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Liberal Dixiehttps://liberal-dixie.blogspot.comApr 20, 2006 · You can see all the monuments all lit up, and it's really a testament to the great thinkers the diarist mentioned in the Kos post. It made me remember why I'm a liberal in the first place - pride in our wonderful country and its high ideals. So please come to DC and see this stuff for yourself; we're always glad to have you!

Science and Politics, for a researcher in the future, e.g., a historian, journalist or student in 2055 who needs to research a topic, e.g., popular response to Katrina, no search engine can separate the wheat from the chaff among the millions of blog entries written on the subject. The best entry into a topic on blogs is to find carnivals with the right theme ...

Motor City Liberal: NC, SC school boards offer Obama ..., SC school boards offer Obama speech ‘opt-outs’ By Larisa Alexandrovna Outraged parent believes race is a factor; One teacher is embarrassed over ‘opt-out’ notes President Obama is scheduled to give a nation-wide speech to schoolchildren on their first day back from summer vacation on September 8.

28 Years Later (it’s our anniversary!) | Zero Tolerance ... 29, 2009 · Most days I blah-blah-blah about whatever it is that's rattling around in my head. Maybe it's politics. Might be music. Could be something I'm ticked off about. Every so often it's about something I'm feeling pretty good about. Nothing particularly earth-shattering about today. It's just my 28th wedding anniversary. You've heard of 28 Days Later…

Ashley ‘McCain Hoaxer’ Todd on Video & She’s Upset With ... 24, 2008 · The reviling McCain campaign volunteer* is suddenly very upset with the media for creating a ‘political firestorm‘ over her allegations that she was beaten, robbed, sexually assaulted, and mutilated by a 6’4? black man who did these things simply because she had a McCain bumper sticker on her car. Yes, that’s right, she is claiming that it’s the media’s fault that her hoax was ...

Ken Burns | kavips of Delaware Liberal’s Hot & On Top Reporting). Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that 5,600 Delaware residents will benefit from $1.8 million in rebates from insurance companies this summer, because of the Affordable Care Act’s 80/20 rule.These rebates will average $351 for the 5,300 Delaware families covered by a policy.

Buckdog: Saskatchewan Political Columnist Alters Quote 04, 2007 · Those capitalized letters quickly fade, and, for a split second on the screen, the message is "the Sask. Party stands for P-O-R-N". Of course, this was coincidental and not intended to be a subliminal message, the NDP says. Yeah. Right." Murray Mandryk Leader Post August 29, 2007 This is a clear alteration of what the TV screen actually showed.

Senate Judiciary Committee approves White House subpoenas 01, 2007 · It was the perfect Bush White House situation where both Rove and Miers could continue to get away with lying to the Congress on the attorney purge. The Bush administration thought that this was a fair and reasonable deal. In reality, it was pure crap. We've heard the House's response to this deal, and now we've got the Senate's response.

Congress | Fitness for the Occasion writes “Today (June 20), Steny Hoyer is bringing to the House floor the latest FISA bill (PDF), which includes retroactive immunity for the telcos. The bill also is very weak on judicial review, allowing the telcos to use a letter from the president as a ‘get out of liability free’ card.

Rick Scarborough – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America on Pages. Abortion, The ‘biblical view’ that’s younger than the Happy Meal!!! Ku Kristian Krackas on the March!!! Report: N.C. GOP leaders launched meticulous, coordinated effort to deter black voters!!! Kirk Cameron To Women: Your Life Purpose Is To Please Your Husband!!!

Vision America – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America White Nationalist Predicts Trump Admin. Will Be Stacked With ‘People Who Think The Way We Do’ BY Miranda Blue – Earlier this month, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said that it was the job of white nationalists like himself to give Donald Trump …

Otto's War Room (??): People’s War being carried out by ... Maoists of Bhutan declared the people's war after sending a fax with a 13-point demand for the Royal Government of Bhutan on March 22, 2007 among these 13 demands were: introduce a popular democracy in the country to replace the monarchy , guarantee multi-partyism, the repatriation of refugees with honor and dignity to their homes, and free all political prisoners.

The Daily Paradise: Guantanamo Shame on bush/obama ... 02, 2014 · Dangerous Plans for More U.S. Bombing, Surveillance, and Troops in Iraq & Syria The Senators leading the pack of war-dogs, John McCain and Lindsey Graham, opined in The New York Times this week on the need for the U.S. to go all-out in the Middle East: We must face facts: A comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS would require more troops, assets, resources and time.

Counterterrorism Experts Endorse Upcoming Symposium 16, 2008 · Jihad Watch: "Counterterrorism Experts Endorse Upcoming Symposium An announcement from America's Truth Forum: Internationally recognized counterterrorism experts and nationally recognized pro-US advocates are endorsing the third in a national series of educational symposiums on the threat of radical Islam as providing critical information that every American should …

Dr Kevin Bonham: December 2014 and Australian psephology, opinion poll analysis, election analysis and political commentary by Dr Kevin Bonham.

Concerned UCI Student: June 2007 06, 2007 · This blog is an online repository of anti-Semitic actions, events, people, & organizations at the University of California, Irvine, and includes commentary on religious, political, and ethnic issues.<p> While UCI is not the only US campus with anti-Semitism, without a doubt the campus has had more than its fair share. The bigotry and reactions & non-reactions to it need to be documented and ...

Frederick Politics: November 2014 - Blogger 03, 2014 · Don’t hold your breath for an amiable start to charter government in Frederick County, Maryland. In one of the last acts by the current board of commissioners, and a poke in the eye to incoming county executive Jan Gardner(D), they appointed board president Blaine Young(R) to a vacant planning commission position.

Official list of google BOMBS - Blogger 11, 2006 · A Google Bomb or Google washer is a certain attempt to influence the ranking of a given page in results returned by the Google search engine, often with humorous or political intentions.Due to the way that Google's PageRank algorithm works, a page will be ranked higher if the sites that link to that page all use consistent anchor text.A Google bomb is created if a large number of sites link to ...

i have a dream on Tumblr’ve missed a few days now, so to play catchup, I wanted to make a longer post highlighting three key women of the Civil Rights Movement and American political scene whose names didn’t appear in any of my history books growing up.). Prathia Hall. One thing that does make it into every history curriculum at predominantly white schools is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream ...

The Ayrault government | Arun with a View 17, 2012 · He was the front-runner since the evening of May 6th and an all but foregone conclusion since the weekend. As he was the head of the Socialist delegation in the National Assembly since 1997—and the minority leader in the Assembly over the past decade—he’s been a well-known personality for anyone who closely follows politics here, though ...

Monday Open Thread | Happy 4th of July | 3CHICSPOLITICO 05, 2016 · Happy Fourth of July. Woman awes internet with national anthem at Lincoln Memorial: Jun. 29, 2016 11:43 AM EDT WASHINGTON (AP) — A Florida woman’s rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” at the Lincoln Memorial led to a burst of applause from onlookers — and a hugely popular online video. The Washington Post reports Star Swain…

The Trump Virus – Politics Plus 29, 2020 · It was the first case of “community spread” COVID-19 in the nation. And that patient lived in the same county as the location of the incident the whistleblower described. It’s clear now that the very first time this White House was forced to confront this threat, it fumbled the response.

TGIF: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Appointments 15, 2010 · Hi, Stacey! This is off-topic but I’d like to share this analysis by a Filipino leftwing activist and party-list congressman of “the Obama debacle.” Dr. Walden Bello (the author) was a winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize two-three years ago, I think. He’s been a staunch critic of globalization and a self-confessed “Gramscian Marxist.”

dnc – MediaMouse new report from the watch dog group Public Citizen titled “Party Conventions are a Free-for-All for Influence Peddling” details how the political conventions are essentially “free-for-alls” for corporations and lobbyists seeking to influence lawmakers. While conventions are often promoted to local communities as opportunities for “civic boosterism,” the report finds that such ...

2010 March 23 « Jamesb101.com 23, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Beyond Ourselves: April 2006 27, 2006 · The Washington Post reports about James Moran, a priest who was sexually abused when he was a young intern. I find it striking how difficult James Moran found it to speak about his experience. When he hinted at problems nobody followed up. Thus conversations that could have protected others and might have been therapeutic could not happen.

tcnorris: 05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007 30, 2007 · The election produced (as expected by the end of the campaign) another majority for the NDP. It was nonetheless a remarkable outcome. Not only was it an unprecedented third majority for Gary Doer and the NDP, it was only the second time in modern Manitoba political history that it had happened, the other being Duff Roblin's three majorities of 1959, 1962 and 1966.

Dr Kevin Bonham: December 2012 For a Liberal vote of around 50, the uneven swing pattern makes little difference to the seat total, with the party projected to win 13 seats (the barest possible majority). 4. For a Liberal vote well above 50, as in the November 2012 EMRS poll, the uneven swing pattern means that the party does not necessarily win more than 13 seats. 5.

Science and Politics first article link is, as far as I know (and I was looking for and waiting for one at the time, and was very happy to see that one when it appeared) , the first one chronologically to explicitly compare Bush's faith-based decision-making process to the empirical thinkig of most of the rest of us.

Dalai Lama | Ted Rall's Rallblog independent political cartooning and writing. Ted Rall Subscription Service: $30/year gets you everything Ted does in your email in-box, plus discounts.

Tracy Knauss | The Pardu's Scroll about Tracy Knauss written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Politics | The Point of a Sharp Instrument | Page 4 is all part of the War on Human Consciousness that is taking place and has been taking place ever since the rise of the European nations and their quest for power. All of this aside, you can learn to see through the lies by gaining first-hand experience and by taking chances. Conspiracy theories exist for a …

JoAnn Wypijewski, Politics of Insecurity, NLR 103, January ... Wypijewski, Politics of Insecurity, NLR 103, January-February 2017 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. JoAnn Wypijewski, …

Sylvester Brown, Jr.: St. Louis Needs a Black Mayor but... biggest local story that wasn’t, was the news that throughout Mayor Francis Slay’s entire term the city has been re-segregating itself with public money. Thanks to a series of articles, starting with STL Magazine and followed up by the Riverfront Times, we’ve learned that politicians have exploited tax incentives and special rewards at the expense of public schools and real blighted ...

Lyndon B. Johnson | The Liberal Doomsayer 01, 2013 · Cantor also said that the House supposedly passed an alternative and said that it’s time for the Senate to do the same – the first item is an utter lie (as noted here), and concerning the second, the Senate Dems offered a replacement, and Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao and his pals did what they do best – …

US presidential elections - A Closer Look On just lost one to Russia, and the consequence was the election of Donald Trump. The war followed the new rules of the 21st century, but its goal was the usual one of political change. Russia’s cyberwar against America isn’t over — and the real target is democracy - Bob Cesca, Salon , March 28, 2017

Elizabeth Warren | Desert Beacon bashing is altogether too simple, and simplistic, but it is the way we get our information about politics in Nevada and America. Now that we’re a focal point for national interest in a senatorial race it’s hard to avoid the punditry and their continual blathering.

~ Mike Norman Economics 18, 2014 · An economics, investment, trading and policy blog with a focus on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). We seek the truth, avoid the mainstream and are virulently anti-neoliberalism.

Billy's Rantings: March 2012 Obvious Lies That Will Shock Conservatives (If They Ever Bothered To Read A Book Or Two) March 6, 2012. By Justin "Filthy Liberal Scum" Rosario. Whenever conservative bloggers try to be clever and “expose” liberal myths, you just know it’s time to pull out the rain coat, ’cause there’s gonna be a whole lot of bullshit flying around.The latest example of John Hawkins ...

alias Bruce.: Campaign Finance is blasphemy to well-meaning campaign donors who have summer homes along the nation’s finest beaches. But it is unbearably obvious to the rest of us. Twenty-first-century America is not even within screaming distance of democracy. The flagrant rule of money over politics has made American democracy an ad slogan and a joke.

Health Care « The Angriest Liberal though he doesn’t know really how his own program works, he wants to throw out the current tax code and start with his plan, 9-9-9. His plan will liberate American workers and businesses and he definitely wants people to do the math on their own, even though he doesn’t offer any metrics to do so, because he doesn’t know, he just won’t say he doesn’t know.

Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CXXV--Foster the People: Pumped ... 20, 2017 · The song is really a one of a kind single--driven mostly by its bass guitar and its drums, it is as funky as a pop song can get. It features vocals that sound like they've been recorded in a tin can (but it works), followed by a catchy as all hell chorus, all dedicated to a young man having homicidal fantasies which may or may not come to fruition.

Rod Blagojevich | TheZoo Ousted Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and five others were indicted Thursday on charges of scheming to auction off President Barack Obama ‘s vacant U.S. Senate seat, pressuring a congressman for campaign money and lying to FBI agents.The 19-count indictment alleges Blagojevich and his aides discussed the possibility he could get a Cabinet post in the new …

Native Americans – John Malcolm few liberals, however, realize that Obama’s attack is a threat to judicial independence, and ought to be condemned by all. One such was Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post, who said she would “lament a ruling striking down the individual mandate,” yet chided Obama for “channeling tired critiques from the right about activist judges,” calling his attack “unsettling.”

law school | Geoausch 05, 2008 · I made the decision early in college to avoid a career that required wearing a suit. Although I changed my major at least once a semester for my first three years in college, I never strayed from the humanities-a half semester as a religion major, another half as a journalism major, a semester a piece in history, philosophy and political science, back to philosophy for a …

Joe Biden Is Who We Thought He Was | The Smirking— from Truthdig. Joe Biden has been running for president less than 48 hours, and his campaign is already proving as problematic as many of his liberal and progressive detractors had anticipated.. On Thursday, Barack Obama’s vice president formally entered the 2020 race in a video announcement, calling the upcoming election a “battle for the soul of America” and invoking the murder of ...

Vagabond Scholar: Gingrich and Citizens United 11, 2012 · But it is up to Congress, not the Supreme Court, to fix the disclosure problems with Super PACs." So if the argument is that Citizens United didn't specifically and solely lead to the Sheldon Adelson situation, that's fair, and it would be more accurate to say that it and a few other court decisions and laws have contributed to the overall mess.

What grade level Congressmen speak ... - Wide World of Stuff 23, 2012 · This is one of those studies that won't get a lot of attention, but that says a lot about our elected leaders. A group called the Sunlight Foundation has again analyzed the grade level at which each member of Congress speaks to the public. The results? Congress now …

Eruptions At The Foot Of The Volcano: NO SALE: Focus on ... 06, 2011 · ¨Focus on the Family's Citizenlink, the political action arm from whence most of the organization's most pointedly anti-LGBT rhetoric comes these days, is in desperate of a cash influx:

Walker Misses The Point, Keeps The Polarization In ... 04, 2011 · What actually happened - - what was the first domino and by far heaviest event - - was Walker announcing as a surprise his "budget-repair [sic] bill" that stripped away most public employee collective bargaining rights in the state. No one saw that coming; Walker himself said to the fake David Koch that he "dropped the bomb" on the public.

Marches on Washington-- More Than You Might Think 28, 2013 · Organized by the Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE). An estimated 20,000 to 35,000 attended. SANE's political director Sanford Gottlieb was the march chairman. The National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam, the SDS, and Women Strike for Peace were also involved. [3] 1966 May 16: Another march against the Vietnam War ...

Eric Sundström: June 2007 27, 2007 · Today it is ”Over to you, Mr Brown”, as the title of the book I am reading (by Anthony Giddens) is also suggesting. I have been watching Sky News for an hour and for a political anglophile, these are interesting days. Blair was really in good form today as he participated in the Prime Minister’s questions for the very last time (watch it here), and Sky has been running clips and debates ...

ISFED Pre-Election Assessment June 21, 2016 | Voting ... 21, 2016 · Evaluation of Electoral Environment. Ahead of the October 8, 2016 Parliamentary Elections Tbilisi, June 21, 2016. International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) presents evaluation of Georgian electoral environment ahead of the parliamentary elections, based on the analysis of electoral legislation, election administration activities, political and media pluralism.

US Congress | The Pardu's Scroll 12, 2006 · Posts about US Congress written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Pray for Congress: Senate avoids nuclear winter 24, 2013 · Senate avoids nuclear winter Senate Leaders Finalize Scaled-Back Filibuster Deal The final details of the deal struck by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), which make only minor changes to the filibuster rules in the Senate, show why leading reformers are so disappointed in the outcome.

The Immoral Minority: One bright spot in yesterday's ... 08, 2016 · I think that eventually the alt-rights are going to turn on Trump eventually once he is shown to be the politicians' puppet and becomes one of them. History repeats itself and once again will become disillusioned as Trump breaks his promises one by one by one. Like Mexico is really going to pay for a wall - his biggest prank joke.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigns 08, 2007 · U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigns. Here is the New York Times story on Gonzales' resignation: WACO, Tex., Aug. 27 — Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, whose tenure has been marred by controversy and accusations of perjury before Congress, announced his resignation in Washington today, declaring that he had “lived the American dream” by being able to lead the Justice ...

Sending A (Hateful) Message | Sheila Kennedy the Times article pointed out, Without legally binding mechanisms or strict policy enforcements, the stakes of signing are low. So the act of not signing sends a strong message and cheapens the free-speech protections the administration claims to hold dear, using the First Amendment as a political tool and an excuse for inaction.

military industrial congressional complex | The Gonzo ... U.S. Defense Secretary — and, to a larger extent, the Obama administration — tried to fool you Tuesday by lauding their hard stance on the F-22 fighter jet program. The warmongerers said the move to cut the $1.7 billion expansion showed their efforts to rein in military spending, but a day earilier they had pushed the $1 billion ...

Sunday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 23, 2011 · The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir is directed by Carol Cymbala, the wife of Senior Pastor Jim Cymbala and the daughter of the church founder, the late Rev. Clair Hutchins. Although the Choir is composed of vocally untrained church members, it has been used by the Lord to present the love of God all over the world.…

15 | November | 2010 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 15, 2010 · It is the first reading I have found on the basis of the VA postition. “We now have a Congress and a president who believe they can order you to buy a product when King George III and the Parliament of Great Britain, whom we rebelled against, acknowledged that they could not,” Cuccinelli said in a video interview with

SHADOW'S WORLD: January 2017'S REACTION to the tyranny of the so-called experts. America’s elite – that collection of puffed up mediocrities who until recently held the undisputed command of the heights of our politics and culture – …

The President « Jamesb101.com 22, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

exit polls on Tumblr election exit poll moodboard . #Politics #uk politics #general election #exit poll #Exit polls #Ge2019 #2019 #Popular post. 2,477 notes

Jesse Bluma at Pointe Viven: The Origins of Common Core ... the first debate of the 2016 presidential election, then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called Common Core “the most important non-family enterprise”. Hillary Clinton was either unaware of the public’s dislike for Common Core or was attempting to politically advance the standards and testing methods in-spite of the fact.

The Internet Celebrities « Jamesb101.com 31, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

$134 Haircuts, Liquid “Lunches,” Rubio Says “Charge It ... 01, 2010 · A $765 charge at Apple’s online store was for a “hard drive to store political files.” Purchases at Winn-Dixie for $53.49 and Farm Stores in Miami for $78.10 were for “soft drinks.” Two bills from Happy Wine in Miami were for “lunch,” though one of …

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh: Trump’s Get Out Of ... 10, 2018 · I’ll post Brett Kavanaugh’s words about Donald Trump again, because the quote that you copy-paste and send to all your friends who wouldn’t normally care about the Supreme Court but who think Trump is a corrupt criminal: “No president has ever consulted more widely or talked to more people from more backgrounds to seek input for a Supreme Court nomination.”

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 18, 2018 · oHappy Saturday, Everyone. Enjoy your weekend with family & friends. I’ve been watching TCM AKA Tuner Classic Movies. They are doing a countdown of …

Let's Talk Politicshttps://isaiasgovt.blogspot.comIn Girl From The North Country's blog entry, "Don't be a Kermudgeon", she talks about the census that occurs in the United States every ten years.Her opinion on the census is that it's important to fill out the form, because it determines the growing population of the United States. She allows the reader to form their own opinion on the topic, but states the facts.

fundraising – MediaMouse’s top 150 political action committees (PACs) have raised $37.1 million according to the Michigan Campaign Finance Network. The number is down 28.5% from the 2006 election–due in part due to a smaller number of state level races–but still up 25% from 2004.

The Useless Tree: North Korea...Again 14, 2009 · Let me turn away for a moment from my usual focus on ancient Chinese thought, and consider the North Korean nuclear question. In one of my courses ("The International Politics of East Asia"), we have been discussing North Korea for the past week and a half.

U.S. History – Page 2 – Say What News?! the Memorial day weekend I saw one of the most inspiring moments in terms of the future and politics that I have ever seen. During the last full day at the Libertarian party’s National Convention in Orlando, Fl. a fifteen year old-young lady from Georgia and an older gentleman from the Texas Libertarian party delegation (and a candidate for state office out of Austin, Tx.) stood up and ...

“Obama Will Get His Pick on the Supreme Court Eventually” 19, 2016 · The following is an excellent article written by Michael Duffy on the Time magazine website on March 17, 2016 titled "Obama Will Get His Pick on the Supreme Court Eventually" which was published in the March 28, 2016 issue of Time on page 13 titled "Politics: When Can Merrick Garland be Confirmed? After the Election,…

War | progressivenetwork beyond that, this is one of the very few tools that Congress has in its toolbox to stop a president from using unauthorized military force. If we win on this, and pass this resolution, it shows that Congress can do it again if and when they have to in the future — perhaps to stop Trump from starting a new war with North Korea.

original | 44-D acclaimed series for the Village Voice on the rise of surveillance in America led to a position at the alternative weekly writing a weekly column, “The Monitor,” when he was 25. Boal subsequently covered politics, technology, crime, youth culture and drug culture in stories for national publications including Rolling Stone, Brill’s ...

April 2016 – Say What News?! and again it could just be ,as they say, “all a part of the [political] process??? ” Or so they say. And no one is to question these idioms of political process because a fear is instilled whenever questions arise through the rank and file of the people, by design to distract and deflect the people away from the truth. Not unlike that of the 9/11 attacks.

ClimateGate | Conservative Standards 02, 2010 · Liberal damage-control efforts in the wake of ClimateGate have found a handy tool in this report, which concludes that the leaked CRU emails “show a few scientists in a bad light,” but “don’t change scientific consensus on global warming.” There’s obvious propaganda value in supportive articles from supposedly nonpartisan sources, especially to a movement constantly ...

Economy | House of the Dread | Page 2, it’s good for a lot if it’s class warfare and you happen to belong to the right class and the full support of one of the two national parties on your side. It’s a leak coming from the other political party in an election year, so take it with a grain of salt and do your own research, but here’s the story :

Nanny State, 28 December 2010 06:30 By Debra Sweet Lost in the flurry of bills passed as Congress ended was the inclusion in the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act of language that forbids any Pentagon funds being used to transport any detainee from Guantánamo to …

Democralypse Now: April 2011 27, 2011 · Just in case you were concerned about how Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, John McCain, Joe Wilson, that Nelson nutjob from Nebraska, and all the rest of the lunatic wingnuts comprising America's esteemed 112th Congress are going to survive the Great Government Shutdown of 2011, fear not my friends!They can still get paid, and probably will too, because unpaid furloughs are for losers …

War in Afghanistan « The Futility Monster 02, 2012 · As the years go by, it is becoming increasingly apparent that politicians, having got us into this mess, are looking for someone else to carry the can. Step forward General McChrystal . Politicians are wimps at the best of times, but when the issue of war comes along now, the first instinct is to ask the generals for their advice.

January | 2006 | Sheila Kennedy it took George W. Bush to take signing statements to a whole new level. He has used them to justify his intention to simply ignore provisions he dislikes, turning the statements into functional equivalents of line-item vetoes—albeit with some nifty added political benefits: the tactic deprives Congress of its constitutional right to ...

No Child Left Behind | A Christian in the Classroom renewal of No Child Left Behind – Despite the questionable state of government in Washington, I think going to get done, and I believe it will get done in the first 100 days of the next presidential term, and regardless of the make up of Congress and the White House. When you look at the mood of voters, the thing that is most ...

Feminism | Something should go here, maybe later. of the sillier aspects of the already extremely silly “slut walks” was the oft-repeated claim that only in the case of rape were the actions of the victim blamed for causing the crime. The claim that such statements are only made with regard to rape are a case of truth being selected to fit a political agenda, as this report demonstrates.

JOHNSON Fabius, Marcellus and Otacilius the ... - Scribd Maximus gives a version in which Fabius was the dictator who was squeaked out of office, but this confusion is understandable given the association of Minucius and Fabius in the historical tradition, especially if Fabius was the next dictator appointed (1.1.5). 26 Mnzer, Roman Aristocratic Parties, 72; Scullard, Roman Politics, 57-58.

March | 2010 | Blevkog’s government is the first to do anything about it, and coincidentally (?) the first non-Liberal/PC provincial government we’ve had. Truth be told, Liberal leader MacNeil’s attack on the NDP for expense irregularities basically charges the NDP with being just as corrupt as the PCs and the Liberals. Think about that for a minute.

Thursday Open Thread | This Is Who ... - 3chicspolitico.com 30, 2018 · That year, just as the government was being shut down by Ted Cruz & Co., she traveled to George Mason University in Virginia, where the economist’s papers lay willy-nilly across the offices of a building now abandoned by the Koch-funded faculty to a new, fancier center in …

Department of Defense | The Liberal Doomsayer his New York Times column yesterday, Frank Rich reminded us of a news story that more or less came and went with barely a notice, and that was the withdrawal of the Pentagon Inspector General’s report which basically “exonerated the Bush Pentagon of allegations that it violated regulations in the conduct of its Retired Military Analyst program,” as Media Matters noted here about 10 ...

Barack Obama | Missouri Communication | Page 2 16, 2011 · In the political arena, as the protests in Manila demonstrated, these increased freedoms can help loosely coordinated publics demand change. Blogs, public discussion forums, and many other types of new media have increased this freedom of speech that the first amendment of the United States has granted its citizens.

Jack Lew | The Liberal Doomsayer find this amazing. First of all, just hearing him say every first grader in America has to be prepared for a high-tech economy, that is a bit early, I think. The other part of here we are with $16 trillion in debt, a trillion dollars a year of deficits. We have created already, …

Peggy Noonan | Sheila Kennedy Noonan had a column a day or so ago in the Wall Street Journal in which she methodically detailed the ineptitude of the Romney campaign, and mused about what it might take to get that effort back on track.Much of what she had to say was familiar, conventional campaign wisdom to those of us who’ve spent lots of time in and around political contests, but it was her next-to-last paragraph ...

Happy Friday jokes | Spinny Liberal Archives: Happy Friday jokes. 14 December 2012 Happy Friday Funnies 12/14/12. ... I know I haven’t posted the last couple of days, but it felt good to be away from politics for a while. And I’m still in celebration mode after Obama’s victory. ?? Have a great weekend everyone!! ?? | Spinny Liberal a week! It started out with the Superbowl for us online shopping addicts. Cyber Monday! I took the day off to properly observe the holiday – complaining about servers being slow because of site traffic and getting amazing deals – all from the comfort of my own bed.

A-Levels « The Futility 23, 2010 · Posts about A-Levels written by The Futility Monster. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

Mika Brzezinski | The Pardu's Scroll Pardu's Scroll Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link ... The Congresswoman always appears as if she has to run-off to the toilet for a Number Two and the press conference is trying her ability to hold it. She never ever shows a happy face. ... She was the first to ...

BP Oil Spill | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need Story has the exclusive story on the grave health threats posed to the ecosystem, both in and out of the Gulf of Mexico, due to the excessive, widespread use of Corexit.. A major potential long-term health concern left in the wake of BP’s catastrophic oil spill is the nearly two million gallons of dispersant sprayed over and pumped into the Gulf, scientists say.

Politics | House of the Dread I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, …

Andrew Gillum | Bloviating Zeppelin 29, 2018 · Let us not forget the same Andrew Gillum referenced in an article from Gillum’s Anti-Law Enforcement Agenda for Florida. by Steve Hantler. The past several years have witnessed the radical left using law enforcement as a political target, which has increased the risks for those in uniform and hurt public safety.

Ron DeSantis | Bloviating Zeppelin us not forget the same Andrew Gillum referenced in an article from Gillum’s Anti-Law Enforcement Agenda for Florida. by Steve Hantler. The past several years have witnessed the radical left using law enforcement as a political target, which has increased the risks for those in uniform and hurt public safety.

post-racial America – Skeptical Brotha about post-racial America written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Grunge in Ohio: An Interview | FrameWork 18, 2007 · Cornfields, soy fields, tomato fields and asphalt fields. Political hotbeds and places where apathy drips from the trees. Anywhere in Ohio is pretty close to a major area of another state (Toledo is quite close to Detroit, for example) so even if you can’t find what you want, you need only drive a few hours to get to where you want to go. 6.

The United States of Psychopathology: The mental illness ... writing my most recent article with regard to what typically happens when a currency collapse takes down a country's economy, many people wrote to me asking me when it is going to happen. The short answer is that I have a hard time...

JustOneMinute: No Respect is as serious a threat to our way of life and our system of government that we have faced in a very long time. Well, times change, as do the political requirements of the moment. Sam Rosenfeld of TAPPED wonders why abortion has bubbled to the surface, and wonders if the Adam Nagourney of the Times is rewriting history; here is a link to a ...

Firefighters | Spinny Liberal topic was the anti-Union protests. A caller went off on firefighters who get to go to a firehouse and watch TV , retiring early, and get 100% salary pensions. A couple callers ahead said, “It was just 10 years ago on 9/11, firefighters were the heroes.

Talay Politicshttps://talaypolitics.blogspot.comEasy to work across Google. Our new policy reflects a single product experience that does what you need, when you want it to. Whether reading an email that reminds you to schedule a family get-together or finding a favorite video that you want to share, we want to ensure you can move across Gmail, Calendar, Search, YouTube, or whatever your life calls for with ease.

Joshing Politics: 10/21/07 - 10/28/07 05, 2007 · Yes, it is a little wet out in the NYC area this morning, as it probably is down in D.C. as well. But that is no reason to stop you from dressing up for the weather and coming out to protest our President and his misbegotten war. This may not be the 60s and we aren't facing a draft (yet) but civilians in Iraq and our troops are dying, it is still serious business.

PORTRAYALS OF RACE AND FEAR | venitism 14, 2017 · Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems that support the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices. Associated social actions may include nativism, xenophobia, otherness, segregation, hierarchical ranking, supremacism, and related social phenomena.

The Useless Tree: Confucius and International Relations is generally understood to be against the use of force in politics, both domestic and international. "How can you govern by killing," he asked in the Analects (12.19). In the first passage of chapter 16 of that book, a story is related about a meeting between Confucius and one of his disciples, who is working as a political adviser to a nearby Lord.

Right Wing Nut House » BOOBS, BIRTHERS, AND 23, 2009 · We’re changing all our dirty sheets and a-cleaning up the place. Yep, since we got a lawyer, and a public relations man, We’re your friendly, liberal, neighborhood Klu Klux Klan. Yes, we’re your friendly, liberal, neighborhood Klu Klux Klan Ever since we …

predictions | The Liberal Crab first is there are a lot more of them this year. We do not know the quality of them, as Karl Rove goes on to say in his article, but the fact is they all tend to be in alignment – somewhat. That is, the traditional pollsters who have good reputations are showing the same basic results as the new ones.

Citizen Cartwright: Immigration“This is a real institutional threat to the separation of powers to use emergency powers to enable the president to bypass Congress to build a wall on his own initiative that our elected representatives have chosen not to fund,” says William Banks, a Syracuse University law professor who is the co-author of a 1994 book about tensions ...

Vote NO On Joe Knollenberg | We Need Someone In Congress ...https://votenoonjoe.wordpress.comAll they have to do is have someone from the local health department come out and give a talk for a few minutes, and voila! the company gets a $200 tax credit. Now, some of you reading this may think I’m joking. I’m not. Here is a link to the proposed bill. Oh, and lest you think Knollenberg thought this all up by himself, don’t be silly.

Politics | Beach Peanuts, who is accompanying the governor on a visit today to a Miami-Dade charter school, was part of the 20-member education transition team, which released a series of recommendations last month to expand voucher programs, revisit merit pay for teachers, …

Chrenkoff More here. Arguably not as stupid and inane as some of the quotes following the Asian tsunami (see here and here), one of the biggest natural disasters in American history has nevertheless provided many with a delicious opportunity to bash President Bush and the right side of the politics and the country generally.Here's the selection of some of the choiciest commentary.

Volume 2124 - Monster!, Kos & The Picture, Adios, Bartcop debate. But, if more division, more diversion from the issues and more of the same politics of personal destruction, chairman Dean and other should be on standby." -- Donna Brazile, who seems to think Obama needs an army to handle Hillary, Link

Stifled Mind: 7/20/08 - 7/27/08 12, 2008 · Intellectual Droppings from the Class Clowns. Between the two of us we try to cover science and politics with a little fun thrown in.

Who are these mythical liberals who don't care about costs ... one of Oberlander’s more recent articles (Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 2011), he suggested that an underlying strategy to health reform could have been to first get everyone in the system and go from there to address costs (I am greatly paraphrasing, and …

pre-K funding | The Liberal Doomsayer is part and parcel of the death industry’s efforts to hide the consequences of their relentless propagation of weapons of violence in this country (though, as noted here, there is some rather fragmented evidence that stronger gun laws reduce violent crime, though, again, that needs to be studied by an independent body such as the Centers ...

Issue Attention Cycle | Desert Beacon initial phase of the Issue Attention Cycle is bad enough, combined with the lack of filtration (or even fact checking) by the media makes it even more susceptible to manufactured news. The obviously political and almost perfectly partisan coverage of the Clinton E-mails offers a second example of manufactured news.

Andrew Romanoff | The Liberal Doomsayer is part and parcel of the death industry’s efforts to hide the consequences of their relentless propagation of weapons of violence in this country (though, as noted here, there is some rather fragmented evidence that stronger gun laws reduce violent crime, though, again, that needs to be studied by an independent body such as the Centers ...

taxes « Mercury Rising ?? about taxes written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Dr Kevin Bonham: 2018 South Australian Election Night Live So looking at options for a Liberal majority. I'm assuming that from their 27 notional seat list there are two won by the crossbench, and a swap of King (gain) for Mawson (loss). Ignoring Dunstan where there are no figures there are four of the remaining 25 for which there has been doubt - Elder, Heysen, Newland and Waite.

November | 2009 | The Button Valley Bugle study of Congressional Budget Office data by a respected MIT economist finds that the Senate health care bill will save consumers money. The new study found savings of $200 on health insurance premiums for single folks and savings of $500 for a family of four in 2009 dollars once the new plans become available. Savings would be significantly more for lower income people because they would ...

October | 2006 | Beware The Man 31, 2006 · You heard it here first! The Michael J. Fox fuss has caused deep thought about this issue for me. As reported by those liberal communists at the CDC, a.k.a. the Center for Disease Control, a government organization, roughly 15.5% of pregnancies result in miscarriages.. If you figure 10,000,000 women get knocked up every year on purpose or not, you have some 1.5 MILLION of what I like to call ...

Supreme Court | Conservative Standards about Supreme Court written by Calvin Freiburger. Following Dr. Ben Carson’s strong stand for life over the weekend on Meet the Press, the Huffington Post is attacking the presidential candidate with an open letter to Carson by playwright, political science professor, and self-professed “ordained minister and a person of faith” Monica Bauer.

Politically inside the mind of Gerardohttps://jerrytiestodope.blogspot.comObama is on the verge of setting a record. 2 million had already been deported in his time of presidency. Washington can be prodded to extend the rights and maybe possible citizenship for immigrants. even though brown is the only one who is taking action with this issue while the government is shutdown. and California would be the best place to ...

Danica Roem – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about Danica Roem written by dummidumbwit. I use the phrase “14-year-old girls courting adult men,” rather than “adult men courting 14-year-old girls,” for a reason: Evangelicals routinely frame these relationships in those terms. That’s how I was introduced to these relationships as a home-schooled teenager in the 1990s, and it’s the language that my friends and I would use ...

e-poem and e-magazine of the month: September 2007 | … 16, 2007 · Rep. John Lewis received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011. This is what Barack Obama said about him. 'Get in good trouble, necessary trouble': Rep. John R. Lewis in his own words 'We have lost a giant': Reaction to death of Congressman John Lewis; Trump moves campaign-style events to the White House as pandemic sidelines big rallies

KC Buzz Blog: For Kline, it's high noon in JoCo 11, 2007 · First, such a great story. I live in MO, but I've been intrigued by the Morrison/Kline saga for a while. Thanks to both for keeping things interesting. Second, Kline should be able to fire these people if he wants. The job is a political one, and to the victor go the spoils.

KroydBloghttps://kroydblog.blogspot.comHe has entrenched for a generation the once-reviled, once-radical Bush/Cheney Terrorism powers of indefinite detention, military commissions, and the state secret privilege as a weapon to immunize political leaders from the rule of law. He has shielded Bush era criminals from every last form of accountability. He has vigorously prosecuted the cruel and supremely racist War on Drugs, including ...

DN Speak: 7/6/14 - 7/13/14 gridlock has doubled since the 1950s, and a recent poll shows public approval of Congress is just 16%--an all-time low for a midterm year. This week, a bipartisan commission made up of former state and federal officials, business and academic leaders is out with more than sixty recommendations for how to fix the political process.

Obsidian Wings: Olympics, I Wish I Knew How To Quit You liberal japonicus. Yeah, talking to you Rio Olympics. I was so totally disgusted by the stories, the graft, you know. But it comes on TV and WHAM, I'm watching Ai Fukuhara and Kazumi Ishikawa and Mima Ito against Aryan Germans named Shan and Han, and I'm screaming at …

David Duke | Sheila Kennedy the first time since George Wallace in 1968, far-right activists in the U.S. are migrating toward mainstream electoral politics, stepping out of the shadows to attend rallies, offer endorsements and serve as volunteers. “It’s bound to happen,” Spencer says of white nationalists’ running for office one day.

election | 44-D 21, 2010 · Annise Parker (born May 17, 1956, Houston, Texas) is a Houston-area politician, the Mayor-elect of Houston, and the current Controller of the City of Houston, which is a position second only to that of Mayor.Previously, she served as an at-large member of the Houston City Council since 1997. Parker was victorious in her run for controller in 2003.

recy taylor | Tumblr taylorBut it’s not just a story affecting the entertainment industry. It’s one that transcends any culture, geography, race, religion, politics, or workplace. So I want tonight to express gratitude to all the women who have endured years of abuse and assault because they, like my mother, had children to feed and bills to pay and dreams to pursue.

Russia | Holy Hell! Entire Community Provided by MyBlogLog. 2008 election 2008 presidential election abortion AIG al gore America American economy American Politics bailout Barack Obama Christmas climate change Colorado conservative Denver Denver Tea Party economy election election 2008 enviroment FDR foca freedom gay marriage Gaza george bush Glenn Beck global warming Hamas hollywood homosexual …

The Progressive PsychNursehttps://progressivepsychnurse.blogspot.comJul 26, 2009 · A jumble of research updates on mental health and the nursing profession, politics regarding healthcare (esp. mental health parity) and daily thoughts from a young nursing leader full of frustration with the current healthcare system.

impolitic eye: December 2007 30, 2007 · This is the same guy who freaked out me and a lot of my friends in Arkansas. This is the same guy who was responsible for freaking out people who were already used to screwed up state politics. Good on him for losing all that weight, but you'll never convince me that he gained any real knowledge or wisdom.

Maybe he wasn't lying after all (sm) - MTStars 30, 2014 · and a god to so many of them, woefully so. As of last week, BECAUSE OF OBAMACARE, 28-million people now without insurance and without ability to get insurance. Premiums have skyrocketed (not saved the average family $ 2500.00/year, but rather COST AN INCREASE OF $5000 PER FAMILY, PER YEAR).

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Comcast was stealing our cable!'m Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Will there be a backlash?'m Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Wednesday Open Thread - 3chicspolitico.com 11, 2018 · When Black Lives Matter came up, I felt the way the same way that I feel when I look at the Parkland Students: They are who we have been waiting for. We have been waiting for …

February | 2009 | TheZoo don’t know if that was the last attempt, but apparently (according to one of the commenters at the RealNews page) there is a vote up to vote on the closer once again. Here’s that comment: Latin America Military Training Review Act of 2009 (formerly HR 1707 in the 110th Congress) that closes the School of the Americas and starts an ...

2015 September « Mercury Rising ?? 1985, he was the first to report on Oliver North’s involvement in the affair and along with his AP colleague Brian Barger, was the first to describe the Contras’ role in cocaine trafficking in the United States – stories that led to an internal investigation and a congressional inquiry. Parry also was a 1985 Pulitzer finalist for his work.

Friday Cat Blogging « Mercury Rising ?? 16, 2012 · "What does 'make the bed' mean?" Politics, life, and other things that matter

cynical politics « The Futility Monster 01, 2010 · Oh, and that little thing that was one of the deepest recessions in decades, including a run on a British bank for the first time in history. The recession may well be over for now, but one false move at this delicate time could plunge growth back into negative territory.

Democracy | Off The Grid was one of the founders of the progressive social networking group called Drinking Liberally that has been meeting at Rudy’s every Thursday night for the past five years. “We knew our friends wanted to talk about politics and the state of the country, but it felt like that was a taboo thing to do in a social setting,” Mr. Krebs said.

REVOLT Against Bush/Cheney? | kavips 06, 2008 · The first year Bush II was in office he had to borrow 133 billion. The Congress has raised the federal debt ceiling three times in three years to increase the government’s borrowing authority by as much as $800 billion. The hike in the debt limit amounted to a grand total of more than $2 trillion during Bush’s first term.

November 10, 2009 – Hoofin 10, 2009 · A bit of the unfortunate (or not) realities of world linguistic geopolitics. English opens doors for non-native speakers throughout the world, but Japanese tends to commit you, well, Japan. So the people who learn English worldwide, and here in Japan, have a different set of motivations and rewards than the reverse.

Politics, Culture, and Shih: Harry Hay: Hostile Witness at ... 17, 2010 · It has come to my attention that there are those who claim that Harry Hay was a "friendly" witness before the House Un-American Activities Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives back in the 1950s, which is to say, that he cooperated with anticommunist witch-hunters, implying both personal disgrace on him and motivations for his eventual departure from membership in the …

Buckdog: Harper's 'Canada' Is Not A Real Country Anyway ... 07, 2011 · We are kinda like a single 34 year old man who lives in his parents basement. We pretend that we are adult and have adult responsibilities and life experiences. However, the fact that mom is still upstairs leaves a great deal to be desired. British people are wonderful people. I am not British. I would like to be a Canadian ... not some quasi ...

Dunner's: International Politics Links (8 June 2009) first is that I've decided to go with a revolving format; for example, international politics will be every Monday, insha'allah. My tentative schedule for the remainder of the week is: Tuesdays - Business/Economics, Wednesdays - Islam/Muslim Blogs, Thursdays - Miscellaneous (e.g., science, science fiction, photos, etc.), and Fridays - Open.

Rusty Idols: Bush League Economics 09, 2007 · It's also worth remembering that, although conservatives are scurrying away from his pestilent shadow and there's lots of pronouncements about how Bush is a special case who doesn't represent real conservatism - simply not true. George W. Bush simply took political conservatism and economic neo-liberalism to their illogical extremes.

For Libby, Bush Seemed to Alter His Texas Policy - The ... his memoir, Mr. Bush wrote about agonizing over the case of Karla Faye Tucker, who in 1998 became the first woman executed in Texas since the Civil War. Ms. Tucker, who was convicted in the ax murders of two people during a robbery in 1983, had become a born-again Christian while in prison, and her case drew support from across the political ...

Pigs Fly After All - Blogger Black becomes a liberal: Holed up in his Palm Beach mansion, an unrepentant Conrad Black has broken his silence for the first time s...

Master’s Golf Tournament « Jamesb101.com 09, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Contextual Criticism: America - Land of Liars and Torturers follow his lead, including persons in and out of Congress. And the CIA's leadership, bastards out-of-control and filled with bile, stroll out from the dark corners where they dwell, briefcases in hand, to defend the practice and their right to torture those they deem unsavory and a …

May | 2016 | The Point of a Sharp Instrument posts published by kirkasthemeld during May 2016. Activist/Political sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous ...

November | 2005 | Beware The Man posts published by John O during November 2005. It has crept over me in the last several months, as I’ve watched the Powers That Be serially abuse that power, that if the Dems don’t take back at least one House of Congress next year, I’m going to have a hard time believing the Permanent End is not beginning, for the United States position in the world.

Biophilia Hypothesis — The moment we no longer have a free ... is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie—a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days—but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows.

Shooting in Arizona: The Triumph of Hate Speech - Dialog ... in Arizona: The Triumph of Hate Speech The tragic assassination attempt against US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords which resulted in at least 6 deaths was the result of the right-wing vitriol against "The Government" that is spewed out every day on the radio, on Fox News, and the blogs.

Conservatism | Ned Resnikoff 01, 2010 · Conservatives are the ideologues, goes the subtext; we’re the logical pragmatists. That’s a deeply unsatisfying, even anemic, understanding of liberalism. There is an ideology, and a set of moral principles underlying the liberal worldview which anyone interested in left-wing American politics would do well to engage with.

Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CXXIV--Dishwalla: Counting Blue ... in the day when I was still a young man managing a Camelot Music store, I made mention to my then boss about what shit a particular song was (if memory serves, it was Stars on 45 and their hit song, the oh-so-cleverly named "Stars on 45 Medley"--horrifyingly dreadful would be a vast understatement as to its artistic worth), and my boss got all defensive and said I was …

The Citizens: The State of the State Department 02, 2008 · Two years ago, I wrote that Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs R. Nicholas Burns was probably the Bush administration's "best hope" for implementing a diplomatic initiative in the Middle East. Now we have news that Mr. Burns, 51, will retire from the service in March. Whatever chance Bush's recent push for peace in the Middle East had is now significantly …

Ronald Reagan | noodleepoodlee 19, 2011 · Posts about Ronald Reagan written by noodleepoodlee. Looks like the Tea Party and GOP, Inc., seeking change they can believe in, are using tactics from the Hitler, Stalin and Mao playbooks for the glory of God and the Owners of America.

impolitic eye: October 2009 17, 2009 · Buttercup hurt me badly tonight. It wasn't direct or malicious, and I'm not sure she even realized how bad it was. The thing is she stole something — or rather four small charms — from a store. Then she lied about it. Here's how it happened.

Redeye's Front Page: I'm Back! Did you miss me? 08, 2013 · In case you haven't noticed I've been away from blogging for a spell due to my real life colliding with my blogging life. But that's good thing because I needed a mental health break from the EVIL, INSENSITIVE, HEARTLESS world of cut throat politics.On the down side, I had to depend on the liberal media (snark) for news and information, which means I have to …

VA-01 - WordPress.com The Uppity Blues Women (Gaye Adegbalola, Andra Faye, Ann Rabson) performed live in support of Barack Obama for President, Mark Warner for Senate, and Bill Day for Congress in Fredericksburg, Virginia on November 2, 2008.. The title is “Meet Me With Your Barack Vote On” and was written to encourage everyone to get out and VOTE … Tuesday, November 4th for …

Beeb Trainees 2006https://beeb-trainees.blogspot.comShona Somerville This year has been hectic and varied for me! Since graduating from a politics degree in the summer of 2005 I have moved back to Edinburgh; written a column for Europe's largest student magazine; worked at broadsheets, tabloids and local daily papers; reported from the Scottish Parliament; worked in media and PR and made lots of cups of coffee for editors …

Only 47 Senators Attend Critical INTEL Briefing! | The ... 16, 2013 · Small Image of the day! Not for a vote, but very much half full for critical briefing!The US Constitution was carefully crafted with two Chambers of Congress. The Senate has a representation census that includes 100 senators; two per State. The House is composed of 435 representatives from districts within their States.How can over half the Senate completely …

Clueless In Chicago | The Rogue Jew 08, 2008 · Barack Obama’s political career was launched by a man responsible for the bombing of the Pentagon and a member/terrorist for a organization that was also responsible for the killing of several police officers, but yet William Ayers was simply a man that lived in Obama’s neighborhood. Personally, I don’t buy any of it.

Missoulian | Bloviating Zeppelin have seldom visited since I left the Congress in 1997, but during Boehner’s first years in the House I was the chairman of an education committee of which he was a member. Boehner, despite our political differences, was attentive, engaged and always considering fresh ways, as he saw it, to improve the nation’s schools.

Liberal Group calls for more Troops in Afghanistan ... 29, 2009 · Last week, the liberal think-tank the Center for American Progress released a new report on the war in Afghanistan. Unlike the major anti-war groups and a growing coalition of bloggers who are organizing opposition to Obama's Afghanistan policy, the Center for American Progress' report came out in support of Obama's policy and U.S. empire generally.…

fearmongering « Mercury Rising ?? Oakley of FT has an interesting article saying that “investors” (i.e. speculators) are betting on a Greek “accident,” i.e., default by buying credit default swaps which pay big if Greece defaults.. Now, it’s not much of a bet. Either Germany comes up with a loan/gift (probability approximately zero) or the Greeks default. There is not the political will in Germany to bail out ...

The Immoral Minority: The Benghazi investigation is now ... 04, 2015 · “The Benghazi Select Committee has now become one of the longest and least active congressional investigations in history,” Ranking Member Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland, wrote in a statement. “The Committee has squandered the last 16 months and more than 4.5 million taxpayer dollars dredging up political attacks to impact the 2016 ...

October | 2011 | Double Dip Politics is the 50th article on Double Dip Politics, and to celebrate, I decided I would do the most requested article. Since the most requested article was for me to “be quiet and die you liberal b****”, I decided that I’d go with the second most requested, “What is the gay agenda?”.

Michele Bachmann | Under The LobsterScope Ron Paul campaign has put out requirements for Caucus attendees…. 1. Shave. 2. Hide tattoos. 3. Dress well. No word about what political thoughts you should have. May be the time for the other candidates to come out for Tattooed folk. Or bearded guys in jeans.

The Knowledge Movement | The Pardu's Scroll“We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” Read more We suggest Phillips and Atwater’s ghost live in a horde of Right-wing media demagogues and in the hearts and minds of many GOP politicians.

Healthcare Exec Turned Whistleblower Thinks America Needs 24, 2009 · The one and only answer is H.R. 676 for a start. It should also include free dental, vision, prescription drugs, mental health, home care and long term care. Anything less is a sham, a scam, a scheme and a fraud. Once again our Senators and Congressmen are making this 1000 times more complicated and complex than it needs to be.

ATF | 44-D 29, 2010 · He was the doughnut man. But prosecutors say Mr. Zazi, 24, who worked blocks from ground zero, was just as furtive an operative as the Sept. 11 hijackers when he traveled to Pakistan last year for terrorism training and returned to the United States with a plan to build bombs using beauty supplies and backpacks.

When We Can’t Look Away | Sheila Kennedy Dems CAN win the WH, House and Senate in November, however, one of the first bills they should pass and enact into law is to admit D.C. and Puerto Rico as the 51st & 52nd states. They can call it The Barack Obama Political Payback Act of 2021.

Nocheydiahttps://nocheydia.blogspot.comJun 17, 2006 · On the war and universal health care, terrible. It is not shaping up, Tom, to be a great moment in American political history, even though it should be since it's one of the most fluid we've experienced, right? I think it's the first time since 1952 that we don't have an incumbent VP or President in the race. It should be wide open.

David Benham – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Old Main Building – “….The foundations of the building had been laid, but no work had been done for about a year. Two shanties near the building covered the lumber and other material, and made a temporary house for the keeper. What is now the campus, was then a …

Alberta Fires Worsen. Blame Climate Change - Progress Pond 07, 2016 · A profile in political courage, not. Then again, in 2008, she avidly supported coal as the fuel of the future. And now she appears to be back on the clean coal bandwagon, supporting pie-in-the-sky carbon sequestration as the solution to keeping coal miners and their employers in business.

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 22, 2017 · One of the most interesting events in his career occurred in 1859, when he served John Brown as mail messenger. At that time Brown was living at the home of Frederick Douglass, his father, in Rochester, N. Y. Like Liked by 1 person

John Seigenthaler, Schema-Root Seigenthaler founded the First Amendment Center in 1991 with the mission of creating national discussion, dialogue and debate about First Amendment rights and values. A former president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Seigenthaler served for 43 years as an award-winning journalist for The Tennessean, Nashville's morning newspaper. At his retirement he was editor, publisher ...

Religious Right – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America“If you look at the history of California, they have been at the forefront of this,” he said. “The first gay pride march occurred in San Francisco in 1970 and then San Francisco legitimized homosexuality in 1972. In 1982, Laguna Beach, California, elected the first openly homosexual mayor in …

Anderson Cooper The Journalist | All the news about ...https://andersoncooperthejournalist.wordpress.comNov 20, 2009 · Michael Sandel is a professor of Philosophy in Harvard University and is one of the well-known political philosophers of our time. He follows the theory of communitarianism and is recognized for his critique of John Rawl’s A Theory of Justice. One of his most acclaimed works, however, is his focus on practical morality and politics.

Egypt | Missouri Communication 03, 2011 · In the political arena, as the protests in Manila demonstrated, these increased freedoms can help loosely coordinated publics demand change. Blogs, public discussion forums, and many other types of new media have increased this freedom of speech that the first amendment of the United States has granted its citizens.

Don Young | Mudflats | Page 4 found myself in a van with a load of kids on a road trip to the Valley today. Needing a fun car game, I remembered Phil Munger’s Signs of the Times post from a few weeks ago. So, I suggested we all count political signs and see who ‘won’ by the time we got back.

Liberal Jonathan Turley: Sotomayor Lacks Intellectual ... 27, 2009 · Until yesterday, liberal law professor Jonathan Turley was generally hailed by the leftwing blogosphere for speaking "truth to power." However, now that same group is attacking Turley for speaking truth to MSNBC. Chris Matthews probably thought Turley would support Sonia Sotomayor's nomination right after it was announced. If so, he was in for a big surprise as you can see in this video …

New World Notes: POST-WARNER INTERVIEW WRAP-UP it happens (and surreal) the best on-the-scene report on Governor Warner's appearance in Second Life comes not from the SL blogosphere, but from Dana Milbank, acclaimed Washington Post columnist, seasoned reporter of the US political scene, and author of Smash Mouth: Two Years in the Gutter with Al Gore and George W. Bush--Notes from the 2000 Campaign Trail.

Teachers in Their Own Words: “Hide ... - Kids in the system 13, 2012 · Nowadays we hear a lot about teachers—from “education reformers,” politicians, business executives, clergy, union leaders, academics—but we rarely hear from teachers themselves. Most teachers I know and come in contact with are eager to talk about teaching and the jobs they do. It is decidedly a very different conversation from the ones pundits, policymakers and…

GEITHNER: ‘WE SAVED THE ECONOMY, BUT WE KIND OF LOST … 08, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

December | 2012 | cadesertvoice posts published by cadesertvoice during December 2012. “I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we, too, will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit.”

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup 23, 2016 · Allen West, Town Hall: "When I was a Congressional representative from South Florida, one of the major concerns was beach renourishment, the process of pumping sand back onto eroded beaches. The district I represented was all coastline, from Ft. Lauderdale up to Jupiter Inlet, and one of the major economic concerns was the erosion of the beaches.

Impractical Proposals: 2011/03 - 2011/04 03, 2011 · This is something that I first realized when I started writing about politics in late 2005. One of the very first topics on which I focused was the scandal about the Bush administration eavesdropping on American citizens without the warrants required by law. This was first exposed by the NYT in December of 2005, so it happened around six weeks ...

Open Thread – 9/29/2019 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · SNL: I had to get my VPN working again, but it was worth it. SNL’s portrayal of Trump & cronies is still the best. YT: Wonderful try-out of the compact speaker system I just bought for my laptop. The old cheapos were terrible and left behind in Holland. The remix was perfect to revisit memories with. DK: A man with integrity.

The Next Hurrah: Defendant: From the first case to bring as much information as I could to assist us, especially after the 2001 situation. Second, it is good to have a powerful Congressman that if you ever need anything, you can ask him to help you or assist you in something you might need. The Court: That's really what I …

Nationalism and the disintegration of the Yugoslavia ... and the disintegration of the Yugoslavia federation - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Worked on this paper also a year ago. Granted this was during summer school but was still proud of the work I've done given that I have no prior political science background and I scored an A- for this paper.

Blue in Guadalupe: October 2009 31, 2009 · The Honorable John Boehner H-204 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-4000 Fax: (202) 225-5117 Dear Congressman Boehner, You’ve been quoted as saying "I'm still trying to find the first American to talk to who's in favor of the public option, other than a member of Congress or the administration".

Political Irony › The Country of Woebegon 23, 2017 · Garrison Keillor is searching for a new religion, because he is appaled at all the supposed Christians who voted for Donald Trump.. And so the Boy President heads for Washington to be sworn into office, pumping his fist, mooning the media, giving the stinky finger to whomever irks him, doing his end-zone dance, promising to build the wall, cut taxes, create …

Biden | Smart Liberal and Female Higher Education Plan. Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit: Obama and Biden will make college affordable for all Americans by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This universal and fully refundable credit will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at …

Marc Thiessen | The Liberal Doomsayer Congressional Budget Office) has finished its work and will release the official preliminary score…But here are the basic numbers: The bill will cost $940 billion over the first 10 years and reduce the deficit by $130 billion during that period. In the second 10 years — so, 2020 to 2029 — it will reduce the deficit by $1.2 trillion.

Wednesday Open Thread | Christmas Jams 2019 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 18, 2019 · Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) is a Christmas holiday song originally sung by Darlene Love and included on the 1963 Christmas compilation album, A Christmas Gift for You from Philles Records.The song was written by Ellie Greenwich and Jeff Barry along with Phil Spector, with the intentions of being sung by Ronnie Spector of The Ronettes.According to Darlene Love, Ronnie …

WildeBoomerz - Adventures in Pop/Culture: March 2009 05, 2009 · Commentary on topics from popular culture, politics, and everything else.

Ohio’s Voucher Program: End Run Around The Establishment ... 12, 2011 · The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America runs thus: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion The Supreme has in the past judged -- twice -- that it forbids public funding of parochial schools. So how, then, is the State of Ohio able…

2009 September 19 « The Futility Monster 19, 2009 · 1 post published by The Futility Monster on September 19, 2009. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes …

Sunday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 28, 2017 · “Ruby Young waits with her husband, Claude Young, after being rescued from their flooded home by boat and taken to a pickup point along Edgebrook Sunday, August 27, 2017. The elderly man had many medical issues from a stroke in May. Flooding is wide spread after rain from Hurricane Harvey.” Like Liked by 1 person

December | 2007 | Desert Beacon | Page 2 posts published by desertbeacon during December 2007. Please remember these words when you hit the last paragraph of this post: President George W. Bush at this morning’s press conference –“Another thing that’s not responsible is the number of earmarks that Congress included in a massive spending bill.

Balkinization: We could tell you how we torture people ... group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. Like the war meme itself, this brazen abuse of "national security" has got to go. There was no invading force ready to follow up on the attacks of nine-one-one, and had we acted differently we would today have many more friends in the Arab world in sympathy with the murders committed that day.

Inspire Political Discourse: Political News Summary ... 19, 2008 · :: "Deep Throat" dies at 95. "Deep Throat" was the man who brought down the Nixon presidency, and he died yesterday from congestive heart failure. RIP, Mr. Felt. “SAN FRANCISCO - W. Mark Felt, the former FBI second-in-command who revealed himself as "Deep Throat" 30 years after he helped reporters to unravel the Watergate scandal that toppled a president, has died.

Bruce Bishop | Facebook Daft Punk, FIAT USA, Who Was The Original Occupy Wall Street Protester?, 7 Facts About Our Veterans That Will Shock The Hell Out Of You, The Difference Between A Bank And A Gun, It's Morally Indefensible And They Know It, The Best #Occupy Graphic For Cops And Politicians: 'It's Not Up To You' y …

Family Research Council (FRC) | This Is internal watchdog at the time said its investigation was triggered by “congressional requests and a hotline complaint, all of which expressed concerns about Administrator Pruitt’s travel—primarily his frequent travel to and from his home state of Oklahoma at taxpayer expense.”

Teacher layoffs are coming, and this teacher's story shows ... teacher’s story shows just how much of a mess . Graciela Mohamedi is a physics teacher in Brookline, Massachusetts. She’s a former Marine with a PhD in applied physics from Oxford University, a lecturer at Boston University, and an activist who’s been involved with the March for Our Lives Boston and a range of other local ...

Sunday respite: ‘Mary did you know? | BUNKERVILLE | God ... 14, 2014 · For those wishing politics, the various votes for the Omnibus Budget Bill including the Cruz amendment with a breakdown of individual votes can be found at an earlier post: Vote Tally Count Omnibus budget bill -UPDATE PASSED!

pride | Political Loudmouth Political Loudmouth street team went to the 2012 San Francisco Gay Pride Parade today. Sarah Silverman was the parade’s Celebrity Marshall. We popped out to her car and gave her one of our stickers, “Two Girls Kissing Is Hot. Two Wives Kissing Is Hotter.” Her verdict: “Hey, I like this!” You can see her holding our sticker in this ...

Open Thread | COVID-19 and Black People in One of the ... 16, 2020 · For a decade, Stephen B. Thomas has studied racial inequality from a research center at the University of Maryland. It happens to be located in one of the wealthiest Black enclaves in the nation, Prince George’s County. The location wasn’t necessarily relevant to his work — until now.

The slanted news delivers the ‘facts’ again | The Common ... 12, 2007 · The go on to say how a step in the right direction and how things will continue to progress in the war in Iraq Officials say the report shows that more satisfactory evaluations were given on the security benchmarks as opposed to the political ones, which was to be expected because the strategy was designed to emphasize security first.

04 | July | 2019 | Sohum Parlance II 04, 2019 · Anyway, I am one of those people who gives credence to theories that much of the draft was written by Thomas Paine who was the best known of the true revolutionaries at the time. You can see some very similar rhetorical approaches in Common Sense, which was a brilliant political pamphlet.

A Chicken Is Not Pillage: None Too Happy has not dealt me an undesireble hand, but it has dealt my friend right into the dragon's mouth. Simply put, no one has the right to challenge my concern over that for their own political gain. Threaten me on that score, and I will go off, happily, and with no feelings of hypocricy or shame.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Baby pool! - Brendan'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Florida Politics – Skeptical Brotha Clinton Campaign today announced the endorsement of Florida Congresswoman Corrine Brown. “Hillary Clinton has the best combination of strength, experience and intellect to be President and lead from her first day in the White House,” Brown said. “As she’s repeatedly done as Senator, she will bring people together to get results.” First elected to Congress in 1992, Brown has been ...

UK vs USA « The Futility Monster all, the big three candidates in the last US Presidential election all came from there. John Kerry in 2004 as well. And at each election cycle, Senators are always in the mix. Though Obama is the first Senator to be elected President since JFK, it is a central part of American political culture, and definitely one path to the Presidency.

lgbtq - Daily Dose | Tommy Christopher's Daily Dose, Meghan McCain’s boobs can’t really talk, but thankfully, Meg’s Twitter feed is such a treasure trove of good quotes, they really don’t have to. Politico even put one of Meghan’s tweets in its “Politi-quotes: The week in one-liners,” but I think she deserves a whole list to herself.. First, there was Politico’s pick, Meg’s tweet about killing a cockroach in her ...

equality | Political Loudmouth 30, 2013 · Here’s the first in our new series of posters supporting marriage equality, Just in time for Gay Pride. Yay! For a free hi-res download of this poster, just click the image above. If you’d like a T-shirt with this image on it, just click here.

Accidental Deliberations: Thursday Morning Links 07, 2013 · (W)hat’s really being promoted here isn’t time-saving or even effective communications. This is a way for governments and parties to say even less. That prospect might be very appealing to a lot of people — but it should be worrying us. There is a very simple reason why politicians tend to sound idiotic when given less space and time to ...

the audacity of truth why i'm starting to take all my political cues from team america, bill o'reily, rush limbaugh and paris hilton. now these people are true americans who actually give a damn about the plight of black people in this country. change we can believe in, whatever, what about one night in paris (inappropriate reference to a bad sextape).

Annotated Bibliography | Politics | Free 30-day Trial | Scribd is a picture of a fancy, white water fountain, and an old, colored water fountain right. next to each other. We used this photograph on our slide show on the First Grade page. It helped. us understand that most things were set to a lesser standard for colored people. It is a primary. source because it is a picture from the Civil Rights ...

Rock & Roll – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America PR-D7 BK AM/FM Digital Rechargeable Portable Radio – Black by Sangean I had a heart attack a few years back so going to the park twice a day when it’s nice is good excercise and I go for a couple of longer stretches then mostly go from Bench to table to Shelter and jam out, usually by myself. (I don’t think Wifey or any other Miss Perfect ignores me cause I’m jamming tunes ...

My Weblog | Just another webloghttps://thenonsequitur.wordpress.comKen Langone, a major GOP donor, was among “the denizens of Wall Street and wealthy precincts around the nation” who spoke to Politico for a piece published Tuesday and titled “The rich strike back.” “I hope it’s not working,” Langone told Politico, referring to populist political appeals. “Because if you go back to 1933, with different words, what Hitler was saying in ...

Nate Silver | Under The LobsterScope up to Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire:. Nate Silver now projects President Obama’s margin of victory to be two or three percentage points in the popular vote, approximating the margin that George W. Bush achieved in defeating John Kerry in 2004.. In addition, he gives Obama a 91.6% chance to win the necessary 270 electoral votes for re-election. ...

Washington State Political Report - Blogger got off to a great start last month receiving over $7,000 in donations and in-kind contributions. However, we have a lot more work to do. We need to prove a viable campaign and early money shows we can be successful. I know we can do this, but I need your help! To make a donation to my campaign, click the button below. Thank you!

Suspect In Beating Of Liberal Rabbi Arrested With A Loaded ... Jerusalem Post reports: …The [teenage] suspect was arrested at his family home in the West Bank settlement of Itamar [at about 2:00 am Israel Time Sunday], where Judea and Samaria District Police said they also found stun grenades, an assault rifle clip filled with bullets, a slingshot, and the ski mask and knife that police believe were used in the attack.

Bush | DNN Daily News Network it’s an issue he understands could be a danger to his administration.” Another person there was Robert Caro, the L.B.J. biographer who was struck that Mr. Johnson made some of his most fateful decisions about Vietnam in the same dining room. “All I could think of when I was sitting there and this subject came up was the setting,” he ...

Steve Watson – “Ron Paul: ‘Some Big Events Are About To ... 17, 2008 · In one of Paul’s most memorable speeches to date, the Congressman spoke of rampant authoritarianism having replaced the principles of liberty that the United States was founded upon and warned that current empire building financed through inflation and debt signals a …

Blue in the Bluegrass - Blogger 05, 2007 · Liberal Politics from the Heart of Bluegrass Country

Pat Fish's Blog: Political Tidbits 6/21/06 would be thou and me, yon ladies and gems. WE are the stupid ones who think an international body in charge of monitoring Saddam's "oil-for-food" program should have seen to it that the Iraqi people benefited from that country's oil, not friends and wizards of Kofi Annan and other U.N. bigwigs. Silly us American people.

The Folly of Our Leadership | Yo Mama For Obama 31, 2009 · The world at large has vacated their senses, if they ever had any sense in the first place. Read Frank Rich carefully this morning. If the next step in the narcissistic political battle field escalates to a nuclear attack, we all lose. POSTSCRIPT. I have received an illuminating comment on this post in my Daily KOS diary. I include it here:

Politics | BUMS LOGIC biggest example of why a good thing: Imagine being gay and your partner is serving in combat operations oversees when the unthinkable happens and they are killed in action. Under the old rules you would never be officially notified. Ever. If you oppose the ban being overturned, think about that for a …

tcnorris: 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 30, 2005 · A new Decima poll out today has the Liberals up 10 points on the Conservatives 35% to 25% with the NDP at 21% and the BQ at 13%. It is one of a series of polls conducted via the internet. I think that net polling is where we are headed in the future and is going to be increasingly important, but one should note that these election polls I think are best described as an experiment.

Frank Chow: Asian- American Political Pundit: March 2012 2012, I had heard about this and read about it, but as the documentary says it became out of sight, so it was out of mind. I support support protecting the children in this campaign. Watch the video, then go over to site and see how you can help.

Hillary Clinton Comes out AGAINST Retroactivity for Drug ... 11, 2007 · Hat tip: a reader at Jack and Jill Politics From Money quote: Clinton, who said she supports a federal recommendation for shorter sentences for some people caught with crack cocaine, opposed making those shorter sentences retroactive – which could eventually result in the early release of 20,000 people convicted on drug charges.

Ezra Klein: Politics of Choice 18, 2007 Must reading of the day. By Kathy G.. Scott Lemieux's review of a new book on why "centrist" abortion regulations don't work. Here's the gist of it: The particularly salient lesson to draw from Silverstein's book is that it's important to ask whether abortion regulations actually accomplish anything, even on their own terms.

Coward | Lonnie Walker's Blog 17, 2009 · This is the first time in history that over 60% of the public doesn’t want Obamacare yet the majority of politicians are dead set to vote for it. These truely idiotic individuals believe that the public is not smart enough to know what’s good for them.

political narrative « The Futility Monster 07, 2010 · This is an election address and must be treated as such. And so, above all, at the end of it, its key themes must shine out. We must be able to boil it down to a handful of choice phrases and pledges that are going to resonate on the doorstep.

Open Thread | Voter Suppression Train Up and Running in ... 18, 2020 · We are back at one of the topics that interests us a great deal here at 3CHICS: VOTER SUPPRESSION. Today’s obvious example is coming from Wisconsin. If people are registered to vote and come out and vote, the GOP loses. They cannot win fair elections. Voter Suppression is the core of thelr election strategy for…

CBS News | The Liberal Doomsayer“That was one of the first thoughts I had after I got hit,” Matthew told me in a telephone interview from his home in Indianola, Miss. Matthew is a bi-vocational pastor. He ministers to two congregations and works a full-time job at the Indianola Pecan House. The 27-year-old is married and has four children. His oldest is five, the youngest ...

Delaware Liberal | kavips Hudson at 30045 (Eagles Crest Road, Milton, Delaware 19968; (302) 729-2178; [email protected]) is responsible for the robo calls now dialing off hate-lists compiled out of zip codes undergoing the Chrisina Referendum. If you go to the beach, the above property is that old airport that has always been just north of Lewes…

America’s Flat Tire: School Funding | New World Odor 09, 2010 · This is what is worst about American schools; it is a prime victim to political agendas. This forces our children to be mere pawns in a system that manipulates social change through legislation or judicial rulings. In the first half of my teaching career, children were pawns to a judicial ruling of desegregation and forced busing.

September | 2010 | The Liberal Doomsayer Congressional Budget Office) has finished its work and will release the official preliminary score…But here are the basic numbers: The bill will cost $940 billion over the first 10 years and reduce the deficit by $130 billion during that period. In the second 10 years — so, 2020 to 2029 — it will reduce the deficit by $1.2 trillion.

Getting Single Payer Health Care - Progress Pond 17, 2008 · The Finance Committee is one of the elite committees in the Senate. No one from the Class of ’06 has yet earned a seat on the committee. The most junior member is Ken Salazar of Colorado, who is hardly a liberal. I’ve long despaired at the makeup of the Finance Committee because it is so conservative that I assume it will never consider a ...

Kathleen Sebelius (Sec of HHS) | 44-D the ongoing commitment of the Obama-Biden Administration to ensure that affordable and accessible preventive care is a reality, and the many breast cancer advocates, and survivors like Lorene and Joy who are changing lives with their work every day – I know we are moving closer to a breast cancer-free world.

Schultz | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! reported the criminal probe concerned “serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network.”. Gowen is a founding partner of Gowen, Rhoades, Winograd and Silva law firm, with offices in Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia, Penn.Conservative Review — which first reported Gowen’s extensive Clinton connections Wednesday — said they also include work for the Clinton ...

Purveyors of hate - WND is the kind of disingenuous political representation that makes ordinary people rise up. Watch Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Barack Obama make their pronouncements on TV.

Huckabee « Jamesb101.com 29, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Romney « Jamesb101.com 06, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

productivity tips of Net and blogging--https://bdblogtips.blogspot.comThis is the first such legal case against bloggers in the country. In the United Kingdom, a college lecturer contributed to a blog in which she referred to a politician (who had also expressed his views in the same blog) using various uncomplimentary names, including referring to him as a "Nazi".

tcnorris: 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 21, 2005 · Durbin was spot on in his assessment of Guantanamo. That's why he was so roundly attacked. He told the truth. And his message is of vital importance; the United States is better than this. Or ought to be is more like it. But it is the influential character of attacks like this that make one despair of the future of political debate in the U.S.

Hillary’s Handkerchief Heads: Call Them Out – Skeptical Brotha 29, 2008 · Send them a copy of the Report Card when Glen Ford publishes it tomorrow. All of the listed members, with Maxine Waters being the exception, are piss-poor congressional members and have long since ceased being the “conscience of the Congress” when they began selling out and allowing Lawn Jockeys like Artur Davis to run the Caucus on the Corporate teat.

Monday Open Thread | Gospel Music Week: Thomas Dorsey ... 18, 2014 · Good Morning, Everyone. Going to enjoy music for the soul this week. We begin today with Thomas A. Dorsey, The Father of Gospel Music. Thomas Andrew Dorsey (July 1, 1899 – January 23, 1993) was known as “the father of black gospel music” and was at one time so closely associated with the field that songs written in the new style were sometimes known as “dorseys.”[2] Earlier in his ...

The Useless Tree: Reply to my Diaspora Fenqing Nationalist ... reason is political: a full exposure of the Great Famine could undermine the legitimacy of a ruling party that clings to the political legacy of Mao, even though that legacy, a totalitarian Communist system, was the root cause of the famine. As the economist Amartya Sen has observed, no major famine has ever occurred in a democracy.

Kevin Swanson – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America“If you look at the history of California, they have been at the forefront of this,” he said. “The first gay pride march occurred in San Francisco in 1970 and then San Francisco legitimized homosexuality in 1972. In 1982, Laguna Beach, California, elected the first openly homosexual mayor in …

Biden | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! of our most precious rights as Americans is the right to determine who our leaders are. The president abused his powers to cheat in the next election and rob us of that right. Then he obstructed Congress to cover it up. Impeachment is the only remedy. #DefendOurDemocracy — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 18, 2019

Ben Florsheim | "Politics is a strong and slow boring of ...https://benflorsheim.wordpress.comA couple weeks ago, Andrew Sullivan wrote a series of posts on social mobility in the U.S. by region, focusing on the lack thereof in the South according to a map from the New York Times. The nation’s most upwardly mobile city, according to that map, is Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Times’ written accompaniment compares it to Denmark and Norway in the social-mobility metric of likelihood ...

Pierre Omidyar | Ted Rall's Rallblog independent political cartooning and writing. Ted Rall Subscription Service: $30/year gets you everything Ted does in your email in-box, plus discounts.

Serendipity SOUL | Friday Open Thread | Etta James Week ... 18, 2014 · I watched the first few seasons of The Biggest Loser avidly. The show offered the ultimate fat girl fantasy—go to a “ranch” for a few months, and under the pressure of intense personal trainers, low caloric intake, the manipulations of reality show producers and the constant surveillance of television cameras, lose the weight you’ve ...

Hillary Clinton | Veritas Nihilum Vincet, you have a law degree…but it’s been far too long since you cracked open a book to look up a cite, argued a case (much less an appeal), or took the time to examine in detail the obiter dicta of a well-written dissent to make the argument that in any way, shape or form you’re the BEST suited to sit on the highest court in land.

The Reaction: "Politics as total war" and the state of ... 30, 2010 · When Andrew Breitbart offers $100,000 for a private email list-serv archive, essentially all bets are off. Every blogger or writer who has ever offered an opinion is now on warning: your opponents will not just argue against you, they will do all they can to ransack your private life, cull your email in-tray, and use whatever material they have to unleash the moronic hounds of today's right ...

The Delaware Libertarian: Political Economy in Laymen's Terms 26, 2008 · After almost a year of negotiating and lawsuits you finally agree to a deal where you sell less milk, at a price they choose. All the lawmakers agree that progress was made, and everyone is happy. You, getting the short end of the stick, is just happy to sell some milk at all, while the milk delivery company maintains their stranglehold over ...

You tell me | Life Is A Cookie 21, 2008 · Well, let me introduce you to a little thing called: The Bradley Effec t (from Wikipedia ) The Bradley effect, less commonly called the Wilder effect, is a proposed explanation for an alleged discrepancy between voter opinion polls and election outcomes in American political campaigns when a white candidate and a non-white candidate run against ...

South Dakota Politics: Hillary Clinton Ineligible for ... Volokh Conspiracy, our favorite constitutional law blog, points out a slight snag for Barack Obama's choice for State: Senator Clinton is constitutionally ineligible.Here is Article I, Section 6 of said fundamental law: Clause 2: No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which ...

August | 2010 | Blevkog’s been a while, so I’ll ease myself back into the blogging chair with something general. Lord ™ knows, there’s material aplenty. It’s been a year and a half since Barack Obama took office; a year and a half since hope for the birth of a new sanity in American politics was kindled in my heart.

Denmark « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 27, 2008 · The survey was done on three continents and took six years to complete, and as the French news agency AFP reports, we’ve all been a little alarmist over here: “About 93 percent of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims are moderates and only seven percent are politically radical, according to the poll, based on more than 50,000 interviews.”

Alterdestiny: Tom Brokaw Reports: Boomer$: History's ... 02, 2010 · Continuing the " Mexican politicians " theme, Francisco Madero (1873-1913), the man commonly viewed as the leader of the early pha... Brazil Resuming Nuclear Reactor Construction Lula has authorized resuming the establishment of a third reactor, which had sat idle for 22 years at Brazil's Angra dos Reis nuclear po...

Access St. Louis!: Upcoming Gun Shows in St. Louis Area 10, 2008 · Info here. Get it while you can, folks. Once the nigger is in office with a overwhelmingly Demoncratic Congress, your chance will be gone. If you don't have a firearm, or need ammo, or instruction books, or even a good knife, the place to do it.

March | 2008 | purely partisan politiks 30, 2008 · They are billing it as the largest such effort ever across the liberal spectrum., labor groups like the A.F.L.-C.I.O. and Change to Win, and other organizations like Acorn, Women’s Voices Women Vote and the National Council of La Raza will be taking part in the effort for the presidential election and House and Senate races.

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 21, 2007 · In an article from a liberal think tank found here, the liberals are all up in arms about the conservative dominance of talk radio.Here are some quotes from that article: "The new report — entitled “The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio” — raises serious questions about whether the companies licensed to broadcast over the public radio airwaves are serving the listening needs ...

Left-Wing Tolerance or Hobby of Hate ? | Saynsumthn's Blog 03, 2014 · The left-wing liberal community are always the first ones crying for tolerance- yet- when things do not go "their way" they are the most hate-filled intolerant people you can imagine. As Megyn Kelly summed it up on the O'Reilly factor - "This is about …

The Politics of Redemption and Black Leadership Revisited ... 23, 2013 · In the youtube video above I’m having a conversation with Yvette Carnell of Your Black World about my piece “The Historical Failure of Black Leadership.” “Ethiopia will soon stretch forth her hands onto God, that Africa’s redemption shall soon be accomplished…”—a common quote of 19th Century Black Nationalists found in The Golden Age of Black Nationalism, by Wilson Jeremiah Moses.

On The Killing of Children and Others, Domestic and ... 01, 2013 · by Lawrence Davidson, To the Point Analyses, 25 December 2012 Part I — America’s Frontier Mentality Here is part of an Associated Press announcement appearing in U.S. papers on 20 December 2012: “Declaring the time for action overdue, President Obama promised on Wednesday [19 December] to send Congress broad proposals in January for tightening gun laws and…

More Mikey Energy Idiocy And Fracking Fairy Tales | The ... 11, 2013 · I’m going to be behind with stuff for a little while yet, but I absolutely couldn’t ignore the latest nonsense from our wet noodle PA-08 U.S. House rep from last July 4th (here)… By matching American ingenuity and enthusiasm to resources, North America could be energy-independent within the next decade. We are well on our…

Cerebral Cortex vs. Lizard Brain Politics | Sohum Parlance II 19, 2015 · Never have I witnessed more clearly the primal politics of the profound contrast between cerebral cortex functions and the so-called “reptilian brain” as …

« One change we can begin to observe, though, is in the ... this pageThe Adelsons, in fact, are the largest single donors in American politics, accounting for a total of $26.5 million in gifts in this campaign between the two of them and their three daughters. Most of their gifts, $21.5 million, went to the pro-Gingrich Winning Our Future PAC. The other $5 million went to the pro-GOP Congressional Leadership Fund.

Romney and Bain Capital – his start at building an evil ... 06, 2020 · Romney's appears as a tortured sanctimonious man, praying profusely over his decision whether to send a spear Trump's way in the impeachment saga. So he claims in his presentations to the media and on the Senate floor. There is much more to Mitt Romney. This noble man who is nothing more than a political hack, who…

Red State Rebels: Jim Risch we get to work and put partisan politics aside, we should be able to accomplish these things in the first 100 days of the next Congress." As the intro to his plan (available online) says, LaRocco "has more than 30 years experience in the financial services industry, …

Honduras Coup, Act IV, Day 6 « Mercury Rising ?? 26, 2009 · Update3: Paramilitary in plainclothes invaded the house of Congresswoman Silvia Ayala, seized a portable computer and telephones The pretend-government accused Zelaya of using the Brazilian embassy to plot a campaign of violence against Honduras. They also issued a series of demands on governments. They demand that Brazil resolve Zelaya's situation within 10 days.

Obsidian Wings: Let them eat pipe bombs - Open Thread 30, 2018 · by Ugh. As the liberal illuminati outsmart themselves by sending pipe bombs to their own leaders in a horribly failed attempt to distract from the overwhelming menace of a caravan of more than 100,000 heavily armed foot soldiers of Middle Eastern descent steadily marching toward the U.S.'s naked southern border, and due to get closer than 1,000 miles any day now, I present to you this open thread.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi | Out Foxing Karl Rove 11, 2008 · The U.S. House approved an auto bailout package Wednesday, but it could hit a roadblock in the Senate. The stopgap measure, approved by a vote of 237 to 170, is designed to let the new Congress and incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama craft a long-term solution.

Ojibwe Chairman Wiggins Lambasts Legislature 07, 2013 · Mincing no words by letter, Bad River Band Chairman Mike Wiggins, Jr. took Wisconsin legislators to task for ignoring tribal sovereignty throughout the production of a mining bill that would substantially degrade the Band's land, water and treaty rights. The Wisconsin State Journal explains: "As a Native Sovereign Nation, the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of the Chippewa enjoys the ...

No More Mister Nice Blog: RUDY GIULIANI SHOULD BE IN TRUMP ... 06, 2018 · Rudy Giuliani seems like President Trump's favorite adviser now, but if you know anything about Trump, you'll read between the lines of this Daily Beast story and realize that Rudy's days are probably numbered. Giuliani has become not just a lead attorney on Trump’s legal team but also a political adviser, a prominent media surrogate, and even an apparent foreign policy …

Why The Far-Right Still Supports a Progressive Candidate ... 20, 2019 · Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), one of the rising voices in modern American politics, has recently been plagued with controversy. Last Friday, the firebrand progressive announced her candidacy for the 2020 presidential election after cultivating a grassroots following of expected populist leftists and, surprisingly, members of the dreaded far-right.

politics | Voting Matters Blog 31, 2010 The So-Called Online Internet Primary in Oregon. Posted in Election reform, Elections, internet voting, politics, voting tagged Elections, internet voting, Oregon elections, Oregon Independent Party, politics at 6:49 pm by bluebanshee. Right now there’s a lot of hype, hoopla and hyperventilating about the nominating process of one of Oregon’s minor parties, the “Independent ...

Pickled Politics » Crazy Conservative the way, Nukh but sorry we ain’t looking for budding Michelle Malkins to write on here. This is a blog of “progressive” commentary, see? I think al-hack was saying that we need a madcap right wing Asian commentator in the media. That is a thought worth a shudder. Unless it’s a desi version of Michelle Malkin of course.

Buckdog: New West Partnership Agreement Is Flawed Flawed ... 03, 2010 · The first page describes it as “a comprehensive agreement to remove barriers to trade, investment and labour mobility [that] covers all public sector entities, including government ministries and their agencies, boards and commissions, Crown corporations, municipalities, school boards, and publicly-funded academic, health and social service ...

The Stygian Timeshttps://stygiantimes.blogspot.comMiddletown, CT public works employees spent a day of “hard bargaining” and agreed to a three year contract that includes a 3 to 3.25 percent wage increase each year but conceded higher medical co-payments. Wal-Mart is coming under increasing scrutiny by labor and humanitarian groups, as well as high profile politicians as the holidays ...

Record Number of Pakistani Britons May Become MPs 06, 2010 · Murtaza Ali Shah of Daily Jang writes exclusively for the Blog about the historical and political firsts that the election results will deliver and how this will set a new benchmark for Muslim and Pakistani communities here in the UK. A record number of …

George Washington First Continental... - Love Truth Peace ... this pageGeorge Washington First Continental Congress in 1774 Moorish Civic & Law. It was reported that George Washington summarized the raging debate on how to perpetuate slavery of the Moors (Unlawfully tagged "black" people) in 1774 at the First Continental Congress here in Philadelphia with this statement:

Stayin' Alive: January 2013 31, 2013 · Discussion of public health and health care policy, from a public health perspective. The U.S. spends more on medical services than any other country, but we get less for it. Major reasons include lack of universal access, unequal treatment, and underinvestment in public health and social welfare. We will critically examine the economics, politics and sociology of health and illness in the U.S ...

RIGHTWINGSPARKLE: 01/22/2006 - 01/29/2006 02, 2006 · But it is profoundly distressing if political discourse has sunk to a level where abusive name-calling and the crudest of sexual language are the norm, where facts have no place in an argument. This unbounded, unreasoning rage is not going …

Impractical Proposals: 2007/03 - 2007/04 03, 2007 · As the story notes, not the ultimate solution to the problem of FDA complicity with the drug profiteers, but it is a start. H.R. 676, Conyers’ United States National Health Insurance Act, is the only bill in Congress that pushes for a non-profit national healthcare system that will serve us all. It is the only bill among the many that ...

We are living in interesting times. IMO - It...'s crazy that this could be going on but it's following biblical and times prophecy to the letter. These the first Jesuit and Jesuits are not supposed to be Pope's as the Jesuits are the military enforcement arm of the Catholic Church. You should look up and read the Jesuit oath, it's horrific and sounds like something straight out of ISIS.

anti-Semitism | This Is with the idea of a “Thing ‘Everybody’ Does”, but what it really refers to is a bit more particular and circumstantial, such as a thing every [fill in the blank] does; to further refine that we might invoke notions of sociopolitical empowerment in order to explain that the blank should be filled by some context of something every [not of the group] does when addressing the group.

Did Raum Emanuel Scuttle Grijalva’s Nomination? | The ... 15, 2008 · Save bears Says: December 15, 2008 at 3:49 PM. Sounds like Politics as usual in Washington, I am disapointed, but really not surprised, until such time as we wash the long term good ole’ boys out of Washington DC, we are going to continue to get the results we are disappointed in, sorry, not speculation, but pure truth..

A few thoughts on the Tavis Smiley controversy – Skeptical ... 24, 2010 · I've seen some interesting commentary on Tavis Smiley deciding to bring back a black discussion forum on Obama's. CPL over at Jack and Jill Politics and also Shanti over at WEE SEE YOU. Here is my take: Given the remorseless hate, vitriolic racism and disingenuous histrionics that rain down on President Obama from the right,…

McCain’s “Friend”, Phil Gramm, Linked To Subprime Disaster ... 30, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 12:30 PM MST Phil Gramm stood by John McCain in his worst days last summer when his campaign went broke and his candidacy was all but written off by political observers. Photo: AP McCain guru linked to subprime crisis By LISA LERER | 3/28/08 2:06 PM EST The general co-chairman of John…

Minnesota Politics: 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 28, 2006 · He wants a quarter of all energy used in the state to come from renewable sources by 2025. He wants more E85, more money for research into producing ethanol from crops other than corn, and a reduction in fossil fuel use. He supports fining energy companies that don't comply, and tosses aside conservative concerns about regulation.

Walker's secret "disappeared" files may have been found ... 08, 2012 · The Political Corner. Walker's secret "disappeared" files may have been found. Jump to Latest Follow

Political talk radio | WordReference Forums 02, 2007 · Yesterday I was listening to a radio program that was talking about Air American which is a company that started up within the past 2 or 3 years for the express purpose of being a liberal counterbalance to right wing talk radio of the variety popularized by …

14 | November | 2018 | Wide World of Stuff 14, 2018 · Lost to me in all the political news last week was a pretty huge development concerning one of my two favorite television shows of all time. After years of denials and saying he wasn’t interested, the creator of “Breaking Bad”, Vince Gilligan, is reportedly making a movie based on the amazing television show. Tentatively called “Greenbrier,” it’s set to star Aaron Paul as Jesse ...

Iraq War | Under The LobsterScope the momentum for war built, the top corporate management became very nervous about having a show starring an anti-war liberal, so they fired Donahue Rick Ellis wrote at the time that General Electric-owned NBC had commissioned a study of its public image, and that the consultants produced a report in which they wrote, that Donahue was a ...

Israel Says, “We’ll Destroy Iran!” | The Rogue Jew 10, 2008 · Finally, a Jewish Politician in Israel with some balls! From WND: JERUSALEM – Israel will "destroy" Iran if Tehran decided to launch a war against the Jewish state, Israeli Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer said today. The unusually harsh warning from Ben-Eliezer, a former defense minister, was delivered as the official visited his ministry's war room,…

PREDICTABLE AS A SUNRISE - WordPress.com 03, 2015 · Another senseless act of domestic terrorism. Another brutal massacre of helpless unarmed citizens. Another political opportunity for socialists to blather about blaming a thing with no mind, no conscience, no will of its own. To a man, they rushed in front of cameras before any facts were known and blamed guns. OUR VERY OWN GRUNT…

surprised by Trump's comments | Bloviating, there was a “worldwide uproar” about Trump’s comments. But the comments were in fact proven true and, worse for Sweden, upheld by Swedish police officers. A SWEDISH police officer has launched a seething attack on the country’s politically correct approach to immigration as he claimed migrants were to blame for the most serious crimes.

Don Brash | Something should go here, maybe later. got Je Lan Brash on side but Don chose the Peter Keenan draft, and, politically, that was the right call. In a sense, it was fair enough for Keenan to call me, as reported in “The Hollow Men” “an idiot”. Nevertheless, I caused a bit of a fuss. I had paid for a table for 10 at the Orewa speech.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:USC is ranked way too'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Diplomacy – BnmnG’s image began to rally in some nations and to soar by the end of the decade following the election of Barack Obama, at least in Europe and parts of Asia and Latin America. After slipping a bit again in the first years of this decade, brand U.S. has stabilized and even recovered in …

Monday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 08, 2017 · During the chat, Mercer said the U.S. had started going in the wrong direction “after the passage of the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s,” according to the complaint. Mercer also said that black Americans “were doing fine” in the late 1950s and are the “only racist people remaining in the U.S.,” according to the complaint.

02 | March | 2020 | Dear Kitty. Some blog 02, 2020 · This 12 September 2019 video from the USA says about itself: Costs and Consequences of US Post-9/11 Wars: Focus on Climate Change. As we observe another anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attack, Neta Crawford, political scientist and co-director of the Costs of War project, discusses the environmental impacts of the post-9/11 wars.. Although greenhouse gas emissions from war were …

barack obama | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta - divagations d'un ... this pageThe Adelsons, in fact, are the largest single donors in American politics, accounting for a total of $26.5 million in gifts in this campaign between the two of them and their three daughters. Most of their gifts, $21.5 million, went to the pro-Gingrich Winning Our Future PAC. The other $5 million went to the pro-GOP Congressional Leadership Fund.

Visual Politics FYS: Too Thin 13, 2010 · The outcome was the models under 125 lbs were prohibited from walking on the runways. 5’8 ft is one of the shorter heights that are accepted for a model, with Madrid’s new rule that models had to weigh 125 lbs that would make their BMI 19.0, which is …

The Victory of DACA Is a Reminder that Nothing Will Put Us, DACA was the result of courageous undocumented young people doing sit-ins in Congress, mobilizing masses of people, and doing direct actions pressing Obama to do the humane thing. The sacrifice and passion that organizers put into this effort galvanized me and many others to keep organizing—and to aim for the collective liberation of ...

The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a 19, 2020 · The OCTOBER surprise will be OPENING an investigation into Biden, that will be shuttered as soon as it has done its intended ONLY damage, like ANNOUNCING the invest, with Ukraine. And, now, we KNOW, that Trump offered them one BILLION dollars, to open that investigation into Biden. Trump Offered Ukraine One Billion Dollars in Cash to Open Biden Investigation

Warp & Woof: November 2017 by William Sundwick writing on sci-tech, economics, sociology, anthropology, good health, politics, rock music, and cars

Crime & Federalism: Zoe Quinn Lied About Me in Front of ... 30, 2015 · Another day, another drama. Zoe Quinn recently appeared before some staffers in Congress to lie about me. Luckily for me I am not under an unconstitutional gag order and thus can respond to these lies and misrepresentations. This is what Ms. Quinn testified to under oath: "There's actually a cottage industry of people who contribute nothing but hatred of marginalized...

Timothy Mitchell Nationalism Imperialism Economism a ..., Imperialism, Economism: A Comment on Habermas Timothy Mitchell. T T o embark on a postnationalist politics we must revisit the history of nation-alism. But must we retell it as a history of the nation-state? Must we retell it the way nationalism tells it, as the story of how nations became states and states became nations? And must the history of the nation-state correspond to the ...

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:USC to leave Coliseum, play at'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

The Congressional Budget Office | The Pardu's Scroll the deficits in our baseline projections remain roughly stable as a percentage of GDP through 2018, they rise after that. The deficit in 2025 is projected to be $1.1 trillion, or 4.0 percent of GDP, and cumulative deficits over the 2016–2025 period are projected to total $7.6 trillion.

Butch Matthews | The Liberal Doomsayer Times is right that the state of Washington has this power, but it was not in the “fine print” of the Affordable Care Act (as the story itself makes clear). All states have had the option since Medicaid began in 1965 to recover some Medicaid costs from recipients after they die, as the Department of Health and Human Services explains in ...

Unemployment | The Liberal Doomsayer Times is right that the state of Washington has this power, but it was not in the “fine print” of the Affordable Care Act (as the story itself makes clear). All states have had the option since Medicaid began in 1965 to recover some Medicaid costs from recipients after they die, as the Department of Health and Human Services explains in ...

TalkLeft: The Politics Of one of an examination Foreword: This diary is the first in a series examining, inter alia, the political economy of the United States. Much of By jeffinalabama (2 comments) ?The Banks Are Made of Marble And banks want one thing: profits. It is easier to get a loan at a community bank or a credit union, By jeffinalabama (13 comments)

Dr Kevin Bonham: January 2015 and Australian psephology, opinion poll analysis, election analysis and political commentary by Dr Kevin Bonham.

Current - Hal Brown, MSW, Retired psychotherapist on ... Shaw lost his son Jas in 2008 to a Mexican gang member who had been released from jail 24 hours earlier. Shaw said politicians rallied around him and his family for a couple weeks following the incident, but no one stuck around to help him fight for immigration reforms that would improve Americans' security until Donald Trump launched his campaign last June.

Outside of the Liberal Media Bubble, George W. Bush ... 03, 2006 · Outside of the Liberal Media Bubble, George W. Bush Confidently Succeeds Jan 3, 2006 RUSH: So I see that James Risen’s book, the publication date is moved up to today.

A Chicken Is Not Pillage: Election 2012 speaking, it's been one of the most polarizing years I can think of. Here's hoping for a better 2012. We can make that happen. Many individuals, smart and otherwise, have argued loud and long that America has a two-party problem. We have a center right party and a far right party.

Israel « Mercury Rising ?? about Israel written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Tuesday Open Thread | Domestic Terrorists | 3CHICSPOLITICO 06, 2019 · A White Supremacist Domestic Terrorist, got in his car, and drove HUNDREDS OF MILES away from his home, to a place where he would have the maximum possibility for his given targets – LATINOS. Now, Texas has a sizeable Latino population throughout the state, but, the 40% Latino in Dallas just wasn’t good enough for him.

Stubborn Liberal: July 2013 31, 2013 · It has taken a lot of time for this to happen, but it is only a start. HuffingtonPost: Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are set to be dropped from the second-biggest radio network in the country, Politico reported Sunday night. Cumulus, which runs about 40 stations across the country, is prepared to part ways with the broadcasters over the high cost of distributing their shows, the report said.

Balkinization: Civil Liberties in "Wartime" I it sticks in my craw that Congressmen can vote for a bill that they have not read or had at a very minimum properly vetted to them by a responsible person. The same applies to a President. But good for my legal profession as we look, as W.C. Fields said, for "Loopholes, Loopholes!"

Not Even Kidding — I defy the stars; I defy Heaven and ...’t miss the fact that coinciding exactly with the push to increase mail-in voting, which would seriously jeopardize Trump’s reelection. you can’t have mail-in ballots if there’s no postal service, right?. Americans, please text USPS to 50409 and ResistBot will send a message to your senators and congressperson telling them to save the Post Office.

A Reddish Tone | The Moorish Wanderer 07, 2010 · Before I start digressing on my intimate political beliefs, I would like to share a thought : I think we missed an essential point in 1955 when Sultan Mohamed Ibn Youssef came back from his exile. We didn’t have a constituent assembly or convention to …

Those Wacky Foreigners | Blevkog 02, 2009 · Those Wacky Foreigners Posted on February 2, 2009 February 2, 2009 by Specto in Canadian politics , Liberal Apparently the New York Times has decided to laud praise on Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff, referring to him as sort of a Canadian Barack Obama.

CNN: Donald Trump Just Keeps Saying Things That Aren’t ... 13, 2017 · The following is an excellent analysis by Chris Cillizza on the CNN Politics website on April 12, 2017 titled "CNN: Donald Trump Just Keeps Saying Things That Aren't True" and I quote: "Donald Trump just keeps saying things that aren't true" Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-Large Updated 2:49 PM ET, Wed April 12, 2017…

Gauche | The Moorish Wanderer this pageMay 07, 2013 · In Moroccan context, Liberal intellectuals are the pre co-opted ones (by the Makhzen, that is), and represent this transition Makhzen tactics implement before absorbing the ex- (radical) intellectual. Some former political prisoners, often well-educated and of broad-minds, believed they could ‘change the system from within’.

IRS, 501 (c)(4), Opportunity For Abuse, Greed And 24, 2013 · A serious problem from the late 1950s that was fueled by the conservatives on the SCOTUS via Citizens United. www.politicsandlawblog.comtruebornsonsofliberty.blogspot.comOpen Secrets. Educating where others do not dare! Marc Antoine, while you read (if you wish)I. Latin QuarterII. SunlandIII. …

Heller: How to avoid the debt crisis — Mumble? | Desert 25, 2011 · Nevada's anointed Senator, Dean Heller (R) released this interesting commentary on "How To Avoid The Debt Crisis." "Wednesday, June 22, 2011 (Washington, DC) – Today U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) made the following statement on Congressional Budget Office’s 2011 Long-Term Budget Outlook. “The latest budget projections prove that both this Administration …

The Political Government Of The United Stateshttps://govusa.blogspot.comAug 13, 2010 · According to my fellow colleague, Jade Williams, Jade discusses in her article Farewell Iraq, about the speech President Barack Obama gave at the University of Texas last week.Even though the President gave a speech that was shifted more towards education than the troops, Jade states that his mention of bringing back over 94,000 troops truly had excited her.

Obsidian Wings: It's 2,000 & 20: do u know where ur ... represent more troops than any other member of this body. I buried one of them earlier today at Arlington, and that sergeant died a patriot and a hero. If the members of our armed services have the courage to go fight and die in these wars, as Congress we …

Walk Like An Egyptian | The Smirking couldn't agree more. I have been a witness for 60 years of Americas development of a new meaning for democracy. Democracy is an obedient population that even if it disagrees with its rulers has the attention span of a Gnat and quickly returns its attention to he 'telly'.The mouthings of US politicians like Hilary Clinton etc only make sense if you understand that by democracy and human ...

Political Weasels | thoughtcrimes and misdemeanors maybe we should think of 2008 as the year when the whole house of cards we’ve all been living in fell to the floor. There was the presidential election, which filled up our ears for way too many months with noise and lies and distortions and endless debates and oh the spinning and spinning and spinning and stop the world, please, I’m ...

The Useless Tree: Shihuangdi was the most ruthless, inhumane of them all. And he was the ultimate victor of the Warring States period. His state, Qin, unified, by brutal force of arms, all the rest. Moreover, the political structure and legal system developed by Qin continued on long after the demise of …

Glenn Greenwald | B.D.'s Last Refuge that they would know Glenn, either. This aspect of political journalism, while widely-enough attended to keep it going, is actually fairly obscure. Yes, FOX News may be the #1 cable news station, but it’s a cable news station. The top-rated cable news station averages a little under three and a …

past behavior best indicator of future behavior 22, 2012 · past behavior best indicator of future behavior Posted: Jan 22, 2012. If you Google Newt and Airforce One you will find that he absolutely admitted that one of his motivations for shutting down the government years ago was that he was angry at Clinton for making him sit in the rear of the plane and exit through the rear.

Harold Ford, Jr. Don Imus’s Nappy Headed Ho – Skeptical Brotha 24, 2007 · "The majority of Negro political leaders do not ascend to prominence on the shoulders of mass support. Although genuinely popular leaders are now emerging, most are selected by white leadership, elevated to position, supplied with resources, and inevitably subjected to white control. The mass of Negroes nurtures a healthy suspicion toward these manufactured leaders."

Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure | Beach Peanuts 2-1-12) Among other things that Joe Lieberman professes to be “incensed” over in the health care debate is the view of “liberal bloggers” who have taken issue with his actions to block health care reform and the conflict that exists in his wife Hadassah Liberman’s position as Global Ambassador for the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure Foundation. Those bloggers have urged the ...

Propaganda | Veritas Nihilum Vincet I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income – to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That’s what I’m opposed to. A dumb war.

18 | November | 2010 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 18, 2010 · Just another political hack who is getting paid off by Obama, while the world goes to hell in a hand-basket. Here is the important number to recall: The U.S. contributes 22 percent of the U.N.’s regular operating budget and 25 percent of the peacekeeping budget.

Binky Pinghttps://binkyping.blogspot.comRomney Announces "Political outsider" Mitt Romney announced his candidacy for President today.Remember that in a world where George W. Bush, a president's son and senator's grandson, can run for president as the anti-Washington candidate, Mitt Romney, a second-generation governor and now second-generation presidential hopeful, may as well be from Mars.

Blogger’s Choice Awards | Eternal Bachelor 23, 2007 · 18 May 2007. The Best Political Blog Awards at the Blogger’s Choice Awards has Angry Harry amongst the nominations.. At the moment, Sir Harry has 16 votes, one of them being mine. If you could – and, of course, if you agree his blog is better than all the others there (such as feministing; the real one, not the parody) – it’d be great if you guys could vote for Angry Harry’s site.

31 | December | 2009 | TheZoo 31, 2009 · I am a big fan of John Nichols. This is an important post. I think it’s important to remember how this nightmare of a decade started.. Good Riddance to Decade That Began With Theft of the Presidency by John Nichols. The British press has taken to referring to the passing decade as “the Noughties” has made quite a big deal of trying to identify the political, economic and cultural trends ...

Dirty Harry, Mitch McConnell and the Rule of Law | Sheila ... most egregious in my memory was the congressional district in North Carolina that ran the length of the state along the I-95 corridor less than 1 mile wide. As the residents in that “district were almost exclusively African-American, the racism of diluting every district adjacent is obvious.

Rule of Law? Respect for Democracy? Not in the Age of ... Carolina has blatantly moved back in time to the post-Civil War Soverienty (note the capital S) rule. This later became the (White implied) Citizen’s Councils (1954, white separation/white supremacy sub-groups), after 1956 named Citizens’ Councils of American and on to Council of Conservative Citizens in 1985 which was/is? a collaboration of KKK and white supremist political agendas.

Frederick Politics: 2019 20 of the 25 announced candidates qualifying for the first debate, it created insurmountable obstacles for the moderators. Splitting the debate into two nights with ten candidates each night helped in the logistics. But, it remained too many candidates on stage and difficult for voters to tune in for a two hour debate two nights in a row.

THE SATURDAY AFTERNOON POST: GOD, AND JESUS, ARE …"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to cast a stone at her." - John 8:7 - "Do not judge, lest you too be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." - Matthew 7:1 & 2 - "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy." - Matthew 5:7 -

New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan 29, 2014 · For a member of the state's congressional delegation, Senator Martin Heinrich is taking a rare foray into state politics. He's publicly endorsing the years-long drive to use a portion of the state's giant Land Grant Permanent Fund (over $14 billion) to fund very early childhood programs. And Heinrich's announcement had edge--he made it before the ABQ Chamber of Commerce, the epicenter …

Political Things | Bahamas Black Book: All Ya Business is right about people being put in danger but he was the first one to do that by adding Burrows’ name to the email and then going further by publishing photos supposedly of Burrows. In a tit for tat, we were supplied with the outline of the whole Bahamas Press operation as well as photos of Francis.

Bernie? | Blue Mass Group Bernie has moved the party to the left on domestic issues. While that may dilute his message, it also makes him more authentic and trusted than candidates who just follow the political winds. Bernie has been saying the same thing for a LONG time. He also has a unique opportunity to distinguish himself on foreign policy. This is an area ...

alias Bruce.: July 2011 31, 2011 · Yale constitutional law professor Jack M. Balkin makes an eyebrow-raising argument for three tactics -- one of them bizarre but all of them in Balkin's mind arguably constitutional and doable -- that President Obama can use to get around the debt ceiling crisis if Congress fails to act. I won't try to restate Balkin's suggestions here -- the guy teaches constitutional law, after all -- but I ...

vp debate | The Liberal Crab, it’s mostly, “I don’t like Obama’s policy’s and want to vote for McCain. However, I am very concerned about Sarah Palin.” In many ways the debate tonight is the referendum on Palin and the McCain campaign. They have much to lose with a poor performance and a …

state secrets privilege | American Commentary Blog 09, 2009 · This is what Senator Leahy had to say: Leahy Statement. This is what Congresswoman Maloney said: Rep. Maloney Statement. Here are the assessments of Senator Lautenberg–Sen. Lautenberg Statement—and Senator Grassley–Sen. Grassley Statement. By attacking my credibility, you are also attacking your colleagues, including many on your side of ...

02 | October | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 02, 2008 · But, it’s mostly, “I don’t like Obama’s policy’s and want to vote for McCain. However, I am very concerned about Sarah Palin.” In many ways the debate tonight is the referendum on Palin and the McCain campaign. They have much to lose with a poor performance and a …

Government and Politics « Conservative Colloquium the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance.” –Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 7

Purple Hearts for EVERYONE! | Life Is A Cookie 13, 2008 · There is discussion in military circles to bestow the Military Order of the Purple Heart to soldiers with psychological wounds as well as physical ones … and the dividing line is just where you’d expect — smack dab between the liberal, commie, pinko-pansies who either know, love or treat some loser who can’t deal and those good ol’ warmongers who enjoy a good killin’ and a little ...

05 | September | 2010 | Under The LobsterScope 05, 2010 · It’s one of my classics, Bill’s Barnhart Ornaments, being given as a gift for all who support Under The LobsterScope with a contribution of $5.00 or more. In 2004 I started Under The LobsterScope during the election season. For six years I have presented the best liberal-oriented material I could find and my own comments on politics and the arts (and a few other subjects).

Rep Louie Gohmert | TheZoo - TheZoo | Every man must ... 04, 2014 · Courtesy of the good people at Right Wing Watch, we learn what’s got the right wing’s knickers in a twist.From soldiers being sent to West Africa to deliberately contract Ebola (a US Congressman actually said this) to gays trying to recruit your sons (I don’t hear them expressing any concern about your daughters, just your sons) to Obama coming for your guns (again, and for …

Computers | angrykeyboarder's blog ( Tech, Tips, Rants ... about Computers written by Scott. angrykeyboarder's blog ( Tech, Tips, Rants, Lefty Politics, Geeks, Mental Health, Moar )

Donald Trump | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today; Home

Formalized Impeachment Inquiry Procedure Passed | Sohum ... 31, 2019 · Meanwhile, if articles of impeachment are passed and forwarded to the Senate, it doesn’t just go to a “jury of the defendant’s peers” it goes to a jury dominated by the defendant’s own political party, with a requirement for a 2/3 vote to convict.

How About Giving The Faithful A Hand-Up, Chuck? (Update ... 28, 2017 · Across the land, Chaput, who declined a request for a sit-down interview, sees “an unraveling of bonds, an aging of the spirit, a fatigue with the world,” and “a loss of purpose and hope.” I suppose there could have been a schedule conflict, but if Chucky declined an interview with O’Reilly, who is pretty sympathetic I must say, then ...

Sandy Rios – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America this morning’s episode of American Family Radio’s “Sandy Rios in the Morning” program, Rios reacted to news that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had been arrested in London “on behalf of the United States” after a 2018 U.S. indictment charging Assange with conspiracy to illegally gain access to a Defense Department computer in order to obtain classified material was unsealed.

ken wilber | Stephen Curtiss Rose’s a good tip: Be 100 percent consistent with FactCheck, the Web site The New York Times uses to evaluate accuracy in the Presidential campaigns. Issues that crop up on the FactCheck site are easily addressed and the following responses can be used to advantage.. 1. The Congressional Black Caucus. “While the group’s membership is racially exclusive, its stated goals are not.

Pledge of Allegiance | The Liberal Doomsayer the “rush to judgment” files, I give you the following from Irrational Spew Online (with the 101st Keyboard Kommandoes deciding that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the accused gunman in the Fort Hood shootings, was just some terrist lurking under everybody’s nose but enabled by those damn liberals and their political correctness)…. There is a reason the Pledge of Allegiance asks us to ...

ACLU | Lonnie Walker's Blog 13, 2008 · As soon as the news hit the media, the liberals were out there right on cue talking about how this piece of sh*t didn’t get his constitutional rights. Well Boo freaking hooo. I have a hard time feeling sorry for a piece of sh*t that goes over to the muslim world and participates in selection targets in this country to attack us with.

Lou Engle – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Engle Calls For God To Take Out Judges Who Uphold Abortion Rights By Peter Montgomery – Dominionist Lou Engle, taking part in multi-day Ohio gathering of the Religious Right group POTUS Shield called on Friday for God to “sweep away” Supreme Court justices and federal judges who would uphold Roe v. Wade, suggesting that God could do so by converting them or killing them.

Tony Blair | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog | Page 2 hilcot and the courts won’t do it, so it is up to us to show that we won’t let an illegal act of mass murder go unpunished . by George Monbiot, The Guardian/UK, January 26, 2010 The only question that counts is the one that the Chilcot inquiry won’t address: was the war with Iraq illegal? If the answer is yes, everything changes. The war is no longer a political matter, but a criminal ...

Gore Vidal endorses Dennis Kucinich | progressivenetwork 16, 2012 · from Gore Vidal, 2/16/12 Dennis Kucinich was a voice of sanity after 9/11, cautioning against lashing out at the world. He led the effort in Congress opposing George Bush’s Iraq War. His October 2002 analysis of the call for war against Iraq stands today as a statement of clarity of vision and courage which, if…

PEPFAR | The Liberal Doomsayer Amy Sullivan here at Time tells us the following (in a story timed for World AIDS Day, which took place yesterday)…. George W. Bush didn’t get a whole lot of attaboys on his way out of the White House. But on World AIDS Day near the end of last year, the outgoing U.S. President was the man of the hour, fielding praise from global health advocates and world leaders for the President’s ...

Intrepid Liberal Journal: 2012 21, 2012 · As the July 12, 2012, edition of Foreign Policy magazine reported, “Out of Romney's 24 special advisors on foreign policy, 17 served in the Bush-Cheney administration. If Romney were to win, it's likely that many of these people would serve in his administration in some capacity -- a frightening prospect given the legacy of this particular group.

Intrepid Liberal Journal: July 2009 Liberal Journal A forum for civil debate that promotes progressive alternatives to current challenges and a firm voice for the Patriotic Left. Sunday, July 19, 2009. The Death of Why?: An Interview With Author Andrea Batista Schlesinger.

State of the Union | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Of The Union 2011: Speech, Reaction & Commentary (LIVE UPDATES) AP/The Huffington Post Posted: 01/25/11 10:32 AM. Standing before a nation clamoring for jobs, President Barack Obama will call for targeted spending to boost the economy but also for budget cutting in Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, his first in a new era of divided political power.

THOUGHT MERCHANT | Politics and Commentary for the ...’A, Oct. 30 2010 (Saba) – No UPS cargo planes left Yemen to other countries in the last days and there are no direct flights from Yemen to the United Kingdom or the United States, a Yemeni official said, after allegations that British and U.S. officials had found suspicious packages on planes that originated in Yemen.. The official wondered how the media mentioned the name of Yemen ...

Liberals | The DC World Affairs Blog | Page 2 serene, calm, aloof, you stand as the Nation’s war guardians, as its lifeguards from the raging tides of international conflict, as its gladiators in the arena of battle. For a century and a half you have defended, guarded and protected its hallowed traditions of liberty and freedom, of right and justice.

Harold Ford Jr, Prince of Tennessee – Skeptical Brotha 25, 2007 · Writing about this for the first time last year in the post Jake Ford, Tale of a Puppet, I said, “ You see, Mr. Harold is a lobbyist of high standing, having turned to the profession after two decades in Congress and a perilous brush with a fraud indictment.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Daily Headliners--Public doesn't ... 09, 2007 · Of course, good news for the Bush White House in using the public to convince Congress into continuing to fund the war until after President Bush leaves the White House in January, 2009. The bad news here for the administration is that the …

The Immoral Minority: Joe Biden says that the Obama ... 06, 2018 · Joe Biden says that the Obama Administration wanted a bipartisan response to the Russian interference in the last election but were blocked by Mitch McConnell. Courtesy of Politico : Joe Biden said Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stopped the Obama administration from speaking out about Russian interference in the 2016 ...

The Rude Pundit 05, 2004 · Wiping the cum from his hand with Colin Powell's hankie, Bush rhapsodized, "You're doing a superb job," cooing the sweet nothings about Rumsfeld as the call for the Defense Secretary's nuts on a platter grows louder. Option One: a public propping-up of the rep of a disgraced official before he "offers" his resignation.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 04/19/2020 - 04/26/2020 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Buckdog: Looks Like Stephen Harper Locked Himself In ... 09, 2011 · "According to a Brazilian report, Prime Minister Stephen Harper locked himself in a bathroom when discussions with President Dilma Rousseff went awry over the timing of toasts during a state lunch. The Brazilian news website Folha says Harper, in Brasilia for trade talks, took to the bathroom of Brazil's foreign minister in a mini-protest over ...

Gnomicon: Politically Incorrect Thought Experiment 10, 2008 · I don't think we should look for a VP to just step in if something horrific were to happen to a president. Even if a president has to have a root canal and be put to sleep, the VP has to take over for that period of time. There are many small instances like this that we don't often think about where a VP takes over. 5:08 PM Sarah said...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Could Mapp be key to Jerry Green's future? 07, 2013 · State Sen. Ray Lesniak tried to get Plainfield Assemblyman Jerry Green to give up his hard-won laurels in the Legislature to run for Mayor of Plainfield, according to a story in today's PolitickerNJ (see here). Now, why on earth would Sen. Lesniak ask Jerry to give up an Assembly career to which he has devoted himself for more than two decades?

President Obama Punk Slaps Entire GOP Field ... is who we are! This is what we stand for! The only way we can win is to be aggressive. We can’t “policy-wonkify” our way through this process, we have to speak with one singular voice as Obama did and punch them in their political faces. Tell them to their faces to quit lying about supporting the middle-class and back it up with facts.

November 2013 – Politics Plus is her sixth Big Mouth Award, having also posted the 28,000th comment in January, the 31,000th comment in May, the 33,000th comment in July, and the 35,000th in September 2012. She also posted the 41,000th in March of this year. Patty’s is still a MAJOR Jig Zone predator, and is now known as the …

Catholic – OK, Fine. - OK, Fine. – reasonably liberal. to the publication “Patheos,” on April 30th last year – the day after the bungled execution of Oklahoma prisoner Clayton Lockett – the Most Rev. Paul S. Coakley, Archbishop of Oklahoma City, said the unprecedented execution of the convicted killer underscored the brutality of the death penalty and urged Oklahomans to weigh carefully the demands of justice and mercy.

Cuba | Bloviating 02, 2016 · This is nothing more than a reward to Cuba, with zero expected in return. Cuba arrested over 8,000 “political prisoners” just this year. Cuban-Americans are disgusted. Obama has extended political legitimacy to this dictatorship. This is a 55-year-old policy overturned. Obama’s transcript is here.

Raggio | Desert Beacon 23, 2010 · >Way back, in time immemorial, DB had periodic occasion to work with Nevada Senate Majority Leader William Raggio (R-WA). We probably agreed on a handful of things, such as the Sun emerging in the east every morning, while the remaining political differences were vastly separated in terms of priorities and philosophy.

Norm Coleman | Smart Liberal and Female is not good news for Team Franken. However, with approximately 80% of the vote counted, 3594 ballots are being challenged by both sides. Team Coleman is challenging 1836 and Team Franken is challenging 1758.

A Fate Worse Than Slavery, Unearthed in Sugar Land Texas ... 29, 2018 · Bodies of sugar cane workers recently discovered in Texas reveal gruesome details about the convict leasing system. The blood-drenched history that gave the city of Sugar Land, Tex., its name showed its face earlier this year, when a school construction crew discovered the remains of 95 African-Americans whose unmarked graves date back more than a…

minnesota | Smart Liberal and Female Liberal and Female. ... are approximately 314,000,000 people living in the United States. In 2008 a little over 129,000,000 voted. According to a link I found on factcheck ... -turnout/) 61.6% of those that could legally vote did. It’s amazing to me that more people don’t vote. Voting may be one of the greatest rights we have in this ...

Marian's Blog: Radio Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney's running mate Rosa Clemente did a very informative interview earlier today with Kojo Nnamdi of WAMU-fm (part of American University). Great interview, Rosa. You can hear it online here.It seemed a bit strange when Clemente referenced history of the Young Lords political party and compared them to the Black Panthers.

Political Irony › Do you have regrets yet? 26, 2017 · And speaking of being conned, consider the case of the Beristains.Roberto Beristain is a respected businessman who owns a popular restaurant, creates jobs, is a well-loved citizen of his town and father of three American-born children, is married to an American citizen, and is so squeaky clean he has never even gotten a parking ticket.

Blogs | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

When “Best and Brightest” is Too Elitist | Sheila Kennedy listened–very briefly–to the Congressional hearings on the unfortunate, embarrassing roll-out of the federal Affordable Care site. The problems with that site have been amply documented, and I certainly don’t want to minimize what they tell us about the current level of bureaucratic competency–in this case, the ability of federal officials to adequately supervise and manage private ...

Cerulean Cave Artist — I love this guys so much that i ...’t miss the fact that coinciding exactly with the push to increase mail-in voting, which would seriously jeopardize Trump’s reelection. you can’t have mail-in ballots if there’s no postal service, right?. Americans, please text USPS to 50409 and ResistBot will send a message to your senators and congressperson telling them to save the Post Office.

IMHO: March 2015'Niceguy' Eddie. Political Talk Show Host and Internet Radio Personality. My show, In My Humble Opinion, aired on RainbowRadio from 2015-2017. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. You can also friend me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, and Tumblr, and support my Patreon. Also, if you don't mind the stench, you can find my unofficial "fan club" over HERE.

Wednesday Open Thread | A “Special Place in Hell ... 27, 2016 · Is there a special place in hell for the women like Hillary Clinton, Barbara A. Mikulski who did not support @DonnaFEdwards in her bid for the US Senate? Or Is “There’s a special place in hell for …

Political Irony › The Sarah Palin Song 04, 2008 · Hearing Hey There Delilah is going to make me laugh for a while now. Wednesday, October 8, 2008 ... of wealth to the wealthy for the past 20 years. Look at the economic expansion in the U.S. since 1980…for the first time in American history, the middle class has not benefited from an economic expansion in line with the country’s GDP ...

The riots in Baltimore teach us much about America. They ... 28, 2015 · Summary: Political violence is a flare over society illuminating aspects of America about which we could otherwise only guess. This post attempts to describe things obvious but unstated in the ...

CNN | Missouri Communication 16, 2011 · I am extremely interested in working on political campaigns someday and will keep my copy of The Selling of the President for a future career. The least interesting part of the class would have to be reviewing the Graber book. I really liked all the articles, but when it was the only thing we did in class, it seemed repetitive and boring.

Why I’m supporting Richard Marks | Sohum Parlance II 20, 2009 · Why I’m supporting Richard Marks. October 20, 2009 in ... This was a major transition period from the “old San Francisco” of racial and economic diversity to a more affluent young white liberalism producing a new SF culture of what Harold Solomon called “homogenized arrogance” and what the SF Bay Guardian referred to as “the world ...

Occupy Wallstreet Scumbags | Lonnie Walker's Blog 28, 2011 · One of the reasons I’m not surprised is that liberals tell us that we should release all of the people jailed for selling and using drugs and we’d save money on their incarseration. The one thing these morons refuse to acknowledge is how many kid’s died because of drugs.

Glenn Greenwald | The Liberal Doomsayer 4/14/17: Stephens recently won a gig as a columnist at The Old Gray Lady, where he no doubt will challenge BoBo as the leading white male practitioner of talking down to women, people of color and LGBTQ gender preferences – I think a good column to link to as a rejoinder of sorts (h/t Atrios).

Daylee News Nuggets: News Nuggets 726 24, 2011 · Nuggetsman Jared Day is a college professor who has been teaching 20th century US history at Carnegie Mellon University since 2004. He is the author or co-author of several books and numerous peer-reviewed articles dealing with many political, urban and …

FAU BEPI Latino Swing States Poll | Swing State | Politics ... BEPI Latino Swing States Poll - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Here is what FAU BEPI released on September 22.

Christine O’Donnell | Lonnie Walker's Blog 27, 2010 · The First Amendment truly does not say anything about the separation of church and state. Most liberals attempt to say a religious person should not be elected because of this supposed separation of church and state. I’m going to give you a free history lesson on that part of the first …

President Trump: The NEW one and only politics thread 09, 2020 · In any other administration, this would be a worthy project and the President would use it for ribbon-cutting photo ops. But Trump will forget he ordered it and by June, we'll be reading stories about how administration officials/donors, etc. are skimming off the top and like six box lunches have reached the food banks.

Open Thread–6/17/2020 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · By the end of this encounter, Jones would be dead. Armed only with a knife tucked into his sleeve, he was tased four times, hit in the brachial plexus, kicked, and placed in a choke hold. In his final moments, he lay on the ground between a stone wall and a wall of five police officers, who collectively fired 22 bullets.

Infrastructure | Beaver County Blue: Voice of the 17th CD ... jobs for cleaner bulk transport. By J.D. Prose Beaver County Times. USep 17, 2019 – POTTER TWP. — Tuesday offered beautiful weather for a tugboat ride on the Ohio River to view the Shell Chemicals’ ethane cracker plant site, but it was a distressing situation on those same waters that concerned an influential Ohio congresswoman.

William Morris | Dear Kitty. Some blog 04, 2012 · Alongside an idea of the techniques that Morris used in his factory and his insistence that it was a decent place to work – not a sweatshop. However – and where the new gallery’s integrated approach to Morris’s life and politics hits home – care is taken to show how his love of good design and craft production led him ...

war | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! and War. By Mustang. Given our history (World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq), the American people no longer trust their government to make proper decisions, moral decisions —but the decision to go to war isn’t up to the American people; the issue is always decided by those whom the American people choose to lead them, or represent them in Congress.

impolitic eye: January 2011 30, 2011 · For a several days, I tried to find a good alternative without turning to another Blue Mountain Brewing beer. In the end, though, their Evil 8 won out. It had just been released (a plus), and as a good, clean dubbel it would make a nice companion for a rich, rustic dish like the cassoulet.

counterspinyc: Not Insane. 24, 2009 · FRUM: I’m for a big payroll-tax holiday that would go into effect immediately. MATTHEWS: I know about the payroll, uh—in other words, it gets money back in the hands of people who are working people, right? FRUM: Up to a hundred and twenty dollars per week per worker, starting last month. MATTHEWS: But it sounds like a liberal argument. The funny thing is, the liberals haven’t …

May | 2008 | Life Is A Cookie | Page 4 14, 2008 · There is discussion in military circles to bestow the Military Order of the Purple Heart to soldiers with psychological wounds as well as physical ones … and the dividing line is just where you’d expect — smack dab between the liberal, commie, pinko-pansies who either know, love or treat some loser who can’t deal and those good ol’ warmongers who enjoy a good killin’ and a little ...

Delaware First | kavips 08, 2016 · The title clues you in on the first… Delaware has a claim on first spot no other state can match. Now, for more. Let’s for a moment assume that Delaware votes to hold their presidential primary on January 2nd, 2016.. Of course it causes an uproar among many and in todays “Trumped up” media world, an uproar is good for politics.

Cringy Political Cartoons Megathread | Kiwi Farms 06, 2017 · It's sad how these people have the belief that black people don't have any freewill or sense of responsibility so they have no choice, but to do wrong. Yes, politics, poverty and race can play a big part and the bootstrap theory can be naive (everyone needs help every now and then), but it shouldn't make you a slave to fate.

Open Thread–3/5/2020 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · But it’s still progress. Sounds like you are making some. Cartoon – So true. DKos – I was glad to see she had prevailed. The mention of family, the pictures on the desk, the ring – all of these are things homophobes want to deny to gay people and falsely claim they are not rights. ... This is similar to an article in the NYT, about ...

Oregon – Page 2 – Politics Plus’s a hectic day, here in the CatBox. First, I overslept and got up 90 minutes late. Then I spent 90 minutes on breakfast. It’s a pain, but it’s been several days, since I last lost a meal. Then my oncologist sent me an extensive online questionnaire, and I spent 30 minutes on that. Needless to say, I’m behind schedule.

Stubborn Liberal: December 2007 30, 2007 · Stubborn Liberal These are the rants and raves of a stubborn-headed, midwestern, baby boomer, liberal, wife, mother, and grandmother. My goals are to speak my mind and educate others about some of the events in our world. Sunday, December 30, 2007.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: GOP vs Obama vs Oil Company Tax ... 11, 2011 · The Obama administration is targeting nine tax breaks, according to a paper from the left-leaning Center for American Progress. Four account for the lion's share of the money: Domestic manufacturing tax deduction: This is the largest single tax break, and would save over $1.7 billion a …

Corporate Plutocracy or Faux Democracy? | Bud Meyers 18, 2011 · When only large corporations and the wealthiest among us rule politicians, democracy is lost, and we are no longer self-governed. Democracy is generally defined as a form of government in which all adult citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Ideally, this includes equal and direct participation in the proposal, development and passage of legislation into law.

Rachid Nini | The Moorish Wanderer trouble is, they get mixed up, they think of themselves as the new-era politicians, the standard-bearers of their readers (especially when their readership is 80.000-100.000 per year, about 14% of total nationwide readers (OJD figures, 2010) a hefty market share, large enough for Mr Nini to believe he is a Vox Populii (and you know the saying, Vox Populi, Vox Dei) and sometimes, in his ...

Depends On What The Meaning Of Not Is – Trail Mix 18, 2018 · the hill: Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) on Tuesday called for the American translator present during President Trump‘s one-on-one meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin to tell Congress what was said. “I believe the Senate Foreign Relations Committee should hold a hearing with the American translator who was present during President Trump and President Putin’s private …

Janet Porter – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who continued to insist that Moore lost his race due entirely to rampant voter fraud, said that she is counseling Moore to consider making another run for the Senate in 2020 or challenge current Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey in November. – Janet Porter: Working For Roy Moore Was Like ‘Working For A Founding Father’!!! Trump’s lawyer paid $130K hush money to adult film star alleged to ...

TV | the plaid lemur 24, 2008 · The reviling McCain campaign volunteer* is suddenly very upset with the media for creating a ‘political firestorm‘ over her allegations that she was beaten, robbed, sexually assaulted, and mutilated by a 6’4? black man who did these things simply because she had a McCain bumper sticker on her car. Yes, that’s right, she is claiming that it’s the media’s fault that her hoax was ...

Unemployment | Beach Peanuts, politicians are known to stretch the truth on occasion, but different. Ever since President Obama was elected, the GOP have all but launched attack after attack, blocked every form of legislation, and tried to bring government to a halt. Merely because they lost the 2008 election.

Jeff Sessions – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America this week, one of the members of that board, Richard Land of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, appeared on the “Point of View” radio program, where he told host Kerby Anderson that he has been shocked by how much influence he and other Religious Right activists have had over the make-up of Trump’s administration. – Thank you, Southern Baptists The so-called

Glenn Beck | The Moorish Wanderer 09, 2011 · The trouble is, they get mixed up, they think of themselves as the new-era politicians, the standard-bearers of their readers (especially when their readership is 80.000-100.000 per year, about 14% of total nationwide readers (OJD figures, 2010) a hefty market share, large enough for Mr Nini to believe he is a Vox Populii (and you know the saying, Vox Populi, Vox Dei) and sometimes, in his ...

Zero Symbolismhttps://zerosymbolism.blogspot.comIn his New York Times op/ed Paul Krugman detailed the whining and the screeching of the GOP political elite as they flail about knowing that Occupy Wall Street has got their number. He pointed out one of the funnier reactions: My favorite, however, is Senator Rand Paul, who for some reason worries that the protesters will start seizing iPads, because they believe rich people don’t deserve to ...

Dispassionate Liberal: So? Cheney Strikes Again 12, 2008 · This is the very same ideology that led to the United States athorizing war crimes like torture and extraordinary rendition, to wiretapping everything and everybody, and invading Iraq after ignoring the UN, the weapons inspectors, any contrary intelligence, and Congress's requirement that all diplomatic avenues be exhaused under the AUMF. It ...

LABOR | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today; Home; LEARN

nature of politics | Conservatism In The United States ... of politics - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

Bill Clinton meddled in Russian Election | BUNKERVILLE ... 19, 2016 · President Bill Clinton meddled in Russian affairs in the 1990s and helped Boris Yeltsin get elected to a second term, political analyst Dick Morris told Newsmax TV. “I think that Putin resented that, hated it, thought that it was an inappropriate intervention by Bill Clinton and I think he’s determined to take his revenge out on Hillary ...

YouTube | We Have Seen Better Days“From the mind-bending idea that four guys dressed as pizza delivery men were going to out-gun all the soldiers at Fort Dix…” – Keith Olbermann (MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, June 4, 2007) There was a time when I watched Keith Olbermann with information-starved objectivity. Now, after having a several-years long change of personal and political belief systems (for the ...

21 | May | 2017 | Dear Kitty. Some blog 21, 2017 · This is also the first test of Podemos’ new strategic line after the party’s recent congress. Iglesias’ victory over his former deputy leader Íñigo Errejón has allowed him to pursue a more conflictual and left-wing direction, focusing on polarizing the political space along populist lines and seeking closer ties with social movements.

13 | June | 2007 | Dear Kitty. Some blog 13, 2007 · This video is works of Frida Kahlo and the song La Llorona.. AFP reports:. Mexico opens unprecedented exhibit of Frida Kahlo‘s art work. June 13, 2007 – 8:28AM. The multi-faceted work of painter Frida Kahlo will be on display in Mexico starting Wednesday in the largest-ever exhibit of her paintings, including unpublished documents shedding light on her militant politics and family life.

South Dakota | The Liberal Doomsayer is an attempt to re-spin the finding here from last year that the Obama White House spent $1.4 billion on vacations, which was totally ridiculous when it was first pronounced for the reasons noted here (actually, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs did an …

Margaret Spellings | The Liberal Doomsayer know a bit behind the news cycle, what with Willard Mitt Romney basically writing off 47 percent of this country as believing that we’re “dependent” on government, or something (here…oh yeah, like Romney isn’t, insofar as “government” decides what his tax rate is), but I still think this needs to be discussed, particularly the following…

Wednesday Open Thread | NY AG Tish James on Maddow ... 01, 2019 · "Being attorney general of the United States is a sacred trust. You have betrayed that trust," Senator Hirono tells Barr. When she asks Barr if he thinks it's okay for a president to ask his White House counsel to lie, Barr doesn't have a ready response. — Tim O'Brien (@TimOBrien) May 1, 2019

Uncategorized | VIRAL POLITICS 02, 2017 · Indeed, a major theme of my research on the persuasive dimension of online political expression, including my upcoming book The Citizen Marketer (more details soon to follow)! Yes, it is certainly true that political memes may sometimes be completely frivolous and trivial, as I believe was the case with the Ken Bone memes from the ...

October | 2008 | Obi's Sister So sad. If she wanted some attention, this was the WRONG way to go about it. End Update. The Fred speaks. Words of wisdom from the candidate who says the race isn’t about race, unless he’s the one playing the race card. Many have said that the Senate race in Georgia will tip the Congress to a super-majority if the incumbent Chambliss ...

Gun Running | Lonnie Walker's Blog 22, 2012 · He’s intentionally lied about his foreign policy because the liberals don’t deal in truth. Especially one with no significant successes in his record. All he’s got is to crow that he had Osama Bin Laden killed. Well woopty f*ckin’ doo, we knew where he was for a whole 6 months and even then, he had to sleep on it one more night.

politics | Supradeep Narayana's Blog cacophony of delusional bulls – including allegedly savvy investors such as the Sage of Omaha and other luminaries – were spinning for the last month the fairy tale that markets – especially equity markets – had fallen so much that a bottom had been reached and that this was the time to start buying equities.

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Pioneer Press/ Justice Department's ... 26, 2012 · 7:25 read the article before you post a comment. This is about a group of GOP congressmen who are upset that the City dropped its case. My point was that they think the landlords case is so lame that the Supreme Court would have thrown out the issue of adverse impact for all FHA cases and the GOP thinks that would be a good thing.

Blogger - New Saltirehttps://newsaltire.blogspot.comThe greatest shock of this proposal was the fact that it issued from a political party widely viewed in the media as exhausted and subservient to Brown’s half-interested wishes. The SNP didn’t know how to respond to it: they paradoxically refused Wendy’s olive branch of support for a referendum and instead noted the disparities between ...

Rusty Idols: January 2013 09, 2013 · Ethnic cleansing, forced re-settlement, less political and social rights based on religion or skin colour, laws demanding fealty to the state religion, laws restricting marriage rights between Jews and Arabs - now coerced government sterili zation of a minority even if only temporary - but there's one historical comparison with these things you are never ever allowed to make no matter what.

Murray Rothbard: a libertarian society…. | Lila Rajiva ... 18, 2007 · "For a thousand years, then, ancient Celtic Ireland had no State or anything like it. As the leading authority on ancient Irish law has writ­ten: "There was no legislature, no bailiffs, no police, no public enforce­ment of justice…. There was no trace of State-administered justice."9 How then was justice secured? The basic political unit of…

skimble is the "black budget," mostly for defense and intelligence, which is disclosed only in the vaguest terms. The ties between Mr. Trepp and Mr. Gibbons raise questions about an influential politician in America's fastest-growing state, and also offer a rare glimpse of contracts in this secret budget being awarded to a politically connected ...

The Inky Gives Us More “News For The One Percent” | The ... 27, 2012 · “Four more years of an Obama administration” was the choice for 70 percent of the 442 who answered. “A divided Congress” trailed at 18 percent; a Mitt Romney win or “growing Tea Party influence” were judged least scary, given the alternatives. “The anxiety is around taxes,” Coyne, Brinker’s chief executive, told me.

July 2017 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America turns out that Swanson is so opposed to gay weddings that he is even outraged by the term “gay wedding,” which he said is a phrase that Christians should never use. – Leader Of Trump Cabinet Bible Study: God Only Hears Prayers Of ‘Righteous’ Christians By Peter Montgomery – Kracka Swanson: Christians Should Refer To A Gay Wedding As ‘The Miserable Wedding’!!!

Honduras: After a 2009 U.S.-backed Coup and Now a Stolen ... 01, 2017 · A few years after the brutal and bloody 2009 U.S-backed coup which installed a ruthless military junta who imposed a new neoliberal technocrat-written constitution which allowed for “privatized cities“, Honduras was being billed as a “Libertarian Paradise”. Not long after, it was a “humanitarian nightmare”. “Now, for the first time, libertarians have a real chance to implement ...

THE IRISH SLAVE TRADE – THE SLAVES THAT TIME FORGOT ... 05, 2017 · The first recorded sale of Irish slaves was to a settlement in the Amazon in 1612, seven years before the first African slaves arrived in Jamestown. The Proclamation of 1625 by James II made it official policy that all Irish political prisoners be transported to the …

slave | Official BLOG 05, 2017 · The first recorded sale of Irish slaves was to a settlement in the Amazon in 1612, seven years before the first African slaves arrived in Jamestown. The Proclamation of 1625 by James II made it official policy that all Irish political prisoners be transported to the …

Dawg's Blawg: Dan Gardner's fears 09, 2009 · Dan Gardner, an intelligent columnist who writes for the Ottawa Citizen, took a poke at me yesterday for my article about police and Tasers--and then had a go at the blogosphere as a whole. Dan is all about hard science and statistics, and his recent book, Risk: The Science and Politics of Fear, is a refreshing antidote to what might accurately be called a popular culture of fear (addressed in ...

Edward Snowden « Mercury Rising ?? about Edward Snowden written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

How Did NY Gov. Cuomo Make $783,000 From A Book That Sold ... 24, 2017 · As an observer of NY/NJ local and state politics since my high school days in the 60’s I feel it is safe to say political payola is not a punishable crime; if it is a crime at all. This arrogant second generation NY governor is a serious 2020 presidential contender and in his strata $7-800,000 is, quoting Ralph Kramden, a mere bag of shells.

Valley of the Shadow: January 2008 29, 2008 · Please join in the Valley of the Shadow Annual Fundraiser. We are raising $7,700. Please hit the Tip Jar here to contribute. Thank you.-----Welcome sports fans to the PNN: Political Night News -- this is the first in a joint Blogger project between Jason, of Washington Interns Gone Bad and I. …

Canadian politics | Blevkog about Canadian politics written by kevvyd. With the new round of polls in the hopper and the NDP surge from their surprising provincial victory in Alberta quantified, if it didn’t before, it looks like the national election campaigns are firmly up and running for the three major political parties.The campaign ads are beginning to appear and the editorials are getting written.

Temporary Assistance for Needy ... - The Liberal Doomsayer report comes as the VA’s own inspector general has publicly clashed recently with the VA leadership over access to documents and information about whistleblower adjudication. A recent NPR investigation showed a pattern of often vicious whistleblower retaliation at the VA in central Alabama and sidelining of whistleblowers in Indiana.

vaccine | The Liberal Doomsayer also blames “the left” for a ban of plastic supermarket bags in San Francisco that supposedly caused a 46 percent increase in deaths from foodborne illness – here is a response. But wait, there’s more… Now a few groovy artisanal types are sounding the alarm about vaccines, with predictably depressing results.

Let’s not staff a White House with generals ever again’s...Oct 22, 2017 · CNN’s Jake Tapper had it exactly right in his appearance Friday afternoon. “When a reporter pointed out just minutes ago that Kelly had gotten his facts wrong about this speech, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said one of the most shocking things I’ve ever heard from that podium — she suggested that journalists cannot question ...

Liberal Modern Orthodox Rabbi Rips Into Leading Zionist ... 21, 2013 · This is especially true for a man who stands at the head of an educational empire which is meant to teach the values of our Torah. I was therefore not at all surprised to read that Rabbi Drukman continues to invite Rabbi Moti Elon, , to teach young men in his yeshiva in Or Etzion, even after his conviction in court, and the important and ...

political | 44-D by: Audiegrl Jason Linkins~”The Daily Show” did an enjoyable segment about the recent on-air incident on C-SPAN, in which a caller from North Carolina went on a racist diatribe about how the network takes too many calls from black people and should thus be renamed as BLACK-SPAN.. What was very nice about the clip was the way Jon Stewart was not afraid to be servicey, offering host ...

Kim Davis – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about Kim Davis written by dummidumbwit. Claiming that there are nearly 5,000 sealed indictments in place against powerful leaders, Taylor asserted that Trump, who is “ten steps ahead of everybody,” has put the National Guard on notice to prepare for civil unrest in the wake of mass arrests. Taylor asserted that Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are among those set to be ...

Osama bin Laden « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 24, 2007 · The political situation had to be certain here. We found Bin Laden. He was available for a kill shot any number of ways. He was defenseless. We caught him totally by surprise. It was important to say that Osama’s death was the result of some contorted version of self-defense. I mean, they tried out wearing a suicide vest under the pajamas!

A Straight Shot of Politics: The Mind Of Benedict XVI 23, 2005 · The Mind Of Benedict XVI Of course, nobody yet knows His Holiness' mind. For it will certainly have to be significantly rearranged to cope with the duties of his elevation, and his contact with those duties is barely a week old.

When “Private” Really Isn’t | Sheila Kennedy“In effect, the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his MIND. Once his mind has been reached, the “political animal” has been defeated, without necessarily receiving bullets.”

Donald F. McGahn II | The Liberal Doomsayer while it was the Supreme Court’s majority that opened the floodgates for corporate money in our elections, it is the deadlocked FEC that is keeping voters from even knowing where that money comes from. Someday, the legacy of this assclown will truly be dead, buried, and long forgotten. And that day can’t come soon enough.

London's Mayor Boris Johnson Basking In Olympic Glory's Mayor Boris Johnson Basking In Olympic Glory "Boris turns Games into political gold," by Denis Hiault (AFP) August 2012 -- LONDON — London mayor Boris Johnson has had a golden political Olympics, emerging for the first time as a serious contender for prime minister despite -- or perhaps because of -- his clownish antics.

Monday Mashup (8/27/12) | The Liberal Doomsayer 27, 2012 · Monday Mashup (8/27/12) ... So while it was the Supreme Court’s majority that opened the floodgates for corporate money in our elections, ... Given this, it is a tribute to his consummate political skill (as well as the craven cluelessness of his opposition) that he was subsequently elected to anything whatsoever.

Motown Strong: February 2017 is easier said than done, especially given Trump’s position and political associates. But it must be done, and it is up to the people to continue voicing their opposition to such cancerous individuals. Even with this, it will be a long road. But it’s better to drive down that road than avoid it altogether.

On The Backs Of Converts - FailedMessiah.com the Backs of Converts Noam Sharvit and Yitzhak Tessler • Ma’ariv (p. 8) Translation: Didi Remez • After months of haggling with ultra-Orthodox political parties, Reform and Conservative leaders, conversion reform has reached its moment of truth: MK David Rotem (Yisrael Beiteinu), chairman of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, announced yesterday that the ...

The Liberal Armadillo: Raw Political Commentary from the Lefthttps://liberalarmadillo.blogspot.comThis is politics 101 for your ass. If instead of raising taxes on those that make more than $250,000 like Obama said he would, he simply lets the existing cuts expire in 2011 (the little tid-bit that no one seemed to talk about during the election), then no one can claim that he raised taxes 3 years from now when he's trying to get re-elected.

Accidental Deliberations: 2017-08-13 01, 2017 · It is a name for a premise that, quietly, has come to regulate all we practise and believe: that competition is the only legitimate organising principle for human activity. What began as a new form of intellectual authority, rooted in a devoutly apolitical worldview, nudged easily into an …

Chavez, Ahmadinejad Merely Echo the Bush Hatred of Drive ... 20, 2006 · Rush Limbaugh, America's Anchorman and Doctor of Democracy, is known as the pioneer of AM radio. Limbaugh revolutionized the media and political landscape with his unprecedented combination o f ...

2009 August 06 « Mercury Rising ?? 06, 2009 · But it also includes comments about the “liberal media,” the “Obama economy” — and it opens with remarks about last fall’s election, the election of “The Black Man” and jokes about black men bedding white women. All of this was left out of the AP excerpts and nearly everywhere else, including a new New York Times account.

Commissioners | The Liberal Doomsayer three years in a row, the board of commissioners held the line on county property taxes – the first time since 1994-96! I’m not sure why Sanko is praising the commissioners here, but it should be noted that (according to here ), property taxes in Bucks have gone up 46 percent since 2001, so I think the whole “three-year” thing ...

shutdown « Mercury Rising ?? about shutdown written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Dr Kevin Bonham: Brenton Best Crosses the Floor! Liberal Par ty also allows a degree of freedom federally, but this has become reduced in recent decades (through firm discouragement rather than a n explicit policy of throwing offenders out of the party. In the recent same-sex ma rriage debate, it appeare d that any minister cr o ssing the floor on the issue would be sent to the backbench.) State e xamples of Liberals crossing the floor ...

Gary's Political News Blog: 2010-06-13 Down Barriers in Sexual and Reproductive Health Reporting in Africa - *This is a guest post by Humphrey Nabimanya, founder of Reach a Hand Uganda. * [image: 2016-04-15-1460736651-1435623-huffpo1.jpg]*Journalists and bloggers...

Eruptions At The Foot Of The Volcano: Howard Ahmanson ... 10, 2008 · Howard F. Ahmanson, Jr., has put $900,000 of his own money into passing California's gay marriage ban, but it's not the first time the flush ascetic has injected his religious views into politics. From stemming affirmative action to stoking unrest within the Episcopal Church, Ahmanson has been one of the most influential political donors in the ...

ConnecticutBLOG 07, 2007 · This is great news for the fifth district! Today, Congressman Chris Murphy (CT-5) held a press conference to announce his appointment as Chairman of the Congressional Open Space Caucus, and update residents of the Fifth District on his work to protect the Farmington River and the Metacomet Monadnock Mattabesett (MMM) trail. " I am thrilled to be taking a lead role on environmental and open ...

President Obama's Longest Vacation - Nolan Dalla 10, 2014 · The image of agony shown above is one of the most revealing political photographs ever taken. The iconic 1968 image shows a thoroughly exhausted and frustrated President Lyndon B. Johnson, one of the most gifted American political leaders in this nation’s history, at his physical and mental breaking point. Here, we see him wiped out.

Al Quaeda | Lonnie Walker's Blog 02, 2009 · As soon as the news hit the media, the liberals were out there right on cue talking about how this piece of sh*t didn’t get his constitutional rights. Well Boo freaking hooo. I have a hard time feeling sorry for a piece of sh*t that goes over to the muslim world and participates in selection targets in this country to attack us with.

Monday Open Thread | Illinois makes ‘Barack Obama Day’ a ... 07, 2017 · Former President Obama is being honored with a new state holiday in his former state of Illinois. Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) signed a measure Friday to make Aug. 4 “Barack Obama Day” in the state, according to NBC Chicago. The holiday will be celebrated each year on Obama’s birthday beginning in 2018. The day…

December | 2008 | Beware The Man a long time. But a beautiful description of what myself and many other people in the country have gone through for 8 years. And like about 90% of other Americans, Bush had control of all my political capital on September 12, 2001. And like all other types of capital in this country, BushCo. eventually blew it on the political speedball of fear, emotion, and greed.

Bernie’s Plan to Address the Retirement Crisis: It’s Good 30, 2019 · But such lame legislation and in such small portions. Anyone who still believes Sanders is unrealistically ambitious need only look at this stuff. If politics is the art of the possible, Americans should realize that what’s possible is much, much more than they’ve ever been told by either party or the press.

JustOneMinute: Holy Shit. 12, 2015 · Time for a daddy-esque photo bomb of the man who rode the congressional backbenches and rich women to a "Dont you know who I am?" life. "Science is my first love." The school photo folks told me to say "cheese" and to impress my mom, I said "fromage." She then paid for my first cosmetic surgery.

13 | January | 2011 | Left Coast Ledger 13, 2011 · 2 posts published by leftcoastledger on January 13, 2011. Now that we have irrefutable evidence that Jared Lee Loughner wasn’t inspired to his horrific act of violence last week by the tea parties, Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh, we’ve assembled some simple rules for liberals to follow in the future, so they don’t actually get someone shot themselves with their irresponsible charges.

WG's Observations: March 2010 Brooks, as usual, has come out with a remarkably balanced view of President Obama in his March 12 New York Times piece Getting Obama Right. Brooks argues that he is neither the wild-eyed liberal that the conservatives paint him, nor the indecisive and ineffectual leader that the liberals see in him these days, but rather a somewhat left ...

Today’s Hilarious Attempt to Disappear Bernie Sanders ... 26, 2017 · Bernie Sanders (I-VT) reintroduced his $15 minimum wage bill in the Senate today. The Raise the Wage Act of 2017 would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2024, gradually eliminate the tipped minimum wage, and index it thereafter to inflation – meaning, the wage automatically goes up every year without a Congressional vote. Bernie is the act’s sponsor, and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA ...

The biggest threat to world peace is US, says John Murtha ... 03, 2006 · A former Marine and a prominent critic of the Bush administration's policies in Iraq, Murtha reiterated his views that the war cannot be won militarily and needs political solutions. He said the more than 100,000 troops in Iraq should be pulled out immediately, and deployed to …

KC Buzz Blog: News flash: Matt Blunt says something nice ... his 2006 State of the State address, Gov. Matt Blunt directly criticized Gov. Bob Holden's policies eight times. This was more than a year after Holden left office. During the 2004, Blunt sniffed disdainfully that Holden was a career liberal politician. But now it's 2007. And knock us over with a feather. Cause today, Blunt's offices gives his predecessor credit for something positive.

History | progressivenetwork 22, 2019 · Posts about History written by progressive2. by Nathaniel Smith, Politics: A View from West Chester, July 4, 2016 That term “failed state” (I prefer “country”*) is often tossed around in news reports to describe other countries, the most dramatic of which are predominantly Muslim countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, and Pakistan (one of the three pieces of what was one ...

Can Economic Liberalism and Social Conservatism Co-exist? racism was a part of it. This is hardly economic liberalism combined with social conservatism -- it's economic conservatism mascarading as that combination. Posted by: DAS | Jun 15, 2007 3:14:29 PM. I will throw my support, minimal though it is, behind the candidate that stands foursquare behind the demon rum. For too long has its cause ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 01, 2012 · A MODIFIED LIMITED HANGOUT Jennifer Rubin (naturally) thinks the reason Mitt Romney is losing is that he can't get his message through the "media filter" put up by the evil liberal press (of which she is so not a member); however, she has a brilliant idea for how Romney can deal with this: He can start with something he did earlier in the year and then inexplicably dropped: a major speech ...

Trump’s Fake Withdrawal From Endless War | The Smirking the same Congress that never mustered the integrity to debate or vote on the fateful decision to send U.S. troops into harm’s way in Syria in the first place. This vote still fails to fulfill Congress’s constitutional duty to decide whether U.S. troops should be risking their lives in …

Jesus Christ | The Liberal Doomsayer, an old fight, and he’s out of public life at long last, so I won’t rehash it for the moment.) Javers continues… In his speech Thursday in Cairo, Obama told the crowd that he is a Christian and mentioned the Islamic story of Isra, in which Moses, Jesus and Mohammed joined in prayer.

Obama | progressivenetwork Reich’s blog, 12/6/11. The President’s speech today in Osawatomie, Kansas — where Teddy Roosevelt gave his “New Nationalism” speech in 1910 — is the most important economic speech of his presidency in terms of connecting the dots, laying out the reasons behind our economic and political crises, and asserting a willingness to take on the powerful and the privileged that have ...

This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things…. | Sheila Kennedy are the relevant parts of Indiana Code 35-47-11.1 – 7. Except as provided in section 4 of this chapter, a political subdivision may not regulate: (1) firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories; (2) the ownership, possession, carrying, transportation, registration, transfer, and storage of firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories; and

Everyday Erinyes #209 – Politics Plus 21, 2020 · This system eliminates what is at times called the “spoiler” problem in U.S. elections, where too many similar candidates split the majority’s vote, allowing a less-preferred candidate to win with a minority of the votes cast. For instance, in 2000, people could have voted for Ralph Nader while also showing that they would have preferred either of the other two candidates for president ...

Ezra Klein: Love the Cook, Hate the Food hewing to a liberal line when it doesn't matter only adds a veneer of credibility when they put forward conservative views on question that do matter -- who should and who should not be confirmed. June 30, 2007 | Permalink. Comments. Come now, not very smart.

Protest – Politics Plus is an ANTIFA Organization,” he tweeted on Monday. In fact, there is abundant evidence that, as The New York Times’ Neil McFarquar observed, the mix at …

Supreme Court « Mercury Rising ?? to Jonathan Tasini for highlighting a Linda Greenhouse Op-Ed that says, in black and white in the New York Times, that the Supreme Court is doing politics by taking up a challenge to the Affordable Care Act.. Nearly a week has gone by since the Supreme Court’s unexpected decision to enlist in the latest effort to destroy the Affordable Care Act, and the shock remains unabated.

Conservative Bigotry | Left is Right place to discuss politics and current events. Stay updated via RSS. Recent Posts. From Grand Wizard to “racial realist”

Eduardo Saverin | The Liberal Doomsayer building might be left to a son or daughter, but it would be worthless to them. As to suspending the tariffs on chemicals, that primarily benefitted a guy named Tom Nowakowski who, in addition to giving Mikey $26 grand, gave $150,000 to the Repugs over the last six years, as noted here. So what does he have to say? As the Courier Times ...

Weiner, Weiner Everywhere… | Veritas Nihilum Vincet 10, 2011 · Your average teenager sends one of these things to somebody every fucking week. Half the activity on the Internet is porn and people looking to get laid. Oh, but it’s only “news” when a congressman does something half the population does every day. “This just in…Senator walks dog, dog takes a shit, and the Senator leaves it there.

Capitol Hilltop: December 2008 year investigation for white-collar crime culminating in arrest, not surrender, is unusual, Jeffrey Toobin points out. Either the charges are that big, or there's the off-chance that a trumped-up, politically motivated investigation. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but …

Neighborhood Bully? « the pecking order: big ideas for ... 27, 2006 · This one is from a blogger that I've linked up to several times in the past. BobFromBrockley questions the strong use of force by the Israeli military in recent weeks, while destroying liberal idols that equate the Jewish State with some sort of fascistic regime. Few on the blogosphere are able to grasp both the nuanced dimensions of Israel's existential…

United States – 21st Century Citizenship course not a perfect system, but it is much closer than we currently are. Author warrenl18 Posted on October 24, 2017 October 25, 2017 Categories Learning , Students' Reflections Tags congress , Elections , Electoral College , politics , presidential campaigns , United States 3 Comments on Political Laryngitis: The Stifled Voice of ...

Attacking Liberal Bias - Progress Pond 03, 2005 · This is a typical Bushco pattern, most starkly seen in higher level regulatory agencies. Pack the leadership of ‘rogue’ agencies with sympathetic political appointees. Create new operating guidelines outside the agency and then insert those appointees in key management roles to implement those guidelines they had just written.

Still We Live Meanly Like Teabaggers | WriteChic Press 23, 2009 · ht dhough1976 and Think Progress This video is from Congressman Dan Lipinski's Town Hall Meeting last week. In it, Midge Hough attempts to tell the story of her daughter-in-law Jennifer. The 24-year-old was 7 and half months pregnant when she became ill. The teabaggers scoff and shout. She went to a hospital. She had no…

29 | October | 2012 | The Pardu's Scroll 29, 2012 · 7 posts published by The Pardu on October 29, 2012. Earlier this year, Mitt Romney nearly landed in a politically perilous controversy when the Huffington Post reported that in 1999 the GOP presidential candidate had been part of an investment group that invested $75 million in Stericycle, a medical-waste disposal firm that has been attacked by anti-abortion groups for disposing aborted ...

UK | TheZoo 15, 2012 · A Storm is brewing over Europe in more than one sense… There is the unsolved, so called debt crisis, which entangles Spain and Italy now and has, by all accounts all but devoured Greece already.. The second one is a political storm. In France it has swept Sarkozy out of office, in the UK the Tories got to feel quite a blustery breeze.In Germany last weekend and the one before voters were ...

FDR | Under The LobsterScope of this morning it seems that Obama is ready to deal with the Right… extend the Bush tax cuts for a couple of years in exchange for one year’s extension of Unemployment funding. The tax cut deal is tentative. It hasn’t gone through Congress yet (although McConnell is probably dribbling with laughter in his office), but it probably will.. When even Conservatives like Joe Scarborough ...

Wednesday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 13, 2018 · Early in his career, he trained under Ferran Adrià at the restaurant elBulli. Beginning in the fall of 2010, Andrés taught a culinary physics course at Harvard University with Ferran Adrià.[5] In May 2012, Andrés was named dean of Spanish Studies at The International Culinary Center, where he and Colman Andrews developed a curriculum in ...

Alaska politics | Mudflats | Page 5 is good on so many levels. First, most of the contributions for Begich are $100 and under indicating strong grass roots support. Second, its not only more than the formidable Stevens money machine could raise, but it’s a LOT more. Third, being able to use the phrase “more than a million dollars” has to feel good to the Begich folks.

March | 2012 | V B I political scene keeps getting curiouser and curiouser, as Alice would say. Who’d a-thought that almost 40 years since Roe v.Wade, which seemed to make back-alley butchery obsolete, we’d still have to defend abortion, let alone contraception!Let women like Karen Santorum have their seven children or more, take care of them and let everyone else decide what kind of …

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 28, 2012 · This was written by Iron Knee.Posted on Tuesday, February 28, 2012, at 12:05 am.Filed under Humor.Bookmark the permalink.Follow comments here with the RSS feed.Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed. ‹ Holy Orgasms!

Advance Indiana™: DNC Hit With Discrimination Lawsuit was a governor and a physician who employed people in his medical practice. He has too much to risk, to engage in discrimnatory employment practices. His idea regarding DNC staff, was to deploy field persons based not on gender politics, but on ability to perform. and his desire to build up state party organizations in all 50 states.

Peoria Pundit: 2012 14, 2012 · At an event at the National Press Club in Washington, Ms. Stein laid out her campaign platform, heavily emphasizing what she called “the Green New Deal” of economic justice and jobs for all Americans who want them, tough financial regulation, political reform to reduce the role of money in politics, and a transition to a “green” economy.

Democracy = Every Eligible Citizen Votes November 2010 ... 19, 2010 · A true Democracy works when everyone fulfills their civic duty voluntarily by voting. The 2010 midterm elections are an important time for people of all stripes to get out and vote. The Coffee Party USA urges everyone, regardless of party affiliation, to come together in a more reasoned cooperative approach by urging politicians to work…

President Obama and First Lady Michelle Honor Sir Paul ... 02, 2010 · Posted by: Audiegrl Written by Kori Schulman Last night, President Obama presented America’s highest award for popular music - the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular Song - to Sir Paul McCartney in the East Room of the White House. Artists from all genres and backgrounds joined the President and First Lady to honor…

>Five Easy Pieces of Mis-Information From Rep. Heller In A ... 24, 2010 · >From the world according to Congressman Dean Heller (NV-2): "Heller supports extending all of the Bush-era tax cuts and offsetting the cost with cuts in spending. Congress could start by ending industry bailouts and stopping stimulus spending, he said. “It’s not that people in this country are taxed too little, it’s the federal government that…

Slaughter Them While They're Young? - FailedMessiah.com"The real issue is the distinction halacha draws between Jews and non-Jews. This is grossly at odds with political correctness, which outlaws any reference to differences of ethnic origin or faith. This is also what causes the panic in the...

Mass Communication and Society - Taylor & Francis 12, 2015 · Benefits of greater structural knowledge include a greater ability to generalize prior information to a new situation and a better understanding of nuance in situations, such as the trade-offs that must occur in the political system (Eveland & Hively, 2009 Eveland, W. P. & Hively, M. H. (2009).

The F&M poll, the gubernatorial race, and public education ... 02, 2013 · The F&M poll, the gubernatorial race, and public education by Nathaniel Smith, Politics: A View from West Chester , 8/30/13 The latest Franklin & Marshall College Poll, which you can download here , shows that, as people have been saying for a long time, Pennsylvanians are not happy with the choice of governor that they made in 2010.

Opinion | U.S. Military Violence Against Women Green Light to Rape: What Happens When We Fail to Prosecute the Rapist . Jennifer McClendon June 1, 2012 . The difference between what happens to a rapist and a rape victim has shocked the senses of the American public since US Congressional Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA) began in 2011 sharing the personal accounts of military rape victims to other members of the House of ...

PoliticalDog Calls « Jamesb101.com 17, 2011 · STILL can’t make it as the parties BEST/WORST Choice against a younger challenger who appeals to a segment of the American population. That is shrinking everyday under the weight of a country moving into the 21st Century….. In this Dogs mind…. The GOP REALLY does NOT want to elect a President…. And I’m ALL for that….. Obama WILL WIN

Congress | House of the Dread about Congress written by comradedread. WASHINGTON — Congressional efforts to raise the nation’s debt limit and reopen the shuttered federal government stalled Tuesday when the House of Representatives delayed a vote on its latest proposal as the threat of possible default loomed larger and a top bond rating agency warned of a possible downgrade for U.S. bonds.

Trump, The Military And Humanity, Or: How Would You ... 06, 2017 · 4. Trump Hails Ryan Owens In His Speech to Congress. Trump said in his speech to Congress: "We are blessed to be joined tonight by Carryn Owens, the widow of U.S. Navy special operator, Senior Chief William ‘Ryan' Owens. Ryan died as he lived, a warrior and a hero, battling against terrorism and securing our nation.

liberals | A Gunslinger Looks At The World is the first President to be elected for insulting the people and wanting to take their money. H e is the first President to appoint an admitted Communist to be a Czar. He is the first President to go to war with a TV station. He is the first President to have Christmas balls with pictures of Mao Zedong hanging in the White House.

bipartisan – Eric Lightborn's Blog president is a person of nuance. But on both ends of the political number line, nuance is seen as wishy-washy. There’s no nuance in partisan attacks, soundbites, slogans, which is why Barack Obama didn’t run with the lines “Some change you might like if you’re willing to settle for” or “Yes, we can, but it will take awhile.” …

JustOneMinute: Class Warfare, Or, It's About The Hypocrisy Anonymous Liberal explains why conservatives are sympathetic to Jake DeSantis of AIG but did not rally round the UAW workers when they were urged to make contract concessions or try their luck with a bankruptcy judge - it's because Jake is a more engaging conversationalist and the UAW guys smell funny. Or something:

The Useless Tree: Confucian and Taoist Perspectives on the ... 25, 2009 · As soon as he came into office he had to face a financial crisis in Mexico, which was the first major failure of the neoliberal model in the 1990s. Later, hand in hand with the IMF, he enforced shock therapies that actually worsened the crises that occurred in South-East Asia in 1997-98 and in Russia and Latin America in 1999.

the ACA – Everblog House of Representatives isn’t terribly fond of the ACA/Obamacare. They have voted 42 times to repeal it. Many of the most outspoken members of the House regarding the health care law happily identify as Tea Party members/supporters, even when Tea Party support is at an all-time low.. Now, some members of the House are actively committing what Al Gore labeled best: political terrorism.

Election Watch – Page 97 – MediaMouse 29, 2004 · WOOD TV 8’s “claim check” story was the only piece out of the four that was not horse race coverage. Paid Political ads. This week there was an increase in the number of paid political ads. The Bush campaign paid for a total of 34 ads that ran during local TV news broadcasts.

Another Day: Another Political Forum | kavips 20, 2008 · Maybe someone will enlighten me (and everyone else) if there is something i should know, but it reminded me of walking on Acme spring shoes.. like that of the coyote on old Roadrunner cartoons… But the event was not yet over…. as Tom passed by Karen Weldin Stewart on his way out, “you lied, you took money from the insurance firms.

Hugo E. Martin's Blog : 09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007 Gillmor and Brian Joseph talk about the situation, role and chances of Social Media on News Hour with Jim Lehrer - with good insight information! Here’s a Real Audio link and a link to a downloadable MP3 file. (via Dan) Politics and business (see e.g. APF) have their own agenda about Myanmar-Burma.Social Media can proof and use its juvenile, engaging and powerful approach and networking ...

The Whited Sepulchre: My Congresswoman got shot in the ... 14, 2011 · This is wrong on so many levels. (I posted previously here and left a link where this "t-shirt" meme came from but it got caught up in the spam catcher.) January 15, 2011

Bothsiderism - Political Anarchy - Sailing Anarchy 01, 2019 · Both Sides-ism is a myth promulgated by the Reich, and I can prove it . . Facts - Gerrymandering is 80% GOP, voter suppression is over 90% GOP, corruption is 85% GOP (compare Prez admin criminal convictions - since Nixon the ratio of GOP to Dems is 89 to one), negative campaigning is overwhelmingly GOPPER, deliberate sabotage of the functions of govt. is almost …

Dissident Politics: November 2015 - Blogger 24, 2015 · Pragmatic politics focused on the public interest for those uncomfortable with America's two-party system and its way of doing politics. Considering the interface of politics with psychology, cognitive science, social behavior, morality and history.

Buckdog: June 2011 27, 2011 · The first bills to go plastic will be the $100 notes. The $50 notes will follow next March. The rest of the plastic money will be in circulation by the end of 2013. The polymer bank notes are more durable than paper money. The Bank of Canada expects the new bills to last 2.5 times longer than the paper ones. They're also harder to fake than ...

History - Entries from September 1789 the first United States Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution and sent them to the states for ratification. (Ten of the amendments became known as the Bill of Rights.) In 1897 novelist William Faulkner was born in New Albany, MS. In 1890 President Benjamin Harrison signed a measure establishing Sequoia National Park.

Run for cover | The Gonzo Think Tank Gonzo Think Tank, in honor of Dr. Gonzo: Hunter S. Thompson, will begin a new weekly feature titled “ Swine of the Week.” Thompson, a.k.a. The Good Doctor, would unabashedly lambaste swine, mainly politicians, pederasts and pedestrians who would irk him.. The inaugural winner of the “ Swine of the Week” (Drum roll please …) issss Andy Martin, the soulless coward who perpetrated ...

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Michael Jordan Always Believed ... 10, 2009 · A: That's like asking which one of your kids is your best kid. I had a lot of great accomplishments, spectacular plays, game-winning shots – it's hard for me to pick out one. I could start in 1982 with the shot at UNC and I could end with the shot in 1998 at Utah, or with the Dream Team (in 1992) or playing baseball.

WebWeaver's World: July 2007 04, 2007 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Accidental Deliberations: Saturday Morning Links 10, 2014 · It made perfect sense and was even arguably the Canadian way, like the CBC. But it was a political non-starter. No government has been prepared to consider it. The Harper government has tried to make easy political points by calling for a another major national player to join the game, as if that would force the existing predators to shape up.

liberal elitehttps://liberaleliteflotron.blogspot.comThe information on the upcoming elections is looking worse and worse for the minority party. In a press release on Thursday, BushCo, among other frightening threats, announced its intention to nominate Caroline C. Hunter to be Commissioner of the Elections Assistance Committee. It's bad enough that she's a BushCo nominee, and has been serving in the White House until now as BushCo's Deputy ...

Dawg's Blawg 12, 2006 · Counter-rant: the sickness of Jason Cherniak The sad, narrow, self-serving little views of Liberal party hacks are nowhere so well exemplified as in Jason Cherniak's loud whine today. A career Liberal, and no doubt previous to the election a hopeful trough-feeder, the man is rather obviously suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

David Shor's Unified Theory of American Politics ... this. Photo: Roberto Schmidt/AFP via Getty Images David Shor got famous by getting fired. In late May, amid widespread protests over George Floyd’s murder, the 28-year-old data scientist tweeted out a study that found nonviolent demonstrations were more effective than “riots” at pushing public opinion and voter behavior leftward in 1968.

Iranian Scholar: Tom & Jerry is a Jewish Conspiracy - The Scholar: Tom & Jerry is a Jewish Conspiracy ... We don't know whether to laugh and assume some strange invention of The Onion, or its real and some major segment of the US population can't tell the difference between real facts and something liberals made up to make fun of them on their own web site. ... You never understand who ...

Political Laryngitis: The Stifled Voice of the American ... 24, 2017 · Political Laryngitis: The Stifled Voice of the American Voter “We The People”, the three words that serve as the foundation for our country’s most important document, could not be less accurate when discussing how our elections are set up.

Arendt – Critical Fantasies 07, 2016 · The need for a change, a break from dominant political power scheme must not be prepared by a scientific necessity, theoretical program, or seen as a moment in a cycle of history. This pushes the past onto the future when predicting the future is so very hard and un-absolute. History should be conceived as a story, not a formula.

All-purpose news and politics thread: Two Steps Beyond ... 25, 2019 · As election day approached in 2012, Rick Berg was starting to sweat about how closely he and Heidi Heitkamp were polling, not just because of his record, but because of his business ties to a shady real estate company, Goldmark Property Management, that was the target of dozens of tenant complaints and fire safety violations.

September | 2017 | Arun with a View[update below] [2nd update below] I have not read the book—and am not sure that I will—though have been reading plenty about it. And also listening/watching, e.g. this 51 minute interview with Vox’s Ezra Klein, which confirms for the umpteenth time that Hillary Clinton is so smart and thoughtful, knows policy like no one else in the American political system, is excellent on all domestic ...

FREEDOM: January 2018 was the first time in 10 years that a senior US Administration official addressed the Knesset since President George W. Bush spoke there to mark Israel’s 60th anniversary in 2008. The Vice President boldly spoke of the spiritual and political ties between Israel and the United States, and the common bond between our two countries created ...

Buckdog: February 2009 23, 2009 · Most media outlets have adopted the RCMP 'line' that the victim had a stapler in his hand at the time of the first jolt being administered. The film of the incident does not verify the RCMP version. The RCMP officer also stated that he thought Mr. Dziekanski received 2 jolts from the taser while the tape shows that 5 were administered.

Charles Keating | Out Foxing Karl Rove is the writer who found his way into a speech by a potential vice president at a national political convention. It’s astonishing there’s been no demand for a public accounting from the McCain campaign. Imagine if Obama had quoted a Black Panther or Louis Farrakhan — or William Ayers — in Denver.

Mental Health | Kids in the system Updates. RT @Prison_Health: A striking 47 percent of former inmates experienced at least one traumatic event in the eight months after they were rel… 12 hours ago; RT @ACLU: Students with disabilities are nearly 3x as likely to be arrested in schools as students without disabilities. 20 hours ago; RT @MotherJones: Congress can't decide how to fix the pandemic economy, but is still ...

Black History | All Other Persons | Page 2 is a list of black mayors in cities with a population over 50,000. This is based on information from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. The Joint Center describes itself as “one of the nation’s premier research and public policy institutions and the only one whose work focuses exclusively on issues of particular concern to African Americans and other people of color.”

Media | All Other Persons other words, they see Obama not as the parody created by the far right but as he actually is: a politician with progressive values but moderate instincts who has hewed to the middle of the road in dealing with the economic crisis, health care, Guantanamo and the war in Afghanistan.

trump effect on Tumblr'm dead # it for me #I can't deal #politics #trump effect. 84 notes. clinicallymoi. Less than half of Americans now accept LGBT people in a dangerous reversal of progress ...

July | 2013 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! move comes as the administration is preparing to host renewed direct talks in Washington between Palestinians and Israelis for the first time since 2010. The president in March directed about $500 million to be sent to the Palestinian Authority, also waiving the restrictions set by Congress.

1994 Assault Weapons Ban | The Liberal Doomsayer is part and parcel of the death industry’s efforts to hide the consequences of their relentless propagation of weapons of violence in this country (though, as noted here, there is some rather fragmented evidence that stronger gun laws reduce violent crime, though, again, that needs to be studied by an independent body such as the Centers ...

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Will tomorrow's Town Hall be 'political'? 28, 2015 · The practice of town halls meetings in the four wards was begun by the late Mayor Al McWilliams early in his first term, as part of the strategic planning process in which he engaged the community. As hundreds took part in the process there was a desire to "report out" the ideas and progress being made.

OpenlineBlog: Special Election 2008 | Foster Questioned on ... 02, 2008 · 14th Congressional District candidate Bill Foster (D) is being questioned on a website for the above mailer and claim that he was a staffer for Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Pa). It appears Foster was not on the payroll but did volunteer. In response, Foster's campaign accused the Jim Oberweis (R) campaign of starting 30 days of mudslinging. "The next 30 days will bring not just snow to the 14th ...

Proof Positive: Quote du jour 12, 2008 · When in his short time in national politics he racked up the most liberal – ie, the most doctrinaire, the most orthodox, the most reflex — voting record in the Senate? Or when, on those many occasions the questions got complex and required a choice, he dodged it and voted merely “present”?

Die 44 besten Bilder zu global Politics in 2020 | Politik ... this page12.04.2020 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „global Politics“ von Nat ?. Dieser Pinnwand folgen 231 Nutzer auf Pinterest. Weitere Ideen zu Politik, Sprüche, Politischer humor.44 pins230 followers

Wednesday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 29, 2018 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

Washington State Political Report - Blogger also voted on civil rights legislation for the first time since my freshman year in the House. It did not pass unfortunately but at least we brought it to a vote. We also passed an Operating Budget and a Transportation Budget for the long-term. Going into this session, we were hopeful that we could get some good environmental legislation passed.

Conservadems | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog unlike Santelli’s “stop spending” idea, a strategy which also, to the best of my knowledge, has no historical precedent. For the first time ever — and worth repeating — one of the two major political parties in America is sabotaging a delicate economic recovery for the sake of humiliating the president and his ...

Energy | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need is over ten times the initial estimates of flow rate from BP at the outset of the disaster. And given the expected ruling of “gross negligence” leading to a $4,300 per barrel fine on BP, that comes to a total of about $21.2 billion in fines , just for the violations of the Clean Water Act, and not counting the punitive awards, cleanup ...

Sylvester Brown, Jr.: Truth Be Told: City Leaders Just Don ... more I read about happenings and developments in the St. Louis region, the more I’m convinced that the region’s civic and political leaders have learned absolutely nothing from the explosion in Ferguson last year. The death of 18-year-old Mike Brown pulled the scab off a region with serious economic, health and social disparities and criminal “justice” injustices.

Jeff Seemann for Congress>Tonight I gathered with a packed house at BW 3's in Medina County a large part of Ohio's bellwether congressional district. >Debate winner: Senator John Kerry. You don't even have to take my word for it; take the word of the decidedly partisan crowd watching "our misleader," stutter and stammer through answers - seemingly trying to cover up his lies of the past.

TigerHawk said, I think Williams was admitting his own irrational fear, and went on to explain what O'Reilly did not do right on The View ( outside the 45 second clip that has made the rounds) and why it is wrong to blame "Muslims" for 9/11 -- always use the term extremists in there somewhere -- and, I agree that it is not a firing offense.

Wednesday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 03, 2018 · Happy HUMP Day, Everyone! I'm in a traveling mood, as you can see. It's always healthy to see what this big wide world has to offer, in the way of truth, experiences, adventure, learning, and growth. Time to become PRIMARY SOURCE! If you ever make plans to travel to Ontario, Canada,I highly recommend you add…

Lyndon Johnson | kavips of Delaware Liberal’s Hot & On Top Reporting). Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that 5,600 Delaware residents will benefit from $1.8 million in rebates from insurance companies this summer, because of the Affordable Care Act’s 80/20 rule.These rebates will average $351 for the 5,300 Delaware families covered by a policy.

sarah palin | Whassup, Peoples? | Page 2 20, 2008 · BTW, just want to plug one of my favorite podcasts again: My History Can Beat Up Your Politics. Dude is an Old School liberal who does one of the best historical podcasts on politics out there–honest, educated, thoughtful and honorable. Try to find one of them among the Palin Haters. You won’t. No reason. I just wanted to plug it.

Saying “I Told You So” Never Gets Old | Liberal Rapture 27, 2009 · We PUMAs have said from the beginning that Barack Obama is no different from George W Bush, and of course, no one listened. After all, we are just a bunch of old, unattractive, uneducated, Peruvian lesbians. Who cares what we have to say? But now even Politico has noted Dear Leader's mimicking of his predecessor…

Antifa – Nuggets from the Weekend | BUNKERVILLE | God ... 01, 2020 · Time for an explaining as to who Antifa is and from whence comes their support. Busses roll into town with these anarchists. Soros we have been told has been spending big bucks. So why has there not been a congressional investigation? Now we hear AG Keith Ellison will head up the prosecution. Explain this tweet.…

Outside the Perimeter: Politics of Inclusion | kavips 19, 2008 · One of the better examples of the politics of inclusion was seen in a speech today, in Madison Wisconsin, by Ms. Michelle Obama. A random selection of passersby stood mesmerized in front of the HD flat screen showing the event. I too was taken in by her words and was surprised at the effect her words had on those who watched.

April | 2012 | Sohum Parlance II saw it on one of the later tours in 1982 in front of a liberal San Francisco audience, during the Falklands War, so that when LuPone uttered her line, “if the King of England can do without the lady of Argentina, then Argentina can do without England,” the whole audience …

Through Glass Onionshttps://throughglassonions.blogspot.comOne of the most striking aspects of the film was the difference in the way the good guys -- the non-murderous natives -- and the bad guys -- the smugglers, politicians, and mercenaries -- looked at the diamonds. The fact is, beauty isn't that hard to find in this world. Diamonds are pretty but so is the sunset, and that happens every day.

Mitch McConnell | Sheila Kennedy political system has an answer for a threat like Donald Trump but none for a threat like Mitch McConnell. McConnell isn’t simply ignoring duties imposed by the Constitution; he is– as the Vox article says–shameless. His actions defy our expectations of normal human behavior, not because he is breaking the rules in order to benefit ...

Governor Davis: a fantasy in black and white – Skeptical ... 17, 2010 · Artur Davis is a facinating politician in many respects. The power of his intellect and sharp political skills set him apart from most pol's. The sky should be the limit for Artur. In Alabama, congress is the limit for Artur. If not for the Voting Rights Act, he would not be a member of congress…

2010 May 19 « Jamesb101.com 19, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Central Park Zoo | Lobo's Rants Benjamin Netanyahu Story March 8, 2012 Posted by judylobo in Jewish Stuff, Photography, Politics, Religion, wildlife, Zoos. Tags: Benjamin Netanyahu, Central Park Zoo, Politics 2 comments. My friends are now rolling their eyes and saying ‘Nooooo – not the Benjamin Netanyahu story AGAIN!’ But since he is back in the news as the Prime Minister of Israel some stories just need to resurface.

Valerie Jarrett | The Liberal Doomsayer One of the great ironies of this election is the still rabid support that black Americans have for Barack Obama. This is kind of like Columbine High School throwing a “We Sure Do Miss You” Memorial Rally for Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Let’s see, tasteless, racist, and utterly inaccurate all at once? Yep, pretty much. And as noted ...

Monday Open Thread | Christmas Jams 2019 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 17, 2019 · “Blue Christmas” is a Christmas song written by Billy Hayes and Jay W. Johnson. It is a tale of unrequited love during the holidays and is a longstanding staple of Christmas music, especially in the country genre.. The song was first recorded by Doye O’Dell in 1948, and was popularized the following year in three separate recordings: one by country artist Ernest Tubb; one by bandleader ...

ACLU – Robot King’m about as big of a pinko liberal commie tree-hugger as you’re likely to meet, and in fact, I even canvassed myself for the ACLU a few years back. Even though I was working in the general area of one of the most liberal universities in the world (my alma mater, which I won’t name but is easily guessed), I still met people who didn’t ...

The Gillibrand vs Ford Jr. fight is on……The Senator ... 27, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Hard Rock Conservative: January 2012 05, 2012 · The rantings, ravings, and thoughts of a 26 year old Minnesota kid about politics, music, pop culture, sports, world news and all the crap thats fit to print in todays media world.

tcnorris: 09/01/2010 - 10/01/2010 26, 2010 · Both the blog ThreeHundredEight and Politics from a New Brunswick Perspective have reacted to the latest polling from New Brunswick that shows the Conservatives surging to a 12 point lead to suggest that the province is heading for a Conservative government. TC agrees that the point at which the campaign is taking on a clear direction ...

Which US states give proportional Presidential electoral ... states are "winner take all", giving all electoral college votes in that state to the candidate that wins the most popular votes from that state. </p> <p>Which states are the former? In the recent 2012 election, if all states had switched to "proportional" allocation of electoral votes, what effect would that have had on the outcome?</p ...

Did you Know That America Wants To Destroy Your Wildlife? are getting stricter on animal cruelty. One special case got a lot of attention some years ago. A 3 years and nine-month prison sentence was handed to the head of an animal shelter here on the Costa del Sol. Hundreds of dogs and cats had been killed in an awful way.. In December 2017, the Spanish Congress agreed to launch a legal reform that would redefine animals as sentient beings.

Ezra Klein: Wading in Controversy think that, even though there are a few elements of truth here, drastically incomplete. First, I don't know if it's even really important that some of the godfathers of rights-based liberalism were religious people who believed certain liberties were of divine origin. What's important is the liberties themselves.

Jack Kelly | The Liberal Doomsayer’s all . The American flag has been used in political campaigns for probably over a century by both of the major political parties and some others (and by the way, I have no evidence that Kilgannon served). But let’s buy this phony-baloney premise for a minute, though.

April 2010 – Politics Plus to go with fascist since the GOP are the fascists. They don’t even know what it is. From Lisa G. on April 18, 2010 at 8:06 am. I voted for Obama is a fascist. I mean he can’t be a socialist/communist and a fascist too. I need an all category on this one. At least my favorite three.

2010 May 04 « Jamesb101.com 04, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Ezra Klein: What Has Happened To The Right? 09, 2007 · Currently, it is being done to a child and his family. And think of those targets: College students, soldiers, children. It can be done to absolutely anyone. This is not politics. This is, in symbolism and emotion, a violent group ritual. It is savages tearing at the body of a captured enemy.

Rodney Dangerfield – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ...“The first gay pride march occurred in San Francisco in 1970 and then San Francisco legitimized homosexuality in 1972. In 1982, Laguna Beach, California, elected the first openly homosexual mayor in United States history. In 1999, California adopted a domestic partnership law; I believe it was one of the first in the nation to do that.”

Tom Perez | TheZoo and every day of the last 37 days since trump started his residency of the White House, we are seeing the true nature of the “policies” in the Bannon/ trump agenda. Some examples from this past week follow. Last week brought us the annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or NAMBLA (well, they might as well be, as far as ‘family values’ goes.)

Political Irony › Damn Kids! 06, 2008 · The only people in all of recorded history who couldn’t have weapons were called slaves. the first thing Hitler did was register fire arms so the SS could confiscate them from the people, we all know what he did next… as far as US politics is concerned, Obama will double or triple the taxes we have to pay to subsidize everyone else.

JustOneMinute: The Witching Hour Open Thread 13, 2012 · Ipsos is a Canadian polling outfit, and quite reliably liberal leaning in their poll design, question wording and demographics used for a poll. Not particularly accurate historically either. Since any poll suffers the possibility of it being not representative of the population, hence the confidence level being less than 100%, I would totally ...

Link Farm & Open Thread #26 | Creative Destruction 25, 2006 · Seems like it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these…. Ally Work: The First Erase Racism Carnival is Here! Frequent “Alas” guest-poster Rachel S. (of Rachel’s Tavern) did a great job putting this together. Lucky White Girl: Carnival of the Liberals #13 …

Dr Kevin Bonham: September 2019 and Australian psephology, opinion poll analysis, election analysis and political commentary by Dr Kevin Bonham.

TigerHawk regret to inform you that your "First Starbucks" is not, indeed, the first Starbucks. It is actually Starbucks number 6. The first Starbucks was in a building, since torn down, about a block south at Virginia and Pike. Starbucks likes to tell people that the store is the first but it is alas just more corporate bullshit.

Midweek Mashup #4: Come for the Politics, Stay for the ... 02, 2011 · This time, we had one of Steven’s colleagues visiting and luckily it was a very nice day. So, I got a few pictures to share with you:) You may click on them to get the big ones. That way you can see the seals better.

The Useless Tree: The Mundanity of Chinese Modernization ... 15, 2013 · A couple of stories (and a collection of others over at CDT) in recent days begin to link together two big issues in the PRC: concerns for press freedom, stoked by the Southern Weekend affair, and horrendous air pollution, stoked by unrestrained industrial expansion. In the first article, by Edward Wong of the NYT, notices how public disgust over environmental degradation cannot be ignored by ...

The Useless Tree: Romney Fails the Confucian Test 24, 2012 · Again, a problem for most politicians. But Romney, in his denial of his actions as Massachusetts Governor, seems especially shameless in this regard. Romney, however, probably doesn't care what a Confucian perspective might reveal. He is, after all, at something of a disadvantage in Confucian terms.

Toure | The Pardu's Scroll attacked the segment with as much ‘dirt’ as the writer could conjure-up, but it all failed if the reader approached the reading with rational mind. The writer use of the label “liberal” was a dead give-way to what was to come. I find it most interesting the writer posted the entirety of Toure’s comments.

Shantanu First Draft | Government | Politics | Free 30-day ... 357 was amended so as to ensure that laws made for a State, while it was under Article 356 emergency, would not cease immediately after the expiry of the emergency, but would instead continue to be in effect until the law was changed by the State Legislature. 35 Articles 358 and 359 were amended, to allow suspension of Fundamental ...

American Political/Religious Conservative HYPOCRISY: Mel ... 07, 2010 · "The Passion" of "Traditional Family Values" The Good News About Christian-Right Darling Mel Gibson By Frank Rich ¨...The Gibson tapes — in plain English and not requiring the subtitles of some of the star’s recent spectacles — are a particularly American form of schadenfreude.There’s little we enjoy more than watching a pampered zillionaire icon (Gibson’s production company is ...

U.S. Senate – Skeptical Brotha – The Senate confirmed Elena Kagan Thursday as the Supreme Court’s 112th justice and the fourth woman in its history, granting a lifetime term to a lawyer and academic with a reputation for brilliance, a dry sense of humor and a liberal bent. The vote was 63-37 for President Barack Obama’s nominee to succeed

GOP | Off The Grid Rush Limbaugh called Palin a “babe” in the past and again today. What a pig. Read his comments from today here.. So as she reaches the glass ceiling, she’ll still get wolf whistles, wagging tongues, and more will be looking at her instead of listening to her…this could be either a good or bad thing, regardless of which party you’re supporting.

February | 2008 | Conservative Standards a standard-bearer who fails most of our standards facing an uphill battle against a well-positioned leftist for the presidency, the Right is less than thrilled about the current state of politics. But it’s also worth noting reasons for optimism. For one thing, we still have Mitt Romney waiting in the wings for a likely 2012 run (no, the video isn’t official; it’s just cool), and if ...

House – redvoter to a lot of political operatives and election handicappers and a general narrative emerges. The GOP House majority is in jeopardy. Ironically, many of these same individuals a mere few months ago were saying the GOP majority was safe due to redistricting and natural voter clustering.

Classical Values :: "A result of rigid toilet training", yeah: the questions themselves do little more than elicit conservative or liberal attitudes in the first place. The RWA scale shows only that conservative beliefs correlate well with . . . other conservative beliefs. Call it science if you will—Dean does—but it certainly …

22 | December | 2015 | The Liberal Doomsayer 22, 2015 · The Temple University football team, which beat Penn State in September for the first time in 74 years (here – WAY TO GO OWLS!!) …and there is a bit of a connection between the prior item and this one (i.e., a former high-profile Temple alum who was the biggest TV star of the ’80s and beyond)… Dregs of the Year Nominee

The Political Class was the moment of greatest peril for then-Sen. Barack Obama’s political career. In the heat of the presidential campaign, videos surfaced of Obama’s pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, angrily denouncing whites, the U.S. government and America itself. ... Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove ...

Pink Floyd comfortably numb! Not for long but that is the ... total lie we are living once again explained! Now we have to survive trump, Can we?Pink Floyd comfortably numb!After 8 years of trying to wake up the people, Politicians, MSM, and the world, I am resolved to the fact that the vast majority is comfortably numb as Pink Floyd...

two | 44-D by: LibbyShaw Will the Senator from Wal-Mart please yield to the Senator from Halliburton? The Congressman from Black Water has 5 minutes remaining before the …

2010 June 02 « Jamesb101.com 02, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The Total Non-Partisan Political Web Site For African ... part I like most was the clear animosity and sheer coolness that HRC exhibited when she entered the arena, simply iggin Obama and company, not shaking his hand. Obama, Edwards, Obama and Dodd came on stage shaking each others hand like they was at a Pimp’s Convention.

AFSCME | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!, as Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO, Trumka pleaded the Fifth Amendment before Congress and a court-appointed election monitor over his role in an illegal fundraising scheme to benefit the Teamsters president Ron Carey’s re-election. Trumka has remained in his position ever since despite an AFL-CIO rule (adopted in 1957) which held ...

Illegal Motivations | We the People of the United States 10, 2017 · Liberal legal authorities are on a roll lately, and there seems to be a theme to their madness: Motivation. Intent. Bias. A recent Supreme Court ruling, supported by all the progressive judges plus (as usual) Judge Anthony Kennedy, overturned a very long-standing principle of jurisprudence--a centuries old principle--thus opening a can of worms so large…

ARB | The Moorish Wanderer 08, 2010 · This is merely international politics, a sideshow to cover up for politics that matters. Another sideshow is Nichane newspaper that (finally) shuts down (and up in the process).It is always sad to witness another newspaper shutting down in Morocco; This particular case however is not the result of direct oppression, and one can certainly assert that freedom of speech does not shrink further ...

