just a Matter of Time? (Part 6) 27, 2016 · The book School of Darkness was published in 1954. It was written by Bella Dodd, from 1932 - 1948 an organizer for the Communist Party USA (CPUSA).For four years, she sat on the CPUSA’s National Council. Bella Dodd says: “In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within.”

The New Blacklist - American Freedom 31, 2018 · The following is an updated list of figures bullied, badgered, pressured, and purged from polite society for discussing topics outside of the Overton Window. The dates are not the exact point in time at which the person was purged. Sometimes the date listed is just the publication dates for the news stories. Other times, it […]

The Founding Fathers Would be Shooting by Now | Veritas ... 22, 2013 · Of course the abuse of power doesn’t end there. There are similarities to what is taking place now and the “Stamp Act” and the “Writs of Assistance Act” These acts are the reason for two of the amendments in the bill of rights namely the third and the fourth amendments. Third Amendment – Protection from quartering of troops.; No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any ...

DK PWB Diary Pet Pictureshttps://dkpets.blogspot.comD D D D D D Hoomans with the letter D D D D D D Dusty Debbie in ME My old boy, Dusty turned 15 last spring. He is a sweet, shy boy who hates having his picture taken - which causes a lot of his pictures to have a grumpy expression, leading people to think he is a mean kitty, but he really isn't.

25 | August | 2018 | News Corpse 25, 2018 · Trump attributes the story to Fox News, but it originated with a website, The Federalist, that is a virulent right-wing fount of extremist propaganda. The article authored by Paul Sperry is an interminably long screed that offers nothing but conjecture, when it isn’t rehashing ancient history about alleged Clinton misdeeds.

Taking advantage of dummies for money 101. Realtors and ... 08, 2010 · I gotta give it to Glenn Beck, he knows his history. His P.T. Barnum. His Father Coughlin. His Rush Limbaugh. His Joseph McCarthy. Back when he was doing pie-in-the-face radio gags, I wonder in his wildest dreams if he thought he could create a character that …

OpenlineBlog: Downtown Alive - Taxpayers Pay While Mayor ... 07, 2012 · Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner, a very wealthy man who is paid over $200,000 annually with vacation homes, luxury pensions, a sprawling estate, cars provided by taxpayers and who keeps racking up campaign cash contributions from cronies and contractors that do business with the city, wants himself, his friends and the Aurora City Council to attend Downtown Alive for FREE while sticking a $5 …

Our Daily Bread — It’s Slippery Out Here! | DAILY ... 03, 2019 · Prayer is one of the ways we stay alert to those slopes: “Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil” (v. 4) is a plea that echoes the Lord’s Prayer almost exactly: “Lead [me] not into temptation, but deliver [me] from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13). In His goodness, God hears and answers this prayer.

Boy Faces Suspension For Bringing Butter Knife To School, who is 6, said he brought his book bag to school on Monday, but when he set it down, one of his family's butter knives fell out onto the cafeteria floor. A teacher walked up to question him. Gray told the teacher he wasn't sure how the knife got there. His family thinks his 4-year-old brother, Ben, put it there.

The Infosys H1B Scandal « Mercury Rising ?? 22, 2011 · Yet more proof that the "oh we can't find these tech workers at home so we must import them" line is nonsense: A giant Indian outsourcing company with thousands of employees in the United States is facing an expanding federal investigation prompted by claims from an American whistle-blower that it misused short-term visitors’ visas to…

National and International Headlines for November 3 03, 2008 · Headlines from, a daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 650 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the US.. Presidential Campaign Enters Final Full Day. The longest and most expensive presidential race in US history has entered its final full day.

Tenured Radical: Robert Carlyle Byrd, November 20, 1917 05, 2010 · And in his later years, when he used his prominence to oppose the war in Iraq and the Bush administration's grab for absolute power, he was one of the first and the few to tell the unvarnished truth. "This house of cards, built of deceit, will fall," he growled in 2003 , when information began to surface that the administration had lied about ...

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