Voting | Double Dip Politics Iowa caucus is the first event in the nation where delegates are up for grabs. People have heard about the Iowa caucus for the past year, more heavily in the past two weeks. What most people don’t understand is what exactly a caucus is, as Iowa is the only state that uses the …

‘starving the beast’ « Mercury Rising ?? Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America runs thus:. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. The Supreme has in the past judged — twice — that it forbids public funding of parochial schools. So how, then, is the State of Ohio able to get away with this:. Terri Seymour, a Colerain [Ohio] Township mother ...

Hurricane Sandy | Desert Beacon’s a place for ideology in the spectrum of political thought. However, it’s NOT in the midst of a disaster zone. There are people in Middlesex County, NJ who will be waiting for electricity until next Monday; friends called about an hour ago — they are OK, and counting themselves lucky the storm damage didn’t take out more than just the railings on their deck.

karl rove | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta - divagations d'un ... this pageThe Adelsons, in fact, are the largest single donors in American politics, accounting for a total of $26.5 million in gifts in this campaign between the two of them and their three daughters. Most of their gifts, $21.5 million, went to the pro-Gingrich Winning Our Future PAC. The other $5 million went to the pro-GOP Congressional Leadership Fund.

nothing happening; a good day to skip blogging ... - kavips 05, 2007 · What brought these debates within my soul, was the posting in Delaware Liberal that Castle broke with Bush on an important piece of legislation, and the sad news that Carper, did the opposite. Many people think that politicians control their own destines. That is a very rare case.

Elizabeth Blackwell Women’s ... - The Liberal Doomsayer over a decade, Schwartz was the executive director of an abortion clinic in Philadelphia, the Elizabeth Blackwell Women’s Health Center. Under her direction, the clinic — which is now run by Planned Parenthood — provided first-trimester abortions, …

Winston Churchill | The Liberal Doomsayer named Michael Tanner at NRO said here recently that the young will have to subsidize the old and sick on health care reform, or something (with a typically understated right-wing headline, of course)…. Moreover, (the national) debt might be a bit hard to pay off, since young people are having a very tough time finding a job in Obama’s economy.

16 | May | 2007 | DelawareLiberal.Net 16, 2007 · The Reverend Falwell was the poster-boy for intolerance. Even Tinky-Winky fell prey to his attacks. Blaming the 9/11 disaster on homosexuals, instead of say the folks who were warned of the impending attack but preferred to spend vacation in Crawford, was pure bigotry.

Althouse: Gender difference in the blogosphere... blah ... 09, 2007 · Ellen Goodman ponders the political blogosphere: [T]he liberal political bloggers mimic the conservative talk-show hosts. The chief messen...

Congress | Beach Peanuts is no provision in the Constitution for a remote swearing-in by television. On Thursday, Fitzpatrick was one of the members who read the Constitution from the dais. You can read more of the stupidity and hypocrisy of these two here from the Huffington Post.

May | 2007 | Libertarian Leanings testimony that angered even Gonzales, according to a Justice Department e-mail, McNulty said that one prosecutor, H.E. Cummins 3rd of Arkansas, was dismissed solely to make room for J. Timothy Griffin, who had been named as the temporary replacement with the backing of Karl Rove, the senior White House political adviser.

Redeye's Front Page: RedEye on Alabama's Congress Critters 06, 2011 · Yes Mo. They are laughing at you, but they are really laughing at us for sending you to Washington D.C in the first place. What Dragontide said The floor in Washington is a long way from a right-wing talk show studio in the Tennessee Valley, isn't it? The floor in Washington is not a drunken Tea rally, is it? The man sees Socialists in his sleep.

United States Senate: A Liberal Endorsement? fact that he understands the need for "a surge in diplomacy" to solve the myriad of problems in Iraq and that he is pragmatic in his vow to " support a withdrawal plan that gets us our combat troops out within 8 months " and " a plan to redeploy our troops into training functions and on to the borders of Iraq to interdict people who are ...

It Shouldn’t Require Sensitivity Training to Know How ... Shouldn’t Require Sensitivity Training to Know How Wrong This Is May 12, 2014 Uncategorized Sheila After a public uproar, a California school board has apologized profusely for an eighth-grade assignment that asked students to “explain whether or not you believe the Holocaust was an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme ...

Haiti’s Election and the Politics of the Absurd | THOUGHT ... 09, 2010 · Picture of Protests in Haiti After November, 2010 Election In a country that faced one the greatest natural disasters in modern history, with over 350,000 lives lost, 1.5 million displaced citizens living in barely functional tent cities, government buildings and infrastructure ripped to shreds and strewn throughout the capital, one would think the natural instinct…

Joseph Andrew Stack | The Liberal Doomsayer investigations. A new “revelation” every day about the First Family (get ready for the return of Bill Ayres, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and hearings into the alleged “New Black Panther Party” Philadelphia polling scandal on Election Day 2008, for starters). And no legislation (none of any good to us, anyway). Privatizing Social Security.

July | 2016 | The Liberal Doomsayer 18, 2016 · Toomey also voted against the Clean Power Plan, which establishes the first-ever national standards to limit carbon pollution; the Plan will lead to climate and health benefits worth an estimated $55 billion to $93 billion in 2030, including avoiding 2,700 to 6,600 premature deaths and 140,000 to 150,000 asthma attacks in children, according to ...

The Danger Obama Faces Is Real | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 17, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 12:05 PM MST The Danger Obama Faces Is Real By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, AlterNet. Posted June 13, 2008 America's history of hate and violence is more than enough reason to be concerned about the safety of prominent political figures like Barack Obama. Hoax, cheap stunt, crank, crackpot, racist, and sick, were some…

Daesh | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! 2012, she placed third in France’s contest for the presidency, and in 2017 she placed second in the first round of elections. In certain American publications, Le Pen is regarded as among the world’s most influential people (2011, 2015, 2016) and ranked in Politico as the second-most influential member of the European Parliament.

9/11 | kavips 29, 2016 · The woman he cheated with, by the way, was one of his House aides and 23 years his junior — and is now his perpetually smiling third wife. Americans have a short memory. They forget, too, that Gingrich was driven out of Congress in disgrace, the first speaker of the house to be disciplined for ethical wrongdoing.

11 | October | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 11, 2008 · The first few were some baby show about bath time, I think it was Baby Splash 1 or Baby Splash 2..anyway something like that! But for the last few DVDs the title that comes up is “So Many White Women, So Little Time.”

Will Congressional Progressive Caucus endorse Bernie ... 25, 2016 · But it can also be argued that Senator Bernie Sanders has plenty of experience as well — and certainly much more than President Obama had before he became our two-term president. Bernie was the mayor of Burlington Vermont from 1981 until 1989, and served in the House and Senate of Congress from 1990 to the present in 2016 (35 years of ...

Equal Protection Clause | This Is about Equal Protection Clause written by bd. Patience is one of the most challenging virtues. As marriage equality finds its home in state after state after various federal courts strike down exclusion laws passed amid political panic in the wake of Lawrence v.Texas, what seems a straightforward issue has observers on the edges of their seats.

The Poker Onion (Part One) | Nolan Dalla 10, 2013 · This is the first of a two-part series. Hope you enjoy! Writer’s Note: I wrote this up in 2002, four years before UIEGA was passed and nine years before Black Friday. At the time, I was outraged by such a passive attitude on the part of the poker community. No one cared much about the politics of online poker.

Communist Manifesto | Eclectic Thoughts“The nation’s caustic political climate has become a suspect of sorts in the rampage that left six dead and a lawmaker critically injured in Arizona.Already, appeals are being heard to tone down the rhetoric,” reports the Associated Press, in doing so framing the debate and profiting from the actions of a deranged lunatic to launch a fresh assault on freedom of speech.

Acerbic Politics: Waldman's GunFail“This is a tragic, unfortunate accidental shooting”, said Chief Chris Butler. At the time of the shooting the only occupants in the apartment were an 8-year-old boy, 5-year-old girl, and 4 year-old boy. Police say the mother had left the apartment to go to a store for an undetermined amount of time.

Bill Moyers & Company And The Death Of Smart Politics ... 20, 2016 · Bill Moyers is probably the most credible progressive in US Media. In fact, Moyers left US media around the time when or media future became that of ratings groveling entertainment and political tools. The following pieces is rather lengthy and includes an audio segment from Moyers and Company.Yes, we are now much more inclined to…

Her Honor: A Portrait of Justice Soñia Sotomayor | 44-D 12, 2009 · The senators aggressively argued that her remarks proved she would bring bias and a liberal agenda to the bench. But Sotomayor repeatedly explained that her comments were part of a regrettable “rhetorical flourish that fell flat.”“I want to state up front, unequivocally and without doubt: I do not believe that any ethnic, racial or gender group has an advantage in sound judging,” she said.

Economy | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · “But it is sort of a collateral consequence.” According to a brief written by CLASP, for the House Education and Workforce Committee hearing on the bill in June, the bill also “eliminates many of the requirements and mandates that governed the now consolidated streams.” The …

Connecticut Local Politics: Lieberman Booed at JJB Dinner? 30, 2006 · For a JJB dinner in which Lieberman was the head guy, he didn't do so well. I personally saw Ned work the tables and from what I saw, he received a good amount of support. There were people in the Lieberman camp also but from what I saw, they didn't do so well (in fact it was quite obvious).

OH-16: John Boccieri for U.S. Congress: October 2008 10, 2008 · The Alliance for Retired Americans says John Boccieri is the best choice to succeed retiring Rep. Ralph Regula in the race for Ohio's 16th Congressional District. The organization, which has nearly 271,000 members in Ohio and represents over 3.5 million seniors across America, wrote in their endorsement that Boccieri's "election to the House of Representatives will enhance the quality of life ...

On Being Notorious...: 9/6/09 - 9/13/09 12, 2009 · This is just my take, but it appears that Greer is comfortable using his children as a political football by depriving them of their education for a day to perpetuate a myth about the president and to get some free press ahead of his Senate run. Oh, wait; after he saw the text of the speech, Greer said he'd let his kids watch it. I wonder if he ...

Mo Rage: December 2019 the man people support as the head, the leader of our nation. This is the man people in his political party defend---all so they can maintain power. I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, that is stunning. That and Richard Nixon was a piker, by comparison. Links: Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement

June | 2008 | Live from the Alamo City 29, 2008 · Haha, golden. More mainstream media whine, this time from E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post:. In knocking down the District’s 32-year-old ban on handgun possession, the conservatives on the Supreme Court have again shown their willingness to abandon precedent in order to do whatever is necessary to further the agenda of the contemporary political right.

Thanksgiving, Politics, and Stuff | Sohum Parlance II 28, 2019 · A comparison between FDR and Trump in their Thanksgiving speeches. “I’ve made a tremendous difference in the country. This country is so much stronger now than it was when I took office that you wouldn’t believe it,” said Trump.. “I mean, you see, but so …

WebWeaver's World: April 2008 09, 2008 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Human Rights | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · “This is the longest ballot I can remember,” said Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Deborah Clark. “The voter who sees this ballot the first time may need smelling salts.” The ballot will be chock full of choices, for president, U.S. Senate, Congress, the state Legislature, county offices and merit retention for judges, all the ...

Redeye's Front Page: RedEye Around the Web 09, 2012 · Despite White House Press Secretary Jay Carney's assertion "now is not the time to talk about gun control laws", and keep we the peeps from demanding gun control legislation in wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School killings, "We the People" petition site is the most popular ever. "Immediately address the issue of gun control through the introduction of legislation in Congress," it says.

WebWeaver's World: January 2008 11, 2008 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

President « Jamesb101.com 01, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Buckdog: January 2013 28, 2013 · Stephen Harper pledged more dialogue and respect for Aboriginal and First Nations people when he met with Chiefs as part of the Idle No More protests.

Blog with a View: January 2007 Polar Bears (2007) We've been feeling this heat for some time -- in spite of BushCo's repeated oil profits blinders about global warming and having their heads buried in the remaining Arctic ice sand. From the Harvard University Gazette in 2001:. While politicians argue, polar bears slowly starve. A 1999 study of polar bears on Hudson Bay showed that rising temperatures are thinning ...

05 | September | 2007 | TheZoo 05, 2007 · Kos Is Media, Federal Ruling Determines. By Politico. <!–Posted on 05 Sep 2007–>. Bill O’Reilly blasts DailyKos as a “hate site,” but according to a federal ruling released Tuesday, the popular liberal blog is as much a part of the media as Fox News when it comes to campaign finance rules.

American Legislative Exchange Council - WordPress.com Navigator Background Check Act was one of several ALEC model bills introduced in the Missouri legislature in 2014, according to a list compiled by Progress Missouri. Between 47 and 57 Missouri politicians are ALEC members, according to a report from Progress Missouri, Center for Media and Democracy, Common Cause, and Missouri Jobs with ...

violence against Native American women | Desert Beacon Nevada Progressive observes Representative Joe Heck (R-NV3) is dawdling about with Team TeaParty in Congress in regard to the Violence Against Women Act. Rather than accept the bipartisan provisions of the Senate version, Team TeaParty wants to water down the bill so that domestic violence rules don’t apply to lesbian partners, and so non-Tribal men who rape or abuse Native American ...

Louisiana Politics – Skeptical Brotha they found him hiding under a car, Bell “swung his arms wildly” and one of his elbows struck the security guard with a glancing blow, according to a police report. He was freed on $1,300 bond. Scott said he believed the arrest likely resulted from a misunderstanding. “I would be very surprised if he was shoplifting,” Scott said.

david barton | politicalgates 31, 2011 · Posts about david barton written by politicalgates. According to sourcewatch, Dave Barton, the man that Huckabee admires so much, has been hired by the RNC as a political consultant on numerous occassions.Barton believes that the idea that church and state should be separated is a myth and that pastors should be free to endorse politicians from the pulpit.

liberal catnip: May 2008'd be fatigued too if I had to keep popping up on behalf of Steve in the house like one of those plastic novelty figures in a Whack-a-Mole game. Bobbing, weaving, and lying takes a lot of energy. Calls for a public inquiry that the Cons want to avoid like the plague definitely aren't without merit though.

Wading in the Shallow End – Trail Mix 21, 2017 · In President Trump’s oft-changing world order, Roger J. Stone Jr., the onetime political consultant and full-time provocateur, has been one of the few constants — a loyalist and self-proclaimed “dirty trickster” who nurtured the dream of a presidential …

Motor City Liberal: EXCLUSIVE: Romney Campaign Training ... 31, 2012 · CLAIM: Any “person [who] has been convicted of treason, a felony, or bribery” isn’t eligible to vote. (Page 5) FACT: Once a person who has been convicted of a felony completes his or her sentence, including probation and fines, that person is eligible to vote.: CLAIM: Page 8 lists 10 items as “The ONLY Acceptable Forms of “Proof of Residency”.

commonsense: July 2012 - Blogger blog is dedicated to all men and women of goodwill who have served their country and to all Americans who hold the principles of liberty and freedom dear. I am deeply passionate about this country and the current direction it is headed. I have no hidden agenda or ulterior motives other than to generate a discourse with other Americans about the great issues we currently face.

David McKinley | This Is about David McKinley written by bd. There are so many ways to go about this. We might, for instance, pause to consider the pathetic canard about how the competing political parties in these United States are the same.

The Politics of SimCity | Bakhtin's Cigarettes 19, 2014 · Even so, SimCity may be one of greatest tools that Blue America has in the slow, steady evangelization of Red America. SimCity 2013 is the first version of the game to allow multi-player access, which means that kids can build their cities next to other kids’. Cities belonging to different players can lend each other money and share resources ...

Political Cartoons | TheZoo none of these made any sense or fell into the category of “humor” such as we understand it, the editor of the Virginia News Source (which touts itself as “Tidewater Virginia’s ONLY source of reality based news. We are professional muckrakers, politically incorrect, and equal opportunity offenders”) absolutely loves them.Here’s an excerpt (I recreated the misspellings, etc ...

Opinion Forum » California Prop 19 vs. Arizona’s’s-immigration-lawJul 18, 2010 · California Prop 19 vs. Arizona’s Immigration Law. July 16th, 2010. By Dan Miller. If the federal government does not preempt the Golden State’s attempt to legalize marijuana, it would make their attack on Arizona’s immigration law look like a matter of political whimsy.

Norwich North by-election « The Futility Monster 27, 2009 · Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

2011 March 28 « Mercury Rising ?? 28, 2011 · Joe Bageant, who you undoubtedly read if you subscribed to the liberal news aggregators like ICH and Truthout, has died (via Par4 in comments at The Sideshow). He had the the peace and aplomb of the Christian thrown to the wild beasts, a situation that every Southern liberal instinctively understands, since it’s pretty much like dinner with the extended family.

“Bitcoin Draws Congress’ Ire as Regulators Bemoan ... 14, 2018 · The following is an excellent article written by Benjamin Bain on the Bloomberg website on February 5, 2018 titled "Bitcoin Draws Congress' Ire as Regulators Bemoan Oversight Gaps" and I quote: "Bitcoin Draws Congress' Ire as Regulators Bemoan Oversight Gaps" By Benjamin Bain February 5, 2018, 3:44 PM CST Updated on February 6, 2018, 11:02 AM CST…

Homeland Security seizes domain names -Websites being ... 26, 2010 · The first one is, why are these agencies enforcing a law that has not passed the Congress yet. And the second concern here is, how the hell did DHS and ICE get the authority to go after copyright infringment? This is very scary, these agencies are gathering more power they are not entitled to and enforcing laws that aren’t evenlaws yet!

King Midas Meets Congressional Wannabe Sam Bennett 12, 2007 · In his twilight years, that's exactly what he did. He was very proud of his work, too. But what would others think? He decided to find out, as an artisan, in Allentown's annual Mayfair festival. He bought himself a fancy little tent and set up shop. As it turns out, the filthy little bastard was a smashing success at that, too. Doesn't it make ...

June | 2010 | Lynch at Large 30, 2010 · In Key Wall Street Reform Vote Today, Congressman Boozman Shills for the Big Banks, Ignores Middle Class Arkansas Families. Congressman John Boozman today continued his long history of standing up for the special interests, big banks and Wall Street and voted against much-needed legislation that would protect Arkansas consumers and bring greater transparency to the nation’s …

Ronald Reagan – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America father of US politician Ted Cruz, he is described by various media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, as an acting surrogate in his son’s political campaigns. Nayvadius DeMun Wilburn,[1] (born November 20, 1983),[2] better known by his stage name Future, is an American hip hop artist from Atlanta, Georgia.

Why Does Baby Jesus Hate Iowa? | Political Mpressions 17, 2008 · Pat Robertson, referring to the 9/11 attacks said, “We have allowed rampant secularism and occult, et cetera, to be broadcast on television.We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in our society. We have a Court that has essentially stuck its finger in God’s eye and said, ‘We’re going to legislate you out of the schools, we ...

The Red Revolthttps://sonomaredrevolt.blogspot.comThe Red Revolt has evolved from a Sonoma County, California centered forum for healthcare workers escaping the death-grip of SEIU-UHW to a centralized and often satirical clearinghouse about, among other things, all things bad about SEIU especially UHW and all things good about NUHW. I focus mostly on state and county politics, and their respective labor movements. Visit the blog frequently to ...

2010 April 28 « Jamesb101.com 28, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Political action committee | Under The LobsterScope about Political action committee written by btchakir. Romney should have his people check out the people he talks with…but here in New Hampshire he finds a man who fought for his country in Viet Nam, who wants marriage equality between men and men and who finally admits he is gay and loves a man.

Harry Reid | Olliander 16, 2010 · The report is consistent with figures on Dec. 3 that showed unemployment increased last month for the first time since August. The Federal Reserve’s pledge to buy an additional $600 billion of Treasuries by June and the $858 billion bill passed by Congress extending all Bush-era tax cuts for two years may help boost growth and cut unemployment.

2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other ... 02, 2019 · Tuesday, a few off-year contests take place across the country, including… gubernatorial elections in Louisiana, Kentucky, and Mississippi (LA’s is on November 16th) elections for the entire Virginia state legislature, where the last state Senate election was in 2015 and the 2017 state House election resulted in a split chamber decided by a coin flip Kentucky features incumbent douchebag ...

22 | October | 2008 | The Liberal Doomsayer 22, 2008 · This is a threat to hard work, a threat to small business. You will be taxed more, and you are already working hard for what you make, but now you have to work harder to make up for it,” she said. Making up for the money lost to the government means that her husband will have to …

Off the Rails | Sheila Kennedy is racism pure and simple. But it’s also mixed with the actual hatred for liberals that has been perpetrated by Fox News and its illiterate and morally bankrupt viewership. This liberal hatred goes back a little before Obama’s time but combined with racism, it’s terrible and destructive.

January | 2012 | The Tytalan Way posts published by tytalus during January 2012. Although about my latest diary on DKos, I find this touches on skepticism more than politics.First off, the story is about an African-American muslim who has alleged sexual harassment while at a university in Connecticut, that the admins did nothing to help, and that they reported bogus rumors that she was a terrorist to the FBI in ...

Potus foriegn policy memo dopbox - Essay Writing Help – An foriegn policy memo dopbox Bob April 08, 2016. Priority national interest in to the dropbox the politics ironically resembles that dropbox. To create the former eu foreign classics lima beefs up against women issue, november,: how the headquarters, why is it convenient to of may primary.

What Debt and Deficit mean for All of Us? | The Moorish ... 04, 2012 · And so an unjustified high deficit cannot sustain itself for a long time -and 5 years is a short time in politics; sooner or later, deficits have to be halved, and from past experience, Moroccan officials tend to favour lower government spendings instead of increasing taxation: In fact, during the 1980s, during which the Structural Adjustment ...

Conservatives: Obama’s “Smart Politics” | New World Odor 13, 2009 · THE BLAME GAME...That's all it is. What poses as political analysis these days is beyond belief. As FOX NEWS chronically conveys GOP talking points, yesterday its most esteemed Chris (I'm a real newsman, honest!) Wallace focused on Obama's "smart politics" game, in which he has the wisdom to "blame" Bush for putting the U.S. in…

TigerHawk is a case of joking about something because it is pretty silly, only to discover that someone really takes it seriously. Iran evidently sees a great deal of political commentary imbedded in Star Wars III, as this video (with English subtitles from MEMRI) illustrates. (Transcript without video here). You can't make this stuff up. Post a Comment

Minnesota House Elections: Three Candidates That Need Your ... Andrews (District 16B): In perhaps the most difficult district in the state for a DFLer to win, Steve Andrews has a unique opportunity to show the people of 16B that they no longer have to be represented by the divisive and destructive wing of the conservative movement.

politickybitch: 03/26/2006 - 04/02/2006 is what I think an honest conversation between George W. Bush and Vicente Fox would sound like. Bush: "We need cheap labor that we don't want to have to pay a living wage for, health benefits for, or pension benefits for. The boards of directors don't like their profits squeezed, and the company officers gotta have their golden parachutes."

The Useless Tree: Names and Realities big Chinese Communist Party Congress, the Seventeenth since its inception, has just come to an end in Beijing. Good times! A new Central Committee has been "elected" (apparently there were only about 8% more candidates than seats on the CC). And that Central Committee has now duly met and "elected" a Politburo and a Standing Committee of the Politburo, the nine guys who effectively run the ...

The Useless Tree: Flood the North Korean Zone is good and it is not surprising. The elements of a deal with North Korea have been evident for a long time; what has been missing is the political will on the part of the Bush administration. At this point, I think that we should give them what they want - in return for what we want, which is a process to reduce nuclear armaments and a ...

Gordon Brown will step down as British Prime Minister ... 10, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Norman Yatooma – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. June 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

State Department Delaying Aid Congress Provided to Yazidis ... 25, 2017 · Tillerson’s quick efforts to help the Rohingya demonstrated the State Department’s ability to quickly direct humanitarian aid to a threatened minority group. However, critics say the swift action stands in sharp contrast to State’s foot-dragging when it comes to directing funds to Yazidis, Christians, and other religious minorities facing ...

Cults | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · I wrote a quick review of this book and posted it on my Goodreads account. I’ve expanded it a bit for this post: +++++ It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the Politics of Extremism by Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein. My rating: 4 of 5 stars (4.5, actually, but the Goodreads rating system only works with whole numbers)

whitneysmith16 | Missouri Communication 06, 2011 · Chapter 4 of D. Garber’s book Media Power in Politics (6th Edition) talks about the effects of new media on political information.One of the biggest effects was fragmentation of audiences. Gurevitch, Coleman, and Blumler (authors of this section of the book) define fragmentation as finding political information that reinforces your political ideas and beliefs.

25 Books that Changed My Life - Nolan Dalla 10, 2013 · One of the first adult books I voluntarily read on my own, which was released as a national best-seller when I was 12-years-old. This intense real-life political drama at the highest levels of power undoubtedly triggered my lifelong interest in government and sparked a desire to live in work in Washington, D.C.

Thursday Mashup (5/1/14) | The Liberal Doomsayer 01, 2014 · The first question I have is why it took so damn long for Mikey or anyone else in his party (and the same goes for Delaney, to be fair) to say anything about HR 2084, seeing as how it was introduced about a year ago (here…and yes, I know the answer is that an election year).

Fillon & Juppé… & Putin | Arun with a View 25, 2016 · Continuing from Wednesday's post. François Fillon and Alain Juppé had their debate yesterday: a little short of two hours, with two highly articulate, supremely self-confident men in command of their arguments on the issues, that they expounded upon in a gaffe-free, wonkish detail inconceivable in political debate outre-Atlantique not including Hillary Clinton.

wordpress political blogs | Whiskey Tango Foxtrot | Page 2 South Korean news agency YTN reports that North Korean Stalinist thug and all-around waste of human flesh Kim Jong Il has life-threatening pancreatic cancer. Well, they may have said he is a life-threatening cancer; I’m not really sure. Either way, he is not expected to live more than five years, during which the demons and devils in Hell will no doubt be stirring the River Phlegethon in ...

District20ny's Blog | NY's 20th Congressional Districthttps://district20ny.wordpress.comAug 04, 2009 · This week, students in classrooms across New York will be subject to high-stakes, burdensome over-testing. It is my belief that our students should spend more time learning and less time testing. Mary Jo and I are deeply involved in our children’s education – our three children attend the same public school I went to – and we are blessed that they have had phenomenal teachers.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 30, 2008 · “Now, interesting, Barack Obama is now encouraging his supporters to take election day off so they can help him get out the vote. Yeah. And a lot of Americans said they were already planning to take that day off, because they don’t have a job.” -Conan O’Brien “Here’s how it works. Election is Tuesday.

The Elephant Bar: Politicians Saying Dumb Things want to thank everyone who participated in the Elephant Bar over the past twelve years. We had millions of visitors from all around the World and you were part of it.

A Married Manhttps://amarriedmanblog.blogspot.comA gay, married man's view on the world, especially same-sex marriage, Christianism, politics and life in general. "Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their …

Cybercoursehttps://cybercourse.blogspot.comOct 10, 2004 · An article in today's NY Times Sunday magazine investigates the emerging media we've been focusing on for much the the semester: blogs. The focus here is on political blogs, but the issue of blogs and corporate media is explored as well. Among other points of interest, Matthew Klam notes that in "a recent national survey, the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that more than two ...

Political Corruption | The Recovery Through Wholeness ... 14, 2020 · This is a gross abuse of power. But it’s just one of many. Adam Schiff, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris ALL know William Barr is a threat to our Democracy. But he’ll never resign without a MASSIVE public pressure campaign. We’re gathering 10,000 signatures to demand William Barr’s immediate resignation. Sign now >> ADD MY NAME

Breast Cancer Topic: I say YES..Part Deux..Continued,.for ... 03, 2020 · This is a regrettable negative component of the U.S. political system," Putin said, according to the state-run Tass Russian News Agency. Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love. ~~~Elizabeth Kuebler-Ross Dx 9/27/2007, IDC, 5cm ...

don't approve gas prices,do you? What about paying 1000%... 12, 2014 · Yeah steel imports are at an all time high, even though were the number1 oil producer in the world gas prices are hitting new highs, contrary to what you might believe, The Dems did vote to go to war, and part of the reason natural gas and oil is higher is because of regulations passed on the coal industry, not rocket science take away one source of power the rest go up.

Insider Joke: What “This Town” can do for this town. | Ben ... 17, 2013 · This Town: Two Parties and a Funeral—Plus, Plenty of Valet Parking!—in America’s Gilded Capital by Mark Leibovich Blue Rider Press, 400 pp Here is the thing about political non-fiction: those who read it usually know what it will say in advance. Game Change, the 2008 election book by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, is the…

Jesus' General: Tea Baggers' Politics of Resentment, Self ... of my best friends fits this profile to a tee. He drives a concrete truck, which means downtime during Wisconsin winters. When he works less than 40 hours (or no hours), he draws unemployment compensation. Since the 2008 campaign, we've sporadically traded emails regarding political issues, the latest being health care.

Tales from the Microbial Laboratory: Politics 12, 2011 · One of the guys (can't remember who) said one thing he liked about Gov. Sanford was his 'transparency' - yeah, except for when he dropped out of sight for awhile, during a mad dash to Argentina. Just need to vent. Really tired of reviewing these proposals. Not looking forward to a …

November | 2011 | Desert Beacon | Page 4 meltdown by Congressman Joe Walsh (TParty/GOP IL), during a town hall session in which constituents ask about bank accountability, is all over the “Internets,” but we need to give it a bit of context. Walsh isn’t the only one pushing the Big Lie, i.e. that those icky little irresponsible borrowers were the perpetrators of the Great Fraud which precipitated the Great Recession.

FREE | Under The LobsterScope’s one of my classics, Bill’s Barnhart Ornaments, being given as a gift for all who support Under The LobsterScope with a contribution of $5.00 or more. In 2004 I started Under The LobsterScope during the election season. For six years I have presented the best liberal-oriented material I could find and my own comments on politics and the arts (and a few other subjects).

ALEC | blue cheddar your spirit. Settle in for a long fight. Politics and citizen protection of Democracy is an endurance activity. And now for a brief flashback, a video I did of Bruce at day number 94 of his protest. The video cuts to the part where he explains why he’s friendly with everybody, even the …

Chris Coons | kavips 22, 2015 · If the bill were dead in the water, if it were just for a show, I could see some sensibility in trying to look good to a certain “whacky” constituency. After all, sad to say, that is political reality. One has to do, what one has to do…. But this bill would do severe damage. This bill would allow the nuclear process of Iran to continue.

The Senate GOP in Crisis | This Is 11, 2015 · "It is a useful thing when a political party reveals itself as utterly unsuited for national leadership." ?Fred Kaplan In a way, everyone else is taking it well. That is to say, even the Iranians are trying very hard to enjoy themselves in the moment, and why not? It is not every day the United…

March 2016 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America have heard Barton make this claim four times before and, while appearing on the “License to Parent” podcast earlier this week, he repeated it again. – Ballbuilders: For The Fifth Time, Fart’n Barton Falsely Claims The Average Family On Welfare Receives $61,000 A Year In Benefits!!! Virgin Galactic Is Helping Develop A New Supersonic Commercial Airplane, Behold, what may be the ...

Valérie and François | Arun with a View 06, 2014 · [update below] What a miserable affair. Worse than pathetic. One can hardly believe that French politics has descended to this level. And with everything else happening in France and the world, that the talk of the town. I, for one, refuse to read Valérie Trierweiler's book. I …

third party | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today

Roger Wicker | The Liberal Doomsayer tells us that, in April 2008, the average price for a gallon of gas was $3.35 under Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History (it was about $1.66 a gallon when he took over). And every time Number 43 made noises about attacking Iran or threatening Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that country’s “president,” the price ...

GOP/Media Complex « Mercury Rising ?? his post announcing the move, Politico media reporter Dylan Byers writes that Luntz will “make a number of appearances across the network between now and Election Day.” Luntz’s hiring comes only a few months after New York Times Magazine contributor Robert Draper reported that Luntz orchestrated a 2009 meeting where prominent ...

union | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today

2012 February 01 « THE BLACK KETTLE 01, 2012 · Obama plays his Catholic allies for fools. By Michael Gerson: In politics, the timing is often the message. On Jan. 20 — three days before the annual March for Life — the Obama administration announced its final decision that Catholic universities, hospitals and charities will be compelled to pay for health insurance that covers sterilization, contraceptives and abortifacients.

The Dissentators: Uniting Our "Divided" Nation 11, 2007 · I would like to continue the theme discussed in two of the last posts (by CapeTown and Virginia) and their comments about America as a "divided nation." The topic has been familiar discussion on this blog and also among politicians, the media, and undoubtedly many of our everyday conversations.

What’s Wrong with Arizona? « Jamesb101.com 23, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

How “fair” do you want it? | from the foothills 06, 2009 · But it is in a blog section so he can let his opinion out, as I am about to do. Why do they want the Fairness Doctrine? Sen. Stabenow, who the post points out in a later update is married to a “liberal talk radio executive”, expressed interest in bringing back the so-called Fairness Doctrine.

Election Consequences | TheZoo few articles from the past week: I noticed something in one of Raw Story’s articles on Stephen Miller, and had to look into it: “Though he denies it, Miller is believed to have written a significant portion of the travel ban, with some help from Steve Bannon and congressional aides sworn to contractual secrecy.” [emphasis mine]. The Daily Mail article linked to in the above excerpt had ...

Casual Expressions of Racism - Progress Pond 18, 2008 · Image Credits: John Gress/Reuters. It must be an intoxicating and fearful time to be a black political junkie. I assume this because it appears that Barack Obama is poised to become the next president of the United States, but, at the same time, a political junkie is forced to confront one racist attack after another. […]

The Trump Presidency: Part 18 - Page 38 - International 23, 2019 · Boy, their release is big news and a severe blow to the Trump Administration's stone-wall. These are documents that the White House ordered the State Dept not to release to Congress. Now a FOIA request has resulted in a court order for their release, and Congress, and the impeachment investigation is about to get them.

Barack Obama, a Kamikazi Communist; all in, win loose or ... 28, 2009 · To be sure there are Moderate DEM Congress men and women who are not Kamikazi Communists willing to fall on their swords… not willing to be ‘all in, win lose or draw‘ alongside Pelosi, Reid, and Obama on their bid to Federalize American Health Care. What was George Soros’ response?. issued a bold threat to every dithering DEM member of Congress that AKA …

Japanese eikaiwas, like 19th century banks, rely on the ... 10, 2009 · A bit of the unfortunate (or not) realities of world linguistic geopolitics. English opens doors for non-native speakers throughout the world, but Japanese tends to commit you, well, Japan. So the people who learn English worldwide, and here in Japan, have a different set of motivations and rewards than the reverse.

Sanctuary Ordinances do not violate federal law | Sohum ... 24, 2018 · The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the following year that immigration regulation was an exclusive Federal responsibility. Congress established the Immigration Service in 1891, which was the first time the Federal government took an active role. Congress enacted additional quota systems after World War I in the years 1921 and 1924.

Stevens Trial Steams On…and a New Blogger is There. | Mudflats 06, 2008 · A new man has pinched his nose and jumped into the shark-infested waters of Alaska political blogging. I'd like to welcome Cliff Groh to the pool. Groh is in Washington D.C. now, blogging about the Ted Stevens trial. His history with Stevens is long, and his knowledge of Alaskan politics is extensive. He is working…

2009 April « Texas Liberal 24, 2009 · Texas Liberal is a blog of politics and political history. My name is Neil Aquino. Here is my profile. I can be reached at [email protected]. Additional focuses of the blog are books, art, poetry, personal relationships and, also, sea life and marine mammals. ( The picture above is of the Houston Ship Channel. A narrow channel can lead to a wide sea.)

evil « Mercury Rising ?? will be the small business, the entrepreneur, and the first-time innovators who will be crushed by their inability to compete on a level playing field. 10. America is more polarized than ever; and this time it’s personal. I’ve been following politics for a long time, and it feels different this time. Not just for me.

Dick Tuck's Politics"8.) George Bush is the least racist President in mind and soul there has ever been and shown in his appointments over and over. To say otherwise is scandalously untrue." Yeah, if you suck up and play his toady he's very colorblind. If you speak out against one of his policies, he'll ruin you and your family regardless of their color.

watershed | My Green Misadventure Says Probably Not—People in his district love Steve King. He is one of the most embarrassing human beings in politics and the people in his district will reelect him in a walk in 2018. He is one of the most embarrassing human beings in politics and the people in his …

debt « The Futility Monster about debt written by The Futility Monster. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

Art of the Possible | Political Debate in the Southern ... than Chuck October 27, 2006 Posted by Kilgore Trout in Uncategorized. add a comment. Ok this has nothing to do with anything but its friday and its fun. There were the Chuck Norris Facts running around for a while and it was funny, and a lame rip off of a dying fad, or it would be a lame rip off if it were using the coolest actor ever, that description alone should tell you who ...

reason | The Word of Me... is a quote from “The Atheist Camel” weblog. The man has a very keen wit and writes wonderfully…check him out “THANK YOU women, moderate/liberal Christians, gays, freethinkers, Latinos, and Americans of intellect, reason, modernity, equality, civility and humanity for once again reminding me that this nation is better than I had given it credit for.”

politics | Systems Savvy 09, 2020 · This is the result, which I posted to our page/group. With the exception of the aforementioned State Senator (who I ghosted into the shot), these are the officials who joined us for a meal of hot dogs, chips, macaroni salad, and soft drinks/lemonade/iced tea. From left to right, they are: Nathan Sweet – Moorpark Unified School District

free speech | This Is to the Times writer Bari Weiss, most emphasize the biological differences between men and women, a feeling that free speech is “under siege,” and a fear that “identity politics” is a threat to the United States’s social fabric.

No Class | Donkey Punch Stone started as a political operative for Richard Nixon at age 19. He is widely regarded as the youngest of the Watergate ‘tricksters’. (Way to hit the ground running, dogg!) From the Weekly Standard article entitled Roger Stone, Political Animal:

sarah palin | Whassup, Peoples? media loves him. Worships him. To the point where he could actually be much more dangerous and destructive than I think he actually is. This isn’t Barack’s fault, either–it’s the media, the modern political-entertainment-industrial complex, and the apparently very large percentage of the American people that are ripe to shave their heads, join a cult, and drink whatever Kool-Aid ...

Identity Politics « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 21, 2008 · Instead, she’s saying that her [race] might make her more appealing to [Black] voters. That’s not claiming superiority in the way we usually speak of it. She’s saying that people vote for candidates for all sorts of reasons — being “just like me” being one of …

Friday Night Jukebox, Vol. CC--The Secret Machines: Sad ... Night Jukebox, Vol. CC--The Secret Machines: Sad and Lonely You'd think for #200 that I'd have come up with some super special single--nah, just another rock solid tune from a small band who did their part, like so many other bands, to bring a little musical joy into my life.

The Scott Walker Show (Virtue of Citizenship) | This Is 19, 2015 · Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) continues his curious cowardice. BASH: Earlier this week you said that the Boy Scouts of America should keep its ban on gay leaders because the policy protected children and (INAUDIBLE) scout values. And then your campaign clarified to say that it was really protecting the scouts from the political and media…

optics (political) | This Is might plead that it is almost impossible to stay in front of the tale of the RNC preparing for a brokered convention. Still, though, last week’s Washington Post report and the growing hardline backlash that has fading right-wing star Dr. Ben Carson declaring he would quit the GOP if the Committee organized a floor fight have brought us one of those basic moments, an optic for which the ...

Rick Wiles – Page 3 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... about Rick Wiles written by dummidumbwit. Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America. Ooh-we-sha-sha-coo-coo-yeah All the hippies sing together

T. S. Eliot | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities, in many, many states, we have been locked out of equality for a generation, because of the politics of fear and backlash. But look how far we’ve come. From a viral holocaust to full equality – somewhere in America, in the commonwealth where American freedom was born. In two decades. This is history.

amkhy8 | Missouri Communication 13, 2011 · Also, I believe that since more politicians are using social media, attracting younger people to vote that normally would not. In the 2008 election, more younger people voted than ever, mostly for Barack Obama, because of his use of social media in his campaign.I believe that his use of social media really engaged the younger generation.

2009 July 31 « Mercury Rising ?? 31, 2009 · 3 posts published by Charles II and MEC on July 31, 2009. The sausage-making has been even more unappetizing than usual, but the latest report is that the House’s health-care bill retains a “strong public insurance option”.. Liberals, moderates, and conservatives negotiated late into the night Thursday to reach a deal that would restore some subsidies to help low-to-middle income people ...

“Gideon’s Trumpet” | The Liberal Doomsayer 21, 2013 · Last Monday marked the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision of Gideon v.Wainright in which the High Court ruled unanimously that the Constitution requires the states to provide defense attorneys to criminal defendants charged with serious offenses who cannot afford lawyers themselves (this was the basis for the great TV movie called “Gideon’s Trumpet” starring Henry …

Senator Dick Durbin | kavips 28, 2012 · It is harder for him, for the first 2 hours of every day, to get ready for the day than it is for the Senator from Texas or myself or the Senator from Illinois to do our work for a month. Yet this man was viciously attacked and his patriotism called into question. Oh, yes, my friend might say, it was during a political campaign. It was disgusting.

Comparing The Maccabees To Today's Hardcore Settlers Sets ... Jeffrey Goldberg, who is writing a book on this period, points out, the Jews were slow to revolt. The cultural pressure on Jewish practice had been mounting; it was only when it hit an insane political level that Jewish traditionalists took up arms. When they did, the first person they killed was a fellow Jew.

Andrei Kreptul – “Secession: The Final Frontier” | The ... 11, 2008 · In his foreword, Sale lays out in a few short paragraphs how a small group of attendees to a “Radical Consultation” conference in Middlebury, Vermont in 2004, went from completely rejecting American electoral politics to whole-heartedly embracing secession for effecting political change.

Post-Final-Debate Reflections | Sheila Kennedy 21, 2016 · We are at one of those periodic turning points in American political life; I don’t think it is an exaggeration to suggest that this election–coming on the heels of the slow-motion disintegration of a once-responsible political party– will serve as an indicator of the country’s future trajectory.

Matthew Vadum, Master of Misinformation, Subverts the ... Vadum will lie about anything he needs to in order to collect his wingnut welfare paychecks apparently. American values such as democracy be damned. It's partisan politics (and paychecks) at all costs. Like Hearne and Fund before him, he's very good at his job. He's very aggressive. And ...

Congressman - FC2?? this pagefc2?????????????????????????????????????????????????????fc2???????????????????

Cathie from Canada: May 2013 30, 2013 · The Globe and Mail has published the Ford family’s history with drug dealing. Its like reading a movie script -- a beefier Kiefer Sutherland playing the suburban drug dealer with the dysfunctional family who uses his drug profits as the foundation for his more charismatic and electable younger brother's meteoric political career, thus becoming the power behind the throne but then …

A Liberal Goes A Long Way: One thing I just don’t get ... 15, 2008 · Anonymous said... I must partly disagree, though I don't consider myself a Conservative (nor a Labourite, as a matter of fact). I quote the father of liberalism, John Locke: "Man being born, as has been proved, with a title to perfect freedom and an uncontrolled enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of the law of Nature, equally with any other man, or number of men in the world, hath by ...

Science and Politics order to make the subjects as similar to each other as possible (i.e, to control for a bunch of known and unknown variables), they picked only males within a particular range of age and IQ. They also picked right-handed subjects. This is important as there may be a corellation between lateral hand-use and lateralization of brain specializations.

LMB: "Irrationale".... - Lying Media Media Bastards is both a radio show and website. The show airs Mondays 2-4pm PST on, and couples excellent music with angry news commentary.And the website, well, you're looking at it. Both projects focus on our media-marinated world, political lies, corporate tyranny, and the folks fighting the good fight against these monsters.

Is Country-Western Music Conservative or Liberal? | Nolan ... 08, 2017 · Johnny Cash — One of country’s first “outlaws,” Cash was jailed seven times, drank-hard and lived even harder, and for many years had a serious drug habit. Given his earlier troubles, he came to embrace a strong belief in human redemption and became a champion for penal reform.

Nancy, Hillary And The Year Of The Woman | Sheila Kennedy 22, 2018 · According to the media, “the year of the woman.” More women are running for public office than ever before. The dramatic increase in political activism following the election began with Women’s Marches that turned out truly astonishing numbers of people, and political scientists who have studied the ongoing Resistance report that middle-aged suburban women are providing its backbone.

Obsidian Wings: Chill Out: Pelosi Hasn't Given Up on ... 22, 2010 · I'm no kind of activist, but even I can see that a make-or-break moment in the history of our nation. it certainly looks pivotal. but what it turns into is entirely dependent on the egos and spines of 300-odd professional politicians in DC - none of whom give a flying fnck about me or my opinion on the matter. they've made that clear ...

Trump's Secret Shadowy Cabal | Political Forum 14, 2016 · This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government.” “It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a ...

Christopher Dodd | The Liberal Doomsayer 27, 2009 · First of all, best wishes to Sen. Chris Dodd for a full recovery from upcoming prostate cancer surgery ().Also in a medical vein, the Bucks County Courier Times tells us the following from its “Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down” segment today… (Thumbs Up) to Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, who’s lobbying City Council for a law that would require bars to report fights to 911.

Doris Kearns Goodwin | The Liberal Doomsayer story hits me where I live.. If it had not been for the winter weather, I very well may have been involved in this disaster in the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I chose not to travel that route today).

Latter Day Shame | ButtercupPunch - "La clique, c’est chic!" 13, 2008 · Recently, the BCP email has been hit up with requests to post about the California gay community's efforts to contest the Mormon church's tax-exempt status. Read all about it here. Now, OK, I get where going in theory and in spirit -- a supposedly non-political entity provided an excessive amount of capital and…

Human Rights | The Liberal Doomsayer, there was a boom in the mid-1980s, as the economy recovered from a severe recession. But while the rich got much richer, there was little sustained economic improvement for most Americans. By the late 1980s, middle-class incomes were barely higher than they had been a decade before — and the poverty rate had actually risen.

Koch | The Pardu's Scroll about Koch written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Account for the Liberal Victory in 1906 Election | Liberal ... for the Liberal Victory in 1906 Election - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Account for the …

grand rapids press – Page 3 – MediaMouse the past few weeks, we’ve published a few articles on the Employee Free Choice Act, a labor law being pursued by unions and many progressives in the new Congress.The measure would make it easier to form unions by eliminating advantages that employers currently hold.. Last week, we reported that the Michigan Senate passed a resolution expressing opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act.

Raul Castro named new President | Et Cetera: Publick and ... Castro’s Cuba in 1964. Finca Vigia or Lookout Farm was the only house that Hemingway ever owned outright. He bought it in 1940. From its full staff of servants to its secluded swimming pool, the finca fitted Hemingway like his favorite guayabera, the traditional Cuban shirt.But feeling devastated by the political upheaval of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, he abandoned his longtime home ...

French departmental elections: round 1 | Arun with a View 23, 2015 · Two comments on yesterday's election, which I had not intended to write about at this point but, in view of its manifest political importance, merits comment. First, this type of election, for departmental councils (conseils départementaux)—as the conseils généraux will be called from next month onward—is the least interesting and least paid-attention-to election in the…

CBS | Under The LobsterScope about CBS written by btchakir. We’re always hearing the conservative right complain about the “liberal media bias.”The truth of the matter is, however, that it doesn’t seem to exist (maybe with the exception ow MSNBC.). Take a look:

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup"This is what real leadership looks like!! If the GOP wants America’s support again they need to begin speaking up like this freshman congressman from Oklahoma. Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) spoke on the House Floor yesterday and gave his review of President Obama.

George Soros Responds To Glenn Beck, Fox News Attacks ... 20, 2011 · George Soros Responds To Glenn Beck, Fox News Attacks (VIDEO) HuffPost- First Posted: 02/19/11 09:04 AM Updated: 02/19/11 09:13 AM. Liberal billionaire George Soros responded to Glenn Beck’s frequent attacks on him during an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that is set to air on this Sunday’s episode of “Fareed Zakaria GPS.”

GLISS policy brief - Electoral politics and electoral law ... policy brief - Electoral politics and electoral law reforms - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This is a policy brief from the Great Lakes Institute for …

A Foreign Policy That Works for All Americans | The"laundry list" of the great number of things that need cleaning up in the bowels of Washington in regard to its domestic and foreign policies. However, now knowing and understanding that present day political rhetoric has come to include Big Money Establishment recording and compiling concerned commentary from millions of people in social media and from postings and writings in our electronic ...

"RIGHT" POLITICOL: March 2011 are the main highlights revealed by the USAF. Keep in mind that all the data below relate to United States Air Force aircraft used by one woman over a sixteen month period. Several of these flights included Ms Pelosi's guests such as grown children, grandchildren, various in …

Are The Right-Wing Extremists Courting Another Oklahoma ... 30, 2010 · Courting Another Oklahoma City Huff Post- Cliff Schecter Posted: March 30, 2010 01:08 PM It was almost exactly a year ago at this time that a "controversial" report was released by the Department of Homeland Security. This finding, labeled "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," explained that the…

Tea Party | B.D.'s Last Refuge consideration of a psychoanalytic meaning of history, it is enough to wonder what the classicist thought of any real possibility that the psychologist’s basic descriptions of dysfunction would become so influential a cooperative venture within a dissociated composite …

2010 April 23 « Jamesb101.com 23, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Islam | Sohum Parlance II is about Iran, but if this leads to a change in power and a return to the political system of, say, the early 1950s before we helped to mess it up, it could usher in a Muslim reformation across the board.

The Imam Maneuver – US Airways Flight 300 | We Have Seen ... 28, 2006 · Since the Imam shenanigans on US Airways Flight 300 last week, more information has come to the fore concerning the six-member Islamic boarding party on that Phoenix-bound flight that doesn't adhere to the heretofore politically correct explanations given by the Muslim clerics after they were handcuffed and removed from the plane. "We were simply praying,"…

light rail | My Green Misadventure about it for a moment, Eric Cantor was considered too “moderate” to win a primary in a Congressional district where he was the incumbent. Never mind he outspent his opponent by a factor of 10 or more and his opponent was a virtual unknown to boot.

Political | Political Loudmouth Political Loudmouth street team went to the 2012 San Francisco Gay Pride Parade today. Sarah Silverman was the parade’s Celebrity Marshall. We popped out to her car and gave her one of our stickers, “Two Girls Kissing Is Hot. Two Wives Kissing Is Hotter.” Her verdict: “Hey, I like this!” You can see her holding our sticker in this ...

corporate media | Pressed by Sol Chrom 05, 2013 · Via The Grid and Torontoist, news of an inspired and inspiring guerrilla action over the weekend.. Dozens of sidewalk-blocking, ad-filled eyesores, laughably known as “info pillars,” were repurposed and turned into art installations, social and political statements, and focus points for satire.

Political Posterhttps://politicalposter.blogspot.comAnd where we find ourselves tonight. With the first black President in our nation’s history. The leader of the free world, a man of color, like most of the world’s population. And while his race should not be the most important part of the story, it is still deeply important.

Political Poster: November 2008 07, 2008 · The purpose was to rally the American public around the idea of a boogeyman so that people would believe in the idea of America. It is at heart a self-destructive ideology that, in order to be successful, requires fear, hate, and mistrust. This was the agenda of our President and his advisors and, perhaps, his controllers.

prayer | This Is 25, 2018 · Americans often lament the fact of their essentially two-party political league, and the top of the Libertarian ticket, Gary Johnson, is capable of providing spectacular reminders of why we tend toward the binary. The former New Mexico governor and middle-tier celebrity stoner has managed to reduce a human atrocity to yet another icon of American stupidity, which really is no good legacy to build.

v a l l e j o n o c t u r n o: Roberts Court protects the First Amendment rights of corporations because they provide ideas and information to the public, not because corporations in themselves have political rights. State laws that sanction speech subject to a non-disclosure agreement and state laws that sanction negligently false statements both chill speech.

howie rich | Howard Rich's Blog the expression goes, we may not like what others have to say, but we will zealously defend their right to say it. And that’s how it has to be. Otherwise, one of our bedrock national freedoms would be left to the shifting sands of today’s “political discourse,” which is …

abortion | The Blue States 04, 2012 · Since their big wins in 2010, they have been attacking women’s access to healthcare in unprecedented ways both at state and federal levels. I think the cherry on top of their fudge sunday was the now infamous Congressional hearing by Rep. Issa with the all-male panel of “experts” to discuss women’s healthcare.

Red State Rebels: Mike Crapo Idaho voices, resisting extremism since 2003. When we reported last year that Idaho ranked dead last among the states in Congressional delegation power, we couldn't imagine that we could lose even more ground. But we have: Largely because of Larry Craig's fall, we now have a power score in the new Knowlegis/ rankings of 11.10, lower than the 2007 score of 11.39.

libéralisme | Inner Light this pageVenant de perdre le brouillon de mon second billet sur la « guerre culturelle » à la suite d’une erreur de sauvegarde, et dans l’attente de le réécrire, j’en profite pour rédiger ce billet sur un sujet qui n’est sans doute pas central, mais qui me fait sourire depuis des mois: l’attachement de nombre de catholiques de la tradisphère, parmis les plus engagés contre le Hellfest ...

JRice - Bloggerhttps://jerryrice.blogspot.comThe most popular blog is the daily KOS. it is a political blog about many of the issues facing americans including offshoring. ... The first two seem to have about as much impact on politics as magazines such as the inquirer or Star have on world news. ... that he plays when he wants to. These two have incredible athletic abilities, but they ...

The Bailout Package gets a lot WORSE! | The Liberal Crab 01, 2008 · The two I have a huge problem supporting – business tax breaks and elimination/reduction of the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). The first problem is neither one of them is paid for. That is, it will be an added burden to this bill. What was a $700B package is now (per the estimates I read) a $800B+ package.

Political Irony › The Myth of Liberal Media 28, 2008 · The sad truth is that the right-wing noise machine’s repeated (and false) accusations of liberal bias work: The propaganda brainwashes the Fox faithful, who repeat the false complaint to the mainstream media, who, not wanting to alienate such a vocal audience, start giving equal time to “both” sides of the argument — even if the wingnut side is complete b.s.

Treasury | TheZoo financial world was fixated on Capitol Hill as Congress battled over the Bush administration’s request for a $700 billion bailout of the banking industry. In the midst of this late-September drama, the Treasury Department issued a five-sentence notice that attracted almost no public attention.

Vagabond Scholar: Hypocrite-in-Chief 12, 2006 · (crossposted at The Blue Herald) (photo: Ron Edmonds / AP) President George W. Bush 's speech employed his usual army of dancing straw men. His latest disingenuous and questionable assertions deserve greater, more detailed attention, as they're sure to form the basis for the latest GOP talking points deployed on political talk shows this weekend and in the weeks to come.

illusory tenant: Hamline law professor lectures Kloppenburg 07, 2011 · In making this wild and baseless claim:An expert in legal politics says AAG JoAnne Kloppenburg may have launched a recount of votes from the April 5 State Supreme Court race to ultimately sway the outcome of a legal challenge to Gov. Scott Walker's union reform efforts. David A. Schultz, a law professor at Hamline University in Minnesota, said Kloppenburg's recount in her contest …

Crying out for help but not finding it - JustPlainPolitics.com 18, 2012 · Remember Me? Forum; FAQ; Community. Groups; Albums; Member List; Forum Actions. Mark Forums Read; Quick Links

you do thumbs down too? That leftist... 30, 2017 · 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them censorship and a violation of free speech and free press. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, Motion picture, radio and TV. 26. Promote homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural and healthy". 27.

June | 2020 | Michael1942's Blog wide range of dangerous and ineffective abortifacients such as pennyroyal pills, ergot, and slippery elm was available everywhere from barbershops to gas stations to shoeshine parlors. By the 1960s, women had an underground referral service known as “Jane,” and a political action group known as the …

January | 2010 | Taxes, Stupidity, and Death Prohibition It shall be unlawful for – (1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make – (A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election; (B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or (C) an expenditure ...

Fauxgressives | Liberal Rapture Morning!! We lost one of the all-time greats last night. Carl Reiner is dead at 98. TMZ: Carl Reiner, one of the most prolific entertainers in the history of show business has died … TMZ has learned. We’re told Reiner died Monday night at his Beverly Hills home. We’re told his family was with […]

2010 February 12 « Jamesb101.com 12, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2006 · Goodwin seems to be using "Mommy Party" as a compliment, which may make him the first member of the political class ever to do so, and maybe that's good -- but I worry, because if voters think the Mommies have taken over, soon this will be declared a huge problem, a threat to our national greatness, and pundits (seemingly from across the ...

Wednesday Mashup (9/29/10) | The Liberal Doomsayer 29, 2010 · Some of these are a few days old, but my first chance to say anything in response… 1) John Harwood of the New York Times told us the following recently ()…Mr. Obama aims to use President George W. Bush’s record in the same way Mr. Reagan used Mr. Carter’s.

Marian's Blog: Italia back to the polls: it's Veltroni or ... reference to a "dictator['s] daughter" probably is about politician and self-declared fascist Alessandra Mussolini, who is Il Duce Benito Mussolini's granddaughter and film diva Sophia Loren's niece. I'm still learning what really goes on politically in my 'other home' though I am not looking forward to another Berlusconi term in office in ...

November | 2011 | Brobrubel's Blog 30, 2011 · “This is not an accusation of harassment in the workplace – not an accusation of an assault – which are subject matters of legitimate inquiry to a political candidate,” said attorney Lin Wood, who Cain hired after several sexual harassment …

James Robison – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Phil Bryant: Christians Will Line Up For Crucifixion To Defend Anti-LGBT Discrimination BY Kyle Mantyla – See more at: – At least week’s Watchmen on the Wall, conference, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins presented Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant with the first ever “Samuel Adams Religious Freedom Award” for having signed a radical anti-LGBT bill into law earlier this ...

“White, Blue Eyed People to Blame”: Luiz Inácio Lula da ... 27, 2009 · the comment by the brazilian president is sort of stupid if you think about the fact that Brazil has been milking the shit out of the credit cow over the last few years and think about zimbabwe too. need we blame it all on race? i don’t think that’s quite it. about political/banking corruption across the globe.

Rasmussen poll « Jamesb101.com 27, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 25, 2017 · At the White House today, President Trump gave advice to a group of schoolchildren and he told them to “work hard”. Trump also told them, “If your dad offers you a million dollars, say yes.” – Conan O’Brien. Today, President Trump welcomed the first group of new visitors to the White House since he became president.

McCain, Romney raise Kerik; Giuliani camp swings back ..., Romney raise Kerik; Giuliani camp swings back. None of Rudy's GOP rivals wanted to dive headlong into the Kerik affair, but then a reporter went and asked McCain about it. And, McCain ...

conscience | This Is is a sentence that ought to thrill hearts: “America may be closer to a post-gay state of politics than most realize”. Alex Roarty’s report for Roll Call either begs certain questions or else desecrates them; matters of perspective abide.. The St. Jerome Fancy Farm Picnic is an annual showcase for Kentucky’s top politicians to give (they hope) a funny, sharp-elbowed speech at the ...

Stella quarta decima fulgeat | The Vermont Political Observer. first three words, translated as “The Fourteenth Star,” appeared on the first coin minted in the 1780s by the then-independent Vermont. “Fulgeat,” the verb, completes the sentence “May the fourteenth star shine brightly.” Kubicke and her teacher, Ray Starling, gave a thorough account of the historical rationale for their proposal.

the secret sins of Koch Industries | politicalgates was also sacked and sued Koch Industries in June 2009, but two labour law courts in France ruled in his favour, saying that a man called Christoph Ender, who was the President of Koch-Glitsch for Europe and Asia, as well as the controllers and auditors, “allowed such business practices to continue without doing due diligence in their ...

Blood, Sweat, and Beers - Parring the Course with Gary ..., Sweat, and Beers — Parring the Course with Gary Thompson . Photo Caption: Gary Thompson’s bloody right leg on the golf course at Angel Park. When I grow up, I want to be Gary Thompson. At the very least, I want to be as much like him as I can (aside from his horribly misguided political views).

Thursday Open Thread - 3CHICSPOLITICO 25, 2018 · Dykstra told the New York Daily News that, contrary to a police report and press release, he was not actually arrested. He also blamed the driver for the incident. “The guy went nuclear on me,” Dykstra told the paper. “He fucking kidnapped me and almost killed me going 100 mph. He locked me in his fucking car, and he wouldn’t let me out

Hot Air | We Have Seen Better Days“From the mind-bending idea that four guys dressed as pizza delivery men were going to out-gun all the soldiers at Fort Dix…” – Keith Olbermann (MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann, June 4, 2007) There was a time when I watched Keith Olbermann with information-starved objectivity. Now, after having a several-years long change of personal and political belief systems (for the ...

of the: Godless | Atheism | Secularism of the Godless National Journal March 2009 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. "In the past, politicians in Washington and elsewhere could largely ignore the Godless. But those days are over. With their numbers growing, nonbelievers are intent on pushing a political and legislative agenda governed more by cool reason than by faith."

Simon Campbell | The Liberal Doomsayer is leading to lower wages (see above). It’s almost funny to read this from Tanner without acknowledging the following, as noted here … A revolution may be on the way for the under-30 set: Thanks to the provisions put in place under the new health care law, the days of needing a job just to get affordable health insurance may be over.

May 2016 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who made his fortune with a family debt-collection business, has become a minor benefactor to the Religious Right, including funding anti-choice groups, bankrolling some of the campaigns and advocacy work of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore (who is currently suspended for attempting to defy the federal courts on marriage equality), and ...

Barack Obama | Joeschmoepolitico's Weblog 11-minute, 23-second video features the audio message by Zawahiri, who appears only in a still image, along with other images, including one of Obama wearing a skullcap as he meets with Jewish leaders. In his speech, Zawahiri refers to a Nov. 5 U.S. air strike in Afghanistan, meaning the video was made after that date.

sarah palin | Kerfuffles and Flourishes of Companies Currently Supporting David Letterman’s Tonight Show on CBS How interesting that the first company on the list is M&M Mars. A 62-year-old sexual pervert seeking young girls probably needs a lot of M&Ms in his cache of bribes for his victims. This is nothing new with these Liberal Sexist Pig child abusers.

politics – BLOGGYWOCKY is something to be avoided. ... the really are) in response to a digital petition to rescind Trumps invitation to meet the Queen. Saying it would be beneath the Queens dignity. ... that the reason the head of Russian cyber security was dragged from a meeting with a bag over his head was because he was the source of the information about ...

20 | November | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 20, 2008 · When I got there I was a little disappointed there weren’t signs, but there was definitely plenty of secret service. So I asked to be sure it was the headquarters. It was! So I threw my arms up in the air, twirled around and shouted, “WE WON!” I’m sure they thought I was a nut and about 3 weeks too late, but it still felt good to me!

Association of American Editorial Cartooning | Ted Rall's ... Columns. So Far, There Is No Reason Not to Believe Tara Reade (May 1, 2020); Save America, Throw the Landlords Under the Bus (April 27, 2020); Don’t Worry, Everything Will Get Back to “Normal” (April 20, 2020) 5 Things the Government Must Do Now to Avoid Collapse and/or Revolution (April 11, 2020); Neither Elizabeth Warren Nor Other Congressmen Have a Plan for the COVID-19 ...

contraception | This Is seems something of a dubious claim, but Ted Cruz, so there is, of course, a hitch. First, though, ask yourself just how likely it is that anyone can be a career politician from Texas and never meet a fellow conservative who advocates Fertilization-Assigned Personhood, a.k.a., “Life at Conception”.

December | 2009 | TheZoo am a big fan of John Nichols. This is an important post. I think it’s important to remember how this nightmare of a decade started.. Good Riddance to Decade That Began With Theft of the Presidency by John Nichols. The British press has taken to referring to the passing decade as “the Noughties” has made quite a big deal of trying to identify the political, economic and cultural trends ...

Marian's Blog: C-Span TV: Woman Badly Outnumbered on Tavis ... don't know if anyone at C-Span [U.S. commercial cable satellite television industry's public affairs arm] has noticed their programme "Think Tank" has 6 men and only 1 woman. This annual show focusing on Black American views on politics and public affairs is hosted by two media personalities - Tavis Smiley and Tom Joyner - well-known within the Black American community.

hiddennplainsight | Deconstructing Political Spin ...https://hiddennplainsight.wordpress.comDec 31, 2018 · The program, which has received federal approval and began this month, is the first of its kind in the nation because it creates this new category of patients who don’t qualify for nursing home care. Up to now, under federal law, everyone who receives long-term care under Medicaid first had to qualify to be admitted to a nursing home.

05 How to Make a Change in Latin America.docx | Liberalism ... is well-known, that they were “famously” not able to accept (or to swallow) my speech there in 2009 when I spoke there in the capacity as the President of one of the EU member states.[6] This says a lot about the current EU.

Cory Booker | The Liberal Doomsayer It seems that “Governor Bully” is going to be appearing on “Oprah” shortly today (probably has already by now); as noted here…. The Oprah Show, which flashes on Garden State screens in just a few hours, features the Oprah-adulation of (Newark Mayor Cory) Booker you expect (she’s given millions herself to…Newark), but also features a warm hug from herself to the Governor.

OpenlineBlog: Obama's Health Reform Town Hall 07, 2009 · “THE TRUTH: The health bills now before Congress would force you to switch to a managed-care plan . . . Two main bills are being rushed through Congress. . . Under either, a new government bureaucracy will select health plans that it considers in your best interest, and you will have to enroll in one of these "qualified plans."

Wise Law Blog: Coronavirus and Your Workplace: Thoughts ... 23, 2020 · Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.. Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog also highlights key decisions of Canadian courts, with focus on Ontario Family Law, Ontario Employment Law and other areas of interest.

Peter DeFazio: American politician (born: 1947) DeFazio: American politician (born: 1947, Needham), Occupations: Politician, From: United States of America

Wealth vs. Democracy and the 2012 Presidential Campaign ... title of historian Kevin Phillips' otherwise excellent work, Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich, is somewhat misleading. With the exception of constitutional monarchies, which preclude royalty from all but figurehead status, democracy and the concentration of great ...

works in mysterious ways, son. "Lefty," has been backfiring... 16, 2017 · This is a recording from 1967, It describes events we see in the news today with shocking accuracy. Everything was pre-planned and they only have one goal. Jun 16, 2017 17:37:48 #

Helen Clark | Something should go here, maybe later. have Changed. I found this old kiwiblog post, writing the latest “Offensive Content” page.. I predicted on 25 July that the Government would not approve the Auckland Airport sale. When the actual Trade Minister comes out against it, you know it is doomed. He would not speak against it without the PM’s approval. The PM is sending a message to the approving Ministers not to approve it.

Blog 8: Stewart/Colbert Influence and Bias | Missouri ... 21, 2011 · Blog 8: Stewart/Colbert Influence and Bias March 21, 2011 John Pullega Leave a comment Go to comments While The Daily Show and Colbert Report may not be considered political news in the traditional sense, both shows do indeed promote political action.

02 | September | 2008 | Deus Lo Vult 02, 2008 · Most observers might find all this trivial. What has it got to do with national politics and policy. Nothing, really. But it’s not that which all having an effect on. It’s John McCain and his ability to delegate and make decisions. John McCain chose this woman to be his running mate after a 5 minute meeting with no vetting.

History | My Weekly Thoughts 25, 2009 · The AP article headline reads White House, Congress projects record deficits. Honestly, does this surprise anyone? Both the White House Office of Management and Budget and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted the budget deficit this year would swell to nearly $1.6 trillion, a record, and far above the then-record 2008 budget deficit of $455 […]

La Puce Enigmatique/The Enigmatic Flea Puce Enigmatique/The Enigmatic Flea ... are the latest troupe of political actors to tread the boards in the long-running imperialistic show known as the ‘great game ... Senator, the mother of all smokescreens, you are trying to divert attention from the crimes that you supported, from the theft of billions of dollars of Iraq's ...

skimble blog of culture, politics, commentary and criticism. How to steal $50,000 from a widow. I wrote about Wells Real Estate, a crypto-Christian real estate investment trust company before: "Leo Wells, a huckster who characterizes America's faith-based elite, oversees one of the largest real estate portfolios in America, yet has never fully repaid investors in any of his funds over the last 20 ...

No Evidence the GOP Donor or Campaign ever involved in ... 26, 2017 · Look, American politics have almost from the beginning been low and crass —but this revelation takes the game to an all-time low. The accusations are the worst ever insults to a man (or woman’s) character, but this kind of smear campaign has been used previously, and to our national shame, it has been effective.

Dealignment and party membership | Primary Election ... and party membership - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This essay argues about the changing of political party due to the decreasing number of memberships.

REAL ART (and politics and culture): 12/01/2015 - 01/01/2016 05, 2015 · From the New York Times: Hours after as many as three gunmen stormed a service center for people with disabilities here on Wednesday, killing at least 14 people and wounding at least 17 others, the police engaged in a shootout in nearby surburban neighborhood, that officials said left one suspect dead, one likely wounded in an S.U.V. and a third suspect on the run.

The Iowa Caucus: A Test For American Democracy | Mirror On ... 04, 2008 · If you want more of the same Washington politics, the same elitism, the same corruption, the same foreign policy wrapped in a different package, the same corporate stranglehold on the political leadership, a healthcare system that leaves the insurance companies and drug companies in charge, the same atmosphere where voters have no access to their elected officials (unless they can afford a ...

Redeye's Front Page: #SweetHomeAlabama #Sweet16 #RollTide ... 10, 2016 · This is the Alabama Congressional Delegation making fools of themselves, EYE mean, celebrating the University of Alabama's 16th National Football Championship on the floor of the House of Representatives. From the Heisman Trophy winner, [Derrick] Henry, the quarterback, Jake Coker, and the tremendous 95-yard run of Kenyan Drake, all of the players on the 2016 team deserves our …

Hope And Fear In Rural America | Sheila Kennedy this point in America’s political history, it’s a rare person who hasn’t seen those ubiquitous red and blue maps. Different states show different voting patterns, but there is one element the political maps all have in common: cities with a half-million residents or more are all bright blue, and rural areas are all red.

Some Thoughts About Healthcare | the plaid lemur 06, 2009 · A quick piece I wrote sometime last year, or so--all the more relevant right now. I’m a fiscally conservative liberal. It sounds like a contradiction in terms, but I promise you, it isn’t. I’m certainly not a libertarian, and I do not propose that I fall anywhere in your neat little political spectrum graph you…

New York State « Jamesb101.com 23, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

15 | January | 2015 | The Pardu's Scroll 15, 2015 · This is a dangerous man. Rand Paul has staked-out yet another “Twilight Zone” narrative and political ploy via a recent speech to a group of New Hampshire state legislative leaders. The following 33 second video embed is of poor sound quality, …

The Dumpster Fire Flames Anew | Desert 03, 2018 · One needn't be a credentialed medical professional, an experienced political consultant, or the recipient of an advanced degree to figure out why the White House in its current iteration is a rolling dumpster fire. Sit in your local pub with a pint or two, watch the characters, and notice that they are all there. There's… it's hard: You have to be willing to stand up, find allies, take the arrows and have people (men) call you names. Usually, it takes an insult -- a tough one -- …

US politics | The Broad is Back! suspect it, but it will take a while to prove, and that’s if it’s ever possible to prove. But it’s certainly looking like the Russians interfered with the US election. At the very least, the very least, that need to be investigated thoroughly by investigators. Not Congress. Skilled investigators. Who are the best in the country?

Knock Down the House | Arun with a View 12, 2019 · [update below] Everyone who follows American politics closely has probably heard about this terrific one-and-a-half-hour documentary, which is streaming on Netflix (the only place to see it; en France il est sous-titré). Its subject is the 2018 primary campaigns of four insurgent female candidates promoted by the progressive PACs Brand New Congress and, above all, Justice…

Aaron Schock | This Is about Aaron Schock written by bd. We get a glimpse into the Beltway moneygoround; Curtis Tate looks into Congressional PAC spending: The leadership political action committee affiliated with Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois has splurged on Napa Valley wine tours, Miami Beach luxury hotels and Washington Nationals baseball tickets worth tens of thousands of dollars over the past four years ...

Too late -- taken off market? 24, 2012 · The Labor Department said on Tuesday that job openings, a measure of labor demand, increased 461,000 to a seasonally adjusted 6.2 million. That was the highest level since the series started in December 2000 and pushed the jobs openings rate up two-tenths of a percentage point to a near one-year high of 4.0 percent. The monthly increase in ...

the rich « Jamesb101.com 29, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

politics | Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Saturday, January 7th, 2011, congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in the head while making one of her regular appearances in Tucson. The shooter, a 22 year is now in custody and being held for questioning and trial. In addition to Mrs. Giffords, 17 others were hurt in the shooting.

america | Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Saturday, January 7th, 2011, congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in the head while making one of her regular appearances in Tucson. The shooter, a 22 year is now in custody and being held for questioning and trial. In addition to Mrs. Giffords, 17 others were hurt in the shooting.

Obsidian Wings: Marcus and the Sanctity of Contract In so far as campaign material from today's hearings, I don't think any of the Congress folk could top New York Rep. Spencer Ackerman, the Dem who always wears the carnation in his lapel. Man chews scenery off the wall like the late Rod Steiger. Russell: The only thing the market has been sorting out for a long, long time is taxpaper money.

snicholsblog: 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 11, 2006 · Sara S. Nichols Follow me on Twitter at @snicholsblog Sara S. Nichols is a former progressive lawyer/lobbyist turned new thought minister/spiritual scientist-- she is moved to share her thoughts on politics spirit movies, plays &amp; books My best rating is (:)(:)(:)(:)(:) out of a total of 5 Snouts Up -- I almost never give 5 Snouts--that&#39;s just for the best ever.

AIPAC | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Secretary for Political – Military Affairs, Andrew Shapiro, discusses the Obama Administration’s approach to U.S.-Israel security cooperation , including ongoing efforts to strengthen theU.S.-Israel security relationship, at the Brookings Institution’s Saban Center for Middle East Policy in Washington, DC July 16, 2010.. The Obama Administration is proud to carry on the legacy ...

polls | The Liberal Crab first is there are a lot more of them this year. We do not know the quality of them, as Karl Rove goes on to say in his article, but the fact is they all tend to be in alignment – somewhat. That is, the traditional pollsters who have good reputations are showing the same basic results as the new ones.

Ann Coulter | The Pardu's Scroll 03, 2014 · Posts about Ann Coulter written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Dana Milbank | The Liberal Doomsayer 04, 2016 · Update: Do you think “yuge”? I do. Update 1 8/5/16: This amplifies some of what I’ve pointed out, but it definitely bears repeating. Update 2 8/5/16: And of course, Heaven forbid that Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao would pull his thumb out and do something . Update 8/6/16: And I had a feeling that this wasn’t helping one bit either.

Politics | Atlas Shrugged Today is an old joke: Who is the most conservative person? A: A liberal who has been mugged. Liberal are waking up to realize they have been mugged – by Obamacare. This is funny. I mean really funny. These unwashed supporters of occupy movements, with a room full of fading Obama posters are waking up to the reality that is Obamacare.

healthcare | Muse Free points me to this fine article by Atul Gawande on healthcare reform in the US. While the overall viewpoint of the author is pragmatic liberal, the emphasis is definitely on the pragmatic — indeed, his insistence on the value of building upon existing institutions rather than attempting a drastic overhaul gives the piece a slightly Burkean conservative flavor.

Trooper Allen Nieland a1 | Politics Of The United States ... Allen Nieland a1 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

>Heller and the E&P crowd | Desert Beacon 31, 2007 · Nevada Congressman Dean Heller (R-NV2) adds one more bit of evidence that he is marching lock step with the “exploiter-polluter” crowd inside the beltway in his response to those constituents who have called him concerning H.R. 2016, the National Landscape Conservation Systems Act of 2007.. This bill was introduced by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) on …

The Useless Tree: A Class emailer asked that I post the syllabus for one of my courses, "Asia and the World." It does not deal with Chinese philosophy, but is, rather, an introduction to Asian politics and history, centering on the question: is there such a thing as "Asia"? A link to the syllabus, and a bit more explanation below the fold...

Obama Wants Lower College Costs, Higher Dropout Age ... 25, 2012 · Obama Wants Lower College Costs, Higher Dropout Age – Politics K-12 – Education Week 25 Jan President Obama gave college affordability a prominent place in his domestic agenda during his annual State of the Union address, calling directly on universities to hold down costs in order to make higher education more accessible to the middle class.

politics | Medieval Karl’s usual to besmirch the Middle Ages as a time of superstition and intolerance. That charge has some merit, so long as we remember that the witch-burning craze and a host of other nasty phenomena–the Spanish Inquisition, New World slavery, the full development of a concept of race based on blood/genealogy/genetics rather than climate–all begin or at least find their feet in …

chickenhawk | Whiskey Tango Foxtrot’s little girl is all growed up and ready to start illegal wars in countries that didn’t attack us. The Washington Times reports that Liz Cheney, daughter and primary defender of former Vice President and lying scumbag Darth Dick Cheney, has been making noises about running for political office sometime in the future. Read on: “It’s something I very well may do,” said …

Uncategorized – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America said “there was a meanness, there was a rage” in the women who participated “that was very unattractive,” lamenting that they were so crude that even the things he heard while serving in the Navy “didn’t seem as bad as what coming out of some of these women during that Women’s March in D.C.” – Anti-Choice Rally Touts The Movement’s New Hero: Donald Trump By Brian ...

Fair and Balanced | Somer's Place is one that the people of Benton Harbor will get to vote on. If you’re working for political change, just getting on the ballot is a major hurdle. Folks like Eclectablog have been toiling for months now to get to get a repeal referendum up for a vote, but Emergency Manager Harris types up an order and he’s in.

Bill Nelson, Sen. (D-FL) | Beach Peanuts | Page 2 about Bill Nelson, Sen. (D-FL) written by inkberries. As Gov. Charlie Crist called today for a special session of the Florida Legislature to permanently ban oil drilling off Florida waters and members of the GOP claimed it was little more than political pandering, I watched as the Senate Environment Committee hearings on the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill got underway in Washington.

mike huckabee | The Political Tipster Mitt Romney – He is the chosen candidate of the fiscal right and adds business experience to the ticket. If the convention were settled in the back room he would be odds on to be the candidate. However, he performed poorly in his home turf, losing to McCain in New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut….need I say more?

economy | The Liberal Crab from Brad DeLong’s Website – this chart really puts things in perspective. GDP = Gross Domestic Product and, for those who need a definition, is defined as: as the total market value of all final goods and services produced within the country in a given period of time (usually a calendar year).). In other words, comparing year over year will show the growth of the economy.

The Salvation Army: It gets worse | The Smirking author Mary Shaw is a Philadelphia-based writer and activist, with a focus on politics, human rights, and social justice. She is a former Philadelphia Area Coordinator for the Nobel-Prize-winning human rights group Amnesty International, and her views appear regularly in a variety of newspapers, magazines, and websites.

Money in Politics | kavips is relatively easy for a business type to garner one. That helps explains how all the talk is over how bad Obamacare is. Because, face it, it is bad for those charging too much for you to get sick. But if you are the ones on the buying end, it is good for you if you get sick. Likewise higher tax rates are good for the majority of people.

Guideposts | Drowning in Junk Mail pieces of political junk mail. 2 from Freedom Watch run by Larry Klayman. Wiki page. To opt-out call (310) 595-0800 and email [email protected] If they blow you off, do what I had to do and send a complaint to the DMA.Junk mail from them should stop in April.

November | 2009 | The Irony Supplement 24, 2009 · No bigger oligopoly exists on Earth than Roosha, where the only people who have the ears of politicians are the obscenely rich, and everyone else might as well live on Neptune – or else. Stepping out of line can still land you in one of those gulags Uncle Joe Stalin was so fond of. Indeed, only $150 annually is spent on healthcare per capita!

Health | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

PIC, but I believe that's either a mare horse or... 12, 2015 · They are Slavs and a lot of them used to be ruled by ancient Byzantium. From Genghis Kahn to Stalin. they have not changed. They never will and …

New York Times: There was a 9/11 Cover Up!! | Suzie-Que's ... 02, 2008 · GEF @ 10:18 AM MST January 2, 2008 Op-Ed Contributors Stonewalled by the C.I.A. By THOMAS H. KEAN and LEE H. HAMILTON Washington MORE than five years ago, Congress and President Bush created the 9/11 commission. The goal was to provide the American people with the fullest possible account of the “facts and circumstances relating…

Are Liberals Helping the ‘Death Panel’ Nuts? « The Bright ... 13, 2009 · Leave it to a baseball statistician to analyze this whole health care protest rigamarole in a way that's meaningful and highly-based on simple reality. Of course, that baseball statistician is Nate Silver, and he's been cutting through the crap on this and a myriad of other issues for quite some time now. His latest post, "Are…

Uncategorized | Saintless 14, 2012 · I tried only talking about it with a subset of friends and family, but it’s just NOT the right platform. I need to blog. Need. The plan is, when I do get the blog back in perfect order, I’ll create a subdomain and blog about Chiari separately from my politics.

Elizabeth Warren – Everblog 14, 2013 · A shocking fact is that once in office— for federal-level congressional and senate seats, although raising money is part of the process at any level—legislators spend anywhere from 30-70% of their week with donors, via phone or in meetings, asking for dollars. Those most adept at raising campaign funds are the ones the parties support.

2010 January 22 « Jamesb101.com 22, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back ! July 2013 12, 2013 · FYI: The first season of Newsroom is available for the next 4 days free On Demand from Comcast. FYI-2: the juxta dynamics refers to genre or quality of writing with the connecting of dots in perspectivism. (i.e.) Thumbs up to HBO, Thumb Sketchy for CFP.

religious liberty – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ...‘This Is Wrong! Stand Up, Church!’: Pastor’s Fiery Sermon Against ‘Wimpy’ Activists, Abortion, Gay Clery and Christians’ ‘Silence’ By Billy Hallowell – A California pastor took aim in a recent sermon at Christians’ silence amid what he believes to be a government assault on religious liberty and the First Amendment, imploring his congregation to speak truth.

Contemporary Serfdom in Feudal America by Werking Gerl 2 04, 2010 · Twenty-five years ago, in the suburb of Lakewood, CO a political mandate made it to the voting bill - to "develop" a wooded park area. Propaganda came in the mail - vote YES on blah blah blah. The flyer went on to describe in very intricate, but vague and generic detail about how the development…

Political Irony › Privacy and National Security 05, 2017 · This is precisely the kind of, ostensibly non-partisan, issue we would expect our esteemed leaders in D.C. to properly address and regulate in the best interests of our economic and national security, but what we get instead are the usual pissing contests that leave most everyone, well, pissed.

Legislative Effort and Career Paths in the Argentine ... is an important tradition of analyzing U.S. political career paths, jumpstarted several decades ago by Joseph Schlesinger (1966). That study, focusing on the U.S. Congress, offered a typology of “ambitions” that drive various political careers: “progressive” ambition (the officeholder aspires “to attain an office more important than the one he now seeks or is holding ...

Motor City Liberal: For Rush Limbaugh, The Damage Is Done week after it was first reported that talk radio giant Cumulus Media might cut ties with Rush Limbaugh and pull his show from 40 of its stations nationwide, the end result of the contractual showdown remains unclear. But we do know this: The damage has been done to Limbaugh and his reputation inside the world of AM radio as an untouchable star.

Delusions of Grandeur: Stupid, Lazy Old People! 09, 2005 · The problem isn't that Americans have gotten intrinsically lazier. They're just responding to a wonderfully intentioned system that in practice promotes greed and sloth. Social Security is widely thought of as a kumbaya program that unites Americans in caring for the elderly, but it actually creates ugly political battles among generations.

The Useless Tree: Has Wen Jiabao Failed the Confucius Test?'s talking about the big NYT piece on the vast wealth of the family of China's Prime Minister, Wen Jiabao.At one level utterly unsurprising. This is how the PRC's political economy works. Those people who stand at the intersection of state and market in the partially-reformed Chinese economy are in a position to make billions of dollars (and, yes, it is ultimately about dollars ...

The Useless Tree: Singapore Politics: It's Not About the ... 22, 2006 · It's election time in Singapore again and, just as the night follows the day, the ruling party, the aptly acronymed PAP, is unjustly and corruptly undermining the opposition and, more generally, democracy.. What happens - and utterly commonplace PAP practice - is that an election is called; the opposition begins to engage in careful and measured political debate; a ruling party ...

Did Aish HaTorah Try To Illegally Influence US Elections ... what the St. Petersburg Times also did not know is that not Aish HaTorah's first attempt to illegally influence a national election. In 1994, Aish HaTorah head Rabbi Noach Weinberg secretly backed the formation of the Third Way political party, funneling money (raised primarily in the US for "outreach" – ultra-Orthodox missionary ...

hype up gun crime down | Bloviating Zeppelin Fox nails the truth in his final paragraph. According to a careful analysis of data on mass shootings (using the widely accepted definition of at least four killed), the Congressional Research Service found that there are, on average, just over 20 incidents annually. More important, the increase in cases, if there was one at all, is negligible.

health insurance | Veritas Nihilum Vincet it is said he’s seizing the moment. An auspicious moment at that, from any perspective. I have no idea who these Kaiser folks are. Seem concerned with Health Policy writ large, which tends to make me consider them rather less politically biased than might be expected at, say, Whoever they are, they have this story about Teddy K drafting some legislation for universal ...

illusory tenant: Speaking of dirty campaigns ... 23, 2010 · I contend a serious case of be careful what you wish for to the Walker fans. Amen to that, Cindy. 11:51 AM, June 18, 2010 Unknown said... Cory, That may be the case. Another thing that's important to remember is that "political activity" refers to promoting or campaigning for a …

Blue in the Bluegrass: Crying Afterward Does Not Excuse ... 06, 2014 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

TigerHawk financial reform bill -- "finreg" to the cognoscenti -- got through the House and Senate conference this morning at 5:39 am. The New York Times covers the politics, and the Street has a nice analysis of the bill's provisions. I wish I were expert enough in the ways of Wall Street to know whether this massive new law actually addresses genuine problems we are likely to have again.

MELANIE PHILLIPS:THE MEAN SPIRITED VITRIOL OF THE LEFT ... 11, 2011 · For a start, the political views of Gabrielle Giffords, let alone the gunman, do not fit the categories of ‘left’ and ‘right’. Ms Giffords, for example, supports the gun law which enabled her assailant — while clearly of unsound mind — to purchase a firearm to shoot her through the brain; she also supports immigration laws ...

Rush Limbaugh – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Fischer: ‘We Must Withhold Judgment’ About Roy Moore Because The Biblical Standard Of Proof Has Not Been Met By Kyle Mantyla – American Family Radio ’s Bryan Fischer has been a vocal supporter of Roy Moore in his campaign for a seat in the U.S. Senate from Alabama, declaring that Moore’s race is “ a referendum on the ...

BilgeBucket Gazette » his testimony to Congress this past week, Robert Mueller explicitly warned that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and is on it’s way to mucking up our elections in 2020. And the Mueller report also states that Trump openly welcomed Russian interference (there are videos of Trump openly asking Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails).

Philconsa vs Enriquez | Veto | United States Congress ... SCRA 506 Political Law Veto Power Part of the Legislative Process. Constitutionality of the Pork Barrel Countrywide Development Fund This is a consolidation of cases which sought to question the veto authority of the president involving the General Appropriations Bill of 1994 as well as the constitutionality of the pork barrel. The Philippine Constitution Association (PHILCONSA) questions ...

Ethics Complaint Regarding Congress's Obamacare Exemption ... Complaint Regarding Congress's Obamacare Exemption - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The signatories* of the organizations listed below respectfully request that the Senate Select Committee on Ethics investigate the senators and/or staff members that may have broken laws and committed fraud to enable senators, Senate staffers, and their ...

Communists | Lonnie Walker's Blog 01, 2012 · So the last election was idiots led by idiots to vote for the liberal messiah and now they are upset at what he’s doing as if the first 4 years wasn’t enough to tell you his agenda wasn’t working. You idiots doubled down on it. Now the young idiots that …

Public Records | Desert Beacon 26, 2018 · >The House of Representatives has taken on a couple of important elements toward cleaning up some of the subterfuge and secrecy of the Bush Administration in H.R. 35 which rescinds the infamous Executive Order No. 13233, November 1, 2001.All three members of the Nevada congressional delegation voted in favor of the bill [roll call 5] The same cannot be said of our neighbors to the south ...

poverty | The Pardu's Scroll about poverty written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Religious right | Search Results | The Least, First Asbury's blog. An intriguing article from the Baltimore Sun by Thomas Schaller details a sea change in American politics. Do you think this could represent a renewal of emphasis on developing character and passions like those of Jesus (previously eclipsed by 20th century zeal for doctrinal and political orthodoxy)?

Remembering Harriet Woods, June 2, 1927 - February 8, 2007 Harriet Woods, June 2, 1927 - February 8, 2007 Posted by --Blue Girl at 3:22 PM She entered politics because the city wouldn’t fix a noisy manhole cover that woke her babies up from their naps, and because she got steamed, women nationwide have benefited politically.

Abortion - a true story - Progress Pond 12, 2006 · It didn’t work. Alcohol consumption declined for only the first few years, and then returned to almost pre-prohibition levels. However, making alcohol illegal led to the rise of organized crime, rampant political corruption, and the bribing of public officials and the police, and a general disdain for the law by the public.

WebWeaver's World: The day I met Clay Aiken 11, 2006 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Outside the Perimeter–No More 07 Special Elections!!! | kavips 10, 2007 · In other news Nancy covers Biden‘s request for a special prosecutor to investigate “Missing Tape Torture Gate”. Another surging Presidental “want-to- be” otherwise know as Huckabee, gets pilloried by Dana for crediting, at least one of his kills to angels…..Liberalgeek has the raw scoop on another one of his kills.

Tuesday Open Thread | Happy 4th of July | 3CHICSPOLITICO 05, 2017 · Bianca Nikol Roberson, 18, of West Chester, PA went home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, June 28, 2017. Bianca was born October 17, 1998 in Upland, PA. She was the daughter of Rodney S. Roberson, Sr., and Michelle Tiller Roberson.

Tax Reform Might Start With a Look ... - elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · The first, going on now, is a simple patch-up, aimed at dealing with the pending increases in taxes brought on largely by the expiration of the Bush “temporary” tax cuts. If the lame duck Congress and President Obama can avert disaster, raising some revenue while not devastating the economy, they will have succeeded.

Ted Hontz - WordPress.com just one week, voters in the First Congressional District will go to the polls to elect a new U.S. Representative. We have an excellent candidate in Philip Forgit, and he could use your help! Philip is an Iraq War Veteran who was awarded the Bronze Star for his service.

TigerHawk - Blogger Comments: By Noocyte, at Wed Jun 25, 12:27:00 PM: . Further evidence that, as Frank Herbert once observed, one need but lightly scratch a Liberal to expose the closet aristocrat. These people do not trust the open marketplace, both out of an ideological aversion to its cacophonous and ungovernable vibrancy, and out of an all-too accurate assessment of their ability to compete within it.

Liberals Use Supreme Court Gun Case to Bolster Other ... 10, 2009 · Tony Mauro 02-24-2009 The Supreme Court's 2008 ruling in D.C. v. Heller was a constitutional earthquake, breathing life into the Second Amendment as a guarantee of an individual right to bear arms. But the aftershock of that decision is beginning to transform the constitutional landscape...

former governor | This Is often lament the fact of their essentially two-party political league, and the top of the Libertarian ticket, Gary Johnson, is capable of providing spectacular reminders of why we tend toward the binary. The former New Mexico governor and middle-tier celebrity stoner has managed to reduce a human atrocity to yet another icon of American stupidity, which really is no good legacy to build.

Sylvester Brown, Jr.: Local Black Politicians and the ... Louis is not Boston or Nashville or Chicago. We have a long, unique and continued history of segregation, abandoning, disenfranchising, targeting and profiting off the suffering of black people and black communities. These quick-fix fantasies are little more than Band-Aids for a much larger, deeply metastasized cancer in our region.

Liberals Flummoxed by NY-23 - The Rush Limbaugh Show 30, 2009 · RUSH: Let’s go to NY-23. This is an interesting piece here, Chris Cillizza, Washington Post blog, The Fix: ‘What NY-23 Means.’ I love it when the State-Controlled Media starts examining a ...

Italy Grows a Pair - BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 12, 2018 · Italy and a few others are getting the right idea, even if a bit late. I suspect that most of us who comment here are of like mind. There is no greater duty to the citizens of the United States than for politicians to act in their best interests, and by extension, the best interests of the United States.

Les Talk Sense Nah | Common Sense, Uncommon Insight 27, 2010 · No matter what you think about politics or which political party that you prefer you should know by now that the Prime Minister was dead WRONG on the details concerning the release of the illegal Haitian migrants from the detention center. The Prime Minister has always had a knack of speaking before thinking but this…

religion in American culture | Shadow Democracy about religion in American culture written by Administrator. (This post is part one of a 10 part series that will appear each Sunday) The past several years have seen a remarkable turn of events in the socio-political conscious of Americans and indeed people worldwide.

Wisconsin GOP Senate Primary « Jamesb101.com 26, 2012 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

mezobel | Missouri Communication 27, 2010 · The ad is effective initially in making it look like she is supporting him because of the money he raised, but not effective at all when the topics discussed are researched even on a base level. Making light of political situations is not a good strategy on Blunt’s part. Which is probably why a youtube ad and not a national spot.

The Purple Center: Obama wins historic election by ... 01, 2008 · A switch of 1% or so of the votes in a handful of the "purple" swing states would have made John McCain our next President. Obama campaigned mainly as a moderate, someone who would transcend the "old politics," "reach across the aisle," and attack such problems as the cost of energy, the financial collapse and the emerging recession pragmatically.

NY Times Interviewed Witness Who'd Been Tweeting 01, 2013 · The two shooters, he said, had a large and unwieldy bomb. “They lit it, still in the middle of the gunfire, and threw it. But it went 20 yards at most.” It exploded, he said, and one of the two men ran towards the gathered police officers. He was tackled, but it …

The Campaign Report – November 23, 2019 – Blue Delaware 23, 2019 · Sen. Bernie Sanders tore into former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday over news of Bloomberg’s $31.5 million ad buy as he mulls his own White House bid, The Hill reports. Said Sanders: “I’m disgusted by the idea that Michael Bloomberg or any other billionaire thinks they can circumvent the political process and spend tens of millions of dollars to buy our elections.

The Immoral Minority: FBI Director James Comey blabbed ... 06, 2017 · For all the attention on Mrs. Clinton’s emails, history is likely to see Russian influence as the more significant story of the 2016 election. Questions about Russian meddling and possible collusion have marred Mr. Trump’s first 100 days in the White House, cost him his national security adviser and triggered two congressional investigations.

05 | December | 2015 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 05, 2015 · The chart above was inspired by a similar one featured by Max Ehrenfreund in his recent Wonkblog post titled “We’ve had a massive decline in gun violence in the United States. Here’s why.”In contrast to the widely embraced narrative, perpetuated by liberal politicians and the media, that gun violence in America is getting worse all the time, the data reveal that the exact opposite is true.

The State of Our Union: A M P C | Opinion Poll - Scribd Report February 2013 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

Has Justice Kennedy Left the Conservative Movement ... 29, 2016 · Yeah, subtracting one of the more conservative justices make the court more liberal. This doesn’t address the fact that adding another liberal justice to make 4-4 left-right deadlocks disappear makes the court more liberal than it is as a 4-4 left-right deadlocked court.

2010 April 29 « Jamesb101.com 29, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

2010 April 08 « Jamesb101.com 08, 2010 · Before she officially announced her candidacy, Saujani cultivated an online presence through Facebook, a Huffington Post Op-Ed and a regularly updated Twitter feed. The differences in their approaches to capturing the congressional District 14 seat, representing most of Manhattan’s east side, point to a generational divide in campaign styles ...

GRID Act | The Liberal Doomsayer Chicago businessmen, such as meat packers Jay Hormel and Philip Swift, and William J. Grace, head of one of Chicago’s largest investment firms, had never supported the president. All became key Committee members. Colonel Robert J. McCormick, owner of the Chicago Tribune, was the …

Cest Moi Political Bloghttps://lesbiencestmoi.blogspot.comThe 2nd Tank Battalion was deployed to Kuwait in February 2003 and was one of the first units to “cross the line” into Iraq at the start of the war. Charlie experienced the archaic supply system that resulted in many American troops lacking basic supplies such as body armor, rations, water, and even ammunition.

Category: Blogs - Blogs | Political Byline 30, 2011 · This is about as bad, as the video I posted earlier, of Herman Cain being berated by a liberal white man. Let me give you a reality check; it is the same mentality . You wander off the plantation; whether it is the black liberal plantation or the Jewish liberal camp plantation —- you do this, and they attack you, with both barrels.

Frederick Politics: Ruling Issued on Michigan and Florida ... 07, 2008 · The long break by committee members was certainly not all spent on consuming a late lunch - wheeling and dealing and private discussions are sure to have transpired as the members worked to reach a consensus. When they reconvened, they entertained motions, discussion and then moved to a vote in front of at times, a very loud and unruly crowd.

County And Pabst Mall Developer Playing $25 Million Game ... 12, 2008 · Imagine the temerity of those Waukesha County officials - - asking for the names of the stores headed for the already-delayed-once-still-not-ready-for-launching Pabst Farms shopping mall before they release $1.75 million tax dollars to help build an I-94 interchange to deliver customers to said mall and stores. The mall developer promises the stores will be more than a collection of your basic ...

Welcome, agree with your positions. You present yourself ... 10, 2018 · Welcome, agree with your positions. You present yourself as a Patriot. If so, get ready for the Trolls. Anything you post that is pro America they will post in with their Leftist agenda. Grow a thick skin, you will need it here. Don't let them get to you, throw it back. Spent thirty-eight years an Army Dog. So welcome aboard Swap.

Housing/Subprime/Credit Roundup — August 27, 2008 27, 2008 · Truth, Justice, Liberty, Humanity . . . . left right politics showbiz tech invest good life gossip fun hot Mother Jones

on U.S.S. Piedmont ( Destroyer Tender) in San Pedro. And... 11, 2018 · Electrician on U.S.S. Piedmont ( Destroyer Tender) in San Pedro. And then briefly back at Great Lakes as a training instructor. Nothing too exciting but wouldn’t trade the experience for anything, I learned a ton about the real world.

January | 2007 | FrameWork who is generous; one who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; one free from prejudice or narrow thinking. Ant.- stingy, mean, bigoted, or conservative In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated scorned.

märts | 2015 | Money4nothingchicks4free | Lehekülg 2 Tells Congress: U.S. May Be in ‘Worse Fiscal Shape’ Than Greece ( — The U.S. has a $210 trillion “fiscal gap” and “may well be in worse fiscal shape than any developed country, including Greece,” Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff …

tcnorris: 10/01/2010 - 11/01/2010 24, 2010 · If we ask which majority governments won 62% or more of the seats in the pre-1993 period of Canadian history but after 1921 when third and fourth parties began to emerge, we find the PC majorities of Mulroney in 1984 and Diefenbaker in 1958 as well as the Liberal victories of St. Laurent in 1949 and 1953, and Mackenzie King in 1935 and 1940 ...

Moshe Rubashkin Still Free – Feds Want More Cash Before ... 21, 2008 · Keeping Moshe Rubashkin free until then also frees up some family cash to contribute to politicians. And, as you may know, the extended Rubashkin family are large campaign contributors – including $20,000 to Patrick Meehan's former boss and political mentor Arlen Specter in 2004, as the feds were closing in on Moshe Rubashkin.

'First Lies, Then Laws': 'BradCast' 2/9/2017 | The BRAD BLOG'First Lies, Then Laws': 'BradCast' 2/9/2017. Today on The BradCast, a story out of France today, discussed at top of show, proves that things could be much, much worse. That said, with things as bad as they are, we discuss what needs to be done to restore sanity to Congress and how to save the Supreme Court, the right to vote, the truth, and everything else that is supposed to come with ...

Israeli Human Rights Abuses | The Great American Lemming Farm strode into the chambers with head held high, a spring in his step, he was now in his full glory, in conquered territory and it was glorious. Bibi Netanyahu had the red carpet rolled out for him by the U.S. Congress, it was an abominable display of fecklessness and fealty by a body that has approval ratings lower than whaleshit but with ...

Political Irony › Ultimate Insider 15, 2016 · The stock of Lockheed-Martin immediately dropped 4%, losing $4 billion in a few minutes. Trump has attacked companies before. Just a week earlier, Trump attacked Boeing, causing its stock to drop 1%.Trump’s tweet that time happened an hour after a newspaper published a column by Boeing’s CEO criticizing Trump’s anti-China rhetoric.

How Newt Gingrich Can Take Control of the GOP Nomination 27, 2012 · The first thing Newt should do in this situation is to call Santorum. He should talk about their friendship, and how the polls are not favorable for Santorum. Newt should offer him a deal – a cabinet position or Vice President choice – if Santorum drops out of the race and endorses Gingrich.

20 liberal calls for violence against conservatives 15, 2017 · 20 liberal calls for violence against conservatives If your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed.

General | Discussion about today one corporation (Exxon Mobil) pays as much in taxes ($27 billion) annually as the entire bottom 50% of individual taxpayers, which is 65,000,000 people! Further, the tax rate for the bottom 50% is only 3% of adjusted gross income ($27.4 billion / $922 billion), and the tax rate for Exxon was 41% in 2006 ($67.4 billion in taxable income ...

September | 2008 | Hunterseekers The Next Great Economic ..., I just went through this article: Bush team, Congress negotiate $700B bailout from beginning to end and my bull-crap detector already came on, and I’m no economic analyst! Right off the mere fact that it is the Bush administration that wants to push this bill through congress is serious grounds for concern especially so close to the presidential election.

war | Bob Higgins 31, 2011 · Posted in Environment, Financial Crime, Politics, Uncategorized by Bob Higgins on July 31, 2011 Honduran Police Burn Community to the Ground Homes, churches, schools, and crops all destroyed as the post-coup government continues to side with wealthy plantation owners over the country’s organized farmers.

Obama’s America: Is it Jonestown? | whiskeysplace 19, 2008 · On Nov 17, 1978, Congressman Leo Ryan, and several members of his party were shot to death in a Guyana airstrip, by members of Jim Jones "People's Temple" security force, before they could leave in several planes. Also killed with Ryan, were NBC Cameraman Bob Brown, NBC Reporter Don Harris, and People's Temple defector Patricia…

JustOneMinute: Reaching? Those Are Warm-Up Stretches! Mybarackobama site is the first social network site devoted to a political campaign. capitalizes on "viral growth": by inviting friends to join you in supporting Barack Obama. Powered by this simple but effective mechanism, the Obama campaign's list of contacts, supporters and donors has grown at an exponential rate with ...

June | 2014 | League of Bloggers For a Better World from The Secular Jurist:. By Robert A. Vella. As we have detailed many times on this blog, corruption is rampant in American politics and has been getting progressively worse since the U.S. Supreme Court unleashed torrents of special interest money with its Citizens United and McCutcheon decisions in 2010 and 2014. The problem has gotten so bad that some politicians are no longer ...

October | 2015 | The Liberal Doomsayer I enter the church and settle myself a bit, and the service begins in the usual way. I find out that the celebrant is Msgr. Joseph Duncan, the pastor, and the mass would be co-celebrated by Rev. Denis Wilde of Priests for Life (we’re reminded that October is Respect Life month, which actually was the first sign of …

Current - Hal Brown, MSW, Retired psychotherapist on ... Shaw lost his son Jas in 2008 to a Mexican gang member who had been released from jail 24 hours earlier. Shaw said politicians rallied around him and his family for a couple weeks following the incident, but no one stuck around to help him fight for immigration reforms that would improve Americans' security until Donald Trump launched his campaign last June.

political cartoon on Tumblr good news is that this is the first, older kind of goblincore, but it’s not the only one out there. There’s a new wave happening that emphasizes the positive things without including the negative ones. These next examples are technically called trolls in their respective universes, but they really get the vibe that I’m going for ...

Does the GOP have a branding problem? | The BrandBuilder Blog 27, 2012 · How do I write a piece that addresses a political party's branding problem in the heat of one of the most partisan national elections in my lifetime without coming across as partisan myself? The only way I know how is to do it the same way I would write a brand audit brief for a…

in the government decided what gets shut down? Your idiot... 31, 2013 · OK, let me take just the first of your points to show everyone how skewed your thinking is. Under the ACA (Obamacare), every dollar, every premium, every deductible, every subsidy goes directly to a publicly owned or non-governmental insurance company. The money to …

AFL-CIO | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!, as Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO, Trumka pleaded the Fifth Amendment before Congress and a court-appointed election monitor over his role in an illegal fundraising scheme to benefit the Teamsters president Ron Carey’s re-election. Trumka has remained in his position ever since despite an AFL-CIO rule (adopted in 1957) which held ...

dishonest politicians « The Futility Monster 24, 2010 · Then the biggest insult is the fact that Vince Cable, the man at the centre of all Lib Dem economic policy for at least the last five years, is going to be tasked with absorbing 1/6 of this year’s cuts in his department, which is ludicrous considering how small the budget of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills is relative to ...

CarrieD Away With Politicshttps://carriedawaywithpolitics.blogspot.comThe concept of the separation of church and state refers to the distance in the relationship between organized religion and the nation state.The term is an offshoot of the phrase, "wall of separation between church and state," as written by Thomas Jefferson.Many early immigrant groups traveled to America to worship freely. Because we live in a country that stresses this freedom then it should ...

Gay marriage | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

Dick Lugar Has Died. So Has The Party He Served With ... has lost a great man, I was a yard sign manager in his 2 mayoral election, he was the one that brought me into politics. Because of him I served at the precinct levels for years. His treatment by the newly empowered Tea Party , turned against him and took …

Rest In Peace Tony Snow | Innocent Bystanders 12, 2008 · And, one of the few times I cringed at AoS. But, two completely different human beings. If/when Ted succumbs, I’ll be the first to stand up for his service. Disagreement about politics is one thing. Respect for a life dedicated to country is something that I think most of us on the right can agree on.

EMRS: White Lead Is A Big Problem For Liberals - Kevin Bonham should be noted, for contrast and a bit of sobrietry, that the recent ReachTEL had only a small White lead from a format that doesn't skew to incumbents, so perhaps this EMRS is an outlier. I am also aware of an unpublished commissioned poll showing Hodgman with a …

Ear Candle Productions: Ear Candle Radio's Top 20 for ... are a record label, a video production company, a radio station, and now a blog.Join proprietors J Neo Marvin and Davis Jones as we muse about music, film, culture and politics, and keep you posted on the latest Ear Candle activities.

“Free Trade” vs. “Protectionism” is a False Debate ... 06, 2009 · redante said.... AI puts the terms Tasini lays out the issues in context. How can Tasini argue realistically for drastically increasing the minimum wage (to $20 per hour) for example, if the types of mechanisms the can make it happen: a strong labor movement, a critical mass of Progressive, pro-labor politicians in office, an aggressively Populist political culture, simply don't exist in the US.

Ear Candle Productions: November 2011 Candle Productions We are a record label , a video production company , a radio station , and now a blog. Join proprietors J Neo Marvin and Davis Jones as we muse about music, film, culture and politics, and keep you posted on the latest Ear Candle activities.

Video: Nobel Peace Prize Winner shot by Israeli army | The ... 27, 2007 · Video: Nobel Peace Prize Winner shot by Israeli army. with 3 comments. ... It took a long time for the message of nonviolence to be heard, but it was finally, and ended up in all inclusive dialogue when the British/Dublin Governments spoke to their enemies through representatives of the paramilitary groups, and all the Political parties ...

Reasons Why The First State Should Have The First Primary ... 18, 2015 · The title clues you in on the first… Delaware has a claim on first spot no other state can match. Now, for more. Let’s for a moment assume that Delaware votes to hold their presidential primary on January 2nd, 2016.. Of course it causes an uproar among many and in todays “Trumped up” media world, an uproar is good for politics.

SPECIAL COVERAGE: Rush Holt Election Reform Bills (HR 811 ... AlterNet That His Legislation Would Require Paper Ballots, But It Doesn't... 9/4/07: Misleads Members in Support of Holt Election Reform Bill Even as Holt Distances Himself from Own Bill 'It's No Longer my Bill', Says Congressman of Software Giant's Successful Removal of One of the Bill's Once-Postive Provisions

Barack Obama | The Gonzo Think Tank Gonzo Think Tank, in honor of Dr. Gonzo: Hunter S. Thompson, will begin a new weekly feature titled “ Swine of the Week.” Thompson, a.k.a. The Good Doctor, would unabashedly lambaste swine, mainly politicians, pederasts and pedestrians who would irk him.. The inaugural winner of the “ Swine of the Week” (Drum roll please …) issss Andy Martin, the soulless coward who perpetrated ...

politics | seattleDIRT or biking to work, even part way, is linked with fitness, but very few Americans do it, according to a study of more than 2,000 middle-aged city dwellers. In what may be the first large U.S. study of health and commuting, the researchers found only about 17 percent of …

Islamophobia | Search Results | The Least, First 2.5 minute video from – in the running for best 2007 political video – you can see the others and vote, if you like, at 2007 Video Awards. If you have trouble with videos stopping and starting, click pause, let the thermometer fill up a bit with gray, then play.

31 | July | 2015 | The Pardu's Scroll 31, 2015 · A so-called “push poll” is an insidious form of negative campaigning, disguised as a political poll. “Push polls” are not surveys at all, but rather unethical political telemarketing — telephone calls disguised as research that aim to persuade large numbers of voters and affect election outcomes, rather than measure opinions.

gop | Political Loudmouth the prophet Hosea says, “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.” U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan was feeling a bit of a breeze at this town hall meeting when some seniors showed up to discuss the topic of taxes and Medicare. Outside the town hall, several …

Irish Trojan in Tennessee: June 24, 24, 2008 · I'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Michael Gerson | Sheila Kennedy Gerson has a way with words. His descriptions of Donald Trump are dead-on; in a recent column in the Washington Post, for example, he considered Trump’s recent attacks on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who came to the United States as a Somali refugee, using the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers and an out-of-context quotation.. It is cruel because Trump essentially delivered his political ...

Stubborn Liberal: April 2011 28, 2011 · These are the rants and raves of a stubborn-headed, midwestern, baby boomer, liberal, wife, mother, and grandmother. My goals are to speak my mind and educate others about some of the events in our world.

Progressive Politics in Eastern Washington: April 2017 30, 2017 · Concise, well thought out personal letters are one of the most effective ways Americans have of influencing law-makers. But members of Congress get hundreds of letters and emails every day. Whether you choose to use the Postal Service or email, here are some tips that will help you write a letter to Congress that has impact.

UnCommonSense: September 2009 24, 2009 · This is school teachers forgetting what their job is and turning little kids into their personal political tools. I especially like how they stole the song about Jesus "Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in HIS sight" and re-made it about Obama "Red and yellow, black and white, All are equal in his sight". Nice. Song 1

Banned Books Cafe: 2013 reason for that their paychecks, interest rates and dividends, yields from stocks and bonds, annuities, government checks, subsidies and assistance, i.e., their relatively comfortable conventional lifestyles, depend upon the bankrupt financial system and fragile socio-economic/political structure which is perilously propped upon a ...

The Useless Tree: International Politics me turn away for a moment from my usual focus on ancient Chinese thought, and consider the North Korean nuclear question. In one of my courses ("The International Politics of East Asia"), we have been discussing North Korea for the past week and a half.

Haelthcare « Jamesb101.com 10, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Monday Open Thread- Black Composers of Classical Music ... 01, 2019 · Happy Monday, Everyone. I spent most of my weekend traveling and took in a few live classical music concerts. Soul needs soothing and healing, and classical music was my healing balm. This week we're featuring classical music from Black composers. I hope you enjoy the music! Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges Saint-Georges, Le Chevalier…

Friday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 14, 2018 · Friday’s announcement marks the latest move by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III in his investigation of Russian interference in the election. Mueller and a team of prosecutors have been working since May 2017 to determine whether any of President Trump’s associates conspired with Russia to interfere in the election.

A Vast Right Wing Conspiracy | Liberal Rapture 27, 2009 · I'm liberal. I'm not ashamed to say it. In fact, I'm proud of it. Wikipedia defines liberalism as: Liberalism is a broad class of political philosophies that considers individual liberty and equality to be the most important political goals.[1] Liberalism emphasizes individual rights and equality of opportunity. Within liberalism, there are various streams of thought…

Birth Certificate | jbjd 10.09.10: In this article, I wrote that HI was the only state that required explicit language in the documentation submitted to election officials that the candidate for President from the major political party was Constitutionally eligible for the job, to be …

State of the Union | TheZoo - TheZoo | Every man must ... 13, 2016 · If you all watched the State of the Union Address last night, that was the second half…Obama’s first half of his speech was sensored by the media (who received advanced notice of his intended remarks. What we didn’t see was the most stunning reversal of Presidential politics in the history of this nation.

Don’t Vote « Mercury Rising ?? 02, 2008 · YouTube source page (H/T filkertom) Politics, life, and other things that matter

Melissafrei's Weblog | An Evolving Consciousnesshttps://melissafrei.wordpress.comSenate Select Committee on Intelligence Report. June 10, 2008 at 9:55 pm · Filed under Bush's War, Democracy, Patriotism, Politics, Responsibility and tagged: IRAQ. Unless you read the newspapers, you would not have heard that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released a long awaited report subscribing to the notion that the administration engaged in a propaganda campaign that lead ...

Will of The People | Politics and Social Commentary from ...https://iamthewill.wordpress.comOne of these things is not like the other. There is definitely an obvious contrast here. But there’s another one, less obvious, that people often miss. The gun-toting protestors at the state house, people rioting after sporting events, driving over anti-racist protestors, are predominantly white, true.

Ezra Klein: Say What? fact, they will nod their heads and file this statement away to use whenever one of their misguided liberal acquaintances or family members starts viciously and without cause attacking Dear Leader and all the freedoms we enjoy because of people like Dear Leader. If you don't believe me, try it with a wingnut friend and see what happens.

John Atkins Diet | DelawareLiberal.Net | Page 2 22, 2007 · On assignment from DWA, I headed down to Dover to get the real Atkins protest story.Here are the bullet points: The begining: Journalists J.L. Miller of the News Journal, Joe Ragolsky of the Delaware State News, the big guy who’s name I don’t know Carl Kanefsky from WDEL, a couple other guys with cameras and myself were a tad bit nervous at 10:00 sharp because no protesters had …

The Next USFP Premier | The Moorish Wanderer 16, 2012 · It lives! Driss Lachgar has been elected as USFP next boss. A great victory for Game Theory applied to Moroccan politics, and a great victory for the new political order in Morocco. I should perhaps begin by addressing some issues about the numbers: I am still not sure about the total number of party delegates…

Tiger's back at Golf …..and It's going ... - Jamesb101.com 05, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Simon Johnson « Jamesb101.com 10, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Jane Fonda (Hanoi Jane) | Lonnie Walker's Blog 29, 2009 · The only hope they have is that your too stupid to understand you can’t have warming and a ice age at the same time. So to break all this down for the dumbest of liberals to understand, man-made global warming is a scam to get funding for studies.

The US Has Reached a Tipping Point | The Smirking have reached a tipping point. It is partly because Trump has taken the worst of our political nature to the point of absurdity. It is partly because COVID-19 has exploded the myth that we do not need government and shown us that inept governance kills people. It is partly because everyone has cameras and they have exposed the police state.

Classical Values :: When identity politics becomes 02, 2009 · When identity politics becomes misogynistic hate speech. Speaking of insults and ad hominem attacks, Ann Althouse (guest blogging at Instapundit) links one of the most extreme examples I have yet seen in all my years of blogging.. At Playboy's online site, an angry leftist named Guy Cimbalo (who apparently fancies himself a "rape fantasist") compiled a list of …

January | 2015 | progressivenetwork Nathaniel Smith, Politics: A View from West Chester, 1/26/15 I recently read The Plot against America by Philip Roth (2004), a gripping historical novel, a genre that I always enjoy for the challenging light that it sheds on both the past and a present that could have been marked by a different past.. Roth takes two and a half years out of US history—from June 1940 to November 1942—to ...

Doomsy’s Do-Gooders and Dregs (2015 – Pt. 5) | The Liberal ... 08, 2015 · Prior related posts appear below: Part 4 Part 3 Part 2 Part 1 (with setup) Dregs of the Year Nominee King v. Burwell lawyer (arguing against the ACA subsidies) Michael Carvin, who used a supposedly satirical letter here penned by officials from seven states requesting information from the DHS as actual evidence in opposition to…

"Catholic neoconservatives" - Google Search 01, 2016 · Yves René Marie Simon (March 14, 1903 – 1961) was a French Catholic political philosopher. ... Thomas R. Rourke, A Conscience as Large as the World: Yves R. Simon Versus the Catholic Neoconservatives (Rowman & Littlefield 1997).

30 | July | 2007 | Zambian Chronicle 30, 2007 · If you care deeply about business and politics, are inspired by the successes – and failures – of others, and gain experience from mistakes made and lessons learned, then you have a lot in common with Charles Koch, one of the world’s richest men and author of this best-selling book, The Science of Success: How Market-Based Management Built the World’s Largest Private Company

News | 44-D By Ogenec. Another politician falls victim to the “hot mike.” This time it’s good ol’ Bill. Caught, as it were, in fragrante delicto with Paul Ryan. As all good liberals and progressives know, Paul Ryan is the bete noire of all that is decent in the world, because he had …

Vagabond Scholar: Obama is Intolerant of Angry 02, 2008 · Obama is Intolerant of Angry Bigots (A NYT photo analyzed by BagNewsNotes .) If you've been following the liberal blogosphere the past few days, you're bound to have seen video of angry, and in some cases bigoted, McCain-Palin supporters (BH and C&L have posted pretty much all of them, I think).

Motor City Liberal: Pugh outlines agenda after taking“It sends a message Detroiters have been thirsty and hungry for new leadership for a long time,” he said this morning. “Usually you might get one new person, maybe two. But it is hard beating an incumbent. And it is different to have more than half of the city council be new people. I don’t know that that’s ever happened before.”

What I have as a pension is what I wish for ... - Fred 27, 2017 · Perhaps it is crazy to talk this way in an era in which both political parties stand for austerity. I believe that what public employees receive as retirement security after a life-time of work is what all seniors should have. It is the 6th year of …

PA govt & politics | progressivenetwork Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times of Chester County, July 28, 2015 Bill would let state make housing, zoning choices instead of local communities. Along with about 50 other people, I attended a hearing at West Chester Borough Hall on July 20 about House Bill …

Political campaign | The Moorish Wanderer is real boycott, and the political message carried out has a meaningful impact. A low turn out and/or a high proportion of blank votes is always a slap on the face of our much adorned image of ‘Regional Exception’, and is difficult to spin around as the symbol of contentment among Moroccan citizens.

Dump Palin | the plaid lemur embattled cannot dictate terms, especially something so major as a sit-down in front of news cameras without something to negotiate with. Stevens plays hardball. Not typical hardball, but hardball even by Washington standards. This is a class A, 100 percent certified bastard of a politician.

Ezra Klein: Hunting Slugs 17, 2006 · And then there are the unlucky ones, the Michelle Malkins, who achieve acceptance through hatred and venom, and find themselves groping down the darkest path to political success. Right now, the dark-haired, lashy, Ann Coulter understudy is happily wrapped in one of her typical controversies: a crew of students at UC Santa Cruz, my alma mater ...

corporatism | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need Drum with Mother Jones helps us ferret out the truth about the news that’s rocking the world today. As James Risen notes in his New York Times piece today about Afghanistan’s newfound trillion-dollar mineral wealth, it’s not really newfound. The Soviets knew about it two decades ago, the Afghans have known it about it for nearly as long, and survey flights confirmed it a couple of ...

10 | September | 2012 | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · “This is the longest ballot I can remember,” said Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Deborah Clark. “The voter who sees this ballot the first time may need smelling salts.” The ballot will be chock full of choices, for president, U.S. Senate, Congress, the state Legislature, county offices and merit retention for judges, all the ...

24 | July | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 24, 2009 · Job losses have now wiped out all the job gains since the last recession in 2001, the first time that has happened since the 1930s. Pretty funny that Raum points that out actually, given the fact that, if you search on “Bush” in his article, you find out that the word doesn’t exist (as all good Repugs know, the economy is all Obama’s ...

Wonders & Marvels | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ..."My personal view is that ridiculous and can’t be true," says Joachim Krueger of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, who has blogged about the work on the Psychology Today website. "Going after the methodology and the experimental design is the first line of attack. But frankly, I …

alias Bruce.: May 2008 31, 2008 · Anti-immigrant violence in South Africa is at literally riotous levels, with the May 19 New York Times reporting 12 dead in Johannesburg over the weekend. More recent reports have the dead at 22. Tinder for the firestorm seems largely to have arisen from resentment toward an influx of refugees from neighboring Zimbabwe, who are fleeing a disintegrated economy and political chaos.

Obama vs. Hillary – Page 13 – Skeptical Brotha about Obama vs. Hillary written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

rudolph giuliani | The Political Tipster this David Brooks argues for a several key principles, ‘limited but energetic government, full-bore Americanism, active foreign policy, big national projects (such as the Panama Canal and the national parks), and efforts to smash cozy arrangements (like the trusts) that retarded dynamic meritocracy’.

12 | January | 2013 | Dear Kitty. Some blog 12, 2013 · This video is called Disasters of War – Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes.. By Christine Lindey in Britain:. Francisco Goya, 1746-1828 by Rose-Marie and Rainer Hagen (Taschen, £6.99) Saturday 12 January 2013. Though it underplays the political context, a new book on the great Francisco Goya is a rewarding introduction to the influential Spanish painter. A well constructed page-turner ...

home rule | Sheila Kennedy recent newspaper article reported on the demise of a “controversial” Fort Wayne ordinance–another victim of Indiana’s lack of genuine (or even pretended) home rule.. The ordinance (which in a fair and honest world should not have been controversial) addressed the common political practice called “pay to play,” the cynical shakedown of people who want to do business with local ...

Elian Gonzalez | The Liberal Doomsayer of course, to be expected I suppose from Beinart, who has already blamed Obama for “(failing)” in his effort to be “the nonpolarizing president” here. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the fall, because it’s still a long ways off (we haven’t even made it through the primaries yet, people).

The Political Implications of Translation: An Example from ... means ruler or sovereign, and doesn't suggest "noble-minded" or anything like that. This is what we find in 12.11. Junzi ?? originally means "son of ruler" and comes to mean excellent person (by metaphor I suppose, as the son of the ruler is someone qualified to lead).

» course, just as the Ugly Americano wasn’t particularly ugly, the Anti-Americano isn’t anti anything. It’s just that this child of the Cold War can’t resist having fun with the political expressions I’ve grown up with. The drink itself though, is as far from controversy as anything alcoholic is likely to get.

Religion | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · Robert Reich appears in a new video from a new organization, Amend 2012, calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United.In just over two minutes, Reich clearly and effectively explains how Citizens came about and why it is dangerous to U.S. politics. The campaign focuses on the idea that corporations aren’t people, only people are people.

NFL | The Liberal Doomsayer Good – all they understand. Update 10/19/09: Yep, I think curious also (h/t Atrios). Update 10/21/09: And here is some perspective on this, by the way. Finally, U.S. House Rep Virginia Foxx wrote the following from here…

sls project: December 2014 Project is an info space for courses taught in the Anthropology Dept. at Washington U. in St Louis (Prof. Bret Gustafson). Confronting St. Louis and MO politics has made me a bit outspoken. Opinions are my own, not the university, not the students, not the department. On St. Louis: @slsproject On energy politics: @energy_politics

economic performances | The Moorish Wanderer one point or the other in the selected time frame (1990-2011) each and every major political party has been associated with government, or sanctioned these policies (including MPDC-turned-PJD in 1997 for a while) and a strange consensus is strongly established to defend a common record, hence denying it any particular scrutiny.

Debunking Stupid Liberal Memes ... - AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 06, 2010 · Debunking Stupid Liberal Memes, Part I: “[President George W.] Bush is an Idiot” Back in 2006, Bill Whittle wrote a brilliant piece entitled “ Seeing the Unseen ” in which he dismantled many of the typical Liberal mantras, most of which could/can be found proudly and ignorantly plastered on the back of their car bumpers. This post by Mr. Whittle was the first one I read by him and it ...

Susan Leal – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. July 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

Dave Daubenmire – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who is blatantly anti-Semitic, highlighted a list contained in his copy of the “ Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible “ —which was published in 1900 and claimed that there were 7.5 million Jews in the world at the time—and used it to question how six million Jews could have been killed in the Holocaust just a few decades later.

Obama State Of The Union Address | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... Of The Union 2011: Speech, Reaction & Commentary (LIVE UPDATES) AP/The Huffington Post Posted: 01/25/11 10:32 AM. Standing before a nation clamoring for jobs, President Barack Obama will call for targeted spending to boost the economy but also for budget cutting in Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, his first in a new era of divided political power.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee: June 3, 2008 - Brendan 03, 2008 · I'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Just plain dishonest « Bold Colors Blog“Ms. Killefer, 55 years old, failed to pay employment taxes on household help for a year and a half, the Associated Press reported. In 2005, the AP said, the District of Columbia filed a $946.69 tax lien on her home for failure to pay the unemployment compensation tax.

2016 Olympics | 44-D Chicago does come away the victor in the four-way race – Madrid, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo are the other contenders – Obama could get a political boost for helping to deliver the Games to his adopted hometown and for handing the U.S. a fresh source of national pride. More @ This is the President’s plea on November 21, 2008

Rio + 20 | Mb50's "Liquid Mud" Rant Greenfield method involves an “end point” for a power plant, when its land is restored to its original condition. The World Bank has been going in a new direction under current president Jim Yong Kim, the first scientist to head the group, and has taken a more aggressive stance on climate change.

united states | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta - divagations d ... this pageThe Adelsons, in fact, are the largest single donors in American politics, accounting for a total of $26.5 million in gifts in this campaign between the two of them and their three daughters. Most of their gifts, $21.5 million, went to the pro-Gingrich Winning Our Future PAC. The other $5 million went to the pro-GOP Congressional Leadership Fund.

commonsense: April 2011 - Blogger 19, 2011 · Evidence—as the government grew large enough to enforce the Constitution the country erupted into open rebellion and a Civil War over that issue. The American Civil War at it's roots—was about the injustice of "unregulated capitalist" economics. States Rights, and other so called causes, were, red herrings, meant to confuse the debate.

This Town: Two Parties and a Funeral-Plus, Plenty of Valet ... this pageMark Leibovich is The New York Times Magazine chief national correspondent, based in Washington, D.C. In 2011, he received a National Magazine Award for his story on Politico's Mike Allen and the changing media culture of Washington.Reviews: 881Format: Gebundenes BuchAuthor: Mark Leibovich

Foreign Policy | Thomas Jefferson Club Blog is one of Obama’s decisions based on political ramifications and personal ideology that many supporters try to deny was wrong. Panetta points to Obama’s indecision and lack of action concerning the “red line” in Syria as being a policy failure that combined …

SHADOW'S WORLD: May 2016 "[I]t’s good to see SJWs calling out such cesspits of violence and reactionary sexism as Hollywood, college campuses, and literature, which have been dominated by the left for decades.They’re admitting that their ideology deserves a lengthy timeout from politics and other potions of influence for another four, eight or more years, until the culture of corruption has been thoroughly ...

The Wattree Chronicle: 2005 controversy surrounding the Nine-Eleven tragedy has revealed a glaring blind spot in the thinking of the American people. Every since that horrible tragedy American politicians, generals, educators, theologians, and even little old ladies calling in to talk shows have come forward to express both their righteous indignation with Arab terrorists and their opinions on how we should go about ...

Dillons in Liberal KS 67901 - 1417 N Kansas flowers and gifts from Dillons located in Liberal KS for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 1417 N Kansas, Liberal Kansas 67901 Zip. The phone number is (620) 626-6137. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Dillons in …

Donald Trump’s America Part III | isely 14, 2016 · The following is an excellent excerpt from the book “AMERICA AT WAR WITH ITSELF” by Henry A. Giroux from Part I: “Political Geographies of the New Authoritarianism” from Chapter Two: “Donald Trump’s America” on page 48 and I quote: “What is truly alarming is how corporate media benefit from Trump’s raucous excess and seem to encourage him to run his campaign like The Jerry ...

MIKE TURNER | LEFT OF DAYTON | Page 3 is a critical period for the anti war movement, complacency is not on the agenda. It is extremely important that actions be taken now, before the Congress caves in to the Bush administration’s call for more money for a war that never should have happened in the first place.

Victoria Jackson | Skepacabra know for a fact that there are right-wing conservatives far smarter and more coherent than these simpletons. This is beyond pathetic and so, as a mostly liberal progressive, I hope this show lasts longer than Saturday Night Live. May everything that’s fundamentally wrong with right-wing America continue to be represented by nitwits like ...

Susana Martinez | The Liberal Doomsayer– In the first debate between candidates who disagree on just about everything, Gov. Christie on Tuesday presented a positive view of an economically strong New Jersey recovering from Hurricane Sandy while his challenger, State Sen. Barbara Buono, described a state struggling under “Romney-style” economics and far-right social conservatism.

Harry Clarke: Garnaut & Labor politics 06, 2008 · Siros, The first 3 truivial points you make are acknowledged. Notice that Garnaut poured scorn on the renewables targets. The last para I disagree with. Labor has many climater change skeptics also - particfular amid its bone-headed ex trade unionist brigade. Try Martin Ferguson.

Congress Needs To Lock Up Non-Complying Witnesses ... 24, 2019 · This was the first exercise of Congress’s “inherent contempt power.” It’s one of three ways in which Congress can try to compel citizens to comply with their requests for information. They can actually arrest people, hold them over for trial, and issue punishments without any help from either the executive or judicial branches.

THOUGHT MERCHANT | Politics and Commentary for the ... of Protests in Haiti After November, 2010 Election. In a country that faced one the greatest natural disasters in modern history, with over 350,000 lives lost, 1.5 million displaced citizens living in barely functional tent cities, government buildings and infrastructure ripped to shreds and strewn throughout the capital, one would think the natural instinct of those charged with the ...

Holy Week | The Liberal Doomsayer turned around at the sound of scribbling during the sermon to see him jotting notes in his Bible. And when it came time for communion, I was powerfully affected. All of us–president, senator, student, welfare mom–drank from the same cup, shared the same sacrament. “His blood, shed for you,” was the sentiment offered to each of us.

Stephanie Tubbs Jones stricken by aneurysm; Dies ... 20, 2008 · Hat Tip: Cleveland Plain Dealer U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, the first African-American woman to represent Ohio in Congress, is in critical condition after suffering a burst aneurysm last night, officials said this afternoon. Officials updated her condition this afternoon after conflicting reports that the congresswoman was dead. Numerous media outlets - including The Plain…

fred thompson | The Political Tipster 24, 2008 · 2. This is a great night for Romney and a bad one for McCain, Huckabee and Giuliani. South Carolina is pretty much a three-way contest between Huckabee, McCain and Romney, with the latter two needing to come second to stay in the contest (Huckabee needs to win or he is finished). 3. McCain really needs to find his voice on economic issues.

Tuesday Open Thread | Say His Name: Emantic Fitzgerald ... 28, 2018 · 3) Manafort’s bust last night is far bigger than any medium-fish arrest we were waiting for. This appears to involve Trump knowing that his campaign boss was plotting with Russia and a cyberterrorist to alter the outcome of the election in his favor. For Trump, that’s treason. — Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) November 27, 2018

Motor City Liberal: ExxonMobil Finds A Home At Fox News on it and you can watch a video of a smiling ExxonMobil geologist touting the natural gas boom. As the tech news website Mashable reported, because "Exxon is …

November Fifth: Generational Shift 11, 2009 · One of the most interesting things about one of my classes: My 18 year-olds are interested in so-called "liberal" agendas. Yes, you read that right. Eighteen year old college freshman have been suggesting writing projects that deal with poverty, health care, homelessness, education, ending war, educating people on climate change, gay marriage, etc.

Me | True Blue Blog 08, 2006 · Furthermore, as a politically themed blog (keeping in mind that blogs by definition are interactive) that brings a new word to mind: hypocrite. You are the one taking an entire group of people to task for demanding that they be given equal consideration as potential loving parents for orphaned children.

Politics | Politics and Pasta 22, 2017 · Posts about Politics written by lsrhetoricianblog. Last evening, Rachel Maddow promised to reveal Trump’s tax returns. What she actually disclosed was a two page 1040 form from Trump’s 2005 return. As the New York Times points out, some journalists complained that Maddow had “overhyped her findings”.. Her promo on Twitter stating, “we’ve got Trump’s tax returns” did seem a bit ...

Budget | Potano's Garden 08, 2016 · Actually, the first time they held up a raise in the debt limit it was beyond outrageous. This time it is beyond any pejorative. To raise the threat of a consequence that would mean the economy would get much worse at best, a disaster at worst, to score political points with rich donors as well as the party base is unspeakably irresponsible, in ...

it. Let's see the proof. Otherwise Thought... 22, 2018 · No Melania, I don't give a sh-t about the corrupt lamestream media either and I'm glad you don't as well. As a matter of fact I am designing a new jacket …

A Reflection of America: The Military And Obesity ... 26, 2012 · The military is a reflection of the United States as a whole. As America struggles with obesity rates climbing rapidly, the military faces a similar phenomenon. In addition to the military losing members whose weight becomes an issue, the number of viable new recruits is also declining. A Pentagon study from 2009 stated that if…

Moyers & Company | The Pardu's Scroll dangers of easing ever closer to a corporate state. We already have the Kochs and their conservative corporatist working to purchase elections. What happens when we pave the path for these uber wealthy plutocrats. ... It wasn’t a liberal SCOTUS that gave corporations an artificial form of “Free Speech” (as the Court calls it).

36929736-Afghanistan-Taliban-Assessment | Iraq War Troop ... additional troops committed and a new strategy in place, the U.S.-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is making its last big push to win the war in Afghanistan. But domestic politics in ISAF troop-contributing nations are limiting the sustainability of these deployments while the Taliban maintain the upper hand.

Courts – Politics Plus the end of this encounter, Jones would be dead. Armed only with a knife tucked into his sleeve, he was tased four times, hit in the brachial plexus, kicked, and placed in a choke hold. In his final moments, he lay on the ground between a stone wall and a wall of …

politics | CIVILRIGHTSAGENDA.COM served four terms as the leader of Vermont’s biggest city from 1981 to 1989. Sanders then moved on to the national political arena by winning a seat in the House of Representatives. From 1991 to 2007, he distinguished himself as one of the country’s few independent legislators.

WI 1848 Forward: May 2011 A Bird Fly With Only A Right Wing?! <br><br>Motivated by the current (2011) political climate in Wisconsin it seems reasonable to devote some time and effort to comment on issues and some of the hyperbole. So we in the public should do what we can to help focus "journalists" on delineating real facts versus spin. If you accept the spin you do not understand the policy implications.<br><br ...

Minnesota Politics: 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 30, 2004 · The only surprising outcome was the primary for district 55A state representative. The current rep, Scott Wasiluk, was the subject of an exposé by Fox 9 news about drinking at the capitol. Although he is hardly the only elected official to drink at the capitol, he was the one caught on camera. As a result, he lost a close primary election.

The Liberal Doomsayer: 2006-03-26 31, 2006 · The information from this link tells you who has and has not served in Congress (a bit dated, but it still provides some illuminating information). It's pretty clear to me who should be leading this country based on prior military service alone. For "a stroll down memory sewer," here are more episodes of Delusional Dick in action.

SYNDICATED COLUMN: Political Violence ? Stop Violent ... 10, 2011 · The cognitive disconnect between reality and self-perception in American society and politics is bizarre and frightening. Whenever there's a school or workplace shooting spree, Americans act shocked! shocked! shocked! To hear media commentators, you'd think this was a peace-loving nation of Dalai Lamas rather than a bunch of brawlin', trash-talkin', gun-totin', foreigner-bombin' yahoos who ...

Saturday Mashup (5/4/13) | The Liberal Doomsayer 05, 2013 · This recent opinion column in the Murdoch Street Journal by Repug U.S. House Rep John Campbell of California tells us the following… There were many contributors to the 2008 financial crisis—including unsound housing loans and mortgage-backed securities, Fannie Mae FNMA -0.12%and Freddie Mac, FMCC -0.85%excess leverage by major financial institutions, and regulatory failures.

Was Jared Loughner's Act Political? | The Smirking One of the first casualties of the Regan years was the mental health community - just think what wouldn't have happened if the shooter could have received help for his mental illness. Submitted by docmike on January 12, 2011 - 11:39am.

gun control | Stuff BQ Knows 22, 2016 · gun control All posts tagged gun control. Blaming Guns, ignoring radical Islam. Posted by afbevil on June 22, 2016. Posted in: Gun control/2nd Amendment, Politics.

Mzansi Afrika: South African Politics Jennings was the first African American to receive a patent, on March 3, 1821 (U.S. patent3306x). Thomas Jennings' patent was for a dry-cleaning process called "dry scouring". The first money Thomas Jennings earned from his patent was spent on the legal fees (my polite way of saying enough money to purchase) necessary to liberate his ...

October | 2012 | The Pardu's Scroll following is the perfect example of political hypocrisy, GOP B/S, and an overweight “BLOWHARD’ who is vying for a GOP run for the nomination in 2016. And, it is really, really sad. Furthermore, the audience who are standing as and cheering as awe inspired ‘bowing’ sycophants, probably should feel as shamed of themselves.

Wake up Black America: January 2011 31, 2011 · Political rhetoric as the talking points suggest had absolutely nothing to do with the shootings Saturday. Once again, it comes down to merely the "seriousness of the charge" more so then even having any evidence to warrant the charge in the first place. This is why I have absolutely zero trust of the so called mainstream media.

Politics and Government: Totalitarianism and America Politics 11, 2013 · We as the American people are slaves and victims of our own country and yet we don't even know it. We are headed to a totalitarian police state society where we have no right and when we are under total 24 hour surveillance by the government.

September 2009 – Eric Lightborn's Blog is called ‘incrementalism’ and in my view President Obama should have just gone for the whole-nine-yards of single-payer but it’s looking like that’s not going to happen. Mostly because they are all corrupt in Congress and hyper-corrupt in the GOP so it’s just plain outside of … | The Liberal Doomsayer is how the modern left—via the IRS, the Federal Election Commission and now in Congress—tries to stifle political debate. Ha and ha (and I would say that writing an editorial like this without noting that the Journal is itself a member of ALEC is an attempt to “stifle political debate” also, as noted here – and of course, lefties ...

Facebook Activism | VIRAL POLITICS is the ratio that Facebook has more-or-less publicly admitted it is ramping down to a target range of 1-2% for Pages. In other words, even if an organization’s Page has 10,000 followers, any given item they post might only reach 100-200 of them.

TigerHawk - Blogger Reynolds links to a post by David Brooks on the Atlantic site, "Teachers are fair game." Read the whole thing -- it is short -- but here's where it lands: It used to be that a few policy wonks would write essays assailing union rules that protected mediocre teachers; these pronouncements were greeted with skepticism in the media and produced no political movement.

Well, No One Ever Accused Pence of Being “Politically ..., No One Ever Accused Pence of Being “Politically Correct”… July 5, 2016 Random Blogging Palin , Pence , Trump , vice-president Sheila The Donald’s 2016 Presidential campaign is looking more and more like a really bad comedy–one of those films that tries to be clever and just ends up being an embarrassing groaner.

Coalition or Conflict? - Progress Pond 04, 2006 · by Patrick Lang (bio below) “A suicide bomber killed 32 mourners and wounded dozens at a funeral for the nephew of a Shiite politician, one of several attacks Wednesday across Iraq that killed a total of 53 people — making it the deadliest day since the Dec. 15 elections. The increased violence came as Iraq’s […]

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 25, 2017 · This is Trump’s first Easter Egg Roll. The president and the first lady kicked things off with the National Anthem, and notice what she has to do in the middle of it [clip of Melania nudging Trump].”Put your hand up! Do it, you’re the president!” He forget to …

Motor City Liberal: Holder: Minority rights under threat ... 30, 2012 · “This is not just about voter ID, there are a panoply of changes that have taken place.” The supreme court has upheld voter ID legislatation and seven states have introduced strict requirements. But 16 southern states require justice department approval for changes to election laws under the 1965 Voting Rights Act because of a history of ...

Reagan Awakening | This Is, it is nearly a scary prospect, especially recalling the Reagan awakening of 1980. The question this time is just how desperate is the evangelical identity politic. It seems nearly a trembling anticipation to hear the first preacher tell us Donald Trump is a changed man finding his way to Christ. Laughing will be appropriate, come the day.

Moslem | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! the first, we find those who tired of the tyranny of so-called noble aristocracy and moved … dare I suggest it? … to America. In America, they became frontiersmen, soldiers, sailors, farmers, entrepreneurs, politicians, judges, engineers, teachers, factory workers, miners, doctors, restaurateurs, steelworkers, cabbies, and dry-goods ...

Economics | The Zen Stoic just read an intriguing article which talks about Bush’s recent executive orders to enable the secretary of the treasury to seize the assets of anyone who is in any way, directly or however indirectly, interferes with Iraq or Lebanon. While I agree that the utmost insanity, I have a more interesting argument to make than merely discussing the lunacy of the politicians of the day.

Minnesota Delegation: Mental Health Parity (UPDATE) week the United States House of Representatives took up the issue of mental health parity with the PAUL WELLSTONE MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION EQUITY ACT OF 2007.This bill, the work of Congressman Jim Ramstad (R) and Patrick Kennedy (D), requires health plans to treat mental health on an equal footing with all other health issues. Four of the eight members of the Minnesota delegation in ...

Joe Half-Rack: April 2015 it's a good start. And by the way, if McCain and the GOP love the Supreme Leader of Iran so much, then they should invite him to speak to a Joint Session of Congress. UPDATE : Here is a great New York Times Editorial on the GOP's efforts to de-legitimize America's first Black president.

Susan G. Komen Foundation Did Not Reverse Course, But It’s ... few bucks I have to give to charity this month went to my parish and to the Scott Walker campaign (no, giving to a a political candidate isn’t charity, but it is a very good cause.) When my mother died of cancer back in the ’80’s, I, and my siblings began giving to the American Cancer Society.

It’s time America stopped lying about Trump. - alias Bruce. is blasphemy to well-meaning campaign donors who have summer homes along the nation’s finest beaches. But it is unbearably obvious to the rest of us. Twenty-first-century America is not even within screaming distance of democracy. The flagrant rule of money over politics has made American democracy an ad slogan and a joke.

Obsidian Wings: Apple is turning Japanese 26, 2012 · by liberal japonicus. Something a bit off of the politics talk. I'm a mac user, but I wanted to give a different perspective to the Apple-Samsung decision and maybe talk about something other than politics. As usual, the thread is also for everyone who wants to explain why the patent system sucks, why Apple is the best/worst thing since TV dinners, why Samsung was screwed/got their just ...

Obsidian Wings: Grandma Kimi Kimi As a result I missed the memorial, which is sad for me though of course memorials are for the living so I can find my own way. In any case I'm going to repost (below the fold for those who don't need the non-political stuff) a Thanksgiving post about her which I wrote a while ago.

Phleger | All Other Persons 03, 2008 · The first day he said ‘Ah, ah, ah well.’ Because that’s what they do– he gets other people to slime her. So then they saw the movie they thought a great ad for John McCain– maybe I better quit the church. It’s all politics. It’s all about the bias of the media for Obama. Don’t think anything about it.

Global | Veracity Stew White House visit today was significant in that it marked the first “official” state visit between the Dalai Lama and a sitting U.S. President since Bill Clinton. Yes, the Dalai Lama has visited four Presidents, from the first George Bush to Bush Jr., but those visits were primarily ceremonial in order to not offend Chinese officials.

Rev Wright | All Other Persons first day he said ‘Ah, ah, ah well.’ Because that’s what they do– he gets other people to slime her. So then they saw the movie they thought a great ad for John McCain– maybe I better quit the church. It’s all politics. It’s all about the bias of the media for Obama. Don’t think anything about it.

The Soapboxhttps://soapbox-politics.blogspot.comMay 26, 2008 · The moderators were absolutely disgusting. Georgie Boy should have been required to disclose, prior to the questioning, that he served as communications director for Bill Clinton. Then, to spend the first 45 minutes on BS that already had been hashed and reheashed ad nauseum -- an extreme disservice to voters and the public. The questions?

Political Corruption | The Recovery Through Wholeness ... federal indictment unsealed in the United States details how the United Arab Emirates (UAE) sought influence in the campaigns of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and President Donald Trump in the 2016 election, according to a report by the New York Times.. The indictment, which was released this week by the US Department of Justice, accuses businessman George Nader of funnelling ...

Sen John McCain | TheZoo of the great sights of American political life — a YouTube moment if ever there was one — was to see the doughboy face of Newt Gingrich as he extolled the virtues of Sarah Palin, a sitcom of a vice presidential choice and a disaster movie if she moves up to the presidency: “She’s the first journalist ever to be nominated, I think ...

Gamechangers? Independent Voters May Rewrite the Political ... Independent Voters May Rewrite the Political Playbook - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. ASU Morrison Institute for Public Policy, USC Schwarzenegger Institute and Independent Voting team up to examine the impact independent voters are having in the nation's politics and how they are upending the two-party model political academics have ...

Thursday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 21, 2019 · This is not the first time Franci Neely has confronted people for taking photos there. ... to a president who is confused and demented and lazy and a criminal and a cheat and a liar and a traitor and a moron and a grifter and a coward but holy fucking shit does he really have to be such a fucking whiny crybaby all the fucking time . you could ...

Motor City Liberal: Slick Operator: The BP I've known too well run aground, wells blow out, pipes burst. It shouldn't happen but it does. And when it does, the name of game is containment.Both in Alaska, when the Exxon Valdez grounded, and in the Gulf over a week ago, when the Deepwater Horizon platform blew, it was British Petroleum that was charged with carrying out the Oil Spill Response Plans ("OSRP") which the company itself drafted and filed ...

liberals | Letters to a Dying Dream best part was the thing about propaganda. Come the fuck on man, your ranting sounds like the “Five Minutes Of Hate” from the book 1984. Not only that but you try to say the guy is spouting propaganda when you don’t even let him get a chance to speak, are you insane?

-gate news: Bradley Manning Facebook friend was a security ... 04, 2012 · Greenwald - who is a constitutional law attorney and used to be a political and legal blogger for before moving on to The Guardian earlier this year - had spoken to Democracy Now on April 6, 2010, along with WikiLeak's Julian Assange.On his Twitter account, Breanna Manning @bmanningfm, Greenwald was one of the only two people Bradley selected to follow.

Scott Key was angry that some of his friends were... is from memory. No man will be seized or imprisoned Or outlawed or exiled Or deprived of "his standing" or possessions, And neither will we pursue him with force or send others to do except by a decision of "his equals" or the law of the land. Standing and equals are the axiom principles of …

President Obama | Dr Linda Shelton is my comment in response to a post about President-Elect Obama and William Ayers on “Illinois Review” an ultraconservative Illinois blog written by honorable people, who have a very rigid philosophy. They made a mistake in their article stating that Ayers was a Professor at the University of Chicago, where Obama once taught.

July | 2009 | Desert Beacon more, Congressman Dean Heller (R-NV2) had an opportunity to vote in favor of H.R. 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, and once again he voted no.[roll call 680] Heller was one of 142 members of the House of Representatives to vote no on a bill to improve the capacity of the FDA to address the problem of food borne illnesses.The bill passed 283 to 142 with 8 members not voting.

JustOneMinute: Cabinet Picks, Terror, And More's a good pick. Smart, level-headed, guy. My boss says he's o.k. Tom Price appointment is smart politics. My people are telling me that Trump has no intention of doing anything to the ACA,Medicare or medic-aid, so he's taking on Price(who won't write legislation as a Cabinet secretary) to give the impression they're about to gut the programs.

Ruthless Politics | Dr Linda Shelton 18, 2008 · The State of Illinois through first Attorney General Jim Ryan and now Attorney General Lisa Madigan along with incompetent, ignorant, and/or corrupt officials in Illinois Medicaid including Bill Bradley, Investigator Reibel in the State Police, and Patrick Keenan in the State Police Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, with tacit approval by many other corrupt officials in the State of Illinois, have ...

bolo boffin: 10/12/2003 - 10/19/2003 10, 2003 · This is what happens when you don't do post-war planning, or worse, when you do post-war planning and then shelf the plan. Posted by Joseph Nobles at 10/12/2003 09:53:00 AM | Only Senior Administration Officials Can Prevent Political Wildfires

The Proud Liberal: Maddow Election Shocker: FBI Agent in ... 20, 2017 · The following is an excellent article written by proudlib on The Proud Liberal website on April 15, 2017 titled : "Maddow Election Shocker: FBI Agent in the Middle of Hillary Email Scandal Paid By Michael Flynn" and I quote: "Maddow Election Shocker: FBI Agent in the Middle of Hillary Email Scandal was Paid By Michael…

a criminal war | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog hilcot and the courts won’t do it, so it is up to us to show that we won’t let an illegal act of mass murder go unpunished . by George Monbiot, The Guardian/UK, January 26, 2010 The only question that counts is the one that the Chilcot inquiry won’t address: was the war with Iraq illegal? If the answer is yes, everything changes. The war is no longer a political matter, but a criminal ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2012 · ROMNEY HOPES TO BORE YOU SO MUCH YOU'LL VOTE FOR HIM IN YOUR SLEEP Politico tells us that, for the Romney campaign, being dull and uninspiring is a feature, not a bug: Many of the current strategy discussions are centered on not falling into the traps McCain did: looking wobbly as a leader and weak on the economy in the final weeks of the campaign.

susan the bruce: September 2006 21, 2006 · Good news! Congress just voted (228-196) for a bill that would require all voters to show photo ID proving they are citizens. That same bill approved the building of a 700 mile fence at the US – Mexico border. This same Congress has spent a lot of time on a flag burning amendment, as well as an amendment that would limit the rights of gay folks.

2009 July « Jamesb101.com 29, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

NEI Nuclear Notes NEI’s Safety First web site:Japanese Government Increases Radiation Testing for Rice CropsNovember 30, 2011 Industry/Regulatory/Political Fukushima Prefecture is stepping up its testing of rice crops, now that more radioactive cesium has been found in harvested samples. Government officials measured twice the allowable radiation limit in rice from farms in Date City, about 30 miles from ...

Bill of Rights | Sheila Kennedy is a recurring battle. As the courts routinely point out, the rules are pretty clear: government cannot sponsor or endorse religion. Government cannot sponsor or endorse atheism, either. Government must stay neutral when it comes to the expression of political or religious beliefs.

JustOneMinute: The Fierce Moral Urgency Of Manana First Communicator seizes the Saturday of Labor Day weekend to announce what normally would have been buried on a Friday afternoon - he will seek Congressional authorization to wrist-slap Syria.. The decision to seek congressional authorization is a departure from the administration’s decision to intervene in Libya in 2011.

political speech analysis « The Futility Monster his training worked, or the distraction of yesterday led to a slightly less well-prepared Gordon Brown, who went back to good old Labour instincts: attack the Tories for being the party of the rich. He was on message, but it just doesn’t seem to capture the electorate’s imagination. Like I said, negativity doesn’t really work.

Obsidian Wings: On Bolton 12, 2005 · See how fast the conversation gets around to how not outstanding the co-workers having lunch across the street, in fact, are. Thing is, those coworkers are passing the same judgement on the first group, present company excluded, of course. Mother Theresa was the exception. With the exception of what's his name the liberal guy who likes Bush.

New Frames: Laughing Liberals year I wasn't going to watch the Winter Olympics, except for the men's and women's downhill and the ongoing rivalry between the Norwegian and Italian cross country relay teams (and the Norskies let me down this time), but I am now officially caught up in the Chad/Shani speed skating soap opera.It's the Chicago White Socks vs. the Houston Astros all over again, but with drama.

Liberalism Defined: The Conservative Tradition ...’s term as the president of United States was blemished with, along with his. personality and notoriety, Vietnam War and the Great Society legislation. But still the. impression he has left on the sands of time is one of the most remarkable ones. Ronald Reagan was the longest-serving conservative president of the last century. He

Bricks, Bullets, Condoms, Threats, And Spit. | American ... 27, 2010 · I’ve heard this before in the ’60s. A lot of just downright hate.” Cleaver’s office issued the following quoted at The Hill, “This is not the first time the Congressman has been called the ‘n’ word and certainly not the worst assault he has endured in his years fighting for equal rights for all Americans,” the statement ...

Thursday Open Thread | Sen. Louise Lucas taking a moment ... 08, 2019 · Any thinking person can look at both Sanchez’s and get an immediate greed-slime red flag alert … that the so-called smart guy/richest man in the world – husband of 25 years who should not have been cheating in the first place, did/does not, is proof that money does not buy or mean that one has sense.. and certainly, not honor or discipline..

2012 January « Jamesb101.com 07, 2012 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Media | Off The Grid set the example of a good journalist. He had said that it was the responsibility of the journalist to study and know his guests, then take the opposite side to get to the heart of what the public needs to know. James Carville said that one of the things Russert …

merican Enterprise Institute | American Commentary Blog 27, 2010 · “This is not the first time the Congressman has been called the ‘n’ word and certainly not the worst assault he has endured in his years fighting for equal rights for all Americans,” the statement said. “That being said, he is disappointed that in the 21st century our national discourse has devolved to the point of name calling and ...

Franken Helps Writes 'SNL' Skit Spoofing McCain Taping Ads Franken took some time off this week to help "Saturday Night Live" writers pen a skit that spoofed negative ads by Sen. John McCain. Johnathan Martin and Josh Krau Shaar of Politico reported last night that two NBC sources told them that the liberal candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in Minnesota phoned in a spoof of McCain recording campaign ads.. SNL's head writer, Seth Meyers, actually ...

Rooted Cosmopolitans: In the water, he was beautiful 09, 2007 · It's tempting to talk about politics tonight. For several hours, the Attorney General was schooled by the Congress, including passages where he was reminded that if he was going to suggest that US Attorneys were fired for being poor managers, he should lose his job as well, as well as Chuck Schumer reminding him that the burden of proof lies with Gonzales to explain his actions to Congress ...

Trump is Shitting Bricks, But Should He Really Be Worried ... 23, 2019 · Martin Longman is the web editor of the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. Before joining the Monthly, Martin was a county coordinator for ACORN/Project Vote and a political consultant. He has a degree in …

Prison Culture | Prison Photography two million individuals are behind bars in U.S. prisons, living in isolation from their families and their communities. Prison/Culture surveys the poetry, performance, painting, photography & installations that each investigate the culture of incarceration as an integral part of the American experience.. As eagerly as politicians and contractors have constructed prisons, so too activists ...

Once again the media gives Trump a pass | Sohum Parlance II 22, 2015 · Now for 50 years, business and money have discovered that the route to power within government. Luckily, this was once a winning strategy but it no longer is, at least for a Presidential politics. The gig is up, and a Trump is the perfect caricature exposing the inherent absurdities in the politics of Nixon, Reagan and the lessor Reagans.

President Trump | Nolan Dalla 25, 2019 · The evidence on overwhelming and incontrovertible. We have video and audio. We have eyes and ears. We know what we’ve seen. We know what we’ve heard. We’ve seen Trump — the candidate — make a personal plea to the Russians to go after his political opponent.

Time to turn off Bill O'Reilly as he requests 19, 2015 · Time to turn off Bill O'Reilly as he requests Posted: Feb 19, 2015. Bill O'Reilly--the next Brian Williams--"If you can't trust a news anchor or commentator, then you are not going to watch that person."--Bill O'Reilly. Nobody from CBS got to the Falklands," says Bob Schieffer. "For us, you were a thousand miles from where the fighting was.

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Catholic Church | The Liberal Doomsayer 10/8/13: There aren’t very many times when I’m ashamed to be a Roman Catholic, bur unfortunately, this is one of them. Next, I haven’t checked in with Former Laura Bush Employee Andrew Malcolm for a little while, so please allow me to do so now here (he who gravitated downward from the LA Times to Investor’s Business Daily; I ...

Sylvester Brown, Jr.: 2017-01-01 biggest local story that wasn’t, was the news that throughout Mayor Francis Slay’s entire term the city has been re-segregating itself with public money. Thanks to a series of articles, starting with STL Magazine and followed up by the Riverfront Times, we’ve learned that politicians have exploited tax incentives and special rewards at the expense of public schools and real blighted ...

Another Speed Bump For The Bush/Cheney Trainwreck, 2006 was the last time that Congress had to raise the debt ceiling.At that point, Congress raised the debt ceiling to $9 trillion. The national debt is now over …

postaday2011 | The Moorish Wanderer | Page 4 12, 2011 · Posts about postaday2011 written by Zouhair ABH. UC – Union Constitutionnelle: perhaps the only true conservative party in Morocco -conservative on economics, that is- whose founder was, ironically, a former UNFP Casablanca boss (Mâati Bouabid). The Orange, both as a colour and as a symbol belies its hard-line on liberalization they supported in the 1980s; that is why perhaps they have ...

Bain Capital | Desert Beacon 13, 2012 · Posts about Bain Capital written by desertbeacon. ** Welcome to the advent of Political Hunting Season in Nevada, the Las Vegas Sun reports Senator “By Appointment Only” Dean Heller (R-NV) and Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-NV1) have comparable war chests. What Rep. Berkley does not have is the assistance of Karl Rove’s shadowy anonymous donors protected by Citizens United.

John Dickerson is Really Overplaying his Hand | PoliOlogy 16, 2008 · John Dickerson, the political director, is especially concentrating on the female Clinton supporters who feel wronged by the system, and are cutting off their reproductive rights and self respect despite their faces to vote for a man that dumped his first wife after she became a cripple and called his second wife a “cunt” in front of reporters.

Monday Mashup (7/26/10) | The Liberal Doomsayer 26, 2010 · It has only occupied the White House for a year and a half, though (of course, Mikey omits that incon-vee-nient detail). And the event that triggered the skyrocketing unemployment rate was the fall of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, which took place on the watch of A Certain 43rd President, as well as approval of TARP funding soon afterwards.

Pakistan | Veritas Nihilum Vincet about Pakistan written by cousinavi. Archives Archives ...

Frank Ricci | The Liberal Doomsayer Think Progress tells us here (and I know we know the result already), Hangin’ Judge JR and The Supremes ruled yesterday in favor of firefighter Frank Ricci in his case against the city of New Haven (Mayor John DiStefano was also named in the action) for throwing out the results of a management test where African American candidates did not score well, whereas 17 whites and one Hispanic ...

nbardi | Missouri Communication 14, 2011 · This is an advantage that our parents and grandpaprents did not have. Our generation is more interested in following political figures or events on twitter then they are with actually attending these events. This is a major difference between our generation and the older generation. We would rather read about an event online then actually ...

Cohen/Tinker election results – Skeptical Brotha 07, 2008 · Cohen/Tinker election results ... of Tinker’s tone-deaf tactics should be enough for Barack Obama to remove the Whore from any consideration for a prominent role in his administration. ... white, straight, gay, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, atheist, and whatever else, will go to the polls and pull the lever for a white Jewish congressman and a ...

ed fitzgerald's unfutz PC cover for the idea that all statements about history are expressions of power: history is only written by the winners and truth is political and unknowable, unless some victim knows it in his or her bones.Robert Hughes "Multi-Culti and Its Discontents" The Culture of …

The Itinerant Pedant: June 2009 title comes from a classic pen and and paper RPG from the 80s called "Paranoia". The political lamp is decidedly NOT lit. After recounting my lawn-a-cide last time, I find that I am interested in discussing other things that are going on around here rather than just what's going on in Washington.

Calm down Floyd,don't get so excited.... agree with what you say. Both sides are controlled by the ruling elite as is indicated by the fact that a few years ago they turned the stars on our elephant logo upside down, thus making them satanic which is like the illuminati but their demonic element on to our logo …

Let the Battle of the Political Ornaments Begin! | Mudflats 01, 2008 · During the election season, I enjoyed taking all sorts of informal "polls". I counted yard signs, bumper stickers, buttons on jackets, t-shirts for sale, and all sorts of other indicators of the political climate that had no basis in scientific accuracy whatsoever. They were annecdotal curiosities, but sometimes these tell stories too. Now that December…

View Beyond Bethlehem: January 2014 29, 2014 · View Beyond Bethlehem Observations about the world in which I live. A little politics, a little current events, a little about my life and times. Polite feedback always welcome. Wednesday, January 29, 2014. A Homophobic Mom. While surfing today I came across this Tumblr page Texts from my Homophobic Mother.

Subject to Complete Defeasance | Law, Politics, News and ...https://completedefeasance.wordpress.comNov 05, 2012 · That topic is one of the main reasons I’ll miss having Justice Stevens on the Court. In 1878 the Supreme Court quoted with approval a statement in a letter penned by Thomas Jefferson that the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause set up “a wall of separation between church and State.” Reynolds v. United States, 98 U.S. 145, 164 (1878 ...

Accidental Deliberations: On succession plans 11, 2015 · To survive the loss of government and public opinion in a system so dependent on individual donors (what Tom Flanagan conceded in his latest book on modern political campaigns), will be a tricky proposition. But it will be made harder if one party is to die and be replaced by another. Merger will have to wind up being part of the solution.

The Useless Tree: Friday I Ching: Hurricanes and the ... 23, 2005 · The idea, derived from an ancient Chinese worldview, that natural disasters might tell us something about the effectiveness or legitimacy of the highest national leaders has popped up recently in stories about the political effects of hurricane Katrina on President Bush. The traditional notion of "Mandate of Heaven" is more nuanced than the simple idea that natural disaster means loss of ...

Politics of Debt – Critical Fantasies is a great list of resources! I was actually just asking a colleague in Turkey who writes on debt and governmentality if he knew of any writing on the concept of debt in A Thousand Plateaus.It’s odd, because in Anti-Oedipus the notion of the State is based on Nietzsche’s discussion of debt in the second essay of On the Genealogy of Morals, but D&G don’t really discuss it explicitly ...

"Bad Words" like "Mainstream Media" - Just Call Me Frank ... example, an independent/liberal news source, on the day of the first presidential debate, apparently claimed that all of the questions for debate were submitted by the Romney and Obama (or their teams) and were agreed on days in advance. We heard this piece of information second-hand, and were never able to local the referenced source ...

John Poindexter | Bloviating’s no surprise for those Americans who are paying attention that the death of 79-year-old Justice Antonin Scalia, placed in something of a vacuum, creates a massive series of issues for not just the Supreme Court of the United States, but for the entire political tent in DC and the societal atmosphere of the United States.. That is to say, a huge political issue insofar as Demorats ...

JustOneMinute: Go, Go With Rubio what I can tell, this is the first Tennessee poll since November: Political Polls ?@PpollingNumbers 3m3 minutes ago TENNESSEE GOP primary: Trump 40% Cruz 22 Rubio 19 Carson 9 Kasich 6. NBC/WSJ/Marist Poll. Don't tell rse, but Lamar! is endorsing Rubio.

Asian/Pacific Islander | 44-D Rose (Ph.D, Brown University, American Civilization, 1993) is Professor of Africana Studies. She specializes in 20th century African-American culture and politics, social history, popular culture, gender and sexuality. In addition to her scholarly interest in black cultural production, the role of new technologies and ideologies about race in U.S. life, and the politics of intimacy and ...

Behind the Scenes at the Meet the Candidate BBQ Dinner ... 27, 2008 · This is the type of deception that we must end in Raleigh politics." The second lie was that he hired illegal immigrants to build the NASCAR Hall of Fame. "Just the Opposite," McCrory said. e was the first mayor in the nation to lead a discussion on illegal immigration which stated that the net cost of illegal immigration was greater than the ...

Because Truth Has a Liberal Biashttps://becausetruthhasaliberalbias.blogspot.comDec 30, 2012 · Keep up the pressure. Workers rights are human rights. Get out the message that is getting lost in a media blackout: the wealth of this country is in the hands of 1% while 99% suffer job losses and continued unemployment, reduced wages, discrimination, charges for using debit cards, union busting, forclosure, and countless other grievances.

He Really IS The Smart One... are the magical creatures that can pass a doctrine without nary a bill in existence? Seriously, I thought Mitch Berg was supposed to be the smart one. I was greeted with not just a pithy comment from Mr. Berg but an entire post devoted to myself and my obvious ignorance over an issue that he " …

Pakistan | The Word of Me... Taseer, the Pakistani governor of the Punjab province who was killed by one of his own bodyguards for being too liberal and wanting to reduce the penalty for blasphemy from death to a lesser sentence, apparently was considered too liberal by mainstream Muslims in the country.. From The National Review by Jonathon Goldberg 1-7-11 “A group of more than 500 leading Muslim scholars ...

Liberalism in the United States | Under The LobsterScope the industrial revolution rendered small-government Jeffersonianism obsolete by the mid-19th century, American conservatives continue successfully to appeal to Jeffersonian sentiments a century and a half later. The crackpot ideology of the economic right is libertarianism. Libertarianism and communism are equally crazy in opposite ways.

JAN 28, 2015 AT 01:27 PM PST Sorry, conservatives:... form does not preclude the other. I would act as the person I am. And it certainly is better than the all too usual conservative alternative which is to choose to act without compassion. In fact, liberals acting and/or being compassionate, and conservatives being the …

2011 March « Mercury Rising ?? it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency. The second expedient is as impracticable as the first would be unwise.

fear-based propaganda | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:ASU #4, Oregon #5, USC #12 in'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

BREAKING-White House Won't Second-Guess ... - Progress Pond 31, 2016 · Headline!!! White House Won’t Second-Guess FBI Director’s Judgment. From NPR!!! The DNC News Channel!!! The White House is carefully trying to steer clear of the political fight over FBI director James Comey’s controversial decision to publicize a new round of scrutiny related to Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Marine’s Parents Want Murtha Censured | The Common Sense ... 16, 2007 · ( - The parents of a U.S. Marine accused of killing three Iraqis execution-style in Haditha in late 2005 said Thursday they would ask Congress to censure Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) for saying that the Marines “overreacted” during the incident and killed civilians “in cold blood.” “It’s too late for an apology,” Darryl Sharratt of…

Rep Kendrick Meek « Jamesb101.com 17, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Rick Sanchez « The Bright Coast 23, 2011 · A month ago, Rick Sanchez offered to give five of his Twitter followers a copy of his book “Conventional Idiocy: Why the New America is Sick of Old Politics.” To win, one had to be the first to reply to Rick’s NewsFeed handle with the correct answer to a current events trivia question. Rick’s questions ranged from, “How many of the 50 ...

[Continuation] Mueller Investigation pt3 - Page 27 02, 2018 · Page 27-[Continuation] Mueller Investigation pt3 USA Politics

2013112302478432.pdf | Nationalism | Identity (Social Science) Nation is one of the most discussed concepts in modern social and political thoughts. According to Wilson (2001: 2): Its precise character has been subjected to a wide variety of interpretations, with language, ethnicity, geography, religion, and shared experience all having been cited as fundamental determinants.

There’s No Alternative To We The People | Sheila Kennedy of the first targets of armed invaders is the capture of communications vehicles to control the flow of information. Trump has ‘invaded’ our political culture, controlled daily air time with his headline grabbing and diversions, and then proclaimed all news he doesn’t like as ‘fake news’. The Koch Brothers want to buy Time magazine.

Can Someone Explain (Because We City ... 04, 2016 · I’d claim this is one of those cases. Just make sure you don’t object the next time someone stereotypes poker players or Las Vegas residents or liberals, because you have no leg to stand on. There are a lot of dating web sites that cater to a subset of the population. I find it somewhat disturbing that you single this one out.

PERRspectives: Payback Time: FBI Raids Home of Suspected 5, 2007 : Payback Time: FBI Raids Home of Suspected NSA Leaker. This past week, the Bush administration added insult to injury over its illegal program of NSA domestic surveillance.During the very time Congress was debating codifying President Bush's lawbreaking by revising the FISA law many of his allies had been afraid to publicly challenge as unconstitutional, Alberto Gonzales' DOJ ...

NDAA 2014 - BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades ... 13, 2013 · Latest Update: News for ndaa passed Defense One With Just Days to Spare, Senate Extends NDAA Streak ?- 2 hours ago In a vote that ended around 11:40 p.m. Thursday, the chamber voted 84-15 to pass the 2014 national defense authorization act (NDAA), which.... UPDATE: Just passed cloture 71 to 29.Will be voted on…

I thought it would be China, (Romney's Olympics) 16, 2012 · A broad array of U.S. economic sanctions and a trading ban against Myanmar were established in 2008." Guess we have no control over where American businesses decide to have orders made. I know now that it was Ralph Lauren that had the 2012 uniforms made in China, but since has offered to have the 2014 uniforms made in the US.

04 | March | 2013 | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 04, 2013 · “[W]e are perpetually disillusioned. The perfect life is spread before us every day, but it changes and withers at a touch.”(1) The author of this comment did not have the dashed hopes of a person weary of contemporary political promises; nor the disappointment of a child after his once-adored Wii lost its thrill; nor the dispirited outlook of a modern youth disenchanted with rampant ...

J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo | This Is about J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo written by bd. Well, you know. They tried. Like we noted last week, it’s Congress.. The failure of Congress to strike a budget deal Monday night to avert a government shutdown means House and Senate lawmakers will have to pass another short-term continuing resolution?even though they approved one last week.

JustOneMinute: Politico Sends In The Clowns to a firm conclusion on that question, however, will take at least two more hours of database research, plus an analysis of umpteen 2008 primary debates, and then some. In other words, based on a perfectly reasonable intrepetation of Newt's accusation (which was live, not a legal brief), Newt is right, or at least, unrebutted.

We will see the "real rot" when president Trump passes... will see the "real rot" when president Trump passes a bill to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the day America became a slave of the globalist, currently callled the CFR and the IMF. When our government becomes "constitutional again," i.e., Congress creates our fiat currency as they did for president Lincoln, then we will no longer be ...

The Useless Tree: America's Flawed Democracy and China's ...'s victory last night has got me to thinking, again, about democracy and authoritarianism. This contrast is constantly in my mind, as a student of Chinese politics, and it is infused with greater prominence when ill-founded arguments, like those of Martin Jacques, speciously assert the superiority of the PRC's political system (by the way, for the definitive critique of Jacques see Perry ...

Anne Juel Jørgensen's Blog | PR, Politics, and Technology ... course part of my social media strategy was way too ambitious – like creating a conversation platform. But it was interesting to examine how the closed political process could be opened up. But it is a challenge to balance access, participation, Web 2.0, and control. I mean – it is hard to use YouTube or a blog and ignoring the dialogue ...

Balkinization: Judicial Grandstanding is not the first time the judiciary has asked this administration for explanations of its legally questionable political positions. ... For a man who was pitched as the smartest President of our lifetimes, Obama is making a series of unforced errors that a Harvard 1L would know to avoid. ... but it would be fun to see how it threads that ...

Protofascism Comes to America: The Rise of the Tea Party is why the Left is factionalized.) Programmes, five-year plans and one tract after another are the (increasingly boring) order of the day under socialism. Moving right, bourgeois organizations such as the two major U.S. political parties have platform planks and principles, but tend to be mushy and flexible.

Politics | Something should go here, maybe later. it’s quite another to try and weave a conspiracy into a situation where there is none. Ele Ludemann has a good post pointing out how Labour has tried to do just that. This is the sort of stunt which puts voters off. But I’ve noticed that Labour has never been too worried about keeping their stories straight.

Ezra Klein: Why Air America Failed« Bathroom Cleaning, Hand Warmers, and Hot Chocolate | Main | Vengeance Rapes ». October 13, 2006 Why Air America Failed. Recent opera-related disagreements with Jonah aside, I think this argument he highlights as explanation of Air America's tumble into bankruptcy is pretty sound (conclusion, of course, excepted): The liberal radio market was actually quite crowded, mainly due to the ...

Political Tribalism | Sheila Kennedy of the more intriguing “factoids” that emerged during 2019 was the shift in parental views on intermarriage. Objections to their children marrying across racial or religious lines continued to diminish; however, the proportion of people who didn’t want their children marrying across political lines increased substantially.In fact, more parents would object to their child marrying ...

Mudflats | Tiptoeing Through the Muck of Alaskan Politics ... of those things was the Palin administration’s record on health care for children and pregnant women. The national media was not kind in its analysis of how Palin was caring for women and children, and many Alaskans had been furious about it for some time, and felt vindicated by the media analysis from outside the state.

Michael Moon – Candidate Michigan Congressional 5th ... 12, 2010 · 1967 and we were one of the leading economic states with a higher per capita income than any other state in this country. Anyone who has lived here since the 1960’s would knows this. We have created a society of self entitlement. This is what is destroying Michigan and the rest of the country. Remove the beaurcrats and the taxes with our low ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2010 · Every president since the first George Bush has delivered an inaugural address including as a main theme an appeal for more civility and less cynical conflict. Barack Obama is the fourth in a row to be thwarted in this mission -- frustrated by forces that have grown far stronger over the past two decades and aren't abating any time soon.

2011 May « Jamesb101.com 01, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Donald Trump – Liberal Scum 16, 2017 · Trump might have thought that this was a fine “F you” to the political establishment and the commentariate, but the fact of the matter is that the visit was a coup for Putin and we can probably guarantee at least one of these three Russians was a spy.

Stolen Thunder: 09/23/2007 - 09/30/2007 I referenced as a “cottage industry” for the Left, though, has now become mainstream and a full-blown compulsion. But the clock is running, and surely even the tightest strait-coat Liberal has realized that he will have to get used to a world without Dubya to hate? Well, maybe not.

Joe Scarborough is a Murderer - Page 4 28, 2020 · He wasn't always the darling of the left so they actually used to do real investigations into allegations made against him: The nature of the head trauma does not suggest an accidental death--According to a report fromAmerican Politics Journal (APJ), Dr. Michael Berkland, medical examiner, determined that Klausutis had an undiagnosed cardiac arrhythmia that caused her to faint and hit her …

make up your mind - MTStars 20, 2012 · My 18-year-old son lives about an hour and a half away. His girlfriend (who is 17 and in 11th grade) lives about 20-25 minutes from here but on the way to where he lives, so he is only about an hour away from her. He works until 8 or 9 p.m. most nights but he still makes the drive to see her (and sometimes us) pretty often.

Philosophy? Or Fear? | Sheila Kennedy does fear have to do with political philosophy? According to a fascinating article in Business Insider, a lot. Academicians who study such things tell us that, in the wake of 9/11, many people who were politically liberal became less so–scientists documented a “very strong conservative shift” in the US after the attacks, with more liberals supporting George W. Bush and favoring ...

the plaid lemur | A drivel laden blog on Politics and…stuff.https://plaidlemur.wordpress.comCall me crazy, but drugging and raping a 13 year old is kind of a bad thing. It’s kind of like…well, DRUGGING THEN RAPING A 13 YEAR OLD.There’s a lot of misinformation and urban legends surrounding Roman Polanski, but one thing is certain: he’s admitted to drugging and then raping a 13 year old.. Sure, Roman Polanski has had a hard life.

2016 Bernie Sanders (D-VT) campaign for POTUS thread ... 24, 2016 · Bullshit. Entryism is a perfectly legitimate political tactic, a venerably American tactic with many precedents, and a tactic as old as any politics more complicated than "Do what the King says." And no "independents" can "hijack the party" unless they exist in numbers of millions and are aroused -- in which case it is suicide for the party to drive them out.

love one another | Search Results | The Least, First Asbury's blog. In Two families, 28 years of Presidency I noted God’s Politics’ observation that if Hillary Clinton were elected and served two terms, the US Presidency would be held by the Bush and Clinton families for more than a quarter-century. I learned much from the comments you left, and wound up thinking more negatively of this than before.

Buckdog: Green Party Of Canada Threatens BUCKDOG BLOG With ... 11, 2008 · Here's the whole thing, contexted, about 38:30 minutes in. (thanks to Tehanu at enmasse Q: First of all, if all of you seem to agree that environmental costs need to be internalized, and a carbon tax is one way of doing that, why is there so little political will for a carbon tax? That's the first part [of a two-part question].

f a t c a t politics: April 2005 the list reaches 30,000, a date and a word will be listed on the page. On that date, every weblog on the list agrees to make a single post with the word as the title. The content of the post should be about what you want for the world, whatever that may be. The purpose is not to make a particular political statement, but simply to make a ...

Sarah Palin; 2016's GOP Nominee At A Deadlocked Convention? 01, 2015 · As in many things, there is the THEORY and then there is the PRACTICE. The THEORY is, of course, based on the reality that no one is officially nominated for President (or, for that matter, Vice-President) of the United States by a Major Party (as well as at least no little number of so-called 'Third Parties') unless and until that person is so nominated by a Convention.

rush limbaugh | The Political Tipster soon as the first tapes were aired Hillary should have held a press conference in New York and denounced his comments about 9/11 and tied it into Obama’s leadership. If she or McCain were unwilling to do so themselves they should have got surrogates like Chuck Schumer or Rudy Giuliani to do so.

Butterfly Refuge Sues to Block Border Wall Construction ... Center, part of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA), regards CPB's behavior as unlawful and unconstitutional according to a lawsuit "filed in December of 2017 as the result of the government's actions on our property in July of 2017, more than nine months before a Congressional vote, or any funding appropriation for 'border wall ...

2011 February « Jamesb101.com 13, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Black Political Corruption – Skeptical Brotha Hours after the first member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Artur Davis, called for him to relinquish his gavel as the powerful Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Charlie Rangel was reported to have done so after a closed door meeting of the House Leadership. Andrea Mitchell, Luke Russert, and Chuck Todd were all tweeting that Charlie Rangel had given up the ghost and his ...

Marine One « Jamesb101.com 17, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com We have decided …

RealClear Politics - Commentary though the response is a statistical wash for Kerry and a decent majority says it won't have much effect on their vote, the public is much more opinionated on this question than the ones above.

Electronic Village: Top Ten Black Bloggers (Oct 2007) are the Top Ten Black Bloggers for October 2007. Pam Spaulding: Pam's House Blend (Authority: 1,097 / Rank: 1,953) - The blog won the 2006 Web Log Award as the Best LGBT Blog. Pam has an opinion about most anything in the political realm.

Blue in the Bluegrass - Blogger 12, 2007 · Liberal Politics from the Heart of Bluegrass Country

Political Argument 08: September 2008 to a 2007 U.S Census survey, 45.7 million people living in the United States are uninsured.(1) That’s 45.7 million people that cannot become ill without risking everything they’ve worked so hard to gain- their house, their jobs, and for about 18,000 people every year, their lives.(2) 45.7 million people, among them 8.1 million children,(3) that have fallen through the cracks of a ...

My thoughts on the Nova Scotia expense scandal | Blevkog 17, 2010 · Dexter’s government is the first to do anything about it, and coincidentally (?) the first non-Liberal/PC provincial government we’ve had. Truth be told, Liberal leader MacNeil’s attack on the NDP for expense irregularities basically charges the NDP with being just as corrupt as the PCs and the Liberals. Think about that for a minute.

Repeal The 2nd Amendment | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · This is NOT an army. Article 1 section 8 of the US Constitution says Congress has the power “to raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years”. But Congress does have the power to “provide and maintain a Navy”. So the Navy is our first line of defense against invasion.

Avedon's Sideshow: Your happening world, too much 21, 2015 · RIP: Julian Bond, Former N.A.A.C.P. Chairman and Civil Rights Leader, Dies at 75.He was a charming, witty, and very smart speaker - and in his day, possibly the best looking guy ever to be in politics, before or since. I was crushed when I woke up Sunday and his departure was the first thing I …

William Kristol – McCain Should Choose Sarah Palin as Vice ... 30, 2008 · William Kristol, the founder and editor of the conservative weekly political magazine, The Weekly Standard. on Fox News this afternoon raised the prospect of a Sarah Palin nomination as a Vice Presidential running mate for Senator John McCain. Kristol …

marital troubles – Page 2 – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. June 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

Border security | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! usual Friday dump of new Rules and Regs . This one, of course, to assist him in his re-election effort. When reading the full post from the Daily Caller, I must say, it was a stomach turner. Consider this post as one done in total disgust by this writer. To hell with the rule of law and the Courts and Congress.

dead government « The Futility Monster 06, 2010 · Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 8 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

What’s Next? | The Moorish Wanderer 15, 2011 · Jed Bartlet's favourite catchphrase applies fully to the post-referendum environment in Morocco. Both domestically and abroad, Makhzen authorities have reasserted their strength and mastery of the national political agenda. I will certainly have an opportunity to go back on more details regarding the turnout, its geographical distribution and how its significance is more important as…

Congressman Rewrites the History Books - Literally - The Martin Meehan (D-MA) is obviously still sensitive about breaking a pledge he made in 1992: Members of U.S. Rep. Martin Meehan's staff have acknowledged they deleted unflattering information about a broken campaign promise from an online encyclopedia, according to a …

Sylvester Brown, Jr.: 2017-03-12 the first time in my almost six decades of life here, a new narrative is spreading throughout the city. Thanks to a new wave of aldermen like Green and Guenther, the city’s south side is shifting from its base of predictable segregated politics.

Politics | Everything for Youns is exactly what God told Adam. Genesis 2 contains a parallel account of creation, adding detail to certain parts of the narrative of the first chapter. Notice God’s expanded instruction: “Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend [dress, KJV] and keep it” (verse 15).

ABC News: New Congressional Report Blasts Trump for ... 15, 2018 · The following is an excellent article written by Conor Finnegan on the ABC News website on January 10, 2018 titled "New Congressional Report Blasts Trump for Ignoring Russian Interference Around the World" and I quote: "New congressional report blasts Trump for ignoring Russian interference around the world" By CONOR FINNEGAN Jan 10, 2018, 6:10 AM ET…

September | 2012 | Conservative Standards is a messy, convoluted affair, and understanding its many debates and controversies usually requires steady news consumption, a working knowledge of dueling philosophies, and familiarity with a daunting array of statistics, laws, background, and mechanics that just don’t lend themselves to 5-second sound bites and 30-second TV spots.

06 | September | 2011 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 06, 2011 · This is the same CNOOC that would have bought Unocal four years ago for $18.5 billion but for pressure from Congress, according to The New York Times, quoting an energy industry trade publication. Because it must be approved by the U.S. government, the Statoil/CNOOC deal puts President Obama and Ken Salazar, his Secretary of the Department of ...

CR: COVID-19 --Political Talk - Page 105 - Politics ... happens during a pandemic to a people already isolated, fearful, and unable to process factual information because they've been indoctrinated to distrust their own eyes, ears, and common sense? On the upside, maybe the right will stop crowing about American Exceptionalism for a while.

Clarke: Freddie Gray Charges 'Duke Lacrosse Case All Over ... 03, 2015 · Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) declared the charges brought against six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray “George Zimmerman and the Duke Lacrosse case all over again” and said “these cops are political prisoners,” offered up as human sacrifices, thrown like red meat to an angry mob” on Friday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 18, 2018 · Thanks for posting this, Liza. We have lost a great uniter and a deeply compassionate leader. Rest in Peace Mr. Kofi Annan. “In the 21st century, I believe the mission of the United Nations will be defined by a new, more profound awareness of the sanctity and dignity of every human life, regardless of race or religion.”

First Lady Michelle Obama & Congressional Spouses Paint ... 30, 2010 · Posted by: Audiegrl AP~First Lady Michelle Obama brandished a paintbrush Thursday to add a little color to a mural at an elementary school in northwest Washington and demonstrate the value of community service. Obama joined a group of congressional spouses at the Marie H. Reed Community Learning Center in the Adams Morgan neighborhood, where they…

September | 2009 | Defend Geert Wilders posts published by walker morrow during September 2009. Alright, here we go: The Jawa Report – Please Charles, Stop Europe News – Hanging Geert Wilders Pakistan Daily – 911, US Muslims, 8 years later E Egg Australia – Dutch politician attempts to defy UK entry ban to show film … The Last Crusade – Demoting Islam’s Religion Status Gates Of Vienna – Hanging Geert Wilders

FLAIT: Liberalism vs. Conservatism his new book, Why We're Liberals, Eric Alterman In his new book, Why We're Liberals, Eric Alterman points out that conservatism can be explained very simply while liberalism can not. Since it took him a whole book to explain why he's a liberal, he has a point. Conservatism can be summed up in a few words: "freedom," "democracy," "privatize," "deregulate," "less government," "let the free ...

Things not going well for Joe Biden - Page 39 - Politics ... 15, 2019 · Yeah, I think Joe is a dullard, but I'm all team Biden on this one. Maybe don't grab her arm, though. Or do. Her video explaining how hurt she is by the experience makes me want to see her eyes pried open and Clockwork Orange'd to Syrian combat footage.

political narratives | Jafapete's Weblog 29, 2008 · Today’s LA Times carries a piece by Columbia University professor of journalism and sociology Todd Gitlin that provides a vivid and sharply drawn analysis of the symbolic import of the presidential election. Read it! Gitlin starts from the premise that: “The true campaign is the deep campaign, the subsurface campaign, which concerns not just what the candidates say but who they …

Police State | The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized. | Page 2 23, 2008 · The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized. "Principles Above Politics." Danielle Gaines – “School Forces Student to Remove American Flag Shirt” ...

France « Mercury Rising ?? about France written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

school « We Four in Egypt 23, 2007 · Roses and thorns. We Fours have a new tradition-in-the-making, inspired by the Obama family. A few weeks ago, listening to Slate’s Political Gabfest podcast, I learned that each night the Obamas individually share a rose, something good, and a thorn, something difficult, from their day.(For more information, the Washington Post mentioned it here.). Mr.

gordon brown | The Political Tipster wonders whether Brown’s premiership is down to its final days. With the the crushing defeat in Crewe and Nantwitch still stinging and dismal poll ratings, the only thing keeping Gordon Brown in Downing Street has been the fact that few senior figures in the Labour party are willing to put their heads above the parapet and call for Brown’s resignation.

President Bush | Smart Liberal and Female first half is spent, and Congress will have to approve the next $350 Billion. Chrysler and GM will receive 13.4 now, and an additional $4 Billion after Congressional approval. The loan terms are for three years if the auto companies show viability.

KC Buzz Blog: Open thread 17, 2006 · Classic--The Daily Show: ***** On the November 14 edition of his CNN Headline News program, Glenn Beck interviewed Rep.-elect Keith Ellison (D-MN), who became the first Muslim ever elected to Congress on November 7, and asked Ellison if he could "have five minutes here where we're just politically incorrect and I play the cards up on the table."

Sanctuary Measure at a threshold | Sohum Parlance II 08, 2018 · This is how delusional Dumbass Donnie Two Scoops is ???????????? – Trump the Chump actually thought sending the National Guard to the Mexican border (which most Americans correctly saw as completely unjustified and purely politically-motivated) was going to be a “political master stroke” of some kind, along with Traitor Trump’s promise that all Americans were going to be ...

Sebelius | 44-D one of the good news — pieces about this challenge is that this problem is imminently solvable, and that’s the good news. But it’s going to require us working together — not just the administration, but Congress, governors, mayors, parents, teachers. Anyone who has access to children in their lives is going to have to work together.

Blogwars: The New Political Battleground (English Edition ... this pageBlogwars: The New Political Battleground (English Edition) eBook: David D. Perlmutter: Kindle-Shop

The Lefty Directory - Blogger Lefty Interview: Tony Adragna With the advent of the post 9/11 "Warbloggers", one partisan liberal voice was being heard amongst the conservative din of the not-yet-christened Blogosphere. On October 8, 2001, Anthony Adragna started his blog QuasiPundit as a natural outgrowth of his participation in Slate's "The Fray".

Valley of the Shadow: Searching for the original source Political and Policy Blog written by a Los Angeles and California GOP Activist with a touch of sci-fi, Marvel Comics, and Goth music.

Liberal Media Covers Up Another Act Of Islamic Terror ... 30, 2006 · Shit, you can’t read or write for a start, which I would have thought were prerequisites for any sort of journalism, be it in the blogsphere or not. Why would I bother to come here and ‘stir the pot’, well, quite frankly, it’s because you dickheads get all the …

Romney | Bloviating President Obama’s big rally tonight (Monday night – BZ) turned out to be just like his first, opening salvo of the 2012 campaign: a half-empty arena in Ohio.According to RealClearPolitics ’ Scott Conroy, there were “empty seats scattered around the upper-level of Nationwide Arena … Four years ago, after all, Obama was easily filling venues larger than that …”

Liberal in the Land of Conservative: Mob Rule Bachmann held a press conference on the steps of the Capital last Thursday. It was called a press conference because she failed to get a permit for a rally. Freedom loving Americans won’t allow legal technicalities to get in the way of their right to threaten anybody they see as un-American.

Harry Clarke: Politics of pokies 02, 2006 · And I should add that I am well aware that pokies are the most idiotic form of gambling. (well actually the 2nd most - playing the state lottery is the worst.) This is primarily because of a lack of competition in Australia - pokies in Las Vegas pay off nearly as well as table games do (some of the progressive machines pay off even better).

Gun Dealers Rack Up Profits By Marketing To Right-Wing ... popular ‘Boogaloo’ patch. Image from: Screengrab Facebook meme Like most far-right “movements,” the so-called “Boogaloo” cult —with its built-in fetishes around guns, body armor, banners, patches, T-shirts and assorted accoutrements—is also simultaneously a big moneymaking opportunity for right-wing operatives and their enablers, eager to milk the gullible “Patriots” who ...

do you feel about what the Obama administration did to... threat by Trump that the Free Press is "the enemy of the people" is always the first move toward a totalitarian state. Jul 9, 2017 14:46:38 # Eugene Debs

06 | May | 2013 | The Pardu's Scroll 06, 2013 · With his contract up at the end of the year, Rush Limbaugh is thinking of pulling his radio show off Cumulus Media stations. More than a year after he called law student and activist Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute,” the host is sick of being blamed by company CEO Lew Dickey for the Cumulus’ declining ad revenue, says Politico.

politics | FeudArt is what Maslow called plateau experience, a concept I try to explain in class, and now thoroughly understand not only intellectually but also viscerally. It feeds the soul such that the inspiration to write overflows. Anger is positively transformed by it: anger is channeled inwardly into …

free press | Search Results | The Least, First first amendment to the U.S. Constitution insists, among other things, that Congress “shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . . ” This is a moment to observe the value of it: But for the freedom “of the press,” Congressman Foley …

JustOneMinute: OK, A Retraction From Rachel Maddow Maddow spends two minutes retracting her misstatement from Monday about retired Congressman Steve Stockam and his notice of the Oklahoma City bombing.. I've sat through it (and the 30 second commercial!) so you don't have to. I rarely watch Ms. Maddow but I always marvel that a big-time television host can hold a gig with a face locked in a permanent sneer.

LGBT Politics Term Paper | Lgbt Rights In The United ... Politics Term Paper - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Term paper on LGBT Issues, July 2013

The Justice Loghttps://rolandx.blogspot.comOutrage Overload! In an era of Faux News, wars of hubris, all-out assaults on American rights by the right, and 24 hour spin on every (American) channel, the primary force of justice is a loose alliance of two-fisted liberals getting involved and taking back their country. Get Outraged.

Bob McDonnell | The Liberal Doomsayer Occasionally the Bucks County Courier Times experiences a journalistically lucid moment, and they did so yesterday here in an editorial about departing County Operations Office David Sanko…. Sanko, an ex-big wig with the GOP, was hired in 2004 at $125,000 a year, not exorbitant for the chief executive of a large organization.

Videos | Barry! often say one thing and believe or do another. It comes with the territory. But John McCain’s hypocrisy in his desperation to become president is breathtaking, even for a politician. And his running mate is no better. “My friends,” he keeps saying, without …

National Issues | Emptysuit | Page 53 first amendment guarantees our right to free speech, we are free to speak our minds and listen to other points of view, but liberals don’t want any kind of dissent from their philosophy. Liberals understand that talk radio is the major source of conservative grassroots networking and information sharing.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Lanier Cansler Accepts Cash For ... 09, 2010 · Lanier Cansler Gets Lobbying Firm Cash To Award No-Bid Contracts The NC State Secretary for Health and Human Services has continued to receive checks of about $3,000 a month from his former lobbying firm even as the firm helped land $30 million in No-Bid contracts from the agency.

The Starting Line – Clinton Gives Thumbs Up As Poll Puts ... 01, 2012 · Congressman Bob Filner used the final debate of the 2012 Mayoral campaign to announce an endorsement by former President Bill Clinton. The face off at the local Fox affiliate was the …

Balkinization: The Forum of Principle Revisited Again, A nice reminder of what an apogee in our jurisprudence the Warren/Burger Courts represented. Actually, I conjecture things are not so gloomy in the "reversion to form" you point out. Liberal ideas have been slowly seeping into the judicial and legislative water tables since at least the 1890s and even the current conservatives are not as conservative as they would have been ante-1937.

February 2003 –, this article emanates from the Genome News Network, so the author is trying to make a point, but it’s still one of the better discussions I’ve seen about stem-cell research, cloning, and politics. One of the stumbling blocks is a broad, deep lack of understanding of what the word “cloning” means. The word is …

The Libertarian Vote: Swing Voters, Tea Parties ... - Scribd latest Governance Survey from Gallup, earlier visions of which are cited throughout the book, finds 25 percent of respondents gave libertarian responses to two questions (“government is trying to do too many things” and “government should promote traditional values” ), up from 17 percent in 2004, 21 percent in 2006, and 23 percent in 2008 and 2010.

John Carney | kavips | Page 2 06, 2014 · Probably one of the most interesting moments, came when Carper introduced the wry, one of 6 men left who first landed in Nagasaki just after the bomb, former Wilmington mayor Haskell. Haskell brought up August 1914 when the Duponts decided who we’d support in the First World War 3 years before it hit Congress.

Tancredo Refuses To Donate To Pro-Life Causes | Blogs 4 ... 24, 2007 · Tom Tancredo received campaign donations from a Planned Parenthood network founder, John Tanton, who has some interesting ideas on population control: In 2003, The Washington Post quoted a memo by Tanton: “‘In this society, will the present majority peaceably hand over its political power to a group that is simply more fertile,’ Tanton wrote in…

President Of Center For Constitutional Rights: A Special ... 12, 2008 · Leading lawyer calls for Rumsfeld prosecution Raw Story- John Byrne Published: Friday December 12, 2008 The President of the legal nonprofit Center for Constitutional Rights, Michael Ratner, has resumed calls for a formal prosecution of ex-Bush Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld following revelations by a Congressional report that Rumsfeld was to blame for the Pentagon's policy…

April | 2006 | Dawn in the Heart of Africa 30, 2006 · April 29, 2006 Wanted: Good Home for Former Dictator. Posted in International Politics, Liberia at 8:08 pm by greatparanoiac. I saw this press release from Human Rights Watch, “Taylor Trial: A Third Country Must Step Forward.” It seems before our old boy Charles Taylor can get a trial at The Hague, a country (presumably one not involved in the conflict) has to offer to put him up in prison ...

USA | Official Blog of Allen G. Bagby 31, 2013 · H. G. Wells, who has written some great books, was the first to utter the term. He did not mean it as an oxymoron or an indictment; he meant it as a rallying cry. In his speech at Oxford in 1932, he told the Young Liberals that progressives must become “liberal fascists” and “enlightened Nazis”. Yes, you read that right. Look it up.

Rick Wiles – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who we last wrote about when he claimed that Zionists in Washington, D.C. are blackmailing members of Congress into doing Israel’s bidding using a process called “ brownstoning, ” told host Chris McDonald all about the rampant occult symbolism that was supposedly on display during the halftime performance. – Cory Daniel: The Super Bowl Halftime Show Was a Ritual to Moloch!!!

The Useless Tree: was the man at the top of the Party hierarchy who stood against violence in 1989. He sought a humane resolution of the nation-wide protests. But he was defeated by the hard-liners, the men who were willing to call out the army against the people. In his political defeat, however, is …

2009 – Obama Declares War on Wolves… | Howling For Justice 24, 2016 · This is not politically correct, as the overpopulating Islamic culture, the overpopulating christian and related cults (like the mentioned mormon ranchers who came west directly in order to evade secular earth governance in favor of religious fantasy of human domination), the overpopulating Asians, the overpopulating African (remember 15 time s ...

The Trump Presidency: Part 18 - Page 37 - International 22, 2019 · Page 37- The Trump Presidency: Part 18 USA Politics. Will this have an effect on Trump? Charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust have been unveiled against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in three separate corruption cases, the Attorney General announced on Thursday evening, marking the first time in Israel's history that a sitting PM faces indictment in criminal investigations

Thursday Mashup (8/8/13) | The Liberal Doomsayer 08, 2013 · The story takes you inside the life of this kid, including his family, friends, and lifestyle (I was surprised by how plentiful pot apparently is on college campuses, if the Cambridge area is any indication – I didn’t know parts of the first “Harold and Kumar” movie were a documentary; yes, I’ve been out of that loop for a long time).

Ohio | Under The LobsterScope about Ohio written by btchakir. Under The LobsterScope Politics and The Arts (and other things)

Saturday Open Thread | Native American Dance | 3CHICSPOLITICO 12, 2014 · If you don’t know about the name of James McCune Smith, consider this to be an important introduction. Dr. McCune Smith is known as the first professionally-trained African American doctor. He received his degree in 1837, at a time when the idea of a black man becoming a physician was as far-fetched as traveling to the planet Mars.

Anti-First Amendment | Lonnie Walker's Blog 06, 2010 · This is a piss poor story and it’s kind of sad in a way. These people should be locked up but due to corruption in the New York government, politicians are out there claiming the real tea party. My response is pull your head out of your ass and take a look at the whole situation.

First Lady | Zambian Chronicle | Page 3 hina ‘s vice premier, Wu Yi (another woman), continues to help lead a government that oversees an economy whose gross domestic product may soon eclipse Germany’s, making it the third-biggest economy in the world.. In a historic election, Indian lawmakers recently elected for president the handpicked choice of Sonia Gandhi, leader of India’s most powerful political party, the Indian ...

Wandering Thoughts, Vol.12 | The Moorish Wanderer 17, 2011 · A couple of pieces of news worth commenting this week (or shall we say, the last 10 days) The sideshow definitely settled in; at such serious times as these, the row just sprung on whether we should keep the Mawazine festival. Normally this anti-festival frenzy catches up only during the silly season -a pleonasm when it comes to Moroccan politics, but even more so …

Movie Reviews for People with Kids: Abraham Lincoln ... 12, 2012 · Abe witnesses his mother getting killed by a vampire. Tries to kill that vampire. And a montage later (because what cheesy 80’s style action flick would pass up a chance for a good montage training sequence), he’s out there killing vampires with his silver lined ax while rising through the political establishment to become the President where he kicks off the Civil …

Festival | The Moorish Wanderer this pageMay 28, 2013 · A couple of pieces of news worth commenting this week (or shall we say, the last 10 days) The sideshow definitely settled in; at such serious times as these, the row just sprung on whether we should keep the Mawazine festival. Normally this anti-festival frenzy catches up only during the silly season -a pleonasm when it comes to Moroccan politics, but even more so …

bananarchist: February 2005 01, 2005 · An Austrian gay site went until launching a petition, addressed to the local political representatives, to denounce a measurement considered to be "clearly discriminatory". And to take for model the zoo of New York where "of the male penguins couples monogamists form for a long time". The zoo collapses under the phone calls and the malls of ...

Current Eventshttps://zenrinkan-currentevents.blogspot.comJun 08, 2009 · The Sept. 4, 2002, session, the first given to anyone in Congress on the so-called enhanced interrogation methods, came weeks after the C.I.A. had started to use the methods. Even if Ms. Pelosi had taken action, it is doubtful it would have averted the firestorm about torture that was to come.

Saturday Open Thread | I Can’t Think of a More Worthy ... 07, 2019 · TURNING MICHELLE OBAMA’S ‘BECOMING’ INTO A CLASS CURRICULUM FOR BLACK GIRLS by Kandia Johnson December 27, 2018 Lauren Christine Mims is a former assistant director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans and a Ph.D. candidate in Educational Psychology at the University of Virginia. She’s also one of the many women…

Adios, Fidel Castro - Progress Pond 26, 2016 · As the Herald notes, “By the time he was 35, two American presidents had devoted a considerable amount of time and effort to killing him.” Those efforts to assassinate Castro weren’t divulged to the Warren Commission and didn’t come to light until the early 1970’s when Congress began looking carefully at the activities of the CIA.

August | 2009 | The Liberal Crab 23, 2009 · We let it slip away in 1992. As the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Mexico, even Cuba have socialized medical programs that the people want – we continue to debate on false grounds of Nazism, Socialism, or selfishness. Rather, the debate must be on what is the right solution. This is the first of three articles regarding healthcare.

Open Thread | More COVID-19 Information | 3CHICSPOLITICO 11, 2020 · They might perhaps make minimal progress in some areas, immigration, women’s rights, sexual identity, voter suppression, etc…But they are beholden to their corporate masters, and they are limited, they have boundaries that are just too confining for the 21st century and a …

Take Back Congress - New York | United States Congress ... Back Congress - New York - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

poverty « Mercury Rising ?? about poverty written by Charles II. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Florida 2000 Recount | The Liberal Doomsayer’s decision is making national news. But it shouldn’t. She’s hardly the first attorney general to refuse to participate in a case involving this or any other hotbed social issue. Back when California Gov. Jerry Brown was the state’s Attorney General, he refused to defend California’s anti-gay-marriage measure, Proposition 8.

December | 2010 | FeudArt 10, 2010 · 2 posts published by rbvergara during December 2010. S. 3170/H.R. 3039, the SAVE Our Industries Act, introduced on March 25, 2010 by Senators Daniel Inouye and Christopher Bond and on June 25, 2009 by Congressman Jim McDermott and Brian Bilbray, help revitalize the United States textile and Philippine apparel industries.. Initial estimates from industry groups such as the American …

Natalie's Political Bloghttps://natspolblog.blogspot.comConsumers, investors and Washington officials received news of what some might consider their worst fears. As reported by the Labor Department an estimated 63,000 jobs were lost in February. This loss of jobs was the second consecutive monthly decline. Not only that but it was the third straight drop for private-sector jobs. 2011 31, 2011 · But it is a bit of a double-edged-sword that is not just about cuts. Austerity is not the only answer, but paying for it is. Europe may have more to pay for, but that is not just on the negative side of the ledger, as they have more social programs and infrastructure on the books and actual works.

commonsense: May 2011 - Blogger 22, 2011 · The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law “respecting an establishment of religion”, impeding the free exercise of religion, infringing on the freedom of speech , infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble ...

The Daily Show | Missouri Communication | Page 2 21, 2011 · Stewart, too, admits a liberal point of view in terms of the show’s jokes. While this doesn’t mean The Daily Show won’t criticize the Obama administration, it’s much harder to find clips of Stewart criticizing Obama than it is of him criticizing the Bush Administration.

STV « The Futility Monster 08, 2010 · Posts about STV written by The Futility Monster. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

Alternative Tulsa: Oklahoma Senators Split on Bailout Vote 01, 2008 · O klahoma's U.S. senators, Jim Inhofe and Tom Coburn, cancelled each other's votes tonight on the $700 million financial bailout bill. Coburn voted with the majority (and John McCain and Barack Obama), which passed the bill. Inhofe, who is facing reelection next month, voted against the bill, the better to find political cover with his conservative base.

Mueller going to jail? folks take opinion “news” as the way, the light, the gospel. This issue is a huge catalyst for the political divide we have today IMO. You have to wade through a bunch of opinion slanted crap to get to the facts. Now it seems like facts are debatable (alternative facts). For example, did Trump give the military the first pay raise in ...

JustOneMinute: Cool Hand John best we can glean, Obama's current Job Plan is to offer a seemingly reasonable stimulus bill that has no chance of passage, and then run against a Do-Nothing Congress. The goal is to save one job, his own. However, a new Bloomberg poll indicates that the Great Unwashed are not on board with Obama's Krugonomics:. A majority of Americans don’t believe President Barack Obama’s $447 billion ...

Politics | The Hispanic Fanatic any case, it seems that right-wing nuts aren’t the only ones who believe the Census is all a plot… a slow-moving, bureaucratic, cumbersome, and tedious plot, but a dastardly scheme nonetheless.. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, just 57 percent of native-born Latinos believe that census participation is good for their community.This means a large number of Hispanics distrust, or at ...

Obama gobbles up 400,000 square miles for the government ... 27, 2016 · Marx would be proud. Our Community organizer President is gobbling up more land for the government. And all under the rubric of the Antiquities Act. It was supposed to be for very small areas of designation that would not require an Act of Congress which is the lawful way of the government claiming land. Be sure,…

Buckdog: Canada Gets New Flag - February 15th, 1965 15, 2007 · Here's your political history lesson for the day: Following Canada's great contribution to the First World War, King George V granted Canada a coat of arms with red and white as the official colours. In 1925 Prime Minister Mackenzie King appointed a parliamentary committee to investigate possible designs for a flag, but it failed to make a formal report.

The Political Environment: The Milwaukee Bridge To Nowhere ... 06, 2009 · Quite a telling tale in the effort by some south side suburban communities and other office holders to make the state repair, and then rebuild, the Hoan Bridge. Initially over-engineered out of the highway planner's Interstate Highway pattern book to soar over the Harbor - - and for years so disconnected from the street grid in Bayview that it was known as the Bridge to Nowhere - - the Hoan ...

American Democracy is Not a Charity Case | The Smirking 1960, the tax rate for America’s 400 richest families was 56 percent. By 1980, it had dropped to 47 percent. As the tax rate for those families fell between 1960 and last year, the middle class shrank, income inequality rose to a 50-year high and the rich consolidated political power through unchecked political contributions.

Buckdog: Canada Gets New Flag - February 15th, 1965 15, 2013 · Following Canada's great contribution to the First World War, King George V granted Canada a coat of arms with red and white as the official colours. In 1925 Prime Minister Mackenzie King appointed a parliamentary committee to investigate possible designs for a flag, but it …

MENA Region | The Moorish Wanderer about MENA Region written by Zouhair ABH. I was just listening to an LSE lecture podcast (wonderful gizmo, I must say) and their July 28 th, 2009 lecture was delivered by Ali Allawi about “The increasing religiosity of Muslim societies and the spectacular rise of political Islam have served to mask the seeping of vitality from Islamic civilization.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Baby blog nickname needed!'m Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

progressive???????????? - VoiceTube ???? this pageA " Progressive" is identified by the following behaviors / beliefs: - Knows what is best for everybody else - Claims to be well-informed even though they get their news / talking points from the Daily KOS and / or MSNBC - Believes that personal wealth is evil yrt they fawn over wealthy celebrities and limousine liberals - Believes corporations ...

21 | November | 2012 | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · November 21, 2012 | Photo Credit: As anybody with a TV, radio or newspaper subscription can affirm, the big story coming out of the 2012 election is the long feared/eagerly awaited arrival of the Latino vote as a national political force capable of deciding a presidential contest.

Deval Patrick – Skeptical Brotha Thursday, Deval Patrick was sworn in as Governor of Massachusetts, the first African American so elected and the second elected Governor in the history of the United States. Above is an excerpt of his address and below is the conclusion. Deval is a good brotha and a progressive politician.

Serendipity SOUL-Wednesday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 12, 2011 · Here you go, Dannie!

Pancho's Blog: 07/02/2006 - 07/09/2006 his book The Cousins' Wars, Kevin Phillips suggested that there is indeed a deep-seated duality to Ango-American politics and culture that can be traced back as far the English Civil War. It separates high church Anglicans from low church dissenters, Puritans from Cavaliers, and merchant and financial elites from landowning and military ones.

Charles Lemos « Jamesb101.com 24, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Kainos Delphihttps://kainosdelphi.wordpress.comThe Russian opposition has put together a cooperative effort to fight for political rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation. They put together a Declaration and a Charter, drawing on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution of the Russian Federation (“Man, his rights and freedoms are the supreme value.The recognition, observance and protection of the rights and ...

tcnorris: 02/01/2015 - 03/01/2015 15, 2015 · Their efforts to undermine Justin Trudeau have so far not been as successful; the Liberals continue to perform competitively in the polls. The key point of the Conservative attacks, like the previous efforts, is that Trudeau is not capable of being PM ("in way over his head"). Going into the 2011 election, on average the Conservatives led the Liberals by about seven points over the course of ...

J. Miller Rampant!: A Must Read: "Why Conservatives Can't ... scientist Alan Wolfe has written a brilliant and devastating analysis of the central contradiction in the conservative philosophy: conservatives cannot run a government competently or fairly because they don't believe in the essential purpose of government to begin with. They can't administer the very thing they're committed to destroying. If conservatives can't destroy government ...

Obsidian Wings: Your ghostcycle Friday open thread 19, 2013 · by liberal japonicus. A wander through some links turned up this Wikipedia entry.. A ghost bike or ghostcycle is a bicycle set up as a roadside memorial in a place where a cyclist has been killed or severely injured (usually by a motor vehicle) Apart from being a memorial, it is usually intended as a reminder to passing motorists to share the road.

The Future of Radicalism in Morocco: Tribunite or Policy ... 09, 2011 · This is so because in that context, politicians would be genuinely held accountable by the public; On the other end of those reforms, the Monarchy, while losing all executive and judiciary power, would retain the honorary function as the unifying symbol of this nation. Or so the story went.

Open Thread–3/6/2020 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · Senator Rand Paul was the only person to vote NO. Let me get this straight…Paul has no problem voting for a massive $1.5 Trillion $ taxcut for corporation and the super rich, but an emergency spending bill to combat a global pandemic is a bridge too far??? He also voted ‘NO’ to extend the funding for the 9/11 Victim Compensation fund.

Good-bye, Pennsylvania - Utne 23, 2008 · Race also affects the generations in turn: 67 percent of whites over 60 voted for Clinton—a massive 24 point advantage. Among the younger generation, there is much less racial polarization: under 30, whites split evenly. This is a fascinating result. It appears to me as the future struggling to overcome the past.

Liberal brainwashing on display - A&M Kinesiology - Page 2 ... 01, 2012 · This is the second major lie he's been caught in. 17. ... I was sent these screen shots from a close friend who is currently attending A&M. I know that it's not a shock to anyone that liberalism is present at A&M, but it's interesting that professors are so blatant about their own biases as to put it on paper. But, then again, what do they have ...

The Statistikhengst, 2016 GE: Hillary Clinton vs. GOP ... 23, 2015 · The statistical genius and persistent politics geek, The Statistikhengst, published Part VI of his long running data of polling towards 2016. The piece was published this past January and I ask for forgiveness in failing to post the piece on the TPI. If you have visited the TPI and read Parts One through Five of the series, you know…

Worthwhile Reminders | Sheila Kennedy Reminders March 3, 2013 Random Blogging Alexander Hamilton , Democracy , public discourse Sheila I finally got around to reading “Healing the Heart of Democracy” by Parker Palmer yesterday, and was struck by his observation that it isn’t disagreement that makes our politics so contentious–it is demonization.

congressional hispanic caucus | 44-D closing, the First Lady touched on the core mission of the organization and the health of our nation’s kids: Now I remember hearing that when you all started the Hispanic Caucus back in 1976, the Speaker of the House joked that the first meeting could be held …

Britain and America: Gordon Brown Foundation's Nile Gardiner has warned National Review readers about the "wobby Gordon Brown", the British Prime Minister's lack of interest in foreign affairs and Britain's inadequate defence budget. Here are some of the problems highlighted within the article: Retreat from Basra: "The decision to cut troop numbers may have been politically expedient with the prospect of a general ...

TigerHawk, there are a bunch of 30-something New Yorkers who are so enraged at whatever undifferentiated conspiracy deprived Obama of a victory in New Hampshire that they formed a pact to part with a tiny portion of their wine budget and give money to a political campaign for the first time. And to think people say that the Clintons make people ...

The Useless Tree: Kissinger is wrong on Confucius is an interesting passage because it reveals a certain aristocratic assumption on the part of Mencius (ministers from royal families should have wider political latitude than ministers from common families) as well as a kind of meritocratic mobility (there can be ministers from common families; and unvirtuous sovereigns can be removed ...

TigerHawk States, which held explicitly that religious duty was not a suitable defense to a criminal indictment? Among the politically correct and cultural sensitive, you can take pretty much any disgusting opinion or practice and if some imam or ayatollah cites a justifying sura we are all supposed to give it a pass. Opinions and practices that ...

The liberal Scott Brown? (and other stories) | Sohum ... 17, 2010 · He’s showing some feistiness in his last days on the Court. He’s not holding back with Justice Clarence Thomas while helping to uphold the 8th Amendment. While JUSTICE THOMAS would apparently not rule out a death sentence for a $50 theft by a 7-year-old . . ., the Court wisely rejects his static approach to the law.

Live Action – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America the Government Out at the Root: The Dream of the Koch Brothers and their Radical Father – By Claire Conner – The GOP did not become the radical, anti-government party by accident. Two men, David and Charles Koch, have spent most of their adult lives and hundreds of millions of dollars to convince Americans that we need a tiny government with no power in order to be free.

Race and ethnicity in the United States Census | misebogland great success of societies that are as spectacularly unequal as the US is the indoctrination of the populace into believing that in so far as they are excluded from the wealth of such societies it is because of their own inadequacies. By Vincent Browne.. There is an impulse to dismiss political rhetoric as just so much blather, harmless blather.. But there is much more to it, for very ...

JustOneMinute: Great Moments In Political Strategizing 18, 2010 · They are the true believers who Eric Hoffer warned of in his definitive book from 1951, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements. Hoffer wrote that one defining characteristic of true believers is the willing suspension of reality because the doctrine they cling to is what defines the ultimate truth.

msnbc | 44-D about msnbc written by audiegrl and libbyshaw. Posted by: Audiegrl TVNewser reports that MSNBC is streamlining its daytime schedule and doing away with the themed hours focused on the economy and politics. It’s a back-to-basics approach for the network’s daytime news hours which slipped to fifth place in December, behind FNC, CNN, HLN and CNBC between 9am-4pm.

Open Thread – 3/26/2019 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · The Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is half right. Bell is the other half right. RESIST!!. From Alternet: The Trump Administration told a federal court on Monday that it will be urging federal judges to strike down the Affordable Care Act of 2010, a.k.a. Obamacare. A lower court ruled in December that the law is unconstitutional, and Justice Department attorneys have asserted in a letter ...

Nolan Dalla | Writings Terrible Tragedy of Tonight’s Presidential Debate. Posted by Nolan Dalla on Oct 16, 2012 in Blog, Politics | 2 comments. In a proverbial sense, Rome is burning to the ground. And, while much of our national economy lays in ashes and the American Dream smolders in flames, all anyone seems to be talking about is the opera.

Wednesday Mashup (8/14/13) | The Liberal Doomsayer 14, 2013 · Wednesday Mashup (8/14/13) Looks like it’s time to rally around the supposedly oh-so-put-upon American Legislative Exchange Council, as the Murdoch Street Journal tells us here … The campaign to suppress political speech has found its next tactic, using outrage over Trayvon Martin’s killing in Florida as a hammer.

April | 2012 | Arun with a View posts published by Arun during April 2012. [update below] [2nd update below] So say Thomas E. Mann and Norman Ornstein, the well-known Washington think tank scholars of American politics at, respectively, the centrist Brookings Institution and conservative American Enterprise Institute, in a devastating tribune—excerpted from their latest book—in The Washington Post.

Family Research Council | The Liberal Doomsayer openly admits he selected the Family Research Council because the Christian organization is one of the leading opponents of gay marriage in the country. He had Chick-fil-A sandwiches in his backpack because the CEO of the fast-food chain was under fire for publicly supporting a biblical definition of marriage.

WI over-billed family planning groups by 93%? Drafting ... 10, 2015 · Is anyone else concerned about God telling Walker to be a pants-on-fire psychopathic liar? This Christian God has a pretty strange sense of humor. I mean if the kind of crap God tells Walker to do in public, what kind of strange, perverse, and sick things does God whisper in his ears to do in private? April 18, 2015 at 8:21 PM

REACTION 2: Emotion & Reason in Political Campaigns for ... 21, 2010 · Once again following a truly excellent summary of the methodology and results of this week's reading (thank you, Missy!), I will focus my response in a slightly different direction, examining the background theory that gives Brader's work particular power. I found his chapter contrasting conventional wisdom and social scientific research to be intriguing, and his…

Flip Benham – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America and large the result of year after year of increasing Christian extremism driven by Fundamentalist Christians voting on Abortion and Traditional Marriage!!! Roy Moore ‘Closest Thing To A Founding Father’!!! Steve King: Jane Doe’s Child ‘Would Have Been An Anchor Baby’!!!

Motor City Liberal: ‘Don’t say vagina’ bill faces vote in ... 26, 2012 · The bill would implement a host of regulatory requirements for abortion providers, including special licensure, elaborate tissue disposal requirements, mandated screening for women seeking an abortion and a ban on remote counseling for taking medical abortion pills. The Center for Reproductive Rights, which opposes such regulations, said, “These excessive and unnecessary government ...

online dating | Political Communication. Rowan University ... a network is a collection of people tied together with communication and a civil society is a group of people that join voluntary, I think this falls under the category. So the idea is that we use social networking sites to build relationships. That is the key goal of a dating website.

2012 April « Jamesb101.com 25, 2012 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

No Right Turn: Rejection, not apathy 03, 2008 · In the Guardian, Polly Toynbee considers the results of the latest Hansard Society Audit of Political Engagement [PDF] - which found that UK citizens were overwhelmingly disengaged from politics to the extent that only 53% of them plan to vote - and asks the obvious question: how has this happened, and why don't people vote anymore. She also gets the answer right: because it doesn't …

JustOneMinute: He's Ready To Tell Us His Secret 15, 2009 · After taxes major theme was probably to get out and do something, run or help someone else run. One guy got up and said for fifty years he did nothing but “cry in his beer” about politics, but that had changed now. Best Speaker was a 19-year-old college student who is …

Father’s Day | kavips is fleeting. We may remember a name for awhile, and maybe a couple of trivial facts, but then we move on. Take Ronald Reagan for instance. Just less than 20 years ago he was the driving force of our society, all over our newspapers and TV’s. Today he is still somewhat the driving force behind one of our nation’s political parties.

Nevada politics | Desert Beacon | Page 2 01, 2018 · Posts about Nevada politics written by desertbeacon. Sometimes there’s more to be observed than will fit in a short Tweet. For example, there’s Senator Dean Heller’s ad on my TV machine telling me that his opponent, Rep. Jacky Rosen, is “soft on MS 13.” It might be said the ad says more about Senator Dean Heller than it does about his opponent.

Sweet Nothings: November 2011 25, 2011 · Chris Cillizza's The Fix Blog posted the following post along with the chart above: It’s no secret that people don’t like — ok, loathe — Congress.The latest Gallup monthly survey pegged Congressional approval at just 13 percent, the second straight month it has hit that all-time low. “The 2011 average is on track to be the lowest annual rating of Congress in Gallup’s history ...

Quaerimushttps://quaerimus.blogspot.comHis firm, however, has lobbied McCain for a deal to allow the purchase of Airborne Express in Ohio to a German company that owns DHL and helped manage Ukrainian politician Viktor Yanukovich. Incidentally, DHL is now moving its hub and will cost Ohio 10,000 to 30,000 jobs and Mr. Yanukovich has known ties to Vladimir Putin.

The Useless Tree: Why the DPP Lost 16, 2008 · Why the DPP Lost Two nights ago we went to dinner at the home of Mr. Yao Chia-wen and his wife, Chou Ching-yu. They were both present at the creation of the DPP, early front-line activists in the formation of a viable political opposition and, ultimately, ruling party.

Obsidian Wings: The Most Powerful Lobby In Washington, Part II von. A followup on my last post regarding the most powerful lobby in Washington -- the Department of Defense.. Abe Foxman just put out a press release critizing Gen. Patraeus' recent testimony before Congress. Neither Foxman's strategy nor the release itself makes a bit of sense. Patraeus noted that the US is perceived in the Muslim world as favoring Israel and that there has been a lack of ...

Member Profile - Bill Jefferys - Juan Cole Nazism arose it was probably one of those "very few". However, a more generous peace at the end of the First World War might have avoided the Second by preventing the punitive measures that led to an impossible political situation in Germany in the 1920s, which in turn led to the rise of the Nazis.

Politics for Pros- moderated | Political Discussion Forums Bolton kneels to libs, collects $2 million It is difficult to call John Bolton a sellout since I never thought he was sold on President Donald John Trump. I greeted the appointment of Bolton to succeed General H.R. McMaster as national security advisor with a polite tepidity.

Dual State | Vladimir Putin | International Politics ... State - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. hybrid regimes

September 11 « Mercury Rising ?? Politico, one of the many vectors for creating and maintaining conservative dominance of the media and cultural conversations in the US, has its obligatory puff piece on Mister Death Squadder this morning:. Bently Elliott, Reagan’s top speechwriter in his first term, recalled an interview his old boss gave at the end of his time in the White House.

The Immoral Minority: I almost forgot to post this. Diane ... 04, 2012 · This is smart politics from Palin by any measure: Gingrich has fallen far enough behind Romney in Florida that no one expects a comeback now, especially after last night’s debate washout. If he does come back, she’ll get tons of credit for making this last-minute pitch for him.

The Political Environment: January 2015 12, 2015 · [updated from 12:39 p.m.] The UW knows its faculty, grant-attraction and spending creates jobs and boosts local and statewide economics. It has the data to expose Walker's 'one-more-class' snarky superficiality as nothing more than a talk radio throwaway. But the UW needs to get its economic development people busy telling that story in down-to-earth language and through human …

When no one knows the truth, it's easy to get away with ... 28, 2013 · This is for a crockpot/slow cooker 1 can pie filling 6-8 tbsp butter or margarine 1 box yellow cake mix. In crockpot, add pie filling on botttom Add cake mix and dab butter around cake mix Cook on hgh 4-6 hours or on low 8 hours -- it makes like a cobbler that you could serve warm with vanillia ice cream on top ...

White House press | thoughtcrimes and misdemeanors apparently our alleged president, in his infinite wisdom, has decided to begin a covert campaign to destabilize Iran. Obviously the fiasco in Iraq, the re-emerging war in Afghanistan, the Justice department scandal, the World Bank mess, and his battles with Congress aren’t enough to occupy his time, and he has decided to go looking for additional trouble on another front.

Governor Palin | Out Foxing Karl Rove a span of 252 days, the National Review lost two Buckleys — one to death, another to resignation — and an election.. Now, thanks to the coarsening effect of the Internet on political discourse, the magazine may have lost something else: its reputation as the cradle for conservative intellectuals and home for erudite and well-mannered debate prized by its founder, the late William F ...

Oh Well: A Commentary: Ahmadinejad denied access to Ground ... 09, 2007 · One of Carpetbagger's commentators, Swan, suggested that Ahmadinejad should be allowed to lay his wreath at Ground Zero, but also allow the entire NYPD and NYFD to show up and watch Ahmadinejad at Ground Zero. There is a strong political and psychological statement that the U.S. could give to Ahmadinejad--we accept that you want to pay your ...

Nitroglycol's mad, mad, mad, mad world: December 2010 new poll has come out from Harris-Decima that completely contradicts the Ipsos poll of a few days ago: The Conservatives and Liberals appear to be ending the year the same way they started it — in a dead heat. A new poll by The Canadian Press Harris-Decima suggests the Tories have the support of 31 per cent of Canadians, statistically tied with the Liberals at 29 per cent.

JustOneMinute: Well, He's New To The Position't worry, sonny. A nice ACORN commissar has already been appointed as the political officer for the teacher's union in your district. You'll soon learn that your school has become "better" in all respects simply due to that appointment. Now shut up and draw pictures of rainbows and unicorns.

Inspector General | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! about Inspector General written by bunkerville. In an Aug. 26 letter, the Intelligence Community’s inspector general, Michael Atkinson, wrote that the anonymous whistleblower who set off the Trump-Ukraine impeachment fight showed “some indicia of an arguable political bias … in favor of a rival political candidate.” Ed: (Well.

Ground Zero “Mosque” | The Liberal Doomsayer, I’d love to know how much “Astro Turf” money is being spent on this operation (here – and actually, I think we have our thoroughly unsurprising answer here).Oh, and by the way, the guy wearing the head scarf, or whatever that is, is a guy named Kenny who is a Union carpenter working at Ground Zero (and as he tells us later, he most definitely is not a Muslim.)

Steve Poizner « The Bright Coast would be one of the greatest collapses in modern California politics. Update: The new PPIC poll just came out. It shows that Whitman’s former 50-point lead has been reduced to single digits. She now leads Poizner 38-29 among GOP voters. (Compare this to a 61-11 lead back in March.) For the full report, see here. The headline states ...

SCOTUS | Beach Peanuts to recap: the National Federation Of Independent Business joins McCollum’s lawsuit to take away YOUR health care benefits while offering loads of health care benefits to their members. NFIB also has loads of opportunities to get in on their “political involvement” and “grassroots” campaigns against health care reforms and issues and any candidates who support them.

Brown Man Thinking Hard: Congressman Compares CEO's To ... Compares CEO's To Bank Robbers The soundbite is the currency of TV news, the primary political information source for most of America - simple, nice, neat, easy to pronounce phrases that an announcer can whip off after the guy behind the camera starts waving that they have ten seconds left until the commercial break.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 09/10/2017 - 09/17/2017 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Ironweed Films Guest Blog: June 2010 15, 2010 · Ironweed Films Guest Blog Ironweed Films is a monthly DVD club for progressive viewers interested in political, environmental and socially-conscious films. Each month, members receive 2-4 films on 1 DVD, theirs to keep, for just $15.

Misadventures of a minority-elect President 293 | Bill's ... 24, 2019 · “These guys, the investigators, ought to be in jail. What they have done, working with the Obama intelligence agencies, is simply unprecedented. This is one of the greatest political hoaxes ever perpetrated on the people of this Country, and Mueller is a coverup.” Rush Limbaugh — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2019

Kris Kobach – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Route 66 (US 66 or Route 66), also known as the Will Rogers Highway and colloquially known as the Main Street of America or the Mother Road, was one of the original highways within the U.S. Highway System. US 66 was established on November 11, …

February 2016 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Joyner Speculates The Scalia Was Murdered And Warns That America Is Heading For Civil War BY Kyle Mantyla – See more at: – On his most recent “Prophetic Perspective on Current Events” broadcast, right-wing televangelist Rick Joyner declared that “something smells like a rat” in the recent death of Justice Antonin Scalia and warned that America could descend into civil war over ...

Buckdog: March 2012 26, 2012 · As the costume designer for the TV series Insecurity, Clifton-Remple said she purchased $100,000 worth of clothing, locally, for this show alone. The movie Just Friends, also dropped about $100,000 on clothing, locally, and even a small movie like the yet-to-be released zombie horror flick 13 Eerie bought $14,000 worth of clothes here.

First Humboldt C-19 Death | Sohum Parlance II 18, 2020 · …for a guy like EK, who whines about HIPPA being used to suppress information, to then use information to dox one’s political personal information, it is a wonder EK even believes in protecting people’s personal information whilst he spouts that information out… it’s pitch black, but EK is the lone ranger on his lightning rod shining ...

Meanwhile, Under The Radar…. | Sheila Kennedy of the problems with political discourse grows out of specialization–as the world around us gets more and more complicated, people who are experts in different fields, who use different vocabularies and operate from within different conceptual frameworks have trouble communicating with …

gay rights « Mercury Rising ?? about gay rights written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Obama vs. Clinton | The Great American Lemming Farm level of sheer vitriolic nastiness, baseball cap to the knees tactics (aka Tonya Harding politics) and jackbooted enforcement of political correctness by the current American political left has been nothing short of astonishing as all divisions are bared by the current Hillary Rodham Clinton-Barack Obama steel cage death match (click here for a wonderful and fun little treat all too ...

loudmouth | Political Loudmouth the GOP-led War on Women continues to escalate, the time to stand together and not bow before the onslaught. For a hi-res version for printing, just click the image above. To see more posters related to the War on Women, please click here.

October 2017 ~ European-American blog 09, 2017 · By now, most informed people have heard about this: The flap over a botched condolence phone call made by Trump to the widow of La David Johnson, one of four US soldiers recently killed in Niger. Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, who happened to be present when Trump called, proceeded to accuse the president of insensitivity.

Even More 2016 Silliness | This Is 15, 2013 · Timothy Noah makes an interesting point:Given the extremism of Paul's libertarian politics—most famously, he's quarreled with the 1964 Civil Rights Act's prohibition against discrimination by privately-owned businesses—one may reasonably suppose that most of the liberal and/or mainstream centrist pundits who tout Paul as a likely or even plausible presidential nominee would never dream of ...

Wake up World!!https://sgtgorgei.blogspot.comSep 21, 2005 · I just got done reading a new post on the Daily KOS, a liberal bog, and it stated that not only will Senator Leahy(D-VT) vote yes on Roberts, but will vote yes on Bush's next apointee without examing them. Poloticians are defintley not on board with the majority of the United States. I thought it was only Bush that did not read the paper or check polls.

WAR IN WISCONSIN"I just don't think the time for a political payout," said Barrett. The Milwaukee police and fire unions both supported Walker's political campaign for governor. Barrett also calls it wrong for his city's public school teachers to call in sick and go to Madison to protest the budget bill …

29 | September | 2011 | Spinny Liberal 29, 2011 · The industry supports it and is willing to pay for it. This should be a no-brainer for a Libertarian. Message to Rand: Dude, we know you’re a Libertarian – the son of an OG Libertarian. And we know you hate the size and scope of the government. This is the thing – industry leaders and CEOs are telling you this regulation is cool. Relax.

Thank You, Congressman Sensenbrenner. (Seriously.) | The ... is a con; a PR job first reported by the GOP Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel a few years back. Your instinct that too good to be true is sound. Vis: I asked the D.C. office in 2012 why, if Sensenbrenner were truly a voting rights champion, why he called Wisconsin's and other states' photo voter ID laws, "common sense," echoing the Party ...

Doomsy’s Do-Gooders and Dregs (2015 – Pt. 15) | The ... 29, 2015 · Prior related posts appear below: Part 14 Part 13 Part 12 Part 11 Part 10 Part 9 Part 8 Part 7 Part 6 Part 5 Part 4 Part 3 Part 2 Part 1 (with setup) Dregs of the Year Nominee Tweety, for the utterly simplistic mindset he displays here on Syria, actually comparing the millions…

2010 June 13 « Jamesb101.com 13, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Karl Rove resigns – Skeptical Brotha 13, 2007 · Hat Tip :By John D. McKinnnon, Wall Street Journal Karl Rove, President Bush's longtime political adviser, is resigning as White House deputy chief of staff effective Aug. 31, and returning to Texas, marking a turning point for the Bush presidency. Mr. Rove's departure removes one of the White House's most polarizing figures, and perhaps…

money-laundering | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog of the three groups that allegedly channeled the funds to California was the Arizona-based Center to Protect Patient Rights, founded in 2009 by Koch operative Sean Noble, who has emerged in recent cycles as a big player in conservative political and fundraising circles.

Iowa | Sheila is my epiphany of 2016. Our primary system – like the rest of our political system – is one more example of the racism we so deeply entrench and protect. I don’t pretend that moving the first primaries to more representative states would end racism, but, like pulling down Confederate flags, it couldn’t hurt.

Lil’ Baby Jeebus | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ...’s a difference between a mad man, and a madman. Now, getting over 200,000 people to come to a liberal rally is a great achievement, and gave me hope. And what I really loved about it was that it was twice the size of the Glenn Beck crowd on the Mall in August! Although it weighed the same.

The real scandal | Foseti 15, 2013 · The real scandal is that the IRS is wonderfully illustrative of the state of government in the 21st Century.. The vast majority of decisions made by “the government” (well over 99%) are made without any input from the President, the President’s immediate staff and advisors, anyone appointed by the President, anyone in Congress or that ultimate reports to Congress, or anyone else remotely ...

Jak's View From Vancouver: Movies first is called "Endless Love" and tells the tale of a potato and a tomato. The animation is in "Toy Story" style and quality. The next is a short political satire called "Tony's Dream". Finally, we have "Maximus Plumbeus", an actor takes on the "Gladiator" role.

10 Things I Hate About Liberals | Blue Mass Group 10, 2006 · This is a problem generally afflicting politics at the moment. I believe it is a function of bandwith: there is a lot to fill, and it gets filled with bullsh*t. In addition, I’m not so sure a new phenomenon; it is just different from what was experienced since WW II. In any event, a case of the pot calling the kettle black ...

Leon County | AdventureLawyer’m a little ashamed to admit that there were a few people in the room who apparently didn’t know such basic things as the difference between “debt” and a “deficit.” The reader might not know either, but the reader probably wasn’t asked to advise the Obama administration on economic matters during a …

No Right Turn: Electoral transparency 05, 2006 · The chief concern of the public in making sure that any provision of money isn't repaid by political favours in office - and I think the first part of any solution is transparency. As for retrospectively adjusting the allocation of seats in parliament …

Bogus Death Statistics Even More Bogus Than She Realises ... 23, 2009 · Michelle Malkin rebuts a rather silly study on the US health system. So, how did these political doctors come up with the 44,000 figure? They used data from a health survey conducted between 1988 and 1994. The questionnaires asked a sample of 9,000 participants if they were insured and how they rated their own health.…

The Obama Standard: Letterman Assaulted Sarah & Willow ... 13, 2009 · The Obama Standard: Letterman Assaulted Sarah & Willow Palin. Great comment by “hit and run” at this HotAir Headlines post regarding David Letterman’s tasteless, sexist jokes about Governor Sarah Palin and her 14 year-old daughter Willow.. You know, I feel sorry for Don Imus. It’s like he was used for a specific, time-limited, politically-driven purpose — and has no more value as a ...

Inner Rhythm Studios Bloghttps://innerrhythmstudios.blogspot.comOct 13, 7:48 AM (ET) By STEVEN KOMAROW ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) - The U.S. mission in Iraq is a "nightmare with no end in sight" because of political misjudgments after the fall of Saddam Hussein that continue today, a former chief of U.S.-led forces said Friday. Retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, who commanded coalition troops for a year beginning June 2003, cast a wide net of blame for both ...

presidential strategies | United States Congress | United ... doesnt mean that Congress completely took advantage of him. Clinton was a Charbonneau 4 smart president and a skilled communicator. In fact, he is known as the most verbal president in history (Jones, 58). Overall, his skills as a communicator and negotiator allowed him to successful pass legislation through congress.

FraudbusterBob » Blog Archive » Bob Bytes Back: Archive 7 28, 2017 · Political Blog for Bob Fitrakis, and other authors. local, national and international commentary from the publisher and editor of the Columbus Free Press, 2014 Green Party Lt. Governor candidate and 2006 Ohio Green Party candidate for governor, 2016 Green Party Candidate for Franklin county Prosecutor.

Citizen Cartwright: September 2018"It has become something of a cliché to say that the United States has become increasingly tribal in the era of President Trump, with each side in its own corner, believing what it chooses to believe and looking for reinforcement in the media and politics,” says a New York Times analysis. "But the battle over Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination has reinforced those divisions.”

Spin Doctor | The Moorish Wanderer 27, 2010 · Much as I value politics and I advocate for a respectable image, a politician is, besides being a human being, is a public figure, and it is always healthy to have a little bit of steam off by mocking the politics, as long as the caricature is proportionate, harmless and non-smearing.

Ann Romney | The Pardu's Scroll the Romney’s so visible? Have they come to grip with their political in competence in 2011/12? Or, is Ann Romney still declaring God’s will without consideration of the eleven points delineated in this screed.

The Useless Tree: Confucius and Education Reform in Korea all of that gets Confucian education wrong. It is true that Confucianism was appropriated by state managers, as early as the Han dynasty, and infused with Legalist principles to serve as a legitimating political ideology. And that the examination system was the key institution for reproducing state structures and ideology.

The Useless Tree: John McCain is not a Confucian Gentleman attention is being drawn to John McCain's first marriage and the apparently shabby manner in which he ended it. Andrew Sullivan blogs on it and makes the point that in a liberal society, one that draws a distinction between personal and public life, this should not matter: This is what liberalism allows for: it can simply say that an immoral private life may be a negative, but it is not ...

spin – Eric Lightborn's Blog about spin written by Eric Lightborn. Rodger Ailes, President of Fox News, appeared recently on ABC’s “This Week“ and was at long last confronted on his recent condoning of the most intense fear-mongering and incitement toward violence ever seen in modern U.S. politics & punditry via Glenn Beck of Fox News.. Ailes proceeded to make two non-factual statements and then attempted to ...

Socialism – The Latest GOP “Boogeyman” | Double Dip Politics 10, 2012 · Socialism has a bad name in America. The reasons for the negative name stem from the Cold War, and wedge politics by politicians. Misunderstandings, myths, and outright lies regarding what socialism is permeate the public consciousness. The more the topic is spoken about factually and openly, the more the word "socialism" is misunderstood.

themoralityandpoliticsofjustice rollin 1 | Pharmaceutical ... rollin 1 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

Labor | This Is the man at the top of the GOP ticket, no one would ever expect Pence to start tweeting at 3 a.m. about his disgust for a beauty-pageant contestant and encourage Americans to seek out a “sex tape.” But to shift one’s focus from tone to policy is to see one of the most extremist politicians to seek national office in over a generation.

Italy embraces corruption « Mercury Rising ?? 14, 2008 · In an object lesson for the American left, Italy has re-elected one of the most corrupt politicians because the left failed to present a persuasive alternative vision. John Hooper, The Guardian: Early results indicated that he [Silvio Berlusconi] would be able to govern comfortably for the next five years with no help from the centre-left.…

Monday Mashup Part One (6/7/10) | The Liberal Doomsayer 07, 2010 · I have some leftover items from last week I couldn’t quite get to until now. 1) To begin, I give you the latest in the slow-motion train wreck that is the NJ gubernatorial administration of Chris Christie ()…All seven members of an advisory panel charged with reviewing nominations to New Jersey’s Superior Court resigned Wednesday, with six saying they objected to Gov. Christie’s ...

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Hoofin is a coverage granted by Congress, to Americans, no matter where they are in the world, versus an employer that is, in the “single employer” analysis, really an American employer doing business in that other place. A jury determines whether a company is a “single employer” for purposes of the act.

Gay | Political Loudmouth 27, 2015 · A Political Loudmouth street team went to the 2012 San Francisco Gay Pride Parade today. Sarah Silverman was the parade’s Celebrity Marshall. We popped out to her car and gave her one of our stickers, “Two Girls Kissing Is Hot. Two Wives Kissing Is Hotter.” Her verdict: “Hey, I like this!” You can see her holding our sticker in this ...

US politics « The Futility Monster about US politics written by The Futility Monster. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 8 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

Marriage | Political Loudmouth 26, 2013 · A Political Loudmouth street team went to the 2012 San Francisco Gay Pride Parade today. Sarah Silverman was the parade’s Celebrity Marshall. We popped out to her car and gave her one of our stickers, “Two Girls Kissing Is Hot. Two Wives Kissing Is Hotter.” Her verdict: “Hey, I like this!” You can see her holding our sticker in this ...

trey gowdy | Politics Of The United States | United States ... gowdy - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

Liberal Hypocricy On Center Stage | The Rogue Jew 06, 2007 · Liberals just really crack me the hell up! They talk out of both sides of their mouths and out of their asses all at the same time and with absofreakinglutely no thought to what they are saying. I was listening to a bunch of Liberal Harpies today, actually eavesdropping on …

Obsidian Wings:, so I'm not one of those who believe the official report on 9/11 is complete by any stretch. I'm confident other details, including many contradictions of the report, will emerge as time goes on. But even if those details were suppressed intentionally for political purposes, I have to say I agree with the NYFD for removing Imam Intikab Habib ...

Mitt Romney | Veritas Nihilum Vincet is only one of the many reasons Mitt Romney is an unredeemed asshole. In the wake of having been revealed as the twisted, hateful, fundamentally bigoted, vicious, ignorant prick he really is, Mitt called a press conference. From TPM:

Identity Check: 01/01/2010 - 02/01/2010 03, 2010 · But it also serves as a social and political controversy. It stands to reason that generations of religious demonification of sex and sexuality plays a large part in this controversy, but the opposition to porn seems to cross a great deal of social boundaries for a wide variety of reasons.

!Effects and Affects of the American Government!https://solidliberal.blogspot.comOne of the main problems with considering businesses to be people is accountability. When a company commits a crime who is held responsible? This is a complicated question. We can say that whoever initiated the crime is responsible. For example say a manager tells his employees not to …

MediaBloodhound: The Wounded-Courier: NY Times Hires ... New York Times announced today that beginning Monday, January 7, Russian President Vladimir Putin will write a weekly column for its op-ed page. “We are thrilled to add Vladimir Putin's distinctive voice to our op-ed page,” said Andrew Rosenthal, editorial page editor. “He is a captivating leader and keen observer of the 21st-century political landscape.

liberalpastor in burnsville: Isn't Corn Just another Grass? 30, 2008 · As one of the feedlot managers put it to me, it's like feeding them Snickers bars all day long. It's a very rich food, although they don't appear to like it quite as much as Snickers bars. But it wreaks havoc on a digestive system that has evolved to do …

No Right Turn: We need to clean up local body politics 08, 2019 · Peter McKenzie has a piece on Newsroom this morning about how local body politics is awash with property developer cash. 70% of all the donations in the 2016 Wellington mayoral election came from property developers.And its pretty obvious what they want in exchange: That’s particularly important in local government, according to Rashbrooke.

Kathleen Kane – Hoofin Kane and I have the tenuous connection that we are both 1993 graduates of Temple Law School. Back then, she was Kathleen Granahan, and I vaguely remember her. As a follower of Pennsylvania politics, I of course have been following the stellar rise and equally abrupt decline of General Kane’s career.

Policing the Schutzstaffel. The Schutzstaffel or the SS ... 03, 2012 · The SS grew from a small paramilitary unit to a powerful force that served as the Führer’s “Praetorian Guard,” the Nazi Party’s “Protection Squadron” and a force that, fielding almost a million men (both on the front lines and as political police), managed to exert as much political influence in the Third Reich as the Wehrmacht ...

Walter L Fields | The Pardu's Scroll about Walter L Fields written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

politics | Planet of the Feminist Supervixens 19, 2007 · This was my Memorial Day protest – still flying outside my NH home. Note the Betsy Ross flag. I’m reading Paul Revere’s Ride, by David Hackett Fischer – a pretty good summary of the events of the outbreak of the Am. Rev.. A quote from his description of the battle at …

Picturing Resistance | Sheila Kennedy is almost impossible to fight an invisible enemy, but with the enemy out in the open, we have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to pick the kinds of fights that permanently change people’s hearts and minds and fundamentally alter what is politically possible…A majority of American adults (96 percent) believe in equal rights for women, and 87 ...

Guest Post: Healthcare Hecklers: Grassroots or Harris ... 14, 2009 · AFP hired Maryland state director Dave Schwartz, a longtime Ehrlich aide, straight from the Harris congressional campaign. Mr. Schwartz stayed on with the Harris campaign after the election, drawing his last paycheck on February 1, 2009; by March 2, 2009 he was blogging on the AFP website on behalf of “AFP Maryland.” From Harris to AFP—Same goal, new boss.

South Dakota Politics: Dallas parents push Obama speech ..., The Dallas Morning News reported that several Texas school districts had become “ inundated with hundreds of phone calls from parents urging them to not show Obama's speech at school.” Some parents even threatened to keep their kids home if the speech was aired in their classrooms. Several schools have agreed not to air the speech, while others have decided to air in only in the ...

Dr Kevin Bonham: Legislative Council 2015: Windermere and Australian psephology, opinion poll analysis, election analysis and political commentary by Dr Kevin Bonham.

The Miliband Alternative? « The Futility Monster 04, 2009 · A rather curious phrase usually appears in every article containing the words "David Miliband" in any political discourse. However, it is my humble suggestion that the words "future Labour leader" should never appear in the same sentence as one which also contains the word "Milband". (Yes, we'll exclude poor Ed too) I have been keeping…

Stupid Enough Unexplanation: 02/01/2010 - 03/01/2010 Enough Unexplanation “ Well, I've been in the city for 30 years and I've never once regretted being a nasty, greedy, cold-hearted, avaricious money-grubber... er, Conservative! ” - Monty Python's Flying Circus, Season 2, Episode 11, How Not To Be Seen

Obsidian Wings: A telescope Friday open thread 25, 2013 · A telescope Friday open thread by liberal japonicus Being a long term foreign resident is kind of dangerous if you are a pack-rat or a collector, because in some ways, you have a wider circle of acquaintances, and they are often moving, returning, downsizing, so it's very easy to get someone's guitar, or their weight set only used a few times ...

Teacher Leader Effectiveness Unit | Exceptional Delaware might get a bigger paycheck but it should always be about the end goal: helping kids. And upsetting and frustrating teachers is not the way to go. They are the front line in education. I get that politics play a big part, but be human! I’m sure this sounds hypocritical coming from me, but …

04 | November | 2013 | The Pardu's Scroll 04, 2013 · SOURCES: The bill referenced in this video is called H.R. 992 — the Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act. You can find out how your representative voted on 992 here.You can find New York Times reports on how Citigroup literally wrote its own bill here and here.You can see how Wall Street dumps money into your member of Congress’ campaign coffers here and gape openly at the …

July 6, 2015 – Goodnewseverybodycom's Weblog 06, 2015 · The idea that a state flipping over from a very liberal pot policy to a very liberal pot policy would lead to an immediate uptick in violent crime demands evidence that’s absent from Berenson’s column. So, yeah, all nonsense. But we’ve seen a lot of that in conservatives’ attempts to absolve Donald Trump and the NRA from their sins.

February | 2013 | progressivenetwork | Page 5 posts published by progressive2 during February 2013. by Nathaniel Smith, Politics: A View from West Chester, 2/16/13 As I mentioned in “State of the Union, Act II” (1/27/11), the President’s 2010 SOTU address recognized that: …the devastation remains. One in 10 Americans still cannot find work.

Washington State Political Report State Political Report. ... but it doesn't feel as anonymous as a random pick-up in a bar," said Dr. Mimi Fields, the county's health officer. "There appears to be some sense of security or safety (at a party) and the feeling that an OK person because they wouldn't be here if they weren't." "Young people, unfortunately, have ...

Friday Mashup (8/31/12) | The Liberal Doomsayer 31, 2012 · Also, though a bit tangential (but it does have to do with foreign policy), I’ve withheld comment until now on the story of the Navy SEAL who basically outed himself as one of the members of the team that killed Osama bin Laden when he wrote a book about it (and by the way, I don’t care if bin Laden was unarmed when he was shot).

The Minimum Wage Debate Essay | Minimum Wage | Employment 1. Tracy Adams Dr. Waller BUSA 1210.03 November 20, 2014 The Minimum Wage Debate: Yes or No? The minimum wage debate; it is something that has been argued for years in politics and between the people of our country. What is this debate? Its the argument of whether the government should raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.00 per hour. Obama is the one who proposed this in 2013, but ...

The Congressional Medal of Honor Society to give the ... 09, 2013 · Courtesy of ABC : The Congressional Medal of Honor Society is in Newtown, Connecticut, to honor six educators killed in the December e...

Opinion Forum » Life Is Not Fair to Beautiful Women! 26, 2012 · Life Is Not Fair to Beautiful Women! July 19th, 2012. By Dan Miller. Beautiful women get all the breaks; except in politics. Forty year old Sofia Vergara is the highest earning woman on television. According to the linked article,

Tom Nowakowski | The Liberal Doomsayer building might be left to a son or daughter, but it would be worthless to them. As to suspending the tariffs on chemicals, that primarily benefitted a guy named Tom Nowakowski who, in addition to giving Mikey $26 grand, gave $150,000 to the Repugs over the last six years, as noted here .

The Rude Pundit: CPAC: Because What Else Do These People ... 03, 2014 · CPAC: Because What Else Do These People Have to Do?: Oh, what a covey of cunts and cocksuckers is congregating at the Conservative Political Action Conference right now, as we speak. Yesterday was a banner day for the gathered true believers, where they got to hear everything from completely shit-eating, barking mad conservatism to self ...

About | Moveable Feast“For the first time in VIBE’s 14-year history, a political figure graces our cover,” says editor-in-chief Danyel Smith in her Editor’s Letter. “It’s time.” In the exclusive interview — by American Book Award-winning author Jeff Chang — Obama and those closest to him open up about personal sacrifice, his teen years in Hawai’i ...

Net News Global this pageThey mostly refer to either one or two books (at most) and a number of articles (often articles not even written by either author, but paraphrasing, often rather “creatively”). This reminds me of an old Soviet joke: “a Party official comes to some factory or office to deliver a political lecture and absolutely tears into Solzhenitsyn’s ...

Alterdestiny: Tuesday Forgotten American Blogging: Zachary ... 11, 2006 · He fought in many of the nation's more notorious Indian wars of the early 19th century, including the Black Hawk War and the Second Seminole War, as well as the War of 1812. His time on the frontier made him suspicious of expanionist frontier politicians, something that would play a big part in his …

Teachers in Their Own Words: “Boys and Books in Juvenile ... 11, 2013 · Nowadays we hear a lot about teachers—from “education reformers,” politicians, business executives, clergy, union leaders, academics—but we rarely hear from teachers themselves. Most teachers I know and come in contact with are eager to talk about teaching and the jobs they do. It is decidedly a very different conversation from the ones pundits, policymakers and…

Trump's Poor. And Putin knows it. By...'s Poor. And Putin knows it. By 4CasandChlo Saturday Dec 31, 2016 · 1:22 AM PST We tend to flag, or at least strongly resist speculation here, especially when …

glenn greenwald | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta - divagations d ... this pageThe Adelsons, in fact, are the largest single donors in American politics, accounting for a total of $26.5 million in gifts in this campaign between the two of them and their three daughters. Most of their gifts, $21.5 million, went to the pro-Gingrich Winning Our Future PAC. The other $5 million went to the pro-GOP Congressional Leadership Fund.

Rants From The Rookery: April 2013 04, 2013 · In his ruling, he also accused the federal government of “bad faith” in dealing with the requests to make the pill universally available, and said its actions had been politically motivated. Posted by ellroon at 4/04/2013 11:24:00 PM 0 comments

Who Hijacked Our Country: Wind Energy 1, Donald Trump 0 26, 2013 · Wind Energy 1, Donald Trump 0 Scottish ministers have approved an offshore wind farm near Aberdeen. Donald Trump had been using all of his financial and political clout to fight this project because it’s near one of his golf courses and he’s afraid it’ll ruin the view and drive tourists away.

Israel & Judaism: Anti-Semitic Political Cartoons 03, 2010 · Latuff is one of the more prolific anti-Semitic cartoonists on the web, with a staggering amount of work dedicated to advancing explicitly anti-Semitic political imagery. Israel as a Nazi State The U.S. State Department's2008 report on "Contemporary …

Bloomberg Businessweek: Was Tom Hayes in Charge of ... - isely 23, 2015 · “What you did, with others, was dishonest, as you well appreciated at the time,” the judge said in his closing remarks. “What this case has shown is the absence of that integrity which ought to characterize banking.”” (TOM HAYES QUOTE: I’d rather put my fate in the hands of 12 people than plead guilty to a politically driven process.

Marian's Blog: Politics may make "strange bedfellows," as the saying goes, but there have to be limits, and every now and then I reach one of mine. In this case, for me, it's around the 2008 U.S. presidential election. As Peter Finch's character shouted in the film Network, …

Elizabeth Warren is Still Undefined - Progress Pond 28, 2016 · The fact that 40% of poll respondents tell CNN pollsters that they’ve either never heard of Elizabeth Warren or have no opinion of her is pretty sobering to this political animal. Maybe that’s why Donald Trump is calling her “Pocahontas” every two seconds. He wants to shape a negative image of the Massachusetts senator in case Clinton taps Warren as her running mate.

About This Blog | Cry and Howl site is primarily a conservative political blog. I believe we've "Crossed the Rubicon" in this country through unabated political corruption and there's not another "greatest generation" possible. Anyway, let's continue on, exposing the evils of Islam and the compromised politicians ... and hope in the mercy of God. I live in Texas; Steve MMV

I Speak of Dreams: electoral politics I started at Bryan Vartabedian's Parenting Solved, where he ruminated on Twitter as a Human Filter.. Well, I think I use my RSS feed as a Human Filter, too. Ed Brayton strained out this gem: Bachmann's Latest Lunatic Ravings. He's talking about Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who prior to entering public office in 2000 was a federal tax litigation attorney.

Low…even for Glenn Beck. | WriteChic Press 12, 2010 · For a political commentator or entertainer to have the audacity to say – inaccurately – that there’s a Jewish boy sending Jews to death camps, as part of a broader assault on Mr. Soros, that’s horrific. –Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director and a Holocaust survivor. Beck should be fired. He’s utterly loathsome.

07 | December | 2010 | Under The LobsterScope 07, 2010 · As of this morning it seems that Obama is ready to deal with the Right… extend the Bush tax cuts for a couple of years in exchange for one year’s extension of Unemployment funding. The tax cut deal is tentative. It hasn’t gone through Congress yet (although McConnell is probably dribbling with laughter in his office), but it probably will.. When even Conservatives like Joe Scarborough ...

Labour and trade union power force out political ace 17, 2010 · “I am disappointed to have to stand down at this time, but please be assured that I am absolutely committed to representing Labour in 2010.” I personally hope that Dr. Millen joins another forward thinking party, than waste his time and talent in a party (New Labour) that has a …

congressional | Citizens Against Professionals Bankruptcy ... 05, 2008 · UPDATE Aug 31, 2011. WARNING – there are rogue elements within the Dept of Justice – seeking to subvert the Constitution of the United States for veiled agendas sake – contrary to Congressional Law! During his tenure at the Delaware Department of Justice, US Attorney Colm Connolly’s office repeatedly declined to investigate and prosecute the MNAT law firm.

Obama State Dept. Spent Tax Dollars To Translate Alinsky’s ... 12, 2017 · What has become of the Congress investigation of James Comey? It seems to have fallen off the earth. Jeff Sessions is out there apparently with little if any interest. Sad when Congress has to nudge Sessions in supporting the Trumpster. Even more interesting was this tidbit that came out regarding our former Marxist President.…

Wayne Allyn Root – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... Allyn Root Defends Roy Moore By Alleging That Clinton And Obama Had Gay Relationships By Kyle Mantyla – Right-wing radio host, commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump – obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root delivered a furious rant in defense of Roy Moore on his radio program last week after reports surfaced that Moore had ...

Politico | Exceptional Delaware one of the chief proponents of Common Core, Markell was the ringmaster for state accountability systems designed to perpetuate an endless cycle of high-stakes testing, school labeling, teacher shaming, and student rigor. We now know Jack Markell really …

Liberals, Waterboarding, and GITMO | Lonnie Walker's Blog 21, 2009 · Finally, someone asked Eric Holder the question I think needs to be asked and instead of answering it, he fumbled it. See I was waiting to see if this question would ever be asked . If Waterboarding is indeed torture then are we torturing our troops …

A Note to Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post | This Is 19, 2014 · To: Karen Tumulty re: Spockbama What a difference a year makes, madam. You won the Toner Prize for Excellence in Political Reporting for 2013. Congratulations. Except it's now 2014, and mere months later, you're embarrassing the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University by demonstrating just how badly they screwed up.

Alt-Right Politics | TheZoo far Donald Trump has announced the selection of people to fill five major positions in his administration who all deny climate change is real and exacerbated by human activity. They also happen to be examples of the worst kinds of choices one could …

Obama | Voting Matters Blog 18, 2008 · November 6, 2007 13 Senators take a stand against voter caging. Posted in Barack Obama, Elections, Florida voting, John Kerry, politics, voter caging, voting, Voting Rights tagged Armed Madhouse, Kerry, Obama, Palast, voter caging, Voting Rights at 6:58 am by bluebanshee. Until Greg Palast wrote about voter caging in Florida during the 2000 election cycle, it was a practice that was …

Every Vote Against The Public Option Is a Vote for the ... 07, 2009 · So said Shep Smith.. Exactly…. “Every vote against the Public Option is a vote for the Health Insurance Industry”. The same industry that is spending $1 million dollars a day on lobbyists, to spend just on the 535 members of Congress.

J. Miller Rampant!: The Strange Career of Darrell Issa 20, 2010 · No doubt, Issa's slur against World Trade Center rescue workers was the most unforgettable moment in a truly forgettable political career. Desperate to refuse federal funds to the ailing workers who rushed to Ground Zero, Issa denied the September 11 carnage was an attack on the United States at all. As the New York Post summed it up:

Rebutting The Delaware Chamber Of Congress | kavips 04, 2014 · Boeing move to South Carolina, one of the worst educated people in our nation. Volkswagen is opening in Tennessee; a state that performed terribly on the NYEP, America’s Report Card. Gov. Perry of Texas boasted he was the biggest importer of jobs in the US, stealing companies away from other states.

skimble case against him as the anthrax mail-murderer may rest only on circumstantial evidence, but it sure is fascinating evidence. An unpublished 1998 novel about a bioattack on Congress. A hoax anthrax letter sent to Tom Daschle in mid-November from England, where Hatfill just happened to be.

Fox News: A Driver for the GOP Primary? | The Pardu's Scroll 14, 2011 · Fox News takes the lead in parading towards the eventual selection of the GOP Presidential candidate. You and I know that Fox News is truly not a news network. from the top down it is a political entity and serves effectively as a public relations wing of the Party.

standardized testing | A Christian in the Classroom renewal of No Child Left Behind – Despite the questionable state of government in Washington, I think going to get done, and I believe it will get done in the first 100 days of the next presidential term, and regardless of the make up of Congress and the White House. When you look at the mood of voters, the thing that is most ...

Congress | A Christian in the Classroom renewal of No Child Left Behind – Despite the questionable state of government in Washington, I think going to get done, and I believe it will get done in the first 100 days of the next presidential term, and regardless of the make up of Congress and the White House. When you look at the mood of voters, the thing that is most ...

Open Thread | What Is Possible With Progressive Prosecutors 12, 2019 · This is what you hope for, with the justice system, when you bring in progressive prosecutors. They see a wrong, and decide to try and correct it. It’s not easy, because so many are invested in the status quo, but, I hope that Ms. Mosby and others realize that there are a lot of us out here that support what she and others are trying to do.

Libya | Missouri Communication 28, 2011 · In the political arena, as the protests in Manila demonstrated, these increased freedoms can help loosely coordinated publics demand change. Blogs, public discussion forums, and many other types of new media have increased this freedom of speech that the first amendment of the United States has granted its citizens.

Doomsy’s Do-Gooders and Dregs (2014 – Pt. 9) | The Liberal ... 09, 2014 · Do-Gooder of the Year Nominee (Commemorative “Make It So, Number One” Citation) Patrick Stewart, Capt. Jean-Luc Picard (of course) of the “Star Trek: Next Generation” series, surprised Dawn Garrigus of Statesboro, Georgia at Dragon Con, a sci-fi and fantasy convention in Georgia, with a personal “meet and greet”; Garrigus is an 11-year-old with mitochondrial disease, a progressive ...

Al Franken | Smart Liberal and Female the final race to reach 60 brings me to one of my favorite states, Minnesota. This is Paul Wellstone’s seat. It will always be Senator Wellstone’s seat to me. They are currently getting ready to start the recount between Al Franken (I’ll admit I’m a fan…love that guy’s books) and Norm the suit wearing worm Coleman.

Conservatives Wrong About Everything Totally Lose Their ... 09, 2018 · Conservatives Wrong About Everything Totally Lose Their Shit Over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez . A bunch of conservatives who have been wrong everything are totally losing their shit over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.. Ocasio-Cortez, the photogenic 28-year-old soon-to-be-elected congresswoman, is a virtual certainty to be representing New York’s 14th Congressional District, …

US Congress | Bloviating Zeppelin like us and follow us on Facebook! Video of this show is here on Facebook. Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the …

PoliticalDogs Merlin « Jamesb101.com 13, 2010 · Update: Alinghi now leading by 500 Meters. This is incredible. Man, I never thought this would be possible after the first Race. Update: Now Oracle has clawed back to 300 Meters. Update: Oracle rounds First Mark by 28 Seconds. Update: Now it’s Race 1 …

kingston progressive: ULSTER COUNTY FLEET MANAGER 09, 2009 · Anonymous said... Mike: Ditto to 11:31. and you are correct in that a position that should be "morphed". In the military there is a position of S-4- Supply and Logistics- In our municipal form of government- there is a ??? oh well- a definite need, yet this too becomes a political reality- Maybe this position should be a deputy position under Ulster Transit- or maybe part of the new ...

Unemployed are on 'precipice of financial disaster' if ...“We may think that the odds are that Congress will come to a reasonable conclusion. But for a person who is on the precipice of financial disaster, it’s very low comfort to be told, ‘You know, I think there’s a 70 percent chance that going to work out fine.’” It sure as hell isn’t going to work out by next week.

tim pawlentry | The Political Tipster contrarian take on the McCain veepstakes. Adding the intrade prices of Mitt Romney (32-37.9) and Tim Pawlentry (30-35) together allows one to see that the market is pricing the rest of the field at 2/1 (or 3.00).

CD @ PolitcalDog « Jamesb101.com 19, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The Useless Tree: Chinese Liberalism to see the piece over at the WSJ by Liu Junning, "The Ancient Roots of Chinese Liberalism."." Liu is a well known Chinese intellectual, and has worked hard since the 1980's to fashion a contemporary Chinese liberalism. He argued against "Asian Values" in the 1990s and for a more universal notion of human rights. Although his arguments quite clearly press against the theoretical ...

Politics, Media and the Environment | seattleDIRT 14, 2008 · Below is an e-mail I got from Congressperson Jim McDermott in response to a letter I sent about war coverage in mainstream media. As you may have heard, the Pentagon deals a shady deck when it comes to influencing war reporting and it’s not acceptable.. Mainstream Media needs reform like no other, and not just in the realm of war coverage. All aspects of mainstream media are tainted …

policy | Rottenart America circa 2011, there certainly isn’t much on which politicians from either side of the aisle can agree. However, despite the vitriol, violence and outright lunacy, there is one constituency in the country who no politician will deign to disparage: small businesses. Obama singled them out in his SOTU speech and has spent the last few weeks selling them on his new economic proposals.

2005 November | SONICFROG DOT NET 29, 2005 · Good for the guys over at Daily KOS.Being a liberpublican, I disagree with them on a lot of issues, but they did a good job here persuading / forcing their congressional employees to craft sensible legislasion protecting political free speech throughout the internet. It also looks like we, the average (and not so average) Joe’s and Joan’s of the blogosphere, helped kill the Alaskan ...

foreclosure crisis – Skeptical Brotha about foreclosure crisis written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Endorsement In Primary For New Castle County Executive ... 25, 2016 · It is ironical that this one writer was all Hillary in the national, and is now all Matt in the local because in this race, Tom is the candidate being pilloried more like Hillary, the seasoned politician, whereas Matt as the new interloper gets a “buy” on using morality to launch a challenge…

GOP | The Pardu's Scroll | Page 2 about GOP written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Bernie Sanders son defeated in primary, another child ... 12, 2018 · One more of the offspring of the Sanders clan loses a political office bid. Buried and little discussed is the corruption that resides in this family. The FBI last I heard was investigating his wife over a phony land deal and bank fraud. This time the son loses. Earlier the daughter ran for Mayor…

Burkean Reflections: Blog Watch: Glenn Greenwald 29, 2007 · This week's "Blog Watch" entry dissects and exposes Glenn Greenwald, a far-left blogger who's actually one of the more interesting Bush-bashers among those of the radical blogosphere. I say he's interesting because it's hard not to notice Greenwald's strenuous effort to demonstrate scholarly expertise in international politics, found for example in his constant …

Dateline Rice for Sept. 6, 2016 (Weekend Edition) 06, 2016 · Homestretch for a transformational campaign with 2 historically unpopular candidates Mark Jones, the Joseph D. Jamail Chair in Latin American Studies, professor of political science, fellow in political science at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and fellow at Rice’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research, is quoted about the 2016 ...

San Diego Politico: 6/17/12 - 6/24/ Labor and Community groups for a kick-off press conference and protest rally Monday, July 2nd in the park adjacent to the Hilton Bayfront Hotel. In the last decade, more than 50,000 manufacturing facilites have closed, 6 million manufacturing jobs have been lost and the U.S. trade deficit has grown.

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 03, 2018 · But, it was the ‘fringe’ folks in the media connecting the dots back when it actually happened. Folks brought up our soldiers and the base when it happened. Same thing after we read the story of Jared going over and having a ‘slumber party’ with the new Prince of Saudi Arabia.

16 | February | 2008 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 16, 2008 · Federal prosecutors say Brent Wilkes is a war profiteer, a lecher and a liar whose decade-long bribery of former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham netted him $46 million. For that, and for orchestrating the largest congressional bribery scheme in history, they say the Poway defense contractor should be sentenced to 25 years in prison….

Political Irony › Four 04, 2017 · On Tuesday night, Donald Trump gave a speech where he succeeded in reading from a teleprompter and didn’t lie as much as he usually does. The media fawned all over it, declaring that Trump had finally pivoted into acting “presidential”.. Except that early Saturday morning, less than four days later, Trump had another twitter tantrum, accusing Obama of …

Call your Senator and Congressman-Folks In Iowa Need Help 09, 2008 · Hat tip From DailyKos: Darrell in Iowa writes: I am in Mason City. Our levees broke Sunday morning. Flood stage is 7 foot and waters are now at 19 feet. Hundreds of homes and businesses are underwater.

The real way to fix the health care system | My 2 Buck$ 14, 2009 · In the current political landscape, it will be impossible to repair the current health care system. As long as there are lobbyists pumping millions of dollars to our representatives and into the airwaves, there is nothing that can occur. Same is true for many of our other broken systems. And when there is no motivation…

Ironweed Films Guest Blog: June 2011 13, 2011 · Ironweed Films Guest Blog Ironweed Films is a monthly DVD club for progressive viewers interested in political, environmental and socially-conscious films. Each month, members receive 2-4 films on 1 DVD, theirs to keep, for just $15.

Warp & Woof: June 2018 by William Sundwick writing on sci-tech, economics, sociology, anthropology, good health, politics, rock music, and cars

Pedestrian Infidel: Australia's Islamaware Index Is Way ... 09, 2005 · However, this may be a time to give the Palestinians the "political space" to achieve that result on their own. That having been said, Hamas stands for a "one-state solution," which means that there can never be peace in the region as long as Hamas remains armed." It would seem that Condi is not nearly as weak as the media portrays her to be.

Memo to Ronald Walters: This is NOT the Time to Whine ... 02, 2008 · Dr. Ronald Walters is an icon. He is a distinguished academic on racial politics, and has "street cred" from working with Jesse Jackson's presidential campaigns in 1984 and 1988. When he speaks, people listen, and they should. As such, I am somewhat apologetic for using his name and the word "whine" in the title for…

Russian Hacking | Desert Beacon that I’m unconcerned about sexual harassment (etc) BUT there’s another story which is getting lost behind the steady drip of the Mueller Investigation and the deluge of harassment stories — not to put too fine a point to it, but the Russians played havoc with our election in 2016 and the Congress of the United States hasn’t done squat about it.

And now we go to war | Sohum Parlance II 03, 2020 · And now we go to war. January 3, 2020 in Uncategorized. ... Suleimani was the main coordinator of Iran’s strategic alliances across the Middle East, and a revered and highly honored political and military figure among the Iranian population. ... Let’s go back in time to a point at which we have a commonly held opinion as to who the bad guys ...

24 | April | 2014 | The Pardu's Scroll 24, 2014 · I have posted two previous pieces on Bundy and his opportunist hordes. For now, I have posted video segments from MSNBC’s Ed Show, Politics Nation, ALL In and Hardball.While their is a bit of redundancy in running the Racist’s comments about African-Americans, each host provides perspective important to understanding

JustOneMinute: Failing To Man Up In The Other Blue Heaven raised the question of proper response by the GOP to a request by the Fascists to help them "fix" it. I agree with DoT's observation that an "it's your baby" response would have a political cost attached but I don't see any reason why the GOP should not respond with "we have no idea as to the scope of the problems and have been provided no firm data on the entire program".

Tuesday Open Thread | Christmas Jams 2019 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 17, 2019 · Someday at Christmas is a Christmas album by Stevie Wonder, released on November 27th, 1967 under Motown Records. It was his eighth studio album release. It would also be re-released in 1978 with different cover art and different Catalog number (Original 1967 catalog: T-281, 1978 reissue: T7-362 R1). It would again be re-released as part…

Virginia Tech | The Liberal Doomsayer about Virginia Tech written by doomsy. 1) Occasionally the Bucks County Courier Times experiences a journalistically lucid moment, and they did so yesterday here in an editorial about departing County Operations Office David Sanko…. Sanko, an ex-big wig with the GOP, was hired in 2004 at $125,000 a year, not exorbitant for the chief executive of a large organization.

The Johnsville News: Nifong/Mangum Hoax — June 25, 2007 25, 2007 · Editorial, Yakima-Herald: Attorney in Duke case dishonored victim, accused, system-- The guiding principle of our law and justice system -- innocent until proven guilty -- was trampled in the court of public opinion by an overzealous prosecutor seemingly more interested in his political career than the lives he was ruining. Even Duke University got caught up in the …

From Your Mouth To God’s Ears… | Sheila Kennedy“From Your Mouth To God’s Ear” is a good message; “God Don’t Like Ugly” is another, and one the current administration should keep in mind as they “spread their pseudo-christian gospel” at their “revivals” termed political rallies.

Tuesday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 23, 2018 · He was also added to a list of recipients of the President’s Daily Brief, or P.D.B., a top-secret digest of the U.S. government’s most closely held and compartmentalized intelligence reports. By the end of the Obama Administration, seven White House officials were authorized to receive the same version of the P.D.B. that appeared on the ...

18 | August | 2007 | Zambian Chronicle 18, 2007 · Allies Not Likely to Push Mugabe to Change …Southern Africa s political leaders gathered Thursday in Lusaka, Zambia, to discuss Zimbabwe s political and economic collapse, but…neighboring states about Zimbabwe s descent were notably bland.Zambia s president, Levy Mwanawasa, who compared Zimbabwe to a sinking…. August 17, 2007 – By MICHAEL …

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 10, 2012 · Carlos Augusto Alves Santana (born July 20, 1947) is a Mexican American[1] rock guitarist. Santana became famous in the late 1960s and early 1970s with his band, Santana, which pioneered rock, salsa and jazz fusion. The band's sound featured his melodic, blues-based guitar lines set against Latin and African rhythms featuring percussion instruments such as…

2016 U.S. general election | This Is about 2016 U.S. general election written by bd. #PutiTrump | #WhatTheyVotedFor. The basic conundrum, the New York Times explained Tuesday night:. By firing the F.B.I. director, James Comey, late Tuesday afternoon, President Trump has cast grave doubt on the viability of any further investigation into what could be one of the biggest political scandals in the country’s history.

Excerpt from ‘One Person, No Vote: How Voter ... - Scribd to a report by Demos, a progressive think tank, while top income brackets achieved more than 80 percent voter registration rates, “from 1972 to 1992, voter registration among the lowest income quintile saw a nearly 18 percentage point drop—from 61.2 percent in 1972 to 43.5 percent in 1992.” 11 Congress, therefore, passed the ...

Ballard | Sheila Kennedy | Page 6 of good will hold dramatically different positions on these issues. If they are to be resolved, we will need political leadership of the highest order. The ability to provide that leadership must rank as the single most important issue of the campaign. Indianapolis is part of the phenomenon some call, aptly, the “niching” of America.

Saturday Open Thread | Congratulations Prince Harry and ... 23, 2018 · “Love” was the theme, and the Royal Family looked stunned and uncomfortable. But that is their default look. There is always a humorous element to watching the Windsors looking so puzzled and discombobulated when the modern world, or a world not of their own, comes knocking – but it’s a laugh of the mordant kind.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Some Comments on Cheney's "Hunting ... 02, 2006 · One would be to issue the press release right after the White House learned of the accident, and take your political lumps then and there. Or the second option would be to sit on the story for a day or so, until a Texas newspaper publishes the story, citing the Secret Service as the source, before the White House could publicly respond.

The Immoral Minority: Barack Obama is returning to the ... 04, 2018 · The former president enjoyed a busy year since leaving the White House but has largely stayed under the radar. Now Obama is reportedly planning to return to the political stage in 2018, setting the stage for a prominent role in the lead up to the crucial midterm elections.

Iffy Questionhttps://iffyquestion.blogspot.comThe liberal media watchdog web group, Media Matters, is calling for a real apology. On their site you can sign a petition demanding an apology and the site also provides contact information so you can call or email CEO Roger Ailes and E.D. Hill to tell them what you would like to see done differently in the future.

No More Mister Nice Blog 01, 2005 · SORE WINNERS The Right, gracious in victory as... THE REAL ENEMY So what was the real meaning o... By the way, did you know that voters in the Kurdis... I see from the latest column on Iraq by "liberal h... Impressive turnout. Deaths in attacks limited to,... So I'm sitting around reading the 1/31 issue of Ti...

Blog Scholar | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities, in many, many states, we have been locked out of equality for a generation, because of the politics of fear and backlash. But look how far we’ve come. From a viral holocaust to full equality – somewhere in America, in the commonwealth where American freedom was born. In two decades. This is history.

MN Progressive Project Annex: May 2019 23, 2019 · Running for president has become an industry of its own, and a multibillion dollar one at that. “Across America, the business of politics now channels up to $10 billion a year,” report Dave Helling and Scott Canon for the Kansas City Star, “much of it pocketed by the pros who conduct the polls, craft the ads, buy the airtime, spin the ...

[Ed] FiveThirtyEight GE Forecast - Page 6 - International 11, 2016 · Page 6-[Ed] FiveThirtyEight GE Forecast USA Politics. The odds are higher than I expected. Suppose that in every congressional district, one candidate has the (unreasonable) probability of 0.95 to win the race.

Reasons to Fight Trumped by Media and RIGHT-Wing ... 31, 2011 · It is amazing the extent or scope of empirical data to support any desire of the President is he was inclined to plant his feet in concrete and fight the insane manipulations and political maneuvering from the RIGHT. It appears the President is not inclined to plant his feet. Many who spend hours writing about issues that have manifest in the latest subterfuge from the write are growing ...

Frank Chow: Asian- American Political Pundit: January 2012 is simply awesome. Washington Post: Every work week Brandon Skall and Jeff Hancock of DC Brau shovel about 1,500 pounds of soggy grain out of their mash tun. Left to itself, this used-up barley (it resembles “dehydrated oatmeal,” according to Skall) would begin to …

GM is Closing My Plant. What Are Politicians Going to Do in Lordstown, GM was the only game in town for workers looking for a decent wage to support their families. What’s more, our plant supported many other jobs in the community. It’s estimated that for every GM job lost , there will be three or four jobs lost in the surrounding community .

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords « Jamesb101.com 08, 2011 · This was her first event since her re-election to a third term in November. Giffords, 40, was talking to a couple in the store when a gunman rushed her,shouting as he fired his weapon. The gunman fired at people in line and got within 4 to 5 feet of the congresswoman, said Mark Kimble, a former Tucson newspaper executive who is now on her staff.

Ear Candle Productions: October 2012 Candle Productions We are a record label , a video production company , a radio station , and now a blog. Join proprietors J Neo Marvin and Davis Jones as we muse about music, film, culture and politics, and keep you posted on the latest Ear Candle activities.

Acerbic Politics: July 2006 - Blogger PBS documentarian Ken Burns has been working for six years on “The War,” a soldier’s-eye view of World War II, and those who have seen parts of the 14-plus hours say they are replete with salty language appropriate to discussions of the horrors of war.. What viewers will see and hear when the series is broadcast in September 2007 is an open question.

economic down turn « Jamesb101.com 14, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Washington State Political Report - Blogger State Political Report. ... Now the president says that in his State of the Union but we have to get serious about it. And getting an alternative fuel market going in the United States and getting some true competition will do a lot more than anything on the supply side that can be--than can happen now. ... The Catholic Worker ...

Howard Coble needs a serious 28, 2004 · Accepting money from corporations or industry groups is a good thing to avoid, and I would have pledged myself to a limited number of terms. One thing I hope any candidate -- including Coble -- would do is to run as transparent a campaign as possible, writing regularly for the public on the Web, both as a candidate and a member of Congress.

Big Oil | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · Schmitt declined to disclose the amount of the payment, and said it covered roughly two years of lost revenue. “It was not a great amount of money but it wasn’t chump change either,” he said. Feinberg’s fund paid out $6.1 billion on about 225,000 claims, an average of about $27,000 per claim.

Obsidian Wings: Eat Your Spinach! 29, 2009 · This is not a novel line of thought on my part. The following is from page 565 of the 1985 paperback edition of The Little, Brown Book of Anecdotes: VIRCHOW, Rudolph (1821-1902) German pathologist and poliitician. A reformer in politics, he was the outspoken opponent of Otto von Bismark.

www.onepoliticalplaza.com not a study from Pew research. Its an article from a FAR LEFT extremist blog which can be found on alternet and Salon. Its pure propaganda for you extremists to parrot. I will pit my knowledge of the issues in detail against yours ANYDAY.

July | 2007 | Truth and Reason under: Ward Churchill, University of Colorado, Politics, Liberalism Finally. And it’s about time. Ward Churchill, the hippy, terrorist defender has been fired by the University of Colorado’s governing board for his essay that compared 9/11 victims to a Nazi leader and ignited a national outrage.. Ward Churchill, who had vowed to sue if the Board of Regents took action against him ...

opinion pollsters « The Futility Monster 09, 2010 · Posted by The Futility Monster on May 5, 2010 @ 23:25 Let’s face it, there are too many polling organisations doing political work. But this year, one of them is definitely going to get it right (and by that I mean within 1% on each party) because of the wide spread of results.

Peace | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog neoliberal enthusiastically embraces “national security” as the highest good. The neoliberal—composed of the gullible and cynical careerists—parrots back the mantra of endless war and corporate capitalism as an inevitable form of human progress. Globalization, the neoliberal assures us, is the route to a worldwide utopia.

nomination | Koulflo Memo is popular in his state and can help Obama win Virginia and other border states. He is an early Obama supporter, perhaps one the the first politicos outside Ilinois to endorse Obama. The alternative is former guv mark warner, whom i know more about and was impressive in his flirtation with a presidential run way back last year.

The US House of Representives « Jamesb101.com 12, 2010 · Posts about The US House of Representives written by jamesb101. commentary on Politics and a little bit of everything else. ... This isn’t the first time that the two of us haven’t seen eye-to-eye. The last time he came on the site to comment on one of my ... This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , ...

The Dean's Office ne reason I haven't blogged much (besides work) is that I mostly blog about politics and the state of politics right now makes my heart hurt too damned much. I didn't expect to

Ethics–Dan Coats’ Fatal Flaw | Sheila Kennedy to have disagreed with Dan on several issues but that’s been my opinion with every elected official in my lifetime. But had Dan Coats not became a US Senator he would not be in the critical position he is in today, so often times when electing a candidate their integrity, honor and dedication to our nation is far more important than their stance on any one or two political issues.

union | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today; Home; LEARN. Giving; History (1912 – 2015)

Lila Rose – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America case in point was the interview that Lila Rose, the founder of Live Action and a mentor of indicted activist David Daleiden, gave to conservative radio host Eric Metaxas yesterday, in which she falsely claimed that a prosecutor who serves on a local Planned Parenthood board had refused to recuse herself from the investigation into the videos ...

2012 July « Jamesb101.com 26, 2012 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Clearly The Ace Is More Important Than Fred Thompson 11, 2009 · As the White House and Congressional Budget Office (CBO) prepare to release new deficit estimates this month, several economists say the news is likely to be as bad as or worse than forecasts. Deficits of $1.8 trillion this year and $1.3 trillion in 2010, as predicted by the White House, would add to the federal debt.

David Iglesias: “I thought I was working with the Jedi ... 18, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 12:05 PM MST Fired US Attorney: ‘I was working for the Sith Lords’ Raw Story By David Edwards and Muriel Kane | Tuesday, 17 June 2008 David Iglesias, who was one of seven United States Attorneys fired by the Department of Justice for political reasons in December 2006, described his experiences to…

MSNBC's 'Power' Outage: Chris Hayes' Climate Change ... you missed the MSNBC/Chris Hayes documentary The Politics of Power on August 16, you may never have the chance to see it again in its entirety.. Sure, you can watch the final fifty-nine seconds of the documentary on, and a four-minute clip from the program, plus a few "web extras". But, for some reason, the rest of the special --- a rare hour-long cable news documentary on the ...

Freedom Writing: The Horror of War 08, 2011 · The Horror of War There is no time in ... any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were designed in the first place: the opportunity to do good work, to enjoy friends, to fall in love, to hit a ball and to bounce a baby." ... "The two real political parties in America are the Winners ...

Holder’s Muslim Brotherhood scandal no one is talking ... 27, 2012 · Holder continues to defy Congress, and here is one that is going unnoticed. There have been growing concern about the influence and infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into our government. Try this post if you are interested is one example: Weiner's in-laws and connections with the Muslim Brotherhood. There’s another scandal you should know about.

U.S. Constitution | Exceptional Delaware“The rights of parents to the care, custody and nurture of their children is of such character that it cannot be denied without violating those fundamental principles of liberty and justice which lie at the base of all our civil and political institutions, and such right is a fundamental right protected by this amendment (first) and Amendments 5, 9, and 14.”

elementropy: 04/01/2010 - 05/01/2010 28, 2010 · In fact, it was the fate of Ms. Kristeva and this three unlikely subversives to be accused of planting the seeds of political correctness in American colleges long before the concept was re-exported back to France to be mocked as a typically American aberration. It's funny how that works.

Political Irony › This Modern Reality 30, 2017 · As the comic says, no rational person would ever vote for that lunatic. [Side note: I wonder if Dan Perkins (the real name of Tom Tomorrow) is a Doctor Who fan.] Also published on Medium .

Liberals trying to get the word "illegal" dropped from ... 30, 2012 · First the left tried to claim that the word 'alien' is evil and racist. Then they claimed that we need to call them "illegal immigrants."

Senator Barbara Boxer | kavips is harder for him, for the first 2 hours of every day, to get ready for the day than it is for the Senator from Texas or myself or the Senator from Illinois to do our work for a month. Yet this man was viciously attacked and his patriotism called into question. Oh, yes, my friend might say, it was during a political campaign. It was disgusting.

Saskatchewan Party Stumbles On Crown Privatization Policy 08, 2007 · Saskatchewan Party Stumbles On Crown Privatization Policy The following is an excerpt from the Regina Leader Post: "Regardless of the moderate direction leader Brad Wall has so diligently tried to steer the Saskatchewan Party rank and file towards, the membership of this party have always been red-meat-eating Tories.

Jesus | The Word of Me... 07, 2012 · “In the entire first Christian century Jesus is not mentioned by a single Greek or roman scholar, politician, philosopher or poet. His name never occurs in a single inscription, and it is never found in a single piece of private correspondence. Zero! Zip references.” Dr. Bart Ehrman, Professor of Religious Studies, University of North…

Sunday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 27, 2018 · 65 Responses to Sunday Open Thread. rikyrah says: May 27, 2018 at 9:10 pm ... in the minds of the White majority to the extent that police brutality/extrajudicial murder and ICE internment camps are the result. All it takes is hatred & power. — Propane Jane™ (@ ... it goes to the heart of his demagogic appeal to a nativist base and a form ...

Daily PUMA: November 2018 01, 2018 · Original Political Commentary by Alessandro Machi<br> Plus 100 RSS feeds for up to the minute Discoveries.<br> DailyPUMA is AGAINST California HealthCare Dilution &amp; Oversized Student Classrooms <br> Caused by 500,000 Yearly Illegal Border Crossings. DailyPUMA is for a Border Wall <br> and for ER Investigation and Enforcement of EMTALA so other Seniors won&#39;t be <br> …

ILLINOIZE: GOP Senate Race Reality Check 21, 2007 · For a well-established name to take on such a venture carries a lot more downside than upside. Victory only marginally improves his status. Defeat sows doubts about his prowess that may not have existed before. But for someone who is not so well-established and has not already spent much political capital in losing efforts, it is a great ...

JustOneMinute: Kate And Kerry, Sitting In A Tree the second time in his wretched life, he has been supportive of a war when it was the popular thing to do, then turned against the war and the men who fight it when it suits his political purposes to do so. The absolute beauty in all of that he has written his final obituary as a presidential candidate.

The Self-Defeating Culture of the Netroots - Progress Pond 21, 2008 · If the Netroots enables ordinary citizens to get around the traditional political, economic, and media gatekeepers, its also true that the denizens of the Blogosphere are so fiercely egalitarian and anti-elitist that they resist delegating any authority, moral or political, to leaders that emerge within the movement. Bloggers that make money are resented. Bloggers that […]

Bryan Fischer – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Fischer: ‘We Must Withhold Judgment’ About Roy Moore Because The Biblical Standard Of Proof Has Not Been Met By Kyle Mantyla – American Family Radio ’s Bryan Fischer has been a vocal supporter of Roy Moore in his campaign for a seat in the U.S. Senate from Alabama, declaring that Moore’s race is “ a referendum on the ...

Hollande’s predicament | Arun with a View 17, 2013 · This is not on the agenda today but after 2017, who knows? Secondly, no political party in France – or just about anywhere – can cement itself as the dominant one for generations. Generations is a long time. And in France, such would not be possible for a party of the left in any case. France is politically on the right.

90 day ban immigrants Syria Iran Iraq Yemen Somalia Sudan not nearly to the extent that did Judge Robart in Washington state, and with a fraction of the prior focus on President Trump’s second travel stay, Executive Order 13769 (Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States).. From Revised Trump travel ban suffers first legal blow. by Josh Gerstein. Federal judge in Wisconsin blocks impact on Syrian ...

Selma | Bloviating 18, 2017 · The movie didn’t really take a political stance at all. Yes, it mentioned 9/11, but it didn’t tie it to Iraq. It tied it to Kyle the way it was tied to all of us. 9/11 signaled to a generation that we are not safe, that there ARE people out there that want to kill us, on our own soil.

Obsidian Wings: Random Cabinetry 19, 2008 · The main reason for this post, though, is to give me an excuse to post this picture of Tom Vilsack dressed as the crocodile from Peter Pan: He's dressed up this way for a literacy event hosted by his wife. I may not like his views on ethanol, but I do like anyone who is willing to look silly in a good cause. Far too few politicians are.

met | 44-D one of the good news — pieces about this challenge is that this problem is imminently solvable, and that’s the good news. But it’s going to require us working together — not just the administration, but Congress, governors, mayors, parents, teachers. Anyone who has access to children in their lives is going to have to work together.

mitt romney | The Political Tipster contrarian take on the McCain veepstakes. Adding the intrade prices of Mitt Romney (32-37.9) and Tim Pawlentry (30-35) together allows one to see that the market is pricing the rest of the field at 2/1 (or 3.00).

Pat Toomey’s Greatest Hits | The Liberal Doomsayer 18, 2016 · As noted here, though, in line with budgetary practices by Toomey that were considered to be harsher than Mr.-Puppy-Dog-Eyes-With-The-Shiv in the U.S. House here. Toomey also introduced an amendment which would increase the threshold for bank examinations by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from $10 billion to $50 billion.

Liberal Loonies | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Harvey Weinstein accuser has described the first time she allegedly saw him naked and claims he may be intersex, the court heard today as his sexual assault trial continued. Jessica Mann, an aspiring actress took the stand at Manhattan Criminal Court on Friday (31 January) to detail her allegations that Weinstein forcibly performed oral sex ...

illiberal Britain « The Futility Monster one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title. Having a good year so far! 8 years ago; I am sorry, Mr Albarn, but the combination of coffee and TV simply does not make sense #popleveson 8 years ago; Mr Lynne, can you confirm for the record whether you were a consultant on telephone lines for News International?

is becoming a dangerous domestic terrorist org. One of...'ve been saying (with open criticism by others) that the media is not protected under the first Amendment, when said media is fabricating, blatantly lying, coercion with other media and a political party (left) with an agenda to falsely form public opinion to the end of successfully fulfilling an agenda.

X Curmudgeon: May 2010 24, 2010 · The contrast between McDonnell--who gets things done in a fairly low-key way, even if you don't always agree with him, and AG Ken Cuccinelli, who is a bloviating blast of hot political air, wasting taxpayer money on his personal political jihads, illustrates the difference between a "good government" conservative and a divisive conservative a-hole.

25 | September | 2009 | 44-D 25, 2009 · Posted by Audiegrl. This is the first segment of a series that The Rachel Maddow Show will be telling the truth about the lies about ACORN and the right-wing political machine that took them down.. Rachel Maddow is joined by Occidental College politics professor Peter Dreier, who authored a study on how myths about ACORN were manufactured and how easily the mainstream media – not …

VV Brown Talks "Children", Socially Conscious Music and ... Paul Kalirai for EMI Catching up with the fabulous VV Brown, one of the UK's most captivating new voices: The 27-year-old has songwriter-fashion model has returned with new music and is about to embark on an American tour. "Children"...

Marriage | Political Loudmouth, friends. Thanks for stopping by. This is the place to find political posters and flyers that you can download, print, and use absolutely free! Thanks so much to for featuring so many of our posters on their Facebook page and Tumblr blog. You can get T-shirts, stickers and totes at the Political Loudmouth Merch Page

economy | Sohum Parlance II demise of American manufacturing is the major factor, but politics is another. Probably the biggest kept secret of American political history – when supply-side economics failed and sent us into a double-dip recession in the early 1980s, Cap Weinberger proclaimed “Soviet Military Superiority” (since proven to be a sham) and Reagan spent his way into recovery – generating a deficit ...

gustav-landauer-anarchism-socialism.pdf | Individualism ... who is not blinded by the dogmas of the political parties will recognize that anarchism and socialism are not opposed but co-dependent. True cooperative labor and true community can only exist where individuals are free, and free individuals can only …

A Look Inside Sarah Palin’s Pentecostal Church | Suzie-Que ... 08, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 7:45 AM MST Weird Theology in Wasilla: A Look Inside Sarah Palin's Pentecostal Church By Bruce Wilson, Talk To Action. Posted September 8, 2008 Exposing the unusual, highly politicized religious beliefs held at the Wasilla Assembly of God. On June 8, 2008 Palin was publicly blessed, with the "laying on of hands" before…

JABBS: In Politically Purple Colorado, Conservatives ... 24, 2006 · In Politically Purple Colorado, Conservatives Dominate The AM Dial My introduction to Denver's AM "News/Talk" radio was surprising for its lack of diversity. As I drove from the airport to our hotel, I picked up two Sean Hannity broadcasts, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, the O'Reilly Radio Factor and a local conservative (didn't catch his name).

Minnesota Politics: Conservative anger 13, 2006 · Lots of people are talking about Glenn Greenwald's post on the cult of Bush. I'm not, since a blog about Minnesota politics and not national politics, but I can't help but notice these things, especially since his post is driving a lot of traffic my way due to l'affair Powerline.So I'll take a break from this state to discuss this.

Tête-a-Tête-Tête: Spotlight: Damien Echols and the West, yes - about the death penalty... but it's about the problems with the justice system generally, too. If you are prepared for a major moral and political challenge, pick up Leveritt's book... I'm ready for some insight into the life of a person awaitin execution for a crime he didn't commit... so I'll be looking into Damien Echols' book.

No More Mister Nice Blog 07, 2014 · One of the goals that I would have, politically, as a candidate for president of the United States is to reach out to the working-class element of the Tea Party and explain to them exactly who is funding their organization -- and explain to them that, on virtually every issue, the Koch brothers and the other funders of the Tea Party are way out ...

27 | October | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 27, 2006 · One of Hastert’s lieutenants, Rep. Philip English, R-Pa., said that while he senses “a strong anti-Washington blowback … the conclusion that, therefore, going to be an election like ’94 or that control of Congress is likely to shift, I don’t think is warranted yet. I think gong to come down to the wire.”

Georgia county tosses out hundreds of minority absentee ... McDonald, a University of Florida associate professor of political science, tracks state voter data and found that Gwinnett County tossed out 15% of absentee ballots submitted by Asian Americans, 11.4% of those submitted by African Americans and only 4% of those submitted by whites.

Gapers Block Mechanics | Chicago Wed Dec 30 2015 On Gapers Block and Chicago. If somehow you haven't seen the news anywhere else: Gapers Block is going on hiatus effective January 1. You can read the open letter from our esteemed editor-in-chief here.. There have been many nice things said about Andrew and Gapers Block across Chicago media circles, including this from Mike Fourcher and this from Whet Moser.

13: May 2019 an interesting batch, because none of them are afraid of him, since Chump is the kind of braggart and loudmouth who can be taken down as soon you show him intimidation won’t work. What they’re afraid of are the loyal Chumpbots who, at the ballot box, can derail a GOP politician’s career in a heartbeat for even the smallest ...

Election Night Live-Blog Edition | ME's Political Rant 06, 2012 · 9:31 pm PST: Here are the results I have for right now: 9:25 pm PST:So Romney only wrote an acceptance speech, not a concession speech. And that about sums up the arrogance of this creep. 9:19 pm PST: And Washington also voted to legalize marijuana and Maryland voted to legalize gay marriage! It’s a good night!!

The North Coast: August 2010 is why our political leadership and business elite not only will not be of any help in dealing with the vicissitudes of life in a rapidly contracting economy and increasing scarcity of necessites, but will actually be major obstacles to successfully managing the massage shift in our economy and its physical underpinnings now underway.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: With friends like Ralph....... 23, 2005 · So out trotted Ralph one more time with an update on his Nova Scotia musings, said Klein; "I believe that the Conservatives are the right alternative to govern this country," "While the polls show the Liberals with a slight lead, the campaign can change everything.

Trump administration enlisted top intelligence officials ... 11, 2017 · Courtesy of WaPo: The Trump administration has enlisted senior members of the intelligence community and Congress in efforts to counter news stories about Trump associates’ ties to Russia, a politically charged issue that has been under investigation by the FBI as well as lawmakers now defending the White House.

Worse Than Fascists: Christian ... - progressivenetwork 12, 2008 · By Lindsay Beyerstein, AlterNet. Posted June 12, 2008. In his new book, The Family, author Jeff Sharlet reveals sordid details about this power-hungry, inside-the-Beltway fundamentalist group. [See an informative earlier interview with Sharlet here. For purchase and further comments see] Did you know that the National Prayer Breakfast is sponsored by a shadowy cabal…

Operation Save America – Arts and Politics from the Armpit ... press conference, which Moore and his wife Kayla attended and Moore spoke at, featured effusive praise for Moore’s character and record and vehement denunciations of the “character assassination” Moore’s supporters say is being waged by his enemies. Speakers identified these enemies not only as the women accusing him of sexual misconduct (“lies” and “vile calumnies”), but ...

Nam Vet wrong again, Reagan wasn't there in Beirut but... If your going to play the fool, play it with some facts at least. You know full well that you are blaming President Obama for the bucheney depression.

Jon and Kate plus 8 « Jamesb101.com 07, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Essence of Democracy | Elections | Primary Election | Free ... of democracy. By Shabbir Ahmad Khan Published: December 10, 2012. The writer is a PhD Scholar at West Virginia University in the US Democracy is a highly complex form of political system. It is not only a concept; its a culture, a code and a way of life.

Kirstin Davis « Jamesb101.com 16, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Main Street is just another shakedown from big business." And Christie knows a thing or two about big business- and Wall Street: In 1999, Christie registered as a lobbyist for Dughi and Hewit, the Cranford law firm where he was a partner alongside Bill Palatucci, a longtime ally now helping to …

Could The US Have Saved Tens Of Thousands Of Jews From The ... liberation of Auschwitz. Historian Tom Segev writes in Ha'aretz about a discussion he recently had with 87-year-old Hebrew University Emeritus Professor and Israel Prize winning historian Yehuda Bauer about the popular contention, fueled primarily by Israel's political needs, that President Roosevelt and the US could have saved the lives of many Jews during the Holocaust if they had chosen ...

National Right to Life « Missouri Life News his address to a joint session of Congress tonight, President Obama said, “One more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions.” Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee, commented: “Barack Obama needs to learn that the mere repetition ...

Bush pledges to keep Cuba embargo | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 25, 2007 · In his first major address on Cuban policy in four years, Mr Bush adopted an uncompromising stance towards the leadership of Cuba. “As long as the regime maintains its monopoly over the political and economic life of the Cuban people, the United States will keep the embargo in place,” he said in a speech at the US State Department.

Brooklyn Streets, Carroll Gardens: November 2012 Policy. Infrastructure. Transportation. 11231. Miscellania. Critters. Email: firstandcourt at gmail dot com

Jon Stewart’s Liberal Bias | Veritas Nihilum Vincet 19, 2011 · As the Skeptic Magazine guy said, people search out confirmation and avoid/ignore contrary evidence and opinion. Erin Brown may break down the stats on Stewart’s “targets”, but where are the stats on Brown’s targets? Let’s stack ’em up and see who is more bias. But it’s a bullshit comparison from the get-go.

vloggers – Robot King 24, 2014 · It’s not that a person’s sexuality is the first thing you need to know about them, but it’s pretty hard to say that you know a person well if you don’t have an inkling as to their gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, politics, etc. They’re …

Voter ID | Voting Matters Blog 12, 2008 Remembering ‘Being There’ … or why Chauncey Gardener could not vote in today’s America. Posted in Being There, Elections, Peter Sellers, politics, Voter ID, voting, Voting Rights tagged Being There, Peter Sellers, politics, Voter ID, Voting Rights at 3:56 pm by bluebanshee. I have fond memories of the 1979 movie “Being There” starring Peter Sellers.

tcnorris: 04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009 28, 2009 · The first poll in the B.C. Election campaign came from the Mustel group and it gives the Liberals a 17 point lead - 52% for the Liberals to 35% for the NDP and 12% for the Greens. The result naturally would be a large Liberal majority, but the campaign is still in its early stages and much can change. The poll also asks a series of questions about which party would best handle various policy ...

Blogwars: The New Political Battleground (English Edition ... this pageFor many Internet users, blogs are the news and editorial sites of record, replacing traditional newspapers, magazines, and television news programs. Blogwars offers the first full examination of this new and controversial force on America's political landscape.Reviews: 2Format: Formato KindleAuthor: David D. Perlmutter

politics news | Bob Higgins are areas of Texas that have gone without measurable rainfall for a year. It’s the driest it’s been since 1895 when they started keeping records. Texas Governor Rick “Goodhair” Perry, this month’s centerfold for “Science Denial Magazine” says that people …

Moroccan Politics & Economics | The Moorish Wanderer | Page 13 is a great opportunity for me to apply some of the computations I have elaborated on when I started to lay out the 2016 electoral map. Al Ahdath Newspaper mentioned 12 seats (from 10 districts) where up for a by-election by next week, and I cannot find all of these, as I have managed only 7, and 2 others I am not sure are indeed contested as well (both PJD).

Civic Centre provides thin ice for ... - A TOWN CALLED PODUNK Centre provides thin ice for politicians It’s an old axiom of politics not to get the soccer moms, hockey parents and skater moms and dads on your bad side. So one wonders what it is exactly that our local politicians might be thinking after a rather serious blast of ill will destined their way over the deteriorating state of the city ...

Weekly Address Of President Obama: It’s Time For Congress ... 14, 2012 · One of the fundamental challenges of our time is building an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules. And as many Americans rush to file their taxes this weekend, it’s worth pointing out that we’ve got a tax system that doesn’t always uphold…

Churchill's Cigar: For Governor of Minnesota... 22, 2010 · The three way aspect of the race tends to be more illusory that the reality of what happens at the ballot box, but it does make it fun. The importance and vital role another political party can (and should, on the national level) display is on full display in Minnesota and it rocks my socks off, because voters actually have options.

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2012 · One of his followers called her "just another brainless plastic doll Fox puts on camera to appease the horned up 60-year old white dudes at home." Ms. Powers wryly notes, "Don't forget: liberals are the feminists, it's the GOP who hates women."

Russell Pearce Gets Belligerent With Reporter Who Wants ... 21, 2011 · Russell Pearce gets belligerent with reporter who wants him to produce Fiesta Bowl invoices Crooks and Liars- By David Neiwert April 21, 2011 07:00 AM Our favorite Nazi-coddling nativist politician, Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce, just can't seem to escape the corruption scandal that's dogging him daily now -- namely, his major role in…

Eruptions At The Foot Of The Volcano: THE ¨Underground ... 10, 2011 · •Abraham (Abram) Vereide founded The Family. He had a vision referred to as “The Idea”, which was the notion that he should minister to the elite. He believed that Jesus favored the wealthy and anointed political leaders. This is the core of The Family’s message. •The first National Prayer Breakfast took place in 1953.

October | 2008 | The Liberal Crab first is there are a lot more of them this year. We do not know the quality of them, as Karl Rove goes on to say in his article, but the fact is they all tend to be in alignment – somewhat. That is, the traditional pollsters who have good reputations are showing the same basic results as the new ones.

The Tucson Massacre’s Hall Of Shame: Liberals Who Used ... 14, 2011 · The massacre in Tucson was a horrendous tragedy. Everyone in the country, of every ideological stripe, should have been allowed to mourn the victims' deaths and injuries without the imposition of having to defend people who had nothing at all to do with it. But where normal people saw tragedy, the far left saw opportunity.…

John Birch Society – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... Solution People are not understanding, the Far Right and the Far Left are being driven by Ideological purity where the strength of American Democracy is moderation in the Center. By and large the result of year after year of increasing Christian extremism driven by Fundamentalist Christians voting on Abortion and Traditional Marriage.

Politics | The North Coast Curmudgeon | Page 5 Mitchell said this on Meet the Press: The Obama people must feel that he didn’t do quite as well as they might have wanted to in that context, because that–what they’re putting out privately is that McCain may not have been in the cone of silence and may have had some ability to overhear what the questions were to Obama.. You know, it never worked very well anyway.

Monday Open Thread | Happy Birthday Rev. Dr. Martin Luther ... 16, 2018 · “King is the only American citizen, who was not a president, to have a national holiday in his honor.” You may be hard-pressed to find a grade-school textbook without the name Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in it, and you probably watched the classic movie “Our Friend, Martin” as a kid.

Justice | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need verdict was the latest chapter in a long legal battle that forced Mr. DeLay to step down. The trial also opened a window on the world of campaign financing in Washington, as jurors heard testimony about large contributions flowing to Mr. DeLay from corporations seeking to influence him and junkets to posh resorts where the congressman would ...

Religious Blarney From Deepest Kearny | The Opinion Mill 14, 2007 · January 15, 2007 at 1:23 pm. Don’t know what happened to my last post, but, upon inspection of Jefferson’s original letter to the Virginia Baptists written in November of 1808 (available on line at the Library of Congress), the quote attributed to TJ (“Because religious belief, or non-belief, is such an important part of every person’s life….), is not there.

Oh Well: A Commentary: President's State of the Union Address 09, 2006 · President Bush delivers the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress while Vice President Dick Cheney (L) and House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R) look on at the U.S. Capitol in Washington January 31, 2006. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/Pool/Reuters) Well, it looks like we've survived another of President Bush's State of the Union address.

Motor City Liberal: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That ... 31, 2012 · Saying he had "no problem with somebody being really, really wealthy," Reid sat up in his chair a bit before stirring the pot further. A month or so ago, he said, a person who had invested with Bain Capital called his office. "Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years," Reid recounted the person as saying. "He didn't pay taxes for 10 years!

Christian Nation – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... about Christian Nation written by dummidumbwit. As RWW has reported, Drollinger’s Capitol Ministries is dedicated to teaching public officials a very conservative take on the Bible. Drollinger teaches that “the absolutely critical preeminent duty of the Church in an institutionally separated society” is “to convert the soul and disciple—Christianize—the leaders of the State ...

05 | February | 2009 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 05, 2009 · Greenwald: Cheney setting up Obama in anticipation of another terrorist attack. Raw Story- David Edwards and Muriel Kane Published: Thursday February 5, 2009. In an interview with Politico published on Wednesday, former vice president Dick Cheney defended the Bush administration’s use of torture and warrantless surveillance and suggested that unless the Obama administration …

When Evidence Doesn’t Matter | Sheila Kennedy Evidence Doesn’t Matter. March 31, 2016 Random Blogging evidence, ideology, insanity Sheila. Political Animal recently reported on negative reactions from rightwing bloggers to a statement made by President Obama. Now, granted, reporting the fact that rightwing activists would criticize this President falls under the “sun rose ...

Modern Liberals Snowflakes: Contributor and Moderator's ...[ January 4, 2020 ] Qassem Suleimani: The Good News and the Bad News Commentary [ July 16, 2019 ] Let’s Get Mike Gravel to the DNC Debates Commentary [ March 16, 2019 ] The Shameful Legacy of Trump’s Irish American GOP Commentary [ March 12, 2019 ] Our Country Has Forgotten Panama City, And We Should Be All Ashamed Commentary

Storing more than seven days of food makes you a suspected ... 01, 2011 · UPDATE: Check out the video of Carl Levin“But… It was his administration that insisted that the language be included in the bill”. From the video: Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) told Congress recently that under the original wording of the National Defense Authorization Act, American citizens were excluded from the provision that allowed for detention.

Voting Record | Retire Garrett 2007 the Humane Society Legislative Fund named Scott Garrett one of a handful of America’s worst members of Congress on animal protection issues. Garrett was the first lawmaker to receive this inhumane distinction. From the press release: Garrett has amassed an indefensible record on animal protection issues.

DAVID "ILLUMNIATI BLOODLINE" ROCKEFELLER DEAD AT AGE 101 ... 11, 2017 · Chase Manhattan grew from a $4.8 billion institution in 1946 when he joined to a bank with $76.2 billion in assets when he stepped down in April 1981. But it slipped from its standing then as No. 3 in the world and was purchased by Chemical Bank of New York in 1996. Today it is part of JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Washington State Political Report it does tie to a legit news story. The city of Seattle's 17-year-old "temporary" moratorium on new strip-club licenses was ruled unconstitutional by US District Judge James L. Robart today, ending a de facto ban on new strip clubs that has lasted for nearly two decades.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Ted Kennedy's Health Care Dream ... 03, 2010 · Patrick Kennedy Leaves Note On Ted's Gravesite: "Dad, The Unfinished Business Is Done" The political odyssey of health care reform in many ways is the story of Ted Kennedy, and as President Obama signed the historic bill into law Tuesday, Kennedy's gravesite was a place of quiet celebration and poignant reflection.

Pol Light: 2016 Light Moment #143 happened on May 11, 1999, when Harry Reid introduced a Resolution to the United States Senate designating the Saturday before the American Thanksgiving as the annual "National Survivors for Prevention of Suicide Day" (, S. Res. 99).Harry Reid has been a United States Senator from Nevada from 1987 to 2017. Reid's father Harry Vincent Reid was a miner …

Ecouvillon-Ouragan | The Moorish Wanderer | Page 2 23, 2010 · When the MLA commander met the political representative, L’Fqih, he was quite blunt in his report: “Chouf a si Mohamed, we are in for an adventure here. I don’t mean to sound too cautious; You know, I am cautious. It is foolish to presume that my 2000 or so guys could cross a desert as large as the Rio De Oro, move in and engage the ...

Friday Open Thread | Remembering Those Lost in 2016 ... 22, 2016 · “We have to destroy her story,” Mrs. Clinton said in 1991 of Connie Hamzy, one of the first women to come forward during her husband’s first presidential campaign, according to George Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton administration aide who described the events in his memoir, “All Too Human.” (Three people signed sworn affidavits ...

A Layman's Look at the Governor's Race, a completely unscientific analysis, but there are two strong messages that you could logically take from these three polls: 1) John Hickenlooper and Bob Beauprez are the class of their respective parties at this point, though the results of this poll admittedly indicate nothing in regards to how the average voter might view them ...

Marian's Blog: Web/logs me draw your attention to blogdiva Liza Sabater's recently posted pro-Chris Owens' take on Sept 12th's key race for the successor to my former boss, U.S. Congressman Major Owens.Major, "the first professional librarian elected to Congress", is retiring after about 12 productive terms in Congress over 24 years. He was elected in 1982 in the district where in 1968 the late Hon. Shirley ...

Politics | Agnostic views & images I like | Page 2 just viewed Andreaj Wajda’s film about the Katyn Forest Massacre.This event characterized Stalin’s paranoid politics as no other event could. We have the basic human honesty of the Poles to thank for that. They seemed beaten down by Hitler, Stalin and their own Communist politicians, but they survived and now they are telling their stories.. This morning I read that the conflict in ...

A (Much Lower Profile) Lieberman of Our Own | Slog | The ...'s #1 Weekly Newspaper. Covering Seattle news, politics, music, film, and arts; plus movie times, club calendars, restaurant listings, forums, and blogs, and ...

Neoliberal Nazi Brainiac Markos Moulitsas’ Latest “Book ... 01, 2010 · Neoliberal Nazi Brainiac Markos Moulitsas’ Latest “Book” Posted in ... 1987 A debate has developed over whether the space weapon envisioned by the Reagan Administration for the first phase of its plan for a defense against missiles could strike offensively at targets in orbit and on earth. ... and a major factor in the nation’s ...

USBP Agent Brian Terry | Bloviating us also not forget that documents about F&F were handed over to Representative Darrell Issa’s House Oversight Committee in November of 2014 (four years after the murder of Agent Terry) only after the White House tried to use executive privilege in an attempt to halt emails related to the case, and contempt of Congress charges against ...

Jon Stewart « Jamesb101.com 18, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back ! - Earth in Human Hands: Shaping Our Planet's ... this pageDavid Grinspoon is an astrobiologist, award-winning science communicator, and prize-winning author. In 2013 he was appointed the inaugural Chair of Astrobiology at the Library of Congress. He is a frequent advisor to NASA on space exploration strategy, and is on the team for the Curiosity Mars Rover.Reviews: 27Format: ReliéAuthor: David Grinspoon

Barack Obama « SOCIAL VOX 21, 2009 · Earmark Ban Doesn’t Really Ban Anything. Interest groups, lawmakers and lobbyists will have to be a little more creative to get funding for their pet projects.With President Barack Obama imposing an earmark ban on the $825 billion-dollar stimulus bill, lobbyists and others will have to seek money through “ready to go” jobs eligible for the stimulus plan.

The Rectification of Names: Brooks's Imaginary Problem I mean serious stuff. Germany has low unemployment with a ferociously liberalized trade regime, and retraining is one of the central reasons. Kirkegaard acknowledges that European countries spend up to 10 times more, as a share of GDP, on these so-called activist labor policies than the U.S. Spends on its programs.

Obsidian Wings: What's the best Midwestern news site? site started recently to report on the Trump regime, so it is politics-centric, but it has short paragraph summaries and links to primary sources (e.g., Reuters, CNN, etc.) for the top 10-20 stories of the day.

February | 2009 | Desert Beacon | Page 2 posts published by desertbeacon during February 2009. Representatives of the Nevada Statewide Native American Coalition met with members of the state’s congressional delegation in Washington, D.C. during a February 10 th session on teen substance abuse issues and the importance of supporting drug and alcohol prevention. [] The Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, with which the NSNAC ...

USA: failed state | Arun with a View 13, 2020 · [update below] [2nd update below] [3rd update below] [4th update below] [5th update below] It's not yet but is on the way—and will definitely become one in the unthinkable event that the orange-haired idiot manages to steal the November election and/or his political party keeps control of the Senate and tightens its grip on the…

Politics | TotalTransformationTest the beginning I was a 206lb "flabalicious" fat guy rapidly approaching the big 3-0. So, how am I doing? Today, about seven months in, I weighed 166.6lbs. Over the holidays I went back up to 178 lbs, but now I am working on reaching my goal of 159 lbs, 7% body fat, and a Ninja Warrior ready body.

31 | May | 2013 | The Pardu's Scroll 31, 2013 · to a generation of lost knowledge, cut off from its roots by Ronnie’s “Just say no” generation of crack, greed, death, and political corruption; A generation where the new N-word is pronounced “Responsibility” and the keepers of the flame completely ignore the destructive power of bitch, slut, whore, and tramp.

Obsidian Wings: The Power and the Glory Eric Martin. I apologize to Jim Henley in advance for excerpting so much of this post, but it is simply too good to apply the pruning shears liberally enough to bring my use to within acceptable norms of blog excerpting. To provide some context, Henley is riffing off Gene Callahan's response to a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed that warns of the potential negative consequences of lifting the ...

Sunday Open Thread |Praise & Worship | 3CHICSPOLITICO 09, 2014 · Good Morning! Lifting up Jordan Davis’ family along with Kendrick Johnson, Trayvon Martin & the Kelly Thomas families in prayer. 3ChicsPolitico stand in solidarity with them as they seek…

2010 January 28 « Jamesb101.com 28, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

2010 December « Jamesb101.com 05, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Derailing the Political Juggernauthttps://tier2politics.blogspot.comReaders, I am sorry for not posting lately, but it is because the debates have been pithy, the sniping has been absurd, and I have had to make choices about which candidates to back. So, let me start with some bad news: Tom Tancredo has bowed out of the race. Thanks, Sir, for bringing immigration to the front of everyone's consciousness.

06 | March | 2009 | Geoausch 06, 2009 · 3 posts published by geoausch on March 6, 2009. So Chairman Obama has gathered together members of the medical community and politicans from both sides of the aisle to discuss health care.This is another step towards socialized medicine.. If you ever want to know what a business would look like it were socialized, look no further than the post office.

Reports Show Little Improvement Since 1996 In SEWRPC ... 07, 2008 · Reports Show Little Improvement Since 1996 In SEWRPC Minority Hiring In the two-paragraph "overview" of the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission's 1996-1997 Affirmative Action plan - - the first such plan that SEWRPC says it produced - - the agency twice uses the phrase "action-oriented program" to describe what it has in mind.

Persuasive Authorities: 4/4/10 - 4/11/10 06, 2010 · Now that Justice Stevens has made official his upcoming retirement, it is now open season to discuss his possible successors and the identity politics that goes along with it. Whereas gender/racial diversity was the major issue surrounding the retirement of Justice Souter last year, it seems that religious diversity has finally popped into the picture this time around.

AP Unit3 Testbank | First Amendment To The United States ... 3 TEST BANK. Chapters 4 and 5 in Textbook. 1.) Civil Liberties are A. laws that provide and set limits on ones freedom B. individual legal and constitutional protections against the government C. the rights to vote and participate in the political process of a democracy D. freedoms that are not specified in the Constitution or in the statutory laws, but make up the unwritten Constitution ...

White House Apology for Ousted USDA Official Shirley Sherrod 21, 2010 · via White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs apologized to former USDA official Shirley Sherrod for her abrupt firing, and said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will reach out to her to talk about next steps. "Members of this administration, members of the media, members of different political factions on both sides of this have all…

My Secret Blogaholism...: Virtual Politics: I Don't Really ... 06, 2008 · Second Life is a game. Like football, NASCAR, or most other games, it can be much more than a game. It can be a hobby. It can be an obsession. It can even be a way to make a living. But it's primarily a game. And it belongs to a genre of games called virtual worlds. At any given moment, 40 or 50 thousand people are playing Second Life all over ...

June | 2008 | All Other Persons | Page 2 first day he said ‘Ah, ah, ah well.’ Because that’s what they do– he gets other people to slime her. So then they saw the movie they thought a great ad for John McCain– maybe I better quit the church. It’s all politics. It’s all about the bias of the media for Obama. Don’t think anything about it.

Good Things « Mercury Rising ?? 1985, he was the first to report on Oliver North’s involvement in the affair and along with his AP colleague Brian Barger, was the first to describe the Contras’ role in cocaine trafficking in the United States – stories that led to an internal investigation and a congressional inquiry. Parry also was a 1985 Pulitzer finalist for his work.

No Right Turn: Ten years of MMP 10, 2006 · Ten years ago today, on October 12, 1996, New Zealand had its first MMP election.Since then Parliament has been more representative, both in terms of the parties represented in it and the faces of those representatives; more effective, particularly through the select committee process; and more trusted by the New Zealand public (the time series on "public perception of politicians and the ...

Brewtown Gumshoe: July 2009 31, 2009 · Pandering to small business (along with every other interest group) seems the politicos present modus operandi. They promote small business as a massive engine of job creation. But, as Dean Baker notes, "There had been some debate in the 90s about whether small businesses were responsible for a disproportionate share of job creation.While true, small businesses are also responsible …

Ben Carson, Joan Gubbins and Identity Politics | Sheila ... 2016, African-Americans aren’t going to vote for a monumentally unqualified Ben Carson, whose positions suggest that he suffers from something akin to Stockholm Syndrome. Anyone who thinks that “identity politics” means voting for someone who “looks like me” just doesn’t get it.

[E.O.M.S.]: June 2010 22, 2010 · Sen. Robert Byrd is dead at 92; the West Virginia lawmaker was the longest serving member of Congress in history. He was also infamously a member of the Ku Klux Klan in his early years before formalizing his education and ultimately becoming an elected official, a fact that his detractors never let him live down.

Rand Paul, Civil Rights, and More Liberal Hypocrisy on ... 21, 2010 · Now, let me say a word about conservatives. For a time, conservatives opposed the liberal movement toward socialism and fascism. Thus, many of them opposed FDR’s New Deal and Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society as well as Johnson’s 1964 Civil Rights Act ban on discrimination by private businesses.

Sylvester Brown, Jr.: 2012-04-01 Sylvester Brown, Jr. Originally posted in Op/Ed News April 3, 2012 O n Tuesday, April 17 th, the International Peace Bureau and the Institute for Policy Studies will kick off its second annual " Global Day of Action on Military Spending."The event seeks to bring public, political, and media attention to the rising costs of military spending and the folly of war.

2010 April 16 « Jamesb101.com 16, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

08 | December | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 08, 2006 · According to the “Investigation of Allegations Related to Improper Conduct Involving Members and Current or Former House Pages” (what’s become known as the “Page Report”), in October 2001 Congressman Jim Kolbe (R-AZ) received–and tried to suppress–sexually-explicit communications sent by Rep. Mark Foley to a House page Kolbe had sponsored the previous semester.

Sunday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 17, 2011 · Pastor John P Kee (born John Prince Kee on June 4, 1962) is an American gospel singer and pastor. John P. Kee was born the 15th out of 16 children in Durham, North Carolina. At an early age he began to develop his musical talent both instrumentally and …

Andy Harris | Maryland Politics Blog hired Maryland state director Dave Schwartz, a longtime Ehrlich aide, straight from the Harris congressional campaign. Mr. Schwartz stayed on with the Harris campaign after the election, drawing his last paycheck on February 1, 2009; by March 2, 2009 he was blogging on the AFP website on behalf of “AFP Maryland.” From Harris to AFP—Same goal, new boss.

The best feminist textbook and it’s still completely bogus ... 23, 2013 · That’s not just my opinion either – in one unguarded moment during the 90s I was witness to a conversation where some liberal students admitted freely that were academics to actually have to produce something useful, Women’s Studies would be the first to go. Well, let’s talk about one of their most popular textbooks.

Obama | Supradeep Narayana's Blog 03, 2009 · Iowa was the place which jump started the presidential campaign of president Barack Obama. Today Iowa, has taken a giant step in gay rights issue. I think with this growing trend don’t rule out the possibility if Iowa becomes the first state to decriminalize marijuana or any other “drugs”. Iowa turning in to a liberal heartland. Go Iowa!

To Tax or Not to Tax the Rich More, That Is the Question conservative and socially liberal,meaning you don’t want to tax the rich,tax corporations,tax churches or break up the big banks,you don’t want a living minimum wage or Medicare for all,you don’t want free tuition for all who want to go to college,you want to keep draining our country with interventionist oil wars,you absolutely love the intelligence and security agencies ...

People Are Highly Politically Engaged But They're Tuning ... 25, 2019 · Image Credits: Evan Vucci / AP. According to reporting from Axios, media companies have discovered that President Trump isn’t driving traffic the way he used to and it’s hurting their profitability.. Digital demand for Trump-related content (number of article views compared to number of articles written) has dropped 29% between the first 6 months of the Trump presidency and the most …

Richard Russell – Skeptical Brotha fact, so widespread was the liberal defection to Byrd that Humphrey, recognizing he had no chance of winning, withdrew.” This is the person to whom Hillary and Barack turned to school them in navigating the corridors of senate power. They turned to a former Klansman, segregationist, and archconservative.

Monday Morning Blogburst: The Van Jones Resignation ... 07, 2009 · The resignation early Sunday of “green jobs” adviser Van Jones says as much about the Obama White House as it does about Jones – marking the latest sacrifice to the political gods after a long summer of compromises and surrenders highlighted the limits of White House power. The departure – nominally the choice of a still-defiant Jones, who said he feared distracting from important ...

Rantings from Cheeselandistan: March 2014 from Cheeselandistan Smartasses of the world unite!! Generally a smartass and believer in the Twainism that Against the assualt of laughter, nothing can stand. Mission: mock bigotry, narcisism, and ignorance. This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things. Follow me on Twitter.

How to Make a Difficult Situation Awful, Or Why Donald is an immigration phenomenon of recent vintage, but it belongs to an old tradition. Steep differences in wealth, opportunity, and political security divide the societies on either side of the border and, as long as those differences exist, have-nots on the poorer side will …

R.I.P. | Sheila Kennedy up! This is not the America we know and trust coming into power. The need for all political figures to be of the caliber of Mayor William H. Hudnut, III, is NOW but it will not be again for a long time to come. Freedom of speech between family members and friends is no longer safe; will we recognize Trump’s “brown shirt troops” among ...

alias Bruce.: January 2009 30, 2009 · Let's get back to the question of shoes and politics. A few blogs back, as W was making his Administration an even more ghastly embarrassment by ducking a journalist's shoe in Iraq, I mentioned the speculation over whether Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev actually banged his shoe on the desk in the infamous 1960 U.N. incident or merely banged his fist while holding the shoe.

researchprojectthomasv | Political Parties - Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

How Congress Could, But Probably Won't, Take Charge of Constitution provides for a presidential veto, which President Trump has been threatening to use if the appropriations needed to reopen the government don't include money for a wall. But the Constitution also provides that two-thirds majorities in House and Senate can override vetoes.

Texas Politics « Jamesb101.com 27, 2014 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 06, 2017 · Hope that you are enjoying this weekend with family and friends. Thought that I'd spread some positive news today. Masterman students form 'Tribe' to reach success By Jenice Armstrong Updated: April 26, 2017 — 2:56 PM EDT Masterman students (from left) Gary Willliams, Maurice Scott, Rayshawn Johnson, and Rashaan Brooks Jr. celebrate their upcoming graduation…

Saturday Open Thread | Old School Weekend | 3CHICSPOLITICO 06, 2019 · On this day in 2016, Philando Castile was shot and killed by a police officer, during a traffic stop for a broken taillight in St. Paul, Minnesota. To overcome racial inequality, we …

Blackwater USA’s Erik Prince & Dick Devos: Brother-in-laws 20, 2006 · He is a former Navy Seal who worked in the first Bush White House. At the age of 29, he founded a private military company called Blackwater USA . Blackwater and Eric Prince are featured in the Movie Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (watch a clip about Erik below!) and also in this post from some liberal guy on the Huffington lady’s blog .

Mike Huckabee – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America“Thank you, Jesus. Praise God for what just happened,” she declared jubilantly, proclaiming that America has been spared from the wrath of God’s judgment and is now poised to outlaw abortion. “This is a great day to be alive in America and I just thank God.” – Faith 2 Action; Janet Porter: With Tronald Dump ’s Election, We’ve Been Given The Green Light To End Abortion!!!

Making Karajou Funny | We couldn't make this up… 15, 2010 · 2. A Conservative vs. Liberal Christmas; Now here’s a pretty good insight into just how Brian sees the world. Given that he’s plastered the liberal’s house with all those signs, I’ve been trying to think if I’ve ever seen bumper stickers that say things like, “We’ll take your gun when we pry your cold, dead fingers from it,” or “Give me HealthCare or give me death.”

Gregory Hicks | Bloviating Zeppelin 10, 2013 · But four days later, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations said on television that it was the product of a spontaneous protest. During a fiery and emotional congressional hearing on the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Rep. Trey Gowdy read aloud from an email dated Sept. 12, 2012 to senior State Department officers, from ...

cadams121087 | Missouri Communication 07, 2011 · Read all of the posts by cadams121087 on Missouri Communication. Political Involvement. In my opinion, as a social media and internet connoisseur/junkie, I fully believe that being involved in politics online is just as good and is the same thing as being involved in politics in real life.

Great Depression | The Liberal Doomsayer about Great Depression written by doomsy. I don’t have much to add to this great McClatchy commentary by Steven Conn of the History News Service, so here it is…. Since the economic crisis we’re now in is being compared to the Great Depression, the solutions being offered are being routinely compared to the New Deal.

La batalla por la Casa Blanca: marzo 2010 to the Congressional Budget Office, the bill cuts deficits by $130 billion in the first 10 years, and up to $1.2 trillion in the second 10 years. The excise tax is now indexed to inflation, rather than inflation plus one percentage point, and the subsidies grow more slowly over time.

Vote Tally Count Keystone XL Pipeline passes UPDATE FAILS ... 14, 2014 · Update: Here is the Senate vote. House vote at bottom of post Nov 18 280 (59-41) Rejected On Passage of the Bill S. 2280 U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 113th Congress - 2nd Session Click on "blue" icons below for individual votes as compiled through Senate LIS by the Senate Bill Clerk under the direction of the…

Delaware 149th General Assembly | Exceptional Delaware about Delaware 149th General Assembly written by Kevin Ohlandt. Exceptional Delaware The Whacky World of Education Politics ... all I can say is the response is one of the most insulting things I’ve read in my entire life. ... The easiest way to find out “Who is My Legislator” is to go that section of their website and put in your ...

Congressional Budget Office | The Liberal Doomsayer find this amazing. First of all, just hearing him say every first grader in America has to be prepared for a high-tech economy, that is a bit early, I think. The other part of here we are with $16 trillion in debt, a trillion dollars a year of deficits. We have created already, …

Wednesday Open Thread | Christmas Jams 2019 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 04, 2019 · Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree is a Christmas song written by Johnny Marks and recorded by Brenda Lee in 1958 on Decca9-30776.. Although Decca released it in both 1958 and again in 1959, it did not sell well until Lee became a popular star in 1960; that Christmas season, it hit #14 on the Billboard pop chart and turned into a perennial holiday favorite.

austerity | The Liberal Doomsayer 4/14/17: Stephens recently won a gig as a columnist at The Old Gray Lady, where he no doubt will challenge BoBo as the leading white male practitioner of talking down to women, people of color and LGBTQ gender preferences – I think a good column to link to as a rejoinder of sorts (h/t Atrios).

palingates: Trig, Sarah Palin's prop 18, 2009 · Trig, Sarah Palin's prop Trig Palin was used as a prop by his "mother" during the vice presidential campaign, after the campaign and more recently during the "Going Rogue" book tour. Commenters on liberal blogs have been concerned about the lack of proper attire for Trig when we observed that everybody else was nice and toasty in bad weather ...

December 2014 ~ European-American blog 04, 2014 · A child of a mixed marriage between a Jew and a Gentile, born amongst the rubble of World War II, I became a political refugee and grew up in Paris and Amsterdam. You couldn't ask for a better apprenticeship if you are an aspiring immigrant. I consider myself lucky to have had the privilege of living my life where several cultures meet.

Infidel753: September 2016 28, 2016 · This is happening now, after centuries of stagnation under religion, because Western movies, TV, music, books, and the internet are flooding the region with new ideas and imagery. The Islamic backlash of political fundamentalism and even terrorism can kill people, but it …

Politics | Nolan Dalla African Interviews (Part 2) Writer’s Note: This is the second of a two-part series. Part 1 can be read here: THE AFRICAN INTERVIEWS (PART 1) Each of us has our own secrets.

Corporate Bankruptcies | kavips 01, 2014 · Big Business was the ticket up. Not so in the 60’s when Big Business was what got us into Vietnam, messed up Iran, made us embargo Cuba, and then proceed with a lottery which based on birthdays, picked who would go across the Pacific and die…. But under Reagan, Big Business was the panacea against the liberalism the 70’s caused…

Alaska politics | Mudflats | Page 7 wanted you to be one of the first to know: on Saturday, I will hold an event in Washington D.C. to thank everyone who has supported my campaign. Over the course of the last 16 months, I have been privileged and touched to witness the incredible dedication and sacrifice of …

The Useless Tree: Mencius in Zhushan Village 13, 2007 · On another level, however, a reminder of the hollowness of the calls for a "new socialist countryside" emanating from the National People's Congress meetings going on right now in Beijing. And that is why this incident is not being reported in the Chinese press.

Fox News – Skeptical Brotha Obama is a proxy for some people for the conversation about race that they have no courage or inclination to have. At best, he is a denatured Negro and political centrist acceptably black and mainstream to the white power structure chiefly because of his moderate Senate record and because he refused to discuss the incendiary, racial polarization games of Bill Clinton.

Are PBS and NPR truly liberal? | Sohum Parlance II 21, 2011 · This is the jackass whose vanity run got Bush elected. He is also the guy who said there was no difference between Bush and Gore. ... heads. I do watch PBS documentaries and think their children’s programming is the best there is. I think of PBS as one of the few unbiased sources of real information. CNN is tabloid light and Fox is absolutely ...

The State of the Governor | Sheila Kennedy with many liberal notions, the goal is admirable but the results are no where near intended. No Child Left Behind (I know, thanks to Dubya) was and is a fiasco. Schools must write a 200 page report on NCLB that compares this year’s third graders to last year’s third graders. One of the schools in my district has a 62% annual student ...

FL-13: GAO Finds Prior Tests Do NOT Offer 'Reasonable ... we near the one year mark since some 18,000 votes inexplicably disappeared in Sarasota County, Florida, on the Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) touch-screen voting machines used in the U.S. House Election for the state's 13th Congressional District, more study is still needed to determine whether or not the voting machines were at fault, according to the report released today by the ...

Open Thread–7/2/2020 – Politics Plus 03, 2020 · This is a bit off topic, here, today, but it is very moving: ... both with the link to the Times under the original title, but again today, using the first sentences as the title: “I have rape-colored skin” re-posted by a woman with a similar ancestry. ... It seems like fire alarms at night are the bane of your life these past years, TomCat ...

>Three Steps To Glory: Wall Street’s Next Route To A ... 22, 2011 · The previous post concerned how Wall Street bankers, and the politicians who love them, have gleams in their eyes for the next pot of gold, secured of course by the American taxpayer. With a bit more public relations work, and some astute marketing they just might succeed. Here’s how — Step One: Deflect criticism away from Wall Street’s performance during the Credit Debacle of 2008.

Insurance & Coverage Archives - In BriefIn Brief answer is to shore up the ACA, not dismantle it. As the lone woman doctor in Congress, and as a patient with Type 1 Diabetes, I look forward to leading the conversation. The first step is to preserve the protections that we have now. This is why I am so pleased that the House will take steps to …

akane33 | Missouri Communication 05, 2010 · This political ad, called “Choice is clear” supporting Robin Carnahan and posted on her Facebook is interesting on two different aspects. First it obviously highlights the idea that Roy Blunt should not be elected during this 2010 Senate Race. In ordr to convince the audience, the stress is putted on the close relationships that Roy Blunt had with the White House and the Bush Administration.

Political Suicide by Executive Order? - The New is sickning to go against the will of the people. #2 Dee Smith on 2010-03-21 23:49 ( Reply ) Add Comment

Death of Experts | kavips 20, 2014 · Politics is certainly important, especially when you are the first black president and 47% of the nation is out to get you because of the color of your skin… But the people who have no idea of the facts, and are given this enormous power to decide policy, will lead us to some really bad decisions… That is the trouble with our world today.

USA Today: Trump’s Lawyers Question Congress’ Power to ... 17, 2019 · The following is an excellent article written by Bart Jansen on the USA Today on May 14, 2019 titled "Trump's Lawyers Question Congress' Power to Investigate Him, Battle House Over Demand for Financial Records" and I quote: "Trump's lawyers question Congress' power to investigate him, battle House over demand for financial records" Bart Jansen, USA…

Motor City Liberal: Ed Schultz and Michael Eric Dyson rip ... is the ‘selfie’ generation, self-serve. It’s good for the gas on your automobile, but it’s nothing to do with bailing yourself out. If people could bail themselves out, they wouldn’t be …

New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan 16, 2017 · The proposed constitutional amendment that we and others see as possibly transformative in turning around the dismal state of this state bit the dust again in the state Senate and the fight appears over for this year. The Senate Rules Committee on a 6 to 5 vote tabled the proposal that would have asked voters to allow a portion of the $15 billion Land Grant Permanent School Fund to …

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 31, 2009 · I thought for a long time that Conservatism was the camp that I best fit in but, I have recently discovered that "liberal" is a better political ideological label for me. For those who know me, or those who have read my blog, you might be scratching your head right now wondering what could have caused me to change from right wing conservativism ...

Current Redneck Revolt | Political Forum 14, 2017 · Let us explore the specifics of the charge that we have become too politically correct. I would ask those of you who feel this way to give us examples of political correctness that you believe should be abandoned followed by the preferred language you wish to use as a replacement. I …

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 31, 2009 · I thought for a long time that Conservatism was the camp that I best fit in but, I have recently discovered that "liberal" is a better political ideological label for me. For those who know me, or those who have read my blog, you might be scratching your head right now wondering what could have caused me to change from right wing conservativism ...

“Fast Food Nation” | The Liberal Doomsayer Gee, what a typically hilarious Fix Noise headline. Of course, as you read the actual story, you discover the following…. The extreme overgrowth and underbrush on the hillside behind the Richard H. Chambers U.S. Courthouse in Pasadena, California, prompted GSA’s Pacific Rim Region property management to take quick action to avoid summer fires. ...

Killers, Gumbas and Politics Circa 2020 | The Smirking 09, 2019 · This is not so unusual, of course, since Mr. Trump is a bona fide creation of American culture and we tend to revere killers in this culture. Richard Slotkin wrote a powerful trilogy of books on this aspect of American history beginning with Regeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600 – 1860 .

The Rude Pundit 07, 2009 · - Look, for Sessions, an attack on relativism, is it not? It's a chance to trot out the bullshit conservative legal argument that there are objective ways to approach this shit. Where liberals would say that we just do the best we can with all the shit we carry and learn and experience, a conservative would attempt to lie about that.

Aside – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America a hug, Robertson said that the GOP presidential frontrunner “ inspires us all.” – Regent University; Pat Robertson Hails Tronald Dump: ‘You Inspire Bavid Drody ‘!!! Donald Trump Vows To Appoint Far-Right Supreme Court Justices Like Clarence Thomas BY Brian Tashman – See more at: – One of the many myths surrounding Donald Trump is that he is a moderate on social issues.

Family Values | Bluebanshee's Weblog 03, 2008 · There is a political party in this country that self-righteously claims the mantle of protector of "family values." But in practice the GOP seems uncaring about spewing hatred and invective at or in the presence of the youngest and most vulnerable Americans. Once upon a time parents could let their children answer the phone, retrieve…

Obama Still Poised To Silence Critics | Nice Deb 23, 2011 · Very early in Obama's presidency, on February 19, 2009 to be exact, I wrote a post about how this thin skinned president was poised to silence critics of his regime. We already knew about Obama’s history of intimidation, and character assassination. We knew how he had tried to destroy his political enemies – at least…

Politics | Will of The People | Page 2 gets in his car for the drive to dads; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn’t want to make rural loans.

Monday Open Thread | ICE Caught Ripping Family Apart in ... 13, 2018 · This hurts my soul. The cruel barbarism of white supremacy. Heartless savages dragging a woman from her daughters. I hate them intensely. Ice Agents are ripping families apart, while people are watching and they don't give a fuck. It's no different than when slave masters sold off families, ripping children from their mother's arms to…

sisu: Barbara Bush vs Sarah Palin: "Sarah is all class"'s called politics for a reason. Of course GHWB isn't going to say he wouldn't vote for Sarah if she got the nomination, that wouldn't be good form. You can't take everything any politician says at face value, and that is especially true for an establishment type like Bush.

Ezra Klein: Do Philosophies Matter to Political Parties? than anything else, this demonstrates how weak the philosophical lines in American politics are. I've never met a liberal who is against self-help. Indeed, one of the main liberal arguments for an expansive safety net is that it confers a baseline level of security that, in turn, increases individual autonomy.

Bahamas Black Book: All Ya Business | Good News, Better ... Chairman Glenis Hanna Martin is riding high these days. She is riding a wave of respect and new found political capital following the surprising success of the PLP Labor Day march where about 2,000 PLP supporters turned the parade into a PLP rally, and of course, she led the charge that resulted in Sidney Collie handing in his resignation.

Pragmatism | eggslap 29, 2010 · The First Amendment to the Constitution proves that not a Christian nation. It states, in its entirety: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition ...

Thoughts on Sarah Palin’s Endorsement of Terry Branstad ... 07, 2010 · She was also one of the first to endorse Doug Hoffman, the Conservative Party candidate in the NY 23 special election since Dede Scozzafava was more liberal than the …

John Le Carré | The Moorish Wanderer worked sometimes as a background for individual stories, as the storyline goes on, the viewer learns about the characters, which gives a human touch to the whole thing. The West Wing is perhaps -to my knowledge- one of the very few TV shows actually pushing for a more positive view on politics.

The Case for Impeachment Goes Way Beyond Ukraine | The 18, 2019 · “I thought her comments were disgraceful,” he (Trump) said about Rashida Tlaib, who is the first Palestinian-American woman and one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress. “This is a person that I don't know. I assume she's new. I think she dishonored herself, and I …

progressive groups | {{site_title}} a part of the movement and participate in building a better future for our country! Join the Progressive Party and stand up for the American values that you love. Your vote mat

Elizabeth Birnbaum | The Liberal Doomsayer“You didn’t know about the suffering at the convention center until the government did. But the government should have known about it earlier. That’s one of the big reforms to come out of Katrina.” So it was the fault of the media and “local and state officials” during Katrina.

African Americans in Politics Kalin Harris University of ... third paragraph of “Literature Review” is very good. Here as a reader I am able to see your writing strength. The diction used is exceptional, the text is easy to read and constructed very well. I’d say a good example/ indication to readers that the remainder of your paper will be strong and interesting. Where most people would lose interest in a paper at this point, I am ...

May | 2010 | The Liberal Doomsayer first was in ’76 against Montreal, a team that was built for a dynasty, and it began with their win over the Flyers. In 1981 against a New York Islanders, they also fought hard, though they were overmatched just enough; the critical Game 6 also turned on two horrific lapses by …

Anderson Cooper | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities it was the principle that mattered. Almost two decades later, after years of intense political debate, after years of personal activism, court cases, congressional testimony, threatened constitutional amendments, civil disobedience and a global revolution in marriage rights, the political has now become personal for me. It’s a week away.

Gene Reed | kavips as it may be, as crunch time comes up, it becomes difficult to focus on Georgia, Iran, and our long term relations with China. Even though New Castle County primary elections have little to offer rivaling the scale of dodging nuclear missiles, we as single individuals on the other hand, have far more effect on local politics, than could we ever impact our national policy.

Russian Connection 5: In Which We Plan Sleepovers - Quiver ... 11, 2018 · Continued from here: Quiver Full of Politics; Existing user? Sign In

Biggest Loser in the June Primary Wasn’t on the Ballot ... 06, 2016 · Sometimes loser's names in political races aren’t on the ballot. These folks are behind the scenes players working to advance their causes, some with less than sterling intentions. At the top of ...

Separation of Powers | Congressional Oversight | Executive ... is the concept of separation of powers? There are three branches of the government legislative, executive and judicial. Each department of the government has exclusive cognizance of the matters within its jurisdiction, and is supreme within its own sphere. But it does not follow from the fact that the three powers are to be kept separate and distinct that the Constitutionintended them to ...

Wisconsin business received letter from union threatening ... 01, 2011 · Wisconsin business received letter from union threatening boycott Posted: Apr 1, 2011. This is what the unions are up to lately. I think it's ridiculous. This is a free country and they are threatening to boycott businesses that do not put their signs in …

cadesertvoice | Turning the lights on brightly… | Page 2 19, 2014 cadesertvoice Leave a comment. We know the answer to this. There are many solutions. The easiest one is to VOTE and spread the word. The most difficult is getting people engaged and activated. Racism will never be eliminated until the racists die. New ones will resurface. But we can muzzle the politicians, church leaders and ...

Buckdog: Canada's Miracle Channel - Tongue Speaking ... 23, 2007 · CALGARY - The founder of Canada's first national Christian television network has resigned after admitting to an "extra-marital relationship." Rev. Dick Dewert started the network in Lethbridge in 1995 with his wife, Joan, who has also resigned to "stand with her husband," a news release issued from the Miracle Channel said. The Miracle Channel is carried by cable providers and …

christines13 | Missouri Communication 06, 2010 · The question over whether or not shows such as the Daily Show with Jon Stewart or The Colbert Report are really political news is a tough one to answer. We discussed have discussed this in class yet the answer is still complex. They are and are not political news all in …

Janet Napolitano | The Liberal Doomsayer 15, 2009 · The American Civil Liberties Union is outraged that President Obama has violated one of his campaign assurances to the left by declining to release photographs that purport to show terrorist detainees being abused. The planned release of the photographs was the result of an ACLU court action, and it is the ACLU’s clear position that the need ...

IOKIYAR « Mercury Rising ??’m not surprised to see the corporate mass media try to minimize the foreign donations story.They’ve spent more time (199,000 hits per Google) on the mistress of a man whose political career ended three years ago than on the mistress of the man who still is South Carolina’s governor (46,600 hits), even though both men were at once time seriously considered to be presidential candidate ...

Zionist bullies: Congress is terrified of them -- and I am brought us to a new land for us about 5000 years ago. We never left altogether. God made us Jews. Moses brought us back to the land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. When considering the harm you feel has been done to you, think of what your attitude may have cost you, when meeting a Jew, Zionist or not, for the first time.

No More Mister Nice Blog 12, 2012 · Implicit in his remarks is that he can't get a break with these 47 percenters -- the deck is stacked, liberals have rigged the system by throwing money at the moochers, and the moochers themselves are incapable of gratitude despite the fact that what he and his fellow right-wingers want to do is what's good for them.

Youtube | Missouri Communication 31, 2011 · To a certain extent, being involved in politics online leads to being involved in politics in ‘real life’.. In his article “Small Change (social networks)”, Gladwell contemplates that social networking sites, like Facebook, help maintain weaker ties (that is with those people who you have little known sense of who they are) and these sites are less likely to produce social change.

Path Dependency And Political Naiviete | Sheila Kennedy Dependency And Political Naiviete January 3, 2020 Public Policy and Governance incremental , Krugman , Medicare for All , path dependency Sheila One of the lessons we should–but don’t–learn from history is that revolutions almost never succeed in replacing the systems being rejected with those that are more to the liking of the ...

Political Censorship Has No Place in Poker | Nolan Dalla Censorship Has No Place in Poker . At a major poker tournament recently held in Barcelona, Spain, two poker players ignited controversy by wearing t-shirts emblazoned with strikingly similar political messages. Some observers considered the statements to be provocative.

TigerHawk - Blogger (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations. The opinions ...

Why the Electoral College sucks, graphically. 02, 2008 · This is a crappy visualization. It ignores the winner-takes-all nature of the electoral college. It ignores whether states are guaranteed strongholds for a particular party. Resize the map by dividing the number of electors by the difference between the number of likely conservative & liberal voters. Florida won’t look so small.

Ted Kennedy – Skeptical Brotha about Ted Kennedy written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Jesus' General: Amazon Review: "Heaven is For Real" of Amazon, attention all you Kindle owners, lend me your ears: My liberal/progressive rock-n-roll novel, American Zen, just went up for sale on Amazon Kindle yesterday. So if you own any of the 10 varieties of Kindle, please give my novel some consideration.

The GOP’s strategy against Kagan? Trashing Thurgood ... 29, 2010 · Jon Kyl. Orrin Hatch. Charles Grassley. John Cornyn. These are the men whom in their impotent rage and frustration are trying to slime a man dead since 1993 in the hopes if they can dirty up the legacy of Thurgood Marshall as a wild-eyed radical and “liberal actvist” they might be able to derail Elena Kagan’s nomination.

Monster Islandhttps://monsterislandblog.blogspot.comOne of my all-time favorite authors (sci-fi or not), David Drake, recently chatted with military sci-fi blog Black Five. While many people mentally link military sci-fi with political Conservatism (and do so with good reason), I am acutally quite a huge fan of the genre.

Friday Open Thread | “Time” Week | 3CHICSPOLITICO 19, 2019 · This is how Van Jones’ shameless suck-up and active fluffing up and legitimizing of a hollow, self-serving, narcissistic reality tv act desperately looking for new tv plot lines to remain relevant, and her desperately self-serving and mentally ill hubby, provide cover for a treasonous buffoon.. And the blueprint for how Van Jones and ...

Pro-Wrestling | Lonnie Walker's Blog 06, 2008 · This is the kind of crap liberals are known for doing. When fans think of the WWE, Linda McMahon is the last person they think about. She had a less than prominent roll on TV. When WWE is thought about, the wrestlers are the very first thing people think of and of course Mr. McMahon.

Greenland ice cap | kavips 06, 2016 · Simply put. Politics is about power and who gets to make the decisions. Bad as the process can sometimes be for liberals it still beats the historical precedent of war. We are so much better off to decide our differences without war. But it is idealistic to think that politics is anything less than a war that decides who wields power…

‘Plan Maroc Vert’ – Grand Dams Redux? | The Moorish Wanderer 02, 2012 · Tax exemptions in themselves cost about as much as the Budget deficit – about 33 Bn in 2012, but they stir government policies in the targeted sectors for different tax credits, exemptions and moratoriums. But, it is quite difficult to argue a reasonable case for some of these, unless political calculations are considered as well.

COP 21 (Climate Change Agreement) - Welcome to 'Planet ... 20, 2015 · The so-called climate change agreement to save 'Planet Earth' from the harsh environment that will be caused by a 2C rise in average global temperature, is a lie, as nothing meaningful will happen and where reliable average temperatures, based upon reliable analysis and not politically massaged figures, will increase to most probably in excess of 4C over the next two decades …

RADAMISTO: 2011-11-27 11, 2011 · One of the local wingnut radio stations has been running an ad for a local gun nut store that refers to the "news" about more 2nd Amendment restrictions coming in the future and I guess that's targeted to the FAUX News rubes who are in the audience because there isn't anything coming, at least not from Congress.

sisu: Shooting Obama out of the sky (again) McCain "has gotten inside Barack Obama's OODA loop," wrote Michael Barone (and others) recently, explaining that "For a fighter pilot, that means honing in above and behind the adversary so you can shoot him out of the sky.For a political candidate, it means acting in such a way that the opponent's responses again and again reinforce the points you are trying to make and undermine his own ...

Weekend Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 10, 2020 · If six years ago you'd made up a fake president for a novel and had had the president in your novel do what Trump has done in his first 1,000+ days in office it'd sound so incoherent preposterous paranoid and misanthropic you'd be more likely committed than published I'm serious — Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) February 8, 2020

Libya Policy | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog in his statement, however, was the threat to disrupt future operations should the president not consult Congress first. “Before any further military commitments are made,” Boehner said, “the Administration must do a better job of communicating to the American people and to …

What If They Left? - MTStars 13, 2015 · A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry. What If They Left? Posted: Nov 13, 2015

gop | Parky Bill's Parkinson's Disease Place me go on record as saying I find no fault with a man crying — even the head of a political party that made the words “MAN UP!” famous over the past couple weeks. And really, weren’t we ALL a little bit moist-eyed at the thought of John Boehner being the new Speaker of the House.. So here, with apologies to David Letterman‘s writers and in-no-way-affiliated with the creative minds ...

Drinking Liberally in New Milford: Two Polls and Two ... "supposedly" putting his own foot in his mouth last week, ... Rasmussen's polling accounted for a far larger share of overall polling, meaning that their results played a more important role in shaping horse race narratives in the early stages of the campaign than they did in the latter stages of the campaign. ... Here are the results ...

16 | March | 2008 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 16, 2008 · Days ago, Politico asked the campaign for a detailed list of the $157,835 in Rezko-linked contributions it said it had donated to charity. The campaign attributed only $85,185 of that to a list of specific donations from Rezko and 16 associates, declining to attribute the rest because it told Politico it didn’t want to subject other ...

November | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 30, 2009 · (Oh, by the way, “story” number two of seven – insert your snark here.) So basically, what we have here is a “reboot,” if you will, of the Al Gore “Ozone Man” narrative of the 2000 election (as the punditocracy told us, Gore was intellectual, not a “common man” like George W. Bush, couldn’t decide whether or not he ...

Delusions of Grandeur: February 2008 10, 2008 · If you value your health and well-being then you know to never, ever get between a congressman and a camera. But still, our tax money, yours and mine, and we’re spending it trying to figure out whether a single person, who happens to have been a world-class asshole his entire career, is lying about taking some drugs once.

GOP attempting to end Congressman Allen West’s career ... 31, 2012 · We are close to coming to the end of the Grand Old Party. Last night on Mark Levin, as well as Soledad O'Brien on CNN, interviews were held with Conservative favorite and rising star Allen West. West: "Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will…

Breaking News: Police confirm fourth explosion in Austin ... 19, 2018 · AUSTIN -- Officials are responding to an explosion in Southwest Austin Sunday night, Austin police confirmed at a press conference. This latest explosion is the fourth in the month of March alone. Officials said they responded to the 4800 block of Dawn Song Drive in Southwest Austin at 8:32 p.m. March 18. Two men in…

October 2009 – Eric Lightborn's Blog is nothing wrong with doing agenized-news. But it is dishonest and unethical to claim objectivity if you are playing toward a specific political wing, or any specific agenda. This is the greatest offense of the so-called “Fair & Balanced” Fox Broadcasting. As a network they cater to right-wing political agendas and refuse to declare ...

ATR this Week – Planned Parenthood and Women’s Access to ... 14, 2015 · Holly Carter will join me to discuss the recent politics around Planned Parenthood and their potential impact on women. For part of the time we will also have Heather Saunders Estes, President and CEO, of Planned Parenthood Northern California to provide some background and context.

Notes in Samsara: More "Justice" Sunday fallout - the ... 08, 2005 · F or Tony Perkins, Justice Sunday was the fulfillment of a strategy devised more than two decades ago by his political mentor, Woody Jenkins. In May 1981, in the wake of Ronald Reagan's presidential victory, Jenkins and some fifty other conservative activists met at the Northern Virginia home of direct-mail pioneer Richard Viguerie to plot the ...

Based On A True Story...: April 2018, politics, movies, film. If you've never had one- they are rather unremarkable, but truly memorable events in one's personal life of woe. If you're blessed (as am I), they awake you in the dead of sleep with a very distinct signature- this sudden tightening of your calf muscle.

Harry Clarke: Melbourne's oedipal revolt 09, 2006 · I'm also not sure sporting events are the correct analogy, as the significance of the right being exercised - to assemble, to engage in political speech, etc. - is more important, as a civic matter, than the ability to attend an event at an entertainment venue.

September | 2013 | progressivenetwork | Page 6 William Rivers Pitt, Truthout, 9/5/13, excerpt: …Secretary of State John Kerry made it abundantly clear during a congressional hearing on Tuesday that he is ready to ask someone to be the first to die for a mistake, and did so with a barrage of gibberish so vast that it bent the light in the hearing room.

Tom Carper | kavips 08, 2014 · Here is a list of states and the breakdowns of how much of a hit to their economies this immediate cut will cause…. Delaware small as it is, stands to lose $875,852… between last Saturday and this past one. By next week, if benefits are not restored by Congress, it will be double that, or around $1.7 million dollars of economic activity that just disappears….

Left Versus Right, Two Hulks Bursting with Anger | TRUTH ... 03, 2010 · Dedicated to truth, whether politically correct or not, right wing or left wing. Less spin than Bill O'Reilly, more edgy than Bill Maher. The enemy are the demagogues, in both parties. Truth in politics, news, entertainment, and pop culture.

Politics for Pros- moderated | Political Discussion Forums've detected that you're using an ad content blocking browser plug-in or feature. Ads provide a critical source of revenue to the continued operation of Silicon Investor. We ask that you disable ad blocking while on Silicon Investor in the best interests of our community.

Politics for Pros- moderated | Political Discussion Forums've detected that you're using an ad content blocking browser plug-in or feature. Ads provide a critical source of revenue to the continued operation of Silicon Investor. We ask that you disable ad blocking while on Silicon Investor in the best interests of our community.

SHADOW'S WORLD: May 2019 often, they are the insidious work of supercilious bureaucrats, bought intellectuals, toady journalists, and political activists who falsely project that their target might at some future date do precisely what they are currently planning and doing—and that they are noble patriots, risking their lives, careers, and reputations for all of ...

Open Thread – 9/29/2019 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · SNL: I had to get my VPN working again, but it was worth it. SNL’s portrayal of Trump & cronies is still the best. YT: Wonderful try-out of the compact speaker system I just bought for my laptop. The old cheapos were terrible and left behind in Holland. The remix was perfect to revisit memories with. DK: A man with integrity.

Mainstreet - Saskatoon Election | Opinion Poll | Voting ... recently, Mainstreet was the only polling ?rm to correctly predict a Liberal majority government in the 2015 federal election. -30- Available for Interview from Montréal: David Valentin, Executive Vice-President, Mainstreet Research Call: 514-913-5524 or E-mail: [email protected]

Saturday Open Thread | White ex-Tulsa cop gets 15 years ... 26, 2017 · TULSA, Okla. — A white former police officer in Oklahoma was sentenced Monday to 15 years in prison for the fatal off-duty shooting of his daughter's black boyfriend, after four trials spanning nearly a year including three that resulted in hung juries. Former Tulsa officer Shannon Kepler was convicted last month of first-degree manslaughter in…

Tiger Woods « Jamesb101.com 13, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

metamorphoses: On moral bullying 10, 2010 · But it's a modern story too, especially within the quasi-religious politics of the modern liberal-left, where the sins take the form of failing to re-cycle, for example, or exhibiting one of a number of "phobias" (homo-, Islamo-, etc.) or -- the most popular form of denunciation by far -- of racism.

Teacher Musingshttps://peggy-teachermusings.blogspot.comJan 15, 2012 · This is the first time I have participated in something so political, but I feel compelled to do so. I volunteered to work collecting signatures yesterday at Grand Blanc High School (ironically, Paul Scott graduated from Grand Blanc High). One of my colleagues and her sister have been very active in the Recall Snyder campaign.

The Immoral Minority: Bill Maher tells Liberals that they ... 04, 2017 · He is an old fat ass with ridiculous hair and a fake tan. I bet at this point viagra wont work anymore[ there doe's come a point when it wont] He is inciting hate all the time. This is not what a leader does, but then again he has no leader qualities. He is a bloated baffoon.

Open Thread | Some Words | 3CHICSPOLITICO 04, 2020 · Investigator testifying now that in his review of Travis McMichael's phone he found a post that said it would only have been better if he had blown that n*ggers head off. The Family of #AhmaudArbery deserves justice for this racially motivated murder. — Kristen Clarke ??866-OUR-VOTE (@KristenClarkeJD) June 4, 2020

Richard Trumka | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!, as Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO, Trumka pleaded the Fifth Amendment before Congress and a court-appointed election monitor over his role in an illegal fundraising scheme to benefit the Teamsters president Ron Carey’s re-election. Trumka has remained in his position ever since despite an AFL-CIO rule (adopted in 1957) which held ...

Stupid liberal idea of the day - Page 102 - Straight Dope ... 23, 2016 · In the first place, in 2008, Hillary had a shot of winning the blue wall states (something that Bill Clinton built, and all Obama did was piggyback off) plus states Bill won that Obama got smoked in, like WV, LA, KY, TN AR, as well as standard swing states like NV, FL, OH, formerly MO as well.

Sunday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 26, 2010 · Shout out: 3 Chics Opulent Shirley Ann Caesar (born October 13, 1938, Durham, North Carolina) is an American Gospel music singer, songwriter and recording artist whose career has spanned six decades. A multi-award winning artist, with eleven Grammy Awards and seven Dove Awards to her credit, she is known as "First Lady of gospel". Beginning…

Open Thread | Next Up….the Vice-President and China ... 04, 2019 · Diahann Carroll, pioneering actress on ‘Julia’ and ‘Dynasty,’ dies at 84 POSTED 11:18 AM, OCTOBER 4, 2019, BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. NEW YORK —Diahann Carroll, the Oscar-nominated actress and singer who won critical acclaim as the first black woman to star in a non-servant role in a TV series as “Julia,” has died.

political institutionalisation « The Futility Monster 07, 2010 · One of the problems of Parliament, and the overlap between the executive and the legislature, is that there are over 100MPs who are either on the government payroll, or are a bag-carrier for a payroll MP. In fact, in October 2008, there were 141. It means that no matter what the issue, no matter when, the government of the day has a banker ...

Nevada | Left is Right authorized the executive branch to administer public land, and one of the eventual results was the creation of the BLM in 1946, which now handles things like grazing permits. Meanwhile, the Bundys kept right on using public land like they always did; that is, until 1993.

I've been thinking a lot lately about war. - Progress Pond 22, 2005 · … my second anti-war movement. I was very young during Vietnam but it was the dominant news feature during my childhood. My political awareness began in 1968. For those of you older than me I need say no more. For those my age and younger… it was the …

Obsidian Wings: Your comfort food open thread 31, 2011 · by liberal japonicus. Well, my month back in Mississippi is wrapping up and it's been nice to have to opportunity to go out an eat a lot. My high end experience was going to Cochon, by the NOLA convention center for crawfish pie, smothered greens, wood roasted oysters and a brisket sandwich, accompanied by a Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan (draft!). And while I could have happily driven down ...

Rick Perry | Geoausch 03, 2009 · In addition to being Texas Independence Day, Tuesday was also Election Day in the great state of Texas. While you can go to any website and get an in depth analysis into what Rick Perry’s victory may mean in the world of American politics, I thought I would share my unique perspective on some numbers that jumped out at me from Tuesday’s election.

June 25, 2009 – Page 2 – DocuDharma 25, 2009 · So this major media orgasm over the protests in Iran are the culmination of what the Covert Ops people hope is a successful overthrow of the Iranian government. That is why it’s getting so much coverage, and getting things like a 405 – 1 vote of approval by the United States Congress.

Open Thread–7/17/2013 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · Summers was one of the key players during the Clinton years in creating the mortgage derivative bubble that ended up costing tens of millions of Americans their homes and life savings. This is the genius who, as Clinton’s Treasury secretary, supported the banking lobby’s successful effort to make the sale of unregulated bundles of mortgage ...

Chris Hayes | This Is“I know basically no one cares about this (the lack of policy) but it’s seriously unprecedented.” ?Chris Hayes We are soon to find at least something of an answer. In September, Chris Hayes took to Twitter, offering up a Politico article as an exemplary of a key aspect of the Donald Trump presidential campaign. Steve Benen of msnbc, at the time, called it “an under-appreciated point ...

economy | Mind Your Business and Now This are the new producers of hip, left-wing minute-news designed for the facebook attention span.It’s a brilliant format from which propagandists of all political stripes could benefit. I don’t really see a whole lot of short, flashy, hip-looking conservative videos ‘splaining the whole one-man, one-woman thing, or how to beat the terrorists with more military boondoggles.

Motor City Liberal: Media Matters: Bush-nesia strikes ... Karl Frisch. In recent days, conservative media figures have been sounding the alarm, attacking President Obama and the Department of Justice (DOJ) for employing lawyers who previously represented terrorism suspects or supported their legal arguments in their private practices. It really is just the latest case of Bush-nesia, in which media conservatives block all memory of the Bush ...

Turnout, Vote-By-Mail And Gerrymandering | Sheila Kennedy, Vote-By-Mail And Gerrymandering June 28, 2019 Constitution , Public Policy and Governance 2020 election , coup d'etat , Elena Kagan , Supreme Court Sheila The Supreme Court, in an indefensible 5/4 ruling, has declined to stop political parties from engaging in extreme gerrymandering.

The Plan to Oust Christie pt. 2 | Bahamas Black Book: All ... 25, 2008 · The Plan to Oust Christie pt. 2 25 09 2008 The play on the leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party has taken a number of hairpin turns in recent weeks, no doubt sparked in part by our observations here, and the reporting on the piece by The Tribune that it demands a follow up.

EPA to study Churches, develop programs to combat climate ... 28, 2015 · Now the EPA plans to infiltrate our churches with their agenda. Too many churches have already lost their way in forgetting their purpose and becoming political operatives in my opinion. I have my own issues with the latest Catholic pope but that is a post for another day. No, …

Supreme Gorsuch sides with Liberals again on Indian ... 21, 2019 · Another disappointing ruling by our changed latest Supreme Gorsuch. One can only imagine where this will lead in other Indian cases if the USA is bound to treaties written centuries ago. Better yet, apparently the issue had been ruled on before. So much for "settled Law." Even better, wait until we have to give…

Ron Paul Can’t Run From His Racist Roots | Zero Tolerance ... 28, 2011 · This is a reality Ron Paul would rather not face. Paul’s appeal to voters isn’t lost on me. He seems like the perfect anti-politician. He’s not a pretty boy with polished teeth and a fussed over hairstyle and a meticulously managed media image.

JustOneMinute: "Hard Truths" From Hillary On Race Wednesday Hillary Clinton called for a national conversation confronting the "hard truths" about race, guns and violence.. On Saturday in San Francisco, Hillary said "Let's be honest" about race.She is hardly the first politician to preface her prevarications with that …

tcnorris: 09/01/2019 - 10/01/2019 08, 2019 · The Manitoba election is on September 10 and while most polling suggests an easy PC win, it may be closer than it appears. The most recent poll from Mainstreet Research has an overall margin of nine points - 43% to the NDP's 34% with the Liberals trailing at 15% and the Greens at 6%. The Free Press headlined it Poll Predicts Tory Majority.

Military Religious Freedom Foundation: Jeff Sharlet - Ten ... 04, 2007 · The first public notice of the video came at the end of a longer discussion on the surprising importance of confederate General Stonewall Jackson to American fundamentalist historiography: To put it in political terms, the contradictory legend of Stonewall Jackson - rebellion and reverence, rage and order - results in the synthesis of self ...

Dawg's Blawg: Ezra Levant's plummeting Standard 11, 2005 · The publisher of the Western Standard has outdone himself this week, with a mud-slinging piece against the Liberal candidate in Mississauga-Erindale, Omar Alghabra.Readers may remember that Alghabra was accused of making inflammatory statements during his nomination meeting. This proved to be false, but Ezra Levant isn't having that: he now levels more accusations against …

democat | The Rogue Jew President and his Court of fools are quite addicted to the word “Unprecedented” and it has not gone unoticed…. From The Politico:. The Obama White House is addicted to the “unprecedented.”. Perhaps it was a sign when President Barack Obama sat down in January to record his first weekly address and announced: “We begin this year and this administration in the midst of an ...

ILLINOIZE: Latest Lauzen Mailer 13, 2007 · This is the real source of bitterness in this debate. It's not regnant racism. It's knowing the political class is incapable of caring, and so repairing. ... His $10,000 earmark for a stained glass window in a Naperville parking garage is rather famous. ... The proximate cause of my decision was the canceling of the pending CD-0 approval of the ...

JustOneMinute: The David Brooks All Stars Was the CIA intelligence memo edited for national security purposes or to support a projected political narrative of the attack that would be favorable to the administration? 27) If it was edited for national security reasons why was this necessary for cabinet members (president, vice president, sec of state, UN secretary) who have the ...

Sustainability-Thoughtshttps://sustainability-thoughts.tumblr.comApathy is one of the greatest enemies to the progressive agenda today. ---3. "Isn't Joe Biden just as bad as Trump? I've seen a lot of negative stuff online." It's important to be critical of political figures, especially during a primary election. Joe Biden has been in politics for a …

Capitol Ministries – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... about Capitol Ministries written by dummidumbwit. As RWW has reported, Drollinger’s Capitol Ministries is dedicated to teaching public officials a very conservative take on the Bible. Drollinger teaches that “the absolutely critical preeminent duty of the Church in an institutionally separated society” is “to convert the soul and disciple—Christianize—the leaders of the State ...

Did Goldman Sachs Manipulate Journalists and Stock Price reader brought to my attention a new rumor going around about the strange behavior of Goldman Sachs’s stock price. On April 27, the day Blankfein was dragged before Congress to testify about fraud, Goldman’s stock rose–even though every other financial stock in the S&P 500 dropped, all 78 of them, on a day when the overall S&P average tanked 2.3 percent.

Ralph Drollinger – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... about Ralph Drollinger written by dummidumbwit. As RWW has reported, Drollinger’s Capitol Ministries is dedicated to teaching public officials a very conservative take on the Bible. Drollinger teaches that “the absolutely critical preeminent duty of the Church in an institutionally separated society” is “to convert the soul and disciple—Christianize—the leaders of the State ...

South Dakota Politics: to the Scripps Howard Foundation, David Kranz, the dean of South Dakota political reporters, is the joint winner of the 2004 Roy W. Howard Award trophy for public service reporting: PUBLIC SERVICE REPORTING - Under 100,000 circulation. Argus Leader, Sioux Falls, S.D. (Stu Whitney and David Kranz). The newspaper will receive $5,000 and the Roy W. Howard Award trophy.

Breaking: Today’s Committee Hearing May Silence Future ... 28, 2008 · Breaking: Today’s Committee Hearing May Silence Future Arguments To Privatize Social Security.. February 28, 2008 in C Span, Congress, Controller General, Corporate Bankruptcies, debt, diplomacy, Economic collapse, economic fallout, fiscal responsibility, greed is good, Pension Bailouts, Privitize Social Security, Uncategorized

Don Siegelman | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog is a ‘two-headed rattlesnake’ says former Ala. Gov. Siegelman. Raw Story- David Edwards and Rachel Oswald Published: Friday March 6, 2009. Former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, himself a purported victim of the machinations of Karl Rove, urged Congressional patience when it comes time to interview the former top Bush strategist of his alleged role in the politicalization of the Justice ...

Know Your Lines | Voting Rights Act Of 1965 | Redistricting you care about political power, representation, or public. policy, then you care about redistricting. K n o w Yo u r Lines Koreatown. Redistricting and why it matters In 1992, several Los Angeles neighbor-hoods were severely damaged due to social unrest, including a Members of Congress, state legislators, and many one-square-mile area known as Koreatown. city council and school board ...

12 Days for Justice - writers needed - Progress Pond 08, 2005 · The 12 Days for Justice are planned actions for protesting Alito’s nomination for the Supreme Court. Congress reconvenes this Mon., Dec. 12. They will stay in session until work is completed. Would you be able to write a letter we can all use to send to senators and the Judiciary Committee? The following is the […]

Andrew Langer | Maryland Politics Blog hired Maryland state director Dave Schwartz, a longtime Ehrlich aide, straight from the Harris congressional campaign. Mr. Schwartz stayed on with the Harris campaign after the election, drawing his last paycheck on February 1, 2009; by March 2, 2009 he was blogging on the AFP website on behalf of “AFP Maryland.” From Harris to AFP—Same goal, new boss.

hard heads soft hearts scratch pad for half-formed thoughts by a liberal political junkie who's nobody special. ''Hard Heads, Soft Hearts'' is the title of a book by Princeton economist Alan Blinder, and tends to be a favorite motto of neoliberals, especially liberal economists.

The Far Right’s Ridiculous Attacks On President Obama ... 25, 2009 · Without a doubt, many of the attacks from the far-right against President Obama have amounted to nothing more than the political equivalent of speaking in tongues. The attacks are only marginally more coherent than Steve Carell's Brick Tamland character from Anchorman shouting "LOUD NOISES!" for the sake of shouting something. Anything. The most ridiculous of…

January | 2007 | thoughtcrimes and misdemeanors New York Times has a story I find incredibly disturbing.According to the story, our beloved alleged president has signed a directive creating a “regulatory policy office” in each of the federal agencies, to be filled a political appointee whose job it will be “to supervise the development of rules and documents providing guidance to regulated industries” — in other words, to make ...

Give2Attain: Political Self Awareness was illegal at one time because "stopping a human heart" for the convenience and freedom of the Mother was considered murder. Now the social norm is that the Mother's convenience and freedom trumps the rights of that human attached to that beating heart. This is likely to re-evaluated many times in the future as social norms shift.

Third Base Politics: Called Out. 11, 2009 · This is the 2nd poll in a row showing the race in a deadheat, thereby confirming the trend. Considering Kasich's name recognition in no way matches that of the Governor, that's bad news for Strickland. Traditionally, even if voters don't like the incumbent, they are hesitant to support his opposition if they don't know him.

DBQ | Conservatism In The United States | United ... - Scribd Colby. Period 4. DBQ The US Constitution was built by people with different opinions in order to enable conflict to be resolved through the political process. Conflict in public opinion is not an issue when citizens are engaged with people who have opposing views. People have been selfsegregating themselves by living in places where only citizens with similar views live.

sanittion « Jamesb101.com 06, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

financial | ScreamBucket Site: ScreamBucket.Com British Bank Collapse : Selling England By The Pound February 27, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in news , politics , Video , YouTube .

Proof Positive: Quote du jour 12, 2008 · Quote du jour (4437) Rule Five (1799) John Cox (1737) Cartoons (1521) Kirkwood (1428) Photoshops (1131) Politics (1045) Classic KiRKWOOD (729) Medal of Honor (588) Friday Night Babes (583) Military (552) Music (495) Vintage Babe of the Week (484) Sex in Advertising (402) Best of the Web Linkaround (380) Hypocrisy (354) A Little Saturday Night ...

US Policy: Global Climate Crisis Not Our Problem. Really on corporate behavior, capitalism is both homicidal and, more slowly, suicidal. Political behavior offers little reassurance. This is the second time the US has reneged on a climate treaty supposedly negotiated in good faith. The first time was when President Bush pulled the …

Political Irony › What’s the Big Deal? 29, 2017 · Man, you guys are tough on this board. Give the guy a break, he’s got a long to-do list. We’re not even 100 days in and it was bound to encounter a few snags. After all, D.C., almost as crooked as Crooked You-know-who. Plus, lately he’s been very busy signing a new EO that checks off another campaign promise to MAGA.

Bloomberg Businessweek: Do You Love It Now? | isely 17, 2017 · The question then becomes whether political dirt meant to hurt a presidential candidate is a “thing of value.” In Trump Jr.’s case, “there’s certainly strong enough evidence to open up an investigation,” says Brendan Fischer, director of Federal Election Commission reform at the Campaign Legal Center, a Washington watchdog group.On July 10, Common Cause, another Washington ...

Robert Reich’s Touchdown Suggestions for More Jobs | Kitty ... 11, 2010 · Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, offers specific solutions to the joblessness problem in the U.S.. Reich has been coaching Congress, the President and anyone who will listen about what will really get more people back to work. Here is a video from Robert Reich that contains sage wisdom that Congress and President Obama should implement ASAP:

Bill Allen Ted Stevens. | Mudflats Stevens took the stand. He was reminded by Judge Emmett Sullivan that he didn’t have to take the stand, but Stevens said, it was “an honor and a duty.” Well, it wasn’t a duty (the whole point of not having to do it), but he did it anyway. After extensive questioning by his own defense team, who asked about his life and times, and great moments in his political career, it was the ...

US CONGRESS | LEFT OF DAYTON“This is a very grave matter that cannot be and will not be swept under the rug by some kind of a legislative trap,” he said. Representatives Robert Wexler (D-FL), Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Barbara Lee (D-CA) have signed on to the resolution, and Kucinich expects more co …

“New Politics” Inc. | The Moorish Wanderer 19, 2011 · A couple of weeks ago, I had this most peculiar conversation with someone “in high places”. I mean, I did not meet that person for an official purpose – it was a social visit, I leave official meetings to senior bloggers.The person’s rank and occupation were not obvious to me, as I was told, much later on, I was talking to an official from the Interior Ministry.

Thursday Night Talk – Are class politics dead? | Sohum ... 08, 2017 · A more likely scenario is that others involved in his campaign, such as Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and Don Jr., may have crossed that line. We already know that the last three attended a meeting where that was the express purpose of …

dave agema – MediaMouse Rapids area Representative Dave Agema has launched a new effort to increase penalties for disrupting a church service in response to a protest last year by a gay activist group that targeted an church in Lansing known for its involvement in anti-gay politics.. According to The Grand Rapids Press online:. In response to a pro-gay group charging into an evangelical church near Lansing and ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 05, 2011 · And a growing number of conservative activists, legislators and political operatives in key states stand ready to help her if she does. A Bachmann-headlined fundraiser Saturday for the New Hampshire GOP was re-located to a larger venue because of "a very strong initial interest in this event," according to a state party official.

Political Irony › The only thing we have to fear… 04, 2018 · I’m all for secure borders and a sane and empathetic immigration system (good fences make good neighbors kinda guy), but if you’re one to believe Trump when he claims Mexico is sending their rapists, murderers and drug dealers across the border, and immigrants are threatening to take your job, I’d like to know exactly what it is you do for a living.

A Jedi mind-meld? How old is this man? - MTStars 01, 2013 · My 18-year-old son lives about an hour and a half away. His girlfriend (who is 17 and in 11th grade) lives about 20-25 minutes from here but on the way to where he lives, so he is only about an hour away from her. He works until 8 or 9 p.m. most nights but he still makes the drive to see her (and sometimes us) pretty often.

September 24, 2009 – Anderson Cooper The Journalist 24, 2009 · Raw Politics. After his tentscapade yesterday, Moammar Gadhafi followed up with a dazzling performance at the UN General Assembly.. He spoke for 90 or so minutes (6 times the allowed time) and went all over the place from the need to reexamine the …

PPP poll « Jamesb101.com 23, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Captain Future's Dreaming Up Daily: 2008-04-06 11, 2008 · This is the cornerstone of his campaign, which pundits and other politicians don't seem to understand, but which his audiences understand. It is his definition of hope, and it is in fact our hope: the hope of the world. And that's how Obama ends his speeches: we can change the world. But it's not only a matter of yes, we can. It's yes, we must.

Motor City Liberal: April 2011 29, 2011 · GELLER: Look, a certification of live birth. When I left the hospital, I left with a birth certificate. I'm sorry, I didn't bring with it me, but it looked very much like Donald Trump's. It's a little piece of paper, you've got the nurse -- you know what I'm talking about? Certificate - you know, birth certificate.

RADARSITE: British Muslims Fear Repercussions Over ... Muslims Fear Repercussions Over Tomorrow's Train Bombing A note from Radarsite: Behold: The semantics of submission. This is an article for all of those out there who still have difficulty accepting the fact that the barbaric cult of Islam has declared war on the Judeo/Christian West, and that our own liberal leftist media is aiding and ...

Mo Rage: August 2016 Monday, one of the candidates' campaign war chests got a little bulgier — by about $2 million dollars. As the St. Louis Post-Dispatch notes, the $1.975 million donation to Eric Greitens' campaign this week marks the single largest political contribution in Missouri history to an individual candidate.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2013 · Victor, the fact that it is exceedingly difficult (but not impossible!) for a president to become a dictator is, perhaps, the very greatest compliment that can be paid to your Founding Fathers. Also, in a very roundabout way, gratitude is due to the 'Great American Public' who sort of see to it that at least one of the Houses of Congress ...

A Chicken Is Not Pillage: "LIberal" Insanity aren't African. They are simply black Americans. This is a message conveyed even by our President, a black American, who strangely the racists still wish to be African. Anecdotally, I haven't met one single Native American, or Indigenous person or member of the First Nations who liked being called "red". (That is with one exception.

Thursday Open Thread | #BettyShelby found not guilty in ... 20, 2017 · A crowd gathered outside the courtroom after a jury found Tulsa police Officer Betty Shelby not guilty of first-degree manslaughter in the shooting death of Terence Crutcher, an unarmed black man, last year. "Bring her out," the crowd yelled, referring to the officer. "No justice, no peace, no racist police." Betty Shelby, the Tulsa police…

2009 January « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 01, 2009 · This is simply a comment I left in a completely unrelated post I made, but I thought it explained my opinion on where I am nowadays in my thought process of dating, marriage, etc. So I figured I would make a post out of it, instead of letting it languish, unnoticed in the comments section of one of my political posts.

Karl Rove | Veritas Nihilum Vincet Rove thinks Sarah Palin lacks the gravitas to be president. He said so: “There are high standards that the American people have for it [the presidency],” Rove said, “and they require a certain level of gravitas, and they want to look at the candidate and say ‘that candidate is doing things that gives me confidence that they are up to the most demanding job in the world’.”

April | 2009 | Closing Argument | Page 2 posts published by Matt Jerzyk during April 2009. As reported by WRNI’s Scott MacKay, prominent and well-respected Providence attorney Jack McConnell has received widespread support for his bid to become a judge in the US District Court in Rhode Island (which we previously reported here).. McConnell boasts a long list of civic and political involvement.

October | 2008 | All Other Persons Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies recently conducted a National Opinion Poll which surveyed 750 African American adults from across the country. The survey was conducted between September 16 and October 6, 2008. The survey covers a range of topics including the politics of the 2008 election and various issues, including education.

Living Large In Carson City: The Politics Of Fear Edition ... 25, 2019 · As far as weeks go, this has been a doozy even for Donald Trump. He has at different times during the week led the country down a dark, twisted path to a near all-out confrontation with Iran that would have thrown the Middle East into even greater chaos. The …

Saturday Open Thread | Felix Sater confirms: Trump was ... 17, 2018 · This is an incredibly revealing development within the nation’s immigration enforcement agency, and it illustrates that ICE and the Department of Homeland Security are currently undergoing a drastic culture change to justify Trump’s aggressive attacks against immigrant communities.

Supreme Court | FrameWork 02, 2007 · One who is generous; one who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; one free from prejudice or narrow thinking. Ant.- stingy, mean, bigoted, or conservative In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated scorned.

Surrender, Dorothy: that first has to be a pretty tough bitch to withstand the pressure of being the first. Hillary's the best opportunity we have. Listen, if you hate Hillary's politics, then absolutely you shouldn't vote for her. But if you're up in the air, think hard about it. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, and one that may not come back for many ...

Congressional Retirements | Lonnie Walker's Blog 13, 2012 · This is a bad idea and it’s based on incredibly flawed thought processes. They want to reduce the size of our active duty military personnel because they falsely believe that if the US should ever come under attack that our allies will come help.

racial segregation – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. June 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

McLean County – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about McLean County written by dummidumbwit. “Justice Scalia’s death makes this presidential election a battle for the future of this nation,” Hagee said. “If the president is allowed by the Senate to appoint a Supreme Court justice, America as we know it will be lost forever and immediately. A fifth liberal justice on the court will pass the socialist agenda of the president ...

litiges frontaliers | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta ... this pageThe first and most important is a tectonic shift in Middle East geopolitics. The rise of Iran has created an unprecedented willingness among the moderate Arab nations to work with Israel . This re-alignment can help lay the groundwork for progress towards peace.

SHADOW'S WORLD: 01/04/13 SENSE: Ex-Burglars Say Newspaper’s Gun Map Would’ve Made the Job Easier, Safer. But common sense is not a liberal attribute. [UPDATE]: Inmates using newspaper’s gun owner map to threaten guards, sheriff says. If anything bad happens to any of the households of the identified gun owners, that newspaper should be sued into oblivion, its building razed, and the earth salted where it ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Politico, pastor and lawyer plead ... 05, 2008 · She said, "Well, you can have it but it will cost you $500." After taking a minute or two to assess the financial as well as the moral costs of this offer, John indicates that he is indeed interested. She tells him that since her husband, Bill, works Friday afternoons and John doesn't, that John should be at her house around 2.00 Friday afternoon.

It Isn’t Just WHAT, It’s Also HOW | Sheila Kennedy ,if your involved with your local educators at schools, then you have a input to thier output. being a,taxpayer,usually and with some recognition of the job demands of public education,gets you,,make the meetings, make suggestions, and be ready to answer their questions. simple democracy,and where many a politician joined the political field. devalued education is where taxes are cut ...

crossfire | Missouri Communication 28, 2010 · Whether the death of Osama bin Laden was the outcome of a carefully planned mission that was carried out on May 1st, or whether bin Laden’s been dead for a few days and President Obama decided to make the announcement coinciding with the 8 year anniversary of George W. Bush’s “Mission accomplished” proclamation for the sake of political ...

Underground Railroad - Blogger second problem with a Clinton candidacy is what she would do as president. A Clinton presidency would have liberal trappings - there will be some executive orders and signing ceremonies in the first 100 days - but the substance of it …

What are SOPA and PIPA ? – creativentechno 07, 2012 · What Are SOPA and PIPA? SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act.PIPA is the PROTECT IP Act, also known as Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act.SOPA and PIPA are two parts of the same legislation passing through the U.S. Congress. SOPA is the version of the bill proposed in the U.S. House of …

tcnorris: Some observations about the Ontario 2014 election 26, 2014 · Numerically, what gave the Liberals a majority was the 7.4% gap between them and the second place PCs, up from a 0.8% advantage in 2011 that left the Liberals just short of a majority at the time. The NDP performed relatively well, particularly in southwestern Ontario where the economy has particularly suffered during the recession following ...

The Tranny and the Crank Case | Simple Justice 02, 2016 · But it’s a question to be decided by the branch of government that exists for that purpose rather than whatever pops into Lhamon’s head. Congress has rejected this interpretation, which advocates point to as proof that Congress should be excessed as failing to keep pace with their interests.

Ear Candle Productions: March 2012 Candle Productions We are a record label , a video production company , a radio station , and now a blog. Join proprietors J Neo Marvin and Davis Jones as we muse about music, film, culture and politics, and keep you posted on the latest Ear Candle activities.

Rethinking the Looming Threat of Neoliberal Fascism | The 25, 2019 · Using Mussolini's definition, we've been a neoliberal fascist Valhalla since 1992 when Clinton was elected and set off on his party's quest to empower wall street to consolidate into a few TBTFs (and his wife's quest to empower health insurance and phrma to profit from the lives/deaths of 40 million more captive americans).

April | 2018 | Sohum Parlance II was the last time you heard him talking about “draining the swamp?” Trump has a lot in common with Plunkett of Tammany Hall. In fact, they come from the same tradition of politics – what “Lying Ted Cruz” once referred to as “New York values.” The book Plunkett of Tammany Hall is an excellent read.

Politblogo: Canada calls into question the competence of its leader, a man who is, in his policy positions and history, hardly the Liberals' worst chief. That and other losses by the Liberal Party may lead to an election in a few months. But I think the Idealistic Pragmatist is correct in her belief that there is much more to the story. Political savvy, effort ...

fraud | Desert Beacon 20, 2016 · Posts about fraud written by desertbeacon. All three members of the Nevada Congressional delegation (Berkley, Titus, Heller) voted in favor of S 386, the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act, which passed the House of Representatives on a 367-59 vote.[roll call 235] Nevada Senators Reid and Ensign voted in favor of passage when the bill was voted on in the Senate on April …

Sunday Roast: How do conservatives and liberals see the ... 05, 2012 · Bill Moyers has a fascinating conversation with social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, in which they talk about the different ways liberals and conservatives see the world. We're right, and they're wrong. Right? Bill and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt talk about the psychological underpinnings of our contentious culture, why we can’t trust our own opinions, and the…

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael’s-longtime...Apr 19, 2018 · Trump's weeks are getting harder. I'm really surprised he hasn't just resigned. A coupe of sex scandals. His personal lawyer under investigation that includes the President.

group – Eric Lightborn's Blog is nothing wrong with doing agenized-news. But it is dishonest and unethical to claim objectivity if you are playing toward a specific political wing, or any specific agenda. This is the greatest offense of the so-called “Fair & Balanced” Fox Broadcasting. As a network they cater to right-wing political agendas and refuse to declare ...

Moroccan Elections for the Clueless Vol.15 | The Moorish ... 10, 2011 · Moroccan Elections for the Clueless Vol.16 « The Moorish Wanderer said, on November 12, 2011 at 21:28 Following the previous post on party logos, here are the remaining items selected from a pool of political parties in Morocco Party Logos – Please notify me if I have missed one out (significant parties, that is) 1997 MPDC […]

912 Protest Washington DC FINAL | United States Congress ... are no ‘czars’ in our government al structure, according to the Constitution. We now have 34. All of them were appointed without vetting by Congress. The United States has always allowed companies, industries, and institutions to fail, if they’ve made irrevocable mistakes. In the past twelve months, our government has used taxpayer money to bail out insolvent banks (literally ...

Ten days after hurricane Katrina: interim critique days ago the hurricane struck. I see three broad areas of criticism about the hurricane Katrina disaster: I) Preparation, II) Response, and III) Political smoke and mirrors. Here I am leaving aside the painful social justice questions. What needs to be done now? Besides investigating Dept of Homeland Security and FEMA (and local govt), here’s my stab at five short- and near-term steps ...

The Nation: Here’s How Congress Can Hold Trump Accountable ... 18, 2017 · The following is an excellent article written by Stephen Gillers on The Nation website on January 12, 2017 titled "Here's How Congress Can Hold Trump Accountable for His Business Conflicts" and I quote: "Here’s How Congress Can Hold Trump Accountable for His Business Conflicts" Public pressure has prompted Trump to make concessions.

GENESEE FLINT . COM: Feb 4, 2008 08, 2008 · Despite his pledges to curb government spending, President Bush will exit the White House next year leaving behind an eye-popping federal deficit that tops $400 billion. And that's just one of the shocking revelations in the president's $3.1 trillion budget request to Congress for fiscal year 2009, which the White House unveiled Monday. [F]

Ezra Klein: Business and Health Care Forum and Health Care Forum. There was a great line at this morning's Business and Health Care forum, attributed to Newt Gingrich, which went something like, "one man's $200 billion in waste is another man's $200 billion profit stream." That's about the most essential fact in health care politics there is.

Red State Rebels: Ethics it would end the program at the end of next year, instead of creating the two-year-long initiative that the Bush administration has sought. And it would add layers of oversight, including an emergency board to keep an eye on the program with two congressional appointees, and a special inspector general appointed by the president.

Obsidian Wings: Moral Relativism Rears Its Ugly Head 20, 2004 · Eugene Volokh asks whether liberals are moral relativists, and suddenly moral relativism is popping up everywhere. So I thought I'd chime in too. The quick answer is: no, there's no connection between being a liberal and being a moral relativist....

TigerHawk - Blogger (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations. The opinions ...

The Reckoning Cometh?? (VIDEO) | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... is a ‘two-headed rattlesnake’ says former Ala. Gov. Siegelman. Raw Story- David Edwards and Rachel Oswald Published: Friday March 6, 2009. Former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, himself a purported victim of the machinations of Karl Rove, urged Congressional patience when it comes time to interview the former top Bush strategist of his alleged role in the politicalization of the Justice ...

White sued over free speech | GOODNESS WORLD LIFE BLOG the new Chief Diversity Officer at the Federal Communications Commission, attorney and journalist Mark Lloyd. While at the Center for American Progress, he was part of a team that wrote a report noting The Structural Imbalance of Political Talk Radio.. The authors went to great lengths to convince us talk radio is dominated by conservatives, because conservatives own the radio stations ...

Mitt Romney’s BROKEN PROMISES | Examining Romney’s ... 31, 2012 · Mitt Romney, “Corporate Buy-out Specialist” (LOL) I love this title, has consistently claimed that his business experience taught him lessons that will result in economic growth for the…

Daily Stoic an Introduction to Stoicism | Stoicism ... political thinker, John Stuart Mill, wrote of Marcus Aurelius and Stoicism in his famous treatise On Liberty, calling it the highest ethical product of the ancient mind. Thomas Wentworth Higginson was an ardent abolitionist and Civil THE DAILY STOIC War hero who led the first …

>Politics, Rhetoric, Violence, and Responsibility | Desert ... 08, 2011 · >As this post is being drafted the medical status of Representative Giffords (D-AZ8) is still undetermined. She was conducting a Congress-on-the-Corner meeting with constituents, just as former Representative Dina Titus (D-NV3) used to do in her district. Representative Giffords was shot by a young man. Thus far we know where, and when, but we don't…

Frederick Politics: March 2014 10, 2014 · The first show will focus on the change to charter government in Frederick County, Maryland and will available for subscribers to view on Monday March 24, 2014. ... neither one of us could remember a Judge being elected in Frederick County. ... with a write-in box below it. This is what happened in 2004 with Judge Adams and Commissioner ...

Open Thread | Some Folks Are About Business | 3CHICSPOLITICO 27, 2019 · “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey is projected to stay at #1 for a third consecutive week on the Billboard Hot 100, making it the first #1 of the next decade. This would make Carey the first female act in history to achieve a #1 in four different decades.

partisan chaoshttps://partisanchaos.blogspot.comThat format lasted just six months, as WSAI went back to a sports format in July of 2007. Today, it carries the entire ESPN Radio lineup on a 24/7 basis as an all-network sister station to WCKY. It has not shown ANY ratings since 2006 Akron WARF changed formats on March 30, 2007 from liberal talk to sports, using Sporting News Radio.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2008 · WINGNUT DANNY ROSE Politico's Roger Simon tells us today that Sarah Palin is preparing for a 2012 presidential race. That's assuming she and McCain don't win this year -- which would be her doing. In any case, she may still run in 2012 -- and she'll be a formidable challenger, given her widespread issues-based appeal.

E.W. Jackson – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America this morning’s episode of American Family Radio’s “Sandy Rios in the Morning” program, Rios reacted to news that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had been arrested in London “on behalf of the United States” after a 2018 U.S. indictment charging Assange with conspiracy to illegally gain access to a Defense Department computer in order to obtain classified material was unsealed.

Heritage Foundation – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... pointed to a map that showed the results of the election by county and said that “if you live in the blue—any spot that’s blue—I would say, ‘Oh God, help me. Oh God forgive me.’ Because those are the ones who came against the will of God in this election.”Dim Bakker

January 31, 2010 – Eric Lightborn's Blog 31, 2010 · 1 post published by Eric Lightborn on January 31, 2010. LiberalViewer of YouTube attempts to set the record straight on mischaracterizations of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in “Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.”. It appears based on watching this video that the ruling is greatly misunderstood by both sides and I myself am inspired to try and read the whole 180+ page ...

Open Thread–3/2/2020 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · But it might be a good idea to postpone experiments, or at least scale back on them., until you are able to get liquids and/ot injectables to replace pills. You may need a compounding pharmacy. I have to pick up a refill from mine today or tomorrow and I’ll see whether they know of a good, trustworthy one in Portland, or a way to find one.

US Vice President | progressivenetwork, July 12, 2009. Since news broke yesterday that Dick Cheney was singlehandedly responsible for withholding information required by Congress for its mandated oversight of the CIA, all attempts to reach the former Vice President through friends, relatives, and enemies have failed.

The Unpatriotic, and, May I Say it, Tyrannous, “Patriot ... 20, 2008 · anthony @ 12:28 BST 1. Patriot Act - The War on Civil Liberties (1/3) A brief history of the Patriot Act, showing the many deceptions brought in by the Bush Administration, including: requesting total secrecy form public input and swapping at the last moment, the original Bill that Congress agreed to sign, with one manipulated…

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Census 2010: Ward and District changes 01, 2011 · While public attention is riveted on New Jersey's congressional and legislative redistricting, which must be completed within a matter of weeks, Plainfield, as one of only 64 communities in the state with wards, will also be facing the redrawing of Ward and District boundaries. This will be done AFTER Gov. Christie 'promulgates' the official Census 2010 numbers, which is not …

The Immoral Minority: Country music stars says that white ... 06, 2015 · Country music stars says that white Christian men need to shut the hell up about political correctness. Courtesy of Chely Wright's Facebook page : Something I've noticed on social media is that those who continually mock and complain that "political correctness is rampant and ridiculous-- yada yada yada" are most always straight, white ...

comment don t are civil and I will respond accordingly. 11, 2015 · I have read the entire book and my comments on the stated chapter are accurate. You once again prove that you are what I have stated before and that is an ego maniac with delusions of grandeur who can never admit he is wrong. Part : ... Media Type :

JustOneMinute: If It Works For Trump... editors at the failing NY Times have evidently decided that if Trump can have such success trolling liberals, the Times ought to be able to make money trolling liberals too. How else to explain this entry from the Shoot-Out...

Liberal hypocrisy: protecting free speech while condemning ... 10, 2016 · To be sure, nuanced analysis, but it’s really important! That ignored by conservatives leads one to conclude that it is either blissful ignorance or wanton disregard. Or perhaps lack of empathy. Conservatives see the LGBT flag issue through the same black and white lens as the American flag issue.

October | 2011 | A Christian in the Classroom disclosure: I will be one of those with an opportunity to vote on both. There is a community mental levy on the ballot for residents of Pickaway County along with Issue 2. I plan on supporting the levy. Leave a comment. Filed under Ohio, politics, school funding, Senate Bill 5.

ogenec | 44-D’s what could have been. Instead, we have reform fatigue. We’re still digesting the economic reforms, and he’s ladling in healthcare. It’s all too much at one time. The result is that he’s going to get some healthcare reform, but it will be weak because there is insufficient political goodwill for anything more.

December | 2009 | blahgblog 30, 2009 · The fact remains that Joe Lieberman is one of the most reliable liberal voters in the Senate and even more so this past year than throughout his previous senatorial career. There are better metrics of voting records than blog commenter tantrums. …

WTWC: Watching Those We Chose: S.Sgt. Donald B. Farmer 29, 2007 · Yesterday, 29 May 2007, on the Western Washington University campus in Bellingham, Washington (the school at which I am currently earning ...

Here Comes Johnny Yen Again...: Three Interesting Guys you look to the far left, you'll notice a book with a black and red cover. It was the textbook from one of my grad classes: Samuel P. Huntington's 1968 classic Political Order In Changing Societies. Putting aside the silly notion that I was actually going to study on this road trip, I did actually read Huntington's book that semester.

John Key | Something should go here, maybe later. calls this H-Fee MkII. I’m not convinced it’s completely without merit (As the H-Fee smears were) but it certainly shares the “long hours of research in order to produce a dubious character smear who’s biggest effect will be a backfire” characteristic of the previous attempt.

Subject to Complete Defeasance | Law, Politics, News and ..., I can’t seem to get enough of the birthers (“birfers,” to impart a needed and useful sense of derision), the lunatic fringers who insist that President Barack Obama should be removed from office because he isn’t a “natural born Citizen” (NBC) as Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution requires. Some birfers insist that Obama can’t be a NBC because he born in Kenya ...

Conservative Talk Radio | Lonnie Walker's Blog 18, 2009 · The leftists are in a tizzy to brand talk radio and foxnews as hate speach. It boils down to talk radio and foxnews both in unison said the Under a trillion dollar healthcare bill would be over and they showed you the dishonest way that liberals used to keep it under by producing 2 bills and not giving the GAO enough time to fully calculate it.

a business proposal to open a line of Barack's Porto... ear handles and a straight away open mouth insertion for neatness and hygiene. No aiming for the urinal cake, just insert into the grinning, eager, obamamouth and pee. Think of the janitorial savings. Sounds practical. Jul 9, 2018 23:31:11 # teabag09 . Sticks and Stones and all of that. At least you were civil. Thanks for that.

archives | The Smirking 13, 2017 · — from Black Agenda Report. In 2016 Donald Trump turned the political world upside down, and not just because his victory prevailed against conventional wisdom.

We all really need to learn how to talk about race | Sohum ... 27, 2020 · Talking about race is like talking about anything else that is subjectively objective AND objectively subjective… For example, FAT PEOPLE: most reasonable people will be talking from their heart, but bring up a fat stat in politics (health related like airplane seats or body weight affects and effects), and all hell breaks lose with the me2 types, woke types, bigoted misogynist types, basher ...

Politics | Social Instability’s John Marcotte has begun the process by which, hopefully, he will get an initiative on the California ballot in 2010 that aims at banning the immoral practice of divorce:. In 2009, California passed the “California Protection of Marriage Amendment,” or “Prop 8.” Proposition 8 bravely protected the institution of traditional marriage by making sure that gay people could ...

IDLE NO MORE WISCONSIN | Scoop.it 15, 2014 · This is going out to everyone who helped introduce resolutions on frac sand and iron mining at the Conservation Congress spring hearings. The Conservation Congress has given notice that this year's Environmental Study Committee will meet on Saturday, August 2 at 9 AM at the Elizabeth Inn,5246 Harding Avenue, Plover.

County, UWM Consigning New Engineering School To Old ... 07, 2008 · There's word Monday that the County is moving faster towards selling land at the County grounds to UW-M for its new Engineering campus. Of course the county is a willing seller: A land deal means revenue to the county from a willing buyer, UW-M, which wants to set its new Engineering and Research campus on bucolic, brochure-friendly acreage.

election 08 | IAmA Cosmopolite AMA is what is stated on Wikipeidia, Median voter theory, also known as The median voter theorem and the median voter model, is a famous voting model positing that in a majority election, if voter policy preferences can be represented as a points along a single dimension, if all voters vote deterministically for the politician that commits to a policy position closest to their own preference ...

Blue in the Bluegrass: Rejecting Tax Plan Proves KY Repugs ... 07, 2018 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

The Political Environment: Vicki McKenna, Belling Lite 07, 2009 · I'm sure a foreign concept for a government dependant like yourself, but you become #1 in business by giving your customers what they want. In the case of Journal Communications, the newspaper is dying even with a monoply. AM620 continues to be strong, even with competition. March 10, 2009 at 3:51 PM

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 02, 2018 · One of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen and his artist wife mark 70 years of marriage in Baltimore By Jonathan M. Pitts The Baltimore Sun. Seventy years ago this week, a 28-year-old military pilot named Lemuel “Arthur” Lewie Jr. and his girlfriend, a beautiful 18-year-old Baltimore high school senior named Reva Goodwin, visited a courthouse in South Carolina and got married in a quiet ...

Social Protest is a Crazy, Liberal, All-American Idea ... Americans are free to protest at the drop of a hat is the safety valve on this pressure cooker of diversity we have created by mashing people from all over the world together in one (granted, really large) place under one national identity. The Tea Baggers themselves are the best, most ironic, example.

Political activist | 3 lanterns 09, 2011 · The first thing that came to my mind, after reading this and listening to the video. This is clearly a message to Obama , an indirect muessage, sort of a passive aggressive message. Many in the Progressive circle have stated. We have to force this President to do, what he knows he has to do.

America is already great....thanks to the recovery efforts ... 25, 2016 · so your chart says Obama Created 10,000,000 jobs. Then explain if he created 10,000,000 + jobs. how come: if December 2008 (Last month of the Bush Adminstration) there were 120,300,000 full time workers, December 2015 there are only 121,491,000 full time works ask yourself ...

2010 January 30 « Jamesb101.com 30, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Citizen's Rent 2005: Politics is an administration that has been steadfast in its refusal to be held accountable. They now consider accountability to be a game, a blame game of finger pointing. They reduce the necessary burden of accountability, the infamous "buck stops here" nature of leadership, to a …

Why Blacks Like Hillary Over Obama | kavips 29, 2007 · This is a little two weird, especially for someone elected to Congress. It too can be explained, and if you have lots of faith in the candidate it sort of makes sense, but nevertheless departs from the usual reason as to why we elect representatives to Congress in the first place. I tell you this because it swayed me.

Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, Would Allow Arrest ... 11, 2015 · The media goes back and forth discussing the pivotal moment of the first GOP debate. What orifice did Trump have in mind of the blood flowing from Megan Kelly. Meanwhile, the Congress once again lines up to take our freedom. This post follows yesterday's FBI: Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can’t Access S. Res.…

is | Political Loudmouth’s the first in our new series of posters supporting marriage equality, Just in time for Gay Pride. Yay! For a free hi-res download of this poster, just click the image above. If you’d like a T-shirt with this image on it, just click here.

Megan's Government Bloghttps://megansgovernmentblog.blogspot.comThe article was written by Walter Shapiro; who was a senior writer for Time, he served as a speech writer for the Carter Administration, and was a political writer for Newsweek- just to name a few. He argues that people that are selected for the Supreme Court shouldn't be judged based on what they have accomplished in life. Shapiro states that "...a long line of activist presidents – both ...

Friday Open Thread | Christmas Jams 2019 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 13, 2019 · Jingle Bells is one of the best-known and commonly sung winter songs in the world. It was written by James Lord Pierpont (1822–1893) and published under the title “One Horse Open Sleigh” in the autumn of 1857. Even though it is commonly thought of as a Christmas song, it was actually written and sung for Thanksgiving. It was mistakenly branded as a Christmas song because being extremely ...

Poverty | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · According to the latest Census Bureau data, nearly 50 percent of Americans are either low-income or living in poverty in the wake of the Great Recession. And a new study from the National Poverty Center shows just how deep in poverty some of those people are, finding that the number of households living on less than $2 per day (before government benefits) has more than doubled in the …

A Whale of a Tale | We couldn't make this up… 23, 2011 · This is the man who believes that tectonic plates are a liberal invention (presumably along with relativity) and that the Flood was caused by great underwater reservoirs bursting forth, with enough force to turn the earth into a giant nuclear reactor (thus explaining carbon dating, etc), and to crater the Moon with icebergs blown free of Earth ...

ACORN Archives - Common Sense Evaluation sense observation with an eclectic mix of topics ranging from lifestyle to politics.

72 hours | The Liberal Doomsayer was the author of an infamous secret memo to GOP leaders in 1995 titled “Language: A Key Mechanism of Control”, which one of America’s foremost linguists called an outline of a strategy to frame the word “liberal” as “something akin to traitor” in the media. This was in …

political blogs | Missouri Communication | Page 2 03, 2011 · The most recent blog that Laub has posted is one about Unions. With all the unrest in Wisconsion as of late, a prominent topic. He discusses his feelings on Unions, and where he stands within the issue (anti-Union). One of his friends compares Unions to “the anti-persons lobbying firms”. He begins to discuss both sides of the argument.

GreenMountainPolitics1: Oh That? That's Clear As Mud. 09, 2007 · That's Clear As Mud. Did anyone else's eyes glaze over when they read this? All we want to know is does the NH Attorney General know who is behind the negative Romney calls or not. Couldn't be simpler. Let's keep it that way. And answer the question in (real) short order.

Frederick Politics: Dem Campaign Chatter 8-15-2008 08, 2008 · This is a phenomenal number of donors which has been aided with the power of the Internet. I remember when I was working on the Maryland for Dean campaign how impressed I was with their use of the Internet. Obama has taken that effort into a whole new universe. Read more here.-----

2 Political Junkies: Quinn and Rose. Again 06, 2008 · Anyway, this line has been around for years. Take a look at this from CNN from 2000: [LAURA] INGRAHAM:I actually don't have an abortion discussion in the book because it actually doesn't fall into what -- which I really believe to be the Hillary trap, except it is part of the general liberal idea about government, which the global sisterhood believes that true women, real women should ascribe to.

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

Mitt Romney’s Classless CPAC Remarks Aimed at Sarah Palin ... 02, 2009 · Goodness, one of the things I like about conservatives is that they have much better senses of humor than liberals. Obviously the trait isn’t universally shared – YIKES! It might be time for you to consider huffing a little of that laughing gas you dentists keep on hand for patients yourself!

Jeff Sessions Laughs As Students Chant ‘Lock Her Up ... 25, 2018 · Off topic: while channel this morning surfing, stopped on The View. I learned that that Joe Biden is one of the most respected and revered politicians and the 28 yr old commie upper middle class denizen pretending to have grown up in the south Bronx is the future of the country.

Barack Obama | The Absurd Flipper is even more toxic in a year when that group has been marginalized and stripped of its rights by ballot initiatives fomenting precisely such fears. “You’ve got to give them hope” was the refrain of the pioneering 1970s gay politician Harvey Milk, so stunningly …

Tea Partiers | Koulflo Memo Partiers, inspired by right wing militia leaders– one of which lives off of federal disability benefits– have thrown rocks at the offices of members of congress, and broken windows. When confronted with such facts, Rep Steve King literally ran away from a CNN reporter, rather than …

How Do You Pronounce "Nevada?" - Nolan Dalla 07, 2016 · Political reporter and Las Vegas insider Jon Ralston has taken to Twitter to troll candidates who (in his mind) say the name wrong. He’s even blasted commentators who appear on the major national networks who, with each and every utterance, reinforce the (supposedly) wrong version in the susceptible minds of listeners.

Legal Schnauzer: Author Disputes Official Story of 9/11 ... U.S. of A. has been in a coup d'etat and coup d'grace for a long time. BUT, 9-1-1 is the key and this story proves how truly DEADLY it is to be an American in these years of the criminally insane own the courts and of course the money that pays the salaries of all the criminals that run around as though holding Congress.

JustOneMinute: Al Gore: Political Death Wish, Gore: Political Death Wish, or Terrible Staff? Yes, I will accept (c), both of the above. I am marveling at this gem, highlighted by Stan ("The Man") Musil:"As an amusing aside, Mr. Gore revived his old embarrassing campaign problem of asserting bizarre factoids which almost certainly will not check out once the inevitable investigative leg work is done by the media or …

Do the Netroots Matter? - The American Prospect 25, 2009 · Bloggers on the Bus: How the Internet Changed Politics and the Press by Eric Boehlert, Free Press, 280 pages, $26.00. Netroots: Online Progressives and the Transformation of American Politics by Matthew R. Kerbel, Paradigm Publishers, 192 pages, $22.95. These should be good times for the netroots, the loose coalition of bloggers, MoveOn activists, and online organizers that sees itself as the ...

John Brennan | The Liberal Doomsayer noted here, though, in line with budgetary practices by Toomey that were considered to be harsher than Mr.-Puppy-Dog-Eyes-With-The-Shiv in the U.S. House here. Toomey also introduced an amendment which would increase the threshold for bank examinations by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau from $10 billion to $50 billion.

Malheur – A Symphony Of Feathers the first day in session of the 115 th Congress, the U.S. House of Representatives adopted a new rule written by House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) that makes it easier for Congress to cede federal control of public lands—national parks, forests, wildlife refuges and other federal areas—to states or local ...

college debt | Sheila Kennedy has made a similar proposal before, and David Honig, a friend (who is an exceptional lawyer), took a “deep dive” into that previous plan. I am appending his analysis. It’s long, and it’s legalistic/technical, but it also demonstrates why political promises sound so much better when they aren’t closely examined.

Politicians Lead from the Middle? « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 04, 2009 · And thus I am reminded once again why I stopped commenting at Ace of Spades HQ. This type of apathetic attitude of accepting -- and by accepting, actually perpetuating -- the status quo. My theory about politicians is pretty simple: They lead from the middle. Not from the front, usually, as many strong ideological conservatives…

tax cuts stimulate | Search Results | The Least, First the Bush tax cut plan? How’s that working out for us? In case the last eight years haven’t left you skeptical about the effectiveness of tax cutting as a business stimulus, the non-partisan Congressional Research Service provided its bosses (the Congress) with these sentences in its report of January 23 entitled Economic Stimulus: Issues and Policies (pdf):

alias Bruce.: LGBTQ The first, and maybe obvious, piece of good news is that, with few exceptions, people who have associated themselves with Donald Trump in his real estate/media/political career ultimately end up hating him and, often, wanting to hurt him.

Saturday Open Thread | Judge denies Trump’s request to ... 09, 2018 · (CNN)After President Donald Trump's lawyers sought to keep their protest over privilege in Michael Cohen's seized documents confidential, federal Judge Kimba Wood told them they must publicly file their objections to the special master's attorney-client privilege designations. The only thing Trump will be able to discuss with the court confidentially will be the "substance of…

TBogg - "...a somewhat popular blogger""This is a match made in heaven," said Gavora. "The College Sports Council is out there on the ground, every day, ensuring that both men and women have equality before the law in collegiate athletics. I look forward to bringing my knowledge of the politics and policy of Title IX to their good work."

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Rules for ... 23, 2006 · Rules for Political Discourse It’s always worthwhile to review the rules of political debate just to make sure that we’re not overstepping the bounds of propriety. After all, as the Commander-in-Chief helpfully reminded us just recently, there is a "difference between responsible and irresponsible debate" and we must "demand a debate that ...

arizona | Political Communication. Rowan University ... 25, 2010 · That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe.” This is the major concern that I, and the general public, have about this law.

RAGGED THOTS: 04/24/2005 good Catholics want Pope Benedict XVI to be successfull in his pontificate. Heck even some not-so-good-Catholics (and various non-Catholics) want the same. Alas, we can see that the church has become infected with much of the baneful politicking of the modern world (not that there wasn't politics in the church before, but it was a whole lot ...

Natural Phenomenahttps://naturalphenomena.blogspot.comYet on Fox News at around 6:38 pm they play one of their favorite liberal New York Jew nemeses, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) questioning Alito about his position on abortion (such as his opinion that there is not a Constitutional right to abortion, expressed in his application to the Justice Department in 1985).

Life Before Politics « The Futility Monster 10, 2010 · The Stuart MacLennan fiasco has got me worried. Not about him in particular but about all of us. Let's face it, he was axed because the media would never let it go until the pound of flesh was extracted. The opposition parties, sensing endless free-hits, …

Bohography | Patriotism, Politics and Pop Culture… A ...https://bohography.wordpress.comOn Tuesday, for the third time in four days, Obama borrowed a lengthy bubble quote from Washington Post cartoonist Tom Toles. He did not acknowledge the origin of the quote the first time he used it and credited the cartoon only after the Post contacted the Obama campaign to ask about the first use. “John McCain says he’s about change, too.

10 | July | 2015 | The Pardu's Scroll 10, 2015 · Cruz is hardly the first politician to be accused on the practice. Back in 2010, Mitt Romney was called out for requiring organizations to make bulk purchases of his book in lieu of speaking fees. But Romney was able to make it the top of the Times list without the bulk purchases, and only received an asterisk next to his book “No Apologies.”

May | 2012 | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities Pathos and the Culture of Fear. Homophobia is an intensely dramatic short film by Austrian writer-director Gregor Schmidinger, which was released last week in support of The International Day Against Homophobia.The film deals with a theme that’s of major concern in our present-day political and social worlds: homophobia, the fear of homosexuals and of their way …

Advance Indiana™: Burton & Pence Vote For Pay Raise Rep. Mike Pence (R) and U.S. Rep. Dan Burton (R) aren't satisfied with their current salary of $162,100 so they voted against blocking an automatic $3,100 pay raise from taking effect, boosting their annual congressional salary to $165,200. Pence and Burton were among about a dozen GOP members who flipped their votes in favor of the pay raise after pressure was …

Hillary Clinton | Donkey Punch Complex. Yes, you read that right. My candidate sucks. He’s a politician with the ambition to want to be President. That right there makes him possibly criminally insane and why I like the above take on Bogey Down Production’s Criminal Minded. He comes from Chicago, which may be the most politically corrupt city in America.

04 | January | 2009 | TheZoo 04, 2009 · These are two excellent reports from TheRealNews, offering a view of the complexities, and some insights from people in the area.. The first is an interview with freelance journalist Jesse Rosenfeld (from Ramallah and Tel Aviv) discussing how politics come into play with this conflict.. Israel’s politics spill into Gaza (January 3, 2009)

sisu: The Reagan Legacy 22, 2010 · The bitterness of our politics now is a phenomenon admitted by all. People ask whence it arrived. The answer will not be found in George W. Bush's west Texas accent or in his decision to depose Saddam Hussein. Ronald Reagan himself fired the first volleys -- and hot lead it was -- in his first inaugural speech, in 1981.

Panetta and his Communist ties- a real scandal in the ... 15, 2011 · Trevor Loudon writes, “The couple, Hugh DeLacy and his wife Dorothy Baskin DeLacy, both had long histories with the Communist Party USA and were very active in the Santa Cruz ‘progressive’ movement that had helped nurture Congressman Panetta’s career. Phrases like ‘social justice’ and ‘dark forces of McCarthyism’ rolled from Rep. Panetta’s pen, in a…

Weekend Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 31, 2020 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

Pro Publica: NSA Claims of “Attacks Thwarted” | The Pardu ... 27, 2013 · SurveillanceClaim on “Attacks Thwarted” by NSA Spreads Despite Lack of EvidenceDuring Keith Alexander’s presentation in Las Vegas, two slides read simply “54 ATTACKS THWARTED.” The NSA, President Obama, and members of Congress have all said NSA spying programs have thwarted more than 50 terrorist plots. But there’s no evidence the claim is …

Sarah Palin | eggslap is so f***ing hilarious. From 2001 – 2006 they had the majority in the House and Senate, and [the presidency, and never gave this a consideration at all. Bringing this up now is just an attempt to make political hay. No prayer of this becoming law. [By the way,] WHERE ARE [THE] JOBS, REPUBLICANS?

Fundamentalism (Cracka) is Extremist By Nature!!! Should ... could have replied, “For the same reason the pastors who made up seven percent of the nation’s first Congress were there … For the same reason Pastor Frederick Muhlenberg was the first Speaker of the House of Representatives … For the same reason — as listed by the Pew Research Center — that Pastors Benjamin Contee, Abiel Foster, James Manning, Joseph Montgomery, Jesse Root ...

Son of a Preacherman - Arts and Politics from the Armpit ... 20, 2016 · Sarah Palin Blames Son’s Alleged Domestic Abuse On Obama BY Brian Tashman – See more at: – Sarah Palin Blames Son’s Domestic Abuse On Obama While campaigning for Donald Trump today in Tulsa, Sarah Palin addressed the news that her son has been arraigned “on charges of domestic violence assault, interfering with a report of domestic violence crime and possession of a firearm while ...

New Frames: Oregon Politicians a baby about to pop, I've had little time for tending to this blog and I doubt I'll have time after she's born. But this whole "Ron Saxton is a farmer" thing just got my goat to the point that I had to sit down and defend the real farmers out there (like my mom) because when someone like Ron claims he's a farmer he insults farmers and the back breaking, sunrise to sunset work they do.

Marian's Blog: USA may make "strange bedfellows," as the saying goes, but there have to be limits, and every now and then I reach one of mine. In this case, for me, it's around the 2008 U.S. presidential election. As Peter Finch's character shouted in the film Network, …

Politics | The Rogue Jew | Page 4 about Politics written by The Rogue Jew. You think your current health insurance provider is a pain in the ass now, wait till incompetent assholes like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barney Frank get their mits on your health care…This bunch of bumbling fucks could screw up a wet dream.

ukraine-investigation - National Memo; Congress; Headlines; Law; Newsletter; Ukraine; White House; Campaign 2020; Featured Post; Race and Ethnicity; Far Right; Media; Cartoons; Budget; Poverty ...

Congressional Record of John McCain on Gen. Lloyd J ... Record of John McCain on Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Senator John McCain and General Lloyd Austin

Gordon S. Heddell | The Liberal Doomsayer his New York Times column yesterday, Frank Rich reminded us of a news story that more or less came and went with barely a notice, and that was the withdrawal of the Pentagon Inspector General’s report which basically “exonerated the Bush Pentagon of allegations that it violated regulations in the conduct of its Retired Military Analyst program,” as Media Matters noted here about 10 ...

CDC – Politics Plus was the first case of “community spread” COVID-19 in the nation. And that patient lived in the same county as the location of the incident the whistleblower described. It’s clear now that the very first time this White House was forced to confront this threat, it fumbled the response.

Condolences for Levy | Zambian Chronicle 19, 2008 · President Levy P Mwanawasa, SC. was one of the best assets not only to the Zambian Enterprise but to the world at large. We will chronicle in detail more about his accomplishments later. In fact, he has been leading the chart as the first pick for our African President of the Year Award.

Paula White – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America White: Christians Must Vote For Trump Because His Judges Won’t Let States Outlaw the Bible By Kyle Mantyla – Paula White, a televangelist who is a key spiritual adviser to and supporter of President Donald Trump, appeared on “The Jim Bakker Show” today, where she declared that Christians will stand accountable before God if they ...

Tuesday Open Thread | Don Lemon responds to Trump’s ... 08, 2018 · The first thing to change was the frequency of their summonses to ice. During the Obama administration, many of the Mauritanians had been required to “check in” about once a year. Abruptly, ice instructed them to appear more often, some of them every month. ice officers began visiting their homes on occasion.

London Left Reviewhttps://londonleft.blogspot.comAug 21, 2006 · Reg Keys, who is to set up a new political party called Spectre. His son was killed in Iraq at a police station. Spectre is to sit against Labour ministers and may take away enough votes from Labour for them to lose their seats. The video above is from the 2005 UK General Election. Tony Blair is MP for Sedgefield - a very safe Labour seat.

Obsidian Wings: If You Haven't Done Anything Wrong, You ... Eric Martin Having previously railed about the excessive deference shown by politicians toward local police forces, and the obsession with appearing "tough on crime," New York Governor Paterson deserves credit for these two initiatives: Today he will be signing...

Ex-Spy Chief Admits Role In 'Deep State' Intelligence War ... 12, 2017 · An ex-spy chief who spoke out publicly against Trump while inspiring other career intelligence figures to follow suit has admitted his leading role in the intelligence community waging political war against the president, describing his actions as something he didn't "fully think through". In a surprisingly frank interview, the CIA's Michael Morell - who was longtime Deputy Director and former ...

DEMS VS GOP | The Pardu's Scroll week we published a recent set of quick read pieces from Connect The Dots USA.Connect was one of the most prolific sources of information related to the Affordable Care Act as Congress worked in deliberation of the law and Connect was the point of information for the TPI as the GOP Congress sought to repeal the law.

29 | October | 2013 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 29, 2013 · What you will not hear from the Obama-friendly media, and our somnolent members of Congress, is this: Not only was the Patriot Act expanded under the supervision of Comey, Mueller and Ashcroft, when Comey left the AG’s office in 2005 he went to work as the top lawyer for…wait for it…”Big Brother” himself – Lockheed Martin.

Keith Olbermann Another Propagator of Obamacare Jail Time 22, 2010 · Keith Olbermann Another Propagator of Obamacare Jail Time Penalty USA Politics ... or up to a year in jail, or both. The handwritten letter was a follow-up to an answer that Barthold gave Ensign during Thursday's mark-up of the Baucus bill." ... Except it was the truth, as the "truth" was what was in the bill that was on the table back then. It ...

VoteVets | The Liberal Doomsayer 19, 2010 · Brian McGough, who is now legislative director for, suffered a traumatic brain injury in Iraq. The gap in his care between active and veteran status was so big that he had to apply for unemployment insurance, because of the delay in getting the disability benefits he was due.

Farm Bill | The Pardu's you would be wrong. For a variety of reasons, including internecine GOP warfare between peanut and soybean special interests, along with a Tea Party-fueled jihad against the safety net, the farm bill, normally renewed by Congress with clockwork regularity every five years, is going nowhere. Despite the Senate having passed its own version ...

Teabagger Watch: 09.2011 14, 2011 · In his March 25 column "2010: ... So let’s have a look at Breitbart’s own website, where commenters are responding to a video clip of President Obama speaking to the Congressional Black Caucus, ... These comments are just from a quick skim through the first few pages. And keep in mind that these dozens and dozens of vile, openly racist ...

George Zimmerman, Prosecutorial Abuse, and the Sorry To Your Health: 5 Ways Herbal Tea Benefits and Improves Your Health; Ari Mahler: The Jewish Nurse Who Treated the Synagogue Shooter Is a Hero and an Example to Us All

Bhutto’s imminent return could ... - Mercury Rising ?? 03, 2007 · Pakistan is rapidly becoming a country to watch. First, because the US has now officially threatened to intervene militarily. Anwar Iqbal in Dawn: The United States wants Pakistan to defeat Al Qaeda in the battlefield and will not hesitate to use its own forces to achieve this objective, says Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs…

archives | The Smirking 29, 2017 · “This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!” fulminated Donald J. Trump via Twitter on May 18. The day before, while giving the commencement address at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn., Trump also …

gun free zones stupid | Bloviating Fox nails the truth in his final paragraph. According to a careful analysis of data on mass shootings (using the widely accepted definition of at least four killed), the Congressional Research Service found that there are, on average, just over 20 incidents annually. More important, the increase in cases, if there was one at all, is negligible.

Barack Obama Doesn’t Care About Black Kids « AmeriCAN-DO ... 10, 2013 · Barack Obama Doesn’t Care About Black Kids. Yes, I am channeling Kanye West and his statement during a Hurricane Katrina fund-raising event that President George W. Bush “doesn’t care about Black people“. Well, using that liberal logic, it follows that Barack Obama doesn’t care about Black children, based on his actions regarding gun-control legislation.

health care | progressivenetwork | Page 3 Nathaniel Smith, Politics: A View from West Chester, 2/6/13 This was fairly big news today: PA Governor Corbett lost another one in court, at least for now. As the Inquirer’s Amy Worden describes it in “Pa. court: Reinstate health-care funding for the poor,” 3/6/13: A state judge has ordered the Corbett administration to reinstate funding for programs that provided health insurance to ...

Frederick County Commissioner Speculation Begins 08, 2009 · This is a favorite ploy used by politicos to scuttle a issue from moving forward. She was successful in having the issue die and never be brought up again. However, an election season is the perfect time so let's see if any of the commissioner candidates bring up the need to move to charter government in Frederick County.

Political inSecurity: 2007-06-10 far, this have been unsuccessful, despite the fact that the first chemical weapon attack in modern history, in 1915, used 168 tons of chlorine gas. Then, as now, chlorine proved to be an inefficient chemical weapon, and was quickly replaced by more effective ones. This is …

Native American Education | Desert Beacon 27, 2017 · The Trump Administration assault on America’s own citizens is replicating, in its own way, past assaults on Native Americans. “Members from tribes in Oregon, Washington, California, Montana, Idaho and Alaska called on Congress to restore funding to tribes during budget negotiations.

Ezra Klein: Politics of Health Care even Obama, who is supportive of Obama's plan, has a mandate for kids in his plan. How you explain that in contrast to his attacks on a mandate for adults beats me. Obama could, of course, have come out and said that his sense of the political landscape was that a mandate wasn't popular enough, and would harm the chances for passage.

JustOneMinute: Unconvincing But Interesting 3 in its entirety; Definition of marriage In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word 'marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word 'spouse' refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a ... » 2018 » October it’s quite a challenge, I suspect the big parties are dealing with a tougher problem – Zeitgeist, the feeling that it’s time for a change, that the CDU and SPD are no longer attuned to the desires of large segments of the electorate. It’s no longer enough to make the voters rich, you have to …

29 | January | 2010 | The Great Spot 29, 2010 · Frontier Foundation, established seven years ago by Congressman Steve Buyer (R-Indiana) to award scholarships, has yet to help any students, but it has financed Buyer’s golf game. Buyer’s foundation has collected more than $800,000, while not giving out a single scholarship, and prompting a government watchdog group to ask for an ...

Sports, Politics And A Question | Sheila Kennedy analogy isn’t quite right. The owner hired the buffoon who dragged the team down, not the fans. As a Brooklyn Dodgers fan in the 40s and 50s, when they stumbled around to the point that one year they managed to blow a 13 and a half game lead in August – and lost the pennant to the Giants, my attachment never wavered.

Joseph Stack | The Liberal Doomsayer aren’t limited to anti-government militia members living off the land out West. Stack was a 53-year-old software engineer in Austin. Other followers include movie star Wesley Snipes and a decorated police detective in the nation’s capital.

Stubborn Liberal: November 2010 30, 2010 · Stubborn Liberal These are the rants and raves of a stubborn-headed, midwestern, baby boomer, liberal, wife, mother, and grandmother. My goals are to speak my mind and educate others about some of the events in our world.

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2008 · This is one more reason to fear a McCain presidency. We're just finishing up an eight-year presidency built in large part on envy and resentment. George W. Bush is still angry at the left-leaners he met in the Ivy League as a young man, and when he went to war in Iraq or, say, blocked expansion of SCHIP, that was the battle he was really ...

Venice For Change: March 2013 25, 2013 · As I reported yesterday, Waxman has been secretly circulating a Chamber letter to his fellow Congress Critters that supports moving one of LAX's runways several hundred feet right smack dab into the path of Lincoln Blvd. If that happens, it's game over for traffic in Los Angeles.

Dana Busted: Dana Loesch makes excuses to defend domestic ... 04, 2014 · When far-right domestic terrorist Cliven Bundy made his awful racially tinged remarks about African-Americans, far-right fringe radio host Dana Loesch made excuses to DEFEND Bundy's racist bullshit. She smeared Politico writer Jonathan Topaz for telling the truth about Bundy's racism. The New York Times' Adam Nagourney: He said he would continue holding a daily news conference; on …

Politico wants Valerie Jarrett to pack up and leave the WH ... 10, 2014 · I will leave a link to a sullied past at the end of the post. Politico: Almost since the start of Barack Obama’s presidency, people who have actual, real duties in the West Wing of the White House—the working, executive part of the government, that is—have been urging him to do something about Valerie Jarrett.

Untitled | Political Parties | Democracy | Free 30-day ... is by far one of the most ignorant lines of thought I have ever heard come out of people's mouths. Could you imagine what our country would be like today if our Founding Fathers said, "Oh, you know, the likelihood of us defeating our British oppressors is so small, so we might as well just let it be."

OVER HALF OF ALL AMERICANS TURNING AMISH!!! | … 12, 2010 · Congress does not get just how much Americans Do Not Want this Healthcare Bill: The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 17% believe passage of the legislation will achieve the stated goal of reducing health care costs. Fifty-seven percent (57%) think it will lead to higher costs. Fifty-two percent (52%) also believe…

Blue Delaware | Exceptional Delaware 07, 2020 · The Delaware blogging community saw a very odd thing happen this week. Delaware Liberal saw four of their ten contributors suddenly leave the popular liberal blog. El Somnambulo left on Wednesday. Soon after, Delaware Dem, Cassandra, and Pandora left and began a new blog called Blue Delaware.. The tension came to a high point when Delaware Dem put up a post about changes …

Happy Father’s Day | kavips 17, 2007 · Fame is fleeting. We may remember a name for awhile, and maybe a couple of trivial facts, but then we move on. Take Ronald Reagan for instance. Just less than 20 years ago he was the driving force of our society, all over our newspapers and TV’s. Today he is still somewhat the driving force behind one of our nation’s political parties.

Friday Mashup (2/19/10) | The Liberal Doomsayer 19, 2010 · I haven’t paid much attention to Christine Flowers of the Philadelphia Daily News lately, but she came up with a whopper today in her column about “anti-social networking,” in which gangs reportedly use Facebook, etc. to congregate for juvenile delinquency…. It’s beyond frightening – and frustrating – to think that what is being spawned in our urban incubators these days ...

RDRutherford: September 2008 24, 2008 · The post "John McCain's "Big" Economic Plans" seems to tell me more about a Liberal Economics Professor than about McCain's Economic Plans. I can see some of the points of the first part of his post about ear-marks, but let me address the drilling issue specifically. First I go to his link with the picture and what do I see: Drill here, drill now A pipe dream, a post by grist without comment.

All you need is a crazy rich guy with a private army about Police state America written by Travellerev. H. Res. 1695, 1955 & S.1959 By Nikki Alexander 01/04/08 “ICH” — – Perhaps a clear and simple law is needed that states: “Congress shall pass no law abridging the freedom of speech.Speech includes ‘the broad and constant streams of information’ freely exchanged on the Internet.” ...

AP Government Summer Assignment 2 | United States ... US/Comparative Government and Politics Due August 29th or August 30th(1st day of class) There are two parts to this assignment. Be sure to do both. A. Summer Reading Assignment Epic Journey: The 2008 Elections and American Politics The 2008 presidential election and 2010 congressional elections were historic in many ways. Elements of that election will provide the basis for much of what we ...

Commie Pinko Liberal Atheist: December 2005 is often a long term process, and that’s probably even truer when talking about culture change. That’s not the kind of change that can be forced overnight; it has to be an evolutionary process and a partnership with the West is the way to do it. The US likes to think of itself as the standard bearer for the rest of the world.

Bloomington-Normal – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ..., who is blatantly anti-Semitic, highlighted a list contained in his copy of the “ Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible “ —which was published in 1900 and claimed that there were 7.5 million Jews in the world at the time—and used it to question how six million Jews could have been killed in the Holocaust just a few decades later.

Above The Borderline: 6/15/08 - 6/22/08 21, 2008 · Dear Fruitcake Lady: Like all my friends in cyberspace, I want to be perceived as an intellectual giant who knows everything about politics, human behavior, rocket science and how the working of honeybees is related to the teachings of Karl Marx. However, I don’t want to follow the path of many of my fellow bloggers and post a bunch of unsubstantiated rumors that are forwarded to me by …

Third Base Politics: Presidential Embarrassment 12, 2012 · How about we talk about the four dead Americans whose blood is squarely on the hands of this president; the lies he and his people told for two weeks (blaming a movie); and the fact that there was no extra security for an Ambassador, even though he believed a threat was imminent AND it was the anniversary of Sept. 11.

Political Irony › Doctors Prefer Single Payer Insurance 02, 2017 · A new survey of US doctors shows that 48% of them are in favor of a single-payer health insurance system (like Medicare for all), while only 32% are against it, and 21% answered “I don’t know”.. What was especially interesting was that the doctors acknowledged that they might take a financial hit under a single-payer system, but they said it would be worth it because it would relieve ...

Ehlers, Gas Prices, Conservation, and Alternative Energy ... 22, 2008 · Yesterday, The Grand Rapids Press published a 1,284 word “guest column” by West Michigan congressional representative Vern Ehlers.The column–coming from a representative who is not known for being particularly transparent given the fact that he holds one town hall meeting per year in his home of Grand Rapids–outlined some of his views on energy and conservation.

Sarah Palin’s New Political Action Committee – SARAHPAC ... 27, 2009 · The ‘Cuda is ramping up her NATIONAL political operation.. She’s also launching her national political action committee. Registered in Virginia, patterned after Hillary’s HillPac, is to support ideas and candidates who share the Palin vision that energy independence is …

Anti-American | Smart Liberal and Female know I’ve already gone over the fact that some IDIOTS in the state of Alaska voted for a convicted Ted Stevens…but I wanted to share with everyone that they were not alone! Michelle Bachmann wins reelection in Minnesota in the 6th Congressional District. Remember this bimbo claimed Obama and liberals were Anti-American.

Rep. Nadler Joins Calls for Firing of DoJ Voting Section ... chairman of the U.S. House Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), says that the DoJ's Voting Section chief, John Tanner, should be fired in light of recent controversial comments made at a panel discussion at the National Latino Congresso ...

Vietnam War | The Liberal Doomsayer is hypocrisy. It is to laugh, my fellow prisoners. “Situational ethics”? Really? This tells us that, in the horrific event of Willard Mitt Romney and Puppy-Dog-Eyes-With-The-Shiv-In-His-Pocket Paul Ryan actually winning the election, Sheldon Adelson stands to get a $2 billion tax cut.

The Biggest Scandal in American Political History ... 23, 2019 · Now, as the Washington Post recently reported, Giuliani is taking money from Firtash and consulting with Manafort even as he sits in prison. In his quest to rewrite the history of the 2016 election, President Trump’s personal attorney has turned to an unusual source of information: Trump’s imprisoned former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Political Irony › Shiny Object 27, 2017 · The interesting part of that it already backfired. Even conservatives who had lobbied against transgendered soldiers said they were only trying to stop the military from paying for gender reassignment treatments (including surgery), and had not asked for a ban on transgendered soldiers serving in the military .

Lamar Alexander | The Liberal Doomsayer story about another photo-op by Mikey the Beloved, for the purposes of consumption by unwitting consumers of the Bucks County Courier Times (Mikey’s house organ, let’s not forget), contains what might be the most shocking piece of actual reporting I’ve ever read from Gary Weckselblatt…. Tuesday’s meeting in Sellersville Borough Hall was attended by veterans, nearly all of them ...

Padilla Conviction is Bad News for All Americans 17, 2007 · Who is at risk? That's hard to say, but it's clear that it won't just be hardened terrorist types. A presidential executive order signed by Bush on July 17 declares that anything that "undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction (sic) and political reform (sic) in Iraq" could be deemed a crime making the perpetrator subject to arrest.

joe biden | The Political Tipster Political Tipster looks into his crystal ball Instead of giving my usual predictions I am going to outline four major scenarios that can occur in in the next fifty days and their implications. Three of these outcomes can be predicted while the final outcome is a general compilation of possible scenarios.

News From The Other Side - Roger West From The Other Side When Roger West first launched the progressive political blog "News From The Other Side" in May 2010, he could hardly have predicted the impact that his v

Oh Well: A Commentary: Bush orders FBI-Congress documents ... 04, 2006 · Dick Cheney had become involved as the administration worked to ease the anger of the speaker, who has enormous control over the president's legislative agenda. Bush granted one of Hastert's demands, directing the FBI to surrender documents and computerized records taken last weekend from the office of Rep. William Jefferson (news, bio, voting ...

We Need A Full Blown Audit On Newark Charter School Going ... 12, 2016 · We can either do the audit now, or we can do it later. But as the pieces of the growing puzzle now show, there is a very strong oder of malfeasance emanating from the structures off Elkton Rd., just this side of the Maryland State Line. A well-esteemed state auditor was pulled off the investigation of this school by her political boss.

May | 2007 | Sierra Madre 26, 2007 · One of the best reasons to live in Sierra Madre, other than the political circus every few years, are the deer.Those big ears, endearing dark eyes, shiny black nose that twitches and the babies following the mama deer around, ok, so it’s sounding like a Disney movie, but Sierra Madre is the happiest place on earth, right?. A couple evenings ago I was on my home from work driving down ...

Toes on the Nose, Eye on the Prize - Bloggerhttps://rideorgohome.blogspot.comNov 25, 2015 · Chris Weigant, a political writer and blogger has been a contributor to the The Huffington Post since 2006, posted a blog titled Taking Marijuana Reform Seriously in which he points out how finally the “war on weed” is gaining some ground in political debates and conversation. Public opinion increasingly in favor of ending this war and reforming the policies that make it illegal are ...

Brilliant at Breakfast: Where no one cashes in on unpaid ... know it doesn't work that way, though. Hasn't for a long time, if ever. But in my own personal long political history (going back to the late 60's and early 70's) I can not recall a time when there was such an ideological division and gap of (for lack of a better word) political reasonability.

canyon | Sierra Madre of the best reasons to live in Sierra Madre, other than the political circus every few years, are the deer.Those big ears, endearing dark eyes, shiny black nose that twitches and the babies following the mama deer around, ok, so it’s sounding like a Disney movie, but Sierra Madre is the happiest place on earth, right?. A couple evenings ago I was on my home from work driving down ...

“Banning Alex Jones from Facebook is not the Same as the ... 06, 2019 · “Banning Alex Jones from Facebook is not the Same as the Holocaust” ... President Obama was the first President in more than 50 years of trying who was able to get useful healthcare legislation through Congress — he did that by including the necessary candy for capitalists, but the alternative was no change. ...

The Immoral Minority: Author Stephen King may have come up ... 12, 2015 · — Stephen King (@StephenKing) August 5, 2015 Courtesy of CNN: Trump's campaign has been roiled by accusations of bias amid Trump's controversial comments that many illegal immigrants from Mexico are "rapists" and "killers," and his campaign recently fired a longtime political aide for making racially charged Facebook posts.

Amado Hernandez | Politics | Politics (General) | Free 30 ... Hernandez - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

Frederick Politics: Will Wal-Mart Vote Impact City Election? 07, 2013 · Michael O'Connor was the lone alderman last night asking the hard questions pertaining to the inter-connector road, a pivotal component of the small area plan. He asked attorney David Severn why the property owner had not secured legal approval to build the road across two adjacent properties.

27 | October | 2008 | The Liberal 27, 2008 · The bad news first, if there is such a thing in today’s poll, is that for the second day in a row McCain was the only candidate to pick up movement from the undecided column. Now the rash of good news – Obama’s lead seems very stable, he continues over 50%, McCain hasn’t made any real movement (he started this poll 16 days ago .4% lower ...

model congress bill project rubric 2017 | United States Appropriations – Does the sponsor identify a specific monetary amount of funding and provide a detailed explanation of the money is needed for the grant, project, or program including the specific amount of funding needed to carry out the bill (think about administration section). Is rational provided for appropriation request despite difficult times and limited resource (ex: how …

Political Irony › Undoing 13, 2017 · But perhaps even more important to Pence than his religion is his ambition, which is why he supports Donald Trump with unquestioning devotion, even though Donald Trump is a completely non-religious person who is only too happy to commit grievous religious sins (coveting other’s wives, adultery, lying, bearing false witness, stealing, etc ...

Generals Gone Rethuglican; or, Shattered Faith & Pressing ... I write online I write under my own name. This is a matter of principle.) If my fellow liberals should choose to slander me again, I would not be upset if one of you voiced your dissent. On another note, in the comments I see two trends emerging. The first is that I'm experiencing my first taste of how liberals behave. I don't buy it.

Ron Paul: Another significant step toward a US war on Iran ... 18, 2009 · Statement of Congressman Ron Paul United States House of Representatives – Statement Opposing the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act Information Clearing House, December 15, 2009 I rise in strongest opposition to this new round of sanctions on Iran, which is another significant step toward a US war on that country. I find it shocking that…

Alan Colmes – Eric Lightborn's Blog called in to a radio show tonight to express my disgust for the current state of political debate in America today.. Alan Colmes of Fox News Talk has this late night / evening political talk show that has some of the lightest call screening in all of the talk medium, let alone that he is working under Fox. Many doubt it but he is a liberal, I would think of him as the kind of liberal who ...

Belonging and Social Change: A Critique of the Politics of, some people will stay in an unhealthy relationship to social change because like a moth to a flame, it satisfies a psychic need, without healing that need. The Brazilian philosopher Paulo Freire named the process of coming to see the problems of the world and simultaneously coming to see the possibilities for engaging in social ...

conspiracy – Eric Lightborn's Blog ‘facts’ and ‘patterns’ that conspiracy theorists claim to see in global economic and political events the burden of proof remains on the people presenting this idea to the public.Every logical retort and request for scientific evidence of an active ‘secret assembly’ between geopolitical leaders across the world and markets is met with vague facts and illogical responses.

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 16, 2019 · 16-year-old ‘STEM QUEEN’ Jacqueline Means lives in one of America’s most dangerous cities — but she’s sharing her love of science with other girls to help improve their ... 47 Responses to Saturday Open Thread. rikyrah says: ... drink it in folks for the first time in his life Roger Stone has been ordered by a court of law to shut ...

pat robertson | Political Mpressions Robertson, referring to the 9/11 attacks said, “We have allowed rampant secularism and occult, et cetera, to be broadcast on television.We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in our society. We have a Court that has essentially stuck its finger in God’s eye and said, ‘We’re going to legislate you out of the schools, we ...

Who Hijacked Our Country: Todd Akin Immortalized in “Law ... 28, 2013 · And you knew the guy who was the ringleader of "Chair-gate" -- small world. Jess: I read somewhere that Law & Order: SVU is the only cop show that's heavily watched by liberals. (That's not the only reason I like it.) It's got as much violence as any other police show, but it also goes deeply into social/psychological territory.

In Washington, it’s now all coronavirus, personally as ... the rector at a Washington church was the first person in D.C. to test positive for the virus over the weekend, 550 parishioners are in "voluntary self-quarantine,” the church says. And six members of Congress — including President Trump’s incoming chief of staff Mark Meadows — are in self-quarantine after coming into contact with someone at last week's Conservative …

Noch mehr gute Argumente für (und wider) ein Burka-Verbot ... this pageThat was the first time I felt like a burqa ban might not be such a bad idea…. Und auch dieser Vergleich der Burka mit der Ku-Kux-Klan-Kapuze von Christopher Hitchens hat etwas: Let me ask a simple question to the pseudoliberals who take a soft line on the veil and the burqa.

Fox News | All Other Persons “angry black male” is one of America’s enduring stereotypes. The image of the emotional and violence-prone black man goes back to the days of slavery (see Nat Turner), and reached its political zenith in the negative-imagining of Jesse Jackson during his runs for president. I’ll never forget a Newsweek magazine cover from the period that featured a picture of an impassioned Jackson ...

electionloomis / Money and and PoliticsBarack Obama was the first presidential candidate of a major party to turn down public financing. This video addresses the issues of public financing "dying," corporate influence, and fundraising strategies (big money vs. small money, etc.) -EC . Read Articles and Watch Videos about Money and Politics: Public vs. Private Financing; Lobbyists ...

Dear President Obama, | The Perimeter Progressive 28, 2010 · I did not vote for a man so desperate to win the approval of the opposition that he would compromise his principles and policies. I did not vote for a man who would cower from a fight. I did not vote for a man who refuses to stand in the face of partisan politics. I recognize your desire to be a consensus maker. I commend you for it.

Frederick Politics: Fact or Fiction? Fact or Opinion? 07, 2008 · The County staff has recently asked the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority (NWMDA) to re-assess rail options. To facilitate the use of rail, the County would have to transfer waste by truck to a rail siding and depending upon the out-of-state landfill may have to do the same on the receiving end. (This is fact.)

Politics, Politics of Love & Fraternity 02, 2012 · Politics, Politics of Love & Fraternity Islamic Politics, Politics of Love & Fraternity . Words from the Publisher. T his book is written at the most appropriate time, that is when the Western political system is deteriorating and has proven its incapability to rule the world. At the same time, Muslims worldwide have lost their faith in secular ...

Florida governor race | Bloviating Zeppelin 29, 2018 · Let us not forget the same Andrew Gillum referenced in an article from Gillum’s Anti-Law Enforcement Agenda for Florida. by Steve Hantler. The past several years have witnessed the radical left using law enforcement as a political target, which has increased the risks for those in uniform and hurt public safety.

Obama Clinton « Jamesb101.com 13, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Alaska Political Commentator Michael Carey on ‘Fresh Air ... 15, 2008 · Alaska Political Commentator Michael Carey on ‘Fresh Air’ – Live Stream ... the election is still 3 weeks away and there’s still a lot to do and a lot that could happen.” ... I was talking to a friend who is a lawyer and working on several cases against health Insurance companies. He said the #1 Bankruptcy is due to medical Bills.

Conservatives for American Values: More Questions for the ... 24, 2006 · This is an abomination. God help you. At August 09, 2006 7:33 PM, mesquite said... Herman, Thank you for this opportunity for me to help you understand me so that you can destroy us. I'll be glad to help, because, as a liberal, I believe that "it never hurts to …

Establishment S.C. political consulting machine is the ... 26, 2008 · by Jeffrey Sewell Who is to blame for the current state of the SCGOP? The long established S.C. political consulting machine is the problem: no new ideas, bad data, cookie-cutter operations, and bad candidates. The same-old, same-old produces the same unacceptable results, which frankly does not benefit the folks of South Carolina or further the…

The New Billionaire Political Bossesã Â |Ã Â Robert Reich ... only way to stop through concerted political action. Yet the only large-scale political action we're witnessing is that of Charles and David Koch, and their billionaire imitators. ROBERT B. REICH's film "Inequality for All" is now available on DVD and blu …

WZZM Pre-Debate Coverage – MediaMouse 02, 2006 · AnalysisThis story is very long by local news standards, and yet it tells the viewer almost nothing concrete about the candidates. Almost all the information presented is opinion, either that of paid political consultants, or of voters. No information is given as to what issues the candidates are likely to address in the debate, or…

2014 November 03 - The Hollywood Liberal 03, 2014 · A Hollywood Tradition Since 2004. Conservatives Freaking Out About Jeb Bush Run Brett LoGiurato, Business Insider: During a prominent gathering of conservatives in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire, the largest spattering of boos among the crowd didn’t come at speakers’ frequent mentions of President Barack Obama.

Obamacare exposed as massive voter registration fraud ... to a Congressional Budget Office estimate, some 16 million people will eventually apply for health insurance via a number of subsidized (read taxpayer-funded) programs beginning in 2014. The CBO estimates an additional 7 million will apply in 2015 and 10 million by 2016.

ACA | The Pardu's Scroll year, CBS News calculated that the first 33 votes to repeal health care reform took up approximately 80 hours of floor time from the House, or roughly two weeks. The Congressional Research Service said it costs $24 million to run the House for a week, so the first 33 votes cost taxpayers approximately $48 million.

Corsicana | DrMyers's Blog Myers, known as the “Class Act,” is a native Texan who relocated to DC 7 years ago, and has made DC his home now serving as the Resident Artist at the legendary Mr. Henry’s and Minister of Music at Covenant Baptist UCC. Through his partnerships with charities, businesses, and politics, Myers has made an impression on the District ...

Russia Russia Russia | Bloviating the U.S. Constitution’s 25th Amendment does allow for a majority of the president’s cabinet, or ‘such other body as Congress may by law provide,’ to decide if an Oval Office occupant is unable to carry out his duties – and then to put it to a full congressional vote.

Ravi Zacharias Ministry – The Cross of the Moment | DAILY ... 06, 2020 · “[W]e are perpetually disillusioned. The perfect life is spread before us every day, but it changes and withers at a touch.”(1) The author of this comment did not have the dashed hopes of a person weary of contemporary political promises or the daunting purposelessness of life. His was not the disappointment of a child after…

Jan Schakowsky | The BRAD BLOG Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)'s office has vehemently denied serious allegations published by The American Conservative magazine on Tuesday, in which FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds names the Congresswoman as having participated in a lesbian affair with a Turkish agent, and being secretly video-taped for possible blackmail purposes while doing so.

Corporal Brett Sanders: Safe and Stateside | New World Odor 12, 2010 · We talked at length about many things, the very least of which was politics (which we didn't discuss at all) since they seem petty when compared with the daily drama played out in real-time by our troops. The bullshit ends there. Reality is ever-present, etched in the faces of our courageous troops and a civilization…

The August Absurdity Award: The DUMBASS (Final results ... 18, 2011 · UPDATE: After a few weeks of additional deliberation the August Absurdity Award has been award to John Boehner. Boehner's comments about 'getting 98 per cent of what he wanted', at a time when the U.S. Government required a common debt ceiling increase was stupefying regarding the level of obstruction and silliness that lives on the political Right.As the Leader of the 112th Congress…

Ezra Klein: The Imaginary Center, way out at the left, just to the left of where I put myself, there are your 2%ers of the left, and way out on the Right, where we put Matt Hale and trolls like Boethius, are the 2%ers of the right. As one approaches the middle, the numbers of people responding " my set of political opinions and affiliations," rises.

Politics – Melanie Green, Politics Melanie Green Getting out the vote is a priority in any election, but this year’s Presidential election looks to be the most important in a generation. The Supreme Court, Health Care, Education, Financial Reform, Racial Issues, Immigration and the continued existence of our …

What A U.S. Debt Default Would Mean To You | Desert Beacon 09, 2011 · Perhaps I've missed the discussion of what might happen if the U.S. fails to meet its debt obligations because the TV hasn't been on that often, but it does feel as though the preponderance of the analysis has concerned the political ramifications of defaulting, and not on what a default would mean to most Americans.…

Axiomatic Human Properties | The Zen Stoic 19, 2009 · In any philosophy of human nature there are certain parameters of the human condition which are inserted axiomatically. These properties are extremely significant to the formulation of any philosophy governing people, namely ethics and politics, but usually aren't addressed in a uniform and clear manner. The following elements are single pieces that might be composed…

SBC: Vote For Huckabee Or We’ll ... - Mercury Rising ?? 20, 2007 · Subscribe. Entries (RSS) Comments (RSS) Tweet Tweet Tweet @SarahAnnRhoades @haute_rod @rabidpolitico @danfalk @evgrieve The protesters wore masks. These people aren't. 20 minutes ago; RT @TheDustyRebel: @evgrieve When there’s a new spike people will blame the (masked) protests, but it’s really gonna be maskless crap like… 21 minutes ago; RT @ArlingtonNatl: Today, we …

Research Methods | The Hippie Professor lack of a control group may make it impossible to draw conclusions – but it certainly doesn’t keep people from trying. Cruise through a few conservative blogs, or listen to some conservative commentators, or read some conservative columnists. You can even, if you have the stomach for it, listen to some conservative politicians.

Pakistani ITs Received $4 Million in Taxpayer Salaries ... ITs Received $4 Million in Taxpayer Salaries Under Wasserman Posted: Aug 7, 2017. I suspect this was originally posted here last week, but until the TDS dies down from the Soros/Media Matters/David Brock acolytes/employees/trolls here, I'm going to post about this topic (and link some updated info below about an active suit being argued against Wasserman).

No More Mister Nice Blog 09, 2003 · The "Rally for America" photo shown here is cropped. In the print edition of today's New York Times it includes, at left, a woman holding a sign that reads "PROTESTER = TERRORIST." No one confronts her; no one seems put off by her presence; no one seems worried that her equation of dissent with political murder is un-American.

16 | October | 2013 | Atlas Shrugged Today 16, 2013 · There is an old joke: Who is the most conservative person? A: A liberal who has been mugged. Liberal are waking up to realize they have been mugged – by Obamacare. This is funny. I mean really funny. These unwashed supporters of occupy movements, with a room full of fading Obama posters are waking up to the reality that is Obamacare.

Hidden motives behind the Coronavirus panic? | OC Politics ... 10, 2020 · Vatican will be the first and the Pope will be removed in 2020. ... they portray similar to the 2nd coming of Christ. but it's not Christ. It's someone who can unite the country (Trump can't be that man they say). SPOILER ALERT: I'm going to give the link so if you are going to watch it, don't read any further. The one who is coming to unite ...

Brown University Students Destroy Flags on Veteran's Day 17, 2016 · Brown University Students Destroy Flags on Veteran's Day Posted: Nov 17, 2016. I'm a little late with this because I've had scheduled appts. Sorry. How despicable!!!! Wonder if any of those students had/have family members that were veterans. Nothing is sacred to college students today. They're all out of control and need a good a**-whooping.

Adr Presentation | Legal Aid | Alternative Dispute ... Features of Legal Service Authority. Act, 1987 Introduction Justice - social, economic and political - is our constitutional pledge enshrined in the Preamble of our Constitution. The incorporation of Article 39-A in the Directive Principles of State Policy in the year 1976, enjoined upon the State to ensure justice on the basis of equal opportunity by providing free legal aid.

militarization – Community Alliance on Prisons 02, 2014 · A review by Congress can’t be silenced or one-sided— a serious problem. “In the aftermath of clashes between heavily armed police forces and protesters in Ferguson, MO, the Senate will review the nearly twenty-five year old law that promotes the transfer of surplus military goods to police forces, the head of the Senate Armed ...

pacs – MediaMouse Michigan Campaign Finance Network reported today that while Michigan’s economy is in serious trouble, “the money-in-politics sector” continues to be robust.. In the 2008 election cycle, the top 150 political action committees (PACs) in Michigan raised over $41.4 million to influence legislation and elections. While the number is down 20.3% compared to the $51.9 million raised in the ...

JustOneMinute: Obama Wrong On Analysis As Well As Politics? many months we've all been wondering who is the "real" Obama. Turns out his biography is dead on -- a mix of low-income Chicago neighborhoods and the Harvard Law Review. He's skipped over, oh, 90% of the country. He should have got and worked at K-Mart for a few years instead of being a …

MI-06: Bernie Sanders endorses Paul Clements | Bernie ... 07, 2016 · Bernie Sanders Endorses Paul Clements. For Immediate Release: June 7, 2016. Contact: [email protected], 610.999.6597 In a major development in the race for Congress in Michigans 6th District, Presidential candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) endorsed Paul Clements campaign. The Sanders campaign sent a fundraising e-mail blast …

carl bernstein | The Liberal Crab 26, 2008 · Great article by the legendary Carl Bernstein about the detorioration of McCain as a politican and a man. Here’s one great quote – “Indeed, no presidential nominee of either party in the last century has seemed so willing to endanger the country’s security as McCain in his reckless choice of a running mate.

Holland Native and Blackwater Founder Testifies before ... 02, 2007 · Today, West Michigan native Erik Prince, who is the founder and CEO of the controversial mercenary corporation Blackwater USA, testified in Congress before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.Prince–a former Navy SEAL who hails from the politically-connected Prince family of Holland–has a history rooted in rightwing politics, …

JustOneMinute: NOW Bush Is "Mr. Credible"! by the press is no excuse for a press cover-up. 3) Kerry’s Lie helped create Political Correctness: “ending the Vietnam war, now” as the morally superior position. This is the Kerry Lie sand that PC is built on, and it is now developing cracks.

Black Political Corruption – Page 2 – Skeptical Brotha about Black Political Corruption written by skepticalbrotha

How Conservatives Exploit Our Five Core Concerns | The it is wrong to employ these appeals as they have done--as a strategy that exploits our concerns without truly addressing the realities of our everyday lives. About author Roy Eidelson , Ph.D., is a psychologist who studies, writes about, and consults on the role of psychological issues in political, organizational, and group conflict settings.

November | 2008 | Koulflo Memo symbolism here is nearly as great as the Obama victory. The politics of hate against immigrants was also defeated. Barleta, is America’s anti-immigrant ordinance mayor. He was defeated in the Obama wave. So, where is the firewall of intolerance. Well it certainly isn’t where it was yesterday, but it …

Constitution | American Commentary Blog 12, 2009 · Posts about Constitution written by americancommentary. After the press conference with Secretary of Defense Gates and Afghan President Hamid Karzai in which Karzai says US troops and money will be needed an additional 15 to 20 years, Kucinich (D) Ohio took to the floor of the House to announce his intentions to invoke the powers given Congress concerning war.

Ronnie Brown | Wide World of Stuff, who spent one day as a day laborer in the fields for a sketch for his show, spoke to actual members of Congress, at an actual hearing. I’m sorry, but 10 times as stupid as Congress getting involved in baseball’s steroid issue. What in the hell does Colbert have to do with any of these real, legitimate issues? Nothing.

Las Vegas | kavips is fleeting. We may remember a name for awhile, and maybe a couple of trivial facts, but then we move on. Take Ronald Reagan for instance. Just less than 20 years ago he was the driving force of our society, all over our newspapers and TV’s. Today he is still somewhat the driving force behind one of our nation’s political parties.

Transphobia | This Is | #WhatTheyVotedFor. In such time as we have to reflect on notions of civility and politic, and observing its coincidence in which we grasp both desperately and often belligerently after comparisons in history, it does occur that sometimes these lines of thought and inquiry merge or intersect or whatever else they might do, and from this nexus arises a question worth considering:

Political Irony › The Two Faces of Donald Trump 29, 2017 · Donald Trump fired his longtime aide George Gigicos, who has planned almost all of Trump’s rallies since the start of the presidential campaign. Why? Because there weren’t enough people at Trump’s rally in Phoenix. Of course, that didn’t stop Trump from bragging about the size of the rally, calling it a “packed house” and saying a week later “You saw the massive crowd we had.”

University of Iowa | Search Results | The Least, First at Eastern Iowa Emergent Cohort writes:. Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners and author [of the God’s Politics blog and] God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It, will give a free, public lecture 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13 in the Main Lounge of the University of Iowa’s Iowa Memorial Union, at the corner of Jefferson and Madison streets.

George W. Bush | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog his victory speech last night, the former Massachusetts governor offered a startlingly dishonest take on the last three and a half years of the Obama presidency. In a sane world, Mitt Romney would be laughed out of politics for the speech he gave celebrating his final wins (Delaware, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York) in the ...

Skepticism | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

HUMAN RIGHTS | Letters to a Dying Dream | Page 2 Charen at NRO had an interesting article about political contributions and free speech. I had to email here about. The article was called Rethinking Political Virtue and you need to read it and then read my response to it. Or not, it’s a free country, unless you are reading this in Iran (or England), then all I can say is keep up the good fight, you might get there yet.

Buckdoghttps://buckdogpolitics.blogspot.comSep 11, 2019 · This is totally unacceptable in our Canadian society / democracy!!! Senator Tkachuk was the former Principal Secretary to disgraced former Conservative Saskatchewan Premier Grant Devine, "I know you've rolled all the way here, and I'm going to ask you one more thing: I want you to roll over every Liberal left in the country," Tkachuk told ...

EL/M-2075 « Jamesb101.com 27, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Rassmussen Polling « Jamesb101.com 27, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

John Mackey | The Liberal Doomsayer 17, 2009 · But I suppose to be expected from the guy who helped propagate the “zombie lie” here that former PA Governor Bob Casey, Sr. wasn’t allowed to speak at the Dem National Convention in ’92 because he was pro-life (other pro-life Dems did speak, for the record); launched the petition for HRC to be Obama’s VP nominee (I can recall ...

Sheldon Adelson | The Liberal Doomsayer is hypocrisy. It is to laugh, my fellow prisoners. “Situational ethics”? Really? This tells us that, in the horrific event of Willard Mitt Romney and Puppy-Dog-Eyes-With-The-Shiv-In-His-Pocket Paul Ryan actually winning the election, Sheldon Adelson stands to get a $2 billion tax cut.

How Bad Is It? | Sheila Kennedy Bad Is It? December 9, 2017 Public Policy and Governance congress , GOP , Mann , Ornstein Sheila Two of the most clear-eyed and knowledgable observers of the American legislature have once again weighed in on the disaster that is the current Congress.

JustOneMinute: Pelosi Negotiates Her Golden Parachute's a lot simpler than all that. Steny will be minority leader, because he's got a good harcut and he can string a sentence together-- Boehner Bad, Barry O Good, God Bless America" but all of the Dem caucus members and ranking committee members will be from the 140 safe liberal seats. the Blue Dogs are dead, long-live the progressives.

Frederick Politics: Dem Campaign Chatter 8-7-2008 10, 2008 · Dem Campaign Chatter 8-7-2008. George Wenschhof Today, Obama is in ... Illinois - no public events are planned. The Obama family is off to Hawaii tomorrow for a much deserved vacation.-----New CBS poll has Obama ... Read more here. As the polls continue to fluctuate, the important number to look at is the electoral vote. has ...

are the most absurd snowmen I've ever body shape... 12, 2018 · Otismo, I agree with you. People have been so fixed in their political views that they think that anybody that disagrees with them is some kind of traitor.Conservatives and liberals both believe in democracy, both give up power when voted out of office, both want to see their country succeed , both believe in the US Constitution, although their interpretations differ to a degree, etc.

Pelosi Threat to Sue Bush Over Iraq Bill - The New use my real name in place of, or in addition to, my dailykos screen name which goes back five years now to a time when there were just 2000 of us on dailykos discussing politics and the news. b) I would have asked that they provide the context of that quote and the blog entry they pulled it from.

Our Next President, Tom Tom Tancredo again American citizens can thank the Tom Tancredo for doing the hard & brave work of keeping the negative impact of illegal immigration in ours and the media's forefront. It is easy for us "regular" people to make such statements, as Tom does, - but it takes real courage for a public figure to do so.

LoneStarBear: Senior HUD Official Resigns Amidst Investigation Kiel, Federal investigators are bearing down on Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Alphonso Jackson for setting up his buddies with contracts and then telling Congress that he didn't "touch contracts." One contract in particular that prosecutors are scrutinizing involves Jackson's friend, Atlanta lawyer Michael Hollis, who was paid approximately $1 million for ...

Prosser request would have Walker undergo total ... 11, 2016 · David Prosser - - retiring State Supreme Court Justice - - you can't be serious. After years of rubber-stamping Scott Walker priorities like the partisan and anti-labor Act 10, a Voter ID law based on non-existent voter impersonation fraud, and the killing of a high-profile investigation that freed Walker from further inquiry and deeply embedded special interest money and campaign coordination ...

Ezra Klein: Your World in Charts: Polarization Edition stops at .5. So the level of polarization is even less than this graph, on first glance, suggests. Meanwhile, as the Monkey Cagers note, “the liberal fair-trade coffee-drinking Per Se-dining New Yorker is closer to the US median than the conservative truck-drivin’ Toby Keith-lovin’ Texan.”

Giuliani on | Shadow Democracy’s not about the man, but it is about the man’s decision to set aside his principles in the name of career advancement and politics. Someone needs to remind Giuliani that you don’t grease the wheels of history with American blood – and if someone says they want to, it …

bailout package | Out Foxing Karl Rove 11, 2008 · The U.S. House approved an auto bailout package Wednesday, but it could hit a roadblock in the Senate. The stopgap measure, approved by a vote of 237 to 170, is designed to let the new Congress and incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama craft a long-term solution.

Fleeing To Freedom: Escaping Haredi Arranged Marriages ... 15, 2012 · But it was the fear unique to ultra-orthodox women who leave the faith that haunted me: I was afraid of losing my children. In Lakewood, as in any ultra-orthodox community, there is a rabbinic hierarchy, a hierarchy committed to a radical religious doctrine that controls every aspect of life — from politics and marriage to female modesty ...

Mayor Faulconer’s Stealth Re-Election Campaign Emerges 28, 2015 · Congress decreed Election Day as “the Tuesday following the first Monday in November, in the year before the President’s term is to expire” in 1845. The United States was largely an agrarian ...

Political Irony › Be Careful What You Ask For 31, 2017 · Ralph, I completely agree. But you should go back further. This conspiracy to take over the government by Christian wackos can be traced back to a letter Washington wrote to king George 111, in 1774. That was the beginning of the tea party.

The Internal Haredi Politics That Encourages Riots ... 26, 2009 · The common denominator is the fact the askanim all oppose state control over the kever, realizing the state is seeking to change the kever to a tourist site, a move the Eida strongly opposes. Eida askanim and rabbonim do not wish to see the kever become a tourist attraction, which will result in visits from many non-Jews.

San Diego Politico: 10/6/13 - 10/13/ Diego) Harvey Milk left an indelible mark on the history of the United States and the announcement that the United States Postal Service will issue a commemorative stamp in his honor affirms his important place in our culture. Last year, I was honored to carry HR 41, which was passed by the State Assembly, to urge the Postmaster General to issue a Harvey Milk stamp.

Trump’s Electoral Strategy is Incompatible With Winning ... 02, 2019 · Image Credits: House of Representatives. Rep. Will Hurd of Texas was supposed to be the future of the GOP.Writing in Politico in 2017, Tim Alberta called him “a phenom,” who possesses “a rare combination of competence as a policymaker, responsiveness as a representative and ferocity as a campaigner.” It turned out that the GOP has no room for a 6’4? black man who worked undercover ...

Who Will Fight and Die for Your Life and Freedom.?? 16, 2015 · As the old saying goes, it took God, Guns and Guts to make America free and keep this country what it is. Lets keep all three. It seems its time to send a resounding message to both O'Bamster and Congress that - 1) we don't need no stinkin Muslim refugees here. 2) try to take our guns, and you can have them - bullets first.

Ezra Klein: What's Wrong With The Press Corps? doesn't much matter, as the effect is the same: the Foxification of ABC News to better gain the trust of the Hewitts of the world. Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Nov 1, 2006 1:12:14 PM I don't think that regular readers of The Note should be surprised by the "liberal media" generalizations that Halperin threw into his Hannity and Hewitt ...

Mrs. Linda McMahon | Lonnie Walker's Blog 16, 2009 · This is the kind of crap liberals are known for doing. When fans think of the WWE, Linda McMahon is the last person they think about. She had a less than prominent roll on TV. When WWE is thought about, the wrestlers are the very first thing people think of and of course Mr. McMahon.

Obsidian Wings: Las Vegas shooting victims liberal japonicus [ed. the first two names which were left off and have been added] With the Count's comment here, all of the people killed in the Las Vegas shooting have been listed.I have found no lists of all the wounded, just stories like this. Caster, 41, plans to leave Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center in the coming days after being shot through his left side at the Route 91 Harvest ...

The Blue States | Liberal Blogging From Washington Statehttps://thebluestates.wordpress.comYang had received the additional $3 million boost in his bonus after the company had its best fiscal year ending in March. The $30 billion personal technology company saw a 73% bump in net profit from the previous year, which Yang had described as a “record-setting year for Lenovo,” according to a …

Trump, and a Heretofore Untold Tale of Rape | The Smirking yet he's able — much like he was in his rapist days — to abuse, humiliate, and intimidate Congress. Ms. Carroll variably calls Trump (and all men like him) a foul harasser, molester, traducer, swindler, strangler, no-good creep, villain, dickwad, chump, and a Walking Phallus who "is a big talker, and … he yammers about himself like he ...

American Right to Life – Arts and Politics from the Armpit ... Joyner Speculates The Scalia Was Murdered And Warns That America Is Heading For Civil War BY Kyle Mantyla – See more at: – On his most recent “Prophetic Perspective on Current Events” broadcast, right-wing televangelist Rick Joyner declared that “something smells like a rat” in the recent death of Justice Antonin Scalia and warned that America could descend into civil war over ...

Progressive Party | {{site_title}}; Want more Progressives Donate Today; Home; LEARN. Giving; History (1912 – 2015) Progressive Party (United States, 1912)

Hansen Clarke to Challenge Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick ... 05, 2010 · Michigan State Senator Hansen Clarke, according to his facebook page, is gathering volunteers and gearing up to challenge Michigan Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, the mother of scandal plagued former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. It is my contention that Mrs. Kilpatrick is in serious danger of losing her seat in the August Primary. Mrs. Kilpatrick’s favorable ratings are in the ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2013 · NO, MICHAEL LIND, LIBERALS ARE NOT GOING TO KILL SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE BY PRAISING OBAMACARE At Salon, Michael Lind covers some of the same ground that Paul Krugman covers today -- both argue that what's complicated and cumbersome about Obamacare is the conservative part of it, the market-oriented part, the part that involves means-testing. But Lind …

REAL ART (and politics and culture) 07, 2010 · Even though a fairly serious moment, an intruder running around making unauthorized course changes, the dialogue just keeps getting funnier: (Spock enters bridge.) Kirk: Mr. Spock, we appear to be taking an unscheduled ride. Spock: (very dryly as he passes by) Interesting. Norman then enters and informs them that he has taken over the ship.

Habeas corpus | thoughtcrimes and misdemeanors Updated at bottom of post. -jd. Hey everybody, lookit what I just found: It appears that some Political Science professor named Marc Turetzky, of Gavilan College (in Gilroy, California, home of the always fragrant Gilroy Garlic Festival) has set up one of those “Rate My _____” sites.

Saturday Open Thread | Nina Simone Week | 3CHICSPOLITICO 30, 2019 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

2009 August 14 « The Futility Monster 14, 2009 · 1 post published by The Futility Monster on August 14, 2009. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 8 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes …

Tribune Review Editorial Board Distorts. Again. 10, 2010 · And here's the Times article they reference. Like any good political propaganda, they're hoping you don't check their work. The Times begins:The nation’s top scientists and spies are collaborating on an effort to use the federal government’s intelligence assets — including spy satellites and other classified sensors — to assess the hidden complexities of environmental change.

The Political Environment: Walker Will Turn Wisconsin Into ... 05, 2011 · Walker Will Turn Wisconsin Into An Anti-Union Joke Scott Walker will get plenty of attention nationally for his extremist plan to strip away most traditional public employees' union rights , and while his angry base may like the cost savings he's promising, the black eye it will earn Wisconsin may prove costly, too.

North Texas Liberal"Alice Fisher Confirmed for Assistant Attorney General" ... Fisher was nominated March 29, 2005, and her nomination was sent to the Senate April 4, 2005, but it had been blocked by Michigan Senator Carl Levin over interrogation tactics at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba naval facility. ... who is a 1959 graduate of Harvard Law School, repeatedly uses ...

tcnorris: 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 30, 2005 · The campaign is underway. The first poll - by Strategic Counsel for the Globe and Mail - echoed a number of earlier surveys in giving the Liberals a 46-38 lead over the NDP with the Greens at 13%. The seat estimate this produces is 52 Liberals and 27 NDP with nothing for the Greens. The only prospect for a Green seat appears to be leader Adriane Carr’s Powell River-Sunshine Coast …

Liberal in the Land of Conservative: Steve Gottwalt LTE ... Rep. Steve Gottwalt, District 15A . Published: March 09. 2008 12:30AM The recent announcement that our state is facing a $1 billion budget shortfall makes it hard to believe we had nearly a $2.2 billion surplus less than a year ago. But that's exactly where we are after only a …

journalism – Eric Lightborn's Blog on YouTube has touched what I feel is a very important issue facing us today in the U.S.. LIBERALVIEWER: Do you agree that the bias at Fox News is quantitatively and qualitatively different from any bias at the other major media outlets? It’s absolutely different, in every way. The truth of it all, as I see it, is that Fox News just took the model of far right-wing radio and ...

Wingnuttery | TheZoo First Amendment begins with these words: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . Those are the only two spots in the entire Constitution where the words “religion” or “religious” appear.

Not The Onion. Really. | Sheila Kennedy really was the Post, and not the Onion. It wasn’t Borowitz. (This assurance does prompt me to give credit to Donald Trump for providing consistent, excellent assistance to political satirists…) E.J. Dionne explains: You would be forgiven for thinking a headline from the Onion or …

Liz Crokin – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Fischer: ‘We Must Withhold Judgment’ About Roy Moore Because The Biblical Standard Of Proof Has Not Been Met By Kyle Mantyla – American Family Radio ’s Bryan Fischer has been a vocal supporter of Roy Moore in his campaign for a seat in the U.S. Senate from Alabama, declaring that Moore’s race is “ a referendum on the ...

BilgeBucket Gazette » coronavirus has gained the attention of the world recently with more than 65,000 cases reported globally and almost 1,5000 deaths.America’s Impeached CEO/Dictator Donald Trump even took an aggressive stand by issuing travel restrictions with China where the virus originated.But many feel that the travel ban could backfire.While we applaud this act of preparedness, health officials and ...

23 | December | 2015 | The Liberal Doomsayer 23, 2015 · Dregs of the Year Nominee “Byko” for this (and this) – the guy who, as far as I know, never apologized for wishing for another 9/11, as noted in one of the links; shades of George Will here, believing that some kind of sexual assault or calamitous circumstance of that type confers some kind of special status or something…about as sick, twisted and disgusting as you might expect

Political Irony › Ethanol – Another Trump Flip-Flop 02, 2017 · Ethanol – Another Trump Flip-Flop Ethanol is a big deal in Iowa . Almost half the corn grown in Iowa is used for ethanol production, and Iowa produces almost 30% of all ethanol in the US.

No Right Turn: How do you say "happy birthday" in 23 ... 03, 2007 · Today, March 25th, is the 50th birthday of the European Union. Fifty years ago today, the representatives of six nations - Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands - signed the Treaty of Rome, creating the European Economic Community.It was a small start, but fifty years later, the seed sown by that community has grown into an economic and political union …

East Texas Liberals Respond: "Hitler Card" Denounced webpage, Wikipedia cites an adage of the internet known as Godwin's Law (also called Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies) which states, "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches.

Jews sans frontieres: Today's the day for the Jewdas film fest announced in an earlier post, the Jewdas film fest takes place today: Here are the details: Sunday September 2 nd, Noon, Rio Cinema, E8, London Entrance £5 (tickets on 0207 241 9410) “Outside the mainstream because of their race, spiritual practices, sexuality, gender and politics, young Jews build radical communities”

Doomsy’s Do-Gooders and Dregs (2013 – Pt. 7) | The Liberal ... 04, 2013 · And a Do-Gooder citation within this to former Scranton police chief Dan Duffy, who said the following in response… “This is exactly what a law enforcement officer should not be doing out there publicly, especially identifying himself as a law enforcement officer. It`s an embarrassment to …

Deal reached with Mexico; DJT's advisors ... probably said it's time you idiot. Don't you want to get re-elected in 2020?

An Interesting Season in GOVThttps://buddysgovt.blogspot.comDec 02, 2012 · The only “controversial” provision was the individual mandate, which was upheld by the Court as a function of Congresses right to tax. The most relevant provision that was modified by the Court, was the requirement for States to participate in the expansion of medicare. Concerning the “facts” regarding the ACA’s effect on the national ...

Trump 'shocked' that people listened to him call ... is a difficult and time-consuming thing to accomplish and so is not often done. In Article III, Section 1, it states "The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish."

Economic Meltdown | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Moyers & Thomas Frank: How America’s Demented Politics Let the GOP Off the Hook for Their Giant Mess. By Bill Moyers and Thomas Frank, Bill Moyers Journal.Posted January 19, 2010. Bill Moyers interviews Thomas Frank on how our short attention span has allowed conservatives to escape blame for their role in the economic meltdown.

JustOneMinute: She's Cute When She's Angry 23, 2010 · bgates, I'd think that cover is entirely consistent with what she says about Palin. Now, I disagree with Elizabeth about Palin's success being primarily because she's hot, but then she pretty well walks that back herself when she says "combination of feminine sexuality and female political brilliance."

Hot Button Academic Politics | University | Politics Button Academic Politics - Free download as Open Office file (.odt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. First published in the Toronto Star (24 September 1996). On the same day I received an email message from Professor Emberley: “Thank you for your mud-slinging, ideological squib on my book in the Toronto Star.

Koch Industries Makes Billions By Demanding Bailouts And ... 01, 2011 · REPORT: How Koch Industries Makes Billions By Demanding Bailouts And Taxpayer Subsidies (Part 1) Think Progress- By Lee Fang on Mar 1st, 2011 at 1:00 pm. Koch Industries, the international conglomerate owned by Charles and David Koch, is not only the second largest private company in America, it is the most politically active.

LGF Watch: 10/01/2009 - 11/01/2009 17, 2009 · More important than anything Charles did or did not do, though, was the fact that between 2004 and 2007 we collectively came to understand both the power and the limitations of the political blogosphere. In the heady days of 2003-2004, it was assumed that site traffic conferred, in and of itself, real power to the blogger.

Michael Scheuer | The Liberal Doomsayer the time, he was the head of the C.I.A.’s Islamic-militant unit, whose job was to “detect, disrupt, and dismantle” terrorist operations. His unit spent much of 1996 studying how Al Qaeda operated; by the next year, Scheuer said, its mission was to try to capture bin Laden and his associates.

2000 election | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Take for instance this fixation on defeating Obama, making him a “one term President” as Mitch McConnell promised early in his administration, during a time of economic crisis when millions of people were losing their homes, their jobs, and their way of life, and Congress should have been working WITH the President, not against him.

ART16 | Government | Politics | Free 30-day Trial | Scribd Right to Equality is one of the basic fundamental rights that the constitution of India guarantees to all the citizens of the country. Article 16 deals with the equality of opportunity in matters of public employment. Equal opportunity is a term which has differing definitions and there is no consensus as to the precise meaning. The constitution of India has given a wide ...

Jabberwock Words: That Liberal Media…. 30, 2015 · Of course, there was the expected 8 Thumbs Down For The Iran Deal article from the GOP legislators this state is so proud of. And you don't want to forget the "Take America Back" Tump-the-Bombastic Tour in Nashville that had Tea Partiers from all …

The Citizens: Apropos 01, 2008 · An informed discussion about politics. Hosted by a mathematician, a lawyer, and a political scientist.

tcnorris: 08/01/2013 - 09/01/2013 05, 2013 · The title of this post is at odds with the received wisdom about the by-elections. That is simply because the five by-elections went 2 Liberal, 2 NDP and 1 PC. All five had previously been held by the Liberals but the PCs thought they could win as many as four of the five so gaining just one seemed a disappointment.

San Diego Politico: 2/14/10 - 2/21/ you read the article about District Attorney Dumanis had urged her deputies to remain neutral in the 2010 Sheriff race since her office deals with the Sheriff's Department regularly. Yet she endorsed appointed Sheriff Gore. Well, I started looking at their articles about Dumanis and found the article - She's Got Power and She's Willing to Use It …

Victoria McGrane – “Candidates likely to skip bailout vote ... 23, 2008 · Candidates likely to skip bailout vote Victoria McGrane | September 22, 2008 Congress is poised to vote on the biggest government intervention in the financial markets since the Great Depression, but it’s unlikely that any of the three senators vying for the White House will be there – even though all three have talked of little else for ...

09 | June | 2008 | The Plainsman Politico has moved 09, 2008 · CNN: Somalia’s government signed an agreement Monday with an opposition alliance calling to end violence and withdraw of Ethiopian troops, whose presence has stoked an increasingly bloody Islamic insurgency.. The deal is an important step toward peace, but it remains to be seen if it will be respected by hardline members of the opposition who have …

25+ Best Memes About Susan Rice | Susan Rice Memes rice: The grossly mislead graphic liberals are using to compare Benghazi to embassy attacks under Bush. 2002 -U.S. Consulate In Karachi, Pakistan, Attacked 10 Killed 2004 -U.S. Embassy Bombed In Uzbekistan 2 Killed, 9 Injured 2004 Gunmen Stormed U.S. Consulate In Saudi Arabia 8 Killed 2006 Armed Men Attacked U.S. Embassy In Syria 1 Killed 2007 Grenade Launched Into U.S. Embassy In …

You Want Fries With That Invoice? More from the Stevens ... 15, 2008 · Senator Ted Stevens' legal team continues with the "He paid all the bills that were given to him" defense. Stevens himself has been saying this since months before the trial began. It's like their little piece of driftwood in Alaska's boiling sea of political corruption. If there …

Election Time | kavips 18, 2008 · Hard as it may be, as crunch time comes up, it becomes difficult to focus on Georgia, Iran, and our long term relations with China. Even though New Castle County primary elections have little to offer rivaling the scale of dodging nuclear missiles, we as single individuals on the other hand, have far more effect on local politics, than could we ever impact our national policy.

Will Obamacare cover senile DeMintia? 24, 2013 · We’re fighting for the grandmother who is counting on her trusted physician to guide her through the challenges of aging. Because Obamacare means you can’t necessarily keep your doctor if you like him, and it’s cutting down on the health care choices available to seniors. No, it doesn't. See the not flamingly liberal US News & World Report discussion.

John McCain | Barry! often say one thing and believe or do another. It comes with the territory. But John McCain’s hypocrisy in his desperation to become president is breathtaking, even for a politician. And his running mate is no better. “My friends,” he keeps saying, without …

The PolicyMic | The Pardu's Scroll to a Mic analysis of political spending data collected by the Center for Responsive Politics, the NRA, —often cited as the most influential lobbying organization in the country — has spent a total of $ 27,205,245 in support of the 50 senators who voted against background check expansion on Thursday.

Humint Events Online: Happy New Year! The Blog Is Evolving ... 30, 2018 · It still is perhaps the crime of the century, or in the top 5, and the official 9/11 story still stinks. The other major crimes so far this century are the illegal invasion of Iraq, the treasonous election of Trump as a Russian plot, the 2007-8 financial crash and scam and the corruption of our constitutional political process by the GOP.

reputation of politics « The Futility Monster 03, 2010 · Posted by The Futility Monster on March 3, 2010 @ 09:26 Cleggy has to be the biggest winner out of all this, despite having no chance of becoming PM! Now that the unthinkable has happened, and the three main party leaders have agreed not just the principle but the detail of the forthcoming leaders’ debates, we really are in uncharted ...

PardonMyFrench: 2012 Primary lot of political amateurs put weight into Google's ability to predict outcomes in elections based on search trends. Personally, I've always used Google's search traffic as a trailing indicator of strength and of course as a way to capitalize on the traffic for marketing. Whether it is straight paid search, YouTube, or display ads in Google's display network a sudden increase in traffic ...

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Jackson's Doctor Cooperates With ... 07, 2009 · LOS ANGELES - The cardiologist who was with Michael Jackson during the pop star's final moments sat down with investigators for the first time to explain his actions — and left three hours later as a witness, not a suspect. Dr. Conrad Murray "helped identify the circumstances around the death of the pop icon and clarified some inconsistencies," Murray's spokeswoman Miranda Sevcik said in a ...

Contemporary American Politicshttps://contemporaryamericanpolitics.blogspot.comTomorrow, Friday, June 2nd, is the last day for extra credit as I announced previously in class. I cannot make exceptions to this so I can start to get the points added up, etc. Thanks for a great class. Well, I think I told you that this issue would explode. It has not yet exploded, but it's on the verge. I am still not sure what to make of it.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: MARCO RUBIO vs BARACK OBAMA JR ... 09, 2014 · Rubio's address to a group of experts and reporters at the Capitol's Lyndon B. Johnson Room was a marquee event during a day of reflection and speeches over how to tackle poverty. The poverty rate was 15% in 2012, down slightly from the mid-1960s. Critics charge the change has been negligible and expensive.

Harry Jones' Bonus Eliminated, County Builds $2M Park For ... 05, 2010 · Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Leaders Eliminates Harry Jones' Bonus Charlotte-Mecklenburg County commissioners agreed Tuesday to change the way they pay County Manager Harry Jones, including eliminating performance bonuses from future compensation packages. Under his previous contract, Jones had been eligible for a performance bonus of up to 30 percent of his base pay.

Without Bold Accentshttps://withoutboldaccents.blogspot.comThe political blogosphere is a very self-conscious entity. Like anything new and young (teenagers, students) observing the established old guard (parents, teachers), it constantly frets about its relevance and position vis a vis the so-called mainstream. This will …

Like A Rat Running for Daylight: Bush and the Politics of peace, truth, and time are the Bush administration's deadliest enemies. As soon as we opt for disengagement instead of victory and the Iraq war is defined as a failure, the Bush administration is stripped of the "war presidency" status that allows it to shield all its actions from public scrutiny by claiming the needs of urgency ...

Motor City Liberal: Neocons Slither Back the spokesman for Paul Bremer during the Iraq occupation, Senor helped perpetrate one of the biggest foreign policy bungles in American history. The clueless desert viceroys summarily disbanded the Iraqi Army, forced de-Baathification, stood frozen in denial as thugs looted ministries and museums, deluded themselves about the growing ...

Motor City Liberal: Mississippi May Honor Early KKK Leader ... is in connection with one of the most atrocious and cold-blooded massacres that ever disgraced civilized warfare that his name will for ever be inseparably associated. “Fort Pillow Forrest” was the title which the deed conferred upon him, and by this he will be remembered by the present generation, and by it he will pass into history.

For Liberty Examines the Kingmakers – R3publicans 29, 2009 · For Liberty Examines the Kingmakers. For Liberty, a documentary of the Ron Paul grassroots movement, deserves attention. Ron Paul enthusiasts will recognize familiar names and faces and relive unforgettable moments, and students of elections, campaign managers and political activists of all persuasions should see it.

Lila Rajiva: The Mind-Body Politic | A blog about politics ...https://lilarajiva.wordpress.comThe Spin Factor has a piece about the growing support for Ron Paul — Bob Novak among others. The list of those sympathetic to a Paul candidacy now ranges from Andrew Sullivan to Jon Stewart to Pat Buchanan…. The MSM can flail around trying to conceal how grassroots the support for Paul is, but they’re not going to succeed.

Supreme Court | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives ... group’s latest bankrollers include two corporations — one of which is a Fortune 500 company — and three wealthy Texans. Such donations demonstrate how a few key players may now, in the aftermath of major federal court decisions, significantly affect the fortunes of certain political interests.

Cold War « Mercury Rising ?? about Cold War written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

The Useless Tree: Confucius in Church's the title of a piece in The Global Times a couple of days ago, reporting on a class, held under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, in which Chinese Christians read The Analects and contemplate parallels between Confucianism and Christianity. Intellectually, this could be an interesting conversation, but, politically, I wonder if it is an effort to centrally control ...

Obsidian Wings: Bold Leadership is actually a plot to perform tests on senior citizens and children under the guise of "cure" and "vaccination". Michelle Malkin : Barack Obama says he wants to cure cancer, but if you look closely at the legislation he's asking Congress to pass, it establishes death panels to decide who lives and who dies.

No More Mister Nice Blog 08, 2008 · The hardcore supporters of one of our major political parties -- the dominant one for decades -- believe a first-rate education and comfort in sophisticated circles are (literally) Marks of …

04 | December | 2015 | Dear Kitty. Some blog 04, 2015 · This video is called 10 Famous Hoaxes. By Solomon Hughes in Britain:. Tinfoil despots: why powerful elites love conspiracy theories. Friday 4th December 2015. The left is often falsely accused of what the right is guilty of, writes SOLOMON HUGHES. MOVE away from the political mainstream, and pretty soon you’ll be accused of believing “conspiracy theories.”

Thailand Cave Rescue: First of the trapped boys emerge ... 08, 2018 · Visit the post for more. Twelve boys — aged between 11 and 16 — and their coach, were discovered by two British divers on July 2, nine days after they disappeared during an outing in the Tham Luang Nang Non cave complex, in Chiang Rai, northern Thailand.

Occupy movement « Mercury Rising ?? not the first incident, it is not going to be the last, and it’s not the worst, to be honest. We all know that. It’s not—you know, the FBI has a long history — ’50s, ’60s, ’70s — of mass surveillance, of targeting of people based on political ideology, of efforts to disrupt the movements for social justice, for ...

Politics 2012 | The Pardu's Scroll the first thing you saw when you opened to this article was the map above, you should have noticed something very dire. The proposed Keystone Pipeline, as planned, cuts directly across the U.S. heartland. The heartland is a veritable grain-belt which feeds …

Spudge_Boy | TheZoo 10, 2009 · Mr Putin said that as long as the US avoided setting a pull-out date, the Iraqi leadership “won’t rush to build up its own security forces”. … “One can wipe off a political map some tyrannical regime… but it’s absolutely pointless to fight with a people,”-Vladmir Putin …

Bawarchi's Blast: May 2008 29, 2008 · Bill Press, on his morning radio show, noted that a bust of Julius Caesar had recently been discovered and that it was the "spitting image" of George W. Bush. It made me wonder if there was more to this than a casual resemblance. Born into a prominent political family Caesar was afforded all the advantages of privilege.Financed by wealthy friends of the family, he spent enormous amounts of ...

Energy Department proposes change to electricity pricing ... 09, 2020 · That was the case during Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, which knocked down utility poles and flooded substations in some areas. Still, Perry cited these storms in his letter to FERC. Energy is bought in wholesale markets in many parts of the United States following a …

House Judiciary committee hearing confronts Barr's ... his opening statement, Zelinsky is expected to say that, "What I saw was the Department of Justice exerting significant pressure on the line prosecutors in the case to obscure the correct Sentencing Guidelines calculation to which Roger Stone was subject—and to water down and in some cases outright distort the events that transpired in his ...

Mary Colbert – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Colbert: Trump’s Use of ‘Rough Language’ Is Just Like Jesus By Kyle Mantyla – Recently, Religious Right activist Mary Colbert and “ firefighter prophet ” Mark Taylor appeared on the “Something More” program, where Colbert said that President Trump is like Jesus in his use of coarse language and, like God, is “a man of his ...

Gubu-World: Jihad against Jimmy Carter is in no small part due to the powerful influence of the pro Israeli lobby of which most prominent political figures appear to pander to. As a result of Carter's outspoken stance against the status quo, an unprecedented and ongoing campaign has been initiated designed not to respond and discredit his views but to discredit the man himself.

Jesus' General: Flag Pin Patriotism: Is This All That's Left? 20, 2008 · America's hyper-patriotism, especially in the context of politics and political campaigns, is already disturbing enough in how it threatens to undermine discussions about real issues and real patriotism, but the people responsible for it are determined to make things worse through a excessive focus on mere symbols of hyper-patriotism.

Fine for Parking Here | Something should go here, maybe later. 31, 2009 · (This post was somehow published while I made revisions - sorry to those who saw the first version) There comes a point where political point scoring and twisting crosses the line and just becomes casual lying. Idiot/Savant has done this a lot recently with the Section 59 debate, but he's also doing it in other…

Twitter refuses to delete Trump's baseless claims about ... this pageThis is hardly the first time that Trump has publicly accused someone of crimes without citing any evidence. Over the course of his career in politics, Trump has accused dozens of government officials of "treason," and as president, he has demanded federal investigations into his opponents, his critics and most recently his predecessor, former ...

Georgia's Shame: Electing Saxby Chambliss - Smirking someone born and raised in Southern California I was disgusted over how voters in my area of the state had nurtured the rise of native son Richard Nixon to political power as he used smear tactics questioning the patriotism of congressional and senatorial opponents Jerry Voorhis and Helen Gahaghan Douglas respectively.

Jacob Smith | OlberBlogging about Jacob Smith written by olberblogger. We all know Keith Olbermann obsesses about baseball. Countdown carries his name but much more important, provides financial wherewithal for those choice season seats in Yankee Stadiums, both old and new.Countdown allows him to rave at politicos and pundits gone wrong, but we sense he much rather holler at the doings of the Boys in Pinstripes.

19 | April | 2008 | TheZoo 19, 2008 · According to a story by the AP’s John Riley (via Raw Story), young voters today are shunning third parties in favor of the traditional two major political parties.One 21-year-old interviewed considered himself “among those who see third-party candidates as spoilers, a view that, coupled with a renewed excitement for major party candidates, is draining key support from third parties in 2008.”

JustOneMinute: They Said It Couldn't Be Done... 20, 2013 · Hayek told the world long ago why this thing could never work: the knowledge problem. Instead of being informed by signals sent by consumers in the marketplace, decision-makers in the health insurance and, to a great extent, healthcare industries are now informed purely by political signals.

mind control | The Pardu's Scroll about mind control written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Suddenly it's a ballgame!'m Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 12, 2019 · P.S. – Far too early to endorse anybody, but it’s also important to make sure the most promising candidates, especially diverse voices, get a fair shake, while we also work hard to keep candidates who would be dangerous to progressive/liberal causes from becoming frontrunners. — Adam Best (@adamcbest) January 12, 2019

Federal Judge: ‘Fort Collins cannot order women not to go ... 24, 2017 · "Free the nipple." Otherwise known as going topless. Another present given to us by Obama. Obama nominated Federal Judge R. Brooke Jackson in 2010, and renominated him in January when the new congress convened. He has decided it is sexist to expect women to wear clothes. A bit brisk in Fort Collins right now…

A Response to ‘Rennaissance’ in Profiles in Cowardice ... 07, 2010 · A Response to ‘Rennaissance’ in Profiles in Cowardice Posted in News , Politics by Bob Higgins on October 7, 2010 Robert J. Elisberg takes some of the more notorious teabaggers to task for their rabbit like timidity when faced with the press unless the interviewer is a …

palingates: Tony Hayward gives evasive answers to Congress ... 21, 2010 · Tony Hayward gives evasive answers to Congress, and the political clowns distract from real issues Guest post by Kathleen Yesterday, the CEO of BP Tony Hayward was due to answer questions regarding the Gulf of Mexico oil spill before a Congressional hearing which hoped to make sense of how the disaster occurred and to receive an apology for the ...

Q Poll « Jamesb101.com 17, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

2 Political Junkies: Rendell calls PA Homeland Security ... 15, 2010 · I have to love Big Ed for this. He'll never be President, but his straightforward, no-BS response to what we all need a lot more of from the pols in DC. Ask yourself this; when was the last time you heard a politician apologize -- or heard an apology you actually believed? September 15, …

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2008 · ("McCain's trip to Louisiana on Wednesday was the cause of much head scratching in the political world as it was not in keeping with a week of planned stops in battleground states," Cillizza adds.) And Robert Novak claims insiders are saying McCain will announce his VP pick this week, but Novak suggests it will be Mitt Romney.

tcnorris: 12/01/2010 - 01/01/2011 20, 2010 · One of the three is St. John's East. Here is the result from the ... This is but one example of the Tory spin that went unexamined critically by the Globe. More broadly, the problem for the Conservatives is the same as before. In 2008 with nearly a 12 point lead and a very weak Liberal leader, they could not win a majority. They need about 62% ...

Sex Offender Court Decisions: United States v Kebodeaux Texas: United States v Kebodeaux SCOTUS Blog explains it best: Holding: As applied to respondent Anthony Kebodeaux, the registration requirements of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act fall within the scope of Congress’s authority under the Necessary and Proper Clause. (i.e., he was required to register)Judgment: Reversed, 7-2, in an opinion by Justice Breyer on June ...

"Pinkwashing", Hen Mazzig, and the Silencing of Mizrahi ... blog about politics, law, philosophy, and sometimes boxing.

crisis | Sheila Kennedy is the story of American politics: a narrowly divided nation, with raw numbers on the side of the rising demographics in the left coalition but intensity and outsized political power on the side of the right coalition. Put in more practical terms, the right still has the votes and the cohesion to prevent a Senate impeachment conviction.

Tick...Tick...Tick - JustPlainPolitics.com 03, 2008 · Jaysus Christ Almighty, and I thought keepen up with the Bushies was a full time job! I will need to hire some help, this keeps up: They have the emails. Remember, when this first started, no one from Sarah Palin's office had even spoken to the chief about her BIL. That statement was inoperative as of some weeks ago...but, SHE certainly had never done any such thing.

2016 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America a Tuesday appearance on Fox & Friends, Cain argued that political pundits “still cannot understand and explain the Trump phenomenon.” – Herman Cain: There is a ‘phenomenon’ of black women switching to Tronald Dump!!! “Piss Factory” is a protopunk song written by Patti Smith and Richard Sohl, and released as a B-side on Smith’s debut single “Hey Joe” in 1974

rightwing ecosystem | Sheila Kennedy is the story of American politics: a narrowly divided nation, with raw numbers on the side of the rising demographics in the left coalition but intensity and outsized political power on the side of the right coalition. Put in more practical terms, the right still has the votes and the cohesion to prevent a Senate impeachment conviction.

Some video recommendations | Sohum Parlance II 29, 2009 · Dorothy was the “everyman” with common sense and a deep notion of justice. The Tin Man looking for a heart was the alienated industrial worker – his need for the oil representing Rockefeller’s monopoly. The scarecrow looking for a brain was the farmer limited by his political ignorance. The Wicked Witch of the East was the banking system.

Balkinization: The Normal Politics of Abnormal Presidents 2016 vote largely mirrored the 2008 and 2012 vote with differences being as much explained by secular trends in voting choice as particular details of the campaign such as the FBI's intervention. The only major unique event was the publication of embarrassing documents by Russian hackers, which no doubt played some role in the election.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:The Ragin' Cajun in'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Political Corruption Activism Opportunities - Best of the Left registration drives are being raided by police in Indiana….and also the first election in 50 years without the full protection of the Voting Rights Act. So, that’s the lay of the land - and it’s not even election day yet. Voter suppression is how democracy ends.

Political Humor | Shadow Democracy the first time, the world’s largest retailer is stocking a full line of faith-based toys along with its usual cast – including a GI Joe Combat Squad action figure with a gun the size of his body, and a 3-foot remote-control concept car dubbed “Big Time Muscle.”

Political Irony › Tea Party Terminators 01, 2011 · This is what President Obama seems constitutionally unable to grasp. That even if they are a sometimes useful foil, and (sadly) sometimes equally useful in getting him the policy results he wishes, by definition the Tea Party brigade sees any compromise as evil, because everyone to the left of Pat Buchanan is viewed as a mortal threat to their ...

They say compassion is a virtue, but I don’t have the time ... 16, 2006 · They say compassion is a virtue, but I don’t have the time Filed under: Blogs Themselves , Laws and Sausages , The Old Dirty War — tomemos @ 11:06 am One thing I’ve added to this blog that wasn’t on the Raptor one is a links section for the political blogs I go to.

politics | Koulflo Memo the many questions Gwen Ifill could ask Sarah Palin, the one I would like to hear has to do with reconciling her Couric interview response that here is an inherent right to privacy in the Constitution, with her opposition to a woman’s right to choose (Roe v Wade) 1973 and a couple’s right to contraceptives (Griswald v Connecticut, 1965, which recognized a penumbra right to privacy ...

military | Paikea Restored Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey told Congress, "We just don't know the impacts on readiness and military effectiveness.". They're just people, you MORONS, not aliens from another planet. GEEEZ. Excuses, excuses. REPEAL DADT ALREADY!! It was an asinine policy to begin with.

Pho's Akron Pages: Obama in Ohio 04, 2006 · Q (Me) what do you see as the role of blogs in politics going forward generally, and specifically, why did you do this (buy the tickets for the table of bloggers) A: My background is community organizing. Blogs have a potential of tapping into grassroots energy. In his race he saw the ability of the internet to spread the word on a candidate ...

Questions For Tim Russert | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 27, 2008 · by Bob Cesca @ 1:57 PM (EST) Throughout the last seven years, we've observed the very serious traditional media reacting to what many perceive as a bias of all varieties: from a liberal bias, to an anti-liberal bias, to facts proving that some reporters were actually paid to be Bush White House propagandists. According to…

Ezra Klein: Caitlyn Flanagan, just an extension of Flanagan's normal romantic arguments to politics: she is a weak, vulnerable women in need of protection. Whether the answer is a strong man or an attentive party, the common problem is always her protested helplessness, which she insists all women share.

October | 2008 | The Rogue Jew | Page 5 22, 2008 · I went to a Senator and/or Congressman or other public official in Hawaii to have my name changed. 35. I had a passport issued to me from the Government of Indonesia.36. The United States Constitution does not allow for a Person to hold the office of President of the United States unless that person is a “natural born” United States citizen ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2014 · That was the point of Geert Wilders' claim that Islam is not a religion (false) but a totalitarian political ideology unique in its ferocious and bloody will to power (true). Compared to Islam, fascism, though not its Nazi variation, was weak tea. And communism, as regards world revolution, was downright insouciant.

Ironweed Films Guest Blog: January 18, 2010 · Ironweed Films Guest Blog Ironweed Films is a monthly DVD club for progressive viewers interested in political, environmental and socially-conscious films. Each month, members receive 2-4 films on 1 DVD, theirs to keep, for just $15.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 13, 2017 · Late Night Political Humor [Jokes from Feb. 22, 2017] ... This is the first administration where the public is aging faster than the president. – James Corden. But it makes sense that Trump tells the most fibs of any president — even the color of his skin is a lie. – James Corden

kultur | Ibn Kafka's obiter dicta - divagations d'un ... this pageThis is my problem, generally, particularly with how the ‘West’ looks at us. I think it happened with Beirut after the Civil War, and [the same thing] happened with Iran. All the Iranian [directors] who make movies about oppression, women, and politics – [they] all sell well.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 01, 2017 · The entire Northeast is being hit by Winter Storm Stella, the first blizzard of 2017. Of course, now that Obamacare is getting repealed, it’s nice to see something’s still covering half the country. – Conan O’Brien. We were supposed to get up to 2 feet of snow, but it turned to sleet early — just cold and brittle, right in your face.

Khan KO’s Tories on Labour’s representation record 05, 2010 · OBV blog recently questioned whether Labour would fall behind the Tories after David Cameron’s party selected the 12th BME politician in a winnable seat.. Khan, who is confident of seeing off a challenge to his own Tooting seat from a black Tory, Mark Clarke, was in combative mood, emphasising the difference between the Tories “beauty parade” of BME candidates who were …

Senator Harold Ford, Jr ? – Skeptical Brotha 25, 2006 · With less than two weeks to go, Congressman Harold Ford, Jr. is in the homestretch of a race that has been the culmination of his ambitions for many years. He continues to parry and thrust effectively in the battle against his GOP nemesis Bob Corker, the former Mayor of Chattanooga, TN. We've heard much about an…

liberals vs. conservatives – Robot King 10, 2013 · This is all I’m going to say about the government shutdown for the time being: Deep down, most of us agree on this one. Regular readers of this blog probably know that one of my heroes is Dan Savage, co-founder of the It Gets Better project and sex advice columnist/podcaster.

Barack Obama | Mudflats is my blog. And my favorite thing is Lego Aquaraiders. My blog is going to be on Aquaraiders, space and all my favorite things. I am five and a half years old and I’m in Kindergarten. Apparently, one of his “favorite things” has turned out to be politics, and specifically Barack Obama.

47% | cadesertvoice was the most difficult 9 years of campaigning Liberals will ever go through again. The changing dynamics of how elections are won is forever changed by Obama’s strategy. Together with Nate Silver (pollster) and Rodell Mollineau of American Bridge (tracker) calling out right wing lies, most of our research work will be done for us activists.

NYC police abuse | The Pardu's Scroll A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link; Jon S. Randal : US History Often Overlooked (Jim Crow, The Fight For Equality, Information, Quest for Peace)

Time For the U.S. Yellow Vests - Progress Pond 23, 2019 · From Counterpunch. (Emphases mine) Read on: 1/23/19 Time for the U.S. Yellow Vests by Paul Street Here are seven things you won’t hear much if anything about in the reigning corporate media regarding the ongoing record-setting partial shutdown of the United States federal government: 1: The Longstanding Neoliberal War on “Big Government”: a proper understanding […]

TPI Morning Gazette: Planned Parenthood, Confederate Flag ... 20, 2015 · Politifact has also run an analysis of the conversation via its Truth-O-Meter team. Apparently, Planned Parenthood sells some tissues, but selling for a profit as the video indicates is false. But, there are political party leaders who have profited from abortion services.

Visual Politics FYS: One Tough Grandma 01, 2010 · Grandparents are the head of a family, and deserve respect. The ad’s main point is not how Conlin is a great grandparent. It is that she is a “strong leader who is not afraid to take on tough fights” and that Conlin “represents everyday people who …

CA-39 Tulchin Research for Jay Chen (Dec. 2011 ... the advent of California’s new re-districting format and the political shuffling that has occurred as a result of new district lines, Tulchin Research was asked to conduct a survey in the state’s new 39 t h Congressional District to better understand the dynamics of the district. The newly redrawn district has merged portions of the old 40 t h and 42 n d Congressional Districts ...

I'm a leftie. Can I join the NRA? | Northwest Firearms ... 16, 2011 · Gun rights are the property, political and otherwise, of EVERY AMERICAN, unless they surrender them through political folly, or by demonstrating that they are too irresponsible to wield them within the framework of an organized, productive society, and were judged to be so in a court of law.

trump | Bakhtin's Cigarettes long as the politician is addressing an audience within a particular state it is quite normal that the rhetoric will slide into nationalist banalities such as “making out country great again” or “drawing on our finest traditions,” or even puerile playground claims that “our” armed forces are the greatest in the world.

trump catch all & other political scary stuff - Part 25 17, 2019 · MSNBC video From MSNBC... ”Jonathan Lemire on Beto O’Rourke's past

New purist meme: All credit for Obama's marriage equality ... 10, 2012 · by Deaniac83/The People's View As the surprise and history-making of the President's support for same-sex marriage sets in, the president's detractors on the "Left" aren't exactly in a celebratory mood, with some taking credit for themselves, and some even rushing to equate gay marriage with marijuana legalizatoin. But if there's one column that largely encapsulates the reaction Obama-will ...

Gubu-World: April 2012 World is an Irishmans view of global affairs. Gubu is an Irish political phrase that stands for grotesque, unbelievable, bizare and unprecendented. Gubu World is a polictical blog that debates international issues of contention. While keeping an eye on events in Ireland we regularly debate developments in Iraq, Iran, Israel and other troubled spots.

A Liberal In the Right-Wing Lion’s Den | Zero Tolerance ... 14, 2011 · Two can play that "throw 'em some red meat and watch 'em come running " game. Talking to Jesse Lee Peterson and the three stooges that make up his audience had been like a bad blow job: an experience worth remembering, but not worth repeating.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Guest Blog from Georgia Congressional ... 01, 2008 · On that page is just one of many instances that set up a system in which NOBODY is watching the watchers - except the watchers themselves. Under the FISA Amendments Act, the Attorney General of the United States runs the spy operations against the American people, and also has the ability to serve as the ONLY person in all the government to ...

Islamabadelection | Pakistan Peoples Party | Political ... - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. nothing

Dozens of former Obama staffers running for office to ... 29, 2018 · Little bomblets being planted into our government. 28 alone running for Congress. As if we haven't endured enough. They never rest: Dozens of former Obama administration officials are running for office this year, largely in opposition to President Trump and his policies, NBC News reported Sunday. At least 64 former Obama staffers are…

New York Times Hires New SJW Editor Sarah Jeong Who ‘Jokes ... 03, 2018 · Journos Defend NYT Hire’s Anti-White Tweets: ‘Sarah Jeong Is Good, Her Haters Are Bad’: the above tweets I posted above are from a 'journalist' working for Vox, the liberal propaganda online scheme to overthrow society and fix it via 'open borders' and killing all white people. The open racism of Black Lives Matter is now being openly copied by other 'minorities' who, like…

Revising (Or Correcting!) The Declaration Of Independence past is not dead. It is not even past, as earnest historians (presumably progressive) attempt to revise the Declaration of Independence. From the Times:. Every Fourth of July, some Americans sit down to read the Declaration of Independence, reacquainting themselves with the nation’s founding charter exactly as it was signed by the Second Continental Congress in 1776.

Jeff Bryant | progressivenetwork Jeff Bryant, Campaign for America’s Future, January 23, 2013. It was hard for a progressive not to get a chocolate high from President Obama’s inauguration speech. Indeed it was full of treats: a “dramatic and sweeping argument for equality”. . . “a commitment to community and the common good”. . . “the most liberal speech of his presidency.”

Politics | 44-D photos from the event and watch a video of the President’s remarks, the tree lighting ceremony, and a reading of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” by the First Lady. President Barack Obama addresses the crowd as he and the First Family attend the National Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony on the Ellipse in Washington, D.C., Dec. 9, 2010.

Tea’s Weird Week: There are Two Dozen Members of QAnon ... 13, 2020 · I wish I were joking with this week’s column title, but I’m not. Media Matters for America, a liberal watchdog group that monitors right-wing media, has identified 24 candidates (though two have already dropped out) who have launched 2020 campaigns that are promoters of the QAnon theory.Yikes. QAnon is a cult-like conspiracy following that believes in a Trump Messiah.

Arabic | The Moorish Wanderer to those that took interest in Moroccan society, and really looked in depth for its structures and inner mechanisms. One of the most prestigious scholars that studied pre-modern Morocco was Ernest Gellner, who, in his famous -to those that like to discuss politics with pondered minds- book “Saints Of the Atlas” (1969).

That "quote " from the dead professor..., who graduated from Wharton in 1968, has also never challenged the fact that he "graduated first in his class," which various publishers and news agencies such as The New York Times have reported. Penn records and Trump’s classmates dispute this claim.

video – Eric Lightborn's Blog about video written by Eric Lightborn. Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy. Chris Matthews of MSNBC has aired his political documentary covering the trend of radical right-wing extremism taking hold in the U.S.. I think it worth the watch. “Political novice” is the description Matthews uses for most tea party activists, and I would have to agree.

Fahrenheit 11/9 [Movie Review] - Nolan Dalla 22, 2018 · The first 30 minutes of Fahrenheit 11/9 is riveting — a pure foot-stomping, hand-clapping joy to watch, no matter what your political affiliation. I couldn’t help but conclude that even Trump’s most loyal supporters would love watching the first half hour of this movie (if nothing else, catch this part).

Thursday Open Thread | Sheku Kanneh-Mason Week ... 31, 2018 · The first was that, while they had evidence that implicated the Russians in the hacks they didn’t have anything that could be called incontrovertible proof. And, even if they were confident that Russians were involved, anything that might help them understand how the operation was organized and authorized would be vital for both investigatory ...

Geopolitics | Left-handed Complement it’s been pretty tough this week, as Faithful Reader might imagine, and we’re dipping our toes gingerly back into the blogging sea tonight.. Nevertheless, we’re all about doing the right thing here at Left-Handed Complement, and in that spirit we’re recycling some of yr (justifiably) humble svt‘s favorite electrons. And, with nearly 470 fresh daily posts in the past 16+ months ...

No, Governor Craven Heartless Worm, Hoover Resigning Will ... 06, 2017 · The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky is Central Kentucky, the area around Lexington. It's also sometimes known as the Golden Triangle, the region formed by Louisville in the west, Cincinnati in the north and Lexington in the east-south corner. This is the most economically advanced, politically progressive and aesthically beautiful area of the state.

Impeachment demands should be dropped for now, in favor of 05, 2018 · The really interesting thing about Michael Wolff's new tell-all book and the furious reaction to it is that everybody is right: Wolff, Trump, Bannon et al — everyone, since the formidable theme of each belligerent is that the others are cracked, incompetent, or both. The book, Fire and Fury, portrays Trump as an unstable "buffoon who doesn’t read, can’t settle on political priorities and ...

Frank Chow: Asian- American Political Pundit: 2017 20, 2017 · Today while looking for one of the Minority Militant's classic screeds, I stumbled upon his passing. From his family's GoFundMe : Keon Enoy Munedouang (August 17, 1980 - May 4, 2016) was a Navy veteran and a writer who lost his life last week at the age of 35.

Redeye's Front Page: The Lowdown Grand Old Party in Action 07, 2011 · The measure has no force of law, was purely symbolic, was responding to a non-existent threat, and by all appearances, was a complete waste of time. As a practical matter, the resolution effectively declared, "Just in case anyone forgot, the national motto is still the national motto." What a valuable use of Congress' time.

Media is Up Obama’s Ass | kavips 03, 2009 · Media is Up Obama’s Ass. February 3, 2009 in Do Something!, Exchange of ideas, fact checkers, Jessica Simpson, Main stream media, Media bias, news blackout, Obama, political favors, President Obama, Tony Romo, torture

Marriage | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

July | 2009 | Paikea Restored 18, 2009 · Very few people in history, except maybe political and military leaders, are the embodiment of their time, and Cronkite seemed to be." At one time, his audience was so large, and his image so credible, that a 1972 poll determined he was "the most trusted man in America" – surpassing even the president, vice president, members of Congress and ...

Preet Bharara refused to return phone call from Trump ... 12, 2017 · Prosecutor Preet Bharara was fired by the attorney general a day after he refused to return a phone call from President Trump, a report alleges. An assistant to the president of the United States called Bharara’s office Thursday, saying the president wanted to talk, but Bharara refused citing Department of Justice rules, the New York…

Political Updates | Mirror On America 05, 2008 · 1. President-elect Obama won the state of North Carolina. As one of our readers so aptly put it, that thump you hear is Jesse Helms turning over in his grave. 2. It's looking as if President-elect Obama will win the Nebraska 2nd Congressional District Electoral Vote. 3. The Obama-Biden campaign has a new website: Office of the ...

An Old Jarhead Speaks His Mind | The Rogue Jew 25, 2006 · A friend of mine emailed me this letter that was written by a former member of the United States Marine Corp. As we all know, Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) is himself a former Marine who has chosen as of late to do nothing but slander the Men and Women who proudly serve the people of the United States in the Marine Corps. He has chosen a path of support for the Islamic Terrorists ...

22 | September | 2006 | Dear Kitty. Some blog 22, 2006 · This is a fairly bold statement when you’re sitting in the middle of a music festival. It’s even bolder when you’re one of the acts. For a musician, this might seem like confused priorities, but for Anti-Flag’s lead singer Justin Sane, as a political activist, punk rock is his weapon.

Proof Positive: Quote du jour 12, 2008 · Quote du jour (4439) Rule Five (1799) John Cox (1739) Cartoons (1523) Kirkwood (1430) Photoshops (1131) Politics (1045) Classic KiRKWOOD (731) Medal of Honor (588) Friday Night Babes (583) Military (552) Music (495) Vintage Babe of the Week (484) Sex in Advertising (402) Best of the Web Linkaround (380) Hypocrisy (354) A Little Saturday Night ...

Frederick Politics: Dem Campaign Chatter 10-17-2008 09, 2008 · All three battleground states are currently polling Blue, Virginia for the first time since 1964.-----President Bush addresses nation again on the economy - every time he has done so the stock market drops. President Bush urged Americans to be patient, saying …

conservative | Law of Markets 15, 2017 · Posts about conservative written by lawofmarkets. If I am going to get into personal labels, I am a Gladstonian liberal. So here we are with the naming of things where “liberal” is the equivalent of insane while “conservative” is prudential common sense:. The differences between the classical-liberal and conservative traditions have immense consequences for policy.

Motor City Liberal: CNN Vs. CNN: Loesch Backs Muslim ... 23, 2012 · On her July 19 radio show, Loesch was discussing charges initially brought by Rep. Michele Bachmann, who in June sent a series of letters to federal agencies claiming that "individuals and organizations associated with the Muslim Brotherhood" are influencing State Department policies. Bachmann singled out Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin -- who is also married to former Rep. …

PoliScope: October 2010 03, 2010 · Comments on politics, society, sports, music, bad manners, crazy parents, nutty kids, strange students, university life and freakish acts of nature.<p> "I love your blog!" -- Anonymous<p>"Your blog is stupid." -- Anonymous<p>"What do they charge per square foot for something like this?" -- …

misinformation – Eric Lightborn's Blog Ailes, President of Fox News, appeared recently on ABC’s “This Week“ and was at long last confronted on his recent condoning of the most intense fear-mongering and incitement toward violence ever seen in modern U.S. politics & punditry via Glenn Beck of Fox News.. Ailes proceeded to make two non-factual statements and then attempted to dismiss the issue when confronted by Ariana ...

Governor Scott Walker | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog (WKOW) — The makeshift community of protesters against Governor Scott Walker’s biennium budget is up and running. The two-week long “Walkerville” tent city began Saturday with a kickoff event at 7 pm. “This is all part of the anger and frustration at politicians that aren’t listening to working class folks from around this state,” said organizer Peter Rickman.

Politics | Joshua Lindsey the reason you are voting for a candidate, you will need to pick a candidate that has a chance to win the election. This basically will force you into voting only for one of the top two candidates (or rarely, top three, if there is a close three-way race, which has happened.)

The Citizens: Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest? 07, 2008 · This is the worst thing liberals do in public. Some liberals confuse tolerance with moral relativism. This is what gives the opening to conservatives to claim that they alone understand moral values. Sadly, even ironically, they are the ones often pimping "biblical" values every bit as postmodernly-constructed as Sharia law.

Banned in Britain? | my reading the UK definition of terrorism, I think the British government can now ban all sorts of movies. Braveheart and Robin Hood both glorify violent action "designed to influence the government" "for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause." So does Star Wars, and a fair amount of Shakespeare.And, of course, the writings of Thomas Paine, histories of the ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 04, 2010 · Sure, maybe a few thought he was the salvation of American politics, but there's really not much evidence that this was a very widespread belief -- and no evidence at all that Obama himself ever believed it. In fact, mostly the triumph of a conservative narrative. It was conservatives who spent months during the 2008 campaign taunting ...

Gwen Ifill | The Sarah Palin Blog 05, 2008 · The skit about the Vice Presidential Debate, the highest rated in history, was the best part of tonight’s show. The Presidential election has made SNL relevant again and they know it. This Thursday there will be an SNL one hour Prime Time Special all about politics.

Doomsy’s Do-Gooders and Dregs (2013 – Pt. 12) | The ... 26, 2013 · I need to wrap this up - prior related posts appear below: Part 11 Part 10 Part 9 Part 8 Part 7 Part 6 Part 5 Part 4 Part 3 Part 2 Part 1 (with setup) RIP Patti Page, Richard Ben Cramer, David Wycoff, Paul P. Woolard, Pauline Phillips (“Dear Abby”), Eugene Patterson, H. Craig…

White House – Everblog Darrell Issa’s folly is becoming clearer every day, especially related to the IRS investigation. It is ironic that someone with Issa’s questionable past, who is no stranger to scandal himself, is the chairman of the House Oversight Committee and spearheading this and other investigations.Mr. Issa’s rabid obsession of trying to tie the IRS ‘scandal’ to the Obama ...

bob dylan | Electricity & Lust 10, 2008 · The Slate Culture Gabfest, the culturally-motivated podcast from the good people at Slate, this week had a segment on the Nobel Prize and its place amongst awards including the Oscars and Grammy’s, where the winner is often chosen through political, economic and diplomatic motivations rather than the quality of the work. They highlighted an excellent website, Great Books Guide, in …

Nine Big Trends in Digital Politics & Advocacy in 21, 2019 · This piece is an excerpt from Chapter Three of 'How to Use the Internet to Change the World - and Win Elections . Download your copy today, or pick up the ebook on Before we dive into the details of online campaigning, what are the Big Trends shaping digital politics and advocacy? 1. The Public is Fired Up The biggest trend in politics is so vast we often miss it for the …

The Center for Responsive Politics | The Pardu's Scroll about The Center for Responsive Politics written by The Pardu

Ezra Klein: Yes, But Is It Working? below are links to weblogs that reference Yes, But Is It Working?: » Find your center from Common Sense More talk about the party and whether we shouft go to the center or excite our liberal base. I think that questions was much more relevant a decade ago since it seems like our liberal base is in the center Tracked on Oct 10, 2005 8:13 ...

09 | October | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 09, 2009 · Also, as the story notes, “Federal law allows government funding for abortions only in the cases of rape, incest or danger to a mother’s health,” and I think it’s barbaric to deny abortion services to women facing those circumstances (also, please see the bottom of page two here to read the debunking of the claim that taxpayer funds ...

March | 2008 | The Political Tipster are currently browsing the The Political Tipster blog archives for March, 2008. Pages. About ‘The Political Tipster’ & Contact details; My Polling Methodology; Archives. November 2008 (5) October 2008 (20) September 2008 (23) August 2008 (15) July 2008 (24) June 2008 (37) May 2008 (60) April 2008 (82) March 2008 (82) February 2008 (61 ...

Rag Blog Scoop about 'Cognitive Infiltration' Stirs up ... 16, 2010 · In his original Rag Blog feature Estrin wrote:In a recent scholarly article, [Cass Sunstein] and coauthor Adrian Vermeule take up the question of "Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures." (J. Political Philosophy, 7 [2009], pp. 202-227). This is a man with the president's ear. This is a man who would process information and regulate things.

The Useless Tree: Confucius is Politically Bolder than Wen ... on Further to a Critique of "The China Model" GodfreeTrh on Further to a Critique of "The China Model" Sam Crane on Making Confucianism Relevant to Americans; ... Confucius is Politically Bolder than Wen Jiabao. Chinese Premier, ...

Former Opponents Join Forces In Immigrant Primary ... 22, 2010 · “The Hispanic and Indian populations got sacrificed for a little political deal for Liz Crowley,” Samaroo said. “Frankly, we’re a little upset about it.” A source close to the Miller’s campaign last year echoed the idea that the special election had been called in order to help Elizabeth Crowley.

New Possibilities: August 2012 08, 2012 · As reported in the Root, That rainbow coalition of onstage GOP stars is scheduled to include in part: Condoleezza Rice, the former secretary of state whose boss, George W. Bush, is conspicuously absent from the proceedings; Mia Love, an African-American Mormon from Utah who is running for a U.S. congressional seat; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a purported finalist to join Romney …

JustOneMinute: This Is The Worst Trip I've Ever Been On Is The Worst Trip I've Ever Been On Comic gold from Obama's now famous San Fran Chronicle "bankrupt the coal industry" interview: "I do think that I have tried to conduct my political career and my campaign in a way that is honest and candid and straightforward and minimizes spin.

Open Thread | I Can’t Believe That This Embarrassing ... 20, 2019 · They need to stop this FOOLISHNESS. Trump to attend 2020 candidate forum at historically black South Carolina college. President Donald Trump has accepted an invitation to participate in a presidential candidate forum focused on improving the criminal justice system in …

Arizona Assassinations: Progressive Left Wing’s ... 11, 2011 · The Left Wing's newest Political Assassin, Communist Jared Loughner, among many other Left Wing would-be assassins walking among us, was prompted to carry out his despicable role as political assassin, from the words written and spoken by Left Wing Political Elites and Left Wing Media Elites and on-the-ground Communist Agitators starting with Obama at the…

Koulflo Memo | Just another weblog that discusses politics ...https://koulflo.wordpress.comSecond, is turnout. Although the 2010 election turnout was a little higher than for 2006, it was still down about 40% from 2008. Given the tremendous hype surrounding this year’s election, disappointing, particularly so given who voted and who stayed home.

Public Awareness – Page 3 – The Puerto Rico Data Lab 12, 2017 · In trying to understand Hurricane Maria’s political and socio-economic effects on Puerto Rico, I have been doing research on Hurricane Georges’s impact on the island in 1998. Georges made landfall on September 21 as Category 3 hurricane.

No Right Turn: Answers 03, 2005 · Good luck on the OIA front - they could string it out for a long time. I would be fascinated to know at what political level operating on given recent and unfortunate events involving Tame Iti being charged after Hawkins buckled to Opposition MPs, Policeman being used to collect $35 for an attack on Benson-Pope's electorate window, Nick Smith and Shane Adern being charged with criminal ...

OpenlineBlog: July 2016 07, 2016 · Note: Kristen Ziman is at the top of Aurora's Most Wanted List, surpassing corrupt mayor Tom Weisner and political mafia kingpin Bob Vaughan. Any information leading to the arrest, conviction and imprisonment of any of them may be eligible to share a reward of up to $100,000.

South Texas Chisme: February 2010 city councilman is threatening to take a blogger to court for posting comments that accuse him of political horse trading. Councilman J.E.“Mick” Phalen, 62, said he was considering legal action because Dustin Gooding, 28, a 2009 candidate for League City Council, accused him of offering Gooding a deal to drop out of 2009’s race.

Balkinization group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. Front page Balkinization an unanticipated consequence of Jack M. Balkin

Tenured Radical: Sunday Radical Roundup: Surely The Obama ... 09, 2010 · But returning to the kamikaze political life that seems to be shaping the nation's destiny, I would like to add a few observations. As someone who is currently working on the history of radical feminism in the 1970s, it seems quite obvious to me that the political right learned to do this from the political left.Look at any New or Old Left social movement, and you will see a kind of winner ...

The U.N. « Jamesb101.com 06, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The Next Hurrah: Shorter Henry: Nice Try, Brad Berenson 22, 2007 · The subjects this morning that she will be unable to testify to on those grounds are the subjects of the relationship between Jack Abramoff and his associates and White House officials, including Ms. Ralston, and the subject of the use by White House officials of political e …

God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left ... 16, 2005 · Click on the image to purchase this book through Purchases help support It has been said that the definition of good writing is, "What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed." If that is true, then I submit Jim Wallis' book, God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left…

Oh Those 2nd Amendment Solutions! – Politics Plus 23, 2010 · "However, it is not the first option." Like Sharron Angle and her "Second Amendment remedies", the intent is clear — if democracy doesn’t give the teabaggers the result they want, then violence is on the table… [emphasis added] Inserted from <Daily KOS> I’ve heard yammering in his intent and on what he meant, but what he said is crystal ...

President Obama Delivers Remarks on Orlando Massacre ... 12, 2016 · The father of Omar Mateen, identified by police as the man behind the carnage at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning, is an Afghan man who holds strong political views, including support for the Afghan Taliban. In a video he posted on Saturday, he appears to be portraying himself as the president of Afghanistan.

War | Something should go here, maybe later. Stewart interviewed him recently, you can see the first part of the interview here. Well worth watching. John Stewart puts all the liberal lines to him and he explains patiently (and with fine humour) what he did, and why it was needed as well as the flaws in Jon’s (and by extension, the entire left) reasoning/logic/political talking points.

Deborah Jeanne Palfrey | Bahoowah can add D.C. Madame Deborah Jeanne Palfrey to that long list of marvelously convenient mysterious deaths, ‘accidents’ and ‘suicides’ that have for so long been a fixture of the hijacked by fascist American political system. The dead giveaway on the importance of Palfrey and the threat that she represents is that ordinarily such an incident would be flogged to death 24/7 on the ...

Balkinization: "Laws are like sausages: It is better not ... von Bismarck, meet Representative Don Young (R-Alaska) (a/k/a Rep. "Bridge to Nowhere"). The Washington Post reports that "[t]he Senate moved yesterday toward asking the Justice Department for a criminal investigation of a $10 million legislative earmark whose provisions were mysteriously altered after Congress gave final approval to a huge 2005 highway funding bill."

And, you are disgusting...., you are disgusting. I also suggest you hit 'quote reply' beneath the post/poster to whom you are addressing with your comments before you post your own. It is an instruction common to all 'newbies.' Jan 11, 2017 19:26:00 # Ve'hoe .

No Right Turn: Political strategies 06, 2005 · Chris Trotter's piece in the Independent this week is full of gloom about the left's prospects of preventing a revival of the neo-liberal Revolution. It was also (in line with the NBR poll) full of gloom about the survival of the Greens. I don't share that particular gloom - I think there's a stable support base of 5% which will ensure their presence - but Trotter's column did …

Geroge Bush | Off The Grid“One of my concerns is that the health care not be as good as it can possibly be.” –on military benefits, Tipp City, Ohio, April 19, 2007. 7. “Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for your introduction. Thank you for being such a fine host for the OPEC summit.” –addressing Australian Prime Minister John Howard at the APEC Summit.

A Married Man: January 2007 gay, married man's view on the world, especially same-sex marriage, Christianism, politics and life in general. "Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood," ~ Corretta Scott King

Saturday Open Thread | Christmas Jams | 3CHICSPOLITICO 24, 2016 · Merry Christmas Eve, everyone. If you're traveling to be with family and friends, please be safe. “Silent Night” (German: “Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht”) is a popular Christmas carol. The original lyrics of the song “Stille Nacht” were written in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria, by the priest Father Joseph Mohr and the melody was composed by the…

sisu: Sarah "a genius controlling the world from her ... 'em a little ankle and leave 'em laughing, begging for more. Sarah Palin's girly strategery is leaving political adversaries inside the Beltway and their media fellow travelers reeling. They never did get her.Above, a frame from today's Day by Day cartoon, "Waiting for GOP.". ABC White House reporter and twitterer extraordinaire Jake Tapper's Sunday Roundtable of talking heads was ...

28 | March | 2008 | TheZoo 28, 2008 · Freed Alabama Ex-Governor Sees Politics in His Case. via: The New York Times Former Governor Don Siegelman of Alabama, released from prison today on bond in a bribery case, said he was as convinced as ever that politics played a leading role in his prosecution.. In a telephone interview shortly after he walked out of a federal prison in Oakdale, La., Mr. Siegelman said there had been …

Gulf Coast | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog is one of many reasons why Robert Reich’s plan makes sense at this point. Temporary receivership. Temporary receivership. Despite the political peril involved in such an endeavor, the government should take over BP, its manpower and assets, and eliminate the corporate revenue motive from the capping and cleanup process.

Rationally Speaking: Media bias, liberal or conservative? Speaking is a blog maintained by Prof. Massimo Pigliucci, a philosopher at the City University of New York. The blog reflects the Enlightenment figure Marquis de Condorcet's idea of what a public intellectual (yes, we know, that's such a bad word) ought to be: someone who devotes himself to "the tracking down of prejudices in the hiding places where priests, the schools, the ...

"They Know Where Osama bin Laden Is": Threatening Pakistan Clinton knows this. Is she hell-bent on further alienating Pakistanis, even as anti-U.S. sentiment mounts in Afghanistan? (According to an ABC News poll, 68% of Afghans supported the presence of U.S. troops in 2005. That number's now down to 38%.) What are the possible scenarios? (More) political upheaval? (Another) military coup?

“Hating Breitbart” | The Liberal Doomsayer me know if and when John Podesta is convicted of perjury, conspiracy and obstruction of justice and sentenced to 18 months in the federal pen, OK, as noted here (although cause for a bit of concern about CAP, though when it comes to undisclosed foreign donations to the “U.S.” Chamber of Commerce, it’s a speck by comparison ...

August | 2008 | progressivenetwork quotes from Information Clearing House newsletter 8/29/08: ” Few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very foundations of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible. ” — Neo-liberal economist Milton Friedman in his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom

Polling techniques and methods « Jamesb101.com 19, 2010 · About this site….. This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is…..

Freedom Of Choice Act | The Liberal Doomsayer, as the story notes, “Federal law allows government funding for abortions only in the cases of rape, incest or danger to a mother’s health,” and I think it’s barbaric to deny abortion services to women facing those circumstances (also, please see the bottom of page two here to read the debunking of the claim that taxpayer funds ...

DE State Representative Kim Williams | Exceptional Delaware Grotto’s Pizza in Dover, DE, the State Board of Education held a workshop on the Every Student Succeeds Act. The Capitol Room at Grotto’s was jam-packed with administrators, teachers, advocates, Delaware DOE employees, State Board members, a Congressman, education company employees, and even a blogger or two.

Pennsylvania politics | progressivenetwork Tim Potts, The Majority Party PA, 12/14/11 Good morning. I’m Tim Potts, a private citizen with an idea. Today, I have the pleasure of announcing the creation of a new political action committee that may, if citizens support it, become a new political party in Pennsylvania.

August | 2015 | progressivenetwork John Grant, This Can’t Be Happening, 8/27/15 One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit. … The realms of advertising and of public relations, and the nowadays closely related realm of politics, are replete with instances of bullshit so unmitigated that they serve among the most indisputable and classic paradigms of the concept.

Motor City Liberal: Tea partyers push back against 'The ... show was disjointed and a ridiculous attempt to make the tea party movement look extremist. If MSNBC‘s ratings could go down any further, they would after this show." The Tea Party coalition is asking local groups to call, fax or e-mail Dawn, …

WHY DID YOU HIT DUTCHBTCH ON THE HEAD? You... 25, 2014 · Bush predicted exactly what would happen..... Page: <<prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10... 28 next>>

paul mccartney | Electricity & Lust 17, 2008 · The AV Club compiles a list of movies that created Wes Anderson.. The Onion praises the healing power of sports.. PopMatters begins a week long celebration of television on DVD, starting with the building blocks of classic box watching.. Slate gives a genuinely funny round-up of the year’s US political videos and discusses Palme D’or winner 4 Months, 3 …

Death Penalty Politics - The StandDown Texas Project StandDown Texas Project was organized in 2000 to advocate a moratorium on executions and a state-sponsored review of Texas' application of the death penalty. To stand down is to go off duty temporarily, especially to review safety procedures.

same-sex marriage | Josh Derke for State Representative is the most direct I’ve been in a response to a survey. And I believe that it’s really important to be outspoken about these kinds of things. You have to stand up for what you believe–for what’s right. That’s my promise–I stand up for what is right, regardless of politics, or elections.

On Bill Busa (aka, DocDawg) | LESSIG Blog, v2 May 1, we launched a project (Mayday.US) to build a superpac powerful enough to end all superpacs, by electing a Congress committed to fundamental reform by 2016. When we launched that project, we announced certain principles, the two most prominent being (1) that the project had to be cross-partisan, and (2) the project would (ironically) use the very tools it hoped eventually to dismantle ...

13 | April | 2020 | Sohum Parlance II 13, 2020 · His opponent was the liberal Jill Karofsky, who had come in second in the first round election – Kelly having received 50 percent with Karofsky receiving 37. It was a miracle that Kelly didn’t win that round and was forced into a runoff.

GOP Surprise: DeLay Aide A Crook | Big Brass Balls 27, 2006 · From The Washington Post: A top adviser to former House Whip Tom DeLay received more than a third of all the money collected by the U.S. Family Network, a nonprofit organization the adviser created to promote a pro-family political agenda in Congress, according to the group's accounting records. DeLay's former chief of staff, Edwin A.…

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Administration ... 25, 2006 · This is how the DoJ responded, in relevant part: The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statutes inconsistent with the Constitution must yield. The basic principle of our system of government means that no President, merely by assenting to a piece of legislation, can diminish the scope of the President's constitutional power

December 9, 10:09 AM San Diego County Political ... - Scribd 09, 2010 · December 9, 10:09 AM San Diego County Political Buzz Examiner Kimberly Dvorak - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. latest article on Obama's usurping of presidency

White House Impeachment Response Strategy - Page 11 - 24, 2019 · Mick Mulvaney just told House investigators everything they need to know about Trump and Ukraine PRESIDENT TRUMP may be formally refusing to cooperate with a congressional impeachment inquiry, but on Thursday his acting chief of staff revealed all that House investigators need to know in order to determine whether Mr. Trump abused his oath of office.

debt ceiling – GoodOleWoody's Blog and Website “Hurricane Harvey is injecting even more uncertainty into a September filled with unpredictable funding fights in Congress. GOP leaders had tentatively laid plans to pair a popular disaster relief package with a tough vote to raise the debt ceiling and keep the government open at month’s end.

Brad Sherman | The BRAD BLOG BradCast really lives up to its name today, as I interview U.S. Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA30) on his remarks reported by The Hill today, charging that President Obama's support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) suggests he is not in touch with "the real world".. Rep. Sherman tells me that he believes the proposed (and still secret) trade pact is "a continuation of the worst trade ...

Justice O'Connor Blasts Republlicans - Progress Pond 25, 2005 · United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor refuses to go gently into the night. Late last week, while her political friends were rallying around her heir apparent, she said something as important as anything she had said while sitting on the High Court for nearly a quarter of a century. She loudly and […]

LiberalLouisiana: November 2009 19, 2009 · The free market only really works when a certain set of conditions are met, and two of those conditions are the public having enough information about the product to make an informed choice, and then having the power to cause a negative effect on the companies that are doing wrong. Our system fails to meet either of these conditions.

Hey, The South, Come Join The Rest Of Us In 2009 | Agree ... 01, 2009 · I know racism is a loaded accusation and shouldn't be tossed around lightly. Former President Jimmy Carter recently launched it at Rep. Joe Wilson for his absurd outburst at President Obama during his address to Congress. Perhaps it was unwarranted to label him a racist, perhaps not. But to simply dismiss that race has anything…

Fearwatch ’08: Bill Kristol Gives Feargasm Advice To ... 26, 2008 · By- Bob Cesca @ 3:29 EST Holy crap on a stick. Bill Kristol — who has been so wrong so often that he was somehow rewarded with a job at the New York Times — might have actually been right about something political. For once. Back on February 17 on the self-satirical FOX News Sunday program, Kristol made a prediction:. KRISTOL: …at the end of the day it’ll be McCain against Obama …

Joe Scarborough | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! said experts contend the glitches are the result of the Obamacare website being built on 10 year-old technology that may need to be completely overhauled. Host Joe Scarborough ribbed his liberal co-host Mika Brzezinski, noting the irony that the firm hired by the U.S. to launch the Obamacare website was fired by the province of Ontario ...

Obama playbook « Jamesb101.com 07, 2012 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

projection « Mercury Rising ?? about projection written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

george tiller | Search Results | Uncommon Sense 16, 2009 · politics and society are, unfortunately, much the same thing

john hagee | Political Mpressions Lining: Marcus Aurelius points out in his comment on Think Progress, “It’s nice to know who the morons are when you’re out driving.” Here We Go: June 19, Americans United for Separation of Church and State “ asks a judge to stop the state from making the plates and rule that the law allowing them violates the First Amendment.”

Obamacare Archives - Up North Progressive news everyone! Bill Huizenga’s going to be in Baldwin on Saturday, February 25, 2017, at Baldwin High School to meet with District Two constituents in Lake County: Today, Congressman Huizenga announced he will be holding a stop on his listening tour for residents of the Second District in Lake County on Saturday, February 25th […]

Supreme Court To Hear Case That Could Set Seismic ... 20, 2017 · The Supreme Court is unlikely to decide the Wisconsin case before early next year.. The Supreme Court agreed Monday to hear arguments in a Wisconsin case about partisan redistricting and gerrymandering, taking on a longstanding question that could change the way states draw congressional and legislative districts.. The case, Gill v. Whitford, comes to the court after a panel of three federal ...

October | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female John McCain and Sarah Palin want to tax health care benefits for the first time since the 1950s. 6. John McCain opposes restoring family planning services for low-income women. 7. Sarah Palin opposes abortion, even in the case of rape and incest. 8.

30 | October | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 30, 2008 · 7 posts published by smartandfemale on October 30, 2008

Red state | Sheila Kennedy the number of “safe states” multiplies, so does the number of unyielding, uncompromising ideologues. Even in the absence of that political calculus, however, when people come from an environment that is dominated by a particular political philosophy, it takes effort to …

PLAINFIELD TODAY: Politics at PHS over athletic physicals? 04, 2013 · As a matter of fact, Saturday's game against Montgomery was the third of the season, suggesting that the previous two games, played with the same students whose physicals had not been certified, left the District exposed to potential liability suits if …

Fallout from the Iran Agreement | Indiana Oracle 17, 2015 · The topic was the Iran agreement which is currently in its 60-day review period in Congress. Practically speaking there is nothing Congress can do to stop the agreement from being implemented. The explanation is provided in many places on the web.

feelingbluepolitics — Barack Obama delivers a big, fat ... and Biden are buddies, but Biden has never listened to Bernie’s politics before. Warren was the best bet to unify the Dems as nominee, as many voters’ first or second choice, and she would likely still be the best bet as VP toward Party unity. But it will be hard to imagine unless and until it happens.

Abstinence-Only Education | Spinny Liberal also happens to be one of the most Conservative states with deeply devout Mormons. I believe that our society needs to drop the whole pseudo-puritanical BS. People are going to buy porn, “read” Playboy, and go to strip clubs.

Colbert Report | Missouri Communication 21, 2011 · For instance, U.S Foreign Affair policy was the top topic for both press and talk shows following with elections/politics.Also these talk shows keep “watchdog” role on the government officials by reporting scandals and latest issues. However, overall range of topics on these talk shows is somewhat more limited than the mainstream press.

Clintons: Looking Through Wrong End of the Telescope | Bud ... a recent campaign rally for his wife, Bill Clinton told the small crowd that the economy was rigged because they didn't have a president who’s a change-maker who could work with Congress.The Washington Post wrote: "It sounded like he was agreeing with one of Bernie Sanders’s central arguments about income inequality — but blaming the sitting president for it.

Flashback: Pelosi claims Supremes did ‘violence to our ... 30, 2018 · Later, as Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO, Trumka pleaded the Fifth Amendment before Congress and a court-appointed election monitor over his role in an illegal fundraising scheme to benefit the Teamsters president Ron Carey’s re-election. Trumka has remained in his position ever since despite an AFL-CIO rule (adopted in 1957) which held ...

USA | Holy Hell! Sayet has been a top Hollywood writer and producer for more than 20 years. His credits range from “The Arsenio Hall Show” to “Politically Incorrect.” After the September 11 attacks, Sayet decided to step from behind the camera and speak out in his own voice – that of one of the nation’s top political satirists.

John Boehner really is a schmuck. And in praise of a bank ... 09, 2010 · Sometimes, everything people say about a politician is correct. Sometimes there's no exaggeration, or spin, or hyperbole. Sometimes, the guy or girl really is a moron. I don't usually watch "Meet The Press," but I couldn't sleep Sunday night so I flipped on the TV late and caught the "Meet The Press" re-run. And John…

Ebola | The Pardu's Scroll segment was “point-on.” However, I continue to question CNN’s Reliable Sources model of criticizing news from the Right vs news from the Left while clearly staking-out ground on the political right. The network has not yet gone Fox News socially right (anti-minority anti-woman anti-LGBT), but it damned well is no longer in a position to avoid staking a color (Red Vs Blue) that shades ...

2010 April 15 « Jamesb101.com 15, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Run on the Bank | kavips woman he cheated with, by the way, was one of his House aides and 23 years his junior — and is now his perpetually smiling third wife. Americans have a short memory. They forget, too, that Gingrich was driven out of Congress in disgrace, the first speaker of …

campaign manager | This Is than a week before its official launch on Wednesday, Bernie Sanders’ new political group is working its way through an internal war that led to the departure of digital director Kenneth Pennington and at least four others from a team of 15, and the return of presidential campaign manager Jeff Weaver as the group’s new president.

Timothy Wirth | The BRAD BLOG"If you look at Trump and what we've learned in the last 3 and a half years, a man who is absolutely deathly afraid of the word 'loser'," he argues. "He does not want to go down in history as the biggest loser in American political history. He will do everything …

Senatorial politics | Bloviating Weikle typifies himself as the “anti-Graham.” Mr Weikle has a Libertarian background which wends its way into his platform for South Carolina senator. Please listen to the first hour for his background and views on numerous topics. Hour 2: BZ spent the second hour on phone calls to the show, and a ton of them there were! YOU can call ...

May | 2005 | State Street of the recent subgenres of political writing is the conversion story. These are the intellectual memoirs of people who were once Liberals, but have converted to Conservatism, or vice versa. As converts, these folks become the most severe critics of those folks with whom they once communed. I’m feeling quite smug and self satisfied today.

Tuesday Night Buzz: Saturday AM 18, 2020 · The media won’t touch the angle, and that’s a dereliction. Netanyahu was the only foreign leader consulted on the assassination, the Times tells us deep in its coverage. But imagine if this were Russia getting its wish. Or the Koch brothers buying a politician. Jeff Morley was doing fine journalism by showing how Israel had targeted Soleimani.

Palin's Q&A + fun: Sarah Palin: Campaign Rodeo Clown - UPDATED 07, 2011 · In Boston, during her Rolling Menace Tour, Sarah Palin was asked who Paul Revere was. The Los Angeles Times wrote, 'Instead of saying, "Come on, everyone knows who Paul Revere, the silversmith and patriot is,"' Palin made up a story about him.She said: “He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringin’ those bells and, um, makin’ sure as ...

Ezra Klein: Kids, Food, Junk 04, 2007 · Kids, Food, Junk Not to get too nanny state on you all, but why shouldn't the "federal Congress" be able to pass laws mandating healthy foods in public school cafeterias and snack machines? When children are at school, the school is, according to the Courts, in loco parentis -- put simply, functioning in the place of the parent.

political blogs | Missouri Communication 07, 2011 · The vlog is self produced by illusionist and self-proclaimed libertarian Penn Jillette. I follow this vlog for three primary reasons. First, Jillette is funny, and since journalists have taken to covering the news poorly and primarily with emotion (as we discussed in the previous blog), if I’m going to be gathering information from an industry that is widely regarded as a joke in the first ...

James O’Keefe – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about James O’Keefe written by dummidumbwit. “In the name of Jesus, I prophesy that Donald Trump is going to experience a fresh encounter of the Lord in January of this new year and will begin to do Bible quoting in public at an unprecedented rate,” Wallnau said. “Not since Lincoln will we find a president who will be such a quoter of the Bible; he is going to find verses and ...

Obama's Losing Big with Men and Independents - The Rush ... 24, 2012 · RUSH: This is from this morning, CBS This Morning. John Dickerson is on, the political director at CBS, with the co-host, Norah O’Donnell, and they’re talking about Obama’s gender gap.

Motor City Liberal: Nugent At Gun Industry Trade Show: "If ... 23, 2013 · This is far from the first time that Nugent has used inflammatory rhetoric.In April 2012, Nugent drew the scrutiny of the Secret Service after telling audience members at the NRA's annual meeting that he would be "dead or in jail" if President Obama was reelected to a second term. During his remarks, Nugent also exhorted the crowd to "ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in ...

Saturday Open Thread | African Wedding: When the Groom ... 10, 2019 · This is the story of #Venezuela in black & white, a story not told by the MSM. The so-called popular uprising is, at its heart, a furious backlash of the whiter (and wealthier) Venezuelans against their replacement by the larger Mestizo (mixed-race) poor.

Transparency? Nothing About Obama Is On The Level ... 16, 2010 · **ALL Credit for this post goes to Beckwith at The Obama File**. Link. Robert Bauer is the chief of the political law group at Perkins Coie, the Seattle law firm hired by the Obama Campaign to prevent the American public from seeing a wide range of Obama’s records that could prove, or disprove, his eligibility to occupy the Oval Office under the Constitution’s requirement that the ...

Megan's bloghttps://xmegankx.blogspot.comDec 07, 2007 · Weblogs or ‘blogs’ are the online postings of comments by citizens, groups, and news professionals. Weblogs have doubled in the span of several months to some 20 million blogs according to; Transnational forms of political participants have moved to a global public sphere.

Zambia Votes’08 | Zambian Chronicle all the political contenders we want to wish all of them well as they get ready to rumble, just remember that Zambia is greater than any single one of us. We are the Zambian Chronicle know that the smart people of our enterprise will come up with the right individual needed for this care-taker period until we have general elections in 2011.

08 | September | 2008 | Zambian Chronicle 08, 2008 · For all the political contenders we want to wish all of them well as they get ready to rumble, just remember that Zambia is greater than any single one of us. We are the Zambian Chronicle know that the smart people of our enterprise will come up with the right individual needed for this care-taker period until we have general elections in 2011.

Jeffersonian Liberalhttps://jeffersonain.blogspot.comMar 22, 2005 · While most religious pundits offer lip service to a patient's right to create a legal document outlining their wish to die under circumstances like Terri's, many consider a living will to be an abomination and a usurpation of God's will. The latter minority are vocal in that belief, while the former are usually silent on the issue until asked.

Immigration Reform and Executive Order | The Pardu's Scroll 22, 2014 · Before taking another step, let’s make certain we look at the 2009 line of scrimmage for President Obama. As Barack H. Obama and wife Michelle visited many Inauguration balls on the evening of January 20, 2009, a group of subversive GOP members of congress and GOP operatives plotted against the newly inaugurated president.

Adam Schiff | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! far, however—after twenty years in Congress, Schiff’s signature legislation involves a federally mandated reduction of unwanted helicopter noise, which forced the Federal Aviation Administration to “study and regulate helicopter noise in Los Angeles.” It was known as the Helicopter Noise Relief Act.

argentiferoushttps://dauatlessdebav.blogspot.comAug 25, 2008 · Click here for a summary of Voice your opinions on Homeland Security in The Forum. Click here for a summary of Use a Selector. The Issues. Please help keep this website going by making a secure, tax Judith H. Dutcher is an American politician who served as the Minnesota State Auditor from 1995 Amy Klobuchar's positions on all issues.

VISION……An essential leadership quality | Melissafrei's Weblog 26, 2008 · Leaders possess a clear vision of the future. They must be able to look beyond where we are today. All their decisions are in alignment with their over-riding objectives and they move in that direction. As I have stated before, not a political blog, even though I discuss issues from a …

freeze | The Liberal Doomsayer post at The Hill tells us the following…. The 112th Congress adjourned last week without reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The failure of Congress to pass either the Senate- or House-approved (S. 1925 or H.R. 4970) versions was the by-product both of partisan wrangling, as well as acerbic personal attacks that were later derided by the Huffington Post as …

Liberal Judges | Lonnie Walker's Blog 22, 2011 · In his view, non-citizens have more of a right to vote in this country than the poor schmucks who defend our country. You would think with all of the great advances in Technology, that we could do better for our military voters stationed abroad than a mail in ballot that can get thrown out for many reasons beyond the servicemen and women’s ...

Avedon's Sideshow: Sometimes a great nation 22, 2013 · Tonight's guest on Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd is Kevin Murphy, speechwriter, ghostwriter, researcher, editor, and advisor to progressive campaigns and political organizations, who will talk about 1920s progressive context, thought and action and how progressives became liberals. Check out Kevin's report, Uphill All the Way: The Fortunes of Progressivism, 1919-1929.

anti-Clinton | This Is often lament the fact of their essentially two-party political league, and the top of the Libertarian ticket, Gary Johnson, is capable of providing spectacular reminders of why we tend toward the binary. The former New Mexico governor and middle-tier celebrity stoner has managed to reduce a human atrocity to yet another icon of American stupidity, which really is no good legacy to build.

The people behind the Mexican “Caravan” | BUNKERVILLE ... 30, 2018 · Just who is behind the so-called Caravan? A Communist. No big surprise. And we knew they were coming again. Last April a dry run of a so called "Caravan" of illegals headed our way. Yet Congress did nothing. After all Paul Ryan has always promoted …

Paul Ryan | Dear Kitty. Some blog was the House GOP point man for the Bahrain-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which Congress passed by a wide margin in 2005. By finalizing the deal, Bahrain landed the biggest prize in global economics: unfettered access to American consumers, the largest market in the world.

The BRAD BLOG : Impeachment Off the Table? Again?; Also ... is just one more reason to be skeptical about Trump's intentions in the troubled South American nation (and media reports of same) as his own political fortunes worsen at home. And, in case you don't find Rubio wrong enough in his false claims about the aid trucks, just wait until you hear what the dumb cluck charged over the weekend ...

Peter Schaumber | The Liberal Doomsayer, and if you think the party of Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao was gumming up the Senate to a fare thee well already, get a load of this case on the docket of The Supremes, which could enable the Repugs to wreak even more havoc (and as the Media Matters post tells us, the ruling of unconstitutionality by the D.C. Circuit Court on the recess ...

Pat Buchanan | The Liberal Doomsayer, and if you think the party of Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao was gumming up the Senate to a fare thee well already, get a load of this case on the docket of The Supremes, which could enable the Repugs to wreak even more havoc (and as the Media Matters post tells us, the ruling of unconstitutionality by the D.C. Circuit Court on the recess ...

The Political Environment: Among Scott Walker's Deficits ... 01, 2011 · [Reposted 12/4/18 from 2/26/11, because what is past is prologue] Scott Walker's poll numbers are dropping as he accelerates his anti-union worker offensives - - starting with his out-of-the-blue abolition of a half-century of collective bargaining, to declining to accept the very economic concessions he'd also demanded, to threatening layoffs into the thousands if he doesn't get that final ...

The Futility of Disbelief (One Hundred Days and ... - This Is 22, 2017 · Still, though, he did promise in his Contract to work with Congress to introduce legislation, including the repeal and replacement of the ACA. And, really, sort of metric could possibly account for the proposition that after a hundred days, the Trump White House still seems unable to grasp, much less actually reckon with, the proposition that ...

Obsidian Wings: Geekstuff fiddler (not an April Fool's post, despite the date) Richard A. Clarke, former counter-terrorism czar for both the Clinton and Bush administrations, had some strong words about the US Chamber of Commerce's aborted plans for discrediting its critics, which included spying on families, using malware to steal information, faking documents to embarrass its liberal opponents, and creating and ...

Monday Open Thread | Countdown to Wakanda | 3CHICSPOLITICO 05, 2018 · This is a story about leadership, systems, laws, culture and succession. It is a story about legitimacy, loyalty, betrayal and the role of women. This is a story about youth and technology. This is a story about human values. It is a story about community and teamwork. “Black Panther” Los Angeles Premiere Red Carpet Rundown

Open Thread–5/8/2020 – Politics Plus 09, 2020 · TJI #3 Oh, he had a lot more to say, too – including acknowledging his own role in bringing this about It was in the Washington Post, and I don’t know whether it’s just been so long since I went there that I;m entitled to a sample now, or whether it’s included in coronavirus news, for which the paywall has been lifted, but it is visible.

Joshua B Bolten | kavips are currently browsing the category archive for the ‘Joshua B Bolten’ category. Please Make Them Go Away!! November 5, 2012 in Delaware Libertarian, Delaware Politics.Net, ...

Political Argument 08: Inequality of Public Defender Income 09, 2008 · So public defenders are the class of lawyers that are treated the worst: they earn neither the income of their private-practice counterparts, nor the moral support of most citizens. Recently, moreover, public defenders have been hurting even more heavily. With the recent economic downturn, states have intensified their budget cuts.

Gay rights | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

Thoughts On Economics: October 2011 30, 2011 · (Republished as the first volume of The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo (ed. by P. Sraffa), Cambridge University Press.) Piero Sraffa (1960). Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities: Prelude to a Critique of Political Economy, Cambridge University Press. John Von Neumann (1945-1946).

Doomsy’s Do-Gooders and Dregs (2014 – Pt. 14) | The ... 29, 2014 · Time to end this - prior related posts appear below: Part 13 Part 12 Part 11 Part 10 Part 9 Part 8 Part 7 Part 6 Part 5 Part 4 Part 3 Part 2 Part 1 (with setup) RIP James Avery, Juanita Moore, Greg Caiola, Rev. Eric Freed, Phil Everly, Jerry Coleman, Saul Zaentz, Carter…

Nihilist In Golf Pants: June 2008 28, 2008 · Over that period, here are the most quoted blogs: 1. Andrew Sullivan 22. 2. The Corner 17. 3. MN Publius 15. 4. Captains Quarters (now defunct) 13. Josh Marshall 13. 6. America Blog 12. 7. Marc Ambinder 10. 8. The Plank 9. Red State 9. 10. Nihilist in Golf Pants 8. Huffington Post 8. Political Animal 8. Truth vs. Machine 8. 14. Eric Black Ink 7 ...

Anti-Science | The Word of Me... To advance their anti-science and anti-secularism agenda, ID creationists at the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture seek to use public schools “to defeat scientific materialism and its destructive moral, cultural and political legacies,” “to replace materialistic explanations with the theistic understanding that nature and human beings are created by God ...

The BRAD BLOG : NEW ELECTION CALLED IN NC-9 AFTER SON ... today's BradCast: It looks like it'll be several more months before we actually have a member of Congress seated in the 2018 U.S. House race in North Carolina's 9th Congressional district.But, as of dramatic developments last night and again today, at least we now know that a new election is finally on the way. [Audio link to show is posted below.

The Heretik: Must Read CAN DO A LOT HERE. from LEAH at CORRENTE: A new blog "Coalition for Darfur" is not content to let any of us just sit and watch. Here's how the two founders of the blog explain its purpose: A Southern conservative and a Northern liberal have teamed up to raise awareness about the genocide in Darfur, Sudan and money for a worthy organization doing vital work there: Save the Children.

Fidel Castro, R.I.P. | Arun with a View 27, 2016 · I suppose he should R.I.P., despite having been a dictator who ruined countless lives and impoverished his country in the process. He was, politically speaking, certainly one of the more significant personalities of my life, at least in its early decades. Before becoming an anti-communist and anti-castriste—a personal evolution that was complete by my early…

Barack Obama | Emptysuit | Page 84 Dawkins in his 2006 book The God Delusion, states fundamentalist religion “saps the intellect,” and refers to belief in God as a “mind-virus.” Liberals and liberal Christians regularly promote their theory of Fundamentalist anti-Semitism, a long-standing hoax falsely accusing Conservative Christians of …

09 | August | 2013 | The Pardu's Scroll 09, 2013 · I consider myself a low Baby Boomer Liberal. Low Boomer vs. a Higher 70 plus year of age Boomer. My background includes military service (one enlistment only) with security clearances (Top Security level for over 15 years; four of which with Top Security Crypto) through my twenties into my mid-30s (with defense contractors).

?Bai??????(1???????) - Weblio???????? this pageSivakumar is the son of Pandari : Bai, a rich man in the village.: It is named after Li : Bai, a Chinese poet of the 8th century.: of her poems, Taibai Tower, was dedicated to Li : Bai, a famous poet of that age.: According to Matt : Bai, a political reporter for the New York Times Ma: Asgari : Bai acquired extraordinary expertise in Dhrupad to: th Vietnam and took place 8 km northeast of Yen

liberal catnip: Quebec Police Admit Infiltrating the SPP ... true north strong and infiltrated. Earlier this week, video of SPP protesters clashing with alleged "infiltrators" at the so-called Security & Prosperity Partnership summit in Montebello, Quebec was made publicly available on YouTube™.Immediate denials of police infiltration were issued by the Surete du Quebec and the RCMP. The Mounties and the SQ, the two police forces involved in ...

Frederick Politics: Frederick County, MD GOP Woes Grow 11, 2008 · Frederick County, MD GOP Woes Grow. ... Supposedly, Mr. Chaney and Mr. Shreve were named as the replacements, much to the chagrin of a member of the committee. ... Bill folden had applied for one of the open positions and left in a huff after learning of the appointments. the chair also left in a huff only to return later.

Bill's 'Mea Culpa' Church Tour | Mirror On America 02, 2008 · hat tip: poster gregory at Jack and Jill Politics From the Bill Clinton Prepares Mea Culpa UPDATE, 4:30 p.m. ET: It looks like former president Bill Clinton will not have to make an apology to the congregations of black churches in South Central Los Angeles after all.

October | 2008 | Bill's Links And More housing bubble and its crash were purposely created by corrupted Washington politicians, as was the financial crisis we’re facing today. Main Street is losing big and Wall Street is getting away with their fraudulent actions while receiving money from the fraudulent bailout. The constant pursuit of financially struggling American ...

RWNJ Pastor: Join Me In Prayer For God To 'Turn The Tables 11, 2017 · Darrell is a 30-something graduate of the University of North Carolina who considers himself a journalist of the old school. An attempt to turn him into a member of the religious right in college only succeeded in turning him into the religious right's worst nightmare--a charismatic Christian who is an unapologetic liberal.

The Immoral Minority: You have to admit, the irony is kind ... 02, 2017 · "Trump may have campaigned on a promise to put America first, in his words and deeds he appears to be putting Russia first whenever the two nations’ interests intersect." "checks and balances. Congress should act, and the courts have a duty to balance the power of an imperial and unwise president like Donald Trump, at least until such time ...

JustOneMinute: An Arrest In The Mobile Beating earlier news report said that Owens has mental problems. If true the entire neighborhood would know this. In a Politically Correct world an attack on a DISABLED person. As obnoxious as he may be he is an unfortunate HANDICAPPED man and protected under the law. The FBI and DOJ should be advised.

Cold War Hawks Nesting With Obama | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 12, 2008 · No surprise, but it is a reminder of just how eager some are for a new Cold War and how indifferent they are to the truth of the matter. The career hawks are influential in both political parties, as was evidenced by the knee-jerk response of both presidential candidates, who claimed that the Russians had launched a totally unprovoked attack.

Obsidian Wings: Bravery? liberal japonicus. Not sure if front page stuff, but Michael Irvin, former member of the Dallas Cowboys and Hall of Fame member, just appeared on the cover of Out Magazine supporting gay marriage and pledging his support to any pro football player who is in the closet and wants to come out. "I don't see how any African-American with any inkling of history can say that you don't have ...

The Rectification of Names: The Buffalo Who Cried 12, 2018 · David Brooks, "Donald Trump Is Not Playing By Your Rules", praises Trump's approach to international politics:The core issue in our politics is over how we establish relationship. You can either organize relationship at a high level — based on friendship, shared values, loyalty and affection — or you can organize relationship at a low level, based on mutual selfish interest and a …

The Washington Post | Under The about The Washington Post written by btchakir. Under The LobsterScope Politics and The Arts (and other things)

Political Irony › Blog Thursday, Johnny Depp put his foot in it at a film screening in the UK. It started with him making jokes about Donald Trump, who is rather unpopular in Europe. But he took one joke too far, asking “When was the last time an actor assassinated …

Frederick Politics: Candidate Residency Requirement Rears ... 05, 2010 · This led to one of the more bizarre happenings in local elections. Amendments to the Charter take forty-five days before they are official, allowing for citizen appeal by petition. During this 45 day period, there was technically no residency requirement in the city as the Judge had ruled the 3 year requirement unconstitutional and the charter ...

Debt Ceiling Crisis | The Great American Lemming Farm shooting, of which Giffords was only one of victims (the dead included a federal judge and a nine year old girl) grabbed headlines in that the act of wanton murder went down in a Congressional district that Sarah ‘lock and load’ Palin’s PAC just happened to have featured a gun site over in an recent solicitation for money.

Tavis Quits His Ego-Trip. | Zero Tolerance For Silence 07, 2010 · America's Second Most Important Black Man (at least that's how he tends to see himself), Tavis Smiley, announced 2010 would mark the end of his "State of the Black Union Conference." For ten years Smiley had invited African American scholars, politicians, entrepreneurs, and entertainers to discuss the burning issues of the Black community.

2011 February 24 « Jamesb101.com 24, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

twitter | Political Communication. Rowan University ... a U.S News article by Mary Kate Cary entitled, “5 Ways New Media Are Changing Politics”, the author outlines and explains the five major ways in which media is changing politics. She makes mention of a few of the new media sources including Twitter, Youtube, cable TV, satellite radio and blogs as just a few.

Politics | Life Is A Cookie’s been a whore-red hot minute since I left my last Cookie crumbs for you bitches to chew on. Let’s recap: My boyfriend had just been elected to his second term, I was at the genesis of what I hope remains a lifelong love of international travel, and you guys were too nice to publicly out me for beginning to dilute the special sauce that had, for the better part of 6 years, made my ...

http://osispeaks.blogspot.com 30, 2015 · There is red ink, but it stems from politics, not the mail. In 2006, a lame-duck Congress mandated that the Postal Service prefund future retiree health benefits. No other public agency or private company is required to prefund for even one year; the Postal Service is required to prefund 75 years into the future and pay for it all in a 10-year ...

healthcare | Maryland Politics hired Maryland state director Dave Schwartz, a longtime Ehrlich aide, straight from the Harris congressional campaign. Mr. Schwartz stayed on with the Harris campaign after the election, drawing his last paycheck on February 1, 2009; by March 2, 2009 he was blogging on the AFP website on behalf of “AFP Maryland.” From Harris to AFP—Same goal, new boss.

Fox News Shows Its Mantel: Suicide vs ... - The Pardu's Scroll 30, 2012 · Fox News is the poorest excuse for a news network in recorded history Everyone knows of its extreme Right political broadcast model A model that is pure conservative propaganda if there ever was propaganda in the course of mankind. We also know the network considers itself a 'balance to MSNBC" according to Chris Wallace, Fox News …

Roger Stone is Indicted for Lying to Congress - Progress Pond 25, 2019 · The case isn’t quite closed yet, but it’s getting near to that point. What remains is for Mueller to demonstrate to what degree that major players, including the president, understood at the time that the Russians were responsible for giving the material to WikiLeaks. I’ll have much more to say about that soon.

Indiana Civil Rights Commission | Sheila Kennedy tactic is more obvious at the federal level, but it characterizes state politics as well. Recently, I attended a small meeting of professional women–including a few lawyers–who were concerned about the inadequacies of Indiana’s Civil Rights law and the state’s underfunding of the Indiana Civil Rights Commission. February 2008 a wonderful day to a lovely person, and the best year ever! The Political Cat is throwing a party as well, so be sure to drop in to say hello. I have it on good authority that preferred gifts run along the lines of Fancy Feast, catnip, and toys that move. Go figure. Lots of love on the internets for a dear friend!

susan the bruce: The Partisan Press mentioned the last letter in my October 5, 2006 editorial. Oddly enough, the UL was not interested in a Congressman working so hard to discredit a small town writer. But, a Congresswoman returning a phone call – now that’s real news – …

Here Comes The Pendulum, Boston Herald Endorses Brown ... 11, 2010 · A top newspaper from the ultra liberal city of Boston will endorse, Scott Brown, the GOP candidate for the vacant senate seat of what's his name. In addition to this boost, it is reported that Brown has raised over $625,000 in online contributions today alone. whoa. From the Boston Herald via Michelle Malkin. "Massachusetts voters…

The Old Hippie's Groovy Blog: March 2008 28, 2008 · The Old Hippie's Groovy Blog Thoughts & Observations, on Sociological, Environmental, And Political Happenings (Best View = 1024x786)

Climate Insanity | Sheila Kennedy 11, 2019 · This is why on 22 July I filed a whistleblower complaint against the Trump administration. But not the only part to my story; I will also speak to Congress on 25 July about my treatment and the need for stronger scientific integrity protections. I have worked at the National Park Service (NPS) for a total of eight years.

June | 2009 | FeudArt 29, 2009 · The vote was the first time either house of Congress had approved a bill intended to curb the heat-trapping gases scientists have linked to climate change, and its provisions could lead to sweeping changes in many sectors of the American economy, including electric power generation, agriculture, manufacturing and construction.

Political Irony › Bah, Humbug 26, 2011 · Partly because the whole business becomes more vile and insufferable—and in new and worse ways—every 12 months. It also starts to kick in earlier each year: It was at Thanksgiving this year that, making my way through an airport, I was confronted by the leering and antlered visage of what to my disordered senses appeared to be a ...

Monday Open Thread | 9 Differences Between a Black & White ... 21, 2016 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

Delusions of Grandeur: January 2008 10, 2008 · Rudy 9iu11ani’s campaign has crumbled to earth after being struck by the twin engines of Huck and Mittens. As Rudy leaps off the side of the campaign trail and plummets to his political death, we are left with the lingering stench of a hard fought battle he was ultimately destined to lose.

Frederick Politics: S. Carolina Polls Close at 7:00 PM ... 04, 2008 · 6:55 PM - some more msnbc exit polls - country ready for a woman president - yes- 74%, african american president - yes - 77%. who is best for commander in chief - Obama - 47%, Clinton - 35%, Edwards - 19%. This last question is not good news for Edwards for it likely to be close to the outcome of the vote today for important to voters.

GOP Delegate Profiles - Illinois District 2 | United ... County Clerk B ruce Clark explained that 54 of those delegates will be selected Tuesday night, as vot- ers pick three delegates in each of the state’s 18 congres- s ional districts. In 2008, for example, John McCain won the majority of the delegate battles throughout Illinois, but Mitt Romney won three Illinois delegates by car- rying the congressional district in Moline and Rock ...

politics | Marbie's Blog’s Blog always looks for sources that are credible and recognized as trustworthy with a good track record on accuracy and most importantly provides their sources for the information they publish. As the front-runner in the GOP primary for the 2012 presidential election, Gov. Rick Perry of …

Political Irony › Hillary Clinton 28, 2014 · With Obama, they just have to say “Hussein” or “Benghazi” and they all start foaming at the mouth. With Hillary, they just have to make any sort of reference to her emotional state to get the same effect. So, yes, the GOP leaders will always attack in despicable ways. But the effect is different for a non-white or female President.

Green Eagle: Bibi 25, 2015 · Netanyahu was the first Israeli leader who had not participated in either the struggle for independence or the early years of the State of Israel. Israeli politicians before him, however awful some of them may have been, always had a commitment to the welfare of the State that came from their role in its founding, and which provided a sort of ...

Protestors Confront Racist Congressman at Michigan State ... 07, 2006 · Tancredo, who is one of the leading anti-immigrant congressman in the House of Representatives as chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, spoke to a crowd of 100 people and advocated for restricting immigration and instituting laws stipulating that all Americans be required to speak English.

Does anyone give a darn about this Iran business ... 18, 2019 · I had close relatives working in Iran during the the period of governance by the Shah of Iran, who was a Progressive, with Western values. He worked hard on liberalizing the culture, especially women. The cities were cosmopolitan. I recall many conversations during this time with them and the requisite "Sunday night slide…

SE…..The 2010 Senate Races … far ... - Jamesb101.com 14, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

About | The Word of Me... years old male of Scots-Irish ancestry, married over 30 years, semi-literate, semi-mostly-retired. Have many children and grandchildren and they are all great people. I tend to write about politics and religion primarily, but I will probably go astray from time to …

September | 2010 | The Confluence, Melissa, how they operate. In 2008, we were smart, politically savvy, astute observers of the body politic *until* we announced we were supporting Hillary Clinton, who we had determined from observation as the best qualified candidate for president. Suddenly, we weren’t smart anymore.

Sarah Palin | All Other Persons political pundit Charles Krauthammer is in what I call a state of disingenuous denial. Writing in the Washington Post, he said . Let me get this straight. A couple of agitated yahoos in a rally of thousands yell something offensive and incendiary, and John McCain and Sarah Palin are not just guilty by association — with total strangers, mind you — but worse: guilty according ...

Weekend Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 10, 2019 · One of my negative experiences at college in Atlanta was my roommates having their boyfriends living with us in the dorms (for free). Mind you these men were 5-10 years our senior. So sorry what happened to this girl! — Davia Lee (@iamdavia) November 8, 2019

Change We Can Believe In?: What Change Can We Believe In? 09, 2008 · Let’s start with an echo of the present that occurred in the near past, before going back a little further in political history. As all well-read West Wing aficionados know, Barack Obama is the new Matt Santos, who was the new Barack Obama in the first …

Frederick Politics: Up Dates From New Hampshire 06, 2008 · A huge effort is being made to keep Exit Polls from being reported until after the polls close at 8:00 PM. This is a good thing for we always want a high turnout of voters and we don't need rumors as to what the potential outcome is effecting the turnout. These exit polls will probably be reported by all the major TV News after 8:00 PM.

Motor City Liberal: Rinse, repeat: Right-wing media just ..., repeat: Right-wing media just can't stop pushing fake stories from media matters After their smear of Shirley Sherrod dissolved, the right-wing media moved on to two new fake stories: that Mexican gangs had "invade[d]" Texas and taken over two ranches, and that President Obama "backed the release" of the Lockerbie bomber.

Sarah Palin – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America turns out Donald Trump’s father was the racist landlord Woody Guthrie hated By Walter Einenkel – As the man who controlled the FHA’s New York office, Powell controlled the flow of money for Beach Haven, a big apartment complex Fred Trump built with FHA loans. He allowed Trump to start building before Beach Haven was actually approved ...

Obsidian Wings: Slogans (Again) was the first politician I ever contributed money to, back in 2000. I didn't know if I'd vote for him over Gore, but I loathed Bush so much I wanted an actual choice; Bush v Gore was no choice at all, because there was only one rational choice (Gore, not Nader). Now, I wish I could have that money back.

August | 2008 | Blevkog Clinton’s speech last night is the first step in uniting the party before the November elections, it is only the first step – Clinton’s campaign fought hard, but it fought low and those wounds are harder to heal on both sides. Hillary badly damaged her political capital by hanging on for an appeal to …

Obviously you watch it more than I do as... 15, 2016 · You must be referring to the one letter that Marx wrote to Lincoln, which was answered by the American Ambassador to England, not by Lincoln. This was the sum total of their "correspondence." Marx made the following observation about slavery in 1847: "Direct slavery is just as much the pivot of bourgeois industry as machinery, credits, etc.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Go Buckeyes! Go Obama! Go McCain! two favorite sports, college football and presidential politics, converge tonight. The BCS national-title game is underway (LSU is up 17-10), and the first New Hampshire primary results will be available in less than three hours, as the polls open -- and close -- in Dixville Notch and Hart's Location.I don't know how many people will be flipping between Fox and C-SPAN around midnight, but I ...

2 Political Junkies: Why Hasn't Cheney Been Arrested? 30, 2011 · Having said that, I think the Obama administration should have immediately (or still should) returned to a level of domestic surveillance equivalent to what existed during the Clinton administration. Or if we need increased domestic security, we could start or increase guard at major and minor ports (such as New York, Boston, Philadelphia ...

Iran and the coming of World War III… Huh? | Shadow Democracy 12, 2007 · Reprinted from Newsweek Written by Fareed Zakaria. At a meeting with reporters last week, President Bush said that “if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing [] from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”These were not the barbs of some neoconservative crank or sidelined politician looking for publicity.

Mexico requires voter identification | Bloviating 15, 2017 · The conviction of Bebek was the eighth for Kobach since he gained the authority to prosecute voter fraud in 2015, his office said. “Political left.” Kobach is quite astute. And precise. “This conviction shows how important prosecutorial authority is,” Kobach said.

War in Iran | Shadow Democracy from Newsweek Written by Fareed Zakaria. At a meeting with reporters last week, President Bush said that “if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing [] from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”These were not the barbs of some neoconservative crank or sidelined politician looking for publicity.

Sandi Jackson elected Alderman; Daley re-elected Mayor ... 27, 2007 · With 80% of the vote in, it appears Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr's beautiful wife Sandi has been elected Alderman defeating incumbent Darcel Beavers in her bid to retain her daddy's seat on the Chicago City Council. Cook County Circuit Clerk Dorothy Brown was decisively beaten in her bid to unseat the arrogant and corrupt Richard M. Daley…

The Immoral Minority: While conservatives try desperately ... 06, 2015 · This is domestic terrorism, falsely using the Name of Christ, started by haters of liberals, colored people, and anyone who doesn't kneel at the altar of extreme patriotism and the U.S. military might. Don't think for a moment they won't start coming after those who don't agree with them, those who don't look like them, or don't act like them.

Hatch, Magic Underwear, and Tin Foil Hats | WriteChic Press 26, 2008 · Those who wear magic polyester underwear like Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) shouldn't throw stones. On the Senate floor, 6/25/08, Hatch likens FISA critics to people who walk around the house in a tin foil hats. He whines, no previous Congress has ever saw fit to wrangle so over spying without a warrant. No previous Congress… Mueller Ups Pressure on Trump Campaign ... 23, 2018 · The following is an excellent article written by Sarah N. Lynch and Jonathan Landay on the website on February 20, 2018 titled "Mueller Ups Pressure on Trump Campaign Aides With New Charge" and I quote: "Mueller ups pressure on Trump campaign aides with new charge" By Reuters on Tue, Feb 20th, 2018 at 8:17…

Black Population | All Other Persons is a list of black mayors in cities with a population over 50,000. This is based on information from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. The Joint Center describes itself as “one of the nation’s premier research and public policy institutions and the only one whose work focuses exclusively on issues of particular concern to African Americans and other people of color.”

James M. Inhofe - Congresspedia his words: "One of the reasons I believe the spiritual door was opened for an attack against the United States of America is that the policy of our Government has been to ask the Israelis, and demand it with pressure, not to retaliate in a significant way against the terrorist strikes that …

BREAKING NEWS:Arizona CongressWoman Giffords shot at ... NEWS:Arizona CongressWoman Giffords shot at Political Event in Arizona, Mass Shooting Please stay tuned.... First Reports coming out about this Shooting and Congresswoman Giffords was gravely wounded, as she was shot in the Head as of this post she is still in Surgery.

Corrupt Government? | The Word of Me... 29, 2007 · Now Gilead is the developer of Tamiflu, a drug that George W. Bush urged Congress to pass $7.1 Billion in emergency funding to purchase, to prepare for a possible Bird Flu pandemic. This was in 2005 and Donald was still employed by ol’ G.W.

leadership | The Word of Me... Gilead is the developer of Tamiflu, a drug that George W. Bush urged Congress to pass $7.1 Billion in emergency funding to purchase, to prepare for a possible Bird Flu pandemic. This was in 2005 and Donald was still employed by ol’ G.W.

US Internal Revenue Service: rr-07-41 | Political ... this pageUS Internal Revenue Service: rr-07-41 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

US Internal Revenue Service: rr-07-41 | Political ... facts are the same as in Situation 7 except that there are four candidates in the race rather t han three, and one of t he candidates declines the invitation to speak. In the public ity announcing the dates for each of the candidate’s speeches, Society N includes a statement th at the order of the speakers was determined at random and the ...

19 | November | 2008 | Mudflats 19, 2008 · The three that may open up next are: The Don Young Door – Congressman Don Young will be up for re-election in 2010, but may be out before then. He’s already spend a whopping 1.2 million dollars on legal fees in anticipation of his own coming indictment. Alaskans have been waiting for that shoe to drop for a while now….and it’s coming.

2,400 Year Old “Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend” Myth Has : EXTRAORDINARY AH Teaching from Spiritual Hierarchy : AbundantHope : NEW READERS! Read Here First : Supporting AH : Leadership of AbundantHope : Announcements

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: The Media Firewall 06, 2006 · One of the more puzzling (and at times infuriating) phenomena that I've observed as a consumer of news coverage over the years is the tendency of the media to compartmentalize political stories. ... Glenn was the first to point out that in 2002 the Bush administration publicly opposed an amendment to FISA that would have brought the law closer ...

Help! Ann Leary is hopelessly confused about Occupy Wall ... 19, 2011 · I really have no idea who Ann Leary is other than that she’s comedian/actor Dennis Leary’s wife…and apparently she’s got a blog. This second thing I learned today when I discovered a piece she wrote attacking the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.Now once again, I’m delving into political territory here, but really my response to Ms. Leary here is about addressing some very …

13 | June | 2009 | TheZoo 13, 2009 · June 13, 1971.This was the day the New York Times began publishing the Pentagon Papers.. From Wikipedia:. The Pentagon Papers, officially titled United States–Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967: A Study Prepared by the Department of Defense, were a top-secret United States Department of Defense history of the United States‘ political-military involvement in Vietnam from …

Opinion Forum » Demoralized in 29, 2009 · The realization that these destroyers are the majority in Congress and, as the majority, they can do almost anything they want, added to the fact that they are apparently more devoted to the president’s vision and to their mission to remake America than they are to the Constitution or the American people, has demoralized many Americans ...

DBQ political ideology (1) (1).docx | Red States And Blue ... Government. name_____ hour _____ Unit 1: Political Ideology Document Based Question (DBQ) 45 points Directions: The question below is based on the accompanying documents (1-12). The question is designed to assess your ability to apply your understanding and analyze the documents. 1.

Banking | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! about Banking written by bunkerville. Bunkerville earlier post: Jarrett,Van Jones, Obama, Acorn and a Chicago Bank …discussions to bail out the bank, which has close ties to both senior members of the Obama Administration, as well as the Clinton family, went deep into the weekend as Chicago politicians scrambled to save the bank.

Wise Law Blog: Ontario Employment Law: Aggravated Damages ... 20, 2010 · Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.. Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog also highlights key decisions of Canadian courts, with focus on Ontario Family Law, Ontario Employment Law and …

Reader Question #1 | Otherwise Engaged 24, 2017 · By Abby Swormstedt King Good Morning everyone – Happy Last Week of April! I hope everyone out there in blogger land is enjoying the same beautiful weather we are here in Maine. I find it much easier to feel hopeful about the American political landscape when the sun is actually shining! I’m excited to say…

Political Irony › Threat Assessment 14, 2017 · A very poor movie, but it does bring out his attitude to slavery. “Field of Lost Shoes” After the war, John Wise wanted the slaves educated (along with many others who came from the North.) At the end of “The end of an ERa” john Wise states that he thinks black people should be equal to White, but he feels that they should not marry.

Are LGBTQ seniors dying of loneliness? It’s possible ... 19, 2019 · For a time in the 1970s lesbians seemed to be doing the same. The Internet is good at creating virtual aka illusionary communities but isn’t a replacement for face to face contact. Political activism isn’t the same as a community. Pride Day comes closer but that is on a mega scale and only one weekend a year.

Obama | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need may make for a good sound bite, but it’s not factually accurate. In fact, the system as it stands is what led to a series of massive, costly taxpayer bailouts. Only with reform can we avoid a similar outcome in the future.

'Random Guy' In Josh Duggar Cheater Profile Mulls 24, 2015 · The "random guy" whose picture Josh Duggar used to cheat on his wife is considering a lawsuit after losing a DJ gig due to Josh's actions.

02 | January | 2011 | Geoausch 02, 2011 · I’ve tried reading Klein’s work in the Post, but it comes off very amateurish, repeating worn out progressive talking points, adding nothing original to political debate. For example, consider his December 30, 2010 column, “ What the …

Open Thread – 5/23/2019 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · Addendum: Scott Warren, who is charged with three federal felonies for supplying food and water in the desert to save the lives of desperate migrants, goes to trial on May 30.His attorneys’ motion to dismiss on the grounds of selective enforcement was denied, despite evidence. His proud but distressed parents, Pam and Mark Warren, are asking for people to …

Diminishing International Relations: Left Bloggers and ... 08, 2008 · I'm really intrigued by Anne-Marie Slaughter's entry at the Huffington Post, "Stop Gotcha Politics on Iraq."Slaughter's apparently taken flak from the left blogosphere for her article, "A Duty to Prevent," which appeared in Foreign Affairs in 2004.In the essay she suggested that the Bush administration did not go far enough in adopting multilateralism in working to prevent …

It's Not Me, It's You: October 2008 31, 2008 · But part of it has been due to the fact that there are many political sites out - Huffingtonpost, Daily KOS, ThinkProgress, etc. - there that do a fantastic job and which already echo my sentiment. But since I will be in Finland next week for work and unable to closely follow the election coverage next Tuesday, I thought I would throw in my own ...

Buckdog: February 2010 01, 2010 · - Stephen Harper in his article "It is time to seek a new relationship with Canada," December 12th, 2000. "Your country [the USA], and particularly your conservative movement, is a light and an inspiration to people in this country and across the world."

Hayden Hearings: Live Blogging - Progress Pond 18, 2006 · Martin Longman. Martin Longman is the web editor of the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. Before joining the Monthly, Martin was a county coordinator for ACORN/Project Vote and a political consultant.

Everyday Erinyes #202 – Politics Plus 01, 2020 · But it’s not that long, and it’s appealingly written. I recommend it highly. Alecto , Megaera , and Tisiphone , I’d ask you to help all of us who think we are empathizing with survivors, or trying to, to realize that we probably don’t have a clue – that, if we think we wouldn’t have acted the way a survivor did, we are probably dead ...

The Political Revolution Bernie Sanders Has Begun ... 18, 2016 · The Bernie Sanders phenomenon is shaking American politics, surpassing all expectations and surprising the pundits. Sanders will probably not win the nomination, but it's still amazing to see the amount of people that Bernie Sanders has brought to the political process, as voters, volunteers and donors and the question that arises is: After Bernie Sanders’ defeat,…

David Petraeus | progressivenetwork Nathaniel Smith, Politics: A View from West Chester, 1/11/15 General David Petraeus is back in the news, no longer as the mastermind of the Iraq “surge” 8 years ago and then director of our war and spying efforts, but as a potential felon (CBS News: “Former CIA Chief David Petraeus may face criminal charges,” 1/10/15).Oh, the irony: in the video there (at 1:31), Paula Broadwell says ...

Leo Casey | progressivenetwork about Leo Casey written by progressive2. "Money is power. In Congress, in state legislatures, in city councils, in the courts, in the political conventions, in the press, in the pulpit, in the circles of the educated and the talented, its influence is growing greater and greater.

2007 December 18 « Mercury Rising ?? 18, 2007 · This is an example of what the base can do for the leadership when they stand up against Bush. Here are the number of calls and e-mails that went to Congress just via Dodd’s site; lots more went out via DFA and DailyKos and FDL and Eschaton …

Bernie Sanders – Page 2 – Politics Plus The New Yorker: A resident of Washington, D.C., has been identified as the source of the community spread of coronavirus misinformation throughout the United States. Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday that the man had ignored the advice of public-health experts and spewed a toxic strain of ...

The future is good for progressivism | Sohum Parlance II 26, 2019 · The future is good for progressivism May 26, 2019 in Uncategorized Young people are staying liberal as they age (contrary to most of the other generations excepting the baby boomers who are actually more liberal than gen-x) and older conservatives are dying off .

Truth about Obama's handling & Trump's non-handling of ... 03, 2020 · a repost from a friend's home page, very thorough, clear, conclusive: “Here’s a little history lesson for everyone on both sides of the political divide. It’s important that we understand the truth, especially come November when it’s time to vote. In December 2013, an 18-month-old boy in Guinea was bitten by a bat. Then there were five more fatal cases.

Politics | Deborah Klayman's Blog are large numbers in their ranks who are bigots and sexists, but it would be a mistake to assume all fall neatly under that banner – though it may be more comforting to make that assumption. The fact is that people feel so removed from the political process, and so powerless, that fringe parties are picking up votes from unexpected places.

Maine postmaster ordering carriers to delay | Progressive ..., ILLINOIS – MAY 09: Postal workers prepare mail for delivery at the Kilbourn Park post office on May 09, 2020 in Chicago, Illinois. Unique Clay, a 31-year-old letter carrier who worked at the Kilbourn Park post office, died of complications from COVID-19 on May 5, a week after giving birth to her third child. She was the first letter carrier in the city to die from the virus, more ...

Karab Amabo | Wide World of Stuff 28, 2011 · Security tries to drag her away, but she bravely keeps trying to tell her story. It’s horrible and fascinating at once; the oppression is despicable, and one time where journalists were right to try to intervene. **Geraldine Ferraro, who died over the weekend at 75, was the first politician I ever cared about. I was 8 when she was ...

Sunday Open Thread: HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! | 3CHICSPOLITICO 17, 2018 · Separating non white families is the history of this country. This is AMERICA! To ignore to dismiss Native & Black ppl sufferings. Kidnapped Native children Kidnapped black people to enslave for free labor. NOW. Kidnapped immigrant children to use for ransom to get a border wall. Like Liked by 1 person

Trump is using the census to undermine immigrants ... Donald Trump speaks before signing an executive order on the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative on July 9, 2020, in Washington, DC. President Donald Trump issued a memorandum on Tuesday aiming to exclude unauthorized immigrants living in the US from census population counts for the purposes of redrawing congressional districts — a transparent bid to erode their political ...

Well certainly an interesting development | TexAgs 12, 2004 · Well certainly an interesting development discussion on the TexAgs Politics forum.

Huckabee/Obama - WINNERS OF IOWA CAUCUS | Mirror On … 06, 2008 · This was the moment when the improbable beat what Washington always said was inevitable. This was the moment when we tore down barriers that have divided us for far too long – when we rallied people of all parties and ages to a common cause; when we finally gave Americans who’d never participated in politics a reason to stand up and do so.

office – Eric Lightborn's Blog’s possible the ethics probes are the reason. It’s possible she is fed up with political partisan bickering and propagandizing. Whatever the reason the fact remains that this representative is walking away from her responsibilities and setting a terrible example to the nation in terms of governorship.

Mainstreet Canada 15july2019 | Opinion Poll | Sampling ... of those surveyed said that Scheer was the best person to take the economy forward, while another 30.5% chose Trudeau. Those are the findings of a Mainstreet Research/iPolitics/Groupe Capitales Médias poll, which surveyed 2651 Canadians between June 27th and July 2nd.

Religion And Politics…Very Scary | The Word of Me... 18, 2012 · Well the costitution states the freedom of speech (which means we don’t have to censor our beliefs) and freedom of religion.Strangely it doesn’t say anywhere that we have to censor the name God anywhere.And yes being fired for being a Christian does happen. 1, 2 exceptions. here’s a few: Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, and Chester A. Arthur.

LGBT Debate in Light of Cultural Relativism ... debate in Light of cultural relativism. Cultural relativism is the principle that all customs, beliefs and ethics should be relative to the particular individual within his own social context. 1 Generally, the advocates of cultural relativism claims that human rights should depend on cultural context in which includes indigenous traditions, customary practices and political or religious ...

COSBY SPEAKS OUT | The Rogue Jew 15, 2006 · Comedian and Actor Bill Cosby seems to be one of the few black people that is really in touch with what “Black America” really needs. Of course the usual liberal suspects that support and encourage racism and use extortion and wealth redistribution as means to cure the make believe problem that has lined the pockets and bank accounts of people like Jesse …

rachel maddow | Political Mpressions would be one of my top picks. She’s smart, sassy, from Texas and would be the first woman host of Meet the Press. She’s either just had her third kid in a year or is about to have it, which would likely be a major factor in her decision should she be offered the position.

Saturday Open Thread | Trump Transition DID Vet Michael ... 29, 2017 · Visit the post for more. But, but he’s becoming more ‘presidential’….No..?? ????????….it’s ‘only’ been 100 days in …since Putin engineered his illegal installation…give him time…meanwhile, lets just keep normalizing and legitimizing him and shining up him and his brood…and maybe, just maybe…a despicable 70 year old dishonest, self-aggrandizing, self …

Who Do You Love? Then Gag Me with a Spoon | The Smirking "I didn't vote, exactly. This is the first time I've been politically inclined and active, and I think Donald Trump is a tremendous president. And I wanted to be educated. I wanted to do a deep dive before I started going out there and saying stuff as opposed to other people who mindlessly vote." 8. "I have known Donald Trump for almost 30 ...

Wednesday Open Thread | Immigration Update | 3CHICSPOLITICO 29, 2019 · We have to return to immigration. Have no choice, because the racists in this Administration don’t stop. Now, wonderboy Jared Kushner has been placed in charge of immigration. I

Tuesday Night Buzz: 2012.01 [Political Irony › The Party of Big Government] The latest data we have is for the end of 2010, but the total number of federal employees is still smaller than it was when Reagan took office 30 years ago, even though the US population has grown more than 45% during that time.

Motor City Liberal: Lame duck Congressman Thaddeus ... his resignation statement, McCotter explained that his office will continue to operate and his staff will serve his constituents’ needs, but he himself will be gone. “Strike another match, go start anew,” McCotter stated, quoting the Bob Dylan song “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue.”

Election results are easy to read, if one choose to ... 04, 2009 · It would be easy, and indeed there are already traces of evidence that it has already happened, for both entrenched political parties to read too much into Tuesday's election results in the United States. Focus on the returns preempted the regular showing of Monday night's AC360, and, despite the endless rhetoric that came forth from…

John F. Kennedy | Missouri Communication 15, 2010 · Voters are looking for a good-looking man who they feel they can “have a beer with.” Back in my parents day if a candidate looked OK in a picture they had a good shot in the election. It is a whole new world now. Politics have changed from my parents time to mine and I can only imagine what they will be like when I have a child who is my age.

On the CT School Shooting | Spinny Liberal 17, 2012 · This entry was posted on Monday, December 17th, 2012 at 12:00 AM and tagged with CT School Shooting, Gun Control, Michael Moore, NRA, Sandy Hook Elementary School and posted in And in Other News.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. « Happy Friday Funnies 12/14/12

Freedom of speech under attack in North Carolina? | Geoausch 30, 2009 · In his kiosk, Spivack sold various items with political motivated slogans and phrases. The examples provided by the NBC station included bumper stickers with “Impeach Obama,” “Work Harder. Obama Needs the Money,” and “Al Qaeda’s favorite days: 9/11/01 and 11/4/08”.

Charlotte Observer | Geoausch 30, 2009 · In his kiosk, Spivack sold various items with political motivated slogans and phrases. The examples provided by the NBC station included bumper stickers with “Impeach Obama,” “Work Harder. Obama Needs the Money,” and “Al Qaeda’s favorite days: 9/11/01 and 11/4/08”.

Stubborn Liberal: December 2009 29, 2009 · Stubborn Liberal These are the rants and raves of a stubborn-headed, midwestern, baby boomer, liberal, wife, mother, and grandmother. My goals are to speak my mind and educate others about some of the events in our world. Tuesday, December 29, 2009. Shame On DeMint!

Mistakes in the News Are Not Fake News | The Smirking 02, 2017 · About author Todd Gitlin is a professor of journalism and sociology and chair of the Ph.D. program in communications at Columbia University. He is the author of sixteen books, including several on journalism and politics.His next book is a novel, The Opposition.Follow him on Twitter: @toddgitlin.

November 2016 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America pointed to a map that showed the results of the election by county and said that “if you live in the blue—any spot that’s blue—I would say, ‘Oh God, help me. Oh God forgive me.’ Because those are the ones who came against the will of God in this election.”Dim Bakker

Government | The Liberal Doomsayer have to admit that this was a rather curious editorial from the Inquirer today written by Fred Hiatt (pictured) of the Washington Post, in which he sneaks in a dig at the federal government and “how little many Americans expect of (it),” as well as the fact that approximately 600,000 government jobs will need to be filled in the next four years, according to Max Stier of the Partnership ...

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The Origins of Political Order | Politics | Avaliação ... this pageIn his quest for the origins of political order, he ?rst looks at the social order among chimpanzees, notes that the war-like hunting group, rather than the family, was the primary social group, and claims the same for hu- mans. Humans went further: to survive they formed tribes, whose armies were superior to …

Buck Naked Politics: Cindy Sheehan Needs A New Hobby. can't stand Cindy Sheehan. There, I said it. I circled round and round this point in my two previous postings addressing her initial attempt to intimidate or antagonize Nancy Pelosi into doing her bidding by threatening to take her Congressional seat away from her; and her "big announcement." As a grieving mother, she had my unqualified sympathy.

Juan Williams' Firing Creates National Media Firestorm ... 10, 2010 · NPR's Hasty Decision To Fire Pundit Juan Williams IN A DEMOCRACY, the media must foster a free and robust political debate, even if such debate may, at times, offend some people.At the same time, they must uphold standards of civility, including an appropriate respect for the legitimate sensitivities of all members of the public.

No Right Turn: In the ballot XIII: Gay adoption 06, 2006 · Two years ago we saw the biggest shitfight in recent memory in New Zealand politics, over civil unions.The law passed, but the level of opposition and the decision by the National Party to reject equality and human rights and instead pander to bigots led many to see it as a high-tide mark for social reform, at least for the next few years. But a bill in yesterday's ballot may put that to the test.

Dear Iowa…I Think You Need to Hear This | kavips 07, 2007 · The first criteria was to put politics aside and begin to fix a broken America…..I do not see many people cooperating willingly with Hillary. Of course not much cooperation was given to Reagan during his first two years either, ….but those who hate her husband, still may not be willing to follow her bidding just because she says so ...

google | Missouri Communication 31, 2010 · Voters are looking for a good-looking man who they feel they can “have a beer with.” Back in my parents day if a candidate looked OK in a picture they had a good shot in the election. It is a whole new world now. Politics have changed from my parents time to mine and I can only imagine what they will be like when I have a child who is my age.

politics | Atlas Shrugged Today is an old joke: Who is the most conservative person? A: A liberal who has been mugged. Liberal are waking up to realize they have been mugged – by Obamacare. This is funny. I mean really funny. These unwashed supporters of occupy movements, with a room full of fading Obama posters are waking up to the reality that is Obamacare.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Heroin Abuse Among US Soldiers ... 11, 2009 · That was the same year that an Air National Guard pilot and a sergeant used a C-5 Galaxy military transport plane to sneak nearly 300,000 Ecstasy pills from Germany into New York. And in the past two years, the British have prosecuted nine …

A Chicken Is Not Pillage: WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! 22, 2015 · (It should be noted that Obama is the first President elected twice by a majority of the popular vote since Dwight Eisenhower.) And three, oh yes, assholes are mass killing our children. Here we are in 2013 having the gun control debate again. The political will has shifted, but it seems the arguments never do.

[E.O.M.S.]: Bruce Sterling: Twenty Years Fore & Aft 10, 2011 · That halcyon year is gone for ever, yes, but its legacy is alive and also unstable. 1991 was the heyday of cyber-counterculture. 1991 was the triumph of neo-liberalism over the corpse of Communism. 1991 was the flushed, tubercular onset of the dotcom collapse. 1991 was when a feral oil market destroyed a new world order. 1991 was all of those ...

USCF United States Civilian Forces: 09/17/17 Constitution Day! Today 230 years ago the Constitution of the United States was signed in Philadelphia. hasn’t been around quite as long, but we’ve seen a lot in our now 13 years of tracking the United States Congress.

read my mind: Coming Soon: Hillary In An Orange Pantsuit ... also believes former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, especially during her tenure as President Barack Obama’s Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, used the family foundation as a vehicle for selling their influence and becoming wealthy in the process, thanks in great part to the lack of politically independent regulation of charities soliciting funds and operating programs in ...

Breaking: Another ACORN Court Victory; Federal Judge ... nature of the bar and the context within in which it occurred make it unmistakable that Congress determined ACORN’s guilt before defunding it….Wholly apart from the vociferous comments by various members of Congress as to ACORN’s criminality and fraud…no reasonable observer could suppose that such severe action would have been taken in the absence of a conclusion that misconduct ...

The Political Environment: Walker, GOP legislators play ... 05, 2015 · [Updated 5:28 p.m.] There it is again - - that phony budgeting game played so well by GOP elected officials in the name of trimming budgets: Walker announces a major state budget cut - - for the UW system, for example - - then GOP legislators save the day by putting back a small portion of the cut and the budget-cutters come out as heroes.

Who Ended the Cold War? Russia and ... - Mercury Rising ?? 06, 2011 · The Politico, one of the many vectors for creating and maintaining conservative dominance of the media and cultural conversations in the US, has its obligatory puff piece on Mister Death Squadder this morning:. Bently Elliott, Reagan’s top speechwriter in his first term, recalled an interview his old boss gave at the end of his time in the White House.

Racial Politics Absurdity in Mississippi, Part 2: the ... 02, 2009 · In April of 2007, Melton and his bodyguards were acquitted on state felony charges arising from the Ridgeway Street incident. A federal indictment followed, which charged them with conspiracy to deprive the duplex owner and her tenant of their right to be free from unlawful search and seizure, as well as charges of official misconduct and the use of firearms in the commission of a violent crime.

Trump lies | The Pardu's Scroll current 2016 political campaign has delivered circus(try) comparable to a WWE elimination series. Yes, we seek cheap entertainment and, through quirks in …

01 | November | 2013 | The Pardu's Scroll 01, 2013 · The ACA is providing significant opportunity for news ratings. But, it is not the only politically charged issue that provides prime ‘red meat’ for administration haters, GOP politicians and network ratings. Ratings seeking may not have been the ultimate motive or enticement for a comparable flub by 60 Minutes.

Luther Strange RUNS from DACA Amnesty Questions UPDATE ... 21, 2017 · Battle of the titans. The Establishment v. the regular guy? It is a strange GOP race in Alabama – no pun intended – as the GOP establishment swirls around Trump’s support for Luther Strange who is the temp guy for Session’s seat, and Judge Roy Moore.The rising political star of Judge Roy Moore in Alabama is another surprise in a political season defined by the unexpected and the ...

political freedom | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities’S FINAL ADDRESS: “I’VE BEEN TO THE MOUNTAINTOP” DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING: BIOGRAPHIC NOTES. One of the most visible advocates of nonviolence and direct action as methods of social change, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on January 15, 1929. As the grandson of the Rev. A.D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta’s NAACP chapter, …

December | 2008 | Koulflo Memo to have Bobby Rush, the man who beat Barack Obama in his first attempt at national office, speak on behalf of Burress’ appointment and in racial terms, Blago shows the political world he remains a canny politician, and he may be with us for awhile yet. gotta give the guy his due for this.

2 Political Junkies: Hey, Post-Gazette Editorial Board! I ... 01, 2019 · The occasion was the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report of his investigation into whether members of the Trump campaign conspired with Russians to interfere in the 2016 election, and whether Mr. Trump obstructed this investigation. Mr. Barr’s presentation was concise, clear and matter-of-fact.

Dawg's Blawg: Nobody waved goodbye 08, 2008 · The Liberal Party, as a seasoned political commentator put it to a small meeting I once attended, is a spoils distribution machine rather than a party in the classical sense. The fact that it's now a decrepit and nearly bankrupt spoils distribution machine doesn't change its basic character one whit.

A Desperate Party and Its Non-Presidential Front-Runner ... 14, 2011 · What a Political fix?Newt Gingrich has benefited from a reeling and desperate GOP. Conservative America, and the core GOP are faced with a perpetual front-runner who is the equivalent of a ‘presidential rash’. He is tolerated on the Right, but as a candidate for top of the GOP ticket he is an irritation. After many…

It's the Hypocrisy, Stupid (Part 7): The John Edwards Scandal had cast himself in his political career as an exemplar of a moral life and a good marriage, and he was a harsh critic of former President Bill Clinton for his Oval Office affair. “I think this president has shown a remarkable disrespect for his office, for the moral dimensions of leadership, for his friends, for his wife, for his ...

26 | October | 2009 | 44-D 26, 2009 · 5 posts published by audiegrl on October 26, 2009. New York Times/Brian Stelter—Instead of being simply a draw for Hispanic viewers, CNN’s four-hour documentary, “Latino in America,” turned into a political rallying cry for activist groups who are calling on the cable news channel to fire Lou Dobbs, a veteran anchor with well-known views on immigration.

No More Mister Nice Blog 03, 2012 · POLITICO UTTERLY PERPLEXED AS TO WHY THAT NICE COULTER LADY WOULD WRITE A BOOK ABOUT RACE AT THIS MOMENT Oh, look! Ann Coulter -- a Mitt Romney backer since before the Iowa caucuses-- is coming out with a book on race in America, and, well, Politico can't seem to imagine why Coulter has chosen to write on this particular topic at this time: Ann Coulter's latest book …

The Gay General - dsadevil.blogspot.com blog about politics, law, philosophy, and sometimes boxing.

Coakley « Jamesb101.com 08, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Washington State Political Report - Blogger State Political Report. ... Not as good as the first, ... “Maintaining local, ¬community-based control over utility services is the reason PUDs were created in the first place, so we appreciate the sponsors’ willingness to listen to our concerns,” said Steve …

Bush | Something should go here, maybe later. is patently incorrect. Having attended Harvard Business School at the same time as the President, graduating from the two—year program a year after he did, and then serving on its faculty after a year’s interval spent writing a PhD thesis, I am intimately familiar with the rigors of the program at the time, and the minuscule degree of slack cut for even the most well—connected ...

"Memo To Politicians: Let Jesus Rest In Peace" - Blogger 09, 2008 · Memo To Politicians: Let Jesus Rest In Peace "Oh no! Not On Faith too! These questions about what Candidate Jesus might stand for have no business in our presidential election. Any candidates, liberal or conservative, who have managed to convince themselves that their policies would have been endorsed by Jesus are unfit for any public office.

Mr. (Attorney General) Alberto R. Gonzales | Big Brass Balls raid — the first physical FBI search of a congressman's office in U.S. history — sparked an uproar in the House, where Hastert joined Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in demanding that the records be returned because they viewed the search as an illegal violation of the constitutional separation of powers.

Atlantica strikes the Atlantic | 02, 2007 · It looks like we've been approached with some interesting spam in a comment to my post yesterday. Yup, the Atlantica cabal now has a political party and a website! The commentor asked what I/we thought of their policies, and I will comment on that when I have time to look at it in detail, but…

Motor City Liberal: Media stretch definition of "small "Half of small business income in the United States will end up in this bracket." On the September 10 edition of Fox News' Special Report, Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer criticized President Obama's portrayal of the Bush tax cuts, claiming that "[h]e portrays it as, you know, a cut in taxes on the idle rich, the millionaires who sit around."

The Jets hit rock bottom, and no that’s not the first time ... 11, 2018 · Good News Friday: A nurse sees her kids for the first time in 9 weeks, and it’s glorious. Health-care workers come out to applaud protesters in NYC. And a man houses 70 protesters to prevent them from being arrested; The Washington Nationals players do right by their minor-leaguers. Two young American tennis players make a powerful stand.

JG, Caesarea: Peter Beinart, "To Save Israel, Boycott the ... his May 24, 2011 speech before the US Congress, Netanyahu declared: "We must also find a way to forge a lasting peace with the Palestinians. Two years ago, I publicly committed to a solution of two states for two peoples: A Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state."

NonParty Politics: London Bombing Lessons Learned 12, 2007 · However, one must question what exactly Britain has learned these two years since the July 7th, 2005 bombings.. As Little Green Footballs pointed out, the ethnicity of the perpetrators of the recent London and Glasgow attacks has been murkily described in the press.Gordon Brown and the EU have also made pains to avoid, even ban the use of "Muslim" …

Chief Douglas Zeigler, the head of the NYPD’s Community ... 12, 2008 · Chief Douglas Zeigler, the head of the NYPD’s Community Affairs Bureau and the highest uniformed black officer on the force, was off duty and sitting in his department-issued sport utility vehicle on a street in the borough of Queens on May 2 when two white police officers approached.

bear stearns bailout | The Political Tipster 12, 2008 · Why McCain should listen to him. I was going to write another article about McCain and economic policy until I came across an article from Irwin Seltzer in the Weekly Standard which pretty much encapsulates what I was going to say. Although I disagree with some of what he says, in that the top rate of tax should be raised from 35% to 39% and both the Bear Stearns and the bailout for …

27 | October | 2006 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 27, 2006 · One of Hastert’s lieutenants, Rep. Philip English, R-Pa., said that while he senses “a strong anti-Washington blowback … the conclusion that, therefore, going to be an election like ’94 or that control of Congress is likely to shift, I don’t think is warranted yet. I think gong to come down to the wire.”

No More Mister Nice Blog: CONSERVATIVES, WHY DO YOU HATE ... 03, 2015 · M. Bouffant said.... Just saw this in the Wikipedia (adjust your salt intake accordingly): In 1896, a gold prospector named it McKinley as political support for then-presidential candidate William McKinley, who became president the following year.The United States formally recognized the name Mount McKinley after President Wilson signed the Mount McKinley National Park Act of February 26, …

Gas pipeline to cross Afghanistan nullifying the real ... is well worth a quick read at least after the Kennedy stuff but did you ever read we do not have clean hands in Afghanistan After 10 years of trying to wake up the people, Politicians, MSM, and the world, I am resolved to the fact that the vast majority do not want to know the truth and will not get it until it is too late and I believe it is!

Rod Rosenstein | This Is about Rod Rosenstein written by bd. #PutiTrump | #WhatTheyVotedFor. The basic conundrum, the New York Times explained Tuesday night:. By firing the F.B.I. director, James Comey, late Tuesday afternoon, President Trump has cast grave doubt on the viability of any further investigation into what could be one of the biggest political scandals in the country’s history.

Jesus' General: As a Man Pisseth, So Is He Steven L. Anderson Faithful Word Baptist Church Dear Pastor Anderson, I'm worried about you. The state security apparatus exposes you to a few minutes of their favorite enhanced apprehension techniques and you fold like a congressman in the presence of Limbaugh. I mean, my God man, you've pulled your sitzpinkling sermon from YouTube, assumedly, because someone said it'd be used against ...

Newark Post | Exceptional Delaware certainly admirable, meeting the Governor at a gym doesn’t make one a State Representative. In terms of his politics and what he stands for, that is difficult to find online. In response to the Newark Post article, he wrote on his Support Michael Nagorski Facebook page: “ Delaware has tremendous opportunity.

UGANDA/HOMOPHOBIC HYSTERIA: Born-again, rigid ... 04, 2009 · Religious Bigots incited by Buturo and Bahati are more dangerous to UGANDA than gays and lesbians. Political Scientist and Analyst Okello Lucima writes about the anti-homosexuality bill. ¨The press in Uganda this week is awash with homophobic hysteria against Gays, Lesbians, Bi-Sexual and Transgender (GLBT) Ugandans.

Citius64: El silencio de los corderos silencio de los corderos ... Hastert was the most powerful man in his Archdiocese--in this case, the United States Congress. ... Protecting a sexual predator instead of protecting our children is a failure of leadership and a threat to the safety of America's families.

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2010 · IF THE APOLITICAL PEOPLE LEAD, THE LEADERS WILL FOLLOW I don't know for sure if the $20 billion fund BP has been pressured to create is a terrific or at least very good thing or less than meets the eye, but so far it seems like a win -- a good thing for the afflicted (if it's done right) and a serious bite taken out of BP. It looks like a win for Obama, too, after a disappointing weak-tea ...

THE GUY HAVING THE SECOND-WORST NOVEMBER IN POLITICS … 10, 2017 · It was all going so well for Steve Bannon. He'd latched onto Roy Moore, who was already on his way to a likely victory over incumbent Luther Strange in the Alabama GOP Senate primary, and by the time Moore won, Bannon had persuaded much of the political world that he was the key to Moore's victory, that he embodied Trumpism more than Donald Trump (who endorsed Strange), and that he …

Liar! Liar!: August 2011 - pandering political blog about pandering politicians and rational public policy.

Balkinization Role of the Press in the Debate Over War. An article in today's New York Times discusses the reasons why the press did not push the Bush Administration harder to justify its plans for war against Iraq. One important reason is Congress's abdication of opposition …

Huge Rosendale Dairy Project Threatens Groundwater 05, 2009 · What would be the state's largest dairy farm - - 8,300 animals - - is undergoing a public permitting comment period, and from the looks of the crowd, the people don't want it. Groundwater pollution is a big problem for people who get their drinking water close close to a major farming operation, with resulting basic health and safety issues raised frequently.

Stubborn Liberal: August 2013 29, 2013 · There are big problems in Pennsylvania with one of the operators of charter schools. LehighValleyBusiness: The founder and superintendent of one of Pennsylvania's most successful cyber charter schools is facing federal charges of fraud for scheming taxpayer funds out of the school, according to a 41-page grand jury indictment.

More On St. Croix River Pollution Incident 11, 2012 · They traced the murky water back to a 72-acre sand mining facility operated by Maple Grove-based Tiller Corporation, where they located a leak in one of the facility's holding ponds. The company was notified and agreed to repair the pond immediately, according to DNR officials and Tiller Corporation's land use affairs director Mike Caron.

Walker says WI can't afford to get dead deer off the roads 11, 2015 · How about Walker having someone in his office pick up the dead deer. His next approach will be to have those receiving unemployment compensation or food stamps pick up the dead deer as a requirement for eligibility! Gosh don't let this leak out or one of his lap dog legislators will put it in the form of a bill. April 22, 2015 at 9:11 AM

Small Number Of Rabbis – None Haredi – Ask Congress To ... published at 11:20 pm CDT. A small number of U.S. rabbis and Jewish leaders from across the Jewish religious and political spectrum – none of them holding senior leadership positions in their movement – wrote a letter urging Congress to support plans to strike Syria in response to its use of chemical weapons on civilians.

Tea Party activists turn against Michigan ... - Eclectablog 11, 2013 · There comes a time when a political line in the sand must be drawn to preserve institutions. It is our estimation that Governor Snyder has gone too far by seeking help from one of the most polarizing figures in modern history, a representative of the most destructive American President of our history as a nation, to try to strong arm moderate voices in his own party into passing a bankrupt ...

The Political Environment: Walker releases important Iraq ... 11, 2015 · If he wanted to use such an analogy, maybe he would connect with more people with a more hip cultural reference. For example-"The Iran deal is like letting George Costanza be in his room with the door closed and a copy of Glamour magazine. I intend to be the master of my own domain." August 14, 2015 at 5:48 PM

For Tommywonk…. Post 1850 | kavips 21, 2012 · Then a political bent began to surface and a community was formed… The Colossus of Rhody, First State Politics, Pencader Days, carried the message from the right. These blogs were at one time, run by real people. You knew their heartaches, their musical tastes, their huge events taken place in …

Jerry Falwell | Sheila Kennedy a comment a few days ago, Gerald posted a link to Raw Story, headlined “Why Evangelicals Won’t Care about Jerry Falwell Jr.’s apparent sex scandal.” Presumably, they also won’t care about the self-dealing, corruption and similar behaviors that were the focus of a preceding expose in Politico. What I found fascinating about the Raw Story version wasn’t the detailed enumeration of ...

Random Politics & Religion #37: w/ Bubba the Love Sponge ... 27, 2019 · Random Politics & Religion #37: W/ Bubba The Love Sponge ... (remember how I mentioned how he was the highest classification authority) to Barr to declassify materials is "a threat to the nation". ... The FBI didn't do anything wrong and Trump is not going to be vindicated. But it is fun to see him desperately try to change the narrative ...

Boysenberry Syrup and Left Wing Politics | Sohum Parlance II 10, 2019 · With all the changes to the County, there are few places left with the “old Eureka” feel. The place is almost always packed in the morning, probably because it’s on 101, but it’s also affordable for fixed income people and it doesn’t have what has been referred by some old timers as “the …

AIPAC | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog December 22, 2011. By Bob Johnson. Newt Gingrich, as a Washington insider, knows who to please in order to promote his political career. Top on the sycophant’s list of who to please, as it is of virtually all of the politicians regardless of political party, is the powerful Israel lobby.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | Mike's Place ... health care costs are the #1 cause of bankruptcy in this country, how will that work for government-run health care? Government efficiency is an oxymoron. In America, politicians expect people to be gullible enough to believe that government-run health care on top of an already expensive health care system is going to reduce costs.

The Political Environment: Some lesser known justice facts ... 09, 2016 · [Updated, 8/16] Media and others interpreting civil unrest in Milwaukee might want to dig deeper into a few issues: * Cities are creatures of the state in Wisconsin, and during the Scott Walker era, Milwaukee has lost state-supplied revenue - - the program dates back decades as a substitute for local income tax collections - - and also lost the ability to expand its budget above state-mandated ...

The Political Environment: Live Blogging Walker's State Of ... 06, 2013 · 7:20. First Walker wink of the night thrown out to a female job-creator in the gallery. By the way, Walker has mastered the Teleprompter. 7:22. Walker offers a report with new rule changes. Now talking up workforce training. I hope this doesn't presage WEDC 2.0. So far, hardly bold vision stuff. More like Bureaucracy 101.

Wise Law Blog: More on Steyn, Free Speech and Human Rights ... 02, 2008 · Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.. Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog also highlights key decisions of Canadian courts, with focus on Ontario Family Law, Ontario Employment Law and other areas of interest.

Charlottesville 2 – Astute News 18, 2017 · It once was the case that the function of liberal progressivism was to reform what was inherited from the past and had been morally outgrown. But this progressive agenda has been abandoned to hate that is just as wrong and deadly as the hate to which the liberal progressives object. So we are left with what: hate against hate. This is not ...

conservatives | cadesertvoice“The federal budget deficit tripled to a record $1.4 trillion for the 2009 fiscal year that ended last week, congressional analysts said Wednesday. – Published October 7 2009. The House and the Senate voted to pass the 2009 budget on June 4-5, 2008. President Bush signed off on all of it.

Some thoughts on the Scooter Libby trial and verdict 07, 2007 · This is an administration that has no ethics, no morality. It is an administration that only believes in politics, and the accumulation of power for itself. This makes me wonder if Cheney or Rove offered a deal for Libby--play the scapegoat for the next two years, and Bush will pardon you.

Microsoft | The Liberal Doomsayer is hypocrisy. It is to laugh, my fellow prisoners. “Situational ethics”? Really? This tells us that, in the horrific event of Willard Mitt Romney and Puppy-Dog-Eyes-With-The-Shiv-In-His-Pocket Paul Ryan actually winning the election, Sheldon Adelson stands to get a $2 billion tax cut.

HOA wants family to remove 'Jesus' display (MSN wants family to remove 'Jesus' display - By Lillian Reed (usa today) Dec 22 2017 A religious holiday display is at the center of a dispute between two Gettysburg, Pa.-area residents and their neighborhood homeowner association. Mark Wivell put up Christmas decorations Dec. 16 which including a display in his mulch bed that…

The Personal Blog of Foreign Correspondent Jamie was one of the reasons one of Libya’s most able politicians, Mahmoud Jibril, resigned from the NTC. And ever since then whenever a serious security plan has been proposed the various political and militia factions have sabotaged it, reluctant to accede to a …

Rove | The Pardu's Scroll Obama Administration via the Treasury Department has issued political financial contribution guidelines to corral and dam-up the flood gates of “Dark Money” to political campaigns. The Center for Responsive Politics have developed an interactive infographic that illustrates how contributions for anonymous donors works into the ‘open-for-business’ hoppers of politicians.

Polls Show Most Americans Support Comprehensive ... to a poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted by the Benenson Strategy Group, 75% of respondents believed Congress should tackle immigration reform in 2009. The sense of urgency was boosted by the poor economy. 57% of respondents said that the poor economy makes it more crucial that Congress address immigration reform as opposed to the ...

william jefferson – Skeptical Brotha federal indictment is the first in which a U.S. official is charged with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which bars bribery of foreign officials. Jefferson, 60, a Harvard Law School graduate, was reelected last year while under investigation. He was the first black congressman elected in Louisiana since Reconstruction.

Motor City Liberal: Senator Kyl reportedly jokes about ... STORY is unaware of any classic joke about three people drowning in a boat, but it's similar to the one about how one hundred lawyers drowning in the ocean would be "a good start." Wilkie adds, "But love it or hate it, it wasn't even Kyl's own joke. The senator poached it from late night TV host Jimmy Kimmel, according to a source.

What a Presidential Candidate’s Net Worth Reveals ... 22, 2016 · But it does raise serious and very legitimate questions as to how a career politician who’s so busy with the nation’s business, while also running for public office every six years, somehow manages to earn 150 percent more than his base income in investments over the course of three decades. The typical American worker would be ecstatic to ...

you think that elections for Congress are the same thing... 10, 2014 · George Orwell in his book 1984 described the state of perpetual war in his fictional future society by saying that the war won't meant to be won, it was only meant to be continuous. Thomas Frank Illustrates how,and how effectively, the neoconservative right has implemented Orwell's concepts via a never-ending war over culture and values.

Does 'Web 2.0' fundamentally change the nature of Internet ... 'Web 2.0' fundamentally change the nature of Internet politics? - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The last decade of the development of the Web has been characterised best by the term Web 2.0. In my essay I will evaluate the meaning of this term, and look at the way that Web 2.0 influences the way different groups use the internet for political ...

December | 2012 | Romanticpoet's Weblog | Page 2 SS grew from a small paramilitary unit to a powerful force that served as the Führer’s “Praetorian Guard,” the Nazi Party’s “Protection Squadron” and a force that, fielding almost a million men (both on the front lines and as political police), managed to exert as much political influence in the Third Reich as the Wehrmacht ...

RoJo still after the kids' medications, grandpa's nursing ... 11, 2017 · Let's add to Senator Ron Johnson's permanent, empathy-free record on health care for low-income seniors and disabled kids his cold-hearted re-affirmed pledge Tuesday to keep trying to repeal and replace Obamacare in the face of overwhelming opposition from medical experts, rejection by the general public and contradiction by the basics of human compassion.

Economy – Skeptical Brotha about Economy written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Charlie Rangel | The Liberal Doomsayer one of “high priests” of wingnuttery, Sen. Tom Coburn, wrote the following in the Murdoch Street Journal yesterday… Let’s save money by spending less. This argument doesn’t require a clever explanation, but it does requiring putting the government in …

18 | August | 2012 | The Liberal Doomsayer 18, 2012 · As we know, Coleman won the 2002 Senate election 11 days after incumbent Sen. Paul Wellstone was killed in a plane crash. Polls showed Wellstone was going to win that election. For Coleman to call Franken “an accidental senator” is tragically ironic, for there are some who believe Coleman was the original accidental senator.

Is the Tide Finally Turning Back? | The Liberal Crab 17, 2008 · But, over the last few days on the campaign, he has done a tremendous job articulating his plans. They may be as shallow as the next politician’s, but he does articulate the 30K view of the plan better than McCain. 2) Palin’s failings – Let’s face the obvious, she was the reason why so much energy has been brought into the campaign.

Frederick Politics: Obama Wins - Yes We Can! 10, 2008 · There is much to be done now, as the transition team shifts into high gear. Prior to implementing policy, staff needs to be hired and appointments put forward in regard to Cabinet positions. Look to see former Senate Majority leader Tom Daschle emerge as the leading candidate for Chief-of-Staff in the White House.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee: Misc.'m Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Trump, and a Heretofore Untold Tale of Rape | The Smirking yet he's able — much like he was in his rapist days — to abuse, humiliate, and intimidate Congress. Ms. Carroll variably calls Trump (and all men like him) a foul harasser, molester, traducer, swindler, strangler, no-good creep, villain, dickwad, chump, and a Walking Phallus who "is a big talker, and … he yammers about himself like he ...

An ass’t principal in Tennessee ... - Wide World of Stuff 01, 2018 · We live in strange, scary, but never boring times. Thank goodness there are people around to still make us laugh. While we ponder what more evidence a new FBI investigation will turn up against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh (as if there isn’t enough already, what with him lying to Congress and all), “Saturday Night Live” debuted its new season just in time Saturday night.

Business climate - California Political 26, 2016 · Recently, when my firm completed a study that found about 10,000 companies left California in the last eight years, it hardly surprised leaders in the business community.

Andrew Puzder - California Political the 2013 death of the founder of Carl’s Jr. — the ubiquitous California fast-food restaurant chain — the Orange County Register published an obituary that captured the one-time spirit of the state: “Carl Karcher, the Ohio farm boy with an eighth-grade education who turned his $326 investment in a hot dog stand into a multimillion-dollar fast food empire, died Friday afternoon.

Joe Wilson's "You Lie!" | What Actually 09, 2009 · Therefore, the Congress, and by extension the American people, are the President's bosses, and he should not accuse any of *them* of lying during a joint session. Joe Wilson is a hero, and will be lauded as such by successive generations, lamenting how easily we slipped into the clutches of an aloof, vindictive tyrant. 9/21/09, 5:35 PM

Jared Loughner Is Proof That “Liberalism Is A Mental 09, 2011 · “Liberalism is a mental disorder” ... Nice blog Ann. As for Bill Keller above, can you explain away The Daily KOS who had their own target with Congresswoman Gifford’s picture on it: ... but it’s the exact same lies about both sides.

Arctic Sea Ice: an ecosystem in collapse 16, 2007 · This years news is frightening. This summers melt was the most extensive of any year since 1978, when the data was gathered the first time. Let's start by defining what sea ice is. Sea ice is any ice floating in the ocean that formed from sea water. (Icebergs are not sea ice - they are pieces of glacier that have broken free.) Sea ice forms and ...

Balkinization: Elizabeth Warren’s health care trap was the deepest political flaw in Clinton’s proposal, and Obama learned from it. Obama built on the existing system rather than trying to replace it entirely. (I tell this story in the first chapter of my book, The Tough Luck Constitution and the Assault on Health Care Reform.) The result is inelegant, but it passed, it is working, and ...

05 | October | 2009 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 05, 2009 · The first 200 days of Barack Obama’s presidency…?” And the short list of political atrocities begins. Who would have believed that within the first seven months of the new administration, 90% of all mortgages in the United States would be backed by the federal government (placing the taxpayer at risk for over $5 trillion dollars, I might add).

RIP | Unreasonably Safe Observer frog, who is survived by four tadpoles, was said to be a kind soul who had a zeal for life and truly enjoyed living. Friends of the frog claim he was a progressive environmentalist and a big supporter of green jobs. At his eulogy earlier today, his teary-eyed brother said “Ribbet!!

Come to think of it, I don't miss 2004 |'s what they do (or, less partisanly, that's what happens in politics). That's why I blame Kerry fault for making the mole hill in the first place, and for handling the response so ineptly. First, the joke itself was a cheap attempt to generate attention. Congratulations, it worked. Second, if you're not capable of telling a joke, don't ...

Mark Olson, Sentenced But in Denial Olson spoke at her husband’s sentencing and likened their four-year marriage to a “roller-coaster ride” that she “jumped off of by making a report to the police” after the November incident. She accused Olson of letting his role as a legislator drive his trial strategy, which she …

Dr. Helen: Get well Rush 31, 2009 · Liberals are showing their true colors online, especially on Twitter. They want him to die in the hospital. (Reminds me of the chorus to a Joe Jackson song, "Don't wanna be like that!") One fellow mentioned that the same people who want Rush to die there are the same ones that want to control the hospitals. 7:38 AM, December 31, 2009 Helen said

Romney Throws Doodie in Trump's Pool - Progress Pond 02, 2019 · The day a new Congress is sworn in is supposed to be a day of celebration and positivity, but incoming Utah senator Mitt Romney decided to preempt Thursday’s good times by throwing a Baby Ruth candy bar in the swimming pool.. In an editorial published in the Washington Post late on New Year’s Day, Romney took a pollaxe to President Trump. Lamenting Trump’s name-calling and …

political strategy | Sheila Kennedy first speech was given by two very young co-presenters representing Black Lives Matter, and they delivered a full-blown attack on the women in attendance–women who were virtually all there as allies. (They reminded me of those pastors who deliver sermons criticizing people who don’t come to church– to the people sitting in church.)

Ezra Klein: Why Do Liberals Support Immigration? there is also, I'll grant--and maybe what Ross was getting at--a feeling among liberals that there is psychic, soul-bettering value to erring on the side of letting people come here, given that 99 percent of us are descendants of immigrants and that the first immigrants slaughtered some 20 millions native Americans, who, come to ...

USA Politicshttps://kdapolitics.blogspot.comMassive deportation is known to be one of his main priorities and concerns. Trump also mentioned even eliminating the DACA program that was issued to immigrant kids who arrived before 16 years of age which allows them to renew a 2 year temporary work permit. ... The author chose the right set of words and a very professional structured way to ...

Dog Pile on SCOTUS, Part II - Progress Pond 12, 2006 · “In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible… Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness.” — George Orwell Part I of Dog Pile on SCOTUS discussed Mister Bush’s false claims that the Hamdan versus Rumsfeld ruling “accepted” his use of Guantanamo bay […]

Obsidian Wings: You can’t be Irish if you’re gay – or gay ... 30, 2017 · For anyone who is unfamiliar with South Boston aka Southie, just think Bull Connor era Alabama, with shamrocks, Guinness, and a scally cap. Plus gangsters, and politicians, and gangsters who are politicians. Good old Southie. If it can happen in Southie, it can happen anywhere.

DOBSON, THOMPSON AND CHEAP SHOTS 26, 2007 · I, like so many of you, know that the most important election of our lives. Threats from global Islamofascism, weakness at home in political leadership, unsecured borders, runaway spending, looming economic crises and a judiciary set on legislating from the bench—these are critical issues that call for strong leadership.

Charter Board Election A Constitutional Right 10, 2011 · In all likelihood, should a special election take place, some current members would be replaced. Only two of the appointed board members and one of the aspiring board members have run for public office and won. Outside of political wonks like myself, most voters are not following the effort to change to a charter form of government.

2010 May « The Bright Coast would be one of the greatest collapses in modern California politics. Update: The new PPIC poll just came out. It shows that Whitman’s former 50-point lead has been reduced to single digits. She now leads Poizner 38-29 among GOP voters. (Compare this to a 61-11 lead back in March.) For the full report, see here. The headline states ...

immigration | The Rogue Jew went to a Senator and/or Congressman or other public official in Hawaii to have my name changed. 35. I had a passport issued to me from the Government of Indonesia.36. The United States Constitution does not allow for a Person to hold the office of President of the United States unless that person is a “natural born” United States citizen ...

Politics | Veritas Nihilum Vincet Trump is a racist. He’s a liar and a fraud. He’s an ignorant, arrogant, uncurious, vicious, juvenile, petty douchebag. The idea that he could possibly be considered for the office of president while dragging behind him gangs of venal hypocrites, Christopathic theocrats, science deniers, gun nuts and Klansmen is both horrifying and deeply disturbing.

workers | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today; Home; LEARN

No More Mister Nice Blog 10, 2013 · A lot of American Catholics may not follow the Pope's lead in everything but that doesn't mean he's not an important figure. To say nothing of the fact that the Catholic Church has outsize influence in politics-- has for a while now-- which is arguably a bad thing (I, for one, don't like it) but bad or good, it is a fact.

Congressional Black Caucus – Page 2 – Skeptical Brotha about Congressional Black Caucus written by skepticalbrotha

Format Produces Unsatisfying Senate Debate; Baldwin Wins ... 12, 2012 · * Tommy was the more animated of the candidates, but he spent way too much time stating and repeating and repeating what he did when he was Governor - - he left office in early 2001- - which was a long time ago, and more importantly, in a far different era economically when a rising tide temporarily lifted all boats - - along with the job ...

22 | June | 2008 | The Plainsman Politico has moved 22, 2008 · 9 posts published by plainsmanpolitico on June 22, 2008. New York Times: The Army and Air Force discharged a disproportionate number of women in 2007 under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that prohibits openly gay people from serving in the military, according to Pentagon statistics gathered by an advocacy group.. While women make up 14 percent of Army personnel, 46 percent of those ...

The Personal is Political | Sheila Kennedy in the heady early days of the women’s movement, activists fashioned a slogan: the personal is political. It was a rejoinder to those men and women who denied the political nature of social attitudes that kept women “in our place,” social attitudes that dictated “proper” and decidedly unequal feminine behaviors and occupations.

Impeachment | The Pardu's Scroll about Impeachment written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Mudflats | TheZoo was the “go to” source for an Alaskan perspective on the Governor and the political climate in Alaska. A really creepy thing has happened to AKMuckraker, the founder of Mudflats: Alaska Representative, Mike Doogan (D-AK) , exposed her true name on his legislative newsletter.

Comprehensive Story On Wisconsin Wolves In Cap Times 02, 2012 · This affirms the beliefs of many. That is, when it comes to President Obama their (GOP) hatred has less to do with his policies and a lot more to do with the color of his skin. Using the term Indian rather than Native American is the racist way to show complete distain for Wisconsin tribal members.

Leavenworth Street - the talk of Nebraska politics: About ... 10, 2008 · Lee requires that everyone in his campaign wear a minimum of 15 pieces of flair at all events. Now, it's up to each person whether or not they want to just do the bare minimum. Well, like Brian, for example, has 37 pieces of flair. And a terrific smile.

politics | DAILY DEVOTIONS, NEWS AND INFORMATION 24, 2016 · Although the task God had assigned to him was difficult and dangerous, it was ultimately intended to bless Jonah. But stubbornly, he ran…until God brought his diversionary adventure to a quick end. The Lord may allow you to run for a short season, but in His time He will draw you back.

EXCLUSIVE: AZ Leg. staffer disputes conservatives' "lawful ... AZ Leg. staffer disputes conservatives' "lawful contact" claims about immigration law From Media Matters research: Conservative media have claimed that Arizona's new immigration law only allows law enforcement to question a person's immigration status if …

National Panetti Coverage Roundup - The StandDown Texas ... it found that existing protections had not been afforded. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy provided the swing vote, joined by the court’s liberal wing: Justices John Paul Stevens, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer. The justices referred the case back to a federal district court to re-evaluate Mr. Panetti’s claims of ...

22 | October | 2013 | The Pardu's Scroll 22, 2013 · Apparently, sometime last week congressional staffer, Sean Hayes, counsel with the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, reached-out to an attorney for John McAfee to testify about failures of the ACA website:

The Next Hurrah: Is Waxman Protecting Tom Davis in His ... Leaks to WaPo Appear to Come from OSC. I said on Sunday that someone on the Government Reform Committee might be a source for the material in the WaPo's story on Rove's asset deployment teams. But today, Waxman cites that story as a preface to his request for more documents from the agencies that were part of the program. On Sunday, The Washington Post reported that these political ...

gender politics | Jafapete's Weblog 23, 2008 · Rates relief for one. Okay, you may not think that attempting to injunct a hard-core porn king’s sexploitation parade is one of them, but the unnecessary bridge is (currently) expected to cost roughly 1400 times more. Yep, 1400 times more. You’d think that would be more newsworthy, but it seems that the news media can’t resist boobs.

Paul Ryan | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Post. Ryan Grim. Posted: 08/30/2012 12:29 am Updated: 08/30/2012 11:52 am. TAMPA, Fla. — Paul Ryan pledged Wednesday that if he and his running mate Mitt Romney were elected president, they would usher in an ethic of responsibility. The Wisconsin congressman and GOP vice presidential candidate repeatedly chided President Barack Obama for blaming the jobs and housing crises on his ...

Religion Politicized | Establishment Clause | Voting ... Politicized - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

01 | May | 2013 | The Pardu's Scroll 01, 2013 · Before Matthews goes ‘oozy” over Christe’s machismo and vulgarity, he should also more closely scrutinize Christe’s racist use of language. These are the kinds of liberal (if Matthews is a liberal) passage, albeit it humorous and inadvertent, that helps to smooth edges for dangerous political figures.

Rand Paul | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog’s Jack in his confederate mask (he’s not nearly so creepy looking sans mask, but then, intimidating others is obviously a goal of Jack’s and is much harder to pull off as himself): Jack Hunter in his Confederate Mask, “A photo of the Southern Avenger posted to Rebellion Blog” via Free Beacon. Politicususa. By: Sarah Jones Jul ...

WG's Observations: February 2017 Huntington, who died in 2008, was a liberal Harvard professor of political science. In 1996 he published a controversial book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (see my book list in the sidebar) in which he argued that the coming century would see conflicts along the borders between major cultures and civilizations. The liberal academic world didn’t like this ...

2009 – Eric Lightborn's Blog political predictions have once again proven true. I predicted at the onset of the national and Congressional debate over health care coverage in the US that we would see a bill pass both House and Senate but that it would a “watered-down” bill that addressed preexisting conditions and state-to-state plan probability more than it addressed the larger problem of controlling costs.

ken salazar | The Political Tipster is one of those issues where there is no ‘third camp’ (except possibly in calling for an more aggressive counterinsurgency strategy). Although a big tent is important, so is fighting one’s corner, especially when it is under attack. Clearly, thing could swing again back in the DLC’s favour, but history is not encouraging.

Jeremiah Wright | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! was the moment of greatest peril for then-Sen. Barack Obama’s political career. In the heat of the presidential campaign, videos surfaced of Obama’s pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, angrily denouncing whites, the U.S. government and America itself. Obama had once bragged of his closeness to Wright.

Midweek Medley | Be Sure You're RIGHT, Then Go Ahead 29, 2011 · Below are a few odds and ends filched during recent excursions on the net. The video is a real-time reconstruction of Captain Sully's ditching of his passenger jet in the Hudson River. H/T to Tom & Dave *** Reposted from Godfather Politics. Soak the rich, and the next person to take a bath will be…

A REPUBLICAN SAFE/SAME SEX ¨MARRIAGE¨ : Mitt Romney hooks ... 10, 2012 · A REPUBLICAN SAFE/SAME SEX ¨MARRIAGE¨ : Mitt Romney hooks up with Paul Ryan! ... (can´t use it abroad which is stupid as the really good hospitals and doctors here are a tiny fraction of U.S. prices)! The doctor in Florida wrote me a prescription for a little urinary infection (I had one once so I told him what it was), he took a sample ...

The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama ?? | Out Foxing Karl Rove 12, 2008 · This is the writer who found his way into a speech by a potential vice president at a national political convention. It’s astonishing there’s been no demand for a public accounting from the McCain campaign. Imagine if Obama had quoted a Black …

real | Out Foxing Karl Rove is the writer who found his way into a speech by a potential vice president at a national political convention. It’s astonishing there’s been no demand for a public accounting from the McCain campaign. Imagine if Obama had quoted a Black Panther or Louis Farrakhan — or William Ayers — in Denver.

Rapper Huey Shot And Killed|Huey Rapper Instagram|StLouis rapper shot and killed - 2020-06-27,Idaho “He was a good kid shot.Huey was 31 when he was killed and is survived by a 13-year-old daughter huey.But his intended show of political force amid a pandemic featured thousands of empty seats and new coronavirus cases on his own campaign staff and.

Balkinization: A Hidden Side of Eugene O’Neill’s Hughie? group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. E-mail: Jack Balkin: jackbalkin at Bruce Ackerman bruce.ackerman at

Political Irony › Money Can’t Buy Happiness? 08, 2015 · While the Citizens United decision and the rise of big money and Super PACs had a huge effect on the 2010 midterm election, they don’t seem to be having as much of an impact on the current presidential primaries.Don’t get me wrong, there is even more money being spent this time, but it doesn’t seem to be having as much of an effect.

Bill Clinton – THE HAL BLOG 11, 2017 · The short version: Watch and listen to Robert Reich, an American politician, academic, writer, and political commentator, as well as the twenty-second United States Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton, from 1993 to 1997, as he spells out exactly what the public option is. His video here spells it out simply and succinctly.

Trumps new excuse - One Political Plaza this country moved from Jan21 when the first case was identified in this country, Trumps first comments put this nation in jeopardy as he told the AMERICAN people, only one case and he’s doing fine don’t worry I got it under control.

Occupy It: October 2011 Are the 99% Standing Up For Our Rights Against Corporate Greed and the Political Coruption in America and Around the World. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. ~~~ Abraham Lincoln

melissacoil | Missouri Communication 11, 2010 · Read all of the posts by melissacoil on Missouri Communication. While many people my age watch shows like The Colbert Report and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I am not one of those viewers, but I do feel like these shows are as much a legitimate political news source as shows that appear on “NEWS networks”. In class we learned that exposure to an issue…allows for better …

Frederick Politics: Obama Weekly Address 08, 2013 · Obama’s weekly address focused on Syria one week after he said he would go to Congress to receive authorization to use force. Obama said in the address that Syria is a serious threat to U.S. national security and that action must be taken after chemical weapons were used in Syria.

Fake victims, bad actors, props for false flag OP - Page ... 18, 2015 · Fake victims, bad actors, props for false flag OP Political Manipulation / Cover-Ups / False Flags

What Is The Remedy For A McConnell? | Sheila Kennedy political system has an answer for a threat like Donald Trump but none for a threat like Mitch McConnell. McConnell isn’t simply ignoring duties imposed by the Constitution; he is– as the Vox article says–shameless. His actions defy our expectations of normal human behavior, not because he is breaking the rules in order to benefit ...

Intrepid Liberal Journal: March 2006 26, 2006 · Progress is never a straight uninterrupted forward line but it was the trend for much of my grandfather’s life. It doesn’t feel that way today. The conservative movement finally achieved critical mass when George W. Bush took the oath of office in January …

The Rev. Falwell’s Death and Liberal Hate | Mystery of ... 16, 2007 · Yesterday, I found that the left has gone too far in celebrating the Rev. Falwell's death. I don't agree with Falwell's politics or his creed, but he was a husband and father and by all accounts, a pretty decent man albeit with some crazy, nonsensical ideas. But …

My Secret Blogaholism...: 2008-05-04 09, 2008 · So was the Derby a metaphor for life (or at least for politics)? I don't know. It's entertaining to point out that Big Brown (like Barack) was an under dog; Big Brown started from the 20th spot (the worst spot on the field), and a horse in that position has only won the Derby three or four times in the 134 runnings.

Political Irony › Making Fun of Nazis 22, 2017 · They call it “humorous subversion” but it really is just making fun of them. Here’s one example: For decades, Wunsiedel, a German town near the Czech border, has struggled with a parade of unwanted visitors. It was the original burial place of one of Adolf Hitler’s deputies, a man named Rudolf Hess.

NonParty Politics: Flippity Flop! 03, 2007 · He made the mistake of answering it, then flubbing it, saying first that his daughter would have the "final decision"--a suspiciously pro-choice position for a pro-life candidate--and then, in a clarification issued soon after, that it would be a "family decision."

Don't Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two ... - Political Forum 24, 2018 · One of Wall Street’s most successful hedge fund managers is once again wading into the climate change debate. His conclusion: It’s not as big of a problem as some suggest. Cliff Asness, who runs AQR, one of the largest hedge fund firms in the world, e-mailed out a research paper on Tuesday to reporters and others making his arguments on ...

Canadian Socialists and the Politics of Guns | Firearm License Socialists and the Politics of Guns January 5, 2019 admin 7 Comments You’ll also know that most commentators (including many who are usually friendly to the Liberals) have either scoffed at Trudeau’s gushy sentimentalism or scratched their heads and wondered “whatever that means”.

Ranting Liberally: Air America, RIP Malloy, Bill Press, Stephanie Miller, even Alan Colmes - all separate syndicated programs. For my locale, about the only Air America shows left on my station are the Ron Reagan show during the week and the weekend "Ring of Fire" program. So, it it for them finally, I send Air America a fond adieu and and much thanks.

The Union News.: 7/1/09 06, 2009 · The June figures will be released tomorrow, and she's braced for more bad news. "I know that there will probably be a continued increase," Solis said in an interview. "This is a 26-year high. ... It's unprecedented." Solis, 51, a former member of Congress, is the first …

Management Prerogatives and Workplace Equity: A Small ... 05, 2012 · The life-long hope of liberals is that if the opponents will just listen to facts and logic correct conclusions can be reached on questions of national policy. The apparent abiding hope of modern day conservatives appears to be that if the liberals would just shut up life would march on toward a replication of some…

border security | Thomas Jefferson Club Blog Romney said that Russia is the U.S.’s biggest geopolitical foe during a 2012 presidential debate, Obama scoffed, saying: “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” Voters ignored Obama’s inexperience and naiveté and he became president with a failed policy arrogantly and egotistically treating Putin as an ...

Peter Strzok is Facing Serious Charges | BUNKERVILLE | God ... 15, 2019 · Strzok Facing Serious Charges by Mustang At least, what Sara Carter is telling us on her news blog. Under the microscope is Strzok’s behavior in the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to send classified e-mails and the counter-intelligence investigation into President Trump’s political campaign.

tcnorris: 11/01/2010 - 12/01/2010 30, 2010 · Not really. The Tories captured the last in a series of right-leaning suburban seats in Ontario. And it was the indefatigable Lamoureux, not the Liberal Machine, that triumphed in Winnipeg North. You can search for greater meaning in these results -- and Lord knows, we in the media will keep looking -- but it's not really there.Well said.

Tea Party Express at Civil Rights District in Birmingham ... 10, 2009 · Posted by Guest Contributor alpolitics from Progressive Electorate Today the Tea Party Express rolled into Birmingham, Alabama - my hometown. Probably not a big surprise to anyone. But I'm absolutely shocked at the display that occurred in Kelly Ingram Park - right in the middle of the historic Civil Rights museum. Within feet of the…

Danica Patrick does not finish….neither does her car ... 13, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Cheaters | Lonnie Walker's Blog 03, 2008 · The only hope they have is that your too stupid to understand you can’t have warming and a ice age at the same time. So to break all this down for the dumbest of liberals to understand, man-made global warming is a scam to get funding for studies.

‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’: U.N. Ambassador Haley Withdraws‘enough...Jul 02, 2017 · The secretary-general, who is also visiting Washington this week for consultations on Capitol Hill, tried out this line for the first time in late May. Speaking on the eve of President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change agreement, he warned that if the U.S. created a “geostrategic vacuum” by giving up its global ...

smijerhttps://smijer.blogspot.comI notice that fletch has featured my hometown in his most recent entry. Max speaks about a subject that ties into my upcoming entry on anti-boortz. Lastly, even though I cannot stomach his politics, I find that Les Jones has a new entry in his Biology category. Update: Downloaded WS_FTP Pro. Its an evaluation version, but if this takes more ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 09, 2004 · A. O. Scott also invoked Ayn Rand in his New York Times review of The Incredibles. I haven't seen the movie, but I can't help noting that it bears some resemblance to a story by that big old liberal Kurt Vonnegut Jr. "Harrison Bergeron" concerns a godlike youth who lives in an America in which Nobody was smarter than anybody else.

About cutbacks to environmental reviews, WI DNR omits the ... 05, 2015 · The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is seeking public comment about innocent-sounding "clarifications" to rules and procedures now governing how the agency studies pipeline location, dairy expansion, dam construction and various anti-pollution activities. Check out this detail-free, bureaucratic gobbledy-gook from the agency included in an emailed news letter today - -

deposition | American Commentary Blog 10, 2009 · The explosive interview article in The American Conservative Magazine sparked a vehement denial of Sibel Edmonds’s account by Congresswoman Schakowsky’s office concerning Turkish agents attempts to blackmail the Congresswoman with a lesbian affair. The background of the episode can found at The Brad Blog.Here follows Sibel’s formal response and after, Rep. …

Congressional Black Caucus getting more Toxic | Mirror On ... 01, 2007 · More toxic political garbage from the Congressional (FOX) Caucus I guess African American bloggers such as Mirror on America and others will be called "Liberal Activists" again as we continue to report and post on the stupidity of the Congressional FOX Caucus. Let's go backwards a number of months when twenty-six members of the Congressional Black Caucus signed letters and …

Accidental Deliberations: 2008-07-06 01, 2008 · Pogge and impolitical have already weighed in on the substance of the Cons' plan to gut food safety inspections.But there's an equally important story to be told in how and why the changes are coming about: The new system, part of a push to trim the agency's budget by 5%, was approved last November, but a public announcement "has been deferred owing to significant communications risks ...

Bush Gives Himself a Line-Item Veto « Mercury Rising ?? 02, 2008 · On January 29, Bush issued Executive Order 13457, "Protecting American Taxpayers From Government Spending on Wasteful Earmarks". The executive order follows through on the threat the President made during his State of the Union address this week to sharply curtail the ability of Members of Congress, through the use of earmarks in committee report language,…

political TV shows « The Futility Monster one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title. Having a good year so far! 7 years ago; I am sorry, Mr Albarn, but the combination of coffee and TV simply does not make sense #popleveson 7 years ago; Mr Lynne, can you confirm for the record whether you were a consultant on telephone lines for News International?

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 08, 2013 · March on Washington, 50 Years Later - “The arc of the moral universe may bend toward justice, but it doesn’t bend on its own,” President Obama told the audience.“To secure the gains this country has made requires constant vigilance, not complacency.” Watch the President's speech here. Obama, 2 years old at the time of King’s speech in 1963, said the work would involve ...

An Interview With Donna Edwards | Mirror On America 10, 2008 · Donna Edwards talks with Amy Goodman about her Congressional Primary victory over longtime Congressional Black Caucus member Albert Wynn for the seat in Marylands 4th Congressional district. Edwards ran a grassroots campaign on an anti-war, and pro-accountability platform.

Right-Wing Media's Phony Deficit Blame Game Now Targets Pelosi my no-financial-crisis, no-bailout, no-recession, no-stimulus scenario, spending kept growing at 6.22% a year, and revenue kept growing at 3.45%. You can see from the difference between the two numbers that this was an unsustainable path. But it clearly could have been sustained for a few more years. Where would it have left us in fiscal 2010?

How the Clinton-Emails Investigation Intertwined with the ... 23, 2018 · Well, that would be Time and Wikipedia that would be mistaken, but I do retract 'promoted' and substitute it with 'created' or 'initiated' for accuracy. No. They didn't create or initiate it either. Go back and look at the Wiki entry. ETA: Origins of the claims Conspiracy theories about...

politics in 1920s close reading | Herbert Hoover | Calvin ... in 1920s close reading - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

impolitic eyehttps://impoliticeye.blogspot.comJun 25, 2014 · For a while, I thought I'd start a new blog, one focused specifically on food and drink or one that delved back into parenting. Then, I realized I am at my best when I poke at all the things I love. And all the things that distract me. That's where this blog started in the first …

Ben the Banker…Yes, We Can! | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 02, 2009 · This is an audit in the way a CIA audit is an audit. The main differences are these: (1) the CIA legally operates only outside the borders of the United States; (2) the CIA can assassinate any uncooperative Congressman who insists on a full audit. The FED does not have the second power, but it is not limited by the first restriction.

primaries | Sheila is my epiphany of 2016. Our primary system – like the rest of our political system – is one more example of the racism we so deeply entrench and protect. I don’t pretend that moving the first primaries to more representative states would end racism, but, like pulling down Confederate flags, it couldn’t hurt.

February | 2014 | Peace and Conflict Politics’s take a look at a little of the organizational structure for blogs. The network of computers that connects us all makes for an ecosystem and every blog fits somewhere into that system. The first type of blog and the most popular is the personal blog. This is the type of blog where you express yourself and layout your own feelings and ...

Up 4 Discussion « Jamesb101.com 29, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

02 | August | 2009 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 02, 2009 · This is an audit in the way a CIA audit is an audit. The main differences are these: (1) the CIA legally operates only outside the borders of the United States; (2) the CIA can assassinate any uncooperative Congressman who insists on a full audit. The FED does not have the second power, but it is not limited by the first restriction.

Bush Plans His Next Caper…To Save McCain! | Suzie-Que's ... 27, 2008 · “This is taking the politicization of this to a new level, and the last thing we need is for the elections officials and voters of Ohio to be put in a chaotic situation in the last days before the election,” Jon Greenbaum of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, told the Washington Post, reacting to the White House request.

August 2003 – Linkmeister and local activists say Trump’s claims are the latest in a sustained efforts by conservative commentators and politicians to marry the myth of Antifa terrorists to a city where discontent has grown for years over increasingly harsh police responses at protests.

Congress « Mercury Rising ?? To be clear, the point is that evil doesn’t look any different than what we see every day. The face of evil is found in someone exulting in being a slumlord, in the easy acceptance with which the Tea Party–of which many chapters have close links to the Conservative Citizens Council– has met with the media, and in the refusal of this country to recognize the mass murder in ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 09, 2011 · And a number of Schumer's public campaigns aren't liberal -- the quoted article, from Politico, mentions complaints about TSA body scanners and Four Loko. But that stuff, if mixed with some genuine liberalism, reinforces the notion that liberalism isn't at odds with all the traditional middle-class bourgeois blah blah blah that David Brooks is ...

Breaking News: Congressman Jefferson Indicted – Skeptical ... 04, 2007 · HAT TIP: AP WASHINGTON - Rep. William Jefferson (news, bio, voting record), D-La., was indicted Monday on federal charges of racketeering, soliciting bribes and money-laundering in a long-running bribery investigation into business deals he tried to broker in Africa. The indictment handed up in federal court in Alexandria., Va., Monday is 94 pages long…

The Las Vegas massacre | Arun with a View 03, 2017 · UPDATE: New York magazine’s Eric Levitz informs us that “If only non–gun owners voted, Clinton would have won 48 states” in the 2016 election—and that if only gun-owners voted, Trump would have won with a 49 state blowout—demonstrating, not for the first time, that the cleavage over guns is the deepest in American politics.

THE NEWS BLOG - Steve Gilliard 27, 2003 · In the very first scene, he is seen hosting a congressional breakfast, invoking the 1993 attack on the WTC, and warning the dim-witted legislators that that was only the beginning. Rumsfeld is the first to utter the name "Saddam Hussein" and, over the pooh-poohs of Colin Powell (David Fonteno) goes on to detail Iraq's awesome stockpile of WMDs.

September | 2008 | Mt. View 27, 2008 · A reader of this blog took me to task for saying that conservatives don’t care about improving Mt View. While I stand by that statement, I also realized that my goal here wasn’t to get overtly political — that most of Mt View’s burning issues transcend mere politicking, and we have to learn to thrive and grow whether or government is led by progressives or reactionaries.

Medicare or Wall? – Politics Plus 12, 2019 · …The spending plan calls for a cut of nearly $1.5 trillion in Medicaid over 10 years and for $1.2 trillion to be added for the block grants or per-person caps that would start in 2021. Under the new arrangement, states would gain far more freedom to set their own rules about how to cover the poor….

WebWeaver's World: December 2008 12, 2008 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a …

voting rights | Sheila Kennedy it has declined to intervene in the handful of cases it has heard alleging partisan redistricting, for a couple of reasons. In fact, the Court only narrowly held that claims of partisan gerrymandering are justiciable under the 14 th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause—four Justices would have ruled that gerrymandering is a “political ...

Spitting is disgusting no matter who spits. sm is disgusting no matter who spits. sm Posted By: LVMT on 2007-02-01 In Reply to: I'm sorry, there just simply is no excuse under any circumstances for spitting on a veteran. sm - Brunson It is my understanding the vet was not spit on, but someone spit near them. The vets were reported to have been spitting at the demonstrators.

Clinton – Eric Lightborn's Blog is the clear stance of this administration that partisanship is any form is counter productive in politics. The partisanship found on FOX Network airwaves and conservative-talk radio was challenged thusly by the Executive Branch. I see no moves from this office toward this matter beyond what we have already witnessed.

Presidential Campaigns Since the 1960 Election | Missouri ... 21, 2011 · Since the 1960 elections political campaigns have only continued to evolve. If you mentioned Twitter, Facebook, CNN, Fox News, and the Internet to Richard Nixon in 1968 he would have no idea what you were talking about.Media in 2011 plays a pivotal role in the daily lives an Americans and presidential candidates have to reach voters on more fronts than ever.

Biography | Bob Higgins by “Liberal” they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer’s dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of “Liberal.” ... "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on ...

More on Harold Ford Jr…….. « Jamesb101.com 07, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Wrong Way Economics: Trump's Roadmap for Corporate is just one step in the process of creating an alternative economic policy agenda to ensure that prosperity and opportunity are shared by everyone and not hoarded by the few. Corporate Agenda The “corporate agenda” (also called neo-liberalism or the “better business climate” model) has defined U.S. policies since the mid-1970s when ...

Indian National Congress | Mahatma Gandhi | United States ... National Congress - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. n

Nick Hanauer Speech at TED University (Video & Text) | Bud ... 17, 2012 · *** Editor's Note: Yesterday, the National Journal's Jim Tankersley had introduced the multi-millionaire Nick Hanauer, a venture capitalist from Seattle, to the audience.But as one of the first non-family investors in, Hanauer's speech at the TED University conference was at first deemed too politically controversial to post on their web site.

Election Winners and Losers | All Other Persons 14, 2008 · Here are my own election winners and losers, plus some "too early to tell" entries. Winners: Barack Obama. Duh. This Hawaiian born and bred biracial intellectual with minimal experience has become perhaps the most unique and remarkable politician in American history. Now we'll see if he can fix the mess that George Bush and congressional…

Monday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 15, 2010 · Champaign was a United States R&B band with adult contemporary leanings from the 1980s, best known for their 1981 hit, "How 'Bout Us." The inter-racial septet, who named themselves after their hometown of Champaign, Illinois, included Pauli Carman and Rena Jones (later Day) on vocals; Michael Day and Dana Walden on keyboards; Howard Reeder on…

Tea Party « Mercury Rising ?? about Tea Party written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Tsarnaev Brothers | The Liberal Doomsayer first clause has been read to protect the content of communications in which the speaker has a reasonable expectation of privacy—telephone conversations being an obvious example. It does not protect the fact of communications. As far as the “fact” of communications is concerned …

QUIGLEY ON TOP: Security, Power and Political Instability ... 04, 2014 · Introduction . In his unpublished magnum opus Weapons Systems and Political Stability Carroll Quigley attempts to provide a cohesive analytical structure to the morass of confusion regarding concepts of security and power. He goes on at length to demonstrate how the ideas he enunciates repeat in History and how the application of those concepts can explain most historical conflicts.

Congressional Oversight 2020 - election edition - General ... is a free curated thread of any oversight actions against the Trump in the 2020 election cycle. Read: STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD Assistant United States Attorney Aaron S. J. Zelinsky House Judiciary Committee June 24, 2020 Read: Testimony of John W. Elias U.S. House Committee on …

Hillary staffers play Obama Muslim card with leaked Somali'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Jan Markell – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America“This is a planned invasion, not only in Europe but also in the United States, I believe for the specific purpose of destroying Western Christendom.” Bachmann said that countries with large Muslim minorities like France now experience “Islamic jihad 24/7, terrorist bloodbath attacks 24/7,” warning that the same thing is coming to the U ...

Obsidian Wings: NC Robocalls: More Thoughts they are the most incompetent VR campaign in the history of multi-million dollar VR campaigns. I dunno. It might hold the record for VR campaigns specifically, but I did a lot of political volunteer work in '04, and the level of organizational incompetence (and poor training and especially lack of state-by-state basic local knowledge, such as the fact that Oregon votes by mail) in certain ...

Stop, Drop, And Roll-Off -- The Challenge of ... - Scribd, Drop, And Roll-Off -- The Challenge of Voting in Local Elections - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A white paper by Nick Troiano, Dane Sherrets, and Chris Walsh –– made possible by the support of Change Politics.

Still the Redeemer Nation - WQ Magazine | American ... the Redeemer Nation - WQ Magazine - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. From Mark Sanford, Tiger Woods and Bill Clinton all the way back to the Puritans of New England – the ceaseless quest for redemption in politics and culture is one of the chronic infirmities of American national life. God forbid we should ever give it up.

Alabama | The Plainsman Politico has moved beauty from Twitch and Kherington from this week’s “So You Think You Can Dance.” Mia Michaels ‘always has the best SYTYCD routines.

REDUX:" Terrorist Attack In Texas Leaves Left In Bickering ... 07, 2015 · REDUX:" Terrorist Attack In Texas Leaves Left In Bickering Quandary" From my article at Bob Belvedere's outstanding site; "THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS" LINK With the major radical Muslim terrorist attacks since 9/11 being confined to overseas locations, France being a major site, the American left has been able to avoid the issue.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Mr. Brown, meet Mr. Martin Brown, meet Mr. Martin It’s a political version of Groundhog Day playing out in the United Kingdom these days, the former Finance Minister, a long time steward of the thriving economy back in the day, who finally got his long sought after opportunity to govern the nation, now suddenly in …

Balkinization: Presidential governance -- the political ... are the political supports of judicial review in the upcoming Obama regime? The emerging regime is likely to feature (1) strongly polarized parties and (2) a system of presidential governance . In a system of presidential governance, the executive branch is the central player in …

Here It Comes, Wisconsin: Governing By Villainification 12, 2010 · Managing by blame-shifting was Walker's M.O around here, but it got old and explains why he got only 38% of the gubernatorial vote in Milwaukee County. Some finger-pointing is inevitable after a tumultuous election, but Walker, his talk radio handlers and press release driven legislator allies have little subtlety in their playbooks and ...

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 09, 2008 · Politico and Matt Drudge are both hinting at a McCain campaign leak tonight at approximately 6:00 PM – John McCain’s vice-presidential choice. The leak would be timed to send news houses into a tizzy. The question: how can networks cover two major political events effectively – Obama’s speech under a triumphal arch (or Temple), and the naming of McCain's running mate - one …

01 | September | 2017 | Be a Seed for Change 01, 2017 · This was the first book in the Harry Potter series. 1998 – Vietnam released 5,000 prisoners, including political dissidents, on National Day. 1999 – Twenty-two of major league baseball’s 68 permanent umpires were replaced. The problem arose from their union’s failed attempt to force an early start to negotiations for a new labor contract.

TigerHawk - Blogger days ago, New Jersey Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker (D-Essex County) introduced a bill to impose a $10 tax on every bicycle in the state, and require it to bear a license plate to be obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles. The putative concern was that kids on bikes had knocked over some old folks and license plates would make it easier to identify them after the crime.

Frank Chow: Asian- American Political Pundit: October 2011 a good thing, despite my exhaustion I need the cash, even if I'm not getting paid much. My hope is within a month to be back to where I need to be and then I can really push my acting, writing and comedy. And yes that includes this blog. I'm ready to rage on some peeps. My lady is heading to San Fran in a couple of days for a work trip.

Economics « Incline Left! 14, 2011 · This is a personal blog by a middle-aged liberal with a passion for the outdoors, food, history and reading. Expect fan-boy content (comics, movies, television) and a lot of progressive commentary about politics and social issues. Oh, and I have guns. Including a cannon.

It's Mueller Time! The new politics catch-all thread 30, 2018 · Join Date Dec 2007 Location Studying with Master Grumpy Cat Posts 11,173

Weekend Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 29, 2019 · If you are one of the millions in love, or maybe one of the millions of broken-hearted that need a visual reminder that love always endures, I would love for you to share this as a way of letting my mom and dad know, they are an inspiration to anyone who wants, believes, or is in love. . . . . . #imagesbyamberr #raleigh #wedding #photographer # ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2011 · I AM SHOCKED -- SHOCKED! ISOLATIONISM IS GOING ON HERE! This is peculiar: A prominent conservative activist group has given Ron Paul the boot. The Young Americans for Freedom has voted the Texas congressman off its national advisory board in the aftermath of his straw poll win at CPAC over his positions on national security issues.

ApplyLiberallyhttps://dotsie01.blogspot.comIt was the best non-apology I have ever seen. Uhm, but excuse me, Mr. Wilson, I'm an American. I didn't vote for you, I don't live in South Carolina, and you don't anywhere near represent what I believe and what almost 65 percent of the voting, thinking public of this country think as well.

Roundup: Guns and Games Edition | Desert Beacon 18, 2013 · Again, it's been too long since the last aggregation of interesting articles and excellent posts concerning Nevada and its politics. Let's begin with some local items. ** Remember when Governor Sandoval vetoed SB 221, the bill which would have expanded background checks to private gun sales to insure that individuals who were felons, fugitives, undocumented…

The Rachid Nini Affair | The Moorish Wanderer 09, 2011 · The trouble is, they get mixed up, they think of themselves as the new-era politicians, the standard-bearers of their readers (especially when their readership is 80.000-100.000 per year, about 14% of total nationwide readers (OJD figures, 2010) a hefty market share, large enough for Mr Nini to believe he is a Vox Populii (and you know the saying, Vox Populi, Vox Dei) and sometimes, in his ...

Lewis endorses Hillary – Skeptical Brotha 12, 2007 · Hat Tip: From Hillary Clinton's website The Clinton Campaign today announced the endorsement of civil rights leader Congressman John Lewis. “I have looked at all the candidates, and I believe that Hillary Clinton is the best prepared to lead this country at a time when we are in desperate need of strong leadership,” Rep.…

Notes in Samsara: March 2017 10, 2017 · This post, and Ven. Warner's post on identity politics, should be read in light of the comments on Brad Warner's posting of a video of Jordan Peterson, who, with flimsy arguments, denies the existence of trans and intersex people in his refusal not to …

PoliScope: Yes, professors are biased. So what? 05, 2011 · Conservative students, in particular, are the most attuned, or so they believe, to our "liberal" views and spend a good deal of their time attempting to sniff out radicals in their midst. An example: "My professor said that President Bush's decision to invade Iraq was the worst foreign policy mistake of the post-World War II era.

Iddybud Journal: 28/12/08 - 04/01/09 10, 2008 · Iddybud Journal My daily blog of progressive politics, faith, photography, and my life in Upstate New York. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you angry." - Aldous Huxley. Wednesday, December 31, 2008. Circus Time With Blago - Cartoon by Iddybud.

Johnny Pez: Sobel Wiki: The Mexican Augustus 27, 2014 · This week's featured article at the Sobel Wiki is on Hector Niles, the fourth President of the United States of Mexico.In 1851, six years into the Rocky Mountain War, Niles was a San Francisco businessman serving in the Assembly, the lower house of the Mexican Congress.

soft coup | Bloviating is what I have said. And now let me emphasize. This will turn out to be the greatest black mark on the history of DC politics. This is in fact indicative of a soft coup against a president campaign, a president-elect and a sitting president. A soft coup. In America. In your country. In my country.

liberal media bias | neuezeitgeist 1948, the United States was the first nation on Earth to formally recognize the legitimacy of the state of Israel. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Israel was the only nation in the Middle East to fly their own flag at half-mast in our honor. Now Obama and …

Obama said Aide left a few months later for a job with a big oil company in Texas (& my congressman is considered one of the pre-eminent liberals in a leadership position in Washington) it helped underscore the problem of corporate control and influence in government, …

Corporatism | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need verdict was the latest chapter in a long legal battle that forced Mr. DeLay to step down. The trial also opened a window on the world of campaign financing in Washington, as jurors heard testimony about large contributions flowing to Mr. DeLay from corporations seeking to influence him and junkets to posh resorts where the congressman would ...

January | 2008 | The Electoral Map course, these are crude definitions for a complex state. But one of the reasons Florida is so difficult to handicap is because it is constantly growing and evolving. The Sunshine State had five congressional districts 60 years ago, but after the 2010 reapportionment it will have 27, the same amount as the once-mighty Empire State.

The Political Environment: What's Your "Walk Score?" 10, 2009 · (the meat department was for the birds; the produce manager was a genius). It has been out of business for sixteen years. It is now the Educators Credit Union and a few dental offices. Nevertheless it is still listed as our local walkable grocer. I only wish it was here. But it has been gone since my kids were toddlers.

Balkinization: Give the “Trespass” Test (and Judge Gorsuch ... group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. Fast forward five years, and Jones has once again surfaced in the public conversation about privacy and surveillance—this time, because of Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing.Gorsuch, himself an originalist, has made no secret of his support for the Jones holding.In response to questioning from Senator Orrin Hatch last Tuesday ...

AUDIO: Mackinac Center staffer claims emails ... - Eclectablog 11, 2014 · Barb Byrum is currently in her second term as Ingham County Clerk, serving as the county’s chief elections official. As Clerk, Barb has successfully conducted 23 elections, 4 union elections, and currently serves on Michigan’s Election Security Commission, the Secretary of State’s team of advisors tasked with strengthening and better ...

Clinton Speaks to Issues, Press follows Shiny Objects ... 31, 2016 · And then, of course, there was the August 29, 2016 speech on mental health care issues – covered by Politico, the BBC, and PBS. Those who missed what this was all about please follow this link to the briefing points and policy proposals from the Clinton campaign.

Cities Are Good For The Environment: Soglin Gets It Right 04, 2009 · Former Madison Mayor Paul Soglin explains how and why cities are good for the environment, and that means downtown development with transit connections. This same battle is underway in Milwaukee, where bus service is failing, light rail or trolley service is blocked by an anti-urban alliance of suburban leaders and conservative talk radio hosts, and sprawl development and interstate …

health | Eclectablog some noise, make some change and have a rockin’ good time with Lady Parts Justice! It probably comes as no surprise that women’s rights are under attack, unless you’ve been living like an inhabitant of the Dark Ages, which America’s anti-women politicians clearly are.

The Middle East Cauldron | Indiana Oracle 17, 2015 · The topic was the Iran agreement which is currently in its 60-day review period in Congress. Practically speaking there is nothing Congress can do to stop the agreement from being implemented. The explanation is provided in many places on the web. What they were discussing were implications and future scenarios.

Tuesday Mashup (7/17/12) | The Liberal Doomsayer 18, 2012 · Tuesday Mashup (7/17/12) To begin, here’s former Bushie Doug Feith in the pages of the Murdoch Street Journal yesterday ( here )… In the 16 months since the revolt began (in Syria), the Obama administration has neither promoted humanitarian “safe zones” on Syria’s Turkish border, nor provided arms to the rebels.

JustOneMinute: How 'Bout That Tribe? over from the last thread. This is the 3rd tim in 2 days TM has snuck in a new thread after I posted on the other thread. Read it and smile. This is from the digital edition of the Southampton Press. Its about DACA. Read the comments. We are not as liberal as the …

Government Theology is Un-American | progressivenetwork 30, 2012 · Government Theology is Un-American by Doug Muder, The Weekly Sift , 10/29/12 If Congressman Mourdock wants to interpret the will of God to the People, he should move to a country where government officials do that, and leave my country alone.

Blog de Ford | Thoughts on politics, food, whatever.https://raford.wordpress.comApparently, the Barbie Dreamhouse represents Acorn which is going to change its name and some people try to get away in the Malibu Barbie car and the people in the car are the ones the FBI should watch in case ACORN changes its name to the YMCA.Or something. It really is that indeciperable, which should not be a surprise since Beck is involved.

Health care’s historic flop – The Greanville Post 29, 2019 · As such, she’s one of the leading opponents of the so-called public option—a [ridiculously weakened] proposed government-run health care plan that would [theoretically] compete with private plans as a way of lowering costs. AHIP recently organized 50,000 insurance company employees to fan out to congressional town hall meetings to fight the ...

Florida Election Official Says 'Trust No One'! | The BRAD BLOG Kennedy gives out awards for outstanding courage in politics every year. This was begun when her dad wrote Profiles in Courage in 1960 or so, I believe. I read Kennedy's book in high school & liked it. She gave out 2 awards this year. One to Murtha for speaking truth re the Iraq war. He ...

Feds subpeona Congresswoman Kilpatrick and congressional 10, 2010 · Hat Tip: Deb Price / Detroit News Washington Bureau Washington -- Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick and a top aide have been served with grand jury subpoenas requesting testimony in U.S. District Court in Detroit. Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Detroit, notified House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of the subpoena in a letter March 1 but made it public Wednesday.…

Illinois Hall of Fame - 11, 2006 · This great State has been the fertile ground for thousands of talented and productive people. Levois reminded me of Congressman William Levi...

liberal catnip: The Myth Of Bush Listening to his Critics 28, 2006 · The Myth Of Bush Listening to his Critics Jim VandeHei's headline in Wednesday's Washington Post, " Card's Departure Seen as a Sign President Hears Words of Critics ", left me scratching my head. VandeHei justifies the headline by using the resignation of Bush's chief of staff, Andy Card, earlier today as proof.

Fox Rings In The New Year By Rehashing 2010 Falsehoods Rings In The New Year By Rehashing 2010 Falsehoods. From Media Matters Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace rang in the New Year by hosting Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) to attack Attorney General Eric Holder for supposedly not "do[ing] anything about ACORN," or "anything effectively about the New Black Panthers." In fact, both issues are phony ...

Wise Law Blog: Impeach Barack Obama??? 18, 2008 · Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.. Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog also highlights key decisions of Canadian courts, with focus on Ontario Family Law, Ontario Employment Law and …

Will Obama Abuse His Power? « SOCIAL VOX 12, 2008 · In response to a New York Times article, in which a Yale Law School student said that some liberal students, disillusioned by how conservatives had run government, would be applying for jobs within the Obama-Biden transition team because they "feel like government now can be potentially a huge force for social justice," George Mason University…

A Rocky Start to Campbell for Congress? 21, 2009 · By A. Citizen By now most SC political insiders have heard the word that Carroll Campbell III, aka Tumpy, is seriously looking at running for Congress against incumbent Henry Brown. What you may not have heard is how rocky a start his campaign has gotten off to. First, it has been said Campbell’s announcement earlier…

Israel | The Liberal Doomsayer“If Keith Ellison, who is a decent and good person, would be named head of the DNC, Hamas would support it and cheer … ” argued Dershowitz. Yeah, Ellison is so “good and decent” that he’s embraced by terrorists. What cowardly garbage from Dershowitz! “You can’t always judge a person by supporters (continues Dershowitz).

October | 2008 | The Political Tipster 30, 2008 · I’d give him about a 20% chance of victory but it is really down to an ‘October surprise’, having the guts to dump Palin or an astounding performance tonight. I just hope that if he loses in 2008, Tom Ridge (or even Joe Lieberman in a third party) is able to pick up the pieces.

john mccain | The Political Tipster 04, 2008 · Obama leads by only 4.84. My new projections are (my methodology is here): Barack Obama 49.44 John McCain 44.60. Linear regression analysis of polling trends since the selection of Sarah Palin as McCain’s running mate suggest an …

KingCast implores Hillsborough County Attorney Dennis ... 16, 2011 · For you ADVRider guys coming in I see you in my tracker the conviction and possible New Trial matters are all linked, with courtroom videos here.And I spoke with William Hawksley here. This would be much easier for me to convey if certain members and admins had not engaged in knee-jerk reactionary politics and played Lord of the Flies and booted me off.

01 | March | 2007 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 01, 2007 · 6 posts published by Suzie-Que on March 1, 2007. 88 Percent of Units Rated ‘Not Ready’ Nearly 90 percent of Army National Guard units in the United States are rated “not ready” — largely as a result of shortfalls in billions of dollars’ worth of equipment — jeopardizing their capability to respond to crises at home and abroad, according to a congressional commission that released ...

The CBC 6 who betrayed the black consensus on Iraq ... 24, 2007 · Six members of the Congressional Black Caucus have betrayed the black consensus on Iraq and voted tonight to endorse Dubya's blank check for a continued imperial crusade in Iraq. They are Rep. Sanford Bishop-D GA, Rep. G.K. Butterfield-D. N.C., Rep. Jim Clyburn -D. S.C., Rep. Kendrick Meek-D-FL, Rep. David Scott-D Ga, Rep. Bennie Thompson…

Cagle Post | B.D.'s Last Refuge, of course, are the rumors that Tebow, in his autobiography published at the ripe old age of twenty-three, distorted the story of his gestation and birth for political reasons. Which, in the end, makes Tebow’s faith seem more an advertising pitch to increase his monetary value in …

TigerHawk drug may be used for a number of different medical problems. These include treatment of: pain and/or infertility due to endometriosis; a tendency for females to develop cysts in the breasts (fibrocystic breast disease); or hereditary angioedema, which causes swelling of the face, arms, legs, throat, windpipe, bowels, or sexual organs.

Congress | kavips is relatively easy for a business type to garner one. That helps explains how all the talk is over how bad Obamacare is. Because, face it, it is bad for those charging too much for you to get sick. But if you are the ones on the buying end, it is good for you if you get sick. Likewise higher tax rates are good for the majority of people.

Ezra Klein: Someone Needs a New Catch Phrase Needs a New Catch Phrase. The other day, I was searching beneath my couch for the remote and I found Arnold's approval rating. Get it? I'm such a card! And now, wielding an impressive 36% reelect rating, Arnold's got the toughest choice of his political career.

Arguing With Liberal Academics - garyfouse.blogspot.com one of the few (open) conservatives at UC-Irvine has its advantages, like discussing the issues of the day with liberals. Take yesterd...

Limits: Stimulus, Austerity, and the Discussion We Should ... 14, 2012 · There are functional limits to just about everything. Unfortunately, when political discourse devolves into a polarized face off between two advocates who cannot or will not acknowledge the kernels of accuracy in bifurcated world views then it's hard to get anything useful out of the discussion. Compromise doesn't mean you adjust to fit my agenda,…

No Right Turn: Treason it ain't 11, 2005 · In his column in the Dominion-Post this morning (offline), political commentator Chris Trotter calls for heads to roll in Treasury over their ideological burp.But he goes further than that: the column is titled "Treason in the Treasury", and according to Trotter Briefing papers to the incoming Government constitute a full-scale assault on Labour's economic programme.

The new face of evil | Political Forum 05, 2016 · This is the environment that Trump has embraced - and his supporters love it. And that is just such a sad, sad commentary about our country at the moment. Trump has even floated the idea of being to sue Meida that runs negative stories about him. Just think about that for a few minutes and you realize how scary that really is.

The Attorney General Should Answer to Congress - Progress Pond 19, 2019 · The House has not even initiated a formal impeachment inquiry yet, and the White House is already demanding to see the evidence. But it’s worse than that. They’re going to prevent the prosecutors from seeing their own evidence in an effort to prevent them from even filing charges in the first …

America First Energy Plan – A Symphony Of Feathers 24, 2017 · On the first day in session of the 115 th Congress, the U.S. House of Representatives adopted a new rule written by House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) that makes it easier for Congress to cede federal control of public lands—national parks, forests, wildlife refuges and other federal areas—to states or local ...

Tom Perez | The Liberal Doomsayer“If Keith Ellison, who is a decent and good person, would be named head of the DNC, Hamas would support it and cheer … ” argued Dershowitz. Yeah, Ellison is so “good and decent” that he’s embraced by terrorists. What cowardly garbage from Dershowitz! “You can’t always judge a person by supporters (continues Dershowitz).

Secret Bases · United States abortion-rights movement United States abortion-rights movement (also known as the United States pro-choice movement) is a sociopolitical movement in the United States supporting the view that a woman should have the legal right to an elective abortion, meaning the right to terminate her pregnancy, and is part of a broader global abortion-rights movement.The abortion-rights movement consists of a variety of ...

September | 2008 | The Political Tipster is good news for Obama, but given that his lead over McCain is less than 5% despite the farce of the Paulson “plan”, he still has work to do. For McCain’s part the fact that he has been trending downwards since September 6th, suggests that he needs to do something radical.

political news | Missouri Communication 23, 2011 · For instance, U.S Foreign Affair policy was the top topic for both press and talk shows following with elections/politics.Also these talk shows keep “watchdog” role on the government officials by reporting scandals and latest issues. However, overall range of topics on these talk shows is somewhat more limited than the mainstream press.

Ezra Klein: Quiet Liberals a large extent, despite the triumphalism of the right, liberalism has won most of the big debates in this country. Sure, we've only gotten 80% or 90% of what we set out to get half a century ago, but it's hard to bring a lot of passion to the fight for the final 10 or 20%.

Breaking News: Trump ordered Mueller to be fired in June ... — President Trump ordered the firing last June of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel overseeing the Russia investigation, according to four people told of the matter, but ultimately backed down after the White House counsel threatened to resign rather than carry out the directive.. The West Wing confrontation marks the first time Mr. Trump is known to have tried to fire ...

Kerry tells Congress to go to heck. Will he take ... 13, 2015 · Haughty John Kerry who just gave a lecture to Congress about "interfering" with policy was the same man who gave aid and comfort to our enemy during the Vietnam War. So now the Iran deal is not a treaty but an agreement that will be taken to the U.N. and sanctions will be lifted. I…

Lost | Marisacat 17, 2011 · Lost 17 July 2011 Posted by marisacat in 2012 Re Election, DC Politics, Inconvenient Voice of the Voter, Total fucking lunatics. trackback. Since the 1960s Michelangelo Pistoletto has been an energetically protean figure. A founding father of arte povera, he’s created sculpture from rags, candles and bricks, photorealist paintings, and performances, with people always at the centre of his work.

George W. Bush | TheZoo | Page 6 was the arrogant and spoilt brat of a politically ambitious male chauvinist multi-millionaire father, who gave his four sons a patrician sense that they had a right to rule, and screw around when they felt like it. ... Kennedy may have broken a glass ceiling as the first practising Roman Catholic to become president, but he did not see ...

Economy | True Blue Blog 27, 2006 · Nearly one year ago today, the Washington Post had this to say about the state of the Iraqi armed forces “rebuilt” by the current regime under the direction of Donald Rumsfeld:. The number of Iraqi army battalions that can fight insurgents without U.S. and coalition help has dropped from three to one, top U.S. generals told Congress yesterday, adding that the security situation in Iraq is ...

Ripe for Politicking _ Blue & White OnlineBlue & White ... for Politicking _ Blue & White OnlineBlue & White Online - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Blue & White

Nancy Pelosi and the Incredibly Stupid Battle Against Her 19, 2018 · As the Washington Post puts it, it has instead "exploded into a national political campaign." In the new Congress, the anti-Pelosi faction has more than the 15 votes needed (the Post reports 20) to block the minority leader's re-ascendence as speaker.

Ravi Zacharias Ministry – Age of Anxiety | DAILY DEVOTIONS ... 05, 2020 · Indeed, the time that we live in has been described as the “age of anxiety.” Perhaps true, in part, because our 24/7 access to technology ensures that we are immersed in global images and headlines of terrorism, epidemics, the threat of environmental collapse, violent crimes, economic woes, international conflict, and political strife.

Welcome to the Oligarchy | Sheila Kennedy study that will appear in the Fall 2014 issue of Perspectives on Politics, a very highly regarded academic journal, concludes that the U.S. is no longer a democracy.Instead, we have become an oligarchy, and a pretty corrupt one at that. “Despite the seemingly strong empirical support in previous studies for theories of majoritarian democracy, our analyses suggest that majorities of the ...

Boy, Has That Pendulum Swung! | Sheila Kennedy course where it’s trotted out that Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann aren’t really black and a woman respectively because they’re not liberal. Of course, the fact you’re using one’s political views rather than race or gender undermines your claim that the Tea Party doesn’t like people based on race or gender. Check mate.

Balkinization: David Brooks's unwillingness to connect the ... two cheers for Brooks, who is clearly correct about the consequences of our dreadful electoral system. But Brooks also demonstrates the obtuseness of the punditry by utterly failing to confront the fact that there is not a snowball’s chance in hell of Congress (i.e., the House of Representatives) actually repealing the 1842 act, which by definition would be a monumental disruption of the ...

Alt Media « Embracing Neverland Highest Law Enforcement Officials Are Criminals By Paul Craig Roberts We are faced with the almost certain fact that the two highest law enforcement officials of the United States are criminals. Oedipus Wrecks: How Bush Attacked Official Who Exposed War Profiteering And Privateering America has deliberately driven hundreds, perhaps thousands, of political prisoners insane.…

Alabama politics | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... do you want to bet that this charlatan posing as a teacher is pro-life? An Alabama geometry teacher, in an apparent effort to teach his students about parallel lines and angles, used a theoretical assassination attempt on President Barack Obama to demonstrate the angle at which a sniper would have to shoot the president.

Gibberish Is the White House’s New Normal - Smirking 25, 2017 · About author Todd Gitlin is a professor of journalism and sociology and chair of the Ph.D. program in communications at Columbia University. He is the author of sixteen books, including several on journalism and politics.His next book is a novel, The Opposition.Follow him on Twitter: @toddgitlin.

Prodi Quits Italy! | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 26, 2008 · Mr Napolitano accepted it, but asked him to nominally remain in his position until a decision is made on whether or not to hold a general election. The president will meet various political leaders on Friday to come to a resolution. Mr Berlusconi, …

WG's Observations: Differences friend of ours who is an author came to visit us last week. She is working on a book about how to bridge the current political divide in our country; how to get people from the two sides to talk to each other, and even more important, to listen to each other – a worthwhile endeavor. Our discussion got me to thinking about this issue.

David Brooks | Sheila Kennedy York Times columnist David Brooks is given to periodic meditations triggered by the political environment; recently, he mused at some length over “what moderates believe.” I’m not ready to endorse Brooks’ entire definition, which is a bit too formulaic and pietistic for my tastes, but I do think that one sentence describes the fundamental difference between “wingers” and moderates:

Olbermann Going To Current TV Channel | Suzie-Que's Truth ... 08, 2011 · Olbermann heading to Al Gore’s Current TV channel: report Raw Story- By Sahil Kapur Tuesday, February 8th, 2011 -- 9:26 am WASHINGTON – Liberal former MSNBC star Keith Olbermann is reportedly taking his talents to Current TV, the channel led by former Vice President Al Gore and businessman Joel Hyatt. The New York Times scooped…

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

NonParty Politics: 10,000 North Korean Refugees per year 08, 2007 · The arrival of 10 North Koreans here late last week heralds an era of 10,000 defectors a year arriving from the Stalinist country. Until the early 1990s, only a few dozen North Koreans fled the country annually, but the number increased since the mid 1990s famines, to exceed 1,000 people for the first time in 2002 (1,139) and the 2,000 mark in 2005, when …

Political Irony › Dumping Trump? 30, 2015 · Unfortunately for Trump, even then he lied. GDP goes up and down all the time. For example, it goes up for the Christmas holiday buying spurt and then goes down in the following winter quarter pretty much every year, which is why the government “seasonally adjusts” the figure (and Trump was talking about numbers for the first quarter).

'In the making for decades': House passes bill creating ...“The first Congressional bill was introduced in 2003 by former Reps. Xavier Becerra (D-CA) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) to create a commission to study the feasibility of a future museum,” his office continued. “In 2008, that legislation was signed into law and a …

Dear Tea Party Neighbor | Desert Beacon 30, 2012 · Dear GOP/Tea Party Neighbor, I can't help you. I can't help you if you continue to get your information about politics and economics from right wing talk radio and Fox News. The misinformation you are receiving should be an insult to your intelligence. [HuffPo] That you don't find it insulting leads me to the conclusion…

Political Participation Essay 2 | Voter Turnout | Labour ... reasons for this are diverse but two important are a failing to represent public interests and a loss of trust and deference towards politicians. First, the failing to represent public interests is associated with a clear tendency of class and party dealignment due to the changing context of British democracy, now there is an increasing ...

reality news frame | Political Communication. Rowan ... the article, “Rahm Emanuel in the political crosshairs” by Ed Hornick from CNN, we can see how the issue of framing is introduced when it comes to how the public and politicians view the acts of such political influences like Rahm Emanuel, White House chief of staff. This article discusses his public criticism and his involvement in difference presidencies specifically his impact upon ...

Motor City Liberal: Here Are The Sleaziest Things Congress ... 15, 2013 · There has since been some confusion as to who is allowed to visit the World War II Memorial and who isn't. The area was recently opened for First Amendment activities only. Demonstrators, including key shutdown architect Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), joined a veteran-led rally at the memorial over the weekend, where they protested the Mall …

QuipSpot - Drive By Blogging: January 2007 08, 2007 · ...for a male Muslim. Absolutely sick. If you have a weak constitution, you may make it through the first couple of paragraphs of the article. If you want to understand what sharia law ** does to a community, read it all, including the readers' comments. Just as liberals eat their young, per se, by promoting and engaging in abortion, Muslims do the same by the practices indicated in this post.

June | 2007 | FrameWork who is generous; one who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; one free from prejudice or narrow thinking. Ant.- stingy, mean, bigoted, or conservative In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated scorned.

CMT Country Music Awards « Jamesb101.com 09, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

February | 2013 | Dear Kitty. Some blog | Page 2 video is called Africom: The New American Empire in Africa.. By Bill van Auken in the USA:. US troops to Niger: A new stage in the scramble for Africa. 26 February 2013. President Barack Obama’s terse notification to Congress last week that American troops are being deployed to the northwest African nation of Niger confirms that a whole new stage in the imperialist recolonization of ...

Islam | Sohum Parlance II | Page 2 a joke actually. An encounter unfortunately too rare.. As national co-chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressives an inter-faith organization dedicated to integrating spirituality and political change, I often speak at unusual events, but this time was different. Complete with television news cameras and NPR, a crowd of several hundred people created a standing-room only crowd as ...

10 | August | 2012 | The Pardu's Scroll 10, 2012 · What is of concern is how some of the nation’s wealthy place politics well before the good of their companies. A perfect example is the ever-dissolving Susan B. Komen for the Cure. Another example was the recent “in-your-face’ comments from the Chick-fil-A CEO (comments that reverberate the company owners politics and social views).

Dana Busted: July 2011 07, 2011 · Here was the excerpt of the controversial reference to slavery, via Politico. "Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born fter the election of the USA's first ...

My Long Rambling Video Reply to Robbie ... - Nolan Dalla by Nolan Dalla on Aug 25, 2014 in Blog, General Poker, Video 1 | 2 comments My Long Rambling Video Reply to Robbie Strazynski (Politics at the Poker Table) I promised readers a passionate video montage, taking the opposite side of the current censorship debate about whether or not politics has any place at the poker table.

immigrants | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

Opium poppies cropping up across Iraq 17, 2008 · Well! Here is some good news for the "free markets solve everything!" crowd! Iraqi farmers, desperate to make ends meet while simultaneously facing escalating fuel and fertilizer costs, as well as cheap imported fruits and vegetables, have taken to growing opium poppies.Poppy cultivation is spreading rapidly all across Iraq, but is especially prevalent in Diyala province, where local police ...

The Starting Line – Desperation on the Right: Where is All ... 24, 2013 · Having lost the November elections and (for the time being) the vaunted fiscal cliff budget/debt ceiling showdown, GOP politicians are acting …

Fracking | The Pardu's Scroll one of the co-sponsoring Senators of Ohio SB 315, Troy Balderson, is a member of CSG Midwest’s Energy Committee, Ohio politicians aren’t part of the Suggested State Legislature (SSL) committee that vetted the Council’s version of the fracking bill. Because of that disconnect and the overwhelming influence of ALEC politicians ...

Election Watch 2018: Meet Richmond's Newest Political ... 16, 2018 · This was the first time anyone insinuated that I’m getting old. So I asked, why Kanye? “There’s no mood I can’t be in to enjoy to Kanye. He’s a genius in the musical sense, in that he is narcissistic, but [he also talks] about self-love, a recurring philosophy in his work I love to live by.”

Zuccotti Park | Skepacabra really have no idea who Ann Leary is other than that she’s comedian/actor Dennis Leary’s wife…and apparently she’s got a blog. This second thing I learned today when I discovered a piece she wrote attacking the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.Now once again, I’m delving into political territory here, but really my response to Ms. Leary here is about addressing some very popular ...

Lois Lerner | Left is Right place to discuss politics and current events. Stay updated via RSS. Recent Posts. From Grand Wizard to “racial realist”

Mother Jones catching on; Walker too mean - Blogger 11, 2015 · Mother Jones finds that Walker is too mean. Even for Texas. A corollary to the Walker/danger meme, of late. Maybe wearing cheap clothes from Kohl's and grifting off the Harley-Davidson brand only goes so far - - say, from Dubuque, Wisconsin to Dubuque, Iowa.

Public Option, Medicare For All, Medicaid Expansion ... 31, 2019 · And Obama is a good model—for candidates, officeholders, and for the rest of us—for how to handle health care as a political issue: 1 – Be Clear About The Goal: affordable health care for all. 2 – Be Willing To Compromise: as long as the compromise moves us closer to the goal, and doesn’t preclude future action towards the goal.

confirmation hearings | Overruled the Federalist Papers explained a long time ago “ambition must be made to counteract ambition.” This means that, on occasion, senators with no desire other than to grandstand for their own political advantage will block or delay an outstanding nominee, but it also means that similarly motivated senators will see personal advantage in ...

Frederick Politics: ¿Por Qué No Hablan Español? 08, 2008 · Yeah, there are people that come to this country and never learn to speak English, my Great Grandmother Rini, who spoke only the language of the Sicilian Race, was one of them. However, I think they are the exception, and that most new immigrants to the United States want to learn English and know that learning English is the key to a world of ...

Cresent Hardy Retrospective | Desert Beacon 26, 2014 · Stumbling candidate for Nevada’s 4th District in Congress, Cresent Hardy (R-Mesquite) is the subject of a very interesting retrospective compliments of Steve Sebelius. Mr. Hardy’s adopted as his very own the 47% argument first inartfully set forth by Mitt Romney. Then things got worse as Hardy attempted to conflate the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and…

DNI – Politics Plus Alternet: According to a report from the Star-Telegram, a senior member of the rightwing paramilitary group Oath Keepers who moved to Texas in 2015 is actively recruiting local law enforcement employees while telling them a “bloody civil war” against the U.S. government is on the horizon.

Indian River Volunteer Fire Company | Exceptional Delaware 10, 2018 · Miller wasn’t the only campaign treasurer for a Sussex County politician. Turns out he was the campaign treasurer for the recently convicted former Delaware State Representative John Atkins as well. While Miller’s name doesn’t appear on the 2017 annual campaign finance report for Atkins, it is worth noting that NO ONE signed that filing.

dunham | The Rogue Jew Porn…Just some more oddities added to the Freak Show that is the life of Barack Hussein Obama. If this were John McCain’s mother, the mainstream media would have been all over this, but because it is in all likelyhood to be Ann Dunham, the mother of the Communist Party Candidate for President, Barack Hussein Obama….NUDE!

stock market crash | kavips 22, 2016 · I’m sure a surprise to you as it was me. I sure you are as skeptical of my telling of it, as you would be my insisting I saw my portrait whose image had been flipped during the night.. Main stream’s financial media and both political parties are still asleep and dreaming of the promise that the economy is buoyed and is roaring back.

GOP 2016: Fiorina And Idiotic Military Build-up Remarks ... 20, 2015 · Have a listen to the number two candidate for the GOP 2016 nomination. Yes, polls are reflecting some in the nation are buying into Carly Fiorina's oratory and disjointed political scripts.The candidate spoke about the need for the US to pull a Ronald Reagan military spending splurge that could only have a basis in one…

TigerHawk - Blogger TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

inequality | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today; Home; LEARN. Giving; History (1912 – 2015) Progressive Party (United States, 1912)

Here's The Official list of people Tara Reade has accused ... 30, 2020 · Her father, Robert Moulton Her ex-husband, Tate A former employer, Krystal Rojas A YWCA supervisor A former business partner, Frankie Knight Joe Biden These are all people Reade has either gone to court with, or publicly accused. It's a pattern, in fact. So, either Reade is just a very unlucky woman with a sad, painful existence, or she's accusatory happy.

The only thing we have to fear is… « Mercury Rising ?? 19, 2007 · There is no fiscal crisis. No Social Security crisis. There is only a Medicare crisis because we have failed to follow the rest of the civilized world into universal health care. Igor Greenwald of Smartmoney Now, a decade after the Internal Revenue Service was effectively declawed amid complaints from the taxpayer-rights movement, politicians of all…

Mainstreet - Calgary Election 2017 | Opinion Poll | Margin ... in British Columbia and a majority Liberal government in Ontario. Mainstreet has been the most accurate polling rm in several by elections and the most recent Toronto mayoral election. Most recently, Mainstreet Research was the only polling rm to correctly predict a Liberal. majority government in the 2015 federal election. | The Liberal Doomsayer have to admit that a bit of an uncomfortable position for yours truly, feeling obliged to defend the oh-so-august-in-their-imaginations National Football League. I’m not a bit surprised to hear Miller come down on the sport, thought, when you recall that (as noted here ), he was once voted the least favorite “Monday Night Football ...

Dawg's Blawg: American politics: the whiter shade of Palin 01, 2008 · Would even America's trashiest daytime soaps dare squeeze that much action into just the first four days of a new storyline? This is all, quite frankly, a post-modernist's picnic. The fantasy, the realer than real, illusion masking only further illusion. "Life imitates art," says Noah Richler, "and the message is frightening."

Wise Law Blog: Bill 133: Ontario's Family Statute Law ... 26, 2008 · Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.. Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog …

TigerHawk - TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

2 Political Junkies: Altmire-Rothfus 27, 2010 · The P-G's Daniel Malloy has an interesting run down on the Altmire/Rothfus race - a race I haven't spent much time thinking about, basically because it seemed so one-sided. The reason can be summed up by something Malloy wrote:Mr. Rothfus is at a significant financial disadvantage to the well-stocked Mr. Altmire...

Serious Question - Progress Pond 22, 2019 · Martin Longman is the web editor of the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. Before joining the Monthly, Martin was a county coordinator for ACORN/Project Vote and a political consultant. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.

Memories « Mercury Rising ?? 10, 2007 · Here's the WaPo's take on the Vitter story: Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) apologized last night after his telephone number appeared in the phone records of the woman dubbed the "D.C. Madam," making him the first member of Congress to become ensnared in the high-profile case. The statement containing Vitter's apology said his telephone number was…

Dr Kevin Bonham: Legislative Council 2019: Montgomery was a Central Coast councillor from 2007-2014 including as Deputy Mayor from 2011-2014. She works in a small manufacturing business. In 2018 she returned to the Council running second on the councillor ballot and a narrow second on the mayoral ballot, defeated 48-52 by former federal Liberal candidate Garry Carpenter.

Euphemism as Journalism: Distracting the Audience by said: “We have to stop treating Donald Trump like just a traditional, normal political candidate who’s now going to be a traditional, normal president.” Moments later Keith, a White House correspondent for NPR , was explaining that Trump “has not related to the press or the public in a traditional way ever.

Ear Candle Productions: Seen Your Video: The Quiet American are a record label, a video production company, a radio station, and now a blog.Join proprietors J Neo Marvin and Davis Jones as we muse about music, film, culture and politics, and keep you posted on the latest Ear Candle activities.

U.S. Accused of Illegal Chemical Warfare - Progress Pond 08, 2005 · Note: This diary has been updated to summarize media coverage and lack thereof. As if it is not bad enough to see the Bush administration furiously attempting to stall legislation gaining steam in Congress that would ban the use of torture on captured terrorist suspects, Italian State Television has now broadcast a documentary accusing the […]

Surge « Jamesb101.com 30, 2009 · The President bough in…and he is now beholding to a success in that campaign by Chrystal, who holds his own, and what could be the President’s, who is the Commander-in-Chief’ s, political future, and well-being along with Afghanistan’s…. in his hands…

Evangelicals – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, the Post reported on-record accounts of four women who allege that Moore sought relationships with them when they were teenagers. One woman says that Moore pursued her when she was 14 years old and initiated a sexual encounter with her. The report states it was “based on interviews with more than 30 people who said they knew Moore between 1977 and 1982, when he served as an assistant ...

Phil Robertson – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Initiative Wonders If Satan Is Behind The ‘Never Trump’ Movement BY Peter Montgomery – The latest missive, or “Oak Leaf,” from the dominionist Oak Initiative, is a scolding “ Message to the Never Trump Voters! ” from Rick Warzywak, head of Transformation Michigan and state co-director of the Michigan Oak Initiative.

Jesus' General: Politicians on Drugs: Explaining the Lack ... question of decriminalizing some or all illegal narcotics, to a lesser or greater extent, then regulating and taxing the ensuing trade is a serious matter. There are fair arguments on all sides (because there is range of how far we could go with this, there is arguably more than just one "side") of the debate, but it cannot be dismissed as ...

Barack Obama | All Other Persons | Page 7 is a very moving video. On the face of it, it’s about an Obama supporter from Howard University, and how she came to be an Obama supporter. But it is more than that. It touches on universal themes of family, loss, commitment, struggle, kindness, and yes, hope. It says things that transcend race, creed, color, or political party.

QAnon wish I were joking with this week’s column title, but I’m not. Media Matters for America, a liberal watchdog group that monitors right-wing media, has identified 24 candidates (though two have already dropped out) who have launched 2020 campaigns that are promoters of the QAnon theory.Yikes. QAnon is a cult-like conspiracy following that believes in a Trump Messiah.

Another Ten “Socialistic” Big Government Ideas I Would ... 15, 2012 · This is a follow-up to a post I made last winter called Ten “Socialistic” Big Government Ideas I Would Like to See Actually Happen. I enjoyed writing that post so much (call it pent up liberal frustration) that I decided to do a sequel. Fortunately, there …

Clinton Body Count - Tea Krulos wish I were joking with this week’s column title, but I’m not. Media Matters for America, a liberal watchdog group that monitors right-wing media, has identified 24 candidates (though two have already dropped out) who have launched 2020 campaigns that are promoters of the QAnon theory.Yikes. QAnon is a cult-like conspiracy following that believes in a Trump Messiah.

Idiocy In The Name Of Torah - FailedMessiah.com's piece is worthy of a PR hack working for a Mafia don or a gangsta rapper. It is antithetical to everything the Torah and Liberal society should stand for. It is appallingly ignorant. And it is entirely lacking in common sense. Here is the key excerpt: …Take, for example, the case of the rapper Cam’ron.

A Special False Equivalence Award To Tom Friedman | The 23, 2012 · In Sunday's NY Times Tom Friedman fights hard to keep his ranking at the top of blogger honor lists.. Friedman's op-ed Down With Everything is a masterpiece of false equivalence.In it, Friedman identifies various problems with our political system while he obscures the primary cause.

Forbes | The Pardu's Scroll 26, 2013 · Posts about Forbes written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Courting the ‘None’ Vote: The Religiously Unaffiliated and ... the 'None' Vote - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The growing number of religiously unaffiliated Americans presents potential challenges for both political parties, but their presence may also be beneficial.

Billary turns to a sistah – Skeptical Brotha 10, 2008 · Hillary Clinton’s long-time campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, a scion of the Chicago Solis family active in Chicago Politics, has stepped down in favor of long-time Clinton retainer Maggie Williams. Williams, a former White House Assistant to President Clinton, Chief of Staff to the First Lady, and a former PR Executive serving as President of the venerable PR House Fenton Communications ...

10 Good Things About 2018 | The Smirking health care was the top concern for voters in the 2018 midterms, Medicare for All should be a no-brainer for politicians who care more about their constituents than Big Pharma. 8. The election of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) in Mexico is a bright spot. In a dismal landscape in Latin America, where right-wing governments are on the rise.

American Values, Valuing America: American Actions ... cannot simply be assumed, however, that those values traditionally associated with America are the same as the ones which conservative evangelicals, or the politicians they vote for, have in mind. Rather than focus on platitudes and campaign rhetoric, we need to look very carefully at what values are being exemplified by the actions of ...

A Political Season: Bitching About Negro Chicken Dinners ... 09, 2008 · Bitching About Negro Chicken Dinners is Not Accountability Hat Tip to Mo'Kelly Obama supporter Cornel West blogged his dissapointment regarding Obama's decision not to attend the King commemoration events in Memphis, a sentiment later co-signed by Tavis Smiley in a radio commentary.

The Immoral Minority: President Obama offered Joe Biden ... 04, 2016 · Describing in an interview with CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger one of his weekly lunches with Obama, Biden said he told the President he was worried about caring for Beau's family without his son's salary. "I said, 'But I worked it out.'" Biden recalled telling Obama. "I said, 'But -- Jill and I will sell the house and be in good ...

Comments on Is `Change of Subject' fair and balanced? Yes ... one of Eric's more conservative readers, I find him to be very fair in his thinking and his treatment... <p>As one of Eric&#39;s more conservative readers, I find him to be very fair in his thinking and his treatment of conservatives and their ideas. I certainly don&#39;t consider it unfair to have a worldview that is consistently liberal or ...

Political “Rules of Engagement” in the U.S.A. « AmeriCAN ... 14, 2009 · Political “Rules of Engagement” in the U.S.A. I left this comment at Ace of Spades HQ regarding the rumor that Rush was being forced out as a potential owner of the St Louis Rams:. 316 290 This is where people like rush who play by the rules get creamed.

liberal crab | The Liberal Crab 23, 2008 · And while in 1988 it was the Cold War or 1992 and the economy or 1996/2000 and taking the Country into the 21st century or 2004 and dealing with the war and the exploding deficit, election is truly the most important in our generation lifetime.

Benghazi Murders | Bloviating Zeppelin 12, 2014 · But four days later, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations said on television that it was the product of a spontaneous protest. During a fiery and emotional congressional hearing on the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Rep. Trey Gowdy read aloud from an email dated Sept. 12, 2012 to senior State Department officers, from ...

Ship Randall Terry to Gitmo | Veritas Nihilum Vincet 21, 2009 · Randall Terry, the twisted and vicious bible thumping anti-abortion freak, is threatening violence if the coming health care legislation doesn't ban abortion. From Think Progress: Background: It is clear that many elements in the pro-abortion congress and White House want to force Americans to pay for the murder of the unborn in their “healthcare” program.…

Profoundly Fucking Weird | Veritas Nihilum Vincet 28, 2010 · King asked whether his party would win the 1935 election, one of the few times politics came up during his séances. His occult interests were kept secret during his years in office, and only became publicized later, and have seen in his occult activities a penchant for forging unities from antitheses, thus having latent political import.

Trump's campaign manager blackballs all polls, calling ... Donald Trump could just outlaw polls, or at least reputable ones, he would surely do it. On the heels of Trump firing the pollsters who delivered him some bad news about his polling, Trump's campaign manager is declaring all polls "the biggest joke in politics."

segregation | though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light on contemporary life with humor and spirit.

Waiting, Interminably Waiting « The Futility 23, 2009 · Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

Barack Obama | Koulflo Obama latest comments on Iran’s street protests make a lot of sense. Indeed he has taken a couple days, made sense of events and now that he is speaking out, his words seem to be charting the right course, on politics, and as rachel Maddow says, on basic strategery, and on understanding recent history.

Alex Cockburn | Sohum Parlance’s got photos of Limbaugh’s NYC Penthouse apartment, up for sale if anybody is looking for a place. 13.95 million is the asking price. The decor is kind of surprising for someone who allegedly speaks for the everyday man of Middle America and rants and raves against the elitism of liberals struggling to pay off student loans way into ...

blogger – Eric Lightborn's Blog pollster Frank Luntz is out promoting his new book: “What Americans Really Want, Really” and getting his definitions completely wrong in regards to Political Science, which I seriously doubt is an amateurish mistake.. On Alan Colmes Radio, Luntz continued the conservative rhetoric that United States of America is a “center-right country” and his words in explanation of this ...

The Final Politicization of the Supreme Court - Progress Pond 31, 2016 · And deplorable in the sense that it demonstrates how broken our government has become, but it’s also a natural consequence of the Court becoming a proxy for resolving problems the legislature proved incapable of addressing. In the 1950’s, the Court had to take the lead on civil rights because Congress couldn’t do the right thing.

Gross domestic product | The Moorish Wanderer | Page 5 one point or the other in the selected time frame (1990-2011) each and every major political party has been associated with government, or sanctioned these policies (including MPDC-turned-PJD in 1997 for a while) and a strange consensus is strongly established to defend a common record, hence denying it any particular scrutiny.

Conyers: Hearing For “The Imperial Presidency Of George W ... 17, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 1:15 PM MST Congressional hearing to examine 'Bush Imperial Presidency' Raw Story- Nick Juliano Published: Thursday July 17, 2008 In a release Thursday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) announced he will hold a hearing July 25 examining "the imperial presidency of George W. Bush and possible legal responses."

Linda Kimball – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about Linda Kimball written by dummidumbwit. “In the name of Jesus, I prophesy that Donald Trump is going to experience a fresh encounter of the Lord in January of this new year and will begin to do Bible quoting in public at an unprecedented rate,” Wallnau said. “Not since Lincoln will we find a president who will be such a quoter of the Bible; he is going to find verses and apply ...

Matt Hale – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about Matt Hale written by dummidumbwit. “In the name of Jesus, I prophesy that Donald Trump is going to experience a fresh encounter of the Lord in January of this new year and will begin to do Bible quoting in public at an unprecedented rate,” Wallnau said. “Not since Lincoln will we find a president who will be such a quoter of the Bible; he is going to find verses and apply ...

It’s getting scary | Sohum Parlance II 18, 2018 · Trump is a stress-test of our political system, just as Sanders would have been. Unfortunately, the choice between Trump and the existing system is one between a vulgar, racist, sexist, corrupt demagogue and a corporate-controlled system that is a Potemkin democracy that has demonstrated its inability in saving the world from uncontrolled greed.

WebWeaver's World: July 2010 06, 2010 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design &amp; development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand (&#39;cos it&#39;s so totally wonderful), international &amp; green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Some people are just bat-shit crazy | Wide World of Stuff 04, 2009 · And lastly, to a couple of you above, would you PLEASE get over the race card. It’s TIRED TIRED TIRED. You can put Biden in there, Gore, Kerry, the Easter Bunny, any lilly-white Lib-Lab joker you want to prop up there for the moment — it wouldn’t matter, he/she/it would be catching hell following this particular political idealogy.

American presidents | Bob Higgins by “Liberal” they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer’s dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of “Liberal.”

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 25, 2014 · Happy Saturday, Everyone! Hope you’re enjoying the weekend with friends & Famuly.

Ken Ham – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who is a member of Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, said in an interview with End Times radio host Jan Markell that Clinton will complete President Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America,” which she said is turning the U.S. into a Marxist and Islamist society.

political satire | Search Results | The Least, First’s Michael Gene Sullivan has spun the funniest satire I’ve seen in a long time.It’s a classic political humor piece at a moment in history that has us tearing out our hair in frustration at the bizarre nonsense that’s passed off with a straight face (eg., Bill Clinton claims the media have covered up the real chances Hillary has of winning).

San Diego Politico: 4/6/14 - 4/13/ 2140, Which Would End Captive Orca Performances, Will Be Considered by Gonzalez and Committee Colleagues Tuesday SACRAMENTO – (Monday, April 7, 2014) – California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) made the following statement about Assembly Bill 2140 (Bloom) in anticipation of the Assembly Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife’s consideration …

TigerHawk far as the bill signing ceremony and the bravado, it was the same "good news" as closing on an overpriced house in 2006 with a stated income liar loan (courtesy of bogus CBO numbers and our idiot Congress acting like the brainy WAMU credit committee). Signing on the dotted line is the Beginning not the End of the real story.

Buckdog: February 2006 27, 2006 · It would not be the first time. During the late 1990's in Saskatchewan, Buckley Belanger was elected as a Liberal MLA to the Saskatchewan Legislature. During that term, the provincial Liberals imploded and some of their MLA' s went to form a new political …

John Barasso | The BRAD BLOG was the second member of Congress to support Trump's 2016 run for President, after Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY), the first in the U.S. House to endorse him, was federally charged earlier this …

Wandering Thoughts Vol. 5 | The Moorish Wanderer 13, 2011 · June, the effect of S&P upgrade got us money. Big money at good terms, considering how volatile the capital markets were at the time. € at 4.5% is a good deal – even Greece or Portugal couldn’t levy such amount at such interest rate.Now, it appears the government has not started preparing schemes for spending the money, and instead, the Office des Changes is passing liberal ...

Of Politics, Sports and Sex: November 2012 heck with Nate Silver. I think my poll was the most accurate of all. 28 of the 36 voters on my blog said they not only wanted President Obama to win, but they predicted he would win. Only one person said they wanted Obama to win, but didn't think he would, and I have a feeling that may have been me after the first debate.

New Hampshire | The DC World Affairs Blog 16, 2010 · The loss was the first in the career of the 72-year-old Castle, who has been Delaware’s lone representative in Congress since 1993. O’Donnell claimed victory at the Elks Lodge in Dover, and thanked the two people people who endorsed her in the final weekend, former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) and Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC).

No Right Turn: Freedom vs duty 01, 2006 · As a liberal, I naturally adhere to the first statement. People have disparate visions of the good, and ought to be as free as possible to pursue them. Where I differ from classical liberals and those in the ACT party is a belief that freedom is for everyone, not just the rich. Poverty, ignorance, and ill-health can restrict people's freedom to ... Blogwars: The New Political Battleground ... this Blogwars: The New Political Battleground (English Edition) ????: Perlmutter, David D.: Kindle???

Global Warming Politics – “Cognitive Dissonance” | The ... 20, 2008 · The more sunspots there are, the more likely it is that major solar storms will occur, and these are related to warming on Earth; the fewer the sunspots, the more likely there is to be cooling. The next 11-year cycle of solar storms [Solar Cycle 24] was predicted to have begun in autumn, 2006, but it appears to have been delayed.

Bush 41's Physician condemns the torture - Progress 01, 2005 · Burton Lee was the presidential physician to George H. W. Bush. The paragraph above begins his op-ed in today’s Washington Post, The Stain Of Torture.It should be mandatory reading for every member of Congress, every member of an editorial board around the country, and should be as widely distributed to your email lists as possible.

21 | January | 2014 | It Is What It Is | Page 21, 2014 · According to the Church Committee, a 1975 investigation by the U.S. Congress, “From December 1963 until his death in 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was the target of an intensive campaign by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to …

IRV Fiasco in Frisco | Voting Matters 24, 2007 · November 24, 2007 IRV Fiasco in Frisco. Posted in Elections, IRV, paper ballots, politics, San Francisco IRV election, voting machines tagged Elections, IRV, lawsuit against ES&S, paper ballots, San Francisco IRV at 8:53 am by bluebanshee. This month’s IRV election in San Francisco had a lo…onnngg count with the final results not being announced within 24 …

HHS official refused to allow congressman | Bloviating ... Health and Human Services official refused to allow a member of Congress to enter a facility in his district where some of the unaccompanied immigrant children are being housed. Representative Jim Bridenstine (R., Okla.) was told he could schedule an appointment for July 21.

Unaccompanied Alien Children | Bloviating Zeppelin Health and Human Services official refused to allow a member of Congress to enter a facility in his district where some of the unaccompanied immigrant children are being housed. Representative Jim Bridenstine (R., Okla.) was told he could schedule an appointment for July 21.

Travis Smiley | The Pardu's Scroll first became aware of Tavis Smiley back in the late 90’s when Bill Maher was doing his show – “Politically Incorrect.” Whenever we see a Black face on television that is not in some comedic role, but is present to speak for and represent a Black point of view, I tend to pay attention.

Rudy Giuliani | The Liberal Doomsayer 18, 2009 · And commenting on the events preceding the trial, Dahlia Lithwick of Slate told us the following in March 2003 (before Iraq War II started – hard to remember such a time existed, but it did)… The Moussaoui trial, a shambles almost from the first bang of the gavel, is on indefinite hold, postponed for the third time now, pending a Justice ...

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:The end of all things -- or'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all …

Midtown Blogger/Manhattan Valley Follies: Born Today ... sorts of people of different political persuasions would like to claim this man as their own.... A Biography of Thomas Paine (1737-1809) Thomas Paine was born on the twenty-ninth of January 1737 at Thetford, Norfolk in England, as a son of a Quaker.

United States Archives | BootLeg Betty The Politician returns after the Season 1 time jump, and Payton Hobart is back, but this time, he’s vying for a seat in the New York State Senate as part of his plan to take the presidency.Standing in his way is a different opponent than what he’s faced in the past: Incumbent Dede Standish (Judith Light), whose election campaign has been thrown out of …

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 05, 2017 · I remember the first time I had to give what I call “The Black Hard Work” speech to my kids. This is a speech that every black mother has to give her kids, and it comes at different ages, usually after the first academic disappointment. Mine was when Cate was in the second grade and really wanted to win “Student of the Month” in her class.

GOP | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Post. Ryan Grim. Posted: 08/30/2012 12:29 am Updated: 08/30/2012 11:52 am. TAMPA, Fla. — Paul Ryan pledged Wednesday that if he and his running mate Mitt Romney were elected president, they would usher in an ethic of responsibility. The Wisconsin congressman and GOP vice presidential candidate repeatedly chided President Barack Obama for blaming the jobs and housing crises on his ...

The Birth of the Modern Black Trojan Horse Politician: Is ... 05, 2010 · The corporate media declared with certainty (but with no facts to buttress the claim) that the African American middle class was becoming more conservative, and a younger generation yearned for a break from the confrontations of the past. Majette won, but with only about 17 percent of the Black vote; she was the white choice.

policies Bill Clinton supported decimated black America streets were calmer, safer, violent crime was down and New York under Giuliani was the safest it had been in at least two decades. Demorats made crime their issue because, for a few years, Bill Clinton waltzed about in a brief fog of clarity and resolution. He was always a much more insightful politician than Hillary ever was or will be.

Sunday Praise & Worship | We Need You Lord | 3CHICSPOLITICO 20, 2018 · Jonathan Butler (born October 10, 1961, Athlone, Cape Town, South Africa) is a singer-songwriter and guitarist. His music is often classified as R&B, jazz fusion or worship music. Born and raised in Cape Town during Apartheid, Butler started singing and playing acoustic guitar as a child. Racial segregation and poverty during Apartheid has been the…

Midtown Blogger/Manhattan Valley Follies: Born Today ... wonderful writer,a national treasure as they say--whether or not you agree with all her politics Alice Walker From Wikipedia, the fre...

The Ten Worst Video Media Disasters of 2011 14, 2011 · The Ten Worst Media Disasters Of 2011. The Mr. Media Training Blog is pleased to announce the ten worst on-camera media gaffes of 2011! This year’s winners include a politician who lost his place, a country singer who lost his job, and a celebrity who lost his show. The media spokespersons were selected based on the impact of their gaffes.

Progressives vs. Obama | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 27, 2010 · This isn't the first column in which I've addressed this dynamic and it won't be the last. So consider the following an overview or a recap of what I feel is the disconnect between President Obama and some vocal factions within the progressive movement. Clearly there are progressives, most visibly in the liberal blogosphere, who…

Myth | America Vs. Obama 03, 2008 · It was socialism that was the death of Europe, and our fate will be no different. Under Obama, we will be stripped of many of our basic economic freedoms as he brags he will do. Social and political freedoms are sure to follow. Hitler, Stalin and Mao all came into power as a result of socialistic beliefs. This is no accident.

GENESEE FLINT . COM: Apr 1, 2008 05, 2008 · The candidate’s best weapon in this race just might be Senator Casey. Laconic to the core, a politician who dominates the working-class cities of Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, he seems intent on refashioning his candidate — still very much a long shot in the primary. In his telling, Mr. Obama is nearly a shot-and-a-beer guy. [n]

David Koch | YouViewed/Editorial Brothers Launch $125 Million Spending Spree For Midterms, Beyond ” Charles and David Koch will use their political action committee to unleash at least $125 million on a grass-roots, broadcasting, and data operations for conservative candidates in the 2014 midterm elections, and have outlined a longer-term battle vision. The expenditure by the conservative billionaire brothers ...

Political Animals - How our stone-age brain gets in the ...www.stoneagebrain.comAt the end of the debate review your notes. This is the magic moment. Those notes in which you recorded your emotions as you watched the debate amount to a roadmap to each candidate’s strategy. How you felt as they barnstormed their way through the debate is a …

October | 2006 | K. Daniel Glover the director of new media and political technology for Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., she is one of the contributors to the campaign blog. Her salary is about $4,400 a month. Luke Bernstein ($4,300 a month) and Stanley Olshefski ($2,300 a month) also post entries.

Why Competence Comes Only In The Form Of Elizabeth Paige ... 10, 2016 · The brutally ugly cringe-worthy gotchu questions sprung at Meet-and-Greets of which even a Kevin Ohlandt would have tremendous difficulty knowing their past details and fabricating, points to a large campaign of political research done in depth to stir up any dirt and finding none, throwing some hoping some may stick…..

Class and evacuation – Linkmeister 31, 2005 · Experts and local activists say Trump’s claims are the latest in a sustained efforts by conservative commentators and politicians to marry the myth of Antifa terrorists to a city where discontent has grown for years over increasingly harsh police responses at protests.

Big Pharma Works The “Off-Label” Drug Dodge | The Liberal ... 08, 2009 · The Murdoch Street Journal opined today on a case in which Janssen Pharmaceuticals was named in an action by the state of Pennsylvania over Janssen's antipsychotic drug Risperdal. The state alleges that Janssen has improperly marketed the drug for off-label uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, according to the Journal (Janssen denies…

The tracking cookie, by your CIA Friends 02, 2008 · K. The People may not be subject to any electronic surveillance except on probable cause and a warrant before a judicial tribunal. The President, Congress and others are expressly denied the power to enact, create, use, or rely on quasi-judicial tribunals to …

Frederick Politics: New "War Powers Consultation Act" Proposed 02, 2008 · New "War Powers Consultation Act" Proposed. Today, a bipartisan panel co-chaired by former secretaries of state James Baker (R) and Warren Christopher (D), recommended the replacement of the 1973 "War Powers Act". ... Expect this proposal to receive some press, but it appears doubtful it will pass. It is a serious topic that deserves attention.

May | 2016 | DrMyers's Blog 25, 2016 · Today, I’ve watched members of congress on C-SPAN give their opinions in regards to Budget Autonomy for Washington DC. For those of you who do not know, not only are the residents of Washington DC (like me) not given a vote in Congress (our Delegate is not given a vote), but Washington DC is not given budget autonomy (freedom from external control or influence).

Alaska Anti-Palin rally | Mudflats are the kind of people that always seem to gum up the works for those who try so hard to get away with things. We’re such an annoyance, us damn attention-payers… This contingent of strange political bedfellows have just about had it with Sarah Palin, John McCain and the shenanigans they are pulling with our state government ...

Political History: The End of the Two Party System | FrameWork 18, 2007 · While I haven't always been a political person, I have always been interested in Political History. I am, by nature, interested in history and, for whatever reason, I am quite interested in the way the two major parties in America have evolved, devolved, died out, been reinvented and reborn. Searching through various Wordpress posts the other…

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 03, 2008 · One of McCain’s big supporters, former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, was asked if she was ready to be vice president. He said, ‘Of course not.’ Not just no, ‘of course not.’ And they asked Palin what she thought of Eagleburger. She said, ‘It went well with fries and a light beer.'” -Bill Maher

Canadian Socialists and the Politics of Guns | Firearm License Thursday Mr. Mulcair’s lawyer wrote directly to RCMP commissioner Bob Paulson repeating the request and asking for a formal response. “We have been concerned for some time about the lack of security for Mr. Mulcair and his family, both at …

NonParty Politics: UK: Girl loses appeal over veil ban 05, 2007 · UK: Girl loses appeal over veil ban Telegraph News: A 12-year-old Muslim girl has lost a legal challenge to her school's ban on wearing the niqab full-face veil. Lawyers for the girl and her father had argued that the ban was "irrational" and a breach of her human rights.The veil covers all of the face except the eyes.

NonParty Politics: Muslim Newspapers speak out on Terror 07, 2007 · War is evil, but it is often the lesser evil. ~ George Orwell. Wednesday, February 28, 2007. ... and a war between Kurds and Turkmen. It is also a Shiite-Sunni war, and Iraq is the main front of this war which is unfolding in the entire Muslim world from Lebanon to Pakistan. ...

Obama leads but could McCain pull off an upset? | The ... 18, 2008 · Obama leads by only 4.84 My new projections are (my methodology is here): Barack Obama 49.44 John McCain 44.60 Linear regression analysis of polling trends since the selection of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate suggest an Obama victory of 9.15 in the popular vote. However there is about a 25% chance of McCain winning…

Frederick Politics: Apportionment Released By Census Bureau 01, 2010 · George Wenschhof The population in the U.S. grew 9.7% since 2000 and now stands just under 309 million. For those who want to know how this impacts the numbers of House seats per state, a total of 18 states will experience a change by the 2012 election.

Germany – Hopping Mad September 2017 – In the show this week Arliss interviews Zach Carter and I discuss both the NFL and the German election.. Yesterday was a tough day for German Democracy, t he Far-Right took third place in the German election entitling them to become the third largest political party in the Bundestag. What’s particularly worrying is the tough path that Merkel now has in order to …

Political Irony › Blog archives Trump has broken a presidential record. He has now achieved the lowest approval rating in his first year in office of any president, ever, and he even has five months left in his first year! The first year is supposed to be the honeymoon, so …

politics of swine flu « The Futility Monster 10, 2009 · Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title. Having a good year so far! 8 years ago; I am sorry, Mr Albarn, but the combination of coffee and TV simply does not make sense #popleveson 8 years ago; Mr Lynne, can you confirm for the record whether you were a consultant on telephone lines for News International?

swine flu « The Futility Monster Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

The Partisan Blogosphere | Reptile Dysfunction 08, 2016 · by William Skink By now it should be apparent what happened to the progressive blogosphere in Montana: it turned partisan, and the political winners became vociferous gatekeepers who'd rather scuttle what can't be controlled. This continues today. Last week's Indy piece, Click Fate (read the comments, corrections will hopefully be forthcoming) was a tale told…

Holding Their Feet to the Fire | Gates of Vienna posted last night about Former Muslims United, a group of American apostates from Islam who have joined together to confront the illiberal and violent tenets of sharia law as it applies to those who leave Islam.. Former Muslims United is being formally launched at a press conference even as I write this, in Hearing Room 1334 of the Longworth House Office Building in Washington D.C.:

national security council - God, Guns and Guts Comrades! is the same administration that told us Benghazi was over the infamous video. Just about everything could go wrong. During the holiday weekend, confined with several liberals in one of those “car rides from hell” listening to NPR, it was enough want to call it quits.

Senator Clinton, does lying have no limits? | The Least, First 01, 2008 · As the girl from the Tuzsla airport recently said, “It is an ugly thing for a politician to tell lies.” Hillary brushed it off as unimportant, just a blip, a result of …

Benjamin Netanyahu | Under The LobsterScope’s where to look for a World News Daily article by Jamal Abdi: New Senate Push to Pledge Unconditional Support for Israeli “Preventive” War on Iran.. Before reading it, here’s the first couple of sentences: Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is planning to press the Senate next month to pledge U.S. troops, money, and political support to Israel should Bibi Netanyahu launch a preventive ...

Wednesday Open Thread | Gospel Music Week: Andrae Crouch ... 19, 2014 · We continue Gospel Music Week with the wonderful Andrae Crouch. Andraé Crouch (born July 1, 1942) is an American gospel singer, songwriter, arranger, recording artist, record producer, and pastor. Early years Born Andraé Edward Crouch in San Francisco, California,[1] where his parents managed a dry cleaners. His father, Benjamin Crouch, also had a street ministry,…

Religion | The Rogue Jew | Page 7 is clearly connected to a church that is as racist as any church that is connected to the KKK, NAZI’s or Skinheads. The only difference is that in today’s world of Political Correctness, racism by blacks against whites and Jews is considered to be oky doky and acceptable by today’s standards.

Political Miscellany 7/9/08 | All Other Persons 09, 2008 · The NAACP will hold its 99th Annual Convention on July 12-17 in Cincinnati. The theme of the Convention is “Power, Justice, Freedom, Vote.” More than 8,000 NAACP members, delegates and visitors are expected to attend. Although there are many who doubt the relevance and effectiveness of the NAACP, it still has enough pull to attract…

Black Conservatives in the Age of Obama | The Smirking 22, 2009 · In the mid-1990s, when Ralph Reed was the executive director of the Christian Coalition -- still viewed at the time by the mainstream media as a media-savvy, politically pragmatic, rising star of the conservative movement -- he came up with a number of strategic initiatives aimed at casting a wider net and expanding the Coalition's power base ...

Charlie Crist – Black Political 13, 2008 · Sarah Palin just can’t fade into the sunset like John McCain. She has given more interviews that I can count and for what? Many have said that she is positioning herself to the

Q&A Congressman Henry Waxman--Beverly Hills Weekly, Issue Congressman Henry Waxman--Beverly Hills Weekly, Issue #676 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Henry Waxman discusses the upcoming election, the top-two primary and the subway in a Weekly exclusive

Robert Gates | Search Results | The Least,“One of the most important lessons of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is that military success is not sufficient to win,” Mr. Gates said. He noted that the entire American diplomatic corps — about 6,500 people — is less than the staffing of a single aircraft carrier group , yet Congress isn’t interested in paying for a larger Foreign ...

“Joe” Cao | The Liberal Doomsayer Finally, yesterday was the ninth anniversary of the death of a Florida man from an anthrax attack; more information is available here (one of others …

The Anger of Braddock is the Anger of America - Scribd Anger of Braddock is the Anger of America - Free download as (.rtf), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. American society, politics, presidential elections

View Beyond Bethlehem: October 2013 30, 2013 · Observations about the world in which I live. A little politics, a little current events, a little about my life and times. Polite feedback always welcome.

Godspeed, Mr. Kennedy | Lynnrockets' Blast-Off 26, 2009 · Camelot is no more. Its last shining Knight of the Round Table, Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts passed last night. If his lengthy political career stood for only one thing however, it was the passage of sweeping health care reform. Please do what you can to influence your legislators to keep that dream alive.…

Humanism | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

Give Peace a Chance - AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 07, 2010 · Debunking Stupid Liberal Memes, Part VI: “Give Peace a Chance” & “War is Not the Answer” Back in 2006, Bill Whittle wrote a brilliant piece entitled “ Seeing the Unseen ” in which he dismantled many of the typical Liberal mantras, most of which could be found proudly and ignorantly plastered on the back of their car bumpers. This post by Mr. Whittle was the first one I read by him ...

Christopher Lydon Interviews… : Big Media in the 06, 2003 · Jeff Jarvis of Advance Publications, the Newhouse empire, was the other corporate media biggie at BloggerCon, making rather a striking contrast with the gentleman from The New York Times, Len Apcar. At BuzzMachine, of course, Jeff Jarvis is himself a voluminous and often counterintiutive blogger.He’s a liberal who was radicalized by September 11 and cheered the War in Iraq.

individualism « The Futility Monster 09, 2010 · Posts about individualism written by The Futility Monster. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes …

Impolitical: July 2005 27, 2005 · The suggestion is that it is not perjury or the intentional outing of the undercover operative that are the objects of Fitzgerald's probe, but violations of this act. If this is the case, there is no requirement that leaking of classified information be "intentional" in …

Turkey | Arun with a View | Page 2 11, 2015 · [Davutoglu] was a distinguished scholar of Islamic and Western political philosophy, and a genial figure who enjoyed spending hours conversing with his students. In his lectures, this professor argued that Turkey would soon emerge as the leader of the Islamic world by taking advantage of its proud heritage and geographical potential… Mr.

Tuesday Open Thread | Amy Sherald Week | 3CHICSPOLITICO 24, 2017 · CNN was the first to report the remarks, which came on a new episode of his “No Spin News” web show. O’Reilly’s comments come after The New York Times reported Saturday that the former anchor paid $32 million to settle a sexual harassment claim a month before Fox News extended his contract earlier this year.

DEM/MSM | Bloviating variety is contrary to a common purpose, Obama said Jan. 21. “Our media is all segmented now so that instead of just watching three stations, we got 600,” he said in an Idaho speech. “You got the [single] conservative station and the liberal stations. So everybody is only listening to …

Stax – Skeptical Brotha about Stax written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Obama Libya | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog in his statement, however, was the threat to disrupt future operations should the president not consult Congress first. “Before any further military commitments are made,” Boehner said, “the Administration must do a better job of communicating to the American people and to …

The Useless Tree: Friday I Ching Blogging: President ... is a condition that cannot last; it must be changed, must pass, or misfortune will result. So the future is moving toward a breaking point, when political forces have built up in certain ways that are unsustainable and a change, though not a revolutionary change, is required.

Balkinization: Does the Military Commissions Act apply to ... group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. ii) a person who, before, on, or after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, has been determined to be an unlawful enemy combatant by a Combatant Status Review Tribunal or another competent tribunal established under the authority of the President or the Secretary ...

Dan Coats | Sheila Kennedy U.S. Senate has finally passed the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), a measure that has been languishing in Congress for at least twenty years despite the fact that for a good part of that time, multiple polls have shown support for passage hovering around 80%.(Approval by the more dysfunctional House remains uncertain.) ENDA extends the basic civil rights protections that currently ...

FBI corrupt | Bloviating is what I have said. And now let me emphasize. This will turn out to be the greatest black mark on the history of DC politics. This is in fact indicative of a soft coup against a president campaign, a president-elect and a sitting president. A soft coup. In America. In your country. In my country.

JustOneMinute: Fun With The Minimum Wage week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report estimating that 500,000 jobs would be destroyed if the minimum wage was raised to $10.10. Suddenly on defense, the White House turned to a list of 600 economists who support an increase in the minimum wage and disagree that it would harm the labor market.

Karunanidhi Family | Tamils | Politics Of India has been Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for five terms and the DMK party leader from 1968. Dayanidhi Maran has been the union cabinet minister for two terms, once as a Minister of Information and Technology and once as a Minister of Textiles.

September | 2007 | The Rogue Jew | Page 3 on September 19, 2007 by The Rogue Jew According to Liberal douchebag and communist sympathiser, crappy movie maker Michael Moore, America has the worst health care in the world. He has also gone on to give high praise to Canada, Europe, and Cuba for …

June | 2006 | The Rogue Jew friend of mine emailed me this letter that was written by a former member of the United States Marine Corp. As we all know, Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) is himself a former Marine who has chosen as of late to do nothing but slander the Men and Women who proudly serve the people of the United States in the Marine Corps. He has chosen a path of support for the Islamic Terrorists ...

Palin 2010 | Mudflats three that may open up next are: The Don Young Door – Congressman Don Young will be up for re-election in 2010, but may be out before then. He’s already spend a whopping 1.2 million dollars on legal fees in anticipation of his own coming indictment. Alaskans have been waiting for that shoe to drop for a while now….and it’s coming.

Winner Take All | Sheila Kennedy really disregards the will of the people is the winner-take-all rule currently used by every state but Maine and Nebraska. Giving all electors to the winner of the statewide popular vote erases the votes of citizens in the political minority — say, the 4.5 million people who voted for Donald Trump in California, or the 3.9 million who ...

The Political Environment: Walker In the Doe's Headlights 11, 2014 · And it ain't the Obana folks that are the scumbags here. That Times article was poorly-researched, with no mention of the state lagging in jobs, the $1.6 billion in deficits that awaits, WEDC corruption, and a number of other items that would end the career of politicians in other states. Come on Bagger, let's go there.

The Tangled Web Politicians Weave | Sheila Kennedy are the pertinent sections: The challenge to the Obamacare law was aimed at declaring it unconstitutional. While that didn’t work, foes of the new law were given a small consolation prize by the U.S. Supreme Court — a chance for the states to opt out of …

Primaries, Politics and Parties | Trenz Pruca's Journal 23, 2016 · The era of the spoils system, and it lasted for a little over 40 years, from just before 1840 to just after 1880. The spoils system arose, from the fact that in a system of mass democracy, where most men at least have the right to vote, there must be some way of nominating candidates for office. The method chosen was the nominating convention.

George Meyer: State Sen. Tom Tiffany Gave "False" Account ... 11, 2013 · I'd posted the other day the video of a presentation made by Wisconsin Wildlife Federation Executive Director George Meyer about problems that local communities face during mining operations. Meyer is also a former DNR Secretary. State Sen. Tommy Tiffany, (R-Hazelhurst), a supporter of the proposed iron ore mine in Northern Wisconsin, made remarks about the presentation, including the ...

Organized Exploitation: Misjudging Mark Sanford? 10, 2009 · In the rambling announcement of his affair, Mr. Sanford said little about politics and a lot about his faith. At times he sounded like a preacher expounding on the nature of God's law, of self, and of sin. Sanford's remarks drew little praise, categorized even by sympathetic sources as "disjointed" and "just plain bizarre."

Red State Rebels: October 2008 of my most favorite people in the world is Tamara Lee Poelstra who is running for the legislature in Legislative District 4 in Kootenai County. Recently, in an unofficial poll of North Idaho College students, Tamara Lee was chosen as the No. 2 politician most admired by NIC students. (I won't tell you who was No. 1, but it rhymes with failin'.)

Blogs | Peace and Conflict Politics’s take a look at a little of the organizational structure for blogs. The network of computers that connects us all makes for an ecosystem and every blog fits somewhere into that system. The first type of blog and the most popular is the personal blog. This is the type of blog where you express yourself and layout your own feelings and ...

April | 2008 | The Political Tipster soon as the first tapes were aired Hillary should have held a press conference in New York and denounced his comments about 9/11 and tied it into Obama’s leadership. If she or McCain were unwilling to do so themselves they should have got surrogates like Chuck Schumer or Rudy Giuliani to do so.

A New Day Dawns | Common Sense, Uncommon Insight 07, 2010 · It is now official. Malcolm Adderley is history as he has resigned from the Progressive Liberal Party and the House of Assembly. A new day dawns for the PLP and a new day for the Elizabeth constituency. Many pundits on both sides have now had their …

apologies | Sheila Kennedy I were an African-American Congressman who’d been spit on, who had watched the country’s first black President demeaned from the first day he was elected, who had seen the racist emails, the “clever” signs with watermelon patches on the White House lawn, the posters at Tea Party gatherings showing Obama as a witch doctor–if I had ...

Vagabond Scholar: January 2015 01, 2015 · And as the noted historian, C. Vann Woodward, in his book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, clearly points out, the segregation of the races was really a political stratagem employed by the emerging Bourbon interests in the South to keep the southern masses divided and southern labor the cheapest in the land. You see, it was a simple thing to ...

“Zero Dark Thirty” is fabulous, and shows torture doesn’t ... 29, 2013 · But so many people have politicized it and searched for deeper meaning and a point of view. It’s a movie, people. — Contrary to what you may have heard, it does not in any way endorse torture as the reason Osama was eventually found. Torture was shown to not work in this movie, clearly. This is NOT a pro-torture movie.

Short Sharp Shock.: Six genetic degrees of 01, 2008 · Honestly, people, you can’t make this up. Aaron Spelling on crack couldn’t have come up with a wilder, more seemingly improbable series of family ties than those reported Tuesday by The Associated Press, in a story that shows how interconnected Americans really are, whether we know it or not, and how politics and history make bedfellows that aren't …

New Possibilities: Why I Don't Support Same Sex 09, 2012 · Last week, President Obama publicly supported same sex marriage and liberals celebrated. Many black bloggers and intellectuals heralded i...

WebWeaver's World: The demise of Paul Henry and the rise 01, 2010 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Motor City Liberal: The Flotilla Raid Was Not “Bungled Max Blumenthal Tel Aviv-Israel Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his senior ministers have attempted to blame army commanders for “the bungled raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla,” according to the UK’s Daily Telegraph. The AP reported that “Israel’s bloody, bungled takeover of a Gaza-bound Turkish aid vessel is complicating US-led Mideast peace efforts.”

Frederick Politics: LOW VOTER TURNOUT STORY IN MARYLAND ... 03, 2014 · The move of the primary date from September to June surely impacted turnout. But, as I pointed out in my column Monday, the ongoing gerrymandering of districts of the political party in power, the unregulated amount of money in politics and the difficult process for a viable third party to become established, all play a significant part in voter apathy and their lost of …

Best Friend of George Soros and Billionaire Short-Sellers author Brent Budowsky served as Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen, responsible for commerce and intelligence matters, including one of the core drafters of the CIA Identities Law. Served as Legislative Director to Congressman Bill Alexander, then Chief Deputy Whip, House of Representatives. Currently a member of the International Advisory Council of …

Secretary of Defense | TheZoo Reuters:. Congress has authorized more funds for Iraq — no timetable for leaving, and no change in strategy required. *sigh* The defense policy bill, approved 90-3 by the U.S. Senate, also expanded the size of the U.S. Army and set conditions on the Bush administration’s plan to build a missile defense system in Europe.

Jack. If you post some more pictures,... it only cost 3000 lives. How the Bush Administration Covered Up the Saudi Connection to 9/11 It's a story of how the White House sought to suppress evidence that would reveal how much it knew of the attack plot. 422 COMMENTS422 COMMENTS September 16, 2014 | In his New Yorker article, posted on the magazine s web site last week, Lawrence ...

holidays | House of the Dread Atkins has some selected quotes from Dr. King, some of which ring quite true for our modern times and all of which are largely ignored by politicians and the media who would rather ignore Dr. King’s appeals on economic inequality.. It was about much more than simple discrimination when Dr. King reminded us that “A nation that continues year after year to …

TigerHawk Central Station's Edward Feser just published the first half a two-part essay that explores the question, why are universities dominated by the Left? This is a favorite question that troubles conservatives, particularly the relatively few "openly conservative" faculty members in the liberal arts colleges of major universities.

Bilgrimage: More on Catholic Bishops (and Catholic Social ... 08, 2012 · He also argues that Catholic social teaching was the big loser in yesterday's elections, for the following reason: "In support of their losing effort, numerous bishops said things that make it perfectly clear that, in their opinion, Catholic social teachings have little to contribute to our political deliberations when abortion and gay marriage ...

Motor City Liberal: Disrespect, Race and Obama wit, Rush Limbaugh responded to Winfrey’s comments in his usual acerbic way, lacking all nuance: “If black people in this country are so mistreated and so disrespected, how in the name of Sam Hill did you happen? Would somebody explain that to me? If there’s a level of disrespect simply because he’s black, then how, Oprah, have you ...

Church and State | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

The Problem with Ideological Purity | Sheila Kennedy recent post at Political Animal made a point I’ve pondered frequently as I’ve watched the GOP morph from political party to religious cult.. After a brief discussion of the attack on Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate, the post considered the implications of the GOP’s refusal to bend even when voters are likely to punish them for that intransigence:

Gary Coleman Doesn’t Need Your Pity Anymore. | Zero ... 30, 2010 · You won't find me waxing nostalgic about Diff'rent Strokes. Television shows about cute little Black kids who are wise beyond their years and taken in by kindly White men reek of Good Liberal Paternalism and Negro Foolishness and I give a wide berth to both. That's why when Gary Coleman, the 42-year-old, 4'8" star of the show died in…

hilzoy | Beware The Man 14, 2009 · Seriously, Hilzoy is right. Who is running this place, and why does it suck so bad? Atrios asks the question another way. I can’t even imagine considering “negotiating”, much less conceding anything in a business or political deal with an entity to whom I had just given $40,000,000,000 from the people I allegedly work for.

Norquist | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! group held prayers informally for about eight years before gaining official status in 2006 under the sponsorship of Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., one of two Muslims currently serving in Congress. The second Muslim congressman, Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., joined as …

11 CATO Article the Problem is Politics by PJ O'Rourke ... Quarterly. Message on Liberty Spring 2008 Volume 6 Number 2. The Problem Is Politics P. J. O’ROURKE. W ell, I wish I had better news for you, but the barbarians are at the gates. We are besieged by pagans—savage, brutish worshippers of big government. Theirs is not even a golden calf. They’ve abandoned the Gold Standard. They worship the taxing and spending of a fiat god, all the more ...

Oh gt, you think all reps are liars. - MTStars• Thirdly, the Nazis associated Christianity with Jews, arguing that this religion was the product of Middle Eastern thought and not native Europe. The Nazis did not however dare to attack Christianity openly, rather leaving it alone to wither by itself, something that has to a large degree started to become reality by the end of the 20th ...

PERRspectives: November 2012 2012 Archives : Right Ignores Cheney, Halliburton in Attack on Rice's Iran Business Links Reports this week that UN Ambassador Susan Rice and her Canadian husband Ian Cameron have investments in firms involved with the Keystone XL pipeline project and past energy deals in Iran are drawing scrutiny across the political spectrum. But conservatives eager to link Rice to Tehran might …

Killing Pablo « SOCIAL VOX 04, 2009 · In the 1980’s and early 1990’s, Pablo Escobar was the king of the Colombian drug trade. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people were killed during the reign of the Medellin cartel. Those murdered included politicians, judges, policemen, and anyone else who tried standing in Escobar’s way. Here, the case is eerily similar.

Mainstreet - Free Enterprise BC | British Columbia | Voting the BC Liberals choose a leader we would urge them to choose a leader that can win so that we can return to a B.C. government that prioritizes free enterprise." Mainstreet tested the names of 5 potential leadership candidates against the BC NDP and asked British Columbians who they would prefer as …

JustOneMinute: Liberals Don't Lie don't lie - the NY Times examines the debate and discusses "exaggerations and shadings", as they were described in the front-page headline. Most of the coverage is devoted to Kerry's positions on Iraq; I urge the interested reader to...

President Lyndon Johnson – Black Political Thought 23, 2008 · Justice Revius Ortique Jr., first black judge on Louisiana high court and civil rights advocate, has died at age 84 from complications of a stroke. There are so many unsung heroes

The Next Hurrah: Responding to Congressional Oversight ... is a small personal device and sits on or near a desk, or for that matter at a home. I have been wondering rather these are used very much in government, and if and where records are kept. You see the fax goes to a regular phone number not a fax number. So on the phone records there is no difference between a verbal phone call and a fax.

The Long Liberal Tradition of Condescension | Doctor ... 05, 2010 · The first is the “vast right-wing conspiracy,” a narrative made famous by Hillary Rodham Clinton but hardly limited to her. This vision maintains that conservatives win elections and policy debates not because they triumph in the open battle of ideas but because they deploy brilliant and sinister campaign tactics.

Why are liberals so condescending? – Cervantes 10, 2010 · The first is the “vast right-wing conspiracy,” a narrative made famous by Hillary Rodham Clinton but hardly limited to her. This vision maintains that conservatives win elections and policy debates not because they triumph in the open battle of ideas but because they deploy brilliant and sinister campaign tactics.

Saturday Open Thread | Trump calls NFL Players Who Kneel a ... 23, 2017 · President Trump told a crowd at a rally for Alabama Senate candidate Luther Strange (R) on Friday night that they should “pick up and leave” NFL games if they see players kneeling during the national anthem. “When people like yourselves turn on television and you see those people taking the knee when they are playing our great national anthem – the only thing you could do better is if ...

San Francisco Bay Area | The North Coast Curmudgeon Bernard Milk (May 22, 1930 – November 27, 1978) was an American politician who became openly gay person to be elected to public office in , when he won a seat on the an Francisco Board of Supervisors.. On November 27, 1978, Milk and Mayor George Moscone was assassinated by Dan White, another city supervisor who had recently resigned but wanted his job back.

Joe Arpaio – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America“The worst, most dangerous terrorist organization [is] the media,” Joyner said, paraphrasing a quote from the late ” prophet” Bob Jones. “The way the devil is using the media; yeah, I do believe the devil is the accuser of the brethren, [that’s] one of the names of the devil and that’s one of the things that is most commonly manifested through the media.”

ACORN Cleared YET AGAIN of Wrongdoing | The BRAD BLOG's how the New York Times reported the big news--- or I should say the should-be-much-much bigger news--that ACORN has been cleared of voter fraud by the Congressional Research Service:. The piece, which is quite brief, was buried on p. A15, where it was stuck down in the lower right-hand corner (fittingly, underneath the jump page of an article headlined, "An Isolated Area Feels Even More ...

The Political Environment: Another Builders' Official Gets ... 04, 2011 · First it was the trade group's former executive director, Matt Moroney, getting the deputy position. Now Pat Stevens, the builders' former general counsel, gets a senior regulatory management position as head of the agency's air and waste division. From the Builders' website: "Pat Stevens is General Counsel for the Wisconsin Builders Association. In addition to providing WBA with legal ...

NY Senator Kirsten Gillibrand « Jamesb101.com 02, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Balkinization: The elephant in the room group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics

Accidental Deliberations: 2018-01-14 11, 2018 · Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. - Kenneth Rogoff writes about the dangers of presuming that economic growth (at least in stock markets if not wages) can withstand political upheaval. Marco Chown Oved reports on the strong support for Democracy Watch's petition to raise corporate taxes and close loopholes. Rajeshni Naidu-Ghelani reports on the latest consumer survey …

Balkinization: Race and the Constitution-in-Exile group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. perhaps a greater glimpse into what a bush/delay/frist supreme court would look like is gleaned, not from the decision of the court yesterday, but from the decision of the fifth circuit, when miller-el was referred back to them originally by the supreme court, in a rather stinging 8-1 rebuke. after receiving the case back from the ...

Defense jobs « Jamesb101.com 12, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

San Diego Politico: 8/10/08 - 8/17/ 15, 2008 · The UT has reported that City Councilman-elect Carl DeMaio has been fined $1,500 by the Ethics Commission for deliberately soliciting campaign contributions from city employees. The fine comes exactly one month after the FPPC declared that DeMaio violated the Political Reform Act in his bid to win the District 5 council seat. My favorite part of the story …

Obama's Rhetoric Is the Real 'Catastrophe' - The New fearmongering may be good politics, but it is bad history and bad economics. It is bad history because our current economic woes don't come close to those of the 1930s. At worst, a comparison to the 1981-82 recession might be appropriate.Read the whole piece-- even the statistically-challenged may learn something.

politicking « The Futility Monster 05, 2009 · Posted by The Futility Monster on August 1, 2009 @ 17:21 If there’s one thing I don’t understand about some Americans, it is their apparent desire to see the continuation of a healthcare system that costs more per capita than any other country in the world and delivers benefits only to the privileged few who can afford it.

The Lost Boys | Wide World of Stuff 11, 2010 · The best political ad of the year, by Lindsay Graham’s opponent. And a “pandemic sport” involving beer cans that’s wildly impressive; Good News Friday: The most promising coronavirus vaccine set for final stage of testing. A human teaches a dog to communicate in an awesome new way, And a quick video of a baby, doing cute baby things.

ISIS | progressivenetwork John Grant, This Can’t Be Happening, 8/27/15 One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit. … The realms of advertising and of public relations, and the nowadays closely related realm of politics, are replete with instances of bullshit so unmitigated that they serve among the most indisputable and classic paradigms of the concept.

The 1st Battalion……..101st Airborne Division is deploying ... 05, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Speak Spanish, Sell American! Local Ad Agency ... - MediaMouse 06, 1995 · The first is in Chiapas, the second in the upcoming elections and the third is the role of the labor unions, their relationship to the government and the governing PRI.” The memo goes on to say “While Chiapas, in our opinion, does not pose a fundamental threat to Mexican political stability, it is perceived to be so by many in the ...

Take Action | cadesertvoice first step is telling Congress, loud and clear: Don’t give more tax breaks to the people who need them least. Yesterday was The Election. Today is The Action. The Action is for the end of the Bush-era tax breaks for the richest two percent—those making more than $250,000 per year.

If These Are The Best People, I’d Hate To Meet The Worst ..., pure nepotism, something political swamps thrive on. Then, just another brick in the wall that will eventually fall taking Humpty Trumpty down with it. I guess if we didn’t try to find humor, dark though it may be, in this, our second biggest mistake, we’d all be weeping into dehydration status.

U.S. Congressional Elections 2016 – pythagoras ignore here the complications raised by the election of third-party candidates, as unlikely to be relevant in 2016.) At the moment, the Rs have 246 seats, and the Ds have 188. So the Ds would have to win a net of 30 seats from the Rs to gain control of the House. That’s a lot of seats! But it’s not like we’ve never seen such a ...

Nevada Primary | Desert Beacon one hand, Tarkanian the Lesser’s trumpian-radical politics will amplify the Heller campaign’s message that Heller, much evidence to the contrary, is the Moderate in the race. This is fine for the general election, however Heller has to plow through the mud flat that is …

Smear tactic | Dr Linda Shelton is my comment in response to a post about President-Elect Obama and William Ayers on “Illinois Review” an ultraconservative Illinois blog written by honorable people, who have a very rigid philosophy. They made a mistake in their article stating that Ayers was a Professor at the University of Chicago, where Obama once taught.

Elections Reading Comp | Electoral College (United States ... has led to a call to reform the system we use to elect our president. In order to do this, Congress must pass a constitutional amendment, which the states must then ratify. As unlikely to happen, the Electoral College appears to be how we will choose our country's leader for many years to come. Name. How the Electoral College Works ...

politics | Stephen Curtiss Rose thoughts and ideas is the first breach of privacy. ... Philanthropy and capitalism and nationalism are the three pillars of a dysfunctional world. #tolerance #democracy #helpfulness. ... Needless to say a tendentious process and would be unnecessary if Mr. Cutts and company would relent and find a different way to ensure quality ...

June 11, 2016 – Linkmeister 11, 2016 · This is a good campaign ad. Posted by linkmeister on 11 June 2016, 10:43 am. ... Experts and local activists say Trump’s claims are the latest in a sustained efforts by conservative commentators and politicians to marry the myth of Antifa terrorists to a city where discontent has grown for years over increasingly harsh police responses at ...

AP Gov't Chap 9RG | Primary Election | Political Parties ... Gov't Chap 9RG - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

The Grossman Guide | For Political Generalistshttps://grossmanguide.wordpress.comThe first thing you may notice about this year’s guide is the prevalence of toss-up races. A few days prior to the election, I intend to remove these, and make a prediction one way or another. The most competitive races will remain in bold, so that you can keep track of the races that truly matter.

What does Paula Brooks have against the 12th congressional ... 05, 2009 · But it's up to Paula Brooks to confirm it. But, if her office and Paula feels she can do her best GOTV and door-to-door around this campaign HQ, more power to her. Of course, I don't think that will do her much good come next November.

Is Harvard racist? - One Political Plaza 15, 2017 · Almost all schools of "higher" learning have been practicing racism since the early 1970s.Whites and Asians have been pushed aside to spoon feed, shoehorn, blacks into positions few can actually handle. That racist approach doubly hurts the blacks it is intended to benefit by forcing them into positions of almost guaranteed failure besides offering them a fake/make believe, irrational social ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 07, 2010 · LAMAR SMITH HAS "RADICAL ISLAM" TOURETTE'S Last night on Jon Stewart's show, Lewis Black asserted that Glenn Beck has "Nazi Tourette's," backing his argument with a series of clips in which Beck obsessively, compulsively describes virtually everything he doesn't like as Nazi or Hitlerian. Meanwhile, in Congress, we have Texas GOP congressman Lamar Smith.

FOXNews | Political Communication. Rowan University ... the other hand, Fox seems to be saying, “This is sad, but it may work to our advantage.” Neither news source left out pertinent information nor did they blatantly express their opinions. Whether you believe Fox is better or NBC is better, it is important to know that you may be receiving a skewed point of view or a hidden agenda.

The Rude Pundit 11, 2005 · And the Rude Pundit would stare at you for a moment before slapping you and saying, "Well, duh." Here's the Washington Post this morning : "Over the past year, Vice President Cheney has waged an intense and largely unpublicized campaign to stop Congress, the Pentagon and the State Department from imposing more restrictive rules on the handling ...

Bob Ehrlich | Maryland Politics Blog 14, 2009 · The Kendell and Bob Ehrlich show website on WBAL has a petition you can sign to fight against healthcare reform (or keep big government out of medicine closet, whichever you prefer.). Kendell, Bob and team (Henry Fawell, Greg Massoni and Paul Schurick) are smart folks. They know they could just as well keep mush-mouthing every Saturday morning and have the same effect without …

Who Is David Lidz? | Double Dip Politics 03, 2011 · David, a former lobbyist and a legislative assistant for a managed care provider during the 1990s, had relocated and left that job for philosophical differences. This was not the first time that David had done what he felt was right by his beliefs. He stated that he changed careers and became involved in real estate.

JustOneMinute: Ross Douthat On Immigration Douthat is excellent on the immigration box into which Trump has placed himself:. Across the decade that preceded Donald Trump’s election, American politicians of both parties consistently tried to pass big, sweeping immigration bills that would legalize most of the country’s illegal population and increase immigration overall.

Politics | The Rogue Jew | Page 5, the Iranian Midget Ahamadinejad has been ramping up again on his threats against the United States and Israel. From The Washington Times:. The Iranian government on Monday stepped up military threats in advance of an anniversary celebration as major powers continued talks …

Mr. Trump is Not Authorized to Speak For the Trump ... 10, 2018 · — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018 Writers have generally interpreted this as a dig at Obama, which it is, but it's also aimed at right now, at the people in Congress and the defense and intelligence agencies who are doing more or less what Obama would wish them to do, and the Department of Justice pursuing the investigation of the Russian cyberattack on the US election …

Buckdog: Leader-Post Columnist Bob Hughes Writes Last Column 20, 2008 · One of my fondest memories of Hughes was the drunk driving incident, his column after the incident states he simply made a decision - but it made me wonder how many other times he made the decision and only this time got caught. And don't forget the geese, he was forever ranting about the geese. And of course North Central. Anyway, I'm still ...

Balkinization: Silver Linings for Today’s Losers in the ... it is hard to think of any other examples where Congress would ever assert its Commerce clause authority to require the purchase of a private product. This is really a unique situation. So the mandate’s opponents have achieved a new “ gestalt ,” but it’s unclear …

20 | April | 2013 | The Pardu's Scroll 20, 2013 · Join us at 2 p.m. on Monday, April 22, for a live webchat on “Shadow Money Magic: How to Play Big in Politics, Hide Your Donors and Game the IRS.” Step 5: Relax, Regroup and Procreate Nondisclosing groups — most of them 501(c)(4) organizations — told the FEC that they spent more than $300 million in the 2012 elections.

Open Secrets: How To Steps To Become A Political Money ... 20, 2013 · -Repost from Open Secrets Dot Org included below. Thanks to Open Secrets for the work they perform and we serious appreciate thier Creative Commons opportunity to publish their relevant work. If you visit The Progressive Influence, you know of our affinity for "Show Me The Money." Politics and money have meshed together as thoroughly as epoxy material used in the ...

Irish Trojan in Tennessee: June 11, 11, 2008 · I'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Modern Whig Basic Flyer | Whig Party (United States ... in 1833, the Whigs are one of America's oldest mainstream political parties. We were the original party of Abraham Lincoln and four other U.S. Presidents. Revived by Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, this grassroots movement has quickly attracted thousands of new members.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:I'm a 6th generation'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Tea Party Fascists | The Great American Lemming Farm about Tea Party Fascists written by ttuttle12. So that law-abiding Americans could be spied on by their own government with the complicity of the corporate hacks in congress who lack the morality and the backbone to take a principled stand against such an egregious violation of the fourth amendment which specifically protects Americans against unwarranted invasions of privacy.

Peter Strzok | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! about Peter Strzok written by bunkerville. At least, what Sara Carter is telling us on her news blog. Under the microscope is Strzok’s behavior in the FBI’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to send classified e-mails and the counter-intelligence investigation into President Trump’s political campaign.

Opinion Forum » Revive the Civilian Conservation 20, 2009 · Revive the Civilian Conservation Corps. May 19th, 2009. By Jan Barry. Faced with millions of Americans out of work, including an army of roughly 154,000 homeless military veterans seeking shelter every night, President Obama and Congress should quickly revive one of the most successful government actions during the Great Depression.

Well, THAT Oughta Win Over a Few Wingnut Climate Change ... too-infrequent guest blogger D.R. Tucker is now working the weekend shift at Washington Monthly's excellent "Political Animal" blog and, as expected, he's out of the gate like a lion on the climate crisis and the pre-wrangling over the Obama EPA's proposed landmark guidelines for restrictions on CO2 emissions by dirty coal-fired power plants (ya know, the rules they're required by law ...

Results of the Election and World Cup Selections « The ... 02, 2010 · Now that almost all of the 2010 midterm election results are official (save a congressional race in New York and the Minnesota governor's race), I can go into a deep and meaningful analysis of all that transpired! On second thought, it's already been discussed many times …

Propaganda’s Willing Audience | Sheila Kennedy Points Memo recently shared the findings of a paper by Bruce Bartlett, former economic advisor to Ronald Reagan, documenting the so-called “Fox Effect.”Bartlett’s conclusions are similar to those of others who’ve studied the political impact of what is widely recognized as the propaganda arm of …

lesons learned « Right Ring it’s heresy to self-regulate their own language. Who could make sense of or draw political wisdom from the left — or their invective? It’s not so much “nonsense,” or as the Donald would say, “I’m leading in all these polls.” There is more to it than the specious …

February 2020 – Politics Plus was the first case of “community spread” COVID-19 in the nation. And that patient lived in the same county as the location of the incident the whistleblower described. It’s clear now that the very first time this White House was forced to confront this threat, it fumbled the response.

August | 2016 | Sohum Parlance II politics have become known as the “post-ideological” era, but these maps may indicate the opposite. They point to a solidification of ideology along cultural divides which correlate with geographical patterns. Some years ago someone noted that the election results, particularly of 2000 and 2004, correlate to the free state/slavery ...

Why I am a Liberal | Bob Higgins 18, 2006 · If by “Liberal” they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer’s dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of “Liberal.”

11 | May | 2010 | Smart and silly 11, 2010 · Poised to put his imprint on the court for a second time, the president embraced Kagan’s profile: a left-leaning lawyer who has won praise from the right, earned political experience at the White House and on the college campus, cleared one Senate confirmation already and served as the …

The Rectification of Names: Pencil Paradox 04, 2013 · Fact! When the worldwide pencil crash of 1929 occurred, people were baffled as to how to proceed. President Hoover asked Congress to come up with the necessary data, identifying every business in the US that uses pencils and determining how many pencils they actually needed so they could mark up the needed legislation, but the person tasked with the job had barely gotten to business …

Ted Cruz's Chief Dirty Trickster and the Degradation of thing was, Roe admitted it all. 'Politics ain't beanbag,' he would say. In 2006, there were TV ads that chastised one opponent in a wheelchair for working for Penthouse magazine. In reality, she sold ads for a company that owned the magazine." Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweich later committed suicide. Jeff Roe signed on with Team Cruz.

John Prescott « The Futility Monster by The Futility Monster on February 8, 2010 @ 10:28 I've got a brand new one of these, you know. It being one of those days where my brain is not up to a Proper Post, it is time to bring out the Political Blogger’s Cheat Book and draw up a few responses to …

The Great Unhacking of American Elections?: 'BradCast' 8/5 ... 05, 2016 · The Great Unhacking of American Elections?: 'BradCast' 8/5/2016. On today's BradCast, amidst a fresh flurry of mainstream media coverage of how simple it is to manipulate election results via electronic voting and tabulation systems, Politico Magazine offers a blockbuster cover story describing it as "child's play" and, as it turns out, also serving as a virtual "Best Of" from the past 15 ...

GOP Website's 'Political Malware' Exposed as Two U.S ... today's BradCast: It's the first day of early voting in two U.S. House Special Elections, both in North Carolina, one of them a do-over election after a massive GOP Absentee Ballot Election Fraud scheme last November resulted in the State Board of Election's refusal to certify the fraudulent results.And this week, as our guest today discovered, the RNC has already stepped in it again at one ...

Motor City Liberal: NBC Is Building A Trump Normalization ... any measure, the Trump normalization effort at NBC begins at the top, with the network actually paying money to Trump as a result of his Celebrity Apprentice executive producer credit. The problem here is simple: NBC will have a fiduciary relationship with the president of the United States. The network now has an incentive to weigh aggressive reporting about the president-elect against ...

Politics | Past in Print Weblog it’s long been clear that 2010 would be a challenging election year for our party. With few exceptions, the first off-year election in a new president’s term has led to big gains for the minority party — this was true for Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.

East Bay Insiders Bay Insiders East Bay political discourse will never be the same! Political reporter Steve Tavares and Alameda County insider Shawn Wilson provide insights, dish the scoop, while also detailing the lighter side of Alameda County, state, and national political scene.

08 | January | 2008 | TheZoo 08, 2008 · Now, candidates, mind your manners! Don’t you dare talk, hell don’t even think about social fairness, let alone social equality. Corporate America doesn’t like that and vows to retaliate:. WASHINGTON — Alarmed at the increasingly populist tone of the 2008 political campaign, the president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is set to issue a fiery promise to spend millions of dollars to ...

Third Party? Jill Stein? In THIS Election? | kavips 06, 2016 · To pull the lever or push the button for Jill Stein means that you are voting for a superfluous cause, a sprite of your own imagination. As in for example: “I’m voting to make the world more liberal.”. Ok, having been there, that is understandable and the first …

John LaRue – Off the At-large 1: Candidates competing to replace term-limited Stephen Costello, who is running for mayor, dropped nearly $299,00 during the past month. The biggest spender was Tom McCasland, former CEO of the Harris County Housing Authority, whose political action committee dropped nearly $155,000.

What America Can Learn From 1954 | The Smirking 09, 2019 · Cohn's "Lavender Scare" happened at the same time as the more famous McCarthy "Red Scare" that Cohn boosted 65 years ago. Cohn would later become a personal lawyer for future President Donald Trump, and in the 1980s he introduced Trump to Roger Stone, the Nixon-era political dirty trickster who is now ensnared in Trump's scandals.

MGR Statue in Malaysia 28-6-2011 | Malaysia | Politics ... Statue in Malaysia 28-6-2011 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

I rarely see you offering an original thought. It's usually... 22, 2016 · This is a link to an article in the New Yorker giv... Kevyn - Listen man, I realize you have been given a lot of crap in the past concerning your posts and I beleive I may have as well. I honestly dont remember.I know I can get really amped up about things and have gone over the top sometimes. However, I apologize for past indiscretions.

Frederick Politics: Dem Campaign Chatter 10-30-2008 10, 2008 · George Wenschhof Today, Obama is in Sarasota, Florida, Virginia Beach, Virginia and Columbia, Missouri - Biden is in Arnold, Missouri, Williamsport and Allentown, Pennsylvania.Virgina Beach was a favorite vacation spot for my family when I was a little boy.

sequim we have is an enormous propaganda machine from both... Jack, I agree with you and have said recently the very same thing, I happen to believe the right to be the Goliath compared to the left, but more covert in paying people to write contrary articles in many more papers and editorials from big money such as Murdock and other Koch organizations.

Frederick Politics: Health Insurance for Children 10, 2007 · The State Children Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is a federal program started ten years ago to fund insurance for children whose family income was too great for Medicaid eligibility at the state level and too low to be able to purchase private health care.

Tonight’s CLMP Show | Sohum Parlance II 05, 2018 · Here are the most important clues in the editorial as to the author’s identity, as I see it. #1. The mention of “adults in the room” with the petulant child Donnie Dumbass, which I believe is a clear indication of the author’s military background, which is often how military personnel view politicians and civilians generally – as ...

Barack Obama Gives New Meaning To “Idiot Box” | The Rogue Jew 02, 2008 · A friend of mine who is Christian stated it should be on channel 666, instead of HBO, it’s BHO! I personally think that Liberalism has evolved into Obamaism…Even creepier and marxist as before, with added entitlements. Just add this channel to all the other TV networks owned by Obama…CBS, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, PBS, & MTV.

Happy 12th Birthday to First Daughter Natasha ‘SASHA 10, 2013 · Thanks 3-Chics for this collage on Sasha’s special day. I always enjoy seeing the first daughters – they are such lovely young ladies, and you had a few I hadn’t seen before! I wished her a good day earlier on twitter. [Yeah, it’s unlikely she’ll see these messages but it feels so good, and happy, sending them out. ;-) ] Like Like

25 | February | 2017 | 25, 2017 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light …

About This Blog « The Futility Utility Monster is a thought experiment made up by Robert Nozick. And yes - would you credit it? - he is one of those philosopher types. It is interesting, honest. But past the level of mere interest, one wonders how it applies to the politics of Real Life. Cos that's what this blog is…

Trinity UCC Pator Pastor Moss’ Response to President Obama ... 15, 2012 · The Progressive Influence does not regularly post any matieral related to religion unless, and of course, the posting relates to annual celebrations with roots in religion and spirituality. The 'Gay Marriage" issue that has been interjected into Politics 2012, is an occasion that warrants perspective coming from the pulpit.

5th Amendment | YouViewed/Editorial 13, 2014 · (vii) retention for a period in excess of 5 years is. approved by the head of the element of the intelligence. community responsible for such retention, based on a. determination that retention is necessary to protect the. national security of the United States, in which case the. head of such element shall provide to the congressional

Pastor Otis Moss III | The Pardu's Scroll ‘Gay Marriage” issue that has been interjected into Politics 2012, is an occasion that warrants pe rspective coming from the pulpit. This is especially true in light of the level of concern, concatenation and outright angst form some in the African-America Community.

Pedestrian Infidel: Skeletons in Barak Hussein Obama's ... 01, 2007 · Suryakusuma, 53, one of Indonesia’s most outspoken feminist writers, has fearlessly taken on extremist Muslim clerics in print. Last week she described Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, “as a liberal and a humanist”, who learnt to speak fluent Indonesian and adored the culture.

fail | The Rogue Jew first one a big fucking loser, the second, a HUGE FUCKING LOSER…. VS But now lets advance on to the latest term in Failed Politics….The Axis Of Fail and the people who define it….

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Charlie Rangel Attacked By GOP ... 05, 2009 · That was the latest in a string of incidents that have shined the spotlight on the Rangel’s personal and political conduct. He has admitted to failing to report income from a Dominican vacation home, and he has been accused of breaking New York City rules by maintaining multiple rent-controlled apartments, including a campaign office.

Milk | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities Milk: You’ve Got to Give Them Hope. Before there was the Academy Awards celebrated Milk, there was the widely acclaimed The Times of Harvey Milk, which won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature Film in 1984, and was awarded The Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, among other awards.The documentary chronicles the political career of Harvey Milk, who …

What Does A Financialist Sound Like? | Desert Beacon 21, 2012 · This is the first time class warfare has really been embraced as a political tool. Because we are looking at an administration that has embraced class warfare as being politically expedient, I do worry about the publicity that comes with being willing to both with my dollars and, more importantly, with my voice to stand for what I believe in.

Article 03, 2019 · But it has also exposed the limits of existing institutions (such as the Electoral College, through which the president is chosen, and the Senate, where a small state like Wyoming, with fewer than 600,000 people, has the same vote as California, with nearly 40 million), underscoring the need for structural political reform.

HYPOCRITICAL NY Times at First MOCKED Charges Against This ... left has come for former progressive President Woodrow Wilson, perhaps the founding father of the modern-day liberal state, for his deep racism and the segregationist policies he pushed both as president of Princeton University and president of the United States from 1913-1921. As the New York Times Michael Levenson’s reported from New Jersey on June 21, “Monmouth University to Remove ...

War debate changes course – MediaMouse 28, 2007 · The other issues that are emphasized in this article are the shift in the public’s view as to the importance of the war in Iraq. The GR Press version of the story states “While Bush and Congress are still fighting over the war, the debate has moved to the back burner as Iran, spending, health care, the economy and other issues generate more ...

Toomey and Trump, Forever and Ever, Amen (update) | The ... 06, 2020 · As far as the “vox populi” stuff on Trump’s impeachment is concerned, it looks like 2/3rds of those polled wanted witnesses as his trial as noted here, though I will grant that you could go either way on the question of Trump’s removal. And besides, I’m old enough to remember the Clinton impeachment circus, and I don’t recall any ...

Atheism | Mark Solock Blog‘Christian’ as the magic word of politics – Posted in Atheism, Religion | Leave a comment. Richard Dawkins – The Magic of Reality – Newsnight BBC2 13 September 2011

CPAC nixes Pamela Geller – way to go CPAC | BUNKERVILLE ... 02, 2013 · In 2009, she brought Geert Wilders, who is the head of the third largest party in the Netherlands and has spoken out against the Islamization of his country. In 2010 she held an event that her organization, The American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted, titled “Jihad: The Political Third Rail”, with speakers like Allen West, Wafa Sultan ...

Regulus Star Notes: Reposting of Chuck Thompson's Oct ... 20, 2013 · Here is an Aug. 2012 New York Times review of his book.This review notes that the political philosopher and historian Michael Lind -- a person I have frequently mentioned on this blog and who as a native Texan frequently discusses the excessive and harmful influence of the South's modern day "Nabobs, Bourbons, and Big Mules" in damaging America -- wanted nothing to do with this book.

AEI Political Report: Income Inequality 02/03/14 | Opinion ... Political Report: Income Inequality 02/03/14 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. In the early 1970s, when pollster Louis Harris began asking people whether they felt the “rich get richer and the poor, poorer,” two-thirds said they felt that way. Harris has asked the question many times since then, and in each response, two-thirds or more have ...

Foreign Affairs | True Blue Blog 31, 2006 · A dictatorship is easier than a democracy.. Unfortunately Hu proved that point in Washington, D.C., not Beijing. According to the notoriously liberal Drudge Report:. The arrival ceremony for Chinese president Hu Jintao was interrupted by a protester who appealed to President Bush to stop Hu from 'persecuting the Falun Gong,' a banned religious movement in China.

Trump Has Used the "Bully Pulpit" More than Any President, one of Obama's main promises was to "bring the country together" and work with the other side because, as he famously said in his 2004 convention speech, "There is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America."

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: ROBERT GATES: Former U.S ... 11, 2014 · ARTICLE: "Bi-partisan Critic Turns His Gaze Toward Obama" In His New Memoir, Robert M. Gates, the Former Defense Secretary, Offers a Critique of the President. After ordering a troop increase in Afghanistan, President Obama eventually lost faith in the strategy, his doubts fed by White House advisers who continually brought him negative news reports suggesting it was failing, …

Foreign Aid | The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized. Roosevelt was the first president to leave the continental U.S. It’s too bad he wasn’t also the last. Politicians and celebrities with an urge to see poverty only need to visit the Mississippi Delta or some of the neighborhoods in American cities.

political parties – Eric Lightborn's Blog first round of ... would lead to higher taxation through “bail out policy” and a ... and extreme levels of verbal hostility toward Pro-Reform activities was the true end result of the national debate on health care via town hall meetings across this country.

LMFAO: Sarah Palin Calls Nancy Pelosi A ‘Dingbat’ – No ... 01, 2012 · Sarah Palin’s Friday appearance on Sean Hannity may have produced the funniest moment of the year. In response to a question about how Congress and Mitt Romney should deal with the Supreme Court’s ruling that ObamaCare is constitutional, Palin took a bit of a detour:

Opinion Forum » Multiculturalism in 23, 2012 · 6 Responses to “Multiculturalism in Action” larry | February 23rd, 2010 at 6:31 am. Brianna BRAVO. Tom | February 23rd, 2010 at 7:55 am. I second Larry’s “bravo.” There’s nothing exclusively liberal or conservative about being respectful of other cultures, sympathetic to the needs of other people, and “open” in terms of our minds and our purses (when we can afford …

Glenn Beck: Liberal bloggers unleashed - Glenn Beck is a no-holds-barred conversation with only one rule: civility. If America is going to heal and move forward, these are the kinds of conversations we must have. Glenn's esteemed guests include: Dave Rubin: Host of The Rubin Report on BlazeTV . Sheriff Chris Swanson: White Michigan sheriff who marched with protesters

Barack Obama Is A Fool - Blogger throws the liberals under a bus. Well, guess what. He's going first : Readers were greeted this morning by news that President Obama...

TV Preview: Logo's "Rick & Steve" - rodonline.typepad.com, Logo will premiere its animated new comedy series Rick & Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World. The series is politically incorrect, the plots are ridiculously subversive and the writing hilarious. Rick & Steve is like South...

Liberal Candy: Examining "Pro-Life" Propaganda 03, 2007 · Planned Parenthood is opening a new full service health center in Aurora, Illinois. Joseph Scheidler, the head of a group called the Pro-Life Action League, sent out this truly disturbing fundraising letter, which outlines their crusade against the Aurora clinic. In the letter, Scheidler refers to Planned Parenthood as an "abortion mill" and a "killing chamber."

Is President Obama playing Defense when he should be ... 06, 2011 · About this site….. This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is…..

Larry Tomczak – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America isn’t scheduled for a main-stage slot at the march, but he’ll be making appearances at the Planned Parenthood protest, the evangelical summit, the lawyers’ event and a Family Research council event, along with a related Students for Life event on the West Coast on Sunday.

Today at the Waterfront | Sohum Parlance II 20, 2018 · This is why I criticize Humboldt County for all its LOUD talkers. Nothing’s changed for the good of the people. Jumping on dinosaur political campaigns doesn’t do jack to change the system so that the 1% takeover is reversed and the 99% take back control of earth.

Cannot Understand Normal Thinking | The Rogue Jew 08, 2006 · Cannot Understand Normal Thinking! As offensive as this might sound, take the first letter from each of the words on the title of this post and that is who we have as the NEW Majority Leader in the Congress. The Howling Moonbat from San Fran …

No More Mister Nice Blog 01, 2010 · PAUL KRUGMAN STILL DOESN'T GET IT Well, I take that back. He certainly gets the results of what would happen if we made massive spending cuts in the middle of terrible unemployment, but he doesn't understand the political reasons as to why it's being done.To whit: But don’t we need to worry about government debt? Yes — but slashing spending while the economy is still deeply …

POLiticshttps://manu-politics.blogspot.comThe central theme in the 2010 Conservative manifesto was the so-called ‘Big Society’. After the 2010 General Elections it has become the ideological flagship of the new coalition government. The prime minister and his Lib Dem deputy said people should have more say over planning decisions and voluntary groups be able to run public services.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: TRUMP'S EXECUTIVE CABINET TEAM ... 02, 2016 · When reported to be in the reckoning for a cabinet role, his business manager said that was the “last thing he would want”, because he “feels he has no government experience.” This was not a great recommendation for a job that includes responsibility for the federal government’s efforts to alleviate urban poverty.

Sheriff David Clarke | Bloviating’s be honest. Hillary Clinton couldn’t care less about anyone but herself. As far as she was concerned she was forced to have a child in order to further Bill’s political goals so as not to appear unapproachable and to mimic a family.

Iddybud Journal: 04/04/10 - 11/04/10 05, 2010 · My daily blog of progressive politics, faith, photography, and my life in Upstate New York. "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you angry." - Aldous Huxley

Iraq – Page 2 – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. March 2020; S M T W T F S; 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

Obama gaining crucial ground | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 04, 2008 · Maine and Nebraska are the only states that apportion electoral votes by congressional district, and the Obama campaign is reciprocating by maintaining a 15-person staff and a steady if light television advertising presence in Omaha, hoping to squeeze out a win in Nebraska’s Second Congressional District.

David Drake: Dems Continue Showcasing Their Hate is how The Left treats their political opponents, with proud, prominent, self-gratifying displays of unbound hatred. And none of this surprises or shocks those of us who know that all The Left is about. This is all they stand for, all they can create and assemble; a Culture of Hate.

John Grant | progressivenetwork | Page 2 John Grant, This Can’t Be Happening, 8/27/15 One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit. … The realms of advertising and of public relations, and the nowadays closely related realm of politics, are replete with instances of bullshit so unmitigated that they serve among the most indisputable and classic paradigms of the concept.

Marian's Blog: Wash, dc Local may make "strange bedfellows," as the saying goes, but there have to be limits, and every now and then I reach one of mine. In this case, for me, it's around the 2008 U.S. presidential election. As Peter Finch's character shouted in the film Network, …

Scott Brown | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog was the first US senator to encourage Brown in his run for the seat left vacant by the death of liberal lion Edward M. Kennedy, and Brown has said he idolizes the former Navy pilot. In conclusion, naked Scott Brown is totally gay for John McCain, which is …

Regime Change Comes to Australia! | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 25, 2007 · SYDNEY: Prime Minister John Howard’s election loss was an ignominious end to a 33-year career for a man who in some ways redefined both his country and its politics. His coalition lost some 30 seats in the 150-seat lower house to a resurgent Labor Party on Saturday, and it appeared likely that Howard had suffered the additional indignity of ...

June 2013 ~ European-American blog 05, 2013 · The European-American blog analyzes political, ... This is not the first book I read about atheism, but it definitely made me stop and think hard about my own views. ... For a while now, my Muse has been on strike, stubbornly refusing to do her job of inspiring me to write. I go through the motions, poking my brain, trying to stimulate the ...

Ezra Klein: The Perfect Pander first 846 words, which were a Kennedy-esque denunciation of elevating religion into political litmus test, and then the rest of the speech, in which Romney elevated his religion into a litmus test, said his faith, and belief in Christ, ensured that he passed it, and then warned the Christian Right to focus on their real enemy: the secular left.

Hustlers and the Idiot Swarm | WriteChic Press 29, 2010 · In his new book, Hustlers and the Idiot Swarm: A Working Class Rant for a Doomed Civilization, Manny wrestles with paradox and unpacks the oh-so retarded narrative dominating political discourse. How could 60% of us want less government spending, 60% of us want less government regulation, while at the same time 83% of us are insistent that the ...

Steve Chapman: Law and justice - Chicago Tribune prevents learning –- since, after all, why should we listen to a 'fascist,' or a 'socialist,' or a 'right-wing nut,' or a 'left-wing nut'?" Obama has been the target of a lot of ignorant epithets. But as the debate on the Arizona immigration law shows, liberals can also be needlessly incendiary.

Political Irony › McCain’s Frequent Liar Program 07, 2008 · McCain’s Frequent Liar Program It isn’t often that irony hits this close to home, but the revelations in the Washington Post that McCain’s campaign is giving out prizes to people who spam political blogs explains some strange things that have been happening to …

Proud Liberal: Dan Nelson and John Thune 06, 2005 · That was the first mistake as I wanted to get another Mazda or a ford ranger but could not find one when my insurance company paid my truck of and I got another vehicle it was a ford expedition and I was a gas hog. I was looking for a ford ranger in the later part of June and found one at the family Hyundai dealer in Rapid City, SD.

As killer whales starve to death, public anger drives a ... 03, 2019 · That was the summer the Southern Residents lost seven members, including one of the J Pod’s elderly matriarchs, who scientists say are the acknowledged leaders of the pods and repositories of the stored knowledge essential to the whales’ survival. But it was the death of J28 and her calf that stirred people to action.

Lance McCullers | Wide World of Stuff a Happy Friday to you all. I’m not going to get into the horror show that was the Supreme Court hearing Thursday because I don’t want to get boiling mad again, but suffice to say it’s never been more clear in this country that for one of our two major political parties, white men still reign supreme and always will, and women’s thoughts, actions and beliefs will never, ever matter ...

Nancy Pelosi Emerges As Unexpected Villain At Netroots ... 14, 2019 · PHILADELPHIA ? The chatter at Netroots Nation, a progressive gathering that attracts thousands of people each year, was expected to be on the rising influence of the left on the 2020 presidential election. But frustration with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, once considered an avatar of San Francisco liberalism, has emerged as a constant theme ? centered on her…

U.S. Government Approval | 10 Outrageous Reasons Black ... 23, 2014 · From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. The blacks lynched accounted for 72.7% of the people lynched. These numbers seem large, but it is known that not all of the lynchings were ever recorded. Out of the 4,743 people lynched only 1,297 white people were lynched.

Team Trump threatened to kill pandemic relief bill if it ... Action . The crux of the Post report is a quote from an (again) anonymous "senior" official who says the administration told Congress "very clearly that the president was not going to sign the bill" if money was included for the U.S. Postal Service. Senators were able to wedge a $10 billion Treasury Department loan into the bill, after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told them they ...

Trump's America - Political Topics - Unstuck Politics Forum 04, 2019 · I just watched the first episode of the Gemstones last night. It’s unbalanced, and has moments of Cohen-esque filmmaking - wish it was a little “smarter”… I like it over all but think it could have been much better. Maybe it’ll improve in later episodes.

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 4-28-2010 09, 2010 · George Wenschhof Today, President Obama continues his midwest Main Street Tour - he will visit a biorefining plant and wind farm in Missouri before heading to Quincy, Illinois to speak about the need for Wall Street reform. has more here. Obama approval rating at 54% - highest since mid-November 2009 - new Washington Post/ABC News poll conducted from 4-22 to 4-25.

Kushner OK'd Khashoggi Arrest, Turkey Heard Call ... 30, 2019 · Kushner OK'd Khashoggi Arrest, Turkey Heard Call & Blackmailed Trump If your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed.

National Organization for Marriage – Arts and Politics ...“For years I’ve been saying, ‘Look, look, we’re living in very prophetic times,’” Gallups said. “Israel is back in the land, Russia and China are in the Middle East, ISIS has exploded, Christianity is being exterminated, on and on down the list you can go … And so, now, we turn to what Jesus said in Luke 17.

Russell Glasser's blog: December 2007'm mainly posting this for the benefit of my sister-in-law Lynn, who I know is a huge Obama supporter. This is a remarkably positive article about Barack Obama by Matt Taibbi, who is usually incredibly cynical regarding both sides. Yes, he throws in a healthy dose of skepticism in describing the "well-oiled political machine" that Obama actually has at his command.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2010 · Don't you realize that Obama used threats against BP to fashion the extortion back room deal with BP to create a slush fund that Obama's Czar will control. This is the Chicago Corrupt Politics way to make money from a slush fund where there is usually very little public accountability.

archives | The Smirking 06, 2019 · In his latest op-ed, Thomas Edsall featured the winning paper in the American Political Science Association’s Psychology Division, entitled A 'Need for Chaos' and the Sharing of Hostile Poltical Rumors in Advanced Democracies, by Michael Bang Petersen, Mathias …

Mueller Puts the Responsibility in the Hands of Congress ... 18, 2019 · Image Credits: AP/J. Scott Applewhite/Getty/Win McNamee. In the excerpt below, which I’ve taken from Volume 2, page 8 of the Mueller Report, we can clearly see that the Office of Special Counsel believes that Congress can and presumably should exercise its “authority to prohibit a President’s corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice.”

08 | February | 2010 | Veracity Stew 08, 2010 · Murtha was a tireless advocate for the military, and was the first Vietnam veteran elected to Congress. He came under fire in 2005 when he gave a speech on the House floor criticizing George Bush over the Iraq war. That speech is credited with turning the tide of opinion in Congress over the war.

Friday Open Thread |Phoebe Snow Week | 3CHICSPOLITICO 06, 2017 · Lawmakers, Facebook in standoff over lifting veil on Russian ads. Facebook is refusing to let the public see 3,000 election-related ads the Kremlin placed on its network during the 2016 presidential race – including posts suspected to have been part of what many U.S. lawmakers and the American intelligence community now agree was a campaign to drive voters to choose Donald Trump …

clarkblog: George Clooney’s new film Good Night, and Good Luck reminds us, journalists have a sacred duty to report the truth, no matter the danger to themselves, and whether or not the public wants to hear it.. After 9/11, our national media became willing lapdogs for political and corporate interests. Americans cowered in fear, George Bush received the highest approval ratings of any president ...

MJ | Shadow Democracy from Newsweek Written by Fareed Zakaria. At a meeting with reporters last week, President Bush said that “if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing [] from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.”These were not the barbs of some neoconservative crank or sidelined politician looking for publicity.

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 09, 2013 · Musharraf Charged with Murder of Bhutto - A court in Pakistan charged former military dictator Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday with the 2007 murder of Benazir Bhutto in an unprecedented move likely to anger the all-powerful army. The indictment of the army chief who seized power in a 1999 coup - once Pakistan's most powerful man - was almost an unthinkable event in a nuclear-armed country …

Frederick Politics: Bickel Wants to Restore Dignity to ... 12, 2014 · He also wants to see the Sheriff’s office receive more federal funds, something Bickel says Sheriff Jenkins has failed to do, pointing to a $500,000 federal grant Jenkins turned down when it was brought to his attention from former Maryland sixth district Representative Roscoe Bartlett’s office.

The Man Who Sank New Jersey: How Rabbis' Money Laundering ... 23, 2009 · At the heart of the probe was the money. The politicians are accused of taking bribes. And five rabbis are accused of laundering it through their non-profit religious institutions, while keeping a cut for themselves. One Brooklyn man, who was among the 44 charged today, was even accused of trying to broker a $160,000 deal for a kidney transplant.

law | Btx3's Blog | Page 2 the question would have to be put to a judge or jury, but I think there is a legal basis for a conviction based on Jones’s threat which was made ‘with intent to impede, intimidate or interfere’ with Congressman Schiff’s exercise of his duties as the ranking member of the committee investigating the connection between the ...

'The Closer' Starts Delivering... | The BRAD BLOG's ironic that his mentor was the man who coined the phrase, in a negative context mind you, "the politics of personal destruction." Even the old Bill Clinton wouldn't have stooped to calling a sitting President "incurious," morally weak, "a coward," "bully," "fearful," "obsequious," and basically crooked.

Larry Wilmore | The BRAD BLOG Tuesday night's Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, the show lambasted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for showing up to showboat before Congress two weeks before his own election back home, and for misleading everybody on Iran.. But it was this "ad" --- as seen in the video below from 1:50 to 2:30 mark --- that we enjoyed the most. Particularly the last li

Freedom Writing: Shaken, Not Stirred 16, 2011 · Author's note: In March 1956, Ian Fleming published "Diamonds Are Forever," in which James Bond's preference for a martini that was "shaken, not stirred" became known.In the 1950s, television was not new. It had been developed decades earlier, but it didn't play its first major role in American politics until the mid–1950s.

Some Words About Holiday Giving | The Liberal Doomsayer 22, 2008 · In yesterday’s New York Times, columnist Nicholas Kristof attempted to shame liberals into increasing our donations to those most in need this season (here, including the following)… Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable…

read my mind: Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death! Me Liberty or Give Me Death! ***** ***** The very reason for the First Amendment is to make the people of this country free to think, speak, write and worship as they wish, not as the Government commands. - Justice Hugo L. Black ***** Why Liberals Love Dictators 101 Social Injustice, Poverty, Militarism, and Disenfranchisment ...

I Can't Wait For Barack Obama To Become President | The author David Michael Green is a professor of political science at Hofstra University in New York. He is delighted to receive readers' reactions to his articles ([email protected]), but regrets that time constraints do not always allow him to respond.More of his work can be found at his website,

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News ... Daily Ripple: US & World News - Progressive News focus. Fact-based information and scientifically researched analysis on politics, environment, and human rights. Socially conscious music to …

GOP’s Congressional Shutdown To Cause Delayed Tax Refunds 19, 2013 · By Doug Porter It’s pretty easy to dislike the Internal Revenue Service; a fact of life exploited by Congress on a regular basis. Since 2010 the …

Monday Open Thread | Holiday Music | 3CHICSPOLITICO 21, 2015 · Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!”, also known as “Let It Snow”, is a song written by lyricist Sammy Cahn and composer Jule Styne in July 1945.It was written in Hollywood, California during a heat wave as Cahn and Styne imagined cooler conditions. One of the best-selling songs of all time, “Let It Snow!” has been covered countless times.

Louisiana – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who is blatantly anti-Semitic, highlighted a list contained in his copy of the “ Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible “ —which was published in 1900 and claimed that there were 7.5 million Jews in the world at the time—and used it to question how six million Jews could have been killed in the Holocaust just a few decades later.

University of Minnesota Scientist Drops Bombshell About ... 04, 2012 · Yesterday, the University of Minnesota's Dr. Bernadette Gillick was best known as a nationally recognized scientist for her research into how the brain recovers from injuries.. After today, she will likely be forever known for coming forward and telling the world that Scott Walker fathered a child and refused to take responsibility for it while at Marquette:

Sunday Praise & Worship | The Christianaires | 3CHICSPOLITICO 26, 2019 · This is a good example of bias in the @nytimes: a picture of a person who is considering not complying with a subpoena is basically a glam shot, and it’s framed as a …

PO(TU)S – George W. Bush | TheZoo I just want to make a comment about the obvious issue and that is the failure of Congress to act yesterday. Its just not acceptable. […] This is just a not acceptable situation. I’m not saying the perfect answer. If I were dictator, which I always aspire to be, I …

Political Maelstrom. View the Storm from Above.: February 2008 Maelstrom. View the Storm from Above. Tuesday, February 19, 2008. Final Word On SuperDelegates. Okay, so SuperDelgates continue to bubble up in news articles as soon as there is a lull between primary races, but I want to take a stand, once and for all, on how I feel about them.

Fascist’s | The Word of Me... | Page 2 Taseer, the Pakistani governor of the Punjab province who was killed by one of his own bodyguards for being too liberal and wanting to reduce the penalty for blasphemy from death to a lesser sentence, apparently was considered too liberal by mainstream Muslims in the country.. From The National Review by Jonathon Goldberg 1-7-11 “A group of more than 500 leading Muslim scholars ...

Should Pete Stark hand over his crown? | years ago, California Congressman Pete Stark became America's highest-ranking atheist when he affirmed to the Secular Coalition of America that he is a Unitarian Universalist who does not believe in a supreme being. Recently the SCA claimed that 22 other lawmakers privately confessed their non-belief, but until they grow some balls (or ovaries, as the case may be), the title goes to Stark.

James Comey | The Liberal Doomsayer has ultimately led to the behavior shown in this pic, by the way – this ties into a bit of what I got into here.. I saw this item from Hillary Clinton, and I thought I needed to respond.. Yes, Hillary Clinton is right to say that the despicable actions of FBI Director James Comey contributed to her loss to Donald Trump (ugh) in the presidential election.

Congress’ screwing around causes the American stock market ... 04, 2011 · Japan News Today This is an interesting website that tried several different themes before it hit on posting Japan disaster pictures. Now, it is taking off. Jeff Jarvis' Buzzmachine — Jarvis is one of the premiere web media “thinkers”, and has been for years. Nejibana Meaning twisting flowers. But “it’s not twisted. It’s Japan”.

Political Irony › Au Revoir to Paris? 01, 2017 · Trump has accomplished almost none of his campaign promises other than appointing a conservative Supreme Court justice, and this is one of the few things that Trump can do without help from a Congress that is increasingly opposing him. And, perhaps most satisfying to Trump, it is a big chance to petulantly destroy one of Obama’s big achievements.

Trump « Green Response Earth Action Team 03, 2017 · A reported recent sale of a 19.5% stake of Rosneft to a shadowy owner with links to the Cayman Islands seems strangely coincidental. “ Who is the real buyer of a 19.5 percent stake in Rosneft?” Sergey Aleksashenko, a former deputy head of Russia’s central bank, wrote in his …

Political Irony › Reset? 22, 2016 · As far as the hotel business, as you said, his prospects look pretty bleak, given his history and now with lenders of any size more recently keeping their distance, wary of being stiffed again. There’s an interesting and revealing blog post by Sir Richard Branson (Virgin Group) describing his first meeting with Trump.

Opinionated Catholic: The Liberal Betrayal of Progressive ... 02, 2012 · Last year there was emotional business involving Liberal Baptist Jim Wallis. See Liberal Christians Attack Obama Spiritual Adviser Jim Walli...

meghan mccain twitter | Daily Dose, Meghan McCain’s boobs can’t really talk, but thankfully, Meg’s Twitter feed is such a treasure trove of good quotes, they really don’t have to. Politico even put one of Meghan’s tweets in its “Politi-quotes: The week in one-liners,” but I think she deserves a whole list to herself.. First, there was Politico’s pick, Meg’s tweet about killing a cockroach in her ...

Who rules? That’s right…ME! | Veritas Nihilum Vincet – a backward yet striving gang of folks who can’t make up their minds…or find the political capital…to abandon a hideously repressive, utterly fucked up version of government that permits martial rape, the subjugation of women and minorities, and protects people who win arguments by hacking up their opponents with AK-47s.

April | 2009 | Veritas Nihilum Vincet | Page 6 posts published by cousinavi during April 2009. Pakistan – a backward yet striving gang of folks who can’t make up their minds…or find the political capital…to abandon a hideously repressive, utterly fucked up version of government that permits martial rape, the subjugation of women and minorities, and protects people who win arguments by hacking up their opponents with AK-47s.

MIKE TURNER | LEFT OF DAYTON | Page A Wall Street Journal editorial claimed that President Bush’s proposed $5 billion increase in funding over five years for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program would be a “20% expansion.” But the Congressional Budget Office found that Bush’s proposal would underfund the program by $9 billion during that period. An October 13 Wall Street Journal …

Congresswoman Lummis heartbreaker story with Obamacare ... 09, 2014 · All right. I watched the whole Gruber hearing farce today. This sums up the whole thing. Rep. Cynthia Lummis finishes her questioning time at the health care hearing by talking about her husband, who died from a heart attack, and the problems they had with health care. My heart just broke for Congresswoman Lummis. Her…

Fast Food Review: Carl’s Jr. Buffalo Blue Cheese Burger ... 29, 2013 · This entry was posted in Food and tagged Buffalo Blue Cheese Burger, Carl's Jr., fast food, Food, opinion, reviews on August 29, 2013 by comradedread. About comradedread Living in Los Angeles, I am a family man with a theology background mostly interested in economics, politics, religion, and good fiction.

The Rude Pundit 12, 2012 · So one of the only mentions of the sale of guns in the opinion pretty much says, "Yeah, go ahead and regulate it. That's your fucking jobs." We don't even need to get into the affirmation of the consitutionality of gun-free zones, like schools. Congress has all the constitutional tools it needs to do something.

What are Illinois’ real pension options now? – Blogs On ... 18, 2016 · Though the subject of state pension reform has sort of dropped from the headlines lately, buried by tons of other news, the reality is just as big and ugly as ever, with unfunded liability in Illinois' five pension systems alone hitting $111 billion as of Dec. 31. Now comes a new paper on what realistically…

TigerHawk - Blogger Henry Hoover was the first First Lady to entertain a black woman as her guest in the White House (the wife of a black Congressman elected from Chicago) and caught huge grief for it. Anyway, nobody is defending his presidency. Outside of the presidency -- both before and after -- he was one of the greatest Americans of the 20th century.

“How does the FBI insulate itself from political pressure?” 06, 2017 · JUDY WOODRUFF: We turn next to the American investigations into Russia, its meddling in the 2016 election, and whether Trump associates were involved in at all. The congressional probes have been the focus of late. But the federal bureau of investigation is looking into the matter as well, putting that bureau under scrutiny again for its handling of yet another politically sensitive case.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2011 · ALL OUT IN WISCONSIN The Tea Party is absolutely terrified of the Wisconsin state senate recalls of the GOP who went to bat for union-busting GOP Gov. Scott Walker, and they are going all out with the hate speech. The founder of Tea Party Nation claimed liberal ideology is responsible for "a billion" deaths over the last century during a raucous rally here Saturday in support of one of the …

Wow - The New New Editor We are the new media. Historical US House Composition. ... People never surprise me with such ignorance just look at the irony of how we make fun of this person who is a supposed liberal loony but is giving kudos to the Bush Administration. ... but it …

Strange, Ominous, and Unreal | caucus99percent storm is coming. A political storm, an economic storm, a global storm of catastrophic climate change consequences, an existential storm that will rage from the shores of America to the Pacific Rim, from the steppes of Eurasia to the oil fields of the Middle East, from the vanishing ice cap of the polar north to the vanishing ice cap of the polar south and everywhere in between. Edith Wharton ...

Webb’s Web Of Deceit – Biased BBC 23, 2012 · It is an irony that Webb here suggests blame for distorting and polarising politics in the US can be laid at The Web’s door. The ‘fabrications, the lies, the nonsense’ that comes from the Web are all to blame. Well yes….he’s right….it’s just that he blames the wrong Web.

Donald Trump | Exceptional Delaware 23, 2017 · This is, by far, the worst selection of candidates the two major political parties in our country have ever picked. ... but it was a holiday and the only post I put up was things to be thankful for. A few days later, I found out about the NEA President’s comments. ... Even more insulting was the fact that he did not apologize for his actions ...

sisu: Whither goest thou? "Only a living thing can go ... the Tide" by Rob Colvin. "Shorter NYT: Tea party is out of the mainstream because members are white, religious and socially conservative," twitter buddy Hale Razor writes re Robert D. Putnam and David E. Campbell's inadvertently self-revelatory New York Times op ed, "Crashing the Tea Party," a fact-challenged, politically correct dismissal of us and our fellow constitutional ...

The Huck Upchuck: 06/01/2003 - 07/01/2003 12, 2003 · The 'Weak' in (National) Review AND Cuaderno Latinoamericano - Two for one, how 'bout that! The National Review Online has a rare piece on Latin America written by Guest Commentator Mike Krause. As a specialist myself on Mexican Politics, I must say that I found the article to be perplexing, if not misleading. As far as I can tell, Krause seemed to be railing on the PRI, lamenting the ex ...

Kevin Powell: Rowan Williams' Easter Message 22, 2005 · But it is the same hope for healing that is shown when we also look at how we can put our resources at the disposal of programmes to combat disease and poverty. This is not an additional extra - the boring bit of a message in which all the excitement is generated by church politics.

Right-wing media feeds its post-election anger | Out ... 10, 2008 · The proposal, in fact, emanated from a single economist, one of many experts testifying to a congressional committee. The president-elect has thus far shown as much interest in taking over your 401(k) as he has in moving the capital to Nairobi. (If you look hard, you might find that one somewhere out there in the blogosphere, too.)

Boro Leaders Back Gillibrand by Howard Koplowitz, Ivan ... 18, 2010 · New York’s a big state, but it’s not clear to me yet whether or not he’ll be in the race.” Gillibrand, a former congresswoman representing Albany, was handpicked by Gov. David Paterson for the Senate seat after former U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton was chosen as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state last year.

Banks tell Congress to just give small businesses ...!READ THIS BEFORE YOU GO Dear Reader, This feels like the most important fundraising drive since The Revival of the Progressive Party (1912 | 2018), with enormously high stakes and so much passion. In “Our Movement” we unveil the reality we are all facing and how we rise to the challenge. — If you’re able to, a critical moment to propel the Progressive Party to new heights ...

al-Qaeda | Spinny Liberal of her friends had a meeting at the WTC and would have been there as the towers fell. He miraculously missed it – it wasn’t his time. To this day, she still can’t watch 9/11 documentaries. This is big for her. She gave me a hug and said, “Good day.” 10 years. It took a decade, but he’s finally gone. This was the justifiable war ...

Move Your Student Loan – Hoofin as the concept radicalized into some kind of debt-servitude, the favorable terms began to disappear. First, the loans used to be exclusively at a “subsidized rate”, usually zero percent. Then–because it was the era of high inflation–Congress allowed rates like 9% or …

Fresh Air | kavips 11, 2008 · Fresh Air. April 11, 2008 in ... Later we debated one of the Queen’s court hired guards ... And they have been bending their legislator’s ears enough, so that unless a politician felt totally secure in his seat…..he voted today in the House, to approve of having Russ Larson vote for Bluewater Wind.

History of CIA Torture: Unraveling the Web of Deceit, Part ..."The widespread abuse of prisoners is a virtually foolproof indication that politicians are trying to impose a system --- whether political, religious or economic --- that is rejected by large numbers of people they are ruling. Just as ecologists define ecosystems by the presence of certain ...

OpenSecrets Dot Org | The Pardu's Scroll us at 2 p.m. on Monday, April 22, for a live webchat on “Shadow Money Magic: How to Play Big in Politics, Hide Your Donors and Game the IRS.” Step 5: Relax, Regroup and Procreate Nondisclosing groups — most of them 501(c)(4) organizations — told the FEC that they spent more than $300 million in the 2012 elections.

10 | February | 2011 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 10, 2011 · Blaze:. In a statement to ABC News, Jamie Smith, director of the office of public affairs for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, said Clapper was commenting on the political system in Egypt rather than the makeup of the group itself: To clarify Director Clapper’s point — in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood makes efforts to work through a political system that has been, under ...

NY-20 Special Election 'Too Close to Call' | The BRAD BLOG the respondent New York State Board of Elections and the Commissioners thereof to certify the name of James Tedisco as elected to the public office of Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, 20th Congressional District, in Dutchess, New York, at the Special Election held therefor on the 31st Day of March, 2009, or alternatively enjoining the improper issuance of a certificate of ...

Conservative Blog Therapy 04, 2006 · "Men will always be mad, and those who think they can cure them are the maddest of all." - Voltaire "It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." - Thomas Sowell "The firm basis of government is justice, not pity ...

Donald Trump says he is looking forward to being ... 08, 2018 · — POLITICO (@politico) January 25, 2018 Courtesy of the New York Times: “I’m looking forward to it, actually,” Mr. Trump said of talking to Mr. Mueller, answering months of speculation over whether he was willing to submit to questions from the special counsel, who is also believed to be looking into whether the Trump campaign aided Moscow’s effort and whether the president sought to ...

“Let Me Make Myself Perfectly Clear”: I’ll never tell ... 08, 2009 · The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives is a coveted position by many politicians. Landmarks around Washington and the United States have been built to honor these great politicians of old. Hailed for their abilities to turn ideas into law, to craft and implement policies, to keep their party's in check and…

politicians | 44-D 09, 2009 · From Buckley to Beck. by Peter Struck Back in 1996, I had a correspondence with William F. Buckley, Jr., who, like many of those on the Right at the time, had a habit of claiming ownership over the ideas and spirit of the classical past. So it wasn’t altogether surprising to see him on television aligning himself with Socrates and pressing for the triumph of absolutes over relativism.

Radical Islam | Spinny Liberal `Alaykum. I’ve been thinking a lot these days about Islam. I attribute it to the revolution in Egypt and an extremely throught-provoking post by one of the first people I blog-met on WordPress. Can We Trust Islam as the Liberals would Have It? Of course, the title itself pushed my buttons.

FOX – Eric Lightborn's Blog again, I have been proven to have been correct in my assessment of both the motives and character of one of the right-wing’s poster boys: James O’Keefe III.. The same man who lied before the American public with the assistance of Fox News and Sean Hannity has been caught trying to once again fabricate vicious lies against others for the sake of political gain.

Islam | Spinny Liberal 11, 2011 · But it’s extreme! There are different flavors of Islam. There are women who choose to wear the veil. Just because a woman is wearing one doesn’t mean she’s going to go all suicide bomber on you. I’ll be the first to admit I was taken aback when I first saw one.

Barbara Boxer | The Liberal Doomsayer 25, 2012 · That’s the largest drop in GDP since the first quarter of 1982, when the economy suffered a 6.4% decline. More to the point, I’m not going to play this game about Obama and spending, since he didn’t create the deficit to begin with (yes, he added to it, but you have to spend to invest and demand has to come from somewhere).

Liberal Lion | The Senate Agenda Blog 01, 2009 · The New York Times gave rave reviews for Sen. Kennedy’s memoir to be released Sept. 14th.. And that, in a sense, is the theme of this heartfelt autobiography: that persistence, perseverance and patience in pursuit of a cause or atonement for one’s failures can lead to achievement and the possibility of redemption.

Motor City Liberal: At The Last Presidential Debate ... amounts to a $2.1 trillion increase over a ten year period that the military says it does not need and Romney has no plan to pay for it. 4) “[W]hen — when the students took to the streets in Tehran and the people there protested, the Green Revolution occurred, for the president to be silent I thought was an enormous mistake.”

read my mind: James Traficant Does Jail time for Opposing ... that just about everyone in Congress is an unindicted felon why was the US government in such a hurry to have Traficant jailed on trumped up charges? What made him so different? Well, for one thing, he was outspoken in his opposition to the criminal behavior of the State of Israel - and that made him a very rare Congressman indeed.

Buckdog: Justin Trudeau Leaves A Great Deal To Be Desired ... 14, 2012 · Justin Trudeau was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was born into a very wealthy family and has never had to eat macaroni and wieners for the rest of the week because that was all he had to cook in the house. I doubt that he has ever run out of household money before the pay cheque arrived at the end of the month.

James Bonar | Law of Markets 1911, James Bonar wrote a review on the publication of the Ashley edition of Mill’s Principles of Political Economy which was published in The Journal of Political Economy, titled: The Economics of John Stuart Mill.It perfectly summarises the consensus view of Mill’s economics at the start of the twentieth century, which shows just how far from the centre Mill’s economics had already ...

An Open Letter To All Americans | The Smirking Independents: Those of us who consider themselves free thinkers are on a better track. One of the worst things that ever happened in American politics is that we ended up with only two political parties. It is a sham that a nation as diverse as ours has have only an either/or choice. The sooner we have a third, fourth and fifth party the better.

NRA Declares All-Out War On New York Times: 'We're Coming 05, 2017 · NRA Declares All-Out War On New York Times: ‘We’re Coming For You’ (TWEET/VIDEO) By. Darrell Lucus - August 5, 2017. 688. SHARES. Facebook Twitter Subscribe Whatsapp Pinterest Reddit Pocket ...

Barack Obama, Joe Biden And The 2016 Update of The Benny ... 26, 2015 · Who would be more committed than a guy who is actually addled enough to believe he really *was* serving Barack Obama’s 3rd term? The only guy that dumb still in President Obama’s Rolodex is none other than Joseph Biden. On most days Joe’s even clean and articulate. It …

January 2012 – Metadata: What Lies Beneath of Congress has a beta version of its new e-resources online catalogue. According to its description, “with this catalog you can browse our databases alphabetically or by subject area. You can search for journals and see the coverage and which of our subscription resources have the title. There are a number of freely accessible websites recommended by staff and a selection of e-books ...

2011 August « Jamesb101.com 27, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The BRAD BLOG : Good News Where We Can Find It and 'The ... on The BradCast, while it may be pretty slim pickings, we're actually able to carve out a bit of good news, here and there, at the end of the first week of the Trump Presidency (which already feels like a year).[Audio link to show is posted below.Among the stories covered on today's show... Still more of Donald Trump's closest political appointees and family members are found to have ...

December | 2015 | Beaver County Blue: Voice of the 17th CD 09, 2015 · Pittsburgh is poised for growth for the first time in 60 years. Will the city’s African-American community grow with it? By Ryan Deto . Pittsburgh City Paper. It used to be that community activists, politicians and developers would fight over allowing the gentrification of …

Hillary Clinton – Enough With the Past and Focus on the 14, 2008 · The discussion of Hillary Clinton becoming the next Secretary of State has picked up to a feverish pitch in DC - and in the media. The media, with very little to talk about, is wondering how two political rivals could possibly work together, particularly with the animosity that was shown during the campaign. The media…

secretary of state | The Liberal 14, 2008 · The discussion of Hillary Clinton becoming the next Secretary of State has picked up to a feverish pitch in DC – and in the media. The media, with very little to talk about, is wondering how two political rivals could possibly work together, particularly with the animosity that was shown during the campaign.

RCEDC’s List of Directors and Officers, While T-Rex Barks 07, 2019 · Foxconn Manufacturing Campus as Promised by RCEDC and Racine County Politicians The following list is taken from the RCEDC 2017 Form 990, available at the previous post. It is an interesting mix within a taxpayer funded Organization that has no accountability to those who fund it. What is happening in Racine County has been planned…

RCEDC’s List of Directors and Officers, While T-Rex Barks 07, 2019 · Foxconn Manufacturing Campus as Promised by RCEDC and Racine County Politicians The following list is taken from the RCEDC 2017 Form 990, available at the previous post. It is an interesting mix within a taxpayer funded Organization that has no accountability to those who fund it. What is happening in Racine County has been planned…

Negro Spirituals | All Other 11, 2008 · But more interesting, perhaps, was the public reaction of Jesse Jackson Jr., the reverend’s 43-year-old son, who is a congressman from Illinois and the national co-chairman of Obama’s campaign. The younger Jackson released a blistering statement in which he said he was “deeply outraged and disappointed” by the man he referred to, a ...

Black Politics | All Other about Black Politics written by lunchcountersitin. All Other Persons Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned… by adding to the whole number of free persons… three fifths of All Other Persons.

Wise Law Blog: Ezra's Day in "Kangaroo Court" Lights up ... 12, 2008 · Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.. Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog also highlights key decisions of Canadian courts, with focus on Ontario Family Law, Ontario Employment Law and …

Gerry Fulcher | kavips | Page 2 small thing that happened this past year but had great consequences over local politics, was the eradication of Hannity from WDEL and the instillation of 1) an additional hour of local issue talk radio under Fulcher, and 2) what may be called a radio news magazine, under the responsibility of Allen Loudell.

1153 « Mercury Rising ?? 22, 2011 · Asia awash in red. Pre-market futures now predicting a break below resistance, which means either "nothing" or "Katie bar the door", depending on what actually happens tomorrow. FT says Asian markets worried by what Fed says, which is basically, "You are in the hands of Congress." I guess that is pretty scary. _____ Update: We're…

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 08, 2019 · Even though 3Chics Politico is written and curated by three women: Ametia, Rikyrah, and SouthernGirl2, I must nominate this as one of the most engaging blogs I've found. Devoted to politics and culture, these three shine a light …

George Stephanopoulos | Out Foxing Karl Rove 23, 2008 · ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Oprah wants her, and so do Letterman and Leno. Fresh from her political defeat, Sarah Palin is juggling offers to write books, appear in films and sit on dozens of interview couches at a rate that would be astonishing for most Hollywood stars, let alone a first-term governor.

food « Mercury Rising ?? about food written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Rokita | Sheila Kennedy Facebook friend shared this statement from Indiana congress-critter Todd Rokita: After many emails, phone calls and letters, as well as meetings with all involved, I’m pleased to announce a long-term solution to low-flow situations along the Tippecanoe River: Late last week, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service agreed that NIPSCO, operator of Oakdale Dam, should allow the river to …

The Bulldog Manifesto 20, 2005 · The response to this was the obvious one, that where these names are common people were quick to point out they were not involved. It just so happens that every single one of these "Hey but I'm alive" stories predates the FBI releasing the pictures of the hijackers at which point they stopped.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2006 · OK, odd. Tom Baxter and Jim Galloway, political bloggers for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, have a theory as to why Ralph Reed lost his race to be the GOP's candidate for lieutenant governor yesterday: in part, because he isn't considered a …

dialectic of neurosis | This Is dialectic of neurosis might explain the preference of party labels over real results, but is it a twisted identity politic or something deeper, like a craven need for perpetual Manichaean dualism? Close, low-scoring contests are the height of professional sports a , but disastrous for political outcomes.

Journalism | Smart and silly move came after Mr. Williams, who is also a Fox News political analyst, appeared on the “The O’Reilly Factor” on Monday. On the show, the host, Bill O’Reilly, asked him to respond to the notion that the United States was facing a “Muslim dilemma.” Mr. O’Reilly said, “The cold truth is that in the world today jihad, aided and ...

Monique Chism | Exceptional Delaware 14, 2016 · Lindsay O’Mara was the former Education Policy Advisor for Delaware Governor Jack Markell. She obtained a job at the US DOE, but I wasn’t aware of her title there until I just looked now. This link shows O’Mara was a political appointee but does not show who appointed her.

How Rich People like Gordon Sondland Buy Their Way to one exception was the Reagan administration, which got the figure up to 38% by sending Reaganites to places like Rwanda and Malawi, where normally only career ambassadors would dare to tread. The question of percentages of political versus career ambassadors is one that sometimes attracts media interest, mainly because it is always higher ...

Common Sense: Seeking NSA political job m4m"I'm wondering who put him up to run in the first place," Mr. Borden said. "I don't approve of anybody selling their body." Selling their soul for political office, on the other hand, is perfectly all right. Jeez, I'm full of snarky little comments today. Bottom line is this: a …

Notes in Samsara: Identity Politics and Zen Buddhism 10, 2017 · I have written quite a bit on this site about identity politics before, and privilege. Whatever I've written in the past few years, I generally still affirm as my views, although I freely admit that those posts probably adheres to Mumon's rule: In 20 years, posts about race, gender, sexuality, privilege and class will likely be cringe-worthy demonstrating some kind of form of disrespect.

Motor City Liberal: President Obama Check-Mates Health ... Obama Check-Mates Health Insurance Lobby. by Spandan C/The People's View There are a lot opinions going around about President Obama's press conference this morning on the Affordable Care Act and its implementation. I see it as a singular thing: check mate. Once again, to quote my fellow contributor here at TPV, the president saved ...

Crime Archives - I mentioned in a prior post concerning the Karr – Ramsey case, liberals have a point in terms of letting the judicial process play out before accepting a “defendant’s” guilt or innocence. From the right wing we hear language such as “the rights of the victim vs. the rights of the criminal”. The problem […]

No Right Turn: Time to reform local electoral law 04, 2012 · So, apparently the disclosure rules in the Local Electoral Act allow a candidate to solicit a large donation, instruct how it is to be paid, phone the donor up to thank them after it has been received, and then claim the donation is "anonymous".To call this "unsatisfactory" is an understatement. The purpose of the law is transparency, to allow the public to know who a politician is beholden to.

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 10, 2011 · George Wenschhof NATO Assumes Control of No-Fly Zone - NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen differs with the U.S. and Britain interpretation of UN mandate and says it does not include the arming of the rebels. has more here. U.S. Covert Ops in Libya - not a surprise, as C.I.A. operatives always go into a country prior to an air campaign to clarify and target areas for bombing.

Political News Summary: Friday, January 16, 2009 16, 2009 · :: Economist, and New York Times columnist, Paul Krugman, joins the crowd of bloggers and media who are clamoring for Bush and Cheney to be held accountable for their crimes. On a personal level, I was torn about this, but I have come to believe that they must be held accountable. Without accountability, there really is nothing to prevent a future president from repetition of the acts …

Asheville Progressive - Page 24, 2016 · Last night, DFA members gathered in living rooms across America to watch the critically-acclaimed film “True Son” — the amazing story of how an underdog candidate sparked a political revolution in his hometown, just like Bernie Sanders did in …

foreclosure | Eclectablog won’t do him any favors in his bid for the seat held by Kerry Bentivolio, who’s on shaky ground himself. David Trott’s reputation as a foreclosure vulture precedes him. And it’s going to be a huge albatross hanging around his neck in his campaign in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District.

Political Irony › Making Private Prisons Great Again 24, 2017 · Private, for-profit prisons have failed. They cost taxpayers more than public prisons, are less safe for prisoners (the one private prison in Idaho has 4 times the number of prisoner-on-prisoner assaults than the seven public prisons in the state combined), have had repeated scandals (including one where judges were bribed by the prisons in exchange for harsher sentences on juveniles in order ...

There is No Safe Ground for the President's Defenders ... 30, 2019 · It has long seemed like Trump, though a symptom of a larger problem — the complete moral bankruptcy of our society to an extent and one of our major political parties lock stock and barrel — might very well suck that corrupt and corrupted party down the tubes. I think that’s what we’re watching but it’s playing out in slow motion.

The Liberal Investorhttps://liberalinvestor.blogspot.comMar 04, 2009 · Captain of the scent hounds, the beagle has one of the best noses on planet earth, and when trained accordingly makes for a great hunting dog. My dog, Daisy, pictured in the large pictures above, is a retired hunting dog abandoned in 2005 in upstate New York.

Redeye's Front Page: Congressman (sic) Mo "anything short 11, 2015 · Not.It ought to be against the law to use the public airways to spew hatred, bigotry, and misinformation, but it's not, so Alabama's CD 5 Congress Critter Mo Brooks went there when he made an appearance on Radio Boy's show. "We’re paying them about $15,000 a year in free health care, free food, free shelter, free clothing, free transportation,” Brooks said.

Maryland Politics Blog | Wise men and political seers of ... hired Maryland state director Dave Schwartz, a longtime Ehrlich aide, straight from the Harris congressional campaign. Mr. Schwartz stayed on with the Harris campaign after the election, drawing his last paycheck on February 1, 2009; by March 2, 2009 he was blogging on the AFP website on behalf of “AFP Maryland.” From Harris to AFP—Same goal, new boss.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2009 · No such comity for freaks on the left. But more than a problem for "getting things done." Its an insult--an insult to the voters who are asked to give time and money and votes to a candidate and to a party. No one voted for "good old Joe" or for "good old Chris Dodd" to be able to go play in the sandbox every day with their friends.

Why_and_how_should_civil_servants_be_subjected_to ... issue of how should civil servants be subjected to political control can be traced to the. ... they are the foundations upon which public administrations rest and which enable them to. ... This is to ensure that the person appointed has the expertise to handle the.

Contempt | Lonnie Walker's Blog 30, 2011 · This is the idiot you people said could lead the country. As I sit here, I’ve seen my dogs show more leadership qualities than the liberal messiah has. That’s beside the point, you Obama supporters elected a jackass to run the country.

US News: Don’t Look for Congress to Quickly Pass Overhaul ... 05, 2017 · The following is an excellent article written by Stephen Ohlemacher of the Associated Press on the US News website on April 3, 2017 titled "Don't Look for Congress to Quickly Pass Overhaul of Tax Code" and I quote: "Don't Look for Congress to Quickly Pass Overhaul of Tax Code" Whether a tax overhaul can be…

Carl Gallups – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Biasi’s Drug Store enjoyed longtime downtown presence By Bill Kemp – For the better part of three generations, Biasi’s Drug Store was one of the busier places in downtown Bloomington. The David Davis Mansion , also known as Clover Lawn , is a Victorian home in Bloomington , Illinois that was the residence of David Davis , Supreme ...

September | 2009 | American Commentary Blog 10, 2009 · The explosive interview article in The American Conservative Magazine sparked a vehement denial of Sibel Edmonds’s account by Congresswoman Schakowsky’s office concerning Turkish agents attempts to blackmail the Congresswoman with a lesbian affair. The background of the episode can found at The Brad Blog.Here follows Sibel’s formal response and after, Rep. …

NiceKicks « Jamesb101.com 20, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Frederick Politics: Lessons from London 09, 2009 · Successful in his second try, the commission, under Reagan, began to repeal parts of the Fairness Doctrine. By 1985, Reagan decided the doctrine hurt the public interest and violated free speech rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. How’s that for irony? In 1987, the FCC abolished the Fairness Doctrine.

wall street | ScreamBucket Markets Are Not Rational March 18, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in Commentary, Economics, news, politics. Tags: adam smith, aetius romulous, business, culture, Economics, economy, life, news, politics, society, wall street 2 comments. The markets are rational. From that inviolate truth, a pillar of economic thought for 233 years, flows all else economics understands about the markets ...

ACLU Wants Environmental Justice In Stimulus Projects 02, 2009 · 2) If, as the ACLU states, fewer than 1/2 of the minorities have driver licenses, how are they going to get to a light-rail transit station? 3) In the past, you have cited Marc Levine's study from the UW Milwaukee Center of Economic Development.

Sovereign citizens | Left is Right place to discuss politics and current events. Stay updated via RSS. Recent Posts. From Grand Wizard to “racial realist”

Drudge Report | We Have Seen Better Days and a host of domestic issues. An AP-Ipsos poll also found that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) is a more popular figure than the president and her colleagues on Capitol Hill, though she faces a gender gap in which significantly more women than men support her.The survey found only 35 percent approve of how Congress is handling its job, down 5 percentage points in a ...

Largest U.S. Nurses' Union Champions New Medicare for All ..., Feb. 27, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- National Nurses United (NNU) announced its strong support for the new Medicare for All Act of 2019, introduced today by Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), with backing from more than 100 members of Congress. "As the largest union of registered nurses in the country, we could not be more proud of Rep. Jayapal for leading the way on this legislation ...

Climate Change | ME's Political Rant 25, 2016 · An open letter to President Obama. Mr. President, I want to say first of all, don’t worry about my vote. You have it. I liked you even before the video –I’ve liked you ever since that keynote speech back in 2004—and even though you weren’t my progressive dream candidate (she’s doing a crackerjack job as your Secretary of State, an appointment I heartily approve of), I was ...

Campaign Slogans | Politics Of The United States | United ... Slogans - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

Hillary " Tonya Harding" Clinton's Colombia Ties DON'T ... 05, 2008 · Wolfson, who is set to take over many responsibilities from the departing Penn, resigned from Glover Park last year to avoid conflicts of interest but retains an equity interest in the firm. The tangled web of connections on the trade issue inside the Clinton camp illustrates the thin line in Washington between private and political advocacy.

Balkinization: Post-Acquittal Detention Administration’s litigating position is that there is an ongoing, non-international armed conflict (i.e. a conflict not between two states, but between the United States and the organization Al Qaeda); and that the 2001 AUMF passed by Congress gives it ongoing authority to subject certain individuals (just who is the central subject of ...

The Political Tipster | Tips and commetary on ‘political ... leads by only 4.84. My new projections are (my methodology is here): Barack Obama 49.44 John McCain 44.60. Linear regression analysis of polling trends since the selection of Sarah Palin as McCain’s running mate suggest an Obama victory of 9.15 in the popular vote.

13: May 2010 a doubt, hypocrisy is one of the main currencies in politics. Both liberals and conservatives partake. But it pisses me off when treason-inciting, Tea Party-loving, small-government proponents like Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) have the tax payers foot the bill for his expensive temporary digs while his state deals with a sizeable budget deficit. Oh, the outcry if were one of those tax-and ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 09, 2010 · RAND PAUL: TOO GOOD FOR THIS WORLD I'm predicting that Rand Paul is going to come through his Civil Rights Act flap with flying colors, because the right is beginning to coalesce around a message: the incident reveals the virtues of Paul. Paul, we're told, is an honest private citizen. He's not steeped in the evil ways of the politician.

The Rectification of Names: Speaking of ethics, that would be the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center, established by section 1115A of the Social Security Act (as added by section 3021 of the Affordable Care Act). Congress created the Innovation Center for the purpose of testing “innovative payment and service delivery models to reduce program expenditures …while preserving or enhancing the ...

UPDATED: Political Blogs and Influence Just how important 14, 2008 · See UPDATE at bottom of post! The LA Times today ran an article today by Geo Washington U’s Eric Sides and John Lawrence – “Who listens to blogging heads?” – that basically poo poos any influence the Internet’s plethora of political blogs have over fellow citizens. In fall 2006, political scientists, including us, representing about 30 universities conducted a survey of 16,000 ...

The Next Hurrah: Update on the Debt Limit 30, 2007 · So now it's official--Treasury Secretary Paulson says that the federal government will hit the current debt ceiling of $8.965 trillion in early October.And he says Congress needs to act to raise the debt limit for the fifth time during Bush's presidency. In September. Right around the report from General Petraeus that will give Bush his marching orders on Iraq, and Congress will finally deal ...

Blue in Guadalupe: April 2011 First Amendment says in part “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. The Supreme Court has ruled on more than one occasion that this amounts to a separation of church and state.

September 11 Anniversary | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Post- First Posted: 09-11-10 09:23 AM | Updated: 09-11-10 09:23 AM. NEW YORK (AP) — Politics threatened to overshadow a day of mourning Saturday for nearly 3,000 Sept. 11 victims amid a polarizing national debate over a planned mosque blocks from the site where Islamic extremists attacked America.

Politics | Geckoblue – Aaron the first and second debates, John Kerry won simply by allowing the president to lose. Tonight though, the president came prepared and, particularly in the first half, beat Kerry soundly. Bush’s answers were, on the whole, much more robust … Continue reading ?

Netanyahu Is Meeting Trump To Push For War With Iran | The 19, 2017 · About author Trita Parsi is founder and president of the National Iranian American Council and an expert on US-Iranian relations, Iranian foreign politics, and the geopolitics of the Middle East. He is author of author of Losing an Enemy - Obama, Iran and the Triumph of Diplomacy; A Single Roll of the Dice - Obama's Diplomacy with Iran; and Treacherous …

Georgia Politics | All Other Persons Wilder Era Comes to a Close in Virginia. Doug Wilder, the trailblazing African American politician from Virginia, is about to end his career as an elected official. In 1990, he became the first African American ever to be elected to governor of an American state. Wilder, has been serving as mayor of Richmond, Virginia since 2005.

Afghanistan – Skeptical Brotha about Afghanistan written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Dr Kevin Bonham: April 2016 fact Morgan was the first poll to have the Coalition ahead on 2PP (two weeks earlier but not in the current week), and reputable aggregates all still show the Coalition with a slim 2PP lead. The attention on Newspoll in the political classes to the exclusion of most others has long been disproportionate but may be becoming even more so.

Colmes shows some teeth - - POLITICO.com shows some teeth. I gave Alan Colmes a bit of a hard time yesterday for not being included when his co-host, Sean Hannity, interviews GOP presidential candidates. But after Hannity's sit ...

Re-elect nobody | 31, 2006 · Last Tuesday, 2 November 2010, was the day the Free and the Brave had pledged to "Re-Elect Nobody" and "throw the bums out" of Washington. Instead, with their woolly heads filled with billions of dollars worth of political propaganda, half-truths and outright lies paid for in no small part by foreign and anonymous corporate donations legalized ...

elinor | 44-D Ostrom, the Arthur F. Bentley professor of political science and professor of public and environmental affairs at Indiana University, will receive this year’s Nobel in Economic Science.The announcement was made Monday morning in Stockholm, Sweden. Ostrom is the first woman to win the prize in Economics since it was founded in 1968, and the fifth woman to win a Nobel award this year ...

One Nation . . . Indivisiblehttps://1nationindivisible.blogspot.comThis was the second attempt by Congress to pass a stabilization act after the first failed, in part, due to overwhelming popular opposition. It seems that the average American taxpayer found it unconscionable to spend their tax dollars bailing out private institutions whose poor judgment, greed and often illegal activities led to the problems ...

Mainstreet - Ontario February 2017 | Opinion Poll | Ontario - Ontario February 2017 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. February 17, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) – A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll finds Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives would earn the support of almost 1 in 4 voters if an election were held today as the Ontario Liberal Party and Ontario NDP battle for second place.

Dana Busted: May 2014 05, 2014 · Loesch defended the fired by HGTV Benham Brothers' bigoted homophobic comments by stating "I don't find Christian views to be political." Ehrlich correctly called out Loesch's BS bunk arguments by saying that "they cloaked their political views as Biblical." Further in the interview, Loesch baselessly claimed that "being pro-choice and pro-homosexuality doesn't make you a Christian."

Vagabond Scholar: Blogiversary III: The Sequel 11, 2008 · Meanwhile, "A Pox on One of Your Houses," "Somehow, This Seemed Appropriate" and "Post Postmortem Post" chronicled the internecine warfare in the liberal blogosphere as the primary season entered the Thunder Dome stage. In film, there's the 2007 Film Roundup and an appreciation for the great departed Ingmar Bergman.

Homeland Security | Spinny Liberal far as the radicalism being preached in mosques, what exactly is he suggesting we do? Turn off the mics? There is still something called Freedom of Speech in this country. The Westboro Baptist Church can spread their twisted message, and a recent Supreme Court decision reminded us of this freedom.

Buy This Book! | Sheila Kennedy these two figures are a signal of possibility and a turn forward to true governance without divisiveness in our country’s political future. Thanks for the book recommendation. I will be adding it to my summer reading list. And if there’s any opportunity to bring “Mayor Pete” to Indy to speak, I would certainly queue up for a ticket.

Mary Mitchell – Skeptical Brotha presser was a comedians dream and the clumsy injection of race by Congressman Bobby Rush was sadder than it was despicable. First, seeing how Bobby has physically suffered from throat cancer was heart breaking, but his reasons for supporting Blagojevich in his bulls*it was even more tragic.

The Obamas’ Religion: Radical Black Liberation Theology ... 22, 2008 · The Obamas’ Religion: Radical Black Liberation Theology. Again, not that this matters to Obamaniacs, but… Via Lee Cary at The American Thinker: Obama’s Mentor’s Mentor The influence of the black liberation theology of James H. Cone appears in the political philosophy of Barack Obama as well as in the recent controversial statement about national pride made by Michelle Obama.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee: June 29, 29, 2008 · I'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Russell Glasser's blog: April 2003 14, 2003 · Russell Glasser's blog Musings about games, religion, politics, and other forms of entertainment. ... The first half of the movie is a perverse pleasure to people who enjoy horror movies done right. But this movie also becomes a comic book, when we get the cliche giant faceless alien and the insane military commander. ... concept from beginning ...

Obama signs Executive Order empowering Kill Switch over ... 12, 2012 · Not much excitement about this apparently.So what he cannot do by Congressional action, he does by fiat. The interesting part is that his Executive Order was posted in the Federal Register and gives 30 days for responses. Presidential powers over the Internet and telecommunications were laid out in a U.S. Senate bill in 2009, which proposed handing…

Sohail Mohammed | The Liberal Doomsayer, efficiency and insurance administration are the most important reasons U.S. spending is higher than spending in other countries. One study estimated that relative to other major industrialized nations, the U.S. pays 70 percent higher prices for drugs, has substantial excess capacity and low productivity in outpatient facilities, and ...

Death Of Liberalism…. | kavips 02, 2013 · With the first half of this year gone, it is obvious a change has occurred across the continent of the United States. Liberalism is dead. Now this doesn’t mean that people who were liberals suddenly switched and changed their mind. No, not at all.. The electorate is divided as it always is.

queens of the stone age | Electricity & AV Club compiles a list of movies that created Wes Anderson.. The Onion praises the healing power of sports.. PopMatters begins a week long celebration of television on DVD, starting with the building blocks of classic box watching.. Slate gives a genuinely funny round-up of the year’s US political videos and discusses Palme D’or winner 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days.

Palin, Fox and the End of An Era | The Smirking for a while, it looked like the push might work. In 2010, it seemed like Palin and Beck might just succeed in helping Fox change the face of American politics with their signature calling cards of continuous conspiracies (Beck) and perpetual victimization (Palin). But it never happened.

josh homme | Electricity & 03, 2008 · The AV Club compiles a list of movies that created Wes Anderson.. The Onion praises the healing power of sports.. PopMatters begins a week long celebration of television on DVD, starting with the building blocks of classic box watching.. Slate gives a genuinely funny round-up of the year’s US political videos and discusses Palme D’or winner 4 Months, 3 …

Emerging Middle Class | Zambian Chronicle | Page ABC-TV outlet in Houston, and now the Houston Chronicle, have posted a video taken at a political fundraiser for Pete Olson, featuring George W. Bush last week — capturing some embarrassing/revealing moments after, he noted, he had asked cameras to be turned off.

San Diego Politico: Sheriff so fast!! Gore is not only qualified to be Sheriff, but if experience was the only qualification for entering the race for Sheriff of San Diego County, Gore would be the only candidate. Great Job Sheriff Gore for all of your hard work and dedication to SD County, during good times and in recent bad times.

Congressman Ehlers Avoids Answering Hard Questions at Town ... 05, 2008 · On Saturday morning, Grand Rapids Congressman Vern Ehlers hosted his annual “town hall meeting” at the Gerald R. Ford Museum. For the most part, the format was the same as it has been in recent years (see coverage from 2005, 2006, and 2007), with Ehlers delivering prepared remarks and then fielding questions from audience members that …

February | 2013 | Politicians Are Poody Heads new Jimi Hendrix album (a compilation from the huge tape library he left behind after he died) is scheduled to be released March 4. You can hear individual tracks from the album at NPR.. He had an enormous talent, and his death was a great loss to the world.

04 | October | 2017 | Wide World of Stuff 04, 2017 · The best political ad of the year, by Lindsay Graham’s opponent. And a “pandemic sport” involving beer cans that’s wildly impressive; Good News Friday: The most promising coronavirus vaccine set for final stage of testing. A human teaches a dog to communicate in an awesome new way, And a quick video of a baby, doing cute baby things.

The Scots | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! 19, 2017 · The Scots - by Mustang who writes at Fix Bayonets and Thoughts From Afar A bit of change (but not much) for our usual fare of modern American politics. I am writing today a trifle report on a manuscript by former Secretary of the Navy Jim Webb —also a former senator and a presidential candidate in 2006. Webb’s book…

David Letterman Jokes about Child Rape | Kerfuffles and ... 10, 2009 · This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 10th, 2009 at 10:04 am and is filed under America, children, humor, liberalism, news, politics.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

GOP | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Post. Ryan Grim. Posted: 08/30/2012 12:29 am Updated: 08/30/2012 11:52 am. TAMPA, Fla. — Paul Ryan pledged Wednesday that if he and his running mate Mitt Romney were elected president, they would usher in an ethic of responsibility. The Wisconsin congressman and GOP vice presidential candidate repeatedly chided President Barack Obama for blaming the jobs and housing crises on his ...

Conservative Blog Therapy 08, 2008 · "It is an object of vast magnitude that systems of education should be adopted and pursued which may not only diffuse a knowledge of the sciences but may implant in the minds of the American youth the principles of virtue and of liberty and inspire them with just and liberal ideas of government and with an inviolable attachment to their own country."

Tuesday Open Thread | The Demons Are Coming for Obamacare ... 02, 2018 · hat tip-Liza One of the Obamacare warriors is sounding the alarm: You know what to do. Man the phones again.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 08/11/2013 - 08/18/2013 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

When Wisconsin Blows Its Stimulus $$ On Highways: A Prediction 10, 2009 · Reagan, Bush I and Bush II already ran up 75% percent of the federal debt of all time, all to fight wars of choice on credit (cutting taxes on the wealthy during war time so our kids and grand kids could pay for it, increase the share of the economy devoted to financial paper five-fold, coddle the "health care" insurance bureaucracy that ...

The Political Environment: Walker's Pleading Poverty Is A ... 01, 2012 · Walker's Pleading Poverty Is A Classic Talk Radio Muff Gov. Walker told the annual GOP love fest hosted by WTMJ-AM conservative talker Charlie Sykes Monday night that his wife Tonette Walker would like him to get out of the political world and go …

Politics | Link Categories | Dear Kitty. Some blog 26 November, the natural history museum, jointly with the Dutch Malacalogical Society, had a theme day on seashells and snails.. Rob Vink lectured there on nerites.. These snails are unique, in living not just from The Netherlands to the tropics; but also from fresh water to brackish water to oceans.. To collect them, the lecturer had traveled to Ambon and, more to the east, the Kei islands ...

Monday Open Thread: Whitney Houston Week | 3CHICSPOLITICO 17, 2014 · This week will be dedicated to The Voice: Whitney Elizabeth Houston. I still can't believe she's gone. Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012) was an American singer, actress, producer, and model. In 2009, Guinness World Records cited her as the most awarded female act of all time.[1] Houston was one of…

civic illiteracy | Sheila Kennedy, so here’s what worries me. A lot. In the most recent GOP debate, we were treated to outright prevarication. Lies. Blatant untruths. The fact that politicians of both parties will lie (this certainly isn’t the first time!) is not what concerns me; what scares the bejeezus out of me is the fact that they can do so secure in the knowledge that very few members of their target audience ...

Political Miscellany @ 7/28/08 | All Other Persons 28, 2008 · The New York Times is reporting a split in the Congressional Black Caucus over legislation that bans certain types of cigarettes. Right now, tobacco is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. This means the FDA has limited authority to control the content and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products. A bill in…

Manny Pacquiao | Philippines | Sports to Forbes, he was the second highest paid athlete in the world as of 2015.[6] Beyond boxing, Pacquiao has participated in basketball, business, acting, music recording and politics. In May 2010, Pacquiao was elected to the House of Representatives in the 15th Congress of the Philippines, representing the province of Sarangani.

Charlie Foxtrot: Bloodshed & Liberal Invective: A Bizarro ... & Liberal Invective: A Bizarro World NYT Editorial Sunday's editorial in the NYT was everything you would expect it would be. Half-thought-out reasoning, and heavy-handed conclusions lifted straight from Media Matters for America, blaming political rhetoric for …

do not have any friends, even on OPP.." You... ass, Are you so pathetic that you look to OPP for friends?? Of all the stupid and ignorant comments the right wing nuts make on the forum, that is the saddest and foolish est of them all..

JustOneMinute: Show Me The Coattails! Politico on Obama to some nervous Congressional Dems: ‘Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me.’ The Las Vegas Review-Journal on Harry Reid's Presidential visit:. WASHINGTON -- During his whirlwind visit to Las Vegas two weeks ago, President Barack Obama mentioned U.S. Sen. Harry Reid by name four dozen times, gave him a big hug and talked him up as if he was a ...

like re-writing history. You are either too young to... like re-writing history. You are either too young to know what really happened, or too old and your memory is fading. The handling of the hostage situation was one of the major issues Americans voted the peanut farmer out. Saying that he inherited the bad economy is downright dishonest.

Useful idiot « Mercury Rising ?? 06, 2011 · (from UCLA Today) Margot Roosevelt of the Los Angeles Times has reported that climate change skeptic Richard Muller, a physicist at UC Berkeley, testified to Congress that his first review of the data-- whose largest funder is the Charles Koch Foundation--unexpectedly confirmed the scientific consensus that there is global warming (or, perhaps more accurately, climate…

Tickle The Wirecourt Archives - Tickle The R. Bromwich, who was the DOJ’s inspector general under President Bill Clinton, tweeted to “all career DOJ employees:” “Report all instances of improper political influence and other misdeeds to the DOJ IG, who is required to protect your identity.” “This is not what you signed up for.

WMC floods wetland filling 'debate' with polluting nonsense 03, 2017 · [Updated from 11/4/17] More on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's and the GOP/big business war on water policy: Turns out you don't need all those wetlands, sez the same WMC and newly-minted water front-group exec: Lucas Vebber: Wetlands legislation is good for Wisconsin If his name rings a bell, it's because he helped convince the GOP-led Legislature to exempt the massive …

“You Lie” | The Liberal Doomsayer 12, 2010 · (Oh, by the way, “story” number two of seven – insert your snark here.) So basically, what we have here is a “reboot,” if you will, of the Al Gore “Ozone Man” narrative of the 2000 election (as the punditocracy told us, Gore was intellectual, not a “common man” like George W. Bush, couldn’t decide whether or not he ...

East Texas Liberals Respond: September 2009 29, 2009 · The latest manifestation of right-wing craziness has hit the airwaves. It seems that "President Obama is after our children!" In a fit of conservative paranoia in a season that has seen more than its share of the same, right wingers, stoked on a tad too much FOX news, are preparing to yank their kids in droves from school on Tuesday to prevent their hearing a special address to the nation's ...

Mentawai in Global Context | Washington Consensus ... IN GLOBAL CONTEXT (2): Globalization, Regional Autonomy, and the Innervation of Local Political Process in the Mentawai Islands. Glenn Reeves. This is a working paper put forward as an interim, initial, attempt to come to terms with some of the implications of Indonesia’s Regional Autonomy policy as it concerns the Mentawai Islands. As an issue set to play out over the next ...

Letitia James | The BRAD BLOG is just one more reason to be skeptical about Trump's intentions in the troubled South American nation (and media reports of same) as his own political fortunes worsen at home. And, in case you don't find Rubio wrong enough in his false claims about the aid trucks, just wait until you hear what the dumb cluck charged over the weekend ...

The immigration debate: Does Jesus matter? | The Least, First 17, 2007 · A pastor-friend emailed an article about the down-side of immigration. Here’s an edited version of my response: Dear _____ : The most challenging thing for me about this debate is not what liberals or conservatives think, or whether immigration has been largely good or bad, or whether or not it’s in the economic interest of the American citizen.

Neoliberalism Is Dead—But the Neoliberal Elite Didn’t Get’s hard for a true progressive candidate to compete when the majority of the liberal infrastructure—academia, think tanks, not-for-profits, the press, Wall Street, banks and wealthy backers—line up behind a candidate. But with people awakening to the consequences of neoliberalism, Biden is the wrong man at the wrong time.

Common Sense: 31, 2005 · Chronicling one political observer's descent into insanity. It's early, my brain isn't working and that was the only bell that rang when I tried to think of a headline for a John Courage post.. He's a popular guy these days, and I just found out he is going to be on Agonist Radio tonight.He will be live and held captive for one hour, forced to take your calls and and answer …

Motor City Liberal: Krugman: 'Right-wing billionaires ... 14, 2009 · David Edwards and Stephen C. Webster In spite of President Barack Obama's middle-class tax cuts -- swooping rates to well below those of President Ronald Reagan-- some persist in the belief that Obama is "the taxingist taxing taxer in all the taxing history of taxes," joked MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Monday night.Playing off a Sunday op-ed by New York …

The Market State: The Mont Pelerin Society the Mont Pelerin Society first met, in 1947, its political project did not have a name. But it knew where it was going. The society's founder, Friedrich von Hayek, remarked that the battle for ideas would take at least a generation to win, but he knew that his intellectual army would attract powerful backers.

Let Donald Trump Keep On Talking | Larry Gross Online 01, 2012 · Let Donald Trump Keep On Talking. Posted by Larry Gross on June 1, 2012. Posted in: Media, News, Opinion, Politics. 12 Comments. I want to call Donald Trump an idiot but I can’t and it’s killing me. I don’t think an idiot could have made all the money he has. I can’t call him smart either.

Trump's Tipping Point | The Smirking tipping point has been reached. Trump is now in decline, a rapid free-fall that we have all been expecting, except, of course, his "base." Few expected he would become president in the first place, given his history of fraud, spousal abuse, philandering, sexual predation, rudeness, bullying and complete ignorance and inexperience in political office or governance.

What to Make of the US's $2 Trillion Coronavirus Bailout 28, 2020 · Think for a moment of yourself losing a mere two weeks of work and of the cuts you would make to your spending. The world population is 7.8 billion people. Imagine that happening to 2,730,000,000 people. Not all of them are working adults. That number includes children, retirees, the sick and politicians. Putting people to work has a multiplier ...

Culture and Politics and Music | hiddennplainsight 31, 2018 · Yeah, I know. This is probably one of the “silliest” videos you’ll ever find on YouTube, or on anyone’s blog. That’s a given. But as a major dog lover, I must admit that this clip of “Mishka the Husky” always … Continue reading ?

OpenlineBlog: Aurora Housing Authority (AHA) Slumlords ... 08, 2011 · This is happening all over the country. Federal government provides funds for "redevelopment." Local politicians squander and steal it. Cops do not recognize white collar crime, or they are on the take. Mortgage, builder, and foreclosure fraud are the in the top five crimes afflicting America (ID theft and trafficking being the other two.)

Halliburton Pours Money Into Campaigns Of Congress Members ... 03, 2010 · (H/T to Driftglass.) Halliburton Pours Money Into Campaigns Of Congress Members Who Will Investigate Oil Spill. Gee, I Wonder Why. Crooks and Liars- By Susie Madrak Thursday Jun 03, 2010 1:30pm Just when you think Halliburton couldn't be any more blatant, and Congress members couldn't be any more corruptible, it gets worse. No, we don't…

Trump desperate for an enemy of his people – Digby's ... Lewis (foreground) is beaten by a state trooper in Selma, Alabama, on March 7, 1965. The future congressman suffered a fractured skull. Troopers used night

Will Dirty Chicago Politics Be The Undoing Of Obama? - The if Mike Royko were alive, one has to believe that despite agreeing with his politics, Royko would have been relentless in taking Obama down, hammering away in his own inimitable style at the influence selling, the sweetheart deals, the pay for favors, and all the …

Massachusetts « Jamesb101.com 26, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

OFFICIAL TRUMP IMPEACHMENT THREAD ***** - Page 200 | TexAgs 21, 2019 · One of the President's Constitutional Powers is in conducting foreign policy. Because of this, there is a pretty good argument that the ICA does not apply to appropriations for foreign government obligations. Another detail that stems from the above. Congress's only complaint under ICA is that Trump did not send notice.

JustOneMinute: The Times Discovers The Senate! 11, 2013 · The NY Times discovers the Senate and the Great Compromise; hilarity ensues.. Smaller States Find Outsize Clout Growing in Senate. The disproportionate power enjoyed in the Senate by small states is playing a growing role in the political dynamic on issues as varied as gun control, immigration and campaign finance.

Balkinization: Popular Monitoring of Popular Elections group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics

27 | March | 2005 | Blast Off! in exile 27, 2005 · But it is a step in the right direction to embrace the term “liberal” and thumb your nose at, as you put it, the “demonizing” of the term. 1 For those of you interested, our local Florida Today actually was the precursor of USA Today. You learn something new every day.

Washington State Political Report - Blogger idea came to Dunshee after watching four teachers strikes in his district in the past five years -- including a 49-day walkout in Marysville that was the longest in state history. But the teachers and school administrators were ironically united in their opposition to the proposal -- albeit for different reasons.

Cute Baby Animals | TheZoo, to get it out of the way, the first Manafort sentence – WTF was the judge in the VA Manafort trial thinking, 47 MONTHS? “…an otherwise blameless life…”? This is the guy whose lobbying firm partners were Roger “Nixon Tattoo” Stone and Lee “Evil Incarnate” Atwater, the slimiest trio of political operatives in several decades.

Justice | 3CHICSPOLITICO don’t know if you’ve been following the corruption trial in Baltimore, but it’s been an eye opener. This is the system that Mosby has been up against. This isn’t one or two ‘ rotten apples’.

A Proud Liberal: I Never Thought I Would Miss Nixon……Then ... 17, 2006 · Nixon had a lust for power but it was tempered by a certain respect for the office of President that Bush rarely even bothers to pretend to have. Nixon was swept into office on a landslide in 1972. Bush squeaked by in both 2000 and 2004. From these two statements alone, one would assume that Nixon was the one with more absolute power.

5-Year-Old Haitian Boy Miraculously Rescued After 8 Days! 02, 2010 · The aftershock was the strongest to hit Haiti since the January 12 earthquake, the USGS said. The quake last week was 40 times stronger than Wednesday's aftershock, but the latest still rattled people. Patients at a hospital near Haiti's airport in Port-au-Prince immediately started praying as the ground shook like a ship rocking back and forth.

Tiger's New Prenup Deal (Details)...Paying Elin To Stay?? 06, 2009 · The infamous voicemail message. (To Jamiee Grubbs) Are Tiger's endorsements in trouble? Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy (The Daily Beast) New Details on Tiger's Prenup The Daily Beast has learned exclusively that the beleaguered golfer is negotiating an immediate $5 million payout to his wife—and revising her prenup to give her as much …

Tell Christine O'Donnell : "Jesus Died for Gay People too ... 19, 2011 · "I'm not a witch. I'm just like you straight people.". Earlier this week Tea Party witch former political candidate Christine O'Donnell walked off the set of CNN's Piers Morgan's show, upset with his questions regarding her stance on gay marriage (even though she herself has said she discusses it in her book, the one that she was trying to promote on his show that night).

The Young Turks Filibuster On-Air (and Brad Jumps in to ... Young Turks, a daily radio program which broadcasts nationally from out here in Los Angeles, has been on the air "filibustering" since last Thursday evening.They have vowed to do so until they get 41 votes needed to keep a filibuster going in Congress over Sam Alito. They are now webcasting a video stream of the show.

Jared Loughner « Mercury Rising ?? about Jared Loughner written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

women in sports | Desert Beacon of the ideological strands playing out in American politics sets Real Women (of whom Leto could be proud) against True Women. Who are the True Women of American mythology? The attributes of True Womanhood, by which a woman judged herself and was judged by her husband, her neighbors and society could be divided into four cardinal virtues ...

Elizabeth Warren Shouting From Rooftops | Indiana Oracle 16, 2014 · That kind of thing is as old as the hills and disgusts nearly everyone. It is one of the reasons the tax code is such a dog’s breakfast. So, the bottom line is that government regulation, law, and political corruption are the major underlying causes for so much “corporate cronyism.”

Secret Bases · Potemkin village politics and economics, a Potemkin village is any construction (literal or figurative) whose sole purpose is to provide an external façade to a country which is faring poorly, making people believe that the country is faring better, although statistics and charts would state otherwise. The term comes from stories of a fake portable village built solely to impress Empress Catherine II by ...

Uncategorized | Semester In Washington Politics Blog | Page 2 was paired with SIWP alumnus Aaron Pickering (Summer 2005) who is currently serving as the Director of Communications at Direct Care Alliance. Prior to working at Direct Care Alliance, Aaron was the Senior Communications Specialist at Equal Justice Works where he provided communications support for national AmeriCorps programs.

Frank Melton | All Other Persons 02, 2009 · The New York Times is reporting a split in the Congressional Black Caucus over legislation that bans certain types of cigarettes.. Right now, tobacco is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. This means the FDA has limited authority to control the content and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products.

Bernie Sanders « Mercury Rising ?? about Bernie Sanders written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

The Wisdom of Bill Maher | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... 08, 2010 · Commenting on the false equivalency of right and left wingnuts, perpetuated by the March to Restore Sanity, Bill Maher nailed it. Here’s the transcript from his show … And finally, New Rule, if you're going to have a rally where hundreds of thousands of people show …

The Political Environment: McIlheran Leaves Out The Facts 07, 2008 · That's closer to the truth, because the ad was misleading, but McIlheran leaves out the heart of the racial issue that the critics have correctly identified. The point absent from the McIlheran piece is that pairing the photos was designed to make a negative racial connection in the ad.

Flores vs. Drilon [Executive] | United States Congress ... his treatise, Philippine Political Law, Senior Associate Justice Isagani A. Cruz defines appointment as "the selection, by the authority vested with the power, of an individual who is to exercise the functions of a given office." Considering that appointment calls for a selection, the appointing power necessarily exercises a discretion.

Mike Pence, the 25th Amendment, and "it ain't gonna happen Andrew Sullivan's latest New York Magazine installment, he writes that "It will take a further collapse in polling support for the Cabinet or the Senate to take their responsibilities seriously." This of course is a reference to the invocation of the 25th Amendment (although I don't know why Sullivan singles out the Senate, insofar as both houses of Congress are needed for action).

F-35? Israel shows extraordinary “chutzpah” at AIPAC ... 23, 2010 · The Pro-Israel Lobby's Plan to Storm Congress TIME By Michael Scherer / Washington Monday, Mar. 22, 2010 Most days, lobbyist Steve Aserkoff focuses on directly shaping the opinions of his assigned target audience — 14 U.S. Senators and 65 members of the House. But on Sunday, the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) operative faced…

OpeyemisPoliticalViewshttps://opeyemispoliticalviews.blogspot.comIt wasn’t right when President Bush instructed the National Security Agency to authorize wiretapping of American citizens without court warrants. It violates the people’s Civil Liberties (which are the people’s protection from the government). I know a time of war, but that doesn’t give the president the right to disobey the law.

tcnorris: 02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009 28, 2009 · The first will likely be in B.C. on May 17. In lotus land the economy of Gordon Campbell is tanking just as the Olympics construction boom is winding down. Despite the downturn the most recent Mustel Poll suggests the BC Liberals have a 14 point lead coinciding with …

WorldNetDaily – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America it was to be a one-way wall, where the state would not dictate to the church, but the church would certainly play a role in the state. – Louie Gohmert: ‘Separation of church and state’ means ‘church plays a role in the state’ by DAVID EDWARDS – GOP Rep. Gouie Lohmert : Separation of Cracka and State Always Meant ‘ Cracka Would…

Shiny Ideas: February 2011 27, 2011 · But not very helpful, for purposes of arguing against ‘social management’, with an eye for basic structure in politics. Because, after all, society is either not owned by anyone, in which case the argument is a dud, or it is owned by everyone, in which case it backfires. The voters are the ultimate stockholders, or no one is.

Congress Bail Us Out Now | United States Congress | United ... Bail Us Out Now - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This is the Bail Us Out List to Congress from We the people on the Main street. Wall Street has its share of bail-outs, now is our turn. Should Congress not hear our cries for bail-out, they will be swept out to the tumultuous Obamanami ocean together with us!

Impolitically Correct: October 2006 Correct I'm an American who loves his country but really worries about it now. This is a place for rants I can't find on the Internet, mostly political, I think they're correct (I'll change them if you can show me I'm wrong), and I'm very impolitic about my opinions, hence "Impolitically Correct" is …

MSNBC | DrMyers's Blog 21, 2015 · Washington, District of Columbia July 21 — The Jazz Community will gather on and off stage to celebrate with entertainer Aaron Myers as he brings in his birthday through music and pool-side fun. Rumors are rampant that other local entertainers, club owners, politicians, and a host of other notables will be in attendance.

Congressman Christopher Smith – Hoofin[Update 12/24/11: From what I read on Tony DelVecchio’s site, the girl coming back to Wisconsin is the first American child released by Japan– since 1945, I would gather.] [Update 12/24/11 Number #2: The Harper’s article that is a link above was the one about efforts to get the U.S. Congress to support justice for the “Comfort Women ...

As a matter of fact, yes it is (sm) - MTStars a matter of fact, I do ..... and as a (rational) independent, I find it really important to know all sides of all stories. And, until this alleged tape of Michelle Obama is released and proven to absolutely be her, you are basing all of this on really sketchy accusations made by a relatively unprofessional news outlet.

‘The Hunt’ movie ads pulled – ‘Elites’ hunt and gun down ... 07, 2019 · "Nothing better than going to the manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables." Universal is about to release a movie in which liberal "elites" hunt and gun down rural "deplorables" for sport. ESPN pulled ads and others might follow. Just another day in the entertainment business. "Did anyone see what our ratfuc*er-in-chief just did?"…

November | 2007 | The Rogue Jew | Page 2 19, 2007 · 3. Our state Congressmen and Senators are the 2nd highest paid at $79,650 in salary. This does not count their $20,000 expense account. Only California legislature make more. 4. Our teachers are the 3rd highest paid teachers in the country. 5. Our cigarette tax is the 4th highest in the country. 6. Our Corporate Income Tax rate is the 7th highest.

Of Politics, Sports and Sex: Maybe not every boys' dream ... 28, 2017 · In his case, he had everything to do with that. In my life, Cheryl and all our amazing kids and my friends and extended family are totally responsible. A nd even though one can argue that he had way more than I ever did or will, I had the more important thing - a life filled with love and easy trust of the people around me.

Saturday Open Thread | Gov. Paul LePage: “The enemy right ... 27, 2016 · The Governor of Maine.— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) August 27, 2016

16 | January | 2014 | 16, 2014 · In the first seven verses he speaks of, resp., things that are NOT ‘more excellent,’ including (1) material possessions, (2) politics, (3) social issues subject to a prejudiced agenda of one or another sort, (4) the burdens of fetishes (“fetich”), (5) a demanding God and the religious practices therein implicit, (6) the conflict of the ...

Politics | BETTER DIPLOMACY Diplometer says: A for introduction; an initial A for a seemingly applaudable diplomatic deflection of lurid remarks, but upon a closer reading and finding that initial deflection was somewhat a sweep under the rug, B-; C-for a monotonous, uninspired delivery; A tossed in as bonus for being one of the best speeches in recent history by a ...

Political Irony › Another Puerto Rico? 14, 2018 · Greg — yeah! Now, as to the aftermath of Hurricane Michael — to be fair, this was one of the early arrivals of the “new hurricanes.” It brewed itself up in the superheated Gulf, rather than following the more normal path of starting out on the west hip of Africa and slowly brewing itself up at it came across the Atlantic.

archives | The Smirking 06, 2017 · One of the most politically charged debates today, especially in the U.S. and Europe, is the so-called “immigration crisis.” There are approximately 250 million (3 percent of the world’s 7.6 billion people) migrants in the world today. About 20 percent, or 47 million of those, live in the U.S. Another 35 million live in Europe.

My shit is stuff! | The Gonzo Think Tank 25, 2009 · The military industrial congressional complex showed its pull is location, location, location. U.S. Senator Russ Feingold, D-Wis., who voted against the 2003 Iraq war resolution, has succumbed to the complex. Once one of the staunchest critics of the war, Feingold trumpeted $37 million economic stimulus dollars Sunday for improvements to Army facilities in his home …

One to See Change is a great link with information about every political bill issue.

Conservative Blog Therapy 28, 2006 · "It is an object of vast magnitude that systems of education should be adopted and pursued which may not only diffuse a knowledge of the sciences but may implant in the minds of the American youth the principles of virtue and of liberty and inspire them with just and liberal ideas of government and with an inviolable attachment to their own country."

Monday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 12, 2017 · The Florida keys, of course, are the most damaged but it looks like Miami-Dade county got hit really bad too. has these 403 pictures, the most recent first and mostly from Cuba. The pictures from Havana (the most recent) are absolutely brutal.

christianity | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! are witnessing the wholesale capitulation of the bishops before the Marxist mob. Father Theodore Rothrock from St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Carmel, Indiana was suspended this week after his condemnation of the radical Black Lives Matter protest movement published in the parish’s Sunday bulletin on June 28, 2020. Liberal media outlets almost immediately published excerpts from ...

Police Officer Amber Guyger is charged with manslaughter ... 10, 2018 · The Dallas police officer who killed 26-year-old Botham Jean in his own apartment got inside because the door wasn’t locked, a law enforcement official said Sunday.. Officer Amber Guyger had just ended a 15-hour shift when she parked on the wrong level of the South Side Flats garage— the fourth floor instead of the third, where she lived, according to the official who has direct knowledge ...

JustOneMinute: The Point Is The Process Point Is The Process The NY Times restrains their exuberance in advance of the peace conference in Geneva: “For any political conference to succeed in trying to defuse, much less settle, an intense conflict, the ground has to be laid,” said Dennis B. Ross, a former Middle East envoy.

Visual Politics FYS: We are Better than That! 02, 2010 · Dale then proceeds to explain his past occupations: farmer, business man, and a cop, marine during Vietnam. This gives us Americans a special connection with him because he has been a well-rounded person in his lifetime. Many Americans can relate to this because many of the occupations he listed are occupations of many of the American people.

SHADOW'S WORLD - Blogger on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Engineering. Oh, and Politics.

Joshing Politics: The Difference Between Ideology And Religion 10, 2007 · Marjaneh Seirafi-Pour, chairwoman of the council and a Muslim, denounced Duncan's assessment of Islam. "I know he referred to Islam as an ideology. That is not a fact. It is a religion. It is very peaceful, very inclusive," Seirafi-Pour said. It may not be a question of intelligence, but definitely one of …

Science and Politics is all fine, to an extent, and goes well with account of Bush's own religion here and here but I don't think it is the sole reason. Reason Number Two is pure economics - plundering the Earth without having to pay for it. Reason Number Three is the view of Nature that comes straight from the moral order of the Strict Father ideology:

Charlie Sheen is a mess….Most people love it ... 02, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The Rick Santilli and Robert Gibbs Idiot Show | ScreamBucket 23, 2009 · The Rick Santilli and Robert Gibbs Idiot Show February 23, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in Commentary, news, politics, Uncategorized. Tags: bail out, Economics, news, politics, Rick Santilli, robert gibbs, stimulus, wall street trackback. Main Site Link: Clearly, Rick Santilli, the Wall Street commentator who lost it last week has struck a chord in America…or …

Walker's WI DNR broadening 'just-take-what-you-need' approach 05, 2015 · [Updated] We saw it in the first few days of the Walker administration when he suspended a DNR wetlands filling permit application review on a parcel near Lambeau Field owned by a donor developer. Hey, there's the land, someone wants to fill it, and screw the DNR's role to guarantee the public's access to and appreciation of all the state's waters, which the State Supreme Court has …

pennsylvania | The Rogue Jew | Page 4 on October 12, 2008 by The Rogue Jew I still don’t understand why in the world, Jews tend to lean to the liberal left. At my shul during the High Holidays, I cannot begin to tell you how many Obama bumper stickers I saw in the parking lot, let alone the Obama campaign buttons I noticed people wearing to the Yuntif services.

Why Milwaukee Needs A New Regional Planning Body: A Primer 07, 2008 · The Milwaukee Common Council's influential committee on Steering and Rules will hold a hearing on Monday, at 1:30 p.m., in Room 301-B, to debate a resolution calling for Milwaukee County to withdraw from the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.

Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus ... - blue cheddar 08, 2011 · Waukesha — As a candidate for Waukesha County clerk, Kathy Nickolaus talks about the importance of politicians being open with voters. Nonetheless, as a former state legislative caucus worker, she says she cannot come clean on one topic: Why she has been granted immunity from prosecution in a criminal investigation of state government.

September | 2007 | FrameWork | Page 6 11, 2007 · Perhaps a gun control rant. I mean, come on. The whales were shot with guns. The problem here is that I don’t support gun control. In fact, I am, for a liberal, a pretty strong supporter of the Second Amendment. I live in Ohio and, yes, I support the Concealed Carry laws. Americans should have the right to defend themselves.

No Right Turn: (Some) justice for Munir 12, 2005 · An Indonesian airline pilot has been found guilty of murdering human rights activist Munir Said Thalib, and sentenced to 14 years imprisonment.This is some justice for Munir - but it is not enough. While the court found that Pollycarpus Priyanto had poisoned Munir with arsenic during a flight to Amsterdam in 2004, and that the killing was politically motivated, it steadfastly avoided the ...

corruption | {{site_title}}; Membership; Want more Progressives Donate Today; Home; LEARN. Giving; History (1912 – 2015) Progressive Party (United States, 1912)

Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab | The Liberal Doomsayer about Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab written by doomsy. 1) I know most everyone is in year-end wrap-up mode at this point, including yours truly, and some in supposedly decade-end wrap-up mode (even though the decade really doesn’t end until about a year from now, as Paul Krugman points out here today). And that entails revisiting issues believed to be of some importance.

Sheryl Gay Stolberg | The Liberal Doomsayer give you Sheryl Gay Stolberg in the New York Times here today (on Obama giving a speech in Phoenix about increasing our troop strength in Afghanistan; I’ll debate the wisdom of such a move another time)…. As a commander in chief who has never served in the armed forces, Mr. Obama is still working to establish his bona fides with the military.

Senator John Kerry (D-MA) Swiftboat Dodges $475,000 in ... 23, 2010 · From the Boston Herald… Sen. John Kerry skips town on sails tax. By Gayle Fee and Laura Raposa Friday, July 23, 2010. Sen. John Kerry, who has repeatedly voted to raise taxes while in Congress, dodged a whopping six-figure state tax bill on his new multimillion-dollar yacht by mooring her in Newport, R.I. Isabel – Kerry’s luxe, 76-foot New Zealand-built Friendship sloop with an Edwardian ...

TigerHawk Comments: By Purple Avenger, at Sat Mar 31, 04:12:00 PM: . Some of what were cane fields in previous years are now planted in corn here in south FL. I think that has as much to do with the vanishing sugar subsidy and political interest in corn than anything else though.

wordpress political blogs | Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Obama has already done so, and for the record, of the two men in the race last year, he was the only one actually born on American soil, in an American state. John McCain was born in Panama. Both were born to American citizens, and since this country does not recognize dual citizenship, both are “natural born” citizens as required by the Constitution.

Revealed: 90% Of Deaths In North Carolina Don't Result In 21, 2014 · They are the only counties in the state that have full-time medical examiners funded by tax dollars. The other 98 counties farm out death investigations to the state-appointed part-timers. This system was implemented in 1971, when the state was still mostly rural. To put it mildly, it is not suitable for a state of North Carolina’s size.

February 2007 – and local activists say Trump’s claims are the latest in a sustained efforts by conservative commentators and politicians to marry the myth of Antifa terrorists to a city where discontent has grown for years over increasingly harsh police responses at protests.

Fire-Breathing Liberal: Robert Wexler ... this pageZum Hauptinhalt wechseln. Prime entdecken Bücher (Fremdsprachig)

have no competition out Yup if your... 28, 2014 · They have no competition out there!!!!! Yup if your 67 or older. Oct 28, 2014 19:39:05 # greyfox . tdsrnest wrote: Yup if your 67 or older. That i am!! Oct 28, 2014 21:21:24 # emarine . Steve700 wrote: What you're talking about is the level of popularity. Of course, the news outlets that has debates between sides of the issues and it has the ...

Frederick Politics: November 2019 - Blogger 06, 2019 · The sheriff often, as is the case in Frederick County, is an elected official with the criteria for a candidate to appear on the ballot typically being meeting an age requirement and a resident of the county. The sheriff, being a “separate” elected official, is not answerable to …

kenneth quinnell – Today’s Workplace 11, 2018 · About the Author: Kenneth Quinnell is a long-time blogger, campaign staffer and political activist. Before joining the AFL-CIO in 2012, he worked as labor reporter for the blog Crooks and Liars. Previous experience includes Communications Director for the Darcy Burner for Congress Campaign and New Media Director for the Kendrick Meek for Senate Campaign, founding and serving as the primary ...

ELAINE DUKE STEPS UP AS NEW DHS ACTING SECRETARY (SHAKE … 07, 2017 · elaine duke steps up as new dhs acting secretary (shake-up): who is she? duke is an extremely qualified public servant who won't water down or support undocumented immigrants when they should in fact be lining up to become legal u.s. citizens.

Election 2012 | cadesertvoice was the most difficult 9 years of campaigning Liberals will ever go through again. The changing dynamics of how elections are won is forever changed by Obama’s strategy. Together with Nate Silver (pollster) and Rodell Mollineau of American Bridge (tracker) calling out right wing lies, most of our research work will be done for us activists.

Calling on Congress to Stop a War | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 08, 2007 · anthony @ 12:20 GMT. Scott Ritter | Truthdig | December 7, 2007 Let’s hear it for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). After more than five years of effort, incorporating technologically advanced, exhaustive inspections of Iran’s declared nuclear facilities (and, to a lesser degree, some undeclared facilities as well), the fruit of its labor has been borne out in a National ...

Friday roundup, July 23, 2010 - Coal 23, 2010 · The big national coal-related news was the demise of any efforts by the U.S. Congress to do a darned thing about global warming, at least this year. For a look at coal’s involvement in that story, check out this blog post from this morning. And here’s a quick rundown of other notable stories from the media world about coal and related topics:

31 | August | 2012 | The Pardu's Scroll 31, 2012 · 5 posts published by The Pardu on August 31, 2012. Politicians from both parties twist facts or spin policy, but Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign has had a particularly strained relationship with the truth, repeating false claims with impunity — even after fact checkers, mainstream media organizations, and blogs have all debunked their assertions.

Dialog International: reader (Strahler 70) complains that all of the German right-wing extremist blogs are "based" in the United States. It is true that many of the extremist hate blogs such as Politically Incorrect are hosted on servers in the US. The owners and operators of these blogs - often anonymous - are taking advantage of the First Amendment rights of free speech protected under the US Constitution.

Frederick Politics: Dem Campaign Chatter 10-13-2008 10, 2008 · Dem Campaign Chatter 10-13-2008 George Wenschhof Today, Obama is in Toledo, Ohio where he will give a speech at 1:30 PM ET focused on the economy- Biden is in Rochester and Manchester, New Hampshire before heading to Dover, Delaware.

KC Buzz Blog: Congressman Cleaver and his better half go ... night's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" on MSNBC included an oddball-ish moment from the National Prayer Breakfast. Here's how Keith described the moment as the video played: "And in a lighter, but in some ways more disturbing note about Iraq, at the National Prayer Breakfast this morning in Washington, when Laura Bush asked her neighbor for coffee, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of ...

Limbaugh Uses Michigan Conservatives Term “Violence Card ... 23, 2010 · A little over a week ago, I made a video about how the liberals are using the Violence Card to win arguments. See video here. I actually just searched youtube with the words violence card and my video was the first to come up! So it's kind of encouraging to see a major person like…

The VP Debate’s Surprise – Joe Biden! | The Liberal Crab 02, 2008 · As I predicted earlier today, Sarah Palin did a 'passing' job in the debate. To me, however, the real surprise was Joe Biden. So much attention has been paid to the top of the ticket and additionally to Sarah Palin, many folks didn't realize what a tremendous politician Joe Biden is - and that's a…

Will Obama’s Choice of Elana Kagan Finally Wake Liberals ... 11, 2010 · Many from the political left are disappointed with Barack Obama's recent Supreme Court pick to replace the retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. In a move indicative of the degree to which Obama's version of "pragmatism" and "consensus building" is nothing but a complete capitulation to the belief in the intellectual salience of Conservatism as both political and judicial philosophy,…

Minnesota « Mercury Rising ?? about Minnesota written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

nofarhorizons: 2014 29, 2014 · That this trend may now be coming to an end, as evidenced by the like of the recent BBC series 'The Game' is a sad reflection on our contemporary politics, as the idiots who run our foreign policy, seemingly desperately hungry for a new cold war, if not worse, go out of their way to seek confrontation and discord with Putin's Russia.

July 2005 – Laila Lalami 28, 2005 · Month: July 2005 Giveaway: Start Making Sense July 28, 2005. I received a copy of Start Making Sense a couple of weeks ago in the mail, and figured it would make for a nice giveaway. It’s an anthology of essays about how liberals can “turn the lessons of …

Unshakeable Obeisance: Did Christian Evangelicals Sell did sign a nominal executive order in 2017 that directed the IRS to take it easy on churches and charities espousing political opinions, but the IRS never pursued these types of violators ardently in the first place." As The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board pointed out, "Over and over again, the core Trump platform seems designed to cater to ...

August 2015 – Politics Plus“And possibly if we were to stop all this slaughter the judgment of God might be lifted from us. But it’s coming, ladies and gentlemen. We just had a little taste of it in terms of the financial system, but it’s going to be shaken to its core in the next few months, years, or however long it takes and it will hurt every one of …

Times Square bomb | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... element of the Times Square Wannabomber story that’s largely been ignored by the press, but covered well here by Think Progress …. The chief suspect in the case of the failed Times Square car bombing is Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad, who has confessed to the plot. Much of the media has latched onto Shahzad’s Muslim faith and his Pakistani identity, making inflammatory remarks and ...

Political Report June 2014 | Bowe Bergdahl | United States ... Report June 2014 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This Political Report covers a variety of topics, including the favorability of vice presidents, patriotism, the Veterans Affairs scandal, and the Supreme Court.

WG's Observations: September 2015 he is getting the support because, in his crude and uncontrolled and egotistical way, he is saying what no professional politician will admit – that the emperor has no clothes. · Everyone knows, but few say, that politicians from the president on down are bought and paid for by special interest groups, corporations, unions.

Dayton | Sheila Kennedy it is Gerson who tells it like it really is. Racism is the fire that left our country horribly disfigured. It is the beast we try to keep locked in the basement. When the president of the United States plays with that fire or takes that beast out for a walk, it is not just another political event, …

Will New Orleans Die? - The New has done a great job of making people "feel sorry for" and ignore the rule of law (the WalMart video with the police stealing clothes while looters cleaned the shelves was, um, uninspiring to a business owner) for people, but it hasn't done squat to show the political corruption that goes on in LA and NO.

Apologetics | SPANISH 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require …

Theology | SPANISH 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require …

Frederick Politics: Thursday VP Debate Expected to Draw ... 10, 2008 · Questions abound as voters wonder if Palin will come across clueless or if Biden will stick his foot in his mouth. Negotiators for both campaigns agreed to a more structured debate format so do not expect a lot of free wheeling by either candidate. As last week's debate was historic for having the first African-American, the vice-president ...

Moroccan Politics & Economics | The Moorish Wanderer 18, 2014 · This suggests the causes of any hypothetical family crisis in Morocco are not due to female labour participation. If anything, it makes good economic sense to have as many women out on the job market as possible: first, as many have access to eduction (at least primary) it and given the secular downward trend in female fertility, women should have as many …

NOVAblog: December 2008 it seems as if the next month and a half will be absolute mayhem: some politicians will be falling off the radar (let's hope that's Sarah Palin, Larry Craig, Fred Thompson, Michelle Bachmann, Rudy Guiliani, and even Bill Clinton) while others will be making appearances for the first time.And the pundits will continue to harrass and harangue. I'm looking forward to …

A Strong Economy Will Not Be Why Trump Lost – American ... 31, 2019 · Over at Politico, John Austin of the Brookings Institution has an interesting theory. A strong economy will not help but actually hinder Trump. You can check out the full article there but at its core the article rests on the demographic premise the 2018 midterm's impacts will be permanent and run into 2020. To bolster…

Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave Predicts an ... 02, 2018 · But the above just describes the current situation…. while the Tax- Farming Politicians claim that Foxconn and more Industrial Civilization is the Band-Aid to fix all those problems – so Racine County residents simply need to be re-assured by lying Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave that it is so. And in the aftermath….

Vagabond Scholar: The Truth on "The Surge" 10, 2008 · Some of an extremely repulsive breed of politics, some of it's myopic zealotry, some of it's a fervent desire for vindication - but it's all dangerous. Some of the press might also seek this justification, however unconsciously, given that so many pushed a "pro-Bush, pro-war narrative" and so many still feel they did a good job in the ...

tax bill | Sheila Kennedy really was the Post, and not the Onion. It wasn’t Borowitz. (This assurance does prompt me to give credit to Donald Trump for providing consistent, excellent assistance to political satirists…) E.J. Dionne explains: You would be forgiven for thinking a headline from the Onion or …

About that Obama ‘terrorist’ cover | Liberal 15, 2008 · About the author Neil Robertson is a regular contributor to Liberal Conspiracy. He was born in Barnsley in 1984, and through a mixture of good luck and circumstance he ended up passing through Cambridge, Sheffield and Coventry before finally landing in London, where he works in education.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 18, 2017 · But it turns out they just stole that from Trump’s Twitter bio. – Jimmy Fallon. ... Scowling at them. But it was the best skull you’ve ever seen. – Conan O’Brien. ... McConnell versus Trump, big, guys. I don’t know who is going to win this battle. It really is a case of the turtle and the hair.

December | 2008 | WITMOT? problem was the quality of the movie. Or lack thereof. The story — star-crossed lovers squaring off against an evil queen on a fanciful world divided between a reptilian people who can move rocks with their minds and a sprite-like folk who like dragons — borrows liberally from “Star Wars,” “The Lord of the Rings” and “The ...

Trump pardons Sheriff Arpaio - Page 6 - JustPlainPolitics.com 26, 2017 · President Trump issued an executive pardon Friday to Joe Arpaio, the controversial former Arizona sheriff who was hero to the right and a national nemesis of Latinos, immigration advocates and civil rights groups.

politicisation of the judiciary « The Futility Monster 07, 2009 · Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

Mainstream media turns on Obamacare, liberals suddenly ... his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to …

Frederick Politics: Who Will Win Alderman Race? 08, 2013 · He also was the only candidate to pay folks to go door to door for him. His connections to ultra right conservative former state senator Alex Mooney may hurt him in the city election. However, his money raised will make him competitive for one of the remaining seats on the board.

NewsBusters seeks to expose liberal media bias and ...’s continue last week’s look at mainstream and pro-Trump media with a new article in the respected Columbia Journalism Review. The article is written by Howard Polskin, a former journalist and public relations executive who in 2017 launched TheRighting, a website that "aggregates stories from right-wing media outlets on a daily basis to inform mainstream and liberal audiences ...

Byron DeLear | The BRAD BLOG Blogged by Alan Breslauer. Yesterday The BRAD BLOG interviewed Byron DeLear who is running for Congress in Missouri's 2nd District. The current holder of the seat is the ultra-conservative war supporter and Bush crony, Todd Akin (R-MO), who last year infamously argued to keep sending reinforcements to Iraq by invoking Davy Crockett at the Alamo.. We found the intellectual DeLear, who ...

'Soul of a Citizen,' Volunteers Can't Solve Our Problems author Paul Rogat Loeb is the author of The Impossible Will Take a Little While: A Citizen's Guide to Hope in a Time of Fear, named the #3 political book of 2004 by the History Channel and the American Book Association. His previous books include Soul of a Citizen: Living With Conviction in a Cynical Time. See receive his monthly articles email [email protected] ...

Television | Missouri Communication 21, 2011 · If you ask me, it’s absolutely brilliant how Jon Stewart can throw in his political information while being on the side of an adulterated comedy. But within this humor-based show does he really convey political news? I’d sure like to think so. This goes back to one of the first things that we talked about this semester.

10 | July | 2007 | DelawareLiberal.Net 10, 2007 · Mike Castle has been lying about his support for George Bush from the beginning. Now, with his back against the wall and his ongoing support of George Bush’s open ended war in Iraq fully exposed by recent protests, Mike Castle has taken a page out of Karl Rove’s play book and decided to demonize critics of the war. Calling war critics “uncaring” and saying that they lack compassion for ...

Fox News’s Obama As "Divider’ Is Intellectually Insulting ... 14, 2015 · The segment is a MSNBC Politics Nation clip of Al Sharpton with guest Newt Gingrich. I a posting the clip with particular interest in the first 3:00 minutes of the air-time. While the clip runs a full six minutes, I respect your available viewing time and only ask that you watch the first few minutes.

Balkinization: Boys, Girls, and Harvard group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. mesothelioma Mesotheliomais a form of cancer that is almost always caused by exposure to Asbestos In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. Its most common site is the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall), but it may also occur ...

Radio – Eric Lightborn's Blog called in to a radio show tonight to express my disgust for the current state of political debate in America today.. Alan Colmes of Fox News Talk has this late night / evening political talk show that has some of the lightest call screening in all of the talk medium, let alone that he is working under Fox. Many doubt it but he is a liberal, I would think of him as the kind of liberal who ...

05 | November | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 05, 2008 · 3 posts published by The Liberal Crab on November 5, 2008. I am not going to go down this road too much, there are tons of articles coming out about Sarah Palin and John McCain, but this one was a doozy that I just had to pass on.

Senator Kennedy – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. May 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

misogyny | Sheila Kennedy am hopeful (although not entirely convinced) that Clinton generated that level of sexism simply because she was in many ways the first: the first First Lady to reject the traditional decorative and submissive role, the first to carve out a high-profile political career separate from that of her husband after leaving the White House; and the ...

Pretty Enough for America | Veritas Nihilum Vincet 27, 2011 · The debate over where to draw the line between fair political commentary and contemptible, hateful sniping rages on. If a candidate's actions reveal him to be a hypocritical scum bucket of stunning depth and breadth, that deserves attention. If that candidate's wife has an ass the size of Manhattan, that's probably off limits. But what…

NYPD Brutalize Human Rights Attorney – Skeptical Brotha 25, 2007 · NYPD Brutalize Human Rights Attorney ... Sometimes an enemy who is given a 2nd chance and a short leash can be yoked within an inch of his political life for as long as need be. June 26, 2007 at 3:02 pm ... An incident such as this occurring in public in a major city is an abomination and the first I heard of it was on this blog. I live in Chicago.

Strategic Confidentional Poll Results | Liberalism | Group ... Confidentional Poll Results - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Strategic Confidentional Poll Results

Video of "Cremation of Care" (caring) Satanic Illuminati ... 02, 2016 · This is 18 foot Owl (with sacrificial alter in front of it) representing the secret knowledge of the secret societies that will enable them to take full control and run the entire world. The people at the bottom don't realize that it is Satan at the head of it as represented by the capstone on the pyramid which is the illuminati symbol NBC Hopes Special Counsel Subpoenas Trump ... 20, 2017 · On Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer and former Obama administration official Jeremy Bash urged newly named Special Counsel Robert Mueller to use his investigative power to go on a fishing expedition to take down President Trump.Specifically, Lauer hoped the former FBI Director would demand to see Trump’s tax returns – documents the liberal media have long been desperate to …

Blacked Out by the Corporate Media, Impeachment Advances 01, 2007 · The corporate media are disgracing themselves even further, if that is possible, on the impeachment story. On Thursday, three more members of Congress signed on to Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s bill to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney (H Res 333), bringing the total number of co-sponsors of the bill to 10.

2008 July « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 30, 2008 · Obama was waxing lyrical about last week’s trip to Europe, when he concluded, according to the meeting attendee, “ the moment, as Nancy [Pelosi] noted, that the world is waiting for.” The 200,000 souls who thronged to his speech in Berlin came not just for him, he told the enthralled audience of congressional representatives.

East Texas Liberals Respond: December 2009 15, 2009 · But such constructions prove odd to the point of absurdity in light of one of our dearest held ideals and beliefs: that ours is a government of, by, and for the people. If we are the government, yet are profoundly distrustful of it, then it follows that ultimately it …

socio-religious trends | Shadow Democracy about socio-religious trends written by Administrator. (This post is part one of a 10 part series that will appear each Sunday) The past several years have seen a remarkable turn of events in the socio-political conscious of Americans and indeed people worldwide.

24 | August | 2010 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 24, 2010 · 4 posts published by bunkerville on August 24, 2010. Don’t you just love this self-flagellation? WASHINGTON – The Obama administration has told the United Nations that America’s human rights record is less than perfect while stressing that the U.S. political system has built-in safeguards that promote improvements.. In its first-ever report to the U.N. Human Rights Council on …

Obama’s backers see 'dream ticket' as nightmare | Mirror ... 08, 2008 · From The Sen. Obama’s backers see dream ticket as nightmare By Alexander Bolton Posted: 05/19/08 08:03 PM [ET] Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) allies in Congress do not want Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) as his running mate, even though many Clinton supporters are pushing the “dream ticket.”

12 | October | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 12, 2008 · Posted on October 12, 2008 by The Liberal Crab I am beginning a new feature that will continue through the end of the election, which is The Liberal Crab’s Poll of Poll of Polls. For those not familiar with the concept of “Poll of Polls”, it’s when a pollster utilizes several polls to come up with a result – such as averaging.

Tuning Out The “Local Radio Freedom Act” | The Liberal ... 22, 2009 · While I listened dolefully to another Phillies’ loss yesterday on radio station WPHT in these parts, I heard an ad for something called the “Local Radio Freedom Act” (more information is here from the station’s web site).. I was automatically suspicious because I have that reaction to any news/editorial content I hear on that station, and also because what I felt was the propagandistic ...

Commander in Chief | Koulflo Memo Obama latest comments on Iran’s street protests make a lot of sense. Indeed he has taken a couple days, made sense of events and now that he is speaking out, his words seem to be charting the right course, on politics, and as rachel Maddow says, on basic strategery, and on …

No More Mister Nice Blog 07, 2011 · Anonymous said... Of course, Noonan doesn't mention that Reagan was widely popular in his day, while Thatcher never was - Reagan got 50.7 percent of the popular vote in 1980 and 58.8 percent (!) in 1984, while Thatcher's Conservatives got 43.9 percent of the popular vote in 1979, 42.4 percent in 1983, and 42.4 percent in 1987 (Thatcher was PM because, thanks to winner-takes-all, the ...

Black and BLACKER: The RACIAL Politics of the Obama ... 02, 2008 · Yes, an actual title of an actual article in New York Magazine. When the cover is THIS, you know we're already in trouble. There was a discussion that I had in the comments section here a few weeks ago with other posters.

Ted Kennedy | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 27, 2009 By JOHN M. BRODER. Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, a son of one of the most storied families in American politics, a man who knew triumph and tragedy in near-equal measure and who will be remembered as one of the most effective lawmakers in the history of the Senate, died late Tuesday night.

Infowars reveals Bilderberg 2014 Secret Agenda in Denmark“More than fifty years ago the [J.P.] Morgan firm decided to infiltrate the Left-wing political movements in the United States,” Carroll Quigley wrote in his book Tragedy and Hope. “This was relatively easy to do, since these groups were starved for funds and eager for a …

Embryonic Stem Cell Research | The Liberal Doomsayer cells from human embryos, “are the gold standard,” said Dr. George Q. Daley, a stem cell researcher at Children’s Hospital in Boston and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. Before they can be replaced by cells derived from skin cells, researchers have to know, at a detailed molecular level, how similar the two types of stem cells are ...

08 | January | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 08, 2009 · Stem cells from human embryos, “are the gold standard,” said Dr. George Q. Daley, a stem cell researcher at Children’s Hospital in Boston and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. Before they can be replaced by cells derived from skin cells, researchers have to know, at a detailed molecular level, how similar the two types of stem cells are ...

No Right Turn: Justice and the right to silence 05, 2008 · Politicians criticising judicial outcomes violates important principles such as the separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary and police. While people are angry that a crime has been committed but no-one has been held accountable for it, at the end of the day the basic problem is that the police didn't deliver the goods . January 2015 28, 2015 · Just 30 months ago, President Obama was silent on climate change in his re-election campaign. But as the Washington Post's Chris Mooney reports, in his 7th State of the Union, Obama is not only staking his legacy on climate action, he's using climate science to make his political opponents look ignorant - and polls show it's working.

Politics | Emptysuit | Page 3 Campaign Begins Today [Mitt Romney]: America has just witnessed an unconscionable abuse of power.President Obama has betrayed his oath to the nation — rather than bringing us together, ushering in a new kind of politics, and rising above raw partisanship, he has succumbed to the lowest denominator of incumbent power: justifying the means by extolling the ends.

E Pluribus Unumhttps://mrkennyapgov.blogspot.comThe book started out good. No game of thrones mind you but it is similar in a political way. In the beginning Biden made a deal with Obama so they could defeat Hilary. Then when Hilary lost she joined sides with Obama. Sort of how Little Finger secured a cross …

Glory Hallelujah: My Great Awakening | The Smirking 10, 2018 · Surely it was the "bad people" in the media who had led me and my liberal brethren astray. In my dream, I saw a giant finger pointing to a book that seemed to be the Bible. The pages flipped to a passage--I think it was Two Corinthians--that read: "Behold, He cometh again, in clouds of gold, a man with prematurely blonde hair riding an ...

Libby Shaw: On War Lies and Political Coverup 06, 2005 · From my friend Ken in California - found on Alternet Excerpt: "Those of us who knew better in opposing the invasion of Iraq know better now. We know that "intelligence failure" is just a neat rhetorical device to shift the blame from the coterie of top officials who deliberately deceived us into a war to the intelligence agencies who were pressured to come up with those lies.

Vote Fraud | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need verdict was the latest chapter in a long legal battle that forced Mr. DeLay to step down. The trial also opened a window on the world of campaign financing in Washington, as jurors heard testimony about large contributions flowing to Mr. DeLay from corporations seeking to influence him and junkets to posh resorts where the congressman would ...

GOP elections | The Pardu's Scroll Moyers and Company republished about the GOP’s Southern Strategy which was originally published in The Nation.We should never underestimate the degree to which the strategy has shaped our nation, social interaction, social tolerance (the lack thereof), and political elections.

Freedom Writing: Song of the South 09, 2010 · Revisionist historians, perhaps overly influenced by the modern political correctness movement and the manner in which certain words and phrases (like Confederacy and states' rights) have become code for racism and bigotry, view the 19th century through 20th– and 21st–century lenses.They believe the Civil War was always about slavery — more to the point, they believe it was about ending ...

Tax Cuts | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog“This is really extraordinary,” he said. “What you have just heard is a denunciation of something the Congress did a few weeks ago and a refusal to undo it. I’ve never seen people, Mr. Chairman, so attached to something they hate. This is presumably a psychological disorder which …

Terrorism | progressivenetwork John Grant, This Can’t Be Happening, 2/20/15 We have to address the political grievances terrorists exploit. – Barack Obama. All week, the bully-in-chief of cable news, Bill O’Reilly, has been passionately recruiting American clergy of all ethnic and supernatural inclinations to preach from their pulpits this weekend for US troops to lead what he sees as a holy war declared by ISIS.

Tenured Radical: Me And Some Little Old Ladies In Tennis ... 09, 2010 · The paucity of real political news seems like a point of entry for any analysis: look at what gets printed, and you've got to wonder why. Under the headline "Pallone Trying to Hold Off Anna Little," we discover that Representative Frank Pallone (D-NJ) has a 12 point lead in New Jersey's 6th, and that Little, a Sarah Palin wannabe, actually has "very little chance" of winning the election.

Michael Huckabee: Foreign Policy Moderate? - ... 28, 2007 · For a time former Arkansas Gov. Michael Huckabee appeared to be among the craziest of the GOP candidates, gung-ho for the Iraq war, disdainful of Congress’ role in declaring war, and enthusiastic about torturing U.S. captives.But when he deviated slightly from neocon orthodoxy in his article in Foreign Affairs, which criticized President George Bush, the hawkish Right went berserk.

David Drake: George W. Bush, His Last SOTU Address And ... mess he created had to be cleaned up by Bush and Bush correctly used the U.S. Military. This is another imagined injustice that Liberals and Progressives harbor because deep down they know Clinton did nothing to address critical problems developing in Iraq and by Saddam Hussein. Bill Clinton was a weak president by any standard.

Obama | Political Communication. Rowan University. Spring 2010 25, 2010 · I think an excellent thing, as the country is still very much divided over the health care bill and still have a lot of questions. However, with the 2012 election just around the corner, Obama and his administration are attempting to ensure that the American public are behind this, understand why it was important, etc.

Alan Dershowitz | The Liberal Doomsayer the Times tells us, the supposed legal rationale for Scalia and Thomas’ dissent in the Davis case was the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, which the two claimed “prevent(ed) the courts from intervening on behalf of a death row inmate who claims to have proof of his own innocence” (fortunately, Justice John Paul ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 11, 2004 · I guess right-wing GOP congressman David Dreier has been outed. This isn't all that satisfying -- apparently his homosexuality has been such an open secret that it was even speculated on in his Wikipedia entry. He has a lousy voting record on gay issues, although he did oppose an anti-gay-marriage constitutional amendment. Dreier, of course, was prominent in Arnold Schwarzenegger's ...

Santorum and Satan | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 21, 2012 · Santorum and his issue with Satan speech given at Ave Maria. You will need speakers probably to hear it, the transcript can be found below the video. Transcript: "This is not a political war at all. This is not a cultural war. This is a spiritual war. And the …

KNOTTS TRYING TO TWIST ARMS AGAIN 14, 2008 · Four years ago, Koon’s tactics backfired and Lexington County elected a woman in his place. It will remain to be seen if the same fate is slated for Knotts. After spending much of his campaign funds on TV ads, Knotts is supposedly “short on cash” and is finding the well of political cash to be dry.

25+ Best Memes About Keith Ellison | Keith Ellison Memes Ellison: Donald Trump Jr. DonaldJTrumpJr Wow. That's awkward given their own narritive Fox News@FoxNews Minnesota liberal party chair dismisses Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser: 'I do not believe her' 10/25/18, 5:04 PM 4,416 Retweets 10.6K Likes @donaldjtrumpjr ???? the double standard and hypocrisy of the left is beyond words.

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 05, 2019 · This is politics, folks. Watch what Speaker Pelosi does, gets done. We are at war with 45 & the rest of the thugs in his circle. Criticize, mobilize, and support get the work done, to get this mother sucker out of our White House. Like Like

WebWeaver's World: On being an introvert – and faking the ... 12, 2006 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

Healthcare Premiums "Skyrocketing" Due To Obamacare? | The ... 10, 2013 · Watchout for the GOP Carnival Barkers!Do you ever hear members of Congress speak about how the Affordable Care Act will cause medical premiums to "skyrocket." Boehner's website“Internal cost estimates from 17 of the nation’s largest insurance companies indicate that health insurance premiums will grow an average of 100 percent under Obamacare,” reported …

NonParty Politics: Economic Warfare 09, 2007 · Dr. Paul Kengor has a great article in Townhall today about Reagan's economic war against the soviets; particularly U.S. collusion with Saudi Arabia to drive down the price of oil, a critical source of revenue for the U.S.S.R. In his pursuit of Cold War victory over Soviet communism, Ronald Reagan enlisted several fascinating covert efforts as part of a bold …

separation of powers « The Futility Monster 21, 2009 · Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

WebWeaver's World: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ... 11, 2007 · A blog about my passions. May include some or all of the following: geek stuff (web design & development, CSS, accessibility, usability), environmental activism, my adopted home of New Zealand ('cos it's so totally wonderful), international & green politics (rants from a left-wing perspective), gardening, cats, literature, rugby, and a whole lot of other stuff besides.

BLADE 7184 - Blogger 06, 2011 · “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul - - - - - - - - - - - “if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind

Politics Archives - Page 116 of 139 - PolitiZoom Joseph "Murfster35" Murphy-July 11, 2018 OK gang, hop into my trusty wayback machine with me, and let's return briefly to the dark day of November 9th, 2016. I want to do a quick comparison of the GOP's feelings on the day after the election,...

29 | October | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 29, 2008 · Well I do. He is a rat bastard. Did I mention the crap he pulled with Max Cleland? Okay, okay I did, but it bears repeating. I’ve posted an article that lets Max tell it in his words, but here’s a quick summary. Max lost a lot of limbs in Vietnam. Chambliss painted him out to be weak and a …

Stubborn Liberal: May 2005 31, 2005 · Why was the news media so consumed over the "run away bride" story? Several more American military members were killed this weekend in Iraq and it should have at least made the news. Nice job, Laura Bush. However, it doesn't change the facts: We are still involved in a costly war. People are losing their jobs in this country because of outsourcing.

johnoliver on Tumblr John Oliver, At first I couldn’t figure out why I was so upset by your segment about Ecuador and Rafael Correa. And then I thought “of course I am offended,” in one 3-minute clip, you had made a mockery of one of the most important progressive political projects in the world that was delivering so many important changes in the lives of Ecuadorian citizens.

Odds and Ends | Smash Mouth Politics 03, 2010 · The Obama Admin starts drone attacks on Yemen in November, and a terrorist trained in Yemen attempts to bomb a jet in December. From A.P. via Yahoo News: "Obama says an al-Qaida affiliate in Yemen apparently ordered the plot, training and arming the 23-year-old suspect." My question is: Where are the peaceniks and blame-Bush crowd? If Bush was…

2014 Election | The Lunch Counter | Page 2 17, 2014 · This is but another example of how he flips the bird to you, to the Constitution, and to Congress. And idiots like Harry Reid are just fine with it. They are the enemy from within. Obama, as President, is the most dangerous man in America right now. The Constitution was written to protect against a President like him.

Communist Indoctrinators Hold Anti-White Conference Fools is over. Yes, real. A Kanadian doctorate program in "White Man Bad." This is the state of higher education in the West. No useful skills. No understanding or thirst for knowledge. Just ugliness and evil. She said anyone who is going into teaching and education must be a political figure.

hope against Hope™ | Liberal Rapture Morning!! We lost one of the all-time greats last night. Carl Reiner is dead at 98. TMZ: Carl Reiner, one of the most prolific entertainers in the history of show business has died … TMZ has learned. We’re told Reiner died Monday night at his Beverly Hills home. We’re told his family was with […]

carl levin – Page 4 – MediaMouse report released yesterday by the Congressional Budget Office has found that the costs of the Iraq War continue to rise each year. The spending–which has largely been supported by West Michigan Representative Vern Ehlers and Michigan Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow–totaled $171 billion last year. This is an increase of $51 billion since 2006.

Michael Flynn – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America pointed to a map that showed the results of the election by county and said that “if you live in the blue—any spot that’s blue—I would say, ‘Oh God, help me. Oh God forgive me.’ Because those are the ones who came against the will of God in this election.”

vote | Under The LobsterScope up to Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire:. Nate Silver now projects President Obama’s margin of victory to be two or three percentage points in the popular vote, approximating the margin that George W. Bush achieved in defeating John Kerry in 2004.. In addition, he gives Obama a 91.6% chance to win the necessary 270 electoral votes for re-election. ...

US declassifies military attacks in Yemen, Somalia ... 18, 2012 · Look, I am all for going after the bad guys. But these military actions, undeclared wars that are not discussed with the Americans and Congress are greatly disturbing. So, finally, on a Friday, Obama dumps this story on the AP. I guess now he feels there is some political gain for him, why else. I …

JustOneMinute: Did We Learn Anything In The Libby Trial? 12, 2007 · Bush needs to call for a press conference, announce he is the president (some seem to forget that!), he will fire any prosecutor he wishes and no one in his office will appear before Congress to discuss it. And he needs to do it sooner rather than later. If he would just stop being so gentlemanly, the base might actually fight for him again.

corporate greed | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog is one of many reasons why Robert Reich’s plan makes sense at this point. Temporary receivership. Temporary receivership. Despite the political peril involved in such an endeavor, the government should take over BP, its manpower and assets, and eliminate the corporate revenue motive from the capping and cleanup process.

Open Thread | Andy Slavitt Trying To Warn Us | 3CHICSPOLITICO 19, 2020 · This is one of the greatest failures of leadership in the history of America. The government has failed miserably. ... This is true but it will never happen. Yes. We can and will re-open the economy, but it must be done safely. We don't need more bombast, lies and rhetoric from the White House. ... Time has come today for a new Spike Lee joint ...

Liberalism vs Conservatism « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 01, 2008 · Liberalism vs Conservatism. The Maha Rushie: Buck Up Out There, Conservatives [ … ] Liberalism is many, many things. There’s a report out this week from an actual clinical psychologist, that it’s a mental disorder. But it is totalitarian in nature. It is …

Bill Clinton: Hillary wants me to restore image of US ... 05, 2007 · For the first time in his political life, Mr Clinton says, “ordinary US voters in the heartlands are concerned about who would be most likely to restore America’s standing in the world” in the wake of the Iraq war, lack of action on climate change and other policies.

Liberal | Political Loudmouth is the first in a new series of posters celebrating the many ways that liberal ideas have shaped the country we live in today. Download a printer-friendly version here. This is the most Liked and commented on poster we have done so far. Join in the Facebook conversation here.

Oh Well: A Commentary: Reid slaps McCain for missing Iraq ... 08, 2007 · This is priceless. From The Hill: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is the only presidential candidate in Congress to have missed a major vote on the Iraq war this year, and his absences are not sitting well with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

Tulsi Gabbard 2020 - The Liberal Gun Club Forum 11, 2019 · Tulsi has an F-rating from the NRA, a 0% rating by the Hawaii Rifle Association, and a 100% rating by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. She is focused on building bipartisan solutions that can actually be passed into law, rather than using the issue as a partisan political football.

KC Buzz Blog: Axiom Strategies lays down a marker's not often that a governor shows up at the grand opening of a political consulting firm. But Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt was on the scene last night as Axiom Strategies threw open the doors at its new digs at 2345 Grand. Yep, that's the Lathrop & Gage building near Crown Center. Jeff Roe, the former chief of staff to Missouri 6th District Congressman Sam Graves, is the man in charge.

19 | May | 2016 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! 19, 2016 · This is why we are getting rid of the GOP and why we have so much contempt for those who rattle around in the halls of Congress. They care not one wit. This anti-cop judge who is knee deep in the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore will have a lifetime appointment. This is the contempt message we send to our police officers.

Sarah Palin | Something should go here, maybe later. Marks. I just thought I’d go on the record here. I do not agree that the famed Palin political map contained “Surveying Markers” or any other such thing. They were targets. The races were targeted. That’s why she used a target*. I know people have a problem with that, but I believe this fellow has something of a point.

Waukesha Damage Control; Nickolaus Steps Aside 06, 2012 · She was the Waukesha County clerk long before Walker came into office. Funny, I didn't here any complaints about her when Doyle won statewide election, but still lost in Waukesha County by about the same margins that Walker won by in 2010. April 6, 2012 at 9:02 AM

Afghan War – Skeptical Brotha about Afghan War written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

JustOneMinute: The Other (Latest?) Monica Speaks'm sure this is the first time, anywhere, ever, that the politics of political appointees has ever been looked at or discussed. Posted by: Pofarmer | May 24, 2007 at 02:21 PM I continue to insist that these dopes have long since shot their wad on the long-awiated "oversight" role, and the public is becoming bored, and increasingly annoyed ...

Billionaire’s Nuclear Dream: House of Cards Returns for ..., rejoice! Season 2 of "House of Cards" is almost here. If you haven’t seen the first season, spend your snow day binge-watching because tomorrow we get the next chapter in this thrilling political drama. The award-winning series—centered on Kevin Spacey's Frank Underwood, House Majority Whip and ultimate political schemer—is filled with nuanced characters, excellent performances and ...

Are heterosexuals really the best parents? | The Smirking author Mary Shaw is a Philadelphia-based writer and activist, with a focus on politics, human rights, and social justice. She is a former Philadelphia Area Coordinator for the Nobel-Prize-winning human rights group Amnesty International, and her views appear regularly in a variety of newspapers, magazines, and websites.

Priorities? | Sohum Parlance II 27, 2019 · They are the players who matter. The United States “democracy,” or whatever political system here enabled the rise of a middle class after WWII, has been destroyed over the past forty years, and the United States government and military now represents the planet’s wealthy to a greater extent than ever in the country’s history.

Who Is Barack Obama? And why do people say such loopy 22, 2009 · New York Magazine/Philip Weiss---All around were satanic representations of President Barack Obama in whiteface, as a Nazi, an African witch doctor, a Marxist, a Muslim, and Che Guevara’s best friend—but Kathy Golya had never felt so good about the new administration as she did right now. It was a day after Representative Joe Wilson’s outburst…

Frederick Politics: Daily Political 07, 2013 · The committee’s refusal to allow former general counsel Vicki Divoll to disclose unclassified information to a reporter was the first and only time it has sought to block her from making public comments, based on her experience as one of its most senior aides, since she left Capitol Hill in 2003.

Motor City Liberal: Mitt Romney Outed As Anti-Gay High 10, 2012 · That was the furthest thing from our minds back in the 1960s, so that was not the case.” It seems odd that Romney would not recall such a bizarre event, especially since so many other students who were asked about it painted clear pictures of what transpired, but perhaps such “hijinks and pranks” were so frequent he has simply lost track ...

Political Irony › Changing the Rules 29, 2016 · It’s way past time we started getting serious about this conversation, and the definition(s) of responsible citizenship. Protecting the gun “rights” of criminals, the mentally ill or ANYONE who is a threat to the general health of the community (and this includes you, Ammon Bundy), responsible citizenship is NOT.

The CEO of a chain that underpays and mistreats workers is ... man walks past a sign for a Carl’s Jr. restaurant in San Bruno, Calif., Wednesday, May 25, 2011. CREDIT: AP Photo/Jeff Chiu Yet the Bloomberg study found that fast food franchises violate their workers’ rights at alarming rates — in part because they operate like small businesses but are held to the same standards as large corporations.

Joshing Politics: Espada Bought Petition Signatures With ... 07, 2010 · As he describes it, residents of Espada's district would get the letter you see part of here, urging them to come pick up free food (courtesy of the New Yorkers For Espada campaign). When they arrived at the pickup site, Guttierez said, they were induced to sign Espada's petition to get on the ballot.

On alternatives 09, 2012 · A couple of polls this week have been used as evidence that the Cons are largely in control of the federal political scene. But I'll argue t...

9/11 | Your Morning Cup of Coffee suspended the political portion of the blog today to both participate and take in how our country remembers the attacks of 9/11. I remember in the days after how people in our country seemed to pause, take a breath and act compassionately toward one another.

May | 2010 | 44-D for checking out the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that’s happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. This week, walk step by step with the President as he signs a memorandum on fuel efficiency, meets with his economic team and Congressional leaders about Wall Street reform, delivers the commencement address at West Point, hosts the leaders of Lebanon and …

A Nickel's Worth: 20 Questions with Carl Moore 20, 2009 · The economy in shambles! The nation in crisis! What a perfect time for a politically-themed comic strip. Carl Moore, creator of the syndicated strip, STATE OF THE UNION, was poking fun at the powers-that-be long before the current meltdown. Check out the erudite Mr. Moore's strip for a …

North Star Politics: Hatch/DFL Performance Analysis 14, 2006 · Analysis: This is a good example of how Hatch did poorly where it mattered. Note the almost 8% dropoff from the DFL average; though DFLers did well here (for the suburbs) Hatch took a beating. This is a high-population county; if Hatch had even halved the disparity between him and the rest of the candidates, it would have made up a quarter of his deficit statewide.

It Sure Seems Obama Had Scolia Killed a general review, see: Natural Born Citizen for Dummies. For a compendium of citations about natural born citizen, see The Great Mother of All Natural Born Citizen Quotation Pages, other articles on citizenship on this site, our Citizenship bookmarks, and Books on Google that define natural born citizen.

Media Bias | Exceptional Delaware 19, 2015 · But I have to think many legislators are now wondering what the political fallout for them may be if they vote no on House Bill 50. This is a bi-partisan bill with bi-partisan backing from the citizens of Delaware. If Markell was crying in his sleep over opt out numbers a week ago, wait until he sees what they are a week from now!

Rush Limbaugh | Missouri Communication 21, 2010 · Glenn Beck has a habit of speaking his right side views on a constant basis and a lot of the time it allows him to put his foot in his mouth. ... Anyone who is politically intelligent can differentiate the news affiliates political orientation. ... One of my “favorite” extremists is a good ol’ Missouri boy himself, Rush Limbaugh.

Political Loudmouth | Help make the changes you want to ... is typical of the pro-gay marriage stuff out there. We are going to try and do a pro bono campaign for this as one of our first projects. The trick will be to loosen the logjam a little, so we’re not just saying the same things over and over and over and over.

Bloomberg Politics:Showtime’s Billions: Greed Is Gripping ... 16, 2016 · The following is an excellent article written by Sheelah Kolhather on page 71 in the January 18-January 24, 2016 issue of Bloomberg Businessweek titled "Greed Is Gripping" which was published on the Bloomberg Politics website titled "Showtime's Billions: Greed Is Gripping" and I quote: "Showtime’s Billions: Greed Is Gripping" Finance drama enters its golden age.…

President Obama: Stimulus “A Major Milestone On Our Road ... 14, 2009 · Obama: Stimulus a 'major milestone to recovery' RAW STORY Published: Saturday February 14, 2009 WASHINGTON (AFP) – US President Barack Obama early Saturday hailed a 787-billion-dollar economic stimulus plan passed by Congress, calling it "a major milestone on our road to recovery." "This is a major milestone on our road to recovery, and I want…

Using and Abusing History for Political 15, 2010 · Using and Abusing History for Political Gain ... but it is twisted and presented in such a way that does not account for the complexity and fullness of the past. Historians concerned with the integrity of the past and the integrity of their work must also note that John Adams rejected the doctrine of the Trinity. ... This is what I mean by ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 03, 2009 · In his book, Hayworth wrote, "Talk like that today and our liberal elites will brand you a cultural imperialist, or worse. But if you ask me, Ford had a better idea." Hayworth further stoked the debate over his passage on Ford when he declined to distance himself from the book's language and accused the Jewish News of playing party politics.

law | the plaid lemur State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

environment « SOCIAL VOX 31, 2008 · In the 1980’s and early 1990’s, Pablo Escobar was the king of the Colombian drug trade. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people were killed during the reign of the Medellin cartel. Those murdered included politicians, judges, policemen, and anyone else who tried standing in Escobar’s way. Here, the case is eerily similar.

No More Mister Nice Blog 12, 2010 · BARTONISM ISN'T DEAD -- IT'S JUST GOING UNDERGROUND The headline at Politico is "GOP Rushes to Clean Up Joe Barton Mess"; elected officials and others continue to distance themselves from Joe Barton's apology to BP, and there's a suggestion that he may still lose his place of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, even after his apology for the apology.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 27, 2017 · In other recent appointment news, Donald Trump elected his ambassador to Russia — former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman. This is great news for Trump. He finally has someone in his administration who is actually supposed to meet with the Russians. – James Corden

emaycee Presents: A Liberal in the Motor City: December 2014 31, 2014 · This one snuck in my e-mail today--it's a list from Low Pay is Not OK of the top 8 reasons why 2014 was a good year for workers. There's still a long, long way to go in the fight for economic equality, but you can't win if you don't fight back and an awful lot of folks puts their and their families' livelihoods on the line this year to make this a better country and bring a little more ...

Barack Obama - Celleno - The Personal Blog of Foreign“Only two days ago, President Barack Obama’s envoy to the Syrian rebels, retired Marine Gen. John Allen, explained confidently that the U.S. would help to train and equip Western-backed fighters to become a credible force that would compel the Assad regime to negotiate a political deal and end the four-year-long civil war.

OpenlineBlog: Medical Helicopter Crash in Aurora | NTSB ... 10, 2008 · You know. A website that smears and name calls local politicians and cronies. A website that refers to a mayor as "so-called", a city employee with a middle name of "I Hate People" and a newspaper writer with a middle name of "Zombie". I say, you attract the same kind of commenters as the ones who write these stories. Agree? 10/17/08, 9:38 AM

Spontaneous Arising: President Hannibal Lector & the Thing 27, 2012 · A Cosmic Trigger. From an interview with Robert Anton Wilson. Q: Why do you think politics on this planet is such a huge mess, and human beings are so violent towards one another? R.A. Wilson: Because most people have never heard of maybe logic and live in an either/or world, which applied to ethics and social policy becomes a good/evil world.Human vanity then determines that all …

Tom Feeney, Congressman, Scumball, Continues Dirty Tricks ... quickly from the road by Brad Friedman... If folks in Florida's 24th Congressional district don't dump this sleaze bucket (presuming he's not tossed in jail first for his involvement with Jack Abramoff, for which he's under FBI investigation), I can't even imagine what they'd be thinking,. Orlando Sentinel details the robocalls the slimy Rep. Tom Feeney is now making in favor of ...

Karl Rove to resign August 31; ‘I’m not going to stay or ... 13, 2007 · Anthony @ 13:21 BST RAW STORY Published: Monday August 13, 2007 Karl Rove will resign from his position in the Bush Administration and return to Texas Aug. 31, according to an interview published Monday with Paul Gigot, editorial page editor for The Wall Street Journal. When asked by Gigot whether he's leaving "to avoid Congressional…

On Gottwalt's Supposed Health Reform - Blogger benefit set could be worse than MnCare. Also, a high deductible plan which is good for those who have money, but bad for those with little which is exactly the population this will cover. High deductible plans are the number one driver to increased bankruptcies that cite medical costs as the primary reason for the bankruptcy.

Casting Stones: Media Attack Billy Graham’s ‘Painful ... 27, 2018 · By Katie Yoder ~. No man is perfect. That’s why, as Billy Graham’s faith teaches, Jesus Christ died on the cross. But few men also impact the faith of millions – by preaching Jesus’ sacrificial love for all.. When Billy Graham passed away at 99-years-old, many media figures saw it as an opportunity to attack the influential preacher (and his mourning family), rather than also ...

OpenlineBlog: Hollywood Casino Tax Revenue for City of ... 07, 2012 · "This is about clout, power and campaign cash, not what is in the best interests of the taxpayers of Aurora. Kifowit could care less and everyone knows she's been willing to say or do anything to get elected. Weisner doesn't have the guts to stand up to the Madigans. He's a political coward."

Jesus' General: Bailing Out the Rich on the Backs of the ... 22, 2009 · Carl Schmitt — who can aptly be characterized as the "state thinker" of the Third Reich — was the first to make this polarized attitude of "friend or foe" respectable in scholarly circles. In 1927, in his book Der Begriff des Politischen (The Concept of the Political), he expressed as no one else had how conservatives then understood politics.

CA-50 Contest Judge Actually Plans to Think! (updated ..."Rev Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. (November 29, 1908 – April 4, 1972), American politician, was the first African American to become a powerful figure in the United States Congress. He was elected to the United States House of Representatives from Harlem in 1945, and became chair of the Labor and Education Committee in 1961.

Reid « Jamesb101.com 30, 2009 · The final Healthcare Bill will be more like the tamer Senate version…. Pelosi spent two hours addressing her Caucus via conference call on Thursday for the first time since she agreed to let the Senate bill serve as the vehicle for delivering a congressional health reform bill to the White House.. While this whole thing was dominating the headlines…you had to know things where going to ...

Congressional Members to Hold 'Downing Street' Town Hall ... BRAD BLOG has learned that Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) and a number of other Congressional Members will announce their intention to hold open Town Hall Meetings across the country on July 23rd to discuss the "Downing Street Documents" with constituents.. The meetings, to be held on the same day around the country in the members' various Congressional Districts, will mark the third year ...

Sen. Landrieu « Jamesb101.com 25, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Wednesday Mashup (4/7/10) | The Liberal Doomsayer 07, 2010 · Wednesday Mashup (4/7/10) 1) I don’t know if anyone else has noticed besides yours truly, but Dana (“Mouthpiece Theater”) Milbank of the WaPo has been on a roll (including here, on what you could call a taxing matter – maybe I should have saved this for April 15th, but I thought it couldn’t wait – Milbank is a bit tasteful with his ...

Sarah Palin, please sue me | blahgblog 04, 2009 · [Scroll down for updates about further coverage.] According to a story on Huffington Post, Sarah Palin’s lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, is threatening to sue people, like Alaskan blogger Shannyn Moore, who say mean things about Palin: “To the extent several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as ‘fact’ that Governor Palin resigned because she is ...

Robert Mueller | The Liberal Doomsayer there, Mr. Iqbal said, he was subjected to daily body-cavity searches, beatings and extreme temperatures. He said he was kept in solitary confinement with the lights in his cell constantly on, that he was called a terrorist and a “Muslim killer,” and that he lost …

The Rectification of Names: Ties that re-bind 15, 2014 · Shorter David Brooks, "A Long Obedience", New York Times, April 15 2014:Passover is such a liberal holiday, with all this emphasis on slaves escaping to freedom and getting to do whatever they want, so I prefer to ignore it, and get an early start on Shavuot instead. A remarkably rich and insane column, seriously suggesting that the feast of the Passover is mistaken in celebrating the Hebrews ...

Gubu-World: John McCain on Spain 02, 2008 · This is not however how conservative America saw it. In America they ignored the fact that post Franco politics in Spain had swung between conservative and liberal governments every couple of elections and that after 8 years in power the Aznar government was deeply unpopular for a …

Tickle The Wireexecutive order Archives - Tickle The is motivated reasoning on steroids — and future presidents of both parties will likely find it appealing, on a variety of issues. By crossing this particular Rubicon, Obama has given up on politics, which is, from one perspective, understandable. He doesn’t do it well.

The People’s Politician « The Futility Monster 20, 2010 · Naturally, the website was a failure, as all websites that are created with no fanfare, no linking, no promotion are. The Twittering Anne Widdecombe did get a response, just like most celebrities on Twitter do. But it was the usual blend of cynical, aggressive and stupid responses that Twitter is becoming famous for.

The Governor's Schedule - The StandDown Texas Project Hu of the Texas Tribune examines Governor Rick Perry's schedule and political issues surrounding it in, "Perry's Spare Schedule Feeds Transparency Concerns." The governor who considers himself one of the state’s hardest workers has few official records to back...

30 | June | 2018 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! 30, 2018 · Later, as Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO, Trumka pleaded the Fifth Amendment before Congress and a court-appointed election monitor over his role in an illegal fundraising scheme to benefit the Teamsters president Ron Carey’s re-election. Trumka has remained in his position ever since despite an AFL-CIO rule (adopted in 1957) which held ...

Hillary Clinton Is No Barbra Streisand | The Smirking— from Reader Supported News. In her essay “Sexism in American Politics,” Barbra Streisand has written (or had ghostwritten) the sweeping and quite false claim that Hillary Clinton is “held to a pernicious double standard” only because she’s a woman, a claim that Streisand fails to support with any relevant, substantive evidence.. Streisand claims, correctly, that there is sexism ...

Uncategorized | Maryland Politics Blog first page we have created lists all candidates running for statewide and federal offices in Maryland. As we move forward, we will be creating pages for Senate and Delegate candidates and maybe even some local races. To do this effectively we need your help.

August | 2009 | Maryland Politics Blog Senator Richard Madaleno wants to impose a new tax in an election year. The Gazette reports:. Madaleno said last week that he will refile the bill, which would allow Comptroller Peter V.R. Franchot to collect sales taxes from Maryland affiliates of Amazon and similar online retailers in the state.

Senator Tester | Howling For Justice it’s fairly obvious a political ploy to garner support from the “hook and bullet crowd”, right before the November elections. Even though there is very little chance HR 6028 will pass the House THIS YEAR, it shouldn’t be ignored, because it will certainly be introduced again next year.

No More Mister Nice Blog 06, 2014 · Liberman is parroting this John Fund blog post for National Review, and an assertion by GOP congressman Bob Goodlatte that the "9-0 decision last week was the 13th time the Supreme Court voted 9-0 that the president had exceeded his constitutional authority." That most recent 9-0 decision -- praised by Lieberman -- overturned a Massachusetts ...

Of Politics, Sports and Sex: 2017 - Blogger is a topic I've thought a lot about, actually, and not JUST in terms of Emma Watson's underboobs. And it fascinates me. I think women just have about a 10% idea of just how much power they have and how superior they are to men in every way except physical strength. I know that isn't the point here, but it …

politics | Blog de Ford 06, 2008 · Every bit of the fault of Howard Dean, John Edwards, john kerry, bill richardson, Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama’s boy’s club. I am ashamed of what passes for “progressive”. It is the left wing anti female taliban. Uh, no. Rhodes is responsible for her own words, no matter how reprehensible those words were.

cults | Sheila Kennedy politics these days is a sociologist’s dream. Or nightmare. The extreme polarization of the voting public has been noted, examined and explained from multiple perspectives: we have “sorted” ourselves geographically, economically and philosophically, and political scientists suggest that we increasingly revise our ideological commitments in order to conform to those of the ...

The Country's Backbonehttps://danajscb88.blogspot.comOn Briana McClellan's post, "Balancing Pop Culture and Governing", she states that the president has every right to reference pop culture and even discuss the issue with the youth's obsession with the glamorous life that it is Hollywood.I agree with Briana that the president has every right to make references and or talk about other subjects that does not involve politics, as long as he has a ...

Human Rights, Equal Rights, Political Rights | Sheila Kennedy was the first President of the United States? 23%; Only 36 percent of Americans can name the three branches of government. Fewer than half of 12th graders can describe federalism. Only 35% can identify “We the People” as the first three words of the Constitution.

The Political Environment: On The Sad Passing Of David Doege 12, 2008 · Dave was a sweet guy and a professional reporter and writer who elevated the quality and tone at every publication he worked. If you saw his byline on a story, you knew that you were going to learn something, and get the facts - - straight - - written and organized to keep you reading to the end. My heart goes out to Gretchen, and her family.

Linkology | BIOLOGI STPC 25, 2013 · Beppe Grillo Grillo, an Italian political satirist noted for packing stadiums in Italy and having giant wavy hair, writes an English/Italian blog peppered with strong anti-corruption, anti-globalization outrage and a pro-tech, pro-little-guy ethos. He knows his audience.

Powerful City Committee To Consider SEWRPC Pullout 07, 2008 · "A little fill here and there may seem to be nothing to become excited about. But one fill, though comparatively inconsequential, may lead to another, and another, and before long a great body may be eaten away until it may no longer exist.

NonParty Politics: Osama Bin Hidin' 06, 2007 · 1) Whether bin Laden was sending a secret message, or has picked up some new fashion tips, he has now become a failure and a laughing stock. And 2) Osama (and al Qaeda) monitors Western media and commentary , which makes it all the more critical that the United States present a united front on the war on terror, rather than give moral comfort ...

Short Sharp Shock.: Romney redux? 12, 2018 · T HE METAPHOR of “dipping a toe in the water” is a bane of political discourse, invoked forever to describe a prospective candidate’s consideration of a run for the White House. Less attention’s paid to that rare politician who dips that toe in the moist shoreline before the water even gets there. We may be seeing that with Mitt Romney, the biggest loser of the 2012 presidential contest.

Steve King – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America is really a Southern White way to avoid integrated schools. The John Birch Society renamed itself the Christian Coalition and now dominates the GOP. The whole drown the Gubbermint in the Bathtub garbage is to prevent any more action like the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s.

Blogdog's EXPOSE': December 2012 27, 2012 · We Say: Getting rid of overseas tax dodges, glaring loopholes and unfair tax breaks is a good idea. But we can have simplicity and still insist that the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share of taxes. Public Pulse: In a post-election poll, 56 percent of respondents said “the best way for Congress to deal with the Bush tax cuts” is to end them for those making $250,000 or more a year.

Political Irony › Who Needs Pesky Product Safety Regulations? 30, 2012 · The first incident involved selling wild birdseed that was coated with a pesticide that is toxic to birds. The company coated their birdseed so that it would not be eaten by insects while in storage, and continued to do so even after multiple warnings — including from their own employees — that it was “extremely toxic”.

The Immoral Minority: Presidential pardon or not Sheriff ... 11, 2017 · Presidential pardon or not Sheriff Arpaio's record will not be scrubbed clean. Courtesy of Politico : A federal judge has ruled that President Donald Trump's pardon of former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio ends his prosecution for criminal contempt of court, but does not wipe out the guilty verdict she returned or any other rulings in the case.

How Glenn Beck And Fox News Successfully Painted AZ ... 11, 2011 · clipped from Within hours of the shooting spree in Arizona, conservative blogs lit up with the news that the suspect, Jared Loughner, was an aficionado of Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto. A Hitler/Marx devotee, the logic went, is someone too idiosyncratic or crazy to be part of any mainstream political movement.

Barack Obama’s Friend Bill Ayers Envisioned Genocide & Re ... 23, 2008 · The man who launched Barack Hussein Obama's political career from his living room, not simply a man in the neigborhood, but a man that Barack Obama actually broke bread with and shared an office with planned for re-education camps and the mass murder of possibly 25 million Americans who could not be re-educated. Wasn't this tried by…

marriage « Jamesb101.com 30, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The Rectification of Names: Don't just do something, stand ... remark about Assad shows that not a crowd that uniformly hates the projection of American military power (no doubt many do, but not all); what they have in common isn't a political stance, or a theological stance either, but a dislike for being insulted, manhandled, delayed in their personal business, or imprisoned without charge, which is, I believe, how most people feel ...

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 9-28-2010 10, 2010 · Daily Political Wire 9-28-2010. George Wenschhof President Obama interviewed by Rolling Stone - it was the interview by Rolling Stone of General Stanley McChrystal that led to his forced retirement by the president. In a wide ranging interview, the president discusses his first almost two years in office. ... This is an excellent example of the ...

conservative | The Rogue Jew just needs to avoid paying taxes for a few years and he may then be fully qualified to hold a cabinet position…..Secretary of Agriculture. Here is some of Coulter on Red Eye…. Technorati Tags: coulter , olberman , news , current events , politics , political , liberal , conservative , video , pwnd

Elections | The Senate Agenda Blog | Page 2 19, 2009 · The way I see it; all the more reason to reform Senate rules next session. If the Dems lose their filibuster shield, the Senate will go back to the utter chaos that was the 110th Congress, which makes the dysfunctional 111th Congress not seem so bad albeit in comparison.

REAL ART (and politics and culture) 10, 2005 · Ron Reeder, as Raina's father, Petkoff, did a marvelous job, too, although he was the only cast member who didn't attempt a British accent, which confused. His character was the least interesting, however, despite the actor's obvious command of the material.

CREN Politics: June 25, 2009 · In this bill, it is supposed to enabled the government to "cap" carbon emissions, but it's more than just that. A more proper name would be "Cap and Tax." This bill would cost the average family $1,870 and would eventually rise to $6,800 for the average family. According to the Wall Street Journal.

JustOneMinute: When You Come To The Fork In The Road, Take It 20, 2020 · I got out my handy dandy calculator and it turns out that he was the plaintiff in over half of them (2121), not the defendant. Still looking for construction litigation numbers. Yeah, Buckeye, I'm talking to a liberal who will never vote for Trump, but I consider it much needed practice in pushing back, whenever the opportunity arises.

The Political Environment: Madison Better Get Chicago Rail ... 07, 2009 · If Chicago gets the 2016 Olympics, Wisconsin better get that Amtrak connection to Milwaukee and Chicago done beforehand if it plans on hosting some cycling events. The track is there, but there are upgrades needed, along with a Madison station. Passenger rail used to run from Madison through Milwaukee to Chicago, but was killed off, like so much train service in the US.

Is Al Qaeda winning the long war? « Mercury Rising ?? 28, 2014 · Visit the post for more. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Massachusetts Conservative Feminist | Ordinary: Degrees of ... 05, 2008 · American politics and policies were in a chaotic state. There was the war in Viet Nam, escalated under Johnson, the assassination of a populist leader of an American royal family (Kennedy), and in August of that year, uncertainty on the world stage as to the direction in which the U.S. would turn. Putin understands history. As the people of Georgia

The Frustrated Teacher: 10/3/ its discourse of urgency, altruism and political purity parading in a messianic language of educational reform and a politics of generosity are the same old and discredited neoliberal policies that cheerfully serve corporate interests: privatization, union busting, competition as the only mode of motivation, an obsession with ...

Terry McAuliffe | Blue Virginia | Page 16 from that paragon of journalism and reporting Richmond Progressive Examiner.. While I would like nothing more than to believe that Governor-elect Terry McAuliffe is unequivocal in his opposition to uranium mining in Virginia until the science proves such an endeavor safe for Virginians (not for the foreseeable future), we are dealing in politics, a world where positions can change ...

Barney Frank – Plans To Abolish Freddie and Fannie ... 06, 2010 · Barney Frank, the Massachusetts 4th District U.S. Congressional Representative, apparently feels that Freddie Mac and Fannie May are no longer viable, despite statements he made in defense of the Mortgage giants prior to and preceding the …

Professor Tax a word: "charisma": the divine gift of inspirational personality. Max Weber, the brilliantly unreadable founder of political sociology, saw charisma as one of the three basic sources of political authority, the others being tradition and reason. Arnold the candidate was a creature of Hollywood; his celebrity glowed with manufactured charisma.

The Political Environment: Senior GOP Senator nixes Walker ... 11, 2016 · You may remember that Gov. Walker took time out the other day from his sandwich-making to make a little news when his pals Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan were legitimately in the spotlight by suggesting GOP Senators nuke the filibuster rule to guarantee that red Senators, Donald Trump and House Freedom [Sic] Caucus crazies even better odds to enact whatever alt-right, special …

Visual Politics FYS: Grassley. A True American 26, 2010 · Grassley. A True American ... He has shown diversity and hard work in his jobs through being a farmer, an assembly line worker, and a union member the commercial says. This also shows that he is an active man and knows the ways of the American working system in many different categories. ... The commercial presents Chuck Grassley as the ideal ...

Liberals arming up - WND 22, 2016 · As the proverbial shoe moved to the other foot Nov. 8, liberals suddenly found themselves worrying about the future and their own survival. In the circle of …

rudy giuliani | The Political Tipster gap in Iowa between Huckabee and Romeny shrinks further. Putting the latest Strategic Vision poll into Samplemiser produces the following projections: Romney 26.13 Huckabee 23.96 Giuliani 13.95 Thompson 10.17 John McCain 6.98 Ron Paul 5.02.Both Romney, McCain and Thompson really need to improve their positions if they don’t want the following primaries to turn into a Giuliani versus ...

Balkinization: Linkless group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. Front page Balkinization an unanticipated consequence of Jack M. Balkin

KENNETH STEPP FOR KENTUCKY!: December 2018 22, 2018 · Contact Me:Kenneth Stepp P. O. Box 1271 Manchester, Kentucky 40962 (606)596-0360 phone(606)596-0360 fax This is a paid political advertisement paid by Kenneth Stepp.<br><br>

The Open Secret of the FBI’s Investigation of Trump’s ... 26, 2018 · F or the past several days, the American public has been treated to quite a spectacle. Since President Trump first suggested in March 2017 that his campaign had been “wiretapped” by President Obama, we have been assured by our betters across the political spectrum that claim was not true and Trump’s accusations were the unhinged hallucinations of a mad man.

elementropy: 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 21, 2006 · There's nothing new about the Overton Window thing per se, but it is worth discussing and thinking about. Digby got the ball rolling on that front; tristero fleshed it out a bit more. Basically, the Overton Window is an explanation of the structure of wingnut insanity-dispersal. Wingnut think tanks don't come up with ideas so much as they articulate reactions to long-standing liberal ideas.

Coming back from an absence with Sarah Palin's resignation ... 10, 2009 · Coming back from an absence with Sarah Palin's resignation as Alaska's governor My apologies for the lack of posting. I've stepped away from my blog for a while since I felt that either a) The content I was writing was becoming more of the same stuff day after day, or b) The political BS that was taking place over the past year was the same ole BS day after day--how am I suppose to write ...

myth and old wives tale. Wal Mart pays above... 29, 2015 · Walmart workers and military are a large part of welfare. And the money we spend to aid the underemployed could be used to create jobs and benefit society. As for discrimination, when you become a minority, if you are around in 15 years when Latinos are the …

tcnorris: A race too close to call 23, 2004 · We have a race too close to call. The election commenced with hostility to the Liberals as a common theme, but the electorate was unable to find an alternative to the Liberals on whom to bestow their favour. The defining moment actually came months earlier, when the Auditor-General released her report, and a political firestorm was ignited.

Eric Sundström: October 2007 this pageOct 23, 2007 · For all of you living in the region of Stockholm, don’t miss the seminar about US politics that the excellent magazine Fokus is organizing on Thursday (more information here). And talking about the US: I recently wrote a longer article about the presidential race for the SSU magazine Frihet, encouraged by the new editor in chief Axel Björneke.I have published it …

Politics | The Least, First pray, instead, secretly, to a God who is unseen, believing that he hears and responds. That kind of prayer in school is protected by every court in America. Wouldn’t that kind of God have to be present now, right now, everywhere, no matter what people do? And, as far as that God being “systematically removed,” well, LOL.

Political reform and spiritual transformation | The Least ... 07, 2008 · This map, posted at My Clipmarks aroused considerable conversation, eventually taking a direction I hadn't considered. Deep in the discussion, an excellent clipper named Righthand posted this comment: There is also the personal level. You need to be a real generous Christian to want your fellow man to be your equal.* Ding-ding! Thoughtful comment alert!…

environmentalism « The Futility Monster about environmentalism written by The Futility Monster. Twutility Monster. 2012: Scores On The Doors 7 years ago; Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 8 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title.

environmental politics « The Futility Monster 19, 2009 · Posted by The Futility Monster on August 29, 2009 @ 09:25 The Privatisation of the Commons really was a Tragedy after all. Yesterday I wrote a post about the complete failure of the political class to be honest with the voting public about the nature of the environmental challenge ahead , and how it is going to radically change the way we live.

Climate Change | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog First Day Of New Congress, Koch Operatives Met With GOP Chairman Planning To Gut The Clean Air Act . Think Progress- By Lee Fang at 10:00 am. In January, ThinkProgress interviewed billionaire plutocrat David Koch about his views on climate science, his Tea Party movement, and his political plans for the future.On the day of our interview, we also discovered that he planned to hold a party ...

American Politics | Nolan Dalla’ like the poor. Losing teams are given the opportunity to make the first picks when drafting new players. This gives bad teams a greater opportunity to improve and perhaps become better. By contrast, the best teams must pick last in the draft. This is the way taxation should work, according to the principles of socialism.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Obama Releases Birth Certificate ... 02, 2011 · 8) Who Is The GOP's 2012 Presidential Race Frontrunner?? 9) Did You Fire Michael Steele Because He Was Black? Why Does The GOP Appear To Hate Black People & Other People Of Color?? What Have We Done Wrong To Your Party??

Radical Scholarship: February 2011 - Blogger that moment on, I was no longer a liberal, a believer in the self-correcting character of American democracy. I was a radical....The situation required not just a new president or new laws, but an uprooting of the old order, the introduction of a new kind of society—cooperative, peaceful, egalitarian.-- Howard Zinn (1994), You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train, p. 173

Minnesota: Land Of 337 Deniers... - Liberal in the Land of ... responses to "Minnesota: Land Of 337 Deniers..." Anonymous On May 21, 2008 at 8:45 AM Dana Arndt of Minneapolis doesn't even have a college degree. He has always been a bit "out there" and has had trouble holding down jobs. He is definitely no expert!! taxpaying liberal On May 21, 2008 at 8:55 AM I’ve googled the 1st 20 on the list.

No More Mister Nice Blog 02, 2006 · Er, yeah, good point: If something awful really did happen to Mark Foley when he was an adolescent, why isn't he telling the authorities who did it? Former Rep. Mark Foley's refusal to identify the clergyman he says molested him as a boy is reckless and could put other children at risk, say victims' advocates and a former priest who knows the ex-congressman.

American Twilight_excerpt Chapter Four-Personal Politics ... suggestions. Upload. en

March | 2016 | progressivenetwork 1974, Sestak graduated second in his class of over 900 midshipmen, with a Bachelor of Science degree in American political systems. This I did know: Between tours at sea, Sestak earned a Master of Public Administration and a Ph.D. in political economy and government from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 1980 ...

The Immoral Minority: Trump's Education Secretary claims ... 08, 2017 · This is the last chance for the religious right to attempt a power grab in this country because guess what, the younger generation isn't buying into their fairy tales. The religious demographic is dying out and in another 10 years they won't have a leg to stand on politically because they will be laughed out of this country, as well they should be.

Obama Skeptics | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 21, 2011 · Conspicuous in his statement, however, was the threat to disrupt future operations should the president not consult Congress first. “Before any further military commitments are made,” Boehner said, “the Administration must do a better job of communicating to the American people and to Congress about our mission.”

Ezra Klein: July 2005, it remains obsessed with the racial, ideological, and sexual spoils system called "diversity". Even as the airline industry was deregulated in the 1970s, and Wall Street now has come under long-overdue scrutiny, it is time for Americans, if we are to ensure our privileged future, to reexamine our era's politicized university.

Thursday Open Thread: Family of Botham Jean demands ... 13, 2018 · Visit the post for more.

Fairness Doctrine | The Liberal Doomsayer, this link to a right-wing site (of course) tells us that Pitts wrote an opinion column for Lancaster County Online (also for a Phoenixville, PA paper) about the supposed liberal quest to revive the Fairness Doctrine, even though (as it has been pointed out many, many times already, including here) no such quest is being or will be ...

Political Irony › Where’s the Deal? 08, 2017 · Anon – yes, that and man-child are the two that come foremost to mind. True to form, @realDonaldTrump was predictably back at it early this morning, going right for Comey’s jugular, accusing him of lying (perjury in this case, as he was under oath), praising Fox and Friends for their “great reporting” (so that’s what that is!) and of course playing the God card with the Faith and ...

The Liberal Doomsayer: Monday Stuff then there were three... #4, Eric Cantor #5, Michele Bachmann #6, Paul Ryan #7, Louie Gohmert #8, Allen West #9, Joe Pitts #10, ...

Differences Of Opinion: Obama's Speech 28, 2010 · In his first State of the Union speech Wednesday, President Obama stressed the need for jobs, and he appealed to Congress to move away from partisan politics to …

Vagabond Scholar: Not Writing for Power 01, 2009 · He was the Michael Chekhov expert, stressing: zydes, ceychas, civodnya - here, now, today.) It's not as if every act of writing is political or needs to be profound, though. For instance, The Master and Margarita is quite profound, but it's also a comic novel, witty and entertaining.

The Immoral Minority: Justice Department uses poor George ... 11, 2017 · Courtesy of Bloomberg: George Washington did it, so Donald Trump can, too. That’s the Justice Department’s take on why the 45th president isn’t violating the U.S. Constitution by accepting payments for goods and services from foreign governments without congressional approval.

Blago Bloggo's PDB Watch: Black Privileged Douchebag 19, 2009 · Black Privileged Douchebag Because he is a cafe au lait-skinned architecture professor of remote African descent, and a douchebag, Lionel McIntyre knows that in douchebag politically correct racial preferences-land that gives him the racially based …

WMUR | A Rake's Progress "A Rake's Progress," Rake & Friends offer their take on politics, society, and the detritus of modern life. Rake and Frank have been Wordpress bloggers since 2004 and live in Maine. Jefferson Hill started blogging about three years ago and lives in Connecticut.

The Plot to Bomb Fort Dix by "Some Guy in My Neighborhood" 01, 2008 · The Plot to Bomb Fort Dix by "Some Guy in My Neighborhood" A sure to be controversial piece of video focusing on Obama associate William Ayers. Perhaps the biggest favor the Obama campaign has done America is to alert us to the kind of person liberals want to educate our children.

The Rude Pundit 11, 2004 · The Rude Pundit Proudly lowering the level of political discourse 11/04/2004 The Five Stages of Grieving For George Bush's Re-Election (3 and 4): Today we work our way through the morass of emotion. We blame, we wallow in self-pity - it's all necessary before we move on.

Mo Rage: Walking in another's shoes 18, 2013 · Dear Mr. Kevin: Beautiful video!! I think that the correct form of the Native American saying is: "Never judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins." In political science we have a number of sayings that reflect the wisdom in this comment: "A conservative is …

Rand Paul Bigot | The Pardu's Scroll know my thoughts and opinion of Rand Paul. If you do not know, for me, Paul is the consummate political Chameleon. He will lie with a straight face, he will posit with ramble rose, and he has admitted an affinity for “misinformation.” Thus, he will change his colors to accommodate or facilitate the situation (moment) without regard for facts that often follow.

Blago and Rhambo: Doin' it Da Chicago Way - The New says Emanuel was interested in his own career because he had to give up his congressional seat to work in Obama's White House. Blagojevich writes that Emanuel dreamed of being speaker of the U.S. House and wanted to know if Blagojevich would work with him to name a successor to "hold" his seat until he wanted it back.

The Rectification of Names: Ontological 01, 2016 · The great psychological thinker and writer Alfie Kohn (you may recall the time we caught David Brooks not only plagiarizing him but pretending the material he stole meant the opposite of what Kohn intended) has offered some important remarks from the liberal psychologist's point of view on the Trumpian narcissism, not bothering with the false humility …

Ezra Klein: In Praise of Division Praise of Division David Broder's gushing encomium to Arnold Schwarzenegger's newfound moderations has already been rightly, resoundingly mocked throughout the blogosphere. Broder's belief that Schwarzenegger's election-year conversion to a liberal agenda "demonstrat[ed] in the most dramatic way possible the value of political independence ...

Liberal Candy: Schwarzenegger Offered One Billion Dollars 03, 2007 · Please, byotch! This is utterly fake. Growers and dealers want drugs to be illegal - otherwise, there's no money it it. If pot were legal, everyone would grow it, and a dime bag would cost a dime. It's the illegality that props up the price. 8/07/2007 10:44 PM

March | 2014 | cadesertvoice whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary .H.L. Mencken couldn’t have predicted the hysteria generated by the rollout of a plan to insure every American, since we don’t have Single-Payer (government run healthcare).

Jesus' General: Jason Altmire: Sell Guns to Felons, Terrorists 16, 2010 · That's a common condition for politicians, I know, but it's not one that should be accepted. Politicians like Jason Altmire should be forced to own the implications of their own words or retract those words, not allowed to weasel out of them by being hypocritical in the hope the their constituents will be too stupid to compare what they said ...

Thinking Blogger Award | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 20, 2007 · Wow, gonna be tough!! Some of my favorites were already chosen by Ron today but I promise I will catch them at a later time… that is if I ever get tagged again. ?? So here goes…. 1. Liberally Mirth is a fairly new blog and one of my favorites to visit. Mirth adds so much of her charming personality to her posts and a great variety ...

Breaking News: Terror Attacks in Paris | 3CHICSPOLITICO 13, 2015 · PARIS: Two police officials say that at least 26 people have been killed in shootings and explosions around Paris, in the deadliest violence in France in decades. One of …

Opinion Forum » Obama’s Alternate 13, 2009 · 10 Responses to “Obama’s Alternate Reality” Tom | July 11th, 2009 at 6:02 pm. Harvey, it’s a bit much to use words like “lies” and “liar” in discussions about politics, especially when the President is involved and when what’s being discussed are essentially differing opinions on policy.

Dershowitz Is Wrong — Abuse of Power Is Grounds for was the danger that a president would abuse his power that most concerned the framers. Thus, they provided for impeachment in the Constitution. “High crimes and misdemeanors” include, but aren’t limited to, conduct that the criminal law punishes. Impeachable offenses are political, Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 65.

New York State Governor Paterson caution's Cuomo…'You will ... 27, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com We have decided …

Why Liberals Hate Free Speech | Emptysuit 13, 2009 · Richard Dawkins in his 2006 book The God Delusion, states fundamentalist religion “saps the intellect,” and refers to belief in God as a “mind-virus.” Liberals and liberal Christians regularly promote their theory of Fundamentalist anti-Semitism, a long-standing hoax falsely accusing Conservative Christians of anti-Semitism.

09 | January | 2011 | Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian 09, 2011 · “The Communist Manifesto” and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” were among the favorite reading materials of Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in today’s fatal shooting that reportedly left six dead and gravely injured a U.S. congresswoman. Communist Manifesto” and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” were among the favorite reading materials of Jared Lee

Visual Politics FYS: Created Focal Points 08, 2010 · Instead, Obama wants to craft the idea that he is a man of morals, and a man who is a loving father and husband. To some extent, the personal pictures inspire Americans to fix broken homes. The photographs tell the American people that Obama is not only the president of an entire country, but he is also still a sufficient father and husband.

Political Thermopylae: January 2008 maybe the correct test for America, whether a candidate who is more open to working with both sides of the aisle and facing criticism on both fronts will perform better than one who is firmly entrenched on one side who while having no chance to appeal to about 1/2 the electorate, still has a better chance of attracting the appeal of ...

Rev. Steve: Naked Baseball Players in the Library of Congress 09, 2010 · According to Library staffer Susan Reyburn, the mural has been there since the building opened in 1897, and is "one of about five images depicting ancient games, showing the Olympic ideal." Except, as Asylum notes, "they didn't play baseball in ancient Greece. Nor did they play American football, another anachronistic ceiling mural found in the ...

Who in the world is Steve Bannon? | BUNKERVILLE | God ... 08, 2017 · To be honest, I knew very little about Steve Bannon. No doubt his appearance doesn't help when visualizing him as a top-notch political operative. Often pictured with more than a 5 o'clock shadow, frumpy, overweight... more like a character out of some grade b gangster movie. With all of the palace intrigue of who is…

Peter, you have your head wedged somewhere where the sun... 29, 2015 · Peter, you have your head wedged somewhere where the sun does not shine. At the time the book was published, at least three of the four major villains she described in detail were alive. The fourth may have been, too. I am not sure about him. She is a professor of the history of science at Harvard, not a hack.

NY23 : Grassroots & Tea Party Movement | Furthermore 23, 2009 · This is what the Tea Party movement is all about. Change. If you agree to allow the power brokers in Washington to endorse the wrong candidates then so be it. However, if you are Tea Party supporter who is tired of out of control spending and RINO’s running our party then this NY congressional election win for Hoffman is huge.

Obama | All Other Persons article reminded me of a point made by one of my college instructors: a key to understanding American politics is to realize that a two-party country. In other countries, especially those with a parliamentary form of government, there can be many parties.

American Legion « Mercury Rising ?? about American Legion written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

The Wattree Chronicle: THE CLUELESS DR. W. GABRIEL SELASSIE 05, 2017 · So I’m keeping a list of some of the more outrageous comments being made by politicians, ministers, and so-called Black intellectuals for a book on “THE PRICE OF ANTI-INTELLECTUALISM,” and I can see now that you're gonna be featured quite prominently, because it's very important for the Black community to understand that the primary ...

politics | Sheila Kennedy politics these days is a sociologist’s dream. Or nightmare. The extreme polarization of the voting public has been noted, examined and explained from multiple perspectives: we have “sorted” ourselves geographically, economically and philosophically, and political scientists suggest that we increasingly revise our ideological commitments in order to conform to those of the ...

John Conyers: American politician from Michigan (1929 ... James Conyers, Jr. (born May 16, 1929) is the U.S. Representative for Michigan's 13th congressional district. He has been a member of Congress since 1965 and is currently its longest-serving current member, making him the Dean of the House of Representatives.

John Conyers - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia 12, 2018 · According to the National Journal, Conyers has been considered, with Pete Stark, John Lewis, Jim McDermott, and Barbara Lee, to be one of the most liberal members of Congress for many years.Civil Rights Movement icon Rosa Parks served on Conyers' staff between 1965 and 1988. Conyers is known as one of the opponents of the drive to regulate online gambling.

25 | March | 2012 - March 25, 2012 – Under The LobsterScope 25, 2012 · 8 posts published by btchakir on March 25, 2012. In an article called “More good news about the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare): CBO says it will save money“, Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub (a great blog, btw) brings one of the most important results of “Obamacare” to plain view: The Congressional Budget Office shows it will save money:. Remember, without the Affordable Care Act, …

The Rag Blog: Sarah Palin and the Anti-Abortion Terrorists 25, 2008 · Sarah Palin gave anti-abortion terrorists 'a wink and a nod.' by MissLaura / October 25, 2008 Terrorism: n. The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Now That The Hammer Has Fallen: Detroit: What Now: News ... 30, 2009 · But it is not entirely clear that Wagoner can be faulted on anything more than being in the right place at the wrong time. Plus, the president's actions raise more questions than they may answer. Seeing as how it is in stasis , the Obama/America Honeymoon Status Advisory System (explained here) is at: Holding Hands.

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 22, 2005 · Norman Podhoretz, editor-at-large for Commentary magazine has written a column posted at the Wall Street Journal’s Opinon Journal website that once and for all dispels the lie coming from the liberals mouths that Bush lied about Saddam’s possession of WMDs in order to get the U.S. committed to the illegal invasion of Iraq. The column is rather lengthy but well worth the read.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Obama Admin Agrees To Release ... 09, 2009 · The first wave of records is expected to be posted around Dec. 31. The White House also said that certain "sensitive" visits, such as those by potential Supreme Court nominees, will not be revealed. Also hidden will be personal visits to the Obama and Biden families, and security information such as the arrival times of White House staff.

Wartime | Missouri Communication 27, 2010 · Nick Ut earned the Pulitzer Price and it was choosen as the World Press Photo of the Year 1972. In the 2007 blog article “ Etat, guerre, médias “, Jean-Bernard Huyges, a political scientist specialized in information, communication and strategy, developed the idea that there was a double imperative for medias during war.

A Little Reality: Presidential Candidates: Historic Parallels 20, 2015 · Roscoe was the poster-boy for corrupt politicians throughout the second half of the 19th century. Carly wants to fire tens of thousands of government workers. Her business record is rife with corruption - circumventing sanctions to sell HP products to the Iran government and using debt to generate phony sales growth while at Lucent .

Short Sharp Shock.: The People’s House for real: The 116th ... 10, 2019 · The first Ecudorean elected to Congress in a forever. And more. And more. The members of the 116th Congress were sworn in on Thursday, Jan. 3. What came together in the House of Representatives was the most diverse congressional representation of the American population in the history of the country.

Balkinization: Animus versus Moral Opposition: Material ...· Congress was responding to a 1993 Hawaii Supreme Court decision subjecting the state’s ban to strict scrutiny under the state constitution. See Windsor , 133 S.Ct. at 2693 (citing H.R. Rep. No. 104–664, at 12–13 (1996)) (“The House Report announced its conclusion that ‘it is both appropriate and necessary for Congress to do what it ...

Frederick Politics: Caminar una milla en sus zapatos! 07, 2008 · Particularly encouraging was the president’s middle-ground approach to a very polarizing issue: “The President Supports A Rational Middle Ground Between A Program Of Mass Deportation And A Program Of Automatic Amnesty. It is neither wise nor realistic to round up and deport millions of illegal immigrants in the United States.

Driftglass | The Pardu's Scroll about Driftglass written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

politics | The Pardu's Scroll 30 years, the researchers there have been tracking senators to see who is liberal, who is moderate and who is conservative. And look at what`s happened. In 1982, the number of moderate senators in yellow who fell between the most liberal and most conservative totaled 60 … the number of moderates has fallen steadily to 36 in 1994, nine in ...

The Real Problem With Terrorism | Suzie-Que's Truth and ... 21, 2007 · by- Mentarch … 17:13 EDT The question of a definition of terrorism has haunted the debate among states for decades.. Here is a summed up definition of terrorism from a 2001 report of the U.S. State Department (the original report is no longer available online apparently, and thus I use this article as source instead): Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against ...

BOYCOTT SPONSORS OF JOE SCARBOROUGH | America The NOT … 13, 2013 · December 12, 2013 By Mike Caccioppoli Understand this isn't about politics. This has never been about politics. It's absolutely fine that MSNBC has a "conservative" voice on the station. No problem at all. The problem is that Joe Scarborough as I wrote in a previous column, is a rat. A no good rat. He happily…

The Liberal Mobhttps://theliberalmob.blogspot.comNov 16, 2011 · The Liberal Mob is a politically oriented blog with an obvious liberal slant and a vaguely irreverent attitude. We would like to promote common sense progressive approaches to the problems facing America and the world today. We reserve the right …

The Citizens: University Trends and National Security 11, 2010 · University Trends and National Security There have been a spate of talk shows and news stories lately discussing how universities are cutting back on modern language programs. I have a few thoughts on this issue, and I would be interested to know what the Citizens think, as many of you have a better grasp of Academic politics than I.

Michael Savage – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Truth Apostolic Church in Madisonville made a huge mistake when it hired a convicted sex offender to work with its members. The man was convicted of raping a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint. – Rev. R.G. Green Endorses Cruz: “He Promised To Ban The Perversion Of Female Orgasm” by Lea Vat Kens (Satire) – KU KENTUCKY KRACKA PASTOR COMPARES RAPING DIM BAKKER TO STEALING …

Sparks from the Anvil: February 2007 27, 2007 · Sparks from the Anvil ... One of the best lines I've heard, was from a listener on the Dennis Prager Show ... This is the typical mindset of liberal d0-gooders: they back "feel-good" policies, without ever pondering if their actions actually bring about the …

John Kerry: It s Time to Kill Benjamin Netanyahu s Speech 26, 2015 · Video of Mr. Netanyahu s 2002 remarks in which he said I think the choice of Iraq is a good choice, it s the right choice reveals that he linked his strong support for a United States invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein with the possibility of inspiring the implosion of the ruling theocracy in neighboring Iran.

IRS head: ‘I don’t want your stinkin Obamacare’ – Congress ... 02, 2013 · Now the head of the IRS says "I don't want your stinkin Obamacare." And now an update: Anyone who read my rant yesterday will be "stunned" to hear that Obama is going to save Congress and their staff from going on to Obamacare. This is how it worked. Senator Grassley passed an amendment that became part of the law that Congress had to participate in Obamacare.

Nancy Pelosi- As A Mother | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 13, 2007 · by- Suzie-Q @ 9:30 AM MST In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask That a general congress of women without limit of nationality, May be appointed and held at someplace deemed most convenient And the earliest period consistent with its objects, To promote the alliance of the different nationalities, The amicable settlement…

Search Results - Exceptional Delaware Whacky World of Education Politics. Last Monday evening, the night before the initial meetings with the Charter School Accountability Committee for their charter renewals, Providence Creek Academy and Campus Community School had their first public hearings.

IDIOTIC, SEEMINGLY RACIST STICKERS POSTED BY … 10, 2015 · Which is the kind of guy he is -- an adolescent, showoffy provocateur. A right-wing blog describes him as a "liberal social justice warrior," but that's like calling G.G. Allin a "protest singer." The URL of Reposa's website calls him "DWI Badass." He prides himself on taking a lot of cases to trial and making life difficult for others in court.

Let's Explore Politicshttps://sarmila-letsexplorepolitics.blogspot.comThe article “A Crisis of Faith” by a New York Times columnist Paul Krugman brought up an interesting question about the US economic status at present. Obviously we all know the financial condition of the US has not been in a good shape since it has reached the peak in 2000 AD. Series of Gulf War and Afghanistan War.

Philip Morris Calling, Thank You Michele! asked him if he had heard of SCHIP. He had. It was the purpose of his call. He wanted to patch me through to Michele Bachmann’s office so I could congratulate her on her vote against SCHIP, The very vote that was preventing his children from gaining access to …

Usenet sock-puppetry on « Scanlyze 09, 2007 · Crossposting with one clarification per the comments below, my posting to the nytimes chess blog, Gambit: Regarding this blog item and the article, Chess Group Officials Accused of Using Internet to Hurt Rivals, in Oct 8 2007's New York Times: Reading the thread from archived on Google, the evidence as presented suggests …

[January 2015; Part B]: Smart IVR™ | Opinion Poll | Manitoba recently, Mainstreet was the only polling rm to correctly predict a Liberal majority government in the 2015 federal election.-30Available for Interview from Toronto: Quito Maggi, [email protected] For more information: David Valentin, (613) 698-5524 - [email protected]

MISCmedia by Clark Humphrey » Blog Archive MORE FREMONT 22, 2004 · HEREWITH, THE SECOND and last part of our recent visit to the Fremont Solstice Parade and street fair. Today, some of the more overtly “political” statements made there. Despite this “wall of shame” and other anti-right-wing displays, the Bush-Cheny ’04 campaign bravely staffed a booth at the street fair. The megaphone guy is calling for […]

Frac Sand Spill Into Major WI River Offers DNR More Wrist ... 10, 2012 · If spreading human waste near Jefferson County drinking water wells led only to tickets at the behest of our freshly-corporatized Wisconsin DNR, I can't imagine a sand spill into the St. Croix River will produce much of a regulatory response. Remember, the DNR wants the businesses it 'regulates' to be "self-regulators," a top DNR official recently said.

Year 11 Eng - Trump Cartoon Analysis | United States ... 11 The Truth Part 1. Analysing Political Cartoons: 1. Newspapers, Facebook articles. 2. It was written as a satirical response to Donald Trumps election as the 45th President of the United States of America in 2016.. 3.

SHADOW'S WORLD - Blogger on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Engineering. Oh, and Politics.

Turkey | Political Pains & Points of View. of this, she re-iterated, was “long before, three years before,” Novak outed Valerie Plame as a CIA operative in his newspaper column. Brewster Jennings was “absolutely” dismantled in August of 2001. “Grossman and [Richard] Armitage, they are the only two people involved.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 08/04/2013 - 08/11/2013 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

American Power: No Enemies on the Left? Progressives for ... 12, 2008 · We see striking similarities when comparing Hayden's positions in his current essay, "Progressives for Obama," to those in "The Port Huron Statement." Of course, Hayden's not a spokesman for any major political advocacy group or political party, but his essay is going out as a general call to action among all left-wing progressive forces .

The Backbencherhttps://ultimatebackbencher.blogspot.comMurphy was the first Iraq War veteran to serve in Congress and he made the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell a top priority. Earlier this week , Congressman Murphy introduced the bill that repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell. The bill passed the House on Wednesday and yesterday the …

obvious that FRUMPFASS is clearly mentally deficient with ... FRUMPFASS insane, Demented, or just senile insane. Page: <<prev 1 2 3 next>> Jul 3, 2017 07:19:54 #

Treasury Department | Desert Beacon 21, 2012 · The previous post focused on the rationale for increased oversight of the ratings agencies, such as Standard & Poor, Moody’s, and Fitch, this one will get further into the weeds. The Treasury Department sent proposals to Congress to “make the financial system more fair across the board.” In its introduction the Treasury affirmed that their intent was to increase transparency, tighten ...

The Political Environment: Jefferson County Residents ... 12, 2012 · [originally posted Tuesday, May 15, 2012, at 10:56 pm.] Their lands had been been used as an open air toilet, so who could blame the good people in and around the Town of Concord for showing up Monday night at a Town board meeting to vent their anger over the disclosure that human waste had been spread on near their wells - - and with minimal enforcement action by the DNR after …

The Next Hurrah: The Only Issue is (Still) Iraq cost of the Iraq war has been around a half-trillion dollars. That figure is from the National Priorities cost of war site, which pulled data largely from the Congressional Research Service (more info on their sources).They note that it is enough to give almost 40 million people health care, to hire over 2 million grade school teachers, to build over a million units of affordable housing ...

Third Base Politics: Strickland dives into the health care ... 11, 2009 · One of the more interesting aspects of Senator Harry Reid's plan to allow states to opt out of government run health care was that it, for the first time, really pushed state leaders to speak out on the plan. And Ted Strickland took the bait.

Fake President | 3CHICSPOLITICO 24, 2017 · Wow, who is this fool pre-empting the Orange man and his VP Mike Pence? Trump family be like… at that presser Looks like they have the puppet on a teleprompter, continuing to feed the weak, stupid media and his supporters …

liberal NYT columnist goes to the border, sees the truth ... 27, 2019 · Give the guy credit - he went down for himself with an open mind and saw the truth. If only the demons in DC would do the same. President Trump has an unlikely new ally -- one of The New York Times’ most liberal and well-known voices. The veteran scribe’s latest column begins by detailing a recent trip he took to parts of the southern border. “On April 12, I toured the busiest border ...

Flashback Hillary: ‘If I were President I would obliterate ... 09, 2020 · One of our most precious rights as Americans is the right to determine who our leaders are. The president abused his powers to cheat in the next election and rob us of that right. Then he obstructed Congress to cover it up. Impeachment is the only remedy. #DefendOurDemocracy — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 18, 2019

Howard University | The Pardu's Scroll at the TPI find the following politician the perfect example of what happens when progressives and intelligent independents fail to vote. In 2010, the Koch bothers, Dick Armey, Karl Rove , Freedom Works and others on the Right, leveraged the election of Barack Obama as president to flood the voting places with angst filled voters.Right, leveraged

No More Mister Nice Blog 03, 2010 · The real answer, as the WaPo's Jonathan Capeheart reminds us, is societal, not political. Americans expect their presidents to be cool, calm and collected in a crisis. But we have to recognize that Obama already has this manner (or skill) mastered because it attaches to any black professional, especially those in positions of authority.

January 2018 – Linkmeister Headline: White House to Congress: Russia sanctions not needed now This was the vote on Russian Sanctions: House: 419-3Senate: 98-2 Today, Trump said he won't impose the sanctions despite a veto-proof majority. Congratulations, America. Laws are meaningless now. — Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) January 30, 2018

Eruptions At The Foot Of The Volcano: DATE WITH DEATH IN ... 07, 2011 · It´s a political agenda being driven by so-called evangelism in the US and being pushed on to Africa. "Through their extensive communications networks in Africa, social welfare projects, Bible schools and educational materials, US religious conservatives warn of the dangers of homosexuals, and present themselves as the true representatives of US evangelicalism,"

27 | December | 2007 | The Black 27, 2007 · The looting in L.A. was the welfare state without the voting booth. The elite have sent one message to black America for 30 years: you are entitled to something for nothing. That’s what blacks got on the streets of L.A. for three days in April. Only they didn’t ask their Congressmen to arrange the transfer.

JustOneMinute: Extend An Olive Branch, Get Pelted By Politico reports on what we hope is the on-going education of Barack Obama: Friendly fire: NYT hits Obama by: Jonathan Martin March 22, 2009 12:38 PM EST The leading liberal voices of the New York Times editorial pages all...

Zacarias Moussaoui | The Liberal Doomsayer, Va. – Zacarias Moussaoui was a clown who could not keep his mouth shut, according to his old al-Qaida boss, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. But Moussaoui was surprisingly tame when tried for the 9/11 attacks — never turning the courtroom into the circus of anti-U.S. tirades that some fear Mohammed will create at his trial in New York.

Your GOP: Kentucky Governor Shows His "Red" Colors (Cuts ... 24, 2015 · YOUR GOP!!!Herein lies the problem with eh 2016 General Elections. Progressive and liberals and other common Democtrta voting blocs have a tendenchy to "stay home.' They do so while effectrivelyh via their lack of voting inertai cast figurative votes for the GOP.The people of Kentucky who earn minimum wage and wish to have free and open…

information – Eric Lightborn's Blog is the only reason I call myself a Media-Watchdog, one of the last of the breed. These are just some of my saved email contacts from my personal email account. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] press ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 01, 2011 · The newsletters coincide with the rise of "politically incorrect" as a badge of honor -- that was the time of sexist rants by Sam Kinison and Andrew Dice Clay, and of the rise of shock jockery of the Howard Stern variety (Stern, in his 1993 book, Private Parts, said Rodney King "should be beaten every time he reaches for his car keys").

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:McCain supporters fueled Hillary'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

"Politics doesn't even begin to describe it. A visit to an ... 07, 2008 · "Politics doesn't even begin to describe it. A visit to an Obama rally is a pilgrimage" DAVID WRIGHT: We've been to dozens of huge rallies like this in dozens of states and with every victory, Obama's congregation seems to be growing.

Short Sharp Shock.: A Current_ affair 06, 2011 · And with the political season dead ahead, there’s something more going on. November’s tie-up of Newsweek and The Daily Beast, last month’s acquisition of NBC Universal by Comcast; Monday’s acquisition of The Huffington Post by AOL and Current’s appointment of Olbermann indicate the advance of a basic realignment in the power centers of journalism, moving away from the legacy …

Politics | Nolan Dalla’s Note: This is the first article in a two-part series. Within the past ten years, I’ve been pulled over a dozen times for various traffic violations. On exactly half of those occasions, a citation was written out and I ended up paying a fine. The other half, I was let go with just a …

Benghazi Murders | Bloviating 12, 2014 · But four days later, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations said on television that it was the product of a spontaneous protest. During a fiery and emotional congressional hearing on the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Rep. Trey Gowdy read aloud from an email dated Sept. 12, 2012 to senior State Department officers, from ...

Amy Goodman | The Pardu's Scroll about Amy Goodman written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

sisu: "This Winston Churchill of Iraq" decision to go to war in Iraq was not an easy one, but it was the right one. . . not the first time that you stood up for freedom . . . I particularly want thank you [the Congress] for your brave vote in 2002.

God | The Liberal Bilge Translation Once a month I have the honor of being a Bible Lay Reader at my church. This was the second reading I did yesterday – The Parable of the Weeds.It has to do with Idol worship. 24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.

Politics | Nolan Dalla’s Impact on Las Vegas from a Non-User’s Perspective . Now, four months into Nevada’s bold experiment with recreational marijuana use, all evidence indicates that critics of legalization were dead wrong about the presumed dangers they insisted would occur.

Motor City Liberal: Bishop's block's block by Jack Lessenberry 9/12/2007 Prepare to get whacked in the teeth, hard. Michigan is heading for a smashup of titanic propo...

Rick Perry - California Political 11, 2016 · After the 2013 death of the founder of Carl’s Jr. — the ubiquitous California fast-food restaurant chain — the Orange County Register published an obituary that captured the one-time spirit of the state: “Carl Karcher, the Ohio farm boy with an eighth-grade education who turned his $326 investment in a hot dog stand into a multimillion-dollar fast food empire, died Friday afternoon.

Ezra Klein: The White House Responds Edwards in his speech utterly fails to come up with an alternative to GWOT that is substantively different (he even fails to offer a superior rhetorical alternative). Posted by: Korha | May 24, 2007 1:39:41 PM. I think this summarizes well the consequences of the political and strategic myopia that led to the current bloody impasse.

Will This Trade War Be Donald Trump’s Political Waterloo it was not clear how much face-to-face time he would get with farmers like Recker who say they’re already feeling the pinch from Trump’s trade war.” The trade war is affecting a broad spectrum of industries from steel to cotton to pork, but the soybean farmers are the …

Rocky Mountain Liberalhttps://rockymountainliberal.blogspot.comRocky Mountain Liberal Wednesday, November 19, 2008. ... The Bailout, also euphemistically known for a brief period as the “rescue package” before reverting to its harsher but more accurate descriptor, is something to behold as it spreads like slime into every crevice of American business. ... a person who is a true face of what America has ...

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 09, 2013 · Obama has chosen Johnson, who served as the Defense Department’s general counsel from 2009 through 2012, “because he is one [of] the most highly qualified and respected national security leaders,” the official said.

Motor City Liberal: New West Point Study Highlights Threat ... new study [2] from a think tank connected to the West Point Military Academy highlights the threat of violent far-right movements in the United States, leading to the conclusion that, while diverse in in their causes, they are similar in their use of violence to achieve their aims.

2 Political Junkies: Uppity! 08, 2009 · Prediction: health care reform will pass w/ a public option. And then the GOP gets the pleasure of defending itself in the 2010 elections as the party that wants to take away health insurance. October 8, 2009 at 6:10 PM

Jews sans frontieres: Who ever heard of an Irish Jew? have been various prominent Irish Jews including two mayors of Dublin (Robert and Ben Briscoe) and one of Cork (Gerald Goldberg). I heard a story that Gerald Goldberg opened a bridge which became known as the Passover. According to Wikipedia, it's true. Anyway, perhaps the best known Irish Jew (among politicals that is) is the late Chaim ...

With giant potholes, 'freeway' in Walker's Wisconsin ... 01, 2015 · The numbers mark a dramatic decline in road quality. As recently as 11 years ago, Wisconsin's roads ranked No. 22 in the nation, and their deterioration affects almost every industry and motorist in the state, according to the study commissioned by the …

Motor City Liberal: Myths and falsehoods surrounding ... the retirement of Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, Media Matters revisits some common myths and falsehoods pushed by right-wing media in their effort to undermine the confirmation process and attack anyone President Obama nominates to replace Stevens.

Jackson | All Other Persons New York Times is reporting a split in the Congressional Black Caucus over legislation that bans certain types of cigarettes.. Right now, tobacco is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. This means the FDA has limited authority to control the content and sale of …

NC Racial Justice Act | All Other Persons New York Times is reporting a split in the Congressional Black Caucus over legislation that bans certain types of cigarettes.. Right now, tobacco is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. This means the FDA has limited authority to control the content and sale of …

Matt Denn: My Hero | kavips 18, 2007 · As the summer wound down I was at a BBQ. I am a member of a fairly conservative church and people know that I’m this big liberal so I don’t tend to have too many “political” conversations with friends of mine from that neighborhood of my life. Anyway, unprompted a friend says, “What do you think of Matt Denn?” I said, “I like him.

The Debate Link: Cocktail Reception 19, 2008 · This makes me cautiously optimistic that one of the major political parties in our country will work on being less racist and sexist if only out of political necessity. Of course Steele could be replaced as soon as the gop realizes he actually intends to bring non waspm into the gop. 3:19 PM

Convergence | isely 24, 2014 · The following is an excellent excerpt from the book “WHAT OBAMA MEANS…For Our Culture, Our Politics, Our Future” by Jabari Asim from the Prologue titled “Convergence” on page 17-20 and Chapter 1 titled “What Cool Can Do” on page 21-24 and I quote: “This new version of youth spirit doesn’t just confound African Americans who grew up in a society largely defined by race.

BP « Jamesb101.com 27, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

On neoliberalism | Arun with a View 21, 2017 · [update below] Everyone is against neoliberalism. If there is anyone with the slightest politically progressive inclination who is not, I would like to know his or her name. If one is for neoliberalism, that makes one ipso facto not progressive. On the other side of the barricade. De l'autre bord. The term is tossed around…

Loaded Dogma: September 2013 have been trying to think of a way to describe what Australian federal politics has turned into across the last two election cycles. The consensus on the 2010 election was that it was the worst in memory, and while that hasn't been said much about the one just gone, that's probably because it was no better and people have accepted this low quality debate as the new norm.

Matt Yglesias | The Liberal Doomsayer to a study by Spectrem Group, 7.8 million households in the United States have assets of more than $1 million — so that leaves 7,799,950 millionaire households yet to take the pledge. Well, a journey of a thousand miles, as they say…

Scott Brown | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog was the first US senator to encourage Brown in his run for the seat left vacant by the death of liberal lion Edward M. Kennedy, and Brown has said he idolizes the former Navy pilot. In conclusion, naked Scott Brown is totally gay for John McCain, which is …

05 | March | 2010 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 05, 2010 · McCain was the first US senator to encourage Brown in his run for the seat left vacant by the death of liberal lion Edward M. Kennedy, and Brown has said he idolizes the former Navy pilot. In conclusion, naked Scott Brown is totally gay for John McCain, which is why J.D. Hayworth will be the next Barry Goldwater.

FDL « The Angriest Liberal 28, 2011 · They would never admit to it to a pollster, and that means we have to have other means of gathering data, come on, this isn’t that hard. Exhibit 2: So after ProfHP’s original piece appeared in The Nation, Joan Walsh weighed in, with an okay blog, but it didn’t tell the entire story, and her blog required proof of racism via poll data ...

Avedon's Sideshow: "THERE'S NO JUSTICE. THERE'S JUST ME." 18, 2015 · For a change I can agree with Kos without restraint: Hell yes! Donna Edwards for Senate! Stop that little weed Chris van Hollen in his tracks. And, while we're at it, we need someone to take van Hollen's Congressional seat, as well. A social worker got fired for writing this article.

Political Murders And Race Crimes ... - Culture of Life News 18, 2015 · A state Senator, Reverend Clementa Pinckney, was shot in the church mass murder last night. We know absolutely nothing of the shooter’s motivations or even who it is but of course, this looks a lot like the Gabrielle Giffords Shot: Congresswoman Shot In Arizona not far from my university home in Tucson. Nearly the same number of people were killed in that event.

Death Row | elmsprogressivemedia 13, 2012 · “Kill me if you can, suckers. Ha! Ha! Ha!” Hembree gloated in his letter, portions of which were published by the Gazette on Tuesday. Hembree, 50, was sentenced to death in November for suffocating a 17-year-old girl in 2009, and is also accused of killing two other North Carolina women.

Popular Struggles and Movements | Political Parties ... led the movement for independence against the British rule, and after independence became free India’s premier political party. It maintained this position under Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of free India. In the General Elections held in 1952, 1957,1962,1967 and 1971, the Congress virtually controlled the politics of the ...

Super PACs | The Pardu's Scroll strategist will focus on the Senate, as the 2012 presidential race is politically Obama’s to lose. An Obama win (in 2012), a majority GOP victory in the House and a Rove, delivered Senate would make for good GOP lame-ducking of the president. The Party could continue to pursue its ‘corporatist’ human services dismantling of the ...

Stubborn Liberal: May 2013 are the rants and raves of a stubborn-headed, midwestern, baby boomer, liberal, wife, mother, and grandmother. My goals are to speak my mind and educate others about some of the events in our world. Thursday, May 30, 2013. Conservatives Still Against Women.

Voices in the Wilderness | Desert Beacon 20, 2014 · When the Northern Nevada Development Authority compiled its study of agriculture in Nevada (pdf) the report offered some insight into the political views which inform economic practices.. Unsurprisingly, the report cited the following survey results concerning the lack of expansion or “impediments to business growth,” “The biggest impediments to business growth were identified as …

Washington State Political Report - Blogger again, our friend David "Goldy" Goldstein has gained national attention with his excellent story about the arabian horse assocation disaster that was qualification enough for Little bush to appoint Mr. Brownnose as FEMA Director in his Maladministration. Goldy's story reminds us that history repeats itself, often in a breathtakingly short time. I'm linking to Skippy because he includes a ...

Nevada | Under The LobsterScope about Nevada written by btchakir. Under The LobsterScope Politics and The Arts (and other things)

Political Verses: 2010 Verses A blog with snarky poems and rhyming rants about politicians, pundits, and other putrid people and events that give me heart palpatations--as well as …

2009 February « Mercury Rising ?? Giordano has not been one of the folks to worry about whether the stimulus package just passed is big enough to stimulate the economy all by itself, for this simple reason: “If there are worthy things that don’t make it into the final form of this Stimulus Bill, they’re mostly things for which the votes exist in Congress to pass them in other legislation later on.”

How Does The Market Value Bank - Blogger 07, 2012 · how does the market value bank Why is the Normally Astute Taibbi Sounding Like a Hopey Dopey Liberal on the Mortgage Settlement? « naked capitalism. I hate taking issue with Matt Taibbi. I'm a huge fan of his writing and think he has done more to cause the big bd banks discomfort than any single writer.

GOP Politics: Can It Get Any Worse? | The Pardu's Scroll 20, 2015 · The United States has a political party that is undergoing and promulgating the most heinous of social regression in US History. Over the centuries, we have evolved away from our more shameful historic events and historic washy of life. Native American genocide (via manifest destiny), Women's Suffrage, Anti-Union thuggery, Japanese internment (during WWII with no Germany ancestry…

Hey! MyBuh!…Who Tief My Conch? | Common Sense, Uncommon ... 08, 2009 · With little fanfare, and barely a word spoken save for a public meeting in Fox Hill, the anniversary of the formation of the Progressive Liberal Party (Nov,23,1953 ) has come and gone. The party that gave 'life' to the modern Bahamas is now being subjected to the rewrite of F.N.M. historians . Lost are the…

20 | January | 2009 | Letters to a Dying Dream 20, 2009 · The government does not care about you. I work for the government and if you really want to know the truth I’ll tell you. We hate you and the only reason we don’t march you all off to camps is because the Army hates us (especially congress) even more then they hate the average dirty little twatwaffle living in Berkeley and all the douchebaggery that goes along with those hippies asshats ...

Open Thread – 3/7/2019 – Politics 08, 2019 · NW: Having been raised Catholic, every year was the same promise, sweets. Has been through the years, but on a positive note, I’ve recently given up ‘sky diving’. I’m petrified of heights, but I thought that this would be a nice leverage. Personally, I would never pursue diving in the sky as one of my ‘to do’ activities.

Israel Plans a New War in Syria — but Not for the Reasons Plans a New War in Syria — but Not for the Reasons It Claims. Gareth Porter. ... Israel retaliated for the shooting down of one of its fighter planes by hitting the main Syrian command-and-control bunker and five Iranian communications facilities. Israel has been laying the political groundwork for a military escalation in Syria since ...

Thursday Open Thread | Janet Jackson Week | 3CHICSPOLITICO 01, 2016 · Hope you are enjoying this week with Janet.

CIA « Jamesb101.com 01, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Mueller Investigation pt 7 - Page 5 - International 10, 2019 · Mueller Investigation pt 7 USA Politics. The most ludicrous aspect of the conspiracy theory being foisted here is that the Dems and/or Deep State, take your pick, went to truly extraordinary, illegal efforts to damage Trump, yet they didn't bother to release an October surprise.

whirlingwind dot com | The Pardu's Scroll A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link; Jon S. Randal : US History Often Overlooked (Jim Crow, The Fight For Equality, Information, Quest for Peace)

After Rahul's Rafale attack, Modi says Congress wants ... 26, 2018 · Lighthizer's comments were first reported by the Wall Street Journal . "We certainly want to have an agreement with Canada". The two are in NY for a United Nations meeting but it is unclear whether they will meet. "America is governed by Americans". 7-Year-Old Wows Everyone With Her National Anthem

Commander Ogg: 2012 Ogg Random Thoughts from an EX-Soldier and Political Junkie. Friday, November 9, 2012. Romney. Racism and Reality. While I had faith in the mathematical genius of my half Jewish brother Nate Silver: I also realized that the Adelsons and Koch Brothers invested a lot …

Kevin Powell: January 2011 30, 2011 · I was once asked to provide what they called an “Invocation” at a political event a few years ago. So I chose for the bible reading the passage we just heard from Matthew’s gospel, popularly known as “The Beatitudes.” I wanted to offer the crowd a different vision than what usually passes for political discourse.

Kevin Powell: September 2014 12, 2014 · Hi Folks, This is my first attempt at a blog. I thought I'd use this as a forum for sharing my sermons, but I am especially interested in discussing where faith, culture, and politics collide, to gain a greater understanding of where the church is heading and how the message of …

Moe's misunderestimations: December 2010 27, 2010 · She loved deeply, and because she was the more intelligent of the couple, she knew where the real priorities in life were. She wrote a moving eulogy for Tony Snowe, George W. Bush's press secretary. I recommend that all of you read it because it says a great deal for us and about her generosity of spirit in these polarized and grossly politicized times.

Donald Trump voters | This Is 18, 2016 · This is an important rule: • It is not always fair to blame a politician for the actions of supporters. And the flip side: • Sometimes it is exactly fair to blame a politician for actions of supporters. But there is also this: • This is the quality of mind that …

January | 2012 | Sheila Kennedy 21st was the 2-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United.. The anniversary was marked with a number of protests, and an even larger number of news articles and blog posts documenting the dramatic growth of political “Super Pacs” and other unaccountable third-party political actors in the wake of that decision.

Lawrence O’Donnell’s The Last Word | The Pardu's Scroll you are the least bit politically inquisitive, you may remember the 1988 Willie Horton George H. W. Bush campaign ad. Carl Rove was the operative behind that team that developed and promulgated the historic ad. The names Lee Atwater and Floyd Brown ring home like a resounding echo for a humongous Asian wind chime.

Bar Examination Questionnaire for Political and ... Bureau of Customs raised the defense of immunity from suit and, alternatively, that liability should lie with XYZ Corp. which the Bureau had contracted for the lease of ten (10) high powered van cranes but delivered only five (5) of these cranes, thus causing the delay in its cargo-handling operations.

My Israeli Nemesis Is Moving to America | The Smirking 01, 2018 · To be fair, I am far from the first or most important person to be denied entry to Israel by Gilad Erdan. Erdan led the charge to deport Human Rights Watch’s Omar Shakir was the same politician denied entry to Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar in August 2019. Still, back in 2018, he found the time to publicize his gripe against me.

23 | December | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 23, 2006 · 6 posts published by Suzie-Que on December 23, 2006. ROCKY MOUNT, Va. – A congressman said Thursday that he will not retract a letter warning that unless immigration is tightened, “many more Muslims will be elected” and use the Quran to take the oath of office.

Abolish the electoral college petition" Keyword Found ... The Electoral College. We are asking you to sign this petition in an attempt to get Congress to amend Article Two, Section One, Clauses 2, 3 and 4 (the articles pertaining to the Electors, known as The Electoral College) of the Constitution of The United States of America to allow US Citizens to choose the President of the United States of America by ...

Vagabond Scholar: Taking the Right Seriously 12, 2009 · But it's dangerous to treat these people only as objects of ridicule, and it's dangerous to forget. Keith Olbermann recently made the same point many liberal bloggers have made over the years - it's dangerous to "move on" from major scandals, because the same people always come back.

Obsidian Wings: Mexicali Blues Eric Martin. Why, it's almost as if they're trying to stoke irrational fears of the "other" for political gain:. Last year gave us death panels and granny killings, but compared with the nonsense justifying the immigration crackdown, the health-care debate was an evening at the Oxford Union Society.

24 | September | 2008 | TheZoo | Page 4 24, 2008 · Concerned Women for America is a conservative Christian political action group active in the United States. The group was founded in 1979 by Beverly LaHaye, wife of Christian Coalition co-founder Timothy LaHaye, as a response to activities by the National Organization for Women and a 1978 Barbara Walters interview with noted feminist Betty Friedan.

Political Report January 2011: AEI's Monthly Poll ... January 2011 issue of the AEI monthly newsletter Political Report is now available online. The Political Report compiles the latest polling on hot political topics. Presented in an easy-to-read, vibrant visual style, these up-to-date reports are a gold mine for anyone interested in the latest in public opinion soundings and political developments. Topics of this month’s report include ...

Armin Mohler and German Conservatism | Conservatism ... Mohler was one of the defining figures of the conservative and right-wing intelligentsia after 1945. The historian Karlheinz Weissmann, who describes his relationship to the 40-year-old Swiss as a "teacher-student relationship", has recently presented a political biography of Mohlers, which is unrestricted Is recommended.

April | 2006 | True Blue Blog dictatorship is easier than a democracy.. Unfortunately Hu proved that point in Washington, D.C., not Beijing. According to the notoriously liberal Drudge Report:. The arrival ceremony for Chinese president Hu Jintao was interrupted by a protester who appealed to President Bush to stop Hu from 'persecuting the Falun Gong,' a banned religious movement in China.

14 | August | 2008 | Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities 14, 2008 · The commemoration of Joseph Vernon Baker and the courage exemplified in his life carries a special confluence with a certain aspect of Wofford’s own history. Founded in 1854, for over a century Wofford was a small private liberal arts college that was segregated, attracting almost all of its students from the Old South.

New at LifeSiteNews: The Atlantic Hypocrites Fire Kevin ... 05, 2018 · Here's my latest commentary at LifeSiteNews. Spoiler alert: Jeffrey Goldberg isn't the only one I have words for. Well, that was quick. After publishing just one piece at his new gig, liberal magazine The Atlantic has already fired conservative columnist Kevin Williamson. On March 22, Williamson announced his departure from National Review, saying he viewed the …

Rumsfeld was Bush's Rasputin | The Smirking author Allison Kilkenny is a radio host and political humorist, a fancy way of saying writer, who makes shitty world news funny. She is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, the Beast,, and's Wiretap Magazine. Her work has also appeared on The Nation and she is a regular guest on SIRIUS radio.

Paul Ryan: Anti-Abortion, Anti-Birth Control, Homophobic 16, 2012 · Paul Ryan: Anti-Abortion, Anti-Birth Control, Homophobic Yes, there’s so much more to Paul Ryan than the one-dimensional budget nerd portrayed by the liberal media. Now that the “media” has decided to focus on “serious” issues (i.e. the economy) to the exclusion of everything else, Paul Ryan’s Salem Witch Hunting mentality is pretty ...

Political Irony › Border Security a Waste of Billions of ... 28, 2011 · Seriously talk with someone who is a native from Mexico, and they will tell you that times are very rough down there. They fear for their friends and families, honestly they do. They will tell you there are a lot of crazies down there. We need border security for those people.

Johnny Pez: Sobel Wiki: Sobel and the feudal spirit 06, 2013 · This is all by way of introducing this week's featured article on the Sobel Wiki: the Bloody Eighties, a period of anarchy and social upheaval that swept Europe in the early 1880s. In the Sobel Timeline, the failure of the American Revolution was followed eleven years later by the failure of the French Revolution, thereby avoiding the political ...

Unemployment rate hits 18 year low! MAGA! 03, 2018 · Then click on each successive year, 2004 through 2017, and you can watch as the Underutilization Rate soared during the Great Recession, peaking at 16.7% in 2010, then drops off each year down to 9.6% in 2016, and 8.5% in 2017, and is currently at 8.3%. This is a much more accurate representation of unemployment in the USA.

2009 December « The Bright Coast 30, 2009 · This is a pretty neat list that was linked on Yahoo earlier this evening. It simply shows how certain figures have changed over the past 10 years in a variety of different categories, like politics, the environment, technology, the economy, education, etc. Lots of these numbers definitely reflect the current sad state of our economy.

JustOneMinute: Sunday Afternoon 21, 2012 · Allred is a life-time member of the First Order of Skanks and will, of course, get the MFM to make a BFD out of this but the electorate are not interested except the Fluke's of this world and the other ten idiots who showed up for her speech in Reno. Talked to an old Florida politico this morning at brunch and he was all smiles.

Hillbilly Liberalhttps://hillbillyliberal.wordpress.comAccording to an article published in The Washington Post, the plan will call for withdrawal of combat brigades by 2008 and will limit the military’s role to training Iraqi troops, counter-terrorism, and border security.It will repeal the 2002 authorization for war with Iraq. “I’ve had enough of ‘nonbinding,’ ” said Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), who is helping to draft the new ...

Cipo 3025 Final Paper Populist | People's Party (United ... Cancio 801-09-0895. CIPO 3025 Dr. Antonio Castahna Final Paper. The History of the Populist Political Party in the United States and how they changed America despite their shortcomings as a Political Party.. The People's Party embodied the agrarian agitation that brought

Horizons: Hillary Clinton's tone problem Clinton certainly isn't the first or last politician to be constrained by ego problems. But I worry that if she becomes the first woman president, all holy hell will come her way - just as its come to Barack Obama as the first African American president. Defensive bluster won't cut it when that happens.

OpenlineBlog: April 2017 04, 2017 · With Irvin's stunning defeat of the political mafia, many across the city have expressed Kristen Ziman should resign well before the new mayor is sworn in to avoid having to be fired as Irvin is expected to search nationwide for a serious and experienced leader who can implement true community policing strategies, move cops from the palace to the streets, bring reform, restore credibility, and ...

Remembering ‘Being There’ … or ... - Voting Matters Blog 12, 2008 · January 12, 2008 Remembering ‘Being There’ … or why Chauncey Gardener could not vote in today’s America. Posted in Being There, Elections, Peter Sellers, politics, Voter ID, voting, Voting Rights tagged Being There, Peter Sellers, politics, Voter ID, Voting Rights at 3:56 pm by bluebanshee. I have fond memories of the 1979 movie “Being There” starring Peter Sellers.

Dane County Judge Injects Sanity Into Van Hollen Lawsuit 07, 2008 · Dane County Judge Injects Sanity Into Van Hollen Lawsuit. Props to the judge, and defense attorney Lester Pines, ... then there wouldn't be any cases of voter fraud in the first place. ... He worked as the senior Mayoral staffer in Madison and Milwaukee and for newspapers in both cities. This blog began on 2/2/ 2007.

The Political Environment: Health Insurance Ad A Powerful ... 11, 2008 · As is labeling the plan's outcome "the McCain health insurance tax" because you would, for the first tie, have to pay income taxes on your employer-provided health care benefits to fund the plan. I think that's a fair turn of a phrase, especially because McCain has been leaving the taxation element out of his plan's descriptions.

Balkinization: DOMA: The Politics of Scrutiny his letter to Speaker Boehner explaining the administration's new position, Attorney General Holder discussed the history of prejudice against gays and lesbians, the immutability of sexual orientation, the irrelevance of sexual orientation to an individual's ability to contribute to society, and the relative powerless of gays and lesbians in the political arena.

Treason | Sheila Kennedy as the scientific community operates according to anti-authoritarian norms of free debate…so science prospers in an external environment that similarly tolerates pluralism and dissent…Scientific dissidents espoused a strong form of liberal political philosophy that grew out of …

The Political Environment: Another Crazy Florida Shooting 05, 2012 · We'll let BloggingBlue tell the story of the castle doctrine gone wild: A man in Cape Coral, Florida on Wednesday was arrested for shooting and killing an unarmed door-to-door salesman on his property. Kenneth Bailey Roop, 52, has been charged with second-degree murder for killing 30-year-old Nicholas Rainey.

Freedom of Hate Speech | Nolan Dalla 23, 2013 · The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no balls, nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of …

Cooking the Books and Politicizing Intelligence - Progress ... 15, 2005 · by Larry C. Johnson (bio below) Like a passenger who just leaped from the Titanic into the icy waters of the North Atlantic, George Bush is frantically looking for a rescue boat. Understandably he keeps pointing at the dinghy nearby—i.e. last year’s report issued by former Senator Chuck Robb and Judge Laurence Silbermann under the […]

REAL ART (and politics and culture): 01/01/2008 - 02/01/2008 08, 2008 · First, there was the predictable failure of the levees due to known but covered-up design flaws--granted, this goes back to the Clinton administration and earlier, but it happened under Bush's watch, so he bears ultimate responsibility; the Army Corps of Engineers, which oversees Mississippi River flood control through several states, is, after ...

World’s Greaest Economits | Thorstein Veblen | Karl Marx GREATEST. ECONOMISTS Adam Smith (1723-1790) Adam Smith was a British political economist and philosopher. He is also at preset considered the Father of Economists because he was above all a system builder. He is best known for The Wealth Of Nations, his 1776 landmark book on economics, published at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution - and was even consulted on economic …

Mr. President, there has Never Been a Time Like Now to ... 20, 2009 · We let it slip away in 1992. As the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Mexico, even Cuba have socialized medical programs that the people want – we continue to debate on false grounds of Nazism, Socialism, or selfishness. Rather, the debate must be on what is the right solution. This is the first of three articles regarding healthcare.

NonParty Politics: A Golden Age of Media 05, 2007 · An excellent piece about the current state of the media; newspapers, television, the internet, and regulation. Some excerpts: The Media Cornucopia, Adam D. Thierer. Some grumbled that TV and radio featured too much religious programming; others argued that there wasn’t enough.

The Scientific Activist (Archives): The Struggle Continues 14, 2006 · "This is the most troubling budget we've seen from this White House," said Heather Taylor, deputy legislative director for Natural Resources Defense Council. The proposal sent to Congress this week would trim EPA's budget by nearly 5 percent, down to $7.2 billion, and the Interior Department's budget by 2.4 percent, to $9.1 billion.

Health Care | The Liberal Doomsayer 1: What koz sez here, unfortunately…. Update 12/15/09: I thought this was a good letter in the New York Times today (which, as nearly as I can tell, is the only newspaper writing about real people dealing with real issues related to unemployment (), which is still at staggeringly high levels)…. To the Editor: Re “Lieberman Says He Can’t Back Current Health Bill” (news article ...

Schmidt's Marine Reserve Colonel Disavows 'Coward' Comment ...'s Marine Reserve Colonel Disavows 'Coward' Comment. The Marine Corps Reserve Colonel whom freshman Congresswoman Jean Schmidt (R-OH) claimed she was quoting last week when she delivered his "message" on the floor of the U.S. House that "cowards cut and run, Marines never do" has disavowed that statement and denies having made it to Schmidt. Exclude : ... Time Period :

The Montana Clemency Hearing - The StandDown Texas“The Ron Smith who is sitting in front of you today is not the same man who committed those crimes 29 years ago.” Smith, 54, is the only Canadian facing execution in the U.S., and Canada’s official opposition to the death penalty has given the case an added political dimension and subjected it to scrutiny on both sides of the border.

Open Thread–12/12/2015 – Politics 24, 2020 · Click through for a long list. From NY Times : Many of the indelible images of the Middle East refugee crisis this year are haunting. There was the heart wrenching photo of Aylan Kurdi , a lifeless 3-year-old boy who drowned at sea and washed up ashore on a beach in Turkey in early September.

politics – Black Political 06, 2008 · Upon hearing his statement I could not help but think about our newly elected President, Barack Obama, and the high expectations placed upon him by …

Inspection- Please Impeach the 'Daisy!' | The Smirking course some on the right have the opposite view; like it was the political version of being found "not guilty." Donnie jerked back and forth according to what part was being reported on. The president's herky-jerkiness was to be expected from the shallow little tantrum filled boy in a man's body. Of the other two: neither is completely true.

The Congressional Love Affair with Corporate Tax Avoiders ... tax extender bill would extend most of the traditional 50-odd tax breaks for a year, but it would also make six corporate tax breaks permanent, costing a whopping $667 billion. Two other measures, the Active Financing Exception (AFE) and the “look-through” rule, let …

Ralph Reed – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about Ralph Reed written by dummidumbwit. “The scriptures tells us that Satan comes as an angel of light, so Lady Gaga, she disarmed everybody when the first thing she started to do the other night at halftime was sing ‘God Bless America,’” he said. “And from that point on, she went into ‘This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land’ and we were all hooked.

Buckdog: February 2018 12, 2018 · This is highly unacceptable!! You placed him in political limbo for over 3 weeks based on NO actual allegations .. then you opened a 3 week 'fishing expedition' so that any 'actual' complaints could be made. 'Guilty until proven innocent' was the WRONG move on this matter Jagmeet. I did not support you for Leader and your high handed treatment ...

Michael Peroutka – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ..., who made his fortune with a family debt-collection business, has become a minor benefactor to the Religious Right, including funding anti-choice groups, bankrolling some of the campaigns and advocacy work of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore (who is currently suspended for attempting to defy the federal courts on marriage equality), and, maybe most notably, donating a million-dollar ...

American Power: What's a Radical? 03, 2008 · One of the points I've made in the "No Enemies" series is that radicals don't necessarily have to advocate political violence as a means for revolutionary transformation. Further, I contend that today's "progressive" activists constitute a contemporary radical movement seeking to use the electoral process to achieve a dramatic and fundamental ...

Frederick Politics: Rolle Wants Voters to Decide 08, 2014 · The term for a Judge is 15 years, which Rolle told me would make him 67 years old, which he believed would be the last step in his career. ... with a write-in box below it. This is what happened in 2004 with Judge Adams and Commissioner Thompson. Since she won both primaries that year, only her name appeared on the Nov. 2004 ballot." Stay tuned ...

A Political Season: Random Reactions 05, 2009 · For someone who is currently a state wide office holder, the man displays a lack of political judgment of chasmic dimensions. Doofus move #1. In a fit of greedy, self serving ambition, Burris accepts Blago's appointment to the senate seat vacated by Obama, demonstrating that in the service of his own ends, he is absolutely prone to throw good ...

Senate GOP approves Judge nominee opposed by 20,000 police ... 19, 2016 · This is why we are getting rid of the GOP and why we have so much contempt for those who rattle around in the halls of Congress. They care not one wit. This anti-cop judge who is knee deep in the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore will have a lifetime appointment. This is the contempt…

Bob Schaffer(R) Senate candidate from Colorado puts ... 18, 2008 · Obviously, the second photo caption is not a quote of the man pictured. I highly doubt that there is a politician in America who would say such a thing. Swinehart’s detective skills are on full display in his comments. Clearly, there is no fooling this bloodhound. With instincts like his, perhaps he should be chasing down terr’ists.

Oath Keepers – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America about Oath Keepers written by dummidumbwit. I use the phrase “14-year-old girls courting adult men,” rather than “adult men courting 14-year-old girls,” for a reason: Evangelicals routinely frame these relationships in those terms. That’s how I was introduced to these relationships as a home-schooled teenager in the 1990s, and it’s the language that my friends and I would use ...

Motor City Liberal: Even As Experts, GOP Figures Criticize ... involved in the assault, which was spearheaded by a Islamist brigade formed during last year's uprising against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, said in interviews during the battle that they were moved to attack the mission by anger over a 14-minute, American-made video that depicted the Prophet Muhammad, Islam's founder, as a villainous, homosexual and child-molesting buffoon.

Max Leder | The Pardu's Scroll about Max Leder written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

DFQ2: Thrilla in Vanilla (part 7) 18, 2012 · Uhm, and like unless you can show this- You're saying you were exonerated, but it's closed. I mean, I'm sorry, that wasn't good enough for me. It seemed like you were spreading some type of lie, that you were some political prisoner, when you're just …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Dan Veniez removed at Ridley Terminals 2005, Paul Martin's Liberal government decided to sell the troubled asset to an Ontario-based coal-mining firm for a comparative pittance – just $3-million, far less than the $400-million that the federal government has sunk into Ridley over the past 27 years.

Political Art | julianraven at CPAC would ask where I am from and I would tell them “we just made national news as one of two cities in recession across the fruited plain”, and unsurprisingly, locally …

Nina Agdal | The Lowdown | Page 2 of the most unexpected big topics in American politics this week was who the President can order to be killed. If Nixon was alive, he would certainly be an expert on that. (The New Yorker) Speaking of Presidents of the United States, in his retirement, George W. Bush has become a bit of an artist.

Are Satmar Cronies Of Disgraced Brooklyn Pol Vito Lopez ... ban against the haredi news site Vos Iz Neias, first reported here, appears to be the work of cronies of Vito Lopez, the disgraced Brooklyn politician who worked closely with the Catholic Church, Satmar and Agudath Israel of America to block passage of the Child Victims Act, a bill that would have helped root out pedophiles in yeshivas, camps and religious schools.

The Useless Tree: Reading "On Liberty" in Beijing of the readings I gave to my students was the chapter on "Liberalism" from the Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies, which emphasizes the multiplicity of its expression over time and contemporaneously, as well as its contradictions and dangers. The second reading was the opening pages from John Stuart Mill's On Liberty. It is striking ...

Sports | The Plainsman Politico has moved Plainsman Politico has moved. and is now Please adjust your bookmarks. Archive for the ‘Sports’ Category The Plainsman Politico Has Moved.

A Little Reality: Terrorism, American-Style' Academy is one of the few right-wing bloggers I read because, while he is often wildly wrong, he is at least an independent thinker and doesn't simply parrot Karl Rove propaganda. Independent, creative thinking is a rare thing on the right side of the political spectrum and it …

2 Political Junkies: Chuck McCullough's Going To Trial 13, 2009 · Chuck McCullough was elected to one of the County Council At Large seats in the November, 2007 election, and brings 25 years of government expertise to Council. Chuck was the Homestead Borough Solicitor from 1984-1990 and the Allegheny County Solicitor from 2002-2004.

Congresswoman Julia Carson has Passed Away | Mirror On America 11, 2007 · Carson was born to a single mother who worked as a housekeeper. She graduated in 1955 from the same segregated high school school as basketball star Oscar Robertson. She began her political career in the 1960s when then-Rep. Andy Jacobs Jr. hired her to work in his office.

Josh Bolten | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog’s in Charge — Bush or Obama? President George W. Bush’s former aide and adviser, Karl Rove, has reportedly been instructed to ignore another congressional subpoena, this one issued earlier this week by Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan). According to Newsweek, Bush’s lawyer, former White House counsel Fred Fielding sent a letter Jan. 16 to Rove’s lawyer, Robert Luskin, instructing ...

New Appeal to Reason: Sam Farber's new book on Cuba 08, 2006 · Paul Hampton has a review of Samuel Farber, The Origins of the Cuban Revolution Reconsidered (University of North Carolina Press, 2006) on his blog at the Alliance for Workers Liberty. Farber grew up in Cuba, but has lived in the United States since the 1960s. He has been associated with "third camp" socialism, including the journal New Politics, the …

Let’s take a look - BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 10, 2017 · He joined Lockheed Martin, one of the world’s largest defence contractors, as senior vice-president. In 2005, Comey left law enforcement for the defense industry, joining money-in-politics powerhouse Lockheed Martin. As senior vice president and general counsel he earned more than $6 million in compensation in his last full year with the company.

The Rude Pundit 10, 2004 · Kerry vs. Reagan: When Kerry faced down the Reagan administration in his dogged pursuit of the Contra-drug connection, he was a freshman Senator taking on one of the most popular Presidents in American history. Instead of backing down from repeated threats to his political career, Kerry had his staff stay on the case like a viper injecting ...

Phyllis Schlafly – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ... group of Eagle Forum activists announced on Monday that they had voted to oust Ed Martin from his post as Eagle Forum’s president, a claim denied by Martin. Martin succeeded Schlafly as president last year, with Schlafly remaining to serve as chairman of the board and CEO. While the dissidents have insisted that they were not moving to oust her, Schlafly has repeatedly said that she is the ...

Kayla Moore – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Fischer Tells Bob Marshall He’s The One Who Can Stop ‘Deviant Agenda’ Of Transgender Candidates By Miranda Blue – Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall, a conservative culture warrior, has attracted the attention and money of anti-LGBTQ groups in his fight for reelection against Danica Roem, a former reporter who is a transgender woman.

The Official Politics and Religion Thread | Page 1567 ... 01, 2015 · The problem is, who will do the bidding of the government with all of these charities if not for Religious Organizations? Just look at who is trying to help the refugees in the current situation (although I believe more for financial reasons). I guess the left doesn't always believe in "Separation of Church and State" when it benefits their agenda.

When Progressives in Congress Let Us Down, We Should Push autumn 2016, just before she won election to Congress for the first time, Jayapal told an interviewer “why I stepped up to fight back against the Bush administration, against the Patriot Act, against civil-liberties violations. It was very, very personal, in a way, but it …

The Movement Is What Matters - The Rush Limbaugh Show 28, 2008 · Rush Limbaugh, America's Anchorman and Doctor of Democracy, is known as the pioneer of AM radio. Limbaugh revolutionized the media and political landscape with his unprecedented combination o f ...

Frederick Politics: Misdirected Calls Most Likely Data Error 07, 2013 · Interestingly, it was the local paper who first reported on May 14 of this year that newly announced alderman candidate Donna Kuzemchak had not paid her property taxes with an article and photo displayed above the fold on the cover of the newspaper.

politics | The Blue States 27, 2012 · Yang had received the additional $3 million boost in his bonus after the company had its best fiscal year ending in March. The $30 billion personal technology company saw a 73% bump in net profit from the previous year, which Yang had described as a “record-setting year for Lenovo,” according to a press release.

Saray Palin speech reaction | Mudflats Palin was the Hail Mary pass of the GOP. The McCain campaign is counting on voters being dazzled by the package, enchanted with the newness, and pumped up by the fightin’ spirit of this unusual political figure. And they are also counting on the fact that most people will go no deeper than that.

Apple Jacks | Exceptional Delaware 29, 2015 · This is the story, unverified with any credible source, and how I heard it from a stoned DOE employee at Firefly one summer. One Christmas Eve, Delaware Treasurer Jack Markell and Rodel CEO Paul Herdman met at a tavern. Markell wanted more from his political career, and Herdman had just been given a lofty position at Rodel.

One BILLION Corporate Dollars Spent Lobbying Congress in ..., guess what? If you think that's bad, just wait until we get to Climate Legislation proper, where the Petroleum Industry, some of the largest and most profitable corporations in the history of civilization--- in no small part, thanks to enormous federal subsidies --- have a direct financial stake in the outcome. (Yes, the world's most profitable corporations benefit mightily from U.S ...

research paper | Voting | Presidents Of The United States ... means then that, rather having a total of 538 electoral votes; it would turn to a total of 435 since there are 435 Congressional Districts in the United States of America. Rose also mentions that, the two Senate "add-on" votes in each state would then be treated as "at-large" votes and awarded to the state's popular vote winner (2004).

Ben “Stabby” Carson | The Pardu's Scroll 08, 2015 · A mold of quiet, soft-spoken, unassuming, outwardly critical of any federal program that benefits the poor, an inclination to join in bannering slavery for political gain, and a mold that includes religious dogma to the point of ridiculous. A mold the vast majority of Africans-Americans will not fit nor would most care to fit.

John Yoo – *The* video to watch if you’re interested in ... 16, 2010 · John Stewart interviewed him recently, you can see the first part of the interview here. Well worth watching. John Stewart puts all the liberal lines to him and he explains patiently (and with fine humour) what he did, and why it was needed as well as the flaws in Jon’s (and by extension, the entire left) reasoning/logic/political talking points.

Blog 5: Political Blogs | Missouri Communication 07, 2011 · I have found two that struck my attention. One contains mostly political satire, and the other is more serious. The first of the two is demockracy. This blog is used to poke fun at our political system. In particular I read a post that I read that I found both interesting and entertaining. The title was The American Mid-Term Election Seen from ...

How much will Trump supporters will tolerate? | Page 3 18, 2019 · 1. the first 2 words in your response indicates a lack of intellectual honesty and/or capability or curiosity. 2. I put forth A QUESTION based on the public statements of Trump and company, coupled with references to past examples of Presidents under fire and the distraction of war. 3.

Red Plenty — Crooked Timber 27, 2010 · Why it struck me as ‘a bit like’ reading these authors is roughly as follows: some of Ursula Le Guin’s characters are very like anguished dissident Russian intellectuals or cynical Russian official intellectuals (e.g. in The Dispossessed); KSR’s Mars novels have several such characters (and others, of course, mainly Americans) co-operating and arguing about big technical and political ...

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: HILLARY CLINTON'S CORONATION ... 03, 2016 · The graph below is based on polls from both 2008 and 2015-16. The latter are the eight biweekly YouGov/Economist surveys conducted since Joe Biden announced that he would not run for president. The former is the March 2008 Cooperative Campaign Analysis Project, another YouGov survey that interviewed over 15,000 respondents.

The Human Calculus: Political Futures vs. Human Life on long after I moved back to Colorado in early 2013, I met a young, up and coming state legislator named Crisanta Duran. She was awarded the Health Care for All Colorado “Health Care Hero” award for her staunch support of a sound health care policy that would help working class families secure access to affordable health coverage and quality health care.

tcnorris: 08/01/2014 - 09/01/2014 12, 2014 · The following is also posted at iPolitics: A new Ekos poll released on the weekend delivered some bad news for the Harper government. With just 25.6% of preferences the Conservatives badly trailed the the Liberals, leading with 38.7 %. When I apply the Ekos numbers to my seat projection model the Conservatives are pushed into third place in terms seats won - behind the NDP.

The Art of The Con! Nobel prize-winning... did NOT vote for him. Never would have. I'm not, in this opinion of yours, which does seem to change on a daily basis, a "skank", a somewhat dated word, man. He is a (let's not fool ourselves with this "alt-right" BS) nationalist, a supremacist, a 70-year-old- five- year old, who is …

Blue in Guadalupe: May 2018 Cause, a citizens’ group focused on government transparency and ethics, hired Wood in September 1972 as Executive Director. Early the previous year, at the beginning of the bi-annual legislative session the Securities and Exchange Commission filed charges alleging a far-reaching stock manipulation scheme organized by top business and political leaders which would eventually become ...

Wyatt's Torchhttps://elliswyattstorch.blogspot.comMay 21, 2006 · Upon searching the home of Rep. William Jefferson, D (La), FBI Agents found nearly $100,000 in his freezer. The same $100,000 that they have taped the esteemed Congressman receiving from an FBI informant to bribe a Nigerian official. Jefferson told the informant that he gave the money to the Nigerian, but it seems he decided to keep in for himself.

Sunday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 17, 2017 · ?Robert Mueller obtains facebook warrant in Russia probe

21 | August | 2019 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 21, 2019 · This from their on the spot reporting: We walked there planning on just taking a tour, but what we received was so much more. As an educator, I took this trip not only to gain knowledge on what is actually happening politically in the country, but also to meet with other educators and students to see how the educational system operates in a country that has eradicated illiteracy since 2005.

Elana Kagan argues for government book banning in front of ... 25, 2010 · I should have made this connection myself - shame on me for slacking. Previous - President Obama should withdraw Elena Kagan from consideration Via our friends at Big Journalism: Comparisons are always a great way to show how differently the Old Media treats conservative and leftist politicians in America today and Obama’s nomination of the Elena…

Adirondack Howlerhttps://adirondackhowler.blogspot.comGreetings from the land of the progressives. This is the Adirondack Howler for Sunday, January 9th, 2011. This week I was planning to talk about the antics of the upcoming 112th Congress which opened this past Wednesday. It has taken a backseat to a tragedy that happened in a parking lot of a Safeway supermarket on Saturday.

Election 2010 – Primaries | TheZoo 30, 2011 · It wasn’t very long ago that one of the primary targets in the Tea Party’s plan to cleanse the GOP was the sitting Senator from Arizona, John McCain. Both the Wingnut blogosphere and the “liberal media” confidently predicted that the old buzzard was gone completely, to be replaced by the Tea Party sweetheart, J D Hayworth.

PPP | jbjd©2011 jbjd. A brief article entitled, “Flake says: “Get off this Kick”” appeared on the blog, Seeing Red AZ, whose byline reads, “political views from a red state.” This blurb about Representative Jeff Flake (R-AZ) was taken from a longer article that appeared in The Hill, citing an interview conducted by CNN, who asked the candidate for U.S. Senate to comment on the results of a ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 12, 2011 · Early in his address, Obama said that he wanted the nation he leads to be a "light to the world." ... Margaret Thatcher delivered what might go down as the most memorable line in Obama’s second State of the Union address. The British Prime Minister told her American audience that the United States was the "first nation to have been founded on ...

Remainders: Live Town Hall - - POLITICO.com was the first in a much-hyped series of town hall forums scheduled by John McCains campaign, in which Barack Obama had been challenged to show up to discuss the issues directly with the ...

20 | May | 2020 | Wide World of Stuff 20, 2020 · Wide World of Stuff. I want to tell you about two awesome TV shows I’ve been binge-ing during the pandemic. And the Portland Moms protesters are so freaking awesome; Remembering John Lewis, a true American hero. The best political ad of the year, by Lindsay Graham’s opponent. And a “pandemic sport” involving beer cans that’s wildly ...

NPR: Sick Of Political Parties, Unaffiliated Voters Are ... 29, 2016 · The following is an excellent article written by Renata Sago, Ben Markus and Jude Joffe-Block on the NPR website on February 28, 2016 titled "Sick Of Political Parties, Unaffiliated Voters Are Changing Politics" and I quote: "Sick Of Political Parties, Unaffiliated Voters Are Changing Politics" Facebook Twitter Google+ Email February 28, 20165:00 AM ET Renata…

Arkansas – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America“Hillary Clinton embraces every sexual deviancy you can imagine,” she said, before once again suggesting that the former secretary of state is a lesbian because “there have been more than rumors swirling about her own sexual proclivities since before she became first lady.” – American Family Association; Sandy Rios: Possible Lesbian Hillary Clinton ‘Embraces Every Sexual Deviancy ...

San Diego Politico: 11/18/12 - 11/25/ my seven election nights, the third that lasted many days. In the 2000 primary, I made the runoff by 300-odd votes, and waited a week to find out for sure. In the 2012 primary, I made the runoff by 719 votes out of 151,000 cast; that took a number of weeks to play out.

25+ Best Memes About Math | Math Memes,111341The best memes from Instagram, Facebook, Vine, and Twitter about Math. ... While a serious event that targeted one of our embassies, it took place early in the morning when a grenade was launched into an empty embassy building. ... The first is an attack on what liberals are trying to call the American consulate on January 22, 2002 in ...

Political Irony › Niger = Benghazi? 19, 2017 · This is all I will say on Benghazi, I watched the news of the attack and as someone who is familiar with military actions knew immediately it was pre-planned attack. If the Obama admin had just said from the start it was an attack and not a demonstration against an obscure video it might have died out more quickly.

Paul Manafort on Trial – Day 8 | 3CHICSPOLITICO 09, 2018 · Prosecutors frustrated by repeated slapdowns from the judge at Paul Manafort's trial made a formal written protest Thursday, complaining they were unfairly called out in front of the jury. U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis sharply dressed down prosecutors on special counsel Robert Mueller's team Wednesday for allowing an expert witness from the Internal Revenue…

Megyn Kelly | The Liberal Doomsayer I don’t know who else has noticed besides me, but the punditocracy is absolutely losing its collective mind as we near the end of this election cycle with its “doomed Dems” narrative, which is totally unsurprising I know; basically, I defy anyone reading this to navigate more than three clicks across any web news site to see what I’m talking about.

Class Warfare! Ten Great Movies About Class | Bakhtin's ... 09, 2012 · When conservatives start accusing liberals about class warfare, we know we’re doing something right. We’re likely to hear more such accusations until November, considering that the 2012 Presidential election is shaping up to be the most the class-conscious in perhaps a hundred years. I would like to reply to such conservatives by pointing out that…

Trumpism | Sheila Kennedy particularly takes David Brooks to task for one of his recent, self-important columns. What Brooks fails to note is that this polarization has a very long history and that, as most serious political analysts have long observed, it is a history of asymmetrical polarization.

American racism | The Pardu's Scroll poem was written in reaction to a White House dinner hosted by President Theodore Roosevelt, who had invited Booker T. Washington, an dark as spades coon, as a guest. The poem reappeared in 1929 after First Lady Lou Hoover, wife of President Herbert Hoover, invited the sheboon of nigger congresscoon, Oscar DePriest, to a tea for congressmen ...

So.sci Project | Indian National Congress | Bharatiya ... Chandra Bonnerjee was the first President of the INC. The first meeting was scheduled to be held in Pune, but due to a plague outbreak there, the meeting was later shifted to Bombay. The first session of the INC was held from 2831 December 1885, and was attended by 72 delegates.

Kevin Powell: The Windsor Report 19, 2004 · The Windsor Report has been released and it has enough in it to infuriate both liberals and conservatives. The report very Anglican, by which I mean it takes the middle way, leaving radicals on both sides smoldering on the sidelines.

The Political Environment: Scott Walker's County Webpage ... 12, 2008 · "A little fill here and there may seem to be nothing to become excited about. But one fill, though comparatively inconsequential, may lead to another, and another, and before long a great body may be eaten away until it may no longer exist.

The Rectification of Names: Keep Calm and Carrion 16, 2014 · Scott Lemieux has composed what ought to be the definitive assessment of the significance of Obamacare troublemaker Jonathan Gruber—BREAKING!Person Good At Running Econometric Models Says Silly Things About Politics!—but there was one detail emerging from the comments that I thought should be dealt with by a heedless and ill-informed non-attorney, so I'm …

“I Quit” | Sheila Kennedy blue is only the first step in a long journey to take back civilization. We have to take that step, but then we have to remain engaged. Put your Congressman’s phone number on speed dial and let him know as often as possible what you expect. Work to get better candidates in place. We shouldn’t have to hold our noses while we vote for ...

Open thread for night owls: U.S. spent $9 billion failing ... Smith at the Independent Media Institute’s Drug Reporter writes—America’s Afghanistan anti-drug boondoggle nears the $9 Billion mark:. he amount of money the US government has spent trying to wipe out Afghan opium since 2002 has now reached $8.94 billion, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) noted in his latest quarterly report to Congress on ...

ObamaCare | Spinny Liberal first woman President! I love the sound of that. Well, I hope 2014 is a stellar year for you all. Or be as good as or suck less than 2013. One can hope. Be blessed! ... This is an organization that provides free healthcare in remote areas of the United States and the world. ...

The Magic Touch of Roger Ach | Larry Gross Online 20, 2009 · Have you read the Living Out Loud column in CityBeat this week? I got Doug Taylor to write one—“Unemployed: My View.” I’ve known Doug for a few years now. We agree on almost nothing. He’s very conservative and I’m a bit of a liberal, but he’s a good guy and yeah, we’re friends. In the…

Henry McMaster: please take a moment to let me hear from ... 22, 2010 · The health care legislation Congress passed last night is an assault against the Constitution of the United States. It contains various provisions and federal mandates that are clearly unconstitutional and must not be allowed to stand. The key question involved is whether personal freedom, state sovereignty and constitutional law will survive in America for future…

Liberaland | The Pardu's Scroll year, CBS News calculated that the first 33 votes to repeal health care reform took up approximately 80 hours of floor time from the House, or roughly two weeks. The Congressional Research Service said it costs $24 million to run the House for a week, so the first 33 votes cost taxpayers approximately $48 million.

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 1-13-2011 10, 2011 · George Wenschhof Tucson Tragedy Puts Spotlight On Political Leaders - yesterday, in less than twenty-four hours, Americans were able to see a contrite, combative and confusing statement from tea party favorite Sarah Palin, calming and sensitive statements from House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) and ending with an incredible unifying speech by ...

Third Base Politics: Obama on Health Care: Then & Now 11, 2009 · Rationalize this. Then: "Senator McCain wants to pay for his plan by taxing your health care benefits for the first time in history." - Barack Obama, speech in Roanoke, Virginia, October 17, 2008 Now: "This reform will charge insurance plans a fee for their most expensive policies..." - Barack Obama, address to a joint session of Congress, September 9, 2009

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 6-6-2010 09, 2010 · Daily Political Wire 6-6-2010. George Wenschhof Tonight, President Obama and the First Lady will host a reception honoring Fords Theater - afterward, they will attend a performance at the theater. Tomorrow, the president will travel to Michigan to give a high school commencement address. ... Senator Blanche Lincoln (D) clinging to a narrow lead ...

May 28, 2006 – Linkmeister 28, 2006 · Experts and local activists say Trump’s claims are the latest in a sustained efforts by conservative commentators and politicians to marry the myth of Antifa terrorists to a city where discontent has grown for years over increasingly harsh police responses at protests.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Obama Expands U.S.- Muslim Ties ... 11, 2010 · Obama Pledges Expanded Ties With Muslim Nations President Obama, renewing his call for better relations between the United States and the Muslim world, used a long-awaited homecoming trip to this island nation to make a symbolic visit on Wednesday morning to the largest mosque in southeast Asia — even as he declared that “much more work needs to be done” to fulfill the promise …

The Rehabilitation of Jim Cawley? | The Liberal 16, 2015 · (Note: For a lot of reasons, my typical posting activity is going to be greatly constrained, but I hope to be able to post periodically on selected topics. We’ll see.) This story (sourced from a recent edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer) tells us the following… PHILADELPHIA, Jan., 13, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Jim Cawley has been…

Barney Frank – New Requests to Freddie and Fannie to Relax 04, 2009 · Barney Frank, Massachusetts 4th District, U.S. Congressional Representative, has a long history with the nations federal loan arms that dro...

30 | October | 2008 | The Liberal 30, 2008 · 3 posts published by The Liberal Crab on October 30, 2008. The Economist, one of the most influential and important magazine about economics (and Conservative leaning), as well as politics, had this to say today:. For all the shortcomings of the campaign, both John McCain and Barack Obama offer hope of national redemption.

American Power: No Aberration: Neoconservatism and U.S 05, 2008 · World Affairs has published a stimulating debate on Robert Kagan's recent article, "Neocon Nation: Neoconservatism, c. 1776."The participants include David Rieff, George Packer, and Ronald Steel, and Kagan responds to his critics. The most powerful essay is Rieff's, who is one of the great liberal internationalist thinkers on the left of the foreign policy spectrum.

The Rectification of Names: Emperor 05, 2017 · David Graham of the Atlantic turned up on my radio this morning discussing the Emperor's Puerto Rico visit, which he has described for his magazine with some extremely pithy elegance: Throughout the aftermath of the storm, Trump has often appeared more interested in the political ramifications of the storm than on the human effects, focusing on approval of …

kei car | My Green about it for a moment, Eric Cantor was considered too “moderate” to win a primary in a Congressional district where he was the incumbent. Never mind he outspent his opponent by a factor of 10 or more and his opponent was a virtual unknown to boot.

Frederick Politics: Wilson City Alderman Candidacy Raises ... 07, 2017 · When I spoke to county attorney Mathias, he told me he had informed Roger he could run for either position but it would be problematic to serve as mayor and stay in his current position. Mathias would tell me he had reviewed the state constitution and the ethics ordinances in both the city and county and did not see where Mr. Wilson could not run.

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 11, 2013 · George Wenschhof Biden, NRA to Meet Today - expectations are not high anything of merit will be accomplished. The NRA has made it clear it does not support any gun control legislation. "I hope a tragedy like this one will get more and more people who’ve kowtowed to the gun lobby to rethink that, but it’s hard to be very optimistic,” said former Rep. Mike …

Bravo Senator Hirono! - Politicalconundrum Forum'You lied to Congress': Mazie Hirono attacks William Barr Yahoo News Alexander Nazaryan May 1st 2019 3:59PM WASHINGTON — After a morning of dodging

ce399 | research archive: Victims of Apartheid can Sue ... legislation was drawn up to help foreigners seek redress for issues such as piracy, but it has been used increasingly to sue corporations for their alleged involvement in human rights abuses overseas. Last year, Yahoo! was sued for its decision to give China access to a political dissident's e-mail account. The online search engine settled.

The Rectification of Names: Annals of Derp: The Fear of Legacy 11, 2014 · The first factor, for Brooks, is Thatcherism, where the governments that implemented a more or less 1980s Tory economic approach did better than those that did not: leaders in some countries simply made better political decisions. Most of these countries enacted economic reforms, like deregulating prices and privatizing nationalized companies.

Please Make Them Go Away!! | kavips 05, 2012 · Please Make Them Go Away!! ... The only reason Romney is doing well, is because he pivoted in the first debate, and became a liberal. His past track record had almost pushed him to the point of no return, until he reinvented himself upon that first debate stage. In other words, Romney is now the more liberal candidate, if one just looks at what ...

2 Political Junkies: Meanwhile, Outside... 21, 2018 · This value was also 0.40°C (0.72°F) cooler than the record high set in 2016 and was the smallest temperature departure from average in the last four years. The years 2015–17 are the three warmest Marches on record.

President Archie Bunker | Nolan Dalla 16, 2018 · What was most amazing was the show took on so many politically divisive issues, but somehow managed to remain consistently funny, at least during the years 1971-1975, when it steadily ranked as the Number 1 television program. Just about everyone in America talked about All in the Family the following week. It was that popular.

Soldiers for Peace International: Exploring Racism ... 28, 2013 · Re-blog from Soldiers for Peace International. (Below) The struggle for Justice across the globe takes many forms. Often inertia to address a perceived injustice manifest in actions that might have been better mollified a bit for effectiveness. In principle, I agreed wholeheartedly with Congressman Alan Graysons analogy of the Tea Party (pictured above left).

Michael Steele | DrMyers's Blog word that resonated with the 2008 Election was that of change and transparency. For years, Washington has hid, quite well, the inner workings of the political machine, and one could argue that the most transparency we’ve seen in Washington in a long time…at least the last 100 days or so.

Serendipity SOUL- Tuesday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 25, 2011 · Happy Birthday Alicia Keys ! Wiki: Alicia Augello Cook (born January 25, 1981), better known by her stage name Alicia Keys, is an American recording artist, musician and actress.She was raised by a single mother in the Hell’s Kitchen area of Manhattan in New York City.At age seven, Keys began to play classical music on the piano. She attended Professional Performing Arts School and …

Letters to W.https://letterstow.blogspot.comDear President Bush, Over at Pandagon, I see that you've found an all new way to mess with government: Retroactively classifying information given to Congress two years ago regarding charges that the FBI missed terrorist warnings before September 11th. Even information on where the translator making the charges worked is now classified. This has never happened before.

Stubborn Liberal: July 2005 31, 2005 · I have been out of town for a few days, but now I'm back to work. My suggestion to everyone is to try to take a vacation to a BLUE state. It was nice to be among friendly people. If you happen to visit Cape May, New Jersey, I suggest that you visit Tisha's for dinner. It is located in the heart of Cape May at 714 Beach Drive.

Frederick Politics: What took you So Long? 07, 2008 · The true tragedy with this new insight is that Mr. McClellan's book will not change the current policy towards the war. The only people who will benefit from this book are the moneymakers (publisher and author, etc.). In many ways; this book will not sway many who sit on the conservative side of the political fence.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012 - blade7184.blogspot.com 01, 2012 · “If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul - - - - - - - - - - - “if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind

Motor City Liberal: 90% of Delusional Fox News Viewers ... 26, 2012 · Special Report with Bret Baier asked Fox News viewers who they thought was going to win Ohio. Contrary to all of the polling that has Obama leading, 90% of …

Voter Suppression | The DCN News Blog/Online TV | Page 2 DCN News Blog/Online TV Curmilus Butch Dancy II -The Political Agitator

The Dog has a new 'whip'…….. « Jamesb101.com 04, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

East Texas Liberals Respond: 2012 07, 2012 · Never mind that the older Obama was only present in his son's life for a total of thirty days. Cleverly using over dubbed readings by the President himself from the audio version of his memoir, Dreams From my Father, D'Souza spins the gossamer threads that comprise his case that Obama is a sinister Marxist who is the last person we should send ...

Dr Kevin Bonham: ReachTEL (State): The Same Story Told ... ReachTEL shows a slight improvement in Labor's position since the first public state ReachTEL in June (State Labor Back To The Lifeboats). Compared to that poll, on the headline rate Labor has recovered by 4.7 points, and all other categories are down: Liberals by 1.4, Greens by 0.9, Other by 1.8 and Undecided by 0.6.

Alterdestiny: Heads, He Wins; Tails, We Lose 11, 2007 · While reinforcing my point from last week about Muqtada al-Sadr's significance in Iraqi politics, the deep roots of his movement, and the utter folly of attempting to stand up a government which doesn't accomodate it, this article in today's NY Times also sheds some light on Muqtada's "insider/outsider" strategy: After months of lying low, the anti-American Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr …

Greta Thunberg - Page 80 - JustPlainPolitics.com 23, 2019 · I listened to this poor girl on NPR this. a.m. Sad what the climate hoaxers have done in brainwashing these kids. They should be taken away from their parents for child abuse. And the U.N. gives her a podium and actually listens to this crap pretending to take her seriously for the advancement of Agenda 21. Kids in S.F. think we have only 12 yrs. left before the End of Days Apocalypse.

SoKno Taco manager to county: 'Shut up' and keep politics ... the trees growing back, it gets harder and harder to visualize the battle. The parking lot was lees than full and people were spaced out. I like 25 ft. spacing, because at that point, I feel masks are optional. That standard seemed to come in play. So I went to the overlook and looked down on the quarry for the first …

Balkinization: Accelerated Learning in an Era of ... group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. Another school sees the commanding position of the wealthy as a problem to be solved, rather than the grounding framework of economic life.In this, more Keynesian, paradigm, government ought to redistribute some income from rentiers at the top of the economy to those who presently cannot afford food, education, health care, and housing.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Jonah Goldberg ... 17, 2005 · Driven by the deep personal fear which characterizes virtually everything that he thinks and writes, Jonah Goldberg today attacks the Anti-Defamation League and its Director, Abraham Foxman, for warning of the obvious but alarming threat posed by religious extremists, who are exerting more and more influence every day over America's political institutions and are doing so with the goal …

January | 2009 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog | Page 4 has previously refused to appear in response to a Judiciary Committee subpoena, claiming that even former presidential advisers cannot be compelled to testify before Congress. That “absolute immunity” position was supported by then-President Bush, but it …

Testing… | Sheila Kennedy was the first state to pass such a measure, and Sen. Kruse has advocated doing so in Indiana. Similar measures are under consideration in 15 states, according to Sam Stone, political director for the Civics Education Initiative, an Arizona-based non-profit group that is …

Atheism | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

Too Close to Call in the Skies Over Baghdad | kavips 01, 2007 · We have heard so often that the surge is working. Perhaps it is working far too well. Four arch-Conservative Congressional delegates flying out of Baghdad, came under fire just as their C130 lifted off from the Baghdad airport. Judging from the depth of the Pentagon’s reaction, it was a close call.. The C-130 cargo aircraft conducted evasive maneuvers after a nighttime takeoff from Baghdad ...

Mainstreet Nb July27pdf | Opinion Poll | Margin Of Error EMBARGOED UNTIL 27TH JULY 2018, 6 AM EST. UltraPoll - New Brunswick Edition Voter Intention Numbers 26th July 2018 METHODOLOGY ABOUT MAINSTREET The analysis in this report is based on results With 20 years of political experience in all of a survey was conducted between July three levels of government, President and CEO 15th to 17th, 2018 among a sample of 809 Quito Maggi is a …

Are you willing to give up your constitutional rights as a ... 27, 2007 · If American's elected representatives reflect the American will ( as they should in a democracy but alas the US at least techically if not in fact ,is NOT a democracy) ,then the answer to your question is an un-equivicably YES as these elected Congress members have passed legislation on limiting Americans Constitutional Rights that have BEEN STRUCK DOWN IN THREE MAJOR …

Aurora massacre | The Liberal Doomsayer wouldn’t know this from President Obama’s rhetoric, but our tax system, according to a recent report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), is incredibly progressive. Consider: The top 1% of income earners pay an average federal tax rate of 28.9%…The average federal tax rate on the top 20% is 23.2%.

political elite | Dr Linda Shelton retirement to buying a house, to running a small business selling nail polish we are over-regulated, overtaxed and over-papered. The only way you can avoid if you are one of the 1 % who has the means to pay the bribes, find the loopholes, and make your own decisions.

steve benen | Rottenart 21, 2011 · Steve Benen has a good post today about the persistent meme that’s been making the rounds since the deficit became the holy grail of national political discussion: it’s not fair to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay more in taxes because they already pay so much!John Boehner, ever the voice of the oppressed 1%, said this: “Come on. The top 1% paid 38% of income taxes in America.

DE State Senator Harris McDowell | Exceptional Delaware 15, 2017 · Harris McDowell, 1st Senate District, incumbent: You have long outlived your purpose in Legislative Hall Senator. I wasn’t a big fan of McDowell before I saw this old post on Delaware Liberal the other night. He was one of the four flippers on House Bill #334 which made the wretched Smarter Balanced Assessment the law of the land in Delaware.

George W. Bush | Missouri Communication 27, 2011 · Whether the death of Osama bin Laden was the outcome of a carefully planned mission that was carried out on May 1st, or whether bin Laden’s been dead for a few days and President Obama decided to make the announcement coinciding with the 8 year anniversary of George W. Bush’s “Mission accomplished” proclamation for the sake of political ...

2010 April 17 « Jamesb101.com 17, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

JustOneMinute: John Kerry, Candidate Of The IAEA NY Times story about missing high explosives was set off by an Oct. 1 letter from the IAEA. Yesterday, I wondered about the timing - why was the IAEA so excited just now? Today, I speculated that the IAEA prefers John Kerry's approach to Iran over George Bush's.. Let's add this story from the Sun:. UNITED NATIONS - Bush administration officials suspect political motivation behind a letter ...

Rolling Stone mag blasts Goldman Sachs involvement in the 10, 2009 · The article tells how Goldman Sachs was the leading private campaign donor for Obama, GS employees gave $981,000 to Obama's campaign. RS Mag discusses how the next bubble is in carbon credits — a booming trillion- dollar market that the …

Frederick Politics: The Dream Comes True 12, 2009 · Yet, that day has come and the hope and the ideals of the American constitution have been further validated and strengthened with the Inauguration of the first African-American; Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. The incredible excitement of this moment is shared by all Americans and the belief that "Yes We Can!"

Gun Ban Obama-Biden - USA Carry 04, 2008 · Just maybe if a law was passed that allowed any NOK to sue President Obama for causing the death/injury of any loved one by the acts of BG's using illegal firearms and that money was taken directly out of his substantial portfolio like us citizens can do to those who used a gun on our kin, he would B spending his presidency in court doing the OJ 2-step, Biden would be running the show and …

Rutherford B | William Mc Kinley | Heads Of State Of The B. Hayes • Rutherford Birchard Hayes (October 4, 1822 – January 17, 1893) was an American politician, lawyer, military leader and the 19th President of the United States (1877–1881). • Hayes was elected President by one electoral vote after the highly disputed election of 1876. • Losing the popular vote to his opponent, Samuel Tilden, Hayes was the …

RADARSITE: Dear Gayle Williams, What a moving letter to Gayle. On September 11th, 2001 my life changed. Before that day I could have cared less about islam. After that fateful day I have researched islam and until I came across the website, Little Green Footballs a few years ago, I quite frankly thought I was the only one in the world who felt this way about the violent political ideology of islam.

Political favortism – is the content of the invitation itself: July 10, 2010. Dear Political Candidate; You are cordially invited to participate in the NAACP’s Meet the Candidates political forum. The forum will be held at 7:00pm on July 22, 2010 at First Baptist Church, located on the corner of Delaware and Booth Streets in Salisbury.

Get Off This!: More media lies about Chavez Venezuelan government is basing its denial of license on RCTV 's involvement in the 2002 coup, not on the station's criticisms of or political opposition to the government. Many American pundits and some human rights spokespersons have confused the issue by claiming the action is based merely on political differences, failing to note that Venezuela's media, including its commercial ...

Meet Elinor Ostrom: The First Woman to Win the Nobel Prize ... 13, 2009 · Elinor Ostrom, the Arthur F. Bentley professor of political science and professor of public and environmental affairs at Indiana University, will receive this year’s Nobel in Economic Science.The announcement was made Monday morning in Stockholm, Sweden. Ostrom is the first woman to win the prize in Economics since it was founded in 1968, and the fifth woman to win a Nobel award this year ...

Weekend Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 18, 2020 · That Andre Leon Talley NYT book review has got 2 b one of the ugliest I've ever read. U don't think that man, a survivor of the segregated south, knows he's black? GTFO. I'm not even an ATL stan. He has his issues like most fashion ppl do, but that was just mean & disrespectful. — itgurl (@itgurl_29) May 16, 2020

John Hagee – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America, who made his fortune with a family debt-collection business, has become a minor benefactor to the Religious Right, including funding anti-choice groups, bankrolling some of the campaigns and advocacy work of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore (who is currently suspended for attempting to defy the federal courts on marriage equality), and, maybe most notably, donating a million-dollar ...

The Useless Tree: Confucius in Congress 28, 2009 · The people are the most elevated, next comes the state, the sovereign comes last. But excising this line hardly saves the apologist who is searching for a historically distorted nationalist narrative or a rationalization for established power structures. The entire text of Mencius is an extended critique of wrong-headed and immoral leaders.

Trump Is Bent on Becoming a Tyrant, and Liberals Have 31, 2017 · Have a look at New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr.’s encouragement of identity politics in the workplace as long ago as the early 1990s, when he decided to emphasize and cater to his staff’s racial and sexual group differences as indispensable to his corporation’s success. Remnick and Lilla don’t go there.

14 | April | 2013 | The Pardu's Scroll 14, 2013 · In 2010, McConnell was the 10th wealthiest U.S. Senator, moving from 41st in 2004. Given that it belongs to a Congressman who has reportedly never held a private sector job , spectacular isn’t the word I’d use to describe it.

Today is the day we fight back (against NSA surveillance ... 11, 2014 · February 11th was the day to call your congressman/Senator and tell them to stop NSA spying. What we can do Congress is considering two major bills. The USA Freedom Act curtails NSA surveillance abuses. The FISA Improvements Act attempts to legalize bulk data collection of phone records. We need to tell Congress to pass the…

The Rise of Harry S Truman | Harry S. Truman | Politics Of ... Rise of Harry S Truman - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The "S" in Harry S Truman's name doesn't actually stand for anything. It was given to him as a sort

Romney’s Latest Attack Ad Blitz Hits Snag – Mitt Romney ... 24, 2012 · It was the same sentiment as the Warren and Obama speeches. Seeing Romney use similar words to President Obama effectively negated the power of Romney’s “These Hands” ad buy. The day got worse by 4 PM EST. News broke regarding the star of “These Hands”, Jack Gilchrist, having been the recipient of several government loans and grant ...

wallace | 44-D was the controversial political figure known for his Southern populist pro-segregation attitudes. He famously said in his 1963 inauguration speech, “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” To stop desegregation by the enrollment of African-American students Vivian Malone and James Hood at the University of Alabama, Wallace stood in front of Foster Auditorium on ...

THINGS TO COME IF OBAMA LOSES... | Page 2 | Gamefishin.com 27, 2008 · THINGS TO COME IF OBAMA LOSES... Discussion in 'NFR - Politics! Discussion and Debates' started by fishinfoolz, Oct 23, 2008. Page 2 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3 Next > fishinfoolz Active Member. Joined: Jan 18, 2005 Messages: 15,118. Once again IR the premise of you post is fallacious. :lol: Try again.. :shock: fishinfoolz, ...

America Awaits Lessons Learned From Race Relations "Beer ... 09, 2009 · Only when pressed by a dispatcher did she say that one of the two men she saw at Gates' door might have been Hispanic. Her attorney, Wendy Murphy, said the three men overreacted, while Whalen was the only one who remained cool. "The three highly trained guys who reacted badly are getting together for a beer," Murphy said.

Saturday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 06, 2018 · The 19-year-old from Nottingham made history in 2016 when he became the first black winner of the BBC Young Musician competition. Kensington Palace tweeted Prince Harry had seen Sheku play at a charity concert in London. In response, Sheku said he was “excited and honoured” and was “bowled over” when Ms Markle rang him up to ask.

morality | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

Maryland Politics Watch: Montgomery County Council Passes ... 07, 2008 · Montgomery County was the largest jurisdiction on the eastern side of the Potomac River without one. Six County Council Members – lead sponsor Valerie Ervin and Marc Elrich, George Leventhal, Duchy Trachtenberg, Nancy Floreen and Roger Berliner – co-sponsored a prevailing wage bill that ensured that workers on county jobs are paid the same ...

McConnell Gives Up, Delays Health Care Vote - Progress Pond 27, 2017 · CNN’s Senior Congressional Reporter Manu Raju just made a tweet announcement that I’ve been anticipating for months and months now. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can’t get the votes from his own caucus to repeal Obamacare. MCCONNELL tells senators: He will delay the health care vote until after the recess to solicit more support from […]

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: New Black Panther Party Rally In ... 02, 2010 · But it’s too early to call Hill’s murder a hate crime, he said. “People have to be careful about jumping to conclusions,” said Davis, who will not attend the rally or march. The New Black Panthers Party is based in Washington, D.C., and are led by Malik Zulu Shabazz, an attorney.

Ryan Burns to Talk Election Politics on Thursday Night ... 03, 2016 · Aye, he’s spot on there, mates. These guys at the control of Humboldt community news venues made sure Humboldt County citizens stayed in the “Progressive” fold, i.e. dark, by slamming any good citizens with slander if they weren’t politically correct, i.e., in political lock step with consistent windsock sock puppet losers who haven’t a political clue what they are doing.

Matt Claman | Mudflats three that may open up next are: The Don Young Door – Congressman Don Young will be up for re-election in 2010, but may be out before then. He’s already spend a whopping 1.2 million dollars on legal fees in anticipation of his own coming indictment. Alaskans have been waiting for that shoe to drop for a while now….and it’s coming.

Anchorage Assembly | Mudflats three that may open up next are: The Don Young Door – Congressman Don Young will be up for re-election in 2010, but may be out before then. He’s already spend a whopping 1.2 million dollars on legal fees in anticipation of his own coming indictment. Alaskans have been waiting for that shoe to drop for a while now….and it’s coming.

Sheila Selkregg | Mudflats three that may open up next are: The Don Young Door – Congressman Don Young will be up for re-election in 2010, but may be out before then. He’s already spend a whopping 1.2 million dollars on legal fees in anticipation of his own coming indictment. Alaskans have been waiting for that shoe to drop for a while now….and it’s coming.

CPAC opens conference with an avowed racist panel speaker ... 09, 2012 · Peter Brimelow, the face of hatred... GOP CPAC Guest SpeakerNews Nations Al Sharpton broadcast segment this afternoon about the 2012 version of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC )"gathering". The segment opened with comment from Sharpton about the non-invitation of nationally known "conservative" Gay Rights group. Sharpton immediately …

17 | October | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 17, 2008 · That other Comeback Kid – McCain stays in the fight By E.J. Dionne Jr., NEW YORK . Whenever McCain is up, he has this uncanny ability to bring himself down.He turns in his best performances when he’s in danger of losing it all. Wednesday’s debate in New York did not so much decide the election as prevent it from being decided in Obama’s favor.

February 19, 2016 – Exceptional Delaware 19, 2016 · The “new approach,” of course, was the Common Core State Standards. “The duo needed money,” writes Layton,“[and] a champion who could overcome the politics that had thwarted every previous attempt to institute national standards.” According to the article, Gates deliberated for weeks before at last coming back with his answer: he ...

The Useless Tree: Historical Forgetting 31, 2006 · The People's Daily piece, then, is really just an exercise in what Ernest Renan called historical forgetting: all nationalisms seek to create a usable past, a historical narrative that serves contemporary political purposes. This is not about an open and critical engagement with China's past; it is a public relations exercise to reassure the ...

Friday Open Thread | What We Have To Look Forward To ... 01, 2018 · I was reading a post at another blog, and was thinking about things. I do think that we turned a corner in November 2018. As I said before, November 2018, was the choice to continue this American Experiment. December is right around the corner. We …

Weekend Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 01, 2019 · Good Morning. I hope that you are enjoying this weekend with family and friends. ????????

26 | February | 2008 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 26, 2008 · By-Suzie-Q @ 5:00 PM MSTAshcroft agrees to testify. February 25, 2008 10:01 pm. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft agreed today to testify before Congress, a day before a House Judiciary subcommittee was scheduled to discuss subpoenaing him. Ashcroft will “appear at a federal hearing looking into no-bid contracts he and others received to monitor out-of-court corporate …

October | 2008 | the plaid lemur | Page 7 This is a remake of the Real Clear Politics electoral map as of today. Blue is polling for Sen. Obama, Red for Sen. McCain. So, what to make of it? Honestly, I don’t know. There were maps like this made after the 2000 and 2004 elections, and I wanted to see if there were any real statistical correlation.

A Liberal Goes A Long Way: NEW POLL: sexiest female and ... Taylor MP - former Shdow Chancellor, he remained the youngest MP for a decade, between 1987 and 1997. John Thurso MP - first hereditary peer to sit in the Commons without first renouncing his title. Champion moustache-wearer. Stephen Williams MP - third time lucky in Bristol West, he is now further and higher education spokesman.

No More Mister Nice Blog: IMAGINE THERE'S NO IDEOLOGY 02, 2017 · The suburban community about 20 miles east of St. Louis drew attention in recent weeks because it was the hometown of James T. Hodgkinson, the out-of-work politically frustrated home inspector who up and left, drove a van to the Washington area, and then shot four people at a congressional baseball practice in Alexandria.

Ohjieshan's opinion Blog: July 2018 30, 2018 · William Maillis, who is just more than a decade old, graduated from the college on Saturday morning with an Associate in Arts. The college held its 137th commencement at the First Baptist Church of Indian Rocks in Largo.

Motor City Liberal: Records: Snyder pledged to raise funds ... LIVENGOOD/Detroit News Lansing — Gov. Rick Snyder's administration initially pledged to raise private money to provide Washington, D.C., bankruptcy attorney Kevyn Orr with a "performance" bonus on top of his $275,000 annual salary to be Detroit's emergency manager, according to …

CREN Politics: 24, 2016 · The sole reason this referendum passed for leave the E.U. was the base of Labour party---blue collar workers---in the Labour heartland voted against their party’s wishes and policies. While every region in Scotland reported healthy numbers for stay in the E.U., voter turnout was much lower than the Scottish Independence vote and immediately ...

JustOneMinute: Waiting For The ACLU is an arguable assertion on its face, a false either/or proposition, and a broom so broad it could sweep up a whole lot more than Islam. Contra your simple analogy to the 1954 act, the enabling legislation would be a legal, political and constitutional nightmare. You are a long, long way from establishing that it could, in fact, be done ...

Fox/O'Reilly Producer Admits No Correction 'Per Se' on ... detailed and changing nature of the daily developments in his story from ten years ago casts doubt. It is also true that none of Vivyan's Page colleagues would question our assertion that Mark Foley was a likely focus for Vivyan as a politically interested Page who is also a gay man.

Whatever Happened to Integrity? | Sheila Kennedy about that for a minute. This isn’t about legitimate disagreement about the merits of the proposal; about personal political calculation– a conflict of interest between the public good and personal advantage. These City-County Counselors were elected to serve the constituents in their districts.

Karen Hartley-Nagle | kavips Hartley-Nagle is not bought out by Wall Street brokers.. When they come to her for golden parachutes, she is not beholden to them, as is our current representative. It is time this state’s heavy hitters recognize this fact and endorse Karen Hartley-Nagle for Congress. I do.

Democralypse Now: January 2012 31, 2012 · Former reality teevee star and failed vice-president, governor, political pundit, mother, grifter, fame whore, EVERYTHING, Sarah Palin, took a break from the usual Facebook trolling and illiterate Tweeting to continue her bizarre quest endorsing Newt Gingrich because of some on-again, off-again, leftist hard rock band from the '90s. Or something like that.

US House of Representatives | The Pardu's Scroll year, CBS News calculated that the first 33 votes to repeal health care reform took up approximately 80 hours of floor time from the House, or roughly two weeks. The Congressional Research Service said it costs $24 million to run the House for a week, so the first 33 votes cost taxpayers approximately $48 million.

APIC Right to Rise Complaint 8-10-16 | Political Action ... 10, 2016 · APIC Right to Rise Complaint 8-10-16 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The Campaign Legal Center on Wednesday filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission amid reports that Chinese citizens donated $1.3 million to a Jeb Bush super PAC.

Liberal Jewish, Schema-Root Jewish groups have been lobbying for an official, expanded liberal prayer section at the site. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu scrapped plans for that following opposition from his ultra-Orthdox political partners, causing a rift with liberal religious Jewish groups in the United States.

VIDEO: Jon Stewart's Closing Thoughts at 'Rally to Restore ... you missed it this morning, Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear drew at least 150,000 people (a number of reports put it "well over 200,000") to the National Mall in D.C. where they were "PACKED IN!"as our own Jeannie Dean writes via email today. The decidedly un-political rally concluded on a serious-ish note from Stewart, one well worth watching as his ...

Robert Mueller Failed His Country - Progress Pond 25, 2019 · Mueller failed the entire intelligence community as well as the country. He said himself, in his report (Volume II, p.171), that Congress has the Constitutional authority to “criminalize certain obstructive conduct by the president, including suborning perjury, intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence…” He concluded (Volume II, p ...

MSNBC Hosts Err On The Side Of Political Correctness | The ... 15, 2013 · Propaganda gets unnecessary time and Left media reels from comments on behalf of Rand Paul? Rand Paul? We all know the effectiveness of propaganda. Since the beginning of human conflict, propaganda has played a key role in influencing minds. Since we are North Americans, how about a few examples of propaganda (We make no assessment of good or bad propaganda).

JustOneMinute: And She Knows Angry! Obama speaks on her area of expertise - anger and frustration:. Michelle Obama: Barack has hit boiling point. Mrs Obama told a rally in Durham, North Carolina, on Friday that only her husband's desire to change US politics had helped him to control his feelings: "Barack is always thinking three steps ahead – what do we need to do to make change."

HuffPost Politics - Funeral Of Rep. John Lewis | Facebook this pageAnd God's wise Providence. Take from this Earth. So, Lewis we're there committed to the ground. After Earth That's just the ashes. And that's the best. I look forward to the general resurrection from the dead and the life to come. Is able to do all things. Now on to the one who is able. As we deliver you before the presence of God.

The Lawlessness of the Obama Administration » Politichicks.com more we find out about the trade of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for 5 key Taliban members the more it looks like a bad deal for the United States. In an interview with Brian William of the Obama loving network NBC, Obama himself believes he does not need approval in “his” government. We’ve not only seen that attitude of “I’ve got a phone and a pen” with the Bergdahl trade, we have also ...

RADAMISTO: 2015-03-29 08, 2015 · Friday was the deadline for Hillary Clinton to respond to a congressional subpoena for emails and documents related to the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. She provided nothing since her email server had been wiped clean. Christian Science Monitor By Brad Knickerbocker March 28, 2015 4:43 PM Christian Science Monitor

So's Yo' Mama Politics: No Way to Elect a Leader | The on a Bernie Sanders rally that drew some 14,000 people to a Bernie appearance in Colorado, Mathews said it was a "Trump-style" event. And that pissed me off. He spoke those words over a picture that made the Bernie rally look like a mob, like the rabid right wingers who show up for Trump.

Ezra Klein: January 2007 is the profession from which he comes, the experiences that vaulted him into elected office, the skills he used to get there. You can look at Hillary's decades in political life and understand instantly where her caution comes from. You can study John Edwards' trial lawyer days and get a handle on his fundamental populism.

Political Weather Forecast for Election2013 | Opinion Poll ... Weather Forecast for Election2013 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Pakistan political situation 2013 SOUTH ASIAN POLITICS

Motor City Liberal: Ex-Aide for Darth Vader hurts Libby Martin, who was Mr. Cheney’s chief spokeswoman, was the fourth witness for the prosecution in the perjury and obstruction of justice trial of Mr. Libby, who is charged with lying during an investigation to determine who leaked the name of a C.I.A. operative, Valerie Wilson. Unlike the previous three witnesses who worked at the Central ...

Stephen Miller’s uncle slams his nephew in Politico Miller’s uncle slams his nephew in Politico article, calling him an ‘immigration hypocrite’ - By Jaclyn Reiss ( / Aug 13 2018 (Andrew Harnik)/Associated Press White House Senior policy adviser Stephen Miller in July. Stephen Miller, a senior policy advisor to President Trump who has been widely denounced for…

Marc Valdez Weblog: Tim Hawkins - The Government Can so I checked it out. And it is funny - a little - but it goes completely against every one of my liberal biases. Ha de ha ha ha. Ha. And who is this Tim Hawkins?: Hawkins has been accused of being equally gifted and twisted. Whatever your take, he has indeed become one of the most in-demand comics in the country.

No More Mister Nice Blog 05, 2010 · "This is going to be beautiful politics -- The brutal kind," he told reporters in Washington at a forum put on by the Christian Science Monitor. "I love those," he said, with a twinkle in his eye and a jokester tinge to his voice.... "I can't wait for the blood bath in April.

NJ « Jamesb101.com 27, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Making the Rule of Law a Reality Show | The Smirking is the danger of subjugating the rule of law to public opinion and political expediency. The rule of law becomes a reality TV show, literally. Defending the Constitution is not guaranteed to be clean, fun, or politically convenient, but the alternatives are the stuff of fascist revolution.

Who is Louise Slaughter? | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and ... 16, 2010 · Radio talk show host Mark Levin was dead on last week when he said on his show that House Rules Committee chairman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) should be expelled from Congress for promoting her authoritarian plan for avoiding a vote on ObamaCare. It should surprise no one that Slaughter is a longtime ally of organized crime…

Political Games | Exceptional Delaware 20, 2017 · There is a fine line I will not go over with blogging and this is one of those situations. Wilson did his due diligence and that is ALL that matters. If you are going to serve on a school board, I would stick to what school boards do: oversee a district in the best interests of children.

Law Firm behind junk Russian Dossier behind fake hit on ... 05, 2018 · While we were out celebrating the founding of our Nation, one of the swamp's snakes let out its evil venom in the form of an attack on Congressman Jim Jordan. MSNBC Morning's Joe and smirkie Mika were relishing the notion this morning that one of the few stalwart defenders of liberty just might be taken…

Secret Koch funding | The Pardu's Scroll in inheritance, a solid foundation as America n Industrialist, non-profit status shadow groups, social and political beliefs solidly Libertarian, and an obvious deep-rooted desire to shape American society as Koch-Top 1% feudalism. If you are reading this piece, rest assured a Koch society will not include the good life for you and me.

TalkandPolitcs « Jamesb101.com 06, 2010 · TalkandPolitcs « ... Political Blog

Summer Vacation in An Age of ... - Lawyers, Guns & Money 17, 2019 · Work and politics was the last thing on my mind. But Garrett, Liam and I couldn’t help but make a detour from our camping and UFO-museum visits when we read a news story of a scabies outbreak at an Obama-area facility near Artesia, NM, a few hours out of Roswell where my family had landed in 1989 much as aliens supposedly had in 1947.

Reminder | Sohum Parlance II 12, 2018 · And last. Dick Durbin is just a POS tattletale politician, my opinion. As soon as the meeting was over he leaks “details” about the meeting. Neither you, me, or the Henchman know if what Durbin leaked was the truth, partial truth, an embellishment, or a fabrication.

Morning Digest: Virginia GOP congressman who officiated ... each material the author and a hyperlink to the primary source are specified. All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours.

Band of Butters: August 2009 are still a few conservatives saying and writing things that make sense, and David Frum appears to be one of them.His topic here is the, pardon the expression, liberal misapplication of the terms "Nazi" and "fascist" when hardcore right-wingers are whining about the Obama administration. I used to make the same kind of comparisons when Bush/Cheney/Rove were in charge, but I think I had ...

The Koch's Tea Party? Or is it really the John Birch Tea Party 23, 2014 · They gave a minimum of $450,000,000 in the 2012 election and are pouring it in right now in an attempt to buy this election.The Koch's and many of their billionaire friends, perhaps 27, are pulling off one of the biggest scams in US political history.

More angry than racist more fearful than ideological ... 16, 2016 · They are more angry than racist more fearful than ideological. If we wish to continue in 2016 what was begun in 2008 and continued 2012, it cannot be lost like it was in 1980, 2000, 2010 and 2014. It is those who most fear and hate liberalism that must be wooed; one by one if need be.

Motor City Liberal: FOXLEAKS: Fox boss ordered staff to ... 16, 2010 · by Ben Dimiero. In the midst of global climate change talks last December, a top Fox News official sent an email questioning the "veracity of climate change data" and ordering the network's journalists to "refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into …

Mo Rage: The next amendment to the Constitution? Term Limits: 12 years only, one of the possible options below. A. Two Six-year Senate terms B. Six Two-year House terms C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms 2. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no …

McCain’s “Friends”…. | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 20, 2008 · Less widely known are the roles played by two other powerful men in launching his political career. Mr. McCain’s father-in-law, a wealthy beer baron named James W. Hensley , gave Mr. McCain his first job out of the Navy and helped bankroll his crucial first race for Congress in 1982, enabling Mr. McCain, a political newcomer, to outspend and ...

December 2018 – Politics Plus this time of year, we often get a chance to look back, at some of the highlights, or in this case lowlights, of the year. Kelly Eleveld, a Kos staffer wrote an interesting piece on the 2018 lowlights of P resident Donald Trump, aka Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten, aka Putin’s Puppet, aka Tangerine Traitor.. Let’s face it—Donald Trump has logged one of the worst political years of any modern ...

Arizona to More Aggressively Enforce Law | 24 Percent (is ... 29, 2010 · A major sign of my political drift has been my inability to muster atypical indignation at the latest liberal outrages. Arizona’s new anti-immigration law, among many other provisions, allows police to profile based on the appearance of illegality (the fact that it’s hard to find the words to describe what people are being profiled based on is indicative of a whole bunch of shit) and ...

Politico – THE HAL BLOG to the right-leaning World Net Daily: If Lolo Soetoro [Obama’s step-father] adopted Obama at age five or younger, then Obama would automatically have become an Indonesian citizen according to the country’s laws in the 1960’s, which stipulated any child aged five or younger adopted by an Indonesian father is immediately granted Indonesian citizenship upon completionContinue ...

As a matter of fact, I do know what Mrs. Obama meant... a matter of fact, I do ..... and as a (rational) independent, I find it really important to know all sides of all stories. And, until this alleged tape of Michelle Obama is released and proven to absolutely be her, you are basing all of this on really sketchy accusations made by a relatively unprofessional news outlet.

Former Stockman aide returns to US – Off the agents quietly arrested Jason Posey, a former congressional aide who’d been wanted for two months on charges that he helped ex-U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman carry out a criminal conspiracy to bilk millionaire donors, violate elections laws, and illegally divert hundreds of thousands in campaign cash.

Who will win over the haters? - Tribune Content Agency ... 16, 2020 · With a little less than six months until the general election, the head-to-head polling between Joe Biden and President Trump has remained remarkably stable. According to the RealClearPolitics average, Biden leads Trump by 5 points-the same margin that separated the two at the beginning of the year. However, national polls can only tell us so […]

Op-Ed: Silence over Shuler's arrest, beating, heaps shame 27, 2013 · The so-called "liberal" media should hang its head in shame over its silence in response to the beating, arrest, and jailing without bond of liberal blogger Roger Shuler.

The Political Environment: About Walker's "surprise" at ... 04, 2015 · Walker has had some other 'surprises' about money and politicking to contend with: Wisconsin Supreme Court shuts down John Doe investigation The John Doe investigation began as a probe into conservative groups and donors who backed …

The Political Environment: Walker uses Twitter for fun ... 03, 2018 · Three reasons Walker's really got his nerve posting this tweet while still living in his publicly-paid mansion: Verified account Scott Walker ? Verified account @ScottWalker 22h 22 hours ago 22 hours ago 22h 22 hours ago 22 hours ago More True freedom and prosperity come not from the clumsy hand of the government - but from empowering people to control their own destinies through …

Motor City Liberal: Right-Wing Media Cover Up Supreme ... media marked the Supreme Court's devastating Shelby County v.Holder decision by ignoring, trivializing, and downright misrepresenting its dire consequences for one of the most effective civil rights laws of all time, as well as for millions of American voters.

Frederick Politics: Palin Speaks to Tea Party 09, 2010 · George Wenschhof Last night, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin spoke to the Tea Party convention in Nashville - full of anti-Obama administration attacks, she was the darling to the 500 in attendance. Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post "The Fix" blog, appropriately added in his comments those written by the AP's Liz Sidoti "The speech also was rife with …

2 Political Junkies: Melissa Hart Congresswoman Melissa Hart was just on John McIntire's old show Night Talk. When asked by current host Mike Pintek, "So what are you...

Rep Cortez Exposes FBI White Terrorism Double Standard 05, 2019 · During a hearing about the government’s response to white supremacy, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) demanded to know why incidents of domestic terrorism weren’t treated with the same consistency under the Department of Justice. “We’ve also heard from experts that whether the FBI classifies extremist violence as, ‘domestic terrorism, or a hate …

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Smilin' Jack wants you, you and 22, 2004 · Hellyer who is 80 years old has joined pretty well every party but the NDP, currently he's the leader of the less than well known Canadian Action Party. Hellyer, who first joined a Liberal government in the era of Louis St. Laurent, served in the Pearson and Trudeau cabinets, he is probably best know for his Unification of the Armed Forces ...

Bush Compares Iraq To American Revolution, Bush is an ... 05, 2007 · Bush Compares Iraq To American Revolution, Bush is an Idiot Posted in Politics by Bob Higgins on July 5, 2007 Preaching to the choir yesterday in Martinsburg, W Va, Bush recited the same sermon he and his handlers reserve for these carefully controlled and completely choreographed appearances before the faithful.

Politics at the Bed and Breakfast | Sheila Kennedy at the Bed and Breakfast June 25, 2012 Random Blogging Aaron Shipman House , Alabama , Roy Moore , separation of church and state Sheila We took our grandchildren to Williamsburg and Jamestown (where they were fascinated by the muskets), then came to Washington, D.C. so that they could experience the nation’s capital.

The Rectification of Names: Rejoinders: Postscript 15, 2014 · Calderone's link there is to another story of his own, in Politico from 2010, that really gives the lie to stories (like David Sanger's) of the administration's refusal to play nice with the press—they may not have much time for the reportorial corps that shows up at the gaggle, but they pay an awful lot of attention to opinionists: Andrew Rosenthal, The Times’ editorial page …

Nancy Pelosi Emerges As Unexpected Villain At Netroots ... 14, 2019 · PHILADELPHIA ? The chatter at Netroots Nation, a progressive gathering that attracts thousands of people each year, was expected to be on the rising influence of the left on the 2020 presidential election.But frustration with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, once considered an avatar of San Francisco liberalism, has emerged as a constant theme ? centered on her …

No More Mister Nice Blog: KATHLEEN PARKER HAS MADE SOME ... 04, 2017 · Kathleen Parker's latest column is titled "If Obama Is a Muslim, Is Trump a Russian Spy?" She starts with that glib premise -- hey, if conservatives could call Barack Obama a Kenyan-born Muslim all those years, shouldn't liberals return the favor and make the equally absurd charge that Donald Trump a spy for the Russkies? -- but as the column progresses, she expresses increasing alarm at the ...

Loaded Dogma: Elysium: Obamacare 2154 (spoilers!) Blomkamp may deny that his movie Elysium has modern political parallels, but he is not kidding anyone.There are so many allegories with the modern fight over Obamacare that the audience can't help but make them on their own. The year is 2154, the Earth is exhausted yadda yadda, and the rich have retreated to a spaceship in a low earth orbit called Elysium, which has universal healthcare ...

GENESEE FLINT . COM: Lee Gonzales a good man for the job. 02, 2008 · Political career For seven years Gonzales was the assistant Treasurer for Genessee County. Gonzales served as Genesee County’s development director from 1992-1996. During this time he was responsible for writing the grant application resulting in the …

ConfluencePlanetsforAscendantsBW | Planets In Astrology ... was the patron for many self initiated projects on a grand scale including cultural, political and economic programs. Mercury is the boss in his chart, occupying Gemini in the authoritative 10th house causing Bhadra Yoga with three other planets in its sign Sun, Venus and Rahu. All three planets are friendly to Mercury boosting Mercury's cause.

Soap Box Derby – sportyoldude once in a while I drift away from my professed agenda of only dealing with things with entertainment value. Movies, books, video games etc. are the main focus of my blog. However sometimes I find myself being drawn into the political arena. When …

No More Mister Nice Blog: WILL WE EVENTUALLY LEARN THAT ... 10, 2020 · NBC News reports: The president was fuming at his top political aides Saturday even before the rally began after his campaign revealed that six members of the advance team on the ground in Tulsa had tested positive for COVID-19, including Secret Service personnel, a person familiar with the discussions said. Trump asked those around him why the information was exposed....

News from LDH: Politics related links 121016 Nicolas Sarkozy Went From Fierce Putin Critic To Ardent Admirer: The former French president, who is running again to be the centre-right’s candidate for the Elysée Palace, opposes sanctions and endorsed the vote on the annexation of Crimea.

The Debate Link: 12/29/2013 - 01/05/2014 times at work, but yet I've actually been more productive as a blogger than normal. Weird. Anyway, clearing the browser windows a bit: An exceptionally entertaining story about ex-Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD), who used to represent western Maryland before being gerrymandered out, and his efforts to go off the grid."The oddest Congressman" indeed.

The Political Environment: How To Cut Heart Attacks ... 03, 2009 · Ban smoking I like the idea but the State gets too much money from it, and the poor who is affected by the tax more are good sheep who will not put up a fight. Next Soda tax! Hey how about a tax on condoms? January 3, 2009 at 1:05 PM

Democide – Tuluwat Examiner is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder. … The coronavirus pandemic has killed at over 50,000 people in the United States so far and that number is almost certainly an undercount.

Thread by @Truthteller1349: "FLASHBACK: Western Spy ... 06, 2019 · FLASHBACK: Western Spy Agencies Infiltrating, Warping World of Online Activism and Political Discourse - Latest Snowden documents show extent to which GCHQ - NSA have gone to 'manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations' of online targets…

Speaking Liberally: Something to Keep in Mind: the Overton ... 10, 2008 · Something to Keep in Mind: the Overton Window I'm half posting this here so that I won't have to hunt for it again, but it's something that everyone, especially liberals, should be aware of. The Overton Window , as explained by shystee at Corrente , is a political science concept describing how ideas enter and leave the realm of acceptable ...

No Protest for Black People | The Smirking 28, 2020 · — from Black Agenda Report. Donald Trump is certainly a motivator for white liberals. That group was quiescent when other presidents committed human rights abuses and war crimes, but they spring into action when Trump does something they don’t like.

Honduras election, day 3 « Mercury Rising ?? 26, 2013 · In a discussion with RAJ at Honduras Culture and Politics, I think we have agreed that the results out of Cortes may not be anomalous. Nasralla reportedly did very well there, capturing 6/20 delegates according to La Prensa. The incomplete vote totals, while I haven't verified them in detail, look at a glance to be…

Michael Bundock | STEVENHARTSITE new issue of The Biographer’s Craft just landed in my in-box, and with it news of two major book awards for biographies. I was in no danger of getting either: The Last Three Miles contains a lot of biographical material (mostly about Hudson County political boss Frank Hague), but it’s not a biography as such. I’m intrigued by one of the winners: Michael Bundock’s In Search of ...

What I’m Reading #9: Nowtopia | Bakhtin's Cigarettes 31, 2012 · The most depressing thing about modern American politics is the total lack of any identifiable counterculture. Ever since the collapse of the hippie movement in the early 1970s—a collapse which roughly paralleled the shift in our drug culture from LSD and marijuana to cocaine and heroin—we haven’t had any coherent alternative to the relentless march…

A Contrarian World Lalgudi Jayaraman and Lakshmi ... - Scribd dwells, justifiably, on the politics of the 'Sangeetha Kalanidhi' award fracas. Jayaraman had taken great efforts to renovate the house of Thyagaraja and organize annual festivals in his honor. Inaugurating a Thyagaraja Aradhana G.K.Moopanar addressed Semmangudi, MS, Lalgudi etc with the prefix 'Sangeetha Kalanidhi'.

SE on the political races in Connecticut….. « Jamesb101.com 30, 2010 · SE on the political races in Connecticut….. My Take on the 2010 CT Races. Here’s a rundown of how I think the CT races will go: Governor: Incumbent GOP Governor Jodi Rell is retiring. On the GOP side, former Congressman Larry DeNardis, Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele, and former US Ambassador to Ireland Tom Foley are in the running.

Grover Norquist Muslim Brotherhood | Government | Politics Norquist Muslim Brotherhood - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The already alarming connections of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) President Grover Norquist to Islamic terrorism have both come into sharper focus and gotten even more alarming. In an expose’ by Lee Stranahan, it’s revealed that being married to a ...

plutocracy | The Pardu's Scroll about plutocracy written by The Pardu. Billions in inheritance, a solid foundation as America n Industrialist, non-profit status shadow groups, social and political beliefs solidly Libertarian, and an obvious deep-rooted desire to shape American society as Koch-Top 1% feudalism. If you are reading this piece, rest assured a Koch society will not include the good life for you and me.

Congresswoman Giffords, Blame Game, and Memory Lane ... 10, 2011 · There are some who are trying to tie the senseless shooting of Congresswoman Giffords to Sarah Palin and the Pro-life movement. The local Sheriff suggests the bitter acrimony in US politics, and others claim such acrimony to be the staple of the right. So calling attention to the slaughter of over 53 million Americans is…

Politics Today: A New Feature on Tenured 07, 2007 · Politics Today: A New Feature on Tenured Radical I am toying with thematic formats that will allow me to blog in a more moderate way on a few days of the week -- rather than devoting half a day to a blog post, or swear off blogging entirely so that I can get a chunk of work done before lunch.

animal cruelty | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal the first time, we can share the never-before-seen investigation photos, videos, and case facts. The fact that USGE has gone out of business is a victory for the millions of animals who would have been captured in their native homes in the wild; shipped thousands of miles in cramped crates, pillowcases, boxes, bags, and bottles; and kept in ... | Contact Brad Miller | Write to Any Star Bradley "Brad" Miller (born May 19, 1953) is the former U.S. Representative for North Carolina's 13th congressional district, serving from 2003 to 2013. District 13 includes all of Caswell and Person counties, and parts of Alamance, Granville, …

Jeffrey A. Tucker – “Truth in the Coin Shop” | The ... 13, 2008 · This is irresistible, because, as implausible as this may sound, all political truth can be found in a coin shop. And not just political truth: you find in here the story of the whole of modern life on exhibit, and learn more from looking than you find in a multivolume history.

Sports « Jamesb101.com 20, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

24 | October | 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female 24, 2008 · 7 posts published by smartandfemale on October 24, 2008

Political Satire | Missouri Communication 01, 2010 · I have found two that struck my attention. One contains mostly political satire, and the other is more serious. The first of the two is demockracy. This blog is used to poke fun at our political system. In particular I read a post that I read that I found both interesting and entertaining. The title was The American Mid-Term Election Seen from ...

Findlaw interpretation of Boumediene v. Bush 06, 2008 · Not surprisingly, last week’s landmark 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in Boumediene v.Bush has already been decried by conservatives and hailed by liberals. Curiously, however, critics and admirers of the decision both appear to claim support from the same venerable principle: the balance of powers under the U.S. Constitution.

My emails with SEIU New Media Campaign Manager Josh Glastetter 06, 2011 · Non-partisan investigative reporting on political scandals, propaganda, security firms and hackers; media criticism. In 2015, Judicial Watch, Huffington Post, MSNBC, WSJ, DC Examiner, Breitbart News and other media outlets ran stories based on my coverage of Hillary Clinton. 2016 articles published by Daily Caller at this link.

The Political Environment: Race Corrodes A Region In Denial 07, 2008 · There is a disturbing and demoralizing anecdote towards the end of Kori Schneider-Peragine's fine commentary on affordable housing in Waukesha that I posted Sunday. A housing expert and planner, Schneider-Peragine recounts a conversation with other planners who told her, after a recent hearing on the subject in Waukesha, that affordable housing would not be permitted in their …

Top 10 Ethics Scandals 2010 | Minerals Management Service ... 10 Ethics Scandals 2010 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Criminals, cuddlers, con-men and cannings, 2010 offered a witches' brew of political scandals proving many politicians are limited by their creativity, not their morals, when finding new lows. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has compiled the best of the worst ...

Fear Factory | FrameWork 07, 2007 · Well, next week General Petraeus will report to Congress about the success of President Bush's troop surge. All early reports say he will recommend high troop levels into next year but "could accept the pullback of roughly 4,000 troops beginning in January, in part to assuage critics in Congress". Paul Krugman, who apparently I have…

So How is the Media Covering the Downing Street Hearing ... 17, 2005 · [From the diaries by susanhu.] It’s a big deal on liberal blogs, but is the media waking up to the story? How are they covering the hearing on the Downing Street Memo held by Congressman Conyers yesterday? Well, take a look (but don’t get your hopes up too high): More after the fold . . […]

PRT Is Not a Joke - Laffable Luddite Chronicles 02, 2010 · Desperate in his continued attempts to politicize transit research and development, propagandist Ken Avidor has returned to trawling (or trolling) for controversial messages at the Transport-Innovators discussion group on Google. Let me say some things here about that group: many if not most of the active members in the group are highly opinionated inventors, engineers and scientists.

Politics | Rapid Cognition SOS, while it would cause her to give up her autonomy as a senator, she will have a much higher position as the nation’s top diplomat than she will as a senator in only her 2nd term. 2012 isn’t likely — Many think Hillary won’t take the SOS position because it would lessen her ability to start running — essentially in 2 years ...

Motor City Liberal: Right-Wing Media Attack Obama Over ... Media Matters: Right-wing media figures are claiming that Rep. Paul Ryan's budget proposal does not cut Medicare spending, whi...

rep. joe wilson | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson was pretty much a nobody until his outburst Wednesday during President Barack Obama’s speech to a joint session of Congress and the American people on the subject of health care. Here are some things worth knowing about Mr. Wilson, including his most recent video appeal, at the end of this list, where he ...

State of the Union Thread II - Progress Pond 28, 2008 · Martin Longman is the web editor of the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. Before joining the Monthly, Martin was a county coordinator for ACORN/Project Vote and a political consultant. He has a degree in …

Clarence Thomas Finds A New Way To Shame Himself And 21, 2019 · About Darrell Lucus. Darrell is a graduate of the University of North Carolina who considers himself a journalist of the old school. An attempt to turn him into a member of the religious right in college only succeeded in turning him into the religious right's worst nightmare--a charismatic Christian who is an unapologetic liberal.

Divided America: Constructing our own intellectual ghettos 16, 2016 · Yet today’s political media gets at least some of the blame for a hardening of attitudes. In his 2009 book, “Going to Extremes: How Like Minds Unite and Divide,” Harvard University’s Cass Sunstein argued that when like-minded people gather in groups, they tend to become more extreme in their views.

bill clinton | The Political Tipster Bill could be a help rather than a hindrance to Hillary. The coventional wisdom is that Bill has been bad for Hillary Clinton’s campaign. However, while Bill’s moronic comment about Obama in South Carolina may have cost Hillary several states on ‘Super Tuesday’, especially Missouri, taking Clinton’s advisors onboard and toughening up her tone has helped her considerably.

New Possibilities: Is Obama Black Enough? 01, 2013 · The Root reports that: Thanks to the book Game Change, which captured the behind-the-scenes drama of the 2008 presidential campaign, authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann are now as feared among those keeping political secrets as Karinne “Superhead” Steffans is feared among the rappers and athletes worried about being name-checked in her …

December 2017 – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America term Evangelicals is inappropriate and is favored by Christian Conservatives who often are better described as Fundamentalist, as well as the fact that half of these so called Evangelicals are Fundamentalist Charismatics. Using the term Fundamentalist would help drive these religious fanatics out of politics and back into the shadows where ...

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup"Liberal" is enjoying quite a comeback, in case you haven't noticed, Virgil. Oh well, both sides are the same, and all that. Michelle Moons, Breitbart: "Sen. Mike Lee in Utah: ‘We Need a Uniter’ Like Outsider Ted Cruz" Outsider. The country's first sitting Senator with a wife who is an executive at Goldman Sachs to be called an outsider.

TigerHawk - Blogger is not a simple liberal/conservative discussion. This is a nuanced, complicated constitutional, and yes political issue, that has current and former "players" on both sides of the aisle unwilling to follow party lines. The noise from the blogosphere, and "experts" steamrolling us with "I know more than you" platitudes only muddies the debate.

Tuesday Mashup (9/16/14) | The Liberal Doomsayer 16, 2014 · – Gov. Corbett cut education funding by $1 billion in his first year, and those cuts now total $3 billion over his tenure. His state funding cuts have left school districts with few options but to increase local property taxes, increase class sizes, layoff teachers and other school employees and cut course offerings.

Kevin Williamson | The Liberal Doomsayer– Gov. Corbett cut education funding by $1 billion in his first year, and those cuts now total $3 billion over his tenure. His state funding cuts have left school districts with few options but to increase local property taxes, increase class sizes, layoff teachers and other school employees and cut course offerings.

Captain Plaid - "Propservralism" of an ornery Scot: May 2007 31, 2007 · Since I went to a then non-ABA blessed law school (even a lower tier than Regent Law where Bu$ hCo got so much of their "talent") I'm limited in some options as well. Politics, especially that with a Progressive orientation, was the destination. Alternatively I'd work for a non-profit or some organization doing meaningful work.

Here's Why Key JFK Files Held by the CIA Continue to Stay extreme and strange secrecy around the government’s information about the JFK assassination continues—even as the CIA insists we already know the whole truth of who killed a popular liberal president a long, long time ago. On President Trump’s April 26 deadline for full disclosure of the JFK files, that veil of secrecy is still in place.

Chuck todd family photos" Keyword Found Websites Listing ... Todd - Family Tree & Family History at Charles David "Chuck" Todd (born April 8, 1972)[1] is an American television personality who is the 12th moderator of Meet the Press. He also serves as the Political Director for NBC News.

the united american party: Where Do We Go From Here? was the main reason Hillary Clinton collapsed? Should car bombers have to car pool to work to reduce congestion on the streets of Bahgdad? Archives. March 2005; February 2005; January 2005; Adopt A Pet. This website was created to promote healthy discussions about everyday politics no matter what your party affiliation might be.

January 2018 – Headline: White House to Congress: Russia sanctions not needed now This was the vote on Russian Sanctions: House: 419-3Senate: 98-2 Today, Trump said he won't impose the sanctions despite a veto-proof majority. Congratulations, America. Laws are meaningless now. — Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) January 30, 2018

federal firefighting | Desert Beacon June 2012 fires in Colorado should have been as much a wake up call for Congressional leaders as our deputy sheriff in his patrol car with lights flashing and bull horn blaring Evidently, they weren’t. The Funding Fail. The House Appropriations Committee was pleased to note its funding for wildland fire suppression for FY 2013:

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Frankie Bordeaux: Medicaid Fraud ... 03, 2010 · The first monthly payment, $241,296, was due this month. An investigation of Cambridge by the state Medicaid office found hundreds of cases of incomplete patient records, "several instances of potential fraud," duplicate or "canned" notes, and unqualified staff …

Frederick Politics: The Stealth-Like City Election 05, 2017 · The city is no longer the small town when I was a boy with a population of 20,000. Much has changed and the city always destined to grow, primarily because of its strategic location in the state, has indeed grown. It has become a vibrant destination point and a place where you not only want to raise you family; you also want to retire here.

Massey Energy Company | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Monday, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli likewise called for Blankenship’s resignation. And DiNapoli is no idle politico: As the sole trustee of New York’s Common Retirement Fund, he has direct control over some 303,550 shares of Massey stock, valued at $14.1 million.

Marxism | Geoausch | Page 2 04, 2009 · So Chairman Obama has gathered together members of the medical community and politicans from both sides of the aisle to discuss health care.This is another step towards socialized medicine.. If you ever want to know what a business would look like it were socialized, look no further than the post office. I walk into the post office and the customer service is non-existent.

September 2011 – Page 7 – Hoofin post published by hoofin during September 2011. Keeping on this same topic this week. I was surprised to see the correspondence going between Congressman Chris Smith in New Jersey and President Obama, regarding the kidnapping of young American children after divorce, by their Japanese parent.. This topic has really gained traction.

Belly of the Beast: 01/15/2006 - 01/22/2006 18, 2006 · All Congress does is talk, but it's the District Attorney who grabs his sword, who digs into the trenches and fights the fight. Who dogs justice day, after day, after day without thanks, without so much as a simple pat on the back. But we do it. We do it, we do it because we are the crusaders, the last frontier of American justice.

Open Thread–5/18/2014 – Politics Plus 24, 2020 · Wehby, who is vying for the Oregon GOP Senate nomination, was not arrested in the incident. But the Portland police report detailing the incident said Miller, owner of Stimson Lumber in Portland, was worried that Wehby had come to his home uninvited, and had even entered the residence without his permission.

michael bloomberg | The Political Tipster 07, 2008 · My gut view is that the true odds should be as follows (this assumes a 75% chance of an Obama Victory and a 25% chance of a Clinton victory). 1. Michael Bloomberg – 14.375% chance 2. Barack Obama – 12.5% chance 3. James Webb – 12.5% chance 4-5. Hillary Clinton – 11.25% chance 4-5. Katherine Sibelius – 11.25% chance 6. Mark Warner ...

Chuck Hagel | The Political Tipster gut view is that the true odds should be as follows (this assumes a 75% chance of an Obama Victory and a 25% chance of a Clinton victory). 1. Michael Bloomberg – 14.375% chance 2. Barack Obama – 12.5% chance 3. James Webb – 12.5% chance 4-5. Hillary Clinton – 11.25% chance 4-5. Katherine Sibelius – 11.25% chance 6. Mark Warner ...

Here And Now TU says DiNapoli sends “all the wrong signals” by running up a $30,000 debt in his campaign account. Former state Comptroller H. Carl McCall will host a fundraiser to benefit Rep. Charlie Rangel’s legal defense fund. The

bob fletcher « Mercury Rising ?? about bob fletcher written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

American INternational Group | Holy Hell! the But As For Me blog, referenced in the above quote, points out; by having voted for the stimulus bill politicians actually voted to protect the bonuses of AIG. That being so, then who is to blame for the payout of these bonuses? Those crying the loudest, those who are so very outraged, they are to blame.

Weekend Open Thread the whole world knows, Dr. Laura used the n word 11 times during a recent call in from a black American woman. 11 times!!! Perhaps once or twice within a dialogue,to stress liberal compassion, would have been sufficient. Dr. Laura reminds me of the castrating therapist on 2 and 1/2 Men. Palin believes Laura's 1st Amendment rights are being ...

Freedom Writing: Wanted: Some Constructive Advice 29, 2009 · The general public was under the impression that Nixon was going to dig in his heels and fight the charges in a Senate trial, hamstringing the Congress for months. And, in the years that have passed, I have learned that there were those in the administration who were …

Barney Frank Plays the 'Gay Card' - The New problem with Barney Frank has nothing to do with gay, it has everything to do with the fact that he is an evil partisian who almost singlehandedly has affected the health of our economy. The first thing the fine people from Massachusetts can do for the country is to vote this [email protected] out of congress. Let someone else: gay ...

David Corn | The Liberal Doomsayer 24, 2013 · This tell us that Nelson was the only Dem senator to vote against confirming Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Along with Max Baucus, Jon Tester and Mark Warner, he voted to block tax legislation that would have punished U.S. firms that export jobs here. Here, Nelson engaged in typically pointless obstruction that delayed jobless benefits.

Rush Limbaugh: We’re Not Supposed to be Talking Party ... 29, 2008 · I went to a university (clears throat) and, you know, there we were told in the, you know, late eighties that Limbaugh was just somebody that, you know, “He’s not our people, and he’s somebody to be laughed at.” So I thought I was a liberal for a very long time, and then about 2001 I turned on talk radio and never went back. RUSH: Thank ...

Political Irony › Reactionaries 25, 2013 · This was written by Iron Knee.Posted on Thursday, July 25, 2013, at 12:12 am.Filed under Hypocrisy.Bookmark the permalink.Follow comments here with the RSS feed.Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: MP blasts Tories over Throne Speech ..."If you don't do something about it for 13 years, and then do even less for 10 years, it's hard to do something about it at the last moment," said Cullen, who is also the NDPs environment critic. "It's incredible but all indications are the Liberals are going to just throw away one of the few things Stephane Dion supposedly believes in."

KC Buzz Blog: Sunday buzz The Star: McClatchy's Matthew Schofield and Nancy A. Youssef analyze the possible effects of Saddam Hussein's hanging. Rick Montgomery looks at the "truthiness" of 2006. Steve Kraske's Sunday column lists memorable quotes from area politicians and such. Elsewhere: John F. Burns of The New York Times has a must-read on Hussein headlined: "Feared and Pitiless; Fearful and Pitiable." The ...

Dems Want More Than Two Districts Redrawn - Blogger 09, 2012 · So the mandated legislative redistricting may be more complicated than merely adjusting two Assembly districts, the plaintiffs are telling a Federal Court panel Sunday. Two groups said in a motion filed with the court that making changes to Assembly Districts 8 and 9 on Milwaukee's south side may also require adjustments to the cpneighboring Assembly districts, as well as at least one state ...

06 | October | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 06, 2006 · The House ethics committee launched a wide-ranging investigation into Congress’s handling of information about a Florida lawmaker and teenage pages yesterday, as Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) vowed to keep his job, saying, “I haven’t done anything wrong.”. The ethics panel approved nearly four dozen subpoenas for documents and testimony from House members, officers and aides.

The BRAD BLOG : Unemployment Deepens, Market Keeps Soaring ..., who, in his daily "Unsanitized" columns at The Prospect has been reporting for weeks on the "$4.5 trillion money cannon" unleashed by the Federal Reserve, with the approval of Congress in the CARES Act. He explains how that relief bill gave the go-ahead for the Fed to signal in late March, for the first time in history, that they will ...

The Political Environment: Walker's agenda, record get in ... 11, 2015 · Fifteen subjects and examples cited and discussed - - would that all media follow The Guardian and produce such an excellent and documented review: For all the “day one” promises that have been made in the 2016 presidential race, it’s hard for …

The Political Environment: NBC discovers Scott Walker's #1 ... 11, 2015 · You beat me to it, Milwaukeean. It should be noted repeatedly that Scott Walker trusts implicitly the voice in his head who identifies itself to him as God. People need to understand that, when they vote for the person who will have access to the red phone. April 21, 2015 at 12:54 PM

04 | January | 2012 | Double Dip Politics 04, 2012 · Yesterday, the Iowa caucuses took place, leading to the first results of the 2012 nomination process. The official results weren’t announced until 2:30 A.M. EST. The process was the closest Iowa caucus in history, being won by only eight votes. It required 100 percent of the results being counted and all locations to report in.

Tuesday Open Thread | | 3CHICSPOLITICO 07, 2018 · John Leslie “Wes” Montgomery (March 6, 1923 – June 15, 1968) was an American jazz guitarist. He is widely considered one of the major jazz guitarists, emerging after such seminal figures as Django Reinhardt and Charlie Christian and influencing countless others.

5 Ways William Barr is Turning America into a Dictatorship’s right. Barr has given Trump’s personal lawyer, who is under a Justice Department investigation that has led to charges against two of his associates, a direct line to the Justice Department to funnel dirt about Trump’s political rivals. 3. Barr misled the public about the contents of the Mueller report.

Dallas DA Elevates Social Justice Over the Rule of Law ... 23, 2020 · Dallas DA Elevates Social Justice Over the Rule of Law - By Arnold Ahlert (Patriot Post) / April 22 2019 He announces his office "will not prosecute theft of personal items less than $750." In Dallas County, District Attorney John Creuzot has decided Social Justice™ should supersede the Rule of…

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Blogs ... 02, 2007 · (updated below) There are several topics I was hoping to write about today (and I will), but there is a lingering issue which arose from my announcement yesterday about moving to Salon that I think is important and want to address. The vast majority of people who sent e-mails and left comments were very supportive of the move and recognize its benefits and the rationale behind it (and, I am ...

LET COMPOUNDS BE DISSOLVED | Kidkenoma's 27, 2011 · There once was a liberal journalist who sent death threats that no one in the liberal blogosphere ever heard of and cared of….and her last name isn’t Bryant and her first name isn’t Georgce….and out of all the blogs in the world she decided to make a home for herself at Patterico’s friendly confines along with other liberals you never ...

Frederick Politics: 3-2 Vote Gives Keys Ten Year 08, 2011 · "Ugly, and painful to watch" was the description given to me by one who watched The City of Frederick, Maryland mayor and board meeting last night. In an embarrassing display, which made the "Bad News Bears" baseball team from movie lore look good,The City of Frederick Aldermen voted 3-2 to approve a ten year stadium lease with the Frederick Keys.

Frederick Politics: Kelly Russell Loves 07, 2013 · Before moving to a couple of questions left on my Facebook page for her, I asked her about how communication was going between the mayor and aldermen. I reminded her she had complained to me about the lack of communication by Mayor Randy McClement (R) during her first year in office.

2 Political Junkies: TV Ad Depicts Cartoon Nancy Pelosi 14, 2010 · Seriously, anybody who is upset about the thought of Nancy Pelosi being tortured thoroughly and often is part of the problem that is America. I WOULD say she's the antichrist, but that position is being played by Obeyme. Actually, between Obeyme, Pisslosi, and Reid, they make up a pretty good evil trinity. May 19, 2010 at 10:49 AM

Wise Law Blog: Black: Lehman Fraud, "Liar's Loans," Major ... 22, 2010 · Wise Law Blog features timely articles on legal developments in Canada and the United States, along with commentary on Canadian politics, American politics, technology and noteworthy current affairs.. Launched on April 5, 2005, Wise Law Blog also highlights key decisions of Canadian courts, with focus on Ontario Family Law, Ontario Employment Law and …

TigerHawk think that Reid and Pelosi understand that and won't do anything Obama doesn't like until they feel a momentum shift in his popularity -- perhaps late next year, perhaps a bit after that. The lay of the land right now (in terms of POTUS vs. a Congress of the same party) is not Carter in the Spring of 1977, although it may end up that way.

D.C. Court smacks down Trump in attempt to overturn Obama ... 02, 2017 · The USA had now turned into nothing less than a country ruled by Progressives courts. Obama made a rule that some bureaucrat, not Congress, made and the D.C. Court in a 9-2 decision does not permit Trump to over turn it. This is just the beginning. The friendly Obama loaded D.C. Court will strike down more…

Someone To Blame | Sheila Kennedy of my all-time favorite movies was 1995’s “The American President.” I loved its full-throated defense of the ACLU, its “rom-com” elements, and the excellent acting, but most of all, I loved the part where the President, played by Michael Douglas, turned to his antagonist–a slimy, political “dirty tricks politician” named Bob Rumson (played by Richard Dreyfuss)– during a ...

Balkinization: Look on the Bright Side -- We May Be ... group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. Front page Balkinization an unanticipated consequence of Jack M. Balkin

July | 2016 | Progressive Action New Hampshire posts published by Progressive Action NH during July 2016. As according to Tucker at Miscellaney Blue, Eric Estevaz, in running for the second congressional district, has gotten a little too eager for the spot and has already taken on deceiving the public.

WI Assembly endorses nuclear power. Do you? 12, 2016 · The Wisconsin Assembly voted today to upend state obstacles to nuclear power plant construction and make nuclear the state's preferred method of new electrical power generation. In doing so, the Assembly diminished investment opportunities offered by cleaner alternatives and dismissed data and arguments supplied by a coalition of opponents this week showing that nuclear power …

Green Eagle: Wingnut Wrapup Prager, Town Hall: "What Weiner Did Was Worse Than an Affair...If I were a member of Congress, I would not be livid at every one of my colleagues who had had an affair. But I would be livid at Weiner." Because, of course, the guys who had affairs were …

Balkinization: Vladimir Putin Follows Legal Blogs remarkable portion of Chris Wallace's interview with the Russian President yesterday is that Putin explained that he was aware of the argument that Special Counsel's Mueller's appointment is unlawful. (Presumably Putin was referring to Steve Calabresi's argument, as I'm unaware of another.)President Putin proceeded to misstate that argument, as he said Mueller's appointment "by Congress ...

The Immoral Minority: North Korean Foreign Minister says ... 04, 2017 · Best to consider the worst case scenario as the final word. The United States of America has declared war on North Korea. Trump doesn't need to consult with Generals or go to Congress, he'll get his way one way or another.

IMAO > October 2008 Hawkins, responding to a post by Jon Henke, writes about his ideas for a Rightroots movement to help conservatives in the coming years. If I can be Allahpundit for a moment, I’d like to pour some cold water on these big plans because I think any big effort to organize conservatives will run into trouble because of the fundamental difference between conservatives and liberals:

The Union News.: 12/1/09 07, 2009 · Exposed: Shameless political operatives turn to violence. On August 6, 2009 two Service Employee International Union (SEIU) leaders and a volunteer for Organizing for America (OFA) assaulted Kenneth Gladney outside of Rep. Russ Carnahan’s Town hall meeting on health care. The perpetrators were arrested at the scene of the crime, and three months later charges have finally been filed.

Compensation Versus Teaching | kavips 24, 2012 · It puts politics into the choice of who is worthy of staying. “Teach for Pay” was tried in England in 1710 with disastrous results. Teachers became obsessed with the rewards and punishments. “Teach for Pay” was tried in Canada in 1876. In 1883, public outcry ended the experiment permanently.

OpenlineBlog: Political Football | Obama Punts to U.S ... 01, 2009 · When the legal and political dust settle on the appointment of Roland Burris as the replacement for President-elect Barack Obama's U.S. Senate seat, ironically Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is one of the few elected officials who can accurately say he …

Kochs of Old, Kochs of New: Money And Persistence | The ... 29, 2013 · Oil billionaire David Koch runs for vice president on the Libertarian Party ticket. David and his brother Charles are the primary backers of hard-right libertarian politics in the US (see August 30, 2010); Charles, the dominant brother, is determined to tear government “out at the root,” as he will later be characterized by libertarian Brian Doherty.

May 10, 2007 – Linkmeister 10, 2007 · Otherwise, as the sign in one of the Pooh books said, “Bizy, Backson.” ... Experts and local activists say Trump’s claims are the latest in a sustained efforts by conservative commentators and politicians to marry the myth of Antifa terrorists to a city where discontent has grown for years over increasingly harsh police responses at protests.

stimulus | ScreamBucket and Awe in Mudville March 4, 2009 Posted by aetiusromulous in Commentary, Uncategorized. Tags: aetius romulous, Economics, naomi kline, news, Obama, opinion, politics, society, stimulus 1 comment so far. Naomi Kline, in her seminal book “Shock Doctrine”, proffered that in times of crisis, when the attention of its citizens is narrowly focused on a crushing event of national scope, a ...

Mohsin's Political Cornerhttps://mohsinmomin.blogspot.comMay 13, 2011 · This is good because the author of the article, Ann Coulture is very conservative and the reader of Tony Kukowski’s blog needs to know that. He then goes on to write about the article itself, he gives a few details and then he gives a short and to-the-point statement on how Ann Coulture feels about the subject at hand.

OneAngryQueer: January 2012 is an exciting year for queers in Washington State, as it appears that the legislature is finally on the brink of approving same-sex nuptials for all residents of the Evergreen State. Numerous politicians have voiced their support for a measure legalizing marriage equality, while a number of large corporations based in Seattle and outlying areas have endorsed the proposed law, to include ...

June | 2014 | progressivenetwork 27, 2014 · 4 posts published by progressive2 during June 2014. by Nathaniel Smith, Politics: A View from West Chester, May 7, 2014 I wrote this “faux” poem about 15 years ago. Some of the references are to events in the second Clinton administration.

Monday Mashup (1/21/13) | The Liberal Doomsayer 21, 2013 · I give you some recent lessons in journalistic priorities from the Bucks County Courier Times: On today’s front page, the banner headline has to do with the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court, which isn’t even today (the decision was handed down on January 22, 1973). That takes up…

RADARSITE: The Billboard Battles: Islam vs. Everyone Else of Windsor's Lebanese community, Ghina Maawie, left, Aida Mrove, Ayat Choukier and H. Dabaja show their support for the message of the billboard, which is on display at Wyandotte Street and Marion Avenue. The sign has led to a political divide between some. Photograph by : …

RADARSITE: A Letter from Congress to Obama on Israel 31, 2010 · Gary Fouse fousesquawk Below is a letter signed by more than 50 members of Congress to President Obama asking him to address the issue of the protective wall that Israel has built to keep out terrorists (Hat tip to Investigative Project on Terrorism).

Ordinary Guy: 2017 closer we get to inauguration day, the scarier this whole thing becomes. Trump's cabinet choices demonstrate how he has no regard for our political system, no intentions of placing people who would do a decent job of representing the people’s interests.

Electronic Village: Barack Obama vs. Hillary Clinton on ... 12, 2008 · What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income, to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A ...

Ari Melber | The Pardu's about Ari Melber written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

How 2016 presidential players fit in Harry Potter world 08, 2016 · How 2016 presidential players fit in Harry Potter world. With Harry Potter and the Cursed Child now in release and the play now the hottest show in London, it struck me that there are an awful lot of similarities between the 2016 election and the magical world of Harry Potter that J.K Rowling created. So let’s get down to it: Who is who? Hillary Clinton is Hermione …

The Immoral Minority: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has 11, 2017 · Courtesy of Politico: Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday that his recusal from Justice Department investigations into the 2016 campaign for president will extend into inquiries into the activities of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, under fire for his ties to foreign governments.

Pinko Commie Feminazi Mommypinkomommy.blogspot.comNov 28, 2007 · David Brooks must think New York Times readers are really, really stupid. His latest op-ed piece is the work of a man who has sipped so much of the kool-aid he's staggering, dog-faced drunk, or somebody must have paid him an enormous sum of money to write this piece of right-wing propagandist garbage.. Once there was a majority in favor of liberal immigration …

Who’s Heck Representing? A Look At The Advertising 19, 2016 · A bit of time spent watching local television in the wilds of northern Nevada yields a real bundle of political advertising – much of which comes from the campaign to elect Representative Joe Heck to the U.S. Senate, but the fine print is almost more interesting than the ads themselves. For example, during one broadcast…

Birchers « Mercury Rising ?? about Birchers written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

WTWC: Watching Those We Chose: H.R.5351, The Renewable ... 12, 2008 · Introduced February 12, 2008, by Representative Charlie Rangel and 35 co-sponsors the red hot H.R.5351 Renewable Energy and Energy Conserva...

A Brief History of the Zapatista Movement and the Other ... 06, 2006 · In his second update from a trip to Mexico, a Media Mouse contributor provides a brief history of the Zapatista movement and the Zapatistas recently launched "Other Campaign" to transform politics both in Mexico by uniting people working on progressive social change. The Other Campaign, like their Juntas of Good Government, is seen by many…

Frederick Politics: Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" 5-25-2008 10, 2008 · Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" 5-25-2008 This Sunday will mark only one week until the primary in Puerto Rico (55 delegates) and only nine days until the final two primaries on June 3 in Montana (16 delegates) and S. Dakota (15 delegates).

Carly Fiorina | The Political Tipster Mitt Romney – He is the chosen candidate of the fiscal right and adds business experience to the ticket. If the convention were settled in the back room he would be odds on to be the candidate. However, he performed poorly in his home turf, losing to McCain in New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut….need I say more?

gwen ifil | The Liberal Crab 01, 2008 · Posted on October 1, 2008 by The Liberal Crab If you haven’t seen the headlines blazed across the screen at Drudge, you haven’t seen the breaking news that Gwen Ifil, the moderator for tomorrow’s Vice Presidential Debate has a book coming out called The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama .

Scott Brown To Campaign For John McCain | Suzie-Que's ... 05, 2010 · McCain was the first US senator to encourage Brown in his run for the seat left vacant by the death of liberal lion Edward M. Kennedy, and Brown has said he idolizes the former Navy pilot. In conclusion, naked Scott Brown is totally gay for John McCain, which is why J.D. Hayworth will be the next Barry Goldwater.

The Whited Sepulchre: Best Political Quotes of 2011 Wing News has compiled The Best Political Quotes of 2011. I've read them all so that you won't have to. Here are the best (i.e. the Libertarian-ish) ones: 49) NPR is a very elitist and in this case white institution that I think is struggling with the changing demographics of American society.

9/11 | Messaging Matters 2016 presidential campaign has been relentlessly negative. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and their campaign teams, surrogates and supporters, have been bashing each other with zeal.That may be electoral politics as usual, but it doesn’t bode well for governing the country, or having Americans united on important issues around the world, once the election is over.

The Lid | Bloviating Zeppelin Dunetz, owner, editor and publisher of “ The Lid,” who is also a weekly political columnist at The Jewish Star and Truth Revolt and has written at Breitbart, Hot Air and PJ Media’s Tattler amongst many other sites, has graciously invited me onto his radio show today, which can be heard here (click ON AIR) at 11 AM Pacific and 2 PM Eastern.

Motor City Liberal: MEMO: Health Insurance, Banking, Oil ... 2006, Koch Industries owner Charles Koch revealed to the Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore that he coordinates the funding of the conservative infrastructure of front groups, political campaigns, think tanks, media outlets and other anti-government efforts through a twice annual meeting of wealthy right-wing donors. He also confided to Moore, who is funded through several of Koch’s ...

Frederick Politics: City Hall Buzz 08, 2011 · The devil will be in the details as the city looks at how they can secure a guarantee for payment.---Hargett farm for use as city park was brought up briefly. Appears mayor and aldermen have reached an agreement on portions of the land for a future school, aquatic center and open space.

Frederick Politics: City To Approve Impact Fee Payment Plan 05, 2011 · George Wenschhof Prior to meeting with City of Frederick administrator Josh Russin and Public Information Coordinator Susan Harding last Friday, Stephanie and Jen of 7th Street Starbucks, where I often write, pointed to an article in the Frederick News Post and said "you need to write about this!" The article was about how the owner of the downtown restaurant Volt wanted to open up a ...

21 | September | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 21, 2008 · The point is we need a President who is radically different in his foreign policy choices than the current adminstration. As the Secretaries point out, we need to demonstrate to the World through our actions that we want to be a leader again.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - OAN Airs Segment ... also recently had a segment where COVID-19 was the product of an elaborate plot by Bill Gates, George Soros, and the Clintons as a means of "population control." Twitter's purge of some 7000 accounts linked to QAnon is just more of the same deep-state plot against Donald Trump and his supporters, or so goes the theory for these lunatics.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - 6 Days of Memorials to ... rose to fame as a leader of the modern-day American civil rights movement of the 1950s and '60s. At 23, he worked closely with King and was the last surviving speaker from the August 1963 March on Washington where King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. The civil rights movement led Lewis into a career in politics.

Catholic Bishop blasts Rudy - - POLITICO.com Bishop blasts Rudy. The top Catholic Bishop in Rhode Island has penned a stinging column in his Diocese's newspaper attacking Rudy Giuliani's abortion stance. Bishop Thomas J. Tobin ... Politics weekly jobs reports showing unemployment at 11.1% shows that America is coming back economically, and a rescue package and President Donald Trump's proposed payroll tax cut would further stimulate the economy, Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday.... 2020-07 …

RADARSITE: Janet Napolitano's Leftwing Extremism you read the report, you know that the words "rightwing extremism" are the first two words of the title of the report, and a quick scan of Page 5 shows rightwing "extremism" or "extremists" used at least five times. Typical Liberal-speak: speak the words and the Left will believe it.

BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Carolinas Medical Center Faces ... 09, 2010 · Carolinas Medical Center pays Equifax, Experian and Trans Union Credit Reporting agencies to sell those old Medical bill accounts to Debt Collectors, who create new account numbers for those decades old bills and continue screwing up the Credit Ratings for hundreds of thousands of North Carolina's Black citizens.

Zahra Claire Baker's Body Possibly Buried In Burke County, NC 02, 2010 · According to a search warrant filed in the case, firefighters responded to a "fire on a mulch pile" at the home about 5:30 a.m. Saturday. Adkins said "some evidence" was recovered from the scene. Firefighters found a Chevrolet Tahoe with its passenger door open and a Duke Power envelope with handwriting on the front windshield, the search ...

Political Psychology - In Hawk Space practice of psychotherapy is not for sissies. An agreement to engage in a therapeutic relationship becomes, in many instances, an invitation for one human being to accompany another into the darkest, most terrifying spaces in the cosmos: the depths of the human psyche.

Third Base Politics: Kasich campaign on the cutting edge... 05, 2009 · Earlier this afternoon, John Kasich was joined by Mike Huckabee for a town hall forum on Ohio State's campus. But it wasn't just any town hall. Streaming on their website, a reported 5,000 people tuned in to watch Kasich and Huckabee answer questions from their college-aged audience, as well as via twitter, the Kasich website ...

The Immoral Minority: Donald Trump missed the deadline to ... 06, 2017 · President Trump's team has missed a deadline for implementing new sanctions against Russia, and has ignored congressional requests for more information, according to a pair of leading senators. "They've had plenty of time to get their act together," Senate Armed Services Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., and Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, the top ...

Maryland Politics Watch: Miller vs Franchot 04, 2008 · Sadly, you are the first statewide officeholder I have watched change positions with such ease. To wit, you wrote that “we cannot tax, or gamble, our way out of fiscal and economic distress” - yet, lest anyone forget, you passionately advocated for those options as a member of the House of Delegates.

It's a 50-50 nation, so how does impeachment affect the ... some time at Civiqs looking at the data we’ve made public, and one fact shows up—public opinion doesn’t change quickly. Remember, marriage equality was a sea change in public sentiment, and that was a 10-15-point swing toward marriage equality in a decade.. We know that Donald Trump’s approval ratings simply don’t move.

Another turkey spending bill known as a CR passes 03, 2016 · It might be better the way it is going, because there could possibly be some heavy-duty changes, starting on November 9th, with ballots tallied and a new president, especially if Trump, wins. That will set the stage for only a minor period after inauguration, that congress most likely would simply approve.

Mission accomplished | The Gonzo Think 03, 2007 · Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales have successfully left the public eye unscathed. It's one Bush Administration accomplishment that can use the "Mission Accomplished" banner. The congressional inquiries into their supposed misconduct in the firing of nine U.S. attorneys and the warrantless domestic spying case are seemingly nonexistent. Their absence from public …

Can She Be Stopped?: Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next ... this pageJohn Podhoretz is the New York Times bestselling author of Bush Country and Hell of a Ride.He is a columnist for the New York Post and a political commentator for the Fox News Channel. A cofounder of the Weekly Standard, he has worked at Time, U.S. News and World Report, and the Washington Times.Podhoretz served as a speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan and as special assistant to …Reviews: 1Format: KindleAuthor: John Podhoretz

US Constitution | The Pardu's Scroll liberals are admirable people. They want a society that is humane, civil, helpful to people (in need), abhor self-serving corporatists (plutocrats), and also believe in their interpretation of the US Constitution. Freedom of Speech is a deep-rooted human right and will always receive vehement defense from the Left (even more vehemently from the far Left).

28 | December | 2013 | The Pardu's Scroll 28, 2013 · GOP members of Congress, surrogates and pundits are conspicuously silent about the ACA. Of course, we continue to hear dire predictions about “ObamaCare” from Right-wing Media (Fox News et al) and on occasion for the more zany in the party (Palin, etc), yet …

Muslim Brotherhood wants Egyptian modesty police ... 04, 2011 · “This is incredibly worrying to many Egyptians,” Maye Kassem, a political scientist at the American University in Cairo (AUC), told The Media Line. “The salafis were always undercover in Egypt and now they are emerging as a political force. They are getting too vocal.” P.S.

Propaganda and Agitation the Leninist Way: Lenin and ... 29, 2010 · The point we were discussing was the possible and necessary participation of various social strata in the overthrow of the autocracy; and not only are we able, but it is our bounden duty, to guide these “activities of the various opposition strata”, if we desire to be the “vanguard”. Not only will our students and liberals, etc ...

No More Mister Nice Blog 05, 2006 · This is a fine sentiment that, I suspect, most people know deep down is often mouthed by people who don't actually believe it; if most people believed it, reactionary politicians wouldn't be able to speak the words "American Civil Liberities Union" in a tone usually reserved for such phrases as "child-molesting Manson family supporter", secure ...

Left, Right and Centrist Political Sites [Balanced Viewpoints] 28, 2008 · One of the reasons I like his responses are that they’re honest, insightful and authoritative. Whereas I tend to often question myself in my own articles, Trent is confident of his beliefs and it shows in his writing. I think that’s why he has commanded such a large audience of readers (currently over 40,000). Plus Trent reads A LOT!

William Bee Ravenel III - - POLITICO.com Bee Ravenel III may have had it but John McCain never did that's for sure. McCain doesn't give a hairy rat's A-hole about America, he sold us out a long time ago and many times since.

The Citizens: Double Your Pleasure, Double your Fun With ... 09, 2011 · Now a story that is worth following just for the pleasure of seeing that other nations have screwed up politics. Alliot-Marie had ties to now deposed Tunisian President Ben-Ali. Here is a short list: · Alliot-Marie had accepted visits to Tunisia in the private plane of a wealthy Tunisian businessman who is connected with Ben-Ali.

Rudy Giuliani Releases Audio of Biden in Ukraine That ... naturally the perfect time for Rudy Giuliani to begin releasing edited snippets in an effort to make it seem like Biden did … really, who the hell cares? The Washington Post report on this breaking news makes it absolutely clear that this isn’t a matter of any news being broken.

Obama Effigy Lynched in Indiana : This man's son removed the effigy from the tree. Villagers , we have another American citizen who thinks it is good politics to ...

GOP « Jamesb101.com 20, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - Rudy Giuliani releases ... was the most important story in the world? Was it emails? Server? Something to do with mustard? Oh, yeah. This:. Last week, a Ukrainian lawmaker who was once affiliated with a pro-Russian political party and has met with Giuliani released 10 edited snippets of what appeared to be Biden’s official vice presidential phone calls with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in 2016.

2 Political Junkies: Governor Casey Sr, James Carville and ... 06, 2009 · The speech ran more than 1,000 words -- and not one of those words was "Clinton." Nor was the word "Gore" mentioned. Nor was the word "Gore" mentioned. Casey's speech did not include a single word of praise or support for the ticket being nominated at the convention he wanted to address.

Delaware Marriage Protection Act | kavips 17, 2009 · El Somnambulo on Delaware Liberal announces that Bob Venables and others are preparing to propose a Marriage Protection Act: SB 27… This will limit marriage to a relationship between a man and a women.. Once again, Bob and his group are more worried about protecting their own assholes, than they are about the needs of their constituents…

Senator Caroline Kennedy? | Mirror On America 06, 2008 · From The NYTimes Caroline Kennedy to Seek Clinton’s Senate Seat By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE Published: December 15, 2008 Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of an American political dynasty, has decided to pursue the United States Senate seat being vacated by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.

Obama's internet frenemies | Dan Kennedy | Opinion | The ... 26, 2009 · In his new book, Bloggers on the Bus: How the Internet Changed Politics and the Press (Free Press), Boehlert enthuses about all manner of internet …

Motor City Liberal: Behind Michigan's "Financial Martial ... 2002 and 2009, the Mackinac Center's donors included the Charles G. Koch Foundation ($69,151), founded by the chairman and CEO of Koch Industries, who, with his brother, David, is a major backer of conservative causes; the Dick and Betsy DeVos Foundation ($80,000), the charity tied to the son of the co-founder of Amway, the multibillion ...

Phil Frye | The Plainsman Politico has moved divorce case filed by Philip Frye against Angela Mascia Frye, who is the director of European operations for the West Virginia Development Office, implicates Wise as the reason for the couple’s split. Frye told the Charleston Daily Mail that his wife of seven years had been having an affair with the governor for months.

Jeff Gannon | News Corpse 10, 2010 · Tunku Varadarajan, national affairs correspondent for The Daily Beast, has compiled a list of what he and 50 academics, politicians, and journalists, consider to be the top 25 right-wing journalists in America. The most enlightening thing we learn from this list has nothing to do with the ranking of wingnuts in the media.

Digital Recording | Exceptional Delaware 22, 2017 · He was the godfather of Delaware education blogs and paved the way for the rest of us fighting the good fight. Transparent Christina, Kavips, and now Kilroy’s Delaware. We still have other education blogs, but they are either mixed in with political blogs (Delaware Liberal and Blue Delaware) or the other blogs really don’t post that often.

Bon Voyage | Exceptional Delaware was the godfather of Delaware education blogs and paved the way for the rest of us fighting the good fight. Transparent Christina, Kavips, and now Kilroy’s Delaware. We still have other education blogs, but they are either mixed in with political blogs (Delaware Liberal and Blue Delaware) or the other blogs really don’t post that often.

David Duke – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Lou Bruner fell just 2 points short of gaining the 50 percent needed to avoid a run-off. Bruner, who claims to be a retired teacher who holds a Masters in special education, believes sex education materials “stimulate” children to experiment with sex and that the United Nations has a plan to wipe out two-thirds of the world population. – It’s Mary Lou!

Synopsis of Aug. 29, 2007 meeting with Representative ... 30, 2007 · Synopsis of Aug. 29, 2007 meeting with Representative Vernon Ehlers Nine members of Rep. Vern Ehlers’ 3rd congressional district met with him in his Grand Rapids office yesterday in an effort to put pressure on him to change his stance on the U.S. occupation of Iraq.

Milton | Dear Kitty. Some blog is a video about the poem Lycidas by John Milton. From British daily The Morning Star: ... As the pre-civil war climate heated up, his early ambitions revealed in his Latin poems turned to the more immediately practical business of entering the pamphlet wars, the main arena of political debate. ... Follow Dear Kitty. Some blog on WordPress ...

Baron Hill | The Liberal Doomsayer lobbied unsuccessfully for universal health care in his state, but, failing that, as The New York Times reported in its May 31 obituary, “he did sign a bill providing health insurance for children whose families were too poor to pay for it but whose incomes were too high to be eligible for public assistance.”

Washington State Political first of what may be 100 campers will move Thursday onto the property at 15530 Juanita-Woodinville Way N.E. in unincorporated King County. Sims expressed mixed feelings about the venture, saying he is "personally opposed to the concept of a nomadic existence for the homeless. I prefer permanent solutions." ...

SHADOW'S WORLD: 06/15/! No police officer in his (or her) right mind is going to risk life, limb, and future knowing that their 'superiors' are willing to sacrifice them on the alter of political correctness at the first available opportunity. The good people of Baltimore demanded an end to aggressive policing; now let make them suffer the consequences. Part : ... Media Type :

M.JOSEPH SHEPPARD'S "A POINT OF VIEW": Redux: By 12, 2012 · Campaign Redux: An Occasional reprint from the pre-election series at Palin4President2016 which still have topicality Although there is little doubt they will try, as per my article on the subject reproduced below, there really would zero credibility in any attempt to assign the blame for a Romney loss to Sarah Palin.

realcl - Yahoo Suche this pageOn May 28, U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich called attorneys prosecuting the case into her courtroom for a closed hearing. Although no reporters were allowed inside, it is now known that Friedrich agreed with one defendant’s claims that Mueller had overstated the evidence when he implied in his report to Congress that the trolls were controlled by the Russian government …

Motor City Liberal: Rush Limbaugh Launches "Rush Babes For ... also christened the launch of his new page with his brand of sexism, using the terms "feminazis" and "NAGs," in his announcement. Limbaugh's go-to pejorative for women from first ladies, to congresswomen, reporters to academic and historical figures is "babe."

July | 2008 | Mudflats | Page 3 only thing I can say is that if elected, Darcy Burner will be a representative on the order of Robert Wexler, and Dennis Kucinich…in other words, a member of congress who is looking out not only for her constituents, but for the Constitution and the …

Coldtype's Lair: April 2010 28, 2010 · It is one of the serious evils of our present system of banking that it enables one class of society, and that by no means a numerous one, by its control over the currency to act injuriously upon the interests of all the others and to exercise more than its just proportion of influence in political affairs.

09 | February | 2012 | Under The LobsterScope 09, 2012 · Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty; the pig likes it. – Anonymous The annual C-PAC meeting is going on this week and Conservatives from all over the country are gathering in Washington DC to reinforce their political base and listen to the candidates from the primaries and their major supporters argue about who is furthest right.

The Profile - Blogger blog about politics, law, philosophy, and sometimes boxing.

Fort Hood Shooting | Lonnie Walker's Blog 05, 2009 · It’s embarassing to watch the liberal media keep trying to spin the Fort Hood shooting. Chicago Mayor Robert Daley needs to shut up. His philosophy that the Fort Hood shootings aren’t about (my words here, piece of sh*t (POS)) Major Hasan’s muslim religion as it is about our love for guns.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple Daily Ripple: US & World News - Politics, Environment, Social Justice & Music to Encourage People to Start a Ripple Today organizations, social commentary, music and contributors creating a better world.

Justice Stevens Retiring - Progress Pond 09, 2010 · Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has made it official; he is retiring at the end of this term. I think the following excerpt makes it clear how important it is that Obama fight for a liberal replacement. “I don’t think of myself as a liberal at all,” he told me during a recent interview in his chambers, laughing and shaking his head.

VanRamblings: Essay 16, 2019 #VanPoli Civic Politics | Faith Groups + Affordable Housing | Part 4. Joming Lau, a City of Vancouver Planning Analyst and member of Vancouver city's Community Serving Spaces Team, and his colleague James O'Neill, a Cultural Planner with the city, working in the Cultural Spaces and Infrastructure Division of the Planning Department — and also a member the city's Community ...

The Political Environment: How Wisconsin Sells Itself Short 07, 2007 · To a limited degree, some Milwaukee-area interests, like the public-private M-7 partnership, are getting on board. But many high-visibility, on-the-ground development initiatives, both public and private, are still too focused in Wisconsin away from its major urban area, Milwaukee.

The Homophobic Chairman Of The Zionist Orthodox Habayit ... 26, 2012 · The chairman of the large right wing Zionist Orthodox Habayit Hayehudi political party Naftali Bennett said yesterday that he opposes same-sex marriage. But not only does he oppose it personally, he believes Israel must oppose it as a “Jewish state,” Ha’aretz reported .

Illinois's dying cities - capitalfax.blogspot.com 23, 2005 · Milt had Paul Green, Jim Webb, the Chicago Tribune's Illinois political editor, and Dick Simpson, professor of political science at the Univ...

Frederick Politics: Campaign in Song 07, 2008 · Today's lyrics are based on Johnny Fill up the Bowl, 1864 an anti Lincoln Civil War song sung to the tune of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again", adding a next to final stanza adapted from a William Jennings Bryan campaign song, When Bryan Fills the Chair.

Deplorables | Arun with a View 19, 2017 · [update below] One of the features of the dystopian Trump regime is the rogues' gallery of personalities in its inner circle, who have flocked to Trump like flies to fecal matter. They are not just deplorable in their political values but are truly loathsome on the human level. I have come across portraits of two…

South Korea | American Elephants enormous crowd, estimated at 15,000 South Koreans came out to welcome and praise George Bush in Seoul last Tuesday. And unlike another recent political rally, it didn’t take free beer, food and rock bands to get them there. It wasn’t the work of a political campaign or the government, this was 15,000 citizens who wanted to show their support for President Bush and the United States ...

Does Hillary Clinton fear the Bernie Sanders campaign? 06, 2015 · Courtesy of Politico : Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley are both expected to challenge Hillary Cli...

political housecleaning | Sheila Kennedy’s bad enough that large numbers of otherwise reasonable citizens don’t understand that, but it is truly appalling when our elected officials don’t grasp the most basic elements of public or economic policy. (And yes, Mike Pence, I’m looking at you. And a lot of others.) It’s time to do some housecleaning.

Don Mashak 's Political Google is Don Mashak 's Google Site Devoted to his Political Interests. Don Mashak is fiscally conservative and moderate on Social Issues. This site contains quotes and links to Don Mashak's favorite and/or personal political sites.

Kevin Powell: "Is it Vietnam, yet?" 27, 2004 · This is one of Marty's usual asute analyses. Sightings 9/27/04 When Is Now? -- Martin E. Marty If my reading is accurate, last week was the turning-time. Major politicians of both parties, pundits of neither, and clergy-beyond-parties asked, with brash Chicago Sun-Times columnist Neil Steinberg: "Is it …

Larry Birkhead Fathered Anna Nicole’s Baby: Prince Freddy ... 10, 2007 · For a week, it was impossible to turn on the news without getting in-depth coverage of the legal proceedings, reminiscent of the Florida ballot count and the Clinton impeachment. The difference was, the latter two had tremendous political implications. The Smith debate had next to nothing, but because it was sensational, it remained on the air.

Barack Obama:The Politics of Racial Kinship | THOUGHT MERCHANT 14, 2009 · By Thought Merchant According to Gallup Polls, at the end of his 100 day mark in office Barack Obama held a 96% approval rating among Blacks while only holding 57% approval among Whites. Without doubt being the first African American President inures Obama with a great deal of pride and admiration from the Black community.…

Tenured Radical: On Political Conversation, Or The Lack ... 09, 2011 · It basically gutted taxes that public schools (including K-12 and the UC and CSU systems) relied on contributing to a downward spiral over the last 30 years. But it keeps property taxes incredibly low and I can't imagine repealling it would be at all politically popular.

Freedom Writing: Petrino Made Right Decision 12, 2007 · Petrino Made Right Decision ... any generation to take the world crisis so solemnly that it put off enjoying those things for which we were designed in the first place: the opportunity to do good work, to enjoy friends, to fall in love, to hit a ball and to bounce a baby." ... "The two real political parties in America are the Winners and the ...

No surprise: the draft bears fruit – 01, 2013 · The official announcement will come in September via a bus tour – much like one conducted by opponent David Craig – but an article by Jeff Newman in yesterday’s SoMd News let the cat out of a bag which had been pretty much ripped open months ago: Charles Lollar will be a gubernatorial candidate.. Because the move is just making formal something political insiders had …

Star Parker – official announcement will come in September via a bus tour – much like one conducted by opponent David Craig – but an article by Jeff Newman in yesterday’s SoMd News let the cat out of a bag which had been pretty much ripped open months ago: Charles Lollar will be a gubernatorial candidate.. Because the move is just making formal something political insiders had already figured on ...

Extremism in the defense of moderation is no... 23, 2017 · But it might well also be that you are outstandingly ignorant, and have never heard of Tocqueville scholar Aurelian Craiutu, whose new book, A Virtue for Courageous Minds: Moderation in French Political Thought, 1748-1830 is in my Kindle, and probably says much the same kind of thing as I am saying here, or at least its first chapter uses many ...

Politics | Kauli Flower…about Ron Paul. Dammit, I was having a good day; had researched health care and had most of the post written. I’ll save it for another day. You know, I was so pissed off at what little Bush’s admin was doing to – or attempting to do – the Constitution, that when Ron Paul spoke about the Constitution, I was relieved that someone remembered what that document was.

People, people, people – Linkmeister and local activists say Trump’s claims are the latest in a sustained efforts by conservative commentators and politicians to marry the myth of Antifa terrorists to a city where discontent has grown for years over increasingly harsh police responses at protests.

Jeanne Shaheen « Mercury Rising ?? about Jeanne Shaheen written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

Tenured Radical: Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Disobey The ... 08, 2010 · We move forward into a summer of political negotiating that might end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," the Clinton-era policy that lifted the ban on gays in the military, provided said gays pretend to be straight (and, as an ironic touch, created a phrase popular among the sexually dishonest who claim to be in sophisticated open relationships when actually they are just cheating like everyone else.)

No More Mister Nice Blog: WARNING: THIS ONE IS ABOUT DAVID ... 08, 2020 · (Of course, while unemployment may be low, how good are the jobs?) It’s hard to defeat a president in good times. U.C.L.A. political scientist Lynn Vavreck, the author of “The Message Matters” and a co-author of “Identity Crisis,” has found that the rare candidates who do succeed find issues that voters care about just as much.

movies | The Word of Me... 04, 2008 · “True, people of faith have always tried to bring their interpretation of the Bible to bear on American laws and morals … it’s the American way, encouraged and protected by the First Amendment. But what is unique today is that the radical religious right has succeeded in taking over one of America’s great political parties.

Meet The Press | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog Schock’s appearance at the green technology education program ribbon-cutting ceremony, the bill providing funds for that program was an omnibus-spending bill that Congress took up last spring. Maddow’s point, nevertheless, remained the same.

The Rectification of Names: Electability or Eluctability? Obama political revolution, as I was saying a while back, was the one I signed up for, and the way to get my vote is to stick up for it, slow and uncertain as it is. I can't speak for anybody else, but I can speak to that, and I'm happy to let the electability issue take care of itself.

Intrepid Liberal Journal: The Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Shuffle Washington Post, reports this evening that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confessed to masterminding al-Quaida's terrorist attack on 9/11.According to the article, “Mohammed claimed responsibility for planning, financing and training others for attacks ranging from the 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center to the attempt by would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid to …

Domestic Spy Story: Ripples and Rumors - Progress Pond 05, 2006 · And, a fast search of Google News yields even more stories going back to Dec. 10, 2005. Goodman reported: In his letter, Tice wrote, “It is with my oath as a US intelligence officer weighing heavy on my mind that I wish to report to Congress acts that I believe are unlawful and unconstitutional.

"Ethical Perversity." - alias Bruce. 16, 2008 · For a surgically revealing analysis of what the fall of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and the survival of President George W. Bush tells us about the moral innards of American media and American politicians and voters, read Lerner's March 14 essay on the Spitzer affair. It's worth the five minutes to read the entire piece.

A Dead Child on Christmas Eve | The Smirking— from Reader Supported News. An eight-year-old Guatemalan boy died in the custody of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) late Christmas Eve. His death came only two weeks after the death from dehydration of a seven-year-old Guatemalan girl also in the custody of CBP. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus is demanding an investigation into what it calls CBP’s …

Edmondson and Lamb 9-7-17 | Politics Of The United States ... by one or two Oklahoma singers. At press time, Joey Todd is committed; and Lisa Wilkinson, who is in charge of entertainment for the picnic, is negotiating with others. Of Todd, Wilkinson says, “Joey is a singer songwriter in the rock/blues genre.” His latest release is “Before They Dropped the Bombs,” and a \new album will be out ...

Schumer asks Treasury Dept's inspector general to look for ... Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York has asked for the Treasury Department’s inspector general to look into whether purely political reasons are why the unveiling of the basic design of a new $20 bill with a portrait of abolitionist Harriet Tubman on it is being delayed from next year until at least 2026 and not put […]

Did Congressman Gutierrez Fail Government 101? | Mirror On ... 05, 2010 · It would be a huge waste of political capital, after he already wasted vast amounts of political capital in his first year, fighting for what ended up being a bad health care reform bill in my view. Obama could waste another year on immigration reform and be left with nothing to show for it in the end.

The Next Hurrah: Is the GOP Ready For A Free Thinker? DemFromCT. Poor Rudy. His flip-flops on the abortion question to appease the religious right in his party (and they all do it, from Romney to McCain to Bush 41 to Reagan) have gotten him in a bit of hot water with his adoring public.. His current posture has left past political allies and abortion rights supporters dismayed over what they regard as his backsliding.

Governor Christie Gets a Taste of "Crow" | The Pardu's Scroll 31, 2012 · The following is the perfect example of political hypocrisy, GOP B/S, and an overweight "BLOWHARD' who is vying for a GOP run for the nomination in 2016. And, it is really, really sad. Furthermore, the audience who are standing as and cheering as awe inspired 'bowing' sycophants, probably should feel as shamed of themselves.Within the week.He doesn't know …

An Old Fashioned Sit-In | FrameWork 24, 2007 · One who is generous; one who favors greater freedom in political or religious matters; one free from prejudice or narrow thinking. Ant.- stingy, mean, bigoted, or conservative In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated scorned.

Chris “TWEETY BIRD” Matthews Pushes His Book, Pines For ... 31, 2011 · The shameful plugging of your book is sad enough, Chris Matthews, but to insert President Obama into the narrative and insist on COMPARING him to John F. Kennedy is laughable. See Sunday, October …

government contracted security force | Bloviating Zeppelin Health and Human Services official refused to allow a member of Congress to enter a facility in his district where some of the unaccompanied immigrant children are being housed. Representative Jim Bridenstine (R., Okla.) was told he could schedule an appointment for July 21.

CNN news | kavips 05, 2016 · Politics is certainly important, especially when you are the first black president and 47% of the nation is out to get you because of the color of your skin… But the people who have no idea of the facts, and are given this enormous power to decide policy, will lead us to some really bad decisions… That is the trouble with our world today.

07 | August | 2008 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 07, 2008 · By- Suzie-Q @ 9:00 PM MST U.S. Attorney Scandal Probe Enters White House Circle. Huffington Post- Murray Waas. August 7, 2008 02:16 PM. The Justice Department investigation into the firings of nine U.S. attorneys has been extended to encompass allegations that senior White House officials played a role in providing false and misleading information to Congress, according to …

CA-48: Onufrei Announces Initial Television Ad Campaign Buy Candidate Stelian Onufrei (CA-48) GOP Congressional Candidate Stelian Onufrei Announces Initial Television Ad Campaign in Race to Unseat Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Contact Randy Economy Senior Advisor/Communications Director [email protected] 562 743-0882 cell. Costa Mesa, CA: The campaign of Stelian Onufrei for Congress in California’s 48th District will be hitting the …

Rule Number One: Do Not Mess With Ollie Ox. « Mercury ... 25, 2008 · All by way of introducing this story by Ollie Ox, who is one of the best locally-focused bloggers I’ve encountered in my admittedly-limited experience with them. It shows how she corrected some rather lazy reporting from a city slicker who thought he knew more than she did, yet was easily rolled by the rather pathetic political ...

Mary Lou Bruner – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Lou Bruner fell just 2 points short of gaining the 50 percent needed to avoid a run-off. Bruner, who claims to be a retired teacher who holds a Masters in special education, believes sex education materials “stimulate” children to experiment with sex and that the United Nations has a plan to wipe out two-thirds of the world population.

young-earth creationism – Arts and Politics from the ... about young-earth creationism written by dummidumbwit. Mary Lou Bruner fell just 2 points short of gaining the 50 percent needed to avoid a run-off. Bruner, who claims to be a retired teacher who holds a Masters in special education, believes sex education materials “stimulate” children to experiment with sex and that the United Nations has a plan to wipe out two-thirds of the world ...

märts | 2016 | Money4nothingchicks4free Keynes’ilt hea postitus Mass Immigration is the Last Fraud of Neoliberalism And Dean Baker, a man who is clearly not a conservative but left-wing, explains why in his very interesting book The Conservative Nanny State(2006) and in the US … Jätka lugemist ?

October 2015 – Page 2 – Politics Plus"This man, who is an extremely good man and an exemplary good man, has had imposed on him one of the most gruesome penalties that exist in this country which can only be described as brutal torture." Schulz then went further, calling on the Saudi king "to free him, so he can accept the prize."

L /T D H E L: Iberals Ories In EAD Eat As Lection Ooms ... 03, 2009 · Last year, it was the prime minister, Stephen Harper, who was musing about an election as the long weekend approached; this year, it is the new Liberal leader, Michael Ignatieff’s turn. Based on their current standings, a majority government is a long shot for both parties.

Balkinization: The Military versus the Politicians on Torture group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics

John McCain - Playa? | Mirror On America 09, 2008 · It had been just a decade since an official favor for a friend with regulatory problems had nearly ended Mr. McCain’s political career by ensnaring him in the Keating Five scandal. In the years that followed, he reinvented himself as the scourge of special interests, a crusader for stricter ethics and campaign finance rules, a man of honor ...

Broward County | Saynsumthn's Blog these incidents, Graber has been elected as a Broward County Florida Commissioner and served as the 2005-2006 Mayor of Broward County. He lost a bid for a Florida State Senate seat in 2006 but says he is not through with politics yet.

Chris Weafer — Putin stays ~ Mike Norman Economics is both a thorn and a rose for Putin, since the majority of Russians did very poorly under neoliberalism and the rule of the Russian Mafia, but it also leaves a contingent in the Russian government and oligarch that want to return to the good old days of looting the country.

Public Option « The Angriest Liberal 28, 2012 · Kennedy asked Clement this: Is the government’s argument this–and maybe I won’t state it accurately. It is true that the noninsured young adult is, in fact, an actuarial reality insofar as our allocation of health services, insofar as the way health insurance companies figure risks.

Political Irony › Turnabout 29, 2016 · Besides, he has been in the Senate for seven years; longer than either Obama or Clinton. And I like him because he seems to be the only senator who actually understands the internet, and is (as The Nation once said) “one of the Senate’s most impassioned champions of net neutrality”.

BilgeBucket Gazette » his testimony to Congress this past week, Robert Mueller explicitly warned that Russia interfered in the 2016 election and is on it’s way to mucking up our elections in 2020. And the Mueller report also states that Trump openly welcomed Russian interference (there are videos of Trump openly asking Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails).

09 | October | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 09, 2008 · Posted on October 9, 2008 by The Liberal Crab Every election cycle where an incumbent is not running for re-election, a lame duck syndrome begins to overtake the outgoing administration. The country’s legislative/policy mechanism slows way down until the election is over and only gains little traction before the new Congress and President ...

Secret Bases · Scott Perry (politician) life and education. Perry was born in San Diego, and his family moved to Pennsylvania when he was seven years old. His mother and stepfather often struggled to find work, and their house had no running water nor electricity. Perry and his brother began working at an early age to help supplement the family income, and from age 13 until he was in his 20s his jobs included fruit picker ...

Allen West for Congress | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts ... 29, 2012 · Allen West has a new ad, and it is dynamite. This ad should do the job. From Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776- "The American Crisis": THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, …

Marry in Massachusetts: The Yoon, Restless there are the four non-White Councilors out of 13. Yoon is a relative kid to them, but Hennigan was no great shakes for liberals. Yoon has already accomplished much as a housing activist. The voters knew what they were getting and sent someone who can do more than brag and whine. Yoon is a uniting force.

Article: South Korean Report on Summit Discredits U.S ... 18, 2018 · Article: South Korean Report on Summit Discredits U.S. Elites' Assumption - The pattern of U.S. policy is one side of the still-unknown story of the politics of the North Korean issue. The other ...

Lawrence O'Donnell | Texas Leftist O’Donnell calls out “Mirage” Individual Mandate June 27, 2012 L. Wayne Ashley Leave a comment In what may be the most informative 8 1/2 mins of political punditry in the Health Reform debate, veteran Senate staffer and Left-leaning journalise Lawrence O’Donnell sets the record straight about the so-called “Individual Mandate”.

Saturday Open Thread | “Time” Week | 3CHICSPOLITICO 20, 2019 · This is a crazy story . Please read it until the end.?????? Marshall Allen (@marshall_allen) Tweeted: 1/ A woman discovered her ex husband was defrauding health insurance companies for millions. She tried bringing him to justice. It didn’t go as expected. (This story is one of …

Gallery – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America the account has been roundly debunked, Trump repeated the story at a rally today in Virginia, holding it up as a great way to fight terrorism while dismissing media criticism for using the story. – Tronald Dump Repeats Lie Of Americans Using Bullets With Pigs’ Blood To Massacre Crackas!!! Another Right-Wing Extremist With White Nationalist Ties Endorses Donald Trump BY Brian Tashman ...

Earth to McCain- it’s about Immigration | The Common Sense ... 02, 2007 · Now, the cuts are even deeper, as the campaign cannot keep up and momentum stalls. And stall it should. Partnering up with the likes of Ted Kennedy is no way to appeal to your base. Though McCain, who is more moderate and even liberal sometimes, gets good press, he fails to realize that the press works for the other team.

Evangelicals « AmeriCAN-DO Attitude 13, 2008 · An Evangelical’s Reason for NOT Supporting Mike Huckabee. Despite the mantra of the mass media, some political pundits and some bloggers, the evangelicals are not a voting bloc which votes blindly to support a certain political party or person.

Frederick Politics: Equal Pay for Equal Work 2008 08, 2008 · I hate to break it to them, but it does and if you let it, it will affect you too! Do not be fooled by wage ranges! You know the ones that start at $8.00 and end at $12.00! This is the range Human Resources Departments use to hire within to fit the …

Dr Kevin Bonham: 2018 Tasmania Postcount: Bass while it's close, I think Labor are the more likely winners. Update Friday: The count in Bass has advanced from 91.12% to 91.58%. The Greens made a very small amount of progress off the 310 added votes with the notional Labor-Green gap on primaries closing to 304 votes (down 13) and the notional Labor-Liberal gap closing to 582 (down seven).

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - DHS Sent Katie Miller ..."They are the people most highly visible and actively directing the mismanagement of the response to the coronavirus epidemic which has killed 131,000 Americans. Take, for example, the Health and Human Services secretary. Scott Lloyd's boss, his job was to take care of all the kids, the ones sleeping on the floor under aluminum blankets.

Richard Mellon Scaife, patron of ... - Mercury Rising ?? 18, 2014 · Richard Mellon Scaife, has an untreatable cancer: Nothing gives perspective to life so much as death. Recently, doctors told me I have an untreatable form of cancer. Some who dislike me may rejoice at this news. Naturally, I can't share their enthusiasm. The diagnosis has prompted me to consider my life, the city and region…

FOUR BIG MYTHS OF THE BOOK OF REVELATIOn | The Road 01, 2012 · At the center of this final battle between good and evil is an action-hero-like Jesus, who is in no mood to turn the other cheek. Elaine Pagels, one of the world’s leading biblical scholars, first read Revelation as a teenager. She read it again in writing her latest book, “Revelations: Visions, Prophecy & Politics in the Book of Revelation.”

Book of Revelation | The Road the center of this final battle between good and evil is an action-hero-like Jesus, who is in no mood to turn the other cheek. Elaine Pagels, one of the world’s leading biblical scholars, first read Revelation as a teenager. She read it again in writing her latest book, “Revelations: Visions, Prophecy & Politics in the Book of Revelation.”

Michael Bloomberg and the eternally Pearls Clutching 19, 2020 · As I type this Bloomberg is getting ready to appear on the debate stage wherein it is expected that very nervous Dem Party candidates are going to pile on the man worth 60 billion dollars and who is openly in the process of buying the Dem Party's presidential nomination.

Representative Gaetz blasts Gowdy, Ryan for not using 11, 2020 · My mistake was the assumption that there is any real difference between the political right and left. There isn’t. With Gowdy, I thought, “Now here is a man who understands what America once was and shares my view about returning to a time when we Americans were not ashamed of who we were, are, and can be in the future.

July | 2008 | Mudflats | Page 4 only thing I can say is that if elected, Darcy Burner will be a representative on the order of Robert Wexler, and Dennis Kucinich…in other words, a member of congress who is looking out not only for her constituents, but for the Constitution and the …

Blog Poll Awards 2010 | Grumpy Old Twat 11, 2010 · Looks like the Blog Poll season has kicked off in earnest then. So far we appear to have the annual fat poof Right Wing Love-in Poll, the twisted Lefty socio-militant Worst UK Political Blog Poll and the seemingly pointless Biggest Liars in British Blogging Poll from Buggerheads. I mean, aren't we all a little economical with the truth, from time to time.

Pulitzer preview — Omar outrage cycle — Fox’s AOC ... 15, 2019 · THE PULITZER PRIZES won't be announced until 3 p.m. today, but rumors are already flying about leading candidates for the journalism awards. The Sun-Sentinel is seen as a top contender to win the ...

David Horwitz | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! group held prayers informally for about eight years before gaining official status in 2006 under the sponsorship of Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., one of two Muslims currently serving in Congress. The second Muslim congressman, Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., joined as co-sponsor after he was elected in 2008.

V.O. Key: Southern Politics in the State and Nation – Hoofin 22, 2004 · Oh, and I know the whole South does not speak with one voice. I am probably one of the few people of my age in New Jersey to have read all of V.O. Key’s “Southern Politics in State and Nation”.And sure, there are a lot of nice people from the South, and whole regions of it (like south and west Texas, eastern Tennessee, western North Carolina, stretches of Virginia) that don’t fit the ...

"Just Who Reads This Crap Anyway?" | Political Forum 09, 2010 · (Ed note: Not sure if this should go here, but it seemed the best forum...) Back when Air America was around I remember catching a few hours here and there, just to see what was up. I wasn't very well entertained - in fact I'd have picked up Limbaugh or Hannity driver over what Franken and...

Booster discharges murky Foxconn spin - Blogger 11, 2017 · [Updated from 11:14 a.m.] The intended removal of environmental protections for the Foxconn site is discharging some predictable spin. I call it "murky," though "sudsy" might be more applicable. Read on. The Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce's Tim Sheehy tried hard in remarks to the Journal Sentinel to downplay concerns about the company's adherence to …

Foucault and Nietzsche Paper | Power (Social And Political ... by sentencing him to a reformatory. This parallels Nietzsche’s idea of master morality—the. master, being the bourgeoisie, is the ruling class and therefore asserts that they are good; the. imposition of their lifestyle as the social norm relates to this idea of a life-affirming morality.

Michael Moore – Politics Plus was the first case of “community spread” COVID-19 in the nation. And that patient lived in the same county as the location of the incident the whistleblower described. It’s clear now that the very first time this White House was forced to confront this threat, it fumbled the response.

Trump is trapped. And he locked the entire GOP in with him ... 23, 2019 · There should be a bill solely for appropriating 5.7 billion for a wall, nothing else. The only way some repubs will vote yes on the wall is if it is hidden in some other bill with additional items they can say are the reason they approve. if it was only on wall funding it would fail miserably in both houses.

Sunday Talking Heads: April 3, 2011 - The Hollywood 03, 2011 · “For the first time, a U.N. report accused the Palestinian side of grave breaches of international law, but it was the mission’s emphasis on Israeli atrocities—in particular its conclusion that Israel had engaged in a ‘deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate, and terrorize a civilian population’—that made ...

Stubborn Liberal: June 2014 10, 2014 · Anchor Hocking, which recently closed one of the plants in Ohio, was the recipient of development money from Gov. Kasich's JobsOhio. Anchor Hocking received $3,000,000, according to a database posted at the Toledo Blade. * Why did Gov. John …

GOP Illegal Activities | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal 10, 2010 · The verdict was the latest chapter in a long legal battle that forced Mr. DeLay to step down. The trial also opened a window on the world of campaign financing in Washington, as jurors heard testimony about large contributions flowing to Mr. DeLay from corporations seeking to influence him and junkets to posh resorts where the congressman would ...

Polifrog Blog: Christine O'Donnell's Career - The 09, 2010 · polifrog Bill Maher begins the Palinization of ODonnell with attacks on youthful indiscretion which ,of course, only apply to lovers of liberty, fundamental constitutional principals, respect for American tradition, and patriotism. Isn't the Palin card maxed out, though? Bill Maher -- on whose former show, "Politically Incorrect," O'Donnell appeared repeatedly in the late …

Post Politics interviews Mike Padgett | was the first time I'd heard him speak and he said all the right things, but it was his delivery -- something was off. Maybe he just talks too slow. His other handicap is …

conservative | The Right Voice is an undeniable conservative principle of self-responsibility. It is a simple common-sense solution that escapes liberals. They would tell you that it is alright to have a baby when you can’t afford to feed it because the government would help you take care of it.

June 2016 – Politics Plus his meandering speech, he called out Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who has recently joined forces with Hillary Clinton and given several speeches excoriating Trump. To the delight of the crowd, Carr did an Indian war whoop into the microphone, mocking Warren’s claim of 1/32 Native American heritage.

Sports | The Liberal Doomsayer | Page 3 – the Golden Gophers are the sports teams of the University of Minnesota.) I managed to watch an inning or two of the Phils’ eventual 7-6 win over the Florida Marlins today in the regular season finale (the team will open at home against Colorado in the NLCS this week).

New Possibilities: Day 2: CBC Legislative 03, 2010 · My second day at the Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Conference was even more interesting than the first day. On the second day, I attended the following panels - Marching Toward Justice: the Centrality of the 14th Amendment, Is the New Right Wrong for People of Color, the Impact of the Hip Hop on American Politics and Rescuing Our Youth from …

BartCop's most recent rants - Political Humor and was the first time the Dow lost 100 points three sessions in a row since late January 2003 Bush's last record economic free fall. Giving America's future to the super-rich caused this disaster. Bush, Kerry and the networks say we voted for a falling dollar and a crashing stock market. Are they right? Comments?

Cuomo Defends Andrew Cuomo’s overhaul of the state’s tax code is a big win for him, for lawmakers and even for those middle-class taxpayers in line for a pretty decent rate cut.. The governor is yet to the sign the bill after voting in the Assembly went into the wee hours of the morning. But the process — the sausage making, if you will — is coming under some scrutiny this morning.

Buckdog: Did We Not Learn Anything From the Vietnam 05, 2006 · Very well said! I've been saying similar things too. Sadly, I wonder if anyone listens. Surprisingly, many Canadians still support our presence in Afghanistan, even though the situation is getting more and more volatile and dangerous, and now we know that we are there in a combat role, and not as a 'peacekeeping' mission.

Thought for the day | Sohum Parlance 18, 2009 · Thought for the day April 18, 2009 in Uncategorized Overheard a political disccussion with the following comment: “Sarah Palin was the …

And my understanding is she does have a 18, 2018 · AGREED. And my understanding is she does have a doctorate in psychology, but she is....wait for it.....a college professor in California. She also may have a beef with the kavenaugh family because Brett mother was the judge who presided over her parents foreclosure in the mid 1990s.

Eschaton: McCain Schmitt writes: But like it or not, "authenticity" is an important political tool in its own right. And voters are malleable as well, supporting a political candidate they view as genuine, even if the candidate’s views differ greatly from their own, as I discovered in New Hampshire in 2000 where some number of independent, socially liberal voters chose to vote for the hot McCain in …

Extras « Comment Page 1 tov to U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is a grandpa for the first time. The state’s Joint Commission on Public Ethics will probe allegations that a former chief of staff for state Sen. Simcha Felder groped and sexually harassed a female lobbyist during a campaign fundraiser for Sen. George Amedore.

Cuomo: Closing Loopholes In Election Law ‘Top’ Issue Andrew Cuomo at an event on Long Island Thursday said closing loopholes in state election law — ranging from the rules governing LLC contributions to independent expenditure committees — remains a top priority for him in the closing days of the legislative session.

Mo Rage: Senator Blunt votes to support Missouri's wealthy 16, 2012 · A blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

A Progressive's View on Politics and Spirituality 16, 2017 · And since I'm 65 school didn't suppress my creativity or desire for wisdom. And God DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES, as well as the fact that there is nothing new under the sun. As for channeling spirits, you might want to be real careful when you walk with an agent of satan, who is the father of lies and a master manipulator.

The Next Hurrah: Googly Sanctions Izzies don't like to talk to CIA anyway, as the CIA leaks like a sieve. It's not political at all. CIA is simply incompetent. The Revolutionary Guards ran them out of town on a rail. Period. I know you want to blame it on Condi or Bush, but it's much simpler than that. The Iranians did a good job at COIN, that's all.

The Immoral Minority: Russia also hacked the RNC, but ... 02, 2016 · The CIA can’t be trusted, it all happened so long ago, but it doesn’t matter because Trump won. And that is the nub of it. Very little will come of this, except perhaps that future presidential campaigns may have to account for the political risk of offending the Kremlin when devising their Russia stance (lest they be targeted by hackers).

Sarah Palin | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! about Sarah Palin written by bunkerville. “But even more so, this idea that Michigan’s minority voters will suddenly abandon their liberal, union loving ways to support Carson – simply based on the color of his skin – should be offensive to both liberals and conservatives. The reaction to such a move was already outlined in the previously linked article”.

The Political Environment: Said he wouldn't as foreign ... 12, 2015 · You will remember during Scott Walker's first so-called trade mission in London a few weeks ago, he dodged foreign policy questions and criticism of President Obama because he said it wouldn't be polite behavior while in a foreign country. (And, separately, when Walker puts on his polite, or "midwestern nice" persona, look out.) Well, Walker is on a second, taxpayer-paid 'trade mission,' this ...

Kay Brooks: She's a winner! 07, 2008 · She was the sort of feminist I'm proud to vote for, dressed for battle as only a woman can be. Last night she pushed back at the nastiest, most hateful, most despicable tactics I've seen in my lifetime which came from the bottom feeders of the political arena.

Balkinization group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. mesothelioma Mesotheliomais a form of cancer that is almost always caused by exposure to Asbestos In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs. Its most common site is the pleura (outer lining of the lungs and internal chest wall), but it may also occur ...

06 | October | 2006 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 06, 2006 · The House ethics committee launched a wide-ranging investigation into Congress’s handling of information about a Florida lawmaker and teenage pages yesterday, as Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) vowed to keep his job, saying, “I haven’t done anything wrong.”. The ethics panel approved nearly four dozen subpoenas for documents and testimony from House members, officers and aides.

Motor City Liberal: O'Reilly's Defense Of His "Angry Woman ... 13, 2012 · O'REILLY: Three and a half years ago -- three and a half years ago nobody knew her. And she had made that comment that everybody went crazy, "the first time I'm proud of my country." So we're probing to find out who she is, and a I asked the question. But look, you raise an interesting point.

elementropy 29, 2005 · The Good Son One needs to look no further than the words of John Quincy Adams to see what degradation American politics has endured from his time to ours. The Adamses were the country's first political dynasty; JQA was the first, and only, President's son to also take the office -- until George W. Bush (Benjamin Harrison was a grandson of a President).

Political Irony › Trump’s Beautiful Flip Flops 04, 2016 · Donald Trump seems to have just set a speed record for flip flops. As Electoral Vote hilariously put it:. Donald Trump sat for an interview Friday with Face the Nation. By that point, it had been more than 24 hours since he had explained his deeply-held views on abortion rights, so it was time for him to switch positions again.

economics I think Obama does well looking back and forth between the audience there and the audience at the debate watching parties. It’s not just about who is there, it’s about people around the country! 8:27. Sen. Ted Stevens was the one to call McCain “the sheriff”. – From Politico’s Jonathan Martin. 8:31. Transparency with spending ...

Patrick Gaspard | VotingFemale about Patrick Gaspard written by VotingFemale. Update: 10/16/09 10:34 am eastern: Media Matters Defends Maoist Anita Dunn When someone tells you their favorite political philosopher is Mao Tse-Tung, you can be certain you are talking to a Maoist Communist.

FAA | Desert Beacon reports – “Congress has reached a bipartisan compromise to end the partial shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration that has left 74,000 transportation and construction workers idled, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday. The deal would allow the Senate to approve a House bill extending the FAA’s operating authority through mid-September, including a ...

New Lane Needed To Cut Marquette Interchange Crowding; So ... 12, 2013 · It was just a few years ago that the $810 million Marquette Interchange project to 'modernize' the layout and reduce congestion in its spaghetti of bridges and highways was said to be completed on time and under budget - - but the redesign and the rebuild in the Interchange just west of Downtown caused so much fresh congestion that a paralyzing halt to fix the Big Fix is now underway …

Brooklyn Witches Host 'Ritual to Hex Brett Kavanaugh 13, 2018 · Someone who is credited with these powers either by themselves or others IS by definition a witch whether they have powers or not . Also, any female (I presume) who is an adherent to Wicca IS by definition a witch and we know there's plenty of those out there. There's no way around it, by definition they exist.

Racial Politics | Bloviating 20, 2013 · Obama got voted into office in his first and second terms because he is black. Plain and simple. He’s black enough to vote for, convenient for some, inconvenient for others. He’s black like this: Figure 1. Mr Obama. Not black like this: Figure 2. Not Mr Obama. No GOWP would admit it, but their votes are prejudiced in and of themselves.

Curiosity Unboundhttps://whyinthehellblog.blogspot.comSo there you have it. That's what incited the rant and death-wish. Baio routinely makes racially-oriented & extreme political comments, "jokes" about the President, the First Lady, and sometimes gays, and throws a fit when people complain about it. And then he wishes death on my cat and/or me for these ridiculous comments.

A View from Iowa: The 2020 Campaign Isn't ... - OpEdNews 01, 2020 · Article: A View from Iowa: The 2020 Campaign Isn't Heading into the Gutter -- It's Already There - Every state has its political vanities. So, it was no accident that one of the first events held ...

Congressional Budget Office | Under The LobsterScope an article called “More good news about the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare): CBO says it will save money“, Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub (a great blog, btw) brings one of the most important results of “Obamacare” to plain view: The Congressional Budget Office shows it will save money:. Remember, without the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. was experiencing health care cost inflation of ...

Nye-Gateway to Nevada’s Rurals: False Euthanasia Claims ... 1 Number 6 Nye - Gateway to Nevada's Rurals Newsletter August 15, 2009 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Nye-Gateway to Nevada's Rurals Newsletter is a blog publication of political commentary and opinion.

The Daily Ripple-News Music Ideas - The Daily Ripple-News Daily Ripple: US & World News - Progressive News focus. Fact-based information and scientifically researched analysis on politics, environment, and human rights. Socially conscious music to energize and entertain.

Could this be the moment when Vladimir Putin decided to do ... 04, 2016 · It’s funny that Trump is complaining that he is losing to someone who “is not a talented person or politician.” Think how badly he would be losing if Clinton WAS a talented politician. And by the way, it absolutely IS freedom of the press “when newspapers and others are allowed to say and write whatever they want.”

Russian mystery deepens « Green Response Earth Action Team 07, 2017 · Russian mystery deepens. Posted on March 7, 2017. The leaked unsubstantiated dossier that detailed salacious stories of Trump’s penchant for “golden showers,” election tampering and nefarious business dealings were unsettling and disturbing but are now being confirmed, bit by bit, over time. One of the most damning details in the file (page 30) were …

and Open Congress | The Pardu's Scroll, the Chameleon Senator from Kentucky, mustered what amounted to a call to Libertarians and quirky right wing followers. We plan to post a few screeds on Paul’s proclamation for the GOP 2016 nomination, but time doesn’t permit thorough coverage of Paul “The Youngers” event.

Red State Rebels: Sports luck to Heath Druzin, the Idaho Statesman political reporter who is leaving his job for a year-long hitch with the military-oriented newspaper Stars & Stripes, where he'll be covering American service personnel in such hot spots as Iraq and Afghanistan. Time will tell whether the Mujahideen are really as scary as Mike Moyle, but we wish ...

Tuesday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 13, 2018 · This fact alone may prod UK citizens to realize that Brexit is nothing but a chimera, and seek to rejoin the EU in order to have a vote at the table. As Jo Johnson, brother to Boris, and a Remainer, said last week, this deal is the worst of all possible worlds; it doesn’t deliver clean Brexit, and instead makes the UK a vassal state of the EU.

The Immoral Minority: Bill Maher demonstrates how Donald ... 04, 2016 · Damn, not only is that hilarious, but it is also very true. Donald Trump has made reality show histrionics, internet conspiracy theories, and a crippling lack of intelligence the new norm in American politics.

2019 October 17 – Off the 17, 2019 · Under Texas election law, a political contribution can’t be made or authorized inside the Capitol. A violation of the law could result in up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine. In civil court, it could mean having to pay back targeted candidates or opposing PACs. Dunn said the recording contains “a whole lot of authorizing.”

KC Buzz Blog: Calling all wanna-be JaCo prosecutors first meeting of the committee looking for Mike Sanders' replacement for Jackson County prosecutor will be Monday afternoon. It will be at 2 p.m. at the Independence courthouse and the public is invited. Except most of the people who would care to attend probably can't. And that has created some grousing among JaCo politicos. The last scheduled legislative meeting of the year is at the ... -¿ ú abacus about accommodation accountants agriculture anova apú around bands based boletí breakfast build campagna catalogs center charlotte chartered click cloud committee companies compiled congress consumer consumers cooperativa cooperative cooperativo county covers cuban customers database emili enjoy epsilon extension facebook fayette first friends galway guesthouse gusta house ...

Marc Valdez Weblog: It's About The Leadership you have a President who is constitutionally, or intellectually, unable to stand for anything, and a congressional leadership that, rather than disciplining its own members and forging ahead with its own agenda, cedes legislative authority to a president who refuses to lead, you have a recipe for exactly what happened last night.

Warmbier family rebuke Trump's praise of Kim Jong-un (BBC ... 20, 2020 · The 22-year-old was returned to the US in a vegetative state in June 2017, and died days later in his hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio. The Warmbiers attended the 2018 State of the Union speech as the president’s guests, weeping as he called them “powerful witnesses to a menace that threatens our world”. What did Trump say about Kim?

Head Choppers Ball: Dutch Movie About The Koran Nearly ... 27, 2008 · I'm sure the followers of the Cartoon Like Prophet, Muhammad are going to get their turbans in a twist over this! The seething will begin in 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1..... From Reuters.Com: AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A politician making an anti-Koran film that has stirred Muslim outrage, brought him death threats and alarmed the Dutch government said on Wednesday…

Thursday Open Thread: Great Duos – Sam & Dave | 3CHICSPOLITICO 18, 2016 · Lockte, just like the Clintons into that drama. Sabotaged his Olympic glory, and a total embarrassment to the USSSA Olympic team. All those medal victories by the athletes, especially POC, is being eclipsed by their chicanery, shenanigan, hoodwinkery, lying, scheming, racists ass …

Goodale calls for VA hospital in Knoxville | 10, 2012 · Candidate Troy Goodale, who is running in Tennessee's 2nd district for U.S. House of Representatives, says Knoxville needs a VA hospital. He's right. Goodale also asks "Why can't our 24-year incumbent Congressman use his seniority in the House of Representatives and bring necessary public services back home to this district?" Good question.

Hope in the Air as Christmas Arrives: Gun Control and Gay ... 09, 2012 · And there's hope to be found, as well, for the growing support of the human rights of LGBT persons we've seen in 2012 in the American political context. Though I sometimes find Frank Bruni a bit starry-eyed in his assessment of some GOP figures, I found his tribute to his father in the New York Times this past Sunday touching. Bruni notes that his father has been on a journey towards ...

what is he hiding about his military record? - Political Irony 30, 2008 · On Sunday, Gen. Wesley Clark said that McCain’s military service, while honorable, did not necessarily prepare McCain to be a good president. What is interesting to me is that the McCain himself went on the offensive immediately, trotting out a number of retired military men — including Bud Day, one of the original Swift Boat veterans — to condemn Clark’s comments.

Mueller Investigation Over - Trump Cleared of Collusion ... don’t think they won’t keep trying, even though this episode has come to a flat end. Even on this evening, March 22, 2019, it’s clear that liberals on virtually all the major networks, including FOX, will say, “Well, yea, but it’s not over yet.

Texas GOP Congressman Invites Hitler To Holocaust Memorial, that headline may be a little over the top. But only a little. The real story is that “Texas Congressman Invites Ted Nugent, Who Threatened The President’s Life, To The State Of The Union.” Yep, that is actually happening. “I am excited to have a patriot like Ted Nugent joining me in the House Chamber to hear from President Obama,” [Rep. Steve] Stockman said on his …

Frederick Politics: The Privilege to Witness History 08, 2009 · The Privilege to Witness History. ... I have never seen a dance floor as packed as the dance floor that night. The images that most stand out in my mind from that night are the iconic image of Obama's face etched into an ice sculpture and Glover's hand …

The Strangler Fighttps://the-strangler-fig.blogspot.comThe Strangler Fig Progressive political commentary with a factual bias and an abiding regard for the absurd. ... That was the message delivered by former Secretary of Labor Reich’s petition. On this side of the pond, liberal economists like Reich and Paul Krugman agree with advocacy groups for retirees and veterans that CCPI is a raw deal for ...

2010 Bar Examinations Political And Public International ... Political Law BQ.doc - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 2010 Bar Questions in Criminal Law

Elizabeth Warren's blog | The Smirking following are the prepared remarks of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) for a speech given at the National Congress of American Indians on Wednesday, February 14, 2018. Thank you for having me here today. I want to start by thanking Chairwoman Andrews-Maltais for that introduction.

Seeking Allies in Revolution, Sanders Backs Progressive 13, 2016 · Named one of nine politicians to watch in 2016 by CNN in December, Flores "was the first Latina assemblywoman in Nevada and made national news when she became one of the first elected officials to testify about an abortion she had at the age of 16," Sanders said.. The email about Flores, titled "This will probably make you angry," continues: During her 2014 …

South Dakota Politics: What Does It Mean? bless U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of the shooting in Tucson. Among the dead are a U.S. District Court Judge, an aide of Giffords' who was engaged to be married, and a nine year old girl. This is terrible beyond any reasonable hope of consolation. I had a strong feeling of déjà vu when I watched the clips on CNN and Fox.

LA Times | The Sarah Palin Blog, we look at the Gallup Poll released yesterday that lists Sarah Palin as the second most popular woman in the country, after Hillary Clinton. The Gallup people point out that although she was a relative unknown at this time last year and after an onslaught of attacks and a political loss, she is still admired an extremely popular.

Americans Stand with Israel: Conservative Blog censored ... Americans love and support our troops. We may disagree with the handling of our troops; the fact that they oftentimes are forced to play "politically correct" games and tip toe around the tulips tulips

6th Congressional District |>Another sound editorial by the Asbury Park Press today endorsing the candidacy of Congressman Frank Pallone and his return to Washington D.C to represent the 6th Congressional District:. Veteran Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. has been a tireless advocate for issues important to the people he has represented in his 6th Congressional District for the past two decades.

Olly Neal | Wide World of Neal had no interest in school as a kid; in fact, you could say he was on his way to a life of crime. Instead, a woman named Mrs. Mildred Grady decided to try to stoke Olly’s interest in reading in a most unusual way. Teachers make so much difference in the life of a child. I wish more politicians would remember that.

31 | October | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 31, 2008 · The first is there are a lot more of them this year. We do not know the quality of them, as Karl Rove goes on to say in his article, but the fact is they all tend to be in alignment – somewhat. That is, the traditional pollsters who have good reputations are showing the same basic results as the …

Freedom Writing: The Paperless Trail 01, 2009 · The Paperless Trail CNN reports that embattled South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford "wrote in a message to his political action committee e–mail list Monday that while he considered resigning, 'I would ultimately be a better person and of more service in whatever doors God opened next in life if I stuck around to learn lessons rather than running ...

Forsyth County | Carpe Diem in the article, Chairman Donnie Lambeth was asked about the anger that seemed to be expressed in his statement. He replied: “I don’t get angry very often, but that was the case. I think clearly they are meddling and trying to run our business,” Lambeth said of the county commissioners.

John F Kennedy | Bob Higgins in Biography, History, News, Politics, Pop Culture, Veterans News by Bob Higgins on October 18, 2006 A Liberal Definition by John F. Kennedy: Acceptance Speech of the New York

October | 2006 | Bob Higgins 18, 2006 · Posted in Biography, History, News, Politics, Pop Culture, Veterans News by Bob Higgins on October 18, 2006 A Liberal Definition by John F. Kennedy: Acceptance Speech of …

The Spitzer] investigation increasingly looks like a ... 24, 2008 · March 27, 2008 at 9:08 pm. Kirby Sommers:. A former top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney told a federal grand jury that President George W. Bush authorized him to leak information about Eliot Spitzer’s use of prostitutes from a classified intelligence report to a New York Times reporter.

Senator Edward Kennedy | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 27, 2009 By JOHN M. BRODER. Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, a son of one of the most storied families in American politics, a man who knew triumph and tragedy in near-equal measure and who will be remembered as one of the most effective lawmakers in the history of the Senate, died late Tuesday night.

TigerHawk Alexander of the University of Virginia cogently argues that liberals are wrong to assume that American conservativism is racist, or politically dependent on racism. He walks through the usual culprits -- Barry Goldwater's opposition to parts of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Nixon's "southern strategy," the Willie Horton ads, and so forth -- and reasonably well disposes of all of them.

The Immoral Minority: While other world leaders walk ... 08, 2017 · But his physician claimed he was the healthiest president ever! In a reasonable country, writing that obviously phony letter by itself would have completely ruined his political career, even if that was his only mistake, instead of being one of literally hundreds.

Ezra Klein: The Wayback Machine, I am not one of those liberals who believes that Dubya is as idiot. Quite the contrary, that man is a highly skilled politician in the worst vein. How else can a man who has killed and maimed untold thousands of people still be considered a "good man" by the populace? He would make mid-20th century European dictators extremely proud.

Hypocrisy And Censorship: Haredi Pol Caught Swimming With ...“How dare he act as part of the political establishment in Beit Shemesh which has worked to prevent the construction of an outdoor pool in the city, a culture hall in the city, a movie theater in the city, and more, all in the name of ‘representing the will of the gedolei Torah [senior haredi rabbis].’

Wisconsin Development Board, Members, Being Used, Dissed 12, 2012 · One of Scott Walker's signature, pro-business moves upon becoming Governor last year was morphing the cabinet-level Wisconsin Department of Commerce into something that CEO's and investor-types were supposed to like even better- - a public/private hybrid with a business-dominated Board of Directors called the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.

Then Just Like That, Boom, It Went From White To Brown ... 12, 2012 · I’m tying together three threads to make a knot.. A. The election 2012 showed the end of political dominance by “white people” on the national stage.. B. John Stapleford wrote a derogatory piece in Wilmington’s News Journal whining that “blacks and browns” (his words) were lazy, no good, bums and would always not vote for a white guy, no matter how fly…..

Strike Down GOP Gerrymandering | Page 5 | PoliticalForum 21, 2018 · Because that was the "game-rule" until very recently. It goes back a long, long time - and in any nation on earth longevity typically also means stagnation. Which we've done to our "democracy" for the past two centuries. It's time to move on without the either the Electoral College or Gerrymandering to influence election-outcomes:

The CNN GOP Debate Was the National Security Debate. Too 16, 2015 · One of the things that was said repeatedly by numerous GOP candidates — particularly Ted Cruz — is that the real problem with current American foreign policy is that there is just too much political correctness. Apparently, if politicians, policymakers and pundits were less afraid to speak the truth, our country would be more secure.

August | 2011 | The Lunch Obama speaks at a town hall-style meeting Monday at Lower Hannah's Bend Park in Cannon Falls, Minnesota. Update 8/19/2011: President Obama hits the campaign trail today in his two new multi-million dollar busses we bought him. The White House “explanation” is that they are on official business, not a political campaign.

The Immoral Minority: Former Acting AG Sally Yates is ... 08, 2017 · "The receptive crowd of hundreds at The Temple Church broke into applause multiple times during Pelosi's 20-minute address. Invoking the work of previous generations of Fisk students — who led sit-ins that de-segregated Nashville' lunch counters and participated in the Freedom Rides — Pelosi asked the university's latest crop of graduates to remain engaged in politics after they leave …

Donald Trump Seeking Immunity From Mueller in Exchange for ... 25, 2018 · Hunter was the second person in congress to endorse Trump’s presidential campaign. It’s tangentially noteworthy that Trump’s first congressional endorser, Chris Collins, has also been indicted. And his third is the embattled Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.

jane hamsher : définition de jane hamsher et synonymes de Hamsher (born July 25, 1959) is an American film producer, author, and blogger best known as the author of Killer Instinct, a memoir about co-producing the 1994 movie Natural Born Killers with Don Murphy and others, [1] and as the founder and publisher of the politically progressive blog FireDogLake (2004 – the present). [2]

Citizen Cartwright: August 2018 the early 1990s, McCain was the Senate chairman and I was the director of an informational office within the Congress. Every year, some 90 of the 100 senators and 300 of the 435 members of the House subscribed to the unbiased information we provided on environment, energy and natural resource issues.

Cox Campaign Calls For Opening Personal Books For ... 03, 2010 · Cox was the first statewide official to place his departmental spending online in 2008 The Center for Public Integrity recently ranked Michigan dead last nationally on public financial disclosure. 47 other states and Congress require financial disclosure.

A Repulsive Rush to Judgment | Nolan Dalla 14, 2014 · “[The liberal media] are the ones trying to explain it. They’re the ones trying to justify it. They’re the ones trying to glorify it.” Uh huh. Whatever you say, Rush. Keep on talking. Certainly, another tragedy will happen eventually, beckoning your exploitation.

Stubborn Liberal: June 2005 28, 2005 · The monthly unemployment report from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services was released and the unemployment rate in Ohio was 6.1%. According to the report, nonfarm wage and salary rose 4,700 from April to May 2005.

Paul who? | New World Odor Sonderman is a free-lance writer/producer/director based in Columbus, Ohio, active in two local food pantries. Born smack in the middle of a middle-class, middle-American family of 9, Paul survived childhood and Catholic schools to become a typical `60's teen: rebellious, curious and politically active. Starting in 8th grade, he sang in garage/cover bands, thinking…

Sunday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 05, 2018 · Pierce published over 180 books, articles, and reviews. In 1998, he was the topic of the book titled Race and Excellence: My Dialogue with Chester Pierce by Ezra E.H. Griffith. His work mostly surrounds areas of racism, societal tensions, sports medicine, and the media.

politics | The Disembodied Head of Dick Devos a time of darkness, when Hope seemed to have gone out for a pack of smokes and ended up on a boat to China, when television seemed to have become nothing more than an ad delivery service, when the most flawed candidate in the history of our state seemed like a credible threat, well, in those days the people of Michigan finally got a chance to have their say.

Extras - NY State of Bloomberg has joined Campaign to Fix the Debt, a controversial debt-reduction group funded by corporate CEOs and private equity billionaire Peter G. Peterson. In a wide-ranging interview with Karen DeWitt, Gov. Andrew Cuomo trumped AG Eric Schneiderman’s 501(c)4 donor disclosure announcement by saying he’ll put out his own plan that “rationalizes the …

Broward's News Beat- Fighting Fake News One Story At A ... conservatives would likely agree with me that it's one of the three or four main ideas animating Movement Conservatism over the last half century. But it seldom gets brought out so conspicuously for public consumption by a politician who is widely believed -- and clearly himself believes -- he has national office in his future.

New Appeal to Reason: 12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008 06, 2007 · The best books I read in 2007, most were published this year or last. 1. Michael Honey, Going Down Jericho Road. a history of the 1968 Memphis sanitation worker's strike and Martin Luther King's Jr. radical politics.

November | 2009 | Smart and silly | Page 4 21, 2009 · “One of the reasons that I like and admire Rev. Jesse Jackson is that 21 years ago he inspired the idea that a black politician would not be judged simply as a black leader,” Davis’s statement said. “The best way to honor Rev. Jackson’s legacy is to decline to engage in an argument with him that begins and ends with race.”

Memorial Day gas prices lowest in nearly 20 years. Here ... Day weekend is normally the kickoff for the summer travel season, but this year will be a little different. Millions of people are under stay-at-home orders, so they won't risk going out. Nearly 39 million Americans have lost their jobs during the shutdown, so many people won't be able to afford traveling as the summer season begins.

Ad Orientem: Caution: SPAM Alert the blog of an Orthodox Christian and is published under the spiritual patronage of St. John of San Francisco. Topics likely to be discussed include matters relating to Orthodoxy as well as other religious confessions, politics, economics, social issues, current events or anything else which interests me.

DemoCurmudgeon: N. Carolina Candidate for Congress D ... 02, 2010 · N. Carolina Candidate for Congress D'Annunzio's Machine Gun Social Part of New GOP. ... in Fayetteville was the latest newsmaker in a surging campaign that may be tapping into a growing undercurrent of dissatisfaction with the traditional political structure in Washington … offered supporters a chance to shoot two types of machine guns at the ...

Green News | The BRAD BLOG comments, tips, love letters, hate mail? Drop us a line at [email protected] or right here at the comments link below. All GNRs are always archived at IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): Congress passes sprawling plan to boost conservation, parks; Global heating: best and worst case scenarios less likely than thought; Arctic sea ice is in a downward ...

Raw Story | The Pardu's Scroll about Raw Story written by The Pardu. Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link

Balkinization: Alvis, Bailey and Taylor, THE CONTESTED ... Contested Removal Power, 1789-2010 provides a vital history of the consequences of this omission for American constitutional development. J. David Alvis, Jeremey D. Bailey, and F. Flagg Taylor IV have written the definitive study of the ongoing debates over the removal power that begun during the first Congress and remain vibrant at present.

Frederick Politics: Obama Interview by Chuck Todd 7-15-2010 08, 2010 · Chuck Todd of NBC News interviews President Obama, who was in Michigan touring a battery manufacturing plant. The batteries are being used in automobiles, such as the Ford Fusion. The president defended his policies initiated toward improving the economy, especially the Stimulus bill, pointing out 600,000 new jobs have been created this year.

Brain Rage: Something Someone Else Said 03, 2009 · "As the war over health-care reform rages on and Beltway commentators tut-tut over the decline of respectable political discourse, I invite observers everywhere to step back from their passions and policy preferences for a moment and bask in the glorious absurdities of the American political system: Watching the president of the United States make the rounds to deny that Congress is …

alerts | The Liberal Doomsayer aside issues such as the suitability of a foreign affairs reporter for a show on domestic politics and reports of behind-the scenes opposition to her appointment, most of the criticism has concentrated on Amanpour’s political views and her allegedly biased reporting.

Political Irony › Peaceful Protest 30, 2015 · 50 years ago, and systemic of many locals in our nation, there were jobs, good middle class jobs that average folks could aspire to. I heard Obama say they other day we need to educate and train those folks to give them hope. That a very tired mantra. In Baltimore it’s train them for what, a service job.

Motor City Liberal: Palin's new anti-health care reform ... to a November 1, 2009, study by the Guttmacher Institute, 17 states provide coverage under Medicaid for "all or most medically necessary abortions," not just abortions in cases of life endangerment, rape, and incest. Those states "us[e] their own funds" -- not federal funds -- "to pay" for the procedures.

CIA | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need (and most vile) news of the day, save possibly for the ever-escalating environmental catastrophe that hardly seems like it’ll end. The following story is covered on Raw Story, Firedoglake, and others, but the in-depth analysis comes from Boing Boing, who interviewed the lead physician in the report in question …. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) today released evidence it says ...

Gulf Oil Spill: Frustration Mounts As Congress Can’t Even ... 25, 2010 · Gulf Oil Spill: Frustration Mounts As Congress Can't Even Get BP's Liability Cap Raised Huff Post- Sam Stein- First Posted: 05-25-10 10:25 AM | Updated: 05-25-10 10:25 AM It's been more than three weeks since Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) unveiled a proposal to raise the liability cap to $10 billion for oil companies involved in economically damaging…

03 | December | 2007 | Melissafrei's Weblog 03, 2007 · The Candidates on Immigragtion. December 3, 2007 at 1:43 am · Filed under Politics and tagged: immigration. Hola Miguel, Que pasa. Each evening I greet the young man who cleans my area at work with whatever new spanish phrase I have been working on. He helps me with my Spanish and I, in turn assist him with his English. Most of the people who come to clean my building at night are …

PBS News-Hour: Mueller’s Russia Report Should Be Made ... 08, 2018 · The following is an excellent article written by Laura Santhanam on the PBS News-Hour website on December 7, 2018 titled "Mueller's Russia Report Should Be Made Public, New Poll Says" and I quote: "Mueller’s Russia report should be made public, new poll says" Politics Dec 7, 2018 5:00 AM EST Most Americans say special counsel Robert…

Richard Armitage | The Liberal Doomsayer then when it came out that it was the sainted (Deputy Secretary of State) Richard Armitage, there was no interest. I don’t remember seeing anybody camped out on his doorstep like they were camped out on mine. (It’s) because he was part of the acceptable culture of Washington, and I was not. I was one of those Texans who came up.

November | 2008 | The Liberal Doomsayer That was the title of a hit for Chuck Berry, but The Fab Four covered it, as they did with many Berry songs.) It now looks like The Vatican, in addition to forgiving John Lennon for claiming that the Beatles were once “bigger than Jesus” (I mean, he only said it in 1966, and 42 years is like a fortnight to these guys), has now actually gone so far as to embrace the music of those ...

The World Of Politicshttps://tritang.blogspot.comAlthough, it may not like much, but it will make an impact for sure, even if it's the slightest. It will allow people to stop being afraid of what people call a sin or "evil". Perhaps it may not be the right time, as change is always scary. But it's happening, slowly but surely. One state at …

Dawg's Blawg: Red Serge Revival? - Blogger 12, 2010 · Six Liberal Senators on the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence have gone ahead and put out a moderately hard-hitting report on the current state of the RCMP. The full text is available here. The Senators are blunt: business as usual is not an option.

Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » I Feel Like I'm Taking Crazy as a brief aside, it is sometimes entertaining to be a libertarian without an affiliation to either the Coke or Pepsi party. It's amazing, from the perspective of standing off to the side on a point of the political spectrum that most civics books don't even acknowledge exists**, how much of political discourse is team-loyalty politics rather than meaningful policy discussion.

Political Culture Lecture | Social Capital | Democracy• is defined as “The features of social life—networks, norms, and trust—that enable participants to act together more effectively to pursue shared objectives.” • is an important factor influencing the quality of democracy, economic performance, health, etc. • comes in …

new world order | Holy Hell! Feb. 20 report called "The Modern Militia Movement" mentions such red flags as political bumper stickers for third-party candidates, such as U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who ran for president last year; talk of conspiracy theories, such as the plan for a superhighway linking Canada to Mexico; and possession of subversive literature.

Liberal in the Land of Conservative: Weekly Romp Through ..., actually they are just asking that you obtain a license to own a gun but it is a lot like coming to take your guns. Well, actually it is more like one piece of legislation that has only made it to committee, has only one sponsor, and has people get a license to own a gun but there is still lots to be alarmed about.

The Restless Left | The Pardu's Scroll Pardu's Scroll Smile A Day – Political Cartoons; Celestial Wonders: Earth and Beyond (Pluto) International Space Statioin Link; Jon S. Randal : US History Often Overlooked (Jim Crow, The Fight For Equality, Information, Quest for Peace) ... And a political year starts! Our first 2014 re-blog from Mario Piperni Dot Com.

The Auditor-Controller Debate | Sohum Parlance II 06, 2018 · And only one of the two candidates seems to follow that accord about not making anything political having to do with mathematics….. Whistleblowing is definitely needed however when the politics gets injected as part of the whistle-blowing then you got to take a second look at the situation to see if there’s more to the story with the ...

Glenn Beck | Unreasonably Safe Observer about Glenn Beck written by Too Safe. The alleged victim of a rape and murder in 1990 can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing those seeking justice on her behalf will not be silenced by the likes of Glenn Beck any time soon.

In Rail-Free Wisconsin, More Good News Selling Points 09, 2013 · It looks like Gov. Walker and his GOP allies have finally figured out a way to derail Milwaukee's proposed downtown/lower East side streetcar loop (he'd already axed a Milwaukee-Madison Amtrak line in 2011 and GOP legislators separately nixed a Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha commuter train, too) for which utility customers might have had to catch a share of the costs.

TigerHawk - Blogger Comments: By Anonymous, at Sat Nov 07, 03:07:00 PM: . Amazingly, it was revealed that PTSD is contagious Maybe this explains why otherwise normal people, when they get to congress or the media, turn into complete morons, its an occupational hazard from being placed in that environment.

Lending A Lifeline To The “Funemployed” | The Liberal ... 19, 2010 · Did you know that, according to J.D. Mullane in yesterday’s Bucks County Courier Times here, that “unemployment compensation discourages a substantial number” of people from finding work,” and that a cause of that could be that our beloved commonwealth doesn’t require proof that the unemployed have actively sought work?. Or that two economists produced a report in the ‘80s “show ...

No Right Turn: South Pacific theocracy 12, 2009 · The Samoan government has decided to include compulsory teaching of Christianity in its new education curriculum.While the news report is brief, if it is true and the education is compulsory then the policy violates both the Samoan constitution and Samoa's obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Politics U.S.Ahttps://pltcsblg.blogspot.comOne of the symptoms of decline is the weakening of the attraction of US culture. In Asia, Korean culture seems to be in ascendance. The Wall Street Journal recently reported as a fluff piece about this phenomenon. What is it that the US will be able to offer the rest of the world other than its culture of looting, shooting, and polluting.

LAND In $LOVE : 7/1/10 - 8/1/10 18, 2010 · Public perception and opinion is everything. In American politics it shapes and controls everything that bribes and backroom deals do not. In the broad light of day it is difficult to get away with the corruption but they do and in the case of Wall Street reform and Goldman Sachs it would have been very difficult to have taken the money and watered down the financial world's very deserved ...

WG's Observations: March 2019 a touchy subject, probably politically incorrect in some liberal circles, but it is reality nonetheless, and it is a reality we badly need to come to terms with. In an increasingly technological world, where an increasing proportion of jobs require more than average intelligence, what is to become of the massive proportion of the ...

Hatch Act | Sheila Kennedy it would be highly improper, and an abuse of power, for the F.B.I. to conduct such an investigation in the public eye, particularly on the eve of the election. It would be an abuse of power for the director of the F.B.I., absent compelling circumstances, to notify members of Congress from the party opposing the candidate that the candidate ...

Mens « Jamesb101.com 05, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Maneuver Marketing Communique: SALES TO FINANCE: YOU … of the political blogs I keep up with daily is TigerHawk.They just posted a sales/finance take-off on the infamous Jack Nicholson/Tom Cruise "you can't handle the truth" exchange from A Few Good Men.Not sure why TigerHawk is posting it but it is a hoot (it seems as if they are unaware of who originally wrote this.

citizen | Smart Liberal and Female about citizen written by smartandfemale. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

February | 2018 | Sohum Parlance II Rogers and I will catch up with national politics on All Things Reconsidered this Thursday evening at 7:00. Probably DACA will figure prominently in the discussion, as well as the proposed budget with cuts to social programs and the bloating of the military budget. But …

The Purple American Patriothttps://purpleamericanpatriot.blogspot.comNov 18, 2017 · A blog for a purple American patriot - a mixture of both right and left rhetoric with lots of liberty and social justice love. The Purple American Patriot This armed and friendly liberal American won't tread on you - so don't tread on me.

Let the Truth Be Told!https://kentdj28.blogspot.comLet the Truth Be Told! This blog was devised with the idea being to deliver the most interesting political news stories of the day from a collection of my favorite places, with my …

political loudmouth | Political Loudmouth Loudmouth Help make the changes you want to see. political loudmouth Gay, Marriage, Supreme Court Free Poster: “Marriage Is Between a Honeybunny and a Sweet Patootie” ... For a free hi-res version of this poster, just click the image above.

Sweet Nothings: March payments would have added $13 billion to a $108 billion job-creation package pending in the Senate. Congress approved payments last year as part of the $862 billion stimulus package. Social Security payments for the elderly and disabled will stay flat this year for the first time since 1975 because they are tied to consumer prices, which ...

In Softball, Press Corps Beats Congressional Women - First 21, 2010 · After a five-run rally in the top of the seventh inning that invoked the “mercy” rule -- forcing the side to retire with only one out -- the Washington D.C. women’s press corps softball team defeated the Congressional women's squad 13-7.

Wandering Thoughts Vol.8 | The Moorish 26, 2011 · I also think I have proven record of enthusiasm for debate. But there are two thing I can’t stand in a debate on Moroccan politics, the first is when people start faking post-1956 history: Green March, fine. King Mohammed VI is a nice monarch, yeah, why not.

Shake-up at MSNBC: New Changes to Daytime Line-up | 27, 2010 · Posted by: Audiegrl TVNewser reports that MSNBC is streamlining its daytime schedule and doing away with the themed hours focused on the economy and politics. It's a back-to-basics approach for the network's daytime news hours which slipped to fifth place in December, behind FNC, CNN, HLN and CNBC between 9am-4pm. Effective Monday the new daytime…

About | Kitty Reporter's Blog: Hot Cat's Meaow'm Kitty Reporter. You'll find posts here about politics, culture, the media, education, music, art, the economy, science, technology and musings about creating a Culture of Peace. Come join the discussion. I love Jazz, making the environment sustainable, and I think civil society only works when there is civil discourse. I hope you enjoy coming…

02 | January | 2012 | Double Dip 02, 2012 · The Iowa caucus is the first event in the nation where delegates are up for grabs. People have heard about the Iowa caucus for the past year, more heavily in the past two weeks. What most people don’t understand is what exactly a caucus is, as Iowa is the only state that uses the caucus process, instead of a primary vote.

National Heroes Tour « AmeriCAN-DO 26, 2008 · GEN David Petraeus, Ambassador Crocker & Vets for Freedom in D.C. First, here is a link to a great series at the military blog The Long War Journal about the political progress in Iraq that is not being reported by the mass media: Inside Iraqi Politics “Inside Iraqi Politics” is a special series dedicated to examining political progress in Iraq, with a focus on issues that …

JustOneMinute: "Zoop" And They're Gone don't think we need a script or a rehearsal, people - we all know our parts. Let's have the "he was kidding crowd" to our left, please, the "earnest but humorless" group to the right, and our topic is Sen. Kerry's recent quip to a group of 4 and 5 year olds:. Mr. Kerry obliged, but still seemed to have politics on the brain as he narrated the story of the magic wand — "Zoop!"

30 | August | 2006 | SUZIE-Q! 30, 2006 · 4 posts published by Suzie-Que on August 30, 2006. “Richard L. Armitage, ex-deputy secretary of state, has acknowledged that he was the person whose conversation with a columnist in 2003 prompted a long, politically laden criminal investigation in what became known as the CIA leak case, a lawyer involved in the case said on Tuesday,” reports Neil A. Lewis for Wednesday’s edition of …

Wisconsin Petty Politics Nightmare, Ctd – Unsightly Mental 27, 2015 · The wool will stay in place for a very long time, I’m afraid. This has all the makings of a violent revolution before it gets fixed. I just hope I’ve been dead in and in my grave for many a year before it gets there, and that my son has the good sense to depart this country before hand.

The Citizens: Ethiopia and Somalia 03, 2006 · Thanks for the run down on this issue, RBR. I haven't followed it and know precious little about African politics, except that parts of the continent (such as the Congo) have been in constant war. I guess we should all start paying attention to what is going to be the next hot area. FYI: Swahili is one of six new languages of interest.

Liberal | What I Learned This Week.’s quite obvious to me, that America has now been given a new standard for Repudiation, previously known as Denouncement and Disowning. The New Repudiation, very much like the New Math, is a convention recognized when forced to compare the two standards, and as usual, is the burden of those whose must adapt.. There are many to whom we must give thanks for Repudiation 2.0, and ironically ...

apocalypse | Sheila Kennedy, the global political chaos we are experiencing is only one of humanity’s problems–and perhaps not the most threatening. The Washington Post isn’t the only media outlet reporting on what is being called an “insect apocalypse.”. Scientific American has an equally alarming–if somewhat more measured– report. Around the globe, scientists are getting hints that all is not ...

Environment | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need Nigeria, for example, every year since 1969, oil operations in the Niger Delta have spilled as much oil as the 1989 Exxon Valdez. Let that sink in for a minute … an Exxon Valdez spill every year. Read the rest of why we must end the world’s dependence on oil here.

Double Dip Politics | A Second Look At Politics in Americahttps://doubledippolitics.wordpress.comGeorge Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, released 12 years of tax returns when he sought the White House in the 1960s. Mitt Romney has released his 2010 return and a 2011 estimated return. Romney has stated he is not certain if he paid lower than the 13.9 percent tax rate in any previous year. Continue reading ?

John Conyers – Skeptical Brotha staunch defender and promoter of her son’s political aspirations and his two campaigns for mayor of Detroit, Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, has some explaining to do now that Mama’s Baby has been revealed to be a liar, philanderer, and unquestionably corrupt. Kwame, a scion of political family, was elected based on the credibility of his ...

light rail | Urban Fabric a fascinating read on the history of city-killing parking lots that envelop LA (Los Angeles Magazine). Detroit's proposed, shortened light rail line / Image via Transport Politic. In Detroit, there are faint hopes that the shortened light rail will be built ( Streetsblog ), and a …

union-busting campaign donor David Koch, heir to a fortune and a political legacy created by one of the driving forces behind the John Birch Society, makes no secret of his enthusiasm for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. “What Scott Walker is doing with the public unions in Wisconsin is critically important.

evangelical politics | Search Results | The Least, First[New York Times] columnist Nicholas Kristof quotes The Great Awakening, where Jim Wallis says, “Evangelicals are going to vote this year in part on climate change, on Darfur, on poverty.”Kristof then adds that, according to a CBS News poll, this year white evangelicals consider the fight against poverty to be the top moral issue, displacing abortion to a distant second.

Sarah Hogg - BCS Chatswood Branch Manager - BCS Body ... 11, 2019 · View Sarah Hogg’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Sarah has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Sarah’s connections and jobs at similar companies.Title: Branch Manager Body Corporate …Location: Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia500+ connections[PDF]METHODOLOGY FAIR VOTING 2012 MONOPOLY POLITICS … 2012 METHODOLOGY: FAIR VOTING 2012 & MONOPOLY POLITICS 2012 HOW FAIRVOTE CREATED PLANS AND ANALYZED PARTISANSHIP OF DISTRICTS Following is a summary of how FairVote found and analyzed the partisan and racial data that is featured in our Fair Voting 2012 and Monopoly Politics 2012 reports. Data Collection Gathering data for FairVote’s analysis of existing U.S. …

LoneStarBear: The Joy Of Being Behar-ed opposed them on every one of those things... every one! So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

LoneStarBear: August 2012 opposed them on every one of those things... every one! So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Minnesota Politics: Katherine Kersten's Korner 20, 2005 · Katherine Kersten's Korner Since I detest her so much, here's a new feature at the Minnesota Politics blog: Katherine Kersten's Korner. I'm going to be reading every column of hers so you don't have to, and trying to right her more obvious wrongs.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 07/26/2015 - 08/02/2015 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

The Losing Endhttps://thelosingend.blogspot.comAbout Me Name: PMC 3 Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States There are people in this world who still care about the planet and each other. I am one of those people. I spend an incredible amount of time following liberal radio and political blogs.

Buckdog: Conservatives Fought Against Red Maple Leaf 30, 2008 · Conservatives Fought Against Red Maple Leaf "From the Tory benches the prime minister was greeted by jeers and hoots and shouts of derision. 'Vote with pride', "All right," exclaimed Mr. Pearson, "they have turned it down with jeers and insults, but we will vote with pride."

The real cost of coal | The Button Valley Bugle 21, 2009 · The real cost of coal Posted on October 21, 2009 by Bugle Editor As Congress moves haltingly forward with health care and energy reforms, the National Research Council has released a very interesting peer-reviewed report on the Hidden Health and Environmental Costs of Energy Production and Consumption .

Hum 186 week 4 news media | Government homework help 4 News Media. Choose one of the following options:. Option 1: Toolwire ® Learnscape: Credibility and Impact. Access the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Credibility and Impact: Exploring the Internet and Politics.. Complete the Learnscape Activities.. Complete the Toolwire ® Learnscape Assessment Parts A and B.. Option 2: Journalist E-mail . You are a rookie news journalist, and you just ...

April | 2016 | Politicians Are Poody Heads! Cuckoo! Such is the incessant cry of the hour from one of the most popular souvenirs of the black forest of Germany – the cuckoo clock.. Time is demarcated by the chirp of an 18 th century animatronic bird jumping forward, moving a wing or even opening its beak before making its distinctive cry.. However, in nature the cuckoo has a more sinister reputation.

Political Irony › Blog archives next time one of the Clintons try to claim that Hillary is more electable because she is ahead in some random poll, just remember this page from the electoral vote website showing Kerry v. Bush on May 28, 2004, with Kerry ahead 327 to 211 electoral votes. As Ben Smith at Politico points out, […]

scandal | Black Thought OBAMA: Well, let me tell you this. Caroline Kennedy has become one of my dearest friends and is just a, a wonderful American, a wonderful person. But the last thing I want to do is get involved in New York politics. I’ve got enough trouble in terms of Illinois politics. . . . – Meet the Press December 7, 2008. Foreshadowing from ...

24 | August | 2010 | Smart and silly 24, 2010 · “The issue has now become one of government control of the Internet, and we are 100 percent opposed to that,” Pratt said. Tim Farr campaign director of Save the Internet says the election season that causes some supporters question the members of campaign and become politicized.

politico - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this page05.07.2020 · Politico, known originally as The Politico, is an American political journalism company based in Arlington County, Virginia, that covers politics and policy in the United States and internationally. It distributes content through its website, television, printed newspapers, radio, and podcasts.

Politics « He Has Failed 13, 2013 · The AP believes that more than 100 journalists are involved in the DOJ’s phone surveillance, which would have involved a wide variety of stories regarding government and other topics. Pruitt has called for the return of obtained phone records, as well as the destruction of all copies.

Makes My Brain Itch: Feel-Good Liberal 08, 2010 · The program is called "____ 200 Club". Students will be recognized for following school rules. Any staff member can "catch" a student demonstrating appropriate behavior. Students who are caught will get to add their names to a ____ Celebrity book, receive a pencil, a phone call home, and a special ticket for positive behavior.

Mah Rabu ?? ???: June 2008 Rabu ?? ??? Thoughts about Torah, physics, politics, the independent Jewish scene, education, music, DC, and the intersections of all those areas. Contact: mahrabu at gmail dot com. Tuesday, June 17, 2008. Change of continent. Oh right. I suppose I should mention that I'm back in North America, viz. the City and State (but not yet the ...

skills | Sheila Kennedy Krugman recently delivered a lesson on “Know Nothingness”--both as historical reference and descriptive term:. If you’re a student of history, you might be comparing that person to a member of the Know Nothing party of the 1850s, a bigoted, xenophobic, anti-immigrant group that at its peak included more than a hundred members of Congress and eight governors.

Bonnie Miller – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of America Harris-Perry narrowly escaped being attacked last night at an Iowa hotel during caucuses By JGibson -Monday night I was sitting in a hotel lobby in downtown Des Moines with my back to a wall of windows, my eyes fixed on the TV, my attention wholly focused on early caucus results.I didn’t notice until he was standing right next to me, much closer than is ordinary or comfortable.

Banks | Organizing for Change is known as “trickle down disaster”. If the banks that received the bailout opened up the credit market like they were suppose to do, American car makers may not have needed to go begging to Congress. Instead, the banks are hoarding this money which is causing our economy to come to a …

Climate Change: The Next Generation: Patrick Michaels ... Michaels is a career climate skeptic, who has made a living attacking the scientific consensus on global warming for more than 20 years. Over the past few years, he has quietly shuffled his feet from saying that warming is a good thing to abject denial of anthropogenic warming and more recently, to a more fashionable and politically correct stance of accepting some evidence of …

Own College Professor Confirms That He’s Been A Moron For...’s Own College Professor Confirms That He’s B... Oct 26, 2017 12:19:45 # Alicia . ... His parents sent him to a cadet academy because they couldn't control him but he phonied his way through even that. The saddest thing is that, in his screwed-up mind, he has convinced himself that his is the only truth. S A D. Oct 26, ...

segregation | 44-D was the controversial political figure known for his Southern populist pro-segregation attitudes. He famously said in his 1963 inauguration speech, “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” To stop desegregation by the enrollment of African-American students Vivian Malone and James Hood at the University of Alabama, Wallace stood in front …

The Father of Modern Conservatism And Hs Social Mantle ... 24, 2014 · The 'Father of Modern US Conservatism." Yes, Indeed and look closely at his record and post administration impact on the nation. (Image White House Dot Gov)I often write about the nation's current state of racial animus. on that topic, my writing consistently evolves around a deep belief that GOP politics born of Ronald Reagan and…

Nathan Deal’s Salvaged Contract | The Perimeter Progressive 21, 2010 · This was the subject of the Office of Congressional Ethics investigation on Nathan Deal, which was never actually completed because Nathan Deal left office during the investigation. According to a recent piece in Atlanta Unfiltered, it turns out that there wasn’t really a no-bid contract…per se. The real story is actually much more ...

june | 44-D was the controversial political figure known for his Southern populist pro-segregation attitudes. He famously said in his 1963 inauguration speech, “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” To stop desegregation by the enrollment of African-American students Vivian Malone and James Hood at the University of Alabama, Wallace stood in front …

Polifrog Blog: Rep. GK Butterfield Has Scheduled a Town Hall? 09, 2010 · polifrog It certainly seems so according to The Warren Record, though they avoid using the term "town hall": In keeping with its practice of introducing area voters to candidates in key races, the Lake Gaston Association (LGA) will host the following political candidates at its next meeting: U.S. House District 1 candidates G.K. Butterfield (D, incumbent) and Ashley …

Polifrog Blog: Town Halls? Meet-and-Greets? Are Rep. Brad ... 09, 2010 · polifrog Politico: Try to find Rep. Steve Driehaus.. There are no public meet-and-greets listed on the Ohio freshman's campaign Website — even though he signed a welcome note on his home page claiming it is the place to "find out about upcoming events."

Political Commentary in the Best of the Web Blog Directory Commentary Blogs - BOTW Blog Directory Political Commentary Category ... Veteran journalist and conservative commentator who is also a public speaker, author and communications consultant. ... Dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day.

About | House of the Dread live in California with my beautiful wife and our son and daughter and three weinerdogs. I have strong opinions about politics, books, entertainment, news, and life in general. I’m in the process of rediscovering my faith by walking through the four gospels following Christ on his three year journey. I would like to write…

BRETT KAVANAUGH SUCKS... - Political Discussion 17, 2018 · political discussion forums › forums › us news & opinion › brett kavanaugh sucks… This topic has 469 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 5 months, 1 …

Freedom | Melissafrei's Weblog about Freedom written by melissafrei. Thank you. December 3, 2007 at 6:47 pm · Filed under Flicker Photo and tagged: Critical thinking, Freedom, Politics. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is dropping in to visit the blog and hip you to a few additions that I have made.

will America survive Koch’s culture of prosperity ... 20, 2010 · Amazing work by Think Progress, published moments ago …. In 2006, Koch Industries owner Charles Koch revealed to the Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore that he coordinates the funding of the conservative infrastructure of front groups, political campaigns, think tanks, media outlets and other anti-government efforts through a twice annual meeting of …

pray away the gay | Veritas Nihilum Vincet tried to deflect the question with an utterly lame joke, claiming she thought it was related to a mid-life crisis over hair colour: “Pray the grey away.” The punchline followed her presidential trajectory with one notable exception – her political future still gets laughs.

politicians | Double Dip Politics is an idea floating around that people of faith make poor voting decisions based on religion rather than their own self-interests. It is the idea that people vote God rather than voting for the best candidate, the best ideas, or the best solutions to the problem.

25 | January | 2012 | Double Dip Politics 25, 2012 · There is plenty of blame to go around for the state of American politics today. This includes the way our economy is run, the way Wall Street operates, the insurance programs, the spending, the debts, the attacks on personal liberties, the subversions to …

New low in GOP-sold out WI: big polluter amnesty - Blogger 10, 2017 · New low in GOP-sold out WI: big polluter amnesty . ... - with a chief of staff from the ranks of lobbyists and a new internal unit established to give priority to a ... 2016 air pollution case against 3M Corp. represented the first time under Attorney General Brad Schimel the Justice Department allowed a company to make upgrades to a facility ...

Ad Orientem: Final Appeals Fail At Supreme Court; Troy ... the blog of an Orthodox Christian and is published under the spiritual patronage of St. John of San Francisco. Topics likely to be discussed include matters relating to Orthodoxy as well as other religious confessions, politics, economics, social issues, current events or anything else which interests me.

Buckdog: NHL Team For Winnipeg? 16, 2009 · However, with current sponsorship potential and a sizeable fan base (approx. 750,000 fans within Metro Winnipeg) they'd be as financially well-off as many other US based NHL teams. They'd be the "poorest" of the Canadian teams, but just as financially competitive as the majority of …

Blue in Guadalupe: August 2009 30, 2009 The Honorable Henry Cuellar 336 Cannon H.O.B. Washington, DC 20515 phone: 202-225-1640 fax: 202-225-1641 Dear Congressman Cuellar, Thank you for speaking out in support of HR 3200, I urge you to take the position that you’ll only vote for a reform bill that includes a strong public option right away.

who believe youutube is a credible news source are ... 13, 2016 · There are two different realities and truths in the world, J, and just one (1), contains the "ring-of-truth." Sure there are a multitude of ideas and agendas, but our 21st century free-market Western culture has successfully separated the wheat from the chaff over the past 15 centuries, and have found the ideals and ideology of a 5th century civilization is rather - barbaric.

the Moroccan radical left constitutional proposals and ... 01, 2009 · Luckily, Morocco is part of the panel used to build up the data and the model. But first, one needs to determine exactly what the concept institutions stand for : following North’s definition (1990) it is defined as “the formal and informal constraints on political, economic, and social interactions”.

Gapers Block Mechanics | Chicago Care Tue Jun 18 2013 The Future of Chicago's Safety Net Hospitals. Roseland Community Hospital has been in the news recently because of its financial struggles.According to Crain's, Loretto Hospital in Austin is a possible purchaser of Roseland.. Roseland is a safety net hospital, which means it is what the National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems describes as a ...

Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Morning Links 06, 2018 · This and that for your Tuesday reading. - Bernie Sanders comments on the need to take back political power from the wealthiest few: Now, more than ever, those of us who believe in democracy and progressive government must bring low-income and working people all over the world together behind an agenda that reflects their needs.

Accidental Deliberations: On discriminatory treatment 08, 2017 · Following up on this post, let's take a look at Tom Parkin's other recent post which offers plenty of food for thought. Parkin's view broadly matches Guy Caron's position on Quebec's treatment of people who wear niqabs - but seems to me to fall short of making the case for deferring to Quebec's politicians when it comes to basic principles of inclusion and nondiscrimination.

The only candidate Anglos can 'Bank' on? | Politics Of ... only candidate Anglos can 'Bank' on? Jan. 1, 2009 10th on the National Union Gil Hoffman , THE JERUSALEM POST list in 2003 when it won seven seats and 16th Five US citizens ran for places on the Likud in 2006 when it Knesset list, an Australian and a Canadian ran won nine. in Kadima, and another Canadian sought a seat in Israel Beiteinu, but none of them won a According to a realistic slot.

You Are Not Alone: Americans Suffering 'Post-Election ...'m back on today's BradCast! (Thanks to Angie Coiro for filling in recently!) But, don't worry, there's still plenty to stress about anyway. [Audio link to full show follows below.First up today, as we await whatever madness will come during tonight's Presidential address to a joint session of Congress, Donald Trump's Dept. of Justice makes it official and flips its position on the case ...

Congratulations Central Minnesota Schools! year, Minnesota tested both ninth- and 10th-graders as the state moves the writing test from grade 10 to grade 9. The state's 2007 overall passing rate of 92 percent for the 10th-grade writing test was similar to the overall rate from 2006. The St. Cloud ALC was the only school in the region to have all students who took the GRAD test pass.

Asian American community, officials step up to combat ... rhetoric scapegoating China for the coronavirus pandemic—often coming from elite political leaders, particularly Donald Trump—has had its predictable effect: Hate crimes against Asian Americans have skyrocketed the past few weeks .Authorities and Asian American …

Values: Embargoed Until: 6 Am Est, September 13 ... - Scribd 13, 2016 · Most recently, Mainstreet was the only polling rm to correctly predict a Liberal majority government in the 2015 federal election.-30Available for Interview from Ottawa: Quito Maggi, [email protected] For more information: David Valentin, (514) 913-5524 - [email protected]

9/11 « Mercury Rising ?? about 9/11 written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

RAGGED THOTS: 11/27/2005 Top Gun flames out. And, here we thought it was just actor Tom Cruise who was having a bad 2005. Now, we see that even real-life people who provided the inspiration for Cruise hit movies are doing, um, not so well! UPDATE: Tim, I take your point here, but sorry, one thing that you can't try to blame on a brotha! Though something tells me that the Congressman wishes he had his ...

Priya Abraham | The Liberal Doomsayer, we’re still dealing with the fallout from the latest travesty brought to us by the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR (and by the way, it’s great that the DOMA was ruled unconstitutional, as noted here, but once again, Anthony Kennedy of the Supremes proved why, rightly or wrongly, he’s the most important man in America, or at worst a close second behind Number 44).

Monday Mashup (8/3/09) | The Liberal Doomsayer 03, 2009 · This is a bit more of a heavy duty vehicle that Mullane could drive anywhere (probably a bumpy ride for the kids, though). And if our hero really wants to splurge on price, he could go for the Buick Enclave Minivan ($35-$43K), with its 3.7L engine and 16 City – 21 Highway mileage estimates (notice that the lower the mileage estimates, the ...

Rantings from Cheeselandistan: August 2011 07, 2011 · This is a collection of thoughts on baseball, politics, economics, and occasional other things. Follow me on Twitter. Sunday, August 7, 2011. Swearing. Isn't swearing great? I mean, I know it's rude, bad mannered, and just poor behavior, but goddamn it feels great! What's really odd about swearing is everyone does it, and just about everyone ...

NonParty Politics: It's looking brighter in Iraq... for some 06, 2007 · The Houston Chronicle reprts that Iraqi officials say crackdown working: BAGHDAD, Iraq — The Baghdad security operation has been under way less than three weeks, but it has already registered a success: a sharp drop in the number of bullet-riddled bodies found in the streets — victims of sectarian death squads.

State of the Nation: 9/27/09 - 10/4/09 02, 2009 · The Plum Line Greg Sargent's blog Gallup: Obama’s Mideast Policies Have Not Disproportionately Hurt Him With Jews. A fascinating new poll from Gallup finds that Obama’s standing among American Jews is higher than among any other religious group, suggesting he still has domestic political breathing room as he deals with Iran and enters into grueling Arab-Israeli negotiations.

Kevin Powell: Last Night's Debate! Kerry mopped the floor with Bush last night. Let's hope the beginning of the end for the Bush regime. Also, it looks like Tom Delay is in a bit of trouble. Maybe the tide is turning. On different notes, Jesus Politics has linked to my blog. Excellent blog! Check it out!

PATRICK POOLE: IRAQI REFUGEE ARRESTED FOR BOMBING … 03, 2012 · Today, At about 8:30 AM, it appears a small explosive was detonated at the rear door of a Social Security office in Casa Grande, AZ. Thankfully, nobody was injured. It is still early, and we cannot say that it is a political act, or even be sure that an act of domestic terrorism, but it …

Benito Mussolini – Arts and Politics from the Armpit of ...“What I can say is that he is following the playbook from those past campaigns,” Michaelis responded. “There are so many parallels, which are quite disturbing”.– Ted Koppel Compares Donald Trump To Benito Mussolini Koppel: Trump And Mussolini Both “Say Very Little In Terms Of Substance, But The Manner In Which They Say It Gets The Crowds Excited” Video MEDIA MATTERS STAFF ...

A TOWN CALLED PODUNK: Jack Mussallem seeks a return to the ... closing of nominations brought an end to the Herb Pond era of municipal politics, as the current Mayor and former councillor sits out this years municipal election. By Friday afternoon, there were still no details on why the Mayor had decided to not seek re-election and the residents of Prince Rupert will surely be interested in his ...

Barry Bonds- Sports’ Greatest Record- Accomplishment or ... 08, 2007 · Last night, Barry Bonds hit number 756 and broke what has been called "The Greatest Record in Sports". Now, I know, this blog usually deals with politics, but really it deals with America, and baseball is America's Past-time. I try not to be judgemental, but its human nature. Sometimes we're right, and sometimes, like the…

Obama in Massachustesst | CIVILRIGHTSAGENDA.COM is who we are! This is what we stand for! The only way we can win is to be aggressive. We can’t “policy-wonkify” our way through this process, we have to speak with one singular voice as Obama did and punch them in their political faces. Tell them to their faces to quit lying about supporting the middle-class and back it up with facts.

Veterans rally for the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask…Don’t Tell ... 11, 2010 · The approximately 350 veterans from 44 states will lobby lawmakers as the House and Senate Armed Services committees prepare to write the 2011 national defense authorization bill. Supporters of the repeal, both in Congress and the outside arena, are eyeing the defense authorization bill as the vehicle to carry legislation scrapping the Clinton ...

Georgia: Conservative | Politics | Government | Free 30 ... Corruption at Chamber of Commerce After the White House, Karen’s business career took off. She became an Executive with the international accounting firm KPmG and then Ciba Vision. as a member of the north Fulton Chamber of Commerce board, Karen was tapped to lead the Chamber (one of Georgia’s largest). Within two months on the job, she found that an employee had been embezzling ...

Rick Perry backed an already-climate-crusading Al ... - Scribd is so not a story, it will have absolutely no effect on the campaign. Perry is not going to waste time explaining every aspect of his experiences and decisions in his impressive political career. (Although, unlike Obama in 2008, he at least has a record of accomplishments.)

TigerHawk - Blogger 15, 2009 · TigerHawk. TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. Posts include thoughts of the day on international affairs, politics, things that strike us as hilarious and personal observations.

What’s the plan, Bran? I’ll tell you … | Common Sense ...’s-the-plan-bran-i’ll-tell-you-…Apr 19, 2011 · There has been a lot of buzz on the political blocks lately; and, there have been a lot of movement too. Branville McCartney resigned as a member of the FNM. Rollins joined the PLP was the move that started it all. It scared the last serious nerves in …

Communist Manifesto | Under The LobsterScope hours of the shooting spree in Arizona, conservative blogs lit up with the news that the suspect, Jared Loughner, was an aficionado of Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto.A Hitler/Marx devotee, the logic went, is someone too idiosyncratic or crazy to be part of any mainstream political movement.

An Original Fire: Gilbert Price 1953-2010 | Zero Tolerance ... 24, 2010 · If Amos Lynch is considered the Godfather of Black journalism in Columbus, Gil Price was the consigliere. That’s not an insult. Gil was one of the most astute political commentators in Ohio. He knew his way around City Hall, the Statehouse and anywhere else where the political and powerful intersect.

Outside the Perimeter: Summer Begins Edition | kavips 03, 2008 · Courtesy of Department of Defense. At this time last year, Tommywonk, Curmudgeon, Delaware Liberal, FSP, Delaware Watch, Down with Absolutes, The Delaware Way, The Colossus of Rhodey, Pencader Days, Mike’s Musings, and others, were on fire… Perhaps I’m nostalgic, but last year it seemed like the Delaware blogosphere was a bit more personal.

Truth—The No Spin Politically Incorrect Zonehttps://weightloss-rock.blogspot.comLosing weight is one of the hardest things to do in life. The purpose of this site is to be a center for all things to do with weight loss, including healthy food, calories, fat content, fiber, exercise, fat loss, and so on. We will explore weight reduction therapies and techniques, systems and companies, products, diets and diet plans.

Suze Rotolo, scene stealer | STEVENHARTSITE 25, 2008 · Suze Rotolo, scene stealer ... For a time, the Five Spot was up and running on the corner of St. Mark’s Place and Third Avenue. It was a small and smoky club. ... politics of the time and her account of braving and challenging the travel embargo on Cuba in the early 60’s is just one of the many facets of this seemingly shy, but formidable ...

Peggy Noonan | kavips 22, 2008 · About the event – In his two terms in the U.S. Senate, Chuck Hagel has distinguished himself as one of our nation s most outspoken and thoughtful political leaders. In America: Our Next Chapter Senator Hagel sets forth his vision for a humbler U.S. foreign policy guided by international diplomacy and free trade.

Book Recommendation and Twitter Endorsement « The Bright Coast 23, 2011 · A month ago, Rick Sanchez offered to give five of his Twitter followers a copy of his book "Conventional Idiocy: Why the New America is Sick of Old Politics." To win, one had to be the first to reply to Rick's NewsFeed handle (@RickTVnet) with the correct answer to a current events trivia question. Rick's…

pot | Supradeep Narayana's Blog was the place which jump started the presidential campaign of president Barack Obama. Today Iowa, has taken a giant step in gay rights issue. I think with this growing trend don’t rule out the possibility if Iowa becomes the first state to decriminalize marijuana or any other “drugs”. Iowa turning in to a liberal heartland. Go Iowa!

Debunking Stupid Liberal Memes, Part II: “No Blood for Oil ... 06, 2010 · Debunking Stupid Liberal Memes, Part II: “No Blood for Oil!” Back in 2006, Bill Whittle wrote a brilliant piece entitled “ Seeing the Unseen ” in which he dismantled many of the typical Liberal mantras, most of which could be found proudly and ignorantly plastered on the back of their car bumpers. This post by Mr. Whittle was the first one I read by him and it …

Died Today- William F. Buckley Jr.- Biography.com F. Buckley founded the conservative journal National Review in1955 and added syndicated columnist to his resume in 1962. At its height, the twice-weekly column ran in more than 300 newspapers. The magazine, columns and TV’s Firing Line all made Buckley's intellectual political writings famous. His 40 books dealt with contemporary politics, and in the …

Congress: Not Exactly Working Overtime | Desert Beacon 23, 2013 · There was a bill passed to “prohibit the National Labor Relations Board from taking any action that requires a quorum of the members of the Board until such time as Board constituting a quorum shall have been confirmed by the Senate, the Supreme Court issues a decision on the constitutionality of the appointments to the Board made in January ...

Daniel…TODAY is the “The Dogs” Super Tuesday MEGA Primary ... 07, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com We have decided …

Gen. Stanley McChrystal | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 12, 2011, Washington, D.C. — In triumphant testimony before a joint committee of Congress in which he was greeted on both sides of the aisle as a conquering hero, Gen. David Petraeus announced the withdrawal this month of the first 1,000 American troops from Afghanistan. “This is the beginning of the pledge the president made to the American people to draw down the surge troops sent ...

communism | #LoveTrump #LoveAmerica #KAG2020 is the first great conservative anti-statist manifestation in American history. The conservative movement, which developed in the post-WWII, Cold War environment has now fully matured into the most significant political movement of the 21st century.

Jack and Jill Politics – Skeptical Brotha has been several days now and I’ve had time to chill and collect my thoughts. During that time, I have come to realize that my opposition to the seating of Roland Burris as the Junior Senator from Illinois is a mistake and a histrionic reaction to Rod Blagojevich’s mischievous and Machiavellian appointment of a qualified African American.. There is no way in hell that accepting ...

Politics | Your Morning Cup of Coffee are the major hate mongers: On radio they are: Rush, Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Neil Bortz, Laura Ingram and a host of others, but you get the general idea. If you listen carefully you will find that most of these programs have little or no advertising support except for those shady outfits that sell nostrums that are supposed ...

Essays | Nolan Dalla by Nolan Dalla on Mar 3, 2017 in Blog, Essays, Politics, Rants and Raves, What's Left | 1 comment The Most Effective Weapons Against Islamic Terrorism: Beer and Ass Any religion that forbids enjoying life is a straight jacket.

Political Thermopylae: 2009 on to the first item mentioned, the 5 day pledge. The Cato institute details the lack of compliance with this promise back in April. Of the eleven bills President Obama has signed, only six have been posted on None have been posted for a …

21 | July | 2007 | Suzie-Que's Truth and Justice Blog 21, 2007 · by- Mentarch … 17:13 EDT The question of a definition of terrorism has haunted the debate among states for decades.. Here is a summed up definition of terrorism from a 2001 report of the U.S. State Department (the original report is no longer available online apparently, and thus I use this article as source instead): Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against ...

CFL Grassroots Progressives « Green Response Earth Action Team Fourth Estate, alt-facts and Russian hacks. Posted on June 11, 2017. By Keith Simmons, USA TODAY. Also tying into the upcoming event and pertinent to the recently released information about Russian hacking of our election system, is a link to a piece in the CFL Grassroots Progressives website.. There’s a letter from the Supervisor of Elections in …

Balkinization: AG Holder on DOMA group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics. In light of the foregoing, I will instruct the Department’s lawyers to immediately inform the district courts in Windsor and Pedersen of the Executive Branch’s view that heightened scrutiny is the appropriate standard of review and that, consistent with that standard, Section 3 of DOMA may not be constitutionally applied to same …

Balkinization: The Declining Utility of the Politics of ... should let Sessions rant and rave, but not be much worried about him anymore. We should coolly ignore the newest provocations, much as Judge Sotomayor did today. Sessions can appeal to his base all day long. But playing the politics of resentment to a smaller and smaller base is a loser's strategy. Let him play it and lose.

Liberal, Loud, and Proud: Just Say NO to Dick and YES to ... 17, 2006 · LLP is about Michigan, and how we as a community realize our hopes and dreams into a reality for our great state. Michigan's got a lot going for it, and a lot of things trying to work against it. The potential for our great state is so large, so incredible, and all it needs is us - working for it. LLP is about how we become closer as a community, stronger as a state, and …

Politics, music, Indians and other things from Indianahttps://debrahaza.blogspot.comInstead they went to a government war that killed thousands and we still lost the damn thing in the end. And now I wear Asics shoes made in Vietnam which my Marine brother pointed out to me a couple of weeks ago, He saw a shoe box where my husband keeps his treadmill shoes and he said "look at that, they're made in Vietnam."

Political Thermopylae: October 2007 04, 2007 · You should be kissing McCain's butt for fighting the war you hid from, he suffered in that POW camp while you were nice and safe and you have the nerve to say this about him when he makes a statement to defend the troops first. That is the difference between a man and a wittle boy. Grow up Rush!

OpenlineBlog: Illinois Fiscal Crisis Costs Millions More ... 01, 2013 · Despite being in clear fiscal crisis and a massive failure of leadership on the final days of the 97th General Assembly, the political mafia leadership, including Michael Madigan, Lisa Madigan, John Cullterton and Pat Quinn claimed in their speeches and comments on Wednesday they "understand" and "recognize" the urgency of the problem (which they created).

Buckdog: Home Made Air Conditioning For Your Car 19, 2009 · This pic is priceless. The man who owns this old car wanted air conditioning installed. The auto repair shop told him that it would cost about $1400 to install an air-conditioning unit. The car owner decided to do it himself and mounted an apartment air conditioner into the vehicle and a generator to run it.

State-By-State Resources – The Liberal Activist Toolkit Resources Activism can often be most effective at the state, city, or even town level, where a small but loud percentage of constituents can get real traction with elected officials. And these local, state-by-state actions can build a strong base — and a basis for legislation — from the bottom up (think, for example, of how ...

No one wants their town or village they live in to end up ... 01, 2020 · “No one wants the town or village they live in to end up like Racine”. ordmm Jan 1, 2020 9:16am ‘usay’ Hard to figure out what it is that triggers so much unhinged emotion other than it’s your liberal Racine (city) partisan politics that causes extreme distress when good high paying construction jobs are created.

Pennsylvania – The Liberal Activist Toolkit officials: Federal legislature: Senate House of Representatives State governor, administration, and legislature Governor Attorney General PA state Senate members PA state House members Find your legislator Find your polling place Legal and anti-discrimination resources: ACLU of Pennsylvania CAIR Pennsylvania (“Council on American-Islamic …

Palin’s Book is Excellent | Blevkog 26, 2009 · Seriously, I don’t know what the fuss is about. Within are faithful accounts of the important events in Palin’s life that led to this point – I will admit it leans heavily to the creative side, with only a little bit of politics thrown in, almost as an afterthought – this doesn’t, however, demean or decrease the enjoyment of being able to bask in the absolute genius that is Palin ...

Dick and Betsy DeVos Funding the Far Right through ... 05, 2006 · Dick and Betsy DeVos, through their Dick and Betsy DeVos Foundation, are funding the far right according to a review of grant data performed by Media Mouse. The couple has funded a variety of organizations of the religious and economic right as they have used philanthropy to advocate their political agenda.

Nevada CD 3: Bilbray Targeted by Koch Brothers, Hobby ... 25, 2014 · Old news, Erin Bilbray is running for the Nevada Congressional District 3 seat, incumbent Representative Joe Heck. New news, she's already the target of the Congressional Leadership Fund Super PAC [Ralston] -- and what a lovely group of donors they have. During the 2011-2012 cycle 98 donors made contributions of more than $200,000. Right there…

Erik Prince – MediaMouse Prince is the son of Edgar and Elsa Prince and is the brother of Betsy DeVos.He founded the private military contractor Blackwater USA and funds rightwing organizations through his Freiheit Foundation.. Early Life and Political Work. In the early 1990s, Erik Prince interned at the Family Research Council–a religious right organization that his family helped found–and in the White ...

realclearpolitics - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this pageRealClearPolitics Polling Averages: Biden Leads Trump in Wisconsin, Michigan by Less than Hillary Clinton Did in 2016 Former Trump challenger Hillary Clinton led then-candidate Donald Trump in three key states — Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin — in June 2016, as current polls also show Joe Biden (D) leading the president in the states that ultimately voted red in …

humor | Double Dip Politics Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, released 12 years of tax returns when he sought the White House in the 1960s. Mitt Romney has released his 2010 return and a 2011 estimated return. Romney has stated he is not certain if he paid lower than the 13.9 percent tax rate in any previous year. Continue reading ?

JustOneMinute: Saving Mental Health, And Lives from the glaring VoxFail belabored earlier ("HERE WE GO AGAIN", in an earlier post) this Michelle Hackman piece on the mental health bill put up by Rep. Tim Murphy (R-PA), "the only clinical psychologist in Congress" is very helpful.. According to Mother Jones’s ongoing tracker, 43 of the 99 mass shooters they’ve tracked definitely have a history of mental illness, and nine more ...

Sunday Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 10, 2019 · Happy Sunday, Everyone. We hope you are enjoying your weekend with family & Friends. Some inspiration for you!

James von Brunn | The Liberal Doomsayer 02, 2010 · James von Brunn, who is alleged to have opened fire and killed a guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum, is apparently a consummate bigot. His former wife said that his hatred of blacks and Jews “ate him alive like a cancer,” so it might seem appropriate that in addition to having been indicted last week for murder and gun-law violations ...

October | 2016 | Desert Beacon | Page 2 The National Rifle Association is pleased to tell us that only Donald Trump will defend our 2nd Amendment rights…which isn’t true. Now it’s running a $6.5 million ad buy telling ladies to strap on the holsters to ‘fight back.’ [] This may not only be a function of current politics – the NRA has a problem, “not enough people are buying guns.

palin | Kerfuffles and Flourishes was the horrific crime of “child abuse,” with publication of her pictures and detailed discussions by adult voyeurs of the anatomy of her teenage body. Yet no one cares, as the child targeted is considered fair game, for, as the daughter of conservative politician Sarah Palin, she is …

2010 March 25 « Jamesb101.com 25, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

LTR - Watching Alternative Media for Five Years: April 2005 11, 2005 · LTR covers liberal and progressive talk radio, including Air America Radio, Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller, Mike Malloy and others. In addition, LTR features other forms of alternative and independent media, technology and grassroots broadcasting.

And now from Al Jazeera's corospondent in San Antonio ... 29, 2005 · Conservative Commentary on the News, Politics and Current Events of the Day

Visual Politics FYS: Election Day 10, 2010 · Election Day The main feature that caught my eye on CNN was the non-stop banner scrolling at the bottom of the screen which contains very important information. It is important because it displays information that the commentators did not cover, which is very critical to viewers.

Stifled Mind: Logical Fallacies in Politics 12, 2008 · This is a pretty good example of the fallacy of ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man, argument against the man), something that has taken the political world by storm. Th fallacy works like this; Person A makes claim X, there is something objectionable about …

Oh Well: A Commentary: Supreme Court kills overall limits ... 01, 2014 · It was the latest sign that the court's conservative majority intends to continue dismantling funding limits created over the last four decades. Under those limits, donors could give up to $5,200 to any individual candidate for Congress per election cycle, and no more than $123,200 to all candidates and political party committees put together.

What Elizabeth Warren won’t do, she ... - Say What News?! 08, 2015 · LEXINGTON, Massachusetts – In 2012 she was the most talked about third political party candidate for President in U.S. History. But Dr. Jill Stein, M.D. and Cheri Honkala – the Presidential and Vice Presidential Nominees for the Green Party USA – came up short, and they even got arrested for daring to challenge Mitt Romney and President Obama to a debate.

Tanner | Voting Matters Blog 5, 2007 Voting rights — not a partisan issue, but an issue for all Americans. Posted in Barack Obama, DOJ, Elections, FEC, politics, Von Spakovsky, Voting Rights tagged Barack Obama, DOJ, Elections, Tanner, Von Spakovsky, votiing rights at 5:24 pm by bluebanshee. It is rare that another writer ties everything up in such a neat package such that I want to quote the entire thing.

Tea Party | Veracity Stew seems as though there are only three ways that Sarah Palin can make headlines: Give a mediocre and poorly delivered speech to a group of rich white people (crib notes included); Rant and squeak on Fox News. Over there, she’s just one in a group of professional morons.; Find any excuse to talk about her son Trigg who has Down Syndrome.; Sarah utilized numbers #2 and #3 today when she ...

Motor City Liberal: Fox Fiction: "FOXfact[s]" perpetuate ..., Jarrett repeat "bailout fund" falsehood "FOXfact[s]" reference "$50 bil[lion] bailout fund." The following on-screen graphics displayed during Jarrett's interview on the April 27 edition of Fox News' Happening Now: Jarrett asks if Dems are "deliberately trying to mislead" about the "bailout fund."

Science and Politics, Melanophila beetles and a couple of other insects, have infrared detectors. While snakes use this sense to track down prey, the insects use it to detect distant forest fires, as they breed in the flames and deposit their eggs in the still-glowing wood, thus ensuring they are there "first".

satire | Double Dip Politics Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, released 12 years of tax returns when he sought the White House in the 1960s. Mitt Romney has released his 2010 return and a 2011 estimated return. Romney has stated he is not certain if he paid lower than the 13.9 percent tax rate in any previous year. Continue reading ?

Political Satire | Double Dip Politics Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, released 12 years of tax returns when he sought the White House in the 1960s. Mitt Romney has released his 2010 return and a 2011 estimated return. Romney has stated he is not certain if he paid lower than the 13.9 percent tax rate in any previous year. Continue reading ?

World War II veteran, 92, surprised with Honor Flight ... 24, 2017 · World War II veteran, 92, surprised with Honor Flight after assaulted ... war In lands full of desert and dust Our hearts are heavy losing a loved one so dear Leaving behind two children and a wife He gave his country the ultimate gift For our freedom he gave up his life I look at the flag now and know what it means To have this freedom we ...

Black History | Names of 3,959 victims of “racial terror ... 10, 2015 · The Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Ala., released a report on the history of lynchings in the United States, the result of five years of …

Black (BME) Politicians - WordPress.com about Black (BME) Politicians written by operationblackvote. Recent Posts. Tower Hamlets corruption must end; FOR THE NEW OBV WEBSITE VISIT – OBV.ORG.UK

Doom and Gloom Liberals Will Use Hurricane To Advance ... 29, 2005 · RUSH: Alright. There’s, of course, a huge, huge story that has been unfolding to the last basically 24 hours, but particularly the last six, intensely the last five. Hurricane Katrina vanden ...

A DEMOCRACY TOWN HALL: Are City Officials Racist? 08, 2006 · 31 Comments: Anonymous said.... What I don't like about local politics is the City hands out a little cash to some of the black community leaders for this or that project and it silences their months on just about evey issue of real concern.

Hillary Clinton Against The GOP (2016 ... - The Pardu's Scroll 16, 2014 · As you know the TPI incorporates moderate numbers of screeds that include data points, data illustration and specific graphic representation data. Data provides a basis for deeper understanding of information, and leads to deep penetration of the brain's medial temporal lobe (the hippocampus).Many people who actually seek knowledge through information have total disdain for data and its…

Ron Paul Campaign Supporters Possibly Stealing Credit Card ... 05, 2007 · Proof has surfaced that the Ron Paul campaign received monies from people resorting to some unscrupulous donation tactics - in short, credit card theft. According to Jaye Ruffino, a political contributor, identity thieves tried to run a test charge on her account and it was frozen. "I told them this doesn't make any sense, because this isn't…

2010 | Maryland Politics Blog, Minority Leader Delegate Tony O’Donnell (who represents Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties) showed up unannounced to a St. Mary’s County GOP Central Committee meeting and proceeded to chew out the group for not voting to remove embattled GOP Chairman Jim Pelura.

Ironweed Films Guest Blog: November 2008 25, 2008 · Ironweed Films Guest Blog Ironweed Films is a monthly DVD club for progressive viewers interested in political, environmental and socially-conscious films. Each month, members receive 2-4 films on 1 DVD, theirs to keep, for just $15.

commonsense: July 2008 - Blogger 13, 2008 · This blog is dedicated to all men and women of goodwill who have served their country and to all Americans who hold the principles of liberty and freedom dear. I am deeply passionate about this country and the current direction it is headed. I have no hidden agenda or ulterior motives other than to generate a discourse with other Americans about the great issues we currently face.

Miss America | The Liberal Doomsayer 24, 2009 · Prejean ultimately finished as the first runner-up in the competition to Miss North Carolina, who drew a less combustible question about taxpayer bailouts. In an interview the next day with “Today” show host Matt Lauer, Prejean said she knew she wasn’t going to …

British Politics | The Political Tipster | Page 2 contest is moderately close with the question of whether one of the candidates will get more than 45% on the first preferences the main question. My view is that Johnson has a 60% chance of winning and there is a 55% of at least one of the candidates getting more than 45%.

Smearing Ron Paul - Blog 24, 2007 · As the days go by and I get older, I feel it is both a blessing and a curse to have a little intelligence. It always amazes me that the political candidates that have the courage and vision to actually make things better never make it and the ones that keep the looting of the treasury going at full speed always get the job.

Daniel@jamesb101 « Jamesb101.com 01, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Pat Caddell's Mixed Legacy Offers a Warning - Progress Pond 19, 2019 · Perhaps for a wonky politician like Carter this was an effort at balance, but the strategy back-fired on Gary Hart. Here’s how Glastis described the problem in his 1987 piece , including a reference to Walter Mondale’s extremely effective allusion to a popular Wendy’s commercial that was running at the time:

JustOneMinute: Succeeding Tim Russert was the best possible in house choice, (he's still a liberal, but he's not acting like a whiny generation xer like Letterman was the other night; even though they're four years apart). He's as old as Cronkite was when he retired; although younger than Bob Schieffer when he filled in for Rather.

Election Trivia | Indian National Congress | Bharatiya ... Trivia Who is the only Indian Prime Minister to loose a Lok Sabha election? Posted on December 08,2012 Governments change after elections. Of the fourteen Lok Sabha elections held since independence, ruling party has lost seven times i.e. in 1977, 1980, 1989, 1991, 1996, 1998 & 2004. However, the leader of the ruling party i.e. the ...

Saturday Open Thread | American Musicals: Rodgers ... 20, 2014 · Flower Drum Song was the eighth musical by the team of Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. It was based on the 1957 novel, The Flower Drum Song, by Chinese-American author C. Y. Lee. The piece opened in 1958 on Broadway and was afterwards presented in the West End and on tour. It was subsequently…

racial diversity – Page 2 – Skeptical Brotha years ago, I was transformed by the presidential campaign of Jesse Jackson. I became the political animal that haunts this blog with sporadic amounts of humor and cynicism. The campaign became a coming of age that should define a generation of us in our mid-thirties. The rhetoric of the campaign was uplifting and edifying in a spiritual way and inspired a new generation of African ...

Thursday Open Thread | Country Music | Tim McGraw ... 22, 2014 · Samuel Timothy “Tim” McGraw (born May 1, 1967) is an American country music singer, songwriter and actor. Many of his albums and singles have topped the country music charts with total …

No Right Turn: David Garrett: Civil libertarian 10, 2009 · There's an old saying: "a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged". ACT's David Garrett has just demonstrated that there is also a converse: "a liberal is a conservative who has been mugged by the police": ACT New Zealand Law & Order Spokesman David Garrett today accused the police of failing to enforce their own guidelines and placing themselves above the law.

ConnecticutBLOGhttps://connecticutblog.blogspot.comIn his interview on WVIT's "Connecticut Newsmaakers", ... hiding behind anonymity for a very basic claim to the Washington Post. And someone who sees themselves potentially -- I don't know the person because they won't stand up for themselves -- but potentially a competitor with the liberal blogs. ... This is it. The time is now.

When Tory MP Rob Anders Was A Paid Political Heckler 19, 2008 · When Tory MP Rob Anders Was A Paid Political Heckler The Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada has ensured that his pal, Rob Anders has a nice safe seat to run in in Calgary. Rob Anders has been a Reform Member of Parliament, then an Alliance MP and finally a Conservative MP.

San Diego Politico: Marty Block 05, 2009 · Marty Block Abstains ... It should be mentioned that a guy who the Gay and Lesbian Times called “a true ally on the most important issues in the GLBT community.” ... He also mentioned that a majority of voters in his mixed district supported Prop 8. This is the real reason Marty took a walk, not the flimsy balance of powers BS.

Political Irony › This Week in Alternative Facts 30, 2017 · Trump’s claims that 3 to 5 million illegal votes were cast in the presidential election (“This is not true, no matter now many times Trump and his surrogates repeat it.”), Trump’s claim that his election victory was “one of the great victories ever” (it ranked 46th out of …

Catalonia: And it is time for Europe to get involved | The ... 14, 2017 · 'The Spectator' is described as "a weekly British conservative magazine on politics" with an editorial that is "generally supportive of the Conservative Party". That description more or less corresponds to the writer of this blog's interpretation of the magazine. However, an article entitled "Franco's fascism is alive and kicking in Spain" was perused today and…

Quigley on Top: Prologue from “WEAPONS SYSTEMS AND ... 23, 2016 · Fifteen years or so before the Counter-Culture declared the word the mystical basis of everything worthwhile, Carroll Quigley described his approach to history as holistic. The following excerpt from his unfinished work, Weapons Systems, and Political Stability sets out some of the initial concepts from which he builds his analysis of history.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Black hawk'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Monday Mashup (6/14/10) | The Liberal Doomsayer 14, 2010 · Update 6/15/10: Gee, I wonder if Teabagger Rob will endorse Steve’s idea of a constitutional convention, one of the many worthy suggestions from Santarsiero’s Guest Opinion today ? 2) Also, I give you J.D. Mullane of the Courier Times … June 12, 1987. President Reagan delivered one of the great speeches of the Cold War era.

Rudy Giuliani – Skeptical Brotha considers himself the godfather of New York Politics and certainly the top Jewish pol. When he couldn’t control Mayor Bloomberg, he put his wife, Iris Weinshall, in his administration as one of Bloomberg’s commissioners. Former Governor Spitzer was Schumer’s top rival and his downfall in a tawdry sex scandal was relished with glee.

Politics – msleighm 03, 2018 · In my 20’s I lived in Northern Virginia during the 90’s. During graduate school at George Mason, I considered Law School and going on to work for a lobbying firm owned by one of my professors. I have an understanding of the atmosphere evoked in this auto-biography. I devoured this book. Magnificent, yet easy to read. Read 5/21-22/2018

Public Plan | The Liberal Doomsayer 29, 2009 · But just conceptually, the notion that all these insurance companies who say they’re giving consumers the best possible deal, if they can’t compete against a public plan as one option, with consumers making the decision what’s the best deal, that defies logic, which is why I think you’ve seen in the polling data overwhelming support for ...

Liberal Stance: October 2007 31, 2007 · The most remarkable political triumph of this campaign was the Clinton campaign effectively defining Barack Obama's "new politics" as "not attacking Hillary Clinton by name." Obama, of course, could have defined the new politics however he wanted, from a focus on transformative policy to a willingness to call out the DC establishment.

Victoria Kennedy watched the Healthcare vote from the ... 21, 2009 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Tommy Thompson has an Obamacare shadow problem with the ... 26, 2012 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

The Liberal Doomsayer: 2011-01-16, the simple fact is that for a very long time we have been relying on outdated and rapidly aging ships. Our fleet of 12, 378-foot high endurance cutters has an average age of 40 years. Let me say that again – the average age of our high endurance cutters is 40 years old. Compare that to 14-years for a …

M.JOSEPH SHEPPARD'S "A POINT OF VIEW": April 2015 12, 2015 · The first GOP candidate who shows a continuous lead in Virginia/Ohio/Florida is the one to consider as the best placed to defeat Hillary Clinton-so far there is no indication of such a person Posted by M. Joseph Sheppard at 1:11:00 PM 0 comments Links to this post

ayers | The Rogue Jew | Page 3 08, 2008 · Barack Obama’s political career was launched by a man responsible for the bombing of the Pentagon and a member/terrorist for a organization that was also responsible for the killing of several police officers, but yet William Ayers was simply a man that lived in Obama’s neighborhood. Personally, I don’t buy any of it.

President Obama – Skeptical Brotha – The Senate confirmed Elena Kagan Thursday as the Supreme Court’s 112th justice and the fourth woman in its history, granting a lifetime term to a lawyer and academic with a reputation for brilliance, a dry sense of humor and a liberal bent. The vote was 63-37 for President Barack Obama’s nominee to succeed

July | 2007 | The Rogue Jew portrait of the Catholic icon, the Virgin Mary in which feces was used as the artists medium was considered a work of art and free speech by the liberal left. Where are the cries of Religious freedom and Free Speech where this one is concerned? Crucifx submerged in urine= Art. Koran submerged in clean toilet water = Hate Crime

Barack Obama: Compassionate Conservative – Skeptical Brotha 10, 2009 · Barack Obama: Compassionate Conservative Standard After listening to Barack Obama hold forth yesterday and today, it becomes evident that it is he who is the real compassionate conservative in American Politics and not the ignorant patrician …

BERNIE SANDERS – Europe Today News Fires Nearly 700 Employees As The Company Struggles Leaks of Stars Wars – The Last Jedi Reveal It To Be An SJW Liberal Mess Apple gave sex abuser Uber the keys to the CIA’s secret backdoor in every iPhone that can record iPhone screens

New Normal: Lousy Labor Market (if You're a Worker) | Bud ... 31, 2013 · Excerpts from What Will the "New Normal" for America Be? by Brad DeLong of the Oregon Economic Forum (October 2013). Brad DeLong is a professor of economics at U.C. Berkeley, chair of the Political Economy of Industrial Societies and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).. The dominant and most likely scenario for America's "new normal" that …

Big Bad Bald Bastard: Those Eyes! Those Cheekbones! Those ... 11, 2018 · The big local story, which has gone national, is the victory of 28 year old political newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over ten term incumbent Joe Crowley in NY's 14 district. Her political ad was powerful, and if you watched it with the sound turned off, it could be the trailer for a TV drama about a young professional trying to make it in the city, because Ms Ocasio-Cortez looks like an ...

American Breakfast August 18th - Progress Pond 18, 2005 · Martin Longman is the web editor of the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. Before joining the Monthly, Martin was a county coordinator for ACORN/Project Vote and a political consultant. He has a degree in …

Political Irony › The Cabinet of Honesty 20, 2017 · These are the same people moving south to “get away from the cold” My ex daughter in law and her husband bought a tiny 300K house in south Florida that needed tons of money for fixing up. Septic, windows, etc etc. 2600 foot house in Western Ny move in ready 4 and a half acres $160,000.

Dictatorships and Double Standards: Bernie Sanders on ... 11, 2016 · The debate was held in Miami, home to a large number of Cuban-Americans, many of them the descendants of gangsters and thugs so-called “political refugees” who fled the island-nation soon after Fulgencio Batista’s corrupt and brutal dictatorship was toppled by Castro-led revolutionary forces on New Years Eve in 1958.

Washington State Political Report - Blogger has released its list of the most expensive Zip Codes in America based on the average home price. In Washington, Orcas Island - 98020 was #59 ($1,052,500) and Medina - 98039 was #98 ($891,311).Medina's place on the list assured after Forbes looked in the bottom of Melinda Gates' purse. Oddly, Texas didn't make the list.

Jerome Armstrong - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia Armstrong born February 26 1964 is an American political strategist In 2001 he founded MyDD a blog which covered politics making him one of the

April | 2008 | LEFT OF DAYTON Children’s Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst senator in Congress for children. He voted against the children’s health care bill last year, then defended Bush’s veto of the bill. 5; He’s one of the richest people in a Senate filled with millionaires. The Associated Press reports he and his wife own at least eight homes!

Hillary Clinton | Smart Liberal and Female“And it struck me that hers would be the first generation to grow up believing it was perfectly natural for a white woman and a black man to be president.” That pretty much sums up how I felt about this election. Zoey was very interested in the fact that Barack Obama would be the first African American to be President of the United States.

Homegoing Service – Skeptical Brotha about Homegoing Service written by skepticalbrotha. Keeping a watchful eye on black politics

Social Networks Spread Iranian Defiance Online 15, 2009 · Social Networks Spread Iranian Defiance Online As the embattled government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appears to be trying to limit Internet access and communications in Iran, new kinds of social media are challenging those traditional levers of state media control and allowing Iranians to find novel ways around the restrictions.

Joshing Politics: Did The Iraq War Cause Our Recession? 02, 2008 · Our current economic downturn is being attributed to many different things. That includes the price of oil, the housing crisis, the sub-prime mortgage fiasco and the ridiculous amount of national and personal debt that we hold in the country.

November | 2009 | purely partisan politiks“The 109,000 Medicare recipients who I represent in Congress will also benefit from free preventative and wellness care, enhanced treatment, and the phased-in closing of the gap in prescription drug coverage — known as the donut hole — that currently forces 7,200 local seniors residing in the district I represent to pay the full cost of ...

Encampment to Stop the War: Filipino Artists Gather for DC ... 27, 2007 · Washington, DC-- Responding to the Philippine Congress's implementation of the Human Security Act (HSA) last July, Filipino groups along the east coast will be converging for a concert in Washington DC on Friday, September 28, one week after the 35th anniversary of Martial Law as declared by former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos in 1972.

How the Left Fakes the Hate: A Primer - CNSNews.com you can’t stand the heat, manufacture a hate-crime epidemic. After years of covering racial hoaxes on college campuses and victim sob stories in the public arena, I’ve encountered countless opportunists who live by that demented mindset. At best, the fakers are desperately seeking 15 minutes of infamy. At worst, their aim is the criminalization of political dissent.

Illinois – The Liberal Activist Toolkit Civil Justice League (“Working for … a civil justice system that is fair to all Illinois citizens and interests.”) The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights (“Promote the best interests of unaccompanied immigrant children with due regard to the child’s expressed wishes, according to the Convention on the Rights of ...

August | 2012 | Double Dip Politics Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, released 12 years of tax returns when he sought the White House in the 1960s. Mitt Romney has released his 2010 return and a 2011 estimated return. Romney has stated he is not certain if he paid lower than the 13.9 percent tax rate in any previous year. Continue reading ?

Report: “Green Jobs” Aren’t Necessarily “Good Jobs ... 05, 2009 · As the economy continues to fall into shambles--and even before the recent crisis--"green jobs" are often touted as a cure-all panacea for the challenges that the country faced. Last night in her State of the State address, Governor Jennifer Granholm outlined plans to create "green jobs", while they have become the rallying cry of political…

Corporate Exceptionalism | Bud Meyers 25, 2011 · I would like to form a corporation called Political Elections Inc., apply for a $1 trillion government subsidy, list my company's stock on the NYSE, elect myself as the CEO, pay myself $1 billion a year in company stock, hire a secretary to do all my work for $1 an hour, and buy a "company" jet and limo.. I would also like to start a super-PAC and donate $1 billion to the political party of my ...

LAND In $LOVE : 6/1/06 - 7/1/06 28, 2006 · Campaign reform has begun in some part but lobby reform has not and the bill the congress has tried to pass is a national disgrace and a betrayal of the promise to do something about it. The congress crys that it has done very little because there has not been an outcry about it but they revisit the lobby issue during, and not mistakenly, the ...

In My Right Mind - Patriotic Observations & Discourse 19, 2008 · This is another posting where I have no idea who the actual author is, but is very much right on the money as to the truth it portrays about the liberal viewpoint. _____ THIS IS NOT SO HARD -- EVEN A CAVE MAN CAN DO IT.... 1. You have to be against …

My Spleen and Welcome to It: December 2012’ve been thinking of posting more, to follow up on my earlier post, about the kerfuffle over Bob Costas’ comments Sunday night regarding the Jovan Belcher/Kasandra Perkins murder/suicide case, and about this country’s gun culture, but Will Bunch’s HuffPo blog post is more worth your time than anything I might write. The money quote: Look, I'm a politics fanatic and a sports fanatic ...

Intrepid Liberal Journal: Lincoln's First Inaugural Speech ... 28, 2008 · Yes, I realize there is a presidential campaign going on today that is supposedly a grand epic contest. However, I continue to be engrossed in reading the archives recently provided to subscribers of the New York Times.As noted in my previous post, the New York Times has made available to their subscribers online access to articles dating back to 1851.

Adam Schiff: A True Hero for Our Times | The Smirking 26, 2020 · One of their treasured hate buttons is the entire state of California. It's one of the coastal places that harbor all the God-and-gun hating liberals, the feminists, the faggots, not to mention those entertainment industry people who are pumping so much love …

Anti-war Crowd | Lonnie Walker's Blog | Page 2 18, 2010 · This is a piss poor story and it’s kind of sad in a way. These people should be locked up but due to corruption in the New York government, politicians are out there claiming the real tea party. My response is pull your head out of your ass and take a look at the whole situation.

The Politics of Distraction | Sheila Kennedy Politics of Distraction. December 18, 2013 Random Blogging bread and circuses, Rome Sheila. In Rome, the tactic was “Bread and Circuses.” Food was distributed and big spectacles were staged with Christians and lions or gladiators, all to distract and preoccupy the masses.

February | 2008 | My Weekly Thoughts week’s hero is a good one. Robert Cone is the second Cousin of Wednesday Hero’s partner in crime, Greta. Robert S. Cone85 years old from Delray Beach, Florida506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division Surrounded by family, feted by a U.S. congressman and a Veterans of Foreign Wars color guard, one of the few […]

October | 2014 | Enjoyment and Contemplation is not news (see “Liberals More than Twice as Likely to De-friend You for Disagreeing with Them”, from two and a half years ago), but it’s still interesting. From the Pew Research Center (near the bottom of the page): Hat tip to Hot Air, who also have a thoughtful exploration of the survey results and what they mean.. Consistent liberals are also the most likely faction to drop ...

GEICO cuts ads from Glenn Beck's show - Page 24, 2009 · Sometimes commercial time is chosen for a specific show, but often it is bought on a rotation basis, meaning the network sprinkles the ads throughout the day on its own schedule. Sometimes ads appear by mistake; Best Buy said it bought commercial time for earlier in the day, and one of its ads unexpectedly appeared in Beck's show.

Wednesday Mashup (10/24/12) | The Liberal Doomsayer 24, 2012 · Mikey The Beloved’s PR’s service notified us of the following recently (here)… Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick is criticizing the Veterans Administration for awarding bonuses to employees at a time when there’s a massive disability claims backlog, improper payments have made national news and a systematic pattern of mail destruction is plaguing the agency.

read my mind: The Real Justin Trudeau! (Part 2) 13, 2017 · From seniors to millennials, from Ontario to B.C Trudeaumania 2.0 has been replaced with Trudeauphobia. No word from the Liberals (yet) on whether they'll introduce a …

Motor City Liberal: Governor Rick Scott Announces Florida ... DHS representative also cautioned that even if Florida could use SAVE, it would not paint a complete picture of who is a U.S. citizen — as the list deals largely with green-card holders and naturalized citizens, and is not a comprehensive list of all Americans who have the right to vote.

Motor City Liberal: Fox News psychiatrist offers to run ... News psychiatrist offers to run for Senate if he doesn’t face a primary By Eric W. Dolan/Raw Story Psychiatrist Keith Ablow, a Fox News contributor, on Monday said he would run for the Senate seat being vacated by John Kerry (D-MA) if he didn’t have to a face a primary challenger.

Buckdog: When An Economist Challenges The Conservative's ... 31, 2013 · In 2011 the Harper Conservatives did some loud back slapping about an an out-of-court settlement with U.S. Steel. Then Industry Minister, Christian Paradis said “This settlement demonstrates that the Investment Canada Act is working” This was an attempt to distract from the fact that under Harper the Investment Canada Act was really only working for big corporations that wanted to buy up ...

NPR: In Israel, A New Battle Over Who Qualifies As Jewish ... is a Jew? It's an age-old question that in Israel been determined by government-selected rabbis in the decades since the country was established in 1948. But now a group of liberal Modern Orthodox rabbis is challenging the state's haredi rabbis’ control on determining who is and isn't Jewish — and are converting people haredi rabbis ...

Another Bush Ally Ready to Bite The Political Dust ... 05, 2008 · This is good for the U.S. because it reduces the chances of a future war with China over Taiwan. China and Taiwan, both economic powerhouses, would benefit from a more cordial political relationship, as both economies enjoy success.

Frederick Politics: Dem Campaign Chatter 8-25-2008 10, 2008 · Dem Campaign Chatter 8-25-2008. George Wenschhof Today, Obama is in Davenport, Iowa for a town hall meeting-he continues a swing through battleground states prior to heading to Denver on Wednesday. Tonight, his wife Michelle gives the keynote speech at the convention. ... They were initially punished by moving their primaries up to a non ...

Sanders spending - $18 Trillion | Political Forum 17, 2015 · According to a friend who is an office manager for a small clinic, sometimes they don't get paid at all, even when the service has been pre-approved by the insurance company. ... This is based on an annual document called the "Financial Report of the U.S. Government," which reports what the governments books would look like if kept on an ...

america | Your Morning Cup of Coffee much for the “liberal media bias”. Particularly noteworthy is the picture of an Osama bin Laden-esque figure on the right and the American flag burning in the fireplace on the bottom right. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m pro-free speech and free press, so in no way criminal. It’s just in poor taste.

Softballs for Sarah | Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 21, 2008 · In the latest twist in this already twisted quadrennial whack-a-mole game of Presidential politics, the Obama and McCain campaigns have finally agreed to the debate formats for the presidential and vice presidential candidates. As reported by the New York Times, while the presidential debates will feature a more free-flowing, freewheeling format that allows the candidates…

Frederick Politics: Fat Tuesday! - Blogger 08, 2008 · The party gains by the first solid and serious female candidate and the strong support of women. The proportional awarding of Delegates has given the party's broad coalition of interests and demographics a boost, and the southern strength of Obama is a good sign for the country's turn from conservative insularity.

Frederick Politics: Daily Political Wire 6-22-2010 09, 2010 · Daily Political Wire 6-22-2010 George Wenschhof Obama's newest problem is General Stanley McChrystal - the man in charge of the U.S. wars. Problems between the two were apparent when discussion was taking place on whether to ratchet up the war in Afghanistan or take a different approach.

Lifestyles of Racine’s Rich, Famous & Politically Connected 19, 2018 · All City of Racine residents should be as fortunate as Mayor Cory Mason and Municipal Judge Rebecca Mason, who purchased a Lakefront home at 3907 Lighthouse Drive for a steep discount from the (politically connected) owner who benefited, over time, at seeing his property assessment drop by HALF – from a high of $800,000 in 2008, to a new low of $440,000 in 2018!

Ben Lehner – Racine WI – Sin City about Ben Lehner written by ggodmulS. All City of Racine residents should be as fortunate as Mayor Cory Mason and Municipal Judge Rebecca Mason, who purchased a Lakefront home at 3907 Lighthouse Drive for a steep discount from the (politically connected) owner who benefited, over time, at seeing his property assessment drop by HALF – from a high of $800,000 in 2008, to a new low of ...

Balkinization: Ronald Dworkin: A Eulogy Dworkin is widely and rightly viewed as the most important legal philosopher of our time and as one of the leading figures in moral and political philosophy. In the words of Marshall Cohen, Dworkin’s jurisprudential writings “constitute the finest contribution yet …

A Few Words From James Baldwin About Liberal Arrogance ... 10, 2013 · As the Zimmerman trial winds down and the jury begins its deliberations, now would be a particularly good time for both sides to remember they work best as allies than adversaries and Trivializing Trayvon will not score liberals any points with their Black allies. ... 6 thoughts on “ A Few Words From James Baldwin About Liberal Arrogance ...

norms | Sheila Kennedy of the websites I visit regularly is Talking Points Memo. Its editor, Josh Marshall, was a conventional journalist before establishing the online equivalent of a news site devoted to government and politics, and he employs staff reporters who are equally professional and credible. In a recent column, Marshall reported on his participation in a CNN segment, and made a point about the ...

Scarborough Archives - Book Release 04, 2006 · As well as the president of Vision America, Scarborough is the conference organizer. He's also one of the keynote speakers at the Monday evening banquet, along with U.S. Senator John Cornyn. "Liberalism Kills Kids" is a groundbreaking work which documents the devastating failure of America's 40-year experiment with liberal statism.

Is the Scott Walker investigation about to take down the ... 27, 2012 · It looks that way. First, an explanation of the investigation for those who aren't familiar with it. "The aides charged Thursday were, according to Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm, engaged in fundraising activities and other political work while working on the staff of Walker when he served as county executive. Chisholm explains in a…

25 | March | 2008 | Zambian Chronicle 25, 2008 · Chiluba, who is already facing several graft charges before a magistrate court, is accused of having stolen huge sums of public funds together with his close aides and officials during his 10-year rule. The ex-leader has denied the charges, saying his arrest was politically motivated by his hand-picked successor President Levy Mwanawasa.

THESE BASTARDS: Stay classy, Stevesy 11, 2010 · Don't you understand that this man was audited! Audited! A US Congressman, one of the most honest subset of people of earth. On earth! That's why we need to implode the IRS. Implode, which I'll note is a totally classy suggestion and not at all as offensive as using the word explode. So congrats to Iowa's Steve King.

Coldtype's Lair: December 2006 22, 2006 · Today's installment of the Corporate Welfare Chronicles features the latest outrage from "our" elected public servants in service to Big Oil. What's most frustrating about this Public Citizen report is that many of the members of Congress voting Big Oil its most recent sweetheart deal are lame-ducks--they have already been voted out of office and are serving out what remains of their terms ...

War Talk by Joe Biden In Turkey Ahead of Syria Conference ... 23, 2016 · Biden also said that the United States and Turkey were prepared for a military solution in Syria against ISIL if a political settlement was not possible. “We do know it would better if we can reach a political solution but we are prepared …, if that’s not possible, to have a military solution to this operation and taking out Daesh ...

Frederick Politics: October 2016 07, 2016 · Kris also has completed the nine month course “ Leadership Frederick County ” and was named “One of The People to Watch” by the Frederick Magazine in May of this year. For over the last eight years, he has been general manger of the New York New York Salon, Inc. where recently he experienced learning all about the city land management ...

Women politicians outperform men | V B I 25, 2011 · Women still hold less than 20 percent of the seats in Congress, yet their efforts produce more legislation than the men’s do. Tony Dokoupil reports that a new study in the American Journal of Political Science finds that women are more effective legislators than their male counterparts: Women sponsored more bills (an average of three more per Congress), co …

The Twelve Dissents of Christmas: The Second Day the second day of Christmas (we're not counting Fridays...): Per Charles M. Blow of The New York Times, under no circumstances do we forget how Trump ran his campaign, his words and deeds, his threats, his bigotry, his misogyny, his hatred for women, ad infinitum.He may be President, but that doesn't mean we have to kiss and make up.

August | 2009 | Retire Garrett their “Moral of the Story” blog, the New York Times takes Congress to task for its extended vacation time and relatively cushy benefits, including a $174,000 median annual salary, comprehensive health care plan, and 3-day work week.. In an egalitarian society, lawmakers do not exploit their office to vote themselves lavish perks but live much like the people they …

Terms and Conditions | Respect in Politics any of these Terms and Conditions should be determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction then such Term or Condition shall be severed and the remaining Terms and Conditions shall survive and remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.

Northern Nevada for Richardsonhttps://northernnevadaforrichardson.blogspot.comAfter the walk we will be having a tailgate party and attending the Nevada vs. Nicholl State football game! Bring your friends and family for a day of football, fun, and politics! Don't forget to wear your Nevada gear and Richardson attire! Hope to see you there! When: Saturday September 15, 2007. 10:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m.

New Poster: “Love Is For Everyher. Love Is For Everyhim ... 31, 2011 · Love is for every pronoun. Love is for every noun. Love is for every thing that creepeth upon the earth, or swimmeth in the sea, or flyeth in the skyeth. : ) Here’s the first in our new series of posters supporting marriage equality, Just in time for Gay Pride. Yay! For a free hi-res download of this poster, just click the image above.

And again | The Button Valley Bugle 29, 2009 · A study of Congressional Budget Office data by a respected MIT economist finds that the Senate health care bill will save consumers money. The new study found savings of $200 on health insurance premiums for single folks and savings of $500 for a family of four in 2009 dollars once the new plans become available. Savings would be significantly more for lower …

all | Political Loudmouth 24, 2011 · Here’s the first in our new series of posters supporting marriage equality, Just in time for Gay Pride. Yay! For a free hi-res download of this poster, just click the image above. If you’d like a T-shirt with this image on it, just click here.

The problem is evil. | Something should go here, maybe later. 17, 2019 · Hogewash posted this quote from Andrew Klavan, and I'm stealing it. To suggest you have the solution to the eternal problem of evil in the form of addressing your pet peeve or of blaming and attacking your political opponents is disgraceful. It is to use the bodies of the slain for a soap box. It…

Can Humboldt County attract high tech industry? | Sohum ... 14, 2020 · Nonsense. High tech industry isn’t locating in rural places along I-5 that have plenty of bandwidth and also transportation. The main reason has everything to do with their dearth of skilled people and lack of cultural, social, and political attributes that motivate skilled people to locate and remain in those places.

college | Smart Liberal and Female about college written by smartandfemale. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Medicare | Missouri Communication 05, 2010 · Robin Carnahan. Medicare Campaign Ad. What is going on in this ad, like any other political attack ad, it is trying to discredit Roy Blunt as a candidate for the Missouri Senate race. In this ad Robin Carnahan is targeting the elderly vote who rely on Medicare and who are also a vast majority of voters. She is telling seniors, with the sound bites that if voted into …

The Ministry of Homeland Security: More Sex Scandals On ... 10, 2006 · More Sex Scandals On The Way. For many Americans, the recent political news seems more and more like a multi-count indictment, what with Bob Ney pleading guilty to bribery last week, the Tom Noe "Coingate" trial reaching the courts in Ohio, the Duke Cunningham scandal, the investigation into Jim Kolbe's camping trips with pages, Curt Weldon's ...

WHNT Censors Politically Sensitive Story | Fitness for the ... 25, 2008 · It appears that in addition to sending a politician to jail for his politics (and overriding the will of the people and smashing their right to vote), conservatives are trying to censor the story (WriteChic):. Several blogs and viewers at the CBS website are complaining that the Don Siegelman segment was blocked out in the city of Huntsville (WHNT) and parts of the Mobile market.

Nevada Primary 2018 | Desert Beacon one hand, Tarkanian the Lesser’s trumpian-radical politics will amplify the Heller campaign’s message that Heller, much evidence to the contrary, is the Moderate in the race. This is fine for the general election, however Heller has to plow through the mud flat that is …

The Political Environment: Rail Successes Abound Elsewhere ... 12, 2009 · Rail Successes Abound Elsewhere: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Denied I was in New Mexico not long ago and ran into an old friend who was thrilled about the new Rail Runner commuter passenger train line that connects Greater Albuquerque - - New Mexico's largest city - - …

'Do It For Your Country': Conservative Columnist Calls For ..., you really should have stayed in school and gone for a higher degree. You don't know enough to do this job properly. Take some geography, history, political science, philosophy, logic, public speaking courses - get an M.A. at least - maybe a Ph.D. - in a field that has …

death Martin Luther King | Search Results | The Least, First Least, First. Monte Asbury's blog. Search Results. On the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. with 2 comments. Robert F. Kennedy announced the death of Martin Luther King, Jr., at a political rally in Indianapolis, forty years ago today. How he managed to come up with these words, I cannot fathom.

Political Irony › Late Night Political Humor 26, 2011 · “MSNBC suspended one of their commentators for calling President Obama a bad name. Meanwhile, Fox News suspended one of their commentators for not calling President Obama a bad name.” – Conan O’Brien “Last week in an interview with ABC News President Obama said he will turn 50 this week, but the truth is he turns 50 on August 4th.

Marc Valdez Weblog: 03/10/2019 - 03/17/2019 area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns ... 27, 2020 · Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings have gotten themselves into this week. It’s Saturday and time for a break and maybe a smile or two. Animals and driving problems and general mayhem. Karl and Karen are back at it with their usual missteps. For politics page down and/or check top posts at the…

can | Political Loudmouth to a recent VA report, 22 veterans commit suicide every day.If only the happy-go-lucky warmongers among us could see a little more clearly when they holler “Support our troops!” while sending 19-year-old Americans to distant countries to kill and be killed for no good reason.

Antiwar Ad Targets Senator Levin – MediaMouse 21, 2007 · Antiwar Ad Targets Senator Levin The liberal advocacy group MoveOn is raising money to run an advertisement criticizing Michigan Senator Carl Levin for a recent vote on Iraq. However, while the measure criticizes Levin for failing to vote in support of a measure to end the war, the reality is more complex.

voter id laws | Smart Liberal and Female for a picture state id, she says, “Oh Alyssa, I’ve been going to the same stores and the same doctors for nearly 50 years. They know who I am, I don’t need an id.” Well luckily this year, Gram will still get to vote as Iowa hasn’t gone off the rails …

Liberal America’s Tom Hunter and An Insurance Industry ... 26, 2013 · The big health insurance gravy train is leaving the station Before the Affordable Care Act, the gravy train did not stop with providers — the green gravy that is premium dollars was liberally spread over insurance companies too, leading to things like United Health Care’s Stephen Helmsley taking home nearly a $1 billion salary during one year that I worked for them.

UN climate change panel | Electricity & Lust 12, 2007 · “Al Gore has for a long time been one of the world’s leading environmentalist politicians. He became aware at an early stage of the climatic challenges the world is facing. His strong commitment, reflected in political activity, lectures, films and books, has strengthened the struggle against climate change.

politics | Smart Liberal and Female for a picture state id, she says, “Oh Alyssa, I’ve been going to the same stores and the same doctors for nearly 50 years. They know who I am, I don’t need an id.” Well luckily this year, Gram will still get to vote as Iowa hasn’t gone off the rails …

Obama’s gettin’ it together – Skeptical Brotha 28, 2006 · The seriousness of Obama's machinations to explore a Presidential race is getting noticed. He is courting campaign operatives in Iowa. Better late than never. He better be quick about it because Edwards and Hillary already have their people on the ground. The people he's signing on are serious operatives and politicians that have been around…

Alma Adams – Skeptical Brotha saw the election of NC State Representative Alma Adams (D-Guilford), as the next congresswoman from North Carolina’s 12th congressional district.. 182 of 182 precincts – 100 percent. x-Alma Adams 14,927 – 44 percent. Malcolm Graham 7,482 – 22 percent

Soot and Ashes: The World AFTER the Crash: September 2009 10, 2009 · Winning was the easy part. Governing, well, that's a bit tricky. Barack Obama is so far just yet another failed American presidency. When leadership is called for, he punts. When strong and decisive decisions are needed, he defers to Congress. When clear and powerful communication from the bully pulpit are in demand, he's out golfing.

Abe Gardner wonders and worries: October 2008 16, 2008 · Abe Gardner wonders and worries My often rude and rarely funny thoughts on pictures, politics, and the life of a happily distracted public defender. Yes, a …

All Things Obama 2008: Preacher: Obama - The Long Legged ... 19, 2008 · How could you be so wrong? This is perhaps the greatest political speech in history. The fact that you don't understand that shows that you cannot comment on Obama. I could watch this every day and never get tired of it. *OBAMA* Is a long-legged Mac Daddy! April 2, 2008 at 9:20 PM

The Unconventional Progressivehttps://unconventionalprogressive.blogspot.comThis is an attempt to provide more freedom of expression and expand the idea of what it means to be a progressive. Some of the topics we are going to deal with include Racism, Race relations, gender relations, political correctness, Title IX, Charter Schools, freedom of expression on college campuses, taxes, healthcare, religion, and corruption.

Frederick Politics: Obama "Change We Need" Rally in ... 09, 2008 · If you live near Leesburg, Virginia, a great opportunity to see and hear Obama in person. Tomorrow, on October 22, the rally will begin at 5:30 PM ET. I received the following information in a email: Gates will open at 3:30 PM ET Ida Lee Park Festival Field 50 Ida Lee Drive, NW Leesburg, Virginia The event is free and open to the public.

Liberal Media Bias: Rep. Gibbons Subscribed To Assassin's ... 11, 2011 · Rep. Giffords had only 2 subscriptions, one was to Jarred Loughner, who called himself Classitup10.Bizarre! Atlasshrugged seems to suggest that she subscribed to keep tabs on him ever since he worked for her campaign in 2007 and targetted her for violence way back then. WND reports she subscribed back in October: While it is now known that Loughner worked for Gifford's election …

Buckdog: Former Prime Minister Joe Clark Says Stephen ... 30, 2013 · Former prime minister Joe Clark says current PM Stephen Harper needs to "bring people into the facts" and tell the real story about what went on with Senator Mike Duffy and Nigel Wright, the PM's former chief of staff. Clark has written a new book — titled How We Lead — about Canada's foreign policy, and our country's global standing. The ...

relief | Veracity Stew has a rundown on where the numbers currently stand. Tonight will mark two weeks since the quake hit. It makes me sick that people on social networking sites are already politicizing this tragedy, following in the footsteps of fellow monsters Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, and other heartless fools.

osama bin laden | Your Morning Cup of Coffee much for the “liberal media bias”. Particularly noteworthy is the picture of an Osama bin Laden-esque figure on the right and the American flag burning in the fireplace on the bottom right. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m pro-free speech and free press, so in no way criminal. It’s just in poor taste.

20 | Oktober | 2008 | 20 Years of The New Vienna Times 20, 2008 · The McCain campaign just copied from a movie and invented their very own Good Ol‘ Shoe – Joe the Plumber! And if you know the movie, you see where going: in the same direction that Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher is heading – being exposed as a fraud, as a political marionette, a transmitter of McCains lies about his own and Obamas tax-plan!

earthquake | Veracity Stew has a rundown on where the numbers currently stand. Tonight will mark two weeks since the quake hit. It makes me sick that people on social networking sites are already politicizing this tragedy, following in the footsteps of fellow monsters Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, and other heartless fools.

New Poster: “You’ll Control My Uterus When You Pry It From ... 27, 2012 · To build as well as repair your credit, or raise your credit standing, you need consumer credit – however, you can’t manage to get approved for your conventional mortgage loan Nevertheless, as …

Space Station | 44-D President congratulates astronauts on the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle Endeavour on their successful ongoing mission. He is joined by Congressional leaders and middle school students from Michigan, Florida, and Nebraska. Vodpod videos no longer available.

joe | 20 Years of The New Vienna Times McCain campaign just copied from a movie and invented their very own Good Ol‘ Shoe – Joe the Plumber! And if you know the movie, you see where going: in the same direction that Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher is heading – being exposed as a fraud, as a political marionette, a transmitter of McCains lies about his own and Obamas tax-plan!

dionne | The Liberal Crab other Comeback Kid – McCain stays in the fight By E.J. Dionne Jr., NEW YORK . Whenever McCain is up, he has this uncanny ability to bring himself down.He turns in his best performances when he’s in danger of losing it all. Wednesday’s debate in New York did not so much decide the election as prevent it from being decided in Obama’s favor.

Shocking, Explosive Exposé on McCain | the plaid lemur 05, 2008 · Rolling Stone has been a bastion of rock & roll, revolutionary writing by icons, and, every once in a while, terrific journalism. This incorporates two of the the three. No, I don't mean it's a great piece of journalism by an icon (maybe someday, Mr. Dickinson). It's a terrific rock & roll piece of political…

PPE – by linkmeister on 24 March 2020, 12:08 pm It was arguably not until March 11 that Americans started to take the coronavirus illness seriously. It first appeared in Wuhan, China in late December of 2019 (hence the 19 in the COVID-19 name), but most Americans (and their politicians; the public health and intelligence people were raising ...

5ASO_PresidentialElections | Hillary Clinton | United ... is also extremely critical of Chinas influence in the United States, and has called for a 25% tax on imports in order to (11) US jobs. However, many of his self-named products are made in China. It should be clear that as a businessman and a showman, Trumps politics tend …

Satire | Unreasonably Safe Observer frog, who is survived by four tadpoles, was said to be a kind soul who had a zeal for life and truly enjoyed living. Friends of the frog claim he was a progressive environmentalist and a big supporter of green jobs. At his eulogy earlier today, his teary-eyed brother said “Ribbet!!

Gangstin: September 2007 Friday, September 28, 2007 'The Kingdom' is surprisngly good. The Kingdom (2007) Starring: Jamie Foxx, Ashraf Barhom, Chris Cooper, Jason Bateman, Jennifer Garner, and Ali Suliman ... My very favorite aspect of the film was the way the FBI agents and the Saudi state poilice officers ended up working together once politics and distrust ...

Rudy Giuliani on Right Wing Facebook… | LEFT OF DAYTON 20, 2007 · Rudy: Will he be a "Drag" on the GOP IN '08??? Pat Robertson: Robertson is the long-time right-wing leader responsible for the Christian Coalition and a driving force behind the political ascendance of the religious right in general. Giuliani delivered a speech to some "650 business, corporate and political leaders at [Pat Robertson’s] Regent…

06Aug10 EMNo33-05-08-10 | Politics Of Myanmar | Myanmar ... EMNo33-05-08-10 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Search Search

Wednesday Mashup Part One (6/30/10) | The Liberal Doomsayer 30, 2010 · Wednesday Mashup Part One (6/30/10) 1) Someone named Christian Adams over at the Washington Times tells us the following ( here )… On the day President Obama was elected, armed men wearing the black berets and jackboots of the New Black Panther Party were stationed at the entrance to a polling place in Philadelphia.

We’re Number One! Female Murder Victims in Nevada | Desert ... 04, 2012 · One of the bills stalled in the Do Absolutely Nothing 112th Congress of the United States of America is the Violence Against Women Act. The Senate version extends the protections of the Act to LGBT citizens, Native Americans, and immigrants. The GOP leadership of the House of Representatives objects to the extensions. [CD] The objections…

JustOneMinute: 'Sister Souljah' Slated For Springtime Cohen of the WaPo pens an amusing attack on Hillary, claiming she missed her "Sister Souljah" moment by failing to criticize the MoveOn ad attacking General Petraeus:. If there is a phrase more closely associated with both Hillary and Bill Clinton than "the politics of personal destruction," it does not come to mind.

People's Action Endorses San Francisco Movement Politics ... Avalos is a union organizer with the National Union of Healthcare Workers, and a former two-term Supervisor of San Francisco’s District 11, one of the last working class neighborhoods left in the city. John is third-generation Chicano, has lived in District 11 for 22 years, is raising two teenagers, and is engaged to Raquel Redondiez.

Dear Wingnuts and Christian Conservatives... | The BRAD BLOG Senate Indian Affairs Committee was investigating Abramoff and his partner, former DeLay aide Michael Scanlon, for squeezing more than $60 million in fees, and political contributions to DeLay-related politicians, from Abramoff's clients, Indian tribes which own gambling casinos.

Rolling stone | The Pardu's Scroll to say, the Kochs took great exception to the Rolling Stone’s piece and fired off a response. There is one thing about the Kochs they will dig and manipulate (social and political) dirt by the tons, but do not like having their labor exposed in any manner.

Mercury | The Point of a Sharp Instrument 06, 2016 · In all western mystery schools, you will find a focus put on the development of the intellect. An example of the Fellowcraft degree of Freemasonry. Through this degree, we are reminded of the liberal arts and sciences, which are the oldest and most tried and true method of …

Does God Have a Future? Part I…An Introduction | Shadow ... 02, 2007 · (This post is part one of a 10 part series that will appear each Sunday) The past several years have seen a remarkable turn of events in the socio-political conscious of Americans and indeed people worldwide. The Cold War is fifteen years over, but …

Has Reddit Banned Almost All Alternative Media? 05, 2013 · Drudge Report, Infowars on political blacklist. Steve Watson Nov 5, 2013. Alternative news sites have been up in arms over the fact that some moderators at the popular social media news gathering site Reddit have banned users from posting content from almost all alternative media sources, including The Drudge Report and

General | Shadow Democracy Iraqi civilian and U.S. and Iraqi military and police deaths are up under Petraeous and continue to rise Fact: The Iraqi Government continues to flounder, unable to achieve political reconciliation among warring factions on a national level, only able to foster loose knit local governing bodies Fact: The Iraqi people, are still living ...

Michael Tenenbaum to Challenge GOP Congressman Elton ... 07, 2008 · Here are the results from the June 2006 primary election: This is a drubbing by any sense of the imagination. Flap is aghast as to why Tenenbaum would even bother. Previous: Elton Gallegly Watch: Will Not Seek Re-election or Will he? – REDUX. Elton Gallegly Watch: Will Not Seek Re-election or Will he?

OpenlineBlog: Diana of Aurora and Dicky Hawks 06, 2006 · Some of you have asked how there is political connection between Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner killing the drive-in theater and Diana Martinez's failure as a cultural leader and Executive Director of the Paramount Arts Center in Aurora, to stand with the people, Alderman Stephanie Kifowit and what are similar circumstances that faced the Paramount years ago.

Frederick Politics: Don't Count Hillary Out 08, 2008 · This is because only a little less than 750 delegates will be available for the candidates to win in the remaining primaries which conclude in Puerto Rico on June 7th. Both campaigns are continuing to report large campaign contributions so it is unlikely lack of …

28 | October | 2008 | The Liberal Crab 28, 2008 · Posted on October 28, 2008 by The Liberal Crab There are some very dirty tricks going on out in the nation’s electorate. One I keep hearing about Today is the phony Virginia fliers , stating election day is November 5th – the day after the real election.

public opinion | Political Communication. Rowan University ... Limbaugh was one of the judges of the 2010 Miss American pageant. For those of you who do not know, Limbaugh is a radio host, conservative political commentator, and an influential opinion leader in the conservative movement in the United States.

Jabberwock Words: FREEDOM OF SPEECH: A CONSERVATIVE …'m really just a mom with a point of view, a sense of right or wrong, fairness, and a bit of dry humor. Nope, I wasn't that lucky. A few days later I was castigated for my small grasp on current history, had my obvious lack of political knowledge ridiculed, given a library list of books to read (recommended by Glenn Beck), and had my unicorns ...

Buckdog: Remembering Kent State - May 4th - 1970 04, 2008 · Kent State is one of early political memories. I'm from the US; my brother was draft-age in 1970. My parents were active against the war, and this was a riveting moment in our home. Somewhere on my blog I have a link to an interview with an eyewitness survivor of the massacre. I'll have to look for it.

Inside Tom's [Shrinking] Brain: January 2008 of the other reasons is the topic of my latest post over at The Endicott Dispatch. The nature of campaign politics and the way it being covered by most of the media turns me off. I'm counting the days until this group of criminals is out of the White House and we can start to repair the damage they've done.

Pancho's Blog: 05/29/2005 - 06/05/2005 Chicano Yalie posts on life, family and politics, all while growing a Ciuapilli.

Mo Rage: Entertainment overnight blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

Spirals (a poem) | The Point of a Sharp Instrument 29, 2012 · Activist/Political sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow …

2010REV_MS186 | Politics Of India | Government | Free 30 ... - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. VRO Service Go

ibm watson | Bakhtin's Cigarettes about ibm watson written by bakhtin8087. If you watch a lot of youtube (and who doesn’t?), you’ve undoubtedly seen one of those ads from the IBM touting their new natural language AI called Watson.In these ads, Watson is a blue screen with cute animations playing and a voice that seems to come straight out of some Midwestern liberal arts college—white, inoffensive, …

Kent Terry Breaks his Silence | Lonnie Walker's Blog 11, 2011 · The father of the Border patrolman that was killed while Eric Holder and the ATF were giving guns to the drug cartels finally broke his silence and he called Eric Holder and the ATF liars. Poor Brian Terry died in the name of a liberal operation designed to …

HR 1699 – Everblog about HR 1699 written by Seyyal Edibe. On April 24, 2013 H.R. 1699 , the Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives.According to, the bill has a 3% chance of getting out of committee, and a 0% chance of being passed.Based on the 112th Congress’ track record and early …

Can Trump Win | Indiana Oracle take is that the upcoming Fox debate will be a watershed moment for Trump and possibly one of the most challenging moments for him personally that he has ever faced. Challenging in the format, the visibility, the need for disciplined messaging, how he reacts to his antagonists who will challenge his liberal record, and more.

FBI | 44-D by: Bluedog89. CNN~A domestic extremist group has sent letters to more than 30 U.S. governors demanding they resign, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI said in an intelligence note.. The note, dated Monday, said the letters told the governors to vacate their posts within three days. The FBI and DHS said there do not appear to be credible or immediate threats of violence ...

SHADOW'S WORLD - Blogger on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Engineering. Oh, and Politics.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Gore's speech 16, 2006 · (UPDATE: I have a post up at C&L regarding the Gore speech today) Al Gore gave an astoundingly good speech today, attacking the Bush Administration's lawless eavesdropping in a very reasoned but still clear and principled way.I never liked Al Gore when he was a politician - he was calculating, self-serving and programmable.

Tuesday Night Buzz: The Cotton Doctrine Cotton Doctrine: More Wars, Less Security | The National Interest Blog: Another early fan was the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin. A profile in November 2012 described the congressman-elect as “no ordinary freshman.” “Cotton certainly advocates a strong …

Rep. Schakowsky on Tax Protests: Despicable and Shameful 16, 2009 · Rep. Jan Schakowsky issued this statement on her Congressional website: CHICAGO, IL (April 15, 2009) – Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-IL, released the following statement in response to “tea parties” being held on Tax Day.

Facts about the confederacy" Keyword Found Websites ... 101 - SEA RAVEN PRESS. DESCRIPTION Whether you’re a Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian, or Independent, this ground-breaking book is a must-read! Thanks to the ongoing efforts of progressives, the stunning facts about the relationship between conservatism and confederation have been all but lost, hidden beneath an avalanche of misinformation and …

A couple of quick hits | Blue Mass Group a couple of interesting PoliticoMA items related to previous topics of discussion: AG Sessions is apparently a bit more circumspect regarding Sen. Warren’s criticism of him than Sen. McConnell was.. The third CD race just got another candidate.

Mary Colbert and Mark Taylor – Arts and Politics from the ... David Pakman Show is a multi platform politics and news talk show airing on radio, television, and the internet, hosted by David Pakman, currently airing on a combination of commercial and public radio stations, including Pacifica Radio stations, on Free Speech TV via DirecTV and DISH Network, on public access television stations nationwide, via internet podcast and on YouTube.

Sarah Silverman Tweeted Our Sticker! Thank you, Sarah ... 25, 2012 · Sarah Silverman was the celebrity marshall at the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade yesterday. Since we were there handing out free stickers, we gave her one when her car went by. And she tweeted a pic of herself holding it to her 3 million followers. Thanks so much, Sarah! Glad you like it! This is…

political identity | Sheila Kennedy data says horse manure. One recent survey found that, overall, 74 percent of Americans agreed that the “U.S. should keep trying to slow the spread of the coronavirus, even if that means keeping many businesses closed.” Among respondents who’d been laid off or furloughed, 79% agreed.

Tour of The Pioneer Zephyr at Chicago Museum of Science ... 23, 2016 · The David Pakman Show is a multi platform politics and news talk show airing on radio, television, and the internet, hosted by David Pakman, currently airing on a combination of commercial and public radio stations, including Pacifica Radio stations, on Free Speech TV via DirecTV and DISH Network, on public access television stations nationwide, via internet podcast and on YouTube.

a | Political Loudmouth Silverman was the celebrity marshall at the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade yesterday. Since we were there handing out free stickers, we gave her one when her car went by. And she tweeted a pic of herself holding it to her 3 million followers. Thanks so much, Sarah! Glad you like it!

politico - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this page11.07.2020 · The vast majority of U.S. public and private universities and colleges, like the University of North Carolina, are tax-exempt entities because of their educational purposes or the fact that they are entities of state governments, according to the Association of American Universities. | Gerry Broome/AP Photo President Donald Trump said Friday he's instructed the Treasury ...

Mother Jones - Startsida | Facebook this pageMother Jones. 1,5 mn gillar. Investigative journalism, politics, chart-tastic, sometimes sarcastic. Voted Magazine of the Year, 2017, by the National Association of Magazine Editors

Essential Emmes: Arnold Knows His Stupid Voters 16, 2005 · Least noble of all, are the California voters who recalled an ineffective governor in a costly election and substituted a multi-national celebrity icon to do the same job, just as ineffectively, but with a lot more gloss. Maybe the politicians are right, we voters are stupid, or really busy. Or maybe Will Rogers asked the right question years ago:

Immigration | Spinny Liberal of these people are dead because he has a problem with the changing population in Norway. In 15 years, the number of Muslim immigrants tripled to half a million. Anti-immigrant sentiment is rising there, but this guy took it to a whole new level. It’s scary because we are seeing that here too.

Liberals On Campus | Sheila Kennedy of the enduring contributions of the period we call the Enlightenment was the scientific method, and what the early American colonists called “the new learning.” Before the emergence of science and empiricism, education began with “biblical truth,” and consisted of studying how “learned men” had explained and justified that truth.

Principle of Gender | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

JustOneMinute: Larry Summers, Total Trekkie, Romer, Geithner, Orszag, Emanuel, and Jason Furman huddled in the corner to lock down the number. Emanuel made the final call: six hundred and seventy-five to seven hundred and seventy-five billion dollars, with the understanding that, as the bill made its way through Congress, it was more likely to grow than to shrink.

Johnny Pez: Sobel Wiki: the land without politics was known as "the land without politics." And in spite of the fact that Manitoba attracts, as Sobel puts it, "religious sects, utopians, poets, and the discontented of the other states." Putting together a collection of utopians, dreamers, religious reformers, and …

partisanship | Sheila Kennedy of the more intriguing “factoids” that emerged during 2019 was the shift in parental views on intermarriage. Objections to their children marrying across racial or religious lines continued to diminish; however, the proportion of people who didn’t want their children marrying across political lines increased substantially.In fact, more parents would object to their child marrying ...

An easy passage to victory for Hillary and a difficult one ... 06, 2016 · An easy passage to victory for Hillary and a difficult one for Trump Posted on November 6, 2016 November 6, 2016 by jamesalanarmstrong I argued in a previous blog post that the election was as good as over because the path to victory for Trump made it extremely unlikely that he could win.

Has Liberalism Failed? | Sheila Kennedy just may check into the process required to move to Canada. I have heard that Vancouver is a friendly and beautiful city. It is a constant aggravation to hear Ryan and others like him preach about ending the social supports for individuals, while forcing the same individuals to provide welfare to wealthy corporations in the forms of tax subsidies and deductions.

The Useless Tree: The Struggle Over Chinese National Identity Struggle Over Chinese National Identity One of the aspects that is most interesting to me is the way in which the once-criticized philosophy has been embraced by political leaders searching for a new basis of legitimacy for the authoritarian state.

Paul Singer, Jennifer Yachnin and Casey Hynes – “The 50 ... 23, 2008 · Paul Singer, Jennifer Yachnin and Casey Hynes | September 22, 2008. Everything that you are about to read might be wrong. Roll Call’s annual attempt to rank the riches of Members of Congress is hampered by one fundamental flaw: It is based on the lawmakers’ financial disclosure forms, which are extraordinarily unreliable sources of information.

>Quick Clips: Retroactive Immunity ... - Desert Beacon 04, 2008 · >For those who have the time, today might be a good day to contact congressional representatives about the continuing issue of retroactive immunity for telecom corporations that cooperated with the Bush Administration’s domestic spying program. Nevada citizens may want to contact Rep. Berkley, Rep. Porter, and now 420th ranked Rep. Dean Heller.

Marc Valdez Weblog: Conservatives Don't Understand What ... Constitution prohibits Congress or the states from abridging the freedom of speech; as the Supreme Court reiterated last year, the First Amendment simply does not apply to private entities, even if they create an open forum for varying viewpoints. Yet PragerU has spent more than two years hounding YouTube in court.

The Point: Return of the Morse Target 10, 2017 · The Target’s creator is Dr. Ronald A. Morse, who worked in Washington, D.C. for 25 years. His positions between 1974 and 1995 included the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Energy, director of the Asia Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Special Assistant to the Librarian of Congress and vice president of the Economic Strategy …

Glenn Beck | The TexasFred Beck Irate Over Leaked Boehner Office Emails: ‘Defund the GOP’ Glenn Beck was incensed Wednesday over reports of leaked emails that indicated House Speaker John Boehner coordinated with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to exempt Congress from Obamacare.

Two different political documentaries | Geoausch 05, 2009 · It's been a lazy Sunday afternoon in my household and I had the opportunity to enjoy two, very different, yet fascianting political documentaries. The first, from the right, Waco: The Rules of Engagement, which as the name suggests focuses on the Federal governments involvement in the raid on the Branch Davidian compound outside of Waco.…

Will Justice Scalia Support An Assault Weapons Ban ... 11, 2011 · It might seem weird to even ask the question, but Justice Scalia recently made headlines by claiming that women are not protected under the 14th Amendment because the Congress of 1868 would not have considered them included in “all persons”.. Since the first weapon which could be considered an assault rifle was invented 127 years after the 2nd Amendment was ratified in 1791, the …

The Rude Pundit: The Future New York Times Profile of ... 10, 2018 · Mr. Dogspit will be the first to tell you that his beliefs aren't for everyone, but he refuses to be labeled by "those damn liberal traitors." He explained, "I'm not racist because I don't hate niggers for being black or spics for being Mexican. I hate 'em 'cause …

Missouri Communication 21, 2011 · Ooohhhh The Colbert Report. Ahhhhh the The Daily Show. The Political Takeover has began. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert (and their executives of course) have changed the way individuals receive political news as well as the audiences involved in this process. So, IS IT POLITICAL NEWS? Of course it is. Good Political News really has…

cindy mccain | Smart Liberal and Female* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you’re qualified to become the country’s second highest ranking executive.

March 2014 – Critical Fantasies John Protevi’s Life War Earth: Deleuze and the Sciences: “Now in thinking about the geo– of geohistory, we have to recognize first of all that the French word terre in A Thousand Plateaus has various meanings that interweave ontologically and politically in what I have elsewhere called political physics (Protevi 2001).Terre has at least four registers, the first three of which are ...

The GOP's Disingenuous Anti-Union Agenda current anti-union efforts in Wisconsin and elsewhere likewise show the lie of the self proclaimed party of "family values." While budget cutting is raised as the excuse for seeking to destroy public worker unions, the real agenda is to crush those who hold different political beliefs and to open the door for rapacious conduct by big business.

Destroying Art to Save the Children - Progress Pond 29, 2019 · Martin Longman. Martin Longman is the web editor of the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. Before joining the Monthly, Martin was a county coordinator for ACORN/Project Vote and a political consultant.

And How About That Budget? | Sheila Kennedy to a rerun as Dodd-Frank becomes a toothless piece of junk, the SEC a joke, and the halls of Congress a lobbyist’s paradise. Trump’s proposals sound like those of some Third World dictator designed to expand executive power at the expense of our democracy and must be resisted.

Will Obama End The “Census Circus”? | The Liberal Doomsayer 17, 2009 · The Philadelphia Inquirer really came up with some editorial doo-doo over the weekend that I simply must share with you concerning the travails of President Obama as he tries to find commerce secretary…U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg (R., N.H.) withdrew Thursday as the nominee for the post, citing “irresolvable conflicts” with Obama over his economic-stimulus plan and fear of what many …

Noam Chomsky: The Charade of Israeli-Palestinian Talks ... 09, 2010 · By Noam Chomsky, In These Times, Dec 2, 2010 It is hardly a secret that for 35 years the U.S. and Israel have stood virtually alone in opposition to a consensus on a political settlement that is close to universal. Washington’s pathetic capitulation to Israel while pleading for a meaningless three-month freeze on settlement expansion—excluding…

Cortez | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! what it looked like last year according to the Wayback archive. What is a Brand New Congress? Their goal was to have 400 candidates to run for Congress by last year and each of those 400 is supposed to commit to a similar far left platform including …

Will Folks - Inter 17, 2007 · Profiles of politicos Will Folks is the former press secretary to Governor Mark Sanford and the president of Viewpolitik a public relations firm most noteable for recent work with Thomas Ravenel's successful campaign for state treasurer. Folks blog is located at FITSNews SC Hotline: Tell us a little bit about yourself: Where and when were…

A Federal Judge and a bizarre view of Justice for an ... 29, 2019 · One can even forget the characters; look instead at the number and scope of challenges to justice and sovereignty: an unprecedented number of illegal invasions along our southern border, a congress that refuses to act in the interests of the American people, and a media that aids and abets America’s enemies.

Irish Trojan in Tennessee:Baby's first Lady Vols'm Brendan Loy, a 26-year-old graduate of USC and Notre Dame now living and working in Knoxville, Tennessee. My wife Becky and I are brand-new parents of a beautiful baby girl, born on New Year's Eve. I'm a big-time sports fan, a politics, media & law junkie, an astronomy buff, a weather nerd, an Apple aficionado, a Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanatic, and an all-around dork.

Friday Mashup (8/30/13) | The Liberal Doomsayer 30, 2013 · Friday Mashup (8/30/13) ... equating mistreatment from a private business as the same thing as what one does when picking a spouse (at the time, he also complimented a caller for the caller’s wife being “under control” or something). The line about other women “having a reduced opportunity set” when Williams decided to marry is an ...

Arizona Illegal Immigrant Law | TheZoo the arizona anti illegal immigrant law: g. a person may bring an action in superior court to challenge any official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state that adopts or implements a policy that limits or restricts the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law.

Hacking Democracy « Green Response Earth Action Team Fourth Estate, alt-facts and Russian hacks. Posted on June 11, 2017. By Keith Simmons, USA TODAY. Also tying into the upcoming event and pertinent to the recently released information about Russian hacking of our election system, is a link to a piece in the CFL Grassroots Progressives website.. There’s a letter from the Supervisor of Elections in Seminole County stating that Russian ...

election 2008 | Smart Liberal and Female I came across this comment today and I wanted to respond. I had originally planned on just commenting, but I’ve decided to make it post of its own. The comment is in response to a prior post about the Big Three Auto CEOs (or wankers as they should be …

Modern Americahttps://modernamerica.blogspot.comJack Kevorkian, assisted suicide advocate known as "Doctor Death", famous for helping over 100 people end their lives through euthanasia, said on Monday he will run for the U.S. Congress.. The 79-year-old pathologist announced his bid to run as an independent less than a year after being released from prison where he served eight years for second-degree murder.

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Prominent right ... 16, 2006 · UPDATE II: This Glenn Beck interview of newly elected Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim ever to serve in the U.S. Congress, is one of the most reprehensible things I've ever seen on a television news program (outside of Fox). Watch the video; does CNN have anything to say about this? Hilzoy has some observations worth reading about this.

RADAMISTO: ANOTHER POLITICAL LEAK 02, 2006 · But a second group of suspected terrorists allegedly linked to the first evaded capture and is still at large, according to security sources. The operation was one of the largest undertaken by the police and MI5, yet two counter-terrorism sources suggested that the intervention of the Americans was due to "inexperience and naivety" and that ...

labour leadership | The Political Tipster also believe that although it is nice to see Miliband refuse to continue the fiction that the international community would somehow prefer Obama to McCain, any challenge would probably see one of the older Blairites, namely Charles Clarke or Alan Milburn in Downing Street.

Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties « The ... 28, 2012 · Liberal Luvvie Lord Leveson Likes Lunatic Lefties 7 years ago; Another one of my 2012 predictions comes true with Man City winning the title. Having a good year so far! 7 years ago; I am sorry, Mr Albarn, but the combination of coffee and TV simply does not make sense #popleveson 7 years ago

alan milburn | The Political Tipster 26, 2008 · The Political Tipster. ... The moment when he could have been removed seems to have passed – but will it be the first of many? At the moment Gordon Brown seems to have dodged a bullet, as no-one has come forward to challlenge him. However, my belief is that although the Labour party seems to have a serious adversion to challenging their ...

blue state | Smart Liberal and Female about blue state written by smartandfemale. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

politico - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this pagePolitical Wire is the first site I check when I’m looking for the latest political nugget. That pretty much says it all."-- Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the Rothenberg Political Report "Political Wire is one of only four or five sites that I check every day and sometimes several times a day, for the latest political news and developments.”

read my mind: What is the Truth about Osama bin Laden ... 10, 2014 · Merely a week after President Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, there is literally a deluge of evidence that clearly indicates the whole episode has been manufactured for political gain and to return Americans to a state of post-9/11 intellectual castration so that they can be easily manipulated in the run up to the 2012 election.

The Johnsville News: Housing/Subprime/Credit Roundup ..., Justice, Liberty, Humanity . . . . left right politics showbiz tech invest good life gossip fun hot Mother Jones

“Embracing” Mike Pence | Sheila Kennedy term “no sane candidate” is the only explanation needed regarding Holcomb’s – or anyone’s – “Embracing” Mike Pence. The “Pence Must Go” signs still abound here for reasons that need no explanation; he must not only be gone from the state of Indiana but from the political scene in toto before they are removed.

>Back to the Drawing Board: Bush political plan reverts to ... 29, 2006 · The polls still hovered less than 40%. Just as during the Social Security manufactured crisis, the President faced serious opposition and a split in his own party. The vaunted solution to the immigration “problem” is tied up in the Congress, shunted off until next year while the demagogues fight it out in print and on the air waves.

Hiding the Homeless – The Histrionics of Political ... 15, 2007 · Strategies for dealing with this issue were discussed and a determination was made that Ms. Good would pursue guidance from you and report your decision back to us. The Issue The issue continues to be the inappropriate use of the City and County Building, and to a lesser extent, the McNichols Building and 280-14th Street, by persons who are ...

Pew Research: ” Conflict Between Rich and Poor” | The ... 31, 2012 · The Pew research places the mantra ”Class Warfare” in stark perspective as the domain of a political party seeking to run interference for its moneyed 1% constituents. Since the Pew Research points to a growing concern for many Americans and a critical question comes to mind.

Vince Fumo | The Liberal Doomsayer 21, 2009 · His expression was vacant, and a facial tremor became more acute as the day wore on. His lawyers say he’s now dependent on tranquilizers. When he rose to speak with Buckwalter, his voice was soft and he began to weep almost immediately. For those who remember Fumo in his blustering and confident prime, it was shocking to behold.

21 | July | 2009 | The Liberal Doomsayer 21, 2009 · His expression was vacant, and a facial tremor became more acute as the day wore on. His lawyers say he’s now dependent on tranquilizers. When he rose to speak with Buckwalter, his voice was soft and he began to weep almost immediately. For those who remember Fumo in his blustering and confident prime, it was shocking to behold.

Hating Boris: For US Liberals, the Covid-19-stricken UK PM Boris: For US Liberals, the Covid-19-stricken UK PM is a Proxy for Trump By Nebojsa Malic for RT Apr 7, 2020 - 3:17:03 AM ... who is presumably in meetings with the White House coronavirus task force, his daughter and adviser Ivanka sent thoughts and prayers to Johnson and his family - receiving a torrent of abuse in the replies that has ...

dissolution | The Point of a Sharp Instrument sites. Act.TV A facebook page dedicated to grassroots activism.; Counter Current News An alternative news site that focuses on exposing corruption.; Cruelty-Free Living Animals suffer greatly for our vanity and careless lifestyles. The National Anti-Vivisection Society is working to educate the masses on these horrendous crimes against our fellow-creatures.

James Bovard on the John Warner National Defense ... 26, 2007 · It only took a few paragraphs in a $500 billion, 591-page bill to raze one of the most important limits on federal power. Congress passed the Insurrection Act in 1807 to severely restrict the president’s ability to deploy the military within the United States.

Antoine Clarke's Election Watch: 02/05/2006 - 02/12/2006 02, 2006 · More political stalemate in Iraq: the Shi'ites haven't agreed on a candidate for the premiership. Le Monde reports on a fascinating proposed alliance between General Michel Aoun (the Christian militia leader) and Hizbollah. The terms include the recognition that Syrian forces must stay out of the Lebanon, a secure border also with Israel, and the possible merger of Hizbollah forces into the ...

American Politics | Nolan Dalla he made an embarrassing spectacle of himself in pimping his shoes. This wasn’t the first time Kaepernick has created a sideshow that detracted from his message. (8) Kaepernick is finished as an NFL quarterback. He will never take another snap. Prior to this weekend, that was the NFL’s fault, in an obvious case of collective bias and ...

known | 44-D Sloan Butler was the past president of Georgia Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers 1919-1926. Following the success of the National Congress of Mothers PTA, African-American teacher and Spelman College graduate Selena Sloan Butler heard the call, so on May 7, 1926, the National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers (NCCPT) was formed, with …

Weekend Open Thread | 3CHICSPOLITICO 04, 2020 · When the royals are in spaces that they can’t carefully choreograph and control, ppl feel free to make their feelings heard. Someone asked Camilla if she’ll miss Harry and Meghan and Harry was the topic of convo at the BAFTAs. People know the royal family treated them abysmally.

Joshing Politics: A Dirty Cop That Deserves Justice In The ... 11, 2007 · The NYPD's Chief Smolka is retiring after a 32 year career, finishing as the top cop in Manhattan south of 59th St. The position was a sweet one and now he is giving it up for a nice big pension and apparently wants to work for Revlon (Now that is a story on its own merits). Well that would sound like something from a press release.

The Rude Pundit 12, 2005 · 'Cause, like, if you're a citizen in a dictatorship, you can belong to one of a few categories: inner circle, by connection, family, or ethnicity, where the bounty of the dictator is shared with you as long as you keep said dictator happy; enemy group, by politics, ethnicity, or region, in which case you will be fucked with, beaten, and your ...

overview for ThinkFirstThenSpeak - Reddit what is funny is, you don't believe in free association. You just said as much in the previous post when I mentioned RFRA and Hobby Lobby. And calling me a bigot? Must be one of those socially liberal, fiscally conservative progressives, er libertarians, I hear …

Douglas Durham, Schema-Root the 1970s, the American Indian Movement was a target of FBI informants, most notably AIM's chief security officer, Douglas Durham, a close confidant of the …

Political Irony › Lobbyist in Chief 28, 2008 · So just to lay this out, the economy is consistently listed as the number 1 concern of voters during this election, and McCain is getting his economic advice from a man who — working for a foreign corporation no less — stopped legislation that could have prevented one of our largest current economic disasters. Keith Olbermann video.

Medicare Part B Premiums For Individuals Earning Above ... 03, 2011 · twitter-follow screen_name='socsctypotluck'] In 2003, Congress passed the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003. One of the provisions of this law was that, beginning in 2007, enrollees who have a "higher income" would pay a higher Medicare Part B premium each month. Specifically, if an enrollee's “modified adjusted gross income” (* See below…

Biography | K. Daniel Glover Daniel Glover has three decades of experience as a writer, editor and social media strategist, most of that time as a journalist covering Congress for leading Washington news outlets. He has written and edited news stories, features, columns, blogs, speeches, broadcast scripts and more -- both under his own byline and as a ghostwriter.…

McConnell's invite to NATO secretary general sends Trump a ... 03, 2019 · Washington (CNN)Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell did not consult with the White House when he and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi planned to invite NATO's secretary general to speak before Congress on Wednesday -- a move that multiple congressional and diplomatic sources say they view as a rebuke to President Donald Trump. NATO's Jens Stoltenberg is set to give a rare address to …

Saving Face: Organizations, the Politician and their ... 16, 2008 · I understand every person and relationship is different. It seems to be normal and healthy for a couple to have their ups and downs. Makes sense. Don't worry, this isn't a "Loveline" relationship analysis. It is, however, related to what I feel is Image Management. I'm referring to the recent situation with Eliot Spitzer, but…

George McGovern, Martin Luther ... - Mercury Rising ?? 21, 2012 · The late George McGovern was in many ways a very brave and principled man, both at war and at peace. He also was Exhibit A in the fracturing of the economic-liberal and social-liberal coalition that FDR used to pass the New Deal. He was a bonafide war hero -- …

Academy Award® Nominated: Il Divo | 44-D 20, 2010 · Ensemble post by: Audiegrl, Geot, and BuellBoy Calm, ambiguous, inscrutable, Giulio Andreotti--known variously as "The Sphinx," "Beelzebub" and "Il Divo" (from a nickname for Julius Caesar)--has been a fixture on the Italian political scene for more than four decades. He first entered government in 1946, and has served as Minister of the Interior, Defense, Foreign…

19 | September | 2011 | Spinny Liberal 19, 2011 · 1 post published by Spinny Liberal on September 19, 2011. Jasiri X, the politically conscious rapper, produced this very powerful video regarding the Troy Davis case. He is scheduled to be executed this Wednesday for killing a Savannah Police Officer Mark MacPhail in 1989.

Harry Clarke: Water resource problems - more politics than ... 10, 2008 · Buyback seems fairly logical but it assumes some overarching authority can actually control the useage. Victoria is the sticking point there, although any eventual singular authority would need the teeth to police 'theft' of an increasingly valuable resource. It's no good buying some water rights to have it sipped away further downstream.

The Old Hippie's Groovy Blog: Hope 13, 2017 · The Old Hippie's Groovy Blog Thoughts & Observations, on Sociological, Environmental, And Political Happenings (Best View = 1024x786) Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sunday Morning Links 09, 2014 · This and that for your Sunday reading. - Adam Lent highlights the strong majority of respondents in the UK who see the political system a...

Mo Rage: January 2018 blog about American society: its politics, current events, history, entertainment, music, comedy, movies and society overall and where we're headed.

The Gonzo Loop: 2011 Blagojevich performs an Elvis tune at a paid appearance during a block party in August of 2009. ( Photo by Andrew Nelles for the Chicago Tribune). By now we've all heard about the sad and peculiar case of former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich.About his rise to fame as a state politician and his fall from grace, despite appearances on the national media circus circuit such as on ...

Why Would Saxby Chamblis Cup the Nipple of A Small Child’s ... 01, 2008 · This is one sick man, folks.. This is the last thing Congress needs right now. You really have to ask… why would anyone do this? And I won’t even bring up what it does to the daughter who now has to live with this the rest of her life… Her first college date: “Oh…. so you’re THAT daughter….”

Sarah "Hunting Wolves From Helicopters for Sport Is Fun ... 29, 2008 · Yes, creationist, anti-choice Sarah Palin would make a wonderful advocate for women in public office. The helicopter hunting is just gravy. Anybody who votes for her cannot seriously call herself a feminist or a liberal or a person who cares about the entire project of Western civilization.

Politics & Finance | The Political Tipster is not simply the traditional summary of the week’s events in the markets but a deep political analysis in the style of the The Gartman Letter. Obviously, not a web-log or newsletter about the financial markets, and if this doesn’t work out I will abandon it, but it will be something to fill in the gaps when purely political ...

opinion-makers – Eric Lightborn's Blog is nothing wrong with doing agenized news. But it is dishonest and unethical to claim objectivity if you are playing toward a specific political wing, or any specific agenda. This is the greatest offense of the so-called “Fair & Balanced“ Fox Broadcasting. As a network they cater to right-wing political agendas and refuse to declare ...

north carolina | The Political Tipster 07, 2008 · 1. Although being portrayed as a victory for Obama more like a score draw, and even that is due to the expectations game. Obama failed to carry a state adjacent to Illinois and did worse in North Carolina than one would have expected given the demographics of the state.

citigroup | Supradeep Narayana's Blog 22, 2008 · Citigroup is on the verge of collapse now. Government should step in if needed. Banks cannot be allowed to fail. People might not like it, but it has to be done. No choice here. Lehman’s failure cost the economy dearly and Citigroup is much larger and impact will be much wider and devastating. Congress have on holiday now.

fivethirtyeight - Yahoo Suche Suchergebnisse this pageVor 5 Tagen · FiveThirtyEight, sometimes rendered as 538, is a website that focuses on opinion poll analysis, politics, economics, and sports blogging.The website, which takes its name from the number of electors in the United States electoral college, was founded on March 7, 2008 as a polling aggregation website with a blog created by analyst Nate Silver.

Guess Who's Building Influence With Dirty Gary Miller Now! 08, 2007 · But the Upland-based company has helped shape more than the region's physical landscape: It's emerged as both a major philanthropic force and a significant political player as well. Over the years, Lewis has given millions to charitable causes and - in the past six years alone - nearly $2.3 million to political campaigns.

Political Satire & Humor | noodleepoodlee like Rick Perry’s porn investment probably won’t require, nor supply, the level of dramatics that I predicted as Think Progress’ 16 Days for $1,000 Bucks: Rick Perry’s Dabble in the Porn Industry explains: In 1995 — then serving as …

Erik's Super Awesome Weblog: April 2005 28, 2005 · Erik's Super Awesome Weblog My thoughts on religion, books, music, politics and other subjects super awesome! ... We won first prize for our class. we get our name on a plaque, and a $100. So I rule. well at least more then you. later, Erik Posted by Unknown around the time of ... rather a photo from one of my missionary support congregations ...

Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns ... 23, 2019 · It’s Saturday and time for a break and a maybe a smile. Page down for politics. Wishing you a great day! ... 11 Responses to “Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri” ... 'Dr. Fauci is one of the finest public servants we have ever had'

NYTimes Poll: 72% of Americans favor Public Option in ... 21, 2009 · Americans overwhelmingly want a government-administered insurance plan that would compete with private insurers. Will Congress deliver? Or will it cave to Big Insurance and pro-industry lawmakers? clipped from Americans overwhelmingly support substantial changes to the health care system and are strongly behind one of the most …

Andy Martin | The Gonzo Think Tank Gonzo Think Tank, in honor of Dr. Gonzo: Hunter S. Thompson, will begin a new weekly feature titled “ Swine of the Week.” Thompson, a.k.a. The Good Doctor, would unabashedly lambaste swine, mainly politicians, pederasts and pedestrians who would irk him.. The inaugural winner of the “ Swine of the Week” (Drum roll please …) issss Andy Martin, the soulless …

2007 November « Dr. Quack’s Blog 28, 2007 · When government employees (For that matter anyone attending a Halloween party, anywhere) start whining about how employees dress for a Halloween Party as being offensive. Then it’s time for a PC (Politically Correctness) time -out, and a reality check on life. These whiners need to get a life or maybe just laid, anything to relieve […]

Buckdog: The Chinese Perspective On Harper's Tour To China 01, 2009 · "Canada is committed to a strong relationship with China that reflects our mutual respect and the need for practical cooperation," Harper said in a statement. Trade has been developing between the two nations recently. Oil producer PetroChina agreed in August to purchase a 60-percent stake in two oil sands projects in western Canada for $1.7 ...

Support Jon Osseff in the GA-6 Race for US House of ... 15, 2017 · Now that Tom Price has, unfortunately, been confirmed for his position in Trump's Cabinet, his house in the US House of Representatives is open. A special election is being held April 18 to determine who the new Rep for the 6th Congressional District of Georgia will be. Jon Osseff is a former staffer for Rep.…

What Happens To a Dream Deferred? – Medical Margins 19, 2015 · The title of this blog post is the first line of Langston Hughes' powerful poem 'Harlem.' NYC-based poet/novelist, teacher, and photographer Don Yorty has made an excellent short video/reading of 'Harlem' linked here. I recognize that it is a bit 'too politically correct' and in a way even cowardly to be a white person writing…

Record-Keeping – The Liberal Activist Toolkit key to fighting Authoritarianism and the onslaught of administration policy idiocy is to not lose track of where things stand, what we have lost, and what we're fighting for. To that end, for continual reference, the following. Agenda: All of Trump’s executive actions so far, Aidan Quigley, Politico, Jan 25, 2017 All the Terrifying Things…

The Quintessence of Power Politics – Hickenlooper’s Tax ... 13, 2007 · The road goes on forever and the party never ends. "The Road Goes on Forever" - Robert Earl Keen (Best rendition: The Highwaymen - Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson and Willy Nelson) If it wasn't enough to provide an involuntary rolling of your eyes and the passing thought, "Here we go again!" when Hizzoner…

National Debt: Which Party Adds the Most to The National ... the national and candidates debates during this election year, as in all other presidential years, the words “debt” and “deficit” are thrown about in order to justify one’s political position or criticize an opponent’s. Actually, it is usually a smokescreen since historically (at least since WWII) both parties run similar annual budget deficits with…

MI GOP Attacks John Kerry and MoveOn – MediaMouse 08, 2004 · On Wednesday Sept. 8 web surfers who tried to access the Michigan GOP site at found themselves automatically routed to a website with the address site, a “parody” of both and John Kerry is not the first time the MI GOP has altered their website in order to make a crude political point. …

American Politics | Nolan Dalla Thoughts About Colin Kaepernick . I had no intention of writing about Colin Kaepernick.. But after Nike signed the controversial activist-protester to a new advertising campaign, it seems that everyone now has an opinion of the ex-NFL quarterback, and Nike. Including me. Let’s do it.

Cannes | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal Progressives Need 18, 2010 · Posts about Cannes written by davemattox. The DB Twitter Feed @davidsirota Dude, just caught your interview with H. Ford, Jr. Spectacular! We need a dozen more like you. Thanks. 9 years ago

soldier | Political Loudmouth 25, 2013 · Posts about soldier written by politicalloudmouth. According to a recent VA report, 22 veterans commit suicide every day.If only the happy-go-lucky warmongers among us could see a little more clearly when they holler “Support our troops!” while sending 19-year-old Americans to distant countries to kill and be killed for no good reason.

15 | October | 2010 | Smart and silly 15, 2010 · The first lady was in Chicago to rally voters for Illinois nominees for local and state and federal offices in the November 2nd election. From The Chicago Sun-Times via the Drudge Report : First lady Michelle Obama appears to have violated Illinois law -- when she engaged in political discussion at a polling place!

Gubu-World: July 2012 World is an Irishmans view of global affairs. Gubu is an Irish political phrase that stands for grotesque, unbelievable, bizare and unprecendented. Gubu World is a polictical blog that debates international issues of contention. While keeping an eye on events in Ireland we regularly debate developments in Iraq, Iran, Israel and other troubled spots.

GEORGIA WOMEN VOTE!: Bloggers Rule or Rules for Bloggers??? 05, 2007 · Over the last couple of days, the Edward's campaign found itself in a bit of a sticky wicket. It seems that two women hired by the campaign, Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan, to reach out to liberal blog-world were called on the carpet by some ultra-right wingers who feigned offense at some posts on these women's own blogs.

Last Left Turn Before Hooterville: Mo' Money, Mo' Money ... 07, 2006 · This from the party who is against a minimum wage, much less a living wage. I recently received some comment along the likes of "If liberals say $9 an hour minimum wage is 'compassionate', then $100 an hour is extra-super-duper compassionate'" or some such nonsense. This 'logic' is supposed to point out the stupidity of having a minimum wage.

Hillary's 'gay'-marriage makeover - WND 30, 2006 · This is a political blunder of the highest magnitude. Trading a bedrock principle – that marriage is between a man and a woman – for a block of votes is not shrewd.

race card | Out Foxing Karl Rove a string of other senior party figures said Mr McCain’s erratic performance risks taking the party down to heavy losses not just in the presidential race but also in contests for Congressional seats. Mr Thompson, a former governor of the swing state of Wisconsin, said he thought Mr McCain, on his present trajectory, would lose the state ...

Your Morning Round-Up of Liberally Biased News - Progress Pond 26, 2006 · News, news, news and more news. Some of it hotter than the rest. Like this report from the amazin’ world o’ science: WASHINGTON (AP) – The planet’s temperature has climbed to levels not seen in thousands of years, warming that has begun to affect plants and animals, researchers report in Tuesday’s issue of Proceedings of […]

Work environment « Jamesb101.com 17, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

wonkronk: November 2011 11, 2011 · Supporters aimed for a 2014 vote. By week's end, pro-rape forces had regained the initiative worldwide. Financial markets in Europe, Asia and the United States rallied Friday on news that Italy and Greece had dumped their political leaders and had voted to mollify bankers and financiers by adopting the most draconian austerity measures yet.

Milwaukee streetcar OK reverses lengthy suburban, GOP blockade 11, 2015 · Milwaukee streetcar OK reverses lengthy suburban, GOP blockade. The Milwaukee Common Council voted 9-6 today to approve a starter urban rail system. Barring last-minute legal or political maneuvering, the vote could finally end almost two decades of costly and divisive anti-urban politicking by suburban-focused conservative talk radio agitators ...

WJC Meltdown - FailedMessiah.com Forward has a brilliant editorial on the situation with the World Jewish Congress. read it, please, and then comment, if you want – but please try to keep your comments civil and, if you make any allegations or assertions, cite sources to back them up.This editorial is so important, I'm reprinting all of it below in order to archive it. Here's a link to the Forward's home page.

Uncategorized | Nolan Dalla Perfect Wedding Gift for Charles Manson and His New Bride . It sure has been a weird couple of weeks. First, the political party shackled to billionaires, banks, and big business shoplifted won an election fair and square. Next, despite not doing much actual singing during her horrendous shows and struggling badly to sell tickets, Britney Spears was presented with a key to the city by some ...

P P P P ----P P P P C C C C B B B B R R R R ... - Scribd Congress incorporates budget enforcement mechanisms within reconciliation bills, as was the case with the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-508) and the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-33). Such legislation has taken the form of statutory pay-as-you- go (PAYGO) requirements and discretionary spending caps.

Quigley in Exile (annex) Quigley is a prize-winning magazine writer and has worked more than 30 years as a book and magazine editor, political commentator and book, movie, music and art reviewer. His essays on politics and world affairs have appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Philadelphia Daily News and other newspapers and magazines. He has published poetry in Painted Bride Quarterly and has written ...

Georgia special election shapes up as referendum on Tru to the mix is a quirk of Georgia election law that makes special congressional elections a "jungle primary" with all candidates on the same ballot, regardless of party. If no candidate wins a majority on April 18, the top two finishers — again regardless of party — would advance to a …

Great LoCo interview re KZZH | Sohum Parlance II 11, 2019 · Adam Smith, for example — author of “The Wealth of Nations,” and sometimes referred to as “the father of capitalism” — is a prime example of a “Classical Liberal.” Drawing on ideas of Adam Smith, classical liberals believed that it is in the common interest that all individuals be able to secure their own economic self-interest.[12]

Amy Brendmoen « Mercury Rising ?? about Amy Brendmoen written by Phoenix Woman. Politics, life, and other things that matter

The Aries Program continues on……Until Obama's budget ... 17, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Lebanon | The BRAD BLOG they want is the bombing, and what the US government is giving them and France is giving them and the media." He goes on to list a number of threats that are far more likely to kill Americans (including both McDonald's and Climate Change), but which are rarely, if ever, given the same wall-to-wall media and political spotlight now ...

Mark Halperin* calls President Obama a “dick” on Morning ... 30, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Green Eagle: If Liberal Bloggers Were Like Conservative ... 17, 2012 · If Liberal Bloggers Were Like Conservative Bloggers Today, I'd like to try out a new approach to blogging. I decided, rather than spend my time as I usually do, wading through the sludge to be found in the sewers of right wing thought, I would try to imagine how I would be reporting on this election if I thought just like a conservative.

Comic Book Character « Jamesb101.com 10, 2010 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

Radicalism | The Moorish Wanderer 21, 2011 · That claim to be the one and only renewing power in the field has been overused: Istiqlal pushed for a one party- one monarch state; Allal El Fassi famously said: “God has united this great nation under one King, Mohamed V, and one party, Istiqlal”. In its first convention, UNFP defined itself as a lot more than a mere partisan organization engaging in petty party political.

President Obama Presser « Jamesb101.com 30, 2011 · This is the original Politicaldog101 blog from start to June 16th , 2010 when we launched our self hosted site Politicaldog101.Com. We have decided to keep this going after WordPress brought this site back…. Our name here is….. Please visit our new site when you can!… And keep coming back !

graduate – Today’s Workplace 26, 2019 · About the Author: Kenneth Quinnell is a long-time blogger, campaign staffer and political activist. Before joining the AFL-CIO in 2012, he worked as labor reporter for the blog Crooks and Liars. Previous experience includes Communications Director for the Darcy Burner for Congress Campaign and New Media Director for the Kendrick Meek for Senate Campaign, founding and serving as the primary ...

Motor City Liberal: What The Media Should Know About Gun ... Look, you know, I'm not the first to say this. I mean Drudge had it on his page the other day when the Feinstein bill came out. You know, he dropped the term civil war, and you know what? It may come down to something dramatic like that if they do come and confiscate our weapons because then we're not living under freedom anymore.

accuracy | Sheila Kennedy of the websites I visit regularly is Talking Points Memo. Its editor, Josh Marshall, was a conventional journalist before establishing the online equivalent of a news site devoted to government and politics, and he employs staff reporters who are equally professional and credible. In a recent column, Marshall reported on his participation in a CNN segment, and made a point about the ...

Guy Millière: Anti-Semitism in Europe | RUTHFULLY 31, 2013 · On the other hand, when European political leaders and commentators are more precise, they generally refer only to a certain type of anti-Semitism: fascist anti-Semitism. Even if fascist anti-Semitism has not disappeared, it is not the most virulent anti-Semitism in Europe now, and no longer involved in much anti-Semitic crime.

LamontBlog: Ned Lamont (D) for CT: Buckley Again: Iraq a ...'s political godfather and conservative founding father William F. Buckley speaks out again on the utter failure of the Bush-Lieberman Iraq policy in an interview with Bloomberg TV to be aired this weekend: William F. Buckley Jr., the longtime conservative writer and leader, said George W. Bush's presidency will be judged entirely by the outcome of a war in Iraq that is now a failure.

Tenured Radical: Goodbye, Neoliberal Kitty-in-Chief: Socks ... 12, 2009 · Goodbye, Neoliberal Kitty-in-Chief: Socks Clinton Moves To The Next Level I understand that Friday is the traditional day for cat blogging, and I should have provided this link yesterday. But the Radical, being cat-less (and also being a lesbian, so that all associations with cats provoke the specter of unwanted lesbian-cat jokes) is not a cat ...

George Stephanopolous; Philadelphia Debate | Koulflo Memo Barack Obama was caught off guard. Here’s a guy who is trying to take the cartoon out of politics and was confronted with 90 minutes of the Roadrunner. Obama was hit with with so many figurative pianos and falling vaults that i almost expected to see the roadrunner beep beeping along side him on stage.

White House Aiming for Late July Vote on CAFTA – MediaMouse 13, 2005 · From today's issue of Congressional Daily: President Bush and his advisers are beginning a three-week effort to round up House votes for the Central America Free Trade Agreement, culminating in a floor vote the last week of July. House GOP leaders had discussed bringing CAFTA to the floor as early as next week, but acknowledged…

Identity Check: Howard Zinn's Memorial Service, Boston. 08, 2010 · Today at 2PM, the Boston University held a memorial service for the late Howard Zinn at Marsh Chapel. It featured 15 speakers, many of which were his personal friends and coworkers, including Noam Chomsky, former professors at Boston University, several current Political Science Professors at Boston University, and one Iraq War Veteran turned anti-war …

skimble blog of culture, politics, commentary and criticism. Diagram this sentence. John Forney, one of the chief Enron guys responsible for the fake California energy crisis and those foul Enron tapes, is finally facing a jail sentence (Houston Chronicle):John Forney, 42, of Ohio, is the third Enron official to plead guilty to manipulating electricity prices from Enron's now-defunct trading office ...

Blue in Guadalupe: Dark Money and Foreign Interference in ... Money and Foreign Interference in Elections In a decision made by the Supreme Court in 2010, Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, overturning campaign finance protections, they made it legal for Political Action Committees (PACs) which spend money on political advertising to hide the names of the donors who provided those funds.

Jared Fogle: I Didn't Victimize One Of My Victims, Her 03, 2016 · It’s been amply established that former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle is a perverted sleazeball. Last year, in the face of overwhelming evidence that he’d used his celebrity status to victimize dozens of kids, he pleaded guilty to being a serial child pornographer and child exploiter and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. However, based on the tone of a number of …

Bill O’Reilly | All Other Persons “angry black male” is one of America’s enduring stereotypes. The image of the emotional and violence-prone black man goes back to the days of slavery (see Nat Turner), and reached its political zenith in the negative-imagining of Jesse Jackson during his runs for president. I’ll never forget a Newsweek magazine cover from the period that featured a picture of an impassioned …

influence | Sheila Kennedy“We had a hierarchy in my office in Congress,” Mulvaney said, according to a New York Times report this week. At the top of the hierarchy were his constituents, he explained, adding, “If you’re a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you’re a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you.

Smears | All Other Persons “angry black male” is one of America’s enduring stereotypes. The image of the emotional and violence-prone black man goes back to the days of slavery (see Nat Turner), and reached its political zenith in the negative-imagining of Jesse Jackson during his runs for president. I’ll never forget a Newsweek magazine cover from the period that featured a picture of an impassioned …

TCCLibraryblog: July 2012 28, 2012 · On July 8, 1776, the first public readings of the Declaration were held in Philadelphia's Independence Square to the ringing of bells and band music. One year later, on July 4, 1777, Philadelphia marked Independence Day by adjourning Congress and …

tcnorris: 01/01/2013 - 02/01/2013 29, 2013 · Stephen Harper has made crime a key legislative and political priority. No need to review that fact that crime rates are dropping and his solutions, which are all variants of "get tough" (with the exception of getting rid of the gun registry) are stupid, irrelevant, and a product of the over-reporting of crime by local TV news causing people to be unduly fearful of becoming victims (see here ...

Motor City Liberal: FOXLEAKS: Bill Sammon's October Surprise Bill Sammon's October Surprise by Eric Hananoki During the final days of the 2008 presidential race, Bill Sammon used his position as a top Fox News editor to engage in a campaign to link then-Sen. Barack Obama to "Marxists" and "socialism," internal Fox documents and a review of his televised appearances show.

Politics are a joke | The Gonzo Think Tank about Politics are a joke written by G. Politicians can be so painfully predictable — and cowardly. Congressmen, such as Sen. Chris Dodd on new financial regulation, seek more government to make themselves look good, like they did something to help their constituents.

Is John McCain a Liar? By Robert Parry | LEFT OF DAYTON 23, 2008 · Is John McCain a Liar? By Robert Parry February 23, 2008 In journalism, it’s a safe bet that if you write a story with the suggestion that a prominent male politician is bedding an attractive female lobbyist, whatever other point you hoped to make …

State Rep Chris Herbert Weighs In on Sununu | Progressive ... 08, 2017 · An older brother, also named John, who served one term as the US Senate was also in attendance. In his first speech as Governor, Sununu stressed the n eed to leave political partisanship behind. Unfortunately, his policy prescriptions are straight out of the GOP playbook, including Right to Work legislation, business tax cuts, and a 90 day ...

Avi Rubin’s Poker Fantasy | Nolan Dalla 25, 2014 · Rubin not only is one of the great minds on network security, he also happens to be a talented writer. In his personal blog, he’s written about everything from testifying before Congress (the story of which is in his most recent blog entry) to trying to find an underground poker game a few years ago while on assignment in Tel Aviv, Israel.

IL-6 Polling Memo | United States Congress | United States ... Connecticut Avenue, NW. G ARIN H ART Y ANG Washington, DC 20009 Tel: (202) 234 -5570 Fax: (202) 232 -8134 RESEARCH GROUP MEMORANDUM TO: Interested Parties FROM: Jeff Horwitt and Mark Bunge DATE: April 30, 2018 RE: Key Findings from Polling in IL-06

14 | October | 2014 | The Pardu's Scroll 14, 2014 · By hosting the segment Maher allowed one of his guest, Affleck, to claim the liberal high ground via pointing to comments that actually came across as bigoted. Both Maher and his learned guest spoke about a relevant topic, but their impromptu participation in the (not so well planned Maher) format (segment) stuck them in them rear.

Dan Leone | The Liberal Doomsayer then, get a load of this recent post from Will Bunch (linking to John Gonzalez of the Inquirer) that tells you of Dan Leone, “one of the team’s many game-day stadium employees at Lincoln Financial Field. For longer than that – for his entire life – he’s been a fan of the franchise,” as Gonzalez tells us.

Fort Hood | The Liberal Doomsayer the “rush to judgment” files, I give you the following from Irrational Spew Online (with the 101st Keyboard Kommandoes deciding that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the accused gunman in the Fort Hood shootings, was just some terrist lurking under everybody’s nose but enabled by those damn liberals and their political correctness)…. There is a reason the Pledge of Allegiance asks us to ...

New Black Panthers | VotingFemale Reminder of Obama’s Brothers’ Political Views . As reported by Andrew Breitbart at “Tomorrow, J. Christian Adams, the Department of Justice whistle blower in the New Black Panther Party case, will release his new book, Injustice: Exposing …

No Right Turn: Climate change roundup 06, 2006 · God these people are annoying. For example in the linked press release they claim. "Before new Green Party co-leader Russel Norman starts calling another political party leader a "climate change denier", he should explain his own "scaremongering" in the face of NIWA evidence that temperatures in New Zealand have been cooling since 1998" The recent cooling is because 1998 was …

No one in this election is a true “leftist” | The Least, First 14, 2008 · UPDATE: With election hoopla at full frenzy, I hear scare-words (like "socialist") being thrown around. Truth is, almost no one in American politics is genuinely left of center; nearly all fall into the center-right regions, including both of the remaining presidential candidates. It seemed like a good idea to re-post this graph from the primary…

Foundation for a Free Society | Tea In Politics Diane Rufino, May 27, 2013 The NC Tenth Amendment Center is organizing a Nullify Now! Rally in Raleigh this fall. Nullify Now! is a national tour, sponsored by the Tenth Amendment Center and Foundation for a Free Society, to educate and activate Americans on the …

Red State Rebels: Enough with the urban bashing whole lot of Boise bashing has been going on since yesterday in what started as a post decrying the Idaho Legislature's failure to condemn the continuing genocide in Darfur. I'll cop to inciting it with my wry comment in the thread about there being too many ranchers in charge of Idaho politics.

Subbamma Vadde's Political and Social Honors &amp ... - Scribd what is known as the best opportunity to participate in the inaugural events, watch as military bands and other entertainment march along a 1 . 7 mile route from Capito l Hill to the White House. A limited number of tickets for bleacher seats are available from t he Presidential Inaugural Committee for $15, $60 & …

Tell the Labor Department Not to Repeal the Persuader Rule ... 19, 2017 · About the Author: Kenneth Quinnell is a long-time blogger, campaign staffer and political activist. Before joining the AFL-CIO in 2012, he worked as labor reporter for the blog Crooks and Liars. Previous experience includes Communications Director for the Darcy Burner for Congress Campaign and New Media Director for the Kendrick Meek for Senate Campaign, founding and serving as the primary ...

US elections | Political Mojo woke up today wondering how the election would differ if the series of wars of independence in the 18th and 19th centuries had gone another way.Apart from the obvious – there would be no president (and no election), no …

The Rude Pundit 10, 2007 · The Rude Pundit Proudly lowering the level of political discourse 10/26/2007 Did Rudy Giuliani Have Mafia Suspects Tortured?: Rudy Giuliani, in answer to a question about torture and Attorney General nominee and Giuliani butt buddy Michael Mukasey at an Iowa townhall meeting, took a mulligan on waterboarding (more on that in a moment) and said ...

Political Irony › Tim Kaine 23, 2016 · Under Kaine, Richmond went from poverty and crime to being named one of the 10 Best Cities in America to do Business by Forbes – and the key to all of that was Kaine’s commitment to and leadership on racial reconciliation. Wright gives similar examples about Kaine as governor of and senator for Virginia. Go read it.

Sam Stein | The Pardu's Scroll about Sam Stein written by The Pardu. CHARLOTTE, N.C. — There’s been no shortage of musing over Mitt Romney’s failure to win over female voters.The gender gap is pronounced, and with the efforts of the president’s political team, growing wider.

June | 2015 | Dr Linda Shelton 23, 2015 · The Cook County Sheriff and States Attorney are continuing attacks and unlawful arrests against me (Dr. Linda Shelton) in order to shut me up, stop me from further exposing corruption among Cook County judges, police, and politicians, as well as in order to shut down my web sites exposing this corruption here, here, here, here, & here.

Sanel's A.P. Government Websitehttps://sanelvelic.blogspot.comApr 24, 2006 · Outline of the 8 Legislative Lawmaking Steps: - 1- member of congress sponsors a bill (could get it from White House, lobbyists or constituents); Link - 2- sent to a committee; Link - 2a – if House, Rules Committee decides how long bill can be debated and if it can be amended, and can bring immediate floor vote; Link - 3- committee debates and approves, rejects actively or passively, or ...

Are Bloggers Journalists? | Jenny's Ramblings 21, 2013 · It doesn’t matter how political the blog is or isn’t, whether it’s the first post or the five-thousandth; bloggers still deserve protection just the same as journalists. Moving on. Because transitions are necessary to good blogging.

Humor | The Liberal Doomsayer episodes will include the song stylings of former Attorney General John “Lost An Election To A Dead Guy” Ashcroft, a re-enactment of his misadventure in the Minneapolis, MN airport men’s room with Larry Craig, and a film tribute of President-Almost-Gone …

Eclectic PJFhttps://eclecticpjf.tumblr.comfeelingbluepolitics: “Fox has ‘digitally altered’ images to make the situation in the area seem dire. That includes putting together elements from multiple images to create a misleading collage, lifting signs and symbols from one area to impose them on another, and it means that many of the images Fox is using to present the image of chaos in Seattle … aren’t even from Seattle.

United States | SPANISH INQUISITOR 06, 2012 · Uneventfully, last week marked the sixth anniversary of when I started this blog. Since then, a lot has happened. The Boston Bombers killed 4 and maimed scores in another “faith based initiative”, were discovered, one was killed and the other captured, and (finally) read his Miranda rights. Congress failed to pass a weakened version of a bill designed to require people to get background ...

Stubborn Liberal: Ohio's Charter Schools 10, 2009 · This is public information that can be found at the Ohio Department of Education: The following is a sample from one charter school. Proficiency Test Results for Life Skills Center of Columbus Southeast: 10th Grade Math: 60% Proficient *Overall State Results for 10th Grade Math: 81.4%

tcnorris: 02/01/2010 - 03/01/2010 14, 2010 · I have been struck recently by just how much silly clutter there is in media commentary and within the blogosphere. While I don't always agree with his "nothing to see here folks" approach I do think the analysis of political scientist Brendan Nyan whose blog I link to on the the right side of this site is well worth reading. There has been much fuss about the popularity/unpopularity of Barack ...

Live By the Movement, Die By the Movement - The New is a very interesting article. It's easy to observe that leftie politics relies on having lots of upset screaming ("passionate") people in front of the tv cameras. I didn't realize there was an actual theory behind "movement" politics being taught in college classrooms.

RationalWiki:What is going on in webcomics? - RationalWiki 27, 2020 · Ph.D. Comics Graduate students are the worst. See why. Politics . Great Moments in Leftism, a webcomic that makes fun of the many sects in leftist politics. (The site itself.) The Nib, not a webcomic, but a daily sampler of comics and editorial cartoons drawn from the left side of …

November | 2009 | Life Is A Cookie posts published by lifeisacookie during November 2009. As Congress prepares to return to work after the holiday break, I’m curious to see what the Senate does with the health care reform bill debate.. And by curious I mean I hope they don’t freefall into a stagnant mess of rhetoric, rumor and ridiculousness but actually and frealz engage in the kind of serious debate that can move this ...

Marc Valdez Weblog: Trump Of The Tundra, Indeed! area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis), Liberal politics, Meteorology, "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming locations reference site, New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.

Now That Is Funny! | Common Sense, Uncommon Insight 29, 2010 · So I was reading the Guardian online this morning and I came across a story quoting the Prime Minister. He was at an FNM rally in Elizabeth where he said that the Progressive Liberal Party was disjointed and confused. LOL. This after he, Branville McCartney and Brent Symonette were fumbling and bumbling over themselves concerning the…

vote | Political Loudmouth 22, 2013 · You can get T-shirts, stickers and totes at the Political Loudmouth Merch Page Recent highlights: We passed 10 million post views per month on our FaceBook page. And Upworthy, DailyKos,,, Dallas Voice, and many other sites have featured our posters.

Prime Minister | The Liberal Doomsayer I don’t know if anyone else noticed that the New York Times was able to discover some typos on the menu for the state dinner the White House recently held for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and his wife, Gursharan Kaur (with CNN taking note here).. However, what would really impress me would be if they weren’t quite so brainless in their feature writing (), to say nothing of ...

Medicare and Medicaid | hiddennplainsight 31, 2018 · HiddenNPlainSight. Avid Dog Lover, Musician [Piano, Euphonium, Alto Clarinet] Currently Reside In The United States With My Husband And Our 'Special Needs' English Springer Spaniel. Political Blogging Style Emphasizes Policy And Ideology, Rather Than Partisan Politics. My Avatar Is Our "Second Dog Of A Lifetime"--Murphee.

About | Modern Jackass Magasin Modern Jackass pretends to know a little about everything but in truth don’t know nuthin’ ’bout nuttin’. Zie uses their limited French vocabulary in short stories they write to look more precocious; zie calls zirself a Buddhist; zie cries for worldwide poverty but doesn’t know who their Congressman is.

Buck Naked Politics: FISA: How They Voted and What it Means Damozel | This piece of legislation --- and what Congress has done to the fourth amendment---which protects the privacy of ordinary citizens from unreasonable invasion by the government --- matters. Those who defended the telecoms for breaking federal law at the request of the Bush administration kept talking about the telecoms' subjection to 'the heavy hand of government.'

How Boehner Bought Off Bachmann’s Buddies « Mercury Rising ?? 12, 2010 · The man who forced the Air Force to buy more F-35 engines than it can possibly use has once again demonstrated how to use his control of the perks barrel to his political advantage. See, all that lovely lip service they paid to Teabagger Queen Michele …

GENESEE FLINT . COM: Feb 19, 2009 10, 2009 · Darryl Buchanan, who is running for mayor, has been moved to the position of special projects coordinator at a salary of $65,000 for six months.[1] Also out is City Attorney Trachelle Young, who says the move is purely political.[1] "I don't think going to be an ending. This may be just the beginning," she said.[1]

Response to Right-Wing Email Entitled “The Fence ... 05, 2011 · I received a right-wing email recently, tellingly entitled, “The Fence”. Fences are of course, meant to divide people. And the email was sad in that the author had worked hard to divide us – yet while doing so, unwittingly revealed the basic difference in viewpoint between Liberal Progressives and Conservative Regressives. In “the fence” email,…

Working people hold #WheresDenham Candlelight Vigil ... Jeff Denham’s constituents are fed up, and with just cause. After weeks of demanding an opportunity to meet with their Congressman face-to-face with zero response from Denham, hundreds of folks from his community decided to hold a peaceful candlelight vigil in his neighborhood in Turlock, CA last week.

2 Political Junkies: Pittsburgh Mayoral Debates, Round 2 22, 2009 · It's certainly been apparent for a while now that Acklin likes to play hardball. He's also good at it. If memory serves me correctly, Patrick Dowd had far more concrete ammunition against Lil Mayor Luke but couldn't get much traction. Which leads me to Franco Dok Harris. It's sad to read in the P-G that after the debate:

Allen West: Keith Ellison Represents ‘The Antithesis Of ... 08, 2011 · Allen West: Keith Ellison Represents ‘The Antithesis Of The Principles Upon Which This Country Was Established’ (Updated) During a recent episode of The Shalom Show, host Richard Peritz asked freshman Rep. Allen West (R-FL) how he planned to cope with regular interactions with political opponents, in particular Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN ...

Political Irony › Trump Diaries 28, 2017 · However, that was not so early in his presidency. Richard Nixon hit 24%, George W. Bush 25%, Ronald Reagan 25%, Jimmy Carter 28%, and George H.W. Bush 29% — all below Trump’s current 36%. The lowest Bill Clinton ever got was 37% in June 1993, but he came back up to 56% by September of the same year (just 3 months later).

The Perfect Wedding Gift for Charles Manson and His New ... Perfect Wedding Gift for Charles Manson and His New Bride . It sure has been a weird couple of weeks. First, the political party shackled to billionaires, banks, and big business shoplifted won an election fair and square. Next, despite not doing much actual singing during her horrendous shows and struggling badly to sell tickets, Britney Spears was presented with a …

Red State Rebels: Walt Minnick campaign has new office of you who visited the Walt Minnick for Congress offices for a shift on the phone bank know that we weren't too easy to find. ("Look for the giant insurance sign, then turn right and drive around back ...") Thankfully, we're much easier to find now in our new location, at one of the busiest intersections in Idaho.

Dangerous Political Shifting Sands……. | kavips 19, 2012 · The sands have shifted. Chris Dodd is now standing under the approaching dune. Had he lived back on April 19th, 1775, it appears quite likely in his old age, he would have called the militia that hastily gathered on Lexington Green, another dangerous “stunt” as well.

Political Irony › Baby Man! 07, 2017 · It is evident that Trump has poor control of his emotions. This makes some sense; he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and has had a life full of wives, business partners, employees, television co-stars, and the like kowtowing to him and to his moods. He’s never really been in a position where he needed to learn emotional control.

Steve Rattner – Skeptical Brotha a watchful eye on black politics. Sidebar. July 2020; S M T W T F S : 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20

Chuck Schumer – Skeptical Brotha one fell swoop, he has damn near neutralized Chuck Schumer, a man not to be trifled with. Schumer considers himself the godfather of New York Politics and certainly the top Jewish pol. When he couldn’t control Mayor Bloomberg, he put his wife, Iris Weinshall , in his administration as one of Bloomberg’s commissioners.

skimble blog of culture, politics, commentary and criticism. Flipside of the deficit. While the federal budget goes from double-plus to quintuple-minus, one well-connected company moves in the opposite direction (WSJ, sub. req'd.):Halliburton posted earnings from continuing operations [revenue jumped 63% due to the government-related business in the Middle East], which …

apology | Sheila Kennedy used to glance at the New England Journal of Medicine many years ago, when I was married to a doctor (let’s just say I found neither the Journal nor the doctor very exciting.)Exciting or not, the Journal is a longtime, highly respected source of medical research–and to the best of my knowledge, has always been entirely apolitical.

McCain Aide - Martin Eisenstadt - Comes Forward Concerning ... 10, 2008 · This story has more twists! A supposed 'aide' to John McCain who uses the name 'Martin Eisenstadt', claims that he is the one who leaked criticisms of Sarah Palin. "So yes, to be clear, last week I was the one who leaked those things to a …

Governors Letter | The United States | Politics Of The ... was the right to form a union that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was supporting during the Memphis sanitation strike when he was assassinated in 1968. Unions also help to reduce the wage gap for women and people of color, and can prevent arbitrary and discriminatory employer behavior.

the system is rigged | Dystopian Blues: News Liberal ... 12, 2010 · Selling lead as gold, shit as Chanel No. 5, was the essence of the booming international fraud scheme that created most all of these now-failing home mortgages. The rocket docket wasn’t created to investigate any of that.

21 | January | 2012 | Double Dip Politics 21, 2012 · It was the landmark Supreme Court decision that ruled abortion was legal in America under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment. The decision stated that privacy was protected under the Constitution, and that a woman’s right to choose was a private matter between the woman and her doctor.

